,text,target 0,"This includes establishing the investment objectives, strategy and benchmarks, the permitted types or categories of investments, the markets in which transactions may be undertaken, the level of permitted gearing and borrowings, the amount or proportion of the assets that may be invested in any category of investment or in any one investment, and the Company’s treasury and share buyback policies.",none 1,"Australia reaffirms its target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 2,"Minister of the Interior and Safety attends the Breakout Session of the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit - All 243 local governments nationwide announce the ‘2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration’ for the first time in the world - Minister of the Interior and Safety Jeon Hae-cheol attends the Green Future Session themed ‘Action of Local Governments towards Carbon Neutrality*’ of the 2021 P4G** Seoul Summit on May 24 (Mon) at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul, Korea. * Carbon neutrality: achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by having a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon emissions ** Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G): a global platform, joined by government agencies, businesses and civil society, that aims to respond to climate change and achieve sustainable development goals as a converged organization in the 21st century As the first Breakout Session to be held during the Green Future Week* in the lead up to the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit on May 30-31, the event is designed to discuss the roles and action plan for achieving global carbon neutrality, centering on local governments that are the key players of carbon neutrality. * Green Future Week (May 24-29): 10 Green Future Sessions on carbon neutrality of local governments, Green New Deal, green technology, forests, etc. Representatives of local governments, businesses, civil society and international organizations from around the globe will seek actions of local governments at home and abroad to achieve carbon neutrality and present better alternatives to build back better and greener. 【Key Participants】 ▸ Opening Ceremony: Jeon Hae-cheol (Minister of the Interior and Safety), Han Jeoung-ae (Minister of Environment), Ban Ki-moon (President of the Assembly and Chair of the Council of the Global Green Growth Institute), Kate Raworth (Co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab) ▸ Domestic presenters & panelists: Chung Eui-sun (Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group), Kwon Young-jin (Mayor of Daegu & Metropolitan Government Representative of the Local Governments’ Action Alliance for Carbon-Neutrality), Song Ha-jin (Governor of Jeollabuk-do & President of Governors Association of Korea), Won Hee-ryong (Governor of Jeju Island), Hwang Myeong-seon (Mayor of Nonsan & President of National Association of Mayors), etc. ▸ Overseas presenters & panelists: Secretary General of ICLEI*, Mayor of Bonn, Germany, Mayor of Aarhus, Denmark, Mayor of Medellin, Colombia, Mayor of Kochi, India, Deputy Mayor of Malmö, Sweden, Director of Green Climate Fund, etc. * Local Government for Sustainability, ICLEI: a global network of more than 2,500 local and regional governments in 125 countries committed to addressing climate change and achieving sustainable development In order to tackle climate change, 226 Korean local governments recognized the state of climate emergency and adopted the Declaration of Climate Emergency in June last year to urge the national government and the National Assembly to declare their commitment to carbon neutrality. In July, 81 sub-national governments announced the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration and launched the Korean Local Governments’ Action Alliance for Carbon-Neutrality with an aim to bolster local governments’ leading role and spread the momentum of carbon neutrality and climate change action through collaboration. And, on the occasion of the P4G Seoul Summit, all 243 local governments will announce the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration for the first time in the world. With the joint declaration, all local governments of Korea will join hands to take a pivotal role in achieving carbon neutrality and addressing climate change. Minister Jeon Hae-cheol stressed that “Through participation and cooperation of local governments and residents, inclusive green recovery and sustainable economic innovation can be achieved at the same time, while realizing the vision for carbon neutrality.” “The Ministry of the Interior and Safety will give full support to explore and carry out innovative projects for promoting sustainable development and carbon neutrality in local governments,” he added. ",net-zero 3,This TransformTO Net Zero Strategy (“the Strategy”) responds to the climate emergency by focusing on a new target of net zero GHG emissions community-wide by 2040. ,net-zero 4,These factors impact the economic and social system as well as the relative insurance needs.,none 5,"With goals to reduce 25% of overall energy consumption and to increase the portion of city-wide electricity generated by renewable energy sources to 100% by 2050, the City of Orlando continues exploring opportunities to encourage more implementation of low-cost, renewable energy generation solutions. Given Orlando’s climate and geographic location, there are tremendous economic opportunities and benefits for the city to become a leader in solar energy generation and consumption, as well as to position itself as a hub for clean technology industries and green jobs. In addition to economic benefits and job creation, Orlando’s transition to more energy-efficient and clean, renewable energy resources will also help minimize direct and indirect environmental impacts, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It will also help Orlando progress towards its goal of reducing GHG emissions by 90% from 2007 levels by 2040. In May 2017, Mayor Dyer joined the Sierra Club’s Mayors for 100% Clean Energy Initiative and expressed his support for transitioning the City of Orlando to 100% clean and renewable energy by 2050 citywide. In addition, Mayor Dyer also signed the Under 2 MOU, a United Nations COP 21 commitment, to reduce GHG emissions toward net-zero by 2050 and implement strategies to mitigate a two-degree Celsius rise in global temperature from pre-industrial levels. This commitment aligns with Orlando’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement for Cities (to reduce GHG emissions 80% by 2050), as well as the city’s already aggressive GHG emissions reduction goal and strategies for 2040.",reduction 6,"""Goal: 30% Reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2026 against a 2019 baseline."" ""*L3Harris leveraged the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) tool to calculate our GHG reduction target."" ""With respect to our impact on climate change, in 2020 L3Harris’ long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals were announced"" - FY 2021 CDP submission",reduction 7,"2030: 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 2050: no less than 85% below 1990 levels",reduction 8,"‘到2060年,... 碳中和目标顺利实现‘ By 2060, ... the goal of carbon neutrality will be achieved",net-zero 9,"Normally, the launch of landed real estate projects corresponds with demand in the market, which fluctuates at a similar rate in each year, whereas the launch of new condominiums usually fluctuates in line with the economic situation or factors that affect the consumer confidence, such as political situation.",none 10,shall strive to achieve a carbon neutral economy no later than 2045,net-zero 11,"""New York City is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, and will do so in a just and equitable way. By 2050, New York City will have net-zero GHG emissions citywide.""",net-zero 12,"As mentioned above, potential investments with a higher level of perceived ESG risk are elevated to our ESG Review Committee, which provides a recommendation as to whether the firm can proceed with an investment or not.",none 13,"'Meeting this target would put Montréal on the path to carbon neutrality by 2050, a necessary objective to limit global warming to 1.5 °C' (p7)",net-zero 14,Liquidity assessments are also part of the Bank’s EWST program.,none 15,"Business as usual scenario is based on a projection starting in year 2000. A 34% GHG emission reduction versus business as usual levels has already been achieved by 2020 using this model.",reduction 16,"""Reduce our absolute greenhouse gas Scope 1 and 2 emissions by one-third by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050""",reduction 17,"Damage to the properties and operations of borrowers could impair asset values and the creditworthiness of customers leading to increased default rates, delinquencies, write-offs and impairment charges in the Barclays Bank Group’s portfolios.",none 18,"Recognizing the work ahead, in 2021, CIBC announced a Climate Transition Plan that included a net-zero ambition for our operational and financing activities by 2050.",net-zero 19,Spätestens bis zum Jahr 2050 soll Bayern klimaneutral sein.,net-zero 20,"Deere has validated Science Based Targets to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by an additional 50 percent by 2030, with fiscal year 2021 serving as the baseline. We’ll aim to accomplish this through efficiency gains in operations and facilities processes, and by leveraging renewable electricity and fuels... 30% reduction in upstream and downstream CO2-e emissions (scope 3) by 2030.",reduction 21,"- Reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2010) - Achieve carbon neutrality at business sites (factories and offices) by fiscal 2030",reduction 22,"The unconditional GHG emissions reduction target for 2030 is 12.8% compared to 2014. Comparing to the initial NDC which was submitted in 2015, the revised NDC increases emission reduction goals for 50 percent till 2030, with the focus on key country sectors: power, district heating, buildings, Industry, transport, forestry, agriculture, waste.",reduction 23,Consideration of individual performance The Committee considered performance assessments for the Executive Directors and concluded that the formulaic outcome of the STI was appropriate in the context of their personal contribution over the performance period.,none 24,Synopsys Sets 25% Emissions Reduction Target and Attains 2020 Carbon Neutrality,net-zero 25,"Transition risks refer to changes, for example, in regulation, technology and consumer behaviour that the transition to a lower-carbon economy entails.",none 26,"Beiersdorf production sites should reach net zero sooner, by 2030. . As part of the UNCCC they also signed a voluntary agreement to achieve net zero 2050 latest. ",net-zero 27,"Nonetheless, in this less favourable environment, the growth figures of the main international economies are reasonably good.",none 28,"'By 2035, we will reduce our US carbon emissions by 40% and by 2030 we aspire to achieve net zero carbon emissions' (p11)",net-zero 29,CANADIAN UTILITIES: WHAT SETS US APART TRACK RECORD OF DIVIDEND GROWTH,none 30, 50% reduction by 2030.,reduction 31,"Additionally, one-on-one sessions with the Committee Chairs are conducted on an ad hoc basis.",none 32,". Climate Positive 2040 highlights the transformational changes needed for Salt Lake City to reach long-term climate and energy goals. Salt Lake City is prioritizing a near-term transition to clean, renewable energy to remove carbon pollution from electricity generation that makes up over half of the community carbon footprint.",net-zero 33,"Mastercard is furthering its commitment to create a more sustainable and inclusive digital economy, with a pledge to reach net zero emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 34,"Such attempts may not successfully mitigate cost variability, which could negatively impact Linde’s financial condition or results of operations.",none 35,"Australian National Outlook (ANO) scenarios, and the Australian Energy Market Operator's (AEMO) 2019 forecasting and planning scenarios.",none 36,'-50% reduce our direct(3) own operational carbon footprint by 2025' (p21),reduction 37,"What emissions reductions do you want to achieve? In what year? Against what year do you base what is being measured? We wish stop emitting 50% of GHG by 2050 from 2012.",reduction 38,MGM’s target is to reduce its overall greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030,reduction 39," By 2025, we aim to reduce the GHG emissions of our corporate investment portfolio by 25%, and by 45% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels (Pg. 44)",reduction 40,"""net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050""",net-zero 41,"""Reduce CO2 emissions from power generation by 50% by fiscal 2025 (reduction of over 25 million tonnes from fiscal 2013 levels) and maintain industry-leading reduction levels."". (The Kansai Electric Power Group, Zero Carbon Roadmap, March 25 2022, pg. 3)",reduction 42,Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 in the National Grid's own direct emissions. ,net-zero 43,"The 2019 Integrated Report is the eighth Atlantia’s annual integrated report, prepared based on the International Framework set out by the International Integrated Reporting Council (www.theiirc.org/international-ir-framework/) and drafted in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards published in 2016 by GRI – Global Reporting Initiative, according to the “in accordance core” option.",none 44,"As such, the list of contributors to the problem extends to almost the full range of our potential investment universe.",none 45,Emission reduction by 15% by 2024 and 50% by 2030 comparing to the BaU scenario.,reduction 46,"The plan is based on a number of parameters, including the employee's position, the employee's length of service and the objective results of the company. ",none 47,The Board has delegated responsibility for the implementation of the Policy to the Group Chief Executive and the Group Chief Executive has delegated responsibility for the implementation of the Policy to the Chief People Officer. ,none 48,"In fiscal year 2021, more than 200 million annual active consumers spent more than US$1,000 (RMB6,550) through our China retail marketplaces.",none 49,"The aim of the present climate change act is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% to 2050 from the levels in 1990, but the act will be reformed in such a way that the targets concerning carbon neutrality, i.e. a balance between emissions and sinks, by 2035 will be reached. ",reduction 50,"Achieve zero emissions across global operations by 2040 ",net-zero 51,"no regional target, but public transport change in the city of gdansk will reduce emissions",none 52,Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050,net-zero 53,""" This enhanced NDC is in line with the EU’s agreed objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050.""",net-zero 54,Tax-related issues are communicated openly both internally and externally and Fortum’s tax footprint is published annually.,none 55,"The need to decarbonise our business increases the cost of our activities through the need to retro-fit buildings to improve their sustainability credentials and reduces our ability to redevelop due to planning restrictions, increased regulation and stakeholder expectations, the increased cost of low carbon technology and potentially the pricing of carbon.",none 56,DNB: A financial Institution that has set up environmental fund targeted towards investing in Green innovations & companies,none 57,Shareholders’ inclination to invest in companies with sustainable commitment.,none 58,"By 2030, we’ll cut our carbon footprint by 50%. (Pg. 1)",reduction 59,"""Brambles’ has strengthened its regenerative vision by committing to net-zero emissions covering our full value chain by 2040."" (p24)",net-zero 60,This allowed the Trustee to conclude that the new index was consistent with its fiduciary duty and provided an element of climate change protection.,none 61,"net zero target as part of climate ambition alliance: net zero 2050, but for detailed goals see interim target",net-zero 62,"Directly and through the Belgian holding company Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL), the Pargesa group holds significant positions in six large companies based in Europe: Lafarge, which produces cement and building materials; Imerys, a producer of industrial minerals; Total, in the oil and gas industry; GDF Suez, in electricity and gas; Suez Environnement, in water and waste management; and Pernod Ricard, a leading producer of wines and spirits.",none 63,"“a commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050” ""Entergy is fully committed to achieving net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050"" (Entergy's 2050 Net Zero Commitment, 2020, pg. 8) - ",net-zero 64,'Set target to reduce GHG emissions intensity 35% by 2030 from 2018 baseline' (p54),reduction 65,"Korea's 2030 Carbon Reduction Target states that ""Korea’s NDC target is to cut GHG emissions by 40.0% below 2018 level by 2030 (GHG emissions target by 2030 is set at 727.6 million tCO2eq). To achieve this target, we will implement a set of reduction strategies for the sectors including power, industry, building and transportation and take additional measures including carbon sinks by forests and reduction from overseas projects."" As part of the country, Busan aims to achieve 47% carbon reduction below 2018 level by 2030.",reduction 66,"The effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control over financial reporting has been audited by the independent auditors, Ernst & Young LLP, a registered public accounting firm that has also audited the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Bank as of, and for the year ended October 31, 2020.",none 67,We also recognize that we can play an important role in working with others to address key social and economic challenges facing clients and communities.,none 68,“Aspire to achieve net-zero CO₂ emissions from the electricity we generate”,net-zero 69,"VANCOUVER HAS SET BOLD TARGETS to cut carbon pollution in half by 2030, and to be carbon neutral before 2050. This means cutting our carbon faster than ever before.",net-zero 70,"The Open Leadership framework supports cooperation across units and aims to create an environment that fosters innovation, flexibility and agility.",none 71,In the fourth quarter of 2020 the Company signed a Master Services Agreement with IBM Canada Ltd. (IBM) to provide managed information technology services.,none 72,"An update to the existing Corporate Energy Plan was in development in 2020 and will be completed in 2021, in coordination with the major operating business units that use the majority of corporate energy This will be a ten-year plan to focus The City’s energy use and emissions with an interim goal of 40 per cent GHG reduction by 2030 on the path to our 2050 climate goal. ",reduction 73,"In practice, the short-term nature of the business, the ability to re-price annually and the risk mitigation provided by reinsurance arrangements are likely to limit the impact on general insurance liabilities.",none 74,"Reduce greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions 30% including sourcing 60% of electricity from renewable energy, and deliver carbon neutral operations by 2050 or sooner ",net-zero 75,"IFC partners with more than 30 governments, 20 foundations and corporations, and a variety of multilateral and institutional entities.",none 76,The report provides an approach for a strategy to reduce and offset carbon emissions. No end target date specified.,none 77,"Achieve net zero emissions by 2050, with the aim of limiting planetary warming to less than 2°C when compared to pre-industrial levels. ",net-zero 78,"He traveled to the north of the province of Yunnan, not far from the mythical city of Shangri La, to locate the vineyard where this one-of-a-kind wine is produced, between the banks of the Mekong and the summits of the Himalayas.",none 79,The Company has set up a special committee to monitor the Company's compliance with the new guidelines and to provide advice to the Board and management on matters relating to the implementation of the guidelines. ,none 80,"Thus, there is a very gradual deceleration towards more sustainable growth rates.",none 81,"'Glasgow looks to become one of the most sustainable cities in Europe. The city has already achieved (and exceeded) its target of reducing CO2 emissions by 30% by 2020, achieving this goal by 2015, through a combination of energy efficiency and local generation.' (p.7).",reduction 82,"'Comprised of nine founding members, the Initiative’s objective is to accelerate the transition to a net zero global economy no later than 2050' (p33)",net-zero 83,We disseminate the importance of incorporating the sustainability principles in the planning and execution of actions to the entire value chain.,none 84,"At Dassault Systèmes, we have outlined a twofold strategy to fulfill our commitment, first by setting an emissions reduction target covering the full value chain that is in line with climate science – with scopes 1 and 2 aligned with a 1.5 degree Celsius pathway and scope 3 aligned to SBTi best practice guidance – and then by neutralizing the impact of any residual emissions by investing in projects that permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2040",net-zero 85,These targets clearly specify the carbon emissions and resource usage levels.,none 86,Losses from limitation of export may occur due to trade barriers and various regulations related to water footprint regulations.,none 87,"First phase development includes construction of primary access to Interstate 95 and of connector roadways to Interstate 95 from the interior of the Tradition project, construction of the stormwater infrastructure, commercial pod development, and traditional and neo-traditional residential lot development.",none 88,The risk map is updated quarterly in close cooperation with different committees/departments throughout the Lufthansa Group.,none 89,"""The company aims to achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2040"" - ",net-zero 90,"Reduce GHG emissions intensity, calculated from the ratio of GHG scope 1 and scope 2 emissions to data traffic by 90% compared to the baseline in 2015.",reduction 91,"""First, to affirm the State of Pará's commitment to the decarbonization model of the economy, to ensure that the State of Pará can meet its goals, initially to reduce up to 86% of the emission of greenhouse gases by 2036 and before 2050 zero this issue. It is essential that we can make an analogical economic change, from a model that conflicts with sustainability and moves to a model that manages development in balance with the forest, and above all, seeking alternatives, such as the bioeconomy, to take advantage of greater biodiversity that the Amazon forest has for agroforestry actions, be it the pharmaceutical, cosmetics or biofuel industries, generating jobs and income for the Amazons”, said Governor Helder. In Race to Zero , Pará will join other states from different countries around the world that are already part of the campaign, such as California, New York, Hawaii and Washington, in the United States; Catalonia, Madrid and Navarre, Spain. There are also states in Sweden, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Belgium. In Brazil, Pará joined the campaign with Pernambuco and São Paulo. ",net-zero 92,"À l’horizon 2050, Valeo aura atteint la neutralité carbone sur l’ensemble de ses activités opérationnelles et de son approvisionnement auprès de ses fournisseurs dans le monde, et la neutralité carbone complète (incluant l’utilisation finale de ses produits) en Europe. [By 2050, Valeo will have achieved carbon neutrality in all its operational activities and in all procurements from its suppliers in the world, as well as complete carbon neutrality (including end-use of its products) in Europe.]",net-zero 93,"The initiative has four working groups; government bonds, listed equities and corpo- rate bonds real estate and strategic asset alloca- tion.",none 95,The model produces key outputs of Value at Risk and Temperature Alignment for each year of the projection period.,none 96,The BRC meetings for the financial year 2019 were scheduled immediately upon its establishment to allow the Directors to plan ahead and incorporate the meeting dates into their respective schedules.,none 97,'1 7. 5 % R E D U C T I O N I N EMISSIONS BY 2025 from a 2018 baseline aligned with a science-based target methodology' (p8),reduction 98,"Our updated target is to reduce our emissions by at least 30% by 2030 against the 2018 baseline of 7,541kt CO2e per annum,",reduction 99,"Where we have seen factory downsizing, we ensured that laid-off workers received their legal severance and other entitlements in full.",none 100,"Our Clean Energy Plan focuses heavily on increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency to meet Michigan’s energy needs and to continue the journey to net zero carbon emissions by 2040",net-zero 101,The money also will help housing associations improve energy efficiency.,none 102,"Plan is promising carbon neutrality by 2050, 100% reduction of local emissions and 80% reduction of outer Paris emissions footprint",net-zero 103,'we aspire to achieve net carbon-neutral ship operations by 2050' (p67),net-zero 104,"'Decarbonizing Alibaba (Scopes 1 and 2): By 2030, Alibaba will achieve carbon neutrality in its own operations' (p9)",net-zero 105,"Reduce absolute scope 1* and 2* GHG emissions 30% by 2030 from a 2018 base year Reduce scope 3* GHG emissions 60% per unit of revenue by 2030 from a 2018 base year t. In addition, the target for fiscal 2030 was approved, is considered science-based by the international organization known as Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The target is classified to be aligned with the “well-below 2 degrees,” which was just defined by the latest SBTi Criteria (4.0) on October 2019. ",reduction 106,"The EU and its Member States, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.",reduction 107,"'n May 2020, we formulated our new “Zero Carbon Challenge 2050” long-term environmental objectives. To enhance the environmental superiority of railways into the future and remain the transportation mode of choice, we will undertake the challenge of achieving net zero*1 CO2 emissions in railway operations by FY2051.' (p30, 2020 report)",net-zero 108,has set specific GHG emissions reduction targets,reduction 109,"Yamaha Motor aims for net-zero CO2 emissions (carbon neutrality) for the whole product life cycle. ",net-zero 110,"""Objectivos de mitigación a 2030 - No superar el siguiente nivel de emisiones (Gg de gas) - CO2: 9.267; CH4: 818; N20: 32"" (p.14 of NDC . I am unsure about the baseline emissions - p.64 of the NDC seems to be referring to ""base years"". ",reduction 111,We are currently exploring a range of mitigation strategies to cope with potential sea level rise.,none 112,"'By 2080, Manitoba will be carbon neutral'",net-zero 113,"Porcentaje de reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.",reduction 114,"50% CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2 & 3) reduction target (Base year FY2019) ",reduction 115,Innovation and Digital Two enablers will set us up for success.,none 116,"Business and strategic risk is the volatility of the Group’s projected outcomes (including income, net worth or reputation) associated with damage to the franchise or operational economics of a business and reflected in the income or net worth of the Group.",none 117,'Net zero by 2050' (p10),net-zero 118,The rate relief was requested to defer significant distribution rate increases which would be passed onto end use customers due to the formulaic approach of rate calculations under the AUC PBR mechanism.,none 119,"Namibia's mitigation commitment is in the form of a decrease in GHG emissions compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) baseline over the 2015-2030 period. This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050.",net-zero 120,"'40% REDUCTION IN GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS' (p6, 2020) also 'Reduce its indirect upstream and downstream emissions (Scope 3) by 20% by 2030 compared with 2019 levels, by taking action across the value chain of the Group’s businesses.' (p24, 2021)",reduction 121,"'• Reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 greehouse gas (GHG) emissions 28% by 2030 from a 2019 base year (the target boundary includes biogenic emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks)' (p6) '• Reduce scope 3 GHG emissions 22% per unit of sold product by 2030 from a 2019 base year' (p6)",reduction 122,"Interim target for reducing GHG emissions from operations under our control: reduction of 25% by the end of 2025, compared to 2019 levels",reduction 123,"""100% carbon neutrality across Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions""",net-zero 124,"As an example, our CEO participated in the development, review and final approval of Hess's two new climate-related emissions reduction targets; a 44% reduction in the GHG emissions intensity of our operated assets to 17kg carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per BOE by 2025 versus a 2017 baseline of 30 kg CO2e per BOE; and a 52% reduction in methane emissions intensity from our 2017 level of 0.40% to an intensity of 0.19% by 2025.",reduction 125,"In development, too, we must harmonise the desire to create jobs and growth with a serious approach to climate investment.",none 126,"By using SBTi 1), a methodology in compliance with the Paris Agreement, we plan to reduce our own emissions by 46.2% by 2030, 88.2% by 2040, and to zero by 2043 while also seeking to reduce our asset portfolio 2)’s aggregate carbon emissions by 38.6% by 2030, 69.6% by 2040, and to zero by 2050.",reduction 127,"emissions must be reduced by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, and net zero emissions must be reached by 2050.",reduction 128,"到2060年,绿色低碳循环经济体系、清洁低碳安全高效能源体系和碳中和长效机制全面建立 By 2060, a green, low-carbon, circular economy and a carbon neutrality long-term mechanism has been fully established",net-zero 129,"We are targeting carbon neutral scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030. Cutting carbon emissions from the company’s operations by at least 50 percent by 2030, positioning Eaton to achieve carbon neutrality at the same time. Eaton will also work with its customers and suppliers to reduce its indirect emissions by 15 percent. source: cdp response ",net-zero 130,Our M&G plc Supply Chain Modern Slavery Business Standard supports the management of Modern Slavery risk and how we approach third party supplier relationships.,none 131,A vast renovation plan (at a cost of about €25 million) and work to bring them into compliance with standards will give these nine plants an installed capacity of 6 MW.,none 132,"Truist has set the following sustainability targets using 2019 as a baseline: - 35% reduction in Scope 1 emissions by 2030 - 35% reduction in Scope 2 emissions by 2030",reduction 133,"The country intends to achieve an overall emissions reduction of 15% by 2030, taking 2010 as the base year. The emission reduction target was estimated based on the baseline inventory for the three GHGs being carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The reductions will be realised from the energy sources which is categorised as the stationary and mobile sources. The country will also continuously implement mitigation measures for the livestock sector to reduce CH4 emissions mainly from enteric fermentation though these initiatives are not estimated in the 15%. Initiatives for emission reductions will be developed from long term low carbon strategy",reduction 134,"""Joined the SBTi Initiative to participate in achieving the 2050 Net-Zero.""",net-zero 135,"Lastly, consumers and customers may put an increased priority on purchasing products that are sustainably grown and made, requiring us to incur increased costs for additional transparency, due diligence and reporting.",none 136,"This Regulation sets out a binding objective of climate neutrality in the Union by 2050 in pursuit of the long-term temperature goal set out in point (a) of Article 2(1) of the Paris Agreement, and provides a framework for achieving progress in pursuit of the global adaptation goal established in Article 7 of the Paris Agreement. ",net-zero 137,This Climate Action Plan aims to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions by 6% below 2010 levels by 2020.,reduction 138,"""As well as reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25% by 2025-2026, it also aims to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 25% between 202-21 and 2030, for which it has applied for independent verification from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). "" ",reduction 139,The audit committee will have a majority of independent directors who are not officers of the company. ,none 140,"These initiatives reached out to more than 2,700 participants and volunteers.",none 142,Net zero by 2040 involves a 90% reduction from 1990 levels ,net-zero 143,"Canon aims to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions from its business activities by 2050. We will steadily reduce CO2 emissions by achieving the following targets. ",net-zero 144,"[Despite the growth of the EBRD 's overall development commitments and the increasing prominence of climaterelated activities in new business , this early assessment indicates that the overall quantum of the Bank 's exposure to carbon transition risks has decreased since 2015 .]",none 145,The Company's policy is to ensure that the Company's operations do not cause damage to the environment. ,none 146,"Regarding oversight, we have added new independent non-executive directors who are experts in their fields to assist specialization.",none 147,"An 80 percent reduction by 2050 aligns with sciencebased approaches to limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius",reduction 148,"""in 2021, we reset our Plan A mission to become a net zero business across out entire value chain by 2040""",net-zero 149,The health and safety coordinators of the Group’s business lines have identified several types of risk considered as major (see the column “Identifying risks” in the table below).,none 150,"[We define short term as up to a year aligned with budget ; medium term as 3 - 4 years aligned with budget planning ; long term as 5 - 7 years aligned with strategic planning ; and , for ad hoc analysis , we define longer term as beyond 7 years .]",none 151,The Company has developed a culture of integrity and ethical behavior based on the highest standards of professional conduct and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. ,none 152,Reduce emissions from direct operations 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year,reduction 153,"‘According to the Action Plan, the Bank will strive to build itself into a domestic first-tier, inclusive, climate-friendly and eco-friendly bank by 2025; it will build itself into a “carbon peak” bank, achieve “carbon peak” in its operation, investment and financing, and build itself into a domestic first-tier green, inclusive, climate-friendly and eco-friendly bank by 2030; it will build itself into a “carbon neutrality” bank, achieve “carbon neutrality” in its operation, investment and financing, and build itself into an international first-tier green, inclusive, climate-friendly and eco-friendly bank by 2060.’ p31",net-zero 154,This threatens the efficient use of capital and makes it harder for global insurers to fulfil their potential as bearers of risk.,none 155,"""aspiration to be net zero by 2050""",net-zero 156,"Cellnex is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by 30% by 2025, by 50% by 2030 and 100% by 2050.",net-zero 157,"[Our new policy measures outlined on page 1 will play a key role in shaping our portfolio over the coming years and help ensure we stay on track to meet our longer term goal .]",none 158,"Ford Motor Company commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 76% by 2035 from a 2017 base year. Ford Motor Company also commits to reduce scope 3 use of sold products GHG emissions 50% per vehicle kilometer by 2035 from a 2019 base year. The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C. ",reduction 159,Fortum expects to finalise the transaction in mid-2018.,none 160,"In this environment, managers must demonstrate differentiating capabilities including not only strong investment performance, but also other value-add capabilities such as risk management and controls, compliance, client reporting and data security.",none 161,Targeting net zero financed emissions in our lending by 2050 and committing to establishing intermediate (2030) and longer-term (2050) targets for financed emission reduction in partnership with our clients. BMO will report on progress annually beginning in 2021.,net-zero 162,"Following a basic decision of its City Council on December 17, 2008, the City of Munich has adopted the climate protection targets defined by the European local network Klimabündnis e.V. These targets are: a reduction in carbon emissions by 10% every 5 years and a 50% reduction in carbon emissions per capita compared to the reference year 1990 to be achieved by 2030. The City of Munich has set itself the ambitious goal of being carbon-neutral by 2035.",net-zero 163,"The Board believes that a flexible approach to share incentives, which encourages significant employee ownership, is consistent with both client expectations and shareholder objectives.",none 164,"Canada moved last year to set a 2050 net-zero target. The nation had already committed to cut emissions by 30% by 2030, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has today announced that 40-45% will now be the goal. Canada is using a 2005 baseline. the focus of emission reduction target is on cutting emissions domestically, but there is an opportunity to support mitigation efforts abroad through the use of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes -",net-zero 165,"""The target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, compared with the previous target of at least 80% reduction from 1990 levels."" There is a separate end target for Scotland: ""This legislation includes targets for Scotland to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045""",net-zero 166,"Minister of the Interior and Safety attends the Breakout Session of the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit - All 243 local governments nationwide announce the ‘2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration’ for the first time in the world - Minister of the Interior and Safety Jeon Hae-cheol attends the Green Future Session themed ‘Action of Local Governments towards Carbon Neutrality*’ of the 2021 P4G** Seoul Summit on May 24 (Mon) at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul, Korea. * Carbon neutrality: achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by having a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon emissions ** Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G): a global platform, joined by government agencies, businesses and civil society, that aims to respond to climate change and achieve sustainable development goals as a converged organization in the 21st century As the first Breakout Session to be held during the Green Future Week* in the lead up to the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit on May 30-31, the event is designed to discuss the roles and action plan for achieving global carbon neutrality, centering on local governments that are the key players of carbon neutrality. * Green Future Week (May 24-29): 10 Green Future Sessions on carbon neutrality of local governments, Green New Deal, green technology, forests, etc. Representatives of local governments, businesses, civil society and international organizations from around the globe will seek actions of local governments at home and abroad to achieve carbon neutrality and present better alternatives to build back better and greener. 【Key Participants】 ▸ Opening Ceremony: Jeon Hae-cheol (Minister of the Interior and Safety), Han Jeoung-ae (Minister of Environment), Ban Ki-moon (President of the Assembly and Chair of the Council of the Global Green Growth Institute), Kate Raworth (Co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab) ▸ Domestic presenters & panelists: Chung Eui-sun (Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group), Kwon Young-jin (Mayor of Daegu & Metropolitan Government Representative of the Local Governments’ Action Alliance for Carbon-Neutrality), Song Ha-jin (Governor of Jeollabuk-do & President of Governors Association of Korea), Won Hee-ryong (Governor of Jeju Island), Hwang Myeong-seon (Mayor of Nonsan & President of National Association of Mayors), etc. ▸ Overseas presenters & panelists: Secretary General of ICLEI*, Mayor of Bonn, Germany, Mayor of Aarhus, Denmark, Mayor of Medellin, Colombia, Mayor of Kochi, India, Deputy Mayor of Malmö, Sweden, Director of Green Climate Fund, etc. * Local Government for Sustainability, ICLEI: a global network of more than 2,500 local and regional governments in 125 countries committed to addressing climate change and achieving sustainable development In order to tackle climate change, 226 Korean local governments recognized the state of climate emergency and adopted the Declaration of Climate Emergency in June last year to urge the national government and the National Assembly to declare their commitment to carbon neutrality. In July, 81 sub-national governments announced the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration and launched the Korean Local Governments’ Action Alliance for Carbon-Neutrality with an aim to bolster local governments’ leading role and spread the momentum of carbon neutrality and climate change action through collaboration. And, on the occasion of the P4G Seoul Summit, all 243 local governments will announce the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration for the first time in the world. With the joint declaration, all local governments of Korea will join hands to take a pivotal role in achieving carbon neutrality and addressing climate change. Minister Jeon Hae-cheol stressed that “Through participation and cooperation of local governments and residents, inclusive green recovery and sustainable economic innovation can be achieved at the same time, while realizing the vision for carbon neutrality.” “The Ministry of the Interior and Safety will give full support to explore and carry out innovative projects for promoting sustainable development and carbon neutrality in local governments,” he added.",net-zero 168,"Our history dates back to 19882 and we currently oversee more than USD 16 billion in assets under management and advisement3 across our private equity, private credit and clean energy infrastructure platforms.",none 169,'Reduce the direct impact of our business activities on the environment2 by: • reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 24% by 2025 and by 35% by 2030 (against a 2015 baseline)' (p13),reduction 170,"During the second half of the year, however, the HPC (home and personal care) sector, including Beiersdorf’s shares, came under pressure.",none 171,"The Company considers that, as a general rule, it is important that the Directors and senior management should own, directly or indirectly, shares in the Company. ",none 172,"""Lilly’s 2030 goals are to source 100% of purchased electricity from renewable sources and to achieve carbon neutrality in our operations (scope 1 and scope 2).""",net-zero 173,"Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 ",net-zero 174,"30% reduction or 2,663 MT CO2e by Year 2025",reduction 175,"Since our inception in 2010, PCG has grown to become the leading integrated chemicals producer in Malaysia and one of the largest in Southeast Asia.",none 176,We consider the shelf life of the product in relation to the expected timeline for approval and we consider patent related or contract issues that may prevent or delay commercialization.,none 177,Reduce CO2 emissions statewide ... 80% [below 2005 levels] by 2050.,reduction 178,"""fossil-free and climate-positive stockholm by 2040""",net-zero 179,'To set decarbonisation interim targets for 2030 and a 2050 net-zero target ' (p31),net-zero 180," why we have committed to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 by eliminating carbon emissions across all areas of our operations. We will achieve net zero emissions by 2040 by eliminating carbon emissions across all areas of operations including our Scopes 1 and 2 emissions, and our Scope 3 emissions, which includes our clients, our corporate supply chain and operational activities. Our partnership with our clients is fundamental, as over 95% of our emissions are from our client portfolios. Our net zero by 2040 trajectory will require all our clients to be on a decarbonization journey. Helping our clients achieve this is a key pillar of our business strategy. We are making significant investments in sustainability services and capabilities using the breadth and strength of our global platform to partner with our clients in truly moving the needle on real estate carbon reduction and sustainability.",net-zero 181,"'. As a responsible financial institution, we will contribute to China’s high-quality economic and social development and realizing the target of “peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030,achieve carbon neutrality by 2060”, and write a new glorious chapter in the new era.' (p6-7)",net-zero 182,Victoria's new interim target (set in Oct 2022) aims for emissions reductions of 75-80% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels. This represents an increase in ambition compared to the previous target of a 50% reduction by 2030. ,reduction 183,'Investor is committed to climate targets aligned with the Paris Agreement. Investor's target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our portfolio by 50 percent by 2030.' compared to 2016 (p7),reduction 184,We have also made good progress towards pivoting the entire business towards sustainability.,none 185,"In this way, we continually assess the strengths and weaknesses of our suppliers, and the impact these could have on our business.",none 186,"Risk assessments We have an Environmental Policy which is applicable to all of our offices internationally which details the requirements we have set for our own environmental footprint from the operation of our buildings, business related travel and our supply chain.",none 187,"""We will invest EUR7 billion until 2030 to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to under 29 million tonnes by 2030 and thereby commit to the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi)."" Total emissions from 2020 seems to range from 27-39 MTCO2e across reports from the company, where scope 3 is measured inconsistently: Deutsche Post DHL changed from a tank-to-wheel to a well-to-wheel calculation approach to estimate its GHG emissions in March 2021. According to the company, this approach led to an increase of its total emissions in 2020 from 27.38 to 33.3 MtCO2e, of which 8.0 MtCO2e are scope 1, 0.2 MtCO2e scope 2 (market-based) and 25.0 MtCO2e scope 3 emissions. A further breakdown of emissions is not yet available. The new estimates reported by Deutsche Post are lower than the sum of 39.10 MtCO2e in the company’s ESG Statbook, so it remains unclear whether all emission sources are included. ""We will invest €7 billion until 2030 in clean operations to reduce our emissions from 33 MT in 2020 to under 29 MT by 2030"" Source: Interim targets for 2025 relate to carbon intensity and zero emissions vehicles rather than emissions reductions, but are not set as distinct targets.",reduction 188,Kyocera's new target is to reduce GHG emissions by 46% from fiscal year 2020 levels,reduction 189,"$200 billion in financing to sustainable businesses and projects by 2030, with more than 50 percent focused on clean technology and renewable energy transactions to help accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.",none 190,"Minister of the Interior and Safety attends the Breakout Session of the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit - All 243 local governments nationwide announce the ‘2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration’ for the first time in the world - Minister of the Interior and Safety Jeon Hae-cheol attends the Green Future Session themed ‘Action of Local Governments towards Carbon Neutrality*’ of the 2021 P4G** Seoul Summit on May 24 (Mon) at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul, Korea. * Carbon neutrality: achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by having a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon emissions ** Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G): a global platform, joined by government agencies, businesses and civil society, that aims to respond to climate change and achieve sustainable development goals as a converged organization in the 21st century As the first Breakout Session to be held during the Green Future Week* in the lead up to the 2021 P4G Seoul Summit on May 30-31, the event is designed to discuss the roles and action plan for achieving global carbon neutrality, centering on local governments that are the key players of carbon neutrality. * Green Future Week (May 24-29): 10 Green Future Sessions on carbon neutrality of local governments, Green New Deal, green technology, forests, etc. Representatives of local governments, businesses, civil society and international organizations from around the globe will seek actions of local governments at home and abroad to achieve carbon neutrality and present better alternatives to build back better and greener. 【Key Participants】 ▸ Opening Ceremony: Jeon Hae-cheol (Minister of the Interior and Safety), Han Jeoung-ae (Minister of Environment), Ban Ki-moon (President of the Assembly and Chair of the Council of the Global Green Growth Institute), Kate Raworth (Co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab) ▸ Domestic presenters & panelists: Chung Eui-sun (Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group), Kwon Young-jin (Mayor of Daegu & Metropolitan Government Representative of the Local Governments’ Action Alliance for Carbon-Neutrality), Song Ha-jin (Governor of Jeollabuk-do & President of Governors Association of Korea), Won Hee-ryong (Governor of Jeju Island), Hwang Myeong-seon (Mayor of Nonsan & President of National Association of Mayors), etc. ▸ Overseas presenters & panelists: Secretary General of ICLEI*, Mayor of Bonn, Germany, Mayor of Aarhus, Denmark, Mayor of Medellin, Colombia, Mayor of Kochi, India, Deputy Mayor of Malmö, Sweden, Director of Green Climate Fund, etc. * Local Government for Sustainability, ICLEI: a global network of more than 2,500 local and regional governments in 125 countries committed to addressing climate change and achieving sustainable development In order to tackle climate change, 226 Korean local governments recognized the state of climate emergency and adopted the Declaration of Climate Emergency in June last year to urge the national government and the National Assembly to declare their commitment to carbon neutrality. In July, 81 sub-national governments announced the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration and launched the Korean Local Governments’ Action Alliance for Carbon-Neutrality with an aim to bolster local governments’ leading role and spread the momentum of carbon neutrality and climate change action through collaboration. And, on the occasion of the P4G Seoul Summit, all 243 local governments will announce the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Joint Declaration for the first time in the world. With the joint declaration, all local governments of Korea will join hands to take a pivotal role in achieving carbon neutrality and addressing climate change. Minister Jeon Hae-cheol stressed that “Through participation and cooperation of local governments and residents, inclusive green recovery and sustainable economic innovation can be achieved at the same time, while realizing the vision for carbon neutrality.” “The Ministry of the Interior and Safety will give full support to explore and carry out innovative projects for promoting sustainable development and carbon neutrality in local governments,” he added. ",net-zero 191,"The emissions reductions in this new NDC are a confirmation of the indicative ambitious 2030 NDC target of 40% below 2010 levels submitted in the 2016 NDC, which is conditional on external funding. net zero by 2050 commitment ",reduction 192,achieving net-zero statewide GHG emissions by 2045,net-zero 193,"In attuazione del parere reso dalla Commissione Europea n. 773/2018 e denominato “Un pianeta pulito per tutti”, il Presidente della Giunta Regionale Michele Emiliano è stato nominato relatore dal Comitato delle Regioni ai fini della redazione del parere denominato “Un pianeta pulito per tutti. Una visione strategica a lungo termine per un’economia prospera, moderna, competitiva e neutra dal punto di vista del clima” approvato ad unanimità in Commissione Ambiente (ENVE) del Comitato delle Regioni in sessione plenaria nelle date del 26 e 27 giugno 2019 a Bruxelles (Belgio). Il parere, in sintesi, contempla quale principale obiettivo la lotta ai cambiamenti climatici, integrando ed armonizzando strategie ambientali, sociali ed economiche al fine di favorire la transizione dell’Unione Europea verso un’economia efficiente e sostenibile, in cui l’ambiente naturale dovrà essere protetto e potenziato, unitamente alla salute ed al benessere dei cittadini.",net-zero 194,"As of the end of 2021, the company has achieved nearly a 41% reduction in operational emissions (Scope 1 and 2) versus their 2015 base year.",reduction 195,"This finds that UK mortgage lenders do not value housing collateral against local price declines following flood events, resulting in upward-biased valuations.",none 196,Maersk will finalise this analysis and report on it in 2020.,none 197,"The PACES of Zaragoza to 2030, is built using other strategic plans as a basis existing. In particular, the Zaragoza Strategy for Air Quality, Climate Change, and Health 2019 that presents the necessary measures to achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions from 40% compared to 2005 levels. However, PACES 2030 presents an update that responds to the following points: 1. ECAZ 3.0 does not share the same baseline, nor the methodology for preparing the SEAP emissions inventory 2010-2020. 2. In 2019 the Zaragoza City Council increased its mitigation commitment to 2030, moving this to propose a reduction between 50% and 55% with respect to the baseline. 3. The information reported to the Covenant of Mayors refers to the SEAP 2010-2020, without have reported the emission inventories carried out before and after their preparation.",reduction 198,"Approval by the Science Based Targets initiative of UCB’s CO2e target. UCB commits to reducing absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions we directly control by 38% by 2030 from a 2015 base year. We are committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 for the operations we control directly. This will be achieved by decreasing our emissions and compensating for any we cannot reduce in the short-term. We are dedicating 80% of our efforts to reduce our GHG emissions and 20% to GHG compensation programs. We set our goal to reduce our water withdrawal by 20% by 2030, compared with a 2015 benchmark.",reduction 199,"""Honda has formulated and promoted initiatives under a goal to reduce CO2 emissions intensity of motorcycles, automobiles and power products by 30% from 2000 levels by 2020."" Note that the goal was only achieved for motorcycles in 2020: ""In 2020, Honda succeeded in achieving the goal for motorcycles with a 32.6% reduction while falling short for automobiles at 29.8%. The CO2 emissions intensity for power products was 27.5%, as sales of electric products underperformed the initial plan due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.""",reduction 200,"We are committed to promoting a safe and healthy working environment, where employees are treated fairly and with respect, and where they can reach their full potential. ",none 201,"Race to Zero: In 2020, Enel pledged to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and updated a range of interim emission targets. Enel frequently refers to two different headline pledges for 2050: a target for “complete decarbonisation by 2050” refers only to scope 1 emissions, while a separate target for “net-zero by 2050” refers to the full value chain.",net-zero 202,"The Woodside Group operates a standardised enterprise-wide risk management process that provides an over-arching and consistent framework for the identification, assessment, monitoring and management of material business risks.",none 203,"Updated NDC from 2020: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025, and by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030.",reduction 204," Changing Consumer Preferences: Changing consumption patterns towards increasing demand for environmentally-friendly products and technologies will most probably result in a declining demand for established or GHG-intensive products, particularly in Europe.",none 205," El gobierno del Estado de Jalisco ha establecido como uno de los resultados del Plan Estatal de Gobernanza y Desarrollo 2018-2024, que las emisiones estatales deberán reducirse para ser consistentes con un escenario que limite el aumento de temperatura a 1.5ºC (PEGyD, 2019). Asimismo, el artículo 30 de la Ley para la Acción ante el Cambio Climático del Estado de Jalisco (LACCEJ) establece el objetivo de convertir al estado en un territorio neutral en carbono en el largo plazo ",net-zero 206,"It includes the risk that the Group fails to develop or to execute successful strategies to deliver acceptable returns in the context of the economic, competitive, regulatory / legal and interest rate environments that arise.",none 207,"We are using 2019 as our baseline year for our scope 1 and 2 reduction target of 35 per cent by 2035. ",reduction 208,"AMBITION TO ACHIEVE NET-ZERO FOR SCOPE 1, 2 AND 3 EMISSIONS BEFORE 2050",net-zero 209,"""This year, we are establishing baselines and setting quantitative targets to measure our future progress in areas such as reducing our packaging waste by 50% over the next five years and achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. """,net-zero 210,"The selection of a GHG emission reduction target for the state of Quintana Roo was based on the level of emission reductions required globally to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius (C) above pre-industrial levels. An assessment of the state-level emission reduction targets needed to achieve consistency with the goal of limiting global warming to 2°C was carried out. These targets also reflect the state's commitments as a member of the Under2 Coalition. Based on this assessment, the state of Quintana Roo selected the following state-level GHG reduction targets consistent with the levels of emissions required to achieve the goal of limiting global warming to 2°C: By 2030, 21% reduction of GHG emissions below 2016 emissions level. • By 2050, 63% reduction of GHG emissions below 2016 emissions level.",reduction 211,30% reduction by 2030 of 2010 levels,reduction 212,"'By 2050, achieve net-zero carbon across the company in accordance with the Paris Agreement'",net-zero 213,"Target for full decarbonisation of scope 1 emissions may be 1.5°C-aligned, but net-zero for scope2 and 3 remains ambiguous. Detailed range of interim targets in 2023 and 2030. Targets for scope 3 emissions are inadequate. • S1: -65% by 2023; -80% by 2030 from 2017 • S3: -16% by 2030 from 2017 Enel complements its long-term vision with scope 1 emission intensity reduction targets of 65% by 2023 and 80% by 2030, compared to 2017. For scope 3, Enel commits to a 16% absolute reduction of emissions between 2017 and 2030. Enel complements its long-term vision with scope 1 emission intensity reduction targets of 65% by 2023 and 80% by 2030, compared to 2017. For scope 3, Enel commits to a 16% absolute reduction of emissions between 2017 and 2030. Combined, we estimate that these targets commit Enel to the reduction of its own full value chain emissions by a minimum of approximately 43% in 2030 and 58% in 2050, compared to 2019 emissions. ",reduction 214,"In addition, the Group has an active policy for the prevention of conflict minerals in its products and is in the process of developing a conflict minerals disclosure policy, in line with SEC and EU expectations. ",none 215,Our offices are accredited to ISO 14001:2015 – an international standard.,none 216,"These events could result in financial losses, litigation and regulatory fines, as well as other damages to the Firm.",none 217,"The Bank will also continue to focus on infrastructure projects, particularly those that reduce waste and preserve resources.",none 218,"We have committed to setting the targets through the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and are on track to reach our goal of quantifying our Scope 3 emissions inventory by 2022. Goals: ""GOALS 100% of our energy globally comes from renewable sources by 2030, with an interim goal of 100% in the U.S. by 2022 50% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 2030, from 2019 baseline""",reduction 219,"""That’s why, in late 2020, Pfizer announced a plan to be carbon neutral across internal operations by 2030 and to engage suppliers to set Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction goals. These goals were recognized as ambitious, as demonstrated by third party approval by the SBTi. Since then, the voluntary standard for goals to align urgent action with science-based targets has evolved. In June 2022, Pfizer responded to these renewed and increased calls to action by announcing an intent to take even more ambitious action, adopting the voluntary Net-Zero standard, launched in the lead-up to the 2021 UN Climate Change conference. This standard urges long-term action to reduce company emissions by 95% and value chain emissions by 90%. Pfizer aims to achieve Net Zero by 2040, 10 years earlier than the expectations of the standard.""",net-zero 220,"""Our 2030 commitments include: - 65 percent intensity reduction for scope 1 and 2 emissions - 20 percent intensity reduction for scope 3 emissions""",reduction 221,UBS is also involved in other activities to reduce gaps in climate-related financial data.,none 222," Throughout 2021, we have signed up to the UNFCCC Race to Zero through the Business Ambition for 1.5°C, but also a part of mission zero, with net zero in 2025 and absolute zero by 2040 Committed to disclosing climate-related risks and opportunities under the TCFD framework",net-zero 223,"Emission reduction of 43% 2030 and 60% 2040. ",reduction 224,$500 million 30-year bonds were priced with a coupon interest rate of 4.25 percent.,none 225,"(Pg. 56) ""Five-year “10-10-10” target to, by 2024: - Reduce global Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions intensity by an additional 10% from 2018 levels - Deploy at least 10 renewable energy opportunities - Achieve certification to ISO’s 50001 Energy Management Standard at 10 facilities""",reduction 226,"With its Green Economy Transition (GET) approach, approved by the Board in September 2015 and due for rollout in 2016, the EBRD aims to raise the level of environmental investment to 40 per cent of its total financing by 2020.",none 227,"As a global organization we recognize the role Molson Coors can play in leading action against climate change. We’ve set a 2025 goal to reduce absolute carbon emissions across our operations by 50% and throughout our value chain by 20%. Our goal to lower absolute emissions by 50% within our direct operations has been verified against the 1.5°C pathway, as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).",reduction 228,"We interacted with eight customers, requesting to 100% of cases environmental licensing, if applicable, and projects were not denied during the year.",none 229,"Overall, the aforementioned changes resulted in an immaterial effect and were applied on a prospective basis in 2019.",none 230,"'As the next step in our journey to decarbonize, we are committed to achieving net zero GHG emissions in our operations by 2035' (p8)",net-zero 231,Sustainability and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) risk has also been a key area of focus.,none 232,Greenhouse gas emissions (vs fiscal 2019): 1.28 million t-co2e (-20%) (Pg. 75),reduction 233,"Based on scientific estimates of the reductions in CO2 emissions needed to achieve the Paris Agreement goal, our ambition is for Leicester to become ‘carbon neutral’ by 2030 or sooner. (p.6) ",net-zero 234,Higher temperatures may also increase the vulnerability of forests to pests and disease.,none 235,"In addition, each site has a business continuity plan, which is regularly reviewed and updated.",none 236,A second investment for the same amount was made later in 2019.,none 237,Target of net zero CO2 emissions globally by 2050 for Scope 1 and 2 and using CO2 equivalents for other GHGs such as N2O,net-zero 238,"2030: at least 30% below 2005 levels (contingent on continued national and global action to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.) 2030: 50% renewable energy 2032: 70% renewable energy 2035: 80% renewable energy ",reduction 239,"Reduce GHG emissions 28% below 2005 levels by 2025 Reduce GHG emissions 52% below 2005 levels by 2030",reduction 240,"Compared to a 2019 base year, by 2030, RBI aims to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 50%, as well as Scope 3 GHG emissions intensity by 50% per metric ton of food, and per franchise restaurant. ",reduction 241,"Going forward, we will intensify our activities based on Environmental Future Vision 2050, a long-term vision looking ahead to the year 2050. As part of the Vision’s response to climate change, which calls for a contribution encompassing Toshiba Group's entire value chain, we aim to achieve a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions generated within the Group value chain by FY2030 compared to FY2019 level and to contribute to realizing a net zero emissions society by 2050.",reduction 242,"We use collaborations and partnerships to build leverage for systemic change in our industry, such as for strengthening chemical management practices and raising standards in the cotton supply chain.",none 243,"'In 2021, teams from Canadian Natural along with Canada’s oil sands producers in the Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero Initiative (now called Pathways Alliance) continued to advance our plan, working together with governments, to achieve net zero in the oil sands by 2050 and help Canada meet its climate and economic goals. ' (2021, p8)",net-zero 244,"We will aim for zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions* arising directly from Isuzu Group operations by 2050. *Zero greenhouse gas emissions: Net zero balance of emissions and sequestration",net-zero 245,"[Governance Links : The CEO and Chairman of the Board sits on the SLC and can bring relevant climate - related items to the Company ’s Board of Directors and its Governance & Public Responsibility Committee , which has oversight of many of the Company ’s Corporate Citizenship efforts , including climate .]",none 246,"Adoption of a net-zero GHG emissions target with interim targets for our operating and financing activities by 2050. This target is in line with the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement, limiting global warming to 1.5 °C.",net-zero 247,"Georgia is fully committed to an unconditional limiting target of 35% below 1990 level of its domestic total greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Georgia is committed to a target of 50-57% of its total greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, in case of international support. If the world will follow 2OC average global temperature increase holding scenario, reduction of emissions by 50% will be necessary while in case of limiting increase to 1.5OC, it will be necessary to reduce emissions by 57% compared to 1990 level; ",reduction 248,"INCOME TAXES 35 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued) December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 Amount Ratio Amount Ratioor a continued decline in real estate values or drought-related decline in agricultural business in the Company’s primary market area could have an adverse (Dollars in thousands) impact on collectability, increase the level of real-estate-related nonperforming Tier 1 Leverage Ratio loans, or have other adverse effects which alone or in the aggregate could have a Central Valley Communitymaterial adverse effect on the financial condition, results of operations and cash Bancorp and Subsidiary $ 95,936 8.36% $ 88,320 8.14%flows of the Company.",none 249,Working with our supply chain Our responsibilities extend far beyond our direct operations.,none 250,"Despite this low carbon footprint and highly vulnerable status, Sri Lanka commits to increase 32% forest cover by 2030 and reduce greenhouse emissions by 14.5% for the period of 2021-2030 from Power (electricity generation), Transport, Industry, Waste, Forestry, and Agriculture In order to realize this ambitious target, Sri Lanka further commits; ➢ To achieve 70% renewable energy in electricity generation by 2030 ➢ To achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 in electricity generation ➢ No capacity addition of Coal power plants Sri Lanka has already launched following major initiatives; ➢ Adopting ‘Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management’ with an ambition to halve nitrogen waste by 2030 ➢ Banning agro-chemicals and chemical fertilizer ➢ Promoting organic fertilizer and farming ➢ Banning single-use plastics ➢ Promoting E-mobility ➢ Promoting circular economy Sri Lanka expects to achieve its Carbon Neutrality by 2060",net-zero 251,"Reduce Scope 1 & 2 emissions from property and transport by c.38% in absolute terms by 2025, compared to 2016; and Reduce Scope 3 emissions from the supply chain and customer use of products by 40% per £million of turnover by 2025, compared to 2017.",reduction 252,"To reach our target of net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest...",net-zero 253,become climate neutral by 2021,net-zero 254,IFC Catalyst Fund: The $418 million IFC Catalyst Fund was launched in 2012 and invests in funds that provide growth capital to companies developing innovative ways to address climate change in emerging markets.,none 255,They provide little insight into whether existing risk management processes were sufficient to identify emerging risks or whether they had to flex or amend these processes to do so.,none 256,"Carlyle has a dedicated global team of internal ESG professionals led by Carlyle’s Global Head of Impact, who reports in directly to the firm’s COO.",none 257,"B.C. is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 16% below 2007 levels by 2025, 40% by 2030, 60% by 2040 and 80% by 2050",reduction 258,"Thanks to the commitment and agility of its teams, Sephora accelerated its online sales, breaking all-time online sales records in all regions.",none 259,"At the heart of the plan is a pledge to reduce financed emissions from our portfolio of customers to net zero by 2050 or sooner, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. There is not, at this stage, a commitment to decreasing oil and gas financing by a certain amount within a set timeframe. HSBC has stated that its “primary objective is financing the transition” and that it will “continue to support energy clients” – albeit with stricter requirements. Coal financing will, as previously confirmed, be ended in OECD nations by 2030 and elsewhere by 2040.",net-zero 260,"Therefore, another key area of focus for us is to continually enhance our understanding of the risks and impacts in our supply chain and continue to drive improvements that are designed to minimise carbon and waste.",none 261,"(Pg. 9) ""Reduce Scope 2 emissions by 40% BY 2035. In April 2022, we received validation from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) that our intermediate 2035 GHG reduction target complies with the SBTi criteria. That makes us the first airline globally to achieve this milestone.""",reduction 262,"In reaching this conclusion the Board has considered budgeted and projected results of the business including a formal five year plan for the Group with several scenarios, projected cash flow and regulatory capital requirements, and the risks that could impact on the Group’s liquidity and solvency over the next 12 months.",none 263,"Reduce our customers’ carbon footprint by more than 1 gigaton. Invest over $2 billion to develop healthy, safe, sustainable and intelligent building and cold chain solutions that incorporate sustainable design principles and reduce lifecycle impacts. Achieve carbon neutral operations. Reduce energy intensity by 10% across our operations. Achieve water neutrality in our operations, prioritizing water- scarce locations. Deliver zero waste to landfill from manufacturing locations. Establish a responsible supply chain program and assess key factory suppliers against program criteria.",net-zero 264,"Located across from the city's main transit hub, Union Station, the new location will allow employees to maximize the use of public transit.",none 265,"Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 ('at the latest'). ""Net zero for SSE's scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040"" and ""Net zero for all SSE's remaining scope 3 emissions by 2050."" (SSE plc net zero Transition Report 2022, pg. 2) - ",net-zero 266,Improving our energy efficiency reduces the carbon intensity of our products and lowers our production costs.,none 267,"Delta implemented Science Based Targets in 2017, committing to a reduction in carbon intensity by 56.6% by 2025.",reduction 268,in the process of setting quantitative targets to track environmental performance with regards to greenhouse gas emissions,none 269,"To position the Dallas CECAP as a climate action plan that meets the ambitious objectives of the Paris Agreement, and with other cities around the world committed to bold action on climate change, the City of Dallas has adopted a target of carbon neutrality by 2050. Carbon neutrality refers to achieving net zero GHG emissions, through reducing emissions as much as possible and then balancing remaining emissions with carbon removal or carbon offset programs",net-zero 270,"Peaking of carbon dioxide emissions ""before 2030"", and making best efforts to peak early Lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by ""over 65%"" in 2030 compared to 2005 level Share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to “around 25%” in 2030 Increase forest stock volume by around 6 billion cubic metres in 2030 from 2005 levels, (previously 4.5 billion cubic metres) Total installed capacity of wind and solar power to reach 1200 GW by 2030 ",reduction 271,"In 2019 we published an internal briefing paper focused on climate change science facts, its geopolitical and macro- economical implications, as well as commercial impacts on companies.",none 272,"""50% carbon emissions reduction by 2030, compared with 2021 metrics""",reduction 273,"Our 2021 Science Based Targets, established with a 2017 baseline, are to reduce our scope 1 & 2 emissions intensity by 53% and scope 3 emissions intensity by 47% by 2030.",reduction 274,35% combined reduction in steel mill scope 1 and scope 2 GHG intensity by 2030 using 2015 baseline goals,reduction 275,Our carpooling initiative now has over 1 Lakh registered users across locations.,none 276,"A climate resilient, inclusive, carbon neutral city by 2050 ",net-zero 277,The increased focus on climate change impacts and a transition to a low-carbon economy is also challenging the sector.,none 278,FMC Targets Net Zero By 2035 FMC Corporation recently announced that it is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2035.,net-zero 279,"reduce its scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 68% by 2034 from a 2018 base year. Scope 3: 53% reduction perft2by 2034 from a 2018 base year",reduction 280,"Le premier challenge consiste à diminuer les émissions directes et indirectes liées aux activités de la Compagnie (scope 1 & 2). Cela implique de renforcer l’efficacité énergétique des sites, d’optimiser des processus, de modifier des installations et de déployer de nouvelles philosophies opératoires. (The First challenge consists of reducing direct and indirect emissions linked to company activities (scope 1&2)) Il consiste à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 46 Mt CO2 en 2015 à moins de 40 Mt CO2 d’ici 2025. Par ailleurs, TotalEnergies vise une neutralité carbone sur l’ensemble des achats d’électricité des sites opérés en Europe d’ici 2025. Les capacités régionales de la Compagnie permettront de couvrir les besoins par de l’électricité renouvelable. (It consists of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 46 MtCO2 in 2015 to less than 40 Mt CO2 by 2025. TotalEnergies envisions that all electricity purchased for European operations will be carbon neutral. The regional capability of the firm allows for all power needs to be covered by renewable electricity.) Achieve in 2050 or sooner carbon neutrality (net zero emissions) for TotalEnergies’ worldwide operated activities (Scopes 1 & 2) with interim targets to reduce GHG emissions (Scopes 1 & 2) of its operated oil & gas facilities from 46 Mt CO2e in 2015 to less than 40 Mt CO2e by 2025 (a 15% decrease), then for 2030, to reduce by at least 40% compared to 2015 the net emissions(3) (Scopes 1 & 2) for the oil & gas operated activities 2025 target- 15% decrease in scope 1/2 emissions with a baseline year of 2015 (worldwide) 2030 target- 40% decrease in scope 1/2 emmssions with a baseline year of 2015(worldwide) 2030 target- average carbon intensity reduction of 20% compared with 2015 2030 target- scope 3 emmissions to be lower in absolute terms compared to the level in 2015 (worldwide) 2030 target- scope 3 emmissions to be reduced by 30% compared to a baseline year of 2015 (Europe)",reduction 281,"""In late 2020, we announced a new goal to be carbon neutral by 2030 for Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) emissions""",net-zero 282,"the Government of Canada / GNWT are committed to achieving a 50% reduction in NWT GHG emissions by 2030 and 100% reduction by 2050.",net-zero 283,"""Fluor first measured its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2006, and its efforts to reduce emissions since then have been significant. Fluor's Net Zero 2023 commitment is the next step in its sustainability journey.""",net-zero 284,"S1&2: -30% by 2030, from 2019. Unclear if absolute or intensity target.",reduction 285,"Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 34) by 20% compared to 2017 ",reduction 286,The financial performance information in this report is derived from our Financial Statements that are in accordance with US GAAP.,none 287,"2030: gross annual greenhouse gas emissions at least 45% below 1990 2040: gross annual greenhouse gas emissions must, at a minimum, be on an annual trajectory sufficient to achieve the 2050 annual emissions (80%) renewable energy mandate of 80 percent renewable energy by 2030 and a goal of 100 percent by 2050",reduction 288,"The company has set a target for reducing its GHG emissions by between 2036 and 2050 on a clearly defined scope of emissions. ",reduction 289,"Through our participation in industry groups, we intend to continue developing appropriate metrics that can be adopted consistently by financial institutions to provide comparable, decision-useful information to investors.",none 290,"As part of Royal attention to improve environment performance and alleviate the impact of climate change, the year 2050 has been set as a date for net zero carbon emissions. A national plan has been drafted to achieve this goal, along with the setting up of Oman Sustainability Centre to undertake the supervision and follow up of zero carbon emission plans and programmes. His Majesty the Sultan gave directives to all units of the State’s Administrative Apparatus to cooperate to ensure the success of this national plan.",net-zero 291,"In 2021, Mayor Kenney announced the City of Philadelphia’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. A carbon neutral city generates net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the buildings, energy, transportation, and waste sectors. ",net-zero 292,"The Carbon Neutral Adelaide Foundation Report found that with considerable community and government action it is possible to reduce the City’s emissions by 50% from 2007 levels by 2020, and by approximately 65% by 2025. Scenario modelling confirmed that the City could reduce operational emissions from 1,175,000 tonnes C02 –e in 2007 to 515,693 tonnes by 2020, and to 421,174 tonnes by 2025 (Figure 2). To achieve carbon neutrality, the remaining emissions will have to be offset through accredited carbon offsets. Over the next five years the State Government and Council will work with a wide range of partners to achieve rapid emissions reduction. We will vigorously pursue deep cuts through our emissions reduction pathways. This will be underpinned by a Carbon Neutral Adelaide Partnerships initiative to harness community action and coordinate our collective efforts to realise our goal.",net-zero 293,"Carbon neutrality for direct operations In 2021, EssilorLuxottica published its first climate commitment to achieve carbon neutrality for its direct operations (scope 1 and 2) by 2025, with a milestone set for Europe by 2023 (pg. 15)",net-zero 294,"For this reason, aware of the key role that networks will play, the new Strategic Plan increases investment in expanding network infrastructure in Italy and abroad, for a total of €5.8 billion between 2017 and 2019.",none 296,"Our investments are subject to various federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations, including, among other things, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, zoning regulations, land use controls, environmental controls relating to air and water quality, noise pollution, and indirect environmental impacts such as increased motor vehicle activity, and fair housing laws.",none 297,"""""carbon net zero emissions by 2038""",net-zero 298,We will remain disciplined in our investment thesis - directing our attention and capital on differentiated opportunities with proven business models and attractive returns.,none 299,"As the risk of flooding, wildfires, storms or hail increases it could become more difficult for LeasePlan to offer affordable insurance protection and may impact our pricing of these products.",none 300,"Under the 2021-24 government programme, the [Ministry of Environment] has declared an ambitious goal for Lithuania to become a carbon-neutral country with an established circular economy by 2050. Inter-institutional working groups collaborate on legislation and strategic documents, as well as on joint initiatives between relevant government stakeholders. However, the country does not yet have a whole-of-government approach to environmental issues. (page 22)",net-zero 301,"There can be no assurance that our process of consolidating, protecting, upgrading and expanding our systems and capabilities, continuing to build security into the design of our products, and developing new systems to keep pace with continuing changes in information processing technology will be successful or that additional systems issues will not arise in the future.",none 302,"To do that, we compare the current status of a project with the target values and take corrective measures if necessary.",none 303,carbon neutrality by 2060 (p7),net-zero 304,"No applications were declined on account of high risk, the exclusion list or any other environmental or social related reasons.",none 305,Reduce municipal greenhouse gas emissions 25% below 2005 levels by 2020. St. Louis established a citywide goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2050,net-zero 306,"After all, our EU climate action will not stop global warming by itself, because 90% of emissions are generated outside the European Union.",none 307,Targets for combating climate change: CNP Assurances undertakes to achieve a carbon neutral investment portfolio by 2050,net-zero 308,"Federal, state, and local regulators may create requirements that change the type and timing of actions we take, which could result in higher operating costs than anticipated.",none 309,"Solomon Islands is a growing small island developing State, with particular needs and priorities for sustainable development. Despite its status as a low emitting least developed country, Solomon Islands will nonetheless, commit to reduce its emissions by 14% by 2025 below 2015 and by 33% below 2015 by 2030 compared to a business-as-usual projection. If and when Paris Agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Solomon Islands can, with international assistance, contribute: • a further 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025, and • a further 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to BaU projection. With appropriate international assistance, Solomon Islands can achieve net zero emissions by 2050.",reduction 310,"'深圳将坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于碳达峰目标与碳中和愿景的重要宣示要求,按照广东省的统一部署,全力以赴,聚力攻坚应对气候变化重点难点工作,加快确定深圳市碳达峰目标,高标准编制好应对气候变化专项规划和碳达峰行动方案,强化统筹,重点推进能源、工业、建筑、交通等领域低碳化发展' Shenzhen has stated that it will resolute implement the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality as declared by President Xi. '  去年,中国宣布力争2030年前实现碳达峰、2060年前实现碳中和。今年,深圳市委、市政府在深圳市第七次党代会和深圳市七届人大一次会议上,作出了把碳达峰、碳中和纳入生态文明建设整体布局、引领绿色发展的重要部署。' Shenzhen Municipality made important arrangements to incorporate China's goals of carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. ",net-zero 311,"We know being carbon neutral is not enough. By 2030, we’ve committed to help the planet beyond our own walls and scale our positive impact. ",net-zero 312,"""Goal to achieve a 60% reduction in CO2 equivalent emissions by 2030, as compared to a 2010 baseline, an increase of nearly 20% from Vistra’s prior 2030 emissions reduction target""",reduction 313,"The plan aims to strengthen the prosperity and quality of life of the people of NSW, while helping to achieve the State’s objective to deliver a 50% cut in emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. ",reduction 314,"The Board has adopted a formal governance and risk management statement, which is reviewed annually. ",none 315,"Thus, the effective implementation of green office program and promotion of energy conservation and emission reduction at these workplaces and properties are emphasized in Ping An's sustainability transformation.",none 316,We may fail to fully understand the implications of changes in our businesses or the financial markets or fail to adequately or timely enhance our risk framework to address those changes.,none 317,This initiative concluded in April 2020 with recommendations provided to the Governor.,none 318,"Attraverso questo documento Roma Capitale rispetta gli impegni assunti nel 2017 con la sottoscrizione del “Patto dei Sindaci” prevedendo di ridurre le emissioni climalteranti di oltre il 51% entro il 2030, ben oltre la quota del 40% prevista dallo stesso accordo. Il PAESC - frutto di un lavoro partecipato di tutti gli assessorati e i Dipartimenti di Roma Capitale in collaborazione con ISPRA, ENEA, GSE e il Ministero della Difesa - definisce le strategie e le azioni per la riduzione di CO2 attraverso la riorganizzazione urbana, con una nuova consapevolezza della correlazione tra inquinamento e benessere, tra sostenibilità ambientale e crescita economica nel tempo. ",reduction 319,"Failure to achieve these objectives or the occurrence of unexpected events could compromise the achievement of the strategic plan and have a material adverse effect on the Group's business, results of operations and financial position.",none 320,"This risk is managed by defining the rules for tendering, payment terms, authorizations and credit control as well as project man- agement controls.",none 321,"Kellogg aims to achieve a 66% reduction in absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2050, along with a 50% reduction in scope 3 emissions.",reduction 322,BRC conducted three meetings during the financial year 2019 since its inception.,none 323,"Atos is committing to reducing the global carbon emissions under its control and influence by 50% by 2025[1] (scopes 1, 2, 3[2]), and to offset all its residual emissions by 2028.",reduction 324,Limiting emissions over 2015-2050 to 633 million tons of CO2 equivalent,reduction 325,"The company is committed to reducing their carbon foot print but still do not have target (net zero target, carbon neutrality, etc). SCOPE 1 &2: • Beginning in 2022, all new stores will meet our In-Store Energy Efficiency standards. • By 2031, we will reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25% per square foot across our retail stores, distribution centers, and Store Support Center. SCOPE 3: We are committed to engaging with our top suppliers to understand their sustainability commitments. We target 75% of our supplier spend3 to be with companies which have measurable greenhouse gas reduction or renewable energy targets by 2031",reduction 326,"' the company has formally joined The Climate Pledge, co-founded by Amazon and Global Optimism. The Climate Pledge is a commitment to reaching net-zero carbon across our business by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement. Moreover, IPG plans to join additional initiatives that encourage businesses like ours to reduce emissions across our global organization and our supply chain' ",net-zero 327,"Community-wide carbon emissions: 50% in 2030, 100% in 2050 Municipal emissions 60% in 2030, 100% in 2050 baseline is 2005 ",reduction 328,"As part of this commitment, the Firm had previously announced the creation of the J.P. Morgan Development Finance Institution to expand its financing activities for developing countries.",none 329,2050 targets: carbon neutral in concrete products ,net-zero 330,"Similarly, we have the results of a study called ""Second phase of the State Program on climate change for Baja California "", which identifies twenty-five (25) mitigation policies that have the best cost-benefit ratio to be implemented and which will allow us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions between 20% and 25% by the year 2030. ",reduction 331,The Inclusion Council is the Group's advisory body on inclusion and diversity. ,none 332,"At CEMEX, we are seeking to invest in upgrading our cement plants, trying to maximize the use of alternative fuels to power our kilns and transition away from fossil fuels.",none 333,"Any slippage observed from a safety or service disruption standpoint, will warrant a corrective action plan.",none 334,Sasol Limited (Sasol) today announced its updated strategy that commits it to be at net zero emissions by 2050. (Source: ,net-zero 335,"""Le niveau d'émission projeté en 2030 est de 17 643 GgeCO2. La réduction des émissions de GES est de 24,28% par rapport au niveau de référence (BAU) en 2030."" Projected levels of emissions in 2030 is 17,643 GgeCO2. The reduction of GHG emissions is 24.28% relative to the reference level (BAU) in 2030. ""L’ensemble des mesures agrégées conduisent la RCA à un niveau de réduction des gaz à effet de serre sous scénario inconditionnel de -9,03% et -11,82 respectivement en 2025 et 2030."" These measures cumulatively drive the RCA to a level of GHG reduction under the unconditional scenario of -9.03% and -11.82% respectively in 2025 and 2030.",reduction 336,"The types of events that give rise to reputation risk are broad and could be introduced in various ways, including by the Firm’s employees and the clients, customers and counterparties with which the Firm does business.",none 337,"This document explicitly states the 2012 target, and confirms that there have been no more recent targets. ",reduction 338,"'The mobility communications (NTT DOCOMO) and data center business will be the first within the NTT Group to achieve carbon neutrality, as targets have been set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% of fiscal 2013 levels, by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031.' (p19)",reduction 339,The European Investment Bank invested $30 million in CRAFT and also deployed €5 million via the Luxembourg-EIB Climate Finance Platform as risk capital that catalyses more money by drawing in private investors.,none 340,The Bank also signed a €19 million deal in 2019 in Poland with BNP Paribas Bank Polska to improve energy efficiency in existing homes.,none 341,'In 2021 we joined NZAMI and support its goal of addressing climate change through investment practices aligned with reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 or sooner.' (p14),net-zero 342,Target to cut* greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions intensity: -3 % By 2023; -10%By 2030 compared to 2020 levels,reduction 343,Whirlpool Corporation will achieve its target of reaching zero emissions across its plants and operations by 2030 through its ongoing and accelerated sustainability initiatives,net-zero 344,"At its meeting on December 13, 2019 the Supervisory Board dealt with the results of the review of the efficiency of its work.",none 345,"Other Stress Tests Stress tests are also conducted on certain legal entities and jurisdictions, in line with prescribed regulatory requirements.",none 346," ""statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions limit of 50% below the 1990 GHG emissions level for the year 2030 and 2040: shall be at least 75 per cent below the 1990 level ",reduction 347,Carbon neutrality has not yet been reached. However the state still has the aim of becoming carbon neutral in the near future. ,net-zero 348,"The CRO is responsible for providing independent review and oversight of enterprise-wide risks and leadership on risk issues, developing and maintaining a risk management framework and fostering a strong risk culture across the organization.",none 349,We have had a number of opportunities to meet with their management teams to discuss their plans and objectives and to share our knowledge and expertise. ,none 350,"""Prologis commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions ... 56 percent by 2040 from a 2016 base-year ... Prologis also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions .... 40 percent by 2040 from a 2016 base-year""",reduction 351,"2017 Baseline: 35% absolute emissions reduction (Scopes 1 and 2) 25% emissions reduction per hectoliter across value chain (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) 100% renewable energy",reduction 352,"A 54% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050, a 75% reduction in the energy bill in the built heritage of the City of Dakar by 2050 and an increase in the share of renewable energy in the energy mix of at least 65% by 2050.",reduction 353,"The following targets for reducing anthropogenic emissions in the city of Campinas are established in relation to the survey of the Metropolitan Inventory of Greenhouse Gases and Atmospheric Pollutants, based on the year 2016: I - for gas emissions greenhouse effect: a) reduction target for 2025: 5% b) reduction target for 2030: 8% c) reduction target for 2040: 16% d) reduction target for 2060: 32% ",reduction 354,40% GHG reduction by 2030 on 2014,reduction 355,"We have also set the following medium term targets: • Enable a reduction in emissions intensity levels from the shipping of our iron ore by 50 per cent by 2030 from FY21 levels. • Enable a reduction in emissions intensity from steel making by Fortescue’s customers of 7.5 per cent by 2030 from FY21 levels. This target aligns with a 1.5°C trajectory as we achieve net zero one decade prior to 2050.",reduction 356,"This includes physical risks related to the chronic and acute physical impacts of climate change (e.g., shifts in climate norms, and extreme weather events such as hurricanes, wildfires and floods), and transition risks associated with the global transition to a low-carbon economy (e.g., climate-related policy actions and litigation claims, technological innovations, and shifts in supply and demand for certain commodities, products and services).",none 358,"We believe our goals demonstrate to our stakeholders that we are committed to reducing our environmental impact, while also reducing our exposure to a carbon price.",none 359,"2030 / 90% SBTi commitments reduction in our scope 1 and 2 emissions (compared to 2018). / 20% reduction in emissions from our supply chain (compared to 2018).",reduction 360,"Amongst other things, it provides a virtual space in which Arup people with similar professional interests can explore and share new ideas.",none 361,"""GAIL has already embarked on its Net-Zero journey through science based ambition and action plan with the aim of achieving “100% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and a 35% reduction in Scope 3 emissions by 2040.”"" ",net-zero 362,"'Additionally, Kohl’s is committed to reducing our carbon footprint to reach net zero by 2050. ' (p9)",net-zero 363,"binding target of an at least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, ",reduction 364,"'Sikkim envisions to remain carbon neutral' from a space of being carbon negative at time of report. ",net-zero 365,"In November 2020, the SEC Asset Management Advisory Committee recommended that the SEC further expand e- delivery.",none 366,"We have made significant progress towards the goals we set out, including achieving our 100% Environmental, Social, and Governance integration goal for active strategies.",none 367,"We have less hydro than the NEM average, reflecting the significance of the government-owned Snowy Hydro scheme.",none 368,• Drive innovation and build data and analytical capabilities to improve end-to-end process efficiency and enhance client value.,none 369,Eliminate GHG emissions from our business on a net basis (net zero) by 2050.,net-zero 370,"The Climate Action Plan will allow in 2026 to achieve carbon neutrality and on the way to achieving Net Zero in 2040, a 94% reduction in 2030 will be obtained in emissions per passenger associated with Aena's own operations",net-zero 371,We will reduce absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 63% by 2030 from a 2015 base year. -- ,reduction 372,The spread of worldwide diseases may increase.,none 373,"""Carbon neutrality in production processes"" by FY2050",net-zero 374,The Bank also reports to Carbon Disclosure Project (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project).,none 375,"Scope 1 emissions Scope 1 emissions decreased by 14,01% and remained less than 1% of the overall carbon footprint.",reduction 376,"'Colombia's updated goal is based on a long-term vision that is established by the aspiration towards carbon neutrality manifested by the country at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in September 2019, and which will be reflected in the Long-Term Strategy E2050, a medium-term vision to 2030 that is established through the Colombian Strategy for Low Carbon Development and the Comprehensive Strategy for Deforestation Control and Forest Management, and a short-term vision through the National Plan for Development.'",net-zero 377,"Instead of numerical targets, we have therefore chosen to set the more abstract targets of achieving a growth rate above the industry’s average for growth and the industry’s top level for profitability and financial position.",none 378,"'Most critically, it lacks a specific set of measures that can, taken together, enable citizens and businesses in this province to reduce our GHG emissions by 30 percent by 2030.' ",reduction 379," We’re lucky to have incredible real estate, finance, and facilities teams that aligned with our sustainability goals. Because of these relationships, we were able to reduce carbon intensity by more than one-third in our offices and data centers. Through encouraging a culture of low-carbon commuting for our employees and focusing on why commute choices matter, we were also able to reduce the emissions of the average employee’s commute by more than one-third, too. 'Another successful step along our road to net-zero emissions was working collaboratively with different areas of the business to put an internal price on carbon. Essentially, we allocate carbon costs across each operational function—for example, our data centers or office buildings—which means they are responsible for their emissions. In the long haul, it creates a financial incentive to make better business decisions based on carbon impacts. We then use those carbon-use funds to invest in renewable energy and carbon offsets to help us meet our goals.' 48% reduction in carbon intensity per square foot of office space since FY15 48% reduction in carbon intensity per total revenue since FY15 62% reduction in commute and remote work emissions per employee since FY16 50% reduction in data center carbon intensity per subscription revenue since FY15 Source: ",reduction 380,"The Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change Project is an undertaking of Egyptian ministry of environment. The aim is to reduce air and climate pollution from waste management and urban transport. The six-year greater cairo air pollution management and climate change project supports egypt’s efforts to reduce air pollution and climate pollutant emissions. The Cairo Governate itself does not have any environmental projects and has no directorate for the environment ",none 381,"1. A GHG emission reduction of 20% compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario in 2030, (amounting to 7,790 Gg. CO2eq.). 2. A GHG emission reduction of 31% compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario in 2030 (amounting to 12,075 Gg. CO2eq.).",reduction 382,"The Plan will help achieve the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target Québec has set for itself, namely a 37.5% reduction compared with 1990 levels, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. ",reduction 383,"offset 100% of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from Bradesco's operations' Reduce and mitigate the generation of greenhouse gases in our operations and manage the exposure of our operational structures to climate risks. ' Since 2006, we have offset 100% of direct emissions and emissions from purchased electricity (respectively scope 1 and 2) against carbon credits from carbon mitigation or greenhouse gas sequestration projects, such as forest remediation and conservation initiatives'. As of the 2019 inventory, we neutralized 100% of GHG emissions from operational activities - including scope 3, such as logistics and business travel -, being one of the first banks to assume this level of carbon offsetting.",net-zero 384,"Projects with potentially limited adverse social or environmental impacts that are few in number, generally site specific, largely reversible and readily addressed through mitigation measures.",none 385,"As part of the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, Spotify has committed to halve emissions by 2030 (based on peak emissions in 2020) ",reduction 386,The second is using the speed and agility of Digital throughout our entire value chain.,none 387,"Denmark will reduce emissions by 70 percent by 2030, compared to 1990. By 2025 all relevant decisions must be in place. The new deadline is underpinned by a concrete policy roadmap consisting of 24 green initiatives. ",reduction 388,"Reduce energy use intensity, targets a 32% reduction by 2025. ",reduction 389,"We have a robust ESE policy framework, with sector specific policies relating to high risk sectors including oil and gas, mining and metals and forestry.",none 390,AUM/NUM The growth of our net management fee revenue results from the growth of our assets and notional under management and the stability of our management fees charged to clients.,none 391,In a challenging market we are conscious of the obligation to build on our strengths and retain our financial and operational stability.,none 392,VINCI Airports will invest €1.15 billion over the next 10 years in this two-pronged project.,none 393,"""aspirational objective of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050""",net-zero 394,The report discusses POSCO’s plan to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% in the short-term (by 2030) and 50% in the mid-term (by 2040) with a target to attain net zero emissions by 2050. ,reduction 395,"reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the bank to 40,000 tonnes in 2025, i.e. by 60% compared to 2019.",reduction 396,A training working group was established to ensure ‘fit-for-purpose’ training which will be provided to all employees across the three LoDs.,none 397,"In the updated NDC, Uganda presents an ambitious economy-wide mitigation target in 2030 of 24.7% reduction below the Business As Usual (BAU), a progression from the 22% reduction target communicated in the first NDC in 2016.",reduction 398,"Fuzhou passed its 14th 5-year plan, which added that in 2035, it hopes to peak carbon emissions 展望二〇三五年,习近平生态文明思想深入人心,绿色生产生活方式广泛形成,在碳排放达峰基础上推进碳中和,...",net-zero 399,This will help incentivise and prioritise low-carbon projects and support emission reductions.,none 400,"Continued performance evaluation With the objective of promoting constant evolution at Vale, every year, the Board of Directors conducts a performance evaluation with the support of the People, Remuneration and Governance Committee.",none 401,"As part of this, in April 2017 the WCG signed the Subnational Global Climate Leadership MOU ‘Under2MOU’, a commitment to contribute to reducing global GHG emissions to net-zero by 2050.",net-zero 402,"To support the transition towards a decarbonized economy, Nomura commits to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for its own operations by 2030, and to transition attributable GHG emissions from its lending and investment portfolios to align with pathways achieving net zero by 2050. ",net-zero 403,"After 2045, Sweden shall 'thereafter achieve negative emissions.'",net-zero 404,"(P.23) That is why we launched a new climate strategy in December 2020, including an ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2040 and to reduce our absolute GHG emissions across our value chain by 30% by 2030 (versus 2019). Our 2030 GHG reduction target has been approved by the SBTi as being in line with a 1.5˚C reduction pathway, as recommended by the IPCC. Our targets were set for our business in Europe, and in 2022 we will set a new science based emissions reduction target, including our API territories. Over 90% of our value chain GHG emissions come from our supply chain. So we have committed to supporting our strategic suppliers to set their own science based carbon reduction targets and to shift to 100% renewable electricity by 2023.",net-zero 405,SEKISUI CHEMICAL has set a long-term target of zero greenhouse gas emission from business activities by 2050,net-zero 406,Chicago's new climate goals set a course to reduce the city's carbons emissions 62% by 2040.,reduction 407,The main concentrations of risks arising from such potential catastrophes are regularly reported to executive management.,none 408,"The company has reduction goals of: 75% of carbon emissions, 75 of energy consumption on 2009 baseline and 50% reduction in water usage on 2012 baseline. Source: ",reduction 409,"In the future, our generation assets may require significant capital expenditures and operations could be exposed to unexpected increases in costs such as labour, water rents and taxes.",none 410,"'Therefore, the intermediate CII reduction targets have now been established as follows: 15% by 2025, 28% by 2030 and 55% by 2040.' (p67)",reduction 411,"The NSW Government is committed to taking decisive and responsible action on climate change. That’s why we’ve already set a goal of net zero emissions by 2050 and today, we’re releasing this Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020–2030 to fast-track emissions reduction over the next decade and prepare the State to take further action in the decades to follow. In 2016, the NSW Government released its Climate Change Policy Framework (Framework) with an objective to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 412,"20 counties have declared (and may declare in the future) moratoriums on the issuance of building permits and/or impose restrictions in areas where roads, schools, parks, water and sewage treatment facilities and other infrastructure do not reach minimum standards.",none 413,"[Currently , we have more than 100 EV charging ports installed at office locations for employee use ; over 50,000 bank employees work at buildings with EV charging stations,13F 14 with more installations planned in 2020 .]",none 414,"It is an ambitious plan that focusses on local need for action and due response from the city. Durban has set out to achieve a 40% reduction in emissions from a 2015 baseline by 2030, and an 80% reduction by 2050, and is committed to identifying various opportunities to achieve carbon neutrality.",reduction 415,The company has already committed to achieving net zero by 2050 and limiting global warming to 1.5°C. ,net-zero 416,"'Ericsson has committed to achieve Net Zero emissions from its own activities – as well as reducing emissions by 50% in its portfolio and supply chain – by 2030, while the Company also continues to work for Net Zero emissions across its value chain by 2040.' (p4)",net-zero 417,"Allianz has additionally accelerated its climate targets for its business operations and plans to reduce its GHG emissions by 50% versus 2019 by 2025. (Allianz has additionally accelerated its climate targets for its business operations and plans to reduce its GHG emissions by 50% versus 2019 by 2025.) There is also an interim target for investment portfolio related emissions. 2021 Sustainability Report: ""As intermediary target, we aim to reduce our emissions in listed equities and corporate bonds by 25% by year-end 2024 compared to 2019 baseline"" (page 98, Note: year-end 2024 has been taken to mean by 2025 in the Interim Target Year, in line with what is stated on the climate change webpage . ",reduction 418,"Unconditional - 'With the state budget, loans, investment from domestic and. foreign enterprises, contributions and investments of the citizen, Viet Nam aims to reduce 15.8% of total GHG emissions by 2030 compared to BAU, equivalent to 146.3 Mt CO2eq' (p.9). Conditional - 'With the above resources and additional international financing in adequate and appropriate manner through grants, concessional loans, financial resources, technology and capacity building under bilateral and multilateral international cooperation mechanisms, especially under UNFCCC and Paris Agreement, Viet Nam aims to reduce 43.5% of total GHG emissions by 2030 compared to BAU, equivalent to 403.7 Mt CO2eq.' (p.9). Methane - 'Viet Nam, together with other countries, pledged to reduce methane emissions by 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030.' (p.1).",reduction 419,"We are now committing to reduce our absolute global Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions 25.2% by 2025 and 50% by 2030, each from a 2019 base year, which we believe is consistent with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C. ",reduction 420,"We produced strong operating results from our collection and disposal business, and these results demonstrate that that we are investing in the right areas and driving the right behaviors.",none 421,"Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 vs. a 2017 baseline ",reduction 422,CN’s order is the largest among Class I railways since 2014.,none 423,Our investors also expect that we stand for something far more than providing economic returns.,none 424,"""Jordan's updated 1st Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) document enhances its commitment to the international climate change governance system by raising its macroeconomic GHG emission reduction target from 14% in the 1st NDC to 31% in this current updated NDC, both compared to Business As Usual (BAU) scenario."" ""Jordan committed to reduce 5% compared to the BAU scenario unconditionally, and to reduce conditionally an additional 26% compared to BAU scenario if the resources and means of implementation are available.""",reduction 425,"Aim to make the Sumitomo Corporation Group carbon neutral in 2050(*1). Develop technologies and business models for creating a sustainable energy cycle by reducing CO2 emissions and achieving negative emissions(*2) for society as a whole.",net-zero 426,"[1] Data calculated on the same reporting perimeter as 2018, excluding Abertis Group.",none 427,"[Financing line for micro and small companies , with or without associated working capital , for investment projects that provide generation or maintenance of employment and income in urban areas to enable sustainable development of micro and small companies aligned with Proger Urbano .]",none 428,"The board is responsible for oversight of the firm, approving the strategy of the business, and holding the Newton Executive Management Committee to account.",none 429,"(Pg. 15) GHG emission volume (Scope 1+2): 242,000 tCO2e (Current level 2019); 214 tCO2e/KRW 100 million (Target for 2023) Emission volume per unit revenue (Scope 1+2): 0.87 tCO2e/KRW 100 million (Current level 2019); 0.69 tCO2e/KRW 100 million (Target for 2023)",reduction 430,Reduce 10% of emissions in logistics and total production,reduction 431,Our commitment to net zero,net-zero 432,The Company's remuneration policy is designed to be consistent with the Company's overall strategy in order to attract and retain the skills and talents required to drive the business forward. ,none 433,'To reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2023 and 60% by 2030 in relation to 2019.' (p39),reduction 434,Reduce CO2 intensity of global vehicle fleet by 25% compared to 2017 (t CO2e/CHF million) by 2022.,reduction 435,"Our focus is on ethically sourcing high-quality coffee and tea, reducing our environmental impacts and contributing positively to communities around the world.",none 436,Changes in the portfolio’s carbon footprint may occur for two reasons: a change in portfolio composition or a change in the emissions of investee companies.,none 437," GM has announced plans to become carbon neutral in our global products and operations by 2040 ",net-zero 438,"Lululemon has signed the UN Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action so are committed to achieve net zero carbon by 2050 or earlier. ",net-zero 439,'The implementation of NDC 2022 is in line with net zero target indicated in the National Climate Change Strategy to 2050 and the measures to implement the methane emission reduction action plan' (p.2).,net-zero 440,The analysis is at the double-digit NACE code level.,none 441,"""Using NextEra Energy's 2005 standard adjusted baseline, the company now plans to reach a carbon-emissions-reduction rate of 70% by 2025, exceeding its previous commitment.""",reduction 442,"In April 2021, we announced a greenhouse gas emission reduction policy, which aims to achieve net zero by 2050. We are working toward a goal of 60% reduction in 2030 (compared to 2017) (p28)",net-zero 443,"到2030年,... 单位GDP二氧化碳排放比2005年下降65%以上 By 2030, .. CO2 emissions per unit of GDP drop by more than 65% compared with 2005",reduction 444,Air and steam leakage prevention programmes were also implemented at all 66 of our production sites during the year.,none 445,"The identified risks can significantly affect the Association’s finance, relevancy and reputation if mitigations are not in place.",none 446,We consider numerous attributes in evaluating whether the costs to manufacture a particular product should be capitalized as an asset.,none 447,"Unconditional target to reduce by 29% by 2030, conditional target to reduce by 43% by 2030.",reduction 448,"reaching carbon neutral by 2045 ",net-zero 449,'NTT has set targets for groupwide carbon neutrality by fiscal 2040 on its way to achieving zero environmental impact' (p19),net-zero 450,"The City worked with the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) and C40 Cities to evaluate the proposed CAP actions and estimate how the Houston community will reach the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. Before actions were modeled, future GHG emissions were projected for 2030, 2040, and 2050 by accounting for anticipated changes from the baseline inventory due to population growth and energy demand trends (See Appendix II: Methodology). According to this analysis, if nothing is done to curb our emissions, Houston could expect annual community-wide emissions to grow to nearly 46 million metric tonnes of CO2e by 2050. ",net-zero 451,Energy labels are not publicly disclosed in all countries.,none 452,The eleven companies that were divested from as at 30 June 2019 are shown in Appendix C.,none 453,"The other, longer-term, target is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, in line with Chile’s own national target, or earlier if technologies are developed over the coming years that allow this goal to be achieved sooner.",net-zero 454,"Speech by Putin: ""I will add that in practice Russia will strive for carbon neutrality of its economy, and we set a specific benchmark here - no later than 2060."" The target then appears in the following document .",net-zero 455,'Halliburton has set science-based targets to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 40% by 2035 from our 2018 baseline' (p27),reduction 456,carbon neutral in ground operations by 2020,net-zero 457,"Reaching these targets by 2030 will put Yukon on the path to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 for our entire economy",net-zero 458,"Sonora’s goals on mitigation are settle from the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in order to support Mexico’s commitment, so that the state commitment is the reduction of 25% GHG and short-lived climate pollutants emissions for the year of 2030. The commitment as well implies a net emissions peak starting from 2026 decoupling GHG emissions from economic growth, considering the nation goal of reducing 40% by 2030. For the power sector, we are aiming to generate 35% of clean energy by 2024, and 43% to 2030, considering the inclusion of renewable energy, geothermal energy, natural gas and CO2 capture. By joining the Under 2 Coalition, Sonora will be adopting its goals of reducing emissions 80-95% by 2050, or limiting to 2 tons per capita.",reduction 459,"'We also aim to achieve carbon neutrality with net zero CO emissions by 2050,' (p128) ",net-zero 460,Of the 191 Directors and employees at period end: one of 11 Directors; seven of 27 senior managers; and 49 of 180 staff were females.,none 461,The spend was split between a 4.25% budget for the majority of the workforce and 3% for those in senior management positions (with some variation in our international locations to reflect market conditions).,none 462,"Annual electric power generation is approximately 520 GWh, equivalent to the electricity consumption of around 119,000 ordinary households, and the associated CO emissions reduction is 308,000 tonnes/year.",none 463,"RBI has set a target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. ",net-zero 464,"Commit to carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 2035. Net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2035.",net-zero 465,"achieve a sustainable and equitable level of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. one possible scenario for the average citizen's greenhouse gas emissions in 2050: the emission level is equivalent to 1,9 tonnes.",reduction 466,"'By 2025, reduce end-to-end CO2e emissions by 10%, reduce absolute water usage in priority sites by 10%, and reduce food waste in internal manufacturing by 15%, over 2018 base' (p9)",reduction 467,"After a difficult 2018, in which we undertook a significant restructuring process, which resulted in reducing our workforce by a third, South Deep can now report material and steady progress towards sustainable growth.",none 468,"On the other hand, among businesses marked for improving profitability, demand for some products continues to drop among entry-level mirrorless cameras within the electronic imaging business and CTP plates of the graphic systems business due to drastic changes in the market environment.",none 469,● Developed nations are expanding the application of the global water management system.,none 470, We are aiming to reduce global Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 70% by 2025 as compared to 2018 levels.,reduction 471,'Net Zero carbon emissions' by 2050 (p25),net-zero 472,"By 2030, emissions from domestic transport, excluding domestic aviation, will be reduced by at least 70 per cent compared with 2010. By 2030, emissions in Sweden in the sectors that will be covered by the EU Effort Sharing Regulation should be at least 63 per cent lower than in 1990. By 2040, emissions in Sweden in the sectors that will be covered by the EU Effort Sharing Regulation should be at least 75 per cent lower than in 1990.",reduction 473,"Two interim targets: - 50% reduction from direct operations (scope 1 and 2) by 2030 (baseline 2019) -30% reduction from entire value chain (scope 1 2 and 3) by 2030 (baseline 2019)",reduction 474,"This was partially offset by increased sales in our Building Products Division driven by a strong residential sector in the United States (US), particularly in Repair, Maintenance and Improvement (RMI) activity.",none 475,"Ara achieved market leadership in its first region - the Coffee Growing Region - after three years of doing business in the country, and entered the third operating region, in Bogota, the country's capital, where it opened 22 of the 79 stores inaugurated during the year.",none 476,"""l’objectif à long terme de la neutralité climatique, qui consiste à atteindre le « zéro émissions nettes » au Luxembourg, d’ici 2050 au plus tard"" Net zero emissions by 2050 (long term carbon neutrality)",net-zero 477,"We recently committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, in addition to our earlier commitment to reduce our carbon emissions by 30% by 2030.",net-zero 478,"In addition, the implementation of open access could have a material adverse impact on the Company's results of operations and financial condition.",none 479,"[Given above risks , the Company procures proper insurance coverages , complies with various health and security measures , implements a culture of safety in the working environment , conducts proper and timely repairs and maintenance of the plants , and regularly trains employees on safety and security .]",none 480,"As an industry leader, Accor follows the latest science and aims to reduce its environmental footprint to preserve the planet and its resources for future generations. Accor has committed to limit global warming to +1.5°C and set a target to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.",net-zero 481,'Aspiring towards net zero in 2050 (scope 1&2)' (p47: ,net-zero 482,"The consistory pledged to develop a Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change and integrate it within municipal policies, while at the same time ratified the commitment to reduce emissions of CO2 in the municipality of Murcia 40% in the year 2030.",reduction 483,"We have established a target to achieve a 30% GHG reduction by 2030.",reduction 484,"By 2030: A 35% reduction compared with FY2020.3 (a 50% reduction compared with FY2014.3) in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions at Group business sites",reduction 485,"In early 2021, following a decade of substantial emissions reductions, RELX announced new environment targets including a science-based target to reduce emissions from its locations and energy consumption (known as Scope 1 and Scope 2 location-based emissions) by 46% in 2025 against 2015 levels. This target equates to a 65% reduction by 2025 against 2010 emissions and aligns RELX’s actions with the more ambitious 1.5°C goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. ",reduction 486,"On the path to carbon neutrality, Steel Dynamics is targeting a 20% Scope 1 and Scope 2 combined greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity reduction across its EAF steel mills by 2025 and a 50% reduction by 2030, compared to a 2018 baseline. Additionally, the company plans to increase the use of renewable electrical energy for its EAF steel mills to 10% by 2025 and 30% by 2030. ",reduction 487,"For investors, any loss of business or reputation could result in lower returns.",none 488,"With that in mind, the Group is a member of several coalitions on the front line of the fight against climate change, such as: - The Group belongs to the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, which supports innovation in the interest of deve- loping clean energy.",none 490," logramos una reducción del 52,9% de las emisiones para el año 2030 y de un 84,4% para 2050 con respecto a las emisiones del año base 2015. 100% de colectivos cero emisiones para 2050 Race to Zero member: ",net-zero 491,Carbon neutrality by 2050. ,net-zero 492,Climate risk is systemic to the risk universe and will be integrated into the ERMF risk universe.,none 493,"'Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) commitment: reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 with intermediate targets at 2.5°C in 2024'; 'This strategic ambition is today strengthened with an alignment commitment of the full banking portofolio with a 1.5°C trajectory by 2050, with intermediate targets at 2.5°C in 2024 and 2.2°C in 2030.' (p15)",net-zero 494,"Muncar is a major fishing port suffering from plastic litter in its harbour, beaches and rivers.",none 495,Corporate governance is another area where we recognize that further fortification is essential.,none 496,The economy upholds dynamic performance and growth rates above those of the Euro area.,none 497,"RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers, reaffirms its commitment to climate action by signing The Climate Pledge to become net zero by no later than 2040. The Climate Pledge is a cross-sector community of more than 100 companies and organisations, working together to address the climate crisis. In signing the pledge, a company commits to address three principle areas of action: to measure and report greenhouse gas emissions regularly, to implement decarbonisation strategies for emissions reductions and to neutralise remaining emissions with high quality offsets to achieve net zero annual carbon emissions by 2040. ",net-zero 498,"Recognising the urgent need to make net zero a reality, Centrica is today announcing that it will accelerate its commitment to be net zero by 2045, five years ahead of its previous target and the UK deadline. The company is also announcing a new commitment to helping its customers be net zero by 2050. ",net-zero 499,"We recorded adjusted net income of R$ 13.9 billion, a 22.2% decrease compared to the previous year, mainly impacted by the prudential anticipation of provisions for loans, which reached R$ 8.1 billion.",none 500,They also previously set the objective of covering 100% of their own electricity needs with renewable energies from 2020 onward. This goal has been achieved. ,none 501,"Targets: Aim for sustainable plastic use with zero net CO2 emissions by 2050, ",net-zero 502,(Fig 1 - Rainfall Annual 30-year average (1986-2015)).,none 503,"'– Target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050' (p50, 2021)",net-zero 504,'Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emission intensity (tCO2 e/million tonne kilometres) by 6% by 2022 based on 2017 levels.' (p18),reduction 505," In evaluating interim targets for 2030, the City compared its emissions forecasts against different target options to understand the scale of reductions needed from the CECAP actions, and then selected an interim target that balances the City’s ambition with the realities of Dallas’ relatively high level of emissions in its base year. A common approach used by cities is to set interim targets based on a straight-line trajectory from their base year to their longterm goal. Figure 16 shows this trajectory from the 2015 emissions base year to carbon neutrality by 2050. In Dallas, this would translate to a 43% reduction in total emissions below 2015 levels by 2030.",reduction 506,"The recent safety accident was probably inevitable due to the business characteristics, but LG Chem should remediate the situation swiftly and systematically and come up with a solid measure to prevent recurrence.",none 507,"""We’re targeting ‎a 20% reduction in our aim 1 operational emissions by 2025 and will aim for 30-35% ‎reduction by 2030 against our 2019 baseline.‎"" ""We are targeting a 20% reduction by 2025 and will aim for 30-40% by 2030 against our 2019 baseline"" for scope 3",reduction 508,Zero carbon proposal to be implemented by 2030,net-zero 509,"The enhancement of human capital is therefore fundamental to all the company’s activities, and makes a significant contribution to guiding and characterising the entire operating process, from designing infrastructures to providing services to clients.",none 510,"Its legal status is as a Financial Instruments Firms Association authorized by the Prime Minister, pursuant to Article 67-2, Paragraph 2, of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.",none 511,"As a result, past numerical targets have lost their meaning in the first year of the respective three-year plan.",none 512,Evaluation is over a rolling five-year period and the outcome of individual years should be interpreted with caution since strategic positions are taken in the medium term.,none 513,"Climate Ambition Alliance - no further information about end target According to ",reduction 514,"In this phase, it is necessary to select five clients from each established segment minimally and to estimate the impact on their default probability against the established revenue, cost and investment impacts.",none 515,That standard requires that we plan and perform our procedures to obtain limited assurance about the sustainability report.,none 516,'30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 compared to 2021 (p70),reduction 517,"We have an infrastructure that has the capacity to support additional products and teams, we have the marketing resource, and we are keen to add to our Emerging Market capability, in particular as regards equities and perhaps bonds.",none 518,"ExxonMobil aims to achieve net-zero emissions from its operated assets by 2050 and is taking a comprehensive approach centered on developing detailed emission-reduction roadmaps for major operated assets. This ambition applies to Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions. ",net-zero 519,80 percent by 2050 below 2005 levels,reduction 520,"Non-controlling interests at the end of reporting period, being the portion of the net assets of subsidiaries attributable to equity interests that are not owned by the Company, whether directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, are presented in the consolidated statements of financial position and statements of changes in equity within equity, separately from equity attributable to the shareholders of the Company.",none 521,"""力争2050年左右实现“近零”排放 (achieve zero emission by 2050)",net-zero 522,"The Group and its customers are exposed to climate related events, including climate change.",none 523,"Andorra's NDC in 2022 pledges a 55% reduction in unabsorbed gas emissions with respect to BAU by 2030. This is not written above as BAU because I could not find the target emissions/BAU emissions in the document. 2020: They quote -193.73 Gg CO2e (=-0.19MTCO2e), which is expanded to 0.5236 BAU and 0.3299 target emissions. 2022: I used the previous BAU emissions (0.5236) and the updated 55% target (quoted -292 Gg CO2eq (=-0.292MTCO2e)). I am slightly uncertain about these statistics though, and struggled to find updated BAU emissions. ",reduction 524,"In doing so, JetBlue acquires skilled pilots who fully embrace its culture and values and retains them for the length of their careers, addressing one of its largest costs: pilot wages.",none 525,"Focus on energy efficiency, harnessing solar energy, reducing GHG emission. No specific targets",none 526,"""Pledge to reach (net)-zero in the 2040s or sooner, or by mid-century at the latest"" ",net-zero 527,"'Carbon trajectory: Covivio commits to a 40% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions between 2010 and 2030 and targets a “Net Zero Carbon” contribution for scopes 1 and 2 by 2030' ",net-zero 528,"""8% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since fiscal 2020."" ",reduction 529,Group commitment to carbon neutrality by 2030.,net-zero 530,"For mining projects in this region, environmental and social risk assessments are conducted, and close attention is paid not only to environmental considerations but also to measures to protect biodiversity and indigenous communities, when considering lending.",none 531,We look forward to seeing a true collaboration on sustainability among companies or among industries.,none 532,"In order to protect the lives of the citizens and their property, social infrastructure, nature and ecosystem from such damage, it is necessary to create a fundamental solution to keep the global average temperature from rising more than 1.5 Celsius. We are therefore endeavouring to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by 2050. Citizens and companies alike need to work together in order to make “Zero Carbon City Kagoshima” a reality by 2050. ",net-zero 533,'Carbon: Reduce carbon intensity by 30% » Commit to analyze the opportunity to set a science-based target' ,reduction 534,"For 2030, the reduction targets for Spain established in the “summer package”, Distribution Decision of Effort, for sectors not regulated by the ETS are set at 26% with respect to the levels of 2005. The analysis of the evolution of GHG emissions from the diffuse sectors in Castilla-La Mancha, as well as the projections to 2020 and 2030 made in different scenarios of economic growth, advance the possibility of maintaining the compliance path to 2020, under current socioeconomic conditions.",reduction 535,"The wholesale banking sector is a mature, highly competitive market with competition arising from banks, large global investment firms, and independent niche dealers.",none 536,"(Pg. 45) ""Reduce our Scope 1 & 2 Emissions by 27.5%by 2030 from a CY2019 base year. Work with suppliers representing 67% of Scope 3 emissions* to set science-based targets by 2026."" * Focusing on purchased goods and services and upstream transportation suppliers.",reduction 537,"""The goal to build a net zero energy future is in keeping with our raison d’être. EDF is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, across all scopes (1, 2 and 3) and all geographies. This carbon trajectory is consistent with limiting global warming to “well below 2 °C”(1). To meet its objectives, the Group’s main commitments are to double its renewable capacity, phase out coal power, and support its customers in decarbonising their uses.""",net-zero 538,"Governance Of the companies responding, 44% have appointed at least one independent member to the Supervisory Board or Board of Directors.",none 539,"""Carbon neutrality"" and ""reducing CO2 emissions originating from the supply of energy to basically zero by 2050"" (TEPCO Integrated Report 2020-2021, pg. 60)",net-zero 540,"""In March 2021, against this backdrop, the Group announced the Tohoku Electric Power Group Carbon Neutral Challenge 2050."" (Tohoku Electric Power Group Integrated Report 2021, pg. 04) - ""We will proactively assume the challenge of carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the major prerequisite of securing S+3E"" (Tohoku Electric Power Group Integrated Report 2021, pg. 59)",net-zero 541,"'Carbon neutral by 2030' (p6, 2021)",net-zero 542,Achieve carbon neutrality throughout our value chain by fiscal 2050 (compared to fiscal 2010),net-zero 543,We have initiated a new dimension to our goals with regard to combating climate change through the bold commitment of achieving net zero by 2040. We recalibrated our baseline year to 2019-20 and have finalized our goals. Our targets related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction were validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to be aligned to a 1.5°C Pathway.,net-zero 544,"In light of the dynamism of domestic demand, the surplus of the foreign sector is deteriorating due to the deceleration of the world economy and the global climate of increased uncertainty.",none 545,"Derived from the beliefs of our founder Sir Ove Arup, they shape our goals and our behaviour, wherever we are working.",none 546,"In 2020, Lindt & Sprungli reached a milestone in the reduction of CO2 emissions. In the manufacturing process per ton of production compared to 2015, they achieved over 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Set a Science-Based Target by 2023 with a long-term goal to reach net-zero emissions.",reduction 547,R&D led to the discovery in 2011 of Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma that was commercialized as iMUSE brand products.,none 548,"'到2060年,率先建成零碳城市,相匹配的城市治理体系全面建立' (by 2060, build a zero-carbon city)",net-zero 549,"[Suzano also is involved and spearheads external activities - such as working groups and research partnerships - working with industry associations ( e.g. , Iba , CEBDS , Brazilian Coalition on Climate , Forests and Agriculture , etc .]",none 550,"Regarding the estimate of the long-term results of the selected portfolio companies, we verified that this estimate had been derived from the individual company projections and had been approved at the level of the portfolio company by the latter’s supervisory body.",none 551,"""We are committed to continuing to reduce emissions in our operations and to our goal of achieving net zero operational emissions by 2050."" ",net-zero 552,"- 50% reduction in product CO2e intensity from primary suppliers by 2030 ",reduction 553,"""net-zero emissions by 2050 for oceangoing businesses"" Source: ",net-zero 554,"In line with the requirements of the CSA, we are implementing a new compliance management system and have appointed a compliance officer. ",none 555,"‘This year, Banorte became a founder of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEPFI), with the commitment of generating zero emissions in our businesses and operations by 2050. Banorte also joined the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures and in 2021 we launched our first sustainable investment fund.’",net-zero 556,Internal reputation We also support a business culture where employees help employees.,none 557,"Aim to reduce corporate average ""well-to-wheel"" carbon dioxide emissions to 50 percent of 2010 levels by 2030, and achieve a 90-percent reduction by 2050",reduction 558,Net zero emissions by 2050,net-zero 559,"""Remove more CO2 from the atmosphere than we emit from 2030, to be carbon negative.""",net-zero 560,"... la ambición de Guinea Ecuatorial es reducir en un 20% de sus emisiones para el año 2030, con respecto a los niveles de 2010; a fin de alcanzar una reducción de 50% para el año 2050.",reduction 561,"Maersk's proactive engagement with customers, inves- tors and lenders in relation to framework conditions for shipping is also part of managing the risk of encountering first mover disadvantages.",none 562,"Importantly, Sephora put great emphasis on",none 563,A limited assurance engagement to report on certain description of a company's sustainability report involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about the description of the company.,none 564,The new test concept embraces everything that our brand represents today.,none 565,Scope 1 & 2 - Manufacturing - Carbon neutrality by 2030,net-zero 566,"""CO2 neutral company by 2050""",net-zero 567,"[In terms of data access , the assessment of physical risks is covered as follows : - operational risk scores ( based on facility - level mapping ) are provided for 2,000 entities on the MSCI ACWI ( which includes the MSCI World and MSCI EM indices ) , covering more than 90 % of the MSCI ACWI in terms of weight ; - scores for supply chain risk and market risk are available for 12,800 companies , covering 100 % of the components of the following indices : MSCI World , MSCI EM , S&P Global Large - Mid and Bar- clays EUR Corporates .]",none 568,The company is looking to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions of at least 55% by 2025 and at least 65% across its operations and value chain by 2030 from a 2019 baseline. ,reduction 569,Net zero greenhouse gas emissions by fiscal 2050 ,net-zero 570,"SK Group has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality prior to 2050, the year set by the United Nations (UN) to reach net-zero carbon emissions globally. ",net-zero 571,Certain colleagues have entitlement to higher levels of core benefits retained from their employment prior to 2020.,none 572,"FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX), home of the world’s largest cargo airline, announced today an ambitious goal to achieve carbon–neutral operations globally by 2040. To help reach this goal, FedEx is designating more than $2 billion of initial investment in three key areas: vehicle electrification, sustainable energy, and carbon sequestration. This includes a pledge of $100 million to Yale University to help establish the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture, accelerating research into methods of carbon sequestration at scale, with an initial focus on helping to offset greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to current airline emissions. ",net-zero 573,The Bank is currently in the process of preparing its next green economy targets to cover the period 2021-25.,none 574,4.3.4 Methods of stakeholder engagement are flexible and can be tailored according to different objectives.,none 575,We have set ourselves the target to achieve net zero GHG emissions including our entire value chain by 2050 or sooner and signed the Business Ambition for 1.5°C.,net-zero 576,"He then became chief executive of Price & Pierce Limited, which acted as the UK agent for overseas producers of forestry products, before leaving in 1997 to become finance director of Ambion Brick, a building materials company bought out from Ibstock PLC.",none 577,"aim to be 'net-positive' ""commits to reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 80% by 2025"" 2017 baseline ""reduce scope 3 GHG emissions from private label products by 40 percent per million euros gross profit by 2025 from a 2018 base year. Zalando also commits that 90 percent of its suppliers (by emissions covering purchased goods and services sold on its platform, packaging and last-mile-delivery partners) will have science-based targets by 2025.""",reduction 578,"Denver will be a model for the nation and world by working urgently to create, pass, and implement bold policies that achieve 40% greenhouse gas emission decrease communitywide by 2025, 60% by 2030, and 100% by 2040, using a 2005 baseline. We will center policy design, programs, and investments in frontline communities, and inspire people in our city to embrace sustainability as a value.",reduction 579,"Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 75 percent by 2050, with 2017 as the base year, in our value chain (Scopes 1, 2 and 3), resulting in: A commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 4 percent per year, every year, until 2050. A reduction target of 12 percent by 2020, and by 41 percent by 2030.'",reduction 580,"Specifically, the company has committed by 2030 to: -Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 33% versus 2017 levels to support efforts to limit the global temperature increase to well below 2°C, aligning with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. -Improve transparency of Scope 3 GHG emissions and increase engagement on climate issues with key suppliers throughout the value chain. -Increase energy efficiency by 10% and the total proportion of energy purchased or generated from renewable sources to 50%. -Reduce total water withdrawal by 10% in areas projected to be in water stress. -Assess and mitigate the environmental impact of pharmaceutical ingredients used in operations. -Reduce the overall mass of secondary and tertiary packaging materials per unit dose and increase the proportion of recycled and responsibly-sourced materials by 10%. -Assess the environmental lifecycle impact of key products. -Continue to minimize waste generated from operations and the environmental impact of its disposal. -Meet existing AMR Industry Alliance commitments to minimize antimicrobial discharges from the supply chain. ",reduction 581," use of renewable energy at our largest facilities, including our headquarters",none 582,"Carbon neutral in direct operations, scope 1 and 2, by 2023 on path to net zero 46% reduction by 2030 Scope 1,2,3- verified by SBTi, scope 1, 2, 3 emissions targets were aligned to 1.5oC scenerio. 100% renewable electricity by 2030, *Carbon neutrality in direct operations across Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions: Boundary of scope 1 + 2 GHG includes sites that represent jurisdictional control plus material locations, accounting for 96% of our total scope 1 + 2 footprint ",net-zero 583,"The drawings gathered from employees around the world were assembled in a video available on the Group’s website showing, through the eyes of children, what each employee has done to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic.",none 584,DEFINITIONS Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or operated facilities.,none 585,"Additionally, reduced liquidity limits the possibility of terminating relations with an issuer whose ESG profile deteriorates significantly.",none 586,"While scope 3, category 15 (emissions through lending and investments) is material to ING’s indirect emissions footprint, due to measurement complexity and lack of quality data, ING is not able accurately to measure and disclose this figure.",none 587,The Board of Ma- nagement then decides which measures need to be implemented.,none 588,"Although fees for alternative strategies have been more resilient, market trends have led to a need for more innovative products and solutions.",none 589,"Leaders across the bank promote our efforts, articulate its importance and champion the work needed to deliver sustainable growth well into the future.",none 590,"Developed in partnership with RANMAN Energy, the La Laguna Cogeneration facility was expected to provide low-carbon and cost-effective heat and electricity under a long-term agreement.",none 591,"In 2030, New Orleans will have reduced our annual greenhouse gas pollution by 50% from what it is today. We will use 100% low-carbon electricity, take 50% of our trips in modes other than driving, and divert 50% of our waste from landfills. ",reduction 592,net zero in operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 2030,net-zero 593,"""This Action Plan presents Newcastle’s view of how the city can achieve its ambition to be Net Zero carbon by 2030""",net-zero 594,"The company’s goal to reduce GHG emissions 25% by 2025 is intended to drive emissions down over time, modeled after the Science Based Targets initiative methodology in effect when the goal was established in 2017.",reduction 595,Net-zero across operations before 2050.,net-zero 596,"The policy aims to (i) provide strategic guidance to ensure that Bhutan remains carbon neutral and protect the wellbeing of the people of Bhutan by adapting to climate change in an efficient and effective manner (ii) ensure meaningful participation of all relevant stakeholders in climate change action in a coordinated and coherent manner with clear roles and responsibilities and (iii) ensure that the challenges and opportunities of climate change are addressed at all appropriate levels, through adequate means of implementation (finance, technology, capacity building and awareness) and integration into relevant plans and policies.",net-zero 597,"Currently, our products use an average of 28 percent of constituents to replace clinker, resulting in one of the lowest levels of clinker content in the sector.",none 598,"The Board is committed to ensuring that the Company operates in accordance with the highest ethical standards, and takes its responsibility to uphold ethical business practices seriously. ",none 599,-30% by 2025. baseline: 2020 (p342),reduction 600,Reduce GHG emissions (Scopes 1+2) (on a market basis*1) by 55% by FY2030 and to zero by FY2050 (compared to FY2017).,reduction 601,"The target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% at European level by 2030 compared with 1990 is shared amongst the ETS sectors (energy industries, energy-intensive industrial sectors and aviation) and non-ETS sectors (transport, residential, tertiary, industry not included in the ETS sector, agriculture and waste), which will need to record a -43% and -30% decrease, respectively, compared with 2005. While the target for ETS sectors is set at European level, as it is a system applied to all Member States on a harmonised and centralised basis, the target of reducing greenhouse gases relating to sectors falling under the Effort Sharing Regulation is split between the various Member States. Regulation (EU) 2018/842 on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States from 2021 to 2030 contributing to climate action to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement (the Effort Sharing Regulation, ESR) sets Italy a reduction target of -33% compared with 2005 levels for non-ETS sectors [NECP, p.239]. This target must be achieved by following a linear reduction trajectory that will identify an emissions limit for each year. ""In a phone conversation between EU Ecology Minister Roberto Cingolani, and US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, Cingolani said that Italy plans to reduce its carbon emissions by roughly 60% by 2030 from 1990 levels."" This commitment does not appear in policy documents, so it is not clear whether it still stands (source: .",reduction 602,Å Our commitment for renewable energy to comprise at least 20% of our energy portfolio in 2022 with the help of our Energy Transition Fund.,none 603,"We have committed to have an additional 3,000 megawatts of new solar and wind — enough to power 750,000 homes — under development or in operation by the beginning of 2022.",none 604,"• Uncertainty around the returns of the conventional generation, in particular as backup capacity (relevant in a perspective of ensuring security of supply).",none 605,Aegon is exposed to mortality risk and mortgage underwriting,none 606,"(p5) To support the national strategy of “achieving carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060”, China Huarong increased financial support for energy conservation and environmental protection, clean energy, ecological management and other businesses, and assisted low-carbon enterprises in transformation and development. It advocated green operation, cultivated green culture, and promoted energy conservation and carbon reduction, to speed up the digital transformation of its business operation.",net-zero 607,"‘With the climate plan developed in 2021, we are committing to the goal of a virtually climate-neutral building portfolio by 2045, while also meeting binding annual interim targets along the way’ ",net-zero 608,"""In 2030, 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. Expressed in net(2) emissions, in 2030, 82% reduction compared to 1990 levels"" Also ambition to be in line with the EU target. ",reduction 609,The sniffer truck survey covers all our operating wells and gathering lines at least twice during the year.,none 610,no concrete target - adopt practices to improve the greenhouse gas emissions performance,none 611,"In addition, we are pushing for environmental protection and eco-friendly management by minimizing waste.",none 612,Air Canada is committing to reducing 20 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from flights and 30 percent of GHG emissions from ground operations by 2030 in order to get to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050,net-zero 613,Member of Climate Ambition Alliance,net-zero 614,"Alaska Airlines commits to carbon, waste and water goals for 2025, announces path to net zero by 2040 (10 years sooner than agreed by rest of the airlines Airlines for America (A4A) company members.)",net-zero 615,"G. Operational risk Operational risk definitions Operational risk is the risk of a positive, negative or potential loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, human behaviour and systems or from external incidents and it includes model risk.",none 616,"For example, motor insurance is the most important business line of the re/insurance sector globally.",none 617,'ZERO for Green' carbon neutrality vision. Declared November 2021.,net-zero 618,The implementation of ambitious actions will reduce future GHG emissions by 25% in 2030.,reduction 619,Investors and others who rely on the Bank's forward-looking statements should carefully consider the above factors as well as the uncertainties they represent and the risk they entail.,none 620,Natural Gas Transmission will retain ownership and continue to operate the portion of the Pioneer Pipeline located in the Natural Gas Transmission footprint.,none 621,"""Considering all sectors (including FOLU), emissions for the NDC scenario (with mitigation measures) increase from 10,139 kt CO2e in 2016 to 11,978 kt CO2e in 2030, which represents an increase of +18.1%. The difference, in 2030, with the BAU scenario, is -3,170 kt CO2e, which represents a mitigation impact of -20.9%."" ""Overall, the mitigation actions accounted in the NDC scenario could help avoid, in total during the period 2021-2030, 16,828 kt CO2e compared to the BAU scenario. This is the cumulative effect of the emissions reduction between NDC scenario and BAU scenario""",reduction 622,"We have progressed our work with 34 of 100 of our largest greenhouse gas emitting customers to support them in developing or improving their low-carbon transition plans by 30 September 2023. NAB also provides finance to help customers reduce their emissions with tailored products and services, in 2021. In 2021, we achieved a 55% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions included in our science-based target compared to our 2019 baseline. Emissions reductions in 2021 have been greater than expected due to the impacts of COVID-19 restricting business activities. ",reduction 623,"Scope 1 and 2 Manufacturing related emissions intensity: 30% reduction from 2019. Scope 3 product-related emissions intensity: 15% reduction from 2019.",reduction 624,"As of June 30, 2019, the fund had made 22 commitments totaling $365 million.",none 625,"HP will be carbon neutral in its operations by 2025 and reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% on an absolute basis by 2030, compared to 2019.",net-zero 626,"The Company is fully committed to ensuring that its employees are treated equally, irrespective of gender, ethnic origin, disability, marital status, political opinion, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or age. ",none 627,"Member of Climate Alliance, and self-declared net carbon sink ",net-zero 628,At least 48% reduction in emissions compared to the development scenario uncontrolled (trend) in 2025 and 55% in 2035,reduction 629,It also may invest directly in those companies.,none 630,"In December 2020, we announced our ambition to achieve net zero by 2050 and committed to underpin this ambition through developing interim 2030 science-based goals within two years.",net-zero 631,We are committed to building a sustainable business that delivers long-term value for all our stakeholders. ,none 632,We are committed to procuring high quality off-sets externally verified by Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard and support the Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting.,none 633,"Korea's 2050 Vision states that: ""The Republic of Korea moves towards the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The Korean New Deal will serve as a stepping-stone to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Korea will harness green innovations and advanced digital technologies to create synergies between the Green New Deal and the Digital New Deal, the two pillars of the Korean New Deal. Korea will also take decisive action especially in supporting and investing in the development of innovative climate technologies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050."" As part of the country, Busan aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. ",net-zero 634,"[( 4 ) Metrics and Goals As a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Banking ( PRB ) , we aim to bolster our initiatives in the areas of impact finance and renewable energy finance projects .]",none 635,"The emissions reduction targets, based on the 2010 emissions of Colima and in alignment with the National Climate Change Strategy, have established the following: • 30% reduction by the year 2030. • 50% reduction by the year 2050. By signing the Under2MOU, the state of Colima is committing to work towards the more ambitious goals defined by the Under2 Coaltion, which are to reduce GHG emissions by 80 to 95 percent, or below 2 annual metric tons per capita, by 2050.",reduction 636,'The reduction target set is 40% reduction in GHG by 2030' (p119),reduction 637,Earnings attributable to equity owners of the Company includes timing adjustments related to rate-regulated activities and unrealized gains or losses on mark-to-market forward and swap commodity contracts.,none 638,"ding to the analysis, the sample is more exposed to water and heat stress and to floods.",none 639,"二氧化碳排放量力争於2025年达到峰值,并积极探索有效路径,努力争取2060年前实现“碳中和”。 ""The Company strives to achieve the peak of carbon dioxide emissions in 2025, and actively explores effective paths and strives to achieve “carbon neutrality” by 2060""",net-zero 640,"Caesars Entertainment commits to reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions 100% by 2050, from a 2011 base year ",reduction 641,"Acute physical risks refer to those that are event-driven, including increased severity of extreme weather events such as cyclones, hurricanes or floods.",none 642,Units of measurement used MN maps out climate risks and opportunities in the portfolios using the units of measurement below.,none 643,This increases the risk of epidemics.,none 644,No target proposed in 2019 report.,none 645,$100 billion in sustainable financing by 2025.,none 646,"As a result, running costs for our estate in Bristol are now 55% lower than they were in 2016.",none 647,"to reduce the carbon footprint, hang lung targets a 70% reduction in scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions intensity per m2 by 2030 compared to a 2018 baseline.",reduction 648," ""Chile commits to a GHG emission budget not exceeding 1,100 MtCO2eq between 2020 and 2030, with a GHG emissions maximum (peak) by 2025, and a GHG emissions level of 95 MtCO2eq by 2030."" This is an intermediate point on the road to carbon neutrality by 2050, which we have established in the Draft Framework Law on Climate Change that is currently under discussion in the National Congress of Chile. ""The NDC also includes a target to ""Reduce total black carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2030, with respect to 2016 levels.""",reduction 649,The likelihood and consequence was then assigned based on those parameters.,none 650,"""to achieve global carbon neutrality by 2050.""",net-zero 651,"Arunachal Pradesh Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar Thursday said that the state intends to achieve the target of net zero carbon emissions by the year 2047, as envisaged in the ‘Pakke Declaration’.",net-zero 652,"Regarding execution, we have clarified responsibilities by enhancing our research and development system and establishing the Health Business Strategy Office.",none 653,"By the close of 2022, Netflix will achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions",net-zero 654,"As reputation risk is inherently difficult to identify, manage, and quantify, an independent reputation risk management governance function is critical.",none 655,"Their Report on Internal Controls under Standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), included in the Consolidated Financial Statements, expresses an unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control over financial reporting as of October 31, 2020.",none 656,"""80% reduction from 2010 levels by 2040 and a 70% reduction by 2035""",reduction 657,"No changes have been made to the Bank Windhoek exclusion list, which is used to assess clients against activities that are not permitted due to unacceptable environmental and social impacts.",none 658,"Obesity kills more people than hunger, while many populations struggle to find sufficient nourishment in their diets, presenting opportunities to meet these growing consumer needs.",none 659,"We aim to reduce our GHG emissions by 40% by fiscal 2030 compared to fiscal 2013 through transitioning to low-carbon raw materials and fuels, conserving energy by installing highly energy-efficient equipment and the like, and adopting renewable energy.",reduction 660,"""In 2014, Minneapolis set a goal to reduce 80% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050."" Source: ",reduction 661,"Due to the number of clients in RBB, a risk-based approach is taken.",none 662,The Group will continue to develop and implement an employee assistance programme to support the personal development and well-being of employees. ,none 663,Our GWM in collaboration with AM is developing a range of new thematic and pooled impact investments. -,none 664,"""Mayor Cooper’s administration will also work toward reducing Nashville’s community-scale emissions 30 percent by 2030 and 70 percent by 2050. To lead by example, CO2-reduction targets for Metro Government will be 40 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2050. "" Source: ",reduction 665,‘Net Zero Emissions’ means achieving a balance between greenhouse gases produced and those taken out; the government aims to declare the State as ‘Net Zero Carbon Kerala’ by 2050,net-zero 666,"net zero carbon operations by 2030 reduce direct carbon emissions by at least 75%",net-zero 667,"CBRE Group, Inc. (NYSE: CBRE) today announced its commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040. As a part of its 2040 net-zero emissions strategy, CBRE today signed The Climate Pledge, a commitment to achieving net-zero carbon 10 years ahead of the goal stated in the Paris Agreement. The Climate Pledge, co-founded by Amazon and Global Optimism, forms a cross-sector community of companies and organizations committed to net zero carbon by 2040, working together to take action to address the climate crisis and solve the challenges of decarbonizing our economy. Associated Contact Steve Iaco Photo of steve-iaco Phone Email Associated Contact Kristyn Farahmand Photo of kristyn-farahmand Email CBRE Group, Inc. (NYSE: CBRE) today announced its commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040. This commitment encompasses carbon emissions from CBRE’s own operations and the properties it manages for investors and occupiers, as well as indirect supply chain emissions. “As the world’s largest manager of commercial real estate, we have a special obligation to help the world address the many challenges posed by the warming planet,” said Bob Sulentic, CBRE’s president and chief executive officer. “CBRE is deeply committed to doing our part and to working with our clients and across our vast global supply chain to help achieve net zero emissions as quickly as possible. This is an essential element of our commitment to the communities in which we operate.” As a part of its 2040 net-zero emissions strategy, CBRE today signed The Climate Pledge, a commitment to achieving net-zero carbon 10 years ahead of the goal stated in the Paris Agreement. The Climate Pledge, co-founded by Amazon and Global Optimism, forms a cross-sector community of companies and organizations committed to net zero carbon by 2040, working together to take action to address the climate crisis and solve the challenges of decarbonizing our economy. The net zero commitment builds on the company’s science-based emissions reduction target announced last year. Source: ",net-zero 668,"""we announce our commitment to become a net zero carbon business by 2030, aligned with science-based targets (SBTi) and fully committed with the SDG goals set by the UN""",net-zero 669,"We believe that the recent spate of consolidation in the industry – led by the mergers between Barrick Gold and Randgold, and Newmont Gold and Goldcorp – is a response to the under-investment.",none 671,"Since then, Israel has undertaken steps to increase its ambition. Most noteworthy is Government Decision 171 passed on the 25th of July 2021 entitled ""Transition to a Low Carbon Economy.” Unlike Israel's original NDC, this new Decision includes an unconditional absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal for 2030 of 27% relative to 2015 and an unconditional absolute GHG emissions reduction goal for 2050 of 85% relative to 2015. Whereas our INDC submitted in 2015 projected 2030 emissions would be 81.65 MtCO2e, under this update they are projected to be 58 MtCO2e by 2030. This updated goal significantly improves upon Israel's first NDC which was presented as a per capita economy-wide unconditional GHG reduction. The previous target was 7.7 tCO2e by 2030 which corresponded to a total of 81.6 MtCO2e. The updated target presented in this NDC is 58 MtCO2e, which corresponds to a reduction of 23 MtCO2e or 29% in Israel' s total emissions. We believe that this updated NDC is a marked improvement both in the process by which the 2030 and 2050 national and sectoral goals were determined; in the more ambitious mitigation goal and in the work carried out to increase preparedness and adaptation to Climate Change. ",reduction 672,"""We have committed to reach net zero by 2050 and have set ambitious interim targets relative to our 2018 equity emissions baseline: – to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 15% by 2025; and – to reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2030.""",net-zero 673,ING issued a dual tranche five-year EUR 500 million and three-year USD 800 million green bond.,none 674,"Responding to China's carbon peak and carbon neutral goals and realizing the green transformation of building construction, the Company aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 and achieve a 25% reduction in carbon emission intensity by 2025 (2018 as base year)",net-zero 675,"As a global company, we have a role and responsibility that extends even beyond the world of health.",none 676,"""achieve carbon neutrality by 2050""",net-zero 677,"Linde is subject to various claims, legal proceedings and government investigations that arise from time to time in the ordinary course of business.",none 678,"An interim goal would have to be set up by 2030 to be successful of minus 65 percent greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved, as the Stuttgart city council decided in 2019.",reduction 679,"""reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 30% by 2030 from a 2018 base year. thyssenkrupp also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 16% by 2030 from a 2017 base year""",reduction 680,"Victoria has released new emissions reduction targets in Oct 2022, with a commitment to reduce emissions by 75% to 80% (on 2005 levels) by 2035 and net zero by 2045. It also includes a renewables target of 95% by 2035. Victoria currently has a 2050 net zero target legislated, with the new 2045 deadline included in a declaration by Premier Daniel Andrews made around the 2022 election. This 2045 target will be legislated once the new government is formed.",net-zero 681,"In a transition scenario, industries unable to de-carbonize could experience declining profitability and lack of re-financing, which could lead to a lack of maintenance with increasing rates of outages and equipment break-downs that translate into higher insurance losses.",none 682,"Kimberly's 2021 Sustainability Report states that ""Consistent with the world’s enhanced climate action commitments coming out of COP26, we made progress against ambitious targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for reducing our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and our Scope 3 emissions by 20% – all by 2030.""",reduction 683,"""post-carbon society', no quantitative data",none 684,"'• Using 2020 as the base year, reduce emissions by 21% before 2025; reduce emissions by 42% before 2030; and reduce emissions by 63% before 2035' (p11)",reduction 685,"'The strategic measures that the Talanx Group announced in November 2021 have further enhanced its sustainability strategy and hence made sustainability an even more integral part of its business model. Above and beyond its existing net zero target for global operations, which it aims to achieve by 2030 at the latest, the Group intends to achieve net zero emissions in its underwriting and investment activities by 2050, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change' (p10)",net-zero 686,Our ambition is to be CO₂-neutral by 2039.,net-zero 687,"""2050 net-zero carbon emissions goal""",net-zero 688,"Long-term indicator (by March 31, 2030) Reduce CO2 emissions by at least 75% (compared to fiscal 2013)",reduction 689,"An example of employee involvement in #proudtobediasorin was the collection of drawings by Group’s employees’ children, representing their parents at work during the first pandemic wave.",none 690,"As of 2020, we achieved carbon neutrality with respect to Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions, and we continue to review our broader environmental impact across our value chain with suppliers and customers.",net-zero 691,"The first of these funds, Seed’Innov, provides assistance from the earliest stages of R&D and proof-of-concept activities, continuing to support projects through to commercial launch.",none 692,"When TREIC invests in vehicles managed by the Group, it is intended that the former will receive 25% of the carried interest from the vehicles concerned.",none 693,"""achieve net zero carbon emissions prior to 2050""",net-zero 694,"2030 Reduction Target: 26.57% reduction in absolute amount compared to 2016 GHG emissions ",reduction 695,"The Government of Amazonas joined the Race to Zero campaign, a global agenda whose goal is to zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. A letter was sent to the United Kingdom Embassy in Brazil and the adhesion was announced at meeting “Closing the Ambition Cycle with the Race to Zero in Brazil”",net-zero 696,0% CO2 (Net Zero) - In 2040 no CO2 emissions in the entire chain.,net-zero 697,"""committed to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050""",net-zero 698,"Alinta Energy has entered into a 12-year offtake agreement for both the energy and the LGCs, commencing January 2019.",none 699,"Reduce CO2 emissions from scope 1 + 2 activities by 55%, by 2030 from 2017 base year & 16% for scope 3 ",reduction 700,"The commitment that the Murcia City Council has always manifested by the implementation of policies that allow sustainable development of our municipality and the fight against change climate, materialized in 2008, when Murcia was one of the first Spanish cities to sign the COVENANT OF MAYORS, committing to reduce its Greenhouse Gas emissions in a 20% in 2020. Through implementation of its Sustainable Energy Action Plan 2020, the emissions from the Municipality of Murcia have already been reduced 24.5% in 2015.",reduction 701,"60% reduction by fiscal 2030: So far, News Corp achieved 30% reduction in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) for their operational emissions in fiscal year 2020, from base year fiscal 2016, which should help them to reach their approved target of 60% reduction by fiscal 2030 sooner than anticipated. Other interim targets include: Sourcing 100% of their paper from certified sources by 2025.",reduction 702,"Georgia is fully committed(1) to an unconditional limiting target of 35 % below 1990 level of its domestic total greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. (1.) The commitment does not cover Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region of Georgia, since these are the temporarily occupied territories and the Government of Georgia has no effective control over them.",reduction 703,"GSK sets new environmental goals of net zero impact on climate and net positive impact on nature by 2030. For biopharma, net zero emissions across all operations and value chain by 2030 from baseline of 2020. For consumer health, reduce net scope 1+2 emissions by 100% and scope 3 emissions from source to sale by 42% by 2030, compared to 2020 baseline. These are 2030 targets, set against a 2016 baseline, to: reduce operational carbon emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 20%; reduce value chain carbon emissions (Scope 3) by 25% per £ billion revenue.",net-zero 704,"We commit to targeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest, with a 50% reduction by 2030, in our fully discretionary delegated investment portfolios.",net-zero 705,This heat map is available to our analysts and fund managers and updated on a monthly basis.,none 706,"At the end of 2019, the program helped over 9,000 new homeowners with $2.3 billion in mortgage lending.",none 707,"'Over the next 24 months, Aramark will develop and then announce its sciencebased targets using the SBTi Net-Zero Standard. This commitment—to set a nearterm science-based target to significantly reduce GHG emissions within 5-10 years and a long-term science-based target to reach net-zero value chain GHG emissions by no later than 2050—strengthens our climate strategy.' (p9)",net-zero 708,"""AGL energy will be a net zero energy business by 2040"" ",net-zero 709,"Originally, in 2020 they made a ""commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The goal covers carbon dioxide and methane emissions, the dominant greenhouse gases, from our electricity generation and gas infrastructure operations"". Now, they have stated they will include scope 3 ""will now work to achieve Net Zero for emissions outside of the company's direct operations. These include emissions generated downstream by customers and upstream by suppliers."" ",net-zero 710,"The risks to OPG’s proposed L&ILW DGR for the safe long-term management of L&ILW are discussed below under the heading, Risks to Achieving Project Excellence – Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Waste.",none 711,"- Company aims to reduce emissions by 50% for Scope 1 & 2 and 45% for Scope 3 (category 11: Housing) compared to FY2013 (an SBT goal) by 2030. - As an RE100 member company, they will ensure that 50% of the electric power consumed by business operations is from renewable energy source by 2030 and 100% by 2040. - By 2050 aims for zero CO2 Emissions within the Housing Lifecycle. Eliminate CO2 emissions from the entire housing lifecycle, from the purchase of materials to manufacturing, sales, occupancy, and demolition, as well as renewable energy usage - Maintain the pace of planting 1,000,000 trees each year and promote further expansion of urban greening",reduction 712,"""Following international guidelines in terms of mitigation objectives, Navarre is committed to reducing its total GGE by 45% in 2030 compared to 2005 levels, and by 80% in 2050, keeping its short-term target at 20% by 2020""",reduction 713,The Group is committed to protecting biodiversity through its sustainable development policies and initiatives. ,none 714,Net zero operations (scope 1 and 2) by 2030.,net-zero 715,"The success of our global sourcing strategy and the key role played by our suppliers in ensuring that our products meet our quality and sustainability standards and our values of respect, care and honesty. ",none 716,Commodities such as oil are subject to volatile markets and significant price increases from time to time.,none 717,"Equinor has assets and operations located in diverse regions globally where potentially negative economic, social, and political developments could occur.",none 718,"Achieve carbon neutrality for our entire carbon footprint by 2030 (scopes 1, 2 and 3). Equivalent to 62% reduction in emissions relative to 2019.",net-zero 719,"""2030 intermediate goal of reducing total greenhouse gas emissions by 15 percent from the baseline of 10.8 million in 2019 to 9.2 million tons of CO2."" ",reduction 720,"In 2020, CIBC will be relocating to a new global headquarters called CIBC Square.",none 721,The Group's Group Sustainability Report 2016 and accompanying Sustainability Report Summary are available on our website. ,none 722,"Maintain carbon neutral operations annually, starting in 2020",net-zero 723,26–28% below 2005 levels by 2025,reduction 724,"""capping our net emissions at 2019 levels."" ''reduce carbon emissions by about 25% by 2030, by boosting sustainable aviation fuel to 10% of it's fuel mix and increasing fuel efficiency of flights by 1.5% a year.''",reduction 725,"Change in Chief Financial Officer and plc Board Chair positions Clare Bousfield stepped down from the Board with effect from 1 October 2021 and transitioned into the role of Managing Director of our Retail & Savings business, for which Clare continued to receive salary and benefits reflective of her new role.",none 726,"The Board has an Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee, each of which has a written Charter. ",none 727,"By 2030 Capital One is committed to: Reducing Scope 1 Direct Emissions by 50% Continuing to purchase 100% renewable energy while increasing location-aligned procurement by 50% in the markets where we operate Reducing Scope 3 Emissions (Categories 1-14) by 50% ",reduction 728,"The Group has unused tax losses carried forward of £512m, primarily UK capital losses, on which no deferred tax is recognised.",none 729,"Sustainable Development Goals ('SDGs') Analytics In 2020, Trucost launched a Sustainable Development Goal analytics tool allowing financial institutions to assess portfolio alignment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).",none 730,"Science Based Targets initiative confirms Beiersdorf Group-wide CO2 reduction targets are aligned with independent climate scientists’ consensus on 1.5°C scenario. Beiersdorf Consumer and tesa want to reduce energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30 percent absolutely (Scopes 1 and 2) by 2025 and cut supply chain emissions (Scope 3) by 10 percent. Beiersdorf Consumer Segment with new Sustainability Agenda CARE BEYOND SKIN aims for 30 percent reduction in Scope 3 emissions by 2025. Source: file:///Users/lucy/Downloads/2020-06-18-Beiersdorf-climate-targets-2025.pdf",reduction 731,"We will commit to setting science-based emissions reduction targets across all scopes, in line with 1.5°C emissions scenarios and the criteria and recommendations of the Science Based Targets initiative.... Be carbon-neutral across direct operations by 2040. ",net-zero 732,"The company also introduced its Dual-Pixel image sensor that delivers a DSLR camera-level phase-detecting autofocus on a mobile platform to provide device users with fast photo shooting and premium im- age quality, even in low light environments.",none 733,"In FY18, we invested $376 million in initiatives related to technology, including funds mobilized from other investors — expanding our portfolio in this sector to more than $2.4 billion.",none 734,Morgan Stanley is pledging to reach net-zero financed emissions by 2050,net-zero 735,"Western Digital commits to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% by 2030, from a 2020 base year, consistent with the goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The company is also adopting a Scope 3 target to reduce the emissions intensity of its products by 50% by 2030.",reduction 736,"In this context, adidas works with a broad network of suppliers in different countries and, for the vast majority of its products, does not have a single-sourcing model.",none 737,"Our 2019 score was B (Global average is C), consistent with the previous year but with improvements in scores on a number of dimensions including risk disclosure and risk management processes.",none 738,"Taking into account the economic situation and the country's capabilities, the new unconditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector. The new conditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector and subject to using international financing mechanisms to introduce the best available technologies for achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction.",reduction 739,"decarbonisation of economy ( decarbonazacion de la economia) By 2030, Mexico will reduce its total GHG emissions by 35% (40% conditionally) and will reduce its Black Carbon emissions by 51% (70% conditionally) compared with a 2000 baseline.",reduction 740,"2025 34% reduction on 2017 baseline 2030 55% reduction on 2017 baseline 2035 net zero across own business",reduction 741,"In addition, we build awareness, capacity, and knowledge of laws and rights among factory management and workers by partnering with leading providers such as the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Better Factories Cambodia program, as well as with the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration with the objective to ensure that the labor rights of foreign and migrant workers are upheld in the adidas supply chain.",none 742," By 2030: → NEW 50% Renewable Energy by 2030 →→ NEW Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 60% below 2016 levels by 2030",reduction 743,The nature and timing of extreme weather events are uncertain but they are increasing in frequency and their impact on the economy is predicted to be more acute in the future.,none 744,"By 2030, Clorox aims to reduce carbon emissions across its operations (Scopes 1 and 2) by 50 percent and pledges to reduce its value chain emissions (Scope 3) from its purchased goods and services and use of sold products by 25 percent, all on an absolute basis against a 2020 baseline.",reduction 745,"In the coming years, Northern Trust expects to conduct a screening-level analysis of its largest portfolio of assets and business functions to determine the climate-related risks and opportunities to assets managed for clients. Further, Northern Trust expects to explore further its top climate-related opportunities, including those around energy efficiency, subscription of renewable energy sources and energy resilience measures. Investing in newer energy-efficient systems and resource-efficient processes, sourcing renewable energy and diversifying its energy sources (i.e., minimizing fossil fuel sources) that are less susceptible to climate-related interruptions and are more resilient, may also position Northern Trust well to continue transitioning to a lower-carbon economy. Finally, as Northern Trust has exceeded its goal of reducing its carbon emissions by 25% by 2020, it expects to use the findings of its climate-related scenario analysis to set further metrics and targets aligned to the TCFD framework.",none 746,"We are proud to announce we set a goal for our EAF steel mill operations to be carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve this target, we also set interim emissions reduction and renewable energy milestones to be achieved by 2025 and 2030. ",net-zero 747,"The types of change are similar under the two scenarios, but their expressions could be much more severe under the 4°C scenario.",none 748,"Whirlpool Corporation has also committed to a 20% reduction in emissions linked to the use of its products across the globe (Scope 3) by 2030, compared to 2016 levels.",reduction 749,Halve our environmental impact in energy and carbon emissions intensity (against baseline year FY2015).,reduction 750,Penalties received or due for non-compliance are an example of this risk.,none 751,"50% reduction in GHG emissions from 2006 levels by 2030 ",reduction 752,"""Navarre’s position reveals a 19% reduction [in GGE] in 2016 compared to 2005"".",reduction 753,"'By 2030, we aim to: Achieve net-zero emissions across all of our operations and value chain, including our consumer hardware products' (p3)",net-zero 754,"'In 2021, we announced our commitment to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, in alignment with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and prevailing climate science. Reducing Scope 3 financed emissions1 is widely recognized as the most significant contribution the financial industry can have to achieving a low-carbon economy.' (p38)",net-zero 755,"The official caution was issued for an alleged failure to comply with a licence condition that required plant and equipment to be maintained and operated in a proper and efficient condition and manner, respectively.",none 756,other words and terms of similar meaning.,none 757,"Pg. 70 • Reduce owned and leased building GHG emissions 50% from a 2019 baseline by 2024 • Transition to 100% hybrid vehicles by 2025 • Achieve green or healthy building certification for 100% of newly acquired buildings, beginning in 2023 • Transition power used at 40% of facilities where Allstate procures energy purchases to 100% renewable energy through renewable energy credits (RECs) and carbon offsets by 2030 • Discourage excess waste and encourage recycling through centralized waste collection at all locations by 2023",reduction 758,"Since financial year 2007/2008, a part of the financial resources not needed in the near term has been invested in securities.",none 759,"The performance of the units, used to measure the amount to be paid as variable compensation, is measured by a corporate tool called the Work Agreement (Acordo de Trabalho - ATB).",none 760,'2035: Achievement of carbon neutrality at our plants' (p37),net-zero 761,"We do note, however, that a greater number of distributed assets would increase the potential for local balancing, which could mitigate this.",none 762,"2030 CO2 reduction target ""35% or more compared to FY2013""",reduction 763,Business partners include third parties hired to perform some of our administrative functions as well as investment organizations with which we have a contractual arrangement.,none 764,"Cognizant’s commitment to net zero calls for reducing emissions by 50 percent from the company’s global operations and supply chain by 2030, and by 90 percent by 2040. Remaining emissions will be negated with carbon offsets. • 2050: Net Zero emissions by 2050",net-zero 765,"As energy is typically 25% of a residential building's total operating expenses, energy savings from LEED certification are expected to be between 4.5-10% of the total operating expenses.",none 766,"Thirty percent reduction in absolute Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 2030 compared to a FY20 baseline. As part of this goal, Ralph Lauren also commits to the goal of sourcing 100 percent renewable electricity by 2025. Achieve at least a 20% reduction in total water use across their operations and value chain, compared to a FY20 baseline. Achieve zero waste to landfill across our distribution centers by 2023. Achieve 100 percent of our packaging material recyclable, reusable or sustainably sourced by 2025. The brand plans to eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals in their supply chain by 2025.",reduction 767,"This means turning down projects and companies that do the majority of their business in: o Oil sands production, o Oil extracted from the Arctic region (off-shore and on-shore production), o Shale gas or oil production involving excessive flaring or venting, o Infrastructure projects mainly intended for schemes covered by the exclusion criteria set out above,  Crédit Agricole S.A. is committed to offsetting the Group's entire direct carbon footprint until 2040 via the",net-zero 768,"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Des Moines, Iowa, that the City hereby updates its greenhouse-gas emission goals to align with IPCC recommendations and commits to developing partnerships that advance a 45% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from 2010 levels by 2030 and to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050",net-zero 769,"Paper and waste: the BBVAsinplastico project una-especie-en-extincion-en-bbva/) was launched with the aim of eliminating most single-use plastics in corporate headquarters, replaced by biodegradable materials.",none 770,"The Group promoted a growth strategy by consistently anticipating the future and centering on a variety of technologies such as optics, chemicals, and electronics, which are needed to develop and produce photo-related products.",none 771,"Financial planning We acknowledge that there are risks posed by climate change that could potentially have impacts on revenue and costs, and we intend to integrate further climate- related considerations into our financial planning processes from 2021 onwards.",none 772,"[Moreover , without expanding their risk profile , it is becoming increasingly difficult for insurers to obtain a return on invested premiums that will cover their future commitments .]",none 773,"Today, we are further cementing our leadership with the completion of one of the world’s biggest petrochemical complexes.",none 774,"""CO2 FREE"" more detailed: ""Reduce CO2 emissions by 80% (compared to fiscal 2013 level)",reduction 775,"We are targeting investments to replace leaking SF6 (an insulating gas and source of GHG emissions) equipment to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030, phasing out the procurement of new assets containing SF6 and introducing SF6 free technologies.",none 776,"""These goals include net-zero GHG emissions economy-wide by 2045 and net-negative emissions thereafter, along with a 40% reduction in statewide GHG emissions from 1990 levels by 2030 and 80% by 2050."" pg. 9",reduction 777,"The main impacts of the 4ºC scenario were: • Physical ramifications of climate change: in this scenario we expect extreme weather events of escalating severity and frequency, which could increase disruption to our assets and our customers.",none 778,"The extent to which climate-related factors will impact our clients, customers and the Firm remains uncertain; however, JPMorgan Chase has several initiatives underway that focus on understanding risks that may be driven by climate change.",none 779,commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across the value chain before 2050.,net-zero 780,"In our view, capital expenditure in the industry has to increase, with companies needing to spend on new projects and exploration to maintain production levels.",none 781,"• Reduce absolute emissions directly from the company’s operations and indirect emissions from purchased energy (scopes I and II) by 50% by 2030. • Reduce other indirect absolute emissions related to materials sourcing, logistics and services (scope III) by 15% by 2030, and 25% by 2040.",reduction 782,"The Sacramento Climate Action Plan includes emission reduction targets, strategies, and specific actions for addressing climate change within the community. It established a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 15% below 2005 levels by 2020. The City of Sacramento met its 2020 climate goal in 2016. Between 2005 and 2016, community wide emissions decreased from 4,235,000 metric tons (MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) to 3,424,700 MT CO2e - a reduction of over 19%. Per capita emissions have decreased over 26% demonstrating that even though the City has grown substantially since 2005, emissions have decreased at a more rapid rate.",reduction 783,"We are dedicated to operating in a more sustainable manner. Under a 2014 baseline, we set a goal to reduce our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% by 2029 and 60% by 2044. We are happy to share that as of year-end 2019, we have reduced our emissions by 44%, reaching our 2029 target 10 years early. We continue to work towards reaching our 2044 target and are continuing to follow sustainable principles in the design of our new facilities with plans to maintain this focus in the future.",reduction 784,USA is setting an economy-wide target of reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52 percent below 2005 levels in 2030 ,reduction 785,"Because of the time required to approve and license a manufacturing facility, a third-party manufacturer may not be available on a timely basis to replace production capacity in the event manufacturing capacity is lost.",none 786,"We see a clear commercial rationale to this work, where we are able to leverage our leading businesses and global relationships to deliver results for shareholders and progress for society as a whole.",none 787,"If any such election is not made by the due date, the executive must defer the compensation and benefits received during the prior year and make a section 83(b) election within 30 days after the due date. ",none 788,"Reduce our total (Scope 1,2 and 3) GHG emissions by 35% until 2030 Resource: ",reduction 789,"(b) by 2030, at least 53% below the levels that were emitted in 2005; and ",reduction 790,"5% energy efficiency improvement target for 2016-2020, Baseline is set as the average equity Scope 1 and 2 emissions over 2016-2020 and may be adjusted (up or down) for potential equity changes in producing or sanctioned assets, with an FID prior to 2021.",reduction 791,"At least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, ",reduction 792,Fortum’s Board of Directors is proposing an unchanged dividend of EUR 1.10 per share for the calendar year 2017.,none 793,We have formal processes of training and accreditation to advance and motivate our employees in order to support the continuity of our client engagement business model. ,none 794,"Submission by Croatia and the European Commission on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, 6 March 2020: ""On 12 December 2019 the European Council, taking note of the Communication of the European Commission on the European Green Deal, endorsed the objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050, in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement"" ",net-zero 795,UPM will invest EUR 550 million in an industrial scale biorefinery to convert solid wood into next-generation biochemicals: bio-monoethylene glycol (BioMEG) and lignin-based renewable functional fillers.,none 796,This includes e-learnings for all Nedbank employees.,none 797,"Table 3: Emissions by mitigation objective OBJECTIVE Percentage CO2e emissions (Gg) Unconditional objective (2030) % 3% 1,958 Conditional objective (2030) % 20% 14,897 Unconditional objective (2025) % 2% 1,305 Conditional objective (2025) % 17% 9,897 Unconditional objective (2020) % 1% 653 Conditional objective (2020) % 11% 4,897 ",reduction 798,"Seoul will reduce its CO 2 emissions by 25% by 2020 and by 40% by 2030 from the 2005 level, thereby creating a low-carbon, high energy-efficient city.",reduction 799,"Suriname's second NDC states that ""Suriname's forests act as a carbon sink of global significance, making it a carbon-negative country."" President Santhoki also referred to Suriname as a carbon negative country at the COP26 in Glasgow The country's most recent GHG Inventory data is from 2008. The 2nd National Communication (2016) and the 2nd NDC (2020) both use this data, but provide different data points. It is not possible to verify whether Suriname is indeed a carbon negative country.",net-zero 800,"These valuation techniques involve some level of management estimation and judgment, the degree of which will depend on the price transparency for the instrument or market and the instrument’s complexity.",none 801,"‘Based on likely climate-related impact on our future operations, we pledge to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emission intensity by 20% by 2025 from the 2020 baseline.’ p42",reduction 802,"As part of becoming a Utility of the Future, we are now committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050",net-zero 803,"The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the appointment of Ramesh Narayanan as Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from September 1, 2011. ",none 804,The valuation of investment property inherently captures the impact of climate change if it were located in an area subject to climate change events.,none 805,"Based on this, each in-house company, unit, and group will establish a strategy incorporating sustainability initiatives.",none 806,"""LIXIL aims to reduce CO2 emissions to net zero by 2050 and realize its Environmental Vision through the provision of environment-conscious products and services."" ",net-zero 807,"Linked to climate change is water scarcity, a threat to 3.2 billion people.",none 808,Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.,reduction 809,Reduce scope I and II greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 46* percent by 2030 (2019 baseline). *In alignment with a pathway to limit warming to 1.5°C,reduction 810,Full compliance and alignment to business strategy: We comply with tax laws in a responsible manner and align our tax strategy with our business strategy.,none 811,"China Everbright International (waste and water infrastructure, Hong Kong) outperformed on a steady stream of project announcements that were supported by the Chinese stimulus focus on infrastructure development.",none 812,"Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 80% by 2050 from a 2018 base year ",reduction 813,'30% reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity by 2030 from 2014 levels' ([11),reduction 814,"The first step in this process is to develop a better understanding of the business and its various contexts, followed by a process to identify risks and opportunities. ",none 815,"No climate target or document found. ",none 816,Climate change potentially has multiple effects that could harm the Group’s operations.,none 817,"'Ambition to be a net zero company by 2050, including not just GE’s own operations, but also the Scope 3 emissions associated with the use of our sold products.' (p. 2) 'Committing to be carbon neutral in our own Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030.' (p. 9) ",net-zero 818,Eni is also exposed to risks of technological breakthrough in the energy field and risks of extreme meteorological events linked to the climate change.,none 819,"We identified a number of transitional risks as the world adapts to a new climate, including effects on the New Zealand electricity market, which is largely dependent on weather to provide fuel, increased pressure on our business to reduce our emissions and transition to lower carbon options, and potential costs resulting from regulatory interventions.",none 820,"Reduce CO2 Emission per passenger at the locations: Don Mueang International Airport, Chiang Mai International Airport, Hat Yai International Airport, and Mah Fah Luang - Chiang Rai International Airport. Suvarnabhumi Airport not included.",reduction 821, Member of Climate Ambition Alliance,net-zero 823,Two examples of such engagements are:,none 824,The net-zero ambition builds on U. S. Steel’s existing goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 20% across the company’s global footprint by 2030. ,reduction 825,We are committed to the highest standards of quality and service in all we do and our award-winning customer care and delivery teams work hard to ensure the smooth and successful delivery of our products and services. ,none 826,"In 2018, we made two major announcements related to fuel burn: A220s and New Engine Options.",none 827,By 2025 the retailer expects to reduce energy consumption by 10 percent from a 2018 baseline,reduction 828,"'We made a bold commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions and operate on 100% renewable electricity by 2021 – and we did it a year early.' In 2016, the company pledged to achieve net zero carbon. ",net-zero 829,We recognize the importance of corporate governance and compliance. ,none 830,"Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 12 and 23) by 30% compared to 2017 ",reduction 831,"Fifth resolution – (Ratification of the co-opting of Mr Remmert Laan as member of the Supervisory Board) The General Shareholders’ Meeting, acting under the quorum and majority requirements for Ordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Manager’s report and the report of the Supervisory Board, approves the co-opting by the Supervisory Board at its meeting of 6 December 2018 of Mr Remmert Laan as member of the Supervisory Board to replace the resigning Mr Jean-Pierre Denis for the remainder of his term of office, i.e.",none 832,"No target independent of the national law, but various programmes to develop renewable energy (e.g. biomass) and sustainable mobility. ",none 833,Our commitment: carbon negative by 2030 and by 2050 to remove from the atmosphere an equivalent amount of all the carbon dioxide our company has emitted either directly or by our electricity consumption since we were founded in 1975.,net-zero 834,"""we will continue promoting initiatives aimed at achieving net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050"" ",net-zero 835,We continue to work towards reaching our 2044 target (60% reduction) and are continuing to follow sustainable principles in the design of our new facilities with plans to maintain this focus in the future.,reduction 836,A K I N G,none 837,"Specifically, the company has decided to cut greenhouse gas (""GHG"") emissions down to net-zero through the business activities of the Toyota Tsusho Group to achieve de facto carbon neutrality by 2050",net-zero 838,"The fees for the non-executive Directors are determined within the limits (not to exceed £300,000 per annum) set out in the Company’s Articles of Association, or any greater sum that may be determined by special resolution of the Company.",none 839,"Initiatives include procurement of renewable electricity, increasing use of biofuels in own-fleet vehicles and ongoing energy efficiency projects for buildings and equipment. ",none 840,"Goal: 30% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to FY 2017",reduction 841,"The Sakhalin region plans to move away from fossil fuels and pilot the first carbon market in an oil and gas-rich country widely seen as unambitious on climate action * Sakhalin region to test Russia's first carbon market * Net-zero plan far more ambitious than national goals * Renewable energy and cleaner transport set for a boost By Angelina Davydova ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Feb 19 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Fossil fuel-rich Russia may not be known as a leader on climate action - but in the country's remote far east, authorities have launched an unexpected experiment: an effort to try out carbon trading and reach net-zero planet-heating emissions by 2025. The government of the Russian island region of Sakhalin, in the Pacific Ocean north of Japan, is planning tax breaks, charging stations and dedicated parking lots for electric vehicles, alongside a ban on all petrol and diesel cars by 2035. Coal-fired power plants will be replaced with somewhat cleaner natural gas and hydrogen-fuelled passenger train lines developed in the region the size of Ireland, Sakhalin officials said, after their net-zero roadmap was approved by Moscow. The Russian government - which has been criticised by green groups and analysts for setting unambitious climate action goals - in January gave a green light to Sakhalin's proposal for a pilot carbon emissions trading scheme, a first for the country. The economy of the Sakhalin region, home to about half a million people, is largely based on fossil-fuel extraction, including coal. According to its net-zero plan, an inventory of Sakhalin's greenhouse gas emissions and natural carbon sequestration potential will be carried out by August, before setting up an emissions trading system to start operating in mid-2022. ""This experiment will allow us to try various measures to regulate carbon and evaluate their effectiveness, for later scaling up at the national level,"" Russia's Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov said in an official statement. ""We hope that investors interested in 'green' projects, and companies willing to take on more ambitious climate targets, will be motivated to participate in the experiment,"" he added. Sakhalin Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Alenkov told the Thomson Reuters Foundation the region had taken the lead on the initiative, hoping to increase its investment appeal, improve quality of life and help solve environmental problems. Besides emissions trading and expanding electric mobility, the region also wants to swap coal for lower-emitting natural gas, develop blue and green hydrogen production, and promote sustainable management of its extensive taiga forests. About 97% of all coal mined there is currently exported, and coal could remain a reserve fuel for Sakhalin, if technologies were introduced to make the industry cleaner, Alenkov said. ISLAND RENEWABLES? As well as boosting gas for transport and homes - used now by about one-third of residents - there are plans to develop renewable energy, especially on the Kuril Islands, he added. As the mountainous Sakhalin region is made up of nearly 90 islands, it is suitable for small-scale hydro, wind and solar power as well as geothermal energy, sources that are still under-developed but could improve energy access, Alenkov said. An assessment of the opportunities for renewable solutions, including the technologies and funding needed, is due to yield its first results this year and investors are already interested, he added. Sakhalin also hopes to develop cooperation with other emissions trading systems, including China, Japan and perhaps the European Union, and have its carbon credits approved for the international airline CORSIA offsetting scheme, Alenkov said. Georgy Safonov, a climate policy researcher at Moscow's Higher School of Economics, said Sakhalin had high potential for bioenergy and renewables, urging the authorities to craft more robust plans for clean energy including green hydrogen, as well as to expand electric transport and forest carbon sinks. FILE PHOTO: Ravens fly over solar panels at the Abakan solar electric station owned by Russian electricity firm EuroSibEnergo of En+ Group, in a suburb of the Siberian town of Abakan, in the Republic of Khakassia, Russia September 26, 2017. REUTERS/Ilya Naymushin NATIONAL AMBITION LOW Vladimir Chuprov, head of Greenpeace Russia's energy programme, said Russia was 10 to 15 years behind global trends in regulating carbon emissions. ""It is only now we are getting to what many other countries have already realised,"" he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. But as Russia's national emissions target does not require any real reductions, it will be difficult to build a nationwide carbon market due to a lack of demand for offsets, he added. A draft of new carbon regulation legislation, which has been worked out over the last four years, does not include a carbon tax or a national emissions trading system, after heavy lobbying from industry, he noted. Russia joined the Paris Agreement on climate change in September 2019, but its current climate policies and targets are way out of line with the pact's goal to limit global warming to ""well below"" 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial times, according to research coalition Climate Action Tracker. Russia's draft long-term low-carbon development strategy, due to be approved this year, is considered by many experts as unambitious, as it does not foresee reaching carbon-neutrality any time before mid-century. The country's first emissions target under the Paris Agreement, approved by President Vladimir Putin last November, aims for a minimum 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 from 1990 levels, including the carbon stored in and released from forests and other ecosystems. But Russia's emissions are already about 30% lower than 1990 levels, without taking forests into account, and just over 50% lower if they are included. The economy ministry also said in late 2020 the focus for near-term climate policy would be energy efficiency measures, incentives and support for companies to invest in emissions-cutting projects, and an updated methodology to measure forest carbon. Plans, announced last month, set a new target to increase energy efficiency by 30% from 2019 levels by 2030, after a previous 2020 goal was missed by a long way. The new target will enable Russia to reduce its carbon emissions by almost half by 2030 from current levels, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Ilya Torosov told journalists. Alexey Kokorin, director of WWF-Russia's climate and energy programme, said the Sakhalin experiment was possible because oil and gas companies in the region, including Shell, are keen to shrink their carbon footprint and start producing carbon-neutral LNG as part of the Sakhalin-2 project by purchasing offsets. ""The experiment is certainly good, but Russia also needs to reconsider its national emissions reduction target and make its climate commitments more ambitious,"" he added.",net-zero 842,The Shareholders’ Meeting of the General Partner is responsible for the compensation strategy of the Executive Board of DWS Management GmbH as well as for determining their level and structure of compensation.,none 843,- net zero carbon emissions and reach 100% of clean energy by 2050,net-zero 844," 'LG Electronics (LG) has launched its aggressive Zero Carbon 2030 initiative, committing to achieving net-zero carbon emissions from its global operations within 12 years.'",net-zero 845,"Interim targets by 2024 By 2024, we aim to reduce our own (Scope 1 and Scope 2) emissions by 20% and our emissions in the value chain (Scope 3) by 6% (relative to 2019) in line with the reduction pathway of our Science Based Target (SBT). Medium-term climate targets by 2030 Bayer aims to achieve climate neutrality at all its own sites by 2030. To attain that target, we intend to reduce by the end of 2029 our own emissions – the so-called Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions – by 42% relative to the reference year 2019. This target on the pathway to a 1.5°C scenario was reviewed and acknowledged by the SBTi. We have set a reduction target for Scope 3 emissions of 12.3% by 2029 (relative to 2019) for our value chain. This target was also reviewed and acknowledged by the SBTi.",reduction 846,"This plan outlines the steps that we’ve committed to undertake by putting sustainability at the heart of everything we do: as an investor, employer and business partner and as a company run in the long-term interests of our shareholders.",none 847,"CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change presents immediate and long-term risks to Citi and to its clients and customers, with the risks potentially increasing over time.",none 848,"""Pledge to reach (net)-zero in the 2040s or sooner, or by mid-century at the latest, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°Celsius."" )",net-zero 849,"""Snap Inc. is committing to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 25% by 2025 from a 2019 base year.""",reduction 850,"Uncertainty around the evolution of the wholesale market design, given the current challenges: • Marginal remuneration system not adjusted to the current context of growing penetration of fixed cost technologies (renewables, backup, storage).",none 851,"- Mizrahi Tefahot Bank acknowledges that climate change has significant impact in the long term on the economy and the community and that the management of such impact requires cooperation across sectors. As a financial institution, the bank takes part in the management of that impact and among other things acts to finance projects that handle the climate crisis, provides credit to clients to mitigate emissions and to promote products with environmental value",none 852,"Using 2019 as a baseline year, the company’s science-based targets commit the organization to three main goals: 25% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from global operations by 2025. 25% reduction in absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from employee business travel by 2025. 81% of the company’s top suppliers (by emissions) have set their own science-based targets by 2025",reduction 853,net-zero carbon emissions target by 2050,net-zero 854,"achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050 ",net-zero 855,"Today, we announced we have signed The Climate Pledge, a commitment to be carbon neutral across our business by 2040 — a decade faster than our previous goal of 2050. ",net-zero 856,"Carbon zero, net zero carbon emissions, net zero greenhouse gas emissions- in line with county ",net-zero 857,"Medtronic has set an ambition to achieve net zero emissions across scopes 1, 2, and 3 by fiscal year 2045 (FY45).",net-zero 858,The city of Berlin now aims to become climate-neutral by 2045 at the latest.,net-zero 859,'reduce carbon emission intensity (t-CO2e/t- clinker) of the clinker process by 6% compared to a 2020 baseline by 2025.' (p32),reduction 860,"Seqirus has continued to support the Partnership for Influenza Vaccine Introduction (PIVI), a key program of the Task Force for Global Health, a not-for-profit, independent, nongovernmental organisation based in the US.",none 861,“net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050”,net-zero 862,"China will strive to reach peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030, and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2060. The 2060 deadline applies to all greenhouse gases, not just carbon dioxide.",net-zero 863,"""The Republic of San Marino, on the basis of the decision of the Government held on 28 September 2015, commits to reduce GHG emissions to 20% below 2005 levels by 2030.""",reduction 864,"reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 90%, and scope 3 emissions by 21% (vs. 2013 baseline) by 2030. ",reduction 865,"Cognizant’s Net Zero Goal includes the following key targets for GHG emissions reduction: • 2030: A 50% reduction in gross emissions arising from our global operations and supply chain • 2040: A near 100% reduction in gross emissions arising from our global operations and supply chain ",net-zero 866,"In some cases, these have replaced former targets.",none 867,Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries.,none 868,"Reduce GHG emissions from our own operations (Scope 1 & Scope 2) by 51% by 2030 and to net-zero by 2050 Committed to phase out underwriting, investment and lending exposure to thermal coal, oil and gas extraction and electricity generation by 2025 (O&G investments by 2040).",net-zero 869,"For 2021, we established a quantitative GHG intensity target, representing a reduction of more than 30% relative to 2019, which has been added to the executive compensation STI scorecard. Marathon Oil has disclosed a new medium-term goal to reduce GHG emissions intensity by 50% by 2025 compared to 2019, highlighting our commitment to significant ongoing improvement to environmental performance. Over the course of 2020, Marathon Oil built out processes to monitor progress on this goal. We believe that focusing on our overall GHG intensity provides us the flexibility to use multiple solutions for the largest impact rather than focusing at a constituent level, which may have limited solutions and less overall impact. Learn more about our progress in the Emissions Management section. The Climate Change section of our Sustainability Report is consistent with the format recommended by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).",reduction 870,"Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 ",net-zero 872,"This is to be done by enhancing the policies, procedures and practices. ",none 873,"Consume 100% renewable power in Brazil by 2025. Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 33% by 2030 with a baseline of 2017- policy is aligned with the Paris Agreement's objective of limiting global warming to below 2ºC. Reduce 15% of its absolute scope 3 net emissions by 2035 with a baseline of 2018 ""100% renewable electricity consumption in our operations. We will do that in Brazil within only 4 years, by 2025, and globally, by 2030.""",reduction 874,"(Pg. 76) ""In September 2021, Cisco committed to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, 10 years ahead of the time by which climate scientists say the planet must reach net zero to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Our net zero goal covers Cisco’s full carbon footprint, including the use of our products, our operations, and our supply chain. We plan to pursue approval for this goal from the Science-based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and will provide updates on our progress in future Purpose Reports."" ""Our current goal to reduce supply chain-related Scope 3 emissions by 30 percent absolute by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2019) also builds upon a previous goal. In 2019, we met our goal to avoid 1 million metric tonnes of CO2e in our supply chain one year early. Other near-term targets will cover the company’s most relevant Scope 3 categories, such as the use of our products, and will be made public as they are finalized in fiscal 2022."" ",net-zero 875,"Our plans to optimise and simplify our processes in the interests of our customers, business partners and employees will enable us to identify further opportunities for growth for the good of our business and to the benefit of the community.",none 876,"climate-neutral property stock by 2040. The essential aim of the various measures that are planned is to minimise the energy requirements of the company’s holdings and to use as little CO2-intensive energy as possible to cover the remaining unavoidable energy requirements. In so doing, Deutsche Wohnen will reduce today’s CO2 intensity of 33 kg CO2e/sqm in its portfolio to below 12 kg CO2e/sqm by 2040. This means that we would achieve a target corridor for virtually climate-neutral holdings, as defined by, amongst others, the professional association IW.2050 (Initiative Wohnen.2050).",net-zero 877,"Catastrophe insurance risk is the exposure arising from both natural (e.g., weather, earthquakes, wildfires, pandemics) and man-made catastrophes (e.g., terrorism, cyberattacks) that create a concentration or aggregation of loss across the Company's insurance or asset portfolios.",none 878,"[We calculated that credit costs on mortgage loans at SuMi TRUST Bank would increase by around $ 7.0 billion by the year 2100 compared to the end of March 2020 based on the probability of floods occurring and the rate of change in property value caused by flood damage in each scenario .]",none 879,"In our strategy we describe how we take a twin track approach of long term planning and gradual investment, combined with tactical operational responses and emergency planning.",none 880,"• From 2020 limit average operated and non-operated portfolio carbon intensity to below 4kg CO2 per boe and from 2023 to below 2kg CO2 per boe • In 2022 fully electrify Edvard Grieg and Johan Sverdrup Phase 2, to achieve carbon intensity for these assets of less than 1kg CO2 per boe • From 2022 replace all net electricity usage from power from shore, through investments in renewable power generation • To offset all business and operationally related air travel emissions through natural carbon capture, effective from 2018 ",reduction 881,The total Phase I investment for setting up the manufacturing facility is around ` 622 crore for a projected 1.8 million units annual capacity.,none 882,"[In the event that an exclusion policy has to be implemented by ceasing financing to certain sectors , AIs may consider adopting a gradual approach , for example , by ceasing the financing of new projects .]",none 883,Our commitment to net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2050 implies that there are still a lot more opportunities to optimise our impacts and adopt carbon-friendly technologies in our operations,net-zero 884,"'Naturgy looks to be a key player in the energy transition, so it is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, ' (p8, 2021)",net-zero 885,"100% Green electricity by 2025. We will reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 63% from our 2015 baseline by 2030 – this represents our direct operational emissions and our emissions from electricity use. This target has been ratified by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an independent global body formed by the United Nations Global Compact, CDP, the World Resources Institute and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature. The SBTi assesses and approves companies’ targets through a scientific lens, ensuring alignment with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting climate change to an increase of 1.5 degrees above pre‑industrial levels. To achieve this target globally, it is forecast that net positive carbon emissions will be required. This is why we have set our 2050 (or earlier) goal, encompassing scope 1 and 2 emissions, to go beyond net zero. Our ambition is to remove more emissions from the atmosphere than we are responsible for. Our strategies to achieve this will continue to evolve over this time horizon and will be communicated in our sustainability updates and annual reports. Our main sources of scope 1 (direct) emissions include emissions from fugitive synthetic refrigerants, natural gas, transport fuel, stationary LPG and diesel for onsite back‑up generators, while our scope 2 (indirect) emissions are those associated with electricity use. Purchased electricity represents 82% of our combined scope 1 and 2 emissions, in F21 accounting for 1.91 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 e). The next most significant category being refrigerant gases. This year, we emitted over 2.31 million tonnes of CO2 e from facilities across the Group (scope 1 and 2 emissions). Positively, our current emissions are 27% below our 2015 baseline. This continues our positive trend on emission reductions on both an absolute basis as well as an intensity measure. We intend to reduce our scope 3 emissions by 19% from our 2015 baseline. These represent the emissions in our value chain. Our scope 3 emissions include fuel consumption by our logistics transport, business travel and home delivery and trolley collection services. Our value chains are complex and we are working to improve our data to enable us to better understand our scope 3 emissions. Over the coming year, we will define our approach to addressing our scope 3 emissions reduction target, in partnership with our suppliers",reduction 886,"The emissions of Denizli for the year 2030 has been anticipated as 11.9 million tons of CO2e. In the same year, the emissions per person are being expected to be 10.1 tons of CO 2e. A reduction target of 21% has been set for 2030. According to that, it is being anticipated to decrease the emissions per person in 2030 in Denizli to 8.0 tons of CO2e, and to have the total emissions remain as 9.5 million tons of CO2e",reduction 887," a 2050 statewide emissions limit that achieves at least net zero 61 statewide greenhouse gas emissions; provided, however, that in no event shall the level of 62 emissions in 2050 be higher than a level 85 per cent below the 1990 level.",net-zero 888,"In FY20, our development partners committed $288 million for IFC’s Upstream and advisory services and $22 million for blended finance initiatives to support private sector investments in countries most affected by fragility and conflict, as well as projects related to gender, climate, financial inclusion, sustainable infrastructure, agribusiness, and manufacturing.",none 889,"In the Eurozone, the government debt burden in some countries, especially in Italy, is a risk due to the fragile political situation.",none 890,"Under a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, emissions are forecast to increase by more than three times by 2040, rising from around 9 million tCO2e in 2017 to over 34 million tCO2e.2 Analyses of Malawi’s mitigation potential shows that projected emissions could be reduced by around 50 per cent (50%) by 2040 if all identified measures were funded, including through international support. This falls to 6 per cent (6%) for domestically funded measures only.",reduction 891,"Where they are disclosed, we have noticed they are often inaccurate.",none 892," The Fresno Green Sustainability Strategy included a commitment to meet the 2020 AB 32 goal and to meet a reduction target of 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050",reduction 893,The Board is collectively responsible for delivering sustainable value through oversight of the management of the Group’s business.,none 894,Many types of risk have the potential to negatively impact our corporate reputation.,none 895,"The Gabonese Republic currently net absorbs just over 100 million tons of CO2 equivalent (103 million tons of CO2eq) per year. Over the last decade, we have net absorbed just over 1 billion tons of CO2eq and increased net absorptions by about 100 million tons. We have increased net absorption whilst many countries have increased net emissions. In its second NDC, the Gabonese Republic commits unconditionally to remain carbon-neutral up to and beyond 2050. Furthermore, and subject to continued access to international markets for its wood products, access to a carbon market for its net-sequestration carbon credits in the form of ITMOs (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes) at a competitive carbon price and / or appropriate international support through non-market mechanisms, Gabon will strive to maintain its net absorption of at least 100 million tons of CO2eq per year beyond 2050. This goes well beyond the global net carbon neutrality target for 2050 commonly adopted.",net-zero 896,"All statements other than statements of historical fact contained in this Annual Report on Form 10-K, including statements regarding our future results of operations and financial position, business strategy and plans, objectives of management for future operations and current expectations or forecasts of future results, are forward-looking statements.",none 897,"'The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 4.2% in 2020, 6.2% by 2025 and 12.0% by 2030 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010. If additional support is availed, it can further be reduced by 12.6% in 2020, 24.9% by 2025 and 38.5 by the year 2030.'",reduction 898,"Greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 60 - 70 percent by 2030, by 70 - 80 percent by 2040 and by 80 - 95 percent by 2050. The guiding principle for action is the maximum emission reduction for the country. By the year 2040, the energy demand in the overall balance in Thuringia should be covered by a mix of renewable energies. Buildings should ensure a minimum share of renewable energies of 25 percent from 2030 in the case of renovations that require notification and approval. However, if the building owners receive funding for the purpose of climate protection from state funds, the minimum share is 50 percent. ",reduction 899,"Halkbank aims to achieve a net-zero portfolio by at least 2050 with the near-term emission targets it will set in the light of climate science with science-based targets in the coming years. The bank has also joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and committed to SBTI in early 2022. Personal loans and SME lending are not included in the target scope",net-zero 900,"The company is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance, which it considers to be an integral part of its activities. ",none 901,Cosmo Energy Group announced the Carbon Net Zero Declaration to reduce greenhouse gases emitted from the Group's businesses to effectively zero (GHG Scope: Scope 1 and Scope 2). ,net-zero 902,"'In March 2022, the Company signed the SBTi Commitment Letter pledging to set net-zero targets, including a long-term science-based target.' (p20)",net-zero 903,"First, on September 28, 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 32 into law that sets a Statewide goal of reducing GHG emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.",reduction 904,50% Reduction in Carbon Emissions in the Production Stage Compared to 2017 (by 2030),reduction 906,"Swedbank has adopted Group-wide climate targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our own operations by 60 per cent between 2019 and 2030, as well as to reach net-zero emissions by 2040. We have also set a goal that both direct and indirect emissions should be climate-neutral (net-zero) by 2050.",net-zero 907,The total investment associated with the project was expected to be $70 million.,none 909,"[Updated NDC] - Saint Lucia submitted an updated NDC in January 2021, with an increased ambition in mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage. INDC wording: 758 GgCO2-eq in 2025 and 816 GgCO2-eq in 2030, excluding LULUCF. Updated 2021 NDC wording is 'Saint Lucia’s emissions in 2010 are estimated to be 643 GgCO2eq. as communicated in the first NDC. Net emissions considering carbon removal from forests was 572 GgCO2eq in 2010. BAU emissions from the first NDC for 2025 is 758 GgCO2e. and for 2030 is 816 GgCO2e...' For the energy sector: 7% Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction in the energy sector relative to 2010, by 2030.'",reduction 910,"""With the new goal, Israel stands alongside the developed countries of the world that are already working to achieve the goal of zero emissions, and reaffirms its commitment to the Paris Agreement and the international agreements on the subject,"" added the prime minister. ""We are mobilizing for this global challenge, producing technological solutions and undertaking to achieve this important goal.""",net-zero 911,"""The target is an economy-wide net reduction from base year emissions, of at least 55% greenhouse gas reductions, without contribution from international credits. Geographical scope: EU and its Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden)""",reduction 912,Societe Generale has also tested a credit portfolio alignment methodology developed by the 2 C Investing,none 913,"Dom Pérignon’s dark, mineral, iodic, spicy personality resonates with more intensity and clarity than ever.",none 914,"""A reduction in absolute Scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 (2017 baseline)""",reduction 915,"The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has set a target for London to be net zero carbon by 2030. [Note: the latest updates (net zero by 2027 and zero carbon by 2040) seem to be based on the policy of the ""City of London,"" not ""Greater London."" Accordingly, revision has been made.]",net-zero 916," Sustainability Our approach Environmental Climate Climate We are committed to reducing emissions in our own operations, and helping our customers and society to do the same. We define our ambition and role in decarbonization based on three pillars: Becoming a net-zero company Deliver zero-carbon aluminium products to customers Enabling the removal of carbon from the broader industry and society through our renewable energy, hydrogen and battery businesses. Hydro2050_Climate_ambitions_FINAL.png Net-zero Hydro We are on track to reduce our own emissions by 10% by 2025 and 30% by 2030 from a 2018 baseline. We are committed to net-zero emissions by 2050 or earlier.",net-zero 917,"Año base: 2005 Inventario 30.3 MTCO2eq Meta para el año 2030: Reducir para 2030, el 40 al 45 por ciento por debajo de los niveles que se guardaban en 1990. Meta para el año 2050: Reducir para 2050, el 80 al 95 por ciento por debajo de los niveles que se guardaban en 1990, y/o lograr una meta de emisiones anuales per cápita de menos de dos toneladas métricas para 2050 Supuesto: Se estima que en el Año 1990, el inventario de emisiones fue de 20 millones toneladas métricas de CO2 equivalente.",reduction 918,Net Zero carbon emissions by 2035,net-zero 919,"[Since its approval in 1996 , PSEG has adhered to a corporate EHS policy , which reflects the principles according to which PSEG operates in eight areas : - Associate health and safety - Nuclear safety - Climate change - Pollution prevention and resource conservation - Environmental compliance - Risk reduction - Open communication - Continuous improvement Employees at PSEG support its implementation through a collaborative effort across various lines of our business .]",none 920,"In terms of physical risks, extreme weather events such as typhoons and floods have the potential to become more serious.",none 921,"""Aim for net zero greenhouse gas emissions across the whole value chain by 2050"" ",net-zero 922,'- Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25% by 2025 and 46% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline. Achieve net zero operations by 2040' (p5),reduction 923,"15% reduction in emissions by 2030, 45% by 2040 and 100% by 2050 (p. 4)",reduction 924,"AVR Afvalverwerking BV: Achieve net zero in operations in scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2050. Northern Gas Networks: Achieve net zero in operations by 2031 (excluding gas shrinkage) and 2050 (including gas shrinkage), in line with the UK net zero commitment. SA Power Networks: Achieve net zero in operations by 2050 in line with the State Government target in South Australia. UK Power Networks (""UKPN""): Reduce the business carbon footprint by 2% per annum. UKPN is currently in the process of setting a target which will be validated by the Science Based Target Initiative in 2021. Wales & West Utilities: Become a net zero ready carbon emission network by 2035. Reduce GHG emissions by 37.5% by 2035 versus 2020. Telecommunications: CK Hutchison Group Telecom is currently in the process of setting a target which will be validated by the Science Based Target Initiative in 2021.",net-zero 926,"""Moving toward net zero emissions by 2050""",net-zero 927,"From a global perspective, the regulatory framework is fragmented.",none 928,"""Starting in 2022, we are setting a new target to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions, which will include our Dealer-operated Canadian Tire stores, by 40% by 2030 relative to a 2020 baseline.""",reduction 929,The comprehensive report highlights the Company’s Net Zero ambition by 2050 and enhanced emissions reduction targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) and methane.,net-zero 930,By their nature forward looking statements relate to events and circumstances that could occur in the future and therefore involve the risk and uncertainty that the Group’s actual results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied in the forward looking statements.,none 931,"Since the beginning of 2018, PME no longer invests in coal producers.",none 932,"To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030 from 2005 level. ",reduction 933,Shared Growth Direction LG Chem expanded support to reinforce supplier competitiveness based on a fair trade culture.,none 934,The Board has a policy of encouraging diversity on the Board. ,none 935,"Supporting our agribusiness customers Last year, we undertook climate scenario analysis to beer understand the potential impacts that a changing climate may have on farm productivity and the long-term outlook for the sector.",none 936,"At the same time, the three lines have to work closely together to identify, assess and mitigate risks.",none 937,"Reduce GHG emissions intensity by approximately 45% by 2035 (versus 2019*) ",reduction 938,"The Board of Directors, supported by the Audit Committee, has oversight of the Company's risk management and internal control processes. ",none 939,"'To reach net-zero global operational GHG emissions for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2040' (p20) nb 'We also maintain our 2025 GHG reduction goal, consistent with science-based reductions required to keep global warming well below 2°C, to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 30% compared to a 2014 base year.' (p65)",net-zero 940,"Our goal is clearly defined here: RWE will be climate neutral by 2040. ",net-zero 941,"[Objectives : Introduce a directive carbon price in 60 % of the annual expenditure committed to new projects Introduce a harmonised global circularity indicator for goods and services Systematically offer pay packages partially index - linked to our global performance Raise employee awareness and promote training in emerging models ( carbon accounting , new business models , etc . )]",none 942,"Aiming to Reduce CO2 Emissions by 20% or More by FY2030 and To Be Carbon Neutral After 2050 ",net-zero 943,""" Among other efforts, through development of bottom-mounted offshore wind power and the acquisition and replacement of mega solar power plants after the feed-in tariff scheme ends, we will aim to newly introduce 300–700 MW of renewable energy by 2030, which is one of the targets set out in our vision. We will also make efforts to introduce extra amounts of renewable energy."" (Chugoku Electric Power Group Integrated Report 2021, pg. 17)",none 944,"To reduce the impact of climate change, by FY2030 NRI Group will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 72% compared with FY2013, and aim for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by FY2050. ",reduction 945," BRI continues its efforts to reduce national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with Law Number 16 of 2016 concerning the Paris Agreement, namely reducing emissions by 29% through Indonesia’s own efforts and 41% with international assistance by 2030. Measures to be taken To formulate credit financing policies and to consistently implement such policies in environmentally friendly and certified sectors. To manage company operations efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner To apply prudential banking principles in its business operations and activities. To support the development of priority sectors, namely sectors with high multiplier effects such as energy, agriculture, manufacturing, infrastructure, and MSMEs. To participate in community development, education, training and empowerment to create a sustainable environment such as through planting and environmental restoration and conservation. ",reduction 946,"These are very high severity, very low likelihood events that could result in multiple fatalities or injuries, an unplanned fundamental change to strategy or the way we operate, and have significant financial consequences.",none 947,We plan on aiding economic development efforts in the Carolinas by keeping electric and gas bills affordable and by working with current and prospective employers to show them how we can provide them with on-demand energy.,none 948,"Our goals envisage reducing the direct greenhouse gas emissions from Scope 1 and the indirect emissions from Scope 2 by 50% by 2030 compared with 2019. The emissions in Scope 3 are projected to come down by 30% by 2030 compared with 2019. The company is committed to reducing specific emissions from Scope 1 and 2 by 2030 by 50% to 296 g CO2e / kWh of electricity produced. Reference are emissions of 591 CO2e / kWh in 2019. RWE intends to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 30% by 2030, from 22.3 million tons CO2e in 2019 to 15.6 million tons CO2e. ",reduction 949,We work toward a “30 by 30” target to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 30% by 2030 against a 2016 baseline year. ,reduction 950,Our policies are applied consistently.,none 951,"1. In 2011, a five-year project to turn Penghu into a low-carbon island was launched. The initiative, centred on the installation of wind turbines capable of generating 96 mw of power, aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 50% in 2015 from 2005 levels. 2. Renewable energy would reduce carbon emission. Penghu county government plans “Carbon-free island demonstration project – planning and designing"".",reduction 952,Our goal to achieve net-zero emissions aligns with the Paris Agreement and demonstrates how we are doing our part to limit the global temperature rise and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.,net-zero 953,"""Interim Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction target of 25% by 2025, relation to a 2019 baseline"" 2030 targets: -29% from 2019 baseline for energy and -58% for power generation",reduction 954,We had an opportunity to learn more about their emissions factors database in order to better evaluate how PCAF's data for various assets could be utilized by Morgan Stanley.,none 955,'Develop an Aflac Incorporated framework that defines and sets milestones to achieve carbon neutral and net zero emissions by 2040 and 2050.' (p28),net-zero 956,The reporting basis for the information in this report on our performance in the area of corporate responsibility is prepared in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards and is presented in accordance with the ‘core’ option.,none 957,"As part of our science-based target commitment, we seek to reduce absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions 100% by 2030, against a 2015 baseline, then move to carbon positivity, meaning our carbon capture is greater than our carbon emission.",net-zero 958,The issue of CSIRO's final report has been delayed due to COVID-19 and is expected during FY2021.,none 959,"As renewable penetration of the NEM continues to increase, Eraring will increasingly be run at lower loads and operated in response to changes in renewable energy supply.",none 960,"For each counterparty analysed, the final score of exposure to physical risks is based on three risk factors: operational risks, supply chain risks (upstream) and risks of market share losses (downstream).",none 961,"It should be noted though that whilst pandemic outbreaks can be attributed to a number of interrelated factors, climate change is likely to increase the risks by spreading of disease vectors into areas that formerly did not experience these.",none 962,The Group's key performance indicators for the Group's corporate governance and sustainability framework are measured and reported on by the Group. ,none 963," ""Since 2019, we have been carbon neutral in our own operations (Scope 1 and 2), as well as deliveries, returns and packaging (Scope 3). We achieve this through carbon reduction measures and by compensating any remaining emissions via purchases of carbon offsets from carbon removal projects. Offsets are not counted towards our science-based targets and reduction measures, but are rather a key mechanism for Zalando to neutralize unavoidable impacts.""",net-zero 964,Based on their assessment the financial and strategic impact on the Group from climate-related risks is made transparent.,none 965,"This development was mainly due to reduced investing activities in 2020 related to expenditures for property, plant and equipment, such as investments in controlled space initiatives and IT systems, and proceeds from the sale of short-term financial assets in 2020 compared to investments in 2019.",none 966,"1. decarbonizing fleet vehicles and increasing renewable energy use (to maintain operational net zero status, achieve 60 percent reduction by 2030, and 90% reduction by 2040 in scope 1 and 2 emissions) 2. developing carbon reduction targets in partnership with our supply chain (to achieve 50 percent reduction by 2030, and 90% reduction by 2040 in scope 3 emissions) 3. reducing business travel emissions (to achieve 50 percent reduction by 2030, and 90% reduction by 2040 in scope 3 emissions) 4. creating our own natural climate solution projects (to neutralize remaining emissions in support of operational net zero and for science-based net zero from 2040)",reduction 967,Climate impact on our investment portfolio We have conducted detailed work with analytics providers on scenario analysis to evaluate how various climate scenarios could affect the future value of our AUMA.,none 968,They are instants when the wine reveals itself with greater intensity.,none 969,"Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% from a 2018 base year, including data centers, in line with Science-Based Targets (SBTi) methodology.",reduction 970,"They give little information about how emerging risks, once identified, are treated and monitored.",none 971,"The 2021 Vertex Corporate Responsibility Report states that their emissions reduction target is aligned with the science-based targets initiative, but does not formally describe it as an SBTi.",reduction 972,Product innovation is fundamental for us to meet the requirements of our diversified client base.,none 973,"Our net zero journey continues with a focus on reducing our value chain emissions 50% by 2030 and 90%+ by 2040, relative to a 2018 baseline. See: ",reduction 974,"80% reduction in GHG emissions from 2006 levels by 2050 ",reduction 975,"""l’objectif intermédiaire qui consiste à réduire de 55 pour cent d’ici à 2030 par rapport aux niveaux de 2005 les émissions attribuées au Luxembourg au titre du règlement (UE) 2018/842 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 30 mai 2018 relatif aux réductions annuelles contraignantes des émissions de gaz à effet de serre par les États membres de 2021 à 2030 contribuant à l’action pour le climat afin de respecter les engagements pris dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris et modifiant le règlement (UE) 525/2013"" 2030 target: 55% reduction from 2005 baseline (in accordance with Paris Agreement and EU regulation)",reduction 976,"In 2019, we co-founded The Climate Pledge and made a commitment to achieve net-zero carbon by 2040—10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement.",net-zero 978,The Company will continue to monitor the situation and will cooperate fully with any government investigation that may result. ,none 979,"The Addis Ababa GHG emission reduction goal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve this goal, the city will start to peak emissions each year and aim to achieve the target emission reductions for 2030, 2040 and 2050, through implementing prioritized mitigation actions in the highest emitting sectors.",net-zero 980,"Well aware of the automotive industry’s climate challenges and role, Renault Group has aligned its carbon footprint reduction strategy with the targets set by the Paris Agreement to “pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C”. In April 2021, the Group announced its aim to achieve carbon neutrality in Europe by 2040, in alignment with the European Green Deal, and worldwide by 2050",net-zero 981,"Along the way, CO2 emissions are to be reduced by at least 70 percent by 2030 and by at least 90 percent by 2040 compared to 1990.",reduction 982,"If there is more than one general partner, they shall share this amount between themselves as they see fit.",none 983,"In June 2018, the Sustainable and Resilient Charlotte by 2050 Resolution was unanimously passed by City Council. This resolution set aggressive and aspirational municipal and community-wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals for the City of Charlotte. Specifically, it strives to have City fleet and facilities be fueled by 100% zero-carbon sources by 2030. It also sets a community-wide goal for Charlotte to become a low carbon city by 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to below 2 tons of CO2 equivalent per person annually. Lastly, it called for a strategic energy action plan to determine how Charlotte would reach the two goals.",net-zero 984,"""For buildings in operation, we set goals to reduce carbon emissions, energy consumption, and potable water consumption and to increase waste diversion by 2025."" ""CARBON EMISSIONS REDUCTION: Goal 30%""",reduction 985,Global Operations delivers upon our company’s mission to be the best sports brand in the world.,none 986,"For our operated offshore fields and onshore plants in Norway our new climate ambitions includes reducing the absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, 70% by 2040 and to near zero by 2050.",net-zero 987,"In fact, our analysis shows that, conservatively, more than $1 trillion in additional mortgage loans might have been made over a five-year period had we reformed our mortgage system.",none 988,"""Dover commits to reduce our direct greenhouse gas emissions from operations (Scope 1 and 2) 30% by 2030 from a 2019 base year and reduce our indirect (Scope 3) emissions 15% by 2030"" ",reduction 989,TD is dedicated to undertaking the process thoughtfully to gain valuable insight into our overall business strategy.,none 990,"In addition, such events could impact Linde’s customers and suppliers resulting in temporary or long-term outages and/or the limitation of supply of energy and other raw materials used in normal business operations.",none 991,"In March 2021, Danske Bank joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. (p19)",net-zero 992,"Future social developments, climate policy developments and technology developments are subject to high uncertainty, and these factors have a major impact on greenhouse gas emissions.",none 993,"With the concerted effort throughout the Group, achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 ",net-zero 994,"In addition, revenue arising from interest, dividends or royalties is recognized when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow into the Company and those benefits can be measured reliably.",none 995,"As described in the section ‘Working conditions in our supply chain’ in the Report, 921 social compliance and environmental audits at suppliers were performed by inhouse technical staff as well as external third- party monitors commissioned by adidas business entities and licensees.",none 996,The weighted average warming potential across counterparties is 2.7 °C (based on the counterparties modelled for scenario analysis).,none 997,But we won’t be shy to attack market opportunities as they arise.,none 998,greenhouse gas reduction target of 20% below 2003 levels by the year 2023; Ensure all new buildings are carbon neutral by 2030,reduction 999,"The company has not set any public targets to reduce its GHG emissions. The company does not release a sustainability report. Focuses to simply comply with all applicable environmental laws and requirements of the countries in which they operate.'' Zero non-compliance is the goal. '' Aims to minimize their waste and that of their customers, by complying to the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive that is aimed at reducing the amount of electrical and electronic waste going to landfills. ",reduction 1000,This could lead to litigation and divestment risk and could also have an impact on talent attraction and retention and on our licenses to operate in certain jurisdictions.,none 1001,"""We can reach carbon neutrality in the state of North Dakota by 2030 without a single mandate, without any additional regulation""; ""challenge to make North Dakota a carbon-neutral state by 2030""",net-zero 1002,"In January 2020, a new estimation method to report Unaccounted for Gas (UAFG) emissions resulting from natural gas distribution activities was introduced in Australia.",none 1003,"[During 2019/20 , this activity included reviewing : – the PRA ’s Policy Statement and Supervisory Statement on ‘ Enhancing banks ’ and insurers ’ approaches to managing the financial risks from climate change ’ ; – the PRA framework for assessing financial impacts of physical climate change on the general insurance sector ; – the PRA ’s ‘ Dear CEO ’ letter outlining observations from the thematic review of firms ’ plans to implement requirements set out in the supervisory statement ; and – the Climate Financial Risk Forum ’s ( co - chaired by the FCA and PRA ) guide to help the financial services industry address climate - related financial risks .]",none 1004,"In particular, as a top priority of the Sustainability strategy, we have developed a carbon neutral growth strategy and are working on detailed action plans.",none 1005,"Sabancı Holding aims to reach “Net Zero” in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Group also continues efforts to reach its “zero waste” goal, increasing circular business model practices and reviewing its processes. ",net-zero 1006,The Saudi Arabian Oil Company (“Aramco” or “the Company”) today announced its ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions across its wholly-owned operated assets by 2050. ,net-zero 1007,"The conversion of the La Mède refinery (France), through an initial investment greater than €275 million, is underway with the start-up of the first French biorefinery and an Adblue(1) production workshop in July 2019.",none 1008,"The science-based target to achieve a 42% reduction in scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 2034 from a 2019 base year. Norfolk Southern’s emissions reduction target has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and aligns with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Validation from the SBTi – a joint initiative of CDP, UN Global Compact, the World Resources Institute, and World Wide Fund for Nature – confirms that the company’s target is consistent with reductions required to keep warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. ",reduction 1009,"'Marsh McLennan has committed to set and execute low-carbon transition strategies across our global business operations that collectively chart a path to net-zero across our core operations by 2050, with an emissions reduction target of 50% by 2030' (p13)",net-zero 1010,"Carbon neutral production by 2035. 2021: concrete scope 3 emissions target. ""use phase GHG emission intensit of sold products by 50%by 2040 compare to 2020 levels. ""We are leading the transformation to a carbon neutral value chain by 2040""",net-zero 1011,"In the updated NDC, Australia is increasing the ambition of its 2030 target, committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 43% below 2005 levels by 2030.",reduction 1012,"Washington DC Mayeor pledged to make Washington, DC carbon-neutral and climate resilient by 2050. By joining 25 other C40 member cities in committing to this goal, ""80% by 2050""",net-zero 1013,"KT&G (CEO, Bok-In Baek) has declared its goal of becoming “Carbon Neutral by 2050” through reducing greenhouse gas emissions in response to the climate change crisis. Carbon neutral means making the substantive emission volume of greenhouse gases “0” by setting up measures to absorb the greenhouse gases emitted. ",net-zero 1014,"""By 2030, we will reduce our absolute carbon emissions from our own operations by 55% and within our value chain by 16% against a 2017 baseline.""",reduction 1015,"A key part of our progress to meet our target, was the allocation of £250 million to real assets covering real estate, infrastructure, forestry and agricultural land to Townsend Group.",none 1016,carbon neutral since 2020 (for Sofina’s operations: scopes 1 and 2 as well as travel and transport),net-zero 1017,"This type of waste represents a major challenge given its large carbon footprint throughout its entire lifespan (use of water, metal and energy resources at all stages from product design through to recycling).",none 1018,"• Grow our U.S. dollar business in sectors where we are competitively positioned, adding new clients and deepening our relationship value by maturing our product and advice offerings.",none 1019,"There is no target, but a project proposes reduction of transport greenhouse gas emissions in the city of Almaty.",none 1020,"GHG OBJECTIVES: 20% BY 2030; -50% BY 2030; -80% BY 2050 (BASELINE: 2005)",reduction 1021,"Our Scope 3 emissions include emissions from a broad range of sources, including shipping, land transportation by third parties and the use of our energy products.",none 1022,"Operational risk involves the risk of a positive, negative or potential loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, human behaviour and systems or from external incidents.",none 1023,"To meet this target, most experts agree, global carbon emissions must reach net zero by 2050",net-zero 1024,The Company's Quality Management System complies with the requirements of the International Standard for Quality Management (ISO 9001:2008). ,none 1025,"""The target covers the full value chain, including Scope 3 emissions from the use of products. The company has set a greater than 5 percent carbon emissions intensity reduction target from 2016 levels by 2028.""",reduction 1026,"It also means AM can collect feedback, explicitly com- municate objectives for change in corporate practices and further enhance the model used to inform the under / overweights in the strategy.",none 1027,"""A 2050 goal to provide 100 percent clean, carbon–free electricity""",net-zero 1028,"In addition, they are planning to carry out activities such as holding test drives and demonstration events and disseminating information to develop public acceptance of automated driving.",none 1029,"One Grow Green (Crece Verde) — our biggest environment-friendly program, 100% developed and run by FirstBank, drives reforestation efforts.",none 1030,"To helps its clients secure these benefits, Capgemini offers a Digital Manufacturing service line that improves efficiencies and productivity through smart, connected services (see page 60).",none 1031,"Saint-Gobain has taken the commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 12.2%: reduction of CO2 emissions between 2010 and 2020 at isoproduction (2025 target: -20%)",net-zero 1032,"Ports: Reduce total CO2e/TEU by 3% cumulatively from 2021-2023 through reductions in total diesel use and 11% by 2030 versus 2021. Retail: Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 40% by 2030 versus a 2015 baseline. Australian Gas Infrastructure Group: 10% renewable gas in networks by no later than 2030, delivering 100% renewable gas developments from 2025. Full decarbonization of networks is targeted by no later than 2050, and by 2040 as a stretch target. ",reduction 1033,The company expects to reach net zero by 2040. ,net-zero 1034,"The main goals of the Local Climate Action Plan (LCAP) of the City of Fortaleza are: • Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions until the city becomes emission neutral in 2050; • Promote the city’s adaptation and resilience to climate change. • Make Fortaleza a reference of sustainability and social inclusion for the entire metropolitan region and its residents, especially the most vulnerabilised communities.",net-zero 1035,‘Coal India supports India's commitment of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions and aim to become a net-zero company by FY2027.’,net-zero 1036,"The Paris Agreement, with its ambition to limit the increase in global average temperatures to 1.5°C, and the subsequently published Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Global Warming of 1.5°C, propelled the City of Johannesburg onto a more ambitious climate change course. This more ambitious course is presented in this Climate Action Plan (CAP), which sets the target of a net-zero emissions and resilient city by 2050.",net-zero 1037,"The CSO also: • Is a member of the company’s ELT Risk Committee, which is an internal group that meets quarterly to review the company’s enterprise risk strategy; and • Partners with the company’s Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer to support programs aimed at supporting the company diversity goals.",none 1038,2030 Target: 30% or more reduction in total CO2 emissions vs 2013. (Pg. 15),reduction 1039,Green Transport Policy Action plan,none 1040,Fossil fuels are a finite resource that will gradually disappear.,none 1041,We have derived our materiality calculation based on a proportion of total equity as we consider it to be the most important financial metric on which shareholders would judge the performance of the Company.,none 1042,"'In July 2021, Crédit Agricole Group joined the Net Zero Banking Alliance. This means that by 2050, our net “financed carbon emissions” will have to be down to zero.' (p16)",net-zero 1043,"Oslo's greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 will be reduced by 95 per cent compared with 2009, and by 52 per cent by 2023",reduction 1044,"First in data center industry to commit to reaching climate-neutral by 2030, backed by science-based target and sustainability innovation agenda ",net-zero 1045,A near-term emissions reduction target to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 35% and our Scope 3 emissions by 18% by 2030 against a 2016 baseline. ,reduction 1046,"By 2035, the Low Energy/Carbon Case will limit total energy consumption to a 1% increase from 2009 levels, as opposed to an 11% increase that would occur otherwise under the Reference Case. Holding Edmonton’s total energy consumption to a 1% increase with a much larger population equates to a 25% reduction in energy use per person by 2035.",reduction 1047,"On December 31, 2019, the Company sold its 100 per cent investment in ASHCOR Technologies Ltd. (ASHCOR), an Alberta-based company engaged in marketing coal ash and other combustion products, to ATCO Ltd. for aggregate consideration of $35 million ($20 million, net of cash disposed).",none 1048,"To reduce risk in the supply chain, we work with suppliers who demonstrate reliability, quality and innovation.",none 1049,"Antalya is a member of Cities Race to Zero, therefore commits to reaching net zero by 2050 and reducing emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. ""Race to Zero is the UN-backed global campaign rallying non-state actors – including companies, cities, regions, financial and educational institutions – to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030""",net-zero 1050,"""SBT-1 is to reduce annualized absolute market-based Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 18 percent. SBT-2 is to reduce annualized absolute upstream Scope 3 GHG emissions by 10 percent. Both SBTs have a target year of 2025 compared to our 2018 baseline year.""",reduction 1051,"'We are committed to reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions across our Phase 1 controlled footprint by 10% in 2022.' (p67) nb appears that base year is 2021 on the chart (p67)",reduction 1052,"""Sustain 100% renewable energy use across our operational footprint and continue to reduce our total Scope 1, 2 and select categories of Scope 3 GHGe. This is expected to yield a reduction of at least 2.1% of GHGe each year, reaching a goal of 48.2% by 2037 using 2015 as our base year."" ""This goal builds upon existing efforts to operate with 100% renewable-energy-source consumption at our facilities by 2030 and reduce select GHGe by at least 2.1% each year starting in 2015, for a total reduction of 46.2% by 2037""",reduction 1053,"""reaching net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from natural gas transmission and storage by 2050""",net-zero 1054,"- To reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions per inhabitants (compared to 2003 levels) by 30% by 2020, and 50% by 2030. - To reduce the energy consumption per inhabitants (compared to 2003 levels) by 30% by 2020 and 50% by 2030. - This goal includes to reach a rate of 20% of local renewable energy in the final energy consumption in 2030, with a contemplated share of renewable energy types favoring the wood-energy as the first source, geo-aerothermie and solar photovoltaic. - The carbon storage on the territory must be also increased, through forest, farming and natural lands protection. - The production of bio-sourced materials and recycled bio-sourced materials, especially in the building sector, must be encouraged. ",reduction 1055,Achieve a 5 % reduction of CO2 emissions in scopes 1 and 2 as compared with 2017.,reduction 1056,Climate models indicate that rising temperatures will likely result in rising sea levels over the decades to come and may increase the frequency and intensity of natural catastrophes and severe weather events.,none 1057,'To realize the goal of [...] achieving carbon neutrality by 2060' (p52),net-zero 1058,"[Solvay has pledged to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 1 million tons by 2025 , compared to 2017 , by improving its energy efficiency and energy mix and by investing in clean technologies .]",reduction 1059,"By 2030: Source 100% renewable electricity in our own operations and tier one and two suppliers (wherever renewable electricity is available for purchase). Reduce electrical intensity (kWh/sqm of sales area and opening hour) by 25% (2016 baseline). Reduce scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 56% (2019 baseline). (excluding emissions from customers’ use of sold products.)",reduction 1061,Various activities but no targets ,none 1062,"MTN has set science-based targets to achieve a 47% average reduction in absolute emissions (tCO2e) for scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2030 from a 2019 baseline.",reduction 1063,"[the city acknowledges that] to avoid overtaking this threshold of + 1.5 ° c, carbon dioxide emissions (co2) must decrease by 45% in 2030 compared to 2010 and [reach] carbon neutrality by 2050,",reduction 1064,"-21% by 2025; -42% by 2030; -63% by 2035; -75.4% by 2040; -88% by 2045 (p28, 2021)",reduction 1065,2030 target for 28% reduction on 2007 baseline,reduction 1066,"On course to achieve our CO2 ambitions (-55% by 2030 compared to 1990, and -95% by 2050)? The estimate for Amsterdam’s CO2 emis- sions in 2030 will be updated annually in a standardised way. ",reduction 1067,"The utilities sector experiences a high variation in impact, with the least carbon intensive companies experiencing positive growth.",none 1068,"Extreme weather affects our value chain today, and the impacts represent the differential between the current run rate of impacts and the 2025-forecasted level.",none 1069,"In 2019, we lowered the bar for the subsidy to online employment, granting nearly five times higher employment subsidy than the previous year.",none 1070,"In 2020, CO2 emissions of the Kubota Group in Japan* were reduced by 26.3% compared to the base year 2014 ",reduction 1071,"The Philippines commits to a projected GHG emissions reduction and avoidance of 75%, of which 2.71% is unconditional 9 and 72.29% is conditional,",reduction 1072,"In the past six years, our supervisory work and thematic reviews of CFD firms have found increasing instances of poor conduct and risks of consumer detriment across the sector.",none 1073,The Company's Board of Directors has a diversity of skills and experience that allows it to make a full assessment of the Company's business and prospects and to make decisions on behalf of the Company's shareholders. ,none 1074,The € 500 million bond has a term of eight years and a coupon of 0.00%.,none 1075,"Unfortunately, this progress has come at a cost.",none 1076,"Reduce scope 3 absolute lifetime GHG emissions from newly sold products by 25%. ",reduction 1077,"""The goal is to achieve a 42% reduction by 2030"" (2020 baseline)",reduction 1078,Delta has committed to the RE100 initiative and aims to use 100% renewable electricity and attain carbon neutrality by 2030 .,net-zero 1079,"[BBVA is focusing on increasing its activity in telecommunications infrastructures , given the social importance they have as facilitators of access to new technologies ( ' narrowing the digital divide ' ) , digitization and contribution to economic development : ADAMO : Acquisition by the Swedish fund EQT of the fastest growing independent fiber supplier in Spain , whose main focus is rural communities .]",none 1080,The Group is exposed to multiple risks relating to the conduct of its general insurance business.,none 1081,"At HBIS we are investigating a number of approaches that will see our carbon emissions come down even further. We have announced our intention to achieve a peak in our carbon emissions by 2022, reduce them by 10% compared to the peak by 2025, and further reduce them by 30% compared to the peak by 2030, eventually getting to net-zero by 2050.",reduction 1082,"For example, in June 2017 we experienced a global information technology systems interruption that affected our customer ordering, distribution, and manufacturing processes.",none 1083,The EIB also supports innovative investment funds that are tackling adaptation challenges.,none 1084,"In 2017, following the restructuring in preparation for the initial public offering, the Company replaced its subsidiaries as signatory to the UN PRIs which now cover a wider scope.",none 1085,"In April 2010, the Board of Directors of the Company determined to join the FTSE4Good Index Series. ",none 1086,"FY2030 32% reduction (vs. 2016 levels) ",reduction 1087,See Target Notes below for interim targets.,none 1088,IAG is exposed to multiple risks relating to the conduct of its general insurance business.,none 1089,"""In 2021, we adopted science-based targets (SBTs) across our global operations and supply chain. Our goal is to reduce direct scope 1 and indirect scope 2 GHG emissions by at least 40% by 2035 against a 2019 baseline, as well as to reduce indirect scope 3 supply chain emissions by at least 40%. The SBTs have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and are in line with the goals set forth in the 2015 Paris Agreement.""",reduction 1090,Race to Zero: Net Zero 2040 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2040,net-zero 1091,"2025 targets: scope 1 intensity reduction of 11% and scope 2 intensity reduction 32% 2030 targets: 31% intensity reduction in Taiwan and 20% intensity reduction in Mainland China ",reduction 1092,"SK innovation will identify and implement specific action plans to achieve Net Zero by 2050 and identify various options that accelerate the time of achievement.",net-zero 1093,SASB standards[3] specifically focus on how the pertinent themes are perceived by investors.,none 1094,The first allows to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 from nasal and nasopharyngeal swabs and saliva samples (only in markets accepting CE marking).,none 1095,We considered the views of departments across the business to better understand risks and time horizons.,none 1096,"Vale's entire health, safety and risk strategy considers that every accident can be avoided.",none 1098,"'TIM to move forward on the path to carbon neutrality by 2030 and net zero by 2040, by improving efficiency indicators and developing infrastructure and Data Centers to provide more services with ever lower resource use.' (p7, 2021)",net-zero 1099,"In this way, certain virgin raw materials such as sand and gypsum can be replaced by recycled materials.",none 1100,'Showed determination to combat climate change by committing to using 100% renewable energy with the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050' (p9),net-zero 1101,"Sections (2) Financing and Investment Transactions which Require Additional Due Diligence Regardless of Sector and (3) Policies on Specific Industrial Sectors describe our practices for determining whether to engage in transactions with clients/projects in subject sectors, accounting for the degree to which the client has taken steps to avoid or mitigate risk and other due diligence as appropriate, based on the characteristics of the services we are providing.",none 1102,"This made it possible to bring new shareholders into the Company, such as the Singaporean investment management company Temasek (about €170 billion in assets under management), the Luxembourg insurance company La Luxembourgeoise, and the listed French investment management company FFP; as part of the reorganisation operations carried out onb) 7 March 2017 for the admission of the Company's securities to trading on the Euronext Paris regulated market, a recapitalisation through an in-kind contribution in the amount of €266,324,982 (share premium included) was completed on 21 December 2016.",none 1103,"Mondi is committed to a science-based Net-Zero target and signed the UN Business Ambition for 1.5°C in 2021. Mondi's sustainability report 2021 states their focus on designing and developing the roadmap to Net-Zero by 2050 called ""Map2030"" which is a testament to sustainability with three ambitions focused on their products, people and planet.",net-zero 1104,We want to contribute to a long-term sustainable future and know that through our actions as a business we can contribute to climate risk mitigation.,none 1105,"Any one or more of the factors listed below or described elsewhere in this risk factors section could have a material adverse impact our business, financial condition and/or results of operations: • increases in real estate costs in certain domestic and international markets; • adverse outcomes of litigation; • severe weather or other natural or man-made disasters affecting a large market or several closely located markets that may temporarily but significantly affect our retail business in such markets; • especially in our large markets, labor discord or disruption, geopolitical events, war, terrorism (including incidents targeting us), political instability, acts of public violence, boycotts, increasing anti-American sentiment in certain markets, social unrest, and health pandemics that lead to avoidance of public places or restrictions on public gatherings such as in our stores; and • the discontinuation of the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) after 2021 and the replacement with an alternative reference rate may adversely impact interest rates.",none 1106," “Reduce our fossil fuel generation carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by 50% from 2005 levels” ""2040 Goal - Eliminate all coal from our generation fleet"" - ",reduction 1108,"Under our science-based target goal linked to our annual CDP reporting, we have committed to reducing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon dioxide emissions 2.1% per year to achieve a 40% reduction by 2030 and a 50% reduction by 2035.",reduction 1109,"'By 2030, it is our goal to: Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from Purchased Goods and Services by 42% against a 2020 baseline • Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in operations by 42% against a 2020 baseline' ",reduction 1110,"We have defined our Environmental Vision 2050 in relation to the four action themes specified in the Global Environmental Commitment, which represents our basic approach to environmental activities. As milestones toward achieving this vision, we formulate five-year environmental action plans and resolutely undertake activities in accordance with each plan.",net-zero 1111,"They generate financial risks for companies not only through direct impacts on their assets, but also in terms of indirect impacts through their supply chains and markets.",none 1112,"We provide a price-support mechanism for the bond, which supports the Kasigau Corridor REDD project in Kenya.",none 1113,"Our Executive Committee has approved the goal of having net zero emissions by 2025 in our main operations and by 2040 at the latest, including LatAm and our value chain. To achieve this, we are committed to reducing emissions in line with the 1.5ºC scenario and neutralising the remainder through the purchase of CO2 absorption carbon credits, preferably through nature-based solutions.",net-zero 1114,"Compliance Risk Management Compliance risk (a type of operational risk) is the risk resulting from the failure to comply with laws (legislation, regulations and rules) and regulatory guidance, and the failure to appropriately address associated impacts, including to customers.",none 1115,"""Cut GHG emissions intensity by at least 26% compared to FY2013"" in vision 2030. Source: ",reduction 1116,We believe our cloud computing services have become a critical foundation that many of our customers increasingly depend on in their daily operations.,none 1117,"'Kohl’s climate action goals are focused on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and increase of renewable energy use. We are committed to reducing our combined scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% versus a 2014 baseline by 2025.' (p11) 'Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Kohl’s-owned operations by 50% versus 2014 baseline by 2025.' ",reduction 1118,"Today, the European Commission adopted a package of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Achieving these emission reductions in the next decade is crucial to Europe becoming the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and making the European Green Deal a reality. ",reduction 1119,"The problem is with the laggards, certain regions that have been too slow in realizing the true cost of coal to their citizens and natural environment, and therefore have dangerously prolonged the decline.",none 1120,And that is definitely how Liberty is defined – constantly changing.,none 1121,"'In January 2021, Tencent unveiled its plan for carbon neutrality.' (p30)",net-zero 1122,Net zero target announced at World Leaders Summit at COP26,net-zero 1123,We have reported our Scope 2 emissions using both the location and market-based methods in line with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.,none 1124,There is no denying that coal is on the decline around the world.,none 1125,Our business activities are subject to regulation by various regulatory authorities. ,none 1126,"With our partners — Smithfield Foods and Vanguard Renewables, and an alliance with the Dairy Farmers of America — we will process the methane from animal waste, and put it into the pipeline systems serving those states.",none 1127,"We have set a goal of reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 vs. a 2019 baseline.",reduction 1128,"However, transition to low-carbon economy should bring business opportunities to UPM’s renewable and recyclable products.",none 1129,Various informal training sessions were also conducted.,none 1130,"In addition, the Supervisory Board concurred with the proposal of the Executive Board for the appropriation of distributable profit and resolved the Report of the Supervisory Board.",none 1131,65 per cent by 2030,reduction 1132,The Board has recently reviewed the Group's policies and guidelines on whistleblowing and harassment. ,none 1133,These plans pay stated percentages of eligible medical and dental expenses of retirees after a stated deductible has been met.,none 1134,Become carbon neutral throughout our business activities by 2021 and our entire value chain by 2030 (Pg. 22),net-zero 1135,Achieve net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner,net-zero 1136,"In September, IBM called for facial recognition to be included in America’s list of export-controlled technologies, recognizing its potential use “to suppress dissent, to infringe on the rights of minorities, or to erase basic expectations of privacy.”",none 1137,We are looking forward to working with the new team and achieving further successes in the future. ,none 1138,achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050,net-zero 1139,"Continued emissions will increase physical risks, and limiting the impacts will require substantial emission reductions increasing transition risks.",none 1140,reduce statewide GHG emissions by 60% from 2006 levels by 2031,reduction 1141,• Continue to be an extraordinary place to work with a focus on inclusion and diversity.,none 1142,"Our 1.5ºC-aligned target of an absolute 50% reduction of total emissions by 2035 on 2019 levels, is supported by a 15% reduction of total emissions by 2026. Post-2035, our ambition is to achieve a net zero total emissions footprint by 2050. (p29",net-zero 1143,The Company Secretary acts as a secretary to the BRC.,none 1144,"[The response within financial markets was a decline in equity , credit and securitised product valuations across key sectors , affecting the valuation of assets measured at fair value , including those held in the trading book , leverage finance underwrites , equity positions held as principal investments , assets held for liquidity purposes and investments within Barclays ' pension fund .]",none 1145,"Despite the complex situation caused by the pandemic, Eni has decided to accelerate its transformation path. In February 2021, Eni announced its new strategy to relaunch short, medium and long-term operational targets, which outline the evolutionary and integrated path of the individual businesses and that will lead Eni to carbon neutrality by 2050. Eni will pursue a strategy that, by 2050, aims to achieve net zero on GHG Lifecycle emissions Scope 1, 2 and 3 (Net GHG Lifecycle Emissions), and the associated emission intensity (Net Carbon Intensity) for the entire life cycle of tge energy products sold, further strengthening the intermediate decarbonization targets.",net-zero 1146,"GHG emission reduction rate ‒ Scopes 1 +Scopes 2 -30% (2030, compared with 2015 levels)",reduction 1147,Rising public concern related to climate change has led and could lead to the adoption of worldwide laws and regulations which could result in a decrease of demand for hydrocarbons and increased compliance costs for the Company.,none 1148,"It covers different aspects of an insurance product, including product development, underwriting, claims, product management, premium reserve assessment, and reinsurance management etc.",none 1149,"""reduce carbon emissions 70 percent by 2030 (relative to 2005 levels)""",reduction 1150,"To maintain the integrity of the system, we will not tolerate any violations of the Code, including the illegal use of personal information or the abuse of the trust of our customers. ",none 1151,There is also a risk that Cenovus could face litigation initiated by third parties relating to climate change or other environmental regulations.,none 1152,"'By 2030, we aim to partner with Franchisees to reduce GHG emissions related to McDonald’s restaurants and offices by 36% from a 2015 base year.' (p16) nb 'As of the end of 2020, we have achieved an 8.5% reduction in McDonald’s restaurants’ and offices’ absolute emissions from the 2015 baseline. This means approximately 23.6% of our target has been achieved.' (p16) 'By 2030, we aim to reduce emissions intensity (per metric ton of food and packaging) by 31% across our supply chain from the 2015 baseline.' (p16)",reduction 1153,"""We recognize the need to protect the environment for future generations. That’s why we’ve set long-term goals for 2035 (over a 2015 baseline). EMISSIONS: Reduce total CO2e emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 market based) by 50%. Purchase 100% electric energy from renewable resources."" ",reduction 1154,"For many decades, Swisscom has demonstrated its commitment to the environment and is now the world’s most sustainable telco. With its new net zero climate target, Swisscom aims to be climate neutral across its entire value chain and, moreover, to achieve a positive CO2 contribution of 1 million tons per year by 2025. Saskia Günther, Head of Corporate Responsibility, outlines how this will be achieved.",net-zero 1155,"If it achieves the SBT of a 55% reduction in CO2 emissions versus the fiscal 2018 level, NEC will record Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions of approximately 210,000 tons per year in fiscal 2031.",reduction 1156,"On 30 April 2021, the Company announced its intention to implement a “zero discount” policy to seek to manage the discount or premium to net asset value and gave instructions to Winterflood to implement the policy on the Board’s behalf.",none 1157,"Furthermore, the code of conduct is updated regularly and is available on the company's website (www.google.com). ",none 1158,"""Carbon neutrality globally (Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions) in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement by 2050 at the latest""",net-zero 1159,Sasol promotes effective management and achievement of climate-related targets and objectives through appropriate performance incentives.,none 1160,"APRR has undertaken to create 1,700 car-pooling spaces at 27 sites by 2021, investing a total of €10.6 million, while AREA will invest €1.7 million to create 250 spaces at five sites in the same timeframe.",none 1161,30 % GHG reduction by 2030 below 2019 levels,reduction 1162,"[In response to this challenge , BBVA is working on the launch of specific training itineraries in Sustainability , divided into three levels which have been selected with a focus on the two dimensions of the new sustainability strategy : climate action and inclusive growth .]",none 1163,"As stockholders, we encourage transparency and accountability in the use of corporate funds to influence legislation and regulation.",none 1164,"30% emission reduction by 2030 compared to BAU. 10% unconditional whereas the remaining target can only be met with the availability of external funding amounting to US$500 million (conditional). Base-year emissions were estimated at 1500 kilo tonnes of carbon dioxide (kTCO2 e). The baseline scenario projects energy sector emissions to reach 2,341 kTCO2 e by 2030. Fiji’s emissions peak will be demonstrated in the national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory time series reported in its Biennial Update Report 2022. ",reduction 1165,We have committed to achieve carbon neutrality for our direct operations by 2040 ,net-zero 1166,"Subsidiaries are companies over which the Group is able to exercise control pursuant to IFRS 10, that is when the Group is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee.",none 1167,"Rexel has committed to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) linked to the energy consumption of its operations (scopes 1 and 2) by 35% by 2030, as compared to 2016. Rexel has also committed to reducing by 45% per euro of revenue those linked to the use of the products it has sold (scope 3) by 2030, as compared to 2016.",reduction 1168,"Long-term threats are difficult to predict, but at this time, we expect this to have less impact on our life and income insurance liabilities than other risks, such as changes in demographics or pandemics.",none 1169,VALUATION SENSITIVITIES AND FINANCIAL MODELLING The sensitivity analysis does not show a comprehensive picture of all potential scenarios.,none 1170,"from source: ""with the aim of closing the ambition gap through new mitigation methods and technologies, aiming to achieve net zero emissions in 2050"" ",net-zero 1171,"50 percent reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions from 2019 baseline by 2030 ",reduction 1172,"The Federated States of Micronesia has an ambitious emission reduction target of 35% reduction by 2025. The achievement of this target of 35% emission reduction by 2025 will be through both unconditional (28%) and conditional (additonal up to 35%) means based on additional external financing being made available to the Federated States of Micronesia. Source: ",reduction 1173,"Our operational carbon footprint is aligned with the GHG protocol as part of the CDP. We invest in improving building energy performance, considering efficiency measures, retrofits and greening electricity, as well as improvements in water and waste management. Investment and insurance group Old Mutual has joined the United Nations-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (AOA) to help accelerate the global drive to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 1174,This is not viable from an economic and ecological perspective.,none 1175,"We are making every effort to address employee needs and commitments for empathy, transparency and social responsibility in this new era.",none 1176,Cabinet Committee on Climate and Resiliency set a goal to reduce Delaware’s greenhouse gas emissions 30% by 2030,reduction 1177,"''Thailand intends to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent from the projected business-as-usual (BAU) level by 2030. The level of contribution could increase up to 40 percent, subject to adequate and enhanced access to technology development and transfer, financial resources and capacity building support' 'Business-as-usual projection from reference year 2005 in the absence of major climate change policies (BAU2030: approx. 555 MtCO2e)' (p.1).",reduction 1178,"'This programme includes a commitment to develop a climate action plan that is consistent with the requirements of the Paris Agreement, which requires the world’s nations to become carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2050.' (p11)",net-zero 1179,The financial resources serve DBAG for investments in financial assets and loans and receivables.,none 1180,"An emerging risk is defined as a risk which has large unknown components, which may form and crystallise beyond a one year horizon.",none 1181,"'We announced our commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 (Scopes 1 and 2)' (p14, 2021) nb also 'By 2050, Ecopetrol Group’s goal is to achieve net-zero emissions (Scope 1 and 2), additionally we will seek a 50% reduction of total emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3).' (p16/17, 2020)",net-zero 1182,"Other disruptions in the manufacturing process or product sales and fulfillment systems for any reason, including equipment malfunction, failure to follow specific protocols and procedures, defective raw materials, natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes or wildfires, and other environmental factors, could lead to launch delays, product shortage, unanticipated costs, lost revenues and damage to our reputation.",none 1183,"The Company follows regulated engineering codes, continues to evaluate ways to create greater system reliability and resiliency and, where appropriate, submits regulatory applications for capital expenditures aimed at creating greater system reliability and resiliency within the code.",none 1184,"The project supports electrification of transportation, which will help avoid annual greenhouse emissions of more than 25,000 metric tons per year.",none 1185,30-40% reduction by FY2030 compared to FY2013,reduction 1186,It can be considered a guide identifying sector leaders and engagement with the laggards to ultimately bring them into alignment.,none 1187,S K - I N F O R M E D D E C,none 1188,By 2030 we will reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25 per cent and our Scope 3 emissions by 20 per cent,reduction 1189,"On June 22, 2021, Baidu officially released its group-wide carbon neutrality targets. Taking 2020 as the baseline year, Baidu plans to comprehensively build science-based pathways to achieve carbon neutrality in fields covering data centers, office buildings, carbon offset, intelligent transportation, intelligent cloud and supply chain, based on existing green practices and with reference to Scope 1 and Scope 2 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP). ",net-zero 1190,"An output from these meetings is a standardized scorecard which includes risk and opportunity ratings for (financial) impact, likelihood (of event), outlook (of risk exposure) and confidence (in risk management).",none 1191,"After exceeding our 2014-2020 GHG goal for operations, we set a new science-based target (aligned with a 1.5 ̊C scenario): a 50 percent reduction in GHG emissions from AMD operations (scope 1 and 2) by 2030 (2020 base year). ",reduction 1192,"'In 2021, we joined the UN-backed Race to Zero Campaign and the Science-Based Targets Business Ambition for 1.5ºC, an alliance to halve global emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.'(p12) ",net-zero 1193,"Reduce GHG emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) by 30% by fiscal 2030 (Base year: fiscal 2015) (Emissions in the base year: 202 kilotons) Reduce GHG emissions (Scope 3) by 20% per unit of revenue by fiscal 2030 (Base year: fiscal 2015)",reduction 1194,"Joined Climate Ambition Alliance at COP26 ",net-zero 1195,■ 33% absolute reduction in CO2 emissions between 2017 and 2030 in Scopes 1 and 2; ■ 16% absolute reduction in CO2 emissions between 2017 and 2030 in Scope 3,reduction 1196,"In the BAU scenario, overall GHG emissions in 2030 are expected to rise by up to 24.167 MtCO2e. The estimated emissions reduction will be 21.996 MtCO2e through 2030 (91% reduction of which 78.7% is from the AFOLU) (Table ES-1). Namibia aims at a reduction of about 89% of its GHG emissions at the 2030 time horizon compared to the BAU scenario. The projected GHG emissions to be avoided in 2030 is of the order of 20000 Gg CO2-eq",reduction 1197,"The Scope 1 total for 2019 of 7,365 CO2e differs from the Scope 1 total of 9,399 CO2e as seen in the 2019 baseline table on page 30 as this includes the now-tracked emissions mentioned in note 1 above.",none 1198,'achieve net zero emissions by 2050',net-zero 1199,"In line with the net-zero by 2050 target of the European Green Deal, we are currently developing a Group-wide plan that will illustrate our pathway to become carbon neutral in 2050. They would carry out the Carbon Transition Program in three main stages: ""The first stage consists of analyzing climate-related risks and opportunities and basing our action plans on the revealed output. Accordingly, we have taken one of our biggest steps in transitioning to a low-carbon economy by taking part in the ‘Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),’ a platform that brings together the world's leading organizations whose aim is to reach net-zero emissions. The second stage of our roadmap consists of setting the targets of Group companies in line with our commitment to become carbon neutral by 2050. The third and last stage of our roadmap consists of monitoring global and national climate policies and practices, especially the European Green Deal. ",net-zero 1200,commit to halve emissions across operations and portfolio between 2019 and 2030 based on 2019 figures. ,reduction 1201,"The climate law has the following climate goals: 49% less Co2 output in 2030 compared to 1990; 95% less CO2 in 2050 compared to 1990. In addition, the government is ""tightening the target for 2030 in the Climate Act to at least a 55% CO2 reduction"" and agrees to focus the policy on a high task that ""amounts to approximately 60% in 2030"". The government is further aiming for a reduction of 70% in 2035 and 80% in 2040, and to be climate neutral by 2050. Source: De Klimaatwet stelt vast met hoeveel procent ons land de CO2-uitstoot moet terugdringen. De Klimaatwet moet burgers en bedrijven zekerheid geven over de klimaatdoelen: 49% minder CO2-uitstoot in 2030 ten opzichte van 1990. Om dit doel te halen, hebben de overheid, bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties een Klimaatakkoord gesloten. Er staan ook afspraken in die partijen onderling hebben gemaakt. 95% minder CO2-uitstoot in 2050 ten opzichte van 1990. Source: ",reduction 1202,Committee membership was reviewed in February 2022.,none 1203,"40% Reduction in the Council's Greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 part of 2019-2024 plan Our vision is for a zero carbon City with all energy coming from renewable sources",reduction 1204,"Kellogg aims to achieve a 45% reduction in absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, along with a 15% reduction in scope 3 emissions. ",reduction 1205,"The ability to enable a fast and effective response to, and recovery from, disruptive events.",none 1206,'Joined Air Transport Action Group’s (ATAG’s) “Fly Net-zero” commitment to achieve industrywide net-zero carbon emissions in civil aviation by 2050 and developed our technology roadmap to achieve that ambition.' (p9),net-zero 1207,"[An inclusive culture at 3 M is built on our Be Respectful Principles - to respect the dignity and worth of individuals ; encourage the initiative of each employee ; challenge individual capabilities ; and provide equal opportunity .]",none 1208,Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) communicates Tier 1 risks to the ELT and Board of Directors (BOD) Risk Committee through an annual risk assessment and ranking exercise.,none 1209,"Lear further plans by 2030 to use 100% renewable energy at the company's manufacturing facilities and reduce carbon emissions by 50%. The timeframes align with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to limit global warming, based on 2019 data.",reduction 1210,"In the steel business, which accounts for most of the JFE Group’s CO2 emissions, we are exploring feasible scenarios with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions in fiscal 2030 by 20% or more compared to fiscal 2013, maximizing the use of the best available technologies and innovations.",reduction 1211,Help EU reach carbon neutrality by 2050,net-zero 1212,"Key targets for 2030: TMG facilities (Governor’s bureaus/departments) will have 100% of their power generated by renewable energy Installation of 1.3 GW solar power generation equipment Increase percentage of renewable power usage to 30% Reduce energy consumption by 38% compared to 2000 ",reduction 1213,"Morrisons has set a target to reach Net Zero emissions by 2040 – this means achieving an end state where no greenhouse gases are emitted, or where residual emissions are balanced by removing an appropriate amount from the atmosphere.",net-zero 1214,"Das CO2-Äquivalent der Treibhausgasemissionen je Einwohner soll bis zum Jahr 2030 um mindestens 55 % gesenkt werden, bezogen auf den Durchschnitt des Jahres 1990.",reduction 1215,"En mai 2020, la compagnie TotalEnergies a annoncé son ambition d’atteindre la neutralité carbone à horizon 2050. Toutes les activités mondiales sont concernées, depuis la production jusqu’à l’utilisation des produits énergétiques vendus aux clients. Company’s ambition is to reach carbon neutrality (net zero emissions) by 2050 together with society. In may 2020, TotalEnergies announce its ambition to attain carbon neutrality by 2050. This will include all their global activities, from producion to utilization of energy products sold to clients. End target- Achieve carbon neutrality (net zero emissions) in Europe(4) from the production to the use by its customers of energy products sold for end use in 2050 or sooner (Scopes 1, 2, 3).",net-zero 1216,"He is a Non-Executive Director of Goodman Group and a former Chairman and a Non-Executive Director of Leighton Holdings and Spark Infrastructure Group, and a former Executive and Non-Executive Director of Westfield Group.",none 1217,"'In its Group-wide programme “Swiss Life 2024”, Swiss Life has set itself new goals for operational ecology in the sustainability strategy. It aims to reduce CO₂ emissions per FTE by a further 35% by the end of 2024 compared to 2019, primarily by reducing business travel as well as making more use of lower emission mobility and procuring electricity from sustainable production' (p161)",reduction 1218,cut emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030,reduction 1219,"Bringing forward our net zero emissions target to 2022 Net zero emissions refers to achieving an overall balance between greenhouse gases emitted in operation and greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere. Getting Dexus to net zero is an opportunity to align with changing customer sentiment and meet the increasing investor demands for low-carbon investments. We have made great progress on our goal already and have brought forward our target to achieve net zero emissions to 30 June 2022, advancing our original 2030 goal by eight years. Accelerating our net zero ambition delivers strong climate action for our planet, enhances our vision and customer proposition for smart, sustainable workspaces and ensures we will be ready for other opportunities, including supporting our customers on their own journey. Our commitment to deliver net zero emissions by 30 June 2022 will be achieved by: 1. Our transition to 100% renewable electricity from base building operations from July 2021, purchasing renewable energy in the form of Large-scale Generation Certificates or GreenPower 2. Continuing to invest in certified carbon offsets for our remaining emissions. We will purchase accredited nature-based offsets to account for emissions from natural gas, wastewater, refrigerants, and waste/recycling 3. Verifying we are net zero and maintaining this status through Australia’s Climate Active carbon neutral program In parallel with this transition, our focus remains on improving energy efficiency and accelerating the deployment of on-site renewables (see pages 56-57). Transitioning to 100% renewable electricity will account for around 80% of scope 2 and 3 emissions, with the remaining 20% of scope 1 and 3 emissions to be balanced through carbon offsets. This includes emissions for the base building sources comprising electricity, natural gas, diesel, refrigerant leakage, water and wastewater, and waste and recycling. It excludes tenant sources such as tenancy electricity. Enriched Environment continued Our approach on this journey involves: – Reducing or eliminating emissions at source through efficiency practices and emission-free energy – Investing locally, prioritising Australianbased projects with a geographic correlation to the location of our properties to support those local communities – Being transparent and verifiable, by investing in certified renewable energy and offset schemes, and certifying and disclosing our outcomes with independent verification – Making a difference in Australia’s transition, by supporting supply chains and the development of renewable energy and abatement projects In line with the Oxford Offsetting Principles, published by the University of Oxford, we will shift towards ‘nature-based’ carbon removal projects over emission reduction projects due to their ability to actively reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide. Initially we will invest in carbon removal projects such as tree planting and bush regeneration projects, which use photosynthesis to capture and sequest carbon from the atmosphere. As technologies develop, we will also transition towards projects that provide higher permanence or long-lived carbon capture.",net-zero 1220,"Based on the result, they create the development plan for the agency and its members.",none 1221,"The proposals are reviewed by subject matter experts, who give input to the Executive Committee, to provide a strong basis for the investment decision.",none 1222,These impacts will increasingly influence investment and insurance decisions.,none 1223,"The Chief Human Resources and Director of Public Policy and Regulation retired at the end of 2021 and, as of 1 January 2022, the new combined role of Chief People and Corporate Affairs Officer was created as an Executive Committee member.",none 1224,"During 2005, we acquired a Canadian core office portfolio, a number of smaller property and power assets and also completed an acquisition of timberland assets.",none 1225,Dr Woehrmann is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DWS Group entity DWS Investment GmbH.,none 1226,"Following the recapitalisation of Colonial in 2014, the Colonial Group developed a Business Plan for Sustainability 2015-2030, setting 2015 as the baseline year, to monitor reductions in consumption (in particular of energy and the carbon footprint), with the aim of charting a path towards carbon neutrality. In particular, this far-reaching strategic plan for decarbonisation responds to the Colonial Group’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality in its office portfolio as a whole by 2050. Furthermore, to underscore the Group’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, Colonial has adhered to the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) to set new emissions reduction goals in alignment with science and to limit the rise in global average temperatures to below 2ºC.",net-zero 1227,These protected forests are then able to continue absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.,none 1228,"For example, it is possible that branches may not be able to sustain the level of revenue or profitability that they currently achieve (or that it is forecasted that they will achieve).",none 1229,"Failure to manage data risk effectively can result in unethical decisions, poor customer outcomes, loss of value to the Group and mistrust.",none 1230,"The net proceeds from the offering will be used to fund renewable energy, water conservation, energy efficiency and green building projects.",none 1231,Our Board oversees the management of strategic and operational risks by using several different levels of review.,none 1232,"50% absolute reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2030 against a 2018 baseline 25% absolute reduction in Scope 3 GHG emissions by 2030 against a 2018 baseline",reduction 1233,"""By the end of 2040: Net Zero company with Net Zero carbon investments"" Climate Transition Plan p5",net-zero 1234,"Celaya is part of the City Prosperous Index Although they specify 1.5 target there was no evidence on how this is advancing... It is impressive though the logistic organisation towards this mainly concentrated in reducing gasses coming from landfill. There are several plans like the programme PROAIre and also a Plan of Climate Action Acción Climática (PACMUN)",net-zero 1235,"First microfinance deal in Bulgaria We carried out our first commitment to microfinance in Bulgaria, by guaranteeing up to EUR 700,000 of a EUR 5.1m microcredit portfolio for the JOBS Microfinance Institution.",none 1236,"Additional technology investments are aimed at improving execution and efficiency in all areas of our business from warehousing, fleet, inventory and customer relationship management to back-office human resources and financial management and reporting systems.",none 1237,"""We will further extend our efforts to reach net zero emissions by 2050."" ",net-zero 1238,"To this end, it has pledged to mobilize €100,000m in sustainable financing between 2018 and 2025.",none 1239,"The fair value of the earn-out component at December 31, 2020 amounts to US $ 15 million (2019: US $ 50 million).",none 1240,"'By 2030, we have set ourselves a target to reduce GHG emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by 30% against a 2016 baseline; improve energy efficiency by 30%; achieve a 50% net reduction in freshwater abstraction in water scarce areas; and deliver net-positive impacts in biodiversity wherever we operate. To these, we added a target to be carbon neutral across our operations by 2040 and, in 2021, our ambition to reduce our Scope 3 emissions by 50%, also by 2040.' (p4)",reduction 1241,"The company has a policy of sponsoring local, county and national charities and events. ",none 1242,JTI UK has committed to reducing its emissions by 80% to become a net-zero business by 2030. ,net-zero 1243,"Bangladesh's NDC updated for 2021 states: 5% GHG reduction on BAU by 2030 in power, transport and industry sectors, based on existing resources (unconditional); 15% GHG reduction on BAU by 2030 in power, transport and industry sectors (conditional)",reduction 1244,"net Zero by 2025 100% renewable electricity by 2025 50% reduction in scope 3 emissions by 2030",net-zero 1245,"Become a net zero bank by 2050 on Scopes 1, 2 and 3",net-zero 1246,"[In addi- tion , analyses of various trends will be performed periodi- cally in the future in order to revise assessments and disclose information on risks and opportunities related to other areas .]",none 1247,The government is already working towards its commitment to reduce emissions in 2030 by at least 68% compared to 1990 levels through the UK’s latest Nationally Determined Contribution - the highest reduction target made by a major economy to date,reduction 1248,"""We have set a target to reduce our equity-based absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 35% by year-end 2035 from our 2019 levels.""",reduction 1249,"The three categories for which KPI have been set specify the reduction goals for 2030 and 2050 as the medium and long-term reduction goals for the entire company, and we pursue initiatives to achieve these goals. Numbers in a graph*",reduction 1250,"Since we introduced the Community Lab in 2002, more than 25,000 middle- and high-school students have participated in hands-on laboratory experiments at our research facilities, providing a practical educational experience linked to their academic work, while offering access to mentors, equipment and valuable exposure to the possibilities of science careers.",none 1251,"With 10 sustainable development goals and 52 sub-goals, the declaration proposes a 2030 sustainable development vision which includes reaching a renewable energy capacity of 4.5 GW, switching all city buses to electric vehicles, and reducing more than 20% of the volume of greenhouse gases emitted in 2005.",reduction 1252,"""50% reduction in the carbon emissions of electricity delivered to DTE Electric customers."" by 2030 on 2005 baseline At 25% of energy they provide to come from renewable sources by 2030. Like all big transformations, the shift to cleaner energy won’t happen overnight, but it has already begun. DTE has 18 wind parks and 32 solar parks, and by 2023, we will have cut carbon emissions by 32% since 2005. Our bold net zero carbon emissions goal sets the framework for DTE to go beyond its existing commitments to reduce carbon emissions 50% by 2028 and 80% by 2040, ensuring our medium- and long-term plans align with the scientific consensus around the importance of achieving significant economy-wide emissions reduction by 2050.",reduction 1253," Long Term Target: reduce GHG emissions by 84% below 2006 levels by 2050",reduction 1254,"'By 2025, J.B. Hunt intends to reduce our MT CO2e per million company-operated ton-miles (Scope 1) by 3% from a 2019 base year' (p48) nb also refers to 'By 2035, J.B. Hunt intends to convert at least 25% of our day cab and straight truck fleet to an alternative power fuel source' but this doesn't seem to be an emissions target (p48)",reduction 1255,"They aim to achieve carbon neutral global operations by 2030 and to reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from operations in Norway to near zero by 2050, and reduce maritime emissions (as defined in the interim targets by 50% globally.",net-zero 1256,"2020 was a record-breaking year for us: For the first time ever, we broke the 100-billion-euro revenue barrier.",none 1257,"In August 2021, Just Group has formally adopted a carbon emissions reduction target, and is aiming to achieve net zero from its operations by 2025. Over the past three years, the Group’s carbon emissions per full time employee has fallen by 86% to the lowest level in the UK life insurance industry in the FTSE 350. This reduction is due to a broad range of initiatives including a near halving of the property footprint, moving to a renewable energy tariff for purchased electricity, significantly reduced business travel, and a number of facilities improvements and upgrades. Furthermore, the Group is targeting a reduction to net zero in its investment’s portfolio by 2050, with a 50% reduction milestone by 2030, in line with the Association of British Insurers (“ABI”) climate change roadmap, published in July 2021. ",net-zero 1258,"[Local commitments continue to be key to the way in which we do business , and as a result of our successes in 2017 we spent over £ 900 K with social enterprises , donated over 9,000 hours to community projects and continued to invest in the skills of local people through our Building Futures and work experience programmes .]",none 1259,"'Scope 1 and Scope 2: Mitsubishi Electric commits to reduce total Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 18% by 2030, compared to the base year of fiscal 2017. ● Scope 3,*1, *2: Mitsubishi Electric commits to reduce total Scope 3 GHG emissions by 15% by 2030, compared to the base year of fiscal 2019.' (p56)",reduction 1260,"The Holdings shareholders’ equity decreased by JPY 83.7 billion, compared with the end of the previous fiscal year, to JPY 1,953.3 billion.",none 1261,"Finalmente, es importante indicar que el Perú iniciará en el año 2021 el proceso de actualización de su Estrategia Nacional ante el Cambio Climático con un horizonte al año 2050. En ese sentido, ha iniciado la generación participativa de dos referentes importantes con relación a la mitigación de GEI y la adaptación al cambio climático a través de la elaboración, por un lado, del Estudio Técnico para la Carbono Neutralidad del Perú al 2050 y, por otro, del desarrollo del Plan Nacional de Adaptación, con horizontes temporales hacia los años 2030 y 2050. ",net-zero 1262,"As Halkbank we are monitoring our GHG emissions since 2012. In 2020, we set a target to decrease our company-wide scope 1 and 2 emissions by 20% by 2040 from a base year of 2019. In 2021, we have taken action to establish a Climate Action Plan. In line with that and the most recent climate science of Science-Based Targets V5 criteria that have been published in 2021, we have reviewed and set our new absolute emission target for scopes 1 & 2. We re-established our target as reducing 55% of company-wide scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from the 2019 base year until 2032. This target is in-line with 1.5Degrees world as stated in Paris Agreement and SBTi Criteria, as it corresponds to 4.2% annual linear reduction. The GHG emission scopes don't exclude any emissions or locations. The target doesn't include biogenic emissions due to biogenic emissions are not relevant for Halkbank",reduction 1263,"As an oil sands producer, we are not directly regulated and are not expected to have a compliance obligation for carbon intensity reduction requirements for liquid fuels.",none 1264,These funnel into growing demand for specialty chemical products presenting us with exciting opportunities to drive sustainable growth.,none 1265,"Intensidad de emisiones directas: 0,34 tCO2e en 2023",reduction 1266,"The event, which occurred at the Bayswater Power Station, involved oil leaking into the power station cooling water system.",none 1267,We refer to these special moments as “Plénitudes”.,none 1268,"In order to reduce carbon emissions more than 75% compared to BAU, we are considering diversified plans such as increase in renewable energy, conversion of raw materials, and energy efficiency.",none 1269,"The Company has exposure to higher-yielding private debt arrangements, which may include debt securities of smaller companies, some of which may be privately owned, and thus may be less transparent in respect of environmental, social and governance and sustainability-related disclosures.",none 1270,"Every year, our One Voice employee opinion survey tracks what our people think of life at M&G, showing us what we are getting right and where we can improve.",none 1271,"The environmental concerns like global warming, deforestation, climate change and many more affect every human, animal and nation on this planet.",none 1272,"On 24 July 2019, we entered into two new senior debt facilities agreements, a £375 million private placement with infrastructure lenders with maturities between 2024 and 2029, and a £125 million ESG facility agreement that matures in 2022.",none 1273,Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 (ECO VISION 2050),net-zero 1274,"We are reducing the environmental footprint of our activities by taking actions in three key areas: 1) We will be carbon neutral by 2026. 2) We will reduce our water consumption by 40% by 2026. 3) We will send zero waste to landfills by 2022.",net-zero 1275,"In 2020, we conducted a comprehensive global carbon audit for 2019 and 2020 across our business and key emission categories. This audit gives us data to help drive meaningful reductions in our internal emissions and informs our goal to reach Net Zero Carbon for Operations by 2030, including our scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. In addition, we launched our Bitcoin Clean Energy Investment Initiative to help accelerate renewable energy adoption in bitcoin mining. Our Scope 3 footprint is 98% of our total carbon footprint and tracks everything from emission calculations attributed to our credit card processing to energy consumption by Square sellers using our hardware. “Committing to be a net zero carbon contributor is consistent with our purpose of economic empowerment, as we’ll continue to work for our customers without contributing to longer-term climate issues,” said Square Chief Financial Officer, Amrita Ahuja. “Endangering the environment will ultimately disproportionately endanger underserved communities around the world.” Source: Source: ",net-zero 1276,"Now, we are working to achieve our goal to be net carbon neutral in our operations by 2030",net-zero 1277,"Under the focus area of Together to zero emissions, we announced our new energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets for 100% renewable electricity by the end of FY25, to reduce combined Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by more than 75% by the end of FY30 (from a FY20 baseline) and to have net zero emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 1278,"'Daikin has formulated Environmental Vision 2050, with a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050' (p9)",net-zero 1279,"“The unconditional GHG emissions reduction target for 2030 is 12.8% (excluding GHG sinks) compared to 2014 or 33.2% compared to 1990. The conditional target (with more intensive international assistance for the decarbonisation of mining areas) for 2030 is 17.5% (excluding GHG sinks) compared to 2014 or 36.8% compared to 1990. GHG emissions reduction target for 2050 is 50.0% (unconditional) and 55.0% (conditional) compared to 2014, that is, 61.7% (unconditional) and 65.6% (conditional) compared to modelling 1990. In the case of conditional target, more intensive international assistance is expected for faster decarbonisation of the power sector with an emphasis on fair transition of mining areas. Not all of these targets include GHG sinks. In the forestry sector, measures are planned to increase the sinks by 93 GgCO2eq until 2030.” ",reduction 1280," 65% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from own operations (80% reduction by 2040) 1,2 • 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain, outside own operations (75% reduction by 2040) 1,3 Scope 1 and Scope 2 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Base year 2014. 3 Scope 3 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Base year 2014",reduction 1281,"In 2020, the Vermont Legislature passed the Global Warming Solutions Act (Act 153 as Enacted), which created legally binding emission reduction targets. The Act was created in response to concerns around Vermont’s changing climate and the magnitude of what must be done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change on Vermont’s landscape. The Act requires Vermont to reduce greenhouse gas pollution to 26% below 2005 levels by 2025. Emissions would need to be 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 and 80% below by 2050. In addition to the emission reductions required by the statute, the law also directs the Council to consider opportunities for conservation through long-term carbon sequestration and identify actions Vermont communities can take to better prepare for more extreme weather. ",reduction 1282,"Issues relating to these risks may lead to fines, penalties or legal non-compliance and reputational damage.",none 1283,"Kia aims to provide inspiring movement while reducing negative impacts on nature caused by movement. In November 2021, Kia officially declared to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. To this end, Kia plans to reduce its carbon emissions by 97% compared to 2019 by 2045 and seek ways to offset the remaining amount, making net emissions ""zero"" at all stages. This will be promoted with the goal of achieving the 3Ss: Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Mobility, and Sustainable Planet (Pg. 15).",net-zero 1284,"We were the first Australian bank to sign the Collective Commitment to Climate Action, incorporating a range of commitments to align our business with efforts to limit global warming to well-below 2 degrees Celsius, striving for 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve this, we have committed to align our lending portfolio with net zero emissions by 2050.",net-zero 1285,"""Our 2025 Goals. Absolute over a 2015 baseline. EMISSIONS: Reduce total CO2e emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 market based) by 25%.""",reduction 1286,It is now a constituent of the FTSE 250.,none 1287,"Net Zero 2045 - Committed to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2045. In a world racing to reach Net Zero, ENGIE wants to set the pace for decarbonization of the energy industry. In May 2021, ENGIE announced its ambition to become Net Zero by 2045, covering all emissions across its value chain. This long-term ambition is complemented by intermediary targets for 2025 and 2030 and the commitment to maintain a trajectory compatible with well below 2°C. Emissions related to energy generation and sales represent roughly 85% of ENGIE’s carbon footprint. Achieving Net Zero by 2045 will require a massive switch to decarbonized energy generation and green energy sales. The procurement of goods and services accounts for 13% of ENGIE’s total footprint remains poorly understood. ENGIE had already set an objective of having all preferred suppliers with Science Based Targets by 2030 compared to 15% today. However, achieving net zero by 2045 will require engaging suppliers on a much greater scale. In a first step, ENGIE’s procurement organization across business entities globally is being upskilled on sector specific supply chain decarbonization opportunities and challenges, and how ENGIE can support suppliers in setting their own decarbonization goals and identifying collaboration projects. ",net-zero 1288,"2030: 40% below 1990 levels 2050: 80% below 1990 levels",reduction 1289,"AXA also extended its successful bancassurance partnership with GT Capital and Metrobank, the #2 bank in the country (4 ), to include the distribution of Property & Casualty insurance products.",none 1290,"Our firm has committed to facilitate $200 billion in financing in 2020 to support the objectives of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, with a focus on addressing climate change and advancing social and economic development.",none 1291,"- In Europe, reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) in generation by at least 50% by 2030 (compared to base-year 2019).",reduction 1292,"2045: 'Near zero absolute CO2 emissions' (p55, 2021)",net-zero 1293,"We will concentrate our efforts on improving our processes around the assessment and approval of all projects, and to ensure that appropriate, timely and effective action is taken to address all high, medium and low risks we identify. ",none 1294,"As outlined in the Company’s Prospectus at the time of the IPO, before the Company’s fifth Annual General Meeting in 2024, the Board will formulate and submit proposals (which may constitute a tender offer or other method of distribution) to provide Shareholders with an opportunity to realise the value of their Ordinary Shares at Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share less costs.",none 1295,"[Thus , the Board of Directors , upon recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee , and following a comparative review of national , European and industry practices , decided to maintain unchanged , for 2018 , the Chief Executive Off icer ’s target annual variable compensation , at € 1.45 million , i.e. 100 % of the amount of his annual fixed compensation .]",none 1296,"We also maintain a separate compliance function which is operated as the Social & Environmental Affairs Team (SEA) to evaluate supplier-facing social and environmental compliance performance and human rights impacts, reporting, through the General Counsel, to the CEO. ¬",none 1297,"On its way to raising €250 million for the bioeconomy and circular bioeconomy, the Fund invests in early-stage companies with proven technologies that need financing to scale up their operations and to expand into bigger markets.",none 1298,"The association is a non-profit organization established in 1993, which promotes collaboration and cooperation among its members. ",none 1299,3) Active Ownership: engagement and voting activities We actively engage with companies to foster their efforts in aligning with a below 2 C world in pillar 3.,none 1300,'Net zero across own operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 2025 and across entire supply chain (Scope 3) by 2030' (p31),net-zero 1301,"Ecolab will halve carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and will achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2030.",net-zero 1302,"""In 2021, Corteva committed to setting Science Based Targets for GHG emissions reductions, consistent with a 1.5oC level scenario. In line with this, Corteva set intensity-based1 targets to: Reduce Scopes 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 65% per value added by 2030, from 2020 baselines Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions by 20% per value added by 2030, from 2020 baselines"" ""Through this commitment, we are aligning our emissions reduction goals with the scale and impact of our business—joining the effort to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the level set in the Paris Agreement. It is further evidence of our desire to drive action within our company and within the agriculture industry. We stand with farmers in this effort. Our next step is to validate our targets with Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).""",reduction 1303,"we launched our Net Zero Commitment, to become a Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon neutral bank by 2050 (Pg4).",net-zero 1304,"""working to halve our own emissions by 2030, and reduce the emissions intensity of our supply chain""",reduction 1305,"Climate strategy by 2050, Michelin aims to achieve carbon neutrality* across its : • Entire manufacturing base, • Logistics operations, • Raw materials and components supply chain",net-zero 1306,"The Group's key ESG policies are set out in our Group statement on sustainable business, which we refer to as our Sustainability Report. ",none 1307,"Forward-looking statements therefore speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of them in light of new information or future events.",none 1308,"[Enhancing our responsible screening criteria Negative screening is used by institutional investors to exclude or to limit certain types of investments usually based on a set of defined industry criteria .]",none 1309,"""We continued to advance on climate. Our goals —to reduce carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 50% by 2025 from our current 2014 baseline and to achieve net zero by 2050 – were certified by the Science Based Targets initiative as consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.""",net-zero 1310,"For its power business, AC Energy Corporation competes with other power generating companies in generating and supplying power to the Company's wholesale and retail customers.",none 1311,2050 targets: Customer success powered by carbon neutral technologies that address air quality. Carbon neutrality and near zero pollution in Cummins’ facilities and operations.,net-zero 1312,"""Our long-term goal is net zero by no later than 2050, and we have announced our intention to set a net zero GHG emission goal covering our airline operations and value chain (Scopes 1, 2 and 3), in alignment with the United Nations Race to Zero – Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign"" (Pg.33).",net-zero 1313,"2030 target - 50% emissions compared to 2018 baselin",reduction 1314,"""educe its Scope 1 GHG intensity by at least 50% from 2019 levels by 2024""",reduction 1315,"We have a policy of sourcing responsibly and will have policies on suppliers, labour, the environment and the consumer that are aligned, to the extent possible. ",none 1317,"Il 30 aprile 2020 il Consiglio Comunale ha deliberato l'adesione al nuovo Patto Globale dei Sindaci per il Clima e l'Energia che porterà alla redazione di un nuovo Piano di Azione per l'Energia Sostenibile e il Clima (PAESC) entro il 2022. Anche l'adesione al programma C40 - ""Deadline 2020"" impegna la nostra città a redigere un Piano di Azione per il Clima, con obettivi ancora poiù ambiziosi rispetto al patto dei Sindaci (ridurre del 68.9 % le emissioni entro il 2030 rispetto al 2005 e raggiungere la neutralità emissiva entro il 2050).",reduction 1318,"In addition, BlackRock's operations are carbon neutral.",net-zero 1319,ESG-related risks and opportunities that are very likely to have a serious negative impact on non-financial aspects in accordance with the CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG) can be found in the respective categories of the Risk and Opportunity Report according to their cause.,none 1320,"Indirect impacts may include damage to third party production platforms, onshore processing plants and pipelines that may decrease throughput on Offshore’s systems.",none 1321,This is ING’s first-ever green bond transaction.,none 1322,"We also assess risks on the basis of their potential impact on the value of our franchise, which is supported by our reputation, brand and good customer relationships.",none 1323,"""By 2030, reduce Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions per dollar of gross profit by 70% to outperform the science-based target to prevent 1.5 degree Celsius warming"" (Pg.12). ""Annually increase carbon removal technology installation, investment and support through 2025"" (Pg.12). ""Offset 100% of carbon emissions resulting from business-related travel by 2025"" (Pg.12). ",reduction 1324,"In 2021 we set a new 2019 baseline for our corporate emissions and aligned our reduction goals to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). Our goal is to reduce our energy use and emissions output in line with the SBTi by 4.2 percent year-over-year, reaching 46 percent by 2030, to mitigate the effects of climate change. ",reduction 1325,"Achieve net zero before 2050 across our entire value chain in accordance with SBTi criteria.",net-zero 1326,"2025 goals: 55% reduction in emissions per unit of energy consumed over a 2015 baseline, 26% reduction in absolute emissions over a 2015 baseline (science-based target).",reduction 1328,"Six executive officers, excluding those who have the concurrent position as Director, are as follows.",none 1329,The Strategy aims to move towards climate neutrality by 2050 in line with Malta’s contribution to EU- wide goals. Carbon neutrality is also one of Malta’s five pillars for economic growth and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.,net-zero 1330,"We provide general insurance products to customers through a number of our own well-known brands, including Direct Line, Churchill, Privilege and Green Flag, and via our partnerships.",none 1331,'Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in our operations by 2035.' (p25),net-zero 1332,"Emissions will be reduced by 50 per cent below gross 2005 levels by 2030, which corresponds to a 41 per cent reduction when managed using a multi-year emissions budget. Equates to 571 Mt CO2e over 2021-2030",reduction 1333,"'Having accomplished this goal ahead of schedule, we announced a new Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions reduction goal in our 2020 TCFD Report: to reduce our gross Scope 1 and Scope 2 location-based carbon emissions by 50 percent by the end of 2030, using 2019 as our base year'",reduction 1334,"Along with the steps above to reduce absolute energy usage and increasing energy efficiency, our year-to-year strategy is to advance carbon neutrality and achieve net zero emissions with the initial focus on scope 1 and 2 emissions and scope 3 emissions from air travel and data centers by:  Acquiring unbundled energy attribute certificates (EACs) for scope 2 office electricity from our standard offices, as part of our RE100 commitment by 2020. Besides EACs, we are exploring the procurement of virtual PPAs connected to nascent renewable energy projects  Acquiring and retiring carbon offsets for material scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, not addressed by our RE100 commitment or emission reductions  Setting and validating a science-based target by end of 2022, further validating our current approach",net-zero 1336,"Conduct and operational risks, such as cyber security breaches, data loss and IT systems failure, in particular have the potential to significantly impact our franchise value.",none 1337,The Group will ensure that the tax due to the State is paid in full and on time. ,none 1338,"In terms of mid- to long-term CO2 emission reduction targets for business activities, we aim for a 30% reduction in FY2030 (compared to FY2018)",reduction 1339,2025 target: 10% reduction in combined GHG (Scope 1 and 2) intensity from 2020 levels.,reduction 1340,"[Although we have devoted significant resources to develop our risk management policies , procedures and methods , including with respect to market , credit , liquidity and operational risk , they may not be fully effective in mitigating our risk exposures in all economic market environments or against all types of risk , including risk that we fail to identify or anticipate .]",none 1341,"As such, we have set a target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 25% by 2025, from our 2015 level, and aspire to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.",net-zero 1342,The fires have forced many people to be evacuated from their homes and neighbourhoods and have continued to burn in the early weeks of 2018.,none 1343,"As a result, to reach our 30 per cent greenhouse gas reduction target by 2030, we estimate that we need to reduce our emissions by 263 kilotonnes.",reduction 1344,This internationally recognised methodology allows banks to compare the alignment of their corporate lending portfolios with 2 C benchmarks.,none 1345,"• Increased costs for raw materials and products due to limited availability of non-renewable resources, such as water and agricultural products.",none 1346,The biggest impact was the effect of the daily cash settlements for futures in Nasdaq OMX Commodities Europe,none 1347,"'reducing total emissions, scopes 1, 2 and 3, by 24% in 2025 compared to the base year 2017' (p8)",reduction 1348,"[4 . Where a member or the authorised nominee appoints two proxies , or where an exempt authorised nominee appoints two or more proxies , the proportion of shareholdings to be represented by each proxy must be specified in the instrument appointing the proxies .]",none 1349,'46% below 2013 levels by 2030',reduction 1350,"It has been a difficult period for the Group. However, we are confident that the actions taken on the following key priorities will drive growth in the near term and place the Group on a stable footing for the future. ",none 1351,"Operational climate neutrality by 2040 in our own global business operations, largely through our own efforts.",net-zero 1352,Equivalent to net zero within own operations (scope 1 and 2),net-zero 1353,"Group environmental impacts: With over 83,000 employees in more than 100 countries, the Group’s operations impact on the environment, particularly as a result of travel, energy consumption and waste.",none 1354,"Our objective: to reach climate neutrality by 2050, globally.",net-zero 1355,Nottingham City Council has responded to the climate and environmental crisis by setting an ambition to become the first carbon neutral city in the UK by 2028. ,net-zero 1356,"In collaboration with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Sodexo committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 34% (scopes 1, 2 and 3) between 2017 and 2025. With this ambition validated by the Science-Based Target initiative, Sodexo has become the first company in the Foodservices sector to have a carbon target in line with the Paris Agreement objective of limiting climate warming to 1.5° C. (Interim target dates back to 2019)",reduction 1357,"Taking charge of our impacts involves innovating in processes and products with three main goals: Reduce our consumption in water resources; reduce energy consumption by promoting energy efficiency, and reduce the consumption of natural resources by redesigning products, reusing materials and promoting recycling.",none 1358,"This project financed the completion of the clients comprehensive livestock project, making its feedlot the largest in Argentina, strengthening its leading position in the export of legumes and oilseeds by telecommunications sector, as well as financing part of the company’s strategic investment plan for the deployment of a 4G network and providing better connectivity across its territory.",none 1359,"Reduce GHG emissions from the use of electricity and natural gas by 8% by 2020, using a 2011 baseline (Pg. 36)",reduction 1360,"Falling short of its peers on social, environmental or ethical trends.",none 1361,"Reduce GHG emissions from business flights [t CO2/employee] –18% 2019 and 2025 Reduce scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions [t CO2/employee] by 40% between 2019 and 2025 ",reduction 1362,"THE ISSUE Investors, in our view, have been too slow to recognize and address the substantial systemic threat that deforestation poses to the climate, local communities, biodiversity and human rights.",none 1363,The Corporate Affairs Department reports the master plan for climate change response and the emissions trading strategy.,none 1364,"Climate change update 18 May 2021 Newcrest sets goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 Newcrest’s Purpose is “To create a brighter future for people through safe and responsible mining”. This Purpose underpins our commitment to take on the challenge of climate change and to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our goal is net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Newcrest is taking action to manage climate change risks and opportunities. In June 2019, we released our Climate Change Policy which outlined our commitment to the sustainable discovery, development and production of gold and copper, together with our plans to identify, assess and report our responses to climate change challenges. This Policy continues to direct our actions to build a sustainable, resilient business which will thrive in a low carbon future, encompassing: • a better understanding of the life-cycle GHG emissions for the gold and copper value chains • increasing the transparency of our climate change reporting of performance metrics and targets • reporting our energy use, Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions and our performance against targets annually • working with our suppliers and customers to better understand our Scope 3 emissions • ensuring that our measuring, reporting and verification processes are robust across all operating sites • assessing options to increase our use of renewable power and low emission energy technologies • focusing on opportunities to improve our energy efficiency to reduce energy used and reduce direct mining costs • identifying and pursuing best practices in the mining and metals industry and partner with technology developers • assessing climate change scenarios and the projected future price of energy in our medium to long term portfolio analysis • partnering with experts and research organisations to identify potential physical threats from climate change at our current and planned operating sites and invest in appropriate adaptation responses to build resilience • contributing constructively to policy development in our host countries. In June 2019 we also set a target to reduce our GHG emissions intensity by 30% by 2030 against our FY18 baseline. We are making progress. • We have developed GHG Management Plans for each operating site to understand the abatement opportunities. • We have directly linked achievement of the actions detailed in these plans to senior executive incentive payments. • We are progressively improving the measurement of our GHG emissions across our full value chain. • We are increasing our use of renewable sources of energy. For example, we have entered an agreement to purchase 40% of the energy requirements of our Cadia operation from a wind farm which is expected to be generating from 2024. • We are well advanced in assessing the risks and opportunities for our business under selected climate change scenarios in line with the Paris Agreement goals. Newcrest now wishes to set a new longer-term goal, which is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This goal will apply to our operational (Scope 1 and Scope 2) emissions. We will also continue working across our value chain to reduce Scope 3 emissions. We will continue to be guided by our Climate Change Policy as we pursue this. Our energy and emissions performance is reported in our Sustainability Reports and we support the Taskforce on Climaterelated Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations for reporting climate change risks and opportunities.",net-zero 1365,Reduce emissions to net zero by 2050,net-zero 1366,19.3% reduction in carbon emissions,reduction 1367,"By 2050 ‎or sooner, we aim to be net zero on an absolute basis across our ‎entire operations and in our upstream oil and gas production ",net-zero 1368,The Management Council makes decisions on the submission of matters to be exclusively deliberated by the Board of Directors.,none 1369,"Philip Morris International commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Philip Morris International commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emission 50% within the same timeframe.* The target boundary includes biogenic emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks. The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C ",reduction 1370,"By 2040, Takeda commits to being net-zero.",net-zero 1371,"The performance of the Fund Investment Services business segment requires an appreciable, preferably increasing level of managed and/or advised assets over the medium term; it is measured by sustainable growth in fee income for these services and its surplus over the relevant expenses.",none 1372,Attain top market share in our Canadian franchise.,none 1373,The Company has also established a register of any shareholder who has notified the Company of an interest in owning or disposing of 5% or more of the Company's issued share capital. ,none 1374,"""Our goal is to achieve net zero emissions by 2045 and Tata Motors is driving this change at great speed across the board,"" says N Chandrasekaran, executive chairman, Tata Sons and chairman, Tata Motors.",net-zero 1375,"In addition, the Board has introduced a policy to ensure that the financial and social performance of each of the Group's service lines and regions is reported in the report. ",none 1376,"Constructing and managing mobility infrastructures means, above all, operating locally with the community and guaranteeing travellers a safe, quality service.",none 1377,"Equally, our analysis focuses on those areas that are at risk of saturation or exposed to increased competition or changing consumer tastes.",none 1378,"In November, Fortum launched a voluntary public takeover offer to all Uniper shareholders at a total value of EUR 22 per share implying a premium of 36% to the price prior to intense market speculation on a potential transaction at the end of May.",none 1379,"Each year, a carbon tax is levied on each of the Group's entities, based on their greenhouse gas emissions ($10/tonne Carbon dioxide equivalent) and the sums collected are then redistributed in the form of rewards for the best internal environmental efficiency initiatives, through the 'Environmental Efficiency",none 1380,The ENEOS Group aims to be carbon neutral in its own CO2 emissions in fiscal 2040. We will achieve this by strengthening and expanding businesses that impose a low environmental burden and strengthening environmentally conscious businesses.,net-zero 1381,"Achieve net-zero GHG emissions across operations by 2050. NEW: Achieve net-zero Scope 2 GHG emissions by 2025 Ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 3 GHG emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 1382,"Our capital expenditure programme is focused on maintaining and improving our assets and services, ensuring we can deal with growth, and on meeting water quality and environmental standards.",none 1383,To achieve net zero emissions by 2050.,net-zero 1384,Reduce the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Company’s target to be carbon neutral from 2023 from operational emissions.,net-zero 1385,"climate neutral by 2050 at the latest. ",net-zero 1386,"Activities that are unsustainable or that violate environmental legislation are restrained, thus reducing the risks of customers and ours.",none 1387,"At the general shareholders' meeting held in June 2020, the company set a target of net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 and incorporated the acceleration of its response to climate change into the 2021 -2025 JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan.",net-zero 1388,'● Complying with the Japanese government’s interim target by achieving a 40% reduction from 2018 levels by 2030.' (p43),reduction 1389,"The insurance industry is not immune and for general insurers there are specific risks and opportunities at play, compared to those for life insurers.",none 1390,"Failure to comply and adapt to climate related matters is also a significant reputation risk which could result in e.g. lack of tenant interest, higher cost of capital in the financial market, and lack of ability to attract or retain talent.",none 1391,We have over 100 sites globally and a broad supplier network.,none 1392,"We also continued to drive margin expansion, reduced debt leverage, and returned $4.3 billion to shareholders in the form of dividends and share repurchases.",none 1393,"We have updated the sustainability requirements in our Supplier Code of Conduct and now require all suppliers to have clear procedures in place to ensure direct and indirect environmental impacts associated with goods and services are understood, measured and managed.",none 1394,"'The Climate Action Plan (CAP), published in December 2021, outlines our work to reduce our environmental impact, to achieve our science-based target of reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from our operations by 2030 against a 2018 baseline, and ultimately pursue net zero emissions by 2050.' (p13)",net-zero 1395,"Today (22nd), on Earth Day, Taichung City Government announced Taichung City's 2050 net-zero path, setting a zero-carbon path in the next 30 years from six major sectors of energy, industry, housing and commerce, transportation, environment and agriculture, and launched six key strategies. ",net-zero 1396,"Less than 5 percent of our greenhouse gas footprint is from our own operations, so we’ve set a goal to look beyond our walls - from farm to fork to landfill - and reduce absolute GHG emissions across our full value chain by 30 percent by 2030 (compared to 2020).",reduction 1397,"The Asahi Group has set medium and long-term goals with regard to climate change in the form of the Asahi Carbon Zero initiative. With Asahi Carbon Zero, the Asahi Group aims to achieve zero CO2 emissions in Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2050, and reduce emissions by 50% for Scopes 1, 2 and by 30% for Scope3 by 2030. In order to achieve its targets, the Asahi Group will implement a variety of measures for saving energy and preserving the environment, including the proactive use of renewable energy, the recovery and use of waste heat, such as steam from the manufacturing processes, the application of cold energy, including energy gained through the normal-temperature replenishment of rows of cans, the introduction of cogeneration facilities, fuel conversion and activities that practically apply the ISO 14001 standard in all of its business establishments. Asahi Carbon Zero has obtained approval from the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative. SBT is a global initiative that validates if company-set goals for CO2 reduction are in line with scientific evidence. In October 2020, we became the first corporate group in the beverage industry in Japan to join RE100. We aim to use renewable electricity in all our operations by 2050 and will further accelerate the introduction of renewable energy in the future. carbon_zero Target Scope 2050 Scope 1,2 Zero CO2 emissions Operating companies in Japan, Asahi Europe and International, Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd Scope 3 Zero CO2 emissions Asahi Breweries, Ltd., Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., Asahi Europe and International, Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd 2030 Scope 1,2 50% CO2 reduction (compared with 2019) Operating companies in Japan, Asahi Europe and International, Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd Scope 3 30% CO2 reduction (compared with 2019) Asahi Breweries, Ltd., Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., Asahi Europe and International, Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd *SBT for Scope3 applies to the operating companies in Japan only.",reduction 1398,Importance Global warming is causing major changes to our environment.,none 1399,"33% in scope 1 & 2 20% in scope 3",reduction 1400,"[These exercises highlight that not enough data are available for a bottom - up approach , assessing the vulnerabilities specific to Group clients and incorporating their response and remediation functions on a forward - looking basis .]",none 1401,"Net Zero by 2050 _x001f_ By 2030, we will end routine faring of gas, which generates carbon emissions, from the assets we operate; _x001f_ By 2025, we expect to have kept the methane emissions intensity of Shell-operated assets to below 0.2%;",net-zero 1402,"Following the reopening of the public tender offer, Tikehau Capital held in concert with Sofidy, GSA Immobilier, Sofidiane, Makemo Capital, AF&Co, and Mr Antoine Flamarion and Mr Christian Flamarion, 1,250,029 shares issued by Selectirente, representing as many voting rights, equivalent to 81.03% of the share capital and voting rights of Selectirente.",none 1403, The Metropolitan Municipality has committed itself to a reduction of at least 40% per capita emissions by 2030 as per Covenant of Mayors.,reduction 1404,"In this report, we have presented relevant data from all the manufacturing subsidiaries within the Group in which we have more than 50% ownership.",none 1405,"The Group is focusing its efforts on not only improving the percentage and quality of client coverage, but also gaining a better understanding of projected trends in each sector.",none 1406,"The fruition of this hard work to be lean, mean, and green is to have net zero emissions by 2030. ",net-zero 1407,"JetBlue is among the aviation community committed to these targets to achieve carbon neutral growth within the industry: An average improvement in fuel efficiency of 1.5% per year from 2009 to 2020 A cap on net aviation CO2 emissions from 2020 (carbon-neutral growth) A reduction in net aviation CO2 emissions of 50% by 2050, relative to 2005 levels ",net-zero 1408,"We are committed to good corporate governance and ethical behaviour, and to ensuring that our business and our supply chain are slavery free. ",none 1409,"Each member of the DNP Group establishes and periodically reviews its own environmental policies and environmental targets, and puts into effect continuous improvement of its activities and the prevention of environmental pollution.",none 1410,"""net-zero carbon and climate-resilient city by 2050"" (p. 8)",net-zero 1411,The Company is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and has been certified as a sustainable palm oil producer by the RSPO. ,none 1412,Net sales in Germany totaled €805.5 million (prior year: €800.6 million).,none 1413,"It achieved carbon neu­trality in its operations in 2020, meeting targets it set to purchase 100% renewable power, and reduce water consumption and location-based greenhouse gas emissions.”",net-zero 1414,"""achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2045""",net-zero 1415,This goals also align with the well-below 2°C scenario and enable the company to also reaffirm its 2050 goal of being net-zero carbon in concrete.,net-zero 1416,"Woodside has a Risk and Compliance function, separate to Internal Audit, and aligns the company’s risk management process with the International Standard for risk management (ISO 31000 Risk Management).",none 1417,"COe emissions "" in line with the Japanese government's policy target of a 46% reduction in 2030 (compared to fiscal 2013 levels)"" Reduce CO2 emissions intensity at least 3% by 2021 compared to 2018",reduction 1418,The Non-executive Directors Session has been put in place in 2012.,none 1419,"we have line of sight to a greater than 20% reduction in our Scope 1 & 2 GHG intensity by year-end 2021, measured against our 2019 baseline. ",reduction 1420,"Honduras se compromete a una reducción de un 16% de las emisiones respecto al escenario “business as usual” (BaU) para el 2030 para todos los sectores sin incluir UTCUTS Honduras commits to a 16% reduction in emissions compared to the “business as usual” (BaU) scenario by 2030 for all sectors excluding (Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry) LULUCF La ambición de Honduras en esta contribución se basa en el análisis de los efectos de las principales medidas de mitigación a desarrollar para alcanzar el objetivo de la contribución. Estas son: • Promoción de las energías renovables; • Fortalecimiento de la eficiencia energética; • Fomento de la electromovilidad; • Fortalecimiento de la bioenergía; • Reducción F-gases; • NAMA Café8; y • Relleno sanitario de Tegucigalpa. The ambition of Honduras in this contribution is based on the analysis of the effects of the main mitigation measures to be developed to achieve the objective of the contribution. These are: • Promotion of renewable energies; • Strengthening energy efficiency; • Promotion of electromobility; • Strengthening of bioenergy; • F-gases reduction; • NAMA Café8; and • Tegucigalpa landfill.",reduction 1421,Gold Seal of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program.,none 1422,The result is a commitment to achieve a 20 percent reduction in carbon emissions (scopes 1 and 2) by 2024 and for all Stryker facilities to be carbon neutral (scopes 1 and 2) by 2030.,net-zero 1423,"""Recently, we announced a goal to achieve net zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGe) for our full range of businesses and operations by 2050 in alignment with the Paris Climate Accord.""",net-zero 1424, The Company is building a low-carbon ecosystem that thrives together with a steady progress towards the company-wide target of Net Zero Emissions by 2050.,net-zero 1425,"Given we operate in a challenging global environment straddling multiple jurisdictions, a breach of our governance processes may lead to regulatory penalties and loss of reputation.",none 1426,"However, the perseverance of our associates—and the notable success of our BD Life Sciences–Integrated Diagnostic Solutions team in developing innovative COVID-19 diagnostic testing—allowed the business to return to revenue growth in the fiscal fourth quarter and finish the year with revenues down slightly on a year-over-year basis.",none 1427,"""Reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions of the new vehicle fleet at Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans during the vehicle use phase (well-to-wheel) by more than 40 percent as compared to 2018 by 2030. 50 percent reduction as compared to 2018 of CO2 emissions and energy purchases (Scope 1 & 2) at our Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans plants worldwide by 2030."" - By 2022, Mercedes-Benz will have battery electric vehicles (BEV) in all segments the company serves. - From 2025 onwards, all newly launched vehicle architectures will be electric-only and customers will be able to choose an all-electric alternative for every model the company makes.",reduction 1428,"Investments are made predominantly in quoted companies which provide, utilise, implement or advise upon technology-based systems, products or services in environmental markets, particularly those of alternative energy and energy efficiency, water treatment and pollution control, and waste technology and resource management.",none 1429,"It truly is remarkable progress, and we are cautiously optimistic about further entrenching these developments during 2020.",none 1430,Nairobi’s extended conditional target will strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Conditional on support from the international community. Unconditional target 66% reduction vs BAU by 2050.,net-zero 1431,"In this way, we aim to capture those industries and groups of companies that are most exposed to these risks and may therefore require adjustments in the near to medium term.",none 1432,"In 2018, St. Louis achieved its goal to reduce municipal greenhouse gas emissions 25% below 2005 levels by 2020.",reduction 1433,"'2050 AMBITION NET ZERO GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS' (p26, 2020)",net-zero 1434,"Sustaining a diverse and proud workforce Delivering superior shareholder returns is built upon attracting and retaining a diverse, capable andengagedworkforce – the people who live the Woodside values every day.",none 1435,"'It made a positive contribution to the country’s 2030 targets to increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption to about 25%, and to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by more than 65% as compared with 200' (p46)",reduction 1436,"'To reduce GHG emissions from our business facilities by 71.4% by FY 2030 and 80% by FY 2050 in comparison to FY 2013.  To reduce GHG emissions from our business value chain (purchased goods and services, and the use of sold products) by 30% by FY 2030 in comparison to FY 2013.' (p5254, 2021)",reduction 1437,"The capital reserve comprises, unchanged, amounts achieved in the issuance of shares in excess of the nominal value.",none 1438,"achieve a 10% reduction in energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water use, waste disposal and domestic travel by 2023 based on the 2016 benchmark performance. ",reduction 1439,"Two targets: - 30% emission intensity target for product (CO2 per-wafer, unclear unit), baseline 2018 - 70% total CO2 emission reduction in factories and offices by 2030, compared with 2018, with 100% renewable energy usage",reduction 1440,"These risks incorporate policy and legal risk, technology risk, market risk and reputation risk.",none 1441,"To reduce GHG emissions by 25% from FY2015 levels FY2019 result: 23.7% reduction",reduction 1442,"""achieve net zero across our value chain by 2040""",net-zero 1443,The actions we have taken to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings have enabled us to currently exceed regulatory requirements and meet the expectations of our stakeholders.,none 1444,Business can spur positive change and achieving food security could create 80 million jobs and business opportunities worth $2.3 trillion annually by 2030.,none 1445,"We have also extended our range of products with a new line of credit funded by the Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) for a total of USD 60 million, which is due to be launched in 2016.",none 1446,For more engagement examples see kempen.com/en/asset-management/ responsible-investment.,none 1447," 2050 Reduction Target: 52.05% reduction in absolute amount compared to 2016 GHG emissions",reduction 1448,"The scope of JBS’s 2040 net-zero pledge is unclear and may omit major sources of emissions related to live animal operations and deforestation. In its sustainability report, the company states that it does not track enteric and manure emissions from live animal operations and only reports on enteric fermentation from animals on its own feedlots and farms, omitting feedlots and farms that JBS does not own but are part of its supply chain. In addition, the company does not report on deforestation emissions resulting from its operations. JBS’s entire emissions footprint is estimated at 280MtCO2e; yet the company reports less than 3% of this.",net-zero 1449,"Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46% by 2030 (from 2019 baseline, absolute).",reduction 1450,"""By 2045 Germany is to become greenhouse gas neutral. This means that there must be a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and the removal of such gases."" ",net-zero 1451,"By 2030, our commitment is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent in our owned or operated spaces, and by 30 percent across our extended supply chain. ",reduction 1452,"'By the end of 2022, Amphenol will reduce its revenue-normalized Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 10% versus its 2018 level' (p7)",reduction 1453,"Reducing GHGs by at least 10% by 2030 The energy sector is the highest contributor of GHG in Liberia emanating mainly from the use of traditional fuels such as firewood, charcoal and palm oil and the use of fossil fuels, especially petroleum products. To reduce the reliance on traditional fuel and increase the use of modern and renewable energy sources, the National Energy Policy (2009) was developed with a set of goals targeted at maximizing efficiency, minimizing costs and adverse environmental impacts as principle of extending energy access to all Liberians. Most recently, Liberia’s Initial National Communication (2013) reinforces the National Energy Policy with additional long-term targets and related activities, which includes: • Reducing GHGs by at least 10% by 2030 • Improving energy efficiency by at least 20% by 2030 • Raising share of renewable energy to at least 30% of electricity production and 10% of overall energy consumption by 2030 • Replacing cooking stoves with low thermal efficiency (5-10%) with the higherefficiency (40%) stoves. The long-term strategy of Liberia is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The strategic options for mitigation considered under the INDC are the energy sector (electricity, transport) and the waste sector. The Waste Sector focuses on solid waste disposal on land. In 2000, the waste sector accounted for about 0.60% of Liberia’s national total CO2 eq emissions. A significant subcategory is CH4 emissions from solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) on land, which contributed 91.7%. CH4 mitigation targets will include landfill recovery, waste incineration with energy recovery, composting of organic waste, controlled wastewater treatment, and recycling and waste minimization.",reduction 1454,"Inherent Limitations of the Sustainability Report LG Chem's sustainability report is prepared to meet the common needs of a broad range of users and may not, therefore, include every aspect of the sustainability reporting that each individual user may consider important in its own particular environment.",none 1455,"This figure included €153 million worth of assets in the Artemis office portfolio which comprises 33 assets, covering 360,000 sqm, in five different European countries.",none 1456,"At Group level, in 2019 there were 61 spills of hazardous materials, 25 of them in airports, and mostly regarding spills of AVIO fuel, the handling of which is regulated by specific internal procedures covering all the main emergencies and the management of environmental risks.",none 1457,"We expect that the Group's employees, agents and other persons acting on its behalf will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and SCOR SE's by law (œstatuts). ",none 1458,"27% of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions are attributed to our operational emissions. Reduce the emissions from our fuel, gas and electricity consumption by 2% year on year from next year until 2040.",reduction 1459,"AXA - the firm is committed to limiting the warming potential of its investments to 1.5 degree Celsius by 2050. I am Head of Climate and Biodiversity at AXA. We place a very high importance on the quality and transparency of our data reporting for climate change. All this information is available in our annual, award-winning Climate Report (TCFD reporting) as well as our Annual Report (annual filing), both of which are available here: ESG Performance | AXA . Relevant climate change information is also collected through external reporting initiatives such as the Carbon Disclosure Project. We also engage with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) for the eventual approval of our targets across all scopes. As an active member of the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, and TCFD (among others), we also ensure that the information we report follows best practice and expected market standards.",net-zero 1460,"Thereby, Global Operations contributes to delivering the best experience to our customers and consumers in a sustainable way.",none 1461,'The reduction in the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)7 is the metric used by the Company to monitor and set interim targets for decarbonization toward becoming carbon neutral by 2050.' (p67),net-zero 1462,"We continue to diversify our savings and investments business to respond to developing customer needs in terms of products, distribution and servicing.",none 1463,"By 2025: → UPDATED Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 40% below 2016 levels by 2025 (previously 2030)",reduction 1464,BMO's Chief Risk Officer (CRO) reports directly to the CEO and is head of Enterprise Risk and Portfolio Management and chair of the Risk Management Committee (RMC).,none 1465,"2030: Absolute reduction of CO2 emissions by 75% (compared to 2008) 2025: Absolute reduction of CO2 emissions by 66% (compared to 2008) 2021: Net zero CO2 emissions onwards",reduction 1466,"Achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 (reduce scope 1, 2 and 3 by 90% or more. Neutralise residual emissions*) (Pg. 50)",net-zero 1467,"In the final quarter of 2020, our share price was in the €90 to €100 range amid a very volatile market environment.",none 1468,"Unconditional target to reduce emissions by 65% by 2050, conditional target to achieve 87% reduction by 2050 and work towards carbon neutrality.",net-zero 1469,"However, this burden has been offset by various stimulus measures implemented by the authorities in the fields of tax and monetary policies.",none 1470,"The Group has an Environmental Management System in place that addresses a number of environmental issues, including those relating to the use of energy, water and natural resources and waste management. ",none 1471,"We have also included disclosures required as part of the EU Directive on disclosure of non-financial information and diversity information, which was implemented in 2017 and is decreed as part of the Dutch Civil Code.",none 1472,"""Toward the integration of Showa Denko and Showa Denko Materials, we revised in 2021, the GHG emissions reduction target for 2030 to “a 30% reduction relative to the 2013 level” (as of July 2021)."" ""In our efforts to solve climate-change related issues, we are committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, for which we set the target for reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% relative to the 2013 level by 2030."" Sources: ",net-zero 1473,We are also striving to absorb the rising cost of raw materials and other materials in each business by making internal improvements that include cost reductions.,none 1474,"The City and County established a goal of reducing local carbon emissions 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050, with an interim goal of 40 percent by 2030. ",reduction 1475,"35% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 (compared to 2010)* SBT approved",reduction 1476,"[Faced with a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive operating environment , Brambles ’ five strategic priorities are integral to the delivery of superior value for customers , shareholders and employees .]",none 1477,Latest target found was planned for 2010.,none 1478,'-63%(2) in line with 1.5°C pathway “net zero Scope 1&2” by 2030' (p61),net-zero 1479,"""KONE commits to a 50% cut in the emissions from its own operations (scope 1 and 2 emissions) by 2030, compared to a 2018 baseline.""",reduction 1480,"""l’engagement de zéro émission nette de CO2 à l’horizon 2050 au plus tard (sans compensation) pour les plateformes Paris-Charles de Gaulle et Paris-Orly"" (Translation: Net zero without offsets by 2050 for Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly.)",net-zero 1481,50% reduction of carbon emissions by 2030 ,reduction 1482,"We set and implemented our science-based target (SBT) of 46.2% absolute emissions reduction below 2019 levels across Scopes 1 and 2 by 2030. Table 1: 2021 Greenhouse Gas Inventory in 2021 report gives baseline 1,244,711",reduction 1483,"Announced at COP26 World Leaders Summit, second update: 'Thailand will continue vigorous efforts in its challenge to meet the long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2065' ",net-zero 1484,"Reduction of 7% in 2030 relative to BAU, with total GHG emissions capped to 116.486 MTCO2e in 2030. ",reduction 1485,"40% GHG emission reductions by 2025, 60% by 2030",reduction 1486,"In May 2021, Keysight announced that the company will achieve net zero emissions in company operations (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by end of fiscal year 2040, a decade ahead of the Paris Agreement’s timeline.",net-zero 1487,"Established a goal of 21% GHG reduction per revenue from 2009 baseline level by 2020, to show determination of carbon reduction.",reduction 1488,We are committed to continuous improvement and strengthening of the internal control environment of the company. ,none 1489,CO2 emissions from business activities. So only including emissions scopes 1 and 2,none 1490,"As a part of our journey towards being better every day, JSW Energy has committed to set a target to become carbon-neutral by 2050. We have committed to set a science-based target through the Science Based Targets initiative.",net-zero 1491,"Through low carbon scenario compatible with the Paris Agreement target (LCCP), Indonesia foresees to reach the peaking of national GHGs emissions in 2030 with net sink in forestry and land uses (FOLU), and with further exploring opportunity to rapidly progress towards net-zero emission in 2060 or sooner.",net-zero 1492,The inability to reform mortgage markets has dramatically reduced mortgage availability.,none 1493,"Cape Verde commits to reduce GHG emissions by 18% (unconditional) and 24% (conditional) by 2030 compared to BAU."" - 180,000 tCO2eq to 242,000 tCO2eq (18% to 24% below BAU, incl. LULUCF) by 2030 Mitigation commitment to achieve a 30% renewable energy penetration rate into the electric grid by 2025...Cabo Verde estimates that the renewable energy target will generate annual GHG emission reductions in the range of 600-700 tCO2eq",reduction 1494," Our science-based target1) - aims to reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 80% between 2015 and 2025, and the absolute scope 3 emissions from the use of our sold products by 25% during the same time period. The scope 3 target covers two thirds of all products sold by Electrolux. Our science-based climate target is aligned with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement on climate change, which aims to keep the global temperature rise well below 2°C this century to avoid the most severe impacts from climate change. Our climate neutral operations by 2030 target - aims to achieve climate neutral operations (scope 1 and 2 emissions).",reduction 1495,"We are aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 with Scope 1 and 2 emissions. For Scope 3 emissions, we have set 2050 target to reduce average well-to-wheel* CO2 emissions from new vehicles (in operation) sold worldwide by 90% or more compared to 2010 levels. *When calculating CO2 emissions, this approach includes those related to the energy source of the power generation, which electric and other vehicles use.",net-zero 1496,to further reduce and offset 100% of our global refining Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2035 through board-approved projects and carbon capture and storage projects under development.,net-zero 1497,statewide goals to reduce ... 2050 greenhouse gas emissions by at least 90% of the levels of statewide greenhouse gas emissions that existed in 2005.,reduction 1498,‘net zero carbon across our operations and value chain by 2030’,net-zero 1499,"This was a difficult decision, but was necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of the business. ",none 1500,"60% absolute reduction of GHG emissions in all owned and operated facilities by 2030 (2018 base year 60% intensity reduction of GHG emissions across our global supply chain* by 2030 (2018 base year) have other interim targets eg. by 2025 75% sustainable materials for their products and by 2025 will have circular process for people to re-use and repair old clothes ",reduction 1501,- commitment to align our portfolios with paths toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.,net-zero 1502,The general partner of DBG Advising GmbH & Co. KG can terminate the management agreement with DBAG at three months’ notice to the end of a quarter.,none 1503,"""A commitment to contribute to global carbon neutrality by 2050""",net-zero 1504,Richmond has a plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% by 2030 and net-zero by 2050. ,net-zero 1505,the greater bay area green finance alliance financed by the macau banking association will support projects to meet a goal of zero net carbon emissions by 2050.,net-zero 1506,Gujarat determined to be Net Zero by 2070: CM Bhupendra Patel,net-zero 1507,"Taylor Wimpey's science-based targets include: Reduce operational carbon emissions intensity by 36% by 2025 from a 2019 baseline; Reduce carbon emissions intensity from our supply chain and customer homes by 24% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline. Supporting goals include: Reduce operational energy intensity by 32% for UK building sites by 2025; Purchase 100% REGO-backed (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) green electricity for all new sites; Reduce emissions from customer homes in use by 75% by 2030; Reduce embodied carbon per home by 21% by 2030; Reduce car and grey fleet emissions by 50% by 2025; Update our policies and processes to reflect the risks and opportunities from a changing climate by 2022; Make it easier for close to 40,000 customers to work from home and enable more sustainable transport choices through 36,000 EV charging points and 3,000 additional bike stands by the mid 2020s ",reduction 1508,The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25 percent below 1990 levels 2030 and to achieve climate-neutrality by 2040.,net-zero 1509,"""Targets for FY 2031 CO2 emissions from production: Reduction of 50% or greater compared to FY2014 Total CO2 emissions in life cycle: Reduction of 25% or greater compared to FY2014""",reduction 1510,"Any of the different crafts or classes of our crewmembers could unionize at any time, which would require us to negotiate in good faith with the crewmember group’s certified representative concerning a collective bargaining agreement.",none 1511,"A sustainable future: Visa pledges net-zero emissions by 2040 ",net-zero 1512,"As part of ‘Unlocking Growth’ Novozymes will drive sustainability leadership with clear 2030 commitments to people, operations, and the surrounding world. The targets include: -Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% across its operations and value chain (scope 1-3) by 2030 from a 2018 baseline -Becoming net zero by 2050 -Continued focus on sustainability leadership with ambitious targets for Operations, Zymers & Society as well as Commitments for a healthier planet - As a passionate employer Novozymes will support employees at all life stages. - Zymers can pledge 1% of their time to community outreach. - As part of the Novozymes inclusion and diversity efforts the company will achieve gender balance and mirror the diversity of the surrounding societies by 2030.",net-zero 1513,"All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan Airlines (JAL), have published a joint report on the promotion and viability of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (hereinafter ""SAF""), which are expected to become central to the airlines' shared goal of achieving carbon neutrality in air transportation by 2050.",net-zero 1514,50% reduction between 2019-2030 (p52),reduction 1515,"In 2019, more than 6,300 mangrove trees and seedlings were planted, while the ecoCare Environmental Education Centre (EEC) attracted more than 4,000 visitors.",none 1516,"The Group aims which engages its employees and service providers, an improvement of the carbon footprint of the head office by 68% by 2020, the equivalent of 2.5 hectares of preserved forests. The bank controls its energy consumption in comparison to 2018 (baseline year), in the context of activity development.",reduction 1517,"All of these driving forces, whether new­or­old,­will­influence­CLAAS as a company in the future.",none 1518,Advisory Services continue to be an important part of our business.,none 1519,The transaction will finance working capital needs for the trading activities of LDC's subsidiaries in these countries.,none 1520," 80 X 2040: 80% Reduction in Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2040, Compared to 2009 Baseline. Goal includes at least 50% reduction in community footprint by 2030",reduction 1521,"Be a carbon-neutral bank by 2025. By 2025, reduce or offset 100% of Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions, relative to the baseline (2017).",net-zero 1522,"This year, we have set new ambitious carbon reduction targets for 2025 from a 2018 base year. The targets (split across Abs 2, Abs 3, Abs 4 in this question) cover Scope 1 & 2 emissions and operational Scope 3 emissions. Whilst these are not approved by the SBTi as we are evaluating targets for our investments, The absolute emission reduction targeted across these targets is aligned to the level of decarbonisation required for a 1.5°C trajectory, with a 7.3% linear annual reduction required.",reduction 1523,Reduction of CO2 emissions by -20% by 2025 (compared to 2010) ,reduction 1524,"To become carbon neutral, DKI Jakarta commits itself to a minimum of d 62% GHG emission reductions from the business-as-usual scenario of 189.5 MtCO2e in 2050 in comparison with the base year of 2016.",reduction 1525,"""carbon neutral across our value chain by 2050""",net-zero 1526,"'we have set ambitious new targets to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our buildings, branches, and data centres by 42% and emissions in our supply chain (Scope 3, excluding financed emissions) by 25% from our 2020 baseline by 2030' (p22)",reduction 1527,"SEGRO recognises that our planet is facing a climate emergency, and we are committed to playing our part in tackling climate change. We will play a leadership role in our industry’s response to the low carbon imperative, supporting all our markets in meeting their national objectives. We will be net-zero by 2030.",net-zero 1528,"'We have started developing goals, targets and internal plans to address these issues, e.g. zero serious injuries and fatalities, 25% group-wide carbon emissions reduction by 2030, net zero groupwide carbon emissions by 2050, and doubling the percentage of women in management by 2030' (p53)",net-zero 1529,"Walgreens is supporting this commitment through improved heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration efficiency, conversions to LED lighting and using data to pinpoint areas for improvement. The Walgreens Intensity Target 1 has been calibrated to conform to the energy intensity reduction goal, which was disclosed as part of Walgreens commitment to the U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings Challenge: ",reduction 1530,"In particular, a stronger than anticipated decline or a prolonged weakness of the construc- tion market could result in a significant decline in the new equipment market and a more challenging market environment for services.",none 1531,"We also made a commitment to the Insurance Development Forum (IDF), in line with the InsuResilience Vision 2025 goals.",none 1532,"""The goal is to eliminate 60% of scope 1 and 2 emissions and 47% of scope 3 emissions in the period 2017-2030."" ",reduction 1533,"As a result, the current ratio decreased by 20.9 percentage points, to 225.6%, the debt-equity ratio increased by 10.6 percentage points, to 68.0%, and the shareholders’ equity ratio decreased by 0.9 percentage points, to 58.8%, compared with the end of the previous fiscal year.",none 1534,"Operational success is only possible if we can embed into the business a regular and reliable dialogue with our stakeholders – customers, investors, NGOs, local communi- ties, governments and international institutions.",none 1535,Kao aims to be carbon neutral by 2040 and carbon negative by 2050,net-zero 1536,"Ukraine has committed itself to achieving the target of reducing GHG emissions of 65% by 2030, compared to 1990 (including LULUCF), reaching carbon neutrality until 2060 as foreseen in the National Economic Strategy until 2030, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 3, 2021 # 179.",net-zero 1537,"ITW is committed to continuous improvement in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is demonstrated through our company-wide GHG emissions intensity reduction target announced in 2019. In early 2021, as a result of the progress made toward achieving our initial target, we increased our target. Our current GHG emissions intensity reduction target is: By 2030, reduce combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions per U.S. dollar of operating revenue by 40 percent below 2017 levels. Our strategy to achieve this target includes: 1. Reducing energy consumption and improving operational efficiency in our manufacturing and ITW-owned facilities, implemented in accordance with our division-led environmental management systems. 2. Expanding our purchase of energy from renewable sources, including wind and solar, across our global footprint where possible.",reduction 1538,"'As an intermediate goal, by 2030, Ecopetrol Group will seek to reduce its CO 2 e emissions by 25% (Scopes 1 and 2) compared to the baseline established in 2019.' (p14, 2021)",reduction 1539,"This Plan sets out the actions that Liverpool can take to become a net zero city in 2030. To become a 2030 Net Zero City, Liverpool needs to address several key challenges across four major themes: 1- Buildings 2- Energy 3- Transport 4- Waste",net-zero 1540,"Reputational risk In 2019 and in recent years, there has continued to be a range of material risk events such as service outages and data compromises in the market.",none 1541,No target in 2019 report.,none 1542,2 Increased severity/frequency of extreme weather events.,none 1543,'One of the main goals of the Climate Strategy is to reduce Sber’s greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality for Scopes 1 and 2 by 2030.' (p5),net-zero 1544,Top-down reviews consist of one-on-one meetings with every member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) as well as select group Area Vice Presidents to get a regional and operations-focused viewpoint on risk.,none 1545,"We will reduce Scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. • We will source 75% of electricity from renewable sources across all Dell facilities by 2030 – and 100% by 2040. • We will partner with our direct material suppliers to meet a science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 60% per unit revenue by 2030. • By 2030, for every product a customer buys, we will reuse or recycle an equivalent product. 100% of our packaging will be made from recycled or renewable material. More than half our product content will be made from recycled or renewable material. • We will reduce the energy intensity of our product portfolio by 80% (FY12 – FY21)",reduction 1546,"In December 2020, we received approval from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for its science-based targets (SBTs) to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: Berkeley Group commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by FY2030 from a FY2019 base year. Berkeley Group also commits to reduce scope 3 purchased goods and services and use of sold products GHG emissions 40% per square foot of legally completed floor area over the same timeframe. These targets represent an ambitious step forward in our approach to tackling climate change and have been calculated to ensure that we play our part in limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. To ensure that we achieve our targets, our focus is on the following: Reducing gas oil, natural gas and electricity consumption across our construction sites, offices and sales suites (scope 1 and 2 target). Particular emphasis will be placed on minimising or eliminating gas oil usage through the implementation of more fuel efficient plant and its substitution with biodiesels; measures that have been trialled by Berkeley during 2019/20. Undertaking embodied carbon assessments and working with our supply chain to reduce impact across the most prominent areas (scope 3 target). Continuing to improve the fabric efficiency of our homes and incorporating low carbon technologies (scope 3 target). We will also look to monitor the in-use performance of our homes to help drive further improvements. In addition to the above, we continue to procure 100% renewable electricity backed by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) for its UK construction site, office and sales suite activities. This is an action that has been in place since May 2017, along with offsetting our remaining emissions from our direct operations through verified projects to be carbon neutral, which continues on an annual basis.",reduction 1547,"Deutsche Post DHL’s headline target for 2050 is unclear – both in terms of emissions covered and whether the company aims for net-zero or real zero emissions by 2050. The organisational lack of clarity, as well as convoluted figures on current emissions across different scopes makes this target hard to evaluate. New Climate report states that DHL has pledged to reduce all logistics-related emissions to net zero by 2050, but no further long-term emissions reduction target is stated. ",net-zero 1548,The Board has adopted formal guidelines for Board operation and membership.,none 1550,Health represents a small proportion of SCOR Global Life’s portfolio.,none 1551,"In the 14th 5-Year Plan, Qingdao pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 '2060年前碳中和的中长期绿色低碳发展战略坚实基础‘ ",net-zero 1552,We also face certain risks that we deem catastrophic risks.,none 1553,"This includes ensuring each part of our business and M&G plc as a whole has sufficient resources to cover outgoing cash flows, under a range of severe but plausible scenarios.",none 1554,"[4 Based on external perception and the importance attributed to each theme by top management , the economic , social , environmental and material governance issues likely to have significant impact on the Group ’s operations were identified .]",none 1555,"The second fund, E-Face, supports innovative low-carbon solutions by offering financial compensation to offset the difference in cost between a conventional carbon dioxide-emitting solution and an alternative low-carbon solution, which tends to be more costly. —",none 1556,"If we fail to do this, we may incur liabilities or sanctions, lose business opportunities, harm our reputation, or our licence to operate may be impacted (see “Risk factors” on page 13).",none 1557,"""In October 2021, Yamato Transport established the new Green Innovation Development Department with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050."" ""Long-Term Targets: Achieve virtually zero GHG emissions by 2050""",net-zero 1558,A major milestone on this path will be halving our carbon emissions by 2030.,reduction 1559,"At Comcast NBCUniversal, we are working to eliminate the tailpipe emissions of our fleet. This long-term, zero emissions goal applies to our entire operational fleet, including more than 30,000 Xfinity vans, trucks, SUVs, and sedans, as well the vehicles that support our theme parks, film and television production studios, and news teams.",net-zero 1560,"We are committed to integrating ESG factors into the investment process, and are working on a new ESG framework. ",none 1561,"For over two decades, we have been active in the fight against global climate change and we continue to work hand in hand with the government in order to achieve the objectives set by the Paris Climate Agreement. ",none 1562,Cities account for 75 per cent of worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.,none 1563,7% carbon reduction by 2025 from the base year in 2018,reduction 1564,"Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital consist mostly of undated and dated subordinated loans, respectively.",none 1565,"For this singular project, the journey was taken by Christophe Navarre, President of Moët Hennessy.",none 1566,"And in fact, investing in bonds became more difficult following the global financial crisis, as greater regulatory oversight and capital restrictions significantly reduced banks’ balance sheets and as a result, bond inventories.",none 1567,"The diversity and inclusion programme is focused on the recruitment and development of women, as well as on the protection of the rights of migrant workers. ",none 1568,"Prudential supports low-carbon transition with pledge to become “net zero” asset owner by 2050 ",net-zero 1569,"'By 2025, reduce CarMax’s GHG (Scope 1 and Scope 2) emissions by 50%, compared with a 2018 baseline'",reduction 1570,aim to reduce carbon emissions but no target or date,none 1571,"'The first relates to technologies for achieving the industry’s collective goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.' (p3, 2021)",net-zero 1572,FirstRand’s long-term emissions ambition is to be net zero by 2050. This includes the group’s financed emissions.,net-zero 1573,"2030 55% ""Reduction target of GHG emissions in Europe compared to 1990""",reduction 1574,"In January 2020, Mayor Francis Suarez announced a carbon neutrality goal of reaching net zero City-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Since then, the City has released a greenhouse gas inventory and has started working on a greenhouse gas reduction strategy to determine the roadmap to carbon neutrality. ",net-zero 1575,"In January 2020 it announced the kickoff of the “Shiga CO2 Net Zero” Movement. The movement is a joint initiative by citizens, businesses, and government to strive to achieve net zero CO2 emissions within the prefecture by 2050, and is endorsed by the Shiga Bank Group",net-zero 1576,• Continue to lower our cost structure to reflect reduced margins and volumes in parts of our business and create capacity for additional investments.,none 1577,"The goals identified in the plan will help prepare for the effects of climate change and put the city on a path to reduce GHG emissions by a minimum of 50% by 2030 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 1578,"For accounting purposes, IFRS is followed for consolidation of subsidiaries and joint ventures.",none 1579,"by 2025, reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28% of 2005 levels by 2030, reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 40-50% of 2005 levels",reduction 1580,"(1)The Scottish Ministers must ensure that the net Scottish emissions account for the year— (a)2020 is at least 56% lower than the baseline, (b)2030 is at least 75% lower than the baseline, and (c)2040 is at least 90% lower than the baseline.",reduction 1581,"Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with French accounting principles and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.",none 1582,Our employees are the most important aspect of our business. ,none 1583,"UPS has also introduced interim targets for 2035 to help achieve carbon neutrality. The company will aim to reduce carbon emissions per package delivered from its global small package operations by 50% against a 2020 baseline. ",reduction 1584,St. Vincent and the Grenadines joined a subgroup of the Climate Ambition Alliance who 'are working towards achieving net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050' Annex II).,net-zero 1585,*See Page 9 for details,none 1586,"In 2021 we announced our pledge to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions across our operational footprint (Scope 1 and Scope 2) and entire global value chain (Scope 3) by 2050, establishing our major commitment to contribute to global efforts to reduce the ongoing threat of climate change.",net-zero 1587,These political risks and security threats require continuous monitoring.,none 1588,"A relatively small number of properties, however, have a high probability of experiencing damage from flooding or drought in that period.",none 1589,This policy leaves no room for artificial or other aggressive solutions.,none 1590,The FSC® standard for environmental responsibility in forest management is recognized around the world.,none 1591,"La Regione Basilicata, nel rispetto dei principi dell’Unione Europea, dell’Accordo di Parigi in vigore dal 4 novembre 2016, della Costituzione Italiana e dello Statuto regionale, assume come obiettivi fondamentali e caratterizzanti delle proprie politiche settoriali, la riduzione delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra o climalteranti (MITIGAZIONE) e quello della riduzione della vulnerabilità territoriale e dei rischi legati ai cambiamenti climatici (ADATTAMENTO). 2. Scopo della presente legge è quello di ridurre al minimo i rischi derivanti dai cambiamenti climatici, proteggere la salute, il benessere e i beni della popolazione e preservare il patrimonio naturale della Regione, nonché mantenere e incrementare la capacità di adattamento dei sistemi naturali, sociali ed economici e contribuire agli obiettivi nazionali, europei e internazionali di mitigazione. 3. La Regione Basilicata persegue la riduzione delle emissioni dei gas a effetto serra e dei gas climalteranti, prevedendo misure volte a promuovere l’innovazione tecnologica, l’utilizzo dei meccanismi del Protocollo di Kyoto, l’efficienza e la sostenibilità energetica nei settori privato e pubblico. In coerenza con le politiche comunitarie in tema di efficienza energetica e riduzione dei gas ad effetto serra, la Regione Basilicata promuove, anche mediante azioni congiunte con le autonomie funzionali e altri soggetti interessati, accordi e iniziative con gli enti locali e con le imprese, riguardanti: a) programmi e azioni di formazione e di accompagnamento per favorire gli investimenti a carattere ambientale e l’utilizzo dei meccanismi flessibili previsti dal Protocollo di Kyoto; b) strumenti per investimenti per l’efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità ambientale delle imprese; c) programmi di sviluppo locale volti a favorire l’efficienza energetica e l’utilizzo di fonti energetiche rinnovabili; d) programmi e progetti pilota di acquisti verdi allo scopo di introdurre criteri ecologici negli appalti pubblici di lavori, forniture e servizi; e) programmi e azioni di formazione e di accompagnamento per la definizione di specifiche misure per la riduzione delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra e climalteranti; f) programmi per l’utilizzo di fonti energetiche rinnovabili di origine agricola attuati mediante contratti quadro e contratti di programma agroenergetici con gli imprenditori agricoli, nell’ambito di intese di filiera; g) programmi per la realizzazione di nuovi boschi e sistemi verdi. ",net-zero 1592,"Our climate commitments and goals are ambitious, but the steps we’re taking now to reduce our carbon emissions and invest in renewable energy will help us become net zero in our operations by 2035.",net-zero 1593,"Under our science-based target goal linked to our annual CDP reporting, we have committed to reducing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon dioxide emissions 2.1% per year to achieve a 40% reduction by 2030 and a 50% reduction by 2035. Goal to reach 100 percent renewable electricity for its facilities by 2030 (source: ",reduction 1594,"The policy applies to all open-ended funds actively managed by BNP Paribas Asset Management, and is set to become the standard for mandates as well.",none 1595,"Direct CO2 emissions: staying within our 15 million tonne carbon budget for 2018-2100, including reducing the CO2 emitted from our homes, workplaces and ground transport by at least 50% during 2020-25",reduction 1596,Target of 'reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions by at least 17% by fiscal 2031 (in comparison with fiscal 2014)',reduction 1597,"... by 2030, to reduce the carbon emissions across our lending and investment portfolios by 40–50% relative to our 2019 baseline. We have a long-term objective to reduce carbon emissions from internal operations by more than 50% by 2030 and by 30% by 2023, compared with 2019. ",reduction 1598,"The Bank remains committed above all else to make its own operations achieve net zero through continuous initiatives to decrease both direct and indirect carbon emissions. Tuder Real Estate – the real estate, property and facility management arm of the Bank focused on power and energy management during the year under review, applying clean technologies and layouts during the rebranding of the Bank’s branch network in 2021, including power saving systems to reduce utility consumption. Tuder renovated 20 branches, relocated 14 outlets and opened 15 newly designed and branded branches to the public, carefully considering natural lighting and other energy efficiencies to reduce the operational carbon footprint across its owned and controlled branch network.",net-zero 1599,"'To ensure that our portfolio aligns with climate action best practices, we made a commitment to support the goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner across all assets under management; created the Brookfield Global Transition Fund to source opportunities underpinned by a decarbonization objective and deliver solutions that facilitate the transition to net-zero; and continue to align our practices with the TCFD.' (p26)",net-zero 1600,"The first key to success, is putting ideas into practice, being bold, and applying what we learn.",none 1601,The municipality of Greater Irbid is committed to reduce its emissions by 40% till 2030 against the baseline emissions of 2015. ,reduction 1602,"In H1FY21, IAG established Intermediate Targets to reduce the Normalised Carbon Footprint and Carbon Intensity for its Australian and Global Listed Equity Mandates. This includes: • Target minimum reduction of 25% versus 2020 relevant index level baselines until 2025 (to be implemented over FY21). • Target minimum reduction of 50% versus 2020 relevant index level baselines by 2030. Progress on how IAG is tracking against these commitments for Australian and Global Listed Equity Mandates will be reported at end FY21 in IAG’s Climate-related disclosure. We continued to manage climate change impacts and have further strengthened our public commitments during the year. We have been carbon neutral since 2012 and have set sciencebased absolute emission targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions to meet the Paris Agreement commitments to keep climate change below 2°C. Using financial year 2018 as a baseline, the targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions were a 20% reduction by 2020, which we achieved, and then 43% by 2025, 71% by 2030 and 95% by 2050. This year we achieved a 15% reduction in our scope 1 and 2 emissions to 18,059 tonnes CO2e and we remain on track to meet our 2025 science-based target. The continued downward tre",reduction 1603,This was the Further Disclosure only non-financial target for LTI in 2019 and 2020 and accounted for 25% of the LTI.,none 1604,"Business continuity risk, financial reporting risk, model risk and HR risk are within the scope of the Group’s operational risk management.",none 1605,"Net-zero goal By 2050, we aim to achieve net-zero scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 GHG emissions ",net-zero 1606,2030 Target: Reduce 20% of our GHG emissions intensity.,reduction 1607,The investment ambition is dependent on attractive investment opportunities that support international climate goals and can generate attractive returns on customers’ pension savings.,none 1608,"""Achieve carbon neutral status for all global operations by end of 2025.""",net-zero 1609,"'achieving carbon neutrality as early as 2050' (Source: ",net-zero 1610,"2022: CO2 emmission goes down (dalende trend) 2030: 49% reduction in emissions compared to 1990",reduction 1611,"As more pilots in the industry approach mandatory retirement age, the U.S. airline industry may be affected by a pilot shortage.",none 1612,"'The Company has set the target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by at least 25% by 2030 from the 2012 base year' (p28, 2021)",reduction 1613,"Diageo stated that its goal to achieve net zero in direct operations by 2030 (scope 1 and 2 emissions), and a 50% emission reduction in scope 3 have been validated by SBTi as meeting the criteria for the 1.5°C pathway.",net-zero 1614,"Our particular strength lies in finding solutions to our clients’ most demanding technical challenges – whether that’s in rail, road, ports or aviation.",none 1615,"43 per cent by 2025 68 per cent by 2030 96 per cent by 2040",reduction 1616,We are proud signatories of the Race to Zero/ Business Ambition for 1.5 campaign and have an ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions across our value chain by 2045.,net-zero 1617," They have ""announced its commitment to pursue net zero emissions by 2050 across its operations and value chain.""",net-zero 1618,"[In light of the massive changes seen in the operating environ- ment , the group revised its material issues for the first time in a decade to clarify the priorities it should emphasize in pursuing sustainable growth over the next century .]",none 1619,"Maintain carbon neutrality (for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) and show progress in absolute emissions reductions on the path to net-zero by 2050, water reduction, and waste recycling. ",net-zero 1620,"S-OIL discloses Scope I, II, and III GHG emissions every year, and it set the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 in 2020. (found from the below link) ",net-zero 1621,"In 2022, Gyeonggi-do (Gyeonggi Province) enacted a provincial law named 'Gyeonggi-do carbon neutrality and green growth framework provincial act' to formulate medium- and long-term pathway toward carbon neutrality by 2050. This is in line with the Carbon Neutrality Framework Act of the Republic of Korea which aims to achieve net zero by 2050. (article in Korean) ",net-zero 1622,The underwriting of municipal liability within the Large Corporates team poses a potential risk.,none 1623,"Walmart commits to reduce absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 35% by 2025 and 65% by 2030 from a 2015 base year. Walmart will also work to reduce CO2e emissions from upstream and downstream scope 3 sources by one billion tonnes between by 2030 from a 2015 base year. The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C ",reduction 1624,"'Reduction: We strive to manage, mitigate and reduce our GHG emissions where possible. As a first step, in 2020, we established our initial public target to reduce our GHG emissions in the Americas by 15% per ton of copper cathode by 2030 from our 2018 baseline.' (p58)",reduction 1625,"- By 2025, cut methane emissions from operations of LNG fueling stations by 20% - Reduce the carbon footprint of our products sold internationally",reduction 1626,"Somalia has in this NDC committed to take action and reduce its estimated projected emissions of 107.40 MtCO2eq in 2030 by 30%. Somalia has set a target of achieving 30% emissions reductions against the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario estimate of 107.39 MtCO2eq by 2030. To achieve this target, Somalia will aim to reduce and avoid its GHG emissions by about 32.40MtCO2eq relative to the BAU scenario by 2030. Somalia committed to a 30% reduction in its BAU emissions project by 2030, which is about 32.4MtCO2eq. It lists details for 31.66 of these emissions reductions in its NDC. ",reduction 1627,"2030 reduce to whole a as society enable to aim We 10 of equivalent the by emissions gas greenhouse Kao of provision the through CO2 of tons million .services and products Group targets 2030 Scope Index emissions GHG (quantity absolute( entire the Across for lifecycle product Group Kao the reduction% 22 *(2017 to Compared( reduction% 55 sites Group Kao All *(2017 to Compared( consumption Energy yearly reduction% 1 sites Group Kao All) unit sales Per( (2021 from, year-on-year( power Electric renewable% 100 sites Group Kao All usage sources",reduction 1628,"[HayWired Resilient Business Challenge In 2018 , JPMorgan Chase participated in the San Francisco HayWired Resilient Business Challenge , which is designed to help businesses increase their own preparedness and mitigate the impact an earthquake or other natural disaster could have on their ability to resume business activities .]",none 1630,"Advisian is providing a review of the basic and detailed engineering, is managing technology risk and providing technical support as required for the factory acceptance tests and during the construction and commissioning of the plant.",none 1631,"Our environment We continually strive to reduce our direct environmental impacts, focusing specifically on reducing our impact in relation to climate change, waste management and water consumption.",none 1632, pledge to reduce total carbon emissions by 32% from 2019 to 2030.,reduction 1633,"Our net zero commitments are supported by a number of initiatives, from implementation of our coal policy, to updating our product range, continuing to transition our existing European funds to SFDR Article 8/9 standard on sustainable investing.",none 1634,"""Electric Utilities (2050): net-zero CO2 emissions from electricity generation (Scope 1 emissions), net-zero emissions from electricity purchased for company use (Scope 2 emissions), net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from the power we purchase for resale and from the procurement of fossil fuels used for generation (Scope 3 emissions)."" (2021 Duke Energy ESG Report, pg. 18) ""Natural Gas Local Distribution Business (2050): net-zero emissions from upstream methane and carbon emissions related to purchased natural gas and downstream carbon emissions from customers' consumption (Scope 3 emissions)"" (2021 Duke Energy ESG Report, pg. 18)",net-zero 1635,"As our procurement and sales structures expand with our increasingly global business, the Yamaha Motor Group is establishing cooperative relationships with suppliers and dealers in Japan and around the world based on a spirit of mutual trust and mutual benefit.",none 1636,A performance management system based on the balanced scorecard is implemented. ,none 1637,"Target not yet reached, but no recent updates exist",none 1638,"'By the end of 2020, Covivio had already reduced its emissions by 20% relative to 2010. Ahead of target, the company is accelerating its transition and has set its sights on a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (compared with 34% previously).' Objective: 20 kgCO2 e/m2 GIA/year- 2008/2020, 20% Objective: 20.5 kgCO2 e/m2 GLA/year 2015/2020, 50% Objective: 29 kgCO2 e/m2 Nütz/year 2017/2025, 15% Objective: 33.6kgCO2e/m2/year 2008/2020, 40% ",reduction 1639,The FTSE All World (ex controversial weapons),none 1640,"Reduce emissions from group store operations by 30% (compared to FY2013).",reduction 1641,"[If Philips is unable to ensure effective supply chain management , e.g. facing an interruption of its supply chain , including the inability of third parties to deliver parts , components and services on time , and if it is subject to rising raw material prices , it may be unable to sustain its competitiveness in its markets .]",none 1642,“We have set the ambitious target of cutting our locations' CO2 emissions by 50 percent by 2030 at the latest and beyond this of reaching climate neutrality as early as 2021.,net-zero 1643,"See above nb also 'In 2020, we committed to reducing our emissions from Scopes 1, 2 and business travel 15% below 2019 levels by 2025' (p14)",reduction 1644,"Sephora showed strong resilience in a retail environment heavily impacted by the global health crisis that led to the closure of more than 90% of its stores worldwide for more than two months in the first half of the year, and then a second wave of closures in Europe in the fourth quarter.",none 1645,Assess climate change scenarios of key material risks.,none 1646,"[Bloque 7: #a3] 2. ""Antes de 2050 y, en todo caso, en el más corto plazo posible, España deberá alcanzar la neutralidad climática, con el objeto de dar cumplimiento a los compromisos internacionalmente asumidos y, sin perjuicio de las competencias autonómicas, el sistema eléctrico deberá estar basado, exclusivamente, en fuentes de generación de origen renovable"" (Before 2050 and, in any case, in the shortest possible term, Spain must achieve climate neutrality, in order to comply with the internationally assumed commitments and, without prejudice to autonomous powers, the electricity system must be based, exclusively, in generation sources of renewable origin)",net-zero 1647,Any of these events would be disruptive to our operations and could harm our business.,none 1648,"To determine a pathway for Durban to achieve carbon neutrality, an ambitious 1.5°C scenario was developed. In order to meet the requirements set out in the Paris Agreement, Durban’s CAP sets out ambitious, bold actions that will result in an over 80% reduction in emissions from a 2015 base year from 21.2MtCO2e in 2015 to 3.7MtCO2e in 2050. ",net-zero 1649,"In addition, we are committed to achieving that our operations are carbon neutral by 2050.",net-zero 1650,"For regulatory capital purposes, all the subsidiaries of the Bank are consolidated except for insurance subsidiaries which are deconsolidated and follow prescribed treatment per OSFI’s CAR guidelines.",none 1651,"We are committed to becoming net zero in our own operations by 2030, and to purchasing carbon offsets for our residual Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions annually to compensate for our residual emissions until this time.",net-zero 1652,Reach a 20% reduction in ghg emissions by 2025 compared to the 2019 level of 792 kTons of CO2e for Scope 1 and 2 combined.,reduction 1653,"Naver is the first major tech firm in Korea to commit to being carbon negative by 2040 as it tries to keep pace with global environmental standards. ",net-zero 1654,"As we continue to increase our focus on added-value advisory services and empowerment projects, which go beyond our regular audit routine, the number of audits conducted by our own in-house team has decreased to 251 in 2020 (2019: 299).",none 1656,The tire industry has been dealing with and responding to issues like sustainable natural rubber and microplastics in the last few years.,none 1657,"We believe that for business growth to be truly sustainable, we must accelerate the transition to a low carbon future and reduce the impact of climate change by becoming a Net Zero emissions business by 2030. We are proud to be part of a select, but growing number of organisations that are aiming for the highest level of climate ambition to prevent a rise above 1.5°C, in order to mitigate the most dangerous effects of climate change.",net-zero 1658,"In 2021, we pledged to achieve net zero GHG emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2050. ",net-zero 1659,"In January 2020, GSF and Morgan Stanley Research convened our inaugural Cross-Divisional Forum on Climate Change.",none 1660,"For this reason, we strive to conduct fair business in compliance with the competition laws of all countries and regions while working to create partnerships that aim for mutual, sustainable growth.",none 1661,"The essence of the Spatial Adaptation National Delta Programme is that the Netherlands must be designed to be climate-resilient and water-robust by 2050.",net-zero 1662,"""Switzerland submitted its “nationally determined contribution” (NDC), in which it set a total GHG emissions reduction target of at least 50% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels. Switzerland’s long-term goal is to reduce its GHG emissions to net zero by 2050. "" ",net-zero 1664,"Bharat: Anchored in our purpose to enrich the lives of our customers, communities and colleagues, strong governance is the cornerstone of long-term responsible growth.",none 1665,"'One of the most impactful action we can take to reduce our emissions today is to introduce more fuel-efficient and emissions-reducing aircraft into our fleet. At JetBlue, we are introducing 70 Airbus 220s, bringing up to a 40% improvement in fuel economy per seat, and 85 Airbus 321 neo aircraft, bringing up to 20% improvement per seat. We took delivery of its first A220s and A321neo aircraft in 2021' The Next Gen technology is to save more than 500,000 gallons of fuel burn per year which equals over 10,000,000 CO2e savings.",reduction 1666,"The Group issued a US$300 million bond with a fixed interest rate of 6.625%, which was swapped back to sterling upon issuance at an effective interest rate of 5%.",none 1667,Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions until the city becomes emission neutral in 2050;,net-zero 1668,"Il Piano si propone di raggiungere 3 obiettivi: rientrare nei valori limite delle concentrazioni degli inquinanti atmosferici PM10 e NOx (polveri sottili e ossidi di azoto), fissati dalla Direttiva 2008/50/EC (recepita dal D.Lgs 155/2010 e s.m.i.) a tutela della salute pubblica ridurre le emissioni di CO2 (anidride carbonica) del 45% al 2030 e diventare una Città Carbon Neutral al 2050 contribuire a contenere l'aumento locale della temperatura al 2050 entro i 2°C, mediante azioni di raffrescamento urbano e riduzione del fenomeno dell'isola di calore in città.",net-zero 1669,"""Spätestens im Jahr 2050 wollen wir über unser gesamtes Produktportfolio CO2-neutral sein und ""Net Zero“ Emissionen erreichen.""",net-zero 1670,"The Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance (CNCA) is a collaboration of leading global cities working to achieve carbon neutrality in the next 10-20 years – the most aggressive GHG reduction targets undertaken anywhere by any city. 'Achieving a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 compared to the 2017 base year - until we reach the neutralization of emissions in 2050 - will require joint, coordinated and committed action on the part of everyone. It's possible.' ",net-zero 1671,"Via the segments, information for reporting to the Board of Management and Supervisory Board is passed on to Group Risk Management.",none 1672,"The Board strives to ensure that its corporate governance practices provide for the effective stewardship of the Company, and it regularly evaluates these practices to ensure they are in keeping with the highest standards.",none 1673,The proceeds of the new issue were used to repay in full the £200 million floating rate bond issued in 2017 which had a maturity of 2022.,none 1674,Achieve Net Zero GHG emissions by 2050,net-zero 1675,"General Motors commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 72% by 2035 from a 2018 base year*. General Motors Company commits to reduce scope 3 GHG emissions from use of sold products of light duty vehicles 51% per vehicle kilometer by 2035 from a 2018 base year. *The target boundary includes biogenic emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks. The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C. stronger scope 3 target announced: In early 2021, we announced our aspiration to eliminate tailpipe emissions from new light-duty vehicles by 2035. source: source: ",reduction 1676,"CEMEX has the most ambitious 2030 targets for the cement industry, a reduction of the net GHG direct emissions of 40% vs. a 1990 baseline",reduction 1677,'The Fujifi lm Group will reduce CO2 emissions by 45% (compared to fi scal 2013) in the entire product life cycle by 2030' (p16),reduction 1678," The group is striving to become climate neutral and achieve net zero emissions by 2035.",net-zero 1679,"Increasing our Carbon Reduction Target to 55% for Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2030 and net zero before 2050 This relates to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by Kerry Group as expressed in carbon equivalents. For Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we are targeting a reduction in absolute emissions versus a 2017 baseline, where Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources and Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy",reduction 1680,"The Board of Directors (‘the board’) is comprised of executive directors, non-executive directors and BNY Mellon representatives.",none 1681,"As one of the key players of future energy in India, ONGC is committed to supporting the Government of India’s (GoI) COP-26 announcement of ‘five goals or Panchamrit’ (Net Zero by 2070, increasing non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030, meeting 50% of the country’s energy requirements from renewables by 2030 (Pg. 46)",net-zero 1682,relevant processes and controls in place in order to limit financial risks for the Group.,none 1683,"p. 3 of India’s Updated First Nationally Determined Contribution Under Paris Agreement (August 2022 Submission to UNFCCC) c.f. Year when current target status was reached - 2022, in accordance with the cabinet approval (available at PM Modi announced net zero 2070 at World Leaders Summit COP26 in Glasgow ",net-zero 1684,"Prime services, through our globally integrated platform, offers hedge funds and institutional clients execution, financing, cus- tody, clearing and risk advisory services across various asset classes through prime brokerage, synthetic financing and listed and OTC derivatives.",none 1685,"""50% reduction by 2030 in all emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) on FY19 levels by AGL Australia""",reduction 1686,The General Risk Control and Management Policy. ,none 1687,"""Aim for net-zero emissions (Scope 1) by 2040, focusing on decarbonizing our steam system and other company operations.""",net-zero 1688,"""La cible de réduction conditionnelle visée sous la soumission de 2015 était de 17% à l’horizon 2030 prenant en compte trois principaux secteurs dont Energie, Agriculture et Forêt associés aux émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2), méthane (CH4) et protoxyde d’azote (N2O)."" ""La présente CDN, dont la cible de réduction est fixée à 21 % avec les interventions conditionnelles à 19%, et inconditionnelle à 2%, actualise et renforce la première en termes des contributions à l'atténuation et à l'adaptation, d’une part, et par une collecte de données améliorée, une analyse technique approfondie et un engagement étendu des parties prenantes, d’autre part. Elle inclut, outre les trois secteurs précités (Agriculture, Forêts et Energie), celui de Déchets et concerne les mêmes gaz. "" ""La contribution inconditionnelle et conditionnelle combinée est ainsi une réduction de 21% des émissions totales des GES par rapport au BAU en 2030 (dont 19% conditionnel et 2%""",reduction 1689,'Achieve Carbon NetZero Operational GHG emissions by 2030' (p73),net-zero 1690,"Achieving operational net-zero by 2035 We will continue to pursue our ambition to achieve net-zero emissions in scopes 1 and 2 by 2035 across our global operations",net-zero 1691,"In accordance with our fundamental diversity concept, we also take into account the knowledge and skills required for the proper performance of tasks and the necessary experience of the employees in the composition of the two levels below management.",none 1692,Our sustainable transformation: we will be carbon neutral by 2025 and net zero by 2030,net-zero 1693,"We have increased our common share dividend every year for the past 49 years, the longest record of annual dividend increases of any Canadian publicly traded company.",none 1695,Reduce Scope 1+2 or more and Scope 3 by 50% or more by fiscal 2030 compared to fiscal 2019 emissions. ,reduction 1696,Reduce 50% of carbon emissions from ASUS global operations centers by 2030,reduction 1697,"""Economy-wide, emission reductions by at least 55 per cent in 2030 compared to base year (1990) emissions. The target covers all sectors and greenhouse gases."" ( ",reduction 1698,"Meanwhile, urban consumers are demanding greater convenience across their lifestyle choices, better mobility and light smart devices.",none 1699,"32% gross CO2 reduction by FY2030 ",reduction 1700,"To facilitate the change towards net zero, in January 2020, we also announced the launch of our first green bond, issued by National Grid Electricity Transmission plc.",none 1701,"70% emission reduction S1&2 by 2040, from 2019. Scope 1 and 2 account for less than 2% of company emissions. No scope 3 emission reduction commitment for the headline pledge year. • S1&2: -50% by 2030 from 2019 • S3: -29% by 2030 from 2019",reduction 1702,40% reduction in carbon emissions intensity (on 2011 baseline) by 2019 - achieved.,reduction 1703,"In 2018, Louisville Metro released an updated inventory based on the 2016 calendar year. This updated inventory estimates that Louisville generates 16,000,537 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) per year. Without making any changes, we can expect to see emissions rise to 18,766,066 by the year 2050. If Louisville is successful in reducing emissions by 80% by 2050, remaining GHG emissions will be 3,383,063 tCO2e ",reduction 1704,In September 2018 one-off IPO related awards under the DWS Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR) Plan were granted to all DWS employees.,none 1705,We are committed to increasing the percentage of profits invested in social purpose activities. ,none 1706,"(1) The expected long term rate of return on the U.S. and international plan assets is estimated based on the plans' investment strategy and asset allocation, historical capital market performance and, to a lesser extent, historical plan performance.",none 1707,"Proper measures are therefore necessary to avoid higher losses and increased volatility that would impact on insurance policies’ price, also due to higher capital absorption resulting from the events being underwritten, and make the access to insurance too expensive or, in extreme cases, the offering uninsurable.",none 1708,"As a business regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority, we hold prudent levels of capital resource in order to ensure our financial stability.",none 1709,The Board is ultimately responsible for the Company's overall strategic direction and the protection of its long-term interests. ,none 1710,It has been pleasing to see that financial controls remain robust and that high quality financial reporting continues to be delivered.,none 1711,"""In its NDC, the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels."" There are separate interim targets for Scotland – ""interim targets of 75% and 90% reductions in emissions by 2030 and 2040 respectively, relative to a 1990-95 baseline"" – and Wales (63% reduction by 2030 and 89% reduction by 2040)",reduction 1712,Our long-term ambition is to ensure that our entire value chain is climate neutral by 2050. ,net-zero 1713,"One example is our Mission 2030 statement, in which we state that we want to raise the average energy performance of all buildings financed by ABN AMRO to energy label 'A' by 2030.",reduction 1714,"Concerning establishing a cooperative system with utility companies and the national government to attain the coal phaseout goals, he explained that Chungcheongnam-do has been working towards a carbon neutrality policy and has maintained close collaboration with the government by proposing projects. The governor also added that the province declared its carbon neutrality goal one year ahead of the national government and proposed a Green New Deal with proactive efforts, producing legislative proposals, such as Special Acts on the Green New Deal for a Just Transition toward a Decarbonized Society, and Acts for the Selection of Financial Institutions for Local Governments. Furthermore, Governor Yang said that carbon neutrality is a tough challenge and mission that must be realized for the world and that the province will achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by close cooperation with local residents, the provincial council, and civic organizations.",net-zero 1715,"'Economy-wide net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.' [Updated NDC of EU and its member states, including Cyprus] ",reduction 1716,"We will reduce our absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from non-locomotive operations (including emissions associated with our buildings and facilities) by 27.5% by 2030. ",reduction 1717,"[The upgrade in our score reflects the improvement of practices , such as the adoption of a specific climate risk management policy , increased use of renewable energy , establishment of internal carbon price , incorporation of criteria related to climate change into the supply chain and expansion of the business portfolio with potential emission reduction , among others .]",none 1718,"""120 Countries plus the EU (full list below) are demonstrating genuine leadership either by having developed plans to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050, by having identified this target as a long-term national goal, or by advancing consultations on a long-term strategy for climate-neutrality in line with the Paris Agreement.""",net-zero 1719,"Moreover, loss of reputation/brand damage, business interruption, failure to innovate, cyber attack and information security risks stand out as globally emerging risks.",none 1720,"The Climate Smart San José plan established greenhouse gas emission reduction goals of 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, with interim reduction goals of 4% by 2021, 28% by 2025, 36% by 2030, and 70% by 2040.",reduction 1721,reduce total GHG emissions by 10% in 2021 and 15% in 2022 compared with the 2019 figure.,reduction 1722,"Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 -Reduce the carbon footprint of our activities in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement -Offset residual emissions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025 -Raise public awareness of the climate emergency through committed content",net-zero 1723,"Rather, the expertise contributed individually by each of the Supervisory Board members combined shall ensure that all fields of expertise are covered by the Supervisory Board as a whole.",none 1724,"35.8 MT CO2 equivalent reduction is unconditional on international support. 78.8 MT CO2 equivalent reduction is conditional on international support.",reduction 1725,"By 2030, emissions reduction of 30% or more (from fiscal 2013) ",reduction 1726,"Our objective is to progressively reduce net greenhouse gas emissions in the Territory, with the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This long-term objective sets expectations about future emissions constraints to help our industries and businesses plan and adapt. Aiming to achieve net zero emissions aligns the Territory with all other States and Territories across Australia",net-zero 1727,"""South Sudan, through this second NDC, reiterates its commitment to the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, while making efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees celsius. It details how South Sudan has significantly increases its climate ambition of reducing emissions across its sectors by 109.87 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent while sequestering an additional 45.06 million tonnes by 2030"" ""South Sudan will continue to focus on increasing the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix. By increasing the share of solar, wind, hydro and biomass, South Sudan aims at achieving cumulative emission reduction of 69 percent by 2030 compared to the baseline. South Sudan will also promote the use of energy-efficient technologies and decentralized renewable energy grids, which can be both time- and cost-effective, to increase electricity access in rural areas"" Along with the negative impacts of long-term conflicts, the adverse effects of changing climate are also being faced by the inhabitants of South Sudan. The country is experiencing an increasingly warm and dry climate with erratic rainfall. This is resulting in degradation of ecosystems and decreased agricultural productivity that is negatively impacting the livelihoods of a majority of the population. Political and economic instability, including limited access to capital, markets, infrastructure and technology, along with changing climate, are hindering the growth of the country. Recognizing this, and to achieve sustainable economic development, South Sudan aims to transition from a least developed country to a middle-income country by 2030, supported by inclusive, stable and sustainable economic growth, while alleviating poverty. Promoting environmental sustainability, climate-resilient communities and appropriate land use has been identified as a critical enabler that will complement the eight strategic priorities of the National Development Strategy (NDS) 2018–2021 (South Sudan Ministry of Finance and Planning 2018)",net-zero 1728,"'Greening the value chains (Scope 3): By 2030, Alibaba will collaborate with our upstream and downstream value chain partners to cut emission intensity² by 50% in regard to the base year of 2020. Alibaba Cloud provides the key digital infrastructure and will achieve Scope 3 carbon neutrality during the same period.' (p9)",reduction 1729,Further information can be found on the Sustainability website.,none 1730,"Examples of parameters that could impact Equinor’s operations include increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, rising sea level, changes in sea currents and restrained water availability.",none 1731,general goal to reduce methane and carbon emissions,none 1732,This materiality assessment will be conducted each year to ensure the implications of all risks and opportunities are appropriately understood in the context of the ever-changing business and physical environment.,none 1733,"At the same time, climate change is expected to have a negative impact on agricultural productivity due to increases in extreme weather events – including extreme heat and drought as well as more variable rainfall patterns.",none 1734,"Moreover, these devices are twinned in a remote backup data centre; security: Data drives are completely isolated from theP computer network.",none 1735,"""As part of our new Group strategy, we now aim to achieve the 15% absolute reduction target five years earlier, by 2025, and have more than tripled our 2030 target to reduce emissions by 50%. These targets replace our emissions intensity target. We will continue to adjust the 2018 baseline to exclude reductions achieved by divesting assets in future, and to account for acquisitions"" ""We have committed to reach net zero by 2050 and have set ambitious interim targets relative to our 2018 equity emissions baseline: – to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 15% by 2025; and – to reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2030.""",reduction 1736,"Туркменистану принять амбициозную цель - сократить свои выбросы ПГ в 2030 году по сценарию BAU на 20% относительно уровня выбросов 2010 года. (reduce 20% in a bau scenario compared to 2010 levels) ",reduction 1737,"In 2021, using guidance developed by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and in alignment with a 1.5°C future scenario, Corning added two more goals to our list of climate commitments: Reduce our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30% (absolute basis) by 2028 compared to a 2021 baseline Reduce our relevant Scope 3 emissions by 17.5% (absolute basis) by 2028 compared to a 2021 baseline",reduction 1738,Reducing CO2 EMISSIONS FOR THE OPERATIONAL OFFICE PORTFOLIO LINKED TO TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR BUILDINGS ON A CONSTANT CLIMATE BASIS. -60per cent reduction in emissions by 2030 compared with 2008.,reduction 1739,We incorporate learnings from responding to extreme weather events which enables us to continue to strengthen our emergency response capabilities.,none 1740,Climate Change WHAT THIS MEANS?,none 1741,"[Based on the information provided by the business delivery teams and the work of the Environment and Sustainability Department , Risk Management : - provides an independent assessment of risks associated with individual investments undertaken by the EBRD - performs an ongoing review of the portfolio to monitor the risks presented by investments from inception to repayment or exit , and - assesses and proposes ways to manage risks arising from correlations and concentrations within the portfolio .]",none 1742,"[This pressure on business models has resulted in a swelling wave of mergers and acquisitions , now also involving non - traditional actors such as private equity funds .]",none 1743,"We have fulfilled our ethical responsibilities under, and we remain independent of the Company in accordance with, UK ethical requirements including the FRC Ethical Standard as applied to public interest entities. ",none 1744,"Achieve net zero scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2050 ",net-zero 1745,"The Group's policies are designed to ensure that the Group and its employees, advisers and agents act in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulations. ",none 1746,"""In our efforts to solve climate-change related issues, we are committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, for which we set the target for reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% relative to the 2013 level by 2030."" Source: ",net-zero 1747,"(Pg. 217) ""Through our Ambition Zero Carbon programme we are on track to reduce GHG emissions from our global operations by 98% by the beginning of 2026 and halve our entire value chain footprint by 2030, on the way to a 90% reduction by 2045. Our emission reduction targets have been verified by the Science Based Targets initiative and we were one of the first seven companies worldwide to have our net-zero, science-based Scopes 1 to 3 targets verified under their new Net-Zero Corporate Standard. We were also an early supporter of the UN-backed Race to Zero.""",net-zero 1748,"We also provide access to external services, including health and well-being, financial services and training. ",none 1749,'supporting the transition to net zero emissions by 2050' (p5),net-zero 1750,"[The following table presents financial guarantees given for real estate construction and development , including the maximum level of exposure to credit risk ( i.e. the amount the Group could have to pay if the guarantee is called on ) .]",none 1751,"27TAIHEIYO CEMENT REPORT 2020 ince introducing a WHR power generation system at its Kumagaya plant in Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture in 1982, the company has installed similar facilities in its other plants in Japan.",none 1752,Investec plc banking book The mix of the energy portfolio in our Investec plc banking book reflects the trajectory of the energy transition in developed countries.,none 1753,"'As of the end of 2020, we exceeded this goal, and in April 2021, we announced our commitment to become carbon neutral across our owned operations by 2030.' (p79)",net-zero 1754,"Depending on the area and risk, these steps to enhance infrastructure resilience have included adding stilts to raise equipment that powers cell sites, moving site generators from basements to a higher level or platforms, and installing new fiber solutions underground rather than using aerial fiber.",none 1755,To reduce and offset 63% of our global refining Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2025 through board-approved projects.,reduction 1756,"Cut municipal energy use 20% and municipal carbon emissions 50%, and source 100% clean energy for municipal operations.",reduction 1757,"Wheatstone LNG, image courtesy of Chevron Australia.",none 1758,"goal to reduce CO2 emissions per unit of sales to about one-third by 2030 and to one-fifth by 2055, compared by 2005'",reduction 1759,"Para cumplir con el comprimiso de la Coalición del UNDER2 MOU, Oaxaca se compromente a reducir sus emisiones por debajo de las 2 tCO2e per cápita para el año 2050. Esto singnifica que se reducirá al menos el 58.3 % de las emisiones actuales per cápita teniendo como referencia las 4.8 tCO2e per cápita del año 2013. Consolidar a Oaxaca como un estado resiliente ante los efectos del cambio climático, para asegurar la conservación del capital natural, la infraestructura estratégica y el patrimonio cultural, así como coadyuvar al desarrollo económico bajo en carbono y al bienestar de la población, considerando un enfoque de equidad de género e interculturalidad",reduction 1760,This will enable us to set annual reduction targets to meet our overarching goal of a 50% reduction in scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.,reduction 1761,"to simplify and improve tax regimes to encourage investment and economic growth in all communities where we operate, including by paying taxes locally.",none 1762,"statewide reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions of 28 percent by the year 2025, as compared to the level of greenhouse gas emissions in this State in 2005 statewide reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions of 45 percent by the year 2030, as compared to the level of greenhouse gas emissions in this State in 2005",reduction 1763,All our manufacturing partners are subject to specific performance criteria which are regularly measured and reviewed by Global Operations.,none 1764,"Slack acquired by Salesforce in July 2021: ",none 1765,"To satisfy this dual imperative, we have put in place a wide-ranging training program that operates at Group level, within the Maisons, and also regionally.",none 1766,We aim to promote equal opportunities by inspiring underrepresented groups to take up STEM fields by exposing them to aviation employment options and opportunities.,none 1767,"Please refer to Section 6.1 Our approach to risk management, 6.2 Risk categories and factors, 6.3 Strategic risks, 6.4 Operational risks, 6.5 Compliance risks, and 6.6 Financial risks.",none 1768,'Target: before 2035 50% decrease in total carbon emissions compared with 2005 level' (p4),reduction 1769,"Kirin Beverage had been implementing a short-term cycle, as conventionally done by soft drink makers in Japan, but due to the impact of the downward trend in the market, its marketing campaigns were less and less successful.",none 1770,"We furthermore bring in specialized ESG third-parties on specific diligence items, where needed.",none 1771,"In order to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement and achieve our long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, ambitious, interim targets were established to keep us on track. Using these targets as a roadmap, the CAP aims to reduce Houston’s base year emissions (33,414,134 tonnes CO2e in 2014; city-induced framework) by at least 40% by 2030 and at least 75% by 2040. ",net-zero 1772,EM Microelectronic successfully launched a ruggedized industri- al module for tracking assets over large outdoor distances.,none 1773,"For example, climate change simulations currently have minimal ability to model extreme weather events.",none 1774,"""to reduce our absolute CO2e emissions across the entire value chain (from 2017 baseline) by 30% by 2030",reduction 1775,"this CAP (Climate action plan) establishes an aggressive 45% carbon reduction goal by 2025 (from 2015) to align O‘ahu with state law requiring carbon neutrality by 2045.",net-zero 1776,35% reduction at total emissions level compared to the base year by 2030.,reduction 1777,"""We’re committing to be “climate positive”—actively removing more greenhouse gases than we emit—by the year 2050."" ",net-zero 1778,"""By 2030, Dow will reduce its net annual carbon emissions by 5 million metric tons vs. its 2019* baseline (15% reduction)."" ""These carbon targets are in addition to our 2025 Sustainability Goals, which have the following climate-related objectives: Though we will grow globally over the next 10 years, Dow’s absolute greenhouse gas emissions will not exceed our 2006 baseline Dow will obtain 750 MW of its power demand from renewable sources by 2025"" ""Expanding our access to renewable power by more than 50% to greater than 800 MW, exceeding our 2025 target of 750 MW of our power demand from renewable sources by 2025.""",reduction 1779,achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.,net-zero 1781,"Banco Santander is fully committed to playing our part to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement while supporting our customers and economy. Our group-wide ambition is to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. This applies to the group’s operations (which have been carbon neutral since 2020) and emissions from our lending, advisory and investment services.",net-zero 1782,"Carbon Balancing is achieved through land purchase of ecologically important standing forests, under imminent threat of clearance, where carbon is locked that would otherwise be released.",none 1783,"Increased frequency of extreme weather events, from floods to droughts, could cause disruption in our supply chain and impact the sourcing of raw materials, as well as the production and distribution of finished goods.",none 1784,"We measure our financial performance using the following key performance measures: IFRS profit before tax, adjusted operating profit before tax, net client flows (excluding Heritage), AUMA, shareholder Solvency II coverage ratio, total capital generation and operating capital generation.",none 1785,"Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing people across the world. Our aim is to achieve net zero carbon emissions. In line with other leading companies worldwide, we have aligned our business with the Paris agreement to reach net zero carbon emissions by no later than 2050.We are committed to adopting science-based targets and we aim to launch our targets in 2021. (Pg. 126)",net-zero 1786,Climate change is a major challenge to our business that can impact our assets and service to our customers.,none 1787,Setting an investment horizon is part and parcel of our policy of focusing on the long term and helping clients to build capital.,none 1788,Our new sustainability strategy places a strong emphasis on improving our environmental performance by reducing emissions as well as improving products and packaging.,none 1789,This could lead to wind storms and flooding.,none 1790,Newton is an investment management subsidiary of BNY Mellon.,none 1791,risks are discussed during the planning process and are quantified under different stress test scenarios and long-term earnings assessments.,none 1792,"Our commitment includes a relative target to reduce 35% of our energy from non-renewable resources by 2026, below a 2009 base year, Energy efficiency commitment to 50% by 2030 by reducing emission and the offset in the building ",reduction 1793,eventually set targets for reduction,none 1794,"Furthermore, any failure to identify and address manufacturing problems prior to the release of products to our customers could result in quality or safety issues.",none 1795,"Indeed, under Regulation 575/2013/EU on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (the “CRR”), resulting from the Basel III Committee work, a retention rate of 5% of securitised assets is applied by law to the originating entities and therefore to Tikehau Capital Europe in the context of the management of its CLOs (the principle of the “retention piece”).",none 1796,"Reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero difusas de Andalucía un 39 % en el año 2030 con respecto al año 2005. Este objetivo tiene un despliegue por sectores: Transporte y movilidad: 30 a 43 % Industria: 25 a 35 % Edificación y vivienda: 37 a 48 % Comercio, turismo y Administraciones Públicas:16 a 31 % Agricultura, ganadería, acuicultura y pesca: 8 a 24 % Residuos: 25 a 38 % Energía: 0 a 15 % Reducir el consumo tendencial de energía primaria en el año 2030, como mínimo el 39,5 %, excluyendo los usos no energéticos. Aportar a partir de fuentes de energía renovable al menos el 42 % del consumo de energía final bruta en 2030.",reduction 1797,"Reduce Scope 1, Scope 2 and business travel (Scope 3) emissions per unit of revenue 55% by 2030, from a 2014 base year. Reduce other Scope 3 emissions per unit of revenue 50% by 2030, from a 2014 base year. ",reduction 1798,The Group has set itself the goal of reducing its total CO2 emissions by 40% by the year 2030,reduction 1799,"""In our Strategic Update 2021 - 2025, we have included new ambitious emission reduction targets for 2025 and 2030 and the commitment to become carbon - neutral by 2030"" ""The plan implies an additional 4 GW deployed yearly in renewables, with zero weight of coal on revenues by 2025 and carbon neutral (scope 1 & 2 emissions) by 2030 - our all-Green landmark.""",net-zero 1800,There may also be consequences for relations with suppliers and intermediaries.,none 1801,Reduce absolute Scope 1 & Scope 2 emissions by 55% by 2030 vs. 2017.,reduction 1802,"""In December 2020, Asset Management One became the only Japanese asset management firm to be an initial signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, which is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions."" ""we have included responding to climate change as a key pillar of our business strategy and will take the following actions in order to proactively fulfill our role as a financial services group in the effort to achieve a low-carbon society (achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions) and to develop a climate change resilient society by 2050."" ""• Aim to become carbon neutral by FY2050""",net-zero 1804,Reduce emissions 56% below 2018 levels by 2030,reduction 1805,"Based on the PRA specifications, Scenario C, in which physical risk dominates, resulted in the most significant impact on the Group but did not breach risk appetite despite not allowing for reinsurance.",none 1806,A new joint venture was established with a subsidiary of the world's largest independent producer of wood pellets to establish a wood pellet production facility in the United States of America. ,none 1807,"KCS intends to reduce its GHG emissions intensity by at least 12% by the year 2025, from a 2018 base year - ",reduction 1808,"Under the plan, Mumbai aims to reduce greenhouse emission from the 2019 level of 23.42 million tons or 1.8 tons per capita to zero by 2050. ",net-zero 1810,"According to a report by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), there were 7,255 natural disasters worldwide within the 20 years from 1998 to 2017, and 91% of them were climate-related.",none 1811,"'Here too, we have set the ambitious target of a 30% reduction by 2025 and 50% by 2030, in line with the 1.5°C trajectory.' (p3, 2021) 'Scope 3** Use of products sold: 42.5% reduction in Scope 3 emissions from product use per passenger kilometer by 2035 vs. 2018***, i.e., an average of 2.5% per year' (p21, 2021) 'Scope 3** Purchases of goods and services: Mobilize our 400 main suppliers on meeting the commitments under the Paris Agreement (emissions trajectory compatible with keeping global warming below 2°C, or even 1.5°C)' (p21, 2021) 'Scope 3** Business travel and employee commuting: 50% reduction by 2030 vs. 2018, in line with a 1.5°C scenario' (p21, 2021)",reduction 1812,Based on our track record and plans up to 2030 we are confident that we are well-placed to make significant progress beyond 2030 and up to 2050. (Pg. 27),net-zero 1813,"Maintain carbon neutrality annually for our global offices, fleet, and business travel Carbon neutrality means eliminating or offsetting all greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions across a company’s operations. These goals apply to GHG Emissions from all of MetLife’s owned and leased properties across the world, its fleet of automobiles in the Auto & Home business line (Scope 1 and 2 Emissions), and the company’s employee business travel (Scope 3 Emissions) ",net-zero 1814,Net zero across the Group by 2050 and by 2035 in the UK.,net-zero 1815,"The constant search to identify and control risks is an integral part of our routine, and its main objective is to eliminate fatalities in the work environment in a sustainable manner.",none 1816,"""Taking gradual steps towards its 2050 zero-net emissions objective, L'Oréal committed to reducing its absolute scope 1,2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030 (base year 2016). In support of this goal, L'Oréal will reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions for all its industrial, administrative and research sites by 100% by 2025 (base year 2016). """,net-zero 1817,Operational incidents and losses in all (risk) areas are recorded in the Operational Incident Database.,none 1818,"In 2019, we reached a total $33.6 billion towards this goal.1 We also increased our Australian renewable energy objective from 50% to 100% by 2025.",reduction 1819,"""Our target, in line with our Impact 2025 sustainability strategy, is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2025 versus our 2016 baseline.""",reduction 1820,40% absolute reduction in scope 1 and 2 ghg on 2020 (fiscal) for 2030,reduction 1821,"At year-end, the Group employed 11,045 people, including 7,749 in France. ",none 1822,"[In terms of piloting , we are analysing CIB listed companies sub - portfolio data ( about 30 percent of the total in terms of EAD of given portfolio ) while for remaining companies we are applying proxies based on sector and size of the company .]",none 1823,"Basque is in the Under2 Coalition - they signed the 2015 Memorandum of Understanding , which asks for an 80+% reduction in GHG emissions from 1990 by 2050. However, the Basque Country’s Regional Climate Change Strategy to 2050 aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050 based on 2005 levels; 1990 is a stronger target so we use that.",reduction 1824,"Moody's intends to reach net-zero emissions by 2040, a decade earlier than its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Business Ambition for 1.5°C. (Source: ",net-zero 1825,"25% absolute reduction in group-wide Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 2030 (on a 2020 baseline)",reduction 1826,"Our 2030 emission-reduction plans are consistent with Paris-aligned pathways, the U.S. and European Union’s Global Methane Pledge, and the U.S. Methane Emissions Reduction Action Plan. Compared to 2016 levels, these plans are expected to achieve: • 20-30% reduction in corporate-wide greenhouse gas intensity and an absolute reduction of approximately 20% (or approximately 23 million metric tons). • 40-50% reduction in upstream greenhouse gas intensity and an absolute reduction of approximately 30% (or approximately 15 million metric tons). • 70-80% reduction in corporate-wide methane intensity. • 60-70% reduction in corporate-wide flaring intensity",reduction 1827,"36% carbon dioxide reduction through more renewable electricity 24% reduction in energy we aim to reduce our CO2-eq emissions intensity to below 50% by 2030 compared to 2010.",reduction 1828,The environmental requirements applicable to the Group's production process are set out in the environmental permits applicable to the individual production sites. ,none 1829,"In terms of mid- to long-term CO2 emission reduction targets for business activities, we aim for a 30% reduction in FY2030 (compared to FY2018) and a goal of “net-zero CO2 emissions” by 2050. ",net-zero 1830,Coal and oil- sands related projects are explicitly excluded.,none 1831,"We are committed to net-zero energy across our businesses and achieved 100% carbon neutrality for our operations by purchasing carbon offsets with Renewable Energy Certificates (REC). Because energy use and office occupancy rates were lower in 2020 due to COVID-19 protocols, we used greenhouse gas estimates based on collected data for the 2018 and 2019 calendar years to inform our carbon offset and REC purchases.",net-zero 1832,"""committing to carbon neutrality by 2050""",net-zero 1834,"The Legal department acts as an independent provider of legal services and advice, and protects the Bank from unacceptable legal risk.",none 1835,"""By the end of 2030, we aim to reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 95%.""",reduction 1836,"Zurich could be exposed to transition risks if it fails to manage changing market conditions and customer needs as part of the transition to a low-carbon economy, resulting in asset impairment, opportunity cost and lost market share.",none 1837,"Unconditional targets 23% reduction vs BAU by 2025, 44% by 2035. Conditional 24% by 2025, 51% by 2035 and neutrality by 2050 ",reduction 1838,"""une réduction de 11% inconditionnel de l’émission de l’année 2030 selon le scenario BAU"" Unconditional 11% reduction compared to BAU scenario ",reduction 1839,Reducing collective net GHG emissions at least 26-28 percent by 2025 and 50-52 percent by 2030 (below 2005 levels),reduction 1840,"The awareness and engagement of Itau employees are ensured by means of specific training programs, workshops and internal newsletters.",none 1841,"5% reduction in operational carbon emissions by 2021 from 2020 baseline (Baseline: 2020 Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions of 14,320)",reduction 1842,"Guatemala's NDC also proposes a 22.6% GHG reduction, but this is conditional on international financial aid.",reduction 1843,"Although many of today’s risks are globally interconnected and the largest insurers operate globally, insurance regulation is still mainly focused on national markets.",none 1844,"Leading brands and enterprises, such as China Pacific Insurance Company, Feihe, FAW Group and Astra Financial, have adopted solutions ranging from insurance intelligence platform, digital marketing, omnichannel intelligence platform, to smart manufacturing and financial solutions.",none 1845,Reduce total gross greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below 2014 levels (updated baseline: 219.71 Ggs est.) at 44.7% by 2030.,reduction 1846,"reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2030 from 2020 baseline, aligned with a well-below 2⁰ Celsius science-based target.",reduction 1847,"""Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 90 percent by 2030, from a 2017 baseline Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services by 30 percent by 2030, from a 2017 baseline """,reduction 1848,Holdings of other financial sector entities’ subordinated loans are deducted from the corresponding tier.,none 1849,We have adopted a policy of continuous improvement and go beyond the regulatory requirements. ,none 1850,"'Economy-wide net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.' [Updated NDC of EU and its member states, including Lithuania] ",reduction 1851,Blancpain has acquired this 17th century Japa- nese skill to create a series of unique dials.,none 1852,"Net Zero (Scope 1+2) by 2030 -25% GHG lifecycle emissions scopes 1-3 by 2030 -15% net carbon intensity scopes 1-3 by 2030",reduction 1853, with interim goals of 16% reduction by 2020 and 40% reduction by 2030.,reduction 1854,"In Pakistan, where millions remain cut off from the national grid, we invested $125 million in China Three Gorges South Asia to support a series of privately owned hydro, solar, and wind projects.",none 1855,"[Safety and operational risks Process safety , personal safety , and environmental risks – exposure to a wide range of health , safety , security and environmental risks could cause harm to people , the environment and our assets and result in regulatory action , legal liability , business interruption , increased costs , damage to our reputation and potentially denial of our licence to operate .]",none 1856,"Moreover, Global Operations is focused on delivering the best services through flexible and agile distribution capabilities by enabling product availability through an omni-channel approach.",none 1857,"In 2020, we set a new goal to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% by 2025 using a 2015 base year.",reduction 1858,"""Under the net zero framework, the company is committing to decrease methane emissions by 65% by 2030 and 80% by 2040, from 2010 levels."" ""Further, the company has committed to invest in carbon-beneficial renewable natural gas (RNG) projects that will capture an amount of methane from U.S. farms equivalent to any remaining methane and carbon dioxide emissions from the company’s natural gas operations, making Dominion Energy’s gas infrastructure business net zero 10 years before the overall company."" - ",net-zero 1859,"In Jordan, we arranged $207.5 million for a solar-power project — the largest private sector–led solar initiative in the Middle East and North Africa.",none 1860,The Legal department has also developed methodologies for measuring litigation risk for adherence to the Bank’s risk appetite.,none 1861,"'In 2021, we joined the United Nations Race to Zero campaign, pledging to put McDonald’s on the path to net zero emissions by 2050. (p16)",net-zero 1862,"""We have established two science-based targets (SBTs) to reduce the company's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. ...Both SBTs have a target year of 2025 compared to our 2018 baseline year.""",reduction 1863,"Rhineland-Palatinate has clearly defined its role as part of the community of solidarity in that it was already promoting the decentralised energy revolution as an important pillar in climate protection many years ago and passed a state climate protection law in 2014, which determined that the greenhouse gas emissions in Rhineland-Palatinate would be reduced by at least 40 percent in comparison with 1990 by the year 2020. The aim is to achieve climate neutrality by the year 2050, or at least a reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions of 90 percent in comparison with 1990. In the realisation of these objectives, particular importance is attached to conservation of natural resources, saving energy and the efficient use of energy, and the development of renewable energies.",net-zero 1864,"Our employment practices include the promotion of women into leadership roles and a focus on making work more flexible, including part-time and job-share opportunities. ",none 1865,"Toward realizing net zero in 2050, we have set a new CO2 reduction target in line with the 1.5℃ target of the Paris Agreement, and a target for the introduction rate of renewable energy (Pg. 22)",net-zero 1866,"Compared to other forms of power generation, coal-fired power generation produces more greenhouse gases, in addition to producing harmful substances such as sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide.",none 1867,"Our actions resulted in one-off additional costs of around £80 million, which has further improved the high level of resilience we have already embedded into our service.",none 1869,"We believe in developing a strong leadership and culture recognised by our values, driving the long-term and sustainable success of the company.",none 1870,"Although management believes it follows best practices with regard to forest sustainability and general forest management, there can be no assurance that our forest management planning, including silviculture, will have the intended result of ensuring that our asset base appreciates over time.",none 1871,"Countries, companies, and merchants who do not use this certification system in its entirety are excluded from trade.",none 1872,"The Bank’s management has used the criteria established in the 2013 Internal Control – Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission to assess, with the participation of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, the effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control over financial reporting.",none 1873,We also took the time to consider impacts and dependencies.,none 1874,"Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state to 1990 levels by 2020 (Act 234, 2007)",reduction 1875,"The Barcelona’s Commitment to the Climate goals and targets for 2030 are as follows: • As regards mitigation, to reduce its levels of CO2 equivalent emissions by 40% per capita compared to those for 2005.",reduction 1876,"Venting may occur as a result of operation and maintenance, operating safety, pneumatic valves and analysis equipment (chromatographs, etc.)",none 1877,"And we offer our strategies in index and alpha-seeking, with varying levels of customization, from iShares Sustainable Core ETFs to bespoke, institutional client solutions.",none 1878,"""Henkel follows the long-term vision of becoming a climate-positive company by 2040. This means, replacing the last remaining fossil fuels used in our production with climate-neutral alternatives such as biogas or gas obtained from converting CO2. We also aim to supply surplus carbon-free energy that Henkel does not need for its own purposes to third parties."" "" Becoming climate-positive is more than a vision. It’s a concrete target, comparable to and of equal value as our business targets."" ",net-zero 1879,We can engage on our own (via our own funds) and also together with other investors.,none 1880,"""Reduction of GHG emissions by 35% compared to a reference scenario for the target year 2030 and divided into 12% unconditional and 23% conditional on the support of the international community in the form of financing, capacity building actions and technology transfer.""",reduction 1881,Sustainability risk As a responsible investor we consider the sustainability risks of all our investments and advice by taking into consideration ESG factors that have the potential to have a material financial impact and seek to incorporate them into our general risk management framework.,none 1882,"To do so, they must invest in communities the same way they invest in their own businesses.",none 1883,"We at BPCL are committed to scope one and two and aim to be net-zero by 2040. This strategic business unit is a part of it. We are seeing a shift from fossil fuels to renewable. India would be among the countries, which will continue to grow in fossil fuels, but we understand that it has to eventually move to clean energy,” informs Amit Garg, Executive Director, Renewable Energy, BPCL. BPCL has committed to offset emissions from its crude oil refining operations and from the energy it uses by 2040, referred to as scope one and two emissions. ",net-zero 1884,"Kroger commits to reduce its absolute enterprise-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, from a 2018 base year.",reduction 1885,Increasing income of the middle classes leads to preference for quality and luxury products as well as differentiated needs including that for personal care items.,none 1886,"As 2020 saw the highest-ever sports engagement with our adidas Running and Training apps, these apps contribute to amplifying our purpose ‘through sport we have the power to change lives’.",none 1887,"Scenario analysis and resilience (continued) • Electricity prices drive our exposure, but we have mechanisms in place to control electricity growth: Our simulated carbon price exposure is primarily driven not by a direct price on carbon to actual emissions, but by the resulting increase in electricity prices from the grid transitioning to renewable sources through 2030.",none 1888,"Considerable further efforts are required so that the goal of a “climate-neutral municipality 2050” can be achieved. ",net-zero 1889,"ltimately, our vision is net zero GHG emissions by 2050 achieved primarily through GHG reductions and certain offsets for hard to abate emissions.",net-zero 1890,"Increases in the cost of dairy products and other commodities, or lack of availability, whether due to supply shortages, delays or interruptions in processing, or otherwise, especially in international markets, could have a material adverse impact on our profitability.",none 1891,Direct Line Group (“the Group”) is one of the UK’s leading insurers.,none 1892,"Linde is exposed to legal risks relating to product liability in the countries where it operates, including countries such as the United States, where legal risks (in particular through class actions) have historically been more significant than in other countries.",none 1893,"SHARP Eco Vision 2050, a long-term vision with 2050 as the target year. In the climate change field, in particular, our vision sets forth two long-term goals regarding GHG emission reduction in line with the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement: to create more clean energy than the total amount of energy consumed in Sharp’s entire supply chain and to achieve net zero CO2 emissions in Sharp business activities. ",net-zero 1894,Both legal restructurings took place as at 1 January 2013.,none 1895,Thorough efforts to improve efficiency and expansion of renewable energy in order to reach the SBTs by 2030 and achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2050,net-zero 1896,"By fueling the pipeline today through our support of educational initiatives and STEM programs, we will help to ensure more diverse perspectives in the hangars and boardrooms of the future.",none 1897,2022 target: a 50% reduction of carbon emissions intensity compared to 2017.,reduction 1898,Commitment towards a climate neutrality.,net-zero 1899,"As of year 2030, Malaysia national target for carbon emission reduction is 45% and the Melaka State GHG emissions reductions target set up for 45 % or equivalent to 5,703 MT CO2e. ",reduction 1900,"""aim to achieve net zero emissions""",net-zero 1901,RI will remain a high priority for all stakeholders in the Central Pool in the years ahead and we will continue to develop and enhance our corporate capabilities in this area.,none 1902,We aim to reduce energy use and CO2 emissions while increasing the use of renewable energy. ,none 1903,"Loss or impairment of key manufacturing sites, inability to procure sufficient raw materials, disruption to transportation of raw materials or finished goods, etc. could disrupt our operations if they are not effectively managed and remedied.",none 1904,"""General Dynamics set a science-based, companywide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2034 off of a 2019 base year. This will include the gradual reduction of both Scope 1 and Scope 2 gases, and the transition to sources of renewable power."" (Pg. 50)",reduction 1905,"The Company has adopted the Executive Officer System since June 29, 2016 for the purpose of clarifying the responsibility for the execution of operations and establishing a more flexible management structure which can appropriately and swiftly respond to the rapidly changing business environment through the separation of the management decision-making and supervisory functions from the execution of operations, as well as by accelerating the delegation of authority to execute operations.",none 1906,"Jardines supports the widespread consensus that effective responses to climate change hinge upon credible strategies to transition towards net-zero. Ultimately what this means for our business is rapid decarbonisation. In parallel to reducing our emissions output, we are exploring investment opportunities in climate-resilient technologies and business models. (Pg. 16)",net-zero 1907,Total emissions calculated include greenhouse gases emissions from energy and from travel.,none 1908,"However, given the unprecedented global supply chain issues that we are now seeing with many car manufactures and dealerships, we may be unable to purchase new EVs in sufficient numbers.",none 1909,"La acción climática está consolidada en los distintos sectores y grupos de la población; la ambición ha aumentado sostenidamente, se ha logrado la neutralidad en carbono y el territorio jalisciense y la población están adaptadas a un escenario de aumento de temperatura de 4°C.",net-zero 1910,"Our Board of Directors has established a Risk Committee, which meets regularly to review the risk profile of the Company and to oversee the risk management of the Company. ",none 1911,"MTR has also, however, been subject to intense political, judicial and regulatory debate over the last decade, due to its negative environmental and social impacts on one hand, and positive local benefits on the other.",none 1912,"""Our ambition is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. We intend to reach these goals by creating more sustainable products and processes, and by collaborating with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.""",net-zero 1913,"Aim to reach net positive emissions for our operations no later than 2050, and earlier if possible",net-zero 1914,"For example, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna’s letter to the US Congress in June 2020 said that IBM “firmly opposes and will not condone uses of any technology, including facial recognition technology offered by other vendors, for mass surveillance, racial profiling, or violations of basic human rights and freedoms.”",none 1915,"'Maintain operational carbon neutrality for our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions.' (p77) - UN SDGs, or Global Goals, set the global agenda for sustainable development by 2030 and call for action by both the public and private sectors. UOB’s strategy and reporting are aligned with the 17 UN SDGs. - 2021 data includes Scope 1 emissions from the use of vehicular fuels, refrigerants from air conditioning units and stationary combustion fuels, in addition to existing Scope 2 emissions across their footprint. Scope 3 includes air travel emissions.",net-zero 1916,"Extreme events are assessed, and mitigating actions are considered within the risk appetite framework.",none 1917,"Copenhagen has an ambitious plan to become the first carbon neutral capital city by 2025. It has already reduced carbon emission by 42% compared to 2005. Copenhagen, Denmark has already cut CO2 emissions by at least half (when compared to 1995 levels), on its way to carbon neutrality (net zero greenhouse gas emissions - net zero GHGs) by 2025. ",net-zero 1918,In that vision Marubeni has set a goal to strive for net-zero GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions from the group by 2050. ,net-zero 1919,Current industry projections for the next 15 to 20 years do not indicate a significant increase in timber values.,none 1920,"""In 2021, we made progress toward this aspiration, most notably through an ambitious pledge to reach net zero GHG emissions within the next decade. "" It is not clear if the next decade refers to the 10 years from 2021 or the decade 2020-2030",net-zero 1921,"The asset management industry is also expected to resume its growth trend assuming an effective containment of the COVID- 19 pandemic, with positive support from increasing global wealth.",none 1922,'Carbon neutrality by 2050' (p17),net-zero 1923," Nigeria has updated its NDC targets to 47% conditional cut in GHG emissions by 2030, on the 27th of May, 2021. Its previous conditional target was 45% by 2030. The conditions being that Nigeria would need much international support. It otherwise, has pledged to reduce its GHG emissions by 20%, (using 2018 as baseline year) by 2030. According to the International Energy Association, Nigeria emitted 104.27 MtCO2e in 2018. 2018 MtCO2e levels represents an increase of 271.6% from 1990 levels. Between 2010 and 2018, Nigeria’s GHG emissions increased by 40% to reach 347 MtCO2eq. The baseline projection has been updated too, estimating GHG emissions at 453 MtCO2eq by 2030, i.e. around half the 2015 estimates and a 31% increase in total GHG emissions between 2018 and 2030 (+2.6%/year). Of Nigeria’s total GHG emissions in 2016 (481.02 MtCO2e), the majority of its composition is comprised of carbon dioxide at 61.74%, followed by methane at 27.82%, nitrous oxide at 7.77%, and fluorinated gas at 2.66%. ",reduction 1924,"Net non-operating income was positive in the amount of ¥4.8 billion, which was ¥5.2 billion, or 52.2%, lower than in the previous year.",none 1925,"Our 2030 Environmental Footprint goals* include: - Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 30% - Increase electricity from renewable sources to 50% of total electricity usage - Increase operational energy efficiency by 20% - Reduce waste disposal intensity by 25% * 2019 is the baseline year",reduction 1926,"As part of its science-based target, Equinix is aiming to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions (direct and indirect from electricity) by 50% by 2030 against a 2019 baseline. ",reduction 1927,"Our customers say they find the new solu- tion intuitive, easy to use and trustworthy.",none 1928,We are committed to achieving net zero by 2040.,net-zero 1929,"In addition, the biorefinery will produce bio-monopropyleneglycol (BioMPG) and industrial sugars.",none 1931,"We have enhanced our Environmental, Social, and Governance heat map to include proxy climate risk metrics.",none 1932,“net-zero direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2035”,net-zero 1933," To reach this goal, considering the lead time required for our products and technologies to enter service, we at MHI have de- clared our intent to realize net zero CO2 emissions by 2040, ten years ahead of the Japanese government’s target. By our estimate, CO2 emissions from products we have provided to our customers (Scope 3) totaled approxi- mately ?.? billion tons as of ????. We are confident in our ability to make a significant contribution to global ?arbon Neutrality by reducing those emissions with our techno- logical capabilities. In our MISSION NET ZERO announcement, we set two targets? first, to cut our ?cope ? ? ???? emissions by 50% compared to 2019 levels by 2030, and then, to reach Net Zero by 2040. Secondly, we set two targets regard- ing Scopes 1 and 2 emissions–CO2 emissions resulting from our Group-wide production activities. We will reduce Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 50% compared to 2014 levels by 2030 and then achieve Net Zero by 2040. We have already succeeded in reducing our Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by more than 40%. Today, we are proceeding with plans to demonstrate our Carbon Neutral Factory concept at Mihara Machinery Works in western Japan. We aim to achieve Carbon Neutrality at this manufacturing facility mainly by replacing conventional power sources with green energy derived from renewables, electrifying heat sources, and installing energy management systems. By applying the e?perience gained through these e?orts and working closely with our peers in industry, we will develop innovative, carbon neutral solutions and propose them to our customers. (Pg. 12) Under MISSION NET ZERO, our 2040 Carbon Neutrality ?eclaration, ??? ?roup?s first goal is to reduce our ??2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) to 50% of 2014 levels by 2030 and reach Net Zero emissions by 2040. Our second goal focuses on Scope 3 emissions, the majority of which arise from customers’ use of our prod- 2030 -50% (Compared to 2014) * Scopes 1 and 2: Calculation based on GHG Protocol ucts. We aim to reduce CO2 emissions throughout our entire value chain to 50% of 2019 levels by 2030 after deducting reductions from CCUS* and to reduce them to Net Zero by 2040. (Pg. 32) ",net-zero 1934,"To limit the global average temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, in line with the Paris Agreement, will require no further greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, i.e. net zero GHG emissions, from 2050. Achieving this will only be possible with material changes in behaviour, as well as investment to transition to a low-carbon economy.",net-zero 1935,"Though recent news of potential vaccines is encouraging, COVID-19 remains a challenge and we will continue to focus on the safety of our customers, colleagues, and the communities we serve.",none 1936,"The new ESG strategy features a commitment to becoming a carbon-neutral business across Scope 1 (direct), 2 (power-related) and 3 (indirect) emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 1937,"'' We are committing to reaching net zero GHG emissions across our value chain (scope 3) in 2030.'' Supplemented with a target to be water positive by 2030 ",net-zero 1938,"""2030 management (environmental) targets: ・ We will reduce supply chain GHG emissions*2 by 60% (compared to FY2013 levels); and by 65% for our domestic business (compared to FY2013 levels) ・ We will contribute to the electrification of Kyushu (Household: 70%; Commercial: 60%)"" (Integrated Report FY2021 , pg. 64) *2- Total Scope 1,2 & 3 emissions",reduction 1939,"""Climate READi is one more step in Exelon’s focus on climate change. In addition, Exelon also recently joined the Department of Energy’s Better Climate Challenge and made a Path to Clean commitment to reduce Exelon-wide operations-driven emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and to achieve net-zero operational emissions by 2050.""",net-zero 1940,"Shale oil and shale gas During shale oil and shale gas development, the use of hydraulic fracturing methods is assumed to cause groundwater contamination and induce earthquakes.",none 1941,"The initiative will help more than 20,000 individuals and families achieve homeownership through grants that directly assist homebuyers with their down payments and closing costs.",none 1942,"Its e ects include higher surface temperature, more frequent heavy rainfall events, declining quality of agricultural products, shifting plant and animal species distributions, and a higher risk of heat illness.",none 1943,We provide our business customers with credit in the form of individual loans with a volume of €14bn.,none 1944,The application of King IV within Gold Fields can be found in our full Corporate Governance Report (p14 – 16 of our AFR).,none 1945,"Our direct (Scope 1) emissions come from our industrial businesses, including the use of natural gas and diesel, and fugitive emissions from coal mining.",none 1946,"National Bank Investments Inc. (NBI), a Bank subsidiary, is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and a member of the Responsible Investment Association (RIA).",none 1947,The Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) functions as a self-regulatory organization (SRO) and as an interlocutor for the securities industry.,none 1948,"""We are proud to announce that Starwood Property Trust is now a certified carbon neutral firm. "" ",net-zero 1949,Net zero by 2040 and zero carbon by 2050 ,net-zero 1950,61% reduction in emissions below 1990 levels by 2030,reduction 1951,"""Zurich is committed to being net-zero in its operations by 2030, accelerating the Group’s previous 2050 target.""",net-zero 1952,"Reduce Swedbank’s direct greenhouse gas emissions by 60% in 2019-2030. Achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, align our lending and investment activities with the 1.5-degree temperature goal, and set interim targets for 2030 (or sooner).",net-zero 1953,"Lower the company’s carbon footprint by 17.5% vs. 2010 ",reduction 1954,The foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive.,none 1955,"[Each presentation includes the following : an overview of the business group , shortand long - term financial performance and goals , an assessment of portfolio growth opportunities , and strategic priorities to drive our Value Model .]",none 1956,"""In FY2030, to make progress toward carbon neutrality, we will seek to halve CO2 emissions from our FY2013 figure."" (Tohoku Electric Power Group Integrated Report 2021, pg. 05) ""Renewable energy development: Target of 2,000 MW soon after 2030"" (Tohoku Electric Power Group Integrated Report 2021, pg. 55) - ",reduction 1957,"As these costs are one-time in nature, they are excluded from adjusted earnings.",none 1958,"[Of these , the most important part is due to end use of energy products , for which international reference protocols do not indicate an unequivocal estimation methodology that allows a concise and comparable representation of Greenhouse gas emissions .]",none 1959,"Among our initiatives, we are starting to integrate an innovative new hydrogen-based technology to enable our cement kilns to increase their use of alternative fuels by optimizing their combustion process, while lowering their consumption of fossil fuels and reducing their CO2 emissions.",none 1960,The fair value of the performance shares over and above the price paid for them by the employees was charged to the income statement.,none 1961,"Both committees ultimately report to the Executive Committee, with the outputs from the Emerging Risk Committee being reviewed at the Board Risk Committee.",none 1963,"The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group aims to reduce CO2 emissions per floor area of our business offices 30% compared to FY 2005 by FY 2030. ●The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group aims to reduce CO2 emissions per floor area of real estate portfolio 30% compared to FY 2005 by FY 2030.",reduction 1965,"In January 2021, we announced “Business Development Strategy: Towards a Net-zero Carbon Society by 2050”, establishing the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement goals. ",net-zero 1966,This was thanks to their defensive nature.,none 1967,Personal accident is a cover provided by SCOR Global Life.,none 1968,'Franklin Templeton commits to reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline' (p23),reduction 1969,"To ensure that we continuously advance our sustainability program, in 2020 we established a five-year, enterprisewide set of goals called Achieve 2025. ",none 1970,"""achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible, and no later than 2045, and achieve and maintain net negative emissions thereafter""",net-zero 1971,This 2021 NDC update aligns Barbados with other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and members of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) by significantly enhancing ambition and increasing its mitigation contribution to be fully compatible with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.,net-zero 1972,We were also finalists in the SEAI Energy Leadership awards and the Envirocom water and waste reduction awards.,none 1973,Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by2040 and production of eLNO battery technology will be fully carbon neutral by 2035,net-zero 1974,Reduce the intensity of GHG emissions from our operations 35% by 2030.,reduction 1975,Energy is the single largest cost item in the production and distribution of industrial gases.,none 1976,The Group has no outstanding grants under any equity incentive plan. ,none 1977,"""Cut emissions by 26% at Hankyu Hanshin Holdings and subsidiaries’ Japanese worksites"" 2031 vs 2014 FY",reduction 1978,Eaton commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2018 base year. Eaton commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 15% by 2030 from a 2018 base year.,reduction 1979,"Période de 2021 à 2030 : Pour les années à venir, les mesures envisagées dans la CDN révisée, dans les secteurs Energie, Agriculture et Déchets sont susceptibles de contribuer à réduire les émissions cumulées de GES (hors UTCATF) d’environ 48,75 Mt E CO2 par rapport au scénario de référence, soit une réduction de 20,15 % sur la période 2021-2030 20.15% reduction vs BAU for 2021-2030 (excluding 'Utilisation des Terres, Changement d’Affectation des Terres et Foresterie' i.e. land use and forestry). ",reduction 1980,"Maintaining carbon neutrality across Scope 1, 2 and 3",net-zero 1981,"Our stakeholders are increasingly concerned about a number of pressing global issues, some of which are directly related to the operations of corporations.",none 1982,"Overall, we rate this as a low risk.",none 1983,In New Zealand IAG is working through the Climate Leaders Coalition to ensure businesses are actively adapting and building resilience to climate impacts.,none 1984,"We are committed to reporting transparently on our initiatives, both in the annual report and in our sustainability report. ",none 1985,"The existing and new project work demonstrates the ability of the Wates Residential team to operate as both developer and contractor, in support of our business partners in delivering mixed tenure housing.",none 1986,2035 TARGET: Achieve carbon neutrality (net zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions1) by 2035.,net-zero 1988,"""Kuwait's net GHG emissions in 2035 relative to BAU are estimated to be total of 142,290,750MTCO2e. Reduction of 7.4% in 2035 relative to BAU, with total GHG emissions capped to 131,715,950 MTCO2e in 2035, with amount of reduction of 10,574,800 MTCO2e.""",reduction 1989,The Board of Directors of the Company consists of eight directors. ,none 1990,The Board has considered the report of the Audit Committee on the financial reporting and internal control systems of the Company. ,none 1991,"We plan to reach the target of halving the carbon dioxide emissions, in 2050 compared to 2005 as set by IATA, of which we are a member",reduction 1992,"If all of it were dedicated to the SDGs only —meaning not funding national security, basic research, basic services for the U.S. taxpayers, and not paying the federal debt —we still would fall short of the annual need.",none 1993,"""In February 2021, we announced J-POWER R “BLUE MISSION 2050,” an initiative that declares our efforts to achieve a carbon-neutral, hydrogen-based society by 2050 and sets a CO2 emissions reduction target of 40%* for the transition point of 2030"" Source: p4 ",net-zero 1994,"The Mirvac team has worked hard to optimise energy and water performance at Sirius, and since FY13 they have reduced carbon emissions by 33 per cent and reduced water consumption by over 50 per cent.",none 1995,"An innovative public/private program, PIVI works in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ministries of Health, corporate partners and others to create sustainable, routine, seasonal influenza vaccination programs in low and middle-income countries.",none 1996,'Komatsu has set a mid-term ESG target of 50% reduction in CO₂ emissions in products and production (compared to 2010) by FY 2030 and promotes improvement activities' (p106),reduction 1997,"Current regulations make it difficult for Financial Firms to undertake the low-level, rapid experimentation required to develop safe, useful fintech products and services.",none 1998,"'To set us on the right pathway, we will target net zero operations and a 25% reduction of our value chain emissions by 2030, also compared to a 2021 baseline.' (p3) 'we aim to reach net zero across our operations for Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2030, following the same SBTi Net-Zero Standard' 'Emerson is targeting a 25% absolute reduction of Scope 3 GHG emissions by 2030.'",reduction 1999,We’ve set a 2025 target to reduce our carbon output from operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 25% from the fiscal year 2019 baseline.,reduction 2000,"2. Reduce IBM’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 65 percent by 2025 against base year 2010, adjusted for acquisitions and divestitures. – This covers our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, as well as Scope 3 emissions associated with IBM’s electricity consumption at co-location data centers. – This achieves a rate of reduction that equals or exceeds what scientific recommendations from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate is necessary to limit Earth’s warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. – We challenge ourselves by not including the purchase of nature-based carbon offsets to comprise any emissions reduction",reduction 2001,Stakeholder dialogue and transparency ⌐ Engaging openly with stakeholders and establishing ways to increase transparency and disclosure has long been central to our approach.,none 2002,"""Long-term objective to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050""",net-zero 2003,"AGL's Risk Management Policy, which has been approved by AGL's Board, mandates that management utilise risk management principles in decision-making, and requires all AGL people to consider their functions and roles and how to manage risks arising from their business decisions and activities.",none 2005,"[Many new distribution pathways were validated that provide greater opportunity to utilise ocean freight , especially into the emerging Middle Eastern markets .]",none 2006,"Therefore the Group would only exit this position in the case of a significant diminution in value, or if the fund was closing or a third party buyer could be found.",none 2007,Climate-related risks and opportunities have grown in importance for us as a business.,none 2008,"In some cases, such statements may be identified by the use of terminology such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “looking ahead,” “may,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “project,” “should,” “will,” and similar words or expressions.",none 2009,"Liberty Global has further demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by signing on as a founding member of the European Green Digital Coalition. The coalition has been set up by the European Union to support the use of digital technologies as a key enabler for climate action, environmental sustainability and helping to reach UN Sustainable Development Goals. The founding members were announced today by EU Commissioner Thierry Breton and the EU Presidency at the Digital Day 2021 event held in Lisbon, Portugal. By signing the European Green Digital Declaration, companies commit to establishing science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and becoming climate neutral no later than 2040.",net-zero 2010,"This extension would mostly aff ect Critical illness and Health covers, but the eff ects can be highly reduced by improvements in socio-economic conditions, irrigation, drainage and better healthcare.",none 2011,"CO2emission reduction target*1: Reduce CO2emissions (The base year: 2013) 40% by 2025, 45% by 2030, 100% by 2050",reduction 2012,Our interim goals include a 55% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2025 and 80% by 2040,reduction 2013,"This type of funding can be used to finance projects able to offer financial, environmental, social and governance (ESG) benefits.",none 2014,[8] Data on the diesel consumed by the gensets in Chile in 2018 not available.,none 2015,"“cut [carbon dioxide] emissions 80% from 2000 levels by 2030” ""Our goal is to reduce AEP's carbon emissions from directly owned generation (scope 1) by 2030 compared to 2000 levels""",reduction 2016,"""2022 marked a pivotal moment for our Company, as we announced our ambition to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 or sooner""",net-zero 2017,"Today, Biogen is more focused than ever on the areas where we can have the greatest impact through science that truly matters.",none 2018,"Achieve net-zero emissions by 2025: We’ll focus on actual reductions across our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and will invest in nature-based solutions to remove carbon from the atmosphere.",net-zero 2019,'Reduce GHG emissions 75% per unit of production in 2030 (compared to a 2018 baseline)' (p26),reduction 2020,We funded scholarship programs for Black and LatinX students and made an initial contribution to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as part of singer and adidas partner Beyoncé’s ‘BeyGOOD’ fund to support Black-owned small businesses.,none 2021,Olympus set a target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 with zero CO2 emissions from its entire business operation.,net-zero 2022,"“By 2025, a 30% reduction in Scopes 1 and 2”",reduction 2023,"""Reduce methane emissions in our natural gas distribution system by 50 percent from 2017 to 2035.""",reduction 2024,"We have a diverse team of 11,000 employees around the world, of whom 66% are women, and we are committed to attracting, developing and retaining the best talent. ",none 2025,'...longterm goal of achieving net-zero by 2050',net-zero 2026,Achieve net-zero by 2045. ,net-zero 2027,"In 2016, Asset Management established a Sustainable Investment Leadership Team (SILT), a cross-functional group of senior experts that facilitates a coordinated strategy for sustainable investing across asset classes and investment offerings.",none 2028,"""2030 Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 30% 2030 Reduce Scope 3 emissions in select categories by 15%"" ""Our current 2030 emissions-reduction targets, validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), are aligned to levels required to meet the Paris Agreement climate change goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C."" From CDP reporting: ""In 2019, we laid the groundwork for important new climate goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the 2018 baseline developed for our newly merged company. This foundation included a corporate policy, governance structures and greater transparency, including reporting to CDP Climate. In 2020 we set new science-based climate targets. We commit to: - Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 - Reduce absolute Scope 3 emissions in select categories by 15% by 2030 - Ensure our suppliers and bottlers representing 50% of our emissions will have Science Based Targets by 2024""",reduction 2029,28.8% reduction in carbon emissions intensity from 2010 levels by 2030. ,reduction 2030,These claims were primarily from losses due to frozen pipes and related water damage resulting from abnormally low temperatures for an extended period.,none 2031,36% by 2030 compared to 2005,reduction 2032,"In 2016, Hologic set a goal to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions* by 10% by 2021, and achieved goal in 2019.",reduction 2033,"Medium Term Target: reduce GHG emissions 40% below 2006 levels by 2028",reduction 2034,"The RoK announced its goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 in Dec 2020. This target was written into law in the Carbon Neutrality Act, enacted Sept 2021.",net-zero 2035,"La acción climática transversal está incorporada en todos los ámbitos y sectores. La reducción en emisiones GyCEI es de 45% respecto a 2010, y el territorio jalisciense y la población están adaptadas a un escenario de aumento de temperatura de 2°C.",reduction 2036,The Company's procedures for the identification and reporting of conflicts of interest have been developed to ensure that the directors' and executives' duties to NWS are not materially and adversely affected by other interests they may have. ,none 2037,reduce its (State of Oregon) GHG emissions ... at least 80 percent below 1990 emissions levels by 2050,reduction 2038,"""""Net Zero Now"" initiative, which means that as of January 1, 2021, every hydrocarbon molecule produced by Diamondback is anticipated to be produced with zero net Scope 1 emissions""",net-zero 2039,"On top of these conservation and reduction efforts, Nasdaq achieved carbon neutrality for 2020 through sourcing renewable electricity, the purchase of certified renewable energy certificates and the purchase of carbon offsets. In 2020, we continued our focus on carbon reduction with our third consecutive year of the Carbon Neutrality program for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions",net-zero 2040,"We are committed to working with all our suppliers and stakeholders to help end slavery, human trafficking, child labour or any other abuse of human rights.",none 2041,"For more detail on our progress, see 2020 sustainability actions.",none 2042,"'● Reduce CO2 emissions by 25 percent or more1 throughout the entire vehicle life cycle compared to 2013 levels by promoting activities for the milestones of New Vehicle Zero CO2 Emissions Challenge and Plant Zero CO2 Emissions Challenge, and with support from stakeholders such as suppliers, energy providers, infrastructure developers, governments and customers'; '● Reduce CO2 emissions from global plants by 35 percent compared to 2013 level' (p17)",reduction 2043,"Until 2050 may seem a long time, but the projection for this plan has temporal “milestones” that show the reduction in stages: 2030 (30%), 2037 (50%) and 2050 (100%).",reduction 2044,A weakening of the global economic envi- ronment could result in a deterioration of the market environment and the competi- tive situation in the industry.,none 2045,"Aim to make the Sumitomo Corporation Group carbon neutral in 2050(*1). ",net-zero 2046,Work on our approach to becoming a net zero carbon business will include the development of new targets to replace and supplement our existing ones.,reduction 2047,"In addition to the structure to the right, P&G maintains an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process to identify and assess risk factors via a multi-functional team of experienced resources.",none 2048,"""Our goal is to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 55% by 2032 and 100% by 2040 from a 2019 base year, with 80% of suppliers – by spend, covering purchased goods and services and capital goods – will have science-based targets by 2025."" - ",reduction 2049,Committed to setting Science-Based Targets and being part of the solution to achieve Net Zero by 2050 or earlier,net-zero 2050,"""Emission en 2030(CNA), scénario de référence: -1 260 kt CO2eq (hors UTCATF)"" Emissions in 2030 (BAU), reference scenario: -1,260 kt CO2eq (outside of LULUCF) ""la vision du Chef de l’Etat de faire des Comores « un pays émergeant à l’horizon 2030 résilient aux chocs dans toutes les dimensions du développement durable »."" The vision of the Head of State of the Comoros: 'a country emerging on the cusp of 2030 resilient to shocks in all areas of durable development'. ""L’union des Comores prévoit, à travers cette CDN révisée, une réduction nette de ces émissions de GES, hors UTCAT, de 23% et une augmentation de son puits net d’absorptions de CO2 de 47% à l’horizon 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence."" The union of Comoros forsees, in line with this revised NDC, a net reduction of GHG emissions, outside of UTCAT, of 23% and an increase in the net sink absorption of CO2 of 47% by 2030 in relation to the reference scenario. ",reduction 2051,"Johnson Controls International plc commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 55% by 2030 from a 2017 base year.* Johnson Controls International plc also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from the use of sold products 16% by 2030 from a 2017 base year. *The target boundary includes biogenic emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks ",reduction 2052,"""achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 across our operations and financing""",net-zero 2053,"""85% reduction in operational carbon from baseline (2018) to target (2028)""",reduction 2054,"Dai-ichi Life, which operates a large-scale business, has established medium- to long-term CO2 emission reduction targets of 40% by fiscal 2030 and 70% by fiscal 2050 (both compared to fiscal 2013).",reduction 2055,Net-zero Scope 1 and 2 Emissions,net-zero 2056,"(1)The Scottish Ministers must ensure that the net Scottish emissions account for the net-zero emissions target year is at least 100% lower than the baseline (the target is known as the “net-zero emissions target”). (2)The “net-zero emissions target year” is 2045.",net-zero 2057,"The government of Argentina submitted its second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in December 2020. The second NDC sets the absolute, economy-wide and unconditional goal of limiting greenhouse gas emissions to 359 MtCO2e in 2030 including LULUCF (Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, 2020). We have estimated this target to be 313 MtCO2e (excl. LULUCF) by 2030. This new target is 26% below Argentina’s previous NDC target, which provided an unconditional target limiting 2030 emissions to 422 MtCO2e (excl. LULUCF). Argentina’s second NDC covers emissions from all sectors and covers CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs and PFCs. The country’s previous NDC also covered sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). This new target represents an increase in emissions of 35% above 1990 levels and a 2% decrease below 2010 levels (excl. LULUCF). ",reduction 2058,"'Net-zero emissions from our lending and investment portfolios by 2050, with interim 2030 sector lending targets for four carbon-intensive sectors - see below.'",net-zero 2059,We have initiatives in place to optimize road transport operations.,none 2060,"'84% absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction by 2025 from a 2019 base year1 50% absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction by 2030 from a 2019 base year2, including media buying – an industry first' (p31)",reduction 2061,"The roadmap, Map2030, commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 in line with a 1.5°C scenario. Mondi's Net-Zero roadmap demonstrates their ongoing commitment to emissions reduction in line with science and enhancing climate resilience through our forests and operations.",net-zero 2062,"Reduction of scope 1 emissions by 35% in 2030, with an intermediate reduction target of at least 15% by 2025 Reduction of scope 2 emissions by 60% in 2030, with an intermediate reduction target of at least 30% by 2025",reduction 2063,"Later this year, Altria will assess their ability to establish a 2050 net zero greenhouse gas emissions target when the SBTi releases its methodology for companies to set credible targets.",net-zero 2064,"Reduce city-wide emissions by 30% from 1990 to 2000 Reduce city-wide emissions by 50% from 1990 to 2030 (Source: ",reduction 2065,No significant financial risk on our balance sheet identified in past stress tests.,none 2066,"The goal is for Norway to become a low-emission society by 2050. By low-emission society is meant a society where greenhouse gas emissions, based on the best scientific basis, emission developments globally and national circumstances, are reduced to counteract the harmful effects of global warming as described in the Paris Agreement 12 December 2015 Article 2 (1) (a). The goal is for greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 to be reduced by around 90 to 95 per cent from the emission level in the reference year 1990. ",reduction 2067,Aviva holds over £744 million in green bonds.,none 2068,"According to the group, it also set out specific milestones in achieving its long-term goal. From the starting point of 2020, SK Group will cut its carbon emissions by 35% as of 2030 and 85% by 2040.",reduction 2069,CBA has (Australia operations) not had operational control of any data centres since FY18.,none 2070,Achieve carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions at facilities by 2040,net-zero 2071,"These measures help reduce the use of more than 500,000 plastic bottles per year11.",none 2072,"The Projections have three scenarios: 1. BAU 2. Conditional 3. Unconditional the updated NDC includes a clear demarcation between the effort (both mitigation and adaptation) that Ethiopia will pursue unconditionally using domestic finance and what that the country will pursue conditionally, based on international support. Of the total cost of NDC implementation ($316 billion estimated between 2020 and 2030), 20% of the total cost will be domestically financed and the remaining 80% will require international support. ",reduction 2073,"Persistent or repeated attempts at fraud, conflicts of interest or circumvention of existing policies and controls could have an adverse effect on the Group’s reputation and cause regulatory investigations and financial losses.",none 2074,"Despite the partial data coverage, this gives an indication of how each portfolio might behave in each scenario.",none 2075,"2019 2030 20 per cent reduction in combined net Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions. From 27.6 MT in 2019 to 22 MT 2019 2030 20 per cent reduction in net Scope 3 CO2 emissions. From 8.1 MT in 2019 to 6.5 MT. (p85, 2021)",reduction 2076,"Reduce emissions of GHGs from global operations by 57%, from a 2019 baseline, by 2030.",reduction 2077,Become Carbon neutral by 2030,net-zero 2078,"Interim operational goals By 2030, we aim to reduce our California utility and Mexico (non-LNG) GHG emissions by 50% compared to a 2019 baseline. Through 2025, we aim to operate our LNG infrastructure at a GHG emissions intensity 20% less than our 2020 baseline.* * Cameron LNG, the primary LNG operating asset, will achieve its first full year of operations in 2021. As the LNG business gains operational history and continues to grow, we will establish new interim goals. ",reduction 2079,"committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions before 2040",net-zero 2080,"To enhance client experience, Sephora accelerated best practices like Click & Collect, Call & Collect, new apps and livestream beauty advice, and set up partnerships with recognized third parties to offer services such as payment deferral and same-day delivery.",none 2081,"""In 2020, CIT expanded our commitment to offset carbon emissions to include the offset of Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This was in addition to our commitment to offset Scope 3 GHG emissions, which CIT launched in 2018. CIT partnered with Carbonfund.org to offset 100% of our facility electricity usage (Scope 2) in 2020 as well as 100% of air travel emissions (Scope 3) in 2020. CIT offset these emissions by investing through Carbonfund.org in two carbon offset projects dedicated to sustainable management of forests in New Jersey and to gathering and combusting greenhouse gases in Florida. These projects were focused on states where CIT has had a significant business and community presence. """,net-zero 2082,"'By 2030, Manitoba will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by one-third over 2005 levels' Another interim target includes 'By 2050, Manitoba will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by one-half over 2005 levels.'",reduction 2083,"a goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions — including financed emissions — by 2050 ",net-zero 2084,"For the year ended 31 December 2018, the Group's total operating profit before tax was $1,281 million, an increase of $138 million (12.1%) on the prior year. ",none 2085,"According to Swiss Re's sigma database, it currently represents approximately 33% of global non-life gross written premiums and is expected to grow further, albeit at a lower rate.",none 2086,"Executive Directors are eligible to participate in UK all-employee share plans, which currently comprises HMRC-approved Sharesave and SIP plans, on the same terms as other employees.",none 2087,The 7-megawatt rooftop solar-power plant will provide critical energy to 32 factories in the Gaza Industrial Estate — much more cheaply than before.,none 2088,IndianOil to go Net Zero by 2046,net-zero 2089,We are developing a community-driven plan that institutes a pathway to zero carbon by 2040 and delivers on our obligation to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.,net-zero 2090,Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative (AIETI) -,none 2091,"Consistent with this, we recently set a new target to achieve net-zero emissions (Scope 1 and 2) for our global operations by 2030, remaining focused on our commitment to reduce our overall energy use. ",net-zero 2092,"3. Reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 using feasible technologies to remove emissions in an amount which equals or exceeds IBM’s residual emissions. Aim for residual emissions of 350,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent or less by 2030, with 90 percent of IBM’s electricity coming from renewable sources. – This covers our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, as well as Scope 3 emissions associated with IBM’s electricity consumption at co-location data centers. – We challenge ourselves by setting a numerical target for residual emissions. – We anticipate new carbon removal solutions such as direct air capture, and support their development with research to accelerate the discovery of enabling materials ",net-zero 2093,6) Tendre vers un urbanisme décarboné d’ici 2020,net-zero 2094,"Along with hydro generation, combined heat and power (CHP) and the wind turbine at Lowermoor Water Treatment Works, South West Water’s 34 solar panel schemes now bring the total capacity for renewable energy generation to over 10MW.",none 2095,"In 2007, the Provincial Government committed to reduce GHG emissions by 10 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, and by 75 to 85 per cent below 2001 levels by 2050.",reduction 2096,Net cash generated from financing activities and net cash generated from continuing financing activities amounted to € 479 million each (2019: € 2.273 billion net cash used).,none 2097,• Equinor will have a board of directors that is independent (as defined by Norwegian standards) of the group's management.,none 2098,"We will contribute to the decarbonization of the economy by eliminating 100% of our own GHG emissions. Achieving carbon neutrality by FY2024. JPX will switch 100% of electricity consumed by the Group to renewable energy by FY2024 and is aiming for carbon neutrality across Group companies on the same timeline. ",net-zero 2099,"Our total consolidated assets amounted to €1,376.9 million at 31 December 2016, an increase of €92.6 million compared to 31 December 2015. ",none 2100,And the best way to attract the right talent is by continuously developing new business runways and fostering a culture of innovation that will attract like-minded people.,none 2101,"From the 2015 Bremischen climate and energy law. It appears the target was missed , and no further targets have been given. ",reduction 2102,"The procedures selected depend on the practitioner's judgment, including the assessment of risks that the description is not fairly presented.",none 2103," Edmonton's 2018 commitment sets it to follow protocol in line with limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, there has since been no net zero update, except this 1.5 degree target",net-zero 2104,"An additional advantage of these programs is increased pilot diversity, something the industry currently lacks (see 'Case Study: JetBlue Foundation').",none 2105,"Reduce Scope 1, Scope 2 and business travel (Scope 3) emissions per unit of revenue 45% by 2025.",reduction 2106,"Quote: ""Hamburg will reduce CO2 emissions by 55 per cent by 2030 compared to the 1990 base year. By 2050 the city aims to reduce emissions by at least 95 percent in order to achieve climate neutrality."" Source: ",reduction 2107,"- Greenhouse gas emissions from lending and investment portfolio will be reduced and neutralised by 2050 - Own banking operations to be at net zero by 2040 - In managing its portfolio, Commerzbank will use the scientific approach of the Science-Based Targets Initiative, which it joined as the first German Bank in 2020 - reference to ISO 14001 and 50001 ",net-zero 2108,"In addition, HighMount’s operations may require it to obtain permits for, among other things, air emissions, discharges into surface waters, and the construction and operation of underground injection wells or surface pits to dispose of produced saltwater and other non-hazardous oilfield wastes.",none 2109,"Then, in accordance with the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (2017), the City Council initiated the drafting of the Climate Plan, which specifi es the goals, targets, strategic lines and actions that need to be implemented between 2018 and 2030, with the target of being a totally carbon neutral city by 2050.",net-zero 2110,"Below we outline some of the most material non-financial risks to our business and performance, along with the main steps we have taken to manage them, while on page 84, we further consider our main climate-related risks and opportunities.",none 2111,'Net zero operations by 2030 in line with SBTi pathway; Net zero supply chain by 2050' (p1.1),net-zero 2112,"Holcim commits to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 21% per ton of cementitious materials by 2030 from a 2018 base year.2 Within this target, Holcim commits to reduce Scope 1 GHG emissions 17.5% per ton of cementitious material and Scope 2 GHG emissions 65% per ton of cementitious materials within the same timeframe. • Holcim commits to reduce its Scope 3 GHG emissions by 2030, from a 2020 base year, for the following categories: - purchased goods and services by 20% per ton of purchased clinker and cement - fuel and energy-related activities by 20% per ton of purchased fuels - downstream transportation and distribution by 24% per ton of materials transported.",reduction 2113,"Sales of goods is recognized at the time of shipment only if it meets the conditions that significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the customer, and neither continuing managerial involvement nor effective control over the goods sold is retained.",none 2114,"Secondly, a four-factor index was created (Value, Quality, Low Volatility and Low Size) that rebalances regularly through time to create a 'Balanced Factor' index with more attractive risk-return characteristics than the standard market capitalisation index. -",none 2115,We are committing to achieve net zero emissions for our direct operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 2030.,net-zero 2116,"""Prologis commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 21 percent by 2025 ... from a 2016 base-year ... Prologis also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 15 percent by 2025 ... from a 2016 base-year""",reduction 2117,"In Gateway Select, 20% of the pilots in our program are from underrepresented groups, about five times the national average.",none 2118,Potential impacts may be direct or indirect and may include business losses or disruption resulting from extreme weather conditions; the impact of changes in legal or regulatory framework made to address climate change; or increased mortality or morbidity resulting from environmental damage or climate change.,none 2119,"-25% absolute scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2025 vs 2015 baseline. -9% absolute scope 3 CO2 emissions from purchased raw material by 2025 vs 2018 baseline. Target approved by the Science Based Targets initiative in June 2020, as in line with ""well below 2°"" scenario.",reduction 2120,"Insurance claims and related expenses were $2,886 million, an increase of $99 million, or 4%, compared with last year.",none 2121,"The UK has set in law the need to transition to carbon neutrality by 2050. As part of the country, Bristol is committed to becoming carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2030.",net-zero 2122,It has announced its commitment to achieving Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 2040 in line with the objective of the Paris Agreement to cap temperature rise to 1.5°C.,net-zero 2123,"""we have elevated our existing goal and are committed to achieving a target of 1.5°C in alignment with the Science Based Targets initiative and to achieve Net Zero by 2050""",net-zero 2124,"A tales fines, Rosario se compromete a trabajar y avanzar hacia la neutralidad de emisiones para el año 2050 en sintonía con el Acuerdo de París y las recomendaciones del IPCC. ",net-zero 2125,"In 2019 we set an ambitious goal of reducing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% by the year 2030 (from 2017 levels). In 2021, recognizing that climate change demands more urgent action, we announced a more aggressive goal to reduce GHG emissions 50% by 2025 (from 2017 levels).",reduction 2126,"statewide goals to reduce 2025 greenhouse gas emissions by at least 26%, 2030 greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% ... of the levels of statewide greenhouse gas emissions that existed in 2005.",reduction 2127,"[Another key factor are the macrotrends observed in the sector : sustainable mobility ( the search for travel solutions with lower environmental impact ) , climate change ( in the form of mitigation and contrast , and also adaptation ) and the circular economy , i.e. the attention paid to end of life of assets and the possible reuse of some elements .]",none 2129,"[7.1 Carbon Emissions Reduction Potential Through carrying out carbon reduction activities in services , products and operations , Ping An minimizes the company 's potential transition risks during the process of transitioning to the low - carbon economy .]",none 2130,Global Social Impact We are committed to being a deeply responsible company in the communities where we do business.,none 2131,"Our near term uses of cash include: continue to de-lever at Formula 1, return capital to shareholders to capitalize on the discount at Liberty SiriusXM and develop our next phase of real estate at the Battery Atlanta.",none 2132,"The Green City Action Plan is one piece of the City’s comprehensive approach to addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development. Separate work is in progress that will elaborate on the City’s climate risk and resilience and adaptation actions, as well as extend the strategy into the future with an eye to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 2133,"The government policy is to achieve the European and national targets for GHG reduction in Schleswig-Holstein. This implies a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 40% compared to 1990 levels and by 80-95% compared to 1990 levels. The government aims for the top edge of this range, i.e. a 95 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.",reduction 2134,Reach net-zero value chain GHGs emissions by 2050,net-zero 2135,All these consequences could have a material adverse effect on Linde’s business and results of operations.,none 2137,Clorox Sets 2030 Science-Based Targets for Reducing Greenhouse Gases and Commits to Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050,net-zero 2138,"In addition, we mobilized nearly $11.7 billion to support the private sector in developing countries.",none 2139,Mitsui has set out the goal of net-zero emissions as our Vision for 2050. ,net-zero 2140,"By 2030, reduce greenhouse gas emissions with target of 1.2 megatonnes net zero energy.",reduction 2141,"'记者了解到,上海已经提出,力争在2025年前实现碳达峰,这比全国目标提前了5年,同时,2035年排放量比峰值下降5%' Shanghai has proposed to achieve carbon peak by 2025 (five years ahead of national target) and at the same time, in 2025 emit 5% less compared to the peak. ",reduction 2142,"Financed emissions Net zero by 2050 Operational emissions Net zero by 2025 Managed asset portfolio emissions Net zero by 2040 100% renewable energy All offices by 2025",net-zero 2143,"In the case of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors has adopted a policy for the nomination of its members. ",none 2144,In light of such events there has been a rise in climate-change activism epitomised by Greta Thunberg.,none 2145,"""climate-neutral by 2050"" p 80 of report",net-zero 2146,"'SoftBank Group Corp. has achieved carbon neutrality in fiscal 2020, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its business activities to virtually zero, and will continue to do so in the future. Each Group company has also set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its business activities and is working to achieve it.' (p19)",net-zero 2147,"""Set an interim target to achieve in the next decade, which reflects a fair share of the 50% global reduction in CO2 by 2030 identified in the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°Celsius."" Baseline year is assumed to be the year at which the CRtZ was created The State aims to reduce emissions to 20% below the BAU projection by 2025, to 45% below BAU by 2035 and to eliminate GHG emissions completely by 2050. ",reduction 2148,"""economy-wide carbon neutrality no later than 2050, and to maintain net negative greenhouse gas emissions thereafter""",net-zero 2149,"There is also a longer target for 2050, for which Panasonic endeavours to ""make the enrgy created exceed the energy used"". ""In May, 2021, we announced a target to make our total CO2 emission net-zero by 2030 as a milestone towards making the Environmental Vision 2050 real."" Source: ",net-zero 2151,to strive for climate neutrality as a city administration¸ with the aim of achieving this by 2035;,net-zero 2152,"These will impact choice of fuel, ownership patterns and will have a signicant impact on the future of the automotive industry.",none 2153,"Responding to China's carbon peak and carbon neutral goals and realizing the green transformation of building construction, the Company aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 and achieve a 25% reduction in carbon emission intensity by 2025 (2018 as base year).",reduction 2154,"We have delivered energy savings for occupiers of £13 million over six years, at the same time as optimising lighting, temperatures and air quality for wellbeing and efficiency.",none 2155,"Carbon neutrality first obtained in 2010, Page 3: Carbon neutrality maintained thereafter, Page 2: .pdf",net-zero 2156,'Set our new target to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 25% from a 2019 baseline by the year 2025' (p9),reduction 2157,"The improved miniature integrated watch modules have extremely low power consumption, which guar- antees long watch battery life.",none 2158,"Accordingly, the Mitsui Chemicals Group considers its response to climate change a key issue (materiality).",none 2159,"This plan has several interim targets: The baseline year for all is 2016. 2024 target: 32% reduction 2030: 56% reduction 2040: 83% reduction 2050: carbon neutral",reduction 2160,"This system allows the Bank to oversee its facilities and make sure they meet energy efficiency goals, year after year.",none 2161,"Acting as a Joint Lead Agent & Environmental, Social, and Governance Structuring Agent on the Sydney Airport's A$100 million 20-year U.S. private placement (USPP) ESG-linked tranche.",none 2162,"As a member of NZBA, Garanti BBVA makes the following commitments; • Align its portfolio with the net-zero emissions target by 2050,",net-zero 2163,"This year, our global operations achieved carbon neutral status. Now we are ready for the bigger challenge of reducing the embodied carbon in new developments. Our global operations were certified as Carbon Neutral by Climate Active.",net-zero 2164,"For many investors, climate change poses significant financial challenges and opportunities.",none 2165," logramos una reducción del 52,9% de las emisiones para el año 2030 y de un 84,4% para 2050 con respecto a las emisiones del año base 2015.",reduction 2166,"The Action Plan for Methane Emission Control was released, setting a target of reducing methane emission intensity by around 50% by 2025 compared with 2019. ",reduction 2167,"We have implemented a comprehensive sustainability strategy that is based on the three pillars of Social responsibility, Environmental responsibility and Good Governance. ",none 2168,"During his presentation, Mayor Bima emphasized the need for accelerated climate action at the local level not only to support international agreements and national commitments but because this also translates to a better quality of life for people in the city. He also shared that Bogor potentially aims to reduce 29-33% of its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 relative to their 2010 level.",reduction 2169,"In terms of reduction of GHG emissions, Yucatan State has set two intensity targets convey in the ""Yucatan State Special Program of Climate Change"". To reduce intensity of region-wide CO2e emissions by 40% by 2030 based on 2005 levels ( GHG(t CO2e) / GDP)",reduction 2170,"We have come a long way since we launched our sector’s first Climate Change Policy in 2007. Our direct business operations are now carbon neutral, we procure 100% renewable electricity in the UK and are the only homebuilder in the country to be awarded an A rating for Climate Action and Transparency by CDP, the highest score possible. But we must go further, and Berkeley is now proud to be a 1.5°C aligned business, having set independently verified science-based targets for reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. These targets cover our direct emissions, the embodied carbon within our supply chain and the in-use emissions created by our homes. These targets put us on a course to being a net zero carbon business by 2040. We are also playing a lead role in climate change adaptation, creating new homes and places that are more resilient to the challenges of a warmer climate, and which embrace the great potential of nature-based solutions. Our climate action programme is holistic, ambitious and challenging. It involves transformational changes to our business operations and to the ways in which we design and create new places in partnership with our supply chain. We want to play a full role in addressing this global challenge and believe it is the right thing to do for all of our stakeholders. ",net-zero 2171,"• Changes in climate change legislation, which could impact the cost for raw materials and/ or overall operation.",none 2172,This project is exploring how the financial sector can invest in climate adaptation to deliver commercial returns and greater climate resilience with a view to developing insights on the creation of a scalable approach to climate adaptation finance. -,none 2173,"This improvement is related to the focus on improving investment performance, the development and launch of in demand investment strategies, and proactive steps to deliver investment propositions with more sustainable outcomes.",none 2174,The largest suppliers in the period have been professional service firms.,none 2175,We recognize that there is potentially a lot of uncertainty regarding how to quantify these impacts and that reasonable people can differ in their assessments.,none 2176,"The climate law has the following climate goals: 49% less Co2 output in 2030 compared to 1990; 95% less CO2 in 2050 compared to 1990. De Klimaatwet stelt vast met hoeveel procent ons land de CO2-uitstoot moet terugdringen. De Klimaatwet moet burgers en bedrijven zekerheid geven over de klimaatdoelen: 49% minder CO2-uitstoot in 2030 ten opzichte van 1990. Om dit doel te halen, hebben de overheid, bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties een Klimaatakkoord gesloten. Er staan ook afspraken in die partijen onderling hebben gemaakt. 95% minder CO2-uitstoot in 2050 ten opzichte van 1990. Source: ",reduction 2177,"On the momentum of these initiatives, all members of the Kirin Group—numbering 31,040 worldwide—are set to put the concept of CSV into practice while striving for sustainable growth.",none 2178,"In 2020, the Vermont Legislature passed the Global Warming Solutions Act (Act 153 as Enacted), which created legally binding emission reduction targets. The Act was created in response to concerns around Vermont’s changing climate and the magnitude of what must be done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change on Vermont’s landscape. The Act requires Vermont to reduce greenhouse gas pollution to 26% below 2005 levels by 2025. Emissions would need to be 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 and 80% below by 2050. In addition to the emission reductions required by the statute, the law also directs the Council to consider opportunities for conservation through long-term carbon sequestration and identify actions Vermont communities can take to better prepare for more extreme weather.",reduction 2179,"The reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario is consistent with provisions stipulated in Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of PA. Also, Article 6 is considered in the implementation.",reduction 2180,"On the market side of the equation, price and volume control mea- sures can also affect our ability to achieve our targets in the short term.",none 2181,"The project demonstrates our ability to lead on environmental sustainability while fnding ways to understand, control, and keep new risks within our risk appetite.",none 2182,"MELBOURNE BACKS BTR In June 2019, we entered into an agreement with developer PDG to deliver 490 purpose-built, BTR apartments as part of the $450 million Munro development in Melbourne’s CBD.",none 2183,115-99) required the establishment of a Department of Transportation Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking to make recommendations on actions the department can take to help combat human trafficking and to develop recommended best practices for states and state and local transportation stakeholders to adopt in combatting human trafficking.,none 2184,"This will be achieved by further developing the market for platform models in the motorcycle business, leveraging the strength of the brand to maintain high profitability in the marine products business, and strengthening the sports segment for ROVs in the power products business.",none 2185,A highly-diversified London and Euronext-listed closedend fund investing in private equity limited partnerships.,none 2186,"A loss of reputation could impact our position as a partner, investor and employer of choice and impede our ability to execute our strategy.",none 2187,"The audit partner was previously the engagement partner involved with the audit of PSG, P-Solve and RAMAM.",none 2188,J.P. Morgan analysis indicates that the cost of not reforming the mortgage markets could be as high as 0.2% of GDP a year.,none 2189,"Also, not handling the company’s corporate social responsibilities in an informed and good matter is a reputation risk, whereas the opposite is an opportunity.",none 2190,"Reduction of scope 1 emissions by 35% in 2030, with an intermediate reduction target of at least 15% by 2025 (Pg. 102) Reduction of scope 2 emissions by 60% in 2030, with an intermediate reduction target of at least 30% by 2025",reduction 2191,"In the U.S., losses are likely to be concentrated in specific regions, especially on the Southeast and Atlantic coasts.",none 2192,"Reduce municipal GHG emissions 55% by 2025 and 65% by 2035 from 2008 baseline levels ""reduce our fair share of global emissions by 2030"" in accordance with Paris Agreement ",reduction 2193,"Our analysis tells us that, among other things, an RCP 2.6 scenario results in a high risk in our loan portfolio due to high restructuring risk in our industries.",none 2194,"As part of their April 2019 Public Interest Commitment (PIC), English water companies made the commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions for the sector by 2030 Today United Utilities has joined forces with the rest of the water industry to set out its plans to go Carbon neutral by the end of this decade. Tree-planting, green vehicles and home-grown renewable power are all included in the ambitious plans for the North West. Water UK’s Net Zero 2030 Routemap is 20 years ahead of the UK Government’s own legally binding target of 2050 and forms the world’s first detailed plan to get an entire industry sector to net zero. ",net-zero 2195,"We aim to make our organization more agile and our culture more straightforward to better focus on our priorities of customer experience, customer value creation and customer mindshare.",none 2196,"However, the voting records of many fund managers tell a different story.",none 2197,"Reduce energy use intensity, targets a 32% reduction by 2025 with baseline of 2008. and reducing GHS intensity in scope1,2 by 2024 as described below in the coverage part. ",reduction 2198,"In our response to the FCA, we advocated for mandatory reporting on all publicly listed companies from 2021.",none 2199,"Nonetheless, our risk management strategies, models and processes, including our use of various risk models for assessing market exposures and hedging strategies, stress testing and other analysis, may not be fully effective in mitigating our risk exposure in all market environments or against all types of risk, including risks that are unidentified or unanticipated.",none 2200,"With this in mind, the JSDA has conducted a number of initiatives starting with the survey to grasp the current status of working conditions in the industry.",none 2201,• Interruption of our supply chain could affect our ability to produce or deliver our products and could negatively impact our business and profitability.,none 2202,The declaration also set a goal of moving towards net zero carbon emissions in 2050.,net-zero 2203,Achieve Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2040,net-zero 2204,"The purpose of financial statements is to communicate the Group’s financial information to its stakeholders, especially shareholders, investors and lenders.",none 2205,"Economy-wide GHG emission reduction target of 35% by 2030 compared to base year (1990) emissions, excluding LULUCF.",reduction 2206,"Science Based Targets: reduce Scope 1,2 and 3 GHG emission by 35% until 2030 and 72% until 2050. Mowi has set science-based targets at the end of 2019: - to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 35% by 2030 and 72% by 2050 from a 2016 base year. - to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 35% by 2030 and 72% by 2050 from a 2018 base year. ",reduction 2207,"For some information, as indicated in the index above, explicit reference is made to other company documents[2].",none 2208,"IFC is targeting new growth areas in energy storage, transportation logistics, distributed renewables, off-shore wind, nature-based solutions, and carbon capture and storage.",none 2209,As a result an analysis of the Group’s assets by contractual maturity is not considered appropriate to evaluate the nature and extent of the Group’s liquidity risk.,none 2210,"We are convinced that good deals have no wheels, and that local footprint is a key differentiating factor.",none 2211,"Villeret Métiers d’Art Binchōtan Through its Métiers d’Art collection, Blancpain innovates by combining the know-how of its craftsmen with ancestral decora- tive techniques rarely used in watchmaking.",none 2212,2040 -PEI Dirst in Canada Net Zero GHG Emissions,net-zero 2213,"The net-zero target is in discussion because Micronesia is part of the climate ambition alliance, which aims for net zero by 2050. Source: ""The FSM recognizes the humanitarian imperative to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions at the global level by 2050 in order to preserve a reasonable chance at achieving the long-term temperature goal under Article 2 of the Paris Agreement"" (pg.11)",net-zero 2214,"Findings and recommendations made through the ERM process are reviewed with senior managers, in addition to the Company’s Board of Directors and its Audit Committee, which has oversight responsibilities.",none 2215,The Company is committed to ensuring that any vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates and recognises the value of diversity in the composition of the Board. ,none 2216,"Climate change has always been focus of attention of the company. In response to the Paris Agreement adopted at the Paris Climate Conference, the goal to hold global average temperature increase to ""well below 2°C above preindustrial levels"" and the ""carbon peak"" and ""carbon neutrality"" pledges of the Chinese government, we actively take on climate change and push ahead with a green and low-carbon transition, aiming for achieving near zero emissions around 2050. ",net-zero 2217,The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 6.2% by 2025 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010. ,reduction 2218,'MPC established a 2030 target to reduce absolute Scope 3 – Category 11 GHG emissions by 15% below 2019 levels.' (p12),reduction 2219,"Our GFR also includes our Audited Financial Statements consisting of Directors’ Report, Audited Financial Statements and our Independent Auditors’ Report.",none 2220,Minimize operational GHG emissions by 55% compared to 2016 levels.,reduction 2221,"In 2017, as part of our strategy to measure and manage the environmental impacts of our business operations, we became carbon-neutral for scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Operating at the level termed carbon-neutral means that an institution has net-zero emissions from greenhouse gases. For 2019, we purchased renewable energy certificates (download PDF) (RECs) for indirect emissions equal to 120 percent of our electricity use (scope 2), as well as offsets to compensate for unavoidable direct emissions from natural gas, steam and fleet car use (scope 1). Additionally, since 2007, through real estate portfolio management and energy-efficiency programs, we have reduced our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 56 percent.",net-zero 2222,"'Reduce absolute operational GHG emissions80 by 25% by 2025 (from a 2019 base year)' (p29) The payments giant also vowed to use renewable-energy sources to power its data centers by 2023, and pledged to reduce its operational greenhouse gases by 25% by 2025. ",reduction 2223,"Long-term effort to turning the overall product lifecycle carbon neutral in a table*",reduction 2224,"As announced in early 2018, our firm will deploy $1.75 billion by 2023 to drive inclusive growth in communities around the world.",none 2225,"In 2020, adidas received a cash consideration of US $ 50 million.",none 2226,Achieved carbon neutrality in our operations for the sixth consecutive year. p.7,net-zero 2227,"In Executive Order 80: North Carolina's Commitment to Address Climate Change and Transition to a Clean Energy Economy, Governor Roy Cooper laid out a series of goals for the state to strive to accomplish by 2025: Reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below 2005 levels Increase the number of registered, zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to at least 80,000 Reduce energy consumption per square foot in state-owned buildings by at least 40% from fiscal year 2002-2003 levels EO80 creates the Climate Change Interagency Council to help the cabinet agencies work together to achieve those goals. There are specific directives for the Departments of Environmental Quality, Transportation, Administration and Commerce and general directives that apply to all the participating cabinet agencies. Updated information on each agency's plans and ways you can get involved will be posted here. ",reduction 2228,"Investec is pleased to announce that it has achieved net-zero carbon emissions and is committed to ongoing carbon neutrality. ""ur potential impact is greatest where we partner with our clients to help decarbonise their operations. We joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance at the end of 2021, committing to specific and measurable targets that challenge us to direct financial flows towards positive outcomes for our planet and society. """,net-zero 2229,"The Honourable Supreme Court has increased the cap on production of iron ore for the state from 30 to 35 million tonnes, and accordingly increase in our allocation for Karnataka from 2.3 to 4.5 million tonnes in May 2018.",none 2230,"A challenge for today, not tomorrow Aviva has a long-term commitment to tackle climate change.",none 2231,Recent judicial decisions have increased the ability of special interest groups to make claims and oppose projects in regulatory and legal forums.,none 2232,"'committed to reducing emissions in its supply chain by 30% by 2030 (baseline 2017)' (p80, 2019)",reduction 2233,"Roche has set the goal to reduce the Scope 1&2 greenhouse gas emissions to real zero by 2050, without just reverting to buying CO2 reduction certificates. And we strive for significant reductions in the supply chain (scope 3) through real reductions and real compensations.",net-zero 2234,"In December 2021, the Republic of Korea submitted an updated emission reduction target to UNFCCC, scaling up the absolute emissions reduction target from 709.1 MtCO2eq to 727.6 MtCO2eq, which is equivalent to the 40% reduction from the total national GHG emissions in 2018. (Previously reduction target of 709.1 MtCO2eq corresponds to a 24.4% reduction from the 2017 level) In line with its previous target, the updated target (2021) is more predictable and transparent than the target relative to Business-As-Usual (BAU) emissions projection in the previous first NDC.",reduction 2235,"BlackRock recently announced that 75% of its assets will be 'net-zero aligned' by 2030, this is a projection rather than a target . The interim target remains at 50% reduction by 2030, as required by the NZAMI , which they're a part of. Note that the NZAMI target is worded as 'consistent with a fair share of the 50% global reduction in CO2', so the target isn't necessarily 50%, but it's most likely to be interpreted as such. Other interim targets include: - Reduce emissions per employee by 45% by 2020 - 100% renewable energy globally by 2020 - Offset 100% of travel-related emissions by 2020",reduction 2236,"Since the Industrial Revolution, an increase in energy consumption has heightened the concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere, and global warming is progressing.",none 2237,Effectively managing each type of risk helps reduce such threats.,none 2238,"Subject to the provision of international support, Colombia could increase its ambition from 20% reduction with respect to BAU to 30% with respect to BAU by 2030.",reduction 2239,"This could increase overall system costs and reduce visibility over the network, potentially slowing our responsiveness to disruptive events.",none 2240,"The Group has a commitment to a safe and healthy working environment, and to ensuring that its employees are aware of the risks associated with their work and how to avoid them. ",none 2241,"In the event that the client has not taken appropriate measures to address social issues, we undertake engagement with the client to promote remedial measures and, if the client's remedial measures are unsatisfactory, we suspend new financing and investment.",none 2242,We continue to target reduced energy consumption through a variety of initiatives and the new targets were set.,none 2243,"Capitalization of Inventory Costs We capitalize inventory costs associated with our products prior to regulatory approval, when, based on management’s judgment, future commercialization is considered probable and the future economic benefit is expected to be realized.",none 2244,"Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050,",net-zero 2245,This training has now been converted into an on-line course which has now been shared with local units to incorporate as part of their training programmes.,none 2246,"""committed to being carbon neutral in 2021""",net-zero 2247,"The survey revealed some current challenges to gender equality in the workplace, such as the lack of female workers at managerial level, lack of diverse role models, and the unconscious bias among workers.",none 2248,"""supporting the business aviation industry’s goal to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2050""",reduction 2249,"The Austin City Council has declared a Climate Emergency, and the Climate Equity Plan’s Steering Committee has challenged us to accelerate our climate goals, endorsing the new goal of equitably reaching netzero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, utilizing a steep decline path, followed by negative emissions",net-zero 2250,"An absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions 55 percent by 2030, from a 2017 baseline year; and An absolute reduction of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent by 2030, from a 2017 baseline year focusing on farm-to-retail materials, sourcing operations and logistics.",reduction 2251,"We care about our impact on the environment. With an aim to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2050, we are committed to helping lead the transition to a low-carbon future by progressively decarbonising our business and investing in technologies to help our customers do the same.",net-zero 2252,We will invest up to DKK 250 million over the strategy period to support our new sustainability strategy.,none 2253,"In response to a request made during this assessment, the Board Secretariat undertook to make every effort to provide the relevant documents further in advance of the meetings.",none 2254,"We are now building on these efforts with new goals, which include committing to net-zero emissions by 2035 in alignment with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).",net-zero 2255,Focus on emission reduction in the whole process of production.,none 2256,"[Bloque 7: #a3] ""1. Se establecen los siguientes objetivos mínimos nacionales para el año 2030 al objeto de dar cumplimiento a los compromisos internacionalmente asumidos y sin perjuicio de las competencias autonómicas: a) Reducir en el año 2030 las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del conjunto de la economía española en, al menos, un 23 % respecto del año 1990. b) Alcanzar en el año 2030 una penetración de energías de origen renovable en el consumo de energía final de, al menos, un 42 %. c) Alcanzar en el año 2030 un sistema eléctrico con, al menos, un 74 % de generación a partir de energías de origen renovables. d) Mejorar la eficiencia energética disminuyendo el consumo de energía primaria en, al menos, un 39,5 %, con respecto a la línea de base conforme a normativa comunitaria."" (The following minimum national objectives are established for the year 2030 in order to comply with the internationally assumed commitments and without prejudice to the autonomous powers: a) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Spanish economy as a whole in 2030 by at least 23% compared to 1990. b) Reach in 2030 a penetration of renewable energies in final energy consumption of at least 42%. c) Reach an electrical system by 2030 with at least 74% generation from renewable energy sources. d) Improve energy efficiency by reducing primary energy consumption by at least 39.5%, with respect to the baseline in accordance with community regulations)",reduction 2257,"In particular, a sustained mar- ket decline in China, which accounts for approximately 30% of KONE’s sales, could have an adverse effect on KONE’s growth and profitability.",none 2258,The Group's organisational structure is aligned with the current economic and business environment. ,none 2259,"These include changes in climate policy, technology, or market sentiment, and impact thereof on the market value of financial assets, as well as impact resulting from climate change litigation.",none 2260,"(p1) Long-term target: Scope 1 & 2 ""Net zero: 90% reduction and 10% removals by 2040"", Scope 3: ""Net zero: 83% reduction and 17% removals by 2050""",net-zero 2261,This analysis enables us to assess the exposure of our portfolio to climate risk on a forward-looking basis using various scenarios.,none 2262,strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Bank operations.,none 2263,"Moreover, the staff working on the ERM documentation coordinate with those drafting the risk factor description for the Annual Report Form 10-K to assure thoroughness in response.",none 2264,"In addition, on an annual basis, subject to then-applicable high water marks, HPS receives a base performance fee equal to 10% of the income generated on the non-investment grade portfolio, and is eligible to earn an additional performance fee equal to 25% of any such investment income in excess of a net 10% return to us after deduction for paid and accrued management fees and base performance fees, with the total performance fees not to exceed 17.5% of the Income (as defined in the investment management agreements relating to Watford Re, WICE and Watford Trust) or Aggregate Income (as defined in the investment management agreements relating to WSIC and WIC), as applicable.",none 2265,"In addition, we partner with the most estab- lished fund managers, fast-growing funds and select startups, blending traditional prime brokerage services with innovative financing solutions and comprehensive capital and consulting advisory services, to help funds build durable organizations across their lifecycle.",none 2266,"While the primary reasons for this purchase were to demonstrate environmental leadership, a secondary beneft is that the company now has a long-term contract to buy carbon-free power.",none 2267,This allows for the verification of company performance with additional information collected before and after meetings.,none 2268,Our net-zero roadmap is based on nine key building blocks necessary to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 2050. ,net-zero 2269,"Dominion East Ohio Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Program In 2008, our local natural gas distribution company serving 1.2 million customer accounts in Ohio began replacing bare steel, cast iron, wrought iron and copper pipe.",none 2270,"Deliver on commitment to Net Zero Investment Portfolio Emissions by 2050 ",net-zero 2271,"""By 2030, Yili's estimated carbon emissions per ton of dairy products is expected to decline by 40% with 2012 as the base year."" ",reduction 2272,"The bond issue agreement provides that any bondholder may obtain early redemption or repurchase of all or part of the bonds he owns at a price equal to the nominal value of the bonds (or, where applicable, the redemption price) plus accrued interest (See Section 2.2.4 (Liquidity and Capital Resources) of this Registration Document).",none 2274,net zero carbon emissions by 2070,net-zero 2275,"""In January 2022, we announced an initial set of 2030 ESG targets. Our 2030 ESG targets include reducing our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity and customer emissions, growing our renewable energy footprint and transitional products, increasing economic benefits for Indigenous partners, continuing our focus on safety, and further promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace"" (sustainability 2021 report, pg. 8)",reduction 2276,"In the past year, our financial support to PIVI has focused on the establishment of a global coalition to explore the value of a coordinated stakeholders plan for epidemic and pandemic influenza preparedness.",none 2277,"We established the “KB GREEN WAVE 20301” as a strategic goal to integrate ESG factors into conducting our business and further build stakeholder trust. We aim to pursue carbon neutrality based on KB Net Zero S.T.A.R., our mid-to-long-term carbon neutrality strategy. We will reduce our internal emissions by 42% by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040 and reduce our asset portfolio’s emissions by 33% by 2030 to become carbon neutral by 2050.",net-zero 2278,Some investors have decided not to make new investments in coal-fired thermal power.,none 2279,"LED lighting, new chillers, heating, ventilation and an air conditioning system have made the site more energy efficient.",none 2280,"As approved by the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative, our goal is to reduce our absolute legacy IFF Scope 1 emissions (those we directly control) and Scope 2 emissions (those generated though purchased electricity and steam) by 30% below 2015 levels by 2025. ",reduction 2281,"’落实碳达峰碳中和“双碳”战略‘ Implement the 'double carbon' strategy (which is peaking emissions in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060) ",net-zero 2282,"Where relevant, these discussions are also fed up to the Board Risk Committee, which is chaired by BNY Mellon Investment Management’s Global Head of Governance, Greg Brisk, which is then fed into the board.",none 2283,"""In February 2021, we announced J-POWER R “BLUE MISSION 2050,” an initiative that declares our efforts to achieve a carbon-neutral, hydrogen-based society by 2050 and sets a CO2 emissions reduction target of 40%* for the transition point of 2030"" Source: p4 ",net-zero 2284,"In July 2021, Maybank presented its long-term sustainability commitments designed to propel the Group’s growth and strengthen its position as a regional ESG leader. One of the four headline commitments on sustainability include achieving a Carbon Neutral position for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 and Net Zero Carbon Equivalent position by 2050. Maybank’s Carbon Neutral 2030 commitment refers to the Group’s own emissions while its Net Zero 2050 commitment refers to achieving an overall balance between all direct and indirect emissions, covering both the operations of the Group and the business activities that it finances. ",net-zero 2285,"'As the first banking financial institution in China to join the initiative, IB aims to help meet China’s goal to “peak CO2 emission by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060” (the 30·60 goals) through an internationally recognized carbon neutral system. It set the goals and developed the roadmaps for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality across the Bank, and worked hard to transform its operation in the low-carbon direction, laying the foundation for the same transformation of its asset portfolio in the future.' (p84)",net-zero 2286,reduce the scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emission intensity of eoc-monitored buildings by 25% by 2029/30 with 2019/20 as the base year. ,reduction 2287,"This was only stated verbally by Environment Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) in front of 200 participants from politics, business, municipalities and civil society at the online kick-off for the development of the first climate plan for the state (summer 2021) ",none 2288,""" by 2050, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% of 1990 levels""",reduction 2289,"The plan is to reduce 60% of emissions by 2030, according to the official climate action plan of Lisbon. Some sources claim 70% which is false.",reduction 2290,"Achievement of carbon neutrality of PMI's direct operations (scope 1+2) by 2030 Achievement of carbon neutrality for PMI's value chain (scope 1+2+3) by 2050 source: ",net-zero 2291,"""By 2050, achieve carbon neutrality"" ",net-zero 2292,achieve net zero carbon emissions from all business locations of SKFH and the subsidiaries.,net-zero 2293,"Although it has no legal or regulatory obligation to compensate the losses suffered by its funds, Tikehau Capital could decide on a voluntary basis to provide financial assistance to its funds suffering significant losses, particularly in order to ensure that its clients do not withdraw their assets quickly.",none 2294,"Reduce our scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions ",reduction 2295,"Warsaw is part of Race to Zero . Otherwise, Warsaw continues to its climate action plan as of December 2020 under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s Green Cities programme, including reaching out to stakeholders. ",net-zero 2296,"By 2025, carbon emissions/energy consumption intensity is reduced by 35% (2018 as base year).",reduction 2297,"The dedicated Environmental, Social, and Governance Engagement Committee that oversees TDAM's overall Environmental, Social, and Governance strategy, integration and implementation facilitates discussion around Environmental, Social, and Governance issues, engagements and policy direction.",none 2298,"First, KT&G is planning to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2030 compared to the levels in 2020, and to realize carbon neutral status by 2050, which is the ultimate goal.",reduction 2299,"'Achieve 14 per cent reduction in Scope 2 emissions intensity by 2030, with baseline year of 2018.' (p77)",reduction 2300,"""The Hague has committed to becoming climate-neutral by 2030, which is 10 years ahead of the country’s national goal. "" (Source: ",net-zero 2301,"""In April 2021, Honda again announced its vision to achieve carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities Honda is involved in by 2050.""",net-zero 2302,"“net zero by 2050 for all business scopes, including the carbon emissions associated with the use of our energy products by our customers”",net-zero 2303,"These efciencies are focused on an analysis of the company's non-core activities and on the assignment of operational functions within each of the business units, all supported by the ongoing digitalisation processes.",none 2304,"[The AIETI will focus on ve supply chains critical to achieving the Paris Agreement temperature goals ( ' well - below two degrees Celsius and striving for 1.5 degrees Celsius ' ) given their signicance to global emissions and their relatively higher abatement costs .]",none 2305,The Best Management Practices (BMPs) are mandatory requirements set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). ,none 2306,"As far as the current and the next two financial years are concerned, we expect to see a constant supply – in terms of number and volume – of investment opportunities on our market.",none 2307,"The risks noted below are not meant to represent an exhaustive list, but outline those risks faced by IAG that have been identified in IAG's RMS:  strategic risk – the risk of not achieving corporate or strategic goals due to poor business decisions regarding future business plans and strategies and/or a lack of responsiveness to changes in the business environment;",none 2308,"The ACT is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2045 (based on 1990 levels). We’ll get there progressively. We aim to reduce emissions by: 50 to 60% by 2025 65 to 75% by 2030 90 to 95% by 2040.",net-zero 2309,"We’re committing to achieving Carbon Neutrality across our operations by 2030, using a Net Zero approach. By 2040, our ambition is to align our customer lending portfolio across all sectors to net zero carbon emissions (with the exception of agriculture which will likely need greater support).",net-zero 2310,"Reduce GHG emissions by 75 percent by 2050, with 2017 as the base year, in our whole value chain (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). To reach our goal by 2030 and 2050, we are committed to reducing GHG emissions by 5 percent per year. ",reduction 2311,"Nepal has made a commitment to achieving a net-zero emission by 2045 and increasing the share of clean energy in the country’s energy demand to 15 per cent and forest cover to 45 per cent by 2030. In his address to the World Leaders Summit during the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow, United Kingdom, on Monday, Nepal’s delegation head, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba made the announcement.",net-zero 2312,"Net-zero by 2050, and over 30% reduction in net carbon intensity by 2030",net-zero 2313,"[e / million tonne The Employee Performance Scorecards ( EPS ) of the CFO and VicePresident Financial Planning include improvements in CN 's fuel efficiency , in line with the Canadian rail industry medium - term emission intensity reduction target and the company 's long - term science - based target .]",reduction 2314,He has a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Sydney and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.,none 2315,"'The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) approved the targets to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from its operations 26% by 2030 against a 2018 baseline.' 'In February 2021, Union Pacific announced a science-based target to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26% by 2030 from a 2018 baseline' (p3, ",reduction 2316,"The Company made a donation to the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity in 2016 of £110,000. ",none 2317,"We aspire to be a thought leader, to innovate, and to advance understanding of sustainability issues.",none 2318,New strategy set: Net-zero emissions across entire business by 2050 (p7),net-zero 2319,The first is applying a mindset of deep and broad innovation across all dimensions of our business.,none 2320,"Guinea-Bissau's unconditional contribution corresponds to a decrease of GHG emissions in 2030 by 10% compared to the reference scenario. This contribution, based on the country's own efforts, is ambitious given the country's economic situation and its level of development. The conditional contribution, the implementation of which requires international support, allows an additional reduction of GHG emissions in 2030 by 20% compared to the emissions of the reference scenario, as shown in the following graph:",reduction 2322,"Momentum is gathering globally to tackle climate change following the Paris Agreement, which came into force in 2016, aiming to limit temperature rise this century to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.",none 2323,"""The science tells us this is the period where we need to see the most profound changes: deep and unprecedented carbon reduction during 2020-25, at the same time as planning for further cuts from 2026, down to zero CO2 emissions by 2038, at the latest"" (p7) ",net-zero 2324,"The fair value of the trees is at the Orion Directors' valuation having regard to, amongst other matters, replacement cost and the trees commercial production qualities.",none 2325,Race to Zero: Net Zero 2040 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2040 (first national British house-builder to do so).,net-zero 2326,"For example, we generally include clauses in contractual agreements with partners that allow us to suspend or even terminate our partnership in case of improper or unethical conduct.",none 2327,Vision 2030 is our commitment to reach carbon neutrality through a combination of emissions reductions and offsets from our buildings. ,net-zero 2328,"POSCO joins in with the Korean government’s 2050 Carbon Neutrality Declaration ",net-zero 2329,"The semi-conductor, tech and di- gital equipment, and pharmaceutical sectors had the highest exposure: the first two due to the depen- dence of their value chains on components made in countries (predominantly in Asia) with high exposure to physical risks.",none 2330,"'By the end of FY22, we commit to reducing our Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 5% from a FY19 baseline.'",reduction 2331,"[This is primarily achieved through : • Tailoring cash - flow forecasts by internalising a cost of carbon during the valuation process • Understanding the carbon footprint and carbon intensity of each portfolio • Analysing the portfolio ’s exposure to stranded assets .]",none 2332,"The middle-office teams monitor, whenever the net asset value is published, that the valuation data used by the custodian comply with decisions taken and that all closing elements have been properly integrated.",none 2334,"""Germany is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 65 per cent of the 1990 levels."" ",reduction 2335,"To reduce our direct Scope 1 and 2 emissions 42% by 2032 using a 2021 base year $825 investment in RNG. With this investment, we expect that 65% of landfill gas will be captured for beneficial reuse, an anticipated increase of 600% at WM-owned RNG plants, over the next four years. This will generate enough renewable energy to supply the equivalent of 1 million North American homes. Our investment is anticipated to allow WM to fuel our entire natural gas fleet with RNG by 2026 Develop a system for measuring fugitive emissions by 2025. By the end of 2021, 57% of WM’s collection fleet had been transitioned to CNG vehicles, saving 8000 gallons of diesel fuel per year and comprising the largest heavy-duty natural gas fleet of its kind in North America. In 2021, 47% of fuel for our collection fleet was from a renewable source. Our investment in RNG facilities will allow WM to fuel our entire natural gas fleet with RNG by 2026 - will lead to an 80% reduction in co2 emissions. ",reduction 2336,"In 2015, WestRock established a goal to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions per ton of production by 20% from a 2015 baseline by 2025, and we’re making continued progress. ",reduction 2338,Ontario will reduce its emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.,reduction 2339,Underestimating this risk could lead to sudden and significant losses in the financial sector.,none 2340,"""...and committed to achieving carbon neutrality before 2050 with targets set for 2030, 2040 and 2050.""",net-zero 2341,'Intesa Sanpaolo has also made a commitment to achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050' (p14),net-zero 2342,"Achieve our goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 Refers to achieving net-zero GHG emissions by balancing human-caused emissions with removal of residual carbon emissions through human intervention",net-zero 2343,"Through our second line assurance responsibilities, we’re ensuring that internal controls remain effective and that internal audit is providing strong third line assurance.",none 2344,"At the same time, developments with miniature real-time clocks, as well as experience gained in this field, are helping Micro Crystal to significantly increase the accuracy of its integrated watch modules.",none 2345,"(Pg. 32) ""As a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), CaixaBank is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050. CaixaBank currently has a neutral carbon footprint from its own activity and is working to ensure that its indirect activity, in other words, its portfolio, is also net zero in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.""",net-zero 2346,"'One of these objectives relates to achieving net zero emissions of greenhouse gases as soon as possible, or by 2040 at the latest.' (2021 report p14)",net-zero 2347,The continued rise of passive and low-fee products reflects ongoing fee sensitivity from investors.,none 2348,"The estimated 320 loans will have a particular emphasis on enterprises created by young entrepreneurs, women, artisans and small-scale farmers.",none 2349,We also launched several digi- tal services to improve customer experi- ence.,none 2350,"As at December 31, 2006, we managed approximately $71 billion of assets consisting of: Physical assets, primarily property, power generation, timber and transmission assets that are owned and managed within our core operating platforms together with associated working capital for the benefit of us and our co-investors; and Securities, which frequently represent investments in physical assets such as those described in the foregoing paragraph.",none 2351,"""Achieve net-zero GHG emissions in the SuMi TRUST Group by 2030 (Scope 1 and Scope 2 of the GHG Protocol)"" ",net-zero 2352,"They are reused to create embankments, landscaping and noise-absorbing dunes, as well as for the redevelopment of degraded areas (such as abandoned quarries).",none 2353,Achieve a 7% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025 vs. 2018.,reduction 2354,"Goals for 2030 include a GHG reduction at manufacturing plants of 25% below the 2020’s level, renewable energy-only operations, a 20% increase in the water use efficiency and zero-landfill waste - see CJ Cheiljiedang Climate Action Report 2021 pg 10: From additional source ""To report GHG emissions under the Act on the Allocation and Trading of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Permits (Emissions Trading Act), we set a goal of reducing emissions by 33% compared to BAU by 2030 based on the 2030 National GHG Emissions Reduction Roadmap and past data (GHG emissions, emissions intensity, and production volume)."" ",reduction 2355,"Its long-term target is a reduction of 80 % by 2050. The new government has set an even more ambitious target, aiming for climate neutrality by 2050.  Achievement of an 80% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 (including 70% by 2030) ",net-zero 2356,Weighted Average Carbon Intensity: arithmetical3) average carbon intensities of portfolio companies weighted by their portfolio weights which allows exposure to high emission companies to be assessed.,none 2357,The social policy package included a reduction in the statutory minimum wage. ,none 2358,"In 2017, net cash from operating activities increased by EUR 372 million to EUR 993 (621) million, due to a EUR 260 million increase in comparable EBITDA, a EUR 193 million decrease in realised foreign exchange gains and losses, a EUR 133 million decrease in income taxes paid and a EUR 183 decrease in working capital compared to the previous year.",none 2359,"It uses palm kernel shell (PKS) and a small amount of coal as fuels with an output of 75 MW, making it one of Japan's largest biomass power stations.",none 2360,"'For the past few years we have been on a path to reduce our carbon emissions and in 2021, we took a key step forward – setting a goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions across our full value chain by 2050' (p41)",net-zero 2361,We normalized emissions to portfolio company revenue to arrive at a carbon intensity of metric tons (MT) CO2e per million dollars of revenue.,none 2362,'That is why we aim to achieve net zero GHG emissions from global operations by 2050 and we set an interim goal to achieve an absolute reduction of 30% in scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2030.] (p23),net-zero 2363,We do not consider likelihood when assessing these risks as the potential impacts mean these risks must be treated as a priority.,none 2364,"As part of the company's governance process, an annual report on the company's social and environmental performance is published. ",none 2365,"Memphis City Council adopted goals to reduce City and County climate pollution by 51% below 2016 levels by 2035, and 71% by 2050. . In order to reach a more aggressive target such as 80% by 2050, Memphis will need to continue to implement more stringent actions in future cycles of climate action planning.",reduction 2366,Our analysis of a representative sample of CFD client accounts found that these products were increasingly being sold to retail clients and that 82% of clients lost money on these products.,none 2367,"Any disclosures are then assessed through the SEMS process and, if necessary, mitigating actions are taken.",none 2368,"Investment management and third-party service provider arrangements The Board has overall responsibility for the Company’s activities, including the review of investment activity and performance and the control and supervision of all suppliers of services to the Company, including the Investment Manager.",none 2369,The persistence of downside risks is leading central banks to suggest a more accommodative policy over the coming months.,none 2370,The CMSI focused on supporting implementation of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations in addition to better understanding the financial system's exposures to climate-related risks.,none 2371,"CSX Corporation CSX announced a partnership with Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corporation WAB to reduce its carbon footprint by lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, this partnership will help CSX in its goal to lower greenhouse gas emissions by 37% within 2030.",reduction 2372,• Growing penetration of technologies with 0 marginal cost (reducing prices and increasing prices’ volatility).,none 2373,Scientific consensus suggests society is likely to experience devastating impacts as a result of these changes.,none 2374,"A global increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in our atmosphere has caused a record-breaking pace of temperature rise, and the rate of change is still increasing.",none 2375,"'UGI supports the Paris Climate Accord and will work towards carbon neutrality in our operations by 2050' (p14) ",net-zero 2376,decrease by 7% the CO2 per employee,reduction 2377,Tyson Foods Targets 2050 to Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions.,net-zero 2378,"BT Group has today announced plans to curb its carbon emissions sooner than planned, by bringing forward its net zero target from 2045 to 2030 for its own operational emissions and 2040 for its supply chain and customer emissions. ",net-zero 2379,"""Our targets for reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions are: 29% by 2025 compared to our 2018 baseline"" (p2) ""Our targets for reducing scope 3 GHG emissions are: 37% by 2030 compared to our 2020 baseline.""",reduction 2380,"The Board of Directors is composed of nine members, all of whom are non-executive. ",none 2381,We plan to reduce absolute direct operational Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 75% and our absolute indirect value chain emissions by 40% by 2030 (2015 baseline).,reduction 2382,"If Philips is unable to recognize these changes in good time, is late in adjusting its business models, or if circumstances arise such as pricing actions by competitors, then this could have a material adverse effect on Philips’ growth ambitions, financial condition and operating result.",none 2383,2025 50% Reductions (From 2005 Levels) in Greenhouse Gas (Electric Generation),reduction 2384,"The interim target for emissions reduction has a lower unconditional bound (29%), and a higher conditional bound (41%); as the latter depends on international support for finance, technology transfer and development and capacity building.",reduction 2385,"The firm is committed to transparency and the sharing of information with clients, and this is reflected in the firm's publications and communications. ",none 2386,"We have set ourselves the goal of climate neutrality by 2035 at the latest. By this we mean net neutrality in relation to our Scope 1 and 2 emissions. We base this on a residual budget of 150 megatons, which follows from the definition of the German Advisory Council on the Environment for achieving climate neutrality in accordance with the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement. ""EnBW’s 2035 climate neutrality target in relation to Scope 1 and 2 is in line with the requirements and targets in the Paris Climate Agreement. In order to achieve net zero emissions by 2035 and the interim target of a 50 % emission reduction by 2030 (relative to the 2018 baseline), we have adopted a package of various climate action measures."" - ",net-zero 2387,"""interim goal for a 30% reduction in greenhouse gases within the company's direct operational control by 2030, based on 2019 levels""",reduction 2388,"Improving operational efficiency Our teams are dedicated to monitoring and optimising our roadside fix rate – one of our key performance metrics – which is not only better for our customers, but also means we reduce our mileage and only tow vehicles (the most carbon-intensive part of our service) where absolutely necessary.",none 2389,by 2050 reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero,net-zero 2390,"The new fee that will apply from the appointment date will be £525,000 per annum.",none 2391,"In April 2021, we set a new bar for the steel industry. U. S. Steel announced we aim to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This action supports the U.N. Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. Our bold commitment builds on our 2030 goal to reduce our GHG emissions intensity by 20%, compared to a 2018 baseline. ",net-zero 2392,"The 2013 Cleveland Climate Action Plan established an overarching greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goal of 80% below 2010 emissions by 2050,",reduction 2393,"Operational Emissions (Scope 1 and 2): important results and ambition In 2021, we assumed the ambition to neutralize our operational emissions of greenhouse gases within a timeframe compatible with the Paris Agreement. Net zerovwithin a timeframevcompatible with thevParis Agreement",net-zero 2394,Target aims to achieve 50% absolute reduction Scope 1 and 2 emissions and 30% absolute reduction in Scope 3 emissions from a 2017 baseline. Target also aims to have 80% of its suppliers by spend to set science-based reduction targets for Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2023.,reduction 2395,"Climate commitment extended to net-zero GHG emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2045",net-zero 2396,"Remuneration philosophy The Group’s remuneration philosophy is based on rewarding people for their individual performance, their division’s performance and the overall performance of the Group.",none 2397,The company is benefiting from the growing proportion of electrical and electronic components in vehicles and from the trend among original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers towards outsourcing parts of their production.,none 2398,"Facing environmental challenges (global warming, reduction of agricultural, natural and forest areas, decrease in biodiversity, degradation of water resources, etc.)",none 2399,Manifestation of these increased costs may increase the underlying cost of production of the Group’s products which may adversely impact the financial performance of the Group.,none 2400,The key target in the Climate Mitigation Action Plan is to reduce city-wide GHG emissions by 80 per cent below 2005 levels by 2050.,reduction 2401,"In Denmark, this has led to an initial reduction of more than 50% in the loan process handling time when customers use our digital solutions.",none 2402,"In particular, TCNV has signed an agreement with NIO Capital to cooperate and to invest in the mobility segment.",none 2403,"Spanning the years through 2050, the vision focuses on three activities that are essential for increasing sustainability:reducing carbon emissions, recycling resources, and coexistingharmoniously with nature—or in other words, the ""zero carbon,"" ""zero waste,"" and ""zero impact"" of Triple Zero 2050. ",net-zero 2404,These impact the reputation of the financial services industry as a whole and potentially threaten consumer confidence in both the reliability of services and the safety of their data and savings.,none 2405,"""On 28 August 2019, the Federal Council decided that Switzerland would aim to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and gave the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) the task of drawing up a long-term climate strategy, thus ensuring that Switzerland meets a requirement of the Paris Agreement."" [Source: ",net-zero 2406,"To ensure the independence of the Board, the shareholders of DWS KGaA agreed at the Annual General Meeting on 21 May 2015 to reduce the number of members of the Supervisory Board to six. ",none 2407,"The review concluded that the Directors’ qualifications, effectiveness, performance and contribution to the Board are of a high standard.",none 2408,"América Móvil commits to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 52%, as well as our absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions by 13.5% by 2030, compared with 2019 levels. ",reduction 2409,"Committed to 'Science Based Targets': ",net-zero 2410,303-2 Management of water dischargerelated impacts GRI 303: WATER AND EFFLUENTS 303-3 Water withdrawal Not applicable due to the type of Group financial activity.,none 2411," NB: Morocco commits to reducing its GHG emissions by 45 % below business-as-usual (BAU) levels by 2030. This commitment will only be made possible if Morocco gains access to new sources of finance and to additional support relative to support received in recent years (conditional). Unconditional: ""The new target includes an unconditional emissions reduction of 18.3% below BAU by 2030, up from a 17% reduction in the previous NDC."" ",reduction 2412,"This policy looks beyond business‑as‑usual measures to highlight the most significant, high‑impact actions that we are taking in collaboration with industry and the community, to reinvigorate our economy, prepare for climate change and achieve our aspiration of net zero emissions by 2050",net-zero 2413,"The value of the Company’s investment in these instruments was £1,049,073,000. ",none 2414,"Consequences include diminished brand efficacy in commercial markets, impeding our ability to execute our strategy and our status as investor, partner and employer of choice.",none 2415,"These included launching a partnership with ClimateWorks Australia to develop sustainable agricultural metrics to improve natural asset management, investing $2 billion in affordable housing and investing $2 billion in the emerging technology sector to spur innovation by 2025.",none 2416,"PSD2 will increase consumers’ control over financial data, but also their responsibility for this data.",none 2417,●Reduce CO2 from business activities by 45% in base unit per sales unit compared to FY2016 by 2030,reduction 2418,"The Board's Corporate Governance Statement, revised in December 2005, sets out the Company's commitment to sound corporate governance. ",none 2419,"[All these risks can generate a series of impacts for our Company , such as financial losses in Distribution and network maintenance services , payment of fines for interruption of power supply , reduction of hydroelectric power generation - and consequent deficits in Generation Scaling Factor - GSF and higher free market price volatility .]",none 2420,"For IPP business, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 60% or more by 2035 (compared to 2019) and we will end all the coal-fired power generation business in the late 2040s.",reduction 2421,"Additionally, technological disruption can occur quickly.",none 2422,'Reduce GHG emissions intensity from our operations. 30% by 2030' (p10),reduction 2423,"Wipro, while unveiling its pledge on Earth Day, also set an intermediate target of a 55 per cent reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 in absolute emission levels compared to its base year of 2016-17 (April-March). These targets are based on the globally accepted Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and reflect the deep decarbonization and operational changes Wipro will drive within its value chain to achieve Net-Zero within 2040. ",reduction 2425,Mastercard is currently working towards its SBTi-approved goal to reduce total Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 38% and Scope 3 emissions by 20% by 2025 from a 2016 baseline. ,reduction 2426,"After approval, topics are forwarded to areas responsible for their compliance.",none 2427,"We are committed to net-zero emissions by 2050 or earlier. Hydro has the ambition of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 2050 or earlier.",net-zero 2428,"Market intelligence from both these activities allows the Bank to monitor the development of green and sustainable financial markets, and helps inform the Bank's policy response to climate-related risks affecting monetary and financial stability.",none 2429,"'Reach net-zero operations from 2022 through compensation of all measured, unavoidable CO2 emissions of own business activities' (p161)",net-zero 2430,"FY2050 target : carbon neutral (= net zero CO2 emissions) ",net-zero 2431,The Supervisory Board commissions a limited audit review of the Combined Non- financial declaration.,none 2432,Net zero in operations and value chain,net-zero 2433,"'Reach 64% of our suppliers by spend covering purchased goods and services with science-based targets by 2026' 'Reduce our absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from categories other than purchased goods and services 42% by 2030, from a 2020 base year' (p10)",reduction 2434,"With our sights firmly set on the long haul, we plan to invest a record $3.2 billion in 2018 to improve the safety, efficiency and capacity of our network.",none 2435,"Sony business operations rely on a healthy natural environment. To help promote fulfilling lifestyles today and tomorrow, and achieve a zero environmental footprint by the year 2050, we have set goals from four environmental perspectives: curbing climate change, conserving resources, controlling chemical substances, and promoting biodiversity.",net-zero 2436,"We are also exposed to the risk of higher costs, delays or even project cancellations due to increasing pressure on governments and regulators by special interest groups.",none 2437,A high carbon intensity of electricity supply may be a factor in the choice of location. ,none 2438,"Setting a new target to reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 versus a 2019 baseline using science-based approaches, building on BMO’s Carbon Neutral operations (since 2010) and matching 100% of global electricity use with renewable energy purchases (since 2020)",reduction 2439,Own funds Own funds are the sum of Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital.,none 2440,"""une baisse de 30% des emissions de GES d'origine energetique et non energetique a l'horizon 2030 par rapport aux emissions constatees en 2015"" - a 30% reduction in GHG emissions of energy and non-energy origin by 2030 compared to emissions at 2015 levels",reduction 2441,"""In order to make a significant contribution to the realization of a carbon-neutral society as the industry leader in low-carbon and decarbonization, the Kyuden Group has clarified its goals for 2050, revised its management objectives (environmental objectives) for 2030 upward by backcasting, and formulated an Action Plan containing specific strategies for achieving these targets. ○ Reduction plan for emissions ・Amount of renewable energy developed: 5,000 MW (2030) ・Maximum use of nuclear power with safety as a top priority ・ Lowering the carbon intensity of thermal power ・ Conversion of all company cars to 100% EVs*1 (2030)   *1 Excl. special purpose vehicles ○ Emissions reduction targets 2050 goals: ・ We will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the entire supply chain to ""virtually zero"" during business activities. ・We will contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions in society by promoting a shift to electricity-based energy consumption to the maximum extent possible, providing a stable supply of environmentally-friendly energy, etc. Through these efforts, the Kyuden Group will achieve “carbon negativity” as early as possible before 2050"" (Integrated Report FY2021 , pg. 64)",net-zero 2442,"Optimising our repair network Direct Line Group Auto Services has been operating since 1995 and has grown to 21 sites covering most major UK cities, repairing around 90,000 accident-damaged cars each year.",none 2443,"""We have also taken our Net Zero by 2040 plan further with the addition of an ambitious target across the value chain which requires the reduction of absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent by 2030""",net-zero 2444,This methodology is forward-looking and uses the IEA's 2 C scenario.,none 2445," Reduce emissions 60% by 2030 (2018 baseline) For Scope 2: Net-zero emissions by 2030",reduction 2446,"A specific Board training session also took place, which included discussion on the Board’s role in establishing culture.",none 2447,"End target covers its finance portfolio, so including scope 3",none 2448,"""By 2030, we plan to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 70% from our 2015 baseline, and to work with our supply chain to reduce our Scope 3 GHG emissions by 30% from our 2018 baseline.""",reduction 2449,"We have undertaken an analysis of the impact to our business model of transitional scenarios where decarbonisation goals are, or are not, met.",none 2450,Carbon neutral company - ClimateCare Certified Partner 2021,net-zero 2451,"The CEO and the executive vice presidents have individual behaviour goals within prioritised behaviour themes such as safety and compliance, empowerment, diversity and inclusion or collaboration.",none 2452,The impacts of climate change may increase losses for those sectors sensitive to the effects of physical and transition risks.,none 2453,"On the smart device front, we released Super Mario Run, a new action game application featuring Mario, in December for the iOS and March for the Android.",none 2454,SASB The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board is an ESG guidance framework that sets standards for the disclosure of financially material sustainability information by companies to their investors. ,none 2455,"Goal: Achieve net zero (scopes 1 & 2) by 2030 with 100% renewable energy • Progress: Discovery set this public goal in December 2021, and is working to begin to make progress against the goal. Discovery already prioritizes offsetting its emissions, and is identifying other ways to invest in renewable energy infrastructure. In December 2021, we also became a member of RE100 joining other leading businesses who are committed to 100% renewable energy across the globe. This commitment will strengthen our net zero approach by aligning our renewable energy generation and procurement strategy with RE100 criteria and addressing the importance of credible claims and regionality.",net-zero 2456,"""Fast Retailing commits to reducing absolute GHG emissions from its own operations such as stores and main offices by 90% by fiscal 2030 from a fiscal 2019 base year; and absolute GHG emissions from raw materials, fabric and garment production* by 20% over the same time frame. We also commit to achieving 100% sourcing of renewable electricity by fiscal 2030. These targets were approved by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as science-based targets (SBTs), and are in line with the level of decarbonization required to achieve the Paris Agreement goals."" ",reduction 2457,"""GHG emissions reduction goal of net zero emissions by 2050""",net-zero 2458,"reduce carbon emissions by 3% in 2020, compared to the same period in 2019.",reduction 2459,"In addition, $3 million in funding was provided for the development and implementation of a Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy, in collaboration with local councils and other key stakeholder groups ($1 million per annum over three years).",none 2460,"Business Review INVESTMENT POLICY (i) Objective and policy The Company’s objective is to enable investors to benefit from rapid and sustained growth anticipated by the directors in the markets for cleaner or more efficient delivery of basic services of energy, water and waste.",none 2461,"Once complete, the project will be Canada’s largest hydrogen blending project, injecting an initial five per cent hydrogen by volume into a section of Fort Saskatchewan’s residential natural gas distribution network.",none 2462,"On a semi-annual basis, the Risk Management department conducts a survey with all members of the Core Leadership Group (CLG), Extended Leadership Group (ELG) and Global High Potential Group (GHIPO) to ensure an effective bottom-up identification of risks and opportunities.",none 2463,"Key focus on positive customer outcomes and quality of customer engagement; Support for the Group’s purpose and values to build a safe, respectful and inclusive culture through remuneration policies and schemes that promote and reward good conduct and behaviours for the benefit of our customers and colleagues; and Promotion of a positive culture for employees and customers with demonstrable alignment to remuneration outcomes where our standards for conduct and behaviours are not met, including a robust individual performance assessment process and malus and clawback policy.",none 2464,"50% reduction in scope 1&2 emissions and 25% reduction in scope 3 emissions by 2032 (on a 2017 base year) Origin’s current medium-term emission reduction targets have been approved by the SBTi. We have committed to halve our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions on an equity share basis by 2032, from our FY2017 baseline of 18,246 kilotonnes (kt) CO2-e. Emissions reported on an equity basis captures the emissions relating to the assets we own, including our generation fleet and our 37.5 per cent share of Australia Pacific LNG, which includes the downstream operations and non-operated areas. We have also committed to reducing Scope 3 emissions by 25 per cent by 2032 from the FY2017 baseline of 27,451 kt CO2-e. Our SBTi Scope 3 target covers a minimum two-thirds of our total Scope 3 equity emissions in the baseline. This Scope 3 target covers all supply chain emissions incurred within the domestic market, including the electricity and gas that our Energy Markets business sells to customers and the Origin equity gas Australia Pacific LNG sells to domestic customers. It does not include Australia Pacific LNG’s LNG exports. Medium-term equity emissions targets and performance (kt CO2-e) 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 FY2017 Baseline FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2032 Scope 1 and Scope 2 Scope 3 Origin’s SBTi targets As discussed in more detail in the following section, in FY2021, our equity Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions were 16,391 kt CO2-e, a decrease of eight per cent on FY2021, and 10 per cent lower than our FY2017 baseline. Our total Scope 3 emissions reported under our SBTi-approved emissions reduction target increased by four per cent in FY2021 to 22,347 kt CO2-e, and were 19 per cent lower than our FY2017 baseline, largely reflecting lower output from our owned and contracted generation resulting in an increase in net electricity purchases from the NEM and external sources, partly offset by a reduction in domestic gas sales at Australia Pacific LNG primarily due to the roll off of legacy contracts. Further details are provided in the following section. The world is rapidly accelerating towards a lower-emissions future, and we will play an important role in that transition. We will help bring to bear the energy and technologies needed to meet decarbonisation goals, not just for the energy sector, but also for other sectors across the economy. We are progressing the decarbonisation of our business. In 2017, we became the first company in Australia to set science-based emissions targets independently approved by the Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi). Our medium-term, SBTi-approved targets cover Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 312 emissions. One of the ways we will achieve our targets is by exiting coal-fired generation by 2032 or earlier. We continue to progress work on updating our existing emissions r",reduction 2465,"[Also by means of BNDES Finem , we offer credit from the Prorenova line , a credit line aimed at supporting the renovation of sugar cane plantation and the introduction of new sugar cane plantations .]",none 2467,"En 2015, la Côte d’Ivoire s’est engagée, à travers ses premières Contributions Déterminées au niveau National (CDN) en prélude à la COP21 de Paris, à réduire ses émissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES) de 28,25%, soit un abattement d’environ dix (10) millions de tonnes équivalent CO 2 à l’horizon 2030 par rapport au Business as Usual ou scénario de référence. L’évaluation desdites CDN a révélé quelques insuffi- sances notamment la non prise en compte de la fores- terie dans les estimations et le manque de dispositif de suivi-évaluation des performances au regard des enga- gements climatiques du pays. Ainsi, conformément aux exigences de l’Accord de Paris, l’Etat de Côte d’Ivoire a procédé à une révision de ses CDN en actualisant les efforts de réduction des GES (atténuation) ainsi que l’évaluation de sa vulnérabilité et des options d’adaptation face aux changements climatiques. Ce processus de révision, démarré en février 2020, a permis une large consultation des parties prenantes nationales stratégiques notamment les ministères clés, le secteur privé, la société civile et les collectivités térritoriales. A l’issue de ces consultations, la Côte d’Ivoire rehausse son ambition climatique à 30,41% correspondant à un abattement de trente-sept (37) millions de tonnes équivalent CO2 des émissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES) de tous les secteurs, y compris la Foresterie et les autres Affectations des Terres (FAT), à l’horizon 2030 par rapport au nouveau scénario de référence. Cette contribution inconditionnelle se compose d’une réduction de 13,2 millions de tonnes des émissions de GES résultant de la mise en œuvre de mesures dans les secteurs de l’énergie, des déchets et de l’agriculture (correspondant à une réduction de 10,5% des émissions nationales totales de GES en 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence), et d’une réduction de 23,8 millions de tonnes des émissions de GES résultant de la mise en œuvre de mesures dans le secteur de la Foresterie et les autres Affectations des Terres (correspondant à une réduction de 19,6% des émissions nationales totales de GES en 2030 par rapport au scénario de référence).",reduction 2468,These events could either lead to a value decrease of collateral and/or impact on the ability of a houseowner to pay their mortgage.,none 2469,"We care the environment and put effort to reduce our environmental footprint. Inline with our vision; we aim to reduce not only our direct GHG emissions, but also our indirect emissions by our efforts driven on energy and emission efficiency, emission reduction activities and raising the awareness by training, communication activities. We aim to reduce our Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions by 4%. Our Scope 1 emissions arises from combustion of fossil fuels for heating, generators, company cars and leakages from refrigerants and fire extinguishers. Band our Scope 2 emissions arises from the electricity energy purchased from the grid. Our Scope 3 emissions arises from combustion of fossil fuels for employee commuting and air travel; paper, tap and drinking water use; waste disposal and waste oil; courier activities.",reduction 2470,"In the operation in Portugal, the amount of CO2 emissions was reduced by 45.6% in 2020 compared with the baseline in 2012.",reduction 2471,"Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction 2020 GOAL 30% FROM 2010 ",reduction 2472,"This study resulted in six patents and a review of the full operational installation: from the preparation of the wood (delivery, cutting and drying), to carbonisation and production of electricity with the pyrolysis gas produced by carbonisation.",none 2473,The balance included in-kind donations prepared in accordance with B4SI guidelines.,none 2474,"For 2013, the Lloyd's Channel Syndicate (49 employees at 31 December 2013) is 100% subsidiaries of SCOR Global P&C SE, managed independently of the Group in terms of human resources and not aggregated in the division.",none 2475,"The absolute emissions reductions resulting from this 2021 NDC update conditional contribution below the 2008 base year are 705Gg CO2e (2025) and 1,459Gg CO2e (2030) respectively. Total economy-wide BAU emissions projections are 1,881Gg CO2e (2025) and 1,958Gg CO2e (2030) respectively. The mitigation ambition of 70% reduction in GHG emissions, economy-wide, by 2030 will be complemented, inter alia, by the following strategies and plans: Support for research and development of renewable energy and energy storage technologies appropriate for SIDS, in particular ocean energy in line with the national strategy to develop its blue economy. A deliberate focus on using distributed generation (e.g. household solar photovoltaics) to provide modern energy access and build resilience (adaptation co-benefits) for low-income households, with an initial target of retrofitting 3,000 low-income homes with solar PV by 2030 under the Roofs to Reefs Program. Barbados also has different emission reduction targets based on whether or not they receive international support ( aims for 35% reduction relative to business-as-usual emissions in 2030 without international support (unconditional) and 70% reduction relative to business-as-usual emissions in 2030 conditional upon international support.)",reduction 2476,"Railway business CO2 emissions (t-CO2) 50% reduction (versus FY2014) (p67, 2021 report)",reduction 2477,"""We will have a net zero carbon business by 2040. This target will be periodically reviewed and brought forward if possible.""",net-zero 2478,See more on the Sustainability website.,none 2479,"If sales decrease significantly as a result of an industry downturn and we are unable to adjust our costs over the same period, our net income may decline significantly or we may suffer losses.",none 2480,Sustainable Energy Action for the period 2018-2030. The Erbil Governorate pledged to reduce GHG emissions to at least 40% below 2015 levels by 2030 according to a BAU scenario level.,reduction 2481,cut down GHG emissions by 50% below 2019 levels by 2030.,reduction 2482,"Antalya is a member of Cities Race to Zero, therefore commits to reaching net zero by 2050 and reducing emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. ""All actors must meet stringent criteria which will bring them to the starting line to credibly race to zero emissions. These ‘real economy’ actors join 120 countries in the largest ever alliance committed to halving emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest.""",net-zero 2483,He is also a Director of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research.,none 2484,"In many jurisdictions, however, the legal and tax environments have become less conducive to the long-term viability of the mining sector.",none 2485,The relevant companies would need to follow this trend and disclose related information faithfully.,none 2486,"Carbon neutrality by 2040,Achieve carbon neutrality through carbon offset programs. We’re aiming to reach zero landfill waste by 2030. Carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions (2025 GOAL) : 50% Reduction from 2015 in Scope 1,2 & 3 2025 GOAL: 100% RE Use in Manufacturing Sites. Energy efficiency programs such as Compressed Dry Air (CDA) process optimization, installation of motion sensors in meeting rooms, lighting upgrades, and installation of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) have helped us reduce our electricity consumption.",net-zero 2487,"TULSA, Okla., Sept. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- ONEOK, Inc. (NYSE: OKE) today announced a companywide greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction target. The company expects to achieve an absolute 30% reduction, or 2.2 million metric tons (MMT), of its combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030, compared with 2019 base-year levels.",reduction 2488,B. Information is provided exclusively on water withdrawal from the public network.,none 2489,"reduced CO2 emissions per passenger/km by 10% by 2030 [from 2020] 12.5% flights powered by SAF by 2030",reduction 2490,"Formerly the insurance division of the then Royal Bank of Scotland Group (“RBSG”), the Group separated from RBSG and floated on the London Stock Exchange in 2012.",none 2491,● Focus on digitalization to optimize operations and enhance efficiencies.,none 2492,"Such authority will expire at the conclusion of the Company’s next Annual General Meeting, or on 30th November 2013 (whichever is the earlier), unless renewed, varied or revoked by the Company prior to or on that date.",none 2493,"methane intensity by 33% by 2025. We are on-track to achieve this reduction in 2021, four years ahead of schedule. ",reduction 2494,"This strategy addresses Southampton Council's aim for the council to be net zero carbon (across scope one and two emissions) by 2030. They have set a city-wide target to be net zero by 2035, but state the need for cooperation from other companies. ",net-zero 2495,"'Carbon 50% absolute reduction in scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse (GHG) emissions representing all of Starbucks direct operations and value chain.' (p32)",reduction 2496,"Quality, integrity, humanity and usefulness are the underpinning principles – driving forward a firm that constantly strives to make a difference.",none 2497,£3 billion (20 per cent) of the Group’s revenue and our customer facing channels to market are mentioned on page 24.,none 2498,[10] The figure refers to the perimeter of Autostrade per l’Italia only.,none 2499,"""Compared to 2015, the company wants to reduce the carbon footprint of its passenger cars and light commercial vehicles by 30% per vehicle by as early as 2025. To achieve this goal, offset action is also planned alongside carbon reduction measures and converting to renewable energies.""",reduction 2500,"50% reduction of absolute scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2030, compared to 2020 baseline Transition to 80% of electricity usage to renewable energy by 2030 Maintain Zero Discharge from all owned facilities Achieve Zero Waste to landfill at all owned facilities by 2025",reduction 2501,The plan [interim target] is part of a broader UAE strategy to achieve carbon emission neutrality by 2050,net-zero 2502,We also place importance on multilaterally understanding and appropriately overseeing issues and risks associated with the implementation of management strategies.,none 2503,"The members of the JSDA consist of securities firms, banks, and other financial institutions operating securities businesses in Japan.",none 2504,"This year, we became Asia’s third real estate company to receive the approval of our near- term SBTs with the 1.5°C pathway, covering NWD’s major properties and construction activities in Hong Kong and Mainland China, and commit to SBTi’s Net-Zero Standard, which will involve setting long-term company-wide emission reductions in line with reaching science-based net-zero by 2050",net-zero 2505,"'To become a net-zero GHG emissions company by 2050, we are focused on operational efficiency improvements and accelerating the adoption of new technology.' (p14)",net-zero 2506,The slight rise in sales was predominantly due to service and parts business and sales of used machinery.,none 2507,Carbon footprint reduction (Scopes 1 + 2) by more than 75% from the baseline year.,reduction 2508,"""adopt measures to put the state on a path to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by eighty-five percent by two thousand fifty and net zero emissions in all sectors of the economy""",net-zero 2509,Reduce absolute CO2 emissions (tCO2 e) by 50% (2020 baseline) for 2030,reduction 2510,'Reduce Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 85% by 2025 and 90% by 2030 against a 2016 baseline. Reduce Scope 3 Supply Chain emissions by 35% by 2030 against a 2016 baseline.',reduction 2511,"As per the plan, the largest emission reduction efforts (and investment) will be targeted towards energy (in various forms and usage), which currently contributes 72% of total emissions. Vehicular emissions and emissions from waste contribute the remaining emissions. The plan targets 30% reduction in emissions by 2030, 44% by 2040, and 100% by 2050, compared to emission levels in 2019. ",reduction 2512,Sheffield City Council has declared a Climate Emergency and has set a target for the city to be zero carbon by 2030.,net-zero 2513,Vision 2050: Aim to be carbon neutral (Pg. 15),net-zero 2514,"We monitor the effectiveness of our controls through our internal audit function, which is independent of the operating divisions and reports directly to the Audit Committee. ",none 2515,"Uniper investment In September 2017, Fortum announced it had signed a transaction agreement with E.ON under which E.ON had the right to decide to tender its 46.65% shareholding in Uniper SE into Fortum’s public takeover offer.",none 2516,"""Net Zero Carbon Manufacturing scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2030""",net-zero 2517,"These three groups are linked to one another, with the stakeholder engagement model evolving all the time.",none 2518,"The enhanced and more ambitious NDC of Eswatini represents a progression beyond the 2015 NDC by adopting an economy wide GHG emissions reduction target of 5% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario and help achieve a low carbon and climate resilient development. This economy wide emission reduction can increase to 14% with external financing and this translates to 1.04 million tonnes fewer GHG emissions in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario. ",reduction 2520,"From the 2015 Bremischen climate and energy law. It appears the target was missed ), and no further targets have been given.",reduction 2521,"With CAN0P-2030 (Carbon Net Zero Plan), Gecina is accelerating its low-carbon roadmap and targeting net zero greenhouse gas emissions for its operations by 2030, building on the successful reduction of its carbon emissions by 26% over the past four years.",net-zero 2522,The Group created a special team to examine potential uses for its yeast production and other technologies for health food products and to apply its technologies and expertise in the beer brewing and beverage businesses to the health domain.,none 2523,The Board of Directors is responsible for the operation of the Company and the achievement of its objectives. ,none 2524,"Unconditional target A 15% reduction in GHG emissions by 31 December 2030 compared to the base year Conditional target A 25% reduction in GHG emissions by 31 December 2030 compared to the base year, subject to additional international investments, access to low carbon technologies transfer mechanism, green climate funds and flexible mechanism ",reduction 2525,"In 2016, the System LSI Business featured a full mobile System-on-Chip (SoC) lineup with 14-nanometer (nm) FinFET process technology, including the Exynos 8 Octa for premium mobile devices, Exynos 7 Quad, a solution with inte- grated full connectivity for entry-level devices, to the Exynos 7 Dual, which was the industry’s first SoC for wearables on 14nm.",none 2526,"Nevertheless, Beiersdorf’s shares recovered and again reached the €100 mark for a time.",none 2527,"The Company’s operating environment has continued to trans- form over the years, and our accounting and finance department predecessors navigated these changes by building foundations for financial and capital strategies that remain viable even today.",none 2528,"2030: 45% below 2005 2040: 70% below 2005 2050: 95% below 2005 & achieve net zero GHG emissions",reduction 2529,"In addition, certain environmental laws assess liability on current or previous owners or operators of real property for the costs of investigation, removal or remediation of hazardous substances or materials at their properties or at properties which they have disposed of hazardous substances.",none 2530,'We became a founding member of the Taiwan Alliance for Net Zero Emission and pledged to achieve net zero emissions in our offices in Taiwan by 2030 and in our production bases by 2050' (p4),net-zero 2533,"'The Shin-Etsu Group is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the course of its business activities in order to contribute to the globally targeted goal of ""2050 Carbon Neutral.”' (p13)",net-zero 2534,'We are proud to report a 34% reduction in our Scope 1 emissions year over year and are on track to meet our enterprise-wide goal to reduce Scope 1 (direct) GHG emissions by 55% over the remaining four years.',reduction 2535,"Moody's Corporation commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Moody's Corporation also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from fuel- and energy-related activities, business travel and employee commuting 15% by 2025 from a 2019 base year. Moody's Corporation commits that 60% of its suppliers by spend covering purchased good and services and capital goods will have science-based targets by 2025. (Source: Moody's 2020 Stakeholder Sustainability Report) The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C. ",reduction 2536,Up to 21 percent reduction in GHG emissions from the BAU level by 2030 will enable Turkey to step on low-carbon development pathways compatible with the long-term objective of limiting the increase in global temperature below 2oC.,reduction 2537,"In addition, through industry collaboration on a joint roadmap, we strive toward net zero emissions for our products’ use at our customers (scope 3) by 2040. (p34)",net-zero 2539,The NDC targets included in this submission are based on the 1.5°C mitigation goal and adaptation goals that assume a 3.4°C increase in global temperatures (based on projections from the assessments of the INDCs). The targets are aligned with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda’s (GoAB) goal of net-zero by 2040.,net-zero 2540,"Brazil has an indicative long-term objective of reaching climate neutrality by 2050, which was communicated to the UNFCCC in 2021. Brazil The new package – called Federal Strategy of Incentive to the Sustainable Use of Biogas and Biomethane – includes the Methane Zero National Program and is aligned with the commitments made by Brazil in the context of COP26, the Global Methane Pledge and other domestic regulatory efforts, such as the National Policy on Waste Management. However, there is much yet to discuss until the newly proposed mechanisms are effectively functional, producing results and aligned not only with the already implemented RenovaBio, but also with the prospective legal framework governing the Brazilian carbon credit markets, which is currently under analysis in the National Congress. ",net-zero 2541,"Milestones include reducing carbon emissions 50% by 2030 and 85% by 2040, based on 2005 levels",reduction 2542,"""committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, encompassing Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.""",net-zero 2543,"As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050.",net-zero 2544,"By 2050: Reduce the amount of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions at Group business sites (offices, own plants, directly operated amusement facilities, etc.) to net zero",net-zero 2545,"We have set science-based goals and defined initiatives that support a decarbonization pathway for our global operations, including our goal to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our direct operations (Scopes 1 and 2) by 2040. Along the way, we intend to reach a 55% absolute reduction in GHG emissions from our direct operations (against a Fiscal 2017 baseline), as well as source 100% renewable energy1 for use in our operations by 2030. ",net-zero 2546,"Reduce GHG emissions by 37.5% below 1990 levels by 2030. Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Have 1.5 million electric vehicles on the road in Québec by 2030. No sales of new gasoline-powered vehicles as of 2035. 55% of city buses and 65% of school buses electrified by 2030. 100% of governmental cars, SUVs, vans and minivans and 25% of pickup trucks electrified in 2030. 15% ethanol in gasoline by 2030 and 10 % in biobased diesel fuel by 2030. 50% reduction of emissions related to heating for buildings by 2030. 60% reduction in emissions from government buildings by 2030. 10% renewable natural gas (RNG) in the network in 2030. 50% increase in bioenergy production by 2030. 70% of off-grid systems energy supply from renewable sources by 2025.",net-zero 2547,"DAIICHI SANKYO CO., LTD. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 37.5% by 2030 from a 2015 base year.",reduction 2548,Athens signed up to the 'Net zero by 2050' group in the Climate Ambition Alliance,net-zero 2549,"[Additionally , as enhanced protection for the critical infrastructures operated by Enagás , a General Policy on the Integrated Security of Strategic Infrastructures has been defined in which the processes of physical and logical security have been combined for compliance with the Law governing the Protection of Critical Infrastructure ( LPIC ) .]",none 2550,"Cintas Corp., Mason, OH, recently announced its ambition to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. As its business review continues for the next 12-18 months, Cintas expects to better define its ESG journey, including identifying strategies to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and potential avenues to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from its supply chain. The review also will focus on opportunities to further reduce its overall environmental impact through continued reductions in energy, water, raw materials and waste throughout its business. Source: Source: ",net-zero 2551,"One year ago, around 20 percent the portfolio value was still attributable to investments that had been in the portfolio for more than five years.",none 2552,Ao Yun means “flying above the clouds” in Chinese: a name that invites you on a jour- ney to discover this premium Chinese wine.,none 2553,"As an interim goal, the City is aiming to cut Citywide greenhouse gas emissions by 60% from 2018 levels by 2035. ",reduction 2554,"""By pursuing this goal, we will make an active and committed contribution toward climate protection. This begins with a strong focus on our own production sites, where we aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 65 percent by 2025 and by 75 percent by 2030 (base year 2010). To do so, we continually check and improve our energy efficiency, and set the target to reduce energy consumption at our production sites by 50 percent per ton of product by 2030 compared to the base year 2010. In addition to our efficiency targets, we are striving to source 100 percent of the electricity we purchase for production from renewable sources by 2030.""",reduction 2555,Our approach to physical climate risk is discussed in more detail below.,none 2556,The Governor of California recently proclaimed a Drought State of Emergency warning that drought conditions may place drinking water supplies at risk in many California communities; negatively impact the state’s economy and environment; and increase greatly the risk of wildfires across the state.,none 2557,"Failure to effectively manage these transition risks could adversely affect our business, prospects, reputation, financial performance or financial condition.",none 2558,Santander has set a number of targets on climate change.,none 2559,"By the end of fiscal year 2030 – the company commits to 55% renewable energy and 10% energy reduction through efficiency and conservation initiatives (based on fiscal year 2019 baseline) ",reduction 2560,"In addition, all crewmembers can take an online human trafficking course.",none 2561,"Next, let’s turn to the financials.",none 2562,"Metric tons CO2e per unit FTE employee Base year: 2015 Intensity figure in base year (metric tons CO2e per unit of activity): 1.33 % of total base year emissions in selected Scope(s) (or Scope 3 category) covered by this intensity figure: 100 Target year: 2030 Targeted reduction from base year (%): 10 IPG has also committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity by 2030 for its entire portfolio. ",reduction 2563,"A series of 2030 climate goals to reduce PG&E’s operational carbon footprint and enable our customers and communities to reduce their carbon footprints: • Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% from 2015 levels • Reduce Scope 3 emissions by 25% from 2015 levels • Achieve “Scope 4” goals to enable customer emission reductions",reduction 2564,"'25% intensity reduction by 2023 (emissions and energy)' 'Within our operations, our drive to reduce energy consumption also benefits our GHG emissions reduction goal, contributing to a 24% reduction of GHG emissions in our operations since 2010 and progress against our goal of 25% GHG emissions reduction by 2023, from a 2010 baseline.' (p29)",reduction 2565,"Achieve a 20% reduction in the municipality's GHG emissions in 2030 compared to the 2017 base year emissions, not including emissions from the steel industry, and in 2050 the neutralization of emissions through implementation of mitigation and compensation strategies;",reduction 2566,"Cementitious materials refer to clinker production volumes, mineral components consumed in cement production and mineral components processed and sold externally.",none 2567,"""Recently, we increased our ambition to align our lending portfolio with a net zero future by 2050 or sooner. This means we’ll now evolve our Terra approach to steer our loan book towards keeping the rise in global temperatures to a maximum of 1.5 °C, rather than well below 2 °C."" p.11 of 2021 report (link in source URL) ""In August 2021, ING joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and committed to steer our portfolio towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050."" Source: ",net-zero 2568,"A formal governance structure is in place to review high risk defence relationships and trade transactions on a case by case basis, taking into account the client, types of goods, end user and country risk.",none 2569,To reduce intensity of region-wide CO2e emissions by 20% by 2018 based on 2005 levels ( GHG(t CO2e) / GDP),reduction 2570,"“We announce today the kingdom is aiming to reach net zero by 2060 through a circular carbon economy approach, in a way that’s compatible with the kingdom’s development plans and enables its economy to diversify,” Prince Mohammed said in a recorded message at the opening of the conference. ",net-zero 2571,Life divisions where it operates may depend on external factors such as economic risks and political risks.,none 2572,Our wealth management business is developing a range of new thematic and pooled impact investments.,none 2573,"Taiwan Cooperative Financial practices carbon reduction measures, but there is no target.",none 2574,"[Within this framework , one of the most relevant initiatives that will be addressed in 2020 is the establishment of Corporate Guidelines on the Digital Disconnection Policy , with a positive impact on the productivity and welfare of people .]",none 2575,Amsterdam aims for a 95% emmissions reduction by 2050 (reference year 1990). Unclear how this becomes climate neutrality though.,net-zero 2576,"Currently, net zero target is a visionary statement and yet to be formalised. ""We thus commit to ultimately moving towards a goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, which will require various interventions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."" ""This strategy sets out a direction of travel for South Africa as we refine our low carbon emission development pathway to meet our commitments to the international community and address our developmental agenda/priorities and needs. We know that success will require decades of dedicated effort. Therefore, we present this Strategy as a living document, the beginning of our journey towards ultimately reaching a net zero carbon economy by 2050"" ",net-zero 2577,Our targets and progress can be found in our Creating Shared Value and Sustainability Report 2020 at www.nestle.com/csv/performance.,none 2578,The company was founded in 1846 as a manufacturer of surgical instruments and was the first major medical equipment supplier to require sales representatives to have graduated from a medical college. ,none 2579,"It has been listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and has denominations of € 100,000.",none 2580,"Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 However, this is a media conglomerate, owning several media companies from The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun and Courier Mail. There is no clear agenda outline for any media influence or change in bias towards climate change and national renewable energy initiatives or transition to reduction in emissions. ",net-zero 2581,"In response to the latest independent review of Tasmania’s climate change legislation, the Tasmanian Government has legislated a new emissions reduction target for Tasmania of net zero emissions, or lower, from 2030.",net-zero 2582,"Existing management action plans are likely to be minimal, reflecting the uncertain nature of these risks.",none 2583,"'We are on the pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050' (p12, ",net-zero 2584,"It is expected to produce over 32,000 tonnes of sustainable jet fuel per year.",none 2585,"KOGAS' 2021 Sustainability Report states that ""KOGAS has established 'the 2030 GHG reduction roadmap' for coping with climate crisis and reducing carbon emissions and set its target to reduce emissions by 24.8% below 2017 levels by 2030.""",reduction 2586,"In late 2004, the Company formed a wholly owned subsidiary, W. Hay Inc., to manage the conversion of these timber lands into hay production.",none 2587,No security has been furnished as guarantee for the Syndicated Credit Agreement.,none 2588,"It was able to compensate for these results with growing sales of other products, but finding a way to halt the falling sales of FIRE became a serious issue.",none 2589,"'thus paving the way for climate neutrality by 2050' (p80, 2019)",net-zero 2590,"Target 2030 -70%Reduction of own carbon emissions (scope 1 and 2) compared with 2015. Climate target (project development value chain) -50%2030 reduction of carbon emissions from our project developments value chain since 2020",reduction 2591,More erratic temperature changes could lead to strain or failure of our mechanical heating and cooling systems.,none 2592,This scenario reflects the impact of existing policy frameworks and today’s announced policy intentions.,none 2593,The Board has established a remuneration committee that has reviewed and approved the remuneration arrangements for the Executive Directors and their independence from the Company and its subsidiaries. ,none 2594,"""42% absolute reduction in greenhouse gases (scope 1 &2) from our facilities by 2030...42% absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) to be met by 2030""",reduction 2595,"To reduce supplier dependency, the company follows a strategy of diversification.",none 2596,"2021 report mentions that one focus is to 'Set GHG emissions reduction goals' (p6, 2021)",reduction 2598,"As part of our overall commitment to climate action, we aim to achieve 90 percent absolute reduction in our Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, a goal that has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). ",reduction 2599,50% reduction in CO2 emissions per hour of production by 2030 compared to 2018,reduction 2600,"In 2021 we reduced our direct CO2 emissions by 32% compared to 2017 and made a commitment to reach Net Zero by 2030 (by 2050 for financed emissions) (Pg. 10)",net-zero 2601,"Palo Alto Networks Commits to Be Carbon Neutral by 2030 ",net-zero 2602,"In addition, we may be subject to disruptions by unions protesting the non-union status of our other crewmembers.",none 2603,"""The last part of our strategy to reach carbon neutrality by 2040 is a big investment in domestic heating – that is substituting boilers"" (Source: ",net-zero 2604,Life matters most is one of our values.,none 2605,"An update to its existing Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) pursuant to Article 4.11 of the Paris Agreement that includes:  a reaffirmation of its 2030 target;  a commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050;  up-front information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding;  a commitment to enact its Climate Change Bill by 2021; and  a commitment to operationalise its National Adaptation Plan. Climate Change Bill 2021 clauses 6(5) and 38(1) ",net-zero 2606,Our longer-term goal is to achieve net zero emission levels by 2050,net-zero 2607,E.ON has the target of achieving climate neutrality across Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040 and Scope 3 emissions by 2050.,net-zero 2608,"We are also announcing that iA Financial Group is now committed to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% per employee by 2025.",reduction 2609,"From Climate Change Law: '[...]The target for emissions reduction (the 2050 target) requires that— (a) net accounting emissions of greenhouse gases in a calendar year, other than biogenic methane, are zero by the calendar year beginning on 1 January 2050 and for each subsequent calendar year... (b) emissions of biogenic methane in a calendar year—(i) are 10% less than 2017 emissions by the calendar year beginning on 1 January 2030; and (ii) are 24% to 47% less than 2017 emissions by the calendar year beginning on 1 January 2050 and for each subsequent calendar year.[...]' ",reduction 2610,"In December 2015, Swiss Re signed the Paris Pledge for Action, aimed at strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change. Various steps have been taken since then to fulfill that pledge, including committing to net-zero emissions by 2050 on the asset and liability side. This commitment forms a vital pillar of our Group Sustainability Strategy, which was introduced in 2019 and defines sustainable re/insurance as a strategic, long-term approach.",net-zero 2611,"The Portland and Multnomah County 2015 Climate Action Plan charts a path to reduce local carbon emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050",reduction 2612,CFRA Phase I confirmed that Vancouver is most vulnerable to flooding caused by the combined effect of a coastal storm surge and a king tide (exceptionally high tides that typically occur in December and January) rather than river-related flooding caused by spring run-off.,none 2613,"Net zero carbon in our operations by 2040 (2019 baseline). ",net-zero 2614,Most of the Group’s CO2 emissions are direct emissions (Scope 1) from its own operations.,none 2615,"'Ambition 2025: – 12% carbon reduction per employee 2019–2025 – Own emissions are carbon net-zero by 2030' (p12, 2020)",net-zero 2616,"External risks emerge from outside the organization, operational risks arise from within the organization, and strategic risks are associated with our strategic initiatives.",none 2617,"Introduced a reduction target of 15%-25% by 2026 and 40%-50% by 2031 for Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Disclosed Scope 3 emissions. (see page 42)",reduction 2618,"'SEC aims to establish its leadership in addressing the growing levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We are targeting to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% (2016 baseline) by 2025' (p27, 2021)",reduction 2619,"Benin City the capital of Edo State, Nigeria; comprised of three Local Government Areas: Oredo,. Egor and Ikpoba-Okha. Benin city is very prone to flooding and other climate change effects. Therefore, its focus should be on adapation to the effects of climate change. Although, Benin City has a good level of intracity road network, it seemingly does not adequately or properly channel flood drainage. Government reluctance to issue efficient measures to manage flooding further accentuates the risks and hazards of flood events. Data presented and analysis revealed that the impacts of flooding on both the human and natural environment are enormous. Source: Article: Determinants of Flooding and Strategies for Mitigation: Two-Year Case Study of Benin City. 2019. G.T.Cirella. Another report states that based on statistics from the Federal office of Statistics, 2005), although the communities are connected to the national grid, which provides power for about 90% of households. The usage of generator was not common. In the event of power outage, candles and kerosene lamps are the common lighting sources. Regional data shows that only 34% of people use electrical lighting while 61 % use kerosene lamp or lantern. Fuel wood and kerosene are the common energy sources for cooking. The primary energy source in the region is firewood (73%) followed by kerosene (24.8%) and gas (1.2%).",none 2620,"In our updated NDC we have made ambitious plans to reduce 26% of our emissions by 2030. Furthermore, we will strive to achieve net zero by 2030, if we receive adequate international support and assistance. To achieve the emission reduction targets, we have set forth ambitious plans to increase our share of renewable energy in the energy mix through various initiatives. ",net-zero 2621,"Emission value (national total) of GHGs projected in the BAU Scenario by 2030: 102,542 Gg eCO2 Emission levels to be achieved, according to the mitigation goal: -Unconditioned (-10% reduction): reduce the emission of 10,254 Gg CO2 eq, not exceeding 92,287 Gg CO2 eq by 2030.-Conditioned (-10% reduction): additionally reduce the emission of 10,254 Gg CO2 eq, not exceeding the emission of 82,033.6 Gg CO2 eq by 2030, together with the unconditional goal. However, the Republic of Paraguay clarifies that the projected value of GHG emissions in the BAU scenario to 2030 is indicative, still reserving the right to review / update it in its First Biennial Transparency Report (IBT). It is also pointed out that the progress indicator, for monitoring the achievement of the mitigation goal of the NDC, will be the level of annual net emissions that appear in its INGEI Valor de emisiones (total nacional) de los GEI proyectados en el Escenario BAU al 2030: 102.542 Gg eCO2 Niveles de emisiones a alcanzar, de acuerdo a la meta de mitigación: -Incondicionada (-10 % de reducción): reducir la emisión de 10254 Gg CO2 eq, no superando los 92287 Gg CO2 eq al 2030.-Condicionada (-10% de reducción): adicionalmente reducir la emisión de 10254 Gg CO2 eq, no superando la emisión de 82033,6 Gg CO2 eq al 2030, junto a la meta incondicionada. No obstante, la República del Paraguay esclarece, que el valor proyectado de las emisiones de los GEI en el escenario BAU al 2030 es indicativo, reservándose aún el derecho a revisar/actualizarlo en su Primer Informe Bienal de Transparencia (IBT). Así también se señala que el indicador de progreso, para el monitoreo del logro de la meta de mitigación de la NDC, será el nivel de emisiones netas anuales que figuran en su INGEI ",reduction 2622,These exotic visitors were chosen because their fine evergreen foliage copes well with room temperatures.,none 2623,"Target: 'We’re committed to reducing our impact on the environment and have set initial targets for reducing our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 50% by FY30, against an FY19 baseline...Our Scope 1 and 2 targets align with what the latest climate science deems necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement: limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. Further, we are assessing our Scope 3 emissions and working toward validation of a comprehensive Scope 1, 2 and 3 science-based target by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi).' (p.51)",reduction 2624,This comes in addition to a succession of idiosyncratic elements in key advanced economies (particularly in Europe).,none 2625,Customer credit risks relate to advance payments receivable from customers or to accounts receivable related to equipment handed over or to services rendered.,none 2626,"In the company's report "" Corporate responsibility "" there is no clear commitment to Net zero target or even the year to achieve this goal, nor mentioned in the letter from the chairman of the company. 'Reduce global absolute GHG emissions, Scopes 1 and 2, to 3.4 kT CO2e by 2031, which represents a 95% reduction compared to our 2021 baseline.' (p49)",reduction 2627,The ESG Sustainability Council pulls together the geographical business scopes led by our three EVP Zone CEOs and functional leadership at the Executive Board level.,none 2628,"After a strong year in 2019, Beiersdorf’s shares held up well in the first half of 2020 amid an unusually volatile market environment.",none 2629,"""The operations-driven segment of our inventory is currently fully covered by a GHG emissions reduction goal to reduce these emissions 15 percent by 2022 from a 2015 baseline.""",reduction 2630,"By the end of the 2025 fiscal year, Infineon is aiming to reduce its own emissions by 70 percent compared with the 2019 calendar year. ",reduction 2631,"For the purposes of our Active Ownership Strategy, we focus on the following aspects relating to the environment in order to select initiatives: Energy revolution Reduction of CO2 emissions Biodiversity",none 2632,Achieve 10% GHG emissions reduction as compare to 2017 baseline by 2025,reduction 2633,"As a result, in 2016 we published a consultation paper proposing a package of policy measures to address these risks.",none 2634,"In particular, the consequences of climate change are expected to significantly impact the insurance industry, including with respect to risk perception, pricing and modelling assumptions, and need for new insurance products, all of which may create unforeseen risks not currently known to us.",none 2635,"Dell’s long-term approach to managing our contribution to climate change is a commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions across our full greenhouse gas inventory by 2050, inclusive of Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 carbon emissions. ""We will reach net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2050"" ""Our net zero goal, launched on Earth Day 2021""",net-zero 2636,The Group's risk management policy is designed to ensure that any risks that arise are identified and assessed in a timely manner and that appropriate controls are in place. ,none 2637,Ghana aims to implement 34 mitigation measures to achieve absolute emission reductions of 64 MtCO2e by 2030. This is against a 2019 base year of 58.8 MtCO2e. Ghana aims to implement 34 mitigation measures to achieve absolute emission reductions of 64 MtCO2e by 2030. This is against a 2019 base year of 58.8 MtCO2e.,reduction 2638,"We consistently develop several distinct, challenging, relevant and plausible world trajectories, adjusting all variables in an internally consistent manner.",none 2639,"The sustainability objectives we set for the building will cover a variety of topics including energy, materials and water use and we are targeting a BREEAM* rating of ‘Excellent’.",none 2640,"In 2021, Chubb pledged to achieve carbon neutrality in its own global operations (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) by year–end 2022.",net-zero 2641,The Basque Country’s Regional Climate Change Strategy to 2050 aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030 based on 2005 levels ,reduction 2642,This is IFC’s inaugural investment in electric mobility.,none 2643,"With the Resolution on Slovenia’s Long-Term Climate Strategy Until 2050 (hereinafter: Climate Strategy) being adopted to implement paragraph one of Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, amending Regulations (EC) No 663/2009 and (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directives 94/22/EC, 98/70/EC, 2009/31/EC, 2009/73/EC, 2010/31/EU, 2012/27/EU and 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 2009/119/EC and (EU) 2015/652 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 1), the Republic of Slovenia sets a clear objective, i.e. to attain net zero emissions or climate neutrality by 2050.By setting the climate objective, the Climate Strategy is determining the goal of attaining net zero emissions by 2050 to other sectors and their sectoral policies. It also sets the strategic sectoral objectives for 2040 and 2050, which individual sectors must observe consistently and incorporate in their sectoral documents and plans.",net-zero 2644,"During the year ended 30 June 2020, the Group recognised provisions for impairment of $90 million reflecting the impact of extreme weather events on the credit quality of the Group’s loan portfolio.",none 2645,"In Jnauary 2021, we announced a new goal for achieving carbon neutrality in 2050, throughout the vehicle lifecycle, such as material extraction, manufacturing, vehicle use and vehicle recycling or reuse at end-of-life. Nissan considers CO2 emissions not only when the vehicle is running, but throughout the value chain, including suppliers, from the procurement of raw materials to transportation. ",net-zero 2646,"reduction of greenhouse gases by 40 % compared to 1990 by 2030. The reduction target of 40 % compared to 1990 corresponds to per capita emissions of 3.6 CO eq. The quantified amount of emissions in 1990 is considered to be 228.7 Kt CO eq. reduction target within a time frame from 2021 until 2030. The decoupling of greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth is the consequence of climate related policy measures such as the participation in the European Emissions Trading regime, levying of CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels or the obligation to compensate emissions caused by motor fuel consumption.",reduction 2647,"CARBON NEUTRALITY WITHIN OUR OPERATIONS BY 2030 This target addresses the Scope 1 emissions generated from the activities and operations we directly control. This includes the emissions from our mining fleet and electricity generating facilities, as well as the emissions generated by third parties who supply electricity to us (Scope 2). We recognise the urgency to reduce emissions and despite our continued growth and expansion, we have committed to reducing net operational emissions from our FY20 baseline by at least three per cent annually. This target includes the facilities operating during FY20 and extends to all future operations and acquisitions. This target aligns with a 1.5°C trajectory as we achieve carbon neutrality two decades prior to 2050. (Pg. 10)",net-zero 2648,"""Reduce GHG emissions by 46% (of FY2013 levels)"" and “reduce CO2 emissions originating from the sale of power by 50% (of FY2013 levels)"" by (2050 TEPCO Integrated Report 2020-2021, pg. 60)",reduction 2649,"The plan is to be carbon neutral by 2050, although, it is not well defined how this will be achieved. ",net-zero 2650,"reducing the carbon footprint (scopes 1 and 2) of its directly-held equity and corporate bond portfolio by a further 25% between 2019 and 2024, i.e. a target of 60 kgCO 2 eq per €k invested by end-2024 compared with 80 kgCO2 eq per €k invested at end-2019. The target of reducing the carbon footprint by 25% over five years is in line with the IPCC's 1.5 °C temperature rise trajectories",reduction 2651,Dalian is part of Race to Zero under which it will achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at latest.,net-zero 2652,"We have a goal of reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30% by 2030 (based on tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per square foot, relative to a 2014 baseline).",reduction 2653,"""Reduce per-wafer emissions of CO2 by 20% by the fiscal year 2025"" Source: ",reduction 2654,"50% GHG intensity reduction by 2030 from a 2015 baseline 37% energy intensity reduction by 2030 from a 2015 baseline Accelerating toward electrification with ~45% EV product sales by 2030",reduction 2655,The proposed scope and breadth of the BES will be a pioneering exercise.,none 2656,Cenovus’s long-term ambition is to reach net zero emissions by 2050.,net-zero 2657,The Group has developed a corporate governance code which is distributed to all Group employees. ,none 2658,"A 40% reduction by 2030 will be achieved through large industrial measures, including energy efficiency, digitalization and launch of several electrification projects.",reduction 2659,"The energy sector is the highest contributor of GHG in Liberia emanating mainly from the use of traditional fuels such as firewood, charcoal and palm oil and the use of fossil fuels, especially petroleum products. To reduce the reliance on traditional fuel and increase the use of modern and renewable energy sources, the National Energy Policy (2009) was developed with a set of goals targeted at maximizing efficiency, minimizing costs and adverse environmental impacts as principle of extending energy access to all Liberians. Most recently, Liberia’s Initial National Communication (2013) reinforces the National Energy Policy with additional long-term targets and related activities, which includes: • Reducing GHGs by at least 10% by 2030 • Improving energy efficiency by at least 20% by 2030 • Raising share of renewable energy to at least 30% of electricity production and 10% of overall energy consumption by 2030 • Replacing cooking stoves with low thermal efficiency (5-10%) with the higherefficiency (40%) stoves. The long-term strategy of Liberia is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The strategic options for mitigation considered under the INDC are the energy sector (electricity, transport) and the waste sector. The Waste Sector focuses on solid waste disposal on land. In 2000, the waste sector accounted for about 0.60% of Liberia’s national total CO2 eq emissions. A significant subcategory is CH4 emissions from solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) on land, which contributed 91.7%. CH4 mitigation targets will include landfill recovery, waste incineration with energy recovery, composting of organic waste, controlled wastewater treatment, and recycling and waste minimization.",net-zero 2660,The Board is responsible for the Company's strategic direction and risk management. ,none 2661,"""The target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, compared with the previous target of at least 80% reduction from 1990 levels.""",net-zero 2662,"The emissions target for 2040 2. The Northern Ireland departments must ensure that the net Northern Ireland emissions account for the year 2040 is in line with the overall target for the year 2050. The emissions target for 2030 has already been set. 3. The Northern Ireland departments must ensure that the net Northern Ireland emissions account for the year 2030 is at least 48% lower than the baseline.",reduction 2663,"[– risks that we accept as part of doing business , such as credit risk and market risk ; – risks that we incur as part of doing business , such as operational risk , which are actively managed to remain below an acceptable tolerance ; and – risks for which we have zero tolerance , such as knowingly engaging in activities where foreseeable reputational risk has not been considered .]",none 2664,"For the U.S. plan assets, the actual annualized total return for the most recent 10- year period ended December 31, 2019 was approximately 9.2%.",none 2665,"Andorra's NDC update in 2020 pledges carbon neutrality by 2050: ""The commitment presented in this update reinforces the actions to achieve the objective defined in the first NDC in the medium term, by 2030, and pursues carbon neutrality by 2050 in the long term."" Andorra's update in 2022 reflects that the commitment is maintained and reinforced: ""se mantiene y refuerza así el compromiso ya adquirido en la primera actualización de la NDC a largo plazo para el 2050"".",net-zero 2666,"30% by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2019) SBT initiative certification",reduction 2667,As part of our commitment to corporate governance we have a high level of internal audit coverage. ,none 2668,"It was a daring move, to develop and grow at an altitude of 2,600 meters a French grape variety that had never experienced the thrill of such high altitudes.",none 2669,"""goal of net greenhouse gas neutrality economy-wide at a date to be determined by the Council."" - ",net-zero 2670,"In February 2022, Wheaton announced its commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050",net-zero 2671,We also engaged in dialogue with international organizations to validate the issues identified from perspectives outside of the company.,none 2672,"Once every financial year, the Board of Management extensively informs the Audit Committee about DBAG’s risk exposure.",none 2673,"The Cathay Pacific Group has committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, becoming one of the first airlines in Asia to establish a timeline for making carbon neutrality a reality. The airline’s commitment precedes the release of the Group’s Sustainable Development Report 2020, which details the Group’s strategy and performance in environmental, social and governance aspects.",net-zero 2674,Sodexo has launched a process with SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) to formalize a “science-based” 2040 Net Zero commitment.,net-zero 2675,"MAGNA COMMITS TO CARBON NEUTRALITY IN GLOBAL OPERATIONS BY 2030",net-zero 2676,"There will be some competitors that may have a competitive advantage over the Company due to greater financial resources, more extensive operational experience, and thus be more successful than the Company in acquiring existing power generation facilities or in obtaining financing for and the construction of new power generation facilities.",none 2677,"collectively* achieving overall net-zero GHG emissions as soon as practicable, and no later than 2050 *the Alliance (see below), NOT just Illinois",net-zero 2678,"Work with partners, businesses and the wider community to investigate, make recommendations and set a target date for how early the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole region can be made carbon neutral, ahead of the UK target of 2050. Over 40,000 tCO2e will need to be avoided or offset in order to meet this target ( GHG emissions from BCP Council activities for 2019/20 is 41,809 tonnes CO2e ) ",net-zero 2679,"reduce CO2 emissions intensity per ton of steel by 30% compared to the level in 2018 by 2030, considering scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions",reduction 2680,"Goal by 2030: Down 25% in Energy Intensity & GHG Emissions Intensity, Down 20% Water-Use Intensity in High-Risk Locations, and Sustain Base Year Waste Disposed Intensity Due to the changes to our business over the past few years, we have decided to reset our baseline year to 2018 (from 2013) and set aggressive environmental goals to reflect the new FMC. FMC measures and reports our environmental footprint on an intensity basis – i.e., energy (gigajoule), GHG emissions (tonne CO2 equivalent), waste disposed (tonne), and water use at high risk locations (cubic meter) per tonne of product. Read further details on",reduction 2681,"As part of The Climate Pledge platform, participating organizations must commit to three principal areas of action to advance the goal of reaching net-zero carbon by 2040. ",net-zero 2682,"In the Bank’s non-trading activities, it is exposed to market risk through the everyday banking transactions that the Bank’s customers execute with TD.",none 2683,Prudential supports low-carbon transition with pledge to become “net zero” asset owner by 2050,net-zero 2684,Chief among these is scenario modelling.,none 2685,"Design a Paris target-compliant portfolio development plan by 2025, which will ensure that UNIQA continuously reduces the proportionate reduction of CO2 equivalent emissions in such a way that the maximum 2 degree target can be achieved by the end of the century.",reduction 2686,These serve as a replacement for fossil fuels that provide the energy needed to operate a cement kiln.,none 2687,The company is committed to hiring employees from diverse backgrounds and providing training to develop their skills. ,none 2688,Race to Zero: Net Zero 2050 - Commit to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 (in its investment portfolio).,net-zero 2689,"During the year under review, we continued to support the ongoing development of a number of young players, including through our sponsorship of the Arsenal FC Foundation. ",none 2690,"CVS Health CVS Health commits to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2050. CVS also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services 47% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Long-Term Target CVS commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 90% by 2050 from a 2019 base year. CVS also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, business travel, and downstream transportation 90% by 2050 from a 2019 base year.",net-zero 2691,Generating Return on Community is one of our core objectives because we know that the future of our company depends on the well-being of our communities.,none 2692,"By strengthening our sustainability focus in our marketing and product creation activities even further, we may generate additional sales growth and drive profitability improvements.",none 2693,Electric grid systems that can only manage with a high percentage of base load power are another contributing factor.,none 2695,"- 25% energy reduction in solutions (1) - 100% of newly developed solutions eco-designed - 100% electricity supply from renewables - Alstom committed to science-based CO2 emissions reduction targets within the frame of the Paris Agreement. Net zero by 2050",net-zero 2696,"by 2050, the City will strive to be carbon neutral.",net-zero 2698,"28 POWER FINANCIAL CORPORATION 2011 ANNuAL REPORT The Pargesa group holds significant positions in six large companies based in Europe: Imerys (industrial minerals), Lafarge (cement, aggregates and concrete), Total (oil and gas), GDF Suez (electricity and gas), Suez Environnement (water and waste management) and Pernod Ricard (wines and spirits).",none 2699,"We are committed to reducing the absolute level of carbon emissions from our operated properties by at least 42% by 2030 (compared to a 2020 baseline), in line with our verified Science Based Target.",reduction 2700,"'We, therefore, commit to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030. The city will continue strive to ensure that all greenhouse gas emissions produced and mitigated in the city are in balance.' (p.7).",net-zero 2701,"""Aim to reduce GHG emissions by 26% compared to FY2013 levels in FY2030;* CO2 emissions in FY2019 were 15,489t (down 12.4% since FY2013)"" Source: ",reduction 2702,"A greater number of projects may be expected not to proceed as a consequence of lower forecast future demand, lower appetite by management and the board to allocate capital to certain projects, or increased objections from stakeholders to the development of certain projects.",none 2704,"'For WesCEF and Coregas, our aspiration is to achieve net zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2050. For these businesses, the transition to net zero will take time, and we will invest and collaborate with others to support efforts to develop the new technologies that will drive the necessary transformation in these important sectors. For Industrial and Safety (ex-Coregas) we are targeting net zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2050.' (p75, 2020)",net-zero 2705,The council has set an ambitious target for the whole city to be carbon neutral by 2030.,net-zero 2706,"We also base our judgment on the viability of commercialization, trends in the marketplace and market acceptance criteria.",none 2707,"To aim for a reduction in CO2 emissions by 95% by 2050",reduction 2708,"[This long - term perspective is reflected in the choice of strategic portfolio , which includes both the long - term distribution of capital over various broad asset classes as well as strategies that determine the distribution within each asset class of individual securities .]",none 2709,The challenge of delivering what our customers want is always there – and we’re in a highly competitive market.,none 2710,Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions All other indirect emissions which occur at sources the organisation neither owns nor controls.,none 2711,"This is achieved by means of a series of meetings, including the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee, both of which are open to the public. ",none 2712,"The Company's major environmental risks include air emissions, water discharges and wastewater, solid waste, contaminated land, climate change and the potential effects of greenhouse gas emissions on the atmosphere. ",none 2713,Net zero across value chain by 2050 or sooner.,net-zero 2714,"Along the way, CO2emissions are to be reduced by at least 70 percent by 2030 and by at least 90 percent by 2040 compared to 1990.",reduction 2715,"In 2019 we reached our target to achieve carbon neutrality at the Amadeus Data Center. In 2020 we continued to use Guarantees of Origin to meet our zero emissions Data Center policy. This initiative continues to have a large positive impact in overall company emissions, which were reduced almost by 70%6 since we started using Guarantees of Origin, marking a significant step toward Amadeus’ ambition of zero company emissions by 2050, in alignment with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change 6-The 70% reduction refers to scope 1 and 2 emissions combined. Scope 1, as per the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards are direct emissions from burning of fossil fuels, Scope 2 are emissions related to the use of electricity.",net-zero 2716,We have devoted significant resources to develop our risk management capabilities and expect to continue to do so in the future.,none 2717,There is also reputation risk if the business is not seen to be taking deliberate and tangible actions to reduce its GHG emissions.,none 2718,"[In our outlook for impacts on our clients ' business , we employed two scenarios : a static scenario which assumes that no attempt is made to transform the present business structure , and a dynamic scenario under which the business structure is transformed .]",none 2719,MHI Group's first goal is to reduce our CO2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) to 50% of 2014 levels by 2030,reduction 2720,"Based on these market developments, we continue to focus on policy and legal risks, as well as technology risks, as we mainly expect changes within these two dimensions to potentially impact asset values.",none 2721,"In fiscal 2020, which was the final year for the target, the HOYA Group's CO2 emissions amounted to 406,176 tons. (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) CO2 emissions increased by 1.3% compared with the level in fiscal 2014, falling short of the target; however, we were able to reduce CO2 emissions per unit of net sales by 9.4%. ",reduction 2723,"Those risks may emerge in the short and medium-term, as well as over the long-term.",none 2724,We are at an extraordinary time in our history.,none 2725,The South Australian Government has set goals to reduce South Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50% below 2005 levels by 2030. It also plans to achieve 100% renewable energy generation by 2030.,reduction 2726,a 25% abatement from FYE 3/2019 levels by 2030,reduction 2727,"‹Goals for 2030›  GHG Scope 1, 2: 63% reduction compared to the 2015 level*3 GHG Scope 3: 40% reduction compared to the 2015 level (procurement, use, and logistics categories) Switch to 50% renewable electricity.",reduction 2728,"""short to medium-term target, target year 2030 -30%, base year 2015. Scope: ships & aircrafts. ",reduction 2730,"In January 2021, we announced goals in line with the latest science, more than doubling our previous science-based climate goal. ... we pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040, one decade earlier than called for in the Paris Agreement.",net-zero 2733,We had set such targets in the past.,none 2734,The details of this are presented in the scenarios section of this disclosure.,none 2735,"Deliver 800 million tons of saved and avoided CO2 emissions to our customers by 2025. Reduce CO2 emissions from our top 1,000 suppliers’ operations by 50% by 2025. Net-zero operational emissions and reduction of scope 3 emissions by 35% (vs. 2017) by 2030",reduction 2736,"China Everbright International has a sound track record in both the wastewater and waste-to-energy businesses, and as such is well positioned to secure new projects.",none 2737,"""In the long term, complete carbon neutrality across the entire value chain is to be achieved in close collaboration with suppliers and customers – and by 2050 at the latest."" ",net-zero 2738,Overall CO₂ emission reduction target: 20%,reduction 2739,"- The INDC of Timor-Leste has not determined the reduction target of GHG emissions in all source categories, including energy sector.",none 2740,'● Achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050 to comply with the Japanese government’s target. In addition' (p43),net-zero 2741,"[Thermal coal has been excluded from this analysis , given that MC sold all of its thermal coal interests as the result of a review conducted from the perspective of strengthening its business portfolio .]",none 2742,"This was illustrated in mega-events like China’s Virtual Sephora Day and the “11/11” day, when Sephora connected with more than one million people on social media.",none 2743,reduce at least 15% in greenhouse gas intensity of the Group by 2029 (FY2019 as the base year).,reduction 2745,"Besides regular management system assessments, internal and third-party compliance audits and inspections are performed annually at hundreds of facilities worldwide.",none 2747,"A 25 per cent reduction in the carbon emissions of all shareholder and policyholder assets by 20251 ",reduction 2748,"The Integrated Healthy Management System encompasses aspects and information regarding the physical working environment, the psychosocial environment, personal health resources and community participation.",none 2749,"Further, a sustainable finances work group was created to address future EU regulatory requirements.",none 2750,This includes aligning to the principles and goals of the Paris Agreement by the end of 2020 and supporting a total of EUR 1 trillion of investments from 2021 to 2030.,none 2751,The economy-wide carbon levy is based on a rate of $30 per tonne for 2018 and exempts activities integral to oil and gas production processes until 2023.,none 2752,"The Government of Canada is committed to moving to net-zero emissions by 2050. In July 2021, Canada submitted its updated NDC, where it strengthened its emission reduction target from a 30% reduction below 2005 levels by 2030 to at least 40-45% (Government of Canada, 2021d). The inclusion of the reference to ‘at least’ suggests that Canada may exceed this target. We calculate that this target equates to an emissions level in 2030 of 427-467 MtCO2e once the contribution from its land sector has been excluded. ",net-zero 2753,"For our analysis, we evaluated both interim/bridge and commercial mortgage loans.",none 2754,"FY2030 target: 4 million ton-CO2 (compared to FY2017) ※including Group refineries ",reduction 2755,"CIBC has established interim targets to reduce the financed emissions associated with our oil and gas portfolio: • We are targeting a 35% reduction in the operational emissions intensity of our oil and gas portfolio compared to a 2020 base year, including Scope 1 and 2 emissions from upstream production and downstream refining of oil and gas products. • We are targeting a 27% reduction in the end use emissions intensity of our oil and gas portfolio compared to a 2020 base year, including Scope 3 emissions from the combustion of hydrocarbon-derived fuels sold into the market. CIBC has established an interim target to reduce the financed emissions associated with our power generation portfolio. We are targeting an emissions intensity of 156 kgCO2 /MWh associated with direct Scope 1 emissions from power generation activities by 2030, which represents a 32% reduction in emissions intensity compared to our 2020 base year. Our target includes portfolio companies with owned power generation, such as independent power producers and the power generation share of combination (power and gas) utilities and integrated (generation, transmission and distribution) utilities.",reduction 2756,"Aimed to ""Develop a net zero commitment and plan"" during 2022.",net-zero 2757,"'In 2020, after the pledge to the C40’s Climate Action Program, the city launched a comprehensive municipal plan for carbon mitigation and adaptation, called PlanClima. The vision of the program is to help the city to become carbon neutral by 2050, building resilience and societal collaboration to overcome climatic risks.' ",net-zero 2758,'20% emissions reduction by 2030' (p1.1),reduction 2759,achieve the 1.5°c target of the paris agreement. lower local household greenhouse gas emissions. keep greenhouse gas emissions under 2.5 tco2e/cap/yr by 2030. lifestyle carbon footprints should be reduced by 650 kgco2e/cap/yr by 2030. ,reduction 2760,"Target is from 2011. Explicitly, this reduction target is to reduce emissions to 1990 levels by 2025. However absolute emissions also summarized with regard to this target, against 2009 baseline: ",reduction 2761,"Achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across HP value chain by 2040, beginning with Supplies business achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 Reduce HP value chain GHG emissions 50% by 2030 1 Reach carbon neutrality and zero waste in HP operations by 2025 2 Reach 75% circularity for products and packaging by 2030 3 Maintain zero deforestation for HP paper and paper-based packaging 4 Counteract deforestation for non-HP paper used in our products and print services by 2030 5",net-zero 2762,"Our Newsroom channel will continue to keep people abreast of our corporate views and positions but we will, at the same time, strive to constantly provide feedback into our business operations regarding what our stakeholders are telling us.",none 2763,"Four years ago, we began to significantly increase our exposure to the credit asset class which now stands at $18.3 billion at the end of 2019.",none 2764,We delivered on our revenue and EPS guidance we established at the start of the year.,none 2765,Net Zero emissions in Operations (Scope 1 and 2).,net-zero 2766,"If we do not successfully manage our current growth and do not successfully execute our growth initiatives, then our business and financial results may be adversely affected and we may incur asset impairment or restructuring charges.",none 2767,"B. Reducing Emissions in Production Risk ①②⑥ As an interim target toward building a decarbonized society by 2050, the Toray Group Sustainability Vision directs the Group to achieve a 30% reduction of GHG emissions per unit of sales revenue compared with fiscal 2013 levels, by 2030.",reduction 2768,"All businesses other than soda ash to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040 with an investment up to €1 billion ● Soda ash to complete carbon neutrality before 2050 with identified investments of approximately €1 billion by 2040 ",net-zero 2769,"As per Paris Agreement Article 4, the 2020 NDC update builds upon the 2015 submission with a view to enhancing its ambition through the introduction of three national level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios, namely a baseline emissions scenario, an unconditional mitigation scenario to 2030, as well as a more ambitious conditional mitigation scenario to 2030 towards achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050.",net-zero 2770,"As of 2020, Linde lowered its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) intensity by more than 16% from the 2018 baseline and is on track to reach its goal of 35% reduction by 2028. Through its applications and technologies, Linde helped its customers avoid more than two times Linde's own GHG emissions in 2020",reduction 2771,"""commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050""",net-zero 2772,The social impact of our work is one of the key non-financial factors we consider when assessing our overall performance and when making decisions about future projects. ,none 2773,"The Company is committed to foster and maintain an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation. ",none 2774,During 2021 we delivered many sessions on this topic to leaders and their teams.,none 2775,"Economy-wide reduction GHG emission of 30% when compared to BAU scenario by 2030 The reference year for the target is 2030 and the target is expressed both as relative to a BAU scenario for that year, and relative to 2010 baseline emissions.(Updated NDC 2022, p.43) - It is however important to highlight that a reduction on emissions from the LULUCF sector plays a major role in achieving the set goals and that the country’s longer-term ambition is to reach net zero emissions from the LULUCF sector by 2045.",reduction 2776,"(2) Achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions within our investment and loan portfolios, etc. by 2050 (Scope 3) ",net-zero 2777,-Reduce CO2 emissions from the Kubota Group in Japan* by 30% compared to the base year 2014,reduction 2778,"'To signify Hong Kong’s commitment, I announced last year our pledge to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050' (p2)",net-zero 2779,"""PSEG’s net-zero climate vision for 2030 is one of the first and most aggressive targets for a large utility and power generator – accelerating our goal for achieving greenhouse gas (GHG)- and carbon-free generation by two decades and adding net-zero for scope 1 and 2 utility operations.""",net-zero 2781,"Richemont commits to reduce absolute Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Richemont commits to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from ‘purchased goods and services and business travel’ 55% per dollar EVA by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Richemont also commits that 20% of its suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services and upstream transportation and distribution will have science-based targets by 2025. Richemont commits to increase annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 64% in 2019 to 100% by 2025. The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (Scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C. The renewable energy procurement target covering Scope 2 emissions is consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C.”",reduction 2782,"With climate change at the forefront in our minds, we announced our ambition to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 in alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement. ",net-zero 2783,"The Group has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions from its own operations by 2040 and from its portfolio of financed emissions by 2050, aligned to the Paris Agreement. SBG plans work towards a goal of net zero across the group’s operations: for newly built facilities by 2030 and for existing facilities by 2040. ",net-zero 2784,Reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity,reduction 2785,"For aviation, maritime transport, cement and steel, carbon emissions intensities are analysed.",none 2786,"The emissions reductions in this new NDC are a confirmation of the indicative ambitious 2030 NDC target of 40% below 2010 levels submitted in the 2016 NDC, which is conditional on external funding. ",reduction 2787,This has included funding counselling for vulnerable home insurance customers who experience trauma following serious events such as flooding.,none 2788,"Unconditional target: By 2030, the Municipality of São Paulo should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% in relation to the base year 2017.",reduction 2789,"Smurfit Kappa has today announced new targets to further reduce its fossil CO2 emissions, including its ambition to reach at least net zero emissions by 2050. It has also increased its existing intermediate 2030 CO2 reduction target by 15 percentage points to 55%, in comparison to the 2005 baseline. The company will have these targets validated by the Science Based Target initiative as being in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement",net-zero 2790,"At the same time, asset managers face a number of challenges, including regulatory complexities and revenue and margin com- pression.",none 2791,"Washington, DC is building on its Sustainable DC and Clean Energy DC plans to cut carbon emissions 50 percent by 2032.",reduction 2792,"We support the CDP, as an investor member as well as a questionnaire respondent, in their aim to improve company disclosure of risks and opportunities related to natural resources.",none 2793,The company has an environmental vision of reaching net zero carbon by 2035 and Carbon neutral for scope 1 and 2 emissions by2035,net-zero 2794,"""We also have an interim target to achieve 50% GHG emissions reduction by 2030 relative to 2007 levels.""",reduction 2795,"Reduction of absolute CO2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by 6% between 2015 and 2021 to under 240,000 tonnes (based on organic growth).",reduction 2796,"In addition to the specific risks insured, the Group is exposed to losses that could arise from natural and man-made catastrophes.",none 2797,"""Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions by 7% to 22%, by 2030, compared to a business as usual -BAU- scenario, conditional on external support in terms of finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity building. The 7% GHG reduction will be achieved with national means."" Source: %20September%2003,2015.pdf",reduction 2798,"ThaiBev has set climate change targets in line with Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) recommendations. This commitment amounts to an absolute reduction in scope 1 and scope 2 emissions of 15% by 2025, with 2019 as the base year",reduction 2799,'Carrying out energy conservation and emissions reduction for carbon emissions of Scope 1 and Scope 2 generated in its operation process and gradually reducing carbon emissions' (p43) - but doesn't actually contain any targets,none 2800,"""Set new target to reduce the Mizuho group’s worldwide Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions • Reduce the FY2019 amount by 35% by FY2030""",reduction 2801,"The Group Code of Conduct defines rules and standards of Conduct to control risks concerning “Fight against corruption”, as described in Paragraph “Identification of Risks and Opportunity”.",none 2802,"Despite introducing new technologies on the production line, reports have suggested that incident rates are higher than their competitors.",none 2803,Climate change presents both physical and transition risks to our investment portfolio.,none 2804,In our opinion CEF’s are consumer products.,none 2805,"""pledge to be carbon-neutral by 2045"" - ",net-zero 2806,"""President Xi Jinping made a commitment to the international community for ... achieving carbon neutrality before 2060, pointing out the direction for high-quality development of the clean energy industry""",net-zero 2807,"Our ambition is to be carbon neutral along the cement and concrete value chain by 2050.",net-zero 2808,"(Pg. 16& 29) ""25% Absolute reduction in Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions over 2019 baseline by 2035"" ""25% Reduction in Scope 3 GHG emissions over 2019 baseline by 2035""",reduction 2809,"""2050 net zero aspiration for equity upstream Scope 1 and 2 emissions""",net-zero 2810,"Comparativement à 2003, d’ici 2020 puis 2030 et 2050, réduire de 30% puis 50% et 75% les niveaux par habitant d'émission de gaz à effet de serre et de consommation finale d’énergie -- ",reduction 2812,Vestas has signed up for the Business Ambition for 1.5°C Commitment (net zero by 2050),net-zero 2813,"The site also has an 8 MW solar farm, which was commissioned in 2018, and a training center, OLEUM, which started up in 2017.",none 2814,"The Trustees believe that while these factors are sources of risks to be mitigated where possible, they may also create opportunities.",none 2815,"'Early last year we announced our commitment to reduce GHG emissions in the U.S. 15% from our 2019 baseline (see ESG Performance Data table, in Appendix) by the end of 2025 across Scope 1, 2, and 3. (p9) 'reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% by the end of 2025 (from its 2019 baseline).' ",reduction 2816,Social responsibility is fundamental to Atlantia’s relationship with the communities it operates in.,none 2818,Reduce total gross greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below 2014 levels (updated baseline: 219.71 Ggs est.) at 39.2% by 2025.,reduction 2819,"Reduce emissions from group store operations to net-zero (Pg. 5)",net-zero 2820,Aiming to achieve carbon neutral by FY 2050.,net-zero 2821,"[Impacts on societe generale 's financial planning 3.5.1 Operating costs and revenues The deployment of climate - related product and services , investment in research and development as well as operational changes has led to changes in revenue and operational costs for Societe Generale , although we expect these changes are marginal .]",none 2822,We have seen good growth across our product set in our consumer and wholesale businesses.,none 2823,"Reduce location-based GHG emissions by 30% from 2019 to 2030 These goals apply to GHG Emissions from all of MetLife’s owned and leased properties across the world, its fleet of automobiles in the Auto & Home business line (Scope 1 and 2 Emissions), and the company’s employee business travel (Scope 3 Emissions). ",reduction 2824,"Aegon is exposed to mortality risk and mortgage underwriting risks and has limited exposure to P&C risk, including catastrophic risk.",none 2825,"VtoV has provided grants to Verizon employees around the world to use toward food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities during life-changing disasters.",none 2826,"However, based on its business activity, DBAG has the economic intention of providing finances to the co-investment vehicles in cases of investment decisions by DBAG funds for the purposes of profitably investing its capital and of aligning its interest with that of the fund investors.",none 2827,"Our commitments to RE100 and carbon neutrality are foundational to our path to net zero. Per our net zero commitment, by 2030, we will have zeroed out any remaining emissions solely through the use of carbon removals.",net-zero 2828,"This strategy builds on achievements to date and identifies new measures to further reduce emissions and increase our resilience to unavoidable climate change impacts. It sets a path toward achieving our target of reducing emissions by 50–60% (from 1990 levels) by 2025 and outlines initial steps towards achieving our goal of net zero emissions by 2045. ",net-zero 2829,"This revised and strengthened NDC pledges a significantly more ambitious mitigation target of reducing economy-wide CO2 emissions by 61% by 2030, compared to the base year 2010, conditional upon adequate access to resources including climate finance as well as capacity building support. This will be achieved by switching to 100% renewable energy in electricity generation and increasing the share of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet to at least 2% ",reduction 2830,"The uncomfortable truth is that our entire economy is based on fossil fuels, and therefore moving to a low-carbon future will affect all sectors.",none 2831,"— The Implied Temperature Rise is a forward-looking metric used to try and measure the alignment of a portfolio or an asset class with the Paris agreement, i.e to limit global warming to below 2°C by 2100 compared to preindustrial levels. The data lacks robustness and is still being adjusted with models and methodologies that are improving regularly. Rather than the absolute level of portfolio temperature, SCOR prefers to consider the trend. As in the past, SCOR has selected Carbon 4(1) for this assessment. According to the 2020 model changes implemented by Carbon 4(2), the measurement is stable year on year at 2.8°C (would have been stable at 3.1°C before changes in methodologies). ",none 2832,Estimated cost of actions in NDC is 62 billion USD. NDC is conditional on international support providing 87% of budget. ,none 2833,"[We have reduced carbonrelated assets on our balance sheet to 0.8 % or USD 1.9 billion as of 31 December 2019 , down from 1.6 % at the end of 2018 and 2.8 % at the end of 2017 .]",none 2834,"Respond to the Climate Change Climate change is a major issue facing the sustainable development of the shipping industry. In the context of achieving goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, COSCO SHIPPING carries out carbon reduction action in line with the requirement of the greenhouse gas emission reduction by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), makes continuous technological innovation and management innovation to control the carbon dioxide emissions in the process of business operation. We’ve made studies on the green ship and alternative bunker fuel, giving full play to the professional advantages and serving as the actor responding to climate change (Pg. 48) COSCO Shipping Lines attaches great importance to the impact of its production and operation on the environment, and gives full play to its professional advantages to take new measures including green shipping, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and higher-quality shipping. It has made great efforts to cope with climate change, promote green transformation of the international shipping industry and achieve the goal of carbon neutrality. COSCO Shipping Lines follows COSCO Shipping Holdings's environmental objectives in five dimensions, including greenhouse gas emission reduction, energy upgrading, enhanced ballast water management, emission reduction and waste reduction, to assist COSCO Shipping Holdings in achieving its goal of carbon neutrality by 2060 at the latest. (Pg. 19; Source: ",net-zero 2835,The results of the two analyses showed that there is a risk that the capital banks have earmarked for lending to commercial real estate will not sufficiently compensate for the credit losses that could arise following a severe financial stress.,none 2836,"We aim to achieve a decarbonized society through energy-saving activities including upgrading to energy-efficient equipment, the adoption of renewable energy and upgrading to next-generation energy.",none 2837,"""In April 2021, KDDI announced our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), and in July, we raised our CO2 emissions reduction target for fiscal year 2030, set out in the “KDDI GREEN PLAN 2017-2030,” to “a 50% reduction compared to fiscal year 2019.”"" ""With the aim of achieving net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, we have revised our non-consolidated CO2 emission reduction target for the fiscal year 2030, and raised it to a 50% reduction from the fiscal year 2019 for Scope 1 and 2, and to a 14% reduction from the fiscal year 2019 for Scope 3.""",reduction 2838,reduce 50% of the carbon emission in 2050 compared to the year 2005,reduction 2839," target was to achieve a 25% reduction in our combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, compared to a 2014 baseline. In the 2021 calendar year, we achieved a 34% reduction (2020: 32.59%) in our overall GHG emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). We achieved a 27% reduction (2020: 26.20%) in our Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions, thus exceeding our target. We will set a new target in 2023 when we expect employee office occupancy to stabilise. "" They acknowledge that the considerable emissions reductions observed in 2020 and 2021 are largely due to pandemic. This is also the reason why they only expect office numbers to stabilise by 2023. ",reduction 2840,"The Aragonese Climate Change Strategy (EACC 2030) is the consequence of the firm adherence of the Government of Aragon to the Climate Agreement reached at the Paris Summit, as well as to the European and national political priorities derived from it and the Sustainable Development Goals established in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Consequently, the Strategy formulates the following objectives: Contribute to a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. Reduce emissions from the diffuse sector by 26% compared to 2005. Increase the minimum contribution of renewable energies to 32% of total energy consumption. Integrate climate change policies at all levels of governance. Develop a low-carbon economy in terms of energy use and a circular economy in terms of resource use.",reduction 2841,"By 2040, Target commits to being a net-zero emissions across own operation: 'zero waste to landfill in its U.S. operations, net zero emissions across its operations and and net zero emissions across both our operations and supply chain, inclusive of scopes 1, 2 and 3' but it says elsewhere that the commitment outside the own operations is solely to 'engage constructively' with supply chain partners (see , that does not sound like accountability for GVC emissions even though 97% of their GHG emissions are indirect from outside sources.",net-zero 2842,"American consumer goods corporation Procter & Gamble commits to reduce emissions from operations 50% by 2030 from a 2010 base-year. Within this timeframe, the company will also address the main source of emissions across its value chain by measures including: ensuring that 70% of all washing machine loads are washed in cold water, doubling the use of post-consumer resin in plastic packaging and ensuring zero deforestation in the palm oil supply chain. Read the Procter & Gamble Case Study. The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to Well-below 2°C. also scope 3 target: 40% reduction in supply chain emissions per unit of production by 2030 from a 2020 baseline and promises for scope 1 and 2 to be carbon neutral this decade through carbon credits: In 2020, P&G committed to advancing natural climate solutions that will balance any remaining Scope 1 and 2 emissions we cannot eliminate through 2030 – effectively making our manufacturing operations carbon neutral for the decade.",reduction 2843,SAP committed to achieve net-zero along the value chain in line with a 1.5°C future in 2030.,net-zero 2844,"Going forward, we will continue to promote automation and labor savings in data input operations to improve administrative efficiency.",none 2846,"Estonia’s national target for GHG emission reduction compared to 1990 emissions levels is 70% by 2030 ",reduction 2847,"To become carbon neutral, DKI Jakarta commits itself to achieve a minimum of 49% GHG emission reductions from the business-as-usual scenario of 106.5 MtCO2e in 2030 (baseline year of 2010).",net-zero 2848,"Together with the corresponding mechanisms and procedures, they help manage insurance risks.",none 2849,"INDIVIDUAL INVESTMENTS For individual investments, we use the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework to guide our diligence of material issues.",none 2850,"Although not required by securities laws, some of our governance tools, such as the use of Designated Audit Directors (DADs), also reinforce the effectiveness and rigor of our governance model.",none 2851,"Until 2050 may seem a long time, but the projection for this plan has “milestones”, or time horizons, which show the reduction in stages: 2030 (30%), 2037 (50%) and 2050 (100%). ",reduction 2852,MTN commits to net zero emissions by 2040 to contribute to a sustainable future,net-zero 2853,"Specifically, no single customer accounted for more than 5% of the company’s sales in 2020.",none 2854,The ANWR is a particularly fragile and pristine ecosystem which is central to the livelihoods and culture of local indigenous peoples.,none 2855,"2020 NDC unconditional target: 1) Keep GHG emissions below 208,8 MtCO2eq by 2030 (excluding land use, land-use change and forestry - LULUCF sector). 2020 NDC conditional target (subject to financial support): 1) Keep GHG emissions below 179,0 MtCO2eq by 2030 (excluding land use, land-use change and forestry - LULUCF sector). By 2030, 20% GHG emission reduction (non-conditional) and additional 10% (conditional) comparison to BAU. ",reduction 2856,"Prior to submission to the Board of Directors for final approval, investment decisions are reviewed by the EBRD Investment Committee (OpsCom).",none 2857,It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to monitor on a regular basis the risks of the Group and to ensure that adequate risk management systems are in place. ,none 2858,"Near-term Target As part of this commitment, CVS commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 47% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.",reduction 2859,"Ferrovial establishes progressive compensation until reaching neutrality, from 2020 to 2050, by means of reducing emissions and the compensation that may not be avoided by means of voluntary projects of carbon compensation.",net-zero 2861,"There is no static effort, the landscape is moving quickly and we are prepared to move accordingly.",none 2862,"'Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emission intensity (tCO2 e/million GTM) by 43% by 2030 based on 2019 levels.' 'Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from fuel- and energy-related activities by 40% per million gross ton miles by 2030 from a 2019 base year.' (p18) nb these were approved by the SBTi in April 2021",reduction 2863,"[3,256 km of motorway network managed : the largest national motorway network , including the two roads running from the North to the South of the country : the central A1 and the Adriatic A14 motorways .]",none 2864,Realising a society with net 'zero' CO2 emissions,net-zero 2865,"M&G plc will seek authority from its shareholders on an annual basis to issue shares up to a maximum amount, of which a defined number may be issued without preemption.",none 2866,"Therefore, the Regional Assembly and the Hannover City Council have decided to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 95 percent and the final energy demand by 50 percent in comparison to 1990 until 2050 at the latest.",reduction 2867,"Achieving carbon neutral growth by 2020 Reducing CO2 emissions by 50% by 2050 relative to 2005",reduction 2868,"Some of the aspects we consider in our scenario development include demographics, economics, environment,",none 2870,The Board has reviewed the Company's system of internal control and has determined that the system provides reasonable assurance that the Company's financial statements are free from material misstatement. ,none 2871,"Our firm's investment process is firmly rooted in fiduciary duty, and is informed by the fiduciary duty principles of prudence, loyalty and due care, as well as the duty of disclosure. ",none 2872,"'As part of our commitment, we set a science-aligned* goal to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions intensity 40% by 2025 using a 2018 baseline.' (p8)",reduction 2873,"the company has set a goal to be carbon-neutral by 2025 in Scope 1 and 2 emissions. According to the Carbon Trust, Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting company. Crown Castle said it would achieve its objective through a combination of continued investment in energy reduction initiatives, sourcing renewable energy, and, to a lesser extent, using carbon credits or offsets.",net-zero 2874,"[Accordingly , we have defined the associated risks and opportunities from a medium- to long - term perspective looking to 2030 and beyond rather than based on the short - term timeframe of the three - year medium - term management plan .]",none 2875,"Woori Financial Group has joined the government’s 2050 carbon neutral vision as part of its effort to respond to climate change, the company announced Friday. ",net-zero 2876,The reasonableness and accuracy of the conclusions from the performed audit work were not part of our limited assurance engagement.,none 2877,"Pg. 76 - Reduce the methane emissions per unit of production in the production, processing and LNG segments by 4%. - Reduce GHG emissions per unit of production in the upstream segment by 5%. Further, cut methane emissions from operations of LNG fuel stations by 20%. - Reduce the carbon footprint of our products sold internationally. - Reduce GHG emissions per ton of LNG produced by 5%.",reduction 2879,"In April 2020, we announced our A$20 million Community Support Fund which is supporting our host communities with the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.",none 2880,"We have set targets to reduce greenhouse-gas, energy and water intensities by 25 percent – and material intensity by 50 percent – between 2010 and 2025 (Pg. 7)",reduction 2882,"And flooding, both inland and coastal, could lead to direct damage to our properties.",none 2883,"'In 2014, SAIC set a goal of reducing emissions by 15% by 2025 and exceeded that goal with a reduction of 25% in 2016. To further encourage cuts to our carbon footprint, we use 2019 as a new baseline and have established a new interim goal of an additional 15% by 2025 for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions to ensure we continue to make significant progress in reducing emissions.' (p7)",reduction 2884,The loan is part of a US$ 1 billion (€823 million equivalent) package arranged by the EBRD that brings together international financial institutions and commercial banks.,none 2885,"KT have formulated Net Zero 2050, a new vision for environmental management. We will be in promotion of two goals, i.e. minimization of environmental impact by our business operation and maximization of environmental benefits from our services at the same time through positive use of our ABC (AI, BigData, Cloud) technologies to attain the objective of Net Zero (Carbon Neutrality) by 2050.",net-zero 2886,"The carrying values of the olive grove property ($999,901), trees ($65,500) and water licence ($627,750) are based on an independent valuation of the assets undertaken for the 30 June 2012 accounts.",none 2887,"International political, social and economic risks Equinor has international interests located in regions where political, social and economic instability could adversely affect Equinor’s business.",none 2888,"""We have set an ambitious target for Edinburgh to become a net zero city by 2030. This means that by 2030, we want remove the same amount of greenhouse gases that we, as a city, put into the air. Our 2030 target recognises the need for Edinburgh to play its part in helping to deliver on national goals to reduce emission. And that cities will need to make faster progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions if Scotland is to meet its national 2045 net zero target."" - see ""Initial target 2030 with 'hard target' by 2037"" ",net-zero 2889,"Brunei Darussalam is committed to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 20% relative to Business-As-Usual levels by 2030. Base year (2015) emission level: 11.6 Mt CO2e. Business-As-Usual (2030) emission level: approximately 29.5 Mt CO2e.",reduction 2890,"Looking forward to 2018, we will continue to remain focused on our key sectors and core customers, while further exploring how digital technologies can drive value for our customers.",none 2891,The Raleigh’s City Council set a goal of an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 levels by the year 2050,reduction 2892,"In addition, longer-term natural catastrophe trends may be changing and new types of catastrophe losses may be developing due to climate change, a phenomenon that has been associated with extreme weather events linked to rising temperatures, and includes effects on global weather patterns, greenhouse gases, sea, land and air temperatures, sea levels, rain, hail and snow.",none 2893,"There may be many consequences of risks manifesting, such as a reduction in earnings and capital, liquidity outflows, and fines or penalties, or qualitative impacts such as reputation damage, loss of clients and customers, and regulatory and enforcement actions.",none 2894,"In 2019, the Company closed a series of transactions related to the sale of its Canadian fossil fuel-based electricity generation business.",none 2895,"By 2050, reduce GHG emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels.",reduction 2896,"13.6% GHG reduction by 2030 compared to BAU (conditional). Base Year: 2005 Target Years: 2020 to 2030 Contribution Type: Conditional Sectors: Energy, natural resource management, agriculture, waste management and mining Gases Covered: Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) Target: There will be a 13.6% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to a business as usual (BAU) 2030 scenario, conditional on external support. Financial Needs: Total: USD 17.405 billion  Adaptation: USD 10.785 billion  Mitigation: USD 6.62 billion (2020-2030)",reduction 2897,These stores will be included in the comp sales measures once they again meet the comp sales criteria.,none 2898,"'In 2021, the Group reinforced its engagement concerning its operational CO2 emissions. The Group is aiming for a reduction of 50% by 2030, and to reach net zero by 2040.' (2018 baseline)",reduction 2899,Our goal is to reduce controlled GHG emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) by 20% compared to the 2017 level. LUKOIL also shares the ambition to achieve net zero controlled emissions by 2050 and is considering opportunities to achieve this. (p36),net-zero 2900,"Using its network advantage and asset management expertise, Brambles seamlessly connects supply chain participants, ensuring the efficient flow of goods through the supply chain.",none 2901,"The greenhouse gas management objective for 2020 was a 6% reduction in emission per million dollars of revenue (NTD) compared to the base year of 2014. In 2020, emissions per million of revenue (NTD) reduced by 22.4% compared to the base year 2014, achieving the target.",reduction 2902,"""Goal: Reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25% by 2030, against a 2015 baseline""",reduction 2903,"Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO), the world leader in serving science, today announced its commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 2904,Increase in operational costs to meet regulatory requirements for GHG emissions and climate change,none 2905,"During the year under review, attendance at all BRC meetings met the requisite quorum as stipulated in the TOR.",none 2907,"Pledge at 2019 Climate Ambition Summit The result of these positive changes is that Jamaica’s latest NDC will be significantly more ambitious. By 2030, it foresees emission reductions covering these two sectors of between 25.4 per cent (unconditional) and 28.5 per cent (conditional) relative to a business-as-usual scenario (which takes into account policies in place as of 2005). This implies that emissions in these sectors would be 1.8 to 2.0 MtCO2e lower than they otherwise be, compared with a range of 1.1 to 1.5 MtCO2e in its previous NDC.",reduction 2908,"Compliance risk encompasses violations of applicable internal policies, program requirements, procedures, and standards related to ethical principles applicable to the banking industry.",none 2909,"Crewmembers are taught what human trafficking is, who the victims typically are, what signs to look for, and how to report information of suspected human trafficking.",none 2910,"Through the expansion of 3M Impact, our skills-based employee volunteer program, we committed to 300,000 work hours of service across the globe.",none 2911,Against this backdrop we saw sales decrease by 2% to $27.6 billion (2019: $28.1 billion) reflecting lower volumes in our materials businesses in certain European and North American markets as public health restrictions resulted in reduced construction activity.,none 2912,"""We have committed to reach net-zero global emissions by 2040 in line with the aim to limit global warming to 1.5 degree C"" (Pg. 52)",net-zero 2913,"The following community milestone targets for 2030, 2035, and 2040 will be used (Figure 3): • 55 per cent reduction in total annual city-wide emissions by 2030 (about 1.75 million tonnes per year), consistent with the 1.5°C science-based target established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Race to Zero campaign; • 65 per cent by 2035 (about 1.35 million tonnes per year); and • 75 per cent by 2040 (about 1 million tonnes per year).",reduction 2914,"In the vision, Toray Group declared its aim of “A net zero emissions world, where greenhouse gas emissions are completely offset by absorption,” effectively cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to zero by 2050.",net-zero 2915,"Nedbank had committed R36,2bn at 31 December 2020 and has appetite to increase this to R50bn.",none 2916,"The Company has recognized costs of $55 million after-tax, which represents management’s best estimate of the costs to exit the Wipro MSA.",none 2917,"If our risk framework is ineffective, either because it fails to keep pace with changes in the financial markets, regulatory requirements, our businesses, our counterparties, clients or service providers or for other reasons, we could incur losses, suffer reputational damage or find ourselves out of compliance with applicable regulatory or contractual mandates or expectations.",none 2918,"Targets 2025: Reduce carbon intensity of operations11 (Scope 1) by ≥30% vs. 2010 Target 2030: Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by ≥30% vs. 2019 Target 2040: Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by ≥60% vs. 2019",reduction 2919,“Net zero carbon emissions [for] electricity delivered to DTE Electric customers [...] natural gas procured by DTE Gas [and from] DTE Gas operations” and “35% reduction in carbon emissions from the combustion of natural gas by DTE Gas customers” by 2050,net-zero 2920,We are committed to being a provider of choice for our clients in the markets in which we operate. ,none 2921,"By 2050, Air France aims to achieve net-zero emissions, i.e., a drastic reduction in its CO2 emissions coupled with contributions to projects that will remove from the atmosphere a quantity of CO2 equivalent to residual emissions each year. The company is working to define a precise and verifiable decarbonisation trajectory for 2050, based on a set of hypotheses – notably concerning an evolution of traffic – which may vary. Therefore, this is an evolving process, guided by the ambition to be in line with the scientific benchmarks, as is the case for the trajectory for 2030.",net-zero 2922,"The foundation of the Green Worcester Plan is a citywide transition to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2045, in City facilities, through the City’s Community Choice Electricity Aggregation Program, and working with other levels of government and suppliers.",net-zero 2923,"new interim target IN DISCUSSION (update from 55% in first revision of climate plan 2019): ""Für die kommende Zweite Fortschreibung des Klimaplans ist bisher eine Verschärfung dieser Ziele auf 70 Prozent bis 2030 geplant"" --> ""So far, a tightening of the target to 70% until 2030 is planned for the coming second revision of the climate plan"" ",reduction 2924,CO2 target from info-graphic ,reduction 2925,"'In 2021, we became one of the largest life and health insurers in the world to commit to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050' (p7)",net-zero 2926,"Work in partnership with asset owner clients on decarbonisation goals, consistent with an ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner across all assets under management (‘AUM’)",net-zero 2927,"reduce 30 to 40% of its GHG emissions in 1990 as unconditional target. the conditional target reaches a GHG emission reduction between 40 to 50% of the base year. The conditional contribution (NDC), subject to a significant international funding and technology transfer, is not to exceed 50-60% GHG emissions as of 1990 by 2030.",reduction 2928,"okohama hopes to leverage substantial reductions in energy consumption and an energy source shift to achieve its goal of net zero emissions by 2050. The city hopes to supply 10% of its energy consumption from sources within the city.",net-zero 2929,Interim target commits to reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50.2% by FY2031.,reduction 2930,"The framework will be based on individuals’ capabilities, and designed to empower our employees, encourage innovation, unlock our performance culture, and enable the execution of our overall strategy.",none 2931,The SEMS process is used in Nedbank’s RBB and Wealth clusters.,none 2932,Declaration at 2020 Climate Ambition Summit,net-zero 2933,"Future intent We continually review our metrics and targets, as needed, to ensure that the data we are measuring is meaningful, aligns with our strategy, and is providing the information the business and our stakeholders need to effectively monitor our performance and demonstrate our progress.",none 2934,The Group is also committed to promoting research and education to better understand and protect against climate risk: the AXA Research Fund will dedicate €35 million to climate risk research by 2018.,none 2935,An important consideration in the assessment of each risk was the relevant timeframe where the risk may be realised.,none 2936,"Our aim is to be net zero in our direct emissions by 2050. We’re going to get there by limiting our direct emissions and building our offset business. At the same time, we are working to create a better future by developing new energy businesses and low carbon solutions.",net-zero 2937,"In order to achieve such a result, further development of network infrastructure will be of fundamental importance.",none 2938,"20% reduction of scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 2025 and 50% reduction by 2030, versus 2018 baseline",reduction 2939,"""Article 1.- Object. The purpose of this law is to face the challenges presented by climate change, move towards a development low in greenhouse gas emissions and other climate forcing, until reaching and maintaining the neutrality of greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050. , adapt to climate change, reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience to the adverse effects of climate change, and comply with the international commitments assumed by the State of Chile on the matter."" Artículo 1°.- Objeto. La presente ley tiene por objeto hacer frente a los desafíos que presenta el cambio climático, transitar hacia un desarrollo bajo en emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y otros forzantes climáticos, hasta alcanzar y mantener la neutralidad de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero al año 2050, adaptarse al cambio climático, reduciendo la vulnerabilidad y aumentando la resiliencia a los efectos adversos del cambio climático, y dar cumplimiento a los compromisos internacionales asumidos por el Estado de Chile en la materia",net-zero 2940,"[- African Americans , Asians , and Hispanics / Latinos combined make up 13.7 % of the aircraft pilots and flight engineers in the U.S. - Women make up 3 % of aircraft mechanics and service technicians .]",none 2941,"Following the sustainable scenario, which implies accentuating reduction measures with greater abatement capacity and establish innovative tools for implementation as described below, the volume of emissions expected to 2030 will be 4.5 MtCO2eq, which represents a reduction of 65.3% MtCO2eq compared to year 1990, reaching 1.4 MtCO2eq in 2050, and reaching neutrality through compensation mechanisms.",net-zero 2942,"1. Carbon emissions of investment portfolio - Net zero by 2050. 2. Committed to the zero emission ambition of the European Green Deal by at the latest 2050.",net-zero 2943,"SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Oct. 14, 2020 -- Lear Corporation (NYSE: LEA), a global automotive technology leader in Seating and E-Systems, today expanded its sustainability efforts by announcing several new environmental goals, including achieving net zero emissions by 2050.",net-zero 2944,"Las emisiones de GEI del país, para dicho año, fueron 20,394.9 KtonCO2 Eq, correspondientes a 78.3 % de CO2 (15.978,7 KtonCO2 Eq, netas); 17.5% de CH4 (3,577.6 KtonCO2 Eq); 3.7 % de N2O (753,3 KtonCO2 Eq, netas), y 0.4% de HFC (85.3 KtonCO2 Eq) (Fig. II.4). ""El Salvador se compromete a tener una reducción de emisiones anuales (para 2030 y respecto a un escenario tendencial (BAU) desde 2019) de 640 Kton CO2 Eq por actividades de quema de combustibles fósiles en el Sector Energía y hasta una reducción de emisiones anuales de 819 Kton CO2 Eq en las mismas actividades y sector, si durante el período comprendido hasta dichos años se instalan los modelos tecnológicos, estructuras de financiamiento, marcos normativos y procesos masivos de fomento de capacidades con apoyo internacional [...]."" El Salvador is committed to have an annual reduction of emissions (for 2030 and from a 2019 baseline) of 640 kton CO2eq for activities related to fossil fuel burning within the energy sector. As well, the country commits to a conditional emissions reduction target (for 2030, 2019 BAU) of 819 kton CO2eq for the same sector and activities (fossil fuel burning within the energy sector) if the technological advances, finance structures, regulatory frameworks for international support are implemented. ""El Salvador se compromete a tener una reducción acumulada de emisiones, para el período entre 2035 y 2040, contada desde 2015, de 50,857.5 Kton CO2Eq por reducción de emisiones y actividades de aumento de sumideros y reservorios de carbono en el paisaje agropecuario de su Sector AFOLU [...]."" El Salvador is committed to have an annual reduction of emissions, for the period between 2035 and 2040, from a 2015 baseline, of 50,857.5 Kton CO2eq for the AFOLU sector via emission reduction activities and increasing of carbon stores and reservoirs in this sector, conditional on obtaining sufficient financing from international, national and private sources. ",reduction 2945,"There are no delinquent real estate taxes, ground rents, water charges, sewer rents, Ground Lease rents, assessments, insurance premiums, leasehold payments, including assessments payable in future installments or other outstanding charges affecting the Mortgage Property.",none 2946,"Power Financial is a diversified international management and holding company that holds interests, directly or indirectly, in companies in the financial services industry in Canada, the United States and Europe and, through its indirect investment in Pargesa, has substantial holdings in companies based in Europe, active in the following industries: oil and gas, electricity, energy services, water and waste management services, industrial minerals, cement and building materials, and wines and spirits.",none 2947,"With this, we improved productivity by updating and automating production equipment and realized greater efficiency by updating major equipment such as lights, pumps, air conditioning and transformers.",none 2948,"climate change, water shortage, food security and healthcare.",none 2949,"""Set an interim target to achieve in the next decade, which reflects a fair share of the 50% global reduction in CO2 by 2030 identified in the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°Celsius."" )",reduction 2950,The number of shares definitively acquired is based on the performance of a level of published revenues from the Group's Asset Management business as at 31 December 2019.,none 2951,"By focusing on low-cost production, we work with our clients to ensure their businesses are resilient to the risk of 'stranded assets'.",none 2952,"Consequently, in 2021, BBVA will focus on strengthening the existing training options and developing new content with a focus on the expert level.",none 2953,"Reduce operational GHG emissions (Scope 1&2 for operated assets) by at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030 ""In 2020, we set a medium-term target to reduce our operational emissions by at least 30 per cent from FY2020 levels by FY2030.""",reduction 2954,"""Scope 1 and 2 goal to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions from our operations by 30% from 2018 to 2030""",reduction 2955,"[The CFO convened a Scenario Discussion Workshop where members of senior leadership discussed the Company 's current state , considered possible future scenarios , identified different risks and opportunities within these scenarios , and discussed the financial implication of these impacts on the Company .]",none 2956,"In 2018, Humana established next-generation goals to uphold our pledge to make the planet healthier. We set out to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (which includes energy) by 10.5% (from a 2017 baseline) and increase our waste diversion rate to 60% by the end of 2022. Not only have we met our goals early, but we’re pushing to go beyond our baseline.",reduction 2957,"Rolls-Royce today joins the UN Race to Zero campaign in the run up to COP26 with a bold ambition to play a leading role in pioneering a resilient, inclusive, net zero carbon future. This will see Rolls-Royce become net zero carbon in its operations by 2030 and, more fundamentally, set an ambition to play a leading role in enabling the sectors in which we operate to reach net zero carbon by 2050 through the development of new products and technologies. Today Rolls-Royce affirms that position in joining the Business Ambition for 1.5oC campaign.",net-zero 2958,Products include capital markets and corporate and investment banking services.,none 2959,"Reducing CO2 emissions in manufacturing, per unit in sales -34%",reduction 2960,"At the direction of Mayor Scott, the City has set a series of targets to achieve 100% carbon neutrality by 2045. The Scott administration is aiming for a 30% reduction in carbon emissions by 2025, a 60% reduction in emissions by 2030, and full carbon neutrality – or 100% reduction in net emissions – by 2045. ",net-zero 2961,"This momentum, along with strict cost management, enabled Biedronka to post an EBITDA of 707 million euros, 10.3% more than in 2015 (+15.1% at a constant exchange rate).",none 2962,'2040: zero across our business and 100% green solutions to customers' (p21),net-zero 2963,Set a new GHG emission target for global operations in 2021.,reduction 2964,"The enthusiasm for implementing sustainable finance is a form of Bank Mandiri's concrete support for the Paris Agreement that has been signed by the Indonesian government in Law / No. 16/2016 on Ratification of the Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Sustainable finance action plan includes aligning the bank's activities towards this goal (see coverage)",none 2965,"At least one independent member, who can serve as the chairperson of the audit and risk committee, shall have specific knowledge and experience in applying accounting principles and internal control procedures.",none 2966,The Company is committed to ensure that its business activities do not cause or contribute to environmental damage and that the Company has in place environmental protection systems and processes to minimise the effects of its activities on the environment. ,none 2967,"As an insurance company understanding and managing risk is at the heart of what we do, and we recognise that climate change poses material long-term impacts to the business.",none 2968,"We seek to deliver growth and operational excellence in our core pallet, RPC and container pooling businesses through a focus on the core drivers of value, which include: strengthening our network advantage; delivering operational and organisational efficiencies; driving disciplined capital allocation and improved cash generation; and developing our people.",none 2969,"(and the company may not be able to offset such impact, including, for example, through higher freight rates).",none 2970,"Our current target, covering our direct emissions, so those from our stores or vehicles on the road, is to reduce operational emissions on an absolute basis against a 2017 baseline by 33% by 2025, 53% by 2030 and to reach net zero emissions by 2040",reduction 2971,"In the year ahead, we hope to continue to demonstrate how the pieces we have brought together can benefit patients worldwide.",none 2972,Dentsu International commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Dentsu International commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services and business travel 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.,reduction 2973,"However, in France, employees are involved in the Bank's long-term development through profit-sharing and/or incentive schemes.",none 2974,"The plan commits Colorado to cut climate-warming emissions 26 percent by 2025, 50 percent by 2030 and 90 percent by 2050 below 2005 emissions levels. It is covered in the following statute: ",reduction 2975,"However, given the long-term nature of some sustainability risks and the level of uncertainty associated with their occurrence and impact, we accept that some risks are inevitable.",none 2976,"In line with our Long-term Vision for the Environment, we have been implementing net zero CO2 emissions by 2050",net-zero 2977,"""Through our flagship $1 billion Ambition Zero Carbon programme we are on track to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our global operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 98% by 2026 (from 2015 baseline) and halve our entire value chain footprint by 2030 on the way to a 90% reduction by 2045 (from 2019 baseline).""",reduction 2979,"It makes a report at the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting, in which it indicates in particular, the irregularities and inaccuracies noted in the annual and consolidated financial statements for the financial year.",none 2980,"In FY18, Management completed Stage 1, and is now proceeding to Stage 2.",none 2981,"The group tactically increased stock in the USA by bringing forward seasonal stock, in the UK as an insurance against potential Brexit disruption and in Europe to support accelerated expansion.",none 2982,"Given these expectations, the Company plans to increase the earnings power of all its businesses.",none 2983,We will build on the current mo- mentum of our commercial initiatives and keep focus on improving brand relevance.,none 2984,"Hydro One is committed to achieving net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.",net-zero 2985,The EBRD is financing the delivery of energy supplies from Azerbaijan to Europe along the Southern Gas Corridor with a US$ 500 million (€417 million equivalent) loan that will help fund completion of the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline.,none 2986,"Carrefour’s carbon neutral by 2040 target appears to cover far less than 2% of the company’s emissions. Carrefour announced a new carbon neutrality target for 2040 on the eve of COP26 in October 2021, accompanied by the more specific target to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 70% by 2040, compared to 2019. This is a direct update of its existing SBTi approved 55% reduction by 2040 target. The significance of these targets is highly limited, since scope 1 and 2 emissions account for just 2% of Carrefour’s emissions. Carrefour’s separate interim target of 29% emission reductions from scope 3 emissions by 2030 is a far more significant target, given that scope 3 emissions account for 98% of the company’s footprint, but these emissions do not appear to be covered by the headline carbon neutrality target.",net-zero 2987,"Scentre Group has provided an update on its pathway to achieve net zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 across its wholly-owned portfolio, announcing its plan to achieve at least 50% of this target by 2025. Scentre Group CEO Peter Allen included the update during half year results and said it highlighted the progress the company was making on its objective to operate as a responsible, sustainable business. “Operating our business as efficiently as we can and minimising our environmental impact is important to all of our stakeholders and is integrated into the way we run our business,” Mr Allen said. “In 2020 we committed to a target of net zero (Scope 1 & 2) emissions by 2030 across our wholly-owned portfolio, building on our existing environmental targets, energy efficiency initiatives (such as LED lighting installation across the portfolio and energy analytics and building management system enhancements) and targeted renewable energy generation and procurement opportunities. We also publicly supported the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). ",reduction 2988,"The company has a well-established Engineering and Technology Club, with a strong reputation for student social and networking activities. ",none 2989,The International Air Transport Association (IATA) voted to accept the Air Transport Action Group’s (ATAG) proposal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Southwest airlines is a member of this association. ,net-zero 2990,"LG Chem is the first to declare carbon neutral growth in Korea's petrochemical sector. As a result, approximately 50% of the estimated emissions in 2050 (BAU) will be reduced, maintaining the carbon emission levels of 2019 in 2050. ",net-zero 2991,"[Extreme and unpredictable weather phenomena can result in material disruption to Eni ’s operations , and consequent loss of or damage to properties and facilities , as well as a loss of output , loss of revenues , increasing maintenance and repair expenses and cash flow shortfall .]",none 2992,"Our bad debt provisioning policy is restricted to provide for loans in administration and where, in the opinion of management, recovery is not possible.",none 2993,"""zero emissions challenge 2050"" ""take on challenge of attaining net zero CO2 emissions for our entire business to contribute to realization of a carbon-free society""",net-zero 2994,"Become carbon neutral in our own operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 2025. Achieve carbon neutrality across our supply chain (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2030. As a stepping stone to achieve our ambition, we have an approved Science Based Target which commits us to a 35% reduction in absolute emissions across our value chain without using carbon offsets. 100% reduction in emissions in their own operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 2025 from baseline year 2016. 50% reduction in emissions across all scopes by 2030 from baseline year 2016.",net-zero 2995,"Focus on harnessing solar energy, reducing GHG emission. No specific targets",none 2996,We have a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and are a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact. ,none 2997,"On the financial side, we will strengthen our cash management and maintain financial soundness.",none 2998,"The Operational Risk Framework is therefore focused on identifying operational risks, assessing them and managing them within the Barclays Bank Group’s approved risk appetite.",none 2999,"Goldman is joining rivals in pledging to achieve the goal [net zero] in its financing activities by 2050 ",net-zero 3000,"The target aligns with and is an extension of the target set out in the DCCS, which aims for 40% of Durban’s electricity consumption to be met by renewables by 2030. ",reduction 3001,“net-zero carbon emissions goal by 2050 across all its operations in Missouri and Illinois”,net-zero 3002,"Ferrari is committed to improving the efficiency of its production process and reducing the emissions of its production plants and vehicles. Over the years, the Group has strived to lower its energy consumption and to minimize its environmental impact, adopting innovative solutions and using renewable energy sources for its manufacturing facilities. This was as a result, among others, of meticulous management of energy requirements: 81% of the latter were also covered by the trigeneration system in Maranello, while almost 99% of the remaining energy shortfall was purchased from certified renewable sources. Our commitment to reducing our environmental impact is nothing new, however, and has already produced impressive results. In 2020 the Group achieved its objective of reducing the CO2 emissions of its European fleet by 35% estimated compared to 2007 levels. Another no less ambitious goal now lies before us: to become a carbon neutral company through a series of actions aimed at reducing our GHG emissions produced and, when unavoidable, offsetting the residual ones. This will be a further and decisive step forward in our transition to sustainability and starts with a study to measure our carbon footprint.",net-zero 3003,JD.com’s Green and Low Carbon Target Support China’s Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2060,net-zero 3004,"""we have taken a public goal to reach net-zero emissions (aligned with 1.5ºC emission scenarios) by no less than 2050 in line with Science-Based Target Initiatives (SBTi) recommendations."" ",net-zero 3006,"In addition, In response to the government's declaration of carbon neutrality in October 2020, we have revised our long-term environmental target, which is a part of the TAISEI Green Target 2050 (see Figure 1 below), as we aim to help achieve a Decarbonized Society with net zero CO2 emissions in the our business operations by 2050. ",net-zero 3007,net-zero carbon emissions by 2050,net-zero 3008,"The total compensation is calculated on the basis of 2,314 employees as at 31 December 2013.",none 3009,"""Goal: To reduce our own carbon emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2030 and across the full value chain by 2040"" (Pg. 41).",net-zero 3010," ""net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050""",net-zero 3011,Reallocation of capitals to cleaner and greener investments by financial institutions.,none 3012,"Our Scope 1 and 2 SBTI-accredited target aims for a 34% by 2025 from a 2017 baseline.",reduction 3013,"'In 2021, the Group reinforced its engagement concerning its operational CO2 emissions. The Group is aiming for a reduction of 50% by 2030, and to reach net zero by 2040.'",net-zero 3014,'combined Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction goal; 35% over 10 years from a FY2020 baseline normalized to production',reduction 3015,"The greenhouse gas reduction target in the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution submitted to the United Nations (26% reduction in FY 2030 as compared to FY 2013). ",reduction 3016,Validation We established a common understanding between Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and all regions at the global meetings also based on the analyses conducted by overseas affiliates.,none 3017,"We have also committed to directing $100 million towards organisations that are purpose-driven by 2030, as well as reaffirming our industry-leading commitments to be net positive in carbon and water and send zero waste to landfill by 2030.",net-zero 3018,"'La CDN actualisée rehausse les ambitions d’atténuation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la Tunisie1 , à travers un relèvement de l’objectif de réduction de l’intensité carbone nationale à 45% à l’horizon 2030 , par rapport à son niveau de 2010.' (p8 Source URL) - National intensity reduction target of 45% by 2030 compared to 2010 levels",reduction 3019,"Schroders has joined 29 other global asset managers representing more than USD 9 trillion of assets in launching the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. This leading group of asset managers commits to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. As part of this initiative, we commit to: Work in partnership with asset owner clients on decarbonisation goals, consistent with an ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner across all assets under management; Set an interim target for the proportion of assets to be managed in line with the attainment of net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner; and Review our interim target at least every five years, with a goal of ratcheting up the proportion of assets covered until 100% are included, as efforts to structurally decarbonise economies play out.",net-zero 3020,Our review did not find any significant differences in formal positions on climate change policy between Origin and key industry associations.,none 3021,The overall assessment of this approach has already enabled in 2019 a reduction of155.48 t eq CO2 i.e. 82% of CO2 emissions avoided of 68% target.,reduction 3022,"""reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 68% by 2035, from a 2019 base year"" ""2035 target to reduce our absolute Scope 3 carbon emissions for our downstream leased assets by 20.9%, in alignment with a two-degree scenario reduction""",reduction 3023,"Our near-term operational net-zero target to achieve a 60% reduction in scope 1 and scope 2 emissions between 2021 and 2030 is consistent with reductions required to limit global warming to 1.5°C. ",reduction 3024,"'we are committed to achieving net zero emissions across our overall investment and loan portfolio by 2050, in addition to achieving net zero emissions in our groupwide operation by 2030' (p49)",net-zero 3025,The Republic of Uzbekistan intends to reduce specific gree nhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030 from the level of 2010,reduction 3026,"Currently, the services we provide avoid three times (3X) more GHG emissions than we generate in our operations. Our 2038 goal calls for avoiding even more—four times (4X) our operating emissions. To achieve this goal, we aim to reduce emissions from our landfills, fleet and electricity use, while increasing the emissions-avoidance services that we provide to our customers.",reduction 3027,"In Europe, the IVMS is complemented with a load optimization initiative that aims to minimize and, when possible, avoid empty trips.",none 3028,"In fact, the EIB Group will gradually increase the share of its financing dedicated to climate action and environmental sustainability to reach 50% by 2025 and beyond.",none 3029,"In terms of thermal coal, the Group has set an exit deadline, in line with the SDS (Sustainable Develop- ment Scenario) scenario of the International Ener- gy Agency (IEA), compatible with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement: In 2019 and in 2020, the Group strengthened its position on coal, announ- cing its plan to reduce its thermal coal exposure to zero by 2030 in OECD countries, and by 2040 in the rest of the world.",none 3030,Our business objectives are to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest...,net-zero 3031,"2030年目标: '强度控制目标:万元GDP排放较2005年下降60-65%' (2030 target: intensity target: emission reductions by 60-65% per 10,000 yuan GDP compared to 2005)",reduction 3032,"- No progress - Staff resources have been focused on tangible actions such as progressing the Renewable Energy Action Plan projects, so no progress has been made in updating Council’s overarching climate change action strategy",none 3033,We are also focused on exploring ways to enhance and strengthen the Alibaba governance structure in response to the evolving needs of our increasingly diversified and vibrant business.,none 3034,"Emerging risks are monitored proactively, their potential long-term impact on the Company is evaluated, and Senior Management and Risk Management Committee are informed on the subject.",none 3035,"PETRONAS PowerClean™ WS601, an all-in-one well bore solution.",none 3036,"We made three key commitments to deal with key land, urban and industry shifts.",none 3037,"La contribution nationale de Madagascar est la résultante des mesures d’atténuation pour tous les secteurs, comparée au scénario de référence national BAU (« business as usual » ; voir Figure 1). A l’horizon 2030, Madagascar vise une réduction de l’ordre de 30 MtéqCO2 de ses émissions de GES, soit 14% par rapport au scénario BAU, projections établies sur la base de l’inventaire de GES de l’année 2000 à l’année 2010. A cette réduction s’ajoute l’augmentation des absorptions du secteur UTCATF qui sont de l’ordre de 61 MtéqCO2 en 2030. Ceci représente un augmentation de la capacité de puits de Madagascar de 32% par rapport au scénario BAU. Ces objectifs restent conditionnés aux supports financiers qui seront reçues de la part des partenaires mondiaux (contributions conditionnelles). ",reduction 3038,"Support is only provided after confirming that forest resources and biodiversity are protected when new plantations are developed and that there are no human rights violations, such as child labor.",none 3039,"THE GROUP’S COMMITMENTS IN FIGURES with regard to greenhouse gas emissions: - Scopes 1&2 (1): 40% reduction - Scope 3A (2): 30% reduction (intensity calculation for 2030, base year 2019)",reduction 3040,"At the IAA Mobility held in Munich in September 2021, we presented our strategies to become carbon neutral by 2045, focusing on electrification and hydrogen society. we have made it our goal to become carbon neutral across all stages including parts procurement, production, and vehicle operation by 2045. ",net-zero 3041,"1. decarbonizing fleet vehicles and increasing renewable energy use (to maintain operational net zero status, achieve 60 percent reduction by 2030, and 90% reduction by 2040 in scope 1 and 2 emissions) 2. Developing carbon reduction targets in partnership with our supply chain (to achieve 50 percent reduction by 2030, and 90% reduction by 2040 in Scope 3 emissions) 3. Reducing business travel emissions (to achieve 50 percent reduction by 2030, and 90% reduction by 2040 in Scope 3 emissions) 4. Creating our own natural climate solution projects (to neutralize remaining emissions in support of operational net zero and for science-based net zero from 2040)",reduction 3042,"reach Net Zero Emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2050",net-zero 3043,"DSV Panalpina commits to reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 40% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. DSV Panalpina also commits to reducing absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 30% over the same target period. Scope 1 and 2 refer to emissions from e.g. offices, warehouses and company cars, while scope 3 refers to emissions from subcontracted freight transports.",reduction 3044,'Climate neutrality by no later than 2050' ,net-zero 3045,"Les émissions de Valeo baisseront de 45% par rapport à 2019, dès 2030, sur l’ensemble de sa chaine de valeur, en intégrant ses fournisseurs, ses activités opérationnelles et l’utilisation finale de ses produits [By 2030 Valeos emissions will be reduced by 45% from 2019 levels, including those from the entire value chain, from suppliers, to operations and end-use of products.]",reduction 3046,Net cash flow generated from operating activities of $30.3m was lower than the $88.7m in the prior year primarily due to an investment in inventory to support growth.,none 3047,"The projects we have agreements with, including the Murra Warra Wind Farm and the Emerald Solar Park, generate renewable energy equivalent to the energy consumption of 255,000 households.",none 3048,"While we have already been very successful with our sustainability efforts, we see further upside potential leveraging our leadership position.",none 3049,The governance framework will be based on clearly defined and transparent principles. ,none 3050,'Achieve net zero emissions by 2050 by meeting the following targets' (p5),net-zero 3051,"""Our long-term ambition is to be net zero carbon by 2050."" ",net-zero 3052,"""Among the 2020 highlights: Building on our 2025 Sustainability Goals, we launched a new, aggressive target in line with the Paris Agreement to become carbon neutral by 2050."" ""By 2050, Dow aspires to be carbon neutral (Scope 1 + 2 + 3 plus product benefits).""",net-zero 3053,"In addition to innovating new products and services, the Bridgestone Group is finding other ways to achieve its Milestone 2030 goals by reducing absolute CO2 emissions by 50%.",reduction 3054,"Our approach delivers cost savings for occupiers, well managed buildings for the people who work, shop and live in them and better assets for investors.",none 3055,"In FY18, we made $11.6 billion in long-term investments in 366 projects.",none 3056,"The markets and Beiersdorf’s share price over this period were driven partly by new lock- down restrictions and concerns about the second wave of infection, but also by the progress in developing a vaccine against the coronavirus, which was a source of new knowledge and hope.",none 3057,Our Global Supply Chain Management Policy (the “Policy”) is a key component of our commitment to support the achievement of our corporate responsibility goals. ,none 3058,"Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions from operations by 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Reduce scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.",reduction 3059,"The release of the 2021 sustainability report (April 2022) was accompanied with the announcement that Allianz ""will limit the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) deriving from Allianz’s sites and activities in over 70 markets to net-zero by 2030, instead of 2050 as originally planned."" This target covers business operations. . In addition to this target, Allianz is a founding member of both the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance and Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. Allianz will transition ""all operational and attributable GHG emissions from its insurance and reinsurance underwriting portfolios to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050"" (page 98, . Also on the climate change webpage the top commitment is ""Net-Zero emissions in our proprietary investment portfolio by 2050 . The emissions deriving from insurance and proprietary investment portfolios are currently not all included in scope 3 emissions, so fall outside the main Net-Zero target. ",net-zero 3060,"""Avec un appui plus conséquent, la Mauritanie pourrait assurer sa neutralité carbone, allant jusqu’à une réduction de 92% conditionnelle par rapport au BAU"". Could achieve a conditional 92% reduction (carbon neutriality) with enough financing",net-zero 3061,"At a global level, WBA has set a target for our GHG emissions reduction by 30 percent by the end of fiscal 2030 from a 2019 baseline.",reduction 3062,Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 20% by 2025 and 50% by 2030.,reduction 3063,"• Maintain our focus on managing risk, capital, balance sheet, and liquidity.",none 3064,"""In March 2021, we replaced our previous target of CO2-neutral growth until 2030 (baseline 2018: 21.9 million metric tons of CO2e) with a new, more ambitious climate protection target to reduce absolute CO2 emissions by 25% compared with 2018 (new target: 16.4 million metric tons of CO2e)"" (this CO2 reduction target includes scope 1 and 2).",reduction 3065,"""As a member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, Scotiabank is committed to being a net-zero bank by 2050. This includes achieving net-zero emissions from our operations and net-zero financed emissions by 2050.""",net-zero 3066,"For buildings owned by Chunghwa Telecom, reduce 10% of carbon emissions by 2023, with 2017 as the base year. ",reduction 3067,"""Achieve net zero emissions by 2050""",net-zero 3068,"For this reason, the company’s social responsibility is a circular process involving the three groups of stakeholders: the community, in the sense of the citizens, institutions and associations it is formed by; customers, to whom we offer our services, guaranteeing their safety and the safety of the infrastructures, and the supply chain.",none 3069,Greenhouse gas emissions (vs fiscal 2019): 0.87 million t-co2e (46%) (Pg. 75),reduction 3070,"'We expect to set an initial GHG emissions reduction target on or before publication of our 2022 report, as part of a larger effort to develop our decarbonization roadmap.' (p61)",reduction 3071,"With our Maisons’ business devel- opment in fast-moving markets, and with new growth drivers such as digital emerging, the Group is well placed to offer career opportunities to all its staff.",none 3072,"The City is striving to meet a GHG reduction target of 35% both community-wide and within city operations by 2025, from a 2003 baseline. ",reduction 3073,See the Key drivers of the scenario analysis table on page 18 for a full list of drivers.,none 3074,See also sections 3.9 The work of the board of directors and 3.10 Risk management and internal control.,none 3075,"The Republic of Djibouti has committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 40% by the year 2030, representing close to 2 Mt of CO2e, compared to projections for that year according to the businessas-usual scenario. ",reduction 3076,"A long-term commitment to achieve net zero emissions covering Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2050 in absolute terms. ",net-zero 3077,"REGULATION (EU) 2021/1119 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, of 30 June 2021, outlines goal for climate neutrality by 2050, maintaining the interim 55% by 2030 emissions reduction goal . ...the National Long-term Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the “Strategy”) identifies the possible pathways to achieve ""climate neutrality"" in Itay by 2050, in which the remaining greenhouse gas emissions are offset by CO2 sequestration and the eventual use of CCS-CCU. ...the National Long-term Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the “Strategy”) identifies the possible pathways to achieve ""climate neutrality"" in Itay by 2050, in which the remaining greenhouse gas emissions are offset by CO2 sequestration and the eventual use of CCS-CCU.",net-zero 3078,The turnover of the company increased by 4.1% to € 67.7 billion. ,none 3079,"In addition, it explains the Group policy of abstaining from extending new loans to projects deemed to be exerting a major negative impact on the environment.",none 3080,One measure of loyalty is the employees’ years of service to the Company: investment managers and senior executives have been with DBAG for an average of seven years (previous year: eight years).,none 3081,"Net zero from production to customer by 2040 at the latest. ",net-zero 3082,The company has a zero tolerance policy with regard to bribery and corruption and is committed to actively promoting ethical business practices. ,none 3083,"'However, in order to realize a decarbonized society, we have revised this target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 across the value chain by achieving thorough energy-saving solutions in structures and facilities as well as by expanding the scale at which we implement renewable energy sources' (p11)",net-zero 3084,'Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 46% by 2030' and 'Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions by 15% by 2030' compared to a 2019 baseline (p73) ,reduction 3085,"We have formulated the Seventh Environmental Action Plan, a five-year plan for the period from fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2026. In the plan, we have set targets for each of the four action themes specified in the Global Environmental Commitment, namely, 1) establishing a carbon neutral society; 2) establishing a recycling-based society; 3) reducing environmental risk and establishing a society in harmony with nature; and 4) promoting environmental management. We will undertake initiatives toward achieving our Environmental Vision 2050. (Pg. 62)",reduction 3086,commit to net zero emissions across entire value chain by 2045,net-zero 3087,The firm will continue to develop its strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship that promotes the development of new products and services and the use of technology. ,none 3088,"""... medium-term target to reduce our gross operated and net equity operational GHG emissions intensity by 40% to 50% by 2030, from a 2016 baseline.""",reduction 3089,"What are the latest sustainability issues in your industry, and what roles do you expect LG Chem to play?",none 3090,"'Birmingham City Council declared climate emergency on the 11th June 2019 and made the commitment to take action to reduce the city’s carbon emissions and limit the climate crisis. The 10ambition was set for the council and city to become net zero carbon by 2030, or as soon as possible thereafter as a ‘just transition’ allows – ensuring we reduce inequalities in the city and bring our communities with us. This is the city’s ‘route to zero’ (R20).' (p.10)",net-zero 3091,Net zero operational and supplier carbon emissions,net-zero 3092,"Within the EU, the headline target (previously set at -40%) has been increased to a -55% reduction by 2030 (over 1990 levels), while the long term objective of climate neutrality by 2050 has also been adopted. EU negotiations in 2018 resulted in legislation relating to the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) that has led to Malta’s bespoke targets. The ESR targets relate to emissions not covered by the scope of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) emissions. For Malta, the target is to achieve a 19% reduction in net territorial non-ETS GHGEs (relative to 2005) by 2030. Proposals revising this target shall be published in mid-2021. This LCDS was drafted basing on existing ESR reduction target emanating from the legislative instruments for the -40% EU reduction target (i.e. -19% for Malta).",reduction 3093,"As we expand our footprint globally, compliance is increasingly a challenge, especially in an environment where laws and regulations are getting more stringent.",none 3094,"Vision for 2050: Achieve a use of 100% of decarbonised energy by supplying fully decarbonised electricity that has been generated by renewable energy. This also includes standardising local production and consumption of renewable energy and energy sharing",net-zero 3095,These guidelines outline the roles and responsibilities of the Board and its members and establish the relationship between the Board and management.,none 3096,"• Reduce absolute Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2020 base year; • Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, use of sold products and end-of-life treatment of sold products 50% by 2030 from a 2020 base year; • Have 20% of our suppliers by spend covering purchased goods and services adopt SBTs by 2025. Have ""carbon neutral operations"" by 2030. (p11)",reduction 3097,"Collectively, these activities revealed some uncomfortable truths about the way our society and parts of our industry operate.",none 3098,'Net zero(1) by 2050' (p21),net-zero 3099,"It also includes the risk to the Group's capital, liquidity and profitability from the impact of future legislative and regulatory changes.",none 3100,"Within the context of sustainability reporting, ""transparency"" means that the information provided is accurate, complete, relevant, timely, and understandable to stakeholders. ",none 3101,"'By 2030, we will reduce our Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 34% through reductions and offsets.' (p5) 'Using 2012 as our baseline, we plan to pursue the reductions...' (p5) Delek Group has no target, but Delek US Holdings committed to reduce Scope 1 & Scope 2 emissions 34% by 2030.",reduction 3102,"In 2020, after meeting our goal to be carbon-neutral a year early, we finalized our commitment to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions before 2050 across all scopes of emissions ",net-zero 3103,"The Government’s latest climate change risk assessment identifies flood risk, and particularly flooding from heavy downpours, as one of the key climate threats for the UK.",none 3104,"Target for CO2 emissions from aircrafts: below 9090 thousand tons in FY2020 and FY2025. ",reduction 3105,"2026 - Reduce greenhouse gases from energy consumption at our sites and stores by 50% (baseline 2019). 100% renewable or low-carbon energy at sites and stores. 2030 - Reduce and/or avoid by 55% GHG emissions linked to Scope 3 (raw materials and transport) per unit of added value.",reduction 3106,"It was important to maintain a good and open relationship with the staff, who acknowledged the efforts made by their em- ployers to maintain the positions as well as the general condi- tions required for each person’s personal fulfillment.",none 3107,long-term reductions of greenhouse gas emissions to zero or near-zero by the year 2050,net-zero 3108,"Sincerely,  Reduce energy consumption, improve waste and water management at our properties and offices.",none 3109,"reduce the Company’s direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions by 30%, or by 730,000 tonnes of CO2e by 2025, relative to 2020",reduction 3110,"The Company's Board, Management and employees are committed to ensuring that the Company is a safe and secure working environment where all employees are treated with dignity and respect. ",none 3111,"net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2045 'Emerson has set an ambitious target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our value chain by 2045 compared to a 2021 baseline.' (p3) ",net-zero 3112,"As our production becomes more energy intensive, this could result in an associated increase in direct GHG emissions from our Upstream facilities.",none 3113,"Pledge to Under2 Coalition outlines two options for pledges, one aligned to 2C and one aligned to 1.5C. Política Pública Descripción Meta Año meta Plan estatal de Desarrollo 2040 Emisión máxima de CO2eq para limitar el incremento de temperatura global a 2°C. 14,295,060 TonCO2eq 2030 Emisión máxima de CO2eq para limitar el incremento de temperatura global a 1.5°C. 11,729,280 TonCO2eq 2030",reduction 3114,"In 2016, we set an ambitious target to reduce our Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 50% by 2020 based on our 2016 emissions. This year, we have purchased 100% renewable electricity for our UK operations, exceeding our target. We will continue to purchase renewable electricity in the UK, reflecting best practice and driving demand in the renewable energy market.",reduction 3115,"""The Kansai Electric Power Group is committed to helping society achieve zero carbon in addition to making its operations carbon-free... the zero carbon roadmap sets the course towards zero carbon vision 2050"" (The Kansai Electric Power Group, Zero Carbon Roadmap, March 25 2022, pg. 1 -2)",net-zero 3116,"""KONE has set science-based targets for a significant reduction in its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and pledged to have carbon-neutral operations by 2030. We aim for a 40% reduction in emissions related to our products' materials and lifetime energy use by 2030 (relative to orders received) and we have committed to a 50% cut in the emissions from our own operations."" ",net-zero 3117,"""A science-based decarbonization of the Group operations leading Generali to be climate-negative... Ambition to be climate negative in 2040 Purchase power from 100% renewable sources wherever possible and further commitment to invest in energy efficiency.""",net-zero 3118,Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 by 80 to 95 percent compared to the base year 1990.,reduction 3119,"Pittsburgh’s Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Goals (below on a 2003 baseline) - 20% GHG Reduction by 2023 - 50% GHG Reduction by 2030 - 80% GHG Reduction by 2050 - Pursue a future carbon neutral goal",reduction 3120,"Kyocera’s businesses are many and varied, and we are working to enhance our price negotiating power when procuring raw materials and other materials through the ties we have inside the Kyocera Group.",none 3121,"Imagine repurposing a piece of plastic at the end of its use, giving it another life as something else.",none 3122,'Reduce GHG emissions intensity by 15% measured in total tons discharged by 2025 from a 2017 baseline.',reduction 3123,TD recently launched a bold and ambitious climate action plan to address the challenges of climate change.,none 3124,"The Company only invests in companies which contribute to the cleaner or more efficient delivery of basic services of energy, water and waste.",none 3125,The Board has an active social responsibility policy and an Employee Forum. ,none 3126,"Asahi Kasei has adopted a new policy regarding efforts toward the ambition of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. ",net-zero 3127,"For Societe Generale SA in France, out of the total amount of profit-sharing and incentives paid in 2018 for the financial year 2017, 4% was relating to",none 3128,"In other words, the trend is evaluating the financial values of non-financial information.",none 3129,"""CJ CheilJedang has set the goal of becoming a carbon-neutral and zero-waste business by 2050. To this end, we have defined specific targets for each category of greenhouse gas, energy, water and waste to reduce the environmental impact across all business areas. """,net-zero 3130,"In the light of the latest available science and of the need to step up global climate action, Cyprus endorses the objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050, in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.",net-zero 3131,Large customer contracts typically have escalation and pass-through clauses to recover energy and feedstock costs.,none 3132,"It is then possible, using the PACTA tool, to compare our current portfolio with the power generation technology mix in the wider economy for OECD countries.",none 3133,"""ACCIONA is also committed to net zero emissions by 2040."" ",net-zero 3134,"'The Fujitsu Group has established the ""FUJITSU Climate and Energy Vision"", a medium- to long-term environmental vision through 2050, with the goal of bringing the Fujitsu Group's CO2 emissions to zero, and achieving a decarbonized society, as well as contributing to the response to climate change, through technology supporting digital transformation.' (p59, 2018)",net-zero 3135,Integrating climate analysis into the overall ALM analysis will continue to be develo- ped.,none 3136,"Deutsche Telekom, which accounted for more than 51% of IREIT’s gross rental income as at 31 December 2018, has set ambitious targets for reducing its energy consumption and won the National German Sustainability Award in 2017.",none 3137,"MUFG has set a goal of ¥20 trillion for sustainable finance by fiscal 2030 (of this, ¥8 trillion will be used for environmental finance).",none 3138,'to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent by 2030',reduction 3139,"""2) Target net-zero GHG2 emissions in investment and loan portfolios by 2050""",net-zero 3140,"In addition, our information technology systems require an ongoing commitment of significant resources to maintain, protect, and enhance existing systems and develop new systems to keep pace with continuing changes in information processing technology, evolving legal and regulatory standards, the increasing need to protect patient and customer information, changes in the techniques used to obtain unauthorized access to data and information systems, and the information technology needs associated with our changing products and services.",none 3141,These costs mainly relate to certain assets that no longer represent strategic value to the Company.,none 3142,"- Only offsetting is used - NO REDUCTION - ""Once we will complete the carbon footprint measurement globally, we are planning to set reduction targets based on the GHG results and invest in a carbon reduction program (some of the reduction opportunities we are exploring are e-mobility for our deliveries and sustainable packaging).""",net-zero 3143,"Bis 2050 strebt die Stadt eine Emissionsminderung von mindestens 95 Prozent an, um Klimaneutralität zu erreichen. (By 2050, the city aims to reduce emissions by at least 95 percent in order to achieve climate neutrality.)",net-zero 3144,"We receive regular briefings from Internal Audit throughout the year, and ask business owners to attend the Committee to explain actions being taken.",none 3145,Reduce carbon intensity of operations by 33% by 2030,reduction 3146,We look forward to receiving your support for the resolution considering the Annual Report on Remuneration at the 2021 AGM.,none 3147,"Further significant losses were caused by forest fires in California and earthquakes in Mexico, which also occurred in the second half of the year.",none 3148,Insurers will not be able to cover the risks.,none 3149,"We will continue our journey to become a truly inclusive, increasingly diverse and actively anti-racist organisation in 2021, becoming a better, more effective business with each step we take.",none 3150,Chubb continues to pursue our long–term goal to reduce GHG emissions 40% by 2035. ,reduction 3151,Supply Chain Risk Assessment We have established a process to identify key supplier risk factors and determine how to mitigate those factors.,none 3152,"Parker has made great progress on our sustainability journey and we recognize the need to do even more. We recently announced a new commitment to achieve carbon neutral operations by 2040, and established a series of emissions targets to ensure continued progress. Achieve carbon neutral operations (scopes I and II) by 2040. our long-term strategy includes actions to reduce its energy consumption, investments in renewable energy and working closely with suppliers to further reduce energy use and emissions.",net-zero 3153,"Adobe Inc. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 35% by 2025 from a 2018 base year. Adobe commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from business travel 30% over the same timeframe. Adobe also commits that 55% of its suppliers by spend covering purchased goods and services and capital goods, will have science-based targets by 2025. The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C. [from ]",reduction 3154,"""We are pleased our operations remained carbon-neutral during 2021, and we have transitioned to 100% renewable electricity across our organization, through the purchase of unbundled energy attribute certificates. We are now pushing forward on the path to achieve science-based net-zero impact by 2040."" ""We are pushing forward on the path towards a science-based net-zero impact by 2040 and will adopt SBTi's Net-Zero Standard to align our commitment with a science-based and clear definition of net-zero.""",net-zero 3155,It is too early to evaluate the effect of the Sustainability Report on the way the organisation is viewed by its stakeholders. ,none 3156,The Directors present their annual report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31st May 2012.,none 3157,"[The long - term ambition is clear ( to align its businesses with the Paris Agree- ment goals ) , but to achieve that ambition calls for short and medium - term targets in more specific bu- siness lines , allowing the Group to steer its various business operations with greater precision .]",none 3158,"In 2021 the bank has gone a step further with two very relevant announcements: firstly, the commitment to reduce its exposure to carbon-related activities to zero by 2030 in developed countries and by 2040 in the rest. Secondly, it has adopted a commitment to be net greenhouse gas neutral by 2050, also taking into account the emissions of the customers the bank finances. This is a very important milestone that means aligning with the most ambitious scenario of the Paris Agreement.",net-zero 3159,"In addition, the impacts of physical and transition climate risks can lead to second order connected risks, which have the potential to affect the Barclays Bank Group’s retail and wholesale portfolios.",none 3160,"""As a result, we measure and strive to minimize our potential impact on climate of both our direct Scope 1 GHG emissions and Scope 2 GHG emissions from our operations. Our management team has launched an initiative to establish actionable targets for the reduction of GHG emissions."" (source: 2020 HF Sustainability Report)",none 3161,"In 2020, we set an aggressive carbon emissions target with the Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi), joining more than 1,200 companies that have committed to setting a target with SBTi, and aligning our sustainability initiatives with a time-bound goal in line with climate science. As the first data center operator of our size and global reach to join the SBTi, we have committed to reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions (direct and indirect company emissions) by area by 68% and Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions in our value chain) by area by 24% by 2030. ",reduction 3162,"akistan aim of conditional and voluntary contributions of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with an unconditional 15% drop below business as usual (BAU) from the country’s own resources, and an additional 35% drop below BAU subject to international financial support. pakistan has divided its end target into several smaller targets in areas including : renewable energy, transportation, coal, land use change and forestry. these goals include: - aiming for 60 % of all energy produced in the country to be generated from renewable energy resources including hydropower by 2030. - aiming for 30 % of all new vehicles sold in pakistan in various categories to be electric vehicles (evs). - from 2020, ensuring that new coal power plants are subject to a moratorium, and no generation of power through imported coal shall be allowed, shelving plans for two new coal fired power plants in favor of hydroelectric power and focusing on coal gasification and liquefaction for indigenous coal. 2016 onwards, continued investments in nbs through the largest ever afforestation program in the history of the country—the ten billion tree tsunami programme (tbttp)—will sequester 148.76 mtco2e emissions over the next 10 years. the estimated project cost of about us$800 million is being met nationally from indigenous resources as an unconditional contribution. ",reduction 3163,"The Company’s homeowners and dwelling insurance policies do not provide coverage for losses caused by floods, but generally provide coverage for physical damage caused by wind or wind-driven rain.",none 3164,"Il Piano si propone di raggiungere 3 obiettivi: rientrare nei valori limite delle concentrazioni degli inquinanti atmosferici PM10 e NOx (polveri sottili e ossidi di azoto), fissati dalla Direttiva 2008/50/EC (recepita dal D.Lgs 155/2010 e s.m.i.) a tutela della salute pubblica ridurre le emissioni di CO2 (anidride carbonica) del 50% al 2030 e diventare una Città Carbon Neutral al 2050 contribuire a contenere l'aumento locale della temperatura al 2050 entro i 2°C, mediante azioni di raffrescamento urbano e riduzione del fenomeno dell'isola di calore in città.",reduction 3165,Upton 2 — We have completed the construction of our first battery energy storage system (ESS).,none 3166,We are committed to reducing our emissions by 50% by 2030. ,reduction 3167,"In addition, the leaflets, letterheads and envelopes used to send these cards carry the certification and stamp of the international non-profit organisation FSC, guaranteeing that they come from responsibly managed forests, controlled sources, recycled materials or a combination thereof.",none 3168,We utilize a broad distribution strategy which includes further expansion of our direct-to-consumer business to reduce the risk of overreliance on key customers.,none 3169, The targets for 2023 are to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 50% with baseline 2020. ,reduction 3170,"The emissions target for 2050 (1) The Northern Ireland departments must ensure that the net Northern Ireland emissions account for the year 2050 is at least 100% lower than the baseline. (2) The Northern Ireland departments must ensure that the net Northern Ireland emissions account for carbon dioxide for the year 2050 is at least 100% lower than the baseline for carbon dioxide. ",net-zero 3171,"We will reduce our scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions from our buildings and data centres by 80% by year-end 2022, and 90% by year-end 2030 (base year 2014). We will reduce our scope 3 CO2e emissions from business travel by airplane and car by 25% by year-end 2022 (base year 2014). Source: interim targets for scope 3 in development.",reduction 3172,Achieve net-zero GHG emissions for Goodman Fielder operations by 2040,net-zero 3173,"The risks noted below are not meant to represent an exhaustive list, but outline those risks faced by the Group that have been identified in IAG's Risk Management Strategy:  strategic risk: the risk of not achieving corporate or strategic goals;",none 3174,"In 2017, I commissioned Newton’s first TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) report to ensure that we were holding ourselves to the same standards as our investee companies, and specifically to explain how we were considering, and preparing for, the risks and opportunities presented by climate change.",none 3175,"'We remain on track to achieve our carbon reduction target of 20% by 2022, set against our 2017 baseline.' (p38, 2020)",reduction 3176,"""56% absolute reduction from 2005 levels in company-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030""",reduction 3177,"However, the industry demonstrated resilience throughout this episode of market stress due to the soundness of the liquidity risk management frameworks of capital market intermediaries.",none 3178,Achieve net-zero in business sites by 2040,net-zero 3179,The Board has oversight of the Group's operations to ensure that internal controls are in place and operate effectively.,none 3180,"NDC is a 22.7% reduction in total national greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to the projected emissions under a business as usual scenario for 2010 excluding LULUCF. Base year emission (Mt СО2-eq.): 25.8. Emission target by 2030 (Mt CO2-eq.): 57.4. GHG emission reduction target (Mt СО2-eq.): 16.9. BAU emission in 2030 (Mt CO2-eq.): 74.3.",reduction 3181,The analytical tool enables financial institutions to understand how their corporate loan portfolios align with the international goals agreed to in 2015.,none 3182,The Group is engaged in the screening and selection of candidate projects accordingly.,none 3183," the City of Cebu declares a climate emergency and commits to a citywide Just Transition to mobilize effort to reverse global warming by appropriating funds and passing measures and policies to end citywide greenhouse emissions no later than 2030, immediately initiates an effort to safely drawdown carbon from the atmosphere, and accelerates adaptation and resilience strategies in preparation for intensifying climate impacts;",net-zero 3184,"La visión que orientó el proceso de actualización de la CDN1 es la resiliencia y reducción progresiva de emisiones de dióxido de carbono hacia la neutralidad en carbono del país al 2050. ",net-zero 3186,"Ukraine committed to achieving the target of reducing GHG emissions of 65% by 2030, compared to 1990. Ukraine defined its target not to exceed 60 % of the 1990 greenhouse gas emissions level in 2030. Ukrainian Nationally Determined Contribution target corresponds to an economy-wide absolute GHG reduction of 65 % by 2030, compared to 1990 GHG emissions level.",reduction 3187,E.ON has the target of reducing its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 75 percent by 2030 and Scope 3 emissions by 50% by 2030 (versus 2019).,reduction 3188,"""In September 2021, P&G set a new ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its operations and supply chain, from raw material to retailer, by 2040. P&G also shared a Climate Transition Action Plan which outlines a comprehensive approach to accelerating climate action and the key challenges ahead. In addition to the details of P&G’s net zero ambition, the Climate Transition Action Plan covers the entire lifecycle emissions of our products and packaging, across supply chain, operations, consumer use of our products, and product end of life. P&G also issued a TCFD aligned report and responded to CDP’s Climate Survey. """,net-zero 3189,"'Announced long-term goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our operations and value chain by 2040' (p29) PayPal Holdings Inc. said it would achieve net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2040 as it looks for ways financial technology can prevent climate change. ",net-zero 3190,"""Electric Utilities (2030): at least 50% reduction in CO2 emissions from 2005 levels from electricity generation (Scope 1 emissions)"" (2021 Duke Energy ESG Report, pg. 18) ""Natural Gas Local Distribution Business (2030): net-zero methane emissions (Scope 1 emissions)"" (2021 Duke Energy ESG Report, pg. 18-19) ""In February 2022, we took additional steps toward action on climate change by targeting energy generated by coal to represent less than 5% of total generation by 2030 and to fully exit coal by 2035, pending regulatory approval, as part of the largest planned coal fleet retirement in the industry."" (2021 Duke Energy ESG Report, pg. 7)",reduction 3191,"[The objectives of the CCWG , which reflect the risks and opportunities facing our business from climate change , are : • Build operational climate resilience to protect Newton ’s own assets • Effectively assess , integrate , monitor and manage climate - related investment risks and opportunities to protect and grow our clients ’ assets , supported by our climate change investment focus group • Publish high - quality climate - related reports for clients , regulators and the public .]",none 3192,Heraclitus must have been alluding to the media industry in saying ‘The only thing that is constant is change.’,none 3193,Governance should be improved as well.,none 3194,governorate of sulaymaniyah commits to reduce the emissions to 40% by 2030,reduction 3195,"We are aiming to be at net zero carbon for our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2035, 15 years ahead of the target set in the Paris climate agreement. And, in line with the Paris agreement’s target, we have set ourselves the objective of being at net zero carbon for our significant Scope 3 emissions by 2050",net-zero 3196,"Accordingly, data for FY2019 is not consistent with data for FY2018 or preceding fiscal years.",none 3197,Losses can also follow from credit risk and collateral linked to the mortgage portfolio.,none 3198,"""While the Group’s operations have been carbon neutral since 2014, Zurich is committed to reducing its remaining greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2025 and by 70% by 2029."" ",reduction 3199,"Filling carbon data gaps In order to understand and manage climate risk in our investment portfolios, and guide our transition towards net zero, we need to be able to assess and monitor portfolio level carbon emissions closely.",none 3200,"Here, we will explain the history of innovation in the Fujifilm Group.",none 3201,Climate change Climate change is an external risk factor that is part of environmental risk.,none 3202,"In March 2020 we decided to prioritise two areas for action: climate change, and diversity and inclusion, and to hold ourselves accountable with specific commitments in these areas.",none 3203,"Such regulatory uncertainty extends to future incentives for energy efficient buildings and vehicles and costs of compliance, which may impact the demand for our products, obsolescence of our products and our results of operations.",none 3204,"The Group's policy ""Consume less and better"" has been the watchword for more than 10 years and has reduced the impacts by 43% over the decade. The pillars of this proactive policy are: 1 - Reducing transport, particularly air travel, 2 - Reduction of energy consumption, with a target of 100% renewable energy (RE) by 2030 for the entire Group, 3 - Reduction in the use of raw materials: water, paper .., 4 - Reduction of waste and making recycling the norm, 5 - Carbon neutrality before 2030.",net-zero 3205,"Options exercised in the context of a full donation for a total amount of EUR 1,174,495.9.",none 3206,"'Our 2025 goals include reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% from FY19 emission levels' (p19) 'Maintain 20% reduction of Scope 3 business travel emissions by CY25 from CY19' (p19)",reduction 3207,The Directors are satisfied with the credit quality of counterparties representing balances neither past due nor impaired.,none 3208,"Cash used for capital investment was $912 million in the full year of 2020, $314 million lower than the same period in 2019.",none 3209,"""68% reduction in carbon emissions per million PIFs compared to 2008 levels by 2022""",reduction 3210,Supporting our customers' efforts to decarbonise the electricity supply and reduce the energy needs of commercial buildings will be key focus areas for ANZ over the coming decades.,none 3211,"""to become a net-zero company for operational (scope 1 and 2) emissions by 2050""",net-zero 3212,"[Although we have devoted significant resources to develop our risk management policies , procedures and methods , including with respect to market , credit , liquidity and operational risk , they may not be fully effective in mitigating our risk exposures in all economic market environments or against all types of risk , including risks that we fail to identify or anticipate .]",none 3213,The next phase of the CSIRO research will focus on collecting emission measurement data from CSG processing facilities and gathering lines.,none 3214,Jacobs commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year and commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from business travel and employee commuting by 50% over the same timeframe.,reduction 3215,CO2 emissions in Düsseldorf must be reduced by 4 tons from the current level of around 6 tons per inhabitant per year to two tons per capita per year,reduction 3216,"Verizon announced two new science-based emissions reduction targets, committing to a 53 percent reduction in its operational emissions (Scope 1 and 2) between 2019 and 2030, and a 40 percent reduction in its value chain emissions (Scope 3) between 2019 and 2035. These targets have been approved by the Science Based Target initiative and support the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.",reduction 3217,"End target from Romania's 2021-2030 Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, April 2020: ""Romania plans to make a fair contribution to the achievement of the decarbonisation target of the EU and will follow the best environmental protection practices. The application of the EU-ETS scheme and compliance with the annual emissions targets for the non-ETS sectors are the main commitments to achieve the targets. For the sectors covered by the EU-ETS scheme, the overall emissions reduction target of Romania reaches approximately 44 % by 2030 compared to 2005 [....] Emissions from non-ETS economic activities for the period 2021-2030 are established in Regulation (EU) 2018/842 [....] The European Commission set a 2 % reduction target for Romania compared to the value for 2005.""",reduction 3218,"The CFO convened a Scenario Discussion Workshop where members of senior leadership discussed the Company's current state, considered possible future scenarios, identified different risks and opportunities within these scenarios, and discussed the financial implication of these impacts on the Company.",none 3219,"In doing so, METRO AG commited to reduce its Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 60% per square meter of sales and delivery space by 2030 compared to 2011. ",reduction 3220,"In line with the second prong of our growth strategy, we subsequently deepened our presence in the specialty chemicals market through the development of our Integrated Aroma Ingredients Complex under our joint venture company, BPC.",none 3221,"For clarity, the relative energy objective is as follows: reduce energy intensity per euro of EBITDA by 22% compared to 2017 by 2025. ",reduction 3222,"ENEOS Holdings announced the Long-Term Vision to 2040 in May 2019, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality within its own emissions and “contribute to the development of a low-carbon, recycling-oriented society”.",net-zero 3223,"This vision guided our creation of the Emotive program, an R&D initiative that during a five-year period has evaluated possible business models for battery recharging and customer service.",none 3224,"Any other premises or activities owned or operated by us, but not explicitly referenced in this report, such as Nedbank kiosks in retail stores.",none 3225,This record reflects votes at meetings held from July 1st through June 30th of the following year.,none 3226,"Indirect emissions, known as scope 2 and 3 emissions, result from operational activities we do not own or control.",none 3227,"• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions per unit of product by 55% • Increase energy efficiency per unit of product by 15% by systematically integrating eco-efficiency measures in new projects and existing facilities • Consume 100% of electricity using renewable energies • Facilitate the decarbonization of transport in business trips and employee commutes • Continue to implement circular economy measures in every stage of the operational life cycle • Protect biodiversity on Grifols properties through the Grifols Wildlife Program, promoting CO2 capture",reduction 3228,"During 2019, the Group produced approx.",none 3229,"'By 2040, it is our goal to: • Reach Net Zero carbon emissions across the value chain, • Reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions* by 90% against a 2020 baseline' (p59)",net-zero 3230,The company has used its platform at the event to highlight its plans for the future. Hyundai is aiming to reduce carbon emissions by 75% from its 2019 levels by 2040. ,reduction 3231,"“In 2019, we set a new emissions strategy for the next decade by committing to reduce our emission intensity by 50% from our 2000 level by 2030” ""Over the coming decade, Entergy is committed to reducing its carbon emissions intensity by 50% below 2000 levels by 2030"" (Entergy's 2050 Net Zero Commitment, 2020, pg. 8) - ",reduction 3232,The Group has an active board of directors and a strong and active Shareholders' Committee. ,none 3233,The Company is committed to operating in compliance with the requirements of all the Environmental and Health and Safety laws and regulations in the countries where it operates. ,none 3234,"(c) by 2050, at net zero, by balancing greenhouse gas emissions with greenhouse gas removals and other offsetting measures. ",net-zero 3235,"50% local CO2 emissions reduction by 2030 below 2004 levels 40% non-local CO2 reduction by 2030 below 2004 levels By 2030, an operational action plan will be put in place to deliver the objective of reducing GHG emissions by 50%, reducing consumption by 35% and reaching a 45% share of renewable energy in the city",reduction 3236,"With this vision in mind, we have: • significantly increased our 2030 target from at least 10% to 30% for scope 1 and 2 emissions for our Energy Business as we progress towards Net Zero by 2050; • set a 2030 scope 3 target, aiming for a 20% emission reduction from the use of energy products for our Energy Business (Cat 11) as we progress towards Net Zero forthese emissions by 2050; and • set a target to achieve a 30% reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 for our International Chemicals Business as we progress towards Net Zero by 2050. (Source: ",reduction 3237,"ble 5. Change in emissions (BaU) and percentage of reduction by scenario 2007 2015 2020 2025 2030 BaU (in Gg) 21,916 75,633 92,062 105,316 118,323 Unconditional scenario (reduction in Gg) – 5,133 6,608 7,808 Unconditional scenario (reduction in %) 0% 5.58% 6.27% 6.60% Conditional scenario (reduction in Gg) 10,953 11,829 13,766 Conditional scenario (reduction in %) 0% 11.9% 11.2% 11.6% 6% GHG reduction by 2030 based on BAU (unconditional); 36.95% GHG reduction by 2030 on BAU (conditional)",reduction 3238,"The Bank is an active participant in the market through its trading and investment portfolios, seeking to realize returns for TD through careful management of its positions and inventories.",none 3239,"By mid-2021, PSEG Power will have retired or exited through sales more than 2,400 megawatts (MW) of coal-fired generating capacity since 2017.",none 3240,2. Figures for Scope 2 use standard location-based methodology.,none 3241,Annual contributions may be reviewed under the Framework Agreement.,none 3242,"'By 2050, we aim to eliminate CO2 emissions in our energy usage (Scope 1 and 2).' (p16)",net-zero 3243,"""Reduce Co2 emissions by 26% (compared to fiscal 2013 level)"" Also 2021 interim target: reduce fiscal 2021 CO2 emissions per unit of net sales by 20% from 2013",reduction 3244,"At the end of 2019, BBVA had 10 million customers in this segment.",none 3246,"'Our ambitious carbon reduction goals have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. We have committed to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 42% by FY2030 and reduce Scope 3 use-phase emissions/petabyte by 50% by FY2030, both from an FY2020 base year' (p24) Western Digital commits to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% by 2030, from a 2020 base year, consistent with the goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The company is also adopting a Scope 3 target to reduce the emissions intensity of its products by 50% by 2030.",reduction 3247,"Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. achieved carbon neutral in the Group’s overall business activities as of the end of fiscal 2020 for eight consecutive years",net-zero 3248,Appointments are made on merit and against objective criteria; care is taken to ascertain that appointees have sufficient time available to devote to their position.,none 3249,"[At the announcement of the business plan for the fiscal year ending March 31 , 2020 , as for investments and loans , we are setting the target at ¥ 2.1 trillion , which is within the three - year cumulative range announced already , and there is no change to our forecasts for asset recycling and shareholder returns .]",none 3250,"LSEG was one of the first companies in the financial services sector to commit to long-term science-based carbon reduction targets, which have subsequently been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We have committed to reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3(business travel) GHG emissions 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. We have also set a target of engaging with all key suppliers, accounting for 57% of Scope 3 emissions, to set science-based targets by 2025. LSEG has also been a supporter of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) since its launch in 2017. We not only encourage issuers to report against TCFD through our reporting guidance but aims to go further each year in embedding these standards into our own financial reporting.",reduction 3251,"[( 6 ) Capacity Building With the aim of ensuring all employees have enough knowledge of ESG / SDGs and strengthening communication with customers , the Group will expand our internal training programs and introduce the ' Sustainability University ' , a framework for sustainability training .]",none 3252,"Energy-Climate Plan: objectives to reduce Île-de-France’s dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear power by 50% by 2030 and to work towards a Region that uses 100% renewable energy and zero carbon by 2050, thanks to a 40% reduction in regional energy consumption and a fourfold increase in the amount of renewable energy produced in the Paris Region.",net-zero 3253,"We also expanded our pioneering Community Lab program, opening a new Community Lab facility in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and launching a new program in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.",none 3254,"For the year ended 31 December 2010, we paid out €8.4m in the form of dividends to our shareholders. ",none 3255,"""Mayor Cooper’s administration will also work toward reducing Nashville’s community-scale emissions 30 percent by 2030 and 70 percent by 2050. To lead by example, CO2-reduction targets for Metro Government will be 40 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2050"" Source: ",reduction 3256,"We announced the ""Sino-Ocean Group's Declaration Responses to Climate Change"" and ""2050 Net Zero Plan"", signifying that Sino-Ocean Group will join in practicing carbon neutrality and make every effort to reduce emissions and build a greener planet. ",net-zero 3258,"Despite Singapore’s geographical constraints and lack of alternative energy options, we have set an ambitious target to reach net zero by 2050.",net-zero 3259,[2] Data on the diesel consumed by the gensets in Chile in 2018 are not available.,none 3260,"There is no region target, but the City of Lublin has a Low-Carbon Economy Plan for a 23.44% carbon dioxide reduction from baseline year 2008 to end target year 2022.",reduction 3261,Oracle has set a target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050,net-zero 3262,"However, demand is incredibly volatile in our business; in the mining equipment business, for example, demand can fluctuate by nearly 30%.",none 3263,"Russian NDC states the goal of limiting greenhouse gas emissions to 70% of 1990 values ​​by 2030. This corresponds to a 30% reduction target see also ",reduction 3264,"By 2025, Takeda commits to reducing 40% (from FY2016) of GHG emissions in its own operations and 15% (from FY2018) of Scope 3 emissions through educating and influencing suppliers. Before 2035, Takeda aims to achieve net-zero GHG emissions. Standards based on SBTi. By 2024, key suppliers will have science-based carbon reduction targets.",reduction 3265,100% renewable energy use by 2025,reduction 3266,"As the electricity grid transitions to renewable sources over time, we would be less impacted by a direct cost of carbon on our Scope 2 emissions.",none 3267,"- Reduce scope 1 and 2 operations emissions by 90% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline. - 60% cut in carbon intensity of investments by 2030 - 8% reduction in operational carbon emissions year on year to 2030 - Switch car fleet to 100% electric vehicles Group-wide by 2025 via EV100 Purchasing 100% electricity from renewable sources Group-wide by 2025 via RE100 - Further investment of £10bn of assets from its auto enrolment default funds and other policyholder funds into low carbon strategies by 2022, £6bn in green assets by 2025 (including £1.5bn of policyholder monies into climate transition funds), £2.5bn in low carbon and renewable energy infrastructure and deliver £1bn of carbon transition loans by 2025 - By the end of 2022 it will divest from all companies which make more than 5% of their revenue from coal unless they have signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative. - Starting from 2025, we’ll perform a full calculation of our emissions baseline for our claims management and set absolute reduction targets to ensure we reach Net Zero by 2030.",reduction 3268,"Using a compass and chain, they marked every half mile through the wilderness.",none 3269,"The green bond financing for climate-smart projects in renewable energy, green buildings, and energy-efficient equipment in the Philippines is expected to help save 93,000 tons of carbon emissions by 2022 and contribute to the country target of reducing carbon emissions by 70 percent by 2030.",reduction 3270,"""For the EDF Group, it involves: reducing its direct and indirect CO2 emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 50% (2017 basis), including emissions from non-consolidated generation assets and emissions associated with electricity purchased for sale to end customers; reducing its CO2 emissions associated with the burning of gas sold to end customers (scope 3) by 28% (2019 basis). This trajectory represents an absolute reduction of direct greenhouse-gas emissions amounting to 25 Mt CO2 by 2030, equivalent to a carbon intensity of approximately 35 g CO2/kWh in 2030."" ""The Group specific CO2 direct emissions was 55g/kWh in 2019 and our target is 35 g/kwh by 2030"" ",reduction 3271,"• Our financial condition and results of operations are sensitive to, and may be adversely affected by, a number of factors, many of which are largely outside our control.",none 3272,"- In line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change, we have set a target of zero emissions by 2050, with an ambition to anticipate the achievement by 2030, since the 2050 objective is too long-term for Amadeus",net-zero 3273,'2040 Net neutral GHG' (p20),net-zero 3274,"The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group aims to reduce CO2 emissions per floor area of our business offices 25% compared to FY 2005 by the FY 2020. ●The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group aims to reduce CO2 emissions per floor area of real estate portfolio 25% compared to FY 2005 by the FY 2020.",reduction 3275,"As IBM focuses on leadership in the era of hybrid cloud and AI, we are taking a number of decisive steps to create a culture where all employees can thrive.",none 3276,"Overall, the Group set an absolute reduction target for its own CO2 emissions to become carbon neutral by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement and other societal commitments. (Pg. 46)",net-zero 3277,"Angola plans to reduce GHG emissions up to 14% by 2025 as compared to the base year 2015 (unconditionally). Without any conditions and based on their own resources and capabilities. An additional reduction of 10% relative to BAU in the year 2025; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 11,1 million tCO2e e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding. The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is therefore a 24% reduction in GHG emissions compared to BAU scenario in 2025; this is equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of up to 26,5 million tCO2e in 2025.",reduction 3278,We also acknowledged the Board of Management’s risk report.,none 3279,Infineon has set itself the goal of becoming carbon-neutral by the end of the 2030 fiscal year in terms of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.,net-zero 3280,BNY Mellon has also set a greenhouse-gas emissions reduction target in line with a well-below 2°C science-based target methodology.,none 3281,"This strategic plan is based on a number of assumptions, in particular relating to the macroeconomic environment and the development of activities.",none 3282,"A reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030, compared to 2016 GHG emissions; and an intensity reduction of scope 3 emissions of 28% by 2030, compared to 2016. In addition, DSM aims to have a 75% share of renewable by 2030.",reduction 3283,"[This work will be instrumental in constantly evolving Maersk 's approach to manage physical risk from climate change in a way that is adequate given the increased challenges Maersk will see in the future .]",none 3284,Kansas City Southern commits to reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% per million gross ton-miles by 2034 from a 2019 base year.,reduction 3285,"Through the Climate Action 100+ initiative, VicSuper is engaging with investee companies to reduce emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and to strengthen governance practices and financial reporting on climate change.",none 3286,"Under this management system, we will prioritize increasing transaction diversification as a concrete method of increasing operating assets exceeding ¥100 billion over the coming three years.",none 3287,"The Paris Agreement-compatible plan will implement emission reduction targets of 25% by 2030, 75% by 2040 and 100% (net-zero emissions) by 2050, as compared to the 2016 baseline.",reduction 3288,"'Our goal is to reduce Scope 1+2 carbon emissions by 12.5% by 2025, using 2020 as the baseline year.' (p23)",reduction 3290,"This is an ongoing process, as companies divested from the fund could be repurchased if their sustainability planning improves, and other companies divested if they do not deliver on pledges.",none 3291,"Reduction of lifetime emissions of new sold products from Power Systems business by 2030 and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from our operations and facilities by 2030. Planning to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from our operations and facilities by 2030, by using 100% renewable energy, pioneering closed loop manufacturing techniques on high value metals, and deploying our cutting-edge microgrid capabilities to support our estate.",net-zero 3292,"reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions 35% by 2025, from a 2011 base year ",reduction 3293," The Estée Lauder Companies commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2018 base year. This target is consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement. The Estée Lauder Companies also commits to reduce scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, and business travel 60% per unit revenue over the same timeframe. ",reduction 3294,"""The Company calculates its net residual emissions as its total Scope 1, Scope 2 (MBM) and Scope 3 emissions less its avoidance and removal carbon credits. In fiscal 2022, the Company reported net residual emissions of zero, which the Company refers to as net zero residual emissions."" ",net-zero 3295,"Red Eléctrica is committed to a 40% reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions per MWh transported by 2030 compared to 2015. In relative terms, this target, approved by the SBTi initiative, translates into a commitment to absolute emissions reductions regarding Scope 1 and 2 emissions of 30% for the 2030 with respect to 2015, with an additional 10% reduction having been previously approved for 2020 with respect to that same year.",reduction 3296,"[This year , Sydney Airport joined Bioenergy Australia 's Sustainable Aviation Fuel Alliance , together with airlines and other airports , to create a collaborative environment to advance sustainable aviation fuel production , policy , education and marketing in Australia and New Zealand .]",none 3297,"Conditional target: By 2050, the Municipality of São Paulo will reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero, case actions that involve decarbonization and that are not in the control of the Municipality of São Paulo are carried out.",net-zero 3298,"Boston Scientific is committed to achieving carbon neutrality in manufacturing and key distribution sites by 2030. ",net-zero 3299,'reduce greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 45% by 2030 compared to 2005' ,reduction 3300,"Reduce CO2 emissions statewide 25% below 2005 levels by 2025, 50% by 2030",reduction 3301,"""We will define a pathway to achieving our climate goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, which will consist of electrification of mobility and clean power that makes effective use of energy.""",net-zero 3302,"Carbon intensity reduction targets of 30% in Hong Kong operation and 10% in the Mainland operation by 2020, with the base year 2011 and 2015 respectively. By 2020, Kerry Properties achieved and exceeded the target requirement. ",reduction 3303,"The new decarbonisation trajectory targets a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions per passenger/km by 2030 compared to 2019. This objective excludes so-called “offsetting” actions to consider measures that exclusively reduce direct and indirect emissions. It corresponds to a 12% reduction in the company's total emissions between 2019 and 2030, in line with expected changes in activity, after a 6% reduction achieved between 2005 and 2019. ",reduction 3304,"Boeing’s commitment to safer and sustainable air travel supports aviation’s global climate strategy — starting with carbon neutral growth from 2020 onward and reducing emissions to half of what they were in 2005 by 2050. ",reduction 3305,The Group’s total net income (loss) from equity method investments is € 42 million in 2019 (2018: € 43 million).,none 3306,"At fiscal 2019, year ended March 31, 2020, total assets decreased by JPY 93.0 billion, compared with the end of the previous fiscal year, to JPY 3,321.7 billion, owing to decrease in cash and cash equivalents and other factors.",none 3307,"In November 2020, we declared our commitment to become carbon neutral by 2050. ",net-zero 3308,"From Cambodia's updated NDC (31 Dec 2020): The estimated total emissions reduction by 2030 under the updated NDC scenario is expected to​​ be approximately 64.6 million tCO2eq/year (41.7%). Source: ",reduction 3309,"unconditionally 35% GHGs for the year 2030, up to 40% in a conditional manner (if large emitting countries make efforts and if international financing, innovation and technology sharing is scaled up) Minimum 35% of electricity from clean energy sources by 2024 25% (unconditional) reduction in GHG emissions for the year 2030 compared to BAU scenario, equivalent to 22% reduction in GHG and 51% reduction in Black Carbon, but 70% conditionally also by 2030. Target on Clean Energy: 35% by 2024; 39-9% by 2033; and 50% by 2050. Reach a rate of 0% deforestation by the year 2030 Target on Clean Energy: 35% by 2024; 39-9% by 2033; and 50% by 2050. ",reduction 3310,"The Group and its customers may also be exposed to other events such as geological events (including volcanic seismic activity or tsunamis), plant, animal and human diseases or a pandemic.",none 3311,Borrowings include operational borrowings attributable to shareholder-financed operations and other borrowings attributable to the With-Profits Fund.,none 3312,"Our approach to capital expenditure has already been influenced by climate-related issues, for example through the investments we have made to reduce the overall greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions in our estate (see page 19).",none 3313,"The 2030 Plan for a Green Economy is the first electrification and climate change policy framework. It engages Québec in an ambitious project to lay the groundwork for a green economy by 2030 that is both resilient to climate change and more prosperous. The Plan will help achieve the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target Québec has set for itself, namely a 37.5% reduction compared with 1990 levels, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. It will also strengthen Québec’s capacity to adapt to the consequences of climate change.",net-zero 3314,"At the same time, the Council deliberates on the measures adopted by executive officers to implement particularly important initiatives in accordance with the basic policies, plans, and strategies formulated by the Board of Directors.",none 3315,'I made a commitment on behalf of Montrealers to decrease the city’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55 per cent below 1990 levels by 2030.' (p7),reduction 3316,"ENGIE also aims to support its clients in their energy transition. ENGIE has committed to contributing 45Mt to the decarbonization of clients by 2030, from 20Mt in 2020.",reduction 3317,"Long Term (2050): Towards carbon neutrality by continuously reducing our carbon footprint (improving operational eco-efficiency, procuring renewable and low carbon intensive energy) and optimizing natural resource consumption.",net-zero 3318,"Reputational damage stemming from the Company’s association with companies whose securities are held within the Investment Vehicle portfolio and whose ESG policies, activities or disclosures fail to meet the standards expected by stakeholders.",none 3319,"Driving environmental sustainability: To address growing environmental concerns, in 2016 we financed more than $17.6 billion in renewable energy, clean technology, “green” building construction, sustainable agriculture, and other environmentally sustainable businesses.",none 3320,"Aligned with a Science Based Targets initiative 1.5-degree pathway • Ocean ~50% reduction in carbon intensity (EEOI) (2020 baseline) and 25% of cargo to be transported with green fuels. Separate targets for air cargo, logistics facilities, landside and own terminals. ",reduction 3321,"1. WH has a joint venture with Dominion Energy to pursue biogas projects. When implemented, the partnership will prevent more than 2.5 million metric tons of GHG emissions. 2. WH subsidiary Smithfield announced it will reduce GHG emissions by 30% across the entire domestic supply chain by 2030. The goal builds on the prior pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% across the domestic supply chain by 2025. Smithfield also announced that it will obtain 50% of its electricity from renewable sources, such as solar and wind power, over the same time period.",reduction 3322,"Reduce CO2 emissions by 2030 at the latest Net zero.",net-zero 3323,"An emerging risk is defined as a thematic issue that has large unknown components, which may form and crystallise beyond a one year horizon.",none 3324,"Global quarterly stewardship reports: Case studies on individual engagements and data on the number of companies BIS engaged with during each quarter globally across a range of E, S, and G topics, including COVID-19 related issues. -",none 3325," David Gibbs (CEO):Yum announced recently a science based targets by reducing the GHG emissions. By the end of 2021, 1000 restaurants are to be converted to renewable energy.",reduction 3326,"The function creates the best products by establishing state-of-the-art infrastructure, processes, and systems that enable us to focus on innovative and sustainable materials and manufacturing capabilities.",none 3327,"Our operating results have been in the past and will continue to be subject to a number of factors, many of which are largely outside our control.",none 3328,We also included more questions on risk culture in the Bank's Employee Engagement Survey.,none 3329,"'By 2030 we aspire to... Decarbonize our operations by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 46% from 2019 levels, in line with the Paris Agreement.' (p6)",reduction 3330,"Economic conditions in California are subject to various uncertainties at this time, including the pace of recovery in construction and real estate sectors, the effect of drought on the agricultural sector and its infrastructure, and the California state government’s budgetary difficulties and fiscal condition.",none 3331,A 'sustainable procurement' policy and supporting procedures were developed. ,none 3332,"By 2030, we aim to: Reduce carbon emissions 80% from the electricity you use, below 2005 levels",reduction 3333,reduce greenhouse gas emissions from operations by 20 percent by 2024 compared to those of 2019.,reduction 3334,"Any subsequent increase in defaults and rising unemployment could create recessionary pressures, which may lead to wider deterioration in the creditworthiness of the Barclays Bank Group’s clients, higher ECLs, and increased charge-offs and defaults among retail customers.",none 3335,"Reduce our Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 35%, aligned with the best-available climate science",reduction 3336,"Our long-term target is still to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in our own operations and value chain by 2045.",net-zero 3337,"To calculate performance, the improvement in specific CO2 emissions is measured annually over the four-year performance period.",none 3338,"...Translated into carbon terms, these commitments cover 100% percent of our Scope 1 + 2 (market-based) emissions, and they will result in an absolute reduction of more than 90% from our base year 2012 emissions c4 target year: 2022 - so 90% emissions reduction with a bit of carbon offsetting to close the gap",reduction 3339,"Given the areas of concerns and expectations may change over time, engagement should be an iterative process.",none 3340,"This year, we have not included data from Da Vinci Group B.V. (DVG), as our acquisition was completed only in mid-September and we have yet to fully integrate our sustainability platforms.",none 3341,"The company continued to uphold its standard manufacturing terms, including worker rights protection, and assisted key suppliers in securing bank financing to help them weather the covid-19 crisis.",none 3342,"As a member of the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, SCOR has committed to setting targets for the decarbonization of its portfolio. The baseline is end of year 2019 and the target is set over a five year time horizon, running until the end of 2024. SCOR believes that the carbon footprint is more meaningful when taking scope 3 (other indirect emissions(3)) into account and that carbon intensive sectors are the ones for which scope 3 matters most. For these reasons and despite some weaknesses in the current data, SCOR has decided to set Carbon Intensity targets including scope 3 for its corporate bond and equities sub-portfolio based on the Enterprise Value of issuers. SCOR commits to reducing its carbon intensity by 27% by end of 2024 for corporate bonds and equities sub-portfolios. This will be achieved by combining a best- in- class selection with active engagement with investees, in order to impact the real economy. The decarbonization path cannot be achieved by rebalancing the highest emitting sectors to the least emitting ones; with no consideration in terms of supporting companies with credible paths to decarbonization. Progress should be measured globally over the period, bearing in mind the lag of data and the time it takes for companies to show visible results in their own decarbonization path. As mentioned in section 3.2.2 – Management of transition risks, the Group does not offer facultative insurance or reinsurance that would specifically encourage the development of new thermal coal or lignite mines or new plants. The policy also excludes the construction of new coal-fired power plants, irrespective of the technologies, the construction, and quality of the coal",reduction 3343,"We have committed to reducing Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 68% by 2035 from the 2019 base year. Scope 3 with a target of 79% for Occupiers and 67% for investors. This target covers GHG emissions from the company’s global operations and is aligned with the ambition of the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. In order to achieve this target, we have committed to achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2025 and to transitioning our fleet to electric vehicles. ",reduction 3344,"""In its updated NDC (NDC2), the Republic of Moldova intends to achieve more ambitious targets than in its NDC1. The country’s new economy-wide unconditional target is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent below its 1990 level in 2030, instead of 64-67 per cent as committed in NDC1."" ""As to the new economy-wide conditional target, instead of 78 per cent as committed in NDC1, the reduction commitment expressed above could be increased in NDC2 up to 88 per cent below 1990 level, provided a global agreement addressing important topics including low-cost financial resources, technology transfer, and technical cooperation, accessible to all at a scale commensurate to the challenge of global climate change, is insured.""",reduction 3345,"Compass Group UK & Ireland has announced its commitment to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions across its own operations and its value chain (GHG protocol Scope 1/2/3) by 2030. The UK’s largest foodservice provider has aligned its climate ambitions by committing to develop science-based targets to limit global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial level in line with the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) criteria. ",net-zero 3346,"""For Scopes 1 and 2, these include the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Sainsbury’s own operations to Net Zero by 2040 in a bid to limit global warming to 1.5°C"" - ",net-zero 3347,Internal audits at three sites demonstrated compliance with EHSMS.,none 3348,"In addition, the Legal and Compliance Department and the Audit Committee regularly monitor the results of the independent auditor. ",none 3349,"""Announced goal of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050"" ""Our January 2022 announcement setting the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 furthers Truist’s work to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.""",net-zero 3350,"Baja California Sur established started the 1st phase of a programme of Emergent Sustainable Cities primera etapa del Programa de Ciudades Emergentes Sostenibles. The authorities of this state installed solar energy panels in the city La Paz....this will cut 775 tons of CO2 and will last 30 to 40 years. 21st Feb2021 El Gobierno del Estado inició la instalación de plantas solares en Palacio de Gobierno y ocho edificios públicos más en la ciudad de La Paz que permitirán ahorrar unos 3.2 millones de pesos al año, dejarán de emitir 775 toneladas de dióxido de carbono y tendrán una vida útil de 30 a 40 años.",reduction 3351,Revenue arising from rendering of services is generally recognized by the percentage-of-completion method at the date of the end of the reporting period.,none 3352,"Achieve the following by 2030: • Reduce absolute GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 32 percent • Reduce GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1 and 2) by 32 percent • Reduce absolute Scope 3 emissions (i.e., joint venture assets and supply chain) by 30 percent ""By 2030, we aim to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 32 percent (from a 2018 base year) and Scope 3 emissions by 30 percent (from a 2019 base year). By 2050, our target is to be carbon neutral. Our 2030 targets have been approved and validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which ensures that our targets support the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels.",reduction 3353,'– Emissions reduction: achieve carbon neutrality by 2022 and net zero emissions by 2025;' (p109),net-zero 3354,"- To achieve by 2030 an over 40% reduction in total GHG emissions* in the municipality of Madrid compared to 1990, thereby helping to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the EU Climate Agenda, and in line with the new Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. *total emissions= direct emissions + indirect emissions arising from electricity consumption - To fulfil the commitment to reduce GHG emissions caused by urban mobility by 50% by 2030 compared to 2012. - To develop a climate change adaptation strategy in order to reduce urban vulnerability to the risks associated with global warming.",reduction 3355,"Reduce City of Perth operational emissions by 30 per cent by 2030. (Baseline year 2011) Work with the community to achieve 30 per cent reduction in citywide greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. All City of Perth Asset Management Plans incorporate climate response considerations by 2030. The City scores 50 per cent or above in disaster resilience as assessed by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction by 2030. ",reduction 3356,"This is considered as an emerging risk at this stage given the paucity of relevant judicial precedent and the many open questions surrounding potential liability including the applicable duty of care, standards of proof and causality.",none 3357,"""Our goal is to be completely carbon emissions-free by no later than 2045.""",net-zero 3358,"Endorsed by City Council in May 2017, the City of Rochester Climate Action Plan has a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% from 2010 levels by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, the Plan outlines 35 implementation actions divided into five focus areas. The five focus areas revolve around residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. These include: Energy Use and Supply Transportation Waste and Materials Management Clean water Land use",reduction 3359,"3) Considering that there can be different types of industry within a single sector, the methodology proposes a sector segmentation that differentiates the impact in each segment in terms of cost, revenue and investment.",none 3360,"[The PJM average emissions rate has declined from 1,092 lbs / MWh in 20125 to 851 lbs / MWh in 2019 ( 22 % reduction).5 We continue to make improvements to our existing plants to make them more fuel - efficient , and our recent investments in Keys Energy Center ( Maryland ) , Sewaren 7 ( New Jersey ) and Bridgeport Harbor Station Unit 5 ( Connecticut ) further advance our overall efficiency .]",reduction 3361,"Water stress Household water scarcity caused by climate change is another physical risk, which is exacerbated by population growth and urbanisation.",none 3362,We’re embracing a new goal to be 100% green by 2050 by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions 100%.,net-zero 3363,"Until the end of March 2021, a total of 29 institutions, including domestic and foreign automobile manufacturers, automotive component manufacturers, and universities, will participate in these field operation tests to acquire test data, conduct analysis, and report test results.",none 3364,"Conditional and unconditional targets compared to 2016 2024: Reducción del 10%; 2024: Reducción del 32% 2030: Reducción del 24%; 2030: Reducción del 56% 2040: Reducción del 36%; 2040: Reducción del 83% ",reduction 3365,"Not surprisingly, the analysis (summarised in the table below) uncovered disparities between the nine sectors reviewed.",none 3366,"nb 'We also start to set targets to reduce GHG emissions' (p123, 2021)",none 3367,"In 2030, the total urban emissions of greenhouse gases should be at least halved compared to 1990 ",reduction 3368,"By their very nature, these forward-looking statements require assumptions to be made and involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific.",none 3369,"2030: ""we will reduce CO2 emissions from electricity sold to customers by 50% or more compared with FY2013. In addition, we aim for 100% electrification of company-owned and operated vehicles"".",reduction 3370,"[Porsche achieves sustainable growth in 2020 financial year Porsche AG set a new revenue record in the 2020 financial year : its value grew to 28.7 billion euros , surpassing the previous year ’s figure by more than 100 million euros .]",none 3371,"On January 14, 2021, we declared a first quarter dividend of 43.98 cents per share or $1.76 per share on an annualized basis.",none 3372,"'In 2021, Ping An fully upgraded its action in green finance, announced its five-year business goals, and committed to achieving carbon neutrality in operation by 2030' (p32)",net-zero 3373,"- reduction of emissions by 30% by 2025 Compared to 2018, greenhouse gas emissions are expected to be reduced by additional 15% by 2025. ",reduction 3374,The Company is committed to ensuring that any vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates and recognises the value of diversity in the composition of the Board.,none 3375,"""a Long-term Net Zero Value Chain Target: to achieve net zero emissions covering Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2039"" which ""covers upstream Scope 3 emissions, Scope 1 & 2 emissions and mandatory downstream Scope 3 emissions. Mandatory downstream emissions include direct emissions from aerosol propellants and the biodegradation of chemicals in the disposal phase but exclude indirect use-phase emissions, such as emissions associated with the hot water used with our products.""",net-zero 3376,"At the end of the document, “GRI Content Index” indicates the content reported in compliance with the GRI.",none 3377,We recognise the importance of disclosing to investors how we ensure our material capital expenditure and investments align with the Paris Goals.,none 3378,"Should there be any local special conditions that are not sufficiently addressed by the group or parent strategy, the AI should either raise them with the group or parent for a possible solution or address them locally.",none 3379,"""We will strive to achieve effective netzero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from business activities at our own sites by 2050 and aim to contribute to the creation of a decarbonized society through our products and services."" ",net-zero 3380,"intend to reduce direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 50% (2020 baseline). aim to cover 80% of purchased electricity with renewables. plan to cut indirect emissions from value chain (scope 3) by 1,500 metric kilotons of co2 equivalents.",reduction 3381," mentions “Balıkesir Climate Change Action Plan” but I cannot find this, maybe it is not in English It is on but cannot view the submission on CDP website ",none 3382,It also created a new mission statement to express its basic management concept of creating new value for stakeholders in and outside the Group.,none 3383,"[Action taken : We have met management and emphasised the financial risks associated with climate change , and have highlighted that the TCFD is a useful mechanism to assess and disclose climate - related financial risks .]",none 3384,"This included ¥9.9 billion of interest income (compared with ¥7.8 billion in the previous year), a ¥2.0 billion of gain on revaluation of sales finance assets (compared with a year-earlier ¥0.7 billion of loss) and ¥1.9 billion of sales finance-related income (compared with ¥0.5 billion) at North American subsidiaries, and foreign exchange losses of ¥9.2 billion (compared with a ¥5.1 billion gain last year) at subsidiaries in mainly Asia",none 3385,"• Other specialty reinsurance: coverage provided to ceding company clients for personal and commercial auto (other than excess auto liability), mortgage, surety, accident and health, workers’ compensation catastrophe, agriculture, marine and aviation.",none 3386,"We conducted our limited assurance engagement in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000, Assurance Reports Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.",none 3387,Scope 1 and 2 targets for absolute emissions and emissions intensity,reduction 3388,reduce carbon emission by 50% in 2025 compared to 2005 levels,reduction 3389,The hardcopies will be delivered once they are made available to the Company.,none 3390,"we are committed to the 1.5°C climate target, which corresponds to at least a 40% reduction in our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared with 2019.",reduction 3391,"GHG impact is calculated by deducting the Opportunity & Transition reduction contribution from our GHG emissions. The aim is to halve our GHG impact by 2030 compared to 2020. ",reduction 3392,"The plan aims to take unprecedented collective action to transition Ottawa into a clean, renewable and resilient city by 2050. City Council has adopted short, mid, and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets based on 2012 levels: Reduce emissions from the community by: 43 per cent by 2025 68 per cent by 2030 96 per cent by 2040 100 per cent by 2050 ",reduction 3393,The very high-risk categories encompass risk exposure to counterparties mainly in Central Asia and Turkey and several countries outside the Bank's regions (mainly in the Gulf).,none 3394,"""Leicester City Council already has targets in place for reducing both the carbon emissions of the council and of the whole city, and actively monitors progress towards these. These targets were very ambitious when they were set in 1994 and still go beyond those currently required by the UK Government. Leicester City Council is targeting a 50% reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions from its own estate and operations by 2025, compared to a 2008/09 baseline. [...] We also have a target of reducing CO2e emissions for the city of Leicester by 50% by 2025, from a 1990 baseline."" Targets from Sustainability Action Plan 2016-19, which was the precursor to Climate Emergency Strategy 2020-23. There is indication on the website summary that this interim target has already been achieved as of Sep 2021: "" City-wide carbon emissions have already halved from their 1990 levels and the council’s own emissions have decreased by a similar amount in the past decade."" ",reduction 3395,"CGI is pleased to announce its commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030 with respect to carbon emissions under its direct and indirect control (as defined by Scope 1, 2 and business travel in scope 3 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol). ",net-zero 3396,"– The Emu Downs Solar Farm is a 20MW solar farm, being built next to the Emu Downs Wind Farm site.",none 3397,"Bis 2030 reduziert Hamburg die CO2-Emissionen um 55 Prozent gegenüber dem Basisjahr 1990. (By 2030, Hamburg will reduce CO2 emissions by 55 percent compared to the base year 1990.)",reduction 3398,"The Company has a Code of Conduct and a whistleblowing policy, the details of which are available on the Company's website. ",none 3399,"As part of our 2025 sustainability goals, we established a goal to reduce our GHG emissions intensity by 20%, using 2005 as the baseline. By the end of 2021, we had realized 91% of this goal. To expand on this goal and achieve our ambition of net zero by 2050, we are currently evaluating options for establishing interim GHG emissions reduction targets. ",reduction 3400,Lonza is committed to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.,net-zero 3401,"36% of GHGs (non-EU ETS) by 2030 on 2005 base year; 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030; 43% by 2030 on 2005 for EU ETS sectors; EU target: at least 40% domestic reduction by 2030 compared to 1990 ""The EU and its Member States, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.""",reduction 3402,"This includes a requirement to establish a Code of Conduct and a Code of Ethics, which are applicable to all employees, consultants and agents of the Company. ",none 3403,"THE U.S. 2050 NET-ZERO GOAL The United States has set a goal of net-zero emissions by no later than 2050. The goal includes all major GHGs (CO2 , CH4 , N2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3 ) and is economy-wide. The goal is on a net basis, including both sources of emissions and removals. It does not include emissions from international aviation or international shipping. At this time, the United States does not expect to use international market mechanisms toward achievement of this net-zero goal. Progress toward the goal will be assessed and the U.S. LTS may be updated, as appropriate.",net-zero 3404,"Through our joint-research, we have discovered how proteins that improve skin conditions can be increasingly activated by 14-dehydroergosterol (14-DHE), a compound contained in a white koji mold produced by the Kirin Group.",none 3405,"1-Net zero by 2050 commitment : -Milestone targets for 2030 aligned to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) using 1.5° C climate scenarios and 2019 baseline -Scope 1 + 2 SBTi absolute contraction reduction of 46% -Scope 3 SBTi absolute contraction reduction of 46% using our most material scope categories 1,2,4,6,7,15 that account for 93% of our total scope 3 footprint 2. Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) - Submitted targets to SBTi for independent assessment and verification of emission reduction targets in line with goals of the Paris Agreement - Selected approach ensures strongest ambition in the short to medium term and enables us to align with trajectories that lead to net-zero emissions by 2050 3. Carbon neutrality in direct operations across Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2023 -Boundary of scope 1 + 2 GHG includes sites that represent jurisdictional control plus material locations, accounting for 96% of our total scope 1 + 2 footprint",net-zero 3406,"The mandate places a high priority on long term responsible investments that meet our financial targets, with a preference to invest positively in sustainable real assets such as energy efficient buildings, renewable energy projects, public transport, water treatment facilities, eco-friendly farming, and sustainable forestry.",none 3407,"Our commitment Net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 ",net-zero 3408,"Our community’s long-term goal is to achieve an 80% greenhouse gas emission reduction below 2010 levels by 2050. ",reduction 3409,The risk analysis is based upon the following potential adverse impacts on a company’s: i) Reputation.,none 3410,"35% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 & Carbon neutral for our remaining CO2 emissions -7% less paper used across our business 56% of waste sorted and recycled",reduction 3411,"The Board will continue to monitor the Company's overall compliance with the Code and, where necessary, recommend that the Company makes appropriate changes to its policies, procedures and practices. ",none 3412,"Additionally, we remain committed to the GSMA Zero by 2050 target which calls for GSMA members to commit to setting verifiable Science Based Targets (SBT) at 1.5°C, or a target that aligns and meets national commitments. ",net-zero 3413,"""We are committed to reducing our emissions as part of a credible strategy to transition to a low carbon economy. Based on the output of our carbon footprint assessment, we acted quickly and achieved operational carbon neutrality for 2020 Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions associated with fuel combustion in boilers, furnaces and vehicles) and Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat or cooling).""",net-zero 3414,"Announced in 2021, 3M will further reduce carbon emissions, aiming for a 50% reduction by 2030, an 80% reduction by 2040, and 100% carbon neutral in its operations by 2050. Baseline 2019.",net-zero 3415,"The projected changes are presented for the period 2021-2050 relative to the 1971-2000 baseline period. - page 8",reduction 3416,We will continue reporting our performance against these principles annually.,none 3417,"1.4.2 Health, safety and security of employees and subcontractors Health and safety Employees of VINCI companies and subcontracting companies are required to work on the increasingly complex projects and operations that the Group carries out.",none 3418,"Target submitted to UN global compact: Press release by NTPC on net zero target here: ",net-zero 3419," CIB's ecological footprint plan was developed in 2017 to address energy and water efficiency challenges. We ultimately aim to make our business carbon neutral. CIB developed its first Carbon Footprint Report because measuring a problem is the essential first step in developing a plan to address it. In 2018, CIB’s total emissions hit 51,000 MtCO2e (after updating the baseline according to the new activities added in 2019-2020 report), and we have committed ourselves to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 10% (1,800 MtCO2e) by 2025.",net-zero 3421,"Environmental, Social, and Governance Data Factory S&P Global's cross divisional effort to identify opportunities and risks in Environmental, Social, and Governance is supported by a common data and technology backbone.",none 3422,"Our 2030 goals include achieving net positive water, 100% renewable electricity, zero waste to landfill, and further reduction in our absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, even as we continue to expand our manufacturing capacity. Additionally, building on our 2030 goals, we recently announced our commitment to achieve net zero GHG for Scope 1 and 2, by 2040. Our strategy also includes creating a collective approach to reduce GHG emissions across the semiconductor industry, and increasing the use of technology to reduce climate impact. To achieve our 2030 sustainable chemistry technology industry initiative, we have developed a unique methodology to calculate our manufacturing chemical footprint, which will be instrumental in helping us identify projects to soften that footprint. (Pg. 8) ""Climate and Energy. • Achieve 100% renewable electricity use across our global manufacturing operations. • Conserve 4 billion kWh of electricity. • Drive a 10% reduction in our absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions as we grow, informed by climate science. • Increase product energy efficiency 10x for Intel client and server microprocessors to reduce our Scope 3 emissions."" (Pg. 10) ""Achieve carbon neutral computing to address climate change "" (Pg. 69) 2030 Goal: Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions Description. Drive a 10% reduction in our absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2020 to 2030. Baseline. Progress measured as percent reduction from our calendar year 2019 emissions. Our combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions in 2019 were 2.88 million metric tons of CO2e. Progress in 2021. During 2021, our Scope 1 and 2 emissions increased by approximately 14% from the 2019 baseline. Looking Ahead. In 2022, we will continue to take action to reduce emissions through abatement, investments in renewable electricity, process and equipment optimization, and energy conservation. In addition to this 2030 goal, in April 2022 we announced a new commitment to reach net zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2040. Next year we will begin reporting progress toward both the 2030 and 2040 commitments. ",net-zero 3423,"Through these initiatives, Konica Minolta is aiming to achieve the business targets of more than ¥75 billion in operating profit, ¥50 billion in profit attributable to owners of the company, and ROE of 9.5% by fiscal 2019, the final year of the Medium Term Business Plan.",none 3424,"'we are now committed to reaching net zero in our direct operations by 2030 at the latest and net zero overall by 2050' (p9) 2021 Integrated Annual Report",net-zero 3425,"In support of limiting global warming by minimizing generation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in our operations as we continue to expand our business, we have a set a new carbon emissions target of 25% CO2 reduction per employee over ten years from 2016 to 2025 with our baseline year of CY2015. Energy-efficient building design, conservation initiatives, and energy reduction projects have helped us achieve our carbon reduction goal along with sourcing global electricity use from renewable energy with continued company growth. In late 2016, we began rapidly increasing our use of renewable energy, and by the end of 2020, renewable energy sources have supplied 45% of our total energy needs at headquarters in San Jose, California.",reduction 3426,The municipality will reduce local authority emissions by 20% by 2021 from the baseline figure recorded in 2013.,reduction 3427,"The law establishes a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to promote Catalonia’s transition to a sustainable development model and determines their commitment to achieving the objective of reducing GHG emissions by 40% by 2030, 65% by 2040 and 100% by 2050 in respect to the values of 1990.",reduction 3428,"reduce Rochester’s greenhouse gas emissions 20% below 2010 levels by 2020",reduction 3429,"At the beginning of 2019, VINCI Airports signed a memorandum of understanding with the Portuguese government to extend Lisbon’s airport capacity.",none 3430,"At the end of the purchase cycle, the acquired stock is matched in a ratio of one to one up to a maximum of ten free shares, provided that the employee remains at Deutsche Bank Group for another year.",none 3431,"We have set the indicators and goals used when assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities in line with the concept of ""reducing CO2 emissions intensity by half by 2035 from a life cycle perspective,"" which was stated in the TDK Environmental Vision 2035.",reduction 3432,"Taken from Cities Race to Zero , which Accra is a part of ",net-zero 3433,"China Gas Holdings Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Environment Programme, under which China Gas will cooperate with companies to help with methane emissions reduction.",none 3434,"Ultimately, sustainable growth is also about culture and tone from the top.",none 3435,Erste Group is committed to achieving portfolio net-zero emissions by 2050 in line with the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C.,net-zero 3436,"A 2018 internal survey of third-party managers on the platform found that over half of IIP strategies aligned with at least one SDG, with climate action among the three most common themes.",none 3437,"In conducting its climate emissions data year-end closing for 2020, ICA reports that greenhouse gas emissions from its own operations have decreased by 76% compared with 2006 levels. ICA has thereby exceeded its target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 70%. ",reduction 3439,Inherent risk increases as the GHG emissions increase.,none 3440,This Section describes the internal control procedures relating to the preparation and processing of Tikehau Capital’s financial and accounting information as they exist as at the registration date of this Registration Document.,none 3441,"“Let me be very clear about our position. We support net zero by 2050. In fact, at this point in time, because our forest is such a huge carbon sink, we are already at net zero. In fact, we are positive,” the Vice President stated.",net-zero 3442,"Given the urgency, we fast-tracked our net zero goal by 10 years and established a new goal of 2040. In 2020, we also expanded our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal to cover scopes 1, 2 and 3. We plan to achieve net-zero emissions through projects that improve operational efficiency, create new technology innovations, and neutralize residual GHG emissions through carbon compensation mechanisms.",net-zero 3443,"In this context, the Group's recruitment policy aims to promote, wherever possible, applications from women, whenever there are vacancies, and particularly for investment roles.",none 3444,reduce its (State of Oregon) GHG emissions at least 45 percent below 1990 emissions levels by 2035,reduction 3445,"Therefore, the financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis.",none 3446,"The Government is committed to reforming the climate policies of the European Union and Finland so that we can do our part to limit the global mean temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Finland aims to develop the EU’s long-term climate measures so that the EU can achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. This means tightening the emissions reduction obligation for 2030 to at least 55 per cent below the 1990 emissions level. The target set in the Government Programme is for transport sector emissions to be halved from 2005 levels by 2030. Transport sector emissions are declining too slowly in relation to the target: the existing measures are expected to reduce emissions to 7.9 million tonnes, but emissions should decrease to 6.3 million tonnes. In May 2021, the Government adopted a resolution on a roadmap for fossil-free transport to achieve this target.",net-zero 3447,"This contrasts with various indicators, especially those related to exports, imports and manufacturing production, which imply that the climate of trade tensions has eroded the performance of external and industrial sectors.",none 3448,"We are committed to leading cement’s green transformation, in line with our industry-first 2050 net-zero targets, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative.: We will reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 95% per ton of cementitious from a 2018 base year.3 • We will reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions by 90% by 2050 from a 2020 base year.",net-zero 3449,"This evaluation model, based on the goals proposed at the Corporate Strategy, allows for a balance between short and long-term visions.",none 3450,adidas continued to be committed to ensuring legal compliance in terms of pay and benefits for all workers and tracked the working conditions in each and every factory.,none 3451,We have also long supported a net-zero emissions target for the electricity sector by 2050 or earlier.,net-zero 3452,"If this were to occur, our overall profitability could decline.",none 3453,"At present, the P&C business provides cover to 15 municipalities.",none 3454,"Amman, as Part of C40 Cities, has committed to delivering a GHG emission neutral and climate resilient city by 2050",net-zero 3455,iii) Slow in responding to social changes and trends.,none 3456,"The ultimate cost of site cleanup and timing of future cash outflows is difficult to predict, given the uncertainties regarding the extent of the required cleanup, the interpretation of applicable laws and regulations, and alternative cleanup methods.",none 3457,"We are committed to steering our investment portfolio to be net zero by 2050.",net-zero 3458,"ING acted as coordinating bookrunner, MLA and lender.",none 3459,"no quantitative end target, but there are ongoing initiatives to reduce carbon footprint",none 3460,While not set as a specific percentage a significant part of the annual cash bonus is linked to the Board evaluation of how the Executive team has delivered the outcome orientated culture of the Group.,none 3461,"We can provide a high-quality product using the most advanced technology and the best materials, and we can make our clothes in the right size to fit the customer. ",none 3462,"[Except as required by law , the Bank does not undertake to update any forward - looking statements , whether written or oral , that may be made from time to time , by it or on its behalf .]",none 3463,"We will accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy by targeting a net-zero carbon proprietary investment portfolio by 2050",net-zero 3464,"With the full implementation of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (“EPIRA”) and its purpose of establishing a transparent and efficient electricity market via more competition, a substantial number of the Company's customers may choose to buy power from third party suppliers.",none 3465,"""Minneapolis will meet its adopted targets, reducing citywide greenhousegas emissions 15% by 2015 and 30% by 2025"" Source: ",reduction 3466,The Company has a Code of Conduct and Ethics which is made available to all employees and is available on the Company's website. ,none 3467,"Fossil Free World - To 2030 increase SCA’s climate benefit from 10 to 15 million tonnes CO2 per year. Through higher capture by the forest, increase volumes of renewable products and reduction of fossil emission Efficient use of resources - Zero waste. Through efficient raw material yield and energy efficiency. We minimize emissions and effluent to air and water, minimize landfill and hazardous waste. Increase total climate benefit to 15 million tons CO2 Net uptake of CO2 in the forest Increase substitution benefits from SCA's products 50% reduction of fossil emissions in the value chain, Scope 1, 2 and 3, compared with 2019 Implement 11 TWh of approved wind power capacity on SCA land by 2025",reduction 3468,"'We have made significant progress towards our 2030 carbon intensity reduction goals of 40% from a 2008 baseline, measured in both grams of CO2 e per ALB-km and kilograms of CO2 e per ALBD. To further support our commitment to decarbonization, prior to the release of this sustainability report, we decided to update our greenhouse gas emissions baseline year to 2019 from 2008. This new baseline year will help us better communicate recent progress against our climate goals to our investors and stakeholders as well as modernize our disclosures in alignment with developing best practice and reporting standards. Both 2030 goals now require a 20% improvement from 2019. With the updated baseline year, we strengthened our goal measured in kilograms of CO2 e per ALBD since the initial 2030 goal would only have required a further 15% reduction from 2019 levels. Our goal measured in grams of CO2 e per ALB-km remains the same.' (p70)",reduction 3469,"‹Goals for 2050›  Aim for zero GHG emissions across the entire value chain. Switch to 100% renewable electricity.",net-zero 3470,"(3) In addition to confirmation of compliance, we confirm the status of continuous improvements and corrections being made towards the achievement of the environmental targets.",none 3471,"Limitations of scenario analysis As with any model, a wide range of assumptions which may or may not be true in practice underpin the calculated results.",none 3472,The Board has adopted the proposed code of conduct and code of ethics for the members of the Board of Directors. ,none 3473,"In 2050 Mexico City will achieve a resilient and carbon neutral development. Scenario of zero emissions aligned to the 1.5C goal conditioned to international cooperation, access to financial resources and technology transfer.",net-zero 3474,- Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2018 baseline (SBTi-validated target),reduction 3475,"Hana Financial Group has established a mid- to long-term science-based target to achieve zero net emissions by 2050. Under this goal, we intend to cut carbon emissions to zero throughout our supply chain (p28, 2021)",net-zero 3476,"[Annual Strategy Implementation Plans The EBRD 's annual Strategy Implementation Plans ( SIPs ) serve as vehicles to reaffirm priorities and ensure adequate resourcing of the key strategic objectives set out in the SCF .]",none 3477,"The security ownership information with respect to our common stock is given as of February 28, 2019 and, in the case of percentage ownership information, is based upon (1) 102,816,795 LSXMA shares, (2) 9,821,531 LSXMB shares, (3) 209,079,807 LSXMK shares, (4) 10,244,591 BATRA shares, (5) 981,860 BATRB shares, (6) 39,740,215 BATRK shares, (7) 25,675,346 FWONA shares, (8) 2,453,485 FWONB shares and (9) 202,887,872 FWONK shares, in each case, outstanding on that date.",none 3478,"In addition, we meet our customers’ day-to-day demand for credit with consumer loans (consumer and instalment loans, credit cards to a total of €10bn).",none 3479,"LSEG is the first global exchange group to commit to net zero through the Business Ambition for 1.5C and is a member of the United Nations Climate Change ‘Race to Zero’. This commitment to net zero, and action on climate change, covers our own carbon emissions and also our influence across the marketplace, through our business and how we support clients.",net-zero 3481,"Nucor does not disclose its trade association memberships, or its payments used for lobbying.",none 3482,"FY2050: Achieve zero emissions of greenhouse gas ",net-zero 3483,"In addition, Newton’s Operating Committee is responsible for the management of how our business is run, and also considers relevant risks.",none 3484,"The Climate Act ensures that Denmark works to reduce its carbon emissions by 70 percent in 2030 compared to 1990 levels and towards net-zero by 2050. The Climate Act contains a mechanism for setting milestone targets. Every five years the government must set a legally binding target with a ten-year perspective. The milestone targets will be implemented in Danish law ",net-zero 3485,"[Its main priorities in 2019 were initiating investigations into new opportunities , reviewing existing proposals , examining and challenging our quarterly climate change reports and ensuring Trafigura is positioned to adapt as the world transitions to a low carbon economy .]",none 3486,"In 2019 IAG was the first airline group to sign the Business Ambition for 1.5°C Pledge and to commit to a transition to net zero emissions by 2050 (p84, 2021)",net-zero 3487,Target to cut* greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions intensity: -3 % By 2023; -10% By 2030 compared to 2020 levels,reduction 3488,"In this document, section (1) Financing and Investment Transactions Prohibited Regardless of Sector lists projects for which we prohibit any financing or investment.",none 3489,"'In 2021, the Group set and announced an ambitious carbon reduction target - ""from now on, start the journey of and move toward carbon neutrality in an all-round manner, and strive to reach a carbon emissions peak by 2028 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050"".' (p11)",net-zero 3490,"KOGAS' 2021 Sustainability Report states that ""In 2021, in tandem with the declaration of commitment to carbon neutrality by the US and other major countries, KOGAS plans to redouble its efforts to move toward an environmentally-friendly business structure centered on climate change response with the aim of achieving “2045 KOGAS Carbon Neutrality,” 5 years earlier than the national “2050 Carbon Neutrality” strategy.""",net-zero 3491,The transaction resulted in no significant impact on the consolidated earnings.,none 3492,"This broad, detailed study found BNP Pari- bas' business model to be resilient to these risks, with respect to: o its businesses, and the sector and geographic classifications of its portfolios; o the measures taken to mitigate these risks.",none 3493,"Now, 67% of electricity used by our global operations is from renewable resources and we are committed to using 100% renewable electricity by 2025 (aligned to the RE100 commitment).",none 3494,"PacMetro define 4 stages to get to 2050 1.roadmap for of neutral carbon of the city by 2050, 2. plan how to improve resilience and risks 3. inform to civic society their improvement and achievements insuring its equity distribution 4. including improving quality of life of people who might suffer more the effects of climate El PACmetro define cuatro compromisos específicos para alcanzar la visión de largo plazo al 2050: 1. Establecer una hoja de ruta para lograr una metrópoli carbono neutral a más tardar en 2050. 2. Definir cómo la metrópoli se adaptará y mejorará su resiliencia a los riesgos relacionados con el clima. 3. Informar a la ciudadanía sobre su desarrollo y avance en implementación, presentando los beneficios esperados y alcanzados, asegurando su distribución equitativa.4 una mejor calidad de vida, principalmente de aquellos que se encuentran en zonas más vulnerables ante los riesgos climáticos. Adicionalmente, una planificación urbana resiliente y sostenible trae consigo importantes co-beneficios, ya que hacen de la metrópoli un lugar seguro y sustentable para sus habitantes. ",net-zero 3495,"In particular, the requirements set by local regulators can vary significantly and broadly determine the design and financing of the benefit plans.",none 3496,"""We have developed and are actively implementing plans that result in a projected 90 percent reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions from all operations by 2030 (NiSource-wide from a 2005 baseline) through the retirement of all of our coal-fired electric generation and methane reduction initiatives.""",reduction 3497,"These risks, as well as others that could emerge in the future, could hinder the company in achieving its strategic and financial objectives.",none 3498,"Reduced energy use by 56% across our managed facilities in 2020 compared to 201, our baseline year for target energy reductions.",reduction 3499,"Thuringia’s 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals are inscribed in the ThürKlimaG, the Thuringian 2018 Law on Climate Protection and Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change. This law is to be reviewed every 5 years based on indicators such as an evaluation of the state government’s leadership, the number of municipalities with an energy and climate plan, and on the feasibility of objectives. To reduce its reliance on extra-EU imports of vehicles’ batteries, Thuringia recently signed an agreement with the Chinese company CATL (the world’s largest producer of battery cells for e-cars) for the construction of a new battery cell gigafactory for European-made batteries. ",reduction 3500,The Munro development is a key project within the City of Melbourne’s $250 million renewal of the Queen Victoria Market precinct.,none 3501,Bank lending and investments make up a significant source of external capital for carbon intensive industries.,none 3502,"25 2 Book values included as higher and better use land in western North American timber operations, see page 32 In addition to the properties listed above, we have been actively developing a number of hydroelectric power facilities in Brazil and North America as well as wind generation facilities in Canada which are described further under Power Generating Operations.",none 3503,"Culture The Directors are of the opinion that establishing and maintaining a healthy corporate culture amongst the Board and in its interaction with the Investment Manager, Shareholders and other stakeholders will support the delivery of its purpose, values and strategy.",none 3505,Die Stadt Zürich nimmt ihre Verantwortung im Klimaschutz wahr und will Netto-Null bereits 2040 erreichen... Sämtliche Massnahmen für die Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen in ihrem eigenen Einflussbereich will die Stadt bereits bis 2035 umsetzen. ,net-zero 3506,"Our Climate Commitment builds on our strong track record with our vision to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. ",net-zero 3507,"Indian multinational provider of information technology Tech Mahindra commits to reduce absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 22% by 2030 and 50% by 2050, from a 2016 base-year.",reduction 3508,"To support these issues in 2017, we invested £156 million in mandatory, voluntary and charitable contributions.",none 3509,"To achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040, we’re committed to meeting ambitious milestones by 2025. This includes reducing our CO2 emissions by 30% compared to 2015 and ensuring 50% of the Group’s energy will come from renewables (compared to 18% today). ",net-zero 3510,We plan to include future of heat proposals and continued pipe replacement programmes in our next Niagara Mohawk and Massachusetts gas rate filings.,none 3511, achieve net neutrality by 2040,net-zero 3512,"(Pg. 37) Global Payments recognizes the vital importance of the Paris Agreement and the effects climate change has on our planet and will work toward achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions prior to 2040. Our work to that end will include: • measuring and determining a baseline for our total GHG emissions by 2022 for Scope 1 and 2 emissions and relevant Scope 3 emission categories. • defining the boundary of our net zero target and setting interim targets to show our progress towards achieving net zero. • engaging with our landlords and property managers to advocate for environmentally friendly practices in our offices and other facilities. • working with data center providers to collect and analyze data on the energy, emissions, and water footprints.",net-zero 3513,Aim to become carbon-neutral company by the end of FY2051,net-zero 3514,"(Pg. 56) ""Pledge to be carbon neutral in our facilities and operations by 2035.""",net-zero 3515,"In March 2018, the company announced that it would increase its investment in sustainability by $500 million over five years. ",none 3516,"In July 2019, NGO Friends of the Earth Netherlands and its Indonesia and Liberia affiliates notified the Dutch NCP that ING may be in breach of the OECD Guidelines by financing palm oil-related activities.",none