--- license: apache-2.0 language: - en - es --- # Dataset Card for Emoevent ## Table of Contents - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Dataset Description](#dataset-description) - [Dataset Summary](#dataset-summary) - [Supported Tasks and Leaderboards](#supported-tasks-and-leaderboards) - [Languages](#languages) - [Dataset Structure](#dataset-structure) - [Data Instances](#data-instances) - [Data Fields](#data-fields) - [Data Splits](#data-splits) - [Dataset Creation](#dataset-creation) - [Source Data](#source-data) - [Annotations](#annotations) - [Additional Information](#additional-information) - [Licensing Information](#licensing-information) - [Citation Information](#citation-information) ## Dataset Description - **Repository:** [EmoEvent dataset repository](https://github.com/fmplaza/EmoEvent) - **Paper: EmoEvent:** [A Multilingual Emotion Corpus based on different Events](https://aclanthology.org/2020.lrec-1.186.pdf) - **Leaderboard:** [Leaderboard for EmoEvent / Spanish version](http://journal.sepln.org/sepln/ojs/ojs/index.php/pln/article/view/6385) - **Point of Contact: fmplaza@ujaen.es** ### Dataset Summary EmoEvent is a multilingual emotion dataset of tweets based on different events that took place in April 2019. Three annotators labeled the tweets following the six Ekman’s basic emotion model (anger, fear, sadness, joy, disgust, surprise) plus the “neutral or other emotions” category. Morevoer, the tweets are annotated as offensive (OFF) or non-offensive (NO). ### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards This dataset is intended for multi-class emotion classification and binary offensive classification. Competition [EmoEvalEs task on emotion detection for Spanish at IberLEF 2021](http://journal.sepln.org/sepln/ojs/ojs/index.php/pln/article/view/6385) ### Languages - Spanish - English ## Dataset Structure ### Data Instances For each instance, there is a string for the id of the tweet, a string for the emotion class, a string for the offensive class, and a string for the event. See the []() to explore more examples. ``` {'id': 'a0c1a858-a9b8-4cb1-8a81-1602736ff5b8', 'event': 'GameOfThrones', 'tweet': 'ARYA DE MI VIDA. ERES MAS ÉPICA QUE EL GOL DE INIESTA JODER #JuegodeTronos #VivePoniente', 'offensive': 'NO', 'emotion': 'joy', } ``` ``` {'id': '3YCT0L9OMMFP7KWKQSTJRJO0YHUSN2a0c1a858-a9b8-4cb1-8a81-1602736ff5b8', 'event': 'GameOfThrones', 'tweet': 'The #NotreDameCathedralFire is indeed sad and people call all offered donations humane acts, but please if you have money to donate, donate to humans and help bring food to their tables and affordable education first. What more humane than that? #HumanityFirst', 'offensive': 'NO', 'emotion': 'sadness', } ``` ### Data Fields - `id`: a string to identify the tweet - `event`: a string containing the event associated with the tweet - `tweet`: a string containing the text of the tweet - `offensive`: a string containing the offensive gold label - `emotion`: a string containing the emotion gold label ### Data Splits The EmoEvent dataset has 2 subsets: EmoEvent_es (Spanish version) and EmoEvent_en (English version) Each subset contains 3 splits: _train_, _validation_, and _test_. Below are the statistics subsets. | EmoEvent_es | Number of Instances in Split | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | Train | 5,723 | | Validation | 844 | | Test | 1,656 | | EmoEvent_en | Number of Instances in Split | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | Train | 5,112 | | Validation | 744 | | Test | 1,447 | ## Dataset Creation ### Source Data Twitter #### Who are the annotators? Amazon Mechanical Turkers ## Additional Information ### Licensing Information The EmoEvent dataset is released under the [Apache-2.0 License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). ### Citation Information ``` @inproceedings{plaza-del-arco-etal-2020-emoevent, title = "{{E}mo{E}vent: A Multilingual Emotion Corpus based on different Events}", author = "{Plaza-del-Arco}, {Flor Miriam} and Strapparava, Carlo and {Ure{\~n}a-L{\’o}pez}, L. Alfonso and {Mart{\’i}n-Valdivia}, M. Teresa", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference", month = may, year = "2020", address = "Marseille, France", publisher = "European Language Resources Association", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.lrec-1.186", pages = "1492--1498", language = "English", ISBN = "979-10-95546-34-4" } ```