15 values
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} module MonoLocalBinds where monoLoc :: forall a. a -> ((a, String), (a, String)) monoLoc x = (g True , g 'v') where -- g :: b -> (a, String) -- #1 g :: b -> (a, _) -- #2 g y = (x, "foo") -- For #2, we should infer the same type as in #1.
module ScratchPad where import Data.List import Formulas import Lambda import Maps vartps :: ULT -> TCtx vartps t = let (_,t') = unlambdas t in let (_,_,g,_) = synth t' in g termsig :: ULT -> [Int] termsig t = map length $ map (\(x,tp) -> linearizeType tp) (vartps t) -- verified for 1<=n<=8 test n = let ts = allcNLTex n in let ms = map snd (genROM_tutte' n) in (sort $ map sort $ map termsig ts) == (sort $ map ((sort . map length) . verticesOM) ms) -- verified for 1<=n<=9 test2 n = let ts = allcNPTnb True n in let a000139' n = if n == 0 then 1 else 2*fact (3*n) `div` (fact (2*n+1) * fact(n+1)) in let nsts = [t | t <- ts, flip all (t:subnormal_subnormals t) $ \t' -> let (xs,u) = unlambdas t' in length xs <= 1 + length (snd (unapps u []))] in toInteger (length nsts) == a000139' (toInteger (n-1))
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Examples.Simple where import Circuit import Circuit.Builder import Circuit.Utils import Control.Monad export :: Gate g => [(String, [IO (String, Circuit g)])] export = [ ("simple", [("simple",) <$> return simple]) , ("sub1", [("sub1",) <$> return (subCirc 1)]) , ("sub10", [("sub10",) <$> return (subCirc 10)]) , ("and1", [("and1",) <$> return (andCirc 1)]) , ("and10", [("and10",) <$> return (andCirc 10)]) , ("and100", [("and100",) <$> return (andCirc 100)]) , ("and1000", [("and1000",) <$> return (andCirc 1000)]) , ("xor1", [("xor1",) <$> return (xorCirc 1)]) , ("xor10", [("xor10",) <$> return (xorCirc 10)]) , ("xor100", [("xor100",) <$> return (xorCirc 100)]) , ("xor1000", [("xor1000",) <$> return (xorCirc 1000)]) , ("xorand2", [("xorand2",) <$> return (xorAndCirc 2)]) , ("xorand10", [("xorand10",) <$> return (xorAndCirc 10)]) , ("xorand50", [("xorand50",) <$> return (xorAndCirc 50)]) , ("xorand100", [("xorand100",) <$> return (xorAndCirc 100)]) , ("xorand1000", [("xorand1000",) <$> return (xorAndCirc 1000)]) , ("simple2", [("simple2",) <$> return simple2]) , ("sym3", [("sym3",) <$> return simpleSym3]) , ("sym1", [("sym1",) <$> return (simpleSym 1)]) , ("sym2", [("sym2",) <$> return (simpleSym 2)]) , ("sym10", [("sym10",) <$> return (simpleSym 10)]) , ("sym100", [("sym100",) <$> return (simpleSym 100)]) , ("and-secret", [("and-secret",) <$> return andSecret]) , ("and-const", [("and-const",) <$> return andConst]) , ("xor-secret", [("xor-secret",) <$> return xorSecret]) , ("xor-const", [("xor-const",) <$> return xorConst]) , ("andtree", [ ("andtree8",) <$> return (andTree 8) , ("andtree16",) <$> return (andTree 16) , ("andtree32",) <$> return (andTree 32) , ("andtree64",) <$> return (andTree 64) , ("andtree128",) <$> return (andTree 128) , ("andtree256",) <$> return (andTree 256) , ("andtree512",) <$> return (andTree 512) ]) ] xorCirc :: Gate g => Int -> Circuit g xorCirc n = buildCircuit (symbol (n+1) >>= foldM1 circXor >>= output) andCirc :: Gate g => Int -> Circuit g andCirc n = buildCircuit (symbol (n+1) >>= foldM1 circMul >>= output) subCirc :: Gate g => Int -> Circuit g subCirc n = buildCircuit (symbol (n+1) >>= foldM1 circSub >>= output) andSecret :: Gate g => Circuit g andSecret = buildCircuit $ do x <- input y <- secret 1 output =<< circAnd x y andConst :: Gate g => Circuit g andConst = buildCircuit $ do x <- input y <- constant 1 output =<< circMul x y xorSecret :: Gate g => Circuit g xorSecret = buildCircuit $ do x <- input y <- secret 1 output =<< circXor x y xorConst :: Gate g => Circuit g xorConst = buildCircuit $ do x <- input y <- constant 1 output =<< circXor x y xorAndCirc :: Gate g => Int -> Circuit g xorAndCirc n = buildCircuit $ do cs <- safeChunksOf (div n 2) <$> symbol n output =<< circProd =<< zipWithM circXor (cs !! 0) (cs !! 1) simple :: Gate g => Circuit g simple = buildCircuit $ do x1 <- symbol 2 x2 <- sigma 3 ys <- secrets [0,1,0,1,0] one <- constant 1 w <- circProd =<< zipWithM circAdd (x1++x2) ys w' <- circNot w z <- circMul w' w z <- circMul z w output z simple2 :: Gate g => Circuit g simple2 = buildCircuit $ do cs <- safeChunksOf 4 <$> symbol 8 d <- zipWithM circXor (cs !! 0) (cs !! 1) output =<< circProd d simpleSym :: Gate g => Int -> Circuit g simpleSym n = buildCircuit $ do xs <- symbol n ys <- symbol n zs <- zipWithM circXor xs ys output =<< circProd zs simpleSym3 :: Gate g => Circuit g simpleSym3 = buildCircuit $ do let n = 10 xs <- symbol n ys <- symbol n ws <- symbol n zs <- zipWithM circXor ws =<< zipWithM circXor xs ys output =<< circProd zs andTree :: Gate g => Int -> Circuit g andTree n = buildCircuit $ do xs <- symbol n ys <- symbol n zs <- symbol n ws <- zipWithM circXor xs =<< zipWithM circXor ys zs output =<< circProd ws
module Do1 where x = do x; x
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} module Hadoop.Protos.YarnServerResourceManagerServiceProtos.RefreshQueuesRequestProto (RefreshQueuesRequestProto(..)) where import Prelude ((+), (/)) import qualified Prelude as Prelude' import qualified Data.Typeable as Prelude' import qualified Data.Data as Prelude' import qualified Text.ProtocolBuffers.Header as P' data RefreshQueuesRequestProto = RefreshQueuesRequestProto{} deriving (Prelude'.Show, Prelude'.Eq, Prelude'.Ord, Prelude'.Typeable, Prelude'.Data) instance P'.Mergeable RefreshQueuesRequestProto where mergeAppend RefreshQueuesRequestProto RefreshQueuesRequestProto = RefreshQueuesRequestProto instance P'.Default RefreshQueuesRequestProto where defaultValue = RefreshQueuesRequestProto instance P'.Wire RefreshQueuesRequestProto where wireSize ft' self'@(RefreshQueuesRequestProto) = case ft' of 10 -> calc'Size 11 -> P'.prependMessageSize calc'Size _ -> P'.wireSizeErr ft' self' where calc'Size = 0 wirePut ft' self'@(RefreshQueuesRequestProto) = case ft' of 10 -> put'Fields 11 -> do P'.putSize (P'.wireSize 10 self') put'Fields _ -> P'.wirePutErr ft' self' where put'Fields = do Prelude'.return () wireGet ft' = case ft' of 10 -> P'.getBareMessageWith update'Self 11 -> P'.getMessageWith update'Self _ -> P'.wireGetErr ft' where update'Self wire'Tag old'Self = case wire'Tag of _ -> let (field'Number, wire'Type) = P'.splitWireTag wire'Tag in P'.unknown field'Number wire'Type old'Self instance P'.MessageAPI msg' (msg' -> RefreshQueuesRequestProto) RefreshQueuesRequestProto where getVal m' f' = f' m' instance P'.GPB RefreshQueuesRequestProto instance P'.ReflectDescriptor RefreshQueuesRequestProto where getMessageInfo _ = P'.GetMessageInfo (P'.fromDistinctAscList []) (P'.fromDistinctAscList []) reflectDescriptorInfo _ = Prelude'.read "DescriptorInfo {descName = ProtoName {protobufName = FIName \".hadoop.yarn.RefreshQueuesRequestProto\", haskellPrefix = [MName \"Hadoop\",MName \"Protos\"], parentModule = [MName \"YarnServerResourceManagerServiceProtos\"], baseName = MName \"RefreshQueuesRequestProto\"}, descFilePath = [\"Hadoop\",\"Protos\",\"YarnServerResourceManagerServiceProtos\",\"RefreshQueuesRequestProto.hs\"], isGroup = False, fields = fromList [], descOneofs = fromList [], keys = fromList [], extRanges = [], knownKeys = fromList [], storeUnknown = False, lazyFields = False, makeLenses = False}" instance P'.TextType RefreshQueuesRequestProto where tellT = P'.tellSubMessage getT = P'.getSubMessage instance P'.TextMsg RefreshQueuesRequestProto where textPut msg = Prelude'.return () textGet = Prelude'.return P'.defaultValue
module XMonadConfig ( Colors(..), colors ) where data Colors = Colors { normal :: String, active :: String, inactive :: String, urgent :: String, highlight :: String, background :: String } colors = Colors { normal = "#CCCCCC", active = "#45C0F5", inactive = "#CEFFAC", urgent = "#FF0000", highlight = "#FFFFCC", background = "#202020" }
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Primary where import Prelude hiding (Word) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.Serialize import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8) instance Serialize Text where put = put . encodeUtf8 get = decodeUtf8 <$> get data Language = Greek | Hebrew | Latin deriving (Show, Generic) instance Serialize Language data Division = Division { divisionBook :: Maybe Integer , divisionChapter :: Maybe Integer , divisionVerse :: Maybe Integer , divisionSection :: Maybe Integer , divisionLine :: Maybe Integer } deriving (Show, Generic) instance Serialize Division data Milestone = MilestoneParagraph | MilestoneDivision Division | MilestoneCard Integer deriving (Show, Generic) instance Serialize Milestone data Word = Word { wordPrefix :: Text , wordSurface :: Text , wordSuffix :: Text } deriving (Show, Generic) instance Serialize Word data Content = ContentMilestone Milestone | ContentWord Word deriving (Show, Generic) instance Serialize Content data Source = Source { sourceId :: Text , sourceTitle :: Text , sourceAuthor :: Maybe Text , sourceLicense :: [Text] , sourceContents :: [Content] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance Serialize Source data Group = Group { groupId :: Text , groupLanguage :: Language , groupTitle :: Text , groupDescription :: [Text] , groupSources :: [Source] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance Serialize Group
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module GHCJS.DOM.HTMLTrackElement ( #if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT) module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.HTMLTrackElement #else #endif ) where #if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT) import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.HTMLTrackElement #else #endif
infixr 5 ::: data CList a = CNil | a ::: (CList a) deriving (Show) toList CNil = [] toList (x ::: rs) = x : toList rs fromList [] = CNil fromList (x:rs) = x ::: fromList rs
main = do print $ "abcde" print $ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] print $ ['a' .. 'e'] print $ 'a' : "bcde" print $ 'a' : 'b' : "cde" print $ "abc" ++ "de" print $ "abcde" !! 3
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI #-} module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.AllVideoCapabilities (js_getSourceType, getSourceType, js_getSourceId, getSourceId, js_getWidth, getWidth, js_getHeight, getHeight, js_getFrameRate, getFrameRate, js_getAspectRatio, getAspectRatio, js_getFacingMode, getFacingMode, AllVideoCapabilities, castToAllVideoCapabilities, gTypeAllVideoCapabilities) where import Prelude ((.), (==), (>>=), return, IO, Int, Float, Double, Bool(..), Maybe, maybe, fromIntegral, round, fmap, Show, Read, Eq, Ord) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHCJS.Types (JSVal(..), JSString) import GHCJS.Foreign (jsNull) import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback (syncCallback, asyncCallback, syncCallback1, asyncCallback1, syncCallback2, asyncCallback2, OnBlocked(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal (ToJSVal(..), FromJSVal(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal.Pure (PToJSVal(..), PFromJSVal(..)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word, Word64) import GHCJS.DOM.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import GHCJS.DOM.EventTargetClosures (EventName, unsafeEventName) import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.Enums foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"sourceType\"]" js_getSourceType :: AllVideoCapabilities -> IO JSVal -- | < Mozilla AllVideoCapabilities.sourceType documentation> getSourceType :: (MonadIO m, FromJSString result) => AllVideoCapabilities -> m [result] getSourceType self = liftIO ((js_getSourceType (self)) >>= fromJSValUnchecked) foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"sourceId\"]" js_getSourceId :: AllVideoCapabilities -> IO JSVal -- | < Mozilla AllVideoCapabilities.sourceId documentation> getSourceId :: (MonadIO m, FromJSString result) => AllVideoCapabilities -> m [result] getSourceId self = liftIO ((js_getSourceId (self)) >>= fromJSValUnchecked) foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"width\"]" js_getWidth :: AllVideoCapabilities -> IO (Nullable CapabilityRange) -- | < Mozilla AllVideoCapabilities.width documentation> getWidth :: (MonadIO m) => AllVideoCapabilities -> m (Maybe CapabilityRange) getWidth self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getWidth (self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"height\"]" js_getHeight :: AllVideoCapabilities -> IO (Nullable CapabilityRange) -- | < Mozilla AllVideoCapabilities.height documentation> getHeight :: (MonadIO m) => AllVideoCapabilities -> m (Maybe CapabilityRange) getHeight self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getHeight (self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"frameRate\"]" js_getFrameRate :: AllVideoCapabilities -> IO (Nullable CapabilityRange) -- | < Mozilla AllVideoCapabilities.frameRate documentation> getFrameRate :: (MonadIO m) => AllVideoCapabilities -> m (Maybe CapabilityRange) getFrameRate self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getFrameRate (self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"aspectRatio\"]" js_getAspectRatio :: AllVideoCapabilities -> IO (Nullable CapabilityRange) -- | < Mozilla AllVideoCapabilities.aspectRatio documentation> getAspectRatio :: (MonadIO m) => AllVideoCapabilities -> m (Maybe CapabilityRange) getAspectRatio self = liftIO (nullableToMaybe <$> (js_getAspectRatio (self))) foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"facingMode\"]" js_getFacingMode :: AllVideoCapabilities -> IO JSVal -- | < Mozilla AllVideoCapabilities.facingMode documentation> getFacingMode :: (MonadIO m, FromJSString result) => AllVideoCapabilities -> m [result] getFacingMode self = liftIO ((js_getFacingMode (self)) >>= fromJSValUnchecked)
{-| Module : Jupyter.Install.Internal Description : Utilities for installing Jupyter kernels (internal implementation). Copyright : (c) Andrew Gibiansky, 2016 License : MIT Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : stable Portability : POSIX This module exposes the internal implementation for "Jupyter.Install". For user-facing documentation, please check out "Jupyter.Install" instead. -} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Jupyter.Install.Internal where -- Imports from 'base' import Control.Exception (Exception, IOException, catch, throwIO) import Control.Monad (void, unless, when, foldM) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import System.Environment (getExecutablePath) import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..)) import Text.Read (readMaybe) -- Imports from 'directory' import System.Directory (findExecutable, getTemporaryDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive, createDirectoryIfMissing, copyFile, doesDirectoryExist, canonicalizePath, doesFileExist) -- Imports from 'process' import System.Process (readProcess) -- Imports from 'unordered-containers' import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap -- -- Imports from 'containers' import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map -- Imports from 'aeson' import Data.Aeson ((.=), object, encode, eitherDecode, FromJSON(..), Value(..), (.:)) import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser) -- Imports from 'bytestring' import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as CBS -- Imports from 'text' import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T -- | A /kernelspec/ is a description of a kernel which tells the Jupyter command-line application -- how to install the kernel and tells the frontends how to invoke the kernel (command line flags, -- environment, etc). -- -- More documentation about kernelspecs is located in the -- < official documentation>. data Kernelspec = Kernelspec { kernelspecDisplayName :: Text -- ^ Name for the kernel to be shown in frontends, e.g. -- \"Haskell\". , kernelspecLanguage :: Text -- ^ Language name for the kernel, used to refer to this kernel -- (in command-line arguments, URLs, etc), e.g. "haskell". , kernelspecCommand :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -- ^ How to invoke the kernel. Given the path to the currently running executable -- and connection file, this function should return the full command to invoke the -- kernel. For example: -- -- > \exe connectionFile -> [exe, "kernel", "--debug", "--connection-file", connectionFile] , kernelspecJsFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ (optional) path to a Javascript file (kernel.js) -- to provide to the Jupyter notebook. -- This file is loaded upon notebook startup. , kernelspecLogoFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ (optional) path to a 64x64 PNG file to display -- as the kernel logo in the notebook. , kernelspecEnv :: Map Text Text -- ^ Additional environment variables to set when invoking -- the kernel. If no additional environment variables are -- required, pass @'Data.Map.fromList' []@ or -- 'Data.Monoid.mempty'. } -- | Whether the installation was successful. data InstallResult = InstallSuccessful -- ^ Kernelspec installation was successful. | InstallFailed Text -- ^ Kernelspec installation failed, with the reason for failure provided. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Whether to install the kernel globally or just for the current user. -- -- This corresponds to the @--user@ flag for @jupyter kernelspec install@. data InstallUser = InstallLocal -- ^ Install this kernel just for this user. | InstallGlobal -- ^ Install this kernel globally. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | An exception type for expected exceptions whenever the @jupyter kernelspec@ command is used. newtype JupyterKernelspecException = JupyterKernelspecException Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'JupyterKernelspecException's can be thrown when an expected failure occurs during @jupyter kernelspec@ -- command invocation. instance Exception JupyterKernelspecException -- | Version of Jupyter currently running, detected by running @jupyter --version@. -- -- When a version number is not present it is assumed to be zero, so 4.1 equivalent to 4.1.0. data JupyterVersion = JupyterVersion { versionMajor :: Int -- ^ Major version number. , versionMinor :: Int -- ^ Minor version number. , versionPatch :: Int -- ^ Patch version number. } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Convert a 'JupyterVersion' to its original displayed form. -- -- >>> showVersion (JupyterVersion 4 1 1) -- "4.1.1" showVersion :: JupyterVersion -> String showVersion (JupyterVersion major minor patch) = concat [show major, ".", show minor, ".", show patch] -- | Install a 'Kernelspec' using @jupyter kernelspec install@. -- -- This function expects the @jupyter@ command to be on the user's PATH, and will fail if -- the @jupyter@ command is either unavailable or is a version incompatible with this library. -- -- More documentation about kernelspecs is located in the -- < Jupyter documentation> -- and by running @jupyter kernelspec install --help@. installKernel :: InstallUser -- ^ Whether the kernel should be installed for only the current user (with @--user@) or globally -> Kernelspec -- ^ The kernelspec to install -> IO InstallResult -- ^ Installation result, potentially with a friendly error message installKernel installUser kernelspec = tryInstall `catch` handleInstallFailure where tryInstall :: IO InstallResult tryInstall = do jupyterPath <- which "jupyter" verifyJupyterCommand jupyterPath installKernelspec installUser jupyterPath kernelspec return InstallSuccessful handleInstallFailure :: JupyterKernelspecException -> IO InstallResult handleInstallFailure (JupyterKernelspecException message) = return $ InstallFailed message -- | Throw a 'JupyterKernelspecException' with a given error message. installFailed :: String -> IO a installFailed = throwIO . JupyterKernelspecException . T.pack -- | Determine the absolute path to an executable on the PATH. -- -- Throws a 'JupyterKernelspecException' if the the executable cannot be found. which :: FilePath -> IO FilePath which cmd = do mPath <- findExecutable cmd case mPath of Just path -> canonicalizePath path Nothing -> installFailed $ "Could not find '" ++ cmd ++ "' command on system PATH; please install it." -- | Verify that a proper version of Jupyter is installed. -- -- Throws a 'JupyterKernelspecException' if @jupyter@ is not present, is an incompatible version, or -- otherwise cannot be used with this library. verifyJupyterCommand :: FilePath -> IO () verifyJupyterCommand jupyterPath = do versionInfo <- runJupyterCommand jupyterPath ["--version"] case parseVersion versionInfo of Nothing -> installFailed $ "Could not parse output of 'jupyter --version': " ++ versionInfo Just jupyterVersion -> unless (jupyterVersionSupported jupyterVersion) $ installFailed $ "Invalid Jupyter version: Jupyter version 3.0 or higher required, found " ++ showVersion jupyterVersion -- | Run a @jupyter@ subcommand with no standard input. -- -- Throws a 'JupyterKernelspecException' if the command cannot be run or returns a non-zero exit code. runJupyterCommand :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO String runJupyterCommand jupyterPath args = readProcess jupyterPath args "" `catch` handler where handler :: IOException -> IO String handler _ = installFailed $ concat [ "Could not run '" , jupyterPath , " " , unwords args , "'. " , "Please make sure Jupyter is installed and functional." ] -- | Is this Jupyter version supported? jupyterVersionSupported :: JupyterVersion -> Bool jupyterVersionSupported JupyterVersion{..} = versionMajor >= 3 -- | Given a directory, populate it with all necessary files to run @jupyter kernelspec install@. -- -- Currently created files include: -- * @kernel.js@: (optional) Javascript to include in the notebook frontend. -- * @logo-64x64.png@: (optional) Small logo PNG to include in the notebook frontend UI. -- * @kernel.json@: (required) JSON file containing kernel invocation command and other metadata. -- -- The passed in directory is created and should not exist; if it already exists, it will be -- deleted. prepareKernelspecDirectory :: Kernelspec -> FilePath -> IO () prepareKernelspecDirectory kernelspec dir = do -- Make sure the directory doesn't already exist. If we didn't delete the directory, then later -- kernelspec installs may inherit files created by previous kernelspec installs. exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir createDirectoryIfMissing True dir copyKernelspecFiles kernelspec generateKernelJSON kernelspec where -- Copy files indicated by the Kernelspec data type into the directory. copyKernelspecFiles :: Kernelspec -> IO () copyKernelspecFiles Kernelspec { .. } = do whenJust kernelspecJsFile $ \file -> copyFile file $ dir ++ "/kernel.js" whenJust kernelspecLogoFile $ \file -> copyFile file $ dir ++ "/logo-64x64.png" -- Generate the kernel.json data structure from the Kernelspec datatype. generateKernelJSON :: Kernelspec -> IO () generateKernelJSON Kernelspec { .. } = do exePath <- getExecutablePath withFile (dir ++ "/kernel.json") WriteMode $ flip LBS.hPutStr $ encode $ object [ "argv" .= kernelspecCommand exePath "{connection_file}" , "display_name" .= kernelspecDisplayName , "language" .= kernelspecLanguage , "env" .= kernelspecEnv ] whenJust :: Maybe a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () whenJust Nothing _ = return () whenJust (Just a) f = f a -- | Install a kernelspec using @jupyter kernelspec install@. -- -- Throws a 'JupyterKernelspecException' on failure. installKernelspec :: InstallUser -- ^ Whether this kernel should be installed with or without @--user@ -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the @jupyter@ executable -> Kernelspec -- ^ Kernelspec to install -> IO () installKernelspec installUser jupyterPath kernelspec = do tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory let kernelspecDir = tempDir ++ "/" ++ T.unpack (kernelspecLanguage kernelspec) prepareKernelspecDirectory kernelspec kernelspecDir let userFlag = case installUser of InstallLocal -> ["--user"] InstallGlobal -> [] cmd = "kernelspec" : "install" : kernelspecDir : "--replace" : userFlag void $ runJupyterCommand jupyterPath cmd -- | Parse a Jupyter version string into a list of integers. -- -- >>> parseVersion "4.1.3\n" -- Just (JupyterVersion 4 1 3) -- -- >>> parseVersion "XYZ" -- Nothing -- -- If minor or patch versions are unavailable, they are assumed to be zero: -- -- >>> parseVersion "4.1" -- Just (JupyterVersion 4 1 0) -- -- >>> parseVersion "4" -- Just (JupyterVersion 4 0 0) parseVersion :: String -> Maybe JupyterVersion parseVersion versionStr = let versions = map (readMaybe . T.unpack) $ T.splitOn "." $ T.pack versionStr parsed = all isJust versions in if parsed then case versions of [x, y, z] -> JupyterVersion <$> x <*> y <*> z [x, y] -> JupyterVersion <$> x <*> y <*> pure 0 [x] -> JupyterVersion <$> x <*> pure 0 <*> pure 0 _ -> Nothing else Nothing -- | Find the kernelspec for a kernel with a given language name. -- -- If no such kernel exists, then 'Nothing' is returned. If an error occurs -- while searching for Jupyter kernels, a 'JupyterKernelspecException' is thrown. findKernel :: Text -> IO (Maybe Kernelspec) findKernel language = do Kernelspecs kernelspecs <- findKernelsInternal maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . checkKernelspecFiles) (Map.lookup language kernelspecs) -- | Find all kernelspecs that the Jupyter installation is aware of, -- using the @jupyter kernelspec list@ command. -- -- If an error occurs while searching for Jupyter kernels, a 'JupyterKernelspecException' is thrown. findKernels :: IO [Kernelspec] findKernels = do Kernelspecs kernelspecs <- findKernelsInternal mapM checkKernelspecFiles $ Map.elems kernelspecs -- | Get all the installed kernelspecs using @jupyter kernelspec list --json@. -- -- These kernelspecs must be passed through 'checkKernelspecFiles' before being returned to the -- user. findKernelsInternal :: IO Kernelspecs findKernelsInternal = do jupyterPath <- which "jupyter" specsE <- eitherDecode . CBS.pack <$> runJupyterCommand jupyterPath ["kernelspec", "list", "--json"] case specsE of Left err -> throwIO $ JupyterKernelspecException $ T.pack err Right specs -> return specs -- | Kernelspecs can refer to files such as kernel.js and logo-64x64.png. Check whether the -- kernelspec refers to that file; if it does, check that the file exists. If the file doesn't -- exist, then remove it from the kernelspec. checkKernelspecFiles :: Kernelspec -> IO Kernelspec checkKernelspecFiles spec = do let jsFile = kernelspecJsFile spec logoFile = kernelspecLogoFile spec kernelspecJsFile' <- checkFile jsFile kernelspecLogoFile' <- checkFile logoFile return spec { kernelspecJsFile = kernelspecJsFile', kernelspecLogoFile = kernelspecLogoFile' } where checkFile :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) checkFile Nothing = return Nothing checkFile (Just file) = do exists <- doesFileExist file return $ if exists then Just file else Nothing -- | A list of kernelspecs, obtained by running @jupyter kernelspec list --json@. -- -- The list contains the name of the kernelspec mapped to the kernelspec itself. newtype Kernelspecs = Kernelspecs (Map Text Kernelspec) -- | Parse the output of @jupyter kernelspec list --json@. instance FromJSON Kernelspecs where parseJSON (Object outer) = do inner <- outer .: "kernelspecs" case inner of Object innerObj -> let items = HashMap.toList innerObj in Kernelspecs <$> foldM accumKernelspecs mempty items _ -> fail "Expecting object inside 'kernelspecs' key" parseJSON _ = fail "Expecting object with 'kernelspecs' key" -- | Collect all kernelspecs from @jupyter kernelspec list --json@ into a single map. accumKernelspecs :: Map Text Kernelspec -- ^ Previously seen kernelspecs -> (Text, Value) -- ^ Kernelspec name and JSON value for it -> Parser (Map Text Kernelspec) -- ^ Map with old kernelspecs and parsed new one accumKernelspecs prev (name, val) = do kernelspec <- parseKernelspec val return $ Map.insert name kernelspec prev -- | Parse a JSON 'Value' into a 'Kernelspec'. parseKernelspec :: Value -> Parser Kernelspec parseKernelspec v = case v of Object o -> do dir <- o .: "resource_dir" spec <- o .: "spec" Kernelspec <$> spec .: "display_name" <*> spec .: "language" <*> (createCommand <$> spec .: "argv") <*> pure (Just $ dir ++ "/kernel.js") <*> pure (Just $ dir ++ "/logo-64x64.png") <*> spec .: "env" _ -> fail "Expecting object for kernelspec" where createCommand :: [Text] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] createCommand argv _ connFile = flip map argv $ \val -> case val of "{connection_file}" -> connFile _ -> T.unpack val
module Site.Types ( Channels, Streams ) where -- Channels import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar -- Streams import qualified System.IO.Streams as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C -- the websocket server channels type Channels = TVar (Map.Map String (TChan String, Integer)) -- the pigments server streams type Streams = (S.OutputStream C.ByteString, S.InputStream C.ByteString)
module Q22 where range :: Int -> Int -> [Int] range x y = case (rangeTest x y) of Left x -> x Right y -> error y rangeTest :: Int -> Int -> Either [Int] String rangeTest x y = let check :: Int -> Int -> Either [Int] String check x y | y < x = Right "y < x is not supported" | otherwise = Left (rangeTest' x y) rangeTest' :: Int -> Int -> [Int] rangeTest' x y = if (x == y) then [x] else x:(rangeTest' (x + 1) y) in check x y
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, RecursiveDo #-} module History( truncateHistory, History, {- Single-stop operations on snapshots. -} runThread, setRegister, allocateMemory, setMemory, setMemoryProtection, setTsc, {- Queries on histories -} threadAtAccess, threadState, replayState, fetchMemory, vgIntermediate, nextThread, getRegisters, getRipAtAccess, {- Trace operations -} traceTo, controlTraceTo, traceToEvent, {- Other stuff -} initialHistory, destroyWorkerCache ) where import Control.Monad.Error import Data.Word import Data.IORef import System.IO.Unsafe import Network.Socket import Data.List import System.Posix.Signals import IO import Numeric import Data.Bits import GHC.Conc hiding (ThreadId) import GHC.Base hiding (assert) import System.Mem.Weak (addFinalizer) import qualified Debug.Trace import Types import Util import Socket import Logfile import Debug import Config data HistoryEntry = HistoryRun !ThreadId !(Topped AccessNr) | HistorySetRegister !ThreadId !RegisterName !Word64 | HistoryAllocMemory !Word64 !Word64 !Word64 | HistorySetMemory !Word64 [Word8] | HistorySetMemoryProtection !Word64 !Word64 !Word64 | HistorySetTsc !ThreadId !Word64 | HistoryAdvanceLog !LogfilePtr | HistoryRunSyscall !ThreadId deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance Render HistoryEntry where renderS (HistorySetMemory ptr bytes) suffix = ("HistorySetMemory 0x" ++ (showHex ptr "") ++ " " ++ (show $ length bytes)) ++ suffix renderS x s = shows x s {- It is important that there be no references from HistoryWorker back to the matching History, so that the finalisers run at the right time. -} data HistoryWorker = HistoryWorker { hw_dead :: TVar Bool, hw_worker :: IORef (Maybe Worker), hw_prev_lru :: TVar HistoryWorker, hw_next_lru :: TVar HistoryWorker, hw_is_root :: Bool } data History = HistoryRoot HistoryWorker | History { hs_parent :: History, hs_entry :: HistoryEntry, hs_worker :: HistoryWorker, hs_ident :: Integer } allocateHistoryIdent :: IO Integer allocateHistoryIdent = do wc <- workerCache (res:newIdents) <- readIORef $ wc_idents wc writeIORef (wc_idents wc) newIdents return res heListToHistory :: [HistoryEntry] -> History heListToHistory [] = HistoryRoot rootHistory heListToHistory (x:xs) = unsafePerformIO $ mdo d <- newTVarIO False ww <- newIORef Nothing p <- newTVarIO worker n <- newTVarIO worker ident <- allocateHistoryIdent let worker = HistoryWorker { hw_dead = d, hw_worker = ww, hw_prev_lru = p, hw_next_lru = n, hw_is_root = False } return $ History { hs_parent = heListToHistory xs, hs_entry = x, hs_worker = worker, hs_ident = ident } instance Show History where show = show . historyGetHeList instance Render History where render = render . historyGetHeList instance Read History where readsPrec _ s = do (hes, trailer) <- reads s return (heListToHistory $ reverse hes, trailer) instance Eq History where (HistoryRoot _) == (HistoryRoot _) = True (HistoryRoot _) == _ = False _ == (HistoryRoot _) = False a == b = if a `unsafePtrEq` b then True else if hs_entry a == hs_entry b then hs_parent a == hs_parent b else False data WorkerCache = WorkerCache { wc_logfile :: Logfile, wc_root :: HistoryWorker, wc_nr_workers :: TVar Int, wc_idents :: IORef [Integer] } historyFold :: (a -> HistoryEntry -> a) -> a -> History -> a historyFold _ base (HistoryRoot _) = base historyFold folder base hist = folder (historyFold folder base (hs_parent hist)) (hs_entry hist) history_logfile_ptr :: History -> LogfilePtr history_logfile_ptr = historyFold (\acc ent -> case ent of HistoryAdvanceLog ptr -> ptr _ -> acc) (LogfilePtr 0 0) ioAssertTrue :: IO Bool -> IO () ioAssertTrue a = do a' <- a assert "ioAssertTrue" a' $ return () doHistoryEntry :: Worker -> HistoryEntry -> IO () doHistoryEntry w (HistoryRun tid cntr) = do setThreadWorker w tid r <- runWorker "doHistoryEntry" w cntr when (not r) $ putStrLn $ "failed to replay history entry run " ++ (show tid) ++ " " ++ (show cntr) ++ " in " ++ (show w) doHistoryEntry w (HistorySetRegister tid reg val) = ioAssertTrue $ setRegisterWorker w tid reg val doHistoryEntry w (HistoryAllocMemory addr size prot) = ioAssertTrue $ allocateMemoryWorker w addr size prot doHistoryEntry w (HistorySetMemory addr bytes) = ioAssertTrue $ setMemoryWorker w addr bytes doHistoryEntry w (HistorySetMemoryProtection addr size prot) = setMemoryProtectionWorker w addr size prot doHistoryEntry w (HistorySetTsc tid tsc) = ioAssertTrue $ setTscWorker w tid tsc doHistoryEntry _ (HistoryAdvanceLog _) = return () doHistoryEntry w (HistoryRunSyscall t) = runSyscallWorker w t rootHistory :: HistoryWorker rootHistory = unsafePerformIO $ liftM wc_root workerCache initialHistory :: Logfile -> Worker -> IO History initialHistory lf w = do p <- newTVarIO undefined n <- newTVarIO undefined isDead <- newTVarIO False worker <- newIORef $ Just w let wrk = HistoryWorker { hw_dead = isDead, hw_worker = worker, hw_prev_lru = p, hw_next_lru = n, hw_is_root = True } atomically $ writeTVar p wrk atomically $ writeTVar n wrk nr <- newTVarIO 0 idents <- newIORef [1..] let wc = WorkerCache { wc_logfile = lf, wc_root = wrk, wc_nr_workers = nr, wc_idents = idents} writeIORef globalWorkerCache wc return $ HistoryRoot wrk privatiseWorker :: WorkerCache -> HistoryWorker -> STM Bool privatiseWorker wc hw = do {- Remove from the list -} d <- readTVar $ hw_dead hw writeTVar (hw_dead hw) True when (not d) $ do p <- readTVar $ hw_prev_lru hw n <- readTVar $ hw_next_lru hw writeTVar (hw_next_lru p) n writeTVar (hw_prev_lru n) p writeTVar (hw_prev_lru hw) hw writeTVar (hw_next_lru hw) hw nw <- readTVar $ wc_nr_workers wc writeTVar (wc_nr_workers wc) (nw - 1) return d reallyKillHistoryWorker :: HistoryWorker -> IO () reallyKillHistoryWorker hw = do wrk <- readIORef $ hw_worker hw writeIORef (hw_worker hw) Nothing case wrk of Nothing -> error "Dead HW with no worker?" Just wrk' -> killWorker wrk' killHistoryWorker :: WorkerCache -> HistoryWorker -> IO () killHistoryWorker wc hw = do alreadyDead <- atomically $ privatiseWorker wc hw when (not alreadyDead) $ reallyKillHistoryWorker hw {- Finaliser for history objects -} historyDead :: WorkerCache -> History -> IO () historyDead _ (HistoryRoot _) = error "root worker was garbage collected?" historyDead wc hist = killHistoryWorker wc $ hs_worker hist mkSimpleHistory :: History -> HistoryEntry -> History mkSimpleHistory parent he = unsafePerformIO $ mdo w <- newIORef Nothing dead <- newTVarIO True p <- newTVarIO newWH n <- newTVarIO newWH wc <- workerCache ident <- allocateHistoryIdent let newWH = HistoryWorker { hw_dead = dead, hw_worker = w, hw_prev_lru = p, hw_next_lru = n, hw_is_root = False } newHist = History { hs_parent = parent, hs_entry = he, hs_worker = newWH, hs_ident = ident } addFinalizer newHist (historyDead wc newHist) return newHist appendHistory :: History -> HistoryEntry -> History appendHistory hist@(HistoryRoot _) he = mkSimpleHistory hist he appendHistory hist he = case (he, hs_entry hist) of (HistoryRun hetid _, HistoryRun histtid _) | hetid == histtid -> appendHistory (hs_parent hist) he (HistoryAdvanceLog _, HistoryAdvanceLog _) | he == hs_entry hist -> hist _ -> mkSimpleHistory hist he stripNonRun :: History -> History stripNonRun h@(HistoryRoot _) = h stripNonRun hist = case hs_entry hist of HistoryRun _ _ -> hist _ -> stripNonRun $ hs_parent hist {- Truncate a history so that it only runs to a particular epoch number -} truncateHistory :: History -> Topped AccessNr -> Either String History truncateHistory h@(HistoryRoot _) (Finite (AccessNr 0)) = Right h truncateHistory (HistoryRoot _) _ = Left "truncate empty history" truncateHistory hist cntr = case hs_entry hist of HistoryRun tid c | c == cntr -> Right hist | c < cntr -> Left "truncate tried to extend history" | otherwise -> case stripNonRun (hs_parent hist) of (HistoryRoot _) -> Right $ appendHistory (hs_parent hist) (HistoryRun tid cntr) runParent -> case hs_entry runParent of HistoryRun _ c' | c' >= cntr -> truncateHistory runParent cntr | otherwise -> Right $ appendHistory (hs_parent hist) (HistoryRun tid cntr) _ -> error "stripNonRun misbehaving" _ -> case stripNonRun (hs_parent hist) of (HistoryRoot _) -> if cntr == (Finite $ AccessNr 0) then Right hist else Left "truncate history with only non-run entries" runParent -> case hs_entry runParent of HistoryRun _ c' | c' >= cntr -> truncateHistory runParent cntr | otherwise -> Left "truncate tried to extend history (ends in non-run)" _ -> error "stripNonRun misbehaving" threadAtAccess :: History -> AccessNr -> Either String ThreadId threadAtAccess hist acc = historyFold (\rest (HistoryRun tid acc') -> if (Finite acc) < acc' then Right tid else rest) (Left "ran out of history") hist traceTo' :: Worker -> (Worker -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> IO [a]) -> [HistoryEntry] -> IO [a] traceTo' _ _ [] = return [] traceTo' work tracer ((HistoryRun tid cntr):rest) = do h <- tracer work tid cntr rest' <- traceTo' work tracer rest return $ h ++ rest' traceTo' work tracer ((HistorySetRegister tid reg val):rest) = do setRegisterWorker work tid reg val traceTo' work tracer rest traceTo' work tracer ((HistoryAllocMemory addr size prot):rest) = do allocateMemoryWorker work addr size prot traceTo' work tracer rest traceTo' work tracer ((HistorySetMemory addr bytes):rest) = do setMemoryWorker work addr bytes traceTo' work tracer rest traceTo' work tracer ((HistorySetMemoryProtection addr size prot):rest) = do setMemoryProtectionWorker work addr size prot traceTo' work tracer rest traceTo' work tracer ((HistorySetTsc tid tsc):rest) = do setTscWorker work tid tsc traceTo' work tracer rest traceTo' worker tracer ((HistoryAdvanceLog _):rest) = traceTo' worker tracer rest traceTo' worker tracer ((HistoryRunSyscall tid):rest) = do runSyscallWorker worker tid traceTo' worker tracer rest historyGetHeList :: History -> [HistoryEntry] historyGetHeList = reverse . historyFold (flip (:)) [] unsafePtrEq :: a -> a -> Bool unsafePtrEq a b = (unsafeCoerce# a) `eqAddr#` (unsafeCoerce# b) getDeltaScript :: History -> History -> Maybe [HistoryEntry] getDeltaScript (HistoryRoot _) end = Just $ historyGetHeList end getDeltaScript _ (HistoryRoot _) = Nothing getDeltaScript start end = let quick s e = if s `unsafePtrEq` e then Just [] else case quick s (hs_parent e) of Just b -> Just $ (hs_entry end):b Nothing -> Nothing in case quick start end of Just r -> Just $ reverse r Nothing -> {- start isn't on the path from the root to end. Do it the hard way. -} Debug.Trace.trace "getDeltaScript on slow path..." $ let start' = historyGetHeList start end' = historyGetHeList end worker [] xs = Just xs worker _ [] = Nothing worker aas@(a:as) bbs@(b:bs) | a == b = worker as bs | otherwise = case (a, b) of (HistoryRun atid acntr, HistoryRun btid bcntr) | atid == btid -> if acntr < bcntr then worker as bbs else worker aas bs _ -> Nothing in worker start' end' traceTo'' :: (Worker -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> IO [a]) -> Worker -> History -> History -> IO (Either String [a]) traceTo'' tracer worker start end = case getDeltaScript start end of Just todo -> liftM Right $ traceTo' worker tracer todo Nothing -> return $ Left $ shows start $ " is not a prefix of " ++ (show end) {- Take a worker and a history representing its current state and run it forwards to some other history, logging control expressions as we go. -} controlTraceToWorker :: Worker -> History -> History -> IO (Either String [Expression]) controlTraceToWorker = traceTo'' controlTraceWorker traceToWorker :: Worker -> History -> History -> IO (Either String [TraceRecord]) traceToWorker = traceTo'' traceWorker sendWorkerCommand :: Worker -> ControlPacket -> IO ResponsePacket sendWorkerCommand worker cp = do a <- readIORef $ worker_alive worker if not a then error $ "send command " ++ (show cp) ++ " to dead worker on fd " ++ (show $ worker_fd worker) else sendSocketCommand (worker_fd worker) cp fromAN :: Topped AccessNr -> [Word64] fromAN Infinity = [-1] fromAN (Finite (AccessNr acc)) = [fromInteger acc] snapshotPacket :: ControlPacket snapshotPacket = ControlPacket 0x1234 [] killPacket :: ControlPacket killPacket = ControlPacket 0x1235 [] runPacket :: Topped AccessNr -> ControlPacket runPacket x = ControlPacket 0x1236 $ fromAN x tracePacket :: Topped AccessNr -> ControlPacket tracePacket x = ControlPacket 0x1237 $ fromAN x threadStatePacket :: ControlPacket threadStatePacket = ControlPacket 0x123b [] replayStatePacket :: ControlPacket replayStatePacket = ControlPacket 0x123c [] controlTracePacket :: Topped AccessNr -> ControlPacket controlTracePacket to = ControlPacket 0x123d $ fromAN to fetchMemoryPacket :: Word64 -> Word64 -> ControlPacket fetchMemoryPacket addr size = ControlPacket 0x123e [addr, size] vgIntermediatePacket :: Word64 -> ControlPacket vgIntermediatePacket addr = ControlPacket 0x123f [addr] nextThreadPacket :: ControlPacket nextThreadPacket = ControlPacket 0x1240 [] setThreadPacket :: ThreadId -> ControlPacket setThreadPacket (ThreadId tid) = ControlPacket 0x1241 [fromInteger tid] getRegistersPacket :: ControlPacket getRegistersPacket = ControlPacket 0x1242 [] traceToEventPacket :: Topped AccessNr -> ControlPacket traceToEventPacket x = ControlPacket 0x1243 $ fromAN x setRegisterPacket :: ThreadId -> RegisterName -> Word64 -> ControlPacket setRegisterPacket (ThreadId tid) reg val = ControlPacket 0x1244 [fromInteger tid, unparseRegister reg, val] allocateMemoryPacket :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> ControlPacket allocateMemoryPacket addr size prot = ControlPacket 0x1245 [addr, size, prot] setMemoryPacket :: Word64 -> Word64 -> ControlPacket setMemoryPacket addr size = ControlPacket 0x1246 [addr, size] setMemoryProtectionPacket :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> ControlPacket setMemoryProtectionPacket addr size prot = ControlPacket 0x1247 [addr, size, prot] setTscPacket :: ThreadId -> Word64 -> ControlPacket setTscPacket (ThreadId tid) tsc = ControlPacket 0x1248 [fromInteger tid, tsc] getHistoryPacket :: ControlPacket getHistoryPacket = ControlPacket 0x1249 [] runSyscallPacket :: ThreadId -> ControlPacket runSyscallPacket (ThreadId tid) = ControlPacket 0x124c [fromInteger tid] runToEventPacket :: Topped AccessNr -> ControlPacket runToEventPacket x = ControlPacket 0x124e $ fromAN x trivCommand :: Worker -> ControlPacket -> IO Bool trivCommand worker cmd = do (ResponsePacket s _) <- sendWorkerCommand worker cmd return s killWorker :: Worker -> IO () killWorker worker = do s <- trivCommand worker killPacket if s then do sClose $ worker_fd worker writeIORef (worker_alive worker) False modifyIORef nrForkedWorkers $ \x -> x - 1 else error "can't kill worker?" freezeWorker :: Worker -> IO () freezeWorker worker = writeIORef (worker_frozen worker) True workerFrozen :: Worker -> IO Bool workerFrozen = readIORef . worker_frozen mustBeThawed :: String -> Worker -> IO () mustBeThawed m w = do t <- workerFrozen w assert ("worker frozen unexpectedly: " ++ m) (not t) $ return () runWorker :: String -> Worker -> Topped AccessNr -> IO Bool runWorker msg worker acc = mustBeThawed ("runWorker: " ++ msg) worker >> trivCommand worker (runPacket acc) ancillaryDataToTrace :: [ResponseData] -> [TraceRecord] ancillaryDataToTrace [] = [] ancillaryDataToTrace ((ResponseDataString _):rs) = ancillaryDataToTrace rs ancillaryDataToTrace ((ResponseDataBytes _):rs) = ancillaryDataToTrace rs ancillaryDataToTrace ((ResponseDataAncillary code (loc':tid':other_args)):rs) = let loc = AccessNr $ fromIntegral loc' tid = ThreadId $ fromIntegral tid' (entry, rest) = case code of 1 -> (TraceFootstep { trc_foot_rip = fromIntegral $ other_args!!0, trc_foot_rdx = fromIntegral $ other_args!!1, trc_foot_rcx = fromIntegral $ other_args!!2, trc_foot_rax = fromIntegral $ other_args!!3 }, rs) 2 -> (TraceSyscall { trc_sys_nr = fromIntegral $ other_args!!0 }, rs) 3 -> (TraceRdtsc, rs) 4 -> (TraceLoad { trc_load_val = fromIntegral $ other_args!!0, trc_load_size = fromIntegral $ other_args!!1, trc_load_ptr = fromIntegral $ other_args!!2, trc_load_in_monitor = other_args!!3 /= 0, trc_rip = other_args!!4 }, rs) 5 -> (TraceStore { trc_store_val = fromIntegral $ other_args!!0, trc_store_size = fromIntegral $ other_args!!1, trc_store_ptr = fromIntegral $ other_args!!2, trc_store_in_monitor = other_args!!3 /= 0, trc_rip = other_args!!4 }, rs) 6 -> (case head rs of ResponseDataString s -> TraceCalling s _ -> error $ "mangled trace calling: " ++ (show other_args) ++ ", " ++ (show rs), tail rs) 7 -> (case head rs of ResponseDataString s -> TraceCalled s _ -> error $ "mangled trace called: " ++ (show other_args) ++ ", " ++ (show rs), tail rs) 8 -> (TraceEnterMonitor, rs) 9 -> (TraceExitMonitor, rs) 17 -> (TraceSignal { trc_rip = other_args!!0, trc_signr = fromIntegral $ other_args!!1, trc_err = other_args!!2, trc_va = other_args!!3 }, rs) _ -> error $ "bad trace ancillary code " ++ (show code) in (TraceRecord { trc_trc = entry, trc_tid = tid, trc_loc = loc }):(ancillaryDataToTrace rest) ancillaryDataToTrace x = error $ "bad trace ancillary data " ++ (show x) traceCmd :: Worker -> ControlPacket -> IO [TraceRecord] traceCmd worker pkt = do mustBeThawed "traceCmd" worker (ResponsePacket _ args) <- sendWorkerCommand worker pkt return $ ancillaryDataToTrace args traceWorker :: Worker -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> IO [TraceRecord] traceWorker worker tid cntr = setThreadWorker worker tid >> traceCmd worker (tracePacket cntr) traceToEventWorker :: Worker -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> IO [TraceRecord] traceToEventWorker worker tid limit = do setThreadWorker worker tid traceCmd worker $ traceToEventPacket limit takeSnapshot :: Worker -> IO (Maybe Worker) takeSnapshot worker = do (ResponsePacket s _) <- sendWorkerCommand worker snapshotPacket if s then do newFd <- recvSocket (worker_fd worker) newAlive <- newIORef True newFrozen <- newIORef False modifyIORef nrForkedWorkers $ (+) 1 return $ Just $ Worker {worker_fd = newFd, worker_alive = newAlive, worker_frozen = newFrozen } else return Nothing threadStateWorker :: Worker -> IO [(ThreadId, ThreadState)] threadStateWorker worker = let parseItem :: ConsumerMonad ResponseData (ThreadId, ThreadState) parseItem = do (ResponseDataAncillary 13 [tid, is_dead, is_crashed, last_access, last_rip]) <- consume return (ThreadId $ fromIntegral tid, ThreadState {ts_dead = is_dead /= 0, ts_crashed = is_crashed /= 0, ts_last_run = AccessNr $ fromIntegral last_access, ts_last_rip = last_rip}) in do (ResponsePacket s params) <- sendWorkerCommand worker threadStatePacket return $ if s then evalConsumer params (consumeMany parseItem) else error "error getting thread state" parseReplayState :: [ResponseData] -> ReplayState parseReplayState [ResponseDataAncillary 10 [access_nr]] = ReplayStateOkay $ AccessNr $ fromIntegral access_nr parseReplayState (ResponseDataAncillary 11 [x, tid, access_nr]:(ResponseDataString s):items) = ReplayStateFailed s (ThreadId $ fromIntegral tid) (AccessNr $ fromIntegral access_nr) $ case x of 0 -> case items of [] -> FailureReasonControl _ -> error $ "unexpected extra data in a failure control response " ++ (show items) 1 -> uncurry FailureReasonData $ evalConsumer items $ pairM parseExpression parseExpression 3 -> case items of [ResponseDataAncillary 18 [wantedTid]] -> FailureReasonWrongThread (ThreadId $ fromIntegral wantedTid) _ -> error $ "can't parse data for wrong thread failure " ++ (show items) _ -> error $ "unexpected failure class " ++ (show x) parseReplayState [ResponseDataAncillary 14 [access_nr]] = ReplayStateFinished $ AccessNr $ fromIntegral access_nr parseReplayState x = error $ "bad replay state " ++ (show x) replayStateWorker :: Worker -> IO ReplayState replayStateWorker worker = do (ResponsePacket _ params) <- sendWorkerCommand worker replayStatePacket return $ parseReplayState params data ConsumerMonad a b = ConsumerMonad { runConsumer :: [a] -> (b, [a]) } instance Monad (ConsumerMonad a) where return b = ConsumerMonad $ \r -> (b, r) f >>= s = ConsumerMonad $ \items -> let (f_res, items') = runConsumer f items in runConsumer (s f_res) items' consume :: ConsumerMonad a a consume = ConsumerMonad $ \(i:r) -> (i,r) hitEnd :: ConsumerMonad a Bool hitEnd = ConsumerMonad $ \i -> case i of [] -> (True, i) _ -> (False, i) consumeMany :: ConsumerMonad a b -> ConsumerMonad a [b] consumeMany what = do e <- hitEnd if e then return [] else do i <- what rest <- consumeMany what return $ i:rest evalConsumer :: [a] -> ConsumerMonad a b -> b evalConsumer items monad = case runConsumer monad items of (x, []) -> x _ -> error "Failed to consume all items" regNames :: [(RegisterName, Word64)] regNames = [(REG_RAX, 0), (REG_RCX, 1), (REG_RDX, 2), (REG_RBX, 3), (REG_RSP, 4), (REG_RBP, 5), (REG_RSI, 6), (REG_RDI, 7), (REG_R8, 8), (REG_R9, 9), (REG_R10, 10), (REG_R11, 11), (REG_R12, 12), (REG_R13, 13), (REG_R14, 14), (REG_R15, 15), (REG_CC_OP, 16), (REG_CC_DEP1, 17), (REG_CC_DEP2, 18), (REG_CC_NDEP, 19), (REG_DFLAG, 20), (REG_RIP, 21), (REG_IDFLAG, 22), (REG_FS_ZERO, 23), (REG_SSE_ROUND, 24)] unparseRegister :: RegisterName -> Word64 unparseRegister rname = maybe (error $ "bad register name" ++ (show rname) ++ "?") id $ lookup rname regNames parseRegister :: Word64 -> RegisterName parseRegister idx = maybe (error $ "bad register encoding " ++ (show idx)) fst $ find ((==) idx . snd) regNames consumeRegisterBinding :: ConsumerMonad ResponseData (RegisterName, Word64) consumeRegisterBinding = do (ResponseDataAncillary 16 [name, val]) <- consume return (parseRegister name, val) isBinop :: Word64 -> Bool isBinop x = x >= 5 && x <= 20 parseBinop :: Word64 -> Binop parseBinop 5 = BinopCombine parseBinop 6 = BinopSub parseBinop 7 = BinopAdd parseBinop 8 = BinopMull parseBinop 9 = BinopMullHi parseBinop 10 = BinopMullS parseBinop 11 = BinopShrl parseBinop 12 = BinopShl parseBinop 13 = BinopShra parseBinop 14 = BinopAnd parseBinop 15 = BinopOr parseBinop 16 = BinopXor parseBinop 17 = BinopLe parseBinop 18 = BinopBe parseBinop 19 = BinopEq parseBinop 20 = BinopB parseBinop x = error $ "unknown binop " ++ (show x) parseExpression :: ConsumerMonad ResponseData Expression parseExpression = do d <- consume let (ResponseDataAncillary 12 params) = d case params of [0, val] -> return $ ExpressionConst val [1, reg, val] -> return $ ExpressionRegister (parseRegister reg) val [2, sz, acc, tid] -> do ptr <- parseExpression val <- parseExpression return $ ExpressionLoad (ThreadId $ fromIntegral tid) (fromIntegral sz) (fromIntegral acc) ptr val [3, acc, tid] -> do val <- parseExpression return $ ExpressionStore (ThreadId $ fromIntegral tid) (fromIntegral acc) val [4, val] -> return $ ExpressionImported val [r] | isBinop r -> do a1 <- parseExpression a2 <- parseExpression return $ ExpressionBinop (parseBinop r) a1 a2 [21] -> do e <- parseExpression return $ ExpressionNot e _ -> error $ "failed to parse an expression " ++ (show d) parseExpressions :: [ResponseData] -> [Expression] parseExpressions items = evalConsumer items $ consumeMany parseExpression controlTraceWorker :: Worker -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> IO [Expression] controlTraceWorker worker tid cntr = do setThreadWorker worker tid mustBeThawed "controlTraceWorker" worker (ResponsePacket _ params) <- sendWorkerCommand worker $ controlTracePacket cntr return $ parseExpressions params fetchMemoryWorker :: Worker -> Word64 -> Word64 -> IO (Maybe [Word8]) fetchMemoryWorker worker addr size = do r <- sendWorkerCommand worker $ fetchMemoryPacket addr size return $ case r of (ResponsePacket True [ResponseDataBytes s]) -> Just s _ -> Nothing vgIntermediateWorker :: Worker -> Word64 -> IO (Maybe String) vgIntermediateWorker worker addr = do sendWorkerCommand worker $ vgIntermediatePacket addr return Nothing nextThreadWorker :: Worker -> IO ThreadId nextThreadWorker worker = do (ResponsePacket True [ResponseDataAncillary 15 [tid]]) <- sendWorkerCommand worker nextThreadPacket return $ ThreadId $ fromIntegral tid setThreadWorker :: Worker -> ThreadId -> IO () setThreadWorker worker tid = do sendWorkerCommand worker $ setThreadPacket tid return () getRegistersWorker :: Worker -> IO RegisterFile getRegistersWorker worker = do (ResponsePacket True params) <- sendWorkerCommand worker getRegistersPacket return $ RegisterFile $ evalConsumer params $ consumeMany consumeRegisterBinding setRegisterWorker :: Worker -> ThreadId -> RegisterName -> Word64 -> IO Bool setRegisterWorker worker tid reg val = trivCommand worker $ setRegisterPacket tid reg val allocateMemoryWorker :: Worker -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> IO Bool allocateMemoryWorker worker addr size prot = trivCommand worker $ allocateMemoryPacket addr size prot setMemoryWorker :: Worker -> Word64 -> [Word8] -> IO Bool setMemoryWorker worker addr bytes = let cp = setMemoryPacket addr $ fromIntegral $ length bytes in do a <- readIORef $ worker_alive worker if not a then error "set memory in dead worker" else do (ResponsePacket s _) <- sendSocketCommandTrailer (worker_fd worker) cp bytes return s setMemoryProtectionWorker :: Worker -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> IO () setMemoryProtectionWorker worker addr size prot = do trivCommand worker $ setMemoryProtectionPacket addr size prot return () setTscWorker :: Worker -> ThreadId -> Word64 -> IO Bool setTscWorker worker tid tsc = trivCommand worker $ setTscPacket tid tsc validateHistoryWorker' :: Worker -> [HistoryEntry] -> IO Bool validateHistoryWorker' worker desired_hist = let validateHistory [] [] = True validateHistory [ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0]] _ = True validateHistory ((ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0x1236, tid, acc]):o) o's@((HistoryRun tid' acc'):o') | (ThreadId $ toInteger tid) == tid' = case (Finite $ AccessNr $ toInteger acc) `compare` acc' of LT -> validateHistory o o's EQ -> validateHistory o o' GT -> Debug.Trace.trace ("history validation failed because worker was at " ++ (show acc) ++ " and we only wanted " ++ (show acc') ++ ", rest " ++ (show o')) False validateHistory ((ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0x1244, tid, reg, val]):o) ((HistorySetRegister tid' reg' val'):o') | (ThreadId $ toInteger tid) == tid' && (parseRegister reg) == reg' && val == val' = validateHistory o o' validateHistory ((ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0x1245, addr, size, prot]):o) ((HistoryAllocMemory addr' size' prot'):o') | addr == addr' && size == size' && prot == prot' = validateHistory o o' validateHistory ((ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0x1246, addr, size]):o) ((HistorySetMemory addr' bytes):o') | addr == addr' && size == (fromIntegral $ length bytes) = validateHistory o o' validateHistory ((ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0x1247, addr, size, prot]):o) ((HistorySetMemoryProtection addr' size' prot'):o') | addr == addr' && size == size' && prot == prot' = validateHistory o o' validateHistory ((ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0x1248, tid, tsc]):o) ((HistorySetTsc (ThreadId tid') tsc'):o') | toInteger tid == tid' && tsc == tsc' = validateHistory o o' validateHistory o ((HistoryAdvanceLog _):o') = validateHistory o o' validateHistory ((ResponseDataAncillary 19 [0x124c, t]):o) ((HistoryRunSyscall (ThreadId t')):o') | t == (fromIntegral t') = validateHistory o o' validateHistory o o' = Debug.Trace.trace ("history validation failed: " ++ (show o) ++ " vs " ++ (show o')) False in do (ResponsePacket _ params) <- sendWorkerCommand worker getHistoryPacket let r = validateHistory params desired_hist when (not r) $ putStrLn $ "validation of " ++ (show desired_hist) ++ " against " ++ (show params) ++ " in " ++ (show worker) ++ " failed" return r validateHistoryWorker :: Worker -> [HistoryEntry] -> IO Bool validateHistoryWorker w he = if validateHistories then validateHistoryWorker' w he else return True {- Pull a WCE to the front of the LRU list -} touchWorkerCacheEntry :: HistoryWorker -> IO () touchWorkerCacheEntry hw = if hw_is_root hw then return () else do wc <- workerCache atomically $ do {- Remove from old place -} prev <- readTVar $ hw_prev_lru hw next <- readTVar $ hw_next_lru hw writeTVar (hw_next_lru prev) next writeTVar (hw_prev_lru next) prev {- Insert in new place -} let newPrev = wc_root wc newNext <- readTVar (hw_next_lru newPrev) writeTVar (hw_next_lru newPrev) hw writeTVar (hw_prev_lru newNext) hw writeTVar (hw_next_lru hw) newNext writeTVar (hw_prev_lru hw) newPrev assert :: String -> Bool -> a -> a assert _ True = id assert msg False = unsafePerformIO $ dumpLog >> (error $ "assertion failure: " ++ msg) fixupWorkerCache :: WorkerCache -> IO () fixupWorkerCache wc = do w <- atomically $ do n <- readTVar $ wc_nr_workers wc if n <= cacheSize then return Nothing else do targ <- readTVar $ hw_prev_lru $ wc_root wc dead <- assert ("nr_workers " ++ (show n) ++ " but no workers found") (not $ hw_is_root targ) $ privatiseWorker wc targ assert "dead worker on list" (not dead) $ return $ Just targ case w of Just w' -> reallyKillHistoryWorker w' >> fixupWorkerCache wc Nothing -> return () cacheSize :: Int cacheSize = 900 globalWorkerCache :: IORef WorkerCache {-# NOINLINE globalWorkerCache #-} globalWorkerCache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ error "use of worker cache before it was ready?" nrForkedWorkers :: IORef Int nrForkedWorkers = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 1 workerCache :: IO WorkerCache workerCache = do wc <- readIORef globalWorkerCache pending <- getPendingSignals when (sigUSR1 `inSignalSet` pending) $ do dumpLog unblockSignals $ addSignal sigUSR1 emptySignalSet blockSignals $ addSignal sigUSR1 emptySignalSet return wc destroyWorkerCache :: IO () destroyWorkerCache = do wc <- workerCache killAllWorkers wc where killAllWorkers wc = do targ <- atomically $ do t <- readTVar $ hw_next_lru $ wc_root wc if hw_is_root t then return Nothing else do privatiseWorker wc t return $ Just t case targ of Nothing -> return () Just t -> do reallyKillHistoryWorker t killAllWorkers wc reallySnapshot :: Worker -> IO Worker reallySnapshot w = do w' <- takeSnapshot w case w' of Nothing -> error "cannot take a snapshot" Just w'' -> return w'' modifyTVar :: TVar a -> (a -> a) -> STM () modifyTVar v f = do v' <- readTVar v writeTVar v $ f v' addWorkerToLRU :: HistoryWorker -> Worker -> IO () addWorkerToLRU hw worker = do wc <- workerCache writeIORef (hw_worker hw) $ Just worker atomically $ let newPrev = wc_root wc in do writeTVar (hw_dead hw) False newNext <- readTVar (hw_next_lru newPrev) writeTVar (hw_next_lru newPrev) hw writeTVar (hw_prev_lru newNext) hw writeTVar (hw_next_lru hw) newNext writeTVar (hw_prev_lru hw) newPrev modifyTVar (wc_nr_workers wc) ((+) 1) getWorker' :: Bool -> History -> IO Worker getWorker' pure (HistoryRoot w) = do w' <- readIORef $ hw_worker w w'' <- case w' of Nothing -> error "root HW lost its worker" Just w''' -> return w''' if pure then return w'' else reallySnapshot w'' getWorker' pure hist = do w <- readIORef $ hw_worker $ hs_worker hist case w of Just w' -> do touchWorkerCacheEntry (hs_worker hist) if pure then return w' else reallySnapshot w' Nothing -> do worker <- getWorker' False $ hs_parent hist doHistoryEntry worker (hs_entry hist) freezeWorker worker addWorkerToLRU (hs_worker hist) worker wc <- workerCache fixupWorkerCache wc if pure then return worker else reallySnapshot worker getWorker :: Bool -> History -> IO Worker getWorker pure hist = do r <- getWorker' pure hist v <- validateHistoryWorker r (historyGetHeList hist) wc <- assert ("getWorker' returned bad worker for history " ++ (show hist)) v workerCache fixupWorkerCache wc return r impureCmd :: (Worker -> IO a) -> History -> a impureCmd w hist = unsafePerformIO $ do worker <- getWorker False hist res <- w worker killWorker worker return res queryCmd :: (Worker -> IO a) -> History -> a queryCmd w hist = unsafePerformIO $ getWorker True hist >>= w threadState :: History -> [(ThreadId, ThreadState)] threadState = queryCmd threadStateWorker replayState :: History -> ReplayState replayState = queryCmd replayStateWorker fetchMemory :: History -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Maybe [Word8] fetchMemory hist addr size = queryCmd (\worker -> fetchMemoryWorker worker addr size) hist vgIntermediate :: History -> Word64 -> Maybe String vgIntermediate hist addr = queryCmd (\worker -> vgIntermediateWorker worker addr) hist nextThread :: History -> ThreadId nextThread = queryCmd nextThreadWorker controlTraceTo :: History -> History -> Either String [Expression] controlTraceTo start end = impureCmd (\worker -> controlTraceToWorker worker start end) start traceTo :: History -> History -> Either String [TraceRecord] traceTo start end = impureCmd (\worker -> traceToWorker worker start end) start getRegisters :: History -> RegisterFile getRegisters = queryCmd getRegistersWorker getRipAtAccess :: History -> AccessNr -> Either String Word64 getRipAtAccess hist whn = do hist' <- truncateHistory hist $ Finite $ whn + 1 getRegister (getRegisters hist') REG_RIP traceToEvent :: History -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> Either String ([TraceRecord], History) traceToEvent start tid limit = unsafePerformIO $ do worker <- getWorker False start trc <- traceToEventWorker worker tid limit rs <- replayStateWorker worker killWorker worker return $ let finalHist = appendHistory start $ HistoryRun tid $ Finite $ rs_access_nr rs in Right (trc, finalHist) runThreadToEventWorker :: Worker -> History -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> IO (Maybe TraceRecord, History, ReplayState) runThreadToEventWorker worker start tid limit = do setThreadWorker worker tid trc <- traceCmd worker $ runToEventPacket limit rs <- replayStateWorker worker let newHist = appendHistory start $ HistoryRun tid $ Finite $ rs_access_nr rs return (case trc of [] -> Nothing [x] -> Just x _ -> error $ "runToEvent gave long trace " ++ (show trc), newHist, rs) runSyscallWorker :: Worker -> ThreadId -> IO () runSyscallWorker worker tid = do trivCommand worker $ runSyscallPacket tid return () runThread :: Logfile -> History -> ThreadId -> Topped AccessNr -> Either String History runThread logfile hist tid acc = unsafePerformIO $ do worker <- getWorker False hist mustBeThawed "runThread" worker (evt', newHist, rs) <- runThreadToEventWorker worker hist tid acc case (evt', rs) of (Nothing, _) -> {- nothing which requires special help -} return $ Right $ appendHistory hist $ HistoryRun tid acc (Just evt, ReplayStateOkay acc') -> if Finite acc' <= acc then do let lp = history_logfile_ptr hist fixedHist = case nextRecord logfile lp of Nothing -> error "unexpected end of log when worker thought there was more?" Just (logrecord, nextLogPtr) -> let success = return . Right justAdvance = success (advanceLog newHist nextLogPtr, True) failed = return . Left {- Go and process all the populate memory records which come after logptr. -} processPopMemRecords pphist logptr = case nextRecord logfile logptr of Just (LogRecord _ (LogMemory ptr contents), nlp) -> processPopMemRecords (setMemory pphist ptr contents) nlp _ -> (pphist, logptr) {- syscalls which we handle by just re-running them -} replaySyscall (LogSyscall sysnr _ _ _ _) | sysnr `elem` [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 158, 273] = (runSyscall newHist $ trc_tid evt, nextLogPtr) {- syscalls which we handle by just imposing the return value -} replaySyscall (LogSyscall sysnr sysres _ _ _) | sysnr `elem` [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 63, 79, 97, 102, 202] = (setRegister newHist (trc_tid evt) REG_RAX sysres, nextLogPtr) {- syscalls which we handle by re-running and then imposing the recorded return value. -} replaySyscall (LogSyscall sysnr sysres _ _ _) | sysnr `elem` [56, 218] = (setRegister (runSyscall newHist $ trc_tid evt) (trc_tid evt) REG_RAX sysres, nextLogPtr) {- exit_group. Ignore it and move to the next record, which should immediately finish the log. -} replaySyscall (LogSyscall 231 _ _ _ _) = (newHist, nextLogPtr) {- mmap -} replaySyscall (LogSyscall 9 sysres _ len prot) = let (doneMmapHist, finalLogPtr) = if sysres > 0xffffffffffff8000 then {- syscall failed -> just replay the failure -} (newHist, nextLogPtr) else {- syscall succeeded -> have to replay it properly -} let addr = sysres allocMem = allocateMemory newHist addr len (prot .|. 2) {- Turn on write access -} (populateMem, ptrAfterPopulateMem) = processPopMemRecords allocMem nextLogPtr resetProt = if prot .&. 2 == 0 then populateMem else setMemoryProtection populateMem addr len prot in (resetProt, ptrAfterPopulateMem) in (setRegister doneMmapHist (trc_tid evt) REG_RAX sysres, finalLogPtr) replaySyscall (LogSyscall sysnr _ _ _ _) = error $ "don't know how to replay syscall " ++ (show sysnr) replaySyscall _ = error "replaySyscall called on non-syscall?" replaySyscall' x = let (h, np) = replaySyscall x (h', np') = processPopMemRecords h np in advanceLog h' np' res = case (trc_trc evt, lr_body logrecord) of (TraceRdtsc, LogRdtsc tsc) -> success (advanceLog (setTsc newHist tid tsc) nextLogPtr, True) (TraceRdtsc, r) -> failed $ "rdtsc event with record " ++ (show r) (TraceCalling _, LogClientCall) -> justAdvance (TraceCalling n, r) -> failed $ "calling " ++ n ++ " event with record " ++ (show r) (TraceCalled _, LogClientReturn) -> justAdvance (TraceCalled n, r) -> failed $ "called " ++ n ++ " event with record " ++ (show r) (TraceLoad val sz ptr _ _, LogAccess True val' sz' ptr') | sz == sz' && ptr == ptr' && val == val' -> justAdvance (TraceLoad _ _ _ _ _, _) | useMemoryRecords -> failed $ "load event " ++ (show evt) ++ " against record " ++ (show logrecord) (TraceStore val sz ptr _ _, LogAccess False val' sz' ptr') | sz == sz' && ptr == ptr' && val == val' -> justAdvance (TraceStore _ _ _ _ _, _) | useMemoryRecords -> failed $ "store event " ++ (show evt) ++ " against record " ++ (show logrecord) (TraceSignal rip signr err va, LogSignal rip' signr' err' va') | and [rip == rip', signr == (fromIntegral signr'), err == err', va == va'] -> justAdvance (TraceSignal _ _ _ _, _) -> failed $ "signal event " ++ (show evt) ++ " against record " ++ (show logrecord) (TraceSyscall sysnr, LogSyscall sysnr' _ arg1 arg2 arg3) -> Debug.Trace.trace ("validate syscall " ++ (show evt)) $ do regs <- getRegistersWorker worker let rdi = getRegister' regs REG_RDI rsi = getRegister' regs REG_RSI rdx = getRegister' regs REG_RDX if rdi == arg1 && rsi == arg2 && rdx == arg3 && sysnr == (fromIntegral sysnr') then return $ Right (replaySyscall' $ lr_body logrecord, True) else failed $ "syscall record " ++ (show logrecord) ++ " against trace event " ++ (show evt) ++ " " ++ (showHex rdi $ " " ++ (showHex rsi $ " " ++ (showHex rdx ""))) (TraceSyscall _, _) -> failed $ "syscall event " ++ (show evt) ++ " against record " ++ (show logrecord) (TraceEnterMonitor, _) -> success (newHist, False) (TraceExitMonitor, _) -> success (newHist, False) (TraceFootstep _ _ _ _, _) -> success (newHist, False) (TraceLoad _ _ _ _ _, _) -> success (newHist, False) (TraceStore _ _ _ _ _, _) -> success (newHist, False) in do r <- res case r of Left e -> failed e Right (res', checkThread) -> if checkThread && trc_tid evt /= lr_tid logrecord then failed $ "wrong thread: wanted " ++ (show logrecord) ++ ", got " ++ (show evt) else success res' fixedHist' <- fixedHist killWorker worker return $ case fixedHist' of Left e -> Left e Right fh' -> if Finite acc' == acc then fixedHist' else runThread logfile fh' tid acc else do killWorker worker return $ Right newHist _ -> do killWorker worker return $ Right newHist setRegister :: History -> ThreadId -> RegisterName -> Word64 -> History setRegister hist tid reg val = appendHistory hist $ HistorySetRegister tid reg val allocateMemory :: History -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> History allocateMemory hist addr size prot = appendHistory hist $ HistoryAllocMemory addr size prot setMemory :: History -> Word64 -> [Word8] -> History setMemory hist addr contents = appendHistory hist $ HistorySetMemory addr contents setMemoryProtection :: History -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> History setMemoryProtection hist addr size prot = appendHistory hist $ HistorySetMemoryProtection addr size prot setTsc :: History -> ThreadId -> Word64 -> History setTsc hist tid tsc = appendHistory hist $ HistorySetTsc tid tsc advanceLog :: History -> LogfilePtr -> History advanceLog hist lp = appendHistory hist $ HistoryAdvanceLog lp runSyscall :: History -> ThreadId -> History runSyscall hist tid = appendHistory hist $ HistoryRunSyscall tid
-- | Make Lamdu Style {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DisambiguateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-} module Lamdu.Style.Make ( make , mainLoopConfig ) where import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Data.Property (MkProperty) import qualified Data.Property as Property import GUI.Momentu.Animation (AnimId) import qualified GUI.Momentu.Direction as Dir import qualified GUI.Momentu.Element as Element import qualified GUI.Momentu.EventMap as E import GUI.Momentu.Font (Font) import qualified GUI.Momentu.Font as Font import qualified GUI.Momentu.Glue as Glue import qualified GUI.Momentu.I18N as MomentuTexts import qualified GUI.Momentu.Main.Animation as Anim import qualified GUI.Momentu.Main.Config as MainConfig import GUI.Momentu.ModKey (ModKey) import GUI.Momentu.Widget (Widget) import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widget as Widget import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.Cursor as Cursor import GUI.Momentu.Widgets.EventMapHelp (IsHelpShown(..)) import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.EventMapHelp as EventMapHelp import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.TextEdit as TextEdit import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.TextView as TextView import GUI.Momentu.Zoom (Zoom) import Lamdu.Config (Config) import qualified Lamdu.Config as Config import Lamdu.Config.Theme (Theme) import qualified Lamdu.Config.Theme as Theme import Lamdu.Config.Theme.Fonts (Fonts) import qualified Lamdu.Config.Theme.Fonts as Fonts import qualified Lamdu.Config.Theme.TextColors as TextColors import Lamdu.I18N.Language (Language) import Lamdu.Style (Style(..)) import Lamdu.Prelude helpStyle :: Font -> Theme.Help -> EventMapHelp.Style helpStyle font theme = EventMapHelp.Style { EventMapHelp._styleText = TextView.Style { TextView._styleColor = theme ^. Theme.helpTextColor , TextView._styleFont = font , TextView._styleUnderline = Nothing } , EventMapHelp._styleInputDocColor = theme ^. Theme.helpInputDocColor , EventMapHelp._styleBGColor = theme ^. Theme.helpBGColor , EventMapHelp._styleTint = theme ^. Theme.helpTint , EventMapHelp._styleSrcLocColor = theme ^. Theme.helpSrcLocColor } make :: Fonts Font -> Theme -> Style make fonts theme = Style { _base = textEdit TextColors.baseColor Fonts.base , _autoNameOrigin = textEdit TextColors.baseColor Fonts.autoName , _nameAtBinder = textEdit TextColors.baseColor Fonts.binders , _bytes = textEdit TextColors.literalColor Fonts.literalBytes , _text = textEdit TextColors.literalColor Fonts.literalText , _num = textEdit TextColors.literalColor Fonts.base } where textEdit color font = TextEdit.Style { TextEdit._sCursorColor = theme ^. Theme.textEditCursorColor , TextEdit._sCursorWidth = theme ^. Theme.textEditCursorWidth , TextEdit._sEmptyStringsColors = theme ^. Theme.textColors . TextColors.emptyEditColors , TextEdit._sTextViewStyle = TextView.Style { TextView._styleColor = theme ^. Theme.textColors . color , TextView._styleFont = fonts ^. font , TextView._styleUnderline = Nothing } } data HelpEnv = HelpEnv { _heConfig :: !EventMapHelp.Config , _heStyle :: !EventMapHelp.Style , _heAnimIdPrefix :: !AnimId , _heDirLayout :: !Dir.Layout , _heDirTexts :: !(Dir.Texts Text) , _heGlueTexts :: !(Glue.Texts Text) , _heCommonTexts :: !(MomentuTexts.Texts Text) , _heEventMapTexts :: !(E.Texts Text) } Lens.makeLenses ''HelpEnv instance Element.HasAnimIdPrefix HelpEnv where animIdPrefix = heAnimIdPrefix instance Has TextView.Style HelpEnv where has = heStyle . has instance Has Dir.Layout HelpEnv where has = heDirLayout instance Has (Dir.Texts Text) HelpEnv where has = heDirTexts instance Has (Glue.Texts Text) HelpEnv where has = heGlueTexts instance Has (E.Texts Text) HelpEnv where has = heEventMapTexts instance Has EventMapHelp.Config HelpEnv where has = heConfig instance Has EventMapHelp.Style HelpEnv where has = heStyle instance Has (MomentuTexts.Texts Text) HelpEnv where has = heCommonTexts addHelp :: Config ModKey -> Theme -> Language -> Font -> Widget.Size -> Widget f -> Widget f addHelp config theme language font size widget = widget & Widget.wState . Widget._StateFocused . Lens.mapped %~ (EventMapHelp.addHelpView size ?? env) where env = HelpEnv { _heConfig = EventMapHelp.Config { EventMapHelp._configOverlayDocKeys = config ^. Config.helpKeys } , _heAnimIdPrefix = ["help box"] , _heDirLayout = language ^. has , _heDirTexts = language ^. has , _heEventMapTexts = language ^. has , _heGlueTexts = language ^. has , _heStyle = helpStyle font (theme ^. , _heCommonTexts = language ^. has } mainLoopConfig :: MkProperty IO o EventMapHelp.IsHelpShown -> (Zoom -> IO (Fonts Font)) -> IO (Config ModKey, Theme, Language) -> MainConfig.Config mainLoopConfig helpProp getFonts getConfig = MainConfig.Config { _cAnim = getConfig <&> (^. _2) <&> \theme -> Anim.Config { _acTimePeriod = theme ^. Theme.animationTimePeriodSec & realToFrac , _acRemainingRatioInPeriod = theme ^. Theme.animationRemainInPeriod , _acSpiral = Anim.SpiralAnimConf 0 0 } , _cCursor = \zoom -> (,) <$> getFonts zoom <*> (getConfig <&> (^. _2)) <&> \(fonts, theme) -> Cursor.Config { cursorColor = theme ^. Theme.cursorColor , Cursor.decay = Just Cursor.Decay { Cursor.heightUnit = fonts ^. Fonts.base & Font.height , Cursor.heightExponent = theme ^. Theme.cursorDecayExponent } } , _cZoom = getConfig <&> (^. _1 . Config.zoom) , _cPostProcess = \zoom size widget -> Property.getP helpProp >>= \case HelpNotShown -> pure widget HelpShown -> do helpFont <- getFonts zoom <&> (^. (config, theme, language) <- getConfig addHelp config theme language helpFont size widget & pure , _cInvalidCursorOverlayColor = getConfig <&> (^. _2) <&> \theme -> theme ^. Theme.invalidCursorOverlayColor }
module Wordy2 where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec -- In reality you'd use an Either here so you could cpature the error answer :: String -> Maybe Integer answer eq = case parse parseLine "FAIL" eq of Right a -> Just a Left e -> Nothing -- error (show e) -- Take a line of input, and parse into a what is token, at least 1 number and 0 or more -- operation/number pairs to perform. Then perform the ops and return the result. -- the important trick is that we simply compose any operations together, along with -- the id for the first number parseLine :: Parser Integer parseLine = do spaces _ <- pWhatIs n0 <- pNum opNs <- many pOpN return $ compose opNs n0 where compose = foldr (flip (.)) id -- An operation followed by a number (an expression may have 0 or more occurences) -- returns a function for the represented operation which can be composed in parseLine pOpN :: Parser (Integer -> Integer) pOpN = do spaces op <- try (string "multiplied by") <|> try (string "times") <|> try (string "divided by") <|> try (string "plus") <|> string "minus" spaces n <- pNum case op of "multiplied by" -> return (*n) "times" -> return (*n) "divided by" -> return (`div`n) "plus" -> return (+n) "minus" -> return (\x -> x-n) -- Just a number -- there should always be at least 1 number pNum :: Parser Integer pNum = do sign <- option ' ' (char '-') n <- many1 digit return (read $ sign : n) -- The string "What is" or "what is" if you don't capitalize. pWhatIs :: Parser () pWhatIs = do try (string "What is") <|> string "what is" spaces return ()
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Hie.Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax -- Copyright : (c) Niklas Broberg 2004-2009, -- (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2000 -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.txt) -- -- Maintainer : Niklas Broberg, [email protected] -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable -- -- A suite of datatypes describing the abstract syntax of Haskell 98 -- <> plus registered extensions, including: -- -- * multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies (MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies) -- -- * parameters of type class assertions are unrestricted (FlexibleContexts) -- -- * 'forall' types as universal and existential quantification (RankNTypes, ExistentialQuantification, etc) -- -- * pattern guards (PatternGuards) -- -- * implicit parameters (ImplicitParameters) -- -- * generalised algebraic data types (GADTs) -- -- * template haskell (TemplateHaskell) -- -- * empty data type declarations (EmptyDataDecls) -- -- * unboxed tuples (UnboxedTuples) -- -- * regular patterns (RegularPatterns) -- -- * HSP-style XML expressions and patterns (XmlSyntax) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Hie.Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax ( -- * Modules Module(..), WarningText(..), ExportSpec(..), ImportDecl(..), ImportSpec(..), Assoc(..), -- * Declarations Decl(..), Binds(..), IPBind(..), -- ** Type classes and instances ClassDecl(..), InstDecl(..), Deriving, -- ** Data type declarations DataOrNew(..), ConDecl(..), QualConDecl(..), GadtDecl(..), BangType(..), -- ** Function bindings Match(..), Rhs(..), GuardedRhs(..), -- * Class Assertions and Contexts Context, FunDep(..), Asst(..), -- * Types Type(..), Boxed(..), Kind(..), TyVarBind(..), -- * Expressions Exp(..), Stmt(..), QualStmt(..), FieldUpdate(..), Alt(..), GuardedAlts(..), GuardedAlt(..), XAttr(..), -- * Patterns Pat(..), PatField(..), PXAttr(..), RPat(..), RPatOp(..), -- * Literals Literal(..), -- * Variables, Constructors and Operators ModuleName(..), QName(..), Name(..), QOp(..), Op(..), SpecialCon(..), CName(..), IPName(..), XName(..), -- * Template Haskell Bracket(..), Splice(..), -- * FFI Safety(..), CallConv(..), -- * Pragmas ModulePragma(..), Tool(..), Rule(..), RuleVar(..), Activation(..), Annotation(..), -- * Builtin names -- ** Modules prelude_mod, main_mod, -- ** Main function of a program main_name, -- ** Constructors unit_con_name, tuple_con_name, list_cons_name, unboxed_singleton_con_name, unit_con, tuple_con, unboxed_singleton_con, -- ** Special identifiers as_name, qualified_name, hiding_name, minus_name, bang_name, dot_name, star_name, export_name, safe_name, unsafe_name, threadsafe_name, stdcall_name, ccall_name, -- ** Type constructors unit_tycon_name, fun_tycon_name, list_tycon_name, tuple_tycon_name, unboxed_singleton_tycon_name, unit_tycon, fun_tycon, list_tycon, tuple_tycon, unboxed_singleton_tycon, -- * Source coordinates SrcLoc(..), ) where #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ #ifdef BASE4 import Data.Data #else import Data.Generics (Data(..),Typeable(..)) #endif #endif import Hie.Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc (SrcLoc(..)) import Hie.Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Syntax (Boxed(..), Tool(..)) -- | The name of a Haskell module. newtype ModuleName = ModuleName String #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Constructors with special syntax. -- These names are never qualified, and always refer to builtin type or -- data constructors. data SpecialCon = UnitCon -- ^ unit type and data constructor @()@ | ListCon -- ^ list type constructor @[]@ | FunCon -- ^ function type constructor @->@ | TupleCon Boxed Int -- ^ /n/-ary tuple type and data -- constructors @(,)@ etc, possibly boxed @(\#,\#)@ | Cons -- ^ list data constructor @(:)@ | UnboxedSingleCon -- ^ unboxed singleton tuple constructor @(\# \#)@ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | This type is used to represent qualified variables, and also -- qualified constructors. data QName = Qual ModuleName Name -- ^ name qualified with a module name | UnQual Name -- ^ unqualified local name | Special SpecialCon -- ^ built-in constructor with special syntax #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | This type is used to represent variables, and also constructors. data Name = Ident String -- ^ /varid/ or /conid/. | Symbol String -- ^ /varsym/ or /consym/ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An implicit parameter name. data IPName = IPDup String -- ^ ?/ident/, non-linear implicit parameter | IPLin String -- ^ %/ident/, linear implicit parameter #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Possibly qualified infix operators (/qop/), appearing in expressions. data QOp = QVarOp QName -- ^ variable operator (/qvarop/) | QConOp QName -- ^ constructor operator (/qconop/) #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Operators appearing in @infix@ declarations are never qualified. data Op = VarOp Name -- ^ variable operator (/varop/) | ConOp Name -- ^ constructor operator (/conop/) #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A name (/cname/) of a component of a class or data type in an @import@ -- or export specification. data CName = VarName Name -- ^ name of a method or field | ConName Name -- ^ name of a data constructor #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A complete Haskell source module. data Module = Module SrcLoc ModuleName [ModulePragma] (Maybe WarningText) (Maybe [ExportSpec]) [ImportDecl] [Decl] #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An item in a module's export specification. data ExportSpec = EVar QName -- ^ variable | EAbs QName -- ^ @T@: -- a class or datatype exported abstractly, -- or a type synonym. | EThingAll QName -- ^ @T(..)@: -- a class exported with all of its methods, or -- a datatype exported with all of its constructors. | EThingWith QName [CName] -- ^ @T(C_1,...,C_n)@: -- a class exported with some of its methods, or -- a datatype exported with some of its constructors. | EModuleContents ModuleName -- ^ @module M@: -- re-export a module. #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An import declaration. data ImportDecl = ImportDecl { importLoc :: SrcLoc -- ^ position of the @import@ keyword. , importModule :: ModuleName -- ^ name of the module imported. , importQualified :: Bool -- ^ imported @qualified@? , importSrc :: Bool -- ^ imported with @{-\# SOURCE \#-}@? , importPkg :: Maybe String -- ^ imported with explicit package name , importAs :: Maybe ModuleName -- ^ optional alias name in an @as@ clause. , importSpecs :: Maybe (Bool,[ImportSpec]) -- ^ optional list of import specifications. -- The 'Bool' is 'True' if the names are excluded -- by @hiding@. } #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An import specification, representing a single explicit item imported -- (or hidden) from a module. data ImportSpec = IVar Name -- ^ variable | IAbs Name -- ^ @T@: -- the name of a class, datatype or type synonym. | IThingAll Name -- ^ @T(..)@: -- a class imported with all of its methods, or -- a datatype imported with all of its constructors. | IThingWith Name [CName] -- ^ @T(C_1,...,C_n)@: -- a class imported with some of its methods, or -- a datatype imported with some of its constructors. #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Associativity of an operator. data Assoc = AssocNone -- ^ non-associative operator (declared with @infix@) | AssocLeft -- ^ left-associative operator (declared with @infixl@). | AssocRight -- ^ right-associative operator (declared with @infixr@) #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A single derived instance, which may have arguments since it may be a MPTC. type Deriving = (QName, [Type]) -- | A top-level declaration. data Decl = TypeDecl SrcLoc Name [TyVarBind] Type -- ^ A type declaration | TypeFamDecl SrcLoc Name [TyVarBind] (Maybe Kind) -- ^ A type family declaration | DataDecl SrcLoc DataOrNew Context Name [TyVarBind] [QualConDecl] [Deriving] -- ^ A data OR newtype declaration | GDataDecl SrcLoc DataOrNew Context Name [TyVarBind] (Maybe Kind) [GadtDecl] [Deriving] -- ^ A data OR newtype declaration, GADT style | DataFamDecl SrcLoc {-data-} Context Name [TyVarBind] (Maybe Kind) -- ^ A data family declaration | TypeInsDecl SrcLoc Type Type -- ^ A type family instance declaration | DataInsDecl SrcLoc DataOrNew Type [QualConDecl] [Deriving] -- ^ A data family instance declaration | GDataInsDecl SrcLoc DataOrNew Type (Maybe Kind) [GadtDecl] [Deriving] -- ^ A data family instance declaration, GADT style | ClassDecl SrcLoc Context Name [TyVarBind] [FunDep] [ClassDecl] -- ^ A declaration of a type class | InstDecl SrcLoc Context QName [Type] [InstDecl] -- ^ An declaration of a type class instance | DerivDecl SrcLoc Context QName [Type] -- ^ A standalone deriving declaration | InfixDecl SrcLoc Assoc Int [Op] -- ^ A declaration of operator fixity | DefaultDecl SrcLoc [Type] -- ^ A declaration of default types | SpliceDecl SrcLoc Exp -- ^ A Template Haskell splicing declaration | TypeSig SrcLoc [Name] Type -- ^ A type signature declaration | FunBind [Match] -- ^ A set of function binding clauses | PatBind SrcLoc Pat (Maybe Type) Rhs {-where-} Binds -- ^ A pattern binding | ForImp SrcLoc CallConv Safety String Name Type -- ^ A foreign import declaration | ForExp SrcLoc CallConv String Name Type -- ^ A foreign export declaration | RulePragmaDecl SrcLoc [Rule] -- ^ A RULES pragma | DeprPragmaDecl SrcLoc [([Name], String)] -- ^ A DEPRECATED pragma | WarnPragmaDecl SrcLoc [([Name], String)] -- ^ A WARNING pragma | InlineSig SrcLoc Bool Activation QName -- ^ An INLINE pragma | InlineConlikeSig SrcLoc Activation QName -- ^ An INLINE CONLIKE pragma | SpecSig SrcLoc QName [Type] -- ^ A SPECIALISE pragma | SpecInlineSig SrcLoc Bool Activation QName [Type] -- ^ A SPECIALISE INLINE pragma | InstSig SrcLoc Context QName [Type] -- ^ A SPECIALISE instance pragma | AnnPragma SrcLoc Annotation -- ^ An ANN pragma #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An annotation through an ANN pragma. data Annotation = Ann Name Exp -- ^ An annotation for a declared name. | TypeAnn Name Exp -- ^ An annotation for a declared type. | ModuleAnn Exp -- ^ An annotation for the defining module. #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A flag stating whether a declaration is a data or newtype declaration. data DataOrNew = DataType | NewType #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A binding group inside a @let@ or @where@ clause. data Binds = BDecls [Decl] -- ^ An ordinary binding group | IPBinds [IPBind] -- ^ A binding group for implicit parameters #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A binding of an implicit parameter. data IPBind = IPBind SrcLoc IPName Exp #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Clauses of a function binding. data Match = Match SrcLoc Name [Pat] (Maybe Type) Rhs {-where-} Binds #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A single constructor declaration within a data type declaration, -- which may have an existential quantification binding. data QualConDecl = QualConDecl SrcLoc {-forall-} [TyVarBind] {- . -} Context {- => -} ConDecl #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Declaration of an ordinary data constructor. data ConDecl = ConDecl Name [BangType] -- ^ ordinary data constructor | InfixConDecl BangType Name BangType -- ^ infix data constructor | RecDecl Name [([Name],BangType)] -- ^ record constructor #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A single constructor declaration in a GADT data type declaration. data GadtDecl = GadtDecl SrcLoc Name Type #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Declarations inside a class declaration. data ClassDecl = ClsDecl Decl -- ^ ordinary declaration | ClsDataFam SrcLoc Context Name [TyVarBind] (Maybe Kind) -- ^ declaration of an associated data type | ClsTyFam SrcLoc Name [TyVarBind] (Maybe Kind) -- ^ declaration of an associated type synonym | ClsTyDef SrcLoc Type Type -- ^ default choice for an associated type synonym #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Declarations inside an instance declaration. data InstDecl = InsDecl Decl -- ^ ordinary declaration | InsType SrcLoc Type Type -- ^ an associated type definition | InsData SrcLoc DataOrNew Type [QualConDecl] [Deriving] -- ^ an associated data type implementation | InsGData SrcLoc DataOrNew Type (Maybe Kind) [GadtDecl] [Deriving] -- ^ an associated data type implemented using GADT style #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | The type of a constructor argument or field, optionally including -- a strictness annotation. data BangType = BangedTy Type -- ^ strict component, marked with \"@!@\" | UnBangedTy Type -- ^ non-strict component | UnpackedTy Type -- ^ unboxed component, marked with an UNPACK pragma #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | The right hand side of a function or pattern binding. data Rhs = UnGuardedRhs Exp -- ^ unguarded right hand side (/exp/) | GuardedRhss [GuardedRhs] -- ^ guarded right hand side (/gdrhs/) #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A guarded right hand side @|@ /stmts/ @=@ /exp/. -- The guard is a series of statements when using pattern guards, -- otherwise it will be a single qualifier expression. data GuardedRhs = GuardedRhs SrcLoc [Stmt] Exp #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A type qualified with a context. -- An unqualified type has an empty context. data Type = TyForall (Maybe [TyVarBind]) Context Type -- ^ qualified type | TyFun Type Type -- ^ function type | TyTuple Boxed [Type] -- ^ tuple type, possibly boxed | TyList Type -- ^ list syntax, e.g. [a], as opposed to [] a | TyApp Type Type -- ^ application of a type constructor | TyVar Name -- ^ type variable | TyCon QName -- ^ named type or type constructor | TyParen Type -- ^ type surrounded by parentheses | TyInfix Type QName Type -- ^ infix type constructor | TyKind Type Kind -- ^ type with explicit kind signature -- CHRIS | TySplice Splice #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A type variable declaration, optionally with an explicit kind annotation. data TyVarBind = KindedVar Name Kind -- ^ variable binding with kind annotation | UnkindedVar Name -- ^ ordinary variable binding #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An explicit kind annotation. data Kind = KindStar -- ^ @*@, the kind of types | KindBang -- ^ @!@, the kind of unboxed types | KindFn Kind Kind -- ^ @->@, the kind of a type constructor | KindParen Kind -- ^ a kind surrounded by parentheses | KindVar Name -- ^ a kind variable (as of yet unsupported by compilers) #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A functional dependency, given on the form -- l1 l2 ... ln -> r2 r3 .. rn data FunDep = FunDep [Name] [Name] #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A context is a set of assertions type Context = [Asst] -- | Class assertions. -- In Haskell 98, the argument would be a /tyvar/, but this definition -- allows multiple parameters, and allows them to be /type/s. -- Also extended with support for implicit parameters and equality constraints. data Asst = ClassA QName [Type] -- ^ ordinary class assertion | InfixA Type QName Type -- ^ class assertion where the class name is given infix | IParam IPName Type -- ^ implicit parameter assertion | EqualP Type Type -- ^ type equality constraint #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | /literal/ -- Values of this type hold the abstract value of the literal, not the -- precise string representation used. For example, @10@, @0o12@ and @0xa@ -- have the same representation. data Literal = Char Char -- ^ character literal | String String -- ^ string literal | Int Integer -- ^ integer literal | Frac Rational -- ^ floating point literal | PrimInt Integer -- ^ unboxed integer literal | PrimWord Integer -- ^ unboxed word literal | PrimFloat Rational -- ^ unboxed float literal | PrimDouble Rational -- ^ unboxed double literal | PrimChar Char -- ^ unboxed character literal | PrimString String -- ^ unboxed string literal #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Haskell expressions. data Exp = Var QName -- ^ variable | IPVar IPName -- ^ implicit parameter variable | Con QName -- ^ data constructor | Lit Literal -- ^ literal constant | InfixApp Exp QOp Exp -- ^ infix application | App Exp Exp -- ^ ordinary application | NegApp Exp -- ^ negation expression @-/exp/@ (unary minus) | Lambda SrcLoc [Pat] Exp -- ^ lambda expression | Let Binds Exp -- ^ local declarations with @let@ ... @in@ ... | If Exp Exp Exp -- ^ @if@ /exp/ @then@ /exp/ @else@ /exp/ | Case Exp [Alt] -- ^ @case@ /exp/ @of@ /alts/ | Do [Stmt] -- ^ @do@-expression: -- the last statement in the list -- should be an expression. | MDo [Stmt] -- ^ @mdo@-expression | Tuple Boxed [Exp] -- ^ tuple expression | TupleSection Boxed [Maybe Exp] -- ^ tuple section expression, e.g. @(,,3)@ | List [Exp] -- ^ list expression | Paren Exp -- ^ parenthesised expression | LeftSection Exp QOp -- ^ left section @(@/exp/ /qop/@)@ | RightSection QOp Exp -- ^ right section @(@/qop/ /exp/@)@ | RecConstr QName [FieldUpdate] -- ^ record construction expression | RecUpdate Exp [FieldUpdate] -- ^ record update expression | EnumFrom Exp -- ^ unbounded arithmetic sequence, -- incrementing by 1: @[from ..]@ | EnumFromTo Exp Exp -- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence, -- incrementing by 1 @[from .. to]@ | EnumFromThen Exp Exp -- ^ unbounded arithmetic sequence, -- with first two elements given @[from, then ..]@ | EnumFromThenTo Exp Exp Exp -- ^ bounded arithmetic sequence, -- with first two elements given @[from, then .. to]@ | ListComp Exp [QualStmt] -- ^ ordinary list comprehension | ParComp Exp [[QualStmt]] -- ^ parallel list comprehension | ExpTypeSig SrcLoc Exp Type -- ^ expression with explicit type signature | VarQuote QName -- ^ @'x@ for template haskell reifying of expressions | TypQuote QName -- ^ @''T@ for template haskell reifying of types | BracketExp Bracket -- ^ template haskell bracket expression | SpliceExp Splice -- ^ template haskell splice expression | QuasiQuote String String -- ^ quasi-quotaion: @[$/name/| /string/ |]@ -- Hsx | XTag SrcLoc XName [XAttr] (Maybe Exp) [Exp] -- ^ xml element, with attributes and children | XETag SrcLoc XName [XAttr] (Maybe Exp) -- ^ empty xml element, with attributes | XPcdata String -- ^ PCDATA child element | XExpTag Exp -- ^ escaped haskell expression inside xml | XChildTag SrcLoc [Exp] -- ^ children of an xml element -- Pragmas | CorePragma String Exp -- ^ CORE pragma | SCCPragma String Exp -- ^ SCC pragma | GenPragma String (Int, Int) (Int, Int) Exp -- ^ GENERATED pragma -- Arrows | Proc SrcLoc Pat Exp -- ^ arrows proc: @proc@ /pat/ @->@ /exp/ | LeftArrApp Exp Exp -- ^ arrow application (from left): /exp/ @-<@ /exp/ | RightArrApp Exp Exp -- ^ arrow application (from right): /exp/ @>-@ /exp/ | LeftArrHighApp Exp Exp -- ^ higher-order arrow application (from left): /exp/ @-<<@ /exp/ | RightArrHighApp Exp Exp -- ^ higher-order arrow application (from right): /exp/ @>>-@ /exp/ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | The name of an xml element or attribute, -- possibly qualified with a namespace. data XName = XName String -- <name ... | XDomName String String -- <dom:name ... #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An xml attribute, which is a name-expression pair. data XAttr = XAttr XName Exp #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A template haskell bracket expression. data Bracket = ExpBracket Exp -- ^ expression bracket: @[| ... |]@ | PatBracket Pat -- ^ pattern bracket: @[p| ... |]@ | TypeBracket Type -- ^ type bracket: @[t| ... |]@ | DeclBracket [Decl] -- ^ declaration bracket: @[d| ... |]@ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A template haskell splice expression data Splice = IdSplice String -- ^ variable splice: @$var@ | ParenSplice Exp -- ^ parenthesised expression splice: @$(/exp/)@ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | The safety of a foreign function call. data Safety = PlayRisky -- ^ unsafe | PlaySafe Bool -- ^ safe ('False') or threadsafe ('True') #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | The calling convention of a foreign function call. data CallConv = StdCall | CCall #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A top level options pragma, preceding the module header. data ModulePragma = LanguagePragma SrcLoc [Name] -- ^ LANGUAGE pragma | OptionsPragma SrcLoc (Maybe Tool) String -- ^ OPTIONS pragma, possibly qualified with a tool, e.g. OPTIONS_GHC | AnnModulePragma SrcLoc Annotation -- ^ ANN pragma with module scope #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Activation clause of a RULES pragma. data Activation = AlwaysActive | ActiveFrom Int | ActiveUntil Int #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | The body of a RULES pragma. data Rule = Rule String Activation (Maybe [RuleVar]) Exp Exp #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Variables used in a RULES pragma, optionally annotated with types data RuleVar = RuleVar Name | TypedRuleVar Name Type #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | Warning text to optionally use in the module header of e.g. -- a deprecated module. data WarningText = DeprText String | WarnText String #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A pattern, to be matched against a value. data Pat = PVar Name -- ^ variable | PLit Literal -- ^ literal constant | PNeg Pat -- ^ negated pattern | PNPlusK Name Integer -- ^ n+k pattern | PInfixApp Pat QName Pat -- ^ pattern with an infix data constructor | PApp QName [Pat] -- ^ data constructor and argument patterns | PTuple Boxed [Pat] -- ^ tuple pattern | PList [Pat] -- ^ list pattern | PParen Pat -- ^ parenthesized pattern | PRec QName [PatField] -- ^ labelled pattern, record style | PAsPat Name Pat -- ^ @\@@-pattern | PWildCard -- ^ wildcard pattern: @_@ | PIrrPat Pat -- ^ irrefutable pattern: @~/pat/@ | PatTypeSig SrcLoc Pat Type -- ^ pattern with type signature | PViewPat Exp Pat -- ^ view patterns of the form @(/exp/ -> /pat/)@ | PRPat [RPat] -- ^ regular list pattern | PXTag SrcLoc XName [PXAttr] (Maybe Pat) [Pat] -- ^ XML element pattern | PXETag SrcLoc XName [PXAttr] (Maybe Pat) -- ^ XML singleton element pattern | PXPcdata String -- ^ XML PCDATA pattern | PXPatTag Pat -- ^ XML embedded pattern | PXRPats [RPat] -- ^ XML regular list pattern | PExplTypeArg QName Type -- ^ Explicit generics style type argument e.g. @f {| Int |} x = ...@ | PQuasiQuote String String -- ^ quasi quote patter: @[$/name/| /string/ |]@ | PBangPat Pat -- ^ strict (bang) pattern: @f !x = ...@ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An XML attribute in a pattern. data PXAttr = PXAttr XName Pat #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A regular pattern operator. data RPatOp = RPStar -- ^ @*@ = 0 or more | RPStarG -- ^ @*!@ = 0 or more, greedy | RPPlus -- ^ @+@ = 1 or more | RPPlusG -- ^ @+!@ = 1 or more, greedy | RPOpt -- ^ @?@ = 0 or 1 | RPOptG -- ^ @?!@ = 0 or 1, greedy #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An entity in a regular pattern. data RPat = RPOp RPat RPatOp -- ^ operator pattern, e.g. pat* | RPEither RPat RPat -- ^ choice pattern, e.g. (1 | 2) | RPSeq [RPat] -- ^ sequence pattern, e.g. (| 1, 2, 3 |) | RPGuard Pat [Stmt] -- ^ guarded pattern, e.g. (| p | p < 3 |) | RPCAs Name RPat -- ^ non-linear variable binding, e.g. (foo\@:(1 | 2))* | RPAs Name RPat -- ^ linear variable binding, e.g. foo\@(1 | 2) | RPParen RPat -- ^ parenthesised pattern, e.g. (2*) | RPPat Pat -- ^ an ordinary pattern #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An /fpat/ in a labeled record pattern. data PatField = PFieldPat QName Pat -- ^ ordinary label-pattern pair | PFieldPun Name -- ^ record field pun | PFieldWildcard -- ^ record field wildcard #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A statement, representing both a /stmt/ in a @do@-expression, -- an ordinary /qual/ in a list comprehension, as well as a /stmt/ -- in a pattern guard. data Stmt = Generator SrcLoc Pat Exp -- ^ a generator: /pat/ @<-@ /exp/ | Qualifier Exp -- ^ an /exp/ by itself: in a @do@-expression, -- an action whose result is discarded; -- in a list comprehension and pattern guard, -- a guard expression | LetStmt Binds -- ^ local bindings | RecStmt [Stmt] -- ^ a recursive binding group for arrows #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A general /transqual/ in a list comprehension, -- which could potentially be a transform of the kind -- enabled by TransformListComp. data QualStmt = QualStmt Stmt -- ^ an ordinary statement | ThenTrans Exp -- ^ @then@ /exp/ | ThenBy Exp Exp -- ^ @then@ /exp/ @by@ /exp/ | GroupBy Exp -- ^ @then@ @group@ @by@ /exp/ | GroupUsing Exp -- ^ @then@ @group@ @using@ /exp/ | GroupByUsing Exp Exp -- ^ @then@ @group@ @by@ /exp/ @using@ /exp/ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An /fbind/ in a labeled construction or update expression. data FieldUpdate = FieldUpdate QName Exp -- ^ ordinary label-expresion pair | FieldPun Name -- ^ record field pun | FieldWildcard -- ^ record field wildcard #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | An /alt/ alternative in a @case@ expression. data Alt = Alt SrcLoc Pat GuardedAlts Binds #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | The right-hand sides of a @case@ alternative, -- which may be a single right-hand side or a -- set of guarded ones. data GuardedAlts = UnGuardedAlt Exp -- ^ @->@ /exp/ | GuardedAlts [GuardedAlt] -- ^ /gdpat/ #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif -- | A guarded case alternative @|@ /stmts/ @->@ /exp/. data GuardedAlt = GuardedAlt SrcLoc [Stmt] Exp #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data) #else deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Builtin names. prelude_mod, main_mod :: ModuleName prelude_mod = ModuleName "Prelude" main_mod = ModuleName "Main" main_name :: Name main_name = Ident "main" unit_con_name :: QName unit_con_name = Special UnitCon tuple_con_name :: Boxed -> Int -> QName tuple_con_name b i = Special (TupleCon b (i+1)) list_cons_name :: QName list_cons_name = Special Cons unboxed_singleton_con_name :: QName unboxed_singleton_con_name = Special UnboxedSingleCon unit_con :: Exp unit_con = Con unit_con_name tuple_con :: Boxed -> Int -> Exp tuple_con b i = Con (tuple_con_name b i) unboxed_singleton_con :: Exp unboxed_singleton_con = Con (unboxed_singleton_con_name) as_name, qualified_name, hiding_name, minus_name, bang_name, dot_name, star_name :: Name as_name = Ident "as" qualified_name = Ident "qualified" hiding_name = Ident "hiding" minus_name = Symbol "-" bang_name = Symbol "!" dot_name = Symbol "." star_name = Symbol "*" export_name, safe_name, unsafe_name, threadsafe_name, stdcall_name, ccall_name :: Name export_name = Ident "export" safe_name = Ident "safe" unsafe_name = Ident "unsafe" threadsafe_name = Ident "threadsafe" stdcall_name = Ident "stdcall" ccall_name = Ident "ccall" unit_tycon_name, fun_tycon_name, list_tycon_name, unboxed_singleton_tycon_name :: QName unit_tycon_name = unit_con_name fun_tycon_name = Special FunCon list_tycon_name = Special ListCon unboxed_singleton_tycon_name = Special UnboxedSingleCon tuple_tycon_name :: Boxed -> Int -> QName tuple_tycon_name b i = tuple_con_name b i unit_tycon, fun_tycon, list_tycon, unboxed_singleton_tycon :: Type unit_tycon = TyCon unit_tycon_name fun_tycon = TyCon fun_tycon_name list_tycon = TyCon list_tycon_name unboxed_singleton_tycon = TyCon unboxed_singleton_tycon_name tuple_tycon :: Boxed -> Int -> Type tuple_tycon b i = TyCon (tuple_tycon_name b i)
{-| Module : Photostrip Description : Photostrip Module Copyright : (c) Chris Tetreault, 2014 License : GPL-3 Stability : experimental The Photostrip module exposes functions relating to transforming images into a photostrip. When the camera module begins capturing images, these images will be passed to the photostrip module. At this point, it is the photostrip module's responsability To transform these images into one single photostrip image. This file represents the functions that must be implemented in order to provide a complete implementation. -} module DMP.Photobooth.Module.Photostrip where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import DMP.Photobooth.Module.Types import DMP.Photobooth.Monads {-| Transform a list of multiple foreground images into a completed photostrip. All images are loaded into binary blobs -} process :: [BS.ByteString] -> ModuleT s BS.ByteString process = undefined {-| Initializes the module with its configuration. Returns a Result object that will contain the module's initial state If the implementation needs to perform some imperative-style "initialization", it should be done here. The return value of this function will be stored by the core and used for this module's functions. -} init :: ModuleT s () init = undefined {-| Finalizes the module. If this module has any sort of resources that need cleaning up, it should be done here. -} finalize :: ModuleT s () finalize = undefined {-| Request the default configuration of this module. -} defaultConfig :: Persistable defaultConfig = undefined {-| The initial state of the printer module -} initialState :: Maybe s initialState = undefined
{---------------------------------------------------------------------} {- Copyright 2015 Nathan Bloomfield -} {- -} {- This file is part of Feivel. -} {- -} {- Feivel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -} {- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, -} {- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -} {- -} {- Feivel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -} {- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -} {- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -} {- GNU General Public License for more details. -} {- -} {- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -} {- along with Feivel. If not, see <>. -} {---------------------------------------------------------------------} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Feivel.Eval.Util ( module Feivel.Eval.EvalM, module Feivel.Eval.Eval, module Carl, module Feivel.Grammar, module Feivel.Error, module Feivel.Store, pInteger, pRat, -- Utilities eKey, eIfThenElse, eAtIdx, eMacro, evalWith, -- Constants suchThat, hasSameTypeAs, zeroZZ, zeroQQ, zeroBB, zeroMod ) where import Feivel.Eval.EvalM import Feivel.Eval.Eval import Feivel.Store import Feivel.Error import Feivel.Grammar import Carl import Feivel.Parse (pInteger, pRat) {--------------} {- :Utilities -} {--------------} -- eval with a specified store evalWith :: (Eval t) => t -> Store Expr -> EvalM t evalWith t st = do old <- getState putState st u <- eval t putState old return u eKey :: (Eval a, Get a) => Key -> Locus -> EvalM a eKey key loc = lookupKey loc key >>= getVal >>= eval eIfThenElse :: (ToExpr a, Get a, Eval a, Eval b, ToExpr b, HasLocus a, HasLocus b) => b -> a -> a -> EvalM a eIfThenElse b t f = do test <- eval b >>= getVal true <- eval t >>= getVal false <- eval f >>= getVal if test then (eval true) else (eval false) eAtIdx :: (ToExpr a, ToExpr b, ToExpr c, Get (Matrix d), Eval a, Eval b, Eval c, HasLocus a, HasLocus b, HasLocus c) => c -> a -> b -> Locus -> EvalM d eAtIdx m h k loc = do i <- eval h >>= getVal j <- eval k >>= getVal p <- eval m >>= getVal tryEvalM loc $ mEntryOf (i,j) p eMacro :: (Get b, Eval b, Eval Expr) => [(Type, Key, Expr)] -> Expr -> Locus -> EvalM b eMacro vals mac loc = do old <- getState ctx <- tryEvalM loc $ toStateT vals (defaultVals, e) <- evalWith mac (mergeStores [ctx, old]) >>= getVal :: EvalM (Store Expr, Expr) let newSt = mergeStores [ctx, defaultVals, old] evalWith e newSt >>= getVal >>= (`evalWith` newSt) {--------------} {- :Constants -} {--------------} hasSameTypeAs :: a -> a -> () hasSameTypeAs _ _ = () suchThat :: (Monad m) => a -> m a suchThat = return zeroZZ :: Integer zeroZZ = 0 zeroQQ :: Rat zeroQQ = 0 :/: 1 zeroBB :: Bool zeroBB = False zeroMod :: Integer -> ZZModulo zeroMod n = 0 `zzmod` n
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.MapsEngine.Rasters.Get -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Return metadata for a single raster. -- -- /See:/ < Google Maps Engine API Reference> for @mapsengine.rasters.get@. module Network.Google.Resource.MapsEngine.Rasters.Get ( -- * REST Resource RastersGetResource -- * Creating a Request , rastersGet , RastersGet -- * Request Lenses , rgId ) where import Network.Google.MapsEngine.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @mapsengine.rasters.get@ method which the -- 'RastersGet' request conforms to. type RastersGetResource = "mapsengine" :> "v1" :> "rasters" :> Capture "id" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] Raster -- | Return metadata for a single raster. -- -- /See:/ 'rastersGet' smart constructor. newtype RastersGet = RastersGet' { _rgId :: Text } deriving (Eq,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'RastersGet' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rgId' rastersGet :: Text -- ^ 'rgId' -> RastersGet rastersGet pRgId_ = RastersGet' { _rgId = pRgId_ } -- | The ID of the raster. rgId :: Lens' RastersGet Text rgId = lens _rgId (\ s a -> s{_rgId = a}) instance GoogleRequest RastersGet where type Rs RastersGet = Raster type Scopes RastersGet = '["", ""] requestClient RastersGet'{..} = go _rgId (Just AltJSON) mapsEngineService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy RastersGetResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- Module : Gen.Types.Pager -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla xtPublic License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Gen.Types.Pager where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Gen.Types.Id import Gen.Types.Notation data Token a = Token { _tokenInput :: Notation a , _tokenOutput :: Notation a } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable) makeLenses ''Token instance FromJSON (Token Id) where parseJSON = withObject "token" $ \o -> Token <$> o .: "input_token" <*> o .: "output_token" data Pager a = Next (NonEmpty (Notation a)) (Token a) | Many (Notation a) (NonEmpty (Token a)) deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable) instance FromJSON (Pager Id) where parseJSON = withObject "pager" $ \o -> more o <|> next o where next o = Next <$> oneOrMany o "result_key" <*> parseJSON (Object o) more o = do inp <- oneOrMany o "input_token" out <- oneOrMany o "output_token" unless (NE.length inp == NE.length out) $ fail "input_token and output_token contain differing number of keys." Many <$> o .: "more_results" <*> pure (NE.zipWith Token inp out) oneOrMany o k = o .: k <|> ((:|[]) <$> o .: k)
{- Модуль, отвечающий за работу с тематическими тегами и с именами авторов статей. Все права принадлежат русскоязычному сообществу Haskell-разработчиков, 2015 г. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Tags ( buildPostsTags, buildPostsAuthors, createPageWithAllTags, createPageWithAllAuthors, convertTagsToLinks, convertAuthorsToLinks ) where import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import Network.HTTP (urlEncode) import Context (postContext) import Misc (TagsReader, TagsAndAuthors, getNameOfAuthor) import Control.Monad.Reader import Hakyll -- Функция извлекает из всех статей значения поля tags и собирает их в кучу. -- Функция urlEncode необходима для корректного формирования неанглийских меток. buildPostsTags :: MonadMetadata m => m Tags buildPostsTags = buildTags "posts/*" $ fromCapture "tags/*.html" . urlEncode -- Функция извлекает из всех статей значения поля author и собирает их в кучу. -- Функция urlEncode необходима для корректного формирования неанглийских имён авторов. buildPostsAuthors :: MonadMetadata m => m Tags buildPostsAuthors = buildTagsWith getNameOfAuthor "posts/*" $ fromCapture "authors/*.html" . urlEncode -- Вспомогательная функция, формирующая страницу с облаком определённых тегов. createPageWithTagsCloud :: Tags -> Identifier -> Double -> Double -> String -> String -> Identifier -> Rules () createPageWithTagsCloud specificTags pageWithSpecificTags smallestFontSizeInPercent biggestFontSizeInPercent pageTitle cloudName specificTemplate = create [pageWithSpecificTags] $ do route idRoute compile $ do let renderedCloud = \_ -> renderTagCloud smallestFontSizeInPercent biggestFontSizeInPercent specificTags tagsContext = mconcat [ constField "title" pageTitle , field cloudName renderedCloud , defaultContext ] makeItem "" >>= loadAndApplyTemplate specificTemplate tagsContext >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" tagsContext >>= relativizeUrls -- Формируем страницу с облаком тематических тегов. createPageWithAllTags :: TagsReader createPageWithAllTags = do tagsAndAuthors <- ask lift $ createPageWithTagsCloud (fst tagsAndAuthors) "tags.html" 110 220 "Темы публикаций" "tagsCloud" "templates/tags.html" return () -- Формируем страницу с облаком авторов публикаций. createPageWithAllAuthors :: TagsReader createPageWithAllAuthors = do tagsAndAuthors <- ask lift $ createPageWithTagsCloud (snd tagsAndAuthors) "authors.html" 110 220 "Наши авторы" "authorsCloud" "templates/authors.html" return () convertSpecificTagsToLinks :: TagsAndAuthors -> Tags -> String -> Rules () convertSpecificTagsToLinks tagsAndAuthors specificTags aTitle = tagsRules specificTags $ \tag pattern -> do let title = aTitle ++ " `" ++ tag ++ "`" route idRoute compile $ do posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll pattern let taggedPostsContext = mconcat [ listField "posts" (postContext tagsAndAuthors) (return posts) , constField "title" title , defaultContext ] makeItem "" >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/posts.html" taggedPostsContext >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" taggedPostsContext >>= relativizeUrls -- Делаем тематические теги ссылками, что позволит отфильтровать статьи по темам. convertTagsToLinks :: TagsReader convertTagsToLinks = do tagsAndAuthors <- ask lift $ convertSpecificTagsToLinks tagsAndAuthors (fst tagsAndAuthors) "Все статьи по теме" return () -- Делаем имена авторов ссылками, что позволит отфильтровать статьи по авторам. convertAuthorsToLinks :: TagsReader convertAuthorsToLinks = do tagsAndAuthors <- ask lift $ convertSpecificTagsToLinks tagsAndAuthors (snd tagsAndAuthors) "Все статьи автора" return ()
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Mdb.Serve.Resource.File ( WithFile, fileResource, File(..), Container(..), Stream(..) ) where import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Data.Aeson import Data.JSON.Schema (JSONSchema (..), gSchema) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import Database.SQLite.Simple (FromRow (..), field) import Generics.Generic.Aeson import GHC.Generics import Rest import qualified Rest.Resource as R import Mdb.Database import Mdb.Serve.Auth as AUTH import Mdb.Types data File = File { fileId :: ! FileId , fileSize :: ! Integer , fileMime :: ! T.Text , fileDuration :: Maybe Double } deriving ( Generic, Show ) instance FromRow File where fromRow = File <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field instance ToJSON File where toJSON = gtoJson instance FromJSON File where parseJSON = gparseJson instance JSONSchema File where schema = gSchema data FileListSelector = AllFiles | FilesInAlbum AlbumId | PersonNoAlbum PersonId type WithFile m = ReaderT FileId (Authenticated m) fileResource :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => Resource (Authenticated m) (WithFile m) FileId FileListSelector Void fileResource = mkResourceReader { = "file" , R.description = "Access file info" , R.schema = withListing AllFiles $ named [ ( "inAlbum" , listingBy (FilesInAlbum . read) ) , ( "personNoAlbum" , listingBy (PersonNoAlbum . read) ) , ( "byId" , singleBy read) ] , R.list = fileListHandler , R.get = Nothing , R.selects = [ ( "container", getContainerInfo ) ] } fileListHandler :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => FileListSelector -> ListHandler (Authenticated m) fileListHandler which = mkListing jsonO handler where handler :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => Range -> ExceptT Reason_ (Authenticated m) [File] handler r = case which of AllFiles -> lift $ AUTH.query ( "SELECT f.file_id, f.file_size, f.file_mime, c.container_duration FROM auth_file f " <> "LEFT JOIN container AS c ON f.file_id = c.file_id " <> "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?" ) (count r, offset r) FilesInAlbum aid -> lift $ AUTH.query ( "SELECT f.file_id, f.file_size, file_mime, c.container_duration FROM auth_file f " <> "LEFT JOIN container AS c ON f.file_id = c.file_id " <> "NATURAL JOIN album_file " <> "WHERE album_file.album_id = ? " <> "ORDER BY f.file_name ASC " <> "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?" ) (aid, count r, offset r) -- files assigned to a person but not part of an album. PersonNoAlbum pid -> lift $ AUTH.query ( "SELECT DISTINCT f.file_id, f.file_size, f.file_mime, c.container_duration FROM auth_file f " <> "NATURAL JOIN person_file " <> "LEFT JOIN container AS c ON f.file_id = c.file_id " <> "WHERE person_file.person_id = ? AND NOT EXISTS (" <> "SELECT 1 FROM auth_album a " <> "NATURAL JOIN person_file " <> "NATURAL JOIN album_file " <> "WHERE person_file.person_id = ? AND album_file.file_id = f.file_id ) " <> "ORDER BY f.file_name ASC " <> "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?" ) (pid, pid, count r, offset r) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Containers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data Stream = Stream { streamId :: Int , streamMediaType :: T.Text , streamCodec :: T.Text , streamBitRate :: Int , streamWidth :: Int , streamHeight :: Int } deriving ( Generic, Show ) instance ToJSON Stream where toJSON = gtoJson instance JSONSchema Stream where schema = gSchema instance FromRow Stream where fromRow = Stream <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field <*> field <*> field data Container = Container { duration :: Double -- ^ duration in seconds , format :: T.Text -- ^ container format ("avi", "mkv", ...) , streams :: [Stream] } deriving ( Generic, Show ) instance ToJSON Container where toJSON = gtoJson instance JSONSchema Container where schema = gSchema getContainerInfo :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => Handler (WithFile m) getContainerInfo = mkIdHandler jsonO handler where handler :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => () -> FileId -> ExceptT Reason_ (WithFile m) Container handler () fid = do (d, fmt) <- ExceptT $ lift $ AUTH.queryOne "SELECT container_duration, container_format FROM container WHERE file_id=?" (Only fid) ss <- lift . lift $ AUTH.query ("SELECT stream_id, stream_media_type, stream_codec, stream_bit_rate, stream_width, stream_height " <> "FROM stream WHERE file_id=?") (Only fid) return $ Container d fmt ss
{- | This module provides utilities for easily performing current operations. Specifically, it provides a way to operate on lists of IO actions much like `sequence` and `mapM`, but in such a way where the actions are all performed concurrently. All other semantics are the same: exceptions encountered concurrently will be thrown in the calling thread (but possibly not at the same time you would expect if you were to use `sequence`, obviously), functions in this module block the calling thread until all of the concurrent threads have returned, and the order of the return values are the same as in their counterparts. -} module Control.Concurrent.ConcurrentLists ( concurrently, concurrently_, concurrentN, concurrentN_, cMapM, cMapM_, cMapMN, cMapMN_ ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, putMVar) import Control.Exception (try, throw, SomeException) import Control.Monad (void) -- Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Semi-Public Types ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- {- | Like `sequence`, but all io operations are executed concurrently. -} concurrently :: [IO a] -> IO [a] concurrently ios = do jobs <- mapM async ios results <- mapM takeMVar jobs case sequence results of Right vals -> return vals Left err -> throw err {- | Like `sequence_`, but all io operations are executed concurrently. -} concurrently_ :: [IO a] -> IO () concurrently_ = void . concurrently {- | Like `concurrently`, but use at most N threads. -} concurrentN :: Int -> [IO a] -> IO [a] concurrentN n ios = do chan <- newEmptyMVar mapM_ (forkIO . const (handler chan)) [1 .. n] packages <- mapM package ios mapM_ (putMVar chan . Just) packages putMVar chan Nothing -- send the kill signal results <- mapM (takeMVar . snd) packages case sequence results of Right vals -> return vals Left err -> throw (err :: SomeException) where package io = do response <- newEmptyMVar return (io, response) handler chan = do job <- takeMVar chan case job of Nothing -> -- put back the end marker and terminate putMVar chan Nothing Just (io, response) -> do result <- try io putMVar response result -- loop until we get `Nothing` handler chan {- | Like `concurrently_`, but use at most N threads. -} concurrentN_ :: Int -> [IO a] -> IO () concurrentN_ n = -- we could probably be more memory efficient here. void . concurrentN n {- | Like `mapM`, but all io operations are executed concurrently. -} cMapM :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b] cMapM f = concurrently . map f {- | Like `mapM_`, but all io operations are executed concurrently. -} cMapM_ :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO () cMapM_ f = concurrently_ . map f {- | Like `cMapM`, but use at most N threads. -} cMapMN :: Int -> (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b] cMapMN n f = concurrentN n . map f {- | Like `cMapM_`, but use at most N threads. -} cMapMN_ :: Int -> (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO () cMapMN_ n f = concurrentN_ n . map f -- Private Types -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- {- | Kicks off an IO in a new thread -} async :: IO a -> IO (MVar (Either SomeException a)) async io = do job <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ do result <- try io putMVar job result return job -- Tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Note: tests here are the same as the tests of the ordinary -- `Earley` module. module NLP.TAG.Vanilla.Earley.Pred.Tests where import Test.Tasty (TestTree) import NLP.TAG.Vanilla.Earley.Pred (recognize') import qualified NLP.TAG.Vanilla.Tests as T -- | All the tests of the parsing algorithm. tests :: TestTree tests = T.testTree "NLP.TAG.Vanilla.Earley.Pred" recognize' Nothing Nothing
-- | Generate Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files. -- -- ARFF files are used by the WEKA data mining and machine learning framework. -- -- <> -- module Text.ARFF ( -- * ARFF relations Relation, relation, encode, -- * Attribute constructors Attribute, a_string, a_real, a_int, a_nominal, a_nominalFromTo, a_dateFormat, a_date, -- * Value constructors Value, missing, string, real, int, nominal, date ) where import Control.Arrow ((<<<)) import Data.Binary.Put (Put, runPut) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Lex.Double (readDouble) import Data.Time.Format (FormatTime, formatTime) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) import Text.Show.ByteString (putAscii, putAsciiStr, showp, unlinesP, unwordsP) import qualified Text.Show.ByteString as B -- | Show a 'Value' in the 'Put' monad. type Putter = Value -> Put -- | ARFF attribute type. data Type = StringAttribute { put :: Putter } | RealAttribute { put :: Putter } | IntegerAttribute { put :: Putter } | forall a . Show a => NominalAttribute { put :: Putter, enum :: [a] } | DateAttribute { put :: Putter, format :: String } -- | Attribute with associated type and name. data Attribute = Attribute { attrType :: Type, attrName :: String } -- | ARFF value type. data Value = MissingValue | StringValue { fromStringValue :: String } | RealValue { fromRealValue :: Double } | IntegerValue { fromIntegerValue :: Integer } | forall a . (Show a) => NominalValue { fromNominalValue :: a } | forall a . (FormatTime a) => DateValue { fromDateValue :: a } -- | ARFF relation. data Relation = Relation { name :: String, attributes :: [Attribute], values :: [[Value]] } -- | Construct a relation from a name, attributes and values. relation :: String -> [Attribute] -> [[Value]] -> Relation relation = Relation -- | Convert a 'Relation' to its textual representation. encode :: Relation -> ByteString encode = runPut . putRelation intersperseP :: Put -> [Put] -> Put intersperseP _ [] = return () intersperseP _ (x:[]) = showp x intersperseP d (x:xs) = x >> d >> intersperseP d xs uncommaP :: [Put] -> Put uncommaP = intersperseP (putAscii ',') -- encloseP :: Put -> Put -> Put -- encloseP e p = e >> p >> e defaultDateFormat :: String defaultDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" fromISODateFormat :: String -> String fromISODateFormat fmt | fmt == defaultDateFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%X" fromISODateFormat _ = error "BUG[fromISODateFormat]: ISO date formats not yet implemented" putType :: Type -> Put putType (StringAttribute _) = putAsciiStr "string" putType (RealAttribute _) = putAsciiStr "real" putType (IntegerAttribute _) = putAsciiStr "integer" putType (NominalAttribute _ es) = putAscii '{' >> (uncommaP <<< map ( es >> putAscii '}' putType (DateAttribute _ fmt) = unwordsP [putAsciiStr "date", showp fmt] putAttribute :: Attribute -> Put putAttribute (Attribute atype name) = unwordsP [putAsciiStr "@attribute", putAsciiStr name, putType atype] putMissingValue :: Put putMissingValue = putAscii '?' instance Show (Value) where show (StringValue _) = "String" show (RealValue _) = "Real" show (IntegerValue _) = "Integer" show (NominalValue _) = "Nominal" show (DateValue _) = "Date" typeError :: String -> String -> Value -> Put typeError attrName attrType value = error $ "Text.ARFF.encode: type mismatch -- attribute \"" ++ attrName ++ "\"" ++ " has type " ++ attrType ++ "," ++ " but got " ++ (show value) putString :: String -> Value -> Put putString _ (StringValue x) = showp x putString _ MissingValue = putMissingValue putString a v = typeError a "String" v putReal :: String -> Value -> Put putReal _ (RealValue x) = showp x putReal _ MissingValue = putMissingValue putReal a v = typeError a "Real" v putInteger :: String -> Value -> Put putInteger _ (IntegerValue x) = showp x putInteger _ MissingValue = putMissingValue putInteger a v = typeError a "Integer" v putNominal :: String -> Value -> Put putNominal _ (NominalValue x) = putAsciiStr (show x) putNominal _ MissingValue = putMissingValue putNominal a v = typeError a "Nominal" v putDate :: String -> String -> Value -> Put putDate fmt a (DateValue d) = showp (formatTime defaultTimeLocale fmt d) putDate _ a MissingValue = putMissingValue putDate _ a v = typeError a "Date" v putRelation :: Relation -> Put putRelation (Relation name attrs values) = unlinesP $ [ unwordsP [putAsciiStr "@relation", putAsciiStr name] ] ++ map putAttribute attrs ++ [ putAsciiStr "@data" ] ++ map (uncommaP . zipWith ($) putters) values where putters = map (put . attrType) attrs -- | String attribute constructor. a_string :: String -> Attribute a_string a = Attribute (StringAttribute (putString a)) a -- | Real attribute constructor. a_real :: String -> Attribute a_real a = Attribute (RealAttribute (putReal a)) a -- | Integer attribute constructor. a_int :: String -> Attribute a_int a = Attribute (IntegerAttribute (putInteger a)) a -- | Nominal attribute constructor. a_nominal :: (Show a) => [a] -> String -> Attribute a_nominal xs a = Attribute (NominalAttribute (putNominal a) xs) a -- | Nominal attribute constructor. a_nominalFromTo :: (Enum a, Show a) => a -> a -> String -> Attribute a_nominalFromTo lo hi = a_nominal (enumFromTo lo hi) -- | Date attribute constructor. -- Currently only supports a default date format, since we're lacking an -- ISO-8601 format string parser. a_dateFormat :: String -> String -> Attribute a_dateFormat fmt a = Attribute (DateAttribute (putDate (fromISODateFormat fmt) a) fmt) a -- | Construct a date attribute with the default date format -- @yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss@. a_date :: String -> Attribute a_date = a_dateFormat defaultDateFormat -- | Missing value. missing :: Value missing = MissingValue -- | String value constructor. string :: String -> Value string = StringValue -- | Real value constructor. real :: Double -> Value real = RealValue -- | Integer value constructor. int :: Integer -> Value int = IntegerValue -- | Nominal value constructor. nominal :: (Show a) => a -> Value nominal = NominalValue -- | Date value constructor date :: (FormatTime a) => a -> Value date = DateValue
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DoAndIfThenElse, OverloadedStrings #-} import System.Environment (getArgs) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.List as L data Symbol = Procedure Bool B.ByteString | Variable Bool Int B.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) type SymbolTable = M.Map B.ByteString (Symbol, Int) type Instruction = [B.ByteString] --Helper functions isHeaderLine = B.isPrefixOf "." isVariable (Variable _ _ _) = True isVariable _ = False isExternal (Variable a _ _) = a isExternal (Procedure a _) = a isInternalVariable v = (not $ isExternal v) && (isVariable v) getName (Variable _ _ a) = a getName (Procedure _ a) = a numGlobalsExported :: SymbolTable -> Int numGlobalsExported t = length $ M.elems $ M.filter (isInternalVariable . fst) t dumpAssembler :: [[Instruction]] -> B.ByteString dumpAssembler files = let smushedFiles = map smush files in B.intercalate "\n" smushedFiles where smush file = B.intercalate "\n" $ map (B.intercalate " ") file parseSymbol :: B.ByteString -> Symbol parseSymbol s = let chunks = B.words s in if (length chunks > 0) then case (head chunks) of ".var" -> Variable False (convert $ B.readInteger $ (chunks !! 1)) (chunks !! 2) ".proc" -> Procedure False (chunks !! 1) ".external" -> case (chunks !! 1) of "var" -> Variable True (convert $ B.readInteger $ (chunks !! 2)) (chunks !! 3) "proc" -> Procedure True (chunks !! 2) _ -> error $ "Could not parse " ++ (show s) ++ " as a symbol" _ -> error $ "Could not parse " ++ (show s) ++ " as a symbol" else error $ "Could not parse " ++ (show s) ++ " as a symbol" where convert = fromIntegral . fst . fromJust buildTableForFile :: String -> IO SymbolTable buildTableForFile fname = do assemblerFile <- B.readFile fname let assemblerFileLines = filter (not . B.null) $ B.lines assemblerFile let numberOfSymbols = head assemblerFileLines let headerLines = filter isHeaderLine (tail assemblerFileLines) let symbols = map parseSymbol headerLines let internalVariableSymbols = filter isInternalVariable symbols let addresses = [3..((length internalVariableSymbols)+3)] let addressedSymbols = zip (reverse internalVariableSymbols) addresses let otherSymbols = (symbols L.\\ internalVariableSymbols) let dummySymbols = zip otherSymbols (replicate (length otherSymbols) (-1)) let totalSymbols = addressedSymbols ++ dummySymbols let names = map (getName . fst) totalSymbols return $ M.fromList $ zip names totalSymbols buildProgramForFile :: String -> IO [Instruction] buildProgramForFile fname = do assemblerFile <- B.readFile fname let assemblerFileLines = filter (not . B.null) $ B.lines assemblerFile let codeLines = filter (not . isHeaderLine) assemblerFileLines return $ map B.words codeLines buildGlobalIncrements :: [SymbolTable] -> [Int] buildGlobalIncrements tables = let numbers = map numGlobalsExported tables takeAmounts = [0..((length numbers)-1)] sums = map ($numbers) (map take takeAmounts) in map sum sums replaceLoadsAndStores :: [Instruction] -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> [Instruction] replaceLoadsAndStores program oldValue newValue = map (update oldValue newValue) program where update old new instruction = case (instruction !! 0) of "LoadG" -> if (instruction !! 1) == oldValue then ["LoadG", newValue] else instruction "StoG" -> if (instruction !! 1) == oldValue then ["StoG", newValue] else instruction _ -> instruction {- Uniqify: increment the address of every global load and store -} uniqify :: ([Instruction], SymbolTable) -> Int -> ([Instruction], SymbolTable) uniqify (code, table) increment = let exportedGlobals = M.elems $ M.filter (isInternalVariable . fst) table addresses = map snd exportedGlobals newAddresses = map (+increment) addresses fixedProgram = doRecurse code addresses newAddresses newExportedGlobals = map (updateEntry (M.fromList $ zip addresses newAddresses)) exportedGlobals names = map (getName . fst) newExportedGlobals newTableEntries = M.fromList $ zip names newExportedGlobals fixedTable = M.union newTableEntries table in (fixedProgram, fixedTable) where doRecurse code [] [] = code doRecurse code old new = doRecurse (replaceLoadsAndStores code (B.pack $ show $ head old) (B.pack $ show $ head new)) (tail old) (tail new) updateEntry mapping (a, i) = (a, (mapping M.! i)) {- The reason we do (tail linkFiles) in here is that we don't want to uniqify the first linkFile, because we assume that is the point of origin of the increments, so we can't change any addresses in there. We also discard the first increment, which is always going to be zero for the same reason. -} uniqifyLoadsAndStores :: [([Instruction], SymbolTable)] -> [Int] -> [([Instruction], SymbolTable)] uniqifyLoadsAndStores linkFiles increments = zipWith uniqify (tail linkFiles) (tail increments) {- Steps required: 1. Uniqify all load and store addresses for non-external globals by incrementing everything 1. build for each file the increment for variable locations for that file 2. For each external variable in each file 1. Find the file which declares it (or error) 2. Get the (now unique) address of that global 3. Replace all loads and stores to the external variable name in the current file with that address 3. Uniquify all loop labels by incrementing everything functions required: numloops(file) numGlobalsExported(file) replaceLoadsStores(file, ext_name/address, newaddress) -} main = do args <- getArgs if length args > 1 then do tables <- mapM buildTableForFile args files <- mapM buildProgramForFile args let filesAndTables = zip files tables let globalIncrements = buildGlobalIncrements tables let uniqified = uniqifyLoadsAndStores filesAndTables globalIncrements --putStrLn $ concatMap show tables --putStrLn $ concatMap show $ map numGlobalsExported tables --mapM_ (putStrLn . show) files --mapM_ (putStrLn . show) globalIncrements --mapM_ (putStrLn . show) uniqified let outputCode = [(head files)] ++ (map fst uniqified) putStrLn $ B.unpack $ dumpAssembler outputCode else do error $ "Usage: tld <1.asm> <2.asm> ... <n.asm> <output.asm>"
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O #-} module Main where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.List ( sortBy ) import Data.Ord ( comparing ) import Data.Char import Data.Ratio #ifdef DEBUG import Debug.Trace import System.IO #endif transUnit :: String -> Integer transUnit "G" = 1024 * transUnit "M" transUnit "M" = 1024 * transUnit "K" transUnit "K" = 1024 transUnit "g" = 1000 * transUnit "m" transUnit "m" = 1000 * transUnit "k" transUnit "k" = 1000 transUnit "" = 1 firstColumnSize :: BSL.ByteString -> Integer firstColumnSize line = let (pre,_) = BSL.break (isSpace . e2e) line (num,unit) = BSL.break (isAlpha . e2e) pre (preComm,postComm) = BSL.break ((`elem` ".,") . e2e) num toString = map e2e . BSL.unpack readSafe x = (fst . last) $ (0,"") : reads x a,b,c :: Ratio Integer a = readSafe (toString preComm) % 1 b = let l = fromIntegral $ 10 * BSL.length postComm in case l of 0 -> 0 _ -> readSafe (toString postComm) % l c = (transUnit (toString unit)) % 1 result = round ((a+b) * c) in #ifdef DEBUG traceShow (map round [a,b,c], map toString [line,pre,num,preComm,postComm,unit]) result #else result #endif e2e :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b e2e = toEnum . fromEnum main = do #ifdef DEBUG hPutStrLn stderr "DEBUG MODE!" #endif input <- BSL.getContents mapM_ BSL.putStrLn (sortBy (comparing firstColumnSize) $ BSL.split (e2e '\n') input) {- TEST: 1 2 3 1,1k 2,1m 3,1g 1,1K 2,1M 3,1G -}
module Tisp.CodeGen (codegen, CodeGen) where import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (void) import LLVM.General.AST import LLVM.General.AST.DataLayout import LLVM.General.AST.Type import LLVM.General.AST.Global import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Constant as C import qualified LLVM.General.AST.CallingConvention as CallingConvention import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Linkage as Linkage import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Attribute as A import Tisp.LLVMMonad import Tisp.AST as AST import Tisp.Tokenize (Symbol) import Tisp.LLVMTypes (typeOf) newtype CGS = CGS [Operand] newtype CodeGen a = CodeGen (ReaderT CGS FunctionGen a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader CGS) instance MonadModuleGen CodeGen where getMGS = CodeGen (lift getMGS) putMGS = CodeGen . lift . putMGS askTarget = CodeGen (lift askTarget) instance MonadFunctionGen CodeGen where getFGS = CodeGen (lift getFGS) putFGS = CodeGen . lift . putFGS tellFGO = CodeGen . lift . tellFGO runCodeGen :: CodeGen a -> FunctionGen a runCodeGen (CodeGen cg) = runReaderT cg (CGS []) defaultTarget :: Target defaultTarget = Target "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" (defaultDataLayout { endianness = Just LittleEndian }) codegen :: Record -> Module codegen defs = runModuleGen "" (sequence (map (codegen' . snd) (M.toList defs))) defaultTarget codegen' :: AST.Definition -> ModuleGen () codegen' (AST.Definition name tyExpr value) = do let ty = cgType tyExpr runFunctionGen (T.unpack name) ty (tyArgs ty) False functionDefaults (runCodeGen . funcgen value) pure () funcgen :: AST -> [Operand] -> CodeGen () funcgen x args = do startBlock (Name "entry") local (\(CGS vars) -> CGS (args ++ vars)) $ cgExpr x pure () cgType :: AST -> Type cgType (AST _ (Ref (AST.Global "unit"))) = void cgType (AST _ (Ref (AST.Global "i32"))) = i32 cgType (AST _ (App (AST _ (Ref (AST.Global "func"))) (ret:args))) = FunctionType (cgType ret) (map cgType args) False cgType x = error $ "unrecognized type " ++ show x tyArgs :: Type -> [(String, Type, [A.ParameterAttribute])] tyArgs (FunctionType _ args False) = zip3 (repeat "") args (repeat []) tyArgs _ = [] cgExpr :: AST -> CodeGen Operand cgExpr (AST _ v) = cg v where cg (App (AST _ (Ref (AST.Global f))) xs) = fromJust <$> (call' f =<< mapM cgExpr xs) cg (Ref v) = fromJust <$> lookupVar v cg (Num n) = pure . ConstantOperand $ C.Int 32 (round n) cg (ASTError _ _) = call intrinsicTrap [] cg (Abs args value) = do func <- runFunctionGen "lambda" i32 (map (\(name, ty) -> (T.unpack name, cgType ty, [])) args) False functionDefaults (runCodeGen . funcgen value) pure . ConstantOperand . C.GlobalReference (typeOf func) $ (name func) intrinsicTrap :: Global intrinsicTrap = functionDefaults { returnType = void, name = Name "llvm.trap", parameters = ([], False) } call :: Global -> [Operand] -> CodeGen Operand call fn@(Function {..}) args = inst $ Call { isTailCall = False , callingConvention = callingConvention , returnAttributes = [] , function = Right (ConstantOperand (C.GlobalReference (typeOf fn) name)) , arguments = map (\op -> (op, [])) args , functionAttributes = [] , metadata = [] } call _ _ = error "call: Tried to call non-function" call' :: Symbol -> [Operand] -> CodeGen (Maybe Operand) call' f xs = do let name = (Name (T.unpack f)) global <- findGlobal name case global of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just g -> Just <$> call g xs lookupVar :: Var -> CodeGen (Maybe Operand) lookupVar (AST.Local i) = do CGS vars <- ask if (fromIntegral $ length vars) <= i then pure Nothing else pure . Just $ vars !! (fromIntegral i) lookupVar (AST.Global name) = do let name' = Name $ T.unpack name result <- findGlobal name' case result of Just value -> pure $ Just (ConstantOperand . C.GlobalReference (typeOf value) $ name') Nothing -> pure Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- | module Network.Libtorrent.Bencode (Bencoded , entryToBencoded , bencodedData ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr ) import Foreign.Storable (peek) import qualified Language.C.Inline as C import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C import qualified Language.C.Inline.Unsafe as CU import Network.Libtorrent.Inline C.context libtorrentCtx C.include "<libtorrent/bencode.hpp>" C.verbatim "typedef std::vector<char> VectorChar;" C.using "namespace libtorrent" C.using "namespace std" newtype Bencoded = Bencoded ByteString entryToBencoded :: MonadIO m => Ptr C'BencodeEntry -> m Bencoded entryToBencoded ePtr = liftIO $ bracket [CU.exp| VectorChar * { new std::vector<char>() } |] (\bufPtr -> [CU.exp| void { delete $(VectorChar * bufPtr)} |]) $ \bufPtr -> alloca $ \clenPtr -> alloca $ \cstrPtr -> do [C.block| void { bencode(std::back_inserter(*$(VectorChar * bufPtr)), *$(entry * ePtr)); *$(size_t * clenPtr) = $(VectorChar * bufPtr)->size(); *$(char ** cstrPtr) = $(VectorChar * bufPtr)->data(); } |] clen <- peek clenPtr cstr <- peek cstrPtr Bencoded <$> BS.packCStringLen (cstr, fromIntegral clen) bencodedData :: Bencoded -> ByteString bencodedData (Bencoded v) = v
-- | Color and formatting for terminal output. -- For Windows systems, any and all formatting are no-ops due to -- compatibility reasons. -- -- While formattings can be stacked (i.e. @bold (underline "Hello Joe")@), -- they do not properly nest: the escape code used to reset formatting at the -- end of a formatted string removes *all* formatting. Thus, -- @color Red ("Hello" ++ color Blue "Mike")@ will print \"Hello\" in red and -- \"Mike\" in blue, but @color Red (color Blue "Hello" ++ "Robert")@ will -- print \"Robert\" in the terminal's default color, and not in red as one -- might expect. module Control.Shell.Color ( Color (..) , color, background , highlight, bold, underline ) where import System.Info (os) data Color = Black | Red | Green | Yellow | Blue | Purple | Magenta | White deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum) colorNum :: Color -> Int colorNum = fromEnum -- | Apply the given color to the given string. color :: Color -> String -> String color c s = concat [esc ("0" ++ show (30+colorNum c)), s, normal] -- | Apply the given background color to the given string. background :: Color -> String -> String background c s = concat [esc ("0" ++ show (40+colorNum c)), s, normal] -- | Apply the terminal's default highlighting to the given string. highlight :: String -> String highlight s = esc "7" ++ s ++ normal -- | Output the given string in bold font. bold :: String -> String bold s = esc "1" ++ s ++ normal -- | Underline the given string. underline :: String -> String underline s = esc "4" ++ s ++ normal -- | Escape sequence to reset formatting back to normal. normal :: String normal = esc "0" -- | An escape character. {-# INLINE esc #-} esc :: String -> String esc s | os == "mingw32" = "" | otherwise = "\ESC[" ++ s ++ "m"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Control.Concurrent.SampleVar -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (concurrency) -- -- Sample variables -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Control.Concurrent.SampleVar ( -- * Sample Variables SampleVar, -- :: type _ = newEmptySampleVar, -- :: IO (SampleVar a) newSampleVar, -- :: a -> IO (SampleVar a) emptySampleVar, -- :: SampleVar a -> IO () readSampleVar, -- :: SampleVar a -> IO a writeSampleVar -- :: SampleVar a -> a -> IO () ) where import Prelude import Control.Concurrent.MVar -- | -- Sample variables are slightly different from a normal 'MVar': -- -- * Reading an empty 'SampleVar' causes the reader to block. -- (same as 'takeMVar' on empty 'MVar') -- -- * Reading a filled 'SampleVar' empties it and returns value. -- (same as 'takeMVar') -- -- * Writing to an empty 'SampleVar' fills it with a value, and -- potentially, wakes up a blocked reader (same as for 'putMVar' on -- empty 'MVar'). -- -- * Writing to a filled 'SampleVar' overwrites the current value. -- (different from 'putMVar' on full 'MVar'.) type SampleVar a = MVar (Int, -- 1 == full -- 0 == empty -- <0 no of readers blocked MVar a) -- |Build a new, empty, 'SampleVar' newEmptySampleVar :: IO (SampleVar a) newEmptySampleVar = do v <- newEmptyMVar newMVar (0,v) -- |Build a 'SampleVar' with an initial value. newSampleVar :: a -> IO (SampleVar a) newSampleVar a = do v <- newEmptyMVar putMVar v a newMVar (1,v) -- |If the SampleVar is full, leave it empty. Otherwise, do nothing. emptySampleVar :: SampleVar a -> IO () emptySampleVar v = do (readers, var) <- takeMVar v if readers >= 0 then putMVar v (0,var) else putMVar v (readers,var) -- |Wait for a value to become available, then take it and return. readSampleVar :: SampleVar a -> IO a readSampleVar svar = do -- -- filled => make empty and grab sample -- not filled => try to grab value, empty when read val. -- (readers,val) <- takeMVar svar putMVar svar (readers-1,val) takeMVar val -- |Write a value into the 'SampleVar', overwriting any previous value that -- was there. writeSampleVar :: SampleVar a -> a -> IO () writeSampleVar svar v = do -- -- filled => overwrite -- not filled => fill, write val -- (readers,val) <- takeMVar svar case readers of 1 -> swapMVar val v >> putMVar svar (1,val) _ -> putMVar val v >> putMVar svar (min 1 (readers+1), val)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Br -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2016-2017, David Sorokin <[email protected]> -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 7.10.3 -- -- This module defines that 'BR' can be an instance of the 'MonadDES' and 'EventIOQueueing' type classes. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Branch.BR (BR, runBR, branchLevel) where import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Comp import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.DES import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Exception import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Generator import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Event import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Ref.Base import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.QueueStrategy import Simulation.Aivika.IO import Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Internal.BR import Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Event import Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Generator import Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Ref.Base.Lazy import Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Ref.Base.Strict import Simulation.Aivika.Branch.QueueStrategy instance MonadDES (BR IO) instance MonadComp (BR IO) -- | An implementation of the 'EventIOQueueing' type class. instance EventIOQueueing (BR IO) where enqueueEventIO = enqueueEvent
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Cataskell.GameData.Resources where import Cataskell.GameData.Basics import Data.Monoid import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import GHC.Generics (Generic) data ResourceCount = ResourceCount { lumber :: Int , wool :: Int , wheat :: Int , brick :: Int , ore :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read,Generic) instance Monoid ResourceCount where mempty = ResourceCount 0 0 0 0 0 mappend r1 r2 = ResourceCount { lumber = lumber r1 + lumber r2 , wool = wool r1 + wool r2 , wheat = wheat r1 + wheat r2 , brick = brick r1 + brick r2 , ore = ore r1 + ore r2 } data HarborDiscount = HarborDiscount { consumes :: ResourceCount } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) totalResources :: ResourceCount -> Int totalResources r = lumber r + wool r + wheat r + brick r + ore r mulResources :: ResourceCount -> Int -> ResourceCount mulResources r i = ResourceCount { lumber = i * lumber r , wool = i * wool r , wheat = i * wheat r , brick = i * brick r , ore = i * ore r } mkNeg :: ResourceCount -> ResourceCount mkNeg r = mulResources r (-1) sufficient :: ResourceCount -> ResourceCount -> Bool sufficient r c = and [lumber', wool', wheat', brick', ore'] where lumber' = lumber r >= lumber c wool' = wool r >= wool c wheat' = wheat r >= wheat c brick' = brick r >= brick c ore' = ore r >= ore c cost :: Item -> ResourceCount cost c = byItemType itemType' where itemType' = case c of Building x -> case x of Edifice (OnPoint _ _ h) -> H h Roadway (OnEdge _ _) -> Road Card _ -> DevelopmentCard Potential x -> x byItemType x = case x of H Settlement -> mempty { lumber = 1, brick = 1, wool = 1, wheat = 1 } H City -> mempty { wheat = 2, ore = 3 } Road -> mempty { lumber = 1, brick = 1 } DevelopmentCard -> mempty { wool = 1, wheat = 1, ore = 1 } nonNegative :: ResourceCount -> Bool nonNegative = (flip sufficient) mempty resourceFromTerrain :: Terrain -> ResourceCount resourceFromTerrain t = case t of Forest -> mempty { lumber = 1 } Pasture -> mempty { wool = 1 } Field -> mempty { wheat = 1 } Hill -> mempty { brick = 1 } Mountain -> mempty { ore = 1 } Desert -> mempty filteredResCount :: ResourceType -> ResourceCount -> ResourceCount filteredResCount resType res = case resType of Lumber -> mempty { lumber = lumber res} Wool -> mempty { wool = wool res } Wheat -> mempty { wheat = wheat res } Brick -> mempty { brick = brick res } Ore -> mempty { ore = ore res } resCountToList :: ResourceCount -> [ResourceType] resCountToList res = lumbers ++ wools ++ wheats ++ bricks ++ ores where lumbers = replicate (lumber res) Lumber wools = replicate (wool res) Wool wheats = replicate (wheat res) Wheat bricks = replicate (brick res) Brick ores = replicate (ore res) Ore nResOf :: Int -> ResourceType -> ResourceCount nResOf i resType = case resType of Lumber -> mempty { lumber = i} Wool -> mempty { wool = i } Wheat -> mempty { wheat = i } Brick -> mempty { brick = i } Ore -> mempty { ore = i } genericHarborDiscount :: Int -> Set HarborDiscount genericHarborDiscount i = Set.fromList $ map (mkDiscount i) [Lumber, Wool, Wheat, Brick, Ore] mkDiscount :: Int -> ResourceType -> HarborDiscount mkDiscount i resType = HarborDiscount (nResOf i resType) applyDiscount :: ResourceCount -> HarborDiscount -> (Int, ResourceCount) applyDiscount playerRes harbor = go 0 playerRes where res = consumes harbor go n remainingRes = if not $ sufficient remainingRes res then (n, remainingRes) else go (n+1) (remainingRes <> mkNeg res) harborDiscount :: Harbor -> Set HarborDiscount harborDiscount harbor' = case harbor' of Harbor Hill -> Set.singleton (mkDiscount 2 Brick) Harbor Forest -> Set.singleton (mkDiscount 2 Lumber) Harbor Pasture -> Set.singleton (mkDiscount 2 Wool) Harbor Field -> Set.singleton (mkDiscount 2 Wheat) Harbor Mountain -> Set.singleton (mkDiscount 2 Ore) Harbor Desert -> Set.empty ThreeToOne -> genericHarborDiscount 3
module Text.RSS.Tests where import Test.Framework (Test, mutuallyExclusive, testGroup) import Text.RSS.Export.Tests (rssExportTests) import Text.RSS.Import.Tests (rssImportTests) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Text.Feed.Export import Text.Feed.Import import Text.XML.Light import Paths_feed rssTests :: Test rssTests = testGroup "Text.RSS" [ mutuallyExclusive $ testGroup "RSS" [ rssExportTests , rssImportTests , testFullRss20Parse ] ] testFullRss20Parse :: Test testFullRss20Parse = testCase "parse a complete rss 2.0 file" testRss20 where testRss20 :: Assertion testRss20 = do putStrLn . ppTopElement . xmlFeed =<< parseFeedFromFile =<< getDataFileName "tests/files/rss20.xml" assertBool "OK" True
module Internal.SystemZ.StorableSpec where import Foreign import Foreign.C.Types import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Hapstone.Internal.SystemZ import Internal.SystemZ.Default -- | main spec spec :: Spec spec = describe "Hapstone.Internal.SysZ" $ do syszOpMemStructSpec csSysZOpSpec csSysZSpec getSyszOpMemStruct :: IO SysZOpMemStruct getSyszOpMemStruct = do ptr <- mallocArray (sizeOf syszOpMemStruct) :: IO (Ptr Word8) poke (castPtr ptr) (0x1 :: Word8) poke (plusPtr ptr 1) (0x2 :: Word8) poke (plusPtr ptr 8) (0x0123456789abcdef :: Word64) poke (plusPtr ptr 16) (0x1032547698badcfe :: Word64) peek (castPtr ptr) <* free ptr syszOpMemStruct :: SysZOpMemStruct syszOpMemStruct = SysZOpMemStruct 0x1 0x2 0x0123456789abcdef 0x1032547698badcfe -- | SysZOpMemStruct spec syszOpMemStructSpec :: Spec syszOpMemStructSpec = describe "Storable SysZOpMemStruct" $ do it "has a memory layout we can handle" $ sizeOf (undefined :: SysZOpMemStruct) == 2 + 6 + 8 * 2 it "has matching peek- and poke-implementations" $ property $ \s@SysZOpMemStruct{} -> alloca (\p -> poke p s >> peek p) `shouldReturn` s it "parses correctly" $ getSyszOpMemStruct `shouldReturn` syszOpMemStruct getCsSyszOp :: IO CsSysZOp getCsSyszOp = do ptr <- mallocArray (sizeOf csSyszOp) :: IO (Ptr Word8) poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum SyszOpImm :: Int32) poke (plusPtr ptr 8) (19237 :: Int64) peek (castPtr ptr) <* free ptr csSyszOp :: CsSysZOp csSyszOp = Imm 19237 -- | CsSysZipsOp spec csSysZOpSpec :: Spec csSysZOpSpec = describe "Storable CsSysZOp" $ do it "has a memory layout we can handle" $ sizeOf (undefined :: CsSysZOp) == 4 + 4 + 24 it "has matching peek- and poke-implementations" $ property $ \s -> alloca (\p -> poke p s >> (peek p :: IO CsSysZOp)) `shouldReturn` s it "parses correctly" $ getCsSyszOp `shouldReturn` csSyszOp getCsSysz :: IO CsSysZ getCsSysz = do ptr <- mallocArray (sizeOf csSysz) :: IO (Ptr Word8) poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum SyszCcL :: Int32) poke (plusPtr ptr 4) (1 :: Word8) poke (plusPtr ptr 8) csSyszOp peek (castPtr ptr) <* free ptr csSysz :: CsSysZ csSysz = CsSysZ SyszCcL [csSyszOp] -- | CsSysZ spec csSysZSpec :: Spec csSysZSpec = describe "Storable CsSysZ" $ do it "has a memory-layout we can handle" $ sizeOf (undefined :: CsSysZ) == 4 + 1 + 3 + 32 * 6 it "has matching peek- and poke-implementations" $ property $ \s@CsSysZ{} -> alloca (\p -> poke p s >> peek p) `shouldReturn` s it "parses correctly" $ getCsSysz `shouldReturn` csSysz
module Task6 ( task6 ) where import Data.Bool import Text.Printf type Point = (Double, Double) task6 :: IO () task6 | snd result = printf "Минимум найден в точке (%.4f, %.4f)\n" x y | otherwise = printf "Минимум не найден, последняя найденная точка: (%.4f, %.4f)\n" x y where result = stepDivision (103.0, 34.0) 0.000001 10000 1 (x, y) = fst result f (x, y) = (x - 4) ^ 2 + (y + 7) ^ 2 - 4 f_der_x x y = 2 * x - 8 f_der_y x y = 2 * y + 14 gradient (x, y) = (f_der_x x y, f_der_y x y) measure (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = sqrt $ (x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2 getNextPointAndStep currentPoint currentStep | (f nextPoint) <= (f currentPoint) - nextStep * gradientLength ^ 2 = (nextPoint, nextStep) | otherwise = getNextPointAndStep currentPoint nextStep where x = fst currentPoint y = snd currentPoint (gradX, gradY) = gradient currentPoint gradientLength = measure (0, 0) (gradX, gradY) nextPoint = (x - currentStep * gradX, y - currentStep * gradY) nextStep = currentStep / 2; stepDivision :: Point -> Double -> Integer -> Double -> (Point, Bool) stepDivision startPoint eps iterCount step | iterCount == 0 = (startPoint, False) | measure startPoint nextPoint < eps = (nextPoint, True) | otherwise = stepDivision nextPoint eps (iterCount - 1) nextStep where (nextPoint, nextStep) = getNextPointAndStep startPoint step
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Handlers.Actions.Common( api ,view ,withParams ,withGeneratedCSRF ,withCSRFVerified ,withAuthorization ,withUser ,preloadUser ,generateAuthURL ) where import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import Data.Maybe import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.Trans(lift) import Control.Monad.IO.Class(MonadIO,liftIO) import Control.Monad.Reader(asks) import Control.Monad.State (get,put,gets,modify) import Data.Aeson ((.=), object, FromJSON, ToJSON) import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import Network.Wai (rawPathInfo,rawQueryString) import qualified Web.Scotty.Trans as Web import App.Types import qualified Utils.Scotty.Auth as Auth import qualified Utils.Scotty.CSRF as CSRF import qualified Utils.Scotty.Cookie as Cookie import Utils.URI.String import Utils.URI.Params import Models.Schemas import qualified Models.DB as DB class FromParams a where fromParams :: M.Map T.Text T.Text -> Maybe a data ParamsMap = ParamsMap (M.Map T.Text T.Text) instance FromParams ParamsMap where fromParams m = Just $ ParamsMap m type Processor request response = request -> Response (Status, response) type Render response = Response (Status,response) -> Response response type Authorized auth request response = auth -> Processor request response pathAndQuery :: Response () pathAndQuery = do r <- Web.request let path = rawPathInfo r let query = rawQueryString r let url = C8.concat [path,query] lift $ modify $ \s -> s{urlPath = C8.unpack url} api :: (ToJSON response) => Response (Status, response) -> Response () api with = do pathAndQuery (stat, resp) <- with Web.status stat Web.json resp view :: Response (Status,LT.Text) -> Response () view with = do pathAndQuery (stat, resp) <- with Web.status stat if stat == status302 || stat == status301 then Web.redirect resp else Web.html resp withJSON :: (FromJSON request, ToJSON response) => (Processor request response) -> Response (Status,response) withJSON with = do req <- Web.jsonData with req withParams :: (FromParams request) => (Processor request response) -> Response (Status,response) withParams with = do paramAssoc <- M.fromList <$> Web.params let ps = M.mapKeys LT.toStrict $ LT.toStrict <$> paramAssoc case fromParams ps of Nothing -> Web.raise $ Exception status400 "Expected request in params" Just req -> with req withGeneratedCSRF :: Processor request response -> Processor request response withGeneratedCSRF with req = do sessionCSRF <- Cookie.getCookie "_csrf_token" case sessionCSRF of Just token -> do setTplValue "_csrf_token" token lift $ modify $ \s -> s{csrfToken = token} Nothing -> makeCSRFToken with req where makeCSRFToken = do s <- lift (asks site) csrf <- liftIO $ CSRF.generateCSRF $ csrfSecret s setTplValue "_csrf_token" csrf Cookie.setCookie $ Cookie.makeRootSimpleCookie "_csrf_token" csrf lift $ modify $ \s -> s {csrfToken = csrf} withCSRFVerified :: Processor request response -> Processor request response withCSRFVerified with req = do sessionCSRF <- Cookie.getCookie "_csrf_token" token <- Web.rescue (Web.param "_csrf_token") (\e -> Web.header "x-csrf-token" >>= \t -> return $ fromMaybe "" t) if (token == "") && (isNothing sessionCSRF ) then with req else case sessionCSRF of Nothing -> Web.raise $ Exception status500 "Expected request in CSRF" Just csrf -> if csrf == ( LT.toStrict token) then with req else Web.raise $ Exception status500 "Expected request in CSRF" authWithHeader :: Response (Maybe T.Text) authWithHeader = do liftIO $ putStrLn "authWithHeader" auth <- Web.header "Authorization" s <- lift (asks site) liftIO $ Auth.headerSecure (jwtSecret s) auth authWithCookie :: Response (Maybe T.Text) authWithCookie = do cookie <- Cookie.getCookie "Authorization" s <- lift (asks site) liftIO $ Auth.cookieSecure (jwtSecret s) cookie withAuthorization :: Authorized T.Text request response -> Processor request response withAuthorization with req = (runMaybeT $ MaybeT authWithHeader <|> MaybeT authWithCookie ) >>= authAction where authAction info = do case info of Nothing -> Web.raise $ Exception status401 "Authorization required" Just payload -> with payload req withUser :: Authorized (Maybe User) request response -> Processor request response withUser with req = do (runMaybeT $ MaybeT authWithHeader <|> MaybeT authWithCookie) >>= authAction where authAction info = do case info of Nothing -> with Nothing req Just u -> preloadUser u >>= (\user -> with user req) preloadUser :: T.Text -> Response (Maybe User) preloadUser u = do let userID = read $ T.unpack u users <- DB.runDBTry $ DB.retrieveUserByID userID setUser users where setUser [] = return Nothing setUser [user] = do setTplValue "user" user return $ Just user generateAuthURL :: Response () generateAuthURL = do me <- lift $ gets urlPath let url = show $ updateUrlParam "_r" me (toURI "/auth/login") setTplValue (T.pack "auth_url") url
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Diagrams.QRCode (pathList, pathMatrix, pathArray, stroke) where import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.Array (assocs, Array, Ix) import Data.Colour.Names (black, white) import Data.Monoid (Any, mempty) import qualified Diagrams.Attributes as D import qualified Diagrams.Core as D import qualified Diagrams.Located as D import qualified Diagrams.Path as D import qualified Diagrams.Trail as D import qualified Diagrams.TwoD as D -- | Stroke using default QR code colors (black on white) and -- with the \"quiet\" region. stroke :: (D.Backend b D.V2 Double, D.Renderable (D.Path D.V2 Double) b) => D.Path D.V2 Double -> D.QDiagram b D.V2 Double Any stroke = white . quiet . D.fc black . D.lw D.none . D.stroke where zoneX = D.strutX 4 zoneY = D.strutY 4 quiet d = zoneY D.=== (zoneX D.||| d D.||| zoneX) D.=== zoneY -- | Convert a QR code represented as a list of bounded values -- into a 'Path'. 'minBound' values are considered to be -- \"off\", while every other value is considered to be \"on\". pathList :: (Bounded a, Eq a, Integral ix) => [((ix, ix), a)] -> D.Path D.V2 Double pathList = D.Path . fmap (uncurry (flip . (p2int *** toTrail)) where p2int = D.p2 . (fromIntegral *** fromIntegral) -- | Same as 'pathList', but from a matrix represented as a list -- of lists. pathMatrix :: (Bounded a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> D.Path D.V2 Double pathMatrix matrix = pathList $ do (r, row) <- count matrix (c, val) <- count row return ((r,c), val) where count = zip [(0::Int)..] -- | Same as 'pathList', but from an array. pathArray :: (Bounded a, Eq a, Integral ix, Ix ix) => Array (ix, ix) a -> D.Path D.V2 Double pathArray = pathList . assocs -- | Convert a value into a 'Trail'. toTrail :: (Bounded a, Eq a) => a -> D.Trail D.V2 Double toTrail x = if x == minBound then mempty else D.square 1
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Example.Monad.DataTypes where import Z3.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) run :: IO () run = evalZ3 datatypeScript mkCellDatatype :: Z3 Sort mkCellDatatype = do -- Create a cell data type of the form: -- data Cell = Nil | Cons {car :: Cell, cdr :: Cell} -- Nil constructor nil <- mkStringSymbol "Nil" isNil <- mkStringSymbol "is_Nil" nilConst <- mkConstructor nil isNil [] -- Cons constructor car <- mkStringSymbol "car" cdr <- mkStringSymbol "cdr" cons <- mkStringSymbol "Cons" isCons <- mkStringSymbol "is_Cons" -- In the following, car and cdr are the field names. The second argument, -- their sort, is Nothing, since this is a recursive sort. The third argument is -- 0, since the type is not mutually recursive. consConst <- mkConstructor cons isCons [(car,Nothing,0),(cdr,Nothing,0)] -- Cell datatype cell <- mkStringSymbol "Cell" mkDatatype cell [nilConst, consConst] datatypeScript :: Z3 () datatypeScript = do cell <- mkCellDatatype liftIO $ putStrLn "Cell constructors are:" [nilConst, consConst] <- getDatatypeSortConstructors cell mapM_ (\c -> getDeclName c >>= getSymbolString >>= liftIO . putStrLn) [nilConst, consConst] nil <- mkApp nilConst [] -- t1 = Cons (Nil,Nil) t1 <- mkApp consConst [nil, nil] liftIO $ putStrLn "prove (nil != cons (nil,nil)) //Expect Unsat" p <- (mkEq nil t1 >>= mkNot) push mkNot p >>= assert check >>= liftIO . print pop 1 liftIO $ putStrLn "prove (cons (x,u) = cons(y,v) => x = y && u = v) //Expect Unsat" [u,v,x,y] <- mapM (flip mkFreshConst cell) ["u","v","x","y"] t1 <- mkApp consConst [x,u] t2 <- mkApp consConst [y,v] p1 <- mkEq t1 t2 p2 <- mkEq x y p3 <- mkEq u v p4 <- mkAnd [p2, p3] p5 <- mkImplies p1 p4 push mkNot p5 >>= assert check >>= liftIO . print pop 1
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2003-2006 -- -- Functions for constructing bitmaps, which are used in various -- places in generated code (stack frame liveness masks, function -- argument liveness masks, SRT bitmaps). module GHC.Data.Bitmap ( Bitmap, mkBitmap, intsToBitmap, intsToReverseBitmap, mAX_SMALL_BITMAP_SIZE, seqBitmap, ) where import GhcPrelude import GHC.Runtime.Layout import DynFlags import Util import Data.Bits {-| A bitmap represented by a sequence of 'StgWord's on the /target/ architecture. These are used for bitmaps in info tables and other generated code which need to be emitted as sequences of StgWords. -} type Bitmap = [StgWord] -- | Make a bitmap from a sequence of bits mkBitmap :: DynFlags -> [Bool] -> Bitmap mkBitmap _ [] = [] mkBitmap dflags stuff = chunkToBitmap dflags chunk : mkBitmap dflags rest where (chunk, rest) = splitAt (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags) stuff chunkToBitmap :: DynFlags -> [Bool] -> StgWord chunkToBitmap dflags chunk = foldl' (.|.) (toStgWord dflags 0) [ oneAt n | (True,n) <- zip chunk [0..] ] where oneAt :: Int -> StgWord oneAt i = toStgWord dflags 1 `shiftL` i -- | Make a bitmap where the slots specified are the /ones/ in the bitmap. -- eg. @[0,1,3], size 4 ==> 0xb@. -- -- The list of @Int@s /must/ be already sorted. intsToBitmap :: DynFlags -> Int -- ^ size in bits -> [Int] -- ^ sorted indices of ones -> Bitmap intsToBitmap dflags size = go 0 where word_sz = wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags oneAt :: Int -> StgWord oneAt i = toStgWord dflags 1 `shiftL` i -- It is important that we maintain strictness here. -- See Note [Strictness when building Bitmaps]. go :: Int -> [Int] -> Bitmap go !pos slots | size <= pos = [] | otherwise = (foldl' (.|.) (toStgWord dflags 0) (map (\i->oneAt (i - pos)) these)) : go (pos + word_sz) rest where (these,rest) = span (< (pos + word_sz)) slots -- | Make a bitmap where the slots specified are the /zeros/ in the bitmap. -- eg. @[0,1,3], size 4 ==> 0x4@ (we leave any bits outside the size as zero, -- just to make the bitmap easier to read). -- -- The list of @Int@s /must/ be already sorted and duplicate-free. intsToReverseBitmap :: DynFlags -> Int -- ^ size in bits -> [Int] -- ^ sorted indices of zeros free of duplicates -> Bitmap intsToReverseBitmap dflags size = go 0 where word_sz = wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags oneAt :: Int -> StgWord oneAt i = toStgWord dflags 1 `shiftL` i -- It is important that we maintain strictness here. -- See Note [Strictness when building Bitmaps]. go :: Int -> [Int] -> Bitmap go !pos slots | size <= pos = [] | otherwise = (foldl' xor (toStgWord dflags init) (map (\i->oneAt (i - pos)) these)) : go (pos + word_sz) rest where (these,rest) = span (< (pos + word_sz)) slots remain = size - pos init | remain >= word_sz = -1 | otherwise = (1 `shiftL` remain) - 1 {- Note [Strictness when building Bitmaps] ======================================== One of the places where @Bitmap@ is used is in in building Static Reference Tables (SRTs) (in @GHC.Cmm.Info.Build.procpointSRT@). In #7450 it was noticed that some test cases (particularly those whose C-- have large numbers of CAFs) produced large quantities of allocations from this function. The source traced back to 'intsToBitmap', which was lazily subtracting the word size from the elements of the tail of the @slots@ list and recursively invoking itself with the result. This resulted in large numbers of subtraction thunks being built up. Here we take care to avoid passing new thunks to the recursive call. Instead we pass the unmodified tail along with an explicit position accumulator, which get subtracted in the fold when we compute the Word. -} {- | Magic number, must agree with @BITMAP_BITS_SHIFT@ in InfoTables.h. Some kinds of bitmap pack a size\/bitmap into a single word if possible, or fall back to an external pointer when the bitmap is too large. This value represents the largest size of bitmap that can be packed into a single word. -} mAX_SMALL_BITMAP_SIZE :: DynFlags -> Int mAX_SMALL_BITMAP_SIZE dflags | wORD_SIZE dflags == 4 = 27 | otherwise = 58 seqBitmap :: Bitmap -> a -> a seqBitmap = seqList
module Bustle.QL.API.Bustle ( BustleAPI(..) ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Foldable import Bustle.Env data BustleAPI = BustleAPI deriving (Eq, Show) instance GraphQLValue Haxl BustleAPI instance GraphQLType OBJECT Haxl BustleAPI where def = defineObject "Bustle" $ do describe "Core Bustle API" field "hello" $ return ("world" :: B.ByteString) field "monadic" $ do test <- arg "test" @> "monadic code is really neat because instead of memorizing functions" |.. "and their parameters, you everything is a generalization of function composition." |-- "you can think of it as the builder pattern on steroids" |-- "this input is only valid if it's a positive prime" validate test $ greaterThan 0 validate test $ lessThan 1000 return [1..test] greaterThan :: Int -> Int -> Validation greaterThan m n | n > m = OK | otherwise = ERR "number too small!" lessThan :: Int -> Int -> Validation lessThan m n | n < m = OK | otherwise = ERR "number too big!"
module Quickpull.Render where import Quickpull.Types import Quickpull.Formatting import Data.List import Data.Ord metaQual :: Char -- ^ Leader character -> (Meta, Qual) -> String metaQual ldr (m, q) = indent 1 $ [ldr] <+> "Decree (" <+> show m <+> ")" <+> "(" <+> i <+> ")" where kind = case q of QTree -> "Multi" QProp -> "Single" i = kind <+> qualName qualName = (concat . intersperse "." . modName . modDesc $ m) ++ "." ++ qName m metaQuals :: [(Meta, Qual)] -> String metaQuals ls = case ls of [] -> indent 1 "[]" x:xs -> metaQual '[' x ++ concatMap (metaQual ',') xs ++ indent 1 "]" imports :: [ModDesc] -> String imports = concatMap mkImport . nub . sortBy (comparing modName) where mkImport m = "import qualified " ++ (concat . intersperse "." . modName $ m) ++ "\n" -- | Summarizes a Meta in a single line. metaLine :: Meta -> String metaLine m = qName m <+> "from file" <+> (modPath . modDesc $ m) <+> "at line" <+> show (linenum m) ++ "\n" topComments :: String topComments = unlines [ "-- | This module generated by the Quickpull package." , "-- Quickpull is available at:" , "-- <>" , "" ] testModule :: String -- ^ Name to use for module -> [(Meta, Qual)] -> String testModule name ls = topComments ++ rest where rest = concat . intersperse "\n" $ [ "module" <+> name <+> "where\n" , "import Quickpull" , imports . map (modDesc . fst) $ ls , unlines [ "decrees :: [Decree]" , "decrees =" ] , metaQuals ls ] summary :: Summary -> String summary s = unlines [ "success: " ++ show (success s) , "gave up: " ++ show (gaveUp s) , "failure: " ++ show (failure s) , "no expected failure: " ++ show (noExpectedFailure s) , "total: " ++ show (success s + gaveUp s + failure s + noExpectedFailure s) ]
module Entity.Velocity where import qualified GameData.Entity as E import qualified GameData.Animation as A import qualified Gamgine.Math.Vect as V velocity :: E.Entity -> V.Vect velocity E.Player {E.playerVelocity = v } = v velocity E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Left _} = V.v3 0 0 0 velocity E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Right ani} = A.currentVelocity ani velocity E.Star { } = V.v3 0 0 0 velocity E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Left _} = V.v3 0 0 0 velocity E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Right ani} = A.currentVelocity ani
module Kata.WonderlandNumberSpec (main, spec) where import Test.Hspec import Kata.WonderlandNumber (wonderlandNumber, toDigitSet) import Data.Foldable (for_) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = describe "WonderlandNumber" $ [2..6] `for_` \n -> it ("has the same digits when multiplied by " ++ show n) $ (wonderlandNumber * n) `hasAllTheSameDigitsAs` wonderlandNumber hasAllTheSameDigitsAs :: Int -> Int -> Expectation hasAllTheSameDigitsAs n m = toDigitSet n `shouldBe` toDigitSet m
module Math.Probably.GlobalRandoms where import Data.IORef import System.IO.Unsafe import Math.Probably.Sampler {-# NOINLINE globalSeed #-} globalSeed :: IORef Seed globalSeed = unsafePerformIO $ getSeedIO >>= newIORef {-# NOINLINE sampleN #-} sampleN :: Int -> Prob a -> [a] sampleN n = unsafePerformIO . fmap (take n) . runSamplerIO {- withGlobalRnds (\rs -> sam n rs sf []) where sam 0 rs _ xs = (xs, rs) sam n rs s@(Sam sf) xs = let (x, rs') = sf rs in sam (n-1) rs' s (x:xs) -} {-sampleNV :: Int -> Sampler a -> Vector a sampleNV n sf = withGlobalRnds (\rs -> sam n rs sf []) where sam 0 rs _ xs = (xs, rs) sam n rs s@(Sam sf) xs = let (x, rs') = sf rs in sam (n-1) rs' s (x:xs) -}
module AST.Module where import Data.Binary import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>)) import qualified AST.Expression.Canonical as Canonical import qualified AST.Declaration as Decl import qualified AST.Type as Type import qualified AST.Variable as Var import AST.PrettyPrint --import qualified Elm.Compiler.Version as Compiler import Text.PrettyPrint as P -- HELPFUL TYPE ALIASES type Interfaces = Map.Map Name Interface type Types = Map.Map String Type.CanonicalType type Aliases = Map.Map String ([String], Type.CanonicalType) type ADTs = Map.Map String (AdtInfo String) type AdtInfo v = ( [String], [(v, [Type.CanonicalType])] ) type CanonicalAdt = (Var.Canonical, AdtInfo Var.Canonical) -- MODULES type SourceModule = Module (Var.Listing Var.Value) [Decl.SourceDecl] type ValidModule = Module (Var.Listing Var.Value) [Decl.ValidDecl] type CanonicalModule = Module [Var.Value] CanonicalBody data Module exports body = Module { names :: Name , path :: FilePath , exports :: exports , imports :: [(Name, ImportMethod)] , body :: body } data CanonicalBody = CanonicalBody { program :: Canonical.Expr , types :: Types , fixities :: [(Decl.Assoc, Int, String)] , aliases :: Aliases , datatypes :: ADTs , ports :: [String] } -- HEADERS {-| Basic info needed to identify modules and determine dependencies. -} data HeaderAndImports = HeaderAndImports { _names :: Name , _exports :: Var.Listing Var.Value , _imports :: [(Name, ImportMethod)] } type Name = [String] -- must be non-empty nameToString :: Name -> String nameToString = List.intercalate "." nameIsNative :: Name -> Bool nameIsNative name = case name of "Native" : _ -> True _ -> False -- INTERFACES {-| Key facts about a module, used when reading info from .elmi files. -} data Interface = Interface { iVersion :: String , iExports :: [Var.Value] , iTypes :: Types , iImports :: [(Name, ImportMethod)] , iAdts :: ADTs , iAliases :: Aliases , iFixities :: [(Decl.Assoc, Int, String)] , iPorts :: [String] } toInterface :: CanonicalModule -> Interface toInterface modul = let body' = body modul in Interface { iVersion = "Haskelm"--Compiler.version , iExports = exports modul , iTypes = types body' , iImports = imports modul , iAdts = datatypes body' , iAliases = aliases body' , iFixities = fixities body' , iPorts = ports body' } instance Binary Interface where get = Interface <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get put modul = do put (iVersion modul) put (iExports modul) put (iTypes modul) put (iImports modul) put (iAdts modul) put (iAliases modul) put (iFixities modul) put (iPorts modul) -- IMPORT METHOD data ImportMethod = As !String | Open !(Var.Listing Var.Value) open :: ImportMethod open = Open (Var.openListing) importing :: [Var.Value] -> ImportMethod importing xs = Open (Var.Listing xs False) instance Binary ImportMethod where put method = case method of As alias -> putWord8 0 >> put alias Open listing -> putWord8 1 >> put listing get = do tag <- getWord8 case tag of 0 -> As <$> get 1 -> Open <$> get _ -> error "Error reading valid ImportMethod type from serialized string" -- PRETTY PRINTING instance (Pretty exs, Pretty body) => Pretty (Module exs body) where pretty (Module names _ exs ims body) = P.vcat [modul, P.text "", prettyImports, P.text "", pretty body] where modul = P.text "module" <+> name <+> pretty exs <+> P.text "where" name = P.text (List.intercalate "." names) prettyImports = P.vcat $ map prettyMethod ims prettyMethod :: (Name, ImportMethod) -> Doc prettyMethod import' = case import' of ([name], As alias) | name == alias -> P.empty (_, As alias) -> P.text "as" <+> P.text alias (_, Open listing) -> pretty listing
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, Safe #-} module Evalso.Cruncher.Language.Haskell (haskell) where import Evalso.Cruncher.Language (Language (..)) haskell :: Language haskell = Language { _codeFilename = "program.hs" , _compileCommand = Just ["ghc", "program.hs"] , _compileTimeout = Just 3 , _runCommand = ["./program"] , _runTimeout = 5 , _codemirror = "haskell" , _rpm = "ghc-compiler" , _displayName = "Haskell" }
-- | Combinators for executing IO actions in parallel on a thread pool. -- -- This module just reexports "Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global": this contains versions of -- the combinators that make use of a single global thread pool with as many threads as there are -- capabilities. -- -- For finer-grained control, you can use "Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local" instead, which -- gives you control over the creation of the pool. module Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO ( module Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global ) where -- By default, just export the user-friendly Global interface. -- Those who want more power can import Local explicitly. import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Text.WildCardMatcher where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (*>)) import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as ABC class AppendParseResult a where appendPR :: a -> a -> a concatPR :: [a] -> a emptyPR :: a instance AppendParseResult BSL.ByteString where appendPR = BSL.append concatPR = BSL.concat emptyPR = BSL.empty instance AppendParseResult [a] where appendPR = (++) concatPR = L.concat emptyPR = [] instance AppendParseResult a => AppendParseResult (ABC.Parser a) where appendPR pa qa = do a1 <- pa a2 <- qa return $ appendPR a1 a2 concatPR [] = emptyPR concatPR (pa:pas) = do a <- pa appendPR a <$> concatPR pas emptyPR = return emptyPR instance AppendParseResult a => AppendParseResult (ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser a) where appendPR npa nqa = npa . nqa concatPR [] = emptyPR concatPR (npa:npas) = do appendPR npa $ concatPR npas emptyPR = id (+>) :: AppendParseResult a => ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser a p +> q = p >>= \ a -> appendPR a <$> (p **> q) (**>) :: AppendParseResult a => ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser a p **> q = (p +> q) <|> q {- (+>>) :: AppendParseResult a => ABC.Parser b -> ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser a p +>> q = p *> (p **>> q) (**>>) :: AppendParseResult a => ABC.Parser b -> ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser a p **>> q = (p +>> q) <|> q (+<<) :: AppendParseResult a => ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser b -> ABC.Parser a p +<< q = p >>= \ a -> appendPR a <$> (p **<< q) (**<<) :: AppendParseResult a => ABC.Parser a -> ABC.Parser b -> ABC.Parser a p **<< q = (p +<< q) <|> (q *> return emptyPR) ---} ------------------------------- pLbs :: BS.ByteString -> ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString pLbs lbs = BSL.fromStrict <$> ABC.string lbs pAnyChar :: ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString pAnyChar = BSLC.singleton <$> ABC.anyChar asteriskParserN :: ABC.Parser (ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString -> ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString) asteriskParserN = ABC.takeWhile1 ('*' ==) *> (return $ \ r -> (pAnyChar **> r)) asteriskParser :: ABC.Parser (ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString) asteriskParser = ($ emptyPR) <$> asteriskParserN stringParserN :: ABC.Parser (ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString -> ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString) stringParserN = appendPR <$> stringParser stringParser :: ABC.Parser (ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString) stringParser = pLbs <$> ABC.takeWhile1 ('*' /=) wildCardParserN :: ABC.Parser (ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString -> ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString) wildCardParserN = concatPR <$> (ABC.many' $ asteriskParserN <|> stringParserN) wildCardParserGenerater :: ABC.Parser (ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString) wildCardParserGenerater = ($ emptyPR) <$> wildCardParserN generateParser :: ABC.Parser (ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString) -> BS.ByteString -> ABC.Parser BSL.ByteString generateParser pg bs = case ABC.parse pg bs of ABC.Done _ r -> r ABC.Partial f -> case f "" of ABC.Done _ r -> r _ -> emptyPR _ -> emptyPR type Matcher = BS.ByteString -> Bool matchWildCardString :: BS.ByteString -> Matcher matchWildCardString "" "" = True matchWildCardString _ "" = False matchWildCardString wildCardString targetString = case ABC.parse parser targetString of ABC.Done "" _ -> True ABC.Partial f -> case f "" of ABC.Done "" _ -> True _ -> False _ -> False where parser = generateParser wildCardParserGenerater wildCardString
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module RequestSpec (main, spec) where import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Request import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.RequestHeader (parseByteRanges) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HH import Data.IORef main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "headerLines" $ do it "takes until blank" $ blankSafe >>= (`shouldBe` ("", ["foo", "bar", "baz"])) it "ignored leading whitespace in bodies" $ whiteSafe >>= (`shouldBe` (" hi there", ["foo", "bar", "baz"])) it "throws OverLargeHeader when too many" $ tooMany `shouldThrow` overLargeHeader it "throws OverLargeHeader when too large" $ tooLarge `shouldThrow` overLargeHeader it "known bad chunking behavior #239" $ do let chunks = [ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: Close\r" , "\n\r\n" ] (actual, src) <- headerLinesList' chunks leftover <- readLeftoverSource src leftover `shouldBe` S.empty actual `shouldBe` ["GET / HTTP/1.1", "Connection: Close"] prop "random chunking" $ \breaks extraS -> do let bsFull = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n" `S8.append` extra extra = S8.pack extraS chunks = loop breaks bsFull loop [] bs = [bs, undefined] loop (x:xs) bs = bs1 : loop xs bs2 where (bs1, bs2) = S8.splitAt ((x `mod` 10) + 1) bs (actual, src) <- headerLinesList' chunks leftover <- consumeLen (length extraS) src actual `shouldBe` ["GET / HTTP/1.1", "Connection: Close"] leftover `shouldBe` extra describe "parseByteRanges" $ do let test x y = it x $ parseByteRanges (S8.pack x) `shouldBe` y test "bytes=0-499" $ Just [HH.ByteRangeFromTo 0 499] test "bytes=500-999" $ Just [HH.ByteRangeFromTo 500 999] test "bytes=-500" $ Just [HH.ByteRangeSuffix 500] test "bytes=9500-" $ Just [HH.ByteRangeFrom 9500] test "foobytes=9500-" Nothing test "bytes=0-0,-1" $ Just [HH.ByteRangeFromTo 0 0, HH.ByteRangeSuffix 1] where blankSafe = headerLinesList ["f", "oo\n", "bar\nbaz\n\r\n"] whiteSafe = headerLinesList ["foo\r\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\n hi there"] tooMany = headerLinesList $ repeat "f\n" tooLarge = headerLinesList $ repeat "f" headerLinesList orig = do (res, src) <- headerLinesList' orig leftover <- readLeftoverSource src return (leftover, res) headerLinesList' orig = do ref <- newIORef orig let src = do x <- readIORef ref case x of [] -> return S.empty y:z -> do writeIORef ref z return y src' <- mkSource src res <- headerLines src' return (res, src') consumeLen len0 src = loop id len0 where loop front len | len <= 0 = return $ S.concat $ front [] | otherwise = do bs <- readSource src if S.null bs then loop front 0 else do let (x, y) = S.splitAt len bs loop (front . (x:)) (len - S.length x) overLargeHeader :: Selector InvalidRequest overLargeHeader e = e == OverLargeHeader
-- | Module containing explorer-specific datatypes module Pos.Explorer.Core.Types ( TxExtra (..) , AddrHistory ) where import Universum import Pos.Binary.Class (Cons (..), Field (..), deriveSimpleBi) import Pos.Chain.Block (HeaderHash) import Pos.Chain.Txp (TxId, TxUndo) import Pos.Core (Timestamp) import Pos.Core.Chrono (NewestFirst) type AddrHistory = NewestFirst [] TxId data TxExtra = TxExtra { teBlockchainPlace :: !(Maybe (HeaderHash, Word32)) , teReceivedTime :: !(Maybe Timestamp) -- non-strict on purpose, see comment in `processTxDo` in Pos.Explorer.Txp.Local , teInputOutputs :: TxUndo } deriving (Show, Generic, Eq) deriveSimpleBi ''TxExtra [ Cons 'TxExtra [ Field [| teBlockchainPlace :: Maybe (HeaderHash, Word32) |], Field [| teReceivedTime :: Maybe Timestamp |], Field [| teInputOutputs :: TxUndo |] ]]
{- | Module : ./Taxonomy/MMiSSOntologyGraph.hs Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2004-2006 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : non-portable(uni) displays an ontology graph -} module Taxonomy.MMiSSOntologyGraph (displayClassGraph) where import Data.List import Control.Monad import Data.IORef import GUI.UDGUtils import qualified GUI.HTkUtils as S import Taxonomy.MMiSSOntology import qualified Data.Map as Map import Common.Lib.Graph import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS import qualified Data.Foldable import qualified Taxonomy.AbstractGraphView as A displayClassGraph :: MMiSSOntology -> Maybe String -> IO A.OurGraph displayClassGraph onto startClass = do S.initHTk [] ginfo <- A.initgraphs classGraph <- case startClass of Nothing -> return $ getPureClassGraph $ getClassGraph onto Just className -> case gselName className $ getClassGraph onto of [] -> return $ getPureClassGraph $ getClassGraph onto (_, v, l, _) : _ -> return $ ([], v, l, []) & empty A.Result gid _ <- A.makegraph (getOntologyName onto) Nothing Nothing Nothing [GlobalMenu (Button "Button2" (putStrLn "Button2 was pressed"))] (map ( \ ( nam, col) -> (getTypeLabel nam, Box $$$ Color col $$$ createLocalMenu onto ginfo $$$ ValueTitle ( \ (name, _, _) -> return name) $$$ emptyNodeTypeParms :: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String, Int, Int) )) [ (OntoClass, "#e0eeee") , (OntoPredicate, "#ffd300") , (OntoObject, "#ffffA0") ]) (createEdgeTypes $ getClassGraph onto) [] ginfo updateDaVinciGraph classGraph gid ginfo setEmptyRelationSpecs gid ginfo onto A.Result gid' _ <- A.redisplay gid ginfo A.getGraphid gid' ginfo setEmptyRelationSpecs :: A.Descr -> A.GraphInfo -> MMiSSOntology -> IO () setEmptyRelationSpecs gid gv onto = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Nothing -> return () _ -> do A.writeRelViewSpecs gid (map ( \ relname -> A.RelViewSpec relname False False) $ getRelationNames onto) gv return () updateDaVinciGraph :: Gr (String, String, OntoObjectType) String -> A.Descr -> A.GraphInfo -> IO () updateDaVinciGraph nGraph gid gv = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Nothing -> return () Just g -> do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g nMap = A.nodeMap g nodeMap1 <- foldM (createNode gid gv oldGraph) nMap $ labNodes nGraph nodeMap2 <- foldM (createLink gid gv) nodeMap1 $ labEdges nGraph A.Result gid' err <- A.writeOntoGraph gid nGraph gv A.writeNodeMap gid' nodeMap2 gv Data.Foldable.forM_ err putStr getTypeLabel :: OntoObjectType -> String getTypeLabel t = case t of OntoClass -> "class" OntoObject -> "object" OntoPredicate -> "predicate" createNode :: Int -> A.GraphInfo -> ClassGraph -> A.NodeMapping -> LNode (String, String, OntoObjectType) -> IO A.NodeMapping createNode gid ginfo _ nMap (nodeID, (name, _, objectType)) = case Map.lookup nodeID nMap of Just _ -> return nMap Nothing -> do A.Result nid err <- A.addnode gid (getTypeLabel objectType) name ginfo case err of Nothing -> return (Map.insert nodeID nid nMap) Just str -> do putStr str return $ Map.insert nodeID nid nMap createLink :: A.Descr -> A.GraphInfo -> A.NodeMapping -> LEdge String -> IO A.NodeMapping createLink gid ginfo nMap (node1, node2, edgeLabel) = do dNodeID_1 <- case Map.lookup node1 nMap of Nothing -> return (-1) Just n -> return n dNodeID_2 <- case Map.lookup node2 nMap of Nothing -> return (-1) Just n -> return n if dNodeID_1 == -1 || dNodeID_2 == -1 then return nMap else do A.Result _ err <- if elem edgeLabel ["isa", "instanceOf", "livesIn", "proves"] then A.addlink gid edgeLabel edgeLabel Nothing dNodeID_2 dNodeID_1 ginfo else A.addlink gid edgeLabel edgeLabel Nothing dNodeID_1 dNodeID_2 ginfo Data.Foldable.forM_ err putStr return nMap showRelationsForVisible :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showRelationsForVisible onto gv (_, _, gid) = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Nothing -> return () Just g -> do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g nodesInOldGraph = map fst $ labNodes oldGraph newGr = restrict (`elem` nodesInOldGraph) $ getClassGraph onto purgeGraph gid gv updateDaVinciGraph newGr gid gv A.redisplay gid gv return () showObjectsForVisible :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showObjectsForVisible onto gv (_, _, gid) = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Nothing -> return () Just g -> do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g classesInOldGraph = map ( \ (_, _, (className, _, _), _) -> className) $ filter ( \ (_, _, (_, _, objectType), _) -> objectType == OntoClass) $ map (context oldGraph) $ nodes oldGraph findObjectsOfClass classList (_, (_, className, _)) = elem className classList objectList = map fst $ filter (findObjectsOfClass classesInOldGraph) $ getTypedNodes [OntoObject] $ getClassGraph onto objectGr = restrict (`elem` objectList) (getClassGraph onto) updateDaVinciGraph (makeObjectGraph oldGraph (getPureClassGraph (getClassGraph onto)) objectGr) gid gv A.redisplay gid gv return () showWholeObjectGraph :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showWholeObjectGraph onto gv (_, _, gid) = do oldGv <- readIORef gv A.Result _ err <- purgeGraph gid gv let objectList = map fst $ getTypedNodes [OntoObject] $ getClassGraph onto objectGraph = restrict (`elem` objectList) $ getClassGraph onto updateDaVinciGraph (makeObjectGraph empty (getClassGraph onto) objectGraph) gid gv case err of Just _ -> writeIORef gv oldGv Nothing -> do A.redisplay gid gv return () makeObjectGraph :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph makeObjectGraph oldGr classGr objectGr = let newGr = insNodes (labNodes objectGr) oldGr newGr2 = foldl insEdgeSecurely newGr (labEdges objectGr) newGr3 = foldl insInstanceOfEdge newGr2 (labNodes objectGr) in newGr3 where insEdgeSecurely gr (node1, node2, label) = case match node1 gr of (Nothing, _) -> gr _ -> case match node2 gr of (Nothing, _) -> gr _ -> insEdge (node1, node2, label) gr insInstanceOfEdge gr (_, (objectName, className, _)) = case findLNode gr className of Nothing -> case findLNode classGr className of Nothing -> gr Just classNodeID -> insInstanceOfEdge1 (insNode (classNodeID, (className, "", OntoClass)) gr) classNodeID objectName Just classNodeID -> insInstanceOfEdge1 gr classNodeID objectName insInstanceOfEdge1 gr classNodeID objectName = case findLNode gr objectName of Nothing -> gr Just objectNodeID -> insEdge (objectNodeID, classNodeID, "instanceOf") gr showWholeClassGraph :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showWholeClassGraph onto gv (_, _, gid) = do oldGv <- readIORef gv A.Result _ err <- purgeGraph gid gv updateDaVinciGraph (getPureClassGraph (getClassGraph onto)) gid gv case err of Just _ -> writeIORef gv oldGv Nothing -> do A.redisplay gid gv return () showRelationsToNeighbors :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> [String] -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showRelationsToNeighbors onto gv rels (name, _, gid) = do oldGv <- readIORef gv updateDaVinciGraph (reduceToNeighbors (getClassGraph onto) name rels) gid gv writeIORef gv oldGv reduceToNeighbors :: ClassGraph -> String -> [String] -> ClassGraph reduceToNeighbors g name forbiddenRels = case findLNode g name of Nothing -> g Just node -> let (p, v, l, s) = context g node noForbidden = not . (`elem` forbiddenRels) . fst p' = filter noForbidden p s' = filter noForbidden s ns = map snd p' ++ map snd s' myInsNode gr newGr nodeID = case match nodeID newGr of (Nothing, _) -> ([], nodeID, lab' (context gr nodeID), []) & newGr _ -> newGr in (p', v, l, s') & foldl (myInsNode g) empty ns showAllRelations :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> Bool -> [String] -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showAllRelations onto gv withIncoming rels (name, _, gid) = do oldGv <- readIORef gv let newGr = reduceToRelations (getClassGraph onto) empty withIncoming rels name updateDaVinciGraph newGr gid gv writeIORef gv oldGv reduceToRelations :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> Bool -> [String] -> String -> ClassGraph reduceToRelations wholeGraph g withIncoming forbiddenRels name = let g1 = elfilter (not . (`elem` forbiddenRels)) wholeGraph in case findLNode g1 name of Nothing -> g Just selectedNode -> let nodeList = if withIncoming then udfs [selectedNode] g1 else dfs [selectedNode] g1 toDelete = nodes g1 \\ nodeList g1' = delNodes toDelete g1 g2 = mergeGraphs g1' g newNodesList = nodeList \\ nodes g in if null newNodesList then g2 else foldl (followRelationOverSubClasses wholeGraph withIncoming forbiddenRels) g2 newNodesList followRelationOverSubClasses :: ClassGraph -> Bool -> [String] -> ClassGraph -> Node -> ClassGraph followRelationOverSubClasses wholeGraph withIncoming forbiddenRels g node = let g1 = elfilter (== "isa") wholeGraph in case match node g1 of (Nothing, _) -> g _ -> let subclasses = rdfs [node] g1 newNs = subclasses \\ nodes g in if null newNs then g else let toDelete = nodes g1 \\ subclasses g2 = mergeGraphs (delNodes toDelete g1) g in foldl transClosureForNode g2 newNs where transClosureForNode g' n = let (name, _, _) = lab' $ context wholeGraph n in reduceToRelations wholeGraph g' withIncoming forbiddenRels name mergeGraphs :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph mergeGraphs g1 g2 = insEdges (labEdges g2) $ insNodes (labNodes g2 \\ labNodes g1) g1 showSuperSubClassesForVisible :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> Bool -> Bool -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showSuperSubClassesForVisible onto gv showSuper transitive (_, _, gid) = do nodeList <- myGetNodes gid gv if transitive then updateDaVinciGraph (foldl (getSubSuperClosure (getClassGraph onto) showSuper) empty nodeList) gid gv else updateDaVinciGraph (foldl (getSubSuperSingle (getClassGraph onto) showSuper) empty nodeList) gid gv A.redisplay gid gv return () reduceToThisNode :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () reduceToThisNode onto gv (name, _, gid) = do purgeGraph gid gv case gselName name $ getClassGraph onto of [] -> return () (_, v, l, _) : _ -> do updateDaVinciGraph (([], v, l, []) & empty) gid gv A.redisplay gid gv return () purgeThisNode :: A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () purgeThisNode gv (name, _, gid) = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Nothing -> return () Just g -> do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g nMap = A.nodeMap g (_, mayNodeID) <- case findLNode oldGraph name of Nothing -> return (oldGraph, Nothing) Just nodeID -> return (delNode nodeID oldGraph, Just nodeID) case mayNodeID of Nothing -> return () Just nodeID -> case Map.lookup nodeID nMap of Nothing -> return () Just node -> do A.delnode gid node gv A.redisplay gid gv return () showSuperSubClasses :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> Bool -> Bool -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showSuperSubClasses onto gv showSuper transitive (name, _, gid) = do if transitive then updateDaVinciGraph (getSubSuperClosure (getClassGraph onto) showSuper empty name) gid gv else updateDaVinciGraph (getSubSuperSingle (getClassGraph onto) showSuper empty name) gid gv A.redisplay gid gv return () getSubSuperSingle :: ClassGraph -> Bool -> ClassGraph -> String -> ClassGraph getSubSuperSingle g showSuper newGr name = case findLNode g name of Nothing -> g Just nodeID -> let isaPred (_, _, a) = a == "isa" subClassEdges = filter isaPred $ inn g nodeID ng = foldl (insPredecessorAndEdge g) (insertInitialNode nodeID newGr) subClassEdges in if showSuper then let superClassEdges = filter isaPred $ out g nodeID in foldl (insSuccessorAndEdge g) ng superClassEdges else ng where insertInitialNode :: Node -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph insertInitialNode nodeID gr = case match nodeID gr of (Nothing, _) -> ([], nodeID, (name, "", OntoClass), []) & gr _ -> gr insPredecessorAndEdge :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> LEdge String -> ClassGraph insPredecessorAndEdge oldGr newGr' (fromNode, toNode, edgeLabel) = case fst $ match fromNode oldGr of Nothing -> newGr' Just (_, _, nodeLabel1, _) -> case match fromNode newGr' of (Nothing, _) -> ([], fromNode, nodeLabel1, [(edgeLabel, toNode)]) & newGr' (Just (p, fromNodeID, nodeLabel2, s), newGr2) -> (p, fromNodeID, nodeLabel2, (edgeLabel, toNode) : s) & newGr2 insSuccessorAndEdge :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> LEdge String -> ClassGraph insSuccessorAndEdge oldGr newGr' (fromNode, toNode, edgeLabel) = case fst $ match toNode oldGr of Nothing -> newGr' Just (_, _, (nodeLabel1, _, _), _) -> case match toNode newGr' of (Nothing, _) -> ([(edgeLabel, fromNode)], toNode, (nodeLabel1, "", OntoClass), []) & newGr' (Just (p, toNodeID, nodeLabel2, s), newGr2) -> ((edgeLabel, fromNode) : p, toNodeID, nodeLabel2, s) & newGr2 getSubSuperClosure :: ClassGraph -> Bool -> ClassGraph -> String -> ClassGraph getSubSuperClosure g showSuper newGr name = case findLNode g name of Nothing -> g Just nodeID -> let ng = foldl subClassClosure newGr [nodeID] in if showSuper then foldl (superClassClosure nodeID) ng [nodeID] else ng where superClassClosure :: Node -> ClassGraph -> Node -> ClassGraph superClassClosure specialNodeID ng nodeID = case fst $ match nodeID g of Nothing -> ng Just (_, _, (label, _, _), outAdj) -> let isaAdj = filter ((== "isa") . fst) outAdj ng1 = foldl (superClassClosure specialNodeID) ng $ map snd isaAdj in if nodeID == specialNodeID then case match specialNodeID ng1 of -- This should never be the case, but we somehow have to deal with it (Nothing, _) -> (isaAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), []) & ng1 (Just (inAdj, _, _, _), ng2) -> (inAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), isaAdj) & ng2 else case match nodeID ng1 of (Nothing, _) -> ([], nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), isaAdj) & ng1 (Just (inAdj, _, _, outAdj2), ng2) -> (inAdj ++ isaAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), outAdj2) & ng2 {- - subClassClosure hunts transitively all isa-Ajacencies that goes into the given node (nodeID). For all nodes collected, their outgoing adjacencies are ignored because we only want to show the isa-Relation to the superclass. The given specialNodeID is the ID of the node from which the search for subclasses startet. Because this node is already in the graph, we have to delete and reinsert it with its outgoing adjacencies (which consists of the isa-relations to it's superclasses, build by superClassClosure beforehand). - -} subClassClosure :: ClassGraph -> Node -> ClassGraph subClassClosure ng nodeID = case fst $ match nodeID g of Nothing -> ng Just (inAdj, _, (label, _, _), _) -> let isaAdj = filter ((== "isa") . fst) inAdj ng1 = foldl subClassClosure ng $ map snd isaAdj in case fst $ match nodeID ng1 of Nothing -> (isaAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), []) & ng1 _ -> ng1 hideObjectsForVisible :: A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () hideObjectsForVisible gv (_, _, gid) = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Nothing -> return () Just g -> do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g objectNodeIDs = map ( \ (_, v, _, _) -> v) $ gselType (== OntoObject) oldGraph purgeGraph gid gv updateDaVinciGraph (restrict (`notElem` objectNodeIDs) oldGraph) gid gv A.redisplay gid gv return () createEdgeTypes :: ClassGraph -> [(String, DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue)] createEdgeTypes g = map createEdgeType $ nub (map ( \ (_, _, l) -> l) $ labEdges g) ++ ["instanceOf"] where createEdgeType str = case str of "isa" -> ("isa", Thick $$$ Head "oarrow" $$$ Dir "first" $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue) "instanceOf" -> ("instanceOf", Dotted $$$ Dir "first" $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue) _ -> -- "contains" (str, Solid $$$ Head "arrow" $$$ ValueTitle (\ (name, _, _) -> return name) $$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue) createLocalMenu :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> LocalMenu (String, Int, Int) createLocalMenu onto ginfo = let relMenus b = createRelationMenuButtons b (getRelationNames onto) onto ginfo allRels f b = [ Button "All relations" $ f onto ginfo b ["isa"] , Blank ] ++ relMenus b superSub' f b1 = Button (if b1 then "Sub/Superclasses" else "Subclasses") . f onto ginfo b1 superSub = superSub' showSuperSubClasses superSubForVis = superSub' showSuperSubClassesForVisible relMen f = Menu (Just "Show relations") [ Menu (Just "Outgoing") $ f False , Menu (Just "Out + In") $ f True ] nodeMen f b = Menu (Just $ "Show " ++ if b then "transitively" else "adjacent") . ([ f False b, f True b ] ++) in LocalMenu $ Menu Nothing [ Menu (Just "For this node") [ nodeMen superSub True [relMen $ allRels showAllRelations] , nodeMen superSub False [relMen $ allRels ( \ o g _ -> showRelationsToNeighbors o g)] ] , Menu (Just "For visible nodes") [ nodeMen superSubForVis True [] , nodeMen superSubForVis False [] , Blank , Button "Show relations" $ showRelationsForVisible onto ginfo , Blank , Button "Show objects" $ showObjectsForVisible onto ginfo , Button "Hide objects" $ hideObjectsForVisible ginfo ] , Button "Show whole class graph" $ showWholeClassGraph onto ginfo , Button "Show whole object graph" $ showWholeObjectGraph onto ginfo , Button "Show relations" $ showRelationDialog ginfo , Button "Reduce to this node" $ reduceToThisNode onto ginfo , Button "Delete this node" $ purgeThisNode ginfo ] createRelationMenuButtons :: Bool -> [String] -> MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> [MenuPrim a ((String, Int, Int) -> IO ())] createRelationMenuButtons withIncomingRels relNames onto ginfo = map createButton relNames where createButton name = Button name $ showAllRelations onto ginfo withIncomingRels $ delete name $ relNames ++ ["isa"] myDeleteNode :: A.Descr -> A.GraphInfo -> A.Result -> (Int, (String, DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int))) -> IO A.Result myDeleteNode gid gv _ node = A.delnode gid (fst node) gv purgeGraph :: Int -> A.GraphInfo -> IO A.Result purgeGraph gid gv = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Just g -> do A.writeOntoGraph gid empty gv A.writeNodeMap gid Map.empty gv foldM (myDeleteNode gid gv) (A.Result 0 Nothing) $ Map.toList $ A.nodes g Nothing -> return $ A.Result 0 $ Just $ "Graph id " ++ show gid ++ " not found" myGetNodes :: Int -> A.GraphInfo -> IO [String] myGetNodes gid gv = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Just g -> return $ map ( \ (_, (name, _, _)) -> name) $ labNodes $ A.ontoGraph g Nothing -> return [] getPureClassGraph :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph getPureClassGraph g = let classNodeList = map fst $ getTypedNodes [OntoClass, OntoPredicate] g in restrict (`elem` classNodeList) g restrict :: DynGraph gr => (Node -> Bool) -> gr a b -> gr a b restrict f = ufold cfilter empty where cfilter (p, v, l, s) g = if f v then (p', v, l, s') & g else g where p' = filter (f . snd) p s' = filter (f . snd) s getTypedNodes :: [OntoObjectType] -> ClassGraph -> [LNode (String, String, OntoObjectType)] getTypedNodes ts = map labNode' . gselType (`elem` ts) showRelationDialog :: A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO () showRelationDialog gv (_ , _, gid) = do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv case lookup gid gs of Nothing -> return () Just g -> do let rvs = A.relViewSpecs g specEntries = S.row $ map relSpecToFormEntry rvs form = firstRow S.// specEntries S.doForm "Show relations" form return () where firstRow = S.newFormEntry "" () S.\\ S.newFormEntry "Show" () S.\\ S.newFormEntry "Transitive" () relSpecToFormEntry (A.RelViewSpec relname b1 b2) = S.newFormEntry relname () S.\\ S.newFormEntry "" b1 S.\\ S.newFormEntry "" b2
{- | Module : ./Common/ATerm/ATermDiffMain.hs Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2010 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module Main (main) where import System.Environment import ATerm.ReadWrite import ATerm.Unshared import ATerm.Diff import Control.Monad main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of [x, y] -> atDiffFP x y _ -> putStrLn "expected two argument filenames" atDiffFP :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () atDiffFP fp1 fp2 = do at1 <- atermFromFile fp1 at2 <- atermFromFile fp2 let (at, diffs) = atDiff at1 at2 unless (null diffs) $ do putStrLn (writeATerm (toATermTable at)) putStrLn (writeATerm (toATermTable (AList diffs []))) atermFromFile :: FilePath -> IO ATerm atermFromFile fp = do str <- readFile fp return (getATermFull (readATerm str))
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.IAM.ResyncMFADevice -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Synchronizes the specified MFA device with AWS servers. -- -- For more information about creating and working with virtual MFA -- devices, go to -- < Using a Virtual MFA Device> -- in the /Using IAM/ guide. -- -- /See:/ < AWS API Reference> for ResyncMFADevice. module Network.AWS.IAM.ResyncMFADevice ( -- * Creating a Request resyncMFADevice , ResyncMFADevice -- * Request Lenses , rmdUserName , rmdSerialNumber , rmdAuthenticationCode1 , rmdAuthenticationCode2 -- * Destructuring the Response , resyncMFADeviceResponse , ResyncMFADeviceResponse ) where import Network.AWS.IAM.Types import Network.AWS.IAM.Types.Product import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request import Network.AWS.Response -- | /See:/ 'resyncMFADevice' smart constructor. data ResyncMFADevice = ResyncMFADevice' { _rmdUserName :: !Text , _rmdSerialNumber :: !Text , _rmdAuthenticationCode1 :: !Text , _rmdAuthenticationCode2 :: !Text } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ResyncMFADevice' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rmdUserName' -- -- * 'rmdSerialNumber' -- -- * 'rmdAuthenticationCode1' -- -- * 'rmdAuthenticationCode2' resyncMFADevice :: Text -- ^ 'rmdUserName' -> Text -- ^ 'rmdSerialNumber' -> Text -- ^ 'rmdAuthenticationCode1' -> Text -- ^ 'rmdAuthenticationCode2' -> ResyncMFADevice resyncMFADevice pUserName_ pSerialNumber_ pAuthenticationCode1_ pAuthenticationCode2_ = ResyncMFADevice' { _rmdUserName = pUserName_ , _rmdSerialNumber = pSerialNumber_ , _rmdAuthenticationCode1 = pAuthenticationCode1_ , _rmdAuthenticationCode2 = pAuthenticationCode2_ } -- | The name of the user whose MFA device you want to resynchronize. rmdUserName :: Lens' ResyncMFADevice Text rmdUserName = lens _rmdUserName (\ s a -> s{_rmdUserName = a}); -- | Serial number that uniquely identifies the MFA device. rmdSerialNumber :: Lens' ResyncMFADevice Text rmdSerialNumber = lens _rmdSerialNumber (\ s a -> s{_rmdSerialNumber = a}); -- | An authentication code emitted by the device. rmdAuthenticationCode1 :: Lens' ResyncMFADevice Text rmdAuthenticationCode1 = lens _rmdAuthenticationCode1 (\ s a -> s{_rmdAuthenticationCode1 = a}); -- | A subsequent authentication code emitted by the device. rmdAuthenticationCode2 :: Lens' ResyncMFADevice Text rmdAuthenticationCode2 = lens _rmdAuthenticationCode2 (\ s a -> s{_rmdAuthenticationCode2 = a}); instance AWSRequest ResyncMFADevice where type Rs ResyncMFADevice = ResyncMFADeviceResponse request = postQuery iAM response = receiveNull ResyncMFADeviceResponse' instance ToHeaders ResyncMFADevice where toHeaders = const mempty instance ToPath ResyncMFADevice where toPath = const "/" instance ToQuery ResyncMFADevice where toQuery ResyncMFADevice'{..} = mconcat ["Action" =: ("ResyncMFADevice" :: ByteString), "Version" =: ("2010-05-08" :: ByteString), "UserName" =: _rmdUserName, "SerialNumber" =: _rmdSerialNumber, "AuthenticationCode1" =: _rmdAuthenticationCode1, "AuthenticationCode2" =: _rmdAuthenticationCode2] -- | /See:/ 'resyncMFADeviceResponse' smart constructor. data ResyncMFADeviceResponse = ResyncMFADeviceResponse' deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ResyncMFADeviceResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- resyncMFADeviceResponse :: ResyncMFADeviceResponse resyncMFADeviceResponse = ResyncMFADeviceResponse'
-- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -- {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances,ScopedTypeVariables,FlexibleInstances,UndecidableInstances,OverlappingInstances,PatternGuards,FlexibleContexts #-} module Rpc.Variables ( DBusTypeable (..) , Variable (..) ) where import Control.Applicative import Data.Maybe import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.String import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BUTF8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Map (Map) import Rpc.Types import qualified Network.DBus as D -- -- instances for easier mapping complex haskell types e.g. maps and lists to dbus counterparts -- -- we need a class to infer dbus type from haskell one class DBusTypeable a where dbusType :: a -> D.SignatureElem -- required for specialsed instance for [Char] dbusListType :: [a] -> D.SignatureElem dbusListType _ = let elemT = dbusType (undefined :: a) in D.SigArray elemT -- | convert between haskell & dbus types class Variable a where fromVariant :: DBusValue -> Maybe a toVariant :: a -> DBusValue -- required to give specialised instance for [Word8], [Char] listFromVariant :: DBusTypeable a => DBusValue -> Maybe [a] listFromVariant = listFromVariant_ listToVariant :: DBusTypeable a => [a] -> DBusValue listToVariant = listToVariant_ listToVariant_ :: forall a. (DBusTypeable a, Variable a) => [a] -> DBusValue listToVariant_ xs = let elemT = dbusType (undefined :: a) in D.DBusArray elemT $ map toVariant xs listFromVariant_ :: forall a. (DBusTypeable a, Variable a) => DBusValue -> Maybe [a] listFromVariant_ = f where f (D.DBusArray t xs) | t == dbusType (undefined :: a) = mapM fromVariant xs f _ = Nothing -- map standard types to dbus types instance DBusTypeable Bool where dbusType _ = D.SigBool instance DBusTypeable Word8 where dbusType _ = D.SigByte instance DBusTypeable Int16 where dbusType _ = D.SigInt16 instance DBusTypeable Int32 where dbusType _ = D.SigInt32 instance DBusTypeable Int64 where dbusType _ = D.SigInt64 instance DBusTypeable Word16 where dbusType _ = D.SigUInt16 instance DBusTypeable Word32 where dbusType _ = D.SigUInt32 instance DBusTypeable Word64 where dbusType _ = D.SigUInt64 instance DBusTypeable Char where dbusType _ = D.SigString dbusListType _ = D.SigString instance DBusTypeable TL.Text where dbusType _ = D.SigString instance DBusTypeable Double where dbusType _ = D.SigDouble instance DBusTypeable D.DBusValue where dbusType _ = D.SigVariant instance DBusTypeable ObjectPath where dbusType _ = D.SigObjectPath instance DBusTypeable D.SignatureElem where dbusType _ = D.SigSignature dbusListType _ = D.SigSignature instance (DBusTypeable a) => DBusTypeable [a] where dbusType = dbusListType instance (Ord k, DBusTypeable k, DBusTypeable v) => DBusTypeable (Map k v) where dbusType _ = let keyT = dbusType (undefined :: k) elemT = dbusType (undefined :: v) in D.SigArray (D.SigDict keyT elemT) -- | some mind numbing Variable instances instance Variable TL.Text where toVariant = D.DBusString . D.PackedString . B.concat . BL.toChunks . TLE.encodeUtf8 fromVariant (D.DBusString (D.PackedString x)) = Just (TLE.decodeUtf8 . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) $ x) fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable B.ByteString where toVariant = D.DBusByteArray fromVariant (D.DBusByteArray b) = Just b fromVariant (D.DBusArray D.SigByte xs) = B.pack <$> mapM fromVariant xs fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Bool where toVariant = D.DBusBoolean fromVariant (D.DBusBoolean x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing -- marshall char as dbus string instance Variable Char where toVariant c = listToVariant [c] fromVariant v = case listFromVariant v of Just (x:_) -> Just x _ -> Nothing -- handle [Char] aka String listToVariant = D.DBusString . D.PackedString . BUTF8.fromString listFromVariant (D.DBusString (D.PackedString x)) = Just $ BUTF8.toString x listFromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Word8 where toVariant = D.DBusByte fromVariant (D.DBusByte x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing listToVariant = D.DBusByteArray . B.pack listFromVariant (D.DBusArray D.SigByte xs) = mapM fromVariant xs listFromVariant (D.DBusByteArray xs) = Just $ B.unpack xs listFromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Word16 where toVariant = D.DBusUInt16 fromVariant (D.DBusUInt16 x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Word32 where toVariant = D.DBusUInt32 fromVariant (D.DBusUInt32 x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Word64 where toVariant = D.DBusUInt64 fromVariant (D.DBusUInt64 x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Int16 where toVariant = D.DBusInt16 fromVariant (D.DBusInt16 x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Int32 where toVariant = D.DBusInt32 fromVariant (D.DBusInt32 x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Int64 where toVariant = D.DBusInt64 fromVariant (D.DBusInt64 x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable Double where toVariant = D.DBusDouble fromVariant (D.DBusDouble x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable D.DBusValue where toVariant = D.DBusVariant fromVariant (D.DBusVariant x) = Just x fromVariant _ = Nothing instance Variable ObjectPath where fromVariant (D.DBusObjectPath p) = Just . mkObjectPath_ . TL.pack $ show p fromVariant _ = Nothing toVariant p = D.DBusObjectPath . fromString . TL.unpack . strObjectPath $ p instance Variable D.SignatureElem where toVariant c = listToVariant [c] fromVariant v = case listFromVariant v of Just (x:_) -> Just x _ -> Nothing listToVariant = D.DBusSignature listFromVariant (D.DBusSignature x) = Just x listFromVariant _ = Nothing -- these are equivalent to strings actually, instances for convenience instance Variable BusName where fromVariant x = mkBusName_ <$> fromVariant x toVariant = toVariant . strBusName instance Variable InterfaceName where fromVariant x = mkInterfaceName_ <$> fromVariant x toVariant = toVariant . strInterfaceName instance Variable MemberName where fromVariant x = mkMemberName_ <$> fromVariant x toVariant = toVariant . strMemberName -- list of variables we can infer dbus type for, is a variable instance (DBusTypeable a, Variable a) => Variable [a] where toVariant = listToVariant fromVariant = listFromVariant -- map is a variable if we can infer types of keys and elements, and they're variables instance (Ord k, DBusTypeable k, Variable k, DBusTypeable v, Variable v) => Variable (Map k v) where toVariant m = let keyT = dbusType (undefined :: k) elemT = dbusType (undefined :: v) elems = map (\(k,v) -> D.DBusDict (toVariant k) (toVariant v)) $ M.toList m in D.DBusArray (D.SigDict keyT elemT) elems fromVariant (D.DBusArray (D.SigDict keyT elemT) xs) | keyT == dbusType (undefined :: k) , elemT == dbusType (undefined :: v) = M.fromList <$> sequence (map mk xs) where mk (D.DBusDict k v) = (,) <$> fromVariant k <*> fromVariant v mk _ = Nothing fromVariant _ = Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | Routines for formatting dbus values -- -- In particular, types and variants module DBusBrowser.Formatting where import DBus import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Maybe import Unparse formatType :: Type -> Text formatType = T.pack . unparse formatVariant :: Variant -> Text formatVariant v = fromJust $ T.stripPrefix "Variant " $ T.pack $ show v instance Unparse Type where precedence (TypeArray _) = 0 precedence (TypeDictionary _ _) = 0 precedence (TypeStructure _) = 0 precedence _ = 1 associativity _ = NoneAssoc printRec f t = case t of TypeBoolean -> "Bool" TypeWord8 -> "UInt8" TypeWord16 -> "UInt16" TypeWord32 -> "UInt32" TypeWord64 -> "UInt64" TypeInt16 -> "Int16" TypeInt32 -> "Int32" TypeInt64 -> "Int64" TypeDouble -> "Double" TypeString -> "String" TypeSignature -> "Signature" TypeObjectPath -> "ObjectPath" TypeVariant -> "Variant" TypeArray t' -> "Array " +> f t' TypeDictionary t1 t2 -> "Dict " +> f t1 ++ " " +> f t2 TypeStructure ts -> foldr (\t' s -> ((s ++ " ") +> f t')) "Struct" ts TypeUnixFd -> "Filedescriptor"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Control.Monad.MC -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2010, Patrick Perry <[email protected]> -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : Patrick Perry <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- -- A monad and monad transformer for Monte Carlo computations. -- module Control.Monad.MC ( module Control.Monad.MC.GSL ) where import Control.Monad.MC.GSL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE helpset PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp HelpSet Version 2.0//EN" ""> <helpset version="2.0" xml:lang="ar-SA"> <title>JSON View</title> <maps> <homeID>jsonview</homeID> <mapref location="map.jhm"/> </maps> <view> <name>TOC</name> <label>Contents</label> <type></type> <data>toc.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Index</name> <label>Index</label> <type></type> <data>index.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Search</name> <label>Search</label> <type></type> <data engine=""> JavaHelpSearch </data> </view> <view> <name>Favorites</name> <label>Favorites</label> <type></type> </view> </helpset>
module A2 where f x y = x + y * 42
module Distribution.Simple.Test.Log ( PackageLog(..) , TestLogs(..) , TestSuiteLog(..) , countTestResults , localPackageLog , summarizePackage , summarizeSuiteFinish, summarizeSuiteStart , summarizeTest , suiteError, suiteFailed, suitePassed , testSuiteLogPath ) where import Distribution.Package ( PackageId ) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( Compiler(..), compilerInfo, CompilerId ) import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs ( fromPathTemplate, initialPathTemplateEnv, PathTemplateVariable(..) , substPathTemplate , toPathTemplate, PathTemplate ) import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LBI import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( TestShowDetails(..) ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( notice ) import Distribution.System ( Platform ) import Distribution.TestSuite ( Options, Result(..) ) import Distribution.Verbosity ( Verbosity ) import Control.Monad ( when ) import Data.Char ( toUpper ) -- | Logs all test results for a package, broken down first by test suite and -- then by test case. data PackageLog = PackageLog { package :: PackageId , compiler :: CompilerId , platform :: Platform , testSuites :: [TestSuiteLog] } deriving (Read, Show, Eq) -- | A 'PackageLog' with package and platform information specified. localPackageLog :: PD.PackageDescription -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo -> PackageLog localPackageLog pkg_descr lbi = PackageLog { package = PD.package pkg_descr , compiler = compilerId $ LBI.compiler lbi , platform = LBI.hostPlatform lbi , testSuites = [] } -- | Logs test suite results, itemized by test case. data TestSuiteLog = TestSuiteLog { testSuiteName :: String , testLogs :: TestLogs , logFile :: FilePath -- path to human-readable log file } deriving (Read, Show, Eq) data TestLogs = TestLog { testName :: String , testOptionsReturned :: Options , testResult :: Result } | GroupLogs String [TestLogs] deriving (Read, Show, Eq) -- | Count the number of pass, fail, and error test results in a 'TestLogs' -- tree. countTestResults :: TestLogs -> (Int, Int, Int) -- ^ Passes, fails, and errors, -- respectively. countTestResults = go (0, 0, 0) where go (p, f, e) (TestLog { testResult = r }) = case r of Pass -> (p + 1, f, e) Fail _ -> (p, f + 1, e) Error _ -> (p, f, e + 1) go (p, f, e) (GroupLogs _ ts) = foldl go (p, f, e) ts -- | From a 'TestSuiteLog', determine if the test suite passed. suitePassed :: TestLogs -> Bool suitePassed l = case countTestResults l of (_, 0, 0) -> True _ -> False -- | From a 'TestSuiteLog', determine if the test suite failed. suiteFailed :: TestLogs -> Bool suiteFailed l = case countTestResults l of (_, 0, _) -> False _ -> True -- | From a 'TestSuiteLog', determine if the test suite encountered errors. suiteError :: TestLogs -> Bool suiteError l = case countTestResults l of (_, _, 0) -> False _ -> True resultString :: TestLogs -> String resultString l | suiteError l = "error" | suiteFailed l = "fail" | otherwise = "pass" testSuiteLogPath :: PathTemplate -> PD.PackageDescription -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo -> String -- ^ test suite name -> TestLogs -- ^ test suite results -> FilePath testSuiteLogPath template pkg_descr lbi name result = fromPathTemplate $ substPathTemplate env template where env = initialPathTemplateEnv (PD.package pkg_descr) (LBI.localLibraryName lbi) (compilerInfo $ LBI.compiler lbi) (LBI.hostPlatform lbi) ++ [ (TestSuiteNameVar, toPathTemplate name) , (TestSuiteResultVar, toPathTemplate $ resultString result) ] -- | Print a summary to the console after all test suites have been run -- indicating the number of successful test suites and cases. Returns 'True' if -- all test suites passed and 'False' otherwise. summarizePackage :: Verbosity -> PackageLog -> IO Bool summarizePackage verbosity packageLog = do let counts = map (countTestResults . testLogs) $ testSuites packageLog (passed, failed, errors) = foldl1 addTriple counts totalCases = passed + failed + errors passedSuites = length $ filter (suitePassed . testLogs) $ testSuites packageLog totalSuites = length $ testSuites packageLog notice verbosity $ show passedSuites ++ " of " ++ show totalSuites ++ " test suites (" ++ show passed ++ " of " ++ show totalCases ++ " test cases) passed." return $! passedSuites == totalSuites where addTriple (p1, f1, e1) (p2, f2, e2) = (p1 + p2, f1 + f2, e1 + e2) -- | Print a summary of a single test case's result to the console, supressing -- output for certain verbosity or test filter levels. summarizeTest :: Verbosity -> TestShowDetails -> TestLogs -> IO () summarizeTest _ _ (GroupLogs {}) = return () summarizeTest verbosity details t = when shouldPrint $ notice verbosity $ "Test case " ++ testName t ++ ": " ++ show (testResult t) where shouldPrint = (details > Never) && (notPassed || details == Always) notPassed = testResult t /= Pass -- | Print a summary of the test suite's results on the console, suppressing -- output for certain verbosity or test filter levels. summarizeSuiteFinish :: TestSuiteLog -> String summarizeSuiteFinish testLog = unlines [ "Test suite " ++ testSuiteName testLog ++ ": " ++ resStr , "Test suite logged to: " ++ logFile testLog ] where resStr = map toUpper (resultString $ testLogs testLog) summarizeSuiteStart :: String -> String summarizeSuiteStart n = "Test suite " ++ n ++ ": RUNNING...\n"
{-| Handles sending packets to galaxies. We need to get their IP addresses from DNS, which is more complicated. -- Asynchronous thread per galaxy which handles domain resolution, and can -- block its own queue of ByteStrings to send. -- -- Maybe perform the resolution asynchronously, injecting into the resolver -- queue as a message. -- -- TODO: Figure out how the real haskell time library works. -- We've failed to lookup the IP. Drop the outbound packet -- because we have no IP for our galaxy, including possible -- previous IPs. {- - Sending Packets to Galaxies. - Each galaxy has it's own DNS resolution thread. - Initially, no threads are started. - To send a message to a galaxy, - Check to see if it already has a resolution thread. - If it does, pass the packet to that thread. - If it doesn't, start a new thread and give it the packet. - Galaxy resolution threads work as follows: - First, they are given: - They know which galaxy they are responsible for. - They have access to the turfs TVar (shared state with Ames driver). - They can be given packets (to be send to their galaxy). - They must be given a way to send UDP packets. - Next, we loop forever - In the loop we track: - the last-known IP address. - the time when we last looked up the IP address. - We wait to be given a packet. - We get the IP address. - If we looked up the IP address in the last 5 minute, use the cached IP address. - Just use the one from last time. - Otherwise, - Do a DNS lookup. - Go through the turf list one item at a time. - Try each one. - If it resolves to one-or-more IP addresses, - Use the first one. - If it resolves to zero IP addresses, move on to the next turf. - If none of the turfs can be used to resolve the IP address, then we don't know where the galaxy is. - Drop the packet. -} -} module Urbit.Vere.Ames.DNS ( NetworkMode(..) , ResolvServ(..) , resolvServ , galaxyPort , renderGalaxy ) where import Urbit.Prelude import Network.Socket import Urbit.Arvo hiding (Fake) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Urbit.Noun.Time as Time import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob -- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------- data NetworkMode = Fake | Localhost | Real | NoNetwork deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data ResolvServ = ResolvServ { rsSend :: Galaxy -> ByteString -> IO () , rsKill :: IO () } -- Utils ----------------------------------------------------------------------- galaxyPort :: NetworkMode -> Galaxy -> PortNumber galaxyPort Fake (Patp g) = fromIntegral g + 31337 galaxyPort Localhost (Patp g) = fromIntegral g + 13337 galaxyPort Real (Patp g) = fromIntegral g + 13337 galaxyPort NoNetwork _ = fromIntegral 0 turfText :: Turf -> Text turfText = intercalate "." . reverse . fmap unCord . unTurf renderGalaxy :: Galaxy -> Text renderGalaxy = Ob.renderPatp . Ob.patp . fromIntegral . unPatp galaxyHostname :: Galaxy -> Turf -> Text galaxyHostname g t = galaName g ++ "." ++ turfText t where stripSig :: Text -> Text stripSig inp = fromMaybe inp (stripPrefix "~" inp) galaName :: Galaxy -> Text galaName = stripSig . renderGalaxy resolv :: Galaxy -> [Turf] -> IO (Maybe (Turf, Text, PortNumber, SockAddr)) resolv gal = go where go = \case [] -> pure Nothing turf : turfs -> do let host = galaxyHostname gal turf port = galaxyPort Real gal getAddrInfo Nothing (Just (unpack host)) (Just (show port)) >>= \case [] -> go turfs ip : _ -> pure $ Just (turf, host, port, addrAddress ip) doResolv :: HasLogFunc e => Galaxy -> (Time.Wen, Maybe SockAddr) -> [Turf] -> (Text -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e (Maybe SockAddr, Time.Wen) doResolv gal (prevWen, prevIP) turfs stderr = do current <- io $ if ( current prevWen ^. Time.secs) < 300 then pure (prevIP, prevWen) else do tim <- io ( io (resolv gal turfs) >>= \case Nothing -> do stderr $ "ames: czar at " ++ galStr ++ ": not found" logInfo $ displayShow ("(ames) Failed to lookup IP for ", gal) pure (prevIP, tim) Just (turf, host, port, addr) -> do when (Just addr /= prevIP) (printCzar addr) logInfo $ displayShow ("(ames) Looked up ", host, port, turf, addr) pure (Just addr, tim) where galStr = renderGalaxy gal printCzar addr = stderr $ "ames: czar " ++ galStr ++ ": ip " ++ tshow addr resolvWorker :: forall e . HasLogFunc e => Galaxy -> TVar (Maybe [Turf]) -> TVar (Time.Wen, Maybe SockAddr) -> STM ByteString -> (SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO ()) -> (Text -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e (Async ()) resolvWorker gal vTurfs vLast waitMsg send stderr = async (forever go) where logDrop = logInfo $ displayShow ("(ames) Dropping packet; no ip for galaxy ", gal) go :: RIO e () go = do (packt, turfs, (lastTime, lastAddr)) <- atomically ((,,) <$> waitMsg <*> readTVar vTurfs <*> readTVar vLast) (newAddr, newTime) <- doResolv gal (lastTime, lastAddr) (fromMaybe [] turfs) stderr maybe logDrop (\ip -> io (send ip packt)) newAddr atomically $ writeTVar vLast (newTime, newAddr) resolvServ :: HasLogFunc e => TVar (Maybe [Turf]) -> (SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO ()) -> (Text -> RIO e ()) -> RIO e ResolvServ resolvServ vTurfs send stderr = do vGala <- newTVarIO (mempty :: Map Galaxy (Async (), TQueue ByteString)) vDead <- newTVarIO False envir <- ask let spawnWorker :: Galaxy -> IO (Async (), TQueue ByteString) spawnWorker gal = runRIO envir $ do que <- newTQueueIO las <- newTVarIO (Time.unixEpoch, Nothing) tid <- resolvWorker gal vTurfs las (readTQueue que) send stderr pure (tid, que) let getWorker :: Galaxy -> IO (Async (), TQueue ByteString) getWorker gal = do (fmap (lookup gal) $ atomically $ readTVar vGala) >>= \case Just (tid, que) -> do pure (tid, que) Nothing -> do (tid, que) <- spawnWorker gal atomically $ modifyTVar' vGala (M.insert gal (tid, que)) pure (tid, que) let doSend :: Galaxy -> ByteString -> IO () doSend gal byt = do dead <- atomically (readTVar vDead) unless dead $ do (_, que) <- getWorker gal atomically (writeTQueue que byt) let doKill :: IO () doKill = do galas <- atomically $ do writeTVar vDead True readTVar vGala for_ galas (cancel . fst) pure (ResolvServ doSend doKill)
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Language.LSP.Types.Parsing where import Language.LSP.Types.LspId import Language.LSP.Types.Method import Language.LSP.Types.Message import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.GADT.Compare import Data.Type.Equality import Data.Function (on) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Working with arbritary messages -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data FromServerMessage' a where FromServerMess :: forall t (m :: Method FromServer t) a. SMethod m -> Message m -> FromServerMessage' a FromServerRsp :: forall (m :: Method FromClient Request) a. a m -> ResponseMessage m -> FromServerMessage' a type FromServerMessage = FromServerMessage' SMethod instance Eq FromServerMessage where (==) = (==) `on` toJSON instance Show FromServerMessage where show = show . toJSON instance ToJSON FromServerMessage where toJSON (FromServerMess m p) = serverMethodJSON m (toJSON p) toJSON (FromServerRsp m p) = clientResponseJSON m (toJSON p) fromServerNot :: forall (m :: Method FromServer Notification). Message m ~ NotificationMessage m => NotificationMessage m -> FromServerMessage fromServerNot m@NotificationMessage{_method=meth} = FromServerMess meth m fromServerReq :: forall (m :: Method FromServer Request). Message m ~ RequestMessage m => RequestMessage m -> FromServerMessage fromServerReq m@RequestMessage{_method=meth} = FromServerMess meth m data FromClientMessage' a where FromClientMess :: forall t (m :: Method FromClient t) a. SMethod m -> Message m -> FromClientMessage' a FromClientRsp :: forall (m :: Method FromServer Request) a. a m -> ResponseMessage m -> FromClientMessage' a type FromClientMessage = FromClientMessage' SMethod instance ToJSON FromClientMessage where toJSON (FromClientMess m p) = clientMethodJSON m (toJSON p) toJSON (FromClientRsp m p) = serverResponseJSON m (toJSON p) fromClientNot :: forall (m :: Method FromClient Notification). Message m ~ NotificationMessage m => NotificationMessage m -> FromClientMessage fromClientNot m@NotificationMessage{_method=meth} = FromClientMess meth m fromClientReq :: forall (m :: Method FromClient Request). Message m ~ RequestMessage m => RequestMessage m -> FromClientMessage fromClientReq m@RequestMessage{_method=meth} = FromClientMess meth m -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- type LookupFunc f a = forall (m :: Method f Request). LspId m -> Maybe (SMethod m, a m) {- Message Types we must handle are the following Request | jsonrpc | id | method | params? Response | jsonrpc | id | | | response? | error? Notification | jsonrpc | | method | params? -} {-# INLINE parseServerMessage #-} parseServerMessage :: LookupFunc FromClient a -> Value -> Parser (FromServerMessage' a) parseServerMessage lookupId v@(Object o) = do methMaybe <- o .:! "method" idMaybe <- o .:! "id" case methMaybe of -- Request or Notification Just (SomeServerMethod m) -> case splitServerMethod m of IsServerNot -> FromServerMess m <$> parseJSON v IsServerReq -> FromServerMess m <$> parseJSON v IsServerEither | SCustomMethod cm <- m -> do case idMaybe of -- Request Just _ -> let m' = (SCustomMethod cm :: SMethod (CustomMethod :: Method FromServer Request)) in FromServerMess m' <$> parseJSON v Nothing -> let m' = (SCustomMethod cm :: SMethod (CustomMethod :: Method FromServer Notification)) in FromServerMess m' <$> parseJSON v Nothing -> do case idMaybe of Just i -> do case lookupId i of Just (m,res) -> clientResponseJSON m $ FromServerRsp res <$> parseJSON v Nothing -> fail $ unwords ["Failed in looking up response type of", show v] Nothing -> fail $ unwords ["Got unexpected message without method or id"] parseServerMessage _ v = fail $ unwords ["parseServerMessage expected object, got:",show v] {-# INLINE parseClientMessage #-} parseClientMessage :: LookupFunc FromServer a -> Value -> Parser (FromClientMessage' a) parseClientMessage lookupId v@(Object o) = do methMaybe <- o .:! "method" idMaybe <- o .:! "id" case methMaybe of -- Request or Notification Just (SomeClientMethod m) -> case splitClientMethod m of IsClientNot -> FromClientMess m <$> parseJSON v IsClientReq -> FromClientMess m <$> parseJSON v IsClientEither | SCustomMethod cm <- m -> do case idMaybe of -- Request Just _ -> let m' = (SCustomMethod cm :: SMethod (CustomMethod :: Method FromClient Request)) in FromClientMess m' <$> parseJSON v Nothing -> let m' = (SCustomMethod cm :: SMethod (CustomMethod :: Method FromClient Notification)) in FromClientMess m' <$> parseJSON v Nothing -> do case idMaybe of Just i -> do case lookupId i of Just (m,res) -> serverResponseJSON m $ FromClientRsp res <$> parseJSON v Nothing -> fail $ unwords ["Failed in looking up response type of", show v] Nothing -> fail $ unwords ["Got unexpected message without method or id"] parseClientMessage _ v = fail $ unwords ["parseClientMessage expected object, got:",show v] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper Utilities -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# INLINE clientResponseJSON #-} clientResponseJSON :: SClientMethod m -> (HasJSON (ResponseMessage m) => x) -> x clientResponseJSON m x = case splitClientMethod m of IsClientReq -> x IsClientEither -> x {-# INLINE serverResponseJSON #-} serverResponseJSON :: SServerMethod m -> (HasJSON (ResponseMessage m) => x) -> x serverResponseJSON m x = case splitServerMethod m of IsServerReq -> x IsServerEither -> x {-# INLINE clientMethodJSON#-} clientMethodJSON :: SClientMethod m -> (ToJSON (ClientMessage m) => x) -> x clientMethodJSON m x = case splitClientMethod m of IsClientNot -> x IsClientReq -> x IsClientEither -> x {-# INLINE serverMethodJSON #-} serverMethodJSON :: SServerMethod m -> (ToJSON (ServerMessage m) => x) -> x serverMethodJSON m x = case splitServerMethod m of IsServerNot -> x IsServerReq -> x IsServerEither -> x type HasJSON a = (ToJSON a,FromJSON a,Eq a) -- Reify universal properties about Client/Server Messages data ClientNotOrReq (m :: Method FromClient t) where IsClientNot :: ( HasJSON (ClientMessage m) , Message m ~ NotificationMessage m) => ClientNotOrReq (m :: Method FromClient Notification) IsClientReq :: forall (m :: Method FromClient Request). ( HasJSON (ClientMessage m) , HasJSON (ResponseMessage m) , Message m ~ RequestMessage m) => ClientNotOrReq m IsClientEither :: ClientNotOrReq CustomMethod data ServerNotOrReq (m :: Method FromServer t) where IsServerNot :: ( HasJSON (ServerMessage m) , Message m ~ NotificationMessage m) => ServerNotOrReq (m :: Method FromServer Notification) IsServerReq :: forall (m :: Method FromServer Request). ( HasJSON (ServerMessage m) , HasJSON (ResponseMessage m) , Message m ~ RequestMessage m) => ServerNotOrReq m IsServerEither :: ServerNotOrReq CustomMethod {-# INLINE splitClientMethod #-} splitClientMethod :: SClientMethod m -> ClientNotOrReq m splitClientMethod SInitialize = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SInitialized = IsClientNot splitClientMethod SShutdown = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SExit = IsClientNot splitClientMethod SWorkspaceDidChangeWorkspaceFolders = IsClientNot splitClientMethod SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration = IsClientNot splitClientMethod SWorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles = IsClientNot splitClientMethod SWorkspaceSymbol = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SWorkspaceExecuteCommand = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SWindowWorkDoneProgressCancel = IsClientNot splitClientMethod STextDocumentDidOpen = IsClientNot splitClientMethod STextDocumentDidChange = IsClientNot splitClientMethod STextDocumentWillSave = IsClientNot splitClientMethod STextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentDidSave = IsClientNot splitClientMethod STextDocumentDidClose = IsClientNot splitClientMethod STextDocumentCompletion = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SCompletionItemResolve = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentHover = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentSignatureHelp = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentDeclaration = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentDefinition = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentTypeDefinition = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentImplementation = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentReferences = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentDocumentHighlight = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentDocumentSymbol = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentCodeAction = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentCodeLens = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SCodeLensResolve = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentDocumentLink = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SDocumentLinkResolve = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentDocumentColor = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentColorPresentation = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentFormatting = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentRangeFormatting = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentOnTypeFormatting = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentRename = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentPrepareRename = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentFoldingRange = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentSelectionRange = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentPrepareCallHierarchy = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SCallHierarchyIncomingCalls = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentSemanticTokens = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentSemanticTokensFull = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentSemanticTokensFullDelta = IsClientReq splitClientMethod STextDocumentSemanticTokensRange = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SWorkspaceSemanticTokensRefresh = IsClientReq splitClientMethod SCancelRequest = IsClientNot splitClientMethod SCustomMethod{} = IsClientEither {-# INLINE splitServerMethod #-} splitServerMethod :: SServerMethod m -> ServerNotOrReq m splitServerMethod SWindowShowMessage = IsServerNot splitServerMethod SWindowShowMessageRequest = IsServerReq splitServerMethod SWindowShowDocument = IsServerReq splitServerMethod SWindowLogMessage = IsServerNot splitServerMethod SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate = IsServerReq splitServerMethod SProgress = IsServerNot splitServerMethod STelemetryEvent = IsServerNot splitServerMethod SClientRegisterCapability = IsServerReq splitServerMethod SClientUnregisterCapability = IsServerReq splitServerMethod SWorkspaceWorkspaceFolders = IsServerReq splitServerMethod SWorkspaceConfiguration = IsServerReq splitServerMethod SWorkspaceApplyEdit = IsServerReq splitServerMethod STextDocumentPublishDiagnostics = IsServerNot splitServerMethod SCancelRequest = IsServerNot splitServerMethod SCustomMethod{} = IsServerEither -- | Given a witness that two custom methods are of the same type, produce a witness that the methods are the same data CustomEq m1 m2 where CustomEq :: (m1 ~ (CustomMethod :: Method f t1), m2 ~ (CustomMethod :: Method f t2)) => { runCustomEq :: (t1 ~ t2 => m1 :~~: m2) } -> CustomEq m1 m2 runEq :: (t1 ~ t2) => (SMethod m1 -> SMethod m2 -> Maybe (Either (CustomEq m1 m2) (m1 :~~: m2))) -> SMethod (m1 :: Method f t1) -> SMethod (m2 :: Method f t2) -> Maybe (m1 :~~: m2) runEq f m1 m2 = do res <- f m1 m2 pure $ case res of Right eq -> eq Left ceq -> runCustomEq ceq -- | Heterogeneous equality on singleton server methods mEqServer :: SServerMethod m1 -> SServerMethod m2 -> Maybe (Either (CustomEq m1 m2) (m1 :~~: m2)) mEqServer m1 m2 = go (splitServerMethod m1) (splitServerMethod m2) where go IsServerNot IsServerNot = do Refl <- geq m1 m2 pure $ Right HRefl go IsServerReq IsServerReq = do Refl <- geq m1 m2 pure $ Right HRefl go IsServerEither IsServerEither | SCustomMethod c1 <- m1 , SCustomMethod c2 <- m2 , c1 == c2 = Just $ Left $ CustomEq HRefl go _ _ = Nothing -- | Heterogeneous equality on singleton client methods mEqClient :: SClientMethod m1 -> SClientMethod m2 -> Maybe (Either (CustomEq m1 m2) (m1 :~~: m2)) mEqClient m1 m2 = go (splitClientMethod m1) (splitClientMethod m2) where go IsClientNot IsClientNot = do Refl <- geq m1 m2 pure $ Right HRefl go IsClientReq IsClientReq = do Refl <- geq m1 m2 pure $ Right HRefl go IsClientEither IsClientEither | SCustomMethod c1 <- m1 , SCustomMethod c2 <- m2 , c1 == c2 = Just $ Left $ CustomEq HRefl go _ _ = Nothing
module RecordExplicitUnused where import Language.Haskell.Names (Symbol (Value, symbolModule, symbolName)) foo = Value {symbolModule = undefined}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module TestBulletML ( spec ) where import Control.Monad (unless) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import Control.Arrow (arr, returnA) import Control.Category ((<<<), (>>>)) import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs (NTree) import Debug.Trace (trace) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow (ArrowXml) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.TypeDefs (IOStateArrow) import Text.XML.HXT.Core (constA, deep, getAttrValue, getChildren, getText, hasName, isA, isElem, listA, no, orElse, readDocument, readString, runLA, runX, withRemoveWS, withSubstDTDEntities, withValidate, xread, yes) import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs (XNode, XmlTree) import BulletML -- (BulletML(BulletML), Orientation(ONone), Speed(Speed), SpeedOrAccelType(SOATRelative), ActionContent(ACActionRef), Reference(Reference), getBulletML, getSpeed, getActionOrRef) import Test.Hspec deg2rad :: Angle -> Double deg2rad a = fromIntegral a / 180.0 * pi angleToUnitVector :: Angle -> (Double, Double) angleToUnitVector a = (cos a', sin a') where a' = deg2rad a traceShow :: Show a => a -> a traceShow x = trace (show x) x --parsedWith :: String -> a -> b s `parsedWith` f = runLA (xread >>> f) s spec :: Spec spec = do describe "getBulletML" $ do it "empty bulletml" $ do "<bulletml></bulletml>" `parsedWith` getBulletML `shouldBe` [BulletML ONone []] describe "getSpeed" $ do it "relative speed" $ do "<speed type='relative'>6</speed>" `parsedWith` getSpeed `shouldBe` [Speed SOATRelative 6] describe "getActionContent" $ do it "actionRef" $ do "<actionRef label='toto'><param>1</param><param>2</param></actionRef>" `parsedWith` getActionContent `shouldBe` [(ACActionRef (Reference "toto" [1.0, 2.0]))] allClose a b = 1e-15 > abs (a-b) --prop_angleToUnitVector_0 = let (x,y) = angleToUnitVector 0 in allClose x 1.0 && allClose y 0.0 --prop_angleToUnitVector_90 = let (x,y) = angleToUnitVector 90 in allClose x 0.0 && allClose y 1.0 --prop_angleToUnitVector_180 = let (x,y) = angleToUnitVector 180 in allClose x (-1.0) && allClose y 0.0 --prop_angleToUnitVector_270 = let (x,y) = angleToUnitVector 270 in allClose x 0.0 && allClose y (-1.0) -- `main` is here so that this module can be run from GHCi on its own. It is -- not needed for automatic spec discovery. main :: IO () main = hspec spec
-- Spirangle.hs -- copied from {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Spirangle where import Util output = toProgram (spirangle osc1) spirangle draw = rgba where rgba = (line) & (over (b2a bb)) & (clamp 0 1) bb = q (texture2D backBuffer) uvN q x = x & lmap (view norm) & lmap (rot ((negate 2 * pi /3) + muchless sin time )) & lmap (*1.1) & rmap (clamp 0 1) mask :: (Veccable n) => Vec n -> Vec n mask x = (x `gt` 0) ? (0, 1) gate :: (Veccable n) => Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n -> Vec n gate s e x = ((x `geq` s) * (x `lt` e)) ? (1, 0) line :: Vec4 line = vec4 (v, v, v, 1) v = 1 & (*(gate (-0.35) (-0.33) (y_ uvN))) & (*(gate (-0.55) (0.65) (x_ uvN))) & (*draw)
module XMLQuery where import XMLQuery.Prelude hiding (Text) import qualified XMLQuery.Prelude as Prelude import qualified XMLQuery.AST as AST -- * Text ------------------------- -- | -- Parser in the context of a textual value. type Text = Alt AST.Text -- | -- Lifts an arbitrary textual parser function to the text-value parser. -- -- Provides a doorway for composition with such libraries as \"parsec\" or \"attoparsec\". text :: (Prelude.Text -> Either Prelude.Text a) -> Text a text = liftAlt . AST.Text -- ** Derivatives ------------------------- -- | -- Simply extracts the textual value. textValue :: Text Prelude.Text textValue = text pure -- * Element ------------------------- type Element = Alt AST.Element elementNameText :: Text a -> Element a elementNameText = liftAlt . AST.ElementNameText -- | -- Parses one of element's attributes without any regard to order. elementAttr :: Attr a -> Element a elementAttr = liftAlt . AST.ElementAttr -- | -- Parses all of element's nodes. -- -- Can be used multiple times, -- thus allowing for parallel parsing of element's child-nodes. -- Naturally this will result in traversing the element's nodes multiple times. elementNodes :: Nodes a -> Element a elementNodes = liftAlt . AST.ElementNodes -- ** Derivatives ------------------------- elementNameIs :: Prelude.Text -> Element () elementNameIs expected = elementNameText (text textParserFn) where textParserFn actual = if actual == expected then Right () else Left ("elementNameIs: The actual name \"" <> actual <> "\" does not equal the expected \"" <> expected <> "\"") -- * Attr ------------------------- type Attr = Alt AST.Attr -- | -- Parses the attribute's name using the provided textual parser. attrNameText :: Text a -> Attr a attrNameText = liftAlt . AST.AttrNameText -- | -- Parses the attribute's value using the provided textual parser. attrValueText :: Text a -> Attr a attrValueText = liftAlt . AST.AttrValueText -- ** Derivatives ------------------------- -- | -- A parser, which succeeds if the attribute's name matches the provided value. attrNameIs :: Prelude.Text -> Attr () attrNameIs expected = attrNameText (text textParserFn) where textParserFn actual = if actual == expected then Right () else Left ("attrNameIs: The actual name \"" <> actual <> "\" does not equal the expected \"" <> expected <> "\"") -- | -- A parser, which succeeds if the attribute's value matches the provided value. attrValueIs :: Prelude.Text -> Attr () attrValueIs expected = attrValueText (text textParserFn) where textParserFn actual = if actual == expected then Right () else Left ("attrValueIs: The actual name \"" <> actual <> "\" does not equal the expected \"" <> expected <> "\"") -- * Nodes ------------------------- -- | -- A sequential backtracking parser of nodes. type Nodes = Alt AST.Nodes -- | -- Parses the next node. nodesImmediateNode :: Node a -> Nodes a nodesImmediateNode = liftAlt . AST.NodesNode -- | -- Parses one of the following nodes. nodesEventualNode :: Node a -> Nodes a nodesEventualNode node = fix $ \loop -> nodesImmediateNode node <|> (nodesImmediateNode (pure ()) *> loop) -- * Node ------------------------- type Node = Alt AST.Node nodeElement :: Element a -> Node a nodeElement = liftAlt . AST.NodeElement nodeText :: Text a -> Node a nodeText = liftAlt . AST.NodeText
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Control.Monad import System.Cmd import System.Directory import System.Environment import TexParser import StyleSvg import Config main = do args <- getArgs -- get the list of command line arguments let configFilePath = case args of [] -> "config" -- default is ./config xs -> xs !! 0 -- set the config file path -- read the IO part of the config: [inputDir, texFileName, targetDir, htmlFileName] <- readConfigIO configFilePath -- read tex-document contents: contents <- readFile (inputDir ++ texFileName) let parsed = parseTex contents -- parse contents into a list let ext = onlyExternalize parsed -- get a list of the ones to externalize to SVGs let numberOfFiles = length ext -- how many SVGs are there? -- read the SVG part of the config: [standalone_tex_header, document_commands] <- readConfigSVG configFilePath -- write the externalized tex files to the target directory: externalize targetDir (texHeader standalone_tex_header parsed) document_commands tex ext -- compile the externalized tex files to PDFs: mapM_ system (commandList "" ("pdflatex -output-directory " ++ targetDir) tex numberOfFiles) -- convert PDFs to SVGs: mapM_ system (commandList2 targetDir "pdf2svg" pdf svgTmp numberOfFiles) -- read the contents of the generated SVG files: svgContents <- mapM readFile (listOfFiles targetDir svgTmp numberOfFiles) -- translate the parsed tex file to HTML and write it to the target directory: writeFile (targetDir ++ htmlFileName) (toHTML functionDispatch parsed) -- remove SVG styles and enable CSS like styling (still empty): multiWrite (listOfFiles targetDir svg numberOfFiles) (map (cssStyleSVG "") svgContents) -- remove all files that are not necessary: mapM_ removeFile (listOfFiles targetDir tex numberOfFiles) mapM_ removeFile (listOfFiles targetDir ".log" numberOfFiles) mapM_ removeFile (listOfFiles targetDir ".aux" numberOfFiles) mapM_ removeFile (listOfFiles targetDir ".out" numberOfFiles) mapM_ removeFile (listOfFiles targetDir svgTmp numberOfFiles) mapM_ removeFile (listOfFiles targetDir pdf numberOfFiles) -- suffixes svgTmp = ".tmp.svg" svg = ".svg" pdf = ".pdf" tex = ".tex" -- command to compile to pdf: texCommand = "pdflatex" -- command to translate to svg: svgCommand = "pdf2svg" -- uses the parseDocument function from TexParser and removes the Either parseTex :: String -> [Kind] parseTex input = case parse (parseDocument (0 :: Int) ) "(unknown)" input of Left str -> [] Right xs -> xs -- writes multiple files multiWrite :: [String] -> [String] -> IO () multiWrite [] _ = return () multiWrite _ [] = return () multiWrite (filename:rest) (x:xs) = do writeFile filename x multiWrite rest xs -- takes a path to a directory, a command, a suffix and the total number of files -- repeats the command for each file, e.g. -- $ pdflatex path/1.tex -- $ pdflatex path/2.tex commandList :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> [String] commandList path command arg_suffix n = zipWith ( (++) . (++ " ") ) (repeat command) (listOfFiles path arg_suffix n) -- same as commandList but takes to lists of arguments as in -- pdf2svg path/1.tex path/1.svg -- pdf2svg path/2.tex path/2.svg commandList2 :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> [String] commandList2 path command arg1_suffix arg2_suffix n = zipWith ( (++) . (++ " ") ) (commandList path command arg1_suffix n) (listOfFiles path arg2_suffix n) -- from a path, a suffix and the total number of files, a list is created as -- [path/1.tex, path/2.tex, ..., path/n.tex] listOfFiles :: String -> String -> Int -> [String] listOfFiles path str n = zipWith (++) (repeat path) (zipWith ((++).show) [1..n] (repeat str)) -- translates all parsed input that needs to be externalized to standalone tex documents externalize :: String -> String -> String -> String -> [Kind] -> IO () externalize path header document_commands suffix input = do let files = map (toTex document_commands header) input multiWrite (listOfFiles path suffix (length files)) files -- takes a dispatch function that translates all parsed input to HTML tags toHTML :: (Kind -> String) -> [Kind] -> String toHTML dispatch [] = "" toHTML dispatch (x:xs) = (dispatch x) ++ (toHTML dispatch xs)
module Unison.Test.ResourcePool where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Functor import Data.IORef (IORef) import Data.Maybe import Data.Time (UTCTime,getCurrentTime, addUTCTime) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Control.Concurrent as CC import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar import qualified Control.Concurrent.Map as M import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue as TQ import qualified Control.Monad.STM as STM import qualified Data.Hashable as H import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import qualified Unison.Runtime.ResourcePool as RP type Resource = String type Params = String type TestState = M.Map String String increment :: IORef Int -> IO Int increment ref = IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref (\n -> (n+1, n)) decrement :: IORef Int -> IO Int decrement ref = IORef.atomicModifyIORef' ref (\n -> (n-1, n)) makePool :: RP.MaxPoolSize -> IO (RP.ResourcePool Int Int, Assertion) makePool maxSize = do rs <- IORef.newIORef 0 nonce <- IORef.newIORef 0 pool <- RP.make 3 maxSize (\_ -> increment rs >> increment nonce) (\_ -> decrement rs $> ()) pure (pool, IORef.readIORef rs >>= \n -> if n == 0 then pure () else fail $ "count nonzero: " ++ show n) acquireSequential1 :: Assertion acquireSequential1 = do (pool, ok) <- makePool 10 let check n = assertEqual "resource not recycled" 0 n replicateM_ 100 (RP.acquire pool 42 >>= \(n, release) -> check n >> release) eventually ok acquireSequential2 :: Assertion acquireSequential2 = do (pool, ok) <- makePool 100 -- let check n = putStrLn $ "got: " ++ show n let check n = assertEqual "resource not recycled" True (n <= 100) let acquire i = RP.acquire pool i >>= \(n, release) -> check n >> release mapM_ acquire ([1..100] ++ [1..100]) -- second 100 acquires should get cached eventually ok parallelTraverse :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b] parallelTraverse f xs = sequence =<< mapM spawn xs where spawn a = do r <- MVar.newEmptyMVar _ <- CC.forkIO $ f a >>= \b -> MVar.putMVar r b pure (MVar.takeMVar r) parallelSequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a] parallelSequence = parallelTraverse id parallelSequence_ :: [IO a] -> IO () parallelSequence_ ios = void $ parallelSequence ios acquireConcurrent1 :: Assertion acquireConcurrent1 = do (pool, ok) <- makePool 10 parallelSequence_ $ replicate 100 (RP.acquire pool 42 >>= \(n, release) -> release) eventually ok acquireConcurrent2 :: Assertion acquireConcurrent2 = do (pool, ok) <- makePool 100 let acquire i = RP.acquire pool i >>= \(n, release) -> release _ <- parallelTraverse acquire ([1..100] ++ [1..100]) eventually ok delaySeconds μs = threadDelay (1000000 * μs) eventually :: Assertion -> Assertion eventually cond = go 1 where go n | n > 8 = cond go n = cond <|> (delaySeconds n >> go (n*2)) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "ResourcePool" [ testCase "acquireSequential1" acquireSequential1 , testCase "acquireSequential2" acquireSequential2 , testCase "acquireConcurrent1" acquireConcurrent1 , testCase "acquireConcurrent2" acquireConcurrent2 ] main = defaultMain tests
module Main where import Apl1 import BadMonoid import Control.Applicative import Data.Monoid import ListAp import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers import Test.QuickCheck.Classes main :: IO () main = do quickBatch (monoid Twoo) quickBatch (applicative (undefined :: [(String, String, Int)])) quickBatch (monoid (ZipList [Sum 1 :: Sum Int])) quickBatch (monoid (Cons 'a' Nil)) quickBatch (applicative (undefined :: [(List Int, List Int, Int)]))
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | -- Module : Test.Tasty.KAT -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : Good -- -- Tasty support for KAT (Known Answer Tests) -- module Test.Tasty.KAT ( -- * Run tests testKatDetailed , testKatGrouped -- * Load KAT resources , testKatLoad , Resource(..) , katLoaderSimple , mapTestUnits ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Data.Typeable import Test.Tasty (testGroup) import Test.Tasty.Providers import Test.Tasty.KAT.FileLoader newtype Resource a = Resource [(String, [a])] data TestKatSingle = TestKatSingle (IO Bool) deriving Typeable data TestKatGroup = TestKatGroup [(Int, IO Bool)] deriving Typeable data KatResult = KatFailed String | KatSuccess deriving (Show,Eq) tryResult :: IO Bool -> IO KatResult tryResult f = do er <- try f case er of Left (e :: SomeException) | show e == "<<timeout>>" -> throwIO e | otherwise -> return $ KatFailed (show e) Right r -> return $ if r then KatSuccess else KatFailed "test failed" instance IsTest TestKatSingle where run _ (TestKatSingle tst) _ = do r <- tryResult tst case r of KatSuccess -> return $ testPassed "" KatFailed s -> return $ testFailed s testOptions = return [] instance IsTest TestKatGroup where run _ (TestKatGroup groupTests) _ = do (success, failed) <- summarize <$> mapM runGroup groupTests return $ (if failed == 0 then testPassed else testFailed) (if failed > 0 then (show failed) ++ " tests failed on " ++ show (failed + success) else (show success) ++ " tests succeed") where summarize :: [KatResult] -> (Int, Int) summarize = foldl (\(s,f) k -> if k == KatSuccess then (s+1,f) else (s,f+1)) (0,0) runGroup :: (Int, IO Bool) -> IO KatResult runGroup (_, tst) = tryResult tst --nbGroups = fromIntegral $ length groupTests --yieldProgress $ Progress { progressText = groupName, progressPercent = fromIntegral tstNb / nbGroups } testOptions = return [] -- | run one tasty test per vectors in each groups -- -- This is useful to have detailed output on what failed -- and what succeeded. For a more concise output, use -- 'testKatGrouped' testKatDetailed :: TestName -> Resource a -> (String -> a -> IO Bool) -> TestTree testKatDetailed name (Resource groups) test = -- singleTest name $ mkTestKat resource test testGroup name $ map groupToTests groups where groupToTests (groupName, vectors) = testGroup groupName $ map (\(i, v) -> singleTest (show (i :: Int)) (TestKatSingle $ test groupName v)) (zip [1..] vectors) -- | run one tasty test per group testKatGrouped :: TestName -> Resource a -> (String -> a -> IO Bool) -> TestTree testKatGrouped name (Resource groups) test = -- singleTest name $ mkTestKat resource test testGroup name $ map groupToTests groups where groupToTests (groupName, vectors) = singleTest groupName $ TestKatGroup $ map (\(i, v) -> (i, test groupName v)) (zip [1..] vectors) -- | Read a KAT file into values that will be used for KATs tests testKatLoad :: FilePath -> ([String] -> [(String, [a])]) -> IO (Resource a) testKatLoad filepath transform = Resource . transform . lines <$> readFile filepath
import Haste import Haste.DOM import Haste.Graphics.Canvas import Basal steps :: Int steps = 20000 size :: Int size = 500 main = do Just canv <- getCanvasById "field" Just button <- elemById "button" _ <- onEvent button OnClick (onButtonClick canv steps) seed <- newSeed renderRW canv seed steps onButtonClick :: Canvas -> Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> IO () onButtonClick canv n _ _ = do seed <- newSeed renderRW canv seed n renderRW :: Canvas -> Seed -> Int -> IO () renderRW canv seed n = let r = fromIntegral (size `div` 2) walk = map (\(x,y) -> (x*2,y*2)) $ randWalkN (-1,1) seed n in do render canv . translate (r,r) . color backColor . stroke . path $ walk renderOnTop canv . translate (r,r) . color mainColor . stroke . path $ eraseWhole walk mainColor :: Color mainColor = RGB 0 0 250 backColor :: Color backColor = RGBA 0 0 0 0.4 eraseLoop :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] eraseLoop [] = [] eraseLoop (x:xs) = case dropWhile (/=x) xs of [] -> x: eraseLoop xs (h:rest) -> h : eraseLoop rest eraseWhole :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] eraseWhole xs = let xs' = eraseLoop xs in if length xs == length xs' then xs else eraseWhole xs'
module Solidran.Revc.DetailSpec (spec) where import Solidran.Revc.Detail import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Solidran.Revc.Detail" $ do describe "complementDna" $ do it "should do nothing with an empty string" $ do complementDna "" `shouldBe` "" it "should correctly complement a dna string" $ do complementDna "A" `shouldBe` "T" complementDna "AAAACCCGGT" `shouldBe` "ACCGGGTTTT"
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | This module is a duplication of the Control.Monad.Error module from the -- mtl, for constrained monads. module Control.Monad.Constrained.Error (MonadError(..) ,ExceptT(..) ,Except) where import GHC.Exts import Control.Monad.Constrained import Control.Monad.Constrained.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.Except hiding (catchE) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Identity as Identity import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe as Maybe import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as Reader import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as State.Lazy import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State.Strict import qualified Prelude -- | A class for monads which can error out. class Monad m => MonadError e m | m -> e where type SuitableError m a :: Constraint -- | Raise an error. throwError :: SuitableError m a => e -> m a {- | A handler function to handle previous errors and return to normal execution. A common idiom is: > do { action1; action2; action3 } `catchError` handler where the @action@ functions can call 'throwError'. Note that @handler@ and the do-block must have the same return type. -} catchError :: SuitableError m a => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a instance MonadError e (Either e) where type SuitableError (Either e) a = () throwError = Left catchError (Left x) f = f x catchError r _ = r instance (Monad m, Prelude.Monad (Unconstrained m)) => MonadError e (ExceptT e m) where type SuitableError (ExceptT e m) a = Suitable m (Either e a) throwError = ExceptT . pure . Left catchError = catchE catchE :: (Monad m, Suitable m (Either e' a)) => ExceptT e m a -> (e -> ExceptT e' m a) -> ExceptT e' m a catchE m h = ExceptT $ do a <- runExceptT m case a of Left l -> runExceptT (h l) Right r -> return (Right r) {-# INLINE catchE #-} instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (Identity.IdentityT m) where type SuitableError (Identity.IdentityT m) a = SuitableError m a throwError = lift . throwError catchError = Identity.liftCatch catchError instance (MonadError e m, Prelude.Monad (Unconstrained m)) => MonadError e (Maybe.MaybeT m) where type SuitableError (Maybe.MaybeT m) a = (SuitableError m a ,SuitableError m (Maybe a) ,Suitable m (Maybe a)) throwError = lift . throwError catchError = Maybe.liftCatch catchError instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (Reader.ReaderT r m) where type SuitableError (Reader.ReaderT r m) a = SuitableError m a throwError = lift . throwError catchError = Reader.liftCatch catchError instance (MonadError e m, Prelude.Monad (Unconstrained m)) => MonadError e (State.Lazy.StateT s m) where type SuitableError (State.Lazy.StateT s m) a = (Suitable m (a, s), SuitableError m (a, s), SuitableError m a) throwError = lift . throwError catchError = State.Lazy.liftCatch catchError instance (MonadError e m, Prelude.Monad (Unconstrained m)) => MonadError e (State.Strict.StateT s m) where type SuitableError (State.Strict.StateT s m) a = (Suitable m (a, s), SuitableError m (a, s), SuitableError m a) throwError = lift . throwError catchError = State.Strict.liftCatch catchError
import Typechecker import Types import Control.Monad import Data.Either import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S testExprs :: [MoleculeExpr] testExprs = [ EApp (EAbs "x" (EVar "x" :+: EVar "x")) (EInt 10) , EAbs "x" (EVar "x" :+: EVar "x") , EApp (EAbs "x" (EVar "x")) (EInt 8) , EApp (EApp (EAbs "x" (EAbs "y" (EVar "x" :+: EVar "y"))) (EInt 10)) (EInt 10) , EInt 10 , ETrue , EFalse , EApp (EAbs "x" ETrue) (EInt 10) , EAbs "x" ((EVar "x") :+: EInt 80) , EAbs "x" ((EVar "x") :|: ETrue) , EApp (EAbs "x" ETrue) (EVar "x") , EApp (EAbs "x" $ EApp (EVar "x") (EInt 10)) (EAbs "y" (EVar "y")) ] failExprs :: [MoleculeExpr] failExprs = [ ETrue :+: EInt 10 , EAbs "a" (EVar "a" :|: EVar "b") , EVar "y" , EApp (EApp (EAbs "x" (EAbs "y" (EVar "x" :+: EVar "y"))) (EInt 10)) (ETrue) , EAbs "x" (EVar "x") , EAbs "x" ETrue ] report :: MoleculeExpr -> Either MoleculeError MoleculeType -> String report e (Right t) = concat [ "\nSuccess:\n" , show e , "\nhas type: " , show t ] report e (Left err) = concat [ "\nFailure:\n" , show e , "\nfailed with error:\n" , show err ] test = do let rights = map typecheck testExprs lefts = map typecheck failExprs putStrLn "rights:" mapM_ putStrLn $ zipWith report testExprs rights putStrLn "lefts:" mapM_ putStrLn $ zipWith report failExprs lefts guard (all isRight rights) guard (all isLeft lefts) putStrLn "\ntests passing."
{- | Module : $Header$ Description : abstract syntax for FPL Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2011 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : portable abstract syntax for FPL, logic for functional programs as CASL extension -} module Fpl.As where -- DrIFT command {-! global: GetRange !-} import Common.AS_Annotation import Common.AnnoState import Common.Doc as Doc import Common.DocUtils import Common.Id import Common.Keywords import Common.Lexer import Common.Parsec import Common.Token hiding (innerList) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL import CASL.Formula import CASL.SortItem import CASL.OpItem import CASL.ToDoc import Data.List (delete) import Data.Maybe (isNothing) type FplBasicSpec = BASIC_SPEC FplExt () TermExt type FplTerm = TERM TermExt type FplForm = FORMULA TermExt data FplExt = FplSortItems [Annoted FplSortItem] Range | FplOpItems [Annoted FplOpItem] Range deriving Show data FplSortItem = FreeType DATATYPE_DECL | CaslSortItem (SORT_ITEM TermExt) deriving Show data FplOpItem = FunOp FunDef | CaslOpItem (OP_ITEM TermExt) deriving Show prepPunctBar :: [Doc] -> [Doc] prepPunctBar = punctuate ( <> bar) printDD :: DATATYPE_DECL -> Doc printDD (Datatype_decl s as _) = sep [pretty s <+> keyword freeS <+> keyword withS , sep $ prepPunctBar $ map (printAnnoted printALTERNATIVE) as ] instance ListCheck FplOpItem where innerList i = case i of FunOp _ -> [()] CaslOpItem oi -> innerList oi instance ListCheck FplSortItem where innerList i = case i of FreeType _ -> [()] CaslSortItem si -> innerList si instance Pretty FplExt where pretty e = case e of FplSortItems ds _ -> topSigKey (sortS ++ pluralS ds) <+> semiAnnos pretty ds FplOpItems ds _ -> topSigKey (opS ++ pluralS ds) <+> semiAnnos pretty ds instance Pretty FplSortItem where pretty e = case e of FreeType d -> printDD d CaslSortItem s -> printSortItem s instance Pretty FplOpItem where pretty e = case e of FunOp o -> pretty o CaslOpItem s -> printOpItem s data FunDef = FunDef OP_NAME OP_HEAD (Annoted FplTerm) Range deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) kindHead :: OpKind -> OP_HEAD -> OP_HEAD kindHead k (Op_head _ args r ps) = Op_head k args r ps instance Pretty FunDef where pretty (FunDef i h@(Op_head _ l ms _) t _) = let di = idLabelDoc i et = equals <+> printAnnoted pretty t in sep $ if isNothing ms && null l then [di, et] else [keyword functS, sep [(if null l then sep else cat) [di, pretty $ kindHead Total h], et]] {- | extra terms of FPL. if-then-else must use a term as guard with result sort @Bool@. To allow @true@, @false@ and an equality test an extra term parser is needed that must not be used when parsing formulas. -} data TermExt = FixDef FunDef -- ^ formula | Case FplTerm [(FplTerm, FplTerm)] Range | Let FunDef FplTerm Range | IfThenElse FplTerm FplTerm FplTerm Range | EqTerm FplTerm FplTerm Range | BoolTerm FplTerm deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance FormExtension TermExt instance Pretty TermExt where pretty t = case t of FixDef fd -> pretty fd Case c l _ -> sep $ (keyword caseS <+> pretty c <+> keyword ofS) : prepPunctBar (map (\ (p, e) -> fsep [pretty p, implies, pretty e]) l) Let fd i _ -> sep [keyword letS <+> pretty fd, keyword inS <+> pretty i] IfThenElse i d e _ -> fsep [ keyword ifS <+> pretty i , keyword thenS <+> pretty d , keyword elseS <+> pretty e ] EqTerm t1 t2 r -> pretty $ Equation t1 Strong t2 r BoolTerm f -> pretty f fplReservedWords :: [String] fplReservedWords = [barS, functS, caseS, ofS, letS] funDef :: [String] -> AParser st FunDef funDef ks = do q <- asKey functS o <- parseId ks h <- opHead ks e <- equalT a <- annos t <- eqTerm ks return $ FunDef o (kindHead Partial h) (Annoted t nullRange a []) $ toRange q [] e optVarDecls :: [String] -> AParser st ([VAR_DECL], [Token]) optVarDecls ks = (oParenT >> separatedBy (varDecl ks) anSemi << cParenT) <|> return ([], []) constBool :: AParser st FplTerm constBool = fmap Mixfix_token (asKey trueS <|> asKey falseS) boolTerm :: [String] -> AParser st FplTerm boolTerm ks = constBool <|> mixTerm ks eqTerm :: [String] -> AParser st FplTerm eqTerm ks = do b <- boolTerm ks option b $ do e <- equalT b2 <- boolTerm ks return $ ExtTERM $ EqTerm b b2 $ tokPos e {- | extra formulas to compare bool terms with true or false. Interpreting boolean valued terms as formulas is still missing. -} eqForm :: [String] -> AParser st TermExt eqForm ks = do (c, t) <- try $ pair constBool equalT e <- mixTerm ks return $ EqTerm c e $ tokPos t <|> fmap (\ (e, (t, c)) -> EqTerm e c $ tokPos t) (try $ pair (mixTerm ks) $ pair equalT constBool) fplTerm :: [String] -> AParser st TermExt fplTerm ks = caseTerm ks <|> letTerm ks <|> ifThenElse ks caseTerm :: [String] -> AParser st TermExt caseTerm ks = do c <- asKey caseS t <- eqTerm ks o <- asKey ofS (cs, qs) <- separatedBy (patTermPair ks) barT return $ Case t cs $ toRange c qs o patTermPair :: [String] -> AParser st (FplTerm, FplTerm) patTermPair ks = do p <- eqTerm ks implKey t <- eqTerm ks return (p, t) letVar :: [String] -> AParser st FunDef letVar ks = do v <- varId ks e <- equalT a <- annos t <- eqTerm ks return $ FunDef (simpleIdToId v) (Op_head Partial [] Nothing nullRange) (Annoted t nullRange a []) $ tokPos e letTerm :: [String] -> AParser st TermExt letTerm ks = do l <- asKey letS d <- funDef ks <|> letVar ks i <- asKey inS t <- term ks return $ Let d t $ toRange l [] i ifThenElse :: [String] -> AParser st TermExt ifThenElse ks = do i <- ifKey f <- eqTerm ks t <- asKey thenS a <- eqTerm ks e <- asKey elseS b <- eqTerm ks return $ IfThenElse f a b $ toRange i [t] e instance TermParser TermExt where termParser b = if b then fplTerm fplReservedWords else fmap FixDef (funDef fplReservedWords) <|> eqForm fplReservedWords fplExt :: [String] -> AParser st FplExt fplExt ks = itemList ks sortS fplSortItem FplSortItems <|> itemList (delete functS ks) opS fplOpItem FplOpItems <|> ((pluralKeyword etypeS <|> pluralKeyword typeS <|> pluralKeyword predS <|> pluralKeyword esortS <|> asKey generatedS <|> asKey freeS) >>= \ k -> unexpected $ "CASL keyword '" ++ shows k "'") fplSortItem :: [String] -> AParser st FplSortItem fplSortItem ks = do s <- sortId ks freeType ks s <|> fmap CaslSortItem (subSortDecl ks ([s], nullRange) <|> commaSortDecl ks s <|> isoDecl ks s <|> return (Sort_decl [s] nullRange)) freeType :: [String] -> SORT -> AParser st FplSortItem freeType ks s = do f <- asKey freeS asKey withS fmap FreeType $ parseDatatype ks s f fplOpItem :: [String] -> AParser st FplOpItem fplOpItem ks = fmap FunOp (funDef ks) <|> fmap CaslOpItem (opItem ks) instance AParsable FplExt where aparser = fplExt fplReservedWords
module Macro.Todo where import Types import Macro.Text import Macro.Theorem import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Reader (asks) listoftodos :: Note listoftodos = do o <- asks conf_todos when o $ do packageDep_ "todonotes" comm0 "listoftodos" coloredTodo' :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> l coloredTodo' = liftL2 (\color l -> TeXComm "todo" [MOptArg ["color=" <> color, "inline", raw "size=\\small"], FixArg l ]) coloredTodo :: Note -> Note -> Note coloredTodo color n = do o <- asks conf_todos when o $ do packageDep_ "todonotes" coloredTodo' color n todo :: Note -> Note todo = coloredTodo "red" clarify :: Note -> Note clarify n = coloredTodo "yellow" $ "Clarify: " <> n toprove :: Note toprove = coloredTodo "orange" $ "There is a proof missing here." toprove_ :: Note -> Note toprove_ n = todo $ do n newline "There is a proof missing here." noproof :: Note noproof = todo "There either is a proof missing here or a confirmation that no proof is required at all." noproof_ :: Note noproof_ = footnotesize "No proof." exneeded :: Note exneeded = todo "There is an example missing here." cexneeded :: Note cexneeded = todo "There is an counter example missing here." refneeded :: Note -> Note refneeded n = todo $ do "There is a reference to " raw "``" <> n <> raw "''" " missing here. " citneeded :: Note citneeded = todo "Citation needed" totheorem :: Note -> Note totheorem th = todo $ "TODO, theorem: " <> th why :: Note why = clarify $ "Why? More of an explanation is missing here." why_ :: Note -> Note why_ n = clarify $ "Why " <> n <> "?" <> " " <> "More of an explanation is missing here." -- | Placeholder for future references placeholder :: Note -> Note placeholder n = thm $ do s ["This is a placeholder for future references"] n
--file: ch03/BadIndent.hs -- This is the left most column -- Our first declaration is in column 4. firstBadIndentation = 1 -- Our second is left of the first, which is illegal! secondBadIndentation = 2
module QHaskell.Expression.ADTUntypedNamed (Exp(..)) where import QHaskell.MyPrelude import qualified QHaskell.Type.ADT as TA data Exp x = ConI Word32 | ConB Bool | ConF Float | Var x | Prm x [Exp x] | Abs (x , Exp x) | App (Exp x) (Exp x) | Cnd (Exp x) (Exp x) (Exp x) | Tpl (Exp x) (Exp x) | Fst (Exp x) | Snd (Exp x) | LeT (Exp x) (x , Exp x) | Typ TA.Typ (Exp x) | Int Word32 | Mem (Exp x) | Fix (Exp x) deriving instance Eq x => Eq (Exp x) deriving instance Show x => Show (Exp x) deriving instance Functor Exp deriving instance Foldable Exp deriving instance Traversable Exp
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : $Header$ -- Copyright : (c) Proyecto Theona, 2012-2013 -- (c) Alejandro Gadea, Emmanuel Gunther, Miguel Pagano -- License : <license> -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Define la noción de derivación de una función en base a una -- especificación y una prueba, es decir, una derivación propia de la -- función. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Fun.Derivation ( Derivation (..) , module Fun.Derivation.Error , createDerivations , checkDerivation ) where import Fun.Decl import Fun.Decl.Error import Fun.Declarations import Fun.Derivation.Derivation import Fun.Derivation.Error import Equ.Proof import Equ.Expr import Equ.Rule (getRelationFromType,Relation) import Equ.TypeChecker (getType) import Equ.Theories import Equ.Syntax import qualified Equ.PreExpr as PE import qualified Data.Text as T hiding (map,foldl) import Data.List as L (map, find) import Data.Either import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid import Control.Arrow ((***),second) import Control.Monad import Control.Lens -- | A partir de las declaraciones, crea los objetos "Derivation" juntando la informacion -- de cada especificación con la correspondiente derivación y def de función en caso que -- ocurra. Por ahora no se puede hacer más de una derivación de una misma especificación. -- Además, la especificación de una derivación debe estar EN EL MISMO módulo que la derivación. createDerivations:: Declarations -> [EDeriv] createDerivations decls = foldl (createDeriv spcs fncs) [] drvs where drvs = decls ^. derivs spcs = bare specs decls fncs = bare functions decls createDeriv :: [SpecDecl] -> [FunDecl] -> [EDeriv] -> (DeclPos,DerivDecl) -> [EDeriv] createDeriv pSpecs pFuncs prevDerivs (derPos,der) = der':prevDerivs where der' = alreadyDefined der (rights prevDerivs) >> maybe (Left ([NotSpecification],der)) newDer (L.find (sameDecl der) pSpecs) newDer sp = Right $ Derivation der derPos sp $ L.find (sameDecl der) pFuncs -- | Verifica que no haya derivaciones duplicadas. alreadyDefined :: DerivDecl -> [Derivation] -> EDeriv' () alreadyDefined derDecl = mconcat . map (checkRedef derDecl . deriv) -- | Controla si ya existe una derivación para la misma función. checkRedef :: (Decl d) => d -> DerivDecl -> EDeriv' () checkRedef d d' = when (sameDecl d d') $ Left ([RedefinedDerivation $ getNameDecl d'],d') -- | Funcion que dada una derivacion dice si es válida o no. Esto es -- solo para las derivaciones por recursión. Si luego se implementa -- otro tipo de derivación, entonces debería diferenciarse. checkDer :: [Operator] -> Declarations -> Declarations -> [ThmDecl] -> Derivation -> EDeriv' (Annot FunDecl) checkDer pops decls imDecls thms der = do let (declS,mDeclF,declD) = (spec der,prog der,deriv der) -- primero chequeamos que la variable sobre la que se hace -- la derivación por recursión es la misma que está definida en -- la especificación. v = declD ^. derVar f = declD ^. derFun pfsnt = declD ^. derCases vname = tRepr v spVars = tRepr $ declS ^. specArgs expr = declS ^. specSpec (Just texpr) = getType expr rel = getRelationFromType texpr whenDer (vname `elem` spVars) ([InvalidVariable v],declD) -- Remplazamos la variable por la de la especificación, ya que ésta está -- tipada. vspec <- getVarInSpec v declS declD let declD' = Deriv f vspec pfsnt -- Ahora construimos una prueba inductiva con los datos de la derivación. -- Se asume que la declaración está bien tipada fexpr = firstExpr declS caseExpr = caseExprFromDerivation vspec declD' -- agregar como hipotesis la especificacion hypSpec = mkIndHyp f rel fexpr expr pfs' = addHypInSubProofs hypSpec pfsnt ctx = addHypothesis' hypSpec M.empty prf' = Ind ctx rel (PE.toFocus fexpr) (PE.toFocus caseExpr) (PE.toFocus $ PE.Var vspec) pfs' -- Agregamos todas las declaraciones como hipotesis prf = addDeclHypothesis decls thms imDecls prf' valPrf = validateProof pops prf funPos = derivPos der derivedFun = createFunDecl declS vspec declD' _ <- maybe (return ()) (isDeclared declD' derivedFun) mDeclF case valPrf of Left err -> Left ([ProofNotValid err],declD') Right _ -> return (funPos,derivedFun) addHypInSubProofs :: Hypothesis -> [(PE.Focus,Proof)] -> [(PE.Focus,Proof)] addHypInSubProofs hyp = (second updCtx) where updCtx p = let Right ctx = getCtx p ctx' = addHypothesis' hyp ctx Right p' = setCtx ctx' p in p' isDeclared :: DerivDecl -> FunDecl -> FunDecl -> Either ([DerivationError], DerivDecl) () isDeclared der derF declF = when (not (isEq derF declF)) $ Left ([DerivedFunctionDeclaredNotEqual (derF ^. funDeclName)],der) mkIndHyp :: Variable -> Relation -> PE.PreExpr -> PE.PreExpr -> Hypothesis mkIndHyp fun rel fexpr expr = createHypothesis name hypExpr (GenConditions []) where hypExpr = Expr $ PE.BinOp (relToOp rel) fexpr expr name = T.concat [T.pack "spec ",tRepr fun] checkDerivation :: [Operator] -> Declarations -> Declarations -> [ThmDecl] -> EDeriv -> EDeriv' (DeclPos,FunDecl) checkDerivation pops decls imDecls thms = either Left (checkDer pops decls imDecls thms) getVarInSpec :: Variable -> SpecDecl -> DerivDecl -> EDeriv' Variable getVarInSpec v spc derDecl = getVarInSpec' v (spc ^. specArgs) where getVarInSpec' v' [] = Left ([InvalidVariable v'],derDecl) getVarInSpec' v' (w:ws) = if v' == w then return w else getVarInSpec' v' ws firstExpr :: SpecDecl -> PE.PreExpr firstExpr spDecl = exprApplyFun (spDecl ^. specName) (spDecl ^. specArgs) where exprApplyFun :: Variable -> [Variable] -> PE.PreExpr exprApplyFun f = foldl (\e -> PE.App e . PE.Var) (PE.Var f) createFunDecl :: SpecDecl -> Variable -> DerivDecl -> FunDecl createFunDecl specDecl v derDecl = Fun fun vars expr Nothing where vars = specDecl ^. specArgs fun = specDecl ^. specName expr = caseExprFromDerivation v derDecl caseExprFromDerivation :: Variable -> DerivDecl -> PE.PreExpr caseExprFromDerivation v derDecl = PE.Case pattern cases where pattern = PE.Var v pfs = derDecl ^. derCases cases = (PE.toExpr *** PE.toExpr . finalExpr) pfs finalExpr = fromRight . getEnd fromRight = either (error "fromRight Left") id
{-# language GADTs #-} {-| Copyright : (c) Quivade, 2017 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : Jakub Kopański <[email protected]> Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX This module provides FIRRTL Types definitions. |-} module Language.FIRRTL.Types ( Type , PolyType , TypeF (..) , Field (..) , Ground (..) , Orientation (..) , poly , ground , vector , bundle ) where import Control.Unification (UTerm (..), Variable (..)) import Control.Unification.IntVar (IntVar) import Language.FIRRTL.Recursion (Fix (..), cata) import Language.FIRRTL.Syntax.Common (Ident) -- | Ground types data Ground = Unsigned (Maybe Int) -- ^ Unsigned integer with bit width | Signed (Maybe Int) -- ^ Signed integer with bit width | Clock -- ^ Clock | Natural -- ^ Non negative integer deriving (Eq, Show) -- data Scheme where -- Forall :: Variable v => [v] -> Type v -> Scheme data Scheme = Forall [IntVar] Type -- | Firrtl types data TypeF t = Ground Ground -- ^ Ground type | Vector t Int -- ^ Vector type | Bundle [Field t] -- ^ Bundle type deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq, Show) -- | Single field in the bundle type data Field t = Field { _fieldOrientation :: Orientation , _fieldName :: Ident , _fieldType :: t } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq, Show) -- | Fiels orientation data Orientation = Direct | Flipped deriving (Eq, Show) -- Fix (TypeF (Fix TypeF)) type Type = Fix TypeF -- UTerm (TypeF (UTerm TypeF IntVar)) type PolyType = UTerm TypeF IntVar ground :: Ground -> PolyType ground = UTerm . Ground vector :: PolyType -> Int -> PolyType vector t n = UTerm $ Vector t n bundle :: [Field PolyType] -> PolyType bundle = UTerm . Bundle -- poly :: Type -> PolyType -- poly (Fix (Ground t)) = ground t -- poly (Fix (Vector t n)) = vector (poly t) n -- poly (Fix (Bundle fs)) = bundle ((\f -> f { _fieldType = poly $ _fieldType f }) <$> fs) poly :: Type -> PolyType poly = cata alg where alg (Ground t) = ground t alg (Vector t n) = vector t n alg (Bundle fs) = bundle fs
module Amoeba.Middleware.Tracing.Log ( setupLogger , finish , info , warning , debug , error , notice ) where import System.Log.Logger import System.Log.Handler.Simple import System.Log.Handler (setFormatter) import System.Log.Formatter import Prelude hiding (error) logFormat = "$utcTime $prio $loggername: $msg" loggerName = "Amoeba.Application" defaultFormatter = simpleLogFormatter logFormat setupLogger logFileRealName = do handler <- fileHandler logFileRealName INFO let handler' = setFormatter handler defaultFormatter updateGlobalLogger loggerName $ addHandler handler' updateGlobalLogger loggerName $ setLevel INFO finish = removeAllHandlers info = infoM loggerName warning = warningM loggerName debug = debugM loggerName error = errorM loggerName notice = noticeM loggerName
module EmailParser.Lib --( -- makeEmailsList -- ,parseEmails --) where -- currently exporting everything while testing in ghci -- ====================================================================== import Text.Regex.Posix import System.Directory import Data.Maybe -- needed for MaybeMap import qualified Data.Map as M -- ____ _ -- | _ \ __ _| |_ __ _ -- | | | |/ _` | __/ _` | -- | |_| | (_| | || (_| | -- |____/ \__,_|\__\__,_| -- _____ -- |_ _| _ _ __ ___ ___ -- | || | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| -- | || |_| | |_) | __/\__ \ -- |_| \__, | .__/ \___||___/ -- |___/|_| type Email = String -- basic data structure data MailData = MailData { fromEmail :: Email ,subject :: String ,spamScore :: Float ,spamFlag :: Bool } deriving (Show) -- __ __ _ _ __ _ _ -- | \/ | __ _(_) | / _|_ _ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ _ __ ___ -- | |\/| |/ _` | | | | |_| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| -- | | | | (_| | | | | _| |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ -- |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ -- this should open the file and extract the data we need parseEmailContent :: String -> MailData parseEmailContent filecontent = MailData { fromEmail = searchFrom filecontent ,subject = searchSubject filecontent ,spamScore = searchSpamScore filecontent ,spamFlag = searchSpamFlag filecontent } searchFrom :: String -> String searchFrom content = head(content =~ "^From:.*<(.*)>" :: [[String]]) !! 1 searchSubject :: String -> String searchSubject content = head (content =~ "^Subject: (.*)" :: [[String]]) !! 1 -- TODO deal with encoded subjects searchSpamScore :: String -> Float searchSpamScore content = read (head (content =~ "score=([0-9.]+)" :: [[String]]) !! 1) :: Float searchSpamFlag :: String -> Bool searchSpamFlag content = content =~ "^X-Spam-Flag: YES" :: Bool -- _ _ _ _ -- ___ __ _| | ___ _ _| | __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ ___ -- / __/ _` | |/ __| | | | |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| -- | (_| (_| | | (__| |_| | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ -- \___\__,_|_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ -- avgSpamRate :: [MailData] -> Float avgSpamRate list_ = sum list / elems where list = [(spamScore x)|x <- list_] elems = fromIntegral (length list_) -- to return a Float -- simple test in stack ghci: -- > test <- run -- > avgSpamRate test -- run is a simple shortcut to launch main function with directory to parse as parameter -- I nedd to compare the tails of strings... >>> -- compare from head, to compare from tail, strings will have to bve reversed first -- will return the number of characters that matches from head -- no better idea for now commonPart :: String -> String -> Int -> Int commonPart (m1:m1s) (m2:m2s) counter | m1 == m2 = 1 + commonPart m1s m2s counter | otherwise = counter -- compares 2 strings (emails) and returns the common part if any compareEmailTail :: Email -> Email -> Maybe String compareEmailTail email1 email2 | common > 0 = Just $ reverse $ take common remail1 | otherwise = Nothing where remail1 = reverse email1 remail2 = reverse email2 common = commonPart remail1 remail2 0 -- <<< compareOneToList :: Email -> [Email] -> [String] compareOneToList email list = mapMaybe (compareEmailTail email) list compareAllList :: [Email] -> [String] compareAllList [x] = [] -- if one value is left, we have nothing to compare compareAllList (email:list) = compareOneToList email list ++ compareAllList list -- this is not a perfect calculation yet, but it'll do for now -- FIXME do a better algorithm groupUniques :: [String] -> M.Map String Int groupUniques [] = M.empty groupUniques (x:xs) = M.insertWith (\ new old -> new + old) x 1 map where map = groupUniques xs -- easy way to test this: -- list <- test -- groupUniques . compareAllList $ list -- testing function test = do emailsList <- makeEmailsList "emails" emailsData <- parseEmails emailsList return [fromEmail x | x <- emailsData] -- _ _ _ _ -- | | (_)___| |_(_)_ __ __ _ -- | | | / __| __| | '_ \ / _` | -- | |___| \__ \ |_| | | | | (_| | -- |_____|_|___/\__|_|_| |_|\__, | -- |___/ -- __ _ _ -- / _|_ _ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ _ __ ___ -- | |_| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| -- | _| |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ -- |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ -- first, simple array of the results of all mails we analysed makeEmailsList :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] makeEmailsList dir = do list <- listDirectory dir return [dir ++ "/" ++ file | file <- list] -- takes a list of emails and returns a list of corresponding MailData parseEmails :: [FilePath] -> IO [MailData] parseEmails [] = return [] parseEmails (file:files) = do filecontent <- readFile file rest <- parseEmails files return (parseEmailContent filecontent : rest)
module TestIntegration ( integrationTests ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Crypto.Hash (SHA512(SHA512)) import Crypto.PubKey.RSA (generate) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe) import Data.PEM (pemWriteBS) import Data.X509 (AltName(AltNameDNS), ExtSubjectAltName(ExtSubjectAltName)) import Data.X509.PKCS10 ( KeyPair(KeyPairRSA) , PKCS9Attribute(PKCS9Attribute) , PKCS9Attributes(PKCS9Attributes) , X520Attribute(..) , generateCSR , makeX520Attributes , toDER , toPEM ) import Network.Connection (TLSSettings(TLSSettingsSimple)) import Network.HTTP.Client ( Manager , managerResponseTimeout , newManager , responseTimeoutMicro ) import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (mkManagerSettings) import Network.HTTP.Types import Network.Wai (rawPathInfo, requestHeaders, responseLBS) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp import System.IO import System.Process import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Crypto.JOSE.Types (Base64Octets(..)) import Network.ACME import Network.ACME.JWS import Network.ACME.Object import Network.ACME.Type integrationTests :: TestTree integrationTests = pebbleResource $ testGroup "Network.ACME" [testNewAccount, testOrderNew] testNewAccount :: TestTree testNewAccount = testCase "Account operations" $ do (acc, jwk) <- acmeNewObjAccountStub "[email protected]" state <- myState jwk putStrLn _ <- flip evalCragT state $ do (url1, _) <- acmePerformCreateAccount acc url2 <- acmePerformFindAccountURL return (url1 @?= url2) return () testOrderNew :: TestTree testOrderNew = testCase "testOrderNew" $ do (accStub, jwk) <- acmeNewObjAccountStub "[email protected]" httpServerLiveConf <- newIORef [] myHttpServer httpServerLiveConf state <- myState jwk putStrLn res <- flip evalCragT state $ do let domains = ["localhost"] --, "ip6-localhost", "ip6-loopback"] csr <- liftIO $ newCrt domains let cert = Base64Octets csr _ <- acmePerformCreateAccount accStub crt <- obtainCertificate domains cert (challengeReactions httpServerLiveConf) liftIO $ putStrLn ("CRT: " <> concat crt) return () print res isRight res @?= True myState :: JWK -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO (CragReader, CragState) myState jwk step = do manager <- newUnsafeTestManager let logger x = step ("[cragLog] " <> x) (Right state) <- runExceptT $ acmePerformRunner' manager (Just logger) (config jwk) return state challengeReactions :: HTTPServerLiveConf -> [(String, ChallengeReaction)] challengeReactions httpServerLiveConf = [ ( http01 , ChallengeReaction { fulfill = \identifier keyAuthz -> do addResponse (requestId identifier keyAuthz, keyAuthorization keyAuthz) httpServerLiveConf putStrLn "[Challenge Reaction] Fulfilled challenge" , rollback = \identifier keyAuthz -> do removeResponse (requestId identifier keyAuthz) httpServerLiveConf putStrLn "[Challenge Reaction] Removed challenge response" }) ] where requestId identifier keyAuthz = (acmeObjIdentifierValue identifier, keyAuthorizationHttpPath keyAuthz) pebbleResource :: TestTree -> TestTree pebbleResource = withResource pebbleProcess terminateProcess . const where pebbleProcess = do stdOut <- openFile "pebble.log" WriteMode let pr = (proc "gopath/bin/pebble" ["-strict"]) {std_out = UseHandle stdOut} (_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess_ "spawnProcess" pr return pid type HTTPServerLiveConf = IORef [((String, String), String)] addResponse :: ((String, String), String) -> HTTPServerLiveConf -> IO () addResponse x httpServerLiveConf = modifyIORef httpServerLiveConf (x :) removeResponse :: (String, String) -> HTTPServerLiveConf -> IO () removeResponse k httpServerLiveConf = modifyIORef httpServerLiveConf (filter ((/= k) . fst)) myHttpServer :: HTTPServerLiveConf -> IO () myHttpServer v = do void $ forkIO $ runServer "" void $ forkIO $ runServer "::1" where runServer host = runSettings (setHost host $ setPort 5002 defaultSettings) app app req respond = do resp <- readIORef v let host = takeWhile (/= ':') $ B.unpack $ fromJust $ lookup "Host" $ requestHeaders req path = B.unpack $ rawPathInfo req case lookup (host, path) resp of Nothing -> error $ show (host, path) ++ " not found in " ++ show resp Just r -> do putStrLn $ "[HTTP-Server] Responding to request: " ++ show (host, path) respond $ responseLBS status200 [] (L.pack r) newUnsafeTestManager :: IO Manager newUnsafeTestManager = newManager (mkManagerSettings (TLSSettingsSimple True False False) Nothing) {managerResponseTimeout = responseTimeoutMicro 3000000} newCrt :: [String] -> IO B.ByteString newCrt domains = do let rsaKeySize = 256 :: Int let publicExponent = 0x10001 :: Integer (pubKey, privKey) <- generate rsaKeySize publicExponent let subjectAttrs = makeX520Attributes [(X520CommonName, head domains), (X520OrganizationName, head domains)] Right req <- generateCSR subjectAttrs (PKCS9Attributes [PKCS9Attribute . ExtSubjectAltName $ map AltNameDNS domains]) (KeyPairRSA pubKey privKey) SHA512 putStrLn $ B.unpack $ pemWriteBS $ toPEM req return $ toDER req confUrl :: URL confUrl = fromMaybe (error "invalid conf url") $ parseURL "https://localhost:14000/dir" config :: JWK -> CragConfig config jwk = (newCragConfig confUrl jwk) {cragConfigPollingInterval = 2, cragConfigRateLimitRetryAfter = 2}
-- Copyright © 2014 Garrison Jensen -- License -- This code and text are dedicated to the public domain. -- You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, -- even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. -- For more information, please refer to <> -- or the accompanying LICENSE file. -- import LambdaCalc import Parser main :: IO () main = do l <- lambdaParser print $ eval l >> main
------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Crypto.Noise.HandshakePatterns -- Maintainer : John Galt <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : POSIX -- -- This module contains all of the handshake patterns specified in sections -- 7.2, 7.3, and 9.4. module Crypto.Noise.HandshakePatterns ( -- * Standard patterns noiseNN , noiseKN , noiseNK , noiseKK , noiseNX , noiseKX , noiseXN , noiseIN , noiseXK , noiseIK , noiseXX , noiseIX , noiseN , noiseK , noiseX -- * PSK patterns , noiseNNpsk0 , noiseNNpsk2 , noiseNKpsk0 , noiseNKpsk2 , noiseNXpsk2 , noiseXNpsk3 , noiseXKpsk3 , noiseXXpsk3 , noiseKNpsk0 , noiseKNpsk2 , noiseKKpsk0 , noiseKKpsk2 , noiseKXpsk2 , noiseINpsk1 , noiseINpsk2 , noiseIKpsk1 , noiseIKpsk2 , noiseIXpsk2 , noiseNpsk0 , noiseKpsk0 , noiseXpsk1 -- * Deferred patterns , noiseNK1 , noiseNX1 , noiseX1N , noiseX1K , noiseXK1 , noiseX1K1 , noiseX1X , noiseXX1 , noiseX1X1 , noiseK1N , noiseK1K , noiseKK1 , noiseK1K1 , noiseK1X , noiseKX1 , noiseK1X1 , noiseI1N , noiseI1K , noiseIK1 , noiseI1K1 , noiseI1X , noiseIX1 , noiseI1X1 ) where import Crypto.Noise.Internal.Handshake.Pattern -- | @Noise_NN(): -- -> e -- <- e, ee@ noiseNN :: HandshakePattern noiseNN = handshakePattern "NN" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee) -- | @Noise_KN(s): -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseKN :: HandshakePattern noiseKN = handshakePattern "KN" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_NK(rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es -- <- e, ee@ noiseNK :: HandshakePattern noiseNK = handshakePattern "NK" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es) *> responder (e *> ee) -- | @Noise_KK(s, rs): -- -> s -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, ss -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseKK :: HandshakePattern noiseKK = handshakePattern "KK" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> ss) *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_NX(rs): -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s, es@ noiseNX :: HandshakePattern noiseNX = handshakePattern "NX" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s *> es) -- | @Noise_KX(s, rs): -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, se, s, es@ noiseKX :: HandshakePattern noiseKX = handshakePattern "KX" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> s *> es) -- | @Noise_XN(s): -- -> e -- <- e, ee -- -> s, se@ noiseXN :: HandshakePattern noiseXN = handshakePattern "XN" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator (s *> se) -- | @Noise_IN(s): -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseIN :: HandshakePattern noiseIN = handshakePattern "IN" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_XK(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es -- <- e, ee -- -> s, se@ noiseXK :: HandshakePattern noiseXK = handshakePattern "XK" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es) *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator (s *> se) -- | @Noise_IK(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, s, ss -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseIK :: HandshakePattern noiseIK = handshakePattern "IK" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> s *> ss) *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_XX(s, rs): -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s, es -- -> s, se@ noiseXX :: HandshakePattern noiseXX = handshakePattern "XX" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s *> es) *> initiator (s *> se) -- | @Noise_IX(s, rs): -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, se, s, es@ noiseIX :: HandshakePattern noiseIX = handshakePattern "IX" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> s *> es) -- | @Noise_N(rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es@ noiseN :: HandshakePattern noiseN = handshakePattern "N" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es) -- | @Noise_K(s, rs): -- -> s -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, ss@ noiseK :: HandshakePattern noiseK = handshakePattern "K" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> ss) -- | @Noise_X(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, s, ss@ noiseX :: HandshakePattern noiseX = handshakePattern "X" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> s *> ss) -- | @Noise_NNpsk0(): -- -> psk, e -- <- e, ee@ noiseNNpsk0 :: HandshakePattern noiseNNpsk0 = handshakePattern "NNpsk0" $ initiator (psk *> e) *> responder (e *> ee) -- | @Noise_NNpsk2(): -- -> e -- <- e, ee, psk@ noiseNNpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseNNpsk2 = handshakePattern "NNpsk2" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> psk) -- | @Noise_NKpsk0(rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> psk, e, es -- <- e, ee@ noiseNKpsk0 :: HandshakePattern noiseNKpsk0 = handshakePattern "NKpsk0" $ preResponder s *> initiator (psk *> e *> es) *> responder (e *> ee) -- | @Noise_NKpsk2(rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es -- <- e, ee, psk@ noiseNKpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseNKpsk2 = handshakePattern "NKpsk2" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es) *> responder (e *> ee *> psk) -- | @Noise_NXpsk2(rs): -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s, es, psk@ noiseNXpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseNXpsk2 = handshakePattern "NXpsk2" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s *> es *> psk) -- | @Noise_XNpsk3(s): -- -> e -- <- e, ee -- -> s, se, psk@ noiseXNpsk3 :: HandshakePattern noiseXNpsk3 = handshakePattern "XNpsk3" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator (s *> se *> psk) -- | @Noise_XKpsk3(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es -- <- e, ee -- -> s, se, psk@ noiseXKpsk3 :: HandshakePattern noiseXKpsk3 = handshakePattern "XKpsk3" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es) *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator (s *> se *> psk) -- | @Noise_XXpsk3(s, rs): -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s, es -- -> s, se, psk@ noiseXXpsk3 :: HandshakePattern noiseXXpsk3 = handshakePattern "XXpsk3" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s *> es) *> initiator (s *> se *> psk) -- | @Noise_KNpsk0(s): -- -> s -- ... -- -> psk, e -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseKNpsk0 :: HandshakePattern noiseKNpsk0 = handshakePattern "KNpsk0" $ preInitiator s *> initiator (psk *> e) *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_KNpsk2(s): -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, se, psk@ noiseKNpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseKNpsk2 = handshakePattern "KNpsk2" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> psk) -- | @Noise_KKpsk0(s, rs): -- -> s -- <- s -- ... -- -> psk, e, es, ss -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseKKpsk0 :: HandshakePattern noiseKKpsk0 = handshakePattern "KKpsk0" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator (psk *> e *> es *> ss) *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_KKpsk2(s, rs): -- -> s -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, ss -- <- e, ee, se, psk@ noiseKKpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseKKpsk2 = handshakePattern "KKpsk2" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> ss) *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> psk) -- | @Noise_KXpsk2(s, rs): -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, se, s, es, psk@ noiseKXpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseKXpsk2 = handshakePattern "KXpsk2" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> s *> es *> psk) -- | @Noise_INpsk1(s): -- -> e, s, psk -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseINpsk1 :: HandshakePattern noiseINpsk1 = handshakePattern "INpsk1" $ initiator (e *> s *> psk) *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_INpsk2(s): -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, se, psk@ noiseINpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseINpsk2 = handshakePattern "INpsk2" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> psk) -- | @Noise_IKpsk1(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, s, ss, psk -- <- e, ee, se@ noiseIKpsk1 :: HandshakePattern noiseIKpsk1 = handshakePattern "IKpsk1" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> s *> ss *> psk) *> responder (e *> ee *> se) -- | @Noise_IKpsk2(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, s, ss -- <- e, ee, se, psk@ noiseIKpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseIKpsk2 = handshakePattern "IKpsk2" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> s *> ss) *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> psk) -- | @Noise_IXpsk2(s, rs): -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, se, s, es, psk@ noiseIXpsk2 :: HandshakePattern noiseIXpsk2 = handshakePattern "IXpsk2" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> s *> es *> psk) -- | @Noise_Npsk0(rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> psk, e, es@ noiseNpsk0 :: HandshakePattern noiseNpsk0 = handshakePattern "Npsk0" $ preResponder s *> initiator (psk *> e *> es) -- | @Noise_Kpsk0(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> psk, e, es, ss@ noiseKpsk0 :: HandshakePattern noiseKpsk0 = handshakePattern "Kpsk0" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator (psk *> e *> es *> ss) -- | @Noise_Xpsk1(s, rs): -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, s, ss, psk@ noiseXpsk1 :: HandshakePattern noiseXpsk1 = handshakePattern "Xpsk1" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> s *> ss *> psk) -- | @Noise_NK1: -- <- s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, es noiseNK1 :: HandshakePattern noiseNK1 = handshakePattern "NK1" $ preResponder s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> es) -- | @Noise_NX1: -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s -- -> es noiseNX1 :: HandshakePattern noiseNX1 = handshakePattern "NX1" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s) *> initiator es -- | @Noise_X1N: -- -> e -- <- e, ee -- -> s -- <- se noiseX1N :: HandshakePattern noiseX1N = handshakePattern "X1N" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator s *> responder se -- | @Noise_X1K: -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es -- <- e, ee -- -> s -- <- se noiseX1K :: HandshakePattern noiseX1K = handshakePattern "X1K" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es) *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator s *> responder se -- | @Noise_XK1: -- <- s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, es -- -> s, se noiseXK1 :: HandshakePattern noiseXK1 = handshakePattern "XK1" $ preResponder s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> es) *> initiator (s *> se) -- | @Noise_X1K1: -- <- s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, es -- -> s -- <- se noiseX1K1 :: HandshakePattern noiseX1K1 = handshakePattern "X1K1" $ preResponder s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> es) *> initiator s *> responder se -- | @Noise_X1X -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s, es -- -> s -- <- se noiseX1X :: HandshakePattern noiseX1X = handshakePattern "X1X" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s *> es) *> initiator s *> responder se -- | @Noise_XX1: -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s -- -> es, s, se noiseXX1 :: HandshakePattern noiseXX1 = handshakePattern "XX1" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s) *> initiator (es *> s *> se) -- | @Noise_X1X1: -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s -- -> es, s -- <- se noiseX1X1 :: HandshakePattern noiseX1X1 = handshakePattern "X1X1" $ initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s) *> initiator (es *> s) *> responder se -- | @Noise_K1N: -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee -- -> se noiseK1N :: HandshakePattern noiseK1N = handshakePattern "K1N" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_K1K: -- -> s -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es -- <- e, ee -- -> se noiseK1K :: HandshakePattern noiseK1K = handshakePattern "K1K" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es) *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_KK1: -- -> s -- <- s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, se, es noiseKK1 :: HandshakePattern noiseKK1 = handshakePattern "KK1" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> es) -- | @Noise_K1K1: -- -> s -- <- s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, es -- -> se noiseK1K1 :: HandshakePattern noiseK1K1 = handshakePattern "K1K1" $ preInitiator s *> preResponder s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> es) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_K1X -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s, es -- -> se noiseK1X :: HandshakePattern noiseK1X = handshakePattern "K1X" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s *> es) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_KX1 -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, se, s -- -> es noiseKX1 :: HandshakePattern noiseKX1 = handshakePattern "KX1" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> s) *> initiator es -- | @Noise_K1X1: -- -> s -- ... -- -> e -- <- e, ee, s -- -> se, es noiseK1X1 :: HandshakePattern noiseK1X1 = handshakePattern "K1X1" $ preInitiator s *> initiator e *> responder (e *> ee *> s) *> initiator (se *> es) -- | @Noise_I1N: -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee -- -> se noiseI1N :: HandshakePattern noiseI1N = handshakePattern "I1N" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_I1K: -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, es, s -- <- e, ee -- -> se noiseI1K :: HandshakePattern noiseI1K = handshakePattern "I1K" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> es *> s) *> responder (e *> ee) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_IK1: -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, se, es noiseIK1 :: HandshakePattern noiseIK1 = handshakePattern "IK1" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> es) -- | @Noise_I1K1: -- <- s -- ... -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, es -- -> se noiseI1K1 :: HandshakePattern noiseI1K1 = handshakePattern "I1K1" $ preResponder s *> initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> es) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_I1X: -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, s, es -- -> se noiseI1X :: HandshakePattern noiseI1X = handshakePattern "I1X" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> s *> es) *> initiator se -- | @Noise_IX1: -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, se, s -- -> es noiseIX1 :: HandshakePattern noiseIX1 = handshakePattern "IX1" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> se *> s) *> initiator es -- | @Noise_I1X1: -- -> e, s -- <- e, ee, s -- -> se, es noiseI1X1 :: HandshakePattern noiseI1X1 = handshakePattern "I1X1" $ initiator (e *> s) *> responder (e *> ee *> s) *> initiator (se *> es)
module Testsuite.Dipole72 where -- standard modules import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set -- local modules import Basics import Calculus.Dipole72 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Dipole 72 networks forwardCircle :: Int -> Network [String] (Set.Set Dipole72) forwardCircle n | n < 2 = eNetwork | otherwise = Network { nDesc = show n ++ " nodes," ++ " forming a loop of consecutively connected, collinear dipoles,\ \ each in front of its predecessor." , nCalc = "Dipole-72" , nNumOfNodes = Just n , nCons = Map.fromList $ ([show $ n - 1, "0"], Set.singleton EFBS72) : map (\k -> ([show k, show $ k + 1], Set.singleton EFBS72) ) [0..n - 2] } circleWithTwoCollinearDipolesInside :: Int -> Network [String] (Set.Set Dipole72) circleWithTwoCollinearDipolesInside n | n < 5 = eNetwork | otherwise = Network { nDesc = show n ++ " nodes," ++ " forming a circle with two collinear, dipoles inside, one in\ \ front of the other, inside and outside of the circle at the\ \ same time." , nCalc = "Dipole-72" , nNumOfNodes = Nothing , nCons = Map.fromList $ [ ( [show 0 , show $ n - 2] , Set.singleton LLLR72 ) , ( [show $ div (n - 2) 2, show $ n - 1] , Set.singleton LLRL72 ) , ( [show $ n - 2 , show $ n - 1] , Set.singleton EFBS72 ) , ( [show $ n - 3 , show 0 ] , Set.singleton ELLS72 ) -- make inconsistent: , ( [show $ div ((n - 2) * 3) 4, show $ n - 1] , Set.singleton RRLL72 ) ] ++ map (\k -> ( [show k, show $ n - 3] , Set.singleton LLLL72 )) [1..n - 5] ++ foldl (\acc k -> ( ( [show k, show $ k + 1] , Set.singleton ELLS72 ) : map (\l -> ( [show k, show l] , Set.singleton LLLL72 ) ) [k + 2..n-4] ) ++ acc ) [] [0..n-4] }
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} import "devsite" Application (getApplicationDev) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (runSettings, defaultSettings, settingsPort) import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile) import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Starting devel application" (port, app) <- getApplicationDev forkIO $ runSettings defaultSettings { settingsPort = port } app loop loop :: IO () loop = do threadDelay 100000 e <- doesFileExist "yesod-devel/devel-terminate" if e then terminateDevel else loop terminateDevel :: IO () terminateDevel = exitSuccess
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} import Graphics.UI.GLFW.Pal import Graphics.GL main :: IO () main = withWindow "GLFW Pal" 640 480 $ \(win, eventsChan) -> do glClearColor 1 1 0 1 whileWindow win $ do events <- gatherEvents forM_ events (closeOnEscape win) glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT swapBuffers win
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BaseSpec where import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Base import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Response import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Lens import Data.Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.Attoparsec as CA import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = do unit unit :: Spec unit = do describe "checkResponse" $ do describe "when the response has \"errors\" key" $ do let errorMessage = fromJust . decode $ "{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Sorry, that page does not exist\",\"code\":34}]}" response = Response HT.status404 [] errorMessage result = checkResponse response it "returns TwitterErrorResponse" $ do case result of Left res@(TwitterErrorResponse _ _ msgs) -> do res `shouldBe` TwitterErrorResponse HT.status404 [] [TwitterErrorMessage 34 ""] twitterErrorMessage (head msgs) `shouldBe` "Sorry, that page does not exist" _ -> expectationFailure $ "Unexpected " ++ show result describe "when the response does not has \"errors\" key but have error status code" $ do let errorMessage = fromJust . decode $ "{}" response = Response HT.status404 [] errorMessage result = checkResponse response it "returns TwitterStatusError" $ do case result of Left (TwitterStatusError st hdr body) -> do st `shouldBe` HT.status404 hdr `shouldBe` [] body `shouldBe` errorMessage _ -> expectationFailure $ "Unexpected " ++ show result describe "sinkJSON" $ do describe "when valid JSON input" $ do let input = "{\"test\": \"input\", \"status\": 200 }" it "can consume the input from Source and returns JSON Value" $ do res <- yield input $$ sinkJSON res ^. key "test" . _String `shouldBe` "input" res ^? key "status" . _Integer `shouldBe` Just 200 describe "when invalid JSON input" $ do let input = "{]" it "should raise Data.Conduit.Attoparsec.ParseError" $ do let parseErrorException (CA.ParseError {}) = True parseErrorException _ = False action = yield input $$ sinkJSON action `shouldThrow` parseErrorException describe "sinkFromJSON" $ do describe "when valid JSON input" $ do let input = "{\"test\": \"input\", \"status\": 200 }" it "can consume the input from Source and returns a value which type is the specified one" $ do res <- yield input $$ sinkFromJSON res `shouldBe` TestJSON "input" 200 describe "when the JSON value does not have expected format" $ do let input = "{\"status\": 200}" it "should raise FromJSONError" $ do let fromJSONException (FromJSONError {}) = True fromJSONException _ = False action :: IO TestJSON action = yield input $$ sinkFromJSON action `shouldThrow` fromJSONException data TestJSON = TestJSON { testField :: T.Text , testStatus :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON TestJSON where parseJSON (Object o) = TestJSON <$> o .: "test" <*> o .: "status" parseJSON v = fail $ "Unexpected: " ++ show v
{- | Module : Data.Graph.Analysis.Algorithms.Common Description : Algorithms for all graph types. Copyright : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic 2009 License : 2-Clause BSD Maintainer : [email protected] Defines algorithms that work on both undirected and directed graphs. -} module Data.Graph.Analysis.Algorithms.Common ( -- * Graph decomposition -- $connected componentsOf, pathTree, -- * Clique Detection -- $cliques cliquesIn, cliquesIn', findRegular, isRegular, -- * Cycle Detection -- $cycles cyclesIn, cyclesIn', uniqueCycles, uniqueCycles', -- * Chain detection -- $chains chainsIn, chainsIn' ) where import Data.Graph.Analysis.Types import Data.Graph.Analysis.Utils import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph -- For linking purposes. This will throw a warning. import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS(components) import Data.List(unfoldr, foldl', foldl1', intersect, (\\), delete, tails, nub) import Data.Maybe(isJust) import Control.Arrow(first) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $connected Finding connected components. Whilst the FGL library does indeed have a function 'components' that returns the connected components of a graph, it returns each component as a list of 'Node's. This implementation instead returns each component as a /graph/, which is much more useful. Connected components are found by choosing a random node, then recursively extracting all neighbours of that node until no more nodes can be removed. Note that for directed graphs, these are known as the /weakly/ connected components. -} -- | Find all connected components of a graph. componentsOf :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> [g a b] componentsOf = unfoldr splitComponent -- | Find the next component and split it off from the graph. splitComponent :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> Maybe (g a b, g a b) splitComponent g | isEmpty g = Nothing | otherwise = Just . -- Get the type right first buildGr . -- Create the subgraph extractNode . -- Extract components of subgraph first Just . -- Getting the types right matchAny $ g -- Choose an arbitrary node to begin with -- | Extract the given node and all nodes it is transitively -- connected to from the graph. extractNode :: (DynGraph g) => Decomp g a b -> ([Context a b], g a b) extractNode (Nothing,gr) = ([],gr) extractNode (Just ctxt, gr) | isEmpty gr = ([ctxt], empty) | otherwise = first (ctxt:) $ foldl' nodeExtractor ([],gr) nbrs where nbrs = neighbors' ctxt -- | Helper function for 'extractNode' above. nodeExtractor :: (DynGraph g) => ([Context a b], g a b) -> Node -> ([Context a b], g a b) nodeExtractor cg@(cs,g) n | gelem n g = first (++ cs) . extractNode $ match n g | otherwise = cg -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Find all possible paths from this given node, avoiding loops, -- cycles, etc. pathTree :: (DynGraph g) => Decomp g a b -> [NGroup] pathTree (Nothing,_) = [] pathTree (Just ct,g) | isEmpty g = [] | null sucs = [[n]] | otherwise = (:) [n] . map (n:) . concatMap (subPathTree g') $ sucs where n = node' ct sucs = suc' ct -- Avoid infinite loops by not letting it continue any further ct' = makeLeaf ct g' = ct' & g subPathTree gr n' = pathTree $ match n' gr -- | Remove all outgoing edges makeLeaf :: Context a b -> Context a b makeLeaf (p,n,a,_) = (p', n, a, []) where -- Ensure there isn't an edge (n,n) p' = filter (\(_,n') -> n' /= n) p -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $cliques Clique detection routines. Find cliques by taking out a node, and seeing which other nodes are all common neighbours (by both 'pre' and 'suc'). -} -- | Finds all cliques (i.e. maximal complete subgraphs) in the given graph. cliquesIn :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> [[LNode a]] cliquesIn gr = map (addLabels gr) (cliquesIn' gr) -- | Finds all cliques in the graph, without including labels. cliquesIn' :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> [NGroup] cliquesIn' gr = filter (isClique gr') (findRegular gr') where gr' = mkSimple gr -- | Determine if the given list of nodes is indeed a clique, -- and not a smaller subgraph of a clique. isClique :: (Graph g) => g a b -> NGroup -> Bool isClique _ [] = False isClique gr ns = null . foldl1' intersect . map ((\\ ns) . twoCycle gr) $ ns -- | Find all regular subgraphs of the given graph. findRegular :: (Graph g) => g a b -> [[Node]] findRegular = concat . unfoldr findRegularOf -- | Extract the next regular subgraph of a graph. findRegularOf :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Maybe ([[Node]], g a b) findRegularOf g | isEmpty g = Nothing | otherwise = Just . first (regularOf g . node') . matchAny $ g -- | Returns all regular subgraphs that include the given node. regularOf :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Node -> [[Node]] regularOf gr n = map (n:) (alsoRegular gr crs) where crs = twoCycle gr n -- | Recursively find all regular subgraphs only containing nodes -- in the given list. alsoRegular :: (Graph g) => g a b -> [Node] -> [[Node]] alsoRegular _ [] = [] alsoRegular _ [n] = [[n]] alsoRegular g (n:ns) = [n] : rs ++ alsoRegular g ns where rs = map (n:) (alsoRegular g $ intersect crn ns) crn = twoCycle g n -- | Return all nodes that are co-recursive with the given node -- (i.e. for n, find all n' such that n->n' and n'->n). twoCycle :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Node -> [Node] twoCycle gr n = filter (elem n . suc gr) (delete n $ suc gr n) -- | Determines if the list of nodes represents a regular subgraph. isRegular :: (Graph g) => g a b -> NGroup -> Bool isRegular g ns = all allTwoCycle split where -- Node + Rest of list split = zip ns tns' tns' = tail $ tails ns allTwoCycle (n,rs) = null $ rs \\ twoCycle g n -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $cycles Cycle detection. Find cycles by finding all paths from a given node, and seeing if it reaches itself again. -} -- | Find all cycles in the given graph. cyclesIn :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> [LNGroup a] cyclesIn g = map (addLabels g) (cyclesIn' g) -- | Find all cycles in the given graph, returning just the nodes. cyclesIn' :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> [NGroup] cyclesIn' = concat . unfoldr findCycles . mkSimple -- | Find all cycles in the given graph, excluding those that are also cliques. uniqueCycles :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> [LNGroup a] uniqueCycles g = map (addLabels g) (uniqueCycles' g) -- | Find all cycles in the given graph, excluding those that are also cliques. uniqueCycles' :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> [NGroup] uniqueCycles' g = filter (not . isRegular g) (cyclesIn' g) -- | Find all cycles containing a chosen node. findCycles :: (DynGraph g) => g a b -> Maybe ([NGroup], g a b) findCycles g | isEmpty g = Nothing | otherwise = Just . getCycles . matchAny $ g where getCycles (ctx,g') = (cyclesFor (ctx, g'), g') -- | Find all cycles for the given node. cyclesFor :: (DynGraph g) => GDecomp g a b -> [NGroup] cyclesFor = map init . filter isCycle . pathTree . first Just where isCycle p = not (single p) && (head p == last p) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $chains A chain is a path in a graph where for each interior node, there is exactly one predecessor and one successor node, i.e. that part of the graph forms a \"straight line\". Furthermore, the initial node should have only one successor, and the final node should have only one predecessor. Chains are found by recursively finding the next successor in the chain, until either a leaf node is reached or no more nodes match the criteria. -} -- | Find all chains in the given graph. chainsIn :: (DynGraph g, Eq b) => g a b -> [LNGroup a] chainsIn g = map (addLabels g) $ chainsIn' g -- | Find all chains in the given graph. chainsIn' :: (DynGraph g, Eq b) => g a b -> [NGroup] chainsIn' g = filter (not . single) -- Remove trivial chains . map (getChain g') $ filterNodes' isChainStart g' where -- Try to make this work on two-element cycles, undirected -- graphs, etc. Also remove multiple edges, etc. g' = oneWay $ mkSimple g -- | Find the chain starting with the given 'Node'. getChain :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Node -> NGroup getChain g n = n : unfoldr (chainLink g) (chainNext g n) -- | Find the next link in the chain. chainLink :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Maybe Node -> Maybe (Node, Maybe Node) chainLink _ Nothing = Nothing chainLink g (Just n) | isEmpty g = Nothing | not $ hasPrev g n = Nothing | otherwise = Just (n, chainNext g n) -- | Determines if the given node is the start of a chain. isChainStart :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Node -> Bool isChainStart g n = hasNext g n && case (pre g n \\ [n]) of [n'] -> not $ isChainStart g n' _ -> True -- | Determine if the given node matches the chain criteria in the given -- direction, and if so what the next node in that direction is. chainFind :: (Graph g) => (g a b -> Node -> NGroup) -> g a b -> Node -> Maybe Node chainFind f g n = case (nub (f g n) \\ [n]) of [n'] -> Just n' _ -> Nothing -- | Find the next node in the chain. chainNext :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Node -> Maybe Node chainNext = chainFind suc -- | Determines if this node matches the successor criteria for chains. hasNext :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Node -> Bool hasNext g = isJust . chainNext g -- | Determines if this node matches the predecessor criteria for chains. hasPrev :: (Graph g) => g a b -> Node -> Bool hasPrev g = isJust . chainFind pre g
module Main where import Lib main :: IO () main = someFunc "Haskell"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- Copyright (C) - 2017 Róman Joost <[email protected]> This file is part of gtfsschedule. gtfsschedule is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. gtfsschedule is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with gtfsschedule. If not, see <>. -} {- | Module to parse the real time feed for real time updates This module uses protocol buffers to parse the feedmessage in order to update the schedule data. See also: -} module GTFS.Realtime.Message.Schedule (updateSchedule, updateSchedulesWithRealtimeData, getTripUpdates, getVehiclePositions) where import GTFS.Realtime.Internal.Com.Google.Transit.Realtime.FeedMessage (FeedMessage, entity) import GTFS.Realtime.Internal.Com.Google.Transit.Realtime.VehiclePosition (VehiclePosition) import GTFS.Realtime.Message.Types (ForFeedElement (..)) import GTFS.Schedule (ScheduleItem (..)) import Control.Monad.State (State, execState, get, put) import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import GTFS.Realtime.Internal.Com.Google.Transit.Realtime.FeedEntity (trip_update, vehicle) import GTFS.Realtime.Internal.Com.Google.Transit.Realtime.TripUpdate (TripUpdate) import qualified Text.ProtocolBuffers.Header as P' import Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp) import Text.ProtocolBuffers (messageGet) import Data.Traversable (mapM) import Prelude hiding (mapM) type Schedule = Map.Map String ScheduleItem -- | Updates the schedule with realtime information from the GTFS feed -- updateSchedulesWithRealtimeData :: Maybe T.Text -> [ScheduleItem] -> IO [ScheduleItem] updateSchedulesWithRealtimeData Nothing schedules = pure schedules updateSchedulesWithRealtimeData (Just url) schedules = do bytes <- simpleHttp (T.unpack url) case messageGet bytes of Left err -> do print $ "Error occurred decoding feed: " ++ err pure schedules Right (fm,_) -> pure $ updateSchedule fm schedules -- | Updates schedule with trip updates given by feed -- updateSchedule :: FeedMessage -> [ScheduleItem] -> [ScheduleItem] updateSchedule fm schedules = updateScheduleHelper getVehiclePositions fm $ updateScheduleHelper getTripUpdates fm schedules updateScheduleHelper :: ForFeedElement e => (FeedMessage -> P'.Seq e) -> FeedMessage -> [ScheduleItem] -> [ScheduleItem] updateScheduleHelper getter fm schedule = Map.elems $ execState (mapM updateFeedElement $ getter fm) scheduleMap where scheduleMap = Map.fromList $ toMap <$> schedule toMap x = (tripId x, x) getTripUpdates :: FeedMessage -> P'.Seq TripUpdate getTripUpdates fm = (`P'.getVal` trip_update) <$> P'.getVal fm entity getVehiclePositions :: FeedMessage -> P'.Seq VehiclePosition getVehiclePositions fm = (`P'.getVal` vehicle) <$> P'.getVal fm entity updateFeedElement :: ForFeedElement e => e -> State Schedule () updateFeedElement x = do m <- get let map' = Map.adjustWithKey (updateScheduleItem x) (getTripID x) m put map'
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin-opt=LiquidHaskell.Plugin:no-termination #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Fixme where import LiquidHaskell import LiquidHaskell.Prelude data Binder n = B | M (TT n) data TT n = V Int | Other | Bind (Binder n) (TT n) [lq| measure binderContainsV :: Binder n -> Bool |] binderContainsV B = True binderContainsV (M x) = containsV x [lq| measure containsV :: TT n -> Bool |] containsV (V i) = True containsV (Bind b body) = (binderContainsV b) || (containsV body) -- containsV (App f arg) = (containsV f) || (containsV arg) -- containsV (Proj tm i) = containsV tm containsV _ = False prop1 = liquidAssert (containsV $ V 7) prop2 = liquidAssert (containsV $ Bind (M (V 5)) Other)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Data.Nat ( PNat (..), type (+), type (*), type (^), type (-) , Fact (..) , LTE (..) , One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten ) where import Data.Type.Equality (gcastWith, (:~:) (Refl)) import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TL import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) import Prelude hiding (succ) data PNat = Z | S PNat deriving (Eq, Show, Ord) type family One :: PNat where One = S Z type family Two :: PNat where Two = S One type family Three :: PNat where Three = S Two type family Four :: PNat where Four = S Three type family Five :: PNat where Five = S Four type family Six :: PNat where Six = S Five type family Seven :: PNat where Seven = S Six type family Eight :: PNat where Eight = S Seven type family Nine :: PNat where Nine = S Eight type family Ten :: PNat where Ten = S Nine infixl 6 + type family (+) (m :: PNat) (n :: PNat) :: PNat where Z + n = n S m + n = S (m + n) infixl 6 - type family (-) (m :: PNat) (n :: PNat) :: PNat where m - Z = m S m - S n = m - n infixl 7 * type family (*) (m :: PNat) (n :: PNat) :: PNat where Z * n = Z S m * n = n + m * n infixr 8 ^ type family (^) (m :: PNat) (n :: PNat) :: PNat where m ^ Z = S Z m ^ S n = m * (m ^ n) type family Fact (n :: PNat) :: PNat where Fact Z = S Z Fact (S n) = Fact n * S n type family Lit (n :: TL.Nat) :: PNat where Lit 0 = Z Lit n = S (Lit (n TL.- 1)) type family Cmp (m :: PNat) (n :: PNat) :: Ordering where Cmp Z Z = EQ Cmp m Z = GT Cmp Z n = LT Cmp (S m) (S n) = Cmp m n type family LTE (m :: PNat) (n :: PNat) :: Bool where LTE Z n = True LTE (S m) Z = False LTE (S m) (S n) = LTE m n
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Copyright : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012-2014 -- -- License : BSD-style -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (TF,GNTD) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Music.Score.Export.ArticulationNotation ( Slur(..), Mark(..), ArticulationNotation(..), notateArticulation, ) where import Data.Semigroup import Data.Functor.Context import Data.Functor.Adjunction (unzipR) import Control.Lens -- () import Music.Score.Articulation (Articulation, Articulated(..), Separation, Accentuation) import Music.Score.Ties (Tiable(..)) import Music.Time (Transformable(..)) import qualified Music.Score.Articulation import qualified Music.Articulation -- TODO need NoSlur etc? data Slur = NoSlur | BeginSlur | EndSlur deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Mark = NoMark | Staccato | MoltoStaccato | Marcato | Accent | Tenuto deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Monoid Slur where mempty = NoSlur mappend NoSlur a = a mappend a _ = a instance Monoid Mark where mempty = NoMark mappend NoMark a = a mappend a _ = a newtype ArticulationNotation = ArticulationNotation { getArticulationNotation :: ([Slur], [Mark]) } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Wrapped ArticulationNotation where type Unwrapped ArticulationNotation = ([Slur], [Mark]) _Wrapped' = iso getArticulationNotation ArticulationNotation instance Rewrapped ArticulationNotation ArticulationNotation type instance Articulation ArticulationNotation = ArticulationNotation instance Transformable ArticulationNotation where transform _ = id instance Tiable ArticulationNotation where toTied (ArticulationNotation (slur, marks)) = (ArticulationNotation (slur1, marks1), ArticulationNotation (slur2, marks2)) where (marks1, marks2) = splitMarks marks (slur1, slur2) = splitSlurs slur splitSlurs = unzipR . fmap splitSlur splitMarks = unzipR . fmap splitMark splitSlur NoSlur = (mempty, mempty) splitSlur BeginSlur = (BeginSlur, mempty) splitSlur EndSlur = (mempty, EndSlur) splitMark NoMark = (NoMark, mempty) splitMark Staccato = (Staccato, mempty) splitMark MoltoStaccato = (MoltoStaccato, mempty) splitMark Marcato = (Marcato, mempty) splitMark Accent = (Accent, mempty) splitMark Tenuto = (Tenuto, mempty) instance Monoid ArticulationNotation where mempty = ArticulationNotation ([], []) ArticulationNotation ([], []) `mappend` y = y x `mappend` ArticulationNotation ([], []) = x x `mappend` y = x getSeparationMarks :: Double -> [Mark] getSeparationMarks = fst . getSeparationMarks' hasSlur' :: Double -> Bool hasSlur' = snd . getSeparationMarks' getSeparationMarks' :: Double -> ([Mark], Bool) getSeparationMarks' x | x <= (-1) = ([], True) | (-1) < x && x < 1 = ([], False) | 1 <= x && x < 2 = ([Staccato], False) | 2 <= x = ([MoltoStaccato], False) getAccentMarks :: Double -> [Mark] getAccentMarks x | x <= (-1) = [] | (-1) < x && x < 1 = [] | 1 <= x && x < 2 = [Accent] | 2 <= x = [Marcato] | otherwise = [] hasSlur :: (Real (Separation t), Articulated t) => t -> Bool hasSlur y = hasSlur' (realToFrac $ view separation $ y) allMarks :: (Real (Separation t), Real (Accentuation t), Articulated t) => t -> [Mark] allMarks y = mempty <> getSeparationMarks (realToFrac $ y^.separation) <> getAccentMarks (realToFrac $ y^.accentuation) -- -- TODO why doesn't this work -- notateArticulationS :: (Ord a, Articulated a, Music.Score.Articulation.Articulation a ~ Music.Articulation.Articulation) => Ctxt a -> ArticulationNotation -- notateArticulationS = notateArticulation notateArticulation :: (Ord a, Articulated a, Real (Separation a), Real (Accentuation a)) => Ctxt a -> ArticulationNotation notateArticulation (getCtxt -> x) = go x where go (Nothing, y, Nothing) = ArticulationNotation ([], allMarks y) go (Just x, y, Nothing) = ArticulationNotation (if hasSlur x && hasSlur y then [EndSlur] else [], allMarks y) go (Nothing, y, Just z) = ArticulationNotation (if hasSlur y && hasSlur z then [BeginSlur] else [], allMarks y) go (Just x, y, Just z) = ArticulationNotation (slur3 x y z, allMarks y) where slur3 x y z = case (hasSlur x, hasSlur y, hasSlur z) of (True, True, True) -> [{-ContSlur-}] (False, True, True) -> [BeginSlur] (True, True, False) -> [EndSlur] _ -> []
module AERN2.Frac.Eval ( evalDirect , evalDI , evalDf , evalLip ) where import MixedTypesNumPrelude import AERN2.MP.Dyadic import AERN2.MP.Ball import AERN2.RealFun.Operations import AERN2.Poly.Cheb (ChPoly) import qualified AERN2.Poly.Cheb as Cheb import AERN2.Frac.Type instance (CanApply (ChPoly c) t, CanDivSameType (ApplyType (ChPoly c) t)) => CanApply (Frac c) t where type ApplyType (Frac c) t = ApplyType (ChPoly c) t apply (Frac p q _) t = (apply p t) /! (apply q t) -- TODO: replace with a specific instance with c~MPBall using evalDI? instance (CanApplyApprox (ChPoly c) t, CanDivSameType (ApplyApproxType (ChPoly c) t)) => CanApplyApprox (Frac c) t where type ApplyApproxType (Frac c) t = ApplyApproxType (ChPoly c) t applyApprox (Frac p q _) t = (applyApprox p t) /! (applyApprox q t) evalDirect :: (Field t, CanAddSubMulDivCNBy t Dyadic, CanDivCNBy t Integer, CanAddSubMulBy t c, Ring c) => Frac c -> t -> t evalDirect (Frac p q _) x = (Cheb.evalDirect p x) /! (Cheb.evalDirect q x) evalDI :: Frac MPBall -> MPBall -> MPBall evalDI f@(Frac p q _) = evalDf f (Cheb.derivative p) (Cheb.derivative q) evalDf :: Frac MPBall -> ChPoly MPBall -> ChPoly MPBall -> MPBall -> MPBall evalDf f dp dq x = evalLip f (abs $ Cheb.evalDirect dp x) (abs $ Cheb.evalDirect dq x) x evalLip :: Frac MPBall -> MPBall -> MPBall -> MPBall -> MPBall evalLip f@(Frac _ _ m) lp lq x = fc + (hullMPBall (-errB) (errB)) where absFc = abs fc fc = evalDirect f c c = centreAsBall x eps = mpBall $ radius x errB = m*(lp + lq*absFc)*eps
{-#Language DeriveFunctor , DeriveFoldable , DeriveTraversable #-} module Language.TheExperiment.Inferrer.Type where import Language.TheExperiment.CodeGen.Type import Data.Foldable import Data.Traversable import qualified Data.Map as Map data Type a = TypeName String | Std StdType | Pointer a | Array a a -- first parameter should only be a type variable or -- an NType (type level number), eventually this would -- be moved to the std libs, and have a constraint on -- that parameter | NType Integer | Func [a] a {- | Pointer a | | Array (Maybe Integer) a | TCall a [a] | Struct [(String, a)] | Union [(String, a)] | NType Integer | Func [a] a -} -- optional name, list of record fields and their types (empty for -- non-structures), Just overloads | Var (Maybe String) {- (RecFields a) -} [a] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) data RecFields a = Fields (Map.Map String a) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) noRecFields :: RecFields a noRecFields = Fields Map.empty -- #TODO consider making this just a list -- I think it would simplify the logic in many places -- (perhaps just a newtype'd list) newtype Overloads a = Overloads [a] -- potential types deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) data FlatType = FlatType (Type FlatType) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- the type variable 'a' is meant to be either a TypeRef or some other version -- of Type (like say data FlatType = FlatType (Type FlatType)) data TypeDef a = SimpleType a | AlgType [(String, a)] | Struct [(String, a)] | Union [(String, a)] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Calculi.Lambda.Cube.TH ( -- sfo sf , stlc ) where import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Quote as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import qualified Compiler.Typesystem.SystemFOmega as SFO import qualified Compiler.Typesystem.SystemF as SF import qualified Compiler.Typesystem.SimplyTyped as STLC import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Error import Calculi.Lambda.Cube import Data.List import Control.Monad -- | Lambda Cube parsec type. #if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(5,0,0) type LCParsec = Parsec Dec String #else type LCParsec = Parsec String #endif -- | SystemFOmega with mono and poly types represented as strings. -- type StringSFO = SFO.SystemFOmega String String (Maybe (STLC.SimplyTyped String)) -- | SystemF with mono and poly types represented as strings. type StringSF = SF.SystemF String String -- | SimplyTyped with mono types represented as strings. type StringSTLC = STLC.SimplyTyped String {-| Lambda Cube symbol wrapper for strings. -} lamcsymbol :: String -> LCParsec String lamcsymbol = lamctoken . string {-| Lambda Cube parser token wrapper, expects the token followed by 0 or more spaces. -} lamctoken :: LCParsec a -> LCParsec a lamctoken p = do pval <- p void $ many (char ' ') return pval {-| Parenthesis parser combinator. -} paren :: LCParsec a -> LCParsec a paren = between (lamcsymbol "(") (lamcsymbol ")") {-| Wrapper that allows preceeding whitespace before a token and then expects the input to end. -} wrapped :: LCParsec a -> LCParsec a wrapped p = do void $ many (lamcsymbol " ") p' <- p eof return p' {-| Parser for a bare variable, notated by beginning with a lowercase character. -} variable :: LCParsec String variable = lamctoken ((:) <$> lowerChar <*> many (lowerChar <|> upperChar)) <?> "variable" {-| Parser for a bare constant, notated by beginning with an uppercase character. -} constant :: LCParsec String constant = lamctoken ((:) <$> upperChar <*> many (lowerChar <|> upperChar)) <?> "constant" {-| given a subexpression parser, parse a sequence of subexpressions seperated by function arrows. -} exprsequence :: SimpleType t => LCParsec t -> LCParsec t exprsequence subexpr = label "expression sequence" $ do -- parse as many subexpressions as we can (at least 1 though) expr <- subexpr -- optionally parse a function tail if it is present funApply <- optional $ do void $ lamcsymbol "->" <|> lamcsymbol "→" exprsequence subexpr -- if after the initial sequence it turned out this was the first -- argument to a function expression, then we apply it as the first argument. return (maybe expr (expr /->) funApply) {- sfoexpr :: LCParsec StringSFO sfoexpr = label "System-Fω expression" $ quant sfoexpr <|> exprsequence (fmap (foldl1 (/$)) <$> some $ poly <$> variable <|> mono <$> constant <|> paren sfoexpr) -} sfexpr :: LCParsec StringSF sfexpr = label "System-F expression" $ exprsequence (typevar <$> variable <|> typeconst <$> constant <|> paren sfexpr) stlcexpr :: LCParsec StringSTLC stlcexpr = label "Simply-typed expression" $ exprsequence (typeconst <$> constant <|> paren stlcexpr) {- {-| A QuasiQuoter for SystemFOmega, allowing arbitrary type application @[sfo| forall x. R x -> M x |] == quantify \"x\" (mono \"R\" /$ poly \"x\" /-> mono \"M\" /$ poly \"x\")@ -} sfo :: TH.QuasiQuoter sfo = mkqq "sfo" sfoexpr -} {-| A QuasiQuoter for SystemF, allowing quantification and poly types (lower case). @[sf| forall a b. a -> b |] == quantify \"a\" (quantify \"b\" (poly \"a\" \/-> poly \"b\"))@ -} sf :: TH.QuasiQuoter sf = mkqq "sf" sfexpr {-| A QuasiQuoter for SimplyTyped. @[stlc| A -> B -> C |] == mono \"A\" \/-> mono \"B\" \/-> mono \"C\"@ @[stlc| (A -> B) -> B |] == (mono \"A\" \/-> mono \"B\") \/-> mono \"B\"@ -} stlc :: TH.QuasiQuoter stlc = mkqq "stlc" stlcexpr {-| Helper to generate a QuasiQuoter for an arbitrary parser with a liftable type. -} mkqq :: TH.Lift t => String -> LCParsec t -> TH.QuasiQuoter mkqq pname p = TH.QuasiQuoter { TH.quoteExp = \str -> do loc <- TH.location let fname = intercalate ":" [pname , TH.loc_filename loc , show $ TH.loc_start loc , show $ TH.loc_end loc ] case runParser (wrapped p) fname str of Left err -> fail . show $ err Right val -> TH.lift val , TH.quotePat = error $ pname ++ " doesn't implement quotePat for this QuasiQuoter" , TH.quoteType = error $ pname ++ " doesn't implement quoteType for this QuasiQuoter" , TH.quoteDec = error $ pname ++ " doesn't implement quoteDec for this QuasiQuoter" }