--- task_categories: - reinforcement-learning - robotics --- This dataset contains sequences of actions, motor angles and pendulum angles as well as velocities for a [rotary inverted pendulum robot](https://github.com/armandpl/furuta). The dataset was collected while training the robot to swing up and balance ([wandb run](https://wandb.ai/armandpl/furuta2/runs/bc2yhhpg)). Angles are in radian. Velocities were computed from the angles and fed to the policy. Control frequency is 75Hz. The action maps to the motor voltage with: ```Python deadzone = 0.1 center = 0.05 max_act = 0.9 if abs(action) > center: V = np.sign(action) * ( np.abs(action) * (self.max_act - self.deadzone) + self.deadzone ) * 12 else: V = 0.0 ``` You can open the files using foxglove studio or with the [mcap library](https://mcap.dev/).