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Change glass softening point to 756 + / - 10 degrees from 750. Change rolls per pallet to 2 from 1.", "box": [ 216, 328, 685, 374 ], "linking": [ [ 79, 81 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Delete", "box": [ 216, 329, 267, 343 ] }, { "text": "C-", "box": [ 273, 329, 287, 343 ] }, { "text": "glass", "box": [ 289, 329, 326, 343 ] }, { "text": "from", "box": [ 335, 328, 367, 340 ] }, { "text": "Iten", "box": [ 374, 328, 406, 342 ] }, { "text": "description.", "box": [ 413, 329, 504, 339 ] }, { "text": "Change", "box": [ 216, 344, 266, 359 ] }, { "text": "glass", "box": [ 272, 345, 312, 359 ] }, { "text": "softening", "box": [ 322, 345, 389, 357 ] }, { "text": "point", "box": [ 397, 344, 438, 355 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 445, 344, 462, 356 ] }, { "text": "756", "box": [ 470, 342, 494, 357 ] }, { "text": "+", "box": [ 498, 342, 505, 357 ] }, { "text": "/", "box": [ 507, 344, 514, 359 ] }, { "text": "-", "box": [ 516, 344, 525, 355 ] }, { "text": "10", "box": [ 529, 344, 548, 355 ] }, { "text": "degrees", "box": [ 555, 340, 610, 355 ] }, { "text": "from", "box": [ 618, 342, 648, 354 ] }, { "text": "750.", "box": [ 655, 342, 685, 354 ] }, { "text": "Change", "box": [ 217, 360, 266, 374 ] }, { "text": "rolls", "box": [ 271, 362, 311, 372 ] }, { "text": "per", "box": [ 317, 360, 341, 374 ] }, { "text": "pallet", "box": [ 353, 360, 397, 372 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 404, 360, 420, 371 ] }, { "text": "2", "box": [ 430, 359, 440, 371 ] }, { "text": "from", "box": [ 446, 358, 475, 373 ] }, { "text": "1.", "box": [ 483, 359, 498, 374 ] } ], "id": 81 }, { "text": "Delete C- glass from item description Change bobbins per stack to 47 from 45. Add outside diameter specs of 30.0, 26.0 - 31.0 inches.", "box": [ 216, 389, 649, 433 ], "linking": [ [ 80, 82 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Delete", "box": [ 216, 392, 267, 404 ] }, { "text": "C-", "box": [ 271, 390, 287, 404 ] }, { "text": "glass", "box": [ 289, 390, 325, 405 ] }, { "text": "from", "box": [ 335, 392, 367, 404 ] }, { "text": "item", "box": [ 377, 389, 408, 405 ] }, { "text": "description", "box": [ 413, 392, 505, 403 ] }, { "text": "Change", "box": [ 216, 406, 266, 420 ] }, { "text": "bobbins", "box": [ 273, 406, 328, 418 ] }, { "text": "per", "box": [ 333, 406, 360, 420 ] }, { "text": "stack", "box": [ 365, 406, 407, 420 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 411, 406, 432, 417 ] }, { "text": "47", "box": [ 438, 405, 455, 417 ] }, { "text": "from", "box": [ 463, 405, 495, 416 ] }, { "text": "45.", "box": [ 498, 405, 524, 415 ] }, { "text": "Add", "box": [ 218, 421, 243, 433 ] }, { "text": "outside", "box": [ 251, 420, 306, 432 ] }, { "text": "diameter", "box": [ 312, 420, 376, 432 ] }, { "text": "specs", "box": [ 379, 424, 423, 433 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 428, 420, 447, 432 ] }, { "text": "30.0,", "box": [ 453, 420, 495, 432 ] }, { "text": "26.0", "box": [ 499, 418, 535, 433 ] }, { "text": "-", "box": [ 537, 421, 549, 431 ] }, { "text": "31.0", "box": [ 552, 419, 587, 431 ] }, { "text": "inches.", "box": [ 592, 419, 649, 433 ] } ], "id": 82 }, { "text": "Proposed Solution", "box": [ 32, 527, 167, 544 ], "linking": [ [ 83, 84 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Proposed", "box": [ 32, 530, 94, 544 ] }, { "text": "Solution", "box": [ 100, 527, 167, 543 ] } ], "id": 83 }, { "text": "Change the current MSS specifications as outlined above.", "box": [ 64, 540, 500, 559 ], "linking": [ [ 83, 84 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Change", "box": [ 64, 545, 114, 559 ] }, { "text": "the", "box": [ 118, 545, 140, 557 ] }, { "text": "current", "box": [ 148, 545, 203, 557 ] }, { "text": "MSS", "box": [ 208, 545, 235, 556 ] }, { "text": "specifications", "box": [ 243, 544, 353, 558 ] }, { "text": "as", "box": [ 358, 545, 379, 556 ] }, { "text": "outlined", "box": [ 384, 540, 448, 555 ] }, { "text": "above.", "box": [ 453, 541, 500, 555 ] } ], "id": 84 }, { "text": "Accepted for Investigation", "box": [ 55, 742, 162, 771 ], "linking": [], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Accepted", "box": [ 56, 742, 121, 757 ] }, { "text": "for", "box": [ 127, 743, 151, 755 ] }, { "text": "Investigation", "box": [ 55, 759, 162, 771 ] } ], "id": 85 }, { "text": "Final Disposition", "box": [ 34, 787, 167, 802 ], "linking": [], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Final", "box": [ 34, 787, 76, 801 ] }, { "text": "Disposition", "box": [ 80, 787, 167, 802 ] } ], "id": 86 }, { "text": "Action Taken or Reason for Rejection", "box": [ 36, 815, 317, 833 ], "linking": [], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Action", "box": [ 36, 817, 81, 833 ] }, { "text": "Taken", "box": [ 87, 818, 128, 832 ] }, { "text": "or", "box": [ 133, 818, 152, 833 ] }, { "text": "Reason", "box": [ 156, 820, 207, 829 ] }, { "text": "for", "box": [ 213, 815, 238, 831 ] }, { "text": "Rejection", "box": [ 242, 818, 317, 832 ] } ], "id": 87 }, { "text": "Proposed Effective Date", "box": [ 323, 892, 512, 907 ], "linking": [ [ 88, 62 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Proposed", "box": [ 323, 892, 387, 907 ] }, { "text": "Effective", "box": [ 392, 892, 467, 906 ] }, { "text": "Date", "box": [ 473, 892, 512, 904 ] } ], "id": 88 }, { "text": "habanisy Dhes ", "box": [ 525, 899, 761, 967 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "habanisy", "box": [ 536, 900, 628, 925 ] }, { "text": "Dhes", "box": [ 638, 901, 679, 917 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 687, 899, 739, 919 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 603, 916, 640, 932 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 650, 913, 761, 933 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 525, 921, 582, 967 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 564, 933, 619, 952 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 626, 931, 662, 948 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 670, 934, 719, 950 ] } ], "id": 89 } ] }