#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: Build a corpus to test and val stemmers and morphological analyzer # Purpose: build an advanced stemmer for Information retreival # # # Author: Taha Zerrouki (taha.zerrouki[at]gmail.com) # # Created: 2018-08-25 # Copyright: (c) Taha Zerrouki 2018 # Licence: GPL #----------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Build a corpus for evaluation """ import sys import re from operator import xor import argparse import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import qalsadi.analex import pyarabic.araby as araby import numpy as np def grabargs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert Quran Corpus into CSV format.') # add file name to import and filename to export parser.add_argument("-f", dest="filename", required=True, help="input file to convert", metavar="FILE") parser.add_argument("-f2", dest="filename2", required=False, help="input file to convert", metavar="FILE2") parser.add_argument("-f3", dest="filename3", required=False, help="input file to convert", metavar="FILE3") parser.add_argument("-c", dest="command", required=True, help="command( build, or analyze)", metavar="COMMAND") parser.add_argument("-o", dest="outfile", required=True, help="Output file to convert", metavar="OUT_FILE") #~ parser.add_argument("--dir", dest="data_directory", #~ help="Data directory for other external stemmers results", metavar="data_directory") parser.add_argument("-l", dest = 'limit', type=int, nargs='?', const=0, help="limit lines to read") parser.add_argument("--all", type=bool, nargs='?', const=True, help="Test all stemmers.") args = parser.parse_args() return args class spell_index: def __init__(self,): pass def read(self, filename ): """ read csv """ df = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter="\t", encoding="utf8") return df def save(self, adapted_result, outfile): df = pd.DataFrame(adapted_result) return df def calcul_stats(self, dataframe): """ Calculer """ df = dataframe df.loc[:, 'lemma'] = df['original'].apply(araby.strip_tashkeel) df.loc[:, 'word_nm'] = df['word'].apply(araby.strip_tashkeel) #~ # display= data stats #~ print('********* ROOT ****************') total = df.shape[0] stats_list={ "count":total, "uniq roots":df['root'].nunique(), "uniq lemmas":df['lemma'].nunique(), "uniq words":df['word_nm'].nunique(), "mean words by root": df[['word_nm','root' ]].groupby('root').count().mean(), "min words by root": df[['word_nm','root' ]].groupby('root').count().min(), "max words by root": df[['word_nm','root' ]].groupby('root').count().max(), "mean words by lemmas":df[['word_nm','lemma']].groupby('lemma').count().mean(), } dstats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(stats_list, orient='index') return dstats def read_text_csv(self, filename): lines =[] try: with open(filename,) as inputfile: for line in inputfile: lines.append(line.decode('utf8')) except: print " Can't Open the given File ", filename; sys.exit(); tokens = [] for line in lines: tokens.extend(araby.tokenize(line)) tokens = [ t.replace('\n', '\\n') for t in tokens] df1 = pd.DataFrame({'word': tokens}) return df1 def join(self, filename, outfile, filename2 = "", how_join="outer"): # read first text df = self.read_text_csv(filename) df.loc[:,"correct"] =u"" print(df.head()) # read suggestions df2 = self.read(filename2) # read the output as second input file df2 = df2[['word','n1','suggest']].drop_duplicates() # join text words to suggestions df_cmp1 = pd.merge(df, df2, how=how_join, on='word') df_cmp1['n1'] = df_cmp1['n1'].fillna(0) df_cmp1['suggest'] = df_cmp1['suggest'].fillna("") df_cmp1.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t", encoding="utf8") print(df_cmp1.head()) # df2.to_csv(outfile+".wrong", sep="\t", encoding="utf8") print("Data is saved on %s file"%(outfile)) print("Data (wrong only) is saved on %s file"%(outfile+".wrong")) def run(self, command, filename="", outfile="", filename2 = "",filename3 = ""): """ run command """ if command == "join": # build unknown data self.join(filename, outfile, filename2 = filename2, how_join="left") else: pass def main(): args =grabargs() filename = args.filename filename_2 = args.filename2 filename_3 = args.filename3 outfile = args.outfile all_stemmers = args.all limit = args.limit command = args.command qi = spell_index() qi.run(command, filename, outfile, filename2 = filename_2) return True if __name__ == '__main__': main()