[0.000 --> 3.000] Hi, I'm Dr. York. [3.000 --> 7.000] Not that kind of doctor. [7.000 --> 12.000] I'm a doctor of communication. [12.000 --> 16.700] Did you know only 7% of communication is the words that we say. [16.700 --> 20.900] That means 93% of communication is nonverbal communication. [20.900 --> 23.860] For example, gestures mean a lot. [23.860 --> 28.000] The most open thing you can possibly do is show the palms of your hands. [28.000 --> 32.500] Now, speaking of hands, let's talk about handshakes. [32.500 --> 35.000] What do you need to give a really good handshake? [35.000 --> 36.000] Help! [36.000 --> 38.000] That's right, Sean. [38.000 --> 39.000] Help. [39.000 --> 42.000] A handshake says a lot about a person. [42.000 --> 44.000] Rule number one. [44.000 --> 46.000] Always stand up to shake someone's hand. [46.000 --> 47.000] Rule number two. [47.000 --> 51.000] Don't be a bone crusher. [51.000 --> 52.000] Rule number three. [52.000 --> 55.000] Don't be a weakling. [55.000 --> 63.000] Also, gentlemen, please be sure to shake a woman's hand the same way you shake a man's hand. [63.000 --> 67.200] So if you're someone fancy like the president and you take a number of pictures, make sure [67.200 --> 70.200] you're on the camera, the audience side, left side. [70.200 --> 72.800] So when you shake someone's hand, your hand is on top. [72.800 --> 76.000] Makes you look more powerful for those pictures. [76.000 --> 78.000] But you can't always be on that side. [78.000 --> 81.000] So if you are on the wrong side, there's some defensive measures. [81.000 --> 82.000] Like this one. [82.000 --> 84.000] The rap. [85.000 --> 91.000] Or a second defensive measure is you pull them toward yourself so no one's hand is on top. [91.000 --> 97.000] People like good looking people and close to a lot of a personality. [97.000 --> 100.000] For example, always wear traditional clothing. [100.000 --> 101.000] Blues. [101.000 --> 102.000] Blacks. [102.000 --> 103.000] Greys. [103.000 --> 104.000] Even a pop of red are fantastic. [104.000 --> 108.000] Stay away from the neon green colors. [108.000 --> 113.000] For example, during a job interview, you want to stay away from a neon green tie [113.000 --> 117.000] because the interviewer would be paying more attention to your tie than what you have to [117.000 --> 118.000] say. [118.000 --> 121.000] Non-grimble communication can also show that we're listening. [121.000 --> 122.000] Isn't that right? [122.000 --> 123.000] Absolutely, Dr. York. [123.000 --> 124.000] In fact. [124.000 --> 125.000] Thank you. [125.000 --> 128.000] So if you are speaking to someone, if you're currently talking, you should be looking at the [128.000 --> 131.200] other person in the eye, about 60 to 70% of the time. [131.200 --> 137.000] On the other hand, if you are listening to someone, increase that to about 90% of the time [137.000 --> 139.000] to show engagement, to show that you are listening. [139.000 --> 145.000] Also, be sure that you're not looking around the room looking to trade up in the conversation. [145.000 --> 148.000] Non-grimble communication can also help you detect lies. [148.000 --> 154.000] Look for things like too much eye contact, hiding behind barriers or stiff body movements. [154.000 --> 163.000] But make sure you are getting a baseline for the individual, what they usually do, to make sure they are lying or there's just nervous energy. [163.000 --> 170.000] Actually, college students and police officers somewhat have the exact same ratio of detecting lies. [170.000 --> 175.000] So next time you are interrogating someone, it's not what you say. [175.000 --> 178.000] It's how you say it. [178.000 --> 181.000] As a professor of communication, I'm usually aware of my student's feelings. [181.000 --> 189.000] And there are seven universal micro expressions that everyone has, whether they're from St. Louis, Missouri, Tokyo, or Mongolia. [190.000 --> 195.000] And I'm about to show you all seven of these expressions while doing something fun, messing with students. [195.000 --> 199.000] Class I'd like to remind you that I've canceled the final exam. [199.000 --> 204.000] However, to make up for those missed points, we're going to have an exam today. [204.000 --> 209.000] Sean, thank you so much for joining us. Here's your surprise exam. [209.000 --> 216.000] And since Sean didn't make it a priority to be on time today, I'm doubling the points on this exam. [216.000 --> 219.000] And here's where it gets fun. [221.000 --> 224.000] I don't even like tuna. [226.000 --> 229.000] Yeah, those look like a big F. [230.000 --> 234.000] Here's a tip for interviewing on air or for a job interview. [234.000 --> 239.000] Have you ever played the lava game as a child? Pretend the back half of your chair is lava. [239.000 --> 245.000] This will force you to either sit up straight or lean forward looking engaged. [246.000 --> 252.000] My research shows that you can increase memory recall by 22% just through nonverbal communication. [252.000 --> 256.000] One of those steps, excuse me, is getting rid of all the barriers. [256.000 --> 259.000] You don't need those anyway. Sorry, buddy. [259.000 --> 266.000] Would you believe me if I told you that you could increase your own confidence through nonverbal communication? [266.000 --> 268.000] Simply the Superman pose. [269.000 --> 281.000] So if you do the Superman pose for just two minutes with testosterone levels increase in your cortisol level decrease with managed to stress everyone do the Superman pose. [281.000 --> 287.000] So remember, the podium is kryptonite. Do the Superman pose once a day and keep the kryptonite away. [287.000 --> 292.000] So as you can tell, communication is a powerful tool. It's not just what we say that's important. [292.000 --> 299.000] Everything from gestures to handshaking to micro expressions to lie detection to how we dress. [299.000 --> 301.000] Everything says something to everyone. [301.000 --> 306.000] You're speaking volumes to everyone around you. Even when you don't say a word.