stringlengths 29
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RT @Yamiche: NEWS: President Biden announces on call with governors that Uber and Lyft will offer free rides to and from vaccination sites… | 1 |
RT @BillHanage: I wish more people understood this so clearly. Of course the more people are vaccinated the better it gets | 2 |
What India needs is a working Prime Minister, not #AbsenteePM addicted to electioneering, super-duper dhamaka speec… https://t.co/8UnoWccUEp | 1 |
RT @MicroJenPhD: Dr @PeterHotez shares what the US can expect this summer from covid19. I worry about the South US as we lag behind in va… | 2 |
RT @KwasiKwarteng: Excellent news 👇🏾
From Monday 17, England will move to step three of our Roadmap
That means pubs and restaurants can… | 2 |
Pfizer will be the monopoly winner. It’s a dangerous game with people lives . 🤬 https://t.co/449ZnGD0vN | 1 |
RT @awgaffney: It’s impossible to overstate the urgency of getting vaccines to the entire globe. | 1 |
RT @dilliwaalli: @amitmalviya Who announced 18+ vaccine from 1st May onwards? Modi
And that too without having the vaccines.
Protection o… | 1 |
RT @virsanghvi: I am getting tired of saying this.If vaccine hesitancy was the problem then we would still have vaccines lying around.
The… | 2 |
RT @BreesAnna: 26 April 2021
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is encouraged by the comments of Ursula von der Leyen, Pres… | 1 |
A Gintsburg: This conclusion comes from successful mass vaccination campaigns in Russia and other countries. As Sp… https://t.co/iLQk8Ma4OJ | 1 |
RT @picardonhealth: Dear Prime Minister: ‘The time to show leadership on global #vaccination efforts is now.’ Canada must support a tempora… | 2 |
RT @UKcitizen2021: The UK Govt. decided that manufacturers would not be held responsible for vax ADRs etc., so, we need to look at those do… | 1 |
RT @harishupadhya: We don't like it when people jump the line at airports & metro stations but it's fine to use our fancy gadgets, net conn… | 2 |
RT @hartgroup_org: We do not need to vaccinate healthy children for the sake of vulnerable ones. We also do NOT need to vaccinate healthy c… | 0 |
The 13 prioritized areas are now slightly ABOVE city average! Amazing work by TPH, CHCs + healthcare community.
C… https://t.co/rtjgmQubuT | 1 |
RT @seesaw156: @jordan120 I got into a conversation with a Chinese nurse who works in London currently and she told me that her mother who… | 1 |
RT @Pappiness: Joe Rogan is encouraging young people not to get the vaccine.
I think Bill Burr sums up that kind of advice pretty well her… | 0 |
India: post vaccination death #944
Delhi: Capital city
Dr. Wahal (60), senior doctor of Anesthesia department at… https://t.co/UMpb701oU1 | 0 |
RT @alexberesfordTV: So if you’ve not had a vaccine and you have to rely on a negative test result to fly away on holiday and the test does… | 1 |
RT @MarkChangizi: Two advantages to widespread vaccinations: The first is that the vaccinated are protected. But the more important advanta… | 2 |
Update that makes this even more awesome: this is the car the drove away in when they got married 53 years ago! 😍😍😍😍 https://t.co/1dQIrZPC17 | 2 |
RT @jburnmurdoch: NEW: is the Indian variant B.1.617.2 escaping the vaccines? @AnnaSophieGross, @AmyKazmin, @jyots43 and I investigate
Sto… | 1 |
RT @CoronapassCy: @CeriTho10441395 @GillianMcKeith Thank you - we have people starving here because they cannot work without a test and no… | 0 |
RT @anisaz9_basit: Gone....................🥺😯😭 Safe Vaccine?🤔
#DangerousMrnaVaccines #KillerVaccine #VaccineDeaths
@nitesamurai @kiranmart… | 0 |
RT @Teensthack: WHO classifies triple-mutant #Covid variant from India as global health threat.
Preliminary studies show the variant can sp… | 1 |
RT @BreesAnna: If there is any abuse from my followers re the choices individuals make to be vaccinated or vaccinate their children I will… | 1 |
@mmpadellan I am proud to be one of the 71% of Americans who approve of the heroic effort Biden has made to get thi… https://t.co/T0px8ei6BS | 2 |
RT @SandraWeeden: COVID jab for CHILDREN?
‘Professor Anthony Brookes, professor of genetics and genome biology at the University of Leice… | 0 |
RT @GlblCtzn: #VaxLive could not have happened without the help of our incredible in-kind supporters. A very big thank you to each and ever… | 2 |
Vaccines work and vaccines are safe. https://t.co/Ot0ZAClOHp | 2 |
RT @chin_raval: @MODIfiedVikas @HarendraKS_IPS @DelhiPolice I also wanted to know the same thing. Coz here i know atlist 4 people who died… | 1 |
For anyone taken in by the ‘Well, we need to have Yellow Fever certificates to go to some African countries so what… https://t.co/4huIaz3ABF | 1 |
RT @kumarmanish9: COVID-19 | No data to show double mutant variant is resistant to vaccination: WHO's Soumya Swaminathan. https://t.co/LQX… | 1 |
Good lord, TV has gotten full of idiot talking heads if we are debating if vaccines are 100% effective. It's _stati… https://t.co/EkpWfdrWNL | 2 |
RT @funder: Who else got vaccinated? | 2 |
India: post vaccination death #957
Himachal Pradesh: Hamirpur district
68 year old man Kishor Chand, resident of… https://t.co/V8CKhxYTRG | 0 |
RT @500Urvashi: @kapsology My POV ! The apartment complexes should be allowed to have vaccination drives on their campus . All should be va… | 1 |
RT @MonicaGandhi9: "CDC’s slow, cautious messaging on Covid-19 seems out of step with the moment, public health experts say" Think true; w… | 2 |
RT @AyannaPressley: Waive the vaccine patents. Now. | 2 |
[ON] 18+ live or work in M6M, M6N, M6A, M9N or an “M” hotspot: General Mercer LINES ARE STILL SHORT!!! 30 Turnberry… https://t.co/KL6mKSUSz0 | 1 |
RT @aslavitt46: BREAKING: U.S. to release 60 million Astra Zeneca doses to other countries as they become available. | 1 |
RT @michaelbyrne: @MarkChangizi Fascism: Requiring ID to vote.
Freedom: Requiring Vaccine ID to do *anything.* | 1 |
In no particular order, I got vaccinated:
- To protect myself
- To protect others so I can't catch and spread it… https://t.co/XJGHa2hFyy | 1 |
RT @BeatnooneA: Yes, they CAN vaccinate us through nasal test swabs AND target the brain (Biohacking P.1) – https://t.co/vAashf3xQg https:/… | 0 |
RT @thereds8: If Ontario is planning on making getting our stolen freedom back contingent on 70% eligible first dose, we’ll be waiting the… | 0 |
RT @MATrumpster: Report: Pfizer and Moderna COVID "Vaccines" Could Trigger Alzheimer's, ALS, and Other Neurological Degenerative Diseases h… | 0 |
I concur 😅 https://t.co/OC95DxNQpO | 1 |
RT @sanchak74: If they are asking you to take an unproven vaccine under emergency authorization, you have a right to ask | 0 |
[ON] PEEL 18+ RESIDENTS!! All Peel postal codes! NEW POP-UP ALERT!! Lots of appointments left May 11-13 at St. Jean… https://t.co/ZF2ZGsdLln | 2 |
RT @gmacofglebe: Door-to-door vaccines offered to Ottawa's most vulnerable | CBC News https://t.co/tXChH66OK1 | 1 |
6) Airport staff seem high exposure groups. In NZ where there is near zero Covid, we also saw a case of an airplane… https://t.co/EWysYOWvbk | 0 |
RT @DavidCCoon: BREAKING: New Brunswickers 40+ can now get vaccinated, clinics available right now https://t.co/ADUzpRouLd | 1 |
RT @angryyoungman55: #VAERS_India moron he died because of vaccination. Learn about vaccine injuries | 0 |
When you realise this is what the zombie apocalypse actually looks like 😬👇👇👇 https://t.co/ih1glgTuZe | 1 |
@ndtv Goalpost is moved forward because there are no vaccines | 1 |
RT @EricTopol: A stunner.
One of my favorite graphics from the pandemic: the story of the unprecedented #SARSCoV2 vaccines
Published today… | 1 |
RT @k_wuttt: @YardleyShooting Both. I used the prophylactic after exposure. Other family members also exposed same time as me got sick with… | 1 |
RT @DevangVDave: Do you really want to know Why Govt of India didnt allow #Pfizer in India
Look at this video how this company has create… | 1 |
“Countries like Australia or New Zealand will be embarking on their vaccination campaigns having suffered a tiny fr… https://t.co/zaVxwPX7Re | 2 |
[BC] Burnaby 30+ let's make it a #Shotgirlsummer
https://t.co/GN5IfTWgkh #COVID19 #COVID19Vaccine #COVID19BC #vhcBC | 2 |
4. What concerns me the most about this debate is that we are confusing a rational appraisal of a vaccine with cla… https://t.co/naBmu7uWq7 | 1 |
RT @ReicherStephen: Which is the country with the highest vaccination rate in the world? The Seychelles.
Which is the country with the high… | 0 |
RT @ThisIsTheWorl18: @nadhimzahawi It's time to stop the UK vaccination programme now that >35m people have been vaccinated. What we should… | 1 |
RT @XpressHyderabad: Free movement for people seeking to go for Covid-19 test.
Free movement also for those seeking vaccination, provided… | 2 |
RT @RaheemKassam: In the movie Equilibrium, you are ratted out by your friends, family, and neighbors for not taking your “dose.”
What do… | 1 |
@Breaking911 Is Pfizer making wiper fluid now? | 0 |
RT @CGDev: Patent waivers will at best remain a modest element of any truly global effort to produce vaccines.
👉 Next steps via @Yadav_sup… | 2 |
RT @RexHuppke: Did Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has been doing all he can to raise doubts about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, a… | 2 |
She is a scientist 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/3PRC3cMWfZ https://t.co/JxEbr095UE | 1 |
RT @surajbrf: @stellensatz @TweetinderKaul @KanchanGupta I’m not @KanchanGupta ji, but did a detailed look at the vaccine production situat… | 1 |
WHO says a "perfect storm" of conditions including mass gatherings and low vaccination rates led to India's COVID s… https://t.co/YGmUmXQsuU | 1 |
2 Do the rare events favor vaccination?
The mortality of COVID19 among an infected kid is very very low in this gr… https://t.co/2IuKTUoOyn | 0 |
RT @IntellForum: "Vaccine equity is the world's Mandela moment: It always seems impossible until it's done"
Thanks to @PeterASinger for ta… | 1 |
RT @iManishModi: Thousands of #Vaccine slots in 45+ unused in #DelhiFightsCorona #Delhi/#Gurgaon/#Noida folks above 45, please book
As of 0… | 2 |
RT @janet_cutts: @rhak137 @CTSIan @FatEmperor Gove in bed with IBM who are in bed with Moderna they have had a vaccine passport for ages now | 1 |
14. So the EU cannot win, no matter the outcome of the litigation.
If, as expected, the EU loses, it will look li… https://t.co/cIYYgVSozB | 1 |
RT @TiceRichard: WRIGGLING @MPGeorgeEustice fails to deny to @JuliaHB1 on @talkRADIO that domestic vaccine passports likely to be imposed,… | 1 |
RT @TimesNow: #Breaking | Govt panel recommends those testing positive for COVID-19 should defer vaccination for six months after recovery:… | 1 |
RT @AndreCecire: Man...Canada is really picking up vaccines!! And please, no braindead arguments that other Countries are winding down! Exe… | 0 |
RT @CharlotteCGill: I don't understand why there wasn't the same level of anger towards having to take a vaccine passport to the pub as the… | 1 |
RT @C4Dispatches: @Channel4 “This has been awful at times, beyond demanding at times... but it has actually been worth it.”
As the UK popu… | 2 |
Try telling that to the families of the two pals of mine who killed themselves when their businesses went bust due… https://t.co/F1G7n3uUWi | 0 |
RT @rohini_sgh: Remove Modi’s photo from vaccine certificates. There is no reason why it should be there. This constant PR and self promoti… | 1 |
RT @sanchak74: Israel is setting up grounds to show that variants (SA one) is responsible for breakthrough infections in the mRNA vaccines… | 0 |
RT @mdnij34: Raise your hand if you are one of the 84 million Americans that have been fully vaccinated. 🖐️🏿🖐️🏿 | 2 |
RT @TheRealMilkCo: Our animals have never had vaccines
We don't use routine antibiotics
We feed purposefully & Non GM to protect their i… | 0 |
RT @LPerrins: There was a time when "Govt adds £1,200 to cost of family holiday" would have been the headline.
'We can go on holiday… | 1 |
RT @soaringdove05: @RealCandaceO I agree! I also have not not a regular cycle since the 2nd dose of Pfizer shot. | 1 |
RT @barandbench: CJ: Mr AG if something is not done immediately, the whole vaccination drive will collapse.....
Vaccination is the only so… | 2 |
RT @WinterberryMed: NEWS ON OUR VACCINATION CLINIC: We are booking Moderna vaccine appointments for all 40+ and eligible 18+. See our websi… | 1 |
I am going for an ultrasound scan soon, I bet I will feel great, it won't hurt at all and I will for sure post a ph… https://t.co/4KRJCiFepE | 2 |
Adv Abhinav R: Lot of private hospitals are giving vaccine.
Shivakumar: As per policy decision vaccine is being no… https://t.co/LEZp9i1yEz | 1 |
Who are these people? https://t.co/1cyVx3Iqst | 1 |
RT @dilipjain1979: @chetan_bhagat India has administered more than 170 million (17 crore) Vaccine doses so far.
• Half of USA
• One… | 1 |
Delhi's Full Vaccination Bulletin- https://t.co/we1oWYSyl7 | 1 |
RT @WIONews: A @gavi spokesperson told WION's @sidhant that India would receive "between 190 and 250 million fully subsidised doses" of Cov… | 1 |
Nothing to see here 🤪 https://t.co/lGh1WsjxeS | 0 |
Over one-third of New Yorkers have been fully vaxxed. https://t.co/9vjAWl3X4r | 1 |
RT @ANI: Subject Expert Committee (SEC) gives nod to Bharat Biotech's Covaxin for phase 2 and 3 human clinical trials on 2 to 18-year-olds:… | 1 |
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