[ { "start": 0.0, "end": 2.0, "text": " This is the BBC." }, { "start": 2.0, "end": 17.0, "text": " Music" }, { "start": 17.0, "end": 20.0, "text": " Hello and welcome to Podcasting House." }, { "start": 20.0, "end": 23.0, "text": " If this is your first time listening, let me explain what's going on." }, { "start": 23.0, "end": 27.0, "text": " The BBC makes loads of podcasts and it can be hard to know what's out there." }, { "start": 27.0, "end": 30.0, "text": " What we try to do is simplify that right down." }, { "start": 30.0, "end": 35.0, "text": " Twice a week we find a BBC podcast we think you should know about and we play you an episode." }, { "start": 35.0, "end": 41.0, "text": " If you like it you can search for it using whatever app or webpage you're using right now and subscribe." }, { "start": 41.0, "end": 45.0, "text": " My name is Eli and as always I'm joined by Rianne." }, { "start": 45.0, "end": 46.0, "text": " Hello." }, { "start": 46.0, "end": 47.0, "text": " Hello." }, { "start": 47.0, "end": 49.0, "text": " What are we hearing today Rianne?" }, { "start": 49.0, "end": 53.0, "text": " Today especially for this time of year I am bringing you fit and fearless." }, { "start": 53.0, "end": 55.0, "text": " You better believe it." }, { "start": 55.0, "end": 57.0, "text": " This is a new podcast from Five Live." }, { "start": 57.0, "end": 63.0, "text": " Just ready to catch the couch potatoes post Christmas." }, { "start": 63.0, "end": 68.0, "text": " The episode I've got for you is called Not All Calories Are Equal." }, { "start": 68.0, "end": 69.0, "text": " Right." }, { "start": 69.0, "end": 70.0, "text": " A bit of detail." }, { "start": 70.0, "end": 74.0, "text": " Our presenters are Zana, Tally and Vic." }, { "start": 74.0, "end": 80.0, "text": " They found quite a lot of them on Instagram as hashtag Girl Gains." }, { "start": 80.0, "end": 82.0, "text": " Oh yeah, no, of course." }, { "start": 82.0, "end": 84.0, "text": " I know all about..." }, { "start": 84.0, "end": 85.0, "text": " Yeah right." }, { "start": 85.0, "end": 86.0, "text": " Ash." }, { "start": 86.0, "end": 87.0, "text": " You don't need to pretend." }, { "start": 87.0, "end": 88.0, "text": " They are..." }, { "start": 88.0, "end": 93.0, "text": " I almost feel fitter having just listened to one app of the podcast because they've got so much energy." }, { "start": 93.0, "end": 95.0, "text": " And I really like them." }, { "start": 95.0, "end": 97.0, "text": " I really like them at the end of this app." }, { "start": 97.0, "end": 104.0, "text": " So they were looking at nutrition this week and with them they had a nutritionist called Rianne on Lambert." }, { "start": 104.0, "end": 108.0, "text": " And she took them through a healthy approach to food." }, { "start": 108.0, "end": 110.0, "text": " And they're really honest." }, { "start": 110.0, "end": 113.0, "text": " I think all three of them have had issues with food in the past." }, { "start": 113.0, "end": 119.0, "text": " And they've worked through it all and got to a really sensible approach which I can get on with." }, { "start": 119.0, "end": 121.0, "text": " They have this thing called a Flex Bowl." }, { "start": 121.0, "end": 123.0, "text": " Have you heard of a Flex Bowl?" }, { "start": 123.0, "end": 127.0, "text": " You want me surprised to know that I haven't heard of a Flex Bowl." }, { "start": 127.0, "end": 136.0, "text": " Well, a Flex Bowl is a bowl into which you put in food that equals the amount of calories you have left over at the end of the day." }, { "start": 136.0, "end": 141.0, "text": " So your bowl could be full of chocolate, crisps, toast." }, { "start": 141.0, "end": 143.0, "text": " What do you mean left over?" }, { "start": 143.0, "end": 144.0, "text": " Well, they're..." }, { "start": 144.0, "end": 146.0, "text": " Oh, you mean you've got a target of calories you want to..." }, { "start": 146.0, "end": 150.0, "text": " And then if you eat less than that then you have this sort of bonus bowl." }, { "start": 150.0, "end": 151.0, "text": " I'd call it a bowl." }, { "start": 151.0, "end": 152.0, "text": " It was me. I call it a bonus bowl." }, { "start": 152.0, "end": 153.0, "text": " Yeah, got it." }, { "start": 153.0, "end": 154.0, "text": " Got it. Got it. Got it." }, { "start": 154.0, "end": 156.0, "text": " This is not a healthy way to approach food." }, { "start": 156.0, "end": 157.0, "text": " I see." }, { "start": 157.0, "end": 158.0, "text": " As Rianne on Lambert." }, { "start": 158.0, "end": 160.0, "text": " So she just forget everything you just told me." }, { "start": 160.0, "end": 162.0, "text": " Well, I just thought it was interesting. Flex bowls, right?" }, { "start": 162.0, "end": 163.0, "text": " Yeah. Right." }, { "start": 163.0, "end": 167.0, "text": " So I really like this podcast because it's very honest." }, { "start": 167.0, "end": 169.0, "text": " It's very up to the minute." }, { "start": 169.0, "end": 172.0, "text": " It brings to it a lot of stuff that's going on Instagram." }, { "start": 172.0, "end": 175.0, "text": " Yeah, try it." }, { "start": 175.0, "end": 176.0, "text": " All right." }, { "start": 176.0, "end": 177.0, "text": " Fit and fearless." }, { "start": 177.0, "end": 178.0, "text": " BBC Five Live." }, { "start": 178.0, "end": 180.0, "text": " Hi, I'm Charlotte." }, { "start": 180.0, "end": 181.0, "text": " Hi, I'm Poppy." }, { "start": 181.0, "end": 182.0, "text": " Hi, I'm Karolina." }, { "start": 182.0, "end": 183.0, "text": " And this is Fit and Fearless." }, { "start": 183.0, "end": 186.0, "text": " Fit and Fearless from BBC Five Live." }, { "start": 193.0, "end": 195.0, "text": " Hi, this is Zanna." }, { "start": 195.0, "end": 196.0, "text": " Tally's here." }, { "start": 196.0, "end": 197.0, "text": " I'm here." }, { "start": 197.0, "end": 198.0, "text": " Vicky's here." }, { "start": 198.0, "end": 199.0, "text": " Hi." }, { "start": 199.0, "end": 202.0, "text": " And this is not quite so brand new, but still shiny." }, { "start": 202.0, "end": 206.0, "text": " BBC Five Live podcast, Fit and Fearless." }, { "start": 206.0, "end": 208.0, "text": " Many of you guys might know us as the girl gains." }, { "start": 208.0, "end": 211.0, "text": " And if you don't know, we're three women who are all about moving more," }, { "start": 211.0, "end": 214.0, "text": " having confidence in your body and eating well." }, { "start": 219.0, "end": 221.0, "text": " Today we're going to be attacking nutrition." }, { "start": 221.0, "end": 225.0, "text": " But first, I thought Tally, do you want to shout out a couple of our listeners?" }, { "start": 225.0, "end": 228.0, "text": " Yes, we've had so many amazing comments and so many DMs." }, { "start": 228.0, "end": 229.0, "text": " Thank you so much." }, { "start": 229.0, "end": 234.0, "text": " Annie May Hitchin says, I put my brave pants on and ventured into the testosterone." }, { "start": 234.0, "end": 237.0, "text": " PS, love that they're using testosterone." }, { "start": 237.0, "end": 238.0, "text": " Yes, it is." }, { "start": 238.0, "end": 239.0, "text": " Love that that's not becoming a thing." }, { "start": 239.0, "end": 240.0, "text": " New word." }, { "start": 240.0, "end": 241.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 241.0, "end": 243.0, "text": " And ask the gym staff to show me how to do deadlifts and squats." }, { "start": 243.0, "end": 246.0, "text": " Really excited to start being a boss in a gym hashtag Fit and Fearless." }, { "start": 246.0, "end": 248.0, "text": " Yes, that is what I'm about." }, { "start": 248.0, "end": 249.0, "text": " I love that." }, { "start": 249.0, "end": 254.0, "text": " And the star Mendes says, your podcast got me through part of my long run this weekend." }, { "start": 254.0, "end": 258.0, "text": " I love your fitness, myth, busting and definitely more motivated than ever to get some weight lifting sessions" }, { "start": 258.0, "end": 260.0, "text": " into help become a stronger runner." }, { "start": 260.0, "end": 262.0, "text": " I can't wait until next week's episode." }, { "start": 262.0, "end": 264.0, "text": " Hashtag Fit and Fearless." }, { "start": 264.0, "end": 265.0, "text": " Love that guys." }, { "start": 265.0, "end": 270.0, "text": " Don't forget to make sure that you are tagging us hashtag Fit and Fearless at the girl gains." }, { "start": 270.0, "end": 272.0, "text": " Wates was episode two." }, { "start": 272.0, "end": 274.0, "text": " This week we're talking nutrition." }, { "start": 274.0, "end": 278.0, "text": " We love getting your questions for our expert, Rihanna Lambert, coming up later." }, { "start": 278.0, "end": 280.0, "text": " Keep your questions and your comments coming in." }, { "start": 280.0, "end": 282.0, "text": " Use the hashtag Fit and Fearless." }, { "start": 282.0, "end": 284.0, "text": " You can find us on social media." }, { "start": 284.0, "end": 288.0, "text": " So this week you can't train if you don't eat right." }, { "start": 288.0, "end": 289.0, "text": " Let's talk girls." }, { "start": 289.0, "end": 291.0, "text": " Tell me about your relationships with food." }, { "start": 291.0, "end": 294.0, "text": " My relationship with food has been an interesting one." }, { "start": 294.0, "end": 299.0, "text": " I got into health and fitness actually because I was interested in problems with my digestion." }, { "start": 299.0, "end": 301.0, "text": " So I actually had severe IBS." }, { "start": 301.0, "end": 304.0, "text": " And I got diagnosed with that over four years ago." }, { "start": 304.0, "end": 308.0, "text": " And it got me thinking I was intolerant to things." }, { "start": 308.0, "end": 313.0, "text": " And I started thinking about gluten and thinking about clean foods." }, { "start": 313.0, "end": 316.0, "text": " Especially four years ago, I think clean eating was a big trend." }, { "start": 316.0, "end": 318.0, "text": " And I really jumped on that bound wagon." }, { "start": 318.0, "end": 320.0, "text": " So I really started on the clean eating trend." }, { "start": 320.0, "end": 322.0, "text": " And I'd only eat food with single ingredients." }, { "start": 322.0, "end": 324.0, "text": " And I had to pronounce every name on the ingredients." }, { "start": 324.0, "end": 326.0, "text": " And I got caught up in all this stuff." }, { "start": 326.0, "end": 329.0, "text": " And then I went into that macro counting." }, { "start": 329.0, "end": 333.0, "text": " So calorie counting where you track how many proteins, fats and carbs." }, { "start": 333.0, "end": 335.0, "text": " That you're eating and you use my fitness power." }, { "start": 335.0, "end": 337.0, "text": " It's an app you can download." }, { "start": 337.0, "end": 339.0, "text": " And yeah, I got that obsession." }, { "start": 339.0, "end": 342.0, "text": " Which I think both of you girls come relate to too." }, { "start": 342.0, "end": 345.0, "text": " But I really am at a point where I don't count calories." }, { "start": 345.0, "end": 347.0, "text": " I don't track what I eat." }, { "start": 347.0, "end": 350.0, "text": " I really do eat to fuel and nourish my body." }, { "start": 350.0, "end": 352.0, "text": " And I don't care about calories." }, { "start": 352.0, "end": 353.0, "text": " I don't care about that." }, { "start": 353.0, "end": 355.0, "text": " I just care about how I feel." }, { "start": 355.0, "end": 358.0, "text": " Similar to tell you I've had a bad relationship with food." }, { "start": 358.0, "end": 361.0, "text": " Obviously I hadn't eaten disorder for two, three years." }, { "start": 361.0, "end": 365.0, "text": " And coming out of that was a real big learning curve for me." }, { "start": 365.0, "end": 370.0, "text": " And I mean, I didn't come out of that and suddenly start to eat like a boss." }, { "start": 370.0, "end": 376.0, "text": " I had to file my way and I did kind of like paleo for a little bit." }, { "start": 376.0, "end": 378.0, "text": " I think not knowing that I was doing paleo." }, { "start": 378.0, "end": 379.0, "text": " Kind of that for a while." }, { "start": 379.0, "end": 380.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 380.0, "end": 384.0, "text": " Paleo is like cutting out all carbohydrates." }, { "start": 384.0, "end": 389.0, "text": " But it's like anything that can grow in the ground, is it?" }, { "start": 389.0, "end": 390.0, "text": " It's the caveman diet." }, { "start": 390.0, "end": 391.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 391.0, "end": 393.0, "text": " So it's like high fat, low carb." }, { "start": 393.0, "end": 396.0, "text": " You tend to avoid grains and things like that." }, { "start": 396.0, "end": 399.0, "text": " But you do eat things like sweet potato as your carbs are worse." }, { "start": 399.0, "end": 401.0, "text": " A bit about the paleo diet." }, { "start": 401.0, "end": 402.0, "text": " Apparently you couldn't eat peanuts." }, { "start": 402.0, "end": 403.0, "text": " So I didn't eat peanuts." }, { "start": 403.0, "end": 404.0, "text": " Yes." }, { "start": 404.0, "end": 405.0, "text": " I was like, what is this rule?" }, { "start": 405.0, "end": 407.0, "text": " Well then it's no diet for us is it maybe?" }, { "start": 407.0, "end": 409.0, "text": " No, I was not my diet rule for that one." }, { "start": 409.0, "end": 410.0, "text": " I still like peanut." }, { "start": 410.0, "end": 418.0, "text": " Well, so after that I then fell into bikini competing, which is more as as Tally was saying before macro counting." }, { "start": 418.0, "end": 425.0, "text": " Do you know, when I think back to that, I just have not got time in my life to be dabbing" }, { "start": 425.0, "end": 426.0, "text": " my calories into my phone." }, { "start": 426.0, "end": 427.0, "text": " Oh my god." }, { "start": 427.0, "end": 428.0, "text": " I cannot do that anymore." }, { "start": 428.0, "end": 430.0, "text": " Or prepping food into Tupperware." }, { "start": 430.0, "end": 431.0, "text": " No." }, { "start": 431.0, "end": 436.0, "text": " I mean, I tried to stomach prep and it's like me on a really good day." }, { "start": 436.0, "end": 441.0, "text": " But do you think now, rather than prepping every single meal you ate and regardless of whether" }, { "start": 441.0, "end": 445.0, "text": " you're home or not, you're eating out of Tupperware, which I think lots of people end up doing." }, { "start": 445.0, "end": 448.0, "text": " Or preparing your lunch is a bit different to meal prepping." }, { "start": 448.0, "end": 449.0, "text": " Yes." }, { "start": 449.0, "end": 450.0, "text": " It's a bit of a different mentality." }, { "start": 450.0, "end": 456.0, "text": " There's kind of this thing where you're only a food of a Tupperware or you just take your lunch box to work is a bit different." }, { "start": 456.0, "end": 458.0, "text": " Yes, definitely a bit different." }, { "start": 458.0, "end": 464.0, "text": " But now I'm in this place where people seem really quite shocked by my current diet." }, { "start": 464.0, "end": 468.0, "text": " People often like, oh gee, people still message me and say, do you track macros?" }, { "start": 468.0, "end": 469.0, "text": " How do you look like that?" }, { "start": 469.0, "end": 471.0, "text": " And not county calories?" }, { "start": 471.0, "end": 472.0, "text": " You must exercise a lot." }, { "start": 472.0, "end": 473.0, "text": " Do you do a lot cardio?" }, { "start": 473.0, "end": 477.0, "text": " Or are you just really strict with what you eat?" }, { "start": 477.0, "end": 481.0, "text": " And I literally eat anything and everything." }, { "start": 481.0, "end": 483.0, "text": " I obviously want to nourish myself." }, { "start": 483.0, "end": 487.0, "text": " I want to make good choices in foods that are going to give me energy and stuff like that." }, { "start": 487.0, "end": 491.0, "text": " But when it comes to, you know, I wouldn't just eat chicken rice and veg." }, { "start": 491.0, "end": 495.0, "text": " I'm more of like a chili kind of gal or a like, flavorful curry." }, { "start": 495.0, "end": 497.0, "text": " Yes, I like the sauce." }, { "start": 497.0, "end": 502.0, "text": " So for me, I feel like my relationship with foods started in a way which a lot of people's relationship with food did." }, { "start": 502.0, "end": 505.0, "text": " In that I thought you had to earn food." }, { "start": 505.0, "end": 506.0, "text": " Yes." }, { "start": 506.0, "end": 510.0, "text": " So I thought when I first went into fitness that if I went to the gym for an hour," }, { "start": 510.0, "end": 513.0, "text": " I would track the calories which the cardio machines told me I'd burnt." }, { "start": 513.0, "end": 517.0, "text": " And then I'd go home and eat that many calories in chocolate." }, { "start": 517.0, "end": 519.0, "text": " That is literally what I used to do." }, { "start": 519.0, "end": 522.0, "text": " I'd be like, okay, I've burnt sitting in calories today." }, { "start": 522.0, "end": 524.0, "text": " I'm going to have a full galaxy bar." }, { "start": 524.0, "end": 525.0, "text": " That was literally my approach." }, { "start": 525.0, "end": 528.0, "text": " So for me, it was, it was earning food." }, { "start": 528.0, "end": 529.0, "text": " But then I soon realised that..." }, { "start": 529.0, "end": 530.0, "text": " Or the burning off the food." }, { "start": 530.0, "end": 534.0, "text": " So where, like, would you eat a chocolate bar and you're like, oh, I need to burn that off." }, { "start": 534.0, "end": 539.0, "text": " Or you'd go out for dinner the previous night and be like, I'll burn that off in the morning." }, { "start": 539.0, "end": 544.0, "text": " And I think our mindset as all of us have changed, we kind of think, well, food is food now." }, { "start": 544.0, "end": 546.0, "text": " You don't need to earn or burn." }, { "start": 546.0, "end": 550.0, "text": " Yeah, and I also had the phase with macro accounting, tracking, flipping meals, four days in advance." }, { "start": 550.0, "end": 553.0, "text": " I mean, a meal which has been prepared for days in advance guys." }, { "start": 553.0, "end": 554.0, "text": " It's not good." }, { "start": 554.0, "end": 557.0, "text": " It's not tasty meal. It is soggy and gross, especially gorgeous." }, { "start": 557.0, "end": 558.0, "text": " So please do that." }, { "start": 559.0, "end": 567.0, "text": " So I did that for a while and I feel like now all three of us have the common ethos have just been super relaxed, super balanced." }, { "start": 567.0, "end": 572.0, "text": " That's not to say that we do eat brownies and cakes and everything every single day all the time." }, { "start": 572.0, "end": 573.0, "text": " We're not doing that." }, { "start": 573.0, "end": 575.0, "text": " We are looking after our bodies when we're noshing our bodies." }, { "start": 575.0, "end": 577.0, "text": " We're focusing on wholesome food." }, { "start": 577.0, "end": 582.0, "text": " But we also don't let ourselves restrict ourselves from things that we really enjoy." }, { "start": 582.0, "end": 584.0, "text": " Like we do have a slice of cake if we fancy it." }, { "start": 584.0, "end": 585.0, "text": " Say your phrase." }, { "start": 585.0, "end": 587.0, "text": " Moderation, not deprivation people." }, { "start": 587.0, "end": 588.0, "text": " Yes." }, { "start": 588.0, "end": 589.0, "text": " That is it." }, { "start": 589.0, "end": 594.0, "text": " Yeah, I think something we all did was have a cheat day or a cheat meal every single week." }, { "start": 594.0, "end": 599.0, "text": " And now if I want something, like I wanted to bag a crisp on the way here." }, { "start": 599.0, "end": 600.0, "text": " So I got a bag of crisp." }, { "start": 600.0, "end": 601.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 601.0, "end": 605.0, "text": " And no, but in the past though, I'd sit there and I don't know." }, { "start": 605.0, "end": 607.0, "text": " You don't have your crisp on a Saturday." }, { "start": 607.0, "end": 608.0, "text": " What flavor?" }, { "start": 608.0, "end": 610.0, "text": " Salt and vinegar." }, { "start": 610.0, "end": 611.0, "text": " Oh really?" }, { "start": 611.0, "end": 615.0, "text": " My favorite were the barbecue hula hoops." }, { "start": 615.0, "end": 617.0, "text": " I'm a hula hoops or a mini cheddar." }, { "start": 617.0, "end": 618.0, "text": " Oh, a big year." }, { "start": 618.0, "end": 619.0, "text": " Yeah, they did like a huge hula hoops." }, { "start": 619.0, "end": 620.0, "text": " Who would choose a barbecue?" }, { "start": 620.0, "end": 621.0, "text": " What?" }, { "start": 621.0, "end": 622.0, "text": " You can eat me." }, { "start": 622.0, "end": 623.0, "text": " I have a jutsche in here right now." }, { "start": 623.0, "end": 624.0, "text": " What would you know for?" }, { "start": 624.0, "end": 625.0, "text": " Salt and vinegar." }, { "start": 625.0, "end": 626.0, "text": " That's no." }, { "start": 626.0, "end": 627.0, "text": " I feel like I would." }, { "start": 627.0, "end": 629.0, "text": " I would give me a headache." }, { "start": 629.0, "end": 630.0, "text": " No, I want..." }, { "start": 630.0, "end": 632.0, "text": " Did you put money fingers like this?" }, { "start": 632.0, "end": 633.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 633.0, "end": 634.0, "text": " Always." }, { "start": 634.0, "end": 635.0, "text": " But my favorite are mini cheddar." }, { "start": 635.0, "end": 636.0, "text": " That is my go-to." }, { "start": 636.0, "end": 637.0, "text": " No, they're not." }, { "start": 637.0, "end": 638.0, "text": " I'm really." }, { "start": 638.0, "end": 639.0, "text": " Cheesy biscuits." }, { "start": 639.0, "end": 640.0, "text": " So you're kidding me." }, { "start": 640.0, "end": 641.0, "text": " I deserve to not have them." }, { "start": 641.0, "end": 642.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 642.0, "end": 643.0, "text": " What?" }, { "start": 643.0, "end": 644.0, "text": " Have a block of cheat days." }, { "start": 644.0, "end": 646.0, "text": " That's one thing we don't agree on." }, { "start": 646.0, "end": 647.0, "text": " Really?" }, { "start": 647.0, "end": 649.0, "text": " Oh, I was leaving on." }, { "start": 649.0, "end": 651.0, "text": " What's going on back to cheat days?" }, { "start": 651.0, "end": 654.0, "text": " So what is our approach to cheat days now, girls?" }, { "start": 654.0, "end": 655.0, "text": " Do we have them in our lives?" }, { "start": 655.0, "end": 656.0, "text": " No." }, { "start": 656.0, "end": 660.0, "text": " It's not even been a concept I've entertained for many years." }, { "start": 660.0, "end": 661.0, "text": " No." }, { "start": 661.0, "end": 664.0, "text": " It's just setting up yourself up for a negative relationship" }, { "start": 664.0, "end": 665.0, "text": " with food, with your body." }, { "start": 665.0, "end": 667.0, "text": " It's giving you that guilt complex." }, { "start": 667.0, "end": 668.0, "text": " And it..." }, { "start": 668.0, "end": 669.0, "text": " There's just no need for it." }, { "start": 669.0, "end": 672.0, "text": " Like we said, if you're having all foods in moderation" }, { "start": 672.0, "end": 673.0, "text": " and you're having a balanced diet," }, { "start": 673.0, "end": 674.0, "text": " you don't need cheat days." }, { "start": 674.0, "end": 676.0, "text": " There's no cheating because no foods are good or bad." }, { "start": 676.0, "end": 677.0, "text": " So what are you cheating on?" }, { "start": 677.0, "end": 680.0, "text": " I kind of feel like it encourages this relationship" }, { "start": 680.0, "end": 683.0, "text": " of binge restrict, which I went through that cycle" }, { "start": 683.0, "end": 685.0, "text": " for a long time, not to the extent of full-on benches," }, { "start": 685.0, "end": 686.0, "text": " full-on restriction." }, { "start": 686.0, "end": 689.0, "text": " But I did go on a phase of eating a lot and then," }, { "start": 689.0, "end": 690.0, "text": " oh, I should eat less." }, { "start": 690.0, "end": 691.0, "text": " Yes." }, { "start": 691.0, "end": 693.0, "text": " And then I should eat a lot and then, oh, I should eat less." }, { "start": 693.0, "end": 696.0, "text": " I just never found that balance for so many years." }, { "start": 696.0, "end": 699.0, "text": " And I'm at the point where you just haven't even played field all the time." }, { "start": 699.0, "end": 701.0, "text": " And if I want a bit of chocolate, I'm going to have it." }, { "start": 701.0, "end": 702.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 702.0, "end": 703.0, "text": " I was the exact same." }, { "start": 703.0, "end": 705.0, "text": " And I remember going through it a time," }, { "start": 705.0, "end": 707.0, "text": " which you wouldn't agree." }, { "start": 707.0, "end": 710.0, "text": " But if you look back at pictures, I think you'd notice." }, { "start": 710.0, "end": 714.0, "text": " And I was actually trying to just lean out a little bit" }, { "start": 714.0, "end": 716.0, "text": " and put quite a bit of weight on." }, { "start": 716.0, "end": 720.0, "text": " And I remember back to that time," }, { "start": 720.0, "end": 724.0, "text": " I was having in the weekend, I was having so much crap." }, { "start": 724.0, "end": 726.0, "text": " Like I was just having takeaways." }, { "start": 726.0, "end": 727.0, "text": " Your cookie balls." }, { "start": 727.0, "end": 730.0, "text": " Yeah, I would eat like this huge bowl of rice." }, { "start": 730.0, "end": 733.0, "text": " This huge bowl of ice cream, brownie, cookies, chocolate." }, { "start": 733.0, "end": 735.0, "text": " So the point where you fell a bit sick." }, { "start": 735.0, "end": 738.0, "text": " Yeah, but I'll put everything on this bowl because I thought this is the one of me." }, { "start": 738.0, "end": 739.0, "text": " This is the one of me." }, { "start": 739.0, "end": 740.0, "text": " And I can have all of this food." }, { "start": 740.0, "end": 742.0, "text": " So I'm just going to have it all." }, { "start": 742.0, "end": 745.0, "text": " And then during the week, I'd be trying to eat, you know," }, { "start": 745.0, "end": 747.0, "text": " I'd be really tracking my food." }, { "start": 747.0, "end": 749.0, "text": " And then, and I was like, what is going on with me?" }, { "start": 749.0, "end": 752.0, "text": " And like put into the back of my head because I'd read somewhere" }, { "start": 752.0, "end": 754.0, "text": " if you have a cheat meal, then it's fine." }, { "start": 754.0, "end": 757.0, "text": " Because it'll just kind of balance itself out." }, { "start": 757.0, "end": 758.0, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 758.0, "end": 759.0, "text": " And it just does not work like that." }, { "start": 759.0, "end": 761.0, "text": " I mean, I'd rather just have a biscuit a day." }, { "start": 761.0, "end": 762.0, "text": " Yeah. I agree." }, { "start": 762.0, "end": 763.0, "text": " It's not all about." }, { "start": 763.0, "end": 767.0, "text": " I have three a day at the minute because we still got the Christmas tree." }, { "start": 767.0, "end": 768.0, "text": " Christmas tree." }, { "start": 768.0, "end": 769.0, "text": " How are we still here?" }, { "start": 769.0, "end": 771.0, "text": " I feel like mine would be gone by now." }, { "start": 771.0, "end": 773.0, "text": " We've got so much." }, { "start": 773.0, "end": 776.0, "text": " So every night, I'm like, Dad, I'll have my three biscuits." }, { "start": 776.0, "end": 777.0, "text": " He sends me..." }, { "start": 777.0, "end": 781.0, "text": " He sends me texts regularly like, have you been in the biscuit, and again?" }, { "start": 781.0, "end": 782.0, "text": " I'm like, sorry." }, { "start": 782.0, "end": 783.0, "text": " Gildey." }, { "start": 783.0, "end": 787.0, "text": " Well, let's talk about taste with food." }, { "start": 787.0, "end": 790.0, "text": " I think people think that healthy food has to be bland, has to be boring," }, { "start": 790.0, "end": 791.0, "text": " doesn't have much flavour." }, { "start": 791.0, "end": 795.0, "text": " Well, that's the biggest myth we've got to bust because it couldn't be less true." }, { "start": 795.0, "end": 799.0, "text": " Some of the best meals I have are some of the most nourishing meals I had last night." }, { "start": 799.0, "end": 803.0, "text": " I made a vegan curry from a well-known cookbook." }, { "start": 803.0, "end": 806.0, "text": " And it was a mass-a-man curry with button at squash." }, { "start": 806.0, "end": 807.0, "text": " And you would have loved it." }, { "start": 807.0, "end": 809.0, "text": " I'll make it for you next time you come round." }, { "start": 809.0, "end": 811.0, "text": " And it was just the most delicious meal." }, { "start": 811.0, "end": 816.0, "text": " And I fed it to my best friend, who is not vegan, has never had a vegan meal in her life." }, { "start": 816.0, "end": 819.0, "text": " It's very... isn't particularly adventurous." }, { "start": 819.0, "end": 820.0, "text": " And she tried it." }, { "start": 820.0, "end": 823.0, "text": " And she was honestly like, that's one of the best meals I've had." }, { "start": 823.0, "end": 825.0, "text": " And I think for someone who..." }, { "start": 825.0, "end": 827.0, "text": " We really open-minded to healthy eating." }, { "start": 827.0, "end": 830.0, "text": " And I think we'll try anything and everything." }, { "start": 830.0, "end": 832.0, "text": " And, you know, like, spirulina, we'll try it." }, { "start": 832.0, "end": 835.0, "text": " You know, we'll try the crazy ingredients, you and your charcoal lattes." }, { "start": 835.0, "end": 839.0, "text": " But I think for someone who wants to..." }, { "start": 839.0, "end": 842.0, "text": " who kind of has a less open-minded approach, if you'd like." }, { "start": 842.0, "end": 845.0, "text": " For her to enjoy that vegan meal, I think that was a bit of a breakthrough." }, { "start": 845.0, "end": 847.0, "text": " And just goes to show." }, { "start": 847.0, "end": 849.0, "text": " Hi, I'm Amina, and this is Fit and Fillers." }, { "start": 849.0, "end": 852.0, "text": " Fit and Fillers from BBC Five Life." }, { "start": 852.0, "end": 853.0, "text": " Rianan, hello!" }, { "start": 853.0, "end": 854.0, "text": " Hi!" }, { "start": 854.0, "end": 855.0, "text": " Hi!" }, { "start": 855.0, "end": 857.0, "text": " Oh, hi girls. Thanks for having me today." }, { "start": 857.0, "end": 858.0, "text": " We're so honored." }, { "start": 858.0, "end": 859.0, "text": " We are so happy to have you here." }, { "start": 859.0, "end": 863.0, "text": " So you are a Harley Street nutritionist, founder of Retrition." }, { "start": 863.0, "end": 864.0, "text": " Author?" }, { "start": 864.0, "end": 865.0, "text": " Anything else possible?" }, { "start": 865.0, "end": 867.0, "text": " I know. It's a prana." }, { "start": 867.0, "end": 870.0, "text": " It's a prana. Yeah, well, we'll touch that one in there, don't we?" }, { "start": 870.0, "end": 872.0, "text": " No, I absolutely love what I do." }, { "start": 872.0, "end": 874.0, "text": " You need to go over nutritionists for today, I think." }, { "start": 874.0, "end": 877.0, "text": " And how did you get into nutrition? What's your backstory?" }, { "start": 877.0, "end": 879.0, "text": " Oh, goodness. Well, that is the music." }, { "start": 879.0, "end": 883.0, "text": " So like Talley just said, with a soprano, I used to be a soprano classically trained." }, { "start": 883.0, "end": 887.0, "text": " And the things I witnessed in the music industry, girls, were..." }, { "start": 887.0, "end": 891.0, "text": " I don't even want to repeat them. They don't deserve airtime." }, { "start": 891.0, "end": 896.0, "text": " And honestly, the relationship I formed myself with food back then was pretty catastrophicly bad." }, { "start": 896.0, "end": 900.0, "text": " I believe that I had to live off diet products, certain brands," }, { "start": 900.0, "end": 904.0, "text": " to be precise, that would dictate my health and how I felt and how I performed." }, { "start": 904.0, "end": 907.0, "text": " So I wasn't even thinking about my voice or the talent I had." }, { "start": 907.0, "end": 909.0, "text": " I was thinking about how I looked and what I ate." }, { "start": 909.0, "end": 911.0, "text": " I bought into this massive, massive industry." }, { "start": 911.0, "end": 916.0, "text": " And I kind of had this light bulb moment when I went to the GP. That was it." }, { "start": 916.0, "end": 919.0, "text": " I went to the GP and I was like, I don't know what's wrong with me." }, { "start": 919.0, "end": 923.0, "text": " I'm so low in energy, I can't keep up with the others in the Royal Academy" }, { "start": 923.0, "end": 925.0, "text": " where I was training at the time." }, { "start": 925.0, "end": 929.0, "text": " And it was because I was so undernourished, literally so malnourished." }, { "start": 929.0, "end": 933.0, "text": " That I just had no energy from the food I was eating." }, { "start": 933.0, "end": 936.0, "text": " And the doctor just said, here you go, antidepressants off you go." }, { "start": 936.0, "end": 938.0, "text": " Yep, that's what they said to me." }, { "start": 938.0, "end": 941.0, "text": " I was like, 18, 17, 18, or antidepressants." }, { "start": 941.0, "end": 944.0, "text": " That happened to me. So did you go on the antidepressants?" }, { "start": 944.0, "end": 948.0, "text": " Yeah, well, I believe because it was the doctor telling me I was so alone in this city back then" }, { "start": 948.0, "end": 951.0, "text": " that I genuinely believed that's what I needed to do." }, { "start": 951.0, "end": 954.0, "text": " And then obviously I discovered it was probably the fact I was not eating well." }, { "start": 954.0, "end": 958.0, "text": " And I educated myself and that's how I enrolled in uni" }, { "start": 958.0, "end": 961.0, "text": " because I thought all my friends are offered uni having fun." }, { "start": 961.0, "end": 964.0, "text": " I'm on antidepressants trying to make a singing career." }, { "start": 964.0, "end": 967.0, "text": " And the other thing I loved was food. I always loved food." }, { "start": 967.0, "end": 970.0, "text": " I just had a lack of education and food saved me." }, { "start": 970.0, "end": 973.0, "text": " To be honest, nutrition degree saved me, literally." }, { "start": 973.0, "end": 976.0, "text": " That is so crazy because you are gorgeous." }, { "start": 976.0, "end": 980.0, "text": " If you've never seen Rianne before, she's literally like a real-life Cinderella." }, { "start": 980.0, "end": 983.0, "text": " Yeah, that's a challenge for me. I wish." }, { "start": 983.0, "end": 985.0, "text": " You're clearly so passionate about nutrition." }, { "start": 985.0, "end": 989.0, "text": " And one of your key principles is that not all calories are the same." }, { "start": 989.0, "end": 991.0, "text": " Yeah, oh, goodness me, whole hearted." }, { "start": 991.0, "end": 995.0, "text": " I mean, how many of us have spent our whole lives trapped in calorie counting vortexes?" }, { "start": 995.0, "end": 996.0, "text": " Yeah. Literally." }, { "start": 996.0, "end": 998.0, "text": " It can completely control everything." }, { "start": 998.0, "end": 1003.0, "text": " And the science guys behind it basically is that how can one calorie be the same in your body?" }, { "start": 1003.0, "end": 1006.0, "text": " So for those of you listening, I'm sat up sit, Vic right now." }, { "start": 1006.0, "end": 1009.0, "text": " So if I were to eat an apple and she were to eat an apple," }, { "start": 1009.0, "end": 1012.0, "text": " they would be, they'd go down differently inside our bodies." }, { "start": 1012.0, "end": 1016.0, "text": " And you can't count calories and expect things to be equal because they're not." }, { "start": 1016.0, "end": 1020.0, "text": " So if you compare like a hundred calories of broccoli to a hundred calories of chocolate," }, { "start": 1020.0, "end": 1024.0, "text": " I think it's pretty obvious that chocolate will have a completely different effect" }, { "start": 1024.0, "end": 1026.0, "text": " and feed your body differently to the broccoli." }, { "start": 1026.0, "end": 1030.0, "text": " So this bizarre concept of counting calories, which I used to do." }, { "start": 1030.0, "end": 1031.0, "text": " I used to be on that app." }, { "start": 1031.0, "end": 1036.0, "text": " Yeah, we've all been there in that horrible place where if I went over by a hundred," }, { "start": 1036.0, "end": 1038.0, "text": " I would be, I felt terrible." }, { "start": 1038.0, "end": 1042.0, "text": " So what do you think about the whole if it fits your macros?" }, { "start": 1042.0, "end": 1046.0, "text": " I kind of think it's a disguised calorie counting if I'm being honest." }, { "start": 1046.0, "end": 1051.0, "text": " It's another form of control because the thing that scares me from a nutritionist perspective." }, { "start": 1051.0, "end": 1054.0, "text": " So in my clinic on Harley's Street, I see this a lot." }, { "start": 1054.0, "end": 1057.0, "text": " I have a lot of people coming in saying I'm macro counting, I don't feel good." }, { "start": 1057.0, "end": 1061.0, "text": " And it's because they forget about the micronutrients, like the vitamins and minerals and the food." }, { "start": 1061.0, "end": 1065.0, "text": " So say eggs, for instance, fall into the fat category," }, { "start": 1065.0, "end": 1070.0, "text": " whereas I perceive eggs to be a protein item which they are because of the fat and the yolk." }, { "start": 1070.0, "end": 1072.0, "text": " And that's where nutrition is." }, { "start": 1072.0, "end": 1075.0, "text": " We've all absolutely eaten many an egg white omelette," }, { "start": 1075.0, "end": 1078.0, "text": " believe in that we should eat too many egg yolks because of the fat and the egg yolk." }, { "start": 1078.0, "end": 1079.0, "text": " Exactly." }, { "start": 1079.0, "end": 1082.0, "text": " But we are now educating enough, yeah, since, and definitely since I've met you," }, { "start": 1082.0, "end": 1086.0, "text": " I'm educating enough to know that I need the nutrients in an egg yolk." }, { "start": 1086.0, "end": 1089.0, "text": " And that's far more important than too much fat or too less fat." }, { "start": 1089.0, "end": 1090.0, "text": " How do you say that?" }, { "start": 1090.0, "end": 1093.0, "text": " Girls, think about all the little things you miss out if you don't hit a number each day." }, { "start": 1093.0, "end": 1094.0, "text": " I mean, also carbohydrates." }, { "start": 1094.0, "end": 1098.0, "text": " You could be getting complex carbs, like really healthy whole grains, like the brown stuff." }, { "start": 1098.0, "end": 1102.0, "text": " It's so much better sometimes for you and gives you more nutrition than the white stuff." }, { "start": 1102.0, "end": 1105.0, "text": " But you're just counting up to a number so it forgets all that." }, { "start": 1105.0, "end": 1107.0, "text": " It forgets all the nutrition." }, { "start": 1107.0, "end": 1108.0, "text": " It's just a number." }, { "start": 1108.0, "end": 1110.0, "text": " I kind of feel like a lot of people use, if it's your macros," }, { "start": 1110.0, "end": 1112.0, "text": " there's an excuse to eat poor quality food." }, { "start": 1112.0, "end": 1114.0, "text": " It's like, oh, let's make a flex bowl." }, { "start": 1114.0, "end": 1115.0, "text": " I know." }, { "start": 1115.0, "end": 1117.0, "text": " Girls, we've got this to eat flex bowls." }, { "start": 1117.0, "end": 1120.0, "text": " Basically, this is a bowl which you eat at the end of the day where you just put lots of chocolate in the food." }, { "start": 1120.0, "end": 1121.0, "text": " It's that what they are." }, { "start": 1121.0, "end": 1127.0, "text": " People used to do that because if you are on a macro diet, so macros is when you're tracking your protein carbs and fats," }, { "start": 1127.0, "end": 1129.0, "text": " and you have a calorie total." }, { "start": 1129.0, "end": 1131.0, "text": " It's literally eating by numbers." }, { "start": 1131.0, "end": 1133.0, "text": " So you're trying to reach a goal." }, { "start": 1133.0, "end": 1139.0, "text": " So say, for example, you would reserve 600 calories for your flexible." }, { "start": 1139.0, "end": 1141.0, "text": " And you would put on it." }, { "start": 1141.0, "end": 1142.0, "text": " You would add all sorts of things." }, { "start": 1142.0, "end": 1143.0, "text": " Be jelly, yogurt." }, { "start": 1143.0, "end": 1145.0, "text": " But that's not what you're up for." }, { "start": 1145.0, "end": 1146.0, "text": " You're not healthy." }, { "start": 1146.0, "end": 1147.0, "text": " You're not healthy." }, { "start": 1147.0, "end": 1148.0, "text": " No, you're not healthy." }, { "start": 1148.0, "end": 1149.0, "text": " You're not healthy." }, { "start": 1149.0, "end": 1150.0, "text": " You're sick." }, { "start": 1150.0, "end": 1153.0, "text": " But you did it all you felt like you had to do it." }, { "start": 1153.0, "end": 1156.0, "text": " There's a lot of stuff that we have totally bought into." }, { "start": 1156.0, "end": 1161.0, "text": " And I think, you know, that's something we're trying to spread on social media and with this podcast is," }, { "start": 1161.0, "end": 1162.0, "text": " you don't have to buy into it." }, { "start": 1162.0, "end": 1164.0, "text": " You actually listen to the evidence." }, { "start": 1164.0, "end": 1165.0, "text": " Listen to the science." }, { "start": 1165.0, "end": 1166.0, "text": " And listen to your body." }, { "start": 1166.0, "end": 1168.0, "text": " Listen to your body's important." }, { "start": 1168.0, "end": 1169.0, "text": " Yeah, definitely." }, { "start": 1169.0, "end": 1171.0, "text": " Because we don't do that when we're counting." }, { "start": 1171.0, "end": 1172.0, "text": " No." }, { "start": 1172.0, "end": 1176.0, "text": " But I think social media played such a huge role on our outlook towards food." }, { "start": 1176.0, "end": 1179.0, "text": " And back then, we weren't educating." }, { "start": 1179.0, "end": 1183.0, "text": " So we obviously are in a place now where we have been on many courses." }, { "start": 1183.0, "end": 1185.0, "text": " We are now personal trainers." }, { "start": 1185.0, "end": 1188.0, "text": " We have friends like Rhee, where we can get loads of information from." }, { "start": 1188.0, "end": 1192.0, "text": " So, you know, say you're not as lucky as us to have friends like Yuri." }, { "start": 1192.0, "end": 1196.0, "text": " What can people do if they can't afford like a professional nutritionist?" }, { "start": 1196.0, "end": 1198.0, "text": " When you take the opportunity." }, { "start": 1198.0, "end": 1199.0, "text": " Yeah, yeah." }, { "start": 1199.0, "end": 1202.0, "text": " Honestly, this is the kind of thing that really got me." }, { "start": 1202.0, "end": 1204.0, "text": " And that's also why I wrote my book." }, { "start": 1204.0, "end": 1207.0, "text": " Because I wanted people to be empowered themselves of education." }, { "start": 1207.0, "end": 1209.0, "text": " You have to take responsibility for our health." }, { "start": 1209.0, "end": 1213.0, "text": " Follow the right people with the right credentials and social media." }, { "start": 1213.0, "end": 1215.0, "text": " Then you have access to free information." }, { "start": 1215.0, "end": 1218.0, "text": " Search for the answers, but you have to follow the right people." }, { "start": 1218.0, "end": 1219.0, "text": " Just check their credentials." }, { "start": 1219.0, "end": 1222.0, "text": " So speaking of following people, getting resources," }, { "start": 1222.0, "end": 1225.0, "text": " you have provided for us a balanced day of eating." }, { "start": 1225.0, "end": 1227.0, "text": " Can you tell us a little bit more about that guys?" }, { "start": 1227.0, "end": 1230.0, "text": " You can find this on the five live website right now." }, { "start": 1230.0, "end": 1231.0, "text": " Yay!" }, { "start": 1231.0, "end": 1233.0, "text": " I know. I really wanted to give you an example of something that incorporates" }, { "start": 1233.0, "end": 1235.0, "text": " not cutting out few groups and not counting." }, { "start": 1235.0, "end": 1238.0, "text": " And to feel good because I think you know when your mood picks up" }, { "start": 1238.0, "end": 1240.0, "text": " and you've got more energy, you know, how you feel." }, { "start": 1240.0, "end": 1243.0, "text": " So I made this kind of menu for you guys, especially." }, { "start": 1243.0, "end": 1246.0, "text": " You've got a bit of a treat from some of the recipes from Renarish" }, { "start": 1246.0, "end": 1247.0, "text": " in the menu." }, { "start": 1247.0, "end": 1248.0, "text": " They're all balanced." }, { "start": 1248.0, "end": 1250.0, "text": " They have carbs, protein, vegetables, healthy fats," }, { "start": 1250.0, "end": 1253.0, "text": " all-in-good proportions for you, things that work together." }, { "start": 1253.0, "end": 1256.0, "text": " So what people don't know is if you take out, let's say carbs," }, { "start": 1256.0, "end": 1259.0, "text": " do you know what everyone takes out carbs if they're going on a diet?" }, { "start": 1259.0, "end": 1263.0, "text": " Let's say it's a thing I can't bear because carbs give you happy hormones" }, { "start": 1263.0, "end": 1264.0, "text": " in your brain." }, { "start": 1264.0, "end": 1267.0, "text": " No wonder we also low when you take out the carbs." }, { "start": 1267.0, "end": 1269.0, "text": " But it's having the right type and the right amount." }, { "start": 1269.0, "end": 1272.0, "text": " So the menu literally gives you exactly what you need." }, { "start": 1272.0, "end": 1273.0, "text": " And it tastes good." }, { "start": 1273.0, "end": 1276.0, "text": " I heard you talking earlier about the misconception as well." }, { "start": 1276.0, "end": 1279.0, "text": " I made a big meal prep. It was your shepherd's pie." }, { "start": 1279.0, "end": 1280.0, "text": " Amazing." }, { "start": 1280.0, "end": 1283.0, "text": " And yeah, Jack and I, my boyfriend, we ate a weekend." }, { "start": 1283.0, "end": 1285.0, "text": " Yeah, nothing wrong with shepherd's pie or an apple crumble." }, { "start": 1285.0, "end": 1287.0, "text": " That is one of my favourite things in the world, like a crumble." }, { "start": 1287.0, "end": 1289.0, "text": " There's nothing wrong with dessert, guys." }, { "start": 1289.0, "end": 1290.0, "text": " Here here, I love desserts." }, { "start": 1290.0, "end": 1291.0, "text": " That's great news." }, { "start": 1291.0, "end": 1292.0, "text": " In moderation, isn't it?" }, { "start": 1292.0, "end": 1294.0, "text": " We love a bit dessert." }, { "start": 1294.0, "end": 1297.0, "text": " So we're going to take a couple of questions from the listeners." }, { "start": 1297.0, "end": 1298.0, "text": " Okay." }, { "start": 1298.0, "end": 1302.0, "text": " Alice, young 17 asked, what is your advice on putting nutrition and fitness together?" }, { "start": 1302.0, "end": 1305.0, "text": " For example, what is best to eat before and after training?" }, { "start": 1305.0, "end": 1310.0, "text": " Okay, so I would say Alice, it depends on what you're doing first of all in the workout." }, { "start": 1310.0, "end": 1314.0, "text": " So everybody is unique and I don't know what your activity output is for the day." }, { "start": 1314.0, "end": 1317.0, "text": " So are you very active? Do you walk around a lot and then are you going to the gym?" }, { "start": 1317.0, "end": 1320.0, "text": " Or are you doing a kind of yoga class?" }, { "start": 1320.0, "end": 1326.0, "text": " But ultimately, try and have something maybe I would say two hours before you work out, you know, at least." }, { "start": 1326.0, "end": 1330.0, "text": " Something that has a good amount of carbohydrates for energy in it as well." }, { "start": 1330.0, "end": 1332.0, "text": " And a little bit of protein maybe together." }, { "start": 1332.0, "end": 1337.0, "text": " But if you haven't got much time and you're one of those people that's just running to the gym really quickly," }, { "start": 1337.0, "end": 1339.0, "text": " you want something that's not going to hurt your belly." }, { "start": 1339.0, "end": 1342.0, "text": " So maybe something like some yoga or fruit, something that's easily digested," }, { "start": 1342.0, "end": 1344.0, "text": " and that will still give you a bit of energy." }, { "start": 1344.0, "end": 1346.0, "text": " And that's probably the best way to focus on it." }, { "start": 1346.0, "end": 1350.0, "text": " But you're a unique girl, Alice, and that's the thing everyone's different." }, { "start": 1350.0, "end": 1352.0, "text": " I love a banana pre-workout." }, { "start": 1352.0, "end": 1353.0, "text": " There you go, with nut butter." }, { "start": 1353.0, "end": 1354.0, "text": " It's not favorite." }, { "start": 1354.0, "end": 1356.0, "text": " I'm a real, I have to fuel myself before I train." }, { "start": 1356.0, "end": 1357.0, "text": " Yeah, you do." }, { "start": 1357.0, "end": 1360.0, "text": " And it's really personal to me and I know that, you know, it's a mental thing." }, { "start": 1360.0, "end": 1364.0, "text": " I'm going to go and teach a spin class tonight and I will, I have to eat something before I go to the gym." }, { "start": 1364.0, "end": 1366.0, "text": " It's the mental boost as well." }, { "start": 1366.0, "end": 1368.0, "text": " Definitely, I mean, it fuels your brain." }, { "start": 1368.0, "end": 1371.0, "text": " So your body loves glucose from carbs." }, { "start": 1371.0, "end": 1373.0, "text": " So carbs fuel your brain." }, { "start": 1373.0, "end": 1376.0, "text": " It's the only way that the energy's going to get up there and give you that." }, { "start": 1376.0, "end": 1380.0, "text": " And don't forget, after the workout, the quicker type of carbs you should be eating" }, { "start": 1380.0, "end": 1383.0, "text": " often are the refined carbs, so the things like the white pasta and the white bread." }, { "start": 1383.0, "end": 1387.0, "text": " So you have the brown stuff before and the white stuff after if you're really going for it." }, { "start": 1387.0, "end": 1389.0, "text": " I love a bagel pulse workout." }, { "start": 1389.0, "end": 1393.0, "text": " Oh, yeah, with the banana, I don't have on the bagel with nut butter." }, { "start": 1393.0, "end": 1394.0, "text": " Yeah, the dream." }, { "start": 1394.0, "end": 1399.0, "text": " So Kelly Bell, 567, says all about milk," }, { "start": 1399.0, "end": 1402.0, "text": " soy versus dairy versus almond milk, which is best." }, { "start": 1402.0, "end": 1404.0, "text": " This is something I'm interested in." }, { "start": 1404.0, "end": 1408.0, "text": " Okay, so there's so many misconceptions around dairy milk, first of all." }, { "start": 1408.0, "end": 1413.0, "text": " So dairy milk contains, depending on where it's from, you've got to be careful of as well." }, { "start": 1413.0, "end": 1416.0, "text": " You want a good source, would be lots of omega-3s, vitamin D." }, { "start": 1416.0, "end": 1419.0, "text": " And if you're going to go for a plant-based option, they're great." }, { "start": 1419.0, "end": 1420.0, "text": " They taste so good." }, { "start": 1420.0, "end": 1423.0, "text": " Like, I love almond milk, but you have to make sure it's fortified." }, { "start": 1423.0, "end": 1427.0, "text": " So you need your vitamin D, the calcium, the B vitamins, things that you're missing" }, { "start": 1427.0, "end": 1430.0, "text": " from suddenly switching to plant-based from dairy." }, { "start": 1430.0, "end": 1433.0, "text": " Soy milk, there's loads of myths around soy." }, { "start": 1433.0, "end": 1434.0, "text": " People are scared of it." }, { "start": 1434.0, "end": 1436.0, "text": " They think it's got hormones in them." }, { "start": 1436.0, "end": 1439.0, "text": " There's nothing to be scared of with soy milk at all guys." }, { "start": 1439.0, "end": 1442.0, "text": " However, there's not really much soy in soy milk." }, { "start": 1442.0, "end": 1447.0, "text": " If you look at the ingredients on the side, it's like a lot of it is just water anyway." }, { "start": 1447.0, "end": 1451.0, "text": " So yeah, what is your preferred milk alternative, just that curiosity?" }, { "start": 1451.0, "end": 1453.0, "text": " Mine would be just because I love the taste." }, { "start": 1453.0, "end": 1455.0, "text": " I just love almond milk." }, { "start": 1455.0, "end": 1458.0, "text": " So, I'm standing into cashew and coconut." }, { "start": 1458.0, "end": 1460.0, "text": " Guys, you need to have home milk." }, { "start": 1460.0, "end": 1461.0, "text": " I love home milk." }, { "start": 1461.0, "end": 1464.0, "text": " Home milk and a coffee, it's the best of all things." }, { "start": 1464.0, "end": 1466.0, "text": " But it's okay, my to be a healthy person." }, { "start": 1466.0, "end": 1468.0, "text": " Home milk matcha latte, big fan." }, { "start": 1468.0, "end": 1469.0, "text": " You can not." }, { "start": 1469.0, "end": 1472.0, "text": " Well, I said it was my turn!" }, { "start": 1472.0, "end": 1475.0, "text": " Okay, here's what Gaetz says." }, { "start": 1475.0, "end": 1479.0, "text": " I blow often, but cannot always seem to narrow down what it is that my tummy does not like." }, { "start": 1479.0, "end": 1484.0, "text": " Other than a very expensive test of hundreds of pounds, do you have tips on how to narrow down what foods up on your body doesn't like?" }, { "start": 1484.0, "end": 1489.28, "text": " Please don't do the test. That's the first thing I have to say is that those tests do not give you the answers at all" }, { "start": 1489.28, "end": 1495.48, "text": " And it's often not even the food that you're eating so stress and bloating everything affects it lack of sleep" }, { "start": 1495.48, "end": 1499.52, "text": " There's something called a vagus nerve like a nerve that runs from your brain to your belly" }, { "start": 1499.52, "end": 1505.92, "text": " And every time you get a little bit anxious or a little bit stressed your body goes into that kind of mode where it draws blood away from" }, { "start": 1505.92, "end": 1509.28, "text": " Your stomach and you're going to be more prone to inflammation and bloating" }, { "start": 1509.28, "end": 1512.44, "text": " It could even be those high-waisted trousers where wearing girls, you know" }, { "start": 1512.44, "end": 1516.76, "text": " It could be something like sat down, hunched over and that's causing the bloating" }, { "start": 1516.76, "end": 1518.92, "text": " Emotional stuff what is going on in your life" }, { "start": 1518.92, "end": 1524.68, "text": " So a lot of the time those tests are absolute waste of time. I think it's worth mentioning here Tally" }, { "start": 1524.68, "end": 1529.8, "text": " Your IBS used to be so flared up through stress wasn't it? Yeah, oh absolutely and it still is to this day" }, { "start": 1529.8, "end": 1532.44, "text": " Yeah, I know when I'm stressed if I'm dehydrated" }, { "start": 1533.0, "end": 1537.72, "text": " Little things like I if I have a meal like a big meal and I stay sat down for the afternoon" }, { "start": 1537.72, "end": 1541.24, "text": " I have to get up and walk around there you go the high-waisted jeans literally" }, { "start": 1541.32, "end": 1544.1200000000001, "text": " I'm so my awareness is very heightened to these things now" }, { "start": 1544.1200000000001, "end": 1546.04, "text": " But it's so interesting how it's very individual" }, { "start": 1546.04, "end": 1549.4, "text": " It really is and guys if you are stressed your stomach is a second brain" }, { "start": 1549.64, "end": 1553.48, "text": " So the first thing that goes you know if you're nervous about something or exams back in the day" }, { "start": 1553.48, "end": 1557.48, "text": " You'd get like a runny belly or something and you feel really rotten or you're flying on an airplane" }, { "start": 1557.48, "end": 1562.52, "text": " You're a bit anxious all those things go straight to your belly. Yeah, there's been so many times that I've" }, { "start": 1562.52, "end": 1565.24, "text": " I've always thought it was a certain food" }, { "start": 1565.8, "end": 1568.92, "text": " And then I'd have that food on a different occasion and I'd be so fine" }, { "start": 1569.0, "end": 1572.92, "text": " But then on another day I literally has put me in so much pain" }, { "start": 1573.0, "end": 1578.2, "text": " I've been keeled over and not been able to speak and then when I actually think about what was happening at the time" }, { "start": 1578.2, "end": 1579.5600000000002, "text": " I was just really stressed" }, { "start": 1579.5600000000002, "end": 1582.44, "text": " Yeah, and you have to keep a little food diary or something as well or a mood" }, { "start": 1582.44, "end": 1584.52, "text": " I call it a mood and food diary doing clinics" }, { "start": 1584.52, "end": 1587.72, "text": " So are you sad? Did you have a fight with someone that day? You know it works?" }, { "start": 1587.72, "end": 1590.1200000000001, "text": " Someone could say one rotten thing in it that ruins your whole day" }, { "start": 1590.92, "end": 1593.3200000000002, "text": " Yeah, so keep trying to think about what you're feeling" }, { "start": 1593.3200000000002, "end": 1595.88, "text": " Guys, we're going to take it from science to donuts, all right?" }, { "start": 1595.96, "end": 1597.96, "text": " Yes" }, { "start": 1598.2, "end": 1604.1200000000001, "text": " Yeah, so shout out to Samantha Fletcher, a listener who said that she is listening to the fit and feelers podcast" }, { "start": 1604.1200000000001, "end": 1606.1200000000001, "text": " While making a donut wall" }, { "start": 1606.1200000000001, "end": 1610.3600000000001, "text": " Oh, what is a donut wall guys? I've known it all of donuts" }, { "start": 1610.3600000000001, "end": 1612.2, "text": " If it's a wall of donuts, I want to be a part of that wall" }, { "start": 1612.2, "end": 1614.6000000000001, "text": " Yeah, but is it crispy creams or is it jam-filled donuts?" }, { "start": 1614.6000000000001, "end": 1616.0400000000002, "text": " Cross-town donuts, all there you go" }, { "start": 1616.0400000000002, "end": 1617.5600000000002, "text": " I've got one out of those" }, { "start": 1617.5600000000002, "end": 1619.5600000000002, "text": " Oh, we all change your walls" }, { "start": 1619.5600000000002, "end": 1622.92, "text": " I know, look at the silence there, but guys, you need to head over to Samantha Fletcher's Twitter" }, { "start": 1622.92, "end": 1625.3200000000002, "text": " because she's posted a picture of her donut wall" }, { "start": 1625.3200000000002, "end": 1625.72, "text": " Oh my god, what?" }, { "start": 1625.72, "end": 1627.72, "text": " What? Can we have donuts, Rianan?" }, { "start": 1627.72, "end": 1630.28, "text": " Can we eat donuts? Of course you can, all in moderation might you say, Zanna" }, { "start": 1630.28, "end": 1631.3200000000002, "text": " All in moderation" }, { "start": 1631.3200000000002, "end": 1633.0, "text": " Moderation, not deprivation" }, { "start": 1633.0, "end": 1633.64, "text": " Yeah, amen" }, { "start": 1633.64, "end": 1635.4, "text": " That's going to be our new hashtag from this episode" }, { "start": 1635.4, "end": 1636.92, "text": " Last week it's Testosterzone" }, { "start": 1636.92, "end": 1639.3200000000002, "text": " This week, hashtag moderation, not deprivation" }, { "start": 1639.3200000000002, "end": 1639.8000000000002, "text": " Love it" }, { "start": 1639.8000000000002, "end": 1642.1200000000001, "text": " So a huge thank you to Rianan for coming in, Rianan" }, { "start": 1642.1200000000001, "end": 1644.6000000000001, "text": " You have dropped some knowledge bombs, we hugely appreciate it" }, { "start": 1644.6000000000001, "end": 1645.0800000000002, "text": " Thanks" }, { "start": 1645.0800000000002, "end": 1646.52, "text": " So where can everybody find you?" }, { "start": 1646.52, "end": 1648.52, "text": " I know, and well, quite easily now" }, { "start": 1648.52, "end": 1649.72, "text": " Thanks to facial media" }, { "start": 1650.68, "end": 1653.32, "text": " You can find me, you can hunt me down, you can drop me a DM" }, { "start": 1653.32, "end": 1654.84, "text": " She's pretty good everywhere" }, { "start": 1654.84, "end": 1656.92, "text": " Everybody go, check her out, I've got a copy of her book" }, { "start": 1657.8, "end": 1658.92, "text": " Fitton Fearless" }, { "start": 1658.92, "end": 1659.88, "text": " Smithbusters" }, { "start": 1659.88, "end": 1661.4, "text": " From the Fitton Fearless podcast" }, { "start": 1661.4, "end": 1663.56, "text": " It is time for some myth-busting" }, { "start": 1663.56, "end": 1666.84, "text": " Every single week we bust a myth that is afloating around out there" }, { "start": 1666.84, "end": 1670.52, "text": " Today one of them comes from you guys, Carbio Clowy says" }, { "start": 1670.52, "end": 1671.48, "text": " Great name, by the way" }, { "start": 1671.48, "end": 1672.3600000000001, "text": " Carbio Clowy" }, { "start": 1672.3600000000001, "end": 1673.08, "text": " Love that" }, { "start": 1673.08, "end": 1678.3600000000001, "text": " Would love to hear you guys discuss and bust some myths about the hype of protein products" }, { "start": 1678.4399999999998, "end": 1682.04, "text": " Like high-price protein versions of cereals and chocolate bars" }, { "start": 1682.76, "end": 1683.9599999999998, "text": " What do we think girls?" }, { "start": 1683.9599999999998, "end": 1689.08, "text": " I think you really have to think when you're buying these products" }, { "start": 1689.08, "end": 1693.6399999999999, "text": " If something like there was a big trend to get like the most popular chocolate bars" }, { "start": 1693.6399999999999, "end": 1697.56, "text": " For example, remember they came out with those big, the protein chocolate bars" }, { "start": 1697.56, "end": 1699.6399999999999, "text": " At the end of the day, it's still that chocolate bar" }, { "start": 1699.6399999999999, "end": 1701.8799999999999, "text": " And if anything, it's just got more things added into it" }, { "start": 1701.8799999999999, "end": 1702.28, "text": " Exactly" }, { "start": 1702.28, "end": 1703.4799999999998, "text": " So you've got to think like" }, { "start": 1703.56, "end": 1708.84, "text": " Would I have that chocolate bar generally as a nourishing choice" }, { "start": 1708.84, "end": 1710.76, "text": " You might have it as a soul food choice" }, { "start": 1710.76, "end": 1712.2, "text": " Which has a nourishing choice" }, { "start": 1712.2, "end": 1715.24, "text": " By adding protein on it, it does not make things automatically healthy" }, { "start": 1715.24, "end": 1715.96, "text": " Not at all" }, { "start": 1715.96, "end": 1720.6, "text": " And you're probably best just buying the normal chocolate bar without the protein" }, { "start": 1720.6, "end": 1721.24, "text": " Exactly" }, { "start": 1721.24, "end": 1724.3600000000001, "text": " And especially if you're looking at it from a calorie perspective" }, { "start": 1724.3600000000001, "end": 1726.6, "text": " With protein in it's probably way higher" }, { "start": 1726.6, "end": 1730.68, "text": " Also a taste perspective, often the things that other protein do not taste that nice" }, { "start": 1730.68, "end": 1731.16, "text": " No" }, { "start": 1731.16, "end": 1732.3600000000001, "text": " Absolutely" }, { "start": 1732.36, "end": 1734.84, "text": " And you're thinking about the quality of your protein" }, { "start": 1734.84, "end": 1736.1999999999998, "text": " Where you're getting it from" }, { "start": 1736.1999999999998, "end": 1739.8799999999999, "text": " And the portion sizes you're getting of that protein as well" }, { "start": 1739.8799999999999, "end": 1741.1599999999999, "text": " And listen to your body guys" }, { "start": 1741.1599999999999, "end": 1743.8799999999999, "text": " Because I used to eat this specific protein bar" }, { "start": 1743.8799999999999, "end": 1745.24, "text": " Which I shall not name" }, { "start": 1745.24, "end": 1748.4399999999998, "text": " Which every time I ate it, it would give me digestive problems" }, { "start": 1748.4399999999998, "end": 1749.6399999999999, "text": " I would be in so much pain" }, { "start": 1749.6399999999999, "end": 1750.9199999999998, "text": " I thought it was just me" }, { "start": 1750.9199999999998, "end": 1754.28, "text": " But it was the processed, horrible protein bar" }, { "start": 1754.28, "end": 1755.7199999999998, "text": " Yeah, the quality of ingredients" }, { "start": 1755.7199999999998, "end": 1759.08, "text": " And the amount of ingredients, I think speaks volumes" }, { "start": 1759.08, "end": 1759.4799999999998, "text": " Yeah" }, { "start": 1759.4799999999998, "end": 1761.8799999999999, "text": " When you're looking at the back of the packets" }, { "start": 1761.96, "end": 1764.3600000000001, "text": " I just want to talk about protein shakes as well" }, { "start": 1764.3600000000001, "end": 1769.4, "text": " Because I think there's a huge misconception that protein shakes are going to help you" }, { "start": 1769.4, "end": 1771.4, "text": " Either lose weight or get bul- bul" }, { "start": 1771.4, "end": 1772.92, "text": " For a man's point of view you think" }, { "start": 1772.92, "end": 1774.6000000000001, "text": " My boyfriend does this thing and it-" }, { "start": 1774.6000000000001, "end": 1775.8000000000002, "text": " So just my boyfriend" }, { "start": 1775.8000000000002, "end": 1777.24, "text": " So they're on the same wavelength" }, { "start": 1777.24, "end": 1780.5200000000002, "text": " Where after he trains he must have a protein smoothie" }, { "start": 1780.5200000000002, "end": 1781.5600000000002, "text": " And I say to him" }, { "start": 1781.5600000000002, "end": 1783.24, "text": " Do you want some Greek yogurt and fruit?" }, { "start": 1783.24, "end": 1785.8000000000002, "text": " Which is protein and carbohydrates" }, { "start": 1785.8000000000002, "end": 1787.88, "text": " So the portion of Greek yogurt and banana" }, { "start": 1787.88, "end": 1791.0800000000002, "text": " Is essentially the exact same thing that you're going to get using" }, { "start": 1791.72, "end": 1794.4399999999998, "text": " A way sachet and a banana in a smoothie" }, { "start": 1794.4399999999998, "end": 1797.6399999999999, "text": " But in his head, because it's called way protein and it's protein" }, { "start": 1798.36, "end": 1800.52, "text": " It's that gets the results" }, { "start": 1800.52, "end": 1803.24, "text": " The results, whatever the results are in his head" }, { "start": 1803.24, "end": 1804.4399999999998, "text": " It's so not true" }, { "start": 1804.4399999999998, "end": 1804.84, "text": " No" }, { "start": 1804.84, "end": 1805.72, "text": " So not true" }, { "start": 1805.72, "end": 1807.08, "text": " You can have protein" }, { "start": 1807.08, "end": 1808.52, "text": " Yeah, you can have a chicken breast" }, { "start": 1808.52, "end": 1809.96, "text": " Or you can have a shake" }, { "start": 1809.96, "end": 1810.4399999999998, "text": " Yes" }, { "start": 1811.24, "end": 1813.32, "text": " Is the same amount of protein" }, { "start": 1813.32, "end": 1816.28, "text": " Will your body digest a shake as well as it will" }, { "start": 1816.28, "end": 1818.76, "text": " A kind of whole piece of food" }, { "start": 1818.76, "end": 1819.56, "text": " It's different" }, { "start": 1819.56, "end": 1819.8, "text": " I don't know" }, { "start": 1819.8, "end": 1820.36, "text": " Different" }, { "start": 1820.36, "end": 1821.0, "text": " Yeah" }, { "start": 1821.4, "end": 1825.0, "text": " So I think it's better to just go over like a whole food" }, { "start": 1825.0, "end": 1826.6, "text": " Instead of just kind of-" }, { "start": 1826.6, "end": 1827.4, "text": " But also-" }, { "start": 1827.4, "end": 1827.64, "text": " I think" }, { "start": 1827.64, "end": 1828.04, "text": " That's-" }, { "start": 1828.04, "end": 1830.6, "text": " We just want to clarify that we do sometimes have protein shake" }, { "start": 1830.6, "end": 1831.8, "text": " Just for convenience" }, { "start": 1831.8, "end": 1832.28, "text": " Because-" }, { "start": 1832.28, "end": 1833.56, "text": " That's the way it's a convenience, yeah" }, { "start": 1833.56, "end": 1835.16, "text": " We have busy lives" }, { "start": 1835.16, "end": 1837.4, "text": " And sometimes you just need something with a protein here" }, { "start": 1837.4, "end": 1837.8, "text": " And it-" }, { "start": 1837.8, "end": 1839.64, "text": " Sometimes the taste is really good" }, { "start": 1839.64, "end": 1840.44, "text": " I think so" }, { "start": 1840.44, "end": 1842.68, "text": " I think this food industry has sold us the myth" }, { "start": 1842.68, "end": 1845.32, "text": " That when you go to the gym you must have a protein shake afterwards" }, { "start": 1845.32, "end": 1846.28, "text": " It's absolutely rubbish" }, { "start": 1847.08, "end": 1848.28, "text": " Like Vic said" }, { "start": 1848.28, "end": 1849.56, "text": " You can get protein from a chicken breast" }, { "start": 1849.56, "end": 1850.52, "text": " You can get protein from-" }, { "start": 1850.52, "end": 1853.16, "text": " Good job, you can get protein from beans, legumes" }, { "start": 1853.16, "end": 1854.92, "text": " From all sorts of sources" }, { "start": 1854.92, "end": 1856.68, "text": " It doesn't have to come in a powder form" }, { "start": 1856.68, "end": 1857.24, "text": " And in fact" }, { "start": 1857.24, "end": 1859.56, "text": " If you're getting adequate enough amount of protein" }, { "start": 1859.56, "end": 1861.16, "text": " From whole foods in your diet" }, { "start": 1861.16, "end": 1862.04, "text": " Throughout the day" }, { "start": 1862.04, "end": 1864.04, "text": " You don't need to add a supplement in" }, { "start": 1864.04, "end": 1866.52, "text": " And it doesn't need to be something that's daily" }, { "start": 1866.52, "end": 1869.16, "text": " It's like I enjoy way proteins that taste good" }, { "start": 1869.16, "end": 1870.6, "text": " And when you send it to convenience" }, { "start": 1870.6, "end": 1871.8799999999999, "text": " I love it stirred in my porridge" }, { "start": 1871.8799999999999, "end": 1874.2, "text": " Absolutely that's my all-time favourite add-it this morning" }, { "start": 1874.84, "end": 1876.28, "text": " But it's not essential" }, { "start": 1876.28, "end": 1877.4, "text": " And I could live without it" }, { "start": 1877.4, "end": 1879.08, "text": " And I wouldn't shrivel up" }, { "start": 1879.08, "end": 1880.28, "text": " And die" }, { "start": 1881.24, "end": 1882.28, "text": " With no muscle mass" }, { "start": 1882.28, "end": 1883.08, "text": " Yes" }, { "start": 1883.08, "end": 1884.12, "text": " And very bonus fact" }, { "start": 1884.12, "end": 1887.16, "text": " You do not have to have a protein shake within 30 minutes of training" }, { "start": 1887.16, "end": 1889.24, "text": " That is not going to stop you getting your games" }, { "start": 1889.24, "end": 1890.04, "text": " Yes" }, { "start": 1890.04, "end": 1890.52, "text": " All right" }, { "start": 1892.2, "end": 1894.28, "text": " Okay, so we're going to wrap up our podcast there" }, { "start": 1894.28, "end": 1895.16, "text": " Thanks girls" }, { "start": 1895.16, "end": 1896.36, "text": " That was awesome" }, { "start": 1896.36, "end": 1897.48, "text": " Oh I feel like we-" }, { "start": 1897.48, "end": 1897.8799999999999, "text": " Oh yeah" }, { "start": 1897.8799999999999, "end": 1900.12, "text": " I just feel like we've got so much even more to talk about" }, { "start": 1900.12, "end": 1901.48, "text": " It just could be here all day" }, { "start": 1901.48, "end": 1905.08, "text": " Well next week is going to be a very exciting podcast" }, { "start": 1905.08, "end": 1905.72, "text": " I can't wait" }, { "start": 1905.72, "end": 1907.48, "text": " We've got Isra Lawrence coming on" }, { "start": 1907.48, "end": 1909.8799999999999, "text": " To talk about body positivity and self-love" }, { "start": 1909.96, "end": 1910.8400000000001, "text": " Are you excited girls" }, { "start": 1910.8400000000001, "end": 1911.4, "text": " Yes" }, { "start": 1911.4, "end": 1912.8400000000001, "text": " This is something we're so passionate about" }, { "start": 1912.8400000000001, "end": 1914.44, "text": " So bring on next week" }, { "start": 1914.44, "end": 1916.8400000000001, "text": " So get in touch with any questions you have for Isra" }, { "start": 1916.8400000000001, "end": 1919.72, "text": " by hitting us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram" }, { "start": 1919.72, "end": 1922.68, "text": " At the Girl Games, hashtag, fit and fearless" }, { "start": 1922.68, "end": 1924.0400000000002, "text": " If there's anything you want us to talk about" }, { "start": 1924.0400000000002, "end": 1926.92, "text": " Any topics you think we should cover with Isra Letters know" }, { "start": 1926.92, "end": 1928.2800000000002, "text": " Thank you for downloading" }, { "start": 1928.2800000000002, "end": 1930.3600000000001, "text": " Please rate, please subscribe" }, { "start": 1930.3600000000001, "end": 1931.5600000000002, "text": " Please show us some love" }, { "start": 1931.5600000000002, "end": 1932.6000000000001, "text": " I've got one more thing" }, { "start": 1932.6000000000001, "end": 1933.0, "text": " Oh" }, { "start": 1933.0, "end": 1935.16, "text": " I have been making Playlist for you guys every week" }, { "start": 1935.16, "end": 1936.8400000000001, "text": " And I'm not going to lie" }, { "start": 1936.8400000000001, "end": 1937.5600000000002, "text": " They're pretty great" }, { "start": 1937.5600000000002, "end": 1939.5600000000002, "text": " I was jamming out on my flat for the other day" }, { "start": 1939.56, "end": 1941.8, "text": " It's at BBC Music, forward slash playlist" }, { "start": 1941.8, "end": 1944.2, "text": " Look for the fit and fearless playlist" }, { "start": 1944.2, "end": 1946.12, "text": " And yeah, they're all proper girl power" }, { "start": 1946.12, "end": 1948.12, "text": " I'm talking you know, Beyonce" }, { "start": 1948.12, "end": 1950.12, "text": " You know our tunes, you know our tunes ladies" }, { "start": 1950.12, "end": 1951.72, "text": " They're going to make you feel good" }, { "start": 1951.72, "end": 1952.76, "text": " They're going to motivate you" }, { "start": 1952.76, "end": 1954.6, "text": " They're just going to leave you on a high" }, { "start": 1954.6, "end": 1956.36, "text": " Give you the best workout ever" }, { "start": 1956.36, "end": 1957.48, "text": " I appreciate that interruption" }, { "start": 1957.48, "end": 1958.52, "text": " Because that is important" }, { "start": 1958.52, "end": 1959.3999999999999, "text": " Go and subscribe" }, { "start": 1959.3999999999999, "end": 1961.1599999999999, "text": " Go and get your words" }, { "start": 1961.1599999999999, "end": 1962.52, "text": " Go and get your playlist guys" }, { "start": 1962.52, "end": 1964.6799999999998, "text": " Alright, so as I said, thanks for downloading" }, { "start": 1964.6799999999998, "end": 1966.28, "text": " Give us a rate, give us a subscribe" }, { "start": 1966.28, "end": 1967.1599999999999, "text": " Give a review" }, { "start": 1967.1599999999999, "end": 1968.52, "text": " And we'll see you next week" }, { "start": 1968.52, "end": 1969.48, "text": " Bye" }, { "start": 1969.56, "end": 1971.56, "text": " Bye" }, { "start": 1991.32, "end": 1992.6, "text": " That was fit and fearless" }, { "start": 1992.6, "end": 1994.12, "text": " Now I'm not going to lie" }, { "start": 1994.12, "end": 1996.44, "text": " I probably won't listen to this on the reg" }, { "start": 1996.44, "end": 1999.1599999999999, "text": " But uh man, they've got enough positivity" }, { "start": 1999.16, "end": 2000.68, "text": " To power the sun" }, { "start": 2000.68, "end": 2002.1200000000001, "text": " I know, I might take it up actually" }, { "start": 2002.1200000000001, "end": 2004.3600000000001, "text": " Because I do try to keep fit" }, { "start": 2004.3600000000001, "end": 2006.44, "text": " Eli as you can tell just by looking at me" }, { "start": 2006.44, "end": 2008.2, "text": " As I know you do" }, { "start": 2008.2, "end": 2010.3600000000001, "text": " And I think those women are pretty encouraging" }, { "start": 2010.3600000000001, "end": 2012.1200000000001, "text": " I mean, that's true, look" }, { "start": 2012.1200000000001, "end": 2013.5600000000002, "text": " I'm not a fan of oat milk" }, { "start": 2013.5600000000002, "end": 2014.8400000000001, "text": " Okay, I'm not a fan of some of the things" }, { "start": 2014.8400000000001, "end": 2015.72, "text": " They were talking about" }, { "start": 2015.72, "end": 2017.88, "text": " But moderation, not deprivation" }, { "start": 2017.88, "end": 2018.8400000000001, "text": " I think, you know" }, { "start": 2018.8400000000001, "end": 2020.2, "text": " Whole books have been written about that" }, { "start": 2020.2, "end": 2022.2, "text": " So yeah, I can get on board with that" }, { "start": 2022.2, "end": 2024.3600000000001, "text": " If you want more of Tally, Vic, and Zana" }, { "start": 2024.3600000000001, "end": 2026.6000000000001, "text": " In your ears, just search for fit and fearless" }, { "start": 2026.6000000000001, "end": 2027.96, "text": " And subscribe" }, { "start": 2027.96, "end": 2028.76, "text": " That's all from us" }, { "start": 2028.76, "end": 2030.04, "text": " See you next time" } ]