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15040, 25528, 25724, 1863, 9957, 10632, 3714, 5016, 41193, 3660, 4724, 17082, 15040, 5172, 36764, 24401, 37037, 2407, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 2423, 39184, 1176, 4106, 404, 338, 1311, 2887, 4032, 20193, 7251, 2655, 5016, 9566, 2304, 23758, 6024, 118, 15040, 5172, 37495, 22653, 19446, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 264, 3877, 34051, 18188, 337, 1176, 4106, 404, 338, 1311, 2887, 11331, 49975, 5296, 5016, 19913, 3660, 2423, 28309, 399], "avg_logprob": -0.13848459118441359, "compression_ratio": 1.945945945945946, "no_speech_prob": 7.152557373046875e-07, "words": [{"start": 187.65, "end": 188.09, "word": "خلال", "probability": 0.9586588541666666}, {"start": 188.09, "end": 188.41, "word": " هذه", "probability": 0.96728515625}, {"start": 188.41, "end": 188.87, "word": " الفترة", "probability": 0.9871419270833334}, {"start": 188.87, "end": 189.35, "word": " وخلال", "probability": 0.8626708984375}, {"start": 189.35, "end": 189.67, "word": " هذه", "probability": 0.99267578125}, {"start": 189.67, 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3224, 2655, 4587, 4032, 6055, 44510, 10721, 2423, 39184, 1176, 4106, 404, 338, 1311, 2887, 8978, 16712, 4117, 3794, 2288, 4032, 16712, 5016, 9566, 2304, 5296, 4117, 1829, 6055, 38251, 5016, 4724, 29245, 23328, 9154, 5172, 8848, 46740, 15730, 25724, 1863, 9957, 5296, 24401, 2407, 12984, 1975, 2655, 9381, 6027, 3714, 3555, 33599, 2288, 19446, 49374, 3224, 4032, 19446, 49374, 4724, 9566, 7649, 3660, 34892, 5016, 1211, 9673, 29245, 23328, 3660, 8978, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 38392, 7251, 24401, 12984, 5296, 11296, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 28309, 399], "avg_logprob": -0.1338574814189012, "compression_ratio": 2.025830258302583, "no_speech_prob": 3.5762786865234375e-07, "words": [{"start": 217.03, "end": 217.63, "word": "بمجرد", "probability": 0.96357421875}, {"start": 217.63, "end": 217.79, "word": " أن", "probability": 0.552734375}, {"start": 217.79, "end": 218.11, "word": " يصل", "probability": 0.9580078125}, {"start": 218.11, "end": 218.71, "word": " الجنين", "probability": 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2423, 1952, 29739, 14407, 1829, 11242, 3660, 9673, 1211, 4587, 5016, 3660, 6055, 2655, 5016, 12610, 30731, 31588, 78, 2423, 31588, 78, 7251, 1863, 17082, 2304, 3794, 8978, 4724, 9566, 7649, 3660, 34892, 35571, 33962, 33546, 3660, 20666, 10721, 2304, 3714, 15042, 7251, 38251, 5016, 46740, 39894, 4117, 2407, 9957, 3877, 44945, 38251, 1829, 3224, 20831, 8938, 38392, 6055, 9381, 49628, 8978, 15042, 39182, 3714, 9381, 3215, 2288, 24976, 17082, 8848, 16606, 3714, 9381, 3215, 2288, 24976, 17082, 8848, 16606, 6156, 15040, 11778, 45761, 1829, 49429, 11331, 26108, 3660, 24976, 3555, 14407, 1829, 11242, 3660, 33962, 33546, 3660, 20666, 1952, 16472, 6055, 2655, 17082, 8848, 7578, 4032, 6055, 2655, 9778, 11622, 1863, 6055, 2655, 17082, 8848, 7578, 8717, 36178, 3224, 44945, 36178, 3224, 1975, 2407, 6055, 2655, 9778, 11622, 1863, 9122, 2304, 10632, 9122, 3555, 48923, 10874, 28259], "avg_logprob": -0.12065458474074595, "compression_ratio": 1.9721254355400697, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539062e-07, 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لستة عشر stage the embryo of placental mammalian enter in the phase called competition يعني بمجرد ما ��صل عدد الخلايا في الداخل اللي سمناها embryonic stem cell تمان خلايا وتبدأ تتزايد لتصل إلى ستة عشر خلية عشان تعطين الموريلا", "tokens": [6027, 9778, 15040, 25528, 9673, 29245, 23328, 3660, 47525, 47283, 1211, 33962, 1211, 10632, 16247, 2304, 34051, 29739, 45865, 11242, 3660, 16247, 2304, 11933, 15730, 25961, 2655, 6055, 33753, 45865, 15844, 46811, 7649, 10632, 5296, 14851, 3660, 6225, 46309, 3233, 264, 31588, 78, 295, 20831, 14533, 49312, 952, 3242, 294, 264, 5574, 1219, 6211, 37495, 22653, 4724, 2304, 7435, 2288, 3215, 19446, 6055, 36520, 6225, 3215, 3215, 33962, 15040, 25528, 8978, 32748, 47283, 1211, 13672, 1829, 8608, 2304, 8315, 11296, 31588, 11630, 12312, 2815, 46811, 7649, 16490, 15040, 25528, 34683, 44510, 10721, 6055, 2655, 11622, 995, 25708, 5296, 2655, 36520, 30731, 8608, 2655, 3660, 6225, 46309, 16490, 1211, 10632, 6225, 8592, 7649, 6055, 3615, 9566, 9957, 9673, 13063, 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process which occur approximately four days after fertilization وهذه العملية بنسميها cavitation في عملية ال competition بشكل أساسي بيصير اندماج الخلايا مع بعضها البعض", "tokens": [5016, 3215, 23328, 19446, 49374, 33962, 15040, 25528, 19446, 41185, 16490, 1211, 10632, 6055, 39648, 16070, 43761, 41850, 23758, 2423, 10847, 4583, 33962, 33546, 4724, 1829, 11296, 39894, 15040, 38436, 16095, 8717, 45367, 9154, 14739, 14407, 3615, 2423, 7649, 40448, 26108, 341, 1399, 597, 5160, 10447, 1451, 1708, 934, 18512, 2144, 37037, 24192, 18863, 42213, 10632, 44945, 38251, 1829, 11296, 13971, 4614, 8978, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 6211, 4724, 8592, 28820, 5551, 3794, 32277, 1829, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 16472, 40448, 26108, 33962, 15040, 25528, 20449, 45030, 11242, 11296, 29739, 3615, 11242], "avg_logprob": -0.20413306836158998, "compression_ratio": 1.63671875, "no_speech_prob": 2.562999725341797e-06, "words": [{"start": 545.97, "end": 546.69, "word": "حدود", "probability": 0.769287109375}, {"start": 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29739, 3615, 11242, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 16472, 40448, 26108, 33962, 15040, 25528, 4032, 7649, 17082, 15042, 3794, 11296, 20449, 45030, 11242, 29739, 3615, 11242, 9673, 2288, 5016, 37977, 28242, 11296, 44945, 38251, 1829, 11296, 6211, 382, 5574, 49374, 15042, 2423, 1399, 29538, 44945, 38251, 1829, 11296, 13971, 4614, 4032, 3555, 2655, 9381, 13546, 8978, 45595, 20498, 34892, 16758, 3615], "avg_logprob": -0.22922793556662166, "compression_ratio": 1.8415300546448088, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 599.8, "end": 600.1, "word": "بتلاقي", "probability": 0.613311767578125}, {"start": 600.1, "end": 600.44, "word": " الخلايا", "probability": 0.92529296875}, {"start": 600.44, "end": 600.96, "word": " اندمجت", "probability": 0.914306640625}, {"start": 600.96, "end": 601.08, "word": " مع", "probability": 0.90576171875}, {"start": 601.08, "end": 601.34, "word": " بعض", "probability": 0.99658203125}, {"start": 601.34, "end": 601.68, "word": " البعض", "probability": 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1829, 11622, 49374, 33962, 15040, 25528, 37495, 22653, 6055, 9381, 13546, 3714, 2288, 5016, 37977, 2423, 13971, 4614, 4724, 38251, 1829, 2423, 3877, 9122, 28820, 4724, 38251, 1829, 3224, 35636, 31078, 372, 4724, 38251, 1829, 3224, 35636, 31078, 372, 16490, 15040, 10632, 34051, 20328, 13063, 3660, 39894, 2407, 11242, 5016, 2423, 28820, 10943, 23758, 8978, 18871, 16254, 34105], "avg_logprob": -0.1674107178779585, "compression_ratio": 1.7045454545454546, "no_speech_prob": 4.172325134277344e-07, "words": [{"start": 618.62, "end": 618.9, "word": "من", "probability": 0.92431640625}, {"start": 618.9, "end": 619.26, "word": " بعد", "probability": 0.9580078125}, {"start": 619.26, "end": 619.86, "word": " عملية", "probability": 0.9889322916666666}, {"start": 619.86, "end": 620.14, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.935546875}, {"start": 620.14, "end": 620.8, "word": " fertilization", "probability": 0.770751953125}, {"start": 620.8, "end": 621.36, "word": " at", "probability": 0.6103515625}, 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1829, 4032, 1863, 9381, 10874, 16572, 3555, 995, 11203, 8592, 7649, 8717, 2655, 36520, 45595, 20498, 16712, 6027, 2655, 4032, 3224, 1829, 1649, 9154, 1649, 5296, 3165, 16490, 1211, 10632, 8978, 45595, 20498, 16712, 6027, 2655, 3165, 16490, 1211, 10632, 13672, 1829, 39894, 38251, 1829, 11296, 544, 875, 8978, 45595, 20498, 34892, 16758, 3615, 6055, 9381, 13546, 21786, 16490, 1211, 10632, 39894, 38251, 1829, 11296, 1804, 281, 15102], "avg_logprob": -0.21093749944120646, "compression_ratio": 2.167883211678832, "no_speech_prob": 1.6093254089355469e-06, "words": [{"start": 646.43, "end": 646.83, "word": "وهي", "probability": 0.7054036458333334}, {"start": 646.83, "end": 647.15, "word": " عبارة", "probability": 0.9765625}, {"start": 647.15, "end": 647.31, "word": " عن", "probability": 0.99365234375}, {"start": 647.31, "end": 647.79, "word": " بويضة", "probability": 0.80999755859375}, {"start": 647.79, "end": 648.53, "word": " لقحت", "probability": 0.7692057291666666}, {"start": 648.53, "end": 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7649, 19446, 1829, 9381, 13546, 8592, 6055, 5172, 2655, 2655, 24976, 9778, 15040, 25528, 4032, 1829, 9381, 13546, 6055, 5172, 2288, 4587, 24976, 9778, 15040, 25528, 46599, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 5551, 5172, 28543, 25724, 1863, 9957, 5296, 33456, 3224, 16490, 1211, 6027, 6225, 42213, 10632, 16472, 2655, 4587, 6027, 2423, 21292, 11242, 3660, 9673, 9778, 9381, 49401, 4724, 5016, 4117, 1829, 4724, 8592, 28820, 23032, 21292, 3615, 1829, 9154, 12174, 8315, 3660, 6156, 1211, 38688, 30731, 34892, 35571, 39894, 26890, 2304, 4724, 3615, 45865, 4587, 9307, 9122, 12984, 48923, 5551, 4587, 1211, 11296, 11331, 31747, 3660, 21136, 26895, 25528, 6156, 2655, 9381, 13063, 45164, 14739, 29538, 33962, 15040, 25528, 2423, 39184, 8599, 88, 1095, 299, 745, 443, 28859], "avg_logprob": -0.21749281609195403, "compression_ratio": 1.8161290322580645, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 760.42, "end": 760.86, "word": "وخدوا", "probability": 0.760986328125}, {"start": 760.86, "end": 761.2, "word": " 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اليوتران تيوب تلت أيام، يعني ببدأ في منطقة الانبولار الخاصة بالفلوبيان تيوب تلت أيام، يعني البوايدة المخصبة تجلس في فلوبيان تيوب، وهي المرحلة اللي هتنتقل منها، المسافة اللي هتقطعها، حوالي تلت أيام", "tokens": [6027, 20292, 37893, 3714, 29245, 23328, 11331, 12610, 11296, 6024, 110, 1863, 3555, 6027, 1829, 3794, 25708, 995, 12399, 39896, 9381, 13546, 11296, 6055, 5172, 2655, 2655, 4032, 6055, 5172, 2288, 4587, 12399, 20666, 2655, 6027, 1829, 12399, 39896, 9381, 13546, 9673, 5016, 36520, 3660, 16472, 3224, 16373, 10632, 17182, 19446, 41185, 43242, 2423, 39184, 31588, 78, 2584, 31588, 78, 2423, 39184, 31588, 78, 6055, 3555, 4587, 7578, 8978, 10874, 11622, 38207, 2423, 7649, 3555, 12610, 9640, 9154, 45595, 35473, 2288, 7649, 6055, 1829, 37746, 6055, 1211, 2655, 36632, 10943, 12399, 37495, 22653, 4724, 44510, 10721, 8978, 9154, 9566, 28671, 2423, 7649, 3555, 12610, 9640, 33962, 33546, 3660, 20666, 5172, 1211, 2407, 21292, 7649, 6055, 1829, 37746, 6055, 1211, 2655, 36632, 10943, 12399, 37495, 22653, 29739, 14407, 25708, 3660, 9673, 9778, 9381, 49401, 6055, 7435, 1211, 3794, 8978, 6156, 1211, 2407, 21292, 7649, 6055, 1829, 37746, 12399, 37037, 1829, 9673, 2288, 5016, 37977, 13672, 1829, 8032, 2655, 29399, 4587, 1211, 9154, 11296, 12399, 9673, 3794, 31845, 3660, 13672, 1829, 8032, 2655, 47432, 3615, 11296, 12399, 11331, 2407, 6027, 1829, 6055, 1211, 2655, 36632, 10943], "avg_logprob": -0.2824324466086723, "compression_ratio": 2.1137123745819397, "no_speech_prob": 1.3709068298339844e-06, "words": [{"start": 786.46, "end": 786.84, "word": "اللي", "probability": 0.737060546875}, {"start": 786.84, "end": 787.06, "word": " مش", "probability": 0.87646484375}, {"start": 787.06, "end": 787.98, "word": " موجود", "probability": 0.98583984375}, {"start": 787.98, "end": 788.4, "word": " حولها", "probability": 0.6844889322916666}, {"start": 788.4, "end": 789.34, "word": " الزنباليسيدا،", "probability": 0.62779541015625}, {"start": 789.34, "end": 789.76, "word": " هيصيرها", "probability": 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16247, 3615, 23942, 9154, 2423, 2100, 38447, 9917, 12399, 23758, 8978, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 41950, 21292, 3615, 1829, 12399, 8032, 2655, 14851, 29973, 4032, 8032, 2655, 2655, 3215, 3224, 47341, 32767, 41891, 30767, 2304, 7649, 10632, 6055, 28543, 2288, 39894, 1211, 2655, 36632, 10943, 12399, 11203, 8592, 7649, 6055, 47432, 3615, 23032, 12610, 2423, 2100, 38447, 9917], "avg_logprob": -0.22849462814228508, "compression_ratio": 1.5491071428571428, "no_speech_prob": 1.7881393432617188e-07, "words": [{"start": 816.48, "end": 816.72, "word": "It", "probability": 0.45556640625}, {"start": 816.72, "end": 817.02, "word": " then", "probability": 0.8310546875}, {"start": 817.02, "end": 817.4, "word": " crossed", "probability": 0.75}, {"start": 817.4, "end": 817.7, "word": " the", "probability": 0.9326171875}, {"start": 817.7, "end": 818.16, "word": " isthmus", "probability": 0.8660481770833334}, {"start": 818.16, "end": 818.66, "word": " portion", "probability": 0.89453125}, {"start": 818.66, 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11104, 24976, 307, 10194, 301, 6055, 47283, 3215, 6156, 47432, 1649, 8608, 45761, 9307, 6974, 264, 6503, 295, 447, 2629, 260, 546, 10598, 9917, 33718, 30315, 37372, 30315, 729, 2089, 264, 31588, 78, 281, 3242, 264, 2839, 260, 533, 32425], "avg_logprob": -0.20781249539418653, "compression_ratio": 1.6071428571428572, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 833.34, "end": 833.74, "word": "هتصل", "probability": 0.7552897135416666}, {"start": 833.74, "end": 833.98, "word": " إلى", "probability": 0.75}, {"start": 833.98, "end": 834.48, "word": " منطقة", "probability": 0.9615885416666666}, {"start": 834.48, "end": 835.2, "word": " المضيق", "probability": 0.976318359375}, {"start": 835.2, "end": 835.54, "word": " وهو", "probability": 0.69775390625}, {"start": 835.54, "end": 835.96, "word": " المنطقة", "probability": 0.9683837890625}, {"start": 835.96, "end": 836.2, "word": " اللتي", "probability": 0.65185546875}, {"start": 836.2, "end": 836.56, "word": " تفصل", 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294, 264, 2062, 8044, 295, 264, 33529, 2929, 295, 264, 2839, 37287, 37495, 22653, 39182, 11331, 2407, 6027, 1829, 8608, 2655, 36632, 10943, 15844, 16247, 4587, 1211, 30731, 6055, 1211, 2655, 36632, 10943, 15844, 16247, 4117, 49115, 9154, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 18512, 2144, 9673, 5172, 32887, 11242, 9673, 5172, 32887, 11242, 7251, 30544, 25724, 1863, 9957, 12174, 9566, 3615, 28242, 9673, 3794, 31845, 3660, 33962, 33546, 3660, 20666, 7465, 38447, 9917, 4032, 47432, 3615, 33688, 11622, 2304, 3794, 4032, 2407, 36520, 32767, 1863, 9566, 28671, 20449, 9957, 3660, 6225, 8592, 7649, 7251, 9381, 1829, 43761, 28309, 399, 8978, 3224], "avg_logprob": -0.21801180726899874, "compression_ratio": 1.7010309278350515, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 886.43, "end": 886.95, "word": "Couples", "probability": 0.6722005208333334}, {"start": 886.95, "end": 887.31, "word": " of", "probability": 0.955078125}, {"start": 887.31, "end": 887.65, "word": " day", "probability": 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طلقاح يوم 13 هتحسب الزوجة 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 في اليوم ال 20 المفروض الجنين يكون صارله implantation هذا الوضع الطبيعي الوضع الطبيعي علشان كده معظم المراكز اللي بتعمل حق مجهري", "tokens": [3555, 9566, 1863, 8978, 34892, 35571, 4032, 41185, 10874, 3215, 9640, 34892, 35571, 4032, 41185, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 4724, 1829, 38251, 2407, 11296, 20666, 11242, 3555, 9566, 2808, 8044, 295, 33529, 2929, 295, 264, 2839, 37287, 37495, 22653, 45164, 20328, 9640, 2655, 23032, 1211, 4587, 39319, 7251, 20498, 3705, 8032, 2655, 5016, 35457, 6024, 110, 29245, 3660, 3705, 3499, 2119, 3165, 3282, 2443, 1294, 945, 8978, 45595, 20498, 2423, 945, 9673, 5172, 32887, 11242, 25724, 1863, 9957, 7251, 30544, 20328, 9640, 43761, 28309, 399, 23758, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 41950, 21292, 3615, 1829, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 41950, 21292, 3615, 1829, 11203, 8592, 7649, 9122, 3215, 3224, 20449, 19913, 2304, 9673, 23557, 4117, 11622, 13672, 1829, 39894, 25957, 1211, 11331, 4587, 3714, 7435, 3224, 16572], 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فيها تغير في تركيبها علشان تلائم المرحلة الجديدة تغير في تركيبها تبدأ يصير فيها تغير علشان تبدأ يصيلها عملية hatching شو يعني hatching؟ يعني opening", "tokens": [3555, 2655, 9566, 1211, 7435, 25724, 1863, 9957, 8978, 45595, 20498, 39182, 45595, 20498, 16712, 6027, 2655, 35186, 11933, 15042, 34892, 16758, 3615, 12399, 35186, 11933, 15042, 33962, 10943, 3794, 12399, 35186, 11933, 15042, 21136, 18513, 3794, 11203, 8592, 7649, 7251, 5016, 995, 4117, 1829, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 41950, 21292, 3615, 1829, 1830, 341, 565, 16490, 1211, 6027, 29538, 16247, 1829, 10943, 12399, 2423, 39184, 21, 30731, 2423, 39184, 23, 36632, 10943, 39182, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 18512, 2144, 2423, 39184, 57, 4106, 64, 430, 898, 1311, 2887, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 8978, 11296, 6055, 17082, 13546, 8978, 6055, 31747, 1829, 3555, 11296, 11203, 8592, 7649, 6055, 1211, 16373, 2304, 9673, 2288, 5016, 37977, 25724, 16254, 41891, 6055, 17082, 13546, 8978, 6055, 31747, 1829, 3555, 11296, 6055, 44510, 10721, 7251, 9381, 13546, 8978, 11296, 6055, 17082, 13546, 11203, 8592, 7649, 6055, 44510, 10721, 7251, 9381, 26895, 11296, 6225, 42213, 10632, 17387, 278, 13412, 2407, 37495, 22653, 17387, 278, 22807, 37495, 22653, 5193], "avg_logprob": -0.1689214884507947, "compression_ratio": 2.01010101010101, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539062e-07, "words": [{"start": 943.95, "end": 944.75, "word": "بتطلج", "probability": 0.6828369140625}, {"start": 944.75, "end": 945.47, "word": " الجنين", "probability": 0.8873697916666666}, {"start": 945.47, "end": 945.65, "word": " في", "probability": 0.89892578125}, {"start": 945.65, "end": 945.97, "word": " اليوم", "probability": 0.973876953125}, {"start": 945.97, "end": 946.39, "word": " بعد", "probability": 0.921875}, {"start": 946.39, "end": 946.69, "word": " اليوم", "probability": 0.828125}, {"start": 946.69, "end": 947.17, "word": " التالت", "probability": 0.9265950520833334}, {"start": 947.17, "end": 947.59, "word": " يا", "probability": 0.361572265625}, {"start": 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عملية التلقيح و ذلك بمجرد وصول الويضة الملقح اللي صارت embryo إلى تجويف الرحمة a small region of the navel used a huge one directly over the inner cell mass in the mammalian for example, the sole and the plosocyst embedded", "tokens": [39, 29569, 37495, 22653, 4716, 11723, 44650, 7578, 4724, 1829, 44510, 10721, 2423, 3224, 9307, 8592, 9957, 7435, 22807, 39182, 46811, 7649, 36632, 10943, 9154, 6225, 42213, 10632, 16712, 1211, 38436, 5016, 4032, 29910, 23275, 4724, 2304, 7435, 2288, 3215, 4032, 9381, 12610, 2423, 45865, 11242, 3660, 9673, 1211, 4587, 5016, 13672, 1829, 20328, 9640, 2655, 31588, 78, 30731, 6055, 7435, 45865, 5172, 34892, 35571, 3660, 257, 1359, 4458, 295, 264, 1667, 779, 1143, 257, 2603, 472, 3838, 670, 264, 7284, 2815, 2758, 294, 264, 49312, 952, 337, 1365, 11, 264, 12321, 293, 264, 499, 329, 31078, 372, 4605, 292, 9207], "avg_logprob": -0.35049019490971284, "compression_ratio": 1.4080882352941178, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1032.09, "end": 1032.59, 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4106, 569, 304, 301, 11778, 3224, 6055, 2655, 5016, 9566, 2304, 6055, 2655, 5172, 2655, 5016, 23758, 7251, 38251, 5016, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 11296, 15840, 798, 4724, 2304, 3615, 1863, 7578, 19753, 34740, 7251, 38251, 5016, 4724, 34740, 29245, 2423, 39184, 499, 33869, 1344, 372, 4032, 7251, 24401, 12984, 5296, 11296, 2047, 3385, 20449, 29739, 9566, 7649, 3660, 34892, 35571, 3714, 15042, 7251, 2304, 3224, 3215, 5296, 25957, 1211, 10632, 2423, 28309, 399, 37495, 22653, 9122, 33456, 3224, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 5458, 34051, 30082, 8978, 34892, 35571, 8978, 34892, 35571, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 18871, 16254, 11331, 26108, 3660, 39894, 38251, 1829, 11296], "avg_logprob": -0.19073276355348784, "compression_ratio": 1.8058608058608059, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 1060.0, "end": 1060.26, "word": "from", "probability": 0.56884765625}, {"start": 1060.26, "end": 1060.6, "word": " the", "probability": 0.615234375}, {"start": 1060.6, "end": 1060.96, "word": " 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15040, 25528, 30731, 3165, 16490, 1211, 10632, 39182, 9957, 2423, 5900, 377, 39182, 9957, 39182, 1649, 36632, 10943, 20328, 9640, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 28309, 399, 8978, 10874, 3215, 9640, 34892, 35571, 8978, 10874, 3215, 9640, 34892, 35571, 29538, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 31767, 13063], "avg_logprob": -0.234786187086189, "compression_ratio": 1.8516949152542372, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1173.37, "end": 1174.37, "word": "الفيرتاليزيشن", "probability": 0.7652587890625}, {"start": 1174.37, "end": 1174.61, "word": " صار", "probability": 0.7666015625}, {"start": 1174.61, "end": 1174.99, "word": " عندى", "probability": 0.83447265625}, {"start": 1174.99, "end": 1175.21, "word": " 2", "probability": 0.395751953125}, {"start": 1175.21, "end": 1175.87, "word": " nuclei", "probability": 0.4365234375}, {"start": 1175.87, "end": 1176.63, "word": " فداني", "probability": 0.7176513671875}, {"start": 1176.63, "end": 1177.39, "word": " الزيجوت", "probability": 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4032, 1150, 12367, 1772, 5296, 33456, 3224, 12174, 1211, 8315, 14739, 5551, 12610, 11203, 10943, 3660, 9154, 6225, 2304, 20292, 9307, 8717, 7435, 39319, 21542, 4587, 1863, 9673, 7435, 3224, 16572], "avg_logprob": -0.1550973372869804, "compression_ratio": 1.6875, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 1201.13, "end": 1201.65, "word": "التي", "probability": 0.80712890625}, {"start": 1201.65, "end": 1202.43, "word": " تحدد", "probability": 0.95751953125}, {"start": 1202.43, "end": 1202.61, "word": " أو", "probability": 0.5625}, {"start": 1202.61, "end": 1202.89, "word": " الصورة", "probability": 0.9874674479166666}, {"start": 1202.89, "end": 1203.07, "word": " التي", "probability": 0.896484375}, {"start": 1203.07, "end": 1203.53, "word": " تحدد", "probability": 0.9925130208333334}, {"start": 1203.53, "end": 1203.99, "word": " مراحل", "probability": 0.9659423828125}, {"start": 1203.99, "end": 1204.47, "word": " عملية", "probability": 0.9783528645833334}, {"start": 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Zoonapolysida لها أهمية كبيرة جدا شو هي أهميتها؟ لماذا تستخدم؟ وكيف تستخدم؟ الـ Zoonapolysida هي عبارة عن طبقة رقيقة في البداية تحيط بالبوايدة لتحمل بوايدة وتسهل عملية ال connection ما بين البوايدة", "tokens": [10721, 2407, 6225, 2304, 20292, 9307, 16712, 1211, 38436, 5016, 4724, 8592, 28820, 6225, 10943, 39896, 1357, 116, 3224, 13063, 2423, 39184, 1150, 12367, 6086, 23032, 1829, 3555, 2423, 39184, 1176, 4106, 569, 16453, 82, 2887, 11331, 4117, 1829, 8315, 18871, 11296, 4724, 24793, 10632, 9122, 3555, 48923, 10874, 28259, 19446, 39896, 5551, 16095, 36081, 11296, 22807, 2423, 39184, 1176, 4106, 569, 16453, 82, 2887, 5296, 11296, 5551, 16095, 10632, 9122, 3555, 48923, 10874, 28259, 13412, 2407, 39896, 5551, 16095, 36081, 11296, 22807, 32767, 45636, 995, 6055, 14851, 9778, 40448, 22807, 4032, 4117, 33911, 6055, 14851, 9778, 40448, 22807, 2423, 39184, 1176, 4106, 569, 16453, 82, 2887, 39896, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 23032, 3555, 28671, 12602, 38436, 28671, 8978, 29739, 28259, 10632, 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جُلنا الزونابليوس ده أكثر من طبقة الـ zoonabelius ده هي التي تسمح بعملية الـ Acrosome reaction يعني عملية ال fertilization مش sperm ارتبط ببوايضة فقط لأ sperm وصلت للبوايضة ارتبط بال Receptor نشطت البوايضة ال Acrosome reaction علشان يساعد على الاختراق", "tokens": [20292, 39237, 10943, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 39184, 479, 911, 388, 2144, 9154, 16490, 1211, 6027, 49610, 23328, 1300, 1336, 284, 16490, 33546, 3660, 20666, 39184, 32899, 2513, 4765, 64, 29538, 2423, 39184, 1300, 1336, 284, 3714, 29245, 23328, 3660, 8978, 6024, 110, 2407, 8315, 36150, 1829, 41779, 11778, 3224, 2423, 39184, 1045, 5296, 33456, 3224, 10874, 10859, 1211, 8315, 6024, 110, 2407, 8315, 36150, 1829, 41779, 11778, 3224, 5551, 4117, 49115, 9154, 23032, 3555, 28671, 2423, 39184, 710, 4106, 18657, 4872, 11778, 3224, 39896, 38392, 6055, 38251, 5016, 4724, 25957, 1211, 10632, 2423, 39184, 5097, 2635, 423, 5480, 37495, 22653, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 18512, 2144, 37893, 32899, 1975, 43500, 3555, 9566, 4724, 3555, 14407, 1829, 11242, 3660, 6156, 47432, 5296, 10721, 32899, 4032, 36520, 2655, 24976, 3555, 14407, 1829, 11242, 3660, 1975, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 1300, 1336, 284, 8717, 8592, 9566, 2655, 29739, 14407, 1829, 11242, 3660, 2423, 5097, 2635, 423, 5480, 11203, 8592, 7649, 7251, 3794, 995, 22488, 15844, 2423, 47283, 2655, 23557, 4587], "avg_logprob": -0.2213387573964497, "compression_ratio": 1.9533333333333334, "no_speech_prob": 4.172325134277344e-07, "words": [{"start": 1331.64, "end": 1332.16, "word": "ليتمام", "probability": 0.810546875}, {"start": 1332.16, "end": 1332.5, "word": " عملية", "probability": 0.9845377604166666}, {"start": 1332.5, "end": 1332.74, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.6883544921875}, {"start": 1332.74, "end": 1333.32, "word": " Fertilization", "probability": 0.77667236328125}, {"start": 1333.32, "end": 1333.54, "word": " من", "probability": 0.9521484375}, {"start": 1333.54, "end": 1333.86, "word": " خلال", "probability": 0.9938151041666666}, {"start": 1333.86, "end": 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failure the embryo to escape from زونابليوسيدا بقى ال embryo محضون داخل زونابليوسيدا زونابليوسيدا بقيت كما هي قوية", "tokens": [37746, 22488, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 39184, 31588, 78, 5003, 4724, 30544, 8608, 3555, 3555, 11296, 4724, 8592, 28820, 5551, 3794, 32277, 1829, 36145, 30767, 11536, 16758, 20292, 41779, 25708, 995, 6156, 8592, 1211, 2655, 8978, 16712, 4117, 3794, 11703, 2288, 34051, 30767, 11536, 16758, 20292, 41779, 25708, 995, 19446, 30767, 6027, 2655, 12174, 2407, 10632, 20328, 46152, 3660, 9154, 34268, 25724, 1863, 9957, 9154, 33962, 2288, 29245, 6156, 3224, 15730, 44945, 38251, 1829, 11296, 31588, 78, 281, 7615, 4871, 264, 31588, 78, 420, 7763, 264, 31588, 78, 281, 7615, 490, 30767, 11536, 16758, 20292, 41779, 25708, 995, 4724, 4587, 7578, 2423, 31588, 78, 3714, 5016, 11242, 11536, 11778, 47283, 1211, 30767, 11536, 16758, 20292, 41779, 25708, 995, 30767, 11536, 16758, 20292, 41779, 25708, 995, 4724, 4587, 36081, 9122, 15042, 39896, 12174, 2407, 10632], "avg_logprob": 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implantation after embryo transfer يعني عند سيدة خضعت للإجزي تلت أربع أو خمس مرات كل مرة برجع جنين بيصير عنده فشل في ال implantation فبالتالي النتيجة negative", "tokens": [41185, 11331, 6027, 9307, 20449, 9957, 3660, 3714, 16095, 10874, 28259, 4724, 1211, 5296, 26108, 3555, 7251, 7435, 3555, 4724, 8592, 28820, 4032, 26108, 3555, 14739, 3224, 7251, 25957, 1211, 4255, 17387, 278, 12174, 36150, 19446, 7251, 25957, 1211, 31588, 78, 5003, 9154, 5551, 8592, 3224, 2288, 29538, 21542, 6027, 9307, 21136, 25708, 9307, 13672, 1829, 43242, 16095, 18680, 1753, 7763, 295, 31588, 78, 28309, 399, 934, 31588, 78, 5003, 37495, 22653, 43242, 8608, 25708, 3660, 16490, 11242, 34268, 24976, 28814, 7435, 11622, 1829, 6055, 1211, 2655, 5551, 25513, 3615, 34051, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3714, 2288, 9307, 28242, 3714, 25720, 4724, 47341, 3615, 10874, 1863, 9957, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 43242, 3224, 6156, 8592, 1211, 8978, 2423, 28309, 399, 6156, 3555, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 28239, 31371, 7435, 3660, 3671], 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4587, 1211, 2655, 1266, 4724, 14407, 41891, 4032, 29739, 995, 38436, 3552, 6225, 42213, 2655, 1211, 16095, 27257, 10874, 2304, 11703, 2655, 16095], "avg_logprob": -0.17307692837829775, "compression_ratio": 1.6772908366533865, "no_speech_prob": 1.2934207916259766e-05, "words": [{"start": 1745.94, "end": 1746.52, "word": "Hatching", "probability": 0.50628662109375}, {"start": 1746.52, "end": 1748.12, "word": " السيدات", "probability": 0.9249674479166666}, {"start": 1748.12, "end": 1748.24, "word": " اللي", "probability": 0.830322265625}, {"start": 1748.24, "end": 1748.54, "word": " عندهم", "probability": 0.98046875}, {"start": 1748.54, "end": 1749.02, "word": " advanced", "probability": 0.78662109375}, {"start": 1749.02, "end": 1749.34, "word": " age", "probability": 0.87109375}, {"start": 1749.34, "end": 1749.68, "word": " أكتر", "probability": 0.8634033203125}, {"start": 1749.68, "end": 1749.8, "word": " من", "probability": 0.99169921875}, {"start": 1749.8, "end": 1750.24, "word": " 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او ال holes زونابليوسيدا removal total zoonablusida removal before embryo transfer has been expected to bring out closer contact and communication of the tropho", "tokens": [2655, 28480, 1829, 3224, 6024, 110, 2407, 8315, 3555, 20292, 41779, 25708, 995, 5296, 15042, 1975, 39648, 5862, 773, 4724, 1829, 30544, 37893, 9122, 10943, 1829, 37893, 2584, 5296, 10721, 18886, 2584, 5296, 10721, 18886, 570, 5862, 773, 18886, 1975, 2407, 6225, 42213, 6225, 3215, 3215, 20449, 9957, 9154, 2423, 30082, 1975, 2407, 2423, 8118, 30767, 2407, 8315, 3555, 20292, 41779, 25708, 995, 17933, 3217, 710, 4106, 455, 3063, 2887, 17933, 949, 31588, 78, 5003, 575, 668, 5176, 281, 1565, 484, 4966, 3385, 293, 6101, 295, 264, 45583, 78], "avg_logprob": -0.29739582505491047, "compression_ratio": 1.6416666666666666, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 1799.65, "end": 1800.21, "word": "ترفيه", "probability": 0.6241455078125}, {"start": 1800.21, "end": 1800.89, "word": " الزونابليوسيدا", 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15844, 10874, 3224, 3660, 45595, 3794, 9640, 13672, 1829, 41850, 9122, 29399, 4724, 12984, 3555, 2655, 8978, 11296, 29739, 45865, 11242, 3660, 5551, 12984, 1863, 16606, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 22873, 6156, 4117, 3215, 3224, 41850, 38637, 3555, 2655, 2655, 25724, 1863, 9957, 46599, 7435, 1829, 3555, 2423, 22873, 2978, 13672, 1829, 9122, 29399, 5551, 5016, 9566, 1863, 8978, 11296, 2423, 32899, 4724, 25957, 1211, 1975, 46456, 23557, 4587], "avg_logprob": -0.1539772694761103, "compression_ratio": 1.826839826839827, "no_speech_prob": 4.172325134277344e-07, "words": [{"start": 1914.08, "end": 1914.78, "word": "بحمل", "probability": 0.70556640625}, {"start": 1914.78, "end": 1915.28, "word": " الجنين", "probability": 0.90771484375}, {"start": 1915.28, "end": 1915.9, "word": " وبثبته", "probability": 0.739501953125}, {"start": 1915.9, "end": 1916.46, "word": " باستخدام", "probability": 0.975830078125}, {"start": 1916.46, "end": 1916.76, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.74658203125}, {"start": 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embryo بإني أخلي ال holder tube", "tokens": [3555, 25957, 1211, 1975, 46456, 23557, 4587, 24976, 7435, 1863, 9957, 8978, 6024, 118, 15040, 5172, 33962, 9640, 7435, 1829, 4724, 44510, 10721, 9154, 21136, 995, 27884, 36764, 24401, 3660, 4032, 4724, 36520, 24976, 3794, 995, 27884, 2975, 21136, 995, 27884, 36764, 24401, 3660, 24976, 3794, 995, 27884, 2975, 13412, 2407, 37495, 22653, 21136, 995, 27884, 36764, 24401, 3660, 24976, 3794, 995, 27884, 2975, 22807, 5296, 28814, 1863, 25724, 1863, 9957, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 11778, 16373, 25720, 4724, 4587, 38251, 11296, 8608, 45761, 9307, 1975, 2655, 1863, 33599, 8608, 2655, 3660, 6055, 1211, 9307, 3660, 6055, 3794, 27884, 1975, 8315, 47525, 9778, 1211, 2655, 20666, 11037, 22873, 11037, 9154, 21136, 995, 27884, 36764, 24401, 3660, 8032, 9566, 1211, 3615, 8032, 2655, 34740, 7435, 2423, 11037, 9154, 21136, 995, 27884, 2975, 39182, 9122, 3215, 3224, 1975, 25957, 1211, 16327, 24976, 31588, 78, 4724, 28814, 22653, 5551, 9778, 20292, 2423, 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8978, 2423, 22873, 11037, 4724, 26108, 1829, 4724, 25957, 1211, 6225, 42213, 10632, 1975, 33753, 4117, 995, 4117, 20666, 11037, 8978, 23032, 28480, 2423, 20349, 9917, 11203, 8592, 7649, 5551, 25957, 1211, 6055, 148, 95, 28820, 24976, 39184, 24848, 33836, 1311, 2887, 6156, 3555, 3224, 15730, 25124, 28820, 4724, 30544, 6225, 42213, 2655, 6055, 148, 95, 28820, 5296, 7435, 11622, 38207, 9154, 2423, 24848, 33836, 1311, 2887, 4032, 25957, 1211, 2655, 12720, 34051, 15840, 798, 8032, 3215, 5172, 8717, 38251, 1829, 11296, 23032, 16572, 28671, 16712, 148, 95, 28820, 34051, 41950, 16572, 28671, 9673, 1829, 41361, 1829, 4117, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.13936122002847054, "compression_ratio": 1.7304964539007093, "no_speech_prob": 4.112720489501953e-06, "words": [{"start": 1967.1, "end": 1967.78, "word": "الضغط", "probability": 0.9417724609375}, {"start": 1967.78, "end": 1968.18, "word": " فيها", "probability": 0.966796875}, {"start": 1968.18, "end": 1969.34, "word": " غير", "probability": 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لل embryo باستخدام ال holder tube هي الساعة 12 هي الساعة 6 هي الساعة 3 هي الساعة 9 باجي بخترق من الساعة 1 في هذا الاتجاه و بطلع بال needle من الساعة 11", "tokens": [2407, 3224, 24192, 2423, 22873, 11037, 34051, 8978, 45030, 11242, 16247, 5016, 1829, 7649, 4724, 1829, 38251, 2407, 11296, 11037, 33962, 33546, 3660, 4724, 25957, 1211, 10632, 710, 4106, 455, 75, 1311, 2887, 15840, 798, 4724, 26108, 1829, 4724, 25957, 1211, 3191, 399, 4032, 4724, 25957, 1211, 5061, 24976, 31588, 78, 4724, 995, 14851, 9778, 3215, 10943, 2423, 20349, 9917, 39896, 21136, 995, 27884, 2272, 39896, 21136, 995, 27884, 1386, 39896, 21136, 995, 27884, 805, 39896, 21136, 995, 27884, 1722, 4724, 26108, 1829, 4724, 46456, 2288, 4587, 9154, 21136, 995, 27884, 502, 8978, 23758, 2423, 9307, 7435, 40294, 4032, 4724, 9566, 1211, 3615, 20666, 11037, 9154, 21136, 995, 27884, 2975], "avg_logprob": -0.1828547251654101, "compression_ratio": 1.7881355932203389, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 2025.77, 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8118, 8978, 6024, 110, 12610, 3660, 20666, 1829, 3794, 8315, 3714, 43020, 1975, 25957, 1211, 11296, 10874, 16758, 18863, 42213, 10632, 2423, 28309, 399, 1975, 3224, 3714, 43020, 1975, 25957, 1211, 11296, 23032, 3555, 13412, 2407, 8032, 3215, 5172, 11296, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.2003595132743363, "compression_ratio": 1.7020408163265306, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 2103.86, "end": 2104.28, "word": "هذه", "probability": 0.73876953125}, {"start": 2104.28, "end": 2105.14, "word": " الفكرة", "probability": 0.9728190104166666}, {"start": 2105.14, "end": 2106.58, "word": " بتسميها", "probability": 0.759979248046875}, {"start": 2106.58, "end": 2106.74, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.54541015625}, {"start": 2106.74, "end": 2107.16, "word": " traditional", "probability": 0.30029296875}, {"start": 2107.16, "end": 2108.66, "word": " method", "probability": 0.9716796875}, {"start": 2108.66, "end": 2109.02, "word": " او", "probability": 0.6181640625}, {"start": 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1863, 9957, 34051, 5551, 5016, 36520, 15844, 3714, 18513, 3660, 4032, 2288, 5718, 104, 10632, 16490, 33546, 3660, 20666, 10721, 2304, 9154, 5551, 7435, 1211, 27188, 5016, 2407, 9381, 9307, 2423, 13063, 5718, 104, 10632, 38392, 6055, 38251, 7578, 659, 12, 332, 13067, 399, 12462, 4997, 37495, 22653, 27188, 5016, 9381, 25724, 1863, 9957, 1829, 34051, 27188, 5016, 9381, 25724, 9957, 1829, 12174, 36150, 6225, 42213, 10632, 2423, 28309, 399, 34051, 2423, 7649, 17082, 23557, 3794, 34051, 6024, 110, 23557, 3615, 34051, 33688, 3615, 18513, 3660, 2423, 31588, 78, 23758, 3714, 9381, 9566, 1211, 5016, 44945, 38251, 1829, 3224, 12367, 1772, 3228, 404, 3187, 3714, 43020, 5551, 9778, 3215, 12367, 1772, 3228, 404, 3187, 37495, 22653, 5551, 9778, 3215, 10874, 11622, 38207, 9154, 2423, 12367, 1772], "avg_logprob": -0.1148280215343373, "compression_ratio": 1.9925650557620818, "no_speech_prob": 6.556510925292969e-07, "words": [{"start": 2131.61, "end": 2132.13, "word": "هدفها", "probability": 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9154, 16490, 1211, 6027, 2423, 12367, 1772, 36632, 3714, 43042, 4032, 2288, 5718, 104, 1829, 44650, 30241, 4587, 20666, 7435, 1863, 9957, 4724, 31845, 5016, 9381, 3224, 9154, 16490, 1211, 6027, 2423, 31588, 11630, 2815], "avg_logprob": -0.21077806456964843, "compression_ratio": 1.8487804878048781, "no_speech_prob": 4.589557647705078e-06, "words": [{"start": 2189.06, "end": 2189.62, "word": "بيحتوي", "probability": 0.6744791666666666}, {"start": 2189.62, "end": 2189.88, "word": " على", "probability": 0.83984375}, {"start": 2189.88, "end": 2190.4, "word": " المادة", "probability": 0.9763997395833334}, {"start": 2190.4, "end": 2191.06, "word": " الوراثية", "probability": 0.9826171875}, {"start": 2191.06, "end": 2191.88, "word": " الخاصة", "probability": 0.9611002604166666}, {"start": 2191.88, "end": 2192.2, "word": " بالأم", "probability": 0.8629557291666666}, {"start": 2192.2, "end": 2192.64, "word": " polar", "probability": 0.184814453125}, {"start": 2192.64, "end": 2193.0, "word": " 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أي النواء الذكرية النواء الأنثوية اندمجت صار ال fertilization خرج ال second polar body فانا ممكن أسحب هذا ال polar body و ممكن أسحب اتنين مع بعض هذا له وظيفة و هذا له وظيفة", "tokens": [3224, 1829, 2423, 39184, 460, 53, 17349, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 29538, 2423, 39184, 44169, 306, 2423, 39184, 2935, 39182, 9957, 20328, 9640, 43242, 7578, 3714, 3224, 26108, 25720, 10874, 11622, 38207, 9154, 33962, 15040, 25528, 34051, 6225, 5172, 14407, 10874, 11622, 38207, 9154, 33251, 2288, 2304, 2407, 11622, 20498, 9307, 30731, 41950, 28480, 33962, 1211, 10632, 16070, 7435, 11622, 38207, 16247, 34740, 6055, 3555, 4587, 7578, 6055, 2407, 22653, 2423, 4865, 372, 12367, 1772, 39182, 2423, 18512, 2144, 36632, 28239, 2407, 16606, 32545, 4117, 16572, 3660, 28239, 2407, 16606, 16247, 1863, 12984, 2407, 10632, 16472, 40448, 7435, 2655, 20328, 9640, 2423, 18512, 2144, 16490, 47341, 2423, 1150, 12367, 1772, 6156, 7649, 995, 3714, 43020, 5551, 3794, 5016, 3555, 23758, 2423, 12367, 1772, 4032, 3714, 43020, 5551, 3794, 5016, 3555, 1975, 2655, 1863, 9957, 20449, 45030, 11242, 23758, 46740, 4032, 19913, 33911, 3660, 4032, 23758, 46740, 4032, 19913, 33911, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.2684188698301252, "compression_ratio": 1.936026936026936, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2268.3, "end": 2268.72, "word": "هي", "probability": 0.720947265625}, {"start": 2268.72, "end": 2269.02, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.468017578125}, {"start": 2269.02, "end": 2270.22, "word": " GVPD", "probability": 0.65625}, {"start": 2270.22, "end": 2271.24, "word": " طبعا", "probability": 0.8697509765625}, {"start": 2271.24, "end": 2271.44, "word": " هذه", "probability": 0.375244140625}, {"start": 2271.44, "end": 2271.64, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.67626953125}, {"start": 2271.64, "end": 2272.18, "word": " spindle", "probability": 0.91064453125}, {"start": 2272.18, "end": 2272.62, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.52288818359375}, {"start": 2272.62, "end": 2273.0, "word": " simply", "probability": 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2407, 2423, 24292, 16472, 3224, 3714, 43020, 7251, 25957, 1211, 20406, 849, 24976, 31588, 78, 3250, 4032, 7649, 995, 12602, 10721, 38251, 6027, 1829, 8978, 29538, 21542, 2655, 3660, 2423, 31588, 78, 37893, 9154, 9566, 4587, 1975, 25957, 43761, 20406, 849, 5296, 33456, 3224, 3714, 43020, 7251, 25957, 20292, 32847], "avg_logprob": -0.2931910695099249, "compression_ratio": 1.7241379310344827, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539062e-07, "words": [{"start": 2410.81, "end": 2411.43, "word": "Applied", "probability": 0.51336669921875}, {"start": 2411.43, "end": 2411.71, "word": " at", "probability": 0.83837890625}, {"start": 2411.71, "end": 2411.81, "word": " the", "probability": 0.8759765625}, {"start": 2411.81, "end": 2412.09, "word": " embryo", "probability": 0.81982421875}, {"start": 2412.09, "end": 2412.33, "word": " stage,", "probability": 0.94287109375}, {"start": 2412.49, "end": 2412.55, "word": " there", "probability": 0.90087890625}, {"start": 2412.55, "end": 2412.87, "word": " was", 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بعملها للإمبريو أو بعملها للبويضة و طالما أنا بتعمل polar body biopsy إذا بعملها للبويضة الغير ملطحة أو الملطحة بناء أن أنا شو إيه بتشتغل و الأفضل أعملها ل", "tokens": [2407, 6055, 4587, 8592, 13546, 24976, 39184, 24848, 33836, 1311, 2887, 4724, 3555, 3794, 41193, 3660, 10874, 28259, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 2423, 12530, 4255, 12367, 1772, 3228, 404, 3187, 307, 264, 1151, 3170, 562, 264, 277, 31078, 975, 307, 6806, 365, 264, 20349, 1410, 46367, 37495, 22653, 4724, 28259, 10632, 30767, 1829, 19446, 13412, 38688, 8315, 8978, 27188, 1829, 16254, 2407, 4724, 25957, 1211, 12530, 17387, 278, 11933, 15042, 4724, 25957, 1211, 11296, 24976, 28814, 2304, 26890, 1829, 2407, 34051, 4724, 25957, 1211, 11296, 24976, 3555, 45865, 11242, 3660, 4032, 23032, 6027, 15042, 41850, 39894, 25957, 1211, 12367, 1772, 3228, 404, 3187, 11933, 15730, 4724, 25957, 1211, 11296, 24976, 3555, 45865, 11242, 3660, 6024, 118, 13546, 3714, 1211, 9566, 5016, 3660, 34051, 9673, 1211, 9566, 5016, 3660, 44945, 16606, 14739, 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