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0,"Shortly after he spoke , the first of what could become a flood of disgruntled clergy announced he was leaving the Church of England . ",0
1,"` He 's livid about Opal . "" ",2
2,"Modigliani was plagued and anxious because of the difficulty of finding models , and when one had been found he waited in a state of tension for fear of being let down . ",1
3,"Suddenly becoming aware of his blue gaze being levelled in her direction , she turned a smile into a cough , and promptly spilled coffee into the saucer . ",4
4,The bank had made no secret of their dismay over Virgin 's venture into airlines . ,1
5,A wave of cheerful elation swept over her as she separated her pound note from Yanto 's fivers . ,5
6,And then again perhaps Modigliani 's exasperation stemmed in part from envy of this brilliant young man . ,2
7,Lives Janet Barron praises the good grief of Ted Walker ,4
8,I said I thought Surkov felt resentful because the novels had n't made more money . ,2
9,"Philippa thought , perhaps this news benefits the king , but it brings sorrow for the rest of us . ",4
10,Yussuf had been quite inconsolable . ,4
11,She felt guilty when she sensed Beth 's deep sadness . ,4
12,"Only afterwards , when Tommy disappeared and Maudie seemed so heartbroken , then I began to wonder . ",4
13,Mum was so embarrassed ! ,6
14,Elaine 's voice was concerned but deep inside she hoped he would not decide to go to the party . ,1
15,Athelstan rubbed his mouth with his thumb and gazed directly at Cranston 's sorrowful face . ,4
16,"He sat looking at the fire with lowered eyelids , a contented expression on his face , looking like a big overfed cat . ",5
17,"I have been sent a Leeds United 1993-94 squad picture from the Evening Post and this now adorns my office wall , much to the amusement of my colleagues . ",5
18,Downes shook his head in stupefaction . ,3
19,I 'm really frightened . ,1
20,He gets real humiliated and has to leave . ,6
21,Wren 's grief-stricken mother gives all her daughter 's possessions to Luna . ,4
22,"You become embarrassed when people compliment you : ` Oh it was nothing really "" . ",6
23,"Just like trippers heading for the Isle of Wight , they had packed their picnic baskets and sat chatting on deck as their excited children played . ",5
24,"He 's a very contented baby , a joy to his parents and big sister , and today at nine weeks old ( 40+3 ) , he smiled at us for the first time . ",5
25,"William was inconsolable and , unable to settle at home , continued to travel extensively . ",4
26,"` Damn ! "" she muttered in exasperation . ",2
27,"Constant recounting of this tale embroidered it further , describing the woman 's horror as the head , missing the basket , gripped her apron and held on with its teeth ! ",1
28,"While he went up to the bar to order , Ellie settled back in her seat , and , with a rather sad light in her eyes , watched him . ",4
29,"Barbarossa sent a mandate requiring Milan to give up her claims , but the Milanese consuls tore up the document , and the imperial ambassador fled an enraged crowd . ",2
30,"This is a peculiarly nasty technique of persuasion , causing great psychological anguish throughout the middle ages and even today . ",4
31,"I am ecstatic about this , it is like winning my first cap not my 23rd . "" ",5
32,She had been furious when she saw my mask was wet . ,2
33,His face darkened with anger . ,2
34,"From the other end of the table Ymor watched with mild amusement , occasionally feeding one of his ravens with scraps from his plate . ",5
35,"I do n't very often feel frightened , but then I do n't often put myself in that vulnerable position . ",1
36,"` I was devastated , "" he says of missing the semi-final . ",4
37,"Not so much a merciful touch , more likely a measure to prevent suddenly terror-stricken passengers from attempting to escape into the crowd . ",1
38,"Rose stood looking down at her , a worried expression in her eyes . ",1
39,"His glance slid over to them , taking in the horrified Katarina surrounded by malicious-looking women . ",1
40,"Country folklore has it that dobies were actually the sad little GHOSTS of unwanted or plain women , who would fumble around the house trying to be useful until their spirits had been exorcised . ",4
41,"However , in 1878 , deaf education in Greenock faced a crisis because there was no-one able to continue to teach the children , and one parent was not happy about his child being taught in sign language . ",5
42,"He paused before stepping out onto the roof , a look of horror on his face . ",1
43,"Griffin Moss is a contented artist until he receives an enigmatic note from Sabine Strohem , a stranger from a South Pacific island . ",5
44,"Tero followed them at a distance , watching her new friend with sorrowful anxious eyes . ",1
45,"Creggan had never in his short life felt so desolate , and try as he did he could not rest and fall asleep . ",4
46,The Counts were well pleased at this ; but all the people of the land were sorrowful . ,4
47,"` If you do n't help me , I shall make you more miserable than you have ever been in your life . ",4
48,"Tero followed them at a distance , watching her new friend with sorrowful anxious eyes . ",4
49,"It 's been our experience that families , and particularly carers , go through great anguish , much pain and heartache associated with this process . ",4
50,"The mortified referee ordered the game to end but then was persuaded to leave while one of the linesmen took over , a spectator taking the linesman 's place . ",6
51,"A Swedish couple and a German guy sitting near me were on their feet , that sickened expression on their faces too . ",0
52,"Clive Greenacre was not only put out when his agoraphobic wife started to express her anger about his callous behaviour , but also amazed by the sexual demands she then started to make on him . ",2
53,Nicky looked crestfallen but did not dare argue with Constance when she was in this mood . ,4
54,"What had once been a largely invisible world of mental hospitals , private suffering , and professional services now appears in local communities as homelessness , strange persons in public , and bewilderment about who is responsible for whom . ",3
55,Mr Jones exploded in anger . ,2
56,"He did n't seem offended , he did n't exactly appear contrite . ",2
57,` The problems start when he becomes more excited and frisky than usual . ,5
58,"Perhaps it was something in the dowager-duchess 's voice that caused it , but Joan to her own dismay burst into tears . ",1
59,You may imagine the anguish of the people as this was going on . ,4
60,One could get terribly ecstatic but that would be a dangerous thing to do . ,5
61,Her face lit up with a delighted smile as she gazed at an abandoned plate of half-eaten sandwiches on a nearby table . ,5
62,The virtual outlawing of the use of ECT in some States in the USA has deprived suicidal depressed patients of an extremely effective and sometimes life-saving treatment . ,4
63,Every day they became more miserable . ,4
64,"It joined me for the rest of the holiday , much to the annoyance of my fellow passengers . ",2
65,"To her own mild astonishment she murmured , ` I 'll try . "" ",3
66,"Yesterday the heartbroken teenager , who was on the verge of trials with the Royal Ballet , said : ` In just one second , my life has been wrecked . ",4
67,Hank was thoroughly disquieted . ,1
68,What this implies and should express is the field-worker 's moral commitment to his foreign hosts ; this can be the source of much personal anguish and heart-searching . ,4
69,"A depressed person may cry a great deal , show self-pity and lack of interest in the outside world and have no enjoyment of everyday life , even food . ",4
70,"His eyes narrowed , and she felt a flicker of annoyance , this time aimed at herself . ",2
71,Mixed with his revulsion was also a tiny feeling of excitement . ,0
72,"` She 's just dying of embarrassment . "" ",6
73,I got more and more depressed . ,4
74,He dipped the cotton wool in the water and dabbed at the livid puffy eyes . ,2
75,But experts at the Coney Hill Psychiatric Hospital are alarmed . ,1
76,The law said nothing about duels between species which were not considered to be human -- although that did not prevent an offended party from seeking recourse . ,2
77,"Joseph hung back walking slowly as the others moved on again , and his mother , noticing his discomfited expression , waited for him at the side of the track . ",6
78,When Allen at last found a crevice secure enough to trust to he looked over to find that he was peering into the little courtyard onto the rain-wet backs of the dejected horses . ,4
79,"It was less that I was too proud , more that I was too embarrassed . ",6
80,The anger and astonishment in her face gave way to something very like pity . ,3
81,"Floy and Snodgrass , unable to look away , were sickened and awed . ",0
82,"Her lovely face reflecting her complete and utter bewilderment , she queried slowly , ` Why on earth would I want to claim kinship ? "" ",3
83,There was widespread disquiet in the media and elsewhere . ,1
84,"But freer travel to the West , which is one of the benefits Bonn extracted , also increased disgruntlement with things at home . ",0
85,Quite a few of my classmates had done their speeches and I was getting really nervous as the day for my turn drew closer and closer . ,1
86,"The lugubrious publican had seen it as his job to repel strangers and had employed to that end an impressive armoury of taciturnity , malevolent glances , warm beer and poor service . ",4
87,THE Government 's cash-before-care NHS shake-up has come under fire -- from sickened hospital managers . ,0
88,"Unfortunately , anxious and stressed people become acutely sensitive to such fluctuations making them worse by their own concern . ",1
89,"` Did n't seem too pleased about something . "" ",5
90,"She was interrupted by another hoarse , gleeful chuckle . ",5
91,D.H. And no criticism of the drugs or medical regime because they 're too frightened . ,1
92,As I set off I had a fleeting glimpse of the leer of pure delight on Simkin 's face . ,5
93,"Yet she suffered his grief with him , wanting to share his sorrow , hoping that she could alleviate some of his pain . ",4
94,"The other side of the story is the pain felt by women when their children suffer , and their bewilderment when that suffering is self-inflicted . ",3
95,Her own intense excitement had given way to a hollow feeling in her stomach and she had been quite unable to eat for several days . ,5
96,"Alexei 's expression was anguished , and it was clear that he wished himself elsewhere . ",4
97,"His tone became more confident , slightly indignant . ",2
98,She says we 're happy to be in England but we are sad for our relatives . ,4
99,"It was performance that drew applause from a press corps relieved to be approaching the end of at least the first election campaign this year , and brought smiles to previously glum ministerial faces . ",4
100,"I felt quite depressed about it . "" ",4
101,He said : ` Community anger is running high . ,2
102,She looked into his eyes and saw terrible pain and inconsolable grief . ,4
103,"The rest simply stood in a state of considerable bewilderment , trying to ensure that they had not only accurately recorded but also understood what Woolton had said . ",3
104,Most Germans looked on stunned as the results from the two state elections on 5 April flashed across their television screens . ,3
105,"Charlotte made to reply , but suddenly felt exasperated and wearied by the hoops she had been obliged to jump through . ",2
106,"As he was rushed to hospital , his devastated daughter Suzanne went ahead with the service -- not knowing if he would live or die . ",4
107,"He was a plodding lugubrious fellow , and we were delighted with his Wodehousian name . ",4
108,Their findings indicate measurable differences between normal and depressed women . ,4
109,Rebecque could not hide his astonishment . ,3
110,"A small sad smile pulling at her mouth , convinced that it would say thank you and goodbye , she took a deep breath , and began to read . ",4
111,But the sense of elation was short-lived . ,5
112,His two thumbs rotated about one another as they always did when he was agitated and looking for a way to strike . ,1
113,"To misquote you : he is itinerant because he is miserable . "" ",4
114,A grief-stricken Mr Ellis said yesterday : ` It 's a nightmare . ,4
115,Tremayne was pink with gratification . ,5
116,"SHE was once considered one of the world 's most beautiful women , but yesterday every line etched on Britt Ekland 's face told a story of personal anguish . ",4
117,"His head , craning neck ; one moment high , straining to the ceiling ; then , a sigh , utter dejection , dropped down between his knees , his forehead pressed to the floor . ",4
118,ON a day which saw a host of prophets confounded -- and a month of near despair for many Conservative loyalists -- the reputation of one sage is intact . ,4
119,"Modigliani felt the pain of these visits more than any of them , and was horrified to see his old friend in dingy and sinister surroundings , humiliated and frightened . ",6
120,"Julia 's questions about the line the defence lawyers were taking were as acute as anything she had ever asked David , and they filled him with relieved delight . ",5
121,"Afterwards , he was quietly ecstatic . ",5
122,"In her ` Daughter of Evil "" ( McShane , 1980 ) she stresses her own lifelong affection for her mother and her stunned reaction at being convicted and sentenced . ",3
123,"Most will privately confess to an initial sense of utter bewilderment , but necessity will drive them to adapt to their new way of life . ",3
124,In March they were received as World Champions by an ecstatic crowd after winning the Cricket World Cup for the first time . ,5
125,"When he came to the part about the clip he glanced up , and she saw the flare of excitement in his silvery-green eyes before they dropped once again to the page . ",5
126,The organisation is glum about the social consequences for Europe . ,4
127,"He wandered around in a state of utter dejection , belonging nowhere . ",4
128,"` Let me in for I am cold and desolate and hungry . "" ",4
129,"The session had ended with the seven of them grinning broadly , their earlier mood of despondency cast aside , their sense of unity rebuilt . ",4
130,"Edouard looked at him , and felt a sickening dismay . ",1
131,"In a minute Sir Wilfrid returned , looking very excited . ",5
132,Guy Sterne was having great difficulty in controlling his amusement . ,5
133,"When she still looked bewildered he said more harshly , ` I 'll take the heat off if you 'll show some appreciation . "" ",3
134,"But Kirkwood , who was a particularly dejected figure after Monday 's decisive 1-0 defeat by Canada , injected some pride back into Irish ranks in the dying seconds when he flicked home the winner . ",4
135,"With a last , quizzical look at her slightly stunned expression , he waited for Mike to join him , then both men walked out of the suite , leaving her alone with Ace . ",3
136,Guy 's mouth kicked up at one corner in a wryly amused smile . ,5
137,A helpline has been set up for anxious parents . ,1
138,Sven Hjerson 's lugubrious face lit up in a brief smile . ,4
139,That morning I was so ecstatic about my triumph in seducing the dog-owner 's daughter that I 'd completely forgotten about Jamila 's big decision . ,5
140,"The ready availability of a screening questionnaire that mothers at risk can complete under supervision in a few minutes is potentially useful , but only if health workers and others can rise to the needs of depressed mothers . ",4
141,Benjamin nodded and stared where an ostler was trying to calm an excited horse . ,5
142,"Lucy felt slightly bewildered , but hid the fact as she turned to Stella . ",3
143,Sam was thoroughly disgruntled because the boy from the bistro had failed to appear . ,0
144,Yet they were not downhearted . ,4
145,"` Robots , "" he said , ` gave me a means of venting my anger , "" a remark whose logic baffled me until I read another ` Logic alone can not explain this . "" ",2
146,The army had n't been too pleased about that little episode either . ,5
147,"` Can I help you ? "" she asked , trying not to let him see the amusement in her blue eyes . ",5
148,"They played throughout the second half in peeved mood , allowing Blackburn to assume the dictating role with Gordon Cowans prompting from midfield and Speedie in predatory form up front . ",2
149,"` Was it sad because its mummy was nasty to it ? "" he said . ",4
150,"On one of our visits we found a representative of the Occidental Oil Company stranded there , looking most miserable and bedraggled in the morass of mud and pouring rain . ",4
151,""" A little offended , Bagshot put the key in the lock and opened the door . ",2
152,"The poor frightened girl packed her things and ran out , saying she was going to Reno for a divorce . ",1
153,"A group of thirty or forty downcast men stood apart in the canter of thin ring , their heads and arms hanging slack in attitudes of despair . ",4
154,"He looked at the children , at Nick 's horrified face , and then at Auntie Lou . ",1
155,"Meanwhile the dejected opposition leader , John Hewson , reacted to his crushing defeat yesterday by abandoning key policies which he had trumpeted as essential for Australia . ",4
156,"At first I could not understand -- but then when she had , whispering , explained properly , I was filled with a desolate , despairing horror . ",4
157,"` I made the camp , "" grumbled Henry , rather like a sad child . ",4
158,Accountants inevitably greeted the court 's finding with some disquiet . ,1
159,Doctor McCann turned an exasperated face away and addressed himself to Peg . ,2
160,Lord Beddington was somewhat disgruntled . ,0
161,She looked up at Phoebe with an anguished expression that was nearly honest repentance . ,4
162,Her Mum smiled at the woebegone face . ,4
163,` His gratification was almost unbounded when on arriving at the Belts of the Murray he found not only numerous new Species but new forms of Birds . ,5
164,The man turned round and looked at Robyn with startled eyes . ,3
165,My hand caresses the surging wind ; I am deeper drowned in sorrow . ,4
166,"The fellow , sighing dramatically , rose wearily from his chair like an exasperated parent dealing with two naughty children . ",2
167,To my great annoyance I found myself jealous . ,2
168,Within moments the bewildered assistant cooks had tied the ropes to the cauldron and suspended the boiling mass over a forked spit rest . ,3
169,I am not downhearted . ,4
170,There was really no reason why Star should be cross . ,2
171,How does it make someone like a woman who has just had an abortion feel having to go to a lavatory to express her grief in tears ? ,4
172,"Lucy felt startled , but forced herself to remain calm . ",3
173,"He smiled a little , without altering the sad expression . ",4
174,"A sad old woman rose from her chair , as from a dais , to take their coats and hang them on a row of hooks nailed against a wall . ",4
175,"In the end he had little real choice but to join in and , if not exactly enjoy it , at least to take comfort in her gratification . ",5
176,"At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap . ",2
177,"Indenbaum knew how badly Modigliani needed money so he tried to offer him a sum within his means for the beautiful oil , but Modigliani was offended and obliged Indenbaum to accept the portrait as a present . ",2
178,But Miss Van Cheele was terribly sad about Gabriel-Ernest . ,4
179,The most beautiful part of the ceremony was the delight on Todd 's face as he was wheeled close to the altar to receive the Eucharist with his arms outstretched . ,5
180,"Flaps are described in detail for the many pilots who do not fully understand how to make the best use of them , and who may be nervous about their first flights in a flapped machine . ",1
181,"They were very quiet and sad at first , because I would be leaving them , but I promised I would never forget them and would often return to visit them . ",4
182,Mitchum was furious when he heard that . ,2
183,Aggie looked horrified as she caught sight of the horse dung on his hobnailed boots . ,1
184,"She was greeted with a sympathetic , and rather amused smile . ",5
185,"Pitching my voice to a tone of mild puzzlement , I called , ` What 's a rattlesnake doing up here ? "" ",3
186,"There were amused smiles , but they did not know at all why Alain had done that . ",5
187,"When I glanced back as I opened the gate , they were standing still , in a discomfited little group : they had not meant , I suppose , to hurt the child . ",6
188,"There was one teacher who used to get so mad that she would throw slates around , with the whole class ducking out of the way . ",2
189,I remembered that Tansy had said something about a pendant and Topaz being quite excited about it . ,5
190,"The mortified referee ordered the game to end but then was persuaded to leave while one of the linesmen took over , a spectator taking the linesman 's place . ",6
191,"Lucien made a small , indignant sound , his arms flailing before he recovered his poise . ",2
192,"She started like a frightened cat , and looked up at him wide-eyed . ",1
193,The nurse sent to accompany Leslie tried hard to melt into the background as the overjoyed family spent several hours opening presents under the tree . ,5
194,In Oviedo an infuriated mob was only prevented from lynching the distinguished poet Melndez Valds by the appearance of priests with the exposed host . ,2
195,"Then there was the American sprinter Jesse Owens , who swept to victory in the Berlin Olympic Games of 1936 , much to the disgruntlement of Hitler . ",0
196,"Moreover , now that she had achieved the heart 's desire for which she had turned on her shameless , neurotic display , she had become dejected , and walked along meekly , head and tail hanging . ",4
197,"Claudia , frowning , turned to gaze at him in total puzzlement . ",3
198,"Her expression became dreamy , ecstatic . ",5
199,"He glanced up , saw Auguste 's anguished eyes , and thought he understood . ",4
200,"Perhaps the mural makes it new , so shamelessly bright upon the wall like something spilt , and the restless assortment of weekend patrons who watch the stage with agitated and expectant eyes . ",1
201,But she was torn by her daughter 's despair . ,4
202,Market Report : Interest rate fears spread despondency ,4
203,He looked so crestfallen Preston felt sorry for him . ,4
204,"Heartbroken , Maria had to return to the convent and remain a nun for the rest of her life . ",4
205,"Bill 'll be so thrilled ! "" ",5
206,Words bubbled in Jay 's mind with an absurdly happy smile . ,5
207,"Since last May many of these same passers-by have come face to face on their TV screens with the agony , desolation and despair of the people of Ethiopia and the Sudan . ",4
208,"Psalm 13 put her own question well &mdash'How; long shall l take counsel in my soul , having sorrow in my heart daily ? ",4
209,"Kevin Keegan , the Newcastle manager , was not downhearted , even though the result leaves his side deep in relegation trouble . ",4
210,"He must be miserable . "" ",4
211,"I do n't care if you 're offended , that 's the truth . "" ",2
212,Erika stamped her foot in vexation . ,2
213,At last he turned to her and he could not have failed to see the anguish in her eyes . ,4
214,"` I am heartbroken because football has been my whole life . "" ",4
215,And now she could see the puzzlement on everyone 's face . ,3
216,"Sitting in front of the looking glass , making up her face , she hoped that Anthony was all right and not quite as heartbroken as Julia seemed to think he was . ",4
217,"Julie 's devastated husband Tim , 32 , was last night preparing to fly from their home in Northampton to identify his wife 's body . ",4
218,"Yeah , but she 's a bit despondent now is n't she , really ? ",4
219,"Audiences were thrilled , box office cash registers jingled and careers were made . ",5
220,"LIVID Mia Farrow beat her adopted daughter Soon-Yi with a chair after finding out about her affair with Woody Allen , it was claimed yesterday . ",2
221,"In 1989 he began libel proceedings in the UK against the Singapore government after the Privy Council had expressed "" deep disquiet "" over his treatment by the government [ see p. 37574 ] . ",1
222,Alexandra grew even crosser as it became obvious that Matthew had been invited in his own right . ,2
223,His poor scrawny hands grip the arms of a wheelchair pushed by his adoring wife with the now familiar expression of a too-bright smile and devastated eyes . ,4
224, I 'll have the use of a locker at the airport she trailed off with a despondent sigh . ,4
225,And Glenn Close 's stubborn and pain-ridden performance as Sunny makes you sad for her and hate her at the same time . ,4
226,She squinted in bewilderment at the ten or so boarders who had formed her little band of helpers . ,3
227,"With a disconsolate sigh she stood up , slipped off the towelling robe and threw it over a chair . ",4
228,Someone must have buried them when they were too frightened to hand them in to the police station . ,1
229,"Heartbroken Tim Godwin weeps as he tells how he had to tell his 23-month-old daughter Sophie : ` Mummy is n't coming back "" . ",4
230,"According to Sheila , Caan was enraged and charged at her . ",2
231,Lucy sent him a resentful glance while adding an explanation for her presence . ,2
232,I noticed with amusement that the tapestries hanging there illustrated the seven deadly sins . ,5
233,Lady Cross 's family was too grief-stricken to attend the trial . ,4
234,"` I do n't ask about your private affairs , now do I ? "" he said , in a mildly affronted tone . ",2
235,He looked around at their delighted faces and began to feel embarrassed . ,5
236,I would n't say she gives me an ecstatic welcome . ,5
237,"She felt sickened and saddened beyond words and , for the first time , she wished that this thing had not happened to her . ",0
238,"The boss sounded agitated when I spoke to him over the phone . "" ",1
239,There were dry gingers and tonics prepared for the whiskies and gins which everyone hoped would drown the star 's sorrows . ,4
240,"Sandra Cooper , 33 , midwife and founder of the Darlington Miscarriage Association , said : Women who have had a miscarriage experience grief but they have no record of their unborn child . ",4
241,"Elizabeth cast one happy glance at the dawning delight on the other two faces , and continued with the joyful work . ",5
242,` After each Test there was never any great sense of elation but rather that a step towards the ultimate goal was taken . ,5
243,"I felt so desolate , and so angry . "" ",4
244,"Doubtless in later years she would be glad of that , but for now she was too embarrassed to care . ",6
245,She felt rather riled . ,2
246,"` You will not regret it , "" the cardinal told her , observing the prince 's elation and guessing its cause . ",5
247,"` I do n't seem to be getting anywhere with this damn machine , "" he said with exasperation . ",2
248,It was Blackberry who bullied the stupefied Pipkin to his feet and forced him to limp the few yards to the gravel spit . ,3
249,I 'm very miserable . ,4
250,"A surge of elation rushed through his body as he read the note for the third time , unable to believe the implications of what he was reading . ",5
251,"And then of course , silly girl , she went and told him -- he was so livid he would n't have nothing more to do with her . "" ",2
252,He turned and saw the waiter bearing down on him with an anxious look on his face . ,1
253,"A delighted , if somewhat bewildered smile tugging at her own mouth , her eyes alight with laughter , she watched him melt into the crowds . ",3
254,She was absolutely livid . ,2
255,That concern turned to heartbreak when they heard of his mother 's grim fate . ,4
256,I saw the frightened horses on the edge of a steep drop . ,1
257,"Barely registering Gwen 's horrified face , she turned and whirled out , crashing the back door against the wall so hard that the echoes seemed to follow her fleeing figure . ",1
258,"The Irish President , Mary Robinson , had earlier said she shared the sorrow and anguish of the people of her country . ",4
259,The guard stiffened in anger . ,2
260,"As she turned to walk on she shivered , affected by a chilliness that seemed to be an expression of her revulsion . ",0
261,You ca n't get very excited when she brings home half-price loo rolls and stale cough sweets . ,5
262,"His granddaughter 's anger , so like his own , took some of the sting out of Ballater 's wrath . ",2
263,"` I mean , look at this one , "" said the interviewer , becoming quite indignant and picking one of the schools ' letters contemptuously from the pile . ",2
264," What in the world ? began Rose , feeling quite bewildered as he let out an amused laugh . ",3
265,"As he told Barbara afterwards , he had never felt more depressed . ",4
266,"` When we came to tell you that the service was postponed you were in a very agitated state -- but then it was difficult to persuade you to leave off playing . "" ",1
267,"` It 's stuck ! "" she cried in dismay . ",1
268,My anguish must have shown in my face and in my voice . ,4
269,"Despite moments of despondency , de Gaulle himself certainly did not give up hope . ",4
270,And found to his annoyance that he was grinding his teeth . ,2
271,"Plummer wanted to know , a note of exasperation in his voice . ",2
272,His comments are a major diplomatic gaffe as the CRC has supported the region in its disquiet over the CRE 's decision to begin an investigation . ,1
273,I have received no representations on that matter and I am not aware of any disquiet among the groups that the hon. Gentleman described . ,1
274,He felt a wave of exasperation rise within him . ,2
275,It was a revelation after the pain of trotting and Nails was cross when Nutty brought it to an end . ,2
276,The Doctor looked offended . ,2
277,"He says that Childine must survive because it has proved itself a lifeline for thousands of frightened , lonely and distressed children . ",1
278,"At which point , according to my informant , everyone looked absolutely horrified and said : ` Oh no , Prime Minister ! ",1
279,The woman was not affronted . ,2
280,"Of course , it entails extra work , but there is a sense of excitement and children like dressing up . ",5
281,"Mr McWhinney ( 55 ) , of Drumhark Road , Comber , died instantly when his single-engined Pulsar plunged to the ground in front of horrified spectators . ",1
282,"IMPRESSED just this side of awe as I am by the Department of Transport and its fearless tackling of such problems as juggernaut lorries and EEC regulations , I must nevertheless confess some disquiet about a recent plan . ",1
283,"Gleeful opposition leaders and Tory Euro-sceptics said the Government 's handling of Maastricht had descended into ` shambles "" . ",5
284, Do n't be cross ! ,2
285,"As a toddler she filled in concentric circles provided for her amusement by her father 's youngest brother , young enough to be her own big brother . ",5
286,From the despair in the parson 's eyes the doctor saw that this remedy had already been tried to no avail . ,4
287,Successive state elections have seen the governing parties pummelled by a dismayed electorate . ,1
288,Tzann clucked his tongue with mild exasperation . ,2
289,"Far from experiencing simple gratitude , such children will most likely feel terribly torn and anxious when faced with their foster parents ' offer of affection . ",1
290,"The children were watching TV peacefully , but Annie saw her as she bobbed her head around the door , gave a pleased gurgle and started to scramble down . ",5
291,Rex watched in horror as the black claw tore Bill 's left arm from its socket and flung it far up the street . ,1
292, I 'm delighted about that . ,5
293,I 'm not surprised he 's feeling peeved . ,2
294,"The repeal movement 's national leadership , alarmed about Hopkins ' activities , wrote warning her against any collusion with the enemy . "" ",1
295,A lot of the time you just shoot because you 're caught up in something then you see it published and you 're a bit embarrassed because in your heart you know what it was . ,6
296,"Aston Villa are having a great run , but they hold no particular horrors for the Norwich players . ",1
297,"` All her colleagues are devastated , she was a popular wee girl . "" ",4
298,The Doctor looked horrified . ,1
299,"Bathsheba was watching his expression closely , and she had never been more miserable . ",4
300,"Accordingly , I wrote to my parents and , having pretended for years that I was relatively happy at school , I now confessed that I was utterly miserable , and begged them to take me away . ",4
301,"The highlight of the whole tournament -- almost irrespective of their performance on the field -- will be SOUTH AFRICA 's emergence from the woods , a coming in from the cold which is generating a great excitement . ",5
302,"` In fact , "" said Helen , ` I 'm not feeling particularly glum about all this . ",4
303,Almost every month it seems as though some sad parent on the local news is bemoaning the loss of their teenager who died in this way . ,4
304,"Jose , the refuge guardian , was concerned when Jeremy did n't return to Elola on the evening of Sunday , October 21 -- he had left his camping gear behind in the hut . ",1
305,"` Give over , will yer , "" pleaded the disconsolate convener , slapping jam on his butty . ",4
306,"Zen preferred to think that some alert recruiting officer somewhere , realizing the appalling threat a disgruntled Gilberto would pose outside the law , had bent the rules to let him in . ",0
307,"IN East Germany two men , formerly regarded as untouchable pillars of the old regime , have , rightly or wrongly , become the focus of over-zealous and sometimes bizarre persecution by the legal authorities and an indignant public . ",2
308,"This last may be a source of considerable disquiet and one might not at first see how such obviously ` immoral "" content could be defended as part of a system of morality . ",1
309,"Indignant over suggestions that the Prime Minister has replaced his Jaguar with a Rover , Nigel Lawson can at least draw comfort from the fact that he is a wanted man in the City . ",2
310,Clare was devastated and swore that she would never go back to school again . ,4
311,"Typically , Gould 's infrequent letters home detailed only his ornithological exploits , much to the dismay of the household , who were desperate to hear news of a more personal nature . ",1
312,"A RUSTY old gasometer which fed-up local residents want demolished because ` it 's a blot on the landscape "" has been compared to some of Italy 's most beautiful buildings . ",0
313,"THE Italian writer Primo Levi died on 11 April 1987 , to the dismay of his readers . ",1
314,He saw the look of horror on my face . ,1
315,"The reporter , treading delicately , had asked if it was a great sorrow to her when she and Walter separated . ",4
316,We finally realised that we could avoid even that embarrassment by giving ourselves breathing space . ,6
317,"Joseph , unable to follow the French , waited in anguish , not knowing what was being said . ",4
318,"He sifted , somewhat peeved , through the remaining unopened mail . ",2