[0.000 --> 9.720] Out of all the different nonverbal behaviors, I think attraction, spotting attraction [9.720 --> 11.520] is without a doubt the easiest. [11.520 --> 15.560] We're very emotional creatures and when we're attracted to somebody, it's very, very [15.560 --> 16.960] difficult to hide. [16.960 --> 19.680] People think they're hiding but things always slip. [19.680 --> 23.080] So one of the ways they slip are essentially the eyes and there's a lot of different ways [23.080 --> 28.520] you can use the eyes to determine whether or not somebody is attracted to you. [28.520 --> 31.360] The first thing is essentially eye contact, right? [31.360 --> 36.160] So of course, for the most part, usually we make eye contact with people that we're interested [36.160 --> 39.040] in or people that we're attracted to, right? [39.040 --> 40.560] But this is not entirely true. [40.560 --> 43.680] Some people are shy or anxious and they're not going to make eye contact. [43.680 --> 47.760] So what you're looking for essentially is a deviation in eye contact. [47.760 --> 51.720] So one of the ways you can use eye contact and there's a little trick that's very, very [51.720 --> 52.720] reliable. [52.720 --> 56.760] So what you're going to do is if you look at somebody in a bar and a restaurant on the [56.760 --> 57.600] street. [57.600 --> 60.040] And they break eye contact vertically. [60.040 --> 61.040] So they look down. [61.040 --> 64.520] So you make eye contact with them and they break eye contact vertically, vertically, [64.520 --> 65.520] all right? [65.520 --> 70.120] And then within like 30 seconds or like 20 to 30 seconds, they reestablish eye contact [70.120 --> 71.120] approach them. [71.120 --> 72.120] They like you. [72.120 --> 73.320] It's a very, very reliable thing. [73.320 --> 75.080] Essentially what they're doing is you stare at them. [75.080 --> 78.960] They're submitting to you and then they take a little second glance to see who you are. [78.960 --> 81.040] It's very, very, very reliable. [81.040 --> 85.240] Another thing, if somebody, so in the opposite of that would be if you look at somebody and [85.240 --> 87.920] they look at you and they immediately go and break eye contact. [87.920 --> 89.840] It's like, oh, not interested. [89.840 --> 92.520] But what is reliable is they break eye contact and then come back. [92.520 --> 93.960] Break eye contact, then come back. [93.960 --> 95.720] Break eye contact and come back. [95.720 --> 96.720] It's very interesting. [96.720 --> 97.720] And don't let it wait. [97.720 --> 100.240] Like if you see that, just go right away because the more and more you wait, the more [100.240 --> 102.720] and more eye contact becomes very, very awkward. [102.720 --> 105.840] One of the things I do in one of my classes is I have people stare in, stare each other [105.840 --> 107.920] in the eyes for three minutes without saying anything. [107.920 --> 110.160] They just need to stare each other in the eyes like this. [110.160 --> 111.160] Try that. [111.160 --> 114.600] Go out and try to stare somebody in the eyes for even 90 seconds. [114.600 --> 116.200] Like guarantee you can't do it. [116.200 --> 117.200] It's awkward. [117.200 --> 120.720] And so awkward because humans are just, we're not really, it's a level of intimacy when [120.720 --> 124.120] you stare somebody in the eyes and it's just so awkward doing it with a stranger. [124.120 --> 127.520] You know, studies will show that if you stare somebody in the eyes for 90 seconds to admit, [127.520 --> 131.240] 90 seconds to three minutes, all of a sudden you're going to like that person a lot better [131.240 --> 134.760] than everybody else in the room because you kind of shared this emotional connection. [134.760 --> 137.600] So eye contact is important in that respect. [137.600 --> 141.800] The second thing you can look for essentially is blink rate. [141.800 --> 143.760] Now this is a little bit, this is really cool. [143.760 --> 146.480] So blink rate is correlated with emotional excitement. [146.480 --> 149.640] So when we're emotionally excited, our blink rate tends to increase. [149.640 --> 153.400] So average blink rates tend to be below 20 blinks per minute. [153.400 --> 158.160] So most people, it depends on where you are, but it's really hard to really nail down [158.160 --> 159.960] with the average blink rate is. [159.960 --> 163.400] But in my experience, it seems to be around 10 blinks per minute. [163.400 --> 167.800] So you see whenever you see a sudden spike or a bunch of sudden spikes in somebody's [167.800 --> 170.240] blink rate, it can be an indication of attraction. [170.240 --> 174.080] So in my dating studies, you see blink rates to the roof because the person's across [174.080 --> 176.040] the table from you is an emotional response. [176.040 --> 177.640] You're attracted to them. [177.640 --> 182.360] The third way of kind of using the eye to determine attraction is dilation. [182.360 --> 183.360] Very interesting. [183.360 --> 187.000] Our eyes dilate when we're attracted to something, right? [187.000 --> 192.000] It's very, go out and find a Maxim magazine or a Playboy magazine or any cover that's [192.000 --> 197.960] predominantly, you know, men focused in every single woman will have her eyes dilated. [197.960 --> 199.960] You never ever see them constricted. [199.960 --> 204.240] And the reason why is because men perceive women with dilated eyes to be more attracted [204.240 --> 205.880] than women with constricted eyes. [205.880 --> 210.400] To the point of back in the day, prostitutes used to put a specific toxin in their eyes [210.400 --> 211.400] to make them dilate.