File size: 5,454 Bytes
{"aaraki--github-issues": {"description": "The Reuters-21578 dataset  is one of the most widely used data collections for text\ncategorization research. It is collected from the Reuters financial newswire service in 1987.\n", "citation": "@article{APTE94,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization},\njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},\nyear = {1994},\nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{APTE94b,\nauthor = {Chidanand Apt{'{e}} and Fred Damerau and Sholom M. Weiss},\ntitle = {Toward Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorization Models},\nbooktitle = {sigir94},\nyear = {1994},\nnote = {To appear.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES8},\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Peggy M. Anderson and Irene B. Nirenburg and\nLinda M. Schmandt},\ntitle = {{TCS}: A Shell for Content-Based Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{HAYES90b,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes and Steven P. Weinstein},\ntitle = {{CONSTRUE/TIS:} A System for Content-Based Indexing of a\nDatabase of News Stories},\nbooktitle = {Second Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of\nArtificial Intelligence},\nyear = {1990}\n}\n\n@incollection{HAYES92 ,\nauthor = {Philip J. Hayes},\ntitle = {Intelligent High-Volume Text Processing using Shallow,\nDomain-Specific Techniques},\nbooktitle = {Text-Based Intelligent Systems},\npublisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum},\naddress =  {Hillsdale, NJ},\nyear = {1992},\neditor = {Paul S. Jacobs}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91c ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Evaluating Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {feb},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {312--318}\n\n}\n\n@phdthesis{LEWIS91d,\nauthor = {David Dolan Lewis},\ntitle = {Representation and Learning in Information Retrieval},\nschool = {Computer Science Dept.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Amherst, MA 01003},\nyear = 1992},\nnote = {Technical Report 91--93.}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS91e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Data Extraction as Text Categorization: An Experiment with\nthe {MUC-3} Corpus},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Evaluation\nand Conference},\nyear = {1991},\nmonth = {may},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {An Evaluation of Phrasal and Clustered Representations on a Text\nCategorization Task},\nbooktitle = {Fifteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on\nResearch and Development in Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1992},\npages = {37--50}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92d ,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Richard M. Tong},\ntitle = {Text Filtering in {MUC-3} and {MUC-4}},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Message Understanding Conference ({MUC-4})},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {jun},\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\naddress = {Los Altos, CA}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS92e,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis},\ntitle = {Feature Selection and Feature Extraction for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Proceedings of Speech and Natural Language Workshop},\nyear = {1992},\nmonth = {feb} ,\norganization = {Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\npages = {212--217}\n}\n\n@inproceedings{LEWIS94b,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Marc Ringuette},\ntitle = {A Comparison of Two Learning Algorithms for Text Categorization},\nbooktitle = {Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval},\nyear = {1994},\norganization = {ISRI; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas},\naddress = {Las Vegas, NV},\nmonth = {apr},\npages = {81--93}\n}\n\n@article{LEWIS94d,\nauthor = {David D. Lewis and Philip J. Hayes},\ntitle = {Guest Editorial},\njournal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},\nyear = {1994},\nvolume  = {12},\nnumber  = {3},\npages = {231},\nmonth = {jul}\n}\n\n@article{SPARCKJONES76,\nauthor = {K. {Sparck Jones} and  C. J. {van Rijsbergen}},\ntitle =  {Information Retrieval Test Collections},\njournal = {Journal of Documentation},\nyear = {1976},\nvolume = {32},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {59--75}\n}\n\n@book{WEISS91,\nauthor = {Sholom M. Weiss and Casimir A. Kulikowski},\ntitle = {Computer Systems That Learn},\npublisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},\nyear = {1991},\naddress = {San Mateo, CA}\n}\n", "homepage": "", "license": "", "features": {"text": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "target": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}}, "post_processed": null, "supervised_keys": null, "task_templates": null, "builder_name": "reuters21578", "config_name": "ModHayes", "version": {"version_str": "1.0.0", "description": "", "major": 1, "minor": 0, "patch": 0}, "splits": {"test": {"name": "test", "num_bytes": 817171, "num_examples": 722, "dataset_name": "github-issues"}, "train": {"name": "train", "num_bytes": 15846265, "num_examples": 20856, "dataset_name": "github-issues"}}, "download_checksums": null, "download_size": 9558668, "post_processing_size": null, "dataset_size": 16663436, "size_in_bytes": 26222104}}