extends CharacterBody3D class_name Player signal reset(player:Player, end: bool) @export var speed = 5.0 @export var acceleration = 4.0 @export var jump_speed = 5.0 @export var mouse_sensitivity = 0.0015 @export var ai_mouse_sensitivity = 0.03 @export var rotation_speed = 12.0 var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") var jumping = false var last_floor = true var best_goal_distance := 10000.0 var goal var turn_action = Vector2.ZERO var jump_action = false var move_action = Vector2.ZERO var current_level = 0 @onready var spring_arm = $SpringArm3D @onready var model = $MeshInstance3D @onready var ai_controller = $AIController3D func _ready(): #Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) ai_controller._player = self await get_tree().root.ready emit_signal("reset", self, false) func _physics_process(delta): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("escape"): get_tree().quit() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("mouse_toggle"): if Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE: Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) else: Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) if position.y < -10.0: ai_controller.reward -= 5.0 game_over() if ai_controller.needs_reset: game_over() velocity.y += -gravity * delta * 2.0 get_move_input(delta) move_and_slide() rotation.y = get_input_rotation() var horizontal_velocity = Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z) # We just hit the floor after being in the air if is_on_floor() and not last_floor: jumping = false last_floor = is_on_floor() if is_on_floor() and get_jump_action(): velocity.y = jump_speed jumping = true if jumping: $AnimatedChar.play_anim("Idle") else: if horizontal_velocity.length() > 0.1: $AnimatedChar.play_anim("Run") $AnimatedChar.rotation.y = atan2(horizontal_velocity.x, horizontal_velocity.y) - rotation.y else: $AnimatedChar.play_anim("Idle") update_reward() func get_input_rotation(): if ai_controller.heuristic == "model": rotation.x -= turn_action.y * ai_mouse_sensitivity rotation_degrees.x = clamp(rotation_degrees.x, -10.0, 10.0) rotation.y -= turn_action.x * ai_mouse_sensitivity return rotation.y func get_jump_action() -> bool: if ai_controller.heuristic == "model": return jump_action if !$SpringArm3D/Camera3D.is_current(): return false return Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") func get_move_input(delta): var vy = velocity.y velocity.y = 0 var input = Vector2.ZERO if ai_controller.heuristic == "model": input = move_action elif $SpringArm3D/Camera3D.is_current(): input = Input.get_vector("right", "left", "back", "forward") var dir = Vector3(input.x, 0, input.y).rotated(Vector3.UP, rotation.y) velocity = lerp(velocity, dir * speed, acceleration * delta) velocity.y = vy func _unhandled_input(event): if ai_controller.heuristic == "model": return if !$SpringArm3D/Camera3D.is_current(): return if event is InputEventMouseMotion: rotation.x -= event.relative.y * mouse_sensitivity rotation_degrees.x = clamp(rotation_degrees.x, -10.0, 10.0) rotation.y -= event.relative.x * mouse_sensitivity func game_over(end:=false): ai_controller.done = true ai_controller.reset() emit_signal("reset", self, end) best_goal_distance = global_transform.origin.distance_to(goal.global_transform.origin) look_at(goal.global_transform.origin, Vector3.UP) rotate_y(deg_to_rad(180)) func update_reward(): ai_controller.reward -= 0.01 # step penalty ai_controller.reward += shaping_reward() func shaping_reward(): var s_reward = 0.0 var goal_distance = 0 goal_distance = global_transform.origin.distance_to(goal.global_transform.origin) if goal_distance < best_goal_distance: s_reward += best_goal_distance - goal_distance best_goal_distance = goal_distance return s_reward func hit_by_bomb(): ai_controller.reward -= 5.0 game_over() func _on_hurt_box_area_entered(area:Area3D): if area is HitBox: # negative reward ai_controller.reward -= 5.0 game_over() func level_complete(): ai_controller.reward += 10.0 # positive reward game_over(true) func activate_cam(): $SpringArm3D/Camera3D.set_current(true) func deactivate_cam(): $SpringArm3D/Camera3D.set_current(false)