[0.000 --> 4.640] Hey, what's up guys? [4.640 --> 6.840] It's Matt Stefano with Dance Tutorials Live. [6.840 --> 9.440] And today I'm going to teach you how to do an arm wave. [9.440 --> 28.320] So to learn this arm wave, we're going to break it down into four parts. [28.320 --> 31.920] Your shoulder, your elbow, your wrist, and your hand. [31.920 --> 35.920] First, we're going to start with a simple exercise to just get some control of our arms. [35.920 --> 38.960] So you're going to go shoulder, lift it all the way up. [38.960 --> 42.560] Then you're going to pick your elbow up and push your shoulder down. [42.560 --> 44.760] So notice how I have this 90 degree angle here. [44.760 --> 47.800] You want to make sure your hand isn't here or out. [47.800 --> 50.040] Shoulder elbow, nice and clean. [50.040 --> 54.200] Then you're going to go out to your wrist and make sure that that hand is flat and then [54.200 --> 56.600] roll it out through your fingertips. [56.600 --> 57.760] Let's try it one more time. [57.760 --> 62.920] You go shoulder, elbow, wrist, and release. [62.920 --> 65.560] Other side, six, seven, nice and slow. [65.560 --> 71.440] We go shoulder, elbow, wrist, release, little faster. [71.440 --> 76.520] Six, seven, eight, go shoulder, elbow, wrist, release. [76.520 --> 80.240] So now that you have that, we're going to smooth it out and try it a little bit faster. [80.240 --> 81.240] Ready? [81.240 --> 83.480] Six, seven, eight. [83.480 --> 86.640] Shoulder elbow, wrist, release, other side. [86.640 --> 88.840] Six, seven, eight. [88.840 --> 91.640] Shoulder elbow, wrist, release, and faster. [91.640 --> 93.400] Five, six, seven, eight. [93.400 --> 95.160] One, two, three, four. [95.160 --> 96.880] Five, six, seven, eight. [96.880 --> 98.600] One, two, three, four. [98.600 --> 100.760] Five, six, seven, eight. [100.760 --> 105.080] This is an important exercise because it starts to teach you how to move one part of your [105.080 --> 106.280] arm at the time. [106.280 --> 110.120] Now we're going to bring our arms up and out to the sides so that we can work on getting [110.120 --> 113.960] this wave to go across from one side to the other. [113.960 --> 118.000] So now remembering what we learned in the first exercise about isolating each part of our [118.000 --> 122.320] arm, we're going to think of this line as being our base. [122.320 --> 125.880] We're never going to go below this line when we do an arm wave. [125.880 --> 129.280] That's really important because a lot of people want to go down with their wave. [129.280 --> 130.960] We want to go up. [130.960 --> 134.960] So starting with our hand, I'm going to lift my hand up and then my fingers are going [134.960 --> 138.000] to come down and my wrist is going to go up. [138.000 --> 140.840] So remember this line, nothing is below it. [140.840 --> 145.640] Then I'm going to flatten my hand out and I'm going to lift my elbow up. [145.640 --> 150.080] So shoulder is down, hand is flat and just my elbow is high. [150.080 --> 154.760] A little tip for this one, if you can't get your elbow quite as high as I just had it there, [154.760 --> 158.280] it'll help if you rotate your elbow to the front. [158.280 --> 163.040] So I'm turning my arm this way and still keeping my hand flat and that allows me to get a really [163.040 --> 165.520] nice high angle with my elbow. [165.520 --> 170.280] And the last part is I'm going to press my elbow into my shoulder. [170.280 --> 174.520] So notice I'm not pushing my hand away to get my shoulder up. [174.520 --> 179.040] I'm actually pushing this bend, womb, into my shoulder. [179.040 --> 184.160] So if you have to take your shoulder behind your ear a little bit or even lean your body, [184.160 --> 185.560] womb, it's okay. [185.560 --> 188.160] You just want to make sure that this hand doesn't move. [188.160 --> 191.200] So let's try that whole thing again, nice and slow, connecting it. [191.200 --> 201.120] You go seven, eight, you go hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, reverse it, elbow, wrist, hand, [201.120 --> 208.160] release, little faster, six, seven, eight, we go hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, elbow, [208.160 --> 210.680] wrist, hand, release. [210.680 --> 214.880] Nice, now it's not going to do us much good if we can only wave on this one side. [214.880 --> 218.120] So let's try the other side nice and slow. [218.120 --> 220.280] Starting here, remember this is your baseline. [220.280 --> 222.120] Everything goes below, only above. [222.120 --> 229.760] We go hand, then you wave it down to your fingers, lifting your wrist up, you go elbow, keeping [229.760 --> 232.680] that hand flat, and then shoulder. [232.680 --> 234.680] Make sure that hand stays still. [234.680 --> 242.160] Reverse it back, elbow, up to your wrist, out through your hand, and flat, little faster, [242.160 --> 250.160] five, six, seven, eight, you go hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, elbow, wrist, elbow, wrist, [250.160 --> 252.160] hand down. [252.160 --> 253.160] Good. [253.160 --> 255.840] So, practice this a bunch. [255.840 --> 257.000] It's really important. [257.000 --> 262.240] So now that we have both sides individually, we can take our wave from one side and pass [262.240 --> 263.880] it over to the other. [263.880 --> 268.360] So we're going to try it just like that, keeping it nice and clean and going across. [268.360 --> 269.360] Ready? [269.360 --> 279.360] Five, six, seven, eight, you go hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, switch, shoulder, elbow, wrist, [279.360 --> 289.720] release, again, hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, shoulder, elbow, hand, release. [289.720 --> 292.400] So now I'm going to give you a little challenge and we're going to speed it up. [292.400 --> 295.440] If you're new to waving, don't worry if you can't do it right away. [295.440 --> 299.240] It takes a little bit of practice, but it's important to have something to work towards. [299.240 --> 303.040] Even if you're an experienced waiver, this is a great drill and something that I do every [303.040 --> 305.240] time I practice to work on my waves. [305.240 --> 306.240] So here we go. [306.240 --> 309.320] Five, six, a five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four. [309.320 --> 314.280] Five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. [314.280 --> 315.280] How'd you do? [315.280 --> 316.280] It's fast. [316.280 --> 320.040] I know, but trust me, once you get it, this is going to make your waves so smooth. [320.040 --> 321.040] Let's try it one more time. [321.040 --> 328.380] Five, six, a five, six, seven, eight, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, bap, [328.380 --> 329.380] bap, bap, bap, bap. [329.380 --> 332.160] All right, so you've got the technique down, but you might be thinking to yourself, this [332.160 --> 333.480] doesn't look like a wave yet. [333.480 --> 335.360] It's just a bunch of random positions. [335.360 --> 336.360] You're right. [336.360 --> 341.160] You have to smooth it out and make it nice and controlled all the way through so that [341.160 --> 342.160] we get our wave. [342.160 --> 346.120] The good news is this is actually easier than learning the positions. [346.120 --> 348.200] All we have to do is fill in the gaps. [348.200 --> 356.480] So bringing your arms up, we're going to go one, two, elbow, shoulder, don't stop, keep [356.480 --> 358.080] it smooth. [358.080 --> 362.960] You'll notice that as I do it slow, I'm still hitting all of these positions. [362.960 --> 367.280] So if you pause me here, you'd see that elbow just like we worked on before. [367.280 --> 372.720] If you pause me at my wrist, shoo, you'd see this with nothing below this line. [372.720 --> 377.080] So make sure when you're practicing and smoothing them out that you still keep your technique. [377.080 --> 378.080] Let's try it again. [378.080 --> 385.120] Six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. [385.120 --> 390.800] Again, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. [390.800 --> 392.920] All right, if you can do it slow, there's no way. [392.960 --> 394.560] No reason you can't speed it up. [394.560 --> 395.720] So let's give it a shot. [395.720 --> 402.240] Five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. [402.240 --> 407.440] Again, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. [407.440 --> 409.800] So now that you got it down, we're going to put some music on. [409.800 --> 413.320] We're going to start with just our clean isolation, going across slow. [413.320 --> 416.600] We'll speed it up a little bit, and then we'll try and smooth it out. [416.600 --> 420.440] We'll also have a little fun and freestyle at the end, just so you can get some ideas [420.440 --> 422.560] of different ways to practice your waving. [422.560 --> 423.560] Let's try it. [453.560 --> 454.560] Ready? [454.560 --> 455.560] Ready? [455.560 --> 456.560] Ready? [456.560 --> 457.560] Ready? [457.560 --> 458.560] Ready? [458.560 --> 459.560] Ready? [459.560 --> 460.560] Ready? [460.560 --> 461.560] Ready? [461.560 --> 462.560] Ready? [462.560 --> 463.560] Ready? [463.560 --> 464.560] Ready? [464.560 --> 465.560] Ready? [465.560 --> 466.560] Ready? [466.560 --> 467.560] Ready? [467.560 --> 468.560] Ready? [468.560 --> 469.560] Ready? [469.560 --> 470.560] Ready? [470.560 --> 471.560] Ready? [471.560 --> 472.560] Ready? [472.560 --> 473.560] Ready? [473.560 --> 474.560] Ready? [474.560 --> 475.560] Ready? [475.560 --> 476.560] Ready? [476.560 --> 477.560] Ready? [477.560 --> 478.560] Ready? [478.560 --> 479.560] Ready? [479.560 --> 480.560] Ready? [480.560 --> 481.560] Ready? [481.560 --> 482.560] Ready? [482.560 --> 483.560] Ready? [483.560 --> 484.560] Ready? [484.560 --> 485.560] Ready? [485.560 --> 486.560] Ready? [486.560 --> 487.560] Ready? [487.560 --> 488.560] Ready? [488.560 --> 489.560] Ready? [489.560 --> 490.560] Ready? [490.560 --> 491.560] Ready? [491.560 --> 492.560] Ready? [492.560 --> 493.560] Ready? [493.560 --> 494.800] Great job with those arm waves, guys. [494.800 --> 499.480] Make sure you subscribe to the channel, and click here to check out some of our other tutorials. [499.480 --> 501.000] I'll see you guys back in the studio soon.