Deep Image Synthesis from Intuitive User Input: A Review and |
Perspectives |
Yuan Xue1, Yuan-Chen Guo2, Han Zhang3, |
Tao Xu4, Song-Hai Zhang2, Xiaolei Huang1 |
1The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA |
2Tsinghua University, Beijing, China |
3Google Brain, Mountain View, CA, USA |
4Facebook, Menlo Park, CA, USA |
Abstract |
In many applications of computer graphics, art and |
design, it is desirable for a user to provide intuitive |
non-image input, such as text, sketch, stroke, graph |
or layout, and have a computer system automatically |
generate photo-realistic images that adhere to the |
input content. While classic works that allow such |
automatic image content generation have followed |
a framework of image retrieval and composition, |
recent advances in deep generative models such as |
generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational |
autoencoders (VAEs), and
ow-based methods have |
enabled more powerful and versatile image generation |
tasks. This paper reviews recent works for image |
synthesis given intuitive user input, covering advances |
in input versatility, image generation methodology, |
benchmark datasets, and evaluation metrics. This |
motivates new perspectives on input representation and |
interactivity, cross pollination between major image |
generation paradigms, and evaluation and comparison |
of generation methods. |
Keywords: Image Synthesis, Intuitive User Input, |
Deep Generative Models, Synthesized Image Quality |
Evaluation |
1 Introduction |
Machine learning and articial intelligence have given |
computers the abilities to mimic or even defeat humans |
in tasks like playing chess and Go games, recognizing |
objects from images, translating from one language to |
another. An interesting next pursuit would be: can |
computers mimic creative processes such as mimicking |
painters in making pictures, assisting artists or archi- |
tects in making artistic or architectural designs? In |
fact, in the past decade, we have witnessed advances insystems that synthesize an image from text description |
[143, 98, 152, 142] or from learned style constant [50], |
paint a picture given a sketch [106, 27, 25, 73], ren- |
der a photorealistic scene from a wireframe [61, 134], |
create virtual reality content from images and videos |
[121], among others. A comprehensive review of such |
systems can inform about the current state-of-the-art |
in such pursuits, reveal open challenges and illuminate |
future directions. In this paper, we make an attempt |
at a comprehensive review of image synthesis and ren- |
dering techniques given simple, intuitive user inputs |
such as text, sketches or strokes, semantic label maps, |
poses, visual attributes, graphs and layouts. We rst |
present ideas on what makes a good paradigm for image |
synthesis from intuitive user input and review popular |
metrics for evaluating the quality of generated images. |
We then introduce several mainstream methodologies |
for image synthesis given user inputs, and review al- |
gorithms developed for application scenarios specic to |
dierent formats of user inputs. We also summarize ma- |
jor benchmark datasets used by current methods, and |
advances and trends in image synthesis methodology. |
Last, we provide our perspective on future directions |
towards developing image synthesis models capable of |
generating complex images that are closely aligned with |
user input condition, have high visual realism, and ad- |
here to constraints of the physical world. |
2 What Makes a Good Paradigm |
for Image Synthesis from Intu- |
itive User Input? |
2.1 What Types of User Input Do We |
Need? |
For an image synthesis model to be user-friendly and |
applicable in real-world applications, user inputs that |
1arXiv:2107.04240v2 [cs.CV] 30 Sep 2021are intuitive, easy for interactive editing, and commonly |
used in the design and creation processes are desired. |
We dene an input modality to be intuitive if it has the |
following characteristics: |
•Accessibility. The input should be easy to access, |
especially for non-professionals. Take sketch for an |
example, even people without any trained skills in |
drawing can express rough ideas through sketching. |
•Expressiveness. The input should be expressive |
enough to allow someone to convey not only simple |
concepts but also complex ideas. |
•Interactivity. The input should be interactive to |
some extent, so that users can modify the input |
content interactively and ne tune the synthesized |
output in an iterative fashion. |
Taking painting as an example, a sketch is an intu- |
itive input because it is what humans use to design the |
composition of the painting. On the other hand, being |
intuitive often means that the information provided by |
the input is limited, which makes the generation task |
more challenging. Moreover, for dierent types of ap- |
plications, the suitable forms of user input can be quite |
dierent. |
For image synthesis with intuitive user input, the |
most relevant and well-investigated method is with con- |
ditional image generation models. In other words, user |
inputs are treated as conditional input to the synthesis |
model to guide the generation process by conditional |
generative models. In this review, we will mainly dis- |
cuss mainstream conditional image generation applica- |
tions including those using text descriptions, sketches |
or strokes, semantic maps, poses, visual attributes, or |
graphs as intuitive input. The processing and rep- |
resentation of user input are usually application- and |
modality-dependent. When given text descriptions as |
input, pretrained text embeddings are often used to |
convert text into a vector-representation of input words. |
Image-like inputs, such as sketches, semantic maps and |
poses, are often represented as images and processed ac- |
cordingly. In particular, one-hot encoding can be used |
in semantic maps to represent dierent categories, and |
keypoint maps can be used to encode poses where each |
channel represents the position of a body keypoint; both |
result in multi-channel image-like tensors as input. Us- |
ing visual attributes as input is most similar to general |
conditional generation tasks, where attributes can be |
provided in the form of class vectors. For graph-like |
user inputs, additional processing steps are required |
to extract relationship information represented in the |
graphs. For instance, graph convolutional networks |
(GCNs) [53] can be applied to extract node features |
from input graphs. More details of the processing andrepresentation methods of various input types will be |
reviewed and discussed in Sec. 4. |
2.2 How Do We Evaluate the Output |
Synthesized Images? |
The goodness of an image synthesis method depends on |
how well its output adheres to user input, whether the |
output is photorealistic or structurally coherent, and |
whether it can generate a diverse pool of images that |
satisfy requirements. There have been general metrics |
designed for evaluating the quality and sometimes di- |
versity of synthesized images. Widely adopted metrics |
use dierent methods to extract features from images |
then calculate dierent scores or distances. Such met- |
rics include Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Incep- |
tion Score (IS), Fr echet inception distance (FID), struc- |
tural similarity index measure (SSIM) and Learned Per- |
ceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS). |
Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) measures the |
physical quality of a signal by the ratio between the |
maximum possible power of the signal and the power of |
the noise aecting it. For images, PSNR can be repre- |
sented as |
PSNR =1 |
3X |
k10 log10max DR2 |
1 |
mP |
i;j(ti;j;k yi;j;k)2(1) |
wherekis the number of channels, DR is the dynamic |
range of the image (255 for 8-bit images), mis the num- |
ber of pixels, i;jare indices iterating over every pixel, |
tandyare the reference image and synthesized image |
respectively. |
The Inception Score (IS) [103] uses a pre-trained In- |
ception [112] network to compute the KL-divergence |
between the conditional class distribution and the |
marginal class distribution. The inception score is de- |
ned as |
IS = exp( ExKL(P(yjx)jjP(y))); (2) |
wherexis an input image and yis the label predicted |
by an Inception model. A high inception score indicates |
that the generated images are diverse and semantically |
meaningful. |
Fr echet Inception Distance (FID) [34] is a popular |
evaluation metric for image synthesis tasks, especially |
for Generative Adversarial network (GAN) based mod- |
els. It computes the divergence between the synthetic |
data distribution and the real data distribution: |
FID =jj^m mjj2 |
2+ Tr( ^C+C 2(C^C)1=2); (3) |
wherem;C and ^m;^Crepresent the mean and covari- |
ance of the feature embeddings of the real and the syn- |
thetic distributions, respectively. The feature embed- |
ding is extracted from a pre-trained Inception-v3 [112] |
model. |
2Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) [126] |
or multi-scale structural similarity (MS-SSIM) met- |
ric [127] gives a relative similarity score to an image |
against a reference one, which is dierent from absolute |
measures like PSNR. The SSIM is dened as: |
SSIM(x;y) =(2xy+c1) (2xy+c2) |
2x+2y+c1 |
2x+2y+c2;(4) |
whereandindicate the average and variance of two |
windowsxandy,c1andc2are two variables to sta- |
bilize the division with weak denominator. The SSIM |
measures perceived image quality considering structural |
information. It tests pair-wise similarity between gen- |
erated images, where a lower score indicates higher di- |
versity of generated images (i.e. less mode collapses). |
Another metric based on features extracted from pre- |
trained CNN networks is the Learned Perceptual Image |
Patch Similarity (LPIPS) score [145]. The distance is |
calculated as |
d(x;x0) =X |
l1 |
HlWlX |
wl |
^yl |
hw ^yl |
2 |
2;(5) |
where ^yl;^yl |
02RHlWlClare unit-normalized feature |
stack from the l-th layer in a pre-trained CNN and wlin- |
dicates channel-wise weights. LPIPS evaluates percep- |
tual similarity between image patches using the learned |
deep features from trained neural networks. |
ow based models [102, 52] and autoregres- |
sive models [118, 117, 104], the average negative log- |
likelihood ( i.e., bits per dimension) [118] is often used |
to evaluate the quality of generated images. It is cal- |
culated as the negative log-likelihood with log base 2 |
divided by the number of pixels, which is interpretable |
as the number of bits that a compression scheme based |
on this model would need to compress every RGB color |
value [118]. |
Except for metrics designed for general purposes, spe- |
cic evaluation metrics have been proposed for dier- |
ent applications with various input types. For instance, |
using text descriptions as input, R-precision [133] eval- |
uates whether a generated image is well conditioned on |
the given text description. The R-precision is measured |
by retrieving relevant text given an image query. For |
sketch-based image synthesis, classication accuracy is |
used to measure the realism of the synthesized objects |
[27, 25] and how well the identities of synthesized re- |
sults match those of real images [77]. Also, similarity |
between input sketches and edges of synthesized images |
can be measured to evaluate the correspondence be- |
tween the input and output [25]. In the scenario of pose- |
guided person image synthesis, \masked" versions of IS |
and SSIM, Mask-IS and Mask-SSIM are often used to |
ignore the eects of background [79, 80, 107, 111, 154], |
since we only want to focus on the synthesized humanbody. Similar to sketch-based synthesis, detection score |
(DS) is used to evaluate how well the synthesized person |
can be detected [107, 154] and keypoint accuracy can |
be used to measure the level of correspondence between |
keypoints [154]. For semantic maps, a commonly used |
metric tries to restore the semantic-map input from gen- |
erated images using a pre-trained segmentation network |
and then compares the restored semantic map with the |
original input by Intersection over Union (IoU) score or |
other segmentation accuracy measures. Similarly, using |
visual attributes as input, a pre-trained attribute clas- |
sier or regressor can be used to assess the attribute |
correctness of generated images. |
3 Overview of Mainstream |
Conditional Image Synthe- |
sis Paradigms |
Image synthesis models with intuitive user inputs of- |
ten involve dierent types of generative models, more |
specically, conditional generative models that treat |
user input as observed conditioning variable. Two ma- |
jor goals of the synthesis process are high realism of |
the synthesized images, and correct correspondences be- |
tween input conditions and output images. In existing |
literature, methods vary from more traditional retrieval |
and composition based methods to more recent deep |
learning based algorithms. In this section, we give an |
overview of the architectures and main components of |
dierent conditional image synthesis models. |
3.1 Retrieval and Composition |
Traditional image synthesis techniques mainly take a |
retrieval and composition paradigm. In the retrieval |
stage, candidate images / image fragments are fetched |
from a large image collection, under some user-provided |
constraints, like texts, sketches and semantic label |
maps. Methods like edge extraction, saliency detec- |
tion, object detection and semantic segmentation are |
used to pre-process images in the collection according |
to dierent input modalities and generation purposes, |
after which the retrieval can be performed using shal- |
low image features like HoG and Shape Context [5]. |
The user may interact with the system to improve the |
quality of the retrieved candidates. In the composition |
stage, the selected images or image fragments are com- |
bined by Poisson Blending, Alpha blending, or a hybrid |
of both [15], resulting in the nal output image. |
The biggest advantage of synthesizing images |
through retrieval and composition is its controllability |
and interpretability. The user can simply intervene with |
the generation process in any stage, and easily nd out |
whether the output image looks like the way it should |
3be. But it can not generate instances that do not appear |
in the collection, which restricts the range and diversity |
of the output. |
3.2 Conditional Generative Adversarial |
Networks (cGANs) |
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [29] have |
achieved tremendous success in various image gener- |
ation tasks. A GAN model typically consists of two |
networks: a generator network that learns to generate |
realistic synthetic images and a discriminator network |
that learns to dierentiate between real images and syn- |
thetic images generated by the generator. The two net- |
works are optimized alternatively through adversarial |
training. Vanilla GAN models are designed for uncon- |
ditional image generation, which implicitly model the |
distribution of images. To gain more control over the |
generation process, conditional GANs or cGANs [86] |
synthesize images based on both a random noise vector |
and a condition vector provided by users. The objective |
of training cGAN as a minimax game is |
min |
Gmax |
DLcGAN =E(x;y)pdata(x;y)[logD(x;y)] + |
Ezp(z);ypdata(y)[log(1 D(G(z;y);y)];(6) |
wherexis the real image, yis the user input, and zis |
the random noise vector. There are dierent ways of |
incorporating user input in the discriminator, such as |
inserting it at the beginning of the discriminator [86], |
middle of the discriminator [88], or the end of the dis- |
criminator [91]. |
3.3 Variational Auto-encoders (VAEs) |
Variational auto-encoders (VAEs) proposed in [51] ex- |
tend the idea of auto-encoder and introduce variational |
inference to approximate the latent representation zen- |
coded from the input data x. The encoder converts |
xintozin a latent space where the decoder tries to |
reconstruct xfromz. Similar to GANs which typ- |
ically assume the input noise vector follows a Gaus- |
sian distribution, VAEs use variational inference to ap- |
proximate the posterior p(zjx) given that p(z) follows a |
Gaussian distribution. After the training of VAE, the |
decoder is used as a generator, similar to the genera- |
tor in GAN, which can draw samples from the latent |
space and generate new synthetic data. Based on the |
vanilla VAE, Sohn et al. proposed a conditional VAE |
(cVAE) [109, 54, 44] which is a conditional directed |
graphical model whose input observations modulate the |
latent variables that generate the outputs. Similar to |
cGANs, cVAEs allow the user to provide guidance to |
the image synthesis process via user input. The train- |
z |
yGen Disො𝑥 |
yTrue/ |
False |
(a) cGANEncoder |
yx Ƹ𝑧 |
(b) cV AEyො𝑥 DecoderFigure 1: A general illustration of cGAN and cVAE |
that can be applied to image synthesis with intuitive |
user inputs. During inference, the generator in cGAN |
and the decoder in cVAE generate new images ^ xunder |
the guidance of user input yand noise vector or latent |
variablez. |
ing objective for cVAE is |
max |
;LcVAE =EzQ[logP(xjz;y)] |
DKL[Q(zjx;y)kp(zjy)];(7) |
wherexis the real image, yis the user input, zis the |
latent variable and p(zjx) is the prior distribution of |
the latent vectors such as the Gaussian distribution. |
andare parameters of the encoder Qand decoder P |
networks, respectively. An illustration of cGAN and |
cVAE can be found in Fig. 1. |
3.4 Other Learning-based Methods |
Other learning-based conditional image synthesis mod- |
els include hybrid methods such as the combina- |
tion of VAE and GAN models [57, 4], autoregressive |
models and normalizing
ow-based models. Among |
these methods, autoregressive models such as Pixel- |
RNN [118], PixelCNN [117], and PixelCNN++ [104] |
provide tractable likelihood over priors such as class |
conditions. The generation process is similar to an au- |
toregression model: while classic autoregression models |
predict future information based on past observations, |
image autoregressive models synthesize next image pix- |
els based on previously generated or existing nearby |
pixels. |
Flow-based models [102], or normalizing
ow based |
methods, consist of a sequence of invertible transfor- |
mations which can convert a simple distribution (e.g., |
Gaussian) into a more complex one with the same di- |
mension. While
ow based methods have not been |
widely applied to image synthesis with intuitive user |
inputs, few works [52] show that they have great po- |
tential in visual attributes guided synthesis and may be |
applicable to broader scenarios. |
Among the aforementioned mainstream paradigms, |
traditional retrieval and composition methods have the |
advantage of better controllability and interpretability, |
although the diversity of synthesized images and the |
exibility of the models are limited. In comparison, |
deep learning based methods generally have stronger |
4feature representation capacity, with GANs having the |
potential of generating images with highest quality. |
While having been successfully applied to various im- |
age synthesis tasks due to their
exibility, GAN models |
lack tractable and explicit likelihood estimation. On |
the contrary, autoregressive models admit a tractable |
likelihood estimation, and can assign a probability to a |
single sample. VAEs with latent representation learn- |
ing provide better feature representation power and can |
be more interpretable. Compared with VAEs and au- |
toregressive models, normalizing
ow methods provide |
both feature representation power and tractable likeli- |
hood estimation. |
4 Methods Specic to Appli- |
cations with Various Input |
Types |
In this section, we review works in the literature that |
target application scenarios with specic input types. |
We will review methods for image synthesis from text |
descriptions, sketches and strokes, semantic label maps, |
poses, and other input modalities including visual at- |
tributes, graphs and layouts. Among the dierent in- |
put types, text descriptions are
exible, expressive and |
user-friendly, yet the comprehension of input content |
and responding to interactive editing can be challeng- |
ing to the generative models; example applications of |
text-to-image systems are computer generated art, im- |
age editing, computer-aided design, interactive story |
telling and visual chat for education and language learn- |
ing. Image-like inputs such as sketches and semantic |
maps contain richer information and can better guide |
the synthesis process, but may require more eorts from |
users to provide adequate input; such inputs can be |
used in applications such as image and photo editing, |
computer-assisted painting and rendering. Other in- |
puts such as visual attributes, graphs and layouts allow |
appearance, structural or other constraints to be given |
as conditional input and can help guide the generation |
of images that preserve the visual properties of objects |
and geometric relations between objects; they can be |
used in various computer-aided design applications for |
architecture, manufacturing, publishing, arts, and fash- |
ion. |
4.1 Text Description as Input |
The task of text-to-image synthesis (Fig. 2) is using |
descriptive sentences as inputs to guide the generation |
of corresponding images. The generated image types |
vary from single-object images [90, 128] to multi-object |
images with complex background [72]. Descriptive sen- |
tences in a natural language oer a general and
exi-ble way of describing visual concepts and objects. As |
text is one of the most intuitive types of user input, |
text-to-image synthesis has gained much attention from |
the research community and numerous eorts have been |
made towards developing better text-to-image synthesis |
models. In this subsection, we will review state-of-the- |
art text-to-image synthesis models and discuss recent |
advances. |
Learning Correspondence Between Text and Im- |
age Representations. One of the major challenges of |
the text-to-image synthesis task is that the input text |
and output image are in dierent modalities, which re- |
quires learning of correspondence between text and im- |
age representations. Such multi-modality nature and |
the need to learn text-to-image correspondence moti- |
vated Reed et al. [100] to rst propose to solve the |
task using a GAN model. In [100], the authors pro- |
posed to generate images conditioned on the embed- |
ding of text descriptions, instead of class labels as in |
traditional cGANs [86]. To learn the text embedding |
from input sentences, a deep convolutional image en- |
coder and a character level convolutional-recurrent text |
encoder are trained jointly so that the text encoder can |
learn a vector-representation of the input text descrip- |
tions. Adapted from the DCGAN architecture [99], the |
learned text encoding is then concatenated with both |
the input noise vector in the generator and the im- |
age features in the discriminator along the depth di- |
mension. The method [100] generated encouraging re- |
sults on both the Oxford-102 dataset [90] and the CUB |
dataset [128], with the limitation that the resolution |
of generated images is relatively low (64 64). An- |
other work proposed around the same time as DCGAN |
is by Mansimov et al. [81], which proposes a combi- |
nation of a recurrent variational autoencoder with an |
attention model which iteratively draws patches on a |
canvas, while attending to the relevant words in the |
description. Input text descriptions are represented as |
a sequence of consecutive words and images are rep- |
resented as a sequence of patches drawn on a canvas. |
For image generation which samples from a Gaussian |
distribution, the Gaussian mean and variance depend |
on the previous hidden states of the generative LSTM. |
Experiments by [81] on the MS-COCO dataset show |
reasonable results that correspond well to text descrip- |
tions. |
To further improve the visual quality and realism of |
generated images given text descriptions, Han et al. |
proposed multi-stage GAN models, StackGAN [143] |
and StackGAN++ [144], to enable multi-scale, incre- |
mental renement in the image generation process. |
Given text descriptions, StackGAN [143] decomposes |
the text-to-image generative process into two stages, |
where in Stage-I it captures basic object features and |
background layout, then in Stage-II it renes details of |
5Figure 2: Example bird image synthesis results given |
text descriptions as input with an attention mechanism. |
Key words in the input sentences are correctly captured |
and represented in the generated images. Image taken |
from AttnGAN [133]. |
the objects and generates a higher resolution image. |
Unlike [100] which transforms high dimensional text |
encoding into low dimensional latent variables, Stack- |
GAN adopts a Conditioning Augmentation which is to |
sample the latent variables from an independent Gaus- |
sian distribution parameterized by the text encoding. |
Experiments on the Oxford-102 [90], CUB [128] and |
COCO [72] datasets show that StackGAN can generate |
compelling images with resolution up to 256 256. In |
StackGAN++ [144], the authors extended the original |
StackGAN into a more general and robust model which |
contains multiple generators and discriminators to han- |
dle images at dierent resolutions. Then, Zhang et |
al.[146] extended the multi-stage generation idea by |
proposing a HDGAN model with a single-stream gen- |
erator and multiple hierarchically-nested discrimina- |
tors for high-resolution image synthesis. Hierarchically- |
nested discriminators distinguish outputs from interme- |
diate layers of the generator to capture hierarchical vi- |
sual features. The training of HDGAN is done via opti- |
mizing a pair loss [100] and a patch-level discriminator |
loss [43]. |
In addition to generation via multi-stage rene- |
ment [143, 144], the attention mechanism is introduced |
to improve text to image synthesis at a more ne- |
grained level. Xu et al. introduced AttnGAN [133], |
an attention driven image synthesis model that gener- |
ates images by focusing on dierent regions described |
by dierent words of the text input. A Deep Attentional |
Multimodal Similarity Model (DAMSM) module is also |
proposed to match the learned embedding between im- |
age regions and text at the word level. To achieve better |
semantic consistency between text and image, Qiao et |
al.[98] proposed MirrorGAN which guides the image |
generation with both sentence- and word-level atten- |
tion and further tried to reconstruct the original text |
input to guarantee the image-text consistency. Thebackbone of MirrorGAN uses a multi-scale generator as |
in [144]. The proposed text reconstruction model is pre- |
trained to stabilize the training of MirrorGAN. Zhu et |
al.[152] introduces a gating mechanism where a writing |
gate writes selected important textual features from the |
given sentence into a dynamic memory, and a response |
gate adaptively reads from the memory and the visual |
features from some initially generated images. The pro- |
posed DM-GAN relies less on the quality of the initial |
images and can rene poorly-generated initial images |
with wrong colors and rough shapes. |
To learn expression variants in dierent text descrip- |
tions of the same image, Yin et al. proposes SD- |
GAN [136] to distill the shared semantics from texts |
that describe the same image. The authors propose a |
Siamese structure with a contrastive loss to minimize |
the distance between images generated from descrip- |
tions of the same image, and maximize the distance |
between those generated from the descriptions of dif- |
ferent images. To retain the semantic diversity for ne- |
grained image generation, a semantic-conditioned batch |
normalization is also introduced for enhanced visual- |
semantic embedding. |
Location and Layout Aware Generation. With |
advances in correspondence learning between text and |
image, content described in the input text can already |
be well captured in the generated image. However, to |
achieve ner control of generated images such as object |
locations, additional inputs or intermediate steps are of- |
ten required. For text-based and location-controllable |
synthesis, Reed et al. [101] proposes to generate images |
conditioned on both the text description and object lo- |
cations. Built upon the similar idea of inferring scene |
structure for image generation, Hong et al. [37] intro- |
duces a novel hierarchical approach for text-to-image |
synthesis by inferring semantic layout from the text de- |
scription. Bounding boxes are rst generated from text |
input through an auto-regressive model, then semantic |
layouts are rened from the generated bounding boxes |
using a convolutional recurrent neural network. Con- |
ditional on both the text and the semantic layouts, |
the authors adopt a combination of pix2pix [43] and |
CRN [12] image-to-image translation model to gener- |
ate the nal images. With predicted semantic layouts, |
this work [37] has potential in generating more realis- |
tic images containing complex objects such as those in |
the MS-COCO [72] dataset. Li et al. [63] extends the |
work by [37] and introduces Obj-GAN, which generates |
salient objects given text description. Semantic layout |
is rst generated as in [37] then later converted into the |
synthetic image. A Fast R-CNN [28] based object-wise |
discriminator is developed to retain the matching be- |
tween generated objects and the input text and layout. |
Experiments on the MS-COCO dataset show improved |
performance in generating complex scenes compared to |
6previous methods. |
Compared to [37], Johnson et al. [46] includes an- |
other intermediate step which converts the input sen- |
tences into scene graphs before generating the semantic |
layouts. A graph convolutional network is developed to |
generate embedding vectors for each object. Bounding |
boxes and segmentation masks for each object, consti- |
tuting the scene layout, are converted from the object |
embedding vectors. Final images are synthesized by a |
CRN model [12] from the noise vectors and scene lay- |
outs. In addition to text input, [46] also allows direct |
generation from input scene graphs. Experiments are |
conducted on Visual Genome [56] dataset and COCO- |
Stu [7] dataset which is augmented on a subset of |
the MS-COCO [72] dataset, and show better depiction |
of complex sentences with many objects than previous |
method [143]. |
Without taking the complete semantic layout as ad- |
ditional input, Hinz et al. [35] introduces a model con- |
sisting of a global pathway and an object pathway for |
ner control of object location and size within an image. |
The global pathway is responsible for creating a general |
layout of the global scene, while the object pathway gen- |
erates object features within the given bounding boxes. |
Then the outputs of the global and object pathways are |
combined to generate the nal synthetic image. When |
there is no text description available, [35] can take a |
noise vector and the individual object bounding boxes |
as input. |
Taking an approach dierent from GAN based meth- |
ods, Tan et al. [113] proposes a Text2Scene model |
for text-to-scene generation, which learns to sequen- |
tially generate objects and their attributes such as lo- |
cation, size, and appearance at every time step. With a |
convolutional recurrent module and attention module, |
Text2Scene can generate abstract scenes and object lay- |
outs directly from descriptive sentences. For image syn- |
thesis, Text2Scene retrieves patches from real images to |
generate the image composites. |
Fusion of Conditional and Unconditional Gen- |
eration. While most existing text-to-image synthe- |
sis models are based on conditional image generation, |
Bodla et al. [6] proposes a FusedGAN which combines |
unconditional image generation and conditional image |
generation. An unconditional generator produces a |
structure prior independent of the condition, and the |
other conditional generator renes details and creates |
an image that matches the input condition. FusedGAN |
is evaluated on both the text-to-image generation task |
and the attribute-to-face generation task which will be |
discussed later in Sec. 4.3.1. |
Evaluation Metrics for Text to Image Synthe- |
sis. Widely used metrics for image synthesis such |
as IS [103] lack awareness of matching between the text |
and generated images. Recently, more eorts have beenfocused on proposing more accurate evaluation metrics |
for text to image synthesis and for evaluating the corre- |
spondence between generated image content and input |
condition. R-precision is proposed in [133] to evaluate |
whether a generated image is well conditioned on the |
given text description. Hinz et al. proposes the Seman- |
tic Object Accuracy (SOA) score [36] which uses a pre- |
trained object detector to check whether the generated |
image contains the objects described in the caption, es- |
pecially for the MS-COCO dataset. SOA shows better |
correlation with human perception than IS in the user |
study and provides a better guidance for training text |
to image synthesis models. |
Benchmark Datasets. For text-guided image synthe- |
sis tasks, popular benchmark datasets include datasets |
with a single object category and datasets with multiple |
object categories. For single object category datasets, |
the Oxford-102 dataset [90] contains 102 dierent types |
owers common in the UK. The CUB dataset [128] |
contains photos of 200 bird species of which mostly are |
from North America. Datasets with multiple object cat- |
egories and complex relationships can be used to train |
models for more challenging image synthesis tasks. One |
such dataset is MS-COCO [72], which has a training set |
with 80k images and a validation set with 40k images. |
Each image in the COCO dataset has ve text descrip- |
tions. |
4.2 Image-like Inputs |
In this section, we summarize image synthesis works |
based on three types of intuitive inputs, namely sketch, |
semantic map and pose. We call them \image-like in- |
puts" because all of them can be, and have been repre- |
sented as rasterized images. Therefore, synthesizing im- |
ages from these image-like inputs can be regarded as an |
image-to-image translation problem. Several works pro- |
vide general solutions to this problem, like pix2pix [43] |
and pix2pixHD [124]. In this survey, we focus on works |
that deal with a specic type of input. |
4.2.1 Sketches and Strokes as Input |
Sketches, or line drawings, can be used to express users' |
intention in an intuitive way, even for those without |
professional drawing skills. With the widespread use |
of touch screens, it has become very easy to create |
sketches; and the research community is paying increas- |
ingly more attention to the understanding and pro- |
cessing of hand-drawn sketches, especially in applica- |
tions such as sketch-based image retrieval and sketch- |
to-image generation. Generating realistic images from |
sketches is not a trivial task, since the synthesized |
images need to be aligned spatially with the given |
sketches, while maintain semantic coherence. |
7Figure 3: A classical pipeline of retrieval-and- |
composition methods for synthesis. Candidate images |
are generated by composing image segments retrieved |
from a pre-built image database. Image taken from [15]. |
Retrieval-and-Composition based Approaches. |
Early approaches of generating image from sketch |
mainly take a retrieval-and-composition strategy. For |
each object in the user-given sketch, they search for |
candidate images in a pre-built object-level image (frag- |
ment) database, using some similarity metric to evalu- |
ate how well the sketch matches the image. The nal |
image is synthesized as the composition of retrieved re- |
sults, mainly by image blending algorithms. Chen et |
al. [15] presented a system called Sketch2Photo, which |
composes a realistic image from a simple free-hand |
sketch annotated with text labels. The authors pro- |
posed a contour-based ltering scheme to search for |
appropriate photographs according to the given sketch |
and text labels, and proposed a novel hybrid blending |
algorithm, which is a combination of alpha blending |
and Poisson blending, to improve the synthesis qual- |
ity. Eitz et al. [24] created Photosketcher, a system |
that nds semantically relevant regions from appropri- |
ate images in a large image collection and composes |
the regions automatically. Users can also interact with |
the system by drawing scribbles on the retrieved images |
to improve region segmentation quality, re-sketching to |
nd better candidates, or choosing from dierent blend- |
ing strategies. Hu et al. [38] introduced PatchNet, a |
hierarchical representation of image regions that sum- |
marizes a homogeneous image patch by a graph node |
and represents geometric relationships between regions |
by labeled graph edges. PatchNet was shown to be a |
compact representation that can be used eciently for |
sketch-based, library-driven, interactive image editing. |
Wang et al. [120] proposed a sketch-based image syn- |
thesis method that compares sketches with contours of |
object regions via the GF-HOG descriptor, and novel |
images are composited by GrabCut followed by Pos- |
sion blending or alpha blending. For generating images |
of a single object like an animal under user-specied |
poses and appearances, Turmukhambetov et al. [115] |
presented a sketch-based interactive system that gener- |
ates the target image by composing patches of nearest |
neighbour images on the joint manifold of ellipses and |
contours for object parts.Deep Learning based Approaches. In recent |
years, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have |
achieved signicant progress in image-related tasks. |
CNNs have been used to map sketches to images with |
the benet of being able to synthesize novel images |
that are dierent from those in pre-built databases. |
One challenge to using deep CNNs is that training of |
such networks require paired sketch-image data, which |
can be expensive to acquire. Hence, various techniques |
have been proposed to generate synthetic sketches from |
images, and then use the synthetic sketch and image |
pairs for training. Methods for synthetic sketch gen- |
eration include boundary detection algorithms such as |
Canny, Holistically-nested Edge Detection (HED) [132], |
and stylization algorithms for image-to-sketch conver- |
sion [130, 48, 64, 62, 26]. Post-processing steps are |
adopted for small stroke removal, spline tting [32] and |
stroke simplication [108]. A few works utilize crowd- |
sourced free-hand sketches for training [25, 73]. They ei- |
ther construct pseudo-paired data by matching sketches |
and images [25], or propose a method that does not re- |
quire paired data [73]. Another aspect of CNN train- |
ing that has been investigated is the representation of |
sketches. In some works [16, 68], the input sketches |
are transformed into distance elds to obtain a dense |
representation, but no experimental comparisons have |
been done to demonstrate which form of input is more |
suitable for CNNs to process. Next, we review specic |
works that utilize a deep-learning based approach for |
sketch to image generation. |
Treating a sketch as an \image-like" input, several |
works use a fully convolutional neural network archi- |
tecture to generate photorealistic images. Gucluturk et |
al. [30] rst attempted to use deep neural networks to |
tackle the problem of sketch-based synthesizing. They |
developed three dierent models to generate face im- |
ages from three dierent types of sketches, namely line |
sketch, grayscale sketch and color sketch. An encoder- |
decoder fully convolutional neural network is adopted |
and trained with various loss terms. A total variation |
loss is proposed to encourage smoothness. Sangkloy et |
al. [106] proposed Scribbler, a system that can generate |
realistic images from human sketches and color strokes. |
XDoG lter is used for boundary detection to gener- |
ate image-sketch pairs and color strokes are sampled to |
provide color constraints in training. The authors also |
use an encoder-decoder network architecture and adopt |
similar loss functions as in [30]. The users can interact |
with the system in real time. The authors also provide |
applications for colorization of grayscale images. |
Generative Adversarial Networks have also been used |
for sketch-to-image synthesis. Chen et al. [16] proposed |
a novel GAN-based architecture with multi-scale inputs |
for the problem. The generator and discriminator both |
consist of several Masked Residual Unit (MRU) blocks. |
8MRU takes in a feature map and an image, and outputs |
a new feature map, which can allow a network to re- |
peatedly condition on an input image, like the recurrent |
network. They also adopt a novel data augmentation |
technique, which generates sketch-image pairs automat- |
ically through edge detection and some post-processing |
steps including binarization, thinning, small component |
removal, erosion, and spur removal. To encourage diver- |
sity of generated images, the authors proposed a diver- |
sity loss, which maximizes the L1 distance between the |
outputs of two identical input sketches with dierent |
noise vectors. Lu et al. [77] considered the sketch-to- |
image synthesis problem as an image completion task |
and proposed a contextual GAN for the task. Unlike |
a traditional image completion task where only part of |
an object is masked, the entire real image is treated |
as the missing piece in a joint image that consists of |
both sketch and the corresponding photo. The advan- |
tage of using such a joint representation is that, in- |
stead of using the sketch as a hard constraint, the sketch |
part of the joint image serves as a weak contextual con- |
straint. Furthermore, the same framework can also be |
used for image-to-sketch generation where the sketch |
would be the masked or missing piece to be completed. |
Ghosh et al. [27] presents an interactive GAN-based |
sketch-to-image translation system. As the user draws |
a sketch of a desired object type, the system automati- |
cally recommends completions and lls the shape with |
class-conditioned texture. The result changes as the |
user adds or removes strokes over time, which enables |
a feedback loop that the user can leverage for interac- |
tive editing. The system consists of a shape completion |
stage based on a non-image generation network [84], |
and a class-conditioned appearance translation stage |
based on the encoder-decoder model from MUNIT [41]. |
To perform class-conditioning more eectively, the au- |
thors propose a soft gating mechanism, instead of using |
simple concatenation of class codes and features. |
Several works focus on sketch-based synthesis for hu- |
man face images. Portenier et al. [94] developed an |
interactive system for face photo editing. The user can |
provide shape and color constraints by sketching on the |
original photo, to get an edited version of it. The edit- |
ing process is done by a CNN, which is trained on ran- |
domly masked face photos with sampled sketches and |
color strokes in an adversarial manner. Xia et al. [131] |
proposed a two-stage network for sketch-based portrait |
synthesis. The stroke calibration network is responsible |
for converting the input poorly-drawn sketch to a more |
detailed and calibrated one that resembles edge maps. |
Then the rened sketch is used in the image synthe- |
sis network to get a photo-realistic portrait image. Li |
et al. [68] proposed a self-attention module to capture |
long-range connections of sketch structures, where self- |
attention mechanism is adopted to aggregate featuresfrom all positions of the feature map by the calculated |
self-attention map. A multi-scale discriminator is used |
to distinguish patches of dierent receptive elds, to si- |
multaneously ensure local and global realism. Chen et |
al. [14] introduced DeepFaceDrawing, a local-to-global |
approach for generating face images from sketches that |
uses input sketches as soft constraints and is able to pro- |
duce high-quality face images even from rough and/or |
incomplete sketches. The key idea is to learn feature |
embeddings of key face components and then train a |
deep neural network to map the embedded component |
features to realistic images. |
While most works in sketch-to-image synthesis with |
deep learning techniques have focused on synthesiz- |
ing object-level images from sketches, Gao et al. [25] |
explored synthesis at the scene level by proposing a |
deep learning framework for scene-level image gener- |
ation from freehand sketches. The framework rst |
segments the sketch into individual objects, recog- |
nizes their classes, and categories them into fore- |
ground/background objects. Then the foreground ob- |
jects are generated by an EdgeGAN module that learns |
a common vector representation for images and sketches |
and maps the vector representation of an input sketch |
to an image. The background generation module is |
based on the pix2pix [43] architecture. The synthe- |
sized foregrounds along with background sketches are |
fed to a network to get the nal generated scene. To |
train the network and evaluate their method, the au- |
thors constructed a composite dataset called Sketchy- |
COCO based on the Sketchy database [105], Tuberlin |
dataset [23], QuickDraw dataset, and COCO Stu [8]. |
Considering that collecting paired training data can |
be labor intensive, learning from unpaired sketch-photo |
data in an unsupervised setting is an interesting di- |
rection to explore. Liu et al. [73] proposed an unsu- |
pervised solution by decomposing the synthesis process |
into a shape translation stage and a content enrichment |
stage. The shape translation network transforms an in- |
put sketch into a gray-scale image, trained using un- |
paired sketches and images, under the supervision of a |
cycle-consistency loss. In the content enrichment stage, |
a reference image can be provided as style guidance, |
whose information is injected into the synthesis process |
following the AdaIN framework [40]. |
Benchmark Datasets. For synthesis from sketches, |
various datasets covering multiple types of objects are |
used [139, 55, 137, 138, 128, 76, 49, 105, 125, 72, 8]. |
However, only a few of them [139, 105, 125] have |
paired image-sketch data. For the other datasets, edge |
maps or line strokes are extracted using edge extrac- |
tion or style transfer techniques and used as fake sketch |
data for training and validation. SketchyCOCO [25] |
built a paired image-sketch dataset from existing image |
datasets [8] and sketch datasets [105, 23] by looking for |
9the most similar sketch with the same class label for |
each foreground object in a natural image. |
4.2.2 Semantic Label Maps as Input |
SemanticMapGroundTruthPix2PixHDSPADESEAN |
Figure 4: Illustration for image synthesis from semantic |
label maps. Image taken from [153]. |
Synthesizing photorealistic images from semantic la- |
bel maps is the inverse problem of semantic image seg- |
mentation. It has applications in controllable image |
synthesis and image editing. Existing methods either |
work with a traditional retrieval-and-composition ap- |
proach [47, 3], a deep learning based method [13, 58, |
93, 74, 155, 114], or a hybrid of the two [96]. Dier- |
ent types of datasets are utilized to allow synthesiz- |
ing images of various scenes or subjects, such as in- |
door/outdoor scenes, or human bodies. |
Retrieval-and-Composition based Methods. |
Non-parametric methods follow the traditional |
retrieval-and-composition strategy. Johnson et al. [47] |
rst proposed to synthesize images from semantic |
concepts. Given an empty canvas, the user can |
paint regions with corresponding keywords at desired |
locations. The algorithm searches for candidate |
images in the stock and uses a graph-cut based seam |
optimization process to generate realistic photographs |
for each combination. The best combination with |
the minimum seam cost is chosen as the nal result. |
Bansal et al. [3] proposed a non-parametric matching |
and hierarchical composition strategy to synthesize |
realistic images from semantic maps. The strategy |
consists of four stages: a global consistency stage to |
retrieve relevant samples based on indicator vectors of |
presented categories, a shape consistency stage to nd |
candidate segments based on shape context similarity |
between the input label mask and the ones in the |
database, a part consistency stage and a pixel consis- |
tency stage that re-synthesize patches and pixels based |
on best-matching areas as measured by Hamming |
distance. The proposed method outperforms state- |
of-the-art parametric methods like pix2pix [43] and |
pix2pixHD [124] both qualitatively and quantitatively.Deep Learning based Methods. Methods based on |
deep learning mainly vary in network architecture de- |
sign and optimization objective. Chen et al. [13] pro- |
posed a regression approach for synthesizing realistic |
images from semantic maps, without the need for adver- |
sarial training. To improve synthesis quality, they pro- |
posed a Cascaded Renement Network (CRN), which |
progressively generates images from low resolution to |
high resolution (up to 2 megapixels at 1024x2048 pixel |
resolution) through a cascade of renement modules. |
To encourage diversity in generated images, the authors |
proposed a diversity loss, which lets the network out- |
put multiple images at a time and optimize diversity |
within the collection. Wang et al. [123] proposed a style- |
consistent GAN framework that generates images given |
a semantic label map input and an exemplary image |
indicating style. A novel style-consistent discriminator |
is designed to determine whether a pair of images are |
consistent in style and an adaptive semantic consistency |
loss is optimized to ensure correspondence between the |
generated image and input semantic label map. |
Having found that directly synthesizing images from |
semantic maps through a sequence of convolutions |
sometimes provides non-satisfactory results because of |
semantic information loss during forward propagation, |
some works seek to better use the input semantic map |
and preserve semantic information in all stages of the |
synthesis network. Park et al. [93] proposed a spatially- |
adaptive normalization layer (SPADE), which is a nor- |
malization layer with learnable parameters that utilizes |
the original semantic map to help retain semantic infor- |
mation in the feature maps after the traditional batch |
normalization. The authors incorporated their SPADE |
layers into the pix2pixHD architecture and produced |
state-of-the-art results on multiple datasets. Liu et |
al. [74] argues that the convolutional network should |
be sensitive to semantic layouts at dierent locations. |
Thus they proposed Conditional Convolution Blocks |
(CC Block), where parameters for convolution kernels |
are predicted from semantic layouts. They also pro- |
posed a feature pyramid semantics-embedding (FPSE) |
discriminator, which predicts semantic alignment scores |
in addition to real/fake scores. It explicitly forces the |
generated images to be better aligned semantically with |
the given semantic map. Zhu et al. [155] proposed a |
Group Decreasing Network (GroupDNet). GroupDNet |
utilizes group convolutions in the generator and the |
group number in the decoder decreases progressively. |
Inspired by SPADE, the authors also proposed a novel |
normalization layer to make better use of the informa- |
tion in the input semantic map. Experiments show that |
the GroupDNet architecture is more suitable for the |
multi-modal image synthesis (SMIS) task, and can pro- |
duce plausible results. |
Observing that results from existing methods often |
10lack detailed local texture, resulting from large objects |
dominating the training, Tang et al. [114] aims for bet- |
ter synthesis of small objects in the image. In their |
design, each class has its own class-level generation net- |
work that is trained with feedback from a classication |
loss, and all the classes share an image-level global gen- |
erator. The class-level generator generates parts of the |
image that correspond to each class, from masked fea- |
ture maps. All the class-specic image parts are then |
combined and fused with the image-level generation re- |
sult. In another work, to provide more ne-grained in- |
teractivity, Zhu et al. [153] proposed semantic region- |
adaptive normalization (SEAN), which allows manipu- |
lation of each semantic region individually, to improve |
image quality. |
Integration methods. While deep learning based |
generative methods are better able to synthesize novel |
images, traditional retrieval-and-composition methods |
generate images with more reliable texture and less ar- |
tifacts. To combine the advantages of both parametric |
and non-parametric methods, Qi et al. [96] presented a |
semi-parametric approach. They built a memory bank |
oine, containing segments of dierent classes of ob- |
jects. Given an input semantic map, segments are rst |
retrieved using a similarity metric dened by IoU score |
of the masks. The retrieved segments are fed to a spa- |
tial transformer network where they are aligned, and |
further put onto a canvas by an ordering network. The |
canvas is rened by a synthesis network to get the nal |
result. This combination of retrieval-and-composition |
and deep-learning based methods allows high-delity |
image generation, but it takes more time during infer- |
ence and the framework is not end-to-end trainable. |
Benchmark Datasets. For synthesis from seman- |
tic label maps, experiments are mainly conducted on |
datasets of human body [69, 70, 75], human face [59], |
indoor scenes [149, 150, 89] and outdoor scenes [18]. |
Lassner et al. [58] augmented the Chictopia10K [69, 70] |
dataset by adding 2D keypoint locations and tted |
SMPL body models, and the augmented dataset is used |
by Bem et al. [19]. Park et al. [93] and Zhu et al. [153] |
collected images from the Internet and applied state-of- |
the-art semantic segmentation models [10, 11] to build |
paired datasets. |
4.2.3 Poses as Input |
Given a reference person image, its corresponding pose, |
and a novel pose, pose-based image synthesis meth- |
ods can generate an image of the person in that novel |
pose. Dierent from synthesizing images from sketches |
or semantic maps, pose-guided synthesis requires novel |
views to be generated, which cannot be done by the |
retrieval and composition pipeline. Thus we focus on |
reviewing deep learning-based methods [2, 79, 80, 107,95, 19, 22, 65, 111, 154]. In these methods, a pose is of- |
ten represented as a set of well-dened body keypoints. |
Each of the keypoints can be modeled as an isotropic |
Gaussian that is centered at the ground-truth joint lo- |
cation and has a small standard deviation, giving rise |
to a heatmap. The concatenation of the joint-centered |
heatmaps then can be used as the input to the image |
synthesis network. Heatmaps of rigid parts and the |
whole body can also be utilized [19]. |
Supervised Deep Learning Methods. In a super- |
vised setting, ground truth target images under target |
poses are required for training. Thus, datasets with the |
same person in multiple poses are needed. Ma et al. [79] |
proposed the Pose Guided Person Generation Network |
for generating person images under given poses. It |
adopts a GAN-like architecture and generates images |
in a coarse-to-ne manner. In the coarse stage, an im- |
age of a person along with a novel pose are fed into the |
U-Net based generator, where the pose is represented as |
heatmaps of body keypoints. The coarse output is then |
concatenated again with the person image, and a rene- |
ment network is trained to learn a dierence map that |
can be added to the coarse output to get the nal re- |
ned result. The discriminator is trained to distinguish |
synthesized outputs and real images. Besides the GAN |
loss, an L1 loss is used to measure dissimilarity between |
the generated output and the target image. Since the |
target image may have dierent background from the |
input condition image, the L1 loss is modied to give |
higher weight to the human body utilizing a pose mask |
derived from the pose skeleton. |
Although GANs have achieved great success in im- |
age synthesis, there are still some diculties when it |
comes to pose-based synthesis, one of which being the |
deformation problem. The given novel pose can be |
drastically dierent from the original pose, resulting in |
large deformations in both shape and texture in the |
synthesized image and making it hard to directly train |
a network that is able to generate images without ar- |
tifacts. Existing works mainly adopt transformation |
strategies to overcome this problem, because transfor- |
mation makes it explicit about which body part will |
be moved to which place, being aware of the original |
and target poses. These methods usually transform |
body parts of the original image [2], the human parsing |
map [22], or the feature map [107, 22, 154]. Balakrish- |
nan et al. [2] explicitly separate the human body from |
the background and synthesize person images of unseen |
poses and background in separate steps. Their method |
consists of four modules: a segmentation module that |
produces masks of the whole body and each body part |
based on the source image and pose; a transformation |
module that calculates and applies ane transforma- |
tion to each body part and corresponding feature maps; |
a background generation module that applies inpaint- |
11ing to ll the body-removed foreground region; and a |
nal integration module that uses the transformed fea- |
ture maps and the target pose to get the synthesized |
foreground, which is then combined with the inpainted |
background to get the nal result. To train the net- |
work, they use a VGG-19 perceptual loss along with a |
GAN loss. Siarohin et al. [107] noted that it is hard for |
the generator to directly capture large body movements |
because of the restricted receptive eld, and introduced |
deformable GANs to tackle the problem. The method |
decomposes the body joints into several semantic parts, |
and calculates an ane transform from the source to |
the target pose for each part. The ane transforms |
are used to align the feature maps of the source image |
with the target pose. The transformed feature maps are |
then concatenated with the target pose features and de- |
coded to synthesize the output image. The authors also |
proposed a novel nearest-neighbor loss based on feature |
maps, instead of using L1 or L2 loss. Their method is |
more robust to large pose changes and produces higher |
quality images compared to [79]. Dong et al. [22] utilize |
parsing results as a proxy to achieve better synthesizing |
results. They rst estimate parsing results for the target |
pose, then t a Thin Plate Spline (TPS) transformation |
between the original and estimated parsing maps. The |
TPS transformation is further applied to warp the fea- |
ture maps for feature alignment and a soft-gated warp- |
ing block is developed to provide controllability to the |
transformation degree. The nal image is synthesized |
based on the transformed feature maps. Zhu et al. [154] |
proposed that large deformations can be divided into a |
sequence of small deformations, which are more friendly |
to network training. In this way, the original pose can |
be transformed progressively, through many interme- |
diate poses. They proposed a Pose-Attentional Trans- |
fer Block (PATB), which transforms the feature maps |
under the guidance of an attention mask. By stack- |
ing multiple PATBs, the feature maps undergo several |
transformations and the transformed maps are used to |
synthesize the nal result. |
While most of the deep learning based methods |
for synthesis from poses adopt an adversarial train- |
ing paradigm, Bem et al. [19] proposed a conditional- |
VAEGAN architecture that combines a conditional- |
VAE framework and a GAN discriminator module to |
generate realistic natural images of people in a unied |
probabilistic framework where the body pose and ap- |
pearance are kept as separated and interpretable vari- |
ables, allowing the sampling of people with independent |
variations of pose and appearance. The loss function |
used includes both conditional-VAE and GAN losses |
composed of L1 reconstruction loss, closed-form KL- |
divergence loss between recognition and prior distribu- |
tions, and discriminator cross-entropy loss. |
Unsupervised Deep Learning Methods. Theaforementioned pose-to-image synthesis methods re- |
quire ground truth images under target poses for train- |
ing because of their use of L1, L2 or perceptual |
losses. To eliminate the need for target images, some |
works focus on the unsupervised setting of this prob- |
lem [95, 111], where the training process does not re- |
quire ground truth image of the target pose. The basic |
idea is to ensure cycle consistency. After the forward |
pass, the synthesized result along with the target pose |
will be treated as the reference, and be used to synthe- |
size the image under the original reference pose. This |
synthesized image should be consistent with the origi- |
nal reference image. Pumarola et al. [95] further uti- |
lize a pose estimator, to ensure pose consistency. Song |
et al. [111] use parsing maps as supervision instead of |
poses. They predict parsing maps under new target |
poses and use them to synthesize the corresponding im- |
ages. Since the parsing maps under the target poses are |
not available due to operating in the unsupervised set- |
ting, the authors proposed a pseudo-label selection tech- |
nique to get \fake" parsing maps by searching for the |
ones with the same clothes type and minimum trans- |
formation energy. |
Benchmark Datasets. For synthesis from poses, the |
DeepFashion [75] and Market-1501 [148] datasets are |
most widely used. The DeepFashion dataset is built |
for clothes recognition but has also been used for pose- |
based image synthesis because of the rich annotations |
available such as clothing landmarks as well as im- |
ages with corresponding foreground but diverse back- |
grounds. The Market-1501 dataset was initially intro- |
duced for the purpose of person re-identication, and |
it contains a large number of person images produced |
using a pedestrian detector and annotated bounding |
boxes; also, each identity has multiple images from dif- |
ferent camera views. |
4.3 Other Input Modalities |
Except for text descriptions and image-like inputs, |
there are other intuitive user inputs such as class la- |
bels, attribute vectors, and graph-like inputs. |
4.3.1 Visual Attributes as Input |
In this subsection, we mainly focus on works that use |
one of the ne-grained class conditional labels or vec- |
tors, i.e.visual attributes, as inputs. Visual attributes |
provide a simple and accurate way of describing ma- |
jor features present in images, such as in describing at- |
tributes of a certain category of birds or details of a |
person's face. Current methods either take a discrete |
one-hot vector as attribute labels, or a continuous vec- |
tor as visual attribute input. |
Yan et al. [135] proposes a disentangling CVAE (dis- |
CVAE) for conditioned image generation from visual at- |
12tributes. While conditional Variational Auto-Encoder |
(cVAE) [109] generates images from the posterior con- |
ditioned on both the conditions and random vectors, |
disCVAE interprets an image as a composite of a |
foreground layer and a background layer. The fore- |
ground layer is conditioned on visual attributes and the |
whole image is generated through a gated integration. |
Attribute-conditioned experiments are often conducted |
on the LFW [39] and CUB [128] datasets. |
For face generation with visual attribute inputs, one |
related application is manipulating existing face im- |
ages with provided attributes. AttGAN [33] applies |
attribute classication constraint and reconstruction |
learning to guarantee the change of desired attributes |
while maintaining other details. Zhang et al. [140] |
proposes spatial attention which can localize attribute- |
specic regions to perform desired attribute manipula- |
tion and keep the rest unchanged. Unlike other works |
utilizing attributes input, Qian et al. [97] explores face |
manipulation via conditional structure input. Given |
structure prior as conditional input of the cVAE, AF- |
VAE [97] can arbitrarily modify facial expressions and |
head poses using geometry-guided feature disentangle- |
ment and additive Gaussian Mixture prior for appear- |
ance representation. Most such face image manipula- |
tion works perform experiments on commonly used face |
image datasets such as the CelebA [76] dataset. |
For controllable person image synthesis, Men et |
al.[83] introduces Attribute-Decomposed GAN, where |
visual attributes including clothes are extracted from |
reference images and combined with target poses to |
generate target images with desired attributes. The |
separation and decomposition of attributes from exist- |
ing images provide a new way of synthesizing person |
images without attribute annotations. |
Another interesting application of taking visual at- |
tributes as input is fashion design. Lee et al. [60] pro- |
poses a GAN model with an attentional discrimina- |
tor for attribute-to-fashion generation. For multiple- |
attribute inputs, multiple independent Gaussian distri- |
butions are derived by mapping each attribute vector to |
the mean vector and diagonal covariance matrix. The |
prior distribution for attribute combination is the prod- |
uct of all independent Gaussians. Experiments are con- |
ducted on a dataset consisting of dress images collected |
from a popular fashion site. |
In terms of image generation methodology using vi- |
sual attributes as inputs, the Glow model introduced |
in [52] as a generative
ow model using an invertible |
11 convolution shows great potentials. Compared |
with VAEs and GANs,
ow models have merits includ- |
ing reversible generation, meaningful latent space, and |
memory eciency. Glow consists of a series of steps of |
ow, where each step consists of activation normaliza- |
tion followed by an invertible 1 1 convolution, then |
Figure 5: Example scene graph to image synthesis re- |
sults. Scene graphs are often extracted from text de- |
scriptions. Correct object relationships embedded in |
input scene graphs are re
ected in the generated im- |
ages. Image taken from [46]. |
followed by a coupling layer. On the Cifar10 dataset, |
Glow achieves better negative log likelihood than Real- |
NVP [21]. On the CelebA-HQ dataset, Glow generates |
high delity face images and also allows meaningful vi- |
sual attribute manipulation. |
Benchmark Datasets. For attributes-guided syn- |
thesis tasks, major benckmarking datasets include Vi- |
sual Genome, CelebA(-HQ), and Labeled Faces in the |
Wild. Visual Genome [56] contains over 100K images |
where each image has an average of 21 objects, 18 at- |
tributes, and 18 pairwise relationships between objects. |
The CelebA [76] dataset has a 40 dimensional binary |
attribute vector annotated for each face image. The |
CelebA-HQ dataset [49] consists of 30,000 high reso- |
lution images from the CelebA dataset. The Labeled |
Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset contains face images |
that are segmented and labeled with semantically mean- |
ingful region labels (e.g., hair, skin). |
4.3.2 Graphs and Layouts as Input |
Another interesting type of intuitive user input is |
graphs (Fig. 5). Graphs can encode multiple relation- |
ships in a concise way and have very unique characteris- |
tics such as sparse representation. An example applica- |
tion of graph-based inputs is architecture design using |
scene graphs, layouts, and other similar modalities. |
Johnson et al. [46], as mentioned earlier in Section |
4.1, can take a scene graph and generate the corre- |
sponding layout. The nal image is then synthesized |
by a CRN model [12] from a noise vector and the lay- |
out. Figure 5 demonstrates some results from [46]. |
To generate images that exhibit complex relation- |
13ships among multiple objects, Zhao et al. [147] proposes |
a Layout2Im model that uses layout as input to gener- |
ate images. The layout is specied by multiple bound- |
ing boxes of objects with category labels. Training of |
the model is done by taking groundtruth images with |
their layouts, and testing is done by sampling object la- |
tent codes from a normal distribution. An object com- |
poser takes the word embedding of input text, object |
latent code, and bounding box locations to composite |
object feature maps. The object feature maps are then |
composed using convolutional LSTM into a hidden fea- |
ture map and decoded into the nal image. |
Also containing the idea of converting layout to im- |
age, LayoutGAN [61] uses a dierentiable wireframe |
rendering layer with an image-based discriminator that |
can generate layout from graphical element inputs. |
Semantic and spatial relations between elements are |
learned via a stacked relation module with self atten- |
tion, and experiments on various datasets show promis- |
ing results in generating meaningful layouts which can |
be also rasterized. |
Luoet al. [78] proposes a variational generative model |
which generates 3D scene layouts given input scene |
graphs. cVAE is combined with the graph convolution |
network (GCN) [53] for layout synthesis. The authors |
also present a rendering model which rst instantiates |
a 3D model by retrieving object meshes, then utilizes a |
dierentiable renderer to render the corresponding se- |
mantic image and the depth image. Their experiments |
on the SUNCG dataset [110] show that the method can |
generate accurate and diverse 3D scene layouts and has |
potential in various downstream scene layout and image |
synthesis tasks. |
5 Summary and Trends |
5.1 Advances in Model Architecture |
Design and Training Strategy |
Among dierent attempts of improving the synthesized |
image quality and the correspondence between user |
input and generated image, several successful designs |
are incorporated into multiple conditional generative |
models and have proven their eectiveness in various |
tasks. For instance, a hierarchical generation archi- |
tecture has been widely used by dierent models, in- |
cluding GANs [144, 17, 124] and VAEs [116], in order |
to generate high-resolution, high-quality images in a |
multi-stage, progressive fashion. Attention-based mech- |
anisms are proposed and incorporated in multiple works |
[133, 141] towards more ne-grained control over re- |
gions within generated images. To ensure correspon- |
dence between user input and generated images, vari- |
ous designs are proposed for generative neural networks: |
Relatively straightforward methods take the combina-tion of user input and other input (e.g., latent vector) as |
input to the generative model; other methods take the |
user input as part of the supervision signal to measure |
the correspondence between input and output; more ad- |
vanced methods, which may also be more eective, com- |
bine transformed inputs together, such as in projection |
discriminator [88] and spatially-adaptive normalization |
[93]. |
While most of the current successful models are based |
on GANs, it is well-known that GAN training is dicult |
and can be unstable. Similar to general purpose GANs, |
works focusing on image synthesis with intuitive user |
inputs also adopt dierent design and training strate- |
gies to ease and stabilize the GAN training. Commonly |
used normalisations include conditional batch normal- |
ization [20] and spectral normalization [87]; commonly |
used adversarial losses include WGAN loss with dier- |
ent regularizations [1, 31], LS-GAN loss [82] and Hinge |
loss [71]. To balance the training of the generator and |
the discriminator, imbalanced training strategies such |
as two time-scale update rule (TTUR) [34] have also |
been adopted for better convergence. |
General losses employed in dierent models heavily |
depend on the methodological framework. Retrieval |
and composition methods typically do not need to be |
trained, therefore no loss is used. For GAN-like mod- |
els, an adversarial loss is essential in a majority of the |
models, which combines a loss for the generator and a |
loss for the discriminator in order to push the generator |
toward generating fake samples that match the distribu- |
tion of real examples. Widely used adversarial losses in- |
clude the minimax loss introduced in the original GAN |
paper [29] and the Wasserstein loss introduced in the |
WGAN paper [1]. VAE models are typically trained by |
minimizing a reconstruction error between the encoder- |
decoded data and the initial data, with some regular- |
ization of the latent space [51]. To evaluate the visual |
quality of generated images and optimize toward better |
image quality, perceptual loss [45] or adversarial feature |
matching loss [103] have been adopted by many exist- |
ing works, especially when paired supervision signal is |
available. |
Alongside the general losses, auxiliary losses are often |
incorporated in models to better handle dierent tasks. |
Task-specic losses, as well as evaluation metrics, are |
natural choices to evaluate and improve task-specic |
performances. Depending on the output modalities, one |
commonly used loss or metric is to recover the input |
condition from the synthesized images. For instance, |
image captioning losses can be included in text-to-image |
synthesis models [98], and pose prediction losses can |
complement the general losses in pose-to-image synthe- |
sis tasks [95, 111]. |
145.2 Summary on Methods using Spe- |
cic Input Types |
Recent advances in text-to-image synthesis have been |
mainly based on deep learning methods, especially |
GANs. Two major challenges of the text-to-image syn- |
thesis task are learning the correspondence between |
text descriptions and generated images, and ensuring |
the quality of generated images. The text-image corre- |
spondence problem has been addressed in recent years |
with advanced embedding techniques of text descrip- |
tions and special designs such as attention mechanisms |
used to match words and image regions. For the qual- |
ity of generated images, however, promising results are |
still limited to generating narrow categories of objects. |
For general scenes where multiple objects co-exist with |
complex relationships, the realism and diversity of the |
generated images are not satisfactory and remain to be |
improved. To reduce the diculty of synthesizing com- |
plex scenes, current models may benet from leverag- |
ing dierent methods such as combining retrieval-and- |
composition with deep learning, and relationship learn- |
ing which uses relation graphs as auxiliary input or in- |
termediate step. |
For image-like inputs, one can take a traditional |
retrieval-and-composition strategy or adopt the more |
recent deep learning based methods. The retrieval- |
and-composition strategy has several advantages. First, |
its outputs contain fewer artifacts because the objects |
are retrieved rather than synthesized. Second, it is |
more user-friendly, since it allows user intervention in |
all stages of the work
ow, which brings controllability |
and customizability. Third, it can be directly applied |
to a new dataset, without the need for time-consuming |
training or adaptation. In comparison, deep learning |
based methods are less interpretable and more dicult |
to accept user intervention in all stages of the synthesis |
process. Although some attempts in combining the ad- |
vantages of the two approaches have been made [96], |
deep-learning based methods still dominate for their |
versatility and ability to generate completely novel im- |
ages. In these deep learning based methods, inputs |
are usually represented as regular grid structures like |
rasterized images (e.g. for sketches) or multi-channel |
tensors (e.g. for poses, semantic maps), for the conve- |
nience of utilizing convolution based neural networks. |
Methods for dierent input types also have their own |
emphases. Works for sketch-based synthesis have at- |
tempted to bridge the gap between synthesized sketches |
and real free-hand sketches, because the latter is hard |
to collect and synthesized sketches can be used to sat- |
isfy the needs of training large networks. For synthe- |
sis based on semantic maps, progress has been made |
mainly on the design of network architectures in or- |
der to better utilize information in the input seman-tic maps. For pose-based synthesis, various solutions |
are proposed to address problems caused by large de- |
formations between source and target poses, including |
performing explicit transformations, learning pixel-level |
correspondence, and synthesizing through a sequence |
of mild deformations. Eorts have also been made to |
alleviate the need for ground-truth data in supervised |
learning settings. Take pose-based synthesis for exam- |
ple, the supervised setting requires multiple images of |
the same person with the same background but dierent |
poses; however, what we often have is an image collec- |
tion with only one image for each person. Some meth- |
ods [95, 111, 73] are proposed to work under an unsuper- |
vised setting, where no ground-truth of the synthesized |
result is needed; they mainly work by constraining cy- |
cle consistency, with extra supervision for intermediate |
outputs. |
For image synthesis with visual attributes, applica- |
tions in the reviewed works have been mainly on face |
synthesis, person synthesis, and fashion design. Since |
attributes are an intuitive type of user input suitable |
for interactive synthesis, we believe that more appli- |
cations should be explored and more advanced mod- |
els can be proposed. One bottleneck for current visual |
attribute based synthesis tasks is that attribute-level |
annotations are often required for supervised training. |
For datasets with no attribute-level annotations, unsu- |
pervised attribute disentanglement or attribute-related |
prior knowledge need to be incorporated into the model |
design to guarantee that the generated images have the |
correct attributes. |
Image synthesis with graphs as input can better en- |
code relationships between objects than using other in- |
tuitive user inputs. Current works often rely on graph |
neural networks [53, 119] to learn the graph and node |
features. In addition to using graphs as input, current |
methods also try to generate scene graphs as intermedi- |
ate output from other modalities of input such as text |
descriptions. Applications of using graphs as intuitive |
input include architecture design and scene synthesis |
that require the preservation of specic object relation- |
ships. While fewer works have been done for image syn- |
thesis with graphs, we believe it has great potential in |
advancing techniques capable of generating scenes with |
multiple objects, complex relationships, and structural |
constraints. |
5.3 Summary on Benchmark Datasets |
To facilitate the lookup of datasets available for par- |
ticular tasks or particular types of input, we summa- |
rize popular datasets used for various image synthesis |
tasks with intuitive user inputs in Table 1. State-of- |
the-art image synthesis methods have achieved high- |
quality results using datasets containing single object |
15Dataset name # images Categories Annotations Tasks Used in |
Shoe V2 [139] 8,648ashoe P SK [73] |
Stanford's Cars [55] 16,185 car L,BB SK [77] |
UT Zappos50K [137, 138] 50,025 shoe L,P SK [27] |
Caltech-UCSD Birds 200 [128] 6,033 bird L,A,BB,S TE, SK [135, 100, 143, 144, 133, 146, 6, 136, 152, 98, 77] |
Oxford-102 [90] 8,189
ower L TE [100, 143, 144, 133, 146, 152, 98] |
Labeled Faces in the Wild [39] 13,233 face L,S AT [135, 140] |
CelebA [76] 202,599 face L,A,KP SK, AT [140, 97, 33, 77, 6] |
CelebA-HQ [49] 30,000 face L,A,KP SK, AT [52, 94, 68] |
Sketchy [105] 87,971bobjects L,P SK [16] |
CUHK Face Sketch [125] 1212cface P SK [30, 106, 131] |
COCO [72] 330,000 objects BB,S,KP,T TE,SK,SE [81, 143, 144, 133, 146, 37, 63, 113, 136, 152, 98, 36, 120, 3] |
COCO-Stu [8] 164,000 objects S,C SK,SE,SG,LA [147, 46, 25, 93, 74] |
CelebAMask-HQ [59] 30,000 face S SE [153] |
Cityscapes [18] 25,000 outdoor scene S SE [13, 96, 93, 74, 155, 114, 153] |
ADE20K [149, 150] 22,210 indoor scene S SE [96, 93, 74, 155, 114, 153] |
NYU Depth [89] 1,449 indoor scene S,D SE [13, 96] |
Chictopia10K [69, 70] 17,706 human S SE [58] |
DeepFashion [75] 52,712 human L,A,P,KP SE,P,AT [155, 79, 80, 107, 95, 22, 65, 111, 154, 83] |
Market-1501 [148] 32,668 human L,A P [79, 80, 107, 22, 65, 111, 154] |
Human3.6M [42] 3,600,000 human KP,BB,S,SC P [19] |
Visual Genome [56] 108,077 objects BB,A,R,T,VQA SG,LA [147, 46] |
a2,000 real images and 6,648 sketches. |
b12,500 real images and 75,471 sketches. |
c606 pairs of real face photo and the corresponding sketch. |
Table 1: Commonly used datasets in image synthesis tasks with intuitive user inputs. For annotations, possible |
values are Label,Attribute, Pair,KeyPoint,Bounding Box,Semantic map, Relationship, Text,VisualQuestion |
Answers, Depth map, 3D SCan. For tasks, possible values are TExt,Pose,SKetch,SEmantic map, ATtributes, |
SceneGraph, LAyout. |
categories such as cars [55], birds [128], and human |
faces [76, 49, 125, 59]. For synthesizing images that |
contain multiple object categories and complex scene |
structures, there is still room for improvement using |
datasets such as the MS-COCO [72]. Future work can |
also focus more on synthesis with intuitive and interac- |
tive user inputs, as well as applications of the synthesis |
methods in real-world scenarios. |
6 New Perspectives |
Having reviewed recent works for image synthesis given |
intuitive inputs, we discuss in this section new perspec- |
tives on future research that relate to input versatility, |
generation methodology, benchmark datasets and eval- |
uation metrics. |
6.1 Input Versatility |
Text to Image. While current methods for text-to- |
image synthesis mainly take text inputs that describe |
the visual content of an image, more natural inputs of- |
ten contain aective words such as happy or pleasing, |
scary or frightful. To handle such inputs, it is necessary |
for models to consider the emotional eects as part of |
the input text comprehension. Further, generating im- |
ages that express or incur a certain sentiment will re- |
quire learning the mapping between visual content and |
emotional dimensions such as valence (i.e. positive ornegative aectivity) and arousal (i.g. how calming or |
exciting the information is), as well as understanding |
how dierent compositions of the same objects in an |
image can lead to dierent sentiments. |
For particular application domains, input text de- |
scriptions may be more versatile. For instance, in med- |
ical image synthesis, a given input can be a clinical re- |
port that contains one or several paragraphs of text de- |
scription. Such domain-specic inputs also require prior |
knowledge for input text comprehension and text-to- |
image mapping. Other under-explored applications in- |
clude taking paragraphs or multiple sentences as input |
to generate a sequence of images for story telling [66], |
or text-based video synthesis and editing [92, 67, 122]. |
For conditional synthesis, most current works per- |
form one-to-many generation and try to improve the |
diversity of images generated given the same text in- |
put. One interesting work for text-to-image synthesis |
by Yin et al. proposes SD-GAN [136] which investigates |
the variability among dierent inputs intended for the |
same target image. New applications may be discovered |
that need methods for many-to-one synthesis using sim- |
ilar pipelines. |
Image from sketch, pose, graphic inputs, and |
others. For sketches and poses as user inputs, exist- |
ing methods treat them as rasterized images to perform |
an image-to-image translation as the synthesis method. |
Considering that sketches and poses all contain geom- |
etry information and the relationships among dierent |
16points on the geometry are important, we believe it |
is benecial to investigate representing such inputs as |
sparse vectorized representations such as graphs, in- |
stead of using rasterized representations. Taking vec- |
torized inputs will greatly reduce the input sizes and |
will also enable the use of existing graph understanding |
techniques such as graph neural networks. For sketches |
as input, another interesting task is to generate videos |
from sketch-based storyboards, since it has numerous |
applications in animation and visualization. |
For graphic inputs that represent architectural struc- |
tures such as layouts and wireframes, an important con- |
sideration is that the synthesized images should pre- |
serve structural constraints such as junctions, paral- |
lel lines, and planar surfaces [134] or relations between |
graphical elements [61]. In these scenarios, incorporat- |
ing prior knowledge about the physical world can help |
enhance the photorealism of generated images and im- |
prove the structural coherence of generated designs. |
It will also be interesting to further investigate im- |
age and/or video generation from other forms of in- |
puts. Audio, for instance, is another intuitive, interac- |
tive and expressive type of input. Generating photo- |
realistic video portraits that are in synch with input |
audio streams [9, 151, 129] has many applications such |
as assisting the hearing impaired with speech compre- |
hension, privacy-preserving video chat, and VR/AR for |
training professionals. |
6.2 Connections and Integration be- |
tween Generation Paradigms |
In conditional image synthesis, deep learning based |
methods have been dominating and have shown promis- |
ing results. However, they still have limitations includ- |
ing the requirement of large training datasets and high |
computational cost for training. Since the retrieval- |
and-composition methods are often light-weight and re- |
quire little training, they can be complementary to the |
deep learning based methods. Existing works on im- |
age synthesis from semantic maps have explored the |
strategy of combining retrieval-and-composition and |
learning-based models [96]. One way of combination |
could be using retrieval-and-composition to generate a |
draft image and then rening the image for better visual |
quality and diversity using a learning-based approach. |
Besides the quality of generated images, the control- |
lability of the output and the interpretability of the |
model also play essential roles in the synthesis pro- |
cess. Although GAN models generally achieve better |
image quality than other methods, it is often more dif- |
cult to perform interactive or controllable generation |
using GAN methods than other learning based meth- |
ods. Hybrid models such as the combination of GANs |
and VAEs [57, 85, 4, 19] have shown promising synthesisresults as well as better feature disentanglement prop- |
erties. Future works in image synthesis given intuitive |
user input can explore more possibilities of using hybrid |
models combining the advantages of GANs and VAEs |
such as in [19] as well as using normalizing
ow based |
methods [102, 52] that allow both feature learning and |
tractable marginal likelihood estimation. |
Overall, we believe cross pollination between major |
image generation paradigms will continue to be an im- |
portant direction, which can produce new models that |
improve upon existing image synthesis paradigms by |
combining their merits and overcoming their limita- |
tions. |
6.3 Evaluation and comparison of gen- |
eration methods |
Evaluation Metrics. While a range of quantitative |
metrics for measuring the realism and diversity of gen- |
erated images have been proposed including widely used |
IS [103], FID [34], and SSIM [126], they are still lack- |
ing in consistency with human perception and that is |
why many works still rely on qualitative human eval- |
uation to assess the quality of images synthesized by |
dierent methods. Recently, some metrics, such as R- |
precision [133] and SOA score [36] in text-to-image syn- |
thesis, have been proposed to evaluate whether a gen- |
erated image is well conditioned on the given input and |
try to achieve better consistency with human percep- |
tion. Further work on automatic metrics that match |
well with human evaluation will continue to be impor- |
tant. |
For a specic task or application, evaluation should |
be based on not just the nal image quality but how well |
the generated images match the conditional input and |
serve the purpose of the intended application or task. If |
the synthesized images are used in down-stream tasks |
such as data augmentation for classication, evaluation |
based on down-stream tasks also provides valuable in- |
formation. |
While it is dicult to compare methods across input |
types due to dierences in input modality and interac- |
tivity, it is feasible to establish standard processes for |
synthesis from a particular kind of input, thus making |
it possible for fair comparison between methods given |
the same type of input using the same benchmark. |
Datasets. As shown in Sec. 5.3, large-scale datasets |
of natural images and annotations have been collected |
for specic object categories such as human bodies, |
faces, birds, cars, and for scenes that contain multi- |
ple object categories such as those in COCO [72] and |
CityScapes [18]. As future work, in order to enable ap- |
plications in particular domains that benet from image |
synthesis such as medical image synthesis for data aug- |
mentation and movie video generation, domain-specic |
17datasets with appropriate annotations will need to be |
created. |
Evaluation of input choices. Existing image gen- |
eration methods have been evaluated and compared |
mainly based on their output, i.e. the generated images. |
We believe that in image generation tasks conditioned |
on intuitive inputs, it is equally important to compare |
methods based on their input choice. In Sec. 2.1, we |
introduced several characteristics that can be used to |
compare and evaluate inputs such as their accessibil- |
ity, expressiveness, and interactivity. It will be inter- |
esting to study other important characteristics of in- |
puts as well as criteria for evaluating how well an input |
type meets the needs of an application, how well the |
input supports interactive editing, how regularized the |
learned latent space is, and how well the synthesized |
image matches the input condition. |
7 Conclusions |
This review has covered main approaches for image syn- |
thesis and rendering given intuitive user inputs. First, |
we examine what makes a good paradigm for image |
synthesis from intuitive user input, from the perspec- |
tive of user input characteristics and that of output im- |
age quality. We then provide an overview of main gen- |
eration paradigms: retrieval and composition, cGAN, |
cVAE, and hybrid models, autoregressive models, nor- |
ow based methods. Their relative strengths |
and weaknesses are discussed in hope of inspiring ideas |
that draw connections between the main approaches to |
produce models and methods that take advantage of the |
relative strengths of each paradigm. After the overview, |
we delve into details of specic algorithms for dierent |
input types and examine their ideas and contributions. |
In particular, we conduct a comprehensive literature |
review on approaches for generating images from text, |
sketches or strokes, semantic label maps, poses, visual |
attributes, graphs and layouts. Then, we summarize |
these existing methods in terms of benchmark datasets |
used and identify trends related to advances in model |
architecture design and training strategy, and strategies |
for handling specic input types. Last but not least, we |
provide our perspective on future directions related to |
input versatility, generation methodology, benchmark |
datasets, and method evaluation and comparison. |
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