1 |
00:00:21,240 |
we talk about the bond pricing ุงูู
ุฑุฉ ุงูุฃููู ุญูููุง |
2 |
00:00:24,920 |
ุนู bond pricing ูุนูู ููู ูุชุณุนุฑ ุงูุณูุฏุงุช and how |
3 |
00:00:29,140 |
the United States particularly the Wall Street |
4 |
00:00:33,440 |
Journal how they price the bonds particularly the |
5 |
00:00:38,120 |
treasury notes and treasury bonds today I'm going |
6 |
00:00:41,510 |
to talk in details about the bond markets ูุนูู |
7 |
00:00:45,170 |
ููุญูู ุจุชูุงุตูู ุงู bond market ุฃุณูุงู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช |
8 |
00:00:47,650 |
and to talk about the stock market as well ู ููุญูู |
9 |
00:00:50,950 |
ุฃูุถุง ุนู ุฃุณูุงู ุงูุฃุณูู
I think this is very simple |
10 |
00:00:54,250 |
you don't have complicated things in understanding |
11 |
00:01:00,210 |
the bond market ูุนูู ู
ุด ููููู ุนูุฏูุง ุงููุถุน ุตุนุจ ูู |
12 |
00:01:03,130 |
ุงู bond market so today I'm focusing on the bond |
13 |
00:01:07,410 |
market in details and the stock market in details |
14 |
00:01:11,450 |
fine just to remind you I talked about the main |
15 |
00:01:15,430 |
difference between treasury notes and bonds ุญูููุง |
16 |
00:01:18,630 |
ุงููุฑู ุจูู ุงู treasury notes ู ุงู treasury bonds |
17 |
00:01:21,570 |
ุงูุงุซููู ูุชู
ู ูุจู ุงู government ู
ู ูุจู |
18 |
00:01:24,710 |
ุฉ the treasury notes is equal to or less than |
19 |
00:01:29,570 |
10 years however the treasury bonds is greater |
20 |
00:01:34,210 |
than 10 years up to 30 years yesterday I logged in to |
21 |
00:01:40,350 |
the Wall Street Journal and I found some bonds |
22 |
00:01:43,630 |
issued or the maturity dates of some bonds up to |
23 |
00:01:49,270 |
43. The day before it was 42. Today, yesterday I |
24 |
00:01:54,930 |
showed some bonds, the maturity dates of these |
25 |
00:01:58,630 |
bonds up to 43. I think in your free time it is fine to |
26 |
00:02:03,250 |
log in to www.wsj.com in order to gain some |
27 |
00:02:09,990 |
practical experience on how the different market |
28 |
00:02:13,330 |
pricing the bond ุญุชู ุฅู ุฃูุชู
ุชุดูููุง ู
ู ูุงุญูุฉ |
29 |
00:02:16,330 |
ููุฉ ููู ุงูุฃุณูุงู ุงูู
ุงููุฉ ุจุชุนู
ู ุชุณุนูุฑ ูุฃุณูุงู |
30 |
00:02:19,630 |
ุงูุณูุฏุงุช inflation protected treasury bonds these |
31 |
00:02:24,680 |
bonds are issued to fight against inflation |
32 |
00:02:28,440 |
ูุนูู ูุฐู ุงูููุนูุฉ ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ูุชู
ุฅุตุฏุงุฑูุง ุญุชู ุชูุงุฌู |
33 |
00:02:32,180 |
I don't want to focus on this type of bonds |
34 |
00:02:36,580 |
ุฃูุง ู
ุด ูุฑูุฒ ุนูู ูุฐู ุงูุฃููุงุน ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช because this is |
35 |
00:02:39,540 |
issued for a particular purpose ู
ุด ูุฑูุฒ ุนูู ูุฐุง |
36 |
00:02:43,380 |
ุงูููุน ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ูุฃูู ููููู ุงูุชุฑููุฒ ุนูู treasury |
37 |
00:02:48,100 |
notes and bonds ู ุนูู ุงู corporate bonds ูุฐุง |
38 |
00:02:50,380 |
ุงูุชุฑููุฒ ุจุชุงุนูุง federal agency debts the same thing |
39 |
00:02:54,480 |
I don't want to focus on this ู
ุด ูุฑูุฒ ุนูู |
40 |
00:02:56,660 |
international bonds international bonds ูู .. ูู |
41 |
00:03:03,000 |
ุณูุฏุงุช ุฏูููุฉ ุญูุซ ุงู international bonds ูู
ุณูุฏุงุช |
42 |
00:03:07,120 |
ุฏูููุฉ ูุชู
ุนูู ู
ุณุชูู ุฏููู so it is marketed |
43 |
00:03:12,740 |
in international markets so any company of the |
44 |
00:03:17,300 |
United States ุฃู ุดุฑูุฉ ุฎุงุฑุฌ ุงูููุงูุงุช ุงูู
ุชุญุฏุฉ |
45 |
00:03:20,440 |
ุฑูููุฉ ู
ูู ุชุดุชุฑู ูุฐุง ุงูุณูุฏ for instance we |
46 |
00:03:24,540 |
have Yankee bonds and we have the .. the yen euro |
47 |
00:03:30,980 |
bonds these bonds are traded internationally ูุนูู |
48 |
00:03:34,640 |
ูู ู
ุซูุง ุนูุฏูุง ุณูุฏุงุช ุฃุตุฏุฑูุง ุงููุงุจุงู ุดุฑูุงุช ูุงุจุงููุฉ |
49 |
00:03:39,040 |
ุซูุง ุจุงูุฏููุงุฑ ูุจุชุชู
ุงูุชุฏุงูู ูููุง ุจุงู .. ุจุงูุณูู |
50 |
00:03:41,960 |
ุงูุฏููู ูู ุดุฑูุงุช ุฃู
ุฑูููุฉ ูู
ุงู ุชููู
ุจุฅุตุฏุงุฑ ุณูุฏุงุช |
51 |
00:03:46,000 |
ุฎุงุฑุฌ ุงูููุงูุงุช ุงูู
ุชุญุฏุฉ ุงูุฃู
ุฑูููุฉ ููุฐุง ุญูููุง ูููุง |
52 |
00:03:48,590 |
ูุง ุงู euro dollar bonds ุงููู ูู ุงู euro dollar |
53 |
00:03:51,390 |
bonds ูุฏูู ุจูุตูุฑ ูููู
traded off the United States |
54 |
00:03:55,150 |
ู ูุฏูู ุจุชุณู
ุงู international bonds ููู ุณูุฏุงุช |
55 |
00:03:59,270 |
ุฅุตุฏุงุฑูุง ููุชุฏุงูู ูู ู
ุณุชูู ุงูุนุงูู
I talked about |
56 |
00:04:05,450 |
municipal bonds ุงููู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช ุงูุจูุฏูุงุช and I |
57 |
00:04:08,930 |
mentioned two types of bonds ุญูููุง ุนูู ููุนูู |
58 |
00:04:12,110 |
ู ุงู bonds the revenue bonds and general |
59 |
00:04:17,820 |
obligation bonds the general obligation bonds as |
60 |
00:04:23,680 |
you see here the |
61 |
00:04:29,800 |
municipal bonds the types of bonds general |
62 |
00:04:33,220 |
obligation bonds okay and this is this general |
63 |
00:04:37,960 |
obligation bonds general obligation bonds, this .. |
64 |
00:04:42,320 |
this bond .. I will go back to the .. to the |
65 |
00:04:44,860 |
previous slides just to focus on the type now |
66 |
00:04:47,540 |
general obligations bonds ูุงู ุจุชููู ุงูุชุฒุงู
ุงุช ุนูู |
67 |
00:04:52,340 |
ุงูุจูุฏูุงุช ุฃู ุงู local governments ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ุงูู
ุญููุฉ |
68 |
00:04:56,460 |
and these bonds are paid back by using taxation |
69 |
00:05:01,320 |
ุชุณุฏูุฏูุง ู
ู ุฎูุงู ุงู taxation ู
ู ุฎูุงู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ as |
70 |
00:05:04,660 |
as you see here backed by taxing power of issuer |
71 |
00:05:07,460 |
ูุนูู ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ ููุณูุง ุจุชุณุฏ ููู
ุฉ ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ูุฐู ู
ู ุฎูุงู |
72 |
00:05:12,360 |
ู ุฎูุงู ู
ู ุฎูุงู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ Okay the second .. the |
73 |
00:05:17,030 |
second one which is more important than the |
74 |
00:05:18,930 |
previous one ุงูุซุงูู ููู ุฃูู
ู ุงูุฃูู ุจูุณู
ููุง ุงู |
75 |
00:05:22,750 |
revenue bonds ุงู revenue bonds ูุงู ุณูุฏุงุช ุฅูุฑุงุฏูุฉ |
76 |
00:05:26,890 |
ูุฌูุฏูู |
77 |
00:05:32,610 |
ูู page 36 ูุฃ |
78 |
00:05:39,030 |
ุฅููุง ูุญูู ูู ุชูุงุตูู ููุฃ ุชูุงุตูู |
79 |
00:05:43,940 |
I will go back to them ูุฑุฌุนูู
okay ูุงู revenue |
80 |
00:05:48,820 |
bonds are backed by projects revenues ูุนูู ูู ู
ุฉ |
81 |
00:05:55,360 |
ู ุงูุฅูุฑุงุฏุงุช ุจุชุงุนุฉ ุงูู
ุดุฑูุน ูุงููู ููุญูู ุฅูุด |
82 |
00:05:59,260 |
ุดุงุฑูุน ุงููู ุจูููู
ูุง ูููุง or by the municipal |
83 |
00:06:02,340 |
agency operating the projects ููุฃ ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ุจุชุตุฏุฑ |
84 |
00:06:06,320 |
ููุน ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุงุณู
ู ุงู revenue bonds ุงููู ูู |
85 |
00:06:10,040 |
ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุงูุฅูุฑุงุฏูุฉ ู
ุซูุง ุจูุฑูุญูุง ุจููุช ุจูุนู
ููุง ู
ูุงุฏ |
86 |
00:06:12,880 |
ุฌุฏูุฏุฉ ูุฌุฒุก ู
ู ุฅูุฑุงุฏุงุช ุงูู
ูุงูู ุจุชุฑูุญ ููุจูุฏูุฉ ู |
87 |
00:06:17,450 |
ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ ุจุชุฑูุญ ุจุช .. ุจุชุณุฏ ุงู .. ุจุชุณุฏ ุงู bonds .. |
88 |
00:06:21,850 |
ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ู
ุซูุง ูู
ููุง ุทุฑู ุงู highways ุงู |
89 |
00:06:26,470 |
highways ู ุงู motorways ุงููู ูู ุงูุทุฑู ุงูุณุฑูุนุฉ ูุฌุฒุก |
90 |
00:06:31,010 |
ู ุฅูุฑุงุฏุงุช ุงูุทุฑู ุงูุณุฑูุนุฉ ู
ุซูุง ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ุจุชุงุฎุฏ ุถุฑูุจุฉ |
91 |
00:06:33,950 |
ุนูู ุงูุทุฑู ูุฌุฒุก ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ูุงู ุจุชุฑูุญ ูู
ููุ ุจุชุฑูุญ ูู |
92 |
00:06:38,020 |
.. ูู municipal ููุจูุฏูุงุช ูุจุช .. ุชุงูู ุงูุจูุฏูุงุช ุจู |
93 |
00:06:42,820 |
.. ุจูุณุฏุฏูุง ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ .. ุจูุณุฏุฏูุง ููู
ุฉ ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ูู
ุงู |
94 |
00:06:48,460 |
ุฅุฐุง ูุงูุช ู
ุซูุง ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ุฃู ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ ุจุชุนู
ู ู
ุทุงุฑุงุช ุนุดุงู |
95 |
00:06:54,180 |
ุชุฎูู ุงูุดุฑูุงุช ุชุนู
ู .. ุชุนู
ู investment ูู ูุฐู |
96 |
00:06:57,880 |
ุทุงุฑุงุช ูุฌุฒุก ู
ู ุฅูุฑุงุฏุงุช ุงูู
ุทุงุฑุงุช ุจุชุฑูุญ ุจุฑุถู ูุณุฏุงุฏ |
97 |
00:07:01,580 |
ุงู .. ุงู municipal ุฃู ุจูุณู
ููุง ุงู revenue bonds ููุฐุง |
98 |
00:07:06,030 |
ูุนูู .. ูุนูู ูุชู
ููู ู ุงู infrastructure ุงูุจููุฉ |
99 |
00:07:10,410 |
ุงูุชุญุชูุฉ ุจุชุงุนุชูุง ูู ุงูุฏููุฉ okay ุจุงูุจูุฏูุฉ ุจุชููู
ุฅุตุฏุงุฑ ุณูุฏุงุช |
100 |
00:07:14,390 |
ุญุชู ุชุณุชุทูุน ุชู
ูู ูุงู ุงูู
ุดุงุฑูุน ุงููุจูุฑุฉ okay ูุจูุณู
ููุง |
101 |
00:07:18,450 |
ุงู revenue bonds ูู ุฑุฌุนูุง ุงุญูุง ุดููุฉ ุนูู ุงู .. ุงู |
102 |
00:07:25,550 |
treasury notes and bonds ุญูููุง ุงู municipal bonds ู |
103 |
00:07:29,800 |
the bond markets ุญูููุง ุงุญูุง ุจุงูุฃูู ุฅู ูู ุนูุฏูุง |
104 |
00:07:33,340 |
municipal bonds ู ูู ุนูุฏูุง corporate bonds ู ุนูุฏูุง |
105 |
00:07:35,640 |
ูุฑุฏุฌุงุฌ just to remind you ุฎูููู ุจุณ ุฃุฐูุฑูู
ุจ .. |
106 |
00:07:39,480 |
the big picture of the market bonds ุฎูููู ุฃุฐูุฑูู
107 |
00:07:42,380 |
ุจุงู .. ุจุงูุฃุณูุงู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุจุดูู ุนุงู
ุญูููุง ุงู bond |
108 |
00:07:48,240 |
markets okay ุญูููุง in generally we have two types |
109 |
00:07:53,220 |
of bond markets ุงููู ูู governmental bonds ู |
110 |
00:07:58,350 |
corporate bonds the |
111 |
00:08:02,170 |
government bonds are issued by the governments or |
112 |
00:08:06,350 |
local governments ูุนูู ู
ู ุงู governments or local |
113 |
00:08:09,630 |
governments ุงู local governments such as |
114 |
00:08:11,810 |
municipals ุงููู ูู ุงูุจูุฏูุงุช the government bonds |
115 |
00:08:16,010 |
ุนูุฏูุง ุงููู ูู the treasury notes and treasury |
116 |
00:08:23,110 |
bonds and we have here the municipal |
117 |
00:08:29,540 |
the municipal bonds include two main bonds the |
118 |
00:08:34,560 |
general obligation bonds and |
119 |
00:08:39,760 |
revenue bonds and there is another type of bonds |
120 |
00:08:44,680 |
called the industrial bonds this industrial bonds |
121 |
00:08:47,780 |
is considered as one part of the revenue bonds |
122 |
00:08:51,800 |
ูุนูู ูู ููุน ู
ู ุฃููุงุน ุงู revenue bonds ุงููู ูู |
123 |
00:08:55,300 |
industrial bonds industrial bonds ุงููู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช |
124 |
00:08:58,360 |
ุตูุงุนูุฉ ุจูุณู
ููุง industrial bonds ูุนูู |
125 |
00:09:06,120 |
.. ูุนูู ู
ุซูุง ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ุจุฏูุง ุชุนู
ู ู
ูุงุทู ุตูุงุนูุฉ ูุนุดุงู |
126 |
00:09:12,500 |
ูุชุดุฌุน ุงูุตูุงุนุฉ ูู ุงูุจูุฏ okay ูุจุฑูุญ ุจุตุฏุฑู industrial |
127 |
00:09:17,320 |
bonds ุทุจุนุง ู
ู ููู ุจุชุตุฏ ุงู industrial bondsุ ูุฐุง ุจุชุตุฏ |
128 |
00:09:21,420 |
ู ุงูุตูุงุนุฉ ุงููู ูุชูุดุฃ ูู ุงู .. ูู ูุฐู ุงูู
ูุงุทู |
129 |
00:09:24,500 |
ุงูุตูุงุนูุฉ ูุจูููู
ูุง ุจูุตุฏูุง ุงูุฅูุฑุงุฏุงุช ุจุชุงุนุชูู
ูู ุงู |
130 |
00:09:28,040 |
corporate bonds ุงููู ููุฃูุฌู ูุญูู ููู ุจูู .. ูู
ุงู |
131 |
00:09:31,380 |
ุดููุฉ ุงููู ูู ููู ุนูุฏูุง secured bonds secured okay |
132 |
00:09:39,060 |
secured bond ูุนูู ุงุญูุง ูู ูุญูู ุนู ุงู corporate |
133 |
00:09:42,440 |
bonds ุงููู ูู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุงูุดุฑูุงุช ูู ุนูุฏูุง ููุนูู ุงูููุน |
134 |
00:09:46,320 |
ู secured bond ุงููู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช ุขู
ูุฉ ุงุณู
ูุง secured |
135 |
00:09:51,340 |
bond ููู ุนูุฏูุง non secured bond ุณูุฏุงุช ุบูุฑ ุขู
ูุฉ ู |
136 |
00:09:59,940 |
ุฅูุด ุงููุฑู ุจูู ุงู secured ู ุงู non securedุ ุงู |
137 |
00:10:03,550 |
secured ุณูุฏุงุช ุขู
ูุฉ ูุนูู ุงูู is the company which |
138 |
00:10:08,030 |
issued this part of bonds has a good historical |
139 |
00:10:11,730 |
profile ูุนูู ุงูุดุฑูุฉ ุงููู ุฃุตุฏุฑุช ูุฐุง ุงูููุน ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏ |
140 |
00:10:15,650 |
ู ููุง good profile ูุนูู ุณู
ุนุชูุง ูููุณุฉ ู ุนูุฏูุง |
141 |
00:10:20,290 |
ุฃุฑุจุงุญ ู
ููุญุฉ ู ุนูุฏูุง ุณู
ุนุฉ ุทูุจุฉ however the non |
142 |
00:10:23,650 |
secured bond ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุงูุบูุฑ ุฃู
ูุฉ non secured bond |
143 |
00:10:28,390 |
ุจูููู ุงูุดุฑูุฉ ุงููู ุฃุตุฏุฑุช ูุฐู ุงูููุน ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุดุฑูุฉ |
144 |
00:10:31,490 |
ุถุนููุฉ ูู
ุงุนูุฏุงุด ุณู
ุนุฉ ุฅู
ูููุง ูุจูุณู
ููุง non secured |
145 |
00:10:35,830 |
bond |
146 |
00:10:40,070 |
again ูููุงุณ ุงููู ูุนูู ุฅูุฌูุง ู
ุชุฃุฎุฑูู the bond |
147 |
00:10:46,570 |
market is classified into two main parts the first |
148 |
00:10:50,690 |
one the government and the second one is the |
149 |
00:10:52,990 |
corporate the government is divided for three main |
150 |
00:10:57,950 |
types the municipal, the treasury bonds and the |
151 |
00:11:01,350 |
treasury notes the municipal is divided for two |
152 |
00:11:04,890 |
main parts revenue bonds and the general |
153 |
00:11:08,890 |
obligation bonds Okay the corporate bond this |
154 |
00:11:17,320 |
is municipal okay this is treasury bond this is |
155 |
00:11:22,200 |
treasury notes municipal ุงููู ูู ุงูุจูุฏูุงุช treasury |
156 |
00:11:26,160 |
bonds ุงููู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ูู ุณูุฏุงุช ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ููู |
157 |
00:11:30,740 |
ููุง notes okay I explained this before |
158 |
00:11:35,630 |
municipal bonds divided for two main types ุจุชุชูุณู
159 |
00:11:38,970 |
ูููุนูู ุงู revenue ุงููู ูู ุงูุฅูุฑุงุฏูุฉ ูุงูุชุงููุฉ ุงููู |
160 |
00:11:41,930 |
ูู general obligations ุงููู ูู ุงูุชุฒุงู
ุงุช ุนูู |
161 |
00:11:44,570 |
ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ ููุณูุง ุงู revenue ูู ููุน ูุงุญุฏ ู
ู ุงู revenue |
162 |
00:11:48,070 |
ุงููู ูู ุจูุณู
ูู industrial ุงููู ูู ุงูุตูุงุนู ุงููู ูู |
163 |
00:11:50,770 |
ุณูุฏุงุช ุตูุงุนูุฉ ุงู corporate bonds ุงููู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช |
164 |
00:11:53,950 |
ุงูุดุฑูุงุช ุจุชุตุฏุฑูุง ุงูุดุฑูุงุช we have two main types |
165 |
00:11:57,010 |
ุงููู ูู ุนูุฏูุง secured bond ููู ุนูุฏูุง non secured |
166 |
00:11:59,610 |
bond ุงููู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช ุฃู
ูุฉ ุบูุฑ ุฃู
ููุฉ ู
ูุงุญุธุฉ ุจุณูุทุฉ ูู |
167 |
00:12:05,320 |
ุงู corporate bonds ุงููู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช ุงูุดุฑูุงุช ูู ุนูุฏูุง |
168 |
00:12:11,520 |
ูุชูุฑ ุฃููุงุน ููู ุงุญูุง for the limits of this level |
169 |
00:12:15,820 |
ุนุดุงู ูุฐุง ุงูู
ุณุชูู ู
ู ุงูุทูุงุจ because this is |
170 |
00:12:18,160 |
introduction to investments ูุฃู ูู ู
ุฉ ุจุงู |
171 |
00:12:20,600 |
investments I don't want to go in details about |
172 |
00:12:23,480 |
the different types of the bonds ูุนูู ุฃูุง ู
ุด ุฑุงุญ |
173 |
00:12:27,080 |
ุฃุฑูุญ ูุชูุฑ ุชูุงุตูู ุจุงู bonds ุจุฃููุงุนู ูุฃูู you are in |
174 |
00:12:32,210 |
the introduction of investment ุงูุชูุง ุนูุฏููุง ุจุณ |
175 |
00:12:34,510 |
ุฉ ุงูุงุณุชุซู
ุงุฑ ูุนูู ูู
ุง ุชูุฑุฃูุง ูู ูุชุจ ุฃุฎุฑู ุนู ุงู |
176 |
00:12:38,230 |
bonds you will find for instance junk bonds ูุนูู |
177 |
00:12:42,310 |
ููุดูู ุงู junk bonds ูุงู junk bonds ูุฐุง ูู ููุน ู
ู |
178 |
00:12:46,230 |
ุฃููุงุน ุงู non secured bond ูู
ุด ููุญูู ููู ูุฃูู ูุฐุง |
179 |
00:12:50,190 |
ุดูู ู
ูู ุงู investments municipal |
180 |
00:13:01,070 |
ูุฃูู ูู ู
ู ุงู local governments ุจุชูุดุฆูุงุ ูู |
181 |
00:13:04,110 |
ุจุชูุดุฆูุง ุงู local governments ุงู municipal ูู ุฃุตูุง |
182 |
00:13:07,290 |
ุจุชูุดุฆูุง ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ูุนุดุงู ููู ุงุญูุง ูุงุนุฏูู under the |
183 |
00:13:10,350 |
governments ุจุณ issued by the local governments |
184 |
00:13:13,990 |
okay |
185 |
00:13:17,490 |
ุทูุจุ so we talk about municipal bonds, we talk |
186 |
00:13:20,950 |
about corporate bonds and this mortgage and |
187 |
00:13:24,470 |
mortgage-backed bonds I don't want to focus on |
188 |
00:13:26,730 |
this because only the United States they issue |
189 |
00:13:29,450 |
this particular bonds and the UK sometimes I talk |
190 |
00:13:34,500 |
about the maturities about the treasury notes ุญููุช |
191 |
00:13:38,340 |
ุนูู ุฃุตูุง and I mention for the par value of the |
192 |
00:13:42,520 |
treasury notes and bonds is one thousand so don't |
193 |
00:13:46,140 |
mix up between the treasury bills and treasury |
194 |
00:13:50,760 |
notes the treasury bills par value is ten thousand |
195 |
00:13:54,240 |
and the par value of the treasury notes is one |
196 |
00:13:58,580 |
thousand Okay ุจุฏูุงุด ูุนู
ู ุฎูุท ุจูู treasury notes ู |
197 |
00:14:01,960 |
treasury bills Interest paid semi-annually ุญูููุง |
198 |
00:14:06,340 |
ุฃูู ุจุชุฏูุน ูุตู ุณูููุฉ ููุฑุฌููุงููุง ู
ุซูุง ุงูู
ุฑุฉ ุงููุงุชุฉ |
199 |
00:14:10,920 |
how we calculate this you just divide C by 2 ููุณู
200 |
00:14:14,900 |
ุงู coupon rates ุนูู ุงุชููู ุจุชุทูุน ู
ููุง ุงู semi |
201 |
00:14:17,360 |
-annual Quarters percentage of par ููุฑุฌููุงููุง ููู |
202 |
00:14:20,920 |
how we pricing them ููู ูุนู
ู ุชุณุนูุฑ and how we |
203 |
00:14:24,880 |
drive the pricing system okay in your exam ูู |
204 |
00:14:30,710 |
ุชุญุงู ุจุชุงุนูู
table ูุฐุง ุงู table ุฌุงู ู
ู ุงู |
205 |
00:14:35,870 |
.. ุฌุงู ู
ู ุงู .. ุงู wsj.com ุจุฏู ุฃุฌูุจู ู
ู ุงู Wall |
206 |
00:14:40,690 |
Street Journal ู ุฃููููู
please convert this table |
207 |
00:14:44,370 |
into the pricing system ุญุงูููุง ูููุง ุงูุฃุณุนุงุฑ ุงู |
208 |
00:14:47,250 |
pricing system ูุนูู ููุงู
ู ูุงุถุญ ุจุฌูุจูู
table based |
209 |
00:14:51,350 |
on the percentage as .. as this as in the |
210 |
00:14:54,650 |
percentage of .. of the par value then convert it |
211 |
00:14:57,770 |
into the pricing system and I showed you how to do |
212 |
00:15:00,990 |
this ู ุฃุฑุฌูุชูู
ุฑุฉ ุงููุงุชุชุฉ how we do this Okay if |
213 |
00:15:05,680 |
you don't understand go back to the videos okay |
214 |
00:15:09,100 |
and you will have the calculations okay |
215 |
00:15:20,540 |
the ask yield if you want to the ask yield is |
216 |
00:15:26,300 |
equal the coupon rates you can write down the |
217 |
00:15:31,880 |
equation for ask yield ask yield is equal the |
218 |
00:15:40,380 |
coupon divided by the ask price ุงู coupon ุงุฎุชูู ุงู |
219 |
00:15:50,540 |
coupon ู
ู ููู
ูู ุงุญูุง ุจูุญูู ูู ุงู coupon ุงููุงุฆุฏุฉ ู |
220 |
00:15:56,080 |
ุงู ask price ุงููู ูู ุณุนุฑ ุงูุดุฑุงุก for the investors |
221 |
00:15:59,420 |
that's it Okay ุฑุฌุงุก ุงู .. ุงู .. ุงูุงุดู ุงููู ุจุชุงุฎุฏูู |
222 |
00:16:04,040 |
ูุนูู ุฑุฌุนููู ูุฃูู ุฎูุงุต ุฃูุง ุจุญููุช ุงู ask and already |
223 |
00:16:07,600 |
you know what it means ask ู ูู
ุง ุญููุช ุงู coupon I |
224 |
00:16:10,220 |
don't need to go back on .. on .. ุงู coupon ู
ุนุฑูู |
225 |
00:16:13,560 |
ุงู coupon okay ู |
226 |
00:16:18,080 |
ููู ุชุนู
ู login ููู
okay ููุฃ ุงูู
ุทููุจ ู
227 |
00:16:21,380 |
ุฃูู to convert this table into the pricing system |
228 |
00:16:24,360 |
that's it ู
ุทููุจ ู
ููุง ุงู pricing system |
229 |
00:16:31,830 |
Okay so the bond markets as as I told you for the |
230 |
00:16:35,590 |
inflation protected federal agency bonds just only |
231 |
00:16:38,450 |
the international bonds we are talking about |
232 |
00:16:41,490 |
listen here we have in the international bonds ุฃูุง |
233 |
00:16:47,850 |
ุญููุช ูุจู ุดููุฉ ุจุงู international bonds ุญููุช ุนู ุงู |
234 |
00:16:51,490 |
euro bonds ู ุงู yankee bonds ุงู euro bonds is bond |
235 |
00:16:56,790 |
issued of the united states ูุนูู ูู ุณูุฏุงุช ุชุตุฏุฑ ุฎุงุฑุฌ |
236 |
00:17:04,070 |
ููุงูุงุช ุงูู
ุชุญุฏุฉ ุงูุฃู
ุฑูููุฉ in the dollar amount |
237 |
00:17:06,990 |
ุฉ ุงูุฏููุงุฑ and .. and I explain why some |
238 |
00:17:12,330 |
institutions issued bonds or dollar bonds of the |
239 |
00:17:18,410 |
United States ูุฃูู ุช escape .. ุช escape from the |
240 |
00:17:21,410 |
regulations of the Federal Reserve Bank ูุนูู ุนุดุงู |
241 |
00:17:24,170 |
ูุฎุฑุฌูุง ู
ู ุณูุทุฑุฉ ุงู .. ุงูุจูู ุงูููุฏุฑุงูู ุงูุฃู
ุฑููู ู |
242 |
00:17:27,650 |
ุจุชููู ุฒู ู
ุง ุงุชูุถูุชูุง ุงูู ุงู .. ุงู .. ุงูุฅูุฑุงุฏ ุงู ุงู |
243 |
00:17:31,010 |
return ุนุงูู ูุชูุฑ ูู ู
ูุงุฑูุฉ ู
ุน inside the united |
244 |
00:17:34,010 |
states ุงู yankee bonds which is the opposite of |
245 |
00:17:38,050 |
euro bonds ุนูุณู ุชู
it means non united states |
246 |
00:17:42,050 |
bonds in the united states ุชุจูู is non united |
247 |
00:17:46,070 |
states companies in the united states issued dollar |
248 |
00:17:51,570 |
bonds ูุนูู ุจุชููู ุดุฑูุงุช ููุณุช ุฃู
ุฑูููุฉ ูุนูู ู
ูู |
249 |
00:17:56,430 |
ุดุฑูุงุช ุตูููุฉ ุชููู ุฏุงุฎู ุงูููุงูุงุช ุงูู
ุชุญุฏุฉ ุงูุฃู
ุฑูููุฉ |
250 |
00:17:58,790 |
ุชุตุฏุฑ bond ุจุงูุฏููุงุฑ ููู ุจูุณู
ููุง ุงูุดุ ุจูุณู
ููุง Yankee |
251 |
00:18:03,130 |
bonds ุทุจุนุง Yankee ูู .. is a terminology used |
252 |
00:18:07,730 |
by the .. by the financial market ูู ุนุจุงุฑุฉ ุนู |
253 |
00:18:11,270 |
ุตุทูุญ ุฌุงู .. ูู ุชูุฑูุจุง ุฌุงู ู
ู ููุง ุฌุงู ุฃูู ุฃู ุดุฑูุฉ |
254 |
00:18:17,570 |
.. ุจูุนุทูููุง ู
ุซุงู ู
ุซูุง .. ู
ุซูุง ูุญูู ุดุฑูุฉ rem ุนุงุฑููู |
255 |
00:18:22,150 |
ุดุฑูุฉ remุ rim .. rim .. ูุถููุง rim .. okay ุดุฑูุฉ rim |
256 |
00:18:28,230 |
producing the blackberry |
257 |
00:18:33,220 |
Rim is a company which is non-United States |
258 |
00:18:38,080 |
company if Rim issued bonds inside the United States |
259 |
00:18:43,180 |
this bond is considered as a Yankee bond ูุนูู ุฅุฐุง |
260 |
00:18:46,340 |
ูุงูุช ุฑูู
ุฃุตุฏุฑุช ุณูุฏ ุฏุงุฎู ุงูููุงูุงุช ุงูู
ุชุญุฏุฉ ุงูุฃู
ุฑูููุฉ |
261 |
00:18:50,320 |
ูุงู Yankee bond. Okay, another example, if you |
262 |
00:18:55,980 |
talk about Nestle. ุนุงุฑููู ุดุฑูุฉ Nestleุ Okay, ูุงู ุฅูุด |
263 |
00:19:01,760 |
ุฃุตููุง Nestleุ ุทุจุนุง ุงูู
ูููุฉ ุชุจุนุชูุง ุงุชุบูุฑุช ู
ุฑุฉ |
264 |
00:19:05,600 |
ูุฑูุณูุฉ .. ุฃุฎุฑ ุฅุดู ูุงูุช ุงูู
ูููุฉ ุชุจุนุชูุง ู if .. if |
265 |
00:19:11,720 |
this company ุฅุฐุง ูุฐู ุงูุดุฑูุฉ ุฃุตุฏุฑุช bond inside the |
266 |
00:19:15,080 |
United States ูุฐุง ุงู bond ุจูุณู
ูู Yankee bond. ููุงุถุญ |
267 |
00:19:19,540 |
what it means Yankee bond. Okay. |
268 |
00:19:24,540 |
And I talk about the municipal bonds, the main |
269 |
00:19:30,380 |
characteristics of the municipal bonds. ูุงุญุฏุฉ ู
ู |
270 |
00:19:35,120 |
ุงูุฎุตุงุฆุต ุณุจุนุฉ ุงู municipal bonds is tax-exempted. |
271 |
00:19:39,620 |
What it means tax-exempted? It means ุฃู ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู |
272 |
00:19:44,820 |
ุจุชุตุฏุฑู ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ ูู ุฎุงูู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ุฃู ู
ุนูู ู
ู |
273 |
00:19:48,540 |
ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ. Is tax-exempted. ุฎุงูู ู
ู ุงูุฏุฑูุจุฉ. So the |
274 |
00:19:52,950 |
investors are comparing between the bond with a |
275 |
00:19:58,150 |
tax and the bond is tax-exempted. ูุนูู ุงูู
ุฑูู |
276 |
00:20:02,050 |
ููุงุฑููุง ุจูู ููุนูู ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุชุ ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ |
277 |
00:20:05,950 |
ูุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ู
ุนูู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ. ูุนูู ุฃู investors ุจุฏูู
278 |
00:20:08,750 |
ู ูุฑุงุฑ ุงุณุชุซู
ุงุฑ ุจููุงุฑูู ุจูู two different types |
279 |
00:20:12,550 |
of bonds. ุจููุงุฑูู ููุนูู ู
ู ุงู bondsุ ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ุนููู |
280 |
00:20:16,250 |
ุถุฑูุจุฉ ู ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ู
ุนูู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ. How they do |
281 |
00:20:18,730 |
thisุ ููู ุจูุนู
ููุง ููุงู
ูุฐุงุ I will show you how they |
282 |
00:20:21,610 |
do this. ููู ูู
ููุง conversion between the |
283 |
00:20:24,830 |
taxable bonds and non-taxable bonds or tax |
284 |
00:20:28,350 |
exempted bonds. Okay, and this is a question in your |
285 |
00:20:33,180 |
exam. ู ูุฐุง ูู
ุงู ุณุคุงู ูุฌูุจููุง ูู ุงูุงู
ุชุญุงู ุฃูู how |
286 |
00:20:36,320 |
investors compare between the taxable bonds and |
287 |
00:20:39,160 |
the tax-exempted bonds. I will show you how. ูุนูู |
288 |
00:20:44,860 |
ููู ุงูู
ุฑูู ุจููุฑููุง ุฃู ุจูุชุฎุฐูุง ูุฑุงุฑ ุงุณุชุซู
ุงุฑ |
289 |
00:20:50,520 |
ุจูุงุก ุนูู ุงูุฏุฑูุจุฉ. ููู
ุจููุงุฑููุง ุจูู ุฅุฐุง ุฃูุง ู
ุฑู |
290 |
00:20:56,900 |
ู two bonds. ุฃู
ู ุณูุฏููุ ุณูุฏ ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ ูุณูุฏ ู
ุง |
291 |
00:21:01,420 |
ููู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ. ุฃูู ุฃูุถู ุฃุณุชุซู
ุฑ ูุฐุง ููุง ูุฐุงุ So |
292 |
00:21:05,980 |
we cannot say yes or no unless we do some |
293 |
00:21:09,480 |
calculations. ูุนูู ู
ุงุจููุฏุฑุด ูููู yes or no ุจุฏูู ู
ุง |
294 |
00:21:13,880 |
ู some calculations. I will show you how we can |
295 |
00:21:16,660 |
do this. We |
296 |
00:21:21,040 |
cannot say that she said .. she said the one with |
297 |
00:21:28,070 |
tax-exempted is more preferable than the others. We |
298 |
00:21:33,690 |
cannot say this. So we compare between the two |
299 |
00:21:38,270 |
bonds with taxable and with tax-exempted. ูููุงุฑู |
300 |
00:21:42,670 |
ุจูู ุงูุงุชููู. How we can do this? I will show you how |
301 |
00:21:47,350 |
we can do this. ููุดูููู
.. ููุดูู ููู ูุนู
ู ุงูููุงู
302 |
00:21:50,830 |
ูุฐุง. ุทูุจุ ููู ูู ุงุญูุง ุงุนุทููุง ุฑู
ุฒ ูู taxable bonds .. |
303 |
00:21:57,230 |
non-taxable bonds RM |
304 |
00:22:03,310 |
RM |
305 |
00:22:06,930 |
is stand for municipal bonds. ูุนูู ุงูุนุงุฆุฏ ุนูู ุงูุณูุฏ |
306 |
00:22:11,470 |
ุงููู ุจุชุตุฏุฑู ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ. And as we agree ูุงุชูููุง ู
ุน ุจุนุถ |
307 |
00:22:15,630 |
the municipal bond is tax-exempted. ูุนูู ุงุชูููุง ู
ุน |
308 |
00:22:19,570 |
ุจุนุถ ุฃูู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุงููู ุจุชุตุฏุฑูุง ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ ู
ุง ูููุง ู
ู |
309 |
00:22:22,770 |
ุงูุฏุฑูุจุฉ. So the return of M is to stand for the |
310 |
00:22:26,950 |
municipal bonds if tax-exempted. If this equal X |
311 |
00:22:32,250 |
for instance, X is a number or the rate of return |
312 |
00:22:35,650 |
and R is the taxable bonds. So again, RM is tax-free |
313 |
00:22:43,080 |
ูุนูู ู
ุงุนููุด ุถุฑูุจุฉ ู R ูู ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ. And we compare |
314 |
00:22:48,220 |
between two of them. But this is because this has a |
315 |
00:22:54,760 |
taxation. So we have to pay tax. So we deduct tax |
316 |
00:22:58,120 |
from this. ูุงุฒู
ูู ุถุฑูุจุฉ ุตุญุ So deducted tax |
317 |
00:23:02,020 |
is one minus T. One minus T. T is stand for taxation. |
318 |
00:23:08,930 |
ูุนูู T ุชุฑู
ุฒ ุฅูู ุงูุฏุฑูุจุฉ. T if R. ุงูุฏุฑูุจุฉ T stands for |
319 |
00:23:20,710 |
taxation. T tax. R is the rate of return of the |
320 |
00:23:26,890 |
taxable bonds. Okay, R is the taxable bonds. ุงูุณูุฏ |
321 |
00:23:32,710 |
ุงููู ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ. So we are comparing between this |
322 |
00:23:36,050 |
and this. We are in other words ุงุญูุง ุจููุงุฑู ุจุงูุณูุฏ |
323 |
00:23:40,310 |
ุงููู ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ ูู ุนุงุฆุฏ ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ |
324 |
00:23:42,550 |
ูุนุงุฆุฏ ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ู
ุนูู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ. Okay. So if this |
325 |
00:23:49,710 |
equal Y. It means if R is greater than RM. ุฅุฐุง ูุงู |
326 |
00:23:58,910 |
ุงูุนุงุฆุฏ ุจุชุงุน Rุ ุทุจุนุง ุงููR ูู ุฅูุดุ ุงูุนูู ุถุฑูุจุฉุ |
327 |
00:24:02,650 |
ุงูุนูู ุถุฑูุจุฉ is greater than RM, so we prefer R. It |
328 |
00:24:10,250 |
means we are not always keep our eyes in the |
329 |
00:24:17,230 |
municipal bonds. ูุนูู ู
ุด ุฏุงูู
ุง ุงุญูุง we select |
330 |
00:24:20,670 |
municipal bonds because it depends on the R after |
331 |
00:24:24,310 |
tax. ูุฃูู ุจูุญุณุจ ุงู R after tax. ูุนูู ูุฏุงุด ุจุนุฏ ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ |
332 |
00:24:29,020 |
and then after that we compare between them. If R |
333 |
00:24:32,240 |
is greater than RM, so we go for R. Otherwise .. |
334 |
00:24:37,440 |
otherwise. ูุนูู ุฅุฐุง ู
ุงูุงูุด ุงูููุงู
ูุฐุง we go for RM. |
335 |
00:24:41,860 |
ูุนูู ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุงูุนูุณ is the opposite. If RM is |
336 |
00:24:47,320 |
greater than R, we prefer RM. This is very simple |
337 |
00:24:56,470 |
which one. Okay. |
338 |
00:25:00,410 |
ููุฃ ุงุญูุง ูุงู R M ู
ุงุนูููุงุด ุถุฑูุจุฉ ุตุญุ ู ุงู R ุงููู ูู |
339 |
00:25:05,930 |
ุงููู ุนูููุง ุถุฑูุจุฉ ููุฎูุตูุง ู
ููุง ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ one minus |
340 |
00:25:08,270 |
T. ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุงูุฌูุงุจุ let's say ุฅุฐุง ูุงู |
341 |
00:25:12,570 |
ุงูุฌูุงุจ ุนูุฏูุง ูุงู ูุงู ูุงู ูุงู ู
ุซูุง six percent. Okay. |
342 |
00:25:17,710 |
ู ูุงู ูุงู after tax is seven percent. So in this |
343 |
00:25:23,790 |
case, R is greater than RM. So we select R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู |
344 |
00:25:30,410 |
R. Otherwise, if this is wrong. Otherwise ุฅุฐุง ูุงู |
345 |
00:25:34,490 |
ุงูุนูุณ. So RM is greater than R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู |
346 |
00:25:41,930 |
R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ |
347 |
00:25:48,610 |
ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. |
348 |
00:25:50,630 |
ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ |
349 |
00:25:50,990 |
ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. |
350 |
00:25:51,030 |
ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ ุงู R. ูุฎุชุงุฑ. Let this is |
351 |
00:25:54,990 |
the. Let T equal the investor marginal tax. So this is |
352 |
00:25:58,430 |
T and I explain tax. Okay. Let R equal the before |
353 |
00:26:04,010 |
tax return on the taxable bond. ุงููู ูู ุงู R ุดุงูููู |
354 |
00:26:07,870 |
ุงู R. This is before tax. ูู
ุง ุงุญูุง ุจูุถุฑุจ one minus T |
355 |
00:26:11,030 |
ุจูุตูุฑ after tax. And RM ุงููู ุงุญูุง ุดุฑุญูุงูุง ุงู RM |
356 |
00:26:16,150 |
ุดูุชููุง denote the municipal bonds. ุงููู ูู ุงูุณูุฏ |
357 |
00:26:20,390 |
ุจุชุงุน ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ. ูุญูููุง ุงู municipal bonds ูู is tax |
358 |
00:26:26,450 |
exempted. ูู ู
ุงููู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ. Why is tax-exempted to |
359 |
00:26:32,780 |
encourage investors to hold this bondุ ููุด ุงูุจูุฏูุฉ |
360 |
00:26:36,900 |
ุจุชุงุน ููู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ุนุดุงู ุชุดุฌุน ุงู investors ุฃูู |
361 |
00:26:40,440 |
ู ูุฐุง ุงูููุน ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช. ุทุจุนุง ููุณ ุงู calculation |
362 |
00:26:44,560 |
if R (1-T) greater than RM then the taxable bond gives |
363 |
00:26:51,590 |
a higher rate of return. Otherwise, the municipal |
364 |
00:26:54,870 |
bond is preferred. ุฒู ู
ุง ุฃูุง ุญููุชู ุฅุฐุง ูุงู R (1-T) |
365 |
00:26:59,590 |
ุงููู ุดุงูููููุง is greater than RM. So in this case |
366 |
00:27:03,310 |
we prefer the taxable bonds. Otherwise, the tax |
367 |
00:27:08,970 |
exempted bond is preferable. Okay, how we calculate |
368 |
00:27:13,910 |
the ููู ู
ูู ูุญุณุจ ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุนูุฏู ุฃูุง ุณูุฏ one percent |
369 |
00:27:21,410 |
ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุนูุฏู one percent ุณูุฏ ุฒู ู
ุง ุงูุชูุง ุดุงูููู |
370 |
00:27:24,390 |
ูุงู ุณูุฏ one percent. ุดุงูููู ูุฐุง ุงู one percent ููู |
371 |
00:27:32,590 |
ุจุฏูุง ูุนุฑู ุงูู
ูุงุจูู ู
ู ุงูุณูุฏุงุช ุงููู ุนูููุง ุถุฑูุจุฉ. ุณูุฏ |
372 |
00:27:39,070 |
ูุนูู ู
ุซูุง ุนูุฏู ุณูุฏ ู
ุงููู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ุจุชุนุฑู ู
ูุงุจู ุณูุฏ |
373 |
00:27:45,560 |
ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉุ ูุฏู ูุงุฒู
ูุชุณุงูู ู
ุน ุจุนุถุ ูุจุชุณู
ู |
374 |
00:27:47,900 |
equivalent. ูุนูู equivalent tax yield ุฃูู ู
ุชู ุงู .. |
375 |
00:27:53,660 |
ุงู .. ุงู .. ุงู .. ุงู .. ุงู two interest rates are |
376 |
00:27:57,840 |
equal ู
ุชู ุจูููููุง ุงูุซุงููุฉ ุจุชุณุงูู ู
ุน ุจุนุถุ ูู ูุงู |
377 |
00:28:02,220 |
ุนูุฏู ูุงุญุฏ ูู ุงูู
ูุฉุ ูุงุญุฏ ูู ุงูู
ูุฉ tax exemptedุ |
378 |
00:28:05,680 |
ุงุนููููุด ุถุฑูุจุฉ equivalent yield ูู ู
ูุฌูุฏุฉ ูู the |
379 |
00:28:13,130 |
equivalent taxable yield ุงูุด ู
ุนูุงู when ุงุญูุง we |
380 |
00:28:17,150 |
are in difference ูุทูุนูุง ููุง ูุทูุนูุง ุนูู ุงู |
381 |
00:28:21,030 |
equation ูุงุฏู ูุทูุนูุง ููููุง ุนูู ุงู equation ููุง ุงู |
382 |
00:28:24,850 |
equation ููุง ุงููู ูู R after tax ุฅุฐุง ุงุญูุง ุจูุตูุญูุง |
383 |
00:28:28,670 |
ูู one minus T okay is greater than RM and RM is |
384 |
00:28:33,990 |
greater than R so my question is when R 1 minus T |
385 |
00:28:40,280 |
is equal RM R 1 minus T is equal R ูุฐุง ูู
ุง ูููููุง |
386 |
00:28:48,080 |
ุชุณุงููุชูู ุณููู RM ูู
ุง ูููููุง ู
ุชุณุงููุชูู so the |
387 |
00:28:52,760 |
investors are in difference ุงูุด ู
ุนูุงู in |
388 |
00:28:55,440 |
difference ูุนูู ุณูุงุก ุฃุฎุฏูุง ูุฐุง ููุง ุฃุฎุฏูุง ูุฐุง ููุณ |
389 |
00:28:58,440 |
ุงูุดูุก ููุณ ุงูุดูุก okay ูุฑูุฏ ุฃู ูุนุฑู R1-T ููุฐุง R ุจุนุฏ |
390 |
00:29:06,520 |
ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ููู
ุนุงุฏููู ุงูู
ุชุฌุงุฑูู ููุฐุง ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ู
ูู ุชุฌุงุฑุจ |
391 |
00:29:10,160 |
ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ |
392 |
00:29:13,240 |
ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ |
393 |
00:29:13,780 |
ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ |
394 |
00:29:14,100 |
ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ |
395 |
00:29:14,600 |
ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ |
396 |
00:29:16,240 |
ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ |
397 |
00:29:17,780 |
ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌุงุฑุจ ุชุฌ |
398 |
00:29:24,310 |
interest or these yields one two three four |
399 |
00:29:27,630 |
percent for the tax exempted ูุฏูู tax exempted we |
400 |
00:29:31,050 |
want to know if you just hide all of these we want |
401 |
00:29:35,410 |
to know what is the tax the equivalent rate for |
402 |
00:29:39,810 |
the taxable one ูุนูู ุจุชุดูู ูุฏ ุงูุด ุงูุนุงุฆุฏ ุนูู ุงู |
403 |
00:29:45,750 |
taxable ุนูู ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ ูุฏ ุงูุด .. ููู |
404 |
00:29:48,890 |
ุจุชุณุงูู ุฃูุง ุจุฃุนุทูููุง ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ุฒู ู
ุง ุฃูุชู
ุดุงูููู |
405 |
00:29:52,430 |
ุทูุนููุง ุงู marginal tax rate ู
ุฑุฉ ุฃุนุทููุงูุง 20% ู
ุฑุฉ |
406 |
00:29:57,410 |
30% ู
ุฑุฉ 40 ู
ุฑุฉ 50 ูุฃู ู
ุฑุงุช ุจุชุชุบูุฑ ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ okay how |
407 |
00:30:03,090 |
we calculate this you just follow the equation so |
408 |
00:30:08,370 |
RM divided by 1 minus T ูุนูู 1% ุชูุณูู
1 minus T |
409 |
00:30:14,730 |
ุงููู ูู 20% ุฎูููุง ุฅุฐุง ุฃูุชู
ุญุงุจูู ุชุชุฃูุฏูุง ุฅูู ูุงู |
410 |
00:30:20,290 |
ุงู one point twenty five ุงููู ุดุงูููููุง ููุง how we |
411 |
00:30:23,830 |
get this one percent ุงููู ูู ุงู tax exempted ุชูุณูู
412 |
00:30:29,570 |
ูุงุญุฏ minus ุงููู ูู ุงูุนุดุฑูู ูู ุงูู
ูุฉ twenty percent |
413 |
00:30:35,410 |
ุจุชุทูุน ูุฐู how we can do the next ุงูุจุนุฏููุง ููู |
414 |
00:30:39,170 |
ููุง ูู the same ุงููุงุญุฏ ูู ุงูู
ูุฉ ุชูุณูู
ูุงุญุฏ |
415 |
00:30:43,250 |
minus 30 yes 30 percent and the rest ู ุจุชุนู
ู |
416 |
00:30:48,050 |
ูุฐุง ููู ุทูุจ ู
ุนูุงู ุงูููุงู
ุจุนุฏ ู
ุง ูุฎูุต ุงู |
417 |
00:30:52,430 |
table ุจุนุฏ |
418 |
00:30:55,810 |
ุง ูุฎูุต ุงู table it means ุงูุชุจููุง ููุง one point |
419 |
00:31:00,890 |
twenty five percent taxable bond is equal one |
420 |
00:31:05,290 |
percent tax exempted bond ูุนูู ูู ุงุญูุง ุฃุฎุฏูุง ุณูุฏ |
421 |
00:31:11,790 |
ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ ุงููุงุญุฏ ูุงุตูุฉ ุงุชููู ูุงุตูุฉ ุฎู
ุณุฉ after tax |
422 |
00:31:16,010 |
ููุณุงูู ูุงุญุฏ ูู ุงูู
ูุฉ ุนูู ุณูุฏ ู
ุนูู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ูู ุงุญูุง |
423 |
00:31:22,930 |
ุฃุฎุฏูุง ููุง ูู
ุงู ูู ุฃุฎุฏูุง ู
ุซูุง ููุง ูุนูุฏ 4% ูุนูุฏ 40% |
424 |
00:31:28,670 |
ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ุณูุฏ ุจูุนุทููู ุณูุฏ ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ 6.67% ูู ููุณู |
425 |
00:31:34,890 |
ููุณุงูู 4% ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ู
ุนูู ู
ู ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ ูู ุฃุฎุฏูุง ุงู 10% |
426 |
00:31:40,530 |
ูุฐุง ุงูู
ุซุงู this bond is taxable bond ูุฐุง ุนููู |
427 |
00:31:46,550 |
ุถุฑูุจุฉ is equal 5% if it is tax exempted ูุนูู 5% |
428 |
00:31:51,670 |
ุจุชุณุงูู 10% ูู ุญุงูุฉ ุฅุนูุงุก ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ |
429 |
00:32:00,290 |
Okayุ ูููุ where ุฃู ูุงุญุฏุฉุ ูุฐูุ ููุณ ุงูุทุฑููุฉ ูุฐู |
430 |
00:32:08,950 |
ููุณู ุฃูุง ุจุณ ูุฑูุชู ูุงุญุฏุฉ ุชุงููุฉ ู
ุด ููุฑูู ุงููู |
431 |
00:32:12,510 |
ุทูุนูุง |
432 |
00:32:15,850 |
ุงู equivalence ุทูุนูุง ูุฐู ุงู T ุทูุนูุง ุฃูู ู
ุชู ูุฐุง |
433 |
00:32:23,510 |
ุจูุณุงูู ูุฐุง ุงูุด ุงู rates ุจูููู ู
ุซูุง ุฃูุง ุงู R ู
ุด |
434 |
00:32:27,170 |
ุนุงุฑููุง I don't know this R I know RM I know T so |
435 |
00:32:33,130 |
only things I need this so in this case R is equal |
436 |
00:32:37,930 |
ู ุงูู
ุนุงุฏูุฉ RM divided by 1 minus T ุดูุ |
437 |
00:32:49,920 |
ุงููุงุญุฏ ูู ุงูุชุดุงู ุงู ูู tax exempted ุดุงูููุง ูู tax |
438 |
00:32:53,580 |
exempted ูุฑุฌุน ููู
ุนุงุฏูุฉ ูุง ุจูุงุช ุจูุงุช ูุฐู very |
439 |
00:32:58,260 |
simple mathematics mathematics ุจุชุงุนุฉ very simple |
440 |
00:33:04,280 |
ุชุจููุง ุนูููุง ุดูููุง |
441 |
00:33:08,980 |
ุฑูุงุถูุง ููุฃ ูุงู ุนูุฏู R one minus T should equal RM |
442 |
00:33:16,080 |
ุธุจูุทุ ุฒู ู
ุง ุนูู
ููุง ูู ุงูุฑูุงุถูุงุช if I want R so R |
443 |
00:33:23,920 |
is equal RM ู ูุฐู ุจุชุฑูุญ ุชุญุช ูุฐู ุตุญุ one minus T |
444 |
00:33:28,600 |
ูุฃูุง ูุฃูู ุจุณุฃู what is the rate of taxable bond if |
445 |
00:33:36,320 |
R is R after tax equal RM ููู ุงูุญุงูุฉ ูุฐู ุฃูุง ู
ุด |
446 |
00:33:41,460 |
ุนุงุฑู ุงู R ู RM divided by 1 minus T ููุฐู |
447 |
00:33:45,640 |
Mathematics ุฃูุง ููุช ุฃููุฑ ุฃู ุฃูุช you know what it |
448 |
00:33:48,020 |
means mathematically ูุนูู ุฃูุง ุจููุฑ ุฃู ุฃูุช ุจุชุนุฑู |
449 |
00:33:51,000 |
Mathematically ูุฃูุง |
450 |
00:33:56,020 |
ุด ุนุงุฑู ูุฐู I don't know this ุจุงูุธุจุท ูุฏู this one |
451 |
00:34:06,800 |
ููุจูู ุฃูุง .. ุฃูุง ูุฐุง ุงู .. ุงู table ูุฐุง ู
ุด ู
ูุฌูุฏ |
452 |
00:34:10,740 |
ุฃุตููุง and I just give you the tax exempted ู ุจุนุทูู |
453 |
00:34:15,440 |
ุงูุถุฑูุจุฉ and I'm asking you what is the equivalent |
454 |
00:34:19,640 |
rate of return if you know this ุจุงู equivalent |
455 |
00:34:24,280 |
rate of return ูุนูู ู
ุชู ุงู R ูุชุณุงูู ุงู RM you |
456 |
00:34:30,260 |
understandุ ุจุณ ุงู RM ูู ุงููู
ุฑุฉ ุงููู ุจูุจูู ุจุงูุนุงูู
457 |
00:34:44,700 |
ุฎูููุง .. ุฎูููุง ุงู investors ุชุจููุง ุนูููุง ุงู |
458 |
00:34:50,480 |
investors ุจุงูุฃุฎูุฑ ู
ุนูููู ูู ุงูุนุงุฆุฏ ุนูุฏูู
ุฃูุช ุนูุฏู |
459 |
00:34:56,300 |
ุณูุฏูู ุณูุฏ ุนููู ุถุฑูุจุฉ ู ุณูุฏ ู
ุง ุนูููุด ุถุฑูุจุฉ ู
ุด ุฏุงุฆู
ุง |
460 |
00:35:01,670 |
ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ู
ุง ุนููููุด ุถุฑูุจุฉ is preferable ู
ุด .. ู
ุด |
461 |
00:35:04,850 |
ุง ุจูุงุช ู
ุด ุฏุงุฆู
ุง ุงูุณูุฏ ุงููู ุนููู ุงููู ู
ุนุงู ููู |
462 |
00:35:08,610 |
ุฑุฉ ุถุฑูุจุฉ ูู ูููุณ ูุงู investors ุฃูู ู
ุง ุจูุทูุน ูุงุฒู
463 |
00:35:12,290 |
ูุญุณุจ ุงู return ู
ู ูุฐุง ู ุงู return ู
ู ูุฐุง ู ุจูุนู
ู |
464 |
00:35:16,370 |
comparison between them ุฅุฐุง ูุงู ุงู return ู
ู ุงู |
465 |
00:35:19,790 |
taxable ุฃูุถู ูุฃูุง ุจุฑูุญ ุนูู ุงู taxable if the |
466 |
00:35:23,150 |
return of the exempted so I prefer the exempted |
467 |
00:35:27,010 |
ูุฃู ุงู .. the .. we assume that the investors are |
468 |
00:35:30,680 |
rational ูุนูู ุจุงูุนุฑุจู ูุง ุจูุงุช ูู ุฃูุชู
ุฑูุญุชูุง ุนูู |
469 |
00:35:34,820 |
ุงูุจูุฏ ุจุฏูู
ุชุดุชุฑููุง a t-shirt ู how much this one |
470 |
00:35:40,620 |
this is twenty ุดููู and another one say this is |
471 |
00:35:43,740 |
twenty five ุดููู so which you prefer ูุนูู ุงูุฃูู |
472 |
00:35:47,600 |
ุญููุง ูููุง ุนุดุฑูู ุดููู ู ุงูุซุงูู ุญููุง ูููุง ุฎู
ุณุฉ ู ุนุดุฑูู |
473 |
00:35:49,760 |
ุดููู ุนุงู
ููู ุจุชุฑูุญูุง ููุฃุจู ุงูุนุดุฑูู ุทูุจ if you have |
474 |
00:35:54,640 |
two projects ูู ูุงู ุนูุฏู ู
ุดุฑูุนูู ู
ุดุฑูุน ุจูุนุทููู 10% |
475 |
00:35:58,900 |
ุดุฑูุน ุจูุนุทููู 12% ุฃู ู
ุดุฑูุน ุฃุฑูุญุ ุฃุจู 12% and this |
476 |
00:36:04,520 |
is the same ูู ูุงู ุนูุฏู ุณูุฏูู ูุงุญุฏ ุจูุนุทููู ุฅุซูุง ุนุดุฑ |
477 |
00:36:08,840 |
ูู ุงูู
ูุฉ ููุงุญุฏ ุนุดุฑ ูู ุงูู
ูุฉ ุจุฑูุญ ุฃุจู ุฅุซูุง ุนุดุฑ ูู |
478 |
00:36:10,660 |
ูุฉ but the problem is we have taxable and we |
479 |
00:36:14,180 |
have non-taxable so we just do the taxable one |
480 |
00:36:18,940 |
calculate the taxation then what is the equivalent |
481 |
00:36:21,760 |
rate of return just to conclude ุงุญูุง ุญูููุง ุนูู ุงู |
482 |
00:36:27,220 |
bond market ู ุญูููุง ุนูู ุงู governments ุงู |
483 |
00:36:30,220 |
municipal bonds ู ุญูููุง ุนูู ุงู treasury notes ู |
484 |
00:36:32,860 |
treasury bills and that's it in the in the next in |
485 |
00:36:37,580 |
the next meeting I will focus on the corporate |
486 |
00:36:39,460 |
bonds and stocks |