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A. Sparrow", "box": [ 190, 108, 269, 126 ], "linking": [ [ 8, 17 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "K.", "box": [ 190, 111, 203, 126 ] }, { "text": "A.", "box": [ 203, 108, 221, 126 ] }, { "text": "Sparrow", "box": [ 221, 110, 269, 125 ] } ], "id": 17 }, { "text": "SUBMISSION DATE", "box": [ 512, 107, 655, 127 ], "linking": [ [ 18, 3 ], [ 18, 0 ], [ 18, 1 ], [ 18, 2 ] ], "label": "header", "words": [ { "text": "SUBMISSION DATE", "box": [ 512, 107, 655, 127 ] } ], "id": 18 }, { "text": "D. J. Landro", "box": [ 191, 143, 258, 161 ], "linking": [ [ 9, 19 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "D.", "box": [ 191, 144, 204, 159 ] }, { "text": "J.", "box": [ 208, 144, 219, 161 ] }, { "text": "Landro", "box": [ 217, 143, 258, 161 ] } ], "id": 19 }, { "text": "OLD GOLD MENTHOL LIGHTS & ULTRA LIGHTS 100'S PROGRESS REPORT", "box": [ 190, 209, 624, 227 ], "linking": [ [ 10, 20 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "OLD", "box": [ 190, 215, 218, 227 ] }, { "text": "GOLD", "box": [ 219, 209, 252, 224 ] }, { "text": "MENTHOL", "box": [ 251, 210, 317, 225 ] }, { "text": "LIGHTS", "box": [ 313, 209, 363, 224 ] }, { "text": "&", "box": [ 363, 210, 374, 225 ] }, { "text": "ULTRA", "box": [ 374, 211, 416, 225 ] }, { "text": "LIGHTS", "box": [ 414, 212, 464, 225 ] }, { "text": "100'S", "box": [ 465, 212, 503, 225 ] }, { "text": "PROGRESS", "box": [ 501, 213, 573, 225 ] }, { "text": "REPORT", "box": [ 573, 213, 624, 227 ] } ], "id": 20 }, { "text": "(ONLY IF PARTIAL REGION CONTINUE WITH DIVISION (S) SCOPE)", "box": [ 38, 327, 414, 346 ], "linking": [], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "(ONLY", "box": [ 38, 331, 76, 346 ] }, { "text": "IF", "box": [ 75, 331, 89, 345 ] }, { "text": "PARTIAL", "box": [ 91, 328, 143, 343 ] }, { "text": "REGION", "box": [ 142, 327, 193, 342 ] }, { "text": "CONTINUE", "box": [ 193, 328, 259, 343 ] }, { "text": "WITH", "box": [ 258, 329, 293, 344 ] }, { "text": "DIVISION", "box": [ 294, 331, 348, 342 ] }, { "text": "(S)", "box": [ 348, 331, 363, 343 ] }, { "text": "SCOPE)", "box": [ 366, 328, 414, 342 ] } ], "id": 21 }, { "text": "DIVISION NAME:", "box": [ 52, 395, 149, 415 ], "linking": [ [ 22, 25 ], [ 5, 22 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "DIVISION", "box": [ 52, 395, 109, 412 ] }, { "text": "NAME:", "box": [ 105, 395, 149, 415 ] } ], "id": 22 }, { "text": "DIVISION NAME:", "box": [ 48, 428, 151, 446 ], "linking": [ [ 23, 26 ], [ 5, 23 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "DIVISION", "box": [ 48, 428, 108, 446 ] }, { "text": "NAME:", "box": [ 107, 432, 151, 443 ] } ], "id": 23 }, { "text": "DIVISION NAME:", "box": [ 51, 462, 151, 479 ], "linking": [ [ 5, 24 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "DIVISION", "box": [ 51, 465, 109, 478 ] }, { "text": "NAME:", "box": [ 105, 462, 151, 479 ] } ], "id": 24 }, { "text": "Milw. 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