15 values
-- HTTP/1.1 requests consist of the following components: -- -- request: -- -- Request-Line -- *(( general-header -- | request-header -- | entity-header ) CRLF) -- CRLF -- [ message-body ] -- -- request-line: -- -- method SP request-uri SP http-version CRLF -- -- method: "OPTIONS" -- | "GET" -- | "HEAD" -- | "POST" -- | "PUT" -- | "DELETE" -- | "TRACE" -- | "CONNECT" -- -- request-uri: "*" -- | absoluteURI -- | abs_path -- | authority -- -- general-header: Cache-Control -- | Connection -- | Date -- | Pragma -- | Trailer -- | Transfer-Encoding -- | Upgrade -- | Via -- | Warning -- -- request-header: Accept -- | Accept-Charset -- | Accept-Encoding -- | Accept-Language -- | Authorization -- | Expect -- | From -- | Host -- | If-Match -- | If-Modified-Since -- | If-Unmodified-Since -- | Max-Forwards -- | Proxy-Authorization -- | Range -- | Referer -- | TE -- | User-Agent -- -- entity-header: Allow -- | Content-Encoding -- | Content-Language -- | Content-Length -- | Content-Location -- | Content-MD5 -- | Content-Range -- | Content-Type -- | Expires -- | Last-Modified -- | extension-header -- -- extension-header: message-header import qualified Http.Request import qualified Http.Response
module Countdown2 where import Data.List import Data.Function import Types legal :: Op -> Value -> Value -> Bool legal Add v1 v2 = v1 <= v2 legal Sub v1 v2 = v2 < v1 legal Mul v1 v2 = 1 < v1 && v1 <= v2 legal Div v1 v2 = 1 < v2 && v1 `mod` v2 == 0 countdown2 :: Int -> [Int] -> (Expr, Value) countdown2 n = nearest n . concatMap mkExprs . subseqs unmerges :: [a] -> [([a],[a])] unmerges [x,y] = [([x],[y])] unmerges (x:xs) = [([x],xs)] ++ map (applyFst (x:)) (unmerges xs) ++ map (applySnd (x:)) (unmerges xs) -- combine :: (Expr, Value) -> (Expr, Value) -> [(Expr, Value)] -- combine (e1,v1) (e2,v2) = [(App op e1 e2, apply op v1 v2) | op <- ops, legal op v1 v2] -- ++ [(App op e2 e1, apply op v2 v1) | op <- ops, legal op v2 v1] -- where ops = [Add,Sub,Mul,Div] combine :: (Expr, Value) -> (Expr, Value) -> [(Expr, Value)] combine (e1,v1) (e2,v2) | v1 < v2 = comb1 (e1,v1) (e2,v2) | v1 == v2 = comb2 (e1,v1) (e2,v2) | v1 > v2 = comb1 (e2,v2) (e1,v1) comb1 :: (Expr, Value) -> (Expr, Value) -> [(Expr, Value)] comb1 (e1,v1) (e2,v2) = [(App Add e1 e2, v1+v2), (App Sub e1 e2, v2-v1)] ++ if 1 < v1 then [(App Mul e1 e2, v1*v2)] ++ [(App Div e1 e2, q) | r == 0] else [] where (q,r) = divMod v2 v1 comb2 :: (Expr, Value) -> (Expr, Value) -> [(Expr, Value)] comb2 (e1,v1) (e2,v2) = [(App Add e1 e2, v1+v2)] ++ if 1 < v1 then [(App Mul e1 e2, v1*v2)] ++ [(App Div e1 e2, 1)] else [] -- same as countdown1 subseqs :: [Value] -> [[Value]] subseqs [x] = [[x]] subseqs (x:xs) = xss ++ [x] : map (x:) xss where xss = subseqs xs value :: Expr -> Value value (Num n) = n value (App op e1 e2) = apply op (value e1) (value e2) apply :: Op -> Value -> Value -> Value apply Add = (+) apply Sub = (-) apply Mul = (*) apply Div = div mkExprs :: [Value] -> [(Expr, Value)] mkExprs [x] = [(Num x, x)] mkExprs xs = [ev | (ys,zs) <- unmerges xs ,ev1 <- mkExprs ys ,ev2 <- mkExprs zs ,ev <- combine ev1 ev2] nearest :: Int -> [(Expr, Value)] -> (Expr, Value) -- nearest n ts = minimumBy (compare `on` snd) [(e, abs $ v - n) | (e,v) <- ts] nearest n ((e,v):evs) = if d == 0 then (e,v) else search n d (e,v) evs where d = abs (n - v) search n d ev [] = ev search n d ev ((e,v):evs) | d' == 0 = (e,v) | d' < d = search n d' (e,v) evs | d' >= d = search n d ev evs where d' = abs (n - v) -- applyFst :: (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c) applyFst f (x,y) = (f x, y) applySnd :: (b -> c) -> (a, b) -> (a, c) applySnd f (x,y) = (x, f y)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Print (fromValue, fromTagged, encode) where import Data.Monoid (mappend) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int (decimal) import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat (realFloat) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.EDN.Types as E import Data.EDN.Types.Class (ToEDN, toEDN) -- | Encode a Tagged EDN value to a 'Builder'. fromTagged :: Int -> E.TaggedValue -> Builder fromTagged n (E.NoTag v) = fromValue n v fromTagged n (E.Tagged v "" t) = singleton '#' <> string t <> " " <> fromValue n v fromTagged n (E.Tagged v ns t) = singleton '#' <> string ns <> singleton '/' <> string t <> " " <> fromValue n v spaces :: Int -> Builder spaces n = fromString $ replicate n '\t' -- | Encode a raw EDN value to a 'Builder'. fromValue :: Int -> E.Value -> Builder fromValue _ E.Nil = "nil" fromValue _ (E.Boolean b) = if b then "true" else "false" fromValue _ (E.String t) = "\"" <> quote t <> "\"" fromValue _ (E.Character c) = "\\" <> quoteChar c fromValue _ (E.Symbol "" v) = string v fromValue _ (E.Symbol ns v) = string ns <> "/" <> string v fromValue _ (E.Keyword kw) = ":" <> string kw fromValue _ (E.Integer i) = decimal i fromValue _ (E.Floating f) = realFloat f fromValue n (E.List xs) = "(" <> fromList n xs <> ")" fromValue n (E.Vec xs) = "[" <> fromList n (V.toList xs) <> "]" fromValue n (E.Set xs) = "#{" <> fromList n (S.toList xs) <> "}" fromValue n (E.Map as) = "{" <> "\n" <> fromAssoc (n+1) (M.assocs as) <> spaces n <> "}" string :: BS.ByteString -> Builder string s = fromLazyText . decodeUtf8 . L.fromChunks $ [s] quote :: T.Text -> Builder quote q = case T.uncons t of Nothing -> fromText h Just (c, t') -> fromText h <> escape c <> quote t' where (h, t) = T.break isEscape q isEscape c = c == '\"' || c == '\\' || c < '\x20' escape '\"' = "\\\"" escape '\\' = "\\\\" escape '\n' = "\\n" escape '\r' = "\\r" escape '\t' = "\\t" escape c = singleton c quoteChar :: Char -> Builder quoteChar c = case c of '\n' -> string "newline" '\r' -> string "return" '\t' -> string "tab" ' ' -> string "space" _ -> singleton c fromList :: Int -> [E.TaggedValue] -> Builder fromList _ [] = "" fromList n (x:[]) = fromTagged n x fromList n (x:xs) = fromTagged n x <> " " <> fromList n xs fromAssoc :: Int -> [(E.Value, E.TaggedValue)] -> Builder fromAssoc _ [] = "" fromAssoc n ((k, v):[]) = spaces n <> fromValue n k <> " " <> fromTagged n v <> "\n" fromAssoc n ((k, v):as) = spaces n <> fromValue n k <> " " <> fromTagged n v <> "\n" <> fromAssoc n as -- | Serialize a value as a lazy 'L.ByteString'. encode :: ToEDN a => a -> L.ByteString encode = encodeUtf8 . toLazyText . fromTagged 0 . toEDN {-# INLINE encode #-} (<>) :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder (<>) = mappend {-# INLINE (<>) #-} infixr 6 <>
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Algebra.Graph.ToGraph -- Copyright : (c) Andrey Mokhov 2016-2022 -- License : MIT (see the file LICENSE) -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- -- __Alga__ is a library for algebraic construction and manipulation of graphs -- in Haskell. See < this paper> for the -- motivation behind the library, the underlying theory, and implementation details. -- -- This module defines the type class 'ToGraph' for capturing data types that -- can be converted to algebraic graphs. To make an instance of this class you -- need to define just a single method ('toGraph' or 'foldg'), which gives you -- access to many other useful methods for free (although note that the default -- implementations may be suboptimal performance-wise). -- -- This type class is similar to the standard type class 'Data.Foldable.Foldable' -- defined for lists. Furthermore, one can define 'Foldable' methods 'foldMap' -- and 'Data.Foldable.toList' using @ToGraph@.'foldg': -- -- @ -- 'foldMap' f = 'foldg' 'mempty' f ('<>') ('<>') -- 'Data.Foldable.toList' = 'foldg' [] 'pure' ('++') ('++') -- @ -- -- However, the resulting 'Foldable' instance is problematic. For example, -- folding equivalent algebraic graphs @1@ and @1@ + @1@ leads to different -- results: -- -- @ -- 'Data.Foldable.toList' (1 ) == [1] -- 'Data.Foldable.toList' (1 + 1) == [1, 1] -- @ -- -- To avoid such cases, we do not provide 'Foldable' instances for algebraic -- graph datatypes. Furthermore, we require that the four arguments passed to -- 'foldg' satisfy the laws of the algebra of graphs. The above definitions -- of 'foldMap' and 'Data.Foldable.toList' violate this requirement, for example -- @[1] ++ [1] /= [1]@, and are therefore disallowed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Algebra.Graph.ToGraph ( -- * Type class ToGraph (..), -- * Derived functions adjacencyMap, adjacencyIntMap, adjacencyMapTranspose, adjacencyIntMapTranspose ) where import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Tree import qualified Algebra.Graph as G import qualified Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap as AM import qualified Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.Algorithm as AM import qualified Algebra.Graph.Labelled as LG import qualified Algebra.Graph.Labelled.AdjacencyMap as LAM import qualified Algebra.Graph.NonEmpty.AdjacencyMap as NAM import qualified Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap as AIM import qualified Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap.Algorithm as AIM import qualified Algebra.Graph.Relation as R import qualified Algebra.Graph.Relation.Symmetric as SR import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | The 'ToGraph' type class captures data types that can be converted to -- algebraic graphs. Instances of this type class should satisfy the laws -- specified by the default method definitions. class ToGraph t where {-# MINIMAL toGraph | foldg #-} -- | The type of vertices of the resulting graph. type ToVertex t -- | Convert a value to the corresponding algebraic graph, see "Algebra.Graph". -- -- @ -- toGraph == 'foldg' 'G.Empty' 'G.Vertex' 'G.Overlay' 'G.Connect' -- @ toGraph :: t -> G.Graph (ToVertex t) toGraph = foldg G.Empty G.Vertex G.Overlay G.Connect -- | The method 'foldg' is used for generalised graph folding. It collapses -- a given value by applying the provided graph construction primitives. The -- order of arguments is: empty, vertex, overlay and connect, and it is -- assumed that the arguments satisfy the axioms of the graph algebra. -- -- @ -- foldg == Algebra.Graph.'G.foldg' . 'toGraph' -- @ foldg :: r -> (ToVertex t -> r) -> (r -> r -> r) -> (r -> r -> r) -> t -> r foldg e v o c = G.foldg e v o c . toGraph -- | Check if a graph is empty. -- -- @ -- isEmpty == 'foldg' True ('const' False) (&&) (&&) -- @ isEmpty :: t -> Bool isEmpty = foldg True (const False) (&&) (&&) -- | Check if a graph contains a given vertex. -- -- @ -- hasVertex x == 'foldg' False (==x) (||) (||) -- @ hasVertex :: Eq (ToVertex t) => ToVertex t -> t -> Bool hasVertex x = foldg False (==x) (||) (||) -- | Check if a graph contains a given edge. -- -- @ -- hasEdge x y == Algebra.Graph.'G.hasEdge' x y . 'toGraph' -- @ hasEdge :: Eq (ToVertex t) => ToVertex t -> ToVertex t -> t -> Bool hasEdge x y = G.hasEdge x y . toGraph -- | The number of vertices in a graph. -- -- @ -- vertexCount == Set.'Set.size' . 'vertexSet' -- @ vertexCount :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Int vertexCount = Set.size . vertexSet -- | The number of edges in a graph. -- -- @ -- edgeCount == Set.'Set.size' . 'edgeSet' -- @ edgeCount :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Int edgeCount = AM.edgeCount . toAdjacencyMap -- | The sorted list of vertices of a given graph. -- -- @ -- vertexList == Set.'Set.toAscList' . 'vertexSet' -- @ vertexList :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> [ToVertex t] vertexList = Set.toAscList . vertexSet -- | The sorted list of edges of a graph. -- -- @ -- edgeList == Set.'Set.toAscList' . 'edgeSet' -- @ edgeList :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> [(ToVertex t, ToVertex t)] edgeList = AM.edgeList . toAdjacencyMap -- | The set of vertices of a graph. -- -- @ -- vertexSet == 'foldg' Set.'Set.empty' Set.'Set.singleton' Set.'Set.union' Set.'Set.union' -- @ vertexSet :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Set (ToVertex t) vertexSet = foldg Set.empty Set.singleton Set.union Set.union -- | The set of vertices of a graph. Like 'vertexSet' but specialised for -- graphs with vertices of type 'Int'. -- -- @ -- vertexIntSet == 'foldg' IntSet.'IntSet.empty' IntSet.'IntSet.singleton' IntSet.'IntSet.union' IntSet.'IntSet.union' -- @ vertexIntSet :: ToVertex t ~ Int => t -> IntSet vertexIntSet = foldg IntSet.empty IntSet.singleton IntSet.union IntSet.union -- | The set of edges of a graph. -- -- @ -- edgeSet == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.edgeSet' . 'toAdjacencyMap' -- @ edgeSet :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Set (ToVertex t, ToVertex t) edgeSet = AM.edgeSet . toAdjacencyMap -- | The /preset/ of a vertex is the set of its /direct predecessors/. -- -- @ -- preSet x == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.preSet' x . 'toAdjacencyMap' -- @ preSet :: Ord (ToVertex t) => ToVertex t -> t -> Set (ToVertex t) preSet x = AM.postSet x . toAdjacencyMapTranspose -- | The /preset/ (here @preIntSet@) of a vertex is the set of its -- /direct predecessors/. Like 'preSet' but specialised for graphs with -- vertices of type 'Int'. -- -- @ -- preIntSet x == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap.'AIM.preIntSet' x . 'toAdjacencyIntMap' -- @ preIntSet :: ToVertex t ~ Int => Int -> t -> IntSet preIntSet x = AIM.postIntSet x . toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose -- | The /postset/ of a vertex is the set of its /direct successors/. -- -- @ -- postSet x == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.postSet' x . 'toAdjacencyMap' -- @ postSet :: Ord (ToVertex t) => ToVertex t -> t -> Set (ToVertex t) postSet x = AM.postSet x . toAdjacencyMap -- | The /postset/ (here @postIntSet@) of a vertex is the set of its -- /direct successors/. Like 'postSet' but specialised for graphs with -- vertices of type 'Int'. -- -- @ -- postIntSet x == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap.'AIM.postIntSet' x . 'toAdjacencyIntMap' -- @ postIntSet :: ToVertex t ~ Int => Int -> t -> IntSet postIntSet x = AIM.postIntSet x . toAdjacencyIntMap -- | The sorted /adjacency list/ of a graph. -- -- @ -- adjacencyList == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.adjacencyList' . 'toAdjacencyMap' -- @ adjacencyList :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> [(ToVertex t, [ToVertex t])] adjacencyList = AM.adjacencyList . toAdjacencyMap -- | Compute the /depth-first search/ forest of a graph that corresponds to -- searching from each of the graph vertices in the 'Ord' @a@ order. -- -- @ -- dfsForest == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.dfsForest' . toAdjacencyMap -- @ dfsForest :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Forest (ToVertex t) dfsForest = AM.dfsForest . toAdjacencyMap -- | Compute the /depth-first search/ forest of a graph, searching from each -- of the given vertices in order. Note that the resulting forest does not -- necessarily span the whole graph, as some vertices may be unreachable. -- -- @ -- dfsForestFrom vs == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.dfsForestFrom' vs . toAdjacencyMap -- @ dfsForestFrom :: Ord (ToVertex t) => [ToVertex t] -> t -> Forest (ToVertex t) dfsForestFrom vs = AM.dfsForestFrom vs . toAdjacencyMap -- | Compute the list of vertices visited by the /depth-first search/ in a -- graph, when searching from each of the given vertices in order. -- -- @ -- dfs vs == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.dfs' vs . toAdjacencyMap -- @ dfs :: Ord (ToVertex t) => [ToVertex t] -> t -> [ToVertex t] dfs vs = AM.dfs vs . toAdjacencyMap -- | Compute the list of vertices that are /reachable/ from a given source -- vertex in a graph. The vertices in the resulting list appear in the -- /depth-first order/. -- -- @ -- reachable x == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.reachable' x . toAdjacencyMap -- @ reachable :: Ord (ToVertex t) => ToVertex t -> t -> [ToVertex t] reachable x = AM.reachable x . toAdjacencyMap -- | Compute the /topological sort/ of a graph or a @AM.Cycle@ if the -- graph is cyclic. -- -- @ -- topSort == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.topSort' . toAdjacencyMap -- @ topSort :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Either (AM.Cycle (ToVertex t)) [ToVertex t] topSort = AM.topSort . toAdjacencyMap -- | Check if a given graph is /acyclic/. -- -- @ -- isAcyclic == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.isAcyclic' . toAdjacencyMap -- @ isAcyclic :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Bool isAcyclic = AM.isAcyclic . toAdjacencyMap -- | Convert a value to the corresponding 'AM.AdjacencyMap'. -- -- @ -- toAdjacencyMap == 'foldg' 'AM.empty' 'AM.vertex' 'AM.overlay' 'AM.connect' -- @ toAdjacencyMap :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> AM.AdjacencyMap (ToVertex t) toAdjacencyMap = foldg AM.empty AM.vertex AM.overlay AM.connect -- | Convert a value to the corresponding 'AM.AdjacencyMap' and transpose the -- result. -- -- @ -- toAdjacencyMapTranspose == 'foldg' 'AM.empty' 'AM.vertex' 'AM.overlay' ('flip' 'AM.connect') -- @ toAdjacencyMapTranspose :: Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> AM.AdjacencyMap (ToVertex t) toAdjacencyMapTranspose = foldg AM.empty AM.vertex AM.overlay (flip AM.connect) -- | Convert a value to the corresponding 'AIM.AdjacencyIntMap'. -- -- @ -- toAdjacencyIntMap == 'foldg' 'AIM.empty' 'AIM.vertex' 'AIM.overlay' 'AIM.connect' -- @ toAdjacencyIntMap :: ToVertex t ~ Int => t -> AIM.AdjacencyIntMap toAdjacencyIntMap = foldg AIM.empty AIM.vertex AIM.overlay AIM.connect -- | Convert a value to the corresponding 'AIM.AdjacencyIntMap' and transpose -- the result. -- -- @ -- toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose == 'foldg' 'AIM.empty' 'AIM.vertex' 'AIM.overlay' ('flip' 'AIM.connect') -- @ toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose :: ToVertex t ~ Int => t -> AIM.AdjacencyIntMap toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = foldg AIM.empty AIM.vertex AIM.overlay (flip AIM.connect) -- | Check if a given forest is a valid /depth-first search/ forest of a -- graph. -- -- @ -- isDfsForestOf f == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.isDfsForestOf' f . toAdjacencyMap -- @ isDfsForestOf :: Ord (ToVertex t) => Forest (ToVertex t) -> t -> Bool isDfsForestOf f = AM.isDfsForestOf f . toAdjacencyMap -- | Check if a given list of vertices is a valid /topological sort/ of a -- graph. -- -- @ -- isTopSortOf vs == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'AM.isTopSortOf' vs . toAdjacencyMap -- @ isTopSortOf :: Ord (ToVertex t) => [ToVertex t] -> t -> Bool isTopSortOf vs = AM.isTopSortOf vs . toAdjacencyMap instance Ord a => ToGraph (G.Graph a) where type ToVertex (G.Graph a) = a toGraph = id foldg = G.foldg hasEdge = G.hasEdge -- | See "Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap". instance Ord a => ToGraph (AM.AdjacencyMap a) where type ToVertex (AM.AdjacencyMap a) = a toGraph = G.stars . map (fmap Set.toList) . Map.toList . AM.adjacencyMap isEmpty = AM.isEmpty hasVertex = AM.hasVertex hasEdge = AM.hasEdge vertexCount = AM.vertexCount edgeCount = AM.edgeCount vertexList = AM.vertexList vertexSet = AM.vertexSet vertexIntSet = IntSet.fromAscList . AM.vertexList edgeList = AM.edgeList edgeSet = AM.edgeSet adjacencyList = AM.adjacencyList preSet = AM.preSet postSet = AM.postSet dfsForest = AM.dfsForest dfsForestFrom = AM.dfsForestFrom dfs = AM.dfs reachable = AM.reachable topSort = AM.topSort isAcyclic = AM.isAcyclic toAdjacencyMap = id toAdjacencyIntMap = AIM.fromAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyMapTranspose = AM.transpose . toAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = AIM.transpose . toAdjacencyIntMap isDfsForestOf = AM.isDfsForestOf isTopSortOf = AM.isTopSortOf instance ToGraph AIM.AdjacencyIntMap where type ToVertex AIM.AdjacencyIntMap = Int toGraph = G.stars . map (fmap IntSet.toList) . IntMap.toList . AIM.adjacencyIntMap isEmpty = AIM.isEmpty hasVertex = AIM.hasVertex hasEdge = AIM.hasEdge vertexCount = AIM.vertexCount edgeCount = AIM.edgeCount vertexList = AIM.vertexList vertexSet = Set.fromAscList . IntSet.toAscList . AIM.vertexIntSet vertexIntSet = AIM.vertexIntSet edgeList = AIM.edgeList edgeSet = AIM.edgeSet adjacencyList = AIM.adjacencyList preIntSet = AIM.preIntSet postIntSet = AIM.postIntSet dfsForest = AIM.dfsForest dfsForestFrom = AIM.dfsForestFrom dfs = AIM.dfs reachable = AIM.reachable topSort = AIM.topSort isAcyclic = AIM.isAcyclic toAdjacencyMap = AM.stars . AIM.adjacencyList toAdjacencyIntMap = id toAdjacencyMapTranspose = AM.transpose . toAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = AIM.transpose . toAdjacencyIntMap isDfsForestOf = AIM.isDfsForestOf isTopSortOf = AIM.isTopSortOf -- | See "Algebra.Graph.Labelled". instance (Eq e, Monoid e, Ord a) => ToGraph (LG.Graph e a) where type ToVertex (LG.Graph e a) = a foldg e v o c = LG.foldg e v (\e -> if e == mempty then o else c) vertexList = LG.vertexList vertexSet = LG.vertexSet toAdjacencyMap = LAM.skeleton . LG.foldg LAM.empty LAM.vertex LAM.connect toAdjacencyMapTranspose = LAM.skeleton . LG.foldg LAM.empty LAM.vertex (fmap flip LAM.connect) toAdjacencyIntMap = toAdjacencyIntMap . toAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose . toAdjacencyMapTranspose -- | See "Algebra.Graph.Labelled.AdjacencyMap". instance (Eq e, Monoid e, Ord a) => ToGraph (LAM.AdjacencyMap e a) where type ToVertex (LAM.AdjacencyMap e a) = a toGraph = toGraph . LAM.skeleton foldg e v o c = foldg e v o c . LAM.skeleton isEmpty = LAM.isEmpty hasVertex = LAM.hasVertex hasEdge = LAM.hasEdge vertexCount = LAM.vertexCount edgeCount = LAM.edgeCount vertexList = LAM.vertexList vertexSet = LAM.vertexSet vertexIntSet = IntSet.fromAscList . LAM.vertexList edgeList = edgeList . LAM.skeleton edgeSet = edgeSet . LAM.skeleton adjacencyList = adjacencyList . LAM.skeleton preSet = LAM.preSet postSet = LAM.postSet toAdjacencyMap = LAM.skeleton toAdjacencyIntMap = toAdjacencyIntMap . LAM.skeleton toAdjacencyMapTranspose = toAdjacencyMapTranspose . LAM.skeleton toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose . LAM.skeleton -- | See "Algebra.Graph.NonEmpty.AdjacencyMap". instance Ord a => ToGraph (NAM.AdjacencyMap a) where type ToVertex (NAM.AdjacencyMap a) = a toGraph = toGraph . toAdjacencyMap isEmpty _ = False hasVertex = NAM.hasVertex hasEdge = NAM.hasEdge vertexCount = NAM.vertexCount edgeCount = NAM.edgeCount vertexList = vertexList . toAdjacencyMap vertexSet = NAM.vertexSet vertexIntSet = vertexIntSet . toAdjacencyMap edgeList = NAM.edgeList edgeSet = NAM.edgeSet adjacencyList = adjacencyList . toAdjacencyMap preSet = NAM.preSet postSet = NAM.postSet dfsForest = dfsForest . toAdjacencyMap dfsForestFrom xs = dfsForestFrom xs . toAdjacencyMap dfs xs = dfs xs . toAdjacencyMap reachable x = reachable x . toAdjacencyMap topSort = topSort . toAdjacencyMap isAcyclic = isAcyclic . toAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyMap = NAM.fromNonEmpty toAdjacencyIntMap = toAdjacencyIntMap . toAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyMapTranspose = toAdjacencyMap . NAM.transpose toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = toAdjacencyIntMap . NAM.transpose isDfsForestOf f = isDfsForestOf f . toAdjacencyMap isTopSortOf x = isTopSortOf x . toAdjacencyMap -- TODO: Get rid of "Relation.Internal" and move this instance to "Relation". -- | See "Algebra.Graph.Relation". instance Ord a => ToGraph (R.Relation a) where type ToVertex (R.Relation a) = a toGraph r = G.vertices (Set.toList $ R.domain r) `G.overlay` G.edges (Set.toList $ R.relation r) isEmpty = R.isEmpty hasVertex = R.hasVertex hasEdge = R.hasEdge vertexCount = R.vertexCount edgeCount = R.edgeCount vertexList = R.vertexList vertexSet = R.vertexSet vertexIntSet = IntSet.fromAscList . R.vertexList edgeList = R.edgeList edgeSet = R.edgeSet adjacencyList = R.adjacencyList toAdjacencyMap = AM.stars . R.adjacencyList toAdjacencyIntMap = AIM.stars . R.adjacencyList toAdjacencyMapTranspose = AM.transpose . toAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = AIM.transpose . toAdjacencyIntMap -- TODO: This instance is probably wrong because of the way it treats edges. -- Find out a better way to integrate undirected graphs into 'ToGraph'. -- | See "Algebra.Graph.Symmetric.Relation". Warning: this instance is likely to -- be modified or removed in future. instance Ord a => ToGraph (SR.Relation a) where type ToVertex (SR.Relation a) = a toGraph = toGraph . SR.fromSymmetric isEmpty = SR.isEmpty hasVertex = SR.hasVertex hasEdge = SR.hasEdge vertexCount = SR.vertexCount edgeCount = SR.edgeCount vertexList = SR.vertexList vertexSet = SR.vertexSet vertexIntSet = IntSet.fromAscList . SR.vertexList edgeList = SR.edgeList edgeSet = SR.edgeSet adjacencyList = SR.adjacencyList toAdjacencyMap = toAdjacencyMap . SR.fromSymmetric toAdjacencyIntMap = toAdjacencyIntMap . SR.fromSymmetric toAdjacencyMapTranspose = toAdjacencyMap toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose = toAdjacencyIntMap -- | The /adjacency map/ of a graph: each vertex is associated with a set of its -- /direct successors/. -- -- @ -- adjacencyMap == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.adjacencyMap' . 'toAdjacencyMap' -- @ adjacencyMap :: ToGraph t => Ord (ToVertex t) => t -> Map (ToVertex t) (Set (ToVertex t)) adjacencyMap = AM.adjacencyMap . toAdjacencyMap -- | The /adjacency map/ of a graph: each vertex is associated with a set of its -- /direct successors/. Like 'adjacencyMap' but specialised for graphs with -- vertices of type 'Int'. -- -- @ -- adjacencyIntMap == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap.'Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap.adjacencyIntMap' . 'toAdjacencyIntMap' -- @ adjacencyIntMap :: (ToGraph t, ToVertex t ~ Int) => t -> IntMap IntSet adjacencyIntMap = AIM.adjacencyIntMap . toAdjacencyIntMap -- | The transposed /adjacency map/ of a graph: each vertex is associated with a -- set of its /direct predecessors/. -- -- @ -- adjacencyMapTranspose == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.'Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.adjacencyMap' . 'toAdjacencyMapTranspose' -- @ adjacencyMapTranspose :: (ToGraph t, Ord (ToVertex t)) => t -> Map (ToVertex t) (Set (ToVertex t)) adjacencyMapTranspose = AM.adjacencyMap . toAdjacencyMapTranspose -- | The transposed /adjacency map/ of a graph: each vertex is associated with a -- set of its /direct predecessors/. Like 'adjacencyMapTranspose' but -- specialised for graphs with vertices of type 'Int'. -- -- @ -- adjacencyIntMapTranspose == Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap.'Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyIntMap.adjacencyIntMap' . 'toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose' -- @ adjacencyIntMapTranspose :: (ToGraph t, ToVertex t ~ Int) => t -> IntMap IntSet adjacencyIntMapTranspose = AIM.adjacencyIntMap . toAdjacencyIntMapTranspose
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Products.ProductRepo ( ProductRepo (..) , Git.FileModification (..) , Git.ParseResult , Git.parseStatusDiff , getStatusDiff , codeRepositoryDir , fetchRepo , findProductRepos , findProductRepo , updateRepo ) where import CommonCreatures (WithErr) import Config.Config (GitConfig (..)) import Control.Monad (mzero) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, liftIO) import qualified Data.Aeson as AE import Data.Aeson ((.=), (.!=), (.:), (.:?)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E import Database.Esqueleto ((^.)) import qualified Database.Persist.Postgresql as DB import Database.Types (WithDBPool (..)) import qualified Git.Git as Git import Models import ModelTypes (RepositoryState (..)) import qualified Products.Product as P import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, createDirectoryIfMissing) data ProductRepo = ProductRepo { getProductId :: Maybe P.ProductID , getProductName :: Text , getProductRepoUrl :: Text , getProductRepoState :: RepositoryState , getProductRepoError :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show, Eq) instance AE.ToJSON ProductRepo where toJSON (ProductRepo pId pName pRepoUrl pRepoState pRepoError) = AE.object [ "productId" .= pId , "productName" .= pName , "repoUrl" .= pRepoUrl , "repoState" .= pRepoState , "repoError" .= pRepoError ] instance AE.FromJSON ProductRepo where parseJSON (AE.Object v) = ProductRepo <$> v .:? "productId" .!= Nothing <*> v .: "productName" <*> v .: "repoUrl" <*> v .:? "repoState" .!= Unready <*> v .:? "repoError" .!= Nothing parseJSON _ = mzero findProductRepos :: WithDBPool [ProductRepo] findProductRepos = ask >>= \pool -> (liftIO (DB.runSqlPool findProductReposQuery pool)) >>= (return . (fmap toProductRepo)) where findProductReposQuery = $ E.from $ \(repoStatus `E.InnerJoin` prod) -> do E.on $ repoStatus ^. RepositoryStatusProductId E.==. prod ^. ProductId return (repoStatus, prod) findProductRepo :: P.ProductID -> WithDBPool (Maybe ProductRepo) findProductRepo prodID = ask >>= \pool -> (liftIO (DB.runSqlPool findProductRepoQuery pool)) >>= \result -> case result of [] -> return Nothing (x:_) -> return $ Just (toProductRepo x) where findProductRepoQuery = $ E.from $ \(repoStatus `E.InnerJoin` prod) -> do E.on $ repoStatus ^. RepositoryStatusProductId E.==. prod ^. ProductId E.on $ prod ^. ProductId E.==. (E.val (toKey prodID)) return (repoStatus, prod) toProductRepo :: (E.Entity RepositoryStatus, E.Entity P.Product) -> ProductRepo toProductRepo (rsEntity, prodEntity) = ProductRepo { getProductId = Just $ P.toProductID $ prodEntity , getProductName = productName . P.toProduct $ prodEntity , getProductRepoUrl = productRepoUrl . P.toProduct $ prodEntity , getProductRepoState = repositoryStatusState . toProductRepoStatus $ rsEntity , getProductRepoError = repositoryStatusError . toProductRepoStatus $ rsEntity } toProductRepoStatus :: DB.Entity RepositoryStatus -> RepositoryStatus toProductRepoStatus dbEntity = DB.entityVal dbEntity -- (ReaderT GitConfig (WithErr a)) could be a useful monad here updateRepo :: P.Product -> P.ProductID -> GitConfig -> WithErr String updateRepo prod prodID gitConfig = (liftIO $ createRequiredDirectories prodID gitConfig) >> updateGitRepo (productRepoUrl prod) prodID gitConfig -- (ReaderT GitConfig (WithErr a)) could be a useful monad here updateGitRepo :: Text -> P.ProductID -> GitConfig -> WithErr String updateGitRepo gitUrl prodID gitConfig = do let repositoryPath = codeRepositoryDir prodID gitConfig doesRepoExist <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist repositoryPath case doesRepoExist of True -> Git.pull repositoryPath False -> Git.clone repositoryPath gitUrl fetchRepo :: P.ProductID -> GitConfig -> WithErr String fetchRepo prodID gitConfig = let repositoryPath = codeRepositoryDir prodID gitConfig in Git.fetch repositoryPath getStatusDiff :: P.ProductID -> GitConfig -> WithErr String getStatusDiff prodID gitConfig = let repositoryPath = codeRepositoryDir prodID gitConfig in Git.statusDiff repositoryPath -- maybe the combination of a P.ProductID and GitConfig is a ProductRepository? productDir :: P.ProductID -> GitConfig -> FilePath productDir prodID gitConfig = (repoBasePath gitConfig) ++ "/products/" ++ (show prodID) -- maybe the combination of a P.ProductID and GitConfig is a ProductRepository? codeRepositoryDir :: P.ProductID -> GitConfig -> FilePath codeRepositoryDir prodID gitConfig = productDir prodID gitConfig ++ "/repo" -- maybe the combination of a P.ProductID and GitConfig is a ProductRepository? createRequiredDirectories :: P.ProductID -> GitConfig -> IO () createRequiredDirectories prodID gitConfig = createDirectoryIfMissing True (productDir prodID gitConfig)
import System.INotify import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (forever) import System.IO digestsFilePath :: String digestsFilePath = "/mnt/lpd-distlib/streamer/v1/digests.list" doAddWatch :: INotify -> IO () doAddWatch ino = do let modif = CloseWrite -- Note: the callback to the provided function is sequential (synchronizedss) handle <- openFile digestsFilePath ReadMode _ <- addWatch ino [modif] digestsFilePath (func handle) return () where func handle evt = do line <- hGetLine handle -- putStrLn $ show evt putStrLn line -- threadDelay 100000 -- putStrLn "finished waiting.." return () main = do ino <- initINotify doAddWatch ino forever $ do -- putStrLn "waiting for the worms to come.." threadDelay 1000000
import Data.List main :: IO () main = do contents <- getContents let threes = groupsOf 3 (map read $ lines contents) roadSystem = map (\[a,b,c] -> Section a b c) threes path = optimalPath roadSystem pathString = concat $ map (show . fst) path pathPrice = sum $ map snd path putStrLn $ "The best path to take is: " ++ pathString putStrLn $ "The price is: " ++ show pathPrice data Section = Section { getA :: Int, getB :: Int, getC :: Int } deriving (Read, Show) type RoadSystem = [Section] data Label = A | B | C deriving (Read, Show) type Path = [(Label, Int)] roadStep :: (Path, Path) -> Section -> (Path, Path) roadStep (pathA, pathB) (Section a b c) = let priceA = sum $ map snd pathA priceB = sum $ map snd pathB forwardPriceToA = priceA + a crossPriceToA = priceB + b + c forwardPriceToB = priceB + b crossPriceToB = priceA + a + c newPathToA = if forwardPriceToA <= crossPriceToA then (A,a):pathB else (C,c):(B,b):pathB newPathToB = if forwardPriceToB <= crossPriceToB then (B,b):pathB else (C,c):(A,a):pathA in (newPathToA, newPathToB) optimalPath :: RoadSystem -> Path optimalPath roadSystem = let (bestAPath, bestBPath) = foldl roadStep ([],[]) roadSystem in if sum (map snd bestAPath) <= sum (map snd bestBPath) then reverse bestAPath else reverse bestBPath groupsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] groupsOf 0 _ = undefined groupsOf _ [] = [] groupsOf n xs = take n xs : groupsOf n (drop n xs)
{-#LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-#LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-#LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-#LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-#LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module PromotedDataTypes() where -- FC-pro version - Value and type constructors data Nat = Zero | Suc Nat -- Indexed type family (type functions) type family Plus (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: Nat type instance Plus Zero b = b type instance Plus (Suc a) b = Suc (Plus a b) -- are promoted to type and kind constructors respectively. data Vec :: * -> Nat -> * where Nil :: Vec a Zero Cons :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (Suc n) deriving instance Show a => Show (Vec a n) concatVec :: Vec a (n :: Nat) -> Vec a (m::Nat) -> Vec a (Plus n m) concatVec Nil v2 = v2 concatVec (Cons a v1) v2 = Cons a $ concatVec v1 v2 lengthVec :: Vec a (n :: Nat) -> Int lengthVec Nil = 0 lengthVec (Cons a v1) = (+) 1 (lengthVec v1)
{-| Module : Bench Description : Memory benchmark of Multilinear library Copyright : (c) Artur M. Brodzki, 2018 License : BSD3 Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : Windows/POSIX -} module Main ( main ) where import Weigh import Multilinear.Generic.GPU import qualified Multilinear.Matrix as Matrix import qualified Multilinear.Vector as Vector -- | Simple generator function for benchmarked matrices gen :: Int -> Int -> Double gen j k = sin (fromIntegral j) + cos (fromIntegral k) -- matrix sizes s1 :: Int s1 = 64 s2 :: Int s2 = 256 s3 :: Int s3 = 1024 -- | ENTRY POINT main :: IO () main = mainWith (do setColumns [Case, Allocated, GCs, Live, Max] -- Benchmarking small vectors value "vector 1 elem generation" (Vector.fromIndices "i" 1 fromIntegral :: Tensor Double) value "vector 2 elem generation" (Vector.fromIndices "i" 2 fromIntegral :: Tensor Double) value "vector 3 elem generation" (Vector.fromIndices "i" 3 fromIntegral :: Tensor Double) -- Benchmarking matrix generators value "matrix 64 x 64 generation" (Matrix.fromIndices "ij" s1 s1 gen :: Tensor Double) value "matrix 256 x 256 generation" (Matrix.fromIndices "ij" s2 s2 gen :: Tensor Double) value "matrix 1024 x 1024 generation" (Matrix.fromIndices "ij" s3 s3 gen :: Tensor Double) -- Benchmarking matrix addition func "matrix 64 x 64 addition" (+ Matrix.fromIndices "ab" s1 s1 gen) (Matrix.fromIndices "ab" s1 s1 (\a b -> fromIntegral a + fromIntegral b) :: Tensor Double) func "matrix 256 x 256 addition" (+ Matrix.fromIndices "ab" s2 s2 gen) (Matrix.fromIndices "ab" s2 s2 (\a b -> fromIntegral a + fromIntegral b) :: Tensor Double) func "matrix 1024 x 1024 addition" (+ Matrix.fromIndices "ab" s3 s3 gen) (Matrix.fromIndices "ab" s3 s3 (\a b -> fromIntegral a + fromIntegral b) :: Tensor Double) -- Benchmarking matrix multiplication func "matrix 40 x 4,000 multiplication" (* Matrix.fromIndices "jk" 4000 40 gen) (Matrix.fromIndices "ij" 40 4000 gen :: Tensor Double) func "matrix 40 x 16,000 multiplication" (* Matrix.fromIndices "jk" 16000 40 gen) (Matrix.fromIndices "ij" 40 16000 gen :: Tensor Double) func "matrix 40 x 64,000 multiplication" (* Matrix.fromIndices "jk" 64000 40 gen) (Matrix.fromIndices "ij" 40 64000 gen :: Tensor Double) )
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Model.EventMissile ( EventMissile (..) ) where import Data.Aeson import GHC.Generics import Test.QuickCheck import Model.Event import Model.Number import Model.RobotInfo data EventMissile = EventMissile { eventType :: Number , activationTime :: Float , robot :: RobotInfo , direction :: Float , distance :: Float , speed :: Float } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance FromJSON EventMissile instance ToJSON EventMissile instance Arbitrary EventMissile where arbitrary = EventMissile <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
{---------------------------------------------------------------------} {- Copyright 2015, 2016 Nathan Bloomfield -} {- -} {- This file is part of Feivel. -} {- -} {- Feivel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -} {- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, -} {- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -} {- -} {- Feivel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -} {- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -} {- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -} {- GNU General Public License for more details. -} {- -} {- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -} {- along with Feivel. If not, see <>. -} {---------------------------------------------------------------------} module Feivel.Grammar.Doc where import Feivel.Grammar.Util data DocLeaf a doc str -- Primitives = Empty | DocText Text | Escaped Char | Scope doc | NakedKey Key | NakedExpr a -- XX | Import String (Maybe String) doc | DocMacro [(Type, Key, a)] a -- XX, MacTo DD -- Combination | Cat [doc] | CatPar [doc] | Alt [doc] | Shuffle [doc] -- Flow Control | IfThenElse a doc doc -- BB | Cond [(a, doc)] doc -- BB -- Binding | LetIn Key a doc -- XX | Define Type Key a doc -- XX -- Selection and Repetition | ForSay Key a doc (Maybe doc) -- ListOf XX | Select Key a doc -- ListOf XX -- Shell Command | Shell String [str] (Maybe doc) -- Debugging | Bail a -- SS | ShowState deriving (Eq, Show)
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.DFAReporting.DynamicTargetingKeys.List -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Retrieves a list of dynamic targeting keys. -- -- /See:/ < Campaign Manager 360 API Reference> for @dfareporting.dynamicTargetingKeys.list@. module Network.Google.Resource.DFAReporting.DynamicTargetingKeys.List ( -- * REST Resource DynamicTargetingKeysListResource -- * Creating a Request , dynamicTargetingKeysList , DynamicTargetingKeysList -- * Request Lenses , dtklXgafv , dtklUploadProtocol , dtklObjectType , dtklAccessToken , dtklAdvertiserId , dtklObjectId , dtklUploadType , dtklProFileId , dtklNames , dtklCallback ) where import Network.Google.DFAReporting.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @dfareporting.dynamicTargetingKeys.list@ method which the -- 'DynamicTargetingKeysList' request conforms to. type DynamicTargetingKeysListResource = "dfareporting" :> "v3.5" :> "userprofiles" :> Capture "profileId" (Textual Int64) :> "dynamicTargetingKeys" :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "objectType" DynamicTargetingKeysListObjectType :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "advertiserId" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "objectId" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParams "names" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] DynamicTargetingKeysListResponse -- | Retrieves a list of dynamic targeting keys. -- -- /See:/ 'dynamicTargetingKeysList' smart constructor. data DynamicTargetingKeysList = DynamicTargetingKeysList' { _dtklXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _dtklUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _dtklObjectType :: !(Maybe DynamicTargetingKeysListObjectType) , _dtklAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _dtklAdvertiserId :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64)) , _dtklObjectId :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64)) , _dtklUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _dtklProFileId :: !(Textual Int64) , _dtklNames :: !(Maybe [Text]) , _dtklCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'DynamicTargetingKeysList' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'dtklXgafv' -- -- * 'dtklUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'dtklObjectType' -- -- * 'dtklAccessToken' -- -- * 'dtklAdvertiserId' -- -- * 'dtklObjectId' -- -- * 'dtklUploadType' -- -- * 'dtklProFileId' -- -- * 'dtklNames' -- -- * 'dtklCallback' dynamicTargetingKeysList :: Int64 -- ^ 'dtklProFileId' -> DynamicTargetingKeysList dynamicTargetingKeysList pDtklProFileId_ = DynamicTargetingKeysList' { _dtklXgafv = Nothing , _dtklUploadProtocol = Nothing , _dtklObjectType = Nothing , _dtklAccessToken = Nothing , _dtklAdvertiserId = Nothing , _dtklObjectId = Nothing , _dtklUploadType = Nothing , _dtklProFileId = _Coerce # pDtklProFileId_ , _dtklNames = Nothing , _dtklCallback = Nothing } -- | V1 error format. dtklXgafv :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe Xgafv) dtklXgafv = lens _dtklXgafv (\ s a -> s{_dtklXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). dtklUploadProtocol :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe Text) dtklUploadProtocol = lens _dtklUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_dtklUploadProtocol = a}) -- | Select only dynamic targeting keys with this object type. dtklObjectType :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe DynamicTargetingKeysListObjectType) dtklObjectType = lens _dtklObjectType (\ s a -> s{_dtklObjectType = a}) -- | OAuth access token. dtklAccessToken :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe Text) dtklAccessToken = lens _dtklAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_dtklAccessToken = a}) -- | Select only dynamic targeting keys whose object has this advertiser ID. dtklAdvertiserId :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe Int64) dtklAdvertiserId = lens _dtklAdvertiserId (\ s a -> s{_dtklAdvertiserId = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | Select only dynamic targeting keys with this object ID. dtklObjectId :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe Int64) dtklObjectId = lens _dtklObjectId (\ s a -> s{_dtklObjectId = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). dtklUploadType :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe Text) dtklUploadType = lens _dtklUploadType (\ s a -> s{_dtklUploadType = a}) -- | User profile ID associated with this request. dtklProFileId :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList Int64 dtklProFileId = lens _dtklProFileId (\ s a -> s{_dtklProFileId = a}) . _Coerce -- | Select only dynamic targeting keys exactly matching these names. dtklNames :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList [Text] dtklNames = lens _dtklNames (\ s a -> s{_dtklNames = a}) . _Default . _Coerce -- | JSONP dtklCallback :: Lens' DynamicTargetingKeysList (Maybe Text) dtklCallback = lens _dtklCallback (\ s a -> s{_dtklCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest DynamicTargetingKeysList where type Rs DynamicTargetingKeysList = DynamicTargetingKeysListResponse type Scopes DynamicTargetingKeysList = '[""] requestClient DynamicTargetingKeysList'{..} = go _dtklProFileId _dtklXgafv _dtklUploadProtocol _dtklObjectType _dtklAccessToken _dtklAdvertiserId _dtklObjectId _dtklUploadType (_dtklNames ^. _Default) _dtklCallback (Just AltJSON) dFAReportingService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy DynamicTargetingKeysListResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.ContainerBuilder -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Builds container images in the cloud. -- -- /See:/ < Google Cloud Container Builder API Reference> module Network.Google.ContainerBuilder ( -- * Service Configuration containerBuilderService -- * OAuth Scopes , cloudPlatformScope -- * API Declaration , ContainerBuilderAPI -- * Resources -- ** cloudbuild.operations.cancel , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Operations.Cancel -- ** cloudbuild.operations.get , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Operations.Get -- ** cloudbuild.operations.list , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Operations.List -- ** cloudbuild.projects.builds.cancel , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.Cancel -- ** cloudbuild.projects.builds.create , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.Create -- ** cloudbuild.projects.builds.get , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.Get -- ** cloudbuild.projects.builds.list , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.List -- ** cloudbuild.projects.triggers.create , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Create -- ** cloudbuild.projects.triggers.delete , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Delete -- ** cloudbuild.projects.triggers.get , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Get -- ** cloudbuild.projects.triggers.list , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.List -- ** cloudbuild.projects.triggers.patch , module Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Patch -- * Types -- ** BuildStep , BuildStep , buildStep , bsDir , bsArgs , bsEnv , bsEntrypoint , bsWaitFor , bsName , bsId -- ** SourceProvenance , SourceProvenance , sourceProvenance , spResolvedRepoSource , spResolvedStorageSource , spFileHashes -- ** ListBuildsResponse , ListBuildsResponse , listBuildsResponse , lbrNextPageToken , lbrBuilds -- ** Status , Status , status , sDetails , sCode , sMessage -- ** ListOperationsResponse , ListOperationsResponse , listOperationsResponse , lorNextPageToken , lorOperations -- ** CancelOperationRequest , CancelOperationRequest , cancelOperationRequest -- ** Hash , Hash , hash , hValue , hType -- ** Results , Results , results , rImages , rBuildStepImages -- ** RepoSource , RepoSource , repoSource , rsRepoName , rsCommitSha , rsBranchName , rsTagName , rsProjectId -- ** Operation , Operation , operation , oDone , oError , oResponse , oName , oMetadata -- ** Empty , Empty , empty -- ** StatusDetailsItem , StatusDetailsItem , statusDetailsItem , sdiAddtional -- ** Build , Build , build , bImages , bStatus , bSourceProvenance , bLogURL , bResults , bStartTime , bLogsBucket , bSteps , bStatusDetail , bSource , bId , bOptions , bProjectId , bBuildTriggerId , bTimeout , bFinishTime , bCreateTime -- ** SourceProvenanceFileHashes , SourceProvenanceFileHashes , sourceProvenanceFileHashes , spfhAddtional -- ** CancelBuildRequest , CancelBuildRequest , cancelBuildRequest -- ** StorageSource , StorageSource , storageSource , ssBucket , ssObject , ssGeneration -- ** ListBuildTriggersResponse , ListBuildTriggersResponse , listBuildTriggersResponse , lbtrTriggers -- ** BuildOptionsRequestedVerifyOption , BuildOptionsRequestedVerifyOption (..) -- ** FileHashes , FileHashes , fileHashes , fhFileHash -- ** Xgafv , Xgafv (..) -- ** BuildStatus , BuildStatus (..) -- ** HashType , HashType (..) -- ** Source , Source , source , sRepoSource , sStorageSource -- ** OperationMetadata , OperationMetadata , operationMetadata , omAddtional -- ** BuildOperationMetadata , BuildOperationMetadata , buildOperationMetadata , bomBuild -- ** BuildOptions , BuildOptions , buildOptions , boRequestedVerifyOption , boSourceProvenanceHash -- ** OperationResponse , OperationResponse , operationResponse , orAddtional -- ** BuildTrigger , BuildTrigger , buildTrigger , btDisabled , btTriggerTemplate , btBuild , btId , btDescription , btFilename , btCreateTime -- ** BuiltImage , BuiltImage , builtImage , biName , biDigest ) where import Network.Google.ContainerBuilder.Types import Network.Google.Prelude import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Operations.Cancel import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Operations.Get import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Operations.List import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.Cancel import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.Create import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.Get import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Builds.List import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Create import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Delete import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Get import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.List import Network.Google.Resource.Cloudbuild.Projects.Triggers.Patch {- $resources TODO -} -- | Represents the entirety of the methods and resources available for the Google Cloud Container Builder API service. type ContainerBuilderAPI = OperationsListResource :<|> OperationsGetResource :<|> OperationsCancelResource :<|> ProjectsBuildsListResource :<|> ProjectsBuildsGetResource :<|> ProjectsBuildsCreateResource :<|> ProjectsBuildsCancelResource :<|> ProjectsTriggersListResource :<|> ProjectsTriggersPatchResource :<|> ProjectsTriggersGetResource :<|> ProjectsTriggersCreateResource :<|> ProjectsTriggersDeleteResource
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.IdentityToolkit.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.Google.IdentityToolkit.Types ( -- * Service Configuration identityToolkitService -- * OAuth Scopes , firebaseScope , cloudPlatformScope -- * UploadAccountResponseErrorItem , UploadAccountResponseErrorItem , uploadAccountResponseErrorItem , uareiMessage , uareiIndex -- * UserInfoProviderUserInfoItem , UserInfoProviderUserInfoItem , userInfoProviderUserInfoItem , uipuiiProviderId , uipuiiEmail , uipuiiPhotoURL , uipuiiFederatedId , uipuiiDisplayName , uipuiiScreenName , uipuiiRawId -- * VerifyCustomTokenResponse , VerifyCustomTokenResponse , verifyCustomTokenResponse , vctrKind , vctrRefreshToken , vctrExpiresIn , vctrIdToken -- * IdpConfig , IdpConfig , idpConfig , icClientId , icEnabled , icWhiteListedAudiences , icSecret , icExperimentPercent , icProvider -- * UserInfo , UserInfo , userInfo , uiEmail , uiLastLoginAt , uiPhotoURL , uiCreatedAt , uiDisabled , uiCustomAuth , uiProviderUserInfo , uiValidSince , uiPasswordUpdatedAt , uiVersion , uiEmailVerified , uiSalt , uiDisplayName , uiPasswordHash , uiLocalId , uiRawPassword , uiScreenName -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySetProjectConfigResponse , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySetProjectConfigResponse , identitytoolkitRelyingPartySetProjectConfigResponse , irpspcrProjectId -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyCustomTokenRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyCustomTokenRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyCustomTokenRequest , irpvctrInstanceId , irpvctrDelegatedProjectNumber , irpvctrToken , irpvctrReturnSecureToken -- * SetAccountInfoResponseProviderUserInfoItem , SetAccountInfoResponseProviderUserInfoItem , setAccountInfoResponseProviderUserInfoItem , sairpuiiProviderId , sairpuiiPhotoURL , sairpuiiFederatedId , sairpuiiDisplayName -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyCreateAuthURIRequestCustomParameter , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyCreateAuthURIRequestCustomParameter , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyCreateAuthURIRequestCustomParameter , irpcaurcpAddtional -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyPasswordRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyPasswordRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyPasswordRequest , irpvprEmail , irpvprInstanceId , irpvprCaptchaChallenge , irpvprDelegatedProjectNumber , irpvprReturnSecureToken , irpvprPassword , irpvprCaptchaResponse , irpvprIdToken , irpvprPendingIdToken -- * SignupNewUserResponse , SignupNewUserResponse , signupNewUserResponse , snurEmail , snurKind , snurRefreshToken , snurExpiresIn , snurDisplayName , snurLocalId , snurIdToken -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySetProjectConfigRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySetProjectConfigRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartySetProjectConfigRequest , irpspcrAuthorizedDomains , irpspcrAPIKey , irpspcrIdpConfig , irpspcrChangeEmailTemplate , irpspcrDelegatedProjectNumber , irpspcrVerifyEmailTemplate , irpspcrEnableAnonymousUser , irpspcrLegacyResetPasswordTemplate , irpspcrAllowPasswordUser , irpspcrResetPasswordTemplate , irpspcrUseEmailSending -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySetAccountInfoRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySetAccountInfoRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartySetAccountInfoRequest , irpsairUpgradeToFederatedLogin , irpsairEmail , irpsairInstanceId , irpsairLastLoginAt , irpsairPhotoURL , irpsairCaptchaChallenge , irpsairCreatedAt , irpsairDelegatedProjectNumber , irpsairDeleteAttribute , irpsairDeleteProvider , irpsairReturnSecureToken , irpsairValidSince , irpsairOOBCode , irpsairPassword , irpsairCaptchaResponse , irpsairEmailVerified , irpsairDisplayName , irpsairDisableUser , irpsairLocalId , irpsairIdToken , irpsairProvider -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyAssertionRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyAssertionRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyVerifyAssertionRequest , irpvarReturnIdpCredential , irpvarInstanceId , irpvarDelegatedProjectNumber , irpvarPostBody , irpvarReturnSecureToken , irpvarReturnRefreshToken , irpvarRequestURI , irpvarSessionId , irpvarIdToken , irpvarPendingIdToken -- * DeleteAccountResponse , DeleteAccountResponse , deleteAccountResponse , darKind -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySignOutUserResponse , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySignOutUserResponse , identitytoolkitRelyingPartySignOutUserResponse , irpsourLocalId -- * DownloadAccountResponse , DownloadAccountResponse , downloadAccountResponse , dNextPageToken , dUsers , dKind -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetProjectConfigResponse , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetProjectConfigResponse , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetProjectConfigResponse , irpgpcrAuthorizedDomains , irpgpcrAPIKey , irpgpcrIdpConfig , irpgpcrChangeEmailTemplate , irpgpcrVerifyEmailTemplate , irpgpcrEnableAnonymousUser , irpgpcrLegacyResetPasswordTemplate , irpgpcrAllowPasswordUser , irpgpcrResetPasswordTemplate , irpgpcrProjectId , irpgpcrUseEmailSending , irpgpcrDynamicLinksDomain -- * ResetPasswordResponse , ResetPasswordResponse , resetPasswordResponse , rprEmail , rprKind , rprRequestType , rprNewEmail -- * UploadAccountResponse , UploadAccountResponse , uploadAccountResponse , uarKind , uarError -- * CreateAuthURIResponse , CreateAuthURIResponse , createAuthURIResponse , caurProviderId , caurKind , caurAllProviders , caurAuthURI , caurCaptchaRequired , caurRegistered , caurSessionId , caurForExistingProvider -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetPublicKeysResponse , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetPublicKeysResponse , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetPublicKeysResponse , irpgpkrAddtional -- * RelyingParty , RelyingParty , relyingParty , rpEmail , rpKind , rpUserIP , rpRequestType , rpCaptchaResp , rpNewEmail , rpChallenge , rpIdToken -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetAccountInfoRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetAccountInfoRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyGetAccountInfoRequest , irpgairEmail , irpgairDelegatedProjectNumber , irpgairLocalId , irpgairIdToken -- * EmailTemplate , EmailTemplate , emailTemplate , etSubject , etBody , etFormat , etFromDisplayName , etFrom , etReplyTo -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyUploadAccountRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyUploadAccountRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyUploadAccountRequest , irpuarUsers , irpuarMemoryCost , irpuarAllowOverwrite , irpuarDelegatedProjectNumber , irpuarSanityCheck , irpuarSaltSeparator , irpuarHashAlgorithm , irpuarSignerKey , irpuarRounds , irpuarTargetProjectId -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyResetPasswordRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyResetPasswordRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyResetPasswordRequest , irprprEmail , irprprNewPassword , irprprOOBCode , irprprOldPassword -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyCreateAuthURIRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyCreateAuthURIRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyCreateAuthURIRequest , irpcaurProviderId , irpcaurClientId , irpcaurContext , irpcaurCustomParameter , irpcaurIdentifier , irpcaurOtaApp , irpcaurOAuthConsumerKey , irpcaurHostedDomain , irpcaurAppId , irpcaurContinueURI , irpcaurAuthFlowType , irpcaurOAuthScope , irpcaurSessionId , irpcaurOpenidRealm -- * GetAccountInfoResponse , GetAccountInfoResponse , getAccountInfoResponse , gairUsers , gairKind -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyDeleteAccountRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyDeleteAccountRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyDeleteAccountRequest , irpdarDelegatedProjectNumber , irpdarLocalId , irpdarIdToken -- * GetOOBConfirmationCodeResponse , GetOOBConfirmationCodeResponse , getOOBConfirmationCodeResponse , goobccrEmail , goobccrKind , goobccrOOBCode -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyDownloadAccountRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartyDownloadAccountRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartyDownloadAccountRequest , iNextPageToken , iDelegatedProjectNumber , iMaxResults , iTargetProjectId -- * VerifyPasswordResponse , VerifyPasswordResponse , verifyPasswordResponse , vprEmail , vprPhotoURL , vprOAuthAccessToken , vprKind , vprOAuthExpireIn , vprRefreshToken , vprExpiresIn , vprDisplayName , vprLocalId , vprRegistered , vprIdToken , vprOAuthAuthorizationCode -- * SetAccountInfoResponse , SetAccountInfoResponse , setAccountInfoResponse , sairEmail , sairPhotoURL , sairKind , sairRefreshToken , sairProviderUserInfo , sairExpiresIn , sairDisplayName , sairPasswordHash , sairLocalId , sairNewEmail , sairIdToken -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySignupNewUserRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySignupNewUserRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartySignupNewUserRequest , irpsnurEmail , irpsnurInstanceId , irpsnurPhotoURL , irpsnurCaptchaChallenge , irpsnurDisabled , irpsnurPassword , irpsnurCaptchaResponse , irpsnurEmailVerified , irpsnurDisplayName , irpsnurIdToken -- * VerifyAssertionResponse , VerifyAssertionResponse , verifyAssertionResponse , varProviderId , varFullName , varEmail , varEmailRecycled , varPhotoURL , varVerifiedProvider , varContext , varNeedConfirmation , varOriginalEmail , varLastName , varOAuthAccessToken , varDateOfBirth , varKind , varRawUserInfo , varOAuthExpireIn , varRefreshToken , varAppInstallationURL , varAction , varNeedEmail , varFederatedId , varOAuthIdToken , varAppScheme , varExpiresIn , varInputEmail , varEmailVerified , varOAuthTokenSecret , varLanguage , varFirstName , varDisplayName , varOAuthRequestToken , varOAuthScope , varNickName , varLocalId , varTimeZone , varScreenName , varErrorMessage , varIdToken , varOAuthAuthorizationCode -- * IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySignOutUserRequest , IdentitytoolkitRelyingPartySignOutUserRequest , identitytoolkitRelyingPartySignOutUserRequest , iInstanceId , iLocalId -- * GetRecaptchaParamResponse , GetRecaptchaParamResponse , getRecaptchaParamResponse , grprRecaptchaSiteKey , grprKind , grprRecaptchaStoken ) where import Network.Google.IdentityToolkit.Types.Product import Network.Google.IdentityToolkit.Types.Sum import Network.Google.Prelude -- | Default request referring to version 'v3' of the Google Identity Toolkit API. This contains the host and root path used as a starting point for constructing service requests. identityToolkitService :: ServiceConfig identityToolkitService = defaultService (ServiceId "identitytoolkit:v3") "" -- | View and administer all your Firebase data and settings firebaseScope :: Proxy '[""] firebaseScope = Proxy; -- | View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services cloudPlatformScope :: Proxy '[""] cloudPlatformScope = Proxy;
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} module Gpg where import Control.Applicative import qualified Control.Exception as Ex import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import DBus import qualified DBus.Types as DBus import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified GpgMe as Gpg import qualified Network.Xmpp as Xmpp import System.Log.Logger --import Network.Xmpp.E2E import Base import Persist import Types mkKeyRSA :: String -> String mkKeyRSA name = unlines $ [ "<GnupgKeyParms format=\"internal\">" , "Key-Type: RSA" , "Key-Length: 4096" , "Key-Usage: sign, auth" , "Expire-Date: 0" , "Name-Real: " ++ name , "</GnupgKeyParms>" ] pontariusKeyName :: String pontariusKeyName = "Pontarius-Service" newGpgKey :: IO BS.ByteString newGpgKey = do ctx <- Gpg.ctxNew Nothing Just kid <- Gpg.genKeyFingerprint <$> Gpg.genKey ctx (mkKeyRSA $ pontariusKeyName) return kid fromKeyID :: KeyID -> BS.ByteString fromKeyID = Text.encodeUtf8 toKeyID :: BS.ByteString -> KeyID toKeyID = Text.decodeUtf8 -- revokeIdentity :: MonadIO m => KeyID -> MethodHandlerT m () -- revokeIdentity keyID = do -- let text = "" :: Text -- reason = Gpg.NoReason -- ctx <- liftIO $ Gpg.ctxNew Nothing -- keys <- liftIO $ Gpg.findKeyBy ctx True Gpg.keyFingerprint -- (Just $ fromKeyID keyID) -- case keys of -- [key] -> liftIO $ Gpg.revoke ctx key reason text >> return () -- [] -> DBus.methodError $ -- MsgError{ errorName = "org.pontarius.Error.Revoke" -- , errorText = Just "Key not found" -- , errorBody = [] -- } -- _ -> DBus.methodError $ -- MsgError{ errorName = "org.pontarius.Error.Revoke" -- , errorText = Just "Key not unique" -- , errorBody = [] -- } -- return () setSigningGpgKey :: PSState -> KeyID -> IO Bool setSigningGpgKey st keyID = do let keyFpr = fromKeyID keyID ctx <- Gpg.ctxNew Nothing keys <- Gpg.getKeys ctx True matches <- filterM (liftM (== Just keyFpr) . Gpg.keyFingerprint) keys haveKey <- case matches of [] -> return False (_:_) -> return True runPSM st . when haveKey $ setSigningKey "gpg" (toKeyID keyFpr) return haveKey getSigningPgpKey :: PSState -> DBus.MethodHandlerT IO KeyID getSigningPgpKey st = do pIdent <- (runPSM st $ getSigningKey) >>= \case Just pi -> return pi Nothing -> do DBus.methodError $ MsgError{ errorName = "org.pontarius.Error.Sign" , errorText = Just "No signing key found" , errorBody = [] } case privIdentKeyBackend pIdent of "gpg" -> return $ privIdentKeyID pIdent backend -> DBus.methodError $ MsgError { errorName = "org.pontarius.Error.Sign" , errorText = Just $ "Unknown key backend " <> backend , errorBody = [] } identityProp :: PSState -> Property ('DBusSimpleType 'TypeString) identityProp st = mkProperty pontariusObjectPath pontariusInterface "Identity" (Just $ getSigningPgpKey st) Nothing PECSTrue --setSigningKey st keyFpr getIdentities :: IO [KeyID] getIdentities = do ctx <- Gpg.ctxNew Nothing keys <- Gpg.getKeys ctx True map toKeyID . catMaybes <$> mapM Gpg.keyFingerprint keys -- | Get all available private keys getIdentitiesMethod :: Method getIdentitiesMethod = DBus.Method (DBus.repMethod $ (getIdentities :: IO [KeyID] )) "getIdentities" Done ("identities" -- ^ List of keyIDs :> Done) importKey :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> PSM m [ByteString] importKey key = do ctx <- liftIO $ Gpg.ctxNew Nothing importResults <- liftIO $ Gpg.importKeys ctx key liftM catMaybes $ forM importResults $ \res -> case Gpg.isResult res of Nothing -> do let fPrint = Gpg.isFprint res -- addPeerKey st peer (PubKey "gpg" fPrint) return $ Just fPrint Just err -> do liftIO . errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "error while importing key" ++ show err return Nothing exportSigningGpgKey :: PSState -> IO (Maybe ByteString) exportSigningGpgKey st = do mbKey <- runPSM st getSigningKey case mbKey of Just key | privIdentKeyBackend key == "gpg" -> do let kid = fromKeyID $ privIdentKeyID key ctx <- Gpg.ctxNew Nothing keys <- Gpg.getKeys ctx True candidates <- filterM (\k -> (== Just kid) <$> Gpg.keyFingerprint k) keys case candidates of (k:_) -> Just <$> Gpg.exportKeys ctx [k] _ -> return Nothing _ -> return Nothing signGPG :: MonadIO m => BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> m BS.ByteString signGPG kid bs = liftIO $ do ctx <- Gpg.ctxNew Nothing keys <- Gpg.getKeys ctx True matches <- filterM (liftM (== Just kid) . Gpg.keyFingerprint) keys case matches of [] -> error "key does not exist" -- return Nothing (p:_) -> do sig <- Gpg.sign ctx bs p Gpg.SigModeDetach logDebug $ "Signing " ++ show bs ++ " yielded " ++ show sig return sig gpgGuard :: (MonadIO m, MonadPlus m) => String -> Bool -> m () gpgGuard reason p = case p of True -> return () False -> liftIO (errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" reason) >> mzero verifyGPG :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO Bool verifyGPG kid sig txt = do ctx <- Gpg.ctxNew Nothing logDebug $ "Verifying signature " ++ show sig ++ " for " ++ show txt res <- Ex.try $ Gpg.verifyDetach ctx txt sig -- Gpg.Error case res of Left (e :: Gpg.Error) -> do errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "Verifying signature threw exception" ++ show e return False Right [st] -> do gpgGuard ("could not verify signature: " ++ show st) (goodStat $ Gpg.status st) gpgGuard ("Fingerpringt doesn't match: " ++ show kid ++ " /= " ++ show (Gpg.fingerprint st)) (Gpg.fingerprint st == kid) debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ "Signature seems good" return True Right [] -> do errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "verifyGPG: Could not import pubkey" return False Right _ -> do debugM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "multiple signature results" return False where goodStat Gpg.SigStatGood = True goodStat _ = False importIdent :: MonadIO m => BS.ByteString -> PSM m [BS.ByteString] importIdent ident = do ids <- importKey ident forM_ ids $ addPubIdent . toKeyID return ids verifySignature :: MonadIO m => PSState -> Xmpp.Jid -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> m (Maybe BS.ByteString) verifySignature st _peer pk sig pt = runPSM st $ do ids <- importIdent pk case ids of [id] -> do verified <- liftIO $ verifyGPG id sig pt logDebug $ "Signature is: " ++ show verified return $ if verified then (Just id) else Nothing _ -> do logDebug "import resulted in more than one key" return Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-} module Jaek.Project.Parse ( Parse (..) ) where import Jaek.Base import Jaek.Gen import Jaek.StreamExpr as SE import Jaek.StreamT as ST import Jaek.Tree import Data.Attoparsec as A import Data.Attoparsec.Binary import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (toString) import Data.Tree -- | a small helper function for reading UTF8-encoded text. parseStr :: Parser String parseStr = toString <$> (anyWord64le >>= A.take . fI) class Parse a where jparse :: Parser a instance Parse a => Parse [a] where jparse = anyWord64le >>= \n -> replicateM (fI n) jparse instance Parse Int where jparse = fI <$> anyWord64le instance Parse SampleCount where jparse = fI <$> anyWord64le instance Parse Duration where jparse = fI <$> anyWord64le instance Parse Integer where jparse = fI <$> anyWord64le instance Parse AudioFormat where jparse = AudioFormat <$> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse instance Parse Double where jparse = try (double <* char 'z') instance Parse GenFunc where jparse = (Null <$ word8 0) <|> (word8 1 *> (ConstF <$> jparse)) instance Parse StreamExpr where jparse = (word8 0 *> (FileSource <$> parseStr <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse)) <|> (word8 1 *> (GenSource <$> jparse <*> jparse)) <|> (word8 2 *> (Region <$> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse)) <|> (word8 3 *> (StreamSeq <$> jparse)) <|> (word8 4 *> (SE.Mix <$> jparse <*> jparse)) instance Parse NodeRef where jparse = (word8 0 *> (AbsPath <$> jparse)) <|> (word8 1 *> (RelPath <$> jparse <*> jparse)) instance Parse StreamT where jparse = (word8 0 *> (Cut <$> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse)) <|> (word8 1 *> (Mute <$> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse)) <|> (word8 2 *> (Insert <$> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse)) <|> (word8 3 *> (ST.Mix <$> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse)) instance Parse Node where jparse = Root <$ word8 0 <|> (word8 1 *> (Init <$> parseStr <*> jparse <*> jparse)) <|> (word8 2 *> (Mod <$> jparse <*> jparse <*> jparse)) instance Parse HTree where jparse = Node <$> jparse <*> jparse
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module AllDice.Scheme ( runExpr ) where import Control.Monad.ST import qualified Data.Text as T -- Not ideal but should in theory work for now import System.Random -- Scheme interpreter import Scheme.Types import Scheme.Env import Scheme.Parser import Scheme.Evaluator evalString :: LispEnv s -> T.Text -> ST s T.Text evalString env expr = do eexpr <- evalExpr env expr case eexpr of Left err -> return $ (T.pack . show) err Right val -> return $ (T.pack . show) val evalExpr :: LispEnv s -> T.Text -> ST s (ThrowsError (LispVal s)) evalExpr env expr = case readExpr expr of Left err -> return $ Left err Right val -> eval env val evalFile :: LispEnv s -> T.Text -> ST s T.Text evalFile env expr = do exps <- evalExprList env expr T.unlines `fmap` mapM (\eexp -> case eexp of Left err -> return $ (T.pack . show) err Right val -> return $ (T.pack . show) val) exps evalExprList :: LispEnv s -> T.Text -> ST s [ThrowsError (LispVal s)] evalExprList env expr = case readExprList expr of Left err -> return [Left err] Right val -> mapM (eval env) val runExpr :: T.Text -> T.Text -> StdGen -> ST s T.Text runExpr stdlib val gen = do env <- primitiveBindings -- Inject a val env' <- bindVars env [("stdRngGen", Random gen)] -- TODO: a nicer way to inject the stdlib into the env -- TODO: add error reporting for invalid/bad stdlib _ <- evalFile env' stdlib -- Run the scheme program given evalString env' val
module Quasar.Utils where import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Network.Wai as W import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W (run) import System.Exit import System.IO -- TODO: move to separate module eitherDecodeBs :: FromJSON a => BS.ByteString -> Either String a eitherDecodeBs = eitherDecode . bsToLbs bsToLbs :: BS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString bsToLbs = LBS.fromChunks . BS.lines lbsToBs :: LBS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString lbsToBs = BS.concat . LBS.toChunks warp :: Int -> W.Application -> IO () warp port app = port app forkWarp :: Int -> W.Application -> IO ThreadId forkWarp port app = forkIO $ port app exitOnInput = do hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering _ <- getChar exitSuccess
module Data.SpecHelper where import qualified Data.Geospatial as Geospatial import qualified Data.LinearRing as LinearRing import qualified Data.LineString as LineString import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence import qualified Data.Geometry.VectorTile.VectorTile as VectorTile import qualified Data.Geometry.Types.Geography as TypesGeography tupleToPts :: [(Int, Int)] -> Sequence.Seq VectorTile.Point tupleToPts = foldr (\(x,y) acc -> VectorTile.Point x y Sequence.<| acc) Sequence.empty mkLineString :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> [(Double, Double)] -> LineString.LineString Geospatial.GeoPositionWithoutCRS mkLineString p1 p2 rest = LineString.makeLineString (tupleToGeoPts p1) (tupleToGeoPts p2) (Sequence.fromList $ fmap tupleToGeoPts rest) mkLinearRing :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> [(Double, Double)] -> LinearRing.LinearRing Geospatial.GeoPositionWithoutCRS mkLinearRing p1 p2 p3 rest = LinearRing.makeLinearRing (tupleToGeoPts p1) (tupleToGeoPts p2) (tupleToGeoPts p3) (Sequence.fromList $ fmap tupleToGeoPts rest) tupleToGeoPts :: (Double, Double) -> Geospatial.GeoPositionWithoutCRS tupleToGeoPts (x, y) = Geospatial.GeoPointXY (Geospatial.PointXY x y) listToSequenceGeo :: [(Double, Double)] -> Sequence.Seq Geospatial.PointXY listToSequenceGeo pts = Sequence.fromList $ fmap (uncurry Geospatial.PointXY) pts listToSequenceGeoLine :: [((Double, Double),(Double, Double))] -> Sequence.Seq TypesGeography.GeoStorableLine listToSequenceGeoLine pts = Sequence.fromList $ fmap (\(x, y) -> TypesGeography.GeoStorableLine (uncurry Geospatial.PointXY x) (uncurry Geospatial.PointXY y)) pts
module Step_1_4 where -- Great! You've run your first Haskell code. import Data.List -- This line just makes some utility functions from the Data.List module accessible. -- Let's write those unix command lines as Haskell code: input = "`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\n" ++ "Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;\n" ++ "All mimsy were the borogoves,\n" ++ "And the mome raths outgrabe.\n" output = output1 output1 = unlines ( sort (lines input)) -- This does just what you think it does! output2 = unlines ( take 2 ( map reverse ( lines input ))) -- This does just what you think it does! output3 = show ( length (words input)) -- What does this do? -- Notice that we had to convert the number result of length to a String with show output4 = "\t" ++ show ( length (lines input)) ++ "\t" ++ show ( length (words input)) ++ "\t" ++ show (length input) -- how about this? -- NEXT -- Most haskell code doesn't have so many parentheses. Instead, it uses the $ operator like so: output1' = unlines $ sort $ lines input output2' = unlines $ take 2 $ map reverse $ lines input output3' = show $ length $ words input output4' = "\t" ++ (show $ length $ lines input) ++ "\t" ++ (show $ length $ words input) ++ "\t" ++ (show $ length input) -- You can think of $ as parenthesizing everything on the right, even other $ to the right.
-- module WordBreak where import Control.Arrow import Data.List wordBreak :: [String] -> String -> Maybe [String] wordBreak xss = fmap reverse . fst . foldl f (Just [], []) where f (onBound, insides) y = (onBound', insides') where as = insides ++ case onBound of Nothing -> [] Just wds -> map (id &&& (: wds)) xss cs = [(bs, wds) | (b : bs, wds) <- as, b==y] (onBounds, insides') = partition (null . fst) cs onBound' = case onBounds of [] -> Nothing ((_, wds) : _) -> Just wds
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Application.Scaffold.Type where import System.Console.CmdArgs data Scaffold = MakeApp { config :: FilePath } | MakeYesodCrud { config :: FilePath } deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) makeapp :: Scaffold makeapp = MakeApp { config = "test.conf" } makeyesodcrud :: Scaffold makeyesodcrud = MakeYesodCrud { config = "test.conf" } mode :: Scaffold mode = modes [ makeapp, makeyesodcrud ]
module Command.Edit.Perform ( EditOptions(..) , perform ) where import Data.Maybe import qualified System.Posix.Env as P import qualified System.Posix.Temp as P -- | Get the preferred editor. If no editor is set, "vi" is used as the -- default. getEditor :: EditOptions -- ^ command-line options -> IO String -- ^ editor name getEditor options = do let optEditor = editOptEditor options envEditor <- P.getEnv "EDITOR" return $ head $ catMaybes [optEditor, envEditor, Just "vi"] -- | Edit the data points in text editor. perform :: EditOptions -> IO () perform options = do
module Handler.About where import Import getAboutR :: Handler RepHtml getAboutR = defaultLayout $ do setTitle "What is DH? | About" $(widgetFile "about")
{- | - Module : Types.Internal.Channel - Description : Representation of an IRC channel name. - Copyright : (c) Magnus Stavngaard, 2017 - License : BSD-3 - Maintainer : [email protected] - Stability : experimental - Portability : POSIX - - An IRC channel starts with one of the characters #, + or & and is after that - any octet stream without the charaters '\0', '\a', '\r', '\n', ' ', ',' or - ':'. -} module Types.Internal.Channel where import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..), withText) import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson import Data.Maybe (isJust) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Parsers.Utils as PU import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary, shrink) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (suchThat) import qualified Text.Parsec as P {- | IRC channel. -} newtype Channel = Channel String deriving (Show, Read, Eq) {- | Smart constructor for Channels, only allow correct IRC channels to be - constructed. -} channel :: String -- ^ Source text of Channel. -> Maybe Channel channel chan = case P.parse ( <* P.eof) "(channel source)" chan of Right c -> return $ Channel c Left _ -> Nothing {- | Get the actual channel from the Channel type. -} getChannel :: Channel -- ^ The Channel to get channel from. -> String getChannel (Channel chan) = chan {- | Construct arbitrary IRC channels. -} instance Arbitrary Channel where arbitrary = Channel <$> suchThat arbitrary (isJust . channel) shrink (Channel chan) = [Channel chan' | chan' <- shrink chan , (isJust . channel) chan' ] {- | Convert Channel's to JSON. -} instance ToJSON Channel where toJSON (Channel chan) = Aeson.String . T.pack $ chan {- | Parse Channel's from JSON. -} instance FromJSON Channel where parseJSON = withText "channel" $ return . Channel . T.unpack
module Data.Graph.Libgraph.UnionFind ( UF , fromList , find , union ) where import Data.UnionFind.IntMap( Point,PointSupply,newPointSupply , fresh,repr,descriptor) import qualified Data.UnionFind.IntMap as UF import Data.IntMap.Lazy(IntMap,(!)) import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IM data UF = UF {ps :: PointSupply Int, im :: IntMap (Point Int)} fromList :: [Int] -> UF fromList xs = foldl singleton (UF newPointSupply IM.empty) xs singleton :: UF -> Int -> UF singleton uf x = UF ps' $ IM.insert x p (im uf) where (ps',p) = fresh (ps uf) x point :: UF -> Int -> Point Int point uf i = (im uf) ! i -- MF TODO: isn't the find supposed to update uf? find :: UF -> Int -> Int find uf = (descriptor $ ps uf) . (repr $ ps uf) . (point uf) union :: UF -> Int -> Int -> UF union uf x y = uf { ps = UF.union (ps uf) (point uf x) (point uf y) }
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | This module includes the machinery necessary to use hint to load -- action code dynamically. It includes a Template Haskell function -- to gather the necessary compile-time information about code -- location, compiler arguments, etc, and bind that information into -- the calls to the dynamic loader. module Snap.Loader.Dynamic ( loadSnapTH ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad (liftM2, forever) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum) #endif import Data.List import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Data.Typeable import Language.Haskell.Interpreter hiding (lift, typeOf) import Language.Haskell.Interpreter.Unsafe import Language.Haskell.TH import System.Environment (getArgs) import Snap.Core import Snap.Loader.Dynamic.Signal import Snap.Loader.Dynamic.Evaluator import Snap.Loader.Dynamic.TreeWatcher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | This function derives all the information necessary to use the interpreter -- from the compile-time environment, and compiles it in to the generated code. -- -- This could be considered a TH wrapper around a function -- -- > loadSnap :: Typeable a => IO a -> (a -> IO (Snap (), IO ())) -- > -> [String] -> IO (a, Snap (), IO ()) -- -- with a magical implementation. The [String] argument is a list of -- directories to watch for updates to trigger a reloading. Directories -- containing code should be automatically picked up by this splice. -- -- The generated splice executes the initialiser once, sets up the interpreter -- for the load function, and returns the initializer's result along with the -- interpreter's proxy handler and cleanup actions. The behavior of the proxy -- actions will change to reflect changes in the watched files, reinterpreting -- the load function as needed and applying it to the initializer result. -- -- This will handle reloading the application successfully in most cases. The -- cases in which it is certain to fail are those involving changing the types -- of the initializer or the load function, or changing the compiler options -- required, such as by changing/adding dependencies in the project's .cabal -- file. In those cases, a full recompile will be needed. -- loadSnapTH :: Q Exp -- ^ the initializer expression -> Name -- ^ the name of the load function -> [String] -- ^ a list of directories to watch in addition -- to those containing code -> Q Exp loadSnapTH initializer action additionalWatchDirs = do args <- runIO getArgs let opts = getHintOpts args srcPaths = additionalWatchDirs ++ getSrcPaths args -- The first line is an extra type check to ensure the arguments -- provided have the the correct types [| do let _ = $initializer >>= $(varE action) v <- $initializer (handler, cleanup) <- hintSnap opts actMods srcPaths loadStr v return (v, handler, cleanup) |] where actMods = maybeToList $ nameModule action loadStr = nameBase action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Convert the command-line arguments passed in to options for the -- hint interpreter. This is somewhat brittle code, based on a few -- experimental datapoints regarding the structure of the command-line -- arguments cabal produces. getHintOpts :: [String] -> [String] getHintOpts args = removeBad opts where -------------------------------------------------------------------------- bad = ["-threaded", "-O", "-main-is", "-o", "--make", "-static", "-XHaskell", "-ddump-hi"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- removeBad = filter (\x -> not $ any (`isPrefixOf` x) bad) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- hideAll = filter (== "-hide-all-packages") args -------------------------------------------------------------------------- srcOpts = filter (\x -> "-i" `isPrefixOf` x) args -------------------------------------------------------------------------- toCopy = filter (not . isSuffixOf ".hs") $ dropWhile (not . ("-package" `isPrefixOf`)) args -------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy = map (intercalate " ") . groupBy (\_ s -> not $ "-" `isPrefixOf` s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- opts = concat [hideAll, srcOpts, copy toCopy] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | This function extracts the source paths from the compilation args getSrcPaths :: [String] -> [String] getSrcPaths = filter (not . null) . map (drop 2) . filter srcArg where srcArg x = "-i" `isPrefixOf` x && not ("-idist" `isPrefixOf` x) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | This function creates the Snap handler that actually is responsible for -- doing the dynamic loading of actions via hint, given all of the -- configuration information that the interpreter needs. It also ensures safe -- concurrent access to the interpreter, and caches the interpreter results for -- a short time before allowing it to run again. -- -- Generally, this won't be called manually. Instead, loadSnapTH will generate -- a call to it at compile-time, calculating all the arguments from its -- environment. -- hintSnap :: Typeable a => [String] -- ^ A list of command-line options for the interpreter -> [String] -- ^ A list of modules that need to be interpreted. This should -- contain only the modules which contain the initialization, -- cleanup, and handler actions. Everything else they require will -- be loaded transitively. -> [String] -- ^ A list of paths to watch for updates -> String -- ^ The name of the function to load -> a -- ^ The value to apply the loaded function to -> IO (Snap (), IO ()) hintSnap opts modules srcPaths action value = do load <- runInterpreterThread protectedHintEvaluator getCurrentState testState load where -------------------------------------------------------------------------- witness x = undefined $ x `asTypeOf` value :: HintLoadable #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- witnessModules = filter (`notElem` inPrelude) . map dropInternal . map tyConModule . tyCons . typeOf $ witness -------------------------------------------------------------------------- inPrelude = ["GHC.Prim", "GHC.Types", "GHC.Tuple"] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- tyCons x = let (c, rs) = splitTyConApp x in c : concatMap tyCons rs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- dropInternal s = case stripPrefix "Snap.Internal." s of Nothing -> s Just "Types" -> "Snap.Core" Just x -> "Snap." ++ x #else -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is somewhat fragile, and probably can be cleaned up with a future -- version of Typeable. For the moment, and backwards-compatibility, this -- is the approach being taken. witnessModules = map (reverse . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse) . filter (elem '.') . groupBy typePart . show . typeOf $ witness -------------------------------------------------------------------------- typePart x y = (isAlphaNum x && isAlphaNum y) || x == '.' || y == '.' #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------- runInterpreterThread = do input <- newEmptyMVar output <- newEmptyMVar forkIO . forever $ do restore <- protectHandlers err <- unsafeRunInterpreterWithArgs opts $ do liftIO $ restore forever $ do liftIO $ takeMVar input loadModules . nub $ modules setImports . nub $ "Prelude" : "Snap.Core" : witnessModules ++ modules f <- interpret action witness liftIO . putMVar output $ f value reset putMVar output $ formatOnError err return $ putMVar input () >> takeMVar output -------------------------------------------------------------------------- formatOnError (Left err) = error $ format err formatOnError (Right a) = a -------------------------------------------------------------------------- getCurrentState = liftM2 (,) getCurrentTime $ getTreeStatus srcPaths -------------------------------------------------------------------------- testState (prevTime, ts) = do now <- getCurrentTime if diffUTCTime now prevTime < 3 then return True else checkTreeStatus ts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Convert an InterpreterError to a String for presentation format :: InterpreterError -> String format (UnknownError e) = "Unknown interpreter error:\r\n\r\n" ++ e format (NotAllowed e) = "Interpreter action not allowed:\r\n\r\n" ++ e format (GhcException e) = "GHC error:\r\n\r\n" ++ e format (WontCompile errs) = "Compile errors:\r\n\r\n" ++ (intercalate "\r\n" $ nub $ map errMsg errs)
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, UnboxedTuples #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Monad for Stg to C-- code generation -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module StgCmmMonad ( FCode, -- type initC, runC, thenC, thenFC, listCs, returnFC, fixC, newUnique, newUniqSupply, newLabelC, emitLabel, emit, emitDecl, emitProc, emitProcWithConvention, emitProcWithStackFrame, emitOutOfLine, emitAssign, emitStore, emitComment, emitTick, emitUnwind, getCmm, aGraphToGraph, getCodeR, getCode, getCodeScoped, getHeapUsage, mkCmmIfThenElse, mkCmmIfThen, mkCmmIfGoto, mkCall, mkCmmCall, forkClosureBody, forkLneBody, forkAlts, codeOnly, ConTagZ, Sequel(..), ReturnKind(..), withSequel, getSequel, setTickyCtrLabel, getTickyCtrLabel, tickScope, getTickScope, withUpdFrameOff, getUpdFrameOff, initUpdFrameOff, HeapUsage(..), VirtualHpOffset, initHpUsage, getHpUsage, setHpUsage, heapHWM, setVirtHp, getVirtHp, setRealHp, getModuleName, -- ideally we wouldn't export these, but some other modules access internal state getState, setState, getSelfLoop, withSelfLoop, getInfoDown, getDynFlags, getThisPackage, -- more localised access to monad state CgIdInfo(..), getBinds, setBinds, -- out of general friendliness, we also export ... CgInfoDownwards(..), CgState(..) -- non-abstract ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import Cmm import StgCmmClosure import DynFlags import Hoopl import Maybes import MkGraph import BlockId import CLabel import SMRep import Module import Id import VarEnv import OrdList import Unique import UniqSupply import FastString import Outputable import qualified Control.Applicative as A import Control.Monad import Data.List import Prelude hiding( sequence, succ ) infixr 9 `thenC` -- Right-associative! infixr 9 `thenFC` -------------------------------------------------------- -- The FCode monad and its types -- -- FCode is the monad plumbed through the Stg->Cmm code generator, and -- the Cmm parser. It contains the following things: -- -- - A writer monad, collecting: -- - code for the current function, in the form of a CmmAGraph. -- The function "emit" appends more code to this. -- - the top-level CmmDecls accumulated so far -- -- - A state monad with: -- - the local bindings in scope -- - the current heap usage -- - a UniqSupply -- -- - A reader monad, for CgInfoDownwards, containing -- - DynFlags, -- - the current Module -- - the update-frame offset -- - the ticky counter label -- - the Sequel (the continuation to return to) -- - the self-recursive tail call information -------------------------------------------------------- newtype FCode a = FCode (CgInfoDownwards -> CgState -> (# a, CgState #)) instance Functor FCode where fmap f (FCode g) = FCode $ \i s -> case g i s of (# a, s' #) -> (# f a, s' #) instance A.Applicative FCode where pure = returnFC (<*>) = ap instance Monad FCode where (>>=) = thenFC return = A.pure {-# INLINE thenC #-} {-# INLINE thenFC #-} {-# INLINE returnFC #-} initC :: IO CgState initC = do { uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'c' ; return (initCgState uniqs) } runC :: DynFlags -> Module -> CgState -> FCode a -> (a,CgState) runC dflags mod st fcode = doFCode fcode (initCgInfoDown dflags mod) st returnFC :: a -> FCode a returnFC val = FCode (\_info_down state -> (# val, state #)) thenC :: FCode () -> FCode a -> FCode a thenC (FCode m) (FCode k) = FCode $ \info_down state -> case m info_down state of (# _,new_state #) -> k info_down new_state listCs :: [FCode ()] -> FCode () listCs [] = return () listCs (fc:fcs) = do fc listCs fcs thenFC :: FCode a -> (a -> FCode c) -> FCode c thenFC (FCode m) k = FCode $ \info_down state -> case m info_down state of (# m_result, new_state #) -> case k m_result of FCode kcode -> kcode info_down new_state fixC :: (a -> FCode a) -> FCode a fixC fcode = FCode ( \info_down state -> let (v,s) = doFCode (fcode v) info_down state in (# v, s #) ) -------------------------------------------------------- -- The code generator environment -------------------------------------------------------- -- This monadery has some information that it only passes -- *downwards*, as well as some ``state'' which is modified -- as we go along. data CgInfoDownwards -- information only passed *downwards* by the monad = MkCgInfoDown { cgd_dflags :: DynFlags, cgd_mod :: Module, -- Module being compiled cgd_updfr_off :: UpdFrameOffset, -- Size of current update frame cgd_ticky :: CLabel, -- Current destination for ticky counts cgd_sequel :: Sequel, -- What to do at end of basic block cgd_self_loop :: Maybe SelfLoopInfo,-- Which tail calls can be compiled -- as local jumps? See Note -- [Self-recursive tail calls] in -- StgCmmExpr cgd_tick_scope:: CmmTickScope -- Tick scope for new blocks & ticks } type CgBindings = IdEnv CgIdInfo data CgIdInfo = CgIdInfo { cg_id :: Id -- Id that this is the info for -- Can differ from the Id at occurrence sites by -- virtue of being externalised, for splittable C -- See Note [Externalise when splitting] , cg_lf :: LambdaFormInfo , cg_loc :: CgLoc -- CmmExpr for the *tagged* value } -- Note [Externalise when splitting] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- If we're splitting the object with -fsplit-objs, we need to -- externalise *all* the top-level names, and then make sure we only -- use the externalised one in any C label we use which refers to this -- name. instance Outputable CgIdInfo where ppr (CgIdInfo { cg_id = id, cg_loc = loc }) = ppr id <+> text "-->" <+> ppr loc -- Sequel tells what to do with the result of this expression data Sequel = Return Bool -- Return result(s) to continuation found on the stack. -- True <=> the continuation is update code (???) | AssignTo [LocalReg] -- Put result(s) in these regs and fall through -- NB: no void arguments here -- Bool -- Should we adjust the heap pointer back to -- recover space that's unused on this path? -- We need to do this only if the expression -- may allocate (e.g. it's a foreign call or -- allocating primOp) instance Outputable Sequel where ppr (Return b) = text "Return" <+> ppr b ppr (AssignTo regs b) = text "AssignTo" <+> ppr regs <+> ppr b -- See Note [sharing continuations] below data ReturnKind = AssignedDirectly | ReturnedTo BlockId ByteOff -- Note [sharing continuations] -- -- ReturnKind says how the expression being compiled returned its -- results: either by assigning directly to the registers specified -- by the Sequel, or by returning to a continuation that does the -- assignments. The point of this is we might be able to re-use the -- continuation in a subsequent heap-check. Consider: -- -- case f x of z -- True -> <True code> -- False -> <False code> -- -- Naively we would generate -- -- R2 = x -- argument to f -- Sp[young(L1)] = L1 -- call f returns to L1 -- L1: -- z = R1 -- if (z & 1) then Ltrue else Lfalse -- Ltrue: -- Hp = Hp + 24 -- if (Hp > HpLim) then L4 else L7 -- L4: -- HpAlloc = 24 -- goto L5 -- L5: -- R1 = z -- Sp[young(L6)] = L6 -- call stg_gc_unpt_r1 returns to L6 -- L6: -- z = R1 -- goto L1 -- L7: -- <True code> -- Lfalse: -- <False code> -- -- We want the gc call in L4 to return to L1, and discard L6. Note -- that not only can we share L1 and L6, but the assignment of the -- return address in L4 is unnecessary because the return address for -- L1 is already on the stack. We used to catch the sharing of L1 and -- L6 in the common-block-eliminator, but not the unnecessary return -- address assignment. -- -- Since this case is so common I decided to make it more explicit and -- robust by programming the sharing directly, rather than relying on -- the common-block elimiantor to catch it. This makes -- common-block-elimianteion an optional optimisation, and furthermore -- generates less code in the first place that we have to subsequently -- clean up. -- -- There are some rarer cases of common blocks that we don't catch -- this way, but that's ok. Common-block-elimination is still available -- to catch them when optimisation is enabled. Some examples are: -- -- - when both the True and False branches do a heap check, we -- can share the heap-check failure code L4a and maybe L4 -- -- - in a case-of-case, there might be multiple continuations that -- we can common up. -- -- It is always safe to use AssignedDirectly. Expressions that jump -- to the continuation from multiple places (e.g. case expressions) -- fall back to AssignedDirectly. -- initCgInfoDown :: DynFlags -> Module -> CgInfoDownwards initCgInfoDown dflags mod = MkCgInfoDown { cgd_dflags = dflags , cgd_mod = mod , cgd_updfr_off = initUpdFrameOff dflags , cgd_ticky = mkTopTickyCtrLabel , cgd_sequel = initSequel , cgd_self_loop = Nothing , cgd_tick_scope= GlobalScope } initSequel :: Sequel initSequel = Return False initUpdFrameOff :: DynFlags -> UpdFrameOffset initUpdFrameOff dflags = widthInBytes (wordWidth dflags) -- space for the RA -------------------------------------------------------- -- The code generator state -------------------------------------------------------- data CgState = MkCgState { cgs_stmts :: CmmAGraph, -- Current procedure cgs_tops :: OrdList CmmDecl, -- Other procedures and data blocks in this compilation unit -- Both are ordered only so that we can -- reduce forward references, when it's easy to do so cgs_binds :: CgBindings, cgs_hp_usg :: HeapUsage, cgs_uniqs :: UniqSupply } data HeapUsage -- See Note [Virtual and real heap pointers] = HeapUsage { virtHp :: VirtualHpOffset, -- Virtual offset of highest-allocated word -- Incremented whenever we allocate realHp :: VirtualHpOffset -- realHp: Virtual offset of real heap ptr -- Used in instruction addressing modes } type VirtualHpOffset = WordOff {- Note [Virtual and real heap pointers] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The code generator can allocate one or more objects contiguously, performing one heap check to cover allocation of all the objects at once. Let's call this little chunk of heap space an "allocation chunk". The code generator will emit code to * Perform a heap-exhaustion check * Move the heap pointer to the end of the allocation chunk * Allocate multiple objects within the chunk The code generator uses VirtualHpOffsets to address words within a single allocation chunk; these start at one and increase positively. The first word of the chunk has VirtualHpOffset=1, the second has VirtualHpOffset=2, and so on. * The field realHp tracks (the VirtualHpOffset) where the real Hp register is pointing. Typically it'll be pointing to the end of the allocation chunk. * The field virtHp gives the VirtualHpOffset of the highest-allocated word so far. It starts at zero (meaning no word has been allocated), and increases whenever an object is allocated. The difference between realHp and virtHp gives the offset from the real Hp register of a particular word in the allocation chunk. This is what getHpRelOffset does. Since the returned offset is relative to the real Hp register, it is valid only until you change the real Hp register. (Changing virtHp doesn't matter.) -} initCgState :: UniqSupply -> CgState initCgState uniqs = MkCgState { cgs_stmts = mkNop , cgs_tops = nilOL , cgs_binds = emptyVarEnv , cgs_hp_usg = initHpUsage , cgs_uniqs = uniqs } stateIncUsage :: CgState -> CgState -> CgState -- stateIncUsage@ e1 e2 incorporates in e1 -- the heap high water mark found in e2. stateIncUsage s1 s2@(MkCgState { cgs_hp_usg = hp_usg }) = s1 { cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg s1 `maxHpHw` virtHp hp_usg } `addCodeBlocksFrom` s2 addCodeBlocksFrom :: CgState -> CgState -> CgState -- Add code blocks from the latter to the former -- (The cgs_stmts will often be empty, but not always; see codeOnly) s1 `addCodeBlocksFrom` s2 = s1 { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts s1 MkGraph.<*> cgs_stmts s2, cgs_tops = cgs_tops s1 `appOL` cgs_tops s2 } -- The heap high water mark is the larger of virtHp and hwHp. The latter is -- only records the high water marks of forked-off branches, so to find the -- heap high water mark you have to take the max of virtHp and hwHp. Remember, -- virtHp never retreats! -- -- Note Jan 04: ok, so why do we only look at the virtual Hp?? heapHWM :: HeapUsage -> VirtualHpOffset heapHWM = virtHp initHpUsage :: HeapUsage initHpUsage = HeapUsage { virtHp = 0, realHp = 0 } maxHpHw :: HeapUsage -> VirtualHpOffset -> HeapUsage hp_usg `maxHpHw` hw = hp_usg { virtHp = virtHp hp_usg `max` hw } -------------------------------------------------------- -- Operators for getting and setting the state and "info_down". -------------------------------------------------------- getState :: FCode CgState getState = FCode $ \_info_down state -> (# state, state #) setState :: CgState -> FCode () setState state = FCode $ \_info_down _ -> (# (), state #) getHpUsage :: FCode HeapUsage getHpUsage = do state <- getState return $ cgs_hp_usg state setHpUsage :: HeapUsage -> FCode () setHpUsage new_hp_usg = do state <- getState setState $ state {cgs_hp_usg = new_hp_usg} setVirtHp :: VirtualHpOffset -> FCode () setVirtHp new_virtHp = do { hp_usage <- getHpUsage ; setHpUsage (hp_usage {virtHp = new_virtHp}) } getVirtHp :: FCode VirtualHpOffset getVirtHp = do { hp_usage <- getHpUsage ; return (virtHp hp_usage) } setRealHp :: VirtualHpOffset -> FCode () setRealHp new_realHp = do { hp_usage <- getHpUsage ; setHpUsage (hp_usage {realHp = new_realHp}) } getBinds :: FCode CgBindings getBinds = do state <- getState return $ cgs_binds state setBinds :: CgBindings -> FCode () setBinds new_binds = do state <- getState setState $ state {cgs_binds = new_binds} withState :: FCode a -> CgState -> FCode (a,CgState) withState (FCode fcode) newstate = FCode $ \info_down state -> case fcode info_down newstate of (# retval, state2 #) -> (# (retval,state2), state #) newUniqSupply :: FCode UniqSupply newUniqSupply = do state <- getState let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (cgs_uniqs state) setState $ state { cgs_uniqs = us1 } return us2 newUnique :: FCode Unique newUnique = do state <- getState let (u,us') = takeUniqFromSupply (cgs_uniqs state) setState $ state { cgs_uniqs = us' } return u ------------------ getInfoDown :: FCode CgInfoDownwards getInfoDown = FCode $ \info_down state -> (# info_down,state #) getSelfLoop :: FCode (Maybe SelfLoopInfo) getSelfLoop = do info_down <- getInfoDown return $ cgd_self_loop info_down withSelfLoop :: SelfLoopInfo -> FCode a -> FCode a withSelfLoop self_loop code = do info_down <- getInfoDown withInfoDown code (info_down {cgd_self_loop = Just self_loop}) instance HasDynFlags FCode where getDynFlags = liftM cgd_dflags getInfoDown getThisPackage :: FCode UnitId getThisPackage = liftM thisPackage getDynFlags withInfoDown :: FCode a -> CgInfoDownwards -> FCode a withInfoDown (FCode fcode) info_down = FCode $ \_ state -> fcode info_down state doFCode :: FCode a -> CgInfoDownwards -> CgState -> (a,CgState) doFCode (FCode fcode) info_down state = case fcode info_down state of (# a, s #) -> ( a, s ) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get the current module name getModuleName :: FCode Module getModuleName = do { info <- getInfoDown; return (cgd_mod info) } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get/set the end-of-block info withSequel :: Sequel -> FCode a -> FCode a withSequel sequel code = do { info <- getInfoDown ; withInfoDown code (info {cgd_sequel = sequel, cgd_self_loop = Nothing }) } getSequel :: FCode Sequel getSequel = do { info <- getInfoDown ; return (cgd_sequel info) } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get/set the size of the update frame -- We keep track of the size of the update frame so that we -- can set the stack pointer to the proper address on return -- (or tail call) from the closure. -- There should be at most one update frame for each closure. -- Note: I'm including the size of the original return address -- in the size of the update frame -- hence the default case on `get'. withUpdFrameOff :: UpdFrameOffset -> FCode a -> FCode a withUpdFrameOff size code = do { info <- getInfoDown ; withInfoDown code (info {cgd_updfr_off = size }) } getUpdFrameOff :: FCode UpdFrameOffset getUpdFrameOff = do { info <- getInfoDown ; return $ cgd_updfr_off info } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get/set the current ticky counter label getTickyCtrLabel :: FCode CLabel getTickyCtrLabel = do info <- getInfoDown return (cgd_ticky info) setTickyCtrLabel :: CLabel -> FCode a -> FCode a setTickyCtrLabel ticky code = do info <- getInfoDown withInfoDown code (info {cgd_ticky = ticky}) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Manage tick scopes -- | The current tick scope. We will assign this to generated blocks. getTickScope :: FCode CmmTickScope getTickScope = do info <- getInfoDown return (cgd_tick_scope info) -- | Places blocks generated by the given code into a fresh -- (sub-)scope. This will make sure that Cmm annotations in our scope -- will apply to the Cmm blocks generated therein - but not the other -- way around. tickScope :: FCode a -> FCode a tickScope code = do info <- getInfoDown if debugLevel (cgd_dflags info) == 0 then code else do u <- newUnique let scope' = SubScope u (cgd_tick_scope info) withInfoDown code info{ cgd_tick_scope = scope' } -------------------------------------------------------- -- Forking -------------------------------------------------------- forkClosureBody :: FCode () -> FCode () -- forkClosureBody compiles body_code in environment where: -- - sequel, update stack frame and self loop info are -- set to fresh values -- - state is set to a fresh value, except for local bindings -- that are passed in unchanged. It's up to the enclosed code to -- re-bind the free variables to a field of the closure. forkClosureBody body_code = do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; info <- getInfoDown ; us <- newUniqSupply ; state <- getState ; let body_info_down = info { cgd_sequel = initSequel , cgd_updfr_off = initUpdFrameOff dflags , cgd_self_loop = Nothing } fork_state_in = (initCgState us) { cgs_binds = cgs_binds state } ((),fork_state_out) = doFCode body_code body_info_down fork_state_in ; setState $ state `addCodeBlocksFrom` fork_state_out } forkLneBody :: FCode a -> FCode a -- 'forkLneBody' takes a body of let-no-escape binding and compiles -- it in the *current* environment, returning the graph thus constructed. -- -- The current environment is passed on completely unchanged to -- the successor. In particular, any heap usage from the enclosed -- code is discarded; it should deal with its own heap consumption. forkLneBody body_code = do { info_down <- getInfoDown ; us <- newUniqSupply ; state <- getState ; let fork_state_in = (initCgState us) { cgs_binds = cgs_binds state } (result, fork_state_out) = doFCode body_code info_down fork_state_in ; setState $ state `addCodeBlocksFrom` fork_state_out ; return result } codeOnly :: FCode () -> FCode () -- Emit any code from the inner thing into the outer thing -- Do not affect anything else in the outer state -- Used in almost-circular code to prevent false loop dependencies codeOnly body_code = do { info_down <- getInfoDown ; us <- newUniqSupply ; state <- getState ; let fork_state_in = (initCgState us) { cgs_binds = cgs_binds state , cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg state } ((), fork_state_out) = doFCode body_code info_down fork_state_in ; setState $ state `addCodeBlocksFrom` fork_state_out } forkAlts :: [FCode a] -> FCode [a] -- (forkAlts' bs d) takes fcodes 'bs' for the branches of a 'case', and -- an fcode for the default case 'd', and compiles each in the current -- environment. The current environment is passed on unmodified, except -- that the virtual Hp is moved on to the worst virtual Hp for the branches forkAlts branch_fcodes = do { info_down <- getInfoDown ; us <- newUniqSupply ; state <- getState ; let compile us branch = (us2, doFCode branch info_down branch_state) where (us1,us2) = splitUniqSupply us branch_state = (initCgState us1) { cgs_binds = cgs_binds state , cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg state } (_us, results) = mapAccumL compile us branch_fcodes (branch_results, branch_out_states) = unzip results ; setState $ foldl stateIncUsage state branch_out_states -- NB foldl. state is the *left* argument to stateIncUsage ; return branch_results } -- collect the code emitted by an FCode computation getCodeR :: FCode a -> FCode (a, CmmAGraph) getCodeR fcode = do { state1 <- getState ; (a, state2) <- withState fcode (state1 { cgs_stmts = mkNop }) ; setState $ state2 { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts state1 } ; return (a, cgs_stmts state2) } getCode :: FCode a -> FCode CmmAGraph getCode fcode = do { (_,stmts) <- getCodeR fcode; return stmts } -- | Generate code into a fresh tick (sub-)scope and gather generated code getCodeScoped :: FCode a -> FCode (a, CmmAGraphScoped) getCodeScoped fcode = do { state1 <- getState ; ((a, tscope), state2) <- tickScope $ flip withState state1 { cgs_stmts = mkNop } $ do { a <- fcode ; scp <- getTickScope ; return (a, scp) } ; setState $ state2 { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts state1 } ; return (a, (cgs_stmts state2, tscope)) } -- 'getHeapUsage' applies a function to the amount of heap that it uses. -- It initialises the heap usage to zeros, and passes on an unchanged -- heap usage. -- -- It is usually a prelude to performing a GC check, so everything must -- be in a tidy and consistent state. -- -- Note the slightly subtle fixed point behaviour needed here getHeapUsage :: (VirtualHpOffset -> FCode a) -> FCode a getHeapUsage fcode = do { info_down <- getInfoDown ; state <- getState ; let fstate_in = state { cgs_hp_usg = initHpUsage } (r, fstate_out) = doFCode (fcode hp_hw) info_down fstate_in hp_hw = heapHWM (cgs_hp_usg fstate_out) -- Loop here! ; setState $ fstate_out { cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg state } ; return r } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Combinators for emitting code emitCgStmt :: CgStmt -> FCode () emitCgStmt stmt = do { state <- getState ; setState $ state { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts state `snocOL` stmt } } emitLabel :: BlockId -> FCode () emitLabel id = do tscope <- getTickScope emitCgStmt (CgLabel id tscope) emitComment :: FastString -> FCode () #if 0 /* def DEBUG */ emitComment s = emitCgStmt (CgStmt (CmmComment s)) #else emitComment _ = return () #endif emitTick :: CmmTickish -> FCode () emitTick = emitCgStmt . CgStmt . CmmTick emitUnwind :: GlobalReg -> CmmExpr -> FCode () emitUnwind g e = do dflags <- getDynFlags when (debugLevel dflags > 0) $ emitCgStmt $ CgStmt $ CmmUnwind g e emitAssign :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> FCode () emitAssign l r = emitCgStmt (CgStmt (CmmAssign l r)) emitStore :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode () emitStore l r = emitCgStmt (CgStmt (CmmStore l r)) newLabelC :: FCode BlockId newLabelC = do { u <- newUnique ; return $ mkBlockId u } emit :: CmmAGraph -> FCode () emit ag = do { state <- getState ; setState $ state { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts state MkGraph.<*> ag } } emitDecl :: CmmDecl -> FCode () emitDecl decl = do { state <- getState ; setState $ state { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state `snocOL` decl } } emitOutOfLine :: BlockId -> CmmAGraphScoped -> FCode () emitOutOfLine l (stmts, tscope) = emitCgStmt (CgFork l stmts tscope) emitProcWithStackFrame :: Convention -- entry convention -> Maybe CmmInfoTable -- info table? -> CLabel -- label for the proc -> [CmmFormal] -- stack frame -> [CmmFormal] -- arguments -> CmmAGraphScoped -- code -> Bool -- do stack layout? -> FCode () emitProcWithStackFrame _conv mb_info lbl _stk_args [] blocks False = do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; emitProc_ mb_info lbl [] blocks (widthInBytes (wordWidth dflags)) False } emitProcWithStackFrame conv mb_info lbl stk_args args (graph, tscope) True -- do layout = do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; let (offset, live, entry) = mkCallEntry dflags conv args stk_args graph' = entry MkGraph.<*> graph ; emitProc_ mb_info lbl live (graph', tscope) offset True } emitProcWithStackFrame _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic "emitProcWithStackFrame" emitProcWithConvention :: Convention -> Maybe CmmInfoTable -> CLabel -> [CmmFormal] -> CmmAGraphScoped -> FCode () emitProcWithConvention conv mb_info lbl args blocks = emitProcWithStackFrame conv mb_info lbl [] args blocks True emitProc :: Maybe CmmInfoTable -> CLabel -> [GlobalReg] -> CmmAGraphScoped -> Int -> FCode () emitProc mb_info lbl live blocks offset = emitProc_ mb_info lbl live blocks offset True emitProc_ :: Maybe CmmInfoTable -> CLabel -> [GlobalReg] -> CmmAGraphScoped -> Int -> Bool -> FCode () emitProc_ mb_info lbl live blocks offset do_layout = do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; l <- newLabelC ; let blks = labelAGraph l blocks infos | Just info <- mb_info = mapSingleton (g_entry blks) info | otherwise = mapEmpty sinfo = StackInfo { arg_space = offset , updfr_space = Just (initUpdFrameOff dflags) , do_layout = do_layout } tinfo = TopInfo { info_tbls = infos , stack_info=sinfo} proc_block = CmmProc tinfo lbl live blks ; state <- getState ; setState $ state { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state `snocOL` proc_block } } getCmm :: FCode () -> FCode CmmGroup -- Get all the CmmTops (there should be no stmts) -- Return a single Cmm which may be split from other Cmms by -- object splitting (at a later stage) getCmm code = do { state1 <- getState ; ((), state2) <- withState code (state1 { cgs_tops = nilOL }) ; setState $ state2 { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state1 } ; return (fromOL (cgs_tops state2)) } mkCmmIfThenElse :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph -> FCode CmmAGraph mkCmmIfThenElse e tbranch fbranch = do tscp <- getTickScope endif <- newLabelC tid <- newLabelC fid <- newLabelC return $ catAGraphs [ mkCbranch e tid fid Nothing , mkLabel tid tscp, tbranch, mkBranch endif , mkLabel fid tscp, fbranch, mkLabel endif tscp ] mkCmmIfGoto :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> FCode CmmAGraph mkCmmIfGoto e tid = do endif <- newLabelC tscp <- getTickScope return $ catAGraphs [ mkCbranch e tid endif Nothing, mkLabel endif tscp ] mkCmmIfThen :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> FCode CmmAGraph mkCmmIfThen e tbranch = do endif <- newLabelC tid <- newLabelC tscp <- getTickScope return $ catAGraphs [ mkCbranch e tid endif Nothing , mkLabel tid tscp, tbranch, mkLabel endif tscp ] mkCall :: CmmExpr -> (Convention, Convention) -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual] -> UpdFrameOffset -> [CmmActual] -> FCode CmmAGraph mkCall f (callConv, retConv) results actuals updfr_off extra_stack = do dflags <- getDynFlags k <- newLabelC tscp <- getTickScope let area = Young k (off, _, copyin) = copyInOflow dflags retConv area results [] copyout = mkCallReturnsTo dflags f callConv actuals k off updfr_off extra_stack return $ catAGraphs [copyout, mkLabel k tscp, copyin] mkCmmCall :: CmmExpr -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmActual] -> UpdFrameOffset -> FCode CmmAGraph mkCmmCall f results actuals updfr_off = mkCall f (NativeDirectCall, NativeReturn) results actuals updfr_off [] -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- turn CmmAGraph into CmmGraph, for making a new proc. aGraphToGraph :: CmmAGraphScoped -> FCode CmmGraph aGraphToGraph stmts = do { l <- newLabelC ; return (labelAGraph l stmts) }
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-} module Tinfoil.Data.Hash( Hash(..) , HashFunction(..) , parseHashFunction , renderHash , renderHashFunction ) where import Control.DeepSeq.Generics (genericRnf) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import P import Tinfoil.Encode -- | Binary representation of a hash. newtype Hash = Hash { unHash :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance NFData Hash where rnf = genericRnf renderHash :: Hash -> Text renderHash = hexEncode . unHash -- | Cryptographic hash function designator. data HashFunction = SHA256 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Enum, Bounded) instance NFData HashFunction where rnf = genericRnf renderHashFunction :: HashFunction -> Text renderHashFunction SHA256 = "SHA256" parseHashFunction :: Text -> Maybe' HashFunction parseHashFunction "SHA256" = Just' SHA256 parseHashFunction _ = Nothing'
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module GUI (gui) where import Control.Monad import Graphics.UI.WX (Prop(..)) import ListUtils (sortOn) import Parser (CostCentre(..), CostCentreData(..), TimeAlloc(..)) import TextUtils (showText) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Graphics.UI.WX as WX import qualified Graphics.UI.WXCore as WXC treeAppendText :: WXC.TreeCtrl a -> WXC.TreeItem -> String -> IO WXC.TreeItem treeAppendText tree node text = WXC.treeCtrlAppendItem tree node text (-1) (-1) WX.objectNull addCostCentres :: WXC.TreeCtrl a -> WXC.TreeItem -> [CostCentre] -> IO () addCostCentres tree node ccs = forM_ (sortOn (negate . timePercent . ccInherited . ccData) ccs) $ \cc -> do let cd = ccData cc text = Text.unwords [ Text.concat [ccModule cd, ".", ccName cd] , showText (timePercent (ccInherited cd)) , Text.concat ["(", showText (timePercent (ccIndividual cd)), ")"] ] item <- treeAppendText tree node $ Text.unpack text addCostCentres tree item $ ccChildren cc gui :: [CostCentre] -> IO () gui costCentres = do f <- WX.frame [WX.text := "Profile analyzer"] tree <- WX.treeCtrl f [] -- [WX.color := WX.rgb 255 255 255, WX.bgcolor := WX.rgb 0 0 0] root <- WXC.treeCtrlAddRoot tree "Cost centres" (-1) (-1) WX.objectNull addCostCentres tree root costCentres WXC.treeCtrlExpand tree root return ()
#!/usr/bin/env runstaskell import System.IO.Temp import System.FilePath main :: IO () main = withSystemTempDirectory "runstaskell-test" $ \ dir -> do writeFile (dir </> "foo") "03-success" putStrLn =<< readFile (dir </> "foo")
module Matterhorn.Events.PostListOverlay where import Prelude () import Matterhorn.Prelude import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty import Matterhorn.Types import Matterhorn.Events.Keybindings import Matterhorn.State.PostListOverlay onEventPostListOverlay :: Vty.Event -> MH () onEventPostListOverlay = void . handleKeyboardEvent postListOverlayKeybindings (const $ return ()) -- | The keybindings we want to use while viewing a post list overlay postListOverlayKeybindings :: KeyConfig -> KeyHandlerMap postListOverlayKeybindings = mkKeybindings postListOverlayKeyHandlers postListOverlayKeyHandlers :: [KeyEventHandler] postListOverlayKeyHandlers = [ mkKb CancelEvent "Exit post browsing" exitPostListMode , mkKb SelectUpEvent "Select the previous message" postListSelectUp , mkKb SelectDownEvent "Select the next message" postListSelectDown , mkKb FlagMessageEvent "Toggle the selected message flag" postListUnflagSelected , mkKb ActivateListItemEvent "Jump to and select current message" postListJumpToCurrent ]
module Data.Origami.Internal.TestFiles.Param where data ParamTy a b c d = ParamTy type ParamTySyn a b c d = ParamTy a a a a data PT = PT (ParamTy String String String String) data PTS = PTS (ParamTySyn String Char Bool ())
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-methods #-} -- | 'JSChan' provides the same functionality and -- concurrency abstraction in Javascript computations -- as 'Control.Concurrent.Chan' in Haskell. module Language.Sunroof.JS.Chan ( JSChan , newChan , writeChan, readChan ) where import Data.Boolean ( IfB(..), EqB(..), BooleanOf ) import Language.Sunroof.Classes import Language.Sunroof.Types import Language.Sunroof.Concurrent ( forkJS ) import Language.Sunroof.Selector ( (!) ) import Language.Sunroof.JS.Bool import Language.Sunroof.JS.Object ( JSObject ) import Language.Sunroof.JS.Array ( JSArray , newArray, length' , push, shift ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- JSChan Type -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'JSChan' abstraction. The type parameter gives -- the type of values held in the channel. newtype JSChan a = JSChan JSObject instance (SunroofArgument o) => Show (JSChan o) where show (JSChan o) = show o instance (SunroofArgument o) => Sunroof (JSChan o) where unbox (JSChan o) = unbox o box o = JSChan (box o) instance (SunroofArgument o) => IfB (JSChan o) where ifB = jsIfB type instance BooleanOf (JSChan o) = JSBool instance (SunroofArgument o) => JSTuple (JSChan o) where type Internals (JSChan o) = ( (JSArray (JSContinuation (JSContinuation o))) -- callbacks of written data , (JSArray (JSContinuation o)) -- callbacks of waiting readers ) match o = (o ! attr "written", o ! attr "waiting") tuple (written,waiting) = do o <- new "Object" () o # attr "written" := written o # attr "waiting" := waiting return (JSChan o) -- | Reference equality, not value equality. instance (SunroofArgument o) => EqB (JSChan o) where (JSChan a) ==* (JSChan b) = a ==* b -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- JSChan Combinators -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create a new empty 'JSChan'. newChan :: (SunroofArgument a) => JS t (JSChan a) newChan = do written <- newArray () waiting <- newArray () tuple (written, waiting) -- | Put a value into the channel. This will never block. writeChan :: forall t a . (SunroofThread t, SunroofArgument a) => a -> JSChan a -> JS t () writeChan a (match -> (written,waiting)) = do ifB ((waiting ! length') ==* 0) (do f <- continuation $ \ (k :: JSContinuation a) -> goto k a :: JSB () _ <- written # push (f :: JSContinuation (JSContinuation a)) return () ) (do f <- shift waiting forkJS (goto f a :: JSB ()) ) -- | Take a value out of the channel. If there is no value -- inside, this will block until one is available. readChan :: forall a . (SunroofArgument a) => JSChan a -> JS 'B a readChan (match -> (written,waiting)) = do ifB ((written ! length') ==* 0) (do -- Add yourself to the 'waiting for writer' Q. callcc $ \ k -> do _ <- waiting # push (k :: JSContinuation a) done ) (do f <- shift written -- Here, we add our continuation into the written Q. callcc $ \ k -> goto f k )
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Sys.ExitCode( ExitCode , _ExitFailure , _ExitSuccess , exitFailure , exitSuccess , exitFailureP , exitSuccessP , exitCode , unExitCode ) where import Control.Lens(Prism', prism', (#)) import Data.Int(Int) import Data.Maybe(Maybe(Nothing, Just)) import Data.NotZero(NotZero, notZero, notZeroElse, notZero1) import Data.NotZeroOr(Number, NotZeroOr(IsNotZero, OrNotZero), _IsNotZero, _OrNotZero) import qualified System.Exit as Exit type ExitCode = Number Int _ExitFailure :: Prism' ExitCode (NotZero Int) _ExitFailure = _IsNotZero _ExitSuccess :: Prism' ExitCode () _ExitSuccess = _OrNotZero exitFailure :: NotZero Int -> ExitCode exitFailure = (_ExitFailure #) exitSuccess :: ExitCode exitSuccess = _ExitSuccess # () exitFailureP :: Prism' Exit.ExitCode Int exitFailureP = prism' Exit.ExitFailure (\x -> case x of Exit.ExitFailure y -> Just y Exit.ExitSuccess -> Nothing) exitSuccessP :: Prism' Exit.ExitCode () exitSuccessP = prism' (\() -> Exit.ExitSuccess) (\x -> case x of Exit.ExitFailure _ -> Nothing Exit.ExitSuccess -> Just ()) exitCode :: ExitCode -> Exit.ExitCode exitCode (IsNotZero a) = Exit.ExitFailure (notZero # a) exitCode (OrNotZero ()) = Exit.ExitSuccess unExitCode :: Exit.ExitCode -> ExitCode unExitCode (Exit.ExitSuccess) = exitSuccess unExitCode (Exit.ExitFailure 0) = exitSuccess unExitCode (Exit.ExitFailure n) = exitFailure (notZeroElse notZero1 n)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-| Module: Control.Remote.Monad.JSON.Debug where Copyright: (C) 2015, The University of Kansas License: BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer: Justin Dawson Stability: Alpha Portability: GHC -} module Control.Remote.Monad.JSON.Trace where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Natural import Control.Remote.Monad.JSON.Router (Call (..)) import Control.Remote.Monad.JSON.Types import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8) -- | A tracing natural transformation morphism over the Session API. traceSendAPI :: MonadIO m => String -> (SendAPI :~> m) -> (SendAPI :~> m) traceSendAPI msg f = wrapNT $ \ case (Sync v) -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ "--> " ++ LT.unpack (decodeUtf8 (encode v)) r <- f # (Sync v) liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ "<-- " ++ LT.unpack (decodeUtf8 (encode r)) return r (Async v) -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ "--> " ++ LT.unpack (decodeUtf8 (encode v)) () <- f # (Async v) liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ "// No response" return () -- | A tracing natural transformation morphism over the Receive API. traceReceiveAPI :: MonadIO m => String -> (ReceiveAPI :~> m) -> (ReceiveAPI :~> m) traceReceiveAPI msg f = wrapNT $ \ (Receive v) -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ "--> " ++ LT.unpack (decodeUtf8 (encode v)) r <- f # (Receive v) case r of Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ "// No response" Just _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ "<-- " ++ LT.unpack (decodeUtf8 (encode r)) return r -- | A tracing natural transformation morphism over the Call API. traceCallAPI :: MonadIO m => String -> (Call :~> m) -> (Call :~> m) traceCallAPI msg f = wrapNT $ \ case p@(CallMethod nm args) -> do let method = Method nm args :: Prim Value liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ " method " ++ show method r <- f # p liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ " return " ++ LT.unpack (decodeUtf8 (encode r)) return r p@(CallNotification nm args) -> do let n = Notification nm args liftIO $ putStrLn $ msg ++ " notification " ++ show n f # p
-- | -- The modified Shunting-Yard algorithm. The modifications allow function -- application by juxtaposition (without any paren around the arguments) -- and distfix operators. For a normal usage, it should be enough -- to import only 'Text.Syntactical', not directly this module. -- Note: The parser allows applying a number to another, -- e.g. 1 2. Maybe this could be turned into an option. -- The proper way to forbid such 'number application' is -- to use some type-checking. If 1 2 should be disallowed, -- 1 (2 + 3) or 1 a should be disallowed too. The 'apply' -- function seems a good place to implement such restriction. module Text.Syntactical.Yard ( Shunt(..), Failure(..), Rule(..), initial, isDone, shunt, step, steps, showFailure ) where import Data.List (intersperse) import Text.Syntactical.Data ( SExpr(..), Tree(..), Hole(..), Part(..), Table, Priority(..), begin, end, leftOpen, rightOpen, rightHole, discard, applicator, applicator', continue, original, priority, arity, symbol, next, current, findBoth, findBegin, FindBegin(..), FindBoth(..), Ambiguity(..), Token, toString, operator, showPart, showSExpr, showTree ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data structures to support the shunting-yard algorithm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- An applicator is a non-operator (i.e. a symbol or a list) applied -- to some arguments. When such a symbol is read, it is placed on the -- operator stack. If there is already such a symbol on the stack, it -- goes straight to the output stack (this is the Argument case). data Rule a = Initial | Argument -- straight to the output stack | Application -- apply an applicator | ApplyOp -- apply an operator | StackApp -- push an applicator to the stack | StackL -- push the first part of a closed or prefix operator | StackOp -- push a new operator part to the stack | ContinueOp -- append an operator part to the operator -- at the top of the stack | MatchedR -- handle the last part of a closed operator | SExpr -- build an s-expression | Done (Result a) deriving (Show, Eq) isInitial :: Rule a -> Bool isInitial Initial = True isInitial _ = False stackedOp :: Rule a -> Bool stackedOp StackL = True stackedOp StackOp = True stackedOp ContinueOp = True stackedOp _ = False data Result a = Success -- everything is successfuly parsed | Failure (Failure a) deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The different failure cases the 'shunt' function can return. -- The 'showFailure' function can be used to give them a textual -- representation. data Failure a = MissingBefore [[a]] a -- ^ missing parts before part | MissingAfter [a] [a] -- ^ missing parts after parts | CantMix (Part a) (Part a) -- ^ can't mix two operators | MissingSubBetween a a -- ^ missing sub-expression between parts | MissingSubBefore a -- ^ missing sub-expression before string | MissingSubAfter a -- ^ missing sub-expression after string | Ambiguity Ambiguity -- ^ a part is used ambiguously in multiple operators | Unexpected -- ^ this is a bug if it happens deriving (Eq, Show) failure :: Failure a -> Rule a failure f = Done $ Failure f -- The state of the shunting-yard. The input and output types are the same. -- The operator stack can hold parts in addition to the atoms and lists. -- This imply conversions (using s2t and t2s) that would be avoided by -- using the Tree type for the input and the output. But ruling out the -- invalid input and output (those containing parts) seems better. data Shunt a = S [SExpr a] -- list of tokens (Nodes can be pushed back.) [Tree a] -- stack of operators and applicators [[SExpr a]] -- stack of stacks (Rule a) isDone :: Shunt a -> Bool isDone (S _ _ _ (Done _)) = True isDone _ = False -- Set the rule of a Shunt structure. rule :: Shunt a -> Rule a -> Shunt a rule (S tt st oo _) = S tt st oo -- Construct the initial state of the shunting-yard from a given input list. initial :: [SExpr a] -> Shunt a initial ts = S ts [] [[]] Initial ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The modified shunting-yard algorithm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse a list of s-expressions according to an operator table. -- Usually the s-expressions will be the result of applying 'Atom' -- to each token. shunt :: Token a => Table a -> [SExpr a] -> Either (Failure a) (SExpr a) shunt table ts = case fix $ initial ts of S [] [] [[o']] (Done Success) -> Right o' S _ _ _ (Done (Failure f)) -> Left f _ -> error "can't happen" -- the Success case has only the previous form. where fix s = let s' = step table s in if isDone s' then s' else fix s' -- Perfom one step of the shunting-yard, moving it from one state to the next. step :: Token a => Table a -> Shunt a -> Shunt a -- There is a complete Closed or Postifx operator on the top of the stack. step _ (S tt (s@(Part y):ss) oo@(os:oss) _) | end y && not (rightOpen y) = if discard y then let (o:os') = os in S (o:tt) ss (os':oss) MatchedR else let ((o:os'):oss') = apply s oo in S (o:tt) ss (os':oss') MatchedR -- An applicator is on the input stack. step table (S (t:ts) st@(s:_) oo@(os:oss) _) | applicator table t = case s of Part y | rightHole y == Just SExpression -> S ts st ((t:os):oss) SExpr | otherwise -> S ts (s2t t:st) ([]:oo) StackApp Leaf _ -> S ts st ((t:os):oss) Argument Branch _ -> S ts st ((t:os):oss) Argument -- An operator part is on the input stack and an applicator is on -- the stack. step table (S tt@(Atom x:ts) st@(s:ss) oo _) | applicator' table s = case findBoth table x st of BBegin pt1 | not (leftOpen pt1) && rightHole pt1 == Just SExpression -> S ts (Part pt1:st) ([]:oo) StackL | not (leftOpen pt1) -> S ts (Part pt1:st) oo StackL _ -> S tt ss (apply s oo) Application -- An operator part is on the input stack and on the stack. step table sh@(S tt@(t@(Atom x):ts) st@(s@(Part y):ss) oo@(os:oss) ru) = case findBoth table x st of BContinue pt1 -> go pt1 BBegin pt1 -> go pt1 BMissingBegin ps -> rule sh (failure $ ps `MissingBefore` x) BNothing -> error "can't happen" -- x is in the table for sure BAmbiguous amb -> rule sh (failure $ Ambiguity amb) where go pt1 | rightHole y == Just SExpression && pt1 `continue` y && stackedOp ru = let ([]:h:oss') = oo in S ts (Part pt1:ss) ((List []:h):oss') ContinueOp | rightHole y == Just SExpression && pt1 `continue` y = let os':h:oss' = oo ap = List (reverse os') in S ts (Part pt1:ss) ((ap:h):oss') ContinueOp | rightHole pt1 == Just Distfix && rightHole y == Just SExpression = S ts (Part pt1:st) oo StackL | rightHole pt1 == Just SExpression = S ts (Part pt1:st) ([]:oo) StackL | rightHole y == Just SExpression = S ts st ((t:os):oss) SExpr | rightOpen y && leftOpen pt1 && stackedOp ru = rule sh (failure $ symbol y `MissingSubBetween` x) | pt1 `continue` y = S ts (Part pt1:ss) oo ContinueOp | not (leftOpen pt1) && begin pt1 = S ts (Part pt1:st) oo StackL | otherwise = case pt1 `priority` y of Lower -> S tt ss (apply s oo) ApplyOp Higher -> S ts (Part pt1:st) oo StackOp NoPriority -> rule sh (failure $ CantMix pt1 y) -- No more tokens on the input stack, just have to flush -- the remaining applicators and/or operators. step _ sh@(S [] (s:ss) oo ru) = case s of Leaf _ -> S [] ss (apply s oo) Application Branch _ -> S [] ss (apply s oo) Application Part y | end y && rightOpen y && stackedOp ru -> rule sh (failure $ MissingSubAfter $ symbol y) -- The infix or prefix operator has all its parts. -- The postfix/closed is handled in the first equation. | end y -> S [] ss (apply s oo) ApplyOp | otherwise -> -- The operator is not complete. rule sh (failure $ next y `MissingAfter` current y) -- The applicator/operator stack is empty. step table sh@(S (t:ts) [] oo ru) = case t of List _ -> S ts [s2t t] ([]:oo) StackApp Atom x -> case findBegin table x of NoBegin -> S ts [s2t t] ([]:oo) StackApp -- x is the first sub-op, and the stack is empty Begin pt1 -> go pt1 MissingBegin xs -> rule sh (failure $ xs `MissingBefore` x) AmbiguousBegin amb -> rule sh (failure $ Ambiguity amb) where go pt1 | leftOpen pt1 && isInitial ru = rule sh (failure $ MissingSubBefore $ symbol pt1) | leftOpen pt1 = S ts [Part pt1] oo StackOp | rightHole pt1 == Just SExpression = S ts [Part pt1] ([]:oo) StackL | otherwise = S ts [Part pt1] oo StackL -- Everything is done and fine. step _ sh@(S [] [] [[_]] _) = rule sh $ Done Success -- This equation should never be reached; otherwise it is a bug. step _ sh = rule sh (failure Unexpected) -- Construct a new output stack by applying an operator, -- a symbol, or a list to the top of the output stack. apply :: Token a => Tree a -> [[SExpr a]] -> [[SExpr a]] apply (Part y) (os:oss) | end y = if length l /= nargs then error "can't happen" -- holes are always filled by one expression else (operator (original y) (reverse l) : r) : oss where nargs = arity y (l,r) = splitAt nargs os apply (Leaf x) (os:h:oss) = (ap:h):oss where ap = if null os then Atom x else List (Atom x:reverse os) apply (Branch xs) (os:h:oss) = (ap:h):oss where ap = if null os then List (map t2s xs) else List (List (map t2s xs):reverse os) apply _ _ = error "can't happen" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Visualize the sunting-yard algorithm steps ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Similar to the 'shunt' function but print the steps -- performed by the modified shunting yard algorithm. -- This function is useful to understand (and debug) the -- modified shunting-yard algorithm. steps :: Token a => Table a -> [SExpr a] -> IO () steps table ts = do putStrLn " Input Stack Output Rule" let sh = iterate (step table) $ initial ts l = length $ takeWhile (not . isDone) sh mapM_ (putStrLn . showShunt) (take (l + 1) sh) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Convenience functions used in step and apply ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Convert a SExpr to a Tree s2t :: SExpr a -> Tree a s2t (Atom x) = Leaf x s2t (List xs) = Branch $ map s2t xs -- Convert a Tree to a SExpr (partial function) t2s :: Tree a -> SExpr a t2s (Leaf x) = Atom x t2s (Branch xs) = List $ map t2s xs -- The 'operator' function is used in this case t2s (Part _) = error "can't convert a Tree Part to a SExpr" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A few 'show' functions for Failure, Rule, and Shunt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Give a textual representation of a 'Failure'. showFailure :: Token a => Failure a -> String showFailure f = case f of MissingBefore ps p -> "Parse error: missing operator parts " ++ concatMap (unwords . map toString) ps ++ " before " ++ toString p MissingAfter p ps -> "Parse error: missing operator part " ++ concat (intersperse ", " $ map toString p) ++ " after " ++ unwords (map toString ps) CantMix a b -> "Parse error: cannot mix operators " ++ showPart a ++ " and " ++ showPart b MissingSubBetween a b -> "Parse error: no sub-expression between " ++ toString a ++ " and " ++ toString b MissingSubBefore a -> "Parse error: no sub-expression before " ++ toString a MissingSubAfter a -> "Parse error: no sub-expression after " ++ toString a Ambiguity _ -> "Parse error: the symbol is an ambiguous part" Unexpected -> "Parsing raised a bug" showRule :: Token a => Rule a -> String showRule ru = case ru of Initial -> "Initial" Argument -> "Argument" Application -> "Application" StackApp -> "StackApp" ApplyOp -> "ApplyOp" StackL -> "StackL" StackOp -> "StackOp" ContinueOp -> "ContinueOp" MatchedR -> "MatchedR" SExpr -> "SExpr" Done result -> case result of Success -> "Success" Failure f -> "Failure:\n" ++ showFailure f showShunt :: Token a => Shunt a -> String showShunt (S ts ss os ru) = pad 20 ts ++ pad' 20 ss ++ pads 20 os ++ " " ++ showRule ru bracket :: [String] -> String bracket s = "[" ++ (concat . intersperse ",") s ++ "]" pad' :: Token a => Int -> [Tree a] -> String pad' n s = let s' = bracket . map showTree $ s in replicate (n - length s') ' ' ++ s' pad :: Token a => Int -> [SExpr a] -> String pad n s = let s' = bracket . map showSExpr $ s in replicate (n - length s') ' ' ++ s' pads :: Token a => Int -> [[SExpr a]] -> String pads n s = let s' = bracket . map (bracket . map showSExpr) $ s in replicate (n - length s') ' ' ++ s'
module Main where import Test.Tasty ( TestTree , defaultIngredients , defaultMainWithIngredients , testGroup ) import Test.Tasty.Ingredients ( Ingredient) import Test.Tasty.Runners.AntXML ( antXMLRunner ) ingredients :: [Ingredient] ingredients = antXMLRunner : defaultIngredients main :: IO () main = do defaultMainWithIngredients ingredients tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [ ]
module Main (main) where import D6Lib import System.Environment (getArgs) main :: IO () main = do file <- head <$> getArgs fileLines <- lines <$> readFile file let msg = fixMessage fileLines putStrLn $ "message: " ++ msg let msg' = fixModMessage fileLines putStrLn $ "message using modified rep code: " ++ msg'
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Backend.Canvas.CmdLine main = mainWith ((square 200 # fc blue <> circle 300) # lw thick # fc red # frame 10 :: Diagram Canvas R2)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Web.Slack import Web.Slack.Message import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Control.Applicative import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import System.Environment import Data.Foldable import Network.Wreq import Control.Lens import Data.Aeson.Lens import Reply myConfig :: String -> SlackConfig myConfig apiToken = SlackConfig { _slackApiToken = apiToken -- Specify your API token here } main :: IO () main = do apiToken <- fromMaybe (error "SLACK_API_TOKEN not set") <$> lookupEnv "SLACK_API_TOKEN" args <- getArgs scripts <- mapM getLines args let opts = defaults & param "token" .~ [T.pack apiToken] r <- getWith opts "" let generalId' = r ^? responseBody . key "channels" . values . filtered (\c -> c ^. key "name" . _String == "general") . key "id" . _String generalId = maybe (error "#general not found") id generalId' bot = filterBot (\i -> view getId i /= generalId) $ textBot (reply scripts) runBot (myConfig apiToken) bot () reply :: [Script] -> Text -> Maybe Text reply scripts query = asum . map (getReply query) $ scripts textBot :: (Text -> Maybe Text) -> SlackBot () textBot f (Message cid _ msg _ _ _) | (Just response) <- f msg = sendMessage cid response textBot _ _ = return () -- | A bot middleware that filters channels based on the ChannelId filterBot :: (ChannelId -> Bool) -> SlackBot a -> SlackBot a filterBot f _ (Message cid _ _ _ _ _) | not (f cid) = return () filterBot _ b m = b m
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Bandits.Backend.HRR where import Bandits.Experiment.Instructions import Bandits.Experiment.MultiarmedBandit import Bandits.Experiment.Types import Control.Monad.Free import Data.Convertible import Data.Functor.Sum import Database.HDBC.Query.TH import qualified Database.HDBC.Record.Insert as Insert import qualified Database.HDBC.Record.Query as Query import Database.HDBC.Record.Statement import Database.HDBC.Record.TH import qualified Database.HDBC.Record.Update as Update import Database.HDBC.SqlValue import Database.HDBC.Types (IConnection) import Database.Record import Database.Record.Persistable import Database.Relational.Query import GHC.Generics import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.CamelCase -- We need some specific instances for HDBC. -- as we don't want to leak HDBC in our core logic -- we define orphan instances here. As we have -- Multiparamtypeclasses here we cannot use -- standalonederiving. instance Convertible SqlValue Variation where safeConvert s = MkVariation <$> safeConvert s instance Convertible Variation SqlValue where safeConvert (MkVariation s) = safeConvert s $(derivePersistableInstanceFromValue [t| Variation |]) deriving instance PersistableWidth Variation deriving instance ShowConstantTermsSQL Variation instance Convertible SqlValue ExperimentId where safeConvert s = MkExperimentId <$> safeConvert s instance Convertible ExperimentId SqlValue where safeConvert (MkExperimentId s) = safeConvert s $(derivePersistableInstanceFromValue [t| ExperimentId |]) deriving instance PersistableWidth ExperimentId deriving instance ShowConstantTermsSQL ExperimentId instance Convertible SqlValue UserId where safeConvert s = MkUserId <$> safeConvert s instance Convertible UserId SqlValue where safeConvert (MkUserId s) = safeConvert s $(derivePersistableInstanceFromValue [t| UserId |]) deriving instance PersistableWidth UserId deriving instance ShowConstantTermsSQL UserId instance Convertible SqlValue Reward where safeConvert s = MkReward <$> safeConvert s instance Convertible Reward SqlValue where safeConvert (MkReward s) = safeConvert s $(derivePersistableInstanceFromValue [t| Reward |]) deriving instance PersistableWidth Reward deriving instance ShowConstantTermsSQL Reward instance Convertible SqlValue BanditType where safeConvert s = read <$> safeConvert s instance Convertible BanditType SqlValue where safeConvert = safeConvert . show instance FromSql SqlValue BanditType where recordFromSql = valueFromSql instance ToSql SqlValue BanditType where recordToSql = valueToSql instance PersistableWidth BanditType where persistableWidth = unsafeValueWidth -- Table definition for relational record. $(defineTableDefault defaultConfig -- schema name "bandits" -- table name "assignment" -- columns [ ("as_experiment_id", [t| ExperimentId |]) , ("as_user_id", [t| UserId |]) , ("as_variation", [t| Variation |]) , ("as_reward", [t| Reward |]) ] -- derivings [toConName "Eq", toConName "Show", toConName "Generic"] -- primary key columns [0, 1] -- not null column? Nothing ) -- | Hides the presence of the HDBC connection. type RunHRRBackend a = forall c. IConnection c => c -> IO a runExperiment1 :: Free (Sum ExpInstr BanditInstr) a -> RunHRRBackend a runExperiment1 m conn = iterM run m where run :: Sum ExpInstr BanditInstr (IO a) -> IO a run (InL (LookupAssignment eid uid k)) = do undefined run (InL (NewAssignment eid uid k)) = do arm <- runExperiment1 (mkBandit undefined) conn k arm run (InL (NewReward eid uid rew k)) = do undefined run (InR (RandomProbability k)) = do undefined run (InR (RandomArm k)) = do undefined run (InR (ChooseArm i k)) = do undefined run (InR (Scan f n k)) = do undefined run (InR (Collect f k)) = do undefined -- | Runs an experiment in the Free monad constructor. runExperiment :: Free ExpInstr a -> RunHRRBackend a runExperiment m conn = iterM run m where run :: ExpInstr (IO a) -> IO a run (LookupAssignment eid uid k) = do a <- queryAssignment eid uid conn k a run (NewAssignment eid uid k) = do insertAssignment' eid uid undefined conn k undefined run (NewReward eid uid rew k) = do updateReward eid uid rew conn k -- | Queries the database queryAssignment :: ExperimentId -> UserId -> RunHRRBackend (Maybe Variation) queryAssignment eid uid conn = do ps <- Query.prepare conn selectAssignment es <- execute (bind ps (eid, uid)) ma <- Query.fetchUnique' es return $ asVariation <$> ma updateReward :: ExperimentId -> UserId -> Reward -> RunHRRBackend () updateReward eid uid rew conn = do ps <- Update.prepareUpdate conn upd _ <- Update.runPreparedUpdate ps () return () where upd = typedUpdate tableOfAssignment . updateTarget $ \proj -> do asReward' <-# value rew wheres $ proj ! asExperimentId' .=. value eid wheres $ proj ! asUserId' .=. value uid wheres $ proj ! asReward' .=. value (MkReward 0.0) insertAssignment' :: ExperimentId -> UserId -> Variation -> RunHRRBackend () insertAssignment' eid uid var conn = do ps <- Insert.prepareInsert conn insertAssignment _ <- Insert.runPreparedInsert ps Assignment { asExperimentId = eid , asUserId = uid , asVariation = var , asReward = MkReward 0.0 } return ()
module HandleHelperMUnitTests (handleHelperMUnitTests) where import Prelude () import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.HandleHelperM import UnitTestHelpers handleHelperMUnitTests :: TestTree handleHelperMUnitTests = testGroup "handleHelperMUnitTests" [ testCase "partyAfterLeader" $ do -- You've got to fight for your right to party! let testFunc = partyAfterLeader testActorId partyInMonad <- executorCli testFunc testCliStateWithItem let party = fst partyInMonad party @?= [] ]
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, QuasiQuotes, FlexibleContexts, CPP #-} -- | Macros allow users to access more advanced functionality from within Markdown syntax. There are two types -- of macros, block and inline, which allow substitution of 'Block' and 'Inline' data, respectively. Macros -- are called in a very similar fashion to shell programs: the argument string is split on whitespace. The -- first word is the name of the macro, and the remaining words are the arguments. Option-parsing libraries -- may be useful for interpreting the arguments. -- -- Note: using 'blockMacros' and 'inlineMacros' at the same time with the same magic string and can lead to behavior -- that depends on the order in which they are called, if any of the macro names are the same for block and inline -- macros. However, if none of the macro names are the same, unrecognized macro names will be ignored by the pass -- that doesn't recognize them, leaving them available to be recognized by the other pass. module Yesod.Markdown.Macros where import Text.Pandoc import Safe import Yesod import Control.Applicative import Data.Map ( Map ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as U -- | Convert block-level macros. Block-level macros are signalled by a first-level header containing a piece of -- inline code starting with a client-specified magic string. For example, if the magic string is @??@, a macro -- can be called by -- -- > #`??MACRO_NAME MACRO_ARGS` -- -- where @MACRO_NAME@ is the identifying name of the macro and @MACRO_ARGS@ is a space-separated list of arguments. blockMacros :: Yesod master => String -- ^ Magic string to introduce the macro -> Map String ([String] -> GHandler sub master Block) -- ^ Lookup table from macro names to macro functions -> Pandoc -> GHandler sub master Pandoc blockMacros magic table p = processWithM blockMacros' p where blockMacros' (Header 1 [Code (splitAt (length magic) -> (magic',words -> ((flip Map.lookup table -> Just f):xs)))]) | magic == magic' = f xs blockMacros' b = return b -- | Convert block-level macros. Inline-level macros are signalled by a piece of inline code starting with a -- client-specified magic string. For example, if the magic string is @??@, a macro can be called by -- -- > `??MACRO_NAME MACRO_ARGS` -- -- where @MACRO_NAME@ is the identifying name of the macro and @MACRO_ARGS@ is a space-separated list of arguments. inlineMacros :: Yesod master => String -- ^ Magic string to introduce the macro -> Map String ([String] -> GHandler sub master [Inline]) -- ^ Lookup table from macro names to macro functions -> Pandoc -> GHandler sub master Pandoc inlineMacros magic table p = processWithM (fmap concat . mapM inlineMacros') p where inlineMacros' (Code (splitAt (length magic) -> (magic',words -> ((flip Map.lookup table -> Just f):xs)))) | magic == magic' = f xs inlineMacros' b = return [b] -- | Convert a 'Hamlet' value to a 'Block'. hamletToBlock :: Hamlet (Route master) -> GHandler sub master Block hamletToBlock x = RawHtml . U.toString . renderHtml . x <$> getUrlRenderParams -- | Convert a 'Hamlet' value to an 'Inline'. hamletToInline :: Hamlet (Route master) -> GHandler sub master Inline hamletToInline x = HtmlInline . U.toString . renderHtml . x <$> getUrlRenderParams -- | Read in localRoute :: Read (Route master) => [String] -> GHandler sub master Inline localRoute = maybe (return (Str "")) f . readMay . unwords where f = hamletToInline . (\x -> #if GHC7 [hamlet| #else [$hamlet| #endif @x@|])
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, PatternGuards, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-} module Data.VectorNode( Elem(..), Breadth, Size, Sized(..), Node, empty, singleton, splitR, splitL, force, cons, snoc, breadth, head, tail, init, last, append, null, (!), foldl', reverse, fromList, toList, adjust, take, drop, replicate ) where import Prelude hiding (head, tail, init, last, take, drop, null, reverse, replicate) import Data.Foldable(Foldable(..)) import Data.Traversable(Traversable(..)) import qualified Data.Vector as V -- Breadth describes the width of a tree node. type Breadth = Int -- Size describes the count of items held in or beneath a node. type Size = Int data Node a = Node {-# UNPACK #-} !Size {-# UNPACK #-} !(V.Vector a) deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Size class. Defined here because we need to specialize sizeN, -- and use size while constructing nodes from nodes. class Sized a where size :: a -> Size sizeN :: Node a -> Size sizeN (Node _ n) = V.foldl' (\s a -> s + size a) 0 n -- For a while we weren't using Sized here, but were passing a size -- function instead. But local dictionary specialization ought to -- apply if we use the type class, making that far more efficient -- after inlining. newtype Elem a = Elem { unElem :: a } deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) instance Show a => Show (Elem a) where showsPrec p (Elem e) = showsPrec p e -- Don't show the wrappers. instance Sized (Elem a) where size _ = 1 sizeN (Node _ n) = V.length n instance Sized (Node a) where size (Node s _) = s ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Node manipulation. empty :: Node a empty = Node 0 V.empty singleton :: Elem a -> Node (Elem a) singleton = Node 1 . V.singleton -- Compute size of node the hard way, by summing element sizes. {-# SPECIALIZE node :: V.Vector (Node a) -> Node (Node a) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE node :: V.Vector (Elem a) -> Node (Elem a) #-} node :: (Sized a) => V.Vector a -> Node a node n = Node (sizeN r) n where r = Node (-1) n -- Symmetric 0-copy split splitNode :: V.Vector a -> Breadth -> (V.Vector a, V.Vector a) splitNode n b = (V.take b n, V.drop b n) -- Split for R, counting from left, copying left {-# SPECIALIZE splitR :: Node (Node a) -> Breadth -> (Node (Node a), Node (Node a)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE splitR :: Node (Elem a) -> Breadth -> (Node (Elem a), Node (Elem a)) #-} splitR :: (Sized a) => Node a -> Breadth -> (Node a, Node a) splitR (Node s n) b = case splitNode n b of (d, r) -> (node (V.force d), node r) -- Split for L, counting from right, copying right {-# SPECIALIZE splitL :: Node (Elem a) -> Breadth -> (Node (Elem a), Node (Elem a)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE splitL :: Node (Node a) -> Breadth -> (Node (Node a), Node (Node a)) #-} splitL :: (Sized a) => Node a -> Breadth -> (Node a, Node a) splitL (Node s n) b = case splitNode n (V.length n - b) of (l, d) -> (node l, node (V.force d)) force :: Node a -> Node a force (Node s n) = Node s (V.force n) {-# SPECIALIZE cons :: (Elem a) -> Node (Elem a) -> Node (Elem a) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE cons :: (Node a) -> Node (Node a) -> Node (Node a) #-} cons :: (Sized a) => a -> Node a -> Node a cons a (Node s n) = Node (size a + s) (V.cons a n) {-# SPECIALIZE snoc :: Node (Elem a) -> (Elem a) -> Node (Elem a) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE snoc :: Node (Node a) -> (Node a) -> Node (Node a) #-} snoc :: (Sized a) => Node a -> a -> Node a snoc (Node s n) a = Node (size a + s) (V.snoc n a) breadth :: Node a -> Breadth breadth (Node _ n) = V.length n head :: Node a -> a head (Node _ n) = V.head n {-# SPECIALIZE tail :: Node (Elem a) -> Node (Elem a) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE tail :: Node (Node a) -> Node (Node a) #-} tail :: (Sized a) => Node a -> Node a tail (Node s n) = Node (s - size (V.head n)) (V.force (V.tail n)) last :: Node a -> a last (Node _ n) = V.last n {-# SPECIALIZE init :: Node (Elem a) -> Node (Elem a) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE init :: Node (Node a) -> Node (Node a) #-} init :: (Sized a) => Node a -> Node a init (Node s n) = Node (s - size (V.last n)) (V.force (V.init n)) append :: Node a -> Node a -> Node a append (Node s1 n1) (Node s2 n2) = Node (s1+s2) (n1 V.++ n2) null :: Node a -> Bool null (Node s _) = s == 0 foldl' :: (r -> a -> r) -> r -> Node a -> r foldl' f z (Node _ n) = V.foldl' f z n reverse :: Node a -> Node a reverse (Node s n) = Node s (V.reverse n) {-# SPECIALIZE fromList :: [Elem a] -> Node (Elem a) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE fromList :: [Node a] -> Node (Node a) #-} fromList :: (Sized a) => [a] -> Node a fromList xs = node (V.fromList xs) toList :: Node a -> [a] toList (Node _ v) = V.toList v {-# INLINE adjust #-} -- Note that lack of Sized constraint forces this to be a -- size-preserving adjustment. adjust :: (a -> a) -> Breadth -> Node a -> Node a adjust f i (Node s v) = Node s (v V.// [(i, f (v V.! i))]) {-# INLINE (!) #-} (!) :: Node a -> Breadth -> a (!) (Node s n) i = n V.! i -- take without a Sized constraint (caller adjusts the size) take :: Size -> Breadth -> Node a -> Node a take s i (Node _ v) = Node s (V.take i v) -- drop without a Sized constraint (caller adjusts the size) drop :: Size -> Breadth -> Node a -> Node a drop s i (Node _ v) = Node s (V.drop i v) -- replication replicate :: Size -> Breadth -> a -> Node a replicate s i a = Node s (V.replicate i a)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {- | These functions take only the NAME, not the whole path. -} module Node ( nodeNamed , fileNodeNamed , tagNodeNamed ) where import Data.Maybe (isJust) import System.Fuse (getFuseContext) import DB.Base import DB.Read (fileEntityNamed, tagEntityNamed) import Stat.Base (dirStat, contentsFileStat) import Types nodeNamed ∷ DB → String → IO (Maybe Node) nodeNamed db name = do maybeFile ← fileNodeNamed db name if isJust maybeFile then return maybeFile else tagNodeNamed db name fileNodeNamed ∷ DB → String → IO (Maybe Node) fileNodeNamed db name = fileEntityNamed db name >>= entityToNode tagNodeNamed ∷ DB → String → IO (Maybe Node) tagNodeNamed db name = tagEntityNamed db name >>= entityToNode ---------------- entityToNode ∷ Maybe Entity → IO (Maybe Node) entityToNode maybeEntity = do ctx ← getFuseContext case maybeEntity of Just (FileEntity _ (File _ contents)) → return $ Just $ FileNode (contentsFileStat ctx contents) contents Just (TagEntity _ (Tag _)) → return $ Just $ DirNode (dirStat ctx) Nothing → return Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings #-} module MediaSub.Sections.BackendGitAnnex --( AnnexSec, mkAnnexSec ) where import Prelude hiding (mapM_) import qualified Prelude as P import Utils import Control.Arrow (second) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.Maybe (isNothing) import Data.Monoid import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Conduit import Data.Conduit.Binary import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.List hiding (insert, delete) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import qualified System.FilePath as FP import System.Process import Database.Persist.Sql import MediaSub.Import hiding (mapM_) import MediaSub.Sections.Types import MediaSub.Browser browsableServerRender fps s = renderDefault (sArea s) fps browsableFetchElems = fetchElements browsableFetchPlain fps s = do (_fps, GAElem _ fp _) <- fetchFile (sArea s) (FP.joinPath fps) return $ sPath s FP.</> fp browsableFetchPlainR = fetchFiles melemToContent (GAElem isdir _fp _mdesc) = (if' isdir "directory" "file", []) searchableSearchT q s = return . flip ListMany (ListFlat (500, 1) Nothing) $ searchFor s q updateMedia sec = differenceSortedE snd (lift (dbSource sec $$ CL.consume) >>= CL.sourceList . sort) (sourceGitFiles $ sPath sec) $$ handler [] [] -- elements to delete, new elements where -- handler :: [FilePath] -> [(FPS, Html)] -> Sink UpdateTarget (HandlerT master IO) [(FPS, Html)] handler todel ra = await >>= maybe (lift (delete' todel) >> return ra) handleElement where handleElement (Left fp) = handler (todel ++ [fp]) ra handleElement (Right e) = do new_elem <- lift $ runDB $ case e of (False, path) -> do parent <- findParent path -- FIXME this check shouldn't be necessary! exists <- getBy $ UniqueFNode (sArea sec) path case exists of Nothing -> void $ insert $ FNode (sArea sec) (entityKey <$> parent) path Nothing Just _ -> return () pathToRecent path (True, path) -> do parent <- findParent path exists <- getBy $ UniqueDNode (sArea sec) path case exists of Nothing -> void $ insert $ DNode (sArea sec) (entityKey <$> parent) path Just _ -> return () pathToRecent path -- reached a directory => delete queue (does this work always?) lift $ delete' todel handler [] (new_elem : ra) findParent path = getBy $ UniqueDNode (sArea sec) (FP.takeDirectory path) delete' [] = return () delete' paths = runDB $ P.mapM_ delAll =<< selectList [DNodeArea ==. sArea sec, DNodePath <-. paths] [Desc DNodePath] delAll (Entity k _) = do deleteWhere [FNodeArea ==. sArea sec, FNodeParent ==. Just k] deleteWhere [DNodeArea ==. sArea sec, DNodeParent ==. Just k] delete k -- * Query fetchElements :: FPS -> AnnexSec -> ListViewConf -> MediaView MediaSub AnnexSec fetchElements fps s (ListFlat mpg _) = case fps of [] -> do (source, n) <- fetchRoot return $ ListMany source (ListFlat mpg $ Just n) _ -> runDB (getBy $ UniqueDNode (sArea s) path) >>= \md -> case md of Just dir -> do (source, n) <- fetchDirectory dir return $ ListMany source (ListFlat mpg $ Just n) Nothing -> liftM (ListSingle . snd) $ fetchFile (sArea s) path where path = FP.joinPath fps fetchRoot = pagingQuery (sArea s) mpg Nothing fetchDirectory = pagingQuery (sArea s) mpg . Just . entityKey fetchFile :: SectionId -> FilePath -> HandlerT MediaSub IO (FPS, MElem MediaSub AnnexSec) fetchFile area = liftM (((,) <$> FP.splitDirectories . fNodePath <*> toGAElem) . entityVal) . runDB . getBy404 . UniqueFNode area where toGAElem = GAElem <$> const False <*> fNodePath <*> fNodeDetails pagingQuery :: SectionId -> Paging -> Maybe (Key DNode) -> HandlerT MediaSub IO (Source (HandlerT MediaSub IO) (FPS, MElem MediaSub AnnexSec), Int) pagingQuery secid (limit, offset) mp = liftM ((,) getSource) countQuery where getSource = runDBSource . mapOutput toElem $ myquery myquery = rawQuery qstring $ toPersistValue secid : maybe [] (\x -> [toPersistValue x]) mp ++ [ toPersistValue limit, toPersistValue $ limit * offset ] qstring = T.unlines [ "SELECT isfile, path, details FROM (SELECT FALSE as isfile, area, path, parent, NULL as details FROM d_node" , "UNION SELECT TRUE as isfile, area, path, parent, details as details FROM f_node)" , "_ WHERE area = ? AND parent " <> if' (isNothing mp) "IS NULL" "= ?" , "ORDER BY isfile, path LIMIT ? OFFSET ?" ] countQuery = runDB $ liftM2 (+) ( count [FNodeArea ==. secid, FNodeParent ==. mp] ) ( count [DNodeArea ==. secid, DNodeParent ==. mp] ) fetchFiles :: FPS -> AnnexSec -> MediaSource MediaSub FilePath fetchFiles fps s = runDBSource . mapOutput toFilePath $ rawQuery qstring [ toPersistValue secid, toPersistValue secid, toPersistValue $ FP.joinPath fps ] where secid = sArea s qstring = "WITH RECURSIVE tr_nodes(id, parent, path) AS ( " <> "WITH nodes AS ( SELECT, d.parent, d.path FROM d_node d WHERE area = ? " <> "UNION SELECT NULL, f.parent, f.path FROM f_node f WHERE area = ? " <> ") SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE path = ? " <> "UNION ALL SELECT n.* FROM tr_nodes nr, nodes n WHERE n.parent = " <> ") SELECT path FROM tr_nodes WHERE id IS NULL ORDER BY path" searchFor :: AnnexSec -> Text -> Source (HandlerT MediaSub IO) (FPS, MElem MediaSub AnnexSec) searchFor sec qtext = runDBSource . mapOutput toElem $ rawQuery (query "") -- TODO limits [ toPersistValue (sArea sec) , toPersistValue $ ".*" <> qtext <> ".*" ] where query limits = T.unlines [ "SELECT isfile, path, details FROM (SELECT FALSE as isfile, path, area, NULL as details FROM d_node" , "UNION SELECT TRUE as isfile, path, area, details as details FROM f_node)" , "_ WHERE area = ? AND path ~* ? ORDER BY isfile, path" <> limits ] -- * Update type FWrap = (Bool, FilePath) -- ^ (Is dir?, relative path) type UpdateTarget = Either FilePath FWrap -- ^ Right delete_this, Left add_this pathToRecent :: Monad m => FilePath -> m (FPS, Html) pathToRecent path = return ( FP.splitDirectories path , toHtml . f $ FP.splitDirectories path ) where f [] = "(empty? this shouldn't be possible)" ++ path f xs = last xs
module CRF.Gradient ( computeGradient , applyGradient , Gradient ) where import CRF.Base import CRF.LogMath (logAdd) import CRF.Feature (featuresIn) import CRF.Model (Model, expectedFeaturesIn) import qualified CRF.Model.Internal as MI import qualified CRF.Data.MarkedArray as MA type Gradient = MA.MarkedArray computeGradient :: Model -> Double -> Gradient -> [Sent Int Int] -> IO Gradient computeGradient crf scale buffer part = let ns = concat $ map featuresIn part ens = concat $ map (expectedFeaturesIn crf) part followPtrs = map (\(feat, val) -> (MI.featToIx feat crf, val)) in do gradient <- MA.consumeWith logAdd (followPtrs ens) buffer >>= MA.mapArray (\v -> - exp v) >>= MA.consumeWith (+) (followPtrs ns) >>= MA.mapArray (* scale) return gradient applyGradient :: Gradient -> Model -> IO Model applyGradient grad crf = MA.elems grad >>= \xs -> MI.consumeWith (+) xs crf
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module App where import Yesod import Yesod.Paginator import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run) data App = App mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes| / RootR GET |] instance Yesod App where approot = ApprootRelative defaultLayout widget = do pc <- widgetToPageContent widget giveUrlRenderer [hamlet|$newline never $doctype 5 <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>#{pageTitle pc} <!-- steal boostrap --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> ^{pageHead pc} <body> ^{pageBody pc} |] getRootR :: Handler Html getRootR = do -- unneeded return here to match README things' <- return [1..1142] (things, widget) <- paginate 3 things' defaultLayout $ do setTitle "My title" [whamlet|$newline never <h1>Pagination <p>The things: <ul> $forall thing <- things <li>Thing #{show thing} <div .pagination> ^{widget} |] main :: IO () main = run 3000 =<< toWaiApp App
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-| Module : Control.Monad.Free.NonPure Copyright : (c) 2015 Maciej Piróg License : MIT Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental The @'NonPure'@ datatype behaves like a free monad with at least one layer of structure. It is not a @'Monad'@ (there is no way to define @'return'@) but it is a @'Bind'@. -} module Control.Monad.Free.NonPure ( NonPure(..), toNonPure, toFree, hoistNonPure, unfoldNonPure ) where import Prelude hiding (foldr) import Control.Monad.Free (Free(..), hoistFree) import qualified Control.Monad.Free as Free (unfold) import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..)) import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..)) import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply(..)) import Data.Functor.Bind (Bind(..)) -- | Type of \"free monads\" with at least one level of structure. newtype NonPure f a = NonPure { unNonPure :: f (Free f a) } deriving(Functor) instance (Functor f, Foldable f) => Foldable (NonPure f) where foldMap g f = foldMap g (toFree f) foldr g u f = foldr g u (toFree f) instance (Functor f, Traversable f) => Traversable (NonPure f) where sequenceA (NonPure f) = fmap NonPure $ traverse sequenceA f instance (Functor f) => Apply (NonPure f) where NonPure f <.> b = NonPure $ fmap (<.> toFree b) f instance (Functor f) => Bind (NonPure f) where NonPure f >>- h = NonPure $ fmap (>>= toFree . h) f -- | Transform @'Free'@ to @'NonPure'@. Succeeds only if the -- argument is indeed non-pure. toNonPure :: Free f a -> Maybe (NonPure f a) toNonPure (Pure a) = Nothing toNonPure (Free f) = Just $ NonPure f -- | Embedd @'NonPure'@ into @'Free'@. toFree :: NonPure f a -> Free f a toFree (NonPure f) = Free f -- | Lift a natural transformation to \"rename\" the nodes in the -- structure. hoistNonPure :: (Functor g) => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> NonPure f a -> NonPure g a hoistNonPure h (NonPure f) = NonPure $ fmap (hoistFree h) $ h f -- | Unfold a @'NonPure'@ from a seed @s@. unfoldNonPure :: (Functor f) => (s -> f (Either a s)) -> s -> NonPure f a unfoldNonPure h s = NonPure $ fmap (Free.unfold $ fmap h) $ h s
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, CPP #-} {- hpodder component Copyright (C) 2006-2007 John Goerzen <[email protected]> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- | Module : Types Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2007 John Goerzen License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John Goerzen <[email protected]> Stability : provisional Portability: portable Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\ -} module Types where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (mzero) import Data.ConfigFile import Data.Aeson import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.String.Utils (strip) import Data.Text (unpack) decode_json :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> a decode_json = either error id . eitherDecode {- | Removes potentially problematic or malicious stuff -} sanitize :: String -> String sanitize = strip . map sanitizer where sanitizer c | c `elem` "\n\r\0\t" = ' ' | otherwise = c {- | Twitter has an additional level of escaping for &lt; and &gt; only. Sigh. -} unEsc :: String -> String unEsc [] = [] unEsc x | "&lt;" `isPrefixOf` x = '<' : unEsc (drop 4 x) | "&gt;" `isPrefixOf` x = '>' : unEsc (drop 4 x) | otherwise = head x : unEsc (tail x) data Command = Command {cmdname :: String, cmddescrip :: String, execcmd :: [String] -> Maybe FilePath -> ConfigParser -> IO ()} data Message = Message { sId :: String, sSender :: String, sRecipient :: String, sText :: String, sDate :: String } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord) newtype TimelineMessage = TimelineMessage { fromTimeline :: Message } instance FromJSON TimelineMessage where parseJSON j = TimelineMessage <$> parseTimelineMessage j parseTimelineMessage (Object v) = Message <$> s v "id_str" <*> (v .: "user" >>= extractScreenName) <*> pure "" <*> retweetOrText v <*> s v "created_at" parseTimelineMessage _ = mzero newtype DirectMessage = DirectMessage { fromDM :: Message } instance FromJSON DirectMessage where parseJSON j = DirectMessage <$> parseDirectMessage j parseDirectMessage (Object v) = Message <$> s v "id_str" <*> s v "sender_screen_name" <*> s v "recipient_screen_name" <*> (unEsc <$> s v "text") <*> s v "created_at" parseDirectMessage _ = mzero extractScreenName (Object v) = s v "screen_name" extractScreenName _ = mzero retweetOrText v = unEsc <$> ((retweet v) <|> (unpack <$> v .: "text")) where retweet v = do rt <- v .: "retweeted_status" user <- rt .: "user" >>= extractScreenName text <- rt .: "text" return $ "RT @" ++ user ++ ": " ++ text s v name = sanitize <$> v .: name data UserList = UserList [ListedUser] (Maybe String) newtype ListedUser = ListedUser { fromListedUser :: (String, String) } instance FromJSON UserList where parseJSON (Object v) = UserList <$> v .: "users" <*> v .:? "next_cursor_str" parseJSON _ = mzero instance FromJSON ListedUser where parseJSON (Object v) = (ListedUser .) . (,) <$> v .: "screen_name" <*> v .: "id_str" parseJSON _ = mzero
{- | Module : $Header$ Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : portable Printer for N-triples -} module RDF.Print where import Common.AS_Annotation import Common.Doc hiding (sepBySemis, sepByCommas) import Common.DocUtils hiding (ppWithCommas) import OWL2.AS import OWL2.Print () import RDF.AS import RDF.Symbols import RDF.Sign import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Maybe (isNothing) sepBySemis :: [Doc] -> Doc sepBySemis = vcat . punctuate (text " ;") ppWithSemis :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc ppWithSemis = sepBySemis . map pretty sepByCommas :: [Doc] -> Doc sepByCommas = vcat . punctuate (text " ,") ppWithCommas :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc ppWithCommas = sepByCommas . map pretty instance Pretty Predicate where pretty = printPredicate printPredicate :: Predicate -> Doc printPredicate (Predicate iri) = pretty iri instance Pretty RDFLiteral where pretty lit = case lit of RDFLiteral b lexi ty -> text (if not b then '"' : lexi ++ "\"" else "\"\"\"" ++ lexi ++ "\"\"\"") <> case ty of Typed u -> keyword cTypeS <> pretty u Untyped tag -> if isNothing tag then empty else let Just tag2 = tag in text "@" <> text tag2 RDFNumberLit f -> text (show f) instance Pretty PredicateObjectList where pretty = printPredObjList printPredObjList :: PredicateObjectList -> Doc printPredObjList (PredicateObjectList p ol) = pretty p <+> ppWithCommas ol instance Pretty Subject where pretty = printSubject printSubject :: Subject -> Doc printSubject subj = case subj of Subject iri -> pretty iri SubjectList ls -> brackets $ ppWithSemis ls SubjectCollection c -> parens $ (hsep . map pretty) c instance Pretty Object where pretty = printObject printObject :: Object -> Doc printObject obj = case obj of Object s -> pretty s ObjectLiteral l -> pretty l instance Pretty Triples where pretty = printTriples printTriples :: Triples -> Doc printTriples (Triples s ls) = pretty s <+> ppWithSemis ls <+> dot instance Pretty Statement where pretty = printStatement printStatement :: Statement -> Doc printStatement s = case s of Statement t -> pretty t PrefixStatement (PrefixR p iri) -> text "@prefix" <+> pretty p <> colon <+> pretty iri <+> dot BaseStatement (Base iri) -> text "@base" <+> pretty iri <+> dot instance Pretty TurtleDocument where pretty = printDocument printDocument :: TurtleDocument -> Doc printDocument doc = (vcat . map pretty) (statements doc) printExpandedIRI :: IRI -> Doc printExpandedIRI iri = if iriType iri == NodeID then text $ showQU iri else text "<" <> text (expandedIRI iri) <> text ">" instance Pretty Term where pretty = printTerm printTerm :: Term -> Doc printTerm t = case t of SubjectTerm iri -> printExpandedIRI iri PredicateTerm iri -> printExpandedIRI iri ObjectTerm obj -> case obj of Right lit -> pretty lit Left iri -> printExpandedIRI iri instance Pretty Axiom where pretty = printAxiom printAxiom :: Axiom -> Doc printAxiom (Axiom sub pre obj) = pretty sub <+> pretty pre <+> pretty obj <+> text "." printAxioms :: [Axiom] -> Doc printAxioms = vcat . map pretty -- | RDF signature printing printRDFBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Axiom]) -> Doc printRDFBasicTheory (_, l) = vsep (map (pretty . sentence) l) instance Pretty Sign where pretty = printSign printNodes :: String -> Set.Set Term -> Doc printNodes s terms = text "#" <+> text s $+$ vcat (map ((text "#\t\t" <+>) . pretty) (Set.toList terms)) printSign :: Sign -> Doc printSign s = printNodes "subjects:" (subjects s) $+$ printNodes "predicates:" (predicates s) $+$ printNodes "objects:" (objects s) -- | Symbols printing instance Pretty RDFEntityType where pretty ety = text $ show ety instance Pretty RDFEntity where pretty (RDFEntity ty ent) = pretty ty <+> pretty ent instance Pretty SymbItems where pretty (SymbItems m us) = pretty m <+> ppWithCommas us instance Pretty SymbMapItems where pretty (SymbMapItems m us) = pretty m <+> sepByCommas (map (\ (s, ms) -> sep [ pretty s , case ms of Nothing -> empty Just t -> mapsto <+> pretty t]) us) instance Pretty RawSymb where pretty rs = case rs of ASymbol e -> pretty e AnUri u -> pretty u
left `after` right = right ++ left
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.IAM.DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Deletes the password policy for the AWS account. -- -- /See:/ < AWS API Reference> for DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy. module Network.AWS.IAM.DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy ( -- * Creating a Request deleteAccountPasswordPolicy , DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy -- * Destructuring the Response , deleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse , DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse ) where import Network.AWS.IAM.Types import Network.AWS.IAM.Types.Product import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request import Network.AWS.Response -- | /See:/ 'deleteAccountPasswordPolicy' smart constructor. data DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy = DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy' deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- deleteAccountPasswordPolicy :: DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy deleteAccountPasswordPolicy = DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy' instance AWSRequest DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy where type Rs DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy = DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse request = postQuery iAM response = receiveNull DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse' instance ToHeaders DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy where toHeaders = const mempty instance ToPath DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy where toPath = const "/" instance ToQuery DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy where toQuery = const (mconcat ["Action" =: ("DeleteAccountPasswordPolicy" :: ByteString), "Version" =: ("2010-05-08" :: ByteString)]) -- | /See:/ 'deleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse' smart constructor. data DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse = DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse' deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- deleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse :: DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse deleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse = DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyResponse'
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-} {- | Defines the prisoner's dilemma, stag hunt, and a suite of strategies. From GHCi, try some of the following. >>> nash pd >>> pareto pd >>> paretoNash pd >>> paretoNash stag >>> execGame pd [tft, pavlov] (times 10 >> printTranscripts >> printScore) >>> axelrod [fink, tft, grim', pavlov, preserver] -} module Hagl.Examples.Prisoner where import Control.Monad.State import Prelude hiding (last, print) import Hagl -- -- * Game representations -- -- | A move indicating whether to cooperate or not. data Cooperation = C -- ^ Cooperate | D -- ^ Defect deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | A dilemma game is a normal form game about cooperating or defecting. type Dilemma = Normal Cooperation -- | The classic prisoner's dilemma. pd :: Dilemma pd = symmetric [C,D] [2,0,3,1] -- | The stag hunt. Similar to the prisoner's dilemma except mutual -- cooperation is both a Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimal, and is -- therefore stable. stag :: Dilemma stag = symmetric [C,D] [3,0,2,1] -- -- * Players -- -- -- ** Simple strategies -- | Always defects. fink :: Player Dilemma fink = "Fink" ::: pure D -- | Always cooperates. mum :: Player Dilemma mum = "Mum" ::: pure C -- | Alternates between cooperation and defection. alt :: Player Dilemma alt = "Alternator" ::: periodic [C,D] -- | Alternates between defection and cooperation. dc :: Player Dilemma dc = "(DC)*" ::: periodic [D,C] -- | Defects every third round. ccd :: Player Dilemma ccd = "(CCD)*" ::: periodic [C,C,D] -- | Defects randomly with a probability of 1/6. rr :: Player Dilemma rr = "Russian Roulette" ::: mixed [(5,C), (1,D)] -- | Plays randomly, cooperates or defects with equal probability. randy :: DiscreteGame g => Player g randy = "Randy" ::: randomly -- -- ** More sophisticated/complex strategies -- | The famous Tit-for-Tat. Cooperates initially, then plays the last -- move played by its opponent. tft :: Player Dilemma tft = "Tit for Tat" ::: play C `atFirstThen` his (lastGame's onlyMove) -- | The same strategy as 'alt', implemented using state. alt' :: Player Dilemma alt' = Player "Stately Alternator" C $ do m <- get put $ if m == C then D else C return m -- | Cooperates every third round, implemented using state. mod3 :: Player Dilemma mod3 = Player "Mod3 Cooperator" 0 $ do i <- get put (i+1) return $ if i `mod` 3 == 0 then C else D -- | Suspicious Tit-for-Tat. Like Tit-for-Tat but defect on first move. suspicious :: Player Dilemma suspicious = "Suspicious Tit-for-Tat" ::: play D `atFirstThen` his (lastGame's onlyMove) -- | A variant of Tit-for-Tat that only defects after two defects in a row. titForTwoTats :: Player Dilemma titForTwoTats = "Tit-for-Two-Tats" ::: [play C, play C] `thereafter` do ms <- his `each` lastNGames' 2 onlyMove return $ if ms == [D, D] then D else C -- | The Grim Trigger. Cooperates until the opponent defects, then defects -- forever. grim :: Player Dilemma grim = "Grim Trigger" ::: do ms <- his `each` completedGames' onlyMove play (if D `elem` ms then D else C) -- | The Grim Trigger, implemented using state. Much faster than 'grim', since -- it doesn't examine every previous game iteration. grim' :: Player Dilemma grim' = Player "Stately Grim" False $ play C `atFirstThen` do m <- her (lastGame's onlyMove) triggered <- update (|| m == D) play (if triggered then D else C) -- | If last move resulted in a "big" payoff, do it again, otherwise switch. pavlov :: Player Dilemma pavlov = "Pavlov" ::: randomly `atFirstThen` do p <- my (lastGame's payoffs) m <- my (lastGame's onlyMove) return $ if p > 1 then m else if m == C then D else C -- | Picks randomly until it has a lead, then preserves it by repeatedly -- defecting. preserver :: Player Dilemma preserver = "Preserver" ::: randomly `atFirstThen` do me <- my score he <- his score if me > he then return D else randomly -- -- * Experiments -- -- | Run a tournament similar to Robert Axelrod's famous study. axelrod :: [Player Dilemma] -> IO () axelrod ps = roundRobin pd 2 ps (times 200) >>= printResults
module All where import FP () import MAAM () import Lang.LamIf () import Lang.Hask ()
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures, NamedWildcards #-} module GenNamed where bar :: _a -> _a bar x = not x
import Data.List import Data.Function main :: IO () main = do let input = replicate 1000000 'c' ++ "defghi" print $ trampoline $ snd $ break (== 'd') input
-- | -- Module : Crypto.MAC.HMAC -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- Provide the HMAC (Hash based Message Authentification Code) base algorithm. -- <> -- {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Crypto.MAC.HMAC ( hmac , hmacLazy , HMAC(..) -- * Incremental , Context(..) , initialize , update , updates , finalize ) where import Crypto.Hash hiding (Context) import qualified Crypto.Hash as Hash (Context) import Crypto.Hash.IO import Crypto.Internal.ByteArray (ScrubbedBytes, ByteArrayAccess) import qualified Crypto.Internal.ByteArray as B import Data.Memory.PtrMethods import Crypto.Internal.Compat import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L -- | Represent an HMAC that is a phantom type with the hash used to produce the mac. -- -- The Eq instance is constant time. No Show instance is provided, to avoid -- printing by mistake. newtype HMAC a = HMAC { hmacGetDigest :: Digest a } deriving (ByteArrayAccess) instance Eq (HMAC a) where (HMAC b1) == (HMAC b2) = B.constEq b1 b2 -- | Compute a MAC using the supplied hashing function hmac :: (ByteArrayAccess key, ByteArrayAccess message, HashAlgorithm a) => key -- ^ Secret key -> message -- ^ Message to MAC -> HMAC a hmac secret msg = finalize $ updates (initialize secret) [msg] -- | Compute a MAC using the supplied hashing function, for a lazy input hmacLazy :: (ByteArrayAccess key, HashAlgorithm a) => key -- ^ Secret key -> L.ByteString -- ^ Message to MAC -> HMAC a hmacLazy secret msg = finalize $ updates (initialize secret) (L.toChunks msg) -- | Represent an ongoing HMAC state, that can be appended with 'update' -- and finalize to an HMAC with 'hmacFinalize' data Context hashalg = Context !(Hash.Context hashalg) !(Hash.Context hashalg) -- | Initialize a new incremental HMAC context initialize :: (ByteArrayAccess key, HashAlgorithm a) => key -- ^ Secret key -> Context a initialize secret = unsafeDoIO (doHashAlg undefined) where doHashAlg :: HashAlgorithm a => a -> IO (Context a) doHashAlg alg = do !withKey <- case B.length secret `compare` blockSize of EQ -> return $ B.withByteArray secret LT -> do key <- B.alloc blockSize $ \k -> do memSet k 0 blockSize B.withByteArray secret $ \s -> memCopy k s (B.length secret) return $ B.withByteArray (key :: ScrubbedBytes) GT -> do -- hash the secret key ctx <- hashMutableInitWith alg hashMutableUpdate ctx secret digest <- hashMutableFinalize ctx hashMutableReset ctx -- pad it if necessary if digestSize < blockSize then do key <- B.alloc blockSize $ \k -> do memSet k 0 blockSize B.withByteArray digest $ \s -> memCopy k s (B.length digest) return $ B.withByteArray (key :: ScrubbedBytes) else return $ B.withByteArray digest (inner, outer) <- withKey $ \keyPtr -> (,) <$> B.alloc blockSize (\p -> memXorWith p 0x36 keyPtr blockSize) <*> B.alloc blockSize (\p -> memXorWith p 0x5c keyPtr blockSize) return $ Context (hashUpdates initCtx [outer :: ScrubbedBytes]) (hashUpdates initCtx [inner :: ScrubbedBytes]) where blockSize = hashBlockSize alg digestSize = hashDigestSize alg initCtx = hashInitWith alg {-# NOINLINE initialize #-} -- | Incrementally update a HMAC context update :: (ByteArrayAccess message, HashAlgorithm a) => Context a -- ^ Current HMAC context -> message -- ^ Message to append to the MAC -> Context a -- ^ Updated HMAC context update (Context octx ictx) msg = Context octx (hashUpdate ictx msg) -- | Increamentally update a HMAC context with multiple inputs updates :: (ByteArrayAccess message, HashAlgorithm a) => Context a -- ^ Current HMAC context -> [message] -- ^ Messages to append to the MAC -> Context a -- ^ Updated HMAC context updates (Context octx ictx) msgs = Context octx (hashUpdates ictx msgs) -- | Finalize a HMAC context and return the HMAC. finalize :: HashAlgorithm a => Context a -> HMAC a finalize (Context octx ictx) = HMAC $ hashFinalize $ hashUpdates octx [hashFinalize ictx]
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleInstances, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-} -- | -- Module : Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty.Print -- Copyright : [2008..2011] Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Sean Lee -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Manuel M T Chakravarty <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty.Print ( -- * Pretty printing functions PrettyAcc, prettyPreAcc, prettyAcc, prettyPreExp, prettyExp, prettyPreAfun, prettyAfun, prettyPreFun, prettyFun, noParens ) where -- standard libraries import Text.PrettyPrint import Prelude hiding (exp) -- friends import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar import Data.Array.Accelerate.Tuple import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type -- Pretty printing -- --------------- -- The type of pretty printing functions for array computations. -- type PrettyAcc acc = forall aenv t. Int -> (Doc -> Doc) -> acc aenv t -> Doc -- Pretty print an array expression -- prettyAcc :: PrettyAcc OpenAcc prettyAcc alvl wrap (OpenAcc acc) = prettyPreAcc prettyAcc alvl wrap acc prettyPreAcc :: PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> (Doc -> Doc) -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv a -> Doc prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Let acc1 acc2) = wrap $ sep [ hang (text "let a" <> int alvl <+> char '=') 2 $ pp alvl noParens acc1 , text "in" <+> pp (alvl + 1) noParens acc2 ] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Let2 acc1 acc2) = wrap $ sep [ hang (text "let (a" <> int alvl <> text ", a" <> int (alvl + 1) <> char ')' <+> char '=') 2 $ pp alvl noParens acc1 , text "in" <+> pp (alvl + 2) noParens acc2 ] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (PairArrays acc1 acc2) = wrap $ sep [pp alvl parens acc1, pp alvl parens acc2] prettyPreAcc _ alvl _ (Avar idx) = text $ 'a' : show (alvl - idxToInt idx - 1) prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Apply afun acc) = wrap $ sep [parens (prettyPreAfun pp alvl afun), pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Acond e acc1 acc2) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "cond" [prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e, pp alvl parens acc1, pp alvl parens acc2] prettyPreAcc _ _ wrap (Use arr) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "use" [prettyArray arr] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Unit e) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "unit" [prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Generate sh f) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "generate" [prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens sh, parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f)] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Reshape sh acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "reshape" [prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens sh, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Replicate _ty ix acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "replicate" [prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl id ix, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Index _ty acc ix) = wrap $ sep [pp alvl parens acc, char '!', prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl id ix] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Map f acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "map" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (ZipWith f acc1 acc2) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "zipWith" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), pp alvl parens acc1, pp alvl parens acc2] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Fold f e acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "fold" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Fold1 f acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "fold1" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (FoldSeg f e acc1 acc2) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "foldSeg" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e, pp alvl parens acc1, pp alvl parens acc2] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Fold1Seg f acc1 acc2) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "fold1Seg" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), pp alvl parens acc1, pp alvl parens acc2] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Scanl f e acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "scanl" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Scanl' f e acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "scanl'" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Scanl1 f acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "scanl1" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Scanr f e acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "scanr" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Scanr' f e acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "scanr'" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens e, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Scanr1 f acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "scanr1" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Permute f dfts p acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "permute" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl f), pp alvl parens dfts, parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl p), pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Backpermute sh p acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "backpermute" [prettyPreExp pp 0 alvl parens sh, parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl p), pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Stencil sten bndy acc) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "stencil" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl sten), prettyBoundary acc bndy, pp alvl parens acc] prettyPreAcc pp alvl wrap (Stencil2 sten bndy1 acc1 bndy2 acc2) = wrap $ prettyArrOp "stencil2" [parens (prettyPreFun pp alvl sten), prettyBoundary acc1 bndy1, pp alvl parens acc1, prettyBoundary acc2 bndy2, pp alvl parens acc2] prettyBoundary :: forall acc aenv dim e. Elt e => {-dummy-}acc aenv (Array dim e) -> Boundary (EltRepr e) -> Doc prettyBoundary _ Clamp = text "Clamp" prettyBoundary _ Mirror = text "Mirror" prettyBoundary _ Wrap = text "Wrap" prettyBoundary _ (Constant e) = parens $ text "Constant" <+> text (show (toElt e :: e)) prettyArrOp :: String -> [Doc] -> Doc prettyArrOp name docs = hang (text name) 2 $ sep docs -- Pretty print a function over array computations. -- -- At the moment restricted to /closed/ functions. -- prettyAfun :: Int -> Afun fun -> Doc prettyAfun = prettyPreAfun prettyAcc prettyPreAfun :: forall acc fun. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> PreAfun acc fun -> Doc prettyPreAfun pp _alvl fun = let (n, bodyDoc) = count n fun in char '\\' <> hsep [text $ 'a' : show idx | idx <- [0..n]] <+> text "->" <+> bodyDoc where count :: Int -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv' fun' -> (Int, Doc) count lvl (Abody body) = (-1, pp (lvl + 1) noParens body) -- 'lvl+1' ok as functions is closed! count lvl (Alam fun') = let (n, body) = count lvl fun' in (1 + n, body) -- Pretty print a function over scalar expressions. -- prettyFun :: Int -> OpenFun env aenv fun -> Doc prettyFun = prettyPreFun prettyAcc prettyPreFun :: forall acc env aenv fun. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv fun -> Doc prettyPreFun pp alvl fun = let (n, bodyDoc) = count n fun in char '\\' <> hsep [text $ 'x' : show idx | idx <- [0..n]] <+> text "->" <+> bodyDoc where count :: Int -> PreOpenFun acc env' aenv' fun' -> (Int, Doc) count lvl (Body body) = (-1, prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl noParens body) count lvl (Lam fun') = let (n, body) = count lvl fun' in (1 + n, body) -- Pretty print an expression. -- -- * Apply the wrapping combinator (3rd argument) to any compound expressions. -- prettyExp :: Int -> Int -> (Doc -> Doc) -> OpenExp env aenv t -> Doc prettyExp = prettyPreExp prettyAcc prettyPreExp :: forall acc t env aenv. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> Int -> (Doc -> Doc) -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> Doc prettyPreExp _pp lvl _ _ (Var idx) = text $ 'x' : show (lvl - idxToInt idx) prettyPreExp _pp _ _ _ (Const v) = text $ show (toElt v :: t) prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl _ (Tuple tup) = prettyTuple pp lvl alvl tup prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl wrap (Prj idx e) = wrap $ prettyTupleIdx idx <+> prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens e prettyPreExp _pp _lvl _alvl wrap IndexNil = wrap $ text "index Z" prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl wrap (IndexCons t h) = wrap $ text "index" <+> parens (prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens t <+> text ":." <+> prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens h) prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl wrap (IndexHead ix) = wrap $ text "indexHead" <+> prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens ix prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl wrap (IndexTail ix) = wrap $ text "indexTail" <+> prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens ix prettyPreExp _ _ _ wrap (IndexAny) = wrap $ text "indexAny" prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl wrap (Cond c t e) = wrap $ sep [prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens c <+> char '?', parens (prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl noParens t <> comma <+> prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl noParens e)] prettyPreExp _pp _ _ _ (PrimConst a) = prettyConst a prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl wrap (PrimApp p a) = wrap $ prettyPrim p <+> prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens a prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl wrap (IndexScalar idx i) = wrap $ cat [pp alvl parens idx, char '!', prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl parens i] prettyPreExp pp _lvl alvl wrap (Shape idx) = wrap $ text "shape" <+> pp alvl parens idx prettyPreExp pp _lvl alvl wrap (Size idx) = wrap $ text "size" <+> pp alvl parens idx -- Pretty print nested pairs as a proper tuple. -- prettyTuple :: forall acc env aenv t. PrettyAcc acc -> Int -> Int -> Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) t -> Doc prettyTuple pp lvl alvl exp = parens $ sep (map (<> comma) (init es) ++ [last es]) where es = collect exp -- collect :: Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) t' -> [Doc] collect NilTup = [] collect (SnocTup tup e) = collect tup ++ [prettyPreExp pp lvl alvl noParens e] -- Pretty print an index for a tuple projection -- prettyTupleIdx :: TupleIdx t e -> Doc prettyTupleIdx = int . toInt where toInt :: TupleIdx t e -> Int toInt ZeroTupIdx = 0 toInt (SuccTupIdx tup) = toInt tup + 1 -- Pretty print a primitive constant -- prettyConst :: PrimConst a -> Doc prettyConst (PrimMinBound _) = text "minBound" prettyConst (PrimMaxBound _) = text "maxBound" prettyConst (PrimPi _) = text "pi" -- Pretty print a primitive operation -- prettyPrim :: PrimFun a -> Doc prettyPrim (PrimAdd _) = text "(+)" prettyPrim (PrimSub _) = text "(-)" prettyPrim (PrimMul _) = text "(*)" prettyPrim (PrimNeg _) = text "negate" prettyPrim (PrimAbs _) = text "abs" prettyPrim (PrimSig _) = text "signum" prettyPrim (PrimQuot _) = text "quot" prettyPrim (PrimRem _) = text "rem" prettyPrim (PrimIDiv _) = text "div" prettyPrim (PrimMod _) = text "mod" prettyPrim (PrimBAnd _) = text "(.&.)" prettyPrim (PrimBOr _) = text "(.|.)" prettyPrim (PrimBXor _) = text "xor" prettyPrim (PrimBNot _) = text "complement" prettyPrim (PrimBShiftL _) = text "shiftL" prettyPrim (PrimBShiftR _) = text "shiftR" prettyPrim (PrimBRotateL _) = text "rotateL" prettyPrim (PrimBRotateR _) = text "rotateR" prettyPrim (PrimFDiv _) = text "(/)" prettyPrim (PrimRecip _) = text "recip" prettyPrim (PrimSin _) = text "sin" prettyPrim (PrimCos _) = text "cos" prettyPrim (PrimTan _) = text "tan" prettyPrim (PrimAsin _) = text "asin" prettyPrim (PrimAcos _) = text "acos" prettyPrim (PrimAtan _) = text "atan" prettyPrim (PrimAsinh _) = text "asinh" prettyPrim (PrimAcosh _) = text "acosh" prettyPrim (PrimAtanh _) = text "atanh" prettyPrim (PrimExpFloating _) = text "exp" prettyPrim (PrimSqrt _) = text "sqrt" prettyPrim (PrimLog _) = text "log" prettyPrim (PrimFPow _) = text "(**)" prettyPrim (PrimLogBase _) = text "logBase" prettyPrim (PrimTruncate _ _) = text "truncate" prettyPrim (PrimRound _ _) = text "round" prettyPrim (PrimFloor _ _) = text "floor" prettyPrim (PrimCeiling _ _) = text "ceiling" prettyPrim (PrimAtan2 _) = text "atan2" prettyPrim (PrimLt _) = text "(<*)" prettyPrim (PrimGt _) = text "(>*)" prettyPrim (PrimLtEq _) = text "(<=*)" prettyPrim (PrimGtEq _) = text "(>=*)" prettyPrim (PrimEq _) = text "(==*)" prettyPrim (PrimNEq _) = text "(/=*)" prettyPrim (PrimMax _) = text "max" prettyPrim (PrimMin _) = text "min" prettyPrim PrimLAnd = text "&&*" prettyPrim PrimLOr = text "||*" prettyPrim PrimLNot = text "not" prettyPrim PrimOrd = text "ord" prettyPrim PrimChr = text "chr" prettyPrim PrimBoolToInt = text "boolToInt" prettyPrim (PrimFromIntegral _ _) = text "fromIntegral" {- -- Pretty print type -- prettyAnyType :: ScalarType a -> Doc prettyAnyType ty = text $ show ty -} prettyArray :: forall dim e. Array dim e -> Doc prettyArray arr@(Array sh _) = parens $ hang (text "Array") 2 $ sep [showDoc (toElt sh :: dim), dataDoc] where showDoc :: forall a. Show a => a -> Doc showDoc = text . show l = toList arr dataDoc | length l <= 1000 = showDoc l | otherwise = showDoc (take 1000 l) <+> text "{truncated at 1000 elements}" -- Auxiliary pretty printing combinators -- noParens :: Doc -> Doc noParens = id -- Auxiliary ops -- -- Auxiliary dictionary operations -- {- -- Show scalar values -- runScalarShow :: ScalarType a -> (a -> String) runScalarShow (NumScalarType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = show runScalarShow (NumScalarType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = show runScalarShow (NonNumScalarType ty) | NonNumDict <- nonNumDict ty = show -}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TemplateHaskell #-} module Distribution.Server.Framework.AuthTypes where import Distribution.Server.Framework.MemSize import Data.SafeCopy (base, deriveSafeCopy) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) -- | A plain, unhashed password. Careful what you do with them. -- newtype PasswdPlain = PasswdPlain String deriving Eq -- | A password hash. It actually contains the hash of the username, passowrd -- and realm. -- -- Hashed passwords are stored in the format -- @md5 (username ++ ":" ++ realm ++ ":" ++ password)@. This format enables -- us to use either the basic or digest HTTP authentication methods. -- newtype PasswdHash = PasswdHash String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, MemSize) newtype RealmName = RealmName String deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''PasswdPlain) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''PasswdHash)
module Nesting where {-| * We can * easily go back 1. some indentation * levels 1. @back at the top@ -} d :: t d = undefined {-| * Beginning of list * second list * Some indented list but the presence of this text pushes it out of nesting back to the top. -} e :: t e = undefined {-| * Beginning of list @ nested code we preserve the space correctly @ -} f :: t f = undefined {-| * Beginning of list * Nested list -} g :: t g = undefined {-| * Beginning of list > nested > bird > tracks -} h :: t h = undefined {-| * Beginning of list This belongs to the list above! > nested > bird > tracks > > another line > with indentation >nested bird tracks > without leading space * Next list More of the indented list. * Deeper * Deeper * Even deeper! * No newline separation even in indented lists. -} i :: t i = undefined {-| [All this] Works for definition lists too. > nested > bird > tracks * Next list with more of the indented list content. Even more content on a new line. 1. Different type of list (2) Deeper >>> Here's an example in a list example result [b] Even deeper! [c] No newline separation even in indented lists. We can have any paragraph level element that we normally can, like headers === Level 3 header with some content… * and even more lists inside -} j :: t j = undefined {-| - list may start at arbitrary depth - and consecutive items at that depth belong to the same list - of course we can still * nest items like we are used to - and then get back to initial list -} k :: t k = undefined
-- !!! Pattern binding must bind (not an error in standard Haskell) module M where x = let ['a'] = "a" in 'a'
module Parser where import Expense import StringUtils import Data.Char import Data.List import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP data ParseError = ParseError { line :: Int , col :: Int , snip :: String } instance Show ParseError where show (ParseError l c s) = format "Error at line {0}, column {1}: {2}" [show l, show c, s] parseSpaces :: ReadP () parseSpaces = do _ <- munch isSpace return () parseInt :: ReadP Double parseInt = do a <- munch1 isDigit return ((read a) :: Double) parseDouble :: ReadP Double parseDouble = do a <- munch1 isDigit b <- satisfy (== '.') c <- munch1 isDigit return $ read (a ++ [b] ++ c) getAmount :: ReadP Double getAmount = parseDouble <++ parseInt getDate :: ReadP (Integer, Int, Int) getDate = do y <- munch1 isDigit _ <- satisfy (== '-') m <- munch1 isDigit _ <- satisfy (== '-') d <- munch1 isDigit return (read y, read m, read d) parseTag :: Bool -> ReadP String parseTag True = munch1 (\c -> not $ (isSpace c || c == ',')) parseTag False = do _ <- satisfy (== ',') parseTag True getTags :: ReadP [String] getTags = do h <- parseTag True t <- many $ parseTag False return (h:t) getNote :: ReadP String getNote = do _ <- satisfy (== '"') n <- munch (/= '"') _ <- satisfy (== '"') return n getExpense :: ReadP Expense getExpense = do _ <- parseSpaces a <- getAmount _ <- parseSpaces d <- getDate _ <- parseSpaces t <- getTags _ <- parseSpaces n <- getNote _ <- parseSpaces return Expense { amountOf = a , dateOf = d , tagsOf = t , noteOf = n } parseExpenses :: ReadP [Expense] parseExpenses = many getExpense -- FIXME Extremely inefficient and messy, but good enough for now getExpenses :: String -> Either ParseError [Expense] getExpenses xs | null unparsed = Right res | otherwise = Left $ ParseError { line = l , col = c , snip = s } where (res, unparsed) = last $ readP_to_S parseExpenses $ xs parsed = take (length xs - length unparsed) xs parsedL = lines parsed lastParsedL = last parsedL l = length parsedL -- +2: 1 for starting line index at 1, 1 for next (unparsed) char c = length lastParsedL + 2 s = (take 10 lastParsedL) ++ "..." ++ (take n unparsed) ++ "..." where n = min 10 (case elemIndex '\n' unparsed of Nothing -> 10 Just x -> x)
import Control.Monad (liftM2) import Notes import Test.QuickCheck instance Arbitrary PitchClass where arbitrary = elements [C .. B] instance Arbitrary Note where arbitrary = liftM2 Note arbitrary arbitrary testInverse :: Note -> Semitone -> Bool testInverse (Note p o) x = transpose (transpose (Note p o) x) (-x) == (Note p o) main = quickCheck testInverse
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Chattp.Webapp.IPC where import Chattp.Webapp.Conf import Chattp.Webapp.Protocol import Chattp.Webapp.InternalCommunication import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Header import Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage import Chattp.WebappRequestMessage as Rq import Chattp.WebappResponseMessage as Rp import Control.Concurrent import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS import System.Directory import System.IO.Error import Network.Socket import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as NBS -- Thread code handling incoming messages -- This thread parses the messages before sending them to "center"; we will have several threads so there's no -- performance problem. socketIncoming :: Socket -> Chan CenterRequestOrResponse -> IO () socketIncoming sock chanToCenter = do (contents,_addr) <- NBS.recvFrom sock 16384 case parseAnswer (BS.fromStrict contents) of Right msg -> writeChan chanToCenter (BrokerCenterResponse msg) >> socketIncoming sock chanToCenter Left err -> putStrLn ("ERR : Discarded message because of: " ++ err) >> socketIncoming sock chanToCenter -- discard -- Thread code handling outgoing messages socketOutgoing :: WebappConfiguration -> Socket -> ChanInfo -> IO () socketOutgoing conf sock chans = do msg <- readChan (brokerRequestChan chans) let rawMessage = BS.toStrict . messagePut $ msg catchIOError (NBS.sendTo sock rawMessage (brokerSockAddr conf)) (errHandler (requestsAndResponsesToCenterChan chans) msg) socketOutgoing conf sock chans where errHandler :: Chan CenterRequestOrResponse -> WebappRequestMessage -> IOError -> IO Int -- if there is an error, an error message is sent back. errHandler bc msg _ = writeChan bc (BrokerCenterResponse $ defaultValue { Rp.type' = rqToRpType (Rq.type' msg), Rp.sequence_number = Rq.sequence_number msg, Rp.status = Just False, Rp.error_message = Just $ uFromString "Couldn't reach broker", Rp.error_code = Just $ fromIntegral 16 } ) >> return 0 -- Socket setup createWebappSocket :: WebappConfiguration -> IO Socket createWebappSocket conf | bindFamily conf == WAFamilyUnix = createUnixSocket conf | bindFamily conf == WAFamilyInet = createInetSocket conf createUnixSocket, createInetSocket :: WebappConfiguration -> IO Socket createUnixSocket conf = do sock <- socket AF_UNIX Datagram defaultProtocol catchIOError (removeFile (bindAddress conf)) (const $ return ()) bind sock (SockAddrUnix (bindAddress conf)) return sock createInetSocket conf = do addrinfos <- getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints {addrFlags = [], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Datagram }) ) (Just (bindAddress conf)) (Just (show $ bindPort conf)) if null addrinfos then fail "Couldn't obtain address information (getaddrinfo failed)" else do let ai = head addrinfos sock <- socket (addrFamily ai) Datagram defaultProtocol bind sock (addrAddress ai) return sock
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes #-} module Y2018.M04.D11.Exercise where {-- Like we've done before, we need to download packets of information (articles) and (eventually) store those articles, but also store the packet information that we used to download the articles see also: Y2017.M12.D20.Exercise. But this is different: the exercise from last year, the packet contained information about the packet, itself. This REST endpoint has no such packet information, so, we'll just store what we know about this packet: the count, the start and end article IDs and the time dowloaded. ... but we don't have to store the article ids, as those are all derived from the associated join table. We'll look at downloading a packet of articles in another exercise (spoiler: Y2018.M04.D12.Exercise), for today, given the below structures, upload the packet information to the PostgreSQL database. --} import Data.Aeson (Value) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow -- below imports available via 1HaskellADay git repository import Data.Time.Stamped import Store.SQL.Connection import Store.SQL.Util.Indexed type PageNumber = Int type Count = Int data Protec = Pro { page :: PageNumber, count :: Count, arts :: [Value] } deriving Show -- (I call it Protec for 'reasons' ... yes, I'm weird) instance ToRow Protec where toRow p = undefined protecStmt :: Query protecStmt = [sql|INSERT INTO package (time, page, count) VALUES (?, ?, ?) returning id|] insertProtec :: Connection -> Protec -> IO Index insertProtec conn prot = undefined -- Note, we want to insert a Stamped Protec at the time of insert, hint-hint protec :: Protec protec = Pro 1 100 [] -- insert the above value. What value do you get in return? -- we'll do article insertion from Protec values and article-packet join later
module Language.Plover.CLI (CompilerOpts(..), TargetFlag(..), hasOptFlag, compilerOpts, splitColon) where import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Exit import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Maybe import Data.List data CompilerOpts = CompilerOpts { inputFiles :: [String] , unitName :: Maybe String , hFilePrefix :: Maybe String , cFilePrefix :: Maybe String , libPrefix :: Maybe String , includePaths :: [String] , target :: TargetFlag , debugMode :: Bool , helpMode :: Bool , optMode :: OptFlags } deriving (Show) data TargetFlag = TargetParse | TargetConvert | TargetTypeCheck | TargetCodeGen | TargetDefault deriving (Show, Eq) type OptFlags = S.Set String defaultOptions :: CompilerOpts defaultOptions = CompilerOpts { inputFiles = [] , unitName = Nothing , hFilePrefix = Nothing , cFilePrefix = Nothing , libPrefix = Nothing , includePaths = ["."] , target = TargetDefault , debugMode = False , helpMode = False , optMode = defaultOptFlags } defaultOptFlags :: OptFlags defaultOptFlags = S.empty hasOptFlag :: String -> OptFlags -> Bool hasOptFlag name opts = name `S.member` opts optimizations :: [(String, String)] optimizations = [ ("test", "A placeholder optimization") ] optimizationClasses = [ ("all", map fst optimizations) ] showOptimizations :: String showOptimizations = unlines $ map showOpt optimizations where maxnamelength = maximum $ map (length . fst) optimizations showOpt (name, desc) = replicate (maxnamelength - length name) ' ' ++ name ++ " : " ++ desc showOptClasses :: String showOptClasses = "\n Optimization classes which can be passed to --opt:\n" ++ (unlines $ map showOptClass optimizationClasses) where maxnamelength = max 10 (maximum $ map (length . fst) optimizationClasses) showOptClass (name, opts) = replicate (maxnamelength - length name) ' ' ++ name ++ " : " ++ optlist opts optlist opts = prelines $ map (intercalate " ") $ intoFive opts prelines = intercalate ("\n " ++ replicate maxnamelength ' ') intoFive :: [a] -> [[a]] intoFive list | null list = [] | length list < 5 = [list] | otherwise = let (xs, ys) = splitAt 5 list in xs:(intoFive ys) options :: [OptDescr (CompilerOpts -> CompilerOpts)] options = [ Option ['o'] ["out"] (ReqArg unitName' "NAME") "Output unit NAME" , Option [] ["cdir"] (ReqArg cFilePrefix' "DIR") "Directory to place generated .c files" , Option [] ["hdir"] (ReqArg hFilePrefix' "DIR") "Directory to place generated .h files" , Option [] ["libprefix"] (ReqArg libPrefix' "STRING") "Library prefix to prefix includes with" , Option "I" [] (ReqArg includePaths' "DIRS") "List of module search paths" , Option ['t'] ["target"] (ReqArg target' "TARGET") ("Set target type:\n" ++ "\t parse : Parses the input file\n" ++ "\t convert : Converts the input file to core\n" ++ "\t typecheck : Typechecks the file\n" ++ "\t codegen : Outputs the generated C" ) , Option ['d'] ["debug"] (NoArg debug') "Enables debug mode" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg help') "Prints this usage information" , Option ['O'] ["opt"] (ReqArg optimize' "OPTIMIZATION") ("Enables optimizations:\n" ++ showOptimizations ++ "\nPrefixing an optimization with '-' disables it." ++ "\nall/none enables/disables ALL optimizations.") ] where unitName' s opts = opts { unitName = Just s } cFilePrefix' s opts = opts { cFilePrefix = Just s } hFilePrefix' s opts = opts { hFilePrefix = Just s } libPrefix' s opts = opts { libPrefix = Just s } includePaths' s opts = opts { includePaths = splitColon s ++ includePaths opts } target' t opts = opts { target = targetOpt t } debug' opts = opts { debugMode = True } help' opts = opts { helpMode = True } optimize' t opts = opts { optMode = foldl (flip id) (optMode opts) [optOpt p | p <- splitOn ',' t] } splitOn :: Char -> String -> [String] splitOn delim = foldr split' [""] where split' c l@(x:xs) | c == delim = []:l | otherwise = (c:x):xs targetOpt :: String -> TargetFlag targetOpt s = case s of "parse" -> TargetParse "convert" -> TargetConvert "typecheck" -> TargetTypeCheck "codegen" -> TargetCodeGen _ -> TargetDefault optOpt :: String -> OptFlags -> OptFlags optOpt s opts = case s of "none" -> S.empty '-':name -> opts S.\\ optLookup name name -> opts `S.union` optLookup name where optLookup name = case lookup name optimizationClasses of Just s -> S.fromList s Nothing -> case lookup name optimizations of Just _ -> S.singleton name Nothing -> S.empty -- | Takes an argument list and gives a 'CompilerOpts'. If there is a -- parse error or help request, this function uses 'System.Exit' to -- halt the entire program. compilerOpts :: [String] -> IO CompilerOpts compilerOpts argv = case getOpt argorder options argv of (o,_,[]) -> let opts = foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o in do mapM_ (doHandler opts) optionHandlers return opts (_,_,errs) -> do putStr (concat errs ++ usageInfo usageHeader options) exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 where argorder = ReturnInOrder (\s opts -> opts { inputFiles = inputFiles opts ++ [s] }) -- Option handling stuff type OptionPred = CompilerOpts -> Bool type OptionChecker = (OptionPred, IO ()) usageHeader :: String usageHeader = "Usage: plover [OPTIONS...] sources" doHandler :: CompilerOpts -> OptionChecker -> IO () doHandler opts (p, m) = if p opts then return () else m implies :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool implies a b = not a || b equiv :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool equiv a b = implies a b && implies b a okayDir :: OptionPred okayDir opts = isJust (cFilePrefix opts) == isJust (hFilePrefix opts) okayO :: OptionPred okayO opts = isJust (unitName opts) `implies` (length (inputFiles opts) <= 1) optionHandlers :: [OptionChecker] optionHandlers = [ (not . helpMode, printHelpMode) , (okayDir, printError "c_output and h_output options must accompany each other.") , (okayO, printError "Must have at most one compilation unit with --out option.") ] printError :: String -> IO () printError str = do putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ str exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 printHelpMode :: IO () printHelpMode = do putStr $ usageInfo usageHeader options putStr $ showOptClasses exitSuccess splitColon = splitColon' "" splitColon' acc [] = [reverse acc] splitColon' acc (':' : cs) = reverse acc : splitColon' "" cs splitColon' acc (c : cs) = splitColon' (c : acc) cs
module KAT.Utils ( module Crypto.Cipher.Tests , concatKATs ) where import Crypto.Cipher.Tests concatKATs :: [KATs] -> KATs concatKATs l = KATs (m kat_ECB) (m kat_CBC) (m kat_CFB) (m kat_CTR) (m kat_XTS) (m kat_AEAD) where m :: (KATs -> [x]) -> [x] m sel = concat $ map sel l
module Test.DistMatrix where import Data.Aeson import Data.Either import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import Test.Hspec import Web.Google.Maps.Services.DistanceMatrix import Test.DistMatrixData tests :: Spec tests = describe "Response tests" $ do let result :: Either String DMResponse result = eitherDecodeStrict . C8.pack $ okResponse it "can be parsed" $ result `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "has status ok" $ result `shouldSatisfy` statusOk statusOk :: Either String DMResponse -> Bool statusOk (Left _) = False statusOk (Right r) = dmrStatus r == Ok
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Main where import Prelude hiding (FilePath) import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import System.Environment import Shelly psql_path :: FilePath psql_path = "psql" schema_init_path :: FilePath schema_init_path = "schema_init.sql" preflight :: FilePath -> Sh [T.Text] preflight script = liftM catMaybes checks where checks = sequence [ test_px psql_path >>= (\e -> return $ if e then Nothing else Just $ "psql not found in $PATH.") ,test_f script >>= (\e -> return $ if e then Nothing else Just $ (toTextIgnore script) `T.append` " not found.") ] main :: IO() main = getArgs >>= \case [] -> shelly $ defaultScript [s] -> shelly $ (thisScript . fromText . T.pack) s where defaultScript = do preflight schema_init_path >>= \case [] -> return () es -> echo (T.unlines es) >> quietExit 1 run_ psql_path ["-U", "broscore", "-f", toTextIgnore schema_init_path] thisScript s = do preflight s >>= \case [] -> return () es -> echo (T.unlines es) >> quietExit 1 run_ psql_path ["-U", "broscore", "-f", toTextIgnore s]
{------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uPuppet: Evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} module UPuppet.Eval ( evalPuppet ) where import Data.List import Debug.Trace import UPuppet.CState import UPuppet.AST import UPuppet.Catalog import UPuppet.Options {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Types private to the evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- define the type of the environment type Env = [(Scope, Name, Value)] -- look up a variable under some scope in the environment lookupEnv :: Env -> Scope -> Name -> Maybe Value lookupEnv [] _ _ = Nothing lookupEnv ((s, n, v):es) sco x | (x == n && sco == s) = (Just v) | otherwise = (lookupEnv es sco x) -- clear the elements in the environment associated with some specific scope clearScope :: Scope -> Env -> Env clearScope sco [] = [] clearScope sco ((s,n,v):es) | s == sco = clearScope sco es | otherwise = (s,n,v):clearScope sco es -- define the definitions data Def = ClassDef (Maybe Name) OptParameterList Statements | DeclaredClass (Scope) | ResTypeDef Name OptParameterList Statements deriving (Show) -- define the type for the definition environment type DefEnv = [(Name, Def)] -- the parent scope of a current scope for dereferencing parentof :: DefEnv -> Scope -> Scope parentof defEnv sco = case sco of SClass b -> (lookupDefEnv defEnv b) SNode -> STop STop -> error "Top scope: No higher scope" SDef b -> baseof defEnv b -- the base scope (toplevel or node) in effect in a given scope baseof :: DefEnv -> Scope -> Scope baseof defEnv STop = STop baseof defEnv SNode = SNode baseof defEnv (SDef sco) = baseof defEnv sco baseof defEnv (SClass a) = baseof defEnv (lookupDefEnv defEnv a) -- look up the variables in the environment with respect to the parent scope relation lookforVar :: Env -> DefEnv -> Scope -> Variable -> Value -- when the variable is a local variable lookforVar es defEnv sco (LocalVar x) = case (lookupEnv es sco x) of (Just b) -> b Nothing -> case sco of STop -> (error ("unqualified variable not found in any scope: " ++ show x)) sco -> (lookforVar es defEnv (parentof defEnv sco) (LocalVar x)) -- when the variable is a variable with a scope lookforVar es defEnv sco (ScopeVar sco' x) = case (lookupEnv es sco' x) of (Just b) -> b Nothing -> error ("lookForVar: " ++ (show sco') ++ " :: " ++ (show x)) -- creat an environment by adding a scope extendEnv :: Scope -> [(String, ValueExp)] -> Env extendEnv _ [] = [] extendEnv sco ((x, (DeRef (Values y))):ys) = (sco, x, y):(extendEnv sco ys) -- change the status of a class in the definition environment to "Declared" changeDef :: DefEnv -> String -> Scope -> DefEnv changeDef ((n, def):ds) a sco | n /= a = (n, def):(changeDef ds a sco) | n == a = (n, (DeclaredClass sco)):ds -- look up the definiton environment for the parent class of a class lookupDefEnv :: DefEnv -> Name -> Scope lookupDefEnv [] b = STop lookupDefEnv ((a, def):ds) b | a == b = case def of DeclaredClass sco -> sco | a /= b = (lookupDefEnv ds b) -- loop up the status of a class in the definition environment lookupDef :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> b lookupDef a [] = error ("lookupDef: cannot find " ++ show a) lookupDef a ((name, v):ds) | (a == name) = v | a /= name = (lookupDef a ds) -- check whether a class in the definition environment isDef :: DefEnv -> String -> Bool isDef [] _ = False isDef ((x, def):ds) n = if x == n then True else isDef ds n -- define the type of states of a program in the process of evaluation type States a = (Env, DefEnv, Catalog, a) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evaluation of expressions of muPuppet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} evalExp :: States ValueExp -> Scope -> ValueExp -- evaluate the variables -- it corresponds to the rules LVar, PVar, TVar and Qvar. -- Function lookforVar looks up the variables in the environment under the scope with respect to the parent scope relation evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (DeRef (Var x))) sco = (DeRef (Values (lookforVar env defEnv sco x))) -- evaluate the sum of two integer numbers -- it corresponds to the rule ARITHValue evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps AddOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueInt (x + y)))) -- evaluation of the sum of two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps AddOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat (x + y)))) -- evaluate the minus of two integer numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps MinOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueInt (x - y)))) -- evaluate the minus of two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps MinOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat (x - y)))) -- evaluate the multiplication of two integer numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps TimOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueInt (x * y)))) -- evaluate the multiplication of two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps TimOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat (x * y)))) -- evaluate the division of two integer numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps DivOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueInt (x `div` y)))) -- evaluate the division of two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps DivOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat (x / y)))) -- evaluate the "and" operation of two boolean values -- it corresponds to the rule ANDValue evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps AndOp (DeRef (Values (ValueBool x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueBool y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x && y)))) -- evaluate the "or" operation of two boolean values evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps OrOp (DeRef (Values (ValueBool x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueBool y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x || y)))) -- evaluate the "not" operation on the value "Ture" -- it corresponds to the rule NOTValueI evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Not (DeRef (Values (ValueBool True))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool False))) -- evaluate the "not" operation on the value "False" -- it corresponds to the rule NOTValueII evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Not (DeRef (Values (ValueBool False))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool True))) -- evaluate the ">" operation on two integer numbers -- it corresponds to the rules COMPValueI and COMPValueII evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps GrtOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x > y)))) -- evaluate the ">" operation on two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps GrtOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x > y)))) -- evaluate the "<" operation on two integer numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps LessOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x < y)))) -- evaluate the "<" operation on two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps LessOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x < y)))) -- evaluate the ">=" operation on two integer numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps GeqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x >= y)))) -- evaluate the ">=" operation on two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps GeqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x >= y)))) -- evaluate the "<=" operation on two integer numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps LeqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x <= y)))) -- evaluate the "<=" operation on two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps LeqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x <= y)))) -- evaluate the "==" operation on two integer numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps EqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x == y)))) -- evaluate the "==" operation on two float numbers evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps EqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x == y)))) -- evaluate the "==" operation on two string values evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps EqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueString x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueString y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x == y)))) -- evaluate the "==" operation on two boolean values evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps EqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueBool x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueBool y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x == y)))) -- evaluate the "!=" operation on two integer values evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps UneqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueInt y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x /= y)))) -- evaluate the "!=" operation on two float values evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps UneqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueFloat y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x /= y)))) -- evaluate the "!=" operation on two string values evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps UneqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueString x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueString y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x /= y)))) -- evaluate the "!=" operation on two boolean values evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps UneqOp (DeRef (Values (ValueBool x))) (DeRef (Values (ValueBool y))))) sco = (DeRef (Values (ValueBool (x /= y)))) -- evaluate the "Not" operation on an expression -- corresponds to the rule NOTStep evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Not exp)) sco = (Not (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, exp) sco)) -- evaluate the second argument of any binary operation by the operator belonging to BinOps -- it corresponds to the rules ARITHRight, COMRight, ANDRightI, ANDRightII evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps op (DeRef (Values v)) exp')) sco = BinOps op (DeRef (Values v)) (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, exp') sco) -- evaluate the first argument of any binary operation by the operator belonging to BinOps -- it corresponds to the rules ARITHLeft, COMLeft, ANDLeft evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (BinOps op exp exp')) sco = BinOps op (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, exp) sco) exp' -- evaluate the control expression in a selector if it is not a value -- it corresponds to the rule SControl evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Selector s sbody)) sco | not(isVal s) = Selector (evalExp (env,defEnv, cv, s) sco) sbody evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Selector _ [])) sco = error "No value returned by selector" -- compares the control value to the cases, if the cases are not values, evalutes them. -- it corresponds to the rule SChooseI, SChooseII and SCase evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Selector s@(DeRef (Values v)) ((x,z):xs))) sco = case x of (DeRef (Values (ValueString "default"))) -> z (DeRef (Values w)) -> if v == w then z else (Selector s xs) _ -> Selector s ((e,z):xs) where e = evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, x) sco -- error message represents there is no default case in a seletor and no matches. evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Selector _ _)) sco = error "Selector" -- error message for an empty array evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Array [])) sco = error "empty array" -- check whether an array is an array value, if not, evaluate the array by function "toValueArray" -- it corresponds to the rule ARRExp, ARREleI, ARREleII evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Array (as))) sco = if (valueArray as) then (DeRef (Values (ValueArray (toValueArray as)))) else (Array (evalArray (env, defEnv, cv, as) sco)) -- error message for an empty hash evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Hash [])) sco = error "empty hash" -- check whether a hash is a hash value, if not, evaluate the hash by function "toValueHash" -- it corresponds to the rule HAExp, HAEleI, HAEleII evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (Hash hs)) sco = if (valueHash hs) then (DeRef (Values (ValueHash (toValueHash hs)))) else (Hash (evalHash (env, defEnv, cv, hs) sco)) -- evaluate the array and hash dereferences -- it corresponds to the rules DEREFExp, DEREFIndex, DEREFArray, DEREFHash evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (DeRef (DeRefItem x r))) sco = case x of (Var var) -> DeRef (DeRefItem (Values (lookforVar env defEnv sco var)) r) (Values (ValueArray s)) -> case r of (DeRef (Values (ValueInt x))) -> (DeRef (deRefArray s x)) DeRef (Values x) -> error "evalDeRefArray" _ -> DeRef (DeRefItem x (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, r) sco)) (Values (ValueHash s)) -> case r of DeRef (Values x) -> DeRef (deRefHash s x) _ -> DeRef (DeRefItem x (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, r) sco)) (Values (ValueRef a b)) -> case r of (DeRef (Values (ValueString x))) -> (lookupCat cv a b x) _ -> error "evalValueRef" (ResRef a b) -> case b of (DeRef (Values (ValueString x))) -> (DeRef (DeRefItem (Values (ValueRef a x)) r)) (DeRef (Values _ )) -> error "evalResRef" _ -> (DeRef (DeRefItem (ResRef a (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, b) sco)) r)) (DeRefItem a b) -> case (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (DeRef x)) sco) of (DeRef y) -> (DeRef (DeRefItem y r)) _ -> error "evalExp1" -- evaluate the resource dereference -- it corresponds to the rules REFRes and DEREFRes evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, (DeRef (ResRef r n))) sco = case n of (DeRef (Values (ValueString x))) -> (DeRef (Values (ValueRef r x))) (DeRef (Values _ )) -> error "ResRef1" _ -> (DeRef (ResRef r (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, n) sco))) -- check whether an array is an array value valueArray :: [ValueExp] -> Bool valueArray [] = True valueArray ((DeRef (Values a)):as) = (valueArray as) valueArray _ = False -- change a list of value expressions to a list of values toValueArray :: [ValueExp] -> [Value] toValueArray [] = [] toValueArray ((DeRef (Values a)):as) = (a:(toValueArray as)) -- check whether an array is an hash value valueHash :: [(Value, ValueExp)] -> Bool valueHash [] = True valueHash ((a, (DeRef (Values b))):hs) = valueHash hs valueHash _ = False -- change a list of a list of value and value expression pairs to a list of value and value pairs toValueHash :: [(Value, ValueExp)] -> [(Value, Value)] toValueHash [] = [] toValueHash ((a, (DeRef (Values b))) : hs) = ((a, b):(toValueHash hs)) -- evaluate a list of expressions to a list of values evalArray :: States [ValueExp] -> Scope -> [ValueExp] evalArray (_, _, _, []) sco = [] evalArray (env, defEnv, cv, ((DeRef (Values a)):as)) sco = ((DeRef (Values a)):(evalArray (env, defEnv, cv, as) sco)) evalArray (env, defEnv, cv, (a:as)) sco = (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, a) sco):as -- evaluate a list of a list of value and expression pairs to a list of value and value pairs evalHash :: States [(Value, ValueExp)] -> Scope -> [(Value, ValueExp)] evalHash (_, _, _, []) sco = [] evalHash (env, defEnv, cv, ((x, (DeRef (Values h))):hs)) sco = ((x, (DeRef (Values h))):(evalHash (env, defEnv, cv, hs) sco)) evalHash (env, defEnv, cv, ((x,h):hs)) sco = (x, (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, h) sco)):hs {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evaluation of the statements of muPuppet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} evalStat :: States Statements -> Scope -> States Statements -- show error message when evaluating “Skip” evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, Skip) sco = error "evalStat1" -- evalute assignment statement -- it corresponds to the rules ASSIGN and ASSIGNStep evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Assignment x y)) sco = case y of (DeRef (Values v)) -> if lookupEnv env sco x /= Nothing then error ("Variable " ++ show x ++ " already defined in scope " ++ show sco) else ((env ++ [(sco, x, v)]), defEnv, cv, Skip) _ -> (env, defEnv, cv, (Assignment x (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, y) sco))) -- evalute "if" statement when the control expression is equal to "True" -- it corresponds to the rule IFT evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (If (DeRef (Values (ValueBool True))) y k)) sco = (env, defEnv, cv, y) -- evalute "if" statement when the control expression is equal to "False" -- it corresponds to the rule IFF evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (If (DeRef (Values (ValueBool False))) y k)) sco = case k of Nothing -> (env, defEnv, cv, Skip) Just (Elseif e s k) -> (env, defEnv, cv, If e s k) Just (Else s) -> (env, defEnv, cv, s) -- evalute "if" statement when the control expression is an expression -- it corresponds to the rule IFStep evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (If x y k)) sco = let e = evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, x) sco in (env, defEnv, cv, (If e y k)) -- evalute "unless" statement when the control expression is equal to "True" -- it corresponds to the rule UNLESST evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Unless (DeRef (Values (ValueBool True))) s k)) sco = case k of Nothing -> (env, defEnv, cv, Skip) Just (Else s) -> (env, defEnv, cv, s) Just (Elseif _ _ _) -> error "evalStat: 'elsif' not allowed with 'unless'" -- evalute "unless" statement when the control expression is equal to "False" -- it corresponds to the rule UNLESSF evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Unless (DeRef (Values (ValueBool False))) s k)) sco = (env, defEnv, cv, s) -- if the control value is not a boolean, show error message, corresponding to the error in the real Puppet evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Unless (DeRef (Values v)) s k)) sco = error "evalStat: Test component of 'unless' is not a Boolean value!" -- evalute "unless" statement when the control expression is an expression -- it corresponds to the rule UNLESSStep evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Unless e s k)) sco = (env, defEnv, cv, (Unless e2 s k)) where e2 = evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, e) sco -- evalute "case" statement if there is no cases -- it corresponds to the rule CASEDone evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Case x [])) sco = (env, defEnv, cv, Skip) -- evalute "case" statement if there are cases -- the branches correspond to the rule CASEMatch, CASENoMatch, CASEStep2 and CASEStep1 respectively evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Case x ((z, s):xs))) sco = case x of (DeRef (Values y)) -> case z of (DeRef (Values (ValueString "default"))) -> (env, defEnv, cv, s) (DeRef (Values n)) -> if (y==n) then (env, defEnv, cv, s) else (env, defEnv, cv, (Case x xs)) _ -> (env, defEnv, cv, (Case x ((e, s):xs))) where e = evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, z) sco _ -> (env, defEnv, cv, (Case e ((z, s):xs))) where e = evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, x) sco -- evalute "resource" -- the branches correspond to RESDecl, RESStep, RESStepI, RESStepII, RESTitle, evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Resource x y rs)) sco = case y of (DeRef (Values (ValueString n))) -> if (valueRes rs) then (env, defEnv, (extendCat cv (x,n,toValueRes rs) ), Skip) else (env, defEnv, cv, (Resource x y (evaltoListValue env defEnv cv sco rs))) (DeRef (Values _ )) -> error "wrong type of resource name" _ -> (env, defEnv, cv, (Resource x e rs)) where e = evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, y) sco -- evaluate "include" statement -- the branches correspond to the rules for difference cases of class "a" which are INCD, INCU, INCPD and INCPU evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (Include a)) sco = case (lookupDef a defEnv) of (DeclaredClass _ ) -> (env, defEnv, cv, Skip) (ClassDef Nothing p s) -> (env, (changeDef defEnv a (baseof defEnv sco)), cv, (ScopeStat (SClass a) (ClassCont (mergeParams [] p) s))) (ClassDef (Just b) p s) -> case (lookupDef b defEnv) of (DeclaredClass _ ) -> (env, (changeDef defEnv a (SClass b)), cv, (ScopeStat (SClass a) (ClassCont (mergeParams [] p) s))) (ClassDef _ p s) -> (env, defEnv, cv, (StatementsList [(Include b), (Include a)])) -- evaluate the helping statement "classcont" in scope statement in muPuppet evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (ClassCont p s)) sco = ((env ++ (extendEnv sco (evaltoListValue env defEnv cv sco p))), defEnv, cv, s) -- evaluate the resource-like class declarations -- the branches correspond to the rules CDecU, CDecPU and CDecPD evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (ClassDecl a as)) sco = case (lookupDef a defEnv) of (DeclaredClass _ ) -> error ("Duplicate declaration of class '" ++ a ++ "'") (ClassDef Nothing ps s) -> (env, (changeDef defEnv a (baseof defEnv sco)), cv, (ScopeStat (SClass a) (ClassCont (mergeParams as ps) s))) (ClassDef (Just b) ps s) -> case (lookupDef b defEnv) of (DeclaredClass _) -> (env, (changeDef defEnv a (SClass b)), cv, (ScopeStat (SClass a) (ClassCont (mergeParams as ps) s))) (ClassDef _ _ _ ) -> (env, defEnv, cv, (StatementsList [(Include b), (ClassDecl a as)])) -- evaluate the declaration of defined resource types -- it corresponds to the rules DEF and DETStep evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (ResTypeDecl t title as)) sco | isVal title = case (lookupDef t defEnv) of (ResTypeDef t p s) -> if (valueRes as) then (env, defEnv, cv, (ScopeStat (SDef sco) (ResTypeCont t (("title",title):("name",title):mergeParams as p) s))) else (env, defEnv, cv, (ResTypeDecl t title (evaltoListValue env defEnv cv sco as))) _ -> error "resource is not defined" | otherwise = (env, defEnv, cv, (ResTypeDecl t (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, title) sco) as)) -- evaluate the helping statement "ResTypeCont" in the scope statement for defined resource types evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (ResTypeCont t p s)) sco = if (valueRes p) then ((env ++ (extendEnv sco p)), defEnv, cv, s) else (env, defEnv, cv, (ResTypeCont t (evaltoListValue env defEnv cv sco p) s)) -- evaluate scope statement in muPuppet where the scope is a defined resource type and that reaches "Skip" statement -- it corresponds to the rule DEFScopeDone evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (ScopeStat (SDef a) Skip)) sco = (clearScope (SDef a) env, defEnv, cv, Skip) -- evaluate scope statement in muPuppet where the scope is "::", "::a" or "::nd" and that reaches "Skip" statement -- it corresponds to the rule ScopeDone evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (ScopeStat a Skip)) sco = (env, defEnv, cv, Skip) -- evaluate scope statement in muPuppet -- it corresponds to the rule ScopeStep and DEFScopeStep evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (ScopeStat sco' s)) sco = let (env', defEnv', cv', s') = (evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, s) sco') in (env', defEnv', cv', (ScopeStat sco' s')) -- change the end of a list of statements in muPuppet to "Skip" statement evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (StatementsList [])) sco = (env, defEnv, cv, Skip) -- evaluate a list of statements in muPuppet -- it corresponds to the rule SEQSkip evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (StatementsList (Skip:xs))) sco = (env, defEnv, cv, (StatementsList xs)) -- evaluate a list of statements in muPuppet -- it corresponds to the rule SEQStep evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, (StatementsList (s:xs))) sco = let (env', defEnv', cv', s') = (evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, s) sco) in (env', defEnv', cv', (StatementsList (s':xs))) -- evaluate a list of string and expression pairs evaltoListValue :: Env -> DefEnv -> Catalog -> Scope -> [(String, ValueExp)] -> [(String, ValueExp)] evaltoListValue _ _ _ _ [] = [] evaltoListValue env defEnv cv sco ((x,(DeRef (Values y))):ys) = ((x, (DeRef (Values y))):(evaltoListValue env defEnv cv sco ys)) evaltoListValue env defEnv cv sco ((x,y):ys) = ((x, (evalExp (env, defEnv, cv, y) sco)):ys) -- check whether an expression is a value isVal :: ValueExp -> Bool isVal (DeRef (Values v)) = True isVal _ = False -- check whether a list of string and expression pairs is a list of string and value pairs valueRes :: [(String, ValueExp)] -> Bool valueRes [] = True valueRes ((x, (DeRef (Values v))):as) = valueRes as valueRes _ = False -- convert a list of string and value expression pairs to a list of string and value pairs toValueRes :: [(String, ValueExp)] -> [(String, Value)] toValueRes [] = [] toValueRes ((x, (DeRef (Values v))):as) = ((x, v):(toValueRes as)) toValueRes _ = error "not all element is a value" {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evaluation of an elements of a program in muPuppet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} evalProgEle :: States ProgramEle -> Name -> States ProgramEle -- evaluate the definition of a node -- it corresponds to the rules NODEMatch and NODEnoMatch evalProgEle (env, defEnv, cv, (Node n s)) name | name == n = (env, defEnv, cv, ProStatement (ScopeStat SNode s)) | otherwise = (env, defEnv, cv, ProSkip) -- evaluate the definition of a class -- it covers the rules CDEF, CDEFI, CDEFP and CDEFPI evalProgEle (env, defEnv, cv, (Class a p b s)) name = case (isDef defEnv a) of False -> (env, (defEnv ++ [(a, (ClassDef b p s))]), cv, ProSkip) True -> error "Class is defined" -- evaluate the definition of a defined resource type -- it covers the rules RDEF evalProgEle (env, defEnv, cv, (DefResType t p s)) name = case (isDef defEnv t) of False -> (env, (defEnv ++ [(t, (ResTypeDef t p s))]), cv, ProSkip) True -> error "Resource type is defined" -- evaluate the end of a program to ProSkip statement evalProgEle (env, defEnv, cv, (ProStatement Skip)) name = (env, defEnv, cv, ProSkip) -- use the evaluation for statement to evaluate a statement in program level -- it corresponds to the rule TopScope evalProgEle (env, defEnv, cv, (ProStatement s)) name = let (env', defEnv', cv', s') = (evalStat (env, defEnv, cv, s) STop) in (env', defEnv', cv', (ProStatement s')) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evaluation of a program in muPuppet (a manifest in Puppet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} evalProg :: States Program -> Name -> States Program -- evaluate an empty program to an empty program evalProg (env, defEnv, cv, []) n = (env, defEnv, cv, []) -- evaluate a list of elements of a program -- it corresponds to the rule MSEQSkip evalProg (env, defEnv, cv, (ProSkip:ps)) n = (env, defEnv, cv, ps) -- evaluate a list of elements of a program -- it corresponds to the rule MSEQStep evalProg (env, defEnv, cv, (p:ps)) n = let (env', defEnv', cv', p') = (evalProgEle (env, defEnv, cv, p) n) in (env', defEnv', cv', (p':ps)) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evaluate AST for Puppet program & return the catalog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} evalPuppet :: CState -> AST -> IO (Either [String] Catalog) evalPuppet st raw_ast = do { return (Right catalog') } where -- evaluate in steps (env', defEnv', catalog', ast') = evalNSteps steps (env, defEnv, catalog, ast) -- initial values env = [] defEnv = [] catalog = [] name = nodeName $ sOpts st steps = stepLimit $ sOpts st showTrace = (verbosity $ sOpts st) /= Normal ast = case mainClass $ sOpts st of Nothing -> raw_ast Just main -> raw_ast ++ [ProStatement (Include main)] -- evaluate steps with a trace of each step (if showTrace true) evalNSteps limit states@(_,_,_,ast) = if showTrace then trace (show ast) states' else states' where states' = evalNSteps' limit states -- evaluate steps -- stop when we program is reduced to a skip -- or stop when steplimit is reached evalNSteps' limit states@(_,_,_,ast) = case ast of -- reduced to a skip [] -> states -- check the limit otherwise -> case limit of Just 0 -> error ("Evaluation incomplete with result " ++ show states) Just n -> evalNSteps (Just (n-1)) states' Nothing -> evalNSteps Nothing states' where states' = evalProg states name
module Antiqua.Geometry.Circle where import Data.STRef import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.ST import Antiqua.Common bresenham :: XY -> Int -> [XY] bresenham (x0, y0) r = runST $ do x <- newSTRef r y <- newSTRef 0 rError <- newSTRef (1 - r) list <- newSTRef [] let (+$=) ls (i, j) = modifySTRef' ls ((i + x0, j + y0):) let go = do xx <- readSTRef x yy <- readSTRef y if (xx < yy) then return list else do let pts = concat [[ (i, j) | i <- [-xx..xx], j <- [-yy,yy]] ,[ (j, i) | i <- [-xx,xx], j <- [-yy..yy]] ] sequence $ ((+$=) list) <$> pts modifySTRef' y (+1) re <- readSTRef rError if (re < 0) then do modifySTRef' rError ((+) (2*yy + 1)) else do modifySTRef' x (subtract 1) modifySTRef' rError ((+) (2*(yy - xx + 1))) go g <- go readSTRef g
module GHCJS.DOM.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs ( ) where
module Rx.Observable.MergeTest (tests) where import Test.HUnit import Test.Hspec import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, wait) import Control.Monad (forM_, replicateM, replicateM_) import qualified Rx.Observable as Rx import qualified Rx.Subject as Rx tests :: Spec tests = describe "Rx.Observable.Merge" $ describe "merge" $ it "completes after all inner Observables are completed" $ do let innerSubjectCount = 10 subjects@(firstSubject:subjects1) <- replicateM innerSubjectCount Rx.newPublishSubject sourceSubject <- Rx.newPublishSubject let source = Rx.foldLeft (+) 0 $ Rx.merge $ Rx.toAsyncObservable sourceSubject aResult <- async $ Rx.toMaybe source forM_ subjects $ \subject -> do Rx.onNext sourceSubject $ Rx.toAsyncObservable subject replicateM_ 100 $ Rx.onNext subject (1 :: Int) Rx.onCompleted sourceSubject -- If merge doesn't wait for inner observables -- this numbers should not be in the total count mapM_ Rx.onCompleted subjects1 replicateM_ 50 $ Rx.onNext firstSubject 1 mapM_ Rx.onCompleted subjects mResult <- wait aResult case mResult of Just result -> assertEqual "should be the same as folding" (innerSubjectCount * 100 + 50) result Nothing -> assertFailure "Rx failed when it shouldn't have"
module Text.Documentalist.Types.DocBlock ( DocBlock(..) , Paragraph(..) , Span(..) , Code(..) , DocParam(..) , Result(..) ) where import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Text.Documentalist.Types.Package import Text.Documentalist.PrettyPrint -- | A documentation block for a declaration. data DocBlock = DocBlock { summary :: Paragraph , description :: [Paragraph] , parameters :: [DocParam] , example :: Maybe Code , result :: Maybe Result } deriving (Show, Eq) instance PrettyPrint DocBlock where pprint doc = let desc = description doc params = parameters doc ex = example doc res = result doc show' :: Writer [String] () show' = do tell ["# Summary: " ++ show (summary doc)] unless (null desc) $ tell ["# Description:\n" ++ show desc ++ "\n"] unless (null params) $ tell ["# Parameters:\n" ++ show params ++ "\n"] when (isJust ex) $ tell ["# Example:\n" ++ show (fromJust ex) ++ "\n"] when (isJust res) $ tell ["# Result: " ++ show (fromJust res)] in '\n' : intercalate "\n" (execWriter show') -- | A newline-delimited section of text. data Paragraph = TextParagraph [Span] | CodeBlock Code | QuotedText Paragraph deriving (Show, Eq) instance PrettyPrint Paragraph where pprint (TextParagraph spans) = show spans pprint (CodeBlock (Code str)) = "```\n" ++ str ++ "\n```" pprint (QuotedText para) = init $ unlines $ map ("> " ++) $ lines $ show para pprintList paras = (++) $ intercalate "\n\n" $ map show paras -- | Represents a portion of text in a documentation string. data Span = PlainText String | Reference (Declaration (Maybe DocBlock)) | WebLink String | InlineImage String | InlineCode Code | EmphasizedText Span | StrongText Span | UnderlinedText Span deriving (Show, Eq) instance PrettyPrint Span where pprint (PlainText str) = str pprint (Reference decl) = "ref:" ++ show decl pprint (WebLink url) = "link:" ++ url pprint (InlineImage url) = "img:" ++ url pprint (InlineCode (Code str)) = "`" ++ str ++ "`" pprint (EmphasizedText span) = "_" ++ show span ++ "_" pprint (StrongText span) = "*" ++ show span ++ "*" pprint (UnderlinedText span) = "_" ++ show span ++ "_" pprintList spans = (++) $ unwords $ map show spans -- | A block or span of code in the source language. newtype Code = Code String deriving (Show, Eq) -- | One of the parameters to a Function, or one of the values in an Enumeration. data DocParam = DocParam (Declaration (Maybe DocBlock)) [Span] deriving (Show, Eq) instance PrettyPrint DocParam where pprint (DocParam _ spans) = show spans pprintList docs = (++) $ intercalate "\n" $ map show docs -- | Describes the value that a Function returns to its caller. newtype Result = Result [Span] deriving (Show, Eq) instance PrettyPrint Result where pprint (Result spans) = show spans
{ module Lexer (Alex, runAlex, lexToken) where import Data.Map (Map) import Alex } %wrapper "basic" $numbers = 0-9 -- digits $letters = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters $eol = [\n] --Enter tokens :- "if" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "if" } "and" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "and" } "break" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "break" } "def" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "def" } "else" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "else" } "for" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "for" } "import" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "import" } "in" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "in" } "lambda" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "lambda" } "not" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "not" } "or" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "or" } "return" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "return" } "while" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "while" } "False" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "False" } "None" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "None" } "True" { \_ -> ReservedIdent "True" } { -- Each action has type :: String -> Token -- The token type: data Token = Let | In | Sym Char | Var String | Int Int deriving (Eq,Show) main = do s <- getContents print (alexScanTokens s) }
main = do src <- readFile "quux.txt" putStr $ wordCount src where wordCount input = (show . length . lines $ input) ++ "\n"
module FeatureModel.Logic ( alternativeChildren , dimacsFormat , essentialFeatures , eval , featureToPropositionalLogic , fmToCNFExpression , fmToPropositionalLogic , fmToTseitinEncode , isMandatory , isAlternative , isOptional , optionalFeatures , orChildren , ref ) where import Data.Generics import FeatureModel.NewTypes.Types import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Tree as T (Tree(Node)) import FeatureModel.Types (FeatureExpression(..)) import Funsat.Types import Prelude hiding (or) -- The constant expressions for representing True and False. expTrue = ConstantExpression True expFalse = ConstantExpression False -- Check if a expression is an implies expression. isImpliesExpression :: FeatureExpression -> Bool isImpliesExpression (Or (Not e1) (e2)) = True isImpliesExpression otherwise = False -- Syntatic sugars for building expressions. (|=>) :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression e1 |=> e2 = Or (Not e1) e2 (<=>) :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression e1 <=> e2 = And (Or (Not e1) e2) (Or (Not e2) e1) (/\) :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression e1 /\ e2 = And e1 e2 (\/) :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression e1 \/ e2 = Or e1 e2 foldAnd xs = simplifyExpression (foldr And (expTrue) xs) foldOr xs = simplifyExpression (foldr Or (expFalse) xs) ref :: Feature a -> FeatureExpression ref f = FeatureRef (fId f) -- -- Expression simplifications simplifyExpression :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression simplifyExpression (And e1 e2) = simplifyAnd e1 e2 simplifyExpression (Or e1 e2) = simplifyOr e1 e2 simplifyExpression (Not e) = simplifyNot e simplifyExpression (FeatureRef f) = FeatureRef f simplifyExpression (ConstantExpression b) = ConstantExpression b simplifyAnd :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression simplifyAnd e1 e2 | (e1 == expFalse) || (e2 == expFalse) = expFalse | e1 == expTrue = simplifyExpression e2 | e2 == expTrue = simplifyExpression e1 | otherwise = And (simplifyExpression e1) (simplifyExpression e2) simplifyOr :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression simplifyOr e1 e2 | (e1 == expTrue) || (e2 == expTrue) = expTrue | e1 == expFalse = simplifyExpression e2 | e2 == expFalse = simplifyExpression e1 | otherwise = Or (simplifyExpression e1) (simplifyExpression e2) simplifyNot :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression simplifyNot e | e == expTrue = expFalse | e == expFalse = expTrue | otherwise = Not (simplifyExpression e) essentialFeatures :: T.Tree (Feature a) -> [Feature a] essentialFeatures ftree = foldFTree (++) (filterMandatory) (filterMandatory) [] ftree where filterMandatory ftree = if isMandatory (fnode ftree) then [fnode ftree] else [] alternativeChildren :: T.Tree (Feature a) -> [Feature a] alternativeChildren ftree = concat [children f | f <- subtrees ftree, isAlternative (fnode f)] orChildren :: T.Tree (Feature a) -> [Feature a] orChildren ftree = concat [children f | f <- subtrees ftree, isOrFeature (fnode f)] optionalFeatures :: T.Tree (Feature a) -> [Feature a] optionalFeatures ftree = [fnode f | f <- subtrees ftree, isOptional (fnode f)] isMandatory :: Feature a -> Bool isMandatory f = (fCardinality f) == mandatory isOptional :: Feature a -> Bool isOptional f = (fCardinality f) == optional isAlternative :: Feature a -> Bool isAlternative f = (gCardinality f) == alternative isOrFeature :: Feature a -> Bool isOrFeature f = case gCardinality f of (Cardinality 1 _) -> True _ -> False fmToPropositionalLogic :: FeatureModel a -> [FeatureExpression] fmToPropositionalLogic fm = rootProposition ++ ftPropositions ++ csPropositions where (T.Node f fs) = fmTree fm ftPropositions = foldFTree (++) (\(T.Node _ []) -> []) (featureToPropositionalLogic) [] (T.Node f fs) csPropositions = fmConstraints fm rootProposition = [ref f] featureToPropositionalLogic :: T.Tree (Feature a) -> [FeatureExpression] featureToPropositionalLogic ftree = let f = fnode ftree cs = children ftree in ( case gCardinality f of (Cardinality 0 0) -> [(ref f) |=> (ref c) | c <- cs, fCardinality c == mandatory] (Cardinality 1 1) -> [(ref f) |=> (foldOr [xor x (L.delete x cs) | x <- cs])] (Cardinality 1 _) -> [(ref f) |=> (foldOr [ref x | x <- cs])] ) ++ [(ref c) |=> (ref f) | c <- cs] xor f [] = ref f xor f xs = And (ref f) (foldAnd [Not (ref x) | x <- xs]) fmToCNFExpression :: FeatureModel a -> FeatureExpression fmToCNFExpression fm = let fmExpressions = fmToPropositionalLogic fm in toCNFExpression (foldAnd fmExpressions) fmToTseitinEncode :: FeatureModel a -> FeatureExpression fmToTseitinEncode fm = let fmExpressions = fmToPropositionalLogic fm in toTseitinEncode (foldAnd fmExpressions) toTseitinEncode :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression toTseitinEncode (Or e1 e2) = let a1 = newRef [1] a2 = newRef [2] in foldAnd ([Or a1 a2] ++ (toTseitinEncode' [1] e1) ++ (toTseitinEncode' [2] e2)) toTseitinEncode (And e1 e2) = let a1 = newRef [1] a2 = newRef [2] in foldAnd ([And a1 a2] ++ (toTseitinEncode' [1] e1) ++ (toTseitinEncode' [2] e2)) toTseitinEncode (Not e1) = let a1 = newRef [1] in foldAnd( [Not a1] ++ (toTseitinEncode' [1] e1)) toTseitinEncode e = e -- toTseitinEncode' _ (FeatureRef e) = [] toTseitinEncode' gs (Or e1 e2) = let gl = gs ++ [1] gr = gs ++ [2] w = newRef gs w1 = newRef gl w2 = newRef gr in [And (Or (Not w) (Or w1 w2) ) (And (Or w (Not w1)) (Or w (Not w2)))] ++ (toTseitinEncode' gl e1) ++ (toTseitinEncode' gr e2) toTseitinEncode' gs (And e1 e2) = let gl = gs ++ [1] gr = gs ++ [2] w = newRef gs w1 = newRef gl w2 = newRef gr in [And (Or (Not w) w1) (And (Or (Not w) w2) (Or w (Or (Not w1) (Not w2))))] ++ (toTseitinEncode' gl e1) ++ (toTseitinEncode' gr e2) toTseitinEncode' gs (Not e1) = let gl = gs ++ [1] w = newRef gs w1 = newRef gl in [And (Or (Not w) (Not w1)) (Or w w1) ] ++ (toTseitinEncode' gl e1) toTseitinEncode' gs otherwise = [] toCNFExpression :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression toCNFExpression (And e1 e2) = And (toCNFExpression e1) (toCNFExpression e2) toCNFExpression (Or e1 e2) = distributeAndOverOr e1 e2 toCNFExpression (Not e1) = moveNotInwards e1 toCNFExpression (FeatureRef f) = (FeatureRef f) distributeAndOverOr :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression distributeAndOverOr (And x y) e2 = And (toCNFExpression (Or x e2)) (toCNFExpression(Or y e2)) distributeAndOverOr e1 (And x y) = And (toCNFExpression(Or e1 x)) (toCNFExpression(Or e1 y)) distributeAndOverOr e1 e2 = distributeAndOverOr' a b where distributeAndOverOr' (And x y) e = toCNFExpression (Or (And x y) e) distributeAndOverOr' e (And x y) = toCNFExpression (Or e (And x y)) distributeAndOverOr' x y = Or (toCNFExpression x) (toCNFExpression y) a = toCNFExpression e1 b = toCNFExpression e2 moveNotInwards :: FeatureExpression -> FeatureExpression moveNotInwards (And x y) = Or (toCNFExpression (Not x)) (toCNFExpression (Not y)) moveNotInwards (Or x y) = And (toCNFExpression (Not x)) (toCNFExpression (Not y)) moveNotInwards (Not x) = toCNFExpression x moveNotInwards e = Not e type Gate = Integer newRef :: [Gate] -> FeatureExpression newRef gs = FeatureRef (foldl (++) "g" [show g | g <- gs]) dimacsFormat :: FeatureExpression -> CNF dimacsFormat exp = let vars = getVars exp cs = map (expToLiterals vars) (getClauses exp) in CNF { numVars = length vars, numClauses = length cs, clauses = S.fromList cs } eval :: FeatureConfiguration a -> FeatureExpression -> Bool eval config (FeatureRef f) = elem f [fId x | x <- flatten (fcTree config)] eval config (Not e) = not (eval config e) eval config (And e1 e2) = (eval config e1) && (eval config e2) eval config (Or e1 e2) = (eval config e1) || (eval config e2) eval _ (ConstantExpression e) = e
import Peptide import Data.ByteString.Char8 main = print $ results where sequence = pack "V(3D)NK(3F)NKEXCNZRAIEUALDPNLNDQQFHUKIWZIIXDC" weight = 2194.9 results = calculationResults weight sequence
module Unification( Equation, Equations, Substitution, TypeExpr(..), unify, applySubstitution) where import Data.Set as S import Control.Monad data TypeExpr = TEVar Int | TEConst Int | TEArrow TypeExpr TypeExpr deriving(Eq, Show,Ord) -- equations between type terms type Equation = (TypeExpr, TypeExpr) -- system of equations type Equations = Set Equation -- A substitution is a set of equations of the form 'variable' = 'type' type Substitution = Set (Int, TypeExpr) filterElement :: (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> Maybe a filterElement f set = let filtered = S.filter f set in if size filtered > 0 then Just $ (head . toList) filtered else Nothing -- Find an equation which has the arrow term constructor in both sides findArrowEquation :: Equations -> Maybe Equation findArrowEquation = filterElement arrow where arrow (TEArrow _ _, TEArrow _ _) = True arrow _ = False -- STEP 1: Type Reduction termReduction :: Equations -> Equations termReduction equations = case findArrowEquation equations of Just arrow@(TEArrow t1 t2, TEArrow t1' t2') -> let newSet = S.union (fromList [(t1, t1'), (t2, t2')]) (S.delete arrow equations) in termReduction newSet Nothing -> equations _ -> error "unexpected value from findArrowEquation" -- STEP 2: Check for offending equations hasOffendingEquations :: Equations -> Bool hasOffendingEquations = any isOffending where isOffending (TEConst _, TEArrow _ _) = True isOffending (TEArrow _ _, TEConst _) = True isOffending (TEConst c1, TEConst c2) = c1 /= c2 isOffending _ = False -- Step 3: Filter out identities isIdentity :: Equation -> Bool isIdentity (TEVar v, TEVar v') = v == v' isIdentity _ = False filterOut :: (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> Set a filterOut filtr = S.filter (not . filtr) filterOutIdentities :: Equations -> Equations filterOutIdentities = filterOut isIdentity -- STEP 4: Flip equations with variables on the right and not a variable on the -- left. flipEquations :: Equations -> Equations flipEquations = flipEquation where flipEquation (TEConst c, TEVar v) = (TEVar v, TEConst c) flipEquation (TEArrow t t', TEVar v) = (TEVar v, TEArrow t t') flipEquation e = e -- STEP 5: Substitute findSubstitutionCandidate :: Equations -> Maybe Equation findSubstitutionCandidate equations = filterElement filterer equations where filterer equ@(TEVar v, t) = setContainsVar v (S.delete equ equations) filterer _ = False setContainsVar :: Int -> Equations -> Bool setContainsVar v = any (equationContainsVar v) where equationContainsVar :: Int -> Equation -> Bool equationContainsVar v (t,t') = (containsVar v t) || (containsVar v t') containsVar :: Int -> TypeExpr -> Bool containsVar _ (TEConst _) = False containsVar v' (TEVar v) = v == v' containsVar v (TEArrow t t') = (containsVar v t) || (containsVar v t') substitute :: Int -> TypeExpr -> TypeExpr -> TypeExpr substitute _ _ (TEConst c) = TEConst c substitute v' t (TEVar v) | v == v' = t | otherwise = TEVar v substitute v t'' (TEArrow t t') = TEArrow (substitute v t'' t) (substitute v t'' t') substituteSet :: Equations -> Maybe Equations substituteSet equations = case findSubstitutionCandidate equations of Just equ@(TEVar v, t) -> do guard ((not . isCircular) equ) return $ S.insert equ ( (substituteEquation v t) (S.delete equ equations)) Nothing -> Just equations _ -> error "unexpected value from findSubstitutionCandidate" where substituteEquation :: Int -> TypeExpr -> Equation -> Equation substituteEquation v t'' (t,t') = ((substitute v t'' t), (substitute v t'' t')) isCircular :: Equation -> Bool isCircular (TEVar v, TEArrow t t') = (containsVar v t) || (containsVar v t') isCircular (TEArrow t t', TEVar v) = (containsVar v t) || (containsVar v t') isCircular _ = False -- Five-steps step on the algorithm --guard :: Bool -> Maybe () --guard True = Just () --guard False = Nothing step :: Equations -> Maybe Equations step equations = do let reduced = termReduction equations guard (not (hasOffendingEquations reduced)) let filteredAndFlipped = (flipEquations . filterOutIdentities) reduced substituteSet filteredAndFlipped -- Applies the unification algorithm to find the most general unifier for a set -- of equations. If it fails, returns Nothing and no unifier exists. unify :: Equations -> Maybe Substitution unify equations = do equations' <- step equations if equations == equations' then return $ equationsToSubstitution equations else unify equations' where equationsToSubstitution = converter where converter (TEVar v, t) = (v,t) converter _ = error "unification algorithm didn't yield a substitution" applySubstitution :: TypeExpr -> Substitution-> TypeExpr applySubstitution = S.foldr (uncurry substitute) eqs = fromList [(TEVar 1,TEVar 0),(TEVar 2,TEArrow (TEVar 0) (TEVar 1)),(TEVar 2,TEArrow (TEConst 0) (TEConst 1))]
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- for class Typeish String {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {- | Description : build Getopt handler from description using template haskell Copyright : (c) Martyn J. Pearce 2014, 2015 License : BSD Maintainer : [email protected] A companion library to Console.GetOptions to allow the developer to specify required options in a short space & time, and have template haskell generate the necessary code. This library uses Template Haskell to generate boilerplate options-handling code, including records & lenses, aiming to leave options described simply & concisely, and thus not detracting from the real business of the program. -} module Console.GetoptTH ( -- * Synopsis {- | To use this module: (0) list the standard imports (0) call mkopts, with initial args and a list of opt-defining strings (0) call getopts to parse your incoming argv (0) profit Here is a simple example. Please note the distinction between /arguments/, which are the standard textual values given after the program name; and the /options/, which are optional tweaks given using '--foo' or '-F'; thus in @grep -r --include \\*.hs hlib GetOptions@, the @hlib@ and @GetOptions@ are considered arguments, while the @-r@ and the @--include \\*.hs@ are considered options. You must use the __LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell__ option. This is not shown in the literal examples below, because I cannot work out how to render them within Haddock. @ import Control.Monad ( forM_ ) import Data.Default ( Default( def ) ) import Control.Lens ( (^.) ) import Fluffy.Language.TH.Type ( readType ) import Console.Getopt ( ArgArity( ArgSome ) ) import Console.GetoptTH ( FileRO, mkopts ) $( mkopts "getopts" (ArgSome 1 3) "integer" [ "bool|b::#just a bool" , "s|string::String#a string\nlong description" , "maybe-i|I::?Int#maybe integer summary\no default" , "handle::filero</etc/motd>#read-only file\nauto-opened" , "floats1::[,Float]<[1.0,2.0]><>#list of floats\nsplit on ','" ]) main :: IO () main = do (args, opts) <- getopts (return . (readType "Int" :: String -> Int)) forM_ [ "ARGS: " ++ show args, "OPTS: " ++ show opts ] putStrLn putStrLn $ "bool : " ++ show (opts ^. bool) putStrLn $ "s : " ++ show (opts ^. s) putStrLn $ "mebbei : " ++ show (opts ^. maybe_i) putStrLn $ "handle : " ++ show (opts ^. handle) putStrLn $ "floats1: " ++ show (opts ^. floats1) @ Line by line; we start with > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} We are using TemplateHaskell to allow us to generate the required code at compile time (this enables the splice @$( ... )@ among other things). Of the imports, these are required for use of GetoptTH: > import Data.Default ( Default( def ) ) > import Console.Getopt ( ArgArity( .. ) ) > import Console.GetoptTH ( mkopts ) Data.Default is required because of the use of @def@ in the generated code. mkopts is required because that's what you call in the splice (the bit between the @ $( ... ) @. @ArgArity@ is required to tell mkopts how many arguments your program. The other imports shown in the full example are required for our example, but not for every use of GetoptTH. @ $( mkopts "getopts" (ArgSome 1 3) "integer" [ "bool|b::#just a bool" , "s|string::String#a string\nlong description" , "maybe-i|I::?Int#maybe integer summary\no default" , "handle::filero\<\/etc\/motd\>#read-only file\nauto-opened" , "floats1::[,Float]\<[1.0,2.0]\>\<\>#list of floats\nsplit on ','" ]) @ This is where the real action happens. The mkopts call takes the name of a function to create; a note of how many arguments your program accepts (in the example given, between 1 & 3 inclusive); a descriptive text for what those arguments look like (in this case, integers); and then a list of option descriptors (each a string) Those option descriptor strings take the general form > NAME(|NAME)*>LENS::TYPE(<DEFAULT>)?(<START>)?#SUMMARY(\nDESCRIPTION)? The names specify the names of options on the cmdline. Single-character names must be preceded with a single '-'; multi-character names must be preceded with '--' when used on the cmdline. Names may consist of alphanumeric characters (in either case), or digits or hyphens (except for the first character). Names are case-sensitive. By default, the name of the generated lens is the name of the first given name; excepting that any hyphens are replaced with underscores. However, a lens name may be explicitly given with a @>LENS@ in the options string. The lens name, whether derived from the first option name or given explicitly, must satisfy the rules for a valid lens name, which are: (0) The name may not be empty (0) The first character of the name must be a lower-case letter (0) All subsequent characters of the name may be letter characters (of either case), digits, or underscores The type name specifies the target type of the lensed value. @ main :: IO () main = do (args, opts) \<- getopts (return . (readType "Int" :: String -\> Int)) forM_ [ "ARGS: " ++ show args, "OPTS: " ++ show opts ] putStrLn putStrLn $ "bool : " ++ show (opts ^. bool) putStrLn $ "s : " ++ show (opts ^. s) putStrLn $ "mebbei : " ++ show (opts ^. maybe_i) putStrLn $ "handle : " ++ show (opts ^. handle) putStrLn $ "floats1: " ++ show (opts ^. floats1) @ -} CmdlineParseable(..), FileRO, mkopts ) where -- THE PLAN: the programmer will create options using mkopts or similar. An -- 'option' is a description of how to parse command line strings, -- such that a set of Option Values is generated. Given a function -- name (first argument to mkopts) of "foo", (we'll call this the -- getopt_th fn) two records will be generated: "Foo" (the Option -- Value (OV) record) and "Foo__" (the PCLV record). The latter is -- the set of Parsed Command-Line Values (PCLVs); these will be -- transformed into the former by applying option defaults and then -- any IO actions required to generate Option Values. The function -- that does this shall be called the 'effector'. -- base -------------------------------- import Control.Exception ( Exception(..), SomeException, evaluate, try ) import Control.Monad ( forM_, mapAndUnzipM ) import Data.List ( partition ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable ) -- data-default ------------------------ import Data.Default ( Default( def ) ) -- deepseq ----------------------------- import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData, force ) -- lens -------------------------------- import Control.Lens ( (^.), _2 ) -- template-haskell -------------------- import Language.Haskell.TH ( Dec( SigD ) , Exp( AppE, ConE, CondE, DoE , ListE, LitE, TupE, VarE ) , ExpQ , Lit( StringL ) , Name , Pat( TupP, VarP ) , Pred( ClassP ) , Q , Stmt( BindS, NoBindS ) , Type( AppT, ConT, ForallT, ListT, VarT ) , TyVarBndr( PlainTV ) , mkName, nameBase, newName, varE ) import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib ( DecsQ, appE ) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax ( lift ) -- transformers ------------------------ import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict ( WriterT, runWriterT, tell ) -- fluffy ------------------------------ import Fluffy.Data.String ( ucfirst ) import Fluffy.Language.TH ( appTIO, assignN, composeApE, composeE , infix2E , listOfN, mAppE, mAppEQ , mkSimpleTypedFun, stringEQ , tsArrows, tupleL ) import Fluffy.Language.TH.Record ( mkLensedRecord, mkLensedRecordDef ) import Fluffy.Sys.Exit ( exitUsage ) import Fluffy.Text.PCRE ( subst ) -- this package -------------------------------------------- import Console.Getopt.ArgArity ( ArgArity(..), liftAA ) import Console.Getopt ( HelpOpts(..), Option , getopts, helpme, mkOpt, errOut ) import Console.Getopt.CmdlineParseable ( CmdlineParseable(..), FileRO ) import Console.Getopt.OptDesc ( OptDesc , descn, dfGetter, dfltTxt, enactor , name, names, optSetVal , precordDefFields, recordFields , summary, typename ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PUBLIC INTERFACE -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- mkopts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | primary entry point for options generation @ $( mkopts "getoptsx" (ArgSome 1 3) "integer" [ "s|string\>str::String#string summary" , "i|int|Int::Int\<4\>#integer summary\ndefault 4" , "C\>incr::incr#increment summary\nincrement int longhelp" , "decr|D::decr\<6\>#decrement summary\ndecrement int longhelp" , "handle::filero\</etc/motd\>#read-only file\nauto-opened" ] ) main :: IO () main = do (args, opts) <- getoptsx (return . (readType \"Int\" :: String -> Int)) forM_ [ "ARGS: " ++ show args, "OPTS: " ++ show opts ] putStrLn putStrLn $ "s: " ++ show (opts ^. s) putStrLn $ "i: " ++ show (opts ^. i) putStrLn $ "incr: " ++ show (opts ^. incr) putStrLn $ "decr: " ++ show (opts ^. decr) @ Call this within a splice, providing the name of a fn to generate, along with defining parameters. That function will be generated, returning parsed arguments and options, having eagerly/strictly parsed them (so that any relevant errors are found at this time). The option strings are compiled. The syntax is: > {optnames}(>{lensname})?::{type}(<{default})>?#{shorthelp}(\n{longhelp})? * optnames A list of option names, separated by @|@, to be used for invocation. * Each name may be single character, being invoked with @-c@, or multi-character, being invoked with @--chars@. * Each name may consist of some combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens (@-@). The first (or only) character must alphanumeric. * Each name must be unique across the set of options. * Option names are case-sensitive; @c@ and @C@ are distinct option names. The option name list may not be empty. * lensname The name of the lens to target with this option. The same naming rules apply as for optnames, with the following exceptions: * hyphens (@-@) are not permitted; underscores (@_@) are, * the name may begin with an underscore or an alphabetic character (note not a number). If a lensname is not given, then the first of the given option names is used. * any hyphens are replaced with underscores, * an option name with a leading digit is preceded in the lensname with an underscore. Each lensname must be unique both within the option set and be a unique function name within the compilation context. The lensname, whether explicit or implicitly 'inherited' from the option names, may not begin with a capital letter (because it becomes a function in code) * type The value type of the option. This is the type of the value that is expected to be returned by the lens; internally, a different type (typically using an encapsulating monad, e.g., Maybe t). The available types are: * Standard haskell types, as an alphanumeric string. Compound types (with spaces in the name) are not currently supported. The following types have a natural default: * String - "" * Int - 0 For those that don't have a natural default, if no default is supplied in the option specification and the user doesn't invoke the given option; then an error will be generated at option parsing time - thus you effectively have mandatory options. * incr Takes no value on the cmdline; each invocation increases the option value. Starting value is 0, or the default value if specified. User sees an Int. * decr Takes no value on the cmdline; each invocation increases the option value. Starting value is 0, or the default value if specified. User sees an Int. * filero Takes the name of a file as cmdline argument; opens the file RO, and returns a handle to the file. Generates an error at options-parsing runtime if no user value is supplied, and there is no default. * ?t or Maybe t This is like t, except that the value is wrapped in a Maybe; if no value is provided on the command line is provided, you get Nothing. Compilation will fail if you provide a default value (with <default>); at that point, the use of Maybe doesn't make a whole lot of sense (since you would be guaranteed a Just something). If you really, really want a Maybe type with a default, use an explicit Maybe.type (which will also mean that you can specify "Nothing" as an option value; but conversely that you'll also need to specify "Just x" explitly as an option value). * [t] * default The value to return to the caller if the option is never invoked by the user. The string provided is given to read. * shorthelp short summary used with --help; pref < 50 chars * longhelp long help used with --help=optname -} mkopts :: String -- ^ name of the getopts fn to -- create, e.g., "optCfg" -> ArgArity -- ^ arity of arguments -> String -- ^ arg type (for help text) -- we use just a big string to allow for optionality of bits -> [String] {- ^ opt configurations; config string, default value, long descripton -} -> DecsQ mkopts getoptName arity argtype optcfgs = do {- mkopts "getoptsx" (ArgSome 1 3) "integer" [ "s|string::String#summary" , "incr|C::incr#increment summary\nincrement int longhelp" , "handle::filero</etc/motd>#read-only file\nauto-opened" ] generates something like data Getoptsx__ = Getoptsx__ { _s__ :: Maybe String , _incr__ :: Int , _handle__ :: Maybe FilePath } deriving Show instance Default Getoptsx__ where def = Getoptsx__ Nothing 0 Nothing s___ :: Lens' Getoptsx__ (Maybe String) s___ a b = fmap asn (a $ (_s___ b)) where asn x = b { _s___ = x } incr___ :: Lens' Getoptsx_ Int incr___ a b = fmap asn (a $ (_incr___ b)) where asn x = b {_incr___ = x } handle___ :: Lens' Getopts__ (Maybe FilePath) handle___ a b = fmap asn (a $ ( _handle___ b)) where asn x = b { _handle___ = x } data Getoptsx = Getoptsx { _s :: String , _incr :: Int , _handle :: Handle } deriving Show s :: Lens' Getoptsx String s a b = fmap asn (a $ (_s b)) where asn x = b { _s = x } incr :: Lens' Getoptsx Int incr a b = fmap asn (a $ (_incr b)) where asn x = b { _incr = x } handle :: Lens' Getoptsx Handle handle a b = fmap asn (a $ (_handle b)) where asn x = b { _handle = x } getoptsx_ :: [Option Getoptsx_] getoptsx_ = [ mkOpt "s" ["string"] (setval parseAs "String" s___) "string summary" "" "Maybe String" "\"\"" , mkOpt "C" ["incr"] (setvalc incr___) "increment summary" "increment int longhelp" "Int" "0" , mkOpt "" ["handle"] (setval return handle___) "read-only file" "auto-opened" "Maybe FilePath" " \"/etc/motd\"", , mkOpt "" ["help"] helpme (def { arg_arity = ArgSome 1 3 , argtype = "integer" }) "this help" "Provide help text..." "" "" ] getoptsx_effect :: Getoptsx__ -> IO (Either [NFException] Getoptsx) getoptsx_effect pclv = do ((string_x', incr_x', handle_x'), exs) <- runWriterT $ do string_x <- tryWriteF $ return (((fromMaybe "") . (view s___)) pclv); incr_x <- tryWriteF $ return (view incr___ pclv) handle_x <- tryWriteF $ openFileRO (((fromMaybe "/etc/motd") . (view handle___)) pclv) return (string_x, incr_x, handle_x) return $ if null exs then Right $ Getoptsx (fromJust string_x') (fromJust incr_x') (fromJust handle_x') else Left exs getoptsx :: (NFData a, Show a) => (String -> IO a) -> IO ([a], Getoptsx) getoptsx = (t2apply (checkEx . getoptsx_effect)) . (getopts getoptsx_ (ArgSome 1 3) "integer") -} let optdescs :: [OptDesc] optdescs = fmap read optcfgs -- assign a list of options (returned by mkOpt) to a name -- (getoptsx_ :: [Option Getoptsx_]; getoptsx_ = [ mkOpt ... ] above) mkopts_ts :: Type mkopts_ts = AppT ListT (AppT (ConT ''Option) (pclv_typename getoptName)) -- create a record to hold PCLVs. This is created in one pass; and when -- it comes to creating the OVs record, defaults are inserted as necessary -- and IO is performed to produce the user-visible opts record -- (data Getoptsx__ = Getoptsx__ { ... } above) precord :: DecsQ precord = mkLensedRecordDef (pclv_typename getoptName) (fmap precordDefFields optdescs) [''Show] -- create a record to hold final values to pass back to the user; -- (data Getoptsx = Getoptsx { ... } above) record :: DecsQ record = mkLensedRecord (ov_typename getoptName) (fmap recordFields optdescs) [''Show] opts :: [Exp] <- sequence $ fmap mkopt optdescs ++ [ helpmeQ arity argtype ] -- assign a list of mkOpt calls to the chosen var -- (getoptsx_ :: [Option Getoptsx_];getoptsx_ = [ mkOpt ... ] above) let asgn_mkopts :: DecsQ asgn_mkopts = return [ -- getoptsx_ :: [Option Getoptsx_] SigD (cfg_name getoptName) mkopts_ts , -- getoptsx_ = [ mkOpt ... ] assignN (cfg_name getoptName) (ListE opts) ] concatM [ precord -- (data Getoptsx__ = Getoptsx__ { ... } above) , record -- (data Getoptsx = Getoptsx { ... } above) , asgn_mkopts -- (getoptsx_ ... above) -- (getoptsx_effect :: Getoptsx__ -> -- IO (Either [NFException] Getoptsx) -- getoptsx_effect pclv = pclv -> do { ... } -- getoptsx :: (NFData a, Show a) => (String -> IO a) -- -> IO ([a], Getoptsx) -- getoptsx = (t2apply (checkEx . getoptsx_effect)) -- . (getopts getoptsx_ (ArgSome 1 3) "integer") -- above) , mkGetoptTH optdescs getoptName arity argtype ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INTERNAL FUNCTIONS -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- mkGetoptTH ------------------------------------------------------------------ {- | generate effector & getopts_th fn (getoptsx_effect :: Getoptsx__ -> IO (Either [NFException] Getoptsx) getoptsx_effect pclv = do ((string_x', incr_x', handle_x'), exs) <- runWriterT $ do string_x <- tryWriteF $ return (((fromMaybe "") . (view s___)) pclv); incr_x <- tryWriteF $ return (view incr___ pclv) handle_x <- tryWriteF $ openFileRO (((fromMaybe "/etc/motd") . (view handle___)) pclv) return (string_x, incr_x, handle_x) return $ if null exs then Right $ Getoptsx (fromJust string_x') (fromJust incr_x') (fromJust handle_x') else Left exs getoptsx :: (NFData a, Show a) => (String -> IO a) -> IO ([a], Getoptsx) getoptsx = (t2apply (checkEx . getoptsx_effect)) . (getopts getoptsx_ (ArgSome 1 3) "integer") above) -} mkGetoptTH :: [OptDesc] -- ^ options set -> String -- ^ name of fn to generate (getoptsx above) -> ArgArity -- ^ arity of arguments -> String -- ^ arg type (for help text) -> Q [Dec] mkGetoptTH optdescs getoptName arity argtype = do typeSig <- mkGetoptTHTypeSig (ov_typename getoptName) eff <- mkEffector optdescs getoptName let getopt_th = mk_getopt_th typeSig getoptName arity argtype return $ eff ++ getopt_th -- mkEffector ------------------------------------------------------------------ {- | create effector, including type sig getoptsx_effect pclv = do ((string_x', incr_x', handle_x'), exs) <- runWriterT $ do string_x <- tryWriteF $ return (((fromMaybe "") . (view s___)) pclv); incr_x <- tryWriteF $ return (view incr___ pclv) handle_x <- tryWriteF $ openFileRO (((fromMaybe "/etc/motd") . (view handle___)) pclv) return (string_x, incr_x, handle_x) return $ if null exs then Right $ Getoptsx (fromJust string_x') (fromJust incr_x') (fromJust handle_x') else Left exs above) -} mkEffector :: [OptDesc] -- ^ option field list -> String -- ^ getopt_th name -> Q [Dec] mkEffector optdescs getoptName = do let effectorSig = tsArrows [ pclv_typename getoptName , appTIO (AppT (AppT (ConT ''Either) (AppT ListT (ConT ''NFException))) (ov_typename getoptName)) ] pclv <- newName "pclv" -- name of the parameter to the effector; which is -- a PCLV record effectorBody <- mkEffectorBody optdescs getoptName pclv return $ mk_effector effectorSig (effect_name getoptName) pclv effectorBody -- mk_effector ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | create effector fn, inc. type signature -- -- (getoptsx_effect :: Getoptsx__ -> IO (Either [NFException] Getoptsx) -- getoptsx_effect g = do { ... } -- above) mk_effector :: Type -- ^ type signature of the fn to create -> String -- ^ name of the effector fn to create -> Name -- ^ function parameter name -> Exp -- ^ effector body -> [Dec] mk_effector ts nam g = mkSimpleTypedFun ts (mkName nam) [g] -- mk_getopt_th ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | generated getopts-like fn -- -- (getoptsx :: (NFData a, Show a) => (String -> IO a) -> IO ([a], Getoptsx) -- getoptsx = (t2apply (checkEx . getoptsx_effect)) -- . (getopts getoptsx_ (ArgSome 1 3) "integer") -- above) mk_getopt_th :: Type -- ^ type signature of generated fn -> String -- ^ name of fn to generate (getoptsx above) -> ArgArity -- ^ arity of arguments -> String -- ^ arg type (for help text) -> [Dec] mk_getopt_th sig getoptName arity argtype = mkSimpleTypedFun sig (mkName getoptName) [] (infix2E lhs (VarE '(.)) rhs) where -- (getopts getoptsx_ (ArgSome 1 3) "integer" above) rhs = mAppE [ VarE 'getopts, cfg_name getoptName , liftAA arity, (LitE . StringL) argtype ] -- (t2apply (checkEx . getoptsx_effect) above) lhs = AppE (VarE 't2apply) (composeE (VarE 'checkEx) (effect_name getoptName)) -- mkGetoptTHTypeSig ----------------------------------------------------------- {- | type signature for generated getopts-like fn, e.g., > (NFData a, Show a) => > ArgArity -> String -> (String -> IO a) -> IO ([a], Getoptsx) -} mkGetoptTHTypeSig :: Type -> Q Type mkGetoptTHTypeSig t = do a <- newName "a" return . ForallT [PlainTV a] [ClassP ''NFData [VarT a], ClassP ''Show [VarT a]] $ tsArrows [ -- ConT ''ArgArity -- , ConT ''String -- , tsArrows [ ConT ''String , appTIO(VarT a) ] , appTIO (tupleL [ listOfN a, t ]) ] -- Typeish --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | a type, given a String name, represented as a Name or a Type as necessary class Typeish t where convert :: String -> t instance Typeish String where convert = id instance Typeish Name where convert = mkName instance Typeish Type where convert = ConT . mkName instance Typeish Exp where convert = VarE . mkName -- ov_typename ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | given a name (the name of the getoptth fn to create), what type name shall -- we use for the OV record? ov_typename :: (Typeish t) => String -> t ov_typename = convert . ucfirst -- pclv_typename --------------------------------------------------------------- -- | given a name (the name of the getoptth fn to create), what type name shall -- we use for the PCLV record? pclv_typename :: (Typeish t) => String -> t pclv_typename = convert . (++ "__" ) . ov_typename -- effect_name ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | given a name (the name of the getoptth fn to create), what name shall we -- use for the function from PCLV Record to OV Record? effect_name :: (Typeish t) => String -> t effect_name = convert . (++ "_effect") -- cfg_name -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | name of variable to hold the list of calls to mkOpt (getoptsx_ above) cfg_name :: (Typeish t) => String -> t cfg_name = convert . (++ "_") -- concatM --------------------------------------------------------------------- concatM :: (Functor m, Monad m) => [m [a]] -> m [a] concatM = fmap concat . sequence -- mkopt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- mkopt :: OptDesc -> ExpQ mkopt optdesc = let (shorts, longs) = partition ((1==) . length) $ optdesc ^. names display_type = case dropWhile (`elem` "*?") $ optdesc ^. typename of '[' : '<' : y -> '[' : (tail . dropWhile (/= '>')) y '[' : ',' : x -> '[' : x x -> x display_dflt = -- trim off any leading 'id '; replace "..." with ...; -- remove anything Nothing let disp = ("^\\\"(.+)\\\"$" `subst` "$1") $ case dfltTxt optdesc of 'i' : 'd' : ' ' : x -> x "GHC.Types.[]" -> "[]" y -> y in case disp of "Data.Maybe.Nothing" -> "" "Nothing" -> "" z -> z in -- mkOpt shorts longs -- (optSetVal optdesc) -- (optdesc ^. summary) -- (optdesc ^. descn) -- (display_type) -- (display_dflt) mAppEQ [ return $ VarE 'mkOpt , appE (varE 'concat) (lift shorts) -- short options , lift longs -- long options , optSetVal optdesc -- handler (setval*) , stringEQ $ optdesc ^. summary -- summary help , stringEQ $ optdesc ^. descn -- long help , stringEQ display_type -- type name text (for help) , stringEQ display_dflt -- default value (for help) ] -- helpmeQ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | ExpQ variant of `helpme` helpmeQ :: ArgArity -> String -> ExpQ helpmeQ arity argtype = [| mkOpt "" [ "help" ] (helpme def { arg_arity = arity, arg_type = argtype }) "this help; use --help=<opt> for detail (no leading hyphens on <opt>)" (concat [ "Provide help text: without an arg, produces a summary options " , "output; with an arg (--help=foo), then detailed help text for " , "that option (if any is available) will be output." ]) "" "" -- option typename; dflt |] -- mkEffectorBody -------------------------------------------------------------- {- | build a (do) stmt that takes a GetoptName__ record, for each field in turn extracts the PCLV, passes through the relevant defaulter, to the relevant enactor; and ultimately builds a GetoptName record from the resultant values type of the resulting expression is GetoptName__ -> IO GetoptName -} -- mkEffectorBody g = do -- ((a, b, ...), exs) <- runWriterT $ do -- a <- tryWriteF $ enactor (dfGetter a___) -- b <- tryWriteF $ enactor (dfGetter b___) -- ... -- return (a, b, ...) -- return $ if null exs -- then Right $ GetoptName (fromJust a) (fromJust b) ... -- else Left exs -- (do -- ((string_x', incr_x', handle_x'), exs) <- runWriterT $ do -- string_x <- tryWriteF $ -- return (((fromMaybe "") . (view s___)) pclv); -- incr_x <- tryWriteF $ return (view incr___ pclv) -- handle_x <- tryWriteF $ -- openFileRO (((fromMaybe "/etc/motd") -- . (view handle___)) pclv) -- return (string_x, incr_x, handle_x) -- return $ if null exs -- then Right $ Getoptsx (fromJust string_x') -- (fromJust incr_x') -- (fromJust handle_x') -- else Left exs -- above) mkEffectorBody :: [OptDesc] -- ^ option field list -> String -- ^ name of the generated getopt_th -> Name -- ^ name of the fn param -> ExpQ mkEffectorBody optdescs getoptName pclv = do -- bs are the names that are assigned to, within the writer monad -- binds are each individual bound defaulted option (bs, binds) <- mapAndUnzipM (effectBind pclv) optdescs -- mbs are the names of the maybe values, having been try-ed; in each case, -- it's the name from within the writer, plus a trailing "'" mbs <- sequence $ fmap (newName . nameBase) bs -- rtn_bs_tup is the return of a tuple of each bind (return (a, b, ...)) let rtn_bs_tup = [NoBindS (AppE (VarE 'return) (TupE (fmap VarE bs)))] run_writer = composeApE (VarE 'runWriterT) (DoE (binds ++ rtn_bs_tup)) exs = mkName "exs" -- c'tor args are the map of fromJust across the maybe binds c'tor_args = fmap (AppE (VarE 'fromJust) . VarE) mbs c'tor = mAppE ((ConE $ ov_typename getoptName) : c'tor_args) check = CondE -- if null exs (AppE (VarE 'null) (VarE exs)) -- then Right $ GetoptName (fromJust a) (fromJust b) ... (composeApE (ConE 'Right) c'tor) -- else Left exs (AppE (ConE 'Left) (VarE exs)) return (DoE -- ((a, b, ...), exs) <- runWriterT... [ BindS (TupP [TupP (fmap VarP mbs), VarP exs]) run_writer -- return $ if ... , NoBindS (composeApE (VarE 'return) check) ]) -- effectBind ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | given some var pclv which is of type GetoptName__, return a stmt of the -- form b <- enactor (dfGetter pclv) -- (e.g., string_x <- tryWriteF $ return (((fromMaybe "") . (view s___)) pclv -- above) effectBind :: Name -> OptDesc -> Q (Name, Stmt) effectBind pclv o = do b <- newName $ name o dfg <- dfGetter o let enact = AppE (enactor o) (AppE dfg (VarE pclv)) tryW = composeApE (VarE 'tryWriteF) enact return (b, BindS (VarP b) tryW) -- t2apply --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | apply a monadic fn to the second element of a monadic pair t2apply :: (Monad m, Functor m) => (b -> m b') -> m (a, b) -> m (a, b') t2apply f = (>>= _2 f) -- tryWrite -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | evaluate an IO thing, catch any errors, write them to a WriterT _tryWrite :: IO a -> WriterT [SomeException] IO (Maybe a) _tryWrite io = do io' <- liftIO (try io >>= evaluate) case io' of Left e -> tell [e] >> liftIO (return Nothing) Right r -> (liftIO . return . Just) r -- tryWriteF ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | tryWriteF for things susceptible to DeepSeq tryWriteF :: NFData a => IO a -> WriterT [NFException] IO (Maybe a) tryWriteF io = do io' <- liftIO (try io >>= evaluate . force) case io' of Left e -> tell [e] >> liftIO (return Nothing) Right r -> (liftIO . return . Just) r -- NFException ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A SomeException susceptible to DeepSeq. Doesn't actually do anything, but -- means that we can use it within an NFData/force context (e.g., tryWriteF) newtype NFException = NFException SomeException deriving Typeable instance Show NFException where show (NFException e) = show e instance NFData NFException where instance Exception NFException where toException (NFException e) = e fromException = Just . NFException -- checkEx --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | check an Either [Exception] a; if Left, write the exceptions to stderr and -- exitUsage checkEx :: Exception e => IO (Either [e] a) -> IO a checkEx ei_io = do ei <- ei_io case ei of Left exs -> forM_ (fmap show exs) errOut >> exitUsage Right r -> return r -- that's all, folks! ----------------------------------------------------------
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module TBR.Core ( add , finish , list , move , random , remove , search , start , status , stop ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Error (catchError) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Function (on) import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import System.Random (randomRIO) import TBR import TBR.Monad import Text.Shakespeare.Text (st) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility operations -- | Returns a subset of the current booklist that contains the books for which -- the given predicate returns true. find :: MonadState BookList m => (Book -> Bool) -> m BookList find f = gets (Set.filter f) -- | Returns books in the given section. withSection :: MonadState BookList m => Section -> m BookList withSection s = find $ (== s) . bookSection -- | Returns the books that are marked as being read. reading :: MonadState BookList m => m BookList reading = withSection Reading -- | Returns the books under the to-be-read section. toBeRead :: MonadState BookList m => m BookList toBeRead = withSection ToBeRead -- | Returns all books that are not being read. allButReading :: MonadState BookList m => m BookList allButReading = find $ (/= Reading) . bookSection -- | Returns all books that are under a custom list. others :: MonadState BookList m => m BookList others = find $ isOther . bookSection where isOther (Other _) = True isOther _ = False -- | Returns books that are in the section that matches the given name. matchSection :: MonadBooks m => Text -> m BookList matchSection = findSection >=> withSection -- | Queries the given list of books for books that match the given criteria. query :: Text -> BookList -> BookList query q = Set.filter matcher where matcher = (||) <$> match . bookTitle <*> match . bookAuthor match = tokenMatch q -- | Expects exactly one book and throws an error if that is not satisfied. expect1 :: MonadBooks m => BookList -> m Book expect1 bl = case Set.toAscList bl of [] -> throwError [st|Unable to find such a book.|] [b] -> return b _ -> do putLn "The query matched:" printBookList bl throwError "Please refine the query." -- | Finds exactly one book that matches the given query and throws an error -- otherwise. query1 :: MonadBooks m => Text -> BookList -> m Book query1 q = expect1 . query q -- | Returns all books in the list. allBooks :: MonadState BookList m => m BookList allBooks = get -- | Finds and returns a @Section@ that matches the given query. findSection :: MonadBooks m => Text -> m Section findSection name | name `eq` "Reading" = return Reading | name `eq` "To Be Read" = return ToBeRead | otherwise = findOther where eq = (==) `on` tokens findOther = do matches <- gets $ Set.toAscList . Set.filter match . bookSection case matches of [o] -> return o _ -> throwError [st|Unable to find such a section.|] where match (Other x) = name `eq` x match _ = False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Formatting -- | Formats a single book in a nice readable format. formatBook :: Book -> Text formatBook Book{..} = [st|#{bookTitle} by #{bookAuthor}|] -- | Prints the given list of books. printBookList :: (MonadIO m) => BookList -> m () printBookList = puts . toStrict . writeBookList -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Commands add :: MonadBooks m => Text -> Text -> Maybe Text -> m () add title author lname = do books <- allBooks unless (Set.null $ matches books) $ throwError "You have already added that book." modify $ Set.insert book putLn [st|Added #{formatBook book} to the reading list.|] where book = Book title author' (maybe ToBeRead Other lname) matches bl = query title bl `Set.intersection` query author bl author' = capitalize author finish :: MonadBooks m => Maybe Text -> m () finish q = do b <- reading >>= maybe expect1 query1 q modify $ Set.delete b putLn [st|Finished reading #{formatBook b}|] list :: Maybe Text -> BooksM () list name = maybe allBooks matchSection name >>= printBookList move :: MonadBooks m => Text -> Text -> m () move q lname = do b <- allBooks >>= query1 q -- Try to move into an existing section before creating a new one. section <- findSection lname `catchError` (const . return $ Other lname) modify $ Set.insert (b { bookSection = section }) . Set.delete b putLn [st|Moved #{formatBook b} to #{show section}|] random :: MonadBooks m => Maybe Text -> m () random lname = do books <- maybe toBeRead matchSection lname author <- select $ bookAuthor books book <- select $ Set.filter ((== author) . bookAuthor) books putLn $ formatBook book where select s = liftIO $ do i <- randomRIO (0, Set.size s - 1) return $ Set.toAscList s !! i remove :: MonadBooks m => Text -> m () remove q = do b <- allButReading >>= query1 q modify $ Set.delete b putLn [st|Removed #{formatBook b} from the reading list.|] search :: Text -> BooksM () search q = query q <$> allBooks >>= printBookList start :: MonadBooks m => Text -> m () start q = do b <- allButReading >>= query1 q modify $ Set.insert (b { bookSection = Reading }) . Set.delete b putLn [st|Started reading #{formatBook b}.|] status :: (Functor m, MonadBooks m) => m () status = do rl <- reading unless (Set.null rl) $ printBookList rl tbrCount <- Set.size <$> toBeRead otherCount <- Set.size <$> others putLn $ [st|There are #{show $ tbrCount + otherCount} |] <> [st|(#{show otherCount} other) books to be read.|] stop :: (Functor m, MonadBooks m) => Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> m () stop q l = do b <- reading >>= maybe expect1 query1 q sec <- maybe (return ToBeRead) findSection l modify $ Set.insert (b { bookSection = sec }) . Set.delete b putLn [st|Stopped reading #{formatBook b}.|]
------------ exercise 2 : Four in a Row ----------------- -- réussite = 4 de suite, 4 dans la meme colonne, ou 4 en diagonal checkFour :: [[Char]] -> True
module Access.System.IO.Error ( module System.IO.Error , IOErrorAccess(..) ) where import System.IO.Error import Access.Core class Access io => IOErrorAccess io where ioError' :: IOError -> io a catchIOError' :: io a -> (IOError -> io a) -> io a tryIOError' :: io a -> io (Either IOError a) modifyIOError' :: (IOError -> IOError) -> io a -> io a instance IOErrorAccess IO where ioError' = ioError catchIOError' = catchIOError tryIOError' = tryIOError modifyIOError' = modifyIOError
-- GenI surface realiser -- Copyright (C) 2009 Eric Kow -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 -- of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- | Just regression testing of suites -- This can be seen as regression testing of GenI -- and also of grammars using GenI {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module NLP.GenI.Regression (mkSuite) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.Trans.Error import Data.Either import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef) import Data.List(sort) import System.FilePath ((</>)) import Test.HUnit import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import qualified Data.Text as T import NLP.GenI import NLP.GenI.Configuration import NLP.GenI.Console import NLP.GenI.General ( fst3, ) import NLP.GenI.LexicalSelection ( CustomSem ) import NLP.GenI.Pretty import NLP.GenI.Semantics ( SemInput ) import NLP.GenI.TestSuite ( TestCase(tcSem, tcName, tcExpected) ) import NLP.GenI.Simple.SimpleBuilder mkSuite :: IO Test.Framework.Test mkSuite = do goods <- sequence [ goodSuite "ej" (usualArgs "examples/ej" []) , goodSuite "chatnoir" (usualArgs "examples/chatnoir" []) , goodSuite "demo" (usualArgs "examples/demo" []) , goodSuite "promettre" (usualArgs "examples/promettre" ["--opts=pol"]) , goodSuite "artificial" (usualArgs "examples/artificial" []) , badSuite "artificial (bad)" (usualArgsBad "examples/artificial" []) ] return $ testGroup "Functional tests (coarse grained)" goods usualArgs :: FilePath -> [String] -> [String] usualArgs p args = [ "-t", p </> "trees" , "-l", p </> "lexicon" , "-s", p </> "suite" ] ++ args usualArgsBad :: FilePath -> [String] -> [String] usualArgsBad p args = [ "-t", p </> "trees" , "-l", p </> "lexicon" , "-s", p </> "suite-bad" ] ++ args noGui = setFlag DisableGuiFlg () type TestMaker = ProgStateRef -> CustomSem SemInput -> TestCase SemInput -> Test.Framework.Test goodSuite = genSuite goodSuiteCase badSuite = genSuite badSuiteCase genSuite :: TestMaker -> String -> [String] -> IO Test.Framework.Test genSuite mkCase name xs = do confArgs <- processInstructions =<< treatArgs optionsForStandardGenI xs let pst = emptyProgState (noGui confArgs) pstRef <- newIORef pst wrangler <- defaultCustomSem pst loadEverything pstRef wrangler suite <- case getListFlag TestInstructionsFlg confArgs of [] -> error "NLP.GenI.Regression: not expecting empty instructions" [x] -> loadNextSuite pstRef wrangler x _ -> error "NLP.GenI.Regression: not expecting multiple instructions" return . testGroup name $ map (mkCase pstRef wrangler) suite goodSuiteCase :: TestMaker goodSuiteCase pstRef wrangler tc = testCase (T.unpack (tcName tc)) $ do res <- runOnSemInput pstRef wrangler tc let sentences = map lemmaSentenceString (successes res) name = tcName tc semStr = prettyStr . fst3 . tcSem $ tc mainMsg = "for " ++ semStr ++ ", got no results" assertBool "got result" (not (null sentences)) forM_ (tcExpected tc) $ \e -> assertBool ("got result: " ++ T.unpack e) (e `elem` sentences) badSuiteCase :: TestMaker badSuiteCase pstRef wrangler tc = testCase (T.unpack (tcName tc)) $ do res <- runOnSemInput pstRef wrangler tc let sentences = map lemmaSentenceString (successes res) assertBool "no results" (null sentences) runOnSemInput :: ProgStateRef -> CustomSem SemInput -> TestCase SemInput -> IO [GeniResult] runOnSemInput pstRef wrangler tc = do pst <- readIORef pstRef let config = pa pst go = case getBuilderType config of SimpleBuilder -> helper pst simpleBuilder_2p SimpleOnePhaseBuilder -> helper pst simpleBuilder_1p sort `fmap` go where helper pst b = (grResults . simplifyResults) <$> (runErrorT $ runGeni pst wrangler b tc) successes :: [GeniResult] -> [GeniSuccess] successes xs = [ s | GSuccess s <- xs ]
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, NoMonomorphismRestriction, RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import qualified Data.Traversable as T import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM import Data.Maybe import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.FilePath ((</>)) import System.IO import System.Log.Logger -- import HEP.Automation.MadGraph.Model.ADMXQLD111 import HEP.Automation.MadGraph.Run import HEP.Automation.MadGraph.SetupType import HEP.Automation.MadGraph.Type -- import HEP.Automation.EventChain.Driver import HEP.Automation.EventChain.File import HEP.Automation.EventChain.LHEConn import HEP.Automation.EventChain.Type.Skeleton import HEP.Automation.EventChain.Type.Spec import HEP.Automation.EventChain.Type.Process import HEP.Automation.EventChain.SpecDSL import HEP.Automation.EventChain.Simulator import HEP.Automation.EventChain.Process import HEP.Automation.EventChain.Process.Generator import HEP.Automation.EventGeneration.Config import HEP.Automation.EventGeneration.Type import HEP.Automation.EventGeneration.Work import HEP.Parser.LHE.Type import HEP.Parser.LHE.Sanitizer.Type import HEP.Storage.WebDAV -- import qualified Paths_madgraph_auto as PMadGraph import qualified Paths_madgraph_auto_model as PModel jets = [1,2,3,4,-1,-2,-3,-4,21] leptons = [11,13,-11,-13] lepplusneut = [11,12,13,14,-11,-12,-13,-14] adms = [9000201,-9000201,9000202,-9000202] sup = [1000002,-1000002] sdownR = [2000001,-2000001] p_gluino = d ([1000021], [t lepplusneut, t jets, t jets, t adms]) p_2sg_2l4j2x :: DCross p_2sg_2l4j2x = x (t proton, t proton, [p_gluino, p_gluino]) idx_2sg_2l4j2x :: CrossID ProcSmplIdx idx_2sg_2l4j2x = mkCrossIDIdx (mkDICross p_2sg_2l4j2x) map_2sg_2l4j2x :: ProcSpecMap map_2sg_2l4j2x = HM.fromList [(Nothing , MGProc [] [ "p p > go go QED=0" ]) ,(Just (3,1000021,[]), MGProc [ "define lep = e+ e- mu+ mu- ve ve~ vm vm~ " , "define sxx = sxxp sxxp~ "] [ "go > lep j j sxx " ] ) ,(Just (4,1000021,[]), MGProc [ "define lep = e+ e- mu+ mu- ve ve~ vm vm~ " , "define sxx = sxxp sxxp~ "] [ "go > lep j j sxx " ] ) ] modelparam mgl msq msl mneut = ADMXQLD111Param mgl msq msl mneut -- | mgrunsetup :: Int -> RunSetup mgrunsetup n = RS { numevent = n , machine = LHC8 ATLAS , rgrun = Auto , rgscale = 200.0 , match = NoMatch , cut = NoCut , pythia = RunPYTHIA , lhesanitizer = LHESanitize (Replace [(9000201,1000022),(-9000201,1000022)]) , pgs = RunPGS (AntiKTJet 0.4,NoTau) , uploadhep = NoUploadHEP , setnum = 1 } worksets = [ (mgl,msq,50000,50000, 10000) | mgl <- [800], msq <- [500,600,700,800, 1300,1400,1500,1600] ] -- mgl <- [100,200..2000], msq <- [100,200..2000] ] main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let fp = args !! 0 n1 = read (args !! 1) :: Int n2 = read (args !! 2) :: Int updateGlobalLogger "MadGraphAuto" (setLevel DEBUG) mapM_ (scanwork fp) (drop (n1-1) . take n2 $ worksets ) {- -- | getScriptSetup :: FilePath -- ^ sandbox directory -> FilePath -- ^ mg5base -> FilePath -- ^ main montecarlo run -> IO ScriptSetup getScriptSetup dir_sb dir_mg5 dir_mc = do dir_mdl <- (</> "template") <$> PModel.getDataDir dir_tmpl <- (</> "template") <$> PMadGraph.getDataDir return $ SS { modeltmpldir = dir_mdl , runtmpldir = dir_tmpl , sandboxdir = dir_sb , mg5base = dir_mg5 , mcrundir = dir_mc } -} scanwork :: FilePath -> (Double,Double,Double,Double,Int) -> IO () scanwork fp (mgl,msq,msl,mneut,n) = do homedir <- getHomeDirectory getConfig fp >>= maybe (return ()) (\ec -> do let ssetup = evgen_scriptsetup ec whost = evgen_webdavroot ec pkey = evgen_privatekeyfile ec pswd = evgen_passwordstore ec Just cr <- getCredential pkey pswd let wdavcfg = WebDAVConfig { webdav_credential = cr , webdav_baseurl = whost } param = modelparam mgl msq msl mneut mgrs = mgrunsetup n evchainGen ADMXQLD111 ssetup ("Work20130610_2sg","2sg_2l4j2x") param map_2sg_2l4j2x p_2sg_2l4j2x mgrs let wsetup' = getWorkSetupCombined ADMXQLD111 ssetup param ("Work20130610_2sg","2sg_2l4j2x") mgrs wsetup = wsetup' { ws_storage = WebDAVRemoteDir "montecarlo/admproject/XQLD/8TeV/scan_2sg_2l4j2x" } putStrLn "phase2work start" phase2work wsetup putStrLn "phase3work start" phase3work wdavcfg wsetup ) phase2work :: WorkSetup ADMXQLD111 -> IO () phase2work wsetup = do r <- flip runReaderT wsetup . runErrorT $ do ws <- ask let (ssetup,psetup,param,rsetup) = ((,,,) <$> ws_ssetup <*> ws_psetup <*> ws_param <*> ws_rsetup) ws cardPrepare case (lhesanitizer rsetup,pythia rsetup) of (NoLHESanitize,_) -> return () (LHESanitize pid, RunPYTHIA) -> do sanitizeLHE runPYTHIA runPGS runClean (LHESanitize pid, NoPYTHIA) -> do sanitizeLHE cleanHepFiles print r return () -- | phase3work :: WebDAVConfig -> WorkSetup ADMXQLD111 -> IO () phase3work wdav wsetup = do uploadEventFull NoUploadHEP wdav wsetup return ()
module Database.Design.Ampersand.Input ( module Database.Design.Ampersand.Input.ADL1.CtxError , module Database.Design.Ampersand.Input.Parsing ) where import Database.Design.Ampersand.Input.ADL1.CtxError (CtxError,Guarded(..),showErr) import Database.Design.Ampersand.Input.Parsing (parseADL,parseADL1pExpr,parseRule,parseCtx)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Synchrotron Soleil License : GPL3+ Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : Experimental Portability: GHC only? -} import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Vector, Matrix, vecdisp, disps, dispf) import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (nano, meter, degree, (*~), (*~~), (/~~)) import Options.Applicative hiding ((<>)) import Hkl.Lattice import Hkl.Diffractometer dispv :: Vector Double -> IO () dispv = putStr . vecdisp (disps 2) disp :: Matrix Double -> IO () disp = putStr . dispf 3 -- command parsing data Command = Ca Double Double Double -- ca command data Options = Options Command withInfo :: Parser a -> String -> ParserInfo a withInfo opts desc = info (helper <*> opts) $ progDesc desc parseCa :: Parser Command parseCa = Ca <$> argument auto (metavar "H") <*> argument auto (metavar "K") <*> argument auto (metavar "L") parseCommand :: Parser Command parseCommand = subparser $ command "ca" (parseCa `withInfo` "compute angles for the given hkl") parseOptions :: Parser Options parseOptions = Options <$> parseCommand -- Actual program logic run :: Options -> IO () run (Options cmd) = case cmd of Ca h k l-> do print (solution /~~ degree) dispv (computeHkl e4c solution lattice) disp path where (sol, path) = computeAngles e4c angles lattice mode [h, k, l] s = [30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0] d = [60.0] angles = (s ++ d) *~~ degree solution = fromMode mode sol angles lattice = Cubic (1.54 *~ nano meter) mode = ModeHklE4CConstantPhi main :: IO () main = run =<< execParser (parseOptions `withInfo` "Interact with hkl API")
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Data.Colour.Manifold ( -- * Full colour space Colour, QuantisedColour(..) -- * 2D/1D projected colour space , ColourMap, planarColourMap, colourCurve, colourMapPlane, spectralSwing , ColourPlane, cpCold, cpNeutral, cpHot, spanColourPlane -- * Mapping data to colours , ColourMappable(..) -- * Predefined colour maps , SimpleColourMap, blackBlueYellowRed, brightVsRed, redVsBlue ) where import Data.Functor (($>)) import Control.Applicative (empty) import Control.Applicative.Constrained import Control.Arrow.Constrained import Data.Semigroup import Data.Manifold.PseudoAffine import Data.Manifold.Types import Data.Manifold.Atlas import Data.Manifold.Riemannian import Data.VectorSpace import Data.AffineSpace import Data.AdditiveGroup import Data.Manifold.Shade (Shade(..), Shade'(..), rangeWithinVertices) import Data.Colour.SRGB (toSRGB, toSRGB24) import Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear import Data.Colour hiding (AffineSpace) import Data.Colour.Names import Math.LinearMap.Category import Linear.V2 import Linear.V3 import qualified Prelude as Hask import Control.Category.Constrained.Prelude import Codec.Picture.Types import Data.Coerce import Data.Type.Coercion import Data.CallStack import Control.Lens newtype ColourNeedle = ColourNeedle { getRGBNeedle :: RGB ℝ } deriving (Eq, Show) asV3Needle :: ColourNeedle -+> V3 ℝ asV3Needle = LinearFunction $ \(ColourNeedle (RGB r g b)) -> V3 r g b fromV3Needle :: V3 ℝ -+> ColourNeedle fromV3Needle = LinearFunction $ \(V3 r g b) -> ColourNeedle $ RGB r g b asV3Tensor :: (ColourNeedle⊗w) -+> (V3 ℝ⊗w) asV3Tensor = LinearFunction $ \(Tensor (RGB r g b)) -> Tensor $ V3 r g b fromV3Tensor :: (V3 ℝ⊗w) -+> (ColourNeedle⊗w) fromV3Tensor = LinearFunction $ \(Tensor (V3 r g b)) -> Tensor $ RGB r g b fromV3LinMap :: (V3 ℝ+>w) -+> (ColourNeedle+>w) fromV3LinMap = LinearFunction $ \(LinearMap (V3 r g b)) -> LinearMap $ RGB r g b withRGBNeedle :: (RGB Double -> RGB Double) -> ColourNeedle -> ColourNeedle withRGBNeedle f (ColourNeedle q) = ColourNeedle $ f q instance AdditiveGroup ColourNeedle where zeroV = ColourNeedle $ RGB 0 0 0 negateV = withRGBNeedle $ fmap negate ColourNeedle q ^+^ ColourNeedle s = ColourNeedle $ liftA2 (+) q s instance VectorSpace ColourNeedle where type Scalar ColourNeedle = ℝ (*^)μ = withRGBNeedle $ fmap (μ*) instance TensorSpace ColourNeedle where type TensorProduct ColourNeedle w = RGB w scalarSpaceWitness = ScalarSpaceWitness linearManifoldWitness = LinearManifoldWitness BoundarylessWitness zeroTensor = Tensor (RGB zeroV zeroV zeroV) toFlatTensor = LinearFunction $ \(ColourNeedle (RGB r g b)) -> Tensor (RGB r g b) fromFlatTensor = LinearFunction $ \(Tensor (RGB r g b)) -> ColourNeedle (RGB r g b) addTensors (Tensor (RGB r g b)) (Tensor (RGB r' g' b')) = Tensor $ RGB (r^+^r') (g^+^g') (b^+^b') subtractTensors (Tensor (RGB r g b)) (Tensor (RGB r' g' b')) = Tensor $ RGB (r^-^r') (g^-^g') (b^-^b') negateTensor = LinearFunction $ \(Tensor (RGB r g b)) -> Tensor (RGB (negateV r) (negateV g) (negateV b)) scaleTensor = bilinearFunction $ \μ (Tensor (RGB r g b)) -> Tensor (RGB (μ*^r) (μ*^g) (μ*^b)) tensorProduct = bilinearFunction $ \(ColourNeedle (RGB r g b)) w -> Tensor (RGB (r*^w) (g*^w) (b*^w)) transposeTensor = (getLinearFunction fmapTensor fromV3Needle) . transposeTensor . asV3Tensor fmapTensor = bilinearFunction $ \f (Tensor (RGB r g b)) -> Tensor $ RGB (f $ r) (f $ g) (f $ b) fzipTensorWith = bilinearFunction $ \f (Tensor (RGB r g b), Tensor (RGB r' g' b')) -> Tensor $ RGB (f $ (r,r')) (f $ (g,g')) (f $ (b,b')) coerceFmapTensorProduct _ Coercion = Coercion wellDefinedTensor t@(Tensor (RGB r g b)) = wellDefinedVector r >> wellDefinedVector g >> wellDefinedVector b $> t instance LinearSpace ColourNeedle where type DualVector ColourNeedle = ColourNeedle linearId = LinearMap $ RGB (ColourNeedle $ RGB 1 0 0) (ColourNeedle $ RGB 0 1 0) (ColourNeedle $ RGB 0 0 1) tensorId = ti dualSpaceWitness (asTensor $ id) where ti :: ∀ w . (TensorSpace w, Scalar w ~ ℝ) => DualSpaceWitness w -> Tensor ℝ (DualVector w) w -> Tensor ℝ ColourNeedle w+>Tensor ℝ ColourNeedle w ti DualSpaceWitness wid = LinearMap $ RGB (fmap (LinearFunction $ \w -> Tensor $ RGB w zeroV zeroV) $ wid) (fmap (LinearFunction $ \w -> Tensor $ RGB zeroV w zeroV) $ wid) (fmap (LinearFunction $ \w -> Tensor $ RGB zeroV zeroV w) $ wid) coerceDoubleDual = Coercion dualSpaceWitness = DualSpaceWitness contractTensorMap = LinearFunction $ \(LinearMap (RGB (Tensor (RGB r _ _)) (Tensor (RGB _ g _)) (Tensor (RGB _ _ b)))) -> r ^+^ g ^+^ b contractMapTensor = LinearFunction $ \(Tensor (RGB (LinearMap (RGB r _ _)) (LinearMap (RGB _ g _)) (LinearMap (RGB _ _ b)))) -> r ^+^ g ^+^ b contractLinearMapAgainst = bilinearFunction $ \(LinearMap (RGB r g b)) f -> channelRed (getRGBNeedle $ f $ r) + channelGreen (getRGBNeedle $ f $ g) + channelBlue (getRGBNeedle $ f $ b) applyDualVector = bilinearFunction $ \(ColourNeedle (RGB r' g' b')) (ColourNeedle (RGB r g b)) -> r'*r + g'*g + b'*b applyLinear = bilinearFunction $ \(LinearMap (RGB r' g' b')) (ColourNeedle (RGB r g b)) -> r'^*r ^+^ g'^*g ^+^ b'^*b applyTensorFunctional = bilinearFunction $ \(LinearMap (RGB r' g' b')) (Tensor (RGB r g b)) -> r'<.>^r + g'<.>^g + b'<.>^b applyTensorLinMap = bilinearFunction $ \(LinearMap (RGB r' g' b')) (Tensor (RGB r g b)) -> (r'+$r) ^+^ (g'+$g) ^+^ (b'+$b) where f+$x = getLinearFunction (getLinearFunction applyLinear $ fromTensor $ f) x composeLinear = bilinearFunction $ \f (LinearMap (RGB r' g' b')) -> LinearMap $ RGB (f +$ r') (f +$ g') (f +$ b') where f+$x = getLinearFunction (getLinearFunction applyLinear f) x instance SemiInner ColourNeedle where dualBasisCandidates = cartesianDualBasisCandidates [ColourNeedle (RGB 1 0 0), ColourNeedle (RGB 0 1 0), ColourNeedle (RGB 0 0 1)] (\(ColourNeedle (RGB r g b)) -> abs <$> [r,g,b]) tensorDualBasisCandidates = map (second $ getLinearFunction asV3Tensor) >>> tensorDualBasisCandidates >>> map (fmap $ second $ getLinearFunction fromV3LinMap) instance FiniteDimensional ColourNeedle where data SubBasis ColourNeedle = ColourNeedleBasis entireBasis = ColourNeedleBasis enumerateSubBasis ColourNeedleBasis = ColourNeedle <$> [RGB 1 0 0, RGB 0 1 0, RGB 0 0 1] decomposeLinMap (LinearMap (RGB r g b)) = (ColourNeedleBasis, ([r,g,b]++)) decomposeLinMapWithin ColourNeedleBasis (LinearMap (RGB r g b)) = pure ([r,g,b]++) recomposeSB ColourNeedleBasis [] = (ColourNeedle $ RGB 0 0 0, []) recomposeSB ColourNeedleBasis [r] = (ColourNeedle $ RGB r 0 0, []) recomposeSB ColourNeedleBasis [r,g] = (ColourNeedle $ RGB r g 0, []) recomposeSB ColourNeedleBasis (r:g:b:l) = (ColourNeedle $ RGB r g b, l) recomposeSBTensor ColourNeedleBasis sbw l = let (r,l') = recomposeSB sbw l (g,l'') = recomposeSB sbw l' (b,l''') = recomposeSB sbw l'' in (Tensor $ RGB r g b, l''') recomposeLinMap ColourNeedleBasis [] = (LinearMap $ RGB zeroV zeroV zeroV, []) recomposeLinMap ColourNeedleBasis [r] = (LinearMap $ RGB r zeroV zeroV, []) recomposeLinMap ColourNeedleBasis [r,g] = (LinearMap $ RGB r g zeroV, []) recomposeLinMap ColourNeedleBasis (r:g:b:l) = (LinearMap $ RGB r g b, l) recomposeContraLinMap f l = LinearMap $ RGB (f $ fmap (channelRed . getRGBNeedle) l) (f $ fmap (channelGreen . getRGBNeedle) l) (f $ fmap (channelBlue . getRGBNeedle) l) recomposeContraLinMapTensor = rclmt dualSpaceWitness where rclmt :: ∀ u w f . ( Hask.Functor f , FiniteDimensional u, LinearSpace w , Scalar u ~ ℝ, Scalar w ~ ℝ ) => DualSpaceWitness u -> (f ℝ -> w) -> f (ColourNeedle+>DualVector u) -> (ColourNeedle⊗u)+>w rclmt DualSpaceWitness fw mv = LinearMap $ (\c -> fromLinearMap $ recomposeContraLinMap fw $ fmap (\(LinearMap q) -> c q) mv) <$> RGB channelRed channelGreen channelBlue uncanonicallyFromDual = id uncanonicallyToDual = id fromLinearMap :: ∀ s u v w . (LinearSpace u, Scalar u ~ s) => LinearMap s (DualVector u) w -> Tensor s u w fromLinearMap = case dualSpaceWitness :: DualSpaceWitness u of DualSpaceWitness -> coerce asTensor :: ∀ s u v w . (LinearSpace u, Scalar u ~ s) => LinearMap s u w -> Tensor s (DualVector u) w asTensor = coerce fromTensor :: ∀ s u v w . (LinearSpace u, Scalar u ~ s) => Tensor s (DualVector u) w -> LinearMap s u w fromTensor = coerce instance Semimanifold ColourNeedle where type Needle ColourNeedle = ColourNeedle fromInterior = id; toInterior = pure translateP = pure (^+^) instance PseudoAffine ColourNeedle where ColourNeedle q .-~. ColourNeedle s = pure . ColourNeedle $ liftA2 (-) q s instance Atlas ColourNeedle where type ChartIndex ColourNeedle = () interiorChartReferencePoint _ () = zeroV lookupAtlas _ = () instance AffineSpace ColourNeedle where type Diff ColourNeedle = ColourNeedle (.-.) = (.-~!) (.+^) = (.+~^) fromLtdRGB :: LtdCol -> Colour ℝ fromLtdRGB = fmap (\(CD¹ h Origin) -> h) >>> \(RGB r g b) -> rgb r g b toLtdRGB :: Colour ℝ -> LtdCol toLtdRGB = toRGB >>> fmap ((`CD¹`Origin) . min 1 . max 0) type LtdCol = RGB (CD¹ ℝ⁰) bijectToLtd :: ℝ -> CD¹ ℝ⁰ bijectToLtd 0 = CD¹ 0.5 Origin bijectToLtd y | ψ > 0.5 = CD¹ 1 Origin | ψ > -0.5 = CD¹ ( 0.5 - ψ ) Origin | otherwise = CD¹ 0 Origin where ψ = (1 - sqrt(1+y^2)) / (2*y) -- y = (x - 1/2) / (x*(1 - x)) -- y * x * (1 - x) = x - 1/2 -- y * x² - (1 - y) * x - 1/2 = 0 -- y * x² + (y - 1) * x - 1/2 = 0 -- x = (1 - y ± sqrt( (1-y)² + 2*y ) ) / (-2*y) -- = (y - 1 +! sqrt( 1 + y² ) ) / (2*y) -- unstable for y ≈ 0 -- = 1/2 - (1 - sqrt( 1 + y² ) ) / (2*y) bijectFromLtd :: CD¹ ℝ⁰ -> Maybe ℝ bijectFromLtd (CD¹ x Origin) | x>0 && x<1 = return $ (x - 0.5) / (x*(1 - x)) | otherwise = empty instance Semimanifold (Colour ℝ) where type Interior (Colour ℝ) = ColourNeedle type Needle (Colour ℝ) = ColourNeedle fromInterior (ColourNeedle q) = fromLtdRGB $ fmap bijectToLtd q toInterior = fmap ColourNeedle . toin . toLtdRGB where toin (RGB r g b) = liftA3 RGB (bijectFromLtd r) (bijectFromLtd g) (bijectFromLtd b) translateP = pure (^+^) instance PseudoAffine (Colour ℝ) where c .-~. ζ = liftA2 (^-^) (toInterior c) (toInterior ζ) instance Geodesic (Colour ℝ) where geodesicBetween a b = return $ \(D¹ q) -> blend ((q+1)/2) b a instance Geodesic ColourNeedle where geodesicBetween (ColourNeedle (RGB r g b)) (ColourNeedle (RGB r' g' b')) = return $ \(D¹ q) -> let η' = (q+1)/2 in ColourNeedle $ RGB (lerp r r' η') (lerp g g' η') (lerp b b' η') instance Atlas (Colour ℝ) where type ChartIndex (Colour ℝ) = () chartReferencePoint () = grey interiorChartReferencePoint = \_ () -> intGrey where Just intGrey = toInterior (grey :: Colour ℝ) lookupAtlas _ = () class QuantisedColour c where quantiseColour :: Colour ℝ -> c instance QuantisedColour PixelRGBF where quantiseColour c = PixelRGBF r g b where RGB r g b = fmap realToFrac $ toSRGB c instance QuantisedColour PixelRGB8 where quantiseColour c = PixelRGB8 r g b where RGB r g b = toSRGB24 c -- | A two-dimensional, smoothly varying colour palette. data ColourMap x = ColourMap { _cmPlane :: ColourPlane , _cmSpectSwing :: ℝ } planarColourMap :: ColourPlane -> ColourMap x planarColourMap = (`ColourMap`0) colourCurve :: ColourPlane -> ℝ -> ColourMap ℝ colourCurve = ColourMap spectralSwing :: (Needle x ~ ℝ) => Traversal' (ColourMap x) ℝ spectralSwing = lens _cmSpectSwing (\cm sw' -> cm{_cmSpectSwing = sw'}) colourMapPlane :: Traversal' (ColourMap x) ColourPlane colourMapPlane = lens _cmPlane (\cm pl' -> cm{_cmPlane = pl'}) data ColourPlane = ColourPlane { _cpCold :: Colour ℝ , _cpNeutral :: Interior (Colour ℝ) , _cpHot :: Colour ℝ } makeLenses ''ColourPlane spanColourPlane :: Interior (Colour ℝ) -- ^ Neutral colour -> (Colour ℝ, Colour ℝ) -- ^ Extreme “cold” / “hot” colours -> ColourPlane spanColourPlane neutral (cold,hot) = ColourPlane cold neutral hot class Geodesic x => ColourMappable x where type ColourMapped x :: * type MappingVertex x :: * mapToColourWith :: HasCallStack => ColourMap (MappingVertex x) -> Interior (MappingVertex x) -> (MappingVertex x, MappingVertex x) -> x -> ColourMapped x instance ColourMappable ℝ where type ColourMapped ℝ = Colour ℝ type MappingVertex ℝ = ℝ mapToColourWith (ColourMap (ColourPlane coldC neutralC hotC) swing) neutralP (coldP, hotP) = (\(Shade c _) -> fromInterior c) . shFn . \x -> let φ = 2*(x-neutralP)/(hotP-coldP) in Shade ( (1 - φ)/2 + (φ^2 - 1)*exp swing/2 , (φ + 1)/2 + (φ^2 - 1)*exp swing/2 ) (spanNorm [(256,0), (0,256)]) :: Shade (ℝ,ℝ) where Just shFn = rangeWithinVertices ((0,0), neutralC) [((1,0), coldC), ((0,1), hotC)] instance ColourMappable (ℝ,ℝ) where type ColourMapped (ℝ,ℝ) = Colour ℝ type MappingVertex (ℝ,ℝ) = (ℝ,ℝ) mapToColourWith (ColourMap cp swing) (xN,yN) ((xCold,yCold), (xHot,yHot)) = mapToColourWith (ColourMap cp swing) (V2 xN yN) (V2 xCold yCold, V2 xHot yHot) . \(x,y) -> (V2 x y) instance ColourMappable ℝ² where type ColourMapped ℝ² = Colour ℝ type MappingVertex ℝ² = ℝ² mapToColourWith (ColourMap (ColourPlane coldC neutralC hotC) swing) neutralP (coldP, hotP) = (\(Shade c _) -> fromInterior c) . shFn . \xy -> Shade xy quantisationNorm where Just shFn = rangeWithinVertices (neutralP, neutralC) [(coldP, coldC), (hotP, hotC)] quantisationNorm = scaleNorm 256 . dualNorm $ spanVariance [coldP^-^neutralP, hotP^-^neutralP] class ColourMappable x => HasSimpleColourMaps x where simpleColourMap :: ColourPlane -> ℝ -> ColourMap x simpleColourMap = const . planarColourMap instance HasSimpleColourMaps ℝ where simpleColourMap = colourCurve instance HasSimpleColourMaps (ℝ,ℝ) instance HasSimpleColourMaps ℝ² type SimpleColourMap = ∀ x . HasSimpleColourMaps x => ColourMap x blackBlueYellowRed :: SimpleColourMap blackBlueYellowRed = simpleColourMap (spanColourPlane neutralc (darkblue,goldenrod)) 1 where Just neutralc = toInterior (dimgrey :: Colour ℝ) redVsBlue :: SimpleColourMap redVsBlue = simpleColourMap (spanColourPlane neutralc (rgb 0.9 0 0.2, rgb 0.1 0.3 1)) (-1/2) where neutralc = ColourNeedle $ RGB (-1.2) (-0.5) (-1.5) brightVsRed :: SimpleColourMap brightVsRed = simpleColourMap (spanColourPlane neutralc (white, orangered)) 1 where Just neutralc = toInterior (darkgrey :: Colour ℝ)
{- Цель - сделать генерацию минимального подмножества sql, через которое можно выразить все операции-} module Database.SQL.SQLSolvent.NaiveSql ( Ariphm(Plus, Minus, Multi, Div) ,ClauseOp(Much, Less, Equ, NoEqu,MEqu, LEqu) ,Logic(And, Or) ,Clause(Clause) ,Where (Where) ,From (From) ,Join (LeftJoin, InnerJoin) ,SelectList (SelectList) ,Select (Select) ) where import Database.SQL.SQLSolvent.Types import Data.Text as T import Data.List as L --mssql --table, subquery data Ariphm = Plus | -- + Minus | -- - Multi | -- * Div -- / data ClauseOp = Much | -- > Less | -- < Equ | -- = NoEqu | -- != MEqu | -- >= LEqu -- <= instance Show ClauseOp where show Much = " > " show Less = " < " show Equ = " = " show NoEqu = " != " show MEqu = " >= " show LEqu = " <= " data Logic = And | Or --like t1.c1 = t2.c2 data Clause = Clause ((TableName, FieldName), ClauseOp, (TableName, FieldName)) instance Show Clause where show (Clause ((t1, f1), op, (t2, f2))) = show t1 ++ "." ++ show f1 ++ show op ++ show t2 ++ "." ++ show f2 data Where = Where [Clause] instance Show Where where show (Where clauses) = " WHERE " ++ L.foldl1 (++) (fmap show clauses) data From = From TableName instance Show From where show (From t) = " FROM " ++ show t data Join = LeftJoin TableName [Clause] | InnerJoin TableName [Clause] instance Show Join where show (LeftJoin t clauses) = "LEFT JOIN " ++ T.unpack t ++ " on " ++ L.foldl1 (++) (fmap show clauses) show (InnerJoin t clauses) = "INNER JOIN " ++ T.unpack t ++ " on " ++ L.foldl1 (++) (fmap show clauses) data SelectList = SelectList [(TableName, FieldName)] instance Show SelectList where show (SelectList fields) = let showL (a,b) = T.append (T.append a $ T.append (T.pack ".") b) $ T.pack ", " in T.unpack $ L.foldl1 (T.append) (fmap showL fields) data Select = Select SelectList From [Join] --Where instance Show Select where show (Select fields from joins ) = --whr let in "SELECT " ++ (show fields) ++ (show from) ++ (L.concat $ fmap show joins) -- ++ (show whr) {- renderNaiveSql :: LocGraph -> Markers -> String renderNaiveSql lc (nm, em) = undefined let nodesinmarkers = filter (\(tid,_) -> tid `elem` $ fmap (\(tidd, _) -> tidd) nm ) (labNodes lc) edgesinmarkers = filter (\(eid,_) -> eid `elem` $ fmap (\(_, _, (eidd, _)) -> eidd) em ) (laEdges lc) querygraph = mkGraph (nodesinmarkers) (edgesinmarkers) headRankTable = snd $ maximum $ zip ( (fmap (deg querygraph) $ nodes querygraph) $ labNodes querygraph path = lbft in show $ Select (SelectList ) (From (tName $ snd headnode)) [LeftJoin t [Clause ((), Equ, ()) | ] | ] --Where -} --data InsertInto = InsertInto TableName [FieldName] Select --data Update = Update TableName [FieldName] --data Create = --data Drop =
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ExistentialQuantification #-} module BlastItWithPiss.Captcha (CurrentSsachCaptchaType ,unsafeMakeYandexCaptchaAnswer ,ssachRecaptchaKey ,cloudflareRecaptchaKey ,CAnswer(..) ,Captcha(..) ,Recaptcha(..) ,recaptchaChallengeKey ,Yandex(..) ,makabaCaptcha ) where import Import import BlastItWithPiss.MonadChoice import BlastItWithPiss.Board import BlastItWithPiss.Blast import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Text.Recognition.Antigate type CurrentSsachCaptchaType = Yandex ssachRecaptchaKey :: String ssachRecaptchaKey = "6LdOEMMSAAAAAIGhmYodlkflEb2C-xgPjyATLnxx" cloudflareRecaptchaKey :: String cloudflareRecaptchaKey = "6LeT6gcAAAAAAAZ_yDmTMqPH57dJQZdQcu6VFqog" -- ssachSolveMediaKey :: String -- ssachSolveMediaKey = "oIzJ06xKCH-H6PKr8OLVMa26G06kK3qh" type UserCode = String data CAnswer m m' = CAnswer { cAdaptive :: !Bool -- ^ Adaptive captcha? , cFields :: [Part m m'] } deriving Show instance Default (CAnswer m m') where def = CAnswer True [] class Captcha a where -- | Check if any captcha is needed and return either premade fields or key -- needed to solve challenge. getNewCaptcha :: (MonadChoice m, MonadResource m') => Board -> Maybe Int -> UserCode -> Blast (Either (CAnswer m m') a) -- | If they use systems like recaptcha or solveMedia, then we know their -- public key beforehand, so we don't have to query makaba to get our challenge. unsafeGenNewCaptcha :: Maybe (Blast a) unsafeGenNewCaptcha = Nothing getCaptchaImage :: a -> Blast (LByteString, MimeType) applyCaptcha :: (MonadChoice m, MonadResource m') => a -> String -> Blast (CAnswer m m') getCaptchaConf :: a -> Blast CaptchaConf newtype Recaptcha = Recaptcha {recaptchaKey :: String} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Captcha Recaptcha where getNewCaptcha _ _ usercode = do res <- makabaCaptcha usercode if T.isPrefixOf "OK" res || T.isPrefixOf "VIP" res then return $ Left $ CAnswer True [] else Right . Recaptcha <$> recaptchaChallengeKey ssachRecaptchaKey unsafeGenNewCaptcha = Just (Recaptcha <$> recaptchaChallengeKey ssachRecaptchaKey) getCaptchaImage (Recaptcha chKey) = do res <- httpGetLbs $ "" ++ chKey return (res, "image/jpg") applyCaptcha (Recaptcha chKey) answer = return $ CAnswer False $ [partBS "recaptcha_challenge_field" (fromString chKey) ,partBS "recaptcha_response_field" (T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack answer)] getCaptchaConf _ = return $ def {phrase = True} newtype Yandex = Yandex {yandexKey :: String} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Captcha Yandex where getNewCaptcha _ _ usercode = do res <- makabaCaptcha usercode if T.isPrefixOf "OK" res || T.isPrefixOf "VIP" res then return $ Left $ CAnswer True [] else let str = T.unpack res in return $ Right $ Yandex $ lastNote (yandexerr str) $ lines str where yandexerr a = "Yandex captcha: Challenge ID not found in \"" ++ a ++ "\". Update code." unsafeGenNewCaptcha = Nothing getCaptchaImage (Yandex chKey) = do res <- httpGetLbs $ "" ++ chKey return (res, "image/gif") applyCaptcha (Yandex chKey) answer = return $ unsafeMakeYandexCaptchaAnswer chKey answer getCaptchaConf _ = return $ def {numeric = Just True} unsafeMakeYandexCaptchaAnswer :: (Monad m, Monad m') => String -> String -> CAnswer m m' unsafeMakeYandexCaptchaAnswer chKey answer = CAnswer False [partBS "captcha" (fromString chKey) ,partBS "captcha_value_id_06" (fromString answer) ] -- | Query adaptive captcha state makabaCaptcha :: String -> Blast Text makabaCaptcha usercode = do let code = if not $ null usercode then "?usercode=" ++ usercode else [] responseBody <$> httpReqStr (unsafeParseUrl $ ssach ++ "/makaba/captcha.fcgi" ++ code) {requestHeaders = [(hAccept, "text/html, */*; q=0.01") ,("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest") -- ,(hReferer, ssachThread board thread) ]} recaptchaChallengeKey :: String -> Blast String recaptchaChallengeKey key = do rawjsstr <- T.unpack <$> httpGetStr recaptchaUrl return $ fromMaybe (error $ fatalErrorMsg ++ ": " ++ rawjsstr) $ findMap getChallenge $ lines rawjsstr where getChallenge s = takeUntil (=='\'') <$> stripPrefix "challenge : \'" (dropWhile isSpace s) fatalErrorMsg = "FATAL ERROR: getNewCaptcha: Recaptcha changed their " ++ "JSON formatting, update code" recaptchaUrl = "" ++ key ++ "&lang=en" {- getChallengeKey :: String -> Blast String getChallengeKey key = do rawjsstr <- T.unpack <$> httpGetStr ("" ++ key ++ "&lang=en") return $ headNote (fatalErrorMsg ++ ": " ++ rawjsstr) $ mapMaybe getChallenge $ lines rawjsstr where getChallenge s = takeUntil (=='\'') <$> stripPrefix "challenge : \'" (dropWhile isSpace s) fatalErrorMsg = "FATAL ERROR: getChallengeKey: Recaptcha changed their JSON formatting, update code" reloadCaptcha :: String -> String -> Blast () reloadCaptcha key chKey = void $ httpGet $ "" ++ chKey ++ "&k=" ++ key ++ "&reason=r&type=image&lang=en" getCaptchaImage :: String -> Blast LByteString getCaptchaImage chKey = httpGetLbs $ "" ++ chKey ssachGetCaptcha :: Board -> Maybe Int -> String -> String -> Blast (Maybe LByteString) ssachGetCaptcha board thread key chKey = ifM (doWeNeedCaptcha board thread "") (do reloadCaptcha key chKey Just <$> getCaptchaImage chKey) (return Nothing) -} {- data SolveMedia = SolveMedia {solveMediaKey :: String ,solveMediaMagic :: String ,solveMediaTStamp :: !Int ,solveMediaChalStamp :: !Int ,solveMediaCallbacks :: !(IORef Int) -- ^ How many times we reloaded captcha ,solveMediaFwv :: String ,solveMediaChid :: !(IORef String) } instance Captcha SolveMedia where getNewCaptcha board thread usercode = do res <- makabaCaptcha board thread usercode if T.isInfixOf "OK" res || T.isInfixOf "VIP" res then return $ Left $ CAnswer True [] else do let ckey = fromMaybe ssachSolveMediaKey $ atMay $ lines res chScriptLines <- fmap (lines . T.unpack) $ accept $ httpGetLbs $ "" ++ ckey let !magic = fromMaybe (magicerr $ unlines chScriptLines) $ flip findMap chScriptLines $ \x -> takeUntil (=='\'') . tail . dropUntil (=='\'') <$> stripPrefix "magic" (dropWhile isSpace x) !chalstamp = fromMaybe (chalstamperr $ unlines chScriptLines) $ flip findMap chScriptLines $ \x -> readMay . takeUntil (==',') . dropUntil isNumber =<< stripPrefix "chalstamp" (dropWhile isSpace x) _puzzle <- accept $ httpGetLbs "" fwid <- take 4 <$> getRandomRs ('a', 'z') ctx_bN :: Int <- getRandomR (10, 99) where accept = withOverrideHeader (hAccept, "*/*") magicerr = error . ("SolveMedia: Couldn't read magic from " ++) chalstamperr = error . ("SolveMedia: Couldn't read chalstamp from " ++) unsafeGenNewCaptcha = Just $ -}
runReader :: Reader e a -> e -> a runReader (Reader f) e = f e
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- | UTF-8 aware string IO functions that will work across multiple platforms and GHC versions. Includes code from Text.Pandoc.UTF8 ((C) 2010 John MacFarlane). Example usage: import Prelude hiding (readFile,writeFile,appendFile,getContents,putStr,putStrLn) import UTF8IOCompat (readFile,writeFile,appendFile,getContents,putStr,putStrLn) import UTF8IOCompat (SystemString,fromSystemString,toSystemString,error',userError') 2013/4/10 update: we now trust that current GHC versions & platforms do the right thing, so this file is a no-op and on its way to being removed. Not carefully tested. -} -- TODO obsolete ? module Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat ( readFile, writeFile, appendFile, getContents, hGetContents, putStr, putStrLn, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, -- SystemString, fromSystemString, toSystemString, error', userError', usageError, ) where -- import Control.Monad (liftM) -- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B -- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8 -- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as U8 (toString, fromString) import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile, appendFile, getContents, putStr, putStrLn) import System.IO -- (Handle) -- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 702 -- import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8 (decodeString, encodeString, isUTF8Encoded) -- import System.Info (os) -- #endif -- bom :: B.ByteString -- bom = B.pack [0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF] -- stripBOM :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -- stripBOM s | bom `B.isPrefixOf` s = B.drop 3 s -- stripBOM s = s -- readFile :: FilePath -> IO String -- readFile = liftM (U8.toString . stripBOM) . B.readFile -- writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO () -- writeFile f = B.writeFile f . U8.fromString -- appendFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO () -- appendFile f = B.appendFile f . U8.fromString -- getContents :: IO String -- getContents = liftM (U8.toString . stripBOM) B.getContents -- hGetContents :: Handle -> IO String -- hGetContents h = liftM (U8.toString . stripBOM) (B.hGetContents h) -- putStr :: String -> IO () -- putStr = bs_putStr . U8.fromString -- putStrLn :: String -> IO () -- putStrLn = bs_putStrLn . U8.fromString -- hPutStr :: Handle -> String -> IO () -- hPutStr h = bs_hPutStr h . U8.fromString -- hPutStrLn :: Handle -> String -> IO () -- hPutStrLn h = bs_hPutStrLn h . U8.fromString -- -- span GHC versions including 6.12.3 - 7.4.1: -- bs_putStr = B8.putStr -- bs_putStrLn = B8.putStrLn -- bs_hPutStr = B8.hPut -- bs_hPutStrLn h bs = B8.hPut h bs >> B8.hPut h (B.singleton 0x0a) -- | A string received from or being passed to the operating system, such -- as a file path, command-line argument, or environment variable name or -- value. With GHC versions before 7.2 on some platforms (posix) these are -- typically encoded. When converting, we assume the encoding is UTF-8 (cf -- <>). type SystemString = String -- | Convert a system string to an ordinary string, decoding from UTF-8 if -- it appears to be UTF8-encoded and GHC version is less than 7.2. fromSystemString :: SystemString -> String -- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 702 -- fromSystemString s = if UTF8.isUTF8Encoded s then UTF8.decodeString s else s -- #else fromSystemString = id -- #endif -- | Convert a unicode string to a system string, encoding with UTF-8 if -- we are on a posix platform with GHC < 7.2. toSystemString :: String -> SystemString -- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 702 -- toSystemString = case os of -- "unix" -> UTF8.encodeString -- "linux" -> UTF8.encodeString -- "darwin" -> UTF8.encodeString -- _ -> id -- #else toSystemString = id -- #endif -- | A SystemString-aware version of error. error' :: String -> a error' = #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800 -- (easier than if base < 4.9) error . toSystemString #else errorWithoutStackTrace . toSystemString #endif -- | A SystemString-aware version of userError. userError' :: String -> IOError userError' = userError . toSystemString -- | A SystemString-aware version of error that adds a usage hint. usageError :: String -> a usageError = error' . (++ " (use -h to see usage)")
-- TTyped: A dependently typed programming language. -- Copyright (C) 2018 Taran Lynn -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <>. module Check where import Reduce import Representation import Data.Foldable (foldlM, foldrM) data Error = VarNotInContext String Nat Context | InvalidArgType Term | TypeMismatch Term Term | NonQuantTypeApplied Term Term deriving (Eq, Show) ppError :: Error -> String ppError (VarNotInContext name idx context) = "Variable " ++ name ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "] not in context " ++ ppContext context ppError (InvalidArgType t) = "Invalid argument type " ++ ppTerm t ++ ", argument type must either be a context or an object of type *" ppError (TypeMismatch t1 t2) = "Got " ++ ppTerm t2 ++ " when expecting " ++ ppTerm t1 ppError (NonQuantTypeApplied t1 t2) = "Non quantified type " ++ ppTerm t1 ++ " applied to " ++ ppTerm t2 checkTerm :: Term -> Context -> Either Error () checkTerm (C c) context = checkContext c context checkTerm (O o) context = checkObject o context >> return () -- | Checks that argument types in a context are well typed. checkContext :: Context -> Context -> Either Error () checkContext Star _ = return () checkContext (Quant name t c) context = do checkArgType t context checkContext c (concatTerm context name t) return () -- | Returns the type of the object passed in if there's no errors. checkObject :: Object -> Context -> Either Error Term checkObject (Var name index) context = asSeenFrom name index context checkObject (Prod name t o) context = do checkArgType t context checkObject o (concatTerm context name (reduceTerm t)) return (C Star) checkObject (Fun name t o) context = do checkArgType t context let t' = reduceTerm t ot <- checkObject o (concatTerm context name t') case ot of (C c) -> return (C (Quant name t' (reduceContext c))) (O o) -> return (O (Prod name t' (reduceObject o))) checkObject (App o1 o2) context = do o1t <- checkObject o1 context o2t <- checkObject o2 context checkTerm o1t context checkTerm o2t context o3 <- checkApply (reduceTerm o1t) (reduceTerm o2t) o2 return (reduceTerm o3) checkObject (Axiom _ t) context = do checkArgType t context return (reduceTerm t) -- | Checks that the type of an an argument is well typed. -- Argument types should either be contexts or objects of type *. checkArgType :: Term -> Context -> Either Error () checkArgType (C c) ctx = checkContext c ctx checkArgType (O o) ctx = do t <- checkObject o ctx case t of C Star -> return () _ -> Left (InvalidArgType t) -- | Gets the type of a variable as seen from its surrounding context. asSeenFrom :: String -> Nat -> Context -> Either Error Term asSeenFrom name index context = do t <- getTerm index context (contextLength context) return (addTerm (index + 1) t) where getTerm _ Star _ = Left (VarNotInContext name index context) getTerm index (Quant _ t c) len = if index == (len - 1) then return t else getTerm index c (len - 1) -- | Returns the type of applying some type to another type. The third argument -- is the object being applied. checkApply :: Term -> Term -> Object -> Either Error Term checkApply (C (Quant _ t1 c)) t2 o = if unify t1 t2 then return (C (substContext c o)) else Left (TypeMismatch t1 t2) checkApply (O (Prod _ t1 o1)) t2 o2 = if unify t1 t2 then return (O (substObject o1 o2)) else Left (TypeMismatch t1 t2) checkApply t1 t2 _ = Left (NonQuantTypeApplied t1 t2) -- | Determines if two terms are the same. This is basically a test for equality -- that ignores variable names. unify :: Term -> Term -> Bool unify (C c1) (C c2) = unifyContexts c1 c2 unify (O o1) (O o2) = unifyObjects o1 o2 unify _ _ = False unifyContexts Star Star = True unifyContexts (Quant _ t1 c1) (Quant _ t2 c2) = (unify t1 t2) && (unifyContexts c1 c2) unifyContexts _ _ = False unifyObjects (Var _ idx1) (Var _ idx2) = idx1 == idx2 unifyObjects (Prod _ t1 o1) (Prod _ t2 o2) = (unify t1 t2) && (unifyObjects o1 o2) unifyObjects (Fun _ t1 o1) (Fun _ t2 o2) = (unify t1 t2) && (unifyObjects o1 o2) unifyObjects (App o1 o2) (App o3 o4) = (unifyObjects o1 o3) && (unifyObjects o2 o4) unifyObjects (Axiom name1 t1) (Axiom name2 t2) = (name1 == name2) && (unify t1 t2) unifyObjects _ _ = False
module Hadolint.Rule.DL3036 (rule) where import Hadolint.Rule import qualified Hadolint.Shell as Shell import Language.Docker.Syntax rule :: Rule Shell.ParsedShell rule = simpleRule code severity message check where code = "DL3036" severity = DLWarningC message = "`zypper clean` missing after zypper use." check (Run (RunArgs args _)) = foldArguments (Shell.noCommands zypperInstall) args || ( foldArguments (Shell.anyCommands zypperInstall) args && foldArguments (Shell.anyCommands zypperClean) args ) check _ = True zypperInstall = Shell.cmdHasArgs "zypper" ["install", "in"] zypperClean = Shell.cmdHasArgs "zypper" ["clean", "cc"] {-# INLINEABLE rule #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.File.Projects.Locations.Instances.Delete -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Deletes an instance. -- -- /See:/ < Cloud Filestore API Reference> for @file.projects.locations.instances.delete@. module Network.Google.Resource.File.Projects.Locations.Instances.Delete ( -- * REST Resource ProjectsLocationsInstancesDeleteResource -- * Creating a Request , projectsLocationsInstancesDelete , ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete -- * Request Lenses , plidXgafv , plidUploadProtocol , plidAccessToken , plidUploadType , plidName , plidCallback ) where import Network.Google.File.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @file.projects.locations.instances.delete@ method which the -- 'ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete' request conforms to. type ProjectsLocationsInstancesDeleteResource = "v1" :> Capture "name" Text :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Delete '[JSON] Operation -- | Deletes an instance. -- -- /See:/ 'projectsLocationsInstancesDelete' smart constructor. data ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete = ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete' { _plidXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _plidUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _plidAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _plidUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _plidName :: !Text , _plidCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'plidXgafv' -- -- * 'plidUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'plidAccessToken' -- -- * 'plidUploadType' -- -- * 'plidName' -- -- * 'plidCallback' projectsLocationsInstancesDelete :: Text -- ^ 'plidName' -> ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete projectsLocationsInstancesDelete pPlidName_ = ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete' { _plidXgafv = Nothing , _plidUploadProtocol = Nothing , _plidAccessToken = Nothing , _plidUploadType = Nothing , _plidName = pPlidName_ , _plidCallback = Nothing } -- | V1 error format. plidXgafv :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete (Maybe Xgafv) plidXgafv = lens _plidXgafv (\ s a -> s{_plidXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). plidUploadProtocol :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete (Maybe Text) plidUploadProtocol = lens _plidUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_plidUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. plidAccessToken :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete (Maybe Text) plidAccessToken = lens _plidAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_plidAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). plidUploadType :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete (Maybe Text) plidUploadType = lens _plidUploadType (\ s a -> s{_plidUploadType = a}) -- | Required. The instance resource name, in the format -- projects\/{project_id}\/locations\/{location}\/instances\/{instance_id} plidName :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete Text plidName = lens _plidName (\ s a -> s{_plidName = a}) -- | JSONP plidCallback :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete (Maybe Text) plidCallback = lens _plidCallback (\ s a -> s{_plidCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete where type Rs ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete = Operation type Scopes ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete = '[""] requestClient ProjectsLocationsInstancesDelete'{..} = go _plidName _plidXgafv _plidUploadProtocol _plidAccessToken _plidUploadType _plidCallback (Just AltJSON) fileService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ProjectsLocationsInstancesDeleteResource) mempty
import Data.Char (digitToInt) safeHead [] = Nothing safeHead (x:xs) = Just x safeTail [] = Nothing safeTail (x:xs) = Just xs safeLast [] = Nothing safeLast [x] = Just x safeLast (x:xs) = safeLast xs safeInit [] = Nothing safeInit [x] = Just [] safeInit (x:xs) = safeCons x (safeInit xs) where safeCons _ Nothing = Nothing safeCons x (Just xs) = Just (x:xs) --takeWhileRest :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a]. [a]) splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitWith p xs = map reverse $ splitWith' p [] xs splitWith' p word [] = [word] splitWith' p word (x:xs) = if p x then splitWith' p (x:word) xs else word : splitWith' p [] xs instance Monad (Either String) where Right x >>= k = k x Left x >>= k = Left x return = Right fail s = Right s saveDigitToInt d | d >= '0' && d <= '9' = Right $ digitToInt d | otherwise = Left $ concat ["non-digit '", [d], "'"] asPosInt = foldl f 0 where f acc c = acc * 10 + digitToInt c asInt ('-':cs) = - asPosInt cs asInt cs = asPosInt cs
module Helpers.ChessSequences (chessMoveCounter, queenN, queenNW, queenW, queenSW, kingN, kingNW, kingW, kingSW) where import Data.MemoCombinators (memo2, integral) -- Speed this up by keeping row/column/diagonal sums locally. chessMoveCounter :: (Integer -> Integer -> [(Integer, Integer)]) -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer chessMoveCounter f = memoizedCounter where memoizedCounter = memo2 integral integral computer where computer 0 _ = 0 computer _ 0 = 0 computer 1 1 = 1 computer n k = sum $ map (uncurry memoizedCounter) $ f n k queenN n k = map (\n' -> (n',k)) [1..n-1] queenNW n k = map (\m -> (n-m, k-m)) [1..min n k - 1] queenW n k = map (\k' -> (n, k')) [1..k-1] queenSW n k = map (\m -> (n+m, k-m)) [1..k-1] kingN n k = [(n - 1, k) | n > 1] kingNW n k = [(n - 1, k - 1) | k > 1, n > 1] kingW n k = [(n, k - 1) | k > 1] kingSW n k = [(n + 1, k - 1) | k > 1]
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import ClassyPrelude import Conduit import Data.Conduit import Filesystem import Concord.IO import Concord.Types import Opts import Types main :: IO () main = do CO inputDir outputFile <- execParser opts let output = maybe (stdoutC :: Consumer String (ResourceT IO) ()) sinkFile outputFile absInput <- canonicalizePath inputDir runResourceT $ walkCorpus absInput $= toLines $$ mapC show =$ unlinesC =$ output