import os |
import pydicom |
import pydicom_seg |
import pandas as pd |
import SimpleITK as sitk |
from tqdm import tqdm |
patient_ids = data['Subject ID'].unique() |
for pid in tqdm(patient_ids): |
row = data[data['Subject ID'] == pid] |
out_fn = f'NSCLC-Radiomics-NIFTI3/{pid}' |
os.makedirs(out_fn) |
try: |
inp_fn_img = row[row['Number of Images'] > 1]['File Location'].values[0] |
dicom2nifti.convert_directory(inp_fn_img, out_fn) |
except: |
print(f'Image {inp_fn_img} failed to convert') |
pass |
try: |
inp_fn_seg = row[row['File Location'].str.contains('Segmentation')]['File Location'].values[0] + '/1-1.dcm' |
dcm = pydicom.dcmread(inp_fn_seg) |
reader = pydicom_seg.SegmentReader() |
result = reader.read(dcm) |
for segment_number in result.available_segments: |
image = result.segment_image(segment_number) |
sitk.WriteImage(image, os.path.join(out_fn, f'seg-{result.segment_infos[segment_number].SegmentDescription}.nii.gz'), True) |
except: |
print(f'Segmentation {inp_fn_seg} failed to convert') |
pass |