[0.000 --> 6.000] This is a robot I calm. I like to call it Mark Wong. [6.000 --> 15.000] It's an Arduino powered robotic arm which features a claw for moving objects around, as well as six motors for better movement. [15.000 --> 22.000] And this robot can be programmed with an Arduino which means we can automate our favorite tasks. [22.000 --> 25.000] Like passing verification tests. [25.000 --> 28.000] In this example, it's able to pass capture forms. [33.000 --> 37.000] Or it can even automate tasks like picking up objects. [45.000 --> 52.000] Now, how it works is that each of these motors are all working together to complete a task. [53.000 --> 55.000] But there's more. [55.000 --> 63.000] This prototype can be controlled by hand gestures, which means we can have a more natural interaction when controlling the robot. [63.000 --> 66.000] We've been any part of the robot. [66.000 --> 73.000] And since it's wireless and portable, this means we can control it whether we're next to it or at a range. [73.000 --> 77.000] Completing tasks without the need to program every step. [77.000 --> 81.000] And this is going to be the first prototype for the project. [81.000 --> 84.000] And honestly, there's quite a bit we can do with this. [84.000 --> 89.000] And staying true to the Iron Man theme, we're calling this prototype Mark Wong. [89.000 --> 94.000] And in this video, we're going to find out how to build a robot arm, as well as a robotic glove. [94.000 --> 98.000] This video has been times damped so you can go to different sections. [98.000 --> 105.000] As well as you can find a 3D model, the code and the part list in the description below, which we're going to more detail. [105.000 --> 111.000] Before we start, if you like this type of content, help us be the YouTube algorithm by smash the like button. [111.000 --> 113.000] And also leave a comment. [113.000 --> 117.000] I literally reply to every comment, even if the comment is comment. [117.000 --> 121.000] Consider subscribing and turning post notifications on. [121.000 --> 123.000] We've got more videos on the way. [123.000 --> 125.000] Isn't that right, Mark? [125.000 --> 127.000] Mark? [127.000 --> 137.000] And if you stick to the end, you also find out how well this robot works. [137.000 --> 139.000] Anyways, that's not from me. [139.000 --> 141.000] And let's start building. [147.000 --> 150.000] The part list. [150.000 --> 156.000] Now, in order to put the robotic arm together, we'll need an Arduino. [156.000 --> 160.000] This will pretty much be the brains of the robotic arm. [160.000 --> 162.000] We also need six server mooses. [162.000 --> 166.000] The servers will be used as joints for the robotic arm. [166.000 --> 170.000] A stepper motor. [170.000 --> 174.000] A server driver. [174.000 --> 179.000] A battery for the server driver. [179.000 --> 184.000] A Bluetooth module to communicate with the robotic glove. [184.000 --> 188.000] Some jumper wires. [188.000 --> 191.000] And a breadboard. [191.000 --> 195.000] And for the robotic glove, what we'll need is an Arduino. [195.000 --> 199.000] This time we're using a smaller Arduino Nano. [199.000 --> 202.000] A breadboard. [202.000 --> 206.000] A flex sensor. [206.000 --> 208.000] And a cellarometer. [208.000 --> 212.000] Now these two will make up the sensors for the glove. [213.000 --> 218.000] And lastly, a Bluetooth module in order to communicate with the robotic arm. [218.000 --> 222.000] Links to the part sign in the description below. [222.000 --> 226.000] So, how does it work? [226.000 --> 229.000] Here's the drawings that make up the robotic arm. [229.000 --> 233.000] Now, we can think of the robotic arm as a series of motors, [233.000 --> 238.000] all working together to complete a task, like moving an object. [239.000 --> 243.000] Here's a closer look with each motor rotating on an axis. [243.000 --> 247.000] We use an Arduino to control the server motors. [247.000 --> 251.000] And to drive them all, we'll be using a driver. [251.000 --> 256.000] And each server motor would be programmed to move together to perform a task, [256.000 --> 260.000] like picking an object. [260.000 --> 267.000] And then we can assemble each server motor into a 3D printed robotic arm. [269.000 --> 272.000] And program it. [272.000 --> 275.000] And this is pretty much what we'll be building. [275.000 --> 279.000] But the question is, how do we communicate with the robotic arm, [279.000 --> 282.000] using hand gestures from the glove? [282.000 --> 287.000] So, when it's all stripped down, we've pretty much got a sender and a receiver. [287.000 --> 293.000] And we're using a sensor to send values to the robotic arm, to move the servers. [293.000 --> 296.000] And this is done over Bluetooth. [297.000 --> 301.000] So, having a closer look, we bend the sensor to the value changes. [301.000 --> 306.000] Now, if we exceed a specific value, we can send a message over the Bluetooth [306.000 --> 309.000] to turn that specific server motor. [309.000 --> 314.000] So, in that case, when we bend our finger, we can in turn control the robot's arm. [314.000 --> 317.000] We're also going to cover how the 3D arm is printed, [317.000 --> 322.000] and adding more flick sensors to make a complete robotic glove later on. [322.000 --> 326.000] But let's get back to the robot, and let's get started. [326.000 --> 330.000] Assembly of parts, the robotic arm. [330.000 --> 333.000] Now, there's different examples of robotic arms online. [333.000 --> 336.000] You can either buy one or 3D print one. [336.000 --> 340.000] But since I'll make another version, this one was 3D printed. [340.000 --> 346.000] And if you've got a 3D printer, you can find many good examples of 3 robotic arms to build. [346.000 --> 351.000] This is the one-hour model mine after, and credit goes to this maker. [352.000 --> 358.000] And you can find more instructions on the assembly, on the article in the description below. [358.000 --> 366.000] So, this robotic arm was slightly modified, so we can add a hole for an LED, for the grip a part of the motor. [368.000 --> 372.000] Now, 3D printing the robotic arm was pretty long. [372.000 --> 376.000] And if you want, you can get out of the box robotic arm instead. [376.000 --> 381.000] But, taking the 3D printing approach helps create custom parts like this. [382.000 --> 385.000] And we can print other parts. [385.000 --> 392.000] Now that they're all printed, we can now assemble it altogether, with the server motors. [392.000 --> 397.000] These can be simply screwed in using machine screws. [397.000 --> 403.000] And it will be mounted in just like this. [403.000 --> 411.000] And now we can slowly assemble the arm, with each of the 6 motors playing a part in the robotic arm build. [411.000 --> 420.000] And these are the parts that make up the robotic arm, once we fully assemble it. [420.000 --> 432.000] And here, we just assemble in the grip a part, slash claw, to the stem of the robotic arm. [432.000 --> 445.000] Now, the good thing about the robotic arm, is that it has ball bearings, so we can smoothly rotate left or right. [445.000 --> 451.000] The two main parts are the base rotation, and the robotic arm itself. [451.000 --> 459.000] And now that we almost assemble it, all we need to do is insert these two together, and lock it in place. [459.000 --> 462.000] And that's it for the assembly. [462.000 --> 467.000] Each of the 6 server motors have now been mounted in place. [467.000 --> 476.000] And each of these motors can now be programmed to move or perform a task, like picking an object. [476.000 --> 486.000] If you've got any other ideas, let me know in the comments below. [487.000 --> 489.000] Now the robotic arm is assembled. [489.000 --> 496.000] We can see the individual parts these motors play in the rotation and movement of the robotic arm. [496.000 --> 505.000] For example, we can rotate the shoulder joint, as well as extending the elbow joint. [505.000 --> 513.000] And we can even rotate the wrist joint, which will be the claw. [513.000 --> 517.000] Server motor wiring, introducing the Arduino. [517.000 --> 522.000] Now we have the server motors all assembled into the robotic arm. [522.000 --> 525.000] We'll still need to somehow power the server motors. [525.000 --> 531.000] And in order to power each individual server motor, we'll need a driver. [531.000 --> 534.000] And this is where the Arduino comes into the picture. [534.000 --> 538.000] Now, our doeners are open source, so there's different copies. [539.000 --> 542.000] We'll be also using a server driver. [542.000 --> 547.000] And the server driver will be using to do this, is the PCA 9685. [547.000 --> 560.000] And this is pretty much what we'll need to power the 6 server motors, which include jumper wires, a breadboard, and a 5.4 RC battery pack. [560.000 --> 564.000] Now we can slowly assemble these all together. [564.000 --> 571.000] Now, attaching the server motors is as simple as plugging them in into their color coded pins. [574.000 --> 577.000] Now we can add the other 5 in. [579.000 --> 590.000] And all of these all attach to the individual motors of the robotic arm, which can drive any individual server motor on the arm. [591.000 --> 597.000] And we can pretty much wired them all together, based on the diagram provided. [600.000 --> 607.000] And now we can add the 5 volt RC battery pack to the server driver to power the server motors. [608.000 --> 611.000] And we can do this by screwing these in. [612.000 --> 623.000] We can now hook up the Arduino to our laptop and load the code to power the server motors. [624.000 --> 628.000] And you can find all the codes in the description with each test code. [633.000 --> 638.000] In this example, we're just testing the server motors for the claw slash gripper. [642.000 --> 647.000] Now we have the 6 server motors working. We have one more thing to do. [647.000 --> 653.000] We still need to figure our way to make the robotic arm rotate left or right. [655.000 --> 662.000] Now the robotic arm is gaining a bit of weight. And using the standard server motor isn't powerful enough to move it. [662.000 --> 669.000] So instead of using the standard server motor, we're going to use a stepper motor, which is pretty accurate. [670.000 --> 674.000] As we can control the number of steps slash rotations needed. [676.000 --> 681.000] Now this is the diagram that shows the setup using the stepper motor and the driver. [683.000 --> 689.000] The stepper motor comes with its own driver, being the A4988 driver. [692.000 --> 696.000] And now based on the diagram, we're just going to assemble it all together. [700.000 --> 706.000] The stepper motor requires a higher voltage compared to a server motor. [706.000 --> 711.000] So we're going to use a 11.1V Li-Po battery to supply the power. [713.000 --> 717.000] And loading the test code, we can see it rotate clockwise. [717.000 --> 722.000] We can even smoothen the stepper motor movements by adding a capacitor. [723.000 --> 725.000] So an overview. [725.000 --> 729.000] We went from adding the six server motors to adding the stepper motor. [729.000 --> 734.000] And now this is the four robotic arm electronic diagram. [736.000 --> 742.000] And now we're happy with it. We can mount the stepper motor into the base of the robotic arm. [745.000 --> 748.000] Which we can line up and eventually screw in. [749.000 --> 755.000] The stepper motor will be mounted to a gear tooth, which would in turn rotate the whole robotic arm. [755.000 --> 761.000] And as you can see, we've got the smaller gear tooth and the larger one in the back. [761.000 --> 766.000] And we can place these two in and they're locked in place. [767.000 --> 778.000] You can also see that the ball bearings provide for a smoother contact, also reducing the noise. [785.000 --> 788.000] And now we've got the robotic arm all assembled. [788.000 --> 792.000] We can load in the test code to rotate the robotic arm. [792.000 --> 795.000] And that's pretty much it for the robotic arm. [796.000 --> 801.000] And if it's the robotic arm you wanted to do, you can pretty much stop here. [801.000 --> 804.000] The next part will be on how the glove is assembled. [804.000 --> 808.000] Assembly of parts, the robotic glove. [810.000 --> 812.000] Now stay in true to the aesthetics. [812.000 --> 815.000] The robotic glove was also 3D printed. [815.000 --> 821.000] But you can use a standard glove to work with, which I used with earlier versions. [821.000 --> 826.000] Now the glove comes in parts which can be printed off individually. [826.000 --> 834.000] In this example, I'm printing off the index finger of the robotic glove, which comes in 3 segments. [834.000 --> 839.000] The 3 parts representing the finger joints can all be snapped in. [839.000 --> 844.000] I want saw assembled if fits perfectly on my finger. [844.000 --> 848.000] And there we have it, that's the finger joint. [849.000 --> 852.000] And this is how it looks when it's all assembled. [855.000 --> 859.000] Now the glove provides a good degree of freedom, which is a bonus. [859.000 --> 864.000] So now that's done, let's find out how the robotic glove senses work. [865.000 --> 868.000] And from the part list, we'll need an Arduino Nano. [868.000 --> 872.000] This will be ideal since it's small enough to fit on our hand. [874.000 --> 877.000] Also a breadboard for prototyping. [877.000 --> 882.000] And then a solarometer to measure the changes in the hand movement. [882.000 --> 884.000] And some jumper wires. [887.000 --> 889.000] And the flex sensor. [889.000 --> 893.000] These two types of sensors would be the main focus. [893.000 --> 898.000] And lastly, a 10kW resistor for the flex sensor. [899.000 --> 903.000] To start off, the following wiring would focus on the flex sensors. [903.000 --> 908.000] With the output of the flex sensor, going to analog 3 on the Arduino. [908.000 --> 915.000] And once that's wired up and the code has been uploaded, which you can find in the description, we can test it out. [916.000 --> 920.000] Now the flex sensor works a bit like a potential divider. [920.000 --> 923.000] And as the flex sensor bends, the resistance changes. [923.000 --> 927.000] And here's a graphical look of the flex sensor value changing. [927.000 --> 930.000] Now put in a threshold that let's say 70. [930.000 --> 937.000] If it passes this, we'll send a value to the robotic arms Arduino through Bluetooth. [937.000 --> 943.000] And by holding the flex in place, we can also hold the position of the server motor. [943.000 --> 946.000] And in turn, the robot. [949.000 --> 954.000] And by taking this idea and attaching it to our finger, there we have it. [954.000 --> 957.000] We have a sensor that can detect the changes in our finger movement. [958.000 --> 963.000] Now, the accelerometer would be used to measure the changes in our hand movement. [963.000 --> 969.000] And this is the diagram with the updated accelerometer in place. [969.000 --> 975.000] And now we can upload the accelerometer test code. [976.000 --> 984.000] And by moving it slightly, we can see how the X and Y coordinates change based on the relative position of the accelerometer. [984.000 --> 987.000] Moving left to right, up and down. [990.000 --> 994.000] And that's pretty much it what we'll need and how it's assembled. [995.000 --> 1001.000] With the two sensors alone, we can control the robotic arms gripper to open and close. [1002.000 --> 1010.000] And as well as rotating the gripper counterclockwise or clockwise, as well as up and down. [1011.000 --> 1016.000] Now this idea will form the basis of the 3D glove. [1016.000 --> 1025.000] And for this, I pretty much added two extra flex sensors and another accelerometer, which can be powered from a 9 volt battery. [1027.000 --> 1031.000] Adding additional sensors, this is what the electronics looks like. [1031.000 --> 1036.000] With a Bluetooth module to communicate with the robotic arm. [1037.000 --> 1042.000] Now the next step is attaching electronics to the robotic glove. [1042.000 --> 1045.000] Going from this to this. [1047.000 --> 1051.000] Where we can bend the flex sensors, which are mapped to each finger. [1053.000 --> 1058.000] And the most important thing about the assembly is securing all sensors in place. [1058.000 --> 1065.000] And to do this, we can use hot glue. [1067.000 --> 1071.000] And this is how we're going to wear the glove. [1073.000 --> 1082.000] Given that all sensors are now being added, we can now go into more detail on how every flex sensor maps onto the arm. [1083.000 --> 1089.000] You can see how each sensor represents a servo on the robotic arm. [1091.000 --> 1096.000] Now this is optional, but you can even add the second accelerometer to an arm band. [1096.000 --> 1101.000] As well as a 9 volt battery, which was added to make the robotic glove portable. [1103.000 --> 1107.000] And this is pretty much the robotic arm prototype on a breadboard. [1107.000 --> 1110.000] We'll see how we can make this more advanced. [1113.000 --> 1123.000] Now believe it or not, the robotic glove required me to isolate some of my joint movements to not trigger any false positives. [1123.000 --> 1127.000] And this is where body isolation became useful. [1129.000 --> 1131.000] Here it is all assembled. [1133.000 --> 1135.000] And finally, the build. [1135.000 --> 1137.000] This is what each part does. [1138.000 --> 1143.000] So opening and closing the robotic claw can be done by moving our index finger up or down. [1144.000 --> 1150.000] And rotating counterclockwise or clockwise will move the grip ahead as well as up and down. [1151.000 --> 1158.000] And we can rotate the whole robotic arm left or right or bend or stretch to move the robotic elbow. [1161.000 --> 1164.000] Now that is the robotic glove and arm pretty much done. [1165.000 --> 1169.000] Now let's get back to the coat to see how the programming really works. [1173.000 --> 1179.000] Now the programming part is explained in more detail on the article in the description below. [1179.000 --> 1182.000] But it's still important to go over the key parts. [1183.000 --> 1191.000] Ideally there are two main coats, one for the robot arm and the other for the glove, being the controller in this case. [1192.000 --> 1197.000] So let's start off with the robot arm and see how this will be programmed. [1197.000 --> 1204.000] To start off, the robot arm includes the server driver library, being the PC9685. [1204.000 --> 1209.000] This way we can power multiple servers, all controlled by an Arduino. [1209.000 --> 1213.000] This will be used rather than using the standard server.right function. [1214.000 --> 1219.000] The following here declares and initializes the variables for the step-amotor. [1221.000 --> 1227.000] And in the setup we can declare the pins used for the server and step-amotor. [1228.000 --> 1236.000] In the loop section, I've added a delay of three seconds on start up, so the robot doesn't jump at you straight away. [1236.000 --> 1243.000] Now the way we control the server motors is by using the library name dot server. [1243.000 --> 1250.000] This takes two parameters, the position of the server plugged on the driver, starting from zero. [1251.000 --> 1254.000] And the position will like to move it. [1254.000 --> 1261.000] In this case we'll be moving the server on channel three to the relative position of ten. [1261.000 --> 1270.000] Now with that theory we can pretty much make a function that can move the wrist part of the robot arm as seen here. [1270.000 --> 1278.000] And from there you can make other functions like opening and closing the claw and making the robot stand. [1279.000 --> 1283.000] And that's pretty much it for the robotic arm alone. [1283.000 --> 1291.000] But if you would like to take one step further and control the robotic arm with the robot glove, here's the code. [1291.000 --> 1299.000] Now for the robotic glove, as mentioned we have three flex sensors and two accelerometers and these are initialized here. [1299.000 --> 1306.000] We'll first off declare the three sensors on the thumb, pinky and middle, as well as the accelerators. [1306.000 --> 1316.000] In the setup, we'll begin the transmission of the sensors, including the Bluetooth serial communication at the board rate of 4800. [1316.000 --> 1323.000] Now in the loop section, we'll read the values of the flex sensors to the Arduino. [1323.000 --> 1333.000] And based on the previous theory, when the value of the flex sensor bends exceeds the threshold, this is when we'll send the character F. [1334.000 --> 1339.000] And this value is what will be sent through Bluetooth to the robotic arm. [1339.000 --> 1349.000] And if we go back to the robotic arm code, we can create a function that listens on the board rate of 4800 with the Bluetooth module. [1349.000 --> 1359.000] And if it receives the character F, this would then call on the GRIPER SERVER backward function, which will move the server. [1359.000 --> 1366.000] And this is an indefinite loop, always waiting for communication from the glove to the robotic arm. [1366.000 --> 1374.000] And we have an example function here, whereby we're moving the server on the 5th channel of the server driver. [1374.000 --> 1378.000] And we can create as many functions here. [1378.000 --> 1385.000] And that's pretty much it for the programming. It's now time to put everything all together. [1389.000 --> 1399.000] Now putting it together, a 3D printing enclosure was used in case the circuitry of the robotic arm, as well as some braided cables for protection. [1399.000 --> 1405.000] And now we can finally place all our circuitry into the enclosure. [1405.000 --> 1411.000] And we can use a simple power bank to power our Arduino. [1411.000 --> 1419.000] And this is it. This is absolutely everything we'll need in terms of hardware to work with this robotic arm prototype. [1419.000 --> 1423.000] Now let's test it out. [1423.000 --> 1429.000] In this example, we have the robotic arm waking up. [1429.000 --> 1434.000] And we can just pretty much close the enclosure, which has a snap on the lid. [1434.000 --> 1438.000] And now it's program. It's now time to test it out. [1438.000 --> 1445.000] And if we bend the flick sensor, the value changes. And this is sent to the robotic arm. [1445.000 --> 1449.000] So how old does the robot arm respond to hand gestures? [1449.000 --> 1453.000] Well, the prototype is pretty responsive and works. [1453.000 --> 1459.000] However, the robot glove is pretty sensitive, as it had quite a few sensors. [1459.000 --> 1466.000] Plus, it was a bit of a learning curve to control the robot without triggering other parts of the arm. [1466.000 --> 1475.000] But the good thing is these are programming related. And improving the code should improve the accuracy and the fluidity of the arm. [1475.000 --> 1482.000] We'll revise this prototype sometime in the future. And I'll probably call it Mark II. [1482.000 --> 1485.000] Hey, you've made it to the end, or you skipped ahead. [1485.000 --> 1487.000] Either way, thanks for watching. [1487.000 --> 1491.000] By the way, I've also recently started a Patreon. [1491.000 --> 1496.000] And if you would like to support the projects, that's the best way to do it. [1496.000 --> 1503.000] So thanks for that. And thank you for all the subscribers. I really do appreciate it. Honesty is crazy. [1503.000 --> 1509.000] And thank you to everybody who subscribed. I literally reply to every comment. So please let me know if you do have any questions. [1509.000 --> 1516.000] And if you want to make a project like this and you want to improve on the code, definitely contribute to the Git repo. [1516.000 --> 1519.000] And you can find more details in the article below. [1519.000 --> 1523.000] I'm Evan. Thanks for watching. Peace.