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{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 0, "src": "It allows me to work by following my vibes and molding my teaching style to the learning style of the audience.", "trg": "Ingivumela ukusebenza ngokulandela imizwa yami ehlukileko begodu ibumba indlela yami yokufundisa bona ikhambelane nendlela yokufunda yabalaleli."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 1, "src": "The unrelenting soul-force of those who would hold us accountable blows that all away.", "trg": "Amandla angaphakathi wokungapheli ithemba walabo ebebangasenza siziphendulele akuphephula koke lokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 2, "src": "When taken regularly in therapeutic doses, ginger root can effectively cure nausea;", "trg": "Lokha nawuselwa njalo ngeemedo zokwelapha, umrabhu wejinja ungelapha ngepumelelo ukuphakanyelwa ziimbindi;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 3, "src": "They accomplished their goals and created a legacy of self-determination to which others may aspire.", "trg": "Bafikelela iinhloso zabo begodu benza umlando wokuzijamela abanye abangalwela ukuwufikelela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 4, "src": "But faster economic activity could also translate into some degree of inflation.", "trg": "Kodwana umsebenzi wezomnotho orhabako godu ungatjhuguluka ube kukwehla okuthileko kwentengo-tjhuguluko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 5, "src": "The main characteristics a stone should possess are uniform surface, grain, and density.", "trg": "Ubunjalo obukhulu ilitje okufanele libe nabo liphasi elifanako, ithoro, ukurhwaya nokuqina."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 6, "src": "Lettuce, no matter the variety, is considered a cool-weather crop.", "trg": "Ilethusi, nanyana kungeyawuphi umhlobo, ithathwa njengesitjalo sobujamo bezulu obupholileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 7, "src": "It was a trick to lure foolish humans to an ogre who would teach them a very valuable lesson.", "trg": "Kwakumariyadlhana wokudosa abantu abaziindlhayela ukobana beze ezimuzimini ebelingabafundisa isifundo esihle khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 8, "src": "Just to clarify, though, assertive is not the same as aggressive or arrogant.", "trg": "Ukucacisa nje kuphela, ukugandelela akufani nokuba nenturhu namkha ukuzikhakhazisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 9, "src": "The bus, normally crowded, was stunningly nearly empty at this hour.", "trg": "Ibhesi evamise ukuzala khulu pheze yayinganamuntu okurarako ngaleli-awara."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 10, "src": "She can do things with her tongue most of us can't even fathom, like touch her elbow or lick her own ear.", "trg": "Ukghona ukwenza izinto ngelimu lakhe inengi lethu elingeze lazizwisisa, ezifana nokuthinta indololwana namkha ukukhotha indlebe yakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 11, "src": "He ran a dairy herd, kept sheep, and grew potatoes, cereals, and wheat-straw for thatching.", "trg": "Wayephethe umhlambi wederi, afuye izimvu, atjale amazambana, amasiriyeli kanye nomucu womgaba wokufulela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 12, "src": "Each step unleashed a waft of that divine scent, filling my lungs with pure bliss.", "trg": "Elinye nelinye igadango laveza iyafu lephunga elimnandi, elazalisa amaphaphu wami ngethabo elipheleleko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 13, "src": "Lower population means a lower chance of having an accident in addition to fewer liability claims.", "trg": "Isibalo esiphasi sesitjhaba sitjho ithuba eliphasi lokuba nengozi ukungezelela kumatleyimu wokubhadela ambalwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 14, "src": "We\u2019ll be glad to provide expert advice to assist you with how much you can comfortably afford to borrow.", "trg": "Sizakuthaba ukunikela ngesiyeleliso esinelwazi ukukusiza ngokuthi ungaboleka njani ngokuzigedla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 15, "src": "The works span the gamut from medicine to astronomy, from Quranic exegesis to philosophy and poetry.", "trg": "Imisebenzi inobungako obupheleleko ukusuka kwezokwelapha ukuya kezeenkwekwezi, ukusuka kusayensi yokuhlathulula ngamagama ka-Allah ukuya kufilosofi kanye neenkondlo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 16, "src": "Adaptability - flexible, agile mindset, optimistic approach;", "trg": "Ukutjhuguluka - umkhumbulo omajadu umkhumbulo omsinyana, indlela yokwenza enethemba;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 17, "src": "Being grateful is showing appreciation with kindness, whereas being thankful is simply being pleased and relieved.", "trg": "Ukuthokoza kutjengisa ukwamukela umusa nesirhawu, bese kuthi ukubonga kube kuthabela owenzelwe khona ngokukhululeka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 18, "src": "Add these ingredients: oil, white wine vinegar, salt, and freshly ground black pepper.", "trg": "Ngezelela leziinongo: amafutha, iviniga emhlophe yewayini, itswayi kanye nebilibili elinzima elitjha elisanda ukusilwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 19, "src": "Make the best of it before we depart for the airport in the early afternoon and bid farewell to Mauritius.", "trg": "Yenza ongakghona ngakho ngaphambi kokukhamba uye edoyelweni leemphaphamtjhini ngemva kwemini encani begodu layelisa i-Mauritius."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 20, "src": "With amazing enthusiasm they are at work, and wherever I pass they wave and greet with a loud call.", "trg": "Ngamajadu ararako basemsebenzini, begodu nanyana kunini nangidlulako baphakamisa izandla begodu bangilotjhise ngokungirhuwelelela phezulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 21, "src": "He is a symbol of a passionate but very frustrated, even misguided, leader.", "trg": "Ulitshwayo lomdosiphambili onetjisakalo kodwana ohlangahlangeneko, godu nokhohlisiweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 22, "src": "The book's title was \"Time to Assess Invalid Ideas.\"", "trg": "Isihloko sencwadi sasithi \"sikhathi sokuhlolisisa imiqondo engasebenzako\""}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 23, "src": "Therefore, before you take on a permanent relationship, consider a trial run.", "trg": "Ngalokho, ngaphambi kobana ungene etjhebiswaneni lakanomphela, tjheja ukulingelela kwesikhatjhana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 24, "src": "Hence, every food item made of grain got scarcer, rural income declined, and every farmer fell deeper into debt.", "trg": "Kungakho koke ukudla okwenziwe ngethoro kungasatholakali lula, ingeniso yemakhaya iyehla, begodu woke umlimi uwela khulu esikolodweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 25, "src": "The peculiar thing about a trauma anniversary is that you share it with someone horrible.", "trg": "Into engakajayeleki ngesikhumbuzo sokuzwa ubuhlungu ngokuhlukumezeka kukobana wabelana ngaso nomuntu omumbi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 26, "src": "Buddha, in one of his famous quotes, pointed out that the origin of suffering is precisely attachment.", "trg": "U-Buddha, kwenye yeendzubhululo ezidumileko zakhe, waveza bona umsuka wokutlhaga ulele ekunamatheleni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 27, "src": "But I forgot the initially set password with all the excitement.", "trg": "Kodwana ngakhohlwa iphasiwedi ebekwe ekuthomeni ngebanga lokukareka khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 28, "src": "Standard glow paint, weather-resistant acrylic paint brand delivering rich bold color markers!", "trg": "Ipende ejayelekileko ephazimako, umhlobo wepende ye-acrylic ejamelana nanyana ngibuphi ubujamo bezulu eletha iimerego ezinothileko zombala odege!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 29, "src": "Neither row number nor column letter in an absolute reference will change.", "trg": "Nayinye inomboro yerhemo ngitjho neledere lekholomu elitjho ngokupheleleko eizakutjhuguluka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 30, "src": "Thus, the connection between relationship status and exercise has received significant research attention.", "trg": "Ngalokho, ukuthintana phakathi kobujamo betjhebiswano kanye nokuzithabulula kufumene itjhejo lezerhubhululo elikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 31, "src": "We treat behavioral problems, emotional distress, cognitive loss, prolonged grief reactions, and severe mental illness.", "trg": "Silapha imiraro yokuziphatha, ukutshwenyeka emmoyeni, ukulahlekelwa likghono lokucabanga, ukuphendula ebuhlungwini besikhathi eside, kanye nobulwelwe oburhageleko bezomkhumbulo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 32, "src": "So, considering the ratio of net value added to gross output does not yield a complete picture.", "trg": "Manje, nawutjheja iretjhiyo yenani lepahla sele liloke elifakwe emkhiqizweni woke akuvezi isithombe esipheleleko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 33, "src": "You can also work with a virtual assistant or someone in your company who can create your resume from scratch.", "trg": "Godu ungasebenza nomsizi wakude namkha umuntu ekhamphanini yakho ongenza umtlolo wakho omfitjhani weemfundabandulo nepumelelo ukusuka ekuthomeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 34, "src": "Fabulous amenities including resort style pool, fitness center, club room and outdoor entertainment area.", "trg": "Iindawo zokuzithabisa ezihle zifaka idanyana lomhlobo wendawo evakatjhelwako, isentha yezokuphila kuhle emzimbeni, ikamura letlabha kanye nendawo zokuzitahbisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 35, "src": "The grave-digging is a very important aspect of the Koireng funeral ceremony.", "trg": "Ukwenjiwa kwamathuna yingcenye eqakatheke khulu yomnyanya wokungcwaba we-Koireng."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 36, "src": "As images of the perfectly rational Creator, humans strive for internal consistency.", "trg": "Njengeenthombe zoMdali ozwakala kuhle khulu, abantu balwela ukunzinza kwangaphakathi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 37, "src": "At thirty years of age a girl is actually currently 15 years past her child-bearing prime.", "trg": "Eminyakeni yobudala ematjhumi amathathu umntazana kwamambala kwanjesi udlule isikhathi sakhe sokubeletha ngeminyaka eli-15."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 38, "src": "Half of Hook\u2019s crew was already gone, and the remaining few were so drunk they could barely stand.", "trg": "Isiqhema se-Half of Hooks besele sikhambile, begodu abaseleko abambalwa babedakwe ngendlela yokuthi babebhalelwa kujama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 39, "src": "He's fun, funny, clever, generous and absolutely wonderful company.", "trg": "Unamahlaya, uyahlekisa, uhlakaniphile godu kukarisa khulu ukuba naye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 40, "src": "Imagine not worrying about urinary tract infection, painful bladder stones, or aggressive kidney diseases.", "trg": "Cabanga nje ungatshwenyeki ngobulwele bethunjana lokuthunda, amatje wesinya abuhlungu, namkha amalwele weziso akhula ngamandla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 41, "src": "I was proud to beat my opponent with a witness present.", "trg": "Ngazikhakhazisa ukubetha imbangi yami kunofakazi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 42, "src": "Treatment options depend on the duration or frequency of ear symptoms.", "trg": "Ukukhetha kokwelatjhwa kuyame ebudeni besikhathi namkha ekwenzekeni njalo kwamatshwayo kwamalwele wendlebe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 43, "src": "This Toyota facility employed approximately 150 employees during the beginning of its operation.", "trg": "Isikghonakalisi se-Toyota sasiqatjhe pheze abasebenzi abali-150 ngesikhathi sokuthoma kokusebenza kwaso."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 44, "src": "Who can forget the oreo cookie and peanut butter challenge?", "trg": "Ngubani ongakhohlwa iphaliswano lekokisi le-oreo kanye nebhodere yamantongomani?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 45, "src": "Furthermore, sweep, dust, or vacuum it regularly and occasionally wipe your cork flooring with a damp mop.", "trg": "Ukudlula lapho, ithanyele, uyithinthe ithuli namkha uyihlwengise ngokumunya iinsila njalo begodu njalo usule iphasi lakho ngomobho omanzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 46, "src": "For a while, I was like the parrot trapped in the corporate cage of money and a prosperous future.", "trg": "Kwesikhatjhana nje, bengifana nopoli ovaleleke ngebhokisaneni lemali lekhamphani lemali kanye nengomuso elinepumelelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 47, "src": "During their extended game of tag, one of them darted inside a small cave near the summit of an unknown hill.", "trg": "Ngesikhathi somdlalo wabo onabileko wokudosana, omunye wabo wangena msinyana ngaphakathi komrhoba omncani hlanu kwesiqongolo sentatjana engaziwako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 48, "src": "Either abandon the thread, admit defeat, or continue digging yourself into this hole.", "trg": "Kuphakathi kokuthi ulisa ukuthuselokhu, uvume ukuhlulwa, namkha uragele phambili nokuzembela uzifake kilomgodi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 49, "src": "Due to this fact, it is usually crucial to track down a subject that you are passionate about.", "trg": "Ngebanga laleliqiniso, kuvamise ukuqakatheka ukulandelela into oyithanda khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 50, "src": "Let\u2019s reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert the destiny of Nigeria.", "trg": "Asilahle, siphule begodu sibophe iinqhema zokuthileko ezifuna ukulawula nokutjhugulula ingomuso le-Nigeria."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 51, "src": "This particular sunset (header photo) appeared during our recent brief warm spell.", "trg": "Lokhu kutjhinga kwelanga okuthileko (isithombe semisebe) kwavela ngesikhathi esifitjhani esifithumeleko sokupeleda."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 52, "src": "Some might prefer early morning while others prefer late night.", "trg": "Abanye banganyula ekuseni ngesikhathi abanye banganyula ubusuku."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 53, "src": "The injured boy lost consciousness and fell to the pavement and his blood imbued the road dust.", "trg": "Umsana olimeleko walahlekelwa yingqondo begodu wawela epheyivimentini begodu iingazi zakhe zangena ethulini elisendleleni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 54, "src": "Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans) is an underrated herb in the garden.", "trg": "Ipenapula eyomisiweko (i-Salvia elegans) likhambi elithathelwa phasi ngesivandeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 55, "src": "Secondly, the official stamp of approval is the kiss of death for any genuine viral campaign.", "trg": "Kwesibili, isitempe sangokomthetho sokuvuma yinto ebanga umonakalo kelinye nelinye ijima lamambala elikhamba msinyana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 56, "src": "Volunteer somewhere: a soup kitchen, a clothing closet, a homeless shelter.", "trg": "Zinikele lapho okhunye: ekhwitjhini lesobho, e-odrobheni yezembatho, ebuphephelweni balabo abanganamakhaya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 57, "src": "We pay special attention to adjust our development approach according to your main aim.", "trg": "Sinikela ngetjhejo elikhethekileko ukwenzela ukulungisa indlela yetuthuko ngokuya kwehloso yakho ekulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 58, "src": "The incentive structure was bad, and the manager was entitled and impatient, so my colleague resigned.", "trg": "Isakhiwo sokukhuthaza besisimbi, begodu umphathi wayezibona anelungelo godu anganakulinda, ngalokho umsebenzisani wami walisa umsebenzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 59, "src": "Either way, use the full amount to ensure its sour flavors come through.", "trg": "Nanyana kungayiphi indlela, sebenzisa inani elizeleko ukuqinisekisa bona iminambitho yayo ebabako iyezwakala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 60, "src": "And how does a single strike to the chin manage to render her unconscious?", "trg": "Begodu manje ingabe ibetho linye esilevini limenza njani angasezwa?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 61, "src": "Typical clinical signs begin with mild lethargy, reduced feed intake, slight cough, nasal discharge and a fever.", "trg": "Amatshwayo ajayelekileko wokwelatjhwa athoma ngomuzwa wokudinwa okuncani, ukwehla kokudla, ukukhohlela kancani, ukuphuma kwamanzana eempumulweni kanye nokutjhisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 62, "src": "And his silent preparation and patient endurance is heroic.", "trg": "Begodu ukuzilungiselela kwakhe sidu kanye nokubambelela kwesiguli kubukutana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 63, "src": "Listening comprehension lessons should emphasize conscious memory work.", "trg": "Iimfundo zokulalela ukuzwisisa kufanele zigandelele umsebenzi wokukhumbula ngokuzwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 64, "src": "Myth and reality, the moody and the magnificent mingle to create the perfect backdrop for bloody murder.", "trg": "Inolwana kanye nobumbala, ubujamo bamazizo kanye nokuhlanganyela okuhle khulu ukwenza isendlalelo esihle khulu ukwenzela ukubulala okumbi khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 65, "src": "The accommodation comprises an open-plan reception room, a master bedroom, and a bathroom with a bath and separate shower unit.", "trg": "Indawo yokulala ibunjwa likamura lokwamukela elivulekileko, ikamura lokulala elikhulu, indlu yokuhlambela enebhada netjhawara ehlukeneko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 66, "src": "If it is the incorrect amount, have the vendor revise the invoice.", "trg": "Nayikuthi inani elingakalungi, yenza umthengisi wesitradeni alungise i-invoyisi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 67, "src": "Peace brings along its buddies joy, strength, hope, and faith.", "trg": "Ukuthula kuletha abangani bakho okulithabo, amandla, ithemba nekolelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 68, "src": "They should look for those things that inspire dedication, loyalty, honor and dignity.", "trg": "Kufanele baqale lezizinto ezikhuthaza iukuzinikela ukuthembeka, isithunzi nedumo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 69, "src": "It helps not to waste precious daytime hours and to save money for accommodation.", "trg": "Kuyasiza ukungamotjhi ama-awara wemini amahle begodu ubulunge imali ukwenzela indawo yokuhlala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 70, "src": "Easy to use, all you have to do is push down on the bait cup and twist it one-quarter of the way around.", "trg": "Kulula ukuyisebenzisa, koke okufanele ukwenze kugandelela uyijikisele phasi ngomzombelezo wekota."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 71, "src": "She's a dancer, avid concert-goer, foreign language nerd and book worm.", "trg": "Umdansi, umkhambi makhonsati omajadu, umuntu ozibophelele emalimini atjhili kanye nomfundi omkhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 72, "src": "One of her paws has peach-colored toes, and she has a whisper of peach on her chin and one cheek.", "trg": "Elinye leenyawo zakhe lineenzipho zombala osaperegisi begodu unombadlana osaperegisi esilevini kanye nomunye esihlathini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 73, "src": "According to the initial findings, Bilici died of a heart attack.", "trg": "Ngokuya kokufunyenwe ekuthomeni, u-Bilici wabulawa bulwele behliziyo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 74, "src": "Dr. Carter enjoys playing basketball, street hockey, flag football, golf and running.", "trg": "U-Dr Carter uthabela ukudlala i-basketball, i-hockey yestradeni, ibholo yeflarha, igolfu kanye nokugijima."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 75, "src": "She focuses on improvement as developing self-motivation to help pursue the student\u2019s dream and goals.", "trg": "Uqale ukuzenza ngcono njengokuthuthukisa ukuzikhuthaza ukusiza ukulandelela amabhudango neenhloso zabafundi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 76, "src": "It\u2019s impossible to resist that dirty, skinny, precious four-legged shadow who peers at you from beneath the bushes.", "trg": "Akukghonakali ukunghangabalela isithunzi leso esingakahlwengi, esondileko, esihle esineenyawo ezine esikuhlola ukusuka ngaphasi kwamahlathi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 77, "src": "Generally speaking, private equity refers to angel and venture capital.", "trg": "Nasikhuluma ngokujayelekileko, ukusisa kwabantu ekhamphanini kutjho abasisi abasiza abasebatjha ukusisa kanye nabasisi abafuna iindlela ezitjha ekusiseni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 78, "src": "Mama reaches in the envelope and pulls out a letter written in a deliberate, thoughtful script.", "trg": "UMama ufikele ivolobhu begodu udosa incwadi etlolwe ngomtlolo wangabomu, onomcabango."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 79, "src": "Once they arrive, our urgent plumber will diagnose the issue and rapidly repair the leak or burst pipe.", "trg": "Nasele afikile, uplamara wethu uzakufunisisa indaba begodu msinyana alungise ukuvuza namkha ukuthuthumba kwephayiphu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 80, "src": "Even having a whale swallow him failed to grant any perspective.", "trg": "Sengitjho nokuthi umkhomo umginye kwabhalelwa kunikela ngomunye umbono."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 81, "src": "With the advent of sophisticated surveillance and technological innovation, a level of caution must be exercised.", "trg": "Ukufika nokuthuthuka kwelazi lezinto zephasi kanye nokwenza ngeendlela ezitjha zetheknoloji, izinga lokuyelela kufuze ligandelelwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 82, "src": "Please click the 'Allow' button opposite to agree to our use of cookies and hide this message.", "trg": "Sibawa ugandelele ibhathini elithi 'Vumela' elingaphambili ukuvumela ukusebenzisa ama-cookies kanye nokufihla lomlayezo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 83, "src": "It\u2019s gorgeous, crazy, insane, and I could listen to it on repeat forever.", "trg": "Iyathandeka, iyarhapha, iyahlanya, begodu ngingayilalela ibuyelelwa unomphela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 84, "src": "Put on your snorkel gear and visually examine the anchor to guarantee your boat is safe.", "trg": "Phuma wembethe izembatho zakho zokuphefumula ungemanzini begodu uyokuhlola ngamehlo isidzimelelisi ukuqinisekisa bona isikepe sakho siphephile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 85, "src": "Vitamin C is also important for helping heal wounds and produce scar tissue.", "trg": "IVithamini C godu liqakathekile ekusizeni ukuphiolisa amanceba kanye nokukhiqiza inyama evala amabala nofana iinlonda."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 86, "src": "Do you want wild river fish, a calm lake fish, or a stock pond farm-raised variety?", "trg": "Ingabe ufuna ihlambi yangemanzini welwandle, ihlambi yamanzi welitsha elithulileko, namkha ebuya edanyaneni elenziwe ngezandla eplasini?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 87, "src": "My assessment is that, given the circumstances, we have to be diligent in our work and stingy in our purchases.", "trg": "Ukuhlolisisa kwami kukuthi, nakuqalwa ubujamo, kufuze sitjheje khulu emsebenzini wethu begodu singaphisani ekuthengeni kwethu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 88, "src": "The district court refused summary judgment, saying the agreement was ambiguous.", "trg": "Ikhotho yesiyingi yalile ukukhupha isahlulelo esirhunyeziweko, yathi isivumelwano sasingakacaci."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 89, "src": "The set of courses should represent a coordinated objective and must be approved by the director of graduate studies.", "trg": "Isede yeemfundo kufanele ijamele umnqopho okhanjelanisiweko begodu kufuze ivunywe mnqophisi weemfundo zabaneziqu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 90, "src": "He knew that he wasn\u2019t about to be in any sort of immediate physical danger, though he had plenty weighing on his mind.", "trg": "Wayesazi bona wayengasoze abe sengozini yakhonokho ngokomzimba, nanyana wayenokunengi okwakufanele akucabangisise."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 91, "src": "Quite how many of these were forced upon him has been debated ever since.", "trg": "Ngokunengi kangangani kilokhu okwakukatelelwe phezu kwakhe okwaphikiswana ngakho solo kwamhlokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 92, "src": "True therapeutic benefits to relieve stress, calm and relax, aid sleep, boost your energy or lift your mood.", "trg": "Imivuzo yamambala yezokwelapha yokuphelisa igandeleleko, ukunzinza nokuzigedla, isiza ukulala, ikhuphule umndlandla namkha ikhuphulea amazizo wakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 93, "src": "But that would not be the right deed as a socially sensible citizen.", "trg": "Kodwana lokho angeze kwaba sisenzo esilungileko njengesakhamuzi esinokuziphendulela ekuhlaleni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 94, "src": "Cheers, let's drink a health to fluent language use and perfect pronunciation!", "trg": "Asikwakwazeleni, sisele siphakamisele ipilo ehle ekusebenziseni ilimi elitjhelelako kanye nephimiso ehle khulu!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 95, "src": "The victim has the right to take legal action to attempt to recover compensation for their losses.", "trg": "Ungazimbi unelungelo lokuthatha igadango lezomthetho ukulinga ukubuyisa ukuliliswa ngelahleko yakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 96, "src": "His attitude is that gratitude is suitable only when the host is not very talkative.", "trg": "Ummoya wakhe kukobana ukuthokoza kufanele lokha umamukeli weemvakatjhi angakhulumi khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 97, "src": "Female, above average height, red hair in tidy bunches, short skirt;", "trg": "Abasikazi, abangehla kobude obulingeneko, iinhluthu ezibovu ezimaphonjwana ahlwengileko, isikerede esifitjhani;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 98, "src": "Following the government\u2019s announcement, Tencent issued a public pledge to amend its privacy statements.", "trg": "Ukulandela isimemezelo sombuso, i-Tencent ikhuphe ukuzibophelela kwatjhatjhalazi ukutjhugulula iintatimende zefihlo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 99, "src": "This thing in my life where I kind of have to live a lie and pretend that everything is ok.", "trg": "Into le epilwenami lapho kufanele ngiphile khona amala begodu ngenze kwangathi yoke into ilungile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 100, "src": "But in this frightening situation the legionaries kept their arms and ranks intact.", "trg": "Kodwana kilobubujamo obuthusako amajoni agcina iinkhali neenkhundla zawo zisebujameni obuhle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 101, "src": "If you're in a seriously cold climate, try it with a classic sweater, cozy scarf, and ankle boots instead.", "trg": "Nayikuthi usetlayimethini emakhaza khulu, ilinge nge-sweater yakade, iskhafu esifuthumeleko, amabhudzu afika engogoriyaneni esikhundleni salokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 102, "src": "Make sure children understand appropriate and safe behavior.", "trg": "Yenza isiqiniseko sokobana abantwana bazwisisa ukuziphatha okufaneleko nokuphephileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 103, "src": "Suppose a group of activists enter a busy setting (mall, movie theater, theme park, etc.) looking like everyone else.", "trg": "Mhlamunye isiqhema sabatjhotjhozeli singena indawo ebhizi khulu, (isithabathaba seentolo, ithiyetha yamamuvi, iphaga, njll) siqaleka njengaye woke umuntu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 104, "src": "She is a popular speaker, mentor, conference producer, author and healing arts advocate.", "trg": "Usikhulumi esithandwako esidume kakhulu, umbanduli, umvezi wamakhonferensi, umtloli kanye nomlweli wezobukghwari bezokwelapha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 105, "src": "Fired by a fierce ambition, blessed with an extraordinary voice, her long struggle for fame and fortune begins.", "trg": "Anikelwa umfutho yitjisakalo enamandla, abusiswe ngelizwi elingakajayeleki, ipi yakhe ede eya edumeni nemnothweni yathoma."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 106, "src": "Cleaning Up jumps from upsetting social drama to hilarious buddy comedy to tense heist thriller.", "trg": "I-Cleaning Up yeqa isuka edrameni yezokuhlalisana edanisako ukuya ehlayeni labangani elihlekisako ukuya encwadini yokudlezela evusa ikareko ekulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 107, "src": "Respect and hygiene and discretion are mandatory, as should be obvious.", "trg": "Ihlonipho nokuhlwengeka kanye nokuthatha iinqunto kuqakathekile, njengombana kufanele kubonakale."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 108, "src": "Minnesota shows exposure type, traffic patterns indicating social distancing success and hospital surge capacity.", "trg": "I-Minnesota itjengisa umhlobo wokuba sengozini, amaphetheni wokusabalala atjengisa ipumelelo yokungatjhidelani ekuhlaleni kanye nekghono lokukhuphuka eembhedlela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 109, "src": "Indeed your ego-shell suddenly is crushed, you can shake heaven and earth.", "trg": "Kwamambala icephe lakho lokuzithemba sele liphadlhiwe, ungasikinya iphasi nezulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 110, "src": "Why would God allow such a terrible disease to become a pandemic?", "trg": "Kungani uZimu angavumela ubulwele obumbi kangaka bube bulwele oburhatjheke ilizwe loke?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 111, "src": "This perseverance is given to them by their stubborn streak.", "trg": "Lokhu kubekezela bakunikelwa mlandelande wabo wokuphikelela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 112, "src": "This results in a lot of bad content on your domain, unwanted incoming links from spam sites, and annoyed users.", "trg": "Lokhu kuba nomphumela weenhloko ezimbi endaweni yakho, amathintwano angafunekiko angenako abuya kumasayithi wemilayezo engakabawiwa, kanye nakubasebenzisi abasilingekileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 113, "src": "Bee pollen regulates the functions of the intestines, especially with regard to chronic diarrhea and constipation.", "trg": "Ipova yeenyosi ilawula imisebenzi yamathumbu, khulukhulu ukuthulula okungalaphekiko kanye nokubhinjidelwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 114, "src": "Get some witch hazel extract and apply it to the swollen veins with a cotton ball.", "trg": "Fumana okudoswako kwe-witch hazel begodu ukutjhatjhe emithanjeni evuvukileko ngebholo yekoteni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 115, "src": "These worries have shifted the landscape of contemporary childhood in a diversity of ways.", "trg": "Lamatshwenyeko atjhugulule indawo yesehlako yepilo yobuntwana banjesi ngeendlela ezihlukeneko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 116, "src": "On adoption day, breathe a sigh of relief because finally, the day has arrived that you can adopt your foster child!", "trg": "Ngelanga loku-adoptha, phefumula ngokuzigedla ngombana ekugcineni, ilanga onga-adoptha ngalo umntwana ozamkhulisa lifikile!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 117, "src": "The group is voting on a proposal to conduct outreach to north, west, and east Oakland communities.", "trg": "Isiqhema sivowuda ngesihlongozo sokubamba ijima lokufikelela iimiphakathi yetlhagwini, yetjhingalanga neyepumalanga ye-Oakland."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 118, "src": "Kings Cross is a serious rail hub and so is extremely simple to commute to.", "trg": "I-Kings Cross sizinda esinamandla seentimela begodu kulula khulu nokuya kiso."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 119, "src": "Acute inflammation (meaning it doesn\u2019t last long) helps the body to ward off infections and to promote healing.", "trg": "Ukuvuvuka okuba kumbi msinyana (okutjho bona okungathathi isikhathi eside) kusiza umzimba ukurarha amalwele kanye nokukhupula ukuphola."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 120, "src": "Always remain calm and remember to seek proper advice about your situation.", "trg": "Hlala uthulile begodu khumbula ukufuna isiyeleliso ngobujamo bakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 121, "src": "His slightly hooked nose, sharp, almost black eyes, and shoulder-length hair gave him a harsh appearance.", "trg": "Ipumulo yakhe eyayigobene kancani, ecijileko, amehlo pheze anzima kanye neenhlutthu ezifika emahlombe zimnikela iqaleko elimakghwakghwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 122, "src": "She must confront her past, embrace her gifts, and decide her fate.", "trg": "Kufuze aqalane nomlando wakhe, amukele izipho zakhe begodu aqunte ngengomuso lakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 123, "src": "He's a carpenter by hobby, and built a dam out of scrap wood.", "trg": "Ungusokapantere ngokuya kwezinto azithandako, begodu wakhe idamu ngeengodo ezilahliweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 124, "src": "Whereas haze is often thought of as a phenomenon of dry air, mist formation is a phenomenon of humid air.", "trg": "Nanyana ukufiphala kuvamise bona icatjangwe njengetjhugutjhuguluko lommoya owomileko, ukwakheka kwekungu kutjhugutjhuguluka kommoya onomswakama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 125, "src": "It\u2019s not fake news, not trying to fool anyone, it\u2019s just a joke and it cheered up my January a bit.", "trg": "Akusiziindaba zamala, ungalingi udlhayeze omunye umuntu, kulihlaya nje kuphela begodu lenza uTjhirhweni wami waba lihlaya kancani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 126, "src": "People seldom touch the horse because they are afraid of it.", "trg": "Abantu abakavami ukuthinta ipere ngombana bayayisaba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 127, "src": "Demonstrate possession of sufficient financial resources to cover travel expenses.", "trg": "Tjengisa ukuba nemithombo yezeemali eyaneleko ukuvala iindleko zamakhambo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 128, "src": "The tree can grow as tall as 20 meters, with smooth, greyish brown thin bark.", "trg": "Umuthi ungakhula ube mude ngamamitha ama-20 ube neqolo elitjhelelako, elisamlotha okunzotho elidweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 129, "src": "The results were terrific: tangy, creamy, intensely berried, with a hint of that kick we associate with cheesecake.", "trg": "Imiphumela beyimihle khulu: inomnuko onamandla, oyikhrimu, onamabheri amanengi, ngomuzwa wamandla esiwahlobanisa ne-cheesecake."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 130, "src": "Is December a throw-away month because everyone is busy or on vacation?", "trg": "Ingabe uNobayeni yinyanga yokulahla na ngombana woke umuntu ubhizi namkha usemalangeni wokuphumula?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 131, "src": "We inspected jumping equipment for compliance with safety regulations.", "trg": "Sihlole isisetjenziswa sokweqa ukobana ingabe siyakhambisana na nemithetjhwana yezokuphepha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 132, "src": "Call your mom, apologize for yesterday\u2019s photo, and promise to burn that green rag in her honor.", "trg": "Biza ummakho, ucolise ngesithombe sayizolo, begodu uthembise ukutjhisa itjhila elidala elihlaza ukwenzela ukumhlonipha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 133, "src": "Even our most difficult life experiences bring us wisdom, character and integrity.", "trg": "Sengitjho nelemuko lethu lepilo elibudisi khulu lisilethela ukuhlakanipha, ubuntu nesithunzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 134, "src": "Each carefully placed bloom, stem, and leaf creates an arrangement whose meaning goes far beyond the aesthetic.", "trg": "Elinye nelinye ithuthumbo elibekwe ngetjhejo, isiqu, kanye nekari lenza ihlelo ihlathululo yalo edlula ubuhle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 135, "src": "Thus the London exhibition will complement and augment this splendid array.", "trg": "Ngalokho umqaliso we-London uzakungezelela bewandise lokhu kuhlela okuhle khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 136, "src": "Transfer the pork to a large bowl with a slotted spoon and discard the bay leaves, onion, and garlic.", "trg": "Dlulisela inyama yefarigi esitjeni esikhulu ngesigobho esinamatjhutjana begdou lahla amabhlari webheyi, i-anyanisi, nekonofula."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 137, "src": "Accessories lend visual appeal through pattern and texture.", "trg": "Iinsetjenziswa zokusiza zinikela ngeqaleko elhle emehlweni ngephetheni nobunjalo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 138, "src": "A warehouse worker in a retail store is holding a cell phone and preparing to package up a parcel to ship overseas.", "trg": "Isisebenzi sendaweni yokubeka esitolo esithengisa ipahla siphethe umaliledinini begodu siungiselela ukupaka iphasela bona ithunyelwe ngaphetjheya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 139, "src": "Again, this is not ideal, but it is a better alternative than withdrawing a larger lump sum.", "trg": "Godu, lokhu akusyi yinto efaneleko, kodwana kuyinto engcono ongadanela kiyo kunokudosa imali esizumbulu esikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 140, "src": "Confirm your decision to attend through your admissions application.", "trg": "Qinisekisa isiqunto sakho sokukhambela ngesibawo sakho sokuvuma."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 141, "src": "May God bless you with happiness, contentment, prosperity, peace, and abundance on your birthday and always.", "trg": "Kwangathi uZimu angakubusisa ngethabo, ukwaneliseka, ipumelelo, ukuthula kanye nokungasweli ngelanga lakho lamabeletho begodu nonomphela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 142, "src": "The restaurant is known for its flawless execution, evidenced by the mid-course swap-out of warm brioche toast.", "trg": "Indawo yokudlela yaziwa ngokwenza kwayo okunganaphoso, okubonakala ngokurweyilwa kwesidlo semini ephakathi ekukhetheni kwethowusti efuthumeleko ye-brioche."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 143, "src": "Tiny and tight work\u2014like mine below\u2014can be hard to do, though, so try it with something looser the first time.", "trg": "Umsebenzi omncani nolula - ofana newami ngenzasi - ungaba budisi ukuwenza nanyana kunjalo, ngalokho kokuthoma ulinge nento engakaqini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 144, "src": "Great explanation of the venom that supposedly made the evil dude feel dead.", "trg": "Ihlathululo ekulu engunobangela wetjhefu okuthiwa yenza umuntu omumbi azizwe ahlongakele."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 145, "src": "Those caught outdoors during a severe thunderstorm are particularly vulnerable.", "trg": "Labo ababanjwa ngaphandle ngesikhathi samawuruwuru anokuraramba okumbi basengozini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 146, "src": "Miami residents passed a bond initiative to fund storm drain upgrades, flood pumps, and sea walls.", "trg": "Abahlali be-Miami baphasise isisungulo sesiqinisekiso sebhondi sokusekela ngeemali ukwakhiwa kwedreyini yamanzi wezulu, iimpompo zamanzi weenkhukhula kanye namaboda wokuvikela iligu lingathathwa mamanzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 147, "src": "Comments on this article reflect the sole opinions of their writers.", "trg": "Imibono ngale-athikili itjengisa imibono yabatloli bayo kuphela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 148, "src": "The external monitor now shows an image, but in 800x600 resolution, which is total crap.", "trg": "I-monitor yangaphandle manje itjengisa isithombe, kodwana ngokubonisa kwe-800x600, okumbi khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 149, "src": "Now excuse me while I stick a bar of soap in my mouth to get rid of that unpleasant sentence.", "trg": "Manje ngibawa ungilibalele ngesikhathi ngihloma isitina sesibha ngemlonyeni ukuphelisa lesisigwebo esingasimnandi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 150, "src": "St. John\u2019s wort is a remedy for seizures and is good for liver health.", "trg": "Iketjezana le-St John sihlahla sesithunthwana begodu lilungele ipilo ehle yesibindi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 151, "src": "Maybe a college-age niece or nephew, or a spouse, sister, or brother.", "trg": "Mhlamunye umzukulu weminyaka elungele ukuya ekholiji, namkha omthetheko namkha udade namkha umfowethu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 152, "src": "He\u2019s what I call a callous, greedy bastard, and a coward to boot!", "trg": "Ungilokho engikubiza ngoomuntu okhohlakeleko onganazwelo onomrhobholo, begodu ukudlula lapho netjhatjha!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 153, "src": "Assume perfect detection in all cases and ignore the inverse square law effect.", "trg": "Cabanga ngokubona okuhle khulu kibo boke ubujamo begodu ulise umphumela womthetho wesikwere esiphikisako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 154, "src": "Hey guys, sorry for not writing the report, I didn't get home until now after the practice.", "trg": "Yeyi madoda ngiyacolisa ngokungatloli umbiko, akhenge ngifike ekhaya bekwaba kunjesi ngemva kwephrakthisi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 155, "src": "Spread third cake layer with remaining strawberry ice cream;", "trg": "Rhatjha ilarha lesithathu lekhekhe nge-ayisikhrimu yestrobheri eseleko;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 156, "src": "Even a waiter who isn\u2019t a secret agent in disguise might mention it to his supervisor or something.", "trg": "Sengitjho noweyitha ongasisisebenzi sezobuhloli esizifihlileko angatjho lokhu komphetheko namkha enye into."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 157, "src": "Chaos, awkwardness, and drama follow, but Bynes is so charming and funny that the result is a delight.", "trg": "Ukutjharagana, ubumasikizi, kanye nedrama kuyalandela, kodwana i-Bynes ikarisa khulu begodu iyahlekisa ukobana umphumela ulithabo elikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 158, "src": "You can customize this greeting or assign different greetings to different phone numbers.", "trg": "Ungenza ukulotjhisa lokhu kukhambelane namkha unikele ngokulotjhisa okuhlukeneko eenomborweni zomtato ezihlukeneko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 159, "src": "Seller will select method of shipment, unless Customer gives timely, prior written instructions.", "trg": "Umthengisi uzakukhetha indlela yokuthutha, ngaphandle kwalokha iKhastama linikela ngemilayo yangesikhathi etlolwe ngaphambilini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 160, "src": "The spilled liquid stays on the shelf and doesn\u2019t spoil the whole refrigerator by leaking elsewhere.", "trg": "Iketjezi elithululiweko lihlala etjhelfini begodu alimotjhi yoke ifriji ngokuvuzela lapha okhunye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 161, "src": "The dinner menu, though, is a far more refined affair in presentation and substance.", "trg": "Imenyu yesidlo sebusuku, nanyana kunjalo, yinto ehle khulu ngokwesethulo kanye nokubonwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 162, "src": "Does such an entity deserve congratulations?", "trg": "Ingabe into enjalo ifanelwe kuthokoziswa?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 163, "src": "Scientists can also put a radio collar on an elephant and trace its movements to warn farmers.", "trg": "Abososayensi godu bangafaka ikholoro yomrhatjho endlovini begodu balandelele imikhambo yayo ukuyelelsisa abalimi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 164, "src": "We don\u2019t need to worry that God won\u2019t forgive us if we sincerely repent of our compromise and turn the other way.", "trg": "Asitlhogi ukutshwenyeka ngokuthi uZimu akazusicolela nayikuthi kwamambala sitjhugulula ukuziphatha kwethu kobudlhayela begodu sitjhinge ngakelinye itjhuba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 165, "src": "Should the former rate exceed the latter, then by definition a gap in the acquired data stream has occurred.", "trg": "Ingabe kufanele isilinganiso sokuthoma sidlule sokugcina, manje ngokwehlathululo isikhala kudatha efunyenweko senzekile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 166, "src": "The novel transforms into something completely different the moment the princess leaves the castle.", "trg": "Inoveli itjhuguluka ibe yinto ehluke khulu ngesikhatjhana ikosazana itjhiya isigodlo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 167, "src": "When nutrition sources are lean, the tiger shrimp can even rely on the feces of a goby fish to survive!", "trg": "Lokha imithombo yokondleka nayinganalitho, i-tiger shrimp ingathembela ethuvini behlambi yomhlobo we-goby ukuze iphile!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 168, "src": "Further, consent and mutual pleasure are morally necessary.", "trg": "Ukudlula lapho, imvumo kanye nethabo lababili liyalthogeka nasiya ngokokulunga."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 169, "src": "Pitch your tent in the luxury of a private estate in the breathtaking Warwickshire countryside.", "trg": "Hloma itende yakho endaweni yokuhlala okungangeni nanyana ngubani kiyo endaweni yemakhaya ekarisa khulu ye-Warwickshire."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 170, "src": "The steady volume of sails purchased by racers keeps sail prices reasonable.", "trg": "Ubukhulu obunzinzileko bamaseyila athengwe bagijimi bugcina iintengo zamaseyila zizwakala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 171, "src": "Please register or log in to retrieve your license key and to download the latest version.", "trg": "Sibawa urejiste namkha ungene ngaphakathi ukuze ukhuphe ikhiya yelayisense yakho begodu udawunliowude umhlobo omutjha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 172, "src": "Once you and your luggage are settled in, the pilot will wait for permission to take off.", "trg": "Nasele wena nomthwalo wakho nihlezi, umtjhayeli uzakulindela imvumo yokusuka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 173, "src": "If it is more complicated, like a magazine layout, you may see more sample spaces.", "trg": "Nayikuthi irarene khulu, njengesendlalelo semagazini, ungabona amasampula weenkhala amanengi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 174, "src": "He came at me all excitable, pushing his chubby little thumb into my forehead and being all cute.", "trg": "Weza kimi akarekile, ahloma uthubhakghuru wakhe omncani ononileko epandla yami begodu athandeka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 175, "src": "He doesn't bother anyone (except the cat); he doesn't break things or anything.", "trg": "Akatshwenyi muntu (ngaphandle kokatsu) akaphuli izinto namkha nanyana kuyini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 176, "src": "The suspicious smell becomes overwhelming when somebody takes a shot at the lady outside her London hotel.", "trg": "Umnuko osolisako uyabhedlha lokha umuntu athatha isithombe somuntu wengubo ngaphandle kwehotela lakhe le-London."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 177, "src": "Twelve studies used random assignment to observe student achievement between choice and regular public schools.", "trg": "Amaphenyo alitjhumi nambili asebenzise umsebenzi ongakhethiko ukuqala ipumelelo yomfundi phakathi kokukhetha kanye neenkolo ezijayelekileko zomphakathi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 178, "src": "The flavor profile is a mild black currant and mineral blend with notes of gentle plum and faint oak.", "trg": "Ihlanganisela yeminambitho yihlanganisela ye-black currant elula kanye neyamaminerali enobunjalo bepremu elilula kanye ne-oak ezwakala kancani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 179, "src": "You all remind me of a bunch of spoiled and naive children, crying and stamping your feet to get your way.", "trg": "Noke ningikhumbuza isiqhenyama sabantwana abatetemako nabanganalemuko, niyalila begodu nibetha ngeenyawo phasi ukuze izinto zenzeke ngendlela enifuna ngayo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 180, "src": "The power generation industry is estimated to expand at a rapid pace during the forecast period.", "trg": "Ibubulo lokuphehlwa kwamandla kulinganiselwa bona lizakukhula ngebelo elikhulu ngesikhathi sebonelophambili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 181, "src": "Sometimes we do not have enough evidence to draw a firm conclusion.", "trg": "Kwesinye isikhathi asinabufakazi obaneleko ukwenza isiphetho esiqinileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 182, "src": "Virtually no prominent leaders seem willing to step forward to defend native-language programs.", "trg": "Pheze akunamdosiphambili obonakala afuna ukuza ngaphambili ukuzokuvikela amahlelo wamalimi wabomma."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 183, "src": "Then outline the picture with a pencil or pen so that the image is imprinted on the mug.", "trg": "Manje yakha isithombe ngepensela namkha ipeni khona umfanekiso uzakugadangiseka emageni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 184, "src": "Mike is also a licensed youth soccer coach, former child actor and enthusiastic musical theater participant.", "trg": "U-Mike godu unelayisense yokubandula ebholweni erarhwako yabatjha, wayemlingisi wabantwana begodu mhlanganyeli onamajadu ethiyetha yomvumo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 185, "src": "Next, use local mobile advertising to attract foot traffic.", "trg": "Okulandelako, sebenzisa ukukhangisa okukhambako kwekhaya ukuze udose iabantu abazakuza ngeenyawo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 186, "src": "Their basement was always filled with a treasure trove of fascinating and interesting items.", "trg": "Amakamura wabo angaphasi komakhiwo bewahlala azele amagugu wezinto ezikarisako nezidosako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 187, "src": "Latest Snapchat caption maker to imitate fake snaps of celebrities and prank your friends.", "trg": "Umenzi weHlathululo eFitjhani ye-Snapchat yaMuva nje ukulingisa iinthombe okungasizo zabosaziwako begodu udlale ngabangani bakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 188, "src": "She didn't resign, so her manager decided to bury her in an infinite quantity of miscellaneous tasks.", "trg": "Akakalisi emsebenzini manje umphathi wakhe waqunta ukumbulalisa ngemisebenzana eminengi engazisiko ehlukahlukeneko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 189, "src": "Due to military cunning, the future dictator managed to seize the lands occupied by the Celtic tribes.", "trg": "Ngebanga lokuhlakanipha kwesijoni, ulizwilakhe wangomuso wakghona ukuthatha iinarha ebezihlezwi ziintjhaba zama-Celtic."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 190, "src": "If returned at market, the item is eligible for a refund, exchange, or market stall credit note.", "trg": "Nayibuyiselwa emakethe, into ifanelwe kubuyiselwa imali, irweyilwe namkha inikelwe inoti lekhredithi lesitolo semakethe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 191, "src": "This crude theory is responsible for the ridiculous doctrine of eternal life for some and eternal torture for others.", "trg": "Lomqondo omumbi khulu unokuziphenduela ngemikhuba engasiqiniso yeenkolelo zepilo yaphakade kwabanye kanye nokuhlungaphaza kwabanye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 192, "src": "For example, enclosures and machine tools must have strict temperature control for the precise machining of metal.", "trg": "Isibonelo, iindawo ezivalelweko namathulusi wemitjhini kufuze zibe nelawulo eliqinileko lokutjhisa emsebenzini wokwenziwa kwesimbi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 193, "src": "The finance guy sat in a dress shirt behind a massive wood desk.", "trg": "Isisebenzi sezeemali sahlala simbethe ihembe elimhlophe nethayi ngemva kwedeske lesigodo elikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 194, "src": "[Story continues below advertisement] Some investors build wealth by owning hard assets such as rental properties.", "trg": "[Indatjana iragela phambili ngenzasi komkhangiso] Abanye abasisi bakha umnotho ngokuba banikazi bepahla ebonwako efana nepahla eqatjhiswako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 195, "src": "Male mosquitoes, while bothersome, pose no threat to humans.", "trg": "Abonompopoloza abaduna, nanyana batshwenya abasi yingozi ebantwini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 196, "src": "But once my mind was finally made up, I still could not leave.", "trg": "Kodwana nasele ngiqedile emkhumbulweni wami, bengingasakghoni ukukhamba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 197, "src": "lthough raw material prices continued to rise, the gross profit margin was maintained at previous year\u2019s level.", "trg": "nanyana iintengo zepahla engakasetjenzwa ziragela phambili nokukhula, isilinganiso senzuzo efaka koke sagcinwa ezingeni lonyaka odlulileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 198, "src": "It has associations with friendship (such as in the thumbs-up gesture) and interaction.", "trg": "Inokuhlobana nobungani (okufana nokuvunyelwa ukukhuluma ngezitho zomzimba) kanye nokuthintana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 199, "src": "Its designation as a competitive organization means that it faces a lot of competition.", "trg": "Ukukhonjwa kwayo njengehlangano enokghono kutjho bona iqalene nephaliswano elikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 200, "src": "Comply with the training requirements and respond in a positive manner to any suggestion or criticism.", "trg": "Khambisana neemfuneko zebandulo begodu phendula ngendlela ehle kwesinye nesinye isihlongozo namkha ukuhlatjwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 201, "src": "The horn section provided a distinct complement of both rhythm and melodic harmony.", "trg": "Iphiko leenliliswa ezivuthelwako linikela ngokuzwana okupheleko kwegido nemelodi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 202, "src": "The only obstacle that endures is that an introvert will dwell on the past.", "trg": "Isiliyo sinye kuphela esibambelelako kukobana umuntu othulileko uzakuphila esikhathini esadlulako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 203, "src": "Set over a day, it sees the duo wander aimlessly around a sleepy seaside town, developing a tentative connection.", "trg": "Njengombana yenzeka esikhathini selanga linye, isibili sikhamba singazi bona siyaphi edorobheni yemalwandle ethule khulu, sakha ukuhlobana okungakanzinzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 204, "src": "Sometimes blunt, maybe controversial, hopefully never too grumpy or gloomy.", "trg": "Kwesinye isikhathi akajikajiki, mhlamunye uyaphikisana sithemba bona akacasuki lula namkha adane."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 205, "src": "Solid dictionary skills are a great way to speed vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and spelling accuracy.", "trg": "Amakghonofundwa azwakalako wesihlathulilimagama yindlela ehle khulu yokurhabisa ukutholakala kwehlelo lamagama, ukufundela ukuzwisisa, kanye nenembo lokupeleda."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 206, "src": "Pick your favourite cat breed, grab a pencil and start drawing!", "trg": "Khetha wakho umhlobo kakatsu owuthandako, uthathe ipensela begodu uthome ukugwala!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 207, "src": "There must be a certain business process far beyond our understanding.", "trg": "Kufuze kube nekambiso ethileko yezebhiznisi eyeqa ukuzwisisa kwethu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 208, "src": "Traditionally, the meat is stuffed with spices and actually cooked in a coal fire within the trunk of a banana palm.", "trg": "Kwakade, inyama ihlohlwa iinongo begodu iphekwe emlilweni wamalahle ngaphakthi kwesiqu somuthi webhanana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 209, "src": "It\u2019s the factor why persistent intestinal concerns may trigger foggy brain, insomnia, or depression.", "trg": "Kuyinto yokobana kungani amatshwenyeko angapheliko aphathelene namathumbu angabanga ubudisi bokucabanga, ukungalali, namkha ukugandeleleka komkhumbulo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 210, "src": "Ditch those manual processes and secure your labor workflow with a cloud-based crew management platform.", "trg": "Lahla lezonkambiso zesandla begodu uzifumanele wakho amarherho wokukhiqiza ngamagadango asekelwe phezu kwe-cloud wokulawa kwehlangano."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 211, "src": "Who is faster, the turtle or the butterfly?", "trg": "Ngubani onebelo khudlwana, ikghuru yangelwandle namkha iviviyani?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 212, "src": "However, their main emphasis was to encourage trade throughout a particular area.", "trg": "Kodwana, igandelelo labo elikhulu kwakukukhuthaza ukurhwebelana kiyo yoke indawo enqophileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 213, "src": "President Carter\u2019s military rescue option would sadly fail.", "trg": "Ngetjhudu elimbi ihlelo lokuhlangula lesijoni lakamongameli u-Carter lalizokubhalelwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 214, "src": "Attending the reunion allowed Bella to shed her shame like the false skin it was, and to reclaim her healthy anger.", "trg": "Ukukhambela ukuhlanganyela butjha kwavumela u-Bella bona aphume ehlazweni njengesikhumba samala okwakungiso, kanye nokubuyisa itukuthelo yakhe ehle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 215, "src": "Excellent location with beautiful view over the port, walking distance and very quiet area peaceful sleeping.", "trg": "Indawo ehle khulu enokubona okungehla kwedoyelo, ibanga elikhanjwako kanye nendawo ethule khulu enobuthongo obunokuthula."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 216, "src": "The practice of sending formal invitation letters to chief guests is common in academic society, such as in a university.", "trg": "Umukghwa wokuthumela isincwadi zeememo ezihlelekileko eemvakatjhini ezikulu uyajeleke emphakathini wezefundo, njengeYunivesithi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 217, "src": "Of course the seedlings always insist on growing either right at the front of the border, or in the vegetable patch.", "trg": "Iye iintjadlwana zihlala zikhula ebusuku ngaphambi komkhawulo, namkha esivandaneni semirorho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 218, "src": "Instead the healthy are put under house arrest and where exactly are all those sick people?", "trg": "Esikhundleni salokho abanepilo babotjhelw angendlini begodu bakuphi boke labo bantu abagulako?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 219, "src": "Superior grip and slip-resistance thanks to surface patterns and large contact area.", "trg": "Ukubamba okunamandla nokungatjheleli ngebanga lamaphetheni wephasi kanye nendawo ekulu yokuthintana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 220, "src": "As we noted, wrath can be open and obvious or subtle and hidden, and it can acquire targets unrelated to the source.", "trg": "Njengombana sitjhejile, ilaka lingabonakal begodu licace namkha lisitheke, begodu lingafuna abaqothelwa abangakahlobani nomthombo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 221, "src": "If you wanna complain, complain that the government makes you get permission to stop being married.", "trg": "Nawufuna ukunghonghoyila, nghonghoyila bonyana umbuso ukwenza ufumane imvumo yokulisa ukutjhada."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 222, "src": "When we began the tour, she asked me to guess what colour appears and is prevalent in the vast majority of his art.", "trg": "Lokha nabesithoma ngekhambo, wangibawa ukuraya ukobana khuyini umbala obonakalako begodu nojayelekileko enengini lalobubukghwari."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 223, "src": "To schedule an appointment, please complete and submit the request form.", "trg": "Utjhedula ukubekisa, sibawa uzalise bewulethe iforomo lokubawa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 224, "src": "But there is no test to determine whether the eggs are good quality.", "trg": "Kodwana akunakuhlahluba kokuqunta ukobana ingabe amaqanda ngewekhwalithi ehle na."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 225, "src": "Stretch out on a comfy lounge chair and wrap yourself up in a soft, teddy bear-like blanket.", "trg": "Zilule esihlalweni sokunethezeka sangekamerweni lokuzigedla begodu uzembese ngengubo ethambileko efana no-teddy bear."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 226, "src": "Redeem yourself and tell me what that beam of light really was!", "trg": "Lungisa iphoso yakho begodu ngitjela bona umsebe loya womkhanyo bewuyini!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 227, "src": "I had no appetite after seeing the porridge goo with the chopped cucumber slices.", "trg": "Benginganakanuko yokudla ngemva kokubona umdoko onamathelako oneenlayi zekhakhamba ezisikiweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 228, "src": "Think about what kind of blue jeans you wish to fit into later on.", "trg": "Cabanga ngokuthi mhlobobani wamajini ahlaza ofisa ukungena ngakiwo muva."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 229, "src": "If you want a vivid purple shade, we advise you to bleach your hair first.", "trg": "Nayikuthi ufuna umthunzi ophephuli efifiyelako, sikuyelelisa bona kokuthoma ubhlitjhe iinhluthu zakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 230, "src": "Your primary mission is to destroy all enemy defenses and collect fuel to stay alive.", "trg": "Umnqopho wakho omkhulu kutjhabalalisa woke amavikeleko wezitha zakho kanye nokubuthelela isibaseli ukuze uhlale uphila."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 231, "src": "Squirrel droppings vary, and they can be a little tough to distinguish from rat poop.", "trg": "Uthuvi beskwireli buyahluka, begodu kungababudisana ukubuhlukanisa kebekhondlo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 232, "src": "After organizing the exam, the commission also conducts an interview session to recruit capable applicants for the declared posts.", "trg": "Ngemva kokuhlela iinhlahlubo, ikhomitjhini godu ibamba ukuhlunga ukwenzela ukukhetha abafakimbawo abanekghono ukuzalisa iinkhundla eziveziweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 233, "src": "It is made of milk and doesn\u2019t contain any harmful substances, provided you consume an authentic product.", "trg": "Yenziwe ngebisi begodu ayinazinto eziyingozi, kuye ngokuthi udla umkhiqizo wamambala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 234, "src": "The executive branch of government is supposed to investigate crime based on evidence.", "trg": "Igatja lesigungu sombuso lifanelwe kuphenya ubulelesi ngokususela ebufakazini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 235, "src": "Upon account closure, we will cancel any pending transactions unless otherwise legally prohibited.", "trg": "Bona kuvalwe i-akhawunti, sizakusula okhunye nokhunye ukuthengiselana okusaleleko ngaphandle kwalokha kukhandelwe ngokomthetho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 236, "src": "Accent your yard with timber for pure privacy, comfortable shade, or maybe an inviting place to hang your kid\u2019s swing.", "trg": "Merega ijarada lakho ngesigodo ukuqinisekisa ifihlo, umthunzi onikela ngokuzigedla, namkha mhlamunye indawo edosako ongaphanyeka kiyo umjinko wabantwana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 237, "src": "You will literally learn how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.", "trg": "Uzakufunda ukudla ngendlela enembako isidlo sekuseni, semini, kanye nesebusuku."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 238, "src": "Cotton is durable, wicks away sweat, and can retain a moderate amount of heat when used in layers.", "trg": "Ikoteni ihlala isikhathi eside, imunya umjuluko, begodu ingagcina inai elamukelekako lomtjhiso lokha nayisetjenziswa ngamalarha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 239, "src": "Rubber pieces worn or falling apart, roof rail pieces missing, fuel tank door lock broken.", "trg": "Iinquntu zeraba eziphelileko namkha eziwohlokako, iinquntu ezilahlekileko zokubophelela umthwalo ephahleni, isikhiya somnyango wetanka yesibaseli esiphukileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 240, "src": "Anything silly makes me laugh, and I am obsessed with minions;", "trg": "Enye nenye into yokudlala ingenza ngihleke, begodu ngirhatjhiswa babantu abancani;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 241, "src": "As you enter the main entrance, there is a small, cozy lounge area, with two double bedrooms.", "trg": "Njengombana ungena esangweni elikhulu kunendawana encani yokuphumula, enamakamura wokulala amabili wama-double."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 242, "src": "Foot orthotics helps them maintain the correct feet alignment, reduce pain, prevent injury, and enhance efficiency.", "trg": "Iinsetjenziswa zokusekela iinyawo ezibogabogako zisiza ukobana bagcine ukukhambelana kweenyawo okulungileko, ukwehlisa ubuhlungu, ukukhandela ukulimala, kanye nokuqinisa ukusebenza kuhle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 243, "src": "Island-ripe pineapple, apple, stone fruit, and crisp pear fill the mouth.", "trg": "Ipenapula, ihabhula, isithelo esinelarha langaphakathi eliqinileko kanye nepiyere eliqephukako elivuthelwe esihlengeleni lizalisa umlomo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 244, "src": "She loves hiking and swimming and is very interested in nature conservation, literature, cinema, and history.", "trg": "Uthanda ukukhwela iintaba nokududa begodu unekareko ekubulungweni kwemvelo, imitlolo, isinema kanye nomlando."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 245, "src": "Each storage position layer is isolated with a stainless steel plate and fireproof rock wool.", "trg": "Elinye nelinye ilarha lobujamo bokubulunga libekwe lodwa neplada lesimbi kanye ne-rockwool yelitje engatjhiko;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 246, "src": "If you follow the golden rule above, it's because you're trying to persuade someone.", "trg": "Nayikuthi ulandela ikambiso okufuze ilandelwe engehla, kungebanga lokobana ulinga ukuncenga omunye umuntu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 247, "src": "By contrast, the presence of high blood pressure or shortness of breath predicted a worse outcome.", "trg": "Ngokuphikisako, ubukhona begandelelo eliphezulu leengazi namkha ukuphelelwa mumoya kubonele phambili umphumela omumbi khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 248, "src": "With real love in our hearts for our beloved, we conquer all forms of conflict, fights, or quarrels that may arise.", "trg": "Ngethando lamambala eenhliziyweni zethu kilabo esibathandako, sizakuhlula yoke imihlobo yokurarana, izipi namkha ukuphikisana okungavela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 249, "src": "Surname searches help you find ancestor charts, family group sheets, and manuscripts in our archive.", "trg": "Ukuzuma isibongo kukusiza ukufumana amatjhadi wamadlozi, amakhasi wesiqhema somndeni kanye nemitlolo ebulungelweni lethu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 250, "src": "Not a chance, but it\u2019s still pretty damn good in my humble opinion.", "trg": "Alikho nakancani ithuba, kodwana isese yihle khulu ngokombono wami ongatjho litho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 251, "src": "Probably just convenient timing because yeah, it\u2019s otherwise slim pickings.", "trg": "Mhlamunye sikhathi esifaneleko ngombana iye, nakungasinjalo ngokuncani ongakukhetha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 252, "src": "Turn on the heat function to improve the overall blood circulation of the body and treat muscle fatigue.", "trg": "Vulela ibhathini lomtjhiso ukwenza ngcono ukuzombeleza kweengazi zomzimba begodu ulaphe ukudinwa kweenyama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 253, "src": "Lucky for him, he\u2019s a brilliant botanist who comes up with clever (sometimes disgusting) ways to harvest food.", "trg": "Usetjhudwini, usisazi ngeentjalo esiza (kwesinye isikhathi ezisilingako) neendlela ezihlakaniphileko zokuvuna ukudla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 254, "src": "Does consistent scene context facilitate object perception?", "trg": "Ingabe ubujamo obunzinzileko bendawo bukghonakalisa ukubonwa kwento?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 255, "src": "Sober living homes also serve as stepping stones to modern society for recently released prison or jail prisoners.", "trg": "Amakhaya ahlala ancamile godu aba bucacado bokuya emphakathini wesimanjemanje eembotjhweni ezisanda ukutjhatjhululwa namkha ezisese sejele."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 256, "src": "Whatever authority Muslim jurists may possess stems from their claim to speak on behalf of this religious command.", "trg": "Nanyana ngiliphi igunya izazimthetho zesiMoslemu ezingaba nalo lisuka ekuthini zikhulumela ubulawuli bezekolo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 257, "src": "Some of these unkind words include retarded, idiot, stupid and dumb.", "trg": "Okhunye kwalamagama angasimahle kufaka athi -ngakahlakaniphi ngokwefundo, isidlhayela, isimawumawu kanye nokungakghoni ukucabangisisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 258, "src": "So if you are not content on keen maintenance, the 2-stroke engine may work for you.", "trg": "Ngalokho nayikuthi awaneliseki ngokulangazelela ukugcina ebujameni obuhle, injini yebetho elikabili ingakusebenzela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 259, "src": "The average pit bull is good-natured, amusing, and capable of extreme affection for the members of its pack.", "trg": "I-pit bull ejayelekileko iziphatha kuhle, iyahlekisa, begodu ikghona ukuba nethando elikhulu kumalunga womndenayo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 260, "src": "She will fight, deceive, negotiate, bargain, and surrender in order to protect the people she loves.", "trg": "Uzakulwa, akhohlise, akhulumisane, abonisane begodu azinikele khona azakuvikela abantu abathandako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 261, "src": "The garbage collectors will simply look inside, deny you trash privilege, and move on.", "trg": "Abathuthi besila bavamise ukuhlola ngaphakathi, bakwalele namalungelo akhethekileko wesila, begodu bakhambe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 262, "src": "Without pattern recognition or good intuition, no one would be good at chess!", "trg": "Ngaphandle kokubona iphetheni namkha umuzwa omuhle, akunamuntu ongabamuhle ku-chess!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 263, "src": "Instead, he suggested that resilience and adaptation should play a stronger role in how humans relate to fire.", "trg": "Esikhundleni salokho, wahlongoza bona ukujamelana nokutjhuguluka kufanele kudlale indima enamandla ekuthini ingabe abantu bahlobana njani nomlilo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 264, "src": "We were on a family trip out to California to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousin.", "trg": "Besisekhambeni lomndeni lokuya e-Carlifonia ukuyokuvakatjhela ukghariyami, umalume, nomzala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 265, "src": "These middle layers also pile on a little more warmth to fight off the winter chill.", "trg": "Lamalarha aphakathi godu abuthelela khulu umfuthumelo ukuze alwise amakhaza wobusika."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 266, "src": "It is an umbrella term that covers offenses of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor, and human trafficking.", "trg": "Lithemu elongamaleko elibamba amacala wobugqila, ukusebenzela, ukusebenza okukatelelweko nekwegandelelo kanye nokukhukhuthiswa kwabantu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 267, "src": "She had an emergency surgery, her jaw was wired shut, and she was on a liquid diet for six weeks.", "trg": "Waba nokuhlinzwa okurhabekileko, umhlathi wakhe wavalwa tu ngedrada, begodu wayedla ukudla okumamanzi iimveke ezisithandathu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 268, "src": "You don't want to interrupt the fairy king and queen sacred moon dancing ritual.", "trg": "Awufuni ukuphazamisa ukujida okucwengileko kwenyezini kwekosi nendlovukazi yeendalwa zengqondo ezithusako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 269, "src": "Just use household scissors or a sharp knife to trim, then place the end on the outlet.", "trg": "Sebenzisa kuphela isikere sangekhaya namkha umukhwa obukhali ukulungisa ngemaqadi, bese ubeka umphetho embobeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 270, "src": "The tick was attached to me for 24 hours and I developed a large rash afterwards.", "trg": "Umkhaza bewunamathele kimi ama-awara ama-24 begodu ngavela iratjhi ekulu ngemva kwalokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 271, "src": "The pig\u2019s reputation as a filthy animal comes from its habit of rolling in mud to cool off.", "trg": "Isithunzi sefarigi njengesilwana esingakahlwengi sisuka emukhgweni wayo wokuzigeda edakeni ukuze izipholise."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 272, "src": "Rose feels overwhelmed, depressed, guilty, scared, and lonely.", "trg": "U-Rose uzizwa angaphasi kwegandelelo, angandelelekile, amlandu, athukiwe begodu ayedwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 273, "src": "Plan meals from the cupboard contents and bake bread, soak beans, knead dough, peel things as necessary.", "trg": "Hlela izidlo ukusuka kokungekhabetheni begodu ubhage uburotho, thambisa iimbhontjisi, udube ihlama, ukele izinto ezitlhogekako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 274, "src": "Drop by and say hello; stay strong and live awesome, my friend.", "trg": "Dlula lapha godu ulotjhise, qina begodu uphile ipilo ehle khulu, mnganami."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 275, "src": "If you wear shabby clothes, you obviously lack self-confidence.", "trg": "Nayikuthi umbatha izembatho ezimaratha, utlhoga ukuzithemba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 276, "src": "You quickly dispatch three of the slowed humanoids with your bolts, their clumsy movements offering little sport.", "trg": "Uthumela msinyana abantu abathathu abenziwe buthaka ngokweqa kwakho, ngemikhambo yabo engakakhanjelaniswa enikela ngokuzithabisa okuncani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 277, "src": "Symptoms include a sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat.", "trg": "Amatshwayo afaka ukutjhisa kwamsinyana, ukubogaboga okunamandla, ubuhlungu eenkhwepheni, ihloko ebuhlungu kanye nomphimbo ovuvukileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 278, "src": "Can't wait to hear about this amazing sight you and Steve experienced!", "trg": "Sengirhabe ukuzwa ngalokhu kubona okurarako wena no-Steve enibe nakho!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 279, "src": "Another study (although likely less reliable) found similar results.", "trg": "Elinye iphenyo (nanyana linganakghonakalo yokuthembeka okukhulu) lafumana imiphumela efanako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 280, "src": "In-unit laundry, solid core doors, high-end carpet, custom window treatments and large garage parking space included.", "trg": "Ubuhlanzelo obungaphakathi, iminyango eqinileko yangaphakathi, ikhaphethe lejamo eliphezulu, izembeso zamafesidiri zakade kanye nesikhala sokuphaga segaraji zifakiwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 281, "src": "The fatal flaw in that argument is that the teacher's contract is not the system.", "trg": "Ukubogaboga okumbi khulu kilokho kuphikisana kukobana ikontraga katitjhere ayisilirherho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 282, "src": "Five-hours-stuck-in-the-Mexican-desert tough would be an accurate description.", "trg": "Ama-awara amahlanu ubambeke erhalawumbeni le-Mexico budisi kungaba yihlathululo enembako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 283, "src": "Meanwhile, our county seat has already spent twice its normal annual tax revenue on debris removal alone.", "trg": "Khatheso, inarha yekhethu sele isebenzise ingeniso yonyaka yomthelo ebuyelelwe kabili ekususweni kwesila eratjhekileko kuphela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 284, "src": "Lord God, direct our minds, hearts, and hands to extend mercy rather than hate and rage.", "trg": "Zimu Somnini, nqophisa imikhumbulo, iinhliziyo kanye nezandla zethu ukuze zilule umusa kunenzondo nelaka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 285, "src": "Rice faces a count of sexual misconduct with a minor in connection with the June 2017 encounter with a 15-year-old girl.", "trg": "U-Rice uqalene nomlandu wokungaziphathi kuhle ngokomseme nomntwana osesemncani mayelana nesehlakalo saka-Mgwengweni ka-2017 sokuhlangana nomntazana oneminyaka eli-15."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 286, "src": "You can arrange in rows, in a circular pattern, whatever takes your fancy.", "trg": "Ungahlela ngamarhemo, ngephetheni ezombelezo, nanyana yini oyithandako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 287, "src": "Smaller items are packed with additional air packing, a brown shipping box, and cross-strapped with fragile tape.", "trg": "Izinto ezincani zipakwa ngokupaka kommoya ongeziweko, ibhokisi lokuthumela elinzotho begodu zibotjhwe ngesiphambano ngetheyibhu etjengisa ukuthi izinto aziphathwe ngetjhejo elikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 288, "src": "It is a skill thousands of years of evolution in the making, and we shouldn\u2019t simply dismiss it in favor of technology.", "trg": "Kulikghonofundwa elithethe iinkulungwana zeminyaka yepucuko ukulenza begodu akukafaneli sililahle ngombana sithanda itheknoloji."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 289, "src": "Fly balls flew by as I landed on my face, spit weed stalks and hoped to disappear in humiliation.", "trg": "Iimbholo ezibethelwa phezulu emmoyeni zaphapha njengombama ngawa ngobuso, ngikhafula imigaba yekhula begodu ngithemba bona ngingatjhabalala njengombana ngangihlazeka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 290, "src": "Adorable robots, hug-transmitting mugs, and mood-changing clothing?", "trg": "Amarobodo athandekako, iimaga ezidlulisa ukwanga, kanye nezambatho ezitjhugulula umuzwa?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 291, "src": "Let the man find his happy place and appreciate his acting ability above all else.", "trg": "Vumela indoda ifumane indawo eba nethabo kiyo begodu ithabele ikghono layo lokulingisa ngaphezu kwayo yoke into."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 292, "src": "Gradually, the ladder begins to reverse direction and then falls, crushing dozens underneath.", "trg": "Kancanikancani, ilere ithoma ukuya emva begodu iyawa, iphule amadazeni ngaphasi kwayo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 293, "src": "Elaborate on how you continued to work independently while simultaneously keeping your team members in the loop.", "trg": "Yengeza ukobana uragele phambili njani nokusebenza ngokuzijamela ngesikhathi ugcina amalunga wesiqhema anelwazi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 294, "src": "Write about Pam's ill-fated relationship with the handsome salesman.", "trg": "Tlola ngetjhebiswano elingasipumelelo laka-Pam nomthengisi wendoda othandekako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 295, "src": "What happens to a presumed thief, carrying a wallet that does not belong to him, who is held by the police?", "trg": "Kwenzekani kothathwa njengesela, othwele isikhwama semali okungasingesakhe, obanjwe mapholisa?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 296, "src": "She's slightly stubborn and shy, he's supportive of her training.", "trg": "Kancani unekani begodu unamahloni, uyamsekela ebandulweni lakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 297, "src": "Thoughtful details such as a protective tray cover and acrylic dirt guard ensure highest comfort and ease of cleaning.", "trg": "Imininingwana etjengisa ukucabanga efana nesembeso sethreyi sokuvikela kanye nesivikeli seensila se-akhrayiliki ukuqinisekisa ukuzigedla okukhulu kanye nobulula bokuhlwengisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 298, "src": "More than one math card game has been destroyed by a careless or reckless toddler before the game was finished.", "trg": "Umdlalo odlula munye wekarada leembalo umotjhwe lisana elingatjhejiko namkha elinganatjhejo ngaphambi kokuphela komdlalo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 299, "src": "Escape your daily routine and create a gorgeous wall display piece.", "trg": "Balekela umsebenzi wakho wangamalanga begodu wenze into ehle khulu ezakutjengiswa ebodeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 300, "src": "Fortunately, her boss and colleagues understood that she might be late arriving at the Google campus.", "trg": "Ngetjhudu elihle, umphathi nabasebenzisani bakhe bazwisisa bona angahle aladelwe ukufika ekhamphasini ye-Google."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 301, "src": "Although, \"celebrity crush\" seems like too narrow and shallow a term.", "trg": "Nanyana kunjalo, \"usaziwako amthanda kobudlhayela\" kubonakala kulithemu elingakadephi begodu nelingasibanzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 302, "src": "The professional services network is one of the first to release an early holiday shopping prediction survey this year.", "trg": "Ithungelelwano lemisebenzi yesiphrofetjhinali ngelokuthoma lokukhupha iphenyo lezokuthenga lamalanga wokuphumula wokuthoma kilonyaka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 303, "src": "The cub thoroughly enjoyed her treat and we were so thrilled to introduce her to pumpkin cookies.", "trg": "Umntwana wesilwana wathabela ukudla kwakhe begodu sasithabe khulu ukumupha kokuthoma amakuke wethanga."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 304, "src": "Always update your devices: smart hackers are always trying to catch up to device manufacturers and take advantage of them.", "trg": "Hlala ubeke ebujameni banjesi iinsetjenziswa zakho: abantu abasebenzisa amakhompyutha ukufumana idatha ngokungasimthetho bahlala balinga ukuba nelwazi lanjesi labenzi beensetjenziswa begodu babasebenzisela ukufikelela iinhloso zabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 305, "src": "As someone who frequently uses lists to manage anxiety and set priorities, I found the general idea attractive.", "trg": "Njengomuntu ohlala asebenzisa amarhemo ukulawula ivalo nokubeka amaqalontangi, ngafumana umqondo ojayelekileko udosa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 306, "src": "Remove the press cloth and iron fabric to eliminate excess moisture.", "trg": "Susa itjhila lokugandelela begodu u-ayine itjhila ukuphelisa amanzi amanengi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 307, "src": "Nothing like an odd, weird conversation to make a day interesting.", "trg": "Akunanto efana nekulumo engakajayeleki, emangazako ukwenza ilanga likarise."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 308, "src": "Portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) orientation is acceptable.", "trg": "Umfanekiso (ojame rwe) namkha othabaleleko (ovundlileko) uyamukeleka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 309, "src": "The intention is to display ads (via third-party services) that are relevant and engaging for individual users.", "trg": "Ihloso kutjengisa imikhangiso (ngokusebenzisa imisebenzi yomunye othintekako) efaneleko begodu nedosa umsebenzisi ngamunye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 310, "src": "Children who are resilient are brave, curious, confident, and problem-solvers.", "trg": "Abantwana abajamelana nobudisi banesibindi, balangazelela ilwazi, bayazithemba begodu bararululi bemiraro."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 311, "src": "They offer several features such as fire, carbon monoxide, and fall monitoring.", "trg": "Banikela ngezinto ezimbalwa ezifana nomlilo, i-carbon monoxide, kanye nokubekwa ilihlo kokuwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 312, "src": "The deceased was of an amiable and affectionate disposition, devoted to the welfare of his relatives.", "trg": "Ohlongakeleko wayenobungani nokuthandeka, azibophelele kuhlalakuhle yeenhlobo zakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 313, "src": "The wrong tenants may cause major damage and cut back the worth of the property.", "trg": "Abaqatjhi abangakalungi bangabanga umonakalo omkhulu begodu babulale inani lepahla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 314, "src": "Yes, I could be hurt on tomorrow\u2019s ride, but will that stop me?", "trg": "Iye, kungenzeka kube ngizwe ubuhlungu ngekhambo lakusasa, kodwana ingabe lokho kunzangenza ngilise?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 315, "src": "Plug in the saw, insert the yellow switch key, and proceed to cut.", "trg": "Plaga isarha, ufake isikhiya seswitjhi esisarulana begodu uragele phambili nokusika."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 316, "src": "As an entrepreneur, you have to perceive this and adapt to it.", "trg": "Njengomsungulimabhizinisi, kufanele ukubone lokhu begodu utjhugulukele kikho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 317, "src": "Our guests discuss the balancing act of letting kids explore without getting charged with neglect or abuse.", "trg": "Iimvakatjhi zethu zikhuluma ngesenzo sokunzinzisa ubujamo obungafaniko bokuvumela abantwana baphenyisise ngaphandle kokubonwa umlandu wokungatjheji namkha wokusebenzisa kumbi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 318, "src": "Both health conditions cause chest pain and are often confused.", "trg": "Bobubili ubujamo bezamaphilo bubanga ubuhlungu esifubeni begodu bavamise ukuraraniswa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 319, "src": "Sometimes they went to bed together, straight away, nothing said.", "trg": "Kwesinye isikhathi babeyokulala bobabili, khonokho, bangatjho litho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 320, "src": "Other cliff-hangers involve a dead body, a stealthy stranger, and mysterious noises in the night.", "trg": "Ezinye iimphetho ezilengisako zibandakanya umzimba ohlongakeleko, ongaziwako onyonyobelako, kanye namatjhada angaziwako ebusuku."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 321, "src": "The intermediate revision of the essay called for the removal of the \"sh\" sound from English", "trg": "Ukubuyekeza okumaphakathi kwendinyana kwakufuna ukususwa kwetjhada laka \"sh\" esiNgisini"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 322, "src": "If you recall, we were told in August that the economy was slowing and the recovery, which was slow, was losing steam.", "trg": "Nayikuthi uyakhumbula, satjelwa ngoRhoboyi bona umnotho wawutjhinga phasi begodu ukukhuphuka kwawo okwakubuthaka, kwakuphelelwa mamandla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 323, "src": "Regular maintenance of the notice board itself is essential.", "trg": "Ukugcina ebujameni obuhle kwanjalo kwebhodo yezaziso ngokwakho kuqakathekile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 324, "src": "Then the lame man will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing;", "trg": "Manje indoda ehluzako izakweqa njengeqina, begodu ilimu labangakhulumiko lizakuvuma;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 325, "src": "Any vaccine materials already made at the plant will be held in quarantine.", "trg": "Ezinye izinto zomjovo esele zenziwa eplantini zizakubekwa ngaphasi kwekarantini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 326, "src": "Optional active safety features include blind spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and rear cross traffic alert.", "trg": "Izinto ezisebenzako ezikhethwako zifaka ukwelusa kwe-blind spot, isiyeleliso sokuphuma ngemideni, kanye nesiyeleliso ngethrafiki eyeqa ngemva."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 327, "src": "The hike was gorgeous (and steep!), but invigorating to take in the majestic scenery\u2014the float was a blast too.", "trg": "Ukukhwela iintaba bekukuhle (godu kunyukela), kodwana kunikela amandla ukwamukela indawo ekarisa khulu - ukuthaya nakho kwakunebetho elikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 328, "src": "Two happy young girls laughing, drinking beer, and eating pizza at a home party late.", "trg": "Abantazanyana ababili abathabileko abahlekako, basela utjwala, badla iphitsa ekhaya benza iphathi bekube sebusuku."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 329, "src": "See extinct animals while sightseeing on the seashore!", "trg": "Bona iinlwana ezitjhabaleleko ngesikhathi uvakatjhela iindawo eligwini lelwandle!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 330, "src": "Yet when you receive the same specific reply three different times, maybe it\u2019s time to accept the answer.", "trg": "Bekube nje lokha nawufumana ipendulo efanako enqophileko iinkhathi ezintathu ezihlukileko, mhlamunye sikhathi sokwamukela ipendulo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 331, "src": "My next-door neighbor was the middle school principal, who told me she had a 7th-grade math job.", "trg": "Umakhelwani wami oseduze wayenguphrinsipla wesikolo samabanga aphakathi owangitjela wayenomsebenzi weembalo wegreyidi 7."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 332, "src": "Pet-friendly apartment community boasts stunning mountain and city views.", "trg": "Umphakathi wendawo enobungani eenlwaneni unentaba ehle khulu nokubonwa kwedorobha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 333, "src": "It demanded at least a temporary solution to avoid benefit reductions.", "trg": "Kwafuna ubuncani bakhona isisombululo sesikhatjhana ukubalekela ukwehliswa kwemivuzo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 334, "src": "You don't need any of the snake oils they want to sell you, like adhesion promoter, flex agent\u2014they are not needed.", "trg": "Awutlhogi enye yamafutha wenyoka abafuna ukukuthengisela wona njengesikhuthazi sokunamathelana, isitjhugutjhugululi sepende...azitlhogeki."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 335, "src": "He took a letter out of his sack and slid it into the slot.", "trg": "Wakhupha incwadi ngemgodleni wakhe begodu wayifaka ngaphakathi kwetjhuba elide."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 336, "src": "This is awful behavior to gain access. Online games are probably the best forms of leisure in existence.", "trg": "Lokhu kukuziohatha okumbi kokufumana ukufikelela...Imidlalo ye-inthanethi pheze mhlobo ophambili wokuzigedla ebukhoneni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 337, "src": "He started a very successful cycling holiday company and was part owner of a very busy bike shop.", "trg": "Wathoma ikhamphani yokukhamba ngeembhayisigili enepumelelo ekulu ngamalanga wokuphumula begodu wayemnikazi omunye wesitolo esibhizi khulu esithengisa iimbhayisigili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 338, "src": "Man requests sword fight with ex-wife and lawyer to settle legal dispute.", "trg": "Indoda ibawa ipi yeensabula nowayengukosikazi wayo negqwetha ukuze kuphethwe ngombango wezomthetho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 339, "src": "Hip-hop music video series highlighting top domestic, international, and pop-culture news each week.", "trg": "Umlandelande wevidiyo yomvumo we-hip hop eveza iindaba zesikopilo eliphambili langekhaya, leentjhabatjhaba kanye nele-pop iveke neveke."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 340, "src": "Host a Twitch live stream and explain the impact of the charity.", "trg": "Bamba ukurhatjhwa bunqopha kwe-Twitch begodu hlatulula umphumela wesirhawu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 341, "src": "The gallant groom is a well-known citizen of Shelby, a mining engineer by profession, and a most excellent gentleman.", "trg": "Umkhwenyana onesibindi sisakhamuzi esaziwa khulu se-Shelby, usonjiniyera wezeemayini ngokomsebenzi, begodu lisokana elihle khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 342, "src": "This is rubbish, I'm gonna be my sassy self and flirt with whoever i want and bang whoever i want and nevermind what my possessive husband wants.", "trg": "Lokhu akunagqondo, ngizokuba ngozele ipilo begodu ngidlalise ngokurhuga nanyana ngubani engimfunako begodu ngilale nananyana ngubani engimfunako begodu ngingatjheji ukobana umyenami ofuna loke itjhejo lami ufunani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 343, "src": "Even a very ordinary Hollywood product could wow audiences abroad.", "trg": "Sengitjho nomkhiqizo ojayeleke khulu we-Hollywood ungenza iimbukeli zangaphatjheya zikhuze."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 344, "src": "Price refers to the launch vehicle selected, including the destination charge.", "trg": "Intengo itjho ukuhlonywa kwekoloyi ekhethiweko, kufaka imbhadelo yalapho iya khona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 345, "src": "Doing something quickly for the sake of getting it done can\u2019t prove to be a worse endeavor than not meeting a deadline.", "trg": "Ukwenza into msinyana ukwenzela ukuthi yenziwe nje angeze kwaba bufakazi bomzamo omumbi ukudlula ukungahlangabezani nelanga elibekiweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 346, "src": "The good news is that over the past decade we have achieved a remarkable record of cooperation and convergence.", "trg": "Iindaba ezimnandi kukobana esikhathini seminyaka elitjhumi edlulileko sifikelele irekhodi elihle khulu lokubambisana nokurweyilelana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 347, "src": "The first batch of cookies tended to melt even before going to the oven.", "trg": "Isiqhema sokuthoma samakokisi besivamise ukuncibilika sengitjho ngaphambi kokungena nge-ondweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 348, "src": "Other organisations engaged in statistics are welcome to join this collaborative model.", "trg": "Ezinye iinhlangano ezikhulumisana ngeembalobalo zamukelekile ukuhlanganyela kilesisifaniso sokubambisana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 349, "src": "The evidence was spread all over the floor near the bread shelves.", "trg": "Ubufakazi barhatjheka iphasi loke hlanu kwamatjhelfu woburotho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 350, "src": "Yes, they actively mock, cheat, and insult their own readers behind closed doors with other members of the fellowship.", "trg": "Iye, ngokubonakalko bahleka, badlelezela, begodu bathuka abadosiphambili babo ngemsitheleni namanye amalunga wehlanganyela yesingani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 351, "src": "Manage complex application architecture and installation procedure in simple text files.", "trg": "Phatha ibizelo elirareneko lokutlanywa kwemakhiwo kanye nekambiso faka yokufaka kumafayili wemitlolo alula."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 352, "src": "Honestly, if you consider yourself a bro and have never been to Vegas, get your bros together and go.", "trg": "Ngokuthembeka, nayikuthi uzithatha njengomngani begodu azange uye e-Vegas, buthelela abangani bakho begodu niye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 353, "src": "hmm congrats i guess", "trg": "hmm ngicabanga bona ngithi halala"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 354, "src": "Made with nourishing parsley, warming pumpkin, and beneficial turmeric, it's as tasty as it is versatile.", "trg": "Yenziwe nge-parsley eyakha umzimba, ithanga elifuthumezako, kanye nethumerikhi enobuhle, inambitheka njengeendlela ezinengi ongayisebenzisa ngazo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 355, "src": "Provide positive feedback for strengths that already exist.", "trg": "Nikela ngombiko obuyako omuhle ekuqineni esele kukhona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 356, "src": "It is vital that the resident be aware of the specific bed reservation policy of their sponsoring agency, if any.", "trg": "Kuqakathekile ukobana isakhamuzi sazi ngomthethomgomo onqophileko wokubekelwa ngeqadi kwemibhede yabasebenzeli babo abasekelako, nabakhona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 357, "src": "Other people feel a need to bully, manipulate, shout, and push their perspectives upon one another.", "trg": "Abanye abantu babona itlhogeko yokuphalisela amandla, ukusebenzisa kumbi, ukurhuwelela, kanye nokukatelela imibono yabo phezu komunye umuntu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 358, "src": "Maps affect natural resource distribution, transportation, disaster relief, and urban planning.", "trg": "Imebhe ithinta kumbi ukusatjalaliswa kwemithombo yemvelo, ukuthuthwa, isizo lehlekelele kanye nokutlama kwemadorobheni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 359, "src": "Check measurements like shoulders, bust, waist, and hips.", "trg": "Hlola iinlinganiso ezifana namahlombe, isifuba, idini, kanye neenyonga."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 360, "src": "They sought to preserve a broad established church, with generous freedom of worship and association outside it.", "trg": "Bafuna ukubulunga isondo elihlonywe laba likhulu, ngekululeko yokudumisa ngokunikela kanye nokuhlanganyela ngaphandle kwakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 361, "src": "nope i am not a simp", "trg": "awa angisisidlhayela"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 362, "src": "Their internal hierarchy is based on violence and fear in a constant battle for dominance.", "trg": "Irherho labo lokulandelana kwezinto lisekelwe enturhwini nekusabeni epini yanjalo yokulwela ukuhlula."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 363, "src": "Define and implement an incident response management process, deploy necessary tools.", "trg": "Hlathulula bewufezakalise ikambiso yokulawulwa kwependulo yesehlakalo, uthumele amathulusi atlhogekako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 364, "src": "He probably was the first to capture and synthesize sound from a live instrument for a computer composition.", "trg": "Pheze nguye wokuthoma owabamba bewenza itjhada ukusuka esililisweni esisebenzako sokuthiya kwekhompyutha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 365, "src": "I abide by my belief that we must endure and maintain good cheer without exception, no matter how arbitrary our plan is.", "trg": "Ngithobela ikolelo yami bona kufuze sikghodlhelele begodu sigcine ithabo elihle ngaphandle kokuphambuka, kungaqalwa ukobana ihlelo alithathi ihlangothi kangangani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 366, "src": "While his rival would taunt and tease, Joe silently bore the stings.", "trg": "Nanyana imbangi yakhe beyimrhuga begodu idlala ngaye, u-Jose ngokuthula wayebetha ezibudisi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 367, "src": "Muslim women face discrimination and prejudice at the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, and religion.", "trg": "Abomma bamaMoslemu baqalana nokubandlululwa kanye nokuzindlelwa ekuhlanganeni kobulili, ubutjhaba, ubuhlanga, kanye nekolo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 368, "src": "Expect (and prepare) for rain, wind, and cold (especially in autumn and winter).", "trg": "Lindela (begodu lungiselela) izulu, ummoya, kanye namakhaza (khulukhulu ngesiruthwana nebusika)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 369, "src": "Customers are liable for any import or customs duties on arrival of the rug in their country.", "trg": "Amakhastama kufanele abhadele okhunye nokhunye ukuletha ngenarheni namkha imithelo yomyango yokungeniswa kwepahla ekufikeni komada ngenarheni yawo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 370, "src": "Perhaps make a big effort to give thanks for each meal today.", "trg": "Mhlamunye yenza umzamo omkhulu wokuthokoza ngesinye nesinye isidlo namhlanjesi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 371, "src": "Common side effects of Flecainide include headaches, dizziness, upset stomach, and feeling tired or weak.", "trg": "Imiphumela engakalindelwa ejayelekileko ye-Flecainide ifaka ukuphathwa yihloko, ukuba nesiyezi, indeni esebenzako kanye nomuzwa wokudinwa namkha ukutlhoga amandla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 372, "src": "If you missed the signs of the first stage, you will not have a clue that the cow should have already delivered a calf.", "trg": "Naykuthi ukhuthe amatshwayo wesikhathi sokuthoma, awuzukwazi bona ikomo kufanele sele izele ikonyana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 373, "src": "Husband presented future wife with expensive watch as gift.", "trg": "Umyeni wanikela umkakhe wangomuso iwatjhi ebizako njengesipho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 374, "src": "You're acknowledging receipt and being polite at the same time.", "trg": "Uvuma ukwamukela kanye nokuzithoba ngesikhathi sinye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 375, "src": "Wiseau then becomes jealous as Greg seems to move away from his toxic influence.", "trg": "U-Wiseau manje uba nomona njengombana u-Greg abonakala asuka ethelelweni elimbi nje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 376, "src": "You can substitute whole wheat for white flour; my apologies if you don\u2019t have a scale to measure out the dry ingredients properly.", "trg": "Ungajamiselela ikoroyi eneenthoro ngeflowuru emhlophe; ngiyacolisa nayikuthi awunasikala sokulinganisa iinongo ezomileko ngefanelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 377, "src": "Keshiri clothing on the continent included simple, sleeveless tunics, wristbands, and trousers for men;", "trg": "Izembatho ze-Keshiri ekhontinenthini bezifaka amatjhuniga alula, anganamikhono, amabhade wesihlakaleni, kanye namabhrugu wamadoda;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 378, "src": "Bringing war criminals to justice asks fundamental moral questions.", "trg": "Ukuletha iinlelesi zepi ukubona ziqalane nobulungiswa kubuza umbuso wezokuziphatha oqakathekileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 379, "src": "The narrative essay written by my peer was about a tool used to hold a sheet on a bed.", "trg": "Indatjana ecocwako etlolwe mnganami yayiphathelene nethulusi elisetjenziswe ukubamba ilageni embhedeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 380, "src": "Just kidding!", "trg": "Ngiyadlala!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 381, "src": "Rih, a deaf former soldier, plots rebellion while married to a queer, teenage god.", "trg": "U-Rih, owayelisotja eliNgezwako, uhlela ukuvukela umbuso ngesikhathi atjhade nozinyana osakhulako ongaziwako bona ubulilibani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 382, "src": "The consequences of this belief can consist of the poor feeling that it is their fault that they are not effective.", "trg": "Imiphumela yalekolelo ingabunjwa mumuzwa omumbi wokobana kuyiphoso yabo ukobana abanapumelelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 383, "src": "Congratulations, you\u2019ve just changed your default email signature!", "trg": "Siyakuthokozisa, uqeda ukutjhugulula itlikitlo lakho le-imeyili elikhethelwe futhi!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 384, "src": "To solve your query, I am explaining the difference between the kitchen chimney and exhaust fan.", "trg": "Ukurarulula umbuzo wakho, ngihlathulula umehluko phakathi kwetjhimela yekhwitjhi nefeni ye-okzozo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 385, "src": "My main advice is to start making concrete plans for what your exit strategy is.", "trg": "Isiyeleliso sami esikhulu kuthoma ngamahlelo aqinileko wokobana khuyini iqhinga lakho lokuphuma."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 386, "src": "Are you satisfied with the outcome of your pathetic quarrel?", "trg": "Ingabe uyaneliswa ngomphumela wokuphikisana kwakho okunganasizo?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 387, "src": "The enormous demon horn necklace restores health for every bone buried, and helped me win easily.", "trg": "Umbhayelo omkhulu wentanyeni wephondo ledimoni ubuyisela ipilo kilo loke ithambo elingcwatjiweko, begodu ungisize ukuthumba lula."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 388, "src": "Unable to sustain themselves in the city, they returned to the village where good fish and forest animals are abundant.", "trg": "Ngokungakghoni ukuziphilisa edorobheni, babuyela emakhaya lapho ihlambi ehle kanye neenlwana zamahlathi zizinengi khona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 389, "src": "But brick and mortar can\u2019t compete with consumers', especially Millennials', demand for online convenience.", "trg": "Kodwana isitina nedaka angeze zaphalisana nabasebenzisipahla, khulukhulu ifuno yama-Millennials, yobulula be-inthanethi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 390, "src": "The smallness of my cry was in comparison like the whisper of a ghost.", "trg": "Ubuncani besililo sami babumadaniseka njengokuhleba kwesipuku."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 391, "src": "As we give attention to ourselves in this way, with our neutral curiosity and inquiry, we invite the self to emerge.", "trg": "Njengombana sizinikela itjhejo ngalendlela, ngokubuza kwethu imibuzo okungathathi ihlangothi nokufuna ilwazi, sizimema ukobana sivele."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 392, "src": "This has to do with fluid retention, although it may look like a pregnant belly!", "trg": "Lokhu kuhlobana nokugcinwa kokusamanzi, nanyana kungaqaleka njengesisu esizithweleko!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 393, "src": "Their siblings will be given priority for any available spaces.", "trg": "Abantwana bekhabo bazakunikelwa iqalontangi kezinye nezinye iinkhala ezikhona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 394, "src": "It was nothing to jump on a plane for an international adventure or a spontaneous weekend trip to a bucket-list city.", "trg": "Kwakungasililitho ukweqela ngesiphaphamtjhinini ukuya ekhambeni elinobungozi leentjhabatjhaba namkha ikhambo lakhonokho lepelaveke lokuya edorobheni ofisa ukulikhambela ngomuso."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 395, "src": "Increasing habitat destruction has seen gray wolf populations shrink in size.", "trg": "Ukumotjhwa okwandako kweendawo zokuhlala kwenze iintjhaba zevolfu emlotha zinciphe ngobukhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 396, "src": "Great value overall, comes with a nice heavy duty plastic case.", "trg": "Inani elikhulukhulu, liza ngekasi leplastiki elihle eliqinileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 397, "src": "The spinach export price continues to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern.", "trg": "Intengo yokuthunyelwa ngaphandle kwespinatjhi iragela phambili nokutjengisa umukghwa wephetheni ephasi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 398, "src": "Although they lost all their money they continued to behave in their usual wealthy way in their social circle.", "trg": "Nanyana balahlekelwe ngiyo yoke imali yabo baragela phambili nokuziphatha ngendlela ejayelekileko etjengisa ukunotha ebantwini abaphila nabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 399, "src": "Enjoy your Tuesday evening, everyone ... see you here again very soon!", "trg": "Kini noke, thabelani ubusuku benu bangeLesibili ... sizakubonana lapha godu ingasi kade!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 400, "src": "Ride a giant wolf spider for its climb speed, poison bite, and creep factor.", "trg": "Khwela isiswebu esikhulu sevolfu ukwenzela ukukhwela kwaso kwebelo, ukuluma kwaso okunetjhefu, kanye nokunyonyobela kwaso."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 401, "src": "Stack the pillow on top of the mat, then wrap the strap around this bundle.", "trg": "Paka umsamelo ngaphezulu komada, manje bopha buzombeleza ngentambo isiqubuthwesi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 402, "src": "Did your high school play an important role in helping you choose your further education and future career?", "trg": "Ingabe isikolo sakho samabanga aphezulu sidlale indima ekulu ekukusizeni ekuthini ukhethei ifundo yakho eragela phambili kanye nebizelo langomuso?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 403, "src": "And then, an abandoned house, the yard filled with rustic, useless junk scattered about.", "trg": "Manje, indlu enganamuntu, ijarada ezele isila engakajayeleki, enganamsebenzi erhatjheke koke."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 404, "src": "Extremely wide and extremely fast for shooting anything handheld in decent light.", "trg": "Kubanzi begodu kumsinya khulu malungana nokudumuza into ebanjwe ngesandla emkhanyweni omuhle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 405, "src": "And for that I am embarrassed, and disappointed, and angry.", "trg": "Begodu malungana nalokho ngiphoqekile, begodu ngidanile, bengikwatile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 406, "src": "It includes a legend of a devil beast, a century-old family curse.", "trg": "Ifakahlangana inolwana-mlando emayelana nesilwana esikhulu sakasathana, isiqalekiso somndeni sekhulu leminyaka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 407, "src": "Cease consuming processed foods like white flour, which, though gentle on the digestion, is equal to a snack.", "trg": "Ukulisa ukudla okulungisiweko njengeflowuru emhlophe, nanoma ithambile ekugayekeni, iyafana nesnegi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 408, "src": "Use a single address label that has clear, complete delivery and return information.", "trg": "Sebenzisa i-adresi ecacileko, nepheleleko yokudiliva nokubuyisa ilwazi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 409, "src": "We scream into a couch cushion, nearby bush, or tree hollow.", "trg": "Sirhuwelela phezu komsamelwana wesofa, ehlatjhaneni eliseduze, nofana emgodini womuthi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 410, "src": "School attendance is affected as children are merely too hungry to concentrate and thus stay home to hustle for food.", "trg": "Ukuya esikolweni kuyathinteka njengoba abantwana balambe khulu ukobana bangalalelisisa begodu ngalokho-ke bahlala ekhaya baphande ukudla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 411, "src": "You are outgoing and social and you thrive on communication and connection with others on an intellectual level.", "trg": "Uthanda ukuphuma bewuhlangane nabantu begodu uyaphumelela kezokuthintana begodu uhlangane nabanye eleveli yobuhlakani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 412, "src": "The first lion killed measured nine feet, eight inches (3 meters) from nose to tip of tail.", "trg": "Ibhubezi lokuthoma elibuleweko limafidi alithoba, ama-intjhi abunane (amamitha 3) kusuka epumulweni ukuya ependeni yomsila."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 413, "src": "Haitians fought and won the only ever successful national slave revolution in history.", "trg": "Abantu be-Haiti balwa bebathumba umzabalazo wobukghoba okwaba ngiwo wodwa emlandwini wobukghoba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 414, "src": "Only a genius could invent a suitcase with a whistle attached!", "trg": "Sihlakaniphi kwaphela esingatlama isukesi enefengwana enamathele kiyo!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 415, "src": "In general, it is important to expose an injury at the skin layer to understand the exact scope and extent of the wound.", "trg": "Ngokuvamileko, kuqakathekile ukuveza inceba elisesikhumbeni ukobana kuzwisiswe ubukhulu nobabanzi benceba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 416, "src": "Careful snow evaluation, cautious route-finding, and conservative decision-making are essential.", "trg": "Ukuhlolisisa ngokutjheja igabhogo, ukuthola indlela ngokutjheja kanye nokwenza isiqunto ngokwelwazi onalo kuqakathekile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 417, "src": "What I mean is, you can\u2019t buy stuff cheap and sell it dear.", "trg": "Engikutjhoko kukuthi, angeze wathenga izinto ngeentengo eziphasi bese uyazithengisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 418, "src": "Kandyan drummers led the accused war criminal to the site where he laid the foundation stone.", "trg": "Ababethiingungu be-Kandyan badosa phambili iselelesi esisolwa ngepi endaweni lapho abeka ilitjhe lesikhumbuzo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 419, "src": "This pass is a custom book that players can carry in their inventory.", "trg": "Ipasa le yincwajana abadlali abangayiphatha epahleni yabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 420, "src": "An important part of my identity is my indigenous heritage, and our connection with birds like the crow and raven.", "trg": "Igcenye eqakathekileko yobumina magugu wendabuko wami, kaye nokuthintana kwethu neenyoni ezifana namagwababa namagubulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 421, "src": "The investigation revealed the elderly male has a suspended license.", "trg": "Iphenyo laveza bona umuntu omdana okhulakhulileko unelayisensi ejanyisiweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 422, "src": "If you swear a lot on your podcast, then it might not be worth the editing time to make it broadcast-compatible.", "trg": "Nangabe uthukana khulu kuphotkhasti yakho, angeze kwabaluleka bona edithwe ukobana ifaneleke bona irhatjhwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 423, "src": "Only these are able to enable efficient and cost-effective production.", "trg": "Ngilokhu kwaphela okukghonakaza ukukhiqiza ngepumelelo nangeendleko eziphasi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 424, "src": "Tender cabbage, fluffy potato gnocchi, and smoky sausage swim in a creamy, cheesy beer soup base.", "trg": "Ikhabitjhi ebuthakathaka, amazambana athambileko, kanye nesoseji engaphakathi kwekhrimi, isobho yebhiya enetjhizi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 425, "src": "His deep concern for those whose family members suffered death suddenly.", "trg": "Ukutshwenyeka kwakhe malungana nalabo imindeni yabo ehlongakele kungakalindelwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 426, "src": "All travel guides describe every country as beautiful and lovely.", "trg": "Boke abeluleki bezamavakatjho bahlathulula zoke iinarha njengezihle nezithandekako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 427, "src": "However, despite these factors, there was never any regret or desire to quit.", "trg": "Kodwana, nangaphandle kwamaphuzu la, azange kube nokuzisola nofana ikanuko yokulisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 428, "src": "The mother and father invest a lot of time, money and energy to give their darling daughter the wedding of her dreams.", "trg": "Umma nobaba basebenzisa isikhathi, nemali enengi kanye namandla ukuze benzele indodakazi yabo umtjhado wamabhudango wayo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 429, "src": "The fabric hood-mask covers entire head and mesh-covered eye-opening will comfortably restrict vision.", "trg": "Imaksi eyenziwe ngetjhila ivala ihloko yoke bese iimbotjana zamehlo ezineesefana zizokunciphisa ukubona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 430, "src": "He watched Hamilton writing his name in the discipline file, a file as familiar to him as the bench outside the office.", "trg": "Wabukela uHamilton atlola ibizo lakhe efayilini yabafundi, ifayili ayijayele njengebhanka elingaphandle kwe-ofisi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 431, "src": "Panic struck like a lightning bolt, and he stood up and whirled around, taking stock of the boundaries of his prison.", "trg": "Ivalo labetha njengombani, bese wasikima wakhambakhamba, aqala imikhawulo yejele lakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 432, "src": "Cluster of unhatched insect eggs of a shield bug on a leaf.", "trg": "Iqoqo lamaqanda womthinyela angakaphandluselwa aphezu kwekari."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 433, "src": "Every single one of my main characters has one personality trait of mine, including the villain (which is kinda scary).", "trg": "Boke abalingisi bami abaphuma phambili banento yinye esifana ngayo, okufakahlangana ukuba sigebengu (okuyinto ethusako)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 434, "src": "Keep your sink shining and free of dirty dishes at all times.", "trg": "Gcina izinki yakho ihlanzekile inganazitja ezisilapheleko ngaso soke isikhathi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 435, "src": "Thoughts drift toward favorite vacation spots, and memories come forth of summer activities past.", "trg": "Imicabango sele ikhambakhamba endaweni yokuvakatjha ethandwako, begodu sele kufika ukukhumbula lokho okwenzeka ngesikhathi sehlobo esidlulileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 436, "src": "The queue for the event was strangely small, so I released my parrot from the cage.", "trg": "Umjeje womnyanya bewumncani ngokurarako, njeke ngakhupha ubhobhorhayami ngekhejini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 437, "src": "Desperate to flee this nightmare, I ran to the back of the room and perched on a little pink stool.", "trg": "Ngokufuna ukubalekela ubudisi lobu, ngagijimela ngemva kwekumba, ngahlala estudlwaneni esipinki."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 438, "src": "We would arrive back home both in a mess of tears and totally exhausted.", "trg": "Sizakufika ekhaya sisilaphazwe ziinyembezi begodu sidinwe khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 439, "src": "Refrain from consuming the meat of endangered species to battle the illegal wildlife trade.", "trg": "Lisa ukuthenga inyama yeenlwana ezisengozini ukwenzela ukulwisana nokurhweba ngeenyamazana zommango ngokungasimthethweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 440, "src": "It is fairer to listen to the string that broke than to never strain a bow.", "trg": "Kungcono ukubambelela entweni engakapheleli, sekunokungabi nombono namunye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 441, "src": "Ben\u2019s clingy behaviour begins to annoy Amy, who is also struggling to cope with her family life.", "trg": "Ukuthanda ukunamathelana kwakaBen sele kuthoma ukudina u-Amy, naye otlhagela ukujamelana nepilo yomndeni wakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 442, "src": "Loan proceeds may be used for payroll, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and interest payments on existing debt.", "trg": "Iimali ezifunyenwe ngeloni zingasetjenziswa malungana nemirholo, irende nofana ukubhadela imothigeji, iinsetjenziswa, nokubhadela amakonyana weenkwelede ezikhona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 443, "src": "The conflict was hectic and I was frightened at first, but I became numb soon, and my mind was absent like it had been erased with an eraser, and everything seemed very abstract.", "trg": "Ukurarana kwaba kumbi begodu bengithukiwe ekuthomeni, kodwana ngafa imizwa msinya, begodu ingqondo yami yalahleka ngasuthi isulwe ngeraba, begodu yoke into bekugathi ayibonakali."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 444, "src": "We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and inform you of how we will intend to resolve the dispute.", "trg": "Sizakwamukela isinghonghoyilo sakho emalangeni ama-5 wokusebenza begodu sikwazise ukobana sizokurarulula njani ukungaboni ngelihlo linye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 445, "src": "Currently, I am a senior research scientist studying obesity in a university lab.", "trg": "Njenganje, ngingusosayensi omrhubhululi omkhulu ofunda ngemizimba emikhulu elebhu yeyunivesithi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 446, "src": "Beauty became her mystery, companion, guide, and inspiration.", "trg": "Ubuhle baba yinto engazwisisekiko,ubungani, ukuhlala, kanye nokugqugquzeleka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 447, "src": "As with any new exercise, start low and increase weight only when you feel comfortable.", "trg": "Njengananyana ngikuphi ukuzithabulula okutjha, thoma ezingeni eliphasi bese ungezelela ubudisi lokha nasele uzizwa utjhaphulukile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 448, "src": "If you\u2019ve been in Texas for any period, you probably cringe at the word.", "trg": "Nangabe ukhewaba se-Texas kinanyana ngisiphi isikhathi, uzokuthuka womelele ngokuzwa igama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 449, "src": "When we are obedient, faithful and fervent in spirit, and honest, miracles will happen every time we pray to God.", "trg": "Nasizithobako, sikholwa begodu sinethando emmoyeni, sithembeka, iimangaliso zizokwenzeka ngasosoke isikhathi nasithandaza kuZimu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 450, "src": "Visualize response performance by date range or region so you can identify potential bottlenecks.", "trg": "Yakha isithombengqondo ngesikhathi sokuphendula ngesilinganiso sedeyidi nofana irijini ukuze ubone iinqabo ezingabakhona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 451, "src": "People may have trouble being honest about what their issues around food really are.", "trg": "Abantu bangaba nomraro ngokuthi bakhulume ngokuthembeka mayelana nokuthi ngimiphi imiraro yabo ngokudla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 452, "src": "Use an adjective and a descriptive noun to give your character a dominant impression.", "trg": "Sebenzisa isiphawulo nesitlhadlhuli ukobana unikele umlingisi wakho umbono olawulako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 453, "src": "In every department of science, and even in general literature, such coincidences of observation will often occur;", "trg": "Kiyo yoke iminyango yezesayensi, begodu nemitlolweni zombelele, ukutjheja okunje kuzokuvama ukwenzeka;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 454, "src": "Themes of greed and revenge lead to a stunning surprise ending (genre: crime fiction)", "trg": "Immongo yomrhobholo nokuzibuyiselela idosela esiphethweni esimangazako (umhlobo: inganekwani yobulelesi)"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 455, "src": "Very fine article though, sir, and I do admire the long reply.", "trg": "Yi-atikili ehle khulu nomzana, begodu ngiyayibuka ipendulo ede."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 456, "src": "Vase painting scenes suggest that girls played ball, received dance instruction, and perhaps engaged in swimming races.", "trg": "Iinthombe zemigwalo yemijekana iveza umbono wokobana abantazana bebadlala ibholo, bathola imilayo yokujida, begodu mhlambe bazibandakanya emaphaliswaneni wokududa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 457, "src": "The pin up and vintage lifestyle is for everybody, regardless their age, shape and gender.", "trg": "Ukuqobotjhelela phezulu kanye nendlela yakade yokuphila ingeyomuntu woke, kungakaqalwa iminyaka, ijamo nobulili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 458, "src": "Withdrawal effects are small and more annoying than dangerous.", "trg": "Imithelela yokulisa mincani begodu iyadina kunokuba yingozi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 459, "src": "It is going to give you such an immense reward, such tremendous satisfaction as an artist.", "trg": "Izokunikela umvuzo omkhulu, ukwaneliseka okukhulu njengesikghwari."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 460, "src": "Addicted babies suffer painful withdrawal when denied the substances that feed their craving for meat molecules.", "trg": "Abantwana abakhobongekileko bezwa ubuhlungu khulu nabalisako lokha nabalelwa nesidakamizwa esifunza ikanuko yabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 461, "src": "I was left speechless at the gossip about his soulmate cheating on him!", "trg": "Ngasala nginganamlomo ngokuhleba okumayelana nokuthi umuntwakhe unomunye umuntu ahlekisana naye!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 462, "src": "Wear a suit to decrease the bias others will experience towards you.", "trg": "Yembatha isudu ukobana wehlise ukuthatha ihlangothi abanye abangaba nakho kuwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 463, "src": "They feel like it makes us untrustworthy, selfish, spoiled, and rude.", "trg": "Babona ngasuthi yenza bona singathembeki, ubugovu, ukonakala, nokubahlaza."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 464, "src": "But there was also a dash of pity and obligation in it, and that part bothered Harry.", "trg": "Kodwana kwaba nezwelo elincani nesibopho kikho, begodu ihlangothelo latshwenya uHarry."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 465, "src": "Quotation marks are seen simply as being an unnecessary nuisance, like a speed bump on a drag strip!", "trg": "Amatshwayo wokudzubhula abonwa njengento edinako engakafaneli, njenge hampu lokwehlisa ibelo emtletlaneni ohlukanisa indlela!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 466, "src": "If your next construction or mining project needs to transport bulk materials, you will most likely need a dump truck.", "trg": "Nangabe emsebenzini wakho wekontraga olandelako nofana ephrojekthini yokumayina uzokufuna ukuthutha imetheriyeli ngobunengi, kuzokufuneka bona ubenelori ekulu yemithwalo ebudisi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 467, "src": "We will most likely see an extension of the current lockdown while our government ramps up the vaccination efforts.", "trg": "Pheze sizokubona ukungezelelwa kokuqinteliswa kwamakhambo okukhona ngesikhathi urhulumende aqinisa imizamo yokujova."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 468, "src": "No doubt they are as anxious and excited about all this as we are.", "trg": "Akunakungabaza bona batshwenyekile begodu bathabile ngakho koke lokhu njengathi soke."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 469, "src": "The difference is their tolerance to the pain and how they manifest the ache.", "trg": "Umehluko kubekezelela ubuhlungu kwabo nokuthi bakutjengisa njani ukuzwa ubuhlungu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 470, "src": "Premium Plus trim adds a rear park assist camera, quick-fold front passenger seat, and grocery bag holder.", "trg": "Isekelo eliJayelekileko elikhethwa mthengi lingezelela ikhamera yangemuva yokusiza ukuphaga, isidi lomkhweli langaphambili elivaleka msinya, kanye nesibambi sesikhwama segrozari."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 471, "src": "The plot had a female doctor hire seven mercenaries to defend an intellectually disabled boy from a lynching.", "trg": "Iplodo belinodorhodera omsikazi oqatjhe amamesenari alikhomba ukobana avikele umsana ongakapheleli ehloko ekutheni angabulawa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 472, "src": "One negative point associated with the crunchy nut cereal from Millville is that it is also high on sugar.", "trg": "Into yinye engasiyihle ehlotjaniswa neseriyeli yamanathi arhwamuzelako avela e-Millville kukuthi nayo inetjhukela enengi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 473, "src": "Also note that you are studying an earlier draft of the poem.", "trg": "Godu yelela bona ufunda itlhatlha langaphambili lekondlo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 474, "src": "For instance, producers decided to hike pork and beef prices amid problems with the supply chain.", "trg": "Ukwenza umzekelo, abakhiqizi baqunte ukukhuphula intengo zenyama yefarigi neyekomo phakathi kwemiraro erherhweni lokusabalalisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 475, "src": "The compact car offers a security pack including dead angle detection, intelligent cruise control and lane change alert.", "trg": "Ikoloyi encani inevikeleko elifakahlangana ukuthola i-engele efileko, ilawulo lekhruzi kanye nesiyeleliso sokutjhugulula ilayini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 476, "src": "The booster shot will make you less contagious and will not inconvenience you", "trg": "Umjovo oyibhusta uzokwenza bona ungatheleli abanye begodu angeze ukuphazamise ndawo"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 477, "src": "Return the pan to the stove, lower the heat to medium, and cook the mushrooms, onions, and garlic until tender.", "trg": "Buyisela ipani estofini, yehlisela umlilo kumidiyamu, pheka amakhowe ne-anyanisi negaligi bezithambe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 478, "src": "Below, we list five useful styling tips that will make wide-leg pants spice up your winter wardrobe.", "trg": "Ngenzasi sirhelise amathipsi alisizo wokwenza iintayela zokwenza amabhrugu anemilenze evulekileko azokutjhukumisa izambatho zakho zebusika."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 479, "src": "Join us next week for another exciting topic or interview with a great guest.", "trg": "Hlanganyela nathi godu iveke ezako malungana nesihloko nofana i-inthaviyu nesivakatjhi esikarisako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 480, "src": "with is a preposition.", "trg": "u-na sinabiso."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 481, "src": "To accomplish such a great task against long odds will require a highly diverse and efficient organization.", "trg": "Ukuze siphumelele ukwenza umsebenzi omkhulu lo ngaphezu kwalokho okungaba ziinqabo sizokutlhoga ihlangano enemihlobohlobo yamakghono nephumelelako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 482, "src": "Anyway, besides email and a phone meeting regarding the Secret, that was yesterday.", "trg": "Noma kunjalo, ngaphandle kwe-imeyili kanye nomhlangano ngefowunu mayelana nefihlo, lokho bekuyizolo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 483, "src": "Thursday and bored already lol I'm married but looking for some excitement.", "trg": "KungeLesine begodu nginesizungu, kuyahlekisa ngombana ngitjhadile kodwana ngifuna ukuzithabisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 484, "src": "We also recommend combining it with other jewelry of ours as a colorful highlight; see the bracelet set \"Sky\"!", "trg": "Godu siphakamisa ukuhlanganisa amanye amajuwelari wethu abe yinto ehle egcamileko, qala ibhreyislethi ebekiweko \"Isibhakabhaka\"!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 485, "src": "Ojinguh chomuchim is a sweet and spicy side dish made with fresh vegetables and blanched squid.", "trg": "I-Ojinguh chomuchim kukudla okusudu nokunempayisi okwenziwe ngemirorho efretjhi kanye ne-blanched squid."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 486, "src": "Lisa found peace from electro-pollution by moving to an off-grid cottage in the Swedish countryside with her family.", "trg": "ULisa wathola ukuthula etjhadeni ebekalibangelwa zizinto zegezi lokha nakazakufudukela endlini engasiseduze nezinto zegezi eSweden lapho kunomndeni wakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 487, "src": "No girl should be left behind or miss out on an opportunity because she gets her period!", "trg": "Akekho umntazana ekufanele atjhiywe ngemuva nofana aphundwe lithuba ngombana ubasesikhathini!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 488, "src": "Only eleven members of the block club\u2019s hundred twenty-members showed up to participate in the discussion.", "trg": "Malunga alitjhumi nanye kwaphela wetlabha yebhlogo enamalunga alikhulu namatjhumi amabili akghone ukuhlanganyela emikhulumiswaneni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 489, "src": "Execute engaging marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness, generate leads, and grow customer prospect engagement.", "trg": "Yenza amajima wokumaketha amahle ukwenzela bona ibrendi yaziwe, irherhe begodu ikhulise amathuba wokuhlangana nalabo abangaba makhastama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 490, "src": "They\u2019re actually a little sweet (unless you hit a nasty-bad bitter one).", "trg": "Kuhlekuhle asudunyana (ngaphandle kokuthi uphadlhe elibabababako)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 491, "src": "Check our previous posts for another delicious yet budget-wise recipe.", "trg": "Hlola amaphosti wethu adlulileko malungana namanye amaresiphu wethu amnandi nangabiziko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 492, "src": "Incredible detail, fantastic expression, and creative execution combine to form exhibit-worthy creations.", "trg": "Imininingwana ekarisako, ukubonakala okuhle, ukusebenza okunobuhlakani ukwakha ubuhle obufanele umqaliso."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 493, "src": "It took some treats, some baby talk, and ultimately just plain old patience.", "trg": "Kwathatha ukuziphatha, ilimi lobuntwana, begodu ekugcineni kwaba kubekezela nje kwekadeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 494, "src": "Also, affirm if the mole trap supplier will be swift, prompt and punctual in their activities.", "trg": "Godu, qinisekisa bona abathengisi beenthiyo zefukwana bazokuba msinya, bangabi nokuriyada bebabambe nesikhathi emisebenzini yabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 495, "src": "Thank you so much for all your help and for being so dedicated, helpful, cheerful, and energetic.", "trg": "Ngithokoza khulu malungana nesizo lakho loke kanye nokuzinikela nokuba lisizo, nokuhlala umomotheka begodu unomdlandla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 496, "src": "The anonymous taster was so surprised at the unusual but fantastic taste that he dropped the flower vase.", "trg": "Umnambithi ongaziwako wamangala khulu ngomnambitho ongakajayeleki kodwana omnandi bewawisa nomjekana wamathuthumbo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 497, "src": "On foot, the freneticism of rush hour lane changes easily fades into a lazy country stroll.", "trg": "Nawukhamba ngeenyawo, ithabo lokuba sendleleni enesiphithiphithi litjhuguluka lula liphelele ekukhambeni kabuthaka nje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 498, "src": "Create content that does more than look pretty, but also addresses each customer\u2019s unique journey.", "trg": "Yenza okumumethweko okwenza okunengi sekunokuba kuhle nje, kodwana kutjheje amakhambo angafaniko wamakhastama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 499, "src": "Decrease the width of the planting holes if a wider hole would disturb surrounding utility lines.", "trg": "Phungula ububanzi bomgojana wokutjala nangabe umgojana obanzi uzokuphazamisa amalayini wokusebenza aseduze."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 500, "src": "The introduction of a rigid salary ceiling, with exceptions for one or two star players;", "trg": "Ukwethulwa kwesilinghi engatjhugulukiko yemirholo, engafakihlangana umdlali munye nofana babili abaziintantokazi;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 501, "src": "Stunning south-facing garden, beautiful original features, (mostly) fantastic light and elegant interior design.", "trg": "Isivande esihle esiqale ngesewula, amatshwayo amahle wemvelo, (kanengi) umkhanyo omuhle kanye nesakhiwo esihle sangaphakathi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 502, "src": "Bear in mind, constantly try to purchase silk plants, as they tend to appear like the genuine thing.", "trg": "Khumbula, linga ukobana uhlale uthenga iintjalo ezisilki njengoba zivame ukubonakala njengento yamambala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 503, "src": "These characteristics can give you a lot of insight into how best to interact and communicate with your target market.", "trg": "Amatshwayo la angakunikela ilwazi elinengi ngokuthi ungathintana njani ngendlela ephumaphambili nemakethe oyiqotheleko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 504, "src": "Sometimes I like to crawl into bed with Daddy after Mommy goes to work so we can kiss and cuddle.", "trg": "Kesinye isikhathi ngithanda ukugedeka nobaba embhedeni ngemva kokuthi umma ayemsebenzini, ukwenzela bona simmangane besigonane."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 505, "src": "Of course, there are also those folks who, by virtue of their personality, may simply be more sensitive and timid.", "trg": "Vele, kunemhlobo leyo ngokwesimilo sabo, abangaba buthakathaka begodu babe matjhatjha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 506, "src": "Global growth should remain fairly robust by post-crisis standards throughout the forecast period.", "trg": "Ituthuko yephasi loke kufanele ihlale iqinile ngamazinga wangale kwehlekele kiso soke isikhathi sebonelophambili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 507, "src": "It is also possible to sand and stain the legs of the hardwood bed frame to match your bed d\u00e9cor.", "trg": "Kuyakghonakala bona urhuhle bewupende iinyawo zefreyimu yombhede weplanka ukwenzela bona zifane nomhlobiso wombhedakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 508, "src": "The crack propagated through wide portions of the slope and adjacent slopes that weren't steep enough to slide.", "trg": "Ibharasi lisabalale eengcenyeni ezibanzi zeslobhu begodu neduze neenlobhu ebezingakaphakami ngokwaneleko ukobana zitjhelele."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 509, "src": "That is equivalent to the wind forces of a category 4 hurricane!", "trg": "Lokhu kulinganiswa namandla wommoya wekoro ye-4 yesiwuruwuru!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 510, "src": "Keep right at the fork, towards the coast, then join the path running parallel to the fence.", "trg": "Hlala ngesidleni lapha iindlela zihlukana khona, nawuya ngegwini, bese uthatha indledlana ekhamba bunqopha nefensi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 511, "src": "Plus there is a cute thatched hut with 4 showers in it for that quick rinse off after a swim in the ocean or a dive.", "trg": "Nokuthi kunendlu yotjani ehle enematjhawara ama-4 ukuthi uzipule msinya ngemva kokududa nofana ukuziphosela elwandle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 512, "src": "Add flavorings, transfer to a glass jar and let it sit in the fridge for a couple days to get real yummy.", "trg": "Faka iinthako bese, bese uthela ngerhalasini bese ubeka ngesiqandisini amalanga ambalwa ukwenzela bona kube yami."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 513, "src": "To discover these traits, we administer the most comprehensive and thorough scholarship selection process in Canada.", "trg": "Ukobana sithole amakghono la, silawula umfundaze ofaka koke ngokusebenzisa ikambiso yokukhetha e-Canada."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 514, "src": "Not to mention democrats are already split over the infrastructure bill, lmao.", "trg": "Ngingatjhoke bona amademokhratsi sele ahlukene ngomthethomlingwa womthangalasiseko, i-Imao."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 515, "src": "The woman explains that in all the confusion and crush of people, her purse has been stolen.", "trg": "Umma uhlathulula bona ehlangahlanganweni nokutjhayisana kwabantu, iphesi yakhe yetjiwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 516, "src": "The system allows operators to maintain gauge wheel ground contact, leading to desired seed depth placement.", "trg": "Irherho livumela labo abalimako bakghone ukugcina amavilo weensetjenziswa zabo afike kuhle phasi okuzokwenza bona imbewu ifike endaweni efaneleko nayifakwa phasi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 517, "src": "His nervous, awkward kisses were sweeter than his father\u2019s honey.", "trg": "Ukummanga kwakhe kokuthukwa, nokungakajayeleki bekumnandi ukudlula iliju lakayise."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 518, "src": "Nobody deserves a victory lap anymore for software that just lets machines talk amongst themselves.", "trg": "Akekho umuntu ofanele kuthokoziselwa ipumelelo yehlelo elenza imitjhini ikhulumisane."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 519, "src": "Click the button to donate online using paypal, debit or credit card;", "trg": "Tlika ikunupe ukobana unikele ngokusebenzi i-paypal, ikarada ledebidi nofana lekhredithi;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 520, "src": "March falls in Barbados' peak tourist season so pleasant, warm and sunny weather can be expected.", "trg": "Ngenyanga kaNtaka e-Barbados, sikhathi lapho kuba neemvakatjhi ezinengi, kufuthumele begodu kungalindelwa nobujamo bezulu obunelanga."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 521, "src": "No wonder these poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable.", "trg": "Akurari ukobana izinto zangaphambi kwesimanjemanjezi bezihlanya begodu zizimbi bezihlangahlangene."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 522, "src": "Within a week that earthquake would tear the thick temple curtain from top to bottom.", "trg": "Ngesikhathi esingangeveke ukusikinyeka kwephasi kuzakudabula ikhetheni lethempeli elidege ukusuka phezulu ukuya phasi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 523, "src": "The materials used vary from soft broom corn silk to durable craft straw bound to a sturdy doll-sized handle.", "trg": "Imetheriyeli esetjenzisweko ihluka kusuka emthanyelweni othambe njengeenhluthi zesiphila ukuya ephayiphaneni lokumunya elide libotjhelelwe isibambo esincani esilingene unompopi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 524, "src": "Unfortunately, experience alone is not enough without current knowledge.", "trg": "Ngebhadi, ilemuko lilodwa alikaneli ngaphandle kwelwazi lanjenganje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 525, "src": "My parents claim I taught myself to read, and set about reading everything within reach.", "trg": "Ababelethi bami batleyima ukuthi ngazifundisa ukufunda, begodu ngifunda nanyana yini engikghona ukuyifikela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 526, "src": "Tried by this measure, how shall we judge the present state of science?", "trg": "Kulingiwe ngale indlela, sizobahlulela njani ubujamo banje bezesayensi?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 527, "src": "Employee expectations and voices were heard and now we have the courage to move forward with trust.", "trg": "Lokho okulindelwe basebenzi namaphimbo ezwakala begodu nje sinesibindi sokuragela phambili ngethemba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 528, "src": "Personal behaviors related to cancer risk (smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure).", "trg": "Ukuziphatha kwabantu okuhlobene nobungozi bekankere (ukubhema, ukusela utjwala, ukuba selangeni)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 529, "src": "It's majesty brought a deep sense of rarely felt patriotic pride swelling into my awareness.", "trg": "Ubuhle bayo kwaletha umqondo omkhulu wegugu lethando lenarha lizala ngaphakathi kokuzazi kwami."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 530, "src": "The town hall occasionally brings out its delicate collection of turkey feather dresses.", "trg": "Iholo yedrobheni ivame ukuletha ibuthelelo lamarogo weensiba avela e-Turkey afuna itjhejo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 531, "src": "Nevertheless, the society was cruel enough to affect me deeply.", "trg": "Nanoma kunjalo, umphakathi ubehlaza khulu bengathinteka kumbi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 532, "src": "Rohan was my sibling who always flew a kite at noon, even if it was cloudy.", "trg": "U-Rohan bekangumtanthu obekahlala aphaphisa ikhayithi entambama, nanoma bekanamafu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 533, "src": "Gate A in the northwest corner predominantly serves the festival bus station.", "trg": "Igeyidi-A, engewugwini engeTlhagwini Tjingalanga kanengi isebenza njengesitetjhi sebhesi ngesikhathi sefestivali."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 534, "src": "Some of us confess to a vague sense of dread as Sunday comes to a close.", "trg": "Abanye bethu baveza umqondo ongazwisisekiko onevalo njengoba uSondarha atjhidela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 535, "src": "Happy Easter kindergarten decoration concept - rabbit, chicken, egg, bee made from toilet paper roll tube.", "trg": "Umqondo womhlobiso weenlokotho ezihle zephasika- intenetjha, ikukhu, iqanda, inyosi eyenziwe ngebhoksana lephepha lethoyilethi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 536, "src": "Jogging is a full-body workout that works wonders on the thigh muscles and keeps your heart pumping.", "trg": "Ukujoga kukuthabulula umzimba woke okwenza iimanga emisipheni yeenyonga begodu kugcina ihliziyo ibetha kuhle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 537, "src": "He tries to rip through, but he has no leverage, and the offensive tackle neutralizes him from making a play.", "trg": "Ulinga ukudlula, kodwana akanandlela begogu ukukhandelwa ngamandla kumqeda amandla ukobana adlale."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 538, "src": "In this case, you want to shoot in the best available natural light (near a window) and disable your flash.", "trg": "Kilokhu, ufuna ukudumuza kunomkhanyo omuhle wemvelo (eduze nefasidera), bese uqima ifletjhi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 539, "src": "Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals, the thorns lay hidden.", "trg": "U-Ned Stark wathabulula isandla sakhe alinga ukubamba umqhele wamathuthumbo, kodwana ngaphasi kwamakari wamathuthumbo ahlaza kwesibhakabhaka kunameva afihlekileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 540, "src": "These wives can be the most loving, loyal, tender, and caring individuals.", "trg": "Abafazaba bangaba babantu abanethando khulu, abathembekileko, umusa netjhejo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 541, "src": "It won\u2019t do to have the fox steal a goose and a duck and celebrate the feast.", "trg": "Angekhe kwanelise ukuthi ifoksi yebe irhansi bese izithokozisa ngokudla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 542, "src": "This statement will almost certainly get me into a great deal of hot water.", "trg": "Isitatimende lesi pheze sizongifaka emrarweni omkhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 543, "src": "We would have a hot supper, graced by the inevitable roast fowl, and finally flip a coin to see who would finish the wine.", "trg": "Sizakuba nesidlo sentambana esitjhisako, sithole nekuku erostiweko, bese ekugcineni siphose ikhoyini ngokuthi ngubani ozokuqeda iwayini yakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 544, "src": "Follow some basic steps to make grass grow in red clay soil and establish a lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood.", "trg": "Landela amagadango asisekelo ukobana wenze bona utjani bumile ehlabathini ebovu esilongwe bese utjala iloni ezokukhanukwa bomakhelwana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 545, "src": "Brown leather flight jacket with fur neck lining, dark gray tank top, dog tags, black belt, and torn dark gray jeans.", "trg": "Imbaji yesikhumba enoboya entanyeni, ithobhu egreyi, amathegi wenja, ibhande elinzima nejini edabukileko egreyi khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 546, "src": "Once out of the valley, it is easy sailing on windy trails home.", "trg": "Nangingaphuma hlangana neveli kulula ukukhaba emagagasini wommoya ngiye ekhaya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 547, "src": "The employee discount meant she could get super-size fries half price after working a six-hour shift.", "trg": "Isaphulelo sesisebenzi besitjho bona angathola amatjhipsi alingene isidlo sentambama ngentengo ehafu ngemva kokuthi asebenze itjhifthi yama-awa asithandathu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 548, "src": "By the way, they did not screw up the rack of lamb, and I attribute that to divine intervention or just plain dumb luck.", "trg": "Ngaleyondlela, azange bahlanganise iimbambo zenyama yemvu begodu lokho kwenzeke ngoZimu nofana itjhudu lobudlhadlha nje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 549, "src": "The advanced artificial intelligence displayed by Assistant is impressive.", "trg": "Ubuhlakani bokwakha amarherho wamakhomphyutha okutjengiswa msizi kuyakarisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 550, "src": "For example monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday activity.", "trg": "Ukwenza isibonelo, umsebenzi wangomvulo,ngelesibili, ngelesithathu,ngelesine ngelesihlanu, ngomgqibelo, ngosondarha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 551, "src": "Hischier scored the go-ahead goal 20 seconds after Hall\u2019s second penalty expired, courtesy of another fortunate bounce.", "trg": "U-Hischier wakora igondelo lokuragelaphambili imizuzwana ema-20 ngemva kokuthi iphenalthi yesibili ka-Hall iphelelwe sikhathi ngebanga lokhunye ukubhambha okube ngokwetjhudu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 552, "src": "Supporting causes like these will help turn our knee-jerk reaction into long-lasting, sustainable, profound change.", "trg": "Ukusekela amakhosi afana nala kuzosisiza ukutjhugulula ukuphendula kwethu ebesingakakucabangisisi kube litjhuguluko lesikhathi eside, elinzinzileko nelihle khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 553, "src": "But never fear, the famous fried goat cheese isn't going anywhere.", "trg": "Kodwana ungasabi, i-goat cheese ekhanzingweko ayiyindawo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 554, "src": "But his supporters refuse to believe that Beauford is to blame.", "trg": "Kodwana abalandeli bakhe bayala ukukholwa bona u-Beauford kufanele isolwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 555, "src": "To help gently grab a slippery puppy, either wear latex gloves or wrap a washcloth or hand towel around the exposed puppy.", "trg": "Ukobana usizeke bona ukghone ukubamba umdlwana otjhelelako, yembatha amadlhavu welatheksi nofana ithawula nofana ivaslabhu uphuthele ngalo umdlwana ongakambathiswa litho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 556, "src": "The matching shirt and tie nearly tipped me over the edge, though the pants were ugly.", "trg": "Irhembhe nethayi emetjhako zipheze zangenza nganganzinzi, nanoma ibhrugu belilimbi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 557, "src": "He was convinced that it was perfect, but we had to convince the architect.", "trg": "Bekakholwa bona beyiyihle, kodwana kwafanela bona senze umdwebi wemakhiwo akholwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 558, "src": "These trackers detect motion while you\u2019re lying down to figure out when you\u2019re awake, lightly asleep, or in deep sleep.", "trg": "Amathrekha la abamba umsikinyeko nalokha ulele phasi, ukuthola nawuvukileko, ulele kancani, nofana nawusebuthongweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 559, "src": "Mrs. Harold has outlined an ambitious program of promotion and events.", "trg": "UKkz. Harold uveze ihlelo eliveleleko lokuthuthukisa neminyanya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 560, "src": "Some might argue that he has followed a predictable path of reactionary decline.", "trg": "Abanye banganghangha ngokuthi walandela indlela efuniselekako yokuphendula."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 561, "src": "The Authors reserve the right to edit, delete and block any comment or commenter deemed to be inappropriate.", "trg": "Abatloli banelungelo loku-editha, basule bebabhloge nanyana ngikuphi ukuphawula nofana umphawuli obonakala angakalungi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 562, "src": "You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice, yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.", "trg": "Ungathola ikhondlo linye nofana isidleke sizele amakhondlo, kodwana ubunengi bendlu kuthiwa zizindlu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 563, "src": "You'll definitely sleep a little bit better during that long train ride.", "trg": "Akungatjazwa bona uzokubanjwa sithongwana esimnandi ngesikhathi sekhambo elide ngesitimela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 564, "src": "Davis wasn\u2019t a passive observer who merely said goodbye to a dying relative;", "trg": "U-Davis bekangasimtjheji odlala indima opheze walayelisa isihlobo ebesifa;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 565, "src": "Shop locally and enjoy world-class bicycle brands' bike frames (consult the manual)!", "trg": "Thenga ekhayapha bewuzithokozise ngamabhrendi wamafreyimu wamabhayisikili asezingeni lephasi (hlola imanuwali)!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 566, "src": "The plague ravaged the population and, in conjunction with famine, left them starving.", "trg": "Umtlhago wahlubayeza umphakathi, indlala yabatjhiya balamba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 567, "src": "Ponder what scenarios might evolve that breach your ability to absorb negative impact or exploit risks.", "trg": "Cabanga, ngiziphi izehlakalo ezingavela ezephula ikghono lakho lokudosa umthelela ongasimuhle nofana ziveze ubungozi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 568, "src": "If I compare with 1940, where it is specifically forbidden, I simply want to make sure I am not making a false assumption.", "trg": "Nangiqathanisa ne-1940 lapho kungakavunyelwa khona, ngifuna ukuqinisekisa bona angiqabangi amala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 569, "src": "Stanley Milgram's famous experiment highlights the powerful human tendency to obey authority.", "trg": "Isitjengisombono saka-Stanley esidumileko siveza umukghwa wabantu wokuthobela igunya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 570, "src": "Munby's guidance states that any divorce that has been granted in error is null and void.", "trg": "Umhlahlo ka-Munby uveza bona nanyana ngikuphi ukuhlukana okwenziwe ngobutjhapha akunamandla womthetho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 571, "src": "From 10 feet away you could tell the bottom of the boat was in rough shape;", "trg": "Emafidini ali-10 ukude ungatjho bona ingaphasi lesikepe belisebujameni obumbi;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 572, "src": "If a pupil has an allowance, he or she will feel reluctant to skip homework as well as other activities.", "trg": "Nangabe umfundi unesibonelelo, angekhe afune ukungenzi umsebenzi wesikolo awenzela ekhaya kanye neminye imisebenzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 573, "src": "Pristine and remote, this barrier island is a slice of primitive paradise.", "trg": "Ngokuhlwenga nokutjengisa imvelo, isihlengele lesi sisiqetjhana separadesi yakade."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 574, "src": "Instead of placing the glue on the actual band, I squeeze out a modest line and just dip the band into it.", "trg": "Kunokuthi ngifake idlhu eregeni, ngiminyezela umuda bese ngitjheba irege kiwo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 575, "src": "Discover Elavon's award-winning payment processing platform, customer focus, and transparent fee structure.", "trg": "Thola iplatifomu yaka-Elavon yokwenza imbandelo yokuthumba unongorwana, enqophe ebathengini kanye nokwakhiwa kweembadelo okungakafihleki."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 576, "src": "Roughly ten to fifteen thousand years ago, humanity began the transition from a hunter-gatherer tradition to agriculture.", "trg": "Pheze eminyakeni elitjhumu ukuya kelitjhumi nahlanu eyadlulako abantu bathoma ukutjhuguluka kusuka esikweni lokubuthelela lokho abakuzumileko ukuya ekulimeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 577, "src": "Like an unlawful assembly, a riot involves a gathering of persons for an illegal purpose.", "trg": "Njengombuthano ongasisemthethweni, umguruguru ufakahlangana ukubuthelelana kwabantu ngehloso engasisemthethweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 578, "src": "To predict the nationality of the player who won the contest.", "trg": "Ukufunisela ubuzwe bomdlali othumbe iphaliswano."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 579, "src": "They said hi and bye, and sometimes smiled, but that was it.", "trg": "Bebathi kunjani bebathi usale kuhle, begodu kesinye isikhathi bamomotheke, kodwana bese kungilokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 580, "src": "Jesus is our heaven-sent, born-in-a-stable prophet, priest, and king.", "trg": "UJesu bekathunyelwe lizulu, umphorofidi obelethelwe ngesibayeni, umfundisi nekosi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 581, "src": "Jenna also helped me right before walking down the aisle, when I had a little mini freak out.", "trg": "UJenna wangisiza kuhle ngaphambi kokuthi ngikhambe erhanghaneni, nagade nginokusaba okuncani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 582, "src": "If your employer or building manager did not protect you from this harm, that person is responsible.", "trg": "Nangabe umqatjhi wakho nofana umphathi womakhiwo azange akuvikele kilokhu ukulimala, umuntu loyo unesibopho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 583, "src": "In essence, the bank account ought to have enough cash for your tuition and also accept multiple types of currency.", "trg": "Kuhlekuhle, i-akhawundi yebhanka bekufanele ibe nemali elingeneko malungana neemfundo zakho, begodu yamukela imihlobo yeemali ehlukileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 584, "src": "Search the side of \"the bowl,\" as named by fishermen, across from the shallow beach, for a quiet spot to cast away.", "trg": "Setjha ubunzinzolwazi \"bebhawuli,\" njengoba ithiywe mthiyinhlambi, ngale kwelwandle elingatjhingiko malunga nendawo ethulileko yokuba wedwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 585, "src": "Nowadays, hearing aids perform magic tricks such as filtering out background noise, so no more noisy air conditioner.", "trg": "Amalanga la, iinsizakuzwa zenza amariyadhlana afana nokusefa itjhada elizwakala ngeqadi, njeke akusenatjhada lesiphehlimmoya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 586, "src": "There are some really neat delay effects, and the overall vibe is nice.", "trg": "Kuneminye imithelela emihle yokuriyada, begodu ubumnandi ngokupheleleko boke buthabeleke."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 587, "src": "The guys in messy holey shirts and girls in shredded clothing did not anticipate to take this daunting passage.", "trg": "Abesana bambethe amahembhe ahlangahlangeneko aneembobo begodu abentazana bambethe amaratha azange khebacabange ukuthatha umsebenzi obudisi kangaka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 588, "src": "White, ivory, natural red, pink, orange, brown, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, gray, silver, gold, copper, multicolored.", "trg": "Mhlophe, ayivori, bomvu wemvelo, pinki, orentji, zotho, tjheli, hlaza satjani, hlaza kwesibhakabhaka, phephuli, nzima, greyi, siliva, golide, khopha, nemibala eminengi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 589, "src": "All those measures are intended to curb Portland\u2019s critical shortage of affordable housing and spike in homelessness.", "trg": "Zoke iinjamiswezo zinqophe ukuqeda ukutlhayela kwezindlu ezithengekako e-Portland nokuba phezulu kokutlhga amakhaya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 590, "src": "Type 2 diabetes has become so common in recent decades that it\u2019s not an exaggeration to refer to it as an epidemic.", "trg": "Umhlobo we-2 wobulwelwe betjhukela sele bubunengi khulu etjhumini leminyaka esanda ukudlula kangangokuthi akusikugagamela ukububiza ngombulalazwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 591, "src": "Economic decline and absence of employment opportunities, especially as inequality grows, likewise drives conflict.", "trg": "Ukwehla kezomnotho nokutlhogeka kwamathuba womsebenzi, khulukhulu njengoba ukungalingani kukhuphuka begodu kubanga ukutjhayisana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 592, "src": "You're more likely to fit in at the gym wearing your yoga outfit than trying to impress the high-fashion crowd.", "trg": "Ungakulungela ukuba sejimini umbethe izembatho zakho zeyoga kunokuthi ulinge ukuthabisa iwoma elithanda efetjheni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 593, "src": "Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when parents or caregivers give children excessive milk formula or juice to drink.", "trg": "Ukubola kwamazinyo wabantwana abamunya ibhodlelo kwenzeka lokha ababelethi nofana abatjheji bapha abantwana ibisi lebhodlelo nofana ijuzi khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 594, "src": "Find a lunch partner, a dinner mate, and engage in casual or intimate chat.", "trg": "Thola umlingani wesidlo semini, umkhozi wesidlo sentambama, bese nicoca neendatjana ezijayelekileko nofana zethando."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 595, "src": "Allow us to obtain the best health insurance that will meet your exclusive needs.", "trg": "Sivumela sithokutholele itjhorensi ephuma phambili yezamaphilo ezakuhlangabezana neendingo zakho ezikhethekileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 596, "src": "Our customer support staff is ready to handle your issue immediately.", "trg": "Abasebenzi bethu bezesekelo labathengi bakulungele ukutjheja indabakho khonokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 597, "src": "The reason is the fear of failure to match the expectations of the teacher.", "trg": "Isizathu kusaba ukubhalelwa ukuhlangabezana nalokho okulindelwe ngutitjhere."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 598, "src": "It is an urge they have to satisfy, and you have to make adequate provision for them.", "trg": "Yikuthazo ekufanele bayanelise, begodu kufane ubanele ubanikele okwaneleko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 599, "src": "Even some of the very strange-looking moves in the battle are eminently practical.", "trg": "Namanye amakhambo aqaleka angakajayeleki epini kuhlekuhle ingeyamambala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 600, "src": "They can owe the tenant twice the security deposit plus court fees.", "trg": "Bangakoloda loyo oqatjhileko idibhozidi yevikeleko neemali zekhotho kabili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 601, "src": "We should postpone our analysis until we know our work is not redundant.", "trg": "Kufanele sihlehlise ihlaziyo lethu bekube kulapho umsebenzi wethu ungasatlhogeki khona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 602, "src": "Here was a tent where any idle fellow might stake his liberty against a few crowns at dice or other hazard;", "trg": "Lapha bekunetende, lapho nanyana ngubani ongenzi litho bekangazihlalela khona ngokuphambene nabambalwa, okungaba yingozi;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 603, "src": "It should make the chart a bit easier to interpret at a glance.", "trg": "Kufanele yenze itjhadi kube lula ukulirhumutjha ngokuliqala kwaphela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 604, "src": "Once the vessel is built, a new certificate of registration without this phrase and restriction can be obtained.", "trg": "Ngemva kokuthi umkhumbi wakhiwe, isitifiketi esitjha sokuwutlolisa ngaphandle komutjhwana lo kanye nokuvinjelwa kungatholwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 605, "src": "Given its drought-prone nature, Masvingo province is known as cattle-keeping country.", "trg": "Ngokuba yindawo yesomiso ngokwemvelo, iphrovinsi ye-Masvingo yaziwa ngokuthi yindawo yeenkomo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 606, "src": "Mum and Dad pause their debate when we hear this creepy clacking that sounds like hail falling.", "trg": "Umma nobaba bajamisa ukuphikisana kwabo nasizwa ukubetha okuthusako okwazwakala njengesinanja esisawulako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 607, "src": "That\u2019s absurd, and it\u2019s embarrassing, and anybody thinking that way should be ashamed, no matter their preference.", "trg": "Akuzwakali lokho, begodu kuyahlazisa, begodu nanyana ngubani oqabanga ngelendlela kufanele abeneenhloni, nanoma bakhetha njani."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 608, "src": "And we should ask the wealthiest among us to contribute their fair share.", "trg": "Begodu kufanele sibawe onjinge khulu hlangana nathi bona bafake isandla ngokulingene nesikhwama sabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 609, "src": "We instantly recognize this feature as defining an unnatural, hence anti-biophilic, environment.", "trg": "Sibone umhlobo lo khonokho njengaloyo ohlathulula ibhoduluko elingasi ngelemvelo, nelingakathintani nabantu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 610, "src": "The library desk clerk was able to help a police artist draw up a portrait of the suspect who left in such a hurry.", "trg": "Itlege yelayibhrari yakghona ukusiza ipholisa lidwebe isithombe somsolwa okhambe arhabile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 611, "src": "Sign up for a paid account to access the rest of this content.", "trg": "Zitlolise e-akhawundini ebhadelweko ukuze ukwazi ukuthola okhunye okumumethweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 612, "src": "Use a nail set to set the nails and a caulking compound to seal them.", "trg": "Sebenzisa isede yeempikiri ukobana usete iimpikiri kanye nesinamathiseli sazo ukobana uzivale."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 613, "src": "Madam, your glasses are fogged up!", "trg": "Mma amarhalasi wakho afojiwe!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 614, "src": "With that huge and innocent smile, this chick is cute as hell!", "trg": "Ngokumomotheka okukhulu nokumsulwa, umntazana lomuhle kwamanikelela!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 615, "src": "In this regard, you need not worry about the facilities being available for cooking at the venue.", "trg": "Mayelana nalokhu, akutlhogeki bona utshwenyeke ngokubakhona kweensetjenziswa zokupheka endaweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 616, "src": "They expected commitment, passion, generosity, hospitality.", "trg": "Balindele ukuzibophelela, ithando, ukulunga, nepatho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 617, "src": "Divide the sliced steak, roasted potato, and cooked snap peas between two plates.", "trg": "Hlukanisela emapleyidini amabili isteyiki esislayisiweko, amazambana arostiweko kanye nama-erentjisi aphekiweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 618, "src": "On the other hand, Jesus\u2019 contribution to man was (is) life, acquittal, and pardon (or redemption).", "trg": "Ngakelinye ihlangothi, ukuba nomfakela ebantwini kukaJesu kwaba yipilo (kuyipilo), ukutjhaphulula, nokulibalela (nofana ukuhlengwa)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 619, "src": "Small round white side table with a lamp beside a cup of tea and coffee, plant standing on top, modern furniture.", "trg": "Itafula encani emhlophe nerondo enelampa ngeqadi kwekopi yetiye nekofi, isitjalo esijame phezulu, ifenitjhara yesimanjemanje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 620, "src": "Consuming any other beverage in the first 12 months can interfere with your breast milk or infant formula.", "trg": "Ukusebenzisa nanyana ngisiphi isiselo eenyangeni zokuthoma ezi-12 kungathikameza ibisi lakho lebele nofana ibisi lebhodlelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 621, "src": "The leaves of this herb resemble carrot greens and are somewhat frilly and curly.", "trg": "Amakari wesihlahla lesi afana namakari wekherothi begodu anokubafrili begodu agoqene."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 622, "src": "Rita delighted in the fresh grapes, although she looked more like she had swallowed a watermelon.", "trg": "URita uthabiswe madribe afretjhi, nanoma bekaqaleka ngasuthi uginye ikhabe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 623, "src": "Or even worse, you are a retired athlete looking in the mirror asking, what happened to me!", "trg": "Nofana, okumbi khulu, umgijimi othethe umhlalaphasi uziqala esibonibonini, uyazibuza bona kwenzekeni kuwe!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 624, "src": "The kinetic connection of fingers, hand, arm, brain, and heart releases whatever truth lies waiting to be told.", "trg": "Ukukhamba kwemino yakho, izandla, imikhono, ubuqopho nehliziyo kukhupha nanyana ngiliphi iqiniso elilindelwe ukukhulunywa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 625, "src": "Solenne freezes in the threshold, her body stiff like a statue, as she stares toward the metro platform.", "trg": "U-Solenne ujame akasikinyeki emudeni, umzimbakhe ubophene njengesithombe esibaziweko, njengoba aqale iplatifomu yemethro."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 626, "src": "In rare cases, a serious condition called compartment syndrome can occur.", "trg": "Ezehlakalweni ezingakavami, ubujamo obumasikizi bobuhlungu bemisipha bungenzeka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 627, "src": "Is there a clown on the premises?", "trg": "Ingabe ukhona usomahlaya endaweni?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 628, "src": "The permit holder is responsible for the disposal of litter and the cleaning of footpaths.", "trg": "Umnikazi wephemidi unesibopho malungana nokulahla iinzibi kanye nokuhlwenigisa iindledlana yeenyawo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 629, "src": "Do they follow the usual internship timeline, and if not, can you give an estimate about the hiring timeline?", "trg": "Ingabe balandela isikhathi esijayelekileko semisebenzi yokuthola ilemuko, nakungasinjalo, unganikela isilinganiso ngesikhathi sokuqatjha?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 630, "src": "Basically he's dizzy, can hardly walk, lost his balance, speech was impaired, said spectacular things.", "trg": "Kuhlekuhle unesiyeziyezi, ukhamba kabuhlungu, akakghoni ukunzinza, ukukhuluma kwakhe kubuthakathaka, ukhulume izinto ezingazwakaliko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 631, "src": "When you make a mistake, the ocean gives you an instant reminder.", "trg": "Nawenze iphoso, ilwandle likukhumbuza khonokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 632, "src": "We ate dinner on the back deck - it's incredibly nice to eat outside in July with no bugs or humidity!", "trg": "Sidlele isidlo sentambana ngemuva - kumnandi khulu ukudlela ngaphandle ngoJulayi lapho kunganannunwana nomswakamo!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 633, "src": "Bachelor Swap features two identical twin brothers switching places.", "trg": "I-Bachelor Swap inamasokana amabili wamawele atjhentjhana ngeendawo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 634, "src": "On this trail I would suggest wearing close toed shoes and having an extra pair of socks for the hike.", "trg": "Kileli ikhambo ngizokuphakamisa ukwembatha amanyathelo avulekileko kanye nokuba nenye ipara yamasokisi malungana nokukhamba ngeenyawo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 635, "src": "The firmware upgrade progress depends on the overall load of the system.", "trg": "Iragelophambili lokuthuthukiswa kwehlelo lekhomphyutha liya ngomthwalo opheleleko werherho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 636, "src": "These terms will even be valid for coming bills of sale and commercial contacts if they are not mentioned explicitly.", "trg": "Amathemu la azokusolo asavumelekile malungana namabhili wokuthengisa kanye nemisebenzi yezokuthengisa nakungakhulunywa ngawo ngokusepepeneneni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 637, "src": "Our friends brought the dessert...a yummy pull-apart monkey bread!", "trg": "Abangani bethu beza nedizethi...emnandi ye-monkey bread!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 638, "src": "Bug where welcome screen link would show blank in admin menu: is it fixed or should I fix it?", "trg": "Ibhagi lapho ilinki yeskrini sokwamukela itjengisa imenyu ye-admini enganalitho: ilungisiwe nofana ngiyilungise?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 639, "src": "Struggle is required in each field of work to achieve success.", "trg": "Ukutabalaza kuyafuneka kiyo yoke imikhakha yokusebenza ukobana uzuze ipumelelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 640, "src": "She recently has overcome her fat burden and lost some weight.", "trg": "Mhlapha nje wehlule umthwalwakhe wokunona begodu wehlile."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 641, "src": "Whenever you\u2019re done typing a witty introduction, touch the arrow icon to deliver the message.", "trg": "Nawuqedileko ukutlola isingeniso esimnandi, thinta i-ayikhoni eyi-ero ukobana ukhambise umlayezwakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 642, "src": "When lead singer Sting wrote the song, he was dealing with jealousy and obsession during the collapse of his marriage.", "trg": "Lokha umdosphambili wengoma u-Sting nakatlola ingoma, wayephethwe mumona nesikhwele ngesikhathi kufadalala umtjhadwakhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 643, "src": "If you have adequate counter space in your bathroom, then never hesitate to have a cabinet vanity.", "trg": "Nangabe unendawo eyaneleko ngekumbini yokuhlambela yakho, njeke ungazazi ukuba nekasana elihlala izinto zokuhlamba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 644, "src": "If you\u2019re aware that you\u2019re the most qualified for the occupation, reveal it.", "trg": "Nangabe uyelele bona umumuntu oneziqu zomsebenzi ezidlula zabanye, kuveze lokho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 645, "src": "Extra lengths of drill pipe visible on the machine are added as the boring progresses.", "trg": "Amaphayiphi wokubhora anobude ubungezelelweko abonakala emtjhini afakwa njengeragelophambili lokubhora."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 646, "src": "The most important purpose of a nurse is to earn patient trust and leave them whole, complete, and independent.", "trg": "Umqopho oqakatheke khulu wenesi kukobana lithenjwe sigulani bese lilisa isigulani sizijamele ngokupheleleko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 647, "src": "The thought was enough to send her forward the last few steps.", "trg": "Umcabango waba ngowaneleko ukobana umthumele phambili ngamagadango ambalwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 648, "src": "I feel like all eligible bachelors want to stalk me, and I tell them I am a widow, but they are still in pursuit.", "trg": "Ngibona ngasuthi boke abobaba abangakathathi bangiqalile, begodu ngiyabatjela bona ngimfelokazi kodwana baragela phambili nokungisoma."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 649, "src": "Perfect for the cold, wet spring and winter, this coat will keep your dog warm, dry, and especially clean!", "trg": "Ikhowuthi le ilungele amakhaza, ukuthamba kwetwasahlobo nobusika, izokwenza injakho ifuthumele, ihlale yomile begodu ihlanzekile!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 650, "src": "My point is that housing is scarce and insecure and the economy is a feast and famine annual cycle.", "trg": "Iphuzu lami kukukuthi izindlu ziyatlhogwa begodu azikathembeki begodu kunomzombe wenala nowendlala emnothweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 651, "src": "Connect the tension clamps on both sides of the ground wire with a 15.5m long wire rope sleeve and 3T bend joint.", "trg": "Hlanganisa amatlempe wethentjhini emahlangothini womabili wedrada yangaphasi enobude obuyi-15.5 beslivu sedrada kanye nejoyinti engu-3T."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 652, "src": "Indeed, various ancient tribes subsisted primarily on meat.", "trg": "Kuliqiniso, izizwe ezihlukileko zakade beziphila ngenyama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 653, "src": "Moreover, many employed single mothers earn poverty wages or tolerate wage inequality;", "trg": "Ngaphezu kwalokho, abomma abanengi ababodwa barhola imirholo emincani nofana babekezelela imirholo engalinganiko;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 654, "src": "After a short time, the princess became thirsty and asked her maid to fetch her a drink of water from a nearby river.", "trg": "Ngemva kwesikhathi esifitjhani, ikosazana yoma beyabawa umsizi wayo bona ayoyikhela amanzi emlanjeni oseduze."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 655, "src": "With a yell of rage the victorious knight threw himself on his horse and rode away at a furious gallop.", "trg": "Ngokukhambisana nefetjheni yangesikhatheso, iqhawe elihle laziphosa phezu kwepera yagijima ngokugabhadula okukhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 656, "src": "Most car companies are scared to commit to a given battery chemistry for fear it will be obsolete in a few years.", "trg": "Ikhamphani ezinengi zeenkoloyi ziyasaba ukuzibophelela kukhemistri yebhetri elinikelwako ngokusabela ukuphela kwalo eminyakeni embalwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 657, "src": "Tap to mine diamonds and dig gold, hunt rare prey, chop trees and craft epic gear.", "trg": "Thepha malungana nokumayina amadayimani nokwemba igolide, ukuzuma iinyamazana ezingakajayeleki, ukugawula imithi kanye neminye imisebenzi yezandla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 658, "src": "Even if a review gave the film a poor score, most praise the opening chase sequence.", "trg": "Nanoma ngabe ibuyekezo liphe ifilimu amaphuzu aphasi, abanengi babuka ukulandelako kwezehlakalo zokuvula."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 659, "src": "Have your tutor do chores around the house", "trg": "Ithutha lakho alenze imisebenzi yangeendlini"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 660, "src": "Haku continued the assault in the ring as Savage looked desperately for his partner to make a tag.", "trg": "UHaku waragela phambili nokuhlunguphaza ngerighini ngesikhathi uSavage alangazelela bona umlwisanakhe enze ithegi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 661, "src": "If you\u2019re not a fan of store-bought cinnamon rolls that\u2019s okay.", "trg": "Nangabe awusuye umthandi wamaroli wesinamoni ama-store-bought hlala unjalo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 662, "src": "They weren\u2019t too eager to go fight in a foreign land and lose their own lives.", "trg": "Bebanganamdlandla wokuyokulwa enarheni enye bese baloba amaphilo wabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 663, "src": "This one quote made me realize it is my responsibility to try to restore that bridge between us.", "trg": "Mdzubhulo munye owangenza ngibone, bona kusibopho sami ukobana ngilinge ukulungisa izinto hlangana nathi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 664, "src": "In the wake of bird flu alerts across the country, none of the residents ventured near the spot to even verify what locals said.", "trg": "Ngemva kokuqubuka komgomani weenyoni ngenarheni yoke, asikho nasinye isakhamuzi esakhe satjhidela lapho butholakele khona ukobana kuokuqinisekiswa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 665, "src": "No competent lawyer wants to put a hostile witness on the stand, even under oath.", "trg": "Alikho iloyara elinekghono elifuna ukufaka ufakazi ohlangahlangeneko ngebhoksini, begodu ngaphasi kwesifungo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 666, "src": "No robot can express sincere empathy, sympathy, compassion, and confidence.", "trg": "Alikho irobodo elingatjengisa ukuzwelana nomuntu, izwelo, nokuzithemba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 667, "src": "Use fresh basil, flax oil, or virgin coconut oil and replace the cheese with yeast.", "trg": "Sebenzisa ibheyisili, amafutha womhlobo we-flax nofana amafutha womhlobo we-virgin coconut bese ujamiselela itjhizi nge-isti."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 668, "src": "They legit gave me some dope swag just for measuring something with that ruler!", "trg": "Base banginikela isidakamizwa ukobana ngilinganise okuthileko ngerula!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 669, "src": "But if we had a spare million dollars, I guess it\u2019s not the worst thing to spend it on.", "trg": "Kodwana ngathana besineengidigidi zamadola, ngicabanga bona bengekhe kube yinto embi ukuzisebenzisa kiyo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 670, "src": "Many people just seem to attach age and maturity to a beard.", "trg": "Abantu abanengi babonakala bahlanganisa iindevu neminyaka kanye nokuvuthwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 671, "src": "Apparently, it was sold to a company that plans to convert it into a chocolate factory and museum.", "trg": "Nakukhulunywako, ngasuthi yathengiselwa ikhamphani ehlela ukuyitjhugulula iyenze ifemu yetjhokoleti nemyuziyamu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 672, "src": "Frost and thunder, flames shine bright, ruin walks the land tonight.", "trg": "Irhwaba nokuduma kwezulu, amalangabi aphazi kukhanye, ubumbi bukhamba phezu kwehlabathi ebusuku nje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 673, "src": "We recharged our batteries with a glimpse of sunshine, crab sandwiches and a boat trip.", "trg": "Sitjhatjhisa amabhetri wethu ngomkhanyo welanga, amasanghweji wekala kanye nekhambo ngesikepe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 674, "src": "Oh no, is everything alright, Latasha replied in a concerned tone?", "trg": "Iye, yoke into ilungile, uLatasha uphendula ngephimbo elinokutshwenyeka?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 675, "src": "She didn\u2019t approve of his high school girlfriend and tried to impose a nine o\u2019clock curfew and stricter rules.", "trg": "Bekangayithandi intombi yakhe yesikolweni begodu walinga ukugandelela ukuqinteliswa kwesikhathi kube nge-awa lethoba nemithetho eqina qinileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 676, "src": "If you\u2019re worried about helmet hair, simply keep a comb or brush in your desk drawer.", "trg": "Ukhathazekile ngeenhluthu zakho ezethethe ijamo lehelmedi, ibanekama nje nofana ibhratjhi ngelayini yakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 677, "src": "He also helped with a car wash to raise money for a classmate involved in a car crash.", "trg": "Godu wasiza nangokuthi indawo yokuhlanza iinkoloyi nayo ikhuphe imali malungana nokusiza umfundi obe sengozini yekoloyi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 678, "src": "These include the green lizard, the red owl, the tomato frog and the serpent eagle.", "trg": "Lokhu kufakahlangana isibhadwa esihlaza satjani, isikhova esibomvu, isirhwarhwa esifana netamati kanye nekhozi lomhlobe we-serpent."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 679, "src": "Then came the implementation phase again; I wanted a perfect automation process, coding style, following framework rules etc;", "trg": "Bese kwaladela isigaba nokukghonakalisa godu, bengifuna ikambiso ezenzakalelako, isitayela sokukhowuda, ukulandela imithetho yomleyo njll;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 680, "src": "If you suspect you tend to grind your teeth, go to your local dentist.", "trg": "Nangabe usola bona vane khewudle amazinyo, iya kudorhodera wamazinyo wangekhenu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 681, "src": "So, you should avoid going with a bride scam site or dating fraud site online.", "trg": "Njeke, kufanele ukhandele ungena emasayidini wabomakoti anobutsotsi nofana emasayidini we-inthanethi wokuthola abalingani anobutsotsi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 682, "src": "Merchant cash advance providers evaluate risk and weight credit criteria differently than a traditional banker might.", "trg": "Abanikeli ngemali yebhizinisi bahlola ubungozi bebalinganise indlela yokunikela isikolodo ngokuhlukileko kunangendlela ibhanka ejayelekileko ingenza ngakhona."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 683, "src": "We have built our reputation on outstanding client service and are committed to helping you succeed in your tax matter.", "trg": "Sakhe igama lethu ngomsebenzi omuhle esiwenzela amatlayenti begodu sizibophelele ekukusizeni bona uphumelele endabeni yakho yomthelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 684, "src": "As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.", "trg": "Ngonobangela walokho, ekugcineni izinyo laba nento enzima, labonakala lilimbi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 685, "src": "He shared the fear, horror, and despair of the fighting men, each of whom knew that each day might be his last.", "trg": "Wakhuluma ngokusaba, ukuthusa nangokuphelelwa lithemba ngendoda elwako, lapho woke umuntu bekazi bona kungaba lilanga layo lokugcina."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 686, "src": "Sadly, their ultimate sacrifice merely delayed the invasion.", "trg": "Ngokudanisako, ukuzinikela kwabo kupheze kwariyadisa ukuhlasela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 687, "src": "I cherish my diary but hold every other document in contempt.", "trg": "Ngiyithanda khulu idayari yami kodwana eminye imitlolo ngiyiphatha ngendlela engifuna ngayo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 688, "src": "Gandhi also believed rural economy based mass movement follow non-violent methods.", "trg": "U-Gandhi wakholwa bona umnotho wemakhaya odzimelele ekukhambeni kwabantu ulandela iindlela ezingananturhu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 689, "src": "Goodnight sweetheart, and I am so pleased that sleep has banished sorrow for both of us.", "trg": "Ulale kuhle sthandwa sami, begodu ngithabile bona ukulala kuzakususa isizi kithi sobabili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 690, "src": "You can turn every acquaintance into an asset if you know how to spin a thank-you letter.", "trg": "Ungajika koke ukwazana kube yi-asedi nangabe uyakwazi ukujika incwadi yokuthi ngiyathokoza."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 691, "src": "Valve position is determined by flow rate demand (differential pressure).", "trg": "Ubujamo bevelfu bubekwa yifuneko yezinga lokugijima (umahluko wamaphreja amabili)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 692, "src": "Bring the milk to a boil and add the Ragi paste slowly, stirring repeatedly.", "trg": "Yenza ibisi libile bese ufaka umdoko we-Ragi kabuthaka bese urura ngokubuyabuyelelweko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 693, "src": "Mark Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering.", "trg": "UMark Jacobson, uphrofesa wenjinyeringhi yokwakha nezebhoduluko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 694, "src": "Limited oral examination and diagnosis are usually reserved for returning or emergency patients.", "trg": "Ukuhlola nokupopola kwangemlonyeni okuqintelweko kanengi kubekelwa iingulani ezibuyako nofana ezize malungana nobujamo oburhabekileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 695, "src": "So far, half a million lights have been replaced in homes, buildings, and streetlights.", "trg": "Bekube nje, amalampa asiquntu sesigigi afakiwe emakhaya, emakhiweni neemalampeni weendleleni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 696, "src": "Likes stability in relations and doesn't easily forgive betrayal.", "trg": "Uthanda ukunzinza ebudlelwaneni begodu aqoleli lula malunga nokungathembeki."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 697, "src": "Scott Thomas tweets some interesting photography articles too.", "trg": "U-Scott Thomas naye uthwitha ama-atikili weenthombe ezikarisako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 698, "src": "Stanislav applied to the Committee seeking legal assistance.", "trg": "UStanislav wafaka isibawo ekomidini abawa isizo lomthetho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 699, "src": "This chapter is largely a tutorial on handling experimental errors of measurement.", "trg": "Ubunengi besahluko lesi busifundiso ngokuphatha ubutjhapho beenlingaso zesitjengiso-mbono."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 700, "src": "Stores selling nonessential goods were ordered closed, putting a crimp in Christmas shopping.", "trg": "Iintolo ezithengisa izinto ezingakaqakatheki zalayelwa bona zivale, lokho kwathikameza ukuthengela uKresmusi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 701, "src": "Connected couples grow closer through having shared and separate interests.", "trg": "Iinthandani ezitjhideleneko zikhula zitjhidelene ngokuthi zibe neekareko ezifanako nezingafaniko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 702, "src": "Attorney Frank returns calls personally and promptly handles all matters.", "trg": "I-Athoni u-Frank ubuyisa imitato ngokwakhe, begodu utjheja zoke iindaba msinya."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 703, "src": "Van Dyke was a model and actress first, and a singer second;", "trg": "U-Van Dyke kokuthoma bekayimodlhara nomlingisi, bese kwesibili amvumi;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 704, "src": "The entry period ends tonight at midnight (Eastern time zone!).", "trg": "Isikhathi sokungenza siphela namhlanje phakathi kobusuku (ngokwesikhathi sezoni yangepumalanga!)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 705, "src": "Our programmers develop Java web apps to build dynamic websites as per clients\u2019 requirements.", "trg": "Abakhi bamahlelo bethu bakhe ama-app wobunzinzolwazi be-Java ukobana bakhe ubunzinzolwazi ukuya ngokufuna kwetlayenti."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 706, "src": "The parameters of these structures controlled the ways they functioned, and induced responses that changed the voltage.", "trg": "Imingcele yezakhiwo lezi beyilawula iindlela ezisebenza ngayo, beyingezelele ukuphendula okutjhugulule ivoltheji."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 707, "src": "Participants posted journal entries, photos, comments, and videos.", "trg": "Labo ebebahlanganyele baphosta lokho okufakwe kumajenani, iinthombe, ukuphawula, namavidiyo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 708, "src": "David shows examples of prone, sitting, and standing positions.", "trg": "U-David utjengisa iimbonelo zokubhambalala ngamathumbu, ukuhlala kanye nokujama."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 709, "src": "Here, too, males\u2019 education outcomes improved significantly.", "trg": "Nalapha, imiphumela yefundo yabantu abaduna ibengcono khulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 710, "src": "Adding another hurdle, Chinese banks and tech giants control distribution channels.", "trg": "Ukungezelela esinye isiqabo, amabhanka we-China kanye namakhamphani amakhulu wethekhnoloji alawula amatjhaneli wokusabalalisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 711, "src": "February 7, 2020 Chicago couple who tested positive for virus released from hospital;", "trg": "Mhlana amalanga ali-7 kumHlolanja 2020 iinthandani ze-Chicago ezatholakala zinengongwana zakhutjhwa esibhedlela;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 712, "src": "Paul offered to pick her up, but Jan wasn\u2019t telling him where she lived.", "trg": "U-Paul wazinikela bona uzakuyomlayitjha, kodwana u-Jan bekangamtjeli bona uhlala kuphi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 713, "src": "Additionally, certified pre-owned cars carry factory warranty options.", "trg": "Ukungezelela, iinkoloyi eziqinisekisweko ezikhe zasetjenziswa ngabanye zinokuthi ungakhetha iwaranti yefemini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 714, "src": "Amazon has been pressing workers to vote against the union.", "trg": "I-Amazon beyigandelela abasebenzi bona bavowudele ukuphikisana neyuniyoni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 715, "src": "It's designed for younger children or older adults without an iPhone.", "trg": "Itlanyelwe abantwana abancani nofana abantu abadala abanganawo ama-iPhone."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 716, "src": "If the winner resides in one of the 48 states, they will have the option of a Kindle edition or paperback.", "trg": "Nangabe umthumbi uhlala emibusweni ema-48, bazokuba nokungakhetha i-editjhini ye-Kindle nofana incwadi enekhava yephepha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 717, "src": "YouTube also gives brands the possibility to customize how their channel looks.", "trg": "I-YouTube godu inikela amabhrendi ikghonakalo yokuthi enze amatjhaneli wawo abe ngendlela afuna ngayo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 718, "src": "Subscribe to weekly blog updates, featuring topics such as branding, digital marketing, and web design strategies.", "trg": "Zitlolise ebhlogeni leembuyekezo zaqobeveke, ezifakahlangana iinhloko ezifana nokubhrenda, ukutshwaya ngedijithali, kanye namaqhinga wokutlama ama-web."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 719, "src": "Provides samples of tumors, survival rates, and Medical care records.", "trg": "Inikela amasampula wamatjhuma, amazinga wokuphola, kanye namarekhodi wezamaphilo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 720, "src": "Creating camp experiences that truly transform lives takes leadership.", "trg": "Kufuna uburholi ukwakha amalemuko weenkampa ezitjhugulula amaphilo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 721, "src": "Since James\u2019 injury, they have the fourth-best defensive rating in the league.", "trg": "Solo uJames alimalako, banesilinganiso sesine sabakhandeli abahle khulu eligini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 722, "src": "This index grid cannot be overridden, removed, or modified.", "trg": "Igridi yeenkomba le angeze yasulwa, ikhutjhwe, nofana itjhugululwe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 723, "src": "We\u2019re breaking down the biggest moments episode-by-episode!", "trg": "Siveza izehlakalo ezikulu isiqephu nesiqephu!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 724, "src": "George suggests that Robert blow off some steam by roller-skating.", "trg": "U-George uphakamisa bona u-Robert avuthele istimu ngokuthi asebenzise amarolaskeyidi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 725, "src": "Many websites offer reviews, recommendations, and detailed pricing information.", "trg": "Ubunzinzolwazi obunengi bunikela amabuyekezo, iimphakamiso, kanye nelwazi lemininingwana yeentengo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 726, "src": "Hobby Lobby has now turned into a billion-dollar enterprise.", "trg": "I-Hobby Lobby njengenje sele itjhuguluke yaba sitolo esilinganiselwa emabhiliyonini wamadola."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 727, "src": "Fill your info into the fields below.", "trg": "Zalisa ilwazi lakho endaweni engenzasi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 728, "src": "Ministry officials, governmental agencies, regulatory authorities, and civil society organizations.", "trg": "Iimphathiswa zomnyango, ama-ejensi karhulumende, iimphathimandla ezilawulako, kanye neenhlangao zomphakathi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 729, "src": "Replacement teachers discovered notes in classrooms containing offensive messages.", "trg": "Abotitjhere abajamiselelako bathola amanothi ngematlasini anemilayezo ekhubekisako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 730, "src": "Western European countries have the largest consumer markets.", "trg": "Iinarha zeTjingalanga ye-Europe zineemakethe ezikulu zabathengi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 731, "src": "Add your cinnamon and cocoa powder while continuing to mix.", "trg": "Faka isinamoni yakho kanye nepuyere ye-cocoa ngesikhathi uhlanganisa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 732, "src": "Performed firmware upgrade prior to starting hardware install.", "trg": "Wathuthukisa ihlelo ngaphambi kokuthi athome ukufaka ihlelo ekhomphyutheni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 733, "src": "Prepared coffee, cleaned dining areas, opened the register, and carried out other opening duties.", "trg": "Wenza ikofi, wahlwengisa iindawo zokudlela, wavula irejista bewenza neminye imisebenzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 734, "src": "Tracking devices can be installed on vehicles and equipment;", "trg": "Abodobolwana bethrekha bangafakwa eenkoloyini nakezinye iinsetjenziswa;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 735, "src": "These reasons should be recorded, reported, and studied for trends.", "trg": "Iinzathwezi kufanele zirekhodwe, zibikwe, bezifundwe malungana nokuba mumukghwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 736, "src": "Max plays guitar, bass, and drums, sings vocals, and writes the songs.", "trg": "UMax udlala igatara, ibhesi, amadramsi, uvuma amavokhali bewutlola neengoma."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 737, "src": "Like many young artists, Smith worked as a gallery installer and exhibition designer.", "trg": "Njengeenkghwari ezinengi, uSmith bekasebenza njengomuntu ofaka iinthombe kanye nomtlami wemiqaliso."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 738, "src": "Royal Rangers is a christian scouting program designed to minister to the needs of boys.", "trg": "I-Royal Rangers lihlelo lobukrestu elitlanyelwe ukuqalelela iindingo zabesana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 739, "src": "Precision calibration components allow for greater measurement accuracy.", "trg": "Ukunemba nokuhlangana kwamahlangothi kwenza iinlinganiso ezinembako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 740, "src": "Typically, equity-trading platforms cannot receive funds via credit cards.", "trg": "Ngokuvamileko, iinkundla zokurhweba azikghoni ukwamukela iimali ngokusetjenziswa kwamakhadi wekhredithi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 741, "src": "Maintain agreed stock levels where applicable and closely monitor aged stock.", "trg": "Ukugcina amaleveli westoko esivunyelweko lapho kukghonakala khona begodu kubekwe ilihlo istoko esidala."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 742, "src": "Flowers grown from their upper branches are translucent to white.", "trg": "Amathuthumbo amile emagatjeni angaphezulu akhanyela okumhlophe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 743, "src": "The entire castle of every Disney movie has featured a logo in the shape of an 's'!", "trg": "Yoke inqaba yamamuvi we-Disney inelogo yejamo laka 's'!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 744, "src": "The documents indicated that Ford was involved in funding a suite of classes for institutions like \"Para Nosotras\".", "trg": "Imitlolo yaveza bona i-Ford yayibandakanyeka ekubhadeleni isudi yamatlasi malungana neenkhungo ezifana \"ne-Para Nosotras\"."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 745, "src": "I use different packaging as print sizes comes in various formats.", "trg": "Malungana nokupaka ngisebenzisa ukupaka okuhlukileko njengoba amasayizi wokuphrintha eza ngeendlela ehlukileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 746, "src": "Turn visitors into subscribers, paying fans, and lifelong readers.", "trg": "Yenza iimvakatjhi zibe babantu abamukela ilwazi ngokulibhadelela, abalandeli ababhadelako, kanye nabafundi besikhathi eside."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 747, "src": "Modern reporting encourages collaboration by sharing reports and allowing input.", "trg": "Ukubika kwesimanjemanje kukhuthaza isebenziswano ngokwabelana imibiko nokuvumela umfakela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 748, "src": "Marc realized the importance of serving God by honing his talent as a graphic artist.", "trg": "U-Marc wabona ukuqakatheka kosebenzela uZimu ngokuthi alole ithalente lakhe lokubasikghwari seenthombe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 749, "src": "Peter deals with the consequences of neglecting his everyday responsibilities.", "trg": "U-Peter usebenza ngemiphumela yokungatjheji iimbopho zakhe zangamalanga."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 750, "src": "The Graduate Council's minimum requirements for advanced degrees are described below.", "trg": "Ubuncani beemfuno zomKhandlu wabaneZiqu malungana namadigri aphakemeko buvezwe ngenzasi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 751, "src": "Nevertheless, each division follows general laws and rules.", "trg": "Nanoma kunjalo, idivitjhini ngayinye ilandela imithetho nemithetjhwana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 752, "src": "They are fully transferable, just like physical tickets printed on ticket stock.", "trg": "Adluliseleka ngokupheleleko, ngokufana namathikitho aphathekako agadangiswe estokweni samathikithi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 753, "src": "The jobs generated would soon disappear in the grand scheme of things.", "trg": "Imisebenzi eyakhiweko izokunyamalala masinyana izinto nasele ziyokuhlaliswa kuhle."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 754, "src": "Molecular dynamics simulations of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein.", "trg": "Amandla wamamolekhyuli alingisa i-esidi yamafutha wangemathunjini ebopha amaphrotheyini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 755, "src": "There is a secondary element at work, an old defense mechanism.", "trg": "Kune-elemente yesibili emsebenzini, indlela yakade yokuzivikela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 756, "src": "The internet is more than facebook chats, twitter memes, and instagram pictures.", "trg": "I-inthanethi ingaphezu kwamatjheti we-facebook, ama-memes we-thitha, kanye neenthombe ze-instagram."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 757, "src": "November 25 Wait-listed applicants informed of acceptance status.", "trg": "Mhlana amalanga ama-25 kuNovemba labo abafake iimbawo ebabafakwe erhelweni labalindileko baziswa ngobujamo bokwamukelwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 758, "src": "Strategic supplier relationships, providing extensive technical knowledge.", "trg": "Ubudlelwano bamaqhinga nomsabalalisi, ngokunikela ilwazi elibanzi lobuthekhnikhi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 759, "src": "Scheduled sheet metal fabrication and planned driver routes.", "trg": "Itjheduli yokwenziwa kwamatjhidi wamasenge kanye neendlela ezihleliweko zomtjhayeli."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 760, "src": "Benefit from our continuous innovation and scientific expertise.", "trg": "Zuza ekurageleni phambili kwethu nokwenza izinto ezitjha namakghono wezesayensi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 761, "src": "Over time, we learned names, stories, systems, and networks.", "trg": "Isikhathi esingezelelweko, safunda amagama, iindatjana, amarherho namathungelelwano."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 762, "src": "Federal agents conducted additional searches across Florida.", "trg": "Ama-ejenti wefederali angezelela ukusetjha kwawo eFlorida."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 763, "src": "Just talking about policies, candidates, and election dates with family and friends is productive.", "trg": "Kuba mnandi ukukhuluma nomdeni nabangani ngamapholisi, abonkhethani, kanye namadeyidi wamakhetho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 764, "src": "The monitor component includes a menu-driven operator interface.", "trg": "Ingcenye enemonitha ifakahlangana isisetjenziswa esisebenza ngokulandela imenyu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 765, "src": "Unlike the earlier films, relatively trim 80-minute affairs, Midnight runs nearly thirty minutes longer.", "trg": "Ngokungafani namafilimu wangaphambilini, pheze ebekakhamba isikhathi esingaba mizuzu ema-80, i-Midnight ikhamba nje imizuzu engaba matjhumi amathathu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 766, "src": "They are even prohibited from receiving their loved ones\u2019 remains.", "trg": "Abakavunyelwa nokuthi bamukele iinsalela zeenthandwa zabo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 767, "src": "Even sports teams and political parties have started turning to audio branding.", "trg": "Neenqhema zezemidlalo, iinhlangano zepolotiki zithome ukutjhugulukela ekubrendeni okusebenzisa umdumo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 768, "src": "Our website and content are protected by international copyright laws and database rights.", "trg": "Ubunzinzolwazi bethu nokumumethweko kuvikelwe mithetho yamalungelo wokupkhuphela weentjhabatjhaba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 769, "src": "Moreover, after each session, the inner space becomes vaster and bigger.", "trg": "Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngemva kwenye nenye isetjheni isikhala sangaphakathi siba banzi begodu siba sikhulu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 770, "src": "Knowing and maintaining code is critical for maximum fire protection.", "trg": "Ukwazi nokugcina ikhowudu ebujameni obuhle kuqakathekile malungana nokuvikeleka emlilweni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 771, "src": "Border colors for unfocused and focused windows, respectively.", "trg": "Imibala yamabhoda malungana namafasidera angakanqotjhwa nanqotjhweko ngokulandelana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 772, "src": "These technologies are becoming true production solutions, especially for industries like dental and consumer products.", "trg": "Amathekhnoloji la abaziinsombululo zamambala zokukhiqiza, khulukhulu amabubulo afana newemikhiqizo yamazinyo nabathengi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 773, "src": "The dual-energy technique simplifies bone and plaque removal.", "trg": "Ithekhnikhi yamandla amabili yenza kube lula ukukhupha ithambo nephlakhi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 774, "src": "Deficit reduction requires actually cutting military spending.", "trg": "Ukwehlisa ukutlhayelelwa kuhlekuhle kufuna ukuphungulwe imali esetjenziselwa izipi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 775, "src": "That\u2019s how they\u2019ve calculated the combined managed payments percentage!", "trg": "Yindlela ebabale ngayo amaphesente weembadelo ezilawulwako ezihlanganisiweko!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 776, "src": "Leaving some graduates in more challenging situations than others.", "trg": "Kutjhiya abanye abaneziqu emajameni atjhijilako sekunabanye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 777, "src": "The experimental drugs \"calmed\" auto-aggressive T-cells and stopped inflammation.", "trg": "Imitjhoga \"yehlisa\" ama-T-cells anekani beyehlisa nokuvuvuka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 778, "src": "This funding directly supports our students on campus today.", "trg": "Isekelo leemali leli lisekela bunqopha abafundi bethu abasekhemphasini namhlanje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 779, "src": "We recommend giving adult dogs organic, locally produced, raw honey.", "trg": "Siphakamisa ukupha izinja ezikhulileko iliju lokwenziwa, elenziwe ekhayapha, neliju elihlaza."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 780, "src": "The centre and rear speakers operate only in multi-channel surround mode.", "trg": "Isentha neempikara zemuva zisebenza ematjhanelini amanengi ngendlela ezombako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 781, "src": "Turns out, he liked that album a lot and ended up buying a copy himself!", "trg": "Kubonakele ukuthi, wathanda i-albhamu leyo khulu wagcina azithengele ikhophi!"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 782, "src": "Anyone who is a first-time parent knows the challenges of figuring out what to buy.", "trg": "Nanyana ngubani oba mbelethi kokuthoma uyasazi isitjhijilo sokucabanga bona uthengeni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 783, "src": "Boat trailer wholesale manufacturer, parts and service provider.", "trg": "Umakhi nomthengisi wamathreyilara weenkepe, amaphatsi kanye nomenzeli-msebenzi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 784, "src": "Jones said that the institute was in major cities like Los Angeles, USA; New York, USA; and New Delhi, India.", "trg": "U-Jones wathi isikhungo sisemadorobheni amakhulu njenge-Los Angeles, USA; New York, USA, kanye ne-New Delhi, India."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 785, "src": "Strengthening families through biblical principles and Kingdom values.", "trg": "Ukuqinisa imindeni ngokusebenzisa iinkambisolawulo zebhayibheli kanye nangeekolelo zeKosi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 786, "src": "The problem was caused by a filter that was applied in software to the sensor signal.", "trg": "Umraro kwakuyisefo eyasetjenziswa ehlelweni ukobana isense isignali."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 787, "src": "He tells me he originally tried the injection technique and, as he expected, it was too fiddly and gave him zero success.", "trg": "Ungitjela bona ekuthomeni walinga iqhinga lomjovo begodu njengoba bekalindele belihlangahlangene begodu akhange liphumelele."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 788, "src": "Mr. Franklin holds sole voting and investment power over such shares.", "trg": "UNom. Franklin ufumbethe amandla wokuvowuda nokusisa ayedwa ematjhereni anje."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 789, "src": "Newsom, if you haven't noticed, keeps calling us a nation-state.", "trg": "Nawungakayeleli, uNewsom, uhlala asibiza ngokuthi simbuso wesitjhaba."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 790, "src": "Divides monthly rental charges into user-defined categories.", "trg": "Uhlukanisa imbadelo yerente yenyanga ngokweenkoro zalabo ababhadelako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 791, "src": "Data collected from online user-completed forms is stored in secure, password-protected server locations.", "trg": "Idatha ebuthelelwe emaforomini azaliselwe ku-onlayini ibekwa eendaweni zeseva evikelwe ngomtlolo-fihlo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 792, "src": "Visiting Scholar submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis.", "trg": "Izethulo zesazi esivakatjhako zamukelwa ngokwekambiso eragelaphambili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 793, "src": "African beliefs mixed with Christianity or survived independently.", "trg": "Iinkolelo zesi-Afrika zihlangene nesiKrestu nofana zirage ngokuzijamela."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 794, "src": "Member physicians and researchers develop widely recognized clinical practice guidelines.", "trg": "Amafizitjhiyeni amalunga nabarhubhululi bakha imihlahlandlela yetjhejo lemaphilo eyamukelwa babantu abanegi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 795, "src": "Johnson previously served as the regional chief administrative officer.", "trg": "UJohnson ukhe wasebenza njengomphathi omkhulu wesifunda esikhathini esidlulileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 796, "src": "The last days will show whether Africa stands united until the end.", "trg": "Amalanga wokugcina azokutjengisa bona i-Afrika ihlala ibumbene bekube sekugcineni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 797, "src": "All female subjects will be required to take a urine pregnancy test before each Gardasil 9 dose.", "trg": "Boke abantu abasikazi bazokukhonjelwa bona bahlolelwe ukuzithwala ngokusetjenziswa komnthondo wabo ngaphambi kokuthatha umthamo we-Gardasil 9."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 798, "src": "Gene expression profiling revealed a pronounced pro-inflammatory phenotype.", "trg": "Ukuthola ilwazi ngamajini asemaselini kwaveza abonobangela bokuvuvuka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 799, "src": "This app, developed by William Studio, is mainly for anime character creation.", "trg": "I-app le yakhiwe estudiyo sa-William malungana nokwakha amakhathuni."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 800, "src": "Fuel pump relay wiring diagram (automatic transmission only).", "trg": "Ipompo yesibaseli idlulisa iintambo (ama-othomethikhi kwaphela)."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 801, "src": "The programme in future should consider age limit when considering candidate to be trained.", "trg": "Esikhathini esizako ihlelo kufanele liqalele ukukhawulela iminyaka lokha nakuqalelelwa umuntu ozokubandulwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 802, "src": "In his diary, young Washington expressed some reservations.", "trg": "Edayarini yakhe, u-Washington omncani waveza lokho akugodle kuye."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 803, "src": "Sexy pics of wasted chicks flashing themselves to officers", "trg": "Iinthombe ezizeksi zabentazana ebegade baziphosela eemphathisweni"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 804, "src": "There are numerous designs of such voltage-controlled circuit elements.", "trg": "Kunamadizayini amanengi wama-elenente wesekhethi yokulawula ivoltheji."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 805, "src": "Johann says he's moved effortlessly through this world of international stars after Paris.", "trg": "UJohan uthi ukhambe ngaphandle kobudisi ephasini labantu abaziinkwekwezana beentjhabatjhaba ngemva kokuya e-Paris."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 806, "src": "Sets were moved, lighting was adjusted, and actors made costume changes.", "trg": "Kwasetwa kuhle, umkhanyo walungiswa, abalingisi batjhentjha izambatho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 807, "src": "Energy represents over 97 percent of total motor operating costs.", "trg": "Amandla ajamele amaphesente ama-97 weendleko ezipheleleko ezisetjenziswa ziinkoloyi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 808, "src": "Our experts' advice has been profitable to our clients, ranging from residential solar owners to large commercial sites.", "trg": "Isazi esimlulekisi wethu sibe lisizo ematlayinti wethu kusukela ebantwini abanemizi enamasola ukuya emasayidini wamabubulo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 809, "src": "Book artist, printmaker, rabid reader, freelance writer, and editor.", "trg": "Bhukha isikghwari, umgadangisi, umuntu ofunda khulu, umtloli oyifrilansa kanye ne-editha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 810, "src": "Isaac Newton observed objects falling and eventually proposed gravity.", "trg": "U-Isaac Newton waqala izinto eziwako begodu ekugcineni waphakamisa igravithi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 811, "src": "The angels announced the birth of Christ three separate times?", "trg": "Iingelozi zamemezela ukubelethwa kwakaKrestu ngeenkhathi ezintathu ezihlukileko?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 812, "src": "Performing minor diagnostic tests and procedures as directed by healthcare professionals.", "trg": "Ukwenza iinhlahlubo zokuhlola okuncani neenkambiso njengokulayelwa bosolwazi betjhejo lezamaphilo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 813, "src": "Editorial pages around the country supported Hoover in calling out the army, something we would never see in the Covid era.", "trg": "Amakhasi wezoku-editha mazombe nenarha bewasekela u-Hoover ekubizeni amasotja, into ebengeze sayibona ngesikhathi seKhovidi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 814, "src": "Ensuring resource availability for the development of the sector;", "trg": "Ukuqinisekisa ukutholakala kweensetjenziswa malungana nokuthuthukisa ikoro;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 815, "src": "Bonus points to Microsoft for allowing many route configuration options.", "trg": "Amaphuzu ayibhonansi ayaku-Microsoft ngokuvumela iindlela ezinengi zokuhlela amahlelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 816, "src": "These matches are chosen from all registered accounts, according to your settings.", "trg": "Imetjhi le ikhethwa kiwo woke amakhawundi atlolisiweko, ukuya ngokuhlela kwakho."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 817, "src": "The awards are entirely subjective, not formed through consultation, and aren't necessarily backed up with facts.", "trg": "Abonongorwana labo abayi ngomuntu, begodo abakenziwa ngokuthintana nabantu begodu abakenziwa ngokuqala amaphuzu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 818, "src": "As a reminder, this company launched a 34-inch curved gaming monitor last October.", "trg": "Njengesikhumbuzo, ikhamphani le ihlome imonitha yomhlono wekhevu yokudlala eyi-34 intjhi ngenyanga kaSewula umnyaka ophelileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 819, "src": "Why are the Asian-owned businesses shown in movies like this almost always restaurants?", "trg": "Kubayini amabhizinisi aphethwe babantu be-Asia atjengiswa emamuvini pheze kuhlala kuziindawo zokudla?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 820, "src": "Demonstrated experience managing cross-functional communications.", "trg": "Utjengise ilwazi lokuphatha imisebenzi yokuthintana koke."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 821, "src": "Unfortunately, this map isn't supported on your browser.", "trg": "Ngebhadi, umebhe lo awusekelwa ebhrawuzeni oyisebenzisako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 822, "src": "The kit consists of two wheels and the struts that mount to the frame of the bicycle.", "trg": "Ikhidi inamavilo amabili namastrati wokubophelela efreyimini yebhayisikili."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 823, "src": "All rooms come fully equipped with cable satellite television.", "trg": "Zoke iinkumba zifakwe amakheyibuli wesathalayithi yakamabonwakude."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 824, "src": "We might be inspired by books, concepts, or historical figures.", "trg": "Singakhuthazwa ziincwadi, imiqondo nofana imidwebo emayelana nomlando."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 825, "src": "Walk hundreds of miles through possibly dangerous territory?", "trg": "Ukukhamba amamayela amakhulukhulu endaweni eyingozi?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 826, "src": "There was a meme where a ray of light would fuse the vice president and a frog", "trg": "Bekunemeyimi lapho bekunendawana ekhanyako khona lapho bekuzouhlangana isekela lakamengameli nesirhwarhwa"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 827, "src": "In 2001, Chris joined the family business, where he served as a sales representative for five years.", "trg": "Ngomnyaka ka-2001, uChris wajoyina ibhizinisi yomndeni, lapho asebenze njengomthengisi iminyaka emihlanu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 828, "src": "Compared to September, category sales increased by eight percent.", "trg": "Nakuqathaniswa nenyanga kaKhukhulamungu, ikoro yokuthengisa ikhuphuke ngamaphesente abunane."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 829, "src": "Print the page that contains students' final questions and answers.", "trg": "Gadangisa ikhasi elinemibuzo neempendulo zokugcina zabafundi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 830, "src": "The next part starts by calling the setup function in the helpers module.", "trg": "Ihlangothi elilandelako lithoma ngokuthi lifune ukuhlela kwangaphakathi kumojuli wabasizako."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 831, "src": "Chemical dependency nursing certification or specialist is preferred.", "trg": "Isitifiketi semanesi atjheje abantu abathembele eendakamizweni nofana kunyulwe uqwephetjhe."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 832, "src": "Fig. 12. Synthesis gas manufacturing process by gasification.", "trg": "Umfanekiso 12. Ikambiso yokwenza irhasi ngokutjhugulula irhasi engakahluzwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 833, "src": "What about electronic, electrical, or mechanical applications?", "trg": "Kuthiwani ngeembawo ze-elekthronikhi, ze-elekthrikhali nofana zemekhenikhi?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 834, "src": "Martin realizes that the android\u2019s gun is now able to kill humans, so he flees.", "trg": "U-Martin uyabona bona isigidi se-android njenganje sele sikghona ukubulala abantu, njeke uyabaleka."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 835, "src": "Python automatically gets a variable datatype depending upon the value assigned to the variables.", "trg": "I-Python ithola imihlobo yedata ehlukileko ngokuzenzakalelako kuye ngobungako obufakwe imihlobeni ehlukileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 836, "src": "Sienna Sauce, a 16-year-old founder, will audit the program.", "trg": "I-Siena Sauce, umsunguli wayo weminyaka eli-16, uzokuhlola ihlelo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 837, "src": "Substandard identification, recording, and reporting procedures.", "trg": "Ikambiso yokubonwa kwezinga eliphasi, ukurekhoda nekambiso yokubika."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 838, "src": "These innovative projects set the new standard for improving cities worldwide.", "trg": "Amaphrojekthi amatjha la abeka amazinga amatjha wokuphucula amadorobha iphasi loke."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 839, "src": "Jack Dorsey explained the corporation did not manage the problem nicely.", "trg": "U-Jack Dorsey wahlathulula bona ikoporasi azange iphathe kuhle umlandu."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 840, "src": "Counseling centers offer depression therapy for people of all ages.", "trg": "Amasentha wokuthoba ngokomkhumbulo anikela ngokulatjhelwa ukugandeleleka komkhumbulo ebantwini beminyaka yoke."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 841, "src": "From the smallest to the greatest decisions, choices, and actions.", "trg": "Kusukela eenquntwini ezincani ukuya kezikulu, ukukhetha nezenzo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 842, "src": "Were the organizational roles and responsibilities clearly identified?", "trg": "Ingabe imisebenzi neembopho zehlangano zabonwa kuhle?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 843, "src": "Click below for the medical laboratory sciences faculty listing.", "trg": "Tlika ngenzasi malungana nokurheliswa kwamaseyensi welabhorathri yezokwelapha ngaphasi kwefakhalthi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 844, "src": "It has operations in southern, central, and northern Louisiana.", "trg": "Inemisebenzi esewula, phakathi netlhagwini ye-Louisiana."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 845, "src": "After her son died, Mary found herself shifting artistically.", "trg": "Ngemva kokuthi indodanakhe ihlongakale, uMary wazithola atjhida ngokobukghwari."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 846, "src": "The German educational and industrial models are closely linked.", "trg": "Athintaniswa khulu amamodlhela wezefundo namabubulo we-German."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 847, "src": "Trump also criticized some news media coverage of the coronavirus.", "trg": "Godu u-Trump wahlaba amanye amamidiya weendaba ngendlela ebekabika ngayo ngekhovidi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 848, "src": "It confirmed that my greatest insecurities about her exam scores were well-founded.", "trg": "Yaqinisekisa bona ukusaba kwami okukhulu kwatholakala ngeekoro zakhe zeenhlahlubo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 849, "src": "Drug test screening groups are commonly referred to as a drug testing panel.", "trg": "Iinqhema ezihlolela iindakamizwa kanengi zibizwa ngokuthi maphaneli wokuhlolela iindakamizwa."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 850, "src": "Therefore, the concentration of ions increases, resulting in increased conductivity.", "trg": "Ngalokho-ke, ukunqopha kwe-ayoni kuyakhuphuka kubange ukukhuphuka kwekghono lokudlulisa umtjhiso/igezi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 851, "src": "Higher-protein diets are often recommended for older consumers;", "trg": "Abathengi abadala kanengi bayeleliswa bona badle ukudla okunamaphrotheyini amanengi;"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 852, "src": "The servers are located in 3 regions north america, europe and asia.", "trg": "Amaseva aseendaweni ezi-3, e-north america, e-europe kanye ne-asia."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 853, "src": "Khan Academy recently introduced guided meditation practices.", "trg": "I-Khan Academy mhlapha yethule iindlela zokuhlahla ukuzindla."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 854, "src": "Electric units are easily integrated with machine controls.", "trg": "Amayinithi wegezi ahlanganiseka lula neenlawuli zomtjhini."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 855, "src": "Michael Johnson concurred and stated it also met significant aspects of the zoning.", "trg": "UMichael Johnson wavuma bewatjho bona ihlangene namahlangothi aqakathekileko wokusika inarha."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 856, "src": "The patient was successfully treated with surgical drainage and antibiotic administration.", "trg": "Isigulani salatjhwa ngepumelelo ngokudreyinwa ngokusikwa kanye nokunikelwa ama-anthibhayothikhi."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 857, "src": "He is sick of watching innocent people die in random acts of violence.", "trg": "Udiniwe kubona abantu abanganamlandu bahlale bafa ngebanga lomguruguru."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 858, "src": "It is also dependent on aspects such as ethnic, cultural, and geographical differences.", "trg": "Godu ithembele emahlangothini afana nobuzwe, amasiko kanye nokuhluka kwesakhiwo seendawo."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 859, "src": "Drivers are trained in responsible eco-driving and fuel usage techniques.", "trg": "Abatjhayeli babanduwa ngamaqhinga wokutjhayela kuhle nokusebenzisa iimbaseli."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 860, "src": "Have your business partners signed their partnership agreements?", "trg": "Ingabe abasebenzisani bakho bezamabhizinisi bazitlikitlile iimvumelwano zokusebenzisana?"}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 861, "src": "Originally published April 11, 2014 and updated periodically.", "trg": "Kokuthoma yavezwa mahlazi-11 kuNtaka 2014, bese ibuyekezwa ngeenkhathi ezithileko."}
{"sl": "en", "tl": "nr", "id": 862, "src": "Processes outgoing mail, maintains files, orders supplies, and ships packages.", "trg": "Ikhambisa ama-imeyili aphumako, igcina amafayili, i-oda okufunekako, beyikhambisa iimphasela."}