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"label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "PER", "box": [ 115, 515, 147, 529 ] }, { "text": "CARTON", "box": [ 148, 515, 204, 528 ] } ], "id": 80 }, { "text": "PER CRATE", "box": [ 274, 513, 350, 531 ], "linking": [ [ 21, 81 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "PER", "box": [ 274, 513, 301, 531 ] }, { "text": "CRATE", "box": [ 304, 514, 350, 528 ] } ], "id": 81 }, { "text": "PER BUNDLE", "box": [ 415, 514, 504, 527 ], "linking": [ [ 21, 82 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "PER", "box": [ 415, 514, 444, 527 ] }, { "text": "BUNDLE", "box": [ 447, 514, 504, 527 ] } ], "id": 82 }, { "text": "Price is based on reproduction of customer supplied \"Pack\" box.", "box": [ 105, 525, 644, 544 ], "linking": [ [ 22, 83 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Price", "box": [ 105, 529, 151, 543 ] }, { "text": "is", "box": [ 156, 527, 177, 542 ] }, { "text": "based", "box": [ 180, 527, 229, 542 ] }, { "text": "on", "box": [ 233, 529, 255, 542 ] }, { "text": "reproduction", "box": [ 258, 527, 366, 544 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 369, 525, 391, 542 ] }, { "text": "customer", "box": [ 394, 527, 465, 541 ] }, { "text": "supplied", "box": [ 472, 525, 542, 540 ] }, { "text": "\"Pack\"", "box": [ 549, 525, 599, 542 ] }, { "text": "box.", "box": [ 606, 525, 644, 539 ] } ], "id": 83 }, { "text": "Form die, brass emboss die to achieve detail on eagle.", "box": [ 190, 538, 650, 556 ], "linking": [ [ 30, 84 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Form", "box": [ 190, 543, 229, 556 ] }, { "text": "die,", "box": [ 233, 541, 269, 554 ] }, { "text": "brass", "box": [ 275, 542, 322, 553 ] }, { "text": "emboss", "box": [ 328, 543, 384, 551 ] }, { "text": "die", "box": [ 388, 541, 416, 555 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 423, 541, 441, 556 ] }, { "text": "achieve", "box": [ 444, 539, 508, 556 ] }, { "text": "detail", "box": [ 513, 538, 569, 553 ] }, { "text": "on", "box": [ 573, 542, 594, 553 ] }, { "text": "eagle.", "box": [ 598, 541, 650, 555 ] } ], "id": 84 }, { "text": "500 Plaques", "box": [ 172, 584, 272, 602 ], "linking": [ [ 31, 85 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "500", "box": [ 172, 584, 201, 601 ] }, { "text": "Plaques", "box": [ 209, 585, 272, 602 ] } ], "id": 85 }, { "text": "$ 9.18 each", "box": [ 156, 613, 246, 630 ], "linking": [ [ 32, 86 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 156, 615, 167, 630 ] }, { "text": "9.18", "box": [ 166, 613, 200, 628 ] }, { "text": "each", "box": [ 205, 613, 246, 626 ] } ], "id": 86 }, { "text": "One time tooling", "box": [ 367, 581, 507, 601 ], "linking": [ [ 87, 89 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "One", "box": [ 367, 584, 396, 599 ] }, { "text": "time", "box": [ 404, 584, 440, 598 ] }, { "text": "tooling", "box": [ 446, 581, 507, 601 ] } ], "id": 87 }, { "text": "Steel tips", "box": [ 370, 603, 457, 621 ], "linking": [ [ 88, 90 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Steel", "box": [ 370, 603, 413, 618 ] }, { "text": "tips", "box": [ 423, 603, 457, 621 ] } ], "id": 88 }, { "text": "@ $ 3,015.00", "box": [ 511, 581, 609, 598 ], "linking": [ [ 87, 89 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "@", "box": [ 511, 582, 525, 597 ] }, { "text": "$", "box": [ 532, 584, 542, 597 ] }, { "text": "3,015.00", "box": [ 543, 581, 609, 598 ] } ], "id": 89 }, { "text": "$ 1,045.00", "box": [ 532, 603, 611, 620 ], "linking": [ [ 88, 90 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 532, 605, 539, 618 ] }, { "text": "1,045.00", "box": [ 541, 603, 611, 620 ] } ], "id": 90 }, { "text": "BILL AS MANUFACTURE", "box": [ 200, 679, 351, 695 ], "linking": [ [ 33, 91 ], [ 91, 35 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "BILL", "box": [ 200, 679, 225, 694 ] }, { "text": "AS", "box": [ 228, 682, 249, 695 ] }, { "text": "MANUFACTURE", "box": [ 249, 679, 351, 694 ] } ], "id": 91 }, { "text": "☐ BILL AS SHIP FOR.", "box": [ 376, 676, 509, 696 ], "linking": [ [ 33, 92 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "☐", "box": [ 376, 676, 394, 696 ] }, { "text": "BILL", "box": [ 394, 682, 421, 693 ] }, { "text": "AS", "box": [ 423, 682, 443, 696 ] }, { "text": "SHIP", "box": [ 441, 680, 476, 695 ] }, { "text": "FOR.", "box": [ 478, 680, 509, 694 ] } ], "id": 92 }, { "text": "☐ 6 MOS.", "box": [ 510, 676, 578, 694 ], "linking": [ [ 33, 93 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "☐", "box": [ 510, 676, 530, 694 ] }, { "text": "6", "box": [ 531, 679, 544, 693 ] }, { "text": "MOS.", "box": [ 543, 680, 578, 693 ] } ], "id": 93 }, { "text": "☐ 12 MOS", "box": [ 588, 676, 656, 694 ], "linking": [ [ 33, 94 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "☐", "box": [ 588, 676, 603, 694 ] }, { "text": "12", "box": [ 605, 680, 623, 693 ] }, { "text": "MOS", "box": [ 622, 680, 656, 693 ] } ], "id": 94 }, { "text": "SHIP IMMEDIATELY", "box": [ 182, 703, 304, 717 ], "linking": [ [ 34, 95 ], [ 95, 36 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "SHIP", "box": [ 182, 704, 214, 717 ] }, { "text": "IMMEDIATELY", "box": [ 216, 703, 304, 717 ] } ], "id": 95 }, { "text": "☐ 6 MOS. WHSE.", "box": [ 332, 698, 440, 716 ], "linking": [ [ 34, 96 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "☐", "box": [ 332, 698, 352, 716 ] }, { "text": "6", "box": [ 351, 703, 361, 716 ] }, { "text": "MOS.", "box": [ 363, 703, 397, 714 ] }, { "text": "WHSE.", "box": [ 399, 703, 440, 714 ] } ], "id": 96 }, { "text": "☐ 12 MOS. WHSE", "box": [ 459, 698, 570, 715 ], "linking": [ [ 34, 97 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "☐", "box": [ 459, 698, 479, 715 ] }, { "text": "12", "box": [ 479, 701, 494, 714 ] }, { "text": "MOS.", "box": [ 496, 701, 525, 712 ] }, { "text": "WHSE", "box": [ 531, 701, 570, 712 ] } ], "id": 97 }, { "text": "PER SHIPMENT", "box": [ 240, 728, 338, 743 ], "linking": [], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "PER", "box": [ 240, 728, 267, 743 ] }, { "text": "SHIPMENT", "box": [ 270, 730, 338, 740 ] } ], "id": 98 }, { "text": "DROP SHIPPING:", "box": [ 46, 728, 150, 745 ], "linking": [], "label": "header", "words": [ { "text": "DROP", "box": [ 46, 728, 84, 745 ] }, { "text": "SHIPPING:", "box": [ 87, 728, 150, 743 ] } ], "id": 99 }, { "text": "TERMS - NET 10 DAYS A service charge of 11/2 per month will be applied to all unpaid balances over 30 days.", "box": [ 56, 894, 284, 937 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "TERMS", "box": [ 57, 894, 99, 907 ] }, { "text": "-", "box": [ 103, 898, 116, 905 ] }, { "text": "NET", "box": [ 120, 894, 145, 905 ] }, { "text": "10", "box": [ 149, 894, 164, 905 ] }, { "text": "DAYS", "box": [ 168, 895, 200, 905 ] }, { "text": "A", "box": [ 56, 912, 67, 923 ] }, { "text": "service", "box": [ 68, 913, 106, 921 ] }, { "text": "charge", "box": [ 109, 911, 145, 925 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 149, 911, 162, 925 ] }, { "text": "11/2", "box": [ 163, 912, 177, 923 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 177, 912, 190, 923 ] }, { "text": "per", "box": [ 190, 912, 208, 925 ] }, { "text": "month", "box": [ 211, 911, 247, 925 ] }, { "text": "will", "box": [ 247, 911, 267, 922 ] }, { "text": "be", "box": [ 270, 912, 284, 922 ] }, { "text": "applied", "box": [ 56, 923, 97, 936 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 98, 923, 109, 936 ] }, { "text": "all", "box": [ 110, 925, 125, 935 ] }, { "text": "unpaid", "box": [ 126, 925, 162, 936 ] }, { "text": "balances", "box": [ 165, 926, 212, 936 ] }, { "text": "over", "box": [ 215, 926, 237, 934 ] }, { "text": "30", "box": [ 240, 925, 254, 933 ] }, { "text": "days.", "box": [ 256, 923, 283, 937 ] } ], "id": 100 }, { "text": "", "box": [ 531, 946, 679, 954 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "", "box": [ 531, 947, 552, 954 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 554, 947, 575, 954 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 582, 948, 589, 954 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 588, 948, 594, 954 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 592, 948, 602, 954 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 603, 948, 614, 954 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 620, 947, 633, 953 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 634, 947, 640, 953 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 640, 946, 646, 953 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 644, 947, 650, 954 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 648, 947, 654, 953 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 658, 946, 679, 953 ] } ], "id": 101 }, { "text": "STOUT INDUSTRIES INC,", "box": [ 339, 898, 441, 929 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "STOUT", "box": [ 339, 898, 438, 919 ] }, { "text": "INDUSTRIES", "box": [ 339, 916, 416, 929 ] }, { "text": "INC,", "box": [ 416, 916, 441, 927 ] } ], "id": 102 }, { "text": "A 15 service charge will be added to reight costs for all prepaid shipments involving 5 or more pieces.", "box": [ 47, 863, 485, 875 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "A", "box": [ 47, 865, 55, 875 ] }, { "text": "15", "box": [ 59, 865, 76, 875 ] }, { "text": "service", "box": [ 78, 865, 106, 875 ] }, { "text": "charge", "box": [ 108, 866, 137, 874 ] }, { "text": "will", "box": [ 141, 863, 154, 874 ] }, { "text": "be", "box": [ 156, 863, 167, 873 ] }, { "text": "added", "box": [ 170, 863, 194, 874 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 197, 865, 207, 875 ] }, { "text": "reight", "box": [ 211, 863, 238, 874 ] }, { "text": "costs", "box": [ 239, 865, 261, 872 ] }, { "text": "for", "box": [ 264, 863, 277, 871 ] }, { "text": "all", "box": [ 279, 865, 290, 873 ] }, { "text": "prepaid", "box": [ 292, 865, 324, 873 ] }, { "text": "shipments", "box": [ 325, 863, 368, 873 ] }, { "text": "involving", "box": [ 370, 865, 409, 873 ] }, { "text": "5", "box": [ 411, 863, 418, 871 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 420, 865, 431, 873 ] }, { "text": "more", "box": [ 432, 865, 454, 873 ] }, { "text": "pieces.", "box": [ 457, 865, 485, 873 ] } ], "id": 103 }, { "text": "PRICES QUOTED HEREIN ARE BASED ON CURRENT COSTS AND ARE FOR IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE *These prices will be updated periodically from date of order, to reflect changes in material and labor costs. Prices and terms quoted herein are not subject to verbal changes unless confirmed in writing by the home office of this company in S. T. LOUIS M. O. All contracts for delivers are contingent upon fires, strikes or other causes beyond our control. Purchaser agrees to accept overun or underrun to the extent of 10% of the quantity ordered.", "box": [ 42, 768, 698, 828 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "PRICES", "box": [ 47, 771, 83, 781 ] }, { "text": "QUOTED", "box": [ 85, 771, 128, 781 ] }, { "text": "HEREIN", "box": [ 131, 770, 170, 780 ] }, { "text": "ARE", "box": [ 173, 771, 194, 779 ] }, { "text": "BASED", "box": [ 198, 771, 233, 779 ] }, { "text": "ON", "box": [ 235, 770, 250, 780 ] }, { "text": "CURRENT", "box": [ 253, 770, 302, 781 ] }, { "text": "COSTS", "box": [ 304, 770, 338, 780 ] }, { "text": "AND", "box": [ 341, 770, 365, 780 ] }, { "text": "ARE", "box": [ 367, 770, 387, 780 ] }, { "text": "FOR", "box": [ 390, 770, 411, 778 ] }, { "text": "IMMEDIATE", "box": [ 415, 770, 474, 780 ] }, { "text": "ACCEPTANCE", "box": [ 479, 768, 547, 779 ] }, { "text": "*These", "box": [ 42, 781, 70, 792 ] }, { "text": "prices", "box": [ 71, 784, 99, 792 ] }, { "text": "will", "box": [ 102, 782, 117, 790 ] }, { "text": "be", "box": [ 117, 784, 131, 791 ] }, { "text": "updated", "box": [ 133, 782, 167, 793 ] }, { "text": "periodically", "box": [ 169, 782, 216, 793 ] }, { "text": "from", "box": [ 221, 782, 242, 790 ] }, { "text": "date", "box": [ 244, 784, 262, 791 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 265, 781, 275, 791 ] }, { "text": "order,", "box": [ 277, 784, 304, 792 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 304, 784, 315, 791 ] }, { "text": "reflect", "box": [ 318, 782, 342, 790 ] }, { "text": "changes", "box": [ 345, 781, 379, 792 ] }, { "text": "in", "box": [ 380, 784, 390, 792 ] }, { "text": "material", "box": [ 392, 782, 426, 789 ] }, { "text": "and", "box": [ 429, 782, 444, 790 ] }, { "text": "labor", "box": [ 447, 782, 471, 790 ] }, { "text": "costs.", "box": [ 472, 782, 494, 790 ] }, { "text": "Prices", "box": [ 46, 793, 71, 803 ] }, { "text": "and", "box": [ 74, 795, 91, 803 ] }, { "text": "terms", "box": [ 94, 795, 118, 803 ] }, { "text": "quoted", "box": [ 122, 795, 150, 803 ] }, { "text": "herein", "box": [ 152, 795, 177, 803 ] }, { "text": "are", "box": [ 182, 796, 196, 802 ] }, { "text": "not", "box": [ 198, 795, 212, 802 ] }, { "text": "subject", "box": [ 215, 793, 243, 803 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 247, 795, 257, 803 ] }, { "text": "verbal", "box": [ 258, 793, 285, 803 ] }, { "text": "changes", "box": [ 286, 793, 321, 803 ] }, { "text": "unless", "box": [ 323, 795, 350, 803 ] }, { "text": "confirmed", "box": [ 351, 793, 393, 803 ] }, { "text": "in", "box": [ 395, 795, 405, 802 ] }, { "text": "writing", "box": [ 409, 792, 436, 802 ] }, { "text": "by", "box": [ 439, 793, 452, 803 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 453, 793, 466, 801 ] }, { "text": "home", "box": [ 469, 793, 493, 801 ] }, { "text": "office", "box": [ 496, 792, 520, 802 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 521, 793, 531, 801 ] }, { "text": "this", "box": [ 535, 792, 550, 803 ] }, { "text": "company", "box": [ 553, 793, 591, 801 ] }, { "text": "in", "box": [ 592, 793, 603, 803 ] }, { "text": "S.", "box": [ 605, 792, 612, 802 ] }, { "text": "T.", "box": [ 612, 792, 620, 802 ] }, { "text": "LOUIS", "box": [ 623, 792, 657, 802 ] }, { "text": "M.", "box": [ 661, 792, 669, 800 ] }, { "text": "O.", "box": [ 670, 792, 680, 800 ] }, { "text": "All", "box": [ 684, 792, 698, 802 ] }, { "text": "contracts", "box": [ 47, 807, 85, 815 ] }, { "text": "for", "box": [ 87, 806, 100, 816 ] }, { "text": "delivers", "box": [ 102, 806, 134, 814 ] }, { "text": "are", "box": [ 137, 807, 152, 814 ] }, { "text": "contingent", "box": [ 155, 807, 197, 815 ] }, { "text": "upon", "box": [ 198, 807, 222, 815 ] }, { "text": "fires,", "box": [ 223, 806, 244, 816 ] }, { "text": "strikes", "box": [ 247, 804, 275, 814 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 278, 807, 286, 814 ] }, { "text": "other", "box": [ 289, 806, 311, 816 ] }, { "text": "causes", "box": [ 314, 806, 341, 816 ] }, { "text": "beyond", "box": [ 344, 806, 375, 816 ] }, { "text": "our", "box": [ 377, 806, 392, 814 ] }, { "text": "control.", "box": [ 394, 804, 425, 814 ] }, { "text": "Purchaser", "box": [ 47, 817, 86, 827 ] }, { "text": "agrees", "box": [ 91, 820, 116, 827 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 117, 818, 130, 825 ] }, { "text": "accept", "box": [ 131, 820, 156, 828 ] }, { "text": "overun", "box": [ 161, 818, 193, 826 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 194, 820, 205, 827 ] }, { "text": "underrun", "box": [ 208, 817, 247, 825 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 249, 818, 259, 825 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 260, 818, 275, 825 ] }, { "text": "extent", "box": [ 277, 817, 304, 825 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 306, 817, 314, 825 ] }, { "text": "10%", "box": [ 318, 817, 336, 827 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 339, 817, 349, 825 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 351, 817, 364, 825 ] }, { "text": "quantity", "box": [ 366, 817, 402, 827 ] }, { "text": "ordered.", "box": [ 404, 817, 440, 827 ] } ], "id": 104 }, { "text": "Any taxes or governmental changes which the seller may be required to pay or collect upon the production sale storage, or delivery under any existing or", "box": [ 47, 827, 698, 840 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "Any", "box": [ 47, 830, 64, 838 ] }, { "text": "taxes", "box": [ 67, 831, 89, 838 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 92, 831, 102, 838 ] }, { "text": "governmental", "box": [ 103, 828, 160, 839 ] }, { "text": "changes", "box": [ 162, 830, 196, 840 ] }, { "text": "which", "box": [ 198, 830, 223, 838 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 225, 830, 239, 838 ] }, { "text": "seller", "box": [ 242, 828, 263, 838 ] }, { "text": "may", "box": [ 265, 830, 282, 838 ] }, { "text": "be", "box": [ 285, 828, 298, 838 ] }, { "text": "required", "box": [ 299, 828, 334, 839 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 335, 828, 346, 836 ] }, { "text": "pay", "box": [ 348, 830, 363, 840 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 366, 830, 377, 836 ] }, { "text": "collect", "box": [ 378, 828, 405, 836 ] }, { "text": "upon", "box": [ 406, 830, 428, 838 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 432, 828, 445, 836 ] }, { "text": "production", "box": [ 448, 828, 495, 838 ] }, { "text": "sale", "box": [ 499, 828, 517, 838 ] }, { "text": "storage,", "box": [ 520, 827, 552, 840 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 554, 828, 567, 836 ] }, { "text": "delivery", "box": [ 567, 827, 605, 837 ] }, { "text": "under", "box": [ 606, 827, 631, 837 ] }, { "text": "any", "box": [ 633, 827, 648, 838 ] }, { "text": "existing", "box": [ 651, 827, 685, 838 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 687, 830, 698, 837 ] } ], "id": 105 }, { "text": "future law shall be for the account of the buyer who shall promptly pay the amount hereof to the seller upon", "box": [ 46, 839, 504, 851 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "future", "box": [ 46, 841, 71, 851 ] }, { "text": "law", "box": [ 74, 841, 89, 851 ] }, { "text": "shall", "box": [ 91, 841, 112, 851 ] }, { "text": "be", "box": [ 113, 839, 124, 850 ] }, { "text": "for", "box": [ 128, 841, 139, 851 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 144, 842, 155, 850 ] }, { "text": "account", "box": [ 159, 842, 191, 850 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 194, 841, 204, 849 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 205, 842, 220, 850 ] }, { "text": "buyer", "box": [ 222, 841, 246, 851 ] }, { "text": "who", "box": [ 249, 841, 267, 849 ] }, { "text": "shall", "box": [ 270, 842, 290, 848 ] }, { "text": "promptly", "box": [ 292, 841, 330, 849 ] }, { "text": "pay", "box": [ 334, 842, 348, 850 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 352, 841, 365, 849 ] }, { "text": "amount", "box": [ 366, 839, 398, 849 ] }, { "text": "hereof", "box": [ 401, 839, 429, 850 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 430, 841, 440, 849 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 443, 839, 457, 849 ] }, { "text": "seller", "box": [ 459, 839, 480, 849 ] }, { "text": "upon", "box": [ 483, 841, 504, 849 ] } ], "id": 106 }, { "text": "F. O. B. S. T. LOUIS MISSOURI Shipments via truck shipped freight collect.", "box": [ 46, 852, 368, 863 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "F.", "box": [ 46, 853, 56, 861 ] }, { "text": "O.", "box": [ 56, 853, 66, 861 ] }, { "text": "B.", "box": [ 66, 853, 76, 860 ] }, { "text": "S.", "box": [ 77, 853, 85, 861 ] }, { "text": "T.", "box": [ 84, 853, 92, 861 ] }, { "text": "LOUIS", "box": [ 96, 852, 128, 862 ] }, { "text": "MISSOURI", "box": [ 133, 853, 185, 861 ] }, { "text": "Shipments", "box": [ 187, 852, 233, 862 ] }, { "text": "via", "box": [ 235, 853, 249, 861 ] }, { "text": "truck", "box": [ 250, 853, 272, 860 ] }, { "text": "shipped", "box": [ 275, 852, 307, 863 ] }, { "text": "freight", "box": [ 310, 852, 337, 862 ] }, { "text": "collect.", "box": [ 339, 852, 368, 860 ] } ], "id": 107 } ] }