from pathlib import Path |
import argparse |
import nibabel as nib |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import multiprocessing |
from time import time |
import logging |
import traceback |
from scipy.ndimage import label as ndi_label, sum as ndi_sum |
from nibabel.orientations import io_orientation, axcodes2ornt, ornt_transform |
from scipy.ndimage import label as ndi_label, sum as ndi_sum, gaussian_filter |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, |
format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') |
input_labels_map = { |
"spine_to_vb": { |
"labels-spine": {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0, |
8:1,9:2,10:3,11:4,12:5,13:6,14:7,15:8,16:9,17:10,18:11,19:12, |
20:13,21:14,22:15,23:16,24:17,25:18, |
26:19,27:20,28:21,}, |
"labels-bodyregions": {11:1}, |
"labels-spinalcord":{1:1,79:1} |
}, |
} |
class ProcessLoader: |
def __init__(self, input_root, method): |
self.root = input_root |
self.method = method |
self.labels_map = input_labels_map[method] |
logging.info(f"Initializing method `{method}`, loading relevant label map") |
def spine_to_vb(self, case): |
output_np = case.fetch_label('labels-spine') |
myelon_np = case.fetch_label('labels-bodyregions') |
myelon2_np = case.fetch_label('labels-spinalcord') |
myelon_np[myelon2_np > 0] = 1 |
sacrum_np = output_np==19 |
for slice in range(myelon_np.shape[2]): |
slice_np = myelon_np[:,:,slice] |
if np.sum(slice_np) > 0: |
com_max = np.max(np.where(slice_np > 0), axis=1)[1] |
output_np[:,:com_max,slice] = 0 |
output_np[sacrum_np] = 19 |
labels = np.unique(output_np)[1:] |
for label in labels: |
mask = output_np == label |
if np.any(mask): |
labeled, num_labels = ndi_label(mask) |
sizes = ndi_sum(mask, labeled, index=range(1, num_labels+1)) |
largest_label = np.argmax(sizes) + 1 |
output_np[(labeled != largest_label) & mask] = 0 |
for label in labels: |
mask = output_np == label |
if np.any(mask): |
np.invert(mask, out=mask) |
labeled, num_labels = ndi_label(mask) |
if num_labels <= 1: |
continue |
sizes = ndi_sum(mask, labeled, index=range(1, num_labels+1)) |
largest_label = np.argmax(sizes) + 1 |
mask[labeled != largest_label] = 0 |
np.invert(mask, out=mask) |
output_np[mask] = label |
output_np_smoothed = np.zeros_like(output_np) |
for label in labels: |
mask = output_np == label |
if np.any(mask): |
smoothed_mask = gaussian_filter(mask.astype(float), sigma=1) > 0.5 |
output_np_smoothed[smoothed_mask] = label |
return (output_np_smoothed, 'labels-vb') |
def __call__(self, input_images_file): |
time_start = time() |
worker_name = multiprocessing.current_process().name |
logging.debug(f"Processing `{input_images_file}` @{worker_name}") |
try: |
case = CaseLoader(self.root, input_images_file, self.labels_map) |
output_np, output_dir = getattr(self, self.method)(case) |
if output_np is False or output_np.size == 0: |
raise ValueError(f"no output available, skipping") |
if not output_dir: |
raise RuntimeError(f"directory for output was undefined") |
os.makedirs(self.root / output_dir, exist_ok=True) |
output_path = self.root / output_dir / input_images_file |
output_nib = nib.Nifti1Image(output_np, case.image_reoriented_affine) |
affine_transformer = ornt_transform(axcodes2ornt("RAS"), |
io_orientation(case.image_original_affine)) |
output_nib = output_nib.as_reoriented(affine_transformer) |
if not np.allclose(case.image_original_affine, output_nib.affine): |
raise ValueError(f'Affine transformation failed: \n {case.image_original_affine} != \n {output_nib.affine}') |
nib.save(output_nib, output_path) |
logging.debug(f" saved `{output_path}` ({time()-time_start:.2f}s)") |
logging.info(f"{input_images_file} finished @{worker_name} ({time()-time_start:.2f}s)") |
except Exception as e: |
logging.warning(f"{input_images_file} failed:\n {e}\n {traceback.format_exc()}\n") |
class CaseLoader: |
def __init__(self, input_root, input_images_file, input_labels_map): |
input_path = input_root / 'images' / input_images_file |
if not os.path.exists(input_path): |
ValueError(f"{input_path} not available") |
input_original_nib = nib.load(input_path) |
input_reoriented_nib = nib.as_closest_canonical(input_original_nib) |
input_reoriented_np = input_reoriented_nib.get_fdata().astype(np.float32) |
logging.debug(f" loaded input `{input_path}`") |
self.image_reoriented_np = input_reoriented_np |
self.image_reoriented_shape = input_reoriented_np.shape |
self.image_reoriented_affine = input_reoriented_nib.affine |
self.image_reoriented_zooms = input_reoriented_nib.header.get_zooms() |
self.image_original_affine = input_original_nib.affine |
self.input_images_file = input_images_file |
self.root = input_root |
self.labels_map = input_labels_map |
def fetch_label(self, label): |
label_path = self.root / label / self.input_images_file |
label_original_nib = nib.load(label_path) |
label_reoriented_nib = nib.as_closest_canonical(label_original_nib) |
label_reoriented_np = label_reoriented_nib.get_fdata().astype(np.uint8) |
if not np.allclose(self.image_reoriented_affine, label_reoriented_nib.affine, rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-04): |
raise ValueError(f"affine matrices of input and label {label} do not match:\n{self.image_reoriented_affine}\n{label_reoriented_nib.affine}\n{self.image_reoriented_affine-label_reoriented_nib.affine}") |
if not np.array_equal(self.image_reoriented_shape, label_reoriented_np.shape): |
raise ValueError(f"shapes of input and label {label} do not match: {self.image_reoriented_shape} vs {label_reoriented_np.shape}") |
labels = self.labels_map[label] |
labels_max = max(max(labels.keys()), np.max(label_reoriented_np)) |
relabel_array = np.zeros(labels_max+1, dtype=np.uint8) |
for key, value in labels.items(): |
relabel_array[key] = value |
label_reoriented_np = relabel_array[label_reoriented_np] |
logging.debug(f" loaded label `{label_path}` using {len(labels)} labels") |
return label_reoriented_np |
def main(input_root, input_prefix, method): |
time_start = time() |
logging.info(f'input root directory: `{input_root}`') |
logging.info(f'method: `{method}`') |
logging.info(f'input prefix: `{input_prefix}`') |
if not os.path.exists(input_root): |
raise ValueError(f'Input root directory `{input_root}` does not exist.') |
if method not in input_labels_map.keys(): |
raise ValueError(f"Method `{method}` not available.") |
input_images_dir = input_root / "images" |
input_images_files = [file.name for file in input_images_dir.glob(input_prefix + '*.nii.gz')] |
logging.info(f"{len(input_images_files)} input images identified") |
input_labels_required = input_labels_map[method] |
logging.info(f"{len(input_labels_required)} labels required: {', '.join(input_labels_required.keys())}") |
input_images_files = [file for file in input_images_files if all((input_root / label / file).exists() for label in input_labels_required.keys())] |
logging.info(f"{len(input_images_files)} complete cases (all required labels available) identified") |
process = ProcessLoader(input_root, method) |
n_processes = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), len(input_images_files)) |
logging.info(f"spawn processes at {n_processes}/{multiprocessing.cpu_count()} CPUs\n") |
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_processes, maxtasksperchild=20) as p: |
p.map(process, input_images_files, chunksize=min(5, n_processes)) |
logging.info(f"FINISHED PIPELINE ({len(input_images_files)} cases in {time()-time_start:.2f}s)") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
""" |
Toolkit for label manipulation, combination and agregation. |
requires directories images/, and directories corresponding to the labels as specified in input_labels_map within the input root directory. |
Usage: |
suppl/4_MaskEdits.py -i /Volumes/path/to/main/ -m spine_to_vb |
""" |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="toolkit to combine and manipulate masks.") |
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", metavar="Input root directory", dest="input_root", |
help="Root Directory", |
type=lambda p: Path(p).absolute(), required=True) |
parser.add_argument("-b", "--batch", metavar="Prefix of inputs", dest="input_prefix", |
help="Prefix of input files to be processed", |
type=str, required=False, default="") |
parser.add_argument("-m", "--method", metavar="Method", dest="method", |
help="The method / pipeline used for mask processing", |
type=str, choices=["spine_to_vb"], required=True) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
main(input_root=args.input_root, input_prefix=args.input_prefix, method=args.method) |