
yodas / data /br000 /text /00000002.txt
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jeSeYxoDZgo-00000-00001016-00001546 Oh lord jesse made another one i'm going baby on baby
jeSeYxoDZgo-00001-00002480-00002680 Um, what's it called
jeSeYxoDZgo-00002-00002816-00003320 Reacting to fortnite memes that make you laugh subscribe like comment down below and the intro is going to come in a minute
jeSeYxoDZgo-00003-00003352-00003720 So turn on post notifications so you so you never miss an upload and yeah
jeSeYxoDZgo-00004-00004032-00004232 Okay
jeSeYxoDZgo-00005-00005053-00005253 Machines all the time
jeSeYxoDZgo-00006-00006071-00006271 Make sure
jeSeYxoDZgo-00007-00007856-00008056 Trying to get popular
jeSeYxoDZgo-00008-00009960-00010514 No, I play controller shout out to clg sean his link will be in the description
jeSeYxoDZgo-00009-00010768-00010968 And this channel is already on my channel so
jeSeYxoDZgo-00010-00011328-00012064 I'll be doing a giveaway on um and 600 subscribers. So if you want that i'll be doing a ton of minty code
jeSeYxoDZgo-00011-00012152-00012352 Or this controller here
jeSeYxoDZgo-00012-00012392-00013089 That controller here as you can see so subscribe down below if you want that or comment down below and turn up snowys
jeSeYxoDZgo-00013-00015000-00015200 Two
jeSeYxoDZgo-00014-00016736-00016936 Ah
jeSeYxoDZgo-00015-00019144-00019344 It's not even that funny like but
jeSeYxoDZgo-00016-00020192-00020392 Are you
jeSeYxoDZgo-00017-00021368-00021712 Do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head?
jeSeYxoDZgo-00018-00022376-00022736 I'll be uploading a video later on tonight for the fortnite item shop. I'll be doing a live stream
jeSeYxoDZgo-00019-00022768-00022992 So if you want that subscribe to comment down below
jeSeYxoDZgo-00020-00023359-00023599 And like I said, go subscribe to clg shown
jeSeYxoDZgo-00021-00023623-00024177 We're not even friends now. I don't think but still i'll be found out so subscribe to his channel link in the description
jeSeYxoDZgo-00022-00027968-00028168 What else is
jeSeYxoDZgo-00023-00028775-00028975 And this is my gamer tag if you want to add me
jeSeYxoDZgo-00024-00029263-00029737 That's my gamer tag for this edition so every first time
jeSeYxoDZgo-00025-00032208-00032416 All right, guys we're gonna
jeSeYxoDZgo-00026-00032560-00033191 We're gonna end it now. Hope you enjoyed subscribe like comment down below and yeah and hashtag add. Peace out
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00000-00000930-00001088 ' Tad 'Nedeleg, n'eo ket tremenet ar blez-mañ !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00001-00001088-00001230 E-tal ma zi, tud hep ti !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00002-00001280-00001388 Ha ni get hor familh
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00003-00001404-00001532 Ne welomp ket netra biskoazh !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00004-00001552-00001644 Ha leun a vugale er bed
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00005-00001662-00001762 get fuzuilhennoù !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00006-00001770-00001855 Hag an Ankoù
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00007-00001868-00001968 roue ar bed !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00008-00001976-00002066 Tier distrujet
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00009-00002072-00002192 hag o dilhad e pilhetoù !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00010-00004118-00004256 Ne glaskit ket "pemp troad d'ar maout" !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00011-00004304-00004476 Faot deoc'h bout eürus,
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00012-00004504-00004604 Ret e vo deomp beviñ e peoc'h !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00013-00004620-00004726 Bremañ, doc'htu, a-benn-kaer !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00014-00005594-00005800 Kollet hon eus ar gartenn, mes ne verna ket !
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00015-00005800-00005900 gwalc'het ma daouarn
Tl6lUFnzCMc-00016-00005900-00006010 serret ma daoulagad !
WY_uUWX0bRY-00000-00000000-00000200 Akon -Alessandro_HP