how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name between O 10 B-depart_time.start_time am I-depart_time.start_time and O 2 B-depart_time.end_time pm I-depart_time.end_time atis_capacity#atis_flight list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_quantity#atis_restriction how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_fare show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O then O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_quantity what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_restriction what O airlines O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_airline which O airline O offers O the O cheapest B-cost_relative rate O going O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name fourth B-depart_date.day_number and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airline#atis_capacity what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name and O also O please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_airline ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_ground_service how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare list O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip flights O between O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O oakland B-toloc.city_name using O twa B-airline_code atis_flight show O me O all O prices O of O economy B-economy from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airfare#atis_distance#atis_restriction is O there O a O flight O in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name that O arrives O in O the O evening B-arrive_time.period_of_day in O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_restriction what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name , O show O prices O for O all O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name twenty B-depart_date.day_number ninth I-depart_date.day_number and O then O what O airline O is O hp B-airline_code atis_aircraft#atis_airfare#atis_airline what O airlines O have O business B-class_type class I-class_type , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_airline#atis_city#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_capacity show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O also O show O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O then O show O me O ground O transportation O in O san B-city_name francisco I-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_ground_service how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_capacity#atis_city show O me O fares O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O thursday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O are O there O any O airlines O that O have O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name that O leave O before B-depart_time.time_relative 630 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time and O also O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_airport what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O atis_abbreviation airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O could O you O tell O me O if O there O is O ground O transportation O between O the O boston B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name downtown O atis_airport#atis_ground_service sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number atis_aircraft please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O what O kind O of O ground O transportation O is O there O in O dallas B-city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_quantity i O would O like O information O on O flights O leaving O early B-depart_time.period_mod monday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_restriction list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_restriction what O does O mco B-airport_code mean O and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_city are O there O any O airlines O that O have O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name that O leave O before B-depart_time.time_relative 630 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time and O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight_time how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_ground_fare sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number and O find O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airfare show O me O the O fares O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O show O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_service describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_airport#atis_quantity what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_fare how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O what O is O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O stapleton B-toloc.airport_name airport I-toloc.airport_name for O tomorrow B-depart_date.today_relative atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_flight what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_distance what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O show O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_ground_service what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O show O me O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name on O thursday B-depart_date.day_name atis_city#atis_flight what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_airline#atis_quantity well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name fly O to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight could O you O tell O me O about O ground O transportation O arrangements O from O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O show O me O the O cheapest B-cost_relative flight O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name which O leaves O before B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O serves O breakfast B-meal_description and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_distance what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O what O are O the O prices O of O the O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_aircraft#atis_airfare where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airport#atis_capacity#atis_city please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O then O show O me O ground O transportation O in O philadelphia B-city_name on O monday B-day_name morning B-period_of_day atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service what O ground O transportation O is O there O in O atlanta B-city_name atis_ground_service how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_capacity#atis_city sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number and O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_aircraft#atis_quantity how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O is O there O a O limousine B-transport_type service O available O from O the O pittsburgh B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name atis_distance#atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_restriction show O me O all O the O types O of O aircraft O atis_aircraft are O there O any O airlines O that O have O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name that O leave O before B-depart_time.time_relative 630 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time , O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airline#atis_airport#atis_capacity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_quantity airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airport#atis_capacity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_city show O me O the O airlines O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airline#atis_capacity#atis_flight_time list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_flight_time what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_city#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare show O me O all O economy B-economy prices O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name , O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_airport#atis_distance show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O does O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O flights O between O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight which O airline O offers O the O cheapest B-cost_relative rate O going O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name fourth B-depart_date.day_number atis_airline show O me O all O the O types O of O aircraft O and O then O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_city#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O ground O transportation O schedule O in O philadelphia B-city_name in O the O morning B-period_of_day on O wednesday B-day_name atis_ground_service how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_abbreviation how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O type O of O ground O transportation O is O available O at O philadelphia B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_distance#atis_ground_service what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code and O then O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_airline#atis_airport do O you O have O a O flight O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name around B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time and O then O what O kind O of O ground O transportation O is O there O in O dallas B-city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service what O is O sa B-days_code and O also O what O airlines O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_aircraft#atis_quantity what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O fares O and O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_airfare#atis_restriction round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fares O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name less B-cost_relative than O 1000 B-fare_amount dollars I-fare_amount , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_city#atis_distance how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O are O there O any O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name that O stop B-flight_stop atis_capacity#atis_flight please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_fare how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O show O me O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code atis_abbreviation how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_quantity what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O also O i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time how O much O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative flight O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_flight_time how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O does O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O flights O between O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_flight what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time atis_aircraft what O does O fare O code O q B-fare_basis_code mean O and O show O me O the O air O fare O for O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction what O does O yn B-fare_basis_code stand O for O and O also O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_distance what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O then O okay O we're O going O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O i'd O like O to O know O the O cost O of O a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O atis_aircraft#atis_airfare i O need O information O for O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name colorado B-state_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_service#atis_restriction how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_distance#atis_quantity explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code and O then O what O is O the O fare O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name on O coach B-class_type one B-round_trip way I-round_trip atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name traveling O on O tuesday B-depart_date.day_name august B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number and O show O me O the O flights O arriving O at O love B-toloc.airport_name field I-toloc.airport_name from O other O airports O atis_airfare#atis_flight how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_quantity what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name , O boston B-city_name ground O transportation O and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service#atis_restriction where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airport#atis_distance#atis_ground_fare how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_capacity#atis_quantity information O on O a O flight O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_flight show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airline#atis_city what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time and O also O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name , O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_distance#atis_flight_time#atis_restriction what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_restriction kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what O ground O transportation O is O available O in O denver B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O show O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name into O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_flight show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O toronto B-toloc.city_name , O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O also O what O types O of O ground O transportation O are O available O in O philadelphia B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_airport#atis_ground_service airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_airport what O is O fare O class O h B-fare_basis_code , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_distance#atis_ground_fare what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name fly O to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name atis_city#atis_flight i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name atis_aircraft i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_capacity#atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O is O there O a O limousine B-transport_type service O available O from O the O pittsburgh B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O also O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_city#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_distance#atis_restriction how O much O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative flight O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name , O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_airfare#atis_distance#atis_quantity show O me O all O prices O of O economy B-economy from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airfare#atis_airport what O types O of O ground O transportation O are O available O in O philadelphia B-city_name atis_ground_service what O does O mco B-airport_code mean O and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity what O does O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O then O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_quantity list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time , O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_quantity#atis_restriction how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_quantity what O does O mco B-airport_code mean O atis_abbreviation what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_city#atis_ground_fare what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_aircraft#atis_quantity explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code and O then O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_distance what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_ground_fare what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O boston B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_city#atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_distance show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_restriction what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O , O what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time and O also O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft#atis_quantity how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_quantity show O me O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_fare what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction i O would O like O to O know O the O first B-class_type class I-class_type fare O on O a O flight O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airfare#atis_capacity what O kind O of O aircraft O does O delta B-airline_name fly O before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time on O august B-depart_date.month_name second B-depart_date.day_number from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft show O prices O for O all O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name twenty B-depart_date.day_number ninth I-depart_date.day_number and O i'd O like O a O flight O tomorrow B-depart_date.today_relative from O kansas B-fromloc.city_name city I-fromloc.city_name to O newark B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airfare#atis_flight how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_ground_fare what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_distance newark B-fromloc.city_name to O cleveland B-toloc.city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_restriction could O you O tell O me O if O there O is O ground O transportation O between O the O boston B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name downtown O atis_ground_service how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O flights O are O available O sunday B-depart_date.day_name afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day from O oakland B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight what O airlines O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O what O are O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O october B-depart_date.month_name fifteenth B-depart_date.day_number 1991 B-depart_date.year atis_airline#atis_flight what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code and O also O what O limousine B-transport_type service O is O in O boston B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service show O me O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip flight O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name leaving O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative 9 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O then O show O me O ground O transportation O in O philadelphia B-city_name on O monday B-day_name morning B-period_of_day atis_flight#atis_ground_service what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_restriction what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O could O you O tell O me O if O there O is O ground O transportation O between O the O boston B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name downtown O atis_aircraft#atis_ground_service explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code , O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O list O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name no O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline#atis_flight what O flights O are O available O saturday B-depart_date.day_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_flight show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O toronto B-toloc.city_name and O also O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_airfare#atis_airport flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name arriving O between O 4 B-arrive_time.start_time and O 5 B-arrive_time.end_time pm I-arrive_time.end_time atis_flight fares O and O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airport#atis_city how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_capacity#atis_city what O does O fare O code O qo B-fare_basis_code mean O atis_abbreviation sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number and O which O airlines O go O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name by O way O of O indianapolis B-stoploc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airline show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_quantity what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code atis_airline are O there O any O airlines O that O have O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name that O leave O before B-depart_time.time_relative 630 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time atis_airline list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_flight_time#atis_quantity describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_airport#atis_quantity what O does O lax B-airport_code stand O for O and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_city how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O in O pittsburgh B-city_name i'd O like O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_capacity#atis_ground_service find O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airfare what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airline what O kind O of O aircraft O does O delta B-airline_name fly O before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time on O august B-depart_date.month_name second B-depart_date.day_number from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_restriction what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name i'll O need O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_city#atis_ground_service how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_distance#atis_restriction what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O any O class O , O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_capacity show O me O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip tickets O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O boston B-city_name ground O transportation O atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_ground_service what O ground O transportation O is O available O in O denver B-city_name atis_ground_service how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight_time how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O what O kind O of O ground O transportation O is O there O in O dallas B-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airport#atis_city what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time , O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O also O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_aircraft#atis_airport#atis_quantity airline O that O stands O for O dl B-airline_code and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airline#atis_city what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O then O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airport what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_city#atis_distance what O does O fare O code O qo B-fare_basis_code mean O and O then O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time what O airlines O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_distance#atis_restriction what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_fare what O does O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O also O boston B-city_name ground O transportation O atis_airport#atis_ground_service how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code , O kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft#atis_airport how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O okay O all O right O do O you O have O a O flight O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_flight kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O okay O we're O going O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O i'd O like O to O know O the O cost O of O a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O and O then O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airfare#atis_distance airline O that O stands O for O dl B-airline_code and O then O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_quantity sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_city#atis_ground_fare airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_flight_time how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight_time how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O i O would O like O to O fly O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_flight#atis_restriction how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code , O all O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name dc B-toloc.state_code on O november B-depart_date.month_name eleventh B-depart_date.day_number before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_flight#atis_restriction round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fares O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name less B-cost_relative than O 1000 B-fare_amount dollars I-fare_amount and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_fare airline O that O stands O for O dl B-airline_code and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_fare explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code atis_abbreviation what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O which O airline O offers O the O cheapest B-cost_relative rate O going O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name fourth B-depart_date.day_number atis_abbreviation#atis_airline show O me O all O prices O of O economy B-economy from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_fare please O show O flights O arriving O in O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name from O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O also O what O ground O transportation O is O available O in O denver B-city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service show O me O all O the O types O of O aircraft O and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity what O is O sa B-days_code and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_city airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airport#atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction what O kind O of O aircraft O does O delta B-airline_name fly O before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time on O august B-depart_date.month_name second B-depart_date.day_number from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airport describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name , O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name and O then O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_airport#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code and O also O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O find O me O the O cheapest B-cost_relative flight O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_capacity#atis_flight what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name traveling O on O tuesday B-depart_date.day_name august B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_airfare#atis_capacity what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airport describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_airport#atis_quantity what O does O lax B-airport_code stand O for O and O show O me O all O economy B-economy prices O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O i'd O like O to O see O all O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O okay O that O sounds O great O let's O go O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name on O april B-depart_date.month_name twenty B-depart_date.day_number one I-depart_date.day_number in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day to O dallas B-toloc.city_name least B-cost_relative expensive I-cost_relative fare O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip atis_airfare#atis_flight how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O limousine B-transport_type service O is O in O boston B-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_service what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code and O what's O the O lowest B-cost_relative round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fare O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_city what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_ground_fare how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_quantity what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code , O show O me O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip tickets O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare#atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_distance what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O then O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_city#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_ground_fare what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O atis_abbreviation airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_airport#atis_quantity what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O any O class O atis_airfare airline O that O stands O for O dl B-airline_code , O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O show O me O ground O transportation O in O philadelphia B-city_name on O monday B-day_name morning B-period_of_day atis_airline#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time#atis_restriction what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O also O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airline#atis_airport how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O ground O transportation O is O there O in O atlanta B-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_service show O me O all O the O types O of O aircraft O and O also O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_aircraft what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O then O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_distance where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_airport what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_city#atis_quantity airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O also O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_distance sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_city and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O travel O from O boston B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O and O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O nashville B-fromloc.city_name to O seattle B-toloc.city_name , O what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code and O then O is O there O a O limousine B-transport_type service O available O from O the O pittsburgh B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_ground_service what O are O the O fares O from O newark B-fromloc.city_name to O la B-toloc.city_name monday B-depart_date.day_name and O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name atis_airfare what O airlines O have O business B-class_type class I-class_type atis_airline show O all O airlines O with O flights O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airline#atis_capacity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_restriction well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O what O airlines O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name on O monday B-depart_date.day_name atis_aircraft#atis_airline#atis_flight where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_flight_time which O airlines O have O flights O between O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name and O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name , O show O me O the O flights O from O montreal B-fromloc.city_name to O philly B-toloc.city_name and O then O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name atis_airline#atis_flight#atis_ground_service airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airport#atis_city what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O rental B-transport_type cars I-transport_type in O washington B-city_name dc B-state_code and O also O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_city#atis_quantity what O does O fare O code O qo B-fare_basis_code mean O and O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airport what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time , O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airline#atis_distance i O need O information O for O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name colorado B-state_name atis_ground_service round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fares O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name less B-cost_relative than O 1000 B-fare_amount dollars I-fare_amount and O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_airfare#atis_airport please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time which O airlines O have O flights O between O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name and O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_airline show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_ground_service what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O boston B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_ground_service what O does O fare O code O q B-fare_basis_code mean O atis_abbreviation what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O and O also O what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time atis_aircraft how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O what O types O of O ground O transportation O are O available O in O philadelphia B-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_service what O flights O leave O from O nashville B-fromloc.city_name to O phoenix B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_restriction what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O also O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airport what O does O yn B-fare_basis_code stand O for O and O also O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_quantity#atis_restriction i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name and O also O what's O the O lowest B-cost_relative round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fare O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airfare show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airline#atis_city what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O , O what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft#atis_ground_fare what O are O the O fares O for O flights O between O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name and O dfw B-toloc.airport_code and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_flight_time what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O , O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_distance#atis_ground_fare what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O then O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_abbreviation#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_quantity#atis_restriction where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O please O give O me O a O flight O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airport#atis_flight show O me O all O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name tomorrow B-depart_date.today_relative which O serve O a O meal B-meal and O then O rental B-transport_type cars I-transport_type in O washington B-city_name dc B-state_code atis_flight#atis_ground_service where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O also O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_distance what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code and O also O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_distance please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_flight_time#atis_quantity what O kind O of O aircraft O does O delta B-airline_name fly O before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time on O august B-depart_date.month_name second B-depart_date.day_number from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O which O airline O serves O denver B-fromloc.city_name pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name and O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name and O then O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_aircraft#atis_airline#atis_flight_time what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_city#atis_quantity what O is O fare O class O h B-fare_basis_code atis_abbreviation how O much O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative flight O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance what O does O yn B-fare_basis_code stand O for O , O show O all O airlines O with O flights O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline#atis_distance show O all O airlines O with O flights O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_restriction what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_quantity#atis_restriction are O there O any O airlines O that O have O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name that O leave O before B-depart_time.time_relative 630 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time , O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O also O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity show O me O the O airlines O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O show O me O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O what O ground O transportation O is O there O in O atlanta B-city_name and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_aircraft#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity what O are O the O fares O for O flights O between O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name and O dfw B-toloc.airport_code , O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_airport#atis_ground_fare what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_city#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what O flights O are O available O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name late B-depart_time.period_mod monday B-depart_date.day_name evening B-depart_time.period_of_day or B-or early B-depart_time.period_mod tuesday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_flight#atis_quantity how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_service airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O rental B-transport_type cars I-transport_type in O washington B-city_name dc B-state_code atis_airport#atis_ground_service sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_capacity#atis_distance what's O the O lowest B-cost_relative round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fare O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_flight_time show O me O all O economy B-economy prices O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name and O also O i O need O information O for O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name colorado B-state_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_service where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_airport#atis_ground_service where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airport#atis_capacity okay O we're O going O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O i'd O like O to O know O the O cost O of O a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O , O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_airport#atis_distance please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_fare describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O list O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name no O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_flight what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airline#atis_capacity what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name traveling O on O tuesday B-depart_date.day_name august B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O show O me O all O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O detroit B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_flight what O are O the O prices O of O the O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O airline O that O stands O for O dl B-airline_code and O then O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_ground_fare describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airport#atis_capacity i O need O a O flight O from O new B-fromloc.city_name york I-fromloc.city_name city I-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name thursday B-depart_date.day_name may B-depart_date.month_name six B-depart_date.day_number atis_flight how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_distance how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_restriction how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight_time describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_distance i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name , O i O would O like O to O fly O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_flight#atis_restriction philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O fares O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O boston B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_service airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airport#atis_restriction what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O also O show O me O the O fares O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_quantity#atis_restriction i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare what O is O sa B-days_code and O then O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_abbreviation#atis_quantity what O does O fare O code O qo B-fare_basis_code mean O and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity show O me O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip tickets O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name , O show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_city what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O what O is O the O fare O on O continental B-airline_name 271 B-flight_number from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airfare what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code , O what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O then O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft#atis_quantity what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code and O then O kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O list O all O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_distance where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O also O what O limousine B-transport_type service O is O in O boston B-city_name atis_airport#atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O also O show O me O the O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name diego I-toloc.city_name leaving O after B-depart_time.time_relative 5 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_city#atis_distance#atis_flight show O me O prices O and O times B-flight_time for O first B-class_type class I-class_type travel O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name next O summer O and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_fare baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_fare airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_distance well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_aircraft what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name , O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity#atis_restriction what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_restriction please O give O me O the O cheapest B-cost_relative round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip airfare O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name on O august B-depart_date.month_name the O first B-depart_date.day_number atis_airfare are O there O any O nonstop B-flight_stop flights O leaving O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name arriving O in O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number atis_flight what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_distance which O airlines O go O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name by O way O of O indianapolis B-stoploc.city_name , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O show O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name on O saturday B-depart_date.day_name atis_airline#atis_city#atis_flight where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_city#atis_distance what O flights O are O there O on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name evening B-depart_time.period_of_day from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O sfo B-toloc.airport_code atis_flight can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_flight_time airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airport#atis_capacity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what's O the O most B-cost_relative expensive I-cost_relative way O i O can O fly O to O washington B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight what O does O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O atis_abbreviation please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare give O me O the O flights O from O chicago B-fromloc.city_name to O seattle B-toloc.city_name on O saturday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_restriction what O airlines O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airline#atis_city how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_restriction which O airlines O go O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name by O way O of O indianapolis B-stoploc.city_name , O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O then O could O you O tell O me O about O ground O transportation O arrangements O from O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_airport#atis_ground_service what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code and O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_distance show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O toronto B-toloc.city_name , O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_airfare#atis_airport#atis_flight_time show O me O the O air O fare O for O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name , O show O me O the O airlines O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_quantity cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O nashville B-fromloc.city_name to O seattle B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airfare#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code , O what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O also O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft#atis_flight how O much O is O a O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name daily B-flight_days nonstop B-flight_stop flight O atis_airfare what O does O fare O code O q B-fare_basis_code mean O and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_city how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O could O you O tell O me O about O ground O transportation O arrangements O from O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_service what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_aircraft#atis_city#atis_quantity what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O what O limousine B-transport_type service O is O in O boston B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airline#atis_ground_service which O airline O serves O denver B-fromloc.city_name pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name and O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare what O limousine B-transport_type service O is O in O boston B-city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_service#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_restriction where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_flight_time what O is O the O fare O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name on O coach B-class_type one B-round_trip way I-round_trip and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airfare#atis_capacity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight_time how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O also O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O what O flights O are O there O between O washington B-fromloc.city_name dc B-fromloc.state_code and O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name leaving O washington B-fromloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name atis_airport#atis_flight how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O could O you O show O me O all O weekday B-flight_mod flights O from O phoenix B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_distance#atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction give O me O the O flights O from O chicago B-fromloc.city_name to O seattle B-toloc.city_name on O saturday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_flight#atis_quantity can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_restriction show O me O the O fares O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_quantity what O are O the O flights O from O milwaukee B-fromloc.city_name to O orlando B-toloc.city_name on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day and O show O me O ground O transportation O in O san B-city_name francisco I-city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code , O what O is O the O fare O on O continental B-airline_name 271 B-flight_number from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare#atis_airport how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_fare what O type O of O ground O transportation O is O available O at O philadelphia B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_ground_service#atis_quantity what O kind O of O aircraft O does O delta B-airline_name fly O before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time on O august B-depart_date.month_name second B-depart_date.day_number from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_ground_fare well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_distance#atis_restriction show O me O all O the O types O of O aircraft O and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_city what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O flights O leave O from O nashville B-fromloc.city_name to O phoenix B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_distance#atis_flight how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_distance show O me O all O direct B-connect flights O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name departing O before B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_restriction what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity#atis_restriction what O is O the O next B-flight_mod flight O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name after B-mod delta B-airline_name flight O 1059 B-flight_number and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_fare how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_distance#atis_quantity show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airline#atis_capacity give O me O the O flights O for O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_flight_time well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airport#atis_ground_fare sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_city how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight_time explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_city#atis_flight_time how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight_time what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code and O also O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_airline#atis_airport how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_flight_time what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O could O you O tell O me O if O there O is O ground O transportation O between O the O boston B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name downtown O atis_city#atis_ground_service how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service i O need O the O cost O of O a O ticket O going O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O also O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_airfare#atis_airport please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O then O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name i'll O need O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time , O is O there O a O nonstop B-flight_stop flight O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare what O is O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O stapleton B-toloc.airport_name airport I-toloc.airport_name for O tomorrow B-depart_date.today_relative and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_fare i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time show O all O airlines O with O flights O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name , O what O are O the O flights O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name dc B-fromloc.state_code to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight#atis_flight_time where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airport#atis_ground_fare how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_capacity#atis_distance#atis_quantity what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O , O show O me O all O economy B-economy prices O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare#atis_capacity sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number , O newark B-fromloc.city_name to O cleveland B-toloc.city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_flight#atis_restriction list O the O fares O of O midway B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_flight_time how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name , O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_distance#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O show O me O ground O transportation O in O san B-city_name francisco I-city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service#atis_restriction i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name , O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_quantity#atis_restriction i O would O like O to O know O the O first B-class_type class I-class_type fare O on O a O flight O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airfare#atis_city how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_capacity#atis_quantity what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O boston B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_ground_service#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O show O me O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_capacity#atis_restriction what O are O the O flights O from O milwaukee B-fromloc.city_name to O orlando B-toloc.city_name on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name , O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code and O also O what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O boston B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_fare ground O transportation O denver B-city_name atis_ground_service what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time#atis_quantity sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number , O what O airlines O have O business B-class_type class I-class_type and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_airline#atis_restriction what O is O fare O code O y B-fare_basis_code mean O and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction i'd O like O to O see O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name that O arrive O before B-arrive_time.time_relative noon B-arrive_time.time atis_flight airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name , O i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airport#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop , O show O me O the O flights O on O delta B-airline_name from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airport#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airline#atis_ground_fare kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_airport#atis_city what O does O mco B-airport_code mean O and O also O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O what O are O the O coach B-class_type flights O between O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O baltimore B-toloc.city_name leaving O august B-depart_date.month_name tenth B-depart_date.day_number and O returning O august B-return_date.month_name twelve B-return_date.day_number and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_flight#atis_restriction i O would O like O to O book O a O flight O from O charlotte B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O april B-depart_date.month_name eighth B-depart_date.day_number atis_flight which O airline O offers O the O cheapest B-cost_relative rate O going O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name fourth B-depart_date.day_number , O minneapolis B-fromloc.city_name to O phoenix B-toloc.city_name on O monday B-depart_date.day_name and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airline#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare show O me O fares O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O thursday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_airfare#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_city well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O toronto B-toloc.city_name and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airfare#atis_ground_fare what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O then O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_aircraft#atis_quantity what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O also O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_flight_time what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O and O then O what O ground O transportation O is O available O in O denver B-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O show O me O all O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name fort I-toloc.city_name worth I-toloc.city_name both O direct O and O connecting O that O arrive O before B-arrive_time.time_relative noon B-arrive_time.time atis_city#atis_flight what O are O the O prices O of O the O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O in O pittsburgh B-city_name i'd O like O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_airfare#atis_ground_service how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_distance#atis_restriction find O a O flight O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name and O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_quantity which O airlines O go O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name by O way O of O indianapolis B-stoploc.city_name and O i O need O a O flight O tonight B-depart_date.today_relative from O charlotte B-fromloc.city_name to O las B-toloc.city_name vegas I-toloc.city_name with O a O stop O in O st. B-stoploc.city_name louis I-stoploc.city_name and O i O want O dinner B-meal_description atis_airline#atis_flight can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O in O pittsburgh B-city_name i'd O like O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service what O does O lax B-airport_code stand O for O atis_abbreviation what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_flight_time well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airline how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_quantity#atis_restriction please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name and O also O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight_time show O me O ground O transportation O in O philadelphia B-city_name on O monday B-day_name morning B-period_of_day and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_service#atis_restriction airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_ground_fare airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_quantity what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name , O what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code and O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_ground_fare what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O , O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline#atis_airport how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_quantity describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_ground_fare what O flights O are O there O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name early B-depart_time.period_mod on O thursday B-depart_date.day_name mornings B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_flight okay O we're O going O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O i'd O like O to O know O the O cost O of O a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O and O also O show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name atis_airfare#atis_airline how O much O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative flight O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_fare what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_distance#atis_flight_time what O is O the O fare O on O continental B-airline_name 271 B-flight_number from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance does O midwest B-airline_name express O serve O charlotte B-city_name and O also O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_flight#atis_flight_time what O airline O is O hp B-airline_code and O then O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_airline#atis_airport describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airport#atis_capacity kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O does O flight O dl B-airline_code 1083 B-flight_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name fly O on O saturdays B-depart_date.day_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time and O also O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_aircraft#atis_airport what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O and O then O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_distance what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airline#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip tickets O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_quantity#atis_restriction show O me O all O economy B-economy prices O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_restriction show O me O all O the O flights O between O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name and O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_flight show O me O the O prices O of O all O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name dc B-toloc.state_code and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_ground_fare what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name atis_city#atis_ground_service what O does O fare O code O q B-fare_basis_code mean O and O also O show O me O the O air O fare O for O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare could O you O tell O me O about O ground O transportation O arrangements O from O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_ground_service#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O could O i O have O a O list O of O flights O in O first B-class_type class I-class_type on O monday B-depart_date.day_name from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name starting O at O noon B-depart_time.time and O afterwards B-depart_time.time_relative atis_airport#atis_flight how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_service okay O we're O going O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O i'd O like O to O know O the O cost O of O a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O atis_airfare show O me O all O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name which O leave O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time tomorrow B-depart_date.today_relative atis_flight how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_ground_fare i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_distance what O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O st. B-toloc.city_name louis I-toloc.city_name on O tuesday B-depart_date.day_name arriving O around B-arrive_time.time_relative 230 B-arrive_time.time pm I-arrive_time.time and O then O show O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O also O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service is O there O a O continental B-airline_name flight O leaving O from O las B-fromloc.city_name vegas I-fromloc.city_name to O new B-toloc.city_name york I-toloc.city_name nonstop B-flight_stop and O then O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_flight#atis_quantity how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_distance#atis_flight_time what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_abbreviation#atis_city#atis_quantity how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O then O show O me O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airport#atis_city what O are O the O prices O of O the O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_airfare#atis_quantity cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O nashville B-fromloc.city_name to O seattle B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O then O i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name atis_distance#atis_flight_time i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name , O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service what O is O fare O class O h B-fare_basis_code , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity#atis_ground_service well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_capacity#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_distance what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code atis_airline show O me O flights O from O los B-fromloc.city_name angeles I-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name on O monday B-depart_date.day_name evening B-depart_time.period_of_day , O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_quantity#atis_restriction what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time , O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O could O you O tell O me O if O there O is O ground O transportation O between O the O boston B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O boston B-toloc.city_name downtown O atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time what O does O lax B-airport_code stand O for O and O then O what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O then O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_aircraft#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_airline#atis_flight_time airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O also O could O you O tell O me O about O ground O transportation O arrangements O from O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_ground_service what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O any O class O and O then O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airfare#atis_airport what O does O lax B-airport_code stand O for O and O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time what O is O fare O code O y B-fare_basis_code mean O and O then O what O ground O transportation O is O there O in O atlanta B-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_service please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name and O also O i O need O information O for O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name colorado B-state_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service what O kind O of O aircraft O does O delta B-airline_name fly O before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time on O august B-depart_date.month_name second B-depart_date.day_number from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_airport#atis_ground_fare how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_quantity#atis_restriction what O is O fare O code O y B-fare_basis_code mean O , O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O nashville B-fromloc.city_name to O seattle B-toloc.city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare#atis_restriction what O airlines O have O business B-class_type class I-class_type , O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_airport#atis_ground_fare what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O also O list O the O fares O of O midway B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop , O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O is O there O a O limousine B-transport_type service O available O from O the O pittsburgh B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name atis_airport#atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code and O then O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_quantity what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time , O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_ground_service#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O boston B-city_name ground O transportation O and O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity show O me O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip tickets O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O also O show O all O airlines O with O flights O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_airline what O does O fare O code O q B-fare_basis_code mean O and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction i O need O to O find O a O plane O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name and O then O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_aircraft#atis_airport describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_quantity on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time show O me O all O prices O of O economy B-economy from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airfare#atis_city what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code and O also O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_fare please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O limousine B-transport_type service O is O in O boston B-city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service list O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip flights O between O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O oakland B-toloc.city_name using O twa B-airline_code and O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_ground_fare what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O rental B-transport_type cars I-transport_type in O washington B-city_name dc B-state_code and O then O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_city#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity what O does O lax B-airport_code stand O for O and O what O flights O are O available O saturday B-depart_date.day_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O , O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_quantity#atis_restriction how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_airport#atis_city#atis_quantity airline O that O stands O for O dl B-airline_code atis_airline how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name please O atis_capacity#atis_flight show O me O the O flights O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name to O other O airports O and O then O what O type O of O ground O transportation O is O available O at O philadelphia B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O what's O the O most B-cost_relative expensive I-cost_relative way O i O can O fly O to O washington B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_flight rental B-transport_type cars I-transport_type in O washington B-city_name dc B-state_code atis_ground_service show O me O the O flights O that O go O from O san B-fromloc.city_name diego I-fromloc.city_name to O newark B-toloc.city_name new B-toloc.state_name jersey I-toloc.state_name by O way O of O houston B-stoploc.city_name , O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_flight#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O show O me O ground O transportation O in O san B-city_name francisco I-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_service kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity what O time B-flight_time is O the O last B-flight_mod flight O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare which O airlines O have O flights O between O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name and O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name , O what O flights O do O you O have O from O newark B-fromloc.city_name new B-fromloc.state_name jersey I-fromloc.state_name to O ontario B-toloc.city_name california B-toloc.state_name that O connect B-connect in O phoenix B-stoploc.city_name and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O air O fare O for O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name , O which O airline O offers O the O cheapest B-cost_relative rate O going O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name fourth B-depart_date.day_number and O also O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_quantity airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name and O also O what O flights O are O available O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name late B-depart_time.period_mod monday B-depart_date.day_name evening B-depart_time.period_of_day or B-or early B-depart_time.period_mod tuesday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airport#atis_flight show O me O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name , O show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_airline#atis_distance what O does O yn B-fare_basis_code stand O for O atis_abbreviation in O new B-city_name york I-city_name i'll O need O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_ground_service what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_capacity#atis_quantity what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O and O also O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airport how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_distance#atis_ground_fare please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day , O in O pittsburgh B-city_name i'd O like O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type and O then O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O also O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_abbreviation#atis_distance#atis_flight_time what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name traveling O on O tuesday B-depart_date.day_name august B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number and O what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code atis_airfare#atis_airline what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O also O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_abbreviation#atis_distance#atis_flight_time what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O also O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O toronto B-toloc.city_name and O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_airfare#atis_quantity round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fares O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name less B-cost_relative than O 1000 B-fare_amount dollars I-fare_amount and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airfare#atis_capacity which O airline O serves O denver B-fromloc.city_name pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name and O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name atis_airline find O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare what O is O the O fare O on O continental B-airline_name 271 B-flight_number from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_quantity what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O then O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airport#atis_city#atis_restriction list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_restriction kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_restriction how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name , O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_distance#atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_distance what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O baltimore B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_service what O kind O of O aircraft O does O delta B-airline_name fly O before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time on O august B-depart_date.month_name second B-depart_date.day_number from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fares O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name under B-cost_relative 1000 B-fare_amount dollars I-fare_amount atis_aircraft#atis_airfare what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O also O how O many O fares O are O there O one B-round_trip way I-round_trip from O tacoma B-fromloc.city_name to O montreal B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity show O me O all O the O types O of O aircraft O and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_aircraft#atis_restriction how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_distance airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name , O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O then O in O pittsburgh B-city_name i'd O like O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_airport#atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_city show O me O the O fares O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O then O which O airline O serves O denver B-fromloc.city_name pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name and O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_airline show O prices O for O all O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name twenty B-depart_date.day_number ninth I-depart_date.day_number and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O also O show O me O the O flights O arriving O at O love B-toloc.airport_name field I-toloc.airport_name from O other O airports O atis_airport#atis_flight what O airlines O have O business B-class_type class I-class_type , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_distance#atis_restriction what O airline O is O hp B-airline_code and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airline#atis_city what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O any O class O , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O all O flights O from O miami B-fromloc.city_name to O new B-toloc.city_name york I-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance#atis_flight airline O that O stands O for O dl B-airline_code and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airline#atis_city what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code and O then O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airport what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time , O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_distance#atis_flight_time what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O and O also O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_service show O me O all O prices O of O economy B-economy from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name arriving O between O 4 B-arrive_time.start_time and O 5 B-arrive_time.end_time pm I-arrive_time.end_time atis_airfare#atis_city#atis_flight what O does O fare O code O qw B-fare_basis_code mean O and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name i'll O need O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type atis_capacity#atis_ground_service what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity i O would O like O to O know O the O first B-class_type class I-class_type fare O on O a O flight O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O please O show O flights O arriving O in O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name from O denver B-fromloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_flight describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name , O show O me O all O the O flights O from O charlotte B-fromloc.city_name to O cleveland B-toloc.city_name and O then O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_flight#atis_flight_time what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_city#atis_flight_time show O prices O for O all O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name twenty B-depart_date.day_number ninth I-depart_date.day_number , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_restriction are O there O delta B-airline_name flights O leaving O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name atis_flight#atis_flight_time okay O we're O going O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O i'd O like O to O know O the O cost O of O a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O , O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airfare#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_fare i O need O a O flight O on O thursday B-depart_date.day_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 8 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time from O oakland B-fromloc.city_name to O salt B-toloc.city_name lake I-toloc.city_name city I-toloc.city_name and O is O there O a O limousine B-transport_type service O available O from O the O pittsburgh B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_quantity which O airline O serves O denver B-fromloc.city_name pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name and O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airline#atis_distance#atis_flight_time where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O also O i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name atis_airport#atis_flight_time what O does O fare O code O q B-fare_basis_code mean O and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time , O what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_airline#atis_city how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare what O does O mco B-airport_code mean O and O also O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O fares O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O then O what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code atis_airfare#atis_airline well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day , O i O would O like O to O fly O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O saturday B-depart_date.day_name and O arrive O in O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-arrive_time.time_relative 4 B-arrive_time.time pm I-arrive_time.time and O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_aircraft#atis_flight#atis_flight_time what O kind O of O plane O flies O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time and O also O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_aircraft#atis_airport what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O flights O from O ontario B-fromloc.city_name to O florida B-toloc.state_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O what O are O the O sunday B-depart_date.day_name flights O from O oakland B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name dc B-toloc.state_code atis_distance#atis_flight what O airline O is O hp B-airline_code and O then O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_distance show O me O the O airlines O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O rental B-transport_type cars I-transport_type in O washington B-city_name dc B-state_code atis_airline#atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O flights O from O cincinnati B-fromloc.city_name to O o'hare B-toloc.airport_name departing O after B-depart_time.time_relative 718 B-depart_time.time am I-depart_time.time american B-airline_name and O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_city#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O also O what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O baltimore B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service sure O i'd O like O to O determine O what O aircraft O are O use O on O july B-depart_date.month_name seventh B-depart_date.day_number leaving O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name and O arriving O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O july B-arrive_date.month_name seventh B-arrive_date.day_number and O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_aircraft#atis_airport i O need O a O flight O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O seattle B-toloc.city_name that O stops O in O minneapolis B-stoploc.city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight#atis_restriction what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_city#atis_quantity ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_ground_service#atis_restriction show O me O all O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name which O leave O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative noon B-depart_time.time tomorrow B-depart_date.today_relative and O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_flight#atis_quantity explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction i O need O the O cost O of O a O ticket O going O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airfare#atis_capacity what O does O fare O code O qo B-fare_basis_code mean O , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity#atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_ground_fare#atis_restriction what O are O the O fares O from O newark B-fromloc.city_name to O la B-toloc.city_name monday B-depart_date.day_name and O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name and O also O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_abbreviation#atis_quantity what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code and O then O find O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O show O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_quantity#atis_restriction where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airport#atis_restriction what O flights O are O there O on O sunday B-depart_date.day_name from O seattle B-fromloc.city_name to O minneapolis B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O boston B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O then O please O give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name for O september B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight_time where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop , O what O is O the O ground O transportation O available O in O the O city O of O fort B-city_name worth I-city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airport#atis_ground_service#atis_restriction what O fare O codes O cover O flights O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_city what O is O fare O code O y B-fare_basis_code mean O , O which O airline O serves O denver B-fromloc.city_name pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name and O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name and O then O airports O in O new B-city_name york I-city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline#atis_airport explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code , O what O are O the O prices O of O the O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare#atis_distance where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O also O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_airport#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_capacity#atis_city#atis_ground_fare what's O the O lowest B-cost_relative round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fare O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name , O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airfare#atis_airport#atis_capacity what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code and O show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airline what O airline O is O hp B-airline_code and O also O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop atis_airline#atis_airport show O me O the O prices O of O all O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name dc B-toloc.state_code atis_airfare where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airport#atis_quantity explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code and O then O is O there O a O flight O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name making O a O stopover O in O dallas B-stoploc.city_name fort I-stoploc.city_name worth I-stoploc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight can O you O tell O me O what O airline O flies O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_airline#atis_quantity what O are O the O prices O of O the O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airfare#atis_city what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O also O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_city#atis_distance#atis_ground_fare what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service what O is O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip thrift B-class_type fare O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airfare well O i'll O try O last O time O tell O me O the O kind O of O aircraft O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name flies O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O list O the O total O number O of O flights O to O all O airports O by O delta B-airline_name atis_aircraft#atis_quantity kindly O give O me O the O type O of O aircraft O used O to O fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_distance please O list O the O flight B-flight_time schedule I-flight_time from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name on O friday B-depart_date.day_name nights B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_flight_time#atis_restriction what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name traveling O on O tuesday B-depart_date.day_name august B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_airfare#atis_capacity show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O also O describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airline#atis_airport show O prices O for O all O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name twenty B-depart_date.day_number ninth I-depart_date.day_number atis_airfare explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_quantity#atis_restriction how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O show O me O ground O transportation O in O philadelphia B-city_name on O monday B-day_name morning B-period_of_day atis_capacity#atis_ground_service what O does O fare O code O q B-fare_basis_code mean O and O what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O then O how O many O cities O are O served O by O american B-airline_name airline I-airline_name with O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O atis_distance#atis_quantity what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code and O then O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airline#atis_flight_time what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O show O me O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip flight O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name leaving O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name after B-depart_time.time_relative 9 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time atis_city#atis_flight what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code , O fares O and O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O please O give O me O flights O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name on O wednesday B-depart_date.day_name afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day and O thursday B-depart_date.day_name morning B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare#atis_flight describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name and O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airport#atis_flight_time describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name , O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name give O me O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_airport#atis_flight_time#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O flights O from O la B-fromloc.airport_name guardia I-fromloc.airport_name or B-or jfk B-fromloc.airport_code to O cleveland B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O rental B-transport_type cars I-transport_type in O washington B-city_name dc B-state_code and O also O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_city#atis_ground_service#atis_quantity please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O i'd O like O to O find O a O flight O from O las B-fromloc.city_name vegas I-fromloc.city_name to O detroit B-toloc.city_name michigan B-toloc.state_name that O leaves O in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day on O monday B-depart_date.day_name atis_airline#atis_city#atis_flight fares O and O flights O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name , O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_capacity#atis_ground_fare explain O the O restriction O ap B-restriction_code 80 I-restriction_code and O find O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare please O show O me O airlines O with O flights O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name with O stop O in O philadelphia B-stoploc.city_name and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_fare what O is O the O fare O on O continental B-airline_name 271 B-flight_number from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airfare show O business B-class_type class I-class_type fares O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O on O the O first B-flight_mod flight O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_aircraft#atis_capacity morning B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O out O of O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name arriving O boston B-toloc.city_name afternoon B-arrive_time.period_of_day and O also O i O need O information O for O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name colorado B-state_name atis_flight#atis_ground_service how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O then O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity describe O pittsburgh B-airport_name airport I-airport_name , O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name and O then O what O ground O transportation O is O available O at O the O boston B-airport_name airport I-airport_name atis_airport#atis_ground_fare#atis_ground_service what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code and O also O i O need O information O for O ground O transportation O denver B-city_name colorado B-state_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O then O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_airport#atis_ground_fare show O me O the O earliest B-flight_mod flight O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_flight what O is O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip thrift B-class_type fare O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O also O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day atis_airfare#atis_flight_time what O airline O uses O the O code O hp B-airline_code and O also O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O delta B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O atis_airline#atis_quantity what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O find O me O the O earliest B-flight_mod boston B-fromloc.city_name departure O for O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O the O lastest B-flight_mod return O trip O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name so O that O i O can O be O in O atlanta B-toloc.city_name the O longest O amount O of O time O but O return O to O boston B-toloc.city_name the O same O day B-return_date.date_relative atis_city#atis_flight show O me O the O latest B-flight_mod flight O to O love B-toloc.airport_name field I-toloc.airport_name and O also O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_flight#atis_quantity how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_fare what O does O yn B-fare_basis_code stand O for O and O then O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity what O is O fare O code O y B-fare_basis_code mean O and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_restriction shortest B-flight_mod flights O from O nashville B-fromloc.city_name to O st. B-toloc.city_name petersburg I-toloc.city_name atis_flight what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O then O ground O transportation O in O denver B-city_name atis_city#atis_ground_service what O city O is O mco B-airport_code , O i'm O in O miami B-fromloc.city_name and O i'd O like O to O travel O to O las B-toloc.city_name vegas I-toloc.city_name on O sunday B-depart_date.day_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_city#atis_flight#atis_restriction what O airlines O have O business B-class_type class I-class_type , O great O now O what O i O want O to O find O out O is O on O april B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number from O washington B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name do O you O have O a O flight O least B-cost_relative expensive I-cost_relative fare O around B-depart_time.time_relative 5 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day and O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_airline#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare which O airline O serves O denver B-fromloc.city_name pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name and O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name and O also O how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_distance show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O also O what O ground O transportation O is O available O in O denver B-city_name atis_airline#atis_city#atis_ground_service what O airlines O fly O from O burbank B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_restriction where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airport#atis_city how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O i O would O like O to O see O information O for O flights O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name leaving O after B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name on O monday B-depart_date.day_name atis_distance#atis_flight show O me O the O airlines O for O flights O to O or O from O love B-fromloc.airport_name field I-fromloc.airport_name and O then O what O kind O of O ground O transportation O is O there O in O dallas B-city_name atis_airline#atis_ground_service from O kansas B-fromloc.city_name city I-fromloc.city_name to O salt B-toloc.city_name lake I-toloc.city_name city I-toloc.city_name on O delta B-airline_name arrive O around B-arrive_time.time_relative 8 B-arrive_time.time pm I-arrive_time.time tomorrow B-arrive_date.today_relative and O then O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code atis_flight#atis_quantity show O me O all O the O types O of O aircraft O and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_aircraft#atis_city how O far O from O the O airport O in O the O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name is O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O then O how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_fare how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_capacity#atis_flight_time#atis_restriction what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative fare O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name in O any O class O and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance what O airline O is O hp B-airline_code and O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_distance how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O what O are O the O costs O of O car B-transport_type rental I-transport_type in O dallas B-city_name atis_distance#atis_ground_fare how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O i O would O like O to O fly O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name at O the O latest B-flight_mod time I-flight_mod possible I-flight_mod in O the O evening B-depart_time.period_of_day and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_flight#atis_ground_fare what O does O lax B-airport_code stand O for O , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_distance#atis_quantity i O need O the O cost O of O a O ticket O going O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name a O first B-class_type class I-class_type ticket O on O united B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name and O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance what O is O fare O code O f B-fare_basis_code , O what O is O the O round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip thrift B-class_type fare O on O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_airfare#atis_city what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O , O what O limousine B-transport_type service O is O in O boston B-city_name and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_ground_service#atis_restriction boston B-city_name ground O transportation O and O then O how O many O of O delta's B-airline_name night B-depart_time.period_of_day flights O are O first B-class_type class I-class_type atis_ground_service#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O , O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name and O then O how O much O is O a O limousine B-transport_type between O dallas B-fromloc.airport_name fort I-fromloc.airport_name worth I-fromloc.airport_name international I-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name atis_capacity#atis_distance#atis_ground_fare what O flights O from O salt B-fromloc.city_name lake I-fromloc.city_name city I-fromloc.city_name to O las B-toloc.city_name vegas I-toloc.city_name atis_flight what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code , O what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O list O list O flights O between O oakland B-fromloc.city_name and O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft#atis_flight i O would O like O to O know O the O first B-class_type class I-class_type fare O on O a O flight O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare what's O fare O code O yn B-fare_basis_code , O can O you O tell O me O the O time B-flight_time a O flight O would O leave O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O boston B-toloc.city_name in O the O afternoon B-depart_time.period_of_day and O also O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_abbreviation#atis_flight_time#atis_restriction i O would O like O to O fly O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name from O orlando B-fromloc.city_name to O cleveland B-toloc.city_name in O the O late B-depart_time.period_mod evening B-depart_time.period_of_day what O do O you O have O available O atis_flight find O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O how O many O flights O does O each O airline O have O with O booking O class O k B-fare_basis_code and O then O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airfare#atis_quantity#atis_restriction where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O then O is O there O a O limousine B-transport_type service O available O from O the O pittsburgh B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name atis_airport#atis_ground_service what O does O ewr B-airport_code stand O for O and O show O me O saturday B-depart_date.day_name and O sunday's B-depart_date.day_name flights O from O milwaukee B-fromloc.city_name to O phoenix B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name atis_abbreviation#atis_flight how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O with O a O class O of O service O code O f B-fare_basis_code atis_capacity#atis_quantity show O all O airlines O with O flights O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name and O also O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_airline#atis_city how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O then O show O me O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_distance#atis_flight show O all O airlines O with O flights O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O dallas B-toloc.city_name , O where O do O the O flights O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O oakland B-toloc.city_name stop B-flight_stop and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_airport#atis_restriction how O much O does O it O cost O to O rent O a O car B-transport_type in O tacoma B-city_name and O how O many O us B-airline_name air I-airline_name flights O leave O from O washington B-fromloc.city_name atis_ground_fare#atis_quantity how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O and O also O how O many O first B-class_type class I-class_type flights O does O united B-airline_name have O today B-depart_date.today_relative atis_capacity#atis_quantity what's O the O lowest B-cost_relative round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fare O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare what O are O the O fares O for O flights O between O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name and O dfw B-toloc.airport_code and O then O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_distance what O is O airline O nw B-airline_code , O how O long O is O a O trip O from O philadelphia B-fromloc.airport_name airport I-fromloc.airport_name to O downtown O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name and O how O many O flights O does O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name have O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_distance#atis_quantity i O would O like O the O time B-flight_time of O your O earliest B-flight_mod flight O in O the O morning B-depart_time.period_of_day from O philadelphia B-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name on O american B-airline_name airlines I-airline_name atis_flight_time what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O also O how O long O does O it O take O to O fly O from O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name atis_aircraft#atis_distance what O type O of O aircraft O does O eastern B-airline_name fly O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 6 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time , O show O me O prices O and O times B-flight_time for O first B-class_type class I-class_type travel O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O dallas B-toloc.city_name next O summer O and O then O what O are O the O coach B-class_type flights O between O dallas B-fromloc.city_name and O baltimore B-toloc.city_name leaving O august B-depart_date.month_name tenth B-depart_date.day_number and O returning O august B-return_date.month_name twelve B-return_date.day_number atis_aircraft#atis_airfare#atis_flight what O are O the O fares O for O flights O between O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name and O dfw B-toloc.airport_code and O also O which O airline O offers O the O cheapest B-cost_relative rate O going O from O dallas B-fromloc.city_name to O baltimore B-toloc.city_name on O july B-depart_date.month_name fourth B-depart_date.day_number atis_airfare#atis_airline what O is O the O cheapest B-cost_relative one B-round_trip way I-round_trip fare O from O pittsburgh B-fromloc.city_name to O atlanta B-toloc.city_name traveling O on O tuesday B-depart_date.day_name august B-depart_date.month_name twentieth B-depart_date.day_number and O what O time B-flight_time are O the O flights O from O baltimore B-fromloc.city_name to O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airfare#atis_flight_time can O you O tell O me O what O airline O flies O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name , O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code and O what's O restriction O ap68 B-restriction_code atis_airline#atis_city#atis_restriction what O does O yn B-fare_basis_code stand O for O , O can O you O tell O me O what O airline O flies O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name and O then O what O city O is O mco B-airport_code atis_abbreviation#atis_airline#atis_city round B-round_trip trip I-round_trip fares O from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name less B-cost_relative than O 1000 B-fare_amount dollars I-fare_amount atis_airfare what O type O of O aircraft O is O used O flying O from O atlanta B-fromloc.city_name to O denver B-toloc.city_name before B-depart_time.time_relative 12 B-depart_time.time noon I-depart_time.time , O list O departure B-flight_time times I-flight_time from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name which O are O later B-depart_time.time_relative than O 10 B-depart_time.time o'clock I-depart_time.time and O earlier B-depart_time.time_relative than O 2 B-depart_time.time pm I-depart_time.time and O then O show O me O the O ground O transportation O schedule O in O philadelphia B-city_name in O the O morning B-period_of_day on O wednesday B-day_name atis_aircraft#atis_flight_time#atis_ground_service what O does O the O abbreviation O co B-airline_code mean O and O also O how O many O passengers O can O a O boeing O 737 B-aircraft_code hold O atis_abbreviation#atis_capacity which O airlines O go O from O san B-fromloc.city_name francisco I-fromloc.city_name to O washington B-toloc.city_name by O way O of O indianapolis B-stoploc.city_name and O also O please O list O the O flight B-flight_time times I-flight_time for O boston B-fromloc.city_name to O pittsburgh B-toloc.city_name atis_airline#atis_flight_time what O is O fare O code O c B-fare_basis_code and O also O what O kind O of O airplane O is O flight O ua B-airline_code 270 B-flight_number from O denver B-fromloc.city_name to O philadelphia B-toloc.city_name atis_abbreviation#atis_aircraft can O you O tell O me O what O airline O flies O between O denver B-fromloc.city_name and O san B-toloc.city_name francisco I-toloc.city_name atis_airline