Podacst_transcript / Transcipts_base /500 Words' Bedtime Stories.json
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"start": 0.0,
"end": 2.0,
"text": " This is the BBC."
"start": 17.6,
"end": 19.44,
"text": " Hello and welcome to Podcasting House."
"start": 19.44,
"end": 22.400000000000002,
"text": " So if you're listening for the first time, this is how it works."
"start": 22.400000000000002,
"end": 25.64,
"text": " Twice a week, we choose a couple of podcasts from the VAST,"
"start": 25.64,
"end": 28.0,
"text": " BBC Empire of Podcasts for you,"
"start": 28.0,
"end": 29.36,
"text": " and we think you're going to like them."
"start": 29.36,
"end": 32.8,
"text": " If you do, well you can search and subscribe to that feed,"
"start": 32.8,
"end": 34.8,
"text": " wherever you found this podcast."
"start": 34.8,
"end": 37.519999999999996,
"text": " And I'm Rian, and with me, I have Eli."
"start": 37.519999999999996,
"end": 41.68,
"text": " So Eli, what have you got in the Podcasting House for us today?"
"start": 41.68,
"end": 45.96,
"text": " Well, today it's bedtime stories from Chris Evans."
"start": 45.96,
"end": 48.0,
"text": " Now, Chris Evans isn't actually reading them,"
"start": 48.0,
"end": 50.44,
"text": " but this is from the 500 words competition"
"start": 50.44,
"end": 53.8,
"text": " that he does every year on Radio 2,"
"start": 53.8,
"end": 57.120000000000005,
"text": " where kids write stories in his competition,"
"start": 57.12,
"end": 58.48,
"text": " and there's winners and et cetera,"
"start": 58.48,
"end": 61.36,
"text": " but some of them end up getting chosen to be read"
"start": 61.36,
"end": 65.44,
"text": " by people at the BBC Radio Drama Company"
"start": 65.44,
"end": 66.88,
"text": " as bedtime stories,"
"start": 66.88,
"end": 68.67999999999999,
"text": " and they're collected and put into this podcast."
"start": 68.67999999999999,
"end": 69.72,
"text": " And it's pretty cool."
"start": 69.72,
"end": 73.44,
"text": " There are not a lot of podcasts out there for kids"
"start": 73.44,
"end": 78.84,
"text": " that aren't kind of well, just condescending basically."
"start": 78.84,
"end": 80.47999999999999,
"text": " And this doesn't have a whole lot of people"
"start": 80.47999999999999,
"end": 82.92,
"text": " and sound effects going, oh, hello, kids."
"start": 82.92,
"end": 85.56,
"text": " It's some actors, really good actors,"
"start": 85.56,
"end": 88.48,
"text": " reading these stories that are written by kids"
"start": 88.48,
"end": 90.08,
"text": " in a really nice way."
"start": 90.08,
"end": 91.8,
"text": " Each episode lasts about 20 minutes,"
"start": 91.8,
"end": 94.72,
"text": " which is about how long it takes most kids' eyelids"
"start": 94.72,
"end": 97.04,
"text": " to start getting groupy at my experience."
"start": 97.04,
"end": 100.24000000000001,
"text": " So if you have kids, or if you have a little brother"
"start": 100.24000000000001,
"end": 103.72,
"text": " or a little sister who might like something to fall asleep to,"
"start": 103.72,
"end": 105.0,
"text": " then gives us a try."
"start": 105.0,
"end": 107.16,
"text": " 500 words bedtime stories."
"start": 109.32000000000001,
"end": 114.32000000000001,
"text": " From BBC Radio 2 and 500 words, it's story time."
"start": 114.6,
"end": 117.16,
"text": " Get cozy snuggled down and get ready"
"start": 117.16,
"end": 121.0,
"text": " for some of the best stories ever written by kids of the UK."
"start": 122.96,
"end": 125.0,
"text": " That was Chris Evans."
"start": 125.0,
"end": 126.0,
"text": " And this..."
"start": 129.92,
"end": 133.28,
"text": " is the BBC Radio Drama Company."
"start": 135.35999999999999,
"end": 136.6,
"text": " Today's theme..."
"start": 139.4,
"end": 140.07999999999998,
"text": " Hope."
"start": 140.52,
"end": 141.76000000000002,
"text": " 500 words."
"start": 151.44,
"end": 155.92000000000002,
"text": " Why We Can Have Hope by Emily Byrd, age 13."
"start": 159.24,
"end": 163.72000000000003,
"text": " A very long time ago, there was a huge grey elephant"
"start": 163.72000000000003,
"end": 165.68,
"text": " named Sparker."
"start": 165.68,
"end": 168.20000000000002,
"text": " He was the youngest of four siblings."
"start": 168.23999999999998,
"end": 170.48,
"text": " The brothers worked willingly for God."
"start": 170.48,
"end": 172.67999999999998,
"text": " They were obedient and loyal."
"start": 172.67999999999998,
"end": 174.79999999999998,
"text": " Even though they were not always perfect,"
"start": 174.79999999999998,
"end": 177.16,
"text": " God loved them and treated them fairly."
"start": 178.11999999999998,
"end": 180.83999999999997,
"text": " Sean, Earthio and Hu Band,"
"start": 180.83999999999997,
"end": 183.83999999999997,
"text": " being older, had each created the sea,"
"start": 183.83999999999997,
"end": 186.88,
"text": " Earth, or humans in detail."
"start": 186.88,
"end": 190.28,
"text": " Sparker, however, had created space."
"start": 190.28,
"end": 195.6,
"text": " A huge expanse of nothing other than a sun and a moon."
"start": 195.6,
"end": 197.16,
"text": " Each day and night,"
"start": 197.2,
"end": 199.12,
"text": " the brothers watched over the world,"
"start": 199.12,
"end": 201.76,
"text": " nurturing and caring for it."
"start": 201.76,
"end": 206.32,
"text": " As time went by, Sparker noticed that the people had good days"
"start": 206.32,
"end": 208.07999999999998,
"text": " and bad days."
"start": 208.07999999999998,
"end": 210.8,
"text": " The good days were fun and exciting,"
"start": 210.8,
"end": 212.72,
"text": " but the bad days were dark,"
"start": 212.72,
"end": 215.72,
"text": " and humans had no hope for the future."
"start": 215.72,
"end": 218.56,
"text": " Sparker wanted to change this."
"start": 218.56,
"end": 222.68,
"text": " For weeks and weeks, Sparker pestered his brothers for help and ideas,"
"start": 222.68,
"end": 224.35999999999999,
"text": " but all they said was,"
"start": 224.4,
"end": 225.64000000000001,
"text": " it's fine."
"start": 225.64000000000001,
"end": 227.4,
"text": " There are always good days,"
"start": 227.4,
"end": 229.96,
"text": " or they don't need hope."
"start": 229.96,
"end": 231.8,
"text": " Sparker soon became fed up"
"start": 231.8,
"end": 235.16000000000003,
"text": " and decided to take matters into his own hands."
"start": 235.16000000000003,
"end": 238.72000000000003,
"text": " After another few weeks of planning and experiments,"
"start": 238.72000000000003,
"end": 240.32000000000002,
"text": " he had done it."
"start": 240.32000000000002,
"end": 244.48000000000002,
"text": " He had found a way to remind people that there was hope."
"start": 244.48000000000002,
"end": 245.88000000000002,
"text": " The very next night,"
"start": 245.88000000000002,
"end": 249.20000000000002,
"text": " he snuck out on a mission to bring back hope."
"start": 250.8,
"end": 253.12,
"text": " Once out of reach from his siblings,"
"start": 253.16,
"end": 255.0,
"text": " Sparker began."
"start": 255.0,
"end": 257.2,
"text": " He took a deep breath in and,"
"start": 257.2,
"end": 258.8,
"text": " whoosh!"
"start": 258.8,
"end": 264.04,
"text": " Out of his trunk came billions of tiny lights that lit up the sky."
"start": 264.04,
"end": 267.68,
"text": " Each one unique and bursting with magic."
"start": 267.68,
"end": 272.6,
"text": " Some grouped together to form pictures of animals and people,"
"start": 272.6,
"end": 275.48,
"text": " other sang high-pitched melodies,"
"start": 275.48,
"end": 279.72,
"text": " but many just sat and sparkled absent-mindedly."
"start": 279.76000000000005,
"end": 282.24,
"text": " Then, by stamping his feet,"
"start": 282.24,
"end": 284.40000000000003,
"text": " galaxies appeared."
"start": 284.40000000000003,
"end": 289.36,
"text": " They were colorful and mysterious and helped light up the sky."
"start": 289.36,
"end": 291.72,
"text": " Finally, with his tusks,"
"start": 291.72,
"end": 294.8,
"text": " Sparker etched out squiggles of light."
"start": 294.8,
"end": 297.28000000000003,
"text": " These were called shooting stars."
"start": 297.28000000000003,
"end": 302.12,
"text": " They zoomed about across the sky like chalk on a blackboard."
"start": 302.12,
"end": 305.56,
"text": " Sparker stepped back and admired his work."
"start": 305.56,
"end": 309.68,
"text": " He then rushed off excitedly to tell God what he had done."
"start": 310.16,
"end": 313.6,
"text": " Well, it's beautiful, God said."
"start": 313.6,
"end": 316.76,
"text": " It's a great way to show me what you are capable of."
"start": 316.76,
"end": 319.8,
"text": " I always knew you had a special gift."
"start": 319.8,
"end": 322.24,
"text": " God paused, then said,"
"start": 322.24,
"end": 325.0,
"text": " but why have you created this?"
"start": 325.0,
"end": 328.24,
"text": " Sparker looked at all the things he had created and"
"start": 328.24,
"end": 331.96000000000004,
"text": " knew that all the humans would enjoy his work."
"start": 331.96000000000004,
"end": 336.64,
"text": " The lights from the stars will help people navigate their way in the darkness."
"start": 336.64,
"end": 338.04,
"text": " Sparker stopped,"
"start": 338.08000000000004,
"end": 342.20000000000005,
"text": " worried that God would think that this was a silly idea."
"start": 342.20000000000005,
"end": 345.56,
"text": " And also, at the end of the day,"
"start": 345.56,
"end": 347.08000000000004,
"text": " when it gets dark,"
"start": 347.08000000000004,
"end": 351.40000000000003,
"text": " the beauty and light from the stars will give humans hope"
"start": 351.40000000000003,
"end": 355.96000000000004,
"text": " that the coming day will be better than their last."
"start": 355.96000000000004,
"end": 358.0,
"text": " God then smiled."
"start": 358.0,
"end": 362.48,
"text": " A smile is big as an ocean and said,"
"start": 362.48,
"end": 365.04,
"text": " well done, Sparker."
"start": 365.04,
"end": 367.40000000000003,
"text": " The people then lived the rest of their lives"
"start": 367.4,
"end": 369.56,
"text": " with hopes of a better future"
"start": 369.56,
"end": 373.28,
"text": " because of a million special little stars above them."
"start": 381.52,
"end": 387.23999999999995,
"text": " Holding on to Hope by Hannah Elizabeth Van Dundler, aged 13."
"start": 391.08,
"end": 394.2,
"text": " Have you heard of Dream Wood?"
"start": 394.2,
"end": 399.8,
"text": " They say that you can hear the whispers of a thousand thoughts and voices on the breeze,"
"start": 399.8,
"end": 401.84,
"text": " that moss carpets the ground,"
"start": 401.84,
"end": 405.71999999999997,
"text": " twisting up the trees like glowing starry silver"
"start": 405.71999999999997,
"end": 409.28,
"text": " and pulsing like a heartbeat."
"start": 409.28,
"end": 411.0,
"text": " Stray thoughts,"
"start": 411.0,
"end": 412.84,
"text": " not quite fluid,"
"start": 412.84,
"end": 415.15999999999997,
"text": " yet not quite vapor,"
"start": 415.15999999999997,
"end": 417.68,
"text": " dangle from bare branches,"
"start": 417.68,
"end": 422.84,
"text": " while others drifting freely along the canopy."
"start": 422.84,
"end": 426.67999999999995,
"text": " Laughter gurgles from flowing streams,"
"start": 426.67999999999995,
"end": 432.84,
"text": " carrying new visions and stretching out beyond the horizon."
"start": 432.84,
"end": 435.88,
"text": " Have you heard of Dream Wood?"
"start": 435.88,
"end": 441.2,
"text": " And the creature that lurks there?"
"start": 441.2,
"end": 443.88,
"text": " He creeps through the trees,"
"start": 443.88,
"end": 446.71999999999997,
"text": " sparking in and out of sight,"
"start": 446.71999999999997,
"end": 452.71999999999997,
"text": " a dark shadow whose breath brings the fearful chill of evening."
"start": 453.2,
"end": 456.91999999999996,
"text": " He carries an aura of power."
"start": 456.91999999999996,
"end": 462.52,
"text": " His form manacled in great ebony chains,"
"start": 462.52,
"end": 466.67999999999995,
"text": " formed by the doubt that binds him."
"start": 466.67999999999995,
"end": 471.71999999999997,
"text": " While the rest of the wood emanates a bright celestial glow,"
"start": 471.71999999999997,
"end": 475.23999999999995,
"text": " his form absorbs light,"
"start": 475.23999999999995,
"end": 479.55999999999995,
"text": " a deep black gash in the air."
"start": 479.6,
"end": 484.44,
"text": " His flitting movements jump from one spot to another,"
"start": 484.44,
"end": 490.12,
"text": " bringing chaos to everything he touches."
"start": 490.12,
"end": 494.28000000000003,
"text": " Silently from behind a glowing trunk,"
"start": 494.28000000000003,
"end": 498.12,
"text": " he curls his bony hand around the wood,"
"start": 498.12,
"end": 502.84000000000003,
"text": " enveloping it in a death grip."
"start": 502.84000000000003,
"end": 506.68,
"text": " Upon contact the tree begins to change,"
"start": 506.76,
"end": 510.84000000000003,
"text": " the sight sickening yet captivating."
"start": 510.84000000000003,
"end": 514.84,
"text": " The air around its shimmers like a heat wave,"
"start": 514.84,
"end": 519.0,
"text": " the wood begins to melt and drip like tar,"
"start": 519.0,
"end": 522.04,
"text": " contorting into a closed fist,"
"start": 522.04,
"end": 527.08,
"text": " a festering wound oozing vicious sap."
"start": 527.08,
"end": 533.08,
"text": " It's light flickers, a last breath shutters,"
"start": 533.08,
"end": 537.24,
"text": " and is snuffed out entirely."
"start": 538.2,
"end": 542.5200000000001,
"text": " Unhindered, his gruesome work continues,"
"start": 542.5200000000001,
"end": 546.76,
"text": " his footsteps char the grass beneath his feet,"
"start": 546.76,
"end": 550.0400000000001,
"text": " as he moves tiny waves of blackness"
"start": 550.0400000000001,
"end": 555.0,
"text": " stream from his fingertips to poison the air."
"start": 555.0,
"end": 560.44,
"text": " Curious, a lone thought approaches him,"
"start": 560.44,
"end": 568.6,
"text": " a delivery mist drifting over to meet this strange intruder."
"start": 569.5600000000001,
"end": 573.4000000000001,
"text": " Longingly he reaches out towards it,"
"start": 573.4000000000001,
"end": 578.12,
"text": " but his touch brings only death and despair."
"start": 579.0,
"end": 582.44,
"text": " The thoughts gentle whispers become fearful"
"start": 582.44,
"end": 585.1600000000001,
"text": " and twisted, growing and shifting"
"start": 585.1600000000001,
"end": 589.08,
"text": " until they are intense screams that echo sharply"
"start": 589.08,
"end": 595.64,
"text": " amongst the trees, then the pale wisp begins to curl,"
"start": 595.64,
"end": 600.2800000000001,
"text": " blackening into a roiling cloud of ash"
"start": 600.2800000000001,
"end": 605.88,
"text": " that streams screaming and smoking between the remaining trees."
"start": 607.96,
"end": 612.84,
"text": " He observes his work with a resentful sneer."
"start": 613.72,
"end": 618.76,
"text": " The destruction around him is lit by the fires"
"start": 618.76,
"end": 622.76,
"text": " of the burning thoughts turned dark and hateful"
"start": 622.76,
"end": 626.76,
"text": " by the touch of spite, fear and malevolence"
"start": 626.76,
"end": 629.08,
"text": " that binds his shadowy form."
"start": 631.1600000000001,
"end": 636.44,
"text": " Nevertheless, dimly flickering amongst the devastation"
"start": 637.5600000000001,
"end": 641.5600000000001,
"text": " remains a handful of radiant trees,"
"start": 642.52,
"end": 645.9599999999999,
"text": " resistant souls standing strong."
"start": 647.0799999999999,
"end": 650.8399999999999,
"text": " Their pale light abbeacon in the dark."
"start": 652.04,
"end": 656.3599999999999,
"text": " Amongst the sturdy branches sits a small,"
"start": 657.3199999999999,
"end": 664.1199999999999,
"text": " silvery child, clothed in white light, a smile bright."
"start": 664.8399999999999,
"end": 669.4,
"text": " She walks purposefully with arms outstretched"
"start": 669.48,
"end": 671.16,
"text": " towards the dark figure."
"start": 672.92,
"end": 677.88,
"text": " For the first time, fear flashes in his eyes"
"start": 677.88,
"end": 679.4,
"text": " and he flinches away."
"start": 680.52,
"end": 683.48,
"text": " The child lets out a trilling love"
"start": 685.48,
"end": 691.16,
"text": " and reaches forward again to hold him in a tight embrace."
"start": 692.92,
"end": 698.76,
"text": " The shadow struggled, but her hug was warm and strong."
"start": 700.36,
"end": 701.8,
"text": " They're still there, you know."
"start": 702.92,
"end": 707.4,
"text": " A continuous struggle between light and dark."
"start": 708.52,
"end": 712.92,
"text": " But as long as she's there, the dream would"
"start": 712.92,
"end": 717.72,
"text": " can live on the tiny girl in white."
"start": 718.68,
"end": 722.1999999999999,
"text": " The criss-a-vis breath the show by hundreds words."
"start": 722.2800000000001,
"end": 723.8000000000001,
"text": " Yes."
"start": 726.76,
"end": 731.48,
"text": " The Old Tree House by Iris Erkit-Dixon, age eight."
"start": 737.0,
"end": 740.2,
"text": " The house was quiet, eerily quiet."
"start": 741.4000000000001,
"end": 744.76,
"text": " Lila the orphan sat by herself in silence."
"start": 746.12,
"end": 749.32,
"text": " Grandmark kept on saying that things would get better,"
"start": 750.12,
"end": 751.1600000000001,
"text": " but they hadn't yet."
"start": 753.1600000000001,
"end": 755.72,
"text": " That night, Lila couldn't get to sleep,"
"start": 755.72,
"end": 759.32,
"text": " so she tipped her to cross her room, opened the curtains,"
"start": 759.32,
"end": 761.32,
"text": " and looked out into the garden."
"start": 762.6,
"end": 765.72,
"text": " The Old Tree House looked as sad as she felt."
"start": 767.1600000000001,
"end": 770.84,
"text": " Perhaps if they fixed it up, it would make her feel better"
"start": 770.84,
"end": 772.84,
"text": " and remind her of happier times."
"start": 773.4000000000001,
"end": 779.24,
"text": " So in the morning, she asked her grandpa to help her with the repairs to bring it back to life."
"start": 780.12,
"end": 785.24,
"text": " They worked hard all day and finally finished as the sun was going down."
"start": 786.6800000000001,
"end": 790.52,
"text": " Oversepper, a feeling of delight filled the house."
"start": 791.5600000000001,
"end": 795.24,
"text": " Lila asked if she could spend the night in the tree house."
"start": 796.04,
"end": 799.4,
"text": " Her grandparents were so pleased to see her happy that they agreed."
"start": 801.16,
"end": 806.92,
"text": " Later on snuggled up in her sleeping bag, Lila lay listening to the birds singing"
"start": 806.92,
"end": 808.8399999999999,
"text": " and the neighborhood dogs barking."
"start": 810.04,
"end": 815.24,
"text": " She drifted off to sleep, but was soon awoken by a tiny tapping sound."
"start": 815.9599999999999,
"end": 817.88,
"text": " Tap, tap, tap."
"start": 819.0799999999999,
"end": 825.16,
"text": " She sat up, wondering what it was, when a little black bird popped its head around the door."
"start": 826.12,
"end": 831.64,
"text": " It hopped in, singing a joyful song before flying away and out of sight."
"start": 831.88,
"end": 840.84,
"text": " She lay back down with the sound of the bird song still ringing in her ears and fell into a deep sleep."
"start": 842.4399999999999,
"end": 847.56,
"text": " In her dreams she felt her mum's huge hugs and her dad's loving kisses."
"start": 848.52,
"end": 851.8,
"text": " She dreamt that she was still playing the games that they had played with her."
"start": 852.68,
"end": 858.28,
"text": " She was even smiling in her sleep, thinking of all the nice times they had shared together."
"start": 858.68,
"end": 862.04,
"text": " It was the happiest night ever."
"start": 863.48,
"end": 870.6,
"text": " In the morning the suns raised shone brightly into the tree house and woke Lila from her happy slumber."
"start": 872.04,
"end": 881.8,
"text": " For a moment alone she felt sad once again, but then to her surprise the black bird appeared in"
"start": 881.8,
"end": 887.0799999999999,
"text": " the doorway and this time popped right over and up onto her lap."
"start": 888.36,
"end": 892.04,
"text": " It tweeted and pecked her, which tickled Lila and made her giggle."
"start": 892.92,
"end": 894.36,
"text": " Then it flew off once more."
"start": 896.28,
"end": 901.9599999999999,
"text": " Still laughing, Lila climbed down the ladder and ran back into the house to tell her grandma"
"start": 901.9599999999999,
"end": 907.24,
"text": " all about the bird and her dreams. She could tell from her grandma's face that she thought it was a"
"start": 907.24,
"end": 912.4399999999999,
"text": " fib, but Lila knew it was true and would keep it in her memory forever."
"start": 912.7600000000001,
"end": 921.32,
"text": " Now, any time she felt sad again, Lila would think of that friendly black bird and smile."
"start": 929.96,
"end": 932.9200000000001,
"text": " Dust by Kiri Duncley, age 13."
"start": 936.2800000000001,
"end": 940.2800000000001,
"text": " 10.40am, physics, the big bang theory."
"start": 941.24,
"end": 946.52,
"text": " Did you know a star can be born? I believe that stars have been forever in existence,"
"start": 946.52,
"end": 951.24,
"text": " placed in a dark night to guide and instruct us with their divine knowledge, love and beauty."
"start": 952.28,
"end": 957.24,
"text": " But now I am taught that stars are formed in space from gas and dust. Dust."
"start": 958.52,
"end": 963.64,
"text": " How can something as dry and dirty as dust form something so powerful and beautiful as a star?"
"start": 964.6,
"end": 970.28,
"text": " Anoplenty about dust. Dust from the desert. Dust the clings to your hair and your clothes and"
"start": 970.28,
"end": 976.76,
"text": " grittily lacerates your eyes surfaces. I've bathed in dust. Seen all I know turned to dust."
"start": 977.48,
"end": 983.8,
"text": " My mother, my father, my brothers, sisters, cousins, home. Everything turned to nothing but jagged"
"start": 983.8,
"end": 989.8,
"text": " ruins and piles of dust. Dust was all that I lived and breathed and unintentionally consumed as"
"start": 989.8,
"end": 996.1999999999999,
"text": " it swirled in the clouds of war raging around me. I was rescued, taken to a camp."
"start": 997.24,
"end": 1002.4399999999999,
"text": " It was cramped and crowded, but I'd food and water. I had new brothers and sisters,"
"start": 1003.0,
"end": 1008.12,
"text": " new comrades to share with. We did not talk with the dust but hoped for the future."
"start": 1009.24,
"end": 1015.24,
"text": " At night I stared up at the stars in the sky, one star in particular, brighter and more"
"start": 1015.24,
"end": 1022.44,
"text": " beautiful than all the rest. My mother, my luck star, guiding me, guarding me, leading me to safety."
"start": 1023.8,
"end": 1029.4,
"text": " The only thing that I owned and owned me, and you all would be well because of her shining light."
"start": 1031.4,
"end": 1036.92,
"text": " I'm resettled now. I live in the Midlands, the middle of England, a cold place with lots of"
"start": 1036.92,
"end": 1042.2,
"text": " rainwater to wash away dust from the streets and warm running water to shower dust away from your"
"start": 1042.2,
"end": 1046.76,
"text": " hair and skin. I go to school and learn things that I could never have imagined."
"start": 1047.88,
"end": 1055.96,
"text": " All is a shock to me. Things I thought I knew, gone. A good meal, safety, kindness, a warm bed."
"start": 1057.48,
"end": 1061.88,
"text": " But I cannot always see my beautiful star at night as the country is grey and damp,"
"start": 1061.88,
"end": 1069.0800000000002,
"text": " and many clouds cover the dark night sky. All is strange to me. Strange food, strange climate,"
"start": 1069.8799999999999,
"end": 1076.28,
"text": " strange new ways to see the world. I'm strange to this country, strange to this climate,"
"start": 1076.28,
"end": 1083.96,
"text": " and a stranger even to myself. I feel like an alien. One who's dropped here suddenly from space"
"start": 1083.96,
"end": 1089.08,
"text": " from the swirling gas and dust. One that did not quite make it to become a newborn star,"
"start": 1089.8,
"end": 1095.08,
"text": " unlike my beautiful mother, formed from the hot gas of hate and the dust of my past."
"start": 1096.04,
"end": 1100.9199999999998,
"text": " I know she is there even when I do not see her. Day or night, clouds or fog."
"start": 1101.8799999999999,
"end": 1105.8799999999999,
"text": " I love is there to guide me and remember who I am and where I'm from."
"start": 1107.24,
"end": 1112.36,
"text": " The part of me in my country and my people that will never be lost and will burn brightly"
"start": 1112.36,
"end": 1114.28,
"text": " forever in existence in the dark night."
"start": 1125.08,
"end": 1130.4399999999998,
"text": " Make sure you get your weekly supply of brilliant bedtime stories sent straight to your phone."
"start": 1133.24,
"end": 1149.32,
"text": " What's the longest word you can think of? Got it? According to the Oxford University Press,"
"start": 1149.32,
"end": 1154.2,
"text": " it's supercalifragilistic expiallidosis. Wow, that was difficult to say."
"start": 1154.84,
"end": 1162.12,
"text": " 37 of the stories from last year featured Mary Poppins famous word. Lots of 500 words writers"
"start": 1162.12,
"end": 1167.1599999999999,
"text": " didn't use made up words in their stories, but used complicated adjectives and adverbs"
"start": 1167.1599999999999,
"end": 1173.96,
"text": " like delusionary, discombobulating and unceremoniously. I'm off to bed after all that."
"start": 1174.92,
"end": 1178.76,
"text": " 500 words. Good night."
"start": 1183.96,
"end": 1188.8400000000001,
"text": " That was 500 words bedtime stories. How delightful. Now I'm ready for bed."
"start": 1188.8400000000001,
"end": 1197.0,
"text": " Yes. If you liked that and if you're still awake, subscribe to 500 words bedtime stories."
"start": 1197.0,
"end": 1201.96,
"text": " If you haven't and subscribe to us, if you like this podcast and give us a rating and a review,"
"start": 1201.96,
"end": 1205.0,
"text": " it'll help other people find out. See you next time."