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larvitar is a small, green reptilian pokemon with rocky skin. it has a blunt spike on top of its head, a short, rounded snout, and triangular, black markings below and on the upper corners of its red eyes. red scales cover its diamond-shaped belly, and there are several small diamond-shaped holes in its body. its short arms lack fingers, while its feet have a single toenail each. it has a tail with a conical center surrounded by a ring of plate-like scales, causing it to resemble a tunnel-boring machine.
pupitar is a pokemon encased inside a thick grayish-blue shell, sporting a hardness that is comparable to bedrock. its red eyes can be seen through two holes in the shell, and two more holes directly above resemble eyebrows. the upper portion of its body is covered by a mask-like plate with four large spikes on either side. three additional spikes protrude from its forehead, and another pair of spikes are visible on either side of its lower body.
tyranitar is a large, bipedal, dinosaurian pokemon with a green, armor-like hide covering its body. it has two pairs of pointed teeth: one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. several spikes of varying sizes protrude from the back of its head, neck, and shoulders. both sides of its chest, the center of its back, and its knees have two triangular holes. there is a gray, diamond-shaped patch of scales covering its belly and a smaller one on its back. it has three claws on its feet and hands. a ring of spikes surrounds the tip of its tail.
lugia is a large pokemon that resembles a dragon, a plesiosaur, and a bird. it is primarily silver-white, but it has blue undersides with slightly varying tones. it has a ridged mouth similar to a beak, although it has pointed teeth on its lower jaw. its head has a point to the back, and lugia's eyes have pointed blue or black spikes on them. lugia has a long, slender neck and a smooth, streamlined body. dark blue or black plate-like protrusions run down the length of its back, and there are two smaller, more pointed ones on the end of its tail.
ho-oh is an avian pokemon resembling a phoenix and a peacock. its feathers are predominantly gold and red, with yellow tail-feathers, a white underside, and green feathers at the tip of its wings. ho-oh has a green stripe on its neck, a yellow beak, black rings around its red eyes, and a feathered, yellow crest on its head. ho-oh's wings are prismatic, causing it to trail a rainbow behind it. it has darkly colored feet and legs with four toes and long talons.
celebi is a green, fairy-like pokemon. it has round toeless feet, three-fingered hands, and clear wings on its back. it has a round head that comes to a curved point. it has large baby-blue eyes with thick black rings around them, and a pair of green antennae with blue tips.
treecko is a small, green, bipedal reptilian pokemon. it has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. treecko's hands and feet each have three digits covered with tiny spikes. these spikes allow it to scale vertical walls with ease. its stomach and throat are red. it also has a line across its stomach resembling a pouch. treecko has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes that it uses to sense humidity. this ability allows it to predict the next day's weather.
grovyle is a bipedal pokemon similar in appearance to a theropod dinosaur. it is primarily green with a red underside. there is a belt-like green stripe across its belly. grovyle's hands have two clawed fingers and powerful legs with birdlike feet. its well-developed muscles make it an expert climber and allow it to leap quickly from branch to branch. grovyle has three long leaves on its wrists, a large leaf on top of its head, and two tails that have a leafy appearance. this leafy appearance allows it to be camouflaged in the forests where it lives. in generation iii, leaf blade was its signature move.
sceptile is a reptilian, bipedal pokemon. its neck is somewhat long, and it has two crests on its head. it has semicircular, yellow eyes with red rims. its lower jaw and a belt-like band across its waist are also red. along its back, it has two lines running down the middle and two rows of yellow nodules that are described as seeds. its tail is shaped similar to that of a palm tree's branch. both of its long arms have two sharp, elongated leaves and three claws. in generation iii, leaf blade was its signature move.
mudkip is a small, amphibious, quadrupedal pokemon. it has a blue body with a light blue underside. mudkip has a large head with a blue fin on top and a light-blue tail fin. it has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks.
marshtomp is an amphibious, bipedal pokemon. its body is primarily light blue with a lighter shade of blue for its underside and an orange belly. marshtomp's head has an angular black fin, orange eyes, and orange gills on the ends of both cheeks. it has long arms with three-fingered hands. its feet have three small toes, and it has two black fins for tails.
swampert is an amphibian-like pokemon with a bulky frame and four thick limbs, the two longer ones at the front serving as arms while the shorter limbs provide support for the creature if it chooses to stand upright. swampert is semi-bipedal. it can stand on its three-toed feet with a hunched posture, and pick up or grab objects with its hands, but when moving about it tends to run on all four limbs. it has orange conical gills that protrude from round patches on either side of its face. two large fan-like black fins extend from the top of its orange eyes to the back of its head. similarly, a black fan-like tail fin extends upward from its hindquarters. swampert is predominantly cobalt with a white abdomen, orange gills, and similarly orange padding on all four limbs.
poochyena, as its name implies, is a quadrupedal pokemon similar in appearance to hyenas and canines. its body is primarily gray with a black face and throat, paws, and belly. its eyes are red with yellow sclerae, and it has a red nose. its lower jaw has two pointed teeth sticking out. the fur at the base of its tail is rumpled and shaggy. poochyena has gray paw pads on its three-toed paws.
mightyena is a mammalian pokemon that strongly resembles a cross between a canine and a hyena. its fur is mostly short and gray, but its lower legs, tail, and two thick shaggy strips starting behind its eyes and running the length of its body are black. it has dark, triangular streak patterns below its eyes, which are red with yellow sclerae. its ears are rhombus-shaped with dark insides, its nose is red, and it has gray paw pads.
zigzagoon is a raccoon dog-like, quadrupedal pokemon with bristly, zigzag-patterned fur. it has stripes formed by alternating layers of cream and brown fur. it has a brown head with spiky ears and a black nose. a black mask-like pattern surrounds its brown eyes. the upper half of its mouth is jagged, and when it is open, there are two pointed teeth in its lower jaw. its feet have three claws and pink paw pads. its fore feet are cream-colored, but the hind feet are brown. its brush tail is spiky and bristly.
linoone is a slender-bodied, quadrupedal pokemon. most of its fur is colored tan, but it has several brown stripes. one long stripe stretches the length of its body before ending in an arrowhead shape on its forehead. there are additional stripes on each side of its bushy tail and on its cheeks. it has sharp, elongated claws and small pointed teeth. it has small, tuft-like ears, long cheek fur, and blue eyes.
wurmple is a small, caterpillar-like pokemon. its body is mainly red with a cream underside and face. it has large yellow eyes with dark pupils. it has one sharp yellow stinger on its head and two of them on its rear. it has a tall, erect, red spine behind its forehead and a similar, smaller spine behind that. it has small spikes running down the top portions of its body and five pairs of stubby white limbs.
silcoon is a cocoon-like pokemon that uses silk to attach itself to tree branches. it is almost completely covered in white silk with only two small holes. a pair of red eyes can be seen through the holes, but they are partially hidden by a rough fringe of silk. the silk forms a hard cocoon that it can use to repel enemy attacks. dew and rainwater collect on the silk, which provides silcoon with nourishment.
cascoon is a round, cocoon-like pokemon. it is covered in purple silk, except for two holes where its red eyes are visible. the soft silk hardens into a tough cocoon that is able to endure attacks, and cascoon will not move even when it is attacked. however, it never forgets the pain it endures and seeks revenge upon evolution.
lotad is a small, blue plant pokemon with six stubby legs. it has large eyes and a wide, yellow mouth similar to a bill. a large leaf that resembles a lilypad covers its back. this large leaf allows lotad to float across ponds, and it will sometimes ferry smaller pokemon on its back in this manner.
lombre is a bipedal plant pokemon that is mostly green with some light blue markings. its face, ears, arms, and back are light blue. it has stubby, round ears, large eyes with small pupils, and a red bill-like mouth. there is a large lilypad on its head, which has a notch in it and resembles a sombrero. lombre has long arms with four red claws and a thumb on each hand and feet with three red claws and a toe. its entire body is covered in a thin, slimy film that creates an unpleasant sensation when touched. lombre is sometimes mistaken for a human child. in kitakami, there is a legend that lombre was once a mischievous child before being reborn as a pokemon.
seedot is a small, brown plant pokemon that resembles an acorn. a beige, mask-like pattern covers its large black eyes, and it has two beige feet. it has a gray "cap" with a short stem on top of its head. the stem is used to hang from tree branches in its forest home. while hanging, this pokemon absorbs moisture and nutrients from the tree until it becomes too heavy and falls to the ground. the more it drinks, the glossier its body becomes. additionally, seedot polishes itself with leaves once daily. if it remains still, it can be mistaken for a nut and startles others by moving suddenly. it also uses this strategy to be taken by bird pokemon to expand on its habitat. pidgey is a natural predator of seedot.
taillow is a small avian pokemon with dark blue feathers. a red marking with pointed tips stretches from its chest to its forehead, and it has a white underside. it has narrow brown eyes and a short yellow beak. it has elongated wingtips and black feet with yellow talons. each foot has three toes facing forward and one backward. two sharply pointed feathers form its tail.
swellow is a large, dark-blue avian pokemon with a red breast and face. a crest of feathers sweeps back from the top of its head. a blue stripe separates the red markings on its head and chest, and it has a white underside. it has small, narrow eyes, a pointed, yellow beak, and red feet with black talons. each foot has three forward-facing toes and one pointed backward. two long, pointed feathers with red tips form its tail and are an indication of good health when standing up straight. swellow's wings taper to a sharp point. an impressive dive-bomber, it will never miss its target. additionally, it takes great pride in its glossy plumage and often cleans the wings of other swellow. it searches for warm meadows while in the air. swellow preys on wurmple.
wingull is a small, white pokemon similar in appearance to a seagull. its head makes up a large portion of its body, and it appears to lack a neck. wingull has thin, simplistic eyes, two triangular tufts on top of its head, and an orange beak with a hooked, black tip. three blue-tipped feathers give it a fan-like tail and its small, orange feet have two webbed toes. wingull has long, flat wings with light blue stripes near the tips.
pelipper is a pelican-like pokemon whose head and bill make up the majority of its body. it has white feathers with a short, blue crest on top of its head. there are three blue digits on each of its wide wings, and it has blue feet with three webbed digits. each eye is made of two black semicircles with a horizontal white line between them. its large yellow bill appears to extend along its underside.
ralts is a humanoid pokemon with a white body. it has thin arms and legs that widen toward the feet. there is a wispy extension trailing off the back of its feet, creating the overall impression of a nightgown or oversized dress. most of its face is covered by green hair that resembles a bowl cut, but a pair of pinkish-red eyes is sometimes visible. there are two flat, red horns on top of its head: a large one toward the front and a smaller one at the back.
kirlia is a bipedal, maiden-like humanoid pokemon that appears to be wearing a tutu. most of its body is colored white, and there are three ruffles on each hip. beneath the ruffles, it has skinny green legs with long, pointed feet. its arms are also thin with two digits each. it has green hair that covers most of its face and reaches its shoulders on either side, resembling two ponytails. large, red eyes are visible on either side of the hair that covers its face. on each side of its head is a flat, crimson horn that resembles a hairpin.
gardevoir is a bipedal, humanoid pokemon whose body resembles a flowing gown. most of its body is white, but its hair, arms, and the underside of its gown are green. its hair curls over its face and down the sides of its head. behind its red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. it has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. a red, fin-like horn extends from its chest, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. a band of green on its chest extends to the center of the front horn and connects to its sleeve-like arms.
surskit is a blue insectoid pokemon. there are semicircular pink markings under its dark, circular eyes. it has a round body with four long, skinny legs extending from it. on top of its head is a yellow cap with a single antenna that secretes a thick, sugary syrup or a sweet scent. the syrup is exuded as a defense mechanism, while the scent can attract prey. this pokemon can also secrete oil from the tips of its feet, which enables it to walk on water as though skating.
masquerain is a light blue insectoid pokemon with two pairs of rhombus-shaped wings on each side of its body. its head is shaped like an elongated teardrop with a pink face and round, black eyes. on either side of its head is a large antenna that resembles an angry eye. the antennae are white with pink along the lower rim. white lines along the rim resemble eyelashes, while a large, dark pink dot in the middle represents the pupil or iris. these eyespots are used to intimidate enemies.
shroomish is a small fungus pokemon similar to a mushroom. it has beady black eyes and a half-triangle-shaped mouth. its upper body is beige with frilled segments along the bottom and a small opening at the top. there are green spots marking its upper body, while its lower body is completely green. it has small, round feet and no visible arms or hands. when it senses danger, it shakes its body and scatters toxic spores from the top of its head. these spores can make trees and weeds wilt and cause whole-body pain if inhaled. shroomish lives in tropical forests. during the day, it hides under fallen leaves in the shade. it eats composted soil in forests, which is made up of fallen, rotten leaves.
breloom is a bipedal, mushroom-like pokemon with some kangaroo and dinosaur-like qualities. most of its body is green, but its head to its neck and its tail are beige. on top of its head is a green, mushroom-like cap with beige gills underneath and a round, red berry-like growth with a hole in the middle on either side. it has oval, black eyes, a beak-like mouth, and frilled segments around the base of its neck. there are two red claws on each of its hands and feet. at the end of its tail, there are seed clusters made of hardened toxic spores that are horrible to eat.
slakoth is a brown, quadrupedal pokemon with sloth-like qualities. it has coarse, shaggy fur with two dark brown stripes on its back. there is a scruff of fur on top of its head, and it has a large snout, pink eyelids, and dark rings around its eyes. it has long, lanky arms, but shorter legs. each paw has two sharp claws, and there are pink paw pads on the back feet. its underbelly and rear are also pink.
vigoroth is a white, sloth-like, bipedal pokemon with a teardrop-shaped tuft of red fur on its forehead. it has stubby ears, two small, triangular teeth in each jaw, a brown lower jaw, and large eyes encircled by brown rings. there are two stripes on its back, which are also brown. its arms are long, and its hands and feet have two sharp black claws. the undersides of its hands and feet have circular red pads, and its rear also has a baboon-like patch of red. the fur on its chest, tail, and sides of its maw are shaggy.
slaking is a large, bulky, ape-like bipedal pokemon. most of its shaggy fur is brown, along with the semi-circle patterning under its eyes. its face, chest, hands, and feet are lighter in color. its brows are thick and jutting, and it has a large, pink snout. around its neck is a white collar of fur that extends over the top of its head before ending in a small tuft. it has large, five-fingered hands and two-toed feet.
nincada is a small, whitish, insectoid pokemon. it has a pointed snout, a thin stripe that dips in a v-shaped pattern between its eyes, and two whisker-like antennae on its face. its eyes are black with green iris-like rings inside. as it is virtually blind, it uses its antennae to sense its surroundings. on its back is a pair of small, green wings. its hind legs are white, but the forelegs are brown and have sharp claws.
ninjask is a small, cicada-like pokemon with two pairs of wings. its body is mostly black with accents of yellow and gray. most of its head is yellow, but there is a solid band of black between its gleaming red eyes. the band expands into a circular pattern on its forehead, between two pointed crests on the sides of its head. the underside of its head is gray and segmented, making it somewhat resemble a veil. on its back is a patch of black with a stretch of yellow, shaped like an upside-down letter y. most of its carapace and abdomen is black, but there is a ring of yellow near the tip. its gray insectoid arms extend from its chest and usually have their small, yellow claws turned inward. there is a similar pair of back legs. it has large, veined wings with triangular, red tipping.
shedinja is a pokemon resembling a cicada's shed exoskeleton. most of its body is light brown, but the abdomen is gray. it has four protrusions on its underside instead of legs; the top pair is brown, while the lower is gray. there are round protrusions on the side of its head with narrow slits for eyes. two lines encircle its abdomen and a white crescent-shaped halo floats above its head. on its back is a pair of tattered wings divided into three wingtips. a hole between its wings reveals that its body is completely hollow and dark, as it possesses no internal organs.
whismur is a mauve, bipedal pokemon with a spherical body. its eyes are black and shaped like plus signs, and it has a simple, wide mouth. two small openings on top of its head act as its ear canals. covering its ear canals are long, yellow-tipped flaps resembling rabbit ears. it has stubby arms and yellow-tipped feet that lack toes and have plus-shaped markings underneath. above its small, plug-like tail is a yellow, crescent marking. there is a hole in the center of its tail.
loudred is a purple, bipedal pokemon with a square build. it has a large mouth with yellow lips and peg-like teeth in each corner. when its mouth is open, its large tongue and throat are visible. above its prominent mouth is a stubby nose. on top of its head are two short stalks that support its circular ears. the inside of its ears have alternating black and purple rings, but there is only a single black ring on the back. there are yellow stripes on its back in a pattern that resembles sound waves. it has arms with three fingers and short legs with two peg-like toes. on the sole of each foot is a yellow circle.
exploud is a blue, bipedal pokemon with a large mouth. it has red eyes, a stubby nose, and two peg-like teeth in each jaw. it has protruding tubes with holes along its body: seven forming a crest on top of its head, one on each elbow and knee, two along its back, and one at the end of each of its two tails. the tubes along its head-crest and tails are tipped with yellow, while the ones along its back have yellow semicircular patterns on either side. there are two yellow semicircle markings on its belly, but they are rarely seen due to its giant mouth. its arms have three thin stripes below its elbow and three fingers. each foot has four claws, three in the front and one in the back, and a yellow paw pad.
makuhita is a bipedal humanoid pokemon with a bulky build. most of its body is yellow, but it has a black marking on its chest that extends around its neck. its round hands resemble black boxing gloves, but its feet are yellow with two visible toes. on its cheeks are red, ring-shaped markings, and it has slit-like eyes. on top of its head is a knot, which causes it to resemble a punching bag.
hariyama is a large, bulky humanoid pokemon that is modeled after a sumo wrestler. it has narrow eyes and rounded ears. on its head is a short, triangular crest. dark blue hair grows across the tops of its eyes, around the head crest, and extends down its back to form a long ponytail. the upper half of its body is cream-colored, while the lower half is dark blue. yellow extensions encircle its waist, resembling a skirt. there is a small, orange half-circle marking in the center of its torso just above the skirt. hariyama has large hands with three fingers and small, two-toed feet. both its hands and feet are orange.
azurill is a round, blue mouse pokemon. it has circular ears with pink insides. there are two white dots on its cheeks, and it has black eyes. its thin, black, zigzagging tail has a large blue ball at the end about the same size as its body.
nosepass is a blue, angular, hard bipedal pokemon that closely resembles a moai. its bright red, triangular nose is highly magnetic and slightly resembles a 3d arrow. this nose functions as an electromagnet and always points north. it has arms and legs without any visible joints and small, circular holes on the undersides. its arms resemble compass needles. it has similar circular holes on the sides of its head. its eyes, covered by dark, somewhat mask-like markings, have the appearance of being closed.
skitty is a pink, feline pokemon with a stumpy body and four short legs. on its face is a cream-colored, crescent-shaped marking. it has slit-like eyes and tufted ears with purple interiors. its slender tail has a bulky pink section at the end, terminated by three pin-like structures with yellow ball-like tips. in battle, its tail puffs out and it threatens opponents with a sharp growl.
delcatty is a quadrupedal, feline pokemon with a mostly tan body. it has a pointed, whisker-like protrusion on each cheek. its purple ears have three tufts of fur at the tips, and there is a purple ruff-like collar with pin-like extensions around its neck. it has slim legs with tiny, digitless paws. it also possesses a purple, flower-like tuft of hair on the end of its thin tail.
sableye is a bipedal humanoid pokemon that resembles a goblin. it has a dark purple body, armed with sharp teeth and claws, which it uses to dig through soil. it has pale blue, gemstone-like eyes, which allow it to see in low light and sparkle in the dark. it also has a red gemstone on its chest, and its back has a blue and green gemstone as well as another red one. these gem-like eyes and adornments on its body are caused by its diet, which consists of rocks and raw gemstones. because of this, each individual sableye can create an infinite number of patterns on its body.
mawile is a short, bipedal, humanoid pokemon with a pale yellow body. its three-fingered hands and two-toed feet are black. it has red eyes and a pair of long, black, ear-like extensions on either side of its head. its legs resemble a hakama. its most notable feature is a pair of large black jaws emerging from the back of its head. these jaws have a yellow, oval-shaped spot on their top surface. they contain ten sharp, metallic teeth - six on the top row and four on the bottom. while the jaws are actually transformed steel horns, mawile can articulate them at will, using them to bite enemies with enough force to break an iron beam. these jaws are incapable of tasting, leading mawile to use them to eat food it does not like.
aron is a quadrupedal pokemon with four stubby legs and a large round head. its body is black with plates of gray armor covering its head, back, and legs. throughout its body are small openings in the armor. there are six openings on its head, with the largest two being openings for its pale blue eyes and one opening on either side of the spike on its back. a single, blunt spike protrudes from its back.
lairon is a stocky, armored pokemon with four short legs. its body is dark gray, and its eyes are sky blue. its back is covered with segments of iron armor, each with a high ridge and round dark holes on the sides. the sides of its lower jaw have several flat protrusions, and two teeth are visible in its mouth. there are two-pronged metal bands on its legs. the upper band is gray and the lower is silver.
aggron is a huge, bipedal pokemon. it primarily has a crusty gray exoskeleton, with plates of silver armor adorned. the armor on its head has two pairs of holes with horns protruding from the foremost holes. its forehead plating extends past its upper jaw in a small point. it has sky-blue eyes, and two nostril-like holes on the tip of its upper jaw. on the rim of its mouth are several pointed, fang-like protrusions and the nape of its neck and back have gray-silver armor sections. it has wide, blunt spikes on its shoulders and gray-silver bands on its arms and legs. its hands and feet each have three claws. it has a thick, long, black tail that it can swing at enemies.
electrike is a green, canine pokemon with yellow markings. it has a large head crest with angular, lightning-like markings on the side. its snout has a yellow blaze, and four fangs are discernible when its mouth is open. it has a yellow stripe down its back. each of its four legs has a spike, with the ones on its hind legs being longer. it has yellow crescent-shaped paw pads on its front feet, while the pads on its hind feet are circular. it has a small, pointed, yellow-tipped tail.
manectric is a canine, quadrupedal pokemon. its body is mainly blue with a spiky, yellow mane on its head and yellow tufts of fur on its haunches and around its front feet. its mane sticks straight up and has three points. it has a jagged upper jaw, red eyes, and holes on either side of its head that seem to be its ears. each of its paws has three claws. its blue, spike-like tail is bent at a sharp angle.
plusle is a cream-colored bipedal pokemon with red markings. it has a dot-like nose and a cream-colored plus sign in the middle of its circular red cheeks. it has long, flat ears that are mostly red. its limbs are stubby and digitless, and it has red front paws. its short tail is tipped with a red plus sign.
minun is a cream-colored bipedal pokemon with blue markings. it has a dot-like nose and a cream-colored minus sign in the middle of its circular blue cheeks. it has long, flat ears that are mostly blue. its limbs are stubby and digitless, and it has blue front paws. its short tail is tipped with a blue minus sign.
volbeat is a firefly-like, bipedal pokemon. its body is black with a blue chest and abdomen. there are two yellow stripes across its front: one on its chest and one near its legs. a red band separates each limb from its body and a thicker, incomplete one surrounds its shoulders. two simple wings extend from the band around its shoulder. it has a blue face with yellow eyes, and curly, yellow antennae with black stripes. it has a spherical yellow tail, which glows to communicate and draw geometric patterns in the sky while in a swarm. in generation iii, tail glow was its signature move. this is a male only species; illumise is its female counterpart. volbeat is attracted by the sweet aroma given off by illumise. it lives in forests near clean ponds, but will move if the pond becomes dirty.
illumise is a firefly-like, bipedal pokemon. it has a blue face and large, slanted blue eyes with purple markings at the corners. surrounding its head are purple curls that frame its face. its antennae are small and yellow. its body is black with a blue belly and a yellow bid marking. its arms and legs are black and are connected to the body by purple borders. it has small wings used for flying with others, and a pattern of three oblong yellow spots on its rear. this is a female only species; volbeat is its male counterpart.
carvanha is a fish pokemon with a body covered in tiny, sharp denticles. the top half of its spherical body is blue, while the bottom half is red with a yellow, four-pointed star below its mouth. it has two yellow dorsal fins above its eyes that resemble shark fins, and a matching pelvic fin on its belly. its pectoral fins are also yellow. the caudal fin is composed of two red spines with a thin yellow membrane stretched between them.
sharpedo is a torpedo-shaped shark pokemon covered with tiny, sharp denticles. it has a large mouth filled with triangular, sharp teeth. its eyes are a deep red color and glow in the dark. it has two gill slits situated directly behind each eye. it is mostly dark blue with a white underbelly. there is a yellow star-shaped scar on its snout, and another star-shaped scar on its rear. it has a tall dorsal fin with two notches cut into it, with a pelvic fin directly opposite it. its two pectoral fins are arranged so that they resemble the fins on the back of a torpedo.
wailmer is a spherical whale pokemon with no tail. it has a dark blue topside and a tan underbelly with grooves. it has two fins that have finger-like appendages, baleen plates that resemble teeth, and a pair of nostrils on the top of its head functioning as blowholes.
wailord is a huge cetacean pokemon resembling the blue whale. it has small beady eyes, a huge mouth, and a tan throat and underbelly that are lined with grooves. its back is blue with four white spots running down its spine, and two breathing nostrils on top of its head. it has two pairs of blue fins along its sides, a smaller third pair of tan fins on its rear, and a horizontal tail at the back.
torkoal is a tortoise-like, quadrupedal pokemon. it has a large, black, rock-like shell with holes that glow with a red warmth. its skin is reddish-brown with gray-black bands on its legs and neck. it has a long neck and its eyes seem permanently closed.
spoink is a gray, pig-like pokemon. it has dark, circular eyes, a large gray nose, and small ears. it has stubby arms and possesses no hind legs. motion is achieved by bouncing on its spring-like tail. the bouncing has a vital function, in that it keeps its heart beating. even while it is sleeping, it continues to bounce. it wears a pearl produced by clamperl on top of its head, which amplifies its psychic powers. spoink will be weakened without a pearl, and always searches for bigger pearls. in the anime it was shown to easily mistake other round objects as its pearl. it lives in mountainous areas. it likes to eat mushrooms that grow underground.
grumpig is a bipedal, pig-like pokemon. it has large ears, a pink snout, and oval eyes. the lower half of its body is black, while the upper half is purple. there are black markings on its ears and arms, while its hands and feet are purple. its tail is pink and curly. there appear to be three shining black pearls on its body: two small ones on its head, and a larger but nearly flat pearl on its midsection where the black meets the purple. these pearls are used to amplify its psychic powers, which allow it to control its opponents. the dance it performs while using its powers is very popular. it lives on mountains.
spinda is a bipedal, red panda pokemon with rabbit-like features. its eyes are made of two black spirals, which point in the opposite direction to each other. there is a similar swirling pattern on its ears. it has a small body with short stumpy arms and legs, and its coat is primarily cream-colored. its arms are red and it has a red stripe bordering along the bottom of its belly, as well as two small spots on the soles of its feet. it has four spots, which can appear anywhere on its face and ears, with a fifth on the back of its head. these spot patterns are different for each and every spinda.
trapinch is an orange, insectoid pokemon. it has a round body with a white underside and four stumpy legs. it also has a proportionally large head, small black eyes with twinkle-shaped pupils, and a zigzagging mouth.
vibrava is a dragonfly-like pokemon. it has a small head with two yellow antennae and green bulging eyes with black oval-shaped pupils. its mouth has two large white teeth protruding from each side. it has a skinny yellow body, four skinny black legs with slender feet, and four green, rhombus-shaped wings with black edges. there are similarly-colored rhombus shapes at the end of its tail.
flygon is a pokemon that resembles a slightly insectoid, bipedal dragon. it is primarily light green and has a pair of large rhombus-shaped wings with red trim, toeless hind legs, and skinny arms with three-clawed hands. flygon's tail has several dark green stripes and three small green rhombus shapes with red trims at the end. it has large eyes and a pair of green antennae that point back. its eyes have red covers that prevent sand from getting into them.
cacnea is a green, bipedal pokemon with a round body and cactus-like striations. it has a dark green rhombus shape above its face, and six dark green rhombus shapes that ring around its waist. it has dark circles around its eyes, and its mouth composed of several similar circles. it has two dark green spikes on each side of its head, along with a yellow flower bud on top of its head. it has two club-like arms that are ringed with dark green spikes, and its two stubby legs are dark green and conical.
swablu is an avian pokemon with a round, blue body. since it has no discernible neck, its body appears to be all head. there are two long feathers on top of its head, and it has a short, rounded white beak and beady, black eyes. its wings are fluffy and white, resembling cotton or clouds and are made of air. the wings have a light and fluffy feel. it has tiny, white feet and two pointed tail feathers.
altaria is a blue, avian pokemon. its body and cloud-like wings are covered in fluffy, white feathers. it often folds its wings behind it, obscuring its back. two long, blue plumes extend like streamers from the back of its head. it has a short, hooked beak and prominent cheek patches, both of which are white. additionally, it has beady, black eyes. it has a long neck and short legs protruding from its fluffy body. the feet are blue, with four toes, three claws forward, and one backward. the tail comprises five feathers, the outer two longer than the inner ones.
zangoose is a bipedal pokemon resembling a cross between a mongoose and a cat. despite being classified as a bipedal pokemon, it usually walks on all fours. its fur is mostly white with deep red, scar-like markings on the face, chest, and forepaws. its fur stands up on end when it smells its arch-enemy seviper nearby. it has two long, black claws on its forepaws, which curl underneath the forepaws when not in use, and pink paw pads on its hind feet. it has pink eyes, long ears, and a small red nose. when it opens its mouth, two sharp fangs can be seen on its upper jaw. there are small tufts of white fur on its shoulders, and it has a large, fluffy tail.
seviper is a serpentine pokemon that is usually depicted scrunched up like an accordion. it is mostly covered in black scales, but it has several markings on its body. it has yellow hexagon markings that run from its head to its tail, small yellow bumps where it touches the ground, and various purple scar-like marks. it has elongated red fangs that protrude from its upper jaw and fierce red eyes. its tail is partially red and has a blade-like shape. seviper sharpens its tail on rocks.
lunatone is a cream-colored, rock pokemon with a crescent moon shape. in the center of the crescent is a pointed, beak-like structure. it has deep-set, red eyes, which can cause paralyzing fear or induce sleep.
solrock is a primarily orange, spherical pokemon. it has eight yellow, rocky spines extending from the sides of its body; and multiple small, yellow stony bumps running vertically along its center. on its back are dual rocky mounds, situated to the sides of the mid-line. its large eyes consist of thick, semicircular yellow eyelids through which black sclerae and red pupils can be seen. a black ring with six extensions surrounds each eye.
barboach is a small, serpentine pokemon that resembles a loach. the main body is a soft gray with a jagged black line running its length. its eyes are very small, and it has a round, blue nose. it has several blue barbels that are used as a superb radar in murky water and can be used for taste as well. these whiskers are left exposed when it hides in the mud to wait for prey. there are two rounded, blue pectoral fins and a single dorsal fin, all of which have black spots. its tail fin is also rounded and blue but possesses no spots.
whiscash is a dark blue, catfish-like pokemon with a yellow underbelly. it has a cavernous mouth with light blue lips that have short, thin whiskers growing from the lower lips. long, yellow barbels grow from its cheeks, and there is a yellow marking on its forehead that resembles a w. the light blue dorsal fin has a pattern of three spots arranged in a triangle, while its horizontal tail fin lacks spots. its pectoral fins and belly fins match its main body color.
corphish is a red-shelled, crustacean pokemon with a short tail similar to a lobster. its eyes are saucer-like with small pupils, and it has three spikes on top of its head. it possesses four pairs of limbs in total: two large pincers used for gripping prey, and three pairs of legs used for walking. the upper segments of its legs, the underside of its body, and lower halves of its pincers are cream-colored.
crawdaunt is a primarily red, crustacean pokemon with a tan underside. it has circular eyes set in deep sockets and a large, star-shaped growth on its forehead. the upper and lower halves of its underside are separated by a pattern of angular red shapes, and there are two blue stripes on its throat. its forelimbs have two large pincers with spiked edges and tan lower halves form. there are two sets of hind limbs. the foremost pair are simple claws with two spikes, while the rear pair are large and thick with two white claws. a yellow triangle marks the base of its lobster-like tail.
baltoy is a small pokemon that resembles a tan figurine made out of clay or mud. there are arching, red markings over its eyes, which usually appear closed. a red stripe encircles its body and forms a ring on its belly. it has flat appendages that resemble arms. a spike protrudes from the top of its head and another, smaller spike under its body acts as its foot. it moves by spinning on this single, pointed foot, and balances upright to sleep. baltoy is usually found in ruins and old graveyards, where it assembles with its kind and unleashes loud cries. old cave wall paintings depict it living with people in ancient times. as seen in the anime, an ancient civilization used baltoy for time travel when spinning on a magic circle artifact.
claydol is a large, black pokemon that resembles a mud statue with two stubby legs. it has a rounded, oblate-shaped head with a peg-like protrusion extending from the center of the top of its head. along the circumference of its head are many round, pink eye-like structures alternating with yellow studs or beak-like protrusions between each "eye". an undulating, white rim runs along the upper edges of the eyes. its torso features white ring markings, each with a downward extension and yellow dot in the middle. two smaller orbs sit at its sides like limbs and a peg-like protrusion extends from each orb that is capable of firing various energy beams. these two orbs are not attached to its body but are usually kept floating close by claydol's psychic powers. claydol uses the same telekinetic abilities to move and float through the air. it lives in rough terrains.
lileep is a plant like pokemon based on a crinoid with eight dark-tipped, pink petal-like tentacles protruding from an opening on top of its head. inside the pitch-black opening are two glowing, yellow eyes. the remainder of its head is purple with yellow eyespots resembling targets. the head is connected to the body through a yellow stem. the body itself is purple and semi-spherical. four stubby roots anchor this pokemon firmly to the rocks of its home on the sea floor.
cradily is a green, plantlike pokemon based on a crinoid with various yellow markings on its head, neck, and torso. there are circular, yellow eyespots on its head. however, its true eyes are concealed inside the dark, crescent opening on its head. surrounding its head at the base are eight pink tentacles, which somewhat resemble flower petals. its long, flexible neck has yellow bands in the center, and it can be extended to assist in capturing prey. its body is short and squat with four stubby growths and a yellow, oval, target-like pattern on the chest.
anorith is a greenish-gray, arthropod pokemon that resembles an anomalocaris. a stalk extends from either side of its head, with large, spherical eyes at the tips. the middle of its head is black with two red, teardrop-shaped markings, and an x-shaped mouth is visible on the underside of its torso. beneath its head are two large, segmented claws that serve as weapons and are used to capture prey. on each side of its body are four white appendages with red tips. these wing-like projections are used to propel anorith through the water.
armaldo is a bipedal, amphibious pokemon that somewhat resembles a mantis shrimp. it is covered with thick, grayish-blue plates. there are accents of yellow, black, white, and red throughout its body. its oblong eyes protrude from the sides of its head. a black pattern with two red, teardrop-shaped spots covered the center of its head and a yellow lower jaw. three pairs of wing-like appendages extend from the sides of its long, thick neck. a plate of armor on its back has four short spikes and two triangular, yellow-rimmed wings extending from underneath. its scaled chest and belly are rimmed with yellow lines as well, and there are two large yellow plates in the center of its chest. its segmented arms extend from holes in these plates, each with a large, black claw. the legs are also segmented, with black knees. a pair of black fins tips its long tail.
feebas is a shabby, old-looking, fishlike pokemon with a light brown body covered in dark, irregular spots. it has large, deep-set eyes and big, pink lips. the tail and pectoral fins are dull blue and tattered in appearance. the dorsal fin is triangular with a hole in the middle.
castform is an artificial pokemon that changes appearance and attitude based on the weather. its body is made of cells exactly like those of water molecules, causing its cellular structure to be chemically altered by temperature and humidity. though not of its free will, castform uses this ability to protect its tiny body. in its normal form, it resembles a plain, gray cloud with a single wisp extending from the top of its head.
kecleon is a bipedal, reptilian pokemon that is usually green. on either side of its head are yellow frills, which are connected by lines to its yellow lips and rings around its eyes. there are small ridges on its shoulders and a red zigzag stripe around its midsection. the hands and feet have three short digits each, and it has yellow soles. it also has a long skinny tail that is usually curled tightly in a spiral.
shuppet is a spherical, levitating pokemon that appears to be covered by a gray cloth. black rings surround its multicolored eyes, which have light-blue sclerae, dark-blue irises, and yellow pupils. occasionally, it will display a large, pink tongue. extending from the top of its head is a long, pointed horn.
banette is a dark gray, doll-like pokemon that is possessed by pure hatred. it has three short spikes on its head and a long zigzagging ribbon trailing off the back of its head. a zipper acts as its mouth, and it has purplish-pink eyes with slit pupils. its long, flat arms have three-fingered hands, while its legs are short and stubby. it has a yellow, brush-like tail.
duskull is a pokemon which appears to be a stylized personification of the grim reaper. its body resembles a black robe with two bone-shaped patterns on its back. it has a mask that resembles a skull and a single eye that floats between its eye sockets.
dusclops is a pokemon with a roundish gray body with two stubby legs. its body is hollow and wrapped in bandages. it has a single red eye and three tooth-like projections. the red eye is said to be the true form of dusclops, but no one has yet to see this claim. it has two wispy, light gray growths coming out of its shoulders and one on top of its head. its light gray hands are almost always depicted as being directly attached to its body, though in pk15 and in several panels of pokemon adventures they can be seen floating independently.
tropius is a large, sauropod-like pokemon with a brown body wrapped in green leaves on its chest and head. it possesses large, broad green leaves on its back, which it uses for flight and for sugar production via photosynthesis. despite being very big and bulky, it is surprisingly maneuverable in the air. it has a long neck with a thin black line around it. it uses its neck for reaching treetops to gorge on its most favored fruit. since it ate only this kind of fruit continuously, the fruit began to grow around its neck. these yellow, banana-like fruits can be picked and consumed by other pokemon or humans, and grow twice a year because of the rapid production of sugar in tropius's leaves. its feet have toenails the same color as its fruit.
chimecho is a small, round pokemon with a mainly bluish-white body shaped like a furin wind chime. it has beady, yellow eyes and three stubby limbs. its body has a horizontal amaranth-colored pattern. underneath its body extends a long, tag-like tail that has amaranth patterning at the bottom. a yellow, globular growth, referred to as a suction cup or a sucker, is connected to the top of its body.
absol is a quadrupedal, mammalian pokemon with a primarily white feline-like body with some dark blue coloration. it has a ruff around its neck and chest and a tuft on the top of its head adorned with a single blue-black oval. between the dark fur, the curvature of the white fur on its head, and the positioning of its horn, absol's face vaguely resembles a wu wei symbol. it has a humanoid face with almond-shaped, red eyes, a scythe-like tail, and a scythe-shaped horn on the side of its head. its broad feet are equipped with three claws each, and dewclaw-like spikes protrude from the heels of its hind legs and the elbows of its front legs. it walks with a pacing gait like that of a bear.
wynaut is a small, bipedal pokemon covered in blue fur. its head is spherical with ear-like, fingerless arms on either side and a bulbous growth on its forehead. it has a wide mouth with a serrated upper jaw and a pink tongue. its eyes appear closed, each curving upward to a point in the center. the fur on its body ends in a zigzag pattern, extending over its short legs. wynaut's tail is long and completely black, ending in a round, flattened tip with a white, eye-like spot.
snorunt is a small, black pokemon with an ovoid body. it has circular, light blue eyes, wide teeth, and spherical hands and feet that lack digits. it is covered with a yellow cloak that gives it a triangular outline. the coat is rimmed with an orange stripe and has three orange diamond markings on the back. as its evolved form glalie has a body of rock, snorunt may also be made of rock. in pokemon scarlet and violet, defeating a snorunt, glalie, or froslass will yield some "snorunt fur", suggesting the cloak is made of fur.
glalie is a spherical pokemon that consists of a black rock core covered by ice. the icy covering has several holes and spaces across this pokemon's body. blue eyes and a mouth with flat teeth are visible through three of these holes. there are two large, black, conical horns on either side of glalie's head.