Ferruccio Busoni's Piano Concerto is an hour-long marathon spread over 5 movements, the finale including a chorus singing a German translation of Lebanese poetry (!) Since so many instruments are required I have used, in addition to my usual Proteus 2, a Korg O3R/W for additional instruments, and a Korg P3 piano module. All transposing instruments have been transposed to C. Since the Proteus 2 automatically transposes piccolos up an octave and basses down an octave, I have done this (so if you're using a Proteus 2, you'll have to transpose them back again). FYI, I've already sequenced the 3rd and 4th movements. If not on this site, they have been uploaded elsewhere. --Gary Goldberg National Capital Amiga Users Group Internet: GaryG@ix.netcom.com Compuserve: 76236,3302