[0.000 --> 4.320] 12 non-verbal communication examples and how to use them. We usually think that [4.320 --> 9.440] battle language is the only way that we can send a message without using words. But it's just [9.440 --> 15.200] one aspect of non-verbal communication and these 12 examples will boost your people analysis skills. [15.200 --> 20.480] In this video you will find out the three types of hand gestures, a secret that I's [20.480 --> 26.000] reveal and how communication goes way beyond your body. My name is Jesus Enrique Rosas. [26.000 --> 31.200] I'm the battle language guy and I help you uncover the secrets that people try to hide from you. [36.960 --> 41.520] Number one, your general posture. No matter if you're standing or seated, your body [41.520 --> 46.800] posture is the first clue to reveal your current mood. That's one of the quickest way to assess [46.800 --> 52.400] someone's feelings in just a couple seconds thanks to their global battle language. One example [52.400 --> 57.280] is alpha and beta postures. One of them projects confidence and the other in security. [57.280 --> 62.640] You can even feel more confident by just assuming an alpha posture. The easiest way to tell [62.640 --> 68.240] difference is the way the shoulders are broad and relaxed in one or tense and contracting the other. [68.240 --> 74.480] Number two, facial expressions of emotions. We're naturally drawn to see faces and that's why [74.480 --> 79.680] it's the most important area when we want to express emotions without words. Most of the time we [79.680 --> 84.320] pick those signals by intuition but with a little practice you can spot them consciously. [84.320 --> 89.280] One example is when someone presses their lips you know that they have an emotional reaction. [89.280 --> 95.360] Our faces can show seven basic emotions but it's more important if you can spot these more subtle [95.360 --> 100.400] changes. I recommend that you get used to pay attention to faces during the conversation. [100.400 --> 105.600] Number three, illustrator gestures to emphasize words. When someone uses their hands to make their [105.600 --> 111.040] point clearer, doors are called illustrator gestures. They're very important because they [111.040 --> 116.880] help the other person understand and remember your words and connect deeper with them. For example, [116.880 --> 122.720] if you're saying that something is big or tall or try to emphasize the point that your hands move [122.720 --> 127.840] in unison. Every time your hands support what you're saying you're using illustrator gestures. [127.840 --> 133.280] They're very easy to detect because people almost never try to hide them. Number four, voice, [133.280 --> 138.480] tone and body. Another non-verbal communication example that usually doesn't get enough attention [138.480 --> 144.720] is the quality of our voice unless people know how to control their emotions their voice is going to [145.200 --> 150.640] be the first channel that reveals their inner state. For example, when someone is excited or upset [150.640 --> 155.440] they're going to raise their voice. If they feel insecure they will lower it. This is great news [155.440 --> 160.320] because this way you can detect someone's emotions without even having to look at them. They just [160.320 --> 165.600] have to practice active listening whenever you can. Learning to spot this non-verbal communication [165.600 --> 171.600] signals requires a bit of practice and no one where to look. That's why I've summarized more than [171.600 --> 176.640] 90 body language clues in a free ebook that you can download right now. You can find the link in [176.640 --> 182.640] the description all right here. Number five, manipulator gestures that reveals stress. If illustrator [182.640 --> 187.920] gestures emphasize words, manipulator gestures reveal an emotional reaction to us situation. You can [188.000 --> 192.960] spot them because they add absolutely nothing to the message that the person wants to convey. [192.960 --> 198.160] There are many examples like rubbing the eyes, pulling the air love, touching the nose, those are [198.160 --> 203.280] manipulator gestures. They're not directly related to line but instead to some emotional [203.280 --> 208.000] discomfort. If you're paying attention at the person's body language you should have no problems [208.000 --> 214.480] spotting them. Number six, clothing and accessories. As I said before, the recommendation is not only about [214.480 --> 219.280] body language because the way people dress gives clues about their personality. And the best [219.280 --> 224.560] question you can ask in your mind is what kind of person chooses to dress this way. So people [224.560 --> 229.920] claim that they way their dress has nothing to do with their personality and that's wrong. Because [229.920 --> 235.280] in most cases they choose what to wear. It's a decision that they make. So it's a matter of [235.280 --> 240.560] reverse engineering that decision to make a Sherlock Holmes guess about their character. Number seven, [240.640 --> 245.920] the secrets in their eyes. I know that eyes are part of facial expressions but they reveal so much [245.920 --> 251.360] information that you could just focus on them. After all they call the windows to the soul and for [251.360 --> 257.280] a good reason we can express emotions just moving them. Whether it's rolling our eyes or we notice [257.280 --> 262.080] that someone is blinking faster or someone points in the direction of another with their gaze. [262.080 --> 267.840] All those are signals that we give away even if we cover our entire face. It's not a coincidence [267.840 --> 273.040] that we're always drawn to see other people's eyes. Number eight, proxemics and interaction [273.040 --> 278.560] distance. Different cultures have different customs about how close do people stand to each other [278.560 --> 284.080] when talking or just hanging out. But at the same time those differences in interaction distance [284.080 --> 289.760] can reveal what kind of relationship they have. Proxemics is also about the way our gestures reach [289.760 --> 294.480] out to the other person during a conversation. If you see two people talking and they don't have [294.480 --> 299.680] problems sharing that personal space then you know they feel comfortable. This can be spotted [299.680 --> 306.080] not only in couples but also in groups. Number nine, custom hand gestures or emblems. By now you've [306.080 --> 311.920] noticed that there's much more to hand that just a few gestures to emphasize our words. There are [311.920 --> 318.000] also emblems that are hand gestures with a certain meaning that is given by the culture or society. [318.000 --> 323.440] For example the okay sign or the thumbs up are emblems that have meaning even if you just see an [323.440 --> 328.720] isolated hand. Just remember that the same emblems can have different meanings in different cultures [328.720 --> 334.560] so be careful. When you visit other countries it's a good idea to know in advance about this. Number [334.560 --> 340.960] 10, our personal space. If the way we dress can reveal details about our personality or living [340.960 --> 346.640] and working spaces also give a nonverbal message. That's why it's important to pay attention to [346.640 --> 353.040] someone's house or apartment or office to see what can give us information about them. Do they have [353.040 --> 358.960] plans? What kind of books do they have? Do they have pictures, posters, paintings? It's a good [358.960 --> 363.440] practice to reverse engineer someone's personal space to make a guess about their character. [363.440 --> 368.000] And one of the most important clues that we can get is what do they like? Number 11, [368.000 --> 373.280] haptics and touching others. No matter the culture they're always going to be people who like to [373.280 --> 378.800] touch others and people who really hate to be touched. But for example the handshake is one of the [378.800 --> 383.520] most common forms of touching and you can tell a lot from someone's grip. You can put a hand on [383.520 --> 388.000] someone's shoulder or bag to show support. And there's the fact that a woman can do a [388.000 --> 393.600] very soft touch of her own arm to attract the attention of a man. So the act of touching is in [393.600 --> 399.760] itself an unverbal clue no matter if it's a formal greeting or a warm hug. Number 12, physical [399.760 --> 404.800] reactions. When we talk about rebellion emotions these are the hardest to conceal body language [405.520 --> 410.160] and since they're connected directly to the central nervous system there is almost nothing [410.160 --> 415.200] that we can do to control them. We're talking about sweating, pupils dilating, shortness of breath, [415.200 --> 421.600] blushing and so on. Most of these reactions are automatic and they reveal an emotional reaction. [421.600 --> 426.960] Maybe the person feels threatened. The only way to control them would be to control your own [426.960 --> 432.400] emotions in advance. They may take away about all these nonverbal communication examples is that [432.400 --> 437.280] none of them is more important than the others. What's more, you should always consider the [437.280 --> 444.160] context of the interaction to get a full understanding. My suggestion is that you try to spot one by one [444.160 --> 449.280] at first. It's easy to feel overwhelmed so practice by focusing on one for a whole week and then [449.280 --> 454.240] add another. Of course it will always be a dynamic of comparing their nonverbal communication [454.240 --> 459.840] signals with what they are saying to spot inconsistencies. And that's when you will start [459.840 --> 464.400] detecting hidden emotions. Again, if you want all my free nonverbal communication tips, [464.400 --> 469.360] there's a link in the description to download my ebook. And don't forget to subscribe and activate [469.360 --> 476.400] those notifications so you don't miss any of my body language analysis and tips. See you next time!