--- annotations_creators: - expert-generated language_creators: - crowdsourced languages: - en - es - fr - ht - ur licenses: - unknown multilinguality: - multilingual size_categories: - 10K *message: English text of actual messages related to disaster
*original: Text of column 3 in native language as originally written
*genre: Type of message, including direct messages, social posting, and news stories or bulletins
*related: Is the message disaster related? 1= yes, 0=no, 2=maybe
*PII: Does the message contain PII? 1= yes, 0=no
*request: Does the message contain a request? 1= yes, 0=no
*offer: Does the message contain an offer? 1= yes, 0=no
*aid_related: Is the message aid related? 1= yes, 0=no
*medical_help: Does the message concern medical help? 1= yes, 0=no
*medical_products: Does the message concern medical products? 1= yes, 0=no
*search_and_rescue: Does the message concern search and rescue? 1= yes, 0=no
*security: Does the message concern security? 1= yes, 0=no
*military: Does the message concern military? 1= yes, 0=no
*child_alone: Does the message mention a child alone? 1= yes, 0=no
*water: Does the message concern water? 1= yes, 0=no
*food: Does the message concern food? 1= yes, 0=no
*shelter: Does the message concern shelter? 1= yes, 0=no
*clothing: Does the message concern clothing? 1= yes, 0=no
*money: Does the message concern money? 1= yes, 0=no
*missing_people: Does the message indicate missing people? 1= yes, 0=no
*refugees: Does the message concern refugess? 1= yes, 0=no
*death: Does the message imply death? 1= yes, 0=no
*other_aid: Is there any other aid needed? 1=yes, 0=no
*infrastructure_related: Does the message concern infrastructure? 1= yes, 0=no
*transport: Does the message concern transport? 1= yes, 0=no
*buildings: Does the message concern buildings? 1= yes, 0=no
*electricity: Does the message concern electricity? 1= yes, 0=no
*tools: Does the message concern tools? 1= yes, 0=no
*hospitals: Does the message concern clothing? 1= yes, 0=no
*shops: Does the message concern clothing? 1= yes, 0=no
*aid_centers:Does the message concern clothing? 1= yes, 0=no
*other_infrastructure:Does the message concern clothing? 1= yes, 0=no
*weather_related: Does the message concern weather? 1= yes, 0=no
*floods: Does the message indicate there was a flood? 1= yes, 0=no
*storm: Does the message indicate there was a storm? 1= yes, 0=no
*fire: Does the message indicate there was a fire? 1= yes, 0=no
*earthquake: Does the message indicate there was an earthquake? 1= yes, 0=no
*cold: Does the message indicate there was a cold? 1= yes, 0=no
*other_weather: Does the message indicate there was other weather issues? 1= yes, 0=no
*direct_report: Does the show a direct report? 1= yes, 0=no ### Data Splits |train|test |validation| |:----:|:-----------:|:----:| |21046|2629|2573| ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale The dataset was built to understand about the sentiments of the citizens and also more about want was the emergency about and what kind of help they were seeking ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization [More Information Needed] #### Who are the source language producers? [More Information Needed] ### Annotations #### Annotation process [More Information Needed] #### Who are the annotators? [More Information Needed] ### Personal and Sensitive Information [More Information Needed] ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset The dataset has a great usecase of understand more about the sentiments of the citizens around the globe during a disaster and how their responses are. Also, it helps the government to understand their citizens better and would eventually help to draft better policies accordingly. ### Discussion of Biases The messages since have been translated in English may not be able to judically imply the exact significance of the individual when they would have posted the message ### Other Known Limitations [More Information Needed] ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators The dataset was initially created by [Appen](https://appen.com/) ### Licensing Information [More Information Needed] ### Citation Information [Multilingual Disaster Response Messages](https://appen.com/datasets/combined-disaster-response-data/) ### Contributions Thanks to [@darshan-gandhi](https://github.com/darshan-gandhi) for adding this dataset.