[ { "start": 0.0, "end": 2.0, "text": " This is the BBC." }, { "start": 17.28, "end": 19.68, "text": " Hello and welcome to Podcasting House." }, { "start": 19.68, "end": 22.48, "text": " And if you're with us for the first time, you're especially welcome." }, { "start": 22.48, "end": 24.32, "text": " And this is what you need to know." }, { "start": 24.32, "end": 26.88, "text": " We choose a couple of podcasts for you every week." }, { "start": 26.88, "end": 30.56, "text": " And they're all from the BBC's huge, great library of podcasts." }, { "start": 30.56, "end": 33.76, "text": " And then if you like it, well, you can find it and subscribe wherever you" }, { "start": 33.76, "end": 36.48, "text": " subscribe to your podcasts. I am Rian." }, { "start": 36.48, "end": 38.08, "text": " And with me, I have Eli." }, { "start": 38.08, "end": 38.76, "text": " Hello." }, { "start": 38.76, "end": 41.2, "text": " Eli, what have you been listening to this week?" }, { "start": 41.2, "end": 44.72, "text": " Today, we're listening to episode one of Evil Genius." }, { "start": 44.72, "end": 45.36, "text": " Sounds good." }, { "start": 45.36, "end": 46.480000000000004, "text": " With Russell Cain." }, { "start": 46.480000000000004, "end": 50.4, "text": " It's a podcast about brilliant bastards in history." }, { "start": 50.4, "end": 53.599999999999994, "text": " People who contributed something special to the world," }, { "start": 53.6, "end": 57.68, "text": " but whose private lives undercut their brilliance through" }, { "start": 57.68, "end": 61.84, "text": " spitefulness, abuse, or just plain vanilla." }, { "start": 61.84, "end": 63.120000000000005, "text": " So it's a new show." }, { "start": 63.120000000000005, "end": 64.96000000000001, "text": " Episode one is about John Lennon." }, { "start": 64.96000000000001, "end": 66.72, "text": " This is Evil Genius with Russell Cain." }, { "start": 70.72, "end": 71.52000000000001, "text": " Genius." }, { "start": 71.52000000000001, "end": 71.92, "text": " Genius." }, { "start": 71.92, "end": 72.48, "text": " Genius." }, { "start": 73.36, "end": 77.04, "text": " Hello. Welcome to Evil Genius, the BBC podcast where we take legendary" }, { "start": 77.04, "end": 80.96000000000001, "text": " achievers from history and ask, were they actually any good?" }, { "start": 80.96, "end": 83.83999999999999, "text": " I'm talking stellar figures who were also rather rowgish." }, { "start": 83.83999999999999, "end": 86.63999999999999, "text": " Icoms who were sometimes bang out of order." }, { "start": 86.63999999999999, "end": 89.91999999999999, "text": " Sometimes even revealing lovely stuff about people you thought were vile." }, { "start": 89.91999999999999, "end": 91.67999999999999, "text": " Make your own list in your head, people." }, { "start": 91.67999999999999, "end": 93.19999999999999, "text": " Can you still respect a vision?" }, { "start": 93.19999999999999, "end": 96.24, "text": " Revere the art or thinking once we've reflected on what utter" }, { "start": 96.24, "end": 98.08, "text": " dastards they were or not?" }, { "start": 98.88, "end": 101.75999999999999, "text": " Here, I'm interested in agreeing on only one thing." }, { "start": 101.75999999999999, "end": 102.72, "text": " Were they Evil?" }, { "start": 104.88, "end": 105.83999999999999, "text": " Or Genius?" }, { "start": 106.48, "end": 111.92, "text": " I took less fee to make that sound happen." }, { "start": 113.2, "end": 116.80000000000001, "text": " No grey areas in this studio, apart from my tragically just for men covered here," }, { "start": 117.36, "end": 120.80000000000001, "text": " we'll be sticking the subject in one of those boxes by the end of the show." }, { "start": 121.68, "end": 125.36, "text": " And helping me be reductive to the point of light entertainment and" }, { "start": 125.36, "end": 130.64000000000001, "text": " cutting at the other end is Rachel Paris, comedian, musician, actor from Lester," }, { "start": 130.64000000000001, "end": 133.68, "text": " you might have seen her absolutely smashing the masher report," }, { "start": 133.76000000000002, "end": 135.84, "text": " doing brilliant series too. I'm absolutely loving it." }, { "start": 135.84, "end": 137.68, "text": " Also, your vintage dresses are here." }, { "start": 137.68, "end": 139.12, "text": " And you enjoy a long walk on the beach." }, { "start": 139.12, "end": 140.32, "text": " Were you being ironic when you said that?" }, { "start": 140.32, "end": 142.96, "text": " I was being ironic about the last one, but I'm really" }, { "start": 142.96, "end": 144.16, "text": " into vintage dresses." }, { "start": 144.16, "end": 144.8, "text": " Oh, glad to hear it." }, { "start": 144.8, "end": 147.20000000000002, "text": " And you've got a genius or evil fact about yourself?" }, { "start": 147.20000000000002, "end": 148.72, "text": " Well, I suppose on that topic actually." }, { "start": 148.72, "end": 152.16, "text": " So I am a genius definitely with charity shops." }, { "start": 152.16, "end": 153.52, "text": " I can walk into a charity shop." }, { "start": 153.52, "end": 159.28, "text": " It doesn't matter if it's like high end low end and I can spot a bargain and amazing things." }, { "start": 159.28, "end": 160.64000000000001, "text": " I can just go in and sniff it." }, { "start": 160.64000000000001, "end": 161.60000000000002, "text": " I'm sorry, now where they are." }, { "start": 161.6, "end": 163.84, "text": " Bargain radar genius, very, very useful." }, { "start": 163.84, "end": 168.07999999999998, "text": " We've got Sean McLaughlin, a stand up, a veteran of Edinburgh." }, { "start": 168.07999999999998, "end": 172.0, "text": " It can take pain to an almost unbelievable level, like all of us." }, { "start": 172.0, "end": 172.32, "text": " Yes." }, { "start": 172.32, "end": 173.68, "text": " I went to Edinburgh for nine times." }, { "start": 173.68, "end": 176.16, "text": " The last time I went was when everyone of my posters had" }, { "start": 176.16, "end": 177.68, "text": " twat go away written on." }, { "start": 177.68, "end": 178.88, "text": " That's when it's time to leave." }, { "start": 178.88, "end": 180.07999999999998, "text": " And I've apologized so often." }, { "start": 180.07999999999998, "end": 183.28, "text": " I know, but really awkward when I explained I wasn't Nick Grimshaw." }, { "start": 183.28, "end": 186.72, "text": " So anything genius or evil you'd like to reveal?" }, { "start": 186.72, "end": 188.88, "text": " I just remembered actually me and my friends." }, { "start": 188.96, "end": 190.16, "text": " This is quite evil." }, { "start": 190.16, "end": 197.6, "text": " When we were in secondary school, we stole the props that were needed for the GCSE art students." }, { "start": 197.6, "end": 198.0, "text": " What?" }, { "start": 198.0, "end": 200.32, "text": " For them to draw in their exam." }, { "start": 200.32, "end": 203.28, "text": " But it was all, it didn't mean to steal them." }, { "start": 203.28, "end": 205.28, "text": " It was, they were drawing chocolate." }, { "start": 205.28, "end": 208.64, "text": " And we went into an art room in a break and there was just no to kick out to me, ain't them?" }, { "start": 209.44, "end": 213.04, "text": " Ironically it led to the most genius bout of hand painting ever seen." }, { "start": 215.35999999999999, "end": 218.32, "text": " Finally, helping me evaluate evil or genius is novelist." }, { "start": 218.32, "end": 220.88, "text": " Genius or own right, Kaz Freer who grew up in Coventry," }, { "start": 220.88, "end": 222.32, "text": " done loads of weird or wonderful jobs." }, { "start": 222.32, "end": 223.84, "text": " Waitressing, headhunter." }, { "start": 223.84, "end": 224.56, "text": " Is that right?" }, { "start": 224.56, "end": 226.32, "text": " Yes, which makes me sound like a wrestler." }, { "start": 226.32, "end": 227.76, "text": " Very old, isn't it?" }, { "start": 227.76, "end": 229.44, "text": " And you're also a manic arsenal fan," }, { "start": 229.44, "end": 231.6, "text": " a normally shout-out at the telly when they're playing." }, { "start": 231.6, "end": 234.0, "text": " Anything evil or genius you want to tell us about that you've been up to?" }, { "start": 234.0, "end": 234.95999999999998, "text": " Or do?" }, { "start": 234.95999999999998, "end": 236.72, "text": " I think I'm fairly genius at." }, { "start": 236.72, "end": 239.28, "text": " And this was before I started writing crime fiction to be fair." }, { "start": 239.28, "end": 243.76, "text": " Since I was a child at just being able to spot who done it in any sort of," }, { "start": 243.76, "end": 245.6, "text": " any novel, any TV show." }, { "start": 245.68, "end": 249.84, "text": " People don't watch things with me because I'm just well known for getting it within five minutes." }, { "start": 249.84, "end": 251.6, "text": " I think we really like literary," }, { "start": 251.6, "end": 252.96, "text": " especially if they took into the police." }, { "start": 252.96, "end": 254.32, "text": " That would be a good character." }, { "start": 254.32, "end": 256.71999999999997, "text": " Like a novelist, do they take into a police station?" }, { "start": 256.71999999999997, "end": 257.52, "text": " I love you." }, { "start": 257.52, "end": 260.32, "text": " And he has to write, it goes into like automatic writing and writes the crime down." }, { "start": 260.32, "end": 260.96, "text": " I like it." }, { "start": 260.96, "end": 261.76, "text": " Have that one on me." }, { "start": 262.96, "end": 264.24, "text": " So how are we going to do this?" }, { "start": 264.24, "end": 267.28, "text": " I've distributed envelopes amongst my panelists." }, { "start": 267.28, "end": 272.48, "text": " Periodically, we'll open an envelope and reveal a curveball fact about today's subject." }, { "start": 272.48, "end": 273.92, "text": " Okay guys, this is evil genius." }, { "start": 273.92, "end": 276.32, "text": " You probably want to know who we're going to be talking about." }, { "start": 276.32, "end": 277.6, "text": " John Lennon." }, { "start": 278.24, "end": 279.44, "text": " Now I know what you're thinking." }, { "start": 279.44, "end": 280.24, "text": " I know what you're thinking." }, { "start": 280.24, "end": 281.12, "text": " Where's the evil?" }, { "start": 281.68, "end": 283.52000000000004, "text": " Yeah, you might not like the music," }, { "start": 283.52000000000004, "end": 284.64000000000004, "text": " but come on." }, { "start": 284.64000000000004, "end": 287.28000000000003, "text": " It's part of our history as Brits," }, { "start": 287.28000000000003, "end": 291.36, "text": " made amazing songs, changed the face of rock and roll pop music, music forever." }, { "start": 291.36, "end": 292.56, "text": " Where's the evil guys?" }, { "start": 292.56, "end": 293.84000000000003, "text": " Around sunglasses." }, { "start": 293.84000000000003, "end": 294.8, "text": " Round sunglasses." }, { "start": 294.8, "end": 296.0, "text": " They never existed before." }, { "start": 296.0, "end": 296.32, "text": " Yes." }, { "start": 297.76, "end": 298.96000000000004, "text": " Any thoughts on John Lennon?" }, { "start": 298.96000000000004, "end": 300.96000000000004, "text": " Initially any fans, any haters?" }, { "start": 300.96000000000004, "end": 301.68, "text": " Never heard of him." }, { "start": 301.68, "end": 302.16, "text": " I'll be honest." }, { "start": 303.12, "end": 304.72, "text": " What you're talking about." }, { "start": 304.72, "end": 305.12, "text": " Great." }, { "start": 305.12, "end": 306.8, "text": " You're going to be really useful, Sean." }, { "start": 306.8, "end": 308.32000000000005, "text": " As always, Rachel." }, { "start": 308.32000000000005, "end": 310.32000000000005, "text": " I know some of his songs." }, { "start": 312.08000000000004, "end": 316.72, "text": " I've seen him on a bed with Yoco-O-No." }, { "start": 318.72, "end": 323.84000000000003, "text": " I have read a bit about him in a book called The Wallrus was Paul," }, { "start": 323.84000000000003, "end": 327.52000000000004, "text": " which is about Paul McCartney being dead, which is a great read." }, { "start": 328.8, "end": 331.20000000000005, "text": " But no, they sent it to my knowledge of home." }, { "start": 331.28, "end": 332.15999999999997, "text": " Okay, let's come on." }, { "start": 332.15999999999997, "end": 336.47999999999996, "text": " What type of music do you listen to when you're not listening to Stormzy's Child Bear Troops?" }, { "start": 337.92, "end": 339.12, "text": " Just tragic stuff." }, { "start": 340.96, "end": 342.32, "text": " What is your musical taste?" }, { "start": 342.32, "end": 343.59999999999997, "text": " Come on, we all want to know now, guys." }, { "start": 343.59999999999997, "end": 344.4, "text": " Oh my god." }, { "start": 345.12, "end": 346.24, "text": " Nazi marching music." }, { "start": 346.24, "end": 349.84, "text": " No, just like 90s indie, trying to be like 18." }, { "start": 349.84, "end": 352.32, "text": " But 90s indie is the child of Lennon's vision." }, { "start": 353.76, "end": 356.48, "text": " I probably would have said he was a genius then," }, { "start": 356.48, "end": 359.28, "text": " but then you grow up and you get older and you get wise, I don't you." }, { "start": 359.28, "end": 363.28, "text": " So you're musically, you'll probably have the taste closest to knowing a little bit about Lennon." }, { "start": 363.28, "end": 366.55999999999995, "text": " Because I'll admit, it's not my cup of tea." }, { "start": 366.55999999999995, "end": 371.84, "text": " I kind of, I never really know which songs he wrote or which ones he sang." }, { "start": 371.84, "end": 376.47999999999996, "text": " I know the Beatles, but when people go, that wasn't Lennon, that was McCartney." }, { "start": 376.47999999999996, "end": 379.44, "text": " And sometimes they say that was a George Harrison or what I'm like." }, { "start": 379.44, "end": 381.76, "text": " They don't go into the third one, they go into the third." }, { "start": 381.76, "end": 383.2, "text": " Never ring day, they poor, or ring day." }, { "start": 383.2, "end": 384.88, "text": " No one likes Thomas the tech." }, { "start": 384.88, "end": 386.79999999999995, "text": " Well, let's crack up in the first envelope." }, { "start": 387.52000000000004, "end": 389.04, "text": " Alright, envelope one." }, { "start": 389.04, "end": 391.52000000000004, "text": " Just says Beatles." }, { "start": 392.32, "end": 394.24, "text": " Yeah, so we're already sort of there." }, { "start": 394.24, "end": 397.84000000000003, "text": " This is the first fact revealed by Shorzeze Genius fact." }, { "start": 398.48, "end": 400.56, "text": " He created the Beatles." }, { "start": 400.56, "end": 401.04, "text": " Come on." }, { "start": 401.04, "end": 402.0, "text": " I don't know who he'd this guy in." }, { "start": 402.0, "end": 402.88, "text": " I thought so." }, { "start": 402.88, "end": 405.84000000000003, "text": " Yeah, he thought he was a Russian communist dictator for it." }, { "start": 405.84000000000003, "end": 406.72, "text": " I got confused." }, { "start": 407.68, "end": 412.16, "text": " No, he created the greatest rock band, the planet, as probably ever seen." }, { "start": 412.16, "end": 414.40000000000003, "text": " The first boy band that was also a rock band changed." }, { "start": 414.4, "end": 417.76, "text": " The face of music represented the UK all over the world," }, { "start": 417.76, "end": 419.28, "text": " smashed America." }, { "start": 419.28, "end": 422.79999999999995, "text": " We can be proudly say you were British because we had the Beatles." }, { "start": 423.35999999999996, "end": 428.32, "text": " I mean, okay, this is from the spectator, one of my favorite magazines which I subscribe to know." }, { "start": 429.2, "end": 430.0, "text": " Love me, dude." }, { "start": 430.0, "end": 433.44, "text": " It was number 17 in the UK late 1962." }, { "start": 433.44, "end": 437.35999999999996, "text": " And number one in the USA in 1964 is a basic pop song," }, { "start": 437.35999999999996, "end": 440.4, "text": " three chords, minimal bluesy melody and childish lyrics." }, { "start": 440.4, "end": 443.67999999999995, "text": " But I'm musicians, neck hairs, tremble, nevertheless." }, { "start": 444.0, "end": 447.28000000000003, "text": " They already had the four boys, the luscious out of tune," }, { "start": 447.28000000000003, "end": 449.44, "text": " your in tune, unison singing sound." }, { "start": 449.44, "end": 452.72, "text": " There's a perky melodic lyric chemistry in their work." }, { "start": 453.6, "end": 454.64, "text": " I'm genius, right?" }, { "start": 455.68, "end": 459.76, "text": " I do think the Beatles' music is quite incredible." }, { "start": 459.76, "end": 460.72, "text": " Which is a favorite track." }, { "start": 460.72, "end": 462.96000000000004, "text": " I know we're all pretending to be more ignorant than we are," }, { "start": 462.96000000000004, "end": 466.24, "text": " but it's one of those things, like sometimes on this show," }, { "start": 466.24, "end": 468.64, "text": " I might be talking about Evelyn or Einstein, right?" }, { "start": 468.64, "end": 470.32, "text": " You have a no stuff or you don't." }, { "start": 470.4, "end": 475.76, "text": " But every single one of us have grown up with some sort of Beatles music in the background" }, { "start": 475.76, "end": 476.71999999999997, "text": " at some point." }, { "start": 476.71999999999997, "end": 480.56, "text": " If you're born in bread British and you've got particularly if you've got British parents," }, { "start": 480.56, "end": 481.76, "text": " you grew up with that music." }, { "start": 481.76, "end": 483.84, "text": " Did anyone's parents play it all the time?" }, { "start": 483.84, "end": 484.56, "text": " Yeah, a lot." }, { "start": 484.56, "end": 487.68, "text": " And what also you're just picking up by Osmosis in films and TV shut?" }, { "start": 487.68, "end": 488.88, "text": " I mean, it's just everywhere." }, { "start": 488.88, "end": 490.64, "text": " Yeah, mine really didn't play it," }, { "start": 490.64, "end": 494.24, "text": " but as soon as you hit the point where you start going to other people's houses" }, { "start": 494.24, "end": 496.08, "text": " and listening to music, it came into it." }, { "start": 496.08, "end": 499.03999999999996, "text": " It was instantly, instantly like a classic." }, { "start": 499.04, "end": 501.6, "text": " And I love that with the Beatles, like their transition for," }, { "start": 501.6, "end": 504.48, "text": " I love all their, when I was younger, I really loved their early," }, { "start": 504.48, "end": 506.88, "text": " those essentially three-cord songs," }, { "start": 506.88, "end": 509.12, "text": " but they never were quite just three-cord songs." }, { "start": 509.12, "end": 512.0, "text": " Like the choices they make musically, I'm a musician," }, { "start": 512.0, "end": 514.88, "text": " and I've always been fascinated by the unusual things they do." }, { "start": 514.88, "end": 517.36, "text": " I think my favourite of their early ones is help." }, { "start": 517.36, "end": 520.88, "text": " And it's weird, like the places they go is unusual." }, { "start": 520.88, "end": 523.9200000000001, "text": " They may be chained, but then when like a day in the life" }, { "start": 523.9200000000001, "end": 528.4, "text": " and the long-winding, right, they've got such variety in what they do." }, { "start": 528.4, "end": 531.52, "text": " It's funny you should, two things you've said there." }, { "start": 531.52, "end": 534.3199999999999, "text": " I don't know whether you've meant to, are so striking." }, { "start": 534.3199999999999, "end": 537.04, "text": " One, you've picked the music that John Lennon went on" }, { "start": 537.04, "end": 540.64, "text": " to utterly disown, and it's called simplistic and plastic," }, { "start": 540.64, "end": 543.1999999999999, "text": " and he hated performing it, he loved everything it stood for." }, { "start": 543.1999999999999, "end": 545.04, "text": " Only when he moved into the war-rust stuff," }, { "start": 545.04, "end": 547.4399999999999, "text": " and eventually when he left was he really him," }, { "start": 547.4399999999999, "end": 552.4, "text": " apart from help, which was his genuine cry for help," }, { "start": 552.4, "end": 555.1999999999999, "text": " when he wrote those lyrics, because he hated so much," }, { "start": 555.2, "end": 558.32, "text": " the sort of one direction he typed things it would have been back then." }, { "start": 558.88, "end": 562.4000000000001, "text": " The manufactured, plasticky, repetitious, record label," }, { "start": 562.4000000000001, "end": 563.9200000000001, "text": " PR nature of the business." }, { "start": 564.96, "end": 566.4000000000001, "text": " It's so weird. Did he write that one then?" }, { "start": 567.2, "end": 571.5200000000001, "text": " Well, Lennon and McCartney collaborated, that's the story." }, { "start": 571.5200000000001, "end": 575.0400000000001, "text": " But when you listen to Lennon bitterly speaking in the 70s," }, { "start": 575.0400000000001, "end": 577.12, "text": " he's like, we actually wrote and separate drums," }, { "start": 577.12, "end": 579.44, "text": " and we'd come together and we'd just pick whichever version we liked." }, { "start": 579.44, "end": 581.6, "text": " I couldn't stand a lot of the shite," }, { "start": 581.6, "end": 583.84, "text": " he was stuff for the man and all that." }, { "start": 583.9200000000001, "end": 586.8000000000001, "text": " But it's timeless, where as all that, I am the war-rust," }, { "start": 586.8000000000001, "end": 590.32, "text": " and all that kind of the really psychedelic stuff," }, { "start": 590.32, "end": 591.84, "text": " it's just really dated now." }, { "start": 591.84, "end": 593.2, "text": " Not on a bag of mushrooms, isn't it?" }, { "start": 594.32, "end": 596.48, "text": " I can tell you now, I really understood." }, { "start": 596.48, "end": 598.4, "text": " I mean, I was chitting in the woods and crying." }, { "start": 598.4, "end": 599.84, "text": " I really understood that song." }, { "start": 599.84, "end": 603.52, "text": " I think what's amazing about the Beatles story, in general," }, { "start": 603.52, "end": 605.0400000000001, "text": " is how short it is." }, { "start": 605.76, "end": 608.1600000000001, "text": " It was not in 62 or 63, it was their debut," }, { "start": 608.1600000000001, "end": 610.4000000000001, "text": " and their final album was not in 70." }, { "start": 610.4000000000001, "end": 612.1600000000001, "text": " So in seven or eight years," }, { "start": 612.24, "end": 615.36, "text": " they went from being, what was basically a Buddy Holly Tribute Act." }, { "start": 616.0799999999999, "end": 618.0799999999999, "text": " To, I mean, branching out, as you say," }, { "start": 618.0799999999999, "end": 619.76, "text": " rock music and directions," }, { "start": 619.76, "end": 621.36, "text": " no one really thought it was capable of." }, { "start": 621.92, "end": 625.04, "text": " I think it's easy given how iconic so many of their eras are." }, { "start": 625.04, "end": 627.12, "text": " It's easy to forget how prolific they were." }, { "start": 627.8399999999999, "end": 629.8399999999999, "text": " So let me throw that back to you guys," }, { "start": 629.8399999999999, "end": 633.68, "text": " because I think we all do jobs that have the temptation to do that." }, { "start": 633.68, "end": 636.4, "text": " We start all bright-eyed and earnest with how" }, { "start": 636.4, "end": 639.52, "text": " love me do comedy show or our first novel." }, { "start": 639.6, "end": 643.4399999999999, "text": " But the temptation to disappear down surreal way" }, { "start": 643.4399999999999, "end": 646.72, "text": " or into James Joyce Finnegan's wake experiment way." }, { "start": 646.72, "end": 647.68, "text": " It's strong, isn't it?" }, { "start": 647.68, "end": 649.04, "text": " Do you know what my theory is?" }, { "start": 649.04, "end": 651.12, "text": " I call it this theory, and it connects all of us." }, { "start": 651.12, "end": 653.1999999999999, "text": " The floating bum hole syndrome." }, { "start": 653.1999999999999, "end": 656.48, "text": " And what it is, you start, you start," }, { "start": 656.48, "end": 657.76, "text": " blessed with a gift, right?" }, { "start": 657.76, "end": 658.72, "text": " Whatever your gift is." }, { "start": 658.72, "end": 660.16, "text": " Mine is, as much as I try to put it in," }, { "start": 660.16, "end": 662.24, "text": " I'm just good at being funny on stage." }, { "start": 662.24, "end": 664.64, "text": " Sooner or later, a bum hole floats next to you," }, { "start": 664.64, "end": 667.1999999999999, "text": " constantly tempting you to disappear up it" }, { "start": 667.2800000000001, "end": 670.88, "text": " with more arty surreal or obstruct goals." }, { "start": 670.88, "end": 672.96, "text": " Many people get sucked up that bum hole." }, { "start": 672.96, "end": 674.48, "text": " I only need to be spat out five years later" }, { "start": 674.48, "end": 676.08, "text": " doing what they originally did anyway." }, { "start": 677.12, "end": 679.2, "text": " I think that's true, and I think it's both." }, { "start": 680.48, "end": 681.84, "text": " This bum hole thing's got legs." }, { "start": 683.36, "end": 684.32, "text": " Otherwise it's not a bum?" }, { "start": 684.32, "end": 685.9200000000001, "text": " I'm not going to name any stand-ups," }, { "start": 685.9200000000001, "end": 687.36, "text": " but you know what I'm talking about." }, { "start": 687.36, "end": 687.9200000000001, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 687.9200000000001, "end": 691.44, "text": " I myself, I half disappeared up it." }, { "start": 692.0, "end": 694.5600000000001, "text": " Only sartorially, and quickly climbed out again." }, { "start": 694.5600000000001, "end": 696.88, "text": " And then I'm a stand-up, that's it." }, { "start": 696.88, "end": 698.88, "text": " You know, I'm not going to win the booker prize," }, { "start": 698.88, "end": 700.32, "text": " get back down to earth." }, { "start": 700.64, "end": 702.96, "text": " You've been given a gift, pursue it, and do it well." }, { "start": 703.52, "end": 706.48, "text": " Wasn't John Lennon just disappearing up" }, { "start": 706.48, "end": 708.24, "text": " surreal artsy way?" }, { "start": 708.24, "end": 711.36, "text": " And in fact, if he'd not been such an angry," }, { "start": 711.36, "end": 714.32, "text": " miserable bugger, they could have done loads more" }, { "start": 714.32, "end": 715.36, "text": " of what they did in the beginning," }, { "start": 715.36, "end": 717.92, "text": " which is the songs we all remember now, right?" }, { "start": 717.92, "end": 719.6, "text": " What stood the test of time?" }, { "start": 720.16, "end": 720.48, "text": " More." }, { "start": 721.04, "end": 724.64, "text": " Well, I think the thing with this is as much as he might have gone up that," }, { "start": 724.64, "end": 726.24, "text": " he's a little, a little bum hole." }, { "start": 726.4, "end": 728.48, "text": " And he did, he was mid-rectum, definitely." }, { "start": 728.48, "end": 729.28, "text": " He was mid-ship." }, { "start": 730.32, "end": 732.88, "text": " He was touching the lower intestine immediately." }, { "start": 732.88, "end": 736.0, "text": " But he was still selling a shitload of albums." }, { "start": 736.0, "end": 739.6800000000001, "text": " I know, yeah, those songs even the later albums still contain," }, { "start": 739.6800000000001, "end": 740.48, "text": " like classics." }, { "start": 740.48, "end": 742.16, "text": " So he never went full, you know." }, { "start": 742.16, "end": 744.48, "text": " Well, but he did, though, because it was because of him," }, { "start": 744.48, "end": 747.92, "text": " the Beatles split up, named me apart from Imagine," }, { "start": 747.92, "end": 750.96, "text": " and jealous, and woman, one song," }, { "start": 750.96, "end": 755.28, "text": " the man wrote and released in a 12 years of his life," }, { "start": 755.4399999999999, "end": 756.9599999999999, "text": " which he constantly released on, you can't," }, { "start": 756.9599999999999, "end": 758.16, "text": " because it was all..." }, { "start": 758.16, "end": 759.68, "text": " Merry Christmas, War is over." }, { "start": 759.68, "end": 760.64, "text": " Well, there you go." }, { "start": 760.64, "end": 761.28, "text": " But one." }, { "start": 761.28, "end": 762.16, "text": " But mostly..." }, { "start": 762.16, "end": 764.16, "text": " He told Yoko she could sing, that puts him in a..." }, { "start": 764.16, "end": 764.72, "text": " Yeah, yeah." }, { "start": 764.72, "end": 769.1999999999999, "text": " Go on Spotify, the listen figures are in negative figures." }, { "start": 769.1999999999999, "end": 771.1999999999999, "text": " So he was putting music out." }, { "start": 771.1999999999999, "end": 772.64, "text": " You didn't even rate your..." }, { "start": 772.64, "end": 773.4399999999999, "text": " Perhaps you didn't even..." }, { "start": 773.4399999999999, "end": 774.3199999999999, "text": " No." }, { "start": 774.3199999999999, "end": 775.36, "text": " He was putting albums out." }, { "start": 775.36, "end": 777.52, "text": " I just assumed he was, you know, busy with..." }, { "start": 777.52, "end": 778.0799999999999, "text": " No." }, { "start": 778.0799999999999, "end": 778.48, "text": " Peace." }, { "start": 779.4399999999999, "end": 780.56, "text": " Well, that's where it started." }, { "start": 780.56, "end": 781.12, "text": " It's really something." }, { "start": 781.12, "end": 782.0799999999999, "text": " It's really something." }, { "start": 782.0799999999999, "end": 783.36, "text": " That's where it started." }, { "start": 784.08, "end": 785.28, "text": " I'm a politics." }, { "start": 785.28, "end": 786.32, "text": " I can change the world." }, { "start": 786.32, "end": 787.76, "text": " No, you're a brilliant musician." }, { "start": 787.76, "end": 788.8000000000001, "text": " You've lost it." }, { "start": 788.8000000000001, "end": 790.88, "text": " But that can hardly be in the name of evil, can it?" }, { "start": 790.88, "end": 792.48, "text": " If he's like trying to make..." }, { "start": 792.48, "end": 796.24, "text": " It's not evil, but I'm trying to balance his genius for you," }, { "start": 796.24, "end": 799.76, "text": " because it's such a massive stack on the genius side." }, { "start": 799.76, "end": 800.8000000000001, "text": " I just want you to remember," }, { "start": 800.8000000000001, "end": 802.8000000000001, "text": " half of the songwriting was McCarty," }, { "start": 802.8000000000001, "end": 804.5600000000001, "text": " and he kept him quite earthed." }, { "start": 804.5600000000001, "end": 807.9200000000001, "text": " And when left on his own, was he actually that good?" }, { "start": 807.9200000000001, "end": 809.04, "text": " The evidence doesn't look good," }, { "start": 809.04, "end": 810.8000000000001, "text": " apart from Imagine, which is a lovely track," }, { "start": 810.8000000000001, "end": 812.4, "text": " and I cry, I forgot hang over if I hear it." }, { "start": 812.48, "end": 814.8, "text": " I will definitely think" }, { "start": 814.8, "end": 816.72, "text": " there was sort of stardust in the Beatles," }, { "start": 816.72, "end": 818.72, "text": " and Onizzo, he was a bit of a..." }, { "start": 818.72, "end": 819.84, "text": " Oh, no, it's hard to say." }, { "start": 819.84, "end": 821.36, "text": " Maybe he would have found his way back then." }, { "start": 821.36, "end": 822.3199999999999, "text": " He was on his own." }, { "start": 822.3199999999999, "end": 822.48, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 822.48, "end": 824.0799999999999, "text": " He just blends into..." }, { "start": 824.0799999999999, "end": 826.56, "text": " I don't know enough about him." }, { "start": 826.56, "end": 829.84, "text": " And then does that mean that he's like, as iconic, I don't know." }, { "start": 829.84, "end": 831.28, "text": " He's just like the Beatles to me," }, { "start": 831.28, "end": 834.16, "text": " just his blur and who wrote what, and..." }, { "start": 834.16, "end": 836.4, "text": " But I just wanted to ask you as a writer, Caz." }, { "start": 836.4, "end": 839.68, "text": " How often, when you sit there, honestly," }, { "start": 839.68, "end": 842.56, "text": " when you look at the adjectives that come into your head," }, { "start": 842.56, "end": 845.68, "text": " do you have to fight against the pretension gene," }, { "start": 845.68, "end": 848.88, "text": " which John Lennon so massively failed over and over again?" }, { "start": 848.88, "end": 849.76, "text": " Are you sometimes like," }, { "start": 849.76, "end": 852.3199999999999, "text": " I could use the word legubriously there, or are you on to?" }, { "start": 852.3199999999999, "end": 853.8399999999999, "text": " Yeah, but either there's a fix it," }, { "start": 853.8399999999999, "end": 855.52, "text": " whereas he would just have, yes, men going," }, { "start": 855.52, "end": 857.28, "text": " you're amazing, you're amazing." }, { "start": 857.28, "end": 858.64, "text": " So do you sometimes succumb to it," }, { "start": 858.64, "end": 860.3199999999999, "text": " what we call the wall-rusing?" }, { "start": 860.3199999999999, "end": 862.56, "text": " Yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely." }, { "start": 862.56, "end": 863.76, "text": " I mean, I'm getting better at it," }, { "start": 863.76, "end": 866.16, "text": " but then I just know that someone will cut the drivel out," }, { "start": 866.16, "end": 868.0799999999999, "text": " but who would tell John Lennon know," }, { "start": 868.08, "end": 871.5200000000001, "text": " because he's notoriously arrogant and bigger than Jesus." }, { "start": 871.5200000000001, "end": 872.96, "text": " I mean, that's evil in itself." }, { "start": 872.96, "end": 875.2, "text": " If you're going in the biblical term of evil," }, { "start": 875.2, "end": 877.12, "text": " to claim you're bigger than Jesus." }, { "start": 877.12, "end": 879.44, "text": " The suspense about which way you're voting, yeah." }, { "start": 879.44, "end": 880.64, "text": " Okay." }, { "start": 880.64, "end": 882.0, "text": " He's really cutting it." }, { "start": 882.0, "end": 884.5600000000001, "text": " Maybe, maybe, you know, I can beat this way, do you?" }, { "start": 884.5600000000001, "end": 885.2, "text": " Yeah, yeah." }, { "start": 885.2, "end": 886.24, "text": " Well, that was the genius point." }, { "start": 886.24, "end": 887.44, "text": " I don't think you're going to be persuaded" }, { "start": 887.44, "end": 889.44, "text": " when envelope 2 is opened, please." }, { "start": 890.64, "end": 891.84, "text": " And envelope 2 says," }, { "start": 892.72, "end": 893.2, "text": " violent." }, { "start": 894.0, "end": 896.4000000000001, "text": " Yes, I'm afraid to break the nose," }, { "start": 896.48, "end": 900.3199999999999, "text": " and this was news to me as not a massive John Lennon fan," }, { "start": 900.3199999999999, "end": 902.16, "text": " I didn't know everything about him." }, { "start": 902.16, "end": 904.16, "text": " He was quite a violent man." }, { "start": 904.9599999999999, "end": 907.12, "text": " He was very violent when he was younger." }, { "start": 907.12, "end": 910.72, "text": " There were lots of examples of him getting into fights" }, { "start": 910.72, "end": 912.72, "text": " and all sorts, which I suppose isn't necessarily" }, { "start": 912.72, "end": 913.92, "text": " the worst thing in the world." }, { "start": 913.92, "end": 915.36, "text": " There are many hot-headed people out there," }, { "start": 916.0, "end": 917.84, "text": " but there's sort of, I suppose," }, { "start": 917.84, "end": 919.1999999999999, "text": " narcissistic touches there," }, { "start": 919.1999999999999, "end": 921.6, "text": " where if his ego or reputation was threatened," }, { "start": 921.6, "end": 922.88, "text": " he could be explosive." }, { "start": 923.4399999999999, "end": 925.36, "text": " Bob Wooler kept remarking" }, { "start": 925.36, "end": 926.72, "text": " of John Lennon's friendship with Epstein," }, { "start": 926.72, "end": 927.76, "text": " it was a bit too close," }, { "start": 927.76, "end": 929.6800000000001, "text": " and John Lennon burst in and beat" }, { "start": 929.6800000000001, "end": 931.28, "text": " the living daylight out of him." }, { "start": 931.28, "end": 933.36, "text": " I think he ended up in hospital." }, { "start": 933.36, "end": 935.6, "text": " I'm afraid it doesn't end there." }, { "start": 935.6, "end": 938.0, "text": " He was also violent to women." }, { "start": 938.0, "end": 940.72, "text": " He had a very ambiguous attitude to women." }, { "start": 940.72, "end": 941.84, "text": " Listen to his interviews." }, { "start": 941.84, "end": 942.32, "text": " The word," }, { "start": 942.96, "end": 944.8000000000001, "text": " hor, crops up over and over again," }, { "start": 944.8000000000001, "end": 947.52, "text": " and said with an edge that, to me," }, { "start": 947.52, "end": 949.76, "text": " is slightly telling," }, { "start": 949.76, "end": 952.08, "text": " you know, this business is not just about the horrors that come out." }, { "start": 952.08, "end": 954.8000000000001, "text": " You know, you know, when there's a fist underneath that word," }, { "start": 954.8, "end": 956.0, "text": " you can use it one of two ways." }, { "start": 956.0, "end": 957.4399999999999, "text": " He didn't mean in a corporate sense." }, { "start": 957.4399999999999, "end": 960.8, "text": " He was being misogynistic when he said it." }, { "start": 960.8, "end": 963.3599999999999, "text": " He hit his first wife allegedly," }, { "start": 963.3599999999999, "end": 964.4, "text": " I'll probably say," }, { "start": 964.4, "end": 966.64, "text": " but I mean, he himself said" }, { "start": 966.64, "end": 967.92, "text": " that he'd been violent towards women." }, { "start": 967.92, "end": 969.12, "text": " He had all this rage." }, { "start": 969.12, "end": 970.9599999999999, "text": " Now, it's because he lost his mother, blah, blah, blah." }, { "start": 971.68, "end": 972.9599999999999, "text": " He said," }, { "start": 972.9599999999999, "end": 975.12, "text": " all that I used to be cruel to my woman." }, { "start": 975.12, "end": 979.28, "text": " I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved was me." }, { "start": 979.28, "end": 981.1999999999999, "text": " I used to be cruel to my woman." }, { "start": 981.1999999999999, "end": 984.16, "text": " And physically, any woman, I was a hitter." }, { "start": 984.16, "end": 986.3199999999999, "text": " I couldn't express myself when I hit." }, { "start": 986.3199999999999, "end": 988.3199999999999, "text": " I thought men and I hit women." }, { "start": 989.12, "end": 991.68, "text": " And that's in playboy, the radical feminist magazine." }, { "start": 991.68, "end": 993.68, "text": " So that's obviously quite controversial." }, { "start": 993.68, "end": 996.48, "text": " It was published there next to an exposed breast." }, { "start": 996.48, "end": 997.6, "text": " So what do we think?" }, { "start": 997.6, "end": 998.56, "text": " This is the man who thinks about," }, { "start": 998.56, "end": 999.68, "text": " I want to hold your hand." }, { "start": 999.68, "end": 1001.12, "text": " Not I want to punch you in the face" }, { "start": 1001.12, "end": 1003.04, "text": " and then pretend you fell down the stairs." }, { "start": 1003.04, "end": 1003.92, "text": " I want to hold your hand." }, { "start": 1003.92, "end": 1006.0799999999999, "text": " There's love, there's emotion, there's hugging, blah, blah." }, { "start": 1006.8, "end": 1010.0, "text": " And then it was also piece, piece, piece in his later years." }, { "start": 1010.0, "end": 1013.52, "text": " And he actually himself says that he was" }, { "start": 1014.56, "end": 1015.68, "text": " hitting women and men." }, { "start": 1016.9599999999999, "end": 1018.64, "text": " I mean, just to just to temper it a bit," }, { "start": 1018.64, "end": 1020.7199999999999, "text": " if it's a bit too slam dunk for you," }, { "start": 1020.7199999999999, "end": 1022.8, "text": " he did have a weird childhood." }, { "start": 1022.8, "end": 1024.96, "text": " His dad abandoned him when he was two." }, { "start": 1025.68, "end": 1029.92, "text": " And his mum was hit by a car right outside his aunties house." }, { "start": 1029.92, "end": 1031.44, "text": " The aunt who he's already living with," }, { "start": 1031.44, "end": 1033.36, "text": " because his mum was a bit irresponsible." }, { "start": 1033.36, "end": 1035.36, "text": " So he had some complex stuff going on there" }, { "start": 1035.36, "end": 1037.04, "text": " with parental absence and women." }, { "start": 1037.04, "end": 1039.2, "text": " It's not an excuse, obviously." }, { "start": 1039.2, "end": 1041.68, "text": " But it's definitely in the mix." }, { "start": 1042.3200000000002, "end": 1043.44, "text": " Well, it might be in the mix," }, { "start": 1043.44, "end": 1045.2, "text": " but I think there's a lot of people" }, { "start": 1045.2, "end": 1047.3600000000001, "text": " who have tough times going up" }, { "start": 1047.3600000000001, "end": 1049.2, "text": " that don't resort to that sort of stuff." }, { "start": 1049.2, "end": 1052.72, "text": " The first thing I thought before you got onto the woman" }, { "start": 1052.72, "end": 1055.2, "text": " being was that he doesn't look like a brawler." }, { "start": 1055.2, "end": 1057.68, "text": " He's like, that really surprised me." }, { "start": 1057.68, "end": 1058.0800000000002, "text": " I know." }, { "start": 1058.0800000000002, "end": 1059.92, "text": " He just, he doesn't look like that kind of..." }, { "start": 1059.92, "end": 1061.1200000000001, "text": " He's called a scrawny guy." }, { "start": 1061.1200000000001, "end": 1062.0800000000002, "text": " Popfike." }, { "start": 1062.0800000000002, "end": 1064.4, "text": " All I'm saying is Ben Kingsley sexy beast." }, { "start": 1065.1200000000001, "end": 1066.72, "text": " That's one of the scariest things I've ever seen." }, { "start": 1068.0, "end": 1070.64, "text": " Also, if I can't find my car keys, don't get him away." }, { "start": 1070.64, "end": 1072.0, "text": " But if you're going to go back to his dad," }, { "start": 1072.0, "end": 1073.76, "text": " leaving him and his mum being hit by a car," }, { "start": 1073.76, "end": 1076.88, "text": " which is terrible and is obviously going to make it's mark," }, { "start": 1076.88, "end": 1078.64, "text": " but then you're getting into that hole." }, { "start": 1078.64, "end": 1080.8000000000002, "text": " Are you born evil or are you made evil?" }, { "start": 1080.8000000000002, "end": 1082.5600000000002, "text": " And that's a whole separate podcast." }, { "start": 1082.5600000000002, "end": 1085.3600000000001, "text": " Yeah, that is because, you know," }, { "start": 1085.3600000000001, "end": 1086.48, "text": " but there are, like you said," }, { "start": 1086.48, "end": 1088.24, "text": " there are plenty of people that go through" }, { "start": 1088.24, "end": 1089.92, "text": " painful episodes in their life." }, { "start": 1089.92, "end": 1091.76, "text": " And they will act out in certain ways." }, { "start": 1091.76, "end": 1093.2800000000002, "text": " They might hurt people emotionally," }, { "start": 1093.2800000000002, "end": 1094.24, "text": " but there's something." }, { "start": 1095.0400000000002, "end": 1096.4, "text": " He actually said this." }, { "start": 1097.1200000000001, "end": 1100.3200000000002, "text": " It is the most violent people who go for love and peace." }, { "start": 1100.96, "end": 1103.2, "text": " I don't think Gandhi went around like," }, { "start": 1103.8400000000001, "end": 1105.76, "text": " honestly, you're slapping people." }, { "start": 1105.76, "end": 1106.5600000000002, "text": " You should have seen him down," }, { "start": 1106.5600000000002, "end": 1107.2800000000002, "text": " where I spoke." }, { "start": 1108.8000000000002, "end": 1110.4, "text": " Obviously, he couldn't eat because he was protesting," }, { "start": 1110.4, "end": 1111.2800000000002, "text": " so he was even more angry." }, { "start": 1113.2800000000002, "end": 1114.64, "text": " Let's play a thought experiment there." }, { "start": 1114.64, "end": 1118.16, "text": " Let's just pretend John Lennon didn't physically act out," }, { "start": 1118.16, "end": 1120.96, "text": " but was massively interested and passionate about violence" }, { "start": 1120.96, "end": 1123.6000000000001, "text": " and like looking at violent pictures was obsessed with it," }, { "start": 1123.6000000000001, "end": 1125.76, "text": " but proclaimed love and peace and sang about it." }, { "start": 1126.88, "end": 1129.5200000000002, "text": " Is that that's okay because he didn't physically act it or is does it?" }, { "start": 1129.68, "end": 1130.48, "text": " It's better, yeah." }, { "start": 1130.48, "end": 1131.28, "text": " It's better." }, { "start": 1131.28, "end": 1131.92, "text": " It's probably better." }, { "start": 1131.92, "end": 1133.68, "text": " But better if he's no one else is getting hurt." }, { "start": 1133.68, "end": 1135.84, "text": " But does it, more importantly, for this show," }, { "start": 1135.84, "end": 1137.52, "text": " way down against the genius," }, { "start": 1137.52, "end": 1138.96, "text": " or is it a bare no relation?" }, { "start": 1138.96, "end": 1141.92, "text": " If I feel something when I hear the peaceful loving song," }, { "start": 1141.92, "end": 1144.72, "text": " is it damaged by the impulses of the writer," }, { "start": 1144.72, "end": 1146.16, "text": " or is it irrelevant?" }, { "start": 1146.16, "end": 1149.12, "text": " Well, that old thing about separating the art from the artist" }, { "start": 1149.12, "end": 1152.32, "text": " and there is no answer to it," }, { "start": 1152.32, "end": 1157.12, "text": " but I would say that being a person who beats up his wife" }, { "start": 1158.08, "end": 1160.8, "text": " and admits as much in playboy magazine," }, { "start": 1160.8, "end": 1162.6399999999999, "text": " I mean, even being somebody talks to playboy magazine," }, { "start": 1162.6399999999999, "end": 1167.52, "text": " you know, alone, probably does put a bit of an asterisk" }, { "start": 1168.4799999999998, "end": 1169.52, "text": " when you're saying," }, { "start": 1169.52, "end": 1171.76, "text": " I'm going to lie in bed and solve the world's problems." }, { "start": 1171.76, "end": 1173.12, "text": " I'm trying to play devil's advocate." }, { "start": 1173.12, "end": 1176.1599999999999, "text": " Yeah, I just imagine being in my pro wife being seated in my room." }, { "start": 1176.1599999999999, "end": 1177.76, "text": " Why he gave that?" }, { "start": 1177.76, "end": 1180.1599999999999, "text": " I'd be interested in know why he gave that interview." }, { "start": 1180.1599999999999, "end": 1182.0, "text": " Was it supposed to be this sort of tell-all" }, { "start": 1182.0, "end": 1185.36, "text": " I'm just purging my soul and I'm going to be a good man after this," }, { "start": 1185.4399999999998, "end": 1187.9199999999998, "text": " or was it just like a throwaway comment, or..." }, { "start": 1187.9199999999998, "end": 1190.8799999999999, "text": " I bet he kissed in Jane Mansfield's cocktail" }, { "start": 1190.8799999999999, "end": 1192.8799999999999, "text": " and then just watched her drink it because she'd..." }, { "start": 1193.6799999999998, "end": 1198.7199999999998, "text": " I don't know, had she rebuffed him or was annoying him trying to come onto him too much?" }, { "start": 1198.7199999999998, "end": 1200.7199999999998, "text": " And that's how Foster's logo is invented." }, { "start": 1203.12, "end": 1204.8, "text": " And also you win, this tastes amazing." }, { "start": 1204.8, "end": 1205.84, "text": " Let's take it online." }, { "start": 1206.8, "end": 1208.24, "text": " It's interesting that we're going," }, { "start": 1208.24, "end": 1210.56, "text": " oh, 70s, oh, men were such brooks back then." }, { "start": 1210.56, "end": 1212.8, "text": " Or is it something far darker here?" }, { "start": 1212.8, "end": 1214.6399999999999, "text": " The guy is such a narcissist." }, { "start": 1214.72, "end": 1217.44, "text": " He even gets off on the attention of going," }, { "start": 1217.44, "end": 1218.64, "text": " I want started a house fire." }, { "start": 1218.64, "end": 1221.76, "text": " I like talking cats and sort of provocative blas-a" }, { "start": 1221.76, "end": 1224.3200000000002, "text": " and here are my sins,ness of it." }, { "start": 1224.3200000000002, "end": 1225.0400000000002, "text": " Do you know what I mean?" }, { "start": 1225.0400000000002, "end": 1227.3600000000001, "text": " There are some, but I wouldn't know people like that" }, { "start": 1227.3600000000001, "end": 1229.0400000000002, "text": " that saw me, I just scratched the car on the way," }, { "start": 1229.0400000000002, "end": 1230.24, "text": " not going to report anything." }, { "start": 1230.24, "end": 1232.72, "text": " Enjoy the confessional nature of it," }, { "start": 1232.72, "end": 1234.0800000000002, "text": " which is even weirder, is it not," }, { "start": 1234.0800000000002, "end": 1235.8400000000001, "text": " than men were bastards in the 70s?" }, { "start": 1236.48, "end": 1237.92, "text": " Yeah, I think there might be an element." }, { "start": 1237.92, "end": 1239.68, "text": " I'm to be fair, I don't know loads about them," }, { "start": 1239.68, "end": 1241.2800000000002, "text": " but I think there might be an element of that." }, { "start": 1241.2800000000002, "end": 1242.64, "text": " It's kind of that equivalent, like you say," }, { "start": 1243.1200000000001, "end": 1246.64, "text": " do you even know, like, proud of their dark side?" }, { "start": 1246.64, "end": 1249.6000000000001, "text": " And I think we all are, to a certain extent," }, { "start": 1249.6000000000001, "end": 1251.2, "text": " because you're like, I'm such an interest," }, { "start": 1251.2, "end": 1252.64, "text": " I am such a fascinating person." }, { "start": 1252.64, "end": 1254.0, "text": " This is what I think was going on." }, { "start": 1254.0, "end": 1255.68, "text": " I am intriguing, aren't I?" }, { "start": 1255.68, "end": 1257.76, "text": " But when you take it too far and you beat up women," }, { "start": 1257.76, "end": 1258.5600000000002, "text": " then it's bad." }, { "start": 1258.5600000000002, "end": 1262.4, "text": " Yeah, okay, let's open our third fact." }, { "start": 1262.4, "end": 1264.3200000000002, "text": " Will it be something genius or something evil?" }, { "start": 1264.3200000000002, "end": 1265.44, "text": " Bad dad." }, { "start": 1266.5600000000002, "end": 1271.3600000000001, "text": " I'm afraid to throw bad dad into the equation with John Lennon." }, { "start": 1271.4399999999998, "end": 1273.28, "text": " I could never have foresaw this." }, { "start": 1275.28, "end": 1277.36, "text": " What we should say, it's more complex than that," }, { "start": 1277.36, "end": 1279.52, "text": " is a dad of two halves." }, { "start": 1279.52, "end": 1283.36, "text": " He goes from perhaps the most emotionally negligent" }, { "start": 1283.36, "end": 1285.76, "text": " cruel dad in the emotional psychological sense," }, { "start": 1285.76, "end": 1288.8, "text": " to giving up his career to be a stay at home husband" }, { "start": 1288.8, "end": 1291.04, "text": " and a women's right campaigner when it was" }, { "start": 1291.04, "end": 1293.28, "text": " barely even in the public lexicon." }, { "start": 1294.08, "end": 1296.24, "text": " How is that for a complex?" }, { "start": 1296.24, "end": 1298.8799999999999, "text": " We're talking about Julian, Lennon here, guys." }, { "start": 1299.3600000000001, "end": 1301.7600000000002, "text": " All we know is what's been written." }, { "start": 1301.7600000000002, "end": 1303.92, "text": " When the band got big, it's a bit like one direction these days." }, { "start": 1303.92, "end": 1306.4, "text": " Everyone has to pretend not to have girlfriend's" }, { "start": 1306.4, "end": 1307.6000000000001, "text": " because you're then you're more attractive" }, { "start": 1307.6000000000001, "end": 1308.8000000000002, "text": " to the screaming female fans." }, { "start": 1308.8000000000002, "end": 1312.0, "text": " So his wife was invisible as was his son." }, { "start": 1312.0, "end": 1314.16, "text": " Then we must imagine that lots of affairs" }, { "start": 1314.16, "end": 1315.3600000000001, "text": " and one night Stan started." }, { "start": 1315.3600000000001, "end": 1317.44, "text": " Then eventually he has an affair with Yoko Bona." }, { "start": 1317.44, "end": 1320.48, "text": " It splits them up and it goes and he dropped his family" }, { "start": 1320.48, "end": 1321.1200000000001, "text": " like that." }, { "start": 1322.16, "end": 1322.5600000000002, "text": " Gone." }, { "start": 1323.68, "end": 1326.8000000000002, "text": " He said incredibly cruel things to Julian over the year." }, { "start": 1326.8000000000002, "end": 1328.48, "text": " One that really sticks in my mind." }, { "start": 1328.56, "end": 1331.68, "text": " I don't know why it does was he asked him not to laugh" }, { "start": 1331.68, "end": 1333.92, "text": " in his presence because he found his laugh so repulsive" }, { "start": 1333.92, "end": 1334.4, "text": " and annoying." }, { "start": 1335.6, "end": 1338.16, "text": " He said that too when he was very little." }, { "start": 1338.16, "end": 1342.48, "text": " He then mixed that with being obsessed and very close" }, { "start": 1342.48, "end": 1344.8, "text": " to Sean Lennon, his son with Yoko Rono." }, { "start": 1344.8, "end": 1346.16, "text": " To the point where he says," }, { "start": 1346.16, "end": 1347.52, "text": " I'm not going to record any albums." }, { "start": 1347.52, "end": 1348.64, "text": " I'm going to stay at home." }, { "start": 1348.64, "end": 1350.64, "text": " Yoko is going to go and be the business woman" }, { "start": 1350.64, "end": 1352.64, "text": " and I'm going to give up my whole life to racing." }, { "start": 1352.64, "end": 1356.4, "text": " Now when I imagine being the older son" }, { "start": 1356.48, "end": 1359.92, "text": " and seeing that I have fantastic quote here just to kick us off." }, { "start": 1359.92, "end": 1363.44, "text": " So Julian Lennon chafed at hearing his father's peace loving stance" }, { "start": 1363.44, "end": 1364.88, "text": " perpetually celebrated." }, { "start": 1364.88, "end": 1366.48, "text": " He told the Daily Telegraph," }, { "start": 1366.48, "end": 1368.8000000000002, "text": " I have to say that from my point of view" }, { "start": 1368.8000000000002, "end": 1370.48, "text": " I felt he was a hypocrite." }, { "start": 1370.48, "end": 1372.88, "text": " Dad could talk about peace and love out loud to the world" }, { "start": 1372.88, "end": 1374.3200000000002, "text": " but he could never show it to the people" }, { "start": 1374.3200000000002, "end": 1377.2800000000002, "text": " who supposedly meant the most to him, his wife and son." }, { "start": 1377.2800000000002, "end": 1379.2800000000002, "text": " How can you talk about peace and love" }, { "start": 1379.2800000000002, "end": 1381.6000000000001, "text": " and have a family in bits and pieces?" }, { "start": 1381.6000000000001, "end": 1384.72, "text": " No communication, a adultery divorce." }, { "start": 1384.72, "end": 1385.92, "text": " You can't do it," }, { "start": 1385.92, "end": 1388.24, "text": " not if you're being true and honest with yourself." }, { "start": 1388.96, "end": 1390.16, "text": " Mike, drop." }, { "start": 1393.3600000000001, "end": 1396.56, "text": " Guys, I guess the bottom line is he was never being true" }, { "start": 1396.56, "end": 1397.6000000000001, "text": " and honest with himself." }, { "start": 1397.6000000000001, "end": 1398.56, "text": " Am I right?" }, { "start": 1398.56, "end": 1402.56, "text": " So does that mean we have to discount the music we sway to?" }, { "start": 1403.2, "end": 1405.04, "text": " It depends how much you love them I suppose." }, { "start": 1405.04, "end": 1408.0, "text": " I'm just not a big enough fan that all this terrible bad," }, { "start": 1408.0, "end": 1410.64, "text": " particularly that bad that's a that's a pauling." }, { "start": 1410.64, "end": 1411.6000000000001, "text": " I don't have children." }, { "start": 1411.6000000000001, "end": 1413.84, "text": " I'm not, don't love children" }, { "start": 1413.84, "end": 1416.8799999999999, "text": " but children laughing is like one of the best things in the world." }, { "start": 1416.8799999999999, "end": 1420.3999999999999, "text": " It's like it's such a cruel awful thing to say." }, { "start": 1420.3999999999999, "end": 1423.12, "text": " It's the type of thing you've like I wish I thought of that" }, { "start": 1423.12, "end": 1424.32, "text": " for a character in a novel." }, { "start": 1424.32, "end": 1427.6799999999998, "text": " It is such a powerful image of going don't laugh." }, { "start": 1427.6799999999998, "end": 1428.8, "text": " I hate you a lot." }, { "start": 1428.8, "end": 1430.6399999999999, "text": " Be bad enough if one adult," }, { "start": 1430.6399999999999, "end": 1432.1599999999999, "text": " that's another adult in a relationship" }, { "start": 1432.1599999999999, "end": 1433.6, "text": " because say that to a kid." }, { "start": 1433.6, "end": 1438.24, "text": " So a slightly jaunty tune doesn't really make up for that." }, { "start": 1438.24, "end": 1441.6, "text": " How does that fit with give peace a chance and love me do?" }, { "start": 1442.3999999999999, "end": 1444.6399999999999, "text": " Well it sounds like John Lennon did give peace a chance" }, { "start": 1444.6399999999999, "end": 1445.84, "text": " and he didn't really take it." }, { "start": 1445.84, "end": 1447.04, "text": " He didn't give a chance." }, { "start": 1447.04, "end": 1448.3999999999999, "text": " I gave it a chance." }, { "start": 1448.3999999999999, "end": 1449.36, "text": " Yeah I gave it a chance." }, { "start": 1449.36, "end": 1452.08, "text": " Do we know what Julian was laughing at?" }, { "start": 1452.9599999999998, "end": 1454.56, "text": " No, because he might have been there." }, { "start": 1454.56, "end": 1455.9199999999998, "text": " I mean he was laughing at John's." }, { "start": 1455.9199999999998, "end": 1457.36, "text": " He was laughing at it really affected the genre." }, { "start": 1457.36, "end": 1459.76, "text": " John Lennon had caught the top of his thumb off at that moment." }, { "start": 1460.8, "end": 1462.0, "text": " That does change the story." }, { "start": 1462.0, "end": 1463.36, "text": " Do we know what his laugh was like?" }, { "start": 1463.36, "end": 1465.12, "text": " I mean maybe he had a point." }, { "start": 1465.12, "end": 1466.8, "text": " Maybe it was in a pauling." }, { "start": 1466.8, "end": 1468.3999999999999, "text": " He could have been one of those." }, { "start": 1468.48, "end": 1469.68, "text": " Ah, ah, ah." }, { "start": 1471.2, "end": 1472.5600000000002, "text": " What about people that have no laugh?" }, { "start": 1473.2, "end": 1474.0800000000002, "text": " Have you ever made, that makes me so..." }, { "start": 1474.0800000000002, "end": 1474.72, "text": " What? Like..." }, { "start": 1474.72, "end": 1475.76, "text": " Well they, I sort of..." }, { "start": 1475.76, "end": 1477.44, "text": " It's not going to translate well on you." }, { "start": 1477.44, "end": 1478.48, "text": " It makes bad listening." }, { "start": 1478.48, "end": 1479.52, "text": " But the mouth opens." }, { "start": 1480.0800000000002, "end": 1481.68, "text": " And it's like the person's laughing," }, { "start": 1481.68, "end": 1483.68, "text": " but you're not sure if they're having a heart attack or something." }, { "start": 1486.0, "end": 1487.2, "text": " I wish you could see the face." }, { "start": 1488.88, "end": 1490.3200000000002, "text": " Well people have a noisy smile." }, { "start": 1490.3200000000002, "end": 1491.68, "text": " Have you ever had one of those?" }, { "start": 1491.68, "end": 1494.0800000000002, "text": " It's when you ask for a photo and you hear everyone saying..." }, { "start": 1495.04, "end": 1496.8799999999999, "text": " Oh no!" }, { "start": 1496.8799999999999, "end": 1498.3999999999999, "text": " Oh great." }, { "start": 1498.3999999999999, "end": 1500.3999999999999, "text": " I mean that word, if he had a noisy smile," }, { "start": 1500.3999999999999, "end": 1502.0, "text": " I think it would have been legitimate to say," }, { "start": 1502.0, "end": 1504.08, "text": " at least stop smiling, I hate the sound of your smile." }, { "start": 1504.08, "end": 1506.32, "text": " I've got a beat up, we saw he's got noisy smile." }, { "start": 1506.32, "end": 1509.36, "text": " I think if you just said he was a shit father overall" }, { "start": 1509.36, "end": 1512.08, "text": " and he was as shit-to-shawn as he was to Julian," }, { "start": 1512.08, "end": 1514.32, "text": " we'd probably still have some bad things to say about him," }, { "start": 1514.32, "end": 1516.0, "text": " but that split is just..." }, { "start": 1516.0, "end": 1517.36, "text": " Yeah, I'm forgivable." }, { "start": 1517.36, "end": 1519.76, "text": " I realise I'm slightly more obsessed with this" }, { "start": 1519.76, "end": 1520.96, "text": " than most people I meet," }, { "start": 1520.96, "end": 1522.3999999999999, "text": " because I've got the chip on my..." }, { "start": 1522.48, "end": 1525.2800000000002, "text": " I've got a McCain's factory on my shoulder." }, { "start": 1525.8400000000001, "end": 1527.6000000000001, "text": " I'm very conflicted about class." }, { "start": 1527.6000000000001, "end": 1529.3600000000001, "text": " I grew up in a council road and then..." }, { "start": 1529.3600000000001, "end": 1531.3600000000001, "text": " But then my dad bought our own council house." }, { "start": 1531.3600000000001, "end": 1534.16, "text": " So we were neither proper council estate working class" }, { "start": 1534.16, "end": 1535.52, "text": " and we certainly weren't middle class." }, { "start": 1535.52, "end": 1537.6000000000001, "text": " We were the upper working class," }, { "start": 1537.6000000000001, "end": 1540.0800000000002, "text": " which is one of the most confusing fricking things to bake." }, { "start": 1540.0800000000002, "end": 1541.8400000000001, "text": " You don't belong anywhere." }, { "start": 1542.5600000000002, "end": 1545.1200000000001, "text": " And then you still feel bitter when you get older." }, { "start": 1545.1200000000001, "end": 1546.72, "text": " You could have done more if you'd lived in a barrier," }, { "start": 1546.72, "end": 1547.8400000000001, "text": " it was all mixed up." }, { "start": 1547.8400000000001, "end": 1550.4, "text": " But it's led to some great stand-up I like to think" }, { "start": 1550.4, "end": 1551.44, "text": " and some angry rants." }, { "start": 1552.16, "end": 1556.0, "text": " John Lennon had similar sorts of thoughts," }, { "start": 1556.0, "end": 1557.76, "text": " the angry working class hero." }, { "start": 1557.76, "end": 1559.1200000000001, "text": " But here's a newsflash." }, { "start": 1559.1200000000001, "end": 1561.44, "text": " They grew up in a very well-to-do," }, { "start": 1561.44, "end": 1563.52, "text": " villagey part of Liverpool," }, { "start": 1563.52, "end": 1565.92, "text": " which if you go on Google Images now" }, { "start": 1565.92, "end": 1566.8, "text": " and have a look at it," }, { "start": 1566.8, "end": 1570.0, "text": " it's like a cute little town square artisanal shops." }, { "start": 1570.0, "end": 1571.68, "text": " He wasn't working class at all." }, { "start": 1571.68, "end": 1572.4, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 1572.4, "end": 1576.3200000000002, "text": " Was it McCartney was like the genuinely really poor guy going to do?" }, { "start": 1576.3200000000002, "end": 1578.24, "text": " But I don't think McCartney ever professed" }, { "start": 1578.24, "end": 1579.44, "text": " I've come from nothing me." }, { "start": 1579.52, "end": 1583.2, "text": " But John Lennon, as he put on the robes of peace" }, { "start": 1583.2, "end": 1584.72, "text": " and the robes of feminism," }, { "start": 1584.72, "end": 1585.6000000000001, "text": " also thought, you know what," }, { "start": 1585.6000000000001, "end": 1588.24, "text": " I quite fancy the robes of the poor working man as well." }, { "start": 1588.24, "end": 1589.68, "text": " Was any of it real?" }, { "start": 1590.4, "end": 1591.76, "text": " It's probably going to be the first time" }, { "start": 1591.76, "end": 1593.68, "text": " that John Lennon's ever been compared to JLo," }, { "start": 1593.68, "end": 1595.1200000000001, "text": " but didn't she do that as well?" }, { "start": 1595.1200000000001, "end": 1596.96, "text": " She did, like, a whole journey from the block." }, { "start": 1596.96, "end": 1598.24, "text": " She genuinely was from the block." }, { "start": 1598.24, "end": 1600.96, "text": " No, she's like from some quite posh part of the block." }, { "start": 1600.96, "end": 1602.16, "text": " She was on the block." }, { "start": 1602.16, "end": 1603.76, "text": " From the block, but the good end of the block." }, { "start": 1603.76, "end": 1605.04, "text": " I'm having a shit day." }, { "start": 1605.04, "end": 1607.92, "text": " Then she's going to tell me Nicki Minaj's bottom is not real." }, { "start": 1608.0, "end": 1609.44, "text": " We'll go home crying on the shoe." }, { "start": 1611.1200000000001, "end": 1612.64, "text": " Who thinks they come from a posh background" }, { "start": 1612.64, "end": 1615.2, "text": " and who comes from a proper working class background in this room?" }, { "start": 1615.2, "end": 1616.5600000000002, "text": " My mum's a cleaner." }, { "start": 1616.5600000000002, "end": 1618.0800000000002, "text": " My dad was a manual labourer." }, { "start": 1618.0800000000002, "end": 1618.8000000000002, "text": " Back to me." }, { "start": 1618.8000000000002, "end": 1620.0800000000002, "text": " Slam dunk working class, right?" }, { "start": 1620.0800000000002, "end": 1622.72, "text": " Yeah, I wouldn't say I'm posh at all working class." }, { "start": 1622.72, "end": 1624.72, "text": " I'd say I was right banging the middle." }, { "start": 1624.72, "end": 1626.48, "text": " Lower middle, middle, middle, upper middle." }, { "start": 1626.48, "end": 1628.3200000000002, "text": " My dad was very grouper," }, { "start": 1628.3200000000002, "end": 1629.68, "text": " but he worked at a university." }, { "start": 1629.68, "end": 1630.64, "text": " We was fine." }, { "start": 1630.64, "end": 1632.24, "text": " Middle, your middle middle." }, { "start": 1632.24, "end": 1632.5600000000002, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 1632.5600000000002, "end": 1633.3600000000001, "text": " That's the worst, isn't he?" }, { "start": 1633.3600000000001, "end": 1634.8000000000002, "text": " Got nothing to moan about, really." }, { "start": 1634.8000000000002, "end": 1635.44, "text": " No." }, { "start": 1635.44, "end": 1637.6000000000001, "text": " Same middle, gray area." }, { "start": 1637.6799999999998, "end": 1639.28, "text": " Like, hair dresser." }, { "start": 1639.9199999999998, "end": 1642.8799999999999, "text": " Like, bank clerk, semi-detached, lester." }, { "start": 1642.8799999999999, "end": 1643.4399999999998, "text": " It's a low em." }, { "start": 1643.4399999999998, "end": 1644.08, "text": " You go low." }, { "start": 1644.08, "end": 1645.1999999999998, "text": " You can comfortably go low," }, { "start": 1645.1999999999998, "end": 1646.32, "text": " with a middle, middle low em," }, { "start": 1646.32, "end": 1647.52, "text": " with a upper working." }, { "start": 1647.52, "end": 1648.48, "text": " What about you, can?" }, { "start": 1648.48, "end": 1650.32, "text": " Cleaner, JCB driver." }, { "start": 1650.32, "end": 1651.6799999999998, "text": " That's what I'm talking about." }, { "start": 1651.6799999999998, "end": 1653.04, "text": " You're just that." }, { "start": 1653.04, "end": 1654.0, "text": " I'm not going to look at your hands" }, { "start": 1654.0, "end": 1654.9599999999998, "text": " because they're probably split" }, { "start": 1654.9599999999998, "end": 1656.6399999999999, "text": " when you're at the scrub floors" }, { "start": 1656.6399999999999, "end": 1657.76, "text": " in the early part of your life" }, { "start": 1657.76, "end": 1658.8799999999999, "text": " to save up to pens," }, { "start": 1658.8799999999999, "end": 1661.76, "text": " to scratch out your Rubio-Metry tails on" }, { "start": 1661.76, "end": 1663.6799999999998, "text": " on a bit of toilet paper in a back cupboard" }, { "start": 1663.6799999999998, "end": 1665.1999999999998, "text": " to just so your talent could be recognised." }, { "start": 1665.2, "end": 1667.3600000000001, "text": " I definitely, like, most people" }, { "start": 1667.3600000000001, "end": 1670.72, "text": " think I'm much pusher background than I am." }, { "start": 1670.72, "end": 1671.92, "text": " I think I think it could be..." }, { "start": 1671.92, "end": 1672.96, "text": " Have you got just like Northern..." }, { "start": 1672.96, "end": 1673.76, "text": " What's your name?" }, { "start": 1673.76, "end": 1674.56, "text": " Well, it's like Midlands." }, { "start": 1674.56, "end": 1675.04, "text": " Midlands." }, { "start": 1675.04, "end": 1677.3600000000001, "text": " That's what your middle class and Midlands, you've got..." }, { "start": 1677.3600000000001, "end": 1677.8400000000001, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 1677.8400000000001, "end": 1679.04, "text": " I've got no thing." }, { "start": 1679.04, "end": 1679.52, "text": " You have." }, { "start": 1679.52, "end": 1681.04, "text": " The people I definitely get seen is like" }, { "start": 1681.04, "end": 1681.6000000000001, "text": " the pusher one." }, { "start": 1681.6000000000001, "end": 1682.32, "text": " I think it's two things." }, { "start": 1682.32, "end": 1683.8400000000001, "text": " I think it's playing the piano." }, { "start": 1683.8400000000001, "end": 1685.8400000000001, "text": " It's like instantly a pusher up." }, { "start": 1685.8400000000001, "end": 1686.56, "text": " And..." }, { "start": 1687.6000000000001, "end": 1688.88, "text": " And I'm quite still." }, { "start": 1689.8400000000001, "end": 1690.64, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 1690.64, "end": 1691.8400000000001, "text": " I'm quite still." }, { "start": 1691.8400000000001, "end": 1693.44, "text": " I'm quite calm and still." }, { "start": 1693.44, "end": 1694.56, "text": " And I think finishing school..." }, { "start": 1694.72, "end": 1695.84, "text": " Yeah, I think that's what it..." }, { "start": 1695.84, "end": 1696.32, "text": " I think that's..." }, { "start": 1696.32, "end": 1698.08, "text": " Possibly people have less emotions." }, { "start": 1698.08, "end": 1698.8, "text": " Let's face it." }, { "start": 1700.0, "end": 1702.0, "text": " No, the reason I'm asking you is" }, { "start": 1702.0, "end": 1704.32, "text": " that he pushed the scouser working" }, { "start": 1704.32, "end": 1706.96, "text": " like accent in this country, particularly." }, { "start": 1706.96, "end": 1709.2, "text": " He is such a powerful marker" }, { "start": 1709.2, "end": 1709.84, "text": " and he was like," }, { "start": 1709.84, "end": 1711.9199999999998, "text": " your scouser boy made good" }, { "start": 1711.9199999999998, "end": 1712.8, "text": " and the whole time." }, { "start": 1713.28, "end": 1714.8799999999999, "text": " He wasn't your scouser boy made good" }, { "start": 1714.8799999999999, "end": 1717.2, "text": " who goes piece of chance and loved women." }, { "start": 1717.2, "end": 1718.72, "text": " He was a bit of a wife, Beaty," }, { "start": 1719.36, "end": 1720.24, "text": " semi-pocho." }, { "start": 1720.96, "end": 1724.24, "text": " But the music was some of the best the planet" }, { "start": 1724.32, "end": 1725.1200000000001, "text": " has ever known." }, { "start": 1725.68, "end": 1727.44, "text": " I mean, seriously, without it," }, { "start": 1727.44, "end": 1729.76, "text": " we'd probably still be listening to Schubert today." }, { "start": 1730.48, "end": 1731.6, "text": " And that'd be awful." }, { "start": 1731.6, "end": 1732.0, "text": " I know." }, { "start": 1732.0, "end": 1734.16, "text": " Actually, it was a Schubert's amazing." }, { "start": 1734.16, "end": 1735.44, "text": " I mean, he's a whole other subject," }, { "start": 1735.44, "end": 1737.04, "text": " Diodes syphilis, total wanker." }, { "start": 1737.04, "end": 1737.68, "text": " But what sounds?" }, { "start": 1738.4, "end": 1739.52, "text": " Hashtag death of the maiden." }, { "start": 1739.52, "end": 1740.56, "text": " So it's time to..." }, { "start": 1741.44, "end": 1742.64, "text": " It's time how else are brilliant?" }, { "start": 1742.64, "end": 1743.68, "text": " It's Michael, I've had a tag." }, { "start": 1743.68, "end": 1744.32, "text": " Sorry." }, { "start": 1744.32, "end": 1745.76, "text": " It's such a brilliant piece of music." }, { "start": 1745.76, "end": 1747.28, "text": " Anyway, so let's not go down the Schubert." }, { "start": 1747.28, "end": 1747.76, "text": " No, it'll..." }, { "start": 1748.4, "end": 1749.52, "text": " It's time to vote, guys." }, { "start": 1750.16, "end": 1751.2, "text": " Now, this show..." }, { "start": 1751.2, "end": 1752.4, "text": " You could look at it as reductive" }, { "start": 1752.4, "end": 1753.76, "text": " or you could look at it as courageous." }, { "start": 1754.24, "end": 1755.44, "text": " Think of it as two scales." }, { "start": 1756.16, "end": 1757.68, "text": " Not musical scales today." }, { "start": 1758.16, "end": 1760.08, "text": " We can only be evil" }, { "start": 1760.64, "end": 1762.24, "text": " or the lower register of genius." }, { "start": 1762.8, "end": 1764.08, "text": " Are we a shrill of evil" }, { "start": 1764.64, "end": 1766.4, "text": " or a baritone of genius?" }, { "start": 1767.1200000000001, "end": 1769.44, "text": " Kaz, I'm going to ask you to vote first." }, { "start": 1770.72, "end": 1772.0, "text": " I'm going to go evil." }, { "start": 1772.0, "end": 1772.72, "text": " Didn't see it coming." }, { "start": 1775.76, "end": 1776.24, "text": " And just..." }, { "start": 1776.24, "end": 1778.96, "text": " I'm still feeling bit uncomfortable about evil." }, { "start": 1778.96, "end": 1780.88, "text": " But, you know, if I've got to make a decision," }, { "start": 1780.88, "end": 1781.6, "text": " then the..." }, { "start": 1781.6, "end": 1783.6, "text": " the scales are definitely tipping that way." }, { "start": 1783.6799999999998, "end": 1788.3999999999999, "text": " Just a big fake, hypocrite, bad dad." }, { "start": 1788.3999999999999, "end": 1789.84, "text": " Just, yeah, evil." }, { "start": 1790.32, "end": 1792.56, "text": " Rachel, don't be influenced by everyone around you." }, { "start": 1792.56, "end": 1794.48, "text": " You are a musician yourself." }, { "start": 1794.48, "end": 1795.52, "text": " You play music." }, { "start": 1795.52, "end": 1797.36, "text": " You have to acknowledge the genius." }, { "start": 1797.36, "end": 1798.3999999999999, "text": " But do you acknowledge it enough?" }, { "start": 1798.8799999999999, "end": 1800.48, "text": " I don't acknowledge it enough." }, { "start": 1801.6, "end": 1804.0, "text": " I think he's evil of the two options." }, { "start": 1804.0, "end": 1804.8, "text": " I think he's evil." }, { "start": 1804.8, "end": 1807.6799999999998, "text": " I think that he did his best work in conjunction" }, { "start": 1807.6799999999998, "end": 1810.0, "text": " with Macartney when he was in the Beatles." }, { "start": 1810.56, "end": 1813.28, "text": " And I think there's too much bad stuff." }, { "start": 1813.76, "end": 1814.48, "text": " On the other side." }, { "start": 1815.36, "end": 1816.8799999999999, "text": " That just leaves you shone, no pressure." }, { "start": 1818.0, "end": 1819.28, "text": " Well, I just don't..." }, { "start": 1819.28, "end": 1821.52, "text": " I have to call him evil" }, { "start": 1822.32, "end": 1825.36, "text": " because I also think he's just infected," }, { "start": 1825.36, "end": 1826.3999999999999, "text": " Britain, with this." }, { "start": 1827.12, "end": 1828.1599999999999, "text": " I'm just sick of him." }, { "start": 1828.8, "end": 1829.76, "text": " Sick of him." }, { "start": 1829.76, "end": 1831.12, "text": " You just don't know what perfecting is." }, { "start": 1831.12, "end": 1833.9199999999998, "text": " When you think we've got the leg of the site of him on posters," }, { "start": 1833.9199999999998, "end": 1836.0, "text": " on books, some sick of documentaries about him," }, { "start": 1836.0, "end": 1838.3999999999999, "text": " films about him, I don't give a shit." }, { "start": 1838.3999999999999, "end": 1840.08, "text": " Christmas you can't move without that song." }, { "start": 1840.08, "end": 1840.9599999999998, "text": " Oh, okay." }, { "start": 1840.9599999999998, "end": 1841.4399999999998, "text": " I also..." }, { "start": 1841.4399999999998, "end": 1843.36, "text": " Just come back to the coloured round glasses as well." }, { "start": 1843.36, "end": 1844.1599999999999, "text": " Exactly." }, { "start": 1844.1599999999999, "end": 1845.12, "text": " Well, that's the vote." }, { "start": 1845.12, "end": 1846.4799999999998, "text": " I'm afraid John Lennon is." }, { "start": 1847.84, "end": 1848.56, "text": " Evil." }, { "start": 1848.56, "end": 1850.24, "text": " And he goes into the evil box." }, { "start": 1850.8, "end": 1852.32, "text": " Panel, thank you so much." }, { "start": 1852.32, "end": 1854.8799999999999, "text": " It's some of the stuff that's come out in today's discussion." }, { "start": 1854.8799999999999, "end": 1855.36, "text": " It went places." }, { "start": 1855.36, "end": 1856.4799999999998, "text": " I didn't think it would go." }, { "start": 1856.4799999999998, "end": 1859.76, "text": " It's been fun watching you wrestle your love of music" }, { "start": 1859.76, "end": 1862.6399999999999, "text": " with your hatred of misogyny and beating." }, { "start": 1862.6399999999999, "end": 1864.0, "text": " So to be pretty standard." }, { "start": 1865.84, "end": 1868.0, "text": " Do subscribe if you've enjoyed evil genius." }, { "start": 1868.0, "end": 1869.04, "text": " The topics are varied." }, { "start": 1869.76, "end": 1871.6799999999998, "text": " If you want to hear a man struggling with the subject," }, { "start": 1871.6799999999998, "end": 1872.7199999999998, "text": " he's had a week to learn about." }, { "start": 1872.88, "end": 1874.64, "text": " Three panelists who have been briefed properly." }, { "start": 1874.64, "end": 1877.04, "text": " Click subscribe now." }, { "start": 1877.04, "end": 1879.2, "text": " If you've liked it, leave a glowing review underneath." }, { "start": 1879.84, "end": 1881.28, "text": " Don't, if you haven't liked it," }, { "start": 1881.28, "end": 1882.32, "text": " and if you leave a negative review," }, { "start": 1882.32, "end": 1884.32, "text": " I will get your IP address and come and hurt you." }, { "start": 1884.32, "end": 1887.44, "text": " Because I am evil and my comedy isn't that good." }, { "start": 1887.44, "end": 1887.68, "text": " Bye." }, { "start": 1893.68, "end": 1895.76, "text": " Nice to hear Russell Kane doing something different there." }, { "start": 1895.76, "end": 1896.24, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 1896.24, "end": 1897.6000000000001, "text": " Yeah, it was really good, wasn't it?" }, { "start": 1897.6000000000001, "end": 1898.48, "text": " Yeah, I like him." }, { "start": 1898.48, "end": 1901.44, "text": " If you like that, just search for evil genius with Russell Kane" }, { "start": 1901.44, "end": 1902.24, "text": " and subscribe." }, { "start": 1902.8, "end": 1903.52, "text": " Thanks for listening." }, { "start": 1903.52, "end": 1904.32, "text": " See you next time." } ]