Ferrucio Busoni's mammoth Piano Concerto is spread over 5 movements (with a male chorus in the finale!), taking about an hour to perform. This is the 4th movement, a Tarantella ("All' Italiana"). The sequence was done for a Proteus 2 (the orchestral instruments) and a Korg P3 piano module. The .mid file has transposed the basses track down an octave and the piccolo track up an octave, since these instruments sound, respecively, an octave lower and higher than written. The Proteus 2 allows for this, but most sound modules don't. The A Clarinets and French Horns have also been transposed to concert pitch. To keep the orchestral tracks down to 16 channels, I've had to do a lot of program changes in the Tremolo Strings track. They're annotated in the Comments part of the track, but not all sequencers display this information, so I've given it below: Instrument Bars: Pizzicato Violins 286-291; 739-742 Glockenspiel 296-308; 614-619 Pizzicato Cellos 353-365 Pizzicato Violas & Cellos 383-395 back to Tremolo Strings 520-577 Snare Drums: single hits are a C; rolls are an A. --Gary Goldberg GaryG@ix.netcom.com