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Regulation 2(4)(b) amends the definitions of 'new account' and 'pre-existing account' in relation to those\n( a ) 'Financial account' and 'reporting financial institution' are defined in the table in regulation 24(2) of the principal Regulations.\n( b ) 'The DAC' is defined in regulation 1(3)(a) of the principal Regulations.\n2\naccounts so that these terms are defined by reference to the date that those accounts ceased to be excluded accounts. Regulation 2(3) and (4)(a) make consequential amendments.\nRegulation 3 makes a transitional provision for the calendar year 2020 in relation to accounts which were previously excluded accounts.\nA Tax Information and Impact Note covering the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015 was published on 18th March 2015 and is available on the HMRC website at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/tax-administration-regulations-to-implement-theuks-automatic-exchange-of-information-agreements. It remains an accurate summary of the impacts that apply to this instrument.\n' Crown copyright 2020\nPrinted and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament.\n3\n£4.90\nUK202004201005 04/2020 19585\nhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2020/438", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendments to the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015\n2. -(1) The International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015( b ) are amended as follows.\n(2) In regulation 1(3)(b)(i), for '16th May 2019' substitute '19th April 2020'( c ).\n(3) In regulation 3(4A)(a), at the beginning insert 'subject to regulation 24(3)'.\n(4) In regulation 24-\n(a) in the table in paragraph (2), in the column headed 'the CRS'-\n(i) at the beginning of the entry for 'new account' insert 'subject to paragraph (3)', and\n(ii) at the beginning of the entry for 'pre-existing account' insert 'subject to regulation 3(4A)(a) and paragraph (3)', and\n(b) after paragraph (2) insert-\n'(3) In respect of the accounts listed in paragraph (4)-\n( a ) 2013 c. 29; section 222 was amended by section 50 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 2015 (c. 33) but the amendments are not relevant to these Regulations.\n( b ) S.I. 2015/878 (referred to in these footnotes as 'the principal Regulations'); relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2017/598, 2018/490 and 2019/881.\n( c ) In accordance with the common reporting standard for automatic exchange of financial account information developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and adopted by the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom exchanges information received from financial institutions under the principal Regulations with a territory which is a 'Reportable Jurisdiction' under the CRS and with which the United Kingdom has entered into international exchange arrangements for that year. Reportable Jurisdictions are identified in a published list available at https://www.gov.uk/hmrcinternal-manuals/international-exchange-of-information/ieim402340. A hard copy of this list is available for inspection at the offices of HMRC at 10 South Colonnade, 9th Floor, Canary Wharf, London E14 4PU.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Citation and commencement\n1. These Regulations may be cited as the International Tax Compliance (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 13th May 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The International Tax Compliance (Amendment) Regulations 2020\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\n20th April 2020\nLaid before the House of Commons\n21st April 2020\nComing into force\n- -\n13th May 2020\nThe Treasury make these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 222 of the Finance Act 2013( a ):", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Transitional provision\n3. -(1) For the purposes of the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015, in relation to an account that by virtue of regulation 2(5) ceases to be an excluded account, the calendar year 2020 is treated as beginning on 13th May 2020 and ending on 31st December 2020.\n(2) Where in consequence of paragraph (1) it is necessary to apportion an amount for the calendar year 2020 to the period ending immediately before 13th May 2020 and the period beginning with that date, it is to be apportioned-\n(a) on a time basis according to the respective length of the periods, or\n(b) if that method would produce a result that is unjust or unreasonable, on a just and reasonable basis.\nDavid Rutley Maggie Throup\n20th April 2020\nTwo of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other Transactions with the Company or its Controlled Entities\ntaxation services from 31 December 2004.", - "page_start": 81, - "page_end": 81, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(i) New and amended standards adopted by the Group\nThe Group did not adopt any new or revised accounting standards, amendments or interpretations from 1 July 2012 which had an effect on the financial position or performance of the Group.", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recently issued accounting standards to be applied in future reporting periods:\nThe following Standards and Interpretations have been issued but are not yet effective. These are the standards that the Group reasonably expects will have an impact on its disclosures, financial position or performance with applied at a future date. The Group's assessment of the impact of these new standards, amendments to standards, and interpretations is set out below.", - "page_start": 72, - "page_end": 72, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(A) Statement of Compliance\nThese consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB').", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf", - "query": "Under which conditions can the funds of a non-registered pension arrengements be obtained before the age of 55 ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "non-registered pension arrangements where the annual contributions are limited to £50,000 and funds contributed cannot be accessed before the age of 55 except in circumstances of serious ill health", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "115. P ensions law s and protection of pensions rights\n(1) The law to be applied w ith respect to any pensions benefits that w ere granted to any person before the com ing into operation of this C onstitution shall be the law that w as in force at the date on w hich those benefits w ere granted or any law in force at a later date that is not less favourable to that person.\n(2) The law to be applied w ith respect to any pensions benefits (not being benefits to w hich subsection (1) of this section applies) shall-\n( a ) in so far as those benefits are w holly in respect of a period of service as a public officer that com m enced before the date on w hich this C onstitution com es into operation, be the law that w as in force im m ediately before that date; and\n( b ) in so far as those benefits are w holly or partly in respect of a period of service as a public officer that com m enced after the date on w hich this C onstitution com es into operation, be the law in force on the date on w hich that period of service com m enced,\nor any law in force at a later date that is not less favourable to that person.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendments to the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015\n(a) 'new account' means a financial account maintained by a reporting financial institution( a ) opened on or after 13th May 2020;\n(b) 'pre-existing account' means-\n(i) a financial account maintained by a reporting financial institution as of 12th May 2020, or\n(ii) a financial account within Section VIII(C)(9)(b) of Annex 1 of the DAC( b ), but in the application of that provision the references to 'subparagraph C(9)(a)' are to be read as references to paragraph (i) of this sub-paragraph.\n(4) The accounts are-\n(a) non-registered pension arrangements where the annual contributions are limited to £50,000 and funds contributed cannot be accessed before the age of 55 except in circumstances of serious ill health;\n(b) Premium Bonds issued by the UK National Savings and Investments;\n(c) Fixed Interest Savings Certificates issued by the UK National Savings and Investments; and\n(d) Index Linked Savings Certificates issued by the UK National Savings and Investments.'.\n(5) In Schedule 2, omit paragraphs 2, 6, 8 and 9.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "115. P ensions law s and protection of pensions rights\n(3) W here a person is entitled to exercise an option as to w hich of tw o or m ore law s shall apply in his or her case, the law for w hich he or she opts shall, for the purposes of this section, be deem ed to be m ore favourable to him or her than the other law or law s.\n(4) A ll pensions benefits shall (except to the extent to w hich under any law providing for the funding of pensions benefits they are a charge on a fund established by that law and have been duly paid out of that fund to the person or authority to w hom paym ent is due) be a charge on the C onsolidated Fund.\n(5) In this section \"pensions benefits\" m eans any pensions, com pensation, gratuities or other like allow ances for persons in respect of their service as public officers or as m em bers of the arm ed forces or for the w idow s, children, dependants or personal representatives of such persons in respect of such service.\n(6) R eferences in this section to the law w ith respect to pensions benefits include (w ithout prejudice to their generality) references to the law regulating the circum stances in w hich such benefits m ay be granted or in w hich the grant of such benefits m ay be refused, the law regulating the circum stances in w hich any such benefits that have been granted m ay be w ithheld, reduced in am ount or suspended and the law regulating the am ount of any such benefits.\n(7) In this section references to service as a public officer include references to service as a public officer of the form er P rotectorate of B echuanaland.\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. Article 6 Retention money guarantee\nRetention money guarantee is not applicable to this specific contract.", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "116. P ow er of C om m issions in relation to pensions, etc.\n(1) W here under any law any person or authority has a discretion-\n( a ) to decide w hether or not any pensions benefits shall be granted; or\n( b ) to w ithhold, reduce in am ount or suspend any such benefits that have been granted,\nthose benefits shall be granted and m ay not be w ithheld, reduced in am ount or suspended unless the appropriate C om m ission concurs in the refusal to grant the benefits or, as the case m ay be, in the decision to w ithhold them , reduce them in am ount or suspend them .\n(2) W here the am ount of any pensions benefits that m ay be granted to any person is not fixed by law , the am ount of the benefits to be granted to him or her shall be the greatest am ount for w hich he or she is eligible unless the appropriate C om m ission concurs in his or her being granted benefits of a sm aller am ount.\n(3) The appropriate C om m ission shall not concur under subsection (1) or subsection (2) of this section in action taken on the ground that any person w ho holds or has held the office of a judge of the C ourt of A ppeal or of the H igh C ourt or the A uditorG eneral or D irector of P rosecutions has been guilty of m isbehaviour unless he or she has been rem oved from office by reason of such m isbehaviour.\n(4) In this section \"the appropriate C om m ission\" m eans-\n( a ) in the case of benefits for w hich any person m ay be eligible in respect of the service in the public service of a person w ho, im m ediately before he or she ceased to be a public officer, w as subject to the disciplinary control of the Judicial S ervice C om m ission or that have been granted in respect of such service, the Judicial S ervice C om m ission;\n( b ) in any other case, the P ublic S ervice C om m ission.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "116. P ow er of C om m issions in relation to pensions, etc.\n(5) In this section \"pensions benefits\" m eans any pensions, com pensation, gratuities or other like allow ances for persons in respect of their service as public officers (including service as public officers of the form er P rotectorate of B echuanaland) or for the w idow s, children, dependants or personal representatives of such persons in respect of such service.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.6.1. Pre-financing\nPre-financing is not applicable to this FWC.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Pension Obligations\nOur retiree pension plans had a funding deficit of approximately $172 million at December 31, 2013. We have been making special minimum monthly payments in addition to our regular contributions to eliminate the pension liability. During 2013, our funding deficit was reduced by $162 million.\nThe special payments, including contributions associated with benefits paid from the plans, were approximately $7 million in 2013. We expect our total estimated funding requirements to be $96 million in 2014 and to be adjusted annually thereafter, based on various market factors such as interest rates and expected returns and staffing assumptions.\nChanges in factors such as the discount rate, increase in compensation and the expected return on plan assets can affect the accrued benefit obligation, pension expense and the deficiency of plan assets over\naccrued obligations in the future. See Critical accounting estimates for more information.", - "page_start": 65, - "page_end": 65, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.4.2. Period of provision of the services\nThe period for the provision of the services starts to run from the date on which the specific contract is signed by the last party.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Financial Condition\nto raise additional debt or equity Ñnancing, if necessary, to fund special corporate needs or to complete acquisitions. However, we cannot assure you that we would be able to obtain additional Ñnancing under favorable terms or to extend the existing short-term credit facility on the same terms.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf", - "query": "What metrics are good indicators of the coverage of gas molecules on carbon nanotubes ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "the bind- ing energy and scattering resistance of the molecules", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[8] S. Brahim, S. Colbern, R. Gump, and L. Grigorian, 'Tailoring gas sensing properties of carbon nanotubes', J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2), 024502 (Jul. 2008), doi:10.1063/1.2956395.\n[9] C. Morgan, Z. Alemipour, and M. Baxendale, 'Variable range hopping in oxygen-exposed single-wall carbon nanotube networks', Phys. Stat. Solidi A 205 (6), 1394 (May 2008), doi:10.1002/pssa.200778113.\n[10] D. J. Mowbray, C. Morgan, and K. S. Thygesen, 'Influence of O2 and N2 on the conductivity of carbon nanotube networks', Phys. Rev. B 79 (19), 195431 (May 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.195431.\n[11] L. Valentini, F. Mercuri, I. Armentano, C. Cantalini, S. Picozzi, L. Lozzi, S. Santucci, A. Sgamellotti, and J. M. Kenny, 'Role of defects on the gas sensing properties of carbon nanotubes thin films: experiment and theory', Chem. Phys. Lett. 387 (4-6), 356 (Apr. 2004), doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.02.038.\n[12] Z. Zanolli and J.-C. Charlier, 'Defective carbon nanotubes for single-molecule sensing', Phys. Rev. B 80 (15), 155447 (Oct. 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155447.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nThe ability to detect small concentrations of specific chemical species is fundamental for a variety of industrial and scientific processes as well as for medical applications and environmental monitoring [1]. In general, nanostructured materials should be well suited for sensor applications because of their large surface to volume ratio which makes them sensitive to molecular adsorption. Specifically, carbon nanotubes (CNT) [2] have been shown to work remarkably well as detectors of small gas molecules. This has been demonstrated both for individual CNTs [3-8] as well as for CNT networks [9, 10].\nPristine CNTs are known to be chemically inert - a property closely related to their high stability. As a consequence, only radicals bind strong enough to the CNT to notably affect its electrical properties [2, 5, 11-13]. To make CNTs attractive for sensor applications thus requires some kind of functionalization, e.g. through doping or decoration of the CNT sidewall [13-21]. Ideally, this type of functionalization could be used to control not only the reactivity of the CNT but also the selectivity towards specific chemical species.\nIn this work we consider the possibility of using CNTs doped by 3d transition metal atoms for chemical gas sensing. We use computational screening to systematically identify the most promising dopant candidates for detection of three different target molecules (CO, NH3, H2S) under typical atmospheric conditions. The screening procedure is based on the calculation of two microscopic descriptors: the binding energy and scattering resistance of the molecules when adsorbed on a doped CNT. These two quantities give a good indication of the gas coverage and impact on the resistance. For the most promising candidates we then employ a simple thermodynamic model of the CNT sensor. In this model, the binding energies are used to obtain the fractional coverage of the metallic sites as a function of the target molecule concentration under ambient conditions. Under the assumption of transport in the diffusive rather than localization regime, the\nchange in CNT resistivity may then be obtained from the calculated coverages and single impurity conductances.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n∗ Electronic address: juanmaria.garcia@ehu.es\n[1] Gas Sensing Materials, MRS Bull. , vol. 24 (1999).\n[2] J. C. Chalier, X. Blase, and S. Roche, 'Electronic and transport properties of nanotubes', Rev. Mod. Phys. 79 (2), 677 (May 2007), doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.79.677.\n[3] J. Kong, N. R. Franklin, C. Zhou, M. G. Chapline, S. Peng, K. Cho, and H. Dai, 'Nanotube molecular wires as chemical sensors', Science 287 (5453), 622 (Jan. 2000), doi:10.1126/science.287.5453.622.\n[4] P. G. Collins, K. Bradley, M. Ishigami, and A. Zettl, 'Extreme oxygen sensitivity of electronic properties of carbon nanotubes', Science 287 (5459), 1801 (Mar. 2000), doi:10.1126/science.287.5459.1801.\n[5] C. Hierold, Carbon Nanotube Devices: Properties, Modeling, Integration and Applications (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008).\n[6] F. Villalpando-P'aez, A. H. Romero, E. Mu˜noz-Sandoval, L. M. Mart'ınez, H. Terrones, and M. Terrones, 'Fabrication of vapor and gas sensors using films of aligned CN x nanotubes', Chem. Phys. Lett. 386 (1-3), 137 (Mar. 2004), doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.01.052.\n[7] A. R. Rocha, M. Rossi, A. Fazzio, and A. J. R. da Silva, 'Designing real nanotube-based gas sensors', Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (17), 176803 (May 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.176803.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nJ. M. Garc´ıa-Lastra 1,2 , ∗ D. J. Mowbray 1,2 , K. S. Thygesen 2 , A. Rubio 1,3 , and K. W. Jacobsen 2 1 Nano-Bio Spectroscopy group and ETSF Scientific Development Centre, Dpto. F´ısica de Materiales, Universidad del Pa´ıs Vasco, Centro de F´ısica de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU- MPC and DIPC, Av. Tolosa 72, E-20018 San Sebasti´an, Spain 2 Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark 3 Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany\nWe use computational screening to systematically investigate the use of transition metal doped carbon nanotubes for chemical gas sensing. For a set of relevant target molecules (CO, NH3, H2S) and the main components of air (N2, O2, H2O), we calculate the binding energy and change in conductance upon adsorption on a metal atom occupying a vacancy of a (6,6) carbon nanotube. Based on these descriptors, we identify the most promising dopant candidates for detection of a given target molecule. From the fractional coverage of the metal sites in thermal equilibrium with air, we estimate the change in the nanotube resistance per doping site as a function of the target molecule concentration assuming charge transport in the diffusive regime. Our analysis points to Ni-doped nanotubes as candidates for CO sensors working under typical atmospheric conditions.\nPACS numbers: 73.63.-b, 68.43.-h, 73.50.Lw", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nFIG. 2: Calculated (a) adsorption energy E ads in eV and (b) change in conductance ∆ G in units of G 0 = 2 e 2 /h for N2, O2, H2O, CO, NH3, and H2S on 3d transition metals occupying a monovacancy (top), divacancy I (middle), and divacancy II (bottom) in a (6,6) carbon nanotube.\nwhere E [ X @M@VC] is the total energy of molecule X on a transition metal atom occupying a vacancy, and E [ X ] is the gas phase energy of the molecule.\nFrom the adsorption energies plotted in Fig. 2(a), we see that the earlier transition metals tend to bind the adsorbates stronger than the late transition metals. The latest metals in the series (Cu and Zn) bind adsorbates rather weakly in the divacancy structures. We also note that O2 binds significantly stronger than any of the three target molecules on Ti, V, Cr, and Mn (except for Cr in divacancy I where H2S is found to dissociate). Active sites containing these metals are therefore expected to be completely passivated if oxygen is present in the background. Further, we find H2O is rather weakly bound to most of the active sites. This ensures that these types of sensors are robust against changes in humidity.\nIn thermodynamic equilibrium [27], the coverage of the active sites follows from\nΘ[ X ] = K [ X ] C [ X ] 1 + ∑ Y K [ Y ] C [ Y ] , (4)\nwhere K = k + /k -is the ratio of forward and backward rate constants for the adsorption reaction,\nK [ X ] = exp [ -E ads [ X ] + TS [ X ] k B T ] . (5)\nIn these expressions C [ X ] is the concentration of species X , S [ X ] is its gas phase entropy and T is the temperature. Experimental values for the gas phase entropies have been taken from Ref. [28].", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[18] C. S. Yeung, L. V. Liu, and Y. A. Wang, 'Adsorption of small gas molecules onto Pt-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes', J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (19), 7401 (Apr. 2008), doi:10.1021/jp0753981.\n[19] T. Vo, Y.-D. Wu, R. Car, and M. Robert, 'Structures, interactions, and ferromagnetism of Fe-carbon nanotube systems', J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (22), 400 (May 2008), doi:10.1021/jp0761968.\n[20] J. A. Furst, M. Brandbyge, A.-P. Jauho, and K. Stokbro, ' Ab initio study of spin-dependent transport in carbon nanotubes with iron and vanadium adatoms', Phys. Rev. B 78 (19), 195405 (Nov. 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.195405.\n[21] A. V. Krasheninnikov, P. O. Lehtinen, A. S. Foster, P. Pyykko, and R. M. Nieminen, 'Embedding transitionmetal atoms in graphene: Structure, bonding, and magnetism', Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (12), 126807 (Mar. 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.126807.\n[22] J. J. Mortensen, L. B. Hansen, and K. W. Jacobsen, 'Real-space grid implementation of the projector augmented wave method', Phys. Rev. B 71 (3), 035109 (Jan. 2005), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.035109.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[13] J. M. Garc'ıa-Lastra, K. S. Thygesen, M. Strange, and ' Angel Rubio, 'Conductance of sidewall-functionalized carbon nanotubes: Universal dependence on adsorption sites', Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (23), 236806 (Dec. 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.236806.\n[14] S. B. Fagan, R. Mota, A. J. R. da Silva, and A. Fazzio, ' Ab initio study of an iron atom interacting with single-wall carbon nanotubes', Phys. Rev. B 67 (20), 205414 (May 2003), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.67.205414.\n[15] Y. Yagi, T. M. Briere, M. H. F. Sluiter, V. Kumar, A. A. Farajian, and Y. Kawazoe, 'Stable geometries and magnetic properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes doped with 3 d transition metals: A first-principles study', Phys. Rev. B 69 (7), 075414 (Feb 2004), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.69.075414.\n[16] S. H. Yang, W. H. Shin, J. W. Lee, S. Y. Kim, S. I. Woo, and J. K. Kang, 'Interaction of a transition metal atom with intrinsic defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes', J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (28), 13941 (Jun. 2006), doi:10.1021/jp061895q.\n[17] K. T. Chan, J. B. Neaton, and M. L. Cohen, 'First-principles study of metal adatom adsorption on graphene', Phys. Rev. B 77 , 235430 (Jun. 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.235430.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nWe find that oxidation of the active metal site passivates the sensor in the case of doping by Ti, V, Cr, and Mn under standard conditions (room temperature and 1 bar of pressure). Among the remaining metals, we identify Ni as is the most promising candidate for CO detection. For this system the change in resistance per active site is generally significant ( > 1 Ω ) for small changes in CO concentration in the relevant range of around 0.1-10 ppm. Our approach is quite general and is directly applicable to other nanostructures than CNTs, other functionalizations than metal doping, and other backgrounds than atmospheric air.\nAll total energy calculations and structure optimizations have been performed with the real-space density functional theory (DFT) code GPAW [22] which is based on the projector augmented wave method. We use a grid spacing of 0.2 ˚ A for representing the density and wave functions and the PBE exchange correlation functional [23]. Transport calculations for the optimized structures have been performed using the nonequilibrium Green's function method [24] with an electronic Hamiltonian obtained from the SIESTA code [25] in a double zeta polarized (DZP) basis set. Spin polarization has been taken into account in all calculations.\nMetallic doping of a (6,6) CNT has been modeled in a supercell containing six repeated minimal unit cells along the CNT axis (dimensions: 15 ˚ A × 15 ˚ A × 14.622 ˚ A). For this size of supercell a Γ -point sampling of the Brillouin zone was found to be sufficient. The formation energy for creating a vacancy (VC) occupied by a transition metal atom (M) was calculated using the relation\nE form [ M @ VC ] = E [ M @ VC ] + nE [ C ] -E [ M@NT ] (1)\nwhere E [M@VC] is the total energy of a transition metal atom occupying a vacancy in the nanotube, n is the number of carbon atoms removed to form the vacancy, E [C] is the energy per carbon atom in a pristine nanotube, and E [M@NT]\n2", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\ning theory put into practice: First-principles modeling of transport in doped silicon wires', Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (7), 076803 (Aug. 2007), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.076803.\n[30] M. Ushiro, K. Uno, T. Fujikawa, Y. Sato, K. Tohji, F. Watari, W.-J. Chun, Y. Koike, and K. Asakura, 'X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analyses of Ni species trapped in graphene sheet of carbon nanofibers', Phys. Rev. B 73 (14), 144103 (Apr. 2006), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.73.144103.\n[31] C. Gomez-Navarro, P. J. de Pablo, J. Gomez-Herrero, B. Biel, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, A. Rubio, and F. Flores, 'Tuning the conductance of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ion irradiation in the Anderson localization regime', Nature Materials 4 , 534 (Jun. 2005), doi:10.1038/nmat1414.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nWe now return to the discussion of the validity of Eq. (7). As mentioned, the series coupling of individual scatterers should be valid when l φ < d . However, even for l φ > d and assuming that the Anderson localization length, l loc in the system exceeds l φ , Eq. (7) remains valid if one replaces the actual resistance R by the sample averaged resistance 〈 R 〉 [29]. At room temperature under ambient conditions, interactions with external degrees of freedom such as internal CNT phonons and vibrational modes of the adsorbed molecules would rapidly randomize the phase of the electrons. Therefore Eq. (7) should certainly be valid in the limit of low doping concentrations. On the other hand, the total number of dopants, N , should be large enough for the statistical treatment of the coverage to hold. Finally, we stress that Eq. (7) represents a conservative estimate of the change in resistance. In fact, in the regime where l φ > l loc, i.e. in the Anderson localization regime, the resistance would be highly sensitive to changes in the fractional coverage of active sites. Calculation of the actual resistance of the CNT in this regime would, however, involve a full transport calculation in the presence of\n4\nall N impurities. At this point it suffices to see that the conservative estimates obtained from Eq. (7) predict measurable signals in response to small changes in concentration of the target molecules.\nTo our knowledge, controlled doping of CNTs with transition metal atoms has so far not been achieved. It has, however, been found that metal atoms incorporated into the CNT lattice during catalytic growth are afterwards very difficult to remove [30]. Furthermore, it has been shown that CNT vacancies, which are needed for the metallic doping, may be formed in a controlled way by irradiation by Ar ions [31]. This suggests that metallic doping of CNTs should be possible.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf", - "query": "What is the source of inaccuracy of the MSA3 model at high ionic concentrations ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "At high concentration (about 1 mol l−1), the MSA3 overestimates the free energy", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\n˜ ˜ Using these two reference systems, the threecomponent MSA3 and BIMSA3, we obtain results in much better agreement with the MC simulations, as shown in Fig. 4. The diameters obtained for species 1, 2, and 3 are 3.65, 4.79, and 5.76 ˚ A for MSA3 and 3.69, 4.75 and 6.19 ˚ A for BIMSA3. The free ion diameters are similar for MSA2, MSA3, and BIMSA3. The pair diameter is smaller when modeled as a hard sphere (MSA3) than when modeled as a dumbbell (BIMSA3). At high concentration (about 1 mol l -1 ), the MSA3 overestimates the free energy, because the excluded volume repulsion becomes too important for the pairs to be represented as hard spheres. The BIMSA3 model is the closest to the MC simulation results. It is worth noting that even at the lowest concentration considered, the fraction of pairs (shown in the insert of Fig. 4), although less then 5%, has a non-negligible effect on the thermodynamics of the system.\nThis procedure also provides an accurate description of the structure over the whole range of concentrations. A development similar to the one that leads to Eq. (2) derives the average unpaired RDF from the corresponding paired quantities:\nρ i ρ j g ij ( k ) = ˜ ρ 3 ˜ w ( k ) (1 -δ ij ) + ˜ ρ i ˜ ρ j ˜ g ij ( k ) + ˜ ρ 3 ˜ w ( k / 2) [ ˜ ρ i ˜ g 3 i + ˜ ρ j ˜ g 3 j ] ( k ) (5) + ˜ ρ 2 3 [ ˜ w ( k / 2)] 2 ˜ g 33 ( k )\nFIG. 5: (Color online) RDF obtained from MC simulations (diamond), BIMSA3 (solid line), and MSA-fit (dot dashed) at two concentrations.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nThe RDF obtained within BIMSA3 are compared with the MC and MSA-fit results in Fig. 5. Our BIMSA3 model accounts for the strong molecular peak of the CIP and provides the correct distances of minimal approach; whereas the naive MSA-fit procedure ignores the former and gives poor estimates for the latter. At larger separations, the BIMSA3 results do not reproduce the oscillations observed in the MC simulations, but the corresponding energy oscillations in the effective potentials are less than k B T . In addition, the perturbation term\n[1] W. G. McMillan and J. E. Mayer, J. Chem. Phys. 13 , 276 (1945).\n[2] J. M. G. Barthel, H. Krienke, and W. Kunz, Physical Chemistry of Electrolyte Solutions (Springer, 1998).\n[3] L. Blum, in Theoretical Chemistry: Advances and Perspectives , edited by H. Eyring and D. Henderson (Academic Press, 1980), vol. 5, pp. 1-66.\n[4] L. Blum and O. Bernard, J. Stat. Phys. 79 , 569 (1995).\n[5] J.-F. Dufrˆeche et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 109 , 9873 (2005).\n[6] P. Jungwirth and D. J. Tobias, Chem. Rev. 106 , 1259 (2006).\n[7] W. Kunz, P. LoNostro, and B. W. Ninham, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 9 , 1 (2004).\n[8] B. Hess, C. Holm, and N. van der Vegt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 , 147801 (2006).\n[9] I. Kalcher and J. Dzubiella, J. Chem. Phys. 130 , 134507 (2009).\n[10] S. Gavryushov and P. Linse, J. Phys. Chem. B 110 , 10878 (2006)\n[11] A. P. Lyubartsev and A. Laaksonen, Phys. Rev. E 52 , 3730 (1995).\n4", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nK 0 = ∫ ∞ 0 d r 4 πr 2 e -β ˜ V int ( r ) = 0 . 43 L . mol -1 (3)\nThe excess free-energy density of the original system βf ex v is that of the three component mixture β ˜ f ex v plus a correction term\nβf ex v = β ˜ f ex v -˜ ρ 3 ln K 0 , (4)\nwhich is due to the change in standard chemical potential between the two component and three component models. It should be noted that the fraction of pairs is now an additional parameter in the minimization scheme, which serves to ensure chemical equilibrium. Within this representation, the pair can be modeled as a hard sphere (MSA3) or as a dumbbell-like CIP (BIMSA3) [4]. Since\n3\nFIG. 4: (Color online) Excess free-energy density βf ex v as a function of the square root of the concentration √ c . (diamond) MC simulations, (dot dashed) MSA2, (dashed) MSA3, (solid) BIMSA3, (dot) DHLL, and (cross) experiments. The inset gives the fraction of pairs (MSA3, BIMSA3) as a function of √ c .\nwe have no additional information, we consider only symmetric dumbbells. Furthermore, since analytic expressions for the RDF within BIMSA are not known, we approximate the dumbbell as a hard sphere when computing the perturbation term (this is not necessary for the reference term, since an expression for the free energy is available). Let ˜ σ c be the diameter of the cation (anion) within the dumbbell, the diameter of the hard sphere representing this dumbbell is taken to be σ 3 = 4 √ 2 π σ c [21].", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nof the BIMSA3 appears to be negligible compared to the reference term for concentrations less than 1 mol l -1 . The perturbation can then be omitted to obtain a fully analytical theory, determined by the hard sphere diameters and the pair fraction given by LPT; with the free energy and the RDF given in terms of the BIMSA and MSA solutions, as described above. While the procedure we have followed uses two different approximations for the reference and perturbation terms (MSA vs BIMSA), these are known to be accurate for the systems under consideration and do not appear to be inconsistent with each other.\nTo conclude, we have combined MD simulations with LPT to construct simple models of electrolyte solutions which account for the molecular nature of the solvent. The final result is fully analytical and it yields the thermodynamic and structural properties of the solution, in agreement with the original molecular description. The methodology can in principle be adapted to any molecular description of the system (MD simulations involving interaction potentials accounting for polarization effects or Car-Parrinello MD simulations for example) as long as the ion-ion RDF are known. It can also be generalized to study interfaces. The method appears to be a promising approach toward the description of the specific effects of ions, especially for complex systems whose modeling requires an analytic solution.\nThe authors are particularly grateful to Werner Kunz for fruitful discussions.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nFIG. 2: (Color online) (a) Osmotic coefficient Φ in the McMillan-Mayer frame of reference. (diamond) MC simulations, (dot dashed) MSA2, (dot) Debye Huckel Limiting law (DHLL), (cross) experiments (Ref. [18] with the McMillanMayer to Lewis Randall conversion). (b) Minimization diameters. (dot dashed) MSA2 and (diamond) MSA-fit.\nWe first used LPT for a two-component system (Na + and Cl -free ions) within the MSA (model MSA2), for concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 2 . 0 mol l -1 . The minimization leads to almost constant diameters on the whole range of concentration: σ 1 = 3 . 67 ˚ A and σ 2 = 4 . 78 ˚ A. As shown in Fig. 2, these parameters yield osmotic coefficients close to MC calculations only at very low concentration, i.e., c ≤ 0 . 1 moll -1 (experimental values are given for indicative purposes only, since a perfect model will exactly match the MC results). For molar solutions, the LPT results differ considerably from MC calculations. This discrepancy can easily be understood by comparing the diameters found within the MSA2 calculation with the effective potentials given in Fig. 1. The anion/cation contact distance obtained within the MSA2 calculation is 4 . 2 ˚ A, which is in the region of the second minimum of the effective potential and corresponds to the situation where there is a single layer of water molecules between the ions. The first minimum of the potential, which corresponds to the contact ion pair (CIP) is thus completely ignored by the MSA2 calculation. If the MSA diameters are directly fitted to reproduce the MC osmotic pressure, much smaller values are obtained. These MSA-fit hydrated diameters, which are compared to the MSA2 diameters in the bottom part of Fig. 2, are averages of the CIP and the solvent-separated ion pair.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nAn alternative procedure consists in carrying out molecular simulations, where both the solvent and solute are treated explicitly. After a rigorous averaging over the solvent configurations, a coarse-grained description of the ions, which still includes the effect of the solvent structure, can be obtained [8-11]. However, this set of methods is purely numeric; they do not provide any analytical expression for thermodynamic quantities. They are therefore restricted to simple geometries [12, 13] (bulk solutions or planar interfaces). The description of complex systems, such as porous or electrochemical materials, is still based on continuous solvent models [14].\nIn this letter we present a method aimed at bridging the gap between analytical and numerical approaches. It is based on the application of liquid perturbation theory (LPT) [15] to effective ion-ion potentials extracted from\n∗ Electronic address: john.molina@etu.upmc.fr\n† Electronic address: jean-francois.dufreche@upmc.fr\nmolecular dynamics (MD) results. Different approximations of the PM are employed for the case of NaCl electrolyte solutions: a two component model (MSA2), that only takes free ions into account, and two different three component models (MSA3 and BIMSA3), which include a third species (the contact ion pair). As we proceed to show, LPT allows us to select the best simple model which accurately accounts for the thermodynamics and the physical-chemistry of the system.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nTo overcome this difficulty, we have explicitly introduced the CIP in our model (species 3). Straightforward calculations, based on a characteristic-function formalism, allow us to define an equivalent model in which the free ions and the CIP are explicitly taken into account [19, 20]. We apply this formalism by defining a pair as an anion and a cation at a distance less than 4 ˚ A, which corresponds to the position of the effective potential maximum. The interaction between free, like charges in this new system remains unchanged, and the cation-anion interactions are easily approximated by ex-\n2\nFIG. 3: Effective pair potentials derived for MSA3 and BIMSA3. (a) Cation anion (dashed line: without taking the pair into account), (b) pair cation, (c) pair anion, and (d) pair pair. The internal potential of the pair β ˜ V int ( r ) is set equal to βV eff ij ( r ) for distances less than 4 ˚ A.\nrapolating the original potential at the barrier separating pairs from free ions (as shown in Fig. 3). We assume that the interaction potential is averaged over the rotational degrees of freedom of the CIP and thus pairwise additive. Hereafter, the quantities referring to such a three-component model are written with a tilda symbol. The short-range potentials involving the pair can be derived, in the infinite dilution limit, from an average of the contributing ion interactions. In Fourier space,\n˜ V SR 3 i ( k ) = w ( k / 2) [ V SR 1 i + V SR 2 i ] ( k ) , i = 1 , 2 (2a)\nwhere ˜ w ( r ) is the pair probability distribution\n˜ ˜ V SR 33 ( k ) = ˜ w ( k / 2) 2 [ V SR 11 + V SR 22 +2 V SR 12 ] ( k ) (2b)\n˜ w ( r ) = K -1 0 e -β ˜ V int ( r ) (2c)\n˜ V int ( r ) is the internal part of the pair potential (see Fig. 3), and K 0 is the association constant, defined as:", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nJohn Jairo Molina 1 , 2 , 3 , ∗ Jean-Fran¸cois Dufrˆeche 1 , 2 , 3 , † Mathieu Salanne 1 , 2 , Olivier Bernard 1 , 2 , Marie Jardat 1 , 2 , and Pierre Turq 1 , 2 1 UPMC-Universit'e Paris 06, UMR 7195, PECSA, F-75005 Paris, France 2 CNRS, UMR 7195, PECSA, F-75005 Paris, France 3 Institut de Chimie S'eparative de Marcoule (ICSM), UMR 5257 CEA-CNRS-Universit'e Montpellier 2, Site de Marcoule,\nBˆatiment 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols-sur-C'eze Cedex, France\nWe present a method to derive implicit solvent models of electrolyte solutions from all-atom descriptions; providing analytical expressions of the thermodynamic and structural properties of the ions consistent with the underlying explicit solvent representation. Effective potentials between ions in solution are calculated to perform perturbation theory calculations, in order to derive the best possible description in terms of charged hard spheres. Applying this method to NaCl solutions yields excellent agreement with the all-atom model, provided ion association is taken into account.\nSince the pioneering works of Debye, Huckel, and Onsager, electrolyte solutions have been commonly described by continuous solvent models, for which the McMillan-Mayer theory [1] provides a rigorous statistical-mechanical foundation. Within that level of description, simple phenomenological models such as the primitive model (PM), for which the ions are assimilated to charged hard spheres [2], can lead to explicit formulas for the thermodynamic and structural properties (e.g., with the help of the mean spherical approximation (MSA) [3] or the binding MSA (BIMSA) [4]). These models are the most practical to use [5], since they allow for a direct link between the experimental measurements and the microscopic parameters of the system. Nevertheless, they ignore the molecular structure of the solvent. Consequently, they cannot properly account for the complex specific effects of the ions, which appear in numerous biological, chemical, and physical interfacial phenomena [6, 7], without further developments.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Marginal Fermi liquid model\nWe modified the MFLI model is a minimal way by changing the damping term in a SCS to Γ √ -ω 2 +∆ 2 to be consistent with BCSI model. We still use Eq. (18) for the MFL term simply because this term was introduced in the NS on phenomenological grounds and there is no way to guess how it gets modified in the SCS state with-\n10\nrst deriving the normal state self-energy microscopically (this is what we will do in the next section). The results of the calculations for the modified MFLI model are presented in Figs. 15 and 16. We clearly see that the behavior is now different and ∆ W K < 0 for all Γ. This is the same behavior as we previously found in BCSI and EB models. So we argue that the 'unconventional' behavior exhibited by the original MFLI model is most likely the manifestation of a particular modeling inconsistency. Still, Ref. 30 made a valid point that the fact that quasiparticles behave more close to free fermions in a SCS than in a NS, and this effect tends to reverse the signs of ∆ W K and of the kinetic energy 43 . It just happens that in a modified MFLI model the optical integral is still larger in the NS.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Marginal Fermi liquid model\nOn more careful looking we found the problem with the original MFLI model. We recall that in this model the self-energy in the SCS state was obtained by just cutting the NS self energy at ω 1 (see Eq.18). We argue that this phenomenological formalism is not fully consistent, at least for small α . Indeed, for α = 0, the MFLI model reduces to BCSI model for which the behavior of the selfenergy is given by Eq. (12). This self-energy evolves with ω and Σ '' has a square-root singularity at ω = ∆ + ω o (with ω o = 0). Meanwhile Σ '' in the original MFLI model in Eq. (18) simply jumps to zero at ω = ω 1 = ∆, and this happens for all values of α including α = 0 where the MFLI and BCSI model should merge. This inconsistency is reflected in Fig 13, where we plot the near-BCS limit of MFLI model by taking a very small α = 0 . 05. We see that the optical integral W K in the SCS still remains larger than in the NS over a wide range of Γ, in clear difference with the exactly known behavior in the BCSI\nFIG. 15: Top σ ( ω ) in the NS and the SCS in the 'corrected' MFLI model with the feedback from SC on the quasiparticle damping: i Γ term transforms into Γ √ -ω 2 +∆ 2 . In the SCS σ now begins at Ω = 2∆. The parameters are same as in Fig. 10. Bottom - the behavior of Kubo sum with Γ. Observe that W ( ω c ) in the NS is larger than in the SCS.\nFIG. 16: Evolution of the difference of the optical integrals between the SCS and the NS with the upper cut-off ω c for the 'corrected' MFLI model. Now ∆ W ( ω c ) is negative above some frequency. Parameters are same as in the Fig 15.\nmodel, where W K is larger in the NS for all Γ (see Fig. 4). In other words, the original MFLI model does not have the BCSI theory as its limiting case.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf", - "query": "In the health regulation regarding coronavirus, what is considered a \"device\" ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "means an in vitro diagnostic medical device within the meaning given in regulation 2(1) of the Medical Devices Regulations 2002", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 9 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Appropriate tests\n2. -(1) A test is an 'appropriate test' where-\n(a) it is a test for the detection of coronavirus;\n(b) the manufacturer of any device used for the purposes of the test states that the device has-\n(i) a sensitivity greater than 95% (with 95% two-sided confidence interval entirely above 90%),\n(ii) a specificity greater than 95% (with 95% two-sided confidence interval entirely above 90%),\n68\nRegulation 9(16)\n(iii) a limit of detection of less than or equal to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 copies per millilitre, and\n(iv) uses an established molecular detection method;\n(c) any device used for the purposes of the test-\n(i) can be put into service in accordance with Part 4 of the Medical Devices Regulations 2002, other than solely by virtue of regulation 39(2) of those Regulations,\n(ii) has been validated no more than 18 months before the test is administered or provided to P;\n(d) it is not a test provided or administered under the National Health Service Act 2006, the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006( a ), the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978( b ), or the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972( c ); and\n(e) the test provider complies with paragraph 3.\n(2) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (1), 'validated', in relation to a device, means confirmed as having the required sensitivity and specificity using at least 150 positive clinical samples and 250 negative clinical samples against a laboratory-based RT-PCR test that is itself within the performance specification of the target product profile published by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency for laboratory based SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, by-", - "page_start": 67, - "page_end": 68, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n(2) The coronavirus exception applies where it is not reasonably practicable for a person to meet a requirement referred to in paragraph (1) for a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.\n(3) The following regulations are specified for the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2)-\n(a) regulation 15(2) (transfer of EHC plans) (in relation to the second reference to 15 working days), (4), (5), (7) (in relation to the second reference to 15 working days) and (8);\n(b) regulation 16(2) and (3) (change of responsible commissioning body);\n(c) regulation 20(9) and (10) (review where the child or young person attends a school or other institution);\n(d) regulation 21(7), (8) and (9) (review of EHC plan where the child or young person does not attend a school or other institution);\n(e) regulation 25(1) (notification of decision whether it is necessary to re-assess educational, health care and social care provision);\n(f) regulation 27(4) (amending or replacing an EHC plan following a re-assessment);\n(g) regulation 33 (requirement to consider mediation);\n(h) regulation 34(1) and (2) (where a parent or young person does not wish to or fails to pursue mediation);\n(i) regulation 35(2), (3) and (4) (mediation - health care issues);\n(j) regulation 36(2) (mediation - no health care issues);\n(k) regulation 39(1) and (3) (mediation certificate under section 55(5));\n(l) regulation 42(3) and (4) (steps to be taken by a local authority);\n(m) regulation 44(2)(d), (e), (f) and (h) (compliance with the orders of the First-tier Tribunal);\n(n) regulation 45(4), (5) and (6A) (unopposed appeals);\n(o) regulation 47 (disclosure of EHC plans in relation to higher education); and\n(p) regulation 56(3) (publication of comments on the local offer).'.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n2A. -(1) Where the coronavirus exception applies, any requirement in any of the regulations specified in paragraph (3) for action to be taken within a specified period of time or by a certain day is to be read instead as a requirement for such action to be taken as soon as reasonably practicable.\n(2) The coronavirus exception applies where it is not reasonably practicable for a person to meet a requirement referred to in paragraph (1) for a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.\n(3) The following regulations are specified for the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2)-\n(a) regulation 15(1) and (4) (needs assessments which are not completed);\n(b) regulation 16(2), (3) and (4) (transfer of a kept EHC plan);\n(c) regulation 17(1) and (2) (restriction on disclosure of EHC plans);\n(d) regulation 19 (requirement to consider mediation);\n(e) regulation 20(1) and (2) (where the appropriate person does not wish to or fails to pursue mediation);\n(f) regulation 21 (mediation);\n(g) regulation 24(1) and (3) (mediation certificate under section 55(5) of the Act);\n(h) regulation 27(3) (steps to be taken by a home authority);\n(i) regulation 29(2) and (6) (compliance with the orders of the First-tier Tribunal); and\n(j) regulation 30(3) and (6) (unopposed appeals).'.\n21. In regulation 4 (determination whether or not special educational provision may be necessary), after paragraph (2) insert-\n'(3) The local authority need not comply with the time limit referred to in paragraph (1) if it is impractical to do so because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.'.\n22. In regulation 5(4) (decision whether or not to conduct a detained person's EHC needs assessment)-\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (b) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) insert-\n', or\n(d) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n( a ) S.I. 2015/62.\n4", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Day 2 tests: general test requirements\n(b) 'validated', in relation to a device, has the meaning given by paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 10;\n(c) 'variant of concern' means a variant of SARS-CoV-2 identified in a designation made by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this paragraph and published in a manner as appears to the Secretary of State to be appropriate.\n61", - "page_start": 60, - "page_end": 60, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Compliant tests\n1. A test complies with this paragraph if-\n(a) it is a test for the detection of coronavirus undertaken using a device which the manufacturer states has-\n56\nRegulation 4\n(i) a sensitivity of at least 80%,\n(ii) a specificity of at least 97%, and\n(iii) a limit of detection of less than or equal to 100,000 SARS-CoV-2 copies per millilitre;\n(b) it is not a test provided or administered under the National Health Service Act 2006, the National Health Services (Wales) Act 2006, the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, or the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972; and\n(c) the test sample is taken from the person no more than three days before-\n(i) in the case of that person travelling to England on a commercial transport service, the service's scheduled time of departure, or\n(ii) in any other case, the actual time of departure of the vessel or aircraft on which that person is travelling to England.", - "page_start": 55, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n23. In regulation 8(2) (duty to co-operate in a detained person's EHC needs assessment), at the end of sub-paragraph (d) insert-\n'; or\n(e) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n24. In regulation 10(4) (decision not to secure an EHC plan)-\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (b) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) insert-\n'; or\n(d) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n25. In regulation 13(3) (timescales for EHC plans), for '(c)' substitute '(d)'.\n26. In regulation 29 (compliance with the orders of the First-tier Tribunal)-\n(a) after paragraph (6) insert-\n'(6A) The home authority need not comply with the time limits specified in paragraph (3) if it is impractical to do so because the circumstances referred to in regulation 10(4)(d) apply.'.\n(b) in paragraph (7)(c) after '10(4)(a)' insert 'or (d)'.\n27. In regulation 30(7)(c) (unopposed appeals), after '10(4)(a)' insert 'or (d)'.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n2A. -(1) Where the coronavirus exception applies, any requirement in any of the regulations specified in paragraph (3) for action to be taken within a specified period of time or by a certain day is to be read instead as a requirement for such action to be taken as soon as reasonably practicable.\n(2) The coronavirus exception applies where it is not reasonably practicable for a person to meet a requirement referred to in paragraph (1) for a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.\n(3) The following regulations are specified for the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2)-\n(a) regulation 6(3) and (6) (responding to health care recommendations); and\n(b) regulation 7(1) and (4) (responding to social care recommendations).'.\nVicky Ford Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Department for Education\n28th April 2020\n( a ) S.I. 2017/1306.\n5", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Day 8 tests: general test requirements\n8. -(1) For the purposes of regulation 6(12)(b), a day 8 test complies with this paragraph where-\n(a) it is a test provided by a public provider; or\n(b) it is a test provided by a private provider-\n(i) in respect of-\n(aa) a non-Schedule 11 passenger, on or after 1st March 2021;\n(bb) a Schedule 11 passenger, on 1st or 2nd March 2021,\n(ii) where the test complies with sub-paragraph (2), and\n(iii) where the private provider complies with paragraph 9.\n(2) A test complies with this sub-paragraph where-\n(a) it is a semi-quantitative test for the detection of coronavirus which targets a minimum of two distinguishable SARS-CoV-2 genes other than the S gene and performance reference controls;\n(b) it is, in relation to a Schedule 11 passenger-\n(i) a test which requires laboratory processing, and\n(ii) a test which can be self-administered;\n(c) the manufacturer of any device used for the purposes of the test states that the device-\n(i) uses an extracted molecular method,\n(ii) has a specificity and a sensitivity greater than 95% (with a 95% two-sided confidence interval entirely above 90%), and\n(iii) has a limit of detection of less than or equal to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 copies per millilitre; and\n(d) any device used for the purposes of the test-\n(i) can be put into service in accordance with Part 4 of the Medical Devices Regulations 2002, other than solely by virtue of regulation 39(2) of those Regulations, and\n(ii) has been validated no more than 18 months before the test is administered or provided to P.\n(3) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (2) 'validated', in relation to a device, has the meaning given by paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 10.", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n6. In regulation 4 (determination whether or not special educational provision may be necessary), after paragraph (2) insert-\n'(3) The local authority need not comply with the time limit referred to in paragraph (1) if it is impractical to do so because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.'.\n7. In regulation 5(4) (decision whether or not to conduct an EHC needs assessment)-\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (d) insert-\n'; or\n(e) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n8. In regulation 8(2) (duty to co-operate in EHC needs assessments)-\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (b) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) insert-\n'; or\n(d) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n9. In regulation 10(4) (decision not to secure an EHC plan)-\n2\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (d) insert-\n'; or\n(e) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n10. In regulation 13(3) (timescales for EHC plans), for '(d)' substitute '(e)'.\n11. After regulation 18 (circumstances in which a local authority must review an EHC plan) insert-", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. -(1) In these Regulations-\n'category 1 arrival' means person who has arrived in England from a category 1 country or territory, and has not been in a category 2 country or territory or a category 3 country or territory in the period beginning with the 10th day before the date of their arrival in England;\n'category 1 country or territory' means a country or territory, or part of a country or territory, specified in Schedule 1( b );\n'category 2 country or territory' means a country or territory or part of a country or territory specified in Schedule 2( c );\n'category 3 country or territory' means a country or territory or part of a country or territory specified in Schedule 3( d );\n'child' means a person under the age of 18;\n'the common travel area' has the meaning given in section 1(3) of the Immigration Act 1971( e );\n'coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2);\n'coronavirus disease' means COVID-19 (the official designation of the disease which can be caused by coronavirus);\n'designated port' means a port designated for the purposes of Schedule 11;\n'device' means an in vitro diagnostic medical device within the meaning given in regulation 2(1) of the Medical Devices Regulations 2002( f );\n'disability' has the meaning given in the Equality Act 2010( g ) (see section 6 of, and Schedule 1 to, that Act);\n'immigration officer' means a person appointed by the Secretary of State as an immigration officer under paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the Immigration Act 1971( h );\n'managed self-isolation package' has the meaning given in paragraph 8 of Schedule 11;\n'operator' except in regulation 18, means an operator of a relevant service;\n( a ) 1984 c. 22. Part 2A was inserted by section 129 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (c. 14).\n( b ) Category 1 countries and territories are referred to colloquially and in guidance as 'Green List' countries and territories.\n( c ) Category 2 countries and territories are referred to colloquially and in guidance as 'Amber List' countries and territories.\n( d ) Category 3 countries and territories are referred to colloquially and in guidance as 'Red List' countries and territories.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf", - "query": "Regarding the regulation of Enforcement of requirement to self-isolate concerning travel and coronavirus, who are considered an \"authorised persons\" ?", - "target_page": 19, - "target_passage": "For the purposes of this regulation, “authorised person” means— (a) a constable; (b) for the purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) only, an immigration officer; or (c) a person designated by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this regulation.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Enforcement of requirement to self-isolate\n(6) Paragraphs (1)(b) and (c), (2) and (3) do not apply where P is a person described in paragraph 1 of Schedule 4 (diplomats, members of international organisations etc).\n(7) An authorised person exercising the power in paragraph (1)(b) or (c), (2)(b) or (3) may use reasonable force, if necessary, in the exercise of the power.\n(8) Where P is a child, and has left or is outside of, the place where they are self-isolating and is accompanied by an individual who has responsibility for them-\n(a) an authorised person may direct that individual to take P to the place where P is selfisolating; and\n(b) that individual must, so far as reasonably practicable, ensure that P complies with any direction given by an authorised person to P.\n(9) Where P is a child, and an authorised person has reasonable grounds to believe that P is repeatedly failing to comply with regulation 9 or Schedule 11, the authorised person may direct any individual who has responsibility for P to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that P so complies.\n(10) An authorised person may only exercise a power in paragraph (1), (2), (8) or (9) if the authorised person considers that it is a necessary and proportionate means of ensuring compliance with regulation 9 or Schedule 11.\n18\n(11) For the purposes of this regulation, 'authorised person' means-\n(a) a constable;\n(b) for the purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) only, an immigration officer; or\n(c) a person designated by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this regulation.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Enforcement of requirement to self-isolate\n11. -(1) Where an authorised person has reasonable grounds to believe that a person ('P') has left, or is outside of, the place where P is self-isolating in contravention of regulation 9, Schedule 8 or Schedule 11, the authorised person may-\n(a) direct P to return to the place where P is self-isolating;\n17", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Enforcement of requirement to self-isolate\n(b) where the authorised person is a constable, remove P to the place where P is selfisolating;\n(c) where the authorised person is a constable and it is not practicable or appropriate in the circumstances to take the action in sub-paragraph (a) or (b), remove P to accommodation facilitated by the Secretary of State for the purposes of P's self-isolation.\n(2) Where an authorised person has reasonable grounds to believe that P is a Schedule 11 passenger, an authorised person may do any of the following for the purpose of ensuring that P complies with the requirements in Schedule 11-\n(a) give a direction to P, including a direction-\n(i) that P remain in a particular area of a port to await transportation to accommodation designated for the purposes of Schedule 11,\n(ii) that P move to a particular place to board transportation designated for the purposes of Schedule 11,\n(iii) that P board transportation designated for the purposes of Schedule 11 to travel to accommodation designated for the purposes of Schedule 11,\n(iv) that P remain in the place where P is self-isolating;\n(b) remove P to accommodation designated for the purposes of Schedule 11.\n(3) Where an authorised person has reasonable grounds to believe that P is a Schedule 11 passenger and that P has committed an offence under regulation 19(1)(a) or (6), the authorised person may-\n(a) require P to produce their passport or travel document for examination;\n(b) detain P for up to three hours;\n(c) search P and any baggage belonging to P or under P's control, or any vehicle in which P has travelled, for evidence, other than items subject to legal privilege, that relates to the possible commission of an offence under regulation 19(6); and\n(d) seize and retain any document or article recovered by a search under sub-paragraph (c).\n(4) Paragraph (3) does not confer a power-\n(a) to detain or search an unaccompanied child; or\n(b) to conduct an intimate search.\n(5) Any search under paragraph (3) must be conducted by an authorised person of the same gender as P.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Requirements relating to tests\n5. -(1) Except as provided in paragraph (6) and subject to the provisions relating to length of stay in paragraph (1) of regulation 6 (requirement to book and undertake tests), regulation 6 applies to a person who arrives in England who-\n(a) is a category 1 arrival, other than a person of the description in paragraph (4);\n(b) is required to self-isolate under-\n(i) regulation 9 (requirement to self-isolate), or\n(ii) Schedule 11 (additional measures applicable to arrivals from category 3 countries and territories);\n(c) is not required to self-isolate under regulation 9 only by virtue of one or more of the following paragraphs of Schedule 4 (exemptions)-\n(i) paragraph 1(1)(i) (representatives of foreign countries or territories on official business),\n(ii) paragraph 1(1)(j) (representatives of government of British overseas territory),\n(iii) paragraph 4 (foreign officials or contractors with border security duties),\n(iv) paragraph 5 (road passenger transport workers),\n(v) paragraph 14 (civil aviation inspectors),\n(vi) paragraph 16 (certain Crown Servants, persons certified as returning from essential state business etc.),\n(vii) paragraph 17 (essential or emergency work outside the United Kingdom), or\n(viii) paragraph 30 (postal operators);\n(d) falls within the description in paragraph 44 (elite sportspersons and ancillary sportspersons) of Schedule 4; or\n(e) may temporarily cease to self-isolate by virtue of paragraph (15)(f)(ii) or (15)(i) of regulation 9 and the following paragraphs of Schedule 4-\n(i) paragraph 4 (foreign officials with border security duties),\n(ii) paragraph 5 (road passenger transport workers),\n(iii) paragraph 14 (civil aviation inspectors),\n(iv) paragraph 21 (water and sewerage workers),\n(v) paragraph 22 (flood and coastal defence workers),\n(vi) paragraph 23 (electricity workers),\n(vii) paragraph 24 (nuclear power workers),\n7", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Application of this Schedule\n1. A person who is required by regulation 9(2) to self-isolate ('P') may undertake an appropriate test in the circumstances described in paragraph 4 for the purposes of determining whether they may cease self-isolating (as provided for in regulation 9(16)).", - "page_start": 67, - "page_end": 67, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Further requirements on arrivals from category 2 countries and territories\n(a) the end of the 10th day after the day on which they arrived in England or, if later, the end of any period that applies by virtue of paragraph 2 or 3 of Schedule 8;\n(b) their departure from England; or\n(c) the beginning of P's period of self-isolation, where P or R, where P is a child, is notified under regulation 2A or 2B of the Self-Isolation Regulations( a ).\n(8) In paragraph (7)(c), 'period of self-isolation' and 'R' have the meanings given for the purposes of Part 1 of the Self-Isolation Regulations (see regulations 3 and 5 of those Regulations).\n(9) Paragraph (2) does not require P to remain in isolation-\n(a) from any person with whom they were travelling when they arrived in England and who is also self-isolating in the place where P is self-isolating;\n(b) where P is self-isolating in their home, from any member of their household;\n(c) where P is self-isolating in the home of a friend or family member, from any member of the household of that friend or family member;\n( a ) A person notified, or a child in respect of whom a notification is given, under regulation 2A or 2B will be required to selfisolate in accordance with those Regulations from the moment the notification is given. Regulations 2A and 2B were inserted by S.I. 2021/364.\n14", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "41. A person-\n(ii) P travels directly to, and remains in any place where P is self-isolating, apart from when P-\n(aa) is travelling to or from, or attending the location of, any place in which P's presence is essential to the running of an elite sports event,\n(bb) is travelling to or from, or attending the location of, any place in which P provides essential support to a domestic elite sportsperson who is competing in or training for an elite sports event,\n(cc) is travelling between different locations where any activity described in paragraph (aa) or (bb) is taking place, and\n(iii) at all times when P is not self-isolating P remains in isolation with domestic elite sportspersons or international elite sportspersons who are competing in or training for that elite sports event or with domestic ancillary sportspersons or international ancillary sportspersons involved in that elite sports event;\n(d) where P is an international elite sportsperson-\n(i) P provides, on arrival in England, written evidence from a United Kingdom or English sport national governing body of P's status as an international elite sportsperson attending a specified competition,\n(ii) P travels directly to, and remains in any place where P is self-isolating, apart from when P is travelling to or from, or attending the location of the specified competition\n49", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Further requirements on arrivals from category 2 countries and territories\n(17) The full or partial disapplication of the requirement to self-isolate under this regulation that is provided for in paragraphs (15) and (16) does not apply to person who is both-\n(a) described in paragraph (1)(a)(iii) of this regulation; and\n(b) described in paragraph 1(1)(a) to (h) or (k) of Schedule 4.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13. -(1) A road haulage worker.\n15. Operational, rail maintenance, safety and security workers working on the tunnel system who have travelled to the United Kingdom in the course of their work.\n16. -(1) Any person who the relevant Department has certified as meeting the description in sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c)-\n(a) a Crown servant or government contractor who is required to undertake essential policing or essential government work in the United Kingdom within the period during which they would, but for this paragraph, have had to self-isolate in accordance with regulation 9;\n(b) a person returning from conducting essential state business outside of the United Kingdom;\n(c) a person returning to the United Kingdom where this is necessary to facilitate the functioning of a diplomatic mission or consular post of Her Majesty or of a military or other official posting on behalf of Her Majesty.\n(2) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (1)-\n(a) 'consular post' means any consulate-general, consulate, vice-consulate or consular agency;\n(b) 'Crown servant' has the meaning given in section 12(1)(a) to (e) of the Official Secrets Act 1989( a );\n(c) 'essential government work' means work which has been designated as such by the relevant Department, and includes, in particular, work related to national security, the work of the National Crime Agency in pursuance of its statutory functions, and work related to immigration, the coronavirus disease or any other crisis response, but does not include work of the description in paragraph 2 of this Schedule (essential work related to the United Kingdom border);\n(d) 'essential policing' means policing which has been designated as such on behalf of the relevant chief officer or chief constable;\n(e) 'essential state business' means activity which has been designated as essential to the United Kingdom or Her Majesty's Government by the relevant Department, and includes, in particular, bilateral or multilateral discussions with another state or international organisation and visits to another state on behalf of the United Kingdom or Her Majesty's Government;\n(f) 'government contractor' has the meaning given in section 12(2) of the Official Secrets Act 1989.\n17. -(1) A person returning from undertaking essential or emergency work outside of the United Kingdom, which has been certified by the relevant Department as necessary to facilitate essential government work or essential state business.", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Passenger information\n1. Personal details of the passenger-\n(a) their full name;\n(b) their sex;\n(c) their date of birth;\n(d) their passport number, or travel document reference number (as appropriate), issue and expiry dates and issuing authority;\n(e) their telephone number;\n(f) their home address;\n(g) their email address.\n2. Journey details of the passenger-\n(a) the address or addresses in the United Kingdom at which-\n(i) in the case of a person who is required to comply with regulation 9 (requirement to self-isolate), they intend to self-isolate and including, where regulation 9(1)(c) applies, the booking reference number for the managed self-isolation package booked by or on behalf of P, or\n(ii) in the case of any other person, they intend to stay during the period of 10 days beginning on the day after the date of their arrival in the United Kingdom;\n(b) the date, or planned date, as appropriate of their arrival at an address specified in subparagraph (a);\n(c) the operator they are travelling with or through which their booking was made;\n(d) their seat number;\n(e) their coach number;\n(f) the flight number or vessel name;\n(g) the location at which they will arrive in the United Kingdom;\n55\nRegulation 3(1)", - "page_start": 54, - "page_end": 54, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf", - "query": "What is the expiracy date of the regulation regarding travel during the coronavirus pandemic made in 2021 ?", - "target_page": 31, - "target_passage": "These Regulations expire at the end of 16th May 2022.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Expiry of Regulations\n25. These Regulations expire at the end of 16th May 2022.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review and expiry\n2. -(1) The Secretary of State must review the effectiveness of these Regulations during the period for which they have effect.\n(2) These Regulations cease to have effect on 25th September 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PUBLIC HEALTH, ENGLAND\nThe Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\nat 10.32 a.m. on 14th May 2021\nLaid before Parliament\nat 2.30 p.m. on 14th May 2021\nComing into force\n- -\nat 4.00 a.m. on 17th May 2021", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Citation, commencement, extent and application\n1. -(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021.\n(2) These Regulations come into force at 4.00 a.m. on 17th May 2021.\n(3) These Regulations extend to England and Wales and apply in relation to England only.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consequential Amendments\n(3) In regulation 4ZA-\n(a) in the heading, for 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021';\n(b) in paragraph (1)(a), for 'regulation 3B of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020 ('the 2020 Regulations')' substitute 'regulation 6 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021 ('the International Travel and Operator Liability Regulations')';\n(c) in paragraph (1)(c), for 'paragraph 7(1)(f) of Schedule 2C to the 2020 Regulations' substitute 'paragraph 7(1)(g) of Schedule 11 to the International Travel and Operator Liability Regulations';\n(d) in paragraph (3), for 'paragraph 7(1)(f) of Schedule 2C to the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'paragraph 7(1)(g) of Schedule 11 to the International Travel and Operator Liability Regulations'.\n2. -(1) The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England) Regulations 2020( a ) are amended as follows.\n(2) In regulation 2D(1)(c), for 'regulation 4 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'regulation 9 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021'.\n(3) In regulation 6(1)-\n(a) in the definitions of 'designated place', 'isolation requirements' and 'self-isolating worker', for 'regulation 4' substitute 'regulation 9';\n(b) in the definition of 'International Travel Regulations', for 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021'.", - "page_start": 88, - "page_end": 88, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consequential Amendments\n1. -(1) The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010( a ) are amended as follows.\n(2) In regulation 4(3D)(b), for 'regulation 3B of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'regulation 6 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021'.\n( a ) S.I. 2010/659. Regulations 4(3D) and 4ZA were inserted by S.I. 2021/150. There are other amendments but none is relevant.\n88", - "page_start": 87, - "page_end": 87, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EXPLANATORY NOTE\n(This note is not part of the Regulations)\nThese Regulations replace the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020 ('the International Travel Regulations'), the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Public Health Information for International Passengers) (England) Regulations 2020 and the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Pre-Departure Testing and Operator Liability) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021.\nThey impose requirements on certain categories of person to provide information upon arrival in England, to take coronavirus tests before and after arrival and to self-isolate in order to prevent the spread of infection or contamination from coronavirus or coronavirus disease. They also impose obligations on operators to ensure that passengers receive information and comply with the requirements.\nAn impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument. An explanatory memorandum has been published alongside this instrument at www.legislation.gov.uk.\n' Crown copyright 2021\nPrinted and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament.\n91\nhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/582", - "page_start": 90, - "page_end": 91, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Transitional provision\n1. Passenger information provided before 4.00 a.m. on 17th May 2021 by a person pursuant to regulation 3 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020 ('the 2020 Regulations') in advance of arrival in England is treated as passenger information provided for the purposes of these Regulations where the person arrives in England on or after that date.\n2. Confirmation given by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office that a person is not required to comply with regulation 3B of the 2020 Regulations is treated as confirmation that the person is not required to comply with regulation 6 of these Regulations where the person arrives in England on or after 4.00 a.m. on 17th May 2021.\n3. A designation by the Secretary of State of a person as an authorised person under regulation 5(7) of the 2020 Regulations has effect as a designation of that person as an authorised person under of regulation 11(11)(c) of these Regulations.\n4. Regulation 5A of the 2020 Regulations continues to have effect in relation to a constable who exercises the powers in that regulation in relation to a person who arrived in England before 4.00 a.m. on 17th May 2021.\n( a ) S.I. 2020/1045. Regulation 2D was inserted by S.I. 2021/364. There are other amendments but none is relevant.\n89", - "page_start": 88, - "page_end": 88, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Relevant websites\n1. The following are 'the relevant websites' for the purposes of regulation 14-\nhttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-travellers-exempt-from-ukborder-rules/coronavirus-covid-19-travellers-exempt-from-uk-border-rules\nhttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/booking-and-staying-in-a-quarantine-hotel-when-you-arrive-inengland\nhttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england\nhttp://www.gov.uk/travel-quarantine-and-testing\nhttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england\n83\nhttps://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk\nhttps://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control\nhttps://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-international-travel-advice\nhttps://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-international-travel-quarantine/\nhttps://gov.wales/arriving-wales-overseas", - "page_start": 82, - "page_end": 83, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review of need for requirements\n24. The Secretary of State must review the need for the requirements imposed by these Regulations by 14th June 2021 and at least once every 28 days thereafter.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf", - "query": "Who first suggested the notions of \"hard\" and \"easy\" problems regarding consciousness ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "The terms \"hard problem\" and \"easy problems\" were coined by the philosopher David Chalmers", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Overview\nCognitive scientist David Chalmers first formulated the hard problem in his paper \"Facing up to the problem of consciousness\" (1995) [1] and expanded upon it in The Conscious Mind (1996). His works provoked comment. Some, such as philosopher David Lewis and Steven Pinker, have praised Chalmers for his argumentative rigour and \"impeccable clarity\". [27] Pinker later said, in 2018, \"In the end I still think that the hard problem is a meaningful conceptual problem, but agree with Dennett that it is not a meaningful scientific problem. No one will ever get a grant to study whether you are a zombie or whether the same Captain Kirk walks on the deck of the Enterprise and the surface of Zakdorn. And I agree with several other philosophers that it may be futile to hope for a solution at all, precisely because it is a conceptual problem, or, more accurately, a problem with our concepts.\" [28] Daniel Dennett and Patricia Churchland, among others, believe that the hard problem is best seen as a collection of easy problems that will be solved through further analysis of the brain and behaviour. [29][30]\nConsciousness is an ambiguous term. It can be used to mean self consciousness, awareness, the state of being awake, and so on. Chalmers uses Thomas Nagel's definition of consciousness: \" the feeling of what it is like to be something.\" Consciousness, in this sense, is synonymous with experience. [31][27]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Hard problem of consciousness\nIn the philosophy of mind, the hard problem of consciousness is to explain why and how humans and other organisms have qualia, phenomenal consciousness, or subjective experience. [1][2] It is contrasted with the \"easy problems\" of explaining why and how physical systems give a (healthy) human being the ability to discriminate, to integrate information, and to perform behavioral functions such as watching, listening, speaking (including generating an utterance that appears to refer to personal behaviour or belief), and so forth. [1] The easy problems are amenable to functional explanation-that is, explanations that are mechanistic or behavioral-since each physical system can be explained (at least in principle) purely by reference to the \"structure and dynamics\" that underpin the phenomenon. [1][3]\nProponents of the hard problem argue that it is categorically different from the easy problems since no mechanistic or behavioral explanation could explain the character of an experience, not even in principle. Even after all the relevant functional facts are explicated, they argue, there will still remain a further question: \"why is the performance of these functions accompanied by experience?\" [1] To bolster their case, proponents of the hard problem frequently turn to various philosophical thought experiments, involving philosophical zombies (which, they claim, are conceivable) or inverted qualia, or the claimed ineffability of colour experiences, or the claimed unknowability of foreign states of consciousness, such as the experience of being a bat.\nThe terms \"hard problem\" and \"easy problems\" were coined by the philosopher David Chalmers in a 1994 talk given at The Science of Consciousness conference held in Tucson, Arizona. [4] The following year, the main talking points of Chalmers' talk were published in The Journal of Consciousness Studies . [1] The publication gained significant attention from consciousness researchers and became the subject of a special volume of the journal, [5][6] which was later published into a book. [7] In 1996, Chalmers published The Conscious Mind , a book-length treatment of the hard problem, in which he elaborated on his core arguments and responded to counterarguments. His use of the word easy is \"tongue-in-cheek\". [8] As the\nChalmers on stage for an Alan Turing Year event at De La Salle University, Manila, 27 March 2012", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Historical precedents\nThe hard problem of consciousness has scholarly antecedents considerably earlier than Chalmers. Chalmers himself notes that \"a number of thinkers in the recent and distant past\" have \"recognised the particular difficulties of explaining consciousness.\" [33] He states that all his original 1996 paper contributed to the discussion was \"a catchy name, a minor reformulation of philosophically familiar points\". [33]\nAmong others, thinkers who have made arguments similar to Chalmers' formulation of the hard problem include Isaac Newton, [34] John Locke, [35] Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, [36][34] John Stuart Mill, [37] and Thomas Henry Huxley. [38][34] Likewise, Asian philosophers like Dharmakirti and Guifeng Zongmi discussed the problem of how consciousness arises from unconscious matter. [34][39][40][41]", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consciousness\nDavid Chalmers identified two problems in understanding the mind, which he named the \"hard\" and \"easy\" problems of consciousness. [381] The easy problem is understanding how the brain processes signals, makes plans and controls behavior. The hard problem is explaining how this feels or why it should feel like anything at all, assuming we are right in thinking that it truly does feel like something (Dennett's consciousness illusionism says this is an illusion). While human information processing is easy to explain, human subjective experience is difficult to explain. For example, it is easy to imagine a colorblind person who has learned to identify which objects in their field of view are red, but it is not clear what would be required for the person to know what red looks like . [382]", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Hard problem of consciousness\ncognitive psychologist Steven Pinker puts it, they are about as easy as going to Mars or curing cancer. \"That is, scientists more or less know what to look for, and with enough brainpower and funding, they would probably crack it in this century.\" [9]\nThe existence of the hard problem is disputed. It has been accepted by some philosophers of mind such as Joseph Levine, [10] Colin McGinn, [11] and Ned Block [12] and cognitive neuroscientists such as Francisco Varela, [13] Giulio Tononi, [14][15] and Christof Koch. [14][15] On the other hand, its existence is denied by other philosophers of mind, such as Daniel Dennett, [16] Massimo Pigliucci, [17] Thomas Metzinger, Patricia Churchland, [18] and Keith Frankish, [19] and by cognitive neuroscientists such as Stanislas Dehaene, [20] Bernard Baars, [21] Anil Seth, [22] and Antonio Damasio. [23] Clinical neurologist and skeptic\nSteven Novella has dismissed it as \"the hard non-problem\". [24] According to a 2020 PhilPapers survey, a majority (62.42%) of the philosophers surveyed said they believed that the hard problem is a genuine problem, while 29.72% said that it does not exist. [25]\nThere are a number of other potential philosophical problems that are related to the Hard Problem. Ned Block believes that there exists a \"Harder Problem of Consciousness\", due to the possibility of different physical and functional neurological systems potentially having phenomenal overlap. [12] Another potential philosophical problem which is closely related to Benj Hellie's vertiginous question, dubbed \"The Even Harder Problem of Consciousness\", refers to why a given individual has their own particular personal identity, as opposed to existing as someone else. [26]", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "External links\nWeisberg, Josh. \"The hard problem of consciousness\" (http://www.iep.utm.edu/hard-con). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy .\nRetrieved from \"https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hard_problem_of_consciousness&oldid=1261818884\"", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Strong reductionism\nThe philosopher Massimo Pigliucci argued in 2013 that the hard problem is misguided, resulting from a \"category mistake\". [17] He said: \"Of course an explanation isn't the same as an experience, but that's because the two are completely independent categories, like colors and triangles. It is obvious that I cannot experience what it is like to be you, but I can potentially have a complete explanation of how and why it is possible to be you.\" [17]\nIn 2017, the philosopher Marco Stango, in a paper on John Dewey's approach to the problem of consciousness (which preceded Chalmers' formulation of the hard problem by over half a century), noted that Dewey's approach would see the hard problem as the consequence of an unjustified assumption that feelings and functional behaviors are not the same physical process: \"For the Deweyan philosopher, the 'hard problem' of consciousness is a 'conceptual fact' only in the sense that it is a philosophical mistake : the mistake of failing to see that the physical can be had as an episode of immediate sentiency.\" [65]\nThe philosopher Thomas Metzinger likens the hard problem of consciousness to vitalism, a formerly widespread view in biology which was not so much solved as abandoned. [66] Brian Jonathan Garrett has also argued that the hard problem suffers from flaws analogous to those of vitalism. [67]", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n22. Seth, Anil (November 2016). \"The real problem\" (https://aeon.co/essays/the-hard-problem-of -consciousness-is-a-distraction-from-the-real-one). Aeon . Retrieved 22 April 2018.\n23. Sean Carroll (29 April 2019). \"Sean Carroll's Mindscape\" (https://www.preposterousunivers e.com/podcast/2019/04/29/episode-44-antonio-damasio-on-feelings-thoughts-and-the-evolu tion-of-humanity/). Preposterousuniverse.com (Podcast). Sean Carroll. Event occurs at 1:04.46. \"I'm just saying that the idea of a hard problem that you cannot transpose, I think is wrong.\"\n24. \"Psychological Scales. The Hard Problem of Consciousness\" (https://scales.arabpsycholog y.com/2022/11/19/hard-problem-of-consciousness-2/). arabpsychology.com . Retrieved 2023-10-29.\n25. Bourget, David; Chalmers, David J. (2020). \"Philosophers on Philosophy: The 2020 PhilPapers Survey\" (https://survey2020.philpeople.org). Philosophers' Imprint .\n26. Roberts, Tim S. (September 2007). \" The Even Harder Problem of Consciousness by Roberts. Tim S.\" (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228618472) NeuroQuantology . 5 (2): 214-221. doi:10.14704/nq.2007.5.2.129 (https://doi.org/10.14704%2Fnq.2007.5.2.129).\n27. Chalmers, David (1996). The Conscious Mind . New York: Oxford University Press. pp. xiixiii, 95-106, backcover.\n28. Pinker, Steven (2018). Enlightenment Now . Viking. p. 481. ISBN 9780525427575.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Philosophical responses\nDavid Chalmers' formulation of the hard problem of consciousness provoked considerable debate within philosophy of mind, as well as scientific research. [43]\nThe hard problem is considered a problem primarily for physicalist views of the mind (the view that the mind is a physical object or process), since physical explanations tend to be functional, or structural. Because of this, some physicalists have responded to the hard problem by seeking to show that it dissolves upon analysis. Other researchers accept the problem as real and seek to develop a theory of consciousness' place in the world that can solve it, by either modifying physicalism or abandoning it in favour of an alternative ontology (such as panpsychism or dualism). A third response has been to accept the hard problem as real but deny human cognitive faculties can solve it.\nA diagram showing the relationship between various views concerning the relationship between consciousness and the physical world\nPhilPapers is an organization that archives academic philosophy papers and periodically surveys professional philosophers about their views. It can be used to gauge professional attitudes towards the hard problem. As of the 2020 survey results, it seems that the majority of philosophers (62.42%) agree that the hard problem is real, with a substantial minority that disagrees (29.76%). [25]\nAttitudes towards physicalism also differ among professionals. In the 2009 PhilPapers survey, 56.5% of philosophers surveyed subscribed to physicalism and 27.1% of philosophers surveyed rejected physicalism. 16.4% fell into the \"other\" category. [51] In the 2020 PhilPapers survey, 51.93% of philosophers surveyed indicated that they \"accept or lean towards\" physicalism and 32.08% indicated that they reject physicalism. 6.23% were \"agnostic\" or \"undecided\". [25]\nDifferent solutions have been proposed to the hard problem of consciousness. The sections below taxonomizes the various responses to the hard problem. The shape of this taxonomy was first introduced by Chalmers in a 2003 literature review on the topic. [52] The labelling convention of this taxonomy has been incorporated into the technical vocabulary of analytic philosophy, being used by philosophers such as Adrian Boutel, [53] Raamy Majeed, [54] Janet Levin, [55] Pete Mandik & Josh Weisberg, [56] Roberto Pereira, [57] and Helen Yetter-Chappell. [58]", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n17. Massimo Pigliucci (2013). \"What hard problem?\" (http://philpapers.org/archive/PIGWHP.pdf) (PDF). Philosophy Now (99).\n18. Churchland, Patricia (1996). \"The Hornswoggle Problem\" (http://joelvelasco.net/teaching/23 00/hornswoggleprob.pdf) (PDF). Journal of Consciousness Studies . 3 (5-6): 402-408. Retrieved 10 January 2021.\n19. Frankish, Keith (2016). \"Illusionism as a Theory of Consciousness\" (https://nbviewer.jupyter. org/github/k0711/kf_articles/blob/master/Frankish_Illusionism%20as%20a%20theory%20o f%20consciousness_eprint.pdf) (PDF). Journal of Consciousness Studies . 23 (11-12): 1139. Retrieved 20 December 2018.\n20. Dehaene, Stanislas (2014). Consciousness and the brain: deciphering how the brain codes our thoughts . Viking Adult. pp. 259-266 (https://books.google.com/books?id=CWw2AAAAQ BAJ&pg=PT197). ISBN 978-0670025435.\n21. Edelman, Gerald; Gally, Joseph; Baars, Bernard (2011). \"Biology of Consciousness\" (https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3111444). Frontiers in Psychology . 2 (4): 4. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00004 (https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffpsyg.2011.00004). PMC 3111444 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3111444). PMID 21713129 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21713129).", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf", - "query": "What is David Chalmer's definition of \"consciousness\" ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Chalmers uses Thomas Nagel's definition of consciousness: \"the feeling of what it is like to be something.\"", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Overview\nCognitive scientist David Chalmers first formulated the hard problem in his paper \"Facing up to the problem of consciousness\" (1995) [1] and expanded upon it in The Conscious Mind (1996). His works provoked comment. Some, such as philosopher David Lewis and Steven Pinker, have praised Chalmers for his argumentative rigour and \"impeccable clarity\". [27] Pinker later said, in 2018, \"In the end I still think that the hard problem is a meaningful conceptual problem, but agree with Dennett that it is not a meaningful scientific problem. No one will ever get a grant to study whether you are a zombie or whether the same Captain Kirk walks on the deck of the Enterprise and the surface of Zakdorn. And I agree with several other philosophers that it may be futile to hope for a solution at all, precisely because it is a conceptual problem, or, more accurately, a problem with our concepts.\" [28] Daniel Dennett and Patricia Churchland, among others, believe that the hard problem is best seen as a collection of easy problems that will be solved through further analysis of the brain and behaviour. [29][30]\nConsciousness is an ambiguous term. It can be used to mean self consciousness, awareness, the state of being awake, and so on. Chalmers uses Thomas Nagel's definition of consciousness: \" the feeling of what it is like to be something.\" Consciousness, in this sense, is synonymous with experience. [31][27]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Chalmers, David (1995). \"Facing up to the problem of consciousness\" (http://consc.net/pape rs/facing.pdf) (PDF). Journal of Consciousness Studies . 2 (3): 200-219.\n2. Harnad, Stevan (1995). \"Why and how we are not zombies\" (http://cogprints.org/1601/6/har nad95.zombies.html). Journal of Consciousness Studies . 1 : 164-167. See also Harnad, Stevan (April 2000). \"How/why the mind-body problem is hard\" (http://cogprints.org/1617/1/ harnad00.mind.humphrey.html). Journal of Consciousness Studies . 7 (4): 54-61.\n3. See Cooney's foreword to the reprint of Chalmers' paper: Brian Cooney, ed. (1999). \"Chapter 27: Facing up to the problem of consciousness\". The place of mind . Cengage Learning. pp. 382 ff . ISBN 978-0534528256.\n4. Problem of Consciousness (Tuscan 1994) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lWp-6hH_6 g%7CHard)\n5. JCS vol. 4, pp. 3-46, 1997\n6. Chalmers, David (1997). \"Moving forward on the problem of consciousness\". Journal of Consciousness Studies . 4 (1): 3-46.\n7. Shear, Jonathan (1997). Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem . MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262692212.\n8. \"Episode 83, The David Chalmers Interview (Part I - Consciousness)\" (https://thepanpsycas t.com/panpsycast2/episode83-1). The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast . 19 July 2020. Retrieved 2020-09-05.\n9. Pinker, Steven (29 January 2007). \"The Brain: The Mystery of Consciousness\" (http://conten t.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1580394-1,00.html). Time . Retrieved 19 December 2018.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consciousness\nDavid Chalmers identified two problems in understanding the mind, which he named the \"hard\" and \"easy\" problems of consciousness. [381] The easy problem is understanding how the brain processes signals, makes plans and controls behavior. The hard problem is explaining how this feels or why it should feel like anything at all, assuming we are right in thinking that it truly does feel like something (Dennett's consciousness illusionism says this is an illusion). While human information processing is easy to explain, human subjective experience is difficult to explain. For example, it is easy to imagine a colorblind person who has learned to identify which objects in their field of view are red, but it is not clear what would be required for the person to know what red looks like . [382]", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n89. Chalmers, David (2020). \"Is the Hard Problem of Consciousness Universal?\". Journal of Consciousness Studies . 27 (5-6): 227-257.\n90. Papineau, D. (2019). \"Response to Chalmers' 'The Meta-Problem of Consciousness' \" (http s://philpapers.org/rec/PAPRTC-6). Journal of Consciousness Studies . 26 (9-10): 173-181.\n91. J. Levine, \"Conceivability, Identity, and the Explanatory Gap\" in Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak and David Chalmers (eds.), Towards a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates , The MIT Press, 1999,. pp 3-12.\n92. Gennaro, Rocco J. \"Consciousness\" (https://www.iep.utm.edu/consciou). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy .\n93. Block, Ned; Stalnaker, Robert (1999). \"Conceptual Analysis, Dualism, and the Explanatory Gap\" (http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/philo/faculty/block/papers/ExplanatoryGap.pdf) (PDF). The Philosophical Review . 108 (1): 1-46. CiteSeerX (https://citeseerx.ist.ps u.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= doi:10.2307/2998259 (https://doi.org/10.230 7%2F2998259). JSTOR 2998259 (https://www.jstor.org/stable/2998259).\n94. Stoljar, Daniel (2005). \"Physicalism and Phenomenal Concepts\". Mind & Language . 20 (5): 469-494. doi:10.1111/j.0268-1064.2005.00296.x (https://doi.org/10.1111%2Fj.0268-1064.2 005.00296.x).", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "wikipedia2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n95. Chalmers, David (2006). \"Phenomenal Concepts and the Explanatory Gap\" (http://consc.ne t/papers/pceg.pdf) (PDF). In Alter, Torin; Walter, Sven (eds.). Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism . Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195171655. Retrieved 27 March 2019.\n96. Wierzbicka, A. (2019). \"From 'Consciousness' to 'I Think, I Feel, I Know': A Commentary on David Chalmers\". 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[59] It examines many presuppositions implicit in logic, like how to define its basic concepts or the metaphysical assumptions associated with them. [158] It is also concerned with how to classify logical systems and considers the ontological commitments they incur. [159] Philosophical logic is one of the areas within the philosophy of logic. It studies the application of logical methods to philosophical problems in fields like metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology. [160] This application usually happens in the form of extended or deviant logical systems. [161]", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 810, - "page_end": 810, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 264, - "page_end": 264, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How ORCID Works\nIt's a registry of unique persistent identifiers for researchers\nIt's a hub that connects researchers with their professional activities and contributions\nIt's a global community that enables researchers to share their data with other individuals, organizations, and systems", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf", - "query": "What explains mostly the physical behavior that occurs in region iii of thin films ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "The observed behaviour in region iii) can be reason- ably attributed to the decreasing relevance of the con- tribution to the total energy of the system coming from the competitive interactions among NNN planes as the film thickness decreases", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\nA possible framework to analyze the results presented in the previous Section is suggested by Fig. 5, where we can easily distinguish three significant regions: i ) high thickness, n /greaterorequalslant 16, where the films substantially display a bulk behaviour, with the single planes ordering temperature coinciding with the helical phase transition one; ii ) intermediate thickness, 6 ≤ n /lessorsimilar 15, where the temperature corresponding to the onset of in-plane order, T C ( n ), is still /similarequal T Ho N , but where the helical/fan arrangement stabilizes only below a finite temperature T N ( n ) < T C ( n ); iii ) low thickness,1 ≤ n ≤ 5, where T C ( n ) /lessorsimilar T Ho N but no fan phase is present at any temperature.\nThe observed behaviour in region iii ) can be reasonably attributed to the decreasing relevance of the contribution to the total energy of the system coming from the competitive interactions among NNN planes as the film thickness decreases; moreover, the thinness of the\nFIG. 7: (color online) ∆ ϕ l ( T ) vs. temperature for the surface planes, l = 1 (triangles), l = 2 (squares), l = 3 (diamonds), l = 4 (circles). Straight lines and full symbols: n = 8. Dashed lines and open symbols: n = 16.\nfilm leads to an effective 2d-like trend. Region ii ) looks however more intriguing, and requires a more accurate discussion, which can benefit from a careful comparison of the behaviour of a given quantity in regions i ) and ii ).\n/negationslash", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[5] F. Brochard-Wyart and J. Daillant, 'Drying of solids wetted by thin liquid films,' Can. J. Phys. 68 , 1084-1088 (1989).\n[6] P. Muller-Buschbaum, 'Dewetting and pattern formation in thin polymer films as investigated in real and reciprocal space,' J. Phys.-Condes. Matter 15 , R1549-R1582 (2003).\n[7] R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, C. Neto, S. Schlagowski, D. Podzimek, R. Konrad, H. Mantz, and K. Jacobs, 'Dynamics and structure formation in thin polymer melt films,' J. Phys.-Condes. Matter 17 , S267-S290 (2005).\n[8] U. 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The concentration increases further and when it approaches random close packing φ c , the viscosity diverges and the front pins itself. When pinned, further retraction only occurs through evaporation (Fig. 7(b) and regime (ii) in Fig. 8). The front eventually depins and starts to move again, leaving a nanoparticle ring behind (Fig. 7(c) and regime (iii) in Fig. 8). However, the velocity is not as large as at the beginning, owing to the fact that the mean concentration of particles has increased. The remaining particles are transported to the centre and are deposited there when the remaining solvent evaporates (regime (iv) in Fig. 8).\nThe simple model used here shows, (i) that the contact line stops due to self-pinning by the deposited particles and (ii) the Marangoni effect is not necessary for the ring formation. The model can easily be refined to account for solutal and/or thermal Marangoni effects [88] but self-pinning\n22\nFIG. 8: (Colour online) Space-time plots are given for (left) the film thickness h and (right) the nanoparticle layer height h p = hφ . The plot corresponds to the complete evolution resulting in the ring profile of Fig. 6(b). In both panels bright [dark] parts denote high [low] regions. The prominent central dark-bright border in the left panel indicates the change of the position of the contact line in time. Over time, four regimes can be distinguished: (i) fast motion before pinning, (ii) nearly no front motion during self-pinning, (iii) slow motion after depinning, and (iv) final evaporation from the center.\nshould also be investigated further in the simple case presented here.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Thin film hydrodynamics\nThe situation changes when allowing for evaporation ( Q nc > 0 ). Now the front may retract by convection and/or evaporation. Evaporation leads to the possibility of a strong increase in the particle concentration at the contact line as evaporation is strongest there. Due to the strong nonlinear dependence of the viscosity on the particle concentration, this may lead to a dramatic decrease of the convective contribution to the front velocity. For moderate evaporation rates, this may result in a (temporary) self-pinning of the front. Within the present basic model, the process can (after complete dry-in) result in three different basic deposition patterns: (i) for very fast evaporation rates, all other processes occur over time scales that are much larger. In particular, the effects of convective redistribution of the liquid are neglectable. As a result one finds that a nearly homogeneous film of nanoparticles of thickness h p = φ 0 h 0 is deposited (see Fig. 6(a)). Convection only results in the small heap of material visible at the left hand side of Fig. 6(a). The decrease in h p on the right side of Fig. 6(a) arises due to the diffusion of particles to the right of the initial front position; (ii) for very low evaporation rates, the film dynamics is dominated by convective dewetting as this process acts on a much shorter time scale than evaporation. As a result, all the liquid is collected into a drop before evaporation slowly removes the remaining solvent. Under these conditions most of the nanoparticles are deposited in a single heap (see Fig. 6(c)). Depending on the diffusivity, the heap might be highest at the centre or show a depression there; (iii) at intermediate evaporation rates, one may observe the deposition of a nanoparticle ring around a region with a nanoparticle film of much lower height. At the centre deposition might increase again (see Fig. 6(b)).", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interplay among helical order, surface effects and range of interacting layers in ultrathin films.\nF. Cinti (1 , 2 , 3) , A. Rettori (2 , 3) , and A. Cuccoli (2)\n(1) Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2J1\n(2) CNISM and Department of Physics, University of Florence, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy. and\n(3) CNR-INFM S 3 National Research Center, I-41100 Modena, Italy\n(Dated: June 8, 2022)\nThe properties of helical thin films have been thoroughly investigated by classical Monte Carlo simulations. The employed model assumes classical planar spins in a body-centered tetragonal lattice, where the helical arrangement along the film growth direction has been modeled by nearest neighbor and next-nearest neighbor competing interactions, the minimal requirement to get helical order. We obtain that, while the in-plane transition temperatures remain essentially unchanged with respect to the bulk ones, the helical/fan arrangement is stabilized at more and more low temperature when the film thickness, n , decreases; in the ordered phase, increasing the temperature, a softening of the helix pitch wave-vector is also observed. Moreover, we show also that the simulation data around both transition temperatures lead us to exclude the presence of a first order transition for all analyzed sizes. Finally, by comparing the results of the present work with those obtained for other models previously adopted in literature, we can get a deeper insight about the entwined role played by the number (range) of interlayer interactions and surface effects in non-collinear thin films.\nPACS numbers: 64.60.an,64.60.De,75.10.Hk,75.40.Cx,75.70.Ak.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[90] J. J. Zhou, B. Dupuy, A. L. 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The contact line pinning is often assumed to result from substrate heterogeneities. Film height and concentration profiles at various instants during the dewetting process are displayed in Fig. 7. The profiles are from before, at and after self-pinning of the contact line. In Fig. 8 we display a space-time plot for the complete process. At first, the front recedes in the same manner as when there is no evaporation, but now driven by convection and evaporation. A small capillary rim forms that collects all the dewetted liquid that does not evaporate. The particle concentration slowly increases at the contact line (Fig. 7(a) and regime\n21\nFIG. 7: (Colour online) A sequence of profiles during a dewetting process with competing evaporation and convection that leads to the dried-in ring structure of nanoparticles displayed in Fig. 6(b). Profiles are at (a) before pinning ( t = 0 . 08 T ), (b) at self-pinning ( t = 0 . 13 T ), and (c) after depinning ( t = 0 . 29 T ), where T = 3 × 10 10 τ with τ = η 0 γH/κ 2 ( T is of order of 1s). The film thickness profiles h are the bold solid lines, the nanoparticle concentrations φ are the dotted lines and the nanoparticle layer height h p = hφ are the dashed lines. The remaining parameters and scalings are as in Fig. 6(b).", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. CONCLUSION\nThe dynamical density functional theory describes the coupled dynamics of the density fields of the liquid and the nanoparticles. In the form described above (i.e. based on the two-dimensional hamiltonian (3)) we obtain a simple theory that allows us to study the time evolution of the evaporating ultrathin film and also to investigate the influence of processes such as surface diffusion by the liquid, which are not incorporated in the KMC model. However, it is straightforward to extend the theory to consider a fully three-dimensional fluid film, in which one can distinguish between short- and long-range interactions of solvent and/or solute with the substrate. We have, however, restricted the examples given here to situations that can also be described using the KMC model. A further exploration will be presented elsewhere.\nFinally, we have discussed a simple thin film model for the hydrodynamics on the mesoscale. It results from a long-wave approximation and consists of coupled evolution equations for the film thickness profile and the mean particle concentration. It has been used to discuss the self-pinning of receding contact lines that is related to the formation of rings of dried-in particles (coffeestain effect) that frequently occurs when films or drops of solutions or suspensions dewet by the combined effects of convection and evaporation.\nOne of the primary goals of researchers in this field, is the search for simple-to-use techniques that allow one to produce hierarchically structured functional layers for a wide range of applications such as, e.g., organic solar cells [98]. This means that the experiments advance very rapidly towards increasingly complex systems. For example, there have been investigations of the influence of the phase behaviour on the drying of droplets of a suspension of hard-sphere colloidal particles and non-adsorbing polymer [99], of the instabilities and the formation of drops in evaporating thin films of binary solutions [100] that may lead to treelike patterns [101], of effects of a secondary phase separation on evaporation-induced pattern formation in polymer films [102], and of the influence of an imposed flow on decomposition and deposition processes in a sliding ridge of evaporating solution of a binary polymer mixture [103] and of the influence of rather\n24", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. RESULTS\nThe scenario just outlined for n = 8 results to be correct in the thickness range 6 ≤ n /lessorsimilar 15, where a clear separation between T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) can be easily figured out. In such temperature window, the strong surface effects produce a quasi -FM set-up of the magnetic film structure along the z -direction. While leaving to the next Section a more detailed discussion of this regime, we report in Fig. 5 a plot of T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) vs. n for all the simulated thicknesses. The separation between the two critical temperatures is maximum for n = 6, where T N (6) = 38(4), that is T N (6) ∼ 1 3 T C (6). For films with less than six layers no fan order is observed, i.e. for n = 5 and below the chirality does not display any typical feature of fan ordering at any temperature below T C ( n ). As a representative quantity we finally look at the rotation\n5\nFIG. 6: Rotation angle ∆ ϕ l between magnetic moments on NN layers ( l + 1 , l ) at some low temperatures, for thickness n = 5 and n = 6, and lateral dimension L = 64.\nangle of the magnetization between nearest planes:\n∆ ϕ l = ϕ l +1 -ϕ l = arccos [ M x l M x l +1 + M y l M y l +1 ] (10)\nwhere ( M x l , M y l ) is the magnetic vector profile for each plane l . ∆ ϕ l is displayed in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b, for n = 6 and n = 5, respectively. In Fig. 6a, a quite clear fan stabilization is observed when the temperature decreases, while in Fig. 6b, i.e. for n = 5, ∆ ϕ l keeps an almost temperature independent very small value; what's more, ∆ ϕ l seems to loose any temperature dependence as T = 0 is approached. We attribute the absence of fan arrangement for n ≤ 5 as simply due to the lack of 'bulk planes' inside the film, so that we are left with only a 2d trend at T C ( n ), i.e. at the temperature where the order parameters defined in Eqs. (2) and (3) show a critical behaviour.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf", - "query": "Where are located the magnetic ions in the lattice of the studied layers ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "the magnetic ions are located on the sites of a body-centered tetragonal (BCT) lattice", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n8\nA. Coupling between Distortions of a Tetrahedron and the Pseudo-spins\nB. Derivation of the Terms Generated by Second Order Perturbation of Inter-cluster Magnetic Interactions\n8\n9\nReferences 10", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\nFIG. 8: (color online) Q z , position of the maximum of S ( /vector q ), vs. temperature for thickness n = 8. Inset: magnetic vector ( m x l , m y l ) profile for some temperatures for L = 64. Colors and symbols as in Fig. 2.\nFIG. 9: ∆ ϕ l for a BCT lattice and n = 12, when the six coupling constants set employed in Ref. 14,15 (see text) is used. The temperature range has been chosen around T C ( n ) (error bars lye within point size).\ngled out, with the high-temperature, paramagnetic phase separated from the low-temperature, long-range ordered one, by an intermediate-temperature block phase where outer ordered 4-layers blocks coexist with some inner disordered ones. Moreover, it was observed that the phase transition of such inner layers turns out to have the signatures of a Kosterlitz-Thouless one.\nThe absence of the block phase in the J 1 -J 2 model here investigated has to be attributed to the different range of interactions, rather than to the different lattice structure. We came to this conclusion by doing some simulations using the same set of interaction constants employed in Refs. 14,15, but using a BCT lattice: the results we obtained for ∆ ϕ l with n = 12 are reported in Fig. 9. The latter is absolutely similar to Fig.7 of Ref. 15 and clearly displays the footmarks of the block phase (see down-triangle), with two external blocks of ordered layers ( l =1.. . 5 and 8. . . 12 ), where ∆ ϕ l is roughly 10 · , separated by a block of disordered layers, and with almost\nFIG. 10: (colors online) Equilibrium probability distribution of the energy for the thickness n = 8 for some temperatures around T N (8), (a) , and T C (8), (b) , respectively.\nopposite magnetization. We can thus confidently assert that, regardless of the underlying lattice structure, by decreasing the number of the out-of-plane interactions, for thicknesses close to the helical bulk pitch, the block", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. RESULTS\nThe scenario just outlined for n = 8 results to be correct in the thickness range 6 ≤ n /lessorsimilar 15, where a clear separation between T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) can be easily figured out. In such temperature window, the strong surface effects produce a quasi -FM set-up of the magnetic film structure along the z -direction. While leaving to the next Section a more detailed discussion of this regime, we report in Fig. 5 a plot of T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) vs. n for all the simulated thicknesses. The separation between the two critical temperatures is maximum for n = 6, where T N (6) = 38(4), that is T N (6) ∼ 1 3 T C (6). For films with less than six layers no fan order is observed, i.e. for n = 5 and below the chirality does not display any typical feature of fan ordering at any temperature below T C ( n ). As a representative quantity we finally look at the rotation\n5\nFIG. 6: Rotation angle ∆ ϕ l between magnetic moments on NN layers ( l + 1 , l ) at some low temperatures, for thickness n = 5 and n = 6, and lateral dimension L = 64.\nangle of the magnetization between nearest planes:\n∆ ϕ l = ϕ l +1 -ϕ l = arccos [ M x l M x l +1 + M y l M y l +1 ] (10)\nwhere ( M x l , M y l ) is the magnetic vector profile for each plane l . ∆ ϕ l is displayed in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b, for n = 6 and n = 5, respectively. In Fig. 6a, a quite clear fan stabilization is observed when the temperature decreases, while in Fig. 6b, i.e. for n = 5, ∆ ϕ l keeps an almost temperature independent very small value; what's more, ∆ ϕ l seems to loose any temperature dependence as T = 0 is approached. We attribute the absence of fan arrangement for n ≤ 5 as simply due to the lack of 'bulk planes' inside the film, so that we are left with only a 2d trend at T C ( n ), i.e. at the temperature where the order parameters defined in Eqs. (2) and (3) show a critical behaviour.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\nFor this purpose, we look at the temperature dependence of the rotation angle of the magnetization between NN planes. In Fig. 7, ∆ ϕ l ( T ) for n = 8 and n = 16 (continuous and dashed lines, respectively), is plotted for the outermost planes, l = 1 . . . 4. For both thicknesses, a monotonic trend is observed for all l , but at variance with what happens for the highest thickness, for n = 8 we see, starting from a temperature T /lessorsimilar T N (8), an abrupt drop of ∆ ϕ 3 and ∆ ϕ 4 , which rapidly reach an almost constant value, only slightly larger than ∆ ϕ 1 . In the temperature range T N (8) /lessorsimilar T < T C (8) we thus substantially observe the same small magnetic phase shifts between all NN layers, testifying an energetically stable quasi -FM configuration giving no contribution to the helical order parameters. The latter point can be made clearer by looking at the the peak position Q z,max of the structure factor S (0 , 0 , q z ). In Fig. 8 the average of Q z,max vs T is reported, again for n = 8 and for different lateral dimensions L 26 . As expected from the previous argument, we see that Q z,max = 0 for T N (8) < T < T C (8), while it begins to shift to higher values as soon as the temperature decreases below T N (8), making apparent a progressive fan stabilization with Q z,max = 0 and reaching a value of about 21 · for T = 10K.\nIn a previous study, where the magnetic properties of Ho thin films were investigated by MC simulations of a Heisenberg model with easy-plane single-ion anisotropy and six out-of-plane coupling constants (as obtained by experimental neutron scattering measurements 16 ) on a HCPlattice 14,15 , it was found that for thicknesses comparable with the helical pitch the phase diagram landscape is quite different from what we find here. Indeed, for n = 9 -16, three different magnetic phases could be sin-\n6", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\n1 Frustrated spin Systems , edited by H. T. 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Generate the High Order Terms by Magnetic Interactions between Clusters.\nλ x H perturbation , x = λ x [ S j 1 · S k 1 +sgn( J x ) · ( S j 2 · S k 2 )] -J x ( S j 1 · S j 2 + S k 1 · S k 2 ) .\nwhere λ x = √ 12 | J x | · J cluster , sgn( J x ) = ± 1 is the sign of J x .\nThe perturbation on y -links is\nλ y H perturbation , y = λ y [ S j 1 · S k 1 +sgn( J y ) · ( S j 3 -S j 4 ) · ( S k 3 -S k 4 )] -| J y | ( S j 3 · S j 4 + S k 3 · S k 4 )\nwith λ y = √ 4 | J y | · J cluster .\nThe perturbation on z -links is\nλ z H perturbation , z = λ z [ S j 2 · ( S k 3 × S k 4 ) + sgn( J z ) · S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 )] -| J z | ( S j 3 · S j 4 + S k 3 · S k 4 ) .\nwith\nλ z = 4 √ | J z | · J cluster . The entire Hamiltonian H magnetic reads explicitly as,", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\n2 J.-H. Chung, S. J. Chung, S. Lee, B. J. Kirby, J. A. Borchers, Y. J. Cho, X. 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This is around a factor of three thinner than in Ref. 7 , which could be due to the lower Mn concentration or the different preparation method of the present samples.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. RESULTS\nWe now move to describe and discuss MC simulation data for thinner samples. A graphical synthesis of the results obtained for n = 8 in reported in Fig. 4a-d. The specific heat c v , shown in Figs. 4a, reveals very small finite-size effects, which, however, cannot be unambiguously detected for the largest lattice size ( L = 64), as they fall comfortably within the error range. Surprisingly, the specific heat maximum is located close to the bulk transition temperature as found for n = 16, and\nFIG. 5: Transition temperatures T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) vs. film thickness n .\nthe same is true for the crossing point of the Binder cumulant of the average magnetization M (not reported in figure), which is located at T C (8) = 133 . 3(3)K. These data give a first rough indication that also for n = 8 all the planes of the sample are still ordering almost at the same temperature; such property has been observed for all the investigated thicknesses n below 16, so that T C ( n ) results quite n -independent (see also Fig. 5) .\nAlthough the layer subtraction does not seem to modify T C ( n ), the onset of helical arrangement is observed to shift at lower temperatures as n decreases. The chirality κ defined in Eq. (4) is reported in Fig 4b for n = 8. As the temperature decreases, around T ∼ 80K we can identify a finite-size behaviour of κ which, at variance with the previous one, can be easily recognized as typical of an effective phase transition. Such conclusion is confirmed by the analysis of the chiral susceptibility χ κ (Fig. 4c), which for the largest L has a maximum at T = 85K. Assuming that the order parameter (4) is the relevant one to single out the onset of the fan arrangement, we can get a more accurate estimate of T N (8) by looking at the Binder cumulant u 4 ( κ ), reported in Fig. 4d. By making use of the MH technique, we locate the crossing point at T N (8) = 92(2) K. Finally, it is worthwhile to observe as the specific heat does not show any anomaly at T N (8), being the entropy substantially removed at T C (8).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix B: Derivation of the Terms Generated by Second Order Perturbation of Inter-cluster Magnetic Interactions\n-λ 2 6 J cluster [ 9 + 9 r 2 8 +2 r P jk [ S j 1 · ( S j 3 -S j 4 )][ S k 1 · ( S k 3 -S k 4 )] P jk -(3 / 2) P jk ( S k 3 · S k 4 + r 2 S j 3 · S j 4 ) P jk ] = -λ 2 6 J cluster [ 9 + 9 r 2 8 +2 r (3 / 4) τ y j τ y k -(3 / 2) P jk ( S k 3 · S k 4 + r 2 S j 3 · S j 4 ) P jk ]\nSo we can choose -( r λ 2 ) / (4 J cluster ) = -J y , and include the last intra-cluster S k 3 · S k 4 + r 2 S j 3 · S j 4 term in the first order perturbation.\nTherefore we can choose the following perturbation on y -links (not unique),\nλ y H perturbation , y = λ y [ S j 1 · S k 1 +sgn( J y ) · ( S j 3 -S j 4 ) · ( S k 3 -S k 4 )] -| J y | ( S j 3 · S j 4 + S k 3 · S k 4 )\nwith λ y = √ 4 | J y | · J cluster , r = sgn( J y ) is the sign of J y . The τ z j τ z k term is again more difficult to get. We use the representation of τ z by spin-chirality (6). And consider the following perturbation\nH perturbation = S j 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 ) + r S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 )\nThe first order term in (15) vanishes due to the same reason as before. There are four terms in the second order perturbation. The first one is\nλ 2 P jk S j 2 · ( S k 3 × S k 4 )(1 -P jk ) × [0 -H cluster j -H cluster k ] -1 × (1 -P jk ) S j 2 · ( S k 3 × S k 4 ) P jk", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf", - "query": "What is the minimum number of spin layers in a film before a correct bulk is reached ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "For n > 16, n being the number of spin layers in the film, a correct bulk limit is reached", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "III. RESULTS\nThe scenario just outlined for n = 8 results to be correct in the thickness range 6 ≤ n /lessorsimilar 15, where a clear separation between T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) can be easily figured out. In such temperature window, the strong surface effects produce a quasi -FM set-up of the magnetic film structure along the z -direction. While leaving to the next Section a more detailed discussion of this regime, we report in Fig. 5 a plot of T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) vs. n for all the simulated thicknesses. The separation between the two critical temperatures is maximum for n = 6, where T N (6) = 38(4), that is T N (6) ∼ 1 3 T C (6). For films with less than six layers no fan order is observed, i.e. for n = 5 and below the chirality does not display any typical feature of fan ordering at any temperature below T C ( n ). As a representative quantity we finally look at the rotation\n5\nFIG. 6: Rotation angle ∆ ϕ l between magnetic moments on NN layers ( l + 1 , l ) at some low temperatures, for thickness n = 5 and n = 6, and lateral dimension L = 64.\nangle of the magnetization between nearest planes:\n∆ ϕ l = ϕ l +1 -ϕ l = arccos [ M x l M x l +1 + M y l M y l +1 ] (10)\nwhere ( M x l , M y l ) is the magnetic vector profile for each plane l . ∆ ϕ l is displayed in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b, for n = 6 and n = 5, respectively. In Fig. 6a, a quite clear fan stabilization is observed when the temperature decreases, while in Fig. 6b, i.e. for n = 5, ∆ ϕ l keeps an almost temperature independent very small value; what's more, ∆ ϕ l seems to loose any temperature dependence as T = 0 is approached. We attribute the absence of fan arrangement for n ≤ 5 as simply due to the lack of 'bulk planes' inside the film, so that we are left with only a 2d trend at T C ( n ), i.e. at the temperature where the order parameters defined in Eqs. (2) and (3) show a critical behaviour.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. MODEL HAMILTONIAN AND MONTE CARLO OBSERVABLES\n-24.2 K, that we have employed in our simulations. The given values for the exchange constants are the same already used by Weschke et al. in Ref. 13 to interpret experimental data on Holmium films on the basis of a J 1 -J 2 model, after a proper scaling by the numbers of NN and NNN on neighboring layers of a BCT lattice.\nIn the following we will denote with n the film thickness, i.e. the number of spin layers along the z direction, and with L × L the number of spins in each layer (i.e., L is the lattice size along both the x and y directions). In our simulations thickness values from 1 to 24 were considered, while the range of lateral size L was from 8 to 64. Periodic boundary conditions were applied along x and y , while free boundaries were obviously taken along the film growth direction z .\nThermal equilibrium was attained by the usual Metropolis algorithm 19 , supplemented by the overrelaxed technique 20 in order to speed-up the sampling of the spin configuration space: a typical 'Monte Carlo step' was composed by four Metropolis and four-five over-relaxed moves per particle. Such judicious mix of moves is able both to get faster the thermal equilibrium and to minimize the correlation 'time' between successive samples, i.e. the undesired effects due to lack of in-\ndependence of different samples during the measurement stage. For each temperature we have usually performed three independent simulations, each one containing at least 2 × 10 5 measurements, taken after discarding up to 5 × 10 4 Monte Carlo steps in order to assure thermal equilibration.\nIn the proximity of the critical region the multiple histogram (MH) technique was also employed 21 , as it allows us to estimate the physical observables of interest over a whole temperature range in a substantially continuous way by interpolating results obtained from sets of simulations performed at some different temperatures.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nbe achieved with different number of interacting layers: notably, nearest and next-nearest layers competitive interactions are enough to get a helical structure with a whatever pitch wavevector. Such observation gives us a possible way to solve the conundrum previously emerged, as we have the possibility of varying the range of interactions without modifying the helical pitch, thus decoupling the two relevant length scales along the film growth direction, and making accessible a range of n of the order of, or smaller than, the helical pitch, but still large enough that a substantial number of layers can behave as 'bulk' layers. Therefore, while in the previous papers we have studied the properties of ultrathin magnetic films of Ho assuming a model with six interlayer exchange interactions, here we investigate by MC simulations the properties of the same system by making use of the simplest model Hamiltonian able to describe the onset of a helical magnetic order in Holmium, i.e. we consider only two inter-layer coupling constants, as previously done in Ref. 11.\nThe paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II the model Hamiltonian will be defined, and the MC techniques, and all the thermodynamic quantities relevant for this study, will be introduced. In Sec. III the results obtained for different thicknesses will be presented, both in the matter of the critical properties of the model and of the magnetic ordered structures observed. Finally, in Sec. IV we shall discuss such results, drawing also some conclusions.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. RESULTS\nThe results obtained by MC simulations of the model introduced in Sec. II will be presented starting from n = 16, i.e. the highest investigated film thickness which still displays a bulk-like behaviour. In Fig. 2 the specific heat for samples with n = 16 and lateral dimension L = 24 , 32 , 48 , 64 is shown. The location of the specific heat maximum shows a quite definite evolution toward the bulk transition temperature, T Ho N /similarequal 132K 10 (it is worthwhile to note that for this XY model the mean field theory predicts a critical temperature T Ho N,MF /similarequal 198K).\nThe intensity of the maximum of c v has been analyzed by the MH technique for the same lateral dimensions (see inset of Fig. 2): it clearly appears as it increases with L in a smooth way.\nThe Binder cumulant for the average order parameter defined in Eq. (3) was obtained close to the c v peak and is reported in Fig. 3a; its analysis leads to an estimate of the critical temperature of the sample (given by the location of the common crossing point of the different curves reported in the figure) of T C (16) = 133 . 2(5) This value can be considered in a rather good agreement with the experimental ordering temperature of Holmium T Ho N , the relative difference being about 1%. Even such a mismatch between T Ho N and T C (16) could be completely eliminated by slightly adjusting the in-plane coupling constant J 0 , but, as discussed in Sec. II, we shall preserve the value reported in Refs. 13, and 12 in order to allow for a correct comparison with the results reported in those papers.\nThe development of the helical arrangement of magnetization along the film growth direction was investigated by looking at the integral of the structure factor S ( /vector q ) along the z -direction, i.e. by taking /vector q = (0 , 0 , q z ), and making again use of the cumulant analysis in order to locate the helical transition temperature at T N (16) =\n4", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. RESULTS\nWe now move to describe and discuss MC simulation data for thinner samples. A graphical synthesis of the results obtained for n = 8 in reported in Fig. 4a-d. The specific heat c v , shown in Figs. 4a, reveals very small finite-size effects, which, however, cannot be unambiguously detected for the largest lattice size ( L = 64), as they fall comfortably within the error range. Surprisingly, the specific heat maximum is located close to the bulk transition temperature as found for n = 16, and\nFIG. 5: Transition temperatures T N ( n ) and T C ( n ) vs. film thickness n .\nthe same is true for the crossing point of the Binder cumulant of the average magnetization M (not reported in figure), which is located at T C (8) = 133 . 3(3)K. These data give a first rough indication that also for n = 8 all the planes of the sample are still ordering almost at the same temperature; such property has been observed for all the investigated thicknesses n below 16, so that T C ( n ) results quite n -independent (see also Fig. 5) .\nAlthough the layer subtraction does not seem to modify T C ( n ), the onset of helical arrangement is observed to shift at lower temperatures as n decreases. The chirality κ defined in Eq. (4) is reported in Fig 4b for n = 8. As the temperature decreases, around T ∼ 80K we can identify a finite-size behaviour of κ which, at variance with the previous one, can be easily recognized as typical of an effective phase transition. Such conclusion is confirmed by the analysis of the chiral susceptibility χ κ (Fig. 4c), which for the largest L has a maximum at T = 85K. Assuming that the order parameter (4) is the relevant one to single out the onset of the fan arrangement, we can get a more accurate estimate of T N (8) by looking at the Binder cumulant u 4 ( κ ), reported in Fig. 4d. By making use of the MH technique, we locate the crossing point at T N (8) = 92(2) K. Finally, it is worthwhile to observe as the specific heat does not show any anomaly at T N (8), being the entropy substantially removed at T C (8).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\nFor this purpose, we look at the temperature dependence of the rotation angle of the magnetization between NN planes. In Fig. 7, ∆ ϕ l ( T ) for n = 8 and n = 16 (continuous and dashed lines, respectively), is plotted for the outermost planes, l = 1 . . . 4. For both thicknesses, a monotonic trend is observed for all l , but at variance with what happens for the highest thickness, for n = 8 we see, starting from a temperature T /lessorsimilar T N (8), an abrupt drop of ∆ ϕ 3 and ∆ ϕ 4 , which rapidly reach an almost constant value, only slightly larger than ∆ ϕ 1 . In the temperature range T N (8) /lessorsimilar T < T C (8) we thus substantially observe the same small magnetic phase shifts between all NN layers, testifying an energetically stable quasi -FM configuration giving no contribution to the helical order parameters. The latter point can be made clearer by looking at the the peak position Q z,max of the structure factor S (0 , 0 , q z ). In Fig. 8 the average of Q z,max vs T is reported, again for n = 8 and for different lateral dimensions L 26 . As expected from the previous argument, we see that Q z,max = 0 for T N (8) < T < T C (8), while it begins to shift to higher values as soon as the temperature decreases below T N (8), making apparent a progressive fan stabilization with Q z,max = 0 and reaching a value of about 21 · for T = 10K.\nIn a previous study, where the magnetic properties of Ho thin films were investigated by MC simulations of a Heisenberg model with easy-plane single-ion anisotropy and six out-of-plane coupling constants (as obtained by experimental neutron scattering measurements 16 ) on a HCPlattice 14,15 , it was found that for thicknesses comparable with the helical pitch the phase diagram landscape is quite different from what we find here. Indeed, for n = 9 -16, three different magnetic phases could be sin-\n6", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Thin film hydrodynamics\nFIG. 6: Profiles of the final dried-in nanoparticle layer for the dewetting of a suspension of nanoparticles in a volatile solvent that partially wets the substrate for (a) high ( Ω = 10 -3 ), (b) medium ( Ω = 2 × 10 -6 ) and (c) low ( Ω = 0 . 78 × 10 -8 ) evaporation rates, for the case when χ = H/l 0 = 1 . 09 , the lateral length scale is glyph[lscript] = √ γ/κH with κ = ( S p /l 0 ) exp( d 0 /l 0 ) H being an energy scale related to wettability and the vertical length scale is H = √ 2 S LW /κd 0 . The remaining dimensionless parameters are the evaporation number Ω = Q e η 0 glyph[lscript] 2 /H 3 , the diffusion number Γ = D (0) η 0 /Hκ = 10 -4 and the dimensionless chemical potential M = Hµ/κ = -0 . 0035 . The system size is L = 19500 glyph[lscript] . Film thickness and h p in the plots are scaled by the precursor film thickness.\nx/L\ncircular throughout the dewetting and evaporation process. In this case one should interprete the coordinate x as the distance from the centre of the circular film.\nWe start with a film of height h 0 of finite length sitting on a precursor film and assume that the film contains nanoparticles at constant concentration φ 0 . The chosen parameter values ensure that the film of thickness h 0 is linearly stable. As we do not incorporate noise, no nucleation of additional holes can occur (even with noise the probability would be extremely low). Without evaporation the film dewets 'classically' by a retraction of the initially step-like front. After a short time, surface tension smoothes the profile of the receding front and a capillary rim forms that collects all the\n20\ndewetted liquid. The front recedes until all liquid is collected in a central drop. Since no liquid evaporates [ Q nc = 0 in Eq. (1)], the particle concentration does not change during the process.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Thin film hydrodynamics\nThe most intriguing feature is the ring formation that has been observed experimentally for suspensions of very different particle sizes ranging from nanometers [32, 36, 46, 47] to hundreds of micrometers. Pinning of the contact line and thermal Marangoni effects are often mentioned as necessary conditions for the ring formation. The contact line pinning is often assumed to result from substrate heterogeneities. Film height and concentration profiles at various instants during the dewetting process are displayed in Fig. 7. The profiles are from before, at and after self-pinning of the contact line. In Fig. 8 we display a space-time plot for the complete process. At first, the front recedes in the same manner as when there is no evaporation, but now driven by convection and evaporation. A small capillary rim forms that collects all the dewetted liquid that does not evaporate. The particle concentration slowly increases at the contact line (Fig. 7(a) and regime\n21\nFIG. 7: (Colour online) A sequence of profiles during a dewetting process with competing evaporation and convection that leads to the dried-in ring structure of nanoparticles displayed in Fig. 6(b). Profiles are at (a) before pinning ( t = 0 . 08 T ), (b) at self-pinning ( t = 0 . 13 T ), and (c) after depinning ( t = 0 . 29 T ), where T = 3 × 10 10 τ with τ = η 0 γH/κ 2 ( T is of order of 1s). The film thickness profiles h are the bold solid lines, the nanoparticle concentrations φ are the dotted lines and the nanoparticle layer height h p = hφ are the dashed lines. The remaining parameters and scalings are as in Fig. 6(b).", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. MODEL HAMILTONIAN AND MONTE CARLO OBSERVABLES\nFor all the quantities of interest, the average value and the error estimate were obtained by the bootstrap resampling method 22 given that, as pointed out in Ref. 23, for a large enough number of measurements, this method turns out to be more accurate than the usual blocking technique. In our implementation, we pick out randomly a sizable number of measurements (typically, between 1 and 1 × 10 3 for the single simulation, and between 1 and 5 × 10 4 for the MH technique), and iterate the re-sampling at least one hundred times.\nThe thermodynamic observables we have investigated include the FM order parameter for each plane l :\nm l = √ ( m x l ) 2 +( m y l ) 2 , (2)\nwhich is related to the SO (2) symmetry breaking. At the same time, it turns out to be significant also the average order parameter of the film, defined as\nM = 1 n n ∑ l =1 m l . (3)\nTurning to the helical order, which is the relevant quantity for the Z 2 × SO (2) symmetry, we can explore it along two different directions. The first one is by the introduction of the chirality order parameter 1,2\nκ = 1 4( n -1) L 2 sin Q z ∑ 〈 ij 〉 [ S x i S y j -S y i S x j ] , (4)\nwhere the sum refers to spins belonging to NN layers i and j , respectively, while Q z is the bulk helical pitch vector along the z direction. The second possibility is that of looking at the integral of the structure factor:\nM HM = 1 K ∫ π 0 dq z S ( /vector q ) (5)\nwhere S ( /vector q ), with /vectorq = (0 , 0 , q z ), is the structure factor 24 (i.e. the Fourier transform of the spin correlation function) along the z-direction of the film, while the normalization factor K is the structure factor integral at T = 0. Although the use of the last observable can be seen as a suitable and elegant way to overcome the intrinsic difficulties met in defining a correct helical order parameter, free of any undue external bias (as the wave-vector Q z\n3", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\nA possible framework to analyze the results presented in the previous Section is suggested by Fig. 5, where we can easily distinguish three significant regions: i ) high thickness, n /greaterorequalslant 16, where the films substantially display a bulk behaviour, with the single planes ordering temperature coinciding with the helical phase transition one; ii ) intermediate thickness, 6 ≤ n /lessorsimilar 15, where the temperature corresponding to the onset of in-plane order, T C ( n ), is still /similarequal T Ho N , but where the helical/fan arrangement stabilizes only below a finite temperature T N ( n ) < T C ( n ); iii ) low thickness,1 ≤ n ≤ 5, where T C ( n ) /lessorsimilar T Ho N but no fan phase is present at any temperature.\nThe observed behaviour in region iii ) can be reasonably attributed to the decreasing relevance of the contribution to the total energy of the system coming from the competitive interactions among NNN planes as the film thickness decreases; moreover, the thinness of the\nFIG. 7: (color online) ∆ ϕ l ( T ) vs. temperature for the surface planes, l = 1 (triangles), l = 2 (squares), l = 3 (diamonds), l = 4 (circles). Straight lines and full symbols: n = 8. Dashed lines and open symbols: n = 16.\nfilm leads to an effective 2d-like trend. Region ii ) looks however more intriguing, and requires a more accurate discussion, which can benefit from a careful comparison of the behaviour of a given quantity in regions i ) and ii ).\n/negationslash", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf", - "query": "What the rough sales amount of the nordstrom.com website ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "$2 billion in nordstrom.com sales", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Retail Business Net Sales\nNordstrom.com, 2012 = 37.1%. Nordstrom, 2014 = 3.6%. Nordstrom, 2013 = 2.3%. Nordstrom, 2012 = 7.5%. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3.8%. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2.7%. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 7.4%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 22.1%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 27.3%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = -. Total company, 2014 = 4.0%. Total company, 2013 = 2.5%. Total company, 2012 = 7.3%. Sales per square foot 3 :, 2014 = . Sales per square foot 3 :, 2013 = . Sales per square foot 3 :, 2012 = . Total sales per square foot, 2014 = $493. Total sales per square foot, 2013 = $474. Total sales per square foot, 2012 = $470. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2014 = 413. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2013 = 408. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2012 = 417. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2014 = 371. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2013 = 372. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2012 = 385. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2014 = 552. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2013 = 553. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2012 = 568. Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2014 = . Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2013 = . Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2012 = . Women's Apparel, 2014 = 30%. Women's Apparel, 2013 = 31%. Women's Apparel, 2012 = 31%. Shoes, 2014 = 23%. Shoes, 2013 = 23%. Shoes, 2012 = 23%. Men's Apparel, 2014 = 16%. Men's Apparel, 2013 = 16%. Men's Apparel, 2012 = 16%. Women's Accessories, 2014 = 14%. Women's Accessories, 2013 = 14%. Women's Accessories, 2012 = 13%. Cosmetics, 2014 = 11%. Cosmetics, 2013", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retail Business Net Sales\nNet sales by channel:, 2014 = . Net sales by channel:, 2013 = . Net sales by channel:, 2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = $7,682. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = $7,705. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = $7,964. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 1,996. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 1,622. Nordstrom.com, 2012 = 1,269. Nordstrom, 2014 = 9,678. Nordstrom, 2013 = 9,327. Nordstrom, 2012 = 9,233. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3,215. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2,738. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 2,445. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 360. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 295. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = 236. Other retail 1, 2014 = 116. Other retail 1, 2013 = 35. Other retail 1, 2012 = 35. Total Retail segment, 2014 = 13,369. Total Retail segment, 2013 = 12,395. Total Retail segment, 2012 = 11,949. Corporate/Other, 2014 = (259). Corporate/Other, 2013 = (229). Corporate/Other, 2012 = (187). Total net sales, 2014 = $13,110. Total net sales, 2013 = $12,166. Total net sales, 2012 = $11,762. Net sales increase, 2014 = 7.8%. Net sales increase, 2013 = 3.4%. Net sales increase, 2012 = 12.1%. Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2014 = . Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2013 = . Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = (0.5%). Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = (2.1%). Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = 3.9%. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 23.1%. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 29.5%.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nNordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = $7,682. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = $7,705. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = $7,964. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 1,996. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 1,622. Nordstrom.com, 2012 = 1,269. Nordstrom, 2014 = 9,678. Nordstrom, 2013 = 9,327. Nordstrom, 2012 = 9,233. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3,215. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2,738. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 2,445. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 360. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 295. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = 236. Other retail 1, 2014 = 116. Other retail 1, 2013 = 35. Other retail 1, 2012 = 35. Total Retail segment, 2014 = 13,369. Total Retail segment, 2013 = 12,395. Total Retail segment, 2012 = 11,949. Corporate/Other, 2014 = (259). Corporate/Other, 2013 = (229). Corporate/Other, 2012 = (187). Total net sales, 2014 = $13,110. Total net sales, 2013 = $12,166. Total net sales, 2012 = $11,762\n1 Other retail includes our Jeffrey boutiques, Trunk Club and our Nordstrom Canada full-line store.\nThe following table summarizes net sales by merchandise category:", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Net Sales (2013 vs. 2012)\nNet sales for 2013 increased 3.4% compared with 2012, driven by a comparable sales increase of 2.5%, attributable to growth at Nordstrom.com and Nordstrom Rack's accelerated store expansion. During 2013, we opened 22 Nordstrom Rack stores and relocated one Nordstrom full-line store and two Nordstrom Rack stores. These additions represented 1.6% of our total net sales for 2013 and increased our square footage by 2.9%. The 53 rd week in 2012 contributed approximately $162 in additional net sales.\nNordstrom net sales for 2013 were $9,327, an increase of 1.0% compared with 2012, with comparable sales up 2.3%. Strong growth at Nordstrom.com was partially offset by sales decreases at our full-line stores. Both the average selling price and the number of items sold increased on a comparable basis in 2013 compared with 2012. Category highlights included Cosmetics, Men's Shoes and Women's Apparel.\nFull-line net sales for 2013 were $7,705, a decrease of 3.3% compared with 2012, which was primarily driven by a comparable sales decrease of 2.1% for the year. The top-performing geographic regions for full-line stores for 2013 were the Southwest and Southeast. Nordstrom.com showed strong sales growth with net sales of $1,622, an increase of 28% compared with 2012, with comparable sales up 30% on a comparable 52-week basis. These increases were driven by expanded merchandise selection and ongoing technology investments to enhance the customer experience.\nNordstrom Rack net sales were $2,738, up 12.0% compared with 2012, primarily due to 37 new store openings in 2012 and 2013. Comparable sales increased 2.7% for the year. Cosmetics and Shoes were the strongest-performing categories for the year. Both the average selling price and the number of items sold increased on a comparable basis in 2013 compared with 2012.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retail Business Net Sales\nIn our ongoing effort to enhance the customer experience, we are focused on providing customers with a seamless experience across our channels. While our customers may engage with us through multiple channels, we know they value the overall Nordstrom brand experience and view us simply as Nordstrom, which is ultimately how we view our business. To provide additional transparency into our net sales by channel, we present the following summary of our Retail Business:", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Net Sales (2014 vs. 2013)\nIn 2014, total company net sales increased 7.8%, which was attributable to the comparable sales increase of 4.0%. During the year, we opened three Nordstrom full-line stores, including our first store in Canada, and 27 Nordstrom Rack stores. Additionally, as a result of the acquisition of Trunk Club, we acquired four Trunk Club showrooms and opened one additional Trunk Club showroom in 2014. These additions increased our square footage by 5.5% and represented 2.8% of our total net sales for 2014.\nNordstrom net sales, which consist of the U.S. full-line and Nordstrom.com businesses, were $9,678 in 2014, an increase of 3.8% compared with 2013, with comparable sales up 3.6%. These increases reflected continued momentum in our Nordstrom.com channel. Both the number of items sold and the average selling price increased on a comparable basis in 2014. Category highlights included Accessories, Cosmetics and Men's Apparel.\nU.S. full-line net sales for 2014 were $7,682, a decrease of 0.3% compared with 2013 and comparable sales decreased by 0.5%. The topperforming geographic regions for full-line stores were the Southeast and Southwest.\nOur Nordstrom.com, Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook channels continued to experience outsized growth. Nordstrom.com net sales increased 23% and Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook net sales increased 22%, both driven by expanded merchandise selection and ongoing technology investments to enhance the customer experience.\nNordstrom Rack net sales increased $477, or 17%, compared with 2013, reflecting incremental volume from existing stores and the impact of 27 new stores since fiscal 2013. Comparable sales increased 3.8% for the year. Shoes and Accessories were the top-performing categories for the year. On a comparable basis, the average selling price of Nordstrom Rack merchandise increased while the number of items sold was flat.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Net Sales\nTotal net sales increased in the fourth quarter by 9.0%, driven by a comparable sales increase of 4.7% and 35 new stores in 2014.\nNordstrom net sales, which consist of the full-line stores in the U.S. and Nordstrom.com businesses, increased $141, or 5.0%, compared with the same period in 2013, while comparable sales increased 4.5%. Both the number of items sold and the average selling price of our merchandise increased on a comparable basis. Category highlights for the quarter were Cosmetics, Accessories and Men's Apparel.\nU.S. full-line net sales for the quarter increased $26, or 1.2%, compared with the same period in 2013, with an increase in comparable sales of 0.5%. The Southwest and Southeast were the top-performing geographic regions.\nNordstrom.com net sales increased $115, or 19%, on top of last year's 30% increase for the same period. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook net sales increased $24, or 28%, compared with the same period in 2013. Both were primarily driven by expanded merchandise selection and ongoing technology investments to enhance the customer experience.\n24\nNordstrom Rack net sales for the quarter increased $130, or 17%, reflecting 27 new Nordstrom Rack store openings since the fourth quarter of 2013, while comparable sales increased 3.2%. On a comparable basis, the average selling price of Nordstrom Rack merchandise increased while the number of items sold was flat. Shoes and Accessories were the category highlights for Nordstrom Rack.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary\n9.6%. Earnings before interest and income taxes, 2012.Amount = $1,163. Earnings before interest and income taxes, 2012.% of net sales 1 = 9.9%\n1 Subtotals and totals may not foot due to rounding.\nNordstrom, Inc. and subsidiaries 17", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OVERVIEW\nNordstrom is a leading fashion specialty retailer offering apparel, shoes, cosmetics and accessories for women, men and children. We offer an extensive selection of high-quality brand-name and private label merchandise through our various channels: 'Nordstrom' branded full-line stores and online store at Nordstrom.com, Nordstrom Rack stores, Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook and other retail channels, including Trunk Club showrooms and TrunkClub.com, our Jeffrey boutiques and our clearance store that operates under the name 'Last Chance.' As of January 31, 2015, our stores are located in 38 states throughout the United States and in one province in Canada. In addition, we offer our customers a Nordstrom Rewards ™ loyalty program along with a variety of payment products and services, including credit and debit cards.\nWe continue to see the ongoing evolution of retail, with increasing customer interaction between our stores and ecommerce. We are making progress to meet customer expectations of a personalized experience that merges the richness of stores with the convenience of online. Because the customer views us simply as Nordstrom, we believe there is tremendous value in strengthening our platform for the customer experience that encompasses full-price, off-price, in-store and online. While each channel represents a substantial growth opportunity, there are significant synergies across channels to create a unique customer experience to gain market share.\nWe considered 2014 a watershed year in our company history, with our successful entry into Canada, continued expansion of our Nordstrom Rack business through store growth, the launch of Nordstromrack.com and the acquisition of Trunk Club. Our performance in 2014 reflected continued progress in executing our customer strategy through investments to drive growth across channels. We achieved total net sales growth of 7.8%, adding nearly $1 billion to our top-line and delivering record sales and earnings per diluted share. Our financial position remains strong and this marked the sixth consecutive year we generated over $1 billion in cash flow from operations.\nOur partnership with vendors and brands enhances our product offering. We offer Topshop merchandise at 53 full-line stores and online, with plans to reach over 80 stores in 2015. Our new partnership with Madewell in 2015, initially available at 15 of our stores and online, is another way to provide sought-after brands that appeal to new and existing customers.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Item 6. Selected Financial Data.\nfull-line stores - U.S., 2014 = 116. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = 117. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = 117. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2011 = 117. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2010 = 115. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2014 = 176. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2013 = 143. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2012 = 123. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2011 = 108. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2010 = 89. Total square footage, 2014 = 27,061,000. Total square footage, 2013 = 26,017,000. Total square footage, 2012 = 25,290,000. Total square footage, 2011 = 24,745,000. Total square footage, 2010 = 23,838,000\n1 Gross profit is calculated as net sales less cost of sales and related buying and occupancy costs (for all segments).\n2 Comparable sales include sales from stores that have been open at least one full year at the beginning of the year. We also include sales from our online channels (Nordstrom.com, Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook) in comparable sales because of the integration with our stores. Fiscal year 2012 includes an extra week (the 53 rd week) as a result of our 4-5-4 retail reporting calendar. The 53 rd week is not included in comparable sales calculations.\n3 See ROIC (Non-GAAP financial measure) on page 26 for additional information and reconciliation to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.\n4 Sales per square foot is calculated as net sales divided by weighted-average square footage. Weighted-average square footage includes a percentage of year-end square footage for new stores equal to the percentage of the year during which they were open. 4-wall sales per square foot is calculated as sales for Nordstrom U.S. full-line stores, Nordstrom Rack stores, Jeffrey boutiques, our Canada full-line store, Last Chance and Trunk Club showrooms divided by their weighted-average square footage.\n5 Ending inventory includes pack and hold inventory of $222, $173, $125, $34 and $0 in 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010, which represents strategic purchases of merchandise for upcoming selling seasons.", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf", - "query": "How many employees did Nordstrom count in 2014 ?", - "target_page": 17, - "target_passage": "During 2014, we employed approximately 67,000 employees on a full- or part-time basis.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Capital Expenditures\nTotal, beginning of year, Store count.2014 = 260. Total, beginning of year, Store count.2013 = 240. Total, beginning of year, Store count.2012 = 225. Total, beginning of year, Square footage.2014 = 26.0. Total, beginning of year, Square footage.2013 = 25.3. Total, beginning of year, Square footage.2012 = 24.7. Store openings:, Store count.2014 = . Store openings:, Store count.2013 = . Store openings:, Store count.2012 = . Store openings:, Square footage.2014 = . Store openings:, Square footage.2013 = . Store openings:, Square footage.2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Store count.2014 = 2. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Store count.2013 = -. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Store count.2012 = 1. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Square footage.2014 = 0.3. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Square footage.2013 = -. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Square footage.2012 = 0.1. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Store count.2014 = 29. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Store count.2013 = 22. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Store count.2012 = 15. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Square footage.2014 = 1.2. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Square footage.2013 = 0.7. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Square footage.2012 = 0.6. Stores acquired, Store count.2014 = 4. Stores acquired, Store count.2013 = -. Stores acquired, Store count.2012 = -. Stores acquired, Square footage.2014 = -. Stores acquired, Square footage.2013 = -. Stores acquired, Square footage.2012 = . Stores closed, Store count.2014 = (3). Stores closed, Store count.2013 = (2). Stores closed, Store count.2012 = (1). Stores closed, Square footage.2014 = (0.4). Stores closed, Square footage.2013 = -. Stores closed, Square footage.2012 = (0.1). Total, end of year, Store count.2014 = 292. Total, end of year,", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retail Business Net Sales\nNet sales by channel:, 2014 = . Net sales by channel:, 2013 = . Net sales by channel:, 2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = $7,682. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = $7,705. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = $7,964. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 1,996. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 1,622. Nordstrom.com, 2012 = 1,269. Nordstrom, 2014 = 9,678. Nordstrom, 2013 = 9,327. Nordstrom, 2012 = 9,233. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3,215. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2,738. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 2,445. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 360. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 295. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = 236. Other retail 1, 2014 = 116. Other retail 1, 2013 = 35. Other retail 1, 2012 = 35. Total Retail segment, 2014 = 13,369. Total Retail segment, 2013 = 12,395. Total Retail segment, 2012 = 11,949. Corporate/Other, 2014 = (259). Corporate/Other, 2013 = (229). Corporate/Other, 2012 = (187). Total net sales, 2014 = $13,110. Total net sales, 2013 = $12,166. Total net sales, 2012 = $11,762. Net sales increase, 2014 = 7.8%. Net sales increase, 2013 = 3.4%. Net sales increase, 2012 = 12.1%. Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2014 = . Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2013 = . Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = (0.5%). Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = (2.1%). Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = 3.9%. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 23.1%. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 29.5%.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EMPLOYEES\nDuring 2014, we employed approximately 67,000 employees on a full- or part-time basis. Due to the seasonal nature of our business, employment increased to approximately 68,000 employees in July 2014 and 73,500 in December 2014. All of our employees are non-union. We believe our relationship with our employees is good.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retail Business Net Sales\nNordstrom.com, 2012 = 37.1%. Nordstrom, 2014 = 3.6%. Nordstrom, 2013 = 2.3%. Nordstrom, 2012 = 7.5%. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3.8%. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2.7%. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 7.4%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 22.1%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 27.3%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = -. Total company, 2014 = 4.0%. Total company, 2013 = 2.5%. Total company, 2012 = 7.3%. Sales per square foot 3 :, 2014 = . Sales per square foot 3 :, 2013 = . Sales per square foot 3 :, 2012 = . Total sales per square foot, 2014 = $493. Total sales per square foot, 2013 = $474. Total sales per square foot, 2012 = $470. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2014 = 413. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2013 = 408. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2012 = 417. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2014 = 371. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2013 = 372. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2012 = 385. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2014 = 552. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2013 = 553. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2012 = 568. Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2014 = . Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2013 = . Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2012 = . Women's Apparel, 2014 = 30%. Women's Apparel, 2013 = 31%. Women's Apparel, 2012 = 31%. Shoes, 2014 = 23%. Shoes, 2013 = 23%. Shoes, 2012 = 23%. Men's Apparel, 2014 = 16%. Men's Apparel, 2013 = 16%. Men's Apparel, 2012 = 16%. Women's Accessories, 2014 = 14%. Women's Accessories, 2013 = 14%. Women's Accessories, 2012 = 13%. Cosmetics, 2014 = 11%. Cosmetics, 2013", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "James F. Nordstrom, Jr., 42\nExecutive Vice President and President, Stores", - "page_start": 91, - "page_end": 91, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nNordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = $7,682. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = $7,705. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = $7,964. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 1,996. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 1,622. Nordstrom.com, 2012 = 1,269. Nordstrom, 2014 = 9,678. Nordstrom, 2013 = 9,327. Nordstrom, 2012 = 9,233. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3,215. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2,738. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 2,445. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 360. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 295. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = 236. Other retail 1, 2014 = 116. Other retail 1, 2013 = 35. Other retail 1, 2012 = 35. Total Retail segment, 2014 = 13,369. Total Retail segment, 2013 = 12,395. Total Retail segment, 2012 = 11,949. Corporate/Other, 2014 = (259). Corporate/Other, 2013 = (229). Corporate/Other, 2012 = (187). Total net sales, 2014 = $13,110. Total net sales, 2013 = $12,166. Total net sales, 2012 = $11,762\n1 Other retail includes our Jeffrey boutiques, Trunk Club and our Nordstrom Canada full-line store.\nThe following table summarizes net sales by merchandise category:", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of October 25, 2003, the Company had over 16,000 active employees.\n(d)\nExecutive Officers of the Registrant", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Blake W. Nordstrom, 54\nPresident Nordstrom, Inc.\nSeattle, Washington", - "page_start": 92, - "page_end": 92, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Blake W. Nordstrom\nPresident, Nordstrom, Inc.\nPeter E. Nordstrom\nPresident of Merchandising, Nordstrom, Inc.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of December 31, 2004, we employed approximately 13,400 full-time employees, approximately 3,100 of whom were covered by collective bargaining agreements. Our management believes that we have good relations with our employees.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf", - "query": "How many stores did Nordstrom posses at the end of 2014 ?", - "target_page": 22, - "target_passage": "Number of stores, end of year : 292", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Item 2. Properties.\nThe following table summarizes the number of retail stores we own or lease, and the percentage of total store square footage represented by each listed category as of January 31, 2015:\nLeased stores on leased land, Number of stores = 195. Leased stores on leased land, % of total store square footage = 38%. Owned stores on leased land, Number of stores = 61. Owned stores on leased land, % of total store square footage = 40%. Owned stores on owned land, Number of stores = 35. Owned stores on owned land, % of total store square footage = 21%. Partly owned and partly leased store, Number of stores = 1. Partly owned and partly leased store, % of total store square footage = 1%. Total, Number of stores = 292. Total, % of total store square footage = 100%\nThe following table summarizes our store activity during the last three years:\nNumber of stores, beginning of year, 2014 = 260. Number of stores, beginning of year, 2013 = 240. Number of stores, beginning of year, 2012 = 225. Stores opened, 2014 = 31. Stores opened, 2013 = 22. Stores opened, 2012 = 16. Stores acquired, 2014 = 4. Stores acquired, 2013 = -. Stores acquired, 2012 = -. Stores closed, 2014 = (3). Stores closed, 2013 = (2). Stores closed, 2012 = (1). Number of stores, end of year, 2014 = 292. Number of stores, end of year, 2013 = 260. Number of stores, end of year, 2012 = 240. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = 116. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = 117. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = 117. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 167. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 140. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 119. Other 1, 2014 = 9. Other 1, 2013 = 3. Other 1, 2012 = 4\n1 Other includes Jeffrey boutiques, Trunk Club showrooms, our Nordstrom Canada full-line store and Last Chance.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Capital Expenditures\nTotal, beginning of year, Store count.2014 = 260. Total, beginning of year, Store count.2013 = 240. Total, beginning of year, Store count.2012 = 225. Total, beginning of year, Square footage.2014 = 26.0. Total, beginning of year, Square footage.2013 = 25.3. Total, beginning of year, Square footage.2012 = 24.7. Store openings:, Store count.2014 = . Store openings:, Store count.2013 = . Store openings:, Store count.2012 = . Store openings:, Square footage.2014 = . Store openings:, Square footage.2013 = . Store openings:, Square footage.2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Store count.2014 = 2. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Store count.2013 = -. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Store count.2012 = 1. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Square footage.2014 = 0.3. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Square footage.2013 = -. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., Square footage.2012 = 0.1. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Store count.2014 = 29. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Store count.2013 = 22. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Store count.2012 = 15. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Square footage.2014 = 1.2. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Square footage.2013 = 0.7. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 1, Square footage.2012 = 0.6. Stores acquired, Store count.2014 = 4. Stores acquired, Store count.2013 = -. Stores acquired, Store count.2012 = -. Stores acquired, Square footage.2014 = -. Stores acquired, Square footage.2013 = -. Stores acquired, Square footage.2012 = . Stores closed, Store count.2014 = (3). Stores closed, Store count.2013 = (2). Stores closed, Store count.2012 = (1). Stores closed, Square footage.2014 = (0.4). Stores closed, Square footage.2013 = -. Stores closed, Square footage.2012 = (0.1). Total, end of year, Store count.2014 = 292. Total, end of year,", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OVERVIEW\nNordstrom is a leading fashion specialty retailer offering apparel, shoes, cosmetics and accessories for women, men and children. We offer an extensive selection of high-quality brand-name and private label merchandise through our various channels: 'Nordstrom' branded full-line stores and online store at Nordstrom.com, Nordstrom Rack stores, Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook and other retail channels, including Trunk Club showrooms and TrunkClub.com, our Jeffrey boutiques and our clearance store that operates under the name 'Last Chance.' As of January 31, 2015, our stores are located in 38 states throughout the United States and in one province in Canada. In addition, we offer our customers a Nordstrom Rewards ™ loyalty program along with a variety of payment products and services, including credit and debit cards.\nWe continue to see the ongoing evolution of retail, with increasing customer interaction between our stores and ecommerce. We are making progress to meet customer expectations of a personalized experience that merges the richness of stores with the convenience of online. Because the customer views us simply as Nordstrom, we believe there is tremendous value in strengthening our platform for the customer experience that encompasses full-price, off-price, in-store and online. While each channel represents a substantial growth opportunity, there are significant synergies across channels to create a unique customer experience to gain market share.\nWe considered 2014 a watershed year in our company history, with our successful entry into Canada, continued expansion of our Nordstrom Rack business through store growth, the launch of Nordstromrack.com and the acquisition of Trunk Club. Our performance in 2014 reflected continued progress in executing our customer strategy through investments to drive growth across channels. We achieved total net sales growth of 7.8%, adding nearly $1 billion to our top-line and delivering record sales and earnings per diluted share. Our financial position remains strong and this marked the sixth consecutive year we generated over $1 billion in cash flow from operations.\nOur partnership with vendors and brands enhances our product offering. We offer Topshop merchandise at 53 full-line stores and online, with plans to reach over 80 stores in 2015. Our new partnership with Madewell in 2015, initially available at 15 of our stores and online, is another way to provide sought-after brands that appeal to new and existing customers.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nNordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = $7,682. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = $7,705. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = $7,964. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 1,996. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 1,622. Nordstrom.com, 2012 = 1,269. Nordstrom, 2014 = 9,678. Nordstrom, 2013 = 9,327. Nordstrom, 2012 = 9,233. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3,215. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2,738. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 2,445. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 360. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 295. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = 236. Other retail 1, 2014 = 116. Other retail 1, 2013 = 35. Other retail 1, 2012 = 35. Total Retail segment, 2014 = 13,369. Total Retail segment, 2013 = 12,395. Total Retail segment, 2012 = 11,949. Corporate/Other, 2014 = (259). Corporate/Other, 2013 = (229). Corporate/Other, 2012 = (187). Total net sales, 2014 = $13,110. Total net sales, 2013 = $12,166. Total net sales, 2012 = $11,762\n1 Other retail includes our Jeffrey boutiques, Trunk Club and our Nordstrom Canada full-line store.\nThe following table summarizes net sales by merchandise category:", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retail Business Net Sales\nNet sales by channel:, 2014 = . Net sales by channel:, 2013 = . Net sales by channel:, 2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = $7,682. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = $7,705. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = $7,964. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 1,996. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 1,622. Nordstrom.com, 2012 = 1,269. Nordstrom, 2014 = 9,678. Nordstrom, 2013 = 9,327. Nordstrom, 2012 = 9,233. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3,215. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2,738. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 2,445. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 360. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 295. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = 236. Other retail 1, 2014 = 116. Other retail 1, 2013 = 35. Other retail 1, 2012 = 35. Total Retail segment, 2014 = 13,369. Total Retail segment, 2013 = 12,395. Total Retail segment, 2012 = 11,949. Corporate/Other, 2014 = (259). Corporate/Other, 2013 = (229). Corporate/Other, 2012 = (187). Total net sales, 2014 = $13,110. Total net sales, 2013 = $12,166. Total net sales, 2012 = $11,762. Net sales increase, 2014 = 7.8%. Net sales increase, 2013 = 3.4%. Net sales increase, 2012 = 12.1%. Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2014 = . Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2013 = . Comparable sales increase (decrease) by channel 2 :, 2012 = . Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2014 = (0.5%). Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = (2.1%). Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = 3.9%. Nordstrom.com, 2014 = 23.1%. Nordstrom.com, 2013 = 29.5%.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Capital Expenditures\nStore count.2013 = 260. Total, end of year, Store count.2012 = 240. Total, end of year, Square footage.2014 = 27.1. Total, end of year, Square footage.2013 = 26.0. Total, end of year, Square footage.2012 = 25.3\n1 Other stores include Jeffrey boutiques, Trunk Club showrooms, our Nordstrom Canada full-line store and Last Chance.\nWe had no store relocations in 2014, compared with one Nordstrom full-line store and two Nordstrom Rack relocations in 2013 and three Nordstrom Rack relocations in 2012. Our 2014 new store openings increased our square footage by 5.5%.\nTo date in 2015, we have opened our second full-line store in Canada. We plan to open 27 Nordstrom Rack stores, three additional Nordstrom full-line stores in the U.S. and another full-line store in Canada during 2015. Planned net store openings are expected to increase our retail square footage by approximately 6.1%.\nNordstrom, Inc. and subsidiaries 27\nWe received property incentives from our developers of $110 in 2014, $89 in 2013 and $58 in 2012. These incentives are included in our cash provided by operations in our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows in Item 8: Financial Statements and Supplementary Data. However, operationally we view these as an offset to our capital expenditures. Our capital expenditure percentages, net of property incentives, by category are summarized as follows:\nCategory and expenditure percentage:, 2014 = . Category and expenditure percentage:, 2013 = . Category and expenditure percentage:, 2012 = . New store openings, relocations and remodels, 2014 = 62%. New store openings, relocations and remodels, 2013 = 62%. New store openings, relocations and remodels, 2012 = 54%. Information technology, 2014 = 35%. Information technology, 2013 = 27%. Information technology, 2012 = 27%. Other, 2014 = 3%. Other, 2013 = 11%. Other, 2012 = 19%. Total, 2014 = 100%. Total, 2013 = 100%. Total, 2012 = 100%\nOther capital expenditures consist of ongoing improvements to our stores in the ordinary course of business and expenditures related to various growth initiatives.", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Net Sales (2014 vs. 2013)\nIn 2014, total company net sales increased 7.8%, which was attributable to the comparable sales increase of 4.0%. During the year, we opened three Nordstrom full-line stores, including our first store in Canada, and 27 Nordstrom Rack stores. Additionally, as a result of the acquisition of Trunk Club, we acquired four Trunk Club showrooms and opened one additional Trunk Club showroom in 2014. These additions increased our square footage by 5.5% and represented 2.8% of our total net sales for 2014.\nNordstrom net sales, which consist of the U.S. full-line and Nordstrom.com businesses, were $9,678 in 2014, an increase of 3.8% compared with 2013, with comparable sales up 3.6%. These increases reflected continued momentum in our Nordstrom.com channel. Both the number of items sold and the average selling price increased on a comparable basis in 2014. Category highlights included Accessories, Cosmetics and Men's Apparel.\nU.S. full-line net sales for 2014 were $7,682, a decrease of 0.3% compared with 2013 and comparable sales decreased by 0.5%. The topperforming geographic regions for full-line stores were the Southeast and Southwest.\nOur Nordstrom.com, Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook channels continued to experience outsized growth. Nordstrom.com net sales increased 23% and Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook net sales increased 22%, both driven by expanded merchandise selection and ongoing technology investments to enhance the customer experience.\nNordstrom Rack net sales increased $477, or 17%, compared with 2013, reflecting incremental volume from existing stores and the impact of 27 new stores since fiscal 2013. Comparable sales increased 3.8% for the year. Shoes and Accessories were the top-performing categories for the year. On a comparable basis, the average selling price of Nordstrom Rack merchandise increased while the number of items sold was flat.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retail Business Net Sales\nNordstrom.com, 2012 = 37.1%. Nordstrom, 2014 = 3.6%. Nordstrom, 2013 = 2.3%. Nordstrom, 2012 = 7.5%. Nordstrom Rack, 2014 = 3.8%. Nordstrom Rack, 2013 = 2.7%. Nordstrom Rack, 2012 = 7.4%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2014 = 22.1%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2013 = 27.3%. Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook, 2012 = -. Total company, 2014 = 4.0%. Total company, 2013 = 2.5%. Total company, 2012 = 7.3%. Sales per square foot 3 :, 2014 = . Sales per square foot 3 :, 2013 = . Sales per square foot 3 :, 2012 = . Total sales per square foot, 2014 = $493. Total sales per square foot, 2013 = $474. Total sales per square foot, 2012 = $470. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2014 = 413. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2013 = 408. 4-wall sales per square foot, 2012 = 417. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2014 = 371. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2013 = 372. Full-line sales per square foot - U.S., 2012 = 385. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2014 = 552. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2013 = 553. Nordstrom Rack sales per square foot, 2012 = 568. Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2014 = . Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2013 = . Percentage of net sales by merchandise category:, 2012 = . Women's Apparel, 2014 = 30%. Women's Apparel, 2013 = 31%. Women's Apparel, 2012 = 31%. Shoes, 2014 = 23%. Shoes, 2013 = 23%. Shoes, 2012 = 23%. Men's Apparel, 2014 = 16%. Men's Apparel, 2013 = 16%. Men's Apparel, 2012 = 16%. Women's Accessories, 2014 = 14%. Women's Accessories, 2013 = 14%. Women's Accessories, 2012 = 13%. Cosmetics, 2014 = 11%. Cosmetics, 2013", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Item 6. Selected Financial Data.\nfull-line stores - U.S., 2014 = 116. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2013 = 117. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2012 = 117. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2011 = 117. Nordstrom full-line stores - U.S., 2010 = 115. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2014 = 176. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2013 = 143. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2012 = 123. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2011 = 108. Nordstrom Rack and other stores 7, 2010 = 89. Total square footage, 2014 = 27,061,000. Total square footage, 2013 = 26,017,000. Total square footage, 2012 = 25,290,000. Total square footage, 2011 = 24,745,000. Total square footage, 2010 = 23,838,000\n1 Gross profit is calculated as net sales less cost of sales and related buying and occupancy costs (for all segments).\n2 Comparable sales include sales from stores that have been open at least one full year at the beginning of the year. We also include sales from our online channels (Nordstrom.com, Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook) in comparable sales because of the integration with our stores. Fiscal year 2012 includes an extra week (the 53 rd week) as a result of our 4-5-4 retail reporting calendar. The 53 rd week is not included in comparable sales calculations.\n3 See ROIC (Non-GAAP financial measure) on page 26 for additional information and reconciliation to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.\n4 Sales per square foot is calculated as net sales divided by weighted-average square footage. Weighted-average square footage includes a percentage of year-end square footage for new stores equal to the percentage of the year during which they were open. 4-wall sales per square foot is calculated as sales for Nordstrom U.S. full-line stores, Nordstrom Rack stores, Jeffrey boutiques, our Canada full-line store, Last Chance and Trunk Club showrooms divided by their weighted-average square footage.\n5 Ending inventory includes pack and hold inventory of $222, $173, $125, $34 and $0 in 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010, which represents strategic purchases of merchandise for upcoming selling seasons.", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS\nFounded in 1901 as a retail shoe business in Seattle, Nordstrom later incorporated in Washington state in 1946 and went on to become one of the leading fashion specialty retailers based in the U.S. As of March 16, 2015, we operate 290 U.S. stores located in 38 states as well as a robust ecommerce business through Nordstrom.com, Nordstromrack.com and HauteLook and TrunkClub.com. We also operate two Nordstrom full-line stores in Canada. The west and east coasts of the U.S. are the areas in which we have the largest presence. We have two reportable segments: Retail and Credit.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf", - "query": "What type of nanostructured material works notably well to build gas nanosensors ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "carbon nanotubes (CNT) [2] have been shown to work remarkably well as de- tectors of small gas molecules", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n∗ Electronic address: juanmaria.garcia@ehu.es\n[1] Gas Sensing Materials, MRS Bull. , vol. 24 (1999).\n[2] J. C. Chalier, X. Blase, and S. Roche, 'Electronic and transport properties of nanotubes', Rev. Mod. Phys. 79 (2), 677 (May 2007), doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.79.677.\n[3] J. Kong, N. R. Franklin, C. Zhou, M. G. Chapline, S. Peng, K. Cho, and H. Dai, 'Nanotube molecular wires as chemical sensors', Science 287 (5453), 622 (Jan. 2000), doi:10.1126/science.287.5453.622.\n[4] P. G. Collins, K. Bradley, M. Ishigami, and A. Zettl, 'Extreme oxygen sensitivity of electronic properties of carbon nanotubes', Science 287 (5459), 1801 (Mar. 2000), doi:10.1126/science.287.5459.1801.\n[5] C. Hierold, Carbon Nanotube Devices: Properties, Modeling, Integration and Applications (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008).\n[6] F. Villalpando-P'aez, A. H. Romero, E. Mu˜noz-Sandoval, L. M. Mart'ınez, H. Terrones, and M. Terrones, 'Fabrication of vapor and gas sensors using films of aligned CN x nanotubes', Chem. Phys. Lett. 386 (1-3), 137 (Mar. 2004), doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.01.052.\n[7] A. R. Rocha, M. Rossi, A. Fazzio, and A. J. R. da Silva, 'Designing real nanotube-based gas sensors', Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (17), 176803 (May 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.176803.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[8] S. Brahim, S. Colbern, R. Gump, and L. Grigorian, 'Tailoring gas sensing properties of carbon nanotubes', J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2), 024502 (Jul. 2008), doi:10.1063/1.2956395.\n[9] C. Morgan, Z. Alemipour, and M. Baxendale, 'Variable range hopping in oxygen-exposed single-wall carbon nanotube networks', Phys. Stat. Solidi A 205 (6), 1394 (May 2008), doi:10.1002/pssa.200778113.\n[10] D. J. Mowbray, C. Morgan, and K. S. Thygesen, 'Influence of O2 and N2 on the conductivity of carbon nanotube networks', Phys. Rev. B 79 (19), 195431 (May 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.195431.\n[11] L. Valentini, F. Mercuri, I. Armentano, C. Cantalini, S. Picozzi, L. Lozzi, S. Santucci, A. Sgamellotti, and J. M. Kenny, 'Role of defects on the gas sensing properties of carbon nanotubes thin films: experiment and theory', Chem. Phys. Lett. 387 (4-6), 356 (Apr. 2004), doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.02.038.\n[12] Z. Zanolli and J.-C. Charlier, 'Defective carbon nanotubes for single-molecule sensing', Phys. Rev. B 80 (15), 155447 (Oct. 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155447.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[18] C. S. Yeung, L. V. Liu, and Y. A. Wang, 'Adsorption of small gas molecules onto Pt-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes', J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (19), 7401 (Apr. 2008), doi:10.1021/jp0753981.\n[19] T. Vo, Y.-D. Wu, R. Car, and M. Robert, 'Structures, interactions, and ferromagnetism of Fe-carbon nanotube systems', J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (22), 400 (May 2008), doi:10.1021/jp0761968.\n[20] J. A. Furst, M. Brandbyge, A.-P. Jauho, and K. Stokbro, ' Ab initio study of spin-dependent transport in carbon nanotubes with iron and vanadium adatoms', Phys. Rev. B 78 (19), 195405 (Nov. 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.195405.\n[21] A. V. Krasheninnikov, P. O. Lehtinen, A. S. Foster, P. Pyykko, and R. M. Nieminen, 'Embedding transitionmetal atoms in graphene: Structure, bonding, and magnetism', Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (12), 126807 (Mar. 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.126807.\n[22] J. J. Mortensen, L. B. Hansen, and K. W. Jacobsen, 'Real-space grid implementation of the projector augmented wave method', Phys. Rev. B 71 (3), 035109 (Jan. 2005), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.035109.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nIn summary, we have presented a general model of nanostructured chemical sensors which takes the adsorption energies of the relevant chemical species and their individual scattering resistances as the only input. On the basis of this model we have performed a computational screening of transition metal doped CNTs, and found that Ni-doped CNTs are promising candidates for detecting CO in a background of air. The model may be applied straightforwardly to other nanostructures than CNTs, other functionalizations than metal doping and other gas compositions than air.\nThe authors acknowledge financial support from Spanish MEC (FIS2007-65702-C02-01), 'Grupos Consolidados UPV/EHU del Gobierno Vasco' (IT-319-07), e-I3 ETSF project (Contract Number 211956), 'Red Espa˜nola de Supercomputaci'on', NABIIT and the Danish Center for Scientific Computing. The Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD) is sponsored by the Lundbeck Foundation. JMG-L acknowledges funding from Spanish MICINN through Juan de la Cierva and Jos'e Castillejo programs.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nJ. M. Garc´ıa-Lastra 1,2 , ∗ D. J. Mowbray 1,2 , K. S. Thygesen 2 , A. Rubio 1,3 , and K. W. Jacobsen 2 1 Nano-Bio Spectroscopy group and ETSF Scientific Development Centre, Dpto. F´ısica de Materiales, Universidad del Pa´ıs Vasco, Centro de F´ısica de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU- MPC and DIPC, Av. Tolosa 72, E-20018 San Sebasti´an, Spain 2 Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark 3 Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany\nWe use computational screening to systematically investigate the use of transition metal doped carbon nanotubes for chemical gas sensing. For a set of relevant target molecules (CO, NH3, H2S) and the main components of air (N2, O2, H2O), we calculate the binding energy and change in conductance upon adsorption on a metal atom occupying a vacancy of a (6,6) carbon nanotube. Based on these descriptors, we identify the most promising dopant candidates for detection of a given target molecule. From the fractional coverage of the metal sites in thermal equilibrium with air, we estimate the change in the nanotube resistance per doping site as a function of the target molecule concentration assuming charge transport in the diffusive regime. Our analysis points to Ni-doped nanotubes as candidates for CO sensors working under typical atmospheric conditions.\nPACS numbers: 73.63.-b, 68.43.-h, 73.50.Lw", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nThe ability to detect small concentrations of specific chemical species is fundamental for a variety of industrial and scientific processes as well as for medical applications and environmental monitoring [1]. In general, nanostructured materials should be well suited for sensor applications because of their large surface to volume ratio which makes them sensitive to molecular adsorption. Specifically, carbon nanotubes (CNT) [2] have been shown to work remarkably well as detectors of small gas molecules. This has been demonstrated both for individual CNTs [3-8] as well as for CNT networks [9, 10].\nPristine CNTs are known to be chemically inert - a property closely related to their high stability. As a consequence, only radicals bind strong enough to the CNT to notably affect its electrical properties [2, 5, 11-13]. To make CNTs attractive for sensor applications thus requires some kind of functionalization, e.g. through doping or decoration of the CNT sidewall [13-21]. Ideally, this type of functionalization could be used to control not only the reactivity of the CNT but also the selectivity towards specific chemical species.\nIn this work we consider the possibility of using CNTs doped by 3d transition metal atoms for chemical gas sensing. We use computational screening to systematically identify the most promising dopant candidates for detection of three different target molecules (CO, NH3, H2S) under typical atmospheric conditions. The screening procedure is based on the calculation of two microscopic descriptors: the binding energy and scattering resistance of the molecules when adsorbed on a doped CNT. These two quantities give a good indication of the gas coverage and impact on the resistance. For the most promising candidates we then employ a simple thermodynamic model of the CNT sensor. In this model, the binding energies are used to obtain the fractional coverage of the metallic sites as a function of the target molecule concentration under ambient conditions. Under the assumption of transport in the diffusive rather than localization regime, the\nchange in CNT resistivity may then be obtained from the calculated coverages and single impurity conductances.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\ning theory put into practice: First-principles modeling of transport in doped silicon wires', Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (7), 076803 (Aug. 2007), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.076803.\n[30] M. Ushiro, K. Uno, T. Fujikawa, Y. Sato, K. Tohji, F. Watari, W.-J. Chun, Y. Koike, and K. Asakura, 'X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analyses of Ni species trapped in graphene sheet of carbon nanofibers', Phys. Rev. B 73 (14), 144103 (Apr. 2006), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.73.144103.\n[31] C. Gomez-Navarro, P. J. de Pablo, J. Gomez-Herrero, B. Biel, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, A. Rubio, and F. Flores, 'Tuning the conductance of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ion irradiation in the Anderson localization regime', Nature Materials 4 , 534 (Jun. 2005), doi:10.1038/nmat1414.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[13] J. M. Garc'ıa-Lastra, K. S. Thygesen, M. Strange, and ' Angel Rubio, 'Conductance of sidewall-functionalized carbon nanotubes: Universal dependence on adsorption sites', Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (23), 236806 (Dec. 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.236806.\n[14] S. B. Fagan, R. Mota, A. J. R. da Silva, and A. Fazzio, ' Ab initio study of an iron atom interacting with single-wall carbon nanotubes', Phys. Rev. B 67 (20), 205414 (May 2003), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.67.205414.\n[15] Y. Yagi, T. M. Briere, M. H. F. Sluiter, V. Kumar, A. A. Farajian, and Y. Kawazoe, 'Stable geometries and magnetic properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes doped with 3 d transition metals: A first-principles study', Phys. Rev. B 69 (7), 075414 (Feb 2004), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.69.075414.\n[16] S. H. Yang, W. H. Shin, J. W. Lee, S. Y. Kim, S. I. Woo, and J. K. Kang, 'Interaction of a transition metal atom with intrinsic defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes', J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (28), 13941 (Jun. 2006), doi:10.1021/jp061895q.\n[17] K. T. Chan, J. B. Neaton, and M. L. Cohen, 'First-principles study of metal adatom adsorption on graphene', Phys. Rev. B 77 , 235430 (Jun. 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.235430.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[23] J. P. Perdew, K. Burke, and M. Ernzerhof, 'Generalized gradient approximation made simple', Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (18), 3865 (Oct. 1996), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.3865.\n[24] M. Strange, I. S. Kristensen, K. S. Thygesen, and K. W. Jacobsen, 'Benchmark density functional theory calculations for nanoscale conductance', J. Chem. Phys. 128 (11), 114714 (Mar. 2008), doi:10.1063/1.2839275.\n[25] J. M. Soler, E. Artacho, J. D. Gale, A. Garcia, J. Junquera, P. Ordej'on, and D. S'anchez-Portal, 'The SIESTA method for ab initio ordern materials simulation', J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 (11), 2745 (Mar. 2002), doi:10.1088/0953-8984/14/11/302.\n[26] J. S. Griffith, The Theory of Transition-Metal Ions (Cambridge University Press, London, 1961).\n[27] P. Atkins and J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry , 8th ed. (Oxford University Press, London, 2006).\n[28] D. Lide, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics , 87th ed. (CRCPress, 2006-2007).\n[29] T. Markussen, R. Rurali, A.-P. Jauho, and M. Brandbyge, 'Scal-\n5", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nFIG. 2: Calculated (a) adsorption energy E ads in eV and (b) change in conductance ∆ G in units of G 0 = 2 e 2 /h for N2, O2, H2O, CO, NH3, and H2S on 3d transition metals occupying a monovacancy (top), divacancy I (middle), and divacancy II (bottom) in a (6,6) carbon nanotube.\nwhere E [ X @M@VC] is the total energy of molecule X on a transition metal atom occupying a vacancy, and E [ X ] is the gas phase energy of the molecule.\nFrom the adsorption energies plotted in Fig. 2(a), we see that the earlier transition metals tend to bind the adsorbates stronger than the late transition metals. The latest metals in the series (Cu and Zn) bind adsorbates rather weakly in the divacancy structures. We also note that O2 binds significantly stronger than any of the three target molecules on Ti, V, Cr, and Mn (except for Cr in divacancy I where H2S is found to dissociate). Active sites containing these metals are therefore expected to be completely passivated if oxygen is present in the background. Further, we find H2O is rather weakly bound to most of the active sites. This ensures that these types of sensors are robust against changes in humidity.\nIn thermodynamic equilibrium [27], the coverage of the active sites follows from\nΘ[ X ] = K [ X ] C [ X ] 1 + ∑ Y K [ Y ] C [ Y ] , (4)\nwhere K = k + /k -is the ratio of forward and backward rate constants for the adsorption reaction,\nK [ X ] = exp [ -E ads [ X ] + TS [ X ] k B T ] . (5)\nIn these expressions C [ X ] is the concentration of species X , S [ X ] is its gas phase entropy and T is the temperature. Experimental values for the gas phase entropies have been taken from Ref. [28].", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf", - "query": "What seems to be a great technique to ensure vacancies are formed in carbon nanotubes (CNT) ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Furthermore, it has been shown that CNT vacan- cies, which are needed for the metallic doping, may be formed in a controlled way by irradiation by Ar ion", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nFIG. 1: Structural schematics and formation energy for a 3d transition metal occupied monovacancy (black), divacancy I (gray), or divacancy II (white) in a (6,6) carbon nanotube. Formation energies of the empty vacancies are indicated by dashed lines.\nis the total energy of the pristine nanotube with a physisorbed transition metal atom. We have considered the monovacancy and two divacancies shown in Fig. 1. The energy required to form an empty vacancy is obtained from\nE form [ VC ] = E [ VC ] + nE [ C ] -E [ NT ] , (2)\nwhere E [VC] is the total energy of the nanotube with a vacancy of n atoms.\nThe calculated formation energies for the 3d transition metals are shown in Fig. 1. From the horizontal lines we see that both divacancies are more stable than the monovacancy. This may be attributed to the presence of a two-fold coordinated C atom in the monovacancy, while all C atoms remain three-fold coordinated in the divacancies. When a transition metal atom occupies a vacancy, the strongest bonding to the C atoms is through its d orbitals [26]. For this reason, Cu and Zn, which both have filled d-bands, are rather unstable in the CNT. For the remaining metals, adsorption in the monovacancies leads to quite stable structures. This is because the three-fold coordination of the C atoms and the CNT's hexagonal structure are recovered when the metal atom is inserted. On the other hand, metal adsorption in divacancies is slightly less stable because of the resulting pentagon defects, see upper panel in Fig. 1. A similar behaviour has been reported by Krasheninnikov et al. for transition metal atoms in graphene [21].\nThe adsorption energies for N2, O2, H2O, CO, NH3, and H2S on the metallic site of the doped (6,6) CNTs are shown in Fig. 2(a). The adsorption energy of a molecule X is defined by\nE ads [ X @M@VC ] = E [ X @M@VC ] -E [ X ] -E [ M@VC ] , (3)", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nWe find that oxidation of the active metal site passivates the sensor in the case of doping by Ti, V, Cr, and Mn under standard conditions (room temperature and 1 bar of pressure). Among the remaining metals, we identify Ni as is the most promising candidate for CO detection. For this system the change in resistance per active site is generally significant ( > 1 Ω ) for small changes in CO concentration in the relevant range of around 0.1-10 ppm. Our approach is quite general and is directly applicable to other nanostructures than CNTs, other functionalizations than metal doping, and other backgrounds than atmospheric air.\nAll total energy calculations and structure optimizations have been performed with the real-space density functional theory (DFT) code GPAW [22] which is based on the projector augmented wave method. We use a grid spacing of 0.2 ˚ A for representing the density and wave functions and the PBE exchange correlation functional [23]. Transport calculations for the optimized structures have been performed using the nonequilibrium Green's function method [24] with an electronic Hamiltonian obtained from the SIESTA code [25] in a double zeta polarized (DZP) basis set. Spin polarization has been taken into account in all calculations.\nMetallic doping of a (6,6) CNT has been modeled in a supercell containing six repeated minimal unit cells along the CNT axis (dimensions: 15 ˚ A × 15 ˚ A × 14.622 ˚ A). For this size of supercell a Γ -point sampling of the Brillouin zone was found to be sufficient. The formation energy for creating a vacancy (VC) occupied by a transition metal atom (M) was calculated using the relation\nE form [ M @ VC ] = E [ M @ VC ] + nE [ C ] -E [ M@NT ] (1)\nwhere E [M@VC] is the total energy of a transition metal atom occupying a vacancy in the nanotube, n is the number of carbon atoms removed to form the vacancy, E [C] is the energy per carbon atom in a pristine nanotube, and E [M@NT]\n2", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nWe now return to the discussion of the validity of Eq. (7). As mentioned, the series coupling of individual scatterers should be valid when l φ < d . However, even for l φ > d and assuming that the Anderson localization length, l loc in the system exceeds l φ , Eq. (7) remains valid if one replaces the actual resistance R by the sample averaged resistance 〈 R 〉 [29]. At room temperature under ambient conditions, interactions with external degrees of freedom such as internal CNT phonons and vibrational modes of the adsorbed molecules would rapidly randomize the phase of the electrons. Therefore Eq. (7) should certainly be valid in the limit of low doping concentrations. On the other hand, the total number of dopants, N , should be large enough for the statistical treatment of the coverage to hold. Finally, we stress that Eq. (7) represents a conservative estimate of the change in resistance. In fact, in the regime where l φ > l loc, i.e. in the Anderson localization regime, the resistance would be highly sensitive to changes in the fractional coverage of active sites. Calculation of the actual resistance of the CNT in this regime would, however, involve a full transport calculation in the presence of\n4\nall N impurities. At this point it suffices to see that the conservative estimates obtained from Eq. (7) predict measurable signals in response to small changes in concentration of the target molecules.\nTo our knowledge, controlled doping of CNTs with transition metal atoms has so far not been achieved. It has, however, been found that metal atoms incorporated into the CNT lattice during catalytic growth are afterwards very difficult to remove [30]. Furthermore, it has been shown that CNT vacancies, which are needed for the metallic doping, may be formed in a controlled way by irradiation by Ar ions [31]. This suggests that metallic doping of CNTs should be possible.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[8] S. Brahim, S. Colbern, R. Gump, and L. Grigorian, 'Tailoring gas sensing properties of carbon nanotubes', J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2), 024502 (Jul. 2008), doi:10.1063/1.2956395.\n[9] C. Morgan, Z. Alemipour, and M. Baxendale, 'Variable range hopping in oxygen-exposed single-wall carbon nanotube networks', Phys. Stat. Solidi A 205 (6), 1394 (May 2008), doi:10.1002/pssa.200778113.\n[10] D. J. Mowbray, C. Morgan, and K. S. Thygesen, 'Influence of O2 and N2 on the conductivity of carbon nanotube networks', Phys. Rev. B 79 (19), 195431 (May 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.195431.\n[11] L. Valentini, F. Mercuri, I. Armentano, C. Cantalini, S. Picozzi, L. Lozzi, S. Santucci, A. Sgamellotti, and J. M. Kenny, 'Role of defects on the gas sensing properties of carbon nanotubes thin films: experiment and theory', Chem. Phys. Lett. 387 (4-6), 356 (Apr. 2004), doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.02.038.\n[12] Z. Zanolli and J.-C. Charlier, 'Defective carbon nanotubes for single-molecule sensing', Phys. Rev. B 80 (15), 155447 (Oct. 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155447.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n[18] C. S. Yeung, L. V. Liu, and Y. A. Wang, 'Adsorption of small gas molecules onto Pt-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes', J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (19), 7401 (Apr. 2008), doi:10.1021/jp0753981.\n[19] T. Vo, Y.-D. Wu, R. Car, and M. Robert, 'Structures, interactions, and ferromagnetism of Fe-carbon nanotube systems', J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (22), 400 (May 2008), doi:10.1021/jp0761968.\n[20] J. A. Furst, M. Brandbyge, A.-P. Jauho, and K. Stokbro, ' Ab initio study of spin-dependent transport in carbon nanotubes with iron and vanadium adatoms', Phys. Rev. B 78 (19), 195405 (Nov. 2008), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.195405.\n[21] A. V. Krasheninnikov, P. O. Lehtinen, A. S. Foster, P. Pyykko, and R. M. Nieminen, 'Embedding transitionmetal atoms in graphene: Structure, bonding, and magnetism', Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (12), 126807 (Mar. 2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.126807.\n[22] J. J. Mortensen, L. B. Hansen, and K. W. Jacobsen, 'Real-space grid implementation of the projector augmented wave method', Phys. Rev. B 71 (3), 035109 (Jan. 2005), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.035109.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\nThe ability to detect small concentrations of specific chemical species is fundamental for a variety of industrial and scientific processes as well as for medical applications and environmental monitoring [1]. In general, nanostructured materials should be well suited for sensor applications because of their large surface to volume ratio which makes them sensitive to molecular adsorption. Specifically, carbon nanotubes (CNT) [2] have been shown to work remarkably well as detectors of small gas molecules. This has been demonstrated both for individual CNTs [3-8] as well as for CNT networks [9, 10].\nPristine CNTs are known to be chemically inert - a property closely related to their high stability. As a consequence, only radicals bind strong enough to the CNT to notably affect its electrical properties [2, 5, 11-13]. To make CNTs attractive for sensor applications thus requires some kind of functionalization, e.g. through doping or decoration of the CNT sidewall [13-21]. Ideally, this type of functionalization could be used to control not only the reactivity of the CNT but also the selectivity towards specific chemical species.\nIn this work we consider the possibility of using CNTs doped by 3d transition metal atoms for chemical gas sensing. We use computational screening to systematically identify the most promising dopant candidates for detection of three different target molecules (CO, NH3, H2S) under typical atmospheric conditions. The screening procedure is based on the calculation of two microscopic descriptors: the binding energy and scattering resistance of the molecules when adsorbed on a doped CNT. These two quantities give a good indication of the gas coverage and impact on the resistance. For the most promising candidates we then employ a simple thermodynamic model of the CNT sensor. In this model, the binding energies are used to obtain the fractional coverage of the metallic sites as a function of the target molecule concentration under ambient conditions. Under the assumption of transport in the diffusive rather than localization regime, the\nchange in CNT resistivity may then be obtained from the calculated coverages and single impurity conductances.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\ning theory put into practice: First-principles modeling of transport in doped silicon wires', Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (7), 076803 (Aug. 2007), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.076803.\n[30] M. Ushiro, K. Uno, T. Fujikawa, Y. Sato, K. Tohji, F. Watari, W.-J. Chun, Y. Koike, and K. Asakura, 'X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analyses of Ni species trapped in graphene sheet of carbon nanofibers', Phys. Rev. B 73 (14), 144103 (Apr. 2006), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.73.144103.\n[31] C. Gomez-Navarro, P. J. de Pablo, J. Gomez-Herrero, B. Biel, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, A. Rubio, and F. 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The latest metals in the series (Cu and Zn) bind adsorbates rather weakly in the divacancy structures. We also note that O2 binds significantly stronger than any of the three target molecules on Ti, V, Cr, and Mn (except for Cr in divacancy I where H2S is found to dissociate). Active sites containing these metals are therefore expected to be completely passivated if oxygen is present in the background. Further, we find H2O is rather weakly bound to most of the active sites. This ensures that these types of sensors are robust against changes in humidity.\nIn thermodynamic equilibrium [27], the coverage of the active sites follows from\nΘ[ X ] = K [ X ] C [ X ] 1 + ∑ Y K [ Y ] C [ Y ] , (4)\nwhere K = k + /k -is the ratio of forward and backward rate constants for the adsorption reaction,\nK [ X ] = exp [ -E ads [ X ] + TS [ X ] k B T ] . (5)\nIn these expressions C [ X ] is the concentration of species X , S [ X ] is its gas phase entropy and T is the temperature. Experimental values for the gas phase entropies have been taken from Ref. [28].", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2538.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Computational Design of Chemical Nanosensors: Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes\n∗ Electronic address: juanmaria.garcia@ehu.es\n[1] Gas Sensing Materials, MRS Bull. , vol. 24 (1999).\n[2] J. C. Chalier, X. Blase, and S. Roche, 'Electronic and transport properties of nanotubes', Rev. Mod. Phys. 79 (2), 677 (May 2007), doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.79.677.\n[3] J. Kong, N. R. Franklin, C. Zhou, M. G. Chapline, S. Peng, K. Cho, and H. Dai, 'Nanotube molecular wires as chemical sensors', Science 287 (5453), 622 (Jan. 2000), doi:10.1126/science.287.5453.622.\n[4] P. G. Collins, K. Bradley, M. Ishigami, and A. Zettl, 'Extreme oxygen sensitivity of electronic properties of carbon nanotubes', Science 287 (5459), 1801 (Mar. 2000), doi:10.1126/science.287.5459.1801.\n[5] C. 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We will always treat each other, as well as customers, suppliers, shareholders, and our communities, with fairness and respect.\nOur success depends upon business simplification, rapid continuous improvement, and innovation in everything we do, individual and collective integrity, and the relentless pursuit of the following long-standing beliefs:", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n1993 = $ 188,810. $, = $ 188,419. , 1999 = 225,123. , 1998 = 217,438. , 1997 = 200,759. , = 152,553. , 1996 1995 = 128,915. , 1994 1993 = 111,093. , = 110,759. , 1999 = 91,433. , 1998 = 72,891. , 1997 = 94,391. , = 52,974. , 1996 1995 = 65,268. , 1994 1993 = 77,717. , = 77,660. , 1999 = 455,591. , 1998 = 444,177. , 1997 = 341,030. , = 234,616. , 1996 1995 = 210,033. , 1994 1993 = 177,844. , = 157,770. , 1999 = 906,723. , 1998 = 864,469. , 1997 = 754,673. , = 513,514. , 1996 1995 = 409,518. , 1994 1993 = 372,568. , = 352,405. , 1999 = 16.94%. , 1998 = 23.74%. , 1997 = 28.27%. , = 25.93%. , 1996 1995 = 17.91%. , 1994 1993 = 24.72%. , = 22.14%. $, 1999 = . $, 1998 = $ 135,563. $, 1997 = $ 134,511. $, = $ 77,605. $, 1996 1995 = $ 42,581. $, 1994 1993 = $ 45,877. $, = $ 45,916. , 1999 = 124,173 501,271. , 1998 = 462,022. , 1997 = 381,662. , = 252,397. , 1996 1995 = 216,235. , 1994 1993 = 194,640. , = 179,553. , 1999 = 416,034. , 1998 = 351,786. , 1997 = 265,203. , = 227,365. , 1996 1995 = 193,505. , 1994 1993 = 174,642. , = 161,079. , 1999 = 1.41. , 1998 = 1.34. , 1997 = 1.47. , = 1.35. , 1996", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of October 25, 2003, the Company had over 16,000 active employees.\n(d)\nExecutive Officers of the Registrant", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES INC. OFFICERS\nJack D. Michaels\nChairman and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sincerely,\nThe HON INDUSTRIES Board of Directors\nStan A. Askren\nGary M. Christensen\nCheryl A. Francis\nRobert L. Katz\nDennis J. Martin\nJack D. Michaels\nJoseph Scalzo\nAbbie J. Smith\nRichard H. Stanley\nBrian E. Stern\nRonald V. Waters, III\n61\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES", - "page_start": 60, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Stan A. Askren\nPresident, HON INDUSTRIES Inc.", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n$, 1999 = 1.44. $, 1998 = $ 1.72. $, 1997 = $ 1.45. $, = $ 1.13. $, 1996 1995 = $ .67. $, 1994 1993 = $ .87. $, = $ .69. , 1999 = -. , 1998 = -. , 1997 = -. , = -. , 1996 1995 = -. , 1994 1993 = -. , = .01. , 1999 = 1.44. , 1998 = 1.72. , 1997 = 1.45. , = 1.13. , 1996 1995 = .67. , 1994 1993 = .87. , = .70. , 1999 = 1.44. , 1998 = 1.72. , 1997 = 1.45. , = 1.13. , 1996 1995 = .67. , 1994 1993 = .87. , = .70. , 1999 = .38. , 1998 = .32. , 1997 = .28. , = .25. , 1996 1995 = .24. , 1994 1993 = .22. , = .20. , 1999 = 8.33. , 1998 = 7.54. , 1997 = 6.19. , = 4.25. , 1996 1995 = 3.56. , 1994 1993 = 3.17. , = 2.83. , 1999 = 1.52. , 1998 = 1.19. , 1997 = 1.53. , = .89. , 1996 1995 = 1.07. , 1994 1993 = 1.27. , = 1.23. $, 1999 = . $, 1998 = . $, 1997 = $. $, = $ 998,135. $, 1996 1995 = $ 893,119. $, 1994 1993 = . $, = . , 1999 = 1,800,931 1,236,612. , 1998 = $ 1,706,628 1,172,997. , 1997 = 1,362,713. , = . , 1996 1995 = . , 1994 1993 = $ 845,998. , = $ 780,326. , 1999 = . , 1998 = . , 1997 = 933,157. , = 679,496. , 1996 1995 = 624,700. , 1994", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Jack D. Michaels\nChairman and Chief Executive Officer, HON INDUSTRIES Inc.", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf", - "query": "Did automating the writing of EM-to-IP handoffs notes using LLM lead to life-threatening outputs ?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "none of the incorrect output text elements reached life-threatening risk", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 7 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Discussion\nThe study demonstrated success in generating EM-to-IP handoff notes using both a fine tuned, pretrained LLM and rule-based approaches within an end user-developed note template. It is important to note that (largely due to time constraints within the EM care delivery model) the performance of EM-to-IP handoff notes was not the current standard of care in EM. The study site's unique electronic handoff process enabled a comparison between physician-written and LLM-generated handoff notes. Traditional automated evaluations of the model output suggested\nTable 3. Mean Clinical Quality Evaluation, Large Language Model (LLM)-Generated and Physician-Written", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nRESULTS In this study of 1600 EM patient records (832 [52%] female and mean [SD] age of 59.9 [18.9] years), LLM-generated handoff notes, compared with physician-written ones, had higher ROUGE(0.322 vs 0.088), BERTScore (0.859 vs 0.796), and SCALE scores (0.691 vs 0.456), indicating the LLM-generated summaries exhibited greater similarity and more detail. As reviewed by 3 board-certified EM physicians, a subsample of 50 LLM-generated summaries had a mean (SD) usefulness score of 4.04 (0.86) out of 5 (compared with 4.36 [0.71] for physician-written) and mean (SD) patient safety scores of 4.06 (0.86) out of 5 (compared with 4.50 [0.56] for physician-written). None of the LLM-generated summaries were classified as a critical patient safety risk.\nCONCLUSIONSANDRELEVANCE In this cohort study of 1600 EM patient medical records, LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes were determined superior compared with physician-written summaries via conventional automated evaluation methods, but marginally inferior in usefulness\n(continued)\nOpenAccess. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n1/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "KeyPoints\nQuestion Can a large language model (LLM) generate emergency medicine (EM)-to-inpatient (IP) handoff notes that are useful and safe for EM care?\nFindings In this cohort study of 1600 EMpatient medical records using a novel evaluation framework, the LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes had a mean usefulness of 4.04 out of 5 (compared with 4.36 for physician-written) and a mean patient safety of 4.06 out of 5 (compared with 4.50 for physician-written) with no critical patient safety risks.\nMeaning These findings suggest the value of a manual, patient safetyfocused clinical evaluation of LLM models and the potential of LLM-generated handoff notes to create a new standard of care in EM.\n+\nInvited Commentary", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conclusions\nThis study's results suggest promise for future thoughtful integration of LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes into clinical admission workflows, as well as the associated potential downstream quality and efficiency gains. Our novel clinical evaluation framework demonstrates an effective preimplementation strategy to measure potential patient safety implications of incorrectness identified in LLM-generated clinical care summaries, which will guide future model refinement and implementation strategies. In the absence of a current written standard of care in EM, this innovation could represent a transformative advancement in the quality of EM-to-IP transitions of care.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Introduction\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nevaluation frameworks may not address the anticipated effect LLM performance limitations could have on patient safety. 38-41\nIn this study, we aim to expand on prior work of clinical summarization to rigorously evaluate the outcomes of a fine-tuned model developed to generate accurate and safe summaries of the care rendered during an ED visit, with the long-term goal of integrating automated, structured EM-to-IP handoff notes into an EHR-based electronic handoff admission workflow (see eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1). We fine-tune pretrained LLMs on well curated datasets of structured and unstructured EHR data from the ED encounter to summarize the patient's ED care. We improved the correctness of model generations and customized the summaries in a structured format designed by a team of EM and internal medicine physician leaders for optimal usefulness. We proposed a novel patient safety-focused LLM evaluation framework to examine the LLM-generated handoff notes' quality and accuracy and the downstream patient safety implications of any identified inaccuracies. To evaluate noninferiority, we compared the LLM-generated handoff notes with the preexisting physician-written EM-to-IP handoff notes as the active control, using both the proposed patient safety-focused clinical evaluation framework and automated benchmark-driven methods. We used the physician-written EM-to-IP handoff notes as the active control and used the scores from both evaluation frameworks for the margin of inferiority of the intervention.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Supplement 1.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n4/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nAbbreviations: EM, emergency medicine; IP, inpatient.\na Automated EM handoff notes are generated from the curation of the data through both rule-based and large language model-summarization approaches.\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nIMPORTANCE An emergency medicine (EM) handoff note generated by a large language model (LLM) has the potential to reduce physician documentation burden without compromising the safety of EM-to-inpatient (IP) handoffs.\nOBJECTIVE To develop LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes and evaluate their accuracy and safety compared with physician-written notes.\nDESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This cohort study used EM patient medical records with acute hospital admissions that occurred in 2023 at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. A customized clinical LLM pipeline was trained, tested, and evaluated to generate templated EM-to-IP handoff notes. Using both conventional automated methods (ie, recall-oriented understudy for gisting evaluation [ROUGE], bidirectional encoder representations from transformers score [BERTScore], and source chunking approach for large-scale inconsistency evaluation [SCALE]) and a novel patient safety-focused framework, LLM-generated handoff notes vs physician-written notes were compared. Data were analyzed from October 2023 to March 2024.\nEXPOSURE LLM-generated EM handoff notes.\nMAINOUTCOMESANDMEASURES LLM-generated handoff notes were evaluated for (1) lexical similarity with respect to physician-written notes using ROUGE and BERTScore; (2) fidelity with respect to source notes using SCALE; and (3) readability, completeness, curation, correctness, usefulness, and implications for patient safety using a novel framework.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\na Likert scores and score distributions over 50 notes for 3 annotators. There are no 1 ratings for either physician or AI summaries in the 150 evaluation results.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n7/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nsuperior performance. However, while the manual clinical evaluation demonstrated the majority of the LLM-generated notes were of promising comparative quality (scores of 4-5), they were, on average, inferior to the clinician-written notes.\nOur novel clinical evaluation's findings suggest the majority of identified quality limitations and incorrectness would have minimal impact on patient safety, even when extrapolated to the worstcase scenario of the LLM-generated summary content not being reviewed and edited by a clinician before completion. This was designed to address contemporary LLM concerns of user trust, reliance and expertise. 49 As such, none of the incorrect output text elements reached life-threatening risk. However, incompleteness and faulty logic identified in the automated summaries were not always negligible, with just under 1 in 10 of these performance gaps determined to have the potential to create significant patient safety risk compared with the physician-written summaries. These critical implementation safety findings will inform (1) directionality of further model refinement; (2) further clinical evaluation of postrefinement model output; and (3) irrespective of downstream model performance, an EHR-implementation plan constrained to a user-interface design that will allow EM clinicians to review and edit the LLM-generated handoff note as a draft before finalizing (see eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1). This physician-in-the-loop process has also been identified as critical in other recent work implementing LLMs into clinical workflows. 29,53", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Data Curation for Automated ED Note Generation\nThe EHR data were bifurcated into 2 datasets linked by the patient encounter number: 1 for the rulebased pattern-matching approach and the other for the LLM fine-tuning discussed in further detail in eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1. The rule-based framework was designed by the 3 board certified EM physicians (M.M., A.F., and P.S.). Fine tuning of the pretrained LLM consisted of the notes in Table 1 : EMclinician notes, consultation notes, EM progress note entries, and EM procedure notes. The EM-to-IP handoff notes were used as the labels. As the preexisting labels were of variable quality for\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n3/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nLLM-model training, an informatics professional (V.H.) worked over a period of 200 hours with 3 board certified emergency medicine physician leaders with experience in formal quality and patient safety review processes (M.M., A.F., and P.S.) to improve the dataset through manual curation and annotation. As the task of EM-handoff note generation is not dependent on racial characteristics of the patients, we removed all mentions of race during the annotation stage as a means to avoid race bias; therefore, the model was trained to generate text without race-based assumptions. Although resource intensive, a small and carefully curated dataset of at least 1000 examples has been shown to be sufficient to produce remarkable results for the language model chosen. 42 Given the size of our dataset, we created a train and test dataset with a ratio of 1500:100, with a higher ratio of data placed in the training set and eschewed a validation set to lower the variance of the models. We used k-fold cross validation on the training dataset to avoid sampling bias for the hyperparameter optimization of the LLMs.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "JAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf", - "query": "How did automating the writing of EM-to-IP handoffs notes using LLM affect the usefulness of these notes ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes were determined superior compared with physician-written summaries via conventional automated evaluation methods, but marginally inferior in usefulness", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Discussion\nThe study demonstrated success in generating EM-to-IP handoff notes using both a fine tuned, pretrained LLM and rule-based approaches within an end user-developed note template. It is important to note that (largely due to time constraints within the EM care delivery model) the performance of EM-to-IP handoff notes was not the current standard of care in EM. The study site's unique electronic handoff process enabled a comparison between physician-written and LLM-generated handoff notes. Traditional automated evaluations of the model output suggested\nTable 3. Mean Clinical Quality Evaluation, Large Language Model (LLM)-Generated and Physician-Written", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nRESULTS In this study of 1600 EM patient records (832 [52%] female and mean [SD] age of 59.9 [18.9] years), LLM-generated handoff notes, compared with physician-written ones, had higher ROUGE(0.322 vs 0.088), BERTScore (0.859 vs 0.796), and SCALE scores (0.691 vs 0.456), indicating the LLM-generated summaries exhibited greater similarity and more detail. As reviewed by 3 board-certified EM physicians, a subsample of 50 LLM-generated summaries had a mean (SD) usefulness score of 4.04 (0.86) out of 5 (compared with 4.36 [0.71] for physician-written) and mean (SD) patient safety scores of 4.06 (0.86) out of 5 (compared with 4.50 [0.56] for physician-written). None of the LLM-generated summaries were classified as a critical patient safety risk.\nCONCLUSIONSANDRELEVANCE In this cohort study of 1600 EM patient medical records, LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes were determined superior compared with physician-written summaries via conventional automated evaluation methods, but marginally inferior in usefulness\n(continued)\nOpenAccess. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n1/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "KeyPoints\nQuestion Can a large language model (LLM) generate emergency medicine (EM)-to-inpatient (IP) handoff notes that are useful and safe for EM care?\nFindings In this cohort study of 1600 EMpatient medical records using a novel evaluation framework, the LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes had a mean usefulness of 4.04 out of 5 (compared with 4.36 for physician-written) and a mean patient safety of 4.06 out of 5 (compared with 4.50 for physician-written) with no critical patient safety risks.\nMeaning These findings suggest the value of a manual, patient safetyfocused clinical evaluation of LLM models and the potential of LLM-generated handoff notes to create a new standard of care in EM.\n+\nInvited Commentary", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Supplement 1.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n4/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nAbbreviations: EM, emergency medicine; IP, inpatient.\na Automated EM handoff notes are generated from the curation of the data through both rule-based and large language model-summarization approaches.\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Introduction\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nevaluation frameworks may not address the anticipated effect LLM performance limitations could have on patient safety. 38-41\nIn this study, we aim to expand on prior work of clinical summarization to rigorously evaluate the outcomes of a fine-tuned model developed to generate accurate and safe summaries of the care rendered during an ED visit, with the long-term goal of integrating automated, structured EM-to-IP handoff notes into an EHR-based electronic handoff admission workflow (see eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1). We fine-tune pretrained LLMs on well curated datasets of structured and unstructured EHR data from the ED encounter to summarize the patient's ED care. We improved the correctness of model generations and customized the summaries in a structured format designed by a team of EM and internal medicine physician leaders for optimal usefulness. We proposed a novel patient safety-focused LLM evaluation framework to examine the LLM-generated handoff notes' quality and accuracy and the downstream patient safety implications of any identified inaccuracies. To evaluate noninferiority, we compared the LLM-generated handoff notes with the preexisting physician-written EM-to-IP handoff notes as the active control, using both the proposed patient safety-focused clinical evaluation framework and automated benchmark-driven methods. We used the physician-written EM-to-IP handoff notes as the active control and used the scores from both evaluation frameworks for the margin of inferiority of the intervention.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nIMPORTANCE An emergency medicine (EM) handoff note generated by a large language model (LLM) has the potential to reduce physician documentation burden without compromising the safety of EM-to-inpatient (IP) handoffs.\nOBJECTIVE To develop LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes and evaluate their accuracy and safety compared with physician-written notes.\nDESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This cohort study used EM patient medical records with acute hospital admissions that occurred in 2023 at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. A customized clinical LLM pipeline was trained, tested, and evaluated to generate templated EM-to-IP handoff notes. Using both conventional automated methods (ie, recall-oriented understudy for gisting evaluation [ROUGE], bidirectional encoder representations from transformers score [BERTScore], and source chunking approach for large-scale inconsistency evaluation [SCALE]) and a novel patient safety-focused framework, LLM-generated handoff notes vs physician-written notes were compared. Data were analyzed from October 2023 to March 2024.\nEXPOSURE LLM-generated EM handoff notes.\nMAINOUTCOMESANDMEASURES LLM-generated handoff notes were evaluated for (1) lexical similarity with respect to physician-written notes using ROUGE and BERTScore; (2) fidelity with respect to source notes using SCALE; and (3) readability, completeness, curation, correctness, usefulness, and implications for patient safety using a novel framework.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conclusions\nThis study's results suggest promise for future thoughtful integration of LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes into clinical admission workflows, as well as the associated potential downstream quality and efficiency gains. Our novel clinical evaluation framework demonstrates an effective preimplementation strategy to measure potential patient safety implications of incorrectness identified in LLM-generated clinical care summaries, which will guide future model refinement and implementation strategies. In the absence of a current written standard of care in EM, this innovation could represent a transformative advancement in the quality of EM-to-IP transitions of care.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\na Likert scores and score distributions over 50 notes for 3 annotators. There are no 1 ratings for either physician or AI summaries in the 150 evaluation results.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n7/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nsuperior performance. However, while the manual clinical evaluation demonstrated the majority of the LLM-generated notes were of promising comparative quality (scores of 4-5), they were, on average, inferior to the clinician-written notes.\nOur novel clinical evaluation's findings suggest the majority of identified quality limitations and incorrectness would have minimal impact on patient safety, even when extrapolated to the worstcase scenario of the LLM-generated summary content not being reviewed and edited by a clinician before completion. This was designed to address contemporary LLM concerns of user trust, reliance and expertise. 49 As such, none of the incorrect output text elements reached life-threatening risk. However, incompleteness and faulty logic identified in the automated summaries were not always negligible, with just under 1 in 10 of these performance gaps determined to have the potential to create significant patient safety risk compared with the physician-written summaries. These critical implementation safety findings will inform (1) directionality of further model refinement; (2) further clinical evaluation of postrefinement model output; and (3) irrespective of downstream model performance, an EHR-implementation plan constrained to a user-interface design that will allow EM clinicians to review and edit the LLM-generated handoff note as a draft before finalizing (see eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1). This physician-in-the-loop process has also been identified as critical in other recent work implementing LLMs into clinical workflows. 29,53", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Data Curation for Automated ED Note Generation\nThe EHR data were bifurcated into 2 datasets linked by the patient encounter number: 1 for the rulebased pattern-matching approach and the other for the LLM fine-tuning discussed in further detail in eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1. The rule-based framework was designed by the 3 board certified EM physicians (M.M., A.F., and P.S.). Fine tuning of the pretrained LLM consisted of the notes in Table 1 : EMclinician notes, consultation notes, EM progress note entries, and EM procedure notes. The EM-to-IP handoff notes were used as the labels. As the preexisting labels were of variable quality for\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n3/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nLLM-model training, an informatics professional (V.H.) worked over a period of 200 hours with 3 board certified emergency medicine physician leaders with experience in formal quality and patient safety review processes (M.M., A.F., and P.S.) to improve the dataset through manual curation and annotation. As the task of EM-handoff note generation is not dependent on racial characteristics of the patients, we removed all mentions of race during the annotation stage as a means to avoid race bias; therefore, the model was trained to generate text without race-based assumptions. Although resource intensive, a small and carefully curated dataset of at least 1000 examples has been shown to be sufficient to produce remarkable results for the language model chosen. 42 Given the size of our dataset, we created a train and test dataset with a ratio of 1500:100, with a higher ratio of data placed in the training set and eschewed a validation set to lower the variance of the models. We used k-fold cross validation on the training dataset to avoid sampling bias for the hyperparameter optimization of the LLMs.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "JAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv5_ccby4license.pdf", - "query": "What company released MegatronLM ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "NVIDIA released the MegatronLM", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Kevin M. Connor\nManaging Director", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company Secretary\nDamien Connor", - "page_start": 112, - "page_end": 112, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chief Executive Officer\nGavin Thomas", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Michael J. Brown\nPresident and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE\nNordstrom, Inc. and subsidiaries 3", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10 Loretta A. Rogers\nCompany Director", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Holders\nAs of February 13, 2003, we had 1,604 shareholders of record.", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NORDSTROM, INC.\n(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Shareholder Information\nAs at 26 September 2013", - "page_start": 115, - "page_end": 115, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive Director\nGavin Thomas\nManaging Director and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv5_ccby4license.pdf", - "query": "What is the average emission of a human being per year in terms of CO2eq ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "the average human is responsible for an estimated 5t CO2e per year", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 7 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\n1. Angélil, O. et al. An independent assessment of anthropogenic attribution statements for recent extreme temperature and rainfall events. J. Clim. 30 (1), 5-16 (2017).\n2. Rosenzweig, C. et al. Coordinating AgMIP data and models across global and regional scales for 1.5°C and 2.0°C assessments. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A. 376 , 20160455 (2018).\n3. Mitchell, D. et al. Half a degree additional warming, prognosis and projected impacts (HAPPI): Background and experimental design. Geosci. Model Dev. 10 , 571-583 (2017).\n4. Coumou, D. & Rahmstorf, S. A decade of weather extremes. Nat. Clim. Change 2 , 491-496 (2012).\n5. IPCC: Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2013: /T_he Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fi/f_th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4-6 (Cambridge University Press, 2013).\n6. Di/ffenbaugh, N. S. et al. Quantifying the in/fluence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events. PNAS 114 (19), 4881-4886 (2016).\n7. Tai, A. P. K., Martin, M. V. & Heald, C. L. /T_hreat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution. Nat. Clim. Change 4 , 817-821 (2014).\n8. Román-Palacios, C. & Wiens, J. J. Recent responses to climate change reveal the drivers of species extinction and survival. PNAS 117 (8), 4211-4217 (2020).\nͷ͸\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., HadGEM2- ES = 2.5. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nThe public's distinct understanding of the cause and e GLYPH<11> ect of the global climate issue is an obstacle to joint mitigation actions. In addition to a diversity of views co-existing in the public discourse [1,2], previous studies noticed that the public had even failed to reach an agreement on whether 'climate change' or 'global warming' is the most appropriate definition of the global climate concern [3-5]. According to the definition provided by [6], global warming describes global climate issues as a continuous increase in the average temperature of Earth's surface due to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, whereas climate change includes not only temperature rise but also a range of\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062; doi:10.3390 / ijerph17031062\nwww.mdpi.com / journal / ijerph\n/gid00001\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062\n2 of 22\ncomplex changes in the state of the climate [7], which may be caused by natural process, external forces, or human interventions [8]. By randomly assigning respondents to climate change or global warming questionnaires, scholars confirmed that the di GLYPH<11> erent connotations contained in the two definitions are likely to evoke distinct interpretations of the causes and impacts of the global climate issue [9], which may inhibit collaboration and joint e GLYPH<11> orts to mitigate the global challenge.\nPublic preference between climate change and global warming is even more apparent when considering the ideology spectrum [10]. Some scholars concluded that conservatives, who are less concerned with environmental issues, tended to use global warming as a narrative strategy because global warming has a more direct connection with temperature rise, making it easier to find contradictory cues such as freezing weather or heavy snowstorms to deny global climate change facts [11]. The associations between global warming and human activities may contribute to more controversies as well [12], connecting global warming more with the 'hoax' frame [5] and evoking greater negative sentiment [13].", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., HadGEM2- ES = 6.9. RX5day (mm)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., HadGEM2- ES = 24.9. TX90p (% time)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., HadGEM2- ES = 5.0. Pmean (%)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., MIRC-ESM- CHEM = 2.4. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND FINANCIAL COST\nStrubell et al. recently benchmarked model training and development costs in terms of dollars and estimated GLYPH<24> $ 2 emissions [129]. While the average human is responsible for an estimated 5t GLYPH<24> $ 2 4 per year, 2 the authors trained a Transformer (big) model [136] with neural architecture search and estimated that the training procedure emitted 284t of GLYPH<24> $ 2 . Training a single BERT base model (without hyperparameter tuning) on GPUs was estimated to require as much energy as a trans-American flight.\nWhile some of this energy comes from renewable sources, or cloud compute companies' use of carbon credit-offset sources, the authors note that the majority of cloud compute providers' energy is not sourced from renewable sources and many energy sources in the world are not carbon neutral. In addition, renewable energy sources are still costly to the environment, 3 and data centers with increasing computation requirements take away from other potential uses of\n2\nData for 2017, from https://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions, accessed Jan 21, 2021\n3 https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/18270734.14m-trees-cut-scotland-make-waywind-farms/\ngreen energy, 4 underscoring the need for energy efficient model architectures and training paradigms.\nStrubell et al. also examine the cost of these models vs. their accuracy gains. For the task of machine translation where large LMs have resulted in performance gains, they estimate that an increase in 0.1 BLEU score using neural architecture search for English to German translation results in an increase of $150,000 compute cost in addition to the carbon emissions. To encourage more equitable access to NLP research and reduce carbon footprint, the authors give recommendations to report training time and sensitivity to hyperparameters when the released model is meant to be re-trained for downstream use. They also urge governments to invest in compute clouds to provide equitable access to researchers.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv5_ccby4license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Impacts at 1.5 ° Cglobalwarmingcomparedto2 ° C\nTable 6. Global mean changes at 1.5 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., HadGEM2- ES = 1.7. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., MIRC-ESM- CHEM = 6.0. RX5day (mm)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv5_ccby4license.pdf", - "query": "How did the Black Lives Matter movement influence the writing of Wikipedia articles ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": " the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) influenced Wikipedia article generation and editing such that, as the BLM movement grew, articles covering shootings of Black people in- creased in coverage and were generated with reduced latency", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "4.2 Static Data/Changing Social Views\nA central aspect of social movement formation involves using language strategically to destabilize dominant narratives and call attention to underrepresented social perspectives. Social movements produce new norms, language, and ways of communicating. This adds challenges to the deployment of LMs, as methodologies reliant on LMs run the risk of 'value-lock', where the LM-reliant technology reifies older, less-inclusive understandings.\nFor instance, the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) influenced Wikipedia article generation and editing such that, as the BLM movement grew, articles covering shootings of Black people increased in coverage and were generated with reduced latency [135]. Importantly, articles describing past shootings and incidents of police brutality were created and updated as articles for new events were created, reflecting how social movements make connections between events in time to form cohesive narratives [102]. More generally, Twyman et al. [135] highlight how social movements actively influence framings and reframings of minority narratives\n14 Available at https://github.com/LDNOOBW/List-of-Dirty-Naughty-Obscene-andOtherwise-Bad-Words/blob/master/en, accessed Jan 18, 2021\n15 This observation is due to William Agnew.\nin the type of online discourse that potentially forms the data that underpins LMs.\nAn important caveat is that social movements which are poorly documented and which do not receive significant media attention will not be captured at all. Media coverage can fail to cover protest events and social movements [41, 96] and can distort events that challenge state power [36]. This is exemplified by media outlets that tend to ignore peaceful protest activity and instead focus on dramatic or violent events that make for good television but nearly always result in critical coverage [81]. As a result, the data underpinning LMs stands to misrepresent social movements and disproportionately align with existing regimes of power.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv5_ccby4license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Written capacity\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 809, - "page_end": 809, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "For example (unaudited):\n· Wikipedia and the other projects operated by the Foundation receive more than 19.4 billion pageviews per month, making them one of the most popular Web properties worldwide. Wikipedia is available in more than 332 languages and contains more than 63 million articles contributed by a global volunteer community.\n· For the year ended June 30, 2024, the educational content of the Foundation's largest project, Wikipedia, grew by approximately 1.9 million articles to approximately 63.4 million articles.\n· For the year ended June 30, 2024, volunteers added approximately 12.2 million images, movies, and sound files to the Foundation's multimedia repository, making the total 106.7 million files.\n· Volunteers also contribute in several ways to the Foundation's wiki software: volunteer software developers add new functionality to the code base, and volunteer language specialists add to the code base by translating the wiki interface into different languages. During the year ended June 30, 2024, there were 47,773 commits merged, through the efforts of approximately 511 authors/contributors, of which 8,161 commits were through the efforts of approximately 244 volunteers.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n[1] Hussein M Adam, Robert D Bullard, and Elizabeth Bell. 2001. Faces of environmental racism: Confronting issues of global justice . Rowman & Littlefield.\n[2] Chris Alberti, Kenton Lee, and Michael Collins. 2019. A BERT Baseline for the Natural Questions. arXiv:1901.08634 [cs.CL]\n[3] Larry Alexander. 1992. What makes wrongful discrimination wrong? Biases, preferences, stereotypes, and proxies. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 141, 1 (1992), 149-219.\n[4] American Psychological Association. 2019. 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However, on closer examination, we find that there are several factors which narrow Internet participation, the\n7 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/9/25/over-800000-affected-in-sudan-flooding-\nun\n8 By this comment, we do not intend to erase existing work on low-resource languages. One particularly exciting example is the Masakhane project [91], which explores participatory research techniques for developing MT for African languages. These promising directions do not involve amassing terabytes of data.\n9 https://www.voanews.com/south-central-asia/monsoons-cause-havoc-india-climatechange-alters-rainfall-patterns\n10 https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/28/asia/australia-fires-wildlife-report-scli-intlscn/index.html\n11 http://commoncrawl.org/\ndiscussions which will be included via the crawling methodology, and finally the texts likely to be contained after the crawled data are filtered. In all cases, the voices of people most likely to hew to a hegemonic viewpoint are also more likely to be retained. In the case of US and UK English, this means that white supremacist and misogynistic, ageist, etc. views are overrepresented in the training data, not only exceeding their prevalence in the general population but also setting up models trained on these datasets to further amplify biases and harms.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "arxiv5_ccby4license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 Size Doesn't Guarantee Diversity\nStarting with who is contributing to these Internet text collections, we see that Internet access itself is not evenly distributed, resulting in Internet data overrepresenting younger users and those from developed countries [100, 143]. 12 However, it's not just the Internet as a whole that is in question, but rather specific subsamples of it. For instance, GPT-2's training data is sourced by scraping outbound links from Reddit, and Pew Internet Research's 2016 survey reveals 67% of Reddit users in the United States are men, and 64% between ages 18 and 29. 13 Similarly, recent surveys of Wikipedians find that only 8.8-15% are women or girls [9].\nFurthermore, while user-generated content sites like Reddit, Twitter, and Wikipedia present themselves as open and accessible to anyone, there are structural factors including moderation practices which make them less welcoming to marginalized populations. Jones [64] documents (using digital ethnography techniques [63]) multiple cases where people on the receiving end of death threats on Twitter have had their accounts suspended while the accounts issuing the death threats persist. She further reports that harassment on Twitter is experienced by 'a wide range of overlapping groups including domestic abuse victims, sex workers, trans people, queer people, immigrants, medical patients (by their providers), neurodivergent people, and visibly or vocally disabled people.' The net result is that a limited set of subpopulations can continue to easily add data, sharing their thoughts and developing platforms that are inclusive of their worldviews; this systemic pattern in turn worsens diversity and inclusion within Internet-based communication, creating a feedback loop that lessens the impact of data from underrepresented populations.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "arxiv5_ccby4license.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf", - "query": "Concerning electrolyte solutions, what assumption makes the primitive model (PM) regarding ions?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "simple phenomenological models such as the primitive model (PM), for which the ions are assimi- lated to charged hard spheres", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nJohn Jairo Molina 1 , 2 , 3 , ∗ Jean-Fran¸cois Dufrˆeche 1 , 2 , 3 , † Mathieu Salanne 1 , 2 , Olivier Bernard 1 , 2 , Marie Jardat 1 , 2 , and Pierre Turq 1 , 2 1 UPMC-Universit'e Paris 06, UMR 7195, PECSA, F-75005 Paris, France 2 CNRS, UMR 7195, PECSA, F-75005 Paris, France 3 Institut de Chimie S'eparative de Marcoule (ICSM), UMR 5257 CEA-CNRS-Universit'e Montpellier 2, Site de Marcoule,\nBˆatiment 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols-sur-C'eze Cedex, France\nWe present a method to derive implicit solvent models of electrolyte solutions from all-atom descriptions; providing analytical expressions of the thermodynamic and structural properties of the ions consistent with the underlying explicit solvent representation. Effective potentials between ions in solution are calculated to perform perturbation theory calculations, in order to derive the best possible description in terms of charged hard spheres. Applying this method to NaCl solutions yields excellent agreement with the all-atom model, provided ion association is taken into account.\nSince the pioneering works of Debye, Huckel, and Onsager, electrolyte solutions have been commonly described by continuous solvent models, for which the McMillan-Mayer theory [1] provides a rigorous statistical-mechanical foundation. Within that level of description, simple phenomenological models such as the primitive model (PM), for which the ions are assimilated to charged hard spheres [2], can lead to explicit formulas for the thermodynamic and structural properties (e.g., with the help of the mean spherical approximation (MSA) [3] or the binding MSA (BIMSA) [4]). These models are the most practical to use [5], since they allow for a direct link between the experimental measurements and the microscopic parameters of the system. Nevertheless, they ignore the molecular structure of the solvent. Consequently, they cannot properly account for the complex specific effects of the ions, which appear in numerous biological, chemical, and physical interfacial phenomena [6, 7], without further developments.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nof the BIMSA3 appears to be negligible compared to the reference term for concentrations less than 1 mol l -1 . The perturbation can then be omitted to obtain a fully analytical theory, determined by the hard sphere diameters and the pair fraction given by LPT; with the free energy and the RDF given in terms of the BIMSA and MSA solutions, as described above. While the procedure we have followed uses two different approximations for the reference and perturbation terms (MSA vs BIMSA), these are known to be accurate for the systems under consideration and do not appear to be inconsistent with each other.\nTo conclude, we have combined MD simulations with LPT to construct simple models of electrolyte solutions which account for the molecular nature of the solvent. The final result is fully analytical and it yields the thermodynamic and structural properties of the solution, in agreement with the original molecular description. The methodology can in principle be adapted to any molecular description of the system (MD simulations involving interaction potentials accounting for polarization effects or Car-Parrinello MD simulations for example) as long as the ion-ion RDF are known. It can also be generalized to study interfaces. The method appears to be a promising approach toward the description of the specific effects of ions, especially for complex systems whose modeling requires an analytic solution.\nThe authors are particularly grateful to Werner Kunz for fruitful discussions.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nAn alternative procedure consists in carrying out molecular simulations, where both the solvent and solute are treated explicitly. After a rigorous averaging over the solvent configurations, a coarse-grained description of the ions, which still includes the effect of the solvent structure, can be obtained [8-11]. However, this set of methods is purely numeric; they do not provide any analytical expression for thermodynamic quantities. They are therefore restricted to simple geometries [12, 13] (bulk solutions or planar interfaces). The description of complex systems, such as porous or electrochemical materials, is still based on continuous solvent models [14].\nIn this letter we present a method aimed at bridging the gap between analytical and numerical approaches. It is based on the application of liquid perturbation theory (LPT) [15] to effective ion-ion potentials extracted from\n∗ Electronic address: john.molina@etu.upmc.fr\n† Electronic address: jean-francois.dufreche@upmc.fr\nmolecular dynamics (MD) results. Different approximations of the PM are employed for the case of NaCl electrolyte solutions: a two component model (MSA2), that only takes free ions into account, and two different three component models (MSA3 and BIMSA3), which include a third species (the contact ion pair). As we proceed to show, LPT allows us to select the best simple model which accurately accounts for the thermodynamics and the physical-chemistry of the system.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\n[12] D. Horinek and R. R. Netz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 , 226104 (2007).\n[13] M. Lund, P. Jungwirth, and C. E. Woodward, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 , 258105 (2008).\n[14] S. Van Damme et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 113 , 3105 (2009).\n[15] J.-P. Hansen and I. R. McDonald, Theory of Simple Liquids (Academic Press, 1986).\n[16] J. C. Rasaiah and R. M. Lynden-Bell, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 359 , 1545 (2001).\n[17] A. P. Lyubartsev and S. Marcelja, Phys. Rev. E 65 , 041202 (2002).\n[18] V. M. M. Lobo, Electrolyte Solutions, Data on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties , vol. I-II (Coimbra Editora, Lisbon, Portugal, 1984).\n[19] G. Ciccotti, P. Turq, and F. Lantelme, Chem. Phys. 88 , 333 (1984).\n[20] J.-F. Dufrˆeche, T. O. White, and J.-P. Hansen, Mol. Phys. 101 , 1741 (2003).\n[21] The average contact distance between a symmetric dumbbell and an infinite plane at β = 0.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nThe second stage of our coarse-graining procedure consists in applying LPT, in order to deduce the best analytical model of electrolyte solutions which reproduces this molecular description. The principle of LPT is to describe the properties of a given system in terms of those of a well known reference system, with the difference between them treated as a perturbation in the reference potential. Assuming pairwise additive potentials, V ij = V (0) ij + ∆V ij , a first-order truncated expression for the free energy density of the system βf v is obtained,\nβf v /lessorsimilar βf (0) v + 1 2 β ∑ i,j ρ i ρ j ∫ d r g (0) ij ( r ) ∆V ij ( r ) (1)\nwhich depends only on the free-energy density f (0) v and RDF g (0) of the reference fluid, with β = ( k B T ) -1 and ρ i the concentration of species i . The Gibbs-Bogoliubov inequality [15] ensures that the right-hand side of Eq. (1) is actually a strict upper bound. Once a reference system has been chosen, the expression on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) must be minimized with respect to the parameters defining the reference. This procedure yields the best first-order approximation to the free energy of the system under consideration.\nFor a system of charged particles in solution, the natural reference is the PM, defined in terms of the charge and diameter ( σ i ) of each species. In this case, the perturbing potentials are just the short-range effective potentials computed above (∆ V ij = V SR ij ). We use the MSA [3] solution to the PM, since it provides analytical expressions for both the free energy and the RDF. The perturbation term is evaluated using an exponential approximation to the RDF obtained within the MSA, g ( r ) = exp [ g MSA ( r ) -1], which removes any unphysical negative regions and improves the comparison with HNC calculations.\nΦ", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nThe first stage consists in calculating the McMillanMayer effective ion-ion interaction potentials V eff ij ( r ), by inverting the radial distribution functions (RDF) g ij ( r ) obtained by MD. The simulations were carried out on a box of 2000 water molecules and 48 NaCl pairs using the same interaction potentials as in reference [16]. This setup corresponds to a concentration of 0 . 64 moll -1 . NPT ensemble sampling at standard pressure and temperature was enforced, with a time step of 1 fs and a pressure bath coupling constant of 1 ps. An equilibration run of 0.25 ns was followed by a production run of 0.6 ns for five different initial configurations. The averages of the resulting RDF were then used for the potential inversion via the HNC closure [15]. These effective potentials are assumed to be concentration independent and will be used for simulations at all concentrations.\nSubtracting the long-range Coulombic potential V LR ij ( r ) (which depends on the dielectric constant of the solvent) from V eff ij ( r ), we obtain the short-range contribution V SR ij ( r ) to the effective potentials. These are given in Fig. 1 (species 1 and 2 refer to Na + and Cl -free ions, respectively). All the short-range potentials exhibit oscillations corresponding to the solvent layering between the ions, but this effect is particularly important for the cation-anion interaction: a considerable potential barrier ( /greaterorsimilar 2 k B T ) separates the first two attractive wells. To serve as a reference, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were performed with these effective potentials; a comparison between MD and MC RDF is also provided in Fig. 1. The excellent agreement between both sets of RDF validates the HNC inversion procedure [17], and allows us to com-\nFIG. 1: Effective McMillan-Mayer short-range pair potentials extracted from explicit solvent simulations using the HNC closure. (a) Cation anion, (b) cation cation, (c) anion anion, (d) cation anion RDF obtained from explicit solvent MD and implicit solvent MC simulations.\npute all ion thermodynamic properties through implicit solvent MC simulations.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nTo overcome this difficulty, we have explicitly introduced the CIP in our model (species 3). Straightforward calculations, based on a characteristic-function formalism, allow us to define an equivalent model in which the free ions and the CIP are explicitly taken into account [19, 20]. We apply this formalism by defining a pair as an anion and a cation at a distance less than 4 ˚ A, which corresponds to the position of the effective potential maximum. The interaction between free, like charges in this new system remains unchanged, and the cation-anion interactions are easily approximated by ex-\n2\nFIG. 3: Effective pair potentials derived for MSA3 and BIMSA3. (a) Cation anion (dashed line: without taking the pair into account), (b) pair cation, (c) pair anion, and (d) pair pair. The internal potential of the pair β ˜ V int ( r ) is set equal to βV eff ij ( r ) for distances less than 4 ˚ A.\nrapolating the original potential at the barrier separating pairs from free ions (as shown in Fig. 3). We assume that the interaction potential is averaged over the rotational degrees of freedom of the CIP and thus pairwise additive. Hereafter, the quantities referring to such a three-component model are written with a tilda symbol. The short-range potentials involving the pair can be derived, in the infinite dilution limit, from an average of the contributing ion interactions. In Fourier space,\n˜ V SR 3 i ( k ) = w ( k / 2) [ V SR 1 i + V SR 2 i ] ( k ) , i = 1 , 2 (2a)\nwhere ˜ w ( r ) is the pair probability distribution\n˜ ˜ V SR 33 ( k ) = ˜ w ( k / 2) 2 [ V SR 11 + V SR 22 +2 V SR 12 ] ( k ) (2b)\n˜ w ( r ) = K -1 0 e -β ˜ V int ( r ) (2c)\n˜ V int ( r ) is the internal part of the pair potential (see Fig. 3), and K 0 is the association constant, defined as:", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nThe RDF obtained within BIMSA3 are compared with the MC and MSA-fit results in Fig. 5. Our BIMSA3 model accounts for the strong molecular peak of the CIP and provides the correct distances of minimal approach; whereas the naive MSA-fit procedure ignores the former and gives poor estimates for the latter. At larger separations, the BIMSA3 results do not reproduce the oscillations observed in the MC simulations, but the corresponding energy oscillations in the effective potentials are less than k B T . In addition, the perturbation term\n[1] W. G. McMillan and J. E. Mayer, J. Chem. Phys. 13 , 276 (1945).\n[2] J. M. G. Barthel, H. Krienke, and W. Kunz, Physical Chemistry of Electrolyte Solutions (Springer, 1998).\n[3] L. Blum, in Theoretical Chemistry: Advances and Perspectives , edited by H. Eyring and D. Henderson (Academic Press, 1980), vol. 5, pp. 1-66.\n[4] L. Blum and O. Bernard, J. Stat. Phys. 79 , 569 (1995).\n[5] J.-F. Dufrˆeche et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 109 , 9873 (2005).\n[6] P. Jungwirth and D. J. Tobias, Chem. Rev. 106 , 1259 (2006).\n[7] W. Kunz, P. LoNostro, and B. W. Ninham, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 9 , 1 (2004).\n[8] B. Hess, C. Holm, and N. van der Vegt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 , 147801 (2006).\n[9] I. Kalcher and J. Dzubiella, J. Chem. Phys. 130 , 134507 (2009).\n[10] S. Gavryushov and P. Linse, J. Phys. Chem. B 110 , 10878 (2006)\n[11] A. P. Lyubartsev and A. Laaksonen, Phys. Rev. E 52 , 3730 (1995).\n4", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nFIG. 2: (Color online) (a) Osmotic coefficient Φ in the McMillan-Mayer frame of reference. (diamond) MC simulations, (dot dashed) MSA2, (dot) Debye Huckel Limiting law (DHLL), (cross) experiments (Ref. [18] with the McMillanMayer to Lewis Randall conversion). (b) Minimization diameters. (dot dashed) MSA2 and (diamond) MSA-fit.\nWe first used LPT for a two-component system (Na + and Cl -free ions) within the MSA (model MSA2), for concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 2 . 0 mol l -1 . The minimization leads to almost constant diameters on the whole range of concentration: σ 1 = 3 . 67 ˚ A and σ 2 = 4 . 78 ˚ A. As shown in Fig. 2, these parameters yield osmotic coefficients close to MC calculations only at very low concentration, i.e., c ≤ 0 . 1 moll -1 (experimental values are given for indicative purposes only, since a perfect model will exactly match the MC results). For molar solutions, the LPT results differ considerably from MC calculations. This discrepancy can easily be understood by comparing the diameters found within the MSA2 calculation with the effective potentials given in Fig. 1. The anion/cation contact distance obtained within the MSA2 calculation is 4 . 2 ˚ A, which is in the region of the second minimum of the effective potential and corresponds to the situation where there is a single layer of water molecules between the ions. The first minimum of the potential, which corresponds to the contact ion pair (CIP) is thus completely ignored by the MSA2 calculation. If the MSA diameters are directly fitted to reproduce the MC osmotic pressure, much smaller values are obtained. These MSA-fit hydrated diameters, which are compared to the MSA2 diameters in the bottom part of Fig. 2, are averages of the CIP and the solvent-separated ion pair.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nK 0 = ∫ ∞ 0 d r 4 πr 2 e -β ˜ V int ( r ) = 0 . 43 L . mol -1 (3)\nThe excess free-energy density of the original system βf ex v is that of the three component mixture β ˜ f ex v plus a correction term\nβf ex v = β ˜ f ex v -˜ ρ 3 ln K 0 , (4)\nwhich is due to the change in standard chemical potential between the two component and three component models. It should be noted that the fraction of pairs is now an additional parameter in the minimization scheme, which serves to ensure chemical equilibrium. Within this representation, the pair can be modeled as a hard sphere (MSA3) or as a dumbbell-like CIP (BIMSA3) [4]. Since\n3\nFIG. 4: (Color online) Excess free-energy density βf ex v as a function of the square root of the concentration √ c . (diamond) MC simulations, (dot dashed) MSA2, (dashed) MSA3, (solid) BIMSA3, (dot) DHLL, and (cross) experiments. The inset gives the fraction of pairs (MSA3, BIMSA3) as a function of √ c .\nwe have no additional information, we consider only symmetric dumbbells. Furthermore, since analytic expressions for the RDF within BIMSA are not known, we approximate the dumbbell as a hard sphere when computing the perturbation term (this is not necessary for the reference term, since an expression for the free energy is available). Let ˜ σ c be the diameter of the cation (anion) within the dumbbell, the diameter of the hard sphere representing this dumbbell is taken to be σ 3 = 4 √ 2 π σ c [21].", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf", - "query": "What is the principle of the liquid perturbation theory (LPT) ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The principle of LPT is to describe the properties of a given system in terms of those of a well known reference system, with the differ- ence between them treated as a perturbation in the ref- erence potential", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[81] A. J. Archer and M. Rauscher, 'Dynamical density functional theory for interacting brownian particles: Stochastic or deterministic?' J. Phys. A-Math. Gen. 37 , 9325-9333 (2004).\n[82] A. J. Archer and R. Evans, 'Dynamical density functional theory and its application to spinodal decomposition,' J. Chem. Phys. 121 , 4246-4254 (2004).\n[83] P. A. Monson, 'Mean field kinetic theory for a lattice gas model of fluids confined in porous materials,' J. Chem. Phys. 128 , 084701 (2008).\n[84] P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky, Principles of condensed matter physics , Cambridge University Press (1997).\n[85] J. S. Langer, 'An introduction to the kinetics of first-order phase transitions,' in C. Godreche, editor, 'Solids far from Equilibrium,' pages 297-363, Cambridge University Press (1992).\n[86] M. A. Spaid and G. M. Homsy, 'Stability of Newtonian and viscoelastic dynamic contact lines,' Phys. Fluids 8 , 460-478 (1996).\n[87] U. Thiele and E. Knobloch, 'Front and back instability of a liquid film on a slightly inclined plate,' Phys. Fluids 15 , 892-907 (2003).\n[88] M. R. E. Warner, R. V. Craster, and O. K. Matar, 'Surface patterning via evaporation of ultrathin films containing nanoparticles,' J. Colloid Interface Sci. 267 , 92-110 (2003).\n[89] O. K. Matar, R. V. Craster, and K. Sefiane, 'Dynamic spreading of droplets containing nanoparticles,' Phys. Rev. E 76 , 056315 (2007).", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nThe second stage of our coarse-graining procedure consists in applying LPT, in order to deduce the best analytical model of electrolyte solutions which reproduces this molecular description. The principle of LPT is to describe the properties of a given system in terms of those of a well known reference system, with the difference between them treated as a perturbation in the reference potential. Assuming pairwise additive potentials, V ij = V (0) ij + ∆V ij , a first-order truncated expression for the free energy density of the system βf v is obtained,\nβf v /lessorsimilar βf (0) v + 1 2 β ∑ i,j ρ i ρ j ∫ d r g (0) ij ( r ) ∆V ij ( r ) (1)\nwhich depends only on the free-energy density f (0) v and RDF g (0) of the reference fluid, with β = ( k B T ) -1 and ρ i the concentration of species i . The Gibbs-Bogoliubov inequality [15] ensures that the right-hand side of Eq. (1) is actually a strict upper bound. Once a reference system has been chosen, the expression on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) must be minimized with respect to the parameters defining the reference. This procedure yields the best first-order approximation to the free energy of the system under consideration.\nFor a system of charged particles in solution, the natural reference is the PM, defined in terms of the charge and diameter ( σ i ) of each species. In this case, the perturbing potentials are just the short-range effective potentials computed above (∆ V ij = V SR ij ). We use the MSA [3] solution to the PM, since it provides analytical expressions for both the free energy and the RDF. The perturbation term is evaluated using an exponential approximation to the RDF obtained within the MSA, g ( r ) = exp [ g MSA ( r ) -1], which removes any unphysical negative regions and improves the comparison with HNC calculations.\nΦ", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. Dynamical Density Functional theory\nThe limitations of the kinetic Monte Carlo model introduced in the previous Section are related to its character as a two-dimensional lattice gas with only three states: gas, liquid or particle. This implies that (i) no liquid can be transported to a site on the surface already filled with liquid, i.e., diffusion of the liquid can not be incorporated in a sensible way and (ii) one is not able to distinguish between the influence of the short- and the long-range parts of the interactions with the substrate, as all such interactions are absorbed into the effective chemical potential.\nHowever, using dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) [78-83] one can develop a model for the processes in the ultrathin postcursor film without these limitations, although here we limit ourselves to developing the theory at the level of the KMC and solely discuss how to extend it to incorporate the influence of the liquid diffusion over the surface. Such a DDFT model describes the coupled dynamics of the density fields of the liquid ρ l and the nanoparticles ρ n . The densities ρ l and ρ n are defined as the probabilities of finding a given lattice site on the surface to be occupied by a film of liquid or by a nanoparticle, respectively. Note that the probability densities correspond to number densities as we use the lattice spacing σ = 1 as our unit of length.\nTo develop the DDFT, one must first derive the underlying free energy functional F [ ρ l , ρ n ] , and secondly, devise dynamical equations for both density fields that account for the conserved and the non-conserved aspects of their dynamics, i.e., transport and phase change processes, respectively. For a system governed by the hamiltonian (3), we may construct a mean-field (Bragg-Williams) approximation for the free energy of the system [78, 84] which contains an entropic contribution and contributions from the interactions between the different species (nanoparticles and liquid). The free energy is a semi-grand free energy, since the liquid is treated grand canonically (it is coupled to a reservoir with chemical potential µ ), whereas the nanoparticles are treated in the\n14\ncanonical ensemble. The free energy functional is first defined on the original KMC lattice. However, after re-writing the interaction terms employing gradient operators [78] one finally obtains the free energy functional for a continuous system", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. Dynamical Density Functional theory\nF [ ρ l , ρ n ] = ∫ d r [ f ( ρ l , ρ n ) + ε ll 2 ( ∇ ρ l ) 2 + ε nn 2 ( ∇ ρ n ) 2 + ε nl ( ∇ ρ n ) · ( ∇ ρ l ) -µρ l ] , (4)\nwhere\nf ( ρ l , ρ n ) = kT [ ρ l ln ρ l +(1 -ρ l ) ln(1 -ρ l )] + kT [ ρ n ln ρ n +(1 -ρ n ) ln(1 -ρ n )] -2 ε ll ρ 2 l -2 ε nn ρ 2 n -4 ε nl ρ n ρ l . (5)\nSince the liquid may evaporate from the surface into the vapour above the surface, µ is the (true) chemical potential of this reservoir and determines the rate of evaporation [condensation] from [to] the surface. Note that normally a free energy of the form in Eq. (4) is obtained by making a gradient expansion of the free energy functional of a continuous system [84]. However, here we have made the mapping from the free energy of the lattice KMC system.\nThe chemical potential for the nanoparticles may be determined from the functional derivative µ n = δF [ ρ n , ρ l ] /δρ n ( r ) . In equilibrium it is constant throughout the system, but it may vary spatially in a non-equilibrium system, i.e., µ n = µ n ( r , t ) . We assume that the dynamics of the nanoparticles is governed by the thermodynamic force ∇ µ n - i.e. that the nanoparticle current is j = -M n ρ n ∇ µ n , where M n ( ρ l ) is a mobility coefficient that depends on the local density of the liquid. Combining this expression for the current with the continuity equation, we obtain the following evolution equation for the nanoparticle density profile\n∂ρ n ∂t = ∇· [ M n ρ n ∇ δF [ ρ n , ρ l ] δρ n ] . (6)", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. CONCLUSION\nThe dynamical density functional theory describes the coupled dynamics of the density fields of the liquid and the nanoparticles. In the form described above (i.e. based on the two-dimensional hamiltonian (3)) we obtain a simple theory that allows us to study the time evolution of the evaporating ultrathin film and also to investigate the influence of processes such as surface diffusion by the liquid, which are not incorporated in the KMC model. However, it is straightforward to extend the theory to consider a fully three-dimensional fluid film, in which one can distinguish between short- and long-range interactions of solvent and/or solute with the substrate. We have, however, restricted the examples given here to situations that can also be described using the KMC model. A further exploration will be presented elsewhere.\nFinally, we have discussed a simple thin film model for the hydrodynamics on the mesoscale. It results from a long-wave approximation and consists of coupled evolution equations for the film thickness profile and the mean particle concentration. It has been used to discuss the self-pinning of receding contact lines that is related to the formation of rings of dried-in particles (coffeestain effect) that frequently occurs when films or drops of solutions or suspensions dewet by the combined effects of convection and evaporation.\nOne of the primary goals of researchers in this field, is the search for simple-to-use techniques that allow one to produce hierarchically structured functional layers for a wide range of applications such as, e.g., organic solar cells [98]. This means that the experiments advance very rapidly towards increasingly complex systems. For example, there have been investigations of the influence of the phase behaviour on the drying of droplets of a suspension of hard-sphere colloidal particles and non-adsorbing polymer [99], of the instabilities and the formation of drops in evaporating thin films of binary solutions [100] that may lead to treelike patterns [101], of effects of a secondary phase separation on evaporation-induced pattern formation in polymer films [102], and of the influence of an imposed flow on decomposition and deposition processes in a sliding ridge of evaporating solution of a binary polymer mixture [103] and of the influence of rather\n24", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. Dynamical Density Functional theory\n∂ρ l ∂t = ∇· [ M c l ρ l ∇ δF [ ρ n , ρ l ] δρ l ] -M nc l δF [ ρ n , ρ l ] δρ l , (7)\nwhere we assume that the coefficients M c l and M nc l are constants.\n16\nFIG. 5: (Colour online) Density profiles for the situation where the substrate is covered by nanoparticles with average density ρ av n = 0 . 3 and with the liquid excluded from the region y < 0 . The top row shows the nanoparticle density profiles and bottom row the corresponding liquid density profiles at the times t/t l = 1000 (left), 10000 (middle) and 30000 (right), where t l = 1 /kTM nc l σ 2 . The parameters are kT/ε ll = 0 . 8 , ε nl /ε ll = 0 . 6 , ε nn = 0 , α = 0 . 2 M nc l σ 4 , M c l = 0 , ρ l ( t = 0) = 0 . 9 ± ξ (where ξ represents white noise of amplitude 0.05) and ( µ -µ coex ) /kT = -0 . 78 .\nThis theory allows us to study the time evolution of the evaporating film of nanoparticle suspension without some of the restrictions of the kinetic Monte Carlo model. Here, however, we illustrate its application in similar parameter regimes as used above for the KMC. We focus on two examples: (i) the spinodal dewetting of a initially flat film of nanoparticle suspension characterised by constant ρ l and ρ n (Fig. 4); and (ii) the retraction of a dewetting front that is unstable with respect to a fingering instability (Fig. 5).", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. Dynamical Density Functional theory\nNote that this equation of motion may also be obtained by assuming that the nanoparticles have over-damped stochastic equations of motion [80-83]. Here, we assume that M n ( ρ l ) = α Θ s ( ρ l -0 . 5) , where Θ s ( x ) is a continuous function that switches smoothly from the value 0 to the value 1 at x = 0 (i.e. it is essentially a smooth analogue of the Heaviside function). This ensures that the nanoparticles are immobile when the local liquid density is small (dry substrate) and have a mobility coefficient α when ρ l is high (wet substrate).\nFor the evolution of the liquid density distribution we assume that the liquid is able to evaporate from the surface into the vapour (reservoir) above the surface (non-conserved dynamics) and may\n15\nFIG. 4: (Colour online) Density profiles for the situation where the substrate is covered by nanoparticles with average density ρ av n = 0 . 3 . The top row are the nanoparticle density profiles and the bottom row are the corresponding liquid density profiles at the times t/t l = 8 (left) and 80 (right), where t l = 1 /kTM nc l σ 2 . The parameters are kT/ε ll = 0 . 8 , ε nl /ε ll = 0 . 6 , ε nn = 0 , α = 0 . 4 M nc l σ 4 , M c l = 0 , ρ l ( t = 0) = 0 . 9 ± ξ (where ξ represents white noise of amplitude 0.05) and ( µ -µ coex ) /kT = -0 . 88 , where the liquid exhibits spinodal decomposition-evaporation.\nalso diffuse over the substrate (conserved dynamics). The conserved part is treated along the lines developed above for the nanoparticles. For the non-conserved part we assume a standard form [85], i.e., the change in time of ρ l is proportional to -( µ surf ( r , t ) -µ ) = -δF [ ρ n , ρ l ] /δρ l ( r ) where µ surf ( r , t ) is the local chemical potential of the liquid at the point r on the surface at time t . This gives the evolution equation for the liquid density", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[90] J. J. Zhou, B. Dupuy, A. L. Bertozzi, and A. E. Hosoi, 'Theory for shock dynamics in particle-laden thin films,' Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 , 117803 (2005).\n[91] B. P. Cook, A. L. Bertozzi, and A. E. Hosoi, 'Shock solutions for particle-laden thin films,' SIAM J. Appl. Math. 68 , 760-783 (2008).\n[92] R. V. Craster, O. K. Matar, and K. Sefiane, 'Pinning, retraction, and terracing of evaporating droplets containing nanoparticles,' Langmuir (2009), online available.\n[93] D. Quemada, 'Rheology of concentrated disperse systems and minimum energy-dissipation principle I. Viscosity-concentration relationship,' Rheol. Acta 16 , 82-94 (1977).\n[94] D. Quemada and C. Berli, 'Energy of interaction in colloids and its implications in rheological modeling,' Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 98 , 51-85 (2002).\n[95] J. J. Stickel and R. L. Powell, 'Fluid mechanics and rheology of dense suspensions,' Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 37 , 129-149 (2005).\n[96] J. K. G. Dhont, An Introduction to Dynamics of Colloids , Elsevier, Amsterdam (1996).\n31", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DENSITY ALTITUDE CHART +g&\nBernoulli's principle and the concepts of static, dynamic, and total pressure are the basis of aerodynamic fundamentals. The pressure distribution caused by the variation of local stack and dynamic pressures on a surface is the source of the major aerodynamic forces and moment.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. MODELLING APPROACHES\nIn several respects, however, the kinetic Monte Carlo model is rather simplistic, limiting its potential applications. For instance, the thermodynamic chemical potential as well as any wetting interaction of the solvent with the substrate are collected in a single parameter - an effective chemical potential. This implies that any influence of a disjoining pressure is 'smeared out' over the whole system and that no distinction between the short- and the long-range parts of the disjoining pressure is possible. It is furthermore based on the assumption that evaporation/condensation is\n8\nthe dominant dynamic process, but does not allow one to probe this assumption. In Section III B we show how one may develop a dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) that describes the system at a similar level to the KMC. However, the DDFT may also be easily extended to include other effects such as fluid diffusion, that the KMC does not incorporate.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf", - "query": "By how much did the Hartford group's link to AARP website account concerning buisness made over the internet ?", - "target_page": 16, - "target_passage": "In 2001 the company’s link to AARP’s Web site accounted for much of the $55 million worth of auto business The Hartford generated over the Internet", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\nBecause The Hartford quotes and issues this business online (and added online billing in 2001), acquisition and processing costs are 15 to 20 percent lower than those of traditional direct-marketing or face-toface sales. Because of this and other factors, the expense ratio for AARP business is 30 percent below that of the industry in general. And the customer renewal rate is 96 percent, versus the industry's 88 percent, making the AARP program yield some of the most profitable auto business The Hartford writes.\nThe relationship also has The Hartford thinking ahead toward new business and an even stronger relationship with AARP members. The Hartford can crossmarket auto insurance to homeowner's customers and homeowner's insurance to auto customers, which presents a tremendous growth opportunity. In addition,\nThe Hartford is committed to providing value to AARP members in many ways. An example: The Hartford and AARP work with the MIT Age Lab to produce information-available in print and on both partners' Web sites-advising AARP members about Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia as they affect driving ability. The information guides caregivers struggling with difficult decisions about family members' safety behind the wheel. The resource-a customer solution like no other-helps enhance the superior value The Hartford provides to AARP members.\nAlthough it's the most comprehensive, the AARP relationship isn't The Hartford's only affinity program. The company also has affinity arrangements with USAA and other companies. Regardless of the program's size, the affinity partners share the right qualities: strong name-brand recognition, first-class marketing and a broad and loyal customer base.\nIn other words, they share some of The Hartford's core attributes.\n14\n/H17076 T he Campbell Agency in Byron Center, Mich., found that by aligning its organization to mirror that of The Hartford, the two partners could work more closely-and grow more-together. For example, The Campbell Agency emulated The Hartford by dedicating a team to the small-business market.\nThat made the agency more proficient at identifying potential customers and setting sales targets, according to Mary Lou Barna, vice president, sales and marketing. In other words, she says, the partnership with The Hartford has made Barna and her colleagues better managers.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\n'P artnering' is a popular business buzzword that may vanish as quickly as it appeared. The Hartford's partnerships, on the other hand, are built for the long term and have played a major role in the company's growth and success.\nThe company enjoys outstanding partnerships with several of the world's top asset managers. It also values its thousands of relationships with financial intermediaries such as large broker-dealers, banks and independent financial planners-and with affinity partners who extend The Hartford's reach into large, growing markets.\n'A lot of people talk about having the right partners, but The Hartford views it differently from most,' says Gary Trippe, CEO of Fort Myers, Fla., propertycasualty agency Oswald, Trippe and Company, Inc. 'They look for partners who share their core values, and the relationship is based on trust and respect. It's all about compatibility.' Trippe should know. His\nagency writes three times as much business with The Hartford, in both personal and commercial lines, as it writes with any other insurer.\nMutually beneficial partnerships with successful businesses of all sizes are the foundation of The Hartford's business model.\nPerhaps no relationship represents shared values and shared success better than the one with AARP, which signed a new eight-year contract with The Hartford that began Jan. 1, 2002. The AARP insurance program with The Hartford is a model of affinity marketing and distribution savvy. AARP's membershipthose age 50 and over-is the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. Computer use among this group is growing by an estimated 20 percent per year, and the population segment respects established brands and seeks value, convenience and extraordinary service.\nThat right combination of factors helps make AARP's World Wide Web site one of The Hartford's\n13\nmost dynamic sources of business growth. In 2001 the company's link to AARP's Web site accounted for much of the $55 million worth of auto business The Hartford generated over the Internet.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "the\n/H17075 K wadwo Dankyi-Ampadu, service representative, personal lines, takes customer phone calls in The Hartford's Southington, Conn., customer call center. It's one of three AARP call centers throughout the United States.\nN ew technology tools made The Hartford Experiencecustomer solutions, ease of doing business and extraordinary service-more real than ever for our customers in 2001.\nIt was a year that saw the debut of life operations' Hartford Investor Web portal, expanded Web portals for group benefits administrators, and enhancements to technology for The Hartford's property-casualty agents and customers.\nHartford Investor is both a versatile personal assistant and an aid in wholesaling, especially for the independent financial planner channel. Broker-dealers and financial advisors can use it to research The Hartford's full complement of individual life and investment products, update their books of business in seconds, track daily fund performance, run financialplanning models, receive online product training, produce customized presentations and even submit business electronically.\nIn short, the portal allows The Hartford to bring products and functions from a variety of sources into one convenient online environment.\nHartford Investor has two strategic objectives: One, deepen current intermediaries' loyalty to The Hartford by extending The Hartford Experience right to their desktops. Two, expand the network of intermediaries by giving them the technological support they need to grow their businesses.\nMore than 153,000 licensed intermediaries-from solo advisors to members of large financial institutions-are appointed to sell The Hartford's products. Yet fewer than 60,000 actively write business for the company. The untapped potential is vast, especially among independents, the fastest-growing distribution channel and the only one in which The Hartford doesn't hold the largest market share.\nThat's bound to change. With Hartford Investor available on their desktops, intermediaries will have far\n21", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.\n2001 Summary Annual Report\nThere's only", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\nFuture generations will measure the full impact of Sept. 11. But at The Hartford, one thing is known already. As they did after disasters such as the New York fire of 1835, the Chicago fire of 1871 and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, The Hartford's people in 2001 ran their business the only way they know howthe right way. They put customers first and kept promises. In so doing, they helped lay the foundation for a more confident future.\n/H17076 N ew York employees admire a painting depicting the courage and resilience of The Hartford employees and the New York rescue teams. The montage, which now hangs in the lobby of The Hartford's New York offices, was painted by Andy Yelenak of The Hartford's Information Technology department.\n/H17073 T he Hartford's New York staff got their businesses back up and running in less than a week after the Sept. 11 attack, despite the destruction of their offices. Among those who were instrumental in getting 330 employees situated in temporary office space were, left to right, Lucille T. Sgaglione, vice president, Hartford Financial Products; Linda Banks, administrative assistant, office support\nservices, Business Insurance; Holly McCalmont, human resources manager, Business Insurance; Jim Norris, business technology solutions manager, Business Insurance; Craig Lowenthal, first vice president and chief information officer, Hartford Financial Products; and Susan Miranda, support services manager, Hartford Specialty Co.\n11\n/H17074 J ohn Belisle, right, is senior vice president of Oswald, Trippe and Company, Inc. in Fort Myers, Fla., one of The Hartford's largest sellers of Select Customer commercial insurance. David van der Merwe, president of electronics manufacturer Saftronics, Inc., depends on him for reliable counsel, as well as products tailored to Saftronics' business.\n/H17075 T he Hartford signed a new eightyear contract, beginning Jan.1, 2002, to continue its highly successful relationship with AARP. Property & Casualty Operations President and CEO Dave Zwiener, second from left, works closely with, left to right, Bill Farris, director, financial products, AARP Services, Inc.; Leisha Spaulding, manager, financial products, AARP Services, Inc.; and Steve Zaleznick, CEO, AARP Services, Inc.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "products & services\ninsurance was high during the 1990s as the number of U.S. public corporations tripled. Amid the past year's corporate retrenchment, loss activity led to industrywide premium price increases of up to 30 percent. A flight to quality was inevitable under such conditions, and a strong brand and superior ratings helped HFP distance itself from lesser competitors. Even the horrific collapse of its World Trade Center headquarters couldn't hold HFP back in 2001. It renewed $43 million worth of business in September alone, fulfilling its commitment to protecting customers against uncertainty.\n/H17076 A strong brand and superior ratings help Hartford Financial Products (HFP) differentiate its directors and officers liability insurance from those of competitors. HFP's Boston Regional Manager Doreen Lukowski-Rizza\nworks with HFP Underwriting Manager David Garrison, far right, and financial professionals such as William Gallagher Associates President and CEO Philip Edmundson, second from left, and Principal Richard Leavitt.\n/H17073 H artford Investment Management Co., which specializes in fixedincome asset management, has nearly $75 billion under management. Marcie Hayden, money market trader, and Peter Perrotti, government portfolio manager, are two members of a professional organization whose annual trading volume exceeds $50 billion.\n19\n/H17074 B usiness Technology Solutions Manager Mike Conery and Automation Trainer Brenda Fischer, left, help agents such as Bonnie Piazza, commercial select accounts manager at Webster Insurance in Hartford, Conn., integrate The Hartford's technological\ntools into their sales strategies. BTSMs work out of 14 regional offices throughout the country, advising agents on the best way to use tools such as the Electronic Business Center and InterComm On the Net (ICON), a Web-based automated quoting system.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Financial Highlights\nNet income [1], 2001 = $ 507. Net income [1], 2000 = $ 974. Net income [1], 1999 = $ 862. Operating income [1] [2], 2001 = $ 724. Operating income [1] [2], 2000 = $ 962. Operating income [1] [2], 1999 = $ 837. Revenues [3], 2001 = $ 15,147. Revenues [3], 2000 = $ 14,703. Revenues [3], 1999 = $ 13,528. Assets under management, 2001 = $ 198,047. Assets under management, 2000 = $182,964. Assets under management, 1999 = $173,425. Diluted Earnings Per Share:, 2001 = . Diluted Earnings Per Share:, 2000 = . Diluted Earnings Per Share:, 1999 = . Net income [1], 2001 = $ 2.10. Net income [1], 2000 = $ 4.34. Net income [1], 1999 = $ 3.79. Operating income [1], 2001 = $ 3.00. Operating income [1], 2000 = $ 4.29. Operating income [1], 1999 = $ 3.68\n[1] 2001 includes $440 of losses ($1.85 per basic and $1.82 per diluted share) related to the September 11 terrorist attack ('September 11') and a $130 tax benefit ($0.55 per basic and $0.54 per diluted share) at Hartford Life, Inc. ('HLI').\n[2] Operating income represents after-tax operational results excluding, as applicable, net realized capital gains or losses, extraordinary items, the cumulative effect of accounting changes and certain other items.\n[3] 2001 includes a $91 reduction in premiums from reinsurance cessions related to September 11.\nNet income excluding September 11 and HLI tax benefit\nOperating income excluding September 11 and HLI tax benefit", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Information\nCorporate Headquarters\nThe Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. 690 Asylum Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06115 860-547-5000\nInternet Address\nhttp://www.thehartford.com\nAnnual Meeting\nShareholders are cordially invited to attend The Hartford's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 9:00a.m. in the Wallace Stevens Theater at The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.'s home office at 690 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut. Shareholders of record as of February 28, 2002 are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\nThe Hartford Chairman, President and CEO Ramani Ayer speaking at the opening of New York employees' new permanent offices in early November. Despite the destruction of their offices at 7 World Trade Center on Sept. 11, The Hartford's New York employees had their businesses back in operation by Sept. 17. Employees moved into their new permanent offices less than 60 days after the attack.\nour proven approach to asset management despite the stock market's vagaries. It means growing our business profitably, maintaining financial discipline, controlling expenses and providing extraordinary service to distributors and customers.\nWe take the last point very seriously, as evidenced by our earning a sixth consecutive DALBAR Annuity Service Award in 2001. DALBAR also awarded us the Intermediary Service Award and the first-ever Life Insurance Service Award.\nAs you'll read throughout this report, service means very specific-and very important-things to us. We strive to forge strong partnerships with our distributors and provide them with technological tools and outstanding products to enhance their selling efforts. These are some of the underpinnings to our solid 2001 results.\nDespite the challenges I've mentioned, our revenues for 2001 rose 3 percent to $15.1 billion. Total assets under management rose 8 percent to $198 billion. Operating income rose 7 percent to $1.034 billion, or $4.28 per diluted share, excluding the $440 million impact of Sept. 11 (after tax and net of reinsurance) and a $130 million tax benefit in our life operations.\nThe results attest to the resilience of our enterprise. With our strong and balanced portfolio of businesses, we consistently demonstrate superior financial performance. Since 1995, we've produced 13 percent annualized operating earnings-per-share growth, excluding the effects of Sept. 11 and the tax benefit in 2001, and 13 percent annualized growth in assets under management. Excluding the effect of Sept. 11 and the tax benefit, operating return on equity has met or exceeded our 13 to 15 percent target every year for the past five years.\nAll this translates into increased shareholder value. Since 1995, our market cap has increased from $5.7 billion to $15.4 billion-an 18 percent compound annual growth rate. Our share price has increased nearly 160 percent since The Hartford became a public company. During the same period, the S&P 500 increased 89 percent, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average 97 percent.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Internet Address\nCompany financial information, public disclo sures and other information are available through Chesapeake's website at www.chk.com.", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf", - "query": "How many licensed intermediaries did Hartford group have in 2001 ?", - "target_page": 23, - "target_passage": "More than 153,000 licensed intermediaries", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.\n2001 Summary Annual Report\nThere's only", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "the\n/H17075 K wadwo Dankyi-Ampadu, service representative, personal lines, takes customer phone calls in The Hartford's Southington, Conn., customer call center. It's one of three AARP call centers throughout the United States.\nN ew technology tools made The Hartford Experiencecustomer solutions, ease of doing business and extraordinary service-more real than ever for our customers in 2001.\nIt was a year that saw the debut of life operations' Hartford Investor Web portal, expanded Web portals for group benefits administrators, and enhancements to technology for The Hartford's property-casualty agents and customers.\nHartford Investor is both a versatile personal assistant and an aid in wholesaling, especially for the independent financial planner channel. Broker-dealers and financial advisors can use it to research The Hartford's full complement of individual life and investment products, update their books of business in seconds, track daily fund performance, run financialplanning models, receive online product training, produce customized presentations and even submit business electronically.\nIn short, the portal allows The Hartford to bring products and functions from a variety of sources into one convenient online environment.\nHartford Investor has two strategic objectives: One, deepen current intermediaries' loyalty to The Hartford by extending The Hartford Experience right to their desktops. Two, expand the network of intermediaries by giving them the technological support they need to grow their businesses.\nMore than 153,000 licensed intermediaries-from solo advisors to members of large financial institutions-are appointed to sell The Hartford's products. Yet fewer than 60,000 actively write business for the company. The untapped potential is vast, especially among independents, the fastest-growing distribution channel and the only one in which The Hartford doesn't hold the largest market share.\nThat's bound to change. With Hartford Investor available on their desktops, intermediaries will have far\n21", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "products & services\nIn managing its product portfolio, The Hartford follows its own advice: think ahead and diversify. The company's earnings base derives from a variety of businesses. Diversification is a key element in managing risk and ensuring profitability-a time-tested philosophy that held especially true in 2001, as the company's other businesses evolved to anticipate changing market demands and to offer protection from new risks.\nThe property-casualty Business Insurance group, for example, extended its coverage to include common risks associated with e-commerce. Hartford Financial Products' (HFP) coverage continued to meet emerging risks in an extremely volatile business environment.\n18\nThe Hartford helped customers manage risk by developing a new category of commercial coverage called CyberFlex. TM This targets the previously unmet needs of small and mid-sized businesses that are integrating the Internet and other communications tools into their regular operations.\nA 2001 survey by The Hartford revealed that 80 percent of small and mid-sized businesses weren't sure if their current insurance policies covered specific-and increasingly common-risks such as e-mail viruses, Web site business interruption and online copyright infringement. CyberFlex coverage protects middle-market and small-business policyholders against the risk of those potentially debilitating conditions.\nCyberFlex is part of a broad array of industryspecific coverages in The Hartford's SPECTRUM ® business-owner's policy, including protection against employment practices liability, equipment breakdown and business interruption. As the economic environment changes rapidly, The Hartford thinks ahead by providing those flexible coverages. And the company's\nstreamlined product-development process maximizes speed-to-market so agents have the right products to sell at the right time. That's one reason why we estimate The Hartford's small-business insurance growth is five to six times the industry average.\nDeveloping products for a changing business environment is also a proven skill of HFP. The unit completed its first full year as part of The Hartford after our 2000 acquisition of Reliance Group Holdings, Inc.'s financial products and excess and surplus lines.\nIt was quite a year after quite a decade. Demand for HFP's mainstay directors and officers liability", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Financial Highlights\nNet income [1], 2001 = $ 507. Net income [1], 2000 = $ 974. Net income [1], 1999 = $ 862. Operating income [1] [2], 2001 = $ 724. Operating income [1] [2], 2000 = $ 962. Operating income [1] [2], 1999 = $ 837. Revenues [3], 2001 = $ 15,147. Revenues [3], 2000 = $ 14,703. Revenues [3], 1999 = $ 13,528. Assets under management, 2001 = $ 198,047. Assets under management, 2000 = $182,964. Assets under management, 1999 = $173,425. Diluted Earnings Per Share:, 2001 = . Diluted Earnings Per Share:, 2000 = . Diluted Earnings Per Share:, 1999 = . Net income [1], 2001 = $ 2.10. Net income [1], 2000 = $ 4.34. Net income [1], 1999 = $ 3.79. Operating income [1], 2001 = $ 3.00. Operating income [1], 2000 = $ 4.29. Operating income [1], 1999 = $ 3.68\n[1] 2001 includes $440 of losses ($1.85 per basic and $1.82 per diluted share) related to the September 11 terrorist attack ('September 11') and a $130 tax benefit ($0.55 per basic and $0.54 per diluted share) at Hartford Life, Inc. ('HLI').\n[2] Operating income represents after-tax operational results excluding, as applicable, net realized capital gains or losses, extraordinary items, the cumulative effect of accounting changes and certain other items.\n[3] 2001 includes a $91 reduction in premiums from reinsurance cessions related to September 11.\nNet income excluding September 11 and HLI tax benefit\nOperating income excluding September 11 and HLI tax benefit", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "products & services\ninsurance was high during the 1990s as the number of U.S. public corporations tripled. Amid the past year's corporate retrenchment, loss activity led to industrywide premium price increases of up to 30 percent. A flight to quality was inevitable under such conditions, and a strong brand and superior ratings helped HFP distance itself from lesser competitors. Even the horrific collapse of its World Trade Center headquarters couldn't hold HFP back in 2001. It renewed $43 million worth of business in September alone, fulfilling its commitment to protecting customers against uncertainty.\n/H17076 A strong brand and superior ratings help Hartford Financial Products (HFP) differentiate its directors and officers liability insurance from those of competitors. HFP's Boston Regional Manager Doreen Lukowski-Rizza\nworks with HFP Underwriting Manager David Garrison, far right, and financial professionals such as William Gallagher Associates President and CEO Philip Edmundson, second from left, and Principal Richard Leavitt.\n/H17073 H artford Investment Management Co., which specializes in fixedincome asset management, has nearly $75 billion under management. Marcie Hayden, money market trader, and Peter Perrotti, government portfolio manager, are two members of a professional organization whose annual trading volume exceeds $50 billion.\n19\n/H17074 B usiness Technology Solutions Manager Mike Conery and Automation Trainer Brenda Fischer, left, help agents such as Bonnie Piazza, commercial select accounts manager at Webster Insurance in Hartford, Conn., integrate The Hartford's technological\ntools into their sales strategies. BTSMs work out of 14 regional offices throughout the country, advising agents on the best way to use tools such as the Electronic Business Center and InterComm On the Net (ICON), a Web-based automated quoting system.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Holders\nAs of February 13, 2003, we had 1,604 shareholders of record.", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\n'P artnering' is a popular business buzzword that may vanish as quickly as it appeared. The Hartford's partnerships, on the other hand, are built for the long term and have played a major role in the company's growth and success.\nThe company enjoys outstanding partnerships with several of the world's top asset managers. It also values its thousands of relationships with financial intermediaries such as large broker-dealers, banks and independent financial planners-and with affinity partners who extend The Hartford's reach into large, growing markets.\n'A lot of people talk about having the right partners, but The Hartford views it differently from most,' says Gary Trippe, CEO of Fort Myers, Fla., propertycasualty agency Oswald, Trippe and Company, Inc. 'They look for partners who share their core values, and the relationship is based on trust and respect. It's all about compatibility.' Trippe should know. His\nagency writes three times as much business with The Hartford, in both personal and commercial lines, as it writes with any other insurer.\nMutually beneficial partnerships with successful businesses of all sizes are the foundation of The Hartford's business model.\nPerhaps no relationship represents shared values and shared success better than the one with AARP, which signed a new eight-year contract with The Hartford that began Jan. 1, 2002. The AARP insurance program with The Hartford is a model of affinity marketing and distribution savvy. AARP's membershipthose age 50 and over-is the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. Computer use among this group is growing by an estimated 20 percent per year, and the population segment respects established brands and seeks value, convenience and extraordinary service.\nThat right combination of factors helps make AARP's World Wide Web site one of The Hartford's\n13\nmost dynamic sources of business growth. In 2001 the company's link to AARP's Web site accounted for much of the $55 million worth of auto business The Hartford generated over the Internet.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\nThe Hartford Chairman, President and CEO Ramani Ayer speaking at the opening of New York employees' new permanent offices in early November. Despite the destruction of their offices at 7 World Trade Center on Sept. 11, The Hartford's New York employees had their businesses back in operation by Sept. 17. Employees moved into their new permanent offices less than 60 days after the attack.\nour proven approach to asset management despite the stock market's vagaries. It means growing our business profitably, maintaining financial discipline, controlling expenses and providing extraordinary service to distributors and customers.\nWe take the last point very seriously, as evidenced by our earning a sixth consecutive DALBAR Annuity Service Award in 2001. DALBAR also awarded us the Intermediary Service Award and the first-ever Life Insurance Service Award.\nAs you'll read throughout this report, service means very specific-and very important-things to us. We strive to forge strong partnerships with our distributors and provide them with technological tools and outstanding products to enhance their selling efforts. These are some of the underpinnings to our solid 2001 results.\nDespite the challenges I've mentioned, our revenues for 2001 rose 3 percent to $15.1 billion. Total assets under management rose 8 percent to $198 billion. Operating income rose 7 percent to $1.034 billion, or $4.28 per diluted share, excluding the $440 million impact of Sept. 11 (after tax and net of reinsurance) and a $130 million tax benefit in our life operations.\nThe results attest to the resilience of our enterprise. With our strong and balanced portfolio of businesses, we consistently demonstrate superior financial performance. Since 1995, we've produced 13 percent annualized operating earnings-per-share growth, excluding the effects of Sept. 11 and the tax benefit in 2001, and 13 percent annualized growth in assets under management. Excluding the effect of Sept. 11 and the tax benefit, operating return on equity has met or exceeded our 13 to 15 percent target every year for the past five years.\nAll this translates into increased shareholder value. Since 1995, our market cap has increased from $5.7 billion to $15.4 billion-an 18 percent compound annual growth rate. Our share price has increased nearly 160 percent since The Hartford became a public company. During the same period, the S&P 500 increased 89 percent, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average 97 percent.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of October 25, 2003, the Company had over 16,000 active employees.\n(d)\nExecutive Officers of the Registrant", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Information\nCorporate Headquarters\nThe Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. 690 Asylum Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06115 860-547-5000\nInternet Address\nhttp://www.thehartford.com\nAnnual Meeting\nShareholders are cordially invited to attend The Hartford's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 9:00a.m. in the Wallace Stevens Theater at The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.'s home office at 690 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut. Shareholders of record as of February 28, 2002 are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf", - "query": "When did the annual sherholder meeting of Hartford happen in 2002 ?", - "target_page": 38, - "target_passage": "Shareholders are cordially invited to attend The Hartford’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2002 ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "annual report 2002", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Information\nCorporate Headquarters\nThe Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. 690 Asylum Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06115 860-547-5000\nInternet Address\nhttp://www.thehartford.com\nAnnual Meeting\nShareholders are cordially invited to attend The Hartford's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 9:00a.m. in the Wallace Stevens Theater at The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.'s home office at 690 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut. Shareholders of record as of February 28, 2002 are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.\n2001 Summary Annual Report\nThere's only", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL MEETING\nThe Company's annual shareholders' meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on May 4, 2004, at the Holiday Inn, Highways 61 & 38 North, Muscatine, Iowa. Shareholders and other interested investors are encouraged to attend the meeting.", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B A L A N C E\nCorning Annual Report 2002", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annual Meeting\nThe Annual Meeting of shareholders will be held at 10 a.m. Central Time on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, at Emmis' Corporate office.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A NNUAL M EETING\nThe annual meeting of shareholders will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2003, in Corning, NY. A formal notice of the meeting together with a proxy statement will be mailed to shareholders on or about March 12, 2003. The proxy statement can also be accessed electronically through the Investor Relations category of the Corning home page on the Internet at www.corning.com. A summary report of the proceedings at the annual meeting will be available without charge upon written request to Ms. Denise A. Hauselt, Secretary and Assistant General Counsel, Corning Incorporated, HQ-E2-10, Corning, NY 14831.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL MEETING\nThe Board of Directors extends an invitation to all shareholders to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The meeting will be held at 11:00 AM (EST) on April 20, 2004 in the Auditorium of the Company's offices at the Shentel Center, 500 Mill Road, Edinburg, Virginia.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annual Meeting\nTuesday, April 22, 2003 Abilene Civic Center 1100 N. Sixth Street Abilene, Texas 79601", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL REPORT 2004", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf", - "query": "Regarding climate change, to what corresponds the \"average length of flood events ?", - "target_page": 11, - "target_passage": "The average length of flood events (number of days in which the cumulative daily rainfall excess is positive, compared to the 95th percentile of the baseline", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "(c) Food security: the Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index\nTable 2. Proxies for /flood and drought events used in the HCVI.\nextreme weather event, 1 = description of proxy. average length of /flood events, 1 = number of days in which the cumulative daily rainfall excess is positive, compared with the 95th percentile in the 1981-2010 average ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... average length of drought events, 1 = number of days in which the cumulative daily rainfall de/ficit is positive, compared with the 20th percentile in the 1981-2010 average", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nFigure 6. Simulated changes in the average length of /flood events (number of days in which the cumulative daily rainfall excess is positive, compared with the 95th percentile in 1981-2010, at 2 ° C global warming, for individual HadGEM3 simulations driven by SSTs and SICs from di/fferent members of the CMIP5 ensemble, and the ensemble mean. The labels above each panel identify the driving CMIP5 model (or ensemble mean).\nensemble mean\nIPSL-CM5A-LR\nGFDL-ESM2M\nMIROC-ESM-CHEM\nFigure 7. Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index calculated for simulated climate states at 2 ° C global warming for /five individual HadGEM3 simulations driven by SSTs and SICs from di/fferent members of the CMIP5 ensemble, and the ensemble mean.\nchange in length of average flood event (days)\n13\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................\nensemble mean\nIPSL-CM5A-LR\nIPSL-CM5A-MR\nMIROC-ESM-CHEM\nACCESS1-0\nFigure 8. Change in Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index relative to baseline calculated for simulated climate states at 2 ° C globalwarming,for/five individual HadGEM3 simulations driven by SSTs and SICs from di/fferent members of the CMIP5 ensemble, and the ensemble mean.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Angélil, O. et al. An independent assessment of anthropogenic attribution statements for recent extreme temperature and rainfall events. J. Clim. 30 (1), 5-16 (2017).\n2. Rosenzweig, C. et al. Coordinating AgMIP data and models across global and regional scales for 1.5°C and 2.0°C assessments. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A. 376 , 20160455 (2018).\n3. Mitchell, D. et al. Half a degree additional warming, prognosis and projected impacts (HAPPI): Background and experimental design. Geosci. Model Dev. 10 , 571-583 (2017).\n4. Coumou, D. & Rahmstorf, S. A decade of weather extremes. Nat. Clim. Change 2 , 491-496 (2012).\n5. IPCC: Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2013: /T_he Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fi/f_th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4-6 (Cambridge University Press, 2013).\n6. Di/ffenbaugh, N. S. et al. Quantifying the in/fluence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events. PNAS 114 (19), 4881-4886 (2016).\n7. Tai, A. P. K., Martin, M. V. & Heald, C. L. /T_hreat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution. Nat. Clim. Change 4 , 817-821 (2014).\n8. Román-Palacios, C. & Wiens, J. J. Recent responses to climate change reveal the drivers of species extinction and survival. PNAS 117 (8), 4211-4217 (2020).\nͷ͸\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nLarge increases in Rx5day are simulated in south and southeast Asia in all models, but with local details varying. Southeastern South America (broadly southern Brazil and northern Argentina) also see large increases in Rx5day in all models. All models show only small changes over central and north Africa, Europe and most of Asia. In northern South America, however, some models show increases in Rx5day but others show decreases. This suggests that the ensemble-mean result of a decrease in Rx5day in this area may be subject to large uncertainty. Inter-model variations in the sign of changes are seen in a few other local localized regions.\nThe average length of flood events (number of days in which the cumulative daily rainfall excess is positive, compared to the 95th percentile of the baseline) generally increase over most of the land surface, although this increase was mostly by a day or less (figure 6). However, some\nHadGEM2-ES\n10\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................\nensemble mean\nIPSL-CM5A-LR\nGFDL-ESM2M\nIPSL-CM5A-MR\nMIROC-ESM-CHEM\nACCESS1-0\nFigure 4. Simulated changes in the number of consecutive dry days relative to 1981-2010, at 2 ° C global warming, for individual HadGEM3 simulations driven by SSTs and SICs from di/fferent members of the CMIP5 ensemble, and the ensemble mean. The labels above each panel identify the driving CMIP5 model (or ensemble mean).\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., IPSL- CM5A-LR = 3.5. RX5day (mm)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., IPSL- CM5A-LR = 20.1. TX90p (% time)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., ACCESS1-0 = 6.7. RX5day (mm)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\nensemble mean = 0.61. /flood proxy .........................................................................................................................................................................................................., IPSL- CM5A-LR = 0.83. /flood proxy", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., ensemble mean = 2.6. TX90p (% time)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., ACCESS1-0 = 27.9. TX90p (% time)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf", - "query": "What is the projected situation of India regarding HCVI (Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index)?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": "India is projected to see increased HCVI by all ensemble members, due to a consistent increase in length of flood events projected in all members, outweighing the beneficial impact of decreased length of drought which is again projected in all members", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 6 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "(c) Food security: the Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index\nTo assess implications of climate change for vulnerability to food insecurity, we used an adaptation of the Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index (HCVI) [22]. The HCVI was developed by the United Nations World Food Programme to provide a country-level assessment of vulnerability to food insecurity as a result of climate-related events. We used a new iteration of the HCVI which makes use of gridded climate model projections to understand the impact of climate change on vulnerability to food insecurity, and the benefits that adaptation can bring via scenarios of adaptation investment [23]. This iteration of the HCVI only considers in-country production of food and does not account for food trade. For this reason, the HCVI is only calculated for 122 developing and least-developed countries (defined here as countries not in the OECD or EU which can be resolved by the scale of the climate model; i.e. larger than 500 km 2 ).\nThe index provides quantification at the national level across the globe of the scale and direction of impact of climate change on food insecurity. As such, it aims to provide the following: (i) information to help policy-makers understand the level of challenge to global food security that climate change presents; (ii) information on the geography of the impacts and help to evaluate the relative benefits of mitigation and adaptation responses.\nThe index is not intended to be a detailed planning tool, but aims to help planners evaluate the nature of the top-level threat to food insecurity that climate change presents, thereby supporting prioritization of effort.\nThe HCVI consists of three equally weighted components: exposure to climate-related hazards, sensitivity of national agricultural production to climate-related hazards, and adaptive capacitya measure of a country's ability to cope with climate-related food shocks. The sensitivity and adaptive capacity components are based on data from the World Bank, World Resources Institute,\n5\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(c) Food security: the Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index\nTable 2. Proxies for /flood and drought events used in the HCVI.\n..........................................................................................................................................................................................................", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(c) Food security: the Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index\nFigure 1. Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index for 1981-2010 climate (ensemble mean across the bias-corrected HadGEM3 ensemble).\nTable 2. Proxies for /flood and drought events used in the HCVI.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(c) Food security: the Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index\nUN Food and Agriculture Organization, UN Development Programme and UN Population Fund [22]. The exposure component comprised proxies for the average length of flood and drought events calculated with daily precipitation data [23] (table 2). These proxies were chosen above other possible metrics as they were required to replace self-reported instances of flood and drought events used in the original HCVI, which correlate with undernutrition data at the country-level [23]. The proxies were therefore masked to only include data where a significant proportion of people live and grow crops before aggregating to country level and combining to comprise a measure of exposure [23]; nevertheless, it is recognized that precipitation data alone may not always be adequate for representing flood and drought events, so the current method is regarded as preliminary.\nThe impacts of projected climate change, therefore, act through changes in these quantities. In the current version of the HCVI, climate-change impacts on other quantities such as crop yield are not considered. Socio-economic factors affecting sensitivity and adaptive capacity are fixed at present-day conditions.\nThe ensemble-mean baseline HCVI calculated with the high-resolution bias-corrected HadGEM3 ensemble is shown in figure 1. The spatial pattern is compatible with HCVI values calculated using reanalysis data at the CMIP5 grid-scale resolution [23]; the most vulnerable regions are sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. This higher-resolution climate data enables inclusion of additional countries which were not resolved in the lower-resolution CMIP5 data.\n6\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................\nIn the present study, processing errors in the input data for one ensemble member, the HadGEM2-ES-driven member, caused the results to be invalid. Results for this member for the HCVI are, therefore, not presented here.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Impacts at 1.5 ° Cglobalwarmingcomparedto2 ° C\nOf the 122 countries assessed, 93 have smaller ensemble-mean HCVI calculated at 1.5°C global warming than at 2°C, indicating an ensemble consensus that 76% of assessed countries would see a smaller increase in vulnerability to food insecurity if global warming were limited to 1.5°C (figures 18 and 19). Conversely, 24% of countries would, by this metric, see the same or higher vulnerability to food insecurity at 1.5°C than 2°C. Of these, some are countries where HCVI is projected to be lower at 2°C global warming than in the baseline. For example, in Mali the ensemble-mean baseline HCVI of 0.83 increased slightly to 0.85 at 1.5°C then reduced to 0.81 at 2°C. In some countries, the ensemble-mean HCVI happened to be identical at both warming levels. In Chad, for example, the baseline HCVI of 0.89 increased to 0.91 at both 1.5°C and 2°C.\nAs noted above, four countries saw ensemble-mean HCVI values at 2°C above any seen in the baseline, and this number increased to seven at 1.5°C. The same four countries with 'unprecedented' HCVI values at 2°C also saw 'unprecedented' values at 1.5°C; these were Oman, Bangladesh, Mauritania and Yemen. These were joined by Myanmar, India and Cambodia as having 'unprecedented' values at 1.5°C. The role of internal climate variability in the HCVI results needs to be assessed, as does the effect of potential nonlinear interactions between the flood and drought metric. Until the reasons behind these country-specific results are understood,\n18\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nWe examine the implications of our new climate projections by applying some commonly used indices of climate extremes, and a further index quantifying relative vulnerability to food insecurity which combines climate extremes indices with information on a range of factors representing sensitivity and adaptability of food systems to climate hazards. We also use the climate projections to drive a global land surface model to simulate changes in run-off as an indicator of freshwater availability. We assess whether regional extremes are projected to increase or decrease at 2°C global warming, and whether the consequent impact on drought and vulnerability to food insecurity become greater or smaller. We also assess whether these changes are reduced by limiting global warming to 1.5°C. We explore some of the uncertainties in these projections, and, in particular, examine whether the use of ensemble-mean projections is a useful simple guide to impacts projections or whether this can lead to a misleading impression for some impacts. Regarding vulnerability to food insecurity, we consider the impacts of global warming at 1.5°C and 2°C alongside socio-economic influences that affect the sensitivity to climate change. Wealso consider our climate-change impacts results in comparison with other studies using older, lower-resolution climate projections.\nA large number of previous studies have assessed potential impacts of future climate change using the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) ensemble or subsets of this [7], and some have framed this in terms of impacts at global warming of 1.5°C and/or 2°C [8,9]. We also base our study on a subset of CMIP5 projections, but use a new, higher-resolution atmosphere model to provide greater spatial detail and improved representation of atmospheric processes.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nThe ensemble members showed broadly consistent changes in HCVI at 2°C global warming, with increases in most assessed countries and generally similar sets of countries experiencing the largest and smallest changes. Southeastern Africa consistently showed larger increases in HCVI than Central Africa, due to increased length of drought events projected in all ensemble members (not shown). The length of flood events was not projected to increase in this region. The Sahel region consistently showed one or more countries with a small decrease in the HCVI, although the precise country or countries varied between ensemble members. The decrease in HCVI here was due to projected decreases in length of drought, with length of flood events projected to change little.\nIndia is projected to see increased HCVI by all ensemble members, due to a consistent increase in length of flood events projected in all members, outweighing the beneficial impact of decreased length of drought which is again projected in all members.\nBrazil is projected to see increased HCVI, but for reasons which vary between ensemble members. Although the location of projected longer flood events varies across the country in different members, the aggregation of the HCVI to the country level renders this geographical variability irrelevant for such a large country because only the median value across the country is used in the HCVI. Some ensemble members project longer drought for Brazil, which again contributed to increased HCVI.\nHadGEM2-ES\n12\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................\nensemble mean\nIPSL-CM5A-LR\nGFDL-ESM2M\nIPSL-CM5A-MR\nMIROC-ESM-CHEM\nACCESS1-0", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nFour countries show ensemble-mean HCVI values at 2°C global warming that are higher than any seen in the baseline climate; these are Oman, Bangladesh, Mauritania and Yemen. The implication of such HCVI values is that climate change at 2°C is projected to cause levels of vulnerability to food insecurity that are greater than any seen in the present day. For individual ensemble members, the number of countries with 'unprecedented' HCVI values at 2°C varies from three to seven. Conversely, many countries in the baseline climate have levels of vulnerability to food insecurity that are greater than those expected in other countries under 2°C global warming. This suggests that other factors are already posing greater risk for food insecurity than 2°C climate change is expected to cause in other countries, so the increased risk from climate change should not overshadow the need to reduce vulnerability to food insecurity arising from non-climatic factors. There is scope to reduce vulnerability to food insecurity by addressing various socio-economic issues in such counties.\nThe JULES simulations show a general tendency towards increased run-off over approximately half of the land surface (figure 9) and the majority of the major river basins assessed (figure 10), but with large regional uncertainties including the possibility of decreased flows in many basins. The ensemble-mean change in mean streamflow shows an increase of between 5 and 25% over most of the Northern Hemisphere land surface, with some regions seeing an increase of over 50% at 2°C global warming. Notable exceptions to this are western Europe and southcentral USA, which see less than a 5% change in run-off, and the already very dry region of the Sahara Desert where the existing very small run-off become even smaller.\nEnsemble-mean projected changes in low run-off flows are generally larger (figure 11), with the regions seeing an increase in mean run-off seeing a larger percentage increase in low run-off-over 75% increases over much of North America, Eastern Europe and Asia. Note that this does not necessarily imply a larger increase in absolute low flow compared to absolute mean flow, because the baseline is (by definition) smaller for low flows. In western Europe, where the changes in mean flows were less than 5%, the ensemble-mean low flow decreases by between 5\nGFDL-ESM2M\n14", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(c) Food security: the Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index\nTable 2. Proxies for /flood and drought events used in the HCVI.\nextreme weather event, 1 = description of proxy. average length of /flood events, 1 = number of days in which the cumulative daily rainfall excess is positive, compared with the 95th percentile in the 1981-2010 average ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... average length of drought events, 1 = number of days in which the cumulative daily rainfall de/ficit is positive, compared with the 20th percentile in the 1981-2010 average", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Impacts at 1.5 ° Cglobalwarmingcomparedto2 ° C\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................\nvulnerability to food insecurity\n-0.2\n0.2\n0.4\n0.6\n0\n0.8\n1.0\n1.2\n1.4\nFigure 18. Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index at 1.5 ° C global warming (ensemble mean).\nIPSL-CM5A-LR\nIPSL-CM5A-MR\nMIROC-ESM-CHEM\nFigure19. Di/fference in Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index between 2 ° Cand1.5 ° Cglobalwarming,forindividualensemble members and ensemble mean.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf", - "query": "Regarding climate change simulation, what is JULES ?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "Impacts on freshwater were assessed with a version of the JULES land surface model [24,25], a coupled ecosystem–hydrology–surface exchange model which simulates land-atmosphere fluxes of water, energy and carbon in an internally consistent way", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\n22. Krishnamurthy PK, Lewis K, Choularton RJ. 2014 A methodological framework for rapidly assessing the impacts of climate risk on national-level food security through a vulnerability index. Glob. Environ. Change 25 , 121-132. (doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.11.004)\n23. Richardson K, Lewis K, Krishnamurthy K, Kent C, Wiltshire A, Hanlon H. 2018 Food security outcomes under a changing climate: impacts of mitigation and adaptation on vulnerability to food insecurity. Clim. Change , 147 , 327-341. (doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2137-y)\n24. Best M et al. 2011 The joint UK land environment simulator (JULES), model description-part 1: energy and water fluxes. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 677-699. (doi:10.5194/gmd-4-677-2011)\n25. Clark D et al. 2011 The joint UK land environment simulator (JULES), model descriptionpart 2: carbon fluxes and vegetation dynamics. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 701-722. (doi:10.5194/ gmd-4-701-2011)\n26. Cox PM, Betts RA, Jones CD, Spall SA, Totterdell IJ. 2000 Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model. Nature 408 , 184-187. (doi:10.1038/ 35041539)\n27. Jones CD et al. 2011 The HadGEM2-ES implementation of CMIP5 centennial simulations. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 543-570. (doi:10.5194/gmd-4-543-2011)\n28. Betts RA et al. 2015 Climate and land use change impacts on global terrestrial ecosystems and river flows in the HadGEM2-ES Earth system model using the representative concentration pathways. Biogeosciences 12 , 1317. (doi:10.5194/bg-12-1317-2015)", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Temperature and precipitation extremes: the ClimPACT indices\nTo quantify changes in weather extremes projected in our climate simulations, we calculated a number of indices designed to be relevant to sector-specific impacts using an established methodology, ClimPACT [21](table 1)", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(d) Freshwater resources: run-o/ff\nImpacts on freshwater were assessed with a version of the JULES land surface model [24,25], a coupled ecosystem-hydrology-surface exchange model which simulates land-atmosphere fluxes of water, energy and carbon in an internally consistent way, typically applied at global scales. Variants of JULES form the land surface scheme of Met Office Hadley Centre Earth System Models [26,27] and have been used to assess impacts of climate change on global terrestrial ecosystems and hydrology [28-30] within such models. JULES can also be used outside of the Earth System Model (ESM), driven by meteorological outputs of other ESMs to assess impacts of a wider range of climate projections [6,8]. Here we use a new, higher-resolution configuration of JULES on a global grid of 0.5° resolution [31].\nIt has been noted that hydrological impacts models driven by climate-change projections from climate models tend to give more severe drying than simulated in the climate models themselves [32-34]. This is largely attributed to the inclusion of plant stomatal closure in response to elevated CO2 in the climate model land surface schemes, which generally reduces evapotranspiration relative to climate projections without this process and hence further increases run-off/streamflow or ameliorates decreases [34]. This process is often omitted from standard hydrological models. Plant physiological responses to CO 2 are included in the JULES model, so our projections of changes in run-off here do account for this process.\nWe used each HadGEM3 simulation to drive JULES to simulate changes in run-off due to the effects of climate change and CO 2 rise on precipitation, evaporation and transpiration. We analysed 30 year periods centred around the year of crossing GWLs of 1.5°C and 2°C relative to pre-industrial. We examined changes in both mean flows and low flows (defined as the flows for the lowest 10% of time).", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 4. Time of reaching GWLs of 1.5 ° Cand2 ° C in each bias-corrected output from the HadGEM3 climate simulations, driven by di/fferent sets of CMIP5 sea-surface temperatures. The dates are the centre year of a 20 year period for which the climate data is applied to the HCVI calculation and JULES simulations.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n16. Senior CA et al. 2016 Idealized climate change simulations with a high-resolution physical model: HadGEM3-GC2. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. 8 , 813-830. (doi:10.1002/2015MS000614)\n17. Wood N et al. 2014 An inherently mass-conserving semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian discretization of the deep-atmosphere global non-hydrostatic equations. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 140 , 1505-1520. (doi:10.1002/qj.2235)\n18. MacLachlan C et al. 2014 Global seasonal forecast system version 5 (GloSea5): a highresolution seasonal forecast system. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 141 , 1072-1084. (doi:10.1002/qj.2396)\n19. Knight J et al. 2014 Predictions of climate several years ahead using an improved decadal prediction system. J. Clim. 27 , 7550-7567. (doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00069.1)\n20. Wyser K et al. 2016 Documentation of changes in climate variability and extremes simulated by the HELIX AGCMs at the 3 SWLs and comparison to changes in equivalent SST/SIC lowresolution CMIP5 projections. HELIX project deliverable 3.1.\n21. Alexander L, Yang H, Perkins S. 2018 ClimPACT-Indices and Software. User Manual. See http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/ccl/opace/opace4/meetings/documents/ ETCRSCI_software_documentation_v2a.doc (accessed on 5 February 2018).\n26\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 4. Time of reaching GWLs of 1.5 ° Cand2 ° C in each bias-corrected output from the HadGEM3 climate simulations, driven by di/fferent sets of CMIP5 sea-surface temperatures. The dates are the centre year of a 20 year period for which the climate data is applied to the HCVI calculation and JULES simulations.\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., 1 = 2020. MIROC-ESM-CHEM ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................,", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(e) Correcting biases in climate model output and implications for de/fining levels of global warming\nThe ClimPACT extreme weather indices, HCVI and JULES run-off simulations were all performed using outputs from the higher-resolution HadGEM3 projections described in §2a. However, there were some differences in how these data were applied, with different approaches to the treatment of systematic biases in the climate model output. For the ClimPACT analysis, it was considered important to assess changes in the raw climate model output, because this directly represents the behaviour of the model itself. The main focus was on the changes relative to the presentday baseline climate, defined as 1981-2010, with absolute values in either the baseline or the GWLs of 1.5°C and 2°C being only of secondary interest. For the HCVI and JULES run-off analyses, however, it was considered important to correct for systematic biases in the climate model output, because these can lead to unrealistic representations of the key quantities in the present-day simulation [35]. A bias-correction methodology was, therefore, applied for these two parts of the analysis, whereby the model output was adjusted to make it consistent with an observed climatology [36]. We used a multi-segment statistical bias-correction methodology for precipitation [37], and a modification of this for other variables [37].\nThis difference in approach led to inconsistencies in the definitions of the dates of GWLs in the two parts of the study. In the extremes analysis using raw model output, the dates of passing GWLs were defined on the basis of the global mean temperatures in the driving CMIP5 models relative to those models' simulations of global mean temperature in 1870-1899 (table 3). However, in the HCVI and JULES analyses which used bias-corrected data, it was considered more appropriate for the GWLs to be defined using the warming in the observational dataset\n7\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 4. Time of reaching GWLs of 1.5 ° Cand2 ° C in each bias-corrected output from the HadGEM3 climate simulations, driven by di/fferent sets of CMIP5 sea-surface temperatures. The dates are the centre year of a 20 year period for which the climate data is applied to the HCVI calculation and JULES simulations.\n2 = 2032. ACCESS1-0, 1 = 2026. ACCESS1-0, 2 = 2040", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 4. Time of reaching GWLs of 1.5 ° Cand2 ° C in each bias-corrected output from the HadGEM3 climate simulations, driven by di/fferent sets of CMIP5 sea-surface temperatures. The dates are the centre year of a 20 year period for which the climate data is applied to the HCVI calculation and JULES simulations.\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., 1 = 2023. IPSL-CM5A-MR", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 4. Time of reaching GWLs of 1.5 ° Cand2 ° C in each bias-corrected output from the HadGEM3 climate simulations, driven by di/fferent sets of CMIP5 sea-surface temperatures. The dates are the centre year of a 20 year period for which the climate data is applied to the HCVI calculation and JULES simulations.\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., 2 = 2051. HadGEM2-ES .........................................................................................................................................................................................................., 1", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf", - "query": "Which of #climatechange and #globalwarming is the most used ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "A total of 6,662,478 tweets were retained, of which 5,774,747 contained #climatechange, and 887,731 contained #globalwarming", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nAssociation networks surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming showed di GLYPH<11> erent properties. The climate change discourse included 38,821 hashtags, whereas the global warming discourse only contained 8788 hashtags. Table 1 displays the 50 most significant hashtags in the two discourses based on centrality. As some hashtags were used in the form of an abbreviation or phrase, explanations are provided in the table. Two networks shared 32 out of the 50 most significant words. Hashtags 'canada', 'cdnpoli', 'sdgs', 'biodiversity', 'education', 'environmental', 'cop24', 'sustainable', 'auspol', 'food', 'agriculture', 'cleanenergy', 'renewableenergy', 'renewables', 'emissions', 'coal', 'fossilfuels', and 'cop21' only showed up on the top 50 list of the 'climate change' network. Hashtags 'tcot', 'california', 'p2', 'nyc', 'snow', 'agw', 'summer', 'global', 'winter', 'india', 'planet', 'heatwave', 'hoax', 'nasa', 'algore', 'world', 'oil', and 'eco' were unique on the top 50 list of the global warming network. The two lists only shared three out of the top five hashtags. In the #climatechange network, 'climateaction' was ranked third place and 'sustainability' was ranked fourth place, whereas they were ranked significantly lower, 17th and 22nd, respectxively, in the #globalwarming network. In the #globalwarming network, 'earth' and 'weather' were among the top five nodes, whereas they were ranked 14th and 24th in the #climatechange network, respectively.\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.3. Discrepancy between the Two Discourses\nThe status of the two discourses varied significantly in the more recent years in the study period. Data from Google in prior study suggested that the search record for global warming was larger than that of climate change in earlier times [13]. The authors found that in the battle to be the most representative hashtag for global climate concern, #climatechange showed growing popularity and became an overwhelming trending topic compared with #globalwarming. Also, #climatechange showed a stronger ability to incorporate diverse hashtags into its discourse in both relative and absolute dimensions. Comparatively, the popularity of the global warming discourse among social media users did not increase apparently in terms of tweets volume and hashtag diversity, especially when considering the yearly increase in Twitter users. The reason for the observed shift in public discourse toward climate change from global warming may be attributed to the high exposure of climate change in the media and scientific reports in recent years [13]. Previous studies noted that perceived scientific consensus can increase acceptance of science [101]. Though global warming has been commonly used since the 1980s to describe the world-wide temperature rise, climate change is preferred by scientists to refer a range of complex changes of climate [102]. Pew found science-related accounts draw millions of followers on Facebook and volume of posts they released climbed in past years [103]. Climate scientists are found to be opinion makers on Twitter [104]. As social media has become an emerging platform for science popularization, scientific community might contribute to the prevalence of climate change discourse by talking about climate change facts and mitigating measures [75].\nHowever, di GLYPH<11> erences between two discourses were not eliminated. Even though two discourses showed more similarities in the rank order of key concepts, the QAP analysis of two matrices of semantic network showed that two discourses still embody distinct public perceptions of climate issues by associating these hashtags in di GLYPH<11> erent manners.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.\n1, #Climatechange.Hashtag = climate. 1, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.466. 1, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = climate. 1, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.530. 2, #Climatechange.Hashtag = environment. 2, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.465. 2, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = environment. 2, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.446. 3, #Climatechange.Hashtag = climateaction. 3, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.391. 3, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = science. 3, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.319. 4, #Climatechange.Hashtag = sustainability. 4, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.316. 4, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = earth. 4, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.296. 5, #Climatechange.Hashtag = science. 5, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.314. 5, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = weather. 5, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.280. 6, #Climatechange.Hashtag = energy. 6, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.283. 6, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = us *. 6, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.280. 7, #Climatechange.Hashtag = trump. 7, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.257. 7, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = trump. 7, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.263. 8, #Climatechange.Hashtag = us *. 8, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.247. 8, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = pollution. 8, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.256. 9, #Climatechange.Hashtag = cop21 *. 9, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.232. 9, #Globalwarming.Hashtag =", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.\nco2. 9, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.244. 10, #Climatechange.Hashtag = parisagreement *. 10, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.232. 10, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = green. 10, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.239. 11, #Climatechange.Hashtag = actonclimate *. 11, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.225. 11, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = tcot *. 11, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.229. 12, #Climatechange.Hashtag = water. 12, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.221. 12, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = nature. 12, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.213. 13, #Climatechange.Hashtag = pollution. 13, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.210. 13, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = news. 13, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.198. 14, #Climatechange.Hashtag = earth. 14, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.207. 14, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = energy. 14, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.192. 15, #Climatechange.Hashtag = green. 15, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.200. 15, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = climatechangeisreal. 15, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.187. 16, #Climatechange.Hashtag = climatechangeisreal. 16, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.195. 16, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = obama. 16, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.181. 17, #Climatechange.Hashtag = renewableenergy *. 17, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.194. 17, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = climateaction. 17, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.175. 18, #Climatechange.Hashtag =", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.3. Temporal Analysis of the Associations in the Two Discourses\nTable 2. Hashtags that remained on the top 50 list for the climate change or the global warming discourse from 2009 to 2018.\n#climatechange #globalwarming, Unique = china, solar, water, food, economy, coal, sustainability pollution, earth. #climatechange #globalwarming, Shared = co2, news, carbon, green, climate, us, energy, science, environment", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.\nhealth. 18, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.193. 18, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = algore *. 18, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.174. 19, #Climatechange.Hashtag = nature. 19, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.187. 19, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = water. 19, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.171. 20, #Climatechange.Hashtag = renewables. 20, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.186. 20, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = agw *. 20, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.164. 21, #Climatechange.Hashtag = cleanenergy. 21, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.176. 21, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = carbon. 21, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.164. 22, #Climatechange.Hashtag = carbon. 22, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.175. 22, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = sustainability. 22, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.163", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.3. Temporal Analysis of the Associations in the Two Discourses\nof the tweets with #globalwarming, whereas the ratio significantly since 2013 and reached 13.02 in 2018. The climate change network showed a stronger ability to incorporate diverse hashtags into discussions, according to Figure 1b. In 2009, the hashtags that co-occurred with #climatechange were 2.44 times those that co-occurred with #globalwarming, and the ratio climbed to 6.36 in 2018.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "#Climatechange vs. #Globalwarming: Characterizing Two Competing Climate Discourses on Twitter with Semantic Network and Temporal Analyses\nAbstract: Distinct perceptions of the global climate is one of the factors preventing society from achieving consensus or taking collaborative actions on this issue. The public has not even reached an agreement on the naming of the global concern, showing preference for either 'climate change' or 'global warming', and few previous studies have addressed these two competing discourses resulting from distinct climate concerns by di GLYPH<11> erently linking numerous climate concepts. Based on the 6,662,478 tweets containing #climatechange or #globalwarming generated between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2018, we constructed the semantic networks of the two discourses and examined their evolution over the decade. The findings indicate that climate change demonstrated a more scientific perspective and showed an attempt to condense climate discussions rather than di GLYPH<11> use the topic by frequently addressing sub-topics simultaneously. Global warming triggered more political responses and showed a greater connection with phenomena. Temporal analysis suggests that traditional political discussions were gradually fading in both discourses but more recently started to revive in the form of discourse alliance in the climate change discourse. The associations between global warming and weather abnormalitiessuddenly strengthened around 2012. Climate change is becoming more dominant than global warming in public discussions. Although two discourses have shown more similarities in the rank order of important climate concepts, apparent disagreements continue about how these concepts are associated. These findings lay the groundwork for researchers and communicators to narrow the discrepancy between diverse climate perceptions.\nKeywords: climate change; global warming; semantic network analysis; temporal analysis; public discourse; Twitter", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Nisbet, M.C. Communicating climate change: Why frames matter for public engagement. Environ. Sci. Policy Sustain. Dev. 2009 , 51 , 12-23. [CrossRef]\n2. Roxburgh, N.; Guan, D.; Shin, K.J.; Rand, W.; Managi, S.; Lovelace, R.; Meng, J. Characterising climate change discourse on social media during extreme weather events. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2019 , 54 , 50-60. [CrossRef]\n3. Schuldt, J.P.; Konrath, S.H.; Schwarz, N. 'Global warming' or 'climate change'? Whether the planet is warming depends on question wording. Public Opin. Q. 2011 , 75 , 115-124. [CrossRef]\n4. Villar, A.; Krosnick, J.A. Global warming vs. climate change, taxes vs. prices: Does word choice matter? Clim. Chang. 2011 , 105 , 1-12. [CrossRef]\n5. Jang, S.M.; Hart, P.S. Polarized frames on 'climate change' and 'global warming' across countries and states: Evidence from Twitter big data. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2015 , 32 , 11-17. [CrossRef]\n6. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change: Basic Information. Available online: https: // 19january2017snapshot.epa.gov / climatechange / climate-change-basic-information_.html (accessed on 10 October 2019).\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062\n18 of 22", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6. Conclusions\nAs social media is gradually overtaking the role of legacy media providing a forum for public discussion, the semantic associations contained in social media discussions reflect and reinforce how individuals portray global climate issues. By examining hashtag co-occurrence patterns on Twitter between 2009 and 2018, we identified distinct climate perceptions hidden behind two competing climate discourses and discovered how these two discourses evolved.\nWe found that broad scientific, social, political, and international discussions are the topics of public climate discourse. Although the semantic di GLYPH<11> erence between climate change and global warming seems subtle, the di GLYPH<11> erences in their cognitive associations are not trivial. Despite some shared concerns between the two discourses, 'global warming' is more politicized and focuses more on general phenomena, especially temperature abnormalities, whereas climate change is a more compact topic with a more scientific perspective and tends to refer to specific issues. The temporal analysis revealed that traditional political discussions decreased in both discourses but climate change started to build a discourse alliance with diverse domestic issues to show political intentions. Global warming's associations to extreme events and temperature change were suddenly strengthened around 2012. Climate change is becoming dominant compared with global warming in public discussions. Although the two discourses are becoming increasingly similar in the rank order of climate concepts, a notable discrepancy still exists in the way in which they get concepts associated. These observations may provide climate communicators with theoretical and practical hints to narrow the discrepancy between diverse climate perceptions.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf", - "query": "Is the #climateaction hashtag more bound the #globalwarming of #climatechange ?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "In the #climatechange network, “climateaction” was ranked third place and “sustainability” was ranked fourth place, whereas they were ranked significantly lower, 17th and 22nd, respectxively, in the #globalwarming network", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nAssociation networks surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming showed di GLYPH<11> erent properties. The climate change discourse included 38,821 hashtags, whereas the global warming discourse only contained 8788 hashtags. Table 1 displays the 50 most significant hashtags in the two discourses based on centrality. As some hashtags were used in the form of an abbreviation or phrase, explanations are provided in the table. Two networks shared 32 out of the 50 most significant words. Hashtags 'canada', 'cdnpoli', 'sdgs', 'biodiversity', 'education', 'environmental', 'cop24', 'sustainable', 'auspol', 'food', 'agriculture', 'cleanenergy', 'renewableenergy', 'renewables', 'emissions', 'coal', 'fossilfuels', and 'cop21' only showed up on the top 50 list of the 'climate change' network. Hashtags 'tcot', 'california', 'p2', 'nyc', 'snow', 'agw', 'summer', 'global', 'winter', 'india', 'planet', 'heatwave', 'hoax', 'nasa', 'algore', 'world', 'oil', and 'eco' were unique on the top 50 list of the global warming network. The two lists only shared three out of the top five hashtags. In the #climatechange network, 'climateaction' was ranked third place and 'sustainability' was ranked fourth place, whereas they were ranked significantly lower, 17th and 22nd, respectxively, in the #globalwarming network. In the #globalwarming network, 'earth' and 'weather' were among the top five nodes, whereas they were ranked 14th and 24th in the #climatechange network, respectively.\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.3. Temporal Analysis of the Associations in the Two Discourses\nof the tweets with #globalwarming, whereas the ratio significantly since 2013 and reached 13.02 in 2018. The climate change network showed a stronger ability to incorporate diverse hashtags into discussions, according to Figure 1b. In 2009, the hashtags that co-occurred with #climatechange were 2.44 times those that co-occurred with #globalwarming, and the ratio climbed to 6.36 in 2018.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.\nco2. 9, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.244. 10, #Climatechange.Hashtag = parisagreement *. 10, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.232. 10, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = green. 10, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.239. 11, #Climatechange.Hashtag = actonclimate *. 11, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.225. 11, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = tcot *. 11, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.229. 12, #Climatechange.Hashtag = water. 12, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.221. 12, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = nature. 12, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.213. 13, #Climatechange.Hashtag = pollution. 13, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.210. 13, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = news. 13, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.198. 14, #Climatechange.Hashtag = earth. 14, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.207. 14, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = energy. 14, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.192. 15, #Climatechange.Hashtag = green. 15, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.200. 15, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = climatechangeisreal. 15, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.187. 16, #Climatechange.Hashtag = climatechangeisreal. 16, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.195. 16, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = obama. 16, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.181. 17, #Climatechange.Hashtag = renewableenergy *. 17, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.194. 17, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = climateaction. 17, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.175. 18, #Climatechange.Hashtag =", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.\n1, #Climatechange.Hashtag = climate. 1, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.466. 1, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = climate. 1, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.530. 2, #Climatechange.Hashtag = environment. 2, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.465. 2, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = environment. 2, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.446. 3, #Climatechange.Hashtag = climateaction. 3, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.391. 3, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = science. 3, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.319. 4, #Climatechange.Hashtag = sustainability. 4, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.316. 4, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = earth. 4, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.296. 5, #Climatechange.Hashtag = science. 5, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.314. 5, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = weather. 5, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.280. 6, #Climatechange.Hashtag = energy. 6, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.283. 6, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = us *. 6, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.280. 7, #Climatechange.Hashtag = trump. 7, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.257. 7, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = trump. 7, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.263. 8, #Climatechange.Hashtag = us *. 8, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.247. 8, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = pollution. 8, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.256. 9, #Climatechange.Hashtag = cop21 *. 9, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.232. 9, #Globalwarming.Hashtag =", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.3. Discrepancy between the Two Discourses\nThe status of the two discourses varied significantly in the more recent years in the study period. Data from Google in prior study suggested that the search record for global warming was larger than that of climate change in earlier times [13]. The authors found that in the battle to be the most representative hashtag for global climate concern, #climatechange showed growing popularity and became an overwhelming trending topic compared with #globalwarming. Also, #climatechange showed a stronger ability to incorporate diverse hashtags into its discourse in both relative and absolute dimensions. Comparatively, the popularity of the global warming discourse among social media users did not increase apparently in terms of tweets volume and hashtag diversity, especially when considering the yearly increase in Twitter users. The reason for the observed shift in public discourse toward climate change from global warming may be attributed to the high exposure of climate change in the media and scientific reports in recent years [13]. Previous studies noted that perceived scientific consensus can increase acceptance of science [101]. Though global warming has been commonly used since the 1980s to describe the world-wide temperature rise, climate change is preferred by scientists to refer a range of complex changes of climate [102]. Pew found science-related accounts draw millions of followers on Facebook and volume of posts they released climbed in past years [103]. Climate scientists are found to be opinion makers on Twitter [104]. As social media has become an emerging platform for science popularization, scientific community might contribute to the prevalence of climate change discourse by talking about climate change facts and mitigating measures [75].\nHowever, di GLYPH<11> erences between two discourses were not eliminated. Even though two discourses showed more similarities in the rank order of key concepts, the QAP analysis of two matrices of semantic network showed that two discourses still embody distinct public perceptions of climate issues by associating these hashtags in di GLYPH<11> erent manners.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. General Descriptions\nTable 1. The top 50 central hashtags on Twitter surrounding #climatechange and #globalwarming from 2009 to 2018. The hashtag with * is explained in Appendix A in ascending alphabetical order.\nhealth. 18, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.193. 18, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = algore *. 18, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.174. 19, #Climatechange.Hashtag = nature. 19, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.187. 19, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = water. 19, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.171. 20, #Climatechange.Hashtag = renewables. 20, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.186. 20, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = agw *. 20, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.164. 21, #Climatechange.Hashtag = cleanenergy. 21, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.176. 21, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = carbon. 21, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.164. 22, #Climatechange.Hashtag = carbon. 22, #Climatechange.Centrality = 0.175. 22, #Globalwarming.Hashtag = sustainability. 22, #Globalwarming.Centrality = 0.163", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6. Conclusions\nAs social media is gradually overtaking the role of legacy media providing a forum for public discussion, the semantic associations contained in social media discussions reflect and reinforce how individuals portray global climate issues. By examining hashtag co-occurrence patterns on Twitter between 2009 and 2018, we identified distinct climate perceptions hidden behind two competing climate discourses and discovered how these two discourses evolved.\nWe found that broad scientific, social, political, and international discussions are the topics of public climate discourse. Although the semantic di GLYPH<11> erence between climate change and global warming seems subtle, the di GLYPH<11> erences in their cognitive associations are not trivial. Despite some shared concerns between the two discourses, 'global warming' is more politicized and focuses more on general phenomena, especially temperature abnormalities, whereas climate change is a more compact topic with a more scientific perspective and tends to refer to specific issues. The temporal analysis revealed that traditional political discussions decreased in both discourses but climate change started to build a discourse alliance with diverse domestic issues to show political intentions. Global warming's associations to extreme events and temperature change were suddenly strengthened around 2012. Climate change is becoming dominant compared with global warming in public discussions. Although the two discourses are becoming increasingly similar in the rank order of climate concepts, a notable discrepancy still exists in the way in which they get concepts associated. These observations may provide climate communicators with theoretical and practical hints to narrow the discrepancy between diverse climate perceptions.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "#Climatechange vs. #Globalwarming: Characterizing Two Competing Climate Discourses on Twitter with Semantic Network and Temporal Analyses\nAbstract: Distinct perceptions of the global climate is one of the factors preventing society from achieving consensus or taking collaborative actions on this issue. The public has not even reached an agreement on the naming of the global concern, showing preference for either 'climate change' or 'global warming', and few previous studies have addressed these two competing discourses resulting from distinct climate concerns by di GLYPH<11> erently linking numerous climate concepts. Based on the 6,662,478 tweets containing #climatechange or #globalwarming generated between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2018, we constructed the semantic networks of the two discourses and examined their evolution over the decade. The findings indicate that climate change demonstrated a more scientific perspective and showed an attempt to condense climate discussions rather than di GLYPH<11> use the topic by frequently addressing sub-topics simultaneously. Global warming triggered more political responses and showed a greater connection with phenomena. Temporal analysis suggests that traditional political discussions were gradually fading in both discourses but more recently started to revive in the form of discourse alliance in the climate change discourse. The associations between global warming and weather abnormalitiessuddenly strengthened around 2012. Climate change is becoming more dominant than global warming in public discussions. Although two discourses have shown more similarities in the rank order of important climate concepts, apparent disagreements continue about how these concepts are associated. These findings lay the groundwork for researchers and communicators to narrow the discrepancy between diverse climate perceptions.\nKeywords: climate change; global warming; semantic network analysis; temporal analysis; public discourse; Twitter", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2. Data\nIn this research, we were interested in tweets containing either #climatechange or #globalwarming, as these two hashtags exactly correspond to climate change and global warming, respectively, the two competing definitions of climate issues. We did not follow [79] to include #AGW (anthropogenic global warming) as query hashtags in our research because we think that this refers to global warming in a defined category so cannot be regarded in parallel with the two considered hashtags. We limited the scope of the search to English-language tweets generated between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2018. We only collected tweets containing either of the two hashtags in the body of the tweets rather than those containing these hashtags in the retweeted or quoted text, as we think that retweeted text or quoted texts cannot directly represent the tweeter's usage pattern of the two terminologies. as these two hashtags exactly correspond to climate change and global warming, respectively, the two competing definitions of climate issues. We did not follow [79] to include #AGW (anthropogenic global warming) as query hashtags in our research because we think that this refers to global warming in a defined category so cannot be regarded in parallel with the two considered hashtags. We limited the scope of the search to English-language tweets generated between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2018. We only collected tweets containing either of the two hashtags in the body of the tweets rather than those containing these hashtags in the retweeted or quoted text, as we think that retweeted text or quoted texts cannot directly represent the tweeter's usage pattern of the two terminologies.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.2. Association Network Analysis\nThe association networks of #climatechange and #globalwarming are shown in Figure 2. Nodes are labelled with the hashtags and the undirected edges are weighted to reflect the frequency of co-occurrence. The modularity analysis identified four clusters in the #climatechange network and five in the #globalwarming network, where clusters are di GLYPH<11> erentiated by color (resolution is 0.75 for climate change and 0.85 for global warming). The theme, top hashtags, and the proportion of each cluster are also summarized and represented in the network depicted in Figure 2.\nThe largest cluster (green nodes) of both #climatechange and #globalwarming network refer to general facts about global climate issues, sharing words about the causes or e GLYPH<11> ects concerning sustainability. The di GLYPH<11> erence is that the largest cluster of #globalwarming (46% of the network) includes more slogan words, such as 'world', 'planet', 'global', and 'climatechangeisreal', whereas the largest cluster of #climatechange (40% of the network) tends to discuss some specific problems, such as agriculture, biodiversity, education, and politics.\nFor the climate change discourse, the second-largest cluster (34%) is indicated in red and focuses on the responsibility to tackle climate change, where several global action hashtags are included, such as 'un', 'parisagreement', 'cop21', and 'cop24'. The theme of the third largest cluster (20%) in the climate change discourse was energy (in blue). The smallest cluster (6%) in yellow sits in the central part of the network with a mixed theme composed of three highly ranked hashtags, including 'environment' (No. 2), 'climateaction' (No. 3), and 'energy' (No. 6).\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , xx , 5\n9 of 22 9 of 22\nFigure 2. Association network of climate change discourse (a) , and ( b ) association network of global warming discourse (b) . Figure 2. Association network of climate change discourse ( a ), and ( b ) association network of global warming discourse ( b ).\n(", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf", - "query": "What are two main reasons for one's low climate concern ?", - "target_page": 13, - "target_passage": "As invisible causes and disbelief in actions have long been regarded as two key reasons for low climate concern", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "5.1.1. Phenomenon vs. Mechanism of Action 5.1.1. Phenomenon vs. Mechanism of Action 5.1.1. Phenomenon vs. Mechanism of Action\nEven when climate change and global warming shared concern about similar topics such as the cause of the climate issue, global warming tended to focus on carbon emission phenomena, whereas climate change preferred a more in-depth perspective, highlighting the importance of global action to mitigate the climate issue in its second-largest cluster, with energy structure as the contributor to carbon emissions in its third largest cluster. As invisible causes and disbelief in actions have long been regarded as two key reasons for low climate concern [90], the two terminologies' di GLYPH<11> erences in connotations suggest that introducing these absent sub-topics into global warming discourse or highlighting climate change for its inherent connotations may help communicators raise public concern about climate.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nThe public's distinct understanding of the cause and e GLYPH<11> ect of the global climate issue is an obstacle to joint mitigation actions. In addition to a diversity of views co-existing in the public discourse [1,2], previous studies noticed that the public had even failed to reach an agreement on whether 'climate change' or 'global warming' is the most appropriate definition of the global climate concern [3-5]. According to the definition provided by [6], global warming describes global climate issues as a continuous increase in the average temperature of Earth's surface due to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, whereas climate change includes not only temperature rise but also a range of\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062; doi:10.3390 / ijerph17031062\nwww.mdpi.com / journal / ijerph\n/gid00001\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062\n2 of 22\ncomplex changes in the state of the climate [7], which may be caused by natural process, external forces, or human interventions [8]. By randomly assigning respondents to climate change or global warming questionnaires, scholars confirmed that the di GLYPH<11> erent connotations contained in the two definitions are likely to evoke distinct interpretations of the causes and impacts of the global climate issue [9], which may inhibit collaboration and joint e GLYPH<11> orts to mitigate the global challenge.\nPublic preference between climate change and global warming is even more apparent when considering the ideology spectrum [10]. Some scholars concluded that conservatives, who are less concerned with environmental issues, tended to use global warming as a narrative strategy because global warming has a more direct connection with temperature rise, making it easier to find contradictory cues such as freezing weather or heavy snowstorms to deny global climate change facts [11]. The associations between global warming and human activities may contribute to more controversies as well [12], connecting global warming more with the 'hoax' frame [5] and evoking greater negative sentiment [13].", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "- What are the key issues with regard to - What are the key issues with regard to environment protection, and living in environment protection, and living in harmony with nature? harmony with nature? -\nAndo : Environmental issues are also : Environmental issues are also important. This is a global issue. People important. This is a global issue. People living around the world should link hands living around the world should link hands and find new ways of safeguarding the and find new ways of safeguarding the environment. We need to secure stable environment. We need to secure stable supplies of energy while protecting the supplies of energy while protecting the environment. With resources, energy and environment. With resources, energy and food supplies dwindling around the world, food supplies dwindling around the world, Japan could fill quite a lot of the gaps Japan could fill quite a lot of the gaps through its world-class energy-saving t h rough its world-class energy-saving technologies, from air-conditioning to technologies, from air-conditioning to refrigeration. I think people are going to refrigeration. I think people are going to be looking to Japan for such technologies. be looking to Japan for such technologies. Kunibe : I believe that energy is the most : I believe that energy is the most important thing governing a country i mportant thing governing a country's s competitiveness and industrial strength. competitiveness and industrial strength. Certainly, the tim Certainly, the timeframe is an issue. We f ra me is an issue. We must not engage in short-termism, nor be must not engage in short-termism, nor be self-serving, but should devise energy self-serving, but should devise energy strategies for the future needs of society strategies for the future needs of society", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n9. Dong, W. H., Liu, Z., Liao, H., Tang, Q. H. & Li, X. E. New climate and socio-economic scenarios for assessing global human health challenges due to heat risk. Clim. Change 130 (4), 505-518 (2015).\n10. Brown, S. C., Wigley, T. M. L., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Rahbek, C. & Fordham, D. A. Persistent Quaternary climate refugia are hospices for biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Nat. Clim. Change 10 , 244-248 (2020).\n11. Fischer, H., Amelung, D. & Said, N. /T_he accuracy of German citizens' con/fidence in their climate change knowledge. Nat. Clim. Change 9 , 776-780 (2020).\n12. Hasegawa, T. et al. Risk of increased food insecurity under stringent global climate change mitigation policy. Nat. Clim. Change 8 , 699-703 (2018).\n13. Lobell, D. B., Schlenker, W. & Costa-Roberts, J. Climate trends and global crop production since 1980. Science 333 , 616-620 (2011).\n14. UNFCCC. /T_he Paris Agreement. 2015, https:// unfccc. int/ proce ss- and- meeti ngs/ the- paris- agree ment/ the- paris- agree ment.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1. Climate Change, Global Warming, and Frames\nDi GLYPH<11> erent frames concerning the global climate concern are popular among the public, politicians, environmentalists, and the media [1,28,29]. Big data analyses have indicated that when interpreting climate events, individuals' preference for frameworks was influenced by demographics [5] and social-political background [2]. Di GLYPH<11> erent choices of frameworks can evoke di GLYPH<11> erent psychological processes [30], promote or inhibit engagement intentions [31], or gain approval on various levels [32].\nStudies have noted that the frameworks of climate change and global warming may result from di GLYPH<11> erent political indications. The American Republican-leaning states show more preference for global warming than climate change compared with Democratic-leaning states, and global warming is more connected with 'hoax' in questioning the reality of the global climate issue [5]. Conservatives are more likely to link heat-related phenomena to global warming, whereas liberals associate these facts equally with both frames [27]. An earlier survey conducted by [4] argued that wording choice might not influence the whole population similarly. For the whole sample and politically independent individuals, the two terminologies were equally serious, but climate change seemed more serious compared with global warming among the Republicans, and the Democrats held the opposite opinion.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1.1. Phenomenon vs. Mechanism of Action 5.1.1. Phenomenon vs. Mechanism of Action 5.1.1. Phenomenon vs. Mechanism of Action\nClimate change and global warming have long been two competing frameworks shaping the public's perceptions, memory, and interpretations of climate issue by highlighting different aspects of Climate change and global warming have long been two competing frameworks shaping the public's perceptions, memory, and interpretations of climate issue by highlighting different aspects of Climate change and global warming have long been two competing frameworks shaping the public's perceptions, memory, and interpretations of climate issue by highlighting di GLYPH<11> erent aspects of\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062\n13 of 22\nissues and re-constructing them di GLYPH<11> erently. By comparing the persistent words used related to the two discourses in the 10-year period in Table 2, we think that global warming showed a relative preference toward general descriptions or slogans, such as 'earth' and 'pollution', whereas 'climate change' was more associated to specific issues like 'solar', 'coal', 'china', and 'food'.\nStudies have suggested that the public shows a preference for scientific publications with general keywords compared with those with complicated scientific jargon [47], lacking a deep understanding of the complicated issue [46] and the necessity for mitigation of the climate issue [47]. These conclusions seem to suit global warming more than climate change according to the current study, which is probably because climate change receives more publicity and recognition than global warming in the scientific community. In the association network shown in Figure 2, global warming was found to be more connected with temperature abnormalities. This finding is in accordance with studies reporting that short-term temperature anomalies [87] can increase the public's belief about global warming by increasing the understanding of this abstract issue [88], although scientists mostly make judgments based on long-term weather statistics [89]. However, none of the four words, 'snow', 'summer', 'winter', or 'heatwave' in the temperature theme of global warming were ranked in the top 50 nodes list of the climate change network.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Subject Areas:\nclimatology, hydrology", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Discussion\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................\nA detailed investigation of these factors is beyond the scope of this paper; nevertheless, this result illustrates the important point that the nature and patterns of the climate forcing at a particular level of global warming can play an important role in determining the patterns of regional impacts.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Nisbet, M.C. Communicating climate change: Why frames matter for public engagement. Environ. Sci. Policy Sustain. Dev. 2009 , 51 , 12-23. [CrossRef]\n2. Roxburgh, N.; Guan, D.; Shin, K.J.; Rand, W.; Managi, S.; Lovelace, R.; Meng, J. Characterising climate change discourse on social media during extreme weather events. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2019 , 54 , 50-60. [CrossRef]\n3. Schuldt, J.P.; Konrath, S.H.; Schwarz, N. 'Global warming' or 'climate change'? Whether the planet is warming depends on question wording. Public Opin. Q. 2011 , 75 , 115-124. [CrossRef]\n4. Villar, A.; Krosnick, J.A. Global warming vs. climate change, taxes vs. prices: Does word choice matter? Clim. Chang. 2011 , 105 , 1-12. [CrossRef]\n5. Jang, S.M.; Hart, P.S. Polarized frames on 'climate change' and 'global warming' across countries and states: Evidence from Twitter big data. Glob. Environ. Chang. 2015 , 32 , 11-17. [CrossRef]\n6. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change: Basic Information. Available online: https: // 19january2017snapshot.epa.gov / climatechange / climate-change-basic-information_.html (accessed on 10 October 2019).\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062\n18 of 22", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Keywords:\n1.5 ° C, Paris Agreement, 2 ° C, global climate impacts, water resources, terrestrial ecosystems", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "infographic3.pdf", - "query": "How many scholarly articles are published every year ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "over 3 million scholarly articles published per year", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "PUBLICATIONS\nThe Annual Report is the main source of information for shareholders.", - "page_start": 67, - "page_end": 67, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conflict of interest\nThe authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 810, - "page_end": 810, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 264, - "page_end": 264, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this book.", - "page_start": 432, - "page_end": 432, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Subject Areas:\nclimatology, hydrology", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Competing interests\n/T_he authors declare no competing interests.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Five-Year Summary (1)\nIn thousands (except per share data)", - "page_start": 95, - "page_end": 95, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "nature neuroscience\nResource\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.5 MILLION+\nlive ORCID iDs registered since its 2012 launch\nSource: Orcid.org/statistics as of November 2018\nAll IDC research is ' 2018 by IDC. 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All IDC materials are licensed with IDC's permission and in no way does the use or publication of IDC research indicate IDC's endorsement of ORCID's products/or strategies.\nNames may\nchange through\nmarriage or other\ncircumstances", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Unique identifier\nA unique identifier (UID) is an identifier that is assigned to storage-system logical units when they are created. It is used to identify the logical unit regardless of the logical unit number (LUN), the status of the logical unit, or whether alternative paths exist to the same device. 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An, 'Rim instability by solvent-induced dewetting,' J. Chem. Phys. 127 , 144704 (2007).\n[53] L. Xu, T. F. Shi, and L. J. An, 'The dewetting dynamics of the polymer thin film by solvent annealing,' J. Chem. Phys. 129 , 044904 (2008).\n[54] M. Elbaum and S. G. Lipson, 'How does a thin wetted film dry up?' Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 , 3562-3565 (1994).\n[55] N. Samid-Merzel, S. G. Lipson, and D. S. Tannhauser, 'Pattern formation in drying water films,' Phys. Rev. E 57 , 2906-2913 (1998).\n[56] A. Padmakar, K. Kargupta, and A. Sharma, 'Instability and dewetting of evaporating thin water films on partially and completely wettable substrates,' J. Chem. Phys. 110 , 1735-1744 (1999).\n[57] A. V. Lyushnin, A. A. Golovin, and L. M. Pismen, 'Fingering instability of thin evaporating liquid films,' Phys. Rev. E 65 , 021602 (2002).\n[58] L. M. Pismen, 'Spinodal dewetting in a volatile liquid film,' Phys. Rev. E 70 , 021601 (2004).", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nAJA and MJR gratefully acknowledge RCUK and EPSRC, respectively, for financial support. We acknowledge support by the European Union via the FP6 and FP7 Marie Curie schemes [Grants MRTN-CT-2004005728 (PATTERNS) and PITN-GA-2008-214919 (MULTIFLOW)].\n[1] G. Reiter, 'Dewetting of thin polymer films,' Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 , 75-78 (1992).\n[2] G. Reiter, 'Mobility of polymers in films thinner than their unperturbed size,' Europhys. Lett. 23 , 579-584 (1993).\n[3] A. Sharma and G. Reiter, 'Instability of thin polymer films on coated substrates: Rupture, dewetting and drop formation,' J. Colloid Interface Sci. 178 , 383-399 (1996).\n[4] P.-G. de Gennes, 'Wetting: Statics and dynamics,' Rev. Mod. Phys. 57 , 827-863 (1985).\n25", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[13] J. Becker, G. Grun, R. Seemann, H. Mantz, K. Jacobs, K. R. Mecke, and R. Blossey, 'Complex dewetting scenarios captured by thin-film models,' Nat. Mater. 2 , 59-63 (2003).\n[14] C. Redon, F. Brochard-Wyart, and F. Rondelez, 'Dynamics of dewetting,' Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 , 715718 (1991).\n[15] R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, and K. Jacobs, 'Shape of a liquid front upon dewetting,' Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 , 196101 (2001).\n[16] R. Fetzer, K. Jacobs, A. Munch, B. Wagner, and T. P. Witelski, 'New slip regimes and the shape of dewetting thin liquid films,' Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 , 127801 (2005).\n[17] F. Brochard-Wyart and C. Redon, 'Dynamics of liquid rim instabilities,' Langmuir 8 , 2324-2329 (1992).\n[18] G. Reiter and A. Sharma, 'Auto-optimization of dewetting rates by rim instabilities in slipping polymer films,' Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 , 166103 (2001).\n[19] A. Munch and B. Wagner, 'Contact-line instability of dewetting thin films,' Physica D 209 , 178-190 (2005).\n26", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe patterns formed in dewetting processes have attracted strong interest since Reiter analysed the process quantitatively in the early nineties. In these experiments, that proved to be a paradigm in our understanding of dewetting, a uniform thin film of polystyrene (tens of nanometers thick) is deposited on a flat silicon oxide substrate is brought above the glass transition temperature. The film ruptures in several places, forming holes which subsequently grow, competing for space. As a result, a random polygonal network of liquid rims emerges. The rims may further decay into lines of small drops due to a Rayleigh-type instability [1-3]. The related problems of retracting contact lines on partially wetting substrates and the opening of single holes in rather thick films have also been studied [4, 5].\nSubsequent work has mainly focused on many different aspects of the dewetting process for simple non-volatile liquids and polymers (for reviews see Refs. [6-8]). All stages of the dewetting of a film are studied: the initial film rupture via nucleation or a surface instability (called spinodal dewetting) [1, 9-13], the growth process of individual holes [14-16], the evolution of the resulting hole pattern [3, 13], and the stability of the individual dewetting fronts [17-19]. We note in passing, that descriptions of dewetting patterns may also be found in historic papers, particularly for the dewetting of a liquid film on a liquid substrate. Tomlinson [20, footnote 18 on p. 40] considered turpentine on water and Marangoni [21, p. 352f] oil on water.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[5] F. Brochard-Wyart and J. Daillant, 'Drying of solids wetted by thin liquid films,' Can. J. Phys. 68 , 1084-1088 (1989).\n[6] P. Muller-Buschbaum, 'Dewetting and pattern formation in thin polymer films as investigated in real and reciprocal space,' J. Phys.-Condes. Matter 15 , R1549-R1582 (2003).\n[7] R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, C. Neto, S. Schlagowski, D. Podzimek, R. Konrad, H. Mantz, and K. Jacobs, 'Dynamics and structure formation in thin polymer melt films,' J. Phys.-Condes. Matter 17 , S267-S290 (2005).\n[8] U. Thiele, 'Structure formation in thin liquid films,' in S. Kalliadasis and U. Thiele, editors, 'Thin films of Soft Matter,' pages 25-93, Springer, Wien (2007).\n[9] R. Xie, A. Karim, J. F. Douglas, C. C. Han, and R. A. 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In particular, we have introduced (i) a microscopic kinetic Monte Carlo model, (ii) a dynamical density functional theory and (iii) a hydrodynamic thin film model.\nThe kinetic Monte Carlo model and the dynamical density functional theory can both be used to investigate and understand the formation of polygonal networks, spinodal and branched structures resulting from the dewetting of an ultrathin 'postcursor' film that remains behind the mesoscopic dewetting front. They are, however, not capable of describing the dynamical processes in a meso-\n23\nscopic film. We have seen that the KMC model is able to describe the interplay of solute diffusion within the solvent and solvent evaporation/condensation. It also takes the liquid-liquid, liquidparticle and particle-particle interactions into account and therefore allows us to distinguish different regimes of the transverse (fingering) instability of the evaporative dewetting front: a transport regime where the instability is almost completely independent of the interaction strengths and a demixing regime where particles and liquid demix at the receding front thereby increasing its transverse instability.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[59] C. Poulard, O. Benichou, and A. M. Cazabat, 'Freely receding evaporating droplets,' Langmuir 19 , 8828-8834 (2003).\n[60] Y. Gotkis, I. Ivanov, N. Murisic, and L. Kondic, 'Dynamic structure formation at the fronts of volatile liquid drops,' Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 , 186101 (2006).\n[61] E. Pauliac-Vaujour and P. Moriarty, 'Meniscus-mediated organization of colloidal nanoparticles,' J. Phys. Chem. 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Thin film hydrodynamics\nFIG. 6: Profiles of the final dried-in nanoparticle layer for the dewetting of a suspension of nanoparticles in a volatile solvent that partially wets the substrate for (a) high ( Ω = 10 -3 ), (b) medium ( Ω = 2 × 10 -6 ) and (c) low ( Ω = 0 . 78 × 10 -8 ) evaporation rates, for the case when χ = H/l 0 = 1 . 09 , the lateral length scale is glyph[lscript] = √ γ/κH with κ = ( S p /l 0 ) exp( d 0 /l 0 ) H being an energy scale related to wettability and the vertical length scale is H = √ 2 S LW /κd 0 . The remaining dimensionless parameters are the evaporation number Ω = Q e η 0 glyph[lscript] 2 /H 3 , the diffusion number Γ = D (0) η 0 /Hκ = 10 -4 and the dimensionless chemical potential M = Hµ/κ = -0 . 0035 . The system size is L = 19500 glyph[lscript] . Film thickness and h p in the plots are scaled by the precursor film thickness.\nx/L\ncircular throughout the dewetting and evaporation process. In this case one should interprete the coordinate x as the distance from the centre of the circular film.\nWe start with a film of height h 0 of finite length sitting on a precursor film and assume that the film contains nanoparticles at constant concentration φ 0 . The chosen parameter values ensure that the film of thickness h 0 is linearly stable. As we do not incorporate noise, no nucleation of additional holes can occur (even with noise the probability would be extremely low). Without evaporation the film dewets 'classically' by a retraction of the initially step-like front. After a short time, surface tension smoothes the profile of the receding front and a capillary rim forms that collects all the\n20\ndewetted liquid. The front recedes until all liquid is collected in a central drop. Since no liquid evaporates [ Q nc = 0 in Eq. (1)], the particle concentration does not change during the process.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Kinetic Monte Carlo model\nAquantitative analysis shows that the mean number of fingers depends only very weakly on the average concentration of the nanoparticles ρ av n ; only the mean finger width increases with increasing concentration. However, decreasing the mobility (i.e., decreasing the diffusivity of the particles) leads to a much denser finger pattern and also causes the front instability to appear at an earlier stage, i.e., when the front instability is in its initial linear regime, it has a higher growth rate and a smaller characteristic wavelength (cf. Fig. 2(c) and (d)). Decreasing the effective chemical potential (increasing its absolute value) has a similar but less strong effect. For details see [41]. These findings lead to the conclusion that the determining factor for the front instability is the ratio of the time-scales of the different transport processes. In particular, the front becomes more unstable when the velocity of the dewetting front increases as compared to the mean diffusion velocity of the nanoparticles.\nIf the particle diffusivity is low, the front 'collects' the particles, resulting in a build up of the particles at the front that itself is slowed down. This makes the front unstable and any fluctuation along the front will trigger a transverse instability that results in an evolving fingering pattern. This happens even when the particle-liquid and particle-particle attractive interactions do not favour clustering (i.e. demixing of the liquid and the nanoparticles). In this regime, the instability is a purely dynamic effect and energetics plays no role in determining the number of fingers. We call this the 'transport regime'.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Thin film hydrodynamics\nThe most intriguing feature is the ring formation that has been observed experimentally for suspensions of very different particle sizes ranging from nanometers [32, 36, 46, 47] to hundreds of micrometers. Pinning of the contact line and thermal Marangoni effects are often mentioned as necessary conditions for the ring formation. The contact line pinning is often assumed to result from substrate heterogeneities. Film height and concentration profiles at various instants during the dewetting process are displayed in Fig. 7. The profiles are from before, at and after self-pinning of the contact line. In Fig. 8 we display a space-time plot for the complete process. At first, the front recedes in the same manner as when there is no evaporation, but now driven by convection and evaporation. A small capillary rim forms that collects all the dewetted liquid that does not evaporate. The particle concentration slowly increases at the contact line (Fig. 7(a) and regime\n21\nFIG. 7: (Colour online) A sequence of profiles during a dewetting process with competing evaporation and convection that leads to the dried-in ring structure of nanoparticles displayed in Fig. 6(b). Profiles are at (a) before pinning ( t = 0 . 08 T ), (b) at self-pinning ( t = 0 . 13 T ), and (c) after depinning ( t = 0 . 29 T ), where T = 3 × 10 10 τ with τ = η 0 γH/κ 2 ( T is of order of 1s). The film thickness profiles h are the bold solid lines, the nanoparticle concentrations φ are the dotted lines and the nanoparticle layer height h p = hφ are the dashed lines. The remaining parameters and scalings are as in Fig. 6(b).", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. Dynamical Density Functional theory\nFig. 4 presents two pairs of snapshots from a purely evaporative dewetting process deep inside the parameter region of the phase diagram where spinodal dewetting occurs. For small times the film becomes unstable showing a typical spinodal labyrinthine pattern with a typical wavelength. The nanoparticles concentrate where the remaining liquid is situated. However, they are 'slow' in their reaction: when ρ l already takes values in the range 0.08 - 0.83, the nanoparticle concentration has only deviated by about 25% from its initial value. The film thins strongly forming many\n17\nsmall holes. The competition for space results in a fine-meshed polygonal network of nanoparticle deposits. The concentration of particles is much higher at the network nodes - an effect that can not been seen within the KMC model. As the particles attract the liquid there remains some liquid on the substrate where the nanoparticles are.\nFig. 5 gives snapshots of the evolution of a fingering instability for a retracting dewetting front. At early times the straight front shows a rather short-wave instability, about 16 wiggles can be seen. However, they are only a transient: the finger pattern coarsens rapidly till only about 7 fingers remain. The fingering then becomes stationary, i.e., just as in the KMC, the mean finger number remains constant, although new branches are continuously created and old branches join each other. In general, the results on fingering agree well with results obtained using the KMC model [41]. From this we conclude that jamming of discrete particles is not a necessary factor for causing the instability, since the fingering is seen here in a continuum model with a diffusion constant that is independent of the nanoparticle concentration. The DDFT is better suited than the KMC for investigations of the early instability stages: they are more easy to discern without the discrete background noise of the KMC. Furthermore, one may perform a linear stability analysis of the one-dimensional undisturbed streamwise front profiles with respect to transverse perturbations (in analogy to the approach used in Refs. [19, 86, 87]).", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. EXPERIMENT WITH NANOPARTICLE SOLUTIONS\nWhen following the evolution of the branched patterns in situ (see the complementary video material of Ref. [40]), one clearly observes that different processes occur on different lenght scales. First, a macroscopic dewetting front recedes, leaving behind a seemingly dry substrate. The macroscopic front can be transversely unstable resulting in large-scale ( > 100 µ m) strongly anisotropic fingered structures. For fronts that move relatively quickly these macroscopic structures cover all the available substrate. However, when at a later stage the macroscopic front becomes slower, those fingers become scarce and 'macroscopic fingering' finally ceases. At this stage it is possible to appreciate that the seemingly dry region left behind by the front is not at all dry, but covered by an ultrathin 'postcursor' film that is itself unstable. The thickness of this film\n6\nis similar to the size of the nanoparticles. At a certain distance from the macroscopic front, the ultrathin film starts to evolve a locally isotropic pattern of holes. The holes themselves grow in an unstable manner resulting in an array of isotropically branched structures as shown, e.g., above in Fig. 1. This indicates that at least some of the patterns described in the literature may have arisen from processes in similar ultrathin 'postcursor' films.\nThe existence of the ultrathin 'postcursor' film is an experimental finding that can be drawn on when choosing a theoretical approach to account for the pattern formation (see below). Note however, that at the moment there exists no explanation for its existence. A possible hypothesis is that the substrate strongly attracts the nanoparticles. As a result they form a dense suspension layer having a thickness roughly equal to the diameter of the nanoparticles. The observed mesoscopic dewetting front then actually correspond to an autophobic dewetting of a low concentration suspension from the higher concentration suspension on the surface of the substrate.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Thin film hydrodynamics\nThe situation changes when allowing for evaporation ( Q nc > 0 ). Now the front may retract by convection and/or evaporation. Evaporation leads to the possibility of a strong increase in the particle concentration at the contact line as evaporation is strongest there. Due to the strong nonlinear dependence of the viscosity on the particle concentration, this may lead to a dramatic decrease of the convective contribution to the front velocity. For moderate evaporation rates, this may result in a (temporary) self-pinning of the front. Within the present basic model, the process can (after complete dry-in) result in three different basic deposition patterns: (i) for very fast evaporation rates, all other processes occur over time scales that are much larger. In particular, the effects of convective redistribution of the liquid are neglectable. As a result one finds that a nearly homogeneous film of nanoparticles of thickness h p = φ 0 h 0 is deposited (see Fig. 6(a)). Convection only results in the small heap of material visible at the left hand side of Fig. 6(a). The decrease in h p on the right side of Fig. 6(a) arises due to the diffusion of particles to the right of the initial front position; (ii) for very low evaporation rates, the film dynamics is dominated by convective dewetting as this process acts on a much shorter time scale than evaporation. As a result, all the liquid is collected into a drop before evaporation slowly removes the remaining solvent. Under these conditions most of the nanoparticles are deposited in a single heap (see Fig. 6(c)). Depending on the diffusivity, the heap might be highest at the centre or show a depression there; (iii) at intermediate evaporation rates, one may observe the deposition of a nanoparticle ring around a region with a nanoparticle film of much lower height. At the centre deposition might increase again (see Fig. 6(b)).", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Kinetic Monte Carlo model\nWithout nanoparticles, the behaviour of the model is well known as it reduces to the classical two-dimensional Ising model [74]. For kT < kT c ≈ 0 . 567 liquid and vapour coexist when µ = µ coex = -2 . For µ > -2 [ µ < -2 ] eventually the liquid [vapour] dominates. A straight liquidgas interface will recede [advance] for µ < -2 [ µ > -2 ], i.e. one finds evaporative dewetting [wetting] fronts. If one starts, however, with a substrate covered homogeneously by the liquid, for µ < -2 the film will dewet via a nucleation or spinodal-like process. If the nanoparticles are present, they form dried-in structures when all the liquid evaporates. The final structures do not normally change any further - at least on short time scales. However, if the liquid wets the particles (i.e. is attracted to the particles), over long times there might be a coarsening of the structures, facilitated by the adsorbed liquid. The dried-in patterns depend on the particular pathway taken by the evaporative dewetting process. They range from labyrinthine to polygonal network structures or holes in a dense particle layer. Some typical patterns are displayed in Fig. 2, for cases when the average surface coverage of the nanoparticles ρ av n = 0 . 2 . Panels (a) and (b) result from a spinodal-like and nucleation and growth process, respectively. At first sight they look very similar to the patterns seen for the pure solvent and one might argue that the particles solely act as passive tracers and preserve the transient volatile dewetting structures of the solvent. This was suggested in Refs. [26-28] for dewetting collagen solutions. However, panels (c) and (d) indicate that the particles may at times play a rather more significant role. When the diffusion of the particles is slow, the evaporative dewetting fronts become transversely unstable and may result in strongly ramified patterns. This instability is caused by the nanoparticles. The lower their mobility, the stronger the fingering effect, i.e., there are more fingers in (c) than in (d) because in the latter the mobility is larger.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Kinetic Monte Carlo model\nThe front instability is intriguing as it results in strongly branched structures. As the dewetting front moves, new branches are continuously created and existing branches merge at the moving contact line. However, the mean finger number in the streamwise direction of the resulting ramified pattern is a constant. This behaviour is in contrast to the front instabilities found for dewetting\n10\nFIG. 2: Typical KMC results for the final dried-in nanoparticle structures resulting from the evaporative dewetting processes of nanoparticle solutions (nanofluids) in the case of (a) a spinodal-like process at µ = -2 . 55 , (b) nucleation and growth of holes at µ = -2 . 3 , (c) unstable fronts at µ = -2 . 3 and low mobility M = 5 , and (d) unstable fronts at µ = -2 . 3 and medium mobility M = 10 . The starting configuration in (a) and (b) is a homogeneous liquid film with uniformly distributed particles whereas in (c) and (d) a hole at the center is nucleated 'by hand'. The remaining parameters are (a,b) M = 50 , glyph[epsilon1] nl = 2 . 0 , glyph[epsilon1] nn = 1 . 5 , ρ av n = 0 . 2 , kT = 0 . 3 , MC steps = 500 , domain size 1200 × 1200 ; (c,d) ε nn = 2 . 0 , glyph[epsilon1] nl = 1 . 5 , ρ av n = 0 . 2 , kT = 0 . 2 , MC steps = 3000 , domain size 1200 × 1200 . Lattice sites occupied by particles are coloured black, and the empty sites are coloured white.\n11\npolymers which only result in fingers without side-branches [75] or fields of droplets left behind [18].", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. EXPERIMENT WITH NANOPARTICLE SOLUTIONS\nWe focus on experiments that use monodisperse colloidal suspensions of thiol-passivated gold nanoparticles in toluene [33, 34, 37-40, 61]. The gold core of 2 - 3 nm diameter is coated by a layer of alkyl-thiol molecules. The length of the carbon backbone of the thiol used in the experiments ranges from 6 to 12 carbon atoms ( C 6 to C 12 ) [40]. By varying the chain length, one can control\n4\n(a)\n(b)\n(c)\nFIG. 1: (Colour online) Images of strongly ramified dewetting structures obtained using Atomic Force Microscopy in the case of (a) an aqueous collagen solution on graphite (courtesy of U. Thiele, M. Mertig and W. Pompe; see also Ref. [42]. Image size: 5 µ m × 5 µ m); (b) poly(acrylic acid) in water spin-coated onto a polystyrene substrate (reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. from Ref. [23]; copyright John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002; Image size: 2 . 5 µ m × 2 . 5 µ m); and in both (c) and (d), a solution of gold nanoparticles in toluene, spin-coated onto native oxide terminated silicon substrates (scale bars given in panels). In all the images the lighter areas correspond to the deposited solute and the dark areas to the empty substrate.\n5\nto a certain extent the particle-particle attraction. Normally, the solution is deposited on to a plain silicon substrate that is covered by the native oxide layer only [34]. However, one may locally change the wetting behaviour of the solvent by further oxidising the substrate [38]. By adding excess thiol one can also vary the properties of the solvent [40].", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nMore recently, interest has turned to the dewetting processes of solutions and suspensions. However, these systems have not yet been investigated in any great depth. Such systems are complicated because their behaviour is determined by the interplay between the various solute (or colloid) and solvent transport processes. Furthermore, the solvents that are used often evaporate, i.e., one has to distinguish between 'normal' convective dewetting and evaporative dewetting. A number of experiments have been performed employing (colloidal) solutions of polymers [22-25], macromolecules like collagen and DNA [26-31] and nanoparticles [32-40]. The latter are sometimes referred to as 'nanofluids'. The initial focus of much of the research in the field has been on investigating the structures that are formed which are similar to the ones observed in the 'classical' dewetting of non-volatile liquids. Labyrinthine structures and polygonal networks result from spinodal dewetting and heterogeneous nucleation and growth, respectively. They are 'decorated' with the solute and therefore conserve the transient dewetting pattern as a dried-in structure when all the solvent has evaporated [28, 34]. The picture is, however, not complete. The solute may\n3\nalso shift the spinodal and binodal lines as compared to the locations of these lines in the phase diagram for the pure solvent [41]. As a consequence, the solute concentration influences the hole nucleation rate. More importantly, the solute particles may also destabilise the dewetting fronts. As a result, one may find strongly ramified structures in all three systems [23, 25, 40, 42]. A selection of images exhibiting some of the possible structures is displayed in Fig.1.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf", - "query": "Which of ultrathin film or mesoscale hydrodynamics are best explained by kinetic Monte Carlo models ? ", - "target_page": 18, - "target_passage": "lthough both the kinetic Monte Carlo model and the dynamical density functional theory are able to describe well the processes in the ultrathin film, they can not be employed to describe mesoscale hydrodynamics", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "III. MODELLING APPROACHES\nFor the present system a thin film description using Eq. (1) is not appropriate because the nanoparticles are not taken into account. However, under certain conditions one can augment equation (1) for the evolution of the film thickness by coupling it to an equation for the evolution of the mean particle concentration. The resulting model is able to describe the behaviour of an evaporating solution on the meso- and macroscale. Such an approach is briefly discussed below in Section III C. Weshould expect such a model to describe the mesoscopic dewetting front discussed above. However, the theory is less suited to a description of the dewetting dynamics of the ultrathin postcursor\nfilm.\nThe dewetting of the ultrathin film of highly concentrated suspension may be described by a discrete stochastic model such as, for instance, a kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) model based solely on evaporation/condensation dynamics of the solvent and diffusion of the solute [35, 39, 41]. The validity of this strong assumption regarding the relevant transport processes can be confirmed from an estimate based on Eq. (1): The pressure p = δF/δh drives convection and evaporation. The convective mobility is proportional to h 3 , i.e., it is large for thick films but decreases strongly with reduced film thickness. The evaporative mobility, however, is a constant, implying that evaporation will dominate below a certain (cross-over) thickness. For the parameter values of Ref. [57] and a small contact angle ( ≈ 0 . 01 ), the cross-over thickness is in the range of 1-5 nanometers. This estimate justifies the neglect of convective transport in a description of the postcursor film and may explain why one has such good agreement between the experimentally observed patterns and the patterns obtained from a purely two-dimensional (single layer) kinetic Monte Carlo model [35]. We introduce the KMC model below in Section III A.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Thin film hydrodynamics\nThe previous two sections focused on two approaches to describe the experimentally observed patterning dynamics in the ultrathin postcursor film left behind by a mesoscopic receding dewetting front. Although both the kinetic Monte Carlo model and the dynamical density functional theory are able to describe well the processes in the ultrathin film, they can not be employed to describe mesoscale hydrodynamics. A relatively simple model for the latter can be derived in the framework of a long-wave or lubrication equation [8, 63]. We will illustrate here the approach by considering an isothermal situation where the nanoparticles are not surface active, i.e., they do not act as surfactants. For a model incorporating the effects of latent heat generation and surfaceactive particles resulting in thermal and solutal Marangoni stresses, see Ref. [88]. A description of spreading particle solutions incorporating a structural disjoining pressure has also been considered [89]. For related work on particle-laden film flow on an incline see Refs. [90, 91].\nOne starts from the Stokes equations, together with continuity, no-slip boundary conditions at the\n18\nsubstrate and force equilibria at the free surface, and applies a long-wave approximation. Under the assumption that concentrations equilibrate rapidly over the film thickness, we obtain coupled non-linear evolution equations for the film thickness profile h ( x, t ) and the amount of nanoparticles per unit length h p = φh , where φ is the volume concentration of the nanoparticles. Note, that h p corresponds to the local thickness of the nanoparticle layer when all the solvent is evaporated. The resulting evolution equation for the film thickness is Eq. (1) above and focusing on the influence of particle-independent capillarity and wettability only, the energy functional F [ h ] is given by Eq. (2) above. Note that the viscosity η depends on the particle concentration. Following Refs. [88, 89, 91, 92] we use the Quemada law for dense suspensions [93-95]\nη ( φ ) = η 0 ( 1 -φ φ c ) -2 (8)", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. CONCLUSION\nWe have discussed recent work on pattern formation processes in films and drops of evaporating suspensions/solutions of polymers and particles. After reviewing experiments on suspensions of thiol-coated gold nanoparticles in toluene we have focused on the modelling of the transport and phase change processes involved. A theoretical approach to the modelling of the hydrodynamics on the mesoscale has been described as well as more microscopic models for the dynamics in the observed nanoscopic 'postcursor' film. In particular, we have introduced (i) a microscopic kinetic Monte Carlo model, (ii) a dynamical density functional theory and (iii) a hydrodynamic thin film model.\nThe kinetic Monte Carlo model and the dynamical density functional theory can both be used to investigate and understand the formation of polygonal networks, spinodal and branched structures resulting from the dewetting of an ultrathin 'postcursor' film that remains behind the mesoscopic dewetting front. They are, however, not capable of describing the dynamical processes in a meso-\n23\nscopic film. We have seen that the KMC model is able to describe the interplay of solute diffusion within the solvent and solvent evaporation/condensation. It also takes the liquid-liquid, liquidparticle and particle-particle interactions into account and therefore allows us to distinguish different regimes of the transverse (fingering) instability of the evaporative dewetting front: a transport regime where the instability is almost completely independent of the interaction strengths and a demixing regime where particles and liquid demix at the receding front thereby increasing its transverse instability.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Kinetic Monte Carlo model\nWe note also that the fingering process may be viewed as self-optimising the front motion - i.e. the front keeps its average velocity constant by expelling particles into the fingers. A similar effect exists for dewetting polymer films [18], where liquid is expelled from the growing moving rim which collects the dewetted polymer. There, the surplus liquid is left on the surface as a droplet pattern.\nThe kinetic Monte Carlo model is a very useful tool that helps one to understand the pattern formation in drying nanoparticle suspensions. One has, however, to keep in mind the restrictions\n13\non the model (see above). The purely two-dimensional character of the KMC was extended to a 'pseudo three-dimensional' one by making the effective chemical potential dependent on the mean liquid coverage [38]. As the latter is related to a mean film thickness, this corresponds to the introduction of a 'global' thickness-dependent disjoining pressure into the evaporation term without an explicit consideration of a film thickness. The amended model can reproduce bimodal structures that are beyond the scope of the purely two-dimensional model [38, 39]. Fully threedimensional models are also discussed in the literature [76, 77].", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Kinetic Monte Carlo model\nThe kinetic Monte Carlo model for two-dimensional dewetting nanofluids [33] was first proposed in Ref. [35] and extended to include next-nearest neighbour interactions in [37]. The two key assumptions used are: (i) the relevant processes can be mapped on to a two-dimensional lattice gas model, thereby neglecting continuous changes in the thickness of the evaporating film, and (ii) all relevant dynamics results from diffusing nanoparticles and evaporating/condensing solvent.\nThe model builds on an Ising-type model for the liquid-gas phase transition. The surface is divided up into a regular array of lattice sites whose size is dictated by the nanoparticles. One then considers each lattice site to be occupied either by a nanoparticle, liquid or vapour. This effectively maps the system onto a two-dimensional two-component lattice gas having two fields n and l . The resulting three possible states of a cell are: liquid ( l = 1 , n = 0 ), nanoparticle ( l = 0 , n = 1 ), and vapour ( l = 0 , n = 0 , i.e., cell empty). The energy of an overall configuration is given by the hamiltonian\nE = -ε nn 2 ∑ n i n j -ε nl 2 ∑ n i l j -ε ll 2 ∑ l i l j -µ ∑ i l i (3)\nwhere ∑ denotes a sum over nearest neighbour pairs and ε ll , ε nn and ε nl are the liquid-liquid, particle-particle and liquid-particle interaction energies, respectively. Fixing the three interaction strength parameters ε ll , ε nn , ε nl and the effective chemical potential µ determines the equilibrium state of the system. We choose ε ll as unit of energy - i.e. we set ε ll = 1 .", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Kinetic Monte Carlo model\nWithout nanoparticles, the behaviour of the model is well known as it reduces to the classical two-dimensional Ising model [74]. For kT < kT c ≈ 0 . 567 liquid and vapour coexist when µ = µ coex = -2 . For µ > -2 [ µ < -2 ] eventually the liquid [vapour] dominates. A straight liquidgas interface will recede [advance] for µ < -2 [ µ > -2 ], i.e. one finds evaporative dewetting [wetting] fronts. If one starts, however, with a substrate covered homogeneously by the liquid, for µ < -2 the film will dewet via a nucleation or spinodal-like process. If the nanoparticles are present, they form dried-in structures when all the liquid evaporates. The final structures do not normally change any further - at least on short time scales. However, if the liquid wets the particles (i.e. is attracted to the particles), over long times there might be a coarsening of the structures, facilitated by the adsorbed liquid. The dried-in patterns depend on the particular pathway taken by the evaporative dewetting process. They range from labyrinthine to polygonal network structures or holes in a dense particle layer. Some typical patterns are displayed in Fig. 2, for cases when the average surface coverage of the nanoparticles ρ av n = 0 . 2 . Panels (a) and (b) result from a spinodal-like and nucleation and growth process, respectively. At first sight they look very similar to the patterns seen for the pure solvent and one might argue that the particles solely act as passive tracers and preserve the transient volatile dewetting structures of the solvent. This was suggested in Refs. [26-28] for dewetting collagen solutions. However, panels (c) and (d) indicate that the particles may at times play a rather more significant role. When the diffusion of the particles is slow, the evaporative dewetting fronts become transversely unstable and may result in strongly ramified patterns. This instability is caused by the nanoparticles. The lower their mobility, the stronger the fingering effect, i.e., there are more fingers in (c) than in (d) because in the latter the mobility is larger.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nWe review recent experiments on dewetting thin films of evaporating colloidal nanoparticle suspensions (nanofluids) and discuss several theoretical approaches to describe the ongoing processes including coupled transport and phase changes. These approaches range from microscopic discrete stochastic theories to mesoscopic continuous deterministic descriptions. In particular, we focus on (i) a microscopic kinetic Monte Carlo model, (ii) a dynamical density functional theory and (iii) a hydrodynamic thin film model.\nModels (i) and (ii) are employed to discuss the formation of polygonal networks, spinodal and branched structures resulting from the dewetting of an ultrathin 'postcursor film' that remains behind a mesoscopic dewetting front. We highlight, in particular, the presence of a transverse instability in the evaporative dewetting front which results in highly branched fingering structures. The subtle interplay of decomposition in the film and contact line motion is discussed.\nFinally, we discuss a simple thin film model (iii) of the hydrodynamics on the mesoscale. We employ coupled evolution equations for the film thickness profile and mean particle concentration. The model is used to discuss the self-pinning and de-pinning of a contact line related to the 'coffee-stain' effect.\nIn the course of the review we discuss the advantages and limitations of the different theories, as well as possible future developments and extensions.\nThe paper is published in: J. Phys.-Cond. Mat. 21 , 264016 (2009), in the Volume 'Nanofluids on solid substrates' and can be obtained at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/21/26/264016\n2", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. CONCLUSION\nThe dynamical density functional theory describes the coupled dynamics of the density fields of the liquid and the nanoparticles. In the form described above (i.e. based on the two-dimensional hamiltonian (3)) we obtain a simple theory that allows us to study the time evolution of the evaporating ultrathin film and also to investigate the influence of processes such as surface diffusion by the liquid, which are not incorporated in the KMC model. However, it is straightforward to extend the theory to consider a fully three-dimensional fluid film, in which one can distinguish between short- and long-range interactions of solvent and/or solute with the substrate. We have, however, restricted the examples given here to situations that can also be described using the KMC model. A further exploration will be presented elsewhere.\nFinally, we have discussed a simple thin film model for the hydrodynamics on the mesoscale. It results from a long-wave approximation and consists of coupled evolution equations for the film thickness profile and the mean particle concentration. It has been used to discuss the self-pinning of receding contact lines that is related to the formation of rings of dried-in particles (coffeestain effect) that frequently occurs when films or drops of solutions or suspensions dewet by the combined effects of convection and evaporation.\nOne of the primary goals of researchers in this field, is the search for simple-to-use techniques that allow one to produce hierarchically structured functional layers for a wide range of applications such as, e.g., organic solar cells [98]. This means that the experiments advance very rapidly towards increasingly complex systems. For example, there have been investigations of the influence of the phase behaviour on the drying of droplets of a suspension of hard-sphere colloidal particles and non-adsorbing polymer [99], of the instabilities and the formation of drops in evaporating thin films of binary solutions [100] that may lead to treelike patterns [101], of effects of a secondary phase separation on evaporation-induced pattern formation in polymer films [102], and of the influence of an imposed flow on decomposition and deposition processes in a sliding ridge of evaporating solution of a binary polymer mixture [103] and of the influence of rather\n24", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\n[104] E. Bormashenko, R. Pogreb, O. Stanevsky, Y. Bormashenko, T. Stein, and O. Gengelman, 'Mesoscopic patterning in evaporated polymer solutions: New experimental data and physical mechanisms,' Langmuir 21 , 9604-9609 (2005).\n[105] E. Bormashenko, R. Pogreb, O. Stanevsky, Y. Bormashenko, T. Stein, V. Z. Gaisin, R. Cohen, and O. V. Gendelman, 'Mesoscopic patterning in thin polymer films formed under the fast dip-coating process,' Macromol. Mater. Eng. 290 , 114-121 (2005).\n[106] J. B. Gibson, K. Zhang, K. Chen, S. Chynoweth, and C. W. Manke, 'Simulation of colloid-polymer systems using dissipative particle dynamics,' Mol. Simul. 23 , 1-41 (1999).\n[107] K. Stratford and I. Pagonabarraga, 'Parallel simulation of particle suspensions with the lattice Boltzmann method,' Comput. Math. Appl. 55 , 1585-1593 (2008).\n[108] G. Drazer, B. Khusid, J. Koplik, and A. Acrivos, 'Wetting and particle adsorption in nanoflows,' Phys. Fluids 17 , 017102 (2005).\n[109] J. Kromkamp, D. van den Ende, D. Kandhai, R. van der Sman, and R. Boom, 'Lattice Boltzmann simulation of 2d and 3d non-Brownian suspensions in Couette flow,' Chem. Eng. Sci. 61 , 858-873 (2006).\n32", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Kinetic Monte Carlo model\nThe hamiltonian determines the equilibrium state and the energy landscape of the system. However, as the system 'dries in' during the course of the solvent evaporation, the final nanoparticle configurations do not necessarily represent equilibrium structures. This implies that the system dynamics is of paramount importance. It is determined by the possible Monte Carlo moves, their relative frequencies, and the probabilities for their acceptance. Two types of moves are allowed: (i) evaporation/condensation of liquid and (ii) diffusion of nanoparticles within the liquid. A mobility M corresponds to the ratio of cycles of particle and solvent moves and reflects the physical ratio of\n9\ntime scales for evaporation and diffusion. A large mobility M indicates fast diffusion as compared to evaporation. A trial move is accepted with the probability p acc = min[1 , exp( -∆ E/kT )] where k is the Boltzmann constant, T the temperature and ∆ E is the change in energy resulting from the potential move. Note that particles are only allowed to move into wet areas of the substrate, i.e., onto cells with l = 1 . This models zero diffusivity of the particles on a dry substrate. The replaced liquid fills the site left by the nanoparticle.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf", - "query": "What is AgMERRA ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": " historical daily weather data (1986–2005) are from the AgMERRA dataset. AgMERRA is a post-processing of the NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data. The dataset is proved to be suitable for agricultural modelling and features consistent, daily time-series data", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Authors\nIBM India\nAlfonso Jara\nIBM Spain", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Creating and sharing Lambda layers", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "From the B Platform\nMARCH/MICRA", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Thomas M. Marra\nPresident and Chief Operating Officer", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "David M. Znamierowski\nPresident", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Materials and methods\nData processing. In this study, historical daily weather data (1986-2005) are from the AgMERRA dataset. AgMERRA is a post-processing of the NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data. /T_he dataset is proved to be suitable for agricultural modelling and features consistent, daily time-series data 45 .\nFor future (2020-2099), the original climate scenario data (Table 1) were extracted from output archives of /five ESMs (including GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-ES, IPSL-CM5A-LR, MIROC-ESM-CHEM and NorESM1-M) under four RCPs (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0, RCP8.5) retrieved from the CMIP website. /T_he climate scenario data was interpolated into 0.5° × 0.5° horizontal resolution and bias-corrected with respect to historical observations to remove systematic errors 46 . /T_he data of maize-planting regions are from the gridded global dataset in 2000 by combining two data products 47,48 .\nSimulation of climate scenarios with global warming by ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C. In this study, climate data of global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C are determined according to the results of global climate models driven by typical concentration paths (RCPs) of greenhouse gas emissions. Eligible data are selected from a total of 20 sets of data under four RCP scenarios of /five ESMs (including GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-ES, IPSLCM5A-LR, MIROC-ESM-CHEM and NorESM1-M), which estimate the temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours (Fig. 1).\n͸\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Thomas M. Marra\nExecutive Vice President", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10 Loretta A. Rogers\nCompany Director", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bowdens Silver Project\nNSW, Australia", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf", - "query": "In 2018, what was the global proportion of maize grown in the US ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "According to statistics in 2018, the gross maize yield in the top 5 countries is almost 80% of the total maize yield of the whole world. The United States accounts for more than 32%", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Results\nAccording to statistics in 2018, the gross maize yield in the top 5 countries is almost 80% of the total maize yield of the whole world. /T_he United States accounts for more than 32%; China accounts for about 24%; Brazil, Argentina and Mexico account for about 23%. /T_he /fluctuation of maize production in these /five top countries will have a signi/ficant impact on the global maize trade. Based on the simulation results, comparing to 1986-2005, the maize yield in China, Brazil and Argentina would decrease under global warming by 1.5 °C; the yield loss rate would reach more than 20% in Brazil; Argentina would decrease by 14.7%; China would decrease by 3.7%. However, there would be increasing trends in the United States and Mexico; the change in the United States would not be signi/ficant and the maize yield would increase by 0.5%; the yield increasing rate would exceed 50% in Mexico. Overall, the gross maize yield in the top 5 countries would decrease by 2% under global warming\nScientific Reports | (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\n;\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/\nFigure 5. (continued)\nby 1.5 °C. According to the simulation results, comparing to 1986-2005, the maize yield in the United States, China and Brazil would decrease under global warming by 2.0 °C; the yield loss rate would reach more than 24% in Brazil; the United States would decrease by 13.3%; China would decrease by 11.5%. However, there would be increasing trends in Argentina and Mexico; the maize yield would increase by 16.8% in Argentina; the yield increasing rate would exceed 40% in Mexico. Overall, the gross maize yield in the top 5 countries would decrease by 11.4% under global warming by 2.0 °C. By comparing the maize production in di/fferent countries, it can be found that the reduction trend of total maize production in the top /five countries is more obvious, especially under the scenario of global warming by 2.0 °C, the global food trade and food security may face greater risks.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nFrom the results simulated by IPSL-CM5A-LR model under RCP 2.6 scenario, the gross yield of maize in the world between 2020 and 2039 would decrease by 6.8% relative to 1986-2005. /T_he area is 37.7% of the whole maize planting regions in the world, in which the yield loss would be less than 50%, mainly located in the low and middle latitude of South America and Asia, and the middle latitude of Africa and North America. /T_he area is 16.4% of the whole maize planting regions, in which the yield loss would be more than 50%, mainly located in the low latitude of South America and the middle latitude of Asia and Europe. /T_he area is 45.8% of the whole maize planting regions, in which the yield would increase, mainly located in the low latitude of Africa, Asia and North America, the high latitude of Europe. From the results simulated by the GFDL-ESM2M model under RCP 4.5 scenario, the gross yield of maize in the world between 2041 and 2060 would increase by 7.2% relative to 1986-2005. /T_here are opposite trends of maize yield under global warming by 1.5 °C, which are simulated by di/fferent global climate models. However, the spatial distributions of maize yield change are similar to each other. /T_he di/fference is that the regions of high yield loss rate are decreasing, and the regions of yield increasing are going up. In a comprehensive perspective, under global warming by 1.5 °C, maize yield in the whole world would increase 0.18% relative to 1986-2005 (Fig. 3). According to Paris Agreement, all countries should do their best to limit the global warming by 1.5 °C until the end of 21 century. If that objective could be accomplished, gross maize production of the whole world would not be in/fluenced so much by climate change, but the food\nͼ\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion and conclusion\n/T_hirdly, there are relatively more researches on the prediction of climate change trend under the background of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C; but the research on the impact assessment of the main grain crops including global trade in worldwide is few. In the meantime, we do not assess the e/ffect of future changes on agriculture, such as increases in farm productivity due to new technology. /T_he maize planting area in the future is assumed to be the same as the current situation of maize cultivation in the world.\nConclusion. According to the simulation results, the yield of maize under global warming by 2.0 °C would decrease between 3.0 and 18.7% in the worldwide relative to 1986-2005; the maize yield would /fluctuate between - 6.8 and 7.2% under global warming by 1.5 °C. From the spatial distribution, the gross maize yield in the top 5 high-yield countries (including the United States, China, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico) would decrease by 2% under global warming by 1.5 °C and 11.4% under global warming by 2.0 °C. At the global level, the market price for maize would increase by 0.7% and 3.4% under 1.5 °C scenario and 2.0 °C scenario, respectively, which would vary quite largely among di/fferent countries and regions. So, it is urgent for all countries to pay enough attention to the loss risk of maize yield and take actions of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. /T_he time le/f_t for changing our minds and actions is becoming less and less.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nFrom the view of continents, there are di/fferent trends of maize yield changes in the 6 continents (except Antarctica) under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C (Fig. 6). From the results of simulated by CRESE-maize under global warming by 1.5 °C, the maize yield in 3 continents would decline apparently, including South America, Europe and Oceania; the average yield loss rates are respectively - 15.6%, - 12.4%, - 36.4%; in the other 3 continents the average maize yield would go up, especially in Africa more than 30%; the increasing trends are slight in Asia and North America, in which the yield increasing rates are separately 0.7% and 0.4%. However, the yield change trends simulated by IPSL-CM5A-LR and GFDL-ESM2M models are di/fferent in 2 continents, including Asia and North America. From the results of simulated by CRESE-maize under global warming by 2.0 °C, the maize yield in 5 continents would decline apparently, except Africa; the average yield loss rates are respectively - 7.9% (Asia), - 14.1% (North America), - 9.3% (South America), - 22.5% (Europe), - 25.5% (Oceania); only in Africa the average maize yield would go up also more than 30%; meanwhile the yield change trends simulated by IPSL-CM5A-LR and GFDL-ESM2M models are the same in each continent. Comparing the two global warming scenarios, there would be apparent variations in maize yield in Asia and North America, in which the annual maize yield accounts for a great proportion of the whole world, leading to a much more serious yield loss under global warming by 2.0 °C than that under global warming by 1.5 °C. /T_here would be an obvious crisis of food supply under global warming by 2.0 °C with the increasing population in the future. So, it is important to make full preparation for adaptation to climate change in the whole world.\nͿ\nVol.:(0123456789)\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nFigure 5. Yield loss rates on maize in top 20 countries under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C.\nthat maize yield would decrease severely. For the whole world more mitigation and adaptation actions should be taken from now on. Food security would be a signi/ficant challenge in this century.\nYield change of maize in main countries. /T_here are huge di/fferences in impacts on maize yield under climate change, which would in/fluence the food crisis in di/fferent regions. /T_here are 159 countries in the whole world which plant maize. /T_he gross yield of maize the top 20 countries accounts for more than 90% of the total yield in the 159 countries. So, the changes in the top 20 countries under future scenarios would in/fluence the food security of the whole world (Fig. 5). From the results of simulated by CRESE-maize under global warming by 1.5 °C, there would be 75 countries facing with yield loss of maize; the mean yield loss rate would become 33.5%. /T_here would be 84 countries experiencing yield increases. Overall, the global maize yield would slightly increase. Under global warming by 2.0 °C, there would be 82 countries facing with yield loss of maize, for which the mean yield loss rate is approximate to that under global warming by 1.5 °C. /T_here would be 77 countries experiencing yield increase; however, the mean yield increase is apparently smaller than that under global warming by 1.5 °C. Generally, the global maize yield would decrease. /T_he results show that the adverse e/ffect of warming up 2.0 °C on global maize production is far greater than warming up 1.5 °C. It is important to take actions to develop forward-looking adaptation measures to cope with future climate change.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The impact of ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C global warming on global maize production and trade\nKuo Li ͷ * , Jie Pan ͷ , Wei Xiong ͸ , Wei Xie ͹ & Tariq Ali ͹\nClimate change is becoming more and more remarkable which has an obvious impact on crop yields all over the world. Future climate scenario data was simulated by ͻ climate models recommended by ISI-MIP under ͺ RCP scenarios, in which the approximate scenarios with global warming by ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸ °C were selected. Applying DSSAT and GTAP models, the per unit yield changes of maize in the world under global warming by ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C were analyzed and the market prices of maize at national and global levels were simulated. The results showed that, the risk of maize yield reduction under ͸.Ͷ °C scenario was much more serious than ͷ.ͻ °C scenario; the ratios of yield changes were separately Ͷ.ͷ;% and - ͷͶ.;% under ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C scenarios. The reduction trend of total maize production is obvious in the top five countries and the main producing regions of the world, especially under the ͸.Ͷ °C scenario. The market price of maize would increase by around Ͷ.ͽ% and ͹.ͺ% under ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C scenarios. With the quickly increasing population in the world, it is urgent for all countries to pay enough attention to the risk of maize yield and take actions of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.\nIn the past hundred years, the global climate has experienced great changes 1-4 . According to the sixth assessment report of IPCC, the global average surface temperature increased by 1.09 °C between 1850 and 2020, and almost all regions in the world experienced surface warming 5 . Due to global warming, the extreme climate events become more and more frequent, and the ecological environment problems caused by climate change are more and more serious, which restrict the sustainable development of human society and health 6-10 . Global warming has gradually changed from a scienti/fic issue to a major social issue of common concern to governments and people of all countries 11-13 . In 2016, nearly 200 parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change reached the Paris Agreement at the climate change conference in Paris 14 . Paris Agreement has indicated and pursue e/fforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n40. Challinor, A. J., Koehler, A. K., Ramirez-Villegas, J., Whit/field, S. & Das, B. Current warming will reduce yields unless maize breeding and seed systems adapt immediately. Nat. Clim. Change 6 , 954-958 (2016).\n41. Cammarano, D. et al. Using historical climate observations to understand future climate change crop yield impacts in the Southeastern US. Clim. Change 134 , 311-326 (2016).\n42. Etten, J. V. et al. Crop variety management for climate adaptation supported by citizen science. PNAS 116 (10), 4194-4199 (2019).\n43. Urban, D. W., She/ffield, J. & Lobell, D. B. /T_he impacts of future climate and carbon dioxide changes on the average and variability of US maize yields under two emission scenarios. Environ. Res. Lett. 10 , 045003 (2015).\n44. IPCC. Summary for policymakers. In Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5°C Above Pre-industrial Levels and Related Global Greenhouse Gas Emission Pathways, in the Context of Strengthening the Global Response to the /T_hreat of Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and E/fforts to Eradicate Poverty 32 (World Meteorological Organization, 2018).\n45. Ruane, A. C., Goldberg, R. & Chryssanthacopoulos, J. Climate forcing datasets for agricultural modeling: Merged products for gap-/filling and historical climate series estimation. Agr. For. Meteorol. 200 , 233-248 (2015).\n46. Hempel, S., Frieler, K., Warszawski, L., Schewe, J. & Piontek, F. A trendpreserving bias correction-the ISI-MIP approach. Earth Syst. Dyn. 4 , 219-236 (2013).\n47. Monfreda, C., Ramankutty, N. & Foley, J. A. Farming the planet: 2. Geographic distribution of crop areas, yields, physiological types, and net primary production in the year 2000. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles 22 , 1022 (2008).", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The impact of ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C global warming on global maize production and trade\nFaced with climate change, agriculture is the most vulnerable sector, which will experience the largest negative impacts from climatic change and lead to more serious food security in the whole world 15-20 . Meanwhile, global production losses might lead to price shocks and trigger export restrictions 21-24 ; an increasingly interconnected global food system 25,26 and the projected fragility of the global food production system due to climatic change further exacerbate the threats to food security in the worldwide 27-29 . So, the impacts of climate changes on crop yields and prices have been of highly concerned. Numerous studies have revealed that the warming trend has negative impact on crop yields and global trade in most regions all over the world 30-32 . /T_here are three main methods for impacts assessment of climate change on crops, including environment-controlled experiments, statistical regression analysis and model simulations 17,33 . Environment-controlled experiments are designed to observe the in/fluence of climate factors on crops, such as drought, /flood, heat stress, cold damage, elevated CO 2 concentration, through which the impact mechanism of climate change on crops would be revealed and established 23,34,35 . Crop models and trade models are applied to simulate the response of crop yield and market price under climate change, based on process-based crop growth in daily time steps, either in selected /field sites or in selected regions 36-39 . /T_he statistical regression analysis usually explores the relationship between historical crop yields and meteorological records in di/fferent sites or counties to establish regression functions for crop responses predictions 40-43 . /T_hese researches have documented that crop yield and price would be threatened much more seriously by global warming, especially due to the increasing trend of frequency and intensity of climate extreme events in the future.\nͷ Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing ͷͶͶͶ;ͷ, China. ͸ International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Texcoco, Mexico. ͹ Peking University, Beijing, China. * email: hqlk͸ͶͶͶ@ͷͼ͹.com\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268\n| https://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nͷ\nglyph\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nFigure 3. Distribution of yield loss rate on maize in the world under global warming by 1.5 °C (up: IPSLCM5A-LR model, RCP 2.6; down: GFDL-ESM2M model, RCP 4.5). /T_he /figure has been generated using ArcGIS 10.2 and Natural Earth-Free vector and raster map data @ https:// natur alear thdata. com.\nwarming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C. So, there are apparent challenges and opportunities for maize production in the whole world under climate change. We should grasp the opportunities and expand the yield increasing potentials; meanwhile, the threat of maize yield loss should be controlled and compressed to the minimum in the high-risk regions.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nFigure 4. Distribution of yield loss rates on maize in the world under global warming by 2.0 °C (up: NorESM1-M model, RCP 4.5; down: GFDL-ESM2M model, RCP 6.0). /T_he /figure has been generated using ArcGIS 10.2 and Natural Earth-Free vector and raster map data @ https:// natur alear thdata. com.\nsecurity of the whole world would still be attacked violently. /T_here are huge di/fferences among the continents; South America, Asia and the Middle East are threatened seriously by yield loss seriously under global warming by 1.5 °C. /T_he changes in maize yield in di/fferent regions would in/fluence the maize price and food trades. So, it should be cautious to cope with the maize changes under global warming by 1.5 °C.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf", - "query": "What would be the price increase resulting from maize production changes due to 1.5°C and 2°C global temperature increase ?", - "target_page": 10, - "target_passage": "In response to production changes, the price of each commodity changes under both scenarios. At the global level, the market price for maize would increase by 0.7% and 3.4% under 1.5 °C scenario and 2.0 °C scenario, respectively", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "The impact of ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C global warming on global maize production and trade\nKuo Li ͷ * , Jie Pan ͷ , Wei Xiong ͸ , Wei Xie ͹ & Tariq Ali ͹\nClimate change is becoming more and more remarkable which has an obvious impact on crop yields all over the world. Future climate scenario data was simulated by ͻ climate models recommended by ISI-MIP under ͺ RCP scenarios, in which the approximate scenarios with global warming by ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸ °C were selected. Applying DSSAT and GTAP models, the per unit yield changes of maize in the world under global warming by ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C were analyzed and the market prices of maize at national and global levels were simulated. The results showed that, the risk of maize yield reduction under ͸.Ͷ °C scenario was much more serious than ͷ.ͻ °C scenario; the ratios of yield changes were separately Ͷ.ͷ;% and - ͷͶ.;% under ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C scenarios. The reduction trend of total maize production is obvious in the top five countries and the main producing regions of the world, especially under the ͸.Ͷ °C scenario. The market price of maize would increase by around Ͷ.ͽ% and ͹.ͺ% under ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C scenarios. With the quickly increasing population in the world, it is urgent for all countries to pay enough attention to the risk of maize yield and take actions of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.\nIn the past hundred years, the global climate has experienced great changes 1-4 . According to the sixth assessment report of IPCC, the global average surface temperature increased by 1.09 °C between 1850 and 2020, and almost all regions in the world experienced surface warming 5 . Due to global warming, the extreme climate events become more and more frequent, and the ecological environment problems caused by climate change are more and more serious, which restrict the sustainable development of human society and health 6-10 . Global warming has gradually changed from a scienti/fic issue to a major social issue of common concern to governments and people of all countries 11-13 . In 2016, nearly 200 parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change reached the Paris Agreement at the climate change conference in Paris 14 . Paris Agreement has indicated and pursue e/fforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion and conclusion\nDiscussion. Our analysis highlights the e/ffects of climate change on global- and regional-speci/fic maize yields and the associated economic consequences in 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C -warming scenarios. We /find that the reduction risk of maize yield under global warming by 2.0 °C is much more serious than that under global warming by 1.5 °C. On the one hand, the larger the temperature rise, the greater the evapotranspiration would be. Although the precipitation is also increasing, the evapotranspiration would become more intense. /T_he limitation of water supply for maize growth leads to the decline of yield. On the other hand, relative to global warming by 1.5 °C, maize production would be faced with more serious and frequent extreme climate events, such as drought and heat waves, which would increase the risk of corn yield reduction under global warming by 2.0 °C. In the\nͷͶ\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/\nFigure 7. Price change on maize in main continents under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C.\nFigure 8. Changes in Self-su/fficiency ratio of maize in main countries under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C.\nmeantime, the huge di/fferences in yield changes in di/fferent regions provide a small chance for the world, especially under global warming by 1.5 °C. In the near future, if the global temperature can be e/ffectively controlled under 1.5 °C warming scenario, there would be an increase in the potential for maize yield in the worldwide. All regions and countries should take actions to reduce the yield loss risk. For the yield-increasing regions, the potentials of climate resources should be fully utilized to guarantee maize yield under future scenarios; for the yield-reducing regions, the targeted adaptation actions should be taken in advance under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The impact of ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C global warming on global maize production and trade\nFigure 1. Changes of global temperature of 20 years moving average from 2020 to 2099 simulated by 5 ESMs under 4 RCP scenarios. Note: /T_he black horizontal dashed lines: global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C; the black vertical solid line: the years when global warming reaches 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C simulated by the selected models and scenarios.\nAlthough, so far there are plenty of research on the impacts of global warming by 1.5 °C temperature, including the impacts comparison of global warming by 1.5 °C versus 2.0 °C 44 . It is necessary to do more quantitative impacts assessments of global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C on crops yield and market price to address research gaps and support the requirement of the scienti/fic community and governments. In this paper, the future climate situations were selected and analyzed which are the approximate scenarios with global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C, based on the simulation results from 5 climate models recommended by ISI-MIP under 4 RCP scenarios. /T_hen the per unit yield changes of maize all over the world under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C were analyzed and the spatial distributions of changes in maize yield were revealed relative to the baseline from 1985 to 2006, applying crop model DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer). Next, we examine the e/ffects of the resulting maize production shocks in di/fferent countries; the market price of maize is simulated using GTAP to reveal the impacts of climate change on global crop trade. Finally, the future trend of maize yield and market price in the main breadbasket is assessed and the adaptation suggestions are put forward for maize cultivation.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion and conclusion\n/T_hirdly, there are relatively more researches on the prediction of climate change trend under the background of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C; but the research on the impact assessment of the main grain crops including global trade in worldwide is few. In the meantime, we do not assess the e/ffect of future changes on agriculture, such as increases in farm productivity due to new technology. /T_he maize planting area in the future is assumed to be the same as the current situation of maize cultivation in the world.\nConclusion. According to the simulation results, the yield of maize under global warming by 2.0 °C would decrease between 3.0 and 18.7% in the worldwide relative to 1986-2005; the maize yield would /fluctuate between - 6.8 and 7.2% under global warming by 1.5 °C. From the spatial distribution, the gross maize yield in the top 5 high-yield countries (including the United States, China, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico) would decrease by 2% under global warming by 1.5 °C and 11.4% under global warming by 2.0 °C. At the global level, the market price for maize would increase by 0.7% and 3.4% under 1.5 °C scenario and 2.0 °C scenario, respectively, which would vary quite largely among di/fferent countries and regions. So, it is urgent for all countries to pay enough attention to the loss risk of maize yield and take actions of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. /T_he time le/f_t for changing our minds and actions is becoming less and less.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The impact of ͷ.ͻ °C and ͸.Ͷ °C global warming on global maize production and trade\nFaced with climate change, agriculture is the most vulnerable sector, which will experience the largest negative impacts from climatic change and lead to more serious food security in the whole world 15-20 . Meanwhile, global production losses might lead to price shocks and trigger export restrictions 21-24 ; an increasingly interconnected global food system 25,26 and the projected fragility of the global food production system due to climatic change further exacerbate the threats to food security in the worldwide 27-29 . So, the impacts of climate changes on crop yields and prices have been of highly concerned. Numerous studies have revealed that the warming trend has negative impact on crop yields and global trade in most regions all over the world 30-32 . /T_here are three main methods for impacts assessment of climate change on crops, including environment-controlled experiments, statistical regression analysis and model simulations 17,33 . Environment-controlled experiments are designed to observe the in/fluence of climate factors on crops, such as drought, /flood, heat stress, cold damage, elevated CO 2 concentration, through which the impact mechanism of climate change on crops would be revealed and established 23,34,35 . Crop models and trade models are applied to simulate the response of crop yield and market price under climate change, based on process-based crop growth in daily time steps, either in selected /field sites or in selected regions 36-39 . /T_he statistical regression analysis usually explores the relationship between historical crop yields and meteorological records in di/fferent sites or counties to establish regression functions for crop responses predictions 40-43 . /T_hese researches have documented that crop yield and price would be threatened much more seriously by global warming, especially due to the increasing trend of frequency and intensity of climate extreme events in the future.\nͷ Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing ͷͶͶͶ;ͷ, China. ͸ International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Texcoco, Mexico. ͹ Peking University, Beijing, China. * email: hqlk͸ͶͶͶ@ͷͼ͹.com\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268\n| https://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nͷ\nglyph\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nIn response to production changes, the price of each commodity changes under both scenarios. At the global level, the market price for maize would increase by 0.7% and 3.4% under 1.5 °C scenario and 2.0 °C scenario, respectively, which would vary quite largely among di/fferent countries and regions under both climate change scenarios (Fig. 7). Particularly, the market price would increase by around 22% and 27% in Iran under 2.0 °C scenario and 1.5 °C scenario, respectively. Iran is also the region where the highest yield reduction is observed due to climate change. Market prices for maize in India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and the Rest of Africa would decrease signi/ficantly under both scenarios, as their yields improve due to climate e/ffects. Along with the domestic production, the climate change will also induce changes in international trade of maize, resulting in changing levels of self-su/fficiency ratios (SSR) for each country/region. By SSR, we mean the ratio of domestically produced commodity, to the sum of net imports and domestic production. In our scenario analysis, generally, the countries that face positive e/ffects on yields and/or are relatively less dependent on imports, are positively (less negatively) a/ffected by climate change. For example, maize SSR for Ukraine, India, Russia and Mexico would improve under both scenarios (Fig. 8). Whereas the self-su/fficiency ratios of maize for Southeast Asia, Bangladesh and Iran will worsen under both scenarios. China's SSR for maize stays almost similar to the level as the baseline.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nFigure 6. Yield loss rates on maize in 6 continents under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C.\nMarket price of maize in main countries. In this study, we elaborate on the endogenous response of our economic models. /T_his response can be theoretically elaborated as: due to the e/ffect of climate change on yield reduction (improvement), the supply curve moves le/f_tward (rightward), reducing (increasing) production and raising (lowering) prices. In response, the consumers decrease (increase) their consumption of more expensive (cheaper) crops and shi/f_ting to other (increase the use of the same) crops. Producers, at the same time, respond by changing farm-level management practices and increasing (decreasing) the amount of acreage under these crops. At a global scale, the reallocation of production and consumption through international trade further alters climate change impacts on global agriculture. /T_his also alters the self-su/fficiency ratios of each country/ region due to climate change.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nFigure 5. Yield loss rates on maize in top 20 countries under global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C.\nthat maize yield would decrease severely. For the whole world more mitigation and adaptation actions should be taken from now on. Food security would be a signi/ficant challenge in this century.\nYield change of maize in main countries. /T_here are huge di/fferences in impacts on maize yield under climate change, which would in/fluence the food crisis in di/fferent regions. /T_here are 159 countries in the whole world which plant maize. /T_he gross yield of maize the top 20 countries accounts for more than 90% of the total yield in the 159 countries. So, the changes in the top 20 countries under future scenarios would in/fluence the food security of the whole world (Fig. 5). From the results of simulated by CRESE-maize under global warming by 1.5 °C, there would be 75 countries facing with yield loss of maize; the mean yield loss rate would become 33.5%. /T_here would be 84 countries experiencing yield increases. Overall, the global maize yield would slightly increase. Under global warming by 2.0 °C, there would be 82 countries facing with yield loss of maize, for which the mean yield loss rate is approximate to that under global warming by 1.5 °C. /T_here would be 77 countries experiencing yield increase; however, the mean yield increase is apparently smaller than that under global warming by 1.5 °C. Generally, the global maize yield would decrease. /T_he results show that the adverse e/ffect of warming up 2.0 °C on global maize production is far greater than warming up 1.5 °C. It is important to take actions to develop forward-looking adaptation measures to cope with future climate change.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion and conclusion\nMeanwhile, the risk of price /fluctuations caused by global corn trade due to future climate change should be paid more attention to, especially for developing and undeveloped countries. In the view of supply and demand, the population would go up quickly in the next 30 years; the demand for maize would increase hugely; however, the supply of maize would go down in the future, especially under global warming by 2.0 °C; it would intensify the contradiction between supply and demand, which would threaten the food security and sustainable development in the whole world.\nIn this study, 5 climate models are selected, which are recommended by ISI-MIP (/T_he Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project); compared with other climate models, the /five models could more e/ffectively support impact assessment in di/fferent sectors and provide more reliable results. Based on the simulation results\nͷͷ\nVol.:(0123456789)\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/\nfrom 5 climate models under 4 RCP scenarios, the future climate situations were selected which are the approximate scenarios with global warming by 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C at the end of 21 century relative to pre-industrial levels; it could minimize the uncertainties of future climate data. /T_he inputs for DSSAT simulation include soil parameters, crop calendar data and management information are coped with carefully to improve the e/ffectiveness and reliability of maize yield simulation.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results\nAccording to statistics in 2018, the gross maize yield in the top 5 countries is almost 80% of the total maize yield of the whole world. /T_he United States accounts for more than 32%; China accounts for about 24%; Brazil, Argentina and Mexico account for about 23%. /T_he /fluctuation of maize production in these /five top countries will have a signi/ficant impact on the global maize trade. Based on the simulation results, comparing to 1986-2005, the maize yield in China, Brazil and Argentina would decrease under global warming by 1.5 °C; the yield loss rate would reach more than 20% in Brazil; Argentina would decrease by 14.7%; China would decrease by 3.7%. However, there would be increasing trends in the United States and Mexico; the change in the United States would not be signi/ficant and the maize yield would increase by 0.5%; the yield increasing rate would exceed 50% in Mexico. Overall, the gross maize yield in the top 5 countries would decrease by 2% under global warming\nScientific Reports | (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷͶ.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\n;\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/\nFigure 5. (continued)\nby 1.5 °C. According to the simulation results, comparing to 1986-2005, the maize yield in the United States, China and Brazil would decrease under global warming by 2.0 °C; the yield loss rate would reach more than 24% in Brazil; the United States would decrease by 13.3%; China would decrease by 11.5%. However, there would be increasing trends in Argentina and Mexico; the maize yield would increase by 16.8% in Argentina; the yield increasing rate would exceed 40% in Mexico. Overall, the gross maize yield in the top 5 countries would decrease by 11.4% under global warming by 2.0 °C. By comparing the maize production in di/fferent countries, it can be found that the reduction trend of total maize production in the top /five countries is more obvious, especially under the scenario of global warming by 2.0 °C, the global food trade and food security may face greater risks.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf", - "query": "What is a formal fallacy ?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "For formal fallacies, the source of the error is found in the form of the argument", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Fallacies\nNot all arguments live up to the standards of correct reasoning. When they do not, they are usually referred to as fallacies. Their central aspect is not that their conclusion is false but that there is some flaw with the reasoning leading to this conclusion. [84] So the argument \"it is sunny today; therefore spiders have eight legs\" is fallacious even though the conclusion is true. Some theorists, like John Stuart Mill, give a more restrictive definition of fallacies by additionally requiring that they appear to be correct. [85] This way, genuine fallacies can be distinguished from mere mistakes of reasoning due to carelessness. This explains why people tend to commit fallacies: because they have an alluring element that seduces people into committing and accepting them. [86] However, this reference to appearances is controversial because it belongs to the field of psychology, not logic, and because appearances may be different for different people. [87]\nFallacies are usually divided into formal and informal fallacies. [38] For formal fallacies, the source of the error is found in the form of the argument. For example, denying the antecedent is one type of formal fallacy, as in \"if Othello is a bachelor, then he is male; Othello is not a bachelor; therefore Othello is not male\". [88] But most fallacies fall into the category of informal fallacies, of which a great variety is discussed in the academic literature. The source of their error is usually found in the content or the context of the argument. [89] Informal fallacies are sometimes categorized as fallacies of ambiguity, fallacies of presumption, or fallacies of relevance. For fallacies of ambiguity, the ambiguity and vagueness of natural language are\nYoung America's dilemma: Shall I be wise and great, or rich and powerful? (poster from 1901) This is an example of a false dilemma: an informal fallacy using a disjunctive premise that excludes viable alternatives.\nresponsible for their flaw, as in \"feathers are light; what is light cannot be dark; therefore feathers cannot be dark\". [90] Fallacies of presumption have a wrong or unjustified premise but may be valid otherwise. [91] In the case of fallacies of relevance, the premises do not support the conclusion because they are not relevant to it. [92]", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Informal logic\nA further approach is to define informal logic as the study of informal fallacies. [37] Informal fallacies are incorrect arguments in which errors are present in the content and the context of the argument. [38] A false dilemma, for example, involves an error of content by excluding viable options. This is the case in the fallacy \"you are either with us or against us; you are not with us; therefore, you are against us\". [39] Some theorists state that formal logic studies the general form of arguments while informal logic studies particular instances of arguments. Another approach is to hold that formal logic only considers the role of\nlogical constants for correct inferences while informal logic also takes the meaning of substantive concepts into account. Further approaches focus on the discussion of logical topics with or without formal devices and on the role of epistemology for the assessment of arguments. [40]", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Formal logic\nFormal logic is also known as symbolic logic and is widely used in mathematical logic. It uses a formal approach to study reasoning: it replaces concrete expressions with abstract symbols to examine the logical form of arguments independent of their concrete content. In this sense, it is topic-neutral since it is only concerned with the abstract structure of arguments and not with their concrete content. [10]\nFormal logic is interested in deductively valid arguments, for which the truth of their premises ensures the truth of their conclusion. This means that it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false. [11] For valid arguments, the logical structure of the premises and the conclusion follows a pattern called a rule of inference. [12] For example, modus ponens is a rule of inference according to which all arguments of the form \"(1) p , (2) if p then q , (3) therefore q \" are valid, independent of what the terms p and q stand for. [13] In this sense, formal logic can be defined as the science of valid inferences. An alternative definition sees logic as the study of logical truths. [14] A proposition is logically true if its truth depends only on the logical vocabulary used in it. This means that it is true in all possible worlds and under all interpretations of its non-logical terms, like the claim \"either it is raining, or it is not\". [15] These two definitions of formal logic are not identical, but they are closely related. For example, if the inference from p to q is deductively valid then the claim \"if p then q \" is a logical truth. [16]\nFormal logic uses formal languages to express and analyze arguments. [17] They normally have a very limited vocabulary and exact syntactic rules. These rules specify how their symbols can be combined to construct sentences, so-called well-formed formulas. [18] This simplicity and exactness of formal logic make it capable of formulating precise rules of inference. They determine whether a given argument is valid. [19] Because of the reliance on formal language, natural language arguments cannot be studied directly. Instead, they need to be translated into formal language before their validity can be assessed. [20]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Logic\nLogic is the study of correct reasoning. It includes both formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the study of deductively valid inferences or logical truths. It examines how conclusions follow from premises based on the structure of arguments alone, independent of their topic and content. Informal logic is associated with informal fallacies, critical thinking, and argumentation theory. Informal logic examines arguments expressed in natural language whereas formal logic uses formal language. When used as a countable noun, the term \"a logic\" refers to a specific logical formal system that articulates a proof system. Logic plays a central role in many fields, such as philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and linguistics.\nLogic studies valid forms of inference like modus ponens .\nLogic studies arguments, which consist of a set of premises that leads to a conclusion. An example is the argument from the premises \"it's Sunday\" and \"if it's Sunday then I don't have to work\" leading to the conclusion \"I don't have to work\". [1] Premises and conclusions express propositions or claims that can be true or false. An important feature of propositions is their internal structure. For example, complex propositions are made up of simpler propositions linked by logical vocabulary like (and) or (if...then). Simple propositions also have parts, like \"Sunday\" or \"work\" in the example. The truth of a proposition usually depends on the meanings of all of its parts. However, this is not the case for logically true propositions. They are true only because of their logical structure independent of the specific meanings of the individual parts.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Informal logic\nFormal logic needs to translate natural language arguments into a formal language, like first-order logic, to assess whether they are valid. In this example, the letter \"c\" represents Carmen while the letters \"M\" and \"T\" stand for \"Mexican\" and \"teacher\". The symbol \" ∧ \" has the meaning of \"and\".\nWhen understood in a wide sense, logic encompasses both formal and informal logic. [24] Informal logic uses non-formal criteria and standards to analyze and assess the correctness of arguments. Its main focus is on everyday discourse. [25] Its development was prompted by difficulties in applying the insights of formal logic to natural language arguments. [26] In this regard, it considers problems that formal logic on its own is unable to address. [27] Both provide criteria for assessing the correctness of arguments and distinguishing them from fallacies. [28]\nMany characterizations of informal logic have been suggested but there is no general agreement on its precise definition. [29] The most literal approach sees the terms \"formal\" and \"informal\" as applying to the language used to express arguments. On this view, informal logic studies arguments that are in informal or natural language. [30] Formal logic can only examine them indirectly by translating them first into a formal language while informal logic investigates them in their original form. [31] On this view, the argument \"Birds fly. Tweety is a bird. Therefore, Tweety flies.\" belongs to natural language and is examined by informal logic. But the formal translation \"(1) ; (2) ; (3) \" is studied by formal logic. [32] The study of natural language arguments comes with various difficulties. For example, natural language expressions are often ambiguous, vague, and context-dependent. [33] Another approach defines informal logic in a wide sense as the normative study of the standards, criteria, and procedures of argumentation. In this sense, it includes questions about the role of rationality, critical thinking, and the psychology of argumentation. [34]\nAnother characterization identifies informal logic with the study of non-deductive arguments. In this way, it contrasts with deductive reasoning examined by formal logic. [35] Non-deductive arguments make their conclusion probable but do not ensure that it is true. An example is the inductive argument from the empirical observation that \"all ravens I have seen so far are black\" to the conclusion \"all ravens are black\". [36]", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Formal logic\nThe term \"logic\" can also be used in a slightly different sense as a countable noun. In this sense, a logic is a logical formal system. Distinct logics differ from each other concerning the rules of inference they accept as valid and the formal languages used to express them. [21] Starting in the late 19th century, many\nnew formal systems have been proposed. There are disagreements about what makes a formal system a logic. [22] For example, it has been suggested that only logically complete systems, like first-order logic, qualify as logics. For such reasons, some theorists deny that higher-order logics are logics in the strict sense. [23]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Informal\nThe epistemic approach to informal logic, on the other hand, focuses on the epistemic role of arguments. [148] It is based on the idea that arguments aim to increase our knowledge. They achieve this by linking justified beliefs to beliefs that are not yet justified. [149] Correct arguments succeed at expanding knowledge while fallacies are epistemic failures: they do not justify the belief in their conclusion. [150] For example, the fallacy of begging the question is a fallacy because it fails to provide independent justification for its conclusion, even though it is deductively valid. [151] In this sense, logical normativity consists in epistemic success or rationality. [149] The Bayesian approach is one example of an epistemic approach. [152] Central to Bayesianism is not just whether the agent believes something but the degree to which they believe it, the so-called credence . Degrees of belief are seen as subjective probabilities in the believed proposition, i.e. how certain the agent is that the proposition is true. [153] On this view, reasoning can be interpreted as a process of changing one's credences, often in reaction to new\nincoming information. [154] Correct reasoning and the arguments it is based on follow the laws of probability, for example, the principle of conditionalization. Bad or irrational reasoning, on the other hand, violates these laws. [155]", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Informal\nInformal logic is usually carried out in a less systematic way. It often focuses on more specific issues, like investigating a particular type of fallacy or studying a certain aspect of argumentation. Nonetheless, some frameworks of informal logic have also been presented that try to provide a systematic characterization of the correctness of arguments. [141]\nThe pragmatic or dialogical approach to informal logic sees arguments as speech acts and not merely as a set of premises together with a conclusion. [142] As speech acts, they occur in a certain context, like a dialogue, which affects the standards of right and wrong arguments. [143] A prominent version by Douglas N. Walton understands a dialogue as a game between two players. The initial position of each player is characterized by the propositions to which they are committed and the conclusion they intend to prove. Dialogues are games of persuasion: each player has the goal of convincing the opponent of their own conclusion. [144] This is achieved by making arguments: arguments are the moves of the game. [145] They affect to which propositions the players are committed. A winning move is a successful argument that takes the opponent's commitments as premises and shows how one's own conclusion follows from them. This is usually not possible straight away. For this reason, it is normally necessary to formulate a sequence of arguments as intermediary steps, each of which brings the opponent a little closer to one's intended conclusion. Besides these positive arguments leading one closer to victory, there are also negative arguments preventing the opponent's victory by denying their conclusion. [144] Whether an argument is correct depends on whether it promotes the progress of the dialogue. Fallacies, on the other hand, are violations of the standards of proper argumentative rules. [146] These standards also depend on the type of dialogue. For example, the standards governing the scientific discourse differ from the standards in business negotiations. [147]", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Prove:\nEstablish the truth/acuracy of something by giving factual evidence or logical reasons.", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Definition\nThe word \"logic\" originates from the Greek word logos , which has a variety of translations, such as reason, discourse, or language. [4] Logic is traditionally defined as the study of the laws of thought or correct reasoning, [5] and is usually understood in terms of inferences or arguments. Reasoning is the activity of drawing inferences. Arguments are the outward expression of inferences. [6] An argument is a set of premises together with a conclusion. Logic is interested in whether arguments are correct, i.e. whether their premises support the conclusion. [7] These general characterizations apply to logic in the widest sense, i.e., to both formal and informal logic since they are both concerned with assessing the correctness of arguments. [8] Formal logic is the traditionally dominant field, and some logicians restrict logic to formal logic. [9]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf", - "query": "In early Chinese philosophy, what were the major influences regarding the philosophy of logic ?", - "target_page": 18, - "target_passage": "In Chinese philosophy, the School of Names and Mohism were particularly influential", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "History\nDuring the Middle Ages, many translations and interpretations of Aristotelian logic were made. The works of Boethius were particularly influential. Besides translating Aristotle's work into Latin, he also produced textbooks on logic. [195] Later, the works of Islamic philosophers such as Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd (Averroes) were drawn on. This expanded the range of ancient works available to medieval Christian scholars since more Greek work was available to Muslim scholars that had been preserved in Latin commentaries. In 1323, William of Ockham's influential Summa Logicae was released. It is a comprehensive treatise on logic that discusses many basic concepts of logic and provides a systematic exposition of types of propositions and their truth conditions. [196]\nIn Chinese philosophy, the School of Names and Mohism were particularly influential. The School of Names focused on the use of language and on paradoxes. For example, Gongsun Long proposed the white horse paradox, which defends the thesis that a white horse is not a horse. The school of Mohism also acknowledged the importance of language for logic and tried to relate the ideas in these fields to the realm of ethics. [197]\nIn India, the study of logic was primarily pursued by the schools of Nyaya, Buddhism, and Jainism. It was not treated as a separate academic discipline and discussions of its topics usually happened in the context of epistemology and theories of dialogue or argumentation. [198] In Nyaya, inference is understood as a source of knowledge (pramā ṇ a). It follows the perception of an object and tries to arrive at conclusions, for example, about the cause of this object. [199] A similar emphasis on the relation to epistemology is also found in Buddhist and Jainist schools of logic, where inference is used to expand the knowledge gained through other sources. [200] Some of the later theories of Nyaya, belonging to the Navya-Nyāya school, resemble modern forms of logic, such as Gottlob Frege's distinction between sense and reference and his definition of number. [201]", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bibliography\nRošker, Jana S. (May 2015). \"Classical Chinese Logic: Philosophy Compass\". Philosophy Compass . 10 (5): 301-309. doi:10.1111/phc3.12226 (https://doi.org/10.1111%2Fphc3.1222 6).\nRunco, Mark A.; Pritzker, Steven R. (1999). Encyclopedia of Creativity . Academic Press. p. 155. ISBN 978-0-12-227075-8.\nRush, Penelope (2014). \"Introduction\". The Metaphysics of Logic (https://philpapers.org/rec/ RUSTMO-4). Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-107-03964-3. Archived (htt ps://web.archive.org/web/20211207184954/https://philpapers.org/rec/RUSTMO-4) from the original on 7 December 2021. Retrieved 8 January 2022.\nSadegh-Zadeh, Kazem (2015). Handbook of Analytic Philosophy of Medicine . Springer. p. 983. ISBN 978-94-017-9579-1.\nSagüillo, José M. (2014). \"Hintikka on Information and Deduction\". Teorema: Revista Internacional de Filosofía . 33 (2): 75-88. ISSN 0210-1602 (https://search.worldcat.org/issn/ 0210-1602). JSTOR 43047609 (https://www.jstor.org/stable/43047609).\nSarukkai, Sundar; Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar (2022). Handbook of Logical Thought in India . Springer Nature. pp. 117-8. ISBN 978-81-322-2577-5.\nSchagrin, Morton L. \"Metalogic\" (https://www.britannica.com/topic/metalogic). Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 23 September 2022.\nSchechter, Joshua. \"Epistemology of Logic - Bibliography\" (https://philpapers.org/browse/ep istemology-of-logic). PhilPapers . Retrieved 11 September 2022.", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Philosophy of logic and philosophical logic\nPhilosophy of logic is the philosophical discipline studying the scope and nature of logic. [59] It examines many presuppositions implicit in logic, like how to define its basic concepts or the metaphysical assumptions associated with them. [158] It is also concerned with how to classify logical systems and considers the ontological commitments they incur. [159] Philosophical logic is one of the areas within the philosophy of logic. It studies the application of logical methods to philosophical problems in fields like metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology. [160] This application usually happens in the form of extended or deviant logical systems. [161]", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "History\nLogic was developed independently in several cultures during antiquity. One major early contributor was Aristotle, who developed term logic in his Organon and Prior Analytics . [183] He was responsible for the introduction of the hypothetical syllogism [184] and temporal modal logic. [185] Further innovations include inductive logic [186] as well as the discussion of new logical concepts such as terms, predicables, syllogisms, and propositions. Aristotelian logic was highly regarded in classical and medieval times, both in Europe and the Middle East. It remained in wide use in the West until the early 19th century. [187] It has now been superseded by later work, though many of its key insights are still present in modern systems of logic. [188]\nIbn Sina (Avicenna) was the founder of Avicennian logic, which replaced Aristotelian logic as the dominant system of logic in the Islamic world. [189] It influenced Western medieval writers such as Albertus Magnus and William of Ockham. [190] Ibn Sina wrote on the hypothetical syllogism [191] and on the propositional calculus. [192] He developed an original \"temporally modalized\" syllogistic theory, involving temporal logic and modal logic. [193] He also made use of inductive logic, such as his methods of agreement, difference, and concomitant variation, which are critical to the scientific method. [191] Fakhr al-Din al-Razi was another influential Muslim logician. He criticized Aristotelian syllogistics and formulated an early system of inductive logic, foreshadowing the system of inductive logic developed by John Stuart Mill. [194]", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bibliography\nHartmann, Stephan; Sprenger, Jan (2010). \"Bayesian Epistemology\". The Routledge Companion to Epistemology (https://philpapers.org/rec/BOVSIO). London: Routledge. pp. 609-620. ISBN 978-0-415-96219-3. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/2021051609 5047/https://philpapers.org/rec/BOVSIO) from the original on 16 May 2021. Retrieved 4 January 2022.\nHasse, Dag Nikolaus (2008). \"Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on the Latin West\" (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/arabic-islamic-influence/). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 19 July 2023.\nHawthorne, James (2021). \"Inductive Logic\" (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-inductiv e/). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20220121081805/https://plato.stanford.ed u/entries/logic-inductive/) from the original on 21 January 2022. Retrieved 6 January 2022.\nHintikka, Jaakko J. (2019). \"Philosophy of logic\" (https://www.britannica.com/topic/philosoph y-of-logic). Encyclopædia Britannica . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/2015042810173 2/http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/346240/philosophy-of-logic) from the original on 28 April 2015. Retrieved 21 November 2021.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "History\nThe syllogistic logic developed by Aristotle predominated in the West until the mid-19th century, when interest in the foundations of mathematics stimulated the development of modern symbolic logic. [202] Many see Gottlob Frege's Begriffsschrift as the birthplace of modern logic. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's idea of a universal formal language is often considered a forerunner. Other pioneers were George Boole, who invented Boolean algebra as a mathematical system of logic, and Charles Peirce, who developed the logic of relatives. Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, in turn, condensed many of these insights in their work Principia Mathematica . Modern logic introduced novel concepts, such as functions, quantifiers, and relational predicates. A hallmark of modern symbolic logic is its use of formal language to precisely codify its insights. In this regard, it departs from earlier logicians, who relied mainly on natural language. [203] Of particular influence was the development of first-order logic, which is usually treated as the standard system of modern logic. [204] Its analytical generality allowed the formalization of mathematics and drove the investigation of set theory. It also made Alfred Tarski's approach to model theory possible and provided the foundation of modern mathematical logic. [205]", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bibliography\nWilbanks, Jan J. (1 March 2010). \"Defining Deduction, Induction, and Validity\" (https://link.sp ringer.com/article/10.1007/s10503-009-9131-5). Argumentation . 24 (1): 107-124. doi:10.1007/s10503-009-9131-5 (https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs10503-009-9131-5). ISSN 1572-8374 (https://search.worldcat.org/issn/1572-8374). S2CID 144481717 (https://ap i.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:144481717). Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/202201 08171721/https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10503-009-9131-5) from the original on 8 January 2022. Retrieved 8 January 2022.\nWilce, Alexander (2021). \"Quantum Logic and Probability Theory: 2.1 Realist Quantum Logic\" (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-quantlog/#RealQuanLogi). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 11 March 2023.\nWile, Bruce; Goss, John; Roesner, Wolfgang (2005). Comprehensive Functional Verification: The Complete Industry Cycle . Elsevier. p. 447. ISBN 978-0-08-047664-3.\nWillman, Marshall D. (2022). \"Logic and Language in Early Chinese Philosophy\" (https://plat o.stanford.edu/entries/chinese-logic-language/). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Introduction. Retrieved 11 March 2023.", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Classical\nClassical logic is distinct from traditional or Aristotelian logic. It encompasses propositional logic and first-order logic. It is \"classical\" in the sense that it is based on basic logical intuitions shared by most logicians. [117] These intuitions include the law of excluded middle, the double negation elimination, the principle of explosion, and the bivalence of truth. [118] It was originally developed to analyze mathematical arguments and was only later applied to other fields as well. Because of this focus on\nmathematics, it does not include logical vocabulary relevant to many other topics of philosophical importance. Examples of concepts it overlooks are the contrast between necessity and possibility and the problem of ethical obligation and permission. Similarly, it does not address the relations between past, present, and future. [119] Such issues are addressed by extended logics. They build on the basic intuitions of classical logic and expand it by introducing new logical vocabulary. This way, the exact logical approach is applied to fields like ethics or epistemology that lie beyond the scope of mathematics. [120]", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Definition\nThe word \"logic\" originates from the Greek word logos , which has a variety of translations, such as reason, discourse, or language. [4] Logic is traditionally defined as the study of the laws of thought or correct reasoning, [5] and is usually understood in terms of inferences or arguments. Reasoning is the activity of drawing inferences. Arguments are the outward expression of inferences. [6] An argument is a set of premises together with a conclusion. Logic is interested in whether arguments are correct, i.e. whether their premises support the conclusion. [7] These general characterizations apply to logic in the widest sense, i.e., to both formal and informal logic since they are both concerned with assessing the correctness of arguments. [8] Formal logic is the traditionally dominant field, and some logicians restrict logic to formal logic. [9]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Citations\n172. Daintith & Wright 2008, Logic Gate (https://www.encyclopedia.com/computing/dictionaries-th esauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/logic-gate).\n173. Janssen & Zimmermann 2021, pp. 3-4; Partee 2016; King 2009, pp. 557-8; Aloni & Dekker 2016, pp. 22-23 (https://books.google.com/books?id=ltSgDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT22).\n174. Warren 2020, 6. The Epistemology of Logic; Schechter.\n175. Warren 2020, 6. The Epistemology of Logic.\n176. Schechter.\n177. Gómez-Torrente 2019.\n178. Warren 2020, 6. The Epistemology of Logic; Gómez-Torrente 2019; Warren 2020, 1. What is Conventionalism.\n179. Chua 2017, pp. 631-636; Wilce 2021; Putnam 1969, pp. 216-241.\n180. Lagerlund 2018.\n181. Spade & Panaccio 2019.\n182. Haaparanta 2009, pp. 4-6 (https://books.google.com/books?id=0jXavKsArnIC&pg=PA4), 1. Introduction; Hintikka & Spade, Modern logic, Logic since 1900.\n183. Kline 1972, \"A major achievement of Aristotle was the founding of the science of logic\", p. 53; Łukasiewicz 1957, p. 7; Liu & Guo 2023, p. 15.\n184. Lear 1980, p. 34.\n185. Knuuttila 1980, p. 71; Fisher, Gabbay & Vila 2005, p. 119.\n186. Berman 2009, p. 133.\n187. Frede; Groarke.\n188. Ewald 2019; Smith 2022.\n189. Hasse 2008; Lagerlund 2018.\n190. Washell 1973, pp. 445-50; Kneale & Kneale 1962, pp. 229, 266.\n191. Goodman 2003, p. 155.\n192. Goodman 1992, p. 188.\n193. Hintikka & Spade, Arabic Logic (https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-logic/Medieval-lo gic#ref65928).", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf", - "query": "What is considered a deductively valid argument regarding logic ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "A deductively valid argument is one whose premises guarantee the truth of its conclusion", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Deductive\nA deductively valid argument is one whose premises guarantee the truth of its conclusion. [11] For instance, the argument \"(1) all frogs are amphibians; (2) no cats are amphibians; (3) therefore no cats are frogs\" is deductively valid. For deductive validity, it does not matter whether the premises or the conclusion are actually true. So the argument \"(1) all frogs are mammals; (2) no cats are mammals; (3) therefore no cats are frogs\" is also valid because the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises. [65]\nAccording to an influential view by Alfred Tarski, deductive arguments have three essential features: (1) they are formal, i.e. they depend only on the form of the premises and the conclusion; (2) they are a priori, i.e. no sense experience is needed to determine whether they obtain; (3) they are modal, i.e. that they hold by logical necessity for the given propositions, independent of any other circumstances. [66]\nBecause of the first feature, the focus on formality, deductive inference is usually identified with rules of inference. [67] Rules of inference specify the form of the premises and the conclusion: how they have to be structured for the inference to be valid. Arguments that do not follow any rule of inference are deductively invalid. [68] The modus ponens is a prominent rule of inference. It has the form \" p ; if p , then q ; therefore q \". [69] Knowing that it has just rained ( ) and that after rain the streets are wet ( ), one can use modus ponens to deduce that the streets are wet ( ). [70]\nThe third feature can be expressed by stating that deductively valid inferences are truth-preserving: it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false. [71] Because of this feature, it is often asserted that deductive inferences are uninformative since the conclusion cannot arrive at new information not already present in the premises. [72] But this point is not always accepted since it would mean, for example, that most of mathematics is uninformative. A different characterization distinguishes", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Logic\nArguments can be either correct or incorrect. An argument is correct if its premises support its conclusion. Deductive arguments have the strongest form of support: if their premises are true then their conclusion must also be true. This is not the case for ampliative arguments, which arrive at genuinely new information not found in the premises. Many arguments in everyday discourse and the sciences are ampliative arguments. They are divided into inductive and abductive arguments. Inductive arguments are statistical generalization-such as inferring that all ravens are black, based on many individual observations of black ravens. [2] Abductive arguments are inferences to the best explanation-for example, when a doctor concludes that a patient has a certain disease, as the best explanation for the symptoms that they are observed to suffer. [3] Arguments that fall short of the standards of correct reasoning often embody fallacies. Systems of logic are theoretical frameworks for assessing the correctness of arguments.\nLogic has been studied since antiquity. Early approaches include Aristotelian logic, Stoic logic, Nyaya, and Mohism. Aristotelian logic focuses on reasoning in the form of syllogisms. It was considered the main system of logic in the Western world until it was replaced by modern formal logic, which has its roots in the work of late 19th-century mathematicians such as Gottlob Frege. Today, the most commonly used system is classical logic. It consists of propositional logic and first-order logic. Propositional logic only considers logical relations between full propositions. First-order logic also takes the internal parts of\npropositions into account, like predicates and quantifiers. Extended logics accept the basic intuitions behind classical logic and apply it to other fields, such as metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology. Deviant logics, on the other hand, reject certain classical intuitions and provide alternative explanations of the basic laws of logic.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Arguments and inferences\nLogic is commonly defined in terms of arguments or inferences as the study of their correctness. [59] An argument is a set of premises together with a conclusion. [60] An inference is the process of reasoning from these premises to the conclusion. [43] But these terms are often used interchangeably in logic. Arguments are correct or incorrect depending on whether their premises support their conclusion. Premises and conclusions, on the other hand, are true or false depending on whether they are in accord with reality. In formal logic, a sound argument is an argument that is both correct and has only true premises. [61] Sometimes a distinction is made between simple and complex arguments. A complex\nargument is made up of a chain of simple arguments. This means that the conclusion of one argument acts as a premise of later arguments. For a complex argument to be successful, each link of the chain has to be successful. [43]\nArguments and inferences are either correct or incorrect. If they are correct then their premises support their conclusion. In the incorrect case, this support is missing. It can take different forms corresponding to the different types of reasoning. [62] The strongest form of support corresponds to deductive reasoning. But even arguments that are not deductively valid may still be good arguments because their premises offer nondeductive support to their conclusions. For such cases, the term ampliative or inductive reasoning is used. [63] Deductive arguments are associated with formal logic in contrast to the\nArgument terminology used in logic\nrelation between ampliative arguments and informal logic. [64]", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Notes\na. However, there are some forms of logic, like imperative logic, where this may not be the case. [42]\nb. Conductive arguments present reasons in favor of a conclusion without claiming that the reasons are strong enough to decisively support the conclusion.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Formal logic\nFormal logic is also known as symbolic logic and is widely used in mathematical logic. It uses a formal approach to study reasoning: it replaces concrete expressions with abstract symbols to examine the logical form of arguments independent of their concrete content. In this sense, it is topic-neutral since it is only concerned with the abstract structure of arguments and not with their concrete content. [10]\nFormal logic is interested in deductively valid arguments, for which the truth of their premises ensures the truth of their conclusion. This means that it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false. [11] For valid arguments, the logical structure of the premises and the conclusion follows a pattern called a rule of inference. [12] For example, modus ponens is a rule of inference according to which all arguments of the form \"(1) p , (2) if p then q , (3) therefore q \" are valid, independent of what the terms p and q stand for. [13] In this sense, formal logic can be defined as the science of valid inferences. An alternative definition sees logic as the study of logical truths. [14] A proposition is logically true if its truth depends only on the logical vocabulary used in it. This means that it is true in all possible worlds and under all interpretations of its non-logical terms, like the claim \"either it is raining, or it is not\". [15] These two definitions of formal logic are not identical, but they are closely related. For example, if the inference from p to q is deductively valid then the claim \"if p then q \" is a logical truth. [16]\nFormal logic uses formal languages to express and analyze arguments. [17] They normally have a very limited vocabulary and exact syntactic rules. These rules specify how their symbols can be combined to construct sentences, so-called well-formed formulas. [18] This simplicity and exactness of formal logic make it capable of formulating precise rules of inference. They determine whether a given argument is valid. [19] Because of the reliance on formal language, natural language arguments cannot be studied directly. Instead, they need to be translated into formal language before their validity can be assessed. [20]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bibliography\nPossin, Kevin (2016). \"Conductive Arguments: Why is This Still a Thing?\" (https://philpapers. org/rec/POSCAW-4). Informal Logic . 36 (4): 563-593. doi:10.22329/il.v36i4.4527 (https://do i.org/10.22329%2Fil.v36i4.4527). Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20220108171723/ht tps://philpapers.org/rec/POSCAW-4) from the original on 8 January 2022. Retrieved 8 January 2022.\nPriest, Graham; Tanaka, Koji; Weber, Zach (2018). \"Paraconsistent Logic\" (https://plato.stan ford.edu/entries/logic-paraconsistent/). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 14 December 2021.\nPépin, Jean (2004). \"Logos\". Encyclopedia of Religion (https://www.encyclopedia.com/philo sophy-and-religion/philosophy/philosophy-terms-and-concepts/logos). ISBN 978-0-02865733-2. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20211229134626/https://www.encyclopedi a.com/philosophy-and-religion/philosophy/philosophy-terms-and-concepts/logos) from the original on 29 December 2021. Retrieved 29 December 2021.\nPutnam, H. (1969). \"Is Logic Empirical?\". Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science . Vol. 5. pp. 216-241. doi:10.1007/978-94-010-3381-7_5 (https://doi.org/10.1007%2F978-94010-3381-7_5). ISBN 978-94-010-3383-1.\nQuine, Willard Van Orman (1981). Mathematical Logic . Harvard University Press. p. 1. ISBN 978-0-674-55451-1.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Logic\nLogic is the study of correct reasoning. It includes both formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the study of deductively valid inferences or logical truths. It examines how conclusions follow from premises based on the structure of arguments alone, independent of their topic and content. Informal logic is associated with informal fallacies, critical thinking, and argumentation theory. Informal logic examines arguments expressed in natural language whereas formal logic uses formal language. When used as a countable noun, the term \"a logic\" refers to a specific logical formal system that articulates a proof system. Logic plays a central role in many fields, such as philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and linguistics.\nLogic studies valid forms of inference like modus ponens .\nLogic studies arguments, which consist of a set of premises that leads to a conclusion. An example is the argument from the premises \"it's Sunday\" and \"if it's Sunday then I don't have to work\" leading to the conclusion \"I don't have to work\". [1] Premises and conclusions express propositions or claims that can be true or false. An important feature of propositions is their internal structure. For example, complex propositions are made up of simpler propositions linked by logical vocabulary like (and) or (if...then). Simple propositions also have parts, like \"Sunday\" or \"work\" in the example. The truth of a proposition usually depends on the meanings of all of its parts. However, this is not the case for logically true propositions. They are true only because of their logical structure independent of the specific meanings of the individual parts.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bibliography\nWilbanks, Jan J. (1 March 2010). \"Defining Deduction, Induction, and Validity\" (https://link.sp ringer.com/article/10.1007/s10503-009-9131-5). Argumentation . 24 (1): 107-124. doi:10.1007/s10503-009-9131-5 (https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs10503-009-9131-5). ISSN 1572-8374 (https://search.worldcat.org/issn/1572-8374). S2CID 144481717 (https://ap i.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:144481717). Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/202201 08171721/https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10503-009-9131-5) from the original on 8 January 2022. Retrieved 8 January 2022.\nWilce, Alexander (2021). \"Quantum Logic and Probability Theory: 2.1 Realist Quantum Logic\" (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-quantlog/#RealQuanLogi). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 11 March 2023.\nWile, Bruce; Goss, John; Roesner, Wolfgang (2005). Comprehensive Functional Verification: The Complete Industry Cycle . Elsevier. p. 447. ISBN 978-0-08-047664-3.\nWillman, Marshall D. (2022). \"Logic and Language in Early Chinese Philosophy\" (https://plat o.stanford.edu/entries/chinese-logic-language/). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Introduction. Retrieved 11 March 2023.", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Citations\n20. Hintikka & Sandu 2006, pp. 22-3; Magnus 2005, pp. 8-9, 1.4 Deductive validity; Johnson 1999, p. 267.\n21. Haack 1978, pp. 1-2, 4, Philosophy of logics; Hintikka & Sandu 2006, pp. 16-17; Jacquette 2006, Introduction: Philosophy of logic today, pp. 1-12.\n22. Haack 1978, pp. 1-2, 4, Philosophy of logics; Jacquette 2006, pp. 1-12, Introduction: Philosophy of logic today.\n23. Haack 1978, pp. 5-7, 9, Philosophy of logics; Hintikka & Sandu 2006, pp. 31-2; Haack 1996, pp. 229-30.\n24. Haack 1978, pp. 1-10, Philosophy of logics; Groarke 2021, lead section; 1.1 Formal and Informal Logic.\n25. Johnson 2014, pp. 228-9.\n26. Groarke 2021, lead section; 1. History; Audi 1999a, Informal logic; Johnson 1999, pp. 265274.\n27. Craig 1996, Formal and informal logic; Johnson 1999, p. 267.\n28. Blair & Johnson 2000, pp. 93-97; Craig 1996, Formal and informal logic.\n29. Johnson 1999, pp. 265-270; van Eemeren et al., pp. 1-45, Informal Logic.\n30. Groarke 2021, 1.1 Formal and Informal Logic; Audi 1999a, Informal logic; Honderich 2005, logic, informal.\n31. Blair & Johnson 2000, pp. 93-107; Groarke 2021, lead section; 1.1 Formal and Informal Logic; van Eemeren et al., p. 169.\n32. Oaksford & Chater 2007, p. 47.\n33. Craig 1996, Formal and informal logic; Walton 1987, pp. 2-3, 6-8, 1. A new model of argument; Engel 1982, pp. 59-92, 2. The medium of language.\n34. Blair & Johnson 1987, pp. 147-51.\n35. Falikowski & Mills 2022, p. 98; Weddle 2011, pp. 383-8, 36. Informal logic and the eductiveinductive distinction; Blair 2011, p. 47.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Informal logic\nFormal logic needs to translate natural language arguments into a formal language, like first-order logic, to assess whether they are valid. In this example, the letter \"c\" represents Carmen while the letters \"M\" and \"T\" stand for \"Mexican\" and \"teacher\". The symbol \" ∧ \" has the meaning of \"and\".\nWhen understood in a wide sense, logic encompasses both formal and informal logic. [24] Informal logic uses non-formal criteria and standards to analyze and assess the correctness of arguments. Its main focus is on everyday discourse. [25] Its development was prompted by difficulties in applying the insights of formal logic to natural language arguments. [26] In this regard, it considers problems that formal logic on its own is unable to address. [27] Both provide criteria for assessing the correctness of arguments and distinguishing them from fallacies. [28]\nMany characterizations of informal logic have been suggested but there is no general agreement on its precise definition. [29] The most literal approach sees the terms \"formal\" and \"informal\" as applying to the language used to express arguments. On this view, informal logic studies arguments that are in informal or natural language. [30] Formal logic can only examine them indirectly by translating them first into a formal language while informal logic investigates them in their original form. [31] On this view, the argument \"Birds fly. Tweety is a bird. Therefore, Tweety flies.\" belongs to natural language and is examined by informal logic. But the formal translation \"(1) ; (2) ; (3) \" is studied by formal logic. [32] The study of natural language arguments comes with various difficulties. For example, natural language expressions are often ambiguous, vague, and context-dependent. [33] Another approach defines informal logic in a wide sense as the normative study of the standards, criteria, and procedures of argumentation. In this sense, it includes questions about the role of rationality, critical thinking, and the psychology of argumentation. [34]\nAnother characterization identifies informal logic with the study of non-deductive arguments. In this way, it contrasts with deductive reasoning examined by formal logic. [35] Non-deductive arguments make their conclusion probable but do not ensure that it is true. An example is the inductive argument from the empirical observation that \"all ravens I have seen so far are black\" to the conclusion \"all ravens are black\". [36]", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf", - "query": "What was the mean correctness score for LLM-generated handoff notes ?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "Correctness 4.52", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Abstract\nRESULTS In this study of 1600 EM patient records (832 [52%] female and mean [SD] age of 59.9 [18.9] years), LLM-generated handoff notes, compared with physician-written ones, had higher ROUGE(0.322 vs 0.088), BERTScore (0.859 vs 0.796), and SCALE scores (0.691 vs 0.456), indicating the LLM-generated summaries exhibited greater similarity and more detail. As reviewed by 3 board-certified EM physicians, a subsample of 50 LLM-generated summaries had a mean (SD) usefulness score of 4.04 (0.86) out of 5 (compared with 4.36 [0.71] for physician-written) and mean (SD) patient safety scores of 4.06 (0.86) out of 5 (compared with 4.50 [0.56] for physician-written). None of the LLM-generated summaries were classified as a critical patient safety risk.\nCONCLUSIONSANDRELEVANCE In this cohort study of 1600 EM patient medical records, LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes were determined superior compared with physician-written summaries via conventional automated evaluation methods, but marginally inferior in usefulness\n(continued)\nOpenAccess. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n1/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nThe study demonstrated success in generating EM-to-IP handoff notes using both a fine tuned, pretrained LLM and rule-based approaches within an end user-developed note template. It is important to note that (largely due to time constraints within the EM care delivery model) the performance of EM-to-IP handoff notes was not the current standard of care in EM. The study site's unique electronic handoff process enabled a comparison between physician-written and LLM-generated handoff notes. Traditional automated evaluations of the model output suggested\nTable 3. Mean Clinical Quality Evaluation, Large Language Model (LLM)-Generated and Physician-Written", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\na Likert scores and score distributions over 50 notes for 3 annotators. There are no 1 ratings for either physician or AI summaries in the 150 evaluation results.\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n7/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nsuperior performance. However, while the manual clinical evaluation demonstrated the majority of the LLM-generated notes were of promising comparative quality (scores of 4-5), they were, on average, inferior to the clinician-written notes.\nOur novel clinical evaluation's findings suggest the majority of identified quality limitations and incorrectness would have minimal impact on patient safety, even when extrapolated to the worstcase scenario of the LLM-generated summary content not being reviewed and edited by a clinician before completion. This was designed to address contemporary LLM concerns of user trust, reliance and expertise. 49 As such, none of the incorrect output text elements reached life-threatening risk. However, incompleteness and faulty logic identified in the automated summaries were not always negligible, with just under 1 in 10 of these performance gaps determined to have the potential to create significant patient safety risk compared with the physician-written summaries. These critical implementation safety findings will inform (1) directionality of further model refinement; (2) further clinical evaluation of postrefinement model output; and (3) irrespective of downstream model performance, an EHR-implementation plan constrained to a user-interface design that will allow EM clinicians to review and edit the LLM-generated handoff note as a draft before finalizing (see eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1). This physician-in-the-loop process has also been identified as critical in other recent work implementing LLMs into clinical workflows. 29,53", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "KeyPoints\nQuestion Can a large language model (LLM) generate emergency medicine (EM)-to-inpatient (IP) handoff notes that are useful and safe for EM care?\nFindings In this cohort study of 1600 EMpatient medical records using a novel evaluation framework, the LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes had a mean usefulness of 4.04 out of 5 (compared with 4.36 for physician-written) and a mean patient safety of 4.06 out of 5 (compared with 4.50 for physician-written) with no critical patient safety risks.\nMeaning These findings suggest the value of a manual, patient safetyfocused clinical evaluation of LLM models and the potential of LLM-generated handoff notes to create a new standard of care in EM.\n+\nInvited Commentary", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nIMPORTANCE An emergency medicine (EM) handoff note generated by a large language model (LLM) has the potential to reduce physician documentation burden without compromising the safety of EM-to-inpatient (IP) handoffs.\nOBJECTIVE To develop LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes and evaluate their accuracy and safety compared with physician-written notes.\nDESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This cohort study used EM patient medical records with acute hospital admissions that occurred in 2023 at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. A customized clinical LLM pipeline was trained, tested, and evaluated to generate templated EM-to-IP handoff notes. Using both conventional automated methods (ie, recall-oriented understudy for gisting evaluation [ROUGE], bidirectional encoder representations from transformers score [BERTScore], and source chunking approach for large-scale inconsistency evaluation [SCALE]) and a novel patient safety-focused framework, LLM-generated handoff notes vs physician-written notes were compared. Data were analyzed from October 2023 to March 2024.\nEXPOSURE LLM-generated EM handoff notes.\nMAINOUTCOMESANDMEASURES LLM-generated handoff notes were evaluated for (1) lexical similarity with respect to physician-written notes using ROUGE and BERTScore; (2) fidelity with respect to source notes using SCALE; and (3) readability, completeness, curation, correctness, usefulness, and implications for patient safety using a novel framework.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Introduction\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nevaluation frameworks may not address the anticipated effect LLM performance limitations could have on patient safety. 38-41\nIn this study, we aim to expand on prior work of clinical summarization to rigorously evaluate the outcomes of a fine-tuned model developed to generate accurate and safe summaries of the care rendered during an ED visit, with the long-term goal of integrating automated, structured EM-to-IP handoff notes into an EHR-based electronic handoff admission workflow (see eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1). We fine-tune pretrained LLMs on well curated datasets of structured and unstructured EHR data from the ED encounter to summarize the patient's ED care. We improved the correctness of model generations and customized the summaries in a structured format designed by a team of EM and internal medicine physician leaders for optimal usefulness. We proposed a novel patient safety-focused LLM evaluation framework to examine the LLM-generated handoff notes' quality and accuracy and the downstream patient safety implications of any identified inaccuracies. To evaluate noninferiority, we compared the LLM-generated handoff notes with the preexisting physician-written EM-to-IP handoff notes as the active control, using both the proposed patient safety-focused clinical evaluation framework and automated benchmark-driven methods. We used the physician-written EM-to-IP handoff notes as the active control and used the scores from both evaluation frameworks for the margin of inferiority of the intervention.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Data Curation for Automated ED Note Generation\nThe EHR data were bifurcated into 2 datasets linked by the patient encounter number: 1 for the rulebased pattern-matching approach and the other for the LLM fine-tuning discussed in further detail in eAppendix 1 in Supplement 1. The rule-based framework was designed by the 3 board certified EM physicians (M.M., A.F., and P.S.). Fine tuning of the pretrained LLM consisted of the notes in Table 1 : EMclinician notes, consultation notes, EM progress note entries, and EM procedure notes. The EM-to-IP handoff notes were used as the labels. As the preexisting labels were of variable quality for\nJAMANetwork Open. 2024;7(12):e2448723. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.48723\n(Reprinted)\nDecember 3, 2024\n3/12\nDownloaded from jamanetwork.com by guest on 01/13/2025\nJAMANetworkOpen | EmergencyMedicine\nDeveloping and Evaluating LLM-Generated Emergency Medicine Handoff Notes\nLLM-model training, an informatics professional (V.H.) worked over a period of 200 hours with 3 board certified emergency medicine physician leaders with experience in formal quality and patient safety review processes (M.M., A.F., and P.S.) to improve the dataset through manual curation and annotation. As the task of EM-handoff note generation is not dependent on racial characteristics of the patients, we removed all mentions of race during the annotation stage as a means to avoid race bias; therefore, the model was trained to generate text without race-based assumptions. Although resource intensive, a small and carefully curated dataset of at least 1000 examples has been shown to be sufficient to produce remarkable results for the language model chosen. 42 Given the size of our dataset, we created a train and test dataset with a ratio of 1500:100, with a higher ratio of data placed in the training set and eschewed a validation set to lower the variance of the models. We used k-fold cross validation on the training dataset to avoid sampling bias for the hyperparameter optimization of the LLMs.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conclusions\nThis study's results suggest promise for future thoughtful integration of LLM-generated EM-to-IP handoff notes into clinical admission workflows, as well as the associated potential downstream quality and efficiency gains. Our novel clinical evaluation framework demonstrates an effective preimplementation strategy to measure potential patient safety implications of incorrectness identified in LLM-generated clinical care summaries, which will guide future model refinement and implementation strategies. In the absence of a current written standard of care in EM, this innovation could represent a transformative advancement in the quality of EM-to-IP transitions of care.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nTable 4. Mean Clinical Safety Evaluation, Large Language Model (LLM)-Generated and Physician-Written\nscore 1-5, No. (%) a.1 = 0. Correctness: faulty logic, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.2 = 0. Correctness: faulty logic, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.3 = 2 (1.3). Correctness: faulty logic, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.4 = 2 (1.3). Correctness: faulty logic, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.5 = 146 (97.3). Correctness: bias, LLM-generated..Mean (SD) = 5.00. Correctness: bias, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.1 = 0. Correctness: bias, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.2 = 0. Correctness: bias, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.3 = 0. Correctness: bias, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.4 = 0. Correctness: bias, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.5 = 150 (100). Correctness: bias, Physician-written.Mean (SD).Mean (SD) = 5.00. Correctness: bias, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.1 = 0. Correctness: bias, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.2 = 0. Correctness: bias, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.3 = 0. Correctness: bias, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.4 = 0. Correctness: bias, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.5 = 150 (100). Overall safety risk, LLM-generated..Mean (SD) = 4.06", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nTable 4. Mean Clinical Safety Evaluation, Large Language Model (LLM)-Generated and Physician-Written\na.3 = 2 (1.3). Correctness: knowledge gap, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.4 = 6 (4). Correctness: knowledge gap, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.5 = 139 (92.7). Correctness: knowledge gap, Physician-written.Mean (SD).Mean (SD) = 4.90 (0.42). Correctness: knowledge gap, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.1 = 0. Correctness: knowledge gap, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.2 = 1 (0.7). Correctness: knowledge gap, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.3 = 5 (3.3). Correctness: knowledge gap, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.4 = 3 (2). Correctness: knowledge gap, Physician-written.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.5 = 141 (94). Correctness: faulty logic, LLM-generated..Mean (SD) = 4.60 (0.75). Correctness: faulty logic, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.1 = 0. Correctness: faulty logic, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.2 = 11 (7.3). Correctness: faulty logic, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.3 = 12 (8). Correctness: faulty logic, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.4 = 13 (8.7). Correctness: faulty logic, LLM-generated.Likert score 1-5, No. (%) a.5 = 114 (76). Correctness: faulty logic, Physician-written.Mean (SD).Mean (SD) = 4.94 (0.24). Correctness: faulty logic, Physician-written.Likert", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed8.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "What are the improvements made to possible to the HadGEM3 and CMIP5 climate change models by UKCP18 ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "mprovements include better representation of the past climate, the inclusion of more cloud and aerosol processes and the ability to model important climate phenomena ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "What improvements does UKCP18 deliver?\nUKCP18 will benefit from a range of developments since the release of UKCP09, including:\n· Greater understanding of user needs as a result of the adaptation community's use of UKCP09 projections and the subsequent feedback - user workshops indicated that users supported the continued use of probabilistic projections and the importance of spatially coherent information 4 .\n· Advances in climate models in recent years, such as the Met Office Hadley Centre HadGEM3 5 model and the CMIP5 6 set of models. Improvements include better representation of the past climate, the inclusion of more cloud and aerosol processes and the ability to model important climate phenomena such as the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).\n· Groundbreaking Met Office research on modelling of extreme events in high resolution regional climate models 7 .\n· The increased quantity and range of observations available since 2009.\n· Use of the new Met Office supercomputer, enabling a credible range of climate projections to be generated in greater spatial detail.\n1 The 2008 Climate Change Act allows UK government to mandate or invite certain organisations to produce reports to assess the impacts of climate change on their operations and present proposals for adaptation. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/climate-changeadaptationreporting-second-round-reports\n2 Expected in 2018, the National Adaptation Programme will be supported by the Evidence Report of the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (ASC): https://www.theccc.org.uk/uk-climate-change-risk-assessment-2017/introduction-to-the-ccra/ 3 Under the 2008 Climate Change Act, organisations are invited to produce Adaptation Reporting Power reports to assess the impacts of climate change on their operations and present proposals for adaptation: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/climate-change-adaptation-", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Global climate simulations at 1.5 ° Cand2 ° Cglobalwarming\nThere are a number of ways in which 1.5°C or 2°C global warming can be defined-one could be the long-term climate state following a stabilization of warming at that level, another could be the state over a shorter period around the time of first reaching that level. Here we choose the second definition, which is what is seen first and hence needs to be adapted to. There are also a number of methods with which such changes can be assessed [10]. We take the opportunity of availability of a new set of higher-resolutions transient climate and impacts simulations, and use a time-sampling methodology [10] to assess global-scale impacts at these resolutions for the first time.\n3\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................\nRather than using the original CMIP5 ensemble as in previous studies, the aim is to allow for an improved representation of atmospheric and land surface processes including extremes by using higher spatial resolution [11].\nHadGEM3 (Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 3) is a configuration of the UK Met Office Unified Model (MetUM) which has been developed for use for both climate research and weather prediction applications. It is the result of converging the development of the Met Office's weather and climate global atmospheric model components so that, where possible, atmospheric processes are modelled or parametrized seamlessly across spatial resolutions and timescales.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Global climate simulations at 1.5 ° Cand2 ° Cglobalwarming\nThe high-resolution simulations were performed using the HadGEM3A Global Atmosphere (GA) 3.0 model [12-14] at a resolution of N216 (0.556° of latitude by 0.833° of longitude with gridboxes of approx. 60 km length in mid-latitudes). This is the atmospheric component of the HadGEM3-GC2 coupled climate model [15,16], which is part of the HadGEM3 family of climate models [12]. This represents the third generation of HadGEM configurations, leading on from the HadGEM2 family of climate model configurations [13] which was used for CMIP5. Key improvements over the previous model, HadGEM2, include increased vertical levels in the atmosphere (85 compared to 38) and substantial changes to the model dynamics (ENDGame) [17]. This version of the HadGEM3 model lies in the transition from CMIP5 to CMIP6 versions. The Met Office is currently operationally running the coupled HadGEM3-GC2 model at N216 resolution for seasonal and decadal forecasting and clear benefits are emerging from this use at higher resolution [18,19].", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "60KM GLOBAL PROJECTIONS\n20 plausible climate futures. Latest Hadley Centre climate model. Simulations of extreme weather. Simultaneous impacts captured at multiple locations.\nThis resolution will enable more realistic simulations of climate for the UK and capture the drivers of extreme weather, a significant advance on the 300 km-resolution simulations of UKCP09. A set of 20 plausible global projections of 21st century climate will be generated using an ensemble of the Met Office Hadley Centre HadGEM3 climate model. These projections will be selected to represent a wide range of possible future climate states to reflect key uncertainties, informing a risk-based approach to planning. They will be generated to provide spatially coherent daily data at a horizontal resolution of 60 km for two greenhouse gas concentration scenarios. These will be compared with an ensemble of CMIP5 models to provide additional information on uncertainties in the projections relative to other climate models.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n9. Schleussner C-F et al. 2015 Differential climate impacts for policy-relevant limits to global warming: the case of 1.5°C and 2°C. Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss. 6 , 2447-2505. (doi:10.5194/ esdd-6-2447-2015)\n10. James R, Washington R, Schleussner C-F, Rogeli J, Conway D. 2017 Characterizing half-adegree difference: a review of methods for identifying regional climate responses to global warming targets. WIREs Clim Change 8 , e457. (doi:10.1002/wcc.457)\n11. Haarsma RJ et al. 2016 High resolution model intercomparison project (HighResMIP v1.0) for CMIP6. Geosci. Model Dev. 9 , 4185-4208. (doi:10.5194/gmd-9-4185-2016)\n12. Hewitt HT, Copsey D, Culverwell ID, Harris CM, Hill RSR, Keen AB, McLaren AJ, Hunke EC. 2011 Design and implementation of the infrastructure of HadGEM3: the next-generation Met Office climate modelling system. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 223-253. (doi:10.5194/gmd-4223-2011).\n13. Martin GM et al. 2011 The HadGEM2 family of met office unified model climate configurations. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 723-757. (doi:10.5194/gmd-4-723-2011)\n14. Walters DN et al. 2011 The Met Office Unified Model Global Atmosphere 3.0/3.1 and JULES global land 3.0/3.1 configurations. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 919-941. (doi:10.5194/gmd4-919-2011)\n15. Williams KD et al. 2015 The Met Office Global Coupled Model 2.0 (GC2) configuration. Geosci. Model Dev. 8 , 1509-1524. (doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1509-2015)", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What is UKCP18 and why do we need it?\nFollowing the historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change in December 2015, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs announced a major upgrade to the UK Climate Projections.\nThe UKCP18 project will build upon the current set of projections (UKCP09) to provide the most up-todate assessment of how the climate of the UK may change over the 21st century. This information will be essential to future Climate Change Risk Assessments 1 and to equip the UK with information to help adapt to the challenges and opportunities of climate change in line with the National Adaptation Programme 2 .\nOrganisations and individual users will use UKCP18 to inform risk assessments and adaptation plans to ensure they are resilient to extreme weather and climate change. Some organisations will use UKCP18 in responding to the Adaptation Reporting Power 3 for example.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n16. Senior CA et al. 2016 Idealized climate change simulations with a high-resolution physical model: HadGEM3-GC2. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. 8 , 813-830. (doi:10.1002/2015MS000614)\n17. Wood N et al. 2014 An inherently mass-conserving semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian discretization of the deep-atmosphere global non-hydrostatic equations. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 140 , 1505-1520. (doi:10.1002/qj.2235)\n18. MacLachlan C et al. 2014 Global seasonal forecast system version 5 (GloSea5): a highresolution seasonal forecast system. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 141 , 1072-1084. (doi:10.1002/qj.2396)\n19. Knight J et al. 2014 Predictions of climate several years ahead using an improved decadal prediction system. J. Clim. 27 , 7550-7567. (doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00069.1)\n20. Wyser K et al. 2016 Documentation of changes in climate variability and extremes simulated by the HELIX AGCMs at the 3 SWLs and comparison to changes in equivalent SST/SIC lowresolution CMIP5 projections. HELIX project deliverable 3.1.\n21. Alexander L, Yang H, Perkins S. 2018 ClimPACT-Indices and Software. User Manual. See http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/ccl/opace/opace4/meetings/documents/ ETCRSCI_software_documentation_v2a.doc (accessed on 5 February 2018).\n26\nrsta.r o y alsociet ypublishing . or g P h i l .T r a n s .R . S o c .A 376 : 2 0160452 ........................................................", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What can users expect from UKCP18?\nThere are three components to UKCP18: observations of historic climate, marine projections and projections over land. These components are described below and summarised in Table 1. UKCP18 will provide each of these components at a higher spatial and temporal resolution than UKCP09 and with more information on different types of uncertainty.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n22. Krishnamurthy PK, Lewis K, Choularton RJ. 2014 A methodological framework for rapidly assessing the impacts of climate risk on national-level food security through a vulnerability index. Glob. Environ. Change 25 , 121-132. (doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.11.004)\n23. Richardson K, Lewis K, Krishnamurthy K, Kent C, Wiltshire A, Hanlon H. 2018 Food security outcomes under a changing climate: impacts of mitigation and adaptation on vulnerability to food insecurity. Clim. Change , 147 , 327-341. (doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2137-y)\n24. Best M et al. 2011 The joint UK land environment simulator (JULES), model description-part 1: energy and water fluxes. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 677-699. (doi:10.5194/gmd-4-677-2011)\n25. Clark D et al. 2011 The joint UK land environment simulator (JULES), model descriptionpart 2: carbon fluxes and vegetation dynamics. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 701-722. (doi:10.5194/ gmd-4-701-2011)\n26. Cox PM, Betts RA, Jones CD, Spall SA, Totterdell IJ. 2000 Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model. Nature 408 , 184-187. (doi:10.1038/ 35041539)\n27. Jones CD et al. 2011 The HadGEM2-ES implementation of CMIP5 centennial simulations. Geosci. Model Dev. 4 , 543-570. (doi:10.5194/gmd-4-543-2011)\n28. Betts RA et al. 2015 Climate and land use change impacts on global terrestrial ecosystems and river flows in the HadGEM2-ES Earth system model using the representative concentration pathways. Biogeosciences 12 , 1317. (doi:10.5194/bg-12-1317-2015)", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n2. Murphy JM et al. 2009 UKclimate projections science report: climate change projections . Exeter, UK: Met Office Hadley Centre. See http://ukclimateprojections.metoffice.gov.uk.\n3. United Nations. 2010 Report of the Conference Parties on its fifteenth session, held in Copenhagen, 7 to 19 December 2009. Addendum. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth session. See http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2009/cop15/eng/ 11a01.pdf.\n4. United Nations. 2016 Report of the Conference Parties on its twenty-first session, held in Paris, 30 November to 13 December 2015. Addendum Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-first session. See http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/ 10a01.pdf.\n5. Hewitson B et al. 2014 Regional context. In Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part B: regional aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds VR Barros et al. ), pp. 1133-1197. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.\n6. Dankers R et al. 2013 First look at changes in flood hazard in the inter-sectoral impact model intercomparison project ensemble. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111 , 3257-3261. (doi:10.1073/ pnas.1302078110)\n7. IPCC. 2014 Summary for policymakers. In Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global and sectoral aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds CB Field et al. ), pp. 1-32. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.\n8. Schewe J et al. 2014 Multimodel assessment of water scarcity under climate change. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111 , 3245-3250. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1222460110)", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "Which causes of the rise of sea level will be considered by UKCP18 ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Sea-level rise projections will extend to 2100 and will include contributions from glaciers, ice sheets, freshwater reservoirs, groundwater and thermal expansion", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Sea level rise. Storm surge. Past event case studies.\nSea-level rise projections will extend to 2100 and will include contributions from glaciers, ice sheets, freshwater reservoirs, groundwater and thermal expansion. Outputs will include an estimate of the year-to-year changes in sea level rise and a 'plausible but highly unlikely' scenario known as H++. A new feature of UKCP18 will be assessing the credibility of making sea level rise projections to 2300. The projections will use the latest information from the CMIP5 models and application of the methods used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report 10 .\nThe UKCP09 storm surge projections will be updated to provide new estimates of the change in high water levels over the 21st Century. These estimates will be based on a combination of projected mean sea level change and projections of change in the extremes due to changes in atmospheric storminess. These 'storminess' projections will use the same surge model used in operational weather forecasting, using the wind and pressure from the CMIP5 ensemble to drive the surge. New understanding of the modification of large-scale sea level change signals as they pass from the open ocean onto the shelf sea around the UK will be incorporated into the UKCP18 marine projections. UKCP18 will also include storm surge historical case studies derived from applying plausible future sea level change to historical extreme events.\n8 The latest update can be found at http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/about/state-of-climate\n9 http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/\n10 https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What is UKCP18 and why do we need it?\nFollowing the historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change in December 2015, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs announced a major upgrade to the UK Climate Projections.\nThe UKCP18 project will build upon the current set of projections (UKCP09) to provide the most up-todate assessment of how the climate of the UK may change over the 21st century. This information will be essential to future Climate Change Risk Assessments 1 and to equip the UK with information to help adapt to the challenges and opportunities of climate change in line with the National Adaptation Programme 2 .\nOrganisations and individual users will use UKCP18 to inform risk assessments and adaptation plans to ensure they are resilient to extreme weather and climate change. Some organisations will use UKCP18 in responding to the Adaptation Reporting Power 3 for example.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What can users expect from UKCP18?\nThere are three components to UKCP18: observations of historic climate, marine projections and projections over land. These components are described below and summarised in Table 1. UKCP18 will provide each of these components at a higher spatial and temporal resolution than UKCP09 and with more information on different types of uncertainty.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What improvements does UKCP18 deliver?\nUKCP18 will benefit from a range of developments since the release of UKCP09, including:\n· Greater understanding of user needs as a result of the adaptation community's use of UKCP09 projections and the subsequent feedback - user workshops indicated that users supported the continued use of probabilistic projections and the importance of spatially coherent information 4 .\n· Advances in climate models in recent years, such as the Met Office Hadley Centre HadGEM3 5 model and the CMIP5 6 set of models. Improvements include better representation of the past climate, the inclusion of more cloud and aerosol processes and the ability to model important climate phenomena such as the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).\n· Groundbreaking Met Office research on modelling of extreme events in high resolution regional climate models 7 .\n· The increased quantity and range of observations available since 2009.\n· Use of the new Met Office supercomputer, enabling a credible range of climate projections to be generated in greater spatial detail.\n1 The 2008 Climate Change Act allows UK government to mandate or invite certain organisations to produce reports to assess the impacts of climate change on their operations and present proposals for adaptation. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/climate-changeadaptationreporting-second-round-reports\n2 Expected in 2018, the National Adaptation Programme will be supported by the Evidence Report of the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (ASC): https://www.theccc.org.uk/uk-climate-change-risk-assessment-2017/introduction-to-the-ccra/ 3 Under the 2008 Climate Change Act, organisations are invited to produce Adaptation Reporting Power reports to assess the impacts of climate change on their operations and present proposals for adaptation: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/climate-change-adaptation-", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n2. Murphy JM et al. 2009 UKclimate projections science report: climate change projections . Exeter, UK: Met Office Hadley Centre. See http://ukclimateprojections.metoffice.gov.uk.\n3. United Nations. 2010 Report of the Conference Parties on its fifteenth session, held in Copenhagen, 7 to 19 December 2009. Addendum. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth session. See http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2009/cop15/eng/ 11a01.pdf.\n4. United Nations. 2016 Report of the Conference Parties on its twenty-first session, held in Paris, 30 November to 13 December 2015. Addendum Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-first session. See http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/ 10a01.pdf.\n5. Hewitson B et al. 2014 Regional context. In Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part B: regional aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds VR Barros et al. ), pp. 1133-1197. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.\n6. Dankers R et al. 2013 First look at changes in flood hazard in the inter-sectoral impact model intercomparison project ensemble. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111 , 3257-3261. (doi:10.1073/ pnas.1302078110)\n7. IPCC. 2014 Summary for policymakers. In Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global and sectoral aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds CB Field et al. ), pp. 1-32. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.\n8. Schewe J et al. 2014 Multimodel assessment of water scarcity under climate change. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111 , 3245-3250. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1222460110)", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary of expected outputs\nTable 1 below indicates the likely dimensions of the outputs for each of the components as of July 2017.\nprojections = 1950-2100 RCP2.6, RCP4.5,. Period of data, Land.Global projections = 1900-2100 RCP8.5; additional. Period of data, Land.Probabilistic projections = 1961-2100 SRES A1B, RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 RCP8.5. Period of data, Land.High resolution projections = 1981-2080. Period of data, Land.High resolution projections = 1981-2000 2021-2040 2061-2080. Emissions scenarios, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = N/A. Emissions scenarios, Marine and coastal projections = RCP8.5 H ++. Emissions scenarios, Land.Global projections = lower scenario (for Met Office Hadley Centre model only). Emissions scenarios, Land.Probabilistic projections = Temperature, precipitation, solar radiation. Emissions scenarios, Land.High resolution projections = RCP8.5. Emissions scenarios, Land.High resolution projections = RCP8.5. Variables available ++, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = Temperature, precipitation (including snow), sunshine, wind. Variables available ++, Marine and coastal projections = Sea level rise, storm surge. Variables available ++, Land.Global projections = Temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation. Variables available ++, Land.Probabilistic projections = humidity, wind speed,. Variables available ++, Land.High resolution projections = Temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation. Variables available ++, Land.High resolution projections = Temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary of expected outputs\nTable 1 below indicates the likely dimensions of the outputs for each of the components as of July 2017.\nCharacteristics, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = Observed trends; long-term climatologies; weather events for the preceding year. Characteristics, Marine and coastal projections = Updated sea level rise and surge projections based on operational storm surge model (CS3) using CMIP5, EURO-CORDEX‡. Characteristics, Land.Global projections = Ensemble of ~20 spatially coherent time series of the Met Office Hadley Centre model and a similar number of CMIP5 models. Characteristics, Land.Probabilistic projections = Updated probability density functions presented as 30- year and monthly time series based on Met Office models (HadCM3, ESPPE) and CMIP5. Characteristics, Land.High resolution projections = Downscaled projections over the UK for ~10 spatially coherent time series. 2.2 km model provides realistic information on heavy rainfall events. Characteristics, Land.High resolution projections = Downscaled projections over the UK for ~10 spatially coherent time series. 2.2 km model provides realistic information on heavy rainfall events. Scale, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = UK. Scale, Marine and coastal projections = UK. Scale, Land.Global projections = Global. Scale, Land.Probabilistic projections = UK. Scale, Land.High resolution projections = UK. Scale, Land.High resolution projections = UK. Spatial resolution*, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = To match land projections. Spatial resolution*, Marine and coastal projections = UK Coastline †. Spatial resolution*, Land.Global projections = 60km. Spatial resolution*, Land.Probabilistic projections = 25km. Spatial resolution*, Land.High resolution projections = 12km +. Spatial resolution*, Land.High resolution projections = 2.2km. Highest temporal resolution, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = Daily / monthly. Highest temporal resolution, Marine and coastal projections = Annual. Highest temporal resolution, Land.Global projections = Daily. Highest temporal resolution, Land.Probabilistic projections = Monthly. Highest temporal resolution, Land.High resolution projections = Daily. Highest temporal resolution, Land.High resolution projections = Sub-daily. Period of data, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = bulk of 20th century to present day. Period of data, Marine and coastal", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Angélil, O. et al. An independent assessment of anthropogenic attribution statements for recent extreme temperature and rainfall events. J. Clim. 30 (1), 5-16 (2017).\n2. Rosenzweig, C. et al. Coordinating AgMIP data and models across global and regional scales for 1.5°C and 2.0°C assessments. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A. 376 , 20160455 (2018).\n3. Mitchell, D. et al. Half a degree additional warming, prognosis and projected impacts (HAPPI): Background and experimental design. Geosci. Model Dev. 10 , 571-583 (2017).\n4. Coumou, D. & Rahmstorf, S. A decade of weather extremes. Nat. Clim. Change 2 , 491-496 (2012).\n5. IPCC: Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2013: /T_he Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fi/f_th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4-6 (Cambridge University Press, 2013).\n6. Di/ffenbaugh, N. S. et al. Quantifying the in/fluence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events. PNAS 114 (19), 4881-4886 (2016).\n7. Tai, A. P. K., Martin, M. V. & Heald, C. L. /T_hreat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution. Nat. Clim. Change 4 , 817-821 (2014).\n8. Román-Palacios, C. & Wiens, J. J. Recent responses to climate change reveal the drivers of species extinction and survival. PNAS 117 (8), 4211-4217 (2020).\nͷ͸\nScientific Reports\n| (2022) 12:17268 |\nhttps://doi.org/ͷ��.ͷͶ͹;/sͺͷͻͿ;-Ͷ͸͸-͸͸͸͸;-ͽ\nVol:.(1234567890)\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports/", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DOWNSCALED HIGH RESOLUTION PROJECTIONS\nDownscaled versions of the global model for the UK. For the most spatially detailed downscaling this includes hourly data. Simultaneous impacts captured at multiple UK locations.\nThe high resolution projections will provide information on types of weather of relevance to adaptation at two different resolutions. The 12 km model provides a downscaled product that is similar to UKCP09's 25 km simulations but driven by an improved global model and at a higher resolution. This may be especially useful for those interested in water availability and some aspects of agriculture. A key reason for providing this data is that users will be able to compare it directly with EURO-CORDEX 13 .\nThe global projections will also be downscaled to 2.2 km using a process of nesting models at finer resolution that maintains the integrity of the representation of evolving atmospheric processes. Key benefits of simulations at this resolution will be the information provided on high impact events such as localised heavy rainfall in summer and potential improvements in the diurnal cycle.\nThe output will be available at a time resolution of 3-hourly, possibly higher for some output, for a high emission scenario. Spatial coherence will be maintained. Specific time slices (e.g. 2061-2080) will be made available with the exact nature of these still to be confirmed.\n11 SRESA1B: IPCC future scenario based on rapid economic growth and a balance of energy sources\n12 30-year means can be created using the UKCP18 PDF data\n13 http://www.euro-cordex.net/", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annual report: State of the UK Climate. Downloadable data.\nThe 'State of the UK Climate' report for 2017 will be included as part of the UKCP18 package, bringing the observed data right up to date. This annual update 8 covers trends, the multidecade climate record and significant weather events such as the early July 2015 hot spell and the exceptionally mild and wet December of the same year.\nQuality controlled UK observational datasets from the Met Office observing network, provided at spatial resolutions to match the land projections and for pre-defined administrative regions and river basins, will be available under an Open Government Licence 9 . For variables such as temperature and precipitation these data sets will span the late 19th Century to the present day and will be provided for daily, monthly, seasonal, annual and long term averages.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "What perdiod is covered by the 12 km resolution projection data of the UKCP18 ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "1981-2080", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 6 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "What can users expect from UKCP18?\nThere are three components to UKCP18: observations of historic climate, marine projections and projections over land. These components are described below and summarised in Table 1. UKCP18 will provide each of these components at a higher spatial and temporal resolution than UKCP09 and with more information on different types of uncertainty.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DOWNSCALED HIGH RESOLUTION PROJECTIONS\nDownscaled versions of the global model for the UK. For the most spatially detailed downscaling this includes hourly data. Simultaneous impacts captured at multiple UK locations.\nThe high resolution projections will provide information on types of weather of relevance to adaptation at two different resolutions. The 12 km model provides a downscaled product that is similar to UKCP09's 25 km simulations but driven by an improved global model and at a higher resolution. This may be especially useful for those interested in water availability and some aspects of agriculture. A key reason for providing this data is that users will be able to compare it directly with EURO-CORDEX 13 .\nThe global projections will also be downscaled to 2.2 km using a process of nesting models at finer resolution that maintains the integrity of the representation of evolving atmospheric processes. Key benefits of simulations at this resolution will be the information provided on high impact events such as localised heavy rainfall in summer and potential improvements in the diurnal cycle.\nThe output will be available at a time resolution of 3-hourly, possibly higher for some output, for a high emission scenario. Spatial coherence will be maintained. Specific time slices (e.g. 2061-2080) will be made available with the exact nature of these still to be confirmed.\n11 SRESA1B: IPCC future scenario based on rapid economic growth and a balance of energy sources\n12 30-year means can be created using the UKCP18 PDF data\n13 http://www.euro-cordex.net/", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What is UKCP18 and why do we need it?\nFollowing the historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change in December 2015, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs announced a major upgrade to the UK Climate Projections.\nThe UKCP18 project will build upon the current set of projections (UKCP09) to provide the most up-todate assessment of how the climate of the UK may change over the 21st century. This information will be essential to future Climate Change Risk Assessments 1 and to equip the UK with information to help adapt to the challenges and opportunities of climate change in line with the National Adaptation Programme 2 .\nOrganisations and individual users will use UKCP18 to inform risk assessments and adaptation plans to ensure they are resilient to extreme weather and climate change. Some organisations will use UKCP18 in responding to the Adaptation Reporting Power 3 for example.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What improvements does UKCP18 deliver?\nUKCP18 will benefit from a range of developments since the release of UKCP09, including:\n· Greater understanding of user needs as a result of the adaptation community's use of UKCP09 projections and the subsequent feedback - user workshops indicated that users supported the continued use of probabilistic projections and the importance of spatially coherent information 4 .\n· Advances in climate models in recent years, such as the Met Office Hadley Centre HadGEM3 5 model and the CMIP5 6 set of models. Improvements include better representation of the past climate, the inclusion of more cloud and aerosol processes and the ability to model important climate phenomena such as the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).\n· Groundbreaking Met Office research on modelling of extreme events in high resolution regional climate models 7 .\n· The increased quantity and range of observations available since 2009.\n· Use of the new Met Office supercomputer, enabling a credible range of climate projections to be generated in greater spatial detail.\n1 The 2008 Climate Change Act allows UK government to mandate or invite certain organisations to produce reports to assess the impacts of climate change on their operations and present proposals for adaptation. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/climate-changeadaptationreporting-second-round-reports\n2 Expected in 2018, the National Adaptation Programme will be supported by the Evidence Report of the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change (ASC): https://www.theccc.org.uk/uk-climate-change-risk-assessment-2017/introduction-to-the-ccra/ 3 Under the 2008 Climate Change Act, organisations are invited to produce Adaptation Reporting Power reports to assess the impacts of climate change on their operations and present proposals for adaptation: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/climate-change-adaptation-", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary of expected outputs\nTable 1 below indicates the likely dimensions of the outputs for each of the components as of July 2017.\nCharacteristics, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = Observed trends; long-term climatologies; weather events for the preceding year. Characteristics, Marine and coastal projections = Updated sea level rise and surge projections based on operational storm surge model (CS3) using CMIP5, EURO-CORDEX‡. Characteristics, Land.Global projections = Ensemble of ~20 spatially coherent time series of the Met Office Hadley Centre model and a similar number of CMIP5 models. Characteristics, Land.Probabilistic projections = Updated probability density functions presented as 30- year and monthly time series based on Met Office models (HadCM3, ESPPE) and CMIP5. Characteristics, Land.High resolution projections = Downscaled projections over the UK for ~10 spatially coherent time series. 2.2 km model provides realistic information on heavy rainfall events. Characteristics, Land.High resolution projections = Downscaled projections over the UK for ~10 spatially coherent time series. 2.2 km model provides realistic information on heavy rainfall events. Scale, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = UK. Scale, Marine and coastal projections = UK. Scale, Land.Global projections = Global. Scale, Land.Probabilistic projections = UK. Scale, Land.High resolution projections = UK. Scale, Land.High resolution projections = UK. Spatial resolution*, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = To match land projections. Spatial resolution*, Marine and coastal projections = UK Coastline †. Spatial resolution*, Land.Global projections = 60km. Spatial resolution*, Land.Probabilistic projections = 25km. Spatial resolution*, Land.High resolution projections = 12km +. Spatial resolution*, Land.High resolution projections = 2.2km. Highest temporal resolution, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = Daily / monthly. Highest temporal resolution, Marine and coastal projections = Annual. Highest temporal resolution, Land.Global projections = Daily. Highest temporal resolution, Land.Probabilistic projections = Monthly. Highest temporal resolution, Land.High resolution projections = Daily. Highest temporal resolution, Land.High resolution projections = Sub-daily. Period of data, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = bulk of 20th century to present day. Period of data, Marine and coastal", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "25KM PROBABILISTIC PROJECTIONS\nCaptures natural variability and climate change . Updated models and observations. Provides seasonal scale projections.\nBased on the established, peer-reviewed, ground-breaking method of UKCP09 for estimating uncertainty for use in risk-based analysis. Probabilistic projections will be updated using an up-to-date collection of Met Office climate simulations and the latest IPCC-assessed simulations to estimate the model uncertainties, incorporate the latest observations and estimate carbon cycle feedbacks. Projections will be on a 25 km grid for the UK at monthly intervals for several emission scenarios, including one used in UKCP09 11 . The new probabilistic projections will indicate the range of uncertainty in our knowledge of the climate system and natural variability through the 21st century, using probability density functions to provide information on how climate varies from month to month. This contrasts with UKCP09 for which only 30-year means were provided 12 .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary of expected outputs\nTable 1 below indicates the likely dimensions of the outputs for each of the components as of July 2017.\nprojections = 1950-2100 RCP2.6, RCP4.5,. Period of data, Land.Global projections = 1900-2100 RCP8.5; additional. Period of data, Land.Probabilistic projections = 1961-2100 SRES A1B, RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 RCP8.5. Period of data, Land.High resolution projections = 1981-2080. Period of data, Land.High resolution projections = 1981-2000 2021-2040 2061-2080. Emissions scenarios, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = N/A. Emissions scenarios, Marine and coastal projections = RCP8.5 H ++. Emissions scenarios, Land.Global projections = lower scenario (for Met Office Hadley Centre model only). Emissions scenarios, Land.Probabilistic projections = Temperature, precipitation, solar radiation. Emissions scenarios, Land.High resolution projections = RCP8.5. Emissions scenarios, Land.High resolution projections = RCP8.5. Variables available ++, Observations (UK State of the Climate) = Temperature, precipitation (including snow), sunshine, wind. Variables available ++, Marine and coastal projections = Sea level rise, storm surge. Variables available ++, Land.Global projections = Temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation. Variables available ++, Land.Probabilistic projections = humidity, wind speed,. Variables available ++, Land.High resolution projections = Temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation. Variables available ++, Land.High resolution projections = Temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "60KM GLOBAL PROJECTIONS\n20 plausible climate futures. Latest Hadley Centre climate model. Simulations of extreme weather. Simultaneous impacts captured at multiple locations.\nThis resolution will enable more realistic simulations of climate for the UK and capture the drivers of extreme weather, a significant advance on the 300 km-resolution simulations of UKCP09. A set of 20 plausible global projections of 21st century climate will be generated using an ensemble of the Met Office Hadley Centre HadGEM3 climate model. These projections will be selected to represent a wide range of possible future climate states to reflect key uncertainties, informing a risk-based approach to planning. They will be generated to provide spatially coherent daily data at a horizontal resolution of 60 km for two greenhouse gas concentration scenarios. These will be compared with an ensemble of CMIP5 models to provide additional information on uncertainties in the projections relative to other climate models.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How can I get the information and when?\nAccess to the raw data, pre-prepared data and maps, headline messages and user guidance will be available through a dedicated website.\nA dedicated user interface will provide users with a means to download the data and produce customised visualisations. The exact nature of these outputs is still the subject of consultation with users.\nDetailed descriptions of the scientific basis of the projections will be available as the project progresses. For the latest information visit:\nhttp://ukclimateprojections.metoffice.gov.uk/24125\nUKCP Project Team\nJuly 2017", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annual report: State of the UK Climate. Downloadable data.\nThe 'State of the UK Climate' report for 2017 will be included as part of the UKCP18 package, bringing the observed data right up to date. This annual update 8 covers trends, the multidecade climate record and significant weather events such as the early July 2015 hot spell and the exceptionally mild and wet December of the same year.\nQuality controlled UK observational datasets from the Met Office observing network, provided at spatial resolutions to match the land projections and for pre-defined administrative regions and river basins, will be available under an Open Government Licence 9 . For variables such as temperature and precipitation these data sets will span the late 19th Century to the present day and will be provided for daily, monthly, seasonal, annual and long term averages.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf", - "query": "How many articles compose the Syntec French collective bargaining agreement ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The Syntec French collective bargaining agree- ment comprises around 90 articles", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.1.1 Syntec (Retrieval)\nThe Syntec French collective bargaining agreement 3 comprises around 90 articles. Despite its topic, the language used does not feature the specificity of the legal vocabulary, making the data suitable for benchmarking general-purpose models. The articles have been scraped for use as documents. Four annotators were divided into two groups. Each group was given half of the articles and asked to choose an article and write a question about it. Each annotator wrote 25 questions. Thus, a hundred questions have been manually created and paired with the articles containing the answer 4 . Examples of the dataset are available in the appendix Figure 5. This dataset could also be used for text classification, clustering or topic modeling. Regarding quality checks, every article's integrity has been reviewed while manually creating questions. We also manually checked that the questions could only be answered using the annotated article.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Query\nFigure 5: Extracts of Syntec dataset.\nquestion, article-14 = . question, = Quel est le préavis en période", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Query\nFigure 5: Extracts of Syntec dataset.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contents\n............................................................................................................................... 99, 1 = 4.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 99. 4.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 99, 2 = . 5 Major context developments and their influence on working conditions ................................. 101, 1 = 5 Major context developments and their influence on working conditions ................................. 101. 5 Major context developments and their influence on working conditions", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 MTEB for French\nIn this section, we describe the datasets and the models that we propose for the French extension of MTEB. We also list the research questions we want to discuss with the results.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of December 31, 2004, we employed approximately 13,400 full-time employees, approximately 3,100 of whom were covered by collective bargaining agreements. Our management believes that we have good relations with our employees.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "108\nNotes to the Financial Statements", - "page_start": 109, - "page_end": 109, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Document\nurl, article-14 = https://www.syntec.fr/convention- collective/resiliation-du-contrat- de-travail/#article-14. title, article-14 = Article 14 : Préavis pendant la péri- ode d'essai. section, article-14 = Résiliation du contrat de travail. content, article-14 = Modification Avenant n° 7 du 5/07/1991 Au cours de cette péri- ode, les deux parties peuvent se sé- parer avec un préavis d'une journée de travail pendant le premier mois. Après le premier mois, le temps de préavis réciproque sera d'une semaine par mois complet passé dans l'entreprise. Après le pre- mier mois, le temps de préavis ré- ciproque sera d'une semaine par mois passé dans l'entreprise. Le préavis donne droit au salarié de s'absenter pour la recherche d'un emploi dans les conditions fixées à", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Warranties\nAccrued warranty activity consisted of the following (in millions):\nTable of Contents", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "110\nNotes to the Financial Statements", - "page_start": 111, - "page_end": 111, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf", - "query": "In the context of research publication, what is HAL ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "Hyper Articles en Ligne (HAL) is a French open archive of scholarly documents from all academic fields.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.1.2 HAL (Clustering)\nHyper Articles en Ligne (HAL) is a French open archive of scholarly documents from all academic fields. Scrapping this resource, we fetched 85,000 publications in French 5 . We extracted IDs, titles and the author's choice among domain labels. The last 2 are provided by authors when submitting their papers to HAL. Since domain annotations are provided, the dataset can be used for many tasks, such as topic modeling or text classification. To ensure the dataset quality is suitable for a benchmark, further data cleaning has been performed:\n· Duplicates are eliminated, retaining unique publications for each field.\n· Irrelevant titles (due to API indexing mistakes) or titles in languages other than French have been manually removed.\n3 https://www.syntec.fr/convention-collective/\n4 https://huggingface.co./datasets/lyon-nlp/ mteb-fr-retrieval-syntec-s2p\n5 https://huggingface.co./datasets/lyon-nlp/ clustering-hal-s2s\nTable 1: New datasets details with the number of samples, the creation process, the annotation process and the quality checks. All datasets are test splits.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Query\nFigure 6: Extracts of HAL dataset.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D Evaluation results\nTable 5: Baselines results for HAL on a classification task and topic modeling.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this book.", - "page_start": 432, - "page_end": 432, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 810, - "page_end": 810, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 264, - "page_end": 264, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "nature neuroscience\nResource\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consent for publication\nNot applicable.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.2 HAL (Clustering)\nTable 1: New datasets details with the number of samples, the creation process, the annotation process and the quality checks. All datasets are test splits.\nSamples, Syntec = 100 queries. Samples, HAL = 26233 samples. Samples, SummEvalFr = 100 texts. , Syntec = 90 documents. , HAL = 10 classes. , SummEvalFr = 1100 human summaries. Creation process Annotation process, Syntec = Scraping of Syntec col- lective bargaining agree- ment with articles as doc- uments. Writing queries corresponding to articles. 4 annotators divided into. Creation process Annotation process, HAL = Scraping of HAL arti- cles with id , title and do- main . Further cleaning with deduplication, lan- guage filtering and class subsampling. Annotations provided by. Creation process Annotation process, SummEvalFr = 1600 machine summaries Translation from English to French with Deepl of the SummEval dataset. Detailed annotation pro-. Quality checks, Syntec = wrote 25 questions. Human verification of an- notations.. Quality checks, HAL = Baseline models for clas- sification and topic model- ing.. Quality checks, SummEvalFr = Correlation between BLEU and ROUGE scores of the French and the original English datasets. LLM as-a-judge translation rating and human verification.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351037551", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf", - "query": "What is the effect of embedding dimension on embedding representation quality ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "we observe a performance correla- tion with the embedding dimension and the model’s number of parameters, which are often correlated themselves", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.2 Models\nFor comparison on our benchmark, we selected various models to fulfil three objectives.\n· Quantity: The aim was to compare a substantial number of models (51 in total) to provide comprehensive results, facilitating the community in selecting effective French models.\n· Relevance: It was imperative to include top performers from the MTEB benchmark (Muennighoff et al., 2022). We mainly selected multilingual models and some English models to asses their language-transferring abilities. Additionally, we integrated natively French transformer-based models such as CamemBERT (Martin et al., 2019), FlauBERT (Le et al., 2020) and even the very recent CroissantLLM (Faysse et al., 2024).\n· Variety: Diverse model types were included to offer an insightful analysis across various model characteristics (dimension, training strategy, etc.).\nIn line with the third objective, we explicit below the studied characteristics of embedding models that will be discussed with the results.\n· Embedding dimension: This critical element influences the expressiveness of the represen-\ntion and, in practical applications, the underlying storage and compute costs. We selected models with embedding dimensions ranging from 384 to 4096.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 BERT embeddings\nIn studies of BERT, the term \"embedding\" refers to the output of a Transformer layer (typically, the final one). Both conventional static embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013) and BERT-style embeddings can be viewed in terms of mutual information maximization (Kong et al., 2019), but the latter are contextualized . Every token is represented by a vector dependent on the particular context of occurrence, and contains at least some information about that context (Miaschi and Dell'Orletta, 2020).\nSeveral studies reported that distilled contextualized embeddings better encode lexical semantic information (i.e. they are better at traditional word-level tasks such as word similarity). The methods to distill a contextualized representation into static include aggregating the information across multiple contexts (Akbik et al., 2019; Bommasani et al., 2020), encoding \"semantically bleached\" sentences that rely almost exclusively on the meaning of a given word (e.g. \"This is <>\") (May et al., 2019), and even using contextualized embeddings to train static embeddings (Wang et al., 2020d).\nBut this is not to say that there is no room for improvement. Ethayarajh (2019) measure how similar the embeddings for identical words are in every layer, reporting that later BERT layers produce more context-specific representations 3 . They also find that BERT embeddings occupy a narrow cone in the vector space, and this effect increases from the earlier to later layers. That is, two random words will on average have a much higher cosine similarity than expected if embeddings were directionally uniform (isotropic) . Since isotropy was shown to be beneficial for static word embeddings (Mu and Viswanath, 2018), this might be a fruitful direction to explore for BERT.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1 Introduction\nEmbeddings are dense vector representations that capture the semantics of an input. The first emblematic example is Word2Vec, introduced by Mikolov et al. (2013). It consists of neural architectures trained to learn high-quality word representations from contextual relationships in vast amounts of text. Other models were proposed since then, leveraging the transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) to produce both generic and contextualized word embeddings using self-attention. Many models now exist with various architectures, monolingual or multilingual, pre-trained or fine-tuned (Naseem et al., 2021; Ding et al., 2023).\nIn this work, our primary objective is to introduce a large-scale embedding benchmark for\n1 French table on: https://huggingface.co./spaces/ mteb/leaderboard", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 BERT embeddings\nSince BERT embeddings are contextualized, an interesting question is to what extent they capture phenomena like polysemy and homonymy. There is indeed evidence that BERT's contextualized embeddings form distinct clusters corresponding to word senses (Wiedemann et al., 2019; Schmidt and Hofmann, 2020), making BERT successful at word sense disambiguation task. However, Mickus et al. (2019) note that the representations of the same word depend on the position of the sentence in which it occurs , likely due to the NSP objective. This is not desirable from the linguistic point of view, and could be a promising\n3 Voita et al. (2019a) look at the evolution of token embeddings, showing that in the earlier Transformer layers, MLM forces the acquisition of contextual information at the expense of the token identity, which gets recreated in later layers.\navenue for future work.\nThe above discussion concerns token embeddings, but BERT is typically used as a sentence or text encoder. The standard way to generate sentence or text representations for classification is to use the [CLS] token, but alternatives are also being discussed, including concatenation of token representations (Tanaka et al., 2020), normalized mean (Tanaka et al., 2020), and layer activations (Ma et al., 2019). See Toshniwal et al. (2020) for a systematic comparison of several methods across tasks and sentence encoders.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "following:\n· Tuned for sentence similarity : 0.727\n· Finetuned vs pretrained : 0.544\n· Model number of parameters : 0.49\n· Embedding dimension : 0.452\n· Closed source : 0.449\n· Max sequence length : 0.336\n· Multilingual : 0.103\n· English : 0.025\n· English but tuned on other languages : -0.025\n· French : -0.134\n· Bilingual : -0.135\nAdditionally, all cross-correlations between characteristics are reported in appendix Figure 10.\nAs expected, the score most strongly correlates with whether the evaluated models were trained on a sentence similarity task. Of course, this criterion is connected to the more general Finetuned one. The only top-performing models solely pre-trained are from the E5 family, where the pre-training is, in fact, contrastive and optimized for similarity. Conversely, models pre-trained on token-level tasks and generating embeddings via pooling appear less well-suited for the benchmark tasks.\nFurthermore, we observe a performance correlation with the embedding dimension and the model's number of parameters, which are often correlated themselves. This appears very clearly on the relative ranking of E5 and T5 models (see Figure 1). However, some small models perform very well on the benchmark, such as the standard version of the multilingual universal sentence encoder or Solon-embeddings-base-1.0 . Notably, the maximum sequence length, while an important criterion for generative tasks with LLMs, is less correlated with performance than the other dimensions. This can be explained by many datasets containing relatively small texts (see appendix Table 3 showing that 14 datasets have less than 50 tokens).\nRegarding language, it is surprising that good performance is not particularly correlated with French models in particular. In reality, the other aspects of the models, such as being fine-tuned\nFigure 1: Critical difference diagram representing the significant rank gaps between models. The axis represents the normalized average rank of the models (lower is better). The black bars indicate that the difference in models' rank is not statistically significant, i.e. lower than the critical difference.\nfor similarity, prevail. Nevertheless, we can highlight the excellent performance of a few French models such as sentence-camembert and sentencecroissant and Solon-embeddings .", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D.2 Evaluation results per task\nTable 7: Models included in the benchmark with their main characteristics. The size in Gb is estimated using the number of parameters counted as float32 numbers. Sentence sim refers to the fact that the model was trained on a task that favors semantic similarity.\nEmb. dim. = 384. text2vec-base-multilingual, License = Apache-2.0. text2vec-base-multilingual, Sentence sim = Yes. text-embedding-ada-002, Finetuned = N/A. text-embedding-ada-002, Language = multilingual. text-embedding-ada-002, # params = N/A. text-embedding-ada-002, Size (Gb) = N/A. text-embedding-ada-002, Seq. Len. = 8191. text-embedding-ada-002, Emb. dim. = 1536. text-embedding-ada-002, License = Closed source. text-embedding-ada-002, Sentence sim = N/A. text-embedding-3-small, Finetuned = N/A. text-embedding-3-small, Language = multilingual. text-embedding-3-small, # params = N/A. text-embedding-3-small, Size (Gb) = N/A. text-embedding-3-small, Seq. Len. = 8191. text-embedding-3-small, Emb. dim. = 1536. text-embedding-3-small, License = Closed source. text-embedding-3-small, Sentence sim = N/A. text-embedding-3-large, Finetuned = N/A. text-embedding-3-large, Language = multilingual. text-embedding-3-large, # params = N/A. text-embedding-3-large, Size (Gb) = N/A. text-embedding-3-large, Seq. Len. = 8191. text-embedding-3-large, Emb. dim. = 3072.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Feature Prediction versus Pixel Reconstruction.\nApproaches that predict in pixel space must dedicate significant model capacity and compute to capture all the low-level detail in the visual input. By contrast, approaches that predict in latent space have the flexibility to eliminate irrelevant or unpredictable pixel-level details from the target representation (Vondrick et al., 2016). Predicting in representation space has been shown to lead to versatile representations that perform well across many downstream tasks through linear probing or lowshot adaptation (Assran et al., 2023; Oquab et al., 2023; Assran et al., 2022), while demonstrating an efficiency gain during pretraining compared to pixel level reconstruction (Assran et al., 2023; Baevski et al., 2022b,a). The works of Baevski et al. (2022a,b) additionally show that predicting in representation space results in competitive end-to-end fine-tuning performance in the image, audio and text domains. In this work, we extend these findings to the video modality.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 Predicting Representations versus Pixels\nWe first ablate the effect of computing the prediction loss in representation space. We train a pair of ViT-L/16 models using either a V-JEPA feature prediction loss, or a mean-squared error loss with the normalized pixel values, as in masked autoencoders (He et al., 2021), and perform a sweep over the learning rate and weight decay schedules for both approaches. All models are pretrained on VideoMix2M for 90K iterations with a batch size of 3072 using multi-block masking. We examine performance on Kinetics-400 (K400), Something-Something-v2 (SSv2), and ImageNet-1K (IN1K), using a frozen backbone with an attentive probe, and report top-1 accuracy using a single center view. We also examine end-to-end fine-tuning performance of the models on Kinetics-400.\nResults of this comparison are reported in Table 1 and indicate that predicting in feature space provides a consistent performance improvement over pixel space prediction in both frozen evaluation of the video backbone, as well as end-to-end fine-tuning.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Wissam Siblini\nwissam.siblini92@gmail.com\nFrench to enable the research community and industry to select the most relevant embedding methods based on one's specific needs, such as being opensource, versatile or targeted toward a particular task, having a small embedding dimension, the ability to process long texts or their performance. To achieve this goal, we undertake significant efforts in collecting datasets to conduct a broad comparison of models. We ensure that the datasets cover various tasks within a common, easy-to-use framework, and we create three new quality-checked datasets to enhance this collection. We select a diverse range of models, including prominent French and multilingual models deemed most efficient. The results of our study already enable the community to make informed model selections, whether for general purposes or specific tasks. Additionally, our implementation is open to the community and features a public leaderboard, allowing the results to evolve with new models or datasets. With this first large-scale comparison, we perform an in-depth analysis of the results, confirming well-known findings such as the correlation between performance and model/embedding dimensions and uncovering interesting nuances.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D Evaluation results\nFigure 3: Cosine similarity between tasks' data. Ninety random samples per task's data are embedded using the multilingual-e5-small model. The embeddings of each task's data sample are averaged. The similarity between each dataset is then calculated using cosine similarity as in (Muennighoff et al., 2022).\n13\nFigure 4: 2D projection of tasks' data. 90 random samples per task's data are embedded using multlingual-e5-small model (Wang et al., 2022). The embeddings are reduced to 2 dimensions using PCA. The centroid of each task's data is represented, along with the ellipse showing the standard deviation along each axis.\nTable 4: Distribution of classes in HAL the raw and mteb_eval subsets of the dataset.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf", - "query": "What is the maximum amount covered by the FWC of the europeean chemical agency ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "The maximum amount covering all purchases under this FWC, including all renewals and reimbursement of expenses is EUR 1 000 000 (one million)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I.5.1. Maximum amount of the FWC and maximum prices\nThe maximum amount covering all purchases under this FWC, including all renewals and reimbursement of expenses is EUR 1 000 000 (one million). However, this does not bind the contracting authority to purchase for the maximum amount.\nThe maximum unit prices of the services are:\nSenior experts:\n[ ] EUR per man-day\nExperts:\n[ ] EUR per man-day", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.2. Subject matter\nThe subject matter of the FWC is scientific support to ECHA for work on restrictions, dose-response functions, Annex XIV, POPs and dossier evaluation.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. Article 3 Price\n3.1 The price payable under this specific contract excluding reimbursement of expenses is EUR [ amount in figures and in words ].\n[The maximum amount covering all services to be provided under this specific contract including reimbursement of expenses and excluding price revision is EUR [ amount in figures and in words ].]\n3.2 [Reimbursement of expenses is not applicable to this specific contract.] [Within the maximum amount, up to EUR [ amount in figures and in words ] is earmarked for expenses, which must be reimbursed in accordance with the FWC].\n***", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.3.5 Renewal of the FWC\nThe FWC is renewed automatically 2 times for 12 months each, unless one of the parties receives formal notification to the contrary at least three months before the end of the ongoing duration. Renewal does not change or postpone any existing obligations.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.8. Communication details\nFor the purpose of this FWC, communications must be sent to the following addresses:\nContracting authority:\nDirectorate and Unit D3, Risk Management I\nEuropean Chemicals Agency Telakkakatu 6 00150 Helsinki Finland E-mail: [insert functional mailbox]\nContractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender):\n[ Full name ] [ Function ] [ Company name ] [ Full official address ] E-mail: [ complete ]\nBy derogation from this Article, different contact details for the contracting authority or the contractor may be provided in specific contracts.\n1 BIC or SWIFT code for countries with no IBAN code\n8\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.6. Liability\nII.6.1 The contracting authority is not liable for any damage or loss caused by the contractor, including any damage or loss to third parties during or as a consequence of implementation of the FWC .\nII.6.2 If required by the relevant applicable legislation, the contractor must take out an insurance policy against risks and damage or loss relating to the implementation of the FWC . It must also take out supplementary insurance as reasonably required by standard practice in the industry. Upon request, the contractor must provide evidence of insurance coverage to the contracting authority.\n18\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\nII.6.3 The contractor is liable for any loss or damage caused to the contracting authority during or as a consequence of implementation of the FWC , including in the event of subcontracting, but only up to an amount not exceeding three times the total amount of the relevant specific contract. However, if the damage or loss is caused by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the contractor or of its personnel or subcontractors, as well as in the case of an action brought against the contracting authority by a third party for breach of its intellectual property rights, the contractor is liable for the whole amount of the damage or loss.\nII.6.4 If a third party brings any action against the contracting authority in connection with the implementation of the FWC , including any action for alleged breach of intellectual property rights, the contractor must assist the contracting authority in the legal proceedings, including by intervening in support of the contracting authority upon request. If the contracting authority's liability towards the third party is established and that such liability is caused by the contractor during or as a consequence of the implementation of the FWC , Article II.6.3 applies.\nII.6.5 If the contractor is composed of two or more economic operators (i.e. who submitted a joint tender), they are all jointly and severally liable to the contracting authority for the implementation of the FWC .\nII.6.6 The contracting authority is not liable for any loss or damage caused to the contractor during or as a consequence of implementation of the FWC , unless the loss or damage was caused by wilful misconduct or gross negligence of the contracting authority.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.4.1. Appointment of the contractor\nThe contracting authority appoints the contractor for a multiple FWC in cascade in [ complete ] position.\n5\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.18.1. Grounds for termination by the contracting authority\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\n(g) if the contractor does not comply with applicable obligations under environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU;\n(h) if the contractor is in a situation that could constitute a conflict of interest or a professional conflicting interest as referred to in Article II.7;\n(i) if a change to the contractor's legal, financial, technical, organisational or ownership situation is likely to substantially affect the implementation of the FWC or substantially modify the conditions under which the FWC was initially awarded;\n(j) in the event of force majeure , where either resuming implementation is impossible or the necessary ensuing amendments to the FWC or a specific contract would mean that the tender specifications are no longer fulfilled or result in unequal treatment of tenderers or contractors;\n(k) if the needs of the contracting authority change and it no longer requires new services under the FWC; in such cases ongoing specific contracts remain unaffected;\n(l) if the termination of the FWC with one or more of the contractors means that the multiple FWC with reopening of competition no longer has the minimum required level of competition;\n(m) if the contractor is in breach of the data protection obligations resulting from Article II.9.2;\n(n) if the contractor does not comply with the applicable data protection obligations resulting from Regulation (EU) 2016/679.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.4. Provision of services\nII.4.1 Signature of the FWC does not guarantee any actual purchase. The contracting authority is bound only by specific contracts implementing the FWC.\nII.4.2 The contractor must provide services of high quality standards, in accordance with the state of the art in the industry and the provisions of this FWC, in particular the tender specifications and the terms of its tender. Where the contracting authority has the right to make modifications to the results , they must be delivered in a format and with the necessary information which effectively allow such modifications to be made in a convenient manner.\nII.4.3 The contractor must comply with the minimum requirements provided for in the tender specifications. This includes compliance with applicable obligations under environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law and collective agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU4 3 , compliance with data protection obligations resulting from Regulation (EU) 2016/6795 4 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 5 .\n3 OJ L 94 of 28.03.2014, p. 65\n4 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1, https://eurlex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2016.119.01.0001.01.ENG\n5 Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement\n15\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf", - "query": "How can I get compensation if the european chemical agency terminates a contract we have ?", - "target_page": 11, - "target_passage": "If the FWC or a specific contract is terminated: a) neither party is entitled to compensation", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I. Article 4 communication details\nFor the purpose of this specific contract, communications must be sent to the following addresses:\nContracting authority:\nEuropean Chemicals Agency\n[Directorate [ complete ]]\n[Unit [ complete ]]\n[ Postcode and city ]\nE-mail: [ insert functional mailbox ]\n44\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\nContractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender):\n[ Full name ]\n[ Function ]\n[ Company name ]\n[ Full official address ]\nE-mail: [ complete ]", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.18.1. Grounds for termination by the contracting authority\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\n(g) if the contractor does not comply with applicable obligations under environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU;\n(h) if the contractor is in a situation that could constitute a conflict of interest or a professional conflicting interest as referred to in Article II.7;\n(i) if a change to the contractor's legal, financial, technical, organisational or ownership situation is likely to substantially affect the implementation of the FWC or substantially modify the conditions under which the FWC was initially awarded;\n(j) in the event of force majeure , where either resuming implementation is impossible or the necessary ensuing amendments to the FWC or a specific contract would mean that the tender specifications are no longer fulfilled or result in unequal treatment of tenderers or contractors;\n(k) if the needs of the contracting authority change and it no longer requires new services under the FWC; in such cases ongoing specific contracts remain unaffected;\n(l) if the termination of the FWC with one or more of the contractors means that the multiple FWC with reopening of competition no longer has the minimum required level of competition;\n(m) if the contractor is in breach of the data protection obligations resulting from Article II.9.2;\n(n) if the contractor does not comply with the applicable data protection obligations resulting from Regulation (EU) 2016/679.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.18.4. Effects of termination\nThe contractor is liable for damage incurred by the contracting authority as a result of the termination of the FWC or a specific contract, including the additional cost of appointing and contracting another contractor to provide or complete the services, except if the damage is a result of a termination in accordance with Article II.18.1(j), (k) or (l) or Article II.18.2. The contracting authority may claim compensation for such damage.\nThe contractor is not entitled to compensation for any loss resulting from the termination of the FWC or a specific contract, including loss of anticipated profits, unless the loss was caused by the situation specified in Article II.18.2.\nThe contractor must take all appropriate measures to minimise costs, prevent damage and cancel or reduce its commitments.\nWithin 60 days of the date of termination, the contractor must submit any report, deliverable or result and any invoice required for services that were provided before the date of termination.\nIn the case of joint tenders, the contracting authority may terminate the FWC or a specific contract with each member of the group separately on the basis of points (d), (e) or (g) of Article II.18.1, under the conditions set out in Article II.11.2", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.11. Termination by either party 2\nEither party may terminate the FWC and/or the FWC and specific contracts by sending formal notification to the other party with three months written notice.\nIf the FWC or a specific contract is terminated:\na) neither party is entitled to compensation;\nb) the contractor is entitled to payment only for the services provided before termination takes effect.\nThe second, third and fourth paragraphs of Article II.18.4 apply.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.17.2. Suspension by the contracting authority\nThe contracting authority may suspend the implementation of the FWC or performance of\n29\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\na specific contract or any part of it:\n(a) if the procedure for awarding the FWC or a specific contract or the implementation of the FWC proves to have been subject to irregularities, fraud or breach of obligations ;\n(b) in order to verify whether the presumed irregularities, fraud or breach of obligations have actually occurred.\nThe contracting authority must formally notify the contractor of the suspension and the reasons for it. Suspension takes effect on the date of formal notification , or at a later date if the formal notification so provides.\nThe contracting authority must notify the contractor as soon as the verification is completed whether:\n(a) it is lifting the suspension; or\n(b) it intends to terminate the FWC or a specific contract under Article II.18.1(f) or (j).\nThe contractor is not entitled to compensation for suspension of any part of the FWC or a specific contract.\nThe contracting authority may in addition suspend the time allowed for payments in accordance with Article II.21.7.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work\nEN", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.18.3. Procedure for termination\nA party must formally notify the other party of its intention to terminate the FWC or a specific contract and the grounds for termination.\nThe other party has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations, including the measures it has taken or will take to continue fulfilling its contractual obligations. Failing that, the decision to terminate becomes enforceable the day after the time limit for submitting observations has elapsed.\nIf the other party submits observations, the party intending to terminate must formally notify it either of the withdrawal of its intention to terminate or of its final decision to terminate.\nIn the cases referred to in points (a) to (d), (g) to (i), (k) and (l) of Article II.18.1 and in Article II.18.2, the date on which the termination takes effect must be specified in the formal notification .\nIn the cases referred to in points (e), (f) and (j) of Article II.18.1, the termination takes effect on the day following the date on which the contractor receives notification of termination.\nIn addition, at the request of the contracting authority and regardless of the grounds for termination, the contractor must provide all necessary assistance, including information, documents and files, to allow the contracting authority to complete, continue or transfer the services to a new contractor or internally, without interruption or adverse effect on the\n31\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\nquality or continuity of the services. The parties may agree to draw up a transition plan detailing the contractor's assistance unless such plan is already detailed in other contractual documents or in the tender specifications. The contractor must provide such assistance at no additional cost, except if it can demonstrate that it requires substantial additional resources or means, in which case it must provide an estimate of the costs involved and the parties will negotiate an arrangement in good faith.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "implementing framework contract No ECHA/2019/355\n1. The European Chemicals Agency in Helsinki ('the contracting authority'), represented for the purposes of signing this specific contract by [ forename, surname, function, department of authorising officer ],\nand\n2. [ Full official name ]\n[ Official legal form ]\n[ Statutory registration number or ID or passport number ]\n[ Full official address ]\n[ VAT registration number ]\n[appointed as leader of the group by the members of the group that submitted the joint tender]\n[ repeat these data as many times as there are contractors in case of joint tender and continue numbering ]\n([collectively] \"the contractor\"), represented for the purposes of signing this specific contract by [ forename, surname and function of legal representative ,]\n43\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.8. Communication details\nFor the purpose of this FWC, communications must be sent to the following addresses:\nContracting authority:\nDirectorate and Unit D3, Risk Management I\nEuropean Chemicals Agency Telakkakatu 6 00150 Helsinki Finland E-mail: [insert functional mailbox]\nContractor (or leader in the case of a joint tender):\n[ Full name ] [ Function ] [ Company name ] [ Full official address ] E-mail: [ complete ]\nBy derogation from this Article, different contact details for the contracting authority or the contractor may be provided in specific contracts.\n1 BIC or SWIFT code for countries with no IBAN code\n8\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf", - "query": "According to the european chemical agency contracts, what is considers a grave professional misconduct ?", - "target_page": 14, - "target_passage": "'Grave professional misconduct': a violation of applicable laws or regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which a contractor or a related person belongs, including any conduct leading to sexual or other exploitation or abuse, or any wrongful conduct of the contractor or a related person which has an impact on its professional credibility where such conduct denotes wrongful intent or gross negligence.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work\nEN", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.1. Definitions\n'Formal notification' (or 'formally notify'): form of communication between the parties made in writing by mail or email, which provides the sender with compelling evidence that the message was delivered to the specified recipient;\n'Fraud': an act or omission committed in order to make an unlawful gain for the perpetrator or another by causing a loss to the Union's financial interests, and relating to: i) the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds or assets from the\n13\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\nUnion budget, ii) the non-disclosure of information in violation of a specific obligation, with the same effect or iii) the misapplication of such funds or assets for purposes other than those for which they were originally granted, which damages the Union's financial interests;\n'Grave professional misconduct': a violation of applicable laws or regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which a contractor or a related person belongs, including any conduct leading to sexual or other exploitation or abuse, or any wrongful conduct of the contractor or a related person which has an impact on its professional credibility where such conduct denotes wrongful intent or gross negligence.\n'Implementation of the FWC' : the purchase of services envisaged in the FWC through the signature and performance of specific contracts ;\n'Interface control document' : the guideline document which lays down the technical specifications, message standards, security standards, checks of syntax and semantics, etc. to facilitate machine-to-machine connection. This document is updated on a regular basis;\n'Irregularity' : any infringement of a provision of Union law resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the Union's budget.\n'Notification' (or 'notify'): form of communication between the parties made in writing including by electronic means;\n'Order form' : a simplified form of specific contract by which the contracting authority orders services under this FWC;\n'Performance of a specific contract' : the execution of tasks and delivery of the purchased services by the contractor to the contracting authority;\n'Personnel' : persons employed directly or indirectly or contracted by the contractor to implement the FWC;", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "https://committee.iso.org/home/tc283\n450 European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training CEDEFOP (https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/) Skills Panorama: https://skillspanorama.cedefop.europa.eu/en\n451 European Institute for Gender Equality EIGE (https://eige.europa.eu/ ) Gender Statistics Database, Work and Labour market, https://eige.europa.eu/gender-statistics/dgs, Gender Equality Index, e.g. index of digitalisation in the world of work (2020)\n452 European Chemical Agency ECHA (https://echa.europa.eu/home) Exposure scenario examples\n453 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en\n454 European Maritime Safety Agency EMSA (http://www.emsa.europa.eu/ ), Section on Safety and Security http://www.emsa.europa.eu/we-do/safety.html\n455 Fundamental Rights Agency FRA, https://fra.europa.eu/en, Section on 'Trafficking and labour exploitation, e.g the report from June 2021 titled: Protecting migrants in an irregular situation from labour exploitation - Role of the Employers Sanctions Directive\n456 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction EMCDDA (https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/), Section 'Best practice', Policy and practice briefings: Work places, https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/bestpractice/briefings/workplace_en\nQuite unknown and difficult to estimate: between one and nine percent of the employees take so-called neuro\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n158\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nenhancers. That is medication like tranquilizers, particularly in highly emotional jobs, or stimulants to survive long working hours - truck drivers, pilots, doctors etc..", - "page_start": 157, - "page_end": 158, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.7. Conflict of interest and professional conflicting interests\nII.7.1 The contractor must take all the necessary measures to prevent any situation of conflict of interest or professional conflicting interest .\nII.7.2 The contractor must notify the contracting authority in writing as soon as possible of any situation that could constitute a conflict of interest or a professional conflicting interest during the implementation of the FWC . The contractor must immediately take action to rectify the situation.\nThe contracting authority may do any of the following:\n(a) verify that the contractor's action is appropriate;\n(b) require the contractor to take further action within a specified deadline;\n(c) decide not to award a specific contract to the contractor.\nII.7.3 The contractor must pass on all the relevant obligations in writing to:\n(a) its personnel ;\n(b) any natural person with the power to represent it or take decisions on its behalf;\n(c) third parties involved in the implementation of the FWC , including subcontractors.\nThe contractor must also ensure that the persons referred to above are not placed in a situation which could give rise to conflicts of interest.\n19\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II.18.1. Grounds for termination by the contracting authority\nContract number: ECHA/2019/355\nFWC conditions of October 2018\n(g) if the contractor does not comply with applicable obligations under environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU;\n(h) if the contractor is in a situation that could constitute a conflict of interest or a professional conflicting interest as referred to in Article II.7;\n(i) if a change to the contractor's legal, financial, technical, organisational or ownership situation is likely to substantially affect the implementation of the FWC or substantially modify the conditions under which the FWC was initially awarded;\n(j) in the event of force majeure , where either resuming implementation is impossible or the necessary ensuing amendments to the FWC or a specific contract would mean that the tender specifications are no longer fulfilled or result in unequal treatment of tenderers or contractors;\n(k) if the needs of the contracting authority change and it no longer requires new services under the FWC; in such cases ongoing specific contracts remain unaffected;\n(l) if the termination of the FWC with one or more of the contractors means that the multiple FWC with reopening of competition no longer has the minimum required level of competition;\n(m) if the contractor is in breach of the data protection obligations resulting from Article II.9.2;\n(n) if the contractor does not comply with the applicable data protection obligations resulting from Regulation (EU) 2016/679.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "https://committee.iso.org/home/tc283\n411 European Agency for Safety and Health at Work: Overview page on ESENER https://osha.europa.eu/en/factsand-figures/esener, Data visualisation of ESENER data: https://visualisation.osha.europa.eu/esener/en Its third wave, interviewing more than 45,00 establishments across all business, size classes and activity sectors in 33 countries, was completed in 2019 and provides comparable results with the 2014 wave.\n412 Schmitt, B., Hammer, A.:2015: Für welche betrieblichen Kontexte ist der Prozess der Gefährdungsbeurteilung\nanschlussfähig? WSI-Mitteilungen, 68(3): 202-211; https://www.wsi.de/de/wsi-mitteilungen-fuer-welchebetrieblichen-kontexte-ist-der-prozess-der-gefaehrdungsbeurteilung-13201.htm\n413 Beck and Lenhardt, 2019; Lenhardt and Beck, 2016; Baldock et al., 2006: Influences on Small-Firm Compliance-Related Behaviour: The Case of Workplace Health and Safety, in: Environment and Planning C: Politica and space https://doi.org/10.1068/c0564 ;\n414 Kooperationsstelle Hamburg et. al.. 2010: Contract to analyse and evaluate the impact of the practical implementation in the workplace of national measures implementing Directive 98/24/EC on Chemical Agents Final Report, Ch. 5 on Risk assessment. The percentage of adequate risk assessments in Member States varies between 10% and 50%, https://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=10152&langId=en\n415 Lippel, K., Quinlan, M., 2011: Psychosocial hazards in the workplace: Challenges for regulators, Labour Inspectors and Worker representatives, Safety Science: Vol. 49, Issue 4, 2011,\nhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/safety-science/vol/49/issue/4", - "page_start": 156, - "page_end": 156, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.2 Technological developments - influence on OSH\nAccording to the detailed register data of the Swedish Chemicals Agency, 10 million tonnes of synthetic chemicals were used in Sweden in 2019 that were classified as hazardous to health and the environment (not counting petrol). That equals approximately 1 ton per citizen of such chemicals. 294\nThe ESENER 2019 survey provides information about sectors that reported a particularly high prevalence of dangerous substances . The percentage of enterprises reporting handling or exposure to chemicals are: 50% in 'Manufacturing', 49% in 'Construction, waste management, and water and electricity supply', and 47% in 'Human health and social work activities'. 295\nThe prevention of risks from the use of chemicals at workplaces is done according to extensive regulatory frameworks. The most relevant pieces of legislation at the EU level are the OSH Framework Directive, the Chemical Agents Directive, and the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive. Legislation in other policy areas contributes to the reduction of risks from dangerous substances in workplaces, such as EU legislation on chemical substances and mixtures (CLP, the regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals, its predecessor directive was already issued in 1967; REACH the regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals from 2007; and also specific EU and international legislation on specific aspects such as chemicals in waste, storage and transport, in specific products like batteries and cars, in specific sectors like agriculture, in natural environments like in water and soil, and in consumer products like food, detergents and cosmetics).\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n107\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nBiological agents have always been a risk at workplaces in several sectors, particularly in health and care, in agriculture and the food industry, in laboratories, and in wastewater treatment, waste disposal and recycling. Also, climate change will raise the risks from biological agents in Europe, due to the expected warming that allows biological agents from tropical and subtropical regions to migrate to Europe. 296 An increasing resistance of bacteria towards antibiotic treatment is a particular risk in hospitals and care institutions.", - "page_start": 106, - "page_end": 107, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6.1 Foundation, legislation, compliance and supervision\nThey conclude on a variety of aspects: 'During the last half-century, there has been a significant and well documented move away from prescriptive regulatory standards and efforts by national regulatory agencies to enforce them towards more principle-, performance- and process-based regulatory requirements …. This shift was originally informed by notions that traditional command and control strategies, however compromised by resource or governance, had achieved as much as they were likely to, and that different approaches were necessary to bring about the further improvements in OSH that were desired. 358 (regarding reasons of non-compliance at enterprise level see also the chapter on 'Prevention Practices in Enterprises').\nNot all worker groups, sectors or forms of work are equally covered by these directives. Since the first protective OSH legislations, some important groups or sectors had exceptions from full application of OSH legislation . Depending on the Member State, such exceptions are applied to selfemployed and contracted work, military, public sector, mining, workers in the marine sector and offshore installations, family members, personal and household services, work in charitable organisations, volunteers in general, and domestic and mobile workplaces. In addition to these existing exemptions, we can observe in the last two to three decades an accelerating trend of erosion of the conventional employer-employee relation. Examples are outsourcing of work to contractors, often to self-employed, or platform work.\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n122\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nObviously, most informal, and - in particular irregular and illegal types of work do not respect legal OSH obligations - and at the same time legal monitoring obligations also fail. The EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) published several case studies and examples in a series called 'Severe labour exploitation reports; 359 these studies provide an insight into most irregular working conditions.\nUndeclared work is defined as paid and lawful (not criminal) activity but undeclared to public authorities. ('paid activities that are lawful as regards their nature but not declared to public authorities, taking into account the differences in the regulatory systems of Member States'.)", - "page_start": 121, - "page_end": 122, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 Setting the scene\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n21\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nThe analytical distinctions were mostly made according to work and workplace-related criteria, like occupation, type of work, different contractual conditions and, in some cases, emphasising differences between EU Member States; it presents fewer data on characteristics of different worker groups, like age, sex and origin.\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n22\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf", - "query": "What or Corning's corporate values ?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": "Quality, Integrity, Performance, Leadership, Innovation, Independence, and The Individual", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER\nWe know that our shareholders are most eager to see a greater return on their investment with Corning, and of Wall Street's confidence. We are 100 percent committed to reaching that goal of profitability in 2003- and doing so within the rigorous compliance rules by which we have always been guided. Integrity characterizes all our relationships, both inside and outside of Corning, and we will never compromise that foundation of our reputation.\nWithin the context of our financial realities, however, we have not lost our sense of self. We will meet our goals…but the path we are taking to get there has been, and will continue to be, consistent with our Values. Integrity … quality … treating individuals with dignity and respect … these are the guiding principles of the decisions we make. We know that in adhering to our Values, solid business performance will follow.\n8", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE\nI continue to be extremely excited about the future opportunities emerging from our 152-year legacy of scientific innovations. We are concentrating our efforts on high-impact, near-term growth initiatives with emphasis on our liquid-crystal display, diesel filter, and chemical processing projects.\nCorning Incorporated is more than the sum of its parts-much more than a commercial enterprise.\nWe are one company with a proud history of innovation spanning more than 150 years. That legacy has created a diverse business portfolio and strong market leadership.\nWe have a time-tested set of Values and we rely on them to guide our every action. We association that all who touch our corporation feel. Shareholders, customers and employees understand that your corporation has, for more than 150 years, produced useful and industry-creating products that have changed the lives of mankind.\nIn our long history, we've always come together in the face of a tough challenge - and you can count on us to continue and assure you that we will succeed!\nAnd we are certainly not giving up on optical communications. We have the biggest share of the optical fiber market, by far, and continue to be the low-cost producer for anyone needing to move information from place to place. So while we've scaled back on production of fiber and other optical products, we certainly believe that they will continue to be an important part of our product mix again in the future. The optical communications industry is still in its infancy and we will capitalize on our leadership position to grow both our earnings and return on shareholder equity.\nYes, we have trimmed our investment in research to a level appropriate with our lowered revenues. But we're committed to research today even more than we have been in the past. Sincerely,\nWe are applying more than 10 percent of our revenues toward research. Some may question this high level of commitment in these times … but we simply will not back away from it. We\n3\nC ORNING T ECHNOLOGIES\nCorning' vative technology company The businesses we classify as Corning T ductor optics operations with aggressive plans for significant growth during 2003.\nOur LCD glass business has been a star performer year-over-year volume gains of more than 45 percent. We monitors have doubled over the past year alone - and there' desktop displays sold in 2002 were LCD. And, LCD TVs are next big opportunities, as the number of LCD more than doubled in 2002. Our EAGLE 2000™ glass substrates turers to produce lighter, larger, thinner and higher displays more af", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "S CIENCE & TECHNOLOGY\nCorning' the context of managing the sensitive balance between the near alignment of R&D and business objectives, and longer discovery research and new opportunity creation.\nOver the past year with business conditions. markets and create life-changing innovations.\nWe opportunities more quickly and efficiently. We critical intellectual assets of our scientific organization.\nOur R&D or new product development, but also new process development. lowered cost and increased quality performance.\nInnovation is one of Corning's core V language and mindset of the company. Even in the face of dif commitment to research and development.\nC RITICAL T ECHNOLOGIES : CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION\nM ATERIALS R ESEARCH : OPTICAL PROPERTIES\n7\nW ENDELL P. WEEKS\nJ AMES B. FLAWS", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C OMMON S TOCK\n-changes in the mix of sales between premium and non-premium products,\n-facility expansions and new plant start-up costs,\n-adverse litigation or regulatory developments, including future or pending tax legislation,\n-adequacy and availability of insurance,\n-capital resource and cash flow activities,\n-capital spending,\n-equity company activities,\n-interest costs,\n-acquisition and divestiture activity,\n-the rate of technology change,\n-the ability to enforce patents,\nCorning Incorporated common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the SWX Swiss Exchange. In addition, it is traded on the Boston, Midwest, Pacific and Philadelphia stock exchanges. Common stock options are traded on the Chicago Board Options Exchange. The abbreviated ticker symbol for Corning Incorporated is 'GLW.'\nTRANSFER A GENT AND R EGISTRAR Computershare Investor Services LLC P.O. Box A-3504 Chicago, IL 60690-3504 Telephone: 800.255.0461 Website: www.computershare.com\nC HANGE OF A DDRESS\nReport change of address to Computershare Investor Services at the above address.\nINDEPENDENT A CCOUNTANTS PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019\nCorning Incorporated\nOne Riverfront Plaza Corning, NY 14831-0001 607 974 9000\nwww.corning.com\n02BR24601EN\n-product performance issues,\n-stock price fluctuations, and\n-other risks detailed in Corning's SEC filings.\nNeither this report nor any statement contained herein is furnished in connection with any of\nCorning is an equal opportunity employer. Printed in USA\n© Corning Incorporated 2003\nTHE INTEGRATION OF OUR BELIEFS ,WISDOM ,CURIOSITY ,& KNOWLEDGE PROVIDES BALANCE & STABILITY .\nC ORPORATE VALUES :\nCorning's Values provide an unchanging moral and ethical compass that guides the actions of everyone in the company. The corporate values are: Quality, Integrity, Performance, Leadership, Innovation, Independence, and The Individual.\nquality integri performance leadership innovation independence i i i i i i i T OTAL Q UALITY : In alignment with the quality policy of thecorporation, our policy is to achieve Total Quality performance. Total Quality performance means understanding who the customer is, what the requirements are, and meeting those requirements better than anyone else, without error, on time, every time.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B A L A N C E\nCorning Annual Report 2002", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WE WILL BE A RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE CITIZEN.\nWe conduct our business in a way that sustains the well-being of society, our environment, and the economy in which we live and work. We follow ethical and legal business practices. Our company supports our volunteer efforts and provides charitable contributions so that we can actively participate in the civic, cultural, educational, environmental, and governmental affairs of our society.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nCommitted to supporting environmental businesses, a CSR priority, through our core businesses", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "R ETURNING TO PROFITABILITY\nIn 2003, we will focus our ener profitability. We explain a few of the reasons why.\nDespite these lowered revenues and net loss, I take great pride in saying that Corning continues to be a financially sound company. We developed a three-part plan for achieving this goal: maintaining significant cash balances; using excess cash to reduce our debt; and continuing to have access to our $2 billion revolving line of credit. And we have achieved significant success in each of these areas.\nAlthough it has been a very painful process, we have dramatically slowed the rate at which we are consuming cash and short term investments. Much of this, regrettably, was through a variety of plant closures and the elimination of about 7,100 jobs, in addition to the 12,000 jobs we eliminated last year. As a result, a major drain on cash has been due to severance\nOur Technologies segment has had a strong year, and has set aggressive goals for both sales and profit growth for 2003. to profitability - particularly our liquid-crystal display ronmental and semiconductor optics businesses. These are in which we participate expand as we expect, we have every We fixed cost structure. In October, we announced plans to\n2\n2002\nWORLDWIDE REVENUES\nhave more than 1,000 scientists and researchers in our laboratories. and they're going to stay that way!\noperations throughout the world. These actions are key to reaching this goal of profitability. The optical fiber and cable business remains challenging for the short term, but there is still a great deal of long-term value to be realized in this business. We believe our cost structure is coming in line with our current reduced revenue expectations.\nThe optical components market remains very weak and as a result our photonic technologies business will need to take further action to reduce costs. In this challenging environment, we have narrowed our product focus and continue to explore several strategic options.\nLastly, we are continuing to drive down costs in our administrative and staff functions by standardizing processes and centralizing activities wherever possible.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive and\nCorporate Officers", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Governance\n- 46 -", - "page_start": 47, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf", - "query": "As a Corning's investor, how can I get a summary of the annual meeting of shareholders ?", - "target_page": 11, - "target_passage": "A summary report of the proceedings at the annual meeting will be available without charge upon written request to Ms. Denise A. Hauselt, Secretary and Assistant General Counsel, Corning Incorporated, HQ-E2-10, Corning, NY 14831", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "A NNUAL M EETING\nThe annual meeting of shareholders will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2003, in Corning, NY. A formal notice of the meeting together with a proxy statement will be mailed to shareholders on or about March 12, 2003. The proxy statement can also be accessed electronically through the Investor Relations category of the Corning home page on the Internet at www.corning.com. A summary report of the proceedings at the annual meeting will be available without charge upon written request to Ms. Denise A. Hauselt, Secretary and Assistant General Counsel, Corning Incorporated, HQ-E2-10, Corning, NY 14831.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PUBLICATIONS\nThe Annual Report is the main source of information for shareholders.", - "page_start": 67, - "page_end": 67, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL MEETING\nThe Board of Directors extends an invitation to all shareholders to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The meeting will be held at 11:00 AM (EST) on April 20, 2004 in the Auditorium of the Company's offices at the Shentel Center, 500 Mill Road, Edinburg, Virginia.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL MEETING\nThe Company's annual shareholders' meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on May 4, 2004, at the Holiday Inn, Highways 61 & 38 North, Muscatine, Iowa. Shareholders and other interested investors are encouraged to attend the meeting.", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annual Meeting\nThe Annual Meeting of shareholders will be held at 10 a.m. Central Time on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, at Emmis' Corporate office.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annual General Meeting\nAll shareholders are encouraged to attend and participate in the Company's Annual General Meeting. Shareholders may attend in person or send a proxy as their representative.\nThe Company's external auditor is routinely invited to and attends the Annual General Meeting in order to respond to questions raised by shareholders relating to the content and conduct of the audit and accounting policies adopted by the Company in relation to the preparation of the financial statements.", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Shareholder Information\nAs at 26 September 2013", - "page_start": 115, - "page_end": 115, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Directors, Directors' Shareholdings and Directors' Meetings\nThe names of Directors of the Company in office at the date of this report and details of the relevant interest of each of those Directors in shares in the Company at that date are as set out below:", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL MEETING\nThe Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 23, 2012, at the Corporate Headquarters of Applied Industrial Technologies, 1 Applied Plaza, East 36th and Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Voting and comments made at the Company's 2012 AGM\nThe table below provides a summary of the Board's action and / or comments in response to concerns raised by shareholders at the 2012 AGM in relation to remuneration.", - "page_start": 51, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf", - "query": "How many employees did Corning company count at the end of 2002 ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "We are continuing to invest in our people — all 23,200 of them", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of October 25, 2003, the Company had over 16,000 active employees.\n(d)\nExecutive Officers of the Registrant", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B A L A N C E\nCorning Annual Report 2002", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of December 31, 2004, we employed approximately 13,400 full-time employees, approximately 3,100 of whom were covered by collective bargaining agreements. Our management believes that we have good relations with our employees.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nWith our subsidiary banks we employed approximately 750 full-time equivalent employees at February 1, 2003. Our management believes that our employee relations have been and will continue to be good.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "annual report 2002", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EMPLOYEES\nDuring 2014, we employed approximately 67,000 employees on a full- or part-time basis. Due to the seasonal nature of our business, employment increased to approximately 68,000 employees in July 2014 and 73,500 in December 2014. All of our employees are non-union. We believe our relationship with our employees is good.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002\nRevenue. Revenue was $2,708.1 million, $2,517.8 million and $2,365.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Revenue increased by $190.3 million, or 7.6%, from 2003 to\n34\n2004. Revenue increased by $152.7 million, or 6.5%, from 2002 to 2003. The following table reÖects the components of our revenue growth for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002:", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "R ETURNING TO PROFITABILITY\nIn 2003, we will focus our ener profitability. We explain a few of the reasons why.\nDespite these lowered revenues and net loss, I take great pride in saying that Corning continues to be a financially sound company. We developed a three-part plan for achieving this goal: maintaining significant cash balances; using excess cash to reduce our debt; and continuing to have access to our $2 billion revolving line of credit. And we have achieved significant success in each of these areas.\nAlthough it has been a very painful process, we have dramatically slowed the rate at which we are consuming cash and short term investments. Much of this, regrettably, was through a variety of plant closures and the elimination of about 7,100 jobs, in addition to the 12,000 jobs we eliminated last year. As a result, a major drain on cash has been due to severance\nOur Technologies segment has had a strong year, and has set aggressive goals for both sales and profit growth for 2003. to profitability - particularly our liquid-crystal display ronmental and semiconductor optics businesses. These are in which we participate expand as we expect, we have every We fixed cost structure. In October, we announced plans to\n2\n2002\nWORLDWIDE REVENUES\nhave more than 1,000 scientists and researchers in our laboratories. and they're going to stay that way!\noperations throughout the world. These actions are key to reaching this goal of profitability. The optical fiber and cable business remains challenging for the short term, but there is still a great deal of long-term value to be realized in this business. We believe our cost structure is coming in line with our current reduced revenue expectations.\nThe optical components market remains very weak and as a result our photonic technologies business will need to take further action to reduce costs. In this challenging environment, we have narrowed our product focus and continue to explore several strategic options.\nLastly, we are continuing to drive down costs in our administrative and staff functions by standardizing processes and centralizing activities wherever possible.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER\nVICE CHAIRMAN\nAND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER\nIn our business operations during 2002 we invested a great deal of energy aligning our cost structure and business plans with our priority of restoring profitability. After massive restructuring - following restructuring efforts we launched in 2001-we feel we now have our cost structure and growth strategies in place to accomplish this goal.\nWe have re-balanced the company to take advantage of our broad and diverse set of businesses. And in charting our strategies, we have focused on ensuring that both our segments have solid business plans in place, enabling them to grow. Our people are rigorously committed to executing against these plans.\nWe take great pride in saying that Corning continues to be a financially sound company, thanks to the aggressive strategies we executed throughout 2002. Although it has been a very painful process, we have dramatically slowed the rate at which we are spending cash. We ended the year with a balance of cash and short-term investments of $2.1 billion. And we have access to $2 billion in credit that we haven't touched - and don't plan to. We also continue to pay down debt each quarter. This, combined a high degree of confidence in our ability to meet any future financial obligations. So, we feel very good about our liquidity position right now.\nAs you saw earlier in this report, our Corning Technologies businesses are in markets with solid growth potential. We have leading market positions in attractive businesses … we are ready to capitalize on that position of strength. Meanwhile, we are making these businesses even more cost-effective through significant manufacturing efficiency gains.\nIn telecommunications, we are not planning on a market recovery in 2003. We have aligned our cost structure to meet current demand levels after two very tough years of ongoing restructuring.\nThe ongoing economic weakness and uncertainty in world events continue to make the overall business environment to forecast revenues and expenses quarter-to-quarter, and we are encouraged by the near-term growth potential of our non-telecommunications businesses - especially our liquid-crystal display, environmental and semiconductor businesses. If these markets continue to grow as we expect, we are confident that we will be able to meet our goals.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE\nI continue to be extremely excited about the future opportunities emerging from our 152-year legacy of scientific innovations. We are concentrating our efforts on high-impact, near-term growth initiatives with emphasis on our liquid-crystal display, diesel filter, and chemical processing projects.\nCorning Incorporated is more than the sum of its parts-much more than a commercial enterprise.\nWe are one company with a proud history of innovation spanning more than 150 years. That legacy has created a diverse business portfolio and strong market leadership.\nWe have a time-tested set of Values and we rely on them to guide our every action. We association that all who touch our corporation feel. Shareholders, customers and employees understand that your corporation has, for more than 150 years, produced useful and industry-creating products that have changed the lives of mankind.\nIn our long history, we've always come together in the face of a tough challenge - and you can count on us to continue and assure you that we will succeed!\nAnd we are certainly not giving up on optical communications. We have the biggest share of the optical fiber market, by far, and continue to be the low-cost producer for anyone needing to move information from place to place. So while we've scaled back on production of fiber and other optical products, we certainly believe that they will continue to be an important part of our product mix again in the future. The optical communications industry is still in its infancy and we will capitalize on our leadership position to grow both our earnings and return on shareholder equity.\nYes, we have trimmed our investment in research to a level appropriate with our lowered revenues. But we're committed to research today even more than we have been in the past. Sincerely,\nWe are applying more than 10 percent of our revenues toward research. Some may question this high level of commitment in these times … but we simply will not back away from it. We\n3\nC ORNING T ECHNOLOGIES\nCorning' vative technology company The businesses we classify as Corning T ductor optics operations with aggressive plans for significant growth during 2003.\nOur LCD glass business has been a star performer year-over-year volume gains of more than 45 percent. We monitors have doubled over the past year alone - and there' desktop displays sold in 2002 were LCD. And, LCD TVs are next big opportunities, as the number of LCD more than doubled in 2002. Our EAGLE 2000™ glass substrates turers to produce lighter, larger, thinner and higher displays more af", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf", - "query": "What is the shortcut to mute myself in MS teams ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "Use [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[M] for a shortcut to mute and unmute during meetings.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Meeting controls\nWhen you join meetings, a different window will pop-up. These are the controls you need to know:\nTip\nUse [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[M] for a shortcut to mute and unmute during meetings.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Getting around\nNavigate Teams using the menu along the left side and the top bar of your Teams desktop app.\nTip\nYour Teams calendar automatically syncs with Outlook, and you can manage meetings through either app.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Present in meetings\nScreen share from the Share button at the top of your meeting window. 1.\nChoose what screen or window you want to share. Don't forget to include audio if you're sharing something with sound. 2.\nWhen you are finished, use the share button at the top of your meeting window to stop sharing. 3.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Welcome to Microsoft Teams\nMicrosoft Teams is the app that brings your conversations, meetings, and files together in one place. This guide will help you get started with Teams, learn the basics, get tips to practice on your own, and discover ways to engage your team.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Join meetings\nFrom the calendar tab, select the meeting you intend to join, then select join. . 1.\nA new screen will show up. Here you can choose how you want to appear in the meeting, and your audio preferences. 2.\n3. Then select join now. .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Teams and channels\nBy default, your chats will be arranged along the left-hand side of the chat panel, with the most recent messages at the top. You can right-click on any chat and select \"Pin,\" which will keep it at the top of your list for quick access.\nTip\nWhen you create group chats you can edit the name of the group by selecting the pen symbol next to the group icon in the chat. This will help you give it context and make it easier to find.\nWhen you are invited to a new Team, it will automatically appear on the left panel along with all its associated channels. You can choose to \"show\" the most relevant chanels and \"hide\" the rest.\nTeams\nGeneral\nMarketing\nShared Channel\nA\nteam\nis a broad group of people that work together to get something\ndone. You can choose who is part of the team, and people can only access\nshared content by invitation. All teams are created with an associated\nGeneral channel that includes all team members by default.\nChannels\nA\nchannel\nis a central hub for a specific topic, within the larger team, where\npeople can hold focused conversations and organize a library of files.\nChannels can be:\n· Standard (visible to everyone on the team)\n· Private (only visible to select team members)\n· Shared (visible to invited team members and external members of your\norganization who are not on the team)\nCreate a team for your organization with channels for your leadership team, each department, and one just for fun! Tip\nAN", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Practice\nDownload the app for desktop and mobile to access Teams with the best performance anywhere you go.\nOnce you sign in, connect with your team in chat, channels, calls, and meetings.\nTry out the different features as you learn about them in this guide. You'll get the basics in no time!\nHit the ground running now!\nBuild confidence by trying things on your own. Go to the meet now button\n(at the top right corner on the Calendar tab) to play around and test all the meetings functionalities before you're in the spotlight!", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Respond\nTag a teammate in a message by typing the @ symbol followed by their name. They will receive a special notification calling for their attention. @\nReact to individual messages or quote them in a response.\nTip Going into format mode will prevent your message from sending when you hit [Enter], so it's a great way to draft and preview messages before sending them.\nTip If you want to revisit an important message later, hover on that message, select the three d , then choose 'Save.' Saved messages will be found under your profile picture dropdown menu.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Try it: Apply the Heading 1 style:\n1. Put your cursor somewhere in the heading above ('Make magic: use Heading styles') don't select anything.\n2. On the Home tab, find Styles , and select Heading 1 (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+1).\nTa-da! Now it looks like a heading, and acts like one too.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Connect through messages\nWhether you're in a meeting, channel, or a chat, your messaging box will look the same.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf", - "query": "How can I make a channel visible to an invited member ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Channels can be: • Shared (visible to invited team members and external members of your organization who are not on the team)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Teams and channels\nBy default, your chats will be arranged along the left-hand side of the chat panel, with the most recent messages at the top. You can right-click on any chat and select \"Pin,\" which will keep it at the top of your list for quick access.\nTip\nWhen you create group chats you can edit the name of the group by selecting the pen symbol next to the group icon in the chat. This will help you give it context and make it easier to find.\nWhen you are invited to a new Team, it will automatically appear on the left panel along with all its associated channels. You can choose to \"show\" the most relevant chanels and \"hide\" the rest.\nTeams\nGeneral\nMarketing\nShared Channel\nA\nteam\nis a broad group of people that work together to get something\ndone. You can choose who is part of the team, and people can only access\nshared content by invitation. All teams are created with an associated\nGeneral channel that includes all team members by default.\nChannels\nA\nchannel\nis a central hub for a specific topic, within the larger team, where\npeople can hold focused conversations and organize a library of files.\nChannels can be:\n· Standard (visible to everyone on the team)\n· Private (only visible to select team members)\n· Shared (visible to invited team members and external members of your\norganization who are not on the team)\nCreate a team for your organization with channels for your leadership team, each department, and one just for fun! Tip\nAN", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Connect through messages\nWhether you're in a meeting, channel, or a chat, your messaging box will look the same.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Join meetings\nFrom the calendar tab, select the meeting you intend to join, then select join. . 1.\nA new screen will show up. Here you can choose how you want to appear in the meeting, and your audio preferences. 2.\n3. Then select join now. .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recipient/List\nChoose your recipient. For our example, we add the newly created recipient from the drop-down menu.", - "page_start": 346, - "page_end": 346, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": " Enable User\nOn the Disable/Enable screen, search for the user whose account should be activated and un-tick the 'Disabled' box. (figure 22a).", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Share your work with others\nTo invite others to view or edit your documents, select the Share button in the top right corner of the app window. Then, you can choose to share a link to your document or send invitations directly to specific people. If someone doesn't have Word, they can use the free Word for the Web app to edit and comment.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Meeting controls\nWhen you join meetings, a different window will pop-up. These are the controls you need to know:\nTip\nUse [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[M] for a shortcut to mute and unmute during meetings.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Present in meetings\nScreen share from the Share button at the top of your meeting window. 1.\nChoose what screen or window you want to share. Don't forget to include audio if you're sharing something with sound. 2.\nWhen you are finished, use the share button at the top of your meeting window to stop sharing. 3.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Compose\nFormat your messages, add bullet points, charts or hyperlinks.\nMark as important to call attention to specific messages.\nAttach files to share with your teammates.\nInclude gifs , emojis, stickers to bring lightness to your conversations.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3.3 View User\nThis function enables NFP and PM to view all users of their country.\n Log in as NFP or PM\n Hover the cursor on the 'Users Management' tab and click on the 'Users Administration' button. (see figure 21); this opens the Users Administration screen (figure 22).", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf", - "query": "How can I notify a collegue mentionned in a chat message in Teams ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "Tag a teammate in a message by typing the @ symbol followed by their name. They will receive a special notification calling for their attention.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Respond\nTag a teammate in a message by typing the @ symbol followed by their name. They will receive a special notification calling for their attention. @\nReact to individual messages or quote them in a response.\nTip Going into format mode will prevent your message from sending when you hit [Enter], so it's a great way to draft and preview messages before sending them.\nTip If you want to revisit an important message later, hover on that message, select the three d , then choose 'Save.' Saved messages will be found under your profile picture dropdown menu.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Teams and channels\nBy default, your chats will be arranged along the left-hand side of the chat panel, with the most recent messages at the top. You can right-click on any chat and select \"Pin,\" which will keep it at the top of your list for quick access.\nTip\nWhen you create group chats you can edit the name of the group by selecting the pen symbol next to the group icon in the chat. This will help you give it context and make it easier to find.\nWhen you are invited to a new Team, it will automatically appear on the left panel along with all its associated channels. You can choose to \"show\" the most relevant chanels and \"hide\" the rest.\nTeams\nGeneral\nMarketing\nShared Channel\nA\nteam\nis a broad group of people that work together to get something\ndone. You can choose who is part of the team, and people can only access\nshared content by invitation. All teams are created with an associated\nGeneral channel that includes all team members by default.\nChannels\nA\nchannel\nis a central hub for a specific topic, within the larger team, where\npeople can hold focused conversations and organize a library of files.\nChannels can be:\n· Standard (visible to everyone on the team)\n· Private (only visible to select team members)\n· Shared (visible to invited team members and external members of your\norganization who are not on the team)\nCreate a team for your organization with channels for your leadership team, each department, and one just for fun! Tip\nAN", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Compose\nFormat your messages, add bullet points, charts or hyperlinks.\nMark as important to call attention to specific messages.\nAttach files to share with your teammates.\nInclude gifs , emojis, stickers to bring lightness to your conversations.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Getting around\nNavigate Teams using the menu along the left side and the top bar of your Teams desktop app.\nTip\nYour Teams calendar automatically syncs with Outlook, and you can manage meetings through either app.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Connect through messages\nWhether you're in a meeting, channel, or a chat, your messaging box will look the same.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Welcome to Microsoft Teams\nMicrosoft Teams is the app that brings your conversations, meetings, and files together in one place. This guide will help you get started with Teams, learn the basics, get tips to practice on your own, and discover ways to engage your team.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.5 message\nWhen the watch is successfully bound to the app, and you approve notifications of corresponding apps in your mobile phone system, and switch on these apps or callings notifications functions on your watch, the notifications on your mobile phone can synchronize to your watch.\n1.5.1. Incoming call notification:\nTurn on the incoming call reminder in the app. When the phone has a incoming call, the watch will light up or vibrate.\n1.5.2. SMS notification:\nEnable the SMS notification in the app. When one or more SMS messages are received on the mobile phone, the watch will receive one or more SMS reminders at the same time.\n1.5.3. Other application message notifications:\nTurn on the corresponding application message notification in the app, such as WeChat, QQ, Outlook, Facebook and other applications. When the mobile phone receives one/multiple application message notifications, the watch will receive one/multiple corresponding message reminders at the same time.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recipient/List\nChoose your recipient. For our example, we add the newly created recipient from the drop-down menu.", - "page_start": 346, - "page_end": 346, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.2 App notification\n1) When the watch is bound to the APP, and you allow the watch to display notifications on the watch, the new messages received in your mobile phone will be pushed to the watch, and a total of 10 messages can be saved. The messages received after 10 messages will be overwritten one by one.\n2) Swipe to the bottom to click the delete icon to clear all message records.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Share knowledge\nTeamwork is all about collaboration! Share with your team best practices you learn along the way, tips and tricks for how you can best organize your workflows and ask for their own advice to define how you can best use Teams together.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf", - "query": "What are the 3 prerequisites to be elligible as president of Botswana ?", - "target_page": 18, - "target_passage": "A person shall be qualified for election as President if, and shall not be qualified unless, he or she- (a) is a citizen of Botswana by birth or descent; (b) has attained the age of 30 years; and (c) is qualified to be elected as a Member of the National Assembly", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1. D eclaration of R epublic\nBotsw ana is a sovereign R epublic.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "33. Q ualification for election as P resident\n(1) A person shall be qualified for election as P resident if, and shall not be qualified unless, he or she-\n( a ) is a citizen of B otsw ana by birth or descent;\n( b ) has attained the age of 30 years; and\n( c ) is qualified to be elected as a M em ber of the N ational A ssem bly.\n(2) N otw ithstanding any other law to the contrary, for the purposes of this section and section 39-\n( a ) the term \"citizen by birth\" shall be understood to include only those persons w ho becam e citizens of B otsw ana prior to the am endm ent of the law relating to citizenship by the C itizenship A ct;\n( b ) any person w ho, although his or her father w as a citizen of B otsw ana at the tim e of that person's birth, had, by virtue of his or her having been born outside Botsw ana, to be registered as a citizen of B otsw ana, under the law relating to\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\ncitizenship in force at that tim e, shall be regarded as a citizen by descent.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Account prerequisites\nBut, before you start, you need an AWS account. The following sections provide the best practice steps to create an account and an administrative user.", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "63. C onstituencies\nBotsw ana shall be divided into as m any constituencies as there are E lected M em bers of the N ational A ssem bly and each of those constituencies shall return one M em ber to the N ational A ssem bly.\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "62. D isqualifications for m em bership of N ational A ssem bly\n(1) N o person shall be qualified to be elected as a M em ber of the N ational Assem bly w ho-\n( a ) is, by virtue of his or her ow n act, under any acknow ledgem ent of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign pow er or state;\n( b ) has been declared insolvent or adjudged or otherw ise declared bankrupt under any law for the tim e being in force in B otsw ana and has not been discharged, or has m ade a com position w ith his or her creditors and has not paid his or her debts in full;\n( c ) is certified to be insane or otherw ise adjudged or declared to be of unsound m ind under any law for the tim e being in force in B otsw ana;\n( d ) is a M em ber of the N tlo ya D ikgosi ;\n( e ) subject to such exceptions as m ay be prescribed by P arliam ent, holds any public office, or is acting in any public office by virtue of a contract of service expressed to continue for a period exceeding six m onths;\n( f ) is under sentence of death im posed on him or her by a court in any part of the C om m onw ealth, or is under a sentence of im prisonm ent (by w hatever nam e called) exceeding six m onths im posed on him or her by such a court or substituted by com petent authority for som e other sentence im posed on him or her by such a court;\n( g ) holds, or is acting in, any office the functions of w hich involve any responsibility for, or in connection w ith, the conduct of any elections to the A ssem bly or the com pilation or revision of any electoral register for the purposes of such elections.\n(2) P arliam ent m ay provide that a person shall not be qualified for election to the N ational A ssem bly for such period (not exceeding five years) as m ay be prescribed if he or she is convicted of any such offence connected w ith elections to the A ssem bly as m ay be prescribed.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "61. Q ualifications for election to N ational A ssem bly\nSubject to the provisions of section 62 of this C onstitution, a person shall be qualified to be elected as a M em ber of the N ational A ssem bly if, and shall not be qualified to be so elected unless-\n( a ) he or she is a citizen of B otsw ana;\n( b ) he or she has attained the age of 18 years;\n( c ) he or she is qualified for registration as a voter for the purposes of the election of the E lected M em bers of the N ational A ssem bly and is so registered; and\n( d ) he or she is able to speak, and, unless incapacitated by blindness or other physical cause, to read E nglish w ell enough to take an active part in the proceedings of the A ssem bly.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "67. The franchise\n(1) A person w ho-\n( a ) is a citizen of B otsw ana or of any other country to w hich this section is applied by P arliam ent;\n( b ) has attained the age of 18 years; and\n( c ) has either resided in B otsw ana for a continuous period of at least 12 m onths im m ediately preceding the date on w hich he or she applies for registration as a voter or w as born in B otsw ana and is dom iciled in B otsw ana on the date on w hich he or she applies for registration as a voter,\nshall, unless he or she is disqualified for registration as a voter under any law , be entitled, upon his or her m aking application in that behalf at such tim e and in such m anner as m ay be prescribed by any law , to be registered as a voter for the purposes of elections of E lected M em bers of the N ational A ssem bly, and no other person m ay be so registered.\n(2) A person w ho has not continuously resided in B otsw ana for the period m entioned in paragraph ( c ) of subsection (1) of this section but has during the w hole period retained his or her residence (or if he or she has m ore than one residence, his or her principal residence) in B otsw ana and has been absent therefrom for som e tem porary purpose only shall be deem ed for the purposes of the said paragraph ( c ) to have been resident in B otsw ana during such absence.\n(3) A person shall be entitled to be registered as a voter-\n( a ) in the constituency in w hich he or she has his or her residence, or if he or she\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PLEASE REMEMBER TO ATTACH THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS TO YOUR REGISTRATION FORM:\nA copy of your ID\nProof of your highest grade passed\nProof of any other relevant qualifications you have obtained\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "David M. Znamierowski\nPresident", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The President and the V ice-P resident\n30. O ffice of P resident\n31. First P resident\n32. Election of P resident after dissolution of P arliam ent\n33. Q ualification for election as P resident\n34. Tenure of office of P resident\n35. Vacancy in office of P resident\n36. D ischarge of functions of P resident during absence, illness, etc.\n37. O ath of P resident\n38. R eturning officer at elections of P resident\n39. Vice-P resident\n40. Salary and allow ances of P resident\n41. Protection of P resident in respect of legal proceedings", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf", - "query": "What is the condition to be allowing to access the position of Director of public prosecution in Botswana ?", - "target_page": 25, - "target_passage": "A person shall not be qualified to be appointed to the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions unless he or she is qualified to be appointed to the Office of a Judge of the High Court", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "14. Protection of freedom of m ovem ent\n(3) N othing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent w ith or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question m akes provision-\n( a ) for the im position of restrictions that are reasonably required in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public m orality or public health or the im position of restrictions on the acquisition or use by any person of land or other property in B otsw ana and except so far as that provision or, as the case m ay be, the thing done under the authority thereof, is show n not to be reasonably justifiable in a dem ocratic society;\n( b ) for the im position of restrictions on the freedom of m ovem ent of any person w ho is not a citizen of B otsw ana;\n( c ) for the im position of restrictions on the entry into or residence w ithin defined areas of B otsw ana of persons w ho are not B ushm en to the extent that such restrictions are reasonably required for the protection or w ell-being of B ushm en;\n( d ) for the im position of restrictions upon the m ovem ent or residence w ithin Botsw ana of public officers; or\n( e ) .......\n(4) If any person w hose freedom of m ovem ent has been restricted by order under such a provision as is referred to in subsection (3)( a ) of this section (other than a restriction w hich is applicable to persons generally or to general classes of persons) so requests at any tim e during the period of that restriction not earlier than six m onths after the order w as m ade or six m onths after he or she last m ade such request, as the case m ay be, his or her case shall be review ed by an independent and im partial tribunal presided over by a person, qualified to be enrolled as an advocate in B otsw ana, appointed by the C hief Justice.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. D eclaration of R epublic\nBotsw ana is a sovereign R epublic.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "51A . D irector of P ublic P rosecutions\n(1) There shall be a D irector of P ublic P rosecutions appointed by the P resident w hose office shall be a public office and w ho shall be subject to the adm inistrative supervision of the A ttorney-G eneral.\n(2) A person shall not be qualified to be appointed to the O ffice of D irector of Public P rosecutions unless he or she is qualified to be appointed to the O ffice of a Judge of the H igh C ourt.\n(3) The D irector of P ublic P rosecutions shall have pow er in any case in w hich he or she considers it desirable to do so-\n( a ) to institute and undertake crim inal proceedings against any person before any court (other than a court m artial) in respect of any offence alleged to have been com m itted by that person;\n( b ) to take over and continue any such crim inal proceedings that have been instituted or undertaken by any other person or authority; and\n( c ) to discontinue, at any stage before judgm ent is delivered, any such crim inal proceedings instituted or undertaken by him self or herself or any other person or authority.\n(4) The pow ers of the D irector of P ublic P rosecutions under subsection (3) m ay be exercised by him or her in person or by officers subordinate to him or her acting in accordance w ith his or her general or special authority.\n(5) For the purposes of this section any appeal from any judgm ent in any crim inal proceedings before any court, or any case stated or question of law reserved for the purpose of any such proceedings, to any other court shall be deem ed to be part of those proceedings:\nProvided that the pow er conferred on the D irector of P ublic P rosecutions by subsection (3)( c ) of this section shall not be exercised in relation to any appeal by a person convicted in any crim inal proceedings or to any case stated or question of law reserved at the instance of such person.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "14. Protection of freedom of m ovem ent\n(1) N o person shall be deprived of his or her freedom of m ovem ent, and for the purposes of this section the said freedom m eans the right to m ove freely throughout Botsw ana, the right to reside in any part of B otsw ana, the right to enter B otsw ana and im m unity from expulsion from B otsw ana.\n(2) A ny restriction on a person's freedom of m ovem ent that is involved in his or\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\nher law ful detention shall not be held to be inconsistent w ith or in contravention of this section.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "51A . D irector of P ublic P rosecutions\n(6) In the exercise of the functions vested in him or her by subsection (3) of this section the D irector of P ublic P rosecutions shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority:\nProvided that-\n( a ) w here any other person or authority has instituted crim inal proceedings, nothing in this subsection shall prevent the w ithdraw al of those proceedings by or at the instance of that person or authority, and w ith the leave of the court; and\n( b ) before exercising his or her pow ers in relation to cases considered by the Attorney-G eneral to be of national im portance, the D irector of P ublic Prosecutions shall consult the A ttorney-G eneral.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Protection of right to personal liberty\n(1) N o person shall be deprived of his or her personal liberty save as m ay be authorized by law in any of the follow ing cases, that is to say-\n( a ) in execution of the sentence or order of a court, w hether established for Botsw ana or som e other country, in respect of a crim inal offence of w hich he or she has been convicted;\n( b ) in execution of the order of a court of record punishing him or her for contem pt of that or another court;\n( c ) in execution of the order of a court m ade to secure the fulfilm ent of any obligation im posed on him or her by law ;\n( d ) for the purpose of bringing him or her before a court in execution of the order of a court;\n( e ) upon reasonable suspicion of his or her having com m itted, or being about to com m it, a crim inal offence under the law in force in B otsw ana;\n( f ) under the order of a court or w ith the consent of his or her parent or guardian,\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\nfor his or her education or w elfare during any period ending not later than the date w hen he or she attains the age of 18 years;", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "33. Q ualification for election as P resident\n(1) A person shall be qualified for election as P resident if, and shall not be qualified unless, he or she-\n( a ) is a citizen of B otsw ana by birth or descent;\n( b ) has attained the age of 30 years; and\n( c ) is qualified to be elected as a M em ber of the N ational A ssem bly.\n(2) N otw ithstanding any other law to the contrary, for the purposes of this section and section 39-\n( a ) the term \"citizen by birth\" shall be understood to include only those persons w ho becam e citizens of B otsw ana prior to the am endm ent of the law relating to citizenship by the C itizenship A ct;\n( b ) any person w ho, although his or her father w as a citizen of B otsw ana at the tim e of that person's birth, had, by virtue of his or her having been born outside Botsw ana, to be registered as a citizen of B otsw ana, under the law relating to\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\ncitizenship in force at that tim e, shall be regarded as a citizen by descent.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8. Protection from deprivation of property\n(1) N o property of any description shall be com pulsorily taken possession of, and no interest in or right over property of any description shall be com pulsorily acquired, except w here the follow ing conditions are satisfied, that is to say-\n( a ) the taking of possession or acquisition is necessary or expedient-\n(i) in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public m orality, public health, tow n and country planning or land settlem ent;\n(ii) in order to secure the developm ent or utilization of that, or other, property for a purpose beneficial to the com m unity; or\n(iii) in order to secure the developm ent or utilization of the m ineral resources of Botsw ana; and\n( b ) provision is m ade by a law applicable to that taking of possession or acquisition-\n(i) for the prom pt paym ent of adequate com pensation; and\n(ii) securing to any person having an interest in or right over the property a right of access to the H igh C ourt, either direct or on appeal from any other authority, for the determ ination of his or her interest or right, the legality of the taking of possession or acquisition of the property, interest or right, and the am ount of any com pensation to w hich he or she is entitled, and for the purpose of obtaining prom pt paym ent of that com pensation.\n(2) N o person w ho is entitled to com pensation under this section shall be prevented from rem itting, w ithin a reasonable tim e after he or she has received any am ount of that com pensation, the w hole of that am ount (free from any deduction, charge or tax m ade or levied in respect of its rem ission) to any country of his or her choice outside B otsw ana.\n(3) S ubsection (1)( b )(i) of this section shall be deem ed to be satisfied in relation to any Law applicable to the taking of possession of m inerals or the acquisition of rights to m inerals if that law m akes provision for the paym ent at reasonable intervals of adequate royalties.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "9. Protection for privacy of hom e and other property\n(1) E xcept w ith his or her ow n consent, no person shall be subjected to the search of his or her person or his or her property or the entry by others on his or her prem ises.\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\n(2) N othing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent w ith or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question m akes provision-\n( a ) that is reasonably required in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public m orality, public health, tow n and country planning, the developm ent and utilization of m ineral resources, for the purpose of any census or in order to secure the developm ent or utilization of any property for a purpose beneficial to the com m unity;\n( b ) that is reasonably required for the purpose of protecting the rights or freedom s of other persons;\n( c ) that authorizes an officer or agent of the G overnm ent of B otsw ana, a local governm ent authority or a body corporate established by law for a public purpose to enter on the prem ises of any person in order to inspect those prem ises or anything thereon for the purpose of any tax, rate or duty or in order to carry out w ork connected w ith any property that is law fully on those prem ises and that belongs to that G overnm ent, authority or body corporate, as the case m ay be; or\n( d ) that authorizes, for the purpose of enforcing the judgm ent or order of a court in any civil proceedings, the search of any person or property by order of a court or entry upon any prem ises by such order,\nand except so far as that provision or, as the case m ay be, anything done under the authority thereof is show n not to be reasonably justifiable in a dem ocratic society.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "112. P ow ers of P resident in relation to certain public offices\n(2) The offices to w hich this section applies are-\n( a ) Am bassador, H igh C om m issioner or other principal representative of B otsw ana in any other country or accredited to any international organisation;\n( b ) Secretary to the C abinet;\n( c ) Attorney-G eneral;\n( c A) D irector of P ublic P rosecutions;\n( d ) Perm anent S ecretary;\n( e ) C om m issioner of P olice; and\n( f ) any other superscale office (other than an office to w hich this C onstitution m akes specific provision for appointm ent or an office to w hich appointm ent is m ade under the provisions of section 104 of this C onstitution) w hich m ay be prescribed by A ct of P arliam ent.\n113. Tenure of office of D irector of P ublic P rosecutions (1) S ubject to the provisions of this section, a person appointed as D irector of P ublic P rosecutions shall hold office for a 5 year renew able term or until he or she attains the age of 60 years, w hichever is the earlier.\n(2) A person holding the office of D irector of P ublic P rosecutions m ay be rem oved from office only for inability to perform the functions of his or her office (w hether arising from infirm ity of body or m ind or any other cause) or for m isbehaviour or for incom petence and shall not be so rem oved except in accordance w ith the provisions of this section.\n(3) If the P resident considers that the question of rem oving a person holding the office of D irector of P ublic P rosecutions from office ought to be investigated then-\n( a ) he or she shall appoint a tribunal w hich shall consist of a C hairm an and not less than tw o other m em bers, w ho hold or have held high judicial office; and", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf", - "query": "What are considered \"disciplined force\" according to Botswana constitution ?", - "target_page": 16, - "target_passage": "\"disciplined force\" means- (a) a naval, military or air force; (b) a police force; or (c) a prison service", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1. D eclaration of R epublic\nBotsw ana is a sovereign R epublic.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "19. Interpretation and savings\n(1) In this C hapter, unless the context otherw ise requires-\n\"court\" m eans any court of law having jurisdiction in B otsw ana other than a court established by a disciplinary law , and in sections 4 and 6 of this C onstitution a court established by a disciplinary law ;\n\"disciplinary law \" m eans a law regulating the discipline of any disciplined force; \"disciplined force\" m eans-\n( a ) a naval, m ilitary or air force;\n( b ) a police force; or\n( c ) a prison service;\n\"legal representative\" m eans a person entitled to practise in B otsw ana as an advocate or attorney;\n\"m em ber\" , in relation to a disciplined force, includes any person w ho, under the law regulating the discipline of that force, is subject to that discipline.\n(2) In relation to any person w ho is a m em ber of a disciplined force raised under an A ct of P arliam ent, nothing contained in or done under the authority of the disciplinary law of that force shall be held to be inconsistent w ith or in contravention of any of the provisions of this C hapter other than sections 4, 6 and 7.\n(3) In relation to any person w ho is a m em ber of a disciplined force raised otherw ise than as aforesaid and law fully present in B otsw ana, nothing contained in or done under the authority of the disciplinary law of that force shall be held to be inconsistent w ith or in contravention of any of the provisions of this C hapter.\nC H A P TE R III\nC itizenship (ss 20-29: repealed)\n20 to 29 inclusive.\n[ R epealed. ]\nC H A P TE R IV\nThe Executive (ss 30-56)\nP A R T I\nThe President and the V ice-P resident (ss 30-41)", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "14. Protection of freedom of m ovem ent\n(1) N o person shall be deprived of his or her freedom of m ovem ent, and for the purposes of this section the said freedom m eans the right to m ove freely throughout Botsw ana, the right to reside in any part of B otsw ana, the right to enter B otsw ana and im m unity from expulsion from B otsw ana.\n(2) A ny restriction on a person's freedom of m ovem ent that is involved in his or\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\nher law ful detention shall not be held to be inconsistent w ith or in contravention of this section.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "63. C onstituencies\nBotsw ana shall be divided into as m any constituencies as there are E lected M em bers of the N ational A ssem bly and each of those constituencies shall return one M em ber to the N ational A ssem bly.\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Protection of right to life\n(1) N o person shall be deprived of his or her life intentionally save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of an offence under the law in force in B otsw ana of w hich he or she has been convicted.\n(2) A person shall not be regarded as having been deprived of his or her life in contravention of subsection (1) of this section if he or she dies as the result of the use, to such extent and in such circum stances as are perm itted by law , of such force as is reasonably justifiable-\n( a ) for the defence of any person from violence or for the defence of property;\n( b ) in order to effect a law ful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person law fully detained;\n( c ) for the purpose of suppressing a riot, insurrection or m utiny; or\nd ) in order to prevent the com m ission by that person of a crim inal offence,\n( or if he or she dies as the result of a law ful act of w ar.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Protection of right to personal liberty\n(1) N o person shall be deprived of his or her personal liberty save as m ay be authorized by law in any of the follow ing cases, that is to say-\n( a ) in execution of the sentence or order of a court, w hether established for Botsw ana or som e other country, in respect of a crim inal offence of w hich he or she has been convicted;\n( b ) in execution of the order of a court of record punishing him or her for contem pt of that or another court;\n( c ) in execution of the order of a court m ade to secure the fulfilm ent of any obligation im posed on him or her by law ;\n( d ) for the purpose of bringing him or her before a court in execution of the order of a court;\n( e ) upon reasonable suspicion of his or her having com m itted, or being about to com m it, a crim inal offence under the law in force in B otsw ana;\n( f ) under the order of a court or w ith the consent of his or her parent or guardian,\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\nfor his or her education or w elfare during any period ending not later than the date w hen he or she attains the age of 18 years;", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "123. P ublic debt\n(1) There shall be charged on the C onsolidated Fund all debt charges for w hich Botsw ana is liable.\n(2) For the purposes of this section debt charges include interest, sinking fund charges, the repaym ent or am ortization of debt, and all expenditure in connection w ith the raising of loans on the security of the revenues or the C onsolidated Fund of the form er P rotectorate of B echuanaland or B otsw ana, and the service and redem ption of debt thereby created.", - "page_start": 52, - "page_end": 52, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "14. Protection of freedom of m ovem ent\n(3) N othing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent w ith or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question m akes provision-\n( a ) for the im position of restrictions that are reasonably required in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public m orality or public health or the im position of restrictions on the acquisition or use by any person of land or other property in B otsw ana and except so far as that provision or, as the case m ay be, the thing done under the authority thereof, is show n not to be reasonably justifiable in a dem ocratic society;\n( b ) for the im position of restrictions on the freedom of m ovem ent of any person w ho is not a citizen of B otsw ana;\n( c ) for the im position of restrictions on the entry into or residence w ithin defined areas of B otsw ana of persons w ho are not B ushm en to the extent that such restrictions are reasonably required for the protection or w ell-being of B ushm en;\n( d ) for the im position of restrictions upon the m ovem ent or residence w ithin Botsw ana of public officers; or\n( e ) .......\n(4) If any person w hose freedom of m ovem ent has been restricted by order under such a provision as is referred to in subsection (3)( a ) of this section (other than a restriction w hich is applicable to persons generally or to general classes of persons) so requests at any tim e during the period of that restriction not earlier than six m onths after the order w as m ade or six m onths after he or she last m ade such request, as the case m ay be, his or her case shall be review ed by an independent and im partial tribunal presided over by a person, qualified to be enrolled as an advocate in B otsw ana, appointed by the C hief Justice.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "33. Q ualification for election as P resident\n(1) A person shall be qualified for election as P resident if, and shall not be qualified unless, he or she-\n( a ) is a citizen of B otsw ana by birth or descent;\n( b ) has attained the age of 30 years; and\n( c ) is qualified to be elected as a M em ber of the N ational A ssem bly.\n(2) N otw ithstanding any other law to the contrary, for the purposes of this section and section 39-\n( a ) the term \"citizen by birth\" shall be understood to include only those persons w ho becam e citizens of B otsw ana prior to the am endm ent of the law relating to citizenship by the C itizenship A ct;\n( b ) any person w ho, although his or her father w as a citizen of B otsw ana at the tim e of that person's birth, had, by virtue of his or her having been born outside Botsw ana, to be registered as a citizen of B otsw ana, under the law relating to\nC opyright G overnm ent of B otsw ana\ncitizenship in force at that tim e, shall be regarded as a citizen by descent.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10. Provisions to secure protection of law\ncourt to try a m em ber of a disciplined force for a crim inal offence notw ithstanding any trial and conviction or acquittal of that m em ber under the disciplinary law of that force, so, how ever, that any court so trying such a m em ber and convicting him or her shall in sentencing him or her to any punishm ent take into account any punishm ent aw arded him or her under that disciplinary law ;\n( e ) subsection (8) of this section to the extent that the law in question authorizes a court to convict a person of a crim inal offence under any custom ary law to w hich, by virtue of that law , such person is subject.\n(13) In the case of any person w ho is held in law ful detention, the provisions of subsection (1), subsection (2)( d ) and ( e ) and subsection (3) of this section shall not apply in relation to his or her trial for a crim inal offence under the law regulating the discipline of persons held in such detention.\n(14) In this section \"crim inal offence\" m eans a crim inal offence under the law in force in B otsw ana.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "Botswana-constitution.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf", - "query": "How much does AWS lambda charge when the function is not running ?", - "target_page": 52, - "target_passage": "there is no charge when your code is not running", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "What is Lambda?\nIn Lambda, you write function code. Lambda runs the functions. That's it. There are no servers.\nWhat is Lambda?\n47\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\n'No Server Is Easier To Manage Than No Server' - Werner Vogels, VP and CTO\nThe Lambda service runs instances of your function only when needed and scales automatically from zero requests per day to thousands per second. You pay only for the compute time that's actually used - there is no charge when your code is not running.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Programming Model\nThe Lambda service provides the same event-based programming model for all languages. The Lambda runtime passes an invocation event and context to your Lambda function handler which does some work and produces a resulting event:\nThe invocation event contains data, as a JSON packet, which varies from service to service. For example, API gateway events include path, HTTP method, query string parameters, headers, cookies, and more. DynamoDB events could contain updated or delete record data. S3 events include the bucket name and object key, among other things.\nThe context contains information about the environment the function is running inside. Additional contextual information can be set in familiar environment variables (ENV).\nThe function handler is a method in your function code that processes the inbound event. The handler, which is a standard function in your language of choice, does some work and emits a result event .\nFundamentals\n51\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\nAfter the handler finishes processing the first event, the runtime sends it another, and another. Each instance of your function could process thousands of requests.\nUnlike traditional servers, Lambda functions do not run constantly. When a function is triggered by an event, this is called an invocation . Lambda functions are limited to 15 minutes in duration, but on average, across all AWS customers, most invocations last for less than a second.\nThere are many types of invocation events. Some examples:\n· HTTP request from API Gateway\n· Schedule managed by an EventBridge rule\n· Message from an IOT device\n· Notification that a file was uploaded to an S3 bucket\nEven the smallest Lambda-based application uses at least one event that invokes your function.", - "page_start": 54, - "page_end": 55, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How to process events with a Lambda handler\nConceptually, there are only three steps to processing events with Lambda:\n1. Configure the entry point to your function, known as the handler , and deploy the function.\n2. Lambda service initializes the function, then it invokes the handler with an invocation event and context.\n3. Your handler function processes the event and returns a response event.\nSubsequent events will invoke the handler again, without the initialization delay. During this cycle, the function stays in memory, so clients and variables declared outside of the handler method can be reused.\nAfter a period of time, Lambda will eventually tear down the runtime. This can happen for a variety of reasons; some examples: scaling down to conserve resources, updating the function, updating the runtime.\nThe function handler is the essential component of your function code. As noted previously, the handler is the entry point, but it may not be the only function in your code. In fact, a best practice is keeping the handler sparse and doing the actual processing in other functions in your code.\nHere are some example handlers :", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Compute\n· AWS Lambda - serverless compute functions; responsible for nearly all processing in serverless projects\n· Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - non-serverless compute alternative; useful when you need always-on and fully customizable capabilities. EC2 is often used for initial 'lift and shift' migration to the cloud. You can continue to use EC2 while migrating portions of your workflow to serverless patterns.\n· AWS App Runner - fully managed service to deploy your containerized web applications and APIs. App Runner will scale compute instances and network resources automatically based on incoming traffic.\n· AWS Fargate - serverless computer for clusters of containers; useful when you need custom containers but do not want to maintain and manage the infrastructure or cluster.", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Stateless data\nWhen building Lambda functions, you should assume that the environment exists only for a single invocation. The function should initialize any required state when it is first started - for example, fetching a shopping cart from a DynamoDB table. It should commit any permanent data changes before exiting to a durable store such as Amazon S3, DynamoDB, or Amazon SQS. It should not rely on any existing data structures or temporary files, or any internal state that would be managed by multiple invocations (such as counters or other calculated, aggregate values).\nLambda provides an initializer before the handler where you can initialize database connections, libraries, and other resources. Since execution environments are reused where possible to improve performance, you can amortize the time taken to initialize these resources over multiple invocations. However, you should not store any variables or data used in the function within this global scope.\nStateless data\n7\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Use services instead of custom code\nServerless applications usually comprise several AWS services, integrated with custom code run in Lambda functions. While Lambda can be integrated with most AWS services, the services most commonly used in serverless applications are:", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How Lambda invokes your function (runtime environment)\nLambda invokes your function in an execution environment , which contains a secure and isolated runtime environment .\n· A runtime provides a language-specific environment which relays invocation events, context information, and responses between the Lambda and your functions.\n· An execution environment manages the processes and resources that are required to run the function.\nFundamentals\n52\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\nYou can use runtimes that Lambda provides for JavaScript (Node.js), TypeScript, Python, Java, Python, Go, C#, and PowerShell, or you can build your own custom runtime environment inside of a container.\nIf you package your code as a .zip file archive, you must configure your function to use a runtime that matches your programming language. For a container image, you include the runtime when you build the image.", - "page_start": 55, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Additional resources\nOfficial AWS documentation:\n· AWS Lambda Developer Guide - extensive and complete documentation for Lambda", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How to write logs with serverless applications\nYou might have noticed the logging statements in the preceding handler code. Where do those log messages go?\nDuring invocation, the Lambda runtime automatically captures function output to Amazon CloudWatch.\nIn addition to logging your function's output, the runtime also logs entries when function invocation starts and ends. This includes a report log with the request ID, billed duration,\nFundamentals\n55\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\ninitialization duration, and other details. If your function throws an error, the runtime returns that error to the invoker.\nTo help simplify troubleshooting, the AWS Serverless Application Model CLI (AWS SAM CLI) has a command called sam logs which will show you CloudWatch Logs generated by your Lambda function.\nFor example, the following terminal command would show the live tail of logs generated by the YourLambdaFunctionName Lambda function:\nsam logs -n YourLambdaFunctionName --tail\nLogging and debugging go hand in hand. Traces of events are available with Amazon X-Ray for debugging.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 59, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resources:\n· Accelerate Your Lambda Functions with Lambda SnapStart - an AWS Compute blog article by Jeff Barr from Nov 2022 that shows the configuration change and vast difference from roughly six seconds init time to 142 milliseconds of restore time with SnapStart\nAdvanced Topics\n59\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf", - "query": "What is the role of resource policies of lambda functions ?", - "target_page": 60, - "target_passage": "resource policy: Defines which events are authorized to invoke the function.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Securing functions\nAWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the service used to manage access to AWS services. Lambda is fully integrated with IAM, allowing you to control precisely what each Lambda function can do within the AWS Cloud. There are two important things that define the scope of permissions in Lambda functions:\n· resource policy : Defines which events are authorized to invoke the function.\n· execution role policy : Limits what the Lambda function is authorized to do.\nUsing IAM roles to describe a Lambda function's permissions, decouples security configuration from the code. This helps reduce the complexity of a lambda function, making it easier to maintain.\nA Lambda function's resource and execution policy should be granted the minimum required permissions for the function to perform it's task effectively. This is sometimes referred to as the rule of least privilege. As you develop a Lambda function, you expand the scope of this policy to allow access to other resources as required.\nFundamentals\n56\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide", - "page_start": 59, - "page_end": 60, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource(s):\n· Identity-based and resource-based policies in the official documentation\n· AWS Services that work with IAM is a comprehensive list of services, including which ones support resource-based policies", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Resource-based policies\nWhen you create a permissions policy to restrict access to a resource, you can choose an identitybased policy or a resource-based policy .\nIdentity-based policies are attached to a user, group, or role. These policies let you specify what that identity can do (its permissions). For example, you can attach the policy to the group named RemoteDataMinders, stating that group members are allowed to get items from an Amazon DynamoDB table named MyCompany .\nResource-based policies are attached to a resource. For example, you can attach resource-based policies to Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon Simple Queue Service queues, VPC endpoints, and AWS Key Management Service encryption keys.\nWith resource-based policies, you can specify who has access to the resource and what actions they can perform on it.", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Creating and sharing Lambda layers", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What is Lambda?\nIn Lambda, you write function code. Lambda runs the functions. That's it. There are no servers.\nWhat is Lambda?\n47\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\n'No Server Is Easier To Manage Than No Server' - Werner Vogels, VP and CTO\nThe Lambda service runs instances of your function only when needed and scales automatically from zero requests per day to thousands per second. You pay only for the compute time that's actually used - there is no charge when your code is not running.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Additional resources\nOfficial AWS documentation:\n· AWS Identity and Access Management Documentation\n· Example IAM identity-based policies - an extensive list of example policies, including AWS Lambda: Allows a lambda function to access an Amazon DynamoDB table which is useful in microservices\n· Grant least privilege section of the Policies and permissions chapter suggests a method to refine permissions for increased security\nResources from the serverless community:\n· Simplifying serverless permissions with AWSAWS SAM Connectors - AWS Compute blog post by Kurt Tometich, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS, from Oct 2022 that introduces a AWS SAM abstraction that creates minimally scoped IAM policies\n· Building AWS Lambda governance and guardrails - AWS Compute blog post by Julian Wood, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS, from Aug 2022 that highlights how Lambda, as a serverless service, simplifies cloud security and compliance so you can concentrate on your business logic.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Protect your API\nTo authenticate and authorize access to your Rest APIs, you can choose from the following:\n· Amazon Cognito user pools as an identity source for who access the API.\n· Lambda functions to control access to APIs by using a variety of identity sources.\n· Resource-based policies to allow or deny specified access from source IP addresses or VPC endpoints.\n· AWS Identity and Access Management roles, policies, and IAM tags to control access for who can invoke certain APIs.", - "page_start": 70, - "page_end": 70, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Policies\nWhen you set permissions, you attach a JSON policy to a principal. In the following example, an AWS managed policy named AWSLambdaInvocation-DynamoDB will be attached to a role that is related to a Lambda function:\nFundamentals\n41\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\nYou can also create customer policies that apply to specific actions, resources, and custom conditions. The following policy example includes a condition that applies to an IP range:\nFundamentals\n42\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\n{ \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": [ { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": [ \"ec2:DescribeInstances\", \"ec2:RunInstances\" ... ], \"Resource\": \"*\", \"Condition\": { \"IpAddress\": { \"aws:SourceIp\": \"\"} } } ] }\nFirst, notice there is no Principal element in the policy. This is because attaching a policy to a principal implicitly specifies the principal to which the policy applies. Policies can exist apart from principals, so that common policies can be re-used for many roles, services, etc.\nThe Effect is Allow , so this is a policy that explicitly grants access. This is the most common type of policy. You can write policies that explicitly Deny access as well.\nThe Action is an array of multiple actions that permit using EC2 to run instances and describe instance metadata. Actions can be a single action, or multiple actions in an array like depicted here.\nThere is no specific ARN in the Resource field, but instead * , which is a wildcard character that means this policy applies to all resources.\nFinally, we have a Condition set that applies this policy only if the caller's IP address matches exactly Conditions are optional, and do not need to be specified if the policy is to be applied unconditionally.\nIAM policies can be combined, each with varying degrees of sensitivity and specificity. The net effect of combining policies is fine-grained access control for every resource in an AWS account.\nFundamentals\n43\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How Lambda invokes your function (runtime environment)\nLambda invokes your function in an execution environment , which contains a secure and isolated runtime environment .\n· A runtime provides a language-specific environment which relays invocation events, context information, and responses between the Lambda and your functions.\n· An execution environment manages the processes and resources that are required to run the function.\nFundamentals\n52\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\nYou can use runtimes that Lambda provides for JavaScript (Node.js), TypeScript, Python, Java, Python, Go, C#, and PowerShell, or you can build your own custom runtime environment inside of a container.\nIf you package your code as a .zip file archive, you must configure your function to use a runtime that matches your programming language. For a container image, you include the runtime when you build the image.", - "page_start": 55, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Programming Model\nThe Lambda service provides the same event-based programming model for all languages. The Lambda runtime passes an invocation event and context to your Lambda function handler which does some work and produces a resulting event:\nThe invocation event contains data, as a JSON packet, which varies from service to service. For example, API gateway events include path, HTTP method, query string parameters, headers, cookies, and more. DynamoDB events could contain updated or delete record data. S3 events include the bucket name and object key, among other things.\nThe context contains information about the environment the function is running inside. Additional contextual information can be set in familiar environment variables (ENV).\nThe function handler is a method in your function code that processes the inbound event. The handler, which is a standard function in your language of choice, does some work and emits a result event .\nFundamentals\n51\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide\nAfter the handler finishes processing the first event, the runtime sends it another, and another. Each instance of your function could process thousands of requests.\nUnlike traditional servers, Lambda functions do not run constantly. When a function is triggered by an event, this is called an invocation . Lambda functions are limited to 15 minutes in duration, but on average, across all AWS customers, most invocations last for less than a second.\nThere are many types of invocation events. Some examples:\n· HTTP request from API Gateway\n· Schedule managed by an EventBridge rule\n· Message from an IOT device\n· Notification that a file was uploaded to an S3 bucket\nEven the smallest Lambda-based application uses at least one event that invokes your function.", - "page_start": 54, - "page_end": 55, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf", - "query": "Why can't I use SnapStart on my function tagged with $LATEST ?", - "target_page": 63, - "target_passage": " You can use SnapStart only on published function versions and aliases that point to versions. You can't use SnapStart on a function's unpublished version ($LATEST)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Launch functions faster with SnapStart\nLambda SnapStart for Java can improve startup performance by up to 10x at no extra cost, typically with no changes to your function code. The largest contributor to startup latency (often referred to as cold start time) is the time that Lambda spends initializing the function, which includes loading the function's code, starting the runtime, and initializing the function code.\nWith SnapStart, Lambda initializes your function when you publish a function version. Lambda takes a Firecracker microVM snapshot of the memory and disk state of the initialized execution environment, encrypts the snapshot, and caches it for low-latency access.\nNote: You can use SnapStart only on published function versions and aliases that point to versions. You can't use SnapStart on a function's unpublished version ($LATEST).", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Advanced Topics\nYou can do a lot by just creating a function and connecting it to an event source like API Gateway or S3 triggers.\nAs you progress on your journey, you should explore the following more advanced topics.\n· Connect services with event source mapping\n· Deploy code in containers\n· Add additional code with layers\n· Augment functions with extensions\n· Launch functions faster with SnapStart\n· Connect to functions with Function URLs", - "page_start": 60, - "page_end": 60, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resources:\n· Accelerate Your Lambda Functions with Lambda SnapStart - an AWS Compute blog article by Jeff Barr from Nov 2022 that shows the configuration change and vast difference from roughly six seconds init time to 142 milliseconds of restore time with SnapStart\nAdvanced Topics\n59\nServerless\nDeveloper Guide", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Snapshot\nThis preset creates a copy-on-write point-in-time copy. The snapshot is not intended to be an independent copy. Instead, the copy is used to maintain a view of the production data at the time that the snapshot is created. Therefore, the snapshot holds only the data from regions of the production volume that changed since the snapshot was created. Because the snapshot preset uses thin provisioning, only the capacity that is required for the changes is used.\nSnapshot uses the following preset parameters:\n/SM590000 Background copy: None\n/SM590000 Incremental: No\n/SM590000 Delete after completion: No\n/SM590000 Cleaning rate: No\n/SM590000 Primary copy source pool: Target pool", - "page_start": 487, - "page_end": 488, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Code availability\nNo custom code was used.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Using Protégé 5.5 and Plugins\nEdition 3.0", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "# oc get dc\nNAME REVISION DESIRED CURRENT TRIGGERED BY\nmongodb-36-rhel7 1 1 1 config,image(mongodb-36-rhel7:latest)\nnodejs-ex 1 1 1 config,image(nodejs-ex:latest)", - "page_start": 182, - "page_end": 182, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:2405.20468v2 [cs.CL] 17 Jun 2024", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf", - "query": "At Shentel company, what determines an employees pension ?", - "target_page": 22, - "target_passage": "Pension benefits are based primarily on the employee's compensation and years of service", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "12. PENSION AND PROFIT SHARING PLANS:\nThe Company has a defined benefit pension plan covering substantially all of its employees. The benefits are based on years of service and a percentage of the employee's qualifying compensation during the final years of employment. The Company's funding policy is to contribute annually the amount necessary to satisfy the Internal Revenue Service's funding standards. Contributions are intended to provide not only for benefits attributed to service to date but also for those expected to be earned in the future.\nF-21", - "page_start": 84, - "page_end": 84, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Defined Benefit Pension Plans\nOur defined benefit pension plan obligation is actuarially determined at the end of the year, and we recognize remeasurements in other comprehensive income and retained earnings.", - "page_start": 123, - "page_end": 123, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENTEL SERVICE AREAS", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 9. Retirement Plans\nThe Company maintains a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan and a separate defined contribution plan. The following table presents the defined benefit plan's funded status and amounts recognized in the Company's consolidated balance sheets.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "9. RETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS\nThe Company and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries have defined benefit plans, i.e., welfare pension fund plans ('WPFP'), tax-qualified pension plans and lump-sum payment plans, covering substantially all employees who are entitled to lump-sum or annuity payments, the amounts of which are determined by reference to their basic rates of pay, length of service, and the conditions under which termination occurs. Certain foreign consolidated subsidiaries have defined benefit and contribution plans.\nThe following table sets forth the funded and accrued status of the plans, and the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets as of March 31, 2005 and 2004 for the Company's and the consolidated subsidiaries' defined benefit plans:", - "page_start": 83, - "page_end": 83, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Actuarial assumptions used to determine net periodic pension cost were as follows:\nIt is the Company's investment policy to maintain 66 percent to 79 percent of the plan's assets in equity securities and 21 percent to 31 percent of its assets in debt securities with the balance invested in a money market account to meet liquidity requirements for distributions. The asset allocation at December 31, 2003 represents the targeted asset allocation at that time. Based upon the plan's current over-funded position, the Company expects to make no contributions to its pension plan in 2004.\nThe Company also sponsors a defined contribution plan for all employees. Each participant may contribute certain amounts of eligible compensation. The Company makes a matching contribution to the plan. The Company's contribution under this plan was $202,000 in 2003, $302,000 in 2002 and $258,000 in 2001.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Postemployment Benefit Plans\nThe Company provides the following postemployment benefits which, except for the Qualified Defined Benefit Retirement Plan, are unfunded:", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employer Contributions\nThe Company expects to contribute $6,000 to its pension benefit plans and $240 to its retiree health care benefit plans in 2013. Contributions do not equal estimated future payments as certain payments are made from plan assets.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Pension Benefits\nWe offer contributory and non-contributory defined benefit pension plans that provide employees with a lifetime monthly pension on retirement.\n98 ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT\nWe separately calculate our net obligation for each defined benefit plan by estimating the amount of future benefits that employees have earned in return for their service in the current and prior years, and discounting those benefits to determine their present value.\nWe accrue our pension plan obligations as employees provide the services necessary to earn the pension. We use a discount rate based on market yields on high quality corporate bonds at the measurement date to calculate the accrued pension benefit obligation. Remeasurements of the accrued pension benefit obligation are determined at the end of the year, and include actuarial gains and losses, return on plan assets and any change in the effect of the asset ceiling. These are recognized in other comprehensive income and retained earnings.\nThe cost of pensions is actuarially determined and takes into account the following assumptions and methods for pension accounting related to our defined benefit plans:\nGLYPH<129> the expected rates of salary increases for calculating increases in future benefits\nGLYPH<129> mortality rates for calculating the life expectancy of plan members, and\nGLYPH<129> past service costs from plan amendments are immediately expensed in net income.\nWe recognize contributions to defined contribution plans as an employee benefit expense in operating costs in the consolidated statements of income in the periods the employees provide the related services.\nSee note 22 for more information about our pension plans.", - "page_start": 101, - "page_end": 101, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retirement Benefits\nThe Company has defined contribution profit-sharing plans covering substantially all employees who are not participants in certain defined benefit plans. The Company's annual contribution to the defined contribution plans is based on employee eligible earnings and results of operations and amounted to $26,489,000, $23,524,000, and $24,826,000 in 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively.\nThe Company sponsors defined benefit plans which include a limited number of salaried and hourly employees at certain subsidiaries. The Company's funding policy is generally to contribute annually the minimum actuarially computed amount. Net pension costs relating to these plans were $176,000; $0; and $0 for 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively. The actuarial present value of obligations, less related plan assets at fair value, is not significant.\nThe Company also participates in a multiemployer plan, which provides defined benefits to certain of the Company's union\nemployees. Pension expense for this plan amounted to $309,000, $309,000, and $310,000 in 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf", - "query": "At the end of 2003, how many available-for-sales investments did Shenandoah company count in its portfolio ?", - "target_page": 53, - "target_passage": "The Company’s available-for-sale portfolio at December 31, 2003 is made up of two investments", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 6 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nof retirements, 2001 = (27,972) $. Purchase of investment securities, 2003 = (796). Purchase of investment securities, 2002 = (1,775). Purchase of investment securities, 2001 = (1,250). Proceeds from sale of equipment, 2003 = 109. Proceeds from sale of equipment, 2002 = 77. Proceeds from sale of equipment, 2001 = 482. Proceeds from sale of radio spectrum license, 2003 = -. Proceeds from sale of radio spectrum license, 2002 = -. Proceeds from sale of radio spectrum license, 2001 = 1,133. Proceeds from investment activities (Note 3), 2003 = 714. Proceeds from investment activities (Note 3), 2002 = 3,301. Proceeds from investment activities (Note 3), 2001 = 5,842. Net cash used in investing activities, 2003 = (12,449) $. Net cash used in investing activities, 2002 = $ (21,009). Net cash used in investing activities, 2001 = $ (21,765)\n(Continued)\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY\n■\n16\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS\nin thousands", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 3. Securities and Investments\nThe Company has three classifications of investments; available for sale securities, investments carried at cost, and equity method investments. See Note 1 for specific definitions of each classification of investment. The following tables present the investments of the Company for the three-year period ended December 31, 2003:\nAvailable-for-sale securities at December 31 consist of the following:", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\n(Note 4), 2001 = $154,345. Plant under construction, 2003 = 2,261. Plant under construction, 2002 = 5,209. Plant under construction, 2001 = 14,960. , 2003 = $ 199,692. , 2002 = $189,278. , 2001 = $169,305. Less accumulated depreciation, 2003 = 72,006. Less accumulated depreciation, 2002 = 57,126. Less accumulated depreciation, 2001 = 44,473. Net property, plant and equipment, 2003 = $ 127,686. Net property, plant and equipment, 2002 = $132,152. Net property, plant and equipment, 2001 = $124,832. Other Assets, 2003 = . Other Assets, 2002 = . Other Assets, 2001 = . Assets held for sale (Note 2), 2003 = $ -. Assets held for sale (Note 2), 2002 = $ -. Assets held for sale (Note 2), 2001 = $ 3,272. Cost in excess of net assets of business acquired, 2003 = 5,105. Cost in excess of net assets of business acquired, 2002 = 5,105. Cost in excess of net assets of business acquired, 2001 = 5,105. Deferred charges and other assets (Notes 1 and 2), 2003 = 5,999. Deferred charges and other assets (Notes 1 and 2), 2002 = 667. Deferred charges and other assets (Notes 1 and 2), 2001 = 1,452. , 2003 = $ 11,104. , 2002 = $ 5,772. , 2001 = $ 9,829. Less accumulated amortization, 2003 = 1,856. Less accumulated amortization, 2002 = 1,837. Less accumulated amortization, 2001 = 2,361. Net other assets, 2003 = $ 9,248. Net other assets, 2002 = $ 3,935. Net other assets, 2001 = $ 7,468. Total assets, 2003 = $ 185,364. Total assets, 2002 = $164,004. Total assets, 2001 = $167,372\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY\n■\n12\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS\nin thousands", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nshares in 2002, and 7,530 shares in 2001, 2003 = $ 5,733. issued and outstanding 7,593 shares in 2003, 7,552 shares in 2002, and 7,530 shares in 2001, 2002 = $ 5,246. issued and outstanding 7,593 shares in 2003, 7,552 shares in 2002, and 7,530 shares in 2001, 2001 = $ 4,950. Retained earnings, 2003 = 100,449. Retained earnings, 2002 = 71,335. Retained earnings, 2001 = 69,610. Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (Note 3), 2003 = 26. Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (Note 3), 2002 = (4). Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (Note 3), 2001 = 42. Total shareholders' equity, 2003 = $106,208. Total shareholders' equity, 2002 = $ 76,577. Total shareholders' equity, 2001 = $ 74,602\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\n13\n■\n2003 ANNUAL REPORT\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nNet income was $4.5 million, a decrease of $11.9 million or 72.4%. The decrease is primarily the result of the $21.7 million decline in investment results due to the impact of the VeriSign gain recorded in 2001, and the loss on the sale of the VeriSign stock in 2002.", - "page_start": 52, - "page_end": 52, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 3. Securities and Investments (Continued)\nIn 2003, the Company received distributions from its equity investments totaling $0.5 million in cash and invested $0.7 million in two equity investments, Dolphin Communications Parallel Fund, LP and Dolphin Communications Fund II, LP. These two investments recorded losses of approximately $0.4 million for the 2003 year. The Company recorded a loss from the Virginia Independent Telephone Alliance investment of $19 thousand, for 2003. The Company recorded a gain from the ValleyNet partnership of $84 thousand and received distributions of $84 thousand. Other equity investments lost an additional $0.4 million for 2003.\nThe Company was committed to invest an additional $1.8 million at December 31, 2003 in various equity method investees pursuant to capital calls from the fund managers. It is not practical to estimate the fair value of the other investments due to their limited market and restrictive nature of their transferability.\nThe Company's ownership interests in Virginia Independent Telephone Alliance and ValleyNet are approximately 22% and 20%, respectively. The Company purchases services from Virginia Independent Telephone Alliance and ValleyNet at rates comparable with other customers. The Company's ownership in NTC Communications is approximately 18%. Other equity method investees are investment limited partnerships which are approximately 2% owned each.\n25\n■\n2003 ANNUAL REPORT\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Investments in Non-Affiliated Companies\nThe Company has investments in several available-for-sale securities, which the Company may choose to liquidate from time to time, based on market conditions, capital needs, other investment opportunities, or a combination of any number of these factors. As a result of the uncertainty of these factors, there is also uncertainty as to what the value of the investments may be when they are sold.\nThe fair value of the Company's available-for-sale securities was $0.2 million at the end of 2003, compared to $0.2 million at the end of 2002. The Company's available-for-sale portfolio at December 31, 2003 is made up of two investments, both of which are within the telecommunications industry. Due to the volatility of the securities markets, particularly in the telecommunications industry, there is uncertainty about the ultimate value the Company will realize with respect to these investments in the future.\nThe Company participates in emerging technologies by investing in entities that invest in start-up companies. This includes indirect participation through capital venture funds of South Atlantic Venture Fund III, South Atlantic Private Equity IV, Dolphin Communications Parallel Fund, Dolphin Communications Fund II and the Burton Partnership. The Company also participates by direct investment in privately held companies. Currently the Company's only direct investment is in NTC Communications, a provider of voice, video and data connections to off campus housing properties at universities and colleges. For those companies that eventually make public offerings of their securities, it\n51\n■\n2003 ANNUAL REPORT", - "page_start": 52, - "page_end": 52, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\ninvestments, 2001 = 789. Other, 2003 = 403. Other, 2002 = 443. Other, 2001 = 987. Changes in assets and liabilities:, 2003 = . Changes in assets and liabilities:, 2002 = . Changes in assets and liabilities:, 2001 = . (Increase) decrease in:, 2003 = . (Increase) decrease in:, 2002 = . (Increase) decrease in:, 2001 = . Accounts receivable, 2003 = 1,069. Accounts receivable, 2002 = (1,797). Accounts receivable, 2001 = (864). Materials and supplies, 2003 = (275). Materials and supplies, 2002 = 1,147. Materials and supplies, 2001 = (307). Increase (decrease) in:, 2003 = . Increase (decrease) in:, 2002 = . Increase (decrease) in:, 2001 = . Accounts payable, 2003 = (275). Accounts payable, 2002 = 1,067. Accounts payable, 2001 = (3,968). Other prepaids, deferrals and accruals, 2003 = (2,780) (2,778). Other prepaids, deferrals and accruals, 2002 = 120. Other prepaids, deferrals and accruals, 2001 = (2,263). Net cash provided by operating activities, 2003 = $30,601 $ 30,599. Net cash provided by operating activities, 2002 = $ 23,024. Net cash provided by operating activities, 2001 = $ 10,341. Cash Flows From Investing Activities, 2003 = . Cash Flows From Investing Activities, 2002 = . Cash Flows From Investing Activities, 2001 = . Purchase and construction of plant and equipment, net of retirements, 2003 = (12,476) $. Purchase and construction of plant and equipment, net of retirements, 2002 = (22,612) $. Purchase and construction of plant and equipment, net", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nis the intent of the Company to evaluate whether to hold or sell parts or all of each investment on an individual basis. At December 31, 2003, the Company had external investments totaling $7.5 million.\nIn 2004, the Company anticipates taking advantage of a conversion feature on its Rural Telephone Bank stock. The Company will convert a portion of its holdings into a different class of stock that will pay cash dividends each year. The bank declares a dividend rate that varies, each year. The range of the dividend has been between 4.2% and 5.65% over the last 5 years. The rate in the two most recent years was 4.2%. This transaction is estimated to provide the Company with approximately $0.3 million in dividend income each year, based on the 2003 dividend rate of 4.2% and assuming we had converted the stock at the beginning of 2003.", - "page_start": 53, - "page_end": 53, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nThe $5.0 million placed in escrow, as part of the sales agreement on the Virginia 10 RSA limited partnership, should be released after February 28, 2005. There are no known claims that have been filed against the amount in escrow.\nThe Company spent $12.5 million on capital projects in 2003, or about $7.0 million below what was budgeted for the year. The variance was primarily due to postponing construction of an additional diverse fiber route and the delay of the second phase of renovations on the Shentel Center in Edinburg, Virginia.\nThe Company has no other off-balance sheet arrangements and has not entered into any transactions involving unconsolidated, limited purpose entities or commodity contracts.\nCapital expenditures budgeted for 2004 total approximately $30 million, including approximately $20 million for additional PCS base stations, additional towers, and switch upgrades to enhance the PCS network. Improvements and replacements of approximately $5 million are planned for the telephone operation. The remaining $5 million covers building renovations, vehicles, office equipment, and other miscellaneous capital needs.\nThe Company anticipates using funds from operations, to the extent they are available to fund the capital expenditures and the payment of debt and interest. Due to lower than expected tax expenses in 2003, the Company will apply the tax receivable to the 2004-year tax liability. It is anticipated by no later than second quarter of 2004, additional federal tax payments will be due based on anticipated profits expected to be generated in the operation.", - "page_start": 54, - "page_end": 54, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf", - "query": "What was the main reason of the decrease of customer base of the Shenandoah and Virginia 10 RSA partnership ?", - "target_page": 51, - "target_passage": "he decline was the result of competition with digital technologies and increased competition from national carriers in the area", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS\nThe Company invested $2.0 million in the Virginia 10 RSA limited partnership in the early 1990's. The partnership's local customer base peaked in early 2000 with nearly 12,000 subscribers, then steadily declined to 6,700 by December 31, 2002. The decline was the result of competition with digital technologies and increased competition from national carriers in the area. As a result of the decline in the subscriber base, and the need for extensive capital expenditures to transform the analog network into a digital cellular network, the Company elected to sell its 66% interest in the partnership to one of the minority partners. The agreement was signed in November 2002, and closing was February 28, 2003. The Company's portion of the net income from its operations for 2003, 2002 and 2001 was $1.2 million, $7.4 million and $6.7 million, respectively.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Significant Transactions\nThe Company had several significant transactions during 2003. The largest was the sale of its 66% interest in the Virginia 10 RSA cellular operation, as described above. The Company originally entered into the agreement with Verizon Wireless in November 2002. The Company was the general partner of the limited partnership which operated an analog cellular network in the six-county area of Northwestern Virginia, including Clarke, Frederick, Page, Rappahannock, Shenandoah, and Warren counties, and the city of Winchester. The sales price was $37.0 million plus the Company's 66% share of the partnership's working capital, which was approximately $1.7 million. The Company was required to do a working capital true up following the closing, from which the Company recorded a charge for $23 thousand after taxes. In the fourth quarter the Company recorded an additional charge for taxes of $0.2 million to reflect the consolidated effective tax rate based on the final operating results for the year.\nThe sale of this business is reflected in the discontinued operations section of the income statement along with the results of operations for the two months of 2003 that the operation remained a part of the Company.\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY\n■\n40\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nReflected in the 2003 results are several unusual items, which should be noted in understanding the financial results of the Company for 2003.", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nThe $5.0 million placed in escrow, as part of the sales agreement on the Virginia 10 RSA limited partnership, should be released after February 28, 2005. There are no known claims that have been filed against the amount in escrow.\nThe Company spent $12.5 million on capital projects in 2003, or about $7.0 million below what was budgeted for the year. The variance was primarily due to postponing construction of an additional diverse fiber route and the delay of the second phase of renovations on the Shentel Center in Edinburg, Virginia.\nThe Company has no other off-balance sheet arrangements and has not entered into any transactions involving unconsolidated, limited purpose entities or commodity contracts.\nCapital expenditures budgeted for 2004 total approximately $30 million, including approximately $20 million for additional PCS base stations, additional towers, and switch upgrades to enhance the PCS network. Improvements and replacements of approximately $5 million are planned for the telephone operation. The remaining $5 million covers building renovations, vehicles, office equipment, and other miscellaneous capital needs.\nThe Company anticipates using funds from operations, to the extent they are available to fund the capital expenditures and the payment of debt and interest. Due to lower than expected tax expenses in 2003, the Company will apply the tax receivable to the 2004-year tax liability. It is anticipated by no later than second quarter of 2004, additional federal tax payments will be due based on anticipated profits expected to be generated in the operation.", - "page_start": 54, - "page_end": 54, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "General\nThe Company participates in the telecommunications industry, which requires substantial investment in fixed assets or plant. This significant capital requirement may preclude profitability during the initial years of operation. The strategy of the Company is to grow and diversify the business by adding services and geographic areas that can leverage the existing plant, but to do so within the opportunities and constraints presented by the industry. For many years the Company focused on reducing reliance on the regulated telephone operation, which up until 1981 was the primary business within the Company. This initial diversification was concentrated in other wireline businesses, such as the cable television and regional fiber facility businesses, but in 1990 the Company made its first significant investment in the wireless sector through its former investment in the Virginia 10 RSA Limited partnership. By 1998, revenues of the regulated telephone operation had decreased to 59.2% of total revenues. In that same year more than 76.6% of the Company's total revenue was generated by wireline operations, and initiatives were already underway to make wireless a more significant contributor to total revenues.\nDuring the 1990's significant investments were made in the cellular and PCS (wireless) businesses. The VA 10 RSA cellular operation, in which the Company held a 66% interest and was the general partner, experienced rapid revenue growth and excellent margins in the late 1990's. The cellular operation covered only six counties, and became increasingly dependent on roaming revenues. Management believed the roaming revenues and associated margins would be unsustainable as other wireless providers increasingly offered nationally-branded services with significantly reduced usage charges. To position it to participate in the newer, more advanced, digital wireless services, in 1995 the Company entered the PCS business through an affiliation with American Personal Communications (APC), initiating service along the Interstate 81 corridor from Harrisonburg, Virginia to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. This territory was a very close match to the Company's fiber network, thereby providing economic integration that might not be available to other wireless carriers. In 1999, the Company entered a new affiliation arrangement with Sprint, the successor to APC (which introduced the Company to a nationally-branded wireless service) and expanded the PCS footprint further into Central Pennsylvania. The Company's combined capital investment in 2000 and 2001 in the PCS operation was $45.1 million.\n39\n■\n2003 ANNUAL REPORT\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "General\nThe wireless industry in the late 1990's became increasingly competitive and the Company was not immune to these industry issues. The Clear Pay SM program, introduced by Sprint as a no-deposit offering in 2001, attracted high credit risk customers in the Company's markets. As the results began to materialize, the Company implemented deposits on this program (mid-April 2002), and experienced high levels of customer turnover (churn) and uncollectable accounts. The write-offs of uncollectable accounts peaked in the third quarter of 2002. During the fourth quarter of 2002 there was some evidence that the strengthened credit policy was having a favorable impact. Nonetheless, the 2002 net loss in the PCS operation was $5.4 million, as compared to $5.5 million in 2001. Despite the disappointing financial results for 2002, the PCS customer base grew by over 40%. While the PCS operation was adding customers, the cellular operation continued to lose its local customer base.\nThe growing belief that national branding was critical to our wireless operations, the expectation that roaming revenues from our analog cellular operation would not continue to grow, and the increase in the number of wireless competitors in our markets, prompted the Company to exit the cellular business in order to focus on our PCS operations. The Company entered into an agreement on November 21, 2002, to sell its 66% ownership interest in the Virginia 10 RSA cellular operation which was classified as a discontinued operation. The closing occurred February 28, 2003. The Company received $37.0 million in proceeds, including $5.0 million in escrow for two years and $1.7 million for working capital.", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 11. Major Customers\nThe Company has one major customer and relationship that is a significant source of revenue. In 2003, as during the past number of years, the Company's relationship with Sprint continued to increase, due to growth in the PCS business segment. Approximately 61.2% of total revenues in 2003 were generated by or through Sprint and its customers using the Company's portion of Sprint's nationwide PCS network. This was compared to 57.6% in 2002, and 47.1% of total revenue in 2001. No other customer relationship on a stand-alone basis generates more than 2.5% of the Company's total revenue for 2003, 2002 and 2001.\n33\n■\n2003 ANNUAL REPORT\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 2. Discontinued Operations\nIn November 2002, the Company entered into an agreement to sell its 66% General Partner interest in the Virginia 10 RSA Limited Partnership (cellular operation) to Verizon Wireless for $37.0 million. The closing of the sale took place at the close of business on February 28, 2003. The total proceeds received were $38.7 million, including $5.0 million held in escrow, and a $1.7 million adjustment for estimated working capital at the time of closing. There was a post closing adjustment based on the actual working capital balance as of the closing date, which resulted in a $39 thousand charge for the Company. The $5.0 million escrow was established for any contingencies and indemnification issues that may arise during the two-year post-closing period and is included in deferred charges and other assets in the 2003 consolidated balance sheet. The Company's gain on the transaction was approximately $35 million. Post closing, the Company provided transition services to Verizon for a period of approximately three months, with compensation for those services being approximately $40 thousand per month during the transition period.\nThe assets and liabilities attributable to the cellular operation have been classified as held for sale in the consolidated balance sheets and consist of the following at December 31, 2002 and 2001:", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nNon-operating income was a gain of $0.4 million, an increase of $0.5 million, due to an increase in patronage equity earned from CoBank, the Company's primary lender, and due to interest income from the proceeds on the sale of the Virginia 10 RSA Limited partnership, offset by losses recorded for the Company's portfolio of investments.\nThe Company provided for income taxes of $5.3 million in 2003, which is an effective tax rate of 35.2% due to the effect of state tax apportionment rules and reduction in the liability for tax exposures. On a normalized basis the Company would have recorded taxes at an effective tax rate of approximately 39%. Last year's effective tax rate was 42.2% due to the impact of net operating loss carry forwards generated in several states with higher tax rates. The Company currently operates in four states. Due to apportionment rules and geographic operations of subsidiaries where the Company's profits and losses arise, the Company is generating profits in states with lower tax rates, while generating losses in states with higher tax rates. The Company cautions readers that the current effective tax rate may not be the same rate at which tax benefits or tax expenses are recorded in the future. The Company's state apportionments, profits and losses and state tax rates may change, therefore changing the effective rate at which taxes are provided for or at which tax benefits accrue. In the near term, under existing operating results and current tax rates, the Company anticipates a normalized effective tax rate will be approximately 39%.\nNet income from continuing operations was $9.8 million, an increase of $12.7 million from 2002. The results are primarily made up of the improvement in the PCS operation and the one-time impact of the losses on the sale of VeriSign stock in 2002.\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY\n■\n48\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nIncome from discontinued operations was $22.4 million after taxes, an increase of $15.0 million or 202%. The income from discontinued operations in 2003 includes the sale of the partnership interest in February 2003 and results from the two months of its operations in 2003.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nincreased again on July 1, 2002 to $6.50, and comparable rate increases also impacted business subscribers. Tied to the SLC rate increases were declines in rates charged to interexchange carriers for interstate minutes of use. The 2002 results reflect a significantly larger increase in network usage, which more than offset the decline in rates.\nFacility lease revenue contributed $5.7 million to wireline revenues, a decrease of $0.8 million or 12.6% from 2001. The decrease was primarily the result of declining lease rates associated with competitive pricing pressure, and the economic downturn in the telecommunications industry.\nBilling and collection services contributed $0.4 million to wireline revenues, which was the same as 2001 results. Revenues from this service had declined in recent years, with interexchange carriers now issuing a greater proportion of their bills directly to their customers.\nWireline revenues from cable television services were $4.3 million, an increase of $0.5 million or 14.5%. In December 2001, the Company increased its basic service charge by $6.00 per month, which produced $0.3 million of the increase in cable television revenue. The remaining $0.2 million was generated by an increased penetration of digital services and increased pay per view sales.\nWithin other revenues, Internet and 511Virginia contract revenues from the Virginia Department of Transportation, were $5.1 million in 2002, an increase of $1.2 million or 30.4%. The Company had 18,050 dial-up Internet subscribers at December 31, 2002, compared to 17,423 subscribers at the end of 2001. Total Internet service revenue was $4.2 million, an increase of $0.6 million or 15.7%. Services provided under the 511Virginia contract contributed $0.9 million to other revenues, an increase of $0.6 million. Telecommunications equipment sales, services and lease revenues were $1.2 million, a nominal increase over 2001 results.\nTotal operating expenses were $83.6 million, an increase of $21.3 million or 34.3%. The continued growth in the PCS operation was principally responsible for the change.", - "page_start": 51, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nThe Company's revenue from fiber leases may be adversely impacted by further erosion in demand or in price competition for these facilities. There is also the potential for additional bankruptcies of the Company's customers. The Company monitors each of its fiber lease customers closely to minimize the risk related to this business.\nThe Company operates the cable television system in Shenandoah County, Virginia. The Company has seen increased competition from satellite providers that are larger and have cost advantages over the Company in the procurement of programming. The continued success of the satellite television providers may have an adverse impact on the Company's cable television results.\nThe Company currently has a 12-month, $1.2 million contract with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to provide 511 Travel services in the I-81 corridor of Virginia. This contract expires in February 2005. VDOT has recently requested a proposal for a three-year contract with two two-year extensions to extend 511 services to the entire state. Although the Company plans to submit a proposal for the new VDOT contract, there is no certainty that the Company will be selected to provide these services after the end of its current contract.\nThe Company may not be able to utilize all of its net operating loss carry forwards for taxes in certain states before they expire, resulting in the Company writing off some of its deferred tax assets and impacting its cash position.", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf", - "query": "As a product manager, how can I reject an inventory in NAIIS ?", - "target_page": 38, - "target_passage": "Log in as PM. Click on “View Inventories Progress” under sub menu “Submission Management”. The “View Inventories Progress” screen appears. Select the appropriate inventory by clicking the Inventory name under column “Name” Press the “Reject” button ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "10.4.2 Rejection of an Inventory\n1. Log in as PM.\n2. Click on 'View Inventories Progress' under sub menu 'Submission Management'.\n3. The 'View Inventories Progress' screen appears.\n4. Select the appropriate inventory by clicking the Inventory name under column 'Name' (figure 62, a).\n5. Press the 'Reject' button (figure 62, b).\n*** Note: A notification email will be sent to the PM, once the 'Reject' button has been pressed. And the status changed to 'Awaiting_rejection_check' (figure 63).\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 38\n10/02/2013\nFigure 62. Work on Inventories screen -Reject - Status = check\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 39\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.5.2 Rejection of an inventory\n1. Log in as NFP.\n2. Click on 'View Inventories Progress' under sub menu 'Submission Management'.\n3. The 'View Inventories Progress' screen appears.\n4. Select the appropriate inventory by clicking the Inventory name under column 'Name' (figure 66).\n5. Press the 'Send for Rejection' button (figure 66, b).\nOnce the 'Send for Rejection' button was pressed, the status of the selected inventory changes to 'awaiting_rejection' (figure 67, a).\n*** Note: A notification email will be sent to the PM that the inventory has been rejected. Therefore, the PM will be able to reject the submission. Proceed to section 10.4.2.\nFigure 66. Work on Inventories screen - Rejection of an inventory - Status = awaiting_approval\nFigure 67. Work on Inventories screen - Rejection of an inventory - Status = rejected_approval\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 41\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.5.1 Approval of an inventory\n1. Log in as NFP.\n2. Click on 'View Inventories Progress' under sub menu 'Submission Management'.\n3. The 'View Inventories Progress' screen appears.\n4. Select the appropriate inventory by clicking the Inventory name under column 'Name' (figure 64).\n5. Press the 'Approve' button (figure 64, b).\nOnce the 'Approve' button was pressed, the status of the selected inventory changes to 'approved' (figure 65, b).\n*** Note: A notification email will be sent to the PM that the inventory has been approved. Therefore, the PM may proceed to selecting the tables for preparing the official submission (See section 10.6).\nFigure 64. Work on Inventories screen - Approve an inventory - Status = awaiting_approval\nFigure 65. Work on Inventories screen - Approve an inventory - Status = approved\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 40\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 55. Work on Inventories sub menu\n5. Click the appropriate Inventory year on 'Work on Inventories' under 'Submission' (figure 56, a).\n6. Press the 'Start Inventory' button to start the inventory (figure 56, b). Once pressed, the status changes to 'started' (figure 57).\n*** Once the 'Start Inventory' button has been pressed by the NFP or PM, a notification email will be sent to all SE's with the information that a new inventory was created. SE's and PM's can start entering their data into the NAIIS software. More details on how to do the data entry please see section 4.1 above.\nFigure 57. Work on Inventories screen - Status = Started\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 36\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.5 Approval or Rejection of an inventory (NFP)\nThis section describes how the NFP approves or rejects an inventory after being sent for approval by the PM (See section 10.4).", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.4 Send for approval/rejection of an Inventory (PM)\nThis section describes on how the PM approves or rejects an inventory after being checked by the PM.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 8: Start an Inventory screen\nOnce the 'Start Inventory' button is pressed, the status of the selected Inventory change to 'started'. (see Figure 9)\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 9\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.2 Start of inventory/submission (NFP or PM)\nThis procedure allows the NFP or PM to start a new (created) inventory. The existing data for the inventory year identified will be made available in the new inventory/submission.\nThese are the steps to start a new inventory:\n1. Click on 'View Inventories Progress' under sub menu 'Submission Management' (figure 53).\nFigure 53. View Inventories Progress sub menu\n2. The 'View Inventories Progress' screen appears (figure 54).\n3. Select the appropriate inventory by clicking the box under column 'Working Inventory' (figure 54, a).\n*** Note: The selected appropriate inventory should be in status 'created' (figure 54, b)\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 35\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2.2 Create, Start, Add new and View GHG inventory year\nThese functions allow the NFP and PM to create or edit a GHG inventory within the NAIIS software.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.6.1 Submit select tables for preparing the general submission\n1. Log in as PM.\n2. Click on 'View Inventories Progress' under sub menu 'Submission Management'.\n3. The 'View Inventories Progress' screen appears.\n4. Select the appropriate inventory by clicking the box under column 'Working inventory' (figure 68, a).\n*** Note: The selected inventory year to be submitted should be in status 'approved' (figure 68, b).\n5. Click on 'Work on Inventories' under Submission Management (figure 68, c).\nThis opens the Submit Inventory initial screen (figure 69).\n6. Click the inventory year to be submitted (figure 69, a).\n7. Press the 'Generate Official Submission' button (figure 69, c).\nFigure 69. Submit select tables for the preparation for the general submission\nFigure 68. View Inventories Progress screen - select inventory for the preparation for the general submission\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 42\n10/02/2013\nOnce the 'Generate Official Submission' button has been pressed the 'Submit Inventory' initial screen for selecting the tables appears (figure 70).\n8. Select or deselect by clicking the appropriate year(s) under 'Inventory Years' box (figure 70, c) or the sector grids under the 'Table' box (figure 70, d) to generate the official submission.\n9. Press the 'Submit' button (figure 70, e). An official submission will be generated in the NAIIS system.\nFigure 70. Submit - select tables and grids for the general submission\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 43\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf", - "query": "What is the global warming potential of Perfluorohexane ?", - "target_page": 48, - "target_passage": "7,400", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Annex 3: Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)\nformula = C2F6. Perfluroethane, 1995 IPCC GWP = 9,200. Perfluoropropape, Chemical formula = C3F8. Perfluoropropape, 1995 IPCC GWP = 7,000. Perfluorobutane, Chemical formula = C2F10. Perfluorobutane, 1995 IPCC GWP = 7,000. Perfluorocyclobutane, Chemical formula = c-c4F8. Perfluorocyclobutane, 1995 IPCC GWP = 8,700. Perfluoropentane, Chemical formula = C5F12. Perfluoropentane, 1995 IPCC GWP = 7,500. Perfluorohexane, Chemical formula = C6F14. Perfluorohexane, 1995 IPCC GWP = 7,400. Sulphur hexafluoride, Chemical formula = SF6. Sulphur hexafluoride, 1995 IPCC GWP = 23,900\nSource: Climate Change 1995, The Science of Climate Change: Summary for Policymakers and Technical Summary of the Working Group I Report, page 22.\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 48\n07/08/2013", - "page_start": 47, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annex 3: Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)\nCarbon dioxide, Chemical formula = CO2. Carbon dioxide, 1995 IPCC GWP = 1. Methane, Chemical formula = CH4. Methane, 1995 IPCC GWP = 21. Nitrous oxide, Chemical formula = N2O. Nitrous oxide, 1995 IPCC GWP = 310. HFC-23, Chemical formula = CHF3. HFC-23, 1995 IPCC GWP = 11,700. HFC-32, Chemical formula = CH2F2. HFC-32, 1995 IPCC GWP = 650. HFC-41, Chemical formula = CH3F. HFC-41, 1995 IPCC GWP = 150. HFC-43-10mee, Chemical formula = C5H2F10. HFC-43-10mee, 1995 IPCC GWP = 1,300. HFC-125, Chemical formula = C2HF5. HFC-125, 1995 IPCC GWP = 2,800. HFC-134, Chemical formula = C2H2F4. HFC-134, 1995 IPCC GWP = 1,000. HFC-134a, Chemical formula = CH2FCF3. HFC-134a, 1995 IPCC GWP = 1,300. HFC-152a, Chemical formula = C2H4F2. HFC-152a, 1995 IPCC GWP = 140. HFC-143, Chemical formula = C2H3F3. HFC-143, 1995 IPCC GWP = 300. HFC-143a, Chemical formula = CF3CH3. HFC-143a, 1995 IPCC GWP = 3,800. HFC-227ea, Chemical formula = C3HF7. HFC-227ea, 1995 IPCC GWP = 2,900. HFC-236fa, Chemical formula = C3H2F6. HFC-236fa, 1995 IPCC GWP = 6,300. HFC-254ca, Chemical formula = C3H3F5. HFC-254ca, 1995 IPCC GWP = 560. Perfluoromethane, Chemical formula = CF4. Perfluoromethane, 1995 IPCC GWP = 6,500. Perfluroethane, Chemical", - "page_start": 47, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nThe public's distinct understanding of the cause and e GLYPH<11> ect of the global climate issue is an obstacle to joint mitigation actions. In addition to a diversity of views co-existing in the public discourse [1,2], previous studies noticed that the public had even failed to reach an agreement on whether 'climate change' or 'global warming' is the most appropriate definition of the global climate concern [3-5]. According to the definition provided by [6], global warming describes global climate issues as a continuous increase in the average temperature of Earth's surface due to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, whereas climate change includes not only temperature rise but also a range of\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062; doi:10.3390 / ijerph17031062\nwww.mdpi.com / journal / ijerph\n/gid00001\nInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 , 17 , 1062\n2 of 22\ncomplex changes in the state of the climate [7], which may be caused by natural process, external forces, or human interventions [8]. By randomly assigning respondents to climate change or global warming questionnaires, scholars confirmed that the di GLYPH<11> erent connotations contained in the two definitions are likely to evoke distinct interpretations of the causes and impacts of the global climate issue [9], which may inhibit collaboration and joint e GLYPH<11> orts to mitigate the global challenge.\nPublic preference between climate change and global warming is even more apparent when considering the ideology spectrum [10]. Some scholars concluded that conservatives, who are less concerned with environmental issues, tended to use global warming as a narrative strategy because global warming has a more direct connection with temperature rise, making it easier to find contradictory cues such as freezing weather or heavy snowstorms to deny global climate change facts [11]. The associations between global warming and human activities may contribute to more controversies as well [12], connecting global warming more with the 'hoax' frame [5] and evoking greater negative sentiment [13].", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed10.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Impacts at 1.5 ° Cglobalwarmingcomparedto2 ° C\nTable 6. Global mean changes at 1.5 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\nTXx ( ° C) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................., IPSL- CM5A-LR = 1.2. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., MIRC-ESM- CHEM = 2.4. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Impacts at 1.5 ° Cglobalwarmingcomparedto2 ° C\nTable 6. Global mean changes at 1.5 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., HadGEM2- ES = 1.7. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\nTXx ( ° C) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................., IPSL- CM5A-LR = 2.1. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Climate-change impacts at 2 ° Cglobalwarming\nTable 5. Global mean changes at 2 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., HadGEM2- ES = 2.5. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Impacts at 1.5 ° Cglobalwarmingcomparedto2 ° C\nTable 6. Global mean changes at 1.5 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., GFDL- ESM2M = 1.9. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(b) Impacts at 1.5 ° Cglobalwarmingcomparedto2 ° C\nTable 6. Global mean changes at 1.5 ° C global warming compared to present day for individual ensemble members, for the ClimPACT indices, the /flood and drought proxies used as input to the HCVI calculations, and percentage change in mean precipitation (Pmean), mean run-o/ff (Rmean) and low run-o/ff (Rlow).\n.........................................................................................................................................................................................................., ACCESS1-0 = 1.9. TXx ( ° C)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf", - "query": "How can I request access to NAIIS ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "Requests for access to, inquiries on the use of the software, and comments on the design and functionalities of the application should be sent to the dedicated e-mail address naiisapp@unfccc.int.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "NAIIS Web Application\n(Release version 1.1.3)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 1\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2.1 How to access the NAIIS application\nOpen any internet browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) and type in the following URL http://unfccc.int/7627 on the browser's address bar. (figure 1 and figure 2)\nFigure 1. Using Internet Explorer browser\nFigure 2. Using Firefox browser\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 6\n10/02/2013\nPress the 'Enter key' and the non-Annex I Greenhouse Gas Inventories web page appears.\nTo access the NAIIS application, click on the image NAIIS Web Application, the right hand side of the screen. (figure 3, number 1) and the log-in page will be displayed. (figure 4)", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contents\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 3\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.3 Contact\nRequests for access to, inquiries on the use of the software, and comments on the design and functionalities of the application should be sent to the dedicated e-mail address naiisapp@unfccc.int .\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 5\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "List of pending functionalities in NAIIS:\n-----------------------------------------\n1. Web services integration for help desk\n2. Display of information in 5 remaining UN languages.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 General information\nThe NAIIS is a web-based application designed to enable non-Annex I Parties estimate their national GHG inventories according to the UNFCCC guidelines and using the IPCC methodologies, and to report the results in their national communications and biennial update reports.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 3. UNFCCC non-Annex I Greenhouse Gas Inventories web page\nFigure 4. Log-in page of the NAIIS Web Application\nTo log-in , enter the username and password and click on the 'Sign in' button.\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 7\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 21. Users Administration\n Click on the row of the respective user to be viewed (figure 22a). All information of the selected user will be displayed on the General Properties , Sector and Role boxes (figure 22b).\nNAIIS-User-Manual.Docx\nPage 16\n10/02/2013", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DATA AVAILABILITY\nData will be made available upon reasonable request.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf", - "query": "What is the problem regarding the use of the Book3 dataset ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The Books3 dataset contains text from over 170,000 books,2 which are a mix of in-copyright and out-of-copyright works. It is believed to have been originally sourced from a website that was not authorized to distribute all of the works", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Implications of Overall Approach\nSee Testimony of Chris Callison-Burch, July 2023, https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/ 37 JU03/20230517/115951/HHRG-118-JU03-Wstate-Callison-BurchC-20230517.pdf ('As the amount of training data increases, AI systems' capabilities for language understanding and their other skills improve.'); Brown, Tom, et al. Language Models Are Few-Shot Learners . 22 July 2020, at https://arxiv.org/ pdf/2005.14165.pdf ('we find that performance scales very smoothly with model size').\nTowards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\n15\nengagement. And, at least in the U.S., it could generate billions of dollars in damages if the specific design choices and technical constraints are not adequate to justify a finding of fair use.\nThis sort of books dataset could be built by expanding use of in-copyright books that have already been digitized from existing libraries and other sources. Specifically, workshop participants mentioned that the Internet Archive, HathiTrust, and Google as entities that have digitized books and could repurpose their use to build a books commons, although challenges with using these datasets were noted. The Internet Archive is in the midst of litigation brought by book publishers for its program for lending digital books; while not directly relevant to the issue of AI training using their corpus of books, this sort of litigation creates a chilling effect on organizations seeking to make new uses of these digitized books. Meanwhile, Google encumbered HathiTrust's digital copies with certain contractual restrictions, which would need to be addressed to develop a books dataset for AI training, and Google itself is unlikely to share its own copies while it provides them a competitive advantage.\nPerhaps as a matter of public policy, these existing copies could be made more freely available. For instance, to ensure robust competition around AI and advance other public interests, policymakers could remove legal obstacles to the sharing of digitized book files for use in AI training. Alternatively, policymakers could go further and affirmatively compel sharing access to these digital book files for AI training.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7. Conclusion\nThis paper is a snapshot of an idea that is as underexplored as it is rooted in decades of existing work. The concept of mass digitization of books, including to support text and data mining, of which AI is a subset, is not new. But AI training is newly of the zeitgeist, and its transformative use makes questions about how we digitize, preserve, and make accessible knowledge and cultural heritage salient in a distinct way.\nAs such, efforts to build a books data commons need not start from scratch; there is much to glean from studying and engaging existing and previous efforts. Those learnings might inform substantive decisions about how to build a books data commons for AI training. For instance, looking at the design decisions of HathiTrust may inform how the technical infrastructure and data management practices for AI training might be designed, as well as how to address challenges to building a comprehensive, diverse, and useful corpus. In addition, learnings might inform the process by which we get to a books data commons for example, illustrating ways to attend to the interests of those likely to be impacted by the dataset's development. 41\nWhile this paper does not prescribe a particular path forward, we do think finding a path (or paths) to extend access to books for AI training is critical. In the status quo, large swaths of knowledge contained in books are effectively locked up and inaccessible to most everyone. Google is an exception - it can reap the benefits of their 40 million books dataset for research, development, and deployment of AI models. Large, well-resourced entities could theoretically try to replicate Google's digitization efforts, although it would be incredibly expensive, impractical, and largely duplicative for each entity to individually pursue their own efforts. Even then, it isn't clear how everyone else - independent researchers, entrepreneurs, and smaller entities - will have access. The controversy around the Books3 dataset discussed at the outset should not, then, be an argument in favor of preserving the status quo. Instead, it should highlight the urgency of building a books data commons to support an AI ecosystem that provides broad benefits beyond the privileged few.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction 1\nWhile the field of artificial intelligence research and technology has a long history, broad public attention grew over the last year in light of the wide availability of new generative AI systems, including large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Claude, and LLaMA-2. These tools are developed using machine learning and other techniques that analyze large datasets of written text, and they are capable of generating text in response to a user's prompts.\nWhile many large language models rely on website text for training, books have also played an important role in developing and improving AI systems. Despite the widespread use of ebooks and growth of sales in that market, books remain difficult for researchers and entrepreneurs to access at scale in digital form for the purposes of training AI.\nIn 2023, multiple news publications reported on the availability and use of a dataset of books called 'Books3' to train LLMs. The Books3 dataset contains text from over 170,000 books, 2 which are a mix of in-copyright and out-of-copyright works. It is believed to have been originally sourced from a website that was not authorized to distribute all of the works contained in the dataset. In lawsuits brought against OpenAI, Microsoft, Meta, and Bloomberg related to their LLMs, the use of Books3 as training data was specifically cited. 3\nThe Books3 controversy highlights a critical question at the heart of generative AI: what role do books play in training AI models, and how might digitized books be made widely accessible for the purposes of training AI? What dataset of books could be constructed and under what circumstances?\nIn February 2024, Creative Commons, Open Future and Proteus Strategies convened a series of workshops to investigate the concept of a responsibly designed, broadly accessible dataset of digitized books to be used in training AI models. Conducted under the Chatham House Rule, we set out to ask if there is a possible future in which a 'books data commons for AI training' might exist, and what such a commons might look like. The workshops brought together practitioners on the front lines of building next-generation AI models, as well as legal and policy scholars with expertise in the copyright and licensing challenges surrounding digitized books. Our goal was also to bridge the perspective of stewards of", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What dataset management practices are necessary?\nNo matter how a books data commons gets built, it will be important to consider broader aspects of data governance. For example:\n· Dataset documentation and transparency: Transparent documentation is important for any dataset used for AI training. A datasheet is a standardized form of documentation that includes information about provenance and composition of data, and includes information on management practices, recommended uses or collection process.\n· Quality assurance: Above, we note the many features that make books useful for AI training, as compared with web data, for example. That said, the institution managing a books commons dataset may still want to collect and curate the collection to meet the particular purposes of its users. For instance, it may want to take steps to mitigate biases inherent in the dataset, by ensuring books are representative of a variety of languages and geographies.\n· Understanding uses: The institution managing a books commons dataset could measure and study how the dataset is used, to inform future improvements. Such monitoring may also enable accountability measures with respect to uses of the dataset. Introducing community norms for disclosing datasets used in AI training and other forms of AI research would facilitate such monitoring.\n· Governance mechanisms: In determining matters like acceptable and ethical use, the fundamental question is 'who decides.' While this might be settled simply by whoever sets up and operates the dataset and related infrastructure, participatory mechanisms - such as advisory bodies bringing together a broad range of users and stakeholders of a collection - could also be incorporated.\nTowards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\n19", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Implications of Overall Approach\nBy relying on existing limitations and exceptions in copyright law, the number of books one could include in the corpus of a books data commons is far greater and more diverse. Of course, a bigger dataset doesn't necessarily mean a higher quality dataset for all uses of AI models; as HathiTrust shows, even a multimillion book corpus can skew in various directions. Still, dataset size generally remains significant to an LLM's performance - the more text one can train on, or rather the more tokens for training the model, the better, at least along a number of performance metrics. 37\nWhile holding the potential for a broader and more diverse dataset, a key limitation in pursuing this approach is that it is only feasible where relevant copyright limitations and exceptions exist. Even then, legal uncertainty means that going down this path is likely to generate, at a minimum, expensive and time-consuming litigation and regulatory\nThis is explained explicitly in the appeals court's decision: Authors Guild v. HathiTrust, 755 F.3d 87 (2d 35 Cir. 2014).\nHathiTrust has also made available some data derived from books, such as the Extracted Features 36 set: 'HTRC releases research datasets to facilitate text analysis using the HathiTrust Digital Library. While copyright-protected texts are not available for download from HathiTrust, fruitful research can still be performed on the basis of non-consumptive analysis of transformative datasets, such as in HTRC's flagship Extracted Features Dataset, which includes features extracted from full-text volumes. These features include volume-level metadata, page-level metadata, part-of-speech-tagged tokens, and token counts:' https://analytics.hathitrust.org/datasets#top.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Performance and Quality\n· Breadth, Diversity, and Mitigating Bias: Books can serve a critical role in ensuring AI models are inclusive of a broad range of topics and categories that may be underrepresented in other content. For all that the Internet has generated an explosion in human creativity and information sharing, it generally represents only a few decades of information and a small portion of the world's creative population. A books dataset, by comparison, is capable of representing centuries of human knowledge. As a result such a dataset can help ensure AI systems behavior is based on centuries of historical information from modern books. It can help ensure broad geographic and linguistic diversity. What's more, the greater breadth and diversity of high-quality content help mitigate challenges around bias and misinformation. Using a more diverse pool of training data can help support the production of a model and outputs of the model that are more representative of that diversity. Books can be useful in evaluation datasets to test existing models for memorization capabilities, which can help prevent unintended reproduction of existing works. Of course, this is all contingent on actual composition of the corpus; in order to have the benefits described, the books would need to be curated and included with characteristics like time, geographic and linguistic diversity.\n· Other Modalities: Finally, books do not just contain text, they often contain images and captions of those images. As such, they can be an important training source for multi-modal LLMs, which can receive and generate data in media other than text.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Data availability\nNo new data were generated or analyzed in support of this research.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Basics of AI Training and Technical Challenges of Including Books\nThere are certain technical challenges in using books in AI training as well, given the nature of the 8 format. First, one must address whether a book is already in digital form. For the vast majority of books, that is not the case. One first needs to digitize the book, and convert it to a digital text file using optical character recognition (OCR), or use a born-digital version (although we return to specific limitations on that approach below). Second, once a book is in digital text form, it must be converted into a text format that is suitable for AI training. Text conversion tools transfer the content of books into complete text files, which is akin to the type of conversion that must be done between a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF file format and a simple .txt format. This conversion is generally not adequate for the purpose of AI training; researchers have found that post-processing is required to ensure these text files are properly formatted for the purposes of tokenization. For example, when building the dataset known as The Pile, researchers had to modify an existing epub-to-text converter tool to ensure that document structure across chapters was preserved to match the table of contents, that tables of data were correctly rendered, to convert numbered lists from digitally legible lists of '1\\.' to '1.', and to replace unicode punctuation with ascii punctuation. See Discussion in 4.3.2 in Bandy, Jack, and Nicholas Vincent. Addressing 'Documentation Debt' in Machine Learning Research: A Retrospective Datasheet for BookCorpus . 2021, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.05241.pdf. and C.16 of The Pile documentation in Gao, Leo, et al. The Pile: An 800GB Dataset of Diverse Text for Language Modeling , https://arxiv.org/pdf/ 2101.00027.pdf.\nTowards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\n4", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Existing Project Example : The Pile v2 27\nIn 2020, the nonprofit research group EleutherAI constructed and released The Pile - a large, diverse, open dataset for AI training. EleutherAI developed it not only to support their own training of LLMs, but also to lower the barriers for others. 28\nAlong with data drawn from the web at large, The Pile included books from three datasets. The first dataset was the Books3 corpus referenced at the outset of this paper. The second and third books datasets were smaller: BookCorpus2, which is a collection of 17,868 books by otherwise unpublished authors; and a 28,752 books in the public domain and published prior to 1919, drawn from a volunteer effort to digitize public domain works called Project Gutenberg.\nAs the awareness about The Pile dataset grew, certain rightsholders began sending copyright notices to have the dataset taken down from various websites.\nDespite the takedown requests, the importance of books to EleutherAI and the broader community's AI research remained. In hoping to forge a path forward EleutherAI announced in 2024 that they would create a new version of the dataset, which they will call The Pile v2. 29 Among other things, v2 would 'have many more books than the original Pile had, for example, and more diverse representation of non-academic non-fiction domains.' At the same time, it would only seek to include public domain books and permissively licensed content. As before, this corpus focuses on English language books.\nThis is an illustrative example, and there are also other projects of this ilk. For instance, see the 27 Common Corpus project, which includes an array of public domain books from a number of countries, at https://huggingface.co./blog/Pclanglais/common-corpus; see also https://huggingface.co./datasets/ storytracer/internet_archive_books_en ('This dataset contains more than 650,000 English public domain books (~ 61 billion words) which were digitized by the Internet Archive and cataloged as part of the Open Library project.')\nSee Gao et al, supra note 8. 28", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Implications of the The Overall Approach\nStepping back from The Pile v2 specifically, or any particular existing collection of books or dataset built on their basis, we want to understand the implications of relying on public domain works and expressly licensed works in building a books commons.\nThe benefits are relatively straightforward. Both categories, by definition come with express permission to use the books in AI training. The cost of acquiring the books for this use may be effectively zero or close to it, when considering public domain and 'openly' licensed books that allow redistribution and that have already been digitized.\nBut this approach comes with some clear limitations. First, as noted above, for many books in the public domain, their status as such is not always clear. And with respect to permissively licensed books, it is not always clear whether and how to comply with the license obligations in this context.\nSetting aside those challenges, the simple fact is that relying on public domain and existing permissively licensed books would limit the quantity and diversity of data available for training, impacting performance along different dimensions. Only a small fraction of books ever published fall into this category, and the corpus of books in this category is likely to be skewed heavily towards older public domain books. This skew would, in turn, impact the content available for AI training. For instance, relying on books from before 1929 would not 30 only incorporate outdated language patterns, but also a range of biases and misconceptions about race and gender, among other things. Efforts could be made to get people to permissively license more material - a book drive for permissive licensing, so to speak; this approach would still not encompass most books, at least when it comes to past works. 31", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf", - "query": "In the United States, before which date is book out of copyright for sure ?", - "target_page": 9, - "target_passage": "In the United States, all books published or released before 1929 are in the public domain. While use of these books provides maximal certainty for the AI developer to train on", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Permissively licensed works\nSee e.g. Heald, Paul J. 'How Copyright Makes Books and Music Disappear (and How Secondary 16 Liability Rules Help Resurrect Old Songs).' Illinois Program in Law, Behavior and Social Science Paper No. LBSS14-07 Illinois Public Law Research Paper No. 13-54 https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2290181. Accessed 4 Jan. 2020, at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2290181; Rosen, Rebecca J. 'Why Are so Few Books from the 20th Century Available as Ebooks?' The Atlantic , 18 Mar. 2014, www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/03/why-are-so-few-books-from-the-20th-centuryavailable-as-ebooks/284486/. See also 'Google Book Search Settlement and Access to Out of Print Books.' Google Public Policy Blog , publicpolicy.googleblog.com/2009/06/google-book-searchsettlement-and.html. Accessed 20 Mar. 2024 (discussing this issue in the context of the failed classaction settlement between Google, the Authors Guild, and the Association of American Publishers). Google's final brief in the settlement proceedings notes the 'prohibitive transaction costs of identifying and locating individual Rightsholders of these largely older, out-of-print books' - see this brief at https:// web.archive.org/web/20130112060651/http://thepublicindex.org/docs/amended_settlement/ google_final_approval_support.pdf. The Authors Guild and Association of American Publishers also justified the settlement's terms in light of the fact that 'the transaction costs involved in finding copyright owners and clearing the rights are too high'; while they argued that most works are not truly 'orphans,' they note that total transaction costs as a whole (including, for example, determining whether the author or publisher holds the rights and then negotiating rates) are so high as to block uses of outof-print works anyway - see this brief at https://web.archive.org/web/20130112060213/http://", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Copyright, Licensing, & Access to Books for Training\nEven if books can be acquired, digitized, and made technically useful for AI training, the development of a books data commons would necessarily need to navigate and comply with copyright law.\nOut-of-Copyright Books: A minority of books are old enough to be in the public domain and out of copyright, and an AI developer could use them in training without securing any copyright permission. In the United States, all books published or released before 1929 are in the public domain. While use of these books provides maximal certainty for the AI developer to train on, it is worth noting that the status of whether a book is in the public domain can be difficult to determine. For instance, books released between 1929 and 1963 in the U.S. are 14 out of copyright if they were not subject to a copyright renewal; however, data on copyright renewals is not easily accessible.\nWhat's more, copyright definitions and term lengths vary among countries. Even if a work is in the public domain in the US, it may not be in other countries. Countries generally use the 15 life of the last living author + 'x' years to determine the term of copyright protection. For most countries, 'x' is either 50 years (the minimum required by the Berne Convention) or 70 years (this is the case for all member states of the European Union and for all works published in the U.S. after 1978). This approach makes it difficult to determine copyright terms with certainty because it requires information about the date of death of each author, which is often not readily available.\nIn-Copyright Books: The vast majority of books are in copyright, and, insofar as the training process requires making a copy of the book, the use in AI training may implicate copyright law. Our workshop covered three possible paths for incorporating such works.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Direct licensing\nOne could directly license books from rightsholders. There may be some publishers who are willing to license their works for this purpose, but it is hard to determine the scale of such access, and, in any event, there are significant limits on this approach. Along with the challenge (and expense) of reaching agreements with relevant rightsholders, there is also the practical difficulty of simply identifying and finding the rightsholder that one must negotiate\nFor a sense of the complexity, see e.g. Melissa Levine, Richard C. Adler. Finding the Public Domain: 14 Copyright Review Management System Toolkit . 2016, quod.lib.umich.edu/c/crmstoolkit/ 14616082.0001.001. Accessed 20 Mar. 2024.; Kopel, Matthew. 'LibGuides: Copyright at Cornell Libraries: Copyright Term and the Public Domain.' guides.library.cornell.edu/copyright/publicdomain; Mannapperuma, Menesha, et al. Is It in the Public Domain? A HANDBOOK for EVALUATING the COPYRIGHT STATUS of a WORK CREATED in the UNITED STATES . 1923.\nSee e.g. Moody, Glyn. 'Project Gutenberg Blocks Access in Germany to All Its Public Domain Books 15 because of Local Copyright Claim on 18 of Them.' Techdirt , 7 Mar. 2018, www.techdirt.com/ 2018/03/07/project-gutenberg-blocks-access-germany-to-all-public-domain-books-because-localcopyright-claim-18-them/. Accessed 20 Mar. 2024.\nTowards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\n8\nwith. The vast majority of in-copyright books are out-of-print or out-of-commerce, and most are not actively managed by their rightsholders. There is no official registry of copyrighted works and their owners, and existing datasets can be incomplete or erroneous. 16\nAs a result, there may be no way to license the vast majority of in-copyright books, especially those that have or have had limited commercial value. Put differently, the barrier to using 17 most books is not simply to pay publishers; even if one had significant financial resources, licensing would not enable access to most works.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Reliance on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions\nEven if a book is in copyright, it's possible that copying books for AI training may be covered by existing limitations and exceptions to copyright law in particular jurisdictions. For example:\n· In the United States, many argue using existing works to train generative AI is 'fair use,' consistent with existing law and legal precedents. This is the subject of a 19 number of currently active court cases, and different actors and tools may yield different results, as fair use is applied case-by-case using a flexible balancing test.\n· In the European Union, there are explicit exceptions in the law for 'text and data mining' uses of in-copyright works, both for non-commercial research and for commercial purposes. However, for commercial uses and for users outside of research and heritage institutions, they must respect the rights of rightsholders who choose to 'reserve their rights' (i.e., opt-out of allowing text and data mining) via machine readable mechanisms. The exception also requires that users have 'lawful 20 access' to the works.\n· Finally, Japan provides a specific text and data mining exception, without any comparable opt-out requirement for commercial uses as is embedded in EU law. 21\nWhile exceptions that allow AI training exist in several other countries, such as Singapore and Israel, most countries do not provide exceptions that appear to permit AI training. Even where potentially available, as in the United States, legal uncertainty and risk create a hurdle for anyone building a books commons. 22\nSee e.g. Comments from Sprigman, Samuelson, Sag to Copyright Office, October 2023, at https:// 19 www.regulations.gov/comment/COLC-2023-0006-10299 as well as many other submissions to the US copyright office; see also Advocacy, Katherine Klosek, Director of Information Policy and Federal Relations, Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and Marjory S. Blumenthal, Senior Policy Fellow, American Library Association (ALA) Office of Public Policy and. 'Training Generative AI Models on Copyrighted Works Is Fair Use.' Association of Research Libraries , 23 Jan. 2024, www.arl.org/blog/ training-generative-ai-models-on-copyrighted-works-is-fair-use/.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Reliance on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions\nSee Hansen, Dave. 'Fair Use Week 2023: How to Evade Fair Use in Two Easy Steps.' Authors Alliance , 23 23 Feb. 2023, www.authorsalliance.org/2023/02/23/fair-use-week-2023-how-to-evade-fair-use-in-twoeasy-steps/. Accessed 20 Mar. 2024.\nSee Band, Jonathan. 'Protecting User Rights against Contract Override.' Joint PIJIP/TLS Research 24 Paper Series , 1 May 2023, digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/research/97/. Accessed 20 Mar. 2024.\nIn the U.S. the Copyright Office has recognized the importance of allowing particular exceptions for 25 researchers engaged in text and data mining. See their rulemaking in 2021 https:// www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/10/28/2021-23311/exemption-to-prohibition-oncircumvention-of-copyright-protection-systems-for-access-control. These rules are reviewed triennially and are currently under review, with submissions suggesting both contraction and expansion; see the Authors' Alliance comments in January 2024 https://www.authorsalliance.org/2024/01/29/authorsalliance-submits-long-form-comment-to-copyright-office-in-support-of-petition-to-expand-existing-textand-data-mining-exemption/. It is possible that one could argue for these exceptions to be expanded, and then work to renew that exception every three years. The EU's text and data mining exception may also limit use of DRM to impede data mining, but only for particular covered research and heritage institutions; commercial and other users are not covered, however.\nNote that CC licenses forbid use of DRM - but that doesn't address most all books sold by publishers. 26\nTowards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\n11", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Reliance on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions\nThe first important limitation is that almost every digital book published today comes with a set of contractual terms that restrict what users can do with it. In many cases, those terms will explicitly restrict text data mining or AI uses of the content, meaning that even where copyright law allows for reuse (for example, under fair use), publishers by contract can impose restrictions anyway. In the United States, those contract terms are generally thought to override the applicability of fair use or other limitations and exceptions. Other 23 jurisdictions, such as those in the EU, provide that certain limitations and exceptions cannot be contractually overridden, though experience to date varies with how those anti-contractual override protections work in practice. 24\nThe second limitation is the widespread adoption of 'anti-circumvention' rules in copyright laws and the interplay of these with a choice to rely on copyright limitations and exceptions. Digital books sold by major publishers are generally encumbered with 'digital rights management' (DRM) that limits how someone can use the digital file. For instance, DRM can limit the ability to make a copy of the book, or even screenshot or excerpt from it, among other things. Anti-circumvention laws restrict someone's ability to evade these technical restrictions, even if it is for an ultimately lawful use.\nWhat this means for our purposes is that even if one acquires a digital book from, for example, Amazon, and it is lawful under copyright law to use that book in AI training, it can still generally be unlawful to circumvent the DRM to do so, outside narrow exceptions. 25 Thus, the ability to use in-copyright books encumbered by DRM - that is, most all books sold by major publishers - is generally limited. 26\nPractically, using in-copyright books to build a books commons for AI training - while relying on copyright's limitations and exceptions - requires turning a physical book into digital form, or otherwise engaging in the laborious process of manually re-creating a book's text (i.e., retyping the full text of the book) without circumventing the technical restrictions themselves.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Would authors, publishers, and other relevant rightsholders and creators have any ability to exclude their works?\nOne of the greatest sources of controversy in this area is the extent to which rightsholders of copyrighted works, as well as the original creators of such works (e.g., book authors in this context), should be able to prevent use of their works for AI training.\nWhile a system that required affirmative 'opt-in' consent would limit utility significantly (as discussed above in the context of directly licensing works), a system that allowed some forms of 'opt-out' could still be quite useful to some types of AI development. In the context of use cases like development of LLMs, the performance impact may not be so significant. Since most in-copyright books are not actively managed, the majority of books would remain in the corpus by default. The performance of LLMs can still be improved across various dimensions without including, for example, the most famous writers or those who continue to commercially exploit their works and may choose to exercise an opt-out. Perhaps the potential for licensing relationships (and revenue) may induce some rightsholders to come forward and begin actively managing their works. In such a case, uses that do require a license may once again become more feasible once the rightsholder can be reached.\nWorkshop participants discussed different types of opt-outs that could be built. For example, opt-outs could be thought of not in blanket terms, but only as applied to certain uses, for example to commercial uses of the corpus, but not research uses. This could build on or mirror the approach that the EU has taken in its text and data mining exceptions to copyright. Opt-outs might be more granular, by focusing on allowing or forbidding particular 38 uses or other categories of users, given that rights holders have many different sets of preferences.\nAnother question is about who can opt-out particular works from the dataset. This could solely be an option for copyright holders, although authors might be allowed to exercise an opt-out for their books even if they don't hold the copyrights. This might create challenges if the author and rightsholder disagree about whether to opt a particular book out of the corpus. Another related issue is that individual books, such as anthologies, may comprise works created (and rights held) by many different entities. The images in a book may have come from third-party sources, for instance, or a compendium of poetry might involve many", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Permissively licensed works\nThere are books that have been permissively licensed in an easily identifiable way, such as works placed under Creative Commons (CC) licenses. Such works explicitly allow particular uses of works subject to various responsibilities (e.g., requiring attribution by the user in their follow-on use).\nWhile such works could be candidates for inclusion in a books data commons, their inclusion depends on whether the license's terms can be complied with in the context of AI training. For instance, in the context of CC licensed works, there are requirements for proper attribution across all licenses (the CC tools Public Domain Dedication (CC0) and Public Domain Mark (PDM) are not licenses and do not require attribution). 18", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ALSO FOR …\nthe work that is already in the Public Domain.\nFor those who want to waive their rights from copyright protection, use CC0 (\"CC Zero\").", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf", - "query": "What of the main imporvement of the Pile v2 dataset in comparison to its first version ?", - "target_page": 13, - "target_passage": "Among other things, v2 would “have many more books than the original Pile had, for example, and more diverse representation of non-academic non-fiction domains.” At the same time, it would only seek to include public domain books and permissively licensed content", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Existing Project Example : The Pile v2 27\nGoldman, Sharon. 'One of the World's Largest AI Training Datasets Is About to Get Bigger and 29 'Substantially Better.' VentureBeat , 11 Jan. 2024, venturebeat.com/ai/one-of-the-worlds-largest-aitraining-datasets-is-about-to-get-bigger-and-substantially-better/. Accessed 20 Mar. 2024.\nTowards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\n12", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Existing Project Example : The Pile v2 27\nIn 2020, the nonprofit research group EleutherAI constructed and released The Pile - a large, diverse, open dataset for AI training. EleutherAI developed it not only to support their own training of LLMs, but also to lower the barriers for others. 28\nAlong with data drawn from the web at large, The Pile included books from three datasets. The first dataset was the Books3 corpus referenced at the outset of this paper. The second and third books datasets were smaller: BookCorpus2, which is a collection of 17,868 books by otherwise unpublished authors; and a 28,752 books in the public domain and published prior to 1919, drawn from a volunteer effort to digitize public domain works called Project Gutenberg.\nAs the awareness about The Pile dataset grew, certain rightsholders began sending copyright notices to have the dataset taken down from various websites.\nDespite the takedown requests, the importance of books to EleutherAI and the broader community's AI research remained. In hoping to forge a path forward EleutherAI announced in 2024 that they would create a new version of the dataset, which they will call The Pile v2. 29 Among other things, v2 would 'have many more books than the original Pile had, for example, and more diverse representation of non-academic non-fiction domains.' At the same time, it would only seek to include public domain books and permissively licensed content. As before, this corpus focuses on English language books.\nThis is an illustrative example, and there are also other projects of this ilk. For instance, see the 27 Common Corpus project, which includes an array of public domain books from a number of countries, at https://huggingface.co./blog/Pclanglais/common-corpus; see also https://huggingface.co./datasets/ storytracer/internet_archive_books_en ('This dataset contains more than 650,000 English public domain books (~ 61 billion words) which were digitized by the Internet Archive and cataloged as part of the Open Library project.')\nSee Gao et al, supra note 8. 28", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "E.3 Sample Efficiency of pretraining\nWe compare the sample efficiency of pretraining various state-of-the-art image and video models. Specifically, we look at the number of samples (image or video clips) processed by the network during pretraining, which is larger than the size of the pretraining dataset for multi-epoch training. Notably, our results with V-JEPA are obtained while processing an order of magnitude fewer samples than previous methods, and notably two orders of magnitude fewer samples than OpenCLIP. We believe that further investment towards improving the video pretraining data distribution could lead to substantial gains in downstream image and video tasks.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Implications of the The Overall Approach\nStepping back from The Pile v2 specifically, or any particular existing collection of books or dataset built on their basis, we want to understand the implications of relying on public domain works and expressly licensed works in building a books commons.\nThe benefits are relatively straightforward. Both categories, by definition come with express permission to use the books in AI training. The cost of acquiring the books for this use may be effectively zero or close to it, when considering public domain and 'openly' licensed books that allow redistribution and that have already been digitized.\nBut this approach comes with some clear limitations. First, as noted above, for many books in the public domain, their status as such is not always clear. And with respect to permissively licensed books, it is not always clear whether and how to comply with the license obligations in this context.\nSetting aside those challenges, the simple fact is that relying on public domain and existing permissively licensed books would limit the quantity and diversity of data available for training, impacting performance along different dimensions. Only a small fraction of books ever published fall into this category, and the corpus of books in this category is likely to be skewed heavily towards older public domain books. This skew would, in turn, impact the content available for AI training. For instance, relying on books from before 1929 would not 30 only incorporate outdated language patterns, but also a range of biases and misconceptions about race and gender, among other things. Efforts could be made to get people to permissively license more material - a book drive for permissive licensing, so to speak; this approach would still not encompass most books, at least when it comes to past works. 31", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.2 Comparison with State-of-the-Art\nNext, in Table 6, we inspect how the V-JEPA models pretrained on video stack up next to the largest stateof-the-art self-supervised image and video models when freezing the backbone encoder and training an attentive probe on top. Our image pretrained baselines include OpenCLIP (Cherti et al., 2023), DINOv2 (Oquab et al., 2023), and I-JEPA (Assran et al., 2023). The OpenCLIP model is trained with a contrastive image-text alignment objective, DINOv2 and I-JEPA are trained with self-supervision. These models are known to excel in their frozen-evaluation performance (Oquab et al., 2023); i.e., their ability to produce visual features that can be applied to many downstream tasks simultaneously, without end-to-end fine-tuning, and thus provide highly competitive baselines. Our video pretrained baselines include VideoMAE (Tong et al., 2022), OmniMAE (Girdhar et al., 2023), Hiera (Ryali et al., 2023), VideoMAEv2 (Wang et al., 2023a), and MVD (Wang et al., 2023b). The OpenCLIP, DINOv2 and VideoMAEv2 models are parameterized as Giant/Gigantic vision transformer architectures containing over 1B parameters trained on large-scale image or video datasets.\nComparison with video models. Compared to large-scale video baselines, the V-JEPA models outperform all previous models on every downstream video\n8\nFigure 5 SSv2 frozen-evaluation performance vs. Pretraining Time. Wallclock times for all methods are measured on a single GPU with a batch size of 10 clips, using the official codebases for VideoMAE and VideoMAEv2, and linearly extrapolated assuming a global batch size of 2400 samples. However, note that the SSv2 accuracies of video pixel prediction methods are actually obtained with small batch sizes and significantly longer training schedules. V-JEPA outperforms pixel-reconstruction methods while training significantly faster.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2 Datasets (Data Platform)\nThe datasets section is the main access point for browsing, filtering and searching the datasets . It offers a faceted search, a full text search and a geographical search. The dataset view provides access and information to the distributions of the dataset.\nThe home page of this section appears like this:\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 26 of 57", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.4 Prediction Task: Predicting y from x\nTable 5 Comparison with Pixel Prediction Methods. We compare V-JEPA with OmniMAE (Girdhar et al., 2023), VideoMAE (Tong et al., 2022), and Hiera (Ryali et al., 2023), which leverage a pixel-reconstruction loss. All models are trained using a ViT-L architecture or a comparable Hiera-L. We evaluate the approaches on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Places205, iNat201) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA) in both frozen evaluation (with a frozen backbone), and end-to-end fine-tuning. All models are evaluated at resolution 224. On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. In frozen evaluation, V-JEPA outperforms the baselines on all downstream tasks, except ImageNet, where the model achieves 74 . 8% compared to 75 . 1% of an OmniMAE model trained directly on ImageNet. V-JEPA also achieves the best fine-tuning performance amongs all ViT-L models and matches the Hiera-L on SSv2. The V-JEPA results are achieved while processing significantly fewer examples during pretraining.\nTable 6 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Models. We compare V-JEPA with state-of-the-art baselines in frozen evaluation with an attentive probe on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Place205, iNat21) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA). All models are evaluated at resolution 224, except I-JEPA 512 and V-JEPA 384 which are evaluated respectively at resolution 512 and 384 . On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. Compared to other video baselines, V-JEPA exhibits a consistent improvement across all downstream tasks. Compared to image-models that excel under the frozen evaluation, V-JEPA shows a significant performance improvement on tasks requiring motion understanding (+21 points on SSv2), and reduces the gap between video and image models on tasks requiring static appearance-based features.\nw/ Att. Pooling.Places205 = Methods pretrained using pixel prediction. Methods pretrained using pixel", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.4 Prediction Task: Predicting y from x\nTable 5 Comparison with Pixel Prediction Methods. We compare V-JEPA with OmniMAE (Girdhar et al., 2023), VideoMAE (Tong et al., 2022), and Hiera (Ryali et al., 2023), which leverage a pixel-reconstruction loss. All models are trained using a ViT-L architecture or a comparable Hiera-L. We evaluate the approaches on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Places205, iNat201) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA) in both frozen evaluation (with a frozen backbone), and end-to-end fine-tuning. All models are evaluated at resolution 224. On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. In frozen evaluation, V-JEPA outperforms the baselines on all downstream tasks, except ImageNet, where the model achieves 74 . 8% compared to 75 . 1% of an OmniMAE model trained directly on ImageNet. V-JEPA also achieves the best fine-tuning performance amongs all ViT-L models and matches the Hiera-L on SSv2. The V-JEPA results are achieved while processing significantly fewer examples during pretraining.\nTable 6 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Models. We compare V-JEPA with state-of-the-art baselines in frozen evaluation with an attentive probe on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Place205, iNat21) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA). All models are evaluated at resolution 224, except I-JEPA 512 and V-JEPA 384 which are evaluated respectively at resolution 512 and 384 . On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. Compared to other video baselines, V-JEPA exhibits a consistent improvement across all downstream tasks. Compared to image-models that excel under the frozen evaluation, V-JEPA shows a significant performance improvement on tasks requiring motion understanding (+21 points on SSv2), and reduces the gap between video and image models on tasks requiring static appearance-based features.\n65.6. OmniMAE, Frozen Evaluation w/ Att. Pooling.SSv2 (16 × 2", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.4 Prediction Task: Predicting y from x\nTable 5 Comparison with Pixel Prediction Methods. We compare V-JEPA with OmniMAE (Girdhar et al., 2023), VideoMAE (Tong et al., 2022), and Hiera (Ryali et al., 2023), which leverage a pixel-reconstruction loss. All models are trained using a ViT-L architecture or a comparable Hiera-L. We evaluate the approaches on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Places205, iNat201) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA) in both frozen evaluation (with a frozen backbone), and end-to-end fine-tuning. All models are evaluated at resolution 224. On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. In frozen evaluation, V-JEPA outperforms the baselines on all downstream tasks, except ImageNet, where the model achieves 74 . 8% compared to 75 . 1% of an OmniMAE model trained directly on ImageNet. V-JEPA also achieves the best fine-tuning performance amongs all ViT-L models and matches the Hiera-L on SSv2. The V-JEPA results are achieved while processing significantly fewer examples during pretraining.\nTable 6 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Models. We compare V-JEPA with state-of-the-art baselines in frozen evaluation with an attentive probe on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Place205, iNat21) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA). All models are evaluated at resolution 224, except I-JEPA 512 and V-JEPA 384 which are evaluated respectively at resolution 512 and 384 . On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. Compared to other video baselines, V-JEPA exhibits a consistent improvement across all downstream tasks. Compared to image-models that excel under the frozen evaluation, V-JEPA shows a significant performance improvement on tasks requiring motion understanding (+21 points on SSv2), and reduces the gap between video and image models on tasks requiring static appearance-based features.\n= 71.1. VideoMAE, Frozen Evaluation w/ Att. Pooling.Places205 =", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.4 Prediction Task: Predicting y from x\nTable 5 Comparison with Pixel Prediction Methods. We compare V-JEPA with OmniMAE (Girdhar et al., 2023), VideoMAE (Tong et al., 2022), and Hiera (Ryali et al., 2023), which leverage a pixel-reconstruction loss. All models are trained using a ViT-L architecture or a comparable Hiera-L. We evaluate the approaches on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Places205, iNat201) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA) in both frozen evaluation (with a frozen backbone), and end-to-end fine-tuning. All models are evaluated at resolution 224. On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. In frozen evaluation, V-JEPA outperforms the baselines on all downstream tasks, except ImageNet, where the model achieves 74 . 8% compared to 75 . 1% of an OmniMAE model trained directly on ImageNet. V-JEPA also achieves the best fine-tuning performance amongs all ViT-L models and matches the Hiera-L on SSv2. The V-JEPA results are achieved while processing significantly fewer examples during pretraining.\nTable 6 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Models. We compare V-JEPA with state-of-the-art baselines in frozen evaluation with an attentive probe on downstream image tasks (IN1K, Place205, iNat21) and video tasks (K400, SSv2, AVA). All models are evaluated at resolution 224, except I-JEPA 512 and V-JEPA 384 which are evaluated respectively at resolution 512 and 384 . On K400 and SSv2 we follow the standard practice of reporting accuracy from several spatial and temporal views from the video. Compared to other video baselines, V-JEPA exhibits a consistent improvement across all downstream tasks. Compared to image-models that excel under the frozen evaluation, V-JEPA shows a significant performance improvement on tasks requiring motion understanding (+21 points on SSv2), and reduces the gap between video and image models on tasks requiring static appearance-based features.\nPooling.AVA = 21.6. VideoMAE, Frozen Evaluation w/ Att. Pooling.IN1K", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news1.pdf", - "query": "Where will the 2024 AI + Energy summit take place ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "The AI + Energy Summit, scheduled for September 26, 2024, in Washington, D.C.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "New Artificial Intelligence Summit Series Begins With Energy\n07/31/2024\n(AI) continues to transform the United States and the world. To promote and inform rapid advancements in AI and maintain America's global competitiveness, the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), a nonprofit and nonpartisan initiative with a goal of making recommendations to strengthen America's long-term competitiveness in AI, announces the AI+ Summit Series.\nThe series kicks off with the topic of energy. The AI + Energy Summit, scheduled for September 26, 2024, in Washington, D.C., will bring together policy makers, energy industry leaders, top government and academic energy researchers, and technologists to address the challenges of AI's energy consumption and develop solutions for a resilient and abundant energy future. The event also aims to address the implications of AI and energy for national security and promote partnerships between AI and energy stakeholders.\nAI and other emerging technologies can help the United States take the lead in energy areas including maximizing energy efficiencies, discovering new materials, and enabling new forms of power generation. AI also has a role to play in overcoming energy challenges. The Department of Energy (DOE) already uses AI in several areas including advanced computing, emergency response, environmental modeling, climate forecasting, and materials research.\nSCSP's recent 'Action Plan for U.S. Leadership in Next-Generation Energy,' raises many issues related to AI and energy, including recommendations for the government to bring America forward. The AI+ Energy Summit will highlight these and other issues, and promote collaboration to solve problems. The stakes are high; if the U.S. falls short on energy, American adversaries could gain the upper hand in AI leadership, according to SCSP experts.\nVisit scsp.ai to learn more about the AI+Energy Summit and the SCSP's Next-Generation Energy Action Plan.\nArticle Link\nhttps://about.newsusa.com/new-artificial-intelligence-summit-series-begins-with…", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Log in\nHOME\nCATEGORIES\n\n\nHome / Arts and Entertainment / New Artificial Intelligence Summit Series Begins With Energy\nARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n201. Fung, Brian (19 December 2023). \"Where the battle to dominate AI may be won\" (https://ww w.cnn.com/2023/12/19/tech/cloud-competition-and-ai/index.html). CNN Business . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240113053332/https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/19/tech/cloudcompetition-and-ai/index.html) from the original on 13 January 2024.\n202. Metz, Cade (5 July 2023). \"In the Age of A.I., Tech's Little Guys Need Big Friends\" (https://w ww.nytimes.com/2023/07/05/business/artificial-intelligence-power-data-centers.html). The New York Times . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240708214644/https://www.nytim es.com/2023/07/05/business/artificial-intelligence-power-data-centers.html) from the original on 8 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n203. \"Electricity 2024 - Analysis\" (https://www.iea.org/reports/electricity-2024). IEA . 24 January 2024. Retrieved 13 July 2024.\n204. Calvert, Brian (28 March 2024). \"AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It's only the beginning\" (https://www.vox.com/climate/2024/3/28/24111721/ai-uses-a-lot-of-ener gy-experts-expect-it-to-double-in-just-a-few-years). Vox . New York, New York. Archived (http s://web.archive.org/web/20240703080555/https://www.vox.com/climate/2024/3/28/2411172 1/ai-uses-a-lot-of-energy-experts-expect-it-to-double-in-just-a-few-years) from the original on 3 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Towards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\nApril 2024", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Power needs and environmental impacts\nIn January 2024, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released Electricity 2024, Analysis and Forecast to 2026 , forecasting electric power use. [203] This is the first IEA report to make projections for data centers and power consumption for artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. The report states that power demand for these uses might double by 2026, with additional electric power usage equal to electricity used by the whole Japanese nation. [204]\nProdigious power consumption by AI is responsible for the growth of fossil fuels use, and might delay closings of obsolete, carbon-emitting coal energy facilities. There is a feverish rise in the construction of data centers throughout the US, making large technology firms (e.g., Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon) into voracious consumers of electric power. Projected electric consumption is so immense that there is concern that it will be fulfilled no matter the source. A ChatGPT search involves the use of 10 times the electrical energy as a Google search. The large firms are in haste to find power sources - from nuclear energy to geothermal to fusion. The tech firms argue that - in the long view - AI will be eventually kinder to the environment, but they need the energy now. AI makes the power grid more efficient and \"intelligent\", will assist in the growth of nuclear power, and track overall carbon emissions, according to technology firms. [205]\nA 2024 Goldman Sachs Research Paper, AI Data Centers and the Coming US Power Demand Surge , found \"US power demand (is) likely to experience growth not seen in a generation....\" and forecasts that, by 2030, US data centers will consume 8% of US power, as opposed to 3% in 2022, presaging growth for the electrical power generation industry by a variety of means. [206] Data centers' need for more and more electrical power is such that they might max out the electrical grid. The Big Tech companies counter that AI can be used to maximize the utilization of the grid by all. [207]\nIn 2024, the Wall Street Journal reported that big AI companies have begun negotiations with the US nuclear power providers to provide electricity to the data centers. In March 2024 Amazon purchased a Pennsylvania nuclear-powered data center for $650 Million (US). [208] Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang said nuclear power is a good option for the data centers. [209]", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n205. Halper, Evan; O'Donovan, Caroline (21 June 2024). \"AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle solution\" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/06/2 1/artificial-intelligence-nuclear-fusion-climate/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium =email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingto npost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F3e0d678%2F6675a2d2c2c05472dd9ec0f4%2F596c09009bbc0f 20865036e7%2F12%2F52%2F6675a2d2c2c05472dd9ec0f4). Washington Post .\n206. Davenport, Carly. \"AI Data Centers and the Coming YS Power Demand Surge\" (https://web. archive.org/web/20240726080428/https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/pages/gs-res earch/generational-growth-ai-data-centers-and-the-coming-us-power-surge/report.pdf) (PDF). Goldman Sachs . Archived from the original (https://www.goldmansachs.com/intellige nce/pages/gs-research/generational-growth-ai-data-centers-and-the-coming-us-power-surg e/report.pdf) (PDF) on 26 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n207. Ryan, Carol (12 April 2024). \"Energy-Guzzling AI Is Also the Future of Energy Savings\" (http s://www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/ai-data-centers-energy-savings-d602296e). Wall Street Journal . Dow Jones.", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The top AI-powered tech trends in 2025\n(NC) As we look ahead to 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize our lives. From enhancing our daily routines to transforming entire industries, AI's impact is undeniable.\nThese five innovations are set to shape our future, offering unprecedented convenience, efficiency and personalization.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Regulation\nIn a 2022 Ipsos survey, attitudes towards AI varied greatly by country; 78% of Chinese citizens, but only 35% of Americans, agreed that \"products and services using AI have more benefits than drawbacks\". [304] A 2023 Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 61% of Americans agree, and 22% disagree, that AI poses risks to humanity. [311] In a 2023 Fox News poll, 35% of Americans thought it \"very important\", and an additional 41% thought it \"somewhat important\", for the federal government to regulate AI, versus 13% responding \"not very important\" and 8% responding \"not at all important\". [312][313]\nIn November 2023, the first global AI Safety Summit was held in Bletchley Park in the UK to discuss the near and far term risks of AI and the possibility of mandatory and voluntary regulatory frameworks. [314] 28 countries including the United States, China, and the European Union issued a declaration at the start of the summit, calling for international co-operation to manage the challenges and risks of artificial intelligence. [315][316] In May 2024 at the AI Seoul Summit, 16 global AI tech companies agreed to safety commitments on the development of AI. [317][318]", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Further reading\nFrank, Michael (22 September 2023). \"US Leadership in Artificial Intelligence Can Shape the 21st Century Global Order\" (https://thediplomat.com/2023/09/us-leadership-in-artificial-intelli gence-can-shape-the-21st-century-global-order). The Diplomat . Archived (https://web.archiv e.org/web/20240916014433/https://thediplomat.com/2023/09/us-leadership-in-artificial-intelli gence-can-shape-the-21st-century-global-order/) from the original on 16 September 2024. Retrieved 8 December 2023. \"Instead, the United States has developed a new area of dominance that the rest of the world views with a mixture of awe, envy, and resentment: artificial intelligence... From AI models and research to cloud computing and venture capital, U.S. companies, universities, and research labs - and their affiliates in allied countries appear to have an enormous lead in both developing cutting-edge AI and commercializing it. The value of U.S. venture capital investments in AI start-ups exceeds that of the rest of the world combined.\"\nGertner, Jon. (2023) \"Wikipedia's Moment of Truth: Can the online encyclopedia help teach A.I. chatbots to get their facts right - without destroying itself in the process?\" New York Times Magazine (July 18, 2023) online (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/18/magazine/wikipediaai-chatgpt.html) Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20230720125400/https://www.nytime s.com/2023/07/18/magazine/wikipedia-ai-chatgpt.html) 20 July 2023 at the Wayback Machine", - "page_start": 66, - "page_end": 66, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n208. Hiller, Jennifer (1 July 2024). \"Tech Industry Wants to Lock Up Nuclear Power for AI\" (https:// www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/tech-industry-wants-to-lock-up-nuclear-power-for-ai-6cb7 5316?mod=djem10point). Wall Street Journal . Dow Jones. Archived (https://web.archive.or g/web/20241005165650/https://www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/tech-industry-wants-to-loc k-up-nuclear-power-for-ai-6cb75316?mod=djem10point) from the original on 5 October 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n209. Kendall, Tyler (28 September 2024). \"Nvidia's Huang Says Nuclear Power an Option to Feed Data Centers\" (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-09-27/nvidia-s-huang-s ays-nuclear-power-an-option-to-feed-data-centers). Bloomberg .\n210. Halper, Evan (20 September 2024). \"Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power AI\" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/09/20/microsoft-three-mi le-island-nuclear-constellation). Washington Post .", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news1.pdf", - "query": "What is the United States SCSP ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "he Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), a nonprofit and nonpartisan initiative with a goal of making recommendations to strengthen America's long-term competitiveness in AI", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION\nWashington, D.C. 20549", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 11\nRegulation 10", - "page_start": 73, - "page_end": 73, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION\nWashington, D.C. 20549", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION\nWashington, D.C. 20549", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENTEL SERVICE AREAS", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 4\nRegulation 2(5)", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 16\nRegulation 26(3)", - "page_start": 88, - "page_end": 88, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 13\nRegulation 18(3)", - "page_start": 83, - "page_end": 83, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "US Composting Council\nSeal of Testing Assurance (STA) program www.compostingcouncil.org/programs/sta/", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news1.pdf", - "query": "What are some example of uses AI by the US departement of energy ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "The Department of Energy (DOE) already uses AI in several areas including advanced computing, emergency response, environmental modeling, climate forecasting, and materials research", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Other industry-specific tasks\nThere are also thousands of successful AI applications used to solve specific problems for specific industries or institutions. In a 2017 survey, one in five companies reported having incorporated \"AI\" in some offerings or processes. [178] A few examples are energy storage, medical diagnosis, military logistics, applications that predict the result of judicial decisions, foreign policy, or supply chain management.\nAI applications for evacuation and disaster management are growing. AI has been used to investigate if and how people evacuated in large scale and small scale evacuations using historical data from GPS, videos or social media. Further, AI can provide real time information on the real time evacuation conditions. [179][180][181]\nIn agriculture, AI has helped farmers identify areas that need irrigation, fertilization, pesticide treatments or increasing yield. Agronomists use AI to conduct research and development. AI has been used to predict the ripening time for crops such as tomatoes, monitor soil moisture, operate agricultural robots, conduct predictive analytics, classify livestock pig call emotions, automate greenhouses, detect diseases and pests, and save water.\nArtificial intelligence is used in astronomy to analyze increasing amounts of available data and applications, mainly for \"classification, regression, clustering, forecasting, generation, discovery, and the development of new scientific insights.\" For example, it is used for discovering exoplanets, forecasting solar activity, and distinguishing between signals and instrumental effects in gravitational wave astronomy. Additionally, it could be used for activities in space, such as space exploration, including the analysis of data from space missions, real-time science decisions of spacecraft, space debris avoidance, and more autonomous operation.\nDuring the 2024 Indian elections, US$50 millions was spent on authorized AI-generated content, notably by creating deepfakes of allied (including sometimes deceased) politicians to better engage with voters, and by translating speeches to various local languages. [182]", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n201. Fung, Brian (19 December 2023). \"Where the battle to dominate AI may be won\" (https://ww w.cnn.com/2023/12/19/tech/cloud-competition-and-ai/index.html). CNN Business . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240113053332/https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/19/tech/cloudcompetition-and-ai/index.html) from the original on 13 January 2024.\n202. Metz, Cade (5 July 2023). \"In the Age of A.I., Tech's Little Guys Need Big Friends\" (https://w ww.nytimes.com/2023/07/05/business/artificial-intelligence-power-data-centers.html). The New York Times . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240708214644/https://www.nytim es.com/2023/07/05/business/artificial-intelligence-power-data-centers.html) from the original on 8 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n203. \"Electricity 2024 - Analysis\" (https://www.iea.org/reports/electricity-2024). IEA . 24 January 2024. Retrieved 13 July 2024.\n204. Calvert, Brian (28 March 2024). \"AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It's only the beginning\" (https://www.vox.com/climate/2024/3/28/24111721/ai-uses-a-lot-of-ener gy-experts-expect-it-to-double-in-just-a-few-years). Vox . New York, New York. Archived (http s://web.archive.org/web/20240703080555/https://www.vox.com/climate/2024/3/28/2411172 1/ai-uses-a-lot-of-energy-experts-expect-it-to-double-in-just-a-few-years) from the original on 3 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n205. Halper, Evan; O'Donovan, Caroline (21 June 2024). \"AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle solution\" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/06/2 1/artificial-intelligence-nuclear-fusion-climate/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium =email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingto npost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F3e0d678%2F6675a2d2c2c05472dd9ec0f4%2F596c09009bbc0f 20865036e7%2F12%2F52%2F6675a2d2c2c05472dd9ec0f4). Washington Post .\n206. Davenport, Carly. \"AI Data Centers and the Coming YS Power Demand Surge\" (https://web. archive.org/web/20240726080428/https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/pages/gs-res earch/generational-growth-ai-data-centers-and-the-coming-us-power-surge/report.pdf) (PDF). Goldman Sachs . Archived from the original (https://www.goldmansachs.com/intellige nce/pages/gs-research/generational-growth-ai-data-centers-and-the-coming-us-power-surg e/report.pdf) (PDF) on 26 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n207. Ryan, Carol (12 April 2024). \"Energy-Guzzling AI Is Also the Future of Energy Savings\" (http s://www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/ai-data-centers-energy-savings-d602296e). Wall Street Journal . Dow Jones.", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Power needs and environmental impacts\nIn January 2024, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released Electricity 2024, Analysis and Forecast to 2026 , forecasting electric power use. [203] This is the first IEA report to make projections for data centers and power consumption for artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. The report states that power demand for these uses might double by 2026, with additional electric power usage equal to electricity used by the whole Japanese nation. [204]\nProdigious power consumption by AI is responsible for the growth of fossil fuels use, and might delay closings of obsolete, carbon-emitting coal energy facilities. There is a feverish rise in the construction of data centers throughout the US, making large technology firms (e.g., Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon) into voracious consumers of electric power. Projected electric consumption is so immense that there is concern that it will be fulfilled no matter the source. A ChatGPT search involves the use of 10 times the electrical energy as a Google search. The large firms are in haste to find power sources - from nuclear energy to geothermal to fusion. The tech firms argue that - in the long view - AI will be eventually kinder to the environment, but they need the energy now. AI makes the power grid more efficient and \"intelligent\", will assist in the growth of nuclear power, and track overall carbon emissions, according to technology firms. [205]\nA 2024 Goldman Sachs Research Paper, AI Data Centers and the Coming US Power Demand Surge , found \"US power demand (is) likely to experience growth not seen in a generation....\" and forecasts that, by 2030, US data centers will consume 8% of US power, as opposed to 3% in 2022, presaging growth for the electrical power generation industry by a variety of means. [206] Data centers' need for more and more electrical power is such that they might max out the electrical grid. The Big Tech companies counter that AI can be used to maximize the utilization of the grid by all. [207]\nIn 2024, the Wall Street Journal reported that big AI companies have begun negotiations with the US nuclear power providers to provide electricity to the data centers. In March 2024 Amazon purchased a Pennsylvania nuclear-powered data center for $650 Million (US). [208] Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang said nuclear power is a good option for the data centers. [209]", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "New Artificial Intelligence Summit Series Begins With Energy\n07/31/2024\n(AI) continues to transform the United States and the world. To promote and inform rapid advancements in AI and maintain America's global competitiveness, the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), a nonprofit and nonpartisan initiative with a goal of making recommendations to strengthen America's long-term competitiveness in AI, announces the AI+ Summit Series.\nThe series kicks off with the topic of energy. The AI + Energy Summit, scheduled for September 26, 2024, in Washington, D.C., will bring together policy makers, energy industry leaders, top government and academic energy researchers, and technologists to address the challenges of AI's energy consumption and develop solutions for a resilient and abundant energy future. The event also aims to address the implications of AI and energy for national security and promote partnerships between AI and energy stakeholders.\nAI and other emerging technologies can help the United States take the lead in energy areas including maximizing energy efficiencies, discovering new materials, and enabling new forms of power generation. AI also has a role to play in overcoming energy challenges. The Department of Energy (DOE) already uses AI in several areas including advanced computing, emergency response, environmental modeling, climate forecasting, and materials research.\nSCSP's recent 'Action Plan for U.S. Leadership in Next-Generation Energy,' raises many issues related to AI and energy, including recommendations for the government to bring America forward. The AI+ Energy Summit will highlight these and other issues, and promote collaboration to solve problems. The stakes are high; if the U.S. falls short on energy, American adversaries could gain the upper hand in AI leadership, according to SCSP experts.\nVisit scsp.ai to learn more about the AI+Energy Summit and the SCSP's Next-Generation Energy Action Plan.\nArticle Link\nhttps://about.newsusa.com/new-artificial-intelligence-summit-series-begins-with…", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Applications\nAI and machine learning technology is used in most of the essential applications of the 2020s, including: search engines (such as Google Search), targeting online advertisements, recommendation systems (offered by Netflix, YouTube or Amazon), driving internet traffic, targeted advertising (AdSense, Facebook), virtual assistants (such as Siri or Alexa), autonomous vehicles (including drones, ADAS and self-driving cars), automatic language translation (Microsoft Translator, Google Translate), facial recognition (Apple's Face ID or Microsoft's DeepFace and Google's FaceNet) and image labeling (used by Facebook, Apple's iPhoto and TikTok). The deployment of AI may be overseen by a Chief automation officer (CAO).", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Military\nVarious countries are deploying AI military applications. [163] The main applications enhance command and control, communications, sensors, integration and interoperability. [164] Research is targeting intelligence collection and analysis, logistics, cyber operations, information operations, and semiautonomous and autonomous vehicles. [163] AI technologies enable coordination of sensors and effectors, threat detection and identification, marking of enemy positions, target acquisition, coordination and deconfliction of distributed Joint Fires between networked combat vehicles involving manned and unmanned teams. [164]\nAI has been used in military operations in Iraq, Syria, Israel and Ukraine. [163][165][166][167]", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n181. Zhao, Xilei; Lovreglio, Ruggiero; Nilsson, Daniel (1 May 2020). \"Modelling and interpreting pre-evacuation decision-making using machine learning\" (https://www.sciencedirect.com/sci ence/article/pii/S0926580519313184). Automation in Construction . 113 : 103140. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103140 (https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.autcon.2020.103140). hdl:10179/17315 (https://hdl.handle.net/10179%2F17315). ISSN 0926-5805 (https://search. worldcat.org/issn/0926-5805). Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240519121548/http s://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0926580519313184) from the original on 19 May 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n182. \"India's latest election embraced AI technology. Here are some ways it was used constructively\" (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/indias-latest-election-embraced-ai-tech nology-here-are-some-ways-it-was-used-constructively). PBS News . 12 June 2024. Retrieved 28 October 2024.\n183. Müller, Vincent C. (30 April 2020). \"Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics\" (https://plat o.stanford.edu/archives/fall2023/entries/ethics-ai/). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Archive . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20241005165650/https://plato.stanford.edu/a rchives/fall2023/entries/ethics-ai/) from the original on 5 October 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n184. Simonite (2016).\n185. Russell & Norvig (2021), p. 987.\n186. Laskowski (2023).\n187. GAO (2022).", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sexuality\nApplications of AI in this domain include AI-enabled menstruation and fertility trackers that analyze user data to offer prediction, [138] AI-integrated sex toys (e.g., teledildonics), [139] AI-generated sexual education content, [140] and AI agents that simulate sexual and romantic partners (e.g., Replika). [141] AI is also used for the production of non-consensual deepfake pornography, raising significant ethical and legal concerns. [142]\nAI technologies have also been used to attempt to identify online gender-based violence and online sexual grooming of minors. [143][144]", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n208. Hiller, Jennifer (1 July 2024). \"Tech Industry Wants to Lock Up Nuclear Power for AI\" (https:// www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/tech-industry-wants-to-lock-up-nuclear-power-for-ai-6cb7 5316?mod=djem10point). Wall Street Journal . Dow Jones. Archived (https://web.archive.or g/web/20241005165650/https://www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/tech-industry-wants-to-loc k-up-nuclear-power-for-ai-6cb75316?mod=djem10point) from the original on 5 October 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n209. Kendall, Tyler (28 September 2024). \"Nvidia's Huang Says Nuclear Power an Option to Feed Data Centers\" (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-09-27/nvidia-s-huang-s ays-nuclear-power-an-option-to-feed-data-centers). Bloomberg .\n210. Halper, Evan (20 September 2024). \"Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power AI\" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/09/20/microsoft-three-mi le-island-nuclear-constellation). Washington Post .", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf", - "query": "How can I contact Investor Relations of HON industries through email ?", - "target_page": 63, - "target_passage": "E-mail: investorrelations@honi.com", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I NVESTOR RELATIONS\nSend inquiries to:\nInvestor Relations\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc.\n414 East Third Street\nMuscatine, IA 52761\nTelephone: 563.264.7400\nFax: 563.264.7655\nE-mail: investorrelations@honi.com", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Stan A. Askren\nPresident, HON INDUSTRIES Inc.", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INVESTOR RELATIONS\nInstitutional investors, securities analysts and others requiring additional financial information can visit rogers.com/investors or contact us at:", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc.\n414 East Third Street\nP.O. Box 1109\nMuscatine, IA 52761-0071\nTelephone: 563.264.7400\nFax: 563.264.7217\nWebsite: www.honi.com", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OUR VISION\nWe, the members of HON INDUSTRIES, are dedicated to creating long-term value for all of our stakeholders, to exceeding our customers' expectations, and to making our company a great place to work. We will always treat each other, as well as customers, suppliers, shareholders, and our communities, with fairness and respect.\nOur success depends upon business simplification, rapid continuous improvement, and innovation in everything we do, individual and collective integrity, and the relentless pursuit of the following long-standing beliefs:", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sincerely,\nThe HON INDUSTRIES Board of Directors\nStan A. Askren\nGary M. Christensen\nCheryl A. Francis\nRobert L. Katz\nDennis J. Martin\nJack D. Michaels\nJoseph Scalzo\nAbbie J. Smith\nRichard H. Stanley\nBrian E. Stern\nRonald V. Waters, III\n61\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES", - "page_start": 60, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES INC. OFFICERS\nJack D. Michaels\nChairman and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "T O O U R S T A K E H O L D E R S :\nWhen our company is appreciated by its members, favored by its customers, supported by its suppliers, respected by the public, and admired by its shareholders, this Vision is fulfilled.\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc. (HNI) 414 East Third Street, P.O. Box 1109, Muscatine, IA 52761-0071\nwww.honi.com", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "afkljdf aojvoaipddddS EEKING I N V E S T O R S FOR A PERFECT MATCH\nJoin us in the dynamic, aggressive, profitable growth of HON INDUSTRIES.\nTHE BEST IS YET TO COME!\nManagement's Discussion and Analysis … 32 Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes … 39 Eleven-Year Summary … 56 Reports of Independent Auditors … 58 A Message from the Board of Directors … 61 Board of Directors and Officers … 62\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n1993 = 573,392. , = 537,828. , 1999 = 564,319. , 1998 = 533,632. , 1997 = 429,556. , = 318,639. , 1996 1995 = 268,419. , 1994 1993 = 272,606. , = 242,498. , 1999 = 9,712. , 1998 = 10,658. , 1997 = 8,179. , = 4,173. , 1996 1995 = 3,569. , 1994 1993 = 3,248. , = 3,120. , 1999 = 137,575. , 1998 = 170,109. , 1997 = 139,128. , = 105,267. , 1996 1995 = 65,517. , 1994 1993 = 86,338. , = 70,854. , 1999 = 7.64%. , 1998 = 9.97%. , 1997 = 10.21%. , = 10.55%. , 1996 1995 = 7.34%. , 1994 1993 = 10.21%. , = 9.08%. $, 1999 = 50,215. $, 1998 = $ 63,796. $, 1997 = $ 52,173. $, = $ 37,173. $, 1996 1995 = $ 24,419. $, 1994 1993 = $ 31,945. $, = $ 26,216. , 1999 = 36.5%. , 1998 = 37.50%. , 1997 = 37.50%. , = 35.31%. , 1996 1995 = 37.27%. , 1994 1993 = 37.00%. , = 37.00%. $, 1999 = 87,360. $, 1998 = $ 106,313. $, 1997 = $ 86,955. $, = $ 68,094. $, 1996 1995 = $ 41,098. $, 1994 1993 = $ 54,393. $, = $ 44,638. , 1999 = 87,360 4.85%. , 1998 = 106,313 6.23%. , 1997 = 86,955 6.38%. , = 68,094 6.82%. , 1996 1995 = 41,098 4.60%. , 1994", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf", - "query": "What explains the decrease in net sales of HON industries in 2002 ?", - "target_page": 34, - "target_passage": "The decrease in 2002 was due to the decline in the office furniture market due to unstable economic conditions and the deletion of less profitable product lines in the hearth products segment", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "NET INCOME\nNet income increased 7% in 2003 and 23% in 2002, respectively. Net income in 2003 was favorably impacted by increased interest income due to increased investments and decreased interest expense due to reduction in debt. Net income in 2002 was favorably impacted by a decrease in interest expense and a decrease in the effective tax rate to 35% in 2002 from 36% in 2001 mainly due to tax benefits associated with various federal and state tax credits. The Company anticipates that its tax rate will increase to 36% in 2004 due to increased state taxes and a reduced benefit from federal and state tax credits. Net income per diluted share increased by 8% to $1.68 in 2003 and by 23% to $1.55 in 2002, respectively. Due to the appreciation in the Company's stock price, outstanding options had a dilutive impact of $0.01 per share in 2003.\n35\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NET SALES\nNet sales increased 3.7% in 2003 and decreased 5.6% in 2002. The increase in 2003 was due to the extra week in 2003 as a result of the Company's 52/53-week fiscal year and strong performance in the hearth products segment. The decrease in 2002 was due to the decline in the office furniture market due to unstable economic conditions and the deletion of less profitable product lines in the hearth products segment.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n1993 = 573,392. , = 537,828. , 1999 = 564,319. , 1998 = 533,632. , 1997 = 429,556. , = 318,639. , 1996 1995 = 268,419. , 1994 1993 = 272,606. , = 242,498. , 1999 = 9,712. , 1998 = 10,658. , 1997 = 8,179. , = 4,173. , 1996 1995 = 3,569. , 1994 1993 = 3,248. , = 3,120. , 1999 = 137,575. , 1998 = 170,109. , 1997 = 139,128. , = 105,267. , 1996 1995 = 65,517. , 1994 1993 = 86,338. , = 70,854. , 1999 = 7.64%. , 1998 = 9.97%. , 1997 = 10.21%. , = 10.55%. , 1996 1995 = 7.34%. , 1994 1993 = 10.21%. , = 9.08%. $, 1999 = 50,215. $, 1998 = $ 63,796. $, 1997 = $ 52,173. $, = $ 37,173. $, 1996 1995 = $ 24,419. $, 1994 1993 = $ 31,945. $, = $ 26,216. , 1999 = 36.5%. , 1998 = 37.50%. , 1997 = 37.50%. , = 35.31%. , 1996 1995 = 37.27%. , 1994 1993 = 37.00%. , = 37.00%. $, 1999 = 87,360. $, 1998 = $ 106,313. $, 1997 = $ 86,955. $, = $ 68,094. $, 1996 1995 = $ 41,098. $, 1994 1993 = $ 54,393. $, = $ 44,638. , 1999 = 87,360 4.85%. , 1998 = 106,313 6.23%. , 1997 = 86,955 6.38%. , = 68,094 6.82%. , 1996 1995 = 41,098 4.60%. , 1994", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n1993 = 54,156 6.43%. , = 45,127 5.78%. $, 1999 = 23,112. $, 1998 = $ 19,730. $, 1997 = $ 16,736. $, = $ 14,970. $, 1996 1995 = $ 14,536. $, 1994 1993 = $ 13,601. $, = $ 12,587. , 1999 = 64,248. , 1998 = 86,583. , 1997 = 37,838. , = 33,860. , 1996 1995 = 18,863. , 1994 1993 = 13,563. , = 17,338. , 1999 = . , 1998 = 106,313. , 1997 = 86,955. , = 68,094. , 1996 1995 = 41,098. , 1994 1993 = . , = 45,127. , 1999 = 87,360 18.14%. , 1998 = 25.20%. , 1997 = 27.43%. , = 29.06%. , 1996 1995 = 20.00%. , 1994 1993 = 54,156 28.95%. , = 26.35%. $, 1999 = 65,453. $, 1998 = $ 52,999. $, 1997 = $ 35,610. $, = $ 25,252. $, 1996 1995 = $ 21,416. $, 1994 1993 = $ 19,042. $, = $ 16,631. , 1999 = 26.46%. , 1998 = 18.56%. , 1997 = 19.25%. , = 21.98%. , 1996 1995 = 35.37%. , 1994 1993 = 25.11%. , = 27.89%. , 1999 = 73.54%. , 1998 = 81.44%. , 1997 = 80.75%. , = 78.02%. , 1996 1995 = 64.63%. , 1994 1993 = 74.89%. , = 72.11%. $, 1999 = 316,556. $, 1998 = $ 290,329. $, 1997 = $ 295,150. $, = $ 205,527. $, 1996 1995 = $ 194,183. $, 1994", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS\n2001 = -. Sales or maturities of long-term investments, 2003 = 15,000. Sales or maturities of long-term investments, = -. Sales or maturities of long-term investments, 2002 2001 = -. Other - net, 2003 = -. Other - net, = 924. Other - net, 2002 2001 = 343. Net cash flows from (to) investing activities, 2003 = (81,478). Net cash flows from (to) investing activities, = (63,896). Net cash flows from (to) investing activities, 2002 2001 = (47,013). NET CASH FLOWS FROM (TO) FINANCING ACTIVITIES:, 2003 = . NET CASH FLOWS FROM (TO) FINANCING ACTIVITIES:, = . NET CASH FLOWS FROM (TO) FINANCING ACTIVITIES:, 2002 2001 = . Purchase of HON INDUSTRIES common stock, 2003 = (21,512). Purchase of HON INDUSTRIES common stock, = (15,736). Purchase of HON INDUSTRIES common stock, 2002 2001 = (35,059). Proceeds from long-term debt, 2003 = 761. Proceeds from long-term debt, = 825. Proceeds from long-term debt, 2002 2001 = 36,218. Payments of note and long-term debt, 2003 = (20,992). Payments of note and long-term debt, = (35,967). Payments of note and long-term debt, 2002 2001 = (87,365). Proceeds from sale of HON INDUSTRIES common stock, 2003 = 12,063. Proceeds from sale of HON INDUSTRIES common stock, = 2,096. Proceeds from sale of HON INDUSTRIES common stock, 2002 2001 = 9,449. Dividends paid, 2003 = (30,299). Dividends paid, = (29,386). Dividends paid, 2002 2001 = (28,373). Net cash flows from (to) financing activities, 2003 = (59,979). Net cash flows from (to) financing activities, = (78,168). Net cash flows from (to) financing activities, 2002 2001 = (105,130). Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, 2003 = (183). Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, = 60,327. Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, 2002", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n1993 = $ 188,810. $, = $ 188,419. , 1999 = 225,123. , 1998 = 217,438. , 1997 = 200,759. , = 152,553. , 1996 1995 = 128,915. , 1994 1993 = 111,093. , = 110,759. , 1999 = 91,433. , 1998 = 72,891. , 1997 = 94,391. , = 52,974. , 1996 1995 = 65,268. , 1994 1993 = 77,717. , = 77,660. , 1999 = 455,591. , 1998 = 444,177. , 1997 = 341,030. , = 234,616. , 1996 1995 = 210,033. , 1994 1993 = 177,844. , = 157,770. , 1999 = 906,723. , 1998 = 864,469. , 1997 = 754,673. , = 513,514. , 1996 1995 = 409,518. , 1994 1993 = 372,568. , = 352,405. , 1999 = 16.94%. , 1998 = 23.74%. , 1997 = 28.27%. , = 25.93%. , 1996 1995 = 17.91%. , 1994 1993 = 24.72%. , = 22.14%. $, 1999 = . $, 1998 = $ 135,563. $, 1997 = $ 134,511. $, = $ 77,605. $, 1996 1995 = $ 42,581. $, 1994 1993 = $ 45,877. $, = $ 45,916. , 1999 = 124,173 501,271. , 1998 = 462,022. , 1997 = 381,662. , = 252,397. , 1996 1995 = 216,235. , 1994 1993 = 194,640. , = 179,553. , 1999 = 416,034. , 1998 = 351,786. , 1997 = 265,203. , = 227,365. , 1996 1995 = 193,505. , 1994 1993 = 174,642. , = 161,079. , 1999 = 1.41. , 1998 = 1.34. , 1997 = 1.47. , = 1.35. , 1996", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n$, 1999 = 1.44. $, 1998 = $ 1.72. $, 1997 = $ 1.45. $, = $ 1.13. $, 1996 1995 = $ .67. $, 1994 1993 = $ .87. $, = $ .69. , 1999 = -. , 1998 = -. , 1997 = -. , = -. , 1996 1995 = -. , 1994 1993 = -. , = .01. , 1999 = 1.44. , 1998 = 1.72. , 1997 = 1.45. , = 1.13. , 1996 1995 = .67. , 1994 1993 = .87. , = .70. , 1999 = 1.44. , 1998 = 1.72. , 1997 = 1.45. , = 1.13. , 1996 1995 = .67. , 1994 1993 = .87. , = .70. , 1999 = .38. , 1998 = .32. , 1997 = .28. , = .25. , 1996 1995 = .24. , 1994 1993 = .22. , = .20. , 1999 = 8.33. , 1998 = 7.54. , 1997 = 6.19. , = 4.25. , 1996 1995 = 3.56. , 1994 1993 = 3.17. , = 2.83. , 1999 = 1.52. , 1998 = 1.19. , 1997 = 1.53. , = .89. , 1996 1995 = 1.07. , 1994 1993 = 1.27. , = 1.23. $, 1999 = . $, 1998 = . $, 1997 = $. $, = $ 998,135. $, 1996 1995 = $ 893,119. $, 1994 1993 = . $, = . , 1999 = 1,800,931 1,236,612. , 1998 = $ 1,706,628 1,172,997. , 1997 = 1,362,713. , = . , 1996 1995 = . , 1994 1993 = $ 845,998. , = $ 780,326. , 1999 = . , 1998 = . , 1997 = 933,157. , = 679,496. , 1996 1995 = 624,700. , 1994", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES\n1995 = 1.51. , 1994 1993 = 1.70. , = 1.70. , 1999 = 60,171,753. , 1998 = 61,289,618. , 1997 = 61,659,316. , = 59,426,530. , 1996 1995 = 60,788,674. , 1994 1993 = 61,349,206. , = 63,351,692. , 1999 = 60,854,579. , 1998 = . , 1997 = 59,779,508. , = 60,228,590. , 1996 1995 = 60,991,284. , 1994 1993 = . , = 64,181,088. , 1999 = . , 1998 = 61,649,531. , 1997 = . , = . , 1996 1995 = . , 1994 1993 = 62,435,450. , = . , 1999 = 6,737. , 1998 = 5,877. , 1997 = 5,399. , = 5,319 $ 44,684. , 1996 1995 = 5,479 $ 53,879. , 1994 1993 = 5,556. , = 4,653. $, 1999 = 71,474. $, 1998 = $ 149,717. $, 1997 = $ 85,491. $, = . $, 1996 1995 = . $, 1994 1993 = $ 35,005. $, = $ 27,541. , 1999 = 10,095. , 1998 = 9,824 (b). , 1997 = 9,390 (b). , = 6,502 (b). , 1996 1995 = 5,933. , 1994 1993 = 6,131. , = 6,257\n(a) Per SFAS No. 142, 'Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets,' the Company has ceased recoding of goodwill and indefinite-lived Intangible amortization.\n(b) Includes acquisitions completed during year.\n57\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc. and SUBSIDIARIES", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 57, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OUR VISION\nWe, the members of HON INDUSTRIES, are dedicated to creating long-term value for all of our stakeholders, to exceeding our customers' expectations, and to making our company a great place to work. We will always treat each other, as well as customers, suppliers, shareholders, and our communities, with fairness and respect.\nOur success depends upon business simplification, rapid continuous improvement, and innovation in everything we do, individual and collective integrity, and the relentless pursuit of the following long-standing beliefs:", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Nature of Operations\nHON INDUSTRIES Inc., with its subsidiaries (the 'Company'), is a provider of office furniture and hearth products. Both industries are reportable segments; however, the Company's office furniture business is its principal line of business. Refer to the Operating Segment Information note for further information. Office furniture products are sold through a national system of dealers, wholesalers, mass merchandisers, warehouse clubs, retail superstores, end-user customers, and to federal and state governments. Dealer, wholesaler, and retail superstores are the major channels based on sales. Hearth products include electric, wood-, pellet-, and gas-burning factory-built fireplaces, fireplace inserts, stoves, and gas logs. These products are sold through a national system of dealers, wholesalers, large regional contractors, and Company-owned retail outlets. The Company's products are marketed predominantly in the United States and Canada. The Company exports select products to a limited number of markets outside North America, principally Latin America and the Caribbean, through its export subsidiary; however, based on sales, these activities are not significant.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf", - "query": "What operations were discontinued in 1997 by Atrion Corp ?", - "target_page": 17, - "target_passage": "During 1997, the Company sold all of its natural gas operations. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "C o r p o r a t e O f f i c e :\nAtrion Corporation One Allentown Parkway Allen, Texas 75002 (972) 390-9800\nwww.atrioncorp.com", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PART VII\nQuarterly Results & Q4 Operations\n57", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discontinued Operations\nIn 2012, we closed our Video store operations, which offered DVD and video game rentals of equipment and sales in many of our corporateowned retail locations. The results of the Video business were treated as discontinued operations for accounting and reporting purposes. See 'Review of Consolidated Performance'.", - "page_start": 47, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discontinued Operations\nAs discussed in the Cable segment, the second quarter of 2012 was the last period of operations for our Video business, from which point the associated results were treated as discontinued operations for accounting and reporting purposes.", - "page_start": 55, - "page_end": 55, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES\nAtrion Corporation designs, develops, manufactures and markets products primarily for the medical and health care industry. The Company markets its products throughout the United States and internationally. The Company's customers include hospitals, distributors, and other manufacturers. As of December 31, 2003, the principal subsidiaries of the Company through which it conducted its operations were Atrion Medical Products, Inc. ('Atrion Medical Products'), Halkey-Roberts Corporation ('Halkey-Roberts') and Quest Medical, Inc. ('Quest Medical').", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of Atrion Corporation:\nWe have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Atrion Corporation (a Delaware corporation) and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in stockholders' equity and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. The financial statements of Atrion Corporation and Subsidiaries as of and for the year in the period ended December 31, 2001, were audited by other auditors who have ceased operations. Those auditors expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements in their report dated February 25, 2002.\nWe conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.\nIn our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Atrion Corporation and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the consolidated results of their operations and their consolidated cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of Atrion Corporation:\nAs discussed above, the financial statements of Atrion Corporation and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2001, and for the year then ended were audited by other auditors who have ceased operations. As described in Note 2, these financial statements have been revised to include the transitional disclosures required by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, which was adopted by the Company as of January 1, 2002. Our audit procedures with respect to the disclosures in Note 2 with respect to 2001 included agreeing the previously reported net income to the previously issued financial statements and the adjustments to reported net income representing amortization expense (including any related tax effects) recognized in those periods related to goodwill to the Company's underlying records obtained from management. We also tested the mathematical accuracy of the reconciliation of adjusted net income to reported net income, and the related income-per-share amounts. In our opinion, the disclosures for 2001 in Note 2 are appropriate. However, we were not engaged to audit, review, or apply any procedures to the 2001 financial statements of the Company other than with respect to such disclosures and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on the 2001 financial statements taken as a whole.\nGrant Thornton LLP Dallas, Texas February 13, 2004\nThis is a copy of the audit report previously issued by Arthur Andersen LLP in connection with Atrion Corporation and Subsidiaries Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2001. This audit report has not been reissued by Arthur Andersen LLP in connection with this Annual Report. The consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2001 and 2000 and the consolidated statements of income and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999 referred to in this report have not been included in the accompanying financial statements.\nWe have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Atrion Corporation (a Delaware corporation) and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2001 and 2000 and the related consolidated statements of income and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2001. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION\nThe consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Atrion Corporation and its subsidiaries (the 'Company'). All significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated in consolidation.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2012 Acquisitions\nThere were no individually material business combinations or divestitures in 2012.", - "page_start": 108, - "page_end": 108, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "As at and for the year ended December 31, 2013\nas at and for the year ended December 31, 2012", - "page_start": 77, - "page_end": 77, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf", - "query": "How much share of Atrion's revenues did its major customer representin in 2003 ? ", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "The Company had one major customer which represented approximately $9.1 million (14.4 percent", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "REVENUES FROM MAJOR CUSTOMERS 9\nThe Company had one major customer which represented approximately $9.1 million (14.4 percent), $7.4 million (12.4 percent) and $11.0 million (19.1 percent) of the Company's operating revenues during the years 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2003 Revenues by Product Line\nOur financial performance earned recognition from Investors Business Daily , which ranked Atrion sixth on its list of Market-Leading Medical Stocks in November 2003. During the year, our stock price more than doubled, ending the year at $45.44, up from $22.50 at year-end 2002. Over the last five years, our stock price has increased by 468 percent.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "We manage our assets and resources carefully.\nOur financial strategy centers on building the strength and stability that will position our company for ongoing growth. We approach the management of our resources with discipline and diligence, striking the balance that allows us to accomplish our objectives: Funding the current needs of the business, maintaining a strong financial foundation, and investing in the resources, technology and assets that will ensure operating efficiency and fuel future growth. The soundness of this strategy was reflected once again in our financial results for 2003.\nFor the fifth consecutive year, Atrion's earnings per diluted share from continuing operations increased by more than 15 percent, rising from $2.18 in 2002 to $2.66 in 2003, a 22 percent improvement. In light of the economic pressures which have challenged virtually every business in recent years, we view five consecutive years of EPS growth-ranging from 16 percent to over 50 percent-as a sign of solid financial strength and a testament to the viability of our strategy. Including a gain from discontinued operations of $ .09 per share, net income totaled $2.75 per diluted share for 2003.\nRevenues for 2003 increased five percent to $62.8 million, from $59.5 million in the prior year. Return on equity (a) , which provides a good indication of how well we are utilizing investors' dollars, has steadily increased in recent years, from five percent in 1999 to 12 percent in 2003. This compares favorably to the average return on equity for our industry, reported at 10.7 percent by statistical research sources.\nThe company's ability to generate strong cash flow continued to flourish in 2003. This is a key strength for our company, as it enables us to pursue a number of value-creating initiatives.\n· We initiated the payment of quarterly dividends on the company's common stock in September 2003. Recent changes in tax laws make this an efficient avenue for providing a return to our shareholders and, with continuing growth in earnings and cash flow, we plan to increase the dividend periodically.\n· We repurchased 193,814 shares of our common stock in 2003. Over the last five years, we have repurchased nearly two million shares of our stock, a strategy we regard as a wise investment for our company and our stockholders.\n· We reduced debt by $6 million, from $10.3 million at the end of 2002 to $4.3 million at year-end 2003.\n2", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "We exceeded last year's earnings by more than 15%.\nAgain.\n2003 A N N U A L R E P O R T\nIn recent years, the economic climate has presented significant challenges to growth-and, in some cases, survival-for American businesses. The companies that have fared well are those with solid financial foundations and sound growth strategies that provide a measure of protection against the changing winds of the economy. Atrion is one of those companies. For the past five years, we have produced earnings per share growth of more than 15 percent each year. Despite fluctuations in our markets and product demand, we have continued to return value to our stockholders through strong earnings growth, year after year. As a leading provider of medical devices and components to niche markets in the health care industry, we are committed to doing everything we can to continue that level of performance.\nF I N A N C I A L H I G H L I G H T S\n1\nL E T T E R T O S T O C K H O L D E R S\n2\nF I N A N C I A L I N F O R M A T I O N\n7\nC O R P O R A T E I N F O R M A T I O N 2 8\n2 0 0 3 F I N A N C I A L H I G H L I G H T S", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Significant Customer\nOne office furniture customer accounted for approximately 13% of consolidated net sales in 2003 and 14% in 2002 and 2001.", - "page_start": 52, - "page_end": 52, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Holders\nAs of February 13, 2003, we had 1,604 shareholders of record.", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES\nAtrion Corporation designs, develops, manufactures and markets products primarily for the medical and health care industry. The Company markets its products throughout the United States and internationally. The Company's customers include hospitals, distributors, and other manufacturers. As of December 31, 2003, the principal subsidiaries of the Company through which it conducted its operations were Atrion Medical Products, Inc. ('Atrion Medical Products'), Halkey-Roberts Corporation ('Halkey-Roberts') and Quest Medical, Inc. ('Quest Medical').", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 11. Major Customers\nThe Company has one major customer and relationship that is a significant source of revenue. In 2003, as during the past number of years, the Company's relationship with Sprint continued to increase, due to growth in the PCS business segment. Approximately 61.2% of total revenues in 2003 were generated by or through Sprint and its customers using the Company's portion of Sprint's nationwide PCS network. This was compared to 57.6% in 2002, and 47.1% of total revenue in 2001. No other customer relationship on a stand-alone basis generates more than 2.5% of the Company's total revenue for 2003, 2002 and 2001.\n33\n■\n2003 ANNUAL REPORT\nSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002\nRevenue. Revenue was $2,708.1 million, $2,517.8 million and $2,365.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Revenue increased by $190.3 million, or 7.6%, from 2003 to\n34\n2004. Revenue increased by $152.7 million, or 6.5%, from 2002 to 2003. The following table reÖects the components of our revenue growth for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002:", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nin thousands, except per share amounts\nOperating revenues:, 2003 = . Operating revenues:, 2002 = . Operating revenues:, 2001 = . Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2003 = $ 69,872. Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2002 = $ 57,867. Wireless", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf", - "query": "What was Atrion's gross profit in 2003 (in thousands) ? ", - "target_page": 10, - "target_passage": "Gross Profit 22,239", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2003 Revenues by Product Line\nOur financial performance earned recognition from Investors Business Daily , which ranked Atrion sixth on its list of Market-Leading Medical Stocks in November 2003. During the year, our stock price more than doubled, ending the year at $45.44, up from $22.50 at year-end 2002. Over the last five years, our stock price has increased by 468 percent.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "We manage our assets and resources carefully.\nOur financial strategy centers on building the strength and stability that will position our company for ongoing growth. We approach the management of our resources with discipline and diligence, striking the balance that allows us to accomplish our objectives: Funding the current needs of the business, maintaining a strong financial foundation, and investing in the resources, technology and assets that will ensure operating efficiency and fuel future growth. The soundness of this strategy was reflected once again in our financial results for 2003.\nFor the fifth consecutive year, Atrion's earnings per diluted share from continuing operations increased by more than 15 percent, rising from $2.18 in 2002 to $2.66 in 2003, a 22 percent improvement. In light of the economic pressures which have challenged virtually every business in recent years, we view five consecutive years of EPS growth-ranging from 16 percent to over 50 percent-as a sign of solid financial strength and a testament to the viability of our strategy. Including a gain from discontinued operations of $ .09 per share, net income totaled $2.75 per diluted share for 2003.\nRevenues for 2003 increased five percent to $62.8 million, from $59.5 million in the prior year. Return on equity (a) , which provides a good indication of how well we are utilizing investors' dollars, has steadily increased in recent years, from five percent in 1999 to 12 percent in 2003. This compares favorably to the average return on equity for our industry, reported at 10.7 percent by statistical research sources.\nThe company's ability to generate strong cash flow continued to flourish in 2003. This is a key strength for our company, as it enables us to pursue a number of value-creating initiatives.\n· We initiated the payment of quarterly dividends on the company's common stock in September 2003. Recent changes in tax laws make this an efficient avenue for providing a return to our shareholders and, with continuing growth in earnings and cash flow, we plan to increase the dividend periodically.\n· We repurchased 193,814 shares of our common stock in 2003. Over the last five years, we have repurchased nearly two million shares of our stock, a strategy we regard as a wise investment for our company and our stockholders.\n· We reduced debt by $6 million, from $10.3 million at the end of 2002 to $4.3 million at year-end 2003.\n2", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "GROSS PROFIT\nGross profit as a percent of net sales improved 1.0 percentage point in 2003 as compared to fiscal 2002 and 1.3 percentage points in 2002 as compared to 2001. The improvement in both periods was a result of the continued net benefits of rapid continuous improvement, restructuring initiatives, business simplification, new products, and improved price realization. Included in 2003 gross profit was $6.7 million of accelerated depreciation, which reduced gross profits 0.4 percentage points. The Company expects to mitigate any future increases in material costs through various initiatives, including alternative materials and suppliers and its rapid continuous improvement program.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "We exceeded last year's earnings by more than 15%.\nAgain.\n2003 A N N U A L R E P O R T\nIn recent years, the economic climate has presented significant challenges to growth-and, in some cases, survival-for American businesses. The companies that have fared well are those with solid financial foundations and sound growth strategies that provide a measure of protection against the changing winds of the economy. Atrion is one of those companies. For the past five years, we have produced earnings per share growth of more than 15 percent each year. Despite fluctuations in our markets and product demand, we have continued to return value to our stockholders through strong earnings growth, year after year. As a leading provider of medical devices and components to niche markets in the health care industry, we are committed to doing everything we can to continue that level of performance.\nF I N A N C I A L H I G H L I G H T S\n1\nL E T T E R T O S T O C K H O L D E R S\n2\nF I N A N C I A L I N F O R M A T I O N\n7\nC O R P O R A T E I N F O R M A T I O N 2 8\n2 0 0 3 F I N A N C I A L H I G H L I G H T S", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002\nRevenue. Revenue was $2,708.1 million, $2,517.8 million and $2,365.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Revenue increased by $190.3 million, or 7.6%, from 2003 to\n34\n2004. Revenue increased by $152.7 million, or 6.5%, from 2002 to 2003. The following table reÖects the components of our revenue growth for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002:", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "RESULTS OF OPERATIONS\nThe Company's cost of goods sold was $40.6 million in 2003, compared with $39.2 million in 2002 and $35.8 million in 2001. The increase in cost of goods sold for 2003 over 2002 was primarily related to the increase in revenues discussed above and increased insurance costs partially offset by an improvement in manufacturing variances resulting from increased production volumes. The increase in cost of goods sold for 2002 over 2001 was primarily related to a shift in product mix, which resulted in lower gross margins, and the increase in revenues discussed above.\nGross profit was $22.2 million in 2003, compared with $20.3 million in 2002 and $21.8 million in 2001. The Company's gross profit in 2003 was 35 percent of revenues compared with 34 percent of revenues in 2002 and 38 percent of revenues in 2001. The increase in gross profit percentage in 2003\n24\nfrom the prior year was primarily due to the above-mentioned improvement in manufacturing variances. The decline in gross profit percentage in 2002 from the prior year was primarily due to the unfavorable shift in product mix.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nin thousands, except per share amounts\nOperating revenues:, 2003 = . Operating revenues:, 2002 = . Operating revenues:, 2001 = . Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2003 = $ 69,872. Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2002 = $ 57,867. Wireless", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of Atrion Corporation:\nAs discussed above, the financial statements of Atrion Corporation and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2001, and for the year then ended were audited by other auditors who have ceased operations. As described in Note 2, these financial statements have been revised to include the transitional disclosures required by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, which was adopted by the Company as of January 1, 2002. Our audit procedures with respect to the disclosures in Note 2 with respect to 2001 included agreeing the previously reported net income to the previously issued financial statements and the adjustments to reported net income representing amortization expense (including any related tax effects) recognized in those periods related to goodwill to the Company's underlying records obtained from management. We also tested the mathematical accuracy of the reconciliation of adjusted net income to reported net income, and the related income-per-share amounts. In our opinion, the disclosures for 2001 in Note 2 are appropriate. However, we were not engaged to audit, review, or apply any procedures to the 2001 financial statements of the Company other than with respect to such disclosures and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on the 2001 financial statements taken as a whole.\nGrant Thornton LLP Dallas, Texas February 13, 2004\nThis is a copy of the audit report previously issued by Arthur Andersen LLP in connection with Atrion Corporation and Subsidiaries Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2001. This audit report has not been reissued by Arthur Andersen LLP in connection with this Annual Report. The consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2001 and 2000 and the consolidated statements of income and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999 referred to in this report have not been included in the accompanying financial statements.\nWe have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Atrion Corporation (a Delaware corporation) and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2001 and 2000 and the related consolidated statements of income and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2001. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "annual report 2002", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES\nAtrion Corporation designs, develops, manufactures and markets products primarily for the medical and health care industry. The Company markets its products throughout the United States and internationally. The Company's customers include hospitals, distributors, and other manufacturers. As of December 31, 2003, the principal subsidiaries of the Company through which it conducted its operations were Atrion Medical Products, Inc. ('Atrion Medical Products'), Halkey-Roberts Corporation ('Halkey-Roberts') and Quest Medical, Inc. ('Quest Medical').", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf", - "query": "What the name of the first bridge buildt over Danube ?", - "target_page": 16, - "target_passage": "he Chain Bridge was the first bridge over the Danube", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "CHAIN BRIDGE, Budapest\nThe Chain Bridge, built from 1839 to 1849, was the first bridge over the Danube, linking the cities Buda and Pest. Measuring 380 meters long and 15.7 meters wide, it is supported by pillars shaped like antique triumphal arches.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHARLES BRIDGE, Prague\nDating back to the 14th century, the Charles Bridge is one of the jewels of Gothic architecture. This stone bridge, built by Charles IV, the Czech King and Holy Roman Emperor, created a reliable connection between the Lesser and the Old Town and gave way to the merging of life of both banks.\n2 3\n2 4", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B R O O K LYN BRIDGE, New Yo r k\nThe Brooklyn Bridge, proudly standing over the East River and connecting the boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan, endures as one of the most famous bridges in America. When completed in May 1883, the 5989-foot-long Brooklyn Bridge was the largest suspension bridge in the world.\n2 7\n2 8", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "RIVER TYNE BRIDGES, Newcastle\nSix bridges dominate the Tyne between Newcastle and Gateshead, enabling innovative railway and roadway advances over the past two centuries. At the time of its completion in 1929, the Tyne Bridge was the world's longest single span bridge.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ancient Lyon\nAccording to the historian Dio Cassius, in 43 BC, the Roman Senate ordered the creation of a settlement for Roman refugees of war with the Allobroges. These refugees had been expelled from Vienne and were now encamped at the confluence of the Saône and Rhône rivers. The foundation was built on Fourvière hill and officially called Colonia Copia Felix Munatia , a name invoking prosperity and the blessing of the gods. The city became increasingly referred to as Lugdunum (and occasionally Lugudunum [25] ). [26] The earliest translation of this Gaulish place-name as \"Desired Mountain\" is offered by the 9th-century Endlicher Glossary . [27] In contrast, some modern scholars have proposed a Gaulish hill-fort named Lug[o]dunon, after the Celtic god Lugus (cognate with Old Irish Lugh , Modern Irish Lú ), and dúnon (hillfort).\nThe Romans recognised that Lugdunum's strategic location at the convergence of two navigable rivers made it a natural communications hub. The city became the starting point of main Roman roads in the area, and it quickly became the capital of the province, Gallia Lugdunensis. Two Emperors were born in this city: Claudius, whose speech is preserved in the Lyon Tablet in which he justifies the nomination of Gallic Senators, and Caracalla.\nCoordinates: 45°46'N 4°50'E", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE, Sydney\nSince its opening in March 1932, the Sydney Harbour Bridge has held a special place for immigrants upon their arrival to Australia. This grand arch remains a distinctive landmark for what many consider to be the most beautiful harbour in the world.\n2 5\n2 6", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "History\nToponymy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Prefecture and commune\nSkyline of Lyon in La Part-Dieu\nBasilica of NotreDame de Fourvière\nPlace des Terreaux with the Fontaine Bartholdi\nParc de la Tête d'or\nConfluence District\nVieux Lyon\nPont Lafayette\nCoat of arms\nMotto(s): Avant, avant, Lion le melhor (old Franco-Provençal for \"Forward, forward, Lyon the best\") [a] Virtute duce, comite fortuna (\"With virtue as guide and fortune as companion\") [b]\nLocation of Lyon\nThe name of the city has taken the forms Lugdon , Luon , and since the 13th century, Lyon . The Gallic Lugdun or Lugdunon that was Latinized in Roman as Lugdunum is composed of two words. The first may be the name of the Celtic god Lug (in charge of order and law), or the derived word lugon , meaning \"crow\" (the crow being the messenger of Lug), but might also be another word lug , meaning \"light\". The second is dunos ('fortress', 'hill'). The name thus may designate the hill of Fourvière, on which the ancient city of Lyon is founded, but could mean \"hill of the god Lug\", \"hill of the crows\" or \"shining hill\". [21] [22]\nAlternatively Julius Pokorny associates the first part of the word with the Indo-European radical * lūg ('dark, black, swamp'), the basis of the toponyms Ludza in Latvia, Lusatia in Germany (from Sorbian Łužica ), and several places in the Czech Republic named Lužice; [23] it could then also be compared to Luze in Franche-Comté and various hydronyms such as Louge.\nFurther down, in the current Saint-Vincent district, was the Gallic village of Condate, probably a simple hamlet of sailors or fishermen living on the banks of the Saône. Condate is a Gallic word meaning \"confluence\", from which the Confluence district gets its name.\nIn Roman times the city was called Caput Galliæ , meaning \"capital of the Gauls\". As an homage to this title, the Archbishop of Lyon is still called the Primate of Gaul.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n24. Stich, Domenico (2003). Dictionnaire francoprovençal-français et français-francoprovençal (in French). Le Carré. p. 189. ISBN 978-2908150155.\n25. Cassius Dio, Roman History , Book 46: Lepidus and Lucius Plancus [...] founded the town called Lugudunum, now known as Lugdunum\n26. Louis, Jaucourt de chevalier (1765). \"Lyon\". Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert - Collaborative Translation Project . hdl:2027/spo.did2222.0000.159 (https://hdl.handle.net/2027%2Fspo.did2222.0000.159).\n27. \"Endlichers Glossar/Endlicher's Glossary\" (http://www.maryjones.us/ctexts/endlicher_glossary.html). www.maryjones.us . n.d. Retrieved 7 November 2021. \" Lugduno - desiderato monte: dunum enim montem Lugduno: \"mountain of yearning\"; dunum of course is mountain.\" www.maryjones.us/ctexts/endlicher_glossary.html\n28. Patrick Boucheron, et al., eds. France in the World: A New Global History (2019) pp 63-68.\n29. \"Saint Irenaeus\" (http://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_irenaeus.html). Sanctoral.com . Magnificat.\n30. \"2847-Primat des Gaules\" (https://web.archive.org/web/20191030201817/https://www.france-catholique.fr/284 7-Primat-des-Gaules.html). France-catholique.fr . 13 September 2002. Archived from the original (https://www.f rance-catholique.fr/2847-Primat-des-Gaules.html) on 30 October 2019. Retrieved 20 December 2017.\n31. Braudel 1984 p. 327", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Maps\nNetwork of highways around Lyon\nPublic transport map", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf", - "query": "What was the total amount of operating expenses of 2000 by Network Wordwide in 2000 ?", - "target_page": 17, - "target_passage": "Total operating expenses increased to $88.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2000", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Comparison of Results of Operations for the Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998\nRevenues The Company's total revenues increased to $52.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 from $41.5 million for the year ended December 31, 1999 and $11.9 million for the year ended December 31, 1998. The increase in revenues from 1999 to 2000 is primarily due to two factors: (1) a $10.4 million increase in Network Services Segment revenues resulting from the i n c rease in transaction volumes in the Company owned ATMs and an increase in the number of AT M s operated by the Company during this period; and (2) an increase of $800,000 in Software Solutions Segment revenues. The increase in revenues from 1998 to 1999 is primarily due to two factors: (1) a $15.0 million increase in Network Services Segment revenues resulting from the increase in transaction volume attributable to an increase in the number of ATMs operated by the Company during this period; and (2) the addition of $14.6 million of Software Solutions Segment re v e n u e s . Revenues for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999 are discussed more fully in the Segment Results of Operations sections below.\nOperating Expenses Total operating expenses increased to $88.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 from $68.3 million for the year ended December 31, 1999 and from $34.5 million for the year ended December 31, 1998. The increase from 1999 to 2000 can be broken down\nby segment as follows: (1) a $3.5 million increase in Network Services Segment operating costs due to growth in the size of the network operations; (2) a $15.2 million increase in Software Services Segment due to write down of intangibles of $11.2 million and investment in personnel and re s o u rces; and (3) a $1.1 million increase in Corporate Services Segment operating costs due to the expended operations. The i n c rease from 1998 to 1999 can be broken down by segment as follows: (1) a $13.0 million increase in Network Services Segment operating costs, (2) the addition of $19.6 million of Software Solutions Segment operating costs, and (3) a $1.2 million increase in Corporate Services Segment operating costs. Operating expenses for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999 are discussed more fully in the Segment Results of Operations sections below.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Investments\n2000.Amount = $ 40,669. Total investments, 2000.Percent = ", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nin thousands, except per share amounts\nOperating revenues:, 2003 = . Operating revenues:, 2002 = . Operating revenues:, 2001 = . Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2003 = $ 69,872. Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2002 = $ 57,867. Wireless", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\n(Notes 7 and 8), 2001 = $ 36,133. Wireline, 2003 = 29,022. Wireline, 2002 = 28,755. Wireline, 2001 = 27,486. Other, 2003 = 6,967. Other, 2002 = 6,352. Other, 2001 = 5,103. Total operating revenues, 2003 = $105,861. Total operating revenues, 2002 = $ 92,974. Total operating revenues, 2001 = $ 68,722. Operating expenses:, 2003 = . Operating expenses:, 2002 = . Operating expenses:, 2001 = . Cost of goods and services (Note 7), 2003 = $ 10,943. Cost of goods and services (Note 7), 2002 = $ 10,502. Cost of goods and services (Note 7), 2001 = $ 7,410. Network operating costs (Note 8), 2003 = 33,630. Network operating costs (Note 8), 2002 = 32,512. Network operating costs (Note 8), 2001 = 26,756. Depreciation and amortization, 2003 = 16,631. Depreciation and amortization, 2002 = 14,482. Depreciation and amortization, 2001 = 11,263. Selling, general and administrative (Note 7), 2003 = 26,029. Selling, general and administrative (Note 7), 2002 = 26,140. Selling, general and administrative (Note 7), 2001 = 16,869. Total operating expenses, 2003 = $ 87,233. Total operating expenses, 2002 = $ 83,636. Total operating expenses, 2001 = $ 62,298. Operating income, 2003 = $ 18,628. Operating income, 2002 = $ 9,338. Operating income, 2001 = $ 6,424. Other income (expense):, 2003 = . Other income (expense):, 2002 = . Other income (expense):, 2001 = . Interest expense, 2003 = $ (3,510). Interest expense, 2002 = $ (4,195). Interest expense, 2001 = $ (4,127). Net gain (loss) on investments (Note 3), 2003 = (443). Net gain (loss) on investments (Note 3), 2002 = (10,004). Net gain (loss) on investments (Note 3), 2001 =", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(18) Stock Plans\nTotal Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 8 , 5 9 9.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 6 , 6 1 5.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = $ 1 , 7 0 0.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 3 6 , 9 1 4.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re Solutions.(in thousands) = $ 1 6 , 0 0 6.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.C o r p o r a t e S e rvices.(in thousands) = $ -.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 5 2 , 9 2 0.. Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 2 1 , 6 6 9 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 1 8 , 9 0 1 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = ( 2 , 4 0 9 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = ( 4 2 , 9 7 9 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(18) Stock Plans\nTotal Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 2 , 6 6 4.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 2 , 6 3 7.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = $ 1 , 2 0 2.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 2 6 , 5 0 3.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re Solutions.(in thousands) = $ 1 5 , 1 4 9.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.C o r p o r a t e S e rvices.(in thousands) = $ -.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 4 1 , 6 5 2.. Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 2 0 , 6 8 3 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 1 6 , 4 7 7 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = ( 2 , 2 5 0 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = ( 3 9 , 4 1 0 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Services Segment\nOperating Expenses Operating expenses for the Corporate Services Segment increased to $7.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 f rom $6.8 million for the year ended December 31, 1999. The components of corporate services operating costs for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999 were:\nSalaries and benefits, Years ending December 31,.2 0 0 0 = $ 3 , 8 1 3. Salaries and benefits, Years ending December 31,.1 9 9 9 = $ 3 , 3 3 5. Selling, general and administrative, Years ending December 31,.2 0 0 0 = 3 , 8 4 1. Selling, general and administrative, Years ending December 31,.1 9 9 9 = 3 , 2 7 0. D e p reciation and amort i z a t i o n, Years ending December 31,.2 0 0 0 = 2 0 8. D e p reciation and amort i z a t i o n, Years ending December 31,.1 9 9 9 = 1 4 5. Total direct operating expenses, Years ending December 31,.2 0 0 0 = $ 7 , 8 6 2. Total direct operating expenses, Years ending December 31,.1 9 9 9 = $ 6 , 7 5 0\nThe Company's expansion of its network infrastru c t u re, and increases in corporate and administrative capabilities are the primary reasons for these i n c reased expenditures.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Business segments\n= 6,641,810. Operating expenses ....................................................................................,", - "page_start": 93, - "page_end": 93, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparison of Results of Operations for the Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998\nOperating Loss The Company generated an operating loss of $35.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 compared to $26.8 million for the year ended December 31, 1999 and $22.6 million for the year ended December 31, 1998. The increased operating loss from 1999 to 2000 is due to the net effect of three factors: (1) a $6.8 million decrease in the operating loss from the Company's Network Services Segment; (2) a $14.3 million increase in the operating loss from the Company's Software Solutions Segment; and (3) a $1.1 million increase in the operating loss f rom the Company's Corporate Services Segment. The increased operating loss from 1998 to 1999 is due to the net effect of three factors: (1) a $1.9 million decrease in operating losses from the Company's Network Services Segment; (2) the addition of $4.8 million in operating losses fro m the Company's Software Solutions Segment; and (3) a $1.3 million increase in operating losses from the Company's Corporate Services Segment.\n1 5\n1 6\nThe results of segment operations expenses for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999 are discussed more fully in the Segment Results of Operations section below.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(18) Stock Plans\nSolutions.(in thousands) = ( 2 2 , 2 9 0 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.C o r p o r a t e S e rvices.(in thousands) = ( 6 , 7 5 0 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.To t a l.(in thousands) = ( 6 8 , 4 5 0 ). Operating loss., Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 8 , 0 1 9 ). Operating loss., Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 3 , 8 4 0 ). Operating loss., Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = ( 1 , 0 4 8 ). Operating loss., Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = ( 1 2 , 9 0 7 ). Operating loss., Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re Solutions.(in thousands) = ( 7 , 1 4 1 ). Operating loss., Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.C o r p o r a t e S e rvices.(in thousands) = ( 6 , 7 5 0 ). Operating loss., Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.To t a l.(in thousands) = ( 2 6 , 7 9 8 ). I n t e rest income, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = 4 4 8.. I n t e rest income, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf", - "query": "What was the share of revenues of Netwrok Wordwide made in Poland and Hungary in 2000 ?", - "target_page": 24, - "target_passage": "In 2000, 30% of the Company’s revenues were generated in Poland and Hungary", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Foreign Exchange Exposure\nIn 2000, 30% of the Company's revenues were generated in Poland and Hungary, as compared to 27% in 1999 and 73% in 1998. The 2000 f i g u re has increased due to the increase in revenues for the Polish operations. In Hungary the majority of revenues received are denominated in Hungarian Forint and in Poland, the majority of revenues are denominated in Polish Zloty. However the majority of these foreign curre n c y denominated contracts are linked either to inflation or the retail price index. While it remains the case that a significant portion of the Company's e x p e n d i t u res are made in or are denominated in U.S. Dollars the Company is also striving to achieve more of its expenses in local currencies to match its revenues.\nThe Company estimates that a further 10% depreciation in foreign exchange rates of the Deutsche Mark, Hungarian Forint, Polish Zloty and the British Pound Sterling against the U.S. dollar, would have the combined effect of a $7.1 million decrease in the re p o rted net loss. This was estimated using 10% of the Company's net losses after adjusting for unusual impairment and other items including U.S. dollar denominated or indexed expenses. The Company believes that this quantitative measure has inherent limitations. It does not take into account any govern m e n t a l actions or changes in either customer purchasing patterns or the Company's financing or operating strategies.\nAs a result of continued European economic convergence, including the increased influence of the Deutsche Mark, as opposed to the U.S. Dollar, on the Central European currencies, the Company expects that the currencies of the markets where it invests will fluctuate less against the Deutsche Mark than against the Dollar. Accord i n g l y, the Company believes that its Deutsche Mark denominated debt provides, in the medium to long term, for a closer matching of assets and liabilities than would Dollar denominated debt.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(18) Stock Plans\nAs the Network Services Segment continued to grow throughout 1999, the Company's management began to divide the internal org a n i z a t i o n of the segment into Sub-segments. Accord i n g l y, beginning in January 2000, the Company divided the Network Services Segment into thre e Sub-segments: 'Central European Sub-segment' (including Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece and Romania), 'We s t e rn E u ropean Sub-segment' (including Germ a n y, France, and the United Kingdom) and 'Other Operations Sub-segment' (including the United States and unallocated processing center costs). Where practical, certain amounts have been reclassified to reflect the change in intern a l re p o rting. The Company is unable to present Network Services Segment assets by Sub-segment as of December 31, 1999. Prior to January 1, 2000, certain assets that were used to provide support services to the Company as a whole were included in the assets in the balance sheet of the Company's wholly owned Hungarian subsidiary, Bank Tech. In order to segregate corporate assets from those of the Hungarian operations, these assets were transferred as of December 31, 1999, from Bank Tech to an existing Hungarian shell company, Administrative S e rvices. Those assets are now shown under the Other Operations Sub-segment.\nThe following tables present the segment results of the Company's operations for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparison of Operation Results for the Years Ended December 31, 2000 and 1999\nThe Company re c o rded an $800,000 write-down of certain ATM hard w a re assets associated with the p u rchase of the Budapest Bank ATM network in May 2000 and the Service Bank ATM network in M a rch 1999 (see Note 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements - Asset Write Down). In addition, the Company re c o rded a one-time gain in its Central European Sub-segment of $1.2 million. The gain is related to a change in Hungarian law that eliminates a major portion of the Company's liability for import taxes on ATM hard w a re to the Hungarian government. The gain is included as an element of direct operating costs.\nThe operating expenses for the Central European Sub-segment totaled $21.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 as compared to $20.7 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, an i n c rease of 5%. The increase in operating expenses is largely the result of an increase in the number of ATMs operated by the Company from 1,203 at December 31, 1999 to 1,391 at December 31, 2000, and increased transaction volumes.\nThe operating expenses for the We s t e rn European Sub-segment totaled $18.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 as compared to $16.5 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, an increase of 15%. The increase in operating expenses is largely the result of an increase in the number of ATMs operated by the Company from 621 at December 31, 1999 to 787 at December 31, 2000, and increased transaction volumes.\nThe operating expenses for the Other ATM Operations Sub-segment were $2.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 as compared to $2.2 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, an increase of 9%. The operating expenses from this segment are the result of the acquisition of the Dash network located in the United States in August 1999 and the unallocated costs associated with the Company's processing facilities.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparison of Operation Results for the Years Ended December 31, 2000 and 1999\nSegment salaries and benefits increased to $7.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 from $7.2 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, an increase of 3%. The increase in the year-on-year expenses reflect the continued expansion of the operations to We s t e rn Euro p e a n markets with significantly higher labor costs than Central Europe as well as some increases in staff levels at the processing center re q u i red to maintain quality service in line with the rising transaction volumes. As a percentage of Network Services Segment revenue, salaries and benefits fell from 27% for the year ended December 31, 1999 to 20% for the year ended December 31, 2000.\nSelling, general and administrative costs allocated to the Network Services Segment decreased to $2.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 from $2.9 million for the year ended December 31, 1999. The $500,000 cost decrease for the year ended December 31, 2000 results fro m the net effect of (1) a $600,000 increase in the allocation of costs from the selling, general and administrative line of the Budapest pro c e s s i n g center to the operating cost line, as discussed above, from $2.9 million for the year ended December 31, 1999 to $3.5 for the year ended December 31, 2000 and (2) a $100,000 increase in costs associated with the expansion of the Company's network operations.\nD e p reciation and amortization increased to $8.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 from $7.4 million for the year ended December 31, 1999. The increases are due primarily to the increase in the number of owned ATMs as discussed pre v i o u s l y. The Company also re c o rded an $800,000 write-down of certain ATM hard w a re assets for the year ended December 31, 2000, as previously discussed.\n1 7\n1 8", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparison of Operation Results for the Years Ended December 31, 2000 and 1999\nNetwork Services Segment\nRevenues Total segment revenues increased by $10.4 million or 39% to $36.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 from $26.5 million for the year ended December 31, 1999. The increase in revenues is due primarily to the significant increase in transaction volume and an incre a s e in the number of ATMs operated by the Company during these periods. The Company had 2,283 ATMs installed as of December 31, 1999 and p rocessed 32.9 million transactions for the year ended December 31, 1999. As of December 31, 2000, the Company's owned and operated AT M network increased by 351 ATMs, or 15%, to a total of 2,634 ATMs, of which 72% are owned by the Company and 28% are owned by banks or other financial institutions but operated by the Company through management agreements. The Company processed 52.7 million transactions for\nthe year ended December 31, 2000, an increase of 19.8 million transactions, or 60%, over the year ended December 31, 1999.\nRevenues for the Central European Sub-segment totaled $18.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 as compared to $12.7 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, an increase of 47%. The increase in revenues is largely the result of an increase in the number of ATMs operated by the Company from 1,203 at December 31, 1999 to 1,391 at December 31, 2000, and incre a s e d transaction volumes.\nRevenues for the We s t e rn European Sub-segment totaled $16.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 as compared to $12.6 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, an increase of 31%. The increase in revenues is largely the result of an increase in the number of ATMs operated by the Company from 621 at December 31, 1999 to 787 at December 31, 2000, and increased transaction volumes.\nRevenues for the Other ATM Operations Sub-segment were $1.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2000 as compared to $1.2 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, an incre a s e\nof 41%. The revenues from this segment are the result of the acquisition of the Dash network located in the United States in August 1999.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nin thousands, except per share amounts\nOperating revenues:, 2003 = . Operating revenues:, 2002 = . Operating revenues:, 2001 = . Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2003 = $ 69,872. Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2002 = $ 57,867. Wireless", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REVENUES FROM MAJOR CUSTOMERS 9\nThe Company had one major customer which represented approximately $9.1 million (14.4 percent), $7.4 million (12.4 percent) and $11.0 million (19.1 percent) of the Company's operating revenues during the years 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(18) Stock Plans\nTotal Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 8 , 5 9 9.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 6 , 6 1 5.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = $ 1 , 7 0 0.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 3 6 , 9 1 4.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re Solutions.(in thousands) = $ 1 6 , 0 0 6.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.C o r p o r a t e S e rvices.(in thousands) = $ -.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 5 2 , 9 2 0.. Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 2 1 , 6 6 9 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 1 8 , 9 0 1 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = ( 2 , 4 0 9 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = ( 4 2 , 9 7 9 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(in thousands except share and per share data)\nNet revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = $ 4,238,104. Net revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2003 = $ 3,862,743. Net revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = $ 3,756,928. Net revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2001 = $ 3,699,852. Net revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2000 = $ 2,910,580. Operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = 950,860. Operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2003 = 699,729. Operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = 746,538. Operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2001 = 599,892. Operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2000 = 515,197. Income from continuing operations . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = 349,856. Income from continuing operations . . . . . . . . ., 2003 = 230,273. Income from continuing operations . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = 289,476. Income from continuing operations . . . . . . . . ., 2001 = 160,440. Income from continuing operations . . . . . . . . ., 2000 = 153,585. Net income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = 412,332. Net income", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(18) Stock Plans\nTotal Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 2 , 6 6 4.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = $ 1 2 , 6 3 7.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = $ 1 , 2 0 2.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 2 6 , 5 0 3.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re Solutions.(in thousands) = $ 1 5 , 1 4 9.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.C o r p o r a t e S e rvices.(in thousands) = $ -.. Total Revenues, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.To t a l.(in thousands) = $ 4 1 , 6 5 2.. Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.Central E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 2 0 , 6 8 3 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.We s t e rn E u rope.(in thousands) = ( 1 6 , 4 7 7 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.O t h e r.(in thousands) = ( 2 , 2 5 0 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.N e t w o r k S e rvices To t a l.(in thousands) = ( 3 9 , 4 1 0 ). Total operating expenses, Year Ended December 31, 2000 Network Serv i c e s.S o f t w a re", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf", - "query": "Under which name was the Applied company initially fouded ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "The Company was founded in 1923 by Joseph M. Bruening as The Ohio Ball Bearing Company", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Business\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and subsidiaries (the 'Company' or 'Applied') is a leading industrial distributor serving Maintenance Repair Operations (MRO) and Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) customers in virtually every industry. In addition, Applied provides engineering, design and systems integration for industrial and fluid power applications, as well as customized mechanical, fabricated rubber and fluid power shop services. Applied also offers maintenance training and inventory management solutions that provide added value to its customers. Although the Company does not generally manufacture the products it sells, it does assemble and repair certain products and systems.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Applied at a Glance\nHeadquarters:\nCleveland, Ohio, USA\nOperating Facilities: More than 500 in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Australia and New Zealand\nE-Commerce:\nwww.Applied.com\nDistribution Centers:\n9", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company Secretary\nRoss Coyle", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SUBSEQUENT EVENT\nOn August 1, 2012, the Company acquired SKF's companyowned distribution businesses in Australia and New Zealand for cash consideration. These businesses will expand Applied's global capabilities and are part of the Service Center Based Distribution segment. The Company funded the acquisition from its available cash and existing revolving credit facilities. Results of operations acquired will be included in the Company's results of operations from the date of closing.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Translating Potential Into Results\nWe remain proud of our past achievements, and we are encouraged - and energized - by the realm of future opportunities. We are especially excited about the shared belief among our management, our associates and our suppliers that we can do even more to generate profitable growth. Applied has strong capabilities, great potential and room to grow.\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries\n3", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Peter Alexander\nAss. Appl. Geol", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NOTE 15: SUBSEQUENT EVENT\nOn August 1, 2012, the Company acquired SKF's company-owned distribution businesses in Australia and New Zealand for cash consideration. These businesses will expand Applied's global capabilities and are part of the Service Center Based Distribution segment. The Company funded the acquisition from its available cash and existing revolving credit facilities. Results of operations acquired will be included in the Company's results of operations from the date of closing.\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries\n37\nREPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE\nNordstrom, Inc. and subsidiaries 3", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company Secretary\nBrendan Gore\nNeil Roberts", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(Dollars in Billions)\n42\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf", - "query": "By how much does Applied company plan to contribute to its pension benefits between 2018 and 2022 ?", - "target_page": 36, - "target_passage": "2018 through 2022 15,200", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Employer Contributions\nThe Company expects to contribute $6,000 to its pension benefit plans and $240 to its retiree health care benefit plans in 2013. Contributions do not equal estimated future payments as certain payments are made from plan assets.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Actuarial assumptions used to determine net periodic pension cost were as follows:\nIt is the Company's investment policy to maintain 66 percent to 79 percent of the plan's assets in equity securities and 21 percent to 31 percent of its assets in debt securities with the balance invested in a money market account to meet liquidity requirements for distributions. The asset allocation at December 31, 2003 represents the targeted asset allocation at that time. Based upon the plan's current over-funded position, the Company expects to make no contributions to its pension plan in 2004.\nThe Company also sponsors a defined contribution plan for all employees. Each participant may contribute certain amounts of eligible compensation. The Company makes a matching contribution to the plan. The Company's contribution under this plan was $202,000 in 2003, $302,000 in 2002 and $258,000 in 2001.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retirement Benefits\nThe Company has defined contribution profit-sharing plans covering substantially all employees who are not participants in certain defined benefit plans. The Company's annual contribution to the defined contribution plans is based on employee eligible earnings and results of operations and amounted to $26,489,000, $23,524,000, and $24,826,000 in 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively.\nThe Company sponsors defined benefit plans which include a limited number of salaried and hourly employees at certain subsidiaries. The Company's funding policy is generally to contribute annually the minimum actuarially computed amount. Net pension costs relating to these plans were $176,000; $0; and $0 for 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively. The actuarial present value of obligations, less related plan assets at fair value, is not significant.\nThe Company also participates in a multiemployer plan, which provides defined benefits to certain of the Company's union\nemployees. Pension expense for this plan amounted to $309,000, $309,000, and $310,000 in 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively.", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "12. PENSION AND PROFIT SHARING PLANS:\nThe Company has a defined benefit pension plan covering substantially all of its employees. The benefits are based on years of service and a percentage of the employee's qualifying compensation during the final years of employment. The Company's funding policy is to contribute annually the amount necessary to satisfy the Internal Revenue Service's funding standards. Contributions are intended to provide not only for benefits attributed to service to date but also for those expected to be earned in the future.\nF-21", - "page_start": 84, - "page_end": 84, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Estimated Future Benefit Payments\nThe following benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, as applicable, are expected to be paid in each of the next five years and in the aggregate for the subsequent five years:\n2013, Pension Benefits = $ 6,200. 2013, Retiree Health Care Benefits = $ 240. 2014, Pension Benefits = 5,900. 2014, Retiree Health Care Benefits = 240. 2015, Pension Benefits = 5,700. 2015, Retiree Health Care Benefits = 240. 2016, Pension Benefits = 4,500. 2016, Retiree Health Care Benefits = 240. 2017, Pension Benefits = 1,700. 2017, Retiree Health Care Benefits = 260. 2018 through 2022, Pension Benefits = 15,200. 2018 through 2022, Retiree Health Care Benefits = 1,420\n34\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contributions\nThe Company expects to contribute $0.5 million to the noncontributory defined benefit plan in 2004, and contributed $0.4 million in 2003, and $0.3 million in 2002.\n31\n■\n2003 ANNUAL REPORT", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retirement Savings Plan\nSubstantially all U.S. associates participate in the Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan. Participants may elect to contribute up to 50% of their compensation, subject to Internal Revenue Code maximums. The Company makes a discretionary profit-sharing contribution to the Retirement Savings Plan generally based upon a percentage of the Company's U.S. income before income taxes and before the amount of the contribution (5% for fiscal 2012, 2011 and 2010). The Company partially matches 401(k) contributions by participants; this match was suspended from January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. The Company's expense for profit sharing and matching of associates' 401(k) contributions was $10,866, $11,251 and $4,891 during fiscal 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively.", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retiree Health Care Benefits\n892. Prior service cost, 2012 = (279 ). Prior service cost, Pension Benefits.2011 = (3,808 ). Prior service cost, Retiree Health Care Benefits.2012 = (135 ). Prior service cost, Retiree Health Care Benefits.2011. = (274 ). Total amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), 2012 = (10,391 ). Total amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), Pension Benefits.2011 = $ (18,820 ). Total amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), Retiree Health Care Benefits.2012 = $ 263. Total amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), Retiree Health Care Benefits.2011. = $ 618\n32 Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries\nThe following table provides information for pension plans with projected benefit obligations and accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets:\nProjected benefit obligations, 2012 = $ 47,151. Projected benefit obligations, 2011 = $ 53,490. Accumulated benefit obligations, 2012 = 47,151. Accumulated benefit obligations, 2011 = 43,528. Fair value of plan assets, 2012 = 6,439. Fair value of plan assets, 2011 = 6,056\nThe net periodic costs are as follows:\nService cost, Pension Benefits.2012-- = $ 289. Service cost, Pension Benefits.2011-- = $ 460. Service cost, Pension Benefits.2010-- = $ 574. Service cost, Retiree Health Care Benefits.2012-- = $ 30. Service cost, Retiree Health Care Benefits.2011-- = $ 39. Service cost, Retiree Health Care Benefits.2010-- = $", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Qualified Defined Benefit Retirement Plan\nThe Company has a qualified defined benefit retirement plan that provides benefits to certain hourly associates at retirement. These associates do not participate in the Retirement Savings Plan. The benefits are based on length of service and date of retirement.\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries\n31", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 9. Retirement Plans\nThe Company maintains a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan and a separate defined contribution plan. The following table presents the defined benefit plan's funded status and amounts recognized in the Company's consolidated balance sheets.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf", - "query": "What does Applied has to say regarding the potential creadit risk it could be exposed to ?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "The Company has a broad customer base representing many diverse industries primarily across North America. As such, the Company does not believe that a significant concentration of credit risk exists in its accounts receivable", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Concentration of Credit Risk\nThe Company has a broad customer base representing many diverse industries primarily across North America. As such, the Company does not believe that a significant concentration of credit risk exists in its accounts receivable.\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries\n19", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(2) Credit risk\nThe Group is exposed to the risk that a counterparty to its financial transactions could default and jeopardize future profits. We believe that this risk is insignificant as the Group enters into derivative transactions only with financial institutions which have a sound credit profile. The Group enters into these transactions also with Renault Finance S.A. ('RF'), a specialized financial subsidiary of the Renault Group which, we believe, is not subject to any such material risk. This is because RF enters into derivative transactions to cover such derivative transactions with us only with financial institutions of the highest caliber carefully selected by RF based on its own rating system which takes into account each counterparty's long-term credit rating and shareholders' equity.\n(3) Legal risk\nThe Group is exposed to the risk of entering into a financial agreement which may contain inappropriate terms and conditions as well as the risk that an existing contract may be affected by revisions to the relevant laws and regulations. The Company's Legal Department and Finance Department make every effort to minimize legal risk by reviewing any new agreements of significance and by reviewing the related documents in a centralized way.", - "page_start": 90, - "page_end": 90, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)\n(In thousands, except per share amounts)\nThe Company's cash and cash equivalents consists of deposits with commercial banks. While Applied monitors the creditworthiness of these commercial banks and institutions, a crisis in the U.S., Canadian or Mexican financial systems could limit access to funds and/or result in the loss of principal. The terms of these deposits and investments provide that all monies are available to the Company upon demand.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Translating Potential Into Results\nWe remain proud of our past achievements, and we are encouraged - and energized - by the realm of future opportunities. We are especially excited about the shared belief among our management, our associates and our suppliers that we can do even more to generate profitable growth. Applied has strong capabilities, great potential and room to grow.\nApplied Industrial Technologies, Inc. and Subsidiaries\n3", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other Claims\nThere are certain other claims and potential claims against us. We do not expect any of these to have materially adverse effect on our consolidated financial position.\nThe outcome of all the proceedings and claims against us, including the matters described above, is subject to future resolution that includes the uncertainties of litigation. Based on information currently known to us, we believe that it is not probable that the ultimate resolution of any of these proceedings and claims, individually or in total, will have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations. If it becomes probable that we are liable, we will record a provision in the period the change in probability occurs, and it could be material to our consolidated financial position and results of operations.", - "page_start": 128, - "page_end": 128, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other Claims\nThere are certain other claims and potential claims against us. We do not expect any of these to have a materially adverse effect on our consolidated financial position.\nThe outcome of all the proceedings and claims against us, including the matters described above, is subject to future resolution that includes the uncertainties of litigation. Based on information currently known to us, we believe that it is not probable that the ultimate resolution of any of these proceedings and claims, individually or in total, will have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations. If it becomes probable that we are liable, we will record a provision in the period the change in probability occurs and it would be material to our consolidated financial position and results of operations.", - "page_start": 81, - "page_end": 81, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Over provisioned\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 802, - "page_end": 802, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Risk Factors\nThis Annual Report on Form 10-K includes \"\"forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including, in particular, certain statements about our plans, strategies and prospects. Although we believe that our plans, intentions and expectations reÖected in or suggested by such forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot assure you that such plans, intentions or expectations will be achieved. Important factors that could cause our actual results to diÅer materially from our forward-looking statements include those set forth in this Risk Factors section. All forward-looking statements attributable to us or any persons acting on our behalf are expressly qualiÑed in their entirety by the cautionary statements set forth below. Unless the context requires otherwise, all references to the \"\"company,'' \"\"we,'' \"\"us'' or \"\"our'' include Republic Services, Inc. and its subsidiaries.\nIf any of the following risks, or other risks not presently known to us or that we currently believe to not be signiÑcant, develop into actual events, then our business, Ñnancial condition, results of operations, cash Öows or prospects could be materially adversely aÅected.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf", - "query": "To what system of logic do OWL ontologies belong to ?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "OWL ontologies are an implementation of Description Logic (DL) which is a decidable subset of First Order Logic", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Chapter 3 What are OWL Ontologies?\nOntologies are used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. An ontology describes the concepts in the domain and also the relationships that hold between those concepts. Different ontology languages provide different facilities. The most recent development in standard ontology languages is OWL from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). A good primer on the basic concepts of OWL can be found at: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-primer/\nOWL makes it possible to describe concepts in an unambiguous manner based on set theory and logic. Complex concepts can be built up out of simpler concepts. The logical model allows the use of a reasoner which can check whether all of the statements and definitions in the ontology are mutually consistent and can also recognize which concepts fit under which definitions. The reasoner can therefore help to maintain the hierarchy correctly. This is particularly useful when dealing with cases where classes can have more than one parent. The reasoner can also infer additional information. For example, if two properties are inverses only one value needs to be asserted by the user and the inverse value will be automatically inferred by the reasoner.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Components of OWL Ontologies\nAn OWL ontology consists of Classes, Properties, and Individuals. OWL ontologies are an implementation of Description Logic (DL) which is a decidable subset of First Order Logic. A class in OWL is a set, a property is a binary relation, and an individual is an element of a set. Other concepts from set theory are also implemented in OWL such as Disjoint sets, the Empty set ( owl:Nothing ), inverse\n1 http://protege.stanford.edu\n6\nrelations, transitive relations, and many more. An understanding of the basic concepts of set theory will help the user get the most out of OWL but is not required. One of the benefits of Protégé is that it presents an intuitive GUI that enables domain experts to define models without a background in set theory. However, developers are encouraged to refresh their knowledge on logic and set theory. A good source is the first 3 chapters in Elements of the Theory of Computation by Lewis and Papadamitrious. Another good source is the PDF document Overview of Set Theory available at:\nhttps://www.michaeldebellis.com/post/owl-theoretical-basics", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 Named Classes\nThe main building blocks of an OWL ontology are classes. In Protégé 5, editing of classes can be done in the Entities tab. The Entities tab has a number of sub-tabs. When you select it, the default should be the Class hierarchy view as shown in Figure 4.5. 4 All empty ontologies contains one class called owl:Thing . OWL classes are sets of individuals. The class owl:Thing is the class that represents the set containing all individuals. Because of this all classes are subclasses of owl:Thing .\n4 Each of the sub-tabs in the Entities tab also exists as its own major tab. In the tutorial we will refer to tabs like the Class hierarchy tab or Object properties tab and it is up to the user whether to access them from the Entities tab or to create them as independent tabs.\n13", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.3 Classes\nOWL classes are sets that contain individuals. They are described using formal (mathematical) descriptions that rigorously define the requirements for membership of the class. For example, the class Cat would contain all the individuals that are cats in our domain of interest. 2 Classes may be organized into a superclass-subclass hierarchy, which is also known as a taxonomy. However, taxonomies are often trees. I.e., each node has only one parent node. Class hierarchies in OWL are not restricted to be trees and multiple inheritance can be a powerful tool to represent data in an intuitive manner.\nSubclasses specialize (aka are subsumed by ) their superclasses. For example, consider the classes Animal and Dog -Dog might be a subclass of Animal (so Animal is the superclass of Dog ). This says that All dogs are animals , All members of the class Dog are members of the class Animal . OWL and Protégé\n2 Individuals can belong to more than one class and classes can have more than one superclass. Unlike OOP where multiple inheritance is typically unavailable or discouraged it is common in OWL.\n8\nprovide a language that is called Description Logic or DL for short. One of the key features of DL is that these superclass-subclass relationships (aka subsumption relationships) can be computed automatically by a reasoner - more on this later. Figure 3.3 shows a representation of some classes containing individuals classes are represented as ovals, like sets in Venn diagrams.\nIn OWL classes can be built up of descriptions that specify the conditions that must be satisfied by an individual for it to be a member of the class. How to formulate these descriptions will be explained as the tutorial progresses.\n9", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chapter 4 Building an OWL Ontology\nThis chapter describes how to create an ontology of Pizzas. We use Pizzas because it is something almost everyone is familiar with.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A Practical Guide to Building OWL Ontologies Using Protégé 5.5 and Plugins\nPreprint · April 2021\nCITATIONS\n0", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.10.1 Property restrictions\nRestrictions are also called axioms in OWL. This has the same meaning as in logic. An axiom is a logical formula defined by the user rather than deduced by the reasoner. As described above, in Protégé all axioms are shown in normal font whereas all inferences inferred by the reasoner are highlighted in yellow.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "14.1 W3C Documents\nOWL 2 Primer: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-primer/\nOWL 2 Specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-overview/\nSemantic Web Primer for Object-Oriented Software Developers: https://www.w3.org/TR/sw-oosdprimer/\nSPARQL Specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/\nSWRL Specification and Built-ins: https://www.w3.org/Submission/SWRL/", - "page_start": 89, - "page_end": 89, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Systems of logic\nSystems of logic are theoretical frameworks for assessing the correctness of reasoning and arguments. For over two thousand years, Aristotelian logic was treated as the canon of logic in the Western world, [104] but modern developments in this field have led to a vast proliferation of logical systems. [105] One prominent categorization divides modern formal logical systems into classical logic, extended logics, and deviant logics. [106]", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "wikipedia1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, Ontology based-system = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Our framework", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf", - "query": "Concerning ontologies, what is an anonymous class ?", - "target_page": 30, - "target_passage": "They are created by the reasoner when you use class expressions. For example, if you define the range of a property to be PizzaTopping or PizzaBase then the reasoner will create an anonymous class representing the intersection of those two classes", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "4.1 Named Classes\nThe main building blocks of an OWL ontology are classes. In Protégé 5, editing of classes can be done in the Entities tab. The Entities tab has a number of sub-tabs. When you select it, the default should be the Class hierarchy view as shown in Figure 4.5. 4 All empty ontologies contains one class called owl:Thing . OWL classes are sets of individuals. The class owl:Thing is the class that represents the set containing all individuals. Because of this all classes are subclasses of owl:Thing .\n4 Each of the sub-tabs in the Entities tab also exists as its own major tab. In the tutorial we will refer to tabs like the Class hierarchy tab or Object properties tab and it is up to the user whether to access them from the Entities tab or to create them as independent tabs.\n13", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Components of OWL Ontologies\nAn OWL ontology consists of Classes, Properties, and Individuals. OWL ontologies are an implementation of Description Logic (DL) which is a decidable subset of First Order Logic. A class in OWL is a set, a property is a binary relation, and an individual is an element of a set. Other concepts from set theory are also implemented in OWL such as Disjoint sets, the Empty set ( owl:Nothing ), inverse\n1 http://protege.stanford.edu\n6\nrelations, transitive relations, and many more. An understanding of the basic concepts of set theory will help the user get the most out of OWL but is not required. One of the benefits of Protégé is that it presents an intuitive GUI that enables domain experts to define models without a background in set theory. However, developers are encouraged to refresh their knowledge on logic and set theory. A good source is the first 3 chapters in Elements of the Theory of Computation by Lewis and Papadamitrious. Another good source is the PDF document Overview of Set Theory available at:\nhttps://www.michaeldebellis.com/post/owl-theoretical-basics", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.10 Describing and Defining Classes\nNow that we have defined some properties, we can use these properties to define some more interesting classes. There are 3 types of classes in OWL:\n1. Primitive classes. These are classes that are defined by conditions that are necessary (but not sufficient) to hold for any individuals that are instances of that class or its subclasses. The condition may be as simple as: Class A is a subclass of class B . To start with we will define primitive classes first and then defined classes. When the reasoner encounters an individual that is an instance of a primitive class it infers that all the conditions defined for that class must hold for that individual.\n2. Defined classes. These are classes that are defined by both necessary and sufficient conditions. When the reasoner encounters an individual that satisfies all the conditions for a defined class it will make the inference that the individual is an instance of that class. The reasoner can also use the conditions defined on classes to change the class hierarchy, e.g., to infer that Class A is a subclass of Class B . We will see examples of this later in the tutorial.\n3. Anonymous classes. These are classes that you won't encounter much and that won't be discussed much in this tutorial, but it is good to know about them. They are created by the reasoner when you use class expressions. For example, if you define the range of a property to be PizzaTopping or PizzaBase then the reasoner will create an anonymous class representing the intersection of those two classes.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chapter 3 What are OWL Ontologies?\nOntologies are used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. An ontology describes the concepts in the domain and also the relationships that hold between those concepts. Different ontology languages provide different facilities. The most recent development in standard ontology languages is OWL from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). A good primer on the basic concepts of OWL can be found at: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-primer/\nOWL makes it possible to describe concepts in an unambiguous manner based on set theory and logic. Complex concepts can be built up out of simpler concepts. The logical model allows the use of a reasoner which can check whether all of the statements and definitions in the ontology are mutually consistent and can also recognize which concepts fit under which definitions. The reasoner can therefore help to maintain the hierarchy correctly. This is particularly useful when dealing with cases where classes can have more than one parent. The reasoner can also infer additional information. For example, if two properties are inverses only one value needs to be asserted by the user and the inverse value will be automatically inferred by the reasoner.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.3 Classes\nOWL classes are sets that contain individuals. They are described using formal (mathematical) descriptions that rigorously define the requirements for membership of the class. For example, the class Cat would contain all the individuals that are cats in our domain of interest. 2 Classes may be organized into a superclass-subclass hierarchy, which is also known as a taxonomy. However, taxonomies are often trees. I.e., each node has only one parent node. Class hierarchies in OWL are not restricted to be trees and multiple inheritance can be a powerful tool to represent data in an intuitive manner.\nSubclasses specialize (aka are subsumed by ) their superclasses. For example, consider the classes Animal and Dog -Dog might be a subclass of Animal (so Animal is the superclass of Dog ). This says that All dogs are animals , All members of the class Dog are members of the class Animal . OWL and Protégé\n2 Individuals can belong to more than one class and classes can have more than one superclass. Unlike OOP where multiple inheritance is typically unavailable or discouraged it is common in OWL.\n8\nprovide a language that is called Description Logic or DL for short. One of the key features of DL is that these superclass-subclass relationships (aka subsumption relationships) can be computed automatically by a reasoner - more on this later. Figure 3.3 shows a representation of some classes containing individuals classes are represented as ovals, like sets in Venn diagrams.\nIn OWL classes can be built up of descriptions that specify the conditions that must be satisfied by an individual for it to be a member of the class. How to formulate these descriptions will be explained as the tutorial progresses.\n9", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exercise 8: Create subclasses of PizzaTopping\nSo far, we have created some simple named classes and subclasses which hopefully seem intuitive and obvious. However, what does it actually mean to be a subclass of something in OWL? For example, what does it mean for VegetableTopping to be a subclass of PizzaTopping ? In OWL subclass means necessary implication . I.e., if VegetableTopping is a subclass of PizzaTopping then all instances of VegetableTopping are also instances of PizzaTopping . It is for this reason that we try to have standards such as having all PizzaTopping classes end with the word ' Topping ' . Otherwise, it might seem we are saying that anything that is a kind of Ham like the Ham in your sandwich is a kind of MeatTopping or PizzaTopping which is not what we mean. For large ontologies strict attention to the naming of classes and other entities can prevent potential confusion and bugs.\n21", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.10.4 Detecting a Class that can't Have Members\nNext, we are going to use the reasoner to detect a class with a definition that means it can never have any members. In the current version of Protégé when the reasoner detects an inconsistency or problem on some operating systems the UI can occasionally lock up and be hard to use. So to make sure you don't lose any of your work save your ontology using File>Save.\nSometimes it can be useful to create a class that we think should be impossible to instantiate to make sure the ontology is modeled as we think it is. Such a class is called a Probe Class.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chapter 7 Names: IRI's, Labels, and Namespaces\n9 IRIs are also sometimes called URIs. A URI is the same as an IRI except that URIs only support ASCII characters whereas IRIs can support other character sets such as Kanji. The term people use these days is usually IRI.\n60\nnext section. Which option you choose for your ontology will depend on the specific requirements you have as well as the standards established by your organization or organizations that you work with.\nFinally, another name related concept you should be aware of is the concept of a namespace. If you have worked with most modern programming languages such as Python or Java, you are already familiar with the concept of a namespace. The concept is identical in OWL. A namespace is used to avoid naming conflicts between different ontologies. For example, you may have a class called Network in an ontology about telecommunications. You might also have a class called Network in an ontology about graph theory. The two concepts are related but are different. Just as with programming languages you use namespace prefixes to determine what specific namespace a name refers to. E.g., in this example you might have the prefix tc for the Telecom ontology and gt for the Graph Theory ontology. Thus, when you referred to the Network class for the Telecom ontology you would use tc:Network and gt:Network for the graph theory class.\nNote that you already have some experience with other namespaces. The OWL namespace prefix is owl and is used to refer to classes such as owl:Thing and owl:Nothing . The Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) is a model that OWL is built on top of and thus some properties that ontologies use such as rdfs:label leverage this namespace.", - "page_start": 60, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.3 Disjoint Classes\nHaving added the classes Pizza , PizzaTopping , and PizzaBase to the ontology, we now want to say that these classes are disjoint . I.e., no individual can be an instance of more than one of those classes. In set theory terminology the intersection of these three classes is the empty set: owl:Nothing .", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.1 Individuals\nIndividuals represent objects in the domain of interest. An important difference between OWL and most programming and knowledge representation languages is that OWL does not use the Unique Name Assumption (UNA). This means that two different names could actually refer to the same individual. For example, 'Queen Elizabeth', 'The Queen' and 'Elizabeth Windsor' might all refer to the same individual. In OWL, it must be explicitly stated that individuals are the same as each other, or different from each other. Figure 3.1 shows a representation of some individuals in a domain of people, nations, and relations - in this tutorial we represent individuals as diamonds.\nFigure 3.2: Representation of Properties\nIndividuals are also known as instances . Individuals can be referred to as instances of classes .\n7", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf", - "query": "When to use an enumerated class in OWL ontologies ?", - "target_page": 46, - "target_passage": "When a property has only a few possible values it can be useful to create a class to represent those values and to explicitly define the class by listing each possible value", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "4.1 Named Classes\nThe main building blocks of an OWL ontology are classes. In Protégé 5, editing of classes can be done in the Entities tab. The Entities tab has a number of sub-tabs. When you select it, the default should be the Class hierarchy view as shown in Figure 4.5. 4 All empty ontologies contains one class called owl:Thing . OWL classes are sets of individuals. The class owl:Thing is the class that represents the set containing all individuals. Because of this all classes are subclasses of owl:Thing .\n4 Each of the sub-tabs in the Entities tab also exists as its own major tab. In the tutorial we will refer to tabs like the Class hierarchy tab or Object properties tab and it is up to the user whether to access them from the Entities tab or to create them as independent tabs.\n13", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.14 Defining an Enumerated Class\nA powerful tool in the object-oriented programming (OOP) community is the concept of design patterns. The idea of a design pattern is to capture a reusable model that is at a higher level of abstraction than a specific code library. One of the first and most common design patterns was the Model-View-Controller pattern first used in Smalltalk and now almost the default standard for good user interface design. Since there are significant differences between OWL and standard OOP the many excellent books on OOP design patterns don't directly translate into OWL design patterns. Also, since the use of OWL is more recent than OOP there does not yet exist the excellent documentation of OWL patterns that the OOP community has. However, there are already many design patterns that have been documented for OWL and that can provide users with ways to save time and to standardize their designs according to best practices.\nOne of the most common OWL design patterns is an enumerated class. When a property has only a few possible values it can be useful to create a class to represent those values and to explicitly define the class by listing each possible value. We will show an example of such an enumerated class by creating a new\n44\nproperty called hasSpiciness with only a few possible values ranging from Mild to Hot . In this section we will also create the first individuals in our ontology.\nExercise 24: Create an Enumerated Class to Represent the Spiciness of a Pizza\n_____________________________________________________________________________________", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chapter 3 What are OWL Ontologies?\nOntologies are used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. An ontology describes the concepts in the domain and also the relationships that hold between those concepts. Different ontology languages provide different facilities. The most recent development in standard ontology languages is OWL from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). A good primer on the basic concepts of OWL can be found at: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-primer/\nOWL makes it possible to describe concepts in an unambiguous manner based on set theory and logic. Complex concepts can be built up out of simpler concepts. The logical model allows the use of a reasoner which can check whether all of the statements and definitions in the ontology are mutually consistent and can also recognize which concepts fit under which definitions. The reasoner can therefore help to maintain the hierarchy correctly. This is particularly useful when dealing with cases where classes can have more than one parent. The reasoner can also infer additional information. For example, if two properties are inverses only one value needs to be asserted by the user and the inverse value will be automatically inferred by the reasoner.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Components of OWL Ontologies\nAn OWL ontology consists of Classes, Properties, and Individuals. OWL ontologies are an implementation of Description Logic (DL) which is a decidable subset of First Order Logic. A class in OWL is a set, a property is a binary relation, and an individual is an element of a set. Other concepts from set theory are also implemented in OWL such as Disjoint sets, the Empty set ( owl:Nothing ), inverse\n1 http://protege.stanford.edu\n6\nrelations, transitive relations, and many more. An understanding of the basic concepts of set theory will help the user get the most out of OWL but is not required. One of the benefits of Protégé is that it presents an intuitive GUI that enables domain experts to define models without a background in set theory. However, developers are encouraged to refresh their knowledge on logic and set theory. A good source is the first 3 chapters in Elements of the Theory of Computation by Lewis and Papadamitrious. Another good source is the PDF document Overview of Set Theory available at:\nhttps://www.michaeldebellis.com/post/owl-theoretical-basics", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.10 Describing and Defining Classes\nNow that we have defined some properties, we can use these properties to define some more interesting classes. There are 3 types of classes in OWL:\n1. Primitive classes. These are classes that are defined by conditions that are necessary (but not sufficient) to hold for any individuals that are instances of that class or its subclasses. The condition may be as simple as: Class A is a subclass of class B . To start with we will define primitive classes first and then defined classes. When the reasoner encounters an individual that is an instance of a primitive class it infers that all the conditions defined for that class must hold for that individual.\n2. Defined classes. These are classes that are defined by both necessary and sufficient conditions. When the reasoner encounters an individual that satisfies all the conditions for a defined class it will make the inference that the individual is an instance of that class. The reasoner can also use the conditions defined on classes to change the class hierarchy, e.g., to infer that Class A is a subclass of Class B . We will see examples of this later in the tutorial.\n3. Anonymous classes. These are classes that you won't encounter much and that won't be discussed much in this tutorial, but it is good to know about them. They are created by the reasoner when you use class expressions. For example, if you define the range of a property to be PizzaTopping or PizzaBase then the reasoner will create an anonymous class representing the intersection of those two classes.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.3 Classes\nOWL classes are sets that contain individuals. They are described using formal (mathematical) descriptions that rigorously define the requirements for membership of the class. For example, the class Cat would contain all the individuals that are cats in our domain of interest. 2 Classes may be organized into a superclass-subclass hierarchy, which is also known as a taxonomy. However, taxonomies are often trees. I.e., each node has only one parent node. Class hierarchies in OWL are not restricted to be trees and multiple inheritance can be a powerful tool to represent data in an intuitive manner.\nSubclasses specialize (aka are subsumed by ) their superclasses. For example, consider the classes Animal and Dog -Dog might be a subclass of Animal (so Animal is the superclass of Dog ). This says that All dogs are animals , All members of the class Dog are members of the class Animal . OWL and Protégé\n2 Individuals can belong to more than one class and classes can have more than one superclass. Unlike OOP where multiple inheritance is typically unavailable or discouraged it is common in OWL.\n8\nprovide a language that is called Description Logic or DL for short. One of the key features of DL is that these superclass-subclass relationships (aka subsumption relationships) can be computed automatically by a reasoner - more on this later. Figure 3.3 shows a representation of some classes containing individuals classes are represented as ovals, like sets in Venn diagrams.\nIn OWL classes can be built up of descriptions that specify the conditions that must be satisfied by an individual for it to be a member of the class. How to formulate these descriptions will be explained as the tutorial progresses.\n9", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exercise 8: Create subclasses of PizzaTopping\nSo far, we have created some simple named classes and subclasses which hopefully seem intuitive and obvious. However, what does it actually mean to be a subclass of something in OWL? For example, what does it mean for VegetableTopping to be a subclass of PizzaTopping ? In OWL subclass means necessary implication . I.e., if VegetableTopping is a subclass of PizzaTopping then all instances of VegetableTopping are also instances of PizzaTopping . It is for this reason that we try to have standards such as having all PizzaTopping classes end with the word ' Topping ' . Otherwise, it might seem we are saying that anything that is a kind of Ham like the Ham in your sandwich is a kind of MeatTopping or PizzaTopping which is not what we mean. For large ontologies strict attention to the naming of classes and other entities can prevent potential confusion and bugs.\n21", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chapter 7 Names: IRI's, Labels, and Namespaces\n9 IRIs are also sometimes called URIs. A URI is the same as an IRI except that URIs only support ASCII characters whereas IRIs can support other character sets such as Kanji. The term people use these days is usually IRI.\n60\nnext section. Which option you choose for your ontology will depend on the specific requirements you have as well as the standards established by your organization or organizations that you work with.\nFinally, another name related concept you should be aware of is the concept of a namespace. If you have worked with most modern programming languages such as Python or Java, you are already familiar with the concept of a namespace. The concept is identical in OWL. A namespace is used to avoid naming conflicts between different ontologies. For example, you may have a class called Network in an ontology about telecommunications. You might also have a class called Network in an ontology about graph theory. The two concepts are related but are different. Just as with programming languages you use namespace prefixes to determine what specific namespace a name refers to. E.g., in this example you might have the prefix tc for the Telecom ontology and gt for the Graph Theory ontology. Thus, when you referred to the Network class for the Telecom ontology you would use tc:Network and gt:Network for the graph theory class.\nNote that you already have some experience with other namespaces. The OWL namespace prefix is owl and is used to refer to classes such as owl:Thing and owl:Nothing . The Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) is a model that OWL is built on top of and thus some properties that ontologies use such as rdfs:label leverage this namespace.", - "page_start": 60, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.14 Defining an Enumerated Class\n1. Create a new subclass of owl:Thing called Spiciness .\n2. Make sure that Spiciness is selected. Click on the Add icon (+) next to the Instances field in the Description view.\n3. You will be prompted with a window that looks like figure 4.24. The diamond icon at the top is for creating a new individual. The circle with an X through it is for deleting an individual. Use the diamond icon to create 3 individuals: Hot, Medium, and Mild, so your UI looks like figure 4.24, then click on OK.\n4. You may notice that only one of the new individuals was actually created as an instance of Spiciness . That's okay. The next step will supply the reasoner with enough information to make the other two also be instances of Spiciness .\n5. Make sure that Spiciness is still selected. Click on the Add icon (+) next to the Equivalent To field in the Description view. This time we will create a defined class by directly entering the definition for the class into this field. Select the Class expression editor tab and enter the DL axiom: {Hot, Medium, Mild}. Select OK.\n6. Now run the reasoner. You should see that Spiciness is now a defined class and all three individuals: Hot , Medium , and Mild , are now instances of that class.\n_____________________________________________________________________________________\nFigure 4.24 Creating Individuals for an Enumerated Class", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chapter 6 Adding Order to an Enumerated Class\nIn this chapter we will expand on the enumerated class that we created to model spiciness in chapter 4.14. This chapter will highlight some of the power of object properties in OWL. We are going to create an ordering for the instances of Spiciness . I.e., Hot isSpicierThan Medium which isSpicierThan Mild . To start go to the Object properties tab. Create a new property that is a sub-property of owl:topObjectProperty. Call this property isSpicierThan. Make its domain and range the Spiciness class. Make the property transitive. Transitive means that if X isSpicierThan Y and Y isSpicierThan Z then X isSpicierThan Z. This is of course similar to the greater than and less than relations in math. Create another property called isMilderThan. Make one property the inverse of the other. It doesn't matter which one, you only have to specify that one property is the inverse of another, and the reasoner will realize that both are inverses. Run the reasoner. You will see that the reasoner has inferred the domain and range for isMilderThan than as well as the fact that it is transitive and the inverse of isSpicierThan .\nFigure 6.1 Setting isSpicierThan property in the Individuals by class tab\n58", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf", - "query": "Howcan I specify to Content Manager OnDemand to store the data on the server on which the program runs ?", - "target_page": 121, - "target_passage": "Local: Content Manager OnDemand stores data in a primary storage node on the server on which the data loading program runs", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "10.2.3 Storing the resource data\nIf data caching is enabled, Content Manager OnDemand stores resources in the cache. Two locations on the Storage Management tab affect how resources are stored:\n/SM590000 Resource Data\n/SM590000 Document Data", - "page_start": 247, - "page_end": 247, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Content Manager OnDemand Client programs\nContent Manager OnDemand Client programs operate on various environments, including personal computers that are running on Windows, web browsers, and mobile devices. By using the client program, users can search for and retrieve reports that are stored on the system. Specifically, users can construct queries and search for reports, retrieve documents from Content Manager OnDemand, view, print, and fax copies or pages of documents, and attach electronic notes to the pages of a document.\nChapter 1. Overview and concepts\n5\nContent Manager OnDemand servers manage control information and index data, store and retrieve documents and resource group files, and process query requests from Content Manager OnDemand Client programs. The documents can be on disk and tape storage volumes. New reports can be loaded into Content Manager OnDemand every day. This way, Content Manager OnDemand can retrieve the latest information that is generated by application programs.\nWhen a user submits a query, the client program sends a search request to the Content Manager OnDemand library server. The library server returns a list of the documents that match the query to the user. When the user selects a document for viewing, the client program retrieves a copy of the document from the object server where the document is stored, opens a viewing window, and displays the document.\nFull text search allows users to search the full content of stored documents. For example, users can perform wildcard searches, fuzzy (or similar) searches, proximity searches, and boolean searches.\nDocuments or reports can also be automatically distributed to users through email or network printers. The distributions can be scheduled to occur at the time that the data is loaded or at specific times during the day.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13.1.1 Content Manager OnDemand configuration\nHow reports are defined, indexed, and stored within Content Manager OnDemand greatly influences the speed at which Content Manager OnDemand can retrieve them. Various hints and tips for the optimum way to define reports within Content Manager OnDemand are described in Chapter 3, 'Administration' on page 45.", - "page_start": 321, - "page_end": 321, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1 Content Manager OnDemand cache storage\nContent Manager OnDemand has a built-in cache storage management that is used to store documents on locally mounted disk subsystems. These subsystems can be network-attached storage (NAS), storage area networks (SAN), or any type of locally addressable disk that is available to the supported operating system. The cache storage manager uses a list of directories or file systems that are available to determine where space is available for storing and maintaining documents.\nEach Content Manager OnDemand object server in the system has a defined set of cache storage devices on which you can maintain the report data for a period to provide the fastest access times for system users.\nCertain implementations of Content Manager OnDemand use an all cache system to maintain data for its full retention. Other implementations store to both cache and archive storage. Other implementations store only to the archive.\nYou can configure Content Manager OnDemand so that at load time one of the following methods of data storage occurs:\n/SM590000 Data is stored in cache and later is automatically migrated from the cache subsystem to an archive system.\n/SM590000 Data is stored to both local cache and archive storage.\n/SM590000 Data is stored directly to archive storage.\nThese options are described in the following sections.", - "page_start": 113, - "page_end": 113, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.3.2 Content Manager OnDemand server components\nA Content Manager OnDemand server environment contains several components:", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Load Type parameter\nThe Load Type parameter determines where Content Manager OnDemand stores data. Two values are possible (Figure 5-5):\n/SM590000 Fixed: Content Manager OnDemand stores data in the primary storage node that has the load data field selected. When Load Type is set to Fixed , you must select the load data check box for one primary storage node. Content Manager OnDemand loads data to only one primary storage node regardless of the number of primary nodes that are defined in the storage set.\n/SM590000 Local: Content Manager OnDemand stores data in a primary storage node on the server on which the data loading program runs. When the Load Type is Local , the load data check box must be selected for a primary storage node on each of the object servers that is identified in the storage set. A storage set can contain one or more primary storage nodes that are on one or more object servers.\nNext, we examine several parameters on the Add a Primary Node window (Figure 5-6 on page 98).\nChapter 5. Storage management\n97\n98\nIBM Content Manager OnDemand Guide\nFigure 5-6 Primary storage node definition", - "page_start": 120, - "page_end": 121, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Overview of Content Manager OnDemand\nA Content Manager OnDemand server consists of multiple components that can be installed on a single system or multiple systems. In all cases, the installation appears to the users as a single server. The installation and is administered by the Content Manager OnDemand administrator as a single system.\nThe Content Manager OnDemand server includes the following components:\n/SM590000 A single library server: The library server manages a database that contains the information about the users of the system, and the reports and data that are stored on the system.\n/SM590000 One or more object servers: The object servers manage the data on disk or tape storage devices.\n/SM590000 One or more archive servers: The archive server stores the archived data objects. Depending on the operating system, the archive servers might be IBM Tivolifi Storage Manager, object access method (OAM), or Archive Storage Manager (ASM).\nThe library server and the object server can be packaged separately or as a single executable file.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1 Introduction\nA Content Manager OnDemand instance is a logical server environment. The base system components are a library server and one or more object servers. Optional components include one or more archive managers and one or more Full Text servers.", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.2 Loading and storing the data\nThe Content Manager OnDemand architecture allows the control and management of the data throughout its lifecycle. The data lifecycle begins with running an efficient load process. Each load process invocation ingests report data for a specified application group.\nDuring a load process, Content Manager OnDemand stores report (document) data, its resources, and index data, as shown in Figure 10-1.\nFigure 10-1 Data and index storage locations\nThe Content Manager OnDemand load process identifies, segments, and compresses groups of documents into storage objects that are then stored in the Content Manager OnDemand archive, as illustrated in Figure 10-1. To improve the efficiency of the storage process, Content Manager OnDemand aggregates the stored documents (typically a few kilobytes in size) into storage objects. This aggregation provides efficient, high-volume storage, retrieval, and expiration performance.\n220\nIBM Content Manager OnDemand Guide\nThe object size is defined by clicking Advanced on the Storage Manager tab of the Application Group window. The object size is the size of a storage object in kilobytes (KB). By default, Content Manager OnDemand segments and compresses report data into 10 MB storage objects. For most use cases, the default value is appropriate. Valid values are 1 KB - 150 MB.\nObject size value: Exercise caution when you change the object size value. Specifying too large or too small a value can adversely affect performance when you load data.\nThe storage objects are stored in storage sets . The storage sets contain one or more primary storage nodes . The storage node points to the location where the data is stored, which can be cache, the storage manager (Tivoli Storage Manager, object access method (OAM), or Archive Storage Manager (ASM)), or a combination.\nThe primary storage nodes can be on one or more object servers. When the Load Type is Local , Content Manager OnDemand loads data on the server on which the data loading program runs in the primary storage node with the Load Data property specified. If the Load Type is Local , and the storage set contains primary nodes on different object servers, you must select the Load Data check box for one primary node on each object server.", - "page_start": 243, - "page_end": 244, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Managing data window\nWhen you load a report into the system, you can specify that you want report data to be stored by using large object support. You also need to specify how you want Content Manager OnDemand to manage annotations that users attach to pages of the report. See Figure 3-15.\nFigure 3-15 Managing data", - "page_start": 84, - "page_end": 84, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf", - "query": "Does the XML indexer of Content Manager OnDemand support large objects ?", - "target_page": 188, - "target_passage": "No", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "7.7 Getting started with XML Indexing\nThe XML indexer enables the high-volume archiving of XML data in a scalable and extensible manner.\nThe XML indexer was developed to support the growing need to efficiently and effectively store large quantities of XML data, for example:\n/SM590000 The European Union's implementation of a Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). SEPA replaced the existing domestic retail credit transfers and direct debits with standardized European payments that are based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 20022 messages. ISO 20022 provides a more efficient way of developing and implementing messaging standards that financial institutions and clients use to exchange massive amounts of transactional information.\n/SM590000 Other XML standards exist and continued to be developed, such as ACORD (Insurance industry), AgXML (Agriculture), and Health Level Seven (Health industry).\n/SM590000 XML document formats were developed, such as Office Open XML (OOXML) and Open Document (OASIS).\nWith XML indexing, you can automatically batch index and archive XML transactional messages and statements into the Content Manager OnDemand repository. Documents are identified and extracted during indexing. Resources are extracted, and, together with the data, compressed and archived. Multiple stylesheets can be specified to meet device and accessibility requirements.\nXML steeliest (resource) archiving is critical. Content Manager OnDemand optimizes the storage of XML data by storing only a single version of a resource and then associating it with all of the archived documents. Document resources can be automatically collected and managed.\nXML data is loaded into Content Manager OnDemand by using the arsload command. For example, the following statement loads the bamboo.in file and its .res file (if found):\narsload -I localhost -u userName -p load.stach -g ci_stmts bamboo,in\nThe XML indexer uses the 'Generic XML Index File Format' (GXIFF). The GXIFF format is functionally similar to the Generic Index File Format in that it allows the loading of any type of data into Content Manager OnDemand.\nFor more information about using the XML indexer, see IBM Content Manager OnDemand Indexing Reference , SC19-3354.", - "page_start": 205, - "page_end": 206, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.3.2 Content Manager OnDemand server components\n- The XML Indexer allows the rapid increase in XML archiving mandates that are based on ISO 20022 standards with XML (including SEPA in Europe). The XML Indexer is optimized for high-volume batch archiving of XML, batch PDF, AFP, Line Data, and check images.\n- The Full Text Indexer provides the capability to index the full text of a document (or report). You can search through an indexed document.\n/SM590000 Data loading programs can be set up to automatically store report data into application groups and update the database. The data loading programs can run on any Content Manager OnDemand server.\n/SM590000 Report Distribution Facility provides an easy way to automatically group reports and portions of reports and distribute the reports to multiple users. Distributions can be printed, created as an output file, or emailed as an attachment.\n/SM590000 Both the archived reports and their resources are stored in the Content Manager OnDemand Archive. The Content Manager OnDemand system manages the stored data throughout its lifetime. It provides authorized users rapid access to the data and allows the data to be converted into different formats for display or print.\n/SM590000 A server print facility allows users to reprint a large volume of documents at high speed. Print servers, such as Infoprint (on AIX), can be started to manage the server print devices. These print servers are not part of Content Manager OnDemand and must be purchased separately.\n/SM590000 Content Manager OnDemand management programs maintain the Content Manager OnDemand database and documents in cache storage.\n/SM590000 A system logging facility provides administrators with tools to monitor server activity and respond to specific events as they occur. The interface to the system logging facility is through the system log folder and the system log user exit.\nSPONSORSHIP PROMOTION\nenChoice\nTHE ABOVE IS A PAID PROMOTION. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT OF ANY OF THE ABOVE COMPANY'S PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR WEBSITES BY IBM. NOR DOES IT REFLECT THE OPINION OF IBM, IBM MANAGEMENT, SHAREHOLDERS OR OFFICERS. IBM DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTEES FOR GOODS OR SERVICES RECEIVED THROUGH OR PROMOTED BY THE ABOVE COMPANY.\nTHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK\nChapter 2.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Large object\n/SM590000 The report must be indexed with an indexing program that generates a large object by dividing large documents into smaller parts and defining the indexing information that is used to retrieve the documents.\n/SM590000 The amount of data per page and the number of pages that you divide documents into affects retrieval and viewing response time. The number of bytes per page typically dictates the number of pages that you can divide documents into. In general, the larger the page size in bytes, the smaller the number of pages that you can divide your documents into. For example, if the average page in the document contains 2.5 KB of data, choose 100 - 1000 pages per Large Object (LO) segment; if the average page in the document contains 50 KB of data, choose 1 - 100 pages per LO segment.\n/SM590000 The capacity of your network and the traffic in the network might determine the number of pages that you need to divide your documents into. Larger document sizes (large byte size even when compressed) require more network bandwidth (or more time if the bandwidth is not available) to transfer from a Content Manager OnDemand server to a client. The number of users that are concurrently accessing Content Manager OnDemand and the sizes of the documents that are being retrieved determine the overall load in the network.\n/SM590000 Response time requirements. The goal of Content Manager OnDemand large objects is to provide better performance and usability. Large object support clearly provides enhanced usability. However, you must implement large object support so that dividing your documents into parts provides better overall performance than other methods of segmenting the input data.\nWhen you choose a large object, Content Manager OnDemand displays the Number of Pages field. Specify the number of pages that you want Content Manager OnDemand to divide documents into in the Number of Pages field.\nTo generate large objects, the indexer that is specified on the Indexing Information page must be AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility (ACIF), OS/390, or OS/400. When you select the Large Object check box, Content Manager OnDemand automatically adds the INDEXOBJ=ALL parameter to the indexing parameters (which causes the indexing program to generate the large object indexing information).", - "page_start": 76, - "page_end": 76, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Large object\nIn the File Format section, you can set support for large objects. Content Manager OnDemand large object support provides enhanced usability and better retrieval performance for reports that contain large documents.\nFor example, suppose that a report contains statements that typically exceed 1,000 pages. With large object support, the statements can be divided into parts of 100 pages. When a user views a statement, Content Manager OnDemand retrieves and uncompresses the first part of the statement. To view a specific page of a statement, the user can choose the Go To command in the viewer window and enter the page number. Content Manager OnDemand automatically retrieves and uncompresses the part of the statement that contains the requested page. When the user moves from page to page of a statement, Content Manager OnDemand automatically retrieves and uncompresses parts of the statement as needed.\nWhen you use large object support, users experience consistent response time when they move from page to page of the document.\nYou must consider several factors when you use large object support:", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 76, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7.1.3 Choosing an indexer\nTable 7-1 Indexers that are available for use with Content Manager OnDemand\nGeneric, Input data type = All. Generic, Available platforms = All. Generic, Conversion = No. Generic, Resource collection = No. Generic, Large object support = No. Generic, Floating triggers = No. ACIF, Input data type = Line, AFP. ACIF, Available platforms = All, except IBM i. ACIF, Conversion = Line to AFP. ACIF, Resource collection = Yes. ACIF, Large object support = Yes. ACIF, Floating triggers = Yes. PDF, Input data type = PDF. PDF, Available platforms = All, except z/OS. PDF, Conversion = No. PDF, Resource collection = Yes. PDF, Large object support = No. PDF, Floating triggers = Yes. OS/400, Input data type = Line, AFP, SCS, and SCS-Ext. OS/400, Available platforms = IBM i. OS/400, Conversion = SCS to AFP. OS/400, Resource collection = Yes. OS/400, Large object support = Yes. OS/400, Floating triggers = Yes. OS/390, Input data type = Line, AFP. OS/390, Available platforms = z/OS and AIX. OS/390, Conversion = No. OS/390, Resource collection = Yes. OS/390, Large object support = Yes. OS/390, Floating triggers = Yes. XML, Input data type = XML. XML, Available platforms = All. XML, Conversion = No. XML, Resource collection = Yes. XML, Large object support = No. XML, Floating triggers = No", - "page_start": 187, - "page_end": 187, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.3.2 Content Manager OnDemand server components\n- The IBM OS/390 Indexer is a high-performance indexer that can be used to index various data types and is available on both IBM z/OS and IBM AIXfi.\n- The IBM OS/400 Indexer can be used to index various data types. It is the most common Content Manager OnDemand indexer for IBM i spooled files.\n- The Content Manager OnDemand PDF Indexer can be used to create index data for Adobe Portable Document File (PDF) files.\n- The Content Manager OnDemand Generic Index File Format can be used to provide index data for almost any other type of data, such as HTML documents, word-processing documents, and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) files.\nChapter 1. Overview and concepts\n11\n12\nIBM Content Manager OnDemand Guide", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.2.4 Indexing methods\nContent Manager OnDemand provides two methods of indexing data:\n/SM590000 Document indexing\n/SM590000 Report indexing\nChapter 1. Overview and concepts\n9\n10\nIBM Content Manager OnDemand Guide", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13.1.1 Content Manager OnDemand configuration\nHow reports are defined, indexed, and stored within Content Manager OnDemand greatly influences the speed at which Content Manager OnDemand can retrieve them. Various hints and tips for the optimum way to define reports within Content Manager OnDemand are described in Chapter 3, 'Administration' on page 45.", - "page_start": 321, - "page_end": 321, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10.2 Loading and storing the data\nThe Content Manager OnDemand architecture allows the control and management of the data throughout its lifecycle. The data lifecycle begins with running an efficient load process. Each load process invocation ingests report data for a specified application group.\nDuring a load process, Content Manager OnDemand stores report (document) data, its resources, and index data, as shown in Figure 10-1.\nFigure 10-1 Data and index storage locations\nThe Content Manager OnDemand load process identifies, segments, and compresses groups of documents into storage objects that are then stored in the Content Manager OnDemand archive, as illustrated in Figure 10-1. To improve the efficiency of the storage process, Content Manager OnDemand aggregates the stored documents (typically a few kilobytes in size) into storage objects. This aggregation provides efficient, high-volume storage, retrieval, and expiration performance.\n220\nIBM Content Manager OnDemand Guide\nThe object size is defined by clicking Advanced on the Storage Manager tab of the Application Group window. The object size is the size of a storage object in kilobytes (KB). By default, Content Manager OnDemand segments and compresses report data into 10 MB storage objects. For most use cases, the default value is appropriate. Valid values are 1 KB - 150 MB.\nObject size value: Exercise caution when you change the object size value. Specifying too large or too small a value can adversely affect performance when you load data.\nThe storage objects are stored in storage sets . The storage sets contain one or more primary storage nodes . The storage node points to the location where the data is stored, which can be cache, the storage manager (Tivoli Storage Manager, object access method (OAM), or Archive Storage Manager (ASM)), or a combination.\nThe primary storage nodes can be on one or more object servers. When the Load Type is Local , Content Manager OnDemand loads data on the server on which the data loading program runs in the primary storage node with the Load Data property specified. If the Load Type is Local , and the storage set contains primary nodes on different object servers, you must select the Load Data check box for one primary node on each object server.", - "page_start": 243, - "page_end": 244, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Document indexing\nDocument indexing is used for reports that contain logical items, such as customer name or number. Each of the items in a report can be individually indexed on values, such as account number, customer name, and balance. Content Manager OnDemand supports up to 128 index values per item. With document indexing, the user is not necessarily required to know about reports or report cycles to retrieve a document from Content Manager OnDemand.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf", - "query": "Considering storage efficiency, should I store my AFP documents as PDF to distribute them over the web ?", - "target_page": 232, - "target_passage": "If a requirement exists to present AFP documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF) format over the web, from a storage perspective, it is more efficient to store the documents in their native format and then convert them to PDF at retrieval tim", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "AFP to PDF\nIf a requirement exists to present AFP documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF) format over the web, from a storage perspective, it is more efficient to store the documents in their native format and then convert them to PDF at retrieval time. AFP documents are stored more efficiently than PDF documents.\nThe PDF print stream, when it is divided into separate customer statements, is larger than AFP because each statement contains its own set of structures that are required by the PDF architecture to define a document.\nElapsed time and processor time are also essential factors in the decision-making process. The amount of time (elapsed and CPU) that is needed to convert the document depends on how large the document is and how many resources or fonts are associated with the document.\n208\nIBM Content Manager OnDemand Guide", - "page_start": 231, - "page_end": 231, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Tell us about your PDF experience.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7.2 Getting started with PDF indexing\nPDF is a standard that is specified by Adobe Systems, Incorporated, for the electronic distribution of documents. PDF files are compact. They can be distributed globally through email, the web, intranets, or CD-ROM, and viewed with Adobe Reader.\nPDF is a data type or file format that is platform (hardware, operating system)-independent. A PDF file contains a complete PDF document that is composed of text, graphics, and the resources that are referenced by that document.\nTwo PDF file layouts are possible:\n/SM590000 Non-Linear (not 'optimized')\nThis file layout is optimized for space savings. Storing a PDF file by using a Non-Linear layout consumes less disk space than storing the same PDF file linearly. It is slower to access or display this type of layout because portions of the data that is required to assemble pages of the document are scattered throughout the PDF file, so the whole PDF file must be downloaded and accessed before the file can be displayed.\n/SM590000 Linear ('optimized' or 'web optimized')\nIn this file format, the PDF file is created in a linear (in page order) fashion. This file format allows the PDF viewer to start displaying the PDF document pages when they are downloading without waiting for the whole PDF file to be downloaded.\nChapter 7. Indexing and loading\n165", - "page_start": 188, - "page_end": 188, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Extending Office PDF Export\nExtending Office PDF Export", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13.4.1 PDF data\nPortable Document Format (PDF) data is an increasingly common data type that can be archived within Content Manager OnDemand. The following key advantages are available by using this data type as a document format:\n/SM590000 It is a read-only format that does not require any external resources, such as images or fonts. It is self-contained.\n/SM590000 The viewer for PDF can be downloaded at no charge from the Adobe website and the browser plug-ins for PDF are also available at no charge.\nDuring PDF document creation, resources, such as images and custom fonts, are placed in the data stream once and then referenced many times from within the PDF file. If a large report is produced from many small documents, that report requires only one copy of the resources.\nHowever, when the PDF is indexed, the PDF Indexer creates many PDF documents from the input file. Each of these documents requires a certain number of PDF structures, which define a document. These documents are concatenated together in the .out file, and then loaded into Content Manager OnDemand as separate documents. Because the resources are extracted and placed into a separate resource file, they are not included in each document. For an illustration of the process, see Figure 13-3.\nFigure 13-3 PDF indexing\nIf no resources are collected, the size of the .out file, which contains all of the individual documents, might be larger than the original file. For tips about how to reduce the size of the output file, see 7.3.5, 'PDF indexing: Using internal indexes (Page Piece Dictionary)' on page 173.\n308\nIBM Content Manager OnDemand Guide\nThe size of the input file and the output file can create problems during the load process:\n/SM590000 The temporary space that is used during indexing can be too small and the load fails.\n/SM590000 The maximum input file size that the PDF Indexer can process is 4 GB, but the recommended maximum size for a single document (after indexing) is 50 MB. If this size is exceeded, the system might run out of disk space or memory.", - "page_start": 331, - "page_end": 332, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13.4.3 AFP data\nAFP data is a multi-part data type. In addition to the variable data, external resources, such as images, fonts, and logos, are also referenced by the AFP data stream. When Content Manager OnDemand stores AFP data, the resources are also archived. When the data is viewed, the referenced resources are displayed.\nIt is a common misconception that if fonts are collected when the data is loaded, they are available for viewing in the Windows client. However, Windows does not recognize AFP fonts. It is not possible to use these fonts even if they are sent to the client as part of the resource. Windows clients require a mapping from AFP fonts to Adobe Type Manager (ATM) fonts or TrueType (TT) fonts. Content Manager OnDemand provides this mapping for most standard fonts. For more information about mapping custom fonts, see IBM Content Manager Windows Client Customization Guide and Reference , SC27-0837.\nOne possibly useful implementation of storing fonts with the resource group is when server reprint is necessary. If the fonts are stored with the resource group, they can be retrieved from Content Manager OnDemand and used by AFP printers. However, if fonts are collected, they are also sent to the client as part of the resources group and then discarded. Storing the fonts with the resource group serves only to increase network traffic when transferring the resource to the workstation. A more practical option for server printing is to store the font in a fontlib and to keep only the reference (path) to the fontlib . Although the font is accessible on the server, Print Services Facility (PSF) or InfoPrint does not need the font to be inline (stored in the resource group). The use of this approach also allows all AFP data that references the font to use the single instance of the font without redundant inline storage.\nFigure 13-5 on page 311 shows the indexer information in the application where you can select the resources to collect with the Restype= parameter. Unless reprints to AFP printers with 100% fidelity is a requirement, do not collect the fonts.\nFigure 13-5 Collecting AFP fonts", - "page_start": 333, - "page_end": 334, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7.3 Performance considerations\nThe best performance of the PDF Indexer is on the Windows platform. For the preferred performance practices, see 13.4.1, 'PDF data' on page 308.", - "page_start": 189, - "page_end": 189, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "14.1 Introduction to Content Manager OnDemand Distribution Facility\nFigure 14-2 shows that the Content Manager OnDemand server and its operation did not change. Reports and documents are loaded into the server, and system users continue to view and print their documents normally. The only addition to the library server is a set of ODF tables that define the documents that are to be distributed to which users and when. The ODF process reads the ODF tables and collects the required documents and bundles them for each recipient. ODF then send out the 'bundles' to the appropriate destinations (email, file, and print). Alternatively, ODF can send each recipient (based on system definitions) an email notification that the report and document were loaded and are available for viewing.\nDifferent organizations have different report and document load and retrieval patterns. In certain cases, documents are loaded and never retrieved. In other cases, a loaded document is retrieved multiple times by multiple users. In other cases, it is known that when a specific report or document is loaded, one or more copies must be distributed to one or more destinations. What benefit does automating this distribution process provide?\nThe biggest benefit is that as reports are loaded into Content Manager OnDemand regularly, they can be delivered automatically to one or more users as they are loaded. Also, after the distribution is set up, no other changes are required, such as changing the document selection criteria to identify the latest data that is loaded.\nFor example, suppose that your organization generates monthly statements for your customers. You must store these documents in Content Manager OnDemand, and you must print the statements and mail them to the customers. With ODF, you can set up a distribution that automatically retrieves these documents as they are loaded into Content Manager OnDemand and sends them to a spool file for printing.\nChapter 14. Report distribution\n317\nAnother example is a sales team that generates a monthly sales report for each person on the sales team. The sales manager needs a copy of these reports. A distribution can be set up to email the documents to the appropriate sales manager.\nThe applications for using ODF are endless, but the basis for using it is the same. Documents are loaded regularly and are needed by one or more users as they become available in Content Manager OnDemand. Let us look at a specific example from our fictitious company that was introduced in 1.2.1, 'Background information of an example company' on page 6.", - "page_start": 340, - "page_end": 341, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Web viewing considerations\n/SM590000 For Line Data:\n- The line data applet supports annotations. It can work with large object (LOB) reports if the large object functionality is employed at load time.\n- The Ajax viewer and direct rendering capabilities of Content Navigator work only on shorter reports. Additionally, the viewing of annotations and large object documents is not supported.\n/SM590000 For AFP data:\n- The AFP plug-in is the best choice, because it is almost identical to the client. However, it does not support annotations.\nThe only viewers that use this functionality are the line data applet, the AFP plug-in viewer, and the Content Manager OnDemand Windows client.\n- AFP to PDF is a choice that does not require a plug-in rollout at the users' computers if the Acrobat plug-in is installed on their workstations. Font mappings must be configured at a central location. The additional workload on a rendering system and additional license costs must be considered. Large reports might not be able to be rendered or viewed.\nNote: The AFP viewer plug-in, which is available with ODWEK and Content Manager OnDemand, is a version of the AFP viewer plug-in from the InfoPrint Solutions Company. Although the standard InfoPrint viewer can be used for viewing AFP, the ODWEK version uses direct communication with the Content Manager OnDemand server, enabling segmented document transfer for LOB documents.", - "page_start": 212, - "page_end": 212, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7.3.1 PDF fonts and output file size\nThe fonts that are used in a PDF document are one of the factors that determines the indexing's output file size.", - "page_start": 189, - "page_end": 189, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf", - "query": "Where can I consult a summary of the impact of the International tax compliance regulations ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "A Tax Information and Impact Note covering the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015 was published on 18th March 2015 and is available on the HMRC website at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/tax-administration-regulations-to-implement-the- uks-automatic-exchange-of-information-agreements", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Citation and commencement\n1. These Regulations may be cited as the International Tax Compliance (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 13th May 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The International Tax Compliance (Amendment) Regulations 2020\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\n20th April 2020\nLaid before the House of Commons\n21st April 2020\nComing into force\n- -\n13th May 2020\nThe Treasury make these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 222 of the Finance Act 2013( a ):", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendments to the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015\n2. -(1) The International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015( b ) are amended as follows.\n(2) In regulation 1(3)(b)(i), for '16th May 2019' substitute '19th April 2020'( c ).\n(3) In regulation 3(4A)(a), at the beginning insert 'subject to regulation 24(3)'.\n(4) In regulation 24-\n(a) in the table in paragraph (2), in the column headed 'the CRS'-\n(i) at the beginning of the entry for 'new account' insert 'subject to paragraph (3)', and\n(ii) at the beginning of the entry for 'pre-existing account' insert 'subject to regulation 3(4A)(a) and paragraph (3)', and\n(b) after paragraph (2) insert-\n'(3) In respect of the accounts listed in paragraph (4)-\n( a ) 2013 c. 29; section 222 was amended by section 50 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 2015 (c. 33) but the amendments are not relevant to these Regulations.\n( b ) S.I. 2015/878 (referred to in these footnotes as 'the principal Regulations'); relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2017/598, 2018/490 and 2019/881.\n( c ) In accordance with the common reporting standard for automatic exchange of financial account information developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and adopted by the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom exchanges information received from financial institutions under the principal Regulations with a territory which is a 'Reportable Jurisdiction' under the CRS and with which the United Kingdom has entered into international exchange arrangements for that year. Reportable Jurisdictions are identified in a published list available at https://www.gov.uk/hmrcinternal-manuals/international-exchange-of-information/ieim402340. A hard copy of this list is available for inspection at the offices of HMRC at 10 South Colonnade, 9th Floor, Canary Wharf, London E14 4PU.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Income and Indirect Taxes\nWe provide for income and indirect taxes based on all of the information that is currently available and believe that we have adequately provided these items. The calculation of applicable taxes in many cases, however, requires significant judgment in interpreting tax rules and regulations. Our tax filings are subject to audits, which could materially change the amount of current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities and provisions, and could, in certain circumstances, result in the assessment of interest and penalties.", - "page_start": 127, - "page_end": 127, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EXPLANATORY NOTE\n(This note is not part of the Regulations)\nThe Regulations amend the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015 ('the principal Regulations') which give effect to agreements and arrangements reached between the United Kingdom and other jurisdictions to improve international tax compliance.\nRegulation 2(2) extends the application of the principal Regulations to arrangements entered into by the United Kingdom for the exchange of financial account information with other jurisdictions up to 19th April 2020, the date before the Regulations are made.\nRegulation 2(5) omits various accounts from the category of excluded accounts. Regulation 2(4)(b) amends the definitions of 'new account' and 'pre-existing account' in relation to those\n( a ) 'Financial account' and 'reporting financial institution' are defined in the table in regulation 24(2) of the principal Regulations.\n( b ) 'The DAC' is defined in regulation 1(3)(a) of the principal Regulations.\n2\naccounts so that these terms are defined by reference to the date that those accounts ceased to be excluded accounts. Regulation 2(3) and (4)(a) make consequential amendments.\nRegulation 3 makes a transitional provision for the calendar year 2020 in relation to accounts which were previously excluded accounts.\nA Tax Information and Impact Note covering the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015 was published on 18th March 2015 and is available on the HMRC website at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/tax-administration-regulations-to-implement-theuks-automatic-exchange-of-information-agreements. It remains an accurate summary of the impacts that apply to this instrument.\n' Crown copyright 2020\nPrinted and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament.\n3\n£4.90\nUK202004201005 04/2020 19585\nhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2020/438", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20200438_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(A) Statement of Compliance\nThese consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB').", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other Transactions with the Company or its Controlled Entities\ntaxation services from 31 December 2004.", - "page_start": 81, - "page_end": 81, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MANAGEMENT'S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING\n39", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(ix) Income taxes\nThe Group is subject to income taxes in Australia and jurisdictions where it has foreign operations. Significant judgement is required in determining the worldwide provision for income taxes. There are certain transactions and calculations undertaken during the ordinary course of business for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain. The Group estimates its tax liabilities based on the Group understanding of the tax law. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities in the period in which such determination is made.", - "page_start": 77, - "page_end": 77, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGES IN INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES\nThere were no changes in 2013 that materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over financial reporting.", - "page_start": 82, - "page_end": 82, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf", - "query": "What was the muscle volume of the knee flexors of the 2024 word's strongest man ?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "Knee flexors 3,060 ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "DISCUSSION\nDownloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION\nA\nFigure 4. Quadriceps femoris (QF; A ), vastus medialis (VM; B ), vastus lateralis (VL; C ), vastus intermedius (VI; D ), and rectus femoris (RF; E ) muscle volume of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (WSM) compared with long-term resistance-trained ( n ¼ 16, from the work by Maden-Wilkinson et al. (10)], elite sprint runners [ n ¼ 5, from the work by Miller et al. (13)], subelite sprint runners [ n ¼ 26, from the work by Miller et al. (13)], and untrained control populations [ n ¼ 102, pooled population from the works by Miller et al. (13)( n ¼ 11), Balshaw et al. (11) ( n ¼ 52), and Balshaw et al. (14)(pretest data n ¼ 39)].", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DISCUSSION\nThis study is the /uniFB01 rst to document the lower-body muscle and tendon morphology of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (i.e., an exceptionally strong individual), and these are presented alongside functional whole body assessments, which exceeded the highest IMTP force (gross\nand net) and CMJ power values previously reported by 54%, 100%, and 164%, respectively. The WSM had overall lowerbodymuscularityapproximatelytwicethatofuntrainedcontrols ( þ 96%) and 32% greater than that of elite 100-m sprinters. However, there was substantial anatomical variability in the magnitude of the differences, ranging from the plantar /uniFB02 exors ( þ 120% vs. untrained) to the hip /uniFB02 exors ( þ 65% vs. untrained). Similarly, some speci /uniFB01 c muscles, such as the guy rope muscles that stabilize the femur and pelvis, were 2.5 -3.0 times the volume of untrained individuals (gracilis þ 140%, semitendinosus þ 157%, and sartorius þ 202%) but others displayed more marginal differences (BFsh þ 23%, iliopsoas þ 32% vs. untrained). Considering the knee extensors, the WSM had both quadriceps femoris volume greater than or equal to twofold that of untrained controls and a greater patella tendon moment arm than we have previously measured ( þ 18% vs. untrained), which would be expected to combine to facilitate extraordinary strength. Furthermore, despite the WSM ' sextremelylargequadricepsfemoris,theirpatellartendonCSAwasonly30%greaterthanthatofuntrainedcontrols and not outside the range of tendons we have previously assessed. The results of this study provide novel insights into the muscle and tendon characteristics, as well as the strength and power capabilities, of an extraordinarily strong individual that may be toward the upper limit of human variation in these characteristics.\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org\n795", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Quadriceps Femoris and Hamstring Size\nTable 2. Muscle volume of all muscles, 5 functional muscle groups, and 22 individual muscles/compartments of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion and comparative elite sprinters, subelite sprinters, and untrained control participants\n3.WSM = 4,386. Knee extensors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 3,218 ± 400. Knee extensors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 2,636±401. Knee extensors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 2,202±315. Plantar /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 1,888. Plantar /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 1,112 ± 181. Plantar /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 943±156. Plantar /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 860±172. Iliopsoas, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 681. Iliopsoas, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 702±97. Iliopsoas, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 618±101. Iliopsoas, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 514 ± 75. Sartorius, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 429. Sartorius, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 306±46. Sartorius, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 209±50. Sartorius, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 142 ± 25. Tensor fasciae latae, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 142. Tensor fasciae latae, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 135 ± 41. Tensor", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n8. Abe T , Buckner SL , Mattocks KT , Jessee MB , Dankel SJ , Mouser JG , Bell ZW , Loenneke JP. Skeletal muscle mass and architecture of the world ' s strongest raw powerlifter: a case study. Asian J Sports Med 9: e61763, 2018. doi:10.5812/asjsm.61763.\n9. Powell PL , Roy RR , Kanim P , Bello MA , Edgerton VR. Predictability of skeletal muscle tension from architectural determinations in guinea pig hindlimbs. J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol 57: 1715 -1721, 1984. doi:10.1152/jappl.1984.57.6.1715.\n10. Maden-Wilkinson TM , Balshaw TG , Massey G , Folland JP. What makes long-term resistance-trained individuals so strong? A comparison of skeletal muscle morphology, architecture, and joint mechanics. J Appl Physiol (1985) 128: 1000 -1011, 2019. doi:10.1152/ japplphysiol.00224.2019.\n11. Balshaw TG , Maden-Wilkinson TM , Massey GJ , Folland JP. The human muscle size and strength relationship: effects of architecture, muscle force, and measurement location. Med Sci Sports Exerc 53: 2140 -2151, 2021. doi:10.1249/mss.0000000000002691.\n12. Baxter JR , Piazza SJ. Plantar /uniFB02 exor moment arm and muscle volume predict torque-generating capacity in young men. J Appl Physiol (1985) 116: 538 -544, 2014. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01140.2013.\n13. Miller R , Balshaw TG , Massey GJ , Maeo S , Lanza MB , Johnston M , Allen SJ , Folland JP. The muscle morphology of elite sprint running. Med Sci Sports Exerc 53: 804 -815, 2021. doi:10.1249/ mss.0000000000002522.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nThis study compared the muscle and tendon morphology of an extraordinarily strong individual, a World ' sStrongestMananddeadlift champion (WSM), with that of various other athletic, trained, and untrained populations. The WSM completed the following: 1 )3.0-T MRI scans, to determine the volume of 22 individual lower limb muscles, 5 functional muscle groups, patellar tendon (PT) cross-sectional area (CSA), and PT moment arm; and 2 ) countermovement jumps (CMJ) and isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) contractions. The WSM was compared with previously assessed groups from our laboratory (muscle and tendon) and the wider research literature (CMJ and IMTP). The WSM ' s CMJ peak power (9,866 W) and gross (9,171 N) and net (7,480 N) IMTP peak forces were higher than any previously published values. The WSM ' s overall measured leg muscle volume was approximately twice that of untrained controls ( þ 96%) but with pronounced anatomical variability in the extent of muscular development. The plantar /uniFB02 exor group ( þ 120%) and the guy rope muscles (sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus: þ 140% to þ 202%), which stabilize the pelvis and femur, demonstrated the largest differences relative to that of untrained controls. The WSM ' s pronounced quadriceps size (greater than or equal to twofold vs. untrained) was accompanied by modest PT moment arm differences and, notably, was not matched by an equivalent difference in PT CSA ( þ 30%). These results provide novel insight into the musculotendinous characteristics of an extraordinarily strong individual, which may be toward the upper limit of human variation, such that the WSM ' s very pronounced lower limb muscularity also exhibited distinct anatomical variability and with muscle size largely uncoupled from tendon size.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Quadriceps Femoris and Hamstring Size\nTable 2. Muscle volume of all muscles, 5 functional muscle groups, and 22 individual muscles/compartments of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion and comparative elite sprinters, subelite sprinters, and untrained control participants\nAll muscles, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 14,922. All muscles, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 11,323 ± 1,328. All muscles, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 9,164 ± 1,207. All muscles, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 7,628 ± 1,548. Hip /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 1,704. Hip /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 1,620 ± 200. Hip /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 1,314 ± 216. Hip /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 1,031 ± 151. Hip extensors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 4,724. Hip extensors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 4,002±489. Hip extensors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 3,029±422. Hip extensors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 2,257 ± 220. Knee /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.WSM = 3,060. Knee /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Elite Sprinters ( n 5 5) = 2,304 ± 178. Knee /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Subelite Sprinters ( n 5 26) = 1,859 ± 301. Knee /uniFB02 exors, Muscle Volume, cm 3.Untrained ( n 5 11) = 1,460 ± 196. Knee extensors, Muscle Volume, cm", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Quadriceps Femoris and Hamstring Size\nOverall quadriceps femoris volume of the WSM (4,386 cm 3 ) was 127% greater than a large, pooled population of untrained controls (1,932 ± 336; n ¼ 102), 66% greater than subelite sprinters (2,636 ± 401 cm 3 ), 53% greater than long-term resistancetrained individuals (2,876 ± 311 cm 3 ), and 36% greater than elite\n794\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org\nDownloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nFigure 3. Percentage differences in muscle volumes of all muscles, 5 functional muscle groups, and 23 individual muscles/compartments between the World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (WSM; n ¼ 1) and untrained control participants ( n ¼ 11) from the work by Miller et al. (13). A positive value indicates greater muscle volume of WSM relative to the group mean of the untrained controls. The functional muscle groups and individual muscles are ordered according to the magnitude of the percentage differences for absolute muscle volume.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INTRODUCTION\npredictions of skeletal muscle mass nor dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry provides detailed information on the size of speci /uniFB01 c individual muscles. Given the known importance of muscle size as a determinant of muscular strength (9 -11), pronounced muscle size seems likely to be critical to extreme human strength; however, the speci /uniFB01 c muscle size of extremely strong individuals remains unknown. Similarly, a large moment arm (e.g., of the patella tendon at the knee joint) could contribute to the expression of high muscular strength (10, 12), and a large tendon may mitigate the mechanical stress it experiences with very high muscular loads, and therefore, these characteristics may also be expected in individuals selected for exceptional strength.\nIn this paper, we present the /uniFB01 ndings from a unique opportunity to examine the laboratory function, muscle size, and distribution of muscle mass, as well as patellar tendon size and moment arm, of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (WSM) in comparison with existing data on untrained individuals, power athletes (100-m-track sprinters), and long-term resistance-trained populations that we have assessed previously (10, 11, 13 -15).", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nNEW & NOTEWORTHY Lower-body muscle size of an extraordinarily strong individual, a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (WSM), was approximately twice that of controls but was underpinned by pronounced anatomical variability in the extent of muscular development ( þ 23 -202%): the plantar /uniFB02 exor group and guy rope muscles demonstrating the largest differences. The WSM ' s quadriceps size (more than or equal to twice that of controls) contrasted with modest differences in patella tendon moment arm ( þ 18%) and was uncoupled from patellar tendon size ( þ 30%).\nisometric force; magnetic resonance imaging; power; strength", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n7. Abe T , Buckner SL , Dankel SJ , Jessee MB , Mattocks KT , Mouser JG , Loenneke JP. Skeletal muscle mass in human athletes: what is the upper limit? Am J Hum Biol 30: e23102, 2018. doi:10.1002/ ajhb.23102.\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf", - "query": "What are the nutritionnal added components to the word's strongest man regime ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The WSM’s nutritional supplement consumption included protein, branched-chain amino acids, and electrolytes", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n1. Crowther NB. Weightlifting in antiquity: achievement and training. Greece Rome 24: 111 -120, 1977. doi:10.1017/s0017383500018416.\n2. Dixon E. How Wave.tv is making the World ' s Strongest Man think bigger with its digital plans (Online). SportsPro, 2020.https://www. sportspromedia.com/insights/analysis/worlds-strongest-man-wavetvthe-pump-snapchat-brian-verne-interview/ [Apr 6, 2024].\n3. Suchomel TJ , Nimphius S , Stone MH. The importance of muscular strength in athletic performance. Sports Med 46: 1419 -1449, 2016. doi:10.1007/s40279-016-0486-0.\n4. Opar DA , Williams MD , Timmins RG , Hickey J , Duhig SJ , Shield AJ. Eccentric hamstring strength and hamstring injury risk in Australian footballers. Med Sci Sports Exerc 47: 857 -865, 2015. doi:10.1249/ mss.0000000000000465.\n5. McLeod M , Breen L , Hamilton DL , Philp A. Live strong and prosper: the importance of skeletal muscle strength for healthy ageing. Biogerontology 17: 497 -510, 2016. doi:10.1007/s10522-015-9631-7.\n6. Kraemer WJ , Caldwell LK , Post EM , DuPont WH , Martini ER , Ratamess NA , Szivak TK , Shurley JP , Beeler MK , Volek JS , Maresh CM , Todd JS , Walrod BJ , Hyde PN , Fairman C , Best TM. Body composition in elite strongman competitors. JStrengthCondRes 34: 3326 -3330, 2020. doi:10.1519/jsc.0000000000003763.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INTRODUCTION\nFeats of strength have fascinated man since the early stages of human civilization, as shown by the archeological evidence of inscribed heavy stones at Olympia and Thera in Greece, dated to the 6th century BC, detailing the way they were lifted by Bybon and Eumastus, respectively (1). Over the centuries, many types of strength competitions have existed; some of which have been codi /uniFB01 ed and endured within modern sporting competitions (e.g., weightlifting, powerlifting, and shot put).Inaddition,professionalstrongmancompetitions,such as the annually contested ' World ' s Strongest Man ' event, generate extensive global interest (2). Moreover, scienti /uniFB01 c understanding of muscular strength is important because of its role in athletic performance (3), injury prevention (4), and\nhealthy aging (5). However, our knowledge of extreme human strength is limited.\nTo date, there is little scienti /uniFB01 c information on the characteristics of extremely strong humans in terms of laboratorybased tests of strength and power, particularly the size and distribution of their muscle mass, as well as tendon size and joint mechanics (moment arm). Kraemer et al. (6)examinedthe body composition of elite strongman competitors using dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry scanning and found that they had a body mass (153±19 kg) and lean mass (118±12 kg) approximately twice that of an average untrained healthy young man. Whole body skeletal muscle mass of athletes from strength- and power-based sports has also been estimated using ultrasound measurements at a limited number of anatomical locations (7, 8). However, neither ultrasound-derived\nCorrespondence: T. G. Balshaw (t.g.balshaw@lboro.ac.uk). Submitted 8 May 2024 / Revised 2 July 2024 / Accepted 16 July 2024\nwww.jappl.org\n8750-7587/24 Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0.\nPublished by the American Physiological Society. Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\n789\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DISCUSSION\nDownloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION\nA\nFigure 4. Quadriceps femoris (QF; A ), vastus medialis (VM; B ), vastus lateralis (VL; C ), vastus intermedius (VI; D ), and rectus femoris (RF; E ) muscle volume of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (WSM) compared with long-term resistance-trained ( n ¼ 16, from the work by Maden-Wilkinson et al. (10)], elite sprint runners [ n ¼ 5, from the work by Miller et al. (13)], subelite sprint runners [ n ¼ 26, from the work by Miller et al. (13)], and untrained control populations [ n ¼ 102, pooled population from the works by Miller et al. (13)( n ¼ 11), Balshaw et al. (11) ( n ¼ 52), and Balshaw et al. (14)(pretest data n ¼ 39)].", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DISCUSSION\nThis study is the /uniFB01 rst to document the lower-body muscle and tendon morphology of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (i.e., an exceptionally strong individual), and these are presented alongside functional whole body assessments, which exceeded the highest IMTP force (gross\nand net) and CMJ power values previously reported by 54%, 100%, and 164%, respectively. The WSM had overall lowerbodymuscularityapproximatelytwicethatofuntrainedcontrols ( þ 96%) and 32% greater than that of elite 100-m sprinters. However, there was substantial anatomical variability in the magnitude of the differences, ranging from the plantar /uniFB02 exors ( þ 120% vs. untrained) to the hip /uniFB02 exors ( þ 65% vs. untrained). Similarly, some speci /uniFB01 c muscles, such as the guy rope muscles that stabilize the femur and pelvis, were 2.5 -3.0 times the volume of untrained individuals (gracilis þ 140%, semitendinosus þ 157%, and sartorius þ 202%) but others displayed more marginal differences (BFsh þ 23%, iliopsoas þ 32% vs. untrained). Considering the knee extensors, the WSM had both quadriceps femoris volume greater than or equal to twofold that of untrained controls and a greater patella tendon moment arm than we have previously measured ( þ 18% vs. untrained), which would be expected to combine to facilitate extraordinary strength. Furthermore, despite the WSM ' sextremelylargequadricepsfemoris,theirpatellartendonCSAwasonly30%greaterthanthatofuntrainedcontrols and not outside the range of tendons we have previously assessed. The results of this study provide novel insights into the muscle and tendon characteristics, as well as the strength and power capabilities, of an extraordinarily strong individual that may be toward the upper limit of human variation in these characteristics.\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org\n795", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n7. Abe T , Buckner SL , Dankel SJ , Jessee MB , Mattocks KT , Mouser JG , Loenneke JP. Skeletal muscle mass in human athletes: what is the upper limit? Am J Hum Biol 30: e23102, 2018. doi:10.1002/ ajhb.23102.\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Training History\nThe WSM had been continuously involved in systematic, regular upper- and lower-body resistance training for 15 yr at the time of testing. In the 12 mo prior to testing, the participant ' s resistance training consisted of the following typical exercises: lower body: squats, deadlifts, leg press, and knee extension; and upper body: bench press, shoulder press, dumbbell/barbell rows, and lat pull-down. The proportion of the participant ' s training within the following repetition ranges over the last 12 mo was as follows: near maximum loads [1 -5 repetition maximum (RM)]: 10%; heavy loads (6 -14 RM): 80%; and moderate loads ( /C21 15 RM): 10%. The participant reported only occasional ( < 1 /C2 /week) use of advanced resistance training practices (i.e., complex training and accommodating resistance method) but frequently ( > 3 /C2 / week) executed training repetitions with the intention to move the load as fast as possible. The WSM ' snutritional\n790\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org\nDownloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nsupplement consumption included protein, branched-chain amino acids, and electrolytes.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n8. Abe T , Buckner SL , Mattocks KT , Jessee MB , Dankel SJ , Mouser JG , Bell ZW , Loenneke JP. Skeletal muscle mass and architecture of the world ' s strongest raw powerlifter: a case study. Asian J Sports Med 9: e61763, 2018. doi:10.5812/asjsm.61763.\n9. Powell PL , Roy RR , Kanim P , Bello MA , Edgerton VR. Predictability of skeletal muscle tension from architectural determinations in guinea pig hindlimbs. J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol 57: 1715 -1721, 1984. doi:10.1152/jappl.1984.57.6.1715.\n10. Maden-Wilkinson TM , Balshaw TG , Massey G , Folland JP. What makes long-term resistance-trained individuals so strong? A comparison of skeletal muscle morphology, architecture, and joint mechanics. J Appl Physiol (1985) 128: 1000 -1011, 2019. doi:10.1152/ japplphysiol.00224.2019.\n11. Balshaw TG , Maden-Wilkinson TM , Massey GJ , Folland JP. The human muscle size and strength relationship: effects of architecture, muscle force, and measurement location. Med Sci Sports Exerc 53: 2140 -2151, 2021. doi:10.1249/mss.0000000000002691.\n12. Baxter JR , Piazza SJ. Plantar /uniFB02 exor moment arm and muscle volume predict torque-generating capacity in young men. J Appl Physiol (1985) 116: 538 -544, 2014. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01140.2013.\n13. Miller R , Balshaw TG , Massey GJ , Maeo S , Lanza MB , Johnston M , Allen SJ , Folland JP. The muscle morphology of elite sprint running. Med Sci Sports Exerc 53: 804 -815, 2021. doi:10.1249/ mss.0000000000002522.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DISCUSSION\nConsidering individual muscles/compartments, the muscular development of the WSM was distinctly nonuniform. It is striking that the largest muscles relative to the untrained control population were the three ' guy ropes ' (sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus: þ 140 -202%). These three muscles provide stability to the pelvis and femur by having origins at diverse points around the pelvis while sharing a common insertion onto the anteromedial tibia [via pes anserinus, the conjoined tendons of these three muscles (39)]. Large guy rope muscles likely enhance stabilization of the femur and pelvis and would be expected to be critical during heavy weight-bearing tasks. In contrast, the WSM ' s /uniFB01 ve smallest muscles (relative to untrained controls) consisted of two hip /uniFB02 exors (iliopsoas and RF) and two monoarticular knee /uniFB02 exors; actions that appear far less important for lifting, carrying, and pulling tasks.\nThe WSM ' s quadriceps volume and patellar tendon moment arm were both greater than that of untrained controls and indeed any individual we have previously measured. However, the magnitude of difference, relative to the untrained controls, was noticeably larger for quadriceps femoris volume (greater than or equal to twice as large) than for\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nThis study compared the muscle and tendon morphology of an extraordinarily strong individual, a World ' sStrongestMananddeadlift champion (WSM), with that of various other athletic, trained, and untrained populations. The WSM completed the following: 1 )3.0-T MRI scans, to determine the volume of 22 individual lower limb muscles, 5 functional muscle groups, patellar tendon (PT) cross-sectional area (CSA), and PT moment arm; and 2 ) countermovement jumps (CMJ) and isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) contractions. The WSM was compared with previously assessed groups from our laboratory (muscle and tendon) and the wider research literature (CMJ and IMTP). The WSM ' s CMJ peak power (9,866 W) and gross (9,171 N) and net (7,480 N) IMTP peak forces were higher than any previously published values. The WSM ' s overall measured leg muscle volume was approximately twice that of untrained controls ( þ 96%) but with pronounced anatomical variability in the extent of muscular development. The plantar /uniFB02 exor group ( þ 120%) and the guy rope muscles (sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus: þ 140% to þ 202%), which stabilize the pelvis and femur, demonstrated the largest differences relative to that of untrained controls. The WSM ' s pronounced quadriceps size (greater than or equal to twofold vs. untrained) was accompanied by modest PT moment arm differences and, notably, was not matched by an equivalent difference in PT CSA ( þ 30%). These results provide novel insight into the musculotendinous characteristics of an extraordinarily strong individual, which may be toward the upper limit of human variation, such that the WSM ' s very pronounced lower limb muscularity also exhibited distinct anatomical variability and with muscle size largely uncoupled from tendon size.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conclusions\nIn conclusion, this novel investigation documented the muscle and tendon morphology and whole body strength and power characteristics of an exceptionally strong individual, relative to comparative athletic, trained, and untrained\n798\npopulations. Overall leg muscle volume of the WSM was approximately twice that of untrained controls but with pronounced anatomical variability in the extent of muscular development. The plantar /uniFB02 exor muscle group and the guy rope muscles (sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus: þ 140 to þ 202%), which stabilize the pelvis and femur, demonstrated the largest differences. The pronounced quadriceps femoris size of the WSM (greater than or equal to twice that of untrained) was accompanied by a more modest difference in patella tendon moment arm ( þ 18%) and was not matched by a proportional difference in tendon size ( þ 30%).", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf", - "query": "Why constraint made the scanning of the word's strongest man's upper body impossible using a MRI ?", - "target_page": 10, - "target_passage": "Despite using a wide-bore MRI scanner, due to the size of the WSM’s shoulders and arms, it was not possible to scan their upper body", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Limitations\nAlthough the current investigation provides a detailed assessment of an individual at/toward the upper limit of human strength performance, it is important to appreciate study limitations. First, the participant was not measured immediately before their World ' sStrongestManchampionship success or other landmark performances, and it is entirely possible the functional and structural characteristics we assessed mayhavebeenevenhigherdirectlypriortopeakperformances. Despite using a wide-bore MRI scanner, due to the size of the WSM ' s shoulders and arms, it was not possible to scan their upperbody.Thus,wewerenotabletoinvestigatethisaspectof the WSM ' s muscle morphology; although given that greater hypertrophy occurs in the upper body compared with the lower body (42), it is possible that the WSM ' s upper-body muscle size relative to untrained controls may have been even more pronounced than what we have documented for the lower body. In the current study to provide the most representative data on untrained control participants, the largest available untrained control populations were used for each category of measurements. Thus, different untrained control populations were used [e.g., comparison of quadricep and hamstring size ( n ¼ 102) vs. comparison of all the leg muscles ( n ¼ 11)], which led to some subtle discrepancies in the contrasts between these groups and the WSM [e.g., quadriceps femoris/knee extensors, þ 127% and þ 99% relative to our large pooled ( n ¼ 102) and smaller ( n ¼ 11) untrained control samples, respectively]. Importantly, however, this discrepancy does not appear to meaningfully affect the interpretation of the /uniFB01 ndings. There were subtle differences in the precise scanning and analysis approaches used with the reference populations featured in this study, including 1 )magnetic /uniFB01 eld strength [1.5 T (10, 11, 15) vs. 3.0 T, WSM and (13, 14)]; 2 ) the interslice distance used to quantify quadriceps femoris and hamstrings muscle volume [1.5 cm (10, 11, 14)vs.2.0cm,WSMand(13)]; 3 )thecalculation of muscle volume [area under the cubic spline", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DISCUSSION\nThis study is the /uniFB01 rst to document the lower-body muscle and tendon morphology of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (i.e., an exceptionally strong individual), and these are presented alongside functional whole body assessments, which exceeded the highest IMTP force (gross\nand net) and CMJ power values previously reported by 54%, 100%, and 164%, respectively. The WSM had overall lowerbodymuscularityapproximatelytwicethatofuntrainedcontrols ( þ 96%) and 32% greater than that of elite 100-m sprinters. However, there was substantial anatomical variability in the magnitude of the differences, ranging from the plantar /uniFB02 exors ( þ 120% vs. untrained) to the hip /uniFB02 exors ( þ 65% vs. untrained). Similarly, some speci /uniFB01 c muscles, such as the guy rope muscles that stabilize the femur and pelvis, were 2.5 -3.0 times the volume of untrained individuals (gracilis þ 140%, semitendinosus þ 157%, and sartorius þ 202%) but others displayed more marginal differences (BFsh þ 23%, iliopsoas þ 32% vs. untrained). Considering the knee extensors, the WSM had both quadriceps femoris volume greater than or equal to twofold that of untrained controls and a greater patella tendon moment arm than we have previously measured ( þ 18% vs. untrained), which would be expected to combine to facilitate extraordinary strength. Furthermore, despite the WSM ' sextremelylargequadricepsfemoris,theirpatellartendonCSAwasonly30%greaterthanthatofuntrainedcontrols and not outside the range of tendons we have previously assessed. The results of this study provide novel insights into the muscle and tendon characteristics, as well as the strength and power capabilities, of an extraordinarily strong individual that may be toward the upper limit of human variation in these characteristics.\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org\n795", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nNEW & NOTEWORTHY Lower-body muscle size of an extraordinarily strong individual, a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion (WSM), was approximately twice that of controls but was underpinned by pronounced anatomical variability in the extent of muscular development ( þ 23 -202%): the plantar /uniFB02 exor group and guy rope muscles demonstrating the largest differences. The WSM ' s quadriceps size (more than or equal to twice that of controls) contrasted with modest differences in patella tendon moment arm ( þ 18%) and was uncoupled from patellar tendon size ( þ 30%).\nisometric force; magnetic resonance imaging; power; strength", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n1. Crowther NB. Weightlifting in antiquity: achievement and training. Greece Rome 24: 111 -120, 1977. doi:10.1017/s0017383500018416.\n2. Dixon E. How Wave.tv is making the World ' s Strongest Man think bigger with its digital plans (Online). SportsPro, 2020.https://www. sportspromedia.com/insights/analysis/worlds-strongest-man-wavetvthe-pump-snapchat-brian-verne-interview/ [Apr 6, 2024].\n3. Suchomel TJ , Nimphius S , Stone MH. The importance of muscular strength in athletic performance. Sports Med 46: 1419 -1449, 2016. doi:10.1007/s40279-016-0486-0.\n4. Opar DA , Williams MD , Timmins RG , Hickey J , Duhig SJ , Shield AJ. Eccentric hamstring strength and hamstring injury risk in Australian footballers. Med Sci Sports Exerc 47: 857 -865, 2015. doi:10.1249/ mss.0000000000000465.\n5. McLeod M , Breen L , Hamilton DL , Philp A. Live strong and prosper: the importance of skeletal muscle strength for healthy ageing. Biogerontology 17: 497 -510, 2016. doi:10.1007/s10522-015-9631-7.\n6. Kraemer WJ , Caldwell LK , Post EM , DuPont WH , Martini ER , Ratamess NA , Szivak TK , Shurley JP , Beeler MK , Volek JS , Maresh CM , Todd JS , Walrod BJ , Hyde PN , Fairman C , Best TM. Body composition in elite strongman competitors. JStrengthCondRes 34: 3326 -3330, 2020. doi:10.1519/jsc.0000000000003763.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nThis study compared the muscle and tendon morphology of an extraordinarily strong individual, a World ' sStrongestMananddeadlift champion (WSM), with that of various other athletic, trained, and untrained populations. The WSM completed the following: 1 )3.0-T MRI scans, to determine the volume of 22 individual lower limb muscles, 5 functional muscle groups, patellar tendon (PT) cross-sectional area (CSA), and PT moment arm; and 2 ) countermovement jumps (CMJ) and isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) contractions. The WSM was compared with previously assessed groups from our laboratory (muscle and tendon) and the wider research literature (CMJ and IMTP). The WSM ' s CMJ peak power (9,866 W) and gross (9,171 N) and net (7,480 N) IMTP peak forces were higher than any previously published values. The WSM ' s overall measured leg muscle volume was approximately twice that of untrained controls ( þ 96%) but with pronounced anatomical variability in the extent of muscular development. The plantar /uniFB02 exor group ( þ 120%) and the guy rope muscles (sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus: þ 140% to þ 202%), which stabilize the pelvis and femur, demonstrated the largest differences relative to that of untrained controls. The WSM ' s pronounced quadriceps size (greater than or equal to twofold vs. untrained) was accompanied by modest PT moment arm differences and, notably, was not matched by an equivalent difference in PT CSA ( þ 30%). These results provide novel insight into the musculotendinous characteristics of an extraordinarily strong individual, which may be toward the upper limit of human variation, such that the WSM ' s very pronounced lower limb muscularity also exhibited distinct anatomical variability and with muscle size largely uncoupled from tendon size.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INTRODUCTION\nFeats of strength have fascinated man since the early stages of human civilization, as shown by the archeological evidence of inscribed heavy stones at Olympia and Thera in Greece, dated to the 6th century BC, detailing the way they were lifted by Bybon and Eumastus, respectively (1). Over the centuries, many types of strength competitions have existed; some of which have been codi /uniFB01 ed and endured within modern sporting competitions (e.g., weightlifting, powerlifting, and shot put).Inaddition,professionalstrongmancompetitions,such as the annually contested ' World ' s Strongest Man ' event, generate extensive global interest (2). Moreover, scienti /uniFB01 c understanding of muscular strength is important because of its role in athletic performance (3), injury prevention (4), and\nhealthy aging (5). However, our knowledge of extreme human strength is limited.\nTo date, there is little scienti /uniFB01 c information on the characteristics of extremely strong humans in terms of laboratorybased tests of strength and power, particularly the size and distribution of their muscle mass, as well as tendon size and joint mechanics (moment arm). Kraemer et al. (6)examinedthe body composition of elite strongman competitors using dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry scanning and found that they had a body mass (153±19 kg) and lean mass (118±12 kg) approximately twice that of an average untrained healthy young man. Whole body skeletal muscle mass of athletes from strength- and power-based sports has also been estimated using ultrasound measurements at a limited number of anatomical locations (7, 8). However, neither ultrasound-derived\nCorrespondence: T. G. Balshaw (t.g.balshaw@lboro.ac.uk). Submitted 8 May 2024 / Revised 2 July 2024 / Accepted 16 July 2024\nwww.jappl.org\n8750-7587/24 Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0.\nPublished by the American Physiological Society. Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\n789\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n8. Abe T , Buckner SL , Mattocks KT , Jessee MB , Dankel SJ , Mouser JG , Bell ZW , Loenneke JP. Skeletal muscle mass and architecture of the world ' s strongest raw powerlifter: a case study. Asian J Sports Med 9: e61763, 2018. doi:10.5812/asjsm.61763.\n9. Powell PL , Roy RR , Kanim P , Bello MA , Edgerton VR. Predictability of skeletal muscle tension from architectural determinations in guinea pig hindlimbs. J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol 57: 1715 -1721, 1984. doi:10.1152/jappl.1984.57.6.1715.\n10. Maden-Wilkinson TM , Balshaw TG , Massey G , Folland JP. What makes long-term resistance-trained individuals so strong? A comparison of skeletal muscle morphology, architecture, and joint mechanics. J Appl Physiol (1985) 128: 1000 -1011, 2019. doi:10.1152/ japplphysiol.00224.2019.\n11. Balshaw TG , Maden-Wilkinson TM , Massey GJ , Folland JP. The human muscle size and strength relationship: effects of architecture, muscle force, and measurement location. Med Sci Sports Exerc 53: 2140 -2151, 2021. doi:10.1249/mss.0000000000002691.\n12. Baxter JR , Piazza SJ. Plantar /uniFB02 exor moment arm and muscle volume predict torque-generating capacity in young men. J Appl Physiol (1985) 116: 538 -544, 2014. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01140.2013.\n13. Miller R , Balshaw TG , Massey GJ , Maeo S , Lanza MB , Johnston M , Allen SJ , Folland JP. The muscle morphology of elite sprint running. Med Sci Sports Exerc 53: 804 -815, 2021. doi:10.1249/ mss.0000000000002522.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MRI Measurement of Muscle Tendon Unit Morphology and Moment Arm\nTable 1. Descriptive characteristics of a World ' s Strongest Man and deadlift champion and populations featured within this study for the purposes of providing comparative muscle and tendon morphology data\nyr = 22±2. Long-term resistance-trained, Height, m = 1.83 ± 0.06. Long-term resistance-trained, Body Mass, kg = 90±10. Long-term resistance-trained, Source of Comparative Data = Massey et al. (15). Untrained controls, n = 39. Untrained controls, Age, yr = 25±2. Untrained controls, Height, m = 1.76 ± 0.06. Untrained controls, Body Mass, kg = 72±9. Untrained controls, Source of Comparative Data = ", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REFERENCES\n7. Abe T , Buckner SL , Dankel SJ , Jessee MB , Mattocks KT , Mouser JG , Loenneke JP. Skeletal muscle mass in human athletes: what is the upper limit? Am J Hum Biol 30: e23102, 2018. doi:10.1002/ ajhb.23102.\nJ Appl Physiol /C15 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024 /C15 www.jappl.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/jappl (2A01:CB14:14BE:A500:0140:57A7:E3E3:A412) on January 21, 2025.\nWORLD STRONGMAN AND DEADLIFT CHAMPION", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MRI Measurement of Muscle Tendon Unit Morphology and Moment Arm\nThe participant reported for their MRI scan [3.0-T Discovery MR750W (70-cm-wide bore), GE Medical] having not completed any strenuous physical activity in /C21 24 h and had received prior instruction to arrive in a relaxed state having eaten and drunk normally. The participant sat quietly for 15 min prior to their scan. The participant lay supine for the MRI scan of the lower-body musculature from T12 to the lateral malleolus. A body coil (GE Medical) allowed axial T1weighted images (time of repetition/time to echo 600/8.144 ms, image matrix 512 /C2 512, /uniFB01 eld of view 500 /C2 500 mm, pixel size 0.9766 /C2 0.9766 mm, slice thickness 5 mm, and interslice gap 5 mm) to be acquired in /uniFB01 ve overlapping blocks. Images of both sides of the body were acquired within a single scan for blocks 1 (T12 to pelvis), 4 (knee joint space to midshank), and 5 (midshank to lateral malleolus). However, due to the size of the participant ' s thighs, it was necessary to scan each thigh individually for blocks 2 (pelvis to midthigh) and 3 (midthigh to knee joint space); this involved the radiographer repositioning the /uniFB01 eld of view between scanning the /uniFB01 rst and the second thigh but not physically moving the coil or the participant. Oil/uniFB01 lled capsules were secured to the surface of the participant ' sskin with Transpore tape at intervals along the length of the lower body prior to the scan and in an of /uniFB02 ine analysis used to verify the alignment of the blocks (Horos software, Version 3.36, https://horosproject.org/).", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf", - "query": "What is typical age at which multiple sclerosis is diagnosed ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that is typically diagnosed at 30– 40 years of ag", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\n1. Walton C, King R, Rechtman L, Kaye W, Leray E, Marrie RA, et al. Rising prevalence of multiple sclerosis worldwide: insights from the Atlas of MS, third edition. Mult Scler . (2020) 26(14):1816 -21. doi: 10.1177/1352458520970841\n2. Casey B, Coote S, Galvin R, Donnelly A. Objective physical activity levels in people with multiple sclerosis: meta-analysis. Scand J Med Sci Sports . (2018) 28 (9):1960 -9. doi: 10.1111/sms.13214\n3. Kinnett-Hopkins D, Adamson B, Rougeau K, Motl RW. People with MS are less physically active than healthy controls but as active as those with other chronic diseases: an updated meta-analysis. Mult Scler Relat Disord . (2017) 13:38 -43. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2017.01.016\n4. Hoang PD, Lord S, Gandevia S, Menant J. Exercise and sports science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise for people with mild to moderate multiple sclerosis. J Sci Med Sport . (2022) 25(2):146 -54. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2021.08.015\n5. Dalgas U, Langeskov-Christensen M, Stenager E, Riemenschneider M, Hvid LG. Exercise as medicine in multiple sclerosis -time for a paradigm shift: preventive, symptomatic, and disease-modifying aspects and perspectives. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep . (2019) 19(11):1 -12. doi: 10.1007/s11910-019-1002-3", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n6. Riemenschneider M, Hvid LG, Ringgaard S, Nygaard MKE, Eskildsen SF, Gaemelke T, et al. Investigating the potential disease-modifying and neuroprotective ef /uniFB01 cacy of exercise therapy early in the disease course of multiple sclerosis: the early multiple sclerosis exercise study (EMSES). Mult Scler . (2022) 28(10):1620 -9. doi: 10. 1177/13524585221079200\n7. Kalb R, Brown TR, Coote S, Costello K, Dalgas U, Garmon E, et al. Exercise and lifestyle physical activity recommendations for people with multiple sclerosis throughout the disease course. Mult Scler . (2020) 26(12):1459 -69. doi: 10.1177/ 1352458520915629\n8. Moreno-Navarro P, Manca A, Martinez G, Ventura L, Barbado D, Vera-García FJ, et al. Test-retest reliability and known-groups validity of trunk muscle tests in people with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional, case-control study. Phys Ther . (2021) 101 (5):1 -9. doi: 10.1093/ptj/ptzab049\n9. Raats J, Arntzen EC, Lamers I, Feys P, Normann B. What is the distribution of trunk impairments and its relationship with disability level in individuals with multiple sclerosis? Mul Scler Relat Disord . (2021) 57:103325. doi: 10.1016/j.msard. 2021.103325\n10. Normann B, Arntzen EC. What are the relationships between trunk control, balance and walking in individuals with multiple sclerosis with minor to moderate disability? Eur J Physiother . (2021) 23(6):377 -83. doi: 10.1080/21679169.2020.1772870\nFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences\n10\nfrontiersin.org", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.6 Data collection\nTABLE 3 Participant demographic information.\nTABLE 4 Interview guide.\nVariable, 1 = Total ( n =15). Age in years, 1 = Mean 47.6 (SD 6.04). Gender (women/men), 1 = 12 woman/3 men (80%/20%). Type of MS, 1 = Relapsing remitting 15 (100%). EDSS, 1 = Mean 1.8 (SD 0.9). Years since diagnosis, 1 = Mean 10.4 (SD 7.8). Participation in the outdoor group, 1 = Mean 4.6 sessions/total mean attendance 57.3%", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n41. Baird JF, Motl RW. Response heterogeneity with exercise training and physical activity interventions among persons with multiple sclerosis. Neurorehabil Neural Repair . (2019) 33(1):3 -14. doi: 10.1177/1545968318818904\n42. Sandroff BM, Baird JF, Silveira SL, Motl RW. Response heterogeneity in /uniFB01 tness, mobility and cognition with exercise-training in MS. Acta Neurol Scand . (2019) 139 (2):183 -91. doi: 10.1111/ane.13041\n43. Lahelle AF, Øberg GK, Normann B. Group dynamics in a group-based, individualized physiotherapy intervention for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study. Physiother Res Int . (2019) 25(3):e1829. doi: 10.1002/pri.1829\n44. Normann B. Facilitation of movement: new perspectives provide expanded insights to guide clinical practice. Physiother Theory Pract . (2020) 36(7):769 -78. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1493165\n45. Øberg GK, Normann B, Gallagher S. Embodied-enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy. Physiother Theory Pract . (2015) 31(4):244 -52. doi: 10.3109/ 09593985.2014.1002873\n46. Anens E, Zetterberg L, Urell C, Emtner M, Hellström K. Self-reported physical activity correlates in Swedish adults with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study. BMC Neurol . (2017) 17(1):204. doi: 10.1186/s12883-0170981-4\n47. Herring TE, Knowles LM, Alschuler KN. Outdoor adventure programs for persons with multiple sclerosis: a review and agenda for future research. Int J MS Care . (2021) 23(4):186 -92. doi: 10.7224/1537-2073.2020-066", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1 Introduction\nMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive in /uniFB02 ammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that is typically diagnosed at 30 -40 years of age (1). A great concern is the signi /uniFB01 cantly lower levels of physical activity (PA) in people with MS (pwMS) across disability levels than in their healthy counterparts (2, 3).\nEarly promotion of PA and exercise is recommended due to numerous established bene /uniFB01 ts in health, symptom management and well-being for pwMS (4). In particular, high-intensity training is endorsed, as it has possible neuroprotective effects in the disease course (5, 6). In addition, exercises addressing sensorimotor impairments (e.g., reduced muscle strength, reduced neuromuscular control) are recommended, as they target individuals ' capability to remain physically active (7). Sensorimotor impairments can in /uniFB02 uence trunk control, which is commonly disturbed in pwMS, even when disability is low (8, 9), and correlate with impaired balance, walking capacity and distance (10, 11). PwMS ' s knowledge of exercise bene /uniFB01 ts, attitudes and motivations, as well as contextual aspects such as lack of optimal exercise interventions, accessibility and support, affect the level of PA and exercise participation (12).\nCoreDISTparticipation (Table 1) is a new comprehensive intervention addressing sensorimotor function, trunk control, high-intensity running/walking and work participation in pwMS with low disability (13). It is based on the GroupCoreDIST 1 intervention, which has been shown to have signi /uniFB01 cant shortand long-term effects on trunk control, balance and walking among pwMS (14, 15). However, no effects of the intervention on objectively measured PA have been identi /uniFB01 ed, even though the participants reported perceptions of new possibilities to be", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n11. Unluer NO, Ozkan T, Yasa ME, Ates Y, Anlar O. Investigation of the relationship between trunk motor control and balance, functional mobility, and gait capacity in patients with multiple sclerosis/multipl sklerozlu hastalarda govde motor kontrolu ile denge, fonksiyonel mobilite ve yuruyus kapasitesi arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesi. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi . (2021) 27(3):283. doi: 10.4274/tdn.2021.41017\n12. Learmonth YC, Motl RW. Physical activity and exercise training in multiple sclerosis: a review and content analysis of qualitative research identifying perceived determinants and consequences. Disabil Rehabil . (2016) 38(13):1227 -42. doi: 10. 3109/09638288.2015.1077397\n13. Fikke HK, Normann B, Sivertsen M, Dahl SSH, Arntzen EC. Optimizing sensorimotor function, physical activity and employment for people with MS -a feasibility study. Fysioterapeuten . (2023) 90(1):32 -42. doi: 10.52705/ c14a8ca05f7546dabc18bd0275cf2edd\n14. Arntzen EC, Straume B, Odeh F, Feys P, Normann B. Group-based, individualized, comprehensive core stability and balance intervention provides immediate and long-term improvements in walking in individuals with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Physiother Res Int . (2019) 25(1):e1798. doi: 10.1002/pri.1798\n15. Arntzen EC, Straume BK, Odeh F, Feys P, Zanaboni P, Normann B. Groupbased individualized comprehensive core stability intervention improves balance in persons with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther . (2019) 99 (8):1027 -38. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz017", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.5 Recruitment and participants\nPrior to recruitment, the study was introduced to individuals with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) through a seminar hosted by the Nordland MS Association. Additionally, seminars were conducted for health professionals in community healthcare and at the regional hospital. Written information about this study (and the RCT) was sent from the MS clinic at the regional hospital by post to all eligible individuals af /uniFB01 liated with the hospital. Individuals who wished to participate signed the attached consent form and returned it in the pre-stamped envelope. The inclusion criteria were as follows: had been diagnosed with MS, had a score on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (29)of ≤ 3.5, was ≥ 18 years, was employed (10% -100% of full-time) and residential address in the two prede /uniFB01 ned municipalities. The exclusion criteria were as follows: pregnancy, exacerbation of symptoms within two weeks prior to enrollment and other serious conditions compromising balance, walking or work capacity. All participants in the intervention group of the RCT ( n = 15) were included (Table 3).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n16. Arntzen EC, Øberg GK, Gallagher S, Normann B. Group-based, individualized exercises can provide perceived bodily changes and strengthen aspects of self in individuals with MS: a qualitative interview study. Physiother Theory Pract . (2019) 37(10):1080 -95. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1683923\n17. Florio-Smith J, Ayer M, Colhoun S, Daykin N, Hamill B, Liu X, et al. The importance of the patient ' s perspective in decision-making in multiple sclerosis: results of the OwnMS patient perspectives study. Mult Scler Relat Disord . (2023) 75:104757. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2023.104757\n18. Kleim JA, Jones TA. Principles of experience-dependent neural plasticity: implications for rehabilitation after brain damage. J Speech Lang Hear Res . (2008) 51(1):225 -39. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2008/018)\n19. Thompson E. Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and The Sciences of Mind . Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press (2007).\n20. Merleau-Ponty M. Phenomenology of Perception . London: Routledge Classics (2008).\nDahl et al.\n10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n33. Shumway-Cook A, Woollacott MH, Rachwani J, Santamaria V. Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice . 6th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health (2023).\nFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences\n11\nfrontiersin.org\n34. Gallagher S, Bower M. Making enactivism even more embodied. AVANT: J Philos Interdiscip Vanguard . (2014) 5(2):232 -47. doi: 10.26913/50202014.0109.0011\n35. Di Paolo E, Cuffari E, Jaegher H. 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Exercise training for multiple sclerosis: a narrative review of history, bene /uniFB01 ts, safety, guidelines, and promotion. Int J Environ Res Public Health . (2021) 18(24):13245. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182413245", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Parshall MB, Schwarthzstein RM, Adams L, et al. An Of /uniFB01 cial American Thoracic Society Statement: update on the mechanisms, assessment, and management of dyspnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med . 2012;185:435-452.\n2. Ho SF, O ' Mahony MS, Steward JA, et al. Dyspnoea and quality of life in older people at home. Age Ageing . 2001;30: 155-159.\n3. Laviolette L, Laveneziana P. Dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. Eur Respir J . 2014;43: 1750-1762.\n4. Müller A, Mraz T, Wouters EFM, et al. Prevalence of dyspnea in general adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Respir Med . 2023;218: 107379.\n5. Nishino T. Dyspnoea: underlying mechanisms and treatment. Br J Anaesth . 2011;106:463-474.\n6. NederJ,BertonD,MüllerP,etal. Ventilatory inef /uniFB01 ciency and exertional dyspnea in early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc . 2017;14(suppl_1): S22-S29.\n7. Gruenberger JB, Vietri J, Keininger DL, Mahler DA. Greater dyspnea is associated with lower health- related quality of life among European patients with COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis . 2017;12: 937-944.\n8. Preteroti M, Whitmore GA, Vandemheen KL, et al. Population-based case/uniFB01 nding to identify subjects with undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Eur Respir J . 2020;55:2000024.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf", - "query": "What was the average year of the group that participated to the study concerning the impact of outdoor pysiotherapy on patient with multiple sclerosis", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Age in years Mean 47.6", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2.3 Study context\nThis interview study was nested within a randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing the CoreDISTparticipation intervention to usual care (26) and conducted at a regional hospital MS-outpatient clinic (Nordland Hospital Trust) and in two af /uniFB01 liated municipalities in the northern Norway. The current study investigates participants in the intervention group ' s experiences of the four-week outdoor group, which was part of this new intervention (Table 2). The outdoor sessions were conducted by three trained physiotherapists working in the\nDahl et al.\n10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094\ncommunity healthcare in the two municipalities. The project team included three individuals representing users from the Nordland MS Association, along with an MS nurse and a neurologist from the MS-outpatient clinic, and three physiotherapists/ researchers.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n41. Baird JF, Motl RW. Response heterogeneity with exercise training and physical activity interventions among persons with multiple sclerosis. Neurorehabil Neural Repair . (2019) 33(1):3 -14. doi: 10.1177/1545968318818904\n42. Sandroff BM, Baird JF, Silveira SL, Motl RW. Response heterogeneity in /uniFB01 tness, mobility and cognition with exercise-training in MS. Acta Neurol Scand . (2019) 139 (2):183 -91. doi: 10.1111/ane.13041\n43. Lahelle AF, Øberg GK, Normann B. Group dynamics in a group-based, individualized physiotherapy intervention for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study. Physiother Res Int . (2019) 25(3):e1829. doi: 10.1002/pri.1829\n44. Normann B. Facilitation of movement: new perspectives provide expanded insights to guide clinical practice. Physiother Theory Pract . (2020) 36(7):769 -78. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1493165\n45. Øberg GK, Normann B, Gallagher S. Embodied-enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy. Physiother Theory Pract . (2015) 31(4):244 -52. doi: 10.3109/ 09593985.2014.1002873\n46. Anens E, Zetterberg L, Urell C, Emtner M, Hellström K. Self-reported physical activity correlates in Swedish adults with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study. BMC Neurol . (2017) 17(1):204. doi: 10.1186/s12883-0170981-4\n47. Herring TE, Knowles LM, Alschuler KN. Outdoor adventure programs for persons with multiple sclerosis: a review and agenda for future research. Int J MS Care . (2021) 23(4):186 -92. doi: 10.7224/1537-2073.2020-066", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EDITED BY\nJacqui H Morris,\nUniversity of Dundee, United Kingdom\nREVIEWED BY\nNicola Saywell,\nAuckland University of Technology,\nNew Zealand\nVerna Stavric,\nAuckland University of Technology,\nNew Zealand\n* CORRESPONDENCE\nStine Susanne Haakonsen Dahl stine.s.dahl@nord.no\nRECEIVED 27 September 2023\nACCEPTED\n06 March 2024\nPUBLISHED 18 March 2024\nCITATION\nDahl SSH, Arntzen EC and Normann B (2024) The meaningfulness of exploring one ' s own limits through interactions and enjoyment in outdoor high-intensity physiotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study.\nFront. Rehabil. Sci. 5:1303094. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094\nCOPYRIGHT\n©2024 Dahl, Arntzen and Normann. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.\nFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences\n01\nfrontiersin.org\nTYPE Original Research PUBLISHED 18 March 2024 DOI 10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094\n|\nThe meaningfulness of exploring one ' s own limits through interactions and enjoyment in outdoor high-intensity physiotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study\nStine Susanne Haakonsen Dahl 1 * , Ellen Christin Arntzen 1 and Britt Normann 1,2\n1 Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Nord University, Bodø, Norway, 2 Department of Physiotherapy, Nordland Hospital Trust, Bodø, Norway\nBackground and purpose: Physical activity (PA) is often reduced in people with MS (pwMS), even when disability is low. Understanding the perspectives of pwMS on interventions aiming to improve PA is important to inform the development of such services. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of pwMS participating in an outdoor, high-intensity and balance exercise group intervention.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n16. Arntzen EC, Øberg GK, Gallagher S, Normann B. Group-based, individualized exercises can provide perceived bodily changes and strengthen aspects of self in individuals with MS: a qualitative interview study. Physiother Theory Pract . (2019) 37(10):1080 -95. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1683923\n17. Florio-Smith J, Ayer M, Colhoun S, Daykin N, Hamill B, Liu X, et al. The importance of the patient ' s perspective in decision-making in multiple sclerosis: results of the OwnMS patient perspectives study. Mult Scler Relat Disord . (2023) 75:104757. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2023.104757\n18. Kleim JA, Jones TA. Principles of experience-dependent neural plasticity: implications for rehabilitation after brain damage. J Speech Lang Hear Res . (2008) 51(1):225 -39. doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2008/018)\n19. Thompson E. Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and The Sciences of Mind . Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press (2007).\n20. Merleau-Ponty M. Phenomenology of Perception . London: Routledge Classics (2008).\nDahl et al.\n10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Walton C, King R, Rechtman L, Kaye W, Leray E, Marrie RA, et al. Rising prevalence of multiple sclerosis worldwide: insights from the Atlas of MS, third edition. Mult Scler . (2020) 26(14):1816 -21. doi: 10.1177/1352458520970841\n2. Casey B, Coote S, Galvin R, Donnelly A. Objective physical activity levels in people with multiple sclerosis: meta-analysis. Scand J Med Sci Sports . (2018) 28 (9):1960 -9. doi: 10.1111/sms.13214\n3. Kinnett-Hopkins D, Adamson B, Rougeau K, Motl RW. People with MS are less physically active than healthy controls but as active as those with other chronic diseases: an updated meta-analysis. Mult Scler Relat Disord . (2017) 13:38 -43. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2017.01.016\n4. Hoang PD, Lord S, Gandevia S, Menant J. Exercise and sports science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise for people with mild to moderate multiple sclerosis. J Sci Med Sport . (2022) 25(2):146 -54. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2021.08.015\n5. Dalgas U, Langeskov-Christensen M, Stenager E, Riemenschneider M, Hvid LG. Exercise as medicine in multiple sclerosis -time for a paradigm shift: preventive, symptomatic, and disease-modifying aspects and perspectives. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep . (2019) 19(11):1 -12. doi: 10.1007/s11910-019-1002-3", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.5 Recruitment and participants\nPrior to recruitment, the study was introduced to individuals with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) through a seminar hosted by the Nordland MS Association. Additionally, seminars were conducted for health professionals in community healthcare and at the regional hospital. Written information about this study (and the RCT) was sent from the MS clinic at the regional hospital by post to all eligible individuals af /uniFB01 liated with the hospital. Individuals who wished to participate signed the attached consent form and returned it in the pre-stamped envelope. The inclusion criteria were as follows: had been diagnosed with MS, had a score on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (29)of ≤ 3.5, was ≥ 18 years, was employed (10% -100% of full-time) and residential address in the two prede /uniFB01 ned municipalities. The exclusion criteria were as follows: pregnancy, exacerbation of symptoms within two weeks prior to enrollment and other serious conditions compromising balance, walking or work capacity. All participants in the intervention group of the RCT ( n = 15) were included (Table 3).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.2 Interactions and environment shape meaning making\nParticipants perceived the group setting to increase motivation, support, and commitment, which has been found in previously published work (16, 31).\nThe physiotherapist-participant interaction is acknowledged in exercise interventions for pwMS, pointing to professionals ' role in informing participants of exercise bene /uniFB01 ts in the management of MS, including the prescribing mode, frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise (40). Tailored interventions are supported\nDahl et al.\n10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094\ngiven the heterogenic pathology and symptoms of MS (41, 42). However, our /uniFB01 ndings illuminate qualitative aspects of how to achieve tailored and meaningful intersubjective interactions in an exercise intervention.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n6. Riemenschneider M, Hvid LG, Ringgaard S, Nygaard MKE, Eskildsen SF, Gaemelke T, et al. Investigating the potential disease-modifying and neuroprotective ef /uniFB01 cacy of exercise therapy early in the disease course of multiple sclerosis: the early multiple sclerosis exercise study (EMSES). Mult Scler . (2022) 28(10):1620 -9. doi: 10. 1177/13524585221079200\n7. Kalb R, Brown TR, Coote S, Costello K, Dalgas U, Garmon E, et al. Exercise and lifestyle physical activity recommendations for people with multiple sclerosis throughout the disease course. Mult Scler . (2020) 26(12):1459 -69. doi: 10.1177/ 1352458520915629\n8. Moreno-Navarro P, Manca A, Martinez G, Ventura L, Barbado D, Vera-García FJ, et al. Test-retest reliability and known-groups validity of trunk muscle tests in people with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional, case-control study. Phys Ther . (2021) 101 (5):1 -9. doi: 10.1093/ptj/ptzab049\n9. Raats J, Arntzen EC, Lamers I, Feys P, Normann B. What is the distribution of trunk impairments and its relationship with disability level in individuals with multiple sclerosis? Mul Scler Relat Disord . (2021) 57:103325. doi: 10.1016/j.msard. 2021.103325\n10. Normann B, Arntzen EC. What are the relationships between trunk control, balance and walking in individuals with multiple sclerosis with minor to moderate disability? Eur J Physiother . (2021) 23(6):377 -83. doi: 10.1080/21679169.2020.1772870\nFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences\n10\nfrontiersin.org", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3 An engaging environment\nMost participants reported that their performances were positively in /uniFB02 uenced and motivated by the group setting, for example, through cooperating in exercises with balls, seeing other individuals in the group who were ' doing well ' , cheering each other and competing when running and walking next to each other. However, one participant emphasized that observing people with visible disabilities from MS was distressing, as it revealed negative thoughts about one ' s own future. It was emphasized that mastering challenges in the group sessions added more meaning than doing the same alone:\nI think this particular exercise is hard work, and then it becomes very tiring to do it on my own. However, when I did it in the group and we could laugh a bit in between and so on, it was easier because of the social element. (ID12, EDSS: 1.5)\nBeing active outdoors was preferred by many participants because of the fresh air and the natural and varied environment:\nIt was an added positive experience to use our city park and notice all the other people who were there … it is something about challenging our comfort-zone . (ID4, EDSS: 0)\nThe natural environment was also described as taking focus away from MS symptoms. Cold, rainy or snowy weather conditions required planning of adequate clothing; in addition, these conditions led some participants to use cautious behavior when the ground was slippery and led a few to omit sessions. However, mastering outdoor exercise was highlighted in positive terms, such as discovering new ways to become active.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n11. Unluer NO, Ozkan T, Yasa ME, Ates Y, Anlar O. Investigation of the relationship between trunk motor control and balance, functional mobility, and gait capacity in patients with multiple sclerosis/multipl sklerozlu hastalarda govde motor kontrolu ile denge, fonksiyonel mobilite ve yuruyus kapasitesi arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesi. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi . (2021) 27(3):283. doi: 10.4274/tdn.2021.41017\n12. Learmonth YC, Motl RW. Physical activity and exercise training in multiple sclerosis: a review and content analysis of qualitative research identifying perceived determinants and consequences. Disabil Rehabil . (2016) 38(13):1227 -42. doi: 10. 3109/09638288.2015.1077397\n13. Fikke HK, Normann B, Sivertsen M, Dahl SSH, Arntzen EC. Optimizing sensorimotor function, physical activity and employment for people with MS -a feasibility study. Fysioterapeuten . (2023) 90(1):32 -42. doi: 10.52705/ c14a8ca05f7546dabc18bd0275cf2edd\n14. Arntzen EC, Straume B, Odeh F, Feys P, Normann B. Group-based, individualized, comprehensive core stability and balance intervention provides immediate and long-term improvements in walking in individuals with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Physiother Res Int . (2019) 25(1):e1798. doi: 10.1002/pri.1798\n15. Arntzen EC, Straume BK, Odeh F, Feys P, Zanaboni P, Normann B. Groupbased individualized comprehensive core stability intervention improves balance in persons with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther . (2019) 99 (8):1027 -38. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz017", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf", - "query": "What were the prerequisites allowing to be involved in the study concerning the impact of outdoor sport on patients witg multiple sclerosis ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "The inclusion criteria were as follows: had been diagnosed with MS, had a score on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (29) of ≤3.5, was ≥18 years, was employed (10%–100% of full-time) and residential address in the two predefined municipalities", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\n1. Walton C, King R, Rechtman L, Kaye W, Leray E, Marrie RA, et al. Rising prevalence of multiple sclerosis worldwide: insights from the Atlas of MS, third edition. Mult Scler . (2020) 26(14):1816 -21. doi: 10.1177/1352458520970841\n2. Casey B, Coote S, Galvin R, Donnelly A. Objective physical activity levels in people with multiple sclerosis: meta-analysis. Scand J Med Sci Sports . (2018) 28 (9):1960 -9. doi: 10.1111/sms.13214\n3. Kinnett-Hopkins D, Adamson B, Rougeau K, Motl RW. People with MS are less physically active than healthy controls but as active as those with other chronic diseases: an updated meta-analysis. Mult Scler Relat Disord . (2017) 13:38 -43. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2017.01.016\n4. Hoang PD, Lord S, Gandevia S, Menant J. Exercise and sports science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise for people with mild to moderate multiple sclerosis. J Sci Med Sport . (2022) 25(2):146 -54. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2021.08.015\n5. Dalgas U, Langeskov-Christensen M, Stenager E, Riemenschneider M, Hvid LG. Exercise as medicine in multiple sclerosis -time for a paradigm shift: preventive, symptomatic, and disease-modifying aspects and perspectives. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep . (2019) 19(11):1 -12. doi: 10.1007/s11910-019-1002-3", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n6. Riemenschneider M, Hvid LG, Ringgaard S, Nygaard MKE, Eskildsen SF, Gaemelke T, et al. Investigating the potential disease-modifying and neuroprotective ef /uniFB01 cacy of exercise therapy early in the disease course of multiple sclerosis: the early multiple sclerosis exercise study (EMSES). Mult Scler . (2022) 28(10):1620 -9. doi: 10. 1177/13524585221079200\n7. Kalb R, Brown TR, Coote S, Costello K, Dalgas U, Garmon E, et al. Exercise and lifestyle physical activity recommendations for people with multiple sclerosis throughout the disease course. Mult Scler . (2020) 26(12):1459 -69. doi: 10.1177/ 1352458520915629\n8. Moreno-Navarro P, Manca A, Martinez G, Ventura L, Barbado D, Vera-García FJ, et al. Test-retest reliability and known-groups validity of trunk muscle tests in people with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional, case-control study. Phys Ther . (2021) 101 (5):1 -9. doi: 10.1093/ptj/ptzab049\n9. Raats J, Arntzen EC, Lamers I, Feys P, Normann B. What is the distribution of trunk impairments and its relationship with disability level in individuals with multiple sclerosis? Mul Scler Relat Disord . (2021) 57:103325. doi: 10.1016/j.msard. 2021.103325\n10. Normann B, Arntzen EC. What are the relationships between trunk control, balance and walking in individuals with multiple sclerosis with minor to moderate disability? Eur J Physiother . (2021) 23(6):377 -83. doi: 10.1080/21679169.2020.1772870\nFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences\n10\nfrontiersin.org", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n41. Baird JF, Motl RW. Response heterogeneity with exercise training and physical activity interventions among persons with multiple sclerosis. Neurorehabil Neural Repair . (2019) 33(1):3 -14. doi: 10.1177/1545968318818904\n42. Sandroff BM, Baird JF, Silveira SL, Motl RW. Response heterogeneity in /uniFB01 tness, mobility and cognition with exercise-training in MS. Acta Neurol Scand . (2019) 139 (2):183 -91. doi: 10.1111/ane.13041\n43. Lahelle AF, Øberg GK, Normann B. Group dynamics in a group-based, individualized physiotherapy intervention for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study. Physiother Res Int . (2019) 25(3):e1829. doi: 10.1002/pri.1829\n44. Normann B. Facilitation of movement: new perspectives provide expanded insights to guide clinical practice. Physiother Theory Pract . (2020) 36(7):769 -78. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1493165\n45. Øberg GK, Normann B, Gallagher S. Embodied-enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy. Physiother Theory Pract . (2015) 31(4):244 -52. doi: 10.3109/ 09593985.2014.1002873\n46. Anens E, Zetterberg L, Urell C, Emtner M, Hellström K. Self-reported physical activity correlates in Swedish adults with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study. BMC Neurol . (2017) 17(1):204. doi: 10.1186/s12883-0170981-4\n47. Herring TE, Knowles LM, Alschuler KN. Outdoor adventure programs for persons with multiple sclerosis: a review and agenda for future research. Int J MS Care . (2021) 23(4):186 -92. doi: 10.7224/1537-2073.2020-066", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3 An engaging environment\nMost participants reported that their performances were positively in /uniFB02 uenced and motivated by the group setting, for example, through cooperating in exercises with balls, seeing other individuals in the group who were ' doing well ' , cheering each other and competing when running and walking next to each other. However, one participant emphasized that observing people with visible disabilities from MS was distressing, as it revealed negative thoughts about one ' s own future. It was emphasized that mastering challenges in the group sessions added more meaning than doing the same alone:\nI think this particular exercise is hard work, and then it becomes very tiring to do it on my own. However, when I did it in the group and we could laugh a bit in between and so on, it was easier because of the social element. (ID12, EDSS: 1.5)\nBeing active outdoors was preferred by many participants because of the fresh air and the natural and varied environment:\nIt was an added positive experience to use our city park and notice all the other people who were there … it is something about challenging our comfort-zone . (ID4, EDSS: 0)\nThe natural environment was also described as taking focus away from MS symptoms. Cold, rainy or snowy weather conditions required planning of adequate clothing; in addition, these conditions led some participants to use cautious behavior when the ground was slippery and led a few to omit sessions. However, mastering outdoor exercise was highlighted in positive terms, such as discovering new ways to become active.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.2 Interactions and environment shape meaning making\nThe appreciation of being active outdoors in the study sample aligns with that in the general population (47). The outdoors provided a natural environment, which both invited participants to actively explore abilities thought of as left behind after their diagnosis with MS, such as running, and provided an appreciated break from focusing on MS symptoms. We also suggest that the positive experiences of mastering the challenging weather conditions and the added meaning of exercising among other people in the city park can be explained according to such terms. These positive experiences show how we are enmeshed in our history, context and social encounters (35) and how these aspects should also be accounted for when designing exercise interventions.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.5 Recruitment and participants\nPrior to recruitment, the study was introduced to individuals with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) through a seminar hosted by the Nordland MS Association. Additionally, seminars were conducted for health professionals in community healthcare and at the regional hospital. Written information about this study (and the RCT) was sent from the MS clinic at the regional hospital by post to all eligible individuals af /uniFB01 liated with the hospital. Individuals who wished to participate signed the attached consent form and returned it in the pre-stamped envelope. The inclusion criteria were as follows: had been diagnosed with MS, had a score on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (29)of ≤ 3.5, was ≥ 18 years, was employed (10% -100% of full-time) and residential address in the two prede /uniFB01 ned municipalities. The exclusion criteria were as follows: pregnancy, exacerbation of symptoms within two weeks prior to enrollment and other serious conditions compromising balance, walking or work capacity. All participants in the intervention group of the RCT ( n = 15) were included (Table 3).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EDITED BY\nJacqui H Morris,\nUniversity of Dundee, United Kingdom\nREVIEWED BY\nNicola Saywell,\nAuckland University of Technology,\nNew Zealand\nVerna Stavric,\nAuckland University of Technology,\nNew Zealand\n* CORRESPONDENCE\nStine Susanne Haakonsen Dahl stine.s.dahl@nord.no\nRECEIVED 27 September 2023\nACCEPTED\n06 March 2024\nPUBLISHED 18 March 2024\nCITATION\nDahl SSH, Arntzen EC and Normann B (2024) The meaningfulness of exploring one ' s own limits through interactions and enjoyment in outdoor high-intensity physiotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study.\nFront. Rehabil. Sci. 5:1303094. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094\nCOPYRIGHT\n©2024 Dahl, Arntzen and Normann. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.\nFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences\n01\nfrontiersin.org\nTYPE Original Research PUBLISHED 18 March 2024 DOI 10.3389/fresc.2024.1303094\n|\nThe meaningfulness of exploring one ' s own limits through interactions and enjoyment in outdoor high-intensity physiotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study\nStine Susanne Haakonsen Dahl 1 * , Ellen Christin Arntzen 1 and Britt Normann 1,2\n1 Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Nord University, Bodø, Norway, 2 Department of Physiotherapy, Nordland Hospital Trust, Bodø, Norway\nBackground and purpose: Physical activity (PA) is often reduced in people with MS (pwMS), even when disability is low. Understanding the perspectives of pwMS on interventions aiming to improve PA is important to inform the development of such services. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of pwMS participating in an outdoor, high-intensity and balance exercise group intervention.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1 Introduction\nMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive in /uniFB02 ammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that is typically diagnosed at 30 -40 years of age (1). A great concern is the signi /uniFB01 cantly lower levels of physical activity (PA) in people with MS (pwMS) across disability levels than in their healthy counterparts (2, 3).\nEarly promotion of PA and exercise is recommended due to numerous established bene /uniFB01 ts in health, symptom management and well-being for pwMS (4). In particular, high-intensity training is endorsed, as it has possible neuroprotective effects in the disease course (5, 6). In addition, exercises addressing sensorimotor impairments (e.g., reduced muscle strength, reduced neuromuscular control) are recommended, as they target individuals ' capability to remain physically active (7). Sensorimotor impairments can in /uniFB02 uence trunk control, which is commonly disturbed in pwMS, even when disability is low (8, 9), and correlate with impaired balance, walking capacity and distance (10, 11). PwMS ' s knowledge of exercise bene /uniFB01 ts, attitudes and motivations, as well as contextual aspects such as lack of optimal exercise interventions, accessibility and support, affect the level of PA and exercise participation (12).\nCoreDISTparticipation (Table 1) is a new comprehensive intervention addressing sensorimotor function, trunk control, high-intensity running/walking and work participation in pwMS with low disability (13). It is based on the GroupCoreDIST 1 intervention, which has been shown to have signi /uniFB01 cant shortand long-term effects on trunk control, balance and walking among pwMS (14, 15). However, no effects of the intervention on objectively measured PA have been identi /uniFB01 ed, even though the participants reported perceptions of new possibilities to be", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publisher ' s note\n11. Unluer NO, Ozkan T, Yasa ME, Ates Y, Anlar O. Investigation of the relationship between trunk motor control and balance, functional mobility, and gait capacity in patients with multiple sclerosis/multipl sklerozlu hastalarda govde motor kontrolu ile denge, fonksiyonel mobilite ve yuruyus kapasitesi arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesi. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi . (2021) 27(3):283. doi: 10.4274/tdn.2021.41017\n12. Learmonth YC, Motl RW. Physical activity and exercise training in multiple sclerosis: a review and content analysis of qualitative research identifying perceived determinants and consequences. Disabil Rehabil . (2016) 38(13):1227 -42. doi: 10. 3109/09638288.2015.1077397\n13. Fikke HK, Normann B, Sivertsen M, Dahl SSH, Arntzen EC. Optimizing sensorimotor function, physical activity and employment for people with MS -a feasibility study. Fysioterapeuten . (2023) 90(1):32 -42. doi: 10.52705/ c14a8ca05f7546dabc18bd0275cf2edd\n14. Arntzen EC, Straume B, Odeh F, Feys P, Normann B. Group-based, individualized, comprehensive core stability and balance intervention provides immediate and long-term improvements in walking in individuals with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Physiother Res Int . (2019) 25(1):e1798. doi: 10.1002/pri.1798\n15. Arntzen EC, Straume BK, Odeh F, Feys P, Zanaboni P, Normann B. Groupbased individualized comprehensive core stability intervention improves balance in persons with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther . (2019) 99 (8):1027 -38. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz017", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.3 Methodological considerations\nThe design and methods were adequate for deriving knowledge from individuals ' experiences. The participants selfreferred to the intervention and were recruited based on pre-set criteria. This approach yielded rich information from people with mild to moderate disabilities due to MS who were\nFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences\n09\nfrontiersin.org\nmotivated for physical activity (PA), employed, and residing in northern Norway. Ethnicity or socio-economic class were not recorded. However, considering that all these factors can in /uniFB02 uence PA engagement (46), it is possible that additional aspects of the phenomenon could be uncovered in a different sample (48). There was a higher percentage of women participating than men; however, this corresponds to the gender distribution in the MS population (1).\nThe use of enactive theory was innovative within the /uniFB01 eld and allowed for, in particular, new aspects of importance for selfef /uniFB01 cacy to be identi /uniFB01 ed. Transference of our results to similar populations can be achieved through theoretical generalization (28).", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf", - "query": "What was the sales revenue of Santos in 2004 ?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": " Sales revenue was a record $1,501 million", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2004 WAS A YEAR OF GOOD OPERATING RESULTS\nOverall the increase in 2004 profit of 16% reflected a year of sound operating performance. Sales revenue was a record $1,501 million, up 2.5% on 2003, reflecting higher prices across most products and was achieved despite lower production as a result of the Moomba incident and declining output from late life fields.\nSantos benefited from higher world oil prices and realised US$51.83 per boe in 2004, an increase of 19% over 2003. The benefit of higher world oil prices substantially offset the impact of lower production volumes.\nSantos was also able to negotiate higher domestic gas prices (up 4% on average) and deliver new revenue streams from project start-ups and acquisitions during the year.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PRODUCTION COSTS UNDER CONTROL\nProduction costs in 2004 were $309 million, up $45 million or 17% on 2003. Analysis shows that Santos was able to continue", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANALYSING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE\n'The sound operating results achieved in 2004 underline the changing face of Santos towards a higher value, higher margin business. We ended the year with a strong financial position and our financial flexibility intact.'", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10 YEAR SUMMARY 1995-2004\nSantos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 1995 = 24.96. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 1996 = 27.43. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 1997 = 27.42. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 1998 = 20.95. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 1999 = 27.57. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 2000 = 46.54. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 2001 = 45.53. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 2002 = 44.74. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 2003 = 43.59. Santos average realised oil price (A$/bbl), 2004 = 51.83. Financial performance ($million), 1995 = . Financial performance ($million), 1996 = . Financial performance ($million), 1997 = . Financial performance ($million), 1998 = . Financial performance ($million), 1999 = . Financial performance ($million), 2000 = . Financial performance ($million), 2001 = . Financial performance ($million), 2002 = . Financial performance ($million), 2003 = . Financial performance ($million), 2004 = . Product sales revenue, 1995 = 671.6. Product sales revenue, 1996 = 729.2. Product sales revenue, 1997 = 778.5. Product sales revenue, 1998 = 769.4. Product sales revenue, 1999 = 944.5. Product sales revenue, 2000 = 1,497.1. Product sales revenue, 2001 = 1,459.7. Product sales revenue, 2002 = 1,478.4. Product sales revenue, 2003 = 1,465.0. Product sales revenue, 2004 = 1,500.9. Total operating revenue, 1995 = 740.1. Total operating revenue, 1996 = 804.0. Total operating revenue, 1997 = 859.5. Total operating revenue, 1998 = 1,000.8. Total operating revenue, 1999 = 995.6. Total operating revenue, 2000 = 1,556.2. Total operating revenue, 2001 = 1,561.8. Total operating revenue, 2002 = 1,542.3. Total operating", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS\n905.8. Total exploration and development expenditure, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 903.6\nAnnual Report 2004", - "page_start": 59, - "page_end": 59, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10 YEAR SUMMARY 1995-2004\nto the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 1995 = 110.6. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 1996 = 195.9. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 1997 = 206.2. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 1998 = 176.3. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 1999 = 309.1. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 2000 = 486.8. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 2001 = 445.9. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 2002 = 322.1. Net profit after income tax attributable to the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 2003 = 327.0. Net profit after income tax attributable", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10 YEAR SUMMARY 1995-2004\nto the shareholders of Santos Ltd, 2004 = 379.9. Financial position ($million), 1995 = . Financial position ($million), 1996 = . Financial position ($million), 1997 = . Financial position ($million), 1998 = . Financial position ($million), 1999 = . Financial position ($million), 2000 = . Financial position ($million), 2001 = . Financial position ($million), 2002 = . Financial position ($million), 2003 = . Financial position ($million), 2004 = . Total assets, 1995 = 2,915.5. Total assets, 1996 = 3,443.4. Total assets, 1997 = 4,036.2. Total assets, 1998 = 4,236.1. Total assets, 1999 = 4,338.7. Total assets, 2000 = 4,659.8. Total assets, 2001 = 5,048.7. Total assets, 2002 = 5,320.8. Total assets, 2003 = 5,218.3. Total assets, 2004 = 5,956.0. Net debt, 1995 = 642.0. Net debt, 1996 = 938.6. Net debt, 1997 = 1,114.2. Net debt, 1998 = 1,280.0. Net debt, 1999 = 1,301.1. Net debt, 2000 = 866.6. Net debt, 2001 = 1,060.8. Net debt, 2002 = 1,162.9. Net debt, 2003 = 897.6. Net debt, 2004 = 1,131.4. Total equity, 1995 = 1,519.3. Total equity, 1996 = 1,586.3. Total equity, 1997 = 1,919.0. Total equity, 1998 = 1,939.2. Total equity, 1999 = 2,056.7. Total equity, 2000 = 2,310.9. Total equity, 2001 = 2,726.6. Total equity, 2002 = 2,863.9. Total equity, 2003 = 3,087.9. Total equity, 2004 = 3,498.3. Reserves and production (mmboe), 1995 = . Reserves and production (mmboe), 1996 = . Reserves and production (mmboe), 1997 = . Reserves and production (mmboe), 1998 = . Reserves and", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Nissan\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS\n$million = 6.6. Equipment rentals, pipeline tariffs and other, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 3.9. Interest revenue:, Consolidated.2004 $million = . Interest revenue:, Consolidated.2003 $million = . Interest revenue:, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = . Interest revenue:, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = . Controlled entities, Consolidated.2004 $million = -. Controlled entities, Consolidated.2003 $million = -. Controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 42.8. Controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 35.5. Other entities, Consolidated.2004 $million = 3.5. Other entities, Consolidated.2003 $million = 2.5. Other entities, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 2.3. Other entities, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 1.4. Dividends from other entities, Consolidated.2004 $million = -. Dividends from other entities, Consolidated.2003 $million = 0.4. Dividends from other entities, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = -. Dividends from other entities, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 0.4. Dividends from controlled entities, Consolidated.2004 $million = -. Dividends from controlled entities, Consolidated.2003 $million = -. Dividends from controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 251.7. Dividends from controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = -. Insurance recovery, Consolidated.2004 $million = 116.6. Insurance recovery, Consolidated.2003 $million = -. Insurance recovery, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 73.8. Insurance recovery, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = -. Proceeds from sale of non-current assets, Consolidated.2004 $million = 98.9. Proceeds from sale of non-current assets, Consolidated.2003 $million = 108.0. Proceeds from sale of non-current assets, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 462.1. Proceeds from sale of non-current assets, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 62.7. Proceeds from sale of controlled entities, Consolidated.2004 $million = -. Proceeds from sale of controlled entities, Consolidated.2003 $million = 22.6. Proceeds from sale of controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = -. Proceeds from sale of controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 3.9. , Consolidated.2004 $million = 252.3. ,", - "page_start": 57, - "page_end": 57, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE\nProduct sales, Note = 2. Product sales, Consolidated.2004 $million = 1,500.9. Product sales, Consolidated.2003 $million = 1,465.0. Product sales, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 568.8. Product sales, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 616.3. Cost of sales, Note = 3. Cost of sales, Consolidated.2004 $million = (1,049.8). Cost of sales, Consolidated.2003 $million = (974.4). Cost of sales, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = (414.5). Cost of sales, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = (356.6). Gross profit, Note = . Gross profit, Consolidated.2004 $million = 451.1. Gross profit, Consolidated.2003 $million = 490.6. Gross profit, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 154.3. Gross profit, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 259.7. Other revenue, Note = 2. Other revenue, Consolidated.2004 $million = 252.3. Other revenue, Consolidated.2003 $million = 154.4. Other revenue, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 858.0. Other revenue, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 126.2. Other expenses, Note = 3. Other expenses, Consolidated.2004 $million = (129.0). Other expenses, Consolidated.2003 $million = (179.5). Other expenses, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = (221.0). Other expenses, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = (108.3). Borrowing costs, Note = 4. Borrowing costs, Consolidated.2004 $million = (33.6). Borrowing costs, Consolidated.2003 $million = (34.6). Borrowing costs, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = (91.1). Borrowing costs, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = (84.0). Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense, Note = . Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense, Consolidated.2004 $million = 540.8. Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense, Consolidated.2003 $million = 430.9. Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 700.2. Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 193.6. Income tax expense relating to ordinary activities, Note =", - "page_start": 51, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf", - "query": "How have been confirmed nonvanishing neutrino ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The nonvanishing neutrino masses have been confirmed by various neutrino oscillation phenomena and indicate the evidence of new physics beyond the Standard Model.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe nonvanishing neutrino masses have been confirmed by various neutrino oscillation phenomena and indicate the evidence of new physics beyond the Standard Model. The most attractive idea to naturally explain the tiny neutrino masses is the seesaw mechanism [1], in which the right-handed (RH) neutrinos singlet under the SM gauge group are introduced. The minimal gauged U (1) B -L model based on the gauge group SU (3) C × SU (2) L × U (1) Y × U (1) B -L [2] is an elegant and simple extension of the SM, in which the RH neutrinos of three generations are necessarily introduced because of the gauge and gravitational anomaly cancellations. In addition, the mass of RH neutrinos arises associated with the U (1) B -L gauge symmetry breaking.\nAlthough the scale of the B -L gauge symmetry breaking is basically arbitrary as long as phenomenological constraints are satisfied, one interesting option is to take it to be the TeV scale [3]. It has been recently pointed out [4] that when the classical conformal invariance is imposed on the minimal U (1) B -L model, the symmetry breaking scale appears to be the TeV scale naturally. If this is the case, all new particles, the Z ' gauge boson, the B -L Higgs boson H and the RH neutrinos appear at the TeV scale unless the U (1) B -L gauge coupling is extremely small, and they can be discovered at Large Hadron Collider [5-8]. Then we may be able to understand the relation between the gauge symmetry breaking and the origin of neutrino masses.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0955v2 [astro-ph.HE] 6 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0806v1 [astro-ph.HE] 6 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0770v1 [astro-ph.HE] 5 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Annihilation into neutrinos\na. Annihilation into ν a , ν a (light active-like neutrinos)\n|M| 2 = 32 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ g 2 B -L q f q N s -M 2 Z ' + iM Z ' Γ Z ' ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 3 8 s -1 2 ( s 2 + m 2 ν a ) + 1 2 ( s 4 + m 2 ν a ) cos 2 θ ) . (B2)\n10\nb. Annihilation into ν s , ν s (heavy sterile-like neutrinos)\n|M| 2 = 32 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ g 2 B -L q f q N s -M 2 Z ' + iM Z ' Γ Z ' ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 3 8 s -1 2 ( s 2 + m 2 ν s ) + 1 2 ( s 4 + m 2 ν s ) cos 2 θ ) +4 λ 2 N λ 2 ν s ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∂ Ψ ∂h i s -M 2 h + iM h Γ h ∂ Ψ ∂h + ∂ Ψ ∂H i s -M 2 H + iM H Γ H ∂ Ψ ∂H ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N )( s -4 m 2 ν s ) . (B3)", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n1 R. Kubo, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 12 , 570(1957).\n2 R.A. Ferrrel and R.E. Glover, Phys. Rev. 109 , 1398 (1958).\n3 M. Tinkham and R.A. Ferrrel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2 , 331 (1959), M. Tinkham, Introduction to Superconductivity (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975).\n4 J. Hirsch, Physica C 199 , 305 (1992).\n5 D. N. Basov and T. Timusk, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 , 721 (2005); A. V. Puchkov, D. N. Basov and T. Timusk, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 8 , 10049 (1996).\n6 C. M. Varma et al , Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 , 1996 (1989).\n7 D. N. Basov, S. I. Woods, A. S. Katz, E. J. Singley, R. C. Dynes, M. Xu, D. G. Hinks, C. C. Homes and M. Strongin, Science 283 , 49 (1999).\n8 H.J.A Molegraaf, C. Presura, D. van der Marel, P.H. Kess, M. Li, Science 295 , 2239 (2002); A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, F. Carbone and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 72 , 144503 (2005).\n9 A. F. Santander-Syro, R. P. S. M. Lobo, N. Bontemps, Z. Konstantinovic, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy, Europhys. Lett. 62 , 568 (2003);\n10 A. V. Boris, N. N. Kovaleva, O. V. Dolgov, T. Holden, C. T. Lin, B. Keimer and C. Bernhard, Science 304 , 708 (2004).", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n11 G. Deutscher, A. F. Santander-Syro and N. Bontemps, Phys. Rev. B 72 , 092504 (2005).\n12 F. Carbone, A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, E. van Heumen, V. Lukovac, F. Marsiglio, D. van der Marel, K. Haule, G. Kotliar, H. Berger, S. Courjault, P. H. Kes and M. Li, Phys. Rev. B 74 , 064510 (2006).\n13 C. C. Homes, S. V. Dordevic, D. A. Bonn, R. Liang and W. N. Hardy, Phys. Rev. B 69 , 024514 (2004).\n14 J. Hwang et al , Phys. Rev. B 73 , 014508 (2006).\n15 E. van Heumen, R. Lortz, A. B. Kuzmenko, F. Carbone, D. van der Marel, X. Zhao, G. Yu, Y. Cho, N. Barisic, M. Greven, C. C. Homes and S. V. Dordevic, Phys. Rev. B 75 , 054522 (2007).\n16 M. Ortolani, P. Calvani and S. Lupi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 , 067002 (2005).\n17 A.F. Santander-Syro, R.P.S.M. Lobo, and N. Bontemps, Phys. Rev. B 70 , 134504(2004), A. F. Santander-Syro, R. P. S. M. Lobo, N. Bontemps, Z. Konstantinovic, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy, Europhys. Lett. 62 , 568 (2003).\n18 P. F. Maldague, Phys. Rev. B 16 2437 (1977); E. H. Kim, Phys. Rev. B 58 2452 (1998).\n19 J. Hirsch, Physica C, 201 , 347 (1992) and Ref 4.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nJ. G. Mangum, and M. S. Yun (2007), vol. 375 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , p. 234.\n[6] S. E. Healey, R. W. Romani, G. Cotter, P. F. Michelson, E. F. Schlafly, A. C. S. Readhead, P. Giommi, S. Chaty, I. A. Grenier, and L. C. Weintraub, ApJS 175 , 97 (2008).\n[7] A. A. Abdo, M. Ackermann, M. Ajello, W. B. Atwood, M. Axelsson, L. Baldini, J. Ballet, G. Barbiellini, D. Bastieri, B. M. Baughman, et al., ApJ 700 , 597 (2009).\n[8] T. Hovatta, E. Nieppola, M. Tornikoski, E. Valtaoja, M. F. Aller, and H. D. Aller, A&A 485 , 51 (2008).\n[9] B. C. Kelly, J. Bechtold, and A. Siemiginowska, ApJ 698 , 895 (2009).\n[10] M. Sikora, R. Moderski, and G. M. Madejski, ApJ 675 , 71 (2008).", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. RIGHT-HANDED NEUTRINO DARK MATTER\nDue to the Z 2 parity, one of RH neutrino N 3 (we denote it as N hereafter) in our model can be the DM candidate. We first estimate its relic abundance and identify the model\n4\nparameters to be consistent with the current observations. Next we calculate the scattering cross section between the DM particle and a proton and discuss the implication for the direct DM search experiments.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n20 for a review see F. Marsiglio, J. Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22 , 269 (2009).\n21 F. Marsiglio, E. van Heumen, A. B. Kuzmenko, Phys. Rev. B 77 144510 (2008).\n22 M. R. Norman, A. V. Chubukov, E. van Heumen, A. B. Kuzmenko, and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 76 , 220509 (2007).\n23 J. E. Hirsch and F. Marsiglio, Physica C 331 , 150 (2000)\n15", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf", - "query": "What are the dominant contributions in thermal relic density ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "In practice, the dominant contributions come from the Higgs (h and H) exchange diagrams.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "A. Thermal relic density\nFig. 1 shows the relic density Ω N h 2 as a function of the DM mass m N for a set of parameters: ( v ' , M h , M H , M Z ' , sin θ ) = (4000 GeV , 120 GeV , 200 GeV , 1000 GeV , 0 . 7), for example. Willkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe measured the value of DM abundance as Ω DM h 2 /similarequal 0 . 1 [15]. The figure shows that a desired DM relic abundance can be obtained for only near Higgs resonances, m N ≈ M h / 2 or M H / 2.\nFig. 2 shows the relic density Ω N h 2 as a function of the DM mass m N for a smaller Higgs mixing sin θ = 0 . 3 (others are the same as in Fig. 1). Compared with Fig. 1, for m N /lessorsimilar M W where the DM particles dominantly annihilate into f ¯ f , the relic density further increases because of the small mixing angle. When the DM is heavier, the annihilation mode into Higgs boson pairs is opened and the relic density slightly deceases, but the reduction is not enough to reach Ω N h 2 /similarequal 0 . 1.\nFIG. 1: The thermal relic density of RH neutrino DM as a function of its mass for a parameter set: ( v ' , M h , M H , M Z ' , sin θ ) = (3000 GeV , 120 GeV , 200 GeV , 1000 GeV , 0 . 7).\nOur model is quite analogous to the so-called gauge singlet scalar dark matter [16-18]. Some recent studies can be found in Refs. [19, 20]. In the gauge singlet scalar DM model, the thermal abundance is mainly controlled by the interactions between the SM Higgs boson and the DM particle. In our model, B -L Higgs VEV v ' can play the same role for m N < M W , namely a larger v ' corresponds to weaker coupling between DM and Higgs for a fixed DM mass. On the other hand, for m N > M W the difference appears. Even if the annihilation\n6\nFIG. 2: The same as Fig. 1 but for sin θ = 0 . 3.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Thermal relic density\nThe DM RH neutrino interacts with the SM particles through couplings with B -L gauge and B -L Higgs bosons. Note that neutrino Dirac Yukawa interactions are absent because of the Z 2 parity. The most of annihilation of the RH neutrinos occurs via Z ' , H and h exchange processes in the s -channel. In practice, the dominant contributions come from the Higgs ( h and H ) exchange diagrams, because the Z ' exchange processes are suppressed by the inverse square of the B -L Higgs VEV v ' /greaterorsimilar 3 TeV. Thus, we obtain Higgs portal DM of RH neutrino effectively. The relevant annihilation modes are the annihilation into f ¯ f , W + W -, ZZ , and h ( H ) h ( H ). Since RH neutrino DM couples to only B -L Higgs Ψ while a SM particle does to SM Higgs Φ, the DM annihilation occurs only through the mixing between these two Higgs bosons. Although it is not so severe, the precision electroweak measurements [12] as well as the unitarity bound [13] give constraints on the mixing angle and mass spectrum of the Higgs bosons.\nThe thermal relic abundance of DM\nΩ N h 2 = 1 . 1 × 10 9 m N /T d √ g ∗ M P 〈 σv 〉 GeV -1 , (14)\nwith the Planck mass M P , the thermal averaged product of the annihilation cross section and the relative velocity 〈 σv 〉 , the total number of relativistic degrees of freedom in the thermal bath g ∗ , and the decoupling temperature T d , is evaluated by solving the Boltzmann equation for the number density of RH neutrino n N ;\ndn N dt +3 Hn N = -〈 σv 〉 ( n 2 N -n 2 EQ ) , (15)\nand the Friedmann equation\nH 2 ≡ ( ˙ a a ) 2 = 8 π 3 M 2 P ρ, (16)\nwith n EQ and a ( t ) being the equilibrium number density and the scale factor, under the radiation dominated Universe with the energy density ρ = ρ rad [14].\n5", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Thermal relic density\nmode into W -boson pair becomes kinematically available, it is not possible to obtain the desired DM abundance without the Higgs resonant annihilation because the bound on v ' given by Eq. (12) is stringent.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix C: Thermal averaged annihilation cross section\n[2] R. N. Mohapatra and R. E. Marshak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 , 1316 (1980) [Erratum-ibid. 44 , 1643 (1980)]; R. E. Marshak and R. N. Mohapatra, Phys. Lett. B 91 , 222 (1980).\n[3] S. Khalil, J. Phys. G 35 , 055001 (2008).\n[4] S. Iso, N. Okada and Y. Orikasa, Phys. Lett. B 676 , 81 (2009); Phys. Rev. D 80 , 115007 (2009).\n[5] W. Emam and S. Khalil, Eur. Phys. J. C 522 , 625 (2007).\n[6] K. Huitu, S. Khalil, H. Okada and S. K. Rai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 181802 (2008).\n[7] L. Basso, A. Belyaev, S. Moretti and C. H. Shepherd-Themistocleous, Phys. Rev. D 80 , 055030 (2009).\n[8] P. F. Perez, T. Han and T. Li, Phys. 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B 665 , 186 (2008).\n[20] C. E. Yaguna, JCAP 0903 , 003 (2009).\n[21] L. M. Krauss, S. Nasri and M. Trodden, Phys. Rev. D 67 , 085002 (2003).\n[22] E. A. Baltz and L. Bergstrom, Phys. Rev. D 67 , 043516 (2003).\n[23] K. Cheung and O. Seto, Phys. Rev. D 69 , 113009 (2004).\n[24] J. Angle et al. [XENON Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 021303 (2008).\n[25] Z. Ahmed et al. [The CDMS-II Collaboration], arXiv:0912.3592 [astro-ph.CO].\n[26] http://xenon.astro.columbia.edu/.\n13", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\nA possible framework to analyze the results presented in the previous Section is suggested by Fig. 5, where we can easily distinguish three significant regions: i ) high thickness, n /greaterorequalslant 16, where the films substantially display a bulk behaviour, with the single planes ordering temperature coinciding with the helical phase transition one; ii ) intermediate thickness, 6 ≤ n /lessorsimilar 15, where the temperature corresponding to the onset of in-plane order, T C ( n ), is still /similarequal T Ho N , but where the helical/fan arrangement stabilizes only below a finite temperature T N ( n ) < T C ( n ); iii ) low thickness,1 ≤ n ≤ 5, where T C ( n ) /lessorsimilar T Ho N but no fan phase is present at any temperature.\nThe observed behaviour in region iii ) can be reasonably attributed to the decreasing relevance of the contribution to the total energy of the system coming from the competitive interactions among NNN planes as the film thickness decreases; moreover, the thinness of the\nFIG. 7: (color online) ∆ ϕ l ( T ) vs. temperature for the surface planes, l = 1 (triangles), l = 2 (squares), l = 3 (diamonds), l = 4 (circles). Straight lines and full symbols: n = 8. Dashed lines and open symbols: n = 16.\nfilm leads to an effective 2d-like trend. Region ii ) looks however more intriguing, and requires a more accurate discussion, which can benefit from a careful comparison of the behaviour of a given quantity in regions i ) and ii ).\n/negationslash", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Fraction of carbon stored for reference approach\nBitumen - 1\nCoal oils and tars (from coking coal - 0.75\nEthane - 0.8\nGas/Diesel oil - 0.5\nLPG - 0.8\nLubricants - 0.5\nNaphtha - 0.8\nNatural gas - 0.33", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13.3.1 Data retrieval parameters\nVarious parameters affect data retrieval performance.", - "page_start": 327, - "page_end": 327, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n11 G. Deutscher, A. F. Santander-Syro and N. Bontemps, Phys. Rev. B 72 , 092504 (2005).\n12 F. Carbone, A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, E. van Heumen, V. Lukovac, F. Marsiglio, D. van der Marel, K. Haule, G. Kotliar, H. Berger, S. Courjault, P. H. Kes and M. Li, Phys. Rev. B 74 , 064510 (2006).\n13 C. C. Homes, S. V. Dordevic, D. A. Bonn, R. Liang and W. N. Hardy, Phys. Rev. B 69 , 024514 (2004).\n14 J. Hwang et al , Phys. Rev. B 73 , 014508 (2006).\n15 E. van Heumen, R. Lortz, A. B. Kuzmenko, F. Carbone, D. van der Marel, X. Zhao, G. Yu, Y. Cho, N. Barisic, M. Greven, C. C. Homes and S. V. Dordevic, Phys. Rev. B 75 , 054522 (2007).\n16 M. Ortolani, P. Calvani and S. Lupi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 , 067002 (2005).\n17 A.F. Santander-Syro, R.P.S.M. Lobo, and N. Bontemps, Phys. Rev. B 70 , 134504(2004), A. F. Santander-Syro, R. P. S. M. Lobo, N. Bontemps, Z. Konstantinovic, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy, Europhys. Lett. 62 , 568 (2003).\n18 P. F. Maldague, Phys. Rev. B 16 2437 (1977); E. H. Kim, Phys. Rev. B 58 2452 (1998).\n19 J. Hirsch, Physica C, 201 , 347 (1992) and Ref 4.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Documents Incorporated by Reference\ni", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf", - "query": "What happend to the annihilation and the relic density when the DM is heavier ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "When the DM is heavier, the annihilation mode into Higgs boson pairs is opened and the relic density slightly deceases", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "A. Thermal relic density\nFig. 1 shows the relic density Ω N h 2 as a function of the DM mass m N for a set of parameters: ( v ' , M h , M H , M Z ' , sin θ ) = (4000 GeV , 120 GeV , 200 GeV , 1000 GeV , 0 . 7), for example. Willkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe measured the value of DM abundance as Ω DM h 2 /similarequal 0 . 1 [15]. The figure shows that a desired DM relic abundance can be obtained for only near Higgs resonances, m N ≈ M h / 2 or M H / 2.\nFig. 2 shows the relic density Ω N h 2 as a function of the DM mass m N for a smaller Higgs mixing sin θ = 0 . 3 (others are the same as in Fig. 1). Compared with Fig. 1, for m N /lessorsimilar M W where the DM particles dominantly annihilate into f ¯ f , the relic density further increases because of the small mixing angle. When the DM is heavier, the annihilation mode into Higgs boson pairs is opened and the relic density slightly deceases, but the reduction is not enough to reach Ω N h 2 /similarequal 0 . 1.\nFIG. 1: The thermal relic density of RH neutrino DM as a function of its mass for a parameter set: ( v ' , M h , M H , M Z ' , sin θ ) = (3000 GeV , 120 GeV , 200 GeV , 1000 GeV , 0 . 7).\nOur model is quite analogous to the so-called gauge singlet scalar dark matter [16-18]. Some recent studies can be found in Refs. [19, 20]. In the gauge singlet scalar DM model, the thermal abundance is mainly controlled by the interactions between the SM Higgs boson and the DM particle. In our model, B -L Higgs VEV v ' can play the same role for m N < M W , namely a larger v ' corresponds to weaker coupling between DM and Higgs for a fixed DM mass. On the other hand, for m N > M W the difference appears. Even if the annihilation\n6\nFIG. 2: The same as Fig. 1 but for sin θ = 0 . 3.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Thermal relic density\nmode into W -boson pair becomes kinematically available, it is not possible to obtain the desired DM abundance without the Higgs resonant annihilation because the bound on v ' given by Eq. (12) is stringent.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Thermal relic density\nThe DM RH neutrino interacts with the SM particles through couplings with B -L gauge and B -L Higgs bosons. Note that neutrino Dirac Yukawa interactions are absent because of the Z 2 parity. The most of annihilation of the RH neutrinos occurs via Z ' , H and h exchange processes in the s -channel. In practice, the dominant contributions come from the Higgs ( h and H ) exchange diagrams, because the Z ' exchange processes are suppressed by the inverse square of the B -L Higgs VEV v ' /greaterorsimilar 3 TeV. Thus, we obtain Higgs portal DM of RH neutrino effectively. The relevant annihilation modes are the annihilation into f ¯ f , W + W -, ZZ , and h ( H ) h ( H ). Since RH neutrino DM couples to only B -L Higgs Ψ while a SM particle does to SM Higgs Φ, the DM annihilation occurs only through the mixing between these two Higgs bosons. Although it is not so severe, the precision electroweak measurements [12] as well as the unitarity bound [13] give constraints on the mixing angle and mass spectrum of the Higgs bosons.\nThe thermal relic abundance of DM\nΩ N h 2 = 1 . 1 × 10 9 m N /T d √ g ∗ M P 〈 σv 〉 GeV -1 , (14)\nwith the Planck mass M P , the thermal averaged product of the annihilation cross section and the relative velocity 〈 σv 〉 , the total number of relativistic degrees of freedom in the thermal bath g ∗ , and the decoupling temperature T d , is evaluated by solving the Boltzmann equation for the number density of RH neutrino n N ;\ndn N dt +3 Hn N = -〈 σv 〉 ( n 2 N -n 2 EQ ) , (15)\nand the Friedmann equation\nH 2 ≡ ( ˙ a a ) 2 = 8 π 3 M 2 P ρ, (16)\nwith n EQ and a ( t ) being the equilibrium number density and the scale factor, under the radiation dominated Universe with the energy density ρ = ρ rad [14].\n5", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. Annihilation into W + W -\n|M| 2 = 8 λ 2 N ( 1 2 g 2 v ) 2 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∂ Ψ ∂h 1 s -M 2 h + iM h Γ h ∂φ ∂h + ∂ Ψ ∂H 1 s -M 2 H + iM H Γ H ∂φ ∂H ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 1 + 1 2 M 4 W ( s 2 -M 2 W ) 2 ) . (B4)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Annihilation into hh\nb ( s, m N , m h ) s m 2 h s m 2 N . (B13)\n≡ √ 4 -√ 4 -", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. SUMMARY\nWe have proposed a scenario of the RH neutrino dark matter in the context of the minimal gauged U (1) B -L model. We have introduced a discrete Z 2 parity in the model, so that one RH neutrino assigned as Z 2 -odd can be stable and, hence, the DM candidate, while the other two RH neutrinos account for neutrino masses and mixings through the seesaw mechanism. No additional degrees of freedom are necessary to be added. We have evaluated the relic density of the dark matter particle. The dominant annihilation modes are via the Higgs boson exchange processes in the s -channel and thus, our model can be called Higgs portal DM model. It has been found that the relic density consistent with the current observation\n8\ncan be achieved only when the annihilation processes are enhanced by Higgs resonances. Therefore, the mass of the RH neutrino DM should be around a half of Higgs boson masses. We have also calculated the elastic scattering cross section between the DM particle and a proton and found it within the reach of future experiments for the direct DM search.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Annihilation into charged fermions\n|M| 2 = 32 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ g 2 B -L q f q N s -M 2 Z ' + iM Z ' Γ Z ' ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 3 8 s -1 2 ( s 2 -m 2 f ) + 1 2 ( s 4 -m 2 f ) cos 2 θ ) +16 λ 2 N ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ y f ( ∂ Φ ∂h i s -M 2 h + iM h Γ h ∂ Ψ ∂h + ∂ Φ ∂H i s -M 2 H + iM H Γ H ∂ Ψ ∂H )∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( s 4 -m 2 f ) . (B1)", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Annihilation into ZZ\n|M| 2 = 8 λ 2 N ( 1 4 ( g 2 + g ' 2 ) v ) 2 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∂ Ψ ∂h 1 s -M 2 h + iM h Γ h ∂φ ∂h + ∂ Ψ ∂H 1 s -M 2 H + iM H Γ H ∂φ ∂H ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 1 + 1 2 M 4 Z ( s 2 -M 2 Z ) 2 ) . (B5)", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Annihilation into neutrinos\na. Annihilation into ν a , ν a (light active-like neutrinos)\n|M| 2 = 32 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ g 2 B -L q f q N s -M 2 Z ' + iM Z ' Γ Z ' ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 3 8 s -1 2 ( s 2 + m 2 ν a ) + 1 2 ( s 4 + m 2 ν a ) cos 2 θ ) . (B2)\n10\nb. Annihilation into ν s , ν s (heavy sterile-like neutrinos)\n|M| 2 = 32 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ g 2 B -L q f q N s -M 2 Z ' + iM Z ' Γ Z ' ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 3 8 s -1 2 ( s 2 + m 2 ν s ) + 1 2 ( s 4 + m 2 ν s ) cos 2 θ ) +4 λ 2 N λ 2 ν s ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ∂ Ψ ∂h i s -M 2 h + iM h Γ h ∂ Ψ ∂h + ∂ Ψ ∂H i s -M 2 H + iM H Γ H ∂ Ψ ∂H ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N )( s -4 m 2 ν s ) . (B3)", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix C: Thermal averaged annihilation cross section\n[14] E. W. Kolb and M. S. Turner, The Early Universe , Addison-Wesley (1990).\n[15] D. N. Spergel et al. [WMAP Collaboration], Astrophys. J. Suppl. 170 , 377 (2007).\n[16] J. McDonald, Phys. Rev. D 50 , 3637 (1994).\n[17] C. P. Burgess, M. Pospelov and T. ter Veldhuis, Nucl. Phys. B 619 , 709 (2001).\n[18] H. Davoudiasl, R. Kitano, T. Li and H. Murayama, Phys. Lett. B 609 , 117 (2005).\n[19] T. Kikuchi and N. Okada, Phys. Lett. B 665 , 186 (2008).\n[20] C. E. Yaguna, JCAP 0903 , 003 (2009).\n[21] L. M. Krauss, S. Nasri and M. Trodden, Phys. Rev. D 67 , 085002 (2003).\n[22] E. A. Baltz and L. Bergstrom, Phys. Rev. D 67 , 043516 (2003).\n[23] K. Cheung and O. Seto, Phys. Rev. D 69 , 113009 (2004).\n[24] J. Angle et al. [XENON Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 021303 (2008).\n[25] Z. Ahmed et al. [The CDMS-II Collaboration], arXiv:0912.3592 [astro-ph.CO].\n[26] http://xenon.astro.columbia.edu/.\n13", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf", - "query": "What is the aim of LLM routers ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "LLM routers aim to balance quality and cost of generation by classifying queries and routing them to a cheaper or more expensive LLM depending on their complexity. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1 Introduction\nRouting attacks can be deployed for various adversarial objectives, e.g., to ensure that the adversary always obtains the highest-quality answer regardless of the target applications's internal routing policies and cost constraints, or to maliciously inflate the target's LLM costs. As LLM control planes grow in importance and sophistication, we hope that this work will motivate further research on their adversarial robustness.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 LLMControl Planes and Routing\nThe LLM routers described thus far do not modify the queries or individual LLM responses. Other types of control planes do. Ensemble approaches such as mixture-of-expert (MoE) [29, 30, 52, 56] architectures select a subset of underlying models to apply to each token of a query and merge their responses. LLM synthesis [40] architectures operate similarly, but route the entire query to a subset of underlying LLMs and merge their responses. These approaches reduce inference costs by using fewer and/or less complex underlying models.\nApplications of LLM routers. A key use case for LLM routers is to help LLM-based application reduce cost. Several commercial routers, including Unify [12], Martian [5], NotDiamond [7], and others, offer this as a service. By replacing a few lines of code, the application can send user queries to a router service, rather than directly to some LLM provider. The service selects the optimal LLM and forwards the queries. Commercial router services claim that this results in significant cost savings: up to 98% in the case of Martian [5], and 10 × in the case of NotDiamond [7].", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10 Conclusion\nLLM routers balance quality and cost of LLM inference by routing different queries to different LLMs. They are an example of a broader, emerging class of systems we call 'LLM control planes' that aim to achieve various quality, efficiency, and cost objectives by orchestrating use of multiple LLMs to respond to a query.\n17\nWe introduced and defined a new safety property, LLM control plane integrity . Informally, this property holds if an adversarial user cannot influence routing decisions made by the control plane. To show that existing LLM routers do not satisfy this property, we designed, implemented, and evaluated a black-box optimization method for generating queryindependent 'confounder gadgets.' When added to any query, the confounder gadget confuses the router into routing the query to the adversary-chosen LLM.\nWe evaluated the efficacy of confounder gadgets on multiple open-source and commercial routers and demonstrated that they successfully reroute queries without a negative impact on the quality of responses. We also discussed defenses against these attacks and indicated directions for future research.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5 Open-Source Routers: Experimental Setup\nTo evaluate efficacy of confounder gadgets generated using the method from Section 4, we perform experiments with several LLM routers. This section explains our experimental setup for the open-source routers proposed in the research literature [47]; results of this evaluation appear in Section 6. In Section 7, we discuss experiments with proprietary, commercial routers. Figure 3 shows the summary of our experimental setup.\n6\nFigure 3: Summary of our setup for routers, underlying LLMs, and benchmark datasets used in the experiments.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND VALUE DRIVERS\nAt Rogers, our purpose is to easily connect customers with what matters most. Our vision is to be known for leading the enablement of seamless, and reliable experiences across any device, place or time.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 LLMControl Planes and Routing\nInference using large language models (LLMs) is traditionally monolithic: a single model is applied to an input or sequence of inputs. This methodology can be sub-optimal for various reasons. State-of-the-art models are often expensive, with API access to LLMs costing as much as several dollars for each query. Elsewhere, distinct LLMs may excel at different tasks, and selectively using them may improve overall quality on a diverse workload. Finally, combining multiple LLMs, even all trained for similar tasks, may become increasingly prevalent as performance improvements of individual LLMs plateaus [8-10].\nResearchers and practitioners are therefore now developing inference architectures that use multiple LLMs to answer queries. These LLMs are orchestrated by what we call an LLM control plane (borrowing the terminology from networking [13]). The control plane may route queries or parts of queries to different LLMs, derive new strings to query to underlying LLMs, combine answers from underlying LLMs, and more.\nLLM routers. A prominent example of this emerging class of LLM control planes are LLM routers [27, 41, 47, 53, 59]. LLM routers decide which of the two (or, sometimes, more) LLMs to use to answer a query. In prescriptive routing, the router applies some lightweight classifier to the input query that determines which underlying LLM to utilize for a response. The classifier is itself a learned function that scores the complexity of the query. Deployments can then configure a score threshold for when to route a query to the more expensive LLM. This threshold can be tuned using representative workloads to achieve a desired cost-performance trade-off. Figure 1 shows the basic workflow of binary LLM routers.\nNon-prescriptive routing [15, 20, 68] uses the responses from one or more underlying LLMs to determine which response to return to the user. For example, FrugalGPT [20] submits the query to a sequence of models (ordered by price) called a cascade, stopping when it obtains a response classified by the router as sufficient.\n2\nIn contrast to routers motivated by controlling costs, several LLM router designs focus solely on improving quality of responses [31, 45, 57, 58].", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5 Open-Source Routers: Experimental Setup\nBERT classifier: The third method involves fine-tuning a classifier, based on the BERT-base architecture [26], to predict which of the two models produces a better response for the given query or whether they do equally well (a tie). The routing decision is based on the probability of the weak model providing a better response versus the strong model or the tie. We denote this method as R CLS .\nLLM classifier: The last method is based on asking an LLM to provide a score in the range 1 -5 of how an AI expert would struggle to respond to a given query based on the query's complexity. For this, Ong et al. fine-tuned a Llama-3-8B model [4] using their reference set of queries and corresponding scores. We denote this method as R LLM .\nUnderlying LLMs. In [47], Ong et al. trained the routers with GPT-4-1106-preview [14] as the strong model and Mixtral 8x7B [39] as the weak model. They report successful generalization between the underlying LLMs, stating that their routers trained for a particular strong-weak LLM pair can be used with other strong-weak LLM pairs.\nTo allow our evaluation to scale, we use as the strong model M s the open-sourced Llama-3.1-8B [3] and as M w the 4-bit quantized version of Mixtral 8x7B (for efficiency reasons). This reduced the cost of our experiments by avoiding expensive GPT API calls and lowering the computational costs of Mixtral. Unless mentioned otherwise, all of our results\n7\nwill be evaluated with respect to this pair, which we refer to as LLM pair 1. We performed more limited experiments with the original strong, weak model pair (LLM pair 4) and had similar success in rerouting.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 LLMControl Plane Integrity\nIn the other direction, undermining LLM control plane integrity could be a stepping stone toward evasion attacks. For example, if R M ω is used to classify malicious content by combining LLMs each tuned to different types of harm categories, then modifying inputs to force inference flows away from appropriate models could aid evasion. We leave evaluation of how control-plane integrity attacks can enable evasion to future work.\nThreat models. Within the context of control plane integrity attacks against LLM routers, we identify several threat models that differ in terms of the adversary's goals and their knowledge about the target control plane R M ω .\nIn terms of goals, an adversary may seek to inflate the costs of a victim application that utilizes an LLM control plane. As a kind of denial-of-service attack, such cost inflation would penalize the application developer who expects routing to control costs. Another adversarial goal could be arbitrage : consider an application that charges X dollars per query, whereas directly using M s costs Y > X . The application's lower rate X makes economic sense assuming it uses a router to route the bulk of queries to a cheaper model M w . An input adaptation attack in this setting can gain (indirect) access to M s , obtaining an arbitrage advantage of Y -X per query. To be effective, this arbitrage adversary would want to ensure that adaptations do not lower response quality (i.e., it extracts all the value out of rerouting to M s ). As before, the victim in this case is the application that relies on routing to lower its costs (unsuccessfully, under this attack).\nWe now discuss adversarial capabilities. We assume that our victim application's prompt includes a substring that can be controlled by the adversary. This represents many real-world apps such as chatbots, coding assistants, writing assistants, and others, that insert user inputs into an LLM prompt. In crafting adversarial portions of prompts, an adversary may have various levels of knowledge about the victim application's router. We consider the following knowledge settings:", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[1] 'Chatbot Arena LLM Leaderboard: Community-driven evaluation for best LLM and AI chatbots,' https:// huggingface.co/spaces/lmarena-ai/chatbot-arena-leaderboard, accessed: 2024-11-14.\n[2] 'Hello gpt-4o,' https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/, published: 2024-05-23.\n[3] 'Introducing Llama 3.1: Our most capable models to date,' https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1/, published: 2024-07-23.\n[4] 'Introducing Meta Llama 3: The most capable openly available LLM to date,' https://ai.meta.com/blog/ meta-llama-3/, published: 2024-04-18.\n[5] 'Martian LLM router,' https://withmartian.com/.\n[6] 'New embedding models and API updates,' https://openai.com/index/new-embedding-models-and-api-updates, published: 2024-01-25.\n[7] 'Notdiamond LLM router,' https://www.notdiamond.ai/.\n[8] 'OpenAI and others seek new path to smarter AI as current methods hit limitations,' https://www.reuters.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/ openai-rivals-seek-new-path-smarter-ai-current-methods-hit-limitations-2024-11-11, published: 2024-11-15.\n[9] 'OpenAI, Google and Anthropic are struggling to build more advanced AI,' https://www.bloomberg.com/news/ articles/2024-11-13/openai-google-and-anthropic-are-struggling-to-build-more-advanced-ai?sref=CrGXSfHu, published: 2024-11-13.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "LEADING NETWORKS AND INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS\nLeading wireless and broadband network platforms that deliver the most innovative communications, information and entertainment services.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf", - "query": "What is an LLM control plane ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": " An LLM control plane Rω is a potentially randomized algorithm.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3 LLMControl Plane Integrity\nIn this section, we define LLM control plane integrity . Informally, it means that decisions made about underlying LLM queries made by the control plane algorithms cannot be subverted by adversarial queries. Looking ahead, we will focus on one class of control plane: predictive LLM routing as used to manage cost.\nFormalizing control planes. An LLM control plane R ω is a potentially randomized algorithm. It is parameterized by a string ω , called the parameters. It utilizes some number n of LLMs denoted by M . We will mostly focus on the case of n = 2 , and, for reasons that will be clear in a moment, use M s ('strong') and M w ('weak') to denote the two underlying LLMs. Then inference on an input x ∈ X for some set X of allowed queries is performed by computing a response via y ← $ R M ω ( x ) . Here we use ← $ to denote running R with fresh random coins; we use ← when R is deterministic. We focus on inference for a single query, but it is straightforward to extend our abstraction for control planes to include sessions: the controller would maintain state across invocations, potentially adapting its behavior as a function of a sequence of queries and responses.\nLLM control planes should, in general, be relatively computationally lightweight, at least compared to the underlying LLMs. This is particularly so in the cost-motivated usage of control planes, as a computationally or financially expensive control plane would eat into cost savings incurred by utilizing cheaper underlying LLMs for some queries. For example, predictive binary routers use relatively simple classifiers to determine which of M s or M w should be used to respond to a query.\nInference flow. Given a set of LLMs M , a control plane R ω , and an input x , an LLM inference flow is the sequence of LLM invocations M i j ( z j ) for 1 ≤ j ≤ m and i j ∈ { w , s } made when executing R M ω ( x ) . Here m is the total number of LLM invocations, and z 1 , . . . , z m are the queries made to the underlying LLMs. Should R be randomized, the sequence and its length are random variables. An inference flow can be written as a transcript", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "LONGITUDINAL CONTROL\nTo be satisfactory, an airplane must have adequate controllability as well as adequate\n275", - "page_start": 292, - "page_end": 292, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10 Conclusion\nLLM routers balance quality and cost of LLM inference by routing different queries to different LLMs. They are an example of a broader, emerging class of systems we call 'LLM control planes' that aim to achieve various quality, efficiency, and cost objectives by orchestrating use of multiple LLMs to respond to a query.\n17\nWe introduced and defined a new safety property, LLM control plane integrity . Informally, this property holds if an adversarial user cannot influence routing decisions made by the control plane. To show that existing LLM routers do not satisfy this property, we designed, implemented, and evaluated a black-box optimization method for generating queryindependent 'confounder gadgets.' When added to any query, the confounder gadget confuses the router into routing the query to the adversary-chosen LLM.\nWe evaluated the efficacy of confounder gadgets on multiple open-source and commercial routers and demonstrated that they successfully reroute queries without a negative impact on the quality of responses. We also discussed defenses against these attacks and indicated directions for future research.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 LLMControl Planes and Routing\nInference using large language models (LLMs) is traditionally monolithic: a single model is applied to an input or sequence of inputs. This methodology can be sub-optimal for various reasons. State-of-the-art models are often expensive, with API access to LLMs costing as much as several dollars for each query. Elsewhere, distinct LLMs may excel at different tasks, and selectively using them may improve overall quality on a diverse workload. Finally, combining multiple LLMs, even all trained for similar tasks, may become increasingly prevalent as performance improvements of individual LLMs plateaus [8-10].\nResearchers and practitioners are therefore now developing inference architectures that use multiple LLMs to answer queries. These LLMs are orchestrated by what we call an LLM control plane (borrowing the terminology from networking [13]). The control plane may route queries or parts of queries to different LLMs, derive new strings to query to underlying LLMs, combine answers from underlying LLMs, and more.\nLLM routers. A prominent example of this emerging class of LLM control planes are LLM routers [27, 41, 47, 53, 59]. LLM routers decide which of the two (or, sometimes, more) LLMs to use to answer a query. In prescriptive routing, the router applies some lightweight classifier to the input query that determines which underlying LLM to utilize for a response. The classifier is itself a learned function that scores the complexity of the query. Deployments can then configure a score threshold for when to route a query to the more expensive LLM. This threshold can be tuned using representative workloads to achieve a desired cost-performance trade-off. Figure 1 shows the basic workflow of binary LLM routers.\nNon-prescriptive routing [15, 20, 68] uses the responses from one or more underlying LLMs to determine which response to return to the user. For example, FrugalGPT [20] submits the query to a sequence of models (ordered by price) called a cascade, stopping when it obtains a response classified by the router as sufficient.\n2\nIn contrast to routers motivated by controlling costs, several LLM router designs focus solely on improving quality of responses [31, 45, 57, 58].", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 LLMControl Plane Integrity\nT = ( i 1 , z 1 ) , ( i 2 , z 2 ) , . . . , ( i m , z m )\nof pairs of model indexes i j ∈ { w , s } and model inputs z j . Note that for simplicity we ignore the potential for parallelization, assuming execution proceeds serially. For binary routers, we have m = 1 and T ∈ { ( w , x ) , ( s , x ) } . We write submitting a sequence of inferences ⃗x = ⃗x 1 , . . . , ⃗x q to a control plane as\nR M ω ( ⃗x ) = ( R M ω ( ⃗x 1 ) , . . . , R M ω ( ⃗x q ))\nwhere note that each invocation could result in multiple underlying LLM invocations. In the binary router case, however, each invocation results in a single LLM invocation.\nAn inference flow policy dictates the control plane designer's intention regarding use of the underlying models. For example, an application may want to ensure that only a small fraction of queries go to the expensive model M s . We can define this as a predicate over a sequence of transcripts. In our binary router example, the policy can be more simply defined as a predicate P over (input, model) pairs ( ⃗x 1 , i 1 ) , . . . , ( ⃗x q , i q ) since this fully defines the sequence of transcripts. For example, a policy might specify that the strong model is used in at most an ϵ fraction of inferences:\nP (( ⃗x 1 , i 1 ) , . . . , ( ⃗x q , i q )) =   q ∑ j =1 I ( i j ) q ≤ ϵ  \n3\nwhere I ( i j ) = 1 if i j = s and I ( i j ) = 0 if i j = w . In other words, the predicate is that the fraction of queries routed to the strong model is bounded by ϵ .\nControl plane integrity. A control plane integrity adversary is a randomized algorithm A that seeks to maliciously guide inference flow.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 LLMControl Plane Integrity\nIn the other direction, undermining LLM control plane integrity could be a stepping stone toward evasion attacks. For example, if R M ω is used to classify malicious content by combining LLMs each tuned to different types of harm categories, then modifying inputs to force inference flows away from appropriate models could aid evasion. We leave evaluation of how control-plane integrity attacks can enable evasion to future work.\nThreat models. Within the context of control plane integrity attacks against LLM routers, we identify several threat models that differ in terms of the adversary's goals and their knowledge about the target control plane R M ω .\nIn terms of goals, an adversary may seek to inflate the costs of a victim application that utilizes an LLM control plane. As a kind of denial-of-service attack, such cost inflation would penalize the application developer who expects routing to control costs. Another adversarial goal could be arbitrage : consider an application that charges X dollars per query, whereas directly using M s costs Y > X . The application's lower rate X makes economic sense assuming it uses a router to route the bulk of queries to a cheaper model M w . An input adaptation attack in this setting can gain (indirect) access to M s , obtaining an arbitrage advantage of Y -X per query. To be effective, this arbitrage adversary would want to ensure that adaptations do not lower response quality (i.e., it extracts all the value out of rerouting to M s ). As before, the victim in this case is the application that relies on routing to lower its costs (unsuccessfully, under this attack).\nWe now discuss adversarial capabilities. We assume that our victim application's prompt includes a substring that can be controlled by the adversary. This represents many real-world apps such as chatbots, coding assistants, writing assistants, and others, that insert user inputs into an LLM prompt. In crafting adversarial portions of prompts, an adversary may have various levels of knowledge about the victim application's router. We consider the following knowledge settings:", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 LLMControl Planes and Routing\nThe LLM routers described thus far do not modify the queries or individual LLM responses. Other types of control planes do. Ensemble approaches such as mixture-of-expert (MoE) [29, 30, 52, 56] architectures select a subset of underlying models to apply to each token of a query and merge their responses. LLM synthesis [40] architectures operate similarly, but route the entire query to a subset of underlying LLMs and merge their responses. These approaches reduce inference costs by using fewer and/or less complex underlying models.\nApplications of LLM routers. A key use case for LLM routers is to help LLM-based application reduce cost. Several commercial routers, including Unify [12], Martian [5], NotDiamond [7], and others, offer this as a service. By replacing a few lines of code, the application can send user queries to a router service, rather than directly to some LLM provider. The service selects the optimal LLM and forwards the queries. Commercial router services claim that this results in significant cost savings: up to 98% in the case of Martian [5], and 10 × in the case of NotDiamond [7].", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1 Introduction\nRouting attacks can be deployed for various adversarial objectives, e.g., to ensure that the adversary always obtains the highest-quality answer regardless of the target applications's internal routing policies and cost constraints, or to maliciously inflate the target's LLM costs. As LLM control planes grow in importance and sophistication, we hope that this work will motivate further research on their adversarial robustness.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Security Key Lifecycle Manager\nSecurity Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) centralizes, simplifies, and automates the encryption key management process to help minimize risk and reduce operational costs of encryption key management.", - "page_start": 806, - "page_end": 806, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CONTROL SYSTEM GEARING\nCONTROL SYSTEM STICK FORCE\nFigure 4.27. Longitudinal Control System", - "page_start": 300, - "page_end": 300, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf", - "query": "What is a confounder gadget ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": " Given a query xi, we prepend a confounder gadget ci, which is a short sequence of adversarially chosen tokens.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "A Gadget Examples\nBelow are a few examples of the optimized confounder gadgets c we got, for the different routing algorithms:\n· R SW :\nlegationbelongs967reglo'hui\n(DictionaryizedNameantal bidi.numberOf\ndemanding RESULTS! XVI-ioibili Written Hormchriftlatable\n• R MF :\n041 personne.nama tomeTN Exact relac¸˜ao tinha seis.Description\nNUMAGEMENTMedian157 mut-camerauacao nije Hir Ter\n• R CLS :\ncontiene DEM USERNAME fourteen chees781 consultants200 inici DOJ\n571:\nOrd:nth Norwegian Mercer docs Abr226 METADATA\n• R LLM :\ndated:frameifyumi345 Kurdasciiuzeiphertext\nMidnightexecution431!784 below1 unwrap : / n / n", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4 Confounding Control Planes with Gadgets\n(1) Select a target index j ∈ [1 , n ] uniformly.\n(2) Generate a set B of B + 1 candidates. First set ˜ c 0 = c ( t ) i , the current confounder. To generate B additional candidates, select replacement tokens from I uniformly, forming the set { t b ←I} B b =1 . Replace the j th token in the current confounder ˜ c 0 with t b :\n˜ c b = [ c ( t ) i, 1 , . . . , c ( t ) i,j -1 , t b , c ( t ) i,j +1 , . . . , c ( t ) i,n ] .\n5\nLet B = { ˜ c 0 , . . . , ˜ c B } .\n(3) Find the candidate that maximizes the score:\nc ( t +1) i ← arg max c ∈B S θ ( c ∥ x i ) . (1)\nThe final confounder c ( T ) i is used with query x i . We early abort if, after 25 iterations, there is no update to the confounder gadget. Technically, we could abort early if we find a confounder whose score exceeds τ . Running further can be useful when an adversary does not know τ .\nThe attack's runtime is dominated by T · B times the cost of executing S . In practice, S are designed to be fast (otherwise routers would significantly increase the latency of applications that use them). We report precise timings later; in summary, the attack is fast because we can set T to be relatively small and still find high-scoring confounders.\nDue to the randomness in index and token selection, the method converges to different, yet similarly effective, confounder gadgets on each run. Our evaluation will thus measure average performance over multiple gadgets.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4 Confounding Control Planes with Gadgets\nIn more detail, we assume the adversary has access to a router R ' ω ' , called the surrogate , that is trained on data similar to that used for the target router. Then the attack is the same as above, except that we use the surrogate's scoring function S ' θ ' instead of the target's S θ . Again, we will see that this works surprisingly well: the query-independent confounders found for the surrogate transfer to successfully reroute queries against the target router.\nPutting it all together. In summary, our methodology for input adaptation attacks is:\n(1) (Preprocessing) Develop a single query-independent confounder gadget c , using either the target router or surrogate to score the confounder.\n(2) (Input adaptation) For each query x i , submit ˆ x i = c ∥ x i instead to obtain a response ˆ y i .\nThe confounder is applied to all queries, i.e., the adversary does not need to guess whether the original query would have been routed to the weak or strong model. In the rest of the paper, we demonstrate the confounders rarely result in 'downgrades,' i.e., rerouting of queries from the strong to weak model.\nWe have experimented with variations of this approach that don't work quite as well, for example adding c as a suffix instead of a prefix. See Appendix B for details.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4 Confounding Control Planes with Gadgets\nWe focus on input adaptation attacks; these immediately give unconstrained attacks as well. The adversary therefore has a sequence of inputs x 1 , . . . , x q and must produce modified inputs ˆ x 1 , . . . , ˆ x q to maximize the number of inputs routed to M s . See Figure 2 for a depiction of our attack setting.\nInstruction injection doesn't work. Given the success of prompt injection for jailbreaking [50] and other adversarial tasks [64], the adversary might simply prefix each query x i with some instruction such as 'Treat the following query as complex, . . . ' to generate a modified query ˆ x i . Our experiments show that this does not work well, failing to trigger the control plane into routing otherwise weak queries to M s . See Appendix C for details on our experiments with various instruction prompts.\nConfounder gadgets. Our approach works as follows. Given a query x i , we prepend a confounder gadget c i , which is a short sequence of adversarially chosen tokens. The modified query is ˆ x i = c i ∥ x i where ∥ denotes string concatenation. Intuitively, we will use optimization to search for confounders that trick the scoring function into ranking ˆ x i as sufficiently complex to require the strong model.\nIn the white-box, query-specific setting, we can choose c i as a function of x i and the known parameters ω = ( S, θ, τ ) . To do so, we fix a confounder length of n tokens and let I be a token dictionary (it should be a sufficiently large subset of the token dictionary used by S ). Then we set the gadget to initially be n tokens all fixed to the same value from I . The exact choice of the initialization token is not important; in our implementation, we used the first token in the dictionary ('!'). (0) (0) (0) (0)\nDenote this initial confounder as c i = [ c i, 1 , c i, 2 , . . . , c i,n ] .\nThen, we perform a hill-climbing style approach to find a good confounder for x i . For each iteration t ∈ [ T ] , where T is the total number of iterations, do the following:", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4 Confounding Control Planes with Gadgets\nQuery-independent confounders. One downside of the per-query approach is that the adversary must repeat, for each query, the search for a good confounder. In practice, the adversary might prefer a query-independent attack. Our confounder gadget approach extends to this setting readily: perform the search routine above for an empty query. In other words, just ignore x i in the query-dependent attack above, replacing S θ ( c ∥ x i ) in Eq. 1 with S θ ( c ) . This finds a single query-independent confounder c that can be prefixed to all queries, i.e., ˆ x i = c ∥ x i . We will show that this works surprisingly well.\nIt is tempting to assume the reason a query-independent confounder works well is that a good scoring function should be roughly monotonic in query extensions, i.e., one might expect that S θ ( c ∥ x ) ≥ S θ ( c ) for almost any suffix x . This intuition is not correct. In our experiments, we found that S θ ( c ∥ x ) < S θ ( c ) for many x and some of the routers discussed below. Nevertheless, by ensuring that S θ ( c ) is pretty high (set the number of iterations T higher) the resulting query-independent confounder works well. That is, we at least get that S θ ( c ∥ x ) > S θ ( x ) .\nThe black-box setting: confounders that transfer. Finally, the attacks so far are in the white-box setting, where the attacker can optimize directly against S θ . While in some cases routing control planes will be public knowledge, in others, including the proprietary control planes we explore in Section 7, they are hidden. This gives rise to the black-box setting. While an attacker might seek to perform model extraction attacks [43, 65] to learn θ , we instead explore attacks that transfer from one router to another.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C Optimization-Free Gadget Generation\nWe evaluate optimization-free alternatives to our black-box optimization method for generating confounder gadgets.\nFixed gadget. A simple way to create a gadget without resorting to optimization is to repeat n tokens. We use ! as the initialization token, so the gadget in this case is !!!!!!!!!! . Another possibility is to select n tokens uniformly at random. Table 14 shows the upgrade rates for both options, were in the latter setting we repeat the process 10 times and report the average result and the standard error. While they are non-negligible, especially for the randomly sampled gadgets, they significantly underperform the upgrade rates reported in Table 1 for optimized gadgets.\nInstruction injection. Prompt injection is a known attack on LLMs [50, 64], thus we consider a gadget consisting of a direct instruction to the router to treat the query as a complex one and obtain a high-quality response.\nWe evaluated 4 differently phrased instructions: two created manually and two generated by, respectively, Gemini [61] and GPT-4o [2], denoted as 'ours-1', 'ours-2', 'Gemini', and 'GPT'.\nTable 15 reports the results. This method works well in a few cases but poorly in most. This highlights the difference between attacking LLMs and attacking LLM routers.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4 Confounding Control Planes with Gadgets\nWe now turn to our main contribution: a methodology for attacking LLM control plane integrity. The key insight is that an adversary can modify queries to mislead or 'confound' the routing logic into routing these queries to an LLM of the adversary's choosing. Furthermore, we will demonstrate that these attacks can be black-box and query-independent , i.e., a single modification works for all queries and does not require advance knowledge of the specific router being attacked.\n4\nFigure 2: Overview of our attack on LLM routing control plane integrity. The attack adds to each query a prefix (represented by the gear), called a 'confounder gadget,' that causes the router to send the query to the strong model.\nWe focus on the binary router setting in which the router applies a learned scoring function to input queries and routes any query whose score exceeds some threshold τ to the strong LLM M s . This setting has been the focus of several prior works [27, 41, 47] and is used in the control planes that are deployed in practice (see Section 7).\nMore formally, we consider a router R M ω for M = { M w , M s } , where ω consists of a scoring function S , scoring function's parameters θ , and a threshold τ ∈ R + . For notational brevity we just write R ω below, with M clear from context. Here S and θ define a scoring function S θ : X → R + . Since our focus is LLMs, we assume that queries X are strings of text tokens. The routing algorithm then works as follows:\nR ω ( x ) = { M w ( x ) if S θ ( x ) < τ M s ( x ) otherwise\nwhere ω = ( S, θ, τ ) . We will detail scoring functions in Section 5; prior work has suggested linear models, light-weight LLMs, and more. Note that, consistent with this application, scoring functions are computationally efficient and cheap (as compared to M s , M w ). Deployments calibrate τ to limit the fraction of queries routed to the strong model M s , giving rise to the type of control plane integrity policy discussed in Section 3.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ABSTRACT\nLLM routers aim to balance quality and cost of generation by classifying queries and routing them to a cheaper or more expensive LLM depending on their complexity. Routers represent one type of what we call LLM control planes: systems that orchestrate use of one or more LLMs. In this paper, we investigate routers' adversarial robustness.\nWe first define LLM control plane integrity, i.e., robustness of LLM orchestration to adversarial inputs, as a distinct problem in AI safety. Next, we demonstrate that an adversary can generate queryindependent token sequences we call 'confounder gadgets' that, when added to any query, cause LLM routers to send the query to a strong LLM.\nOur quantitative evaluation shows that this attack is successful both in white-box and black-box settings against a variety of open-source and commercial routers, and that confounding queries do not affect the quality of LLM responses. Finally, we demonstrate that gadgets can be effective while maintaining low perplexity, thus perplexity-based filtering is not an effective defense. We finish by investigating alternative defenses.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Compression accelerator\nA compression accelerator is hardware onto which the work of compression is offloaded from the microprocessor.", - "page_start": 794, - "page_end": 794, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bocaux et bouteilles\n//Sans les couvercles !", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf", - "query": "What is called bad-cavity Ramsey laser ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "We considerthe case of a two-level atomic beam interacting with a single-mode Ramsey cavity of separated-oscillating-field resonators with the cavity mode linewidth is much wider than the atomic gain linewidth. Thus we call it bad-cavity Ramsey laser. 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R. China (Dated: October 29, 2018)\nWe investigate a new laser scheme by using Ramsey separated-field technique with bad cavity. By studying the linewidth of the stimulated-emission spectrum of this kind of laser inside the cavity, we find its linewidth is more than two orders of magnitude narrower than atomic natural linewidth, and it is far superior to that of conventional optical Ramsey method and any other available subnatural linewidth spectroscopy at present. Since any cavity related noise is reduced to cavity-pulling e ff ect in bad cavity laser, this Ramsey laser provides the possibility of precision subnatural linewidth spectroscopy, which is critical for the next generation of optical clock and atom interferometers.\nPACS numbers: 42.55.Ah, 42.50.Ar, 42.60.Da, 32.30.-r\nIntroduction: Since the invention of the separated-field technique [1], it has played an important role in the field of precision spectroscopy due to its linewidth narrowing e ff ect via multiple coherent interaction. Atomic clocks based on this technique have greatly extended our ability for frequency measurement, further, almost all the atom interferometers are based on this technique [2].", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nB 1 = sin 2 ( Ω R 2 τ ) , B 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) cos 2 ( ∆ 2 T 2 ) ,\n( C 0 C ∗ ) 2 = 0 , ( C 1 C ∗ ) 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T ) ,\n( C 2 C ∗ ) 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T ) ,\n-0 -1 --2 -\nwe get\n( δϕ 2 ) ω = ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 ω 2 [( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 + ω 2 )] γ 2 ab ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 { DST + DRam [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] } , (10)\n3\nwhere Ω R is the Rabi frequency on resonance, DST = g 2 ˜ Nass / I 0 γ ab , DRam = g 2 R / 2 I 0 γ 2 ab , and ∆ 2 = ω -( ω a 2 -ω b 2) presents the detuning in the free drift region. p is a parameter, which characterizes the pumping statistics: a Poissonian excitation statistics corresponds to p = 0 , and for a regular statistics we have p = 1.\nThen the linewidth of Ramsey laser with bad cavity is given by\nD = γ 2 ab ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 { DST + DRam [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] } . (11)\nSince DST / DRam /lessmuch 1 in our situation, and in the case of maximal photon number, the steady state value of ˜ Nass is about R τ/ 2. Then we get the\nD ≈ 2 g 2 κ [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] . (12)", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nConclusion: In summary, we propose a new subnatural linewidth spectroscopy technique, which is a laser by using Ramsey seperated-field cavity to realize the output of stimulated-emission radiation via multiple coherent interaction with atomic beam. We find the linewidth of Ramsey laser is subnatural if we choose an appropriate atomic level, and the bad-cavity laser mechanism will dramatically reduce cavityrelated noise as discussed in active optical clock [15-19]. Our results show that this new subnatural linewidth spectroscopy is superior to conventional optical Ramsey seperated-field spectroscopy and any other available subnatural spectroscopy technique at present [3-10]. Considering one have to apply the separated-field method in any phase detection as in Ramsey-Bord e 'interferometer [2], to investigate the e ff ects of phase di ff erences between the two oscillating fields [31] in this stimulated separated-field method with such subnatural linewidth will be our next research aim.\nWe acknowledge Yiqiu Wang and Deshui Yu for fruitful discussions. This work is supported by MOST of China (grant 2005CB724500, National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 60837004, 10874009), National Hi-Tech Research and Development (863) Program.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n〈 ˜ Fk ( t ) ˜ Fk ( t ' ) 〉 = ˜ D (0) kl δ ( t -t ' ) + ˜ D (1) kl δ ( t -t ' -τ ) + ˜ D (2) kl δ ( t -t ' + τ ) + ˜ D (3) kl δ ( t -t ' -τ -T ) + ˜ D (4) kl δ ( t -t ' + τ + T ) + ˜ D (5) kl δ ( t -t ' -2 τ -T ) + ˜ D (6) kl δ ( t -t ' + 2 τ + T ) + ˜ D (7) kl δ ( t -t ' -T ) + ˜ D (8) kl δ ( t -t ' + T ) , (8)\nwhere ˜ D ( i ) kl are the c-number Langevin di ff usion coe ffi cients, related to quantum Langevin di ff usion coe ffi cients D ( i ) kl as in [27].\nSteady-state solutions: The steady-state solutions for the mean values of the field and atomic variables for laser operation are obtained by dropping the noise terms of the cnumber Langevin equations and setting the time derivatives equal to zero. The analytical solutions are very complex, and one could numerically solve the steady-state equations. In this paper, we only care about the bad cavity limit γ max /lessmuch T -1 /lessmuch τ -1 /lessmuch κ/ 2. Since the atomic transit time is much shorter than the damping times of atomic variables, one could ignore the e ff ect of the spontaneous emission of the atom. By the standard way [25], We get the following steady-state values:\n∣ ∣ ∣ ˜ Ass ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 = R (1 -A 0 + A 1 -A 2) κ = R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) κ ,\n˜ Nass = R τ 2 [ 1 + C 0 -C 1 + C 2 g τ √ κ R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) ] ,\n˜ Nbss = R τ 2 [ 1 -C 0 -C 1 + C 2 g τ √ κ R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) ] .", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nThough, the natural linewidth of quantum transition was regarded as the ultimate limit to high-resolution laser spectroscopy [4], several methods of subnatural linewidth spectroscopy have been proposed to gain subnatural linewidth [310]. However, in all these e ff orts, including optical Ramsey spectroscopy, subnatural line is realized at the expense of a quick reduction in signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio due to the exponential decaying of signal, thus all these schemes can only get the linewidth several times narrower than the atomic natural linewidth. In the past three decades, this situation does not change in the field of the precision laser spectroscopy. On the other hand, the thermal noise of the cavity mirrors is the main obstacle for further linewidth reduction of a laser [11, 12], and it is a challenge to substantially reduce this noise further[13]. Recently, a new scheme, called active optical clock [14-18], was proposed to substantially reduce the laser linewidth. With lattice trapped atoms, it is possible to reach mHz linewidth laser based on the mechanism of active optical clock [14, 15, 19]. The principal mechanism of active optical clock is to directly extract light emitted from the ultranarrow atomic transition with a cavity mode linewidth much wider than that of lasing. This bad cavity ensures that any frequency shift due to cavity noise reduces to cavity-pulling e ff ect [1517], then the thermal noise is not the major obstacle again for reducing the linewidth. This means the bad cavity can play an indispensable role in new subnatural linewidth spectroscopy.\nIn this Letter, we propose a new scheme called Ramsey laser with bad cavity. Distinct from any previous applications of conventional Ramsey separated oscillating fields method [1], which focuses on the absorption spectrum, we here fo-", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\ncus on the stimulated emission spectrum via multiple coherent interactions inside the cavity. We find this Ramsey laser can provide a stimulated-emission spectrum with a linewidth much narrower than that of any conventional optical Ramsey seperated-field spectroscopy, which is commonly applied in optical atomic clock. Our results also show that a subnatural linewidth spectroscopy, superior to any other available subnatural spectroscopy technique at present [3-10], can be reached by this kind of laser, if a suitable atomic level structure is chosen. Thus, this method can provide an e ff ective subnatural spectroscopy, and the possibilities for the new optical clock scheme [15] and atom interferometers [2].\nTheoretical framework: We consider the case of a two-level atomic beam interacting with a single-mode Ramsey cavity of separated-oscillating-field resonators with the cavity mode linewidth is much wider than the atomic gain linewidth. Thus we call it bad-cavity Ramsey laser. All atoms are pumped onto the upper lasing state a before entering the first cavity of seperated field, and the lower lasing state is b . We assume all the atoms have the same velocities υ , that means what we consider here is a homogeneous laser system. And for the sake of simplicity, we consider the two-standing waves linear optical Ramsey configuration with a grid as spatial selector [20, 21]. Our treatment can be extended to other configurations as in [22-24]. The length of each oscillating part is l , and the length of the free drift region is L . The corresponding Hamiltonian is\nH = /planckover2pi1 ω ˆ a † ˆ a + /planckover2pi1 ∑ j [ ω j a ( t ) σ j a + ω j b ( t ) σ j b ] + /planckover2pi1 g ∑ j Γ j ( t )(ˆ a † ˆ σ j -e -i /vector k · /vector rj + ˆ σ j + ˆ ae i /vector k · /vector rj ) , (1)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf", - "query": "How the steady-state solutions for the mean values of the field and atomic variables for laser operation are obtained ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The steady-state solutions for the mean values of the field and atomic variables for laser operation are obtained by dropping the noise terms of the c-number Langevin equations and setting the time derivatives equal to zero.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n〈 ˜ Fk ( t ) ˜ Fk ( t ' ) 〉 = ˜ D (0) kl δ ( t -t ' ) + ˜ D (1) kl δ ( t -t ' -τ ) + ˜ D (2) kl δ ( t -t ' + τ ) + ˜ D (3) kl δ ( t -t ' -τ -T ) + ˜ D (4) kl δ ( t -t ' + τ + T ) + ˜ D (5) kl δ ( t -t ' -2 τ -T ) + ˜ D (6) kl δ ( t -t ' + 2 τ + T ) + ˜ D (7) kl δ ( t -t ' -T ) + ˜ D (8) kl δ ( t -t ' + T ) , (8)\nwhere ˜ D ( i ) kl are the c-number Langevin di ff usion coe ffi cients, related to quantum Langevin di ff usion coe ffi cients D ( i ) kl as in [27].\nSteady-state solutions: The steady-state solutions for the mean values of the field and atomic variables for laser operation are obtained by dropping the noise terms of the cnumber Langevin equations and setting the time derivatives equal to zero. The analytical solutions are very complex, and one could numerically solve the steady-state equations. In this paper, we only care about the bad cavity limit γ max /lessmuch T -1 /lessmuch τ -1 /lessmuch κ/ 2. Since the atomic transit time is much shorter than the damping times of atomic variables, one could ignore the e ff ect of the spontaneous emission of the atom. By the standard way [25], We get the following steady-state values:\n∣ ∣ ∣ ˜ Ass ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 = R (1 -A 0 + A 1 -A 2) κ = R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) κ ,\n˜ Nass = R τ 2 [ 1 + C 0 -C 1 + C 2 g τ √ κ R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) ] ,\n˜ Nbss = R τ 2 [ 1 -C 0 -C 1 + C 2 g τ √ κ R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) ] .", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nwhere ˆ a , ˆ a † are the annihilation and creation operators of the field mode inside the cavity, with the frequency ω , σ j a = ( | a 〉 〈 a | ) j and σ j b = ( | b 〉 〈 b | ) j are the projection operators for the jth atom corresponding to the upper and lower lasing levels,\nwith frequency ω j a and ω j b , and σ j -= ( | b 〉 〈 a | ) j is the 'spinflip' operator for the jth atom, with its adjoint σ j + = ( | a 〉 〈 b | ) j . The coupling constant g is given by g = µ √ ω/ 2 /planckover2pi1 /epsilon1 0 V , where µ is the magnitude of the atomic dipole moment, and V is the e ff ective volume of the cavity.\nIn order to denote the finite-time interaction between the atoms and Ramsey separated field, we introduce the function\nΓ j ( t ) = Θ ( t -t j ) -Θ ( t -t j -τ ) +Θ ( t -t j -τ -T ) -Θ ( t -t j -2 τ -T ) , (2)\nwhere Θ ( t ) is the Heaviside step function [ Θ ( t ) = 1 for t > 0, Θ ( t ) = 1 / 2 for t = 0, and Θ ( t ) = 0 for t < 0]. T is the free drift time of the atoms, and τ is the interacting time between the atom and one cavity.\nBy the standard way [25], we can get the HeisenbergLangevin equations of the motion for the single-atom and filed operators. By introducing the macroscopic atomic operator, M ( t ) = -i ∑ j Γ j ( t ) σ j -( t ), Na ( t ) = ∑ j Γ j ( t ) σ j aa ( t ), Nb ( t ) = ∑ j Γ j ( t ) σ j bb ( t ), the dynamic equations for the field and macroscopic atomic operators yield\n˙ a ( t ) = -κ 2 a ( t ) + gM ( t ) + F κ ( t ) , (3)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nA detailed analysis about the stability of the steady-state can be found such as in [28]. In this paper, we assume the steadystate solution is stable.\nLaser linwidth: Suppose the quantum fluctuation is small, the evolution of the fluctuations can be obtained by making a linearization of the c-number Langevin equations around the steady-state solution. Then the measured spectra of field fluctuations will be directly related to these quantities. By Fourier transformations of the linearized equation, we get the amplitude and phase quadrature components δ X ( ω ) and δ Y ( ω ) [26]. Well above threshold, one can neglect the amplitude fluctuations, and the linewidth inside the cavity is related to the phase-di ff usion coe ffi cient [25]. For small fluctuation of laser phase, the spectrum of phase fluctuations is simply related to the spectrum of the phase quadrature component of the field fluctuations, namely,\n( δϕ 2 ) ω = 1 I 0 ( δ Y 2 ) ω.\nIn the region γ ab /lessmuch T -1 /lessmuch τ -1 /lessmuch κ/ 2, as in the recently proposed active optical clock [15] with atomic beam. The phase quadrature component of the field fluctuations can be expressed as\n( δϕ 2 ) ω ≈ ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 I 0 ω 2 [( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 + ω 2 ] g 2 4( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 { 4 γ ab ˜ Nass + 2 R [( A 0 + B 0) + ( A 2 + B 2)] + Rp [( C 0 -C ∗ 0 ) 2 + ( C 1 -C ∗ 1 ) 2 + ( C 2 -C ∗ 2 ) 2 ] } . (9)\nSince the time τ and T is much shorter than the time scale of the atomic dampings, we can neglect the dampings when calculate Ai , Bi , Ci . By using\nA 0 = cos 2 ( Ω R 2 τ ) , A 1 = cos 2 ( Ω R 2 τ ) ,\nA 2 = 1 -sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) cos 2 ( ∆ 2 2 T ) , B 0 = sin 2 ( Ω R 2 τ ) ,", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nC 2 = 〈 -i σ j -( t j + 2 τ + T ) 〉 q . R is the mean pumping rate, which is defined in [26]. It is very easy to check that the average values of the above Langevin forces are all zero.\n2\nBy using the above definitions of the noise operators, we find the correlation functions of macroscopic noise forces can be generally written in the form\n〈 Fk ( t ) Fl ( t ' ) 〉 = D (0) kl δ ( t -t ' ) + D (1) kl δ ( t -t ' -τ ) + D (2) kl δ ( t -t ' + τ ) + D (3) kl δ ( t -t ' -τ -T ) + D (4) kl δ ( t -t ' + τ + T ) + D (5) kl δ ( t -t ' -2 τ -T ) + D (6) kl δ ( t -t ' + 2 τ + T ) + D (7) kl δ ( t -t ' -T ) + D (8) kl δ ( t -t ' + T ) , (7)\nwhere D ( i ) kl ( k , l = a , b , M , M † ; i = 0 , 1 , 2) are the quantum diffusion coe ffi cients.\nc-number correlation functions: By choosing some particular ordering for products of atomic and field operators, one could derive the c-number stochastic Langevin equations from the quantum Langevin equations derived above, and all of the dynamic equations for c-number stochastic variables are the same as in [26]. The di ff erences are from the correlation functions. On the other hand, we convert the quantum noise operators into the c-number noise variables ˜ Fk ( t )( k = a , b , M , M † ), whose correlation functions are expressed as", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n˙ Na ( t ) = R (1 -A 0 + A 1 -A 2) -( γ a + γ ' a ) Na ( t ) -g [ M † ( t ) a ( t ) + a † ( t ) M ( t )] + Fa ( t ) , (4)\n˙ Nb ( t ) = -R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) -γ bNb ( t ) + γ ' a Na ( t ) + g [ a † ( t ) M ( t ) + M † ( t ) a ( t )] + Fb ( t ) , (5)\n˙ M ( t ) = -R ( C 0 -C 1 + C 2) -γ abM ( t ) + g [ Na ( t ) -Nb ( t )] a ( t ) + FM ( t ) , (6)\nwhere the macroscopic noise operators are defined as\nFa ( t ) = ∑ j ˙ Γ j ( t ) σ j a ( t ) -R (1 -A 0 + A 1 -A 2) + ∑ j Γ j ( t ) f j a ( t ) ,\nFb ( t ) = ∑ j ˙ Γ j ( t ) σ j b ( t ) + R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) + ∑ j Γ j ( t ) f j b ( t ) ,\nFM ( t ) = -i ∑ j ˙ Γ j ( t ) ˜ σ j -( t ) + R ( C 0 -C 1 + C 2) -i ∑ j Γ j ( t ) f j σ ( t ) ,\nwith A 0 = 〈 σ j a ( t j + τ ) 〉 q , A 1 = 〈 σ j a ( t j + τ + T ) 〉 q , A 2 = 〈 σ j a ( t j + 2 τ + T ) 〉 q , B 0 = 〈 σ j b ( t j + τ ) 〉 q , B 1 = 〈 σ j b ( t j + τ + T ) 〉 q , B 2 = 〈 σ j b ( t j + 2 τ + T ) 〉 q , C 0 = 〈 -i σ j -( t j + τ ) 〉 q , C 1 = 〈 -i σ j -( t j + τ + T ) 〉 q ,", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n[24] J. C. Bergquist, S. A. Lee, and L. L. Hall, Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 , 159 (1977).\n[25] L. Davidovich, Rev. Mod. Phys. 68 , 127 (1996).\n[26] M. I. Kolobov, L. Davidovich, E. Giacobino, and C. Fabre, Phys. Rev. A 47 , 1431 (1993).\n[27] M. Sargent III, M. O. Scully, and W. E. Lamb, Laser Physics (Addition Wesley, Reading, MA, 1974).\n[28] N. A. Abraham, P. Mandel, and L. M. Narducci, Dynamic Instabilities and Pulsations in Lasers , Progress in Optics XXV, edited by E. Wolf (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988).\n[29] L. Pasternack, D. M. Silver, D. R. Yarkony, and P. J. Dagdigian, J. Phys. B 13 , 2231 (1980).\n[30] K. An and M. S. Feld, Phys. Rev. A 56 , 1662(1997).\n[31] N. F. Ramsey and H. B. Silsbee, Phys. Rev. 84 , 506(1951).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nB 1 = sin 2 ( Ω R 2 τ ) , B 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) cos 2 ( ∆ 2 T 2 ) ,\n( C 0 C ∗ ) 2 = 0 , ( C 1 C ∗ ) 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T ) ,\n( C 2 C ∗ ) 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T ) ,\n-0 -1 --2 -\nwe get\n( δϕ 2 ) ω = ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 ω 2 [( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 + ω 2 )] γ 2 ab ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 { DST + DRam [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] } , (10)\n3\nwhere Ω R is the Rabi frequency on resonance, DST = g 2 ˜ Nass / I 0 γ ab , DRam = g 2 R / 2 I 0 γ 2 ab , and ∆ 2 = ω -( ω a 2 -ω b 2) presents the detuning in the free drift region. p is a parameter, which characterizes the pumping statistics: a Poissonian excitation statistics corresponds to p = 0 , and for a regular statistics we have p = 1.\nThen the linewidth of Ramsey laser with bad cavity is given by\nD = γ 2 ab ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 { DST + DRam [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] } . (11)\nSince DST / DRam /lessmuch 1 in our situation, and in the case of maximal photon number, the steady state value of ˜ Nass is about R τ/ 2. Then we get the\nD ≈ 2 g 2 κ [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] . (12)", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nLett. 48 , 871 (1982).\n[9] H. J. Carmichael, R. J. Brecha, M. G. Raizen, H. J. Kimble, and P. R. Rice, Phys. Rev. A 40 , 5516 (1989).\n[10] U. W. Rathe, M. O. Scully, Letters in Mathematical Physics 34 , 297 (1995)\n[11] K. Numata, A. Kemery, J. Camp, Phys Rev Lett, 93 , 250602 (2004).\n[12] A. D. Ludlow et al. , Opt. Lett. 32 , 641 (2007).\n[13] H. J. Kimble, B. L. Lev, and J. Ye, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 260602 (2008).\n[14] J. Chen, and X.Chen, In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition , (IEEE, 2005), p.608.\n[15] J. Chen, e-print arXiv:0512096 quant-ph; Chinese Science Bulletin 54 , 348 (2009).\n[16] D. Yu and J. Chen, Phys. Rev. A 78 , 013846 (2008).\n[17] J. Chen, In Frequency Standards and Metrology: Proceedings of the 7th Symposium , edited by Maleki Lute (World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009).\n[18] Y. Wang, Chinese Science Bulletin 54 , 347 (2009).\n[19] D. Meiser, J. Ye, D. R. Carlson, and M. J. Holland, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 , 163601 (2009)\n[20] F. Strumia, Metrologia 8 , 85 (1972).\n[21] G. Kramer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 68 , 1634 (1978).\n[22] V. S. Letokhov and B. D. Pavlik, Opt. Spectrosc. USSR 32 , 455 (1972).\n[23] Ye. V. Baklanov, B. Ya, Dubetsky, V. P. Chebotayev, Appl. Phys. 9 , 171 (1976).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. OPTICAL INTEGRAL IN NORMAL AND SUPERCONDUCTING STATES\nThe generic formalism of the computation of the optical conductivity and the optical integral has been discussed several times in the literature 21-23,26,29 and we\n4\njust list the formulas that we used in our computations. The conductivity σ (Ω) and the optical integral W ( ω c ) are given by (see for example Ref. 35).\nσ ' (Ω) = Im [ -Π(Ω) Ω+ iδ ] = -Π '' (Ω) Ω + πδ (Ω) Π ' (Ω) (7a)\nW ( ω c ) = ∫ ω c 0 σ ' (Ω) d Ω = -∫ ω c 0+ Π '' (Ω) Ω d Ω + π 2 Π ' (0) (7b)\nwhere ' X ' ' and ' X '' ' stand for real and imaginary parts of X . We will restrict with T = 0. The polarization operator Π(Ω) is (see Ref. 36)\nΠ( i Ω) = T ∑ ω ∑ /vector k ( ∇ /vector k ε /vector k ) 2 ( G ( iω, /vector k ) G ( iω + i Ω , /vector k ) + F ( iω, /vector k ) F ( iω + i Ω , /vector k ) ) (8a)\nΠ ' (Ω) = 1 π 2 ∑ /vector k ( ∇ /vector k ε /vector k ) 2 ∫ ' ∫ ' dxdy ( G '' ( x, /vector k ) G '' ( y, /vector k ) + F '' ( x, /vector k ) F '' ( y, /vector k ) ) n F ( y ) -n F ( x ) y -x (8c)\nΠ '' (Ω) = -1 π ∑ /vector k ( ∇ /vector k ε /vector k ) 2 ∫ 0 -Ω dω ( G '' ( ω, /vector k ) G '' ( ω +Ω , /vector k ) + F '' ( ω, /vector k ) F '' ( ω +Ω , /vector k ) ) (8b)", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n∗ E-mail: jbchen@pku.edu.cn\n† E-mail: hongguo@pku.edu.cn.\n[1] N. F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 76 , 996 (1949).\n[2] B. Dubetsky and P. R. Berman, In Atom Interferometry , edited by P. R. Berman (Academic Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997).\n[3] M. M. Salour, Rev. Mod. Phys. 50 , 667 (1978).\n[4] J. Wong and J. C. Garrison, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 , 1254 (1980).\n[5] P. L. Knight and P. E. Coleman, J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 13 4345 (1980).\n[6] H. -W. Lee, P. Meystre, and M. O. Scully, Phys. Rev. A 24 , 1914 (1981).\n[7] F. Shimizu, K. Shimizu, and H. Takuma, Phys. Rev. A 28 , 2248 (1983).\n[8] W. Gawlik, J. Kowalski, F. Trager, and M. Vollmer, Phys.Rev.\n4", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf", - "query": "What are the consequences on the linewidth for regular and Poissonian injections ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": " For regular injection (p = 1), the linewidth is the narrowest, while for Poissonian injection (p = 0), the linewidth is the broadest.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nFrom the expression above, we find that the pumping statistic can influence the linewidth. For regular injection ( p = 1), the linewidth is the narrowest, while for Poissonian injection ( p = 0), the linewidth is the broadest. But even for regular injection, the linewidth is larger than the case of one cavity. That means the mechanism of separated-field does not play the role in reducing the linewidth as in the conventional optical Ramsey method, which is counter-intuitive. However, the separated fields are indispensable for any phase detection like atom interferometry. The details about the method of active atom interferometry will appear elsewhere.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nB 1 = sin 2 ( Ω R 2 τ ) , B 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) cos 2 ( ∆ 2 T 2 ) ,\n( C 0 C ∗ ) 2 = 0 , ( C 1 C ∗ ) 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T ) ,\n( C 2 C ∗ ) 2 = sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T ) ,\n-0 -1 --2 -\nwe get\n( δϕ 2 ) ω = ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 ω 2 [( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 + ω 2 )] γ 2 ab ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 { DST + DRam [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] } , (10)\n3\nwhere Ω R is the Rabi frequency on resonance, DST = g 2 ˜ Nass / I 0 γ ab , DRam = g 2 R / 2 I 0 γ 2 ab , and ∆ 2 = ω -( ω a 2 -ω b 2) presents the detuning in the free drift region. p is a parameter, which characterizes the pumping statistics: a Poissonian excitation statistics corresponds to p = 0 , and for a regular statistics we have p = 1.\nThen the linewidth of Ramsey laser with bad cavity is given by\nD = γ 2 ab ( κ/ 2 + γ ab ) 2 { DST + DRam [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] } . (11)\nSince DST / DRam /lessmuch 1 in our situation, and in the case of maximal photon number, the steady state value of ˜ Nass is about R τ/ 2. Then we get the\nD ≈ 2 g 2 κ [2 -p sin 2 ( Ω R τ ) sin 2 ( ∆ 2 T )] . (12)", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nLett. 48 , 871 (1982).\n[9] H. J. Carmichael, R. J. Brecha, M. G. Raizen, H. J. Kimble, and P. R. Rice, Phys. Rev. A 40 , 5516 (1989).\n[10] U. W. Rathe, M. O. Scully, Letters in Mathematical Physics 34 , 297 (1995)\n[11] K. Numata, A. Kemery, J. Camp, Phys Rev Lett, 93 , 250602 (2004).\n[12] A. D. Ludlow et al. , Opt. Lett. 32 , 641 (2007).\n[13] H. J. Kimble, B. L. Lev, and J. Ye, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 260602 (2008).\n[14] J. Chen, and X.Chen, In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition , (IEEE, 2005), p.608.\n[15] J. Chen, e-print arXiv:0512096 quant-ph; Chinese Science Bulletin 54 , 348 (2009).\n[16] D. Yu and J. Chen, Phys. Rev. A 78 , 013846 (2008).\n[17] J. Chen, In Frequency Standards and Metrology: Proceedings of the 7th Symposium , edited by Maleki Lute (World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009).\n[18] Y. Wang, Chinese Science Bulletin 54 , 347 (2009).\n[19] D. Meiser, J. Ye, D. R. Carlson, and M. J. Holland, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 , 163601 (2009)\n[20] F. Strumia, Metrologia 8 , 85 (1972).\n[21] G. Kramer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 68 , 1634 (1978).\n[22] V. S. Letokhov and B. D. Pavlik, Opt. Spectrosc. USSR 32 , 455 (1972).\n[23] Ye. V. Baklanov, B. Ya, Dubetsky, V. P. Chebotayev, Appl. Phys. 9 , 171 (1976).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n˙ Na ( t ) = R (1 -A 0 + A 1 -A 2) -( γ a + γ ' a ) Na ( t ) -g [ M † ( t ) a ( t ) + a † ( t ) M ( t )] + Fa ( t ) , (4)\n˙ Nb ( t ) = -R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) -γ bNb ( t ) + γ ' a Na ( t ) + g [ a † ( t ) M ( t ) + M † ( t ) a ( t )] + Fb ( t ) , (5)\n˙ M ( t ) = -R ( C 0 -C 1 + C 2) -γ abM ( t ) + g [ Na ( t ) -Nb ( t )] a ( t ) + FM ( t ) , (6)\nwhere the macroscopic noise operators are defined as\nFa ( t ) = ∑ j ˙ Γ j ( t ) σ j a ( t ) -R (1 -A 0 + A 1 -A 2) + ∑ j Γ j ( t ) f j a ( t ) ,\nFb ( t ) = ∑ j ˙ Γ j ( t ) σ j b ( t ) + R ( B 0 -B 1 + B 2) + ∑ j Γ j ( t ) f j b ( t ) ,\nFM ( t ) = -i ∑ j ˙ Γ j ( t ) ˜ σ j -( t ) + R ( C 0 -C 1 + C 2) -i ∑ j Γ j ( t ) f j σ ( t ) ,\nwith A 0 = 〈 σ j a ( t j + τ ) 〉 q , A 1 = 〈 σ j a ( t j + τ + T ) 〉 q , A 2 = 〈 σ j a ( t j + 2 τ + T ) 〉 q , B 0 = 〈 σ j b ( t j + τ ) 〉 q , B 1 = 〈 σ j b ( t j + τ + T ) 〉 q , B 2 = 〈 σ j b ( t j + 2 τ + T ) 〉 q , C 0 = 〈 -i σ j -( t j + τ ) 〉 q , C 1 = 〈 -i σ j -( t j + τ + T ) 〉 q ,", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n∗ E-mail: jbchen@pku.edu.cn\n† E-mail: hongguo@pku.edu.cn.\n[1] N. F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 76 , 996 (1949).\n[2] B. Dubetsky and P. R. Berman, In Atom Interferometry , edited by P. R. Berman (Academic Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997).\n[3] M. M. Salour, Rev. Mod. Phys. 50 , 667 (1978).\n[4] J. Wong and J. C. Garrison, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 , 1254 (1980).\n[5] P. L. Knight and P. E. Coleman, J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 13 4345 (1980).\n[6] H. -W. Lee, P. Meystre, and M. O. Scully, Phys. Rev. A 24 , 1914 (1981).\n[7] F. Shimizu, K. Shimizu, and H. Takuma, Phys. Rev. A 28 , 2248 (1983).\n[8] W. Gawlik, J. Kowalski, F. Trager, and M. Vollmer, Phys.Rev.\n4", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\n[24] J. C. Bergquist, S. A. Lee, and L. L. Hall, Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 , 159 (1977).\n[25] L. Davidovich, Rev. Mod. Phys. 68 , 127 (1996).\n[26] M. I. Kolobov, L. Davidovich, E. Giacobino, and C. Fabre, Phys. Rev. A 47 , 1431 (1993).\n[27] M. Sargent III, M. O. Scully, and W. E. Lamb, Laser Physics (Addition Wesley, Reading, MA, 1974).\n[28] N. A. Abraham, P. Mandel, and L. M. Narducci, Dynamic Instabilities and Pulsations in Lasers , Progress in Optics XXV, edited by E. Wolf (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988).\n[29] L. Pasternack, D. M. Silver, D. R. Yarkony, and P. J. Dagdigian, J. Phys. B 13 , 2231 (1980).\n[30] K. An and M. S. Feld, Phys. Rev. A 56 , 1662(1997).\n[31] N. F. Ramsey and H. B. Silsbee, Phys. Rev. 84 , 506(1951).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Injection\nA combination of race, chronicity and baseline disability explained slightly more than 20% of the variance in\nTable 5 Overall performance of full logistic multivariate regression models ( n =246)", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Transgenic lines used in the study.\nTable 1", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nwhere ˆ a , ˆ a † are the annihilation and creation operators of the field mode inside the cavity, with the frequency ω , σ j a = ( | a 〉 〈 a | ) j and σ j b = ( | b 〉 〈 b | ) j are the projection operators for the jth atom corresponding to the upper and lower lasing levels,\nwith frequency ω j a and ω j b , and σ j -= ( | b 〉 〈 a | ) j is the 'spinflip' operator for the jth atom, with its adjoint σ j + = ( | a 〉 〈 b | ) j . The coupling constant g is given by g = µ √ ω/ 2 /planckover2pi1 /epsilon1 0 V , where µ is the magnitude of the atomic dipole moment, and V is the e ff ective volume of the cavity.\nIn order to denote the finite-time interaction between the atoms and Ramsey separated field, we introduce the function\nΓ j ( t ) = Θ ( t -t j ) -Θ ( t -t j -τ ) +Θ ( t -t j -τ -T ) -Θ ( t -t j -2 τ -T ) , (2)\nwhere Θ ( t ) is the Heaviside step function [ Θ ( t ) = 1 for t > 0, Θ ( t ) = 1 / 2 for t = 0, and Θ ( t ) = 0 for t < 0]. T is the free drift time of the atoms, and τ is the interacting time between the atom and one cavity.\nBy the standard way [25], we can get the HeisenbergLangevin equations of the motion for the single-atom and filed operators. By introducing the macroscopic atomic operator, M ( t ) = -i ∑ j Γ j ( t ) σ j -( t ), Na ( t ) = ∑ j Γ j ( t ) σ j aa ( t ), Nb ( t ) = ∑ j Γ j ( t ) σ j bb ( t ), the dynamic equations for the field and macroscopic atomic operators yield\n˙ a ( t ) = -κ 2 a ( t ) + gM ( t ) + F κ ( t ) , (3)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Linewidth of Ramsey Laser with Bad Cavity\nYang Li, Wei Zhuang, Jinbiao Chen, ∗ and Hong Guo † CREAM Group, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks (Peking University) and Institute of Quantum Electronics, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, and Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE), Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China (Dated: October 29, 2018)\nWe investigate a new laser scheme by using Ramsey separated-field technique with bad cavity. By studying the linewidth of the stimulated-emission spectrum of this kind of laser inside the cavity, we find its linewidth is more than two orders of magnitude narrower than atomic natural linewidth, and it is far superior to that of conventional optical Ramsey method and any other available subnatural linewidth spectroscopy at present. Since any cavity related noise is reduced to cavity-pulling e ff ect in bad cavity laser, this Ramsey laser provides the possibility of precision subnatural linewidth spectroscopy, which is critical for the next generation of optical clock and atom interferometers.\nPACS numbers: 42.55.Ah, 42.50.Ar, 42.60.Da, 32.30.-r\nIntroduction: Since the invention of the separated-field technique [1], it has played an important role in the field of precision spectroscopy due to its linewidth narrowing e ff ect via multiple coherent interaction. 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Minar, S.\n3\nmonolayers, assuming a uniform distribution of Mn ions and magnetic moments throughout the (Ga,Mn)As film. This is around a factor of three thinner than in Ref. 7 , which could be due to the lower Mn concentration or the different preparation method of the present samples.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nFerromagnetic (FM) semiconductors offer the prospect of combining high-density storage and gate-controlled logic in a single material. The realization of spin-valve devices from FM semiconductors requires the controlled switching of magnetization in adjacent layers between antiferromagnetic (AFM) and FM configurations. This has motivated several theoretical investigations of interlayer coupling in all-semiconductor devices 1 , and AFM coupling has recently been demonstrated in (Ga,Mn)As multilayers separated by p -type non-magnetic spacers 2 . However, the Curie temperature T C of (Ga,Mn)As is currently limited to 185 K in single layers 3 , and is typically much lower for layers embedded within a heterostructure 2 , which is an obstacle to the practical implementation of semiconductor spintronics.\nThe development of FM metal/FM semiconductor heterostructures has the potential to bring together the benefits of metal and semiconductor based spintronics, offering access to new functionalities and physical phenomena. Recent studies of MnAs/(Ga,Mn)As and NiFe/(Ga,Mn)As bilayer films have shown FM interlayer coupling and independent magnetization behavior, respectively 4,5 . Of particular interest is the Fe/(Ga,Mn)As system, since the growth of epitaxial Fe/GaAs(001) films is well-established 6 . Remarkably, a recent x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) study has shown that Fe may induce a proximity polarization in the near-surface region of (Ga,Mn)As, antiparallel to the Fe moment and persisting even above room temperature 7 . Devices incorporating Fe/(Ga,Mn)As therefore offer the prospect of obtaining non-volatile room temperature spin-polarization in a semiconductor.\nUntil now, no information has been revealed about the coupling of Fe to (Ga,Mn)As layers away from the nearsurface region. At the surface, the (Ga,Mn)As layer may be highly non-stoichiometric and Mn-rich, due to its nonequilibrium nature 8,9 . Previously, Fe/(Ga,Mn)As layers were produced by a process including exposure to air followed by sputtering and annealing prior to Fe deposition,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The benefits of using mind maps include the following:\n· They help you to see how the different bits of information fit into the bigger picture.\n· They help you to understand the relationships between concepts.\n· They help you to memorise information more quickly (by engaging both hemispheres of your brain).", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nThe interfacial Mn moments are ascribed to the proximity polarization of the (Ga,Mn)As interface by the Fe layer, such as was shown previously by XMCD as well as ab initio theory 7 . Evidence for this can be observed from measurement of the Mn L 2 , 3 XMCD signal at temperatures above the (Ga,Mn)As T C . Similar to the previous study 7 , we observe a small but not negligible signal at room temperature (Fig. 3), with opposite sign to the Fe L 2 , 3 XMCD. Its spectral shape is characteristic of a localized electronic configuration close to d 5 , similar to bulk (Ga,Mn)As 7,9,15 but in contrast to Mn in more metallic environments such as Mn x Fe 1 -x 7 or MnAs 16 . A slight broadening is observed on the low energy side of the Mn L 3 peak, which may be due to the different screening induced by proximity to the Fe layer. Since the measured intensity is attenuated with distance z from the surface as I = I 0 exp( -z/λ TEY ), the thickness of the strongly coupled interface layer is estimated to be ∼ 0.7 nm or 2-3\n1 T. Jungwirth, W. A. Atkinson, B. H. Lee, and A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. B 59 , 9818 (1999); P. Sankowski and P. Kacman, Phys. Rev. B 71 , 201303(R) (2005); A. D. Giddings, T. Jungwirth, and B. L. Gallagher, Phys. Rev. B 78 , 165312 (2008); K. Szalowski and T. Balcerzak, Phys. Rev. B 79 , 214430 (2009).", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nK. Olejnik, 1, 2 P. Wadley, 3 J. Haigh, 3 K. W. Edmonds, 3 R. P. Campion, 3 A. W. Rushforth, 3 B. L. Gallagher, 3 C. T. Foxon, 3 T. Jungwirth, 2, 3 J. Wunderlich, 1, 2 S. S. Dhesi, 4 S. Cavill, 4 G. van der Laan, 4 and E. Arenholz 5\n1 Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory, Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom\n2 Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., Cukrovarnicka 10, 16253 Praha 6, Czech Republic\n3 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom 4 Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA\n5 (Dated: August 24, 2018)\nWe demonstrate an exchange bias in (Ga,Mn)As induced by antiferromagnetic coupling to a thin overlayer of Fe. Bias fields of up to 240 Oe are observed. Using element-specific x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements, we distinguish a strongly exchange coupled (Ga,Mn)As interface layer in addition to the biassed bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As film. The interface layer remains polarized at room temperature.\nPACS numbers: 75.70.Cn, 75.50.Pp, 75.50.Bb", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "· better procurement\nThe first two features have obvious technical advantages regardless of data openness. The last two, being critical, are discussed separately in the next paragraph.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nFigure 2(a)-(c) shows the magnetic field dependence of XMCD asymmetry, defined as ( I l -I r ) / ( I l + I r ) where I l ( r ) is the absorption for left- (right-) circularly polarized x-rays. This is measured at the Fe and Mn L 3 absorption peaks for a Fe(2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As(10 nm) sample at 2 K. The external field is applied along the photon incidence direction, which is at 70 · to the surface normal with an in-plane projection along the [110] axis. The XMCD data show that the Fe film displays a square hysteresis loop with a single magnetization switch, as expected for a monocrystalline Fe film with strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The Mn XMCD shows a more complicated loop due to the effect of the interlayer coupling. The projected Mn moment aligns antiparallel to the Fe moment at remanence, and undergoes a magnetization reversal of opposite sign to the Fe. With further increase of the external magnetic field, the Mn moment gradually rotates away from antiparallel alignment with the Fe layer, and into the field direction. Qualitatively similar behavior is observed for the Fe(2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As(20 nm) sample: the (Ga,Mn)As layer is aligned antiparallel to the Fe layer at zero field, although the bias field is lower by approximately a factor of two.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nFIG. 1. (color) Main figure: Major (red/black) and minor (green) hysteresis loops along the [110] axis at 5 K, for a Fe (2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As (20 nm) film, and the hysteresis loop for a control (Ga,Mn)As (20 nm) film along the same axis (blue). Left inset: Magnetization versus temperature for the Fe/(Ga,Mn)As film at remanence (black) and under a 500 Oe applied field (red). Right inset: Exchange bias field versus thickness d of the (Ga,Mn)As film (points) and fit showing 1/ d dependence (dashed line).\n/s32\n4\nM. Sawicki, M. Polini, J. Sinova, A. H. MacDonald, R. P. Campion, L. X. Zhao, N. R. S. Farley, T. K. Johal, G. van der Laan, C. T. Foxon, and B. L. Gallagher, Phys. Rev. B 73 , 165205 (2006).\n16 K. W. Edmonds, A. A. Freeman, N. R. S. Farley, K. Y. Wang, R. P. Campion, B. L. Gallagher, C. T. Foxon, G. van der Laan, and E. Arenholz, J. Appl. Phys. 102 , 023902 (2007).\nFIG. 2. (color online) XMCD asymmetry versus applied field along the [110] axis at 2 K, for a Fe (2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As (10 nm) film. (a) Fe L 3 , total electron yield; (b) Mn L 3 , total electron yield; (c) Mn L 3 , fluorescent yield. Black and red points are data for increasing and decreasing fields respectively; lines are to guide the eye.\n/s32\n/s32\n/s32\n5\n/s32", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\n1 Frustrated spin Systems , edited by H. T. Diep (World Scientific, 2004).\n2 H. Kawamura, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 10 , 4707 (1998).\n3 T. Kimura et al. , Nature (London) 426 , 55 (2003).\n4 F. Cinti et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 , 057203 (2008).\n5 J.H. Park, S. Onoda, N. Nagaosa, and J. H. Han, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 167202 (2008), and references therein.\n6 S. W. Cheong and M. Mostovoy, Nature Materials (London) 6 , 13 (2007).\n7 Minhyea Lee, W. Kang, Y. Onose, Y. Tokura, and N. P. Ong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 , 186601 (2009)\n8 P. Pedrazzini et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 , 047204 (2007).\n9 H. Kawamura and M. S. Li, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 , 187204 (2001).\n10 P. J. Jensen, and A. R. Mackintosh, Rere Earth Magnetism (Structure and Excitations) , Clarendon Press, Oxford (1991).\n11 S. Konings, C. Schuessler-Langeheine, H. Ott, E. Weschke, E. Schierle, J. B. Goedkoop, arXiv 0707.2765v2\n12 P.J. Jensen, and K.H. Bennemann, Surface Science Reports 61 , 129 (2006).\n13 E. Weschke, et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 , 157204 (2004).\n14 F. Cinti, A. Cuccoli, and A. Rettori, Phys. Rev. B 78 , 020402(R) (2008).\n15 F. Cinti, A. Cuccoli, and A. Rettori, Phys. Rev. B 79 ,\n7", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf", - "query": "I do not remember on wich samples SQUID magnetometry measurements were first performed", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "SQUID magnetometry measurements were first performed on control Fe/GaAs(001) and (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs(001) samples", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n1 R. Kubo, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 12 , 570(1957).\n2 R.A. Ferrrel and R.E. Glover, Phys. Rev. 109 , 1398 (1958).\n3 M. Tinkham and R.A. Ferrrel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2 , 331 (1959), M. Tinkham, Introduction to Superconductivity (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975).\n4 J. Hirsch, Physica C 199 , 305 (1992).\n5 D. N. Basov and T. Timusk, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 , 721 (2005); A. V. Puchkov, D. N. Basov and T. Timusk, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 8 , 10049 (1996).\n6 C. M. Varma et al , Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 , 1996 (1989).\n7 D. N. Basov, S. I. Woods, A. S. Katz, E. J. Singley, R. C. Dynes, M. Xu, D. G. Hinks, C. C. Homes and M. Strongin, Science 283 , 49 (1999).\n8 H.J.A Molegraaf, C. Presura, D. van der Marel, P.H. Kess, M. Li, Science 295 , 2239 (2002); A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, F. Carbone and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 72 , 144503 (2005).\n9 A. F. Santander-Syro, R. P. S. M. Lobo, N. Bontemps, Z. Konstantinovic, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy, Europhys. Lett. 62 , 568 (2003);\n10 A. V. Boris, N. N. Kovaleva, O. V. Dolgov, T. Holden, C. T. Lin, B. Keimer and C. Bernhard, Science 304 , 708 (2004).", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Primary and secondary antibodies used in the study.\nTable 2", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n20 for a review see F. Marsiglio, J. Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22 , 269 (2009).\n21 F. Marsiglio, E. van Heumen, A. B. Kuzmenko, Phys. Rev. B 77 144510 (2008).\n22 M. R. Norman, A. V. Chubukov, E. van Heumen, A. B. Kuzmenko, and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 76 , 220509 (2007).\n23 J. E. Hirsch and F. Marsiglio, Physica C 331 , 150 (2000)\n15", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Transgenic lines used in the study.\nTable 1", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Methods\nn/a\nInvolved in the study\nChIP-seq\nFlow cytometry\nMRI-based neuroimaging", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Performance monitoring\nThis section highlights several performance monitoring techniques.", - "page_start": 763, - "page_end": 763, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.2670v1 [quant-ph] 15 Jan 2010\n.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2670.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "J Appl Physiol 137: 789 -799, 2024. First published August 15, 2024; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00342.2024", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Shareholder Information\nAs at 26 September 2013", - "page_start": 115, - "page_end": 115, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\nWe would like to thank Wikit 11 and Esker 12 for providing compute and funding this research.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf", - "query": "What are the differences observed between the Mn XMCD hysteresis loops obtained using TEY and FY detection modes ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "For FY the magnitude of the XMCD is similar (but of opposite sign) at remanence and at high mag netic fields, whereas for TEY at remanence it is approx imately a factor of two larger than at 1000 Oe.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nClear differences are observed between the Mn XMCD hysteresis loops obtained using TEY and FY detection modes. For FY the magnitude of the XMCD is similar (but of opposite sign) at remanence and at high magnetic fields, whereas for TEY at remanence it is approximately a factor of two larger than at 1000 Oe. The Mn L 2 , 3 XMCD spectra recorded at remanence and at 1000 Oe, shown in Fig. 3, confirm this result. At remanence the FY and TEY detected XMCD have similar magnitudes. However, under a large external field the XMCD is substantially smaller in TEY than in FY, confirming that the net magnetization of the Mn ions near the interface is significantly less than in the bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As film. This is the case even up to the highest field applied (20 kOe). By applying the XMCD sum rules 14 to the TEY data, and by comparing the spectra to previous measurements on well-characterized (Ga,Mn)As\nsamples 15 , the projected Mn 3 d magnetic moments are obtained as -1.4 µ B and +0.8 µ B per ion at remanence and 1000 Oe, respectively.\nThe difference between these values can be understood as being due to an interface layer which is strongly antiferromagnetically coupled to the Fe layer. At zero field, both the interfacial and bulk Mn are aligned antiparallel to the Fe layer. At high fields, the bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As layer away from the interface is re-oriented into the external field direction. However, the interfacial Mn remains antiparallel to the Fe layer and thus partially compensates the XMCD signal from the bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As. From the size of the remanent and 1000 Oe magnetic moments, it can be estimated that around 25-30% of the TEY XMCD signal can be ascribed to the interfacial Mn which is strongly coupled to the Fe moments.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nFIG. 3. (color online) (a) Polarization-averaged Mn L 2 , 3 spectrum for a Fe/(Ga,Mn)As film; (b) XMCD spectra measured in remanence at 2 K; (c) XMCD spectra measured under a 1000 Oe applied field at 2 K; (d) XMCD spectrum measured under a 2000 Oe applied field at 300 K. XMCD spectra are obtained using TEY (thick red lines) and FY (thin blue lines) detection.\n/s32\n6", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nFIG. 1. (color) Main figure: Major (red/black) and minor (green) hysteresis loops along the [110] axis at 5 K, for a Fe (2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As (20 nm) film, and the hysteresis loop for a control (Ga,Mn)As (20 nm) film along the same axis (blue). Left inset: Magnetization versus temperature for the Fe/(Ga,Mn)As film at remanence (black) and under a 500 Oe applied field (red). Right inset: Exchange bias field versus thickness d of the (Ga,Mn)As film (points) and fit showing 1/ d dependence (dashed line).\n/s32\n4\nM. Sawicki, M. Polini, J. Sinova, A. H. MacDonald, R. P. Campion, L. X. Zhao, N. R. S. Farley, T. K. Johal, G. van der Laan, C. T. Foxon, and B. L. Gallagher, Phys. Rev. B 73 , 165205 (2006).\n16 K. W. Edmonds, A. A. Freeman, N. R. S. Farley, K. Y. Wang, R. P. Campion, B. L. Gallagher, C. T. Foxon, G. van der Laan, and E. Arenholz, J. Appl. Phys. 102 , 023902 (2007).\nFIG. 2. (color online) XMCD asymmetry versus applied field along the [110] axis at 2 K, for a Fe (2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As (10 nm) film. (a) Fe L 3 , total electron yield; (b) Mn L 3 , total electron yield; (c) Mn L 3 , fluorescent yield. Black and red points are data for increasing and decreasing fields respectively; lines are to guide the eye.\n/s32\n/s32\n/s32\n5\n/s32", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nFigure 2(a)-(c) shows the magnetic field dependence of XMCD asymmetry, defined as ( I l -I r ) / ( I l + I r ) where I l ( r ) is the absorption for left- (right-) circularly polarized x-rays. This is measured at the Fe and Mn L 3 absorption peaks for a Fe(2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As(10 nm) sample at 2 K. The external field is applied along the photon incidence direction, which is at 70 · to the surface normal with an in-plane projection along the [110] axis. The XMCD data show that the Fe film displays a square hysteresis loop with a single magnetization switch, as expected for a monocrystalline Fe film with strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The Mn XMCD shows a more complicated loop due to the effect of the interlayer coupling. The projected Mn moment aligns antiparallel to the Fe moment at remanence, and undergoes a magnetization reversal of opposite sign to the Fe. With further increase of the external magnetic field, the Mn moment gradually rotates away from antiparallel alignment with the Fe layer, and into the field direction. Qualitatively similar behavior is observed for the Fe(2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As(20 nm) sample: the (Ga,Mn)As layer is aligned antiparallel to the Fe layer at zero field, although the bias field is lower by approximately a factor of two.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nSimilar behavior is observed for bilayer samples containing a 10 nm or 50 nm (Ga,Mn)As layer, with a bias field which is approximately inversely proportional to the thickness d of the ferromagnetic semiconductor layer (Fig. 1, inset). This 1/ d dependence of H E was found previously for MnAs/(Ga,Mn)As bilayers 4 , and is generally observed in exchanged-biased thin films 12 . From this dependence it is possible to describe the exchange bias in terms of an interface energy per unit area, ∆ E = M FS H E d = 0 . 003 erg/cm 2 . This value is rather small compared to typical exchange bias systems 12 , reflecting the low moment density M FS of the diluted FM semiconductor layer. However, the bias field for a given (Ga,Mn)As thickness is larger than is observed for MnO/(Ga,Mn)As structures 13 , while the reproducibility and flexibility of the present structures is much higher due to the single-crystalline ferromagnetic nature of the Fe layer.\nTo confirm the presence of AFM interlayer coupling, we performed XMCD measurements at the Mn and Fe\n2\nL 2 , 3 absorption edges in order to determine the magnetic response of the individual elements. In L 2 , 3 XMCD, electrons are excited from a 2 p core level to the unoccupied 3 d valence states of the element of interest by circularly polarized x-rays at the resonance energies of the transitions. The difference in absorption for opposite polarizations gives a direct and element-specific measurement of the projection of the 3 d magnetic moment along the xray polarization vector. The absorption cross-section is conventionally obtained by measuring the decay products - either fluorescent x-rays or electrons - of the photoexcited core hole. The type of decay product measured determines the probing depth of the technique. For Mn L 2 , 3 absorption, the probing depths for FY and TEY detection are λ FY ≈ 100 nm and λ TEY ≈ 3 nm. In the current experiment, the Mn XMCD measured using FY and TEY are thus sensitive to the bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As film and the near-interface layers, respectively.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nmeasurements were performed on beamline I06 at the Diamond Light Source, and on beamline 4.0.2 at the Advanced Light Source. Total-electron yield (TEY) and fluorescence yield (FY) were monitored simultaneously using the sample drain current and the photocurrent of a diode mounted at 90 · to the incident beam, respectively.\nSQUID magnetometry measurements were first performed on control Fe/GaAs(001) and (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs(001) samples, grown under the same conditions as the bilayers, to determine the magnetic anisotropies of the individual layers and the Curie temperature of the (Ga,Mn)As layer. The Fe film has a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with easy axis along the [110] orientation, similar to previous studies 6 . For the (Ga,Mn)As control sample, there is a competition between cubic and uniaxial magnetic anisotropies, with the former dominant at low temperatures and favoring easy axes along the in-plane 〈 100 〉 orientations, and the latter dominant close to T C ( ∼ 35 K) giving an easy axis along the [1 ¯ 10] orientation. Figure 1 shows [110] magnetization versus temperature curves and low temperature hysteresis loops for a bilayer film containing a 20 nm thick (Ga,Mn)As layer. The total remnant moment of the bilayer film decreases on cooling under zero magnetic field below the T C of the (Ga,Mn)As, indicating that this layer aligns antiparallel to the Fe magnetization at zero field. The hysteresis curve shows a two-step magnetization reversal, indicating different behavior of the Fe and (Ga,Mn)As layers, with the smaller loop attributed to the dilute moment (Ga,Mn)As film. The minor hysteresis loop shown in Fig. 1 clearly shows a shift from zero field by a bias field H E , indicating that the Fe layer induces an exchange bias in the magnetic semiconductor. The shape and size of the minor loop is in agreement with the hysteresis loop for the control (Ga,Mn)As sample, also shown in Fig. 1. This strongly indicates that the exchange bias affects the whole of the (Ga,Mn)As layer in the bilayer sample.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nThe interfacial Mn moments are ascribed to the proximity polarization of the (Ga,Mn)As interface by the Fe layer, such as was shown previously by XMCD as well as ab initio theory 7 . Evidence for this can be observed from measurement of the Mn L 2 , 3 XMCD signal at temperatures above the (Ga,Mn)As T C . Similar to the previous study 7 , we observe a small but not negligible signal at room temperature (Fig. 3), with opposite sign to the Fe L 2 , 3 XMCD. Its spectral shape is characteristic of a localized electronic configuration close to d 5 , similar to bulk (Ga,Mn)As 7,9,15 but in contrast to Mn in more metallic environments such as Mn x Fe 1 -x 7 or MnAs 16 . A slight broadening is observed on the low energy side of the Mn L 3 peak, which may be due to the different screening induced by proximity to the Fe layer. Since the measured intensity is attenuated with distance z from the surface as I = I 0 exp( -z/λ TEY ), the thickness of the strongly coupled interface layer is estimated to be ∼ 0.7 nm or 2-3\n1 T. Jungwirth, W. A. Atkinson, B. H. Lee, and A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. B 59 , 9818 (1999); P. Sankowski and P. Kacman, Phys. Rev. B 71 , 201303(R) (2005); A. D. Giddings, T. Jungwirth, and B. L. Gallagher, Phys. Rev. B 78 , 165312 (2008); K. Szalowski and T. Balcerzak, Phys. Rev. B 79 , 214430 (2009).", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nwhich may further disrupt the interface order. The origin of the interface magnetism then had to be inferred by comparison to a series of reference samples 7 . Demonstration of coupling between the bulk of the layers, i.e. , an exchange bias effect, would provide direct evidence of the interface magnetic order. Moreover, such coupling would offer new means of manipulating the FM semiconductor spin state and utilizing the proximity polarization effect in a spintronic device.\nHere, we demonstrate an antiferromagnetic coupling and exchange bias in Fe/(Ga,Mn)As bilayer films, by combining element-specific XMCD measurements and bulk-sensitive superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry. As with previous studies of FM metal/FM semiconductor bilayers 4,5 (and in contrast to AFM coupled FM metal/FM metal exchange bias structures 10,11 ) the layers are in direct contact without a non-magnetic spacer in between. We distinguish interface and bulk (Ga,Mn)As layers that are respectively strongly and weakly antiferromagnetically coupled to the Fe overlayer. In agreement with Ref. 7 , the interface layer remains polarized at room temperature.\nThe Fe and (Ga,Mn)As layers of the present study were both grown by molecular beam epitaxy in the same ultra-high vacuum system, in order to ensure a clean interface between them. The (Ga,Mn)As layer of thickness 10 to 50 nm was deposited on a GaAs(001) substrate at a temperature of 260 �� C, using previously established methods 3,8 . A low Mn concentration of x ≈ 0 . 03 was chosen in order to avoid the formation of compensating Mn interstitials. The substrate temperature was then reduced to ∼ 0 · C, before depositing a 2 nm Fe layer, plus a 2 nm Al capping layer. In-situ reflection high energy electron diffraction and ex-situ x-ray reflectivity and diffraction measurements confirmed that the layers are single-crystalline with sub-nm interface roughness. SQUID magnetometry measurements were performed using a Quantum Design Magnetic Property Measurement System. Mn and Fe L 2 , 3 x-ray absorption and XMCD", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\nIn summary, we have demonstrated antiferromagnetic coupling between Fe and (Ga,Mn)As layers in bilayer structures. A markedly different coupling is observed for the bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As layer and for Mn moments in the near-interface region. A thickness-dependent exchange bias field is observed to affect the whole of the bulk (Ga,Mn)As layer, which aligns antiparallel to the Fe layer at low fields, and switches to parallel when the external field is large enough to overcome the bias field and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy fields. In contrast, the interfacial Mn moments remain aligned antiparallel to the Fe layer even at 20 kOe, the largest field studied, and are polarized at temperatures well above the T C of the bulk (Ga,Mn)As layer. The latter observation confirms the recently reported result of Ref. 7, in which the Fe/(Ga,Mn)As bilayers were produced by a different method but showed qualitatively similar behavior of the interfacial moments. Our results shed new light on the magnetic coupling in Fe/(Ga,Mn)As hybrid layers which are of potential interest for room temperature spintronics, and also offer a means of controlling the spin orientation in a FM semiconductor.\nWe acknowledge support from EU grants SemiSpinNet-215368 and NAMASTE-214499, and STFC studentship grant CMPC07100. The Advanced Light Source is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. We thank Leigh Shelford for help during the Diamond beamtime.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal\n2 J.-H. Chung, S. J. Chung, S. Lee, B. J. Kirby, J. A. Borchers, Y. J. Cho, X. Liu, and J. K. Furdyna, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 237202 (2008).\n3 M. Wang, R. P. Campion, A. W. Rushforth, K. W. Edmonds, C. T. Foxon, and R. P. Campion, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 , 132103 (2008).\n4 M. Zhu, M. J. Wilson, B. L. Sheu, P. Mitra, P. Schiffer, and N. Samarth, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 , 192503 (2007); M. Zhu, M. J. Wilson, P. Mitra, P. Schiffer, and N. Samarth, Phys. Rev. B 78 , 195307 (2008).\n5 S. Mark, C. Gould, K. Pappert, J. Wenisch, K. Brunner, G. Schmidt, and L. W. Molenkamp, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 , 017204 (2009).\n6 G. Wastlbauer and J.A.C. Bland, Adv. Phys. 54 , 137 (2005).\n7 F. Maccherozzi, M. Sperl, G. Panaccione, J. Minar, S.\n3\nmonolayers, assuming a uniform distribution of Mn ions and magnetic moments throughout the (Ga,Mn)As film. This is around a factor of three thinner than in Ref. 7 , which could be due to the lower Mn concentration or the different preparation method of the present samples.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2449.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf", - "query": "What is Kingsgate ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Kingsgate is a highly successful gold mining, development and exploration company with two operating gold mines and two advanced development projects.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Operations Report\nwww.kingsgate.com.au\nu", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Controlling entity\nThe ultimate parent entity of the Group is Kingsgate Consolidated Limited.", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Information\nKingsgate Consolidated Limited ABN 42 000 837 472", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Investments in subsidiaries\nInvestments in subsidiaries are accounted for at cost in the financial statements of Kingsgate.", - "page_start": 76, - "page_end": 76, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2013 Annual Report\ncontinued\nu\nTHAI LA ND\nwww.kingsgate.com.au\nKingsgate is a highly successful gold mining, development and exploration company with two operating gold mines and two advanced development projects. Shareholders can look forward to the benefits of this strong operating and development platform, where Kingsgate aims to build value though operating, earnings and dividend growth for the benefit of all stakeholders.\nAUST RA LI\nA\n1\nContents", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Principal activities\nThe principal activities of Kingsgate Consolidated Limited are mining and mineral exploration in Australia, South East Asia and South America.", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Responsibilities:\nMember of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee.\nwww.kingsgate.com.au", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Senior Management\nKingsgate's executives have a comprehensive range of skills and experience including mine development and operations, exploration, finance and administration. They are supported by highly qualified specialists, whose backgrounds cover the full scope of mining resources activities.\nSenior members of Kingsgate's management team are:", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Stock Exchange Listing\nKingsgate Consolidated Limited is a Company limited by shares, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange under the code KCN. The Company's shares also trade in the United States of America over-the-counter (OTC) as an American Depository Receipt (ADR) under the code OTC: KSKGY.", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Registered Office & Principal Business Address\nKingsgate Consolidated Limited\nSuite 801, Level 8, 14 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 Australia\nTel:\n+61 2 8256 4800\nFax:\n+61 2 8256 4810\nEmail: info@kingsgate.com.au\nwww.kingsgate.com.au www.kingsgate.com.au", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf", - "query": "What does demonstatre the feasibility study on the Nueva Esperanza Project ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "The study demonstrated that open pit mining at two million tonnes per year and processing by milling and agitation leaching in cyanide was technically feasible, although high capital and power costs negatively impacted project economic returns. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Nueva Esperanza\nThe Nueva Esperanza Project was advanced during the year with the completion of a draft feasibility study. This study included a decision to mine the Arqueros and Teterita portions of Nueva Esperanza. The study demonstrated that open pit mining at two million tonnes per year and processing by milling and agitation leaching in cyanide was technically feasible, although high capital and power costs negatively impacted project economic returns.\nAs a consequence, feasibility work has transitioned to assess a lower capital cost and lower power requirement options, namely the potential for heap leach processing. Metallurgical testwork recently completed demonstrated that processing of mineralisation from all three deposits by heap leaching has the potential to be technically and economically feasible and as a consequence may become the preferred alternative for development.\nEnvironmental approval for the original Arqueros Project was granted in July 2013.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Nueva Esperanza Silver / Gold Project\nThe Nueva Esperanza Silver / Gold Project advanced during the year with an initial scoping study for a decision to mine the Arqueros and Teterita portions of Nueva Esperanza completed in late 2012. The study demonstrated that open pit mining at two million tonnes per year and processing by milling and agitation leaching in cyanide was technically feasible although high capital and power costs negatively impacted project economic returns.\nAs a consequence, feasibility work has transitioned to assess a lower capital cost and lower power requirement option, namely the potential for heap leach processing. Recently completed metallurgical testwork demonstrated that processing of mineralisation from all three deposits by heap leaching has the potential to be technically and economically feasible and, as a consequence, may become the preferred alternative for development.\nEnvironmental approval for the original Arqueros Project was granted in July 2013.", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Feasibility Study\nA Definitive Feasibility Study commenced on the project at the end of May 2011 with the focus on Arqueros, and open pit mining of that deposit with processing by traditional mill and agiitation leaching in cyanide. Subsequent acquisition of the Teterita and Chimberos deposits resulted in an expansion of the feasibility study to incorporate their resources.\nIn late 2012, a decision was taken to examine lower cost options for processing using heap leaching. With major engineering already done, technical studies focussed on metallurgical testwork and heap leach design. It has been established that the mineralisation from the three deposits can be processed by HPGR (High Pressure Grinding Rolls) crushing and heap leaching with silver and gold recoveries of the order of 70% to 75% for silver and 65% to 70% for gold. The project development plan is now focussed on a 3 million tonne per annum heap leach operation with an initial mine life of over 6 years. Annualised production levels (post rampup) are estimated at 6.0-8.0 million ounces of silver and 18,000-22,000 ounces of gold, at an indicative start-up capital cost between US$130-150 million (inclusive of 25% contingency).\nThese project parameters are based on preliminary results only and are insufficient to provide assurance as to the economic development of the project at this stage and these parameters may also change following completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study.\nWith the technical and economical feasibility of heap leaching being established, the project will now move into the final feasibility and design stage with results expected to be available during the March quarter 2014.\nThe environmental permitting process for the original Arqueros project has been completed, with approval to commence construction and mining granted by the Chilean authorities. A modification of the environmental assessment is being prepared to have the approvals modified for heap leaching and on-site power generation.\nExtensive community consultation has been undertaken with positive outcomes, and relationships with indigenous rural and urban communities remain a priority.\nPr ojects Report\n30\nExploration Report", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary\nThe Nueva Esperanza Project is 100% owned by Kingsgate since February 2012. Nueva Esperanza is located in the Maricunga Gold Belt near Copiapó, a regional mining centre in Northern Chile. The silver-rich mineralisation is hosted by the Esperanza high-sulphidation epithermal alteration system associated with the Cerros Bravos volcanic complex.\nThe project consists of three well-defined mineralised deposits and a number of undeveloped exploration targets. The main deposits are Arqueros, Chimberos and Teterita. Arqueros was previously mined on a limited scale by underground methods and Chimberos was exploited as an open pit mine, delivering about 40 million ounces of silver in 1998/99. All three deposits currently have a combined Mineral Resources of about 93 million ounces of silver equivalent or 1.6 million ounces of gold equivalent (EQ60) 1 .\nA feasibility study for a decision to mine the Arqueros portion of Nueva Esperanza was completed in late 2012, demonstrating that open pit mining at two million tonnes per year and processing by milling and agitation leaching in cyanide was technically feasible. Work remained to integrate the Teterita and Chimberos deposits into the project, as well as to test lower cost options for processing. Continued metallurgical testwork has shown that mineralisation from all three deposits by heap leaching is technically and economically feasible and the preferred alternative for development.\nEnvironmental approvals to commence construction and mining at Nueva Esperanza were granted in July 2013 for the original Arqueros project. Work is underway to modify and update the environmental assessment to incorporate the heap leach process.\n1 Equivalence is based on gold/silver price ratio of 60. Gold equivalence = gold content plus (silver content divided by 60), whereas Silver equivalent silver content plus (gold content multiplied by 60).", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Feasibility expenditure\nFeasibility expenditure represents costs related to the preparation and completion of a feasibility study to enable a development decision to be made in relation to an area of interest and capitalised as incurred.\nAt the commencement of production, all past exploration, evaluation and feasibility expenditure in respect of an area of interest that has been capitalised is transferred to mine properties where it is amortised over the life of the area of interest to which it relates on a unit-ofproduction basis.", - "page_start": 73, - "page_end": 73, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Data availability\nNo new data were generated or analyzed in support of this research.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SOON, A SPECTACULAR NEW CITY WILL RISE.\nProject CityCenter - an ambitious multi-dimensional urban plan - will contribute to the remarkable transformation of Las Vegas as an emerging city of global significance.\n20\n00\n04 20", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Priority Issues for Us\nMeasures for Japan's regeneration", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chairman's Review\nChallenger gold production of 66,216 ounces was 24 percent lower than last year due to additional dilution and depletion at Challenger Deeps and a shortfall in planned development. Following the fall in the gold price, a strategic review of Challenger was implemented that has resulted in a new mine plan to focus primarily on the higher grade Challenger West orebody. The new mine plan will be implemented during the first three months of the 2014 financial year.\nThe development projects continued to advance during the year. At Nueva Esperanza, the feasibility work shifted to focus on identifying the lowest cost and lowest power consumption development alternatives. This included reviewing a heap leach process option with on-site power generation. Further work is expected to be completed in the current financial year. At Bowdens, the feasibility work has confirmed the optimum process route. Completion of the technical feasibility study including mine planning, infrastructure and metallurgy, and lodging of the Environmental Impact Statement ('EIS') are scheduled for 2014.\nThe Board of Kingsgate is determined to reestablish the path to building shareholder wealth via profits and dividends despite a difficult external environment. Shareholders can look forward to a steady performance from Chatree and a turn-around at Challenger coupled with the completion of feasibility studies at the two major development projects over the coming year.\nI would also like to thank our Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Gavin Thomas, Kingsgate management and all of the Kingsgate, Akara and Challenger personnel and the project teams for their part in delivering the operational performance during what was a difficult year for your Company.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Feasibility Study\nDuring 2013, the process design and engineering work for the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) progressed to a point where the draft study was close to completion as at 30 June 2013. The study encompassed detailed process design based on using the most recent metallurgical test results, capital and operating cost estimates, project water and power supply, infrastructure requirements and mine optimisation.\nA specialist water supply and engineering firm was engaged to determine the project options for supply, ground and surface water management. Separate specialist consulting firms were engaged to prepare the design and costing of the tailings storage facility and power supply for the Bowdens project.\nA geo-technical drilling program was largely completed and the results utilised in determining preliminary mine design and costing for an open pit mine for Bowdens including pit wall angles for the mine optimisation.\nA geo-metallurgical test program was completed using core samples prepared from the major lithology types at the Bowdens silver project. The geo-metallurgical programme was successful in providing important information related to the physical characteristics and flotation recovery of mineralisation from the dominant\n27\nProjects Report\nlithology types. This included providing confirmation of milling circuit parameters and overall improved metallurgical recovery.\nTesting of the long term geochemical stability of the ore and waste for potentially acid forming properties is ongoing, with initial weathering columns nearing completion. The geochemical characterisation results will form an important input to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf", - "query": "What is the Kingsgate net cash outflows from finiancing activities in 2013 ?", - "target_page": 11, - "target_passage": " Net cash outflows from financing activities was $1.7 million", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Cash flow\nOperating cash inflow was $85,020,000. Net investing cash outflow was $142,425,000. Net cash outflows from financing activities was $1,691,000, including a drawdown (net of transaction costs) of $36,700,000 of the multicurrency and syndicated loan facilities following a loan restructure by Kingsgate's Thai subsidiary Akara Resources Public Company Limited ('Akara'), net repayment (net of transaction costs) of $20,000,000 of the corporate loan facility, and $19,409,000 dividends paid during the year.", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary\nKingsgate has recorded the following financial performance for the year to 30 June 2013:\n〉 Revenue of $329.3 million.\n〉 EBITDA (before significant items) of $115.8 million.\n〉 Profit before tax and significant items of $17.2 million.\n〉 Loss after tax and significant items of $323.7 million. This includes a net tax benefit of $20.6 million, relating to the Challenger Gold Operations ('Challenger') impairment.\n〉 Non-cash asset impairments and other significant items of $356.8 million pre-tax, with $311.9 million principally relating to Challenger ($291.3 million post-tax).\n〉 No final dividend has been declared. An interim dividend of 5 cents per share was declared for the half year to 31 December 2012.\nwww.kingsgate.com.au", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "32. Parent entity financial information\nAs at, and throughout, the financial year ending 30 June 2013 the parent entity of the Group was Kingsgate.\nResults of parent entity, 2013 $'000 = . Results of parent entity, 2012 $'000 = . (Loss) / profit for the year, 2013 $'000 = (385,898). (Loss) / profit for the year, 2012 $'000 = 7,791. Other comprehensive (loss), 2013 $'000 = (91). Other comprehensive (loss), 2012 $'000 = (509). Total comprehensive (loss) / profit, 2013 $'000 = (385,989). Total comprehensive (loss) / profit, 2012 $'000 = 7, 2 8 2. Financial position of parent entity at year end, 2013 $'000 = . Financial position of parent entity at year end, 2012 $'000 = . Current assets, 2013 $'000 = 237,483. Current assets, 2012 $'000 = 211,404. Total assets, 2013 $'000 = 292,370. Total assets, 2012 $'000 = 668,437. Current liabilities, 2013 $'000 = 132,736. Current liabilities, 2012 $'000 = 32,140. Total liabilities, 2013 $'000 = 133,743. Total liabilities, 2012 $'000 = 103,243. Total equity of the parent entity comprising of:, 2013 $'000 = . Total equity of the parent entity comprising of:, 2012 $'000 = . Issued capital, 2013 $'000 = 605,504. Issued capital, 2012 $'000 = 599,618. Reserve, 2013 $'000 = 8,336. Reserve, 2012 $'000 = 10,409. Accumulated losses, 2013 $'000 = (455,213). Accumulated losses, 2012 $'000 = (44,833). Total financial equity, 2013 $'000 = 158,627. Total financial equity, 2012 $'000 = 565,194\ncontinued\nu\nNotes t o the Financial Statements", - "page_start": 110, - "page_end": 110, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS\nfor the year ended 31 December 2004", - "page_start": 53, - "page_end": 53, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Financial results\nKingsgate made an after tax loss of $323.7 million for the full year to 30 June 2013 compared to an after tax profit of $75.0 million for the previous corresponding year. The result for the year reflected an impairment of $311.9 million pre-tax ($291.3 million post-tax) against the Challenger Mine and associated assets and an impairment of $20.4 million against greenfield exploration projects in Australia and Thailand.", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Financials\nKingsgate made an after tax loss of $323.7 million for the full year to 30 June 2013 compared to an after tax profit of $75.0 million for the previous corresponding year. The result for the year reflected an impairment of $311.9 million pre-tax ($291.3 million post-tax) against the Challenger Mine and associated assets and an impairment of $20.4 million against greenfield exploration projects in Australia and Thailand.\nTotal sales revenue, 2013 $000 = 329,282. Total sales revenue, 2012 $000 = 357,372. EBITDA before significant items, 2013 $000 = 115,845. EBITDA before significant items, 2012 $000 = 168,583. (Loss) / profit before tax, 2013 $000 = ( 339,615). (Loss) / profit before tax, 2012 $000 = 91,277. Income tax benefit / (expense), 2013 $000 = 15,889. Income tax benefit / (expense), 2012 $000 = (16,271). (Loss) / profit after income after tax, 2013 $000 = (323,726). (Loss) / profit after income after tax, 2012 $000 = 75,006. Dividend declared (¢/share), 2013 $000 = 5. Dividend declared (¢/share), 2012 $000 = 20\nwww.kingsgate.com.au", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Notes to the Financial Statements\nfor the year ended 30 June 2013\nThe Financial Report of Kingsgate Consolidated Limited (Kingsgate or the 'Company') for the year ended 30 June 2013 was authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of Directors on 23 September 2013.\nKingsgate is a Company limited by shares incorporated in Australia whose shares are publicly traded on the Australian Securities Exchange using the ASX code KCN. The consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the year ended 30 June 2013 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the 'Group' and individually as 'Group entities'). A description of the nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities is included in the Directors' Report.", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "General reserve\nThe general reserve represents changes in equity as a result of changes in non-controlling interests in prior periods.\nwww.kingsgate.com.au\n93\nNotes to the Financial Statements\nRetained profits at the beginning of the year, 2013 $'000 = 196,602. Retained profits at the beginning of the year, 2012 $'000 = 143,468. Net (loss) / profit attributable to members of Kingsgate, 2013 $'000 = (323,726). Net (loss) / profit attributable to members of Kingsgate, 2012 $'000 = 75,159. Dividends paid, 2013 $'000 = (22,739). Dividends paid, 2012 $'000 = (22,025). (Accumulated losses) / Retained profits at the end of year, 2013 $'000 = (149,863). (Accumulated losses) / Retained profits at the end of year, 2012 $'000 = 196,602", - "page_start": 93, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Directors' Report\nYour Directors present their report on the Group consisting of Kingsgate Consolidated Limited and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the year ended 30 June 2013.", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Statement of Cash Flows\n$'000 = (18,933). Net cash (outflow) / inflow from financing activities, Note = . Net cash (outflow) / inflow from financing activities, 2013 $'000 = (1,691). Net cash (outflow) / inflow from financing activities, 2012 $'000 = 110,505. Net (decrease) / increase in cash held, Note = . Net (decrease) / increase in cash held, 2013 $'000 = (59,096). Net (decrease) / increase in cash held, 2012 $'000 = 54,556. Cash at the beginning of the year, Note = . Cash at the beginning of the year, 2013 $'000 = 90,623. Cash at the beginning of the year, 2012 $'000 = 35,864. Effects of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents, Note = . Effects of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents, 2013 $'000 = 1,460. Effects of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents, 2012 $'000 = 203. Cash at the end of the year, Note = 7. Cash at the end of the year, 2013 $'000 = 32,987. Cash at the end of the year, 2012 $'000 = 90,623\nThe above Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.\nFinancial Statements\n68\nNotes to the Financial Statements", - "page_start": 68, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf", - "query": "To which countries extend the marriage regulations ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "These Regulations extend to England and Wales. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Citation, commencement, extent and interpretation\n1. -(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021.\n(2) These Regulations come into force on 4th May 2021.\n(3) These Regulations extend to England and Wales.\n(4) In these Regulations, 'chapel' does not include a chapel to which Part 5 of the Marriage Act 1949 (marriages in naval, military and air force chapels) applies( b ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MARRIAGE, ENGLAND AND WALES\nThe Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\n29th April 2021\nComing into force - -\n4th May 2021\nThe Registrar General makes these Regulations with the approval of the Secretary of State in exercise of the powers conferred by section 74(1)(c)(v), (1A)(a) and (3) of the Marriage Act 1949( a ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nInternational initiatives in Asian countries and others", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Expiry of Regulations\n25. These Regulations expire at the end of 16th May 2022.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "11.8.6 States of IP partnership\nThe different partnership states in IP partnership are listed in Table 11-13.\nTable 11-13 States of IP partnership", - "page_start": 575, - "page_end": 575, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EXPLANATORY NOTE\n(This note is not part of the Regulations)\nThese Regulations provide for records of marriages to be kept in churches and chapels of the Church of England and the Church in Wales, other than chapels to which Part 5 of the Marriage Act 1949 applies (naval, military and air force chapels).\nRegulation 2 requires parochial church councils to provide books known as 'registers of marriage services' to churches and chapels in their parish in which banns of matrimony may be published, for the purposes of keeping the records required by regulation 3. Regulation 2 also imposes requirements relating to the durability and pre-printed content of these registers, and provides that they belong to the parochial church council.\nRegulation 3 requires specified information to be recorded in a register of marriage services when a marriage has been solemnized on or after 4th May 2021 according to the rites of the Church of England or Church in Wales in a church or chapel in which banns of matrimony may be published. The record must be made and signed by the member of the clergy by whom the marriage was solemnized.\nRegulation 4 imposes requirements relating to the keeping of registers of marriage services provided under regulation 2.\nA full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument because no, or no significant, impact on the private, public or voluntary sector is foreseen.\n' Crown copyright 2021\nPrinted and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament.\n3\n£4.90\nhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/538", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Duty to record information about marriages solemnized according to the rites of the Church of England or Church in Wales\n3. -(1) Paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) apply where a marriage has been solemnized according to the rites of the Church of England in a church or chapel in which banns of matrimony may be published.\n(2) As soon as practicable after the marriage has been solemnized, the clergyman by whom the marriage was solemnized must make a record of the following information in relation to that marriage in a register of marriage services provided to the church or chapel under regulation 2(1)-\n(a) the date and place of the marriage;\n(b) the name and surname of each party;\n(c) the date of birth of each party;\n(d) the occupation (if any) of each party;\n(e) the address of each party at the time of the marriage;\n(f) the names and surnames of each party's parents, so far as those names and surnames are known to the clergyman who solemnized the marriage;\n(g) the name and surname of each of the witnesses in whose presence the marriage was solemnized;\n(h) the name and surname of the clergyman by whom the marriage was solemnized.\n(3) The clergyman must record the information required by paragraph (2) in English, and may also record information required by that paragraph in Welsh where the church or chapel is situated in Wales.\n(4) After making a record under paragraph (2) the clergyman must sign it.\n(5) This regulation does not apply in relation to a marriage solemnized before 4th May 2021.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Extending Office PDF Export\nExtending Office PDF Export", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 3\nCategory 3 countries and territories\n32\nRegulation 2(1)\nAngola\nArgentina\nBangladesh\nBolivia\nBotswana\nBrazil\nBurundi\nCape Verde\nChile", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Category 1 countries and territories\nColombia\nDemocratic Republic of the Congo\nEcuador\nEswatini\nEthiopia\nFrench Guiana\nGuyana\nIndia\nKenya\nLesotho\nMalawi\nThe Maldives\nMozambique\nNamibia\nNepal\nOman\nPakistan\nPanama\nParaguay\nPeru\nPhilippines\nQatar\nRwanda\nSeychelles\nSomalia\nSouth Africa\nSuriname\nTanzania\nTurkey\nUnited Arab Emirates\nUruguay\nVenezuela\nZambia\nZimbabwe\n33", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf", - "query": "What the parochial church council must provide to make marriage records ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": " The parochial church council of a parish must provide books for the purpose of making records under regulation 3 to each church and chapel of the Church of England(c) in that parish in which banns of matrimony may be published.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Duty of parochial church councils to provide registers of marriage services\n2. -(1) The parochial church council of a parish must provide books for the purpose of making records under regulation 3 to each church and chapel of the Church of England( c ) in that parish in which banns of matrimony may be published.\n(2) Books provided under paragraph (1) are to be known as 'registers of marriage services'.\n(3) A register of marriage services provided under paragraph (1) must meet the requirements of paragraphs (4) and (5).\n(4) The register must be made of durable material.\n(5) For the purposes of enabling a record to be made in the register under regulation 3 in respect of a marriage, the register must be printed in such a way that it-\n( a ) 1949 c. 76 (12 & 13 Geo 6). Section 74 was amended by Schedule 2 to the Registration Service Act 1953 (c. 37) and by paragraph 5(1)(d) of Schedule 2 to the Transfer of Functions (Registration) Order 2008 (S.I. 2008/678) and subsequently renumbered as section 74(1) by article 12 of the Registration of Marriages etc. (Electronic Communications and Electronic Storage) Order 2009 (S.I. 2009/2821). Section 74(1) was amended by paragraph 19 of Schedule 15 to the Immigration Act 2016 (c. 19) and paragraph 43 of Schedule 1 to the Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 (S.I. 2021/411), which also inserted subsection (1A).\n( b ) See section 68(2) of the Marriage Act 1949. The certification function of the Admiralty under that section was transferred to the Secretary of State by the Defence (Transfer of Functions) Act 1964 (c. 15).\n( c ) Section 78(2) of the Marriage Act 1949 provides for references to the Church of England to be construed as including references to the Church in Wales.\n(a) indicates the descriptions of information required by each of sub-paragraphs (a) to (h) of regulation 3(2) in relation to the marriage, and\n(b) provides corresponding spaces for recording information required by each of those subparagraphs in relation to the marriage.\n(6) A register of marriage services provided under paragraph (1) by a parochial church council belongs to that parochial church council.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Duty to record information about marriages solemnized according to the rites of the Church of England or Church in Wales\n3. -(1) Paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) apply where a marriage has been solemnized according to the rites of the Church of England in a church or chapel in which banns of matrimony may be published.\n(2) As soon as practicable after the marriage has been solemnized, the clergyman by whom the marriage was solemnized must make a record of the following information in relation to that marriage in a register of marriage services provided to the church or chapel under regulation 2(1)-\n(a) the date and place of the marriage;\n(b) the name and surname of each party;\n(c) the date of birth of each party;\n(d) the occupation (if any) of each party;\n(e) the address of each party at the time of the marriage;\n(f) the names and surnames of each party's parents, so far as those names and surnames are known to the clergyman who solemnized the marriage;\n(g) the name and surname of each of the witnesses in whose presence the marriage was solemnized;\n(h) the name and surname of the clergyman by whom the marriage was solemnized.\n(3) The clergyman must record the information required by paragraph (2) in English, and may also record information required by that paragraph in Welsh where the church or chapel is situated in Wales.\n(4) After making a record under paragraph (2) the clergyman must sign it.\n(5) This regulation does not apply in relation to a marriage solemnized before 4th May 2021.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EXPLANATORY NOTE\n(This note is not part of the Regulations)\nThese Regulations provide for records of marriages to be kept in churches and chapels of the Church of England and the Church in Wales, other than chapels to which Part 5 of the Marriage Act 1949 applies (naval, military and air force chapels).\nRegulation 2 requires parochial church councils to provide books known as 'registers of marriage services' to churches and chapels in their parish in which banns of matrimony may be published, for the purposes of keeping the records required by regulation 3. Regulation 2 also imposes requirements relating to the durability and pre-printed content of these registers, and provides that they belong to the parochial church council.\nRegulation 3 requires specified information to be recorded in a register of marriage services when a marriage has been solemnized on or after 4th May 2021 according to the rites of the Church of England or Church in Wales in a church or chapel in which banns of matrimony may be published. The record must be made and signed by the member of the clergy by whom the marriage was solemnized.\nRegulation 4 imposes requirements relating to the keeping of registers of marriage services provided under regulation 2.\nA full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument because no, or no significant, impact on the private, public or voluntary sector is foreseen.\n' Crown copyright 2021\nPrinted and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament.\n3\n£4.90\nhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/538", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Requirements about the keeping of registers of marriage services\n4. -(1) The rector, vicar or curate in charge of a church or chapel to which a register of marriage services has been provided under regulation 2(1) must-\n(a) ensure that the register is kept in that church or chapel, and\n(b) do everything that is reasonably practicable to ensure that the register is protected against theft, loss or damage.\n(2) Where there is no rector, vicar or curate in charge of a church or chapel to which a register of marriage services has been provided under regulation 2(1), the obligations under paragraph (1) in respect of that register fall on the churchwardens of the parish in which the church or chapel is situated.\nGiven under my hand on 29th April 2021\nAbi Tierney Registrar General\n2\nI approve\n29th April 2021\nKevin Foster Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Home Office", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MARRIAGE, ENGLAND AND WALES\nThe Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\n29th April 2021\nComing into force - -\n4th May 2021\nThe Registrar General makes these Regulations with the approval of the Secretary of State in exercise of the powers conferred by section 74(1)(c)(v), (1A)(a) and (3) of the Marriage Act 1949( a ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Citation, commencement, extent and interpretation\n1. -(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021.\n(2) These Regulations come into force on 4th May 2021.\n(3) These Regulations extend to England and Wales.\n(4) In these Regulations, 'chapel' does not include a chapel to which Part 5 of the Marriage Act 1949 (marriages in naval, military and air force chapels) applies( b ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "11.7 Remote Copy commands\nThis section presents commands that need to be issued to create and operate remote copy services.", - "page_start": 562, - "page_end": 562, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6.4.2 Creating the persistent storage for the Registry\nComplete the following steps to set up the persistent storage for the Registry:", - "page_start": 156, - "page_end": 156, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PLEASE REMEMBER TO ATTACH THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS TO YOUR REGISTRATION FORM:\nA copy of your ID\nProof of your highest grade passed\nProof of any other relevant qualifications you have obtained\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Installation tools\nPerform the installation by using the tools that are recommended and supported.", - "page_start": 106, - "page_end": 106, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "What is the prison population grew in average by year between 1993 and 2008 ?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "The prison population grew rapidly between 1993 to 2008, at an average of 4% a year.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2. Recent trends in the population\nThe 'Story of the Prison Population 1993 to 2012' is an in-depth look at what happened to the prison population between 1993 and 2012 and the major factors contributing to the changes. 4\nThe prison population grew rapidly between 1993 to 2008, at an average of 4% a year. This rapid rise was driven by:\n increased numbers of people sentenced to immediate custody from 1993 to 2002;\n increases in the average custodial sentence length and increased use of indeterminate sentences; and\n an increase in numbers recalled to prison following breaches of the conditions of licence and these offenders spending longer in prison once recalled.\nThe rise in the prison population slowed considerably from the summer of 2008, in part due to the introduction of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act (CJIA) 2008 5 which changed sentencing and offender management in ways which helped to reduce growth in the prison population.\nThis flatter trend continued until the public disorder seen in UK cities from 6 to 9 August 2011 which had an immediate but temporary impact on the prison population.\nDuring 2012 and into 2013, the prison population began to fall due to a falling remand population and a continued decline in the number of under 18s in custody. The falling remand population during 2012 reflected falling volumes going through the courts plus the introduction, in December 2012, of measures restricting the use of remand for all offenders who would be unlikely to receive a custodial sentence. 6\nFrom the end of August 2013 to the end of October 2013, the remand\npopulation rose sharply, driving an overall increase in the prison population. This was being driven by an increase in demand in the Crown Courts, especially among more serious tri-able either way cases. The total population has continued to rise since the beginning of 2014 and reached 85,925 7 on the\n4 Story of the Prison Population: www.gov.uk/government/publications/story-of-the-prisonpopulation-1993-2012\n5 services.parliament.uk/bills/2007-08/criminaljusticeandimmigration.html\n6 http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2010-11/legalaidsentencingandpunishmentofoffenders.html 7 www.gov.uk/government/statistics/prison-population-figures-2014\n6\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020\n21 November 2014. The latest projections assume demand in the courts remains at this higher level.\nTable 1 summarises these changes.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nTable A13: Projected 15-17 years old prison population (end of June figures) 11", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nAnnual tables of overall projected prison population\nTable A1: Projected prison population (end of June figures)\nTable A2: Average projected prison population (financial year figures)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Recent trends in the population\nTable 1: Population in custody changes from 2006 to 2014", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Key points\nThis bulletin presents projections of the prison population in England and Wales from November 2014 to December 2020. The prison population projections are based on assumptions about future custodial convictions and incorporate the anticipated impacts of agreed policy and procedural initiatives.\nThe 'Central Scenario' estimates that the prison population will increase from the current position 85,925 1 to 87,700 by June 2015. By the end of June 2020 the prison population is projected to be 90,200. This Central Scenario is our best estimate based on the available information. The projected prison population under our Central Scenario is shown in Chart 1.\nThe prison population projections are produced using a model of flows of offenders into and out of prison which counts the resulting prison population each month.\nChart 1: Projected prison population (Central Scenario)\nThe Central Scenario has been modelled assuming custodial convictions are broadly in line with recent trends and average length of sentence to be flat based on recent trends.\nThe projections do not attempt to estimate the impact of any future Government policy that is yet to achieve Royal Assent, and therefore become less certain over time.\n1 As at 21 November 2014: www.gov.uk/government/statistics/prison-population-figures-2014\n2\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020\nThe assumptions used are based on consultation with policy and operational experts at the Ministry of Justice and the National Offender Management Service. They also take into account observed data trends:\n These projections represent a change from last year where the 2013 Scenario 2 (central) saw the population gradually falling over the six year lifetime of the projection. The Central Scenario in the projections this year shows the population rising over the next six years. This change arises from the fact that the latest projections capture a recent upward trend in prosecutions of more serious offences.\n Despite the fact that overall crime is falling there has been an increase in recorded crime for certain offence types:\no Prosecutions for sexual offences are the highest in the decade and increased by 19% in the 12 months ending June 2014, in line with a 21% increase in recorded crime. Offenders sentenced for sexual offences had an Average Custodial Sentence Length (ASCL) of 59.7 months, a rise of 2.4 months, compared with year ending June 2013.\no Violence against the person proceedings for indictable offences have increased by 7% in the 12 months ending June 2014. This is in line with an 11% increase in recorded crime.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Results\nThe Central Scenario estimates that the prison population will rise to 87,700 by the end of June 2015 and to 90,200 by the end of June 2020.\nChart 2 presents Prison population projections from November 2014 to December 2020.\nChart 2: Projected monthly prison population (all scenarios)\nIllustrative Scenario 1 estimates that the prison population will rise to 87,100 by the end of June 2015 and then fall to 81,400 by the end of June 2020.\nIllustrative Scenario 2 estimates that the prison population will rise to 88,900 by the end of June 2015 and to 98,900 by the end of June 2020.\nThe projected trends reflect the cumulative impacts of the various sentencing, legislative and procedural assumptions that are used to generate the projections. The seasonal pattern reflects the dip in the prison population which is always seen around the Christmas period.\nIn the Central Scenario, the prison population is expected to rise to 90,200 by June 2020. The projected population increase is largely due to the recent trends in case mix where we have seen more serious cases come before the courts. This results in offenders receiving longer custodial sentence lengths, which in turn places an upward pressure on the prison population. The growth in this scenario is largely driven by the rise in the determinate population which is projected to grow to 60,200 by June 2020. This is partially due to the\n11\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020\nintroduction of the Extended Determinate Sentence (EDS) as part of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders 8 (LASPO) Act which commenced in December 2012. Some of the growth in the determinate population has been offset by a decline in the indeterminate population following the removal of the Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentence in the LASPO act.\nAppendix A contains tables for annual projected end of June populations, average financial year populations and total monthly populations for each scenario along with detailed breakdown of the projections for our subpopulations.\n8 services.parliament.uk/bills/2010-11/legalaidsentencingandpunishmentofoffenders.html\n12\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Previous Projections\nAt the end of September 2014 the published prison population was within 1.8 % of the 2013 Scenario 2 (central) projection, and within 3.4 % of the 2013 Scenario 1 projection and 0.2 % of the 2013 Scenario 3 projection. This does not indicate which scenario the actual prison population will track going forward.\nDifferences between the 2013 projections and the actual population could be explained by changes, different to those projected, in overall demand, offence mix, age and gender of defendants, court routes, custody rates or sentence lengths.\nChart 3 plots the 2014 Central Scenario projection against the three 2013 prison population projections. The 2014-2020 Central Scenario projection is above all three scenarios from last year. The higher level of the new projections can be attributed to a more serious case mix coming into the courts with a resulting increase in average custodial sentence lengths. The projection for June 2019 in the Central Scenario this year is 10.2 % above the equivalent scenario (Scenario 2) last year.\nChart 3: Comparing 2013 and 2014 projections (November 2014 - December 2020)\n13\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Recent trends in the population\nTable 1: Population in custody changes from 2006 to 2014\nJune 2006 to June 2007, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 77,982. June 2006 to June 2007, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 79,734. June 2006 to June 2007, Year on year %.difference = 2.2%. June 2007 to June 2008, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 79,734. June 2007 to June 2008, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 83,194. June 2007 to June 2008, Year on year %.difference = 4.3%. June 2008 to June 2009, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 83,194. June 2008 to June 2009, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 83,454. June 2008 to June 2009, Year on year %.difference = 0.3%. June 2009 to June 2010, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 83,454. June 2009 to June 2010, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 85,002. June 2009 to June 2010, Year on year %.difference = 1.9%. June 2010 to June 2011, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 85,002. June 2010 to June 2011, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 85,374. June 2010 to June 2011, Year on year %.difference = 0.4%. June 2011 to June 2012, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 85,374. June 2011 to June 2012, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 86,048. June 2011 to June 2012, Year on year %.difference = 0.8%. June 2012 to June 2013, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 86,048. June 2012 to June 2013, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 83,842. June 2012 to June 2013, Year on year %.difference = -2.6%. June 2013 to June 2014, Offender Management Statistics.Start of Year = 83,842. June 2013 to June 2014, Offender Management Statistics.End of Year = 85,509. June 2013 to June 2014, Year on year %.difference = 2.0%", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nTable A1: Projected prison population (end of June figures)\nTable A2: Average projected prison population (financial year figures)\nJun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 87,100. Jun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 87,700. Jun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 88,900. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 86,800. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 89,100. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 92,000. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 85,200. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 89,300. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 93,600. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 83,900. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 89,700. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 95,800. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 82,600. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 90,100. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 97,600. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 81,400. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 90,200. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 98,900", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "Do you know the prison population estimation for the and of June 2020 ?", - "target_page": 13, - "target_passage": "The Central Scenario estimates that the prison population will rise to 87,700 by the end of June 2015 and to 90,200 by the end of June 2020. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Prison Population Projections 2014 - 2020 England and Wales\nMinistry of Justice Statistics Bulletin\nPublished 27th November 2014\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Recent trends in the population\nFurther statistics and commentary on the changes seen in prison population over the last year, is presented in the Offender Management Statistics Quarterly publication. This is available online on GOV.UK at: www.gov.uk/government/collections/offender-management-statistics-quarterly\n7\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Results\nThe Central Scenario estimates that the prison population will rise to 87,700 by the end of June 2015 and to 90,200 by the end of June 2020.\nChart 2 presents Prison population projections from November 2014 to December 2020.\nChart 2: Projected monthly prison population (all scenarios)\nIllustrative Scenario 1 estimates that the prison population will rise to 87,100 by the end of June 2015 and then fall to 81,400 by the end of June 2020.\nIllustrative Scenario 2 estimates that the prison population will rise to 88,900 by the end of June 2015 and to 98,900 by the end of June 2020.\nThe projected trends reflect the cumulative impacts of the various sentencing, legislative and procedural assumptions that are used to generate the projections. The seasonal pattern reflects the dip in the prison population which is always seen around the Christmas period.\nIn the Central Scenario, the prison population is expected to rise to 90,200 by June 2020. The projected population increase is largely due to the recent trends in case mix where we have seen more serious cases come before the courts. This results in offenders receiving longer custodial sentence lengths, which in turn places an upward pressure on the prison population. The growth in this scenario is largely driven by the rise in the determinate population which is projected to grow to 60,200 by June 2020. This is partially due to the\n11\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020\nintroduction of the Extended Determinate Sentence (EDS) as part of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders 8 (LASPO) Act which commenced in December 2012. Some of the growth in the determinate population has been offset by a decline in the indeterminate population following the removal of the Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentence in the LASPO act.\nAppendix A contains tables for annual projected end of June populations, average financial year populations and total monthly populations for each scenario along with detailed breakdown of the projections for our subpopulations.\n8 services.parliament.uk/bills/2010-11/legalaidsentencingandpunishmentofoffenders.html\n12\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nTable A13: Projected 15-17 years old prison population (end of June figures) 11", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nAnnual tables of overall projected prison population\nTable A1: Projected prison population (end of June figures)\nTable A2: Average projected prison population (financial year figures)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Key points\nThis bulletin presents projections of the prison population in England and Wales from November 2014 to December 2020. The prison population projections are based on assumptions about future custodial convictions and incorporate the anticipated impacts of agreed policy and procedural initiatives.\nThe 'Central Scenario' estimates that the prison population will increase from the current position 85,925 1 to 87,700 by June 2015. By the end of June 2020 the prison population is projected to be 90,200. This Central Scenario is our best estimate based on the available information. The projected prison population under our Central Scenario is shown in Chart 1.\nThe prison population projections are produced using a model of flows of offenders into and out of prison which counts the resulting prison population each month.\nChart 1: Projected prison population (Central Scenario)\nThe Central Scenario has been modelled assuming custodial convictions are broadly in line with recent trends and average length of sentence to be flat based on recent trends.\nThe projections do not attempt to estimate the impact of any future Government policy that is yet to achieve Royal Assent, and therefore become less certain over time.\n1 As at 21 November 2014: www.gov.uk/government/statistics/prison-population-figures-2014\n2\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020\nThe assumptions used are based on consultation with policy and operational experts at the Ministry of Justice and the National Offender Management Service. They also take into account observed data trends:\n These projections represent a change from last year where the 2013 Scenario 2 (central) saw the population gradually falling over the six year lifetime of the projection. The Central Scenario in the projections this year shows the population rising over the next six years. This change arises from the fact that the latest projections capture a recent upward trend in prosecutions of more serious offences.\n Despite the fact that overall crime is falling there has been an increase in recorded crime for certain offence types:\no Prosecutions for sexual offences are the highest in the decade and increased by 19% in the 12 months ending June 2014, in line with a 21% increase in recorded crime. Offenders sentenced for sexual offences had an Average Custodial Sentence Length (ASCL) of 59.7 months, a rise of 2.4 months, compared with year ending June 2013.\no Violence against the person proceedings for indictable offences have increased by 7% in the 12 months ending June 2014. This is in line with an 11% increase in recorded crime.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nTable A6: Projected remand prison population (end of June figures)", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nTable A4: Projected determinate sentence prison population (end of June figures)\nTable A5: Projected indeterminate sentence prison population (end of June figures)\nJun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 54,600. Jun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 55,500. Jun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 56,600. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 54,400. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 57,000. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 60,000. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 53,500. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 57,900. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 62,300. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 52,600. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 58,800. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 64,900. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 51,800. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 59,600. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 67,200. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 51,000. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 60,200. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 68,900", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Additional tables 9\nJun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 5,400. Jun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 5,700. Jun-15, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 6,300. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 5,700. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 6,100. Jun-16, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 6,700. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 5,800. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 6,100. Jun-17, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 6,800. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 5,800. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 6,100. Jun-18, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 6,800. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 5,800. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 6,100. Jun-19, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 6,800. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 1 = 5,800. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Central = 6,100. Jun-20, Sentencing Scenarios.Scenario 2 = 6,800\n16\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020\nTable A8: Projected non-criminal prison population (end of June figures) 10\nTable A9: Projected fine defaulter prison population (end of June figures) 8", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "What is the phone number of the Ministry of Justice press office ?", - "target_page": 30, - "target_passage": "Press enquiries should be directed to the Ministry of Justice press office, telephone: 020 3334 3536 ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Contact Points for further information\nCurrent and previous editions of this publication are available for download from www.justice.gov.uk/publications/statistics-and-data/index.htm\nPress enquiries should be directed to the Ministry of Justice press office, telephone: 020 3334 3536\nOther enquiries about these statistics should be directed to:\nJustice Statistics Analytical Services Ministry of Justice 7th Floor 102 Petty France London SW1H 9AJ\nGeneral enquiries about the statistical work of the Ministry of Justice can be emailed to: statistics.enquiries@justice.gsi.gov.uk\nGeneral information about the official statistics system of the UK is available from www.statistics.gov.uk\n28\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020\nAlternative format versions of this report are available on request from the Ministry of Justice at statistics.enquiries@justice.gsi.gov.uk\n© Crown copyright Produced by the Ministry of Justice\n29", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Head Office\nsuite 100 3700 Kempt road Halifax, NS B3K 4X8 902.453.9000 866.453.8900", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CJS SECURITIES\nJonathan Tanwanteng, 914/287-7600", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NYSE_AIT_2012.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Czech Republic\nIBC - Pobrezní 3 186 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic Tel: 420-2-2483-2252 Fax: 420-2-2323-954", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "General Offices\n1617 Sixth Avenue\nSeattle, Washington 98101\nTelephone (206) 628-2111", - "page_start": 93, - "page_end": 93, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.\nGlobal Communications, CSR and IR Division 17-1, Ginza 6-chome, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-8023, Japan phone: +81(0)3-5565-2334 fax: +81(0)3-3546-2669 e-mail: nissan-ir@mail.nissan.co.jp", - "page_start": 111, - "page_end": 111, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CORPORATE OFFICES\nRogers Communications Inc. 333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor Toronto, ON M4W 1G9 416-935-7777", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C r o a t i a\nZelinska 3/5 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel: 385-1-63-26-777\nFax: 385-1-63-26-778", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Prison Population Projections 2014 - 2020 England and Wales\nMinistry of Justice Statistics Bulletin\nPublished 27th November 2014\nPrison Population Projections 2014 - 2020", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal4_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "H u n g a r y\nHorvát u. 14-24. 1027 Budapest, Hungary Tel: 36-1-224-1000\nFax: 36-1-224-1013", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf", - "query": "What is SOLR ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Search engine used for portal content search and dataset search ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1.3 Terminology\nTable 1-2: Abbreviations and Acronyms\nSPARQL, Description = Query language for linked data (RDF). SSL, Description = Secure Socket Layer. URL, Description = Uniform Resource Locator. XML, Description = Extensible Markup Language", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OPEN\nwww.nature.com/scientificreports", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed9.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Important\nUnless otherwise stated, REST APIs are discussed in the fundamentals.", - "page_start": 65, - "page_end": 65, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How ORCID Works\nIt's a registry of unique persistent identifiers for researchers\nIt's a hub that connects researchers with their professional activities and contributions\nIt's a global community that enables researchers to share their data with other individuals, organizations, and systems", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "[\nAsthma Original Research\n]", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Query\n· Summarization: Spearman correlation based on cosine similarity", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CI/CD\nContinuous Delivery/Continuous Integration", - "page_start": 262, - "page_end": 262, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Documents Incorporated by Reference\ni", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "14.1 W3C Documents\nOWL 2 Primer: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-primer/\nOWL 2 Specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-overview/\nSemantic Web Primer for Object-Oriented Software Developers: https://www.w3.org/TR/sw-oosdprimer/\nSPARQL Specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/\nSWRL Specification and Built-ins: https://www.w3.org/Submission/SWRL/", - "page_start": 89, - "page_end": 89, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource(s):\n· Choosing between REST APIs and HTTP APIs - detailed comparison between REST and HTTP APIs", - "page_start": 71, - "page_end": 71, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf", - "query": "What is the function of the Graphical Data Visualisation Tool module ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "How to visualize graphical data from a dataset resource ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.4 Graphical Data Visualisation Tool\nThis section describes the features of the graphical visualisation tool for numeric data. The features are currently available for XLS (Excel) and CSV files, except for the selection of the sheet name which is applicable only for Excel files.\nMost GUI elements from th e 'Graph' tab (records selection, search box, filters and fields buttons) are al so available on the 'Grid' tab and work in the same way.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7 Data Export/Import\nThis function enables users to export data from the system in either Excel or XML format.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The table 1-3 below lists the described functions by module.\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 7 of 57", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.4.1 How to visualize graphical data from a dataset resource\nAs a result of a dataset search, the system displays on th e 'Dataset' tab all distributions (resource/data files) that are part of the selected dataset. Each XLS or CSV distribution of the dataset can be further explored by clicking on ' Open Visualization ' under the ' Options ' button -if available.\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 43 of 57\nAfter clicking on the ' Open Visualization ' button, the user should execute the following steps:", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3 Visualization of Geo-Spatial Data (map.apps)\nThe visualization of geo-spatial data within the European Data Portal provides previewing functionality for spatial open data. The aim is to allow the user to assess if a dataset meets specific requirements in terms of spatial and thematic coverage. The functionality that is provided in the header (links to disclaimers and language switching) is consistent in the entire portal.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The table 1-3 below lists the described functions by module.\n1, Module Name = Portal HomePage. 1, Function = (how to access Resources on Open Data: eLearning modules, Training Companion, Reports about Open Data) - How to vi ew / search for 'Latest News' - How to view / search for 'Open Data Events' - How to subscribe to the EDP Newsletter - How to view 'Tweets' on the EDP - How to switch to another User Language. 2, Module Name = Datasets (Data Platform). 2, Function = - How to search for Datasets by Keyword Entering the Datasets-View. , Module Name = . , Function = How to filter datasets by using 'Faceted Search'. , Module Name = . , Function = How to store personal queries. , Module Name = . , Function = How to download dataset distributions. , Module Name = . , Function = How to view licensing information How to switch to another user language. , Module Name = . , Function = How to browse by data catalogues. 3, Module Name = Visualization of Geo-Spatial Data (map.apps). 3, Function = How to visualize geo-spatial data from a dataset resource. 4, Module Name = Graphical Data Visualisation Tool. 4, Function = How to visualize graphical data from a dataset resource. 5, Module Name = Help Desk. 5, Function = How to contact The Portal's Help Desk. 6, Module Name = Metadata Quality Assurance (MQA). 6, Function = Monitoring tool for the metadata quality: - The Global Dashboard View - The Catalogue details view. 7, Module Name = SPARQL Manager. 7, Function = How to run SPARQL Queries using: - SPARQL Search\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 6 of 57\nTable 1-3: Main functions of the Portal Version 3.0", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 Data Entry\nThe data entry tab provides the function to input data into the system through the use of grids . To display the grid, a node has to be selected from the navigation tree . (Figure 23)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nTable of Contents\nHow to visualize graphical data from a dataset resource ............................................. 43, 1 = 3.4.1 How to visualize graphical data from a dataset resource ............................................. 43. 3.4.1 How to visualize graphical data from a dataset resource ............................................. 43, 2 = ", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3.1 How to visualize geo-spatial data from a dataset resource\nPage 41 of 57\nFigure 8 -Error message dialog.\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 42 of 57", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "For Your Reference…\nMicrosoft Excel\ntools provide a way of seeing what the different charts will look like without having to first create the chart.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf", - "query": "How to view “Tweets” on the EDP ?", - "target_page": 20, - "target_passage": "The Home Page displays the latest tweets on the European Data Portal in the “Tweets” panel on the right hand side. ‐ ‐ Click on any of the tweets to display the complete tweet on twitter. Scroll vertically to see previous tweets. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.1.5 How to view 'Tweets' on the EDP\nThe Home Page displays the latest tweets on the European Data Portal in the 'Tweets' pa nel on the right hand side.\n-Click on any of the tweets to display the complete tweet on twitter.\n-Scroll vertically to see previous tweets.\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 20 of 57", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nTable of Contents\n'Latest News' ....................................................................... 17. 3.1.2, 2 = . 3.1.3, 1 = How to view / search for 'Open Data Events' .............................................................. 18. 3.1.3, 2 = . 3.1.4, 1 = How to subscribe to the EDP Newsletter ...................................................................... 19. 3.1.4, 2 = . 3.1.5, 1 = How t o view 'Tweets'", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nTable of Contents\non the EDP ................................................................................ 20. 3.1.5, 2 = . 3.1.6, 1 = How to switch to another User Language ..................................................................... 21. 3.1.6, 2 = . 3.1.7, 1 = How to search for EDP Site Content .............................................................................. 22. 3.1.7, 2 = . 3.1.8, 1 = How to Search for Datasets by Data Category .............................................................. 23. 3.1.8, 2 = . 3.1.9, 1 = How to Search for Datasets by Keyword ....................................................................... 25. 3.1.9, 2 = . 3.2", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.4 How to subscribe to the EDP Newsletter\nOn the Portal Home Page:\n-Either Click on the 'Newsletter' item in the page header:\nThen, on the 'Newsletter subscriptions' page:\n· Enter your E-Mail address\n· Click on the button 'Subscribe'\nThe system will display a notification message after successful subscription.\nOr\n-Enter your email address directly in the footer and clic k on the 'Subscribe' button.\nThe system will display a notification message after successful subscription.\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 19 of 57", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.7 How to search for EDP Site Content\nIn order to search within the Portal's site content (i.e. editorial content, articles, events, reports etc.), enter any keyword in the 'Search site content' text box and click on the button .\nThe site will display all matching content found (here for keywo rd ' Brussels '):", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Portal Home Page\nFigure 1: EDP Home Page (upper part)\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 8 of 57\nFigure 2: EDP Home Page (lower part)\nEuropean Data Portal Version 4.3 -User Manual\nPage 9 of 57", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2.1 Entering the Datasets-View\nThe user has the following possibilities to enter the datasets view:\n· Browsing directly to http://europeandataportal.eu/data\n· Opening the 'Data' item in the main menu, then clicking on 'Datasets' in the submenu\n· Clicking on 'Search' in the 'Search Datasets' area, with or without a search keyword entered", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FOLLOW ROGERS THROUGH THESE SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS\nFACEBOOK\nfacebook.com/rogers\nGOOGLE +\ngoogle.com/+Rogers\nREDBOARD\nredboard.rogers.com\nSOCIAL\nhttp://social.rogers.com\nTWITTER\ntwitter.com/rogersbuzz", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.6 How to switch to another User Language\nSelect another language from the language selection box located on the upper right corner of the home page.\nThe User Interface as well as the main editorial content is displayed in the selected language.\nThe EDP currently supports all 24 official EU languages + Norwegian:\nEnglish (en), Bulgarian (bg), Spanish (es), Czech (cs), Danish (da), German (de), Estonian (et), Greek (el), French (fr), Irish (ga), Croatian (hr), Italian (it), Latvian (lv), Lithuanian (lt), Hungarian (hu), Maltese (mt), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Romanian (ro), Slovak (sk), Slovenian (sl), Finnish (fi), Swedish (sv), Norwegian (no).", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3.3 View User\nThis function enables NFP and PM to view all users of their country.\n Log in as NFP or PM\n Hover the cursor on the 'Users Management' tab and click on the 'Users Administration' button. (see figure 21); this opens the Users Administration screen (figure 22).", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf", - "query": "Where can we open a document saved on OneDrive ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "When you save this document in OneDrive, you’ll be able to open it anywhere: on your computer, tablet, or phone. Your changes will be saved automatically.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Save this for later, access it anywhere\nWhen you save this document in OneDrive, you'll be able to open it anywhere: on your computer, tablet, or phone. Your changes will be saved automatically.\nTry it: Select File > Save As , and then select OneDrive and give this document a name.\nIf you sign in to Office 365 on another device, this document will be in your list of recent files. 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Click File > Account to sign in with your Microsoft account and access your recently used files anywhere, on any device, through seamless integration between Office, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Find recent files\nWhether you only work with files stored on your PC's local hard drive or you store files in multiple shared locations, selecting File > Open takes you to your recently used documents and any files that you may have pinned to your list.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Extending Office PDF Export\nExtending Office PDF Export", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 35: My Data Export\nFigure 37. Data import\nThe user will be able to open or save the file by clicking on the FileLink 'File'. 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If someone doesn't have Word, they can use the free Word for the Web app to edit and comment.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Additional Resources\nFor more information, see the following resources:\nWord.Document.ExportAsFixedFormat2\nExcel.Workbook.ExportAsFixedFormat\nPowerPoint.Presentation.ExportAsFixedFormat3\nProject.Project.ExportAsFixedFormat\nPublisher.Documents.ExportAsFixedFormat\nVisio.Document.ExportAsFixedFormat\nOneNote.Application.Publish", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel\nExcel PDF Accessibility\nExcel.Workbook.ExportAsFixedFormat", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf", - "query": "What is the bold keyboard shortcut on word ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Bold (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+B)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Make your meaning more visual by formatting text\nTo format text, select it, and then select a button in the Font or Paragraph area on the Home tab.\nTry it: Select text in the lines below and choose formatting options so that the text is an example of the formatting it's describing:\nPro tip: If you selected whole words for this exercise, did you notice that Word popped up a little toolbar, with the font formatting options?\nBetween that and keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I, you save time by not having to go up to the Home tab all the time.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Try it: Apply the Heading 1 style:\n1. 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Use this guide to learn the basics.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Get help with Word\nThe Tell me search box takes you straight to commands and Help in Word.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Find whatever you need\nType a keyword or phrase into the Search box to quickly find the Word features and ribbon commands you're looking for, to discover Help content, or to get more information online .", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Word\nWord PDF Accessibility", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Count on Word to count your words\nTry it: Hit return after this line and type some words.\nThe status bar at the bottom of the window keeps a running count of the number of words in the document.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Format with styles\nStyles lets you create, apply, and review the formatting styles in your current document. 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Write a sentence with some spelling or grammatical mistakes, and press Enter to finish the paragraph.\nRight-click the text that's marked with underlines, or Press F7. Choose a suggestion to correct the mistakes.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf", - "query": "What is the advise to make the style sets and themes work well ? ", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "They work best when your document is formatted with styles", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Give your doc an instant makeover\nStyle sets and themes let you completely change the look of your document in an instant. They work best when your document is formatted with styles (so it's good that we fixed that Heading style, above).\nTry it: Explore style sets and themes:\n1. On the Design tab, select Themes , and choose a theme from the drop-down. Notice that the gallery of style sets updates to reflect the theme you picked.\n2. Select any theme you like from the drop-down and click to apply.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.0 Menu style\nThere are a variety of menu styles for users to choose.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.3.2 Design considerations\nThis section discusses some design considerations.", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6.2 Setting up the deployment environment\nThis section shows how to set up the environment.", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Let us know what you think\nPlease give us feedback on this template, so we can provide content that's truly useful and helpful. Thanks!", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Installation tools\nPerform the installation by using the tools that are recommended and supported.", - "page_start": 106, - "page_end": 106, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGING THE CHART STYLE\nThe style of a chart refers to its colour scheme and overall appearance and can impact the clarity of the content of the chart. Choosing a predefined chart style can save valuable time", - "page_start": 54, - "page_end": 54, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13.2.2 Recommendations\nFor the most optimal performance in loading, we recommend the following practices:", - "page_start": 325, - "page_end": 325, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Deploy container images", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Using Protégé 5.5 and Plugins\nEdition 3.0", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf", - "query": "Where are the peaks of the VHE blazars ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": " VHE blazars have double-humped spectral energy distributions (SEDs), with one peak at UV/X-ray energies and another at GeV/TeV energies.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nActive galactic nuclei are the most numerous class of identified VHE γ -ray sources. These objects emit non-thermal radiation across ∼ 20 orders of magnitude in energy and rank among the most powerful particle accelerators in the universe. A small fraction of AGN possess strong collimated outflows (jets) powered by accretion onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH). VHE γ -ray emission can be generated in these jets, likely in a compact region very near the SMBH event horizon. Blazars, a class of AGN with jets pointed along the line-of-sight to the observer, are of particular interest in the VHE regime. Approximately 30 blazars, primarily high-frequency-peaked BL Lacs (HBL), are identified as sources of VHE γ -rays, and some are spectacularly variable on time scales comparable to the light crossing time of their SMBH ( ∼ 2 min; [1]). VHE blazar studies probe the environment very near the central SMBH and address a wide range of physical phenomena, including the accretion and jet-formation processes. These studies also have cosmological implications, as VHE blazar data can be used to strongly constrain primordial radiation fields (see the extragalactic background light (EBL) constraints from, e.g., [2, 3]).\nVHE blazars have double-humped spectral energy distributions (SEDs), with one peak at UV/X-ray energies and another at GeV/TeV energies. The origin of the lower-energy peak is commonly explained as synchrotron emission from the relativistic electrons in the blazar jets. The origin of the higher-energy peak is controversial, but is widely believed to be the result of inverse-Compton scattering of seed photons off the same relativistic electrons. The origin of the seed photons in these leptonic scenarios could be the synchrotron photons themselves, or photons from an external source. Hadronic scenarios are also plausible explanations for the VHE emission, but generally are not favored.\nContemporaneous multi-wavelength (MWL) obser-\neConf C091122", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nvations of VHE blazars, can measure both SED peaks and are crucial for extracting information from the observations of VHE blazars. They are used to constrain the size, magnetic field and Doppler factor of the emission region, as well as to determine the origin (leptonic or hadronic) of the VHE γ -rays. In leptonic scenarios, such MWL observations are used to measure the spectrum of high-energy electrons producing the emission, as well as to elucidate the nature of the seed photons. Additionally, an accurate measure of the cosmological EBL density requires accurate modeling of the blazar's intrinsic VHE emission that can only be performed with contemporaneous MWL observations.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "VERITAS Observations of Blazars\nW. Benbow for the VERITAS Collaboration\nHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, F.L. Whipple Observatory, PO Box 6369, Amado, AZ 85645, USA\nThe VERITAS array of four 12-m diameter imaging atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes in southern Arizona is used to study very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) γ -ray emission from astrophysical objects. VERITAS is currently the most sensitive VHE γ -ray observatory in the world and one of the VERITAS collaboration's Key Science Projects (KSP) is the study of blazars. These active galactic nuclei (AGN) are the most numerous class of identified VHE sources, with ∼ 30 known to emit VHE photons. More than 70 AGN, almost all of which are blazars, have been observed with the VERITAS array since 2007, in most cases with the deepest-ever VHE exposure. These observations have resulted in the detection of VHE γ -rays from 16 AGN (15 blazars), including 8 for the first time at these energies. The VERITAS blazar KSP is summarized in this proceeding and selected results are presented.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6. Blazars Upper Limits\nMore than 50 VHE blazar candidates were observed by VERITAS between September 2007 and June 2009. The total exposure on the 49 non-detected candidates is ∼ 305 h live time (average of 6.2 h per candidate). Approximately 55% of the total exposure is split amongst the 27 observed HBL. The remainder is divided amongst the 8 IBL (26%), 5 LBL (6%), and 9 FSRQ (13%). There are no clear indications of significant VHE γ -ray emission from any of these 49 blazars [25]. However, the observed significance distribution is clearly skewed towards positive values (see Figure 1). A stacking analysis performed on the entire data sample shows an overall excess of 430 γ -rays, corresponding to a statistical significance of 4.8 σ , observed from the directions of the candidate blazars. The IBL and HBL targets make up 96% of the observed excess. Observations of these objects also comprise ∼ 80% of the total exposure. An identical stacked analysis of all the extragalactic non-blazar targets observed, but not clearly detected ( > 5 σ ), by VERITAS does not show a significant excess ( ∼ 120 h exposure). The stacked excess persists using alternate methods for estimating the background at each blazar location, and with different event selection criteria (e.g. soft cuts optimized for sources with Γ VHE > 4). The distribution of VHE flux upper limits is shown in Figure 1. These 49 VHE flux upper limits are generally the most-constraining ever reported for these objects.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1. Recent VERITAS Blazar Discoveries\nPrior to the launch of Fermi VERITAS had discovered VHE emission from 2 blazars. These included the first VHE-detected IBL, W Comae [14, 15], and the HBL 1ES0806+524 [16]. VERITAS has discovered 6 VHE blazars since the launch of Fermi. Three of these were initially observed by VERITAS prior to the release of Fermi-LAT results, due to the X-ray brightness of the synchrotron peaks of their SEDs.\nVHEemission from 3C66A was discovered by VERITAS in September 2008 [17] during a flaring episode that was also observed by the Fermi-LAT [18]. The observed flux above 200 GeV was 6% of the Crab Nebula flux and the measured VHE spectrum was very soft (Γ VHE ∼ 4 . 1). RGBJ0710+591 was detected\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n3\nTable I VERITAS AGN Detections. The only non-blazar object is the radio galaxy M 87. The blazars discovered at VHE by VERITAS are marked with a dagger.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7. Multi-wavelength Studies of VHE Blazars\n· 1ES 2344+514: A major (50% Crab) VHE flare, along with correlations of the VHE and X-ray flux were observed from this HBL. The VHE and X-ray spectra harden during bright states, and a synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model can explain the observed SED in both the high and low states [26].\n· 1ES 1218+304: This HBL flared during VERITAS MWL observations. Its unusually hard VHE spectrum strongly constrains the EBL. The observed flaring rules out kpc-scale jet emission as the explanation of the spectral hardness and places the EBL constraints on more solidfooting [27, 28].\n· 1ES 0806+524: The observed SED of this new VHE HBL can be explained by an SSC model [16].\n· W Comae: This IBL, the first discovered at VHE, flared twice in 2008 [14, 15]. Modeling of the SED is improved by including an externalCompton (EC) component in an SSC interpretation.\n· 3C 66A: This IBL flared at VHE and MeV-GeV energies in 2008[17, 18]. Similar to W Comae and PKS 1424+240, modeling of observed SED suggests a strong EC component in addition to an SSC component.\n· Mkn 421: This HBL exhibited major flaring behavior for several months in 2008. Correlations of the VHE and X-ray flux were observed, along with spectral hardening with increased flux in both bands [29].\neConf C091122\n· RGBJ0710+591: Modeling the SED of this HBL with an SSC model yields a good fit to the data. The inclusion of an external Compton component does not improve the fit.\n· PKS1424+240: The broadband SED of this IBL (at unknown redshift) is well described by an SSC model favoring a redshift of less than 0.1 [21]. Using the photon index measured with Fermi-LAT in combination with recent EBL absorption models, the VERITAS data indicate that the redshift of PKS 1424+240 is less than 0.66.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Blazar Discovery Program\nThe blazars observed in the discovery program are largely high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. However, the program also includes IBLs (intermediatepeaked) and LBLs (low-peaked), as well as flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), in an attempt to increase the types of blazars known to emit VHE γ -rays. The observed targets are drawn from a target list containing objects visible to the telescopes at reasonable zenith angles ( -8 · < δ < 72 · ), without a previously published VHE limit below 1.5% Crab, and with a measured redshift z < 0 . 3. To further the study of the\neConf C091122\nEBL a few objects having a large ( z > 0 . 3) are also included in the target list. The target list includes:\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) HBL and IBL recommended as potential VHE emitters in [5, 6, 7].\n· The X-ray brightest HBL ( z < 0 . 3) in the recent Sedentary [8] and ROXA [9] surveys.\n· Four distant ( z > 0 . 3) BL Lac objects recommended by [5, 10].\n· Several FSRQ recommended as potential VHE emitters in [6, 11].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars detected by EGRET [12].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars contained in the Fermi-LAT Bright AGN Sample [13].\n· All sources ( | b | > 10 · ) detected by Fermi-LAT where extrapolations of their MeV-GeV γ -ray spectrum (including EBL absorption; assuming z = 0.3 if the redshift is unknown) indicates a possible VERITAS detection in less than 20 h. This criteria is the focus of the 2009-10 VERITAS blazar discovery program.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8. Conclusions\nThe Fermi-LAT is already having a significant impact on the blazar KSP. In future seasons, the VERITAS blazar discovery program will focus its discovery program on hard-spectrum blazars detected by Fermi-LAT, and will likely have a greater focus on high-risk/high-reward objects at larger redshifts (0 . 3 < z < 0 . 7). In addition, the number of VHE blazars studied in pre-planned MWL campaigns will increase as data from the Fermi-LAT will be publicly available. In particular, the extensive pre-planned MWL campaigns will focus on objects that are noteworthy for the impact their data may have on understanding the EBL. The simultaneous observations of blazars by VERITAS and Fermi-LAT will completely resolve the higher-energy SED peak, often for the first time, enabling unprecedented constraints on the underlying blazar phenomena to be derived.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8. Conclusions\nThe first two years of the VERITAS blazar KSP were highly successful. Highlights include the detection of more than a 16 VHE blazars with the observations almost always having contemporaneous MWL data. Among these detections are 8 VHE blazar discoveries, including the first three IBLs known to emit VHE γ -rays. All but a handful of the blazars on the initial VERITAS discovery target list were observed, and the flux limits generated for those not VHE detected are generally the most-constraining ever. The excess seen in the stacked blazar analysis suggests that the initial direction of the VERITAS discovery program was well justified, and that follow-up observations of many of these initial targets will result in VHE discoveries. In addition, the Fermi-LAT is identifying many new compelling targets for the VERITAS blazar discovery program. These new candidates have already resulted in 3 VHE blazar discoveries. The future of the VERITAS blazar discovery program is clearly very bright.\nThe MWL aspect of the VERITAS blazar KSP has also been highly successful. Every VERITAS observation of a known, or newly discovered, VHE blazar has been accompanied by contemporaneous MWL observations. These data have resulted in the identifica-\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n5\ntion of correlated VHE and X-ray flux variability, as well as correlated spectral hardening in both the VHE and X-ray bands. The VHE MWL observations were performed in both 'quiescent' and flaring states for some of the observed blazars. For the observed HBL objects, the SEDs can be well described by a simple SSC model in both high and low states. However, an additional external Compton component is necessary to adequately fit the SEDs of the IBL objects.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. CONCLUSIONS\nThe motivation for observing blazars in the submillimeter is to study behavior close to the central engine, where the jet material is presumably still being accelerated. The separate emission processes that contribute to overall SED may present differently in BL Lacs and FSRQs, allowing us to understand the similarities and differences between blazar types. We have investigated these differences between objects in terms of submillimeter behavior and, in conclusion, find that\n· The SMA blazars exhibit submillimeter energy spectral indexes that follow the spectral sequence interpretation of blazars.\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n5\nFigure 5: Ratio of γ -ray luminosity to submillimeter luminosity in the 1mm band. The location of an object in this plot should be directly correlated with its blazar 'state', with FSRQs occupying the upper right and BL Lacs the lower left. Flat-spectrum radio quasar 3C 454.3 is the object with the highest submillimeter luminosity in this plot.\n· BL Lacs and FSRQs do not exhibit significant differences in amplitude of submillimeter variability or characteristic timescale, but our sample of BL Lacs may be dominated by highpeaked BL Lacs (HBLs), which exhibit observational similarities with FSRQs.\n· Blazar submillimeter light curves are consistent with being produced by a single process that accounts for both high and low states, with characteristic timescales 10 < τ rest < 500 days.\n· The blazars detected by Fermi have synchrotron peaks at higher frequencies, regardless of submillimeter luminosity.\n· FSRQs exhibit higher ratios of γ -ray to submillimeter luminosity than BL Lacs (Figure 5), but all objects inhabit a region of parameter space suggesting transitions between states during flaring epochs.\nAs Fermi continues to observe fainter sources, the sample of objects for which we can perform this type of analysis will increase and provide better limits on our results. To understand the physical relevance of these results, however, it is important to be able to distinguish between the difference in variability between BL\neConf C091122", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf", - "query": "What are the blazars observed in the discovery program ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The blazars observed in the discovery program are largely high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. How ever, the program also includes IBLs (intermediate peaked) and LBLs (low-peaked), as well as flat spec trum radio quasars (FSRQs), in an attempt to in crease the types of blazars known to emit VHE γ-rays.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "4. Blazar Discovery Program\nThe blazars observed in the discovery program are largely high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. However, the program also includes IBLs (intermediatepeaked) and LBLs (low-peaked), as well as flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), in an attempt to increase the types of blazars known to emit VHE γ -rays. The observed targets are drawn from a target list containing objects visible to the telescopes at reasonable zenith angles ( -8 · < δ < 72 · ), without a previously published VHE limit below 1.5% Crab, and with a measured redshift z < 0 . 3. To further the study of the\neConf C091122\nEBL a few objects having a large ( z > 0 . 3) are also included in the target list. The target list includes:\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) HBL and IBL recommended as potential VHE emitters in [5, 6, 7].\n· The X-ray brightest HBL ( z < 0 . 3) in the recent Sedentary [8] and ROXA [9] surveys.\n· Four distant ( z > 0 . 3) BL Lac objects recommended by [5, 10].\n· Several FSRQ recommended as potential VHE emitters in [6, 11].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars detected by EGRET [12].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars contained in the Fermi-LAT Bright AGN Sample [13].\n· All sources ( | b | > 10 · ) detected by Fermi-LAT where extrapolations of their MeV-GeV γ -ray spectrum (including EBL absorption; assuming z = 0.3 if the redshift is unknown) indicates a possible VERITAS detection in less than 20 h. This criteria is the focus of the 2009-10 VERITAS blazar discovery program.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. VERITAS Blazar KSP\nVERITAS observes for ∼ 750 h and ∼ 250 h each year during periods of astronomical darkness and partial moonlight, respectively. The moonlight observations are almost exclusively used for a blazar discovery program, and a large fraction of the dark time is used for the blazar KSP, which consists of:\n· A VHE blazar discovery program ( ∼ 200 h / yr): Each year ∼ 10 targets are selected to receive ∼ 10 h of observations each during astronomical darkness. These data are supplemented by discovery observations during periods of partial moonlight.\n· A target-of-opportunity (ToO) observation program ( ∼ 50 h / yr): VERITAS blazar observations can be triggered by either a VERITAS blazar discovery, a VHE flaring alert ( > 2 Crab) from the blazar monitoring program of the Whipple 10-m telescope or from another VHE instrument, or a lower-energy flaring alert (optical, X-ray or Fermi-LAT). Should the guaranteed allocation be exhausted, further time can be requested from a pool of director's discretionary time.\n· Multi-wavelength (MWL) studies of VHE blazars ( ∼ 50 h / yr + ToO): Each year one blazar receives a deep exposure in a pre-planned campaign of extensive, simultaneous MWL (Xray, optical, radio) measurements. ToO observation proposals for MWL measurements are also submitted to lower-energy observatories (e.g. Swift) and are triggered by a VERITAS discovery or flaring alert.\n· Distant VHE blazar studies to constrain the extragalactic background light (EBL): Here distant targets are given a higher priority in the blazar discovery program, as well as for the MWL observations of known VHE blazars, particularly those with hard VHE spectra.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1. Recent VERITAS Blazar Discoveries\nPrior to the launch of Fermi VERITAS had discovered VHE emission from 2 blazars. These included the first VHE-detected IBL, W Comae [14, 15], and the HBL 1ES0806+524 [16]. VERITAS has discovered 6 VHE blazars since the launch of Fermi. Three of these were initially observed by VERITAS prior to the release of Fermi-LAT results, due to the X-ray brightness of the synchrotron peaks of their SEDs.\nVHEemission from 3C66A was discovered by VERITAS in September 2008 [17] during a flaring episode that was also observed by the Fermi-LAT [18]. The observed flux above 200 GeV was 6% of the Crab Nebula flux and the measured VHE spectrum was very soft (Γ VHE ∼ 4 . 1). RGBJ0710+591 was detected\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n3\nTable I VERITAS AGN Detections. The only non-blazar object is the radio galaxy M 87. The blazars discovered at VHE by VERITAS are marked with a dagger.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1. Recent VERITAS Blazar Discoveries\nTable I VERITAS AGN Detections. The only non-blazar object is the radio galaxy M 87. The blazars discovered at VHE by VERITAS are marked with a dagger.\nM87, = FR I. M87, Class Redshift = 0.004. Mkn421, = HBL. Mkn421, Class Redshift = 0.030. Mkn501, = HBL. Mkn501, Class Redshift = 0.034. 1ES2344+514, = HBL. 1ES2344+514, Class Redshift = 0.044. 1ES1959+650, = HBL. 1ES1959+650, Class Redshift = 0.047. WComae †, = IBL. WComae †, Class Redshift = 0.102. RGBJ0710+591 †, = HBL. RGBJ0710+591 †, Class Redshift = 0.125. H1426+428, = HBL. H1426+428, Class Redshift = 0.129. 1ES0806+524 †, = HBL. 1ES0806+524 †, Class Redshift = 0.138. 1ES0229+200, = HBL. 1ES0229+200, Class Redshift = 0.139. 1ES1218+304, = HBL. 1ES1218+304, Class Redshift = 0.182. RBS0413 †, = HBL. RBS0413 †, Class Redshift = 0.190. 1ES0502+675 †, = HBL. 1ES0502+675 †, Class Redshift = 0.341. 3C66A †, = IBL. 3C66A †, Class Redshift = 0.444?. PKS1424+240 †, = IBL. PKS1424+240 †, Class Redshift = ?. VERJ0521+211 †, = ?. VERJ0521+211 †, Class Redshift = ?", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8. Conclusions\nThe Fermi-LAT is already having a significant impact on the blazar KSP. In future seasons, the VERITAS blazar discovery program will focus its discovery program on hard-spectrum blazars detected by Fermi-LAT, and will likely have a greater focus on high-risk/high-reward objects at larger redshifts (0 . 3 < z < 0 . 7). In addition, the number of VHE blazars studied in pre-planned MWL campaigns will increase as data from the Fermi-LAT will be publicly available. In particular, the extensive pre-planned MWL campaigns will focus on objects that are noteworthy for the impact their data may have on understanding the EBL. The simultaneous observations of blazars by VERITAS and Fermi-LAT will completely resolve the higher-energy SED peak, often for the first time, enabling unprecedented constraints on the underlying blazar phenomena to be derived.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. SMA BLAZARS\nForty-four of the objects in our total blazar sample were detected by Fermi and can be found in the catalog of LAT Bright AGN Sources (LBAS) from Abdo et al. [7]. J0050-094 has no redshift in either the LBAS catalog or CGRaBS and is not included in our study. Of the 43 remaining sources, 14 are BL Lac objects and 29 are FSRQs, with 0 . 03 ≤ z ≤ 2 . 19.\nWe examined submillimeter light curves for all of the SMA blazars, with observations beginning in approximately 2003 (see Figure 1). Typically, the 1mm band is much more well-sampled in comparison to the 850m band, but visual inspection reveals that the regularity and quality of observations vary greatly from source to source. Many of the objects exhibit nonperiodic variability, either in the form of persistent, low-amplitude fluctuations or higher amplitude flaring behavior.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. VERITAS AGN Detections\nVERITAS has detected VHE γ -ray emission from 16 AGN (15 blazars), including 8 VHE discoveries. These AGN are shown in Table I, and each has been detected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) instrument aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Every blazar discovered by VERITAS was the subject of ToO MWL observations to enable modeling of its simultaneously-measured SED. The known VHE blazars detected by VERITAS were similarly the targets of MWL observations.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8. Conclusions\nThe first two years of the VERITAS blazar KSP were highly successful. Highlights include the detection of more than a 16 VHE blazars with the observations almost always having contemporaneous MWL data. Among these detections are 8 VHE blazar discoveries, including the first three IBLs known to emit VHE γ -rays. All but a handful of the blazars on the initial VERITAS discovery target list were observed, and the flux limits generated for those not VHE detected are generally the most-constraining ever. The excess seen in the stacked blazar analysis suggests that the initial direction of the VERITAS discovery program was well justified, and that follow-up observations of many of these initial targets will result in VHE discoveries. In addition, the Fermi-LAT is identifying many new compelling targets for the VERITAS blazar discovery program. These new candidates have already resulted in 3 VHE blazar discoveries. The future of the VERITAS blazar discovery program is clearly very bright.\nThe MWL aspect of the VERITAS blazar KSP has also been highly successful. Every VERITAS observation of a known, or newly discovered, VHE blazar has been accompanied by contemporaneous MWL observations. These data have resulted in the identifica-\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n5\ntion of correlated VHE and X-ray flux variability, as well as correlated spectral hardening in both the VHE and X-ray bands. The VHE MWL observations were performed in both 'quiescent' and flaring states for some of the observed blazars. For the observed HBL objects, the SEDs can be well described by a simple SSC model in both high and low states. However, an additional external Compton component is necessary to adequately fit the SEDs of the IBL objects.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "VERITAS Observations of Blazars\nW. Benbow for the VERITAS Collaboration\nHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, F.L. Whipple Observatory, PO Box 6369, Amado, AZ 85645, USA\nThe VERITAS array of four 12-m diameter imaging atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes in southern Arizona is used to study very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) γ -ray emission from astrophysical objects. VERITAS is currently the most sensitive VHE γ -ray observatory in the world and one of the VERITAS collaboration's Key Science Projects (KSP) is the study of blazars. These active galactic nuclei (AGN) are the most numerous class of identified VHE sources, with ∼ 30 known to emit VHE photons. More than 70 AGN, almost all of which are blazars, have been observed with the VERITAS array since 2007, in most cases with the deepest-ever VHE exposure. These observations have resulted in the detection of VHE γ -rays from 16 AGN (15 blazars), including 8 for the first time at these energies. The VERITAS blazar KSP is summarized in this proceeding and selected results are presented.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. CONCLUSIONS\nThe motivation for observing blazars in the submillimeter is to study behavior close to the central engine, where the jet material is presumably still being accelerated. The separate emission processes that contribute to overall SED may present differently in BL Lacs and FSRQs, allowing us to understand the similarities and differences between blazar types. We have investigated these differences between objects in terms of submillimeter behavior and, in conclusion, find that\n· The SMA blazars exhibit submillimeter energy spectral indexes that follow the spectral sequence interpretation of blazars.\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n5\nFigure 5: Ratio of γ -ray luminosity to submillimeter luminosity in the 1mm band. The location of an object in this plot should be directly correlated with its blazar 'state', with FSRQs occupying the upper right and BL Lacs the lower left. Flat-spectrum radio quasar 3C 454.3 is the object with the highest submillimeter luminosity in this plot.\n· BL Lacs and FSRQs do not exhibit significant differences in amplitude of submillimeter variability or characteristic timescale, but our sample of BL Lacs may be dominated by highpeaked BL Lacs (HBLs), which exhibit observational similarities with FSRQs.\n· Blazar submillimeter light curves are consistent with being produced by a single process that accounts for both high and low states, with characteristic timescales 10 < τ rest < 500 days.\n· The blazars detected by Fermi have synchrotron peaks at higher frequencies, regardless of submillimeter luminosity.\n· FSRQs exhibit higher ratios of γ -ray to submillimeter luminosity than BL Lacs (Figure 5), but all objects inhabit a region of parameter space suggesting transitions between states during flaring epochs.\nAs Fermi continues to observe fainter sources, the sample of objects for which we can perform this type of analysis will increase and provide better limits on our results. To understand the physical relevance of these results, however, it is important to be able to distinguish between the difference in variability between BL\neConf C091122", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf", - "query": "How many VHE blazar candidates were observed by VERITAS between September 2007 andJune 2009 ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "More than 50 VHE blazar candidates were observed by VERITAS betweenSeptember 2007 andJune 2009.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "6. Blazars Upper Limits\nMore than 50 VHE blazar candidates were observed by VERITAS between September 2007 and June 2009. The total exposure on the 49 non-detected candidates is ∼ 305 h live time (average of 6.2 h per candidate). Approximately 55% of the total exposure is split amongst the 27 observed HBL. The remainder is divided amongst the 8 IBL (26%), 5 LBL (6%), and 9 FSRQ (13%). There are no clear indications of significant VHE γ -ray emission from any of these 49 blazars [25]. However, the observed significance distribution is clearly skewed towards positive values (see Figure 1). A stacking analysis performed on the entire data sample shows an overall excess of 430 γ -rays, corresponding to a statistical significance of 4.8 σ , observed from the directions of the candidate blazars. The IBL and HBL targets make up 96% of the observed excess. Observations of these objects also comprise ∼ 80% of the total exposure. An identical stacked analysis of all the extragalactic non-blazar targets observed, but not clearly detected ( > 5 σ ), by VERITAS does not show a significant excess ( ∼ 120 h exposure). The stacked excess persists using alternate methods for estimating the background at each blazar location, and with different event selection criteria (e.g. soft cuts optimized for sources with Γ VHE > 4). The distribution of VHE flux upper limits is shown in Figure 1. These 49 VHE flux upper limits are generally the most-constraining ever reported for these objects.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1. Recent VERITAS Blazar Discoveries\nPrior to the launch of Fermi VERITAS had discovered VHE emission from 2 blazars. These included the first VHE-detected IBL, W Comae [14, 15], and the HBL 1ES0806+524 [16]. VERITAS has discovered 6 VHE blazars since the launch of Fermi. Three of these were initially observed by VERITAS prior to the release of Fermi-LAT results, due to the X-ray brightness of the synchrotron peaks of their SEDs.\nVHEemission from 3C66A was discovered by VERITAS in September 2008 [17] during a flaring episode that was also observed by the Fermi-LAT [18]. The observed flux above 200 GeV was 6% of the Crab Nebula flux and the measured VHE spectrum was very soft (Γ VHE ∼ 4 . 1). RGBJ0710+591 was detected\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n3\nTable I VERITAS AGN Detections. The only non-blazar object is the radio galaxy M 87. The blazars discovered at VHE by VERITAS are marked with a dagger.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7. Multi-wavelength Studies of VHE Blazars\nDuring the first three seasons of VERITAS observations, pre-planned extensive MWL campaigns were organized for three blazars 1ES 2344+514 (2007-08), 1ES 1218+304 (2008-09) and 1ES 0229+200 (200910 - ongoing). In addition, numerous ToO MWLobservation campaigns were performed. These include campaigns for every blazar/AGN discovered by VERITAS, and all include Swift (XRT and UVOT) data. All MWL campaigns on the VHE blazars discovered\n4\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nFigure 1: (Left) The preliminary significance measured from each of the 49 non-detected candidates using standard analysis cuts. The curve shows a Gaussian distribution, with mean zero and standard deviation one, normalized to the number of blazars. A similar result is obtained using analysis cuts optimized for soft-spectrum sources. (Right) The distribution of flux upper limits for the non-detected blazars in percentage of Crab Nebula flux above the observation threshold. The time-weighted average limit is less than ∼ 2% Crab flux.\nσ\nsince the launch of Fermi include LAT detections. In addition, several MWL campaigns on the well-studied VHE blazars Mkn 421 and Mkn 501 (please see the contributions of D. Gall and A. Konopelko in these proceedings) were also performed. Highlights of these campaigns include:", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. VERITAS AGN Detections\nVERITAS has detected VHE γ -ray emission from 16 AGN (15 blazars), including 8 VHE discoveries. These AGN are shown in Table I, and each has been detected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) instrument aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Every blazar discovered by VERITAS was the subject of ToO MWL observations to enable modeling of its simultaneously-measured SED. The known VHE blazars detected by VERITAS were similarly the targets of MWL observations.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "VERITAS Observations of Blazars\nW. Benbow for the VERITAS Collaboration\nHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, F.L. Whipple Observatory, PO Box 6369, Amado, AZ 85645, USA\nThe VERITAS array of four 12-m diameter imaging atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes in southern Arizona is used to study very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) γ -ray emission from astrophysical objects. VERITAS is currently the most sensitive VHE γ -ray observatory in the world and one of the VERITAS collaboration's Key Science Projects (KSP) is the study of blazars. These active galactic nuclei (AGN) are the most numerous class of identified VHE sources, with ∼ 30 known to emit VHE photons. More than 70 AGN, almost all of which are blazars, have been observed with the VERITAS array since 2007, in most cases with the deepest-ever VHE exposure. These observations have resulted in the detection of VHE γ -rays from 16 AGN (15 blazars), including 8 for the first time at these energies. The VERITAS blazar KSP is summarized in this proceeding and selected results are presented.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. VERITAS Blazar KSP\nVERITAS observes for ∼ 750 h and ∼ 250 h each year during periods of astronomical darkness and partial moonlight, respectively. The moonlight observations are almost exclusively used for a blazar discovery program, and a large fraction of the dark time is used for the blazar KSP, which consists of:\n· A VHE blazar discovery program ( ∼ 200 h / yr): Each year ∼ 10 targets are selected to receive ∼ 10 h of observations each during astronomical darkness. These data are supplemented by discovery observations during periods of partial moonlight.\n· A target-of-opportunity (ToO) observation program ( ∼ 50 h / yr): VERITAS blazar observations can be triggered by either a VERITAS blazar discovery, a VHE flaring alert ( > 2 Crab) from the blazar monitoring program of the Whipple 10-m telescope or from another VHE instrument, or a lower-energy flaring alert (optical, X-ray or Fermi-LAT). Should the guaranteed allocation be exhausted, further time can be requested from a pool of director's discretionary time.\n· Multi-wavelength (MWL) studies of VHE blazars ( ∼ 50 h / yr + ToO): Each year one blazar receives a deep exposure in a pre-planned campaign of extensive, simultaneous MWL (Xray, optical, radio) measurements. ToO observation proposals for MWL measurements are also submitted to lower-energy observatories (e.g. Swift) and are triggered by a VERITAS discovery or flaring alert.\n· Distant VHE blazar studies to constrain the extragalactic background light (EBL): Here distant targets are given a higher priority in the blazar discovery program, as well as for the MWL observations of known VHE blazars, particularly those with hard VHE spectra.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8. Conclusions\nThe first two years of the VERITAS blazar KSP were highly successful. Highlights include the detection of more than a 16 VHE blazars with the observations almost always having contemporaneous MWL data. Among these detections are 8 VHE blazar discoveries, including the first three IBLs known to emit VHE γ -rays. All but a handful of the blazars on the initial VERITAS discovery target list were observed, and the flux limits generated for those not VHE detected are generally the most-constraining ever. The excess seen in the stacked blazar analysis suggests that the initial direction of the VERITAS discovery program was well justified, and that follow-up observations of many of these initial targets will result in VHE discoveries. In addition, the Fermi-LAT is identifying many new compelling targets for the VERITAS blazar discovery program. These new candidates have already resulted in 3 VHE blazar discoveries. The future of the VERITAS blazar discovery program is clearly very bright.\nThe MWL aspect of the VERITAS blazar KSP has also been highly successful. Every VERITAS observation of a known, or newly discovered, VHE blazar has been accompanied by contemporaneous MWL observations. These data have resulted in the identifica-\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n5\ntion of correlated VHE and X-ray flux variability, as well as correlated spectral hardening in both the VHE and X-ray bands. The VHE MWL observations were performed in both 'quiescent' and flaring states for some of the observed blazars. For the observed HBL objects, the SEDs can be well described by a simple SSC model in both high and low states. However, an additional external Compton component is necessary to adequately fit the SEDs of the IBL objects.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1. Recent VERITAS Blazar Discoveries\n( ∼ 5.5 σ ; 3% Crab flux above 300 GeV; Γ VHE ∼ 2 . 7) during VERITAS observations from December 2008 to March 2009. The initial announcement of the VHE discovery [19] led to its discovery above 1 GeV in the Fermi-LAT data using a special analysis. RBS 0413, a relatively distant HBL (z=0.19), was observed for 16 h good-quality live time in 2008-09 2 . These data resulted in the discovery of VHE gamma-rays ( > 270 γ , ∼ 6 σ ) at a flux ( > 200 GeV) of ∼ 2% of the Crab Nebula flux. The discovery [20] was announced simultaneously with the LAT MeV-GeV detection. The VHE and other MWL observations, including Fermi-LAT data, for each of these three sources will be the subject of a joint publication involving both the VERITAS and LAT collaborations.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.2. Discoveries Motivated by Fermi-LAT\nThe successful VHE discovery observations by VERITAS of three blazars was motivated primarily by results from the first year of LAT data taking. In particular, the VHE detections of PKS 1424+240 [21] and 1ES0502+675 [22] were the result of VERITAS observations triggered by the inclusion of these objects in the Fermi-LAT Bright AGN List [13]. The former is only the third IBL known to emit VHE gammarays, and the latter is the most distant BL Lac object\n2 RBS0413 was observed further by VERITAS in Fall 2009.\neConf C091122\n( z = 0 . 341) detected in the VHE band. In addition, VERJ0521+211, likely associated with the radio-loud AGN RGBJ0521.8+2112, was detected by VERTAS in ∼ 4 h of observations in October 2009 [23]. These observations were motivated by its identification as a > 30 GeV γ -ray source in the public Fermi-LAT data. Its VHE flux is 5% of the Crab Nebula flux, placing it among the brightest VHE blazars detected in recent years. VERITAS later observed even brighter VHE flaring from VERJ0521+211 in November 2009 [24], leading to deeper VHE observations.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Blazar Discovery Program\nThe blazars observed in the discovery program are largely high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. However, the program also includes IBLs (intermediatepeaked) and LBLs (low-peaked), as well as flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), in an attempt to increase the types of blazars known to emit VHE γ -rays. The observed targets are drawn from a target list containing objects visible to the telescopes at reasonable zenith angles ( -8 · < δ < 72 · ), without a previously published VHE limit below 1.5% Crab, and with a measured redshift z < 0 . 3. To further the study of the\neConf C091122\nEBL a few objects having a large ( z > 0 . 3) are also included in the target list. The target list includes:\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) HBL and IBL recommended as potential VHE emitters in [5, 6, 7].\n· The X-ray brightest HBL ( z < 0 . 3) in the recent Sedentary [8] and ROXA [9] surveys.\n· Four distant ( z > 0 . 3) BL Lac objects recommended by [5, 10].\n· Several FSRQ recommended as potential VHE emitters in [6, 11].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars detected by EGRET [12].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars contained in the Fermi-LAT Bright AGN Sample [13].\n· All sources ( | b | > 10 · ) detected by Fermi-LAT where extrapolations of their MeV-GeV γ -ray spectrum (including EBL absorption; assuming z = 0.3 if the redshift is unknown) indicates a possible VERITAS detection in less than 20 h. This criteria is the focus of the 2009-10 VERITAS blazar discovery program.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf", - "query": "For which language have been introduced the ActiveInference.jl library ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": " We introduce a new software package for the Julia programming language, the library ActiveInference.jl.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Introducing ActiveInference.jl : A Julia Library for Simulation and Parameter Estimation with Active Inference Models\nSamuel William Nehrer 1,† , Jonathan Ehrenreich Laursen 1,† , Conor Heins 2,3, * , Karl Friston 3,4 ,\nChristoph Mathys 5 and Peter Thestrup Waade 5\n1 School of Culture and Communication, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark; 202204724@post.au.dk (S.W.N.); 202204836@post.au.dk (J.E.L.)\n2 Department of Collective Behaviour, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany\n3 VERSES Research Lab., Los Angeles, CA 90016, USA; k.friston@ucl.ac.uk\n4 Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London WC1N 3BG, UK\n5 Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark; chmathys@cas.au.dk (C.M.); ptw@cas.au.dk (P.T.W.)\n* Correspondence: cheins@ab.mpg.de\n† These authors contributed equally to this work.\nAbstract: We introduce a new software package for the Julia programming language, the library ActiveInference.jl . To make active inference agents with Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) generative models available to the growing research community using Julia, we re-implemented the pymdp library for Python. ActiveInference.jl is compatible with cutting-edge Julia libraries designed for cognitive and behavioural modelling, as it is used in computational psychiatry, cognitive science and neuroscience. This means that POMDP active inference models can now be easily fit to empirically observed behaviour using sampling, as well as variational methods. In this article, we show how ActiveInference.jl makes building POMDP active inference models straightforward, and how it enables researchers to use them for simulation, as well as fitting them to data or performing a model comparison.\nKeywords: active inference; free energy principle; predictive processing; Markov decision process; cognitive modelling; Julia\nPACS: 87.15.Aa\nMSC: 91-08\nJEL Classification: C63", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. Using ActiveInference.jl\nIn this section, we provide an overview of the various functions a user will need to operate ActiveInference . This includes functionalities for creating POMDP agents, for simulating behaviour and for fitting the models to data. In the next section, we demonstrate how to use the package on a concrete worked example. ActiveInference is under continual development, and the newest version of the package, including documentation for how to use it, can be found at github.com/ilabcode/ActiveInference.jl.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nWe introduce a novel software library for Julia, ActiveInference , which lets users produce the simulated behaviour of agents and their internal belief states with active inference (AIF) models, as well as fit such models to empirically observed behaviour. AIF [1-3] is a generally applicable formal framework for understanding and simulating intelligent behaviour that is based in neurobiology and first principles from statistical physics [4-8]. AIF treats action and perception as unified under a joint imperative: to minimise the variational free energy ( VFE ), which quantifies how well the agent's internal generative model explains incoming sensory observations. It is an upper bound on the the surprise from sensory observations, making AIF formally related to prediction error\nAcademic Editor: Astero Provata\nReceived: 25 October 2024 Revised: 2 January 2025 Accepted: 7 January 2025\nPublished: 12 January 2025\nCitation: Nehrer, S.W.; Ehrenreich Laursen, J.; Heins, C.; Friston, K.; Mathys, C.; Thestrup Waade, P. Introducing ActiveInference.jl : A Julia Library for Simulation and Parameter Estimation with Active Inference Models. Entropy 2025 , 27 , 62. https://doi.org/10.3390/e27010062\nCopyright: ©2025 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/).\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\nhttps://doi.org/10.3390/e27010062\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n2 of 33", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nJulia uses its 'just-in-time' (JIT) compilations via the LLVM framework to approach the speed of languages like C without relying on external compilers [36]. Julia is also natively auto-differentiable, which means it can solve what is called the two-language problem (i.e., that high-level languages often have to rely on lower-level languages, either for performance or for auto-differentiability; this is the case with standard tools for cognitive modelling, where languages like R [37] must rely on external languages like STAN [38] for Bayesian model fitting). This means that ActiveInference , in conjunction with Turing [39], Julia's powerful library for Bayesian model fitting, and its newly developed extension for behavioural modelling, ActionModels , makes it possible to use cutting-edge Markov Chain Monte Carlo [40] methods, as well as variational methods [35], for Bayesian model fitting with AIF. Crucially, this allows researchers to not only simulate AIF in a fast programming language, but to also fit them to empirical behaviour, as is performed in cognitive modelling and computational psychiatry. Importantly, this also places AIF models in an ecosystem of other models for computational psychiatry so that it can easily be compared with models, like Hierarchical Gaussian Filters [41], and reinforcement learning models, like the classic Rescorla-Wagner model [42]. As part of making ActiveInference.jl available to the scientific community, and to the larger software ecosystem within computational psychiatry, it is implemented as part of the Translational Algorithms for Psychiatry-Advancing Science (TAPAS) ecosystem [43].\nIn the next section, we provide a conceptual and formal introduction to AIF, particularly in the context of using POMDP generative models. In Section 3, we demonstrate how to use the package in practice, both for simulation and parameter estimation. In Section 4, we give a fully worked example of how ActiveInference can be used with a concrete simulated dataset. Finally, we discuss potential applications and future directions for developing the package.\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\n[18,19], that will be implemented in the future.\nTools for simulating POMDP-AIF models were originally developed as part of the DEM [20] library for MATLAB [21] (part of the larger SPM library [22]). Since then, a modal and flexible software package pymdp [23] was created for Python [24], as well as a performance-oriented package cpp-AIF [25] for C++ [26] that can be used across platforms. Finally, the factor graph library RxInfer [27] for Julia [28] has also been used to implement some AIF models on an efficient factor graph back-end [29-31]. The important tools that these packages provide make AIF available for researchers to perform simulation studies and for use in engineering contexts. They do not, however, usually allow for fitting models to empirically observed data, which is a fundamental method used in cognitive modelling [32], often in the context of computational psychiatry [13], to infer the mechanisms underlying variations in behaviour or to investigate the differences between (for example, clinical) populations. Smith and colleagues [33] provided a guide for manually doing variational Bayesian parameter estimation based on empirical data, but only in MATLAB and restricted to a particular class of variational parameter estimation methods (variational Laplace), instead of the sampling-based methods that currently predominate in the field of cognitive modelling [34,35].\nIn this paper, we introduce ActiveInference.jl , a new software library for Julia [28] that aims to provide easy-to-use tools for model fitting with AIF models and to introduce AIF to the growing community of researchers using Julia for computational psychiatry and cognitive modelling. Julia is a free and open-source high-level programming language that retains an easy user interface reminiscent of that in MATLAB and Python. Simultaneously,\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n3 of 33", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n27. Bagaev, D.; Podusenko, A.; Vries, B.d. RxInfer: A Julia package for reactive real-time Bayesian inference. J. Open Source Softw. 2023 , 8 , 5161. [CrossRef]\n28. Bezanson, J.; Karpinski, S.; Shah, V.; Edelman, A. Julia Language Documentation. 2016. Available online: https://readthedocs. org/projects/julia-wf/downloads/pdf/stable/ (accessed on 26 May 2024).\n29. van de Laar, T.W.; de Vries, B. Simulating Active Inference Processes by Message Passing. Front. Robot. AI 2019 , 6 , 20. [CrossRef]\n30. Vanderbroeck, M.; Baioumy, M.; Lans, D.v.d.; Rooij, R.d.; Werf, T.v.d. Active inference for Robot control: A Factor Graph Approach. Stud. Undergrad. Res. E-J. 2019 , 5 , 1-5. [CrossRef]\n31. van de Laar, T.; ¸Senöz, ˙ I.; Özçelikkale, A.; Wymeersch, H. Chance-Constrained Active Inference. Neural Comput. 2021 , 33 , 2710-2735. [CrossRef]\n32. Busemeyer, J.R.; Diederich, A. Cognitive Modeling ; SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, 2010; Google-Books-ID: R7KDF35g5LQC.\n33. Smith, R.; Friston, K.J.; Whyte, C.J. A step-by-step tutorial on active inference and its application to empirical data. J. Math. Psychol. 2022 , 107 , 102632. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n34. Lee, M.D.; Wagenmakers, E.J. Bayesian Cognitive Modeling: A Practical Course , 1st ed.; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2014. [CrossRef]", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Creating and Using a POMDP\nThe general structure of ActiveInference.jl is heavily inspired by pymdp [23], a Python library for implementing simulations of AIF in discrete state spaces. Those already acquainted with pymdp should find the syntax here familiar. ActiveInference can be installed as normal from the official Julia General Registry using the Julia's native package manager Pkg:\nIt can then be loaded into the current project environment:\n☎\n✆\n☎\nCentral to the package is the AIF object. This is a structure containing all the components of the generative model, as well as the dynamic belief states and the various settings needed to perform AIF, and is used in conjunction with most of the high-level functions of the package. An AIF object can be created with the init_aif function, which takes as arguments the components of the generative model and a dictionary of various settings and parameters:\n✆\n✞ using Pkg Pkg.add(ActiveInference) ✝\n✞ using ActiveInference ✝\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n12 of 33\n✞ # Create AIF object aif = init_aif( A::Vector{Array{T, N}}, # A-matrices B::Vector{Array{T, N}}; # B-matrices C::Vector{Array{Real}}, # C-matrices (optional) D::Vector{Vector{Real}}, # D-matrices (optional) E::Vector{T}, # E-vector (optional) pA::Union{Vector{Array{T, N}}, Nothing}, # Dirichlet priors for A-matrices (optional) pB::Union{Vector{Array{T, N}}, Nothing}, # Dirichlet priors for B-matrices (optional) pD::Union{Vector{Array{Real}}, Nothing}, # Dirichlet priors for D-vectors (optional) parameters::Dict{String, Real}, # Dictionary containing other parameters (optional) settings::Dict{String, Any} # Dictionary containing settings (optional) ) ✝", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Discussion\n✞ using ParetoSmooth: psis_loo # Calculate the PSIS LOO PSIS_loo = psis_loo(model,results.chains) ✝\n✆\n☎\n✆\nWe introduce ActiveInference.jl , a novel Julia software package for creating and using POMDP-based AIF models for simulation and fitting to empirical data, demonstrating its ease of use on a small parameter study with simulated agents. ActiveInference.jl makes AIF modelling available in a fast language, equipped with an interface and situated in an ecosystem oriented specifically towards cognitive and behavioural modelling.\nImportantly, the ability to fit models to empirical data with sampling-based methods provides value to researchers within cognitive modelling and computational psychiatry: it allows for comparing estimated parameter values between population groups or investigat-\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n29 of 33\ning the temporal dynamics of belief changes in experimental participants. Dynamic belief trajectories can then be related to other (for example, physiological) measures, as is usual in model-based neuroscience [65]. This method can also, in principle, be used for fitting models to other types of experimentally observable systems, like animals, organoids [66], and simulated or emergent systems [67]. The package can also be used for agent-based modelling in general, for repeating earlier analyses with sampling based model-fitting and for comparing POMDP-based AIF models directly to other types of models.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n35. Blei, D.M.; Kucukelbir, A.; McAuliffe, J.D. Variational Inference: A Review for Statisticians. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 2017 , 112 , 859-877. [CrossRef]\n36. Lattner, C.; Adve, V. LLVM: A compilation framework for lifelong program analysis & transformation. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2004, CGO 2004, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 20-24 March 2004; pp. 75-86. [CrossRef]\n37. R Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing ; R Foundation for Statistical Computing: Vienna, Austria, 2021.\n38. Carpenter, B.; Gelman, A.; Hoffman, M.D.; Lee, D.; Goodrich, B.; Betancourt, M.; Brubaker, M.; Guo, J.; Li, P.; Riddell, A. Stan: A Probabilistic Programming Language. J. Stat. Softw. 2017 , 76 , 1-32. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n39. Ge, H.; Xu, K.; Ghahramani, Z. Turing: A Language for Flexible Probabilistic Inference. In Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (PMLR), Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, 9-11 April 2018; pp. 1682-1690. ISSN: 2640-3498.\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n32 of 33", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Discussion\nSince they implement full approximate Bayesian inferences, AIF models are computationally more demanding than many approaches traditionally used in cognitive and agent-based modelling, in particular when the dimensionality of the generative model is large. This means that models with highly multidimensional or complex behaviour and large numbers of agents can be computationally infeasible to implement, especially given the additional computational demands introduced by fitting these models to empirical data. Avenues for addressing this implicit scaling problem were proposed in the context of machine learning applications [68,69], and with the use of simplifying assumptions-the use of which are ubiquitous in computational modelling-AIF has been used to model multi-agent phenomena, such as opinion dynamics [15,70], coordinated foraging [71] and fish school movements [12]. It remains to be explored how AIF models can be applied to highly complex natural phenomena, such as a concrete election, which underscores the need for efficient but flexible and accessible software tools in the field.\nThere are many ways in which ActiveInference can be improved. It would be useful to extend the set of dynamic belief states to include prediction errors since they are often used for model-based neuroscience. This would entail departing from discrete state-space (i.e., POMDP) models to consider continuous state-space models apt for Bayesian filtering or predictive coding (see below). An alternative would be to generate prediction errors from belief updating under discrete models, where prediction errors can be read as the (KL) divergence between posterior and prior beliefs (i.e., complexity or information gain). A simple interface could be added for creating custom parametrisations of the requisite parameters that could be parametrised with Boltzmann or Gibbs distributions, as opposed to Dirichlet distributions. Parameter learning could be extended to all generative model parameters, as well as in parametrised forms (e.g., so that the Boltzmann parameter or temperature of the parameters that are learned); similarly for the precision over expected free energies γ . Preference priors should also be implementable for environmental states, in addition to observations, and A can be made action dependent.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf", - "query": "To which system does the AIF apply ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "AIF was argued to be applicable to any self organising system that actively maintains a stable boundary that defines its integrity [10], a broad category that includes cells and plants [11], as well as humans [2] and even collectives [12].", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I.13. Interinstitutional FWC\nNot applicable", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Allied for Independent Success\nVarious Models", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.6.1. Pre-financing\nPre-financing is not applicable to this FWC.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.6.4. Performance guarantee\nPerformance guarantee is not applicable to this FWC.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(A) Statement of Compliance\nThese consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB').", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Compliance with IFRS\nThe financial statements comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Fair value hierarchy\nNotes t o the Financial Statements\nu", - "page_start": 104, - "page_end": 104, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.6.5. Retention money guarantee\nRetention money guarantee is not applicable to this FWC.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CI/CD\nContinuous Delivery/Continuous Integration", - "page_start": 262, - "page_end": 262, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 13\nRegulation 18(3)", - "page_start": 83, - "page_end": 83, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf", - "query": "What is the definition of POMDP ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": " The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process is a type of flexible generative model that is widely used in the AIF literature. In discrete time and usually a discrete state space, this model type is parametrised to fit a given task by a set matrices containing probability distributions.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2.1. POMDPs in Active Inference\nIn AIF, the POMDP is one of the most common families of generative models used to make inferences about the environment. It is a Markovian discrete state-space model, where employing it means representing the environment and observations as inhabiting one among a set of possible (possibly multidimensional) states, and that the changes in these states can only depend on the system's previous state and the agent's actions. Environmental states are not directly observable, so they have to be inferred based on incoming sensory observations. In AIF for POMDPs and other generative models in general, both perception and action are cast as Bayesian inferences (see Sections 2.2 and 2.3), as well as the learning of parameters of the generative model (see Section 2.4). Crucially, an agent's generative model does not a priori have to be isomorphic to the true environment (i.e., the data-generating process), although this will generally lead to a successful inference, and that the generative model will therefore often come to resemble the environment through learning.\nAdiscrete state-space POMDP in AIF is conventionally defined by five main sets of parameters: A , B , C , D and E [1,33], see Figure 1. Together, these parametrise the agent's prior beliefs about the prior probability of different states in the environment, how states of the environment change and how they generate observations. Typically, they will be vectors, matrices or tensors; however, henceforth we denote them by their corresponding letter in bold. These make up the components needed for the agent to perform AIF.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Creating and Using a POMDP\n✞ parameters = Dict( \"alpha\" => 16.0, # Action precision alpha \"gamma\" => 16.0, # Policy precision gamma \"lr_pA\" => 1.0, # Learning rate of A \"fr_pA\" => 1.0, # Forgetting rate of A \"lr_pB\" => 1.0, # Learning rate of B \"fr_pB\" => 1.0, # Forgetting rate of B \"lr_pD\" => 1.0, # Learning rate of D \"fr_pD\" => 1.0 # Forgetting rate of D ) settings = Dict( # Length of policies to consider \"policy_len\" => 1, # Whether to use state information gain for action selection \"use_states_info_gain\" => true, # Whether to use parameter information gain for action selection \"use_param_info_gain\" => false, # Whether to use pragmatic gain for action selection \"use_utility\" => true, ) ✝\n✞ observation = [1] # Define an observation for each observation modality qs = infer_states!(aif, observation) # Produce a posterior belief about states ✝\n☎\n✆\n☎\nFinally, we define the hyper-parameters and other settings in two dictionaries. Here, we display the most common parameters and settings, and set them to their default values, which are used if they are not set by the user:\nWe can now input the above arguments into init_aif and create an AIF object. This allows us to present it with observations and let it choose actions. The following displays a few functions in the order they are usually used, first inferring environmental states, then updating matrices and then selecting a new action. First, we make inferences about the environment with infer_states! , which returns the updated posterior belief q ( s ) about environmental states given an observation. The observation is presented as a vector with an entry for each observation modality:\nWe can now also update the Dirichlet beliefs about the various parameters with the update_parameters! function. A is updated based on the last observation and the posterior belief about the state that generated it. B is updated based on the posteriors about the previous state transition given the previous action. D is updated based on the posterior over states at the first time step.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Vital product data\nVital product data (VPD or VDP) is information that uniquely defines system, hardware, software, and microcode elements of a processing system.", - "page_start": 809, - "page_end": 809, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Creating and Using a POMDP\nThe infer_policies! function then calculates the expected free energy for each possible policy (the number of policies varies depending on the amount of possible actions per time step and the length of policies considered), as well as the corresponding posterior probability over these policies. This calculation depends on the settings specified in the\n✞ # Update parameters based on provided priors , pA, pB, and pD. update_parameters!(aif) ✝\n✆\n☎\n✆\n☎\n✆\n13 of 33\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n14 of 33\ninit_aif function, including the policy length and which parts of the information gain to use, as well as the policy precision γ .\nFinally, sample_action! then samples the next action from the agent. This is performed by marginalising the policy probabilities to obtain the probabilities for the action on the next time step, and then softmax transforming it with the α action precision parameter.\n☎\n✆\n☎\nThese functions can be combined by users in various ways, depending on their purpose. Often, however, users will want to combine them in a single function that implements the full action-perception loop that receives an observation and returns an action. This is implemented with the ActionModels sister package for behavioural modelling.\n✞ # Infer policies infer_policies!(aif) ✝\n✞ # Sample Action sample_action!(aif) ✝", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1. POMDPs in Active Inference\nA , also called the observation model , represents the state-to-observation likelihood model. This describes how observations depend on or are generated by states of the environment. It is structured as a matrix with a column for each possible environmental state s , and a row for each possible observation o . Each column is then a categorical probability distribution over the observations that will occur given the environmental state (meaning that each column must contain non-negative values that sum to 1). If the observations are multidimensional (i.e., multiple observations are made at each time point), there is a matrix for each observation modality. If two or more states determine the observation, the likelihood model then becomes a tensor. If A is imprecise (i.e., the probabilities are highly entropic and evenly distributed), observations are taken to carry less information about the environment, in many cases leading to more uncertain inferences, and vice versa.\nB , also called the transition model , describes the state-to-state transition probabilities of environmental states s . B encodes the agent's assumptions about how the environment changes over time, depending on its actions. It has a column and a row for each environmental state s , where each column is a categorical probability distribution over the states the environment will take on the next time step, given the state it is currently in. If the environment is modelled as multidimensional, there will be a matrix for each environmental state factor. Additionally, there is a separate matrix for each possible action (making each factor in B a tensor). This means that for every factor in the model, there may be one or more actions that pick out the appropriate slice of the tensor. Action therefore allows the agent to predict that the environment (and the corresponding observations) will change differently depending on the actions that it chooses. If B is imprecise (i.e., highly entropic),\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n6 of 33\nit means that the transitions of the environment are expected to be uncertain (and therefore, often transition to new states). In this sense, volatile and unstable environments will lead to less certain predictions about the future.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1. POMDPs in Active Inference\nAs noted, here we focus specifically on the POMDP-based generative models often used in the AIF literature. However, the basic steps when performing AIF-perception, action and learning-remain the same across generative models. In the remainder of this section, we describe each of these three steps in turn.\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n7 of 33\nFigure 1. Depiction of a POMDP generative model. This encodes the agent's expectations about how the state s of the environment changes over time t , and how it generates observation o at each time step. A , also called the observation model, describes how environmental states give rise to observations. B , also called the transition model, describes how environmental states change over time, depending on action u (called policy π when structured into sequences). C is the preference prior, which encodes the agent's preferences for observations. This shapes the expected free energy G associated with each policy, which is used for policy selection. D encodes the agent's prior belief over environmental states before making any observations, and E is the prior over policies that determines the agent's preferences for policies in the absence of other motivation.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)\nAn initiative to measure, manage and alleviate climate change by encouraging sustained dialog with institutional investors and business leaders on this issue", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Creating and Using a POMDP\n✞ # Information about number of states , observations , actions and policy length states = [6] # Six states , single factor observations = [5] # Five observations , single modality controls = [2] # Two actions , single factor policy_length = 1 # Length of policies # Generate uniform templates for matrices and vectors of the generative model A, B, C, D, E = create_matrix_templates(states, observations, controls, policy_length) ✝\n✞ # We make C take the following form: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] C[1] = onehot(5,5) # Initialize the single element of the C object with a one-hot vector # D will be: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] D[1] = onehot(1,6) # Initialize the single element of the D object with a one-hot vector # To make the agent prefer policy 2 E = onehot(2,2) # Initialize as a one-hot encoded vector: [0,1] ✝\n☎\n✆\n☎\nA and B are the only mandatory arguments to the init_aif function-the other arguments are keyword arguments that default to uniform priors. A , B , C , D and E and their corresponding Dirichlet priors, in the cases of A , B and D , should be formatted as standard array objects. All but E can have multiple modalities/factors (see Section 4), so they should be formatted as vectors of arrays with one array per modality/factor. These arrays can be hand-specified by the user, or be generated with some of the helper functions supplied by ActiveInference . Here, we create an AIF agent equipped with a generative model with six environmental states, five possible observations and two possible actions. Here, we use helper functions to create matrices and vectors with the correct dimensions; in Section 4, we create them manually. First, we define the number of states, observations, controls and the length of policies:\n✆\n☎", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Discussion\nAlibrary of pre-made canonical POMDP models could be created so that users can easily implement them directly. Alternatives to the fixed-point iteration method for updating posteriors over environmental states could be included, like the marginal message passing algorithm. There are various ways in which the package can be made more computationally efficient, and it could be compared with other software implementations. There are plenty of utility and plotting functions that could be added to the package to make it easier to use and to facilitate integration with the model-fitting packages it relies on; for example, to allow for combining the models with linear regressions to compare parameters values of different populations in a single model. More complex types of POMDP models can also be added, like hierarchical and temporally deep POMDPs. Model structure learning could be considered, where different model structures are compared and chosen between by evaluating their free energies. Sophisticated inference, where predictions are also made about changes in one's own beliefs-depending on expected action-dependent observations in the future-could also be implemented [58]. Finally, the package could be extended to other types of generative models than POMDPs, including other universal models, like generalised filtering [17] and Hierarchical Gaussian Filter models [41], as well as custom\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n30 of 33\ngenerative models, or even (deep learning-based) amortised inference models. These various extensions could provide valuable tools for using AIF models in both theoretical and applied research.\nAuthor Contributions: Conceptualisation, S.W.N., J.E.L. and P.T.W.; methodology, S.W.N., J.E.L. and P.T.W.; software, S.W.N., J.E.L. and P.T.W.; formal analysis, S.W.N. and J.E.L.; writing-original draft preparation, S.W.N. and J.E.L.; writing-review and editing, C.H., K.F., C.M. and P.T.W.; visualisation, S.W.N. and J.E.L.; supervision, C.M. and P.T.W.; project administration, P.T.W. All authors read and agreed to the published version of this manuscript.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "P\nIndex\n797", - "page_start": 818, - "page_end": 818, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf", - "query": "What is dyspnea ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Dyspnea refers to a subjective sensation of breathing discomfort.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\n1. Parshall MB, Schwarthzstein RM, Adams L, et al. An Of /uniFB01 cial American Thoracic Society Statement: update on the mechanisms, assessment, and management of dyspnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med . 2012;185:435-452.\n2. Ho SF, O ' Mahony MS, Steward JA, et al. Dyspnoea and quality of life in older people at home. Age Ageing . 2001;30: 155-159.\n3. Laviolette L, Laveneziana P. Dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. Eur Respir J . 2014;43: 1750-1762.\n4. Müller A, Mraz T, Wouters EFM, et al. Prevalence of dyspnea in general adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Respir Med . 2023;218: 107379.\n5. Nishino T. Dyspnoea: underlying mechanisms and treatment. Br J Anaesth . 2011;106:463-474.\n6. NederJ,BertonD,MüllerP,etal. Ventilatory inef /uniFB01 ciency and exertional dyspnea in early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc . 2017;14(suppl_1): S22-S29.\n7. Gruenberger JB, Vietri J, Keininger DL, Mahler DA. Greater dyspnea is associated with lower health- related quality of life among European patients with COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis . 2017;12: 937-944.\n8. Preteroti M, Whitmore GA, Vandemheen KL, et al. Population-based case/uniFB01 nding to identify subjects with undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Eur Respir J . 2020;55:2000024.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nDyspnea is a complex, subjective symptom that is modi /uniFB01 ed by nonrespiratory factors including psychosocial, social, and environmental in /uniFB02 uences. 5 Interindividual variability in the perception of dyspnea, in /uniFB02 uenced by these nonrespiratory factors, may play an important role. A study conducted by Ziegler et al 24 assessed the perception of dyspnea in 42 healthy individuals using a standardized inspiratory resistive loading stimulus. The study used the modi /uniFB01 ed Borg scale to measure dyspnea perception levels. Among the participants subjected to the same inspiratory resistive load, 31%, 45%, and 24% of participants classi /uniFB01 ed their level of dyspnea as low, intermediate, and high, respectively. The study revealed that differences between individuals contribute considerable variability to the perception of dyspnea, even among healthy participants.\nThe affective dimension of dyspnea can be captured using additional questionnaires (eg, Multidimensional Dyspnea Pro /uniFB01 le, Dyspnea-12). Studies have explored the use of the Multidimensional Dyspnea Pro /uniFB01 le in\nTABLE 7 ] Unadjusted and Adjusted Dyspnea Associations With Quality of Life (SF-36)", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nIn conclusion, our study measured dyspnea impact in individuals with no preexisting diagnosis of lung disease who reported respiratory symptoms as part of a purposeful case /uniFB01 nding strategy. Individuals with PRISm exhibited the greatest impact of dyspnea, even higher than those newly diagnosed with asthma or COPD. After adjusting for patient factors, comorbidities, pulmonary diseases, and severity of lung physiologic impairment, most of the variability in dyspnea remained unexplained. We also showed that dyspnea was associated with increased health care utilization, impaired quality of life, and work productivity.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n32. Stefan MS, Priya A, Martin B, et al. How well do patients and providers agree on the severity of dyspnea? J Hosp Med . 2016;11(10):701-707.\n33. Cherian M, Magner KMA, Whitmore GA, et al. Patient and physician factors associated with symptomatic undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Eur Respir J . 2023;61(2): 2201721.\n166#6 CHEST DECEMBER 2024\n]", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dyspnea Impact and Health Care Use, Quality of Life, and Work Productivity\nThe impact of dyspnea and its associations with health care use, quality of life, and work productivity were examined. Health care utilization was assessed through selfreported data. Quality of life was assessed using the 36Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire, where higher scores indicate better health status. Work productivity was assessed using the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire, where higher scores", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Take-home Points\nStudy Question: How profoundly are adults with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms affected by dyspnea?\nResults: In community-based adults with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms, those identi /uniFB01 ed with preserved ratio impaired spirometry experienced the greatest impact of dyspnea, followed by those with undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Greater dyspnea impact was associated with increased health care utilization, lower quality of life, and reduced work productivity.\nInterpretation: Dyspnea imposes burdens on the health care system and is associated with impaired quality of life and work productivity.\nDyspnea refers to a subjective sensation of breathing discomfort. 1 In a study involving a community-based population aged > 70 years, the prevalence of dyspnea was found to be 32%. 2 Dyspnea can lead to limitations in daily activities, reduced exercise tolerance, and heightened mortality risks. 3\nDyspnea not only affects individuals with diagnosed respiratory conditions but also poses a signi /uniFB01 cant burden on those with undiagnosed conditions. In a systematic review by Müller et al, 4 the combined", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nData are presented as OR (95% CI) with P values. Adjusted values are adjusted for age, sex, and BMI.\noutpatients with cardiorespiratory disease 25 and the Dyspnea-12 in patients with asthma 26 and found that the affective aspect of dyspnea can signi /uniFB01 cantly in /uniFB02 uence the impact of dyspnea on health status, irrespective of the intensity of breathlessness.\nIn those with PRISm, there was a strong, positive association between higher values for the FEV1/FVC ratio and dyspnea. For the PRISm group, a higher FEV1/FVC ratio may re /uniFB02 ect diminished lung compliance due to interstitial lung disease and/or respiratory system restriction due to obesity, which could contribute to worse dyspnea. Conversely, the association of dyspnea with the FEV1/FVC ratio was in the opposite direction for those with asthma or COPD, and a lower FEV1/FVC ratio correlated with worse dyspnea, as expected.\nOur study complements the literature by focusing on adults with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms who were randomly selected and recruited through active case /uniFB01 nding in the community. This increases the generalizability of our results to a broader population. Our dyspnea questions were derived from widely used\nand validated respiratory health questionnaires, and our dyspnea assessment measure is a weighted average of responses to these validated questions. Consequently, the measure has an immediate interpretation in terms of the lived day-to-day experience of individuals.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nOur study explored dyspnea in community-based adults with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms identi /uniFB01 ed via case /uniFB01 nding. Surprisingly, we found that the dyspnea experienced by those with PRISm had a greater impact on their activities and health status than those with newly diagnosed COPD or asthma.\nThe prevalence of individuals who were obese and morbidly obese in the PRISm group partially explains the between-group difference in dyspnea. The excess dyspnea seen in the PRISm group when compared with the normal spirometry group is partly explained by patient-speci /uniFB01 c risk factors, including BMI, which shrink the mean dyspnea differential between the groups from 11.2 to 5.5 points (Tables 3-6). The remaining 5.5point difference indicates that PRISm patients have excess dyspnea relative to symptomatic individuals with normal spirometry for additional reasons other than obesity.\n[\n166#6 CHEST DECEMBER 2024\n]\nTABLE 6 ] Dyspnea Regressed on Lung Function Variables Representing Severity of Impairment", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "[\nAsthma Original Research\n]", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TABLE 2 ] (Continued)\nAfter adjusting for age, sex, and BMI, dyspnea was associated with an increased likelihood of annual visits to health care providers for respiratory complaints (OR,\nTABLE 4 ] Sequential Regression Analyses of Risk Factors Contributing to Variability in Dyspnea: Dyspnea Regressed on Patient-Speci /uniFB01 c Risk Factors (20.6% of Variability Explained)", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf", - "query": "What are the criterion to be control patient in the dyspnea study ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "Control patients reported no respiratory symptoms in the preceding 6 months and obtained a score of 0 on the ASQ.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\n1. Parshall MB, Schwarthzstein RM, Adams L, et al. An Of /uniFB01 cial American Thoracic Society Statement: update on the mechanisms, assessment, and management of dyspnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med . 2012;185:435-452.\n2. Ho SF, O ' Mahony MS, Steward JA, et al. Dyspnoea and quality of life in older people at home. Age Ageing . 2001;30: 155-159.\n3. Laviolette L, Laveneziana P. Dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. Eur Respir J . 2014;43: 1750-1762.\n4. Müller A, Mraz T, Wouters EFM, et al. Prevalence of dyspnea in general adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Respir Med . 2023;218: 107379.\n5. Nishino T. Dyspnoea: underlying mechanisms and treatment. Br J Anaesth . 2011;106:463-474.\n6. NederJ,BertonD,MüllerP,etal. Ventilatory inef /uniFB01 ciency and exertional dyspnea in early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc . 2017;14(suppl_1): S22-S29.\n7. Gruenberger JB, Vietri J, Keininger DL, Mahler DA. Greater dyspnea is associated with lower health- related quality of life among European patients with COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis . 2017;12: 937-944.\n8. Preteroti M, Whitmore GA, Vandemheen KL, et al. Population-based case/uniFB01 nding to identify subjects with undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Eur Respir J . 2020;55:2000024.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n32. Stefan MS, Priya A, Martin B, et al. How well do patients and providers agree on the severity of dyspnea? J Hosp Med . 2016;11(10):701-707.\n33. Cherian M, Magner KMA, Whitmore GA, et al. Patient and physician factors associated with symptomatic undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Eur Respir J . 2023;61(2): 2201721.\n166#6 CHEST DECEMBER 2024\n]", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nDyspnea is a complex, subjective symptom that is modi /uniFB01 ed by nonrespiratory factors including psychosocial, social, and environmental in /uniFB02 uences. 5 Interindividual variability in the perception of dyspnea, in /uniFB02 uenced by these nonrespiratory factors, may play an important role. A study conducted by Ziegler et al 24 assessed the perception of dyspnea in 42 healthy individuals using a standardized inspiratory resistive loading stimulus. The study used the modi /uniFB01 ed Borg scale to measure dyspnea perception levels. Among the participants subjected to the same inspiratory resistive load, 31%, 45%, and 24% of participants classi /uniFB01 ed their level of dyspnea as low, intermediate, and high, respectively. The study revealed that differences between individuals contribute considerable variability to the perception of dyspnea, even among healthy participants.\nThe affective dimension of dyspnea can be captured using additional questionnaires (eg, Multidimensional Dyspnea Pro /uniFB01 le, Dyspnea-12). Studies have explored the use of the Multidimensional Dyspnea Pro /uniFB01 le in\nTABLE 7 ] Unadjusted and Adjusted Dyspnea Associations With Quality of Life (SF-36)", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nIn conclusion, our study measured dyspnea impact in individuals with no preexisting diagnosis of lung disease who reported respiratory symptoms as part of a purposeful case /uniFB01 nding strategy. Individuals with PRISm exhibited the greatest impact of dyspnea, even higher than those newly diagnosed with asthma or COPD. After adjusting for patient factors, comorbidities, pulmonary diseases, and severity of lung physiologic impairment, most of the variability in dyspnea remained unexplained. We also showed that dyspnea was associated with increased health care utilization, impaired quality of life, and work productivity.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nData are presented as OR (95% CI) with P values. Adjusted values are adjusted for age, sex, and BMI.\noutpatients with cardiorespiratory disease 25 and the Dyspnea-12 in patients with asthma 26 and found that the affective aspect of dyspnea can signi /uniFB01 cantly in /uniFB02 uence the impact of dyspnea on health status, irrespective of the intensity of breathlessness.\nIn those with PRISm, there was a strong, positive association between higher values for the FEV1/FVC ratio and dyspnea. For the PRISm group, a higher FEV1/FVC ratio may re /uniFB02 ect diminished lung compliance due to interstitial lung disease and/or respiratory system restriction due to obesity, which could contribute to worse dyspnea. Conversely, the association of dyspnea with the FEV1/FVC ratio was in the opposite direction for those with asthma or COPD, and a lower FEV1/FVC ratio correlated with worse dyspnea, as expected.\nOur study complements the literature by focusing on adults with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms who were randomly selected and recruited through active case /uniFB01 nding in the community. This increases the generalizability of our results to a broader population. Our dyspnea questions were derived from widely used\nand validated respiratory health questionnaires, and our dyspnea assessment measure is a weighted average of responses to these validated questions. Consequently, the measure has an immediate interpretation in terms of the lived day-to-day experience of individuals.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TABLE 2 ] (Continued)\nTABLE 3 ] Intergroup Comparisons of Dyspnea Impact\nControl, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 13.8 (11.8-15.7). Control, Mean Difference (95% CI) = /C0 38.0 ( /C0 41.1 to /C0 34.9). Control, P Value = < .001. Normal spirometry, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 51.8 (50.7-52.8). Normal spirometry, Mean Difference (95% CI) = . Normal spirometry, P Value = . Control, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 13.8 (11.8-15.7). Control, Mean Difference (95% CI) = /C0 43.7 ( /C0 47.6 to /C0 39.8). Control, P Value = < .001. COPD, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 57.5 (55.1-59.9). COPD, Mean Difference (95% CI) = . COPD, P Value = . Control, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 13.8 (11.8-15.7). Control, Mean Difference (95% CI) = /C0 42.8 ( /C0 46.9 to /C0 38.7). Control, P Value = < .001. Asthma, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 56.6 (53.9-59.3). Asthma, Mean Difference (95% CI) = . Asthma, P Value = . Control, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 13.8 (11.8-15.7). Control, Mean Difference (95% CI) = /C0 49.2 ( /C0 53.7 to /C0 44.6). Control, P Value = < .001. PRISm, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 63.0 (59.5-66.4). PRISm, Mean Difference (95% CI) = . PRISm, P Value = . Normal spirometry, Mean Dyspnea Score (95% CI) = 51.8 (50.7-52.8). Normal", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recruitment of Undiagnosed Cases and Healthy\nControl Patients\nBetween June 2017 and January 2023, adults aged $ 18 years were recruited through a two-step process into the Undiagnosed COPD and Asthma Population (UCAP) study, a multicenter case /uniFB01 nding study. Approval for\nABBREVIATIONS: ASQ = Asthma Screening Questionnaire; BD = bronchodilator; CAT = COPD Assessment Test; PCA = principal component analysis; PRISm = preserved ratio impaired spirometry; SGRQ = St. George ' s Respiratory Questionnaire\nAFFILIATIONS: From The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (J. B., E. G., K. L. V., G. G. A., S. M., and S. D. A.), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON; the Desautels Faculty of Management (G. A. W.), McGill University, Montreal, QC; the Department of Medicine (C. B.), The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; the Centre de recherche (L.-P. B. and A. C.), Institut de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec, Université Laval, Quebec, QC; the Cumming School of Medicine (S. K. F.), University of Calgary, Calgary, AB; the Department of Medicine (E. P.), University of Saskatchewan, Regina, SK; the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health (R. A. M.), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON; the Department of Medicine (C. L.), Université de Montreal, Montreal, QC; the Department of Medicine and the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (S. G.), St. Michael ' s Hospital University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; the Department of Medicine\nchestjournal.org\n1297\nprevalence of dyspnea in the adult general population across 11 studies was estimated to be 10%. Dyspnea can arise from a broad spectrum of underlying factors, including both respiratory and nonrespiratory conditions. Studies have revealed that dyspnea is not solely attributable to respiratory conditions but is also heavily in /uniFB02 uenced by cardiovascular deconditioning and by nonrespiratory factors, including psychosocial, social, and environmental determinants. 5,6", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TABLE 2 ] (Continued)\nTable 4 presents the association of dyspnea with patient-speci /uniFB01 c risk factors. Dyspnea impact increased with younger age, being female, higher BMI, higher smoking and smoke exposure history, and total work", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Statistical Analysis\nBox plots were used to compare distribution patterns of dyspnea impact assessments among the disease groups. Pairwise comparison tests were conducted to evaluate mean dyspnea differences between groups. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to measure contributions to variability of dyspnea by selected patient-speci /uniFB01 c risk factors, spirometry disease classi /uniFB01 cation, and key lung function measures. The selected sets of risk factors were evaluated using successive regression analyses. Analysis of variance sums of squares from the successive regression analyses provided the cumulative percentage contributions to variability of dyspnea. Simple, multiple, and logistic regression analyses were used to study associations between dyspnea and health care utilization, quality of life, and work productivity outcomes. All statistical analyses were done using STATA 16 statistical software (StataCorp).\nparticipants (24%) did not meet the threshold of $ 6 points on the ASQ or $ 20 points on the COPDDiagnostic Questionnaire and were thus excluded, leaving 4,272 individuals deemed eligible for spirometry.\nFigure 1 -Study /uniFB02 ow diagram demonstrating the case /uniFB01 nding and control group recruitment and allocation. ASQ ¼ Asthma Screening Questionnaire; COPD-DQ ¼ COPD Diagnostic Questionnaire; CF ¼ cystic /uniFB01 brosis; MI ¼ myocardial infarction; PRISM ¼ preserved ratio impaired spirometry.\nchestjournal.org\n1299\nTABLE 1 ] Descriptive Characteristics and Demographics of the Study Group", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Risk Factors Associated With Dyspnea\nPatient-related risk factors were considered /uniFB01 rst, and results of spirometry considered afterward. The spirometry risk factors chosen for the second stage analysis included the spirometry-based diagnosis of the patient (asthma, COPD, PRISm, or normal) and lung function results indicative of the severity of physiologic impairment. Severity was gauged by assessing three principal lung function measures: (1) post-BD FEV1 % predicted, (2) post-BD FEV1/FVC ratio, and (3) percentage reversal of FEV1 with BD.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf", - "query": "What is the revenue of Republic Services in 2002 ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": " $ 2,365.1", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "annual report 2002", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002\nRevenue. Revenue was $2,708.1 million, $2,517.8 million and $2,365.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Revenue increased by $190.3 million, or 7.6%, from 2003 to\n34\n2004. Revenue increased by $152.7 million, or 6.5%, from 2002 to 2003. The following table reÖects the components of our revenue growth for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002:", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Letter to Shareholders\nDear Fellow Shareholders:\nI am pleased to report that 2004 was a very good year for Republic Services, Inc. Our team met and exceeded the important financial and management goals we told you about here a year ago, and we plan to work just as hard and accomplish just as much in the coming year.\nRepublic is strengthening its competitive position among the leading waste services providers every day. As always, we are doing so by offering our customers cost-effective and safe waste collection, reliable recycling, and environmentally protective disposal options.\nI am proud of our team and what they accomplished. The results tell you just how well they did.\nRevenue in 2004 grew 7.6 percent to $2.7 billion, a record. The increases came largely from new municipal contracts and improved pricing. At the same time, we benefited from our presence in highgrowth markets, especially those in the rapidly expanding Sunbelt states.\nWe met last year's guidance. Net income per diluted share rose 15 percent to $1.53. Our revenue enhancement and cost reduction efforts produced results. We generated a record level of free cash flow - $388 million to be exact. Republic continues to generate strong and predictable levels of cash flow. As in the past year, we will concentrate on free cash flow and use it for acquisitions, reinvestment, repurchases of our stock and regular quarterly cash dividends.\nAs I thought about these achievements, I realized they result from the environment that we work to create for both our customers and our people. We care about our customers and the communities we serve. About our people. About the environment. And, of course, we care about you -- our shareholders. Every year we adopt a theme that captures our Company and our values. Our theme for 2005 is 'Republic Services…A Company that cares'.\nOur 13,400 dedicated people worked hard last year to create real value. We improved the way we deliver our services, increasing our efficiency in routing our collection trucks. We improved the way we construct disposal cells at numerous landfills, lowering costs. We worked with our vendors to control prices. And, we communicated to our customers the value of the services we offer. This year will be no different. We will continue to concentrate on these fundamentals.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REVENUES FROM MAJOR CUSTOMERS 9\nThe Company had one major customer which represented approximately $9.1 million (14.4 percent), $7.4 million (12.4 percent) and $11.0 million (19.1 percent) of the Company's operating revenues during the years 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Report of Management on Republic Services, Inc.'s Internal Control Over Financial Reporting\nManagement's assessment of the eÅectiveness of our internal control over Ñnancial reporting has been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting Ñrm, as stated in their report which is included herein.\n87", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Headquarters\n110 SE 6th Street, 28th Floor, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Phone: (954) 769-2400 · Fax: (954) 769-2664 · www.republicservices.com\n©2005, RITM, LLC\nRepublic Services and Republic Services, Inc. names and logos are service marks of RITM, LLC", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Independent Certified\nRepublic Services, Inc. 110 SE 6th Street, Suite 2800 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Phone: (954) 769-2400 www.republicservices.com\nInvestor Relations Republic Services, Inc. 110 SE 6th Street, Suite 2800 Fort Lauderdale,Florida 33301 Phone: (954) 769-3616\nINCOME BEFORE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES In Millions of Dollars\nDILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE BEFORE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES In Dollars", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nin thousands, except per share amounts\nOperating revenues:, 2003 = . Operating revenues:, 2002 = . Operating revenues:, 2001 = . Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2003 = $ 69,872. Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2002 = $ 57,867. Wireless", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Results of Operations\nIncome Taxes . Income tax expense was $14.6 million for 2002 as compared to $12.8 million for 2001 and $12.7 million for 2000. Our effective tax rates on pretax income were 30.1%, 30.4% and 30.9%, respectively, for the years 2002, 2001 and 2000.", - "page_start": 47, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Rendering of Services\nRevenue from a contract to provide services is recognised by reference to the stage of completion of the contract.", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf", - "query": "Who is the Vice Chairmain of the Board of Republic Services ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": " Harris W. Hudson1 Vice Chairman of the Board", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC.\nBy: /s/\nJAMES E. O'CONNOR\nJames E. O'Connor Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive OÇcer (principal executive oÇcer)", - "page_start": 100, - "page_end": 100, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ramani Ayer\nChairman, President and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Responsibilities:\nChairman of the Board, member of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Robert A. Ferreira\nSenior Vice President,\nHuman Resources", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ann M. de Raismes\nSenior Vice President,\nHuman Resources", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Aubrey K. McClendon\nChairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Responsibilities:\nManaging Director and Chief Executive Officer.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Officers\nKenneth T. Murphy\nChairman of the Board", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "18 Philip B. Lind, CM\nExecutive Vice President, Regulatory and Vice Chairman", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Joel Freedman\nSenior Vice President,\nGovernment Affairs", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf", - "query": "How mush did the Moomba incident cost to Santos in 2004 ?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": " the Moomba incident resulted in $17 million of one-off costs in 2004.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "CASH FLOW LOWER\nWhile Santos had a strong profit year, this is not fully reflected in cash flows.\nThere were large movements in trade debtors between years, reflecting the timing of liftings and the payments for them.\nIn addition, Santos has not yet been paid for the insurance claim relating to the Moomba incident. A total of $117 million was recognised in sundry income, which represents an estimate of the amount receivable from insurers for lost revenue, additional costs and replacement plant and equipment. At year end the money was still owed and so is not shown as part of operating cash flow. The final quantification of the claim with insurers is progressing.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PRODUCTION HAMPERED BY MOOMBA INCIDENT\n2004 production was lower due to the Moomba incident, which reduced production by 4.6 million\nboe. Field decline reduced production by a further 5.0 million boe.\nOffsetting these factors, Santos' growth projects are starting to come on line and have begun to reverse the decline experienced over the past three years. Two projects were commissioned in 2004: the Bayu-Undan liquids project and the Minerva gas project. In addition, acquisitions contributed 0.8 million boe to production.\nFor 2005, production is expected to improve by around 15%, or 4% excluding the impact of the Moomba incident. Santos now expects production to be around 54 million boe in 2005. This increase is largely driven by the commissioning of Mutineer-Exeter in March 2005 and the John Brookes gas field in the middle of the year.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PRODUCTION COSTS UNDER CONTROL\nProduction costs in 2004 were $309 million, up $45 million or 17% on 2003. Analysis shows that Santos was able to continue", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2004 WAS A YEAR OF GOOD OPERATING RESULTS\nOverall the increase in 2004 profit of 16% reflected a year of sound operating performance. Sales revenue was a record $1,501 million, up 2.5% on 2003, reflecting higher prices across most products and was achieved despite lower production as a result of the Moomba incident and declining output from late life fields.\nSantos benefited from higher world oil prices and realised US$51.83 per boe in 2004, an increase of 19% over 2003. The benefit of higher world oil prices substantially offset the impact of lower production volumes.\nSantos was also able to negotiate higher domestic gas prices (up 4% on average) and deliver new revenue streams from project start-ups and acquisitions during the year.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PRODUCTION AND SALES REVENUE\nto effectively control its costs in the face of significant external pressures in the form of rising services and materials prices.\nExamining production costs in detail reveals:\n· the start-up of Bayu-Undan and acquisitions added $16 million to Santos' cost base\n· changes in our accounting added a further $16 million to Santos' production costs\n· higher insurance premiums ($8 million) and one-off stock write-offs ($5 million) were offset by $17 million in cost savings largely as a result of Santos' continuous improvement initiatives\n· the Moomba incident resulted in $17 million of one-off costs in 2004.\nPiecing this together, the key themes in our financial performance were:\n· cost savings in established production areas more than offset increases in the price of services and materials\n· Santos' cost base rose as production from new developments and acquisitions were added to the Company's expanding portfolio of producing assets.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A STRONG FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE\nIt was pleasing that Santos was able to conclude 2004 on a higher note than it started.\nWe achieved record annual revenue thanks to higher oil and gas prices combined with the return of full production at Moomba to produce a 21.5% jump in second half sales: the best result for any six-month period in Santos' history.\nThe average realised price for crude oil was up nearly 19% to A$51.83 per barrel.\nThese results have left Santos well positioned to continue its strong investment program which saw capital expenditure peak at $930 million in 2004.\nIn 2005 we expect to invest around $850 million of new capital in projects and our strategy is to plan for firm developments based on affordability at relatively low oil prices. If higher prices continue and some projects mature quickly and can be given the green light, our overall capital expenditure may be higher.\nProduction is expected to rise in 2005 when, as usual, our financial performance will be subject to oil prices, exchange rates and interest rates. These factors have a significant effect on our bottom line. A US$1 per barrel change in the oil price equates to a A$16 million change in net profit after tax in 2005.\nA one US cent movement in the Australia-US dollar exchange rate would produce a change in profit after tax of A$8 million, and a 1% change in interest rates equates to a change in net profit after tax of A$9 million.\n2004 has also been an important period for shareholders, with a significant improvement in the Santos share price combined with an increase in the dividend.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS\n(4.5). (Profit)/loss on disposal of controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = -. (Profit)/loss on disposal of controlled entities, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 1.0. (b)Individually significant expenses/(gains) included in profit from, Consolidated.2004 $million = . (b)Individually significant expenses/(gains) included in profit from, Consolidated.2003 $million = . (b)Individually significant expenses/(gains) included in profit from, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = . (b)Individually significant expenses/(gains) included in profit from, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = . ordinary activities before income tax, Consolidated.2004 $million = . ordinary activities before income tax, Consolidated.2003 $million = . ordinary activities before income tax, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = . ordinary activities before income tax, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = . Insurance recovery, Consolidated.2004 $million = (116.6). Insurance recovery, Consolidated.2003 $million = -. Insurance recovery, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = (73.8). Insurance recovery, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = -. Costs associated with Moomba liquids recovery plant fire included in cost of sales, Consolidated.2004 $million = 17.5. Costs associated with Moomba liquids recovery plant fire included in cost of sales, Consolidated.2003 $million = -. Costs associated with Moomba liquids recovery plant fire included in cost of sales, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 11.9. Costs associated with Moomba liquids recovery plant fire included in cost of sales, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = -. Profit on sale of oil and gas assets, Consolidated.2004 $million = (43.9). Profit on sale of oil and gas assets, Consolidated.2003 $million = -. Profit on sale of oil and gas assets, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = (298.4). Profit on sale of oil and gas assets, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = -. Write-down of exploration and development expenditure, Consolidated.2004 $million = 22.1. Write-down of exploration and development expenditure, Consolidated.2003 $million = 59.7. Write-down of exploration and development expenditure, Santos Ltd.2004 $million = 4.6. Write-down of exploration and development expenditure, Santos Ltd.2003 $million = 6.1. Organisation restructure costs included in", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DELIVERING ON THE STRATEGY\nDear Shareholder,\nI am pleased to report that in 2004 Santos continued to deliver on its strategy to transform the Company into a truly international exploration and production business with world-class operations.\nWhile the year saw many positives in terms of development and exploration success, it did not get off to a good start with the incident on New Year's Day at the Moomba processing facility in central Australia.\nImportantly, Santos was able to work effectively with its key stakeholders, including customers, joint venturers and government departments, to minimise the commercial impacts.\nNatural gas supplies were quickly restored, in part by recovering processed gas from underground storage reservoirs. Liquids processing facilities were progressively reinstated allowing further increases to gas production and sales volumes, with the ramp-up to full liquids production achieved by August as planned.\nA large proportion of the costs and foregone revenues associated with the repair of the damaged plant and the reduced oil and gas production volumes are being recovered under insurance policies.\nAnnual Report 2004\nDue to the long cycle times inherent in the oil and gas business, it had been recognised that 2004 would be a year in which production was marginally below the previous year, with subsequent increases in 2005 and beyond driven by new development projects.\nIn this light, it is pleasing to report that the Minerva gas and Bayu-Undan liquids projects commenced production during the year as planned, while first oil from Mutineer-Exeter and several other key growth projects are progressing to plan.\nIndonesia matured into a core area during 2004, through a strategy of prudent acquisition, portfolio management and exploration. In particular, the Jeruk discovery has the potential to add significant value, with further evaluation activities underway.\nEven with the large effort expended on the Moomba incident, Santos was able to deliver strong results for 2004, reflecting higher average prices across most products.\nGroup sales revenue increased by 2.5% to a record $1,501 million, earnings before interest and tax improved by 23% to $574 million and net profit after tax rose by 16% to $380 million.\nThis strong financial performance, combined with the confidence that Santos will continue to grow earnings in the future, enabled the Board to increase the final dividend on ordinary shares by 20% from 15 cents to 18 cents per share, fully franked. For the full year, dividends increased by 10% to 33 cents per share, compared with 30 cents per share", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2004 PRODUCTION IMPACTED BY MOOMBA INCIDENT\nSantos' total production in 2004 fell from 54.2 million boe in 2003 to 47.1 million boe, primarily due to the effects of the 1 January incident at Moomba that resulted in a reduction of 4.6 million boe, together with declining performance from the East Spar and Stag fields in the Carnarvon Basin, offshore Western Australia.\nSales gas and ethane production fell 14% during the year from 222.8 PJ to 190.5 PJ. Production declined in the Cooper Basin and gas production from the onshore Otway Basin ceased with the divestment of these interests. However, gas production was steady or increased in four of five other areas of operation. This illustrates the success of Santos' continued efforts to diversify its base business and to optimise existing production.\nLower Cooper Basin gas production was partly offset by higher gas production from eastern Queensland through appraisal and development success at Churchie, new interests in Indonesia at Kakap and Brantas\nAnnual Report 2004\nand increased interests at Patricia-Baleen. Amadeus Basin gas production remained flat as declining production was countered by successful development drilling during the second half of 2004 at Palm Valley and Mereenie.\nCrude oil production was 13% lower at 9.5 million barrels, down from 10.9 million barrels in the previous year as production declined at Stag, Legendre and Jabiru-Challis. Successful infill drilling at Legendre and Stag helped turn around declines for these fields during the second half of 2004. The program to improve production at Stag will continue into 2005 as simulation studies suggest further drilling and increased water injection could improve future production.\nCooper Basin oil production declined just 4% during 2004 due to successful delineation, development and production optimisation at several fields, particularly Merrimelia, Derrilyn and Mulberry. Amadeus Basin oil production declines were made less severe through successful drilling at Mereenie.\nCondensate production increased by 20% from 3.1 million barrels to 3.7 million barrels as BayuUndan liquids production commenced with better than expected performance during 2004, offsetting the lower condensate production from the Cooper Basin due to the Moomba incident and decline at East Spar as the field approached the end of its production life.\nCondensate production from the United States was also improved by almost 0.1 million barrels as successful development and", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2004 PRODUCTION IMPACTED BY MOOMBA INCIDENT\ndelineation wells on the deep Frio trend contributed with improved condensate content during the year.\nLPG production declined by 34% to 158,600 tonnes in 2004 from 240,700 tonnes in 2003, due mainly to the effects of the Moomba incident on the production of liquids through the liquids recovery plant. Production from Bayu-Undan was able to only partially offset this decrease.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf", - "query": "What is the main focus of the Santos 2005 program ?", - "target_page": 19, - "target_passage": " Oil is the main focus of the 2005 program", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 9 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "A PART OF OUR COMMUNITY\nSantos engages with many stakeholders and we believe it is important to have rewarding relationships with the communities to which we belong.\nWe sponsor a wide range of educational, cultural and community events and programs.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "BRUCE WOOD\nVice President Strategic Projects\nAnnual Report 2004\nSantos' Strategic Projects team focuses on assets that have proven difficult to commercialise or that need to be considered in a regional context rather than on an individual basis.\nThe other key activity for this team has been to lead Santos' continuous improvement focus.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CULTURE CHANGE\nThe need to develop a culture that supports the newly designed business processes was another of the major outcomes of the change program. A Santos-wide culture change program led by employees is currently underway.\nThis long-term program is designed to ensure that the way employees work together enhances Santos' ability to be successful.\nOne of the first tasks undertaken was a voluntary employee survey to identify the gaps between the existing culture and the desired culture. The outcomes of the survey will assist in the development of programs and activities that will better align work practices with Santos' strategic goals.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Publications\nThe Annual Report and the Sustainability Review are the major sources of printed information about Santos. Printed copies are available from the Share Registrar or Investor Relations.", - "page_start": 93, - "page_end": 93, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "POSITIONING THE WORKFORCE FOR THE FUTURE\nSantos commenced a major company-wide transformational change program in late 2003. The program was designed to significantly improve Santos' performance in four areas: key business processes, financial performance, organisation structure and company culture.\nReorganising and simplifying the Company's structure was one of the major outcomes and in May 2004 Santos began operating under a new functionally-based organisation structure.\nThe new structure is designed to support the explorationfocused growth strategy. It mirrors the 'conveyor belt' lifecycle of an exploration and production company where exploration success leads to commercialisation and development activity and finally revenue-generating production.\nIt also follows the principle that the majority of employees should\nSantos is investing in the future of Australia's petroleum industry through the funding of the Australian School of Petroleum at the University of Adelaide.\nbe working in business operations with a lean and efficient corporate and services group.\nWith the exception of a small number of project teams, all non-award based positions in the Company were declared vacant and a selection process commenced around a set of criteria designed to ensure that people with the right skills and the ability to successfully grow Santos were appointed. As is often the case with transformational change initiatives, not everyone was re-appointed and, as a result, the workforce was reduced by 9%.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HARNESSING VALUE FROM OPERATIONS\nThe Santos base business comprises production from assets in all of the Company's existing producing fields.\nSantos is countering decline from mature fields with strategies such as optimisation and trialling new technologies to maximise output, while running an exploration program which aims to add new projects and production.\nAt all times, ensuring the safety of all operations and minimising any environmental impacts remains paramount.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TRAINING AND DEVELOPING PEOPLE\nMaking sure training and development supports current and future business requirements, and provides opportunities for people to develop their skills to achieve optimum performance, are key aspects of Santos' human resources strategy.\nSantos has a number of long-term projects underway which will optimise the substantial investment the Company makes in training people. Importantly, these projects will deliver programs that are targeted to meet business and individual needs and to support culture change initiatives.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ADDING MATERIAL PROSPECTS\nSantos is now in a position that exploration success in 2004 and good acreage management has created future options that will ultimately translate into greater value for the business in 2005 and beyond.\nThis has been achieved by focusing on 'basin excellence'. This means becoming a technical leader in basins, within our focus areas, entering early where possible to keep entry costs down, balancing the commercial and the technical risks and selecting the right co-venturers.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MANAGING FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH\n'The publication of our first Sustainability Review in 2004 was a major achievement for Santos. The next steps are to undertake projects to improve our performance - not just in Australia but worldwide - and to accurately collect, verify and report on a range of sustainability data.'", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HIGH IMPACT DRILLING IN 2005\nThe 2005 exploration program has the highest resource potential of any program undertaken at Santos.\nSantos is planning a large, high impact drilling campaign that is already well underway.\nSantos plans to drill 25 wells and will invest $150 million testing prospects within its expanding domestic and international exploration portfolio - up 19% from the $126 million spent on exploration in 2004.\nOil is the main focus of the 2005 program with most activity in the Kutei and East Java Basins offshore Indonesia, the Gulf of\nSuez in Egypt, the Bonaparte Basin in the Timor Sea and the Carnarvon Basin offshore Western Australia.\nThe 2005 program reflects the increasing materiality of Santos' exploration portfolio and continues the emphasis on more globally-focused exploration as an important part of the Company's growth strategy.\nSantos has already had drilling success early in 2005 with the Hiu Aman 1 well - the first to be drilled by Santos in the Donggala PSC. Hiu Aman 1 has indicated the presence of a prolific hydrocarbon system in this area. The discovery should add other lower risk prospects to Santos'", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf", - "query": "What is the primary aim of the OSPRO cohort study ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": " The primary aim of the OSPRO cohort study was to de velop and validate review of systems (i.e. evidence of sys temic involvement) and yellow flag (i.e. pain-related psychological distress) screening tools for use in out patient orthopedic physical therapy settings", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Dataset and patient population\nThe primary aim of the OSPRO cohort study was to develop and validate review of systems (i.e. evidence of systemic involvement) and yellow flag (i.e. pain-related psychological distress) screening tools for use in outpatient orthopedic physical therapy settings. These screening tools, once validated and refined for clinical decision making, may improve the value of care delivery by accurately identifying individuals who 1) are appropriate for referral to other providers for management of non-musculoskeletal symptoms, and/or 2) would benefit from enhanced, psychologically-informed physical therapy. Early identification of individuals most appropriate for these modified pathways of care has the potential to reduce wasteful downstream health care utilization, limit the risk of unwarranted and costly care escalation, and improve clinical outcomes. Results of the primary analyses examining the predictive ability of the OSPRO tools for pain, disability, health status, and comorbidity outcomes have been previously published [20]. Pre-planned secondary analyses included prediction of persistent pain state [21] and this current analysis predicting future healthcare utilization. All subjects consented to participation in the study and ethics approval was granted by the University of Florida Institutional Review Board.\nLentz et al. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:648\nPage 3 of 14", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dataset and patient population\nThis study used data from the Orthopedic Physical Therapy -Investigative Network ' s (OPT-IN) Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) validation cohort study, a longitudinal prospective study of individuals with knee, shoulder, back or neck pain seeking Physical Therapy in the US. A convenience sample was recruited from December 2014 and December 2015 by participating OPT-IN clinics. The OPT-IN clinics that participated in data collection represented multiple geographic regions in the US including the Mideast, Southeast, Great Lakes, Rocky Mountain States and Far West, with an attempt to balance recruitment between urban and rural settings over the entire OPT-IN network. Physical therapists practicing in these clinics identified eligible participants at initial evaluation and directed them to a secure study website for the informed consent process and baseline self-report assessment. Eligibility criteria have been thoroughly reported elsewhere [19] and were intentionally broad to develop a cohort that was generalizable to those seeking physical therapy for common musculoskeletal conditions in the US. Participants completed follow-up self-reported assessments on the study website at 4 weeks, 6 months and 12 months. Participants were notified of a pending assessment by an email that directed them back to the study website to complete their follow-up assessment. For additional details of the dataset and cohort, readers are directed to the published cohort profile [19].", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nIn future studies, we will embed the OSPRO tools into electronic medical record (EMR) databases to refine and test outcomes prediction models at the health care systems level. Importantly, we will collect clinical encounter data through the EMR and combine it with administrative or billing data to confirm the results of this study with more objective measures of health care use. These studies will also allow us to provide better guidance on how to use the OSPRO tools to identify serious psychiatric involvement or systemic sources of pain that require medical referral. Finally, we will explore alternative scoring strategies for the tools, such as weighted scoring for the OSPRO-ROS and use of predicted full-length psychological questionnaire scores for the OSPRO-YF. Healthcare providers could then use the collective information from these studies to build learning health systems that facilitate effective, real-time clinical decision-making support to improve value of care for patients with musculoskeletal pain.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Individual predictors of healthcare utilization\nTable 3 Baseline OSPRO questionnaire scores for the full cohort and for those with complete and incomplete follow-up\nOSPRO-ROS 10-item, Label = Mean ± SD. OSPRO-ROS 10-item, Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 2.68 ± 2.38. OSPRO-ROS 10-item, Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 2.52 ± 2.24. OSPRO-ROS 10-item, Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 2.89 ± 2.55. OSPRO-ROS 10-item, p -value a = 0.11. , Label = Median (min, max). , Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 2 (0 - 10). , Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 2 (0 - 10). , Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 2.5 (0 - 10). , p -value a = . OSPRO-ROS + 13 items, Label = Mean ± SD. OSPRO-ROS + 13 items, Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 1.25 ± 1.80. OSPRO-ROS + 13 items, Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 1.14 ± 1.52. OSPRO-ROS + 13 items, Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 1.38 ± 2.09. OSPRO-ROS + 13 items, p -value a = 0.17. , Label = Median (min, max). , Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 1 (0 - 12). , Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 1 (0 - 7). , Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 1 (0 - 12). , p -value a = . OSPRO-YF 10-item, Label = Mean ± SD. OSPRO-YF 10-item, Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 17.43 ± 6.69. OSPRO-YF 10-item, Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 16.87 ± 6.46. OSPRO-YF 10-item, Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 18.15 ± 6.91.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abbreviations\nCCI: Charlson comorbidity index; OSPRO: Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome; OSPRO-ROS: Review of systems screening tool from OSPRO cohort study; OSPRO-YF: Pain-related psychological distress screening tool from OSPRO cohort study", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Primary and secondary antibodies used in the study.\nTable 2", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Individual predictors of healthcare utilization\nTable 3 Baseline OSPRO questionnaire scores for the full cohort and for those with complete and incomplete follow-up\nOSPRO-YF 10-item, p -value a = 0.04. , Label = Median (min, max). , Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 17 (4 - 47). , Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 16 (4 - 40). , Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 17 (4 - 47). , p -value a = . OSPRO-YF + 7 items, Label = Mean ± SD. OSPRO-YF + 7 items, Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 14.92 ± 5.51. OSPRO-YF + 7 items, Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 14.41 ± 4.93. OSPRO-YF + 7 items, Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 15.57 ± 6.12. OSPRO-YF + 7 items, p -value a = 0.03. , Label = Median (min, max). , Full Cohort at baseline ( n =440) = 15 (3 - 34). , Completed follow-up ( n =246) = 14 (3 - 28). , Did not complete follow-up ( n = 194) = 16 (3 - 34). , p -value a = ", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OSPRO Review of Systems tool (OSPRO-ROS)\nThe OSPRO-ROS is a review-of-systems screening tool for use in outpatient orthopedic physical therapy settings [36]. The OSPRO-ROS has demonstrated good concurrent validity with depression and a comprehensive 97-item battery of non-musculoskeletal symptoms (i.e., red flags). [36] Moderate to strong predictive capabilities of the OSPRO-ROS have been reported for persistence of pain, quality of life, and change in comorbidity 12 months following physical therapy in patients with musculoskeletal pain [20, 21]. The OSPRO-ROS includes standard symptom descriptors to aid with identification of systemic or non-musculoskeletal origins of musculoskeletal pain. It includes questions related to symptoms of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, nervous, integumentary, pulmonary, and musculoskeletal systems. The full-length 23-item version of the OSPRO-ROS is capable of identifying 100% of positive red-flag responders (i.e. indicating ' yes ' to at least one systemic symptom on a questionnaire) in outpatient orthopedic physical therapy settings. [36] A shorter, 10-item version is also available that has been\nLentz et al. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:648\nPage 4 of 14\nshown to identify approximately 95% of positive red-flag responders. For statistical analyses, the ' yes ' responses were added for each version and included in each model as a continuous independent variable.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "[\nAsthma Original Research\n]", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Individual predictors of healthcare utilization\nCCI Charlson comorbidity index, OSPRO-ROS Review of systems screening tool, OSPRO-YF Pain-related psychological distress screening tool\na Independent samples t-tests to assess group differences between those who did and did not complete follow-up\nLentz et al. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:648\nPage 8 of 14\nTable 4 Frequency of healthcare utilization reported at 6-month and 12-month follow-up ( n = 246)", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf", - "query": "What is the range of the pain rating scale ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "Pain intensity was assessed by the numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) ranging from “0” (no pain) to “10” (worst pain imaginable)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Pain intensity\nPain intensity was assessed by the numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) ranging from ' 0 ' (no pain) to ' 10 ' (worst\npain imaginable) [24 -26]. Participants rated their current pain intensity, as well as their best (lowest) and worst (highest) pain intensity over the past 24 h. Current, best and worst pain ratings were averaged for purposes of analysis.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Research Paper\nPAIN 165 (2024) 2863-2876", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Pain-related clinical variables\nPain status was determined using established definitions that account for the duration of pain and activity limitations [22, 23] using the following two questions: 1) ' How long have you been experiencing your current painful symptoms? ' and 2) ' Have you experienced ANY pain and activity limitations every day for the past 3 months? ' Responses to question 1 of ' greater than 90 days ' or responses to question 2 of ' Yes ' were used to classify patients as having persistent pain at initial evaluation.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n21. Beneciuk JM, Lentz TA, He Y, Wu SS, George SZ. Prediction of persistent musculoskeletal pain at 12 months: a secondary analysis of the Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) validation cohort study. Phys Ther. 2018;98:290 -301.\n22. Freburger JK, Holmes GM, Agans RP, Jackman AM, Darter JD, Wallace AS, et al. The rising prevalence of chronic low back pain. Arch Intern Med. 2009; 169:251 -8.\n23. Carey TS, Freburger JK, Holmes GM, Jackman A, Knauer S, Wallace A, et al. Race, care seeking, and utilization for chronic back and neck pain: population perspectives. J Pain Off J Am Pain Soc. 2010;11:343 -50.\n24. Jensen MP, Turner JA, Romano JM, Fisher LD. Comparative reliability and validity of chronic pain intensity measures. Pain. 1999;83:157 -62.\n25. Bolton JE. Accuracy of recall of usual pain intensity in back pain patients. Pain. 1999;83:533 -9.\n26. Childs JD, Piva SR, Fritz JM. Responsiveness of the numeric pain rating scale in patients with low back pain. Spine. 2005;30:1331 -4.\n27. Vernon H. The neck disability index: state-of-the-art, 1991-2008. J Manip Physiol Ther. 2008;31:491 -502.\n28. Vernon H, Mior S. The neck disability index: a study of reliability and validity. J Manip Physiol Ther. 1991;14:409 -15.\n29. Hudson-Cook N, Tomes-Nicholson K, Breen A. A revised Oswestry disability questionnaire. In: Roland M, Jenner J, editors. Back pain: new approaches to rehabilitation and education. New York: Manchester University Press; 1989. p. 187 -204.\n30. Fritz JM, Irrgang JJ. A comparison of a modified Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire and the Quebec back pain disability scale. Phys Ther. 2001;81:776 -88.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n16. Langley P, Müller-Schwefe G, Nicolaou A, Liedgens H, Pergolizzi J, Varrassi G. The societal impact of pain in the European Union: health-related quality of life and healthcare resource utilization. J Med Econ. 2010;13:571 -81.\n17. Pérez C, Navarro A, Saldaña MT, Wilson K, Rejas J. Modeling the predictive value of pain intensity on costs and resources utilization in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain. Clin J Pain. 2015;31:273 -9.\n18. Hill JC, Fritz JM. Psychosocial influences on low back pain, disability, and response to treatment. Phys Ther. 2011;91:712 -21.\n19. George SZ, Beneciuk JM, Lentz TA, Wu SS. The Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) in patients with musculoskeletal pain conditions: a longitudinal validation cohort from the USA. BMJ Open. 2017;7:e015188.\n20. George SZ, Beneciuk JM, Lentz TA, Wu SS, Dai Y, Bialosky JE, Zeppieri G Jr. Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) for Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions: Results From the Validation Cohort. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2018;48(6):460 -75.\nLentz et al. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:648\nPage 14 of 14", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Supplemental video content\nVideo content associated with this article can be found on the PAIN Web site.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Opioids\nComorbidity index score (i.e. CCI), baseline pain and change in pain were consistent predictors between the models of opioid utilization. In these models, higher pain (OR = 1.70 -1.76, p < 0.001), CCI (OR = 1.54 -1.60, p < 0.001) and increase in pain (OR = 1.70 -1.71, p <0.001) were associated with higher odds of opioid utilization. These models explained approximately 30% of the variation in opioid use.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Region-specific disability\nSelf-reported region-specific disability was assessed with the Neck Disability Index [27, 28], Oswestry Disability Questionnaire [29, 30], Quick Disability of Arm Shoulder and Hand [31] or International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form [32] for cervical, low back, shoulder and knee pain, respectively. Region-specific disability measures were z-transformed for purposes of analysis, consistent with our prior work involving multiple anatomical regions [33].", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OPERATING STRENGTH LIMITATIONS\nFigure 5.5. Aeroelastic Effects (Sheet I of 2)\n340", - "page_start": 357, - "page_end": 357, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Base Salary\n- 33 -", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf", - "query": "What are the health consequences of musculoskeletal pain ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Musculoskeletal pain is a prevalent and costly health condition with far-reaching public health consequences including chronic pain, disability and opioid-related ad diction [1].", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Background\nMusculoskeletal pain is a prevalent and costly health condition with far-reaching public health consequences including chronic pain, disability and opioid-related addiction [1]. Clinical practice guidelines now recommend non-pharmacological treatment as frontline management for musculoskeletal pain, which will lead\n* Correspondence: trevor.lentz@duke.edu\n1\nDuke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University, 2400 Pratt Street, Durham,\nNC 27705, USA\nFull list of author information is available at the end of the article\n© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.\nto increased utilization of services such as physical therapy [1 -3]. Physical therapy is effective for improving disability and reducing costs associated with many musculoskeletal pain conditions [4 -9]. However, pain-related healthcare utilization beyond the physical therapy episode (e.g. subsequent use of surgery, injection, opioids, etc.) may indicate suboptimal treatment response, the presence of more complex needs, or unwarranted escalation of care. Downstream healthcare utilization is not often considered as an outcome of care or indication of treatment effectiveness for musculoskeletal pain. But the importance of\nLentz et al. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:648\nPage 2 of 14", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Background\nThis study was undertaken in a nationwide, US cohort of patients receiving outpatient physical therapy for a primary complaint of knee, shoulder, back or neck pain. The primary aim of the analysis was to predict incidence of additional pain-related healthcare utilization in the year following the episode of physical therapy for musculoskeletal pain. We considered factors not commonly assessed in outcomes prediction for musculoskeletal pain, like insurance, comorbidities, and treatment response, as well as those more often associated with pain-related outcomes (e.g. psychological distress). This project will lead to the development of potentially novel outcome prediction models for this population in a common, non-pharmacological US healthcare setting. The results of this study will be particularly important in value-based payment settings where enhanced clinical decision-making drives treatment effectiveness and system efficiency.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "here\n228 WHO: Mental disorders, Key facts and\nIHME: Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx), here\n229 OECD, 2015: Sick on the Job?: Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work\n230 OECD/European Union, 2018: Health at a Glance: Europe 2018: State of Health in the EU Cycle\n231 Andlin-Sobocki et al., 2005: Cost of disorders of the brain in Europe\n232 Niedhammer et al.; 2021: Update of the fractions of cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders attributable to psychosocial work factors in Europe, here\n233 Norder et al., 2017: Beyond return to work from sickness absence due to mental disorders: 5-year longitudinal study of employment status among production workers, here\n234 Leka & Jain, 2017: EU Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-Being - Mental Health in the Workplace in Europe\n235 Musculoskeletal disorders refer to backache and/or muscular pains in shoulders, neck, upper limbs and/or lower limbs (hips, legs, knees, feet, etc.). In the medical systematic it is the IC 10 group of diseases: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.\n236 EU-OSHA, 2019: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: prevalence, costs and demographics in the EU 237 Graveling, 2018: Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in the Workplace. A Forensic and Epidemiological Analysis\n238 Da Costa & Viera, 2010: Risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of recent longitudinal studies, here\n239 EU-OSHA, 2020: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: why are they still so prevalent? Evidence from a literature review (p. 15).\n240 EU-OSHA, 2019: Summary - Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: prevalence, costs and demographics in the EU (p. 8).", - "page_start": 149, - "page_end": 149, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nadditional healthcare use is expected following physical therapy, especially among individuals that are on long-term pain management pathways due to chronic or persistent symptoms. Yet with over 40% reporting subsequent pain-related healthcare among those completing follow-up, it is apparent that opportunities exist to improve pathway selection and/or the effectiveness of physical therapy for individuals with musculoskeletal pain. This finding is particularly notable given recent efforts to define physical therapy as an effective first line, non-pharmacological treatment option against more invasive or higher risk services, such as surgery or opioid use, respectively. Predictive variables identified in this analysis can be used to develop risk models that better inform pathway selection for those seeking physical therapy for musculoskeletal pain. The precise application of these risk models, and how they inform policy and practice should be the target of future study. However, physical therapy re-design might incorporate enhanced treatment monitoring to assess ongoing risk for downstream utilization, as well as physical therapist-led interventions to more thoroughly address important modifiable factors such as pain intensity, disability and pain-related psychological distress [38]. Improved pathway selection might entail the consideration of referral to or co-treatment with other providers to more adequately address non-modifiable characteristics. Collectively, these approaches could improve the value of physical therapy by minimizing risk for high downstream healthcare utilization and potentially unwarranted escalation of care.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Prediction of healthcare utilization following an episode of physical therapy for musculoskeletal pain\nTrevor A. Lentz 1* , Jason M. Beneciuk 2,3 and Steven Z. George 4", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n16. Langley P, Müller-Schwefe G, Nicolaou A, Liedgens H, Pergolizzi J, Varrassi G. The societal impact of pain in the European Union: health-related quality of life and healthcare resource utilization. J Med Econ. 2010;13:571 -81.\n17. Pérez C, Navarro A, Saldaña MT, Wilson K, Rejas J. Modeling the predictive value of pain intensity on costs and resources utilization in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain. Clin J Pain. 2015;31:273 -9.\n18. Hill JC, Fritz JM. Psychosocial influences on low back pain, disability, and response to treatment. Phys Ther. 2011;91:712 -21.\n19. George SZ, Beneciuk JM, Lentz TA, Wu SS. The Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) in patients with musculoskeletal pain conditions: a longitudinal validation cohort from the USA. BMJ Open. 2017;7:e015188.\n20. George SZ, Beneciuk JM, Lentz TA, Wu SS, Dai Y, Bialosky JE, Zeppieri G Jr. Optimal Screening for Prediction of Referral and Outcome (OSPRO) for Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions: Results From the Validation Cohort. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2018;48(6):460 -75.\nLentz et al. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:648\nPage 14 of 14", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Von Korff M, Scher AI, Helmick C, Carter-Pokras O, Dodick DW, Goulet J, et al. United states national pain strategy for population research: concepts, definitions, and pilot data. J Pain Off J Am Pain Soc. 2016;17:1068 -80.\n2. Clarke JL, Skoufalos A, Scranton R. The American opioid epidemic: population health implications and potential solutions. Report from the national stakeholder panel. Popul Health Manag. 2016;19 Suppl 1:S1 -10.\n3. Dowell D, Haegerich TM, Chou R. CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain--United States, 2016. JAMA. 2016;315:1624 -45.\n4. Boyles R, Toy P, Mellon J, Hayes M, Hammer B. Effectiveness of manual physical therapy in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy: a systematic review. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19:135 -42.\n5. Bürge E, Monnin D, Berchtold A, Allet L. Cost-effectiveness of physical therapy only and of usual care for various health conditions: systematic review. Phys Ther. 2016;96:774 -86.\n6. Deyle GD, Allison SC, Matekel RL, Ryder MG, Stang JM, Gohdes DD, et al. Physical therapy treatment effectiveness for osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized comparison of supervised clinical exercise and manual therapy procedures versus a home exercise program. Phys Ther. 2005;85:1301 -17.\n7. Deyle GD, Henderson NE, Matekel RL, Ryder MG, Garber MB, Allison SC. Effectiveness of manual physical therapy and exercise in osteoarthritis of the knee. A randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2000;132:173 -81.\n8. Freburger JK, Carey TS, Holmes GM. Effectiveness of physical therapy for the management of chronic spine disorders: a propensity score approach. Phys Ther. 2006;86:381 -94.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2 Physical health risks at work\nRisks at work that can result in physical harm can be divided into safety and health risks .\nThe main result of insufficient safety is a work accident. A work accident has as immediate consequences either a personal injury, a disease, or death of one or more workers. Eurostat distinguishes between non-fatal and fatal work accidents, and for the majority of sectors it provides also the duration of the absence due to the accident - an indicator for the severity of the injury. Non-fatal accidents at work can cause medium- or long-term health consequences, and in the worst case a permanent disability.\nILO Definition of accident: 'An occupational accident is an unexpected and unplanned occurrence, including acts of violence, arising out of or in connection with work, which results in one or more workers incurring a personal injury, disease or death.' 51\nPhysical health risks can be caused by a variety of circumstances and exposures or by inadequate ergonomics . Natural circumstances at work can pose such health risks, that is, temperature, storms and floods, unsafe terrain, biological agents and so on; or the risks are due to manmade circumstances, that is, work in buildings, on roofs and towers, on traffic routes, under artificial ventilation. Exposure is a general term to describe the interaction between environment / emissions / contaminants and the human organism. In a workplace context, 'exposure' mainly covers emissions from machinery or from tools and materials, for example, noise, vibration, dust, electromagnetic fields and chemical substances.\nRisks from inadequate ergonomics harm in particular the musculoskeletal system. Ergonomic risks of manual work are typically caused by repetitive hand and arm movements, tiring positions, for example, permanent kneeling or overhead work, lifting and moving of heavy loads, or of patients and so on. A certain ergonomic risk is physical inactivity , in practice sitting most of the working time. Not only administrative tasks but also many occupations in service or industry require permanent sitting, for example, drivers, cashiers, part assembly operators and so on (often called 'sedentary occupations').", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Background\nidentifying risk for additional utilization has emerged due to the growth of cost-sharing and capitated payment models, particularly in the United States (US). As a result, many US health care services organizations have begun to prioritize early identification of individuals at risk for downstream healthcare use at the onset of treatment [10, 11]. Early risk assessment allows systems to deliver greater value by 1) focusing limited health care resources towards patients who are most in need, and 2) identifying those who may require coordination of multiple providers and services to optimize outcomes.\nProspective identification of risk for high subsequent healthcare utilization is a different approach to outcomes prediction for musculoskeletal pain [12, 13] and one that has not been evaluated in physical therapy settings in the US. Most existing outcomes prediction models focus on pain and disability endpoints [12 -14]. They also concentrate on condition-specific and psychological predictors, with less attention to factors that could influence healthcare utilization more directly [15 -17]. These factors include insurance, comorbidities, symptoms unrelated to the pain condition, and treatment response. As a result, predictors of pain-related healthcare utilization beyond physical therapy are unknown. A better understanding of these predictors will have significant implications for future healthcare pathway development. For instance, an influence of modifiable factors like pain-related psychological distress might imply the need to build clinical pathways that address those factors directly through physical therapist provided intervention. Additionally, understanding the relative predictive capabilities of baseline versus change estimates for modifiable factors would clarify whether prediction is improved by routinely assessing outcomes during the course of treatment (i.e. treatment monitoring) [18].", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nThis study identified novel predictors for pain-related utilization outcomes following an episode of physical therapy for a primary complaint of musculoskeletal pain. The most robust finding from these analyses was that baseline disability and change in pain intensity over the first 4 weeks following physical therapy evaluation were consistent predictors of subsequent pain-related healthcare utilization in those participants that completed all follow up. Aside from these robust predictors, other individual predictors of utilization were highly outcome-specific. High model specificity for utilization outcomes observed in this study is consistent with a recent systematic review that found similar levels of model specificity for more traditional outcomes like pain intensity, disability and work absenteeism [14]. Across models, health-related variables were generally stronger predictors than sociodemographic factors, which is also supported by prior research [15, 16]. Additionally, there were cases when prediction models were improved for specific services (e.g. surgery, use of opioids) when considering change in pain, disability or pain-related psychological distress. A notable finding is that the OSPRO-YF had the greatest utility when used to measure change in pain-related psychological distress. Current risk prediction paradigms in musculoskeletal pain consider only baseline pain-related psychological distress. However, these results underscore the importance of\nLentz et al. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:648\nPage 11 of 14\nroutine pain-related psychological distress monitoring throughout the early phases of rehabilitation especially if the goal is to identify risk for subsequent pain-related healthcare utilization. The implications of these collective findings are that treatment pathways may provide greater value by 1) addressing modifiable health-related variables like pain, disability and pain-related psychological distress, 2) routine monitoring of these health-related variables and 3) offering treatment alternatives that safely escalate care if needed while minimizing risk of harm and unhelpful utilization.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf", - "query": "What is Creative Commons ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Creative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About Us\nCreative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy. Since 2002, the CC Licenses have served as an alternative to traditional copyright, providing a simple, standardized, and legal way for individuals and institutions to freely share images, music, research, educational resources, and cultural artifacts.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What Is Creative Commons?\nCreative Commons is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting an open and accessible Internet that is enriched with free knowledge and creative resources for people around the world to use, share, and cultivate.\nOur easy-to-use licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work - on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you change your copyright terms from the default of 'all rights reserved' to 'some rights reserved.'\nMillions of people use CC licenses on some of the world's most popular platforms for user-generated content. 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Conversely, CC0 enables authors and copyright owners who want to dedicate their works to the worldwide public domain to do so, and PDM facilitates the labeling and discovery of works that are already free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Licensing\nThis document is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. I typically distribute it as a PDF but if you want to make your own version send me an email and I will send you the Word version. For details on licensing see:\nhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CC LICENSE CAN'T BE USED FOR …\nfair use, fair dealing, or some other limitation and exception to copyright applies the the work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REMIND THAT…\nCC license only applicable to the work that is within the scope of copyright law. CC license can be used when …\nyou want to give others permissions to freely copy and redistribute your work, and\nyou want to give others permission to freely transform, alter, or otherwise create derivative works based on your work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Public Domain Mark\nUse this tool if you have identified a work that is free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "THREE-LAYER DESIGN\nCreative Commons (CC) license has three layers:\n\"Legal Code\" (base layer): contains terms and conditions to be used by lawyers and legally applicable in court.\n\"Human Readable\" (commons deeds): contain the summary of the legal code and key terms.\n\"Machine Readable\": contains HTML or codes for machines to recognize a work is available under a Creative Commons license.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SIX LICENSES\nCC BY (\"Attribution\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form) as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-SA (\"Attribution-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form), as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-NC (\"Attribution-NonCommercial\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-SA (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-ND (\"Attribution-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Anna Tumadóttir, CEO\nThe first CC License was created in 2002. Today, we boast six CC Licenses and two public domain tools, setting a global standard for sharing.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf", - "query": "When was the first CC licence created?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "The first CC License was created in 2002.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Anna Tumadóttir, CEO\nThe first CC License was created in 2002. Today, we boast six CC Licenses and two public domain tools, setting a global standard for sharing.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REMIND THAT…\nCC license only applicable to the work that is within the scope of copyright law. CC license can be used when …\nyou want to give others permissions to freely copy and redistribute your work, and\nyou want to give others permission to freely transform, alter, or otherwise create derivative works based on your work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Training in how to use CC Licenses is key to their adoption.\nWe offer a ten-week CC Certificate program that is now tailored not only to the education and library sectors, but also galleries, archives, libraries, and museums and available in 10 languages .\nAs of 2023, we've certified:\n1,705 Graduates\n65 Countries", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CC LICENSE CAN'T BE USED FOR …\nfair use, fair dealing, or some other limitation and exception to copyright applies the the work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Licensing\nThis document is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. I typically distribute it as a PDF but if you want to make your own version send me an email and I will send you the Word version. For details on licensing see:\nhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Expenses\nCC Licenses & Training $763,196\nPrograms $2,248,091\nEvents $395,600\nOperations $1,654,225\nTotal:\n$5,061,112", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About Us\nCreative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy. Since 2002, the CC Licenses have served as an alternative to traditional copyright, providing a simple, standardized, and legal way for individuals and institutions to freely share images, music, research, educational resources, and cultural artifacts.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What Is Creative Commons?\nCreative Commons is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting an open and accessible Internet that is enriched with free knowledge and creative resources for people around the world to use, share, and cultivate.\nOur easy-to-use licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work - on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you change your copyright terms from the default of 'all rights reserved' to 'some rights reserved.'\nMillions of people use CC licenses on some of the world's most popular platforms for user-generated content. When you use a CC license to share your photos, videos, or blog, your creation joins a globally accessible pool of resources that includes the work of artists, educators, scientists, and governments.\nCreative Commons has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this guide using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.\nPublic domain works are valuable because anyone can freely build upon, enhance, and reuse them for any purposes without restriction under copyright or database law.\nThat's why it's important for creators to have a clear and legally robust way to place their works in the public domain as completely as possible, and it's also important for publishers and archives to have a standardized way to identify works that are already in the public domain.\nCreative Commons supports two distinct public domain tools, the CC0 Public Domain Dedication and the Public Domain Mark . Creative Commons copyright licenses help authors manage their copyright on terms they choose. Conversely, CC0 enables authors and copyright owners who want to dedicate their works to the worldwide public domain to do so, and PDM facilitates the labeling and discovery of works that are already free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf", - "query": "To what subjects Creative Commons expand its work in 2023 ?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "We expanded our work in biodiversity, climate, and life sciences focused on ensuring that science research and data are open", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Open Culture\n2023 was quite a year for the CC Open Culture Program, thanks to generous funding from Arcadia . We grew our Open Culture team from one to two and a half staff, rolling out new initiatives like TAROC (Towards a Recommendation on Open Culture) and Open Culture Live: A Webinar Series . We invite you to read ' What did Creative Commons do for Open Culture in 2023? ' to learn more.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "We've estimated that over 2.5 billion pieces of content were CC Licensed by the end of 2023.\n\"The great growling engine of change - technology. Alvin Toffler\" by katerha is licensed under CC BY 2.0.\nOur legal and technology staff continued to make key infrastructure updates and manage daily maintenance to ensure these Licenses work for everyone.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A Note from Leadership\nCC staff photos are licensed under CC BY 4.0.\n2023 was a busy year at Creative Commons. Our Open Culture program and Open Climate Campaign entered their third and second years, respectively. We hosted our first in-person CC Global Summit since 2019 in Mexico City. We held critical consultations and open panels on AI, copyright, and the CC Licenses, cultural heritage, education, and science; and we launched our Open Infrastructure Circle in an effort to ensure the CC Licenses are funded well into the future.\nWe also marked transitions in leadership. At the end of December, Catherine Stihler concluded her time as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Creative Commons, and I transitioned in as Interim. In March 2024, I was appointed CC's permanent CEO. I look forward to working closely with our Board of Directors, staff, and larger community on the critical work that awaits us in 2024 .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Training in how to use CC Licenses is key to their adoption.\nWe offer a ten-week CC Certificate program that is now tailored not only to the education and library sectors, but also galleries, archives, libraries, and museums and available in 10 languages .\nAs of 2023, we've certified:\n1,705 Graduates\n65 Countries", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Towards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\nApril 2024", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What Is Creative Commons?\nCreative Commons is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting an open and accessible Internet that is enriched with free knowledge and creative resources for people around the world to use, share, and cultivate.\nOur easy-to-use licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work - on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you change your copyright terms from the default of 'all rights reserved' to 'some rights reserved.'\nMillions of people use CC licenses on some of the world's most popular platforms for user-generated content. When you use a CC license to share your photos, videos, or blog, your creation joins a globally accessible pool of resources that includes the work of artists, educators, scientists, and governments.\nCreative Commons has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this guide using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.\nPublic domain works are valuable because anyone can freely build upon, enhance, and reuse them for any purposes without restriction under copyright or database law.\nThat's why it's important for creators to have a clear and legally robust way to place their works in the public domain as completely as possible, and it's also important for publishers and archives to have a standardized way to identify works that are already in the public domain.\nCreative Commons supports two distinct public domain tools, the CC0 Public Domain Dedication and the Public Domain Mark . Creative Commons copyright licenses help authors manage their copyright on terms they choose. Conversely, CC0 enables authors and copyright owners who want to dedicate their works to the worldwide public domain to do so, and PDM facilitates the labeling and discovery of works that are already free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Support for Creators in the Time of Artificial Intelligence\nIn 2023, we convened hundreds via roundtables, community conferences (e.g. MozFest , Wikimania ), and public events (e.g. symposium on Generative AI & Creativity )to debate copyright law, the ethics of open sharing, and other relevant areas that touch AI.\nAt our CC Global Summit, participants drafted community-driven principles on AI that are a valuable input and will help inform the organization's thinking as we determine CC's exact role in the AI space.\n'The Pillars of Creation' by James Webb Space Telescope is licensed under CC BY 2.0.\n\"bird flock in vedanthangal\" by VinothChandar is licensed under CC BY 2.0.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About Us\nCreative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy. Since 2002, the CC Licenses have served as an alternative to traditional copyright, providing a simple, standardized, and legal way for individuals and institutions to freely share images, music, research, educational resources, and cultural artifacts.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf", - "query": "From which country does Killam Properties Inc originate ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "Killam Properties Inc. is a growth oriented Canadian real estate company.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "about Killam properties inc.\nKillam Properties Inc. is a growth oriented Canadian real estate company. We own, manage and develop multi-family residential properties in Atlantic Canada and Ontario. Since our /first acquisition in 2002, our real estate portfolio has grown to $1.5 billion and includes 12,647 apartment units and 5,164 manufactured home community (MHC) sites. We are committed to growing Killam's earnings by maximizing the returns from our existing portfolio and expanding through acquisitions and development.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Corporate Information\nKillam Properties Inc ('Killam' or the 'Company') is a real estate company specializing in the acquisition, management and development of multi-residential apartment buildings and manufactured home communities in Canada. Killam is incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act. Killam's common shares are publicly traded and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol 'KMP'. The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of Killam and its subsidiaries as at December 31, 2013 . the company's head office operations are located at 3700 Kempt Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 4X8 and the Company's registered office is located at 2571 Windsor Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 5C4.\nThe consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2013, were authorized for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors on Tuesday, February 18, 2014.", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Growth through Acquisitions\nKillam is expanding its portfolio by acquiring newer, centrally located buildings and is focused on Ontario. During 2013 Killam completed $121.1 million in acquisitions, including properties in Toronto, Ottawa, Moncton and Prince Edward Island.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Expanding Ownership in Ontario\nKillam's apartment portfolio includes 1,359 apartment units in Ontario, up from 225 units three years ago, and includes properties in Ottawa, Toronto, London and Cambridge. In addition to apartments, 42% of Killam's MHC sites are located in Ontario. Killam is focused on increasing its geographic diversification by acquiring more properties in Ontario.", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Business Overview\nKillam Properties Inc., based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is one of Canada's largest residential landlords, owning, operating, managing and developing multi-family residential and Manufactured Home Community ('MHC') properties. Killam's 164 apartment properties are located in Atlantic Canada's six largest urban centres and in Ontario. The Company's 35 MHCs are located in Ontario and Atlantic Canada. The value of Killam's real estate assets at December 31, 2013, was $1.5 billion. Killam is focused on growing its portfolio, maximizing the value of its properties and increasing FFo per share.\nKillam was founded in 2000, based on the recognition of an opportunity to create value through the consolidation of apartments in Atlantic Canada and MHCs across Canada. Killam's first apartment was purchased in 2002 and its first MHC was purchased in 2003. From 2002 to 2009, Killam's apartment portfolio grew through the acquisition of properties in Atlantic Canada's six largest cities, namely Halifax, Moncton, Saint John, Fredericton, St. John's and Charlottetown. Killam is now Atlantic Canada's largest residential landlord, with a 14.2% market share of the multi-family rental units in these core markets. Killam entered the Ontario apartment market in 2010, and today owns twelve properties in the province, including assets in Toronto, Ottawa, London and Cambridge. Killam plans to expand its presence in Ontario with additional acquisitions and developments. The apartment business is Killam's largest business segment, accounting for 86% of the Company's NOI from property operations and equity income in 2013. At December 31, 2013, Killam's apartment portfolio consisted of 12,647 units.\nKillam complements its acquisition program with the construction of apartment buildings. During 2013, Killam completed the development of four projects totalling 282 units and commenced two additional projects in the second half of the year. Management does not expect developments to exceed 5% of the total asset base in any given year.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Capital Improvements\nKillam invests capital to maintain and improve the operating performance of its properties. During the year ended December 31, 2013, Killam invested a total of $21.6 million in its portfolio, compared to $22.5 million in 2012.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "increasing Geographic Diversi/fication\nWith a home base in Halifax, Killam's roots are in atlantic canada and the company has successfully grown by consolidating the residential real estate market in the region's urban centres. in order to meet its long-term growth targets and increase its investment in canada's most dynamic real estate markets, Killam has been actively expanding its apartment portfolio in ontario and is exploring investment opportunities in Western canada. since 2010, Killam has expanded its apartment target markets to include speci/fic cities in ontario, and has invested approximately $200 million in real estate assets in the province. approximately 15% of Killam's 2014 net operating income is expected to be earned in ontario. the company has set a long-term target to earn 50% of its net operating income outside atlantic canada.\n1033 Queen street West, toronto, ontario", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Doing the right thing\nAt Killam we are investing in our communities, as well as our real estate. We believe that giving back to the community is an important part of being a responsible corporate citizen.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Investor Inquiries\ninvestorrelations@killamproperties.com 902.442.0388", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Philip D. Fraser\nPresident & CEO, Killam Properties Inc.\nHalifax, Nova Scotia", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf", - "query": "How Killam Properties Inc does increase its geographic diversification ? ", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "We are increasing our geographic diversification by expanding our apartment ownership outside Atlantic Canada. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Geographic Diversification\nGeographic diversification in the apartment segment is a priority for Killam. With a 14.2% market share in its core markets in Atlantic Canada, Killam is the region's largest residential landlord. The maximum market share Management foresees Killam reaching in Atlantic Canada is between 15%-18%. With Atlantic Canada representing only 4.9% of the Canadian rental market, Killam's growth opportunities increase significantly when considering assets outside Atlantic Canada.\nWith its strong operating platform, Killam can support a larger and more geographically diverse portfolio. The Company is actively building a portfolio in targeted Ontario markets, including Ottawa, the Greater Toronto Area, and Southwestern Ontario. An increased investment in Ontario, and potentially Western Canada, will increase the Company's diversification and exposure in high growth centres in Canada. Based on the Company's portfolio at year-end, 15% of Killam's 2014 NOI will be generated in Ontario. Management has set a long-term target of growing the amount of NOI generated outside of Atlantic Canada to 50%.\nIn 2013, Killam sold a portfolio of ten MHCs in New Brunswick that allowed Killam to crystallize the increased value of this portfolio at attractive cap-rates. This creates moderate short-term dilution but it provides the Company with funds to continue its geographic diversification by accretively growing its apartment portfolio in Ontario.\nKillam ProPerties inc | 2013 29", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "increasing Geographic Diversi/fication\nWith a home base in Halifax, Killam's roots are in atlantic canada and the company has successfully grown by consolidating the residential real estate market in the region's urban centres. in order to meet its long-term growth targets and increase its investment in canada's most dynamic real estate markets, Killam has been actively expanding its apartment portfolio in ontario and is exploring investment opportunities in Western canada. since 2010, Killam has expanded its apartment target markets to include speci/fic cities in ontario, and has invested approximately $200 million in real estate assets in the province. approximately 15% of Killam's 2014 net operating income is expected to be earned in ontario. the company has set a long-term target to earn 50% of its net operating income outside atlantic canada.\n1033 Queen street West, toronto, ontario", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "about Killam properties inc.\nKillam Properties Inc. is a growth oriented Canadian real estate company. We own, manage and develop multi-family residential properties in Atlantic Canada and Ontario. Since our /first acquisition in 2002, our real estate portfolio has grown to $1.5 billion and includes 12,647 apartment units and 5,164 manufactured home community (MHC) sites. We are committed to growing Killam's earnings by maximizing the returns from our existing portfolio and expanding through acquisitions and development.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Geographic Diversi/fication is a Priority\nGeographic diversi/fication is a priority for Killam. Our asset base in Atlantic Canada is the foundation of the Company; however, with Atlantic Canada representing only 5% of the Canadian rental market, our growth opportunities increase signi/ficantly by expanding our target markets outside of this region. With its strong operating platform, Killam can support a larger and more geographically diverse portfolio. We are actively growing a portfolio of apartments in Ontario in three target markets: Ottawa, the Greater Toronto Area, and Southwestern Ontario. An increased investment outside Atlantic Canada will increase not only Killam's growth potential, it will also expand the Company's diversi/fication and exposure to higher growth markets.\nAcquisitions in Ontario represented 45% of acquisitions in 2013. In addition to 1,359 apartment units in the province, we also have 2,144 manufactured home community sites, representing 29% of the MHC NOI last year. Based on our current portfolio, 15% of Killam's 2014 NOI will be generated in Ontario, compared to our longer-term goal of generating 50% of NOI outside Atlantic Canada. We expect to reach this goal by focusing acquisition activity in Ontario, with the majority of future investment anticipated in the province over the next few years. We will look for additional development opportunities in Ontario and we are exploring opportunities in Western Canada, attracted by the strong population growth trends in Alberta's urban markets.\nI would like to thank all Killam employees for their contributions and commitment over the last year and our board of directors for their governance. Also, I would like to thank you, our shareholders, for your continued investment in Killam. I invite you to attend the Company's annual meeting on May 7, 2014 at 2:00 pm Atlantic Time at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, either in person or via webcast.\nYours truly,\nPhilip Fraser\nKillam ProPerties inc | 2013 11\nportfolio Facts 12,647 Apartment Units\n164 Apartment Properties\n35 Manufactured Home Communities\n35 % Value of Apartment Portfolio Built Since 2000\n$ 915 Average Apartment Rent\n$ 222 Average MHC Rent", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Growth through Development\nKillam enhances its portfolio growth opportunities by developing properties. Killam started apartment developments in 2010 and has completed five properties to-date, including four in 2013. Building new properties directly allows Killam to control the quality and features of the buildings, maximizes the use of excess land and eliminates the seller's profit, generating higher returns than through acquisitions. Management expects to limit development projects to approximately 5% of the balance sheet on an annual basis.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Growth through Acquisitions\nKillam is expanding its portfolio by acquiring newer, centrally located buildings and is focused on Ontario. During 2013 Killam completed $121.1 million in acquisitions, including properties in Toronto, Ottawa, Moncton and Prince Edward Island.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Capital Improvements\nKillam invests capital to maintain and improve the operating performance of its properties. During the year ended December 31, 2013, Killam invested a total of $21.6 million in its portfolio, compared to $22.5 million in 2012.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Risk Management\nKillam faces a variety of risks, the majority of which are common to real estate entities. Real estate investments are generally subject to varying degrees of risk, depending on the nature of the property. These risks include (i) changes in general economic conditions, (ii) changes in local conditions (such as an oversupply of space or a reduction in demand for real estate in the area), (iii) changes to government regulations (such as new or revised residential tenant legislations), (iv) competition from others with available space, and (v) the ability of the landlord or owner to provide adequate maintenance economically.\nReal estate is relatively illiquid. Such illiquidity will tend to limit Killam's ability to rebalance its portfolio promptly in response to changing economic or investment conditions. In addition, financial difficulties of other property owners, resulting in distress sales, may depress real estate values in the markets in which the company operates.\nKillam's exposure to general risks associated with real estate investments is mitigated with both its geographic diversification, and investments in both apartments and mHcs.\nKillam is exposed to other risks, as outlined below:", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Investing in newer properties\nWe are expanding our portfolio with a focus on acquiring newer properties and through development. We believe that newer buildings often generate higher total returns due to limited deferred maintenance requirements, lower operating costs and a preference for renters to live in newer buildings. With 35% of Killam's apartment portfolio constructed since the year 2000, Killam has one of the newest multi-family real estate portfolios in Canada.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "opportunities for Growth\nKillam's growth opportunities include increasing earnings of its existing portfolio and expanding the portfolio through acquisitions and development. acquisitions have been an important part of Killam's growth, having completed over $1.1 billion in acquisitions since the /first property was acquired in 2002. Killam began development as a complement to its acquisition program in 2010, and to-date has invested approximately $90 million in new developments. 2013 was Killam's largest year for growth since 2005, adding $191 million of properties to the portfolio, including $121 million in acquisitions and $70 million in new developments. looking ahead to 2014, Killam has targeted a minimum of $75 million in acquisitions, and the development of two new apartment buildings totaling approximately $46 million.\n2013 acquisition & Development Facts\n$ 121 M\nAcquisitions Completed\n5.8 %\nAverage Acquisition Capitalization Rate\nApartment Units\n743 Acquired\n282\nNew Apartment Units Added from Completed Developments\n$ 7 M Land for Future\nInvested in Developments\nGeographic expansion Facts\n1,359 Apartment Units in Ontario\n42 % MHC Sites in Ontario\n20 %\nReal Estate Assets Located in Ontario\n50 % Target NOI to be Generated Outside Atlantic Canada\nCore Markets in Ontario include Ottawa, Toronto & Southwestern Ontario", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf", - "query": "What is the Killam Properties Inc 2013 performance about the Geographic Diversification objective ?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "Target achieved. Killam acquired $55 million in Ontario real estate in 2013, representing 45% of its acquisition program in the year. Assets acquired included a 102-unit property in Ottawa, a newly built, 179-unit, mixed-used property in downtown Toronto and a 5.2 acre parcel of land for development in Cambridge, Ontario. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Geographic Diversification\nGeographic diversification in the apartment segment is a priority for Killam. With a 14.2% market share in its core markets in Atlantic Canada, Killam is the region's largest residential landlord. The maximum market share Management foresees Killam reaching in Atlantic Canada is between 15%-18%. With Atlantic Canada representing only 4.9% of the Canadian rental market, Killam's growth opportunities increase significantly when considering assets outside Atlantic Canada.\nWith its strong operating platform, Killam can support a larger and more geographically diverse portfolio. The Company is actively building a portfolio in targeted Ontario markets, including Ottawa, the Greater Toronto Area, and Southwestern Ontario. An increased investment in Ontario, and potentially Western Canada, will increase the Company's diversification and exposure in high growth centres in Canada. Based on the Company's portfolio at year-end, 15% of Killam's 2014 NOI will be generated in Ontario. Management has set a long-term target of growing the amount of NOI generated outside of Atlantic Canada to 50%.\nIn 2013, Killam sold a portfolio of ten MHCs in New Brunswick that allowed Killam to crystallize the increased value of this portfolio at attractive cap-rates. This creates moderate short-term dilution but it provides the Company with funds to continue its geographic diversification by accretively growing its apartment portfolio in Ontario.\nKillam ProPerties inc | 2013 29", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Management's Discussion and Analysis\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)\nGeographic Diversification, 1 = . 2013 target, 1 = 2013 acquisition program to include investments in Ontario.. 2013 Performance, 1 = During 2013 Killam acquired Kristin Way, a 102-unit building located in Ottawa, and 1033 Queen Street West in Toronto. These acquisitions increased Killam's total unit count in Ontario to 1,359 units, representing 11% of the total apartment portfolio. Killam has continued to expand its operating platform in Ontario by adding property managers, dedicated leasing representatives and administrative staff to manage the growing portfolio.. Growth in Same Store Net Operating Income, 1 = . 2013 target, 1 = Same Store NOI growth of 0% to 1% (adjusted from 2% to 4% following Q2 2013).. 2013 Performance, 1 = consolidated same store noi decreased by 0.4% for the year ended December 31, 2013. this decrease was driven by an increase in natural gas prices in Atlantic Canada during the peak heating season in the first quarter as well as another spike in pricing in new Brunswick in December 2013. this resulted in a 14.6% increase in utility and fuel expenses compared to 2012 within the apartment portfolio. An increase in net property revenues, as well the management of other property operating expenses at levels consistent with 2012, helped to offset the impact of higher utility costs.. 2014 Targets, 1 = . Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market and Increase Investment New Properties Complete a minimum of $75 million in acquisitions and continue to develop two current projects on schedule and within 5% of budget., 1 = Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market and Increase Investment New Properties Complete a minimum of $75 million in acquisitions and continue to develop two current projects on schedule and within 5% of budget.. Geographic Diversification, 1 = Killam's 2014 acquisition program is to include over 50% of acquisitions outside of Atlantic Canada, with a focus on Ontario.. Growth in Same Store Net Operating Income, 1 = same store noi growth of 0% to 2%.\nKillam ProPerties inc | 2013 27\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2013 performance summary\nConsolidation of the Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market, 2013 Target = To complete $75 million to $125 million in acquisitions.. Consolidation of the Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market, 2013 Performance = Target achieved. $121 million in acquisitions completed in 2013, including $113 million in apartment acquisitions, $7 million for three parcels of land for future development and $1 million for an MHC acquisition.. Increase Investment in New Properties, 2013 Target = Acquire new properties as part of the acquisition program in 2013.. Increase Investment in New Properties, 2013 Performance = Target achieved. During 2013, 74% of the total units added to the portfolio were constructed after 2001. These acquisitions included three buildings constructed in 2013, a 179-unit building on Queen Street West in Toronto, an 83-unit luxury building in Halifax, and a 48-unit building in Moncton.. , 2013 Target = Complete and lease- up Killam's four developments and commence two new development projects.. , 2013 Performance = Target partially achieved. The Company completed the construction of four development projects totaling 282 units during the /first half of 2013. Two of the properties, Bennett House and Brighton House, were fully leased within three months of opening, while S2 and The Plaza are expected to be substantially leased by the middle of 2014. Killam began two new developments during the second half of the year, a 101-unit building in St. John's, Newfoundland, and a 122-unit building in Cambridge, Ontario.. Geographic Diversi/fication, 2013 Target = 2013 acquisition program to include investments in Ontario.. Geographic Diversi/fication, 2013 Performance = Target achieved. Killam acquired $55 million in Ontario real estate in 2013, representing 45% of its acquisition program in the year. Assets acquired included a 102-unit property in Ottawa, a newly built, 179-unit, mixed-used property in downtown Toronto and a 5.2 acre parcel of land for development in Cambridge, Ontario.. Growth in Same Store Net Operating Income (NOI), 2013 Target = Same store NOI growth of 2% to 4% in 2013.. Growth in Same Store Net Operating Income (NOI), 2013 Performance = Target not achieved. Despite generating 1.8% growth in same store revenue, high natural gas prices in Atlantic Canada caused total same store utility and fuel expenses to increase 13.8% during the year, which resulted in a decrease in", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Geographic Diversi/fication is a Priority\nGeographic diversi/fication is a priority for Killam. Our asset base in Atlantic Canada is the foundation of the Company; however, with Atlantic Canada representing only 5% of the Canadian rental market, our growth opportunities increase signi/ficantly by expanding our target markets outside of this region. With its strong operating platform, Killam can support a larger and more geographically diverse portfolio. We are actively growing a portfolio of apartments in Ontario in three target markets: Ottawa, the Greater Toronto Area, and Southwestern Ontario. An increased investment outside Atlantic Canada will increase not only Killam's growth potential, it will also expand the Company's diversi/fication and exposure to higher growth markets.\nAcquisitions in Ontario represented 45% of acquisitions in 2013. In addition to 1,359 apartment units in the province, we also have 2,144 manufactured home community sites, representing 29% of the MHC NOI last year. Based on our current portfolio, 15% of Killam's 2014 NOI will be generated in Ontario, compared to our longer-term goal of generating 50% of NOI outside Atlantic Canada. We expect to reach this goal by focusing acquisition activity in Ontario, with the majority of future investment anticipated in the province over the next few years. We will look for additional development opportunities in Ontario and we are exploring opportunities in Western Canada, attracted by the strong population growth trends in Alberta's urban markets.\nI would like to thank all Killam employees for their contributions and commitment over the last year and our board of directors for their governance. Also, I would like to thank you, our shareholders, for your continued investment in Killam. I invite you to attend the Company's annual meeting on May 7, 2014 at 2:00 pm Atlantic Time at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, either in person or via webcast.\nYours truly,\nPhilip Fraser\nKillam ProPerties inc | 2013 11\nportfolio Facts 12,647 Apartment Units\n164 Apartment Properties\n35 Manufactured Home Communities\n35 % Value of Apartment Portfolio Built Since 2000\n$ 915 Average Apartment Rent\n$ 222 Average MHC Rent", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "increasing Geographic Diversi/fication\nWith a home base in Halifax, Killam's roots are in atlantic canada and the company has successfully grown by consolidating the residential real estate market in the region's urban centres. in order to meet its long-term growth targets and increase its investment in canada's most dynamic real estate markets, Killam has been actively expanding its apartment portfolio in ontario and is exploring investment opportunities in Western canada. since 2010, Killam has expanded its apartment target markets to include speci/fic cities in ontario, and has invested approximately $200 million in real estate assets in the province. approximately 15% of Killam's 2014 net operating income is expected to be earned in ontario. the company has set a long-term target to earn 50% of its net operating income outside atlantic canada.\n1033 Queen street West, toronto, ontario", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Capital Improvements\nKillam invests capital to maintain and improve the operating performance of its properties. During the year ended December 31, 2013, Killam invested a total of $21.6 million in its portfolio, compared to $22.5 million in 2012.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Performance Compared to 2013 Key Objectives\n2013 target, Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market = Complete approximately $75-$125 million in acquisitions.. 2013 Performance, Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market = Killam completed $121.1 million in acquisitions in 2013 which includes $112.8 million in apartment acquisitions, $1.4 million for 65 MHC sites and $6.9 million in vacant land for future developments.. Increase Investment in New Properties, Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market = Increase Investment in New Properties. 2013 target, Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market = Focus on newer properties as part of the acquisition program in 2013. Complete and lease-up Killam's four developments, and commence two new development projects.. 2013 Performance, Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market = During 2013 Killam acquired 552 units which were constructed after 2001, representing 74% of the total units added to the portfolio during the year. The acquisitions included three buildings constructed in 2013, an 83-unit luxury building in Halifax, a 48-unit building in Moncton, and a 179-unit building on Queen Street West in toronto.. , Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market = The Company also completed the construction of four development projects totaling 282 units during the first half of the year. These buildings were all ready for occupancy by the beginning of May 2013 with lease-up periods varying by project. Bennett House and Brighton House were fully leased within three months of opening while the S2 and The Plaza are currently 62% and 61% leased. Both properties are expected to be substantially leased by mid-2014.. , Consolidation of Multi-family Residential Real Estate Market = Killam commenced two new development projects during the year. Development started on a 101-unit project in St. John's in Q3-2013 and a 122-unit project in Cambridge broke ground in December 2013. Please refer to the Investment Properties Under Construction section of the MD&A on page 49 for further details on these projects.\n26\nKillam ProPerties inc | 2013", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A Look Back at 2013\nI would summarize 2013 as a mixed year for Killam. We were successful in achieving many of the objectives and targets we had set for ourselves, as summarized in the adjacent chart, but faced challenges that impacted our /financial performance. We added $191 million in new assets to our portfolio through acquisitions and the completion of four new developments. We also enhanced our leasing and marketing programs, which allowed us to realize gains in occupancy in the second half of the year and improve our position for 2014. We further bene/fited from both interest and administrative cost savings in the year. These improvements were mitigated somewhat by large increases in natural gas costs in Atlantic Canada and a more competitive rental market in the Maritimes, which resulted in increased year-over-year vacancy. The challenges we faced in 2013 resulted in funds from operations (FFO) per share of $0.72, the same as Killam's 2012 FFO per share.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "about Killam properties inc.\nKillam Properties Inc. is a growth oriented Canadian real estate company. We own, manage and develop multi-family residential properties in Atlantic Canada and Ontario. Since our /first acquisition in 2002, our real estate portfolio has grown to $1.5 billion and includes 12,647 apartment units and 5,164 manufactured home community (MHC) sites. We are committed to growing Killam's earnings by maximizing the returns from our existing portfolio and expanding through acquisitions and development.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Risk Management\nKillam faces a variety of risks, the majority of which are common to real estate entities. Real estate investments are generally subject to varying degrees of risk, depending on the nature of the property. These risks include (i) changes in general economic conditions, (ii) changes in local conditions (such as an oversupply of space or a reduction in demand for real estate in the area), (iii) changes to government regulations (such as new or revised residential tenant legislations), (iv) competition from others with available space, and (v) the ability of the landlord or owner to provide adequate maintenance economically.\nReal estate is relatively illiquid. Such illiquidity will tend to limit Killam's ability to rebalance its portfolio promptly in response to changing economic or investment conditions. In addition, financial difficulties of other property owners, resulting in distress sales, may depress real estate values in the markets in which the company operates.\nKillam's exposure to general risks associated with real estate investments is mitigated with both its geographic diversification, and investments in both apartments and mHcs.\nKillam is exposed to other risks, as outlined below:", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf", - "query": "What is the conventional workflow for BERT ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "The conventional workflow for BERT consists of two stages: pre-training and fine-tuning. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2 Overview of BERT architecture\nFundamentally, BERT is a stack of Transformer encoder layers (Vaswani et al., 2017) which consist of multiple self-attention \"heads\". For every input token in a sequence, each head computes key, value and query vectors, used to create a weighted representation. The outputs of all heads in the same layer are combined and run through a fully-connected layer. Each layer is wrapped with a skip connection and followed by layer normalization.\nThe conventional workflow for BERT consists of two stages: pre-training and fine-tuning. Pretraining uses two self-supervised tasks: masked language modeling (MLM, prediction of randomly masked input tokens) and next sentence prediction (NSP, predicting if two input sentences are adjacent to each other). In fine-tuning for downstream applications, one or more fully-connected layers are typically added on top of the final encoder layer.\nThe input representations are computed as follows: each word in the input is first tokenized into wordpieces (Wu et al., 2016), and then three embedding layers (token, position, and segment) are combined to obtain a fixed-length vector. Special token [CLS] is used for classification predictions, and [SEP] separates input segments.\nGoogle 1 and HuggingFace (Wolf et al., 2020) provide many variants of BERT, including the original \"base\" and \"large\" versions. They vary in the number of heads, layers, and hidden state size.\n1 https://github.com/\ngoogle-research/bert", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5 Training BERT\nThis section reviews the proposals to optimize the training and architecture of the original BERT.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8 Conclusion\nIn a little over a year, BERT has become a ubiquitous baseline in NLP experiments and inspired numerous studies analyzing the model and proposing various improvements. The stream of papers seems to be accelerating rather than slowing down, and we hope that this survey helps the community to focus on the biggest unresolved questions.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nTransformer-based models have pushed state of the art in many areas of NLP, but our understanding of what is behind their success is still limited. This paper is the first survey of over 150 studies of the popular BERT model. We review the current state of knowledge about how BERT works, what kind of information it learns and how it is represented, common modifications to its training objectives and architecture, the overparameterization issue and approaches to compression. We then outline directions for future research.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.3 BERT layers\nThe first layer of BERT receives as input a combination of token, segment, and positional embeddings.\nIt stands to reason that the lower layers have the most information about linear word order. Lin et al. (2019) report a decrease in the knowledge of linear word order around layer 4 in BERT-base. This is accompanied by an increased knowledge\nLayer 0\nLayer 6\nLayer 0\nLayer 12\nFigure 3: A visualization of layerwise patterns in task performance. Each column represents a probing task, and each row represents a contextualizer layer. Figure 4: BERT layer transferability (columns correspond to probing tasks, Liu et al. (2019a).\ntextualizers. Furthermore, the ELMo-based models facilitate a controlled comparison-they only of hierarchical sentence structure, as detected by the probing tasks of predicting the token index, the main auxiliary verb and the sentence subject.\nthe pretraining task. 5.2 Results and Discussion Figure 4 presents the performance of softmax classifiers trained to perform the bidirectional language modeling task, given just the CWRs as input. We notice that higher layers in recurrent models consistently achieve lower perplexities. InterThere is conflicting evidence about syntactic chunks . Tenney et al. (2019a) conclude that \"the basic syntactic information appears earlier in the network while high-level semantic features appear at the higher layers\", drawing parallels between this order and the order of components in a typical NLP pipeline - from POS-tagging to dependency parsing to semantic role labeling. Jawahar et al. (2019) also report that the lower layers were more useful for chunking, while middle layers were more useful for parsing. At the same time, the probing experiments by Liu et al. (2019a) find the opposite: both POS-tagging and chunking were performed best at the middle layers, in both BERT-base and BERT-large. However, all three studies use different suites of probing tasks.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 BERT embeddings\nSince BERT embeddings are contextualized, an interesting question is to what extent they capture phenomena like polysemy and homonymy. There is indeed evidence that BERT's contextualized embeddings form distinct clusters corresponding to word senses (Wiedemann et al., 2019; Schmidt and Hofmann, 2020), making BERT successful at word sense disambiguation task. However, Mickus et al. (2019) note that the representations of the same word depend on the position of the sentence in which it occurs , likely due to the NSP objective. This is not desirable from the linguistic point of view, and could be a promising\n3 Voita et al. (2019a) look at the evolution of token embeddings, showing that in the earlier Transformer layers, MLM forces the acquisition of contextual information at the expense of the token identity, which gets recreated in later layers.\navenue for future work.\nThe above discussion concerns token embeddings, but BERT is typically used as a sentence or text encoder. The standard way to generate sentence or text representations for classification is to use the [CLS] token, but alternatives are also being discussed, including concatenation of token representations (Tanaka et al., 2020), normalized mean (Tanaka et al., 2020), and layer activations (Ma et al., 2019). See Toshniwal et al. (2020) for a systematic comparison of several methods across tasks and sentence encoders.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 BERT embeddings\nIn studies of BERT, the term \"embedding\" refers to the output of a Transformer layer (typically, the final one). Both conventional static embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013) and BERT-style embeddings can be viewed in terms of mutual information maximization (Kong et al., 2019), but the latter are contextualized . Every token is represented by a vector dependent on the particular context of occurrence, and contains at least some information about that context (Miaschi and Dell'Orletta, 2020).\nSeveral studies reported that distilled contextualized embeddings better encode lexical semantic information (i.e. they are better at traditional word-level tasks such as word similarity). The methods to distill a contextualized representation into static include aggregating the information across multiple contexts (Akbik et al., 2019; Bommasani et al., 2020), encoding \"semantically bleached\" sentences that rely almost exclusively on the meaning of a given word (e.g. \"This is <>\") (May et al., 2019), and even using contextualized embeddings to train static embeddings (Wang et al., 2020d).\nBut this is not to say that there is no room for improvement. Ethayarajh (2019) measure how similar the embeddings for identical words are in every layer, reporting that later BERT layers produce more context-specific representations 3 . They also find that BERT embeddings occupy a narrow cone in the vector space, and this effect increases from the earlier to later layers. That is, two random words will on average have a much higher cosine similarity than expected if embeddings were directionally uniform (isotropic) . Since isotropy was shown to be beneficial for static word embeddings (Mu and Viswanath, 2018), this might be a fruitful direction to explore for BERT.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.4 Fine-tuning BERT\nPre-training + fine-tuning workflow is a crucial part of BERT. The former is supposed to provide task-independent knowledge, and the latter would presumably teach the model to rely more on the representations useful for the task at hand.\nKovaleva et al. (2019) did not find that to be the case for BERT fine-tuned on GLUE tasks 5 : during fine-tuning, the most changes for 3 epochs occurred in the last two layers of the models, but those changes caused self-attention to focus on [SEP] rather than on linguistically interpretable patterns. It is understandable why fine-tuning would increase the attention to [CLS] , but not [SEP] . If Clark et al. (2019) are correct that [SEP] serves as \"noop\" indicator, fine-tuning basically tells BERT what to ignore.\nSeveral studies explored the possibilities of improving the fine-tuning of BERT:\n· Taking more layers into account : learning a complementary representation of the information in deep and output layers (Yang and Zhao, 2019), using a weighted combination of all layers instead of the final one (Su and Cheng, 2019; Kondratyuk and Straka, 2019), and layer dropout (Kondratyuk and Straka, 2019).\n· Two-stage fine-tuning introduces an intermediate supervised training stage between pre-training and fine-tuning (Phang et al., 2019; Garg et al., 2020; Arase and Tsujii, 2019; Pruksachatkun et al., 2020; Glavaš and Vuli'c, 2020). Ben-David et al. (2020) propose a pivot-based variant of MLM to fine-tune BERT for domain adaptation.\n· Adversarial token perturbations improve robustness of the model (Zhu et al., 2019).\n· Adversarial regularization in combination with Bregman Proximal Point Optimization helps alleviate pre-trained knowledge forgetting and therefore prevents BERT from overfitting to downstream tasks (Jiang et al., 2019a).\n· Mixout regularization improves the stability of BERT fine-tuning even for a small number of training examples (Lee et al., 2019).\nWith large models, even fine-tuning becomes expensive, but Houlsby et al. (2019) show that it can", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 What knowledge does BERT have?\nA number of studies have looked at the knowledge encoded in BERT weights. The popular approaches include fill-in-the-gap probes of MLM, analysis of self-attention weights, and probing classifiers with different BERT representations as inputs.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3 World knowledge\nThe bulk of evidence about commonsense knowledge captured in BERT comes from practitioners using it to extract such knowledge. One direct probing study of BERT reports that BERT struggles with pragmatic inference and role-based event knowledge (Ettinger, 2019). BERT also struggles with abstract attributes of objects, as well as visual and perceptual properties that are likely to be assumed rather than mentioned (Da and Kasai, 2019).\nThe MLM component of BERT is easy to adapt for knowledge induction by filling in the\nKG\nDante\nborn-in\nFlorence\nFigure 1:\nQuerying knowledge bases (KB) and lan-\nguage models (LM) for factual knowledge. Figure 2: BERT world knowledge (Petroni et al., 2019)\nvast amounts of linguistic knowledge (Peters et al., 2018b; Goldberg, 2019; Tenney et al., 2019) useful for downstream tasks. This knowledge is usually accessed either by conditioning on latent context representations produced by the original model or by using the original model weights to initialize a task-specific model which is then further fine-tuned. This type of knowledge transfer is crucial for current state-of-the-art results on a wide range of tasks. In contrast, knowledge bases are e ective soblanks (e.g. \"Cats like to chase [___]\"). Petroni et al. (2019) showed that, for some relation types, vanilla BERT is competitive with methods relying on knowledge bases (Figure 2), and Roberts et al. (2020) show the same for open-domain QA using T5 model (Raffel et al., 2019). Davison et al. (2019) suggest that it generalizes better to unseen data. In order to retrieve BERT's knowledge, we need good template sentences, and there is work on their automatic extraction and augmentation (Bouraoui et al., 2019; Jiang et al., 2019b).", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf", - "query": "Is syntaxis encoded with Bert model ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": " As far as how syntaxis represented, it seems that syntactic structure is not directly encoded in self-attention weights.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.1 Syntactic knowledge\nLin et al. (2019) showed that BERT representations are hierarchical rather than linear , i.e. there is something akin to syntactic tree structure in addition to the word order information. Tenney et al. (2019b) and Liu et al. (2019a) also showed that BERT embeddings encode information about parts of speech, syntactic chunks and roles . Enough syntactic information seems to be captured in the token embeddings themselves to recover syntactic trees (Vilares et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2020; Rosa and Mareˇcek, 2019), although probing classifiers could not recover the labels of distant parent nodes in the syntactic tree (Liu et al., 2019a). Warstadt and Bowman (2020) report evidence of hierarchical structure in three out of four probing tasks. [C L S ] F o r th o se w h o fo llo w so ci a l m e d ia tr a n si tio n s o n C a p ito l H ill , th is w ill be a lit tle d iff e re n t . [CLS] For those who follow social media transitions on Capitol Hill , this will be a little different . 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 1: Heatmap of the impact matrix for the sentence 'For those who follow social media transitions on Capitol Hill, this will be a little different.'", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Syntactic knowledge\nAs far as how syntax is represented, it seems that syntactic structure is not directly encoded in self-attention weights . Htut et al. (2019) were unable to extract full parse trees from BERT heads even with the gold annotations for the root. Jawahar et al. (2019) include a brief illustration of a dependency tree extracted directly from self-attention weights, but provide no quantitative evaluation. 3 Visualization with Impact Maps Before we discuss specific syntactic phenomena, let us first analyze some example impact matrices derived from sample sentences. We visualize an impact matrix of a sentence by displaying a heatmap. We use the term 'impact map' to refer\nvertical stripe above the main diagonal. The interpretation is that this particular occurrence of the word ' different ' strongly affects the occurrences of those words before it. These strong influences are shown by the darker-colored pixels seen in the second last column of the impact map. This observation agrees with the ground-truth dependency tree, which selects ' different ' as the head of all remaining words in the phrase ' this will be a little different .' We also observe similar patterns on ' transitions ' and ' Hill '. Such correlations lead us verb phrase. This observation suggest that BERT may capture the compositionality of the language. In the following sections we quantitatively evaluate these observations. 4 Syntactic Probe We start with two syntactic probes - dependency probe and constituency probe. 4.1 Dependency Probe With the goal of exploring the extent dependency The above claims of syntactic knowledge are belied by the evidence that BERT does not \"understand\" negation and is insensitive to malformed input . In particular, its predictions were not altered 2 even with shuffled word order, truncated sentences, removed subjects and objects (Ettinger, 2019). This could mean that either BERT's syntactic knowledge is incomplete, or it does not need to rely on it for solving its tasks . The latter seems more likely, since Glavaš and Vuli'c (2020)\nto explore the idea of extracting dependency trees", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 BERT embeddings\nSince BERT embeddings are contextualized, an interesting question is to what extent they capture phenomena like polysemy and homonymy. There is indeed evidence that BERT's contextualized embeddings form distinct clusters corresponding to word senses (Wiedemann et al., 2019; Schmidt and Hofmann, 2020), making BERT successful at word sense disambiguation task. However, Mickus et al. (2019) note that the representations of the same word depend on the position of the sentence in which it occurs , likely due to the NSP objective. This is not desirable from the linguistic point of view, and could be a promising\n3 Voita et al. (2019a) look at the evolution of token embeddings, showing that in the earlier Transformer layers, MLM forces the acquisition of contextual information at the expense of the token identity, which gets recreated in later layers.\navenue for future work.\nThe above discussion concerns token embeddings, but BERT is typically used as a sentence or text encoder. The standard way to generate sentence or text representations for classification is to use the [CLS] token, but alternatives are also being discussed, including concatenation of token representations (Tanaka et al., 2020), normalized mean (Tanaka et al., 2020), and layer activations (Ma et al., 2019). See Toshniwal et al. (2020) for a systematic comparison of several methods across tasks and sentence encoders.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Syntactic knowledge\nHowever, syntactic information can be recovered from BERT token representations . Hewitt and Manning (2019) were able to learn transformation matrices that successfully recovered syntactic dependencies in PennTreebank data from BERT's token embeddings (see also Manning et al., 2020). Jawahar et al. (2019) experimented with transformations of the [CLS] token using Tensor Product Decomposition Networks (McCoy et al., 2019a), concluding that dependency trees are the best match among 5 decomposition schemes (although the reported MSE differences are very small). Miaschi and Dell'Orletta (2020) performs a range of syntactic probing experiments with concatenated token representations as input. to a heatmap of an impact matrix. Setup. We extract impact matrices by feeding BERT with 1,000 sentences from the English Parallel Universal Dependencies (PUD) treebank of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task (Zeman et al., 2017). We follow the setup and pre-processing steps employed in pre-training BERT. An example impact map is shown in Figure 1. Dependency. We notice that the impact map contains many stripes , which are short series of vertical/horizontal cells, typically located along the diagonal. Take the word ' different ' as an example (which is illustrated by the second-to-last column in the impact matrix). We observe a clear vertical stripe above the main diagonal. The interpretation is that this particular occurrence of the word ' different ' strongly affects the occurrences\nfollow\nsocia\nFigure\nConstitue\nstituency tre\nby Stanford\nthis sentence\nthat are adja\nhowever, we\ntions\n' than '\nIf a model is\nexpect '\nmedi\npacts on the\nversa. Howe\n(darker color\nthan that bet\nfurther suppo\nperiments in\nOther Str\nimpact map,\nfour contigu\n(e.g., a noun\nobserve that t\nstrong inter-c\ning that gro\nverb phrase.\nmay capture\nIn the follo\nuate these ob\n4\nSyntact\nWe start wit\nprobe and co\n4.1\nDepen\nWith the goa\nrelations are\nswer the foll\nform linguist\npervised dep\ntent?\nWe begin\nmasking tech\nfor each sent\ngorithms to i\ncompare it ag\nrelations are captured in BERT, we set out to an-", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Syntactic knowledge\n4168 from the matrices (see Section 4.1). swer the following question: Can BERT outperform linguistically uninformed baselines in unsupervised dependency parsing? If so, to what extent? 2 See also the recent findings on adversarial triggers, which get the model to produce a certain output even though they are not well-formed from the point of view of a human reader (Wallace et al., 2019a).\nWe begin by using the token-level perturbed\nmasking technique to extract an impact matrix\nfor each sentence. We then utilize graph-based al-\ngorithms to induce a dependency tree from\nF\n, and\ncompare it against ground-truth whose annotations\nF\nNote that all these approaches look for the evidence of gold-standard linguistic structures, and add some amount of extra knowledge to the probe. Most recently, Wu et al. (2020) proposed a of those words before it. These strong influences are shown by the darker-colored pixels seen in the second last column of the impact map. This observation agrees with the ground-truth dependency tree, which selects ' different ' as the head of all\nremaining words in the phrase '\nthis will be a lit-\ntle different\n.' We also observe similar patterns on\n'\ntransitions\n' and '\nHill\n'. Such correlations lead us\nto explore the idea of extracting dependency trees\nfrom the matrices (see Section 4.1).\n0\n2\np\ne\nS\n4\n]\nL\nC\n.\ns\nc\n[\n2\nv\n6\n6\n0\n1\n0\n.\n9\n0\n9\n1\n:\nv\ni\nX\nr\na\nRecent progress in pretraining language mod-\nels on large textual corpora led to a surge\nof improvements for downstream NLP tasks.\nWhilst learning linguistic knowledge, these\nreport that an intermediate fine-tuning step with supervised parsing does not make much difference for downstream task performance. models may also be storing relational knowledge present in the training data, and may be able to answer queries structured as 'fillin-the-blank' cloze statements. Language\nmodels have many advantages over structured", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 Overview of BERT architecture\nFundamentally, BERT is a stack of Transformer encoder layers (Vaswani et al., 2017) which consist of multiple self-attention \"heads\". For every input token in a sequence, each head computes key, value and query vectors, used to create a weighted representation. The outputs of all heads in the same layer are combined and run through a fully-connected layer. Each layer is wrapped with a skip connection and followed by layer normalization.\nThe conventional workflow for BERT consists of two stages: pre-training and fine-tuning. Pretraining uses two self-supervised tasks: masked language modeling (MLM, prediction of randomly masked input tokens) and next sentence prediction (NSP, predicting if two input sentences are adjacent to each other). In fine-tuning for downstream applications, one or more fully-connected layers are typically added on top of the final encoder layer.\nThe input representations are computed as follows: each word in the input is first tokenized into wordpieces (Wu et al., 2016), and then three embedding layers (token, position, and segment) are combined to obtain a fixed-length vector. Special token [CLS] is used for classification predictions, and [SEP] separates input segments.\nGoogle 1 and HuggingFace (Wolf et al., 2020) provide many variants of BERT, including the original \"base\" and \"large\" versions. They vary in the number of heads, layers, and hidden state size.\n1 https://github.com/\ngoogle-research/bert", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Syntactic knowledge\n3 Visualization with Impact Maps Before we discuss specific syntactic phenomena, Figure 2: Part of the constituency tree. Constituency. Figure 2 shows part of the conFigure 1: Parameter-free probe for syntactic knowledge: words sharing syntactic subtrees have larger impact on each other in the MLM prediction (Wu et al., 2020)\nlet us first analyze some example impact matrices derived from sample sentences. We visualize an impact matrix of a sentence by displaying a heatmap. We use the term 'impact map' to refer to a heatmap of an impact matrix. Setup. We extract impact matrices by feeding BERT with 1,000 sentences from the English stituency tree of our example sentence generated by Stanford CoreNLP (Manning et al., 2014). In this sentence, ' media ' and ' on ' are two words that are adjacent to ' transitions '. From the tree, however, we see that ' media ' is closer to ' transitions ' than ' on ' is in terms of syntactic distance. If a model is syntactically uninformed, we would expect ' media ' and ' on ' to have comparable imparameter-free approach based on measuring the impact that one word has on predicting another word within a sequence in the MLM task (Figure 1). They concluded that BERT \"naturally\" learns some syntactic information, although it is not very similar to linguistic annotated resources .", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nTransformer-based models have pushed state of the art in many areas of NLP, but our understanding of what is behind their success is still limited. This paper is the first survey of over 150 studies of the popular BERT model. We review the current state of knowledge about how BERT works, what kind of information it learns and how it is represented, common modifications to its training objectives and architecture, the overparameterization issue and approaches to compression. We then outline directions for future research.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8 Conclusion\nIn a little over a year, BERT has become a ubiquitous baseline in NLP experiments and inspired numerous studies analyzing the model and proposing various improvements. The stream of papers seems to be accelerating rather than slowing down, and we hope that this survey helps the community to focus on the biggest unresolved questions.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nHaoming Jiang, Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen, Xiaodong Liu, Jianfeng Gao, and Tuo Zhao. 2019a. SMART: Robust and Efficient Fine-Tuning for Pre-trained Natural Language Models through Principled Regularized Optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.03437 .\nZhengbao Jiang, Frank F. Xu, Jun Araki, and Graham Neubig. 2019b. How Can We Know What Language Models Know? arXiv:1911.12543 [cs] .\nXiaoqi Jiao, Yichun Yin, Lifeng Shang, Xin Jiang, Xiao Chen, Linlin Li, Fang Wang, and Qun Liu. 2019. TinyBERT: Distilling BERT for natural language understanding. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.10351 .\nDi Jin, Zhijing Jin, Joey Tianyi Zhou, and Peter Szolovits. 2020. Is BERT Really Robust? A Strong Baseline for Natural Language Attack on Text Classification and Entailment. In AAAI 2020 .\nMandar Joshi, Danqi Chen, Yinhan Liu, Daniel S. Weld, Luke Zettlemoyer, and Omer Levy. 2020. SpanBERT: Improving Pre-Training by Representing and Predicting Spans. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics , 8:64-77.\nWei-Tsung Kao, Tsung-Han Wu, Po-Han Chi, Chun-Cheng Hsieh, and Hung-Yi Lee. 2020. Further boosting BERT-based models by duplicating existing layers: Some intriguing phenomena inside BERT. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.09309 .\nTaeuk Kim, Jihun Choi, Daniel Edmiston, and Sang-goo Lee. 2020. Are pre-trained language models aware of phrases? simple but strong baselines for grammar induction. In ICLR 2020 .\nGoro Kobayashi, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Sho Yokoi, and Kentaro Inui. 2020. Attention Module is Not Only a Weight: Analyzing Transformers with Vector Norms. arXiv:2004.10102 [cs] .", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf", - "query": "Is BERT good with numbers representations ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": " BERTstruggles with representations of numbers. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "8 Conclusion\nIn a little over a year, BERT has become a ubiquitous baseline in NLP experiments and inspired numerous studies analyzing the model and proposing various improvements. The stream of papers seems to be accelerating rather than slowing down, and we hope that this survey helps the community to focus on the biggest unresolved questions.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 What knowledge does BERT have?\nA number of studies have looked at the knowledge encoded in BERT weights. The popular approaches include fill-in-the-gap probes of MLM, analysis of self-attention weights, and probing classifiers with different BERT representations as inputs.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5 Training BERT\nThis section reviews the proposals to optimize the training and architecture of the original BERT.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nSastry, Amanda Askell, Sandhini Agarwal, Ariel Herbert-Voss, Gretchen Krueger, Tom Henighan, Rewon Child, Aditya Ramesh, Daniel M. Ziegler, Jeffrey Wu, Clemens Winter, Christopher Hesse, Mark Chen, Eric Sigler, Mateusz Litwin, Scott Gray, Benjamin Chess, Jack Clark, Christopher Berner, Sam McCandlish, Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, and Dario Amodei. 2020. Language Models are Few-Shot Learners. arXiv:2005.14165 [cs] .\nGino Brunner, Yang Liu, Damian Pascual, Oliver Richter, Massimiliano Ciaramita, and Roger Wattenhofer. 2020. On Identifiability in Transformers. In International Conference on Learning Representations .\nTianlong Chen, Jonathan Frankle, Shiyu Chang, Sijia Liu, Yang Zhang, Zhangyang Wang, and Michael Carbin. 2020. The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Pre-trained BERT Networks. arXiv:2007.12223 [cs, stat] .\nXingyi Cheng, Weidi Xu, Kunlong Chen, Wei Wang, Bin Bi, Ming Yan, Chen Wu, Luo Si, Wei Chu, and Taifeng Wang. 2019. Symmetric Regularization based BERT for Pair-Wise Semantic Reasoning. arXiv:1909.03405 [cs] .\nKevin Clark, Urvashi Khandelwal, Omer Levy, and Christopher D. Manning. 2019. What Does BERT Look at? An Analysis of BERT's Attention. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP , pages 276-286, Florence, Italy. Association for Computational Linguistics.\nKevin Clark, Minh-Thang Luong, Quoc V. Le, and Christopher D. Manning. 2020. ELECTRA: PreTraining Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators. In International Conference on Learning Representations .\nStephane Clinchant, Kweon Woo Jung, and Vassilina Nikoulina. 2019. On the use of BERT for Neural Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation , pages 108-117, Hong Kong. Association for Computational Linguistics.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Abstract\nTransformer-based models have pushed state of the art in many areas of NLP, but our understanding of what is behind their success is still limited. This paper is the first survey of over 150 studies of the popular BERT model. We review the current state of knowledge about how BERT works, what kind of information it learns and how it is represented, common modifications to its training objectives and architecture, the overparameterization issue and approaches to compression. We then outline directions for future research.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nXiaofei Ma, Zhiguo Wang, Patrick Ng, Ramesh Nallapati, and Bing Xiang. 2019. Universal Text Representation from BERT: An Empirical Study. arXiv:1910.07973 [cs] .\nChristopher D. Manning, Kevin Clark, John Hewitt, Urvashi Khandelwal, and Omer Levy. 2020. Emergent linguistic structure in artificial neural networks trained by self-supervision. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , page 201907367.\nChandler May, Alex Wang, Shikha Bordia, Samuel R. Bowman, and Rachel Rudinger. 2019. On Measuring Social Biases in Sentence Encoders. In Proceedings of the 2019 Confer-\nence of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers) , pages 622-628, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Association for Computational Linguistics.\nJ. S. McCarley, Rishav Chakravarti, and Avirup Sil. 2020. Structured Pruning of a BERT-based Question Answering Model. arXiv:1910.06360 [cs] .\nR. Thomas McCoy, Tal Linzen, Ewan Dunbar, and Paul Smolensky. 2019a. RNNs implicitly implement tensor-product representations. In International Conference on Learning Representations .\nTom McCoy, Ellie Pavlick, and Tal Linzen. 2019b. Right for the Wrong Reasons: Diagnosing Syntactic Heuristics in Natural Language Inference. In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics , pages 3428-3448, Florence, Italy. Association for Computational Linguistics.\nAlessio Miaschi and Felice Dell'Orletta. 2020. Contextual and Non-Contextual Word Embeddings: An in-depth Linguistic Investigation. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP , pages 110-119.\nPaul Michel, Omer Levy, and Graham Neubig. 2019. Are Sixteen Heads Really Better than One? Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NIPS 2019) .\nTimothee Mickus, Denis Paperno, Mathieu Constant, and Kees van Deemeter. 2019. What do you mean, BERT? assessing BERT as a distributional semantics model. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05758 .", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nYaru Hao, Li Dong, Furu Wei, and Ke Xu. 2019. Visualizing and Understanding the Effectiveness of BERT. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP) , pages 4143-4152, Hong\nKong, China. Association for Computational Linguistics.\nJohn Hewitt and Christopher D. Manning. 2019. A Structural Probe for Finding Syntax in Word Representations. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers) , pages 4129-4138.\nGeoffrey Hinton, Oriol Vinyals, and Jeff Dean. 2014. Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network. In Deep Learning and Representation Learning Workshop: NIPS 2014 .\nBenjamin Hoover, Hendrik Strobelt, and Sebastian Gehrmann. 2019. exBERT: A Visual Analysis Tool to Explore Learned Representations in Transformers Models. arXiv:1910.05276 [cs] .\nNeil Houlsby, Andrei Giurgiu, Stanislaw Jastrzebski, Bruna Morrone, Quentin de Laroussilhe, Andrea Gesmundo, Mona Attariyan, and Sylvain Gelly. 2019. Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for NLP. arXiv:1902.00751 [cs, stat] .\nPhu Mon Htut, Jason Phang, Shikha Bordia, and Samuel R Bowman. 2019. Do attention heads in BERT track syntactic dependencies? arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.12246 .\nSarthak Jain and Byron C. Wallace. 2019. Attention is not Explanation. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers) , pages 3543-3556.\nGanesh Jawahar, Benoît Sagot, Djamé Seddah, Samuel Unicomb, Gerardo Iñiguez, Márton Karsai, Yannick Léo, Márton Karsai, Carlos Sarraute, Éric Fleury, et al. 2019. What does BERT learn about the structure of language? In 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Florence, Italy .", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7 Directions for further research\nBERTology has clearly come a long way, but it is fair to say we still have more questions than answers about how BERT works. In this section, we list what we believe to be the most promising directions for further research.\nBenchmarks that require verbal reasoning. While BERT enabled breakthroughs on many NLP benchmarks, a growing list of analysis papers are showing that its language skills are not as impressive as it seems. In particular, it was shown to rely on shallow heuristics in natural language inference (McCoy et al., 2019b; Zellers et al., 2019; Jin et al., 2020), reading comprehension (Si et al., 2019a; Rogers et al., 2020; Sugawara et al., 2020; Si et al., 2019b; Yogatama et al., 2019), argument reasoning comprehension (Niven and Kao, 2019), and text classification (Jin et al., 2020). Such heuristics can even be used to reconstruct a non-publiclyavailable model (Krishna et al., 2020). As with any optimization method, if there is a shortcut in\nthe data, we have no reason to expect BERT to not learn it. But harder datasets that cannot be resolved with shallow heuristics are unlikely to emerge if their development is not as valued as modeling work.\nBenchmarks for the full range of linguistic competence. While the language models seem to acquire a great deal of knowledge about language, we do not currently have comprehensive stress tests for different aspects of linguistic knowledge. A step in this direction is the \"Checklist\" behavioral testing (Ribeiro et al., 2020), the best paper at ACL 2020. Ideally, such tests would measure not only errors, but also sensitivity (Ettinger, 2019).\nDeveloping methods to \"teach\" reasoning. While large pre-trained models have a lot of knowledge, they often fail if any reasoning needs to be performed on top of the facts they possess (Talmor et al., 2019, see also subsection 3.3). For instance, Richardson et al. (2020) propose a method to \"teach\" BERT quantification, conditionals, comparatives, and boolean coordination.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 Overview of BERT architecture\nFundamentally, BERT is a stack of Transformer encoder layers (Vaswani et al., 2017) which consist of multiple self-attention \"heads\". For every input token in a sequence, each head computes key, value and query vectors, used to create a weighted representation. The outputs of all heads in the same layer are combined and run through a fully-connected layer. Each layer is wrapped with a skip connection and followed by layer normalization.\nThe conventional workflow for BERT consists of two stages: pre-training and fine-tuning. Pretraining uses two self-supervised tasks: masked language modeling (MLM, prediction of randomly masked input tokens) and next sentence prediction (NSP, predicting if two input sentences are adjacent to each other). In fine-tuning for downstream applications, one or more fully-connected layers are typically added on top of the final encoder layer.\nThe input representations are computed as follows: each word in the input is first tokenized into wordpieces (Wu et al., 2016), and then three embedding layers (token, position, and segment) are combined to obtain a fixed-length vector. Special token [CLS] is used for classification predictions, and [SEP] separates input segments.\nGoogle 1 and HuggingFace (Wolf et al., 2020) provide many variants of BERT, including the original \"base\" and \"large\" versions. They vary in the number of heads, layers, and hidden state size.\n1 https://github.com/\ngoogle-research/bert", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 BERT embeddings\nSince BERT embeddings are contextualized, an interesting question is to what extent they capture phenomena like polysemy and homonymy. There is indeed evidence that BERT's contextualized embeddings form distinct clusters corresponding to word senses (Wiedemann et al., 2019; Schmidt and Hofmann, 2020), making BERT successful at word sense disambiguation task. However, Mickus et al. (2019) note that the representations of the same word depend on the position of the sentence in which it occurs , likely due to the NSP objective. This is not desirable from the linguistic point of view, and could be a promising\n3 Voita et al. (2019a) look at the evolution of token embeddings, showing that in the earlier Transformer layers, MLM forces the acquisition of contextual information at the expense of the token identity, which gets recreated in later layers.\navenue for future work.\nThe above discussion concerns token embeddings, but BERT is typically used as a sentence or text encoder. The standard way to generate sentence or text representations for classification is to use the [CLS] token, but alternatives are also being discussed, including concatenation of token representations (Tanaka et al., 2020), normalized mean (Tanaka et al., 2020), and layer activations (Ma et al., 2019). See Toshniwal et al. (2020) for a systematic comparison of several methods across tasks and sentence encoders.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv2_taclccby4_license.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf", - "query": "How many affiliate banks has First Financial Bankshares ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "The corporation has 10 affiliate banks, which provide services from 28 full-service locations in the Central, West and High Plains regions of Texas. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2002 ANNUAL REPORT\n2 Corporate Profile\n3 Financial Highlights\n4 Letter to Shareholders\n6 Shareholder Values\n12 Selected Financial Data\n13 Trust Services\n14 Subsidiary Bank Reports Financial Summaries Senior Officers and Directors Market Share\n25 Form 10-K\nInside Back Cover Corporate Information\nAt First Financial Bankshares, we are not a complicated company. Our value is easy to calculate because our numbers are easy to follow. The same holds true for our values. We believe in doing business the right way - from our boardrooms to our mailrooms. Maybe it's our West Texas roots, but we still appreciate the days when a handshake was binding. The relationships we have developed with our customers bear this out. More and more, in communities across Texas, we're the banks people turn to for financial services. The result has been strong, consistent, above-sector performance for our shareholders. How do values drive value? Let us explain.\n2\nFirst Financial Bankshares, Inc. is a financial holding company\nheadquartered in Abilene, Texas, with consolidated assets of $2.0 billion as of December 31, 2002. The corporation has 10 affiliate banks, which provide services from 28 full-service locations in the Central, West and High Plains regions of Texas. The common stock of First Financial Bankshares, Inc. is held by more than 3,500 shareholders and is listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market ¤ under the symbol FFIN.\n'Our 10 affiliate banks provide services from 28 full-service locations in the Central, West and High Plains regions of Texas.'", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 76, - "page_end": 76, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 81, - "page_end": 81, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 91, - "page_end": 91, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 92, - "page_end": 92, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 93, - "page_end": 93, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "First Financial Bankshares, Inc.\nWe provide management and technical resources and policy direction to our subsidiary banks, which enables them to improve or expand their banking services while continuing their local activity and identity. Each of our subsidiary banks operates under the day-to-day management of its own board of directors and officers, with substantial authority in making decisions concerning their own investments, loan policies, interest rates, and service charges. We provide resources and policy direction in, among other things, the following areas:\n· asset and liability management;\n· accounting, budgeting, planning and insurance;\n· capitalization; and\n· regulatory compliance.\nIn particular, we assist our subsidiary banks with, among other things, decisions concerning major capital expenditures, employee fringe benefits, including pension plans and group insurance, dividend policies, and appointment of officers and directors and their compensation. We also perform, through corporate staff groups or by outsourcing to third parties, internal audits and loan reviews of our subsidiary banks. Through First National Bank of Abilene, we provide advice and specialized services for our banks related to lending, investing, purchasing, advertising, public relations, and computer services.\nWhile we have no specific acquisition agreements in place or commitments to expand our branch network, we periodically evaluate various potential financial institution acquisition opportunities and also periodically evaluate potential locations for new branch offices. We anticipate that funding for any acquisitions or expansions would be provided from our existing cash balances, available dividends from subsidiary banks, utilization of available lines of credit and future debt or equity offerings.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Nature of Operations\nFirst Financial Bankshares, Inc. (a Texas corporation) ('Bankshares') is a financial holding company which owns (through its wholly-owned Delaware subsidiary) all of the capital stock of ten banks located in Texas as of December 31, 2002. Those subsidiary banks are First National Bank of Abilene; Hereford State Bank; First National Bank, Sweetwater; Eastland National Bank; First Financial Bank, National Association, Cleburne; Stephenville Bank & Trust Co.; San Angelo National Bank; Weatherford National Bank; First Financial Bank, National Association, Southlake and City National Bank, Mineral Wells. Each subsidiary bank's primary source of revenue is providing loans and banking services to consumers and commercial customers in the market area in which the subsidiary is located.\nA summary of significant accounting policies of Bankshares and subsidiaries (collectively, the 'Company') applied in the preparation of the accompanying consolidated financial statements follows. The accounting principles followed by the Company and the methods of applying them are in conformity with both accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and prevailing practices of the banking industry.", - "page_start": 72, - "page_end": 72, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nINTEREST INCOME:, 2002 = . INTEREST INCOME:, 2001 = . INTEREST INCOME:, 2000 = . Interest and fees on loans, 2002 = $ 64,609,189. Interest and fees on loans, 2001 = $", - "page_start": 68, - "page_end": 68, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf", - "query": "What was the net income of First Financial Bankshares in 1995 ?", - "target_page": 14, - "target_passage": " 16,355", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nINTEREST INCOME:, 2002 = . INTEREST INCOME:, 2001 = . INTEREST INCOME:, 2000 = . Interest and fees on loans, 2002 = $ 64,609,189. Interest and fees on loans, 2001 = $", - "page_start": 68, - "page_end": 68, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNet interest income after provision for loan losses, 2000 = 66,723,803. NONINTEREST INCOME:, 2002 = . NONINTEREST INCOME:, 2001 = . NONINTEREST INCOME:, 2000 = . Trust department income, 2002 = 5,835,909. Trust department income, 2001 = 5,890,600. Trust department income, 2000 = 5,494,246. Service fees on deposit accounts, 2002 = 15,435,137. Service fees on deposit accounts, 2001 = 14,743,217. Service fees on deposit accounts, 2000 = 14,073,514. ATM fees, 2002 = 2,370,313. ATM fees, 2001 = 1,941,508. ATM fees, 2000 = 1,554,437. Real estate mortgage fees, 2002 = 1,858,378. Real estate mortgage fees, 2001 = 1,609,518. Real estate mortgage fees, 2000 = 1,021,590. Net gain on securities transactions, 2002 = 16,373. Net gain on securities transactions, 2001 = 67,789. Net gain on securities transactions, 2000 = 530,097. Other, 2002 = 4,036,366. Other, 2001 = 3,325,858. Other, 2000 = 3,273,445. Total noninterest income, 2002 = 29,552,476. Total noninterest income, 2001 = 27,578,490. Total noninterest income, 2000 = 25,947,329. NONINTEREST EXPENSE:, 2002 = . NONINTEREST EXPENSE:, 2001 = . NONINTEREST EXPENSE:, 2000 = . Salaries and employee benefits, 2002 = 31,992,733. Salaries and employee benefits, 2001 = 28,685,294. Salaries and employee benefits, 2000 = 27,077,436. Net occupancy expense, 2002 = 3,908,856. Net occupancy expense, 2001 = 3,995,597. Net occupancy expense, 2000 = 3,563,289. Equipment expense, 2002 = 4,800,768. Equipment expense, 2001 = 4,457,909. Equipment expense, 2000 = 4,180,782. Printing, stationary and", - "page_start": 68, - "page_end": 68, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 91, - "page_end": 91, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 93, - "page_end": 93, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 92, - "page_end": 92, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 81, - "page_end": 81, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 76, - "page_end": 76, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2002 ANNUAL REPORT\n2 Corporate Profile\n3 Financial Highlights\n4 Letter to Shareholders\n6 Shareholder Values\n12 Selected Financial Data\n13 Trust Services\n14 Subsidiary Bank Reports Financial Summaries Senior Officers and Directors Market Share\n25 Form 10-K\nInside Back Cover Corporate Information\nAt First Financial Bankshares, we are not a complicated company. Our value is easy to calculate because our numbers are easy to follow. The same holds true for our values. We believe in doing business the right way - from our boardrooms to our mailrooms. Maybe it's our West Texas roots, but we still appreciate the days when a handshake was binding. The relationships we have developed with our customers bear this out. More and more, in communities across Texas, we're the banks people turn to for financial services. The result has been strong, consistent, above-sector performance for our shareholders. How do values drive value? Let us explain.\n2\nFirst Financial Bankshares, Inc. is a financial holding company\nheadquartered in Abilene, Texas, with consolidated assets of $2.0 billion as of December 31, 2002. The corporation has 10 affiliate banks, which provide services from 28 full-service locations in the Central, West and High Plains regions of Texas. The common stock of First Financial Bankshares, Inc. is held by more than 3,500 shareholders and is listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market ¤ under the symbol FFIN.\n'Our 10 affiliate banks provide services from 28 full-service locations in the Central, West and High Plains regions of Texas.'", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES\nYear ended December 31, 2002, Beginning Balance = $44,426,313. Year ended December 31, 2002, Additional Loans = $27,349,995. Year ended December 31, 2002, Payments = $44,235,855. Year ended December 31, 2002, Ending Balance = $27,540,453. Year ended December 31, 2001, Beginning Balance = $35,575,573. Year ended December 31, 2001, Additional Loans = $51,556,164. Year ended December 31, 2001, Payments = $42,970,581. Year ended December 31, 2001, Ending Balance = $44,161,156\nIn the opinion of management, those loans are on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and collateral requirements, as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with unaffiliated persons.\nF-16\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nDecember 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 80, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf", - "query": "What is the address of the San Angelo National Bank main office ?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "Main Office 301 W. Beauregard San Angelo, Texas 76903 Chartered 1997 ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Main Office\n301 W. Beauregard San Angelo, Texas 76903 Chartered 1997", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Branch\n3471 Knickerbocker San Angelo, Texas 76904", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TRUST ASSETS in millions\nDavid Byrd San Angelo National Bank\n13\n14", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ITEM 2. PROPERTIES\nOur principal office is located in the First National Bank Building at 400 Pine Street in downtown Abilene, Texas. We lease two spaces in a building owned by First National Bank of Abilene. The lease for approximately 2,300 square feet of space expires December 31, 2004. The lease for approximately 1,100 square feet of space expires May 31, 2006. Our subsidiary banks collectively own 22 banking facilities, some of which are detached drive-ins, and they also lease six banking facilities. Our management considers all of our existing locations to be well-suited for conducting the business of banking. We believe that our existing facilities are adequate to meet our requirements and our subsidiary banks' requirements for the foreseeable future.", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Main Office\n400 Pine Street Abilene, Texas 79601\nChartered 1890", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bankers\nNational Australia Bank Limited-Australia Wells Fargo-United States", - "page_start": 112, - "page_end": 112, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bob Housley appreciates loyalty.\nHis company, Housley Communications, is a thriving business with a staff of 225 and contracting relationships with over 700 firms. The company provides engineering and implementation of advanced telecommunications systems. 'We provide everything a company needs to go from zero to 100 percent.'\nSuccess hasn't necessarily been easy. 'We had some difficult times when we were starting out in the '80s,' says Housley. 'San Angelo National Bank worked very diligently to help me get where I am today. They stuck with me and were always team players.'\nHousley is a demanding customer - a trait to which he credits much of his success. 'I am very customer service-oriented. It's how I built my business. I appreciate that I can get that same type of dedication from San Angelo National Bank, and I see it reflected throughout the First Financial Bankshares organization.'\nHousley the shareholder is no less demanding, but he's had good reason to be pleased with his returns from First Financial Bankshares. 'First Financial's expansion strategy is excellent - they do their research and find banks with good opportunity. Their operations are sound, and their growth is well-managed. I believe they are one of the best mid-size banking organizations around.'\nBob Housley President Housley Communications San Angelo, Texas", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Address\nP. O . Box 701 Abilene, Texas 79604", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Main Office\n3205 E. Highway 114 Southlake, Texas 76092 Chartered 1985", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Main Office\n403 N. Main Cleburne, Texas 76033 Chartered 1927", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news3.pdf", - "query": "What kind of scholarship programs are available to start a financial career?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Some are offered directly through colleges and universities that have financial planning degree and certificate programs. Others are available through nonprofits and organizations like the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3 Great Resources to Kick-Start Your Financial Planning Career\n11/23/2022\n(NewsUSA) - Finding a rewarding career that offers growth potential, work-life balance and the satisfaction of helping others is a key priority for many job seekers. With those goals in mind, a career in financial planning should be a top contender, whether you are just starting out or looking to make a career change. But once you have decided that financial planning is the field for you, how do you get started? Here are three resources that can help you launch a successful financial planning career.\n1. Guide to Careers in Financial Planning. Based on interviews with leading financial services firms, this guide introduces you to the wide range of career opportunities in the financial planning profession. It identifies typical entry points and career tracks, explores the types of companies that hire financial planners and provides information on how to find financial planning career opportunities. It also includes resources such as a list of recommended questions to ask in a job interview.\n2. Scholarship Programs. Dozens of scholarship programs are available to support you on your professional journey. Some are offered directly through colleges and universities that have financial planning degree and certificate programs. Others are available through nonprofits and organizations like the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning, which administers 16 scholarship programs that help pay for the education and exam requirements to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional. Financial services firms may offer scholarships or tuition reimbursements to employees to cover the costs of obtaining professional designations and credentials such as CFP® certification -- some of which may be required to advance within the company.\n3. Career Fairs. In-person and virtual career fairs provide valuable opportunities to connect with prospective employers. CFP Board's spring and fall career fairs are some of the most popular hiring events in the profession, with dozens of firms participating in these online exhibitions. Job seekers can visit employers' virtual exhibit booths and view open jobs and internships, apply for open positions and interact with employers through one-on-one video meetings and messaging. You can also visit the CFP Board Career Center to browse current job and internship opportunities in financial planning, as well as a collection of articles providing career guidance.\nOther top resources include career offices at your college or university, financial services companies' career websites and professional organizations that may have a local chapter near you.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Log in\n\nHome / Money / 3 Great Resources to Kick-Start Your Financial Planning Career\nMONEY", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 Great Resources to Kick-Start Your Financial Planning Career\nMaking the most of these resources will not only help you find a financial planning job, but also support your growth and development as a future financial planning professional. To learn more about CFP® certification, visit the CFP Board website.\nArticle Link\nhttps://about.newsusa.com/3-great-resources-to-kick-start-your-financial-planni…\nRELATED ARTICLES\nJun 26, 2023\nFlexibility is Key to a Thriving Retirement\nDec 07, 2022\nPlanning for Winter Expenses Pays Off\nFASHION\nBUSINESS\nINFOGRAPHIC\nENVIRONMENT\nHEALTH\nMONEY\nFOOD\nTRAVEL\nBRIDAL\nRECREATION\nTECHNOLOGY\nHOME\nEDUCATION\nARTS & ENTERTAINMENT\nAUTO\nCHILDREN\nFITNESS\nHOLIDAY\nINSURANCE\nLAWN & GARDEN\nLISTICLE\nNUTRITION\nPARENTING", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "news3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Scholarships at major universities\nSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited established a scholarship program for students of Zhejiang established a scholarship program for students of Zhejiang\nUniversity, Shanghai Inter University, Shanghai International Studies University, national Studies University, Sun Yat-sen University, Sun Yat-sen University, and other universities. and other universities.\nScholarship students at Sun Yat-sen University", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Operating and Investing Cash Flow\n9\nFinance Report\nFinance Report\n10\nFinance Report", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STRENGTH\n$\nmillion", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY\nFinancially strong with an investment grade balance sheet, conservative debt leverage, and significant available financial liquidity.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CATEGORIES\nHome - Safety Community Affairs Finance - Insurance Editor's Picks", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary of Cash Flows\nTable of Contents", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "100\nNotes to the Financial Statements", - "page_start": 101, - "page_end": 101, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news3.pdf", - "query": "what are career fairs for?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": " In-person and virtual career fairs provide valuable opportunities to connect with prospective employers.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Together with Our Employees\nWe are developing human resources that can take on global roles, and we are creating globalized working environments", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 Great Resources to Kick-Start Your Financial Planning Career\n11/23/2022\n(NewsUSA) - Finding a rewarding career that offers growth potential, work-life balance and the satisfaction of helping others is a key priority for many job seekers. With those goals in mind, a career in financial planning should be a top contender, whether you are just starting out or looking to make a career change. But once you have decided that financial planning is the field for you, how do you get started? Here are three resources that can help you launch a successful financial planning career.\n1. Guide to Careers in Financial Planning. Based on interviews with leading financial services firms, this guide introduces you to the wide range of career opportunities in the financial planning profession. It identifies typical entry points and career tracks, explores the types of companies that hire financial planners and provides information on how to find financial planning career opportunities. It also includes resources such as a list of recommended questions to ask in a job interview.\n2. Scholarship Programs. Dozens of scholarship programs are available to support you on your professional journey. Some are offered directly through colleges and universities that have financial planning degree and certificate programs. Others are available through nonprofits and organizations like the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning, which administers 16 scholarship programs that help pay for the education and exam requirements to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional. Financial services firms may offer scholarships or tuition reimbursements to employees to cover the costs of obtaining professional designations and credentials such as CFP® certification -- some of which may be required to advance within the company.\n3. Career Fairs. In-person and virtual career fairs provide valuable opportunities to connect with prospective employers. CFP Board's spring and fall career fairs are some of the most popular hiring events in the profession, with dozens of firms participating in these online exhibitions. Job seekers can visit employers' virtual exhibit booths and view open jobs and internships, apply for open positions and interact with employers through one-on-one video meetings and messaging. You can also visit the CFP Board Career Center to browse current job and internship opportunities in financial planning, as well as a collection of articles providing career guidance.\nOther top resources include career offices at your college or university, financial services companies' career websites and professional organizations that may have a local chapter near you.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nCommitted to supporting environmental businesses, a CSR priority, through our core businesses", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nInternational initiatives in Asian countries and others", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Justify:\nGive good reasons for some -thing", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Executive and\nCorporate Officers", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Responsibilities:\nMember of the Remuneration Committee.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. 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Read the questions carefully.\nMake sure you understand what is being asked of you, so that you focus on answering the right questions, instead of providing irrelevant information.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nCommitted to supporting environmental businesses, a CSR priority, through our core businesses", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CREATING OPPORTUNITIES\nMaximising the value of the exploration program, building a better and more balanced portfolio and pursuing new opportunities.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "We focus on the fundamentals of growth.\nProfitability. Productivity. Strategic management.\n3", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive and\nCorporate Officers", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WE WILL PURSUE PROFITABLE GROWTH.\nWe pursue profitable growth on a global basis in order to provide continued job opportunities for members and financial success for all stakeholders.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summarise:\nGive the main points\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Vision\nNissan: Enriching people's lives", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf", - "query": "What does ShareAlike mean in terms of licencing ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "adaptations based on this work must be licensed under the same license.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Licensing\nThis document is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. I typically distribute it as a PDF but if you want to make your own version send me an email and I will send you the Word version. For details on licensing see:\nhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FOUR ELEMENTS\nBY (\"Attribution\"): users must credit the author of the work they are using.\nSA (\"ShareAlike\"): adaptations based on this work must be licensed under the same license.\nNC (\"NonCommercial\"): the work is only available to be used for noncommercial purposes.\nND (\"NoDerivative\"): reusers making cannot share adaptations of the work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Licensed capacity\nThe amount of capacity on a storage system that a user is entitled to configure.", - "page_start": 800, - "page_end": 800, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SIX LICENSES\nCC BY (\"Attribution\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form) as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-SA (\"Attribution-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form), as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-NC (\"Attribution-NonCommercial\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-SA (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-ND (\"Attribution-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "License key\nAn alphanumeric code that activates a licensed function on a product.", - "page_start": 800, - "page_end": 800, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Capacity licensing\nCapacity licensing is a licensing model that licenses features with a price-per-terabyte model. Licensed features are FlashCopy, Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and virtualization. See also 'FlashCopy' on page 776, 'Metro Mirror' on page 780, and 'Virtualization' on page 787.", - "page_start": 793, - "page_end": 793, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Available (usable) capacity\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 791, - "page_end": 791, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "License key file\nA file that contains one or more licensed keys.", - "page_start": 800, - "page_end": 800, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf", - "query": "What is the most restricive Creative Common licence ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "CC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 8 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CC LICENSE CAN'T BE USED FOR …\nfair use, fair dealing, or some other limitation and exception to copyright applies the the work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What Is Creative Commons?\nCreative Commons is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting an open and accessible Internet that is enriched with free knowledge and creative resources for people around the world to use, share, and cultivate.\nOur easy-to-use licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work - on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you change your copyright terms from the default of 'all rights reserved' to 'some rights reserved.'\nMillions of people use CC licenses on some of the world's most popular platforms for user-generated content. When you use a CC license to share your photos, videos, or blog, your creation joins a globally accessible pool of resources that includes the work of artists, educators, scientists, and governments.\nCreative Commons has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this guide using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.\nPublic domain works are valuable because anyone can freely build upon, enhance, and reuse them for any purposes without restriction under copyright or database law.\nThat's why it's important for creators to have a clear and legally robust way to place their works in the public domain as completely as possible, and it's also important for publishers and archives to have a standardized way to identify works that are already in the public domain.\nCreative Commons supports two distinct public domain tools, the CC0 Public Domain Dedication and the Public Domain Mark . Creative Commons copyright licenses help authors manage their copyright on terms they choose. Conversely, CC0 enables authors and copyright owners who want to dedicate their works to the worldwide public domain to do so, and PDM facilitates the labeling and discovery of works that are already free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Anna Tumadóttir, CEO\nThe first CC License was created in 2002. Today, we boast six CC Licenses and two public domain tools, setting a global standard for sharing.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REMIND THAT…\nCC license only applicable to the work that is within the scope of copyright law. CC license can be used when …\nyou want to give others permissions to freely copy and redistribute your work, and\nyou want to give others permission to freely transform, alter, or otherwise create derivative works based on your work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About Us\nCreative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy. Since 2002, the CC Licenses have served as an alternative to traditional copyright, providing a simple, standardized, and legal way for individuals and institutions to freely share images, music, research, educational resources, and cultural artifacts.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "THREE-LAYER DESIGN\nCreative Commons (CC) license has three layers:\n\"Legal Code\" (base layer): contains terms and conditions to be used by lawyers and legally applicable in court.\n\"Human Readable\" (commons deeds): contain the summary of the legal code and key terms.\n\"Machine Readable\": contains HTML or codes for machines to recognize a work is available under a Creative Commons license.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Permissively licensed works\nThere are books that have been permissively licensed in an easily identifiable way, such as works placed under Creative Commons (CC) licenses. Such works explicitly allow particular uses of works subject to various responsibilities (e.g., requiring attribution by the user in their follow-on use).\nWhile such works could be candidates for inclusion in a books data commons, their inclusion depends on whether the license's terms can be complied with in the context of AI training. For instance, in the context of CC licensed works, there are requirements for proper attribution across all licenses (the CC tools Public Domain Dedication (CC0) and Public Domain Mark (PDM) are not licenses and do not require attribution). 18", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SIX LICENSES\nCC BY (\"Attribution\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form) as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-SA (\"Attribution-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form), as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-NC (\"Attribution-NonCommercial\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-SA (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-ND (\"Attribution-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Licensing\nThis document is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. I typically distribute it as a PDF but if you want to make your own version send me an email and I will send you the Word version. For details on licensing see:\nhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf", - "query": "In which case CC licence can't be used ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "fair use, fair dealing, or some other limitation and exception to copyright applies the the work.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "CC LICENSE CAN'T BE USED FOR …\nfair use, fair dealing, or some other limitation and exception to copyright applies the the work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REMIND THAT…\nCC license only applicable to the work that is within the scope of copyright law. CC license can be used when …\nyou want to give others permissions to freely copy and redistribute your work, and\nyou want to give others permission to freely transform, alter, or otherwise create derivative works based on your work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SIX LICENSES\nCC BY (\"Attribution\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form) as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-SA (\"Attribution-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form), as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-NC (\"Attribution-NonCommercial\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-SA (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-ND (\"Attribution-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Permissively licensed works\nThere are books that have been permissively licensed in an easily identifiable way, such as works placed under Creative Commons (CC) licenses. Such works explicitly allow particular uses of works subject to various responsibilities (e.g., requiring attribution by the user in their follow-on use).\nWhile such works could be candidates for inclusion in a books data commons, their inclusion depends on whether the license's terms can be complied with in the context of AI training. For instance, in the context of CC licensed works, there are requirements for proper attribution across all licenses (the CC tools Public Domain Dedication (CC0) and Public Domain Mark (PDM) are not licenses and do not require attribution). 18", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Anna Tumadóttir, CEO\nThe first CC License was created in 2002. Today, we boast six CC Licenses and two public domain tools, setting a global standard for sharing.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consent for publication\nNot applicable.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Licensing\nThis document is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. I typically distribute it as a PDF but if you want to make your own version send me an email and I will send you the Word version. For details on licensing see:\nhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Training in how to use CC Licenses is key to their adoption.\nWe offer a ten-week CC Certificate program that is now tailored not only to the education and library sectors, but also galleries, archives, libraries, and museums and available in 10 languages .\nAs of 2023, we've certified:\n1,705 Graduates\n65 Countries", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf", - "query": "In how many regions the Republic Services operations are organized ?", - "target_page": 9, - "target_passage": "As of December 31, 2004, our operations were organized into five regions whose boundaries may change from time to time: Eastern, Central, Southern, Southwestern and Western.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Corporate Headquarters\n110 SE 6th Street, 28th Floor, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Phone: (954) 769-2400 · Fax: (954) 769-2664 · www.republicservices.com\n©2005, RITM, LLC\nRepublic Services and Republic Services, Inc. names and logos are service marks of RITM, LLC", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Geographic segments\nThe Santos Group operates primarily in Australia but also has international operations in the United States, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Egypt.\nAnnual Report 2004", - "page_start": 81, - "page_end": 81, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC.\nBy: /s/\nJAMES E. O'CONNOR\nJames E. O'Connor Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive OÇcer (principal executive oÇcer)", - "page_start": 100, - "page_end": 100, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHENTEL SERVICE AREAS", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Customers\nWe provide services to commercial, industrial, municipal and residential customers. No one customer has individually accounted for more than 10% of our consolidated revenue or of our reportable segment revenue in any of the last three years.\n8", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Report of Management on Republic Services, Inc.'s Internal Control Over Financial Reporting\nManagement's assessment of the eÅectiveness of our internal control over Ñnancial reporting has been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting Ñrm, as stated in their report which is included herein.\n87", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "10. SEGMENT INFORMATION\nThe Company's operations are managed and evaluated through Ñve regions: Eastern, Central, Southern, Southwestern and Western. These Ñve regions are presented below as the Company's reportable segments. These reportable segments provide integrated waste management services consisting of collection, transfer and disposal of domestic non-hazardous solid waste.\nSummarized Ñnancial information concerning the Company's reportable segments for the respective years ended December 31 is shown in the following table:", - "page_start": 87, - "page_end": 87, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Geographic Information\nThe operations of the Group are located in only one geographic location, North America. All revenue is generated from sales to customers located in North America.\nRevenue from one major customer exceeded 10 percent of Group consolidated revenue for the year ended 31 December 2014 and accounted for 65 percent (2013: four major customers accounted for 47 percent, 15 percent, 10 percent and 10 percent) of our consolidated oil, natural gas and NGL revenues.\n- 93 -", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PART VII\nQuarterly Results & Q4 Operations\n57", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Overview of Our Business\nOur operations are managed and reviewed through Ñve regions which we designate as our reportable segments. From 2003 to 2004, operating income increased in our Eastern, Southern and Western regions due to an overall increase in revenue resulting from the successful execution of our growth strategy. In the Central region, increased revenue was oÅset by weak economic conditions and an increase in costs related to the longhaul transport of waste by third-party vendors. In the Southwestern region, revenue growth was impeded by the closure of a landÑll and the completion of a special waste contract during 2003. The decrease in costs for Corporate Entities from 2003 to 2004 is primarily due to a decrease in self-insurance expense.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf", - "query": "What was one of the seminal moment of 2004 for MGM MIRAGE ?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": "The announcement of the merger between MGM MIRAGE and Mandalay Resort Group was one of the seminal moments of 2004", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "MGM MIRAGE 2004 ANNUAL REPORT", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2004 Revenue Mix\nCasino\nRooms\nFood & Beverage\nEntertainment, Retail,\n& Other\nSKYLOFTS MGM Grand A private sanctuary of sleek, elegant two-story accommodations, offering discerning guests the quintessential loft environment - harmonizing design, décor, ambiance and unparalleled vistas.\nBELLAGIO SPA Unique design elements, combined with an international array of innovative treatments and specially trained therapists, provide the ultimate indulgent experience.\nTEATRO MGM Grand A new genre of Las Vegas nightlife where European club influences permeate. DJs spin jazz/ house throughout the evening, giving way to an energetic after-hours vibe with live catwalk entertainment.\nKÀ The most spectacular production ever, by a troupe renowned for its pageantry. Cirque du Soleil's KÀ debuted at a new theatre at MGM Grand in the fourth quarter of 2004.\nWhat exactly is a defining moment? Try a multi-billion dollar project centered in the heart of Las Vegas.\nwide array of community needs. From homeless shelters to after-school programs, MGM MIRAGE employees have generously donated more than $8 million since 2001.\nYour company also sets aside a portion of its profits each year to be given to important programs intended to build stronger communities. Since 2001, your company has given more than $18 million to support such programs.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ACHIEVING MOMENTOUS RESULTS\nJAMES J. MURREN President, CFO & Treasurer\nGAMAL AZIZ President, MGM Grand\nGLENN BONNER Senior VP & CIO, MGM MIRAGE Information Systems\nGEORGE R. BOYER III President, MGM Grand Detroit\nJOSEPH BRUNINI President, MGM Grand Resorts National Marketing\nJEFF DAHL President, Beau Rivage\no some, momentum is intangible - a product of fortune, a power that cannot be harnessed, and typically a short-lived sensation. Others wonder how they lost their momentum. At MGM MIRAGE, we are constantly thinking of better ways to maximize it. We believe momentum is a product of effort and excellence, a force which can be observed and measured, and something that can be a lasting and defining quality of a great company. Our 2004 results are a clear reminder of the power of moving forward. Our financial policies have long been designed to create and maintain momentum. By investing in our best assets and thinking of new ways to add value to our shareholders, we are able to redefine our Company's place in history every year - and 2004 was a defining time even by our exacting standards. T\nSo how did we get here? Last year, we discussed the importance of focus, and the laser-like precision with which we operated our resorts in 2004 affirms the power of our single-minded dedication to excellence. The hard work of our 40,000 employees resulted in a record year in almost every regard. Net revenues increased 10% over 2003 to a record $4.2 billion, with 12% REVPAR growth at our Las Vegas resorts; property-level EBITDA was an all-time record, nearly $1.5 billion, and 23% higher than the prior year. We exceeded the expectations of every market observer, and significantly beat our forecasts. And 2004 will not be a zenith year for your company - rather, we expect to continue our excellent operating performance, re-invest the resulting cash flow to stimulate future growth and move forward to new defining moments.\nHow do we re-define a company that is already at the top of its industry? First, we continue to execute on our vision for our existing resorts - to continually evolve and increase the 'Wow!' factor for our guests. This strategy requires investment, and we will ensure that our resorts are not only world-class, but best-in-class. Examples include the beautiful Spa Tower at Bellagio and KÀ , the latest spectacular creation in collaboration with Cirque du Soleil.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MGM MIRAGE\n3600 Las Vegas Blvd South Las Vegas, NV 89109 1-702-693-7120 www.mgmmirage.com", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 79, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MGM GRAND DETROIT\nPresident George Boyer epitomizes the company's commitment to corporate social responsibility. Boyer reads to a child at the Northwest Community Center in Detroit during an after-school mentoring program funded by the Voice Foundation.\nMGM MIRAGE supports a variety of programs to further educational aspirations of both students and employees, including tuition reimbursement for employees, scholarships for children of employees, and on-site GED, naturalization and English-asa-second-language (ESL) classes.\nGiving back to the communities in which MGM MIRAGE operates its businesses and where our employees live, work, and care for their families is a serious and dedicated commitment.\nMGM MIRAGE employee Christina Fuentes embraces a child during an event to benefit the Variety Day Home's Emergency Childcare Assistance Program in Las Vegas, one of the many programs supported by MGM MIRAGE to support the well-being of children. The program helps underwrite childcare assistance for low-income working parents.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ACHIEVING MOMENTOUS RESULTS\nRecently, we opened the SKYLOFTS, a new level of luxury for guests atop MGM Grand Las Vegas.\nWe'll follow the success of these new resort features with a category-defining new nightclub at The Mirage, two fabulous restaurants by Joël Robuchon at MGM Grand Las Vegas and gaming upgrades company-wide. Second, we are doubling down on Las Vegas by merging with Mandalay, a company we have long admired. The Mandalay merger represents a tremendous opportunity to build on the momentum established by Mike Ensign and his team. And third, we are dreaming of a not-so-distant future, when\nAL FACCINTO President, MGM MIRAGE International Marketing\nALAN FELDMAN Senior VP Public Affairs, MGM MIRAGE\nBRUCE GEBHARDT Senior VP, MGM MIRAGE Global Security\nWILLIAM J. HORNBUCKLE President & COO, MGM MIRAGE Europe\nPHYLLIS JAMES Senior VP & Senior Counsel, MGM MIRAGE\nProject CityCenter will literally redefine the Las Vegas Strip and change the face of Las Vegas forever.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Mandalay in Motion\nWe are incredibly excited to begin our journey with the talented people of Mandalay, as we work to maximize the value of Mandalay's instantly recognized brands and worldclass resorts. Long a fixture in Las Vegas, Mandalay's resorts will add to our premium portfolio and allow us to accelerate the pace of our growth. Our hotel people will be able to market a wider range of rooms and benefit from a world-class\nconvention center. Our casino marketing people will be able to offer their customers wonderful new amenities to expand our market reach. And our development people will be able to maximize the potential of priceless Las Vegas Strip land.\nThe Mandalay merger represents another defining moment for MGM MIRAGE, much like the Mirage Resorts transaction in 2000, at a time when Las Vegas is in a state of astounding metamorphosis. No company is better positioned to help shape the future of Las Vegas than MGM MIRAGE. We employ more people, invest more money and hold more prime real estate than any other company in Las Vegas. The\n15\n16\n(from left to right) ROBERT C. SELWOOD Senior Vice PresidentAccounting; JAMES J. MURREN President, CFO & Treasurer; BRYAN L. WRIGHT Senior Vice President - Assistant General Counsel & Assistant Secretary; DANIEL J. D'ARRIGO Senior Vice President-Finance", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "No company is better positioned to help shape the future of Las Vegas than MGM MIRAGE.\nCYNTHIA KISER MURPHEY Senior VP, MGM MIRAGE Human Resources\nWILLIAM MCBEATH President, The Mirage\nROBERT V. MOON Chairman, MGM MIRAGE Marketing\nFELIX D. RAPPAPORT President, New York-New York\nPUNAM MATHUR Senior VP, MGM MIRAGE Diversity/Community Relations\ncombination of Mandalay's assets with our financial strength and industry-leading financial discipline will yield significant returns for all of our stakeholders.\nWe are currently planning the integration of the two companies, and over time, we expect to realize the full potential of cost and revenue synergies. We will report on our progress throughout the coming year.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2004 (326)\nJosh Young\nDavid Zerger\nSteve Zmek", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DEFINING MOMENTS OF MGM MIRAGE\n96 19\nTHE NEW YORK-NEW YORK SKYLINE BECOMES\nA TOWERING PRESENCE IN THE PORTFOLIO. We acquired Primadonna Resorts to gain full ownership of the spectacular New York-New York as well as three hotel-casinos on the Nevada state line and two championship golf courses.\nIT ALL BEGINS WITH MGM GRAND. MGM Grand, the largest hotel-casino in the world, opened to great fanfare. 'The City of Entertainment' redefined the urban resort and provided the foundation for our company's momentous growth.\nBELLAGIO ADDS A JEWEL TO THE FAMILY CROWN. The Mirage Resorts merger provided outstanding resorts, people and land, and has propelled our earnings and provided an unparalleled platform for future growth.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf", - "query": " What are the most significant piece of undeveloped land remaining on the Las Vegas Strip ?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "W RESIDENTIAL In lofts, brown stones and high-rise buildings, residential options abound to populate the new city and ener gize the surrounding areas. e have been working for some time on con ceiving the best use of the 66 acres between Monte Carlo and Bellagio, the most significant piece of undeveloped land remaining on the Las Vegas Strip.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "SETTING THE FUTURE IN MOTION\nRESIDENTIAL In lofts, brownstones and high-rise buildings, residential options abound to populate the new city and energize the surrounding areas.\nENTERTAINMENT From street performers to Broadway shows, our entertainment will evoke the best of New York or London.\ne have been working for some time on conceiving the best use of the 66 acres between Monte Carlo and Bellagio, the most significant piece of undeveloped land remaining on the Las Vegas Strip. We certainly could have come up with a spectacular casino-hotel. But, the truth is, Las Vegas is ready for so much more. W\nAs the city eclipses two million residents on its way to passing three million by the end of the decade, and with land prices on the Strip soaring, it has become clear that there is a much better and higher use for this location. As Las Vegas marks its Centennial, Project CityCenter stands as a defining moment for development in this fabled city.\nProject CityCenter represents a new era of the urban complex, one that encompasses tourism, entertainment, gaming, retail and residential elements. Only MGM MIRAGE has the momentum - financially, intellectually and professionally - to effectively develop such a project.\nThe signature building within Project CityCenter is the 4,000-room hotel-casino. The internationally acclaimed architect Cesar Pelli has been commissioned to design this iconic structure. Pelli's initial concept drawing defines a new generation of urban landscape for the Las Vegas Strip, one which includes gaming at its economic center but not as an emotional centerpiece.\nProject CityCenter will provide the momentum for the next era of amazing growth for your company and Las Vegas.\nTHE SITE Located in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip, Project CityCenter will dwarf every development that preceded it. Its 66 acres will include a 4,000-room hotel-casino and three boutique hotels.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Next Moment - A City is Born\nWhat makes a great city? Las Vegas has long been recognized as the leisure capital of the world. The resorts in our valley have been the innovative leaders in the hospitality industry and have driven the tremendous growth in visitor volume, high occupancy rates and surging food, beverage, entertainment and gaming volumes. But there is another Las Vegas - a community of two million residents on its way to three million by the end of the decade. Las Vegas is leading the U.S. migration to the Southwest. Our newcomers are attracted by the lifestyle, weather, cost of living and economic opportunity. Many have come from cities in the East, West and Midwest and take elements of established communities for granted, such as medical, educational and cultural excellence and diversity.\nThe people of Las Vegas today have great aspirations and\nexpect and demand more of our community. We are a city without a proper city, and that is about to change. Ambitious plans are underway to revitalize Downtown Las Vegas, centered around a beautiful performing arts center and an academic medical center; UNLV is in the midst of a major capital campaign to enhance the Midtown section of Las Vegas; and your company has embarked on the most comprehensive project to date - Project CityCenter, at the heart of the Las Vegas Strip.\nThe Las Vegas Strip has no sense of city now - but we believe it can. The future of Las Vegas is centered around our great resorts and our future development. There are many reasons we believe Project CityCenter is the right project for our Las Vegas Strip development. We believe there is a social imperative that Las Vegas mature as a city, not just a conglomeration of suburbs. A city deserves a center - a center for living, working and playing. We want to be an integral part in defining the Las Vegas of the future.\nAnd there is a business motivation. Companies in the gaming industry have historically not been valued on par with other hospitality companies and mixed-use real estate companies. We plan to break out of the gaming mold, and define a company based on extensive holdings in multiple businesses. Project CityCenter will include major residential, retail and entertainment components. We will partner with boutique\nSCOTT SIBELLA President, TI\nhotel, retail and residential companies, companies previously serving only major urban hubs. And CityCenter will ensure the greatest possible return on our investment on this Las Vegas Strip land.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SOON, A SPECTACULAR NEW CITY WILL RISE.\nProject CityCenter - an ambitious multi-dimensional urban plan - will contribute to the remarkable transformation of Las Vegas as an emerging city of global significance.\n20\n00\n04 20", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS\nBELLAGIO underwent a significant expansion during 2004 resulting in the opening of the Spa Tower and several important new amenities at this AAA Five Diamond property. Bellagio remains Las Vegas' first and only hotel-casino to receive this prestigious recognition. These new additions add dimension and depth to the world-famous experience awaiting guests at Bellagio.\nMGM GRAND LAS VEGAS completed a transformation, begun in 2003, of its food and beverage and entertainment offerings. MGM Grand is one of the must-see attractions of Las Vegas, with Cirque du Soleil's newest production, KA ' TM , and several of the Strip's finest restaurants and hottest nightspots. 18 .0 %\nTI 's transformation was no less extensive, as the property's management team conceived and implemented a program to enliven the property with new restaurants and nightlife.\nTHE MIRAGE was the site of a revolution in Las Vegas' history as the venerable buffet was given new life as a top dining establishment, Cravings. Others may follow this lead, but The Mirage was the first property to breathe new life into what remained of the last bastion of 'old' Las Vegas.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Future Developments\nDetroit, Michigan. MGM Grand Detroit, LLC, in which we hold a controlling interest, has operated an interim casino facility in Detroit, Michigan since July 1999. In August 2002, the Detroit City Council approved revised development agreements with us and two other developers. The revised development agreement released us and the City from certain of the obligations under the original agreement and significantly changed other provisions of the original agreement. We are currently in the process of obtaining land and developing plans for the permanent facility. The design, budget and schedule of the permanent facility are not finalized, and the ultimate timing, cost and scope of the facility are subject to risks attendant to large-scale projects.\nThe ability to construct the permanent casino facility is currently subject to resolution of the Lac Vieux litigation. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued an injunction prohibiting the City and the developers from commencing construction pending further action of the 6th Circuit Court. Therefore, we do not know when we will be able to commence construction of, or complete, the permanent facility.\n29\n30", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Restructuring costs (credit) consisted of the following:\n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = -. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . ., 2004 = 1,135. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . ., 2003 = 4,049. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . ., 2002 = -. , 2004 = $ 8,665. , 2003 = $ (18,941). , 2002 = $ 14,712\nIn 2004, there were no material unusual property transactions. In 2003, we sold 315 acres of land in North Las Vegas, Nevada near Shadow Creek for approximately $55 million, resulting in the $37 million gain reflected above. Prior to 2003, we classified gains and losses on routine assets sales or disposals as a non-operating item at some resorts and as an operating item at other resorts. We believe the preferable presentation of these items is as an element of operating income. Prior period statements have not been reclassified as such transactions were not material in periods prior to 2003. Until 2003, demolition costs were typically capitalized as part of new construction. We began expensing demolition costs on major construction projects as incurred on January 1, 2003, and are accounting for this change in policy prospectively. Demolition costs were not material in periods prior to 2003. Demolition costs in 2004 and 2003 related primarily to preparation for the Bellagio standard room remodel, Bellagio expansion and new theatre at MGM Grand Las Vegas. Impairments of assets to be disposed of in 2003 consisted primarily of assets related to the former EFX! show and restaurants closed during 2003 at MGM Grand Las Vegas.\nIn 2002, Tropical Storm Isidore caused property damage at Beau Rivage totaling $8 million, including clean-up costs. The amount of the write-down for damaged assets was determined based on the net book value of the assets and engineering estimates. In connection with the revised development agreement in Detroit, we wrote off $5 million, which was the net book value of previously incurred development costs associated with the riverfront permanent casino site ($9 million), offset by previously accrued obligations no longer required under the revised development agreement ($4 million).", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Restructuring costs (credit) consisted of the following:\nGain on sale of North Las Vegas land . . . . . . . . . . . $, 2004 = -. Gain on sale of North Las Vegas land . . . . . . . . . . . $, 2003 = $ (36,776). Gain on sale of North Las Vegas land . . . . . . . . . . . $, 2002 = $ -. Siegfried & Roy theatre write-down - The Mirage . . ., 2004 = -. Siegfried & Roy theatre write-down - The Mirage . . ., 2003 = 1,408. Siegfried & Roy theatre write-down - The Mirage . . ., 2002 = -. Storm damage - Beau Rivage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = -. Storm damage - Beau Rivage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2003 = -. Storm damage - Beau Rivage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = 7,824. Write-off of Detroit development costs . . . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = -. Write-off of Detroit development costs . . . . . . . . . . ., 2003 = -. Write-off of Detroit development costs . . . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = 4,754. Impairment of assets to be disposed of . . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = 473. Impairment of assets to be disposed of . . . . . . . . . ., 2003 = 5,764. Impairment of assets to be disposed of . . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = 2,134. Demolition costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2004 = 7,057. Demolition costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2003 = 6,614. Demolition costs", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Property transactions, net consisted of the following:\n., 2002 = -. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . . ., 2004 = 1,135. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . . ., 2003 = 4,049. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . . ., 2002 = -. , 2004 = $ 8,665. , 2003 = $ (18,941). , 2002 = $ 14,712\nIn 2004, there were no material unusual property transactions. In 2003 the Company sold 315 acres of land in North Las Vegas, Nevada near Shadow Creek for approximately $55 million, which resulted in a pretax gain of approximately $37 million. Also in 2003, the Company recorded write-downs and impairments of assets abandoned or replaced with new construction, primarily at MGM Grand Las Vegas in preparation for new restaurants and the new theatre. Prior to 2003, the Company classified gains and losses on routine asset sales or disposals as a non-operating item at some resorts and as an operating item at other resorts. Management believes the preferable presentation of these items is as an element of operating income. Prior period statements have not been reclassified as such transactions were not material in the prior periods. Until 2003, demolition costs were typically capitalized as part of new construction. The Company began expensing demolition costs on major construction projects as incurred on January 1, 2003, and is accounting for this change in policy prospectively. Demolition costs were not material in prior periods. Demolition costs in 2004 and 2003 relate primarily to preparation for the Bellagio standard room remodel, Bellagio expansion and new theatre at MGM Grand Las Vegas.\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nIn 2002, Tropical Storm Isidore caused property damage at Beau Rivage totaling $8 million, including clean-up costs. The amount of the write-down for damaged assets was determined based on the net book value of the assets and engineering estimates. In connection with the revised development agreement in Detroit, the Company wrote off $5 million, which was the net book value of previously incurred development costs associated with the riverfront permanent casino site ($9 million), offset by previously accrued obligations no longer required under the revised development agreement ($4 million). Also in 2002, the Company recorded write-downs and impairments of assets abandoned or replaced with new construction.", - "page_start": 74, - "page_end": 74, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "'Your company has undergone several defining moments throughout its history.'\nrom its roots some 35 years ago with the opening of the International Hotel, we have played a leading role in continuously redefining the Las Vegas experience. F\nWe announced two significant initiatives in 2004 that, taken together, give your company unrivaled momentum to set industry standards for creativity, performance and responsibility for decades to come.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Defining Momentum for Las Vegas\nOur merger agreement with Mandalay Resort Group and our plans to develop Project CityCenter on the Las Vegas Strip are among the most significant announcements in Las Vegas history. As this fabled city begins its second hundred years, MGM MIRAGE is positioned like no other company to take advantage of unsurpassed growth opportunities in the most dynamic gaming and entertainment market in the world.\nProject CityCenter will uniquely re-position Las Vegas like no other project before it. Far more than simply another casino-hotel, Project CityCenter encompasses a\nBELLAGIO SPA TOWER The quintessential luxury hotel is now even more opulent. This expansion includes 928 rooms and suites, 80,000 square feet of convention space, retail outlets, and restaurants.\nmyriad of elements that will propel Las Vegas into a new generation of urban sophistication.\nWhile additional details of this extraordinary development will come in the months ahead, I am pleased to tell you that we have secured the services of the internationally acclaimed architect Cesar Pelli to design our anchor resort at the heart of Project CityCenter.\nCesar Pelli & Associates has worked with corporate, government and private clients to design major public spaces, museums, airports, research centers, performing arts centers, academic buildings, hotels, office and residential towers and mixed-use projects.\nThe work of Cesar Pelli is not constrained by a personal style or a signature that would limit his architecture; instead, it celebrates the unique characteristics of each project. Using this approach, he has designed several exceptional buildings in the United States and abroad.\nWe are very excited about our partnership with Mr. Pelli and his colleagues and believe they will deliver for MGM MIRAGE and the residents of Southern Nevada a building of iconic stature around the world.\nSHIBUYA MGM GRAND Designed by superstar team Yabu Pushelberg, Shibuya features stellar sushi and the widest sake selection this side of the Pacific, all served in a sleek, airy ambiance.\nCRAVINGS THE MIRAGE The zenith of all-you-can-eat. Designed by Adam Tihany, Cravings boasts 11 cooking stations, a street of unique restaurants, and an array of temptations in what's unquestionably the ultimate buffet dining experience.\nJ. TERRENCE LANNI Chairman & Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf", - "query": "Which events negatively impacted leisure travel and MCM Mirage high-end gaming business in late 2002 and early 2003 ?", - "target_page": 32, - "target_passage": "The war with Iraq and the outbreak of SARS in Asia, both of which negatively impacted leisure travel and our high-end gaming business in late 2002 and early 2003", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "(In thousands)\namortization . . . . . . . . ., % Change = 5%. Depreciation and amortization . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = 381,785. , 2004 = 3,406,902. , % Change = 6%. , 2003 = 3,216,626. , % Change = 6%. , 2002 = 3,042,751. Income from unconsolidated affiliates . ., 2004 = 119,658. Income from unconsolidated affiliates . ., % Change = 123%. Income from unconsolidated affiliates . ., 2003 = 53,612. Income from unconsolidated affiliates . ., % Change = 66%. Income from unconsolidated affiliates . ., 2002 = 32,361. Operating income . . . . . . . ., 2004 = $ 950,860. Operating income . . . . . . . ., % Change = 36%. Operating income . . . . . . . ., 2003 = $ 699,729. Operating income . . . . . . . ., % Change = (6%). Operating income . . . . . . . ., 2002 = $ 746,538\nOn a consolidated basis, the most important factors and trends contributing to our operating performance over the last three years have been:\n· The war with Iraq and the outbreak of SARS in Asia, both of which negatively impacted leisure travel and our high-end gaming business in late 2002 and early 2003;\n· The new labor contract covering our Las Vegas Strip employees since mid-2002, which calls for significant annual wage and benefits increases through 2007;\n· The current economic recovery in the United States, which began to impact our operations in the latter half of 2003 and continued to positively affect our results in 2004.\nManagement's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations\n· The ongoing capital investments in upscale amenities at our resorts, which we believe is allowing us to market more effectively to visitors, capture a greater share of these visitors' increased travel budgets, and generate premium pricing for our resorts' rooms and other amenities.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(In thousands)\nAs a result of the above trends, our net revenues increased 10% in 2004, while increasing only 3% in 2003. Net revenues at MGM Grand Las Vegas increased 14% in 2004, due to the addition of several new restaurants, bars and other amenities, and in spite of fewer rooms in service due to room remodel activity. Net revenues at New York-New York increased 26% as the resort continues to benefit from Zumanity and Nine Fine Irishmen, both of which opened in summer 2003. Net revenues at The Mirage decreased 2% as the resort was without the Siegfried & Roy show and the buffet was closed for a portion of the year while Cravings was constructed.\nOur operating income in 2004 increased 36%, due primarily to the strong revenue trends and a full year of Borgata's results. The increase in income from unconsolidated affiliates is responsible for approximately one-third of the increase in operating income, while improvements at our operating resorts, particularly Bellagio, MGM Grand Las Vegas and New York-New York, make up the rest of the increase. Operating income at MGM Grand Detroit was essentially flat year-overyear, despite an increase in the gaming tax rate from 18% to 24% effective September 2004. Several other factors largely offset: Higher corporate expense due to increased development costs; lower bad debt expense due to improved collections; lower preopening expenses due to Borgata preopening expenses in 2003; and higher property transactions, net due to a $37 million gain on sale of land in 2003.\nIn 2003, our operating income decreased by 6%. While revenues grew especially in the second half of 2003, expense growth, particularly in payroll, outpaced revenues.\nTable games revenues increased as a result of the improvements in the U.S. economy and the general economy worldwide, as well as increased attendance at targeted marketing events, including the New Years period. Total table games volume for the year was up 9%, with particular strength in baccarat volume, up 18%. These are the most significant increases in table games volumes since 2000. Table games revenues decreased in 2003, as a slightly lower hold percentage and the impact of the Iraq war and SARS outbreak in early 2003 were not fully offset by strong volume levels over the latter half of 2003. Table games win percentages were within our normal range for all periods presented.", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Defining Momentum for Our Industry\nThe gaming industry in America is maturing, and international expansion, while exciting in select markets, remains challenging. As a result, your company has pursued a growth strategy that calls for maximizing the assets we currently own and seeking prudent development opportunities and strategic acquisitions.\nUpon completion of our merger with Mandalay, MGM MIRAGE will be the world's leading gaming and leisure company. The combination will result in a wellcapitalized company uniquely situated to invest in its current portfolio in addition to creating new projects in the United States and around the world.\nWe believe this is an outstanding transaction for the shareholders of both companies. With this acquisition, we will own, operate and have investments\nin 28 properties throughout Nevada, Mississippi, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey.\nThe combined company will have an asset portfolio which includes some of the most widely recognized brand names in the world. These properties cater to a broad customer base, ranging from value-oriented to the ultrahigh end. Each resort provides a unique customer experience through its specific personality and combination of amenities.\nFIX BELLAGIO Classic American fare using the freshest fish, meat, and poultry cooked to order on a wood-burning grill. Costa Rican Padouk wood inspires a warm environment in a unique, vibrant design.\nWe also will have at Mandalay Bay the fifth largest convention center in the United States, providing the company with a great resource to further develop the business travel and convention market.\nBut the bricks and mortar tell only part of the story of this transaction. At the heart of Mandalay is its people. Mandalay employees at all levels are energetic and talented and will be a tremendous asset to us. Together, we will become a family in excess of 70,000 people committed to delivering the best possible experiences for our guests. The transaction also will create unparalleled opportunities for our entire family of employees.\nIn short, this groundbreaking transaction creates unstoppable momentum for all stakeholders in the MGM MIRAGE family.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Restructuring costs (credit) consisted of the following:\n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2002 = -. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . ., 2004 = 1,135. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . ., 2003 = 4,049. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . ., 2002 = -. , 2004 = $ 8,665. , 2003 = $ (18,941). , 2002 = $ 14,712\nIn 2004, there were no material unusual property transactions. In 2003, we sold 315 acres of land in North Las Vegas, Nevada near Shadow Creek for approximately $55 million, resulting in the $37 million gain reflected above. Prior to 2003, we classified gains and losses on routine assets sales or disposals as a non-operating item at some resorts and as an operating item at other resorts. We believe the preferable presentation of these items is as an element of operating income. Prior period statements have not been reclassified as such transactions were not material in periods prior to 2003. Until 2003, demolition costs were typically capitalized as part of new construction. We began expensing demolition costs on major construction projects as incurred on January 1, 2003, and are accounting for this change in policy prospectively. Demolition costs were not material in periods prior to 2003. Demolition costs in 2004 and 2003 related primarily to preparation for the Bellagio standard room remodel, Bellagio expansion and new theatre at MGM Grand Las Vegas. Impairments of assets to be disposed of in 2003 consisted primarily of assets related to the former EFX! show and restaurants closed during 2003 at MGM Grand Las Vegas.\nIn 2002, Tropical Storm Isidore caused property damage at Beau Rivage totaling $8 million, including clean-up costs. The amount of the write-down for damaged assets was determined based on the net book value of the assets and engineering estimates. In connection with the revised development agreement in Detroit, we wrote off $5 million, which was the net book value of previously incurred development costs associated with the riverfront permanent casino site ($9 million), offset by previously accrued obligations no longer required under the revised development agreement ($4 million).", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Property transactions, net consisted of the following:\n., 2002 = -. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . . ., 2004 = 1,135. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . . ., 2003 = 4,049. Other net losses on asset sales or disposals . . . . . . . ., 2002 = -. , 2004 = $ 8,665. , 2003 = $ (18,941). , 2002 = $ 14,712\nIn 2004, there were no material unusual property transactions. In 2003 the Company sold 315 acres of land in North Las Vegas, Nevada near Shadow Creek for approximately $55 million, which resulted in a pretax gain of approximately $37 million. Also in 2003, the Company recorded write-downs and impairments of assets abandoned or replaced with new construction, primarily at MGM Grand Las Vegas in preparation for new restaurants and the new theatre. Prior to 2003, the Company classified gains and losses on routine asset sales or disposals as a non-operating item at some resorts and as an operating item at other resorts. Management believes the preferable presentation of these items is as an element of operating income. Prior period statements have not been reclassified as such transactions were not material in the prior periods. Until 2003, demolition costs were typically capitalized as part of new construction. The Company began expensing demolition costs on major construction projects as incurred on January 1, 2003, and is accounting for this change in policy prospectively. Demolition costs were not material in prior periods. Demolition costs in 2004 and 2003 relate primarily to preparation for the Bellagio standard room remodel, Bellagio expansion and new theatre at MGM Grand Las Vegas.\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nIn 2002, Tropical Storm Isidore caused property damage at Beau Rivage totaling $8 million, including clean-up costs. The amount of the write-down for damaged assets was determined based on the net book value of the assets and engineering estimates. In connection with the revised development agreement in Detroit, the Company wrote off $5 million, which was the net book value of previously incurred development costs associated with the riverfront permanent casino site ($9 million), offset by previously accrued obligations no longer required under the revised development agreement ($4 million). Also in 2002, the Company recorded write-downs and impairments of assets abandoned or replaced with new construction.", - "page_start": 74, - "page_end": 74, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NOTE 1 - ORGANIZATION\nUntil July 2004, the Company owned and operated MGM Grand Australia and until January 2004, the Company owned and operated the Golden Nugget Las Vegas in downtown Las Vegas and the Golden Nugget Laughlin in Laughlin, Nevada (the 'Golden Nugget Subsidiaries'). Until June 2003, the Company operated PLAYMGMMIRAGE.com, the Company's online gaming website based in the Isle of Man. See Note 3 for further information regarding these discontinued operations. In the second quarter of 2002, the Company received proceeds of $11 million upon termination of management agreements covering four casinos in the Republic of South Africa. Prior to the termination, the Company managed three permanent casinos and one interim casino and received management fees from its partner, Tsogo Sun Gaming & Entertainment. The termination fee was recorded as part of other revenues in the accompanying consolidated statements of income.\nThe Company is actively seeking future development opportunities in the United Kingdom. In May 2003, the Company acquired a 25% interest in Metro Casinos Limited, a United Kingdom gaming company which operates a casino in Bristol. See Note 10 for discussion of other potential developments in the United Kingdom.\nIn June 2004, the Company entered into a joint venture agreement to develop, build and operate a hotel-casino resort in Macau S.A.R. The agreement is subject to, among other things, the approval of the government of Macau S.A.R., and other regulatory approvals, as well as the entry into a subconcession agreement with the holder of one of the existing concessions.", - "page_start": 55, - "page_end": 55, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations\nSlot revenues increased substantially in both 2003 and 2004. Improvements were the result of strong customer visitation, enhanced marketing programs, the impact of our Players Club rewards program, and the implementation of cashless gaming technology in 2003. Slot win percentages were consistent among all three periods.\nNon-casino revenue increased in 2004 primarily due to the enhanced amenities at our resorts. In addition, we were able to increase the pricing for our rooms and other non-gaming amenities. Our hotel results began to improve notably in the latter half of 2003, particularly at our Las Vegas Strip resorts. For the year ended December 31, 2004 REVPAR at our Las Vegas Strip resorts was $141 compared to $126 in 2003, an increase of 12%. Company-wide REVPAR was $121, an increase of 10% over 2003. This increase was largely rate driven, as occupancy increased from 91% to 92% and ADR increased from $121 to $132. In 2003, company-wide REVPAR increased 6% from $104 to $110, with most of the gains coming in the second half of the year.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ACHIEVING MOMENTOUS RESULTS\nJAMES J. MURREN President, CFO & Treasurer\nGAMAL AZIZ President, MGM Grand\nGLENN BONNER Senior VP & CIO, MGM MIRAGE Information Systems\nGEORGE R. BOYER III President, MGM Grand Detroit\nJOSEPH BRUNINI President, MGM Grand Resorts National Marketing\nJEFF DAHL President, Beau Rivage\no some, momentum is intangible - a product of fortune, a power that cannot be harnessed, and typically a short-lived sensation. Others wonder how they lost their momentum. At MGM MIRAGE, we are constantly thinking of better ways to maximize it. We believe momentum is a product of effort and excellence, a force which can be observed and measured, and something that can be a lasting and defining quality of a great company. Our 2004 results are a clear reminder of the power of moving forward. Our financial policies have long been designed to create and maintain momentum. By investing in our best assets and thinking of new ways to add value to our shareholders, we are able to redefine our Company's place in history every year - and 2004 was a defining time even by our exacting standards. T\nSo how did we get here? Last year, we discussed the importance of focus, and the laser-like precision with which we operated our resorts in 2004 affirms the power of our single-minded dedication to excellence. The hard work of our 40,000 employees resulted in a record year in almost every regard. Net revenues increased 10% over 2003 to a record $4.2 billion, with 12% REVPAR growth at our Las Vegas resorts; property-level EBITDA was an all-time record, nearly $1.5 billion, and 23% higher than the prior year. We exceeded the expectations of every market observer, and significantly beat our forecasts. And 2004 will not be a zenith year for your company - rather, we expect to continue our excellent operating performance, re-invest the resulting cash flow to stimulate future growth and move forward to new defining moments.\nHow do we re-define a company that is already at the top of its industry? First, we continue to execute on our vision for our existing resorts - to continually evolve and increase the 'Wow!' factor for our guests. This strategy requires investment, and we will ensure that our resorts are not only world-class, but best-in-class. Examples include the beautiful Spa Tower at Bellagio and KÀ , the latest spectacular creation in collaboration with Cirque du Soleil.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Mandalay in Motion\nWe are incredibly excited to begin our journey with the talented people of Mandalay, as we work to maximize the value of Mandalay's instantly recognized brands and worldclass resorts. Long a fixture in Las Vegas, Mandalay's resorts will add to our premium portfolio and allow us to accelerate the pace of our growth. Our hotel people will be able to market a wider range of rooms and benefit from a world-class\nconvention center. Our casino marketing people will be able to offer their customers wonderful new amenities to expand our market reach. And our development people will be able to maximize the potential of priceless Las Vegas Strip land.\nThe Mandalay merger represents another defining moment for MGM MIRAGE, much like the Mirage Resorts transaction in 2000, at a time when Las Vegas is in a state of astounding metamorphosis. No company is better positioned to help shape the future of Las Vegas than MGM MIRAGE. We employ more people, invest more money and hold more prime real estate than any other company in Las Vegas. The\n15\n16\n(from left to right) ROBERT C. SELWOOD Senior Vice PresidentAccounting; JAMES J. MURREN President, CFO & Treasurer; BRYAN L. WRIGHT Senior Vice President - Assistant General Counsel & Assistant Secretary; DANIEL J. D'ARRIGO Senior Vice President-Finance", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NOTE 3 - DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS\nIn June 2003, the Company entered into an agreement to sell the Golden Nugget Subsidiaries, including substantially all of the assets and liabilities of those resorts, for approximately $215 million, subject to certain working capital adjustments. This transaction closed in January 2004, with net proceeds to the Company of $210 million. Also in June 2003, the Company ceased operations of PLAYMGMMIRAGE.com, its online gaming website ('Online'). In February 2004, the Company entered into an agreement to sell the subsidiaries that own\nand operate MGM Grand Australia. This transaction closed in July 2004 with net proceeds to the Company of $136 million.\nThe results of the Golden Nugget Subsidiaries, Online and MGM Grand Australia are classified as discontinued operations in the accompanying consolidated statements of income for all periods presented. Net revenues of discontinued operations were $45 million, $231 million and $222 million, respectively, for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002. Included in income from discontinued operations is an allocation of interest expense based on the ratio of the net assets of the discontinued operations to the total consolidated net assets and debt of the Company. Interest allocated to discontinued operations was $2 million, $9 million and $9 million for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Included in discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 2003 is a loss on disposal of Online of $7 million relating primarily to unrecoverable costs of computer hardware and software. Included in the tax benefit from discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 2003 is $2 million of previously unrecognized tax benefits relating to prior year operating losses of Online. Included in discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 2004 is a gain on the sale of the Golden Nugget Subsidiaries of $8 million and a gain on sale of the MGM Grand Australia Subsidiaries of $74 million.", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf", - "query": "What possess all naval aviators ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "All Naval Aviators possess a natural interest in the basic aerodynamic factors which affect the performance of all aircraft. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "AERODYNAMICS FOR NAVAL AVIATORS\nUSAF AC'flVITlES-In accordance with Technical Order No. 00-5-1. NA VY ACTIVmE~UJe DO FORM U'\" and fllbmit in accordance with the inKruC:JiODi contained in NAVSUP PUB› LICATION -4'7-Military Standard Requilitioning and Issue Procedures. Fot information on othtl' available maurW Ind details of distribution refer to NAVSUP PUBLICATION 2002 SECTION VIII, PART c .. d NAVAIR OO·IOOA. '\nNAVAIR", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chapter 1 BASIC AERODYNAMKS\nIn order to understand the characteristics of his aircraft and develop precision flying techniques, the Naval Aviator must be familiar with the fundamentals of aerodynamics. There are certain physical laws which describe the behavior of airflow and define the various aerodynamic forces and moments acting on a surface. These principles of aerodynamics provide the foundations for good, precise flying techniques.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PREFACE\nThe purpose of this textbook is to present the elements of applied aerodynamics and aeronautical engineering which relate directly to the problems of flying operations. All Naval Aviators possess a natural interest in the basic aerodynamic factors which affect the performance of all aircraft. Due .to the increasing complexity of modern aircraft, this natural interest must be applied to develop a sound understanding of basic engineering principles and an appreciation of some of the more advanced problems of aerodynamics and engineering. The safety and effectiveness of flying operations will depend greatly on the understanding and appreciation of how and why an airplane flies. The principles of aerodynamics will provide the foundations for developing exacting and precise flying techniques and operational procedures.\nThe content of this textbook has been arranged to provide as complete as possible a reference for all phases of flying in Naval Aviation. Hence, the text material is applicable to the problems of flight training, transition training, and general flying operations. The manner of presentation throughout the text has been designed to provide the elements of both theory and application and will allow either directed or unassisted study. As a result, the text material'will be applicable to supplement formal class Iectures and briefings and provide reading material as a background for training and flying operations.\nMuch of the specialized mathematical detail of aerodynamics has been omitted wherever it was considered unnecessary in the field of flying operations. Also, many of the basic assumptions and limitations of certain parts of aerodynamic theory have been omitted for the sake of simplicity and clarity of presentation. In order to contend with these specific shortcomings, the Naval Aviator should rely on the assistance of certain specially qualified individuals within Naval Aviation. For example, graduate aeronautical engineers, graduates of the Test Pilot Training School at the Naval Air Test Center, graduates of the Naval Aviation Safety Officers Course, and technical representatives of the manufacturers are qualified to assist in interpreting and applying the more difficult parts of aerodynamics and aeronautical engineering. To be sure, the specialized qualifications of these individuals should be utilized wherever possible.\niii", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "APPLICATION OF AERODYNAMICS TO SPECIFBC PROW OF FLYING\nWhile the previous chapters have presented the detailed parts of the general field of aerodynamics, there remain various problems of flying which require the application of principles from many parts of aerodynamics. The application of aerodynamics to these various problems of flying will assist the Naval Aviator in understanding these problems and developing good flying techniques.\n349", - "page_start": 366, - "page_end": 366, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00-801-80 PREFACE\nThe majority of aircraft accidents are due to some type of error of the pilot. This fact has been true in the past and, unfortunately, most probably will be true in the future. Each Naval Aviator should strive to arm himself with knowledge, training, and exacting, professional attitudes and techniques. The fundamentals of aerodynamics as presented in this text will provide the knowledge and background for safe and effective flying operations. The flight handbooks for the aircraft will provide the particular techniques, procedures, and operating data which are necessary for each aircraft. Diligent study and continuous training are necessary to develop the professional skills and techniques for successful flying operations.\nThe author takes this opportunity to express appreciation to those who have assisted in the preparation of the manuscript. In particular, thanks are due to Mr. J. E. Fairchild for his assistance with the portions dealing with helicopter aerodynamics and roll coupling phenomena. Also, thanks are due to Mr. J. F. Detwiler and Mr. E. Dimitruk for their review of the text material.\nHUGH HARRISON HURT, Jr.\nAugust 1959 University of Southern California Los Angelesj Cnlif.\niv\nNAVWEPS OO-801-8O TABLE OF CONTENTS\nTABLE OF CONTENTS", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STATIC STABILITY\nAn aircraft is in a state of equilibrium when the sum of all forces and all moments is equal\nNAVWEPS 00-8OT-80 STABILITY AND CONTROL", - "page_start": 260, - "page_end": 261, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TO SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF FLYING\nAUTOROTATION CHARACTERISTICS. One of the unique characteristics of helicopters is their ability to take part of the energy of the airstream to keep the rotor turning and glide down to a landing with no power. Consideration of the rotor during a vertical autorotation will provide an understanding of why the rotor continues to rotate without power. During autorotation, the flow of air", - "page_start": 422, - "page_end": 422, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00-801-80 HIGH SPEED AERODYNAMICS\nChapter 3 HIGH SPEED AERODYNAMICS\nDevelopments in aircraft and powerplants have produced high performance airplanes with capabilities for very high speed flight. The study of aerodynamics at these very high flight speeds has many significant differences from the study of classical low speed aerodynamics. Therefore, it is quite necessary that the Naval Aviator be familiar with the nature of high speed airflow and the characteristics of high performance airplane configurations.", - "page_start": 218, - "page_end": 218, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS\nThere are strength requirements which ate common to all aircraft. In general, these requirements can be separated into three particular areas. These are detailed in the following discussion.", - "page_start": 343, - "page_end": 343, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(DATA FROM NACA REPORT ~0.824)\nFigure 1.14. Drag Characteristics of Typical Airfoil Sections\n34", - "page_start": 51, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf", - "query": "What is the static pressure of the aire at standard sea level ?", - "target_page": 20, - "target_passage": "At standard sea level conditions the static pressure of the air is 2,116 psf (or 14.7 psi, 29.92 in. Hg, etc.) ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "NAVWEe3 OO-BOT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\npercent water vapor, argon, carbon dioxide, etc. For the majority of all aerodynamic considerations air is considered as a uniform mixture of these gases. The usual quantities used to define the properties of an air mass are as follows:\nSTATIC PRESSURE. The absolute static pressure of the air is a property of primary importance. The static pressure of the air at any altitude results from the mass of air supported above that level. At standard sea level conditions the static pressure of the air is 2,116 psf (or 14.7 psi, 29.92 in. Hg, etc.) and at 40,000 feet altitude this static pressure decreases to approximately 19 percent of the sea level value. The shorthand notation for the ambient static pressure is 'p' and the standard sea level static pressure is given the subscript 'a' for zero altitude, pa. A more usual reference in aerodynamics and performance is the proportion of the ambient sta~tic pressure and the standard sea level static pressure. This static pressure ratio is assigned the shorthand notation of 8 (delta).\nAltitude pressure ratio\nAmbient static pressure =Standard sea level static pressure 6 = PIP0\nMany items of gas turbine engine performance are directly related to some parameter involving the altitude pressure ratio.\nTEMPERATURE. The absolute temperacure of the air is another important property. The ordinary temperature measurement by the Centigrade scale has a/datum at the freezing point of water but absolute zero temperature is obtained at a temperature of -273' Centigrade. Thus, the standard sea level tcmperature of 15' C. is an absolute temperature of 288'. This scale of absolute temperature using the Centigrade increments is the Kelvin scale, e.g., o K. The shorthand notation for the ambient air temperature is 'T' and the standard sea level air temperature of 288' K. is signified by Ta. The more usual reference is,\n2\nthe proportion of the ambient air temperature and the standard sea level air temperature. This temperature ratio is assigned the shorthand notation of 0 (theta).\nTemperature ratio", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ambient air temperature\nThe kinematic viscosity of air at standard sea level conditions is 0.0001576 square feet per second. At an altitude of 40,000 feet the kinematic viscosity is increased to 0.0005059 square foot per second.\nIn order to provide a common denominator for comparison of various aircraft, a standard atmosphere has been adopted. The standard atmosphere actually represents the mean or average properties of the atmosphere. Figure 1.1 illustrates the variation of the most important properties of the air throughout the standard atmosphere. Notice that the lapse rate is constant in the troposphere and the stratosphere begins with the isothermal region.\nSince all aircraft performance is compared and,evaluated in the environment of the standard atmosphere, all of the aircraft instrumentation is calibrated for the standard atmosphere.\n4\nThus, certain corrections must apply to the instrumentation as well as the aircraft performance if the operating conditions do not fit the standard atmosphere. In order to properly account for the nonstandard atmosphere certain terms must be defined. Pressure .&itudc is the altitude in the standard atmosphere corresponditrg to a particular pressure. The aircraft altimeter is essentially a sensitive barometer calibrated to indicate altitude in the staotlard atmosphere. If the altimeter is set for 29.92 in. Hg the altitude indicated is the pressure altitude-the altitude in the standard atmosphere corresponding to the sensed pressure. Of course, this indicated pressure altitude may not be the actual height above sea level due to variations in remperature, lapse rate; atniospheric pressure, and possible errors in the sensed pressure.\nThe more appropriate term for correlating aerodynamic performance in the nonstandard atmosphere is density &it&-the altitude in the standard atmosphere corresponding to a particular value of air density. The computation of density altitude must certainly involve consideration of pressure (pressure altitude) and temperature. Figure 1.6 illustrates the manner in which pressure altitude and temperature combine to produce a certain density altitude. This chart is quite standard in use and is usually included in the performance section of the flight handbook. Many subject areas of aerodynamics and aircraft performance will emphasize density altitude and temperature as the most important factors requiring consideration.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ambient air temperature\n=Standard sea level air temperature @=TITtl ,+273 288\nMany items of compressibility effects and jet engine performance involve consideration of the temperature ratio.\nDENSITY. The density of the air is a property of greatest importance in the study of aerodynamics. The density of air is simply the mass of air per~cubic foot of volume and is a direct measure of the quantity of matter in each cubic foot of air. Air at standard sea lcvcl conditions weighs 0.0765 pounds per cubic foot and has a density of 0.002378 slugs per cubic foot. At an altitude of 40,000 feet the air density is approximately 25 percent of the sea level value.\nThe shorthand notation used for air density is p (rho) and the standard sea level air density is then pO. In many parts of aerodynamics it is very convenient to consider the proportion of the ambient air density and standard sea level air density. This density ratio is assigned the shorthand notation of c (sigma).\ndensity ratio= ambient air density standard sea level air density a = PIP0\nA general gas law defines the relationship of pressure temperature, and density when there is no change of state or heat transfer. Simply stated this would be 'density varies directly with pressure, inversely with temperature.' Using the properties previously defined,\ndensity ratio= Pressure rat'o. temperature rat10\nPlAVWEPS 00-8OT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nThis relationship has great application in aerodynamics and is quite fundamental and necessary in certain parts of airplane performance.\nVISCOSITY. The viscosity of the air is important in scale and friction effects. The coefficient of absolute viscosity is the proportion between the shearing stress and velocity gradient for a fluid flow. The viscosity of gases is unusual in that the viscosity is generally a function of temperature alone and an increase in temperature increases the viscosity. The coefficient of absolute viscosity is assigned the shorthand notation I, (mu). Since many parts of aerodynamics involve consideration of viscosity and density, a more usual form of viscosity measure is the proportion of the coefficient of absolute viscosity and density. This combination is termed the 'kinematic viscosity' and is noted by Y (nu).\nkinematic viscosity\ncoefficient of absolute viscosity\ncc density\nv=PlP", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ICAO STANDARD ATMOSPHERE\n*GEOPOTENTIAL OF THE TROPOPAUSE\nFigure 1.7. Standard Altitude Table", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00401-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nThis equation is the Bernoulli equation for 'incompressible flow. It is important to appreciate that the term >$pV2 has the units of pressure, psf. This term is one of the most important in all aerodynamics and appears so frequently t&it is given the name 'dynamic pressure' and the shorthand notation '4'.\nq= dynamic pressure, psf = jgpv2\nWith this definition it could be said that the sum of static and dynamic pressure in the flow tube remains constant.\nFigure 1.3 illustrates the variation of static, dynamic, and total pressure of air flowing through a closed tube. Note that the total pressure is con,stant throughout the length and any change in dynamic pressure produces the same magnitude change in static pressure.\nThe dynamic pressure of a free airstream is the one 'common denominator of all aerodynamic forces and moments. Dynamic pressure represents the kinetic energy of the free airstream and is a factor relating the capability for producing changes in static pressure on a surface. As defined, the dynamic, pressure varies directly as the density and the square of the velocity. Typical values of dynamic pressure, 4, are shown in table l-1 for various true airspeeds in the standard atmosphere. Notice that the dynamic pressure at some fixed velocity varies directly with the density ratio at any altitude. Also, appreciate the fact that at an altitude of 40,oM) feet (where the density ratio, b, is 0.2462) it is necessary to have a true air velocity twice that at sea level in order to product the same dynamic pressure.\n9\nNAVWEPS 00-801-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nTABLE l-l. Effect of Speed and Altitvde on Dwzmnic Prerrure", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00-801-80 PREFACE\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\nCHAPTER I: BASIC AERODYNAMICS, iii = . WING AND AIRFOIL FORCES, iii = . PROPERTIES OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Static pressure Temperature Density Viscosity Standard atmosphere Pressure altitude Density altitude, iii = 1. BERNOULLI'S PRINCIPLE AND SUBSONIC AIRFLOW.., iii = 4. Bernoulli's equation,, iii = 6. Incompressible tlow Variation of static pressure and velocity Kinetic and porcntial energy of flow Static and dynamic prcssurc, 4, iii = . Airspeed measurement.. . . Stagnation prcssurc Measurement of dynamic pressure Pitot and static sources Indicated airspeed, iii = 9. DEVELOPMENT OF AERODYNAMIC FORCES.. ......., iii = 14. Streamline pattern and pressure distribution. Generatioaoflift.......................................... ....... ......., iii = 14. Circulation Pressure distribution, iii = 16. Airfoil terminology. Aerodynamic force coefficient . . Basic lift equation, iii = ',: 2 3", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00401-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nAIRSPEED MEASUREMENT. If a symmetrically shaped object were placed in a moving airstream, the flow pattern typical of figure 1.4 would result. The airstream at the very nose of the object would stagnate and the relative flow velocity at this point would be zero. The airflow ahead of the object possesses some certain dynamic pressure and ambient static pressure. At the very nose of the object the local velocity will drop to zero and the airstream dynamic pressure will be converted into an increase in static pressure at the stagnation point. In other words, there will exist a static pressure at the stagnation point which is equal to the airstream total pressure-ambient static pressure plus dynamic pressure.\nAround the surface of the object the airflow will divide and the local velocity will increase from zero at the stagnation point to some maximum on the sides of the object. If friction and viscosity effects are neglected, the\nNAVWEPS OO-EOT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nAIRSTREAM AHEAD HAS AMBIENT STATIC PRESSURE AND DYNAMIC PRESSURE\nSTAGNATION PRESSURE IS AIRSTREAM TOTAL PRESSURE P+q\nFtgure 1.4. Flow Pattern on a Symmetrical Object\nsurface anflow continues to the aft stagnation point where the local velocity is again zero. The important point of this example of aerodynamic flow is existence of the stagnation point. The change in airflow static pressure which takes place at the stagnation point IS equal to the free stream dynamic pressure, q.\nThe measurement of free stream dynamic pressure is fundamental to the indication of airspeed. In fact, airspeed indicators are simply pressure gauges which measure dynamic pressure related to various airspeeds. Typical airspeed measuring systems are illustrated in figure 1.5. The pitot head has no internal flow velocity and the pressure in the pitot tube is equal to the total pressure of the airstream. The purpose of the static-ports is to sense the true static pressure of the free airstream. The total pressure and static pressure lines are attached to a differential pressure gauge and the net pressure indicated is the dynamic\npressure, q. The pressure gauge is then calibrated to indicate flight speed in the standard sea level air mass. For example, a dynamic pressure of 305 psf would be realized at a sea level flight ,speed of 300 knots.", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00.401-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nThus, a sea level airspeed (or EAS) of 100 knots would provide the dynamic pressure necessary at maximum lift to produce 14,250 Ibs. of lift. If the airplane were operated at a higher weight, a higher dynamic pressure would be required to furnish the greater lift and a higher stall speed would result. If the airplane were placed in a steep turn, the greater lift required in the turn would increase the stall speed. If the airplane were flown at a higher density altitude the TAX at stall would increase. However, one factor common to each of these conditions is that the angle of attack at C,,,, is the same. It is important to realize that stall warning devices must sense angle of attack (a) or pressure distribution (related to CL).\nAnother important fact related by the basic lift equation and lift curve is variation of angle of attack and lift coefficient with airspeed. Suppose that the example airplane is flown in steady, wing 1eveJ flight at various airspeeds with lift equal to the weight. It is obvious that an increase in airspeed above the stall speed will require a corresponding decrease in lift coeflicient and angle of attack to maintain steady, lift-equal-weight flight. The exact relationship of lift coefficient and airspeed is evolved from the basic lift equation assuming constant lift (equal to weight) and equivaIent airspeeds.\nC' v, p -= -C %n.* 0 V\nThe example airplane was specified to have:\nWeight = 14,250 lbs. C L,,,=lS V,= 100 knots EAS\nThe following table depicts the lift coefficients and angles of attack at various airspeeds in steady flight.\nNAWWEPS 00-8OT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\n26\nloo. ................., 1 = l.lm. loo. ................., 2 = 1.30. loo.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DENSITY ALTITUDE CHART +g&\nBernoulli's principle and the concepts of static, dynamic, and total pressure are the basis of aerodynamic fundamentals. The pressure distribution caused by the variation of local stack and dynamic pressures on a surface is the source of the major aerodynamic forces and moment.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PITOT WITH SEPARATE STATIC SOURCE\nPRESSURE INDICATED BY GAUGE IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOTAL AND STATIC PRESSURE, H-p= q\nFigure. 1.5. Airspeed Measurement\ninstrument and errors due to position or location of the installation. The instrument error must be small by design of the equipment and is usually negligible in equjpment which is properly maintained and cared for. The position error of the installation must be small in the range of airspeeds involving critical performance conditions. Position errors are most usually confine,d to the static source in that the actual static pressure sensed at the static port may be different from the free airstream static pressure. When the .,aircraft is operated through a large range' of angles of attack, the static pressure distribution varies 'quite greatly and it becomes quite difficult to'minimize the static source error. In most instances a compensating group of static sources may be combined to reduce the position error. In order to appreciate the magnitude of this problem, at flight speed near 100 knots a\n0.05 psi position error is an airspeed error of 10 knots. A typical variation of airspeed system position error is illustrated in figure 1.6.\n(3) The equivalent airspeed (PAS) is the result of correcting the (CAS) for compressibility effects. At high flight speeds the stagnation pressure recovered in the pitot tube is not representative of the airstream dynamic pressure due to a magnification by compressibility. Compressibility of the airflow produces a stagnation pressure in the pitot which is greater than if the flow were incompressible. As a result, the airspeed indication is given an erroneous magnihcation. The standard airspeed indicator is calibrated to read correct when at standard sea level conditions and thus has a compressibility correction appropriate for these conditions. However, when the aircraft is operating above standard sea level altitude,\nRevised January 1965\n11\nNAVWEPS 00-801-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf", - "query": "What is the phenomenon associated with the production of lift by an airfoil ?", - "target_page": 34, - "target_passage": "An important phenomenon associated with the production of lift by an airfoil is the “circulation” parted to the airstream. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "NAVWEPS OO-BOT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nGENERATION OF LIFT. An important phenomenon associated with the production of lift by an airfoil is the 'circulation' imparted to the airstream. The best practical illustration of this phenomenon is shown in figure 1.8 by the streamlines and pressure distributions existing on cylinders in an airstream. The cylinder without circulation has a symmetrical streamline pattern and a pressure distribution which creates n-0 n_et lift. If the cylinder is given a clockwise rotation and induces a rotational or circulatory flow, a distinct change takes place in the streamline pattern and p'ess.~re &str~''u~~oii, The vriocitirs due to the vortex of circulatory flow cause increased 104 velocity on the upper surface of the cylinder and decreased local velocity on the lower surface of the cylinder. Also, the circulatory flow produces an upwash immediately ahead and downwash immediately behind the cylinder and both fore and aft stagnation points are lowered.\nThe effect of the addition of circulatory flow is appreciated by the change in the pressure distribution on the cylinder. The increased local velocity on the upper surface causes an increase in upper surface suction while the decreased local velocity on the lower surface causes a decrease in lower surface suction. As a result, the cylinder with circulation will produce a net lift. This mechanically induced circulation-called Magnus effect-illustrates the relationship between circulation and lift and is important to golfers, baseball and tennis players as well as pilots and aerodynamicists. The curvature of the flight path of a golf ball or baseball rcluites an unbalance df force which is created by rotation of the ball. The pitcher that can accurately control a .powerful\n16\nCYLINDER\nWITHOUT\nCIRCULATION", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00-801-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nrotation will be quite a 'curve ball artist' the golfer that cannot control the lateral motion of the club face striking the golf ball will impart an uncontrollable spin and have trouble with a 'hook' or 'slice.'\nWhile a rotating cylinder can produce a net lift from the circulatory flow, the method is relatively inefficient and only serves to point out the relationship between lift and circula-, tion. An airfoil is capable of producing lift with relatively high efficiency and the process is illustrated in figure 1.8. If a symmetrical airfoil is placed at zero angle of attack to the airstream, the streamline pattern and pressure distribution give evidence of zero lift. HOWever, if the airfoil is given a positive angle of attack, changes occur in the streamline pattern and pressure distribution similar to changes caused by the addition of circulation to the cylinder. The positive angle of attack causes increased velocity on the upper surface with an increase in upper surface suction while the decreased velocity on the lower surface causes a decrease in lower surface suction. Also, upwash is generated ahead of the airfoil, the forward stagnation point moves under the leading edge, and a downwash is evident aft of the airfoil. The pressure distribution 0' the airfoil now provides a net force perpendicular to the airstream-lift.\nThe generation of lift by an airfoil is dependent upon the airfoil being able to create circulation in the airstream and develop the lifting, pressure distribution on the surface. In all cases, the generated lift will be the net force caused by the distribution of pressure over the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil. At low angles of attack, suction pressures usually will exist on both upper and lower surfaces. but the upper surface suction must be greater for positive lift. At high angles of attack near that for maximum lift, a positive pressure will exist on the lower surface but this will account for approximately one-third the net lift.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00.401-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nAIRFOIL LIFT CHARACTERISTICS. Airfoil section properties differ from wing or airplane properties because of the effect of the planform. Actually, the wing may have vatious airfoil sections from root to tip with taper, twist, sweepback and local flow components in a spanwise direction. The resulting aetodynamic properties of the wing are determined by the action of each section along the span and the three-dimensional flow. Airfoil section properties are derived from the basic shape or profile in two-dimensional flow and the force coefficients are given a notation of lower case letters. For example, a wing or airplane lift coefficient is C, while an airfoil section lift coefficient is termed cr. Also, wing angle of attack is Q while section angle of attack is differentiated by the use of 01~. The study of section properties allows an objective consideration of the effects of camber, thickness, etc.\nThe lift characteristics of five illustrative airfoil sections are shown in figure 1.12. The section lift coe&icient, c,, is plotted versus section angle of attack, olO, for five standard NACA airfoil profiles. One characteristic feature of all airfoil sections is that the slope of the various lift curves is essentially the same. At low lift coefhcients, the section lift coefficient increases approximately 0.1 for each degree increase in angle of attack. For each of the airfoils shown, a S' change in angle of\nNAVWEPS OD-8OT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00-801-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nThe effect of free stream density and velocity is a necessary consideration when studying the development of the various aerodynamic forces. Suppose that a particular shape of airfoil is fixed at a particular angle to the airstream. The relative velocity and pressure distribution will be determined by the shape of the airfoil and the angle to the airstream. The effect of varying the airfoil size, air density and airspeed is shown in figure 1.9. If the same airfoil shape is placed at the same angle to an airstream with twice as great a dynamic pressure the magnitude of the pressure distribution will be twice as great but the r&rive shape of the pressure distribution will be the same. With twice as great a pressure existing over the surface, all aerodynamic forces and moments will ~double. If a half-size airfoil ib placed at the same angle to the original airstream, the magnitude of the pressure distribution is the same as the origina! airfoi! and again the relative shape of the pressure distribution is identical. The same pressure acting on the half-size surface would reduce all aerodynamic forces to one-half that of the original. This similarity of flow patterns means that the stagnation point occurs at the same place, the peak suction pressure occurs at the same place, and the actual magnitude of the aerodynamic forces and moments depends upon the airstream dynamic pressure and the surface area. This concept is extremely important when attempting to separate and analyze the most important factors affecting the development of aerodynamic forces.\nAIRFOIL TERMINOLOGY. Since the shape of an airfoil and the inclination to the airstream are so important in determining the pressure distribution, it is necessary to properly define the airfoil terminology. Figure 1.10 shows a typical airfoil and illustrates the various items of airfoil terminology\n(1) The chord line is a straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of the airfoil.\n20", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DEVELOPMENT OF AERODYNAMIC PITCHING MOMENTS\nThe distribution of pressure over a surface is the ,source of the aerodynamic moments as well as the aerodynamic forces. A typical example of this fact is the pressure distribution acting on the cambered airfoil of figure 1.21. The upper surface has pressures distributed which produce the upper surface lift; the lower surface has pressures distributed which produce the lower surface lift. Of course, the\n47", - "page_start": 64, - "page_end": 64, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00-801~0 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nnet lift produced by the airfoil is difference between the lifts on the upper and lower surfaces. The point along the chord where the distributed lift is effectively concentrated is termed the 'center of pressure, c.p.' The center of pressure is essentially the 'center of gravity' of the distributed lift pressure and the location of the c.p. is a function of camber and section lift coe&cient\nAnother aerodynamic reference point is the 'aerodynamic center, d.e.' The aerodynamic center is defmed as the point along the chord where all changes in lift effectively take place. To visualize the existence of such a point, notice the change in pressure distribution with angle of attack for the symmetrical airfoil of figure 1.21. When at zero lift, the upper and lower surface lifts are equal and located at the same point. With an increase in angle of attack, the upper surface lift increases while the lower surface lift decreases. The change ,of lift has taken place with no change in the center of pressure-a characteristic of symmetrical airfoils.\nNext, consider the cambered airfoil of figure 1.21 at zero lift. To produce zero lift, the upper and lower surface lifts must be equal. One difference noted from the symmetrical airfoil is that the upper and lower surface lifts are not opposite one another. While no net lift exists on the airfoil, the couple produced by the upper and lower surface lifts creates a nose down moment. As the angle of attack is increased, the upper surface lift increases while the lower surface lift decreases. While a change in lift has taken place, no change in moment takes place about the point where the lift change occurs. Since the moment about the aerodynamic center is the product of a force (lift at the c.P.) and a lever arm (distance from c.9. to a.~.), an increase in lift moves the center of pressure toward the aerodynamic center.\nIt should be noted that the symmetrical airfoil at zero lift has no pitching moment about the aerodynamic center because the upper and\nNAVWEPS DD-BOT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nCAMBERED AIRFOIL\nFigure 1.27. Development of Pitching Moments\n48\nlower surface lifts act along the same vertical line. An increase in.lift on the symmetrical airfoil produces no change in this situation and the center of pressure remains fixed at the aerodynamic center.", - "page_start": 64, - "page_end": 66, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(DATA FROM NACA REPORT NO. 824)\nAIRFOIL DRAG CHARACTERISTICS. The total drag of an airplane is composed of the drags of the individual components and the forces caused by interference between these components. The drag of an airplane configuration must include the various drags due to lift, form, friction, interference, leakage, etc. To appreciate the factors which affect the drag of an airplane configuration, it is most logical to consider the factors which affect the drag of airfoil sections. In order to allow an objective consideration of the effects of thickness, camber, etc., the properties of two-dimensional sections must be studied. Airfoil section properties are derived from the basic profile in two-dimensional. flow and are provided the lower case shorthand notation to distinguish them from wing or airplane properties, e.g., wing or airplane drag coe5cient is C, while airfoil section drag coefficient is c,.\nThe drag characteristics of three illustrative airfoil sections are shown in figure 1.14. The section drag coe&cient, c,, is plotted versus the section lift coefficient, cr. The drag on the airfoil section is composed of pressure drag and skin friction. When the airfoil is at low lift coe&cients, the drag due to skin friction predominates. The drag curve for a conventional airfoil tends to be quite shallow in this region since there is very little variation of skin friction with angle of attack. When the airfoil is at high lift coefficients, form or pressure drag predominates and the drag coefficient varies rapidly with lift coefficient. The NACA 0006 is a thin symmetrical profile which has a maximum thickness of 6 percent located at 30 percent of the chord. This section shows a typical variation of cd and cr.\nThe NACA 4412 section is a 12 percent thick airfoil with 4 percent maximum camber at", - "page_start": 50, - "page_end": 50, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAVWEPS 00-8OT-80 BASIC AERODYNAMICS\nvortex filaments which consist of the tip or trailing vortices coupled with the bound or line vortex. The tip vortices are coupled with the bound vortex when circulation is induced with lift. The effect of this vortex system is to create certain vertical velocity components in the vicinity of the wing. The illustration of these vertical velocities shows that ahead of the wing the bound vortex induces an upwash. Behind the wing, the coupled action of the bound vortex and the tip vortices induces a downwash. With the action of tip and bound vortices coupled, a final vertical velocity (220) is imparted to the airstream by the wing producing lift. This result is an inevitable consequence of a finite wing producing lift. The wing Producing lift applies the equal and opposite force to the airstream and deflects it downward. One of the important factors in this system is that a downward velocity is created at the aerodynamic center (w) which is one half the final downward velocity imparted to the airstream (2~).\nThe effect of the vertical velocities in the vicinity of the wing is best appreciated when they are added vectorially to the airstream velocity. The remote free stream well ahead of the wing is unaffected and its direction is opposite the flight path of the airplane. 'Aft of the wing, the vertical velocity (2~) adds to the airstream velocity to produce the downwash angle e (epsilon). At the aerodynamic center of the wing, the vertical,velocity (w) adds to the airstream velocity to produce a downward deflection of the airstream one-half that of the downwash angle. In other words, the wing producing lift by the deflection of an airstream incurs a downward slant co the wind in the immediate vicinity of the wing. Hence, the JeCtionJ of the wing operate in an average relative wind which is inclined downward one-half the final dowraw& angle. This is one important feature which distinguishes the aerodynamic properties of a wing from the aerodynamic properties of an airfoil section.\nThe induced velocities existing at the aerodynamic center of a finite wing create an aver-\n66", - "page_start": 83, - "page_end": 83, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(DATA FROM NACA REPORT NO. 824)\nFigure 1.12. Lift Characteristics of lypicol Airfoil Sections\n28\nattack would produce an approximate 0.5 change in lift coefficient. Evidently, lift,~curve slope is not a factor important in the selection of an airfoil.\nAn important lift property affected by the airfoil shape is the section maximum lift coefficient, ci-. The effect of airfoil shape on cican be appreciated by comparison of the lift curves for the five airfoils of figure 1.12. The NACA airfoils 63X06,63-009, and 63i-012 ate symmetrical sections of a basic thickness distribution but maximum thicknesses of 6, 9, and 12 percent respectively. The effect of thickness on ~1% is obvious from an inspection of these curves :\n9.0°\nNACA 63-005 .~. :., 1 = Cl.82. NACA 63-005 .~. :., 2 = . NACA 6Mo9., 1 = 1.10. NACA 6Mo9., 2 = 10.5~. NACA 63'-01?,., 1 = 1.40. NACA 63'-01?,., 2 = 13.80\nThe 12-percent section has a crapproximately 70 percent greater than the 6-percent thick section. In addition, the thicker airfoils have greater benefit from the use of various high lift devices.\nThe effect of camber is illustrated by the lift curves of the NACA 4412 and 631-412 sections. The NACA 4412 section is a 12 percent thick airfoil which has 4 percent maximum camber located at 40 percent of the chord. The NACA 63i-412 airfoil has the same thickness and thickness distribution as the 631-012 but camber added to give a 'design'' lift coefficient (c, for minimum section drag) of 0.4. The lift curves for these two airfoils show that camber has a beneficial e&t on cl-.", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PARASITE DRAG\nIn addition to the drag caused by the development of lift (induced drag) there is the obvious drag which is nor due to the develop ment of lift. A wing surface even at zero lift will have 'profile' drag due to skin friction and form. The other components of the airplane such as the fuselage, tail, nacelles, etc., contribute to drag because of their own form and skin friction. Any loss of momentum of the airstream due to powerplant cooling, air conditioning, or leakage through construction or access gaps is, in effect, an additional drag. When the various components of the airplane are put together the total drag will be greater than the sum of the individual components because of 'interference' of one surface on the other.\nThe most usual interference of importance occurs at the wing-body intersection where the growth of boundary layer on the fuselage reduces the boundary layer velocities on the wing root surface. This reduction in energy allows\na7", - "page_start": 104, - "page_end": 104, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf", - "query": "What are the recyclable waste ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "All types of paper and cardboard, Metal packaging, even the smallest ones, Plastic bottles and flasks, All other packaging", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Solid\nWood/Wood waste\nAgricultural waste\nCharcoal\nOther solid biomass", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other Fuels\nMunicipal solid waste\nIndustrial waste\nFuel mixtures (fossil and biomass)\nWaste gas\nOther wastes\nHydrogen", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gas\nLandfill gas Sludge gas (sewage gas) Other biogas", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ORGANIC WASTE\n//50% green materials : all fruit and vegetable peelings, leftover meat, egg shells, tea and coffee…\n//50% brown materials : dead leaves, twigs, kitchen rolls, shavings, possibly paper, newspaper and cardboard …", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nInternational initiatives in Asian countries and others", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Washington Organic Recycling Council\nFind a compost producer in your area www.compostwashington.org", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Overview of Our Business\nWe are a leading provider of non-hazardous solid waste collection and disposal services in the United States. We provide solid waste collection services for commercial, industrial, municipal and residential customers through 140 collection companies in 22 states. We also own or operate 96 transfer stations, 58 solid waste landÑlls and 35 recycling facilities.\nWe generate revenue primarily from our solid waste collection operations. Our remaining revenue is from other services including landÑll disposal, recycling, compost, mulch and soil operations.\nThe following table reÖects our revenue by source for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002 (in millions):", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nCommitted to supporting environmental businesses, a CSR priority, through our core businesses", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "When to put my garbage container outside?\nThe evening before the waste collection day.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What materials ('feedstocks') are used to make compost?\nCompost facilities in Washington recycle a variety of organic materials, including yard debris, food scraps, manure, biosolids, forest residuals like sawdust and bark, construction wood, and agricultural residues. All of these materials can be used to produce high quality compost. Your supplier can tell you which materials they compost.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf", - "query": "What is the day of the black container in Lachapelle ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "LACHAPELLE MONDAY green weeks", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "When to put my garbage container outside?\nThe evening before the waste collection day.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HOW TO GET A COMPOST KIT?\nTUESDAY white weeks, Black container = THURSDAY green weeks. TUESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = AGNAC. MONDAY green weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY white weeks. MONDAY green weeks, Yellow container = ALLEMANS-DU-DROPT. TUESDAY white weeks, Black container = THURSDAY green weeks. TUESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = ARMILLAC. WEDNESDAY green weeks, Black container = FRIDAY white weeks. WEDNESDAY green weeks, Yellow container = BOURGOUGNAGUE. MONDAY green weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY white weeks. MONDAY green weeks, Yellow container = CAMBES. MONDAY green weeks, Black container = THURSDAY white weeks. MONDAY green weeks, Yellow container = LACHAPELLE. TUESDAY white weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY green weeks. TUESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = LAPERCHE. TUESDAY white weeks, Black container = THURSDAY green weeks. TUESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = LA-SAUVETAT-DU-DROPT. MONDAY green weeks, Black container = FRIDAY white weeks. MONDAY green weeks, Yellow container = LAUZUN. TUESDAY white weeks, Black container = THURSDAY green weeks. TUESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = LAVERGNE. TUESDAY green weeks, Black container = THURSDAY white weeks. TUESDAY green weeks, Yellow container = MIRAMONT-DE-GUYENNE. WEDNESDAY white weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY green weeks. WEDNESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = MONTIGNAC-DE-LAUZUN. TUESDAY white weeks, Black container = THURSDAY green weeks. TUESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = MONTIGNAC-TOUPINERIE. WEDNESDAY green weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY white weeks. WEDNESDAY green weeks, Yellow container = MOUSTIER. MONDAY green weeks, Black container = THURSDAY white weeks. MONDAY green weeks, Yellow container = PEYRIÈRE. MONDAY green weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY white weeks. MONDAY green weeks, Yellow container = PUYSSERAMPION. MONDAY white weeks, Black container = THURSDAY green weeks. MONDAY white weeks, Yellow container = ROUMAGNE. WEDNESDAY white weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY green weeks. WEDNESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = SAINT-COLOMB-DE-LAUZUN. MONDAY white weeks, Black container = FRIDAY green weeks. MONDAY white weeks, Yellow container = SAINT-PARDOUX-ISAAC. WEDNESDAY white weeks, Black container = WEDNESDAY green weeks. WEDNESDAY white weeks, Yellow container = SEGALAS", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Container stolen: What to do?\nIn case of theft, your container will be replaced on presentation of a theft report effected at your local police station.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2024\nM, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . W, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . F, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . M, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . W, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . F, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . M, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . W, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . F, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . M, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . W, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = . F, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . S, DECEMBER = . M, DECEMBER = . T, DECEMBER = \nCollection on public holidays will take place, except May 1st and December 25th. The collection for Wednesday May 1st will be brought forward to Tuesday April 30th and the collection for Wednesday December 25th will be brought forward to Tuesday December 24th. The collection for Wednesday January 1st 2025 will be brought forward to Tuesday December 31st.\nMY BLACK GARBAGE COLLECTION'S DAY\nMY YELLOW GARBAGE COLLECTION'S DAY\nF, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . M, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . W, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . F, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . M, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . W, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . F, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . M, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . W, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . F, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . M, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . W, MARCH = . T, MARCH = . F, MARCH = . S, MARCH = . S, MARCH = ", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Out container = full container\nPut your rubbish container out only when full.\nAttention ! Black garbage bags left on the ground will no longer be collected.\nPlease be respectful with the agents.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Who is responsible for the maintenance of the containers?\nYou will have to keep them in a clean working state (periodical washing).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 11\nRegulation 10", - "page_start": 73, - "page_end": 73, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OCI container image\nA container image that is compliant with the OCI Image Format Specification.", - "page_start": 263, - "page_end": 263, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Deploy container images", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SCHEDULE 13\nRegulation 18(3)", - "page_start": 83, - "page_end": 83, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf", - "query": "What to do if my container is stolen ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Container stolen: What to do? In case of theft, your container will be replaced on presentation of a theft report effected at your local police station.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Container stolen: What to do?\nIn case of theft, your container will be replaced on presentation of a theft report effected at your local police station.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Who is responsible for the maintenance of the containers?\nYou will have to keep them in a clean working state (periodical washing).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Deploy container images", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Check that you have typed in the correct e-mail address.\nIt's easy to type in the wrong address by mistake.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "When to put my garbage container outside?\nThe evening before the waste collection day.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SHAREHOLDER SERVICES\nIf you are a registered shareholder and have inquiries regarding your account, wish to change your name or address, or have questions about lost stock certificates, share transfers, estate settlements or dividends, please contact our transfer agent and registrar:", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6.3 OpenShift container platform deployment\nThis section provides an OpenShift container deployment platform.", - "page_start": 126, - "page_end": 126, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Read the questions carefully.\nMake sure you understand what is being asked of you, so that you focus on answering the right questions, instead of providing irrelevant information.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Out container = full container\nPut your rubbish container out only when full.\nAttention ! Black garbage bags left on the ground will no longer be collected.\nPlease be respectful with the agents.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "BD-EN_calendrier-Lauzun-2024.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Container\nA container is a software object that holds or organizes other software objects or entities.", - "page_start": 794, - "page_end": 794, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf", - "query": "How many people include the Dyspnea study ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "This population-based study included 2,857 adults who were experiencing respiratory symptoms.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\n1. Parshall MB, Schwarthzstein RM, Adams L, et al. An Of /uniFB01 cial American Thoracic Society Statement: update on the mechanisms, assessment, and management of dyspnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med . 2012;185:435-452.\n2. Ho SF, O ' Mahony MS, Steward JA, et al. Dyspnoea and quality of life in older people at home. Age Ageing . 2001;30: 155-159.\n3. Laviolette L, Laveneziana P. Dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. Eur Respir J . 2014;43: 1750-1762.\n4. Müller A, Mraz T, Wouters EFM, et al. Prevalence of dyspnea in general adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Respir Med . 2023;218: 107379.\n5. Nishino T. Dyspnoea: underlying mechanisms and treatment. Br J Anaesth . 2011;106:463-474.\n6. NederJ,BertonD,MüllerP,etal. Ventilatory inef /uniFB01 ciency and exertional dyspnea in early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc . 2017;14(suppl_1): S22-S29.\n7. Gruenberger JB, Vietri J, Keininger DL, Mahler DA. Greater dyspnea is associated with lower health- related quality of life among European patients with COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis . 2017;12: 937-944.\n8. Preteroti M, Whitmore GA, Vandemheen KL, et al. Population-based case/uniFB01 nding to identify subjects with undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Eur Respir J . 2020;55:2000024.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nDyspnea is a complex, subjective symptom that is modi /uniFB01 ed by nonrespiratory factors including psychosocial, social, and environmental in /uniFB02 uences. 5 Interindividual variability in the perception of dyspnea, in /uniFB02 uenced by these nonrespiratory factors, may play an important role. A study conducted by Ziegler et al 24 assessed the perception of dyspnea in 42 healthy individuals using a standardized inspiratory resistive loading stimulus. The study used the modi /uniFB01 ed Borg scale to measure dyspnea perception levels. Among the participants subjected to the same inspiratory resistive load, 31%, 45%, and 24% of participants classi /uniFB01 ed their level of dyspnea as low, intermediate, and high, respectively. The study revealed that differences between individuals contribute considerable variability to the perception of dyspnea, even among healthy participants.\nThe affective dimension of dyspnea can be captured using additional questionnaires (eg, Multidimensional Dyspnea Pro /uniFB01 le, Dyspnea-12). Studies have explored the use of the Multidimensional Dyspnea Pro /uniFB01 le in\nTABLE 7 ] Unadjusted and Adjusted Dyspnea Associations With Quality of Life (SF-36)", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nIn conclusion, our study measured dyspnea impact in individuals with no preexisting diagnosis of lung disease who reported respiratory symptoms as part of a purposeful case /uniFB01 nding strategy. Individuals with PRISm exhibited the greatest impact of dyspnea, even higher than those newly diagnosed with asthma or COPD. After adjusting for patient factors, comorbidities, pulmonary diseases, and severity of lung physiologic impairment, most of the variability in dyspnea remained unexplained. We also showed that dyspnea was associated with increased health care utilization, impaired quality of life, and work productivity.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recruitment of Undiagnosed Cases and Healthy\nDyspnea is a prevalent symptom with consequences that extend beyond its physiologic implications. A study in European patients with COPD explored the burden of dyspnea and identi /uniFB01 ed potential correlates. The study revealed that higher dyspnea impact correlated with lower health-related quality of life, increased work impairment, and a higher frequency of emergency department visits. 7\nThe three objectives of our study were as follows: (1) to evaluate the impact of dyspnea in adults from the general population who had no prior diagnosis of respiratory disease but who reported having signi /uniFB01 cant respiratory symptoms in the past 6 months; (2) to identify associated risk factors for dyspnea and estimate their in /uniFB02 uence on the symptom; and (3) to explore the relationship between dyspnea and health care utilization, quality of life, and work productivity in adults with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms.\nthe study was obtained from the research ethics boards of the 17 participating study sites across Canada. Informed, written consent was provided by all study participants.\nBoth landlines and cellphones within a 90-minute radius of any of the 17 study sites were dialed randomly. A\n(P. H.), Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS; the Department of Medicine (I. M. and M. B.), University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB; the Department of Medicine (M. D. L.), Queen ' s University, Kingston; the Department of Medicine (C. J. L.), University of Western Ontario, London, ON; the Department of Medicine (T. A.), Memorial University, St. John ' s, NF; the Department of Medicine (N. E.), McGill University, Montreal, QC; the Department of Medicine (M. A.), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MN, Canada.\nDrs Bierbrier and Gerstein contributed equally to this manuscript.\nPart of this work has been presented at the American Thoracic Society Conference, May 17-22, 2024, San Diego, CA.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TABLE 2 ] (Continued)\nTable 4 presents the association of dyspnea with patient-speci /uniFB01 c risk factors. Dyspnea impact increased with younger age, being female, higher BMI, higher smoking and smoke exposure history, and total work", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n32. Stefan MS, Priya A, Martin B, et al. How well do patients and providers agree on the severity of dyspnea? J Hosp Med . 2016;11(10):701-707.\n33. Cherian M, Magner KMA, Whitmore GA, et al. Patient and physician factors associated with symptomatic undiagnosed asthma or COPD. Eur Respir J . 2023;61(2): 2201721.\n166#6 CHEST DECEMBER 2024\n]", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recruitment of Undiagnosed Cases and Healthy\nControl Patients\nBetween June 2017 and January 2023, adults aged $ 18 years were recruited through a two-step process into the Undiagnosed COPD and Asthma Population (UCAP) study, a multicenter case /uniFB01 nding study. Approval for\nABBREVIATIONS: ASQ = Asthma Screening Questionnaire; BD = bronchodilator; CAT = COPD Assessment Test; PCA = principal component analysis; PRISm = preserved ratio impaired spirometry; SGRQ = St. George ' s Respiratory Questionnaire\nAFFILIATIONS: From The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (J. B., E. G., K. L. V., G. G. A., S. M., and S. D. A.), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON; the Desautels Faculty of Management (G. A. W.), McGill University, Montreal, QC; the Department of Medicine (C. B.), The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; the Centre de recherche (L.-P. B. and A. C.), Institut de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec, Université Laval, Quebec, QC; the Cumming School of Medicine (S. K. F.), University of Calgary, Calgary, AB; the Department of Medicine (E. P.), University of Saskatchewan, Regina, SK; the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health (R. A. M.), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON; the Department of Medicine (C. L.), Université de Montreal, Montreal, QC; the Department of Medicine and the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (S. G.), St. Michael ' s Hospital University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; the Department of Medicine\nchestjournal.org\n1297\nprevalence of dyspnea in the adult general population across 11 studies was estimated to be 10%. Dyspnea can arise from a broad spectrum of underlying factors, including both respiratory and nonrespiratory conditions. Studies have revealed that dyspnea is not solely attributable to respiratory conditions but is also heavily in /uniFB02 uenced by cardiovascular deconditioning and by nonrespiratory factors, including psychosocial, social, and environmental determinants. 5,6", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n24. Ziegler B, Fernandes AK, Sanches PR, Konzen GL, Dalcin Pde T. Variability of dyspnea perception in healthy subjects\n[", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nData are presented as OR (95% CI) with P values. Adjusted values are adjusted for age, sex, and BMI.\noutpatients with cardiorespiratory disease 25 and the Dyspnea-12 in patients with asthma 26 and found that the affective aspect of dyspnea can signi /uniFB01 cantly in /uniFB02 uence the impact of dyspnea on health status, irrespective of the intensity of breathlessness.\nIn those with PRISm, there was a strong, positive association between higher values for the FEV1/FVC ratio and dyspnea. For the PRISm group, a higher FEV1/FVC ratio may re /uniFB02 ect diminished lung compliance due to interstitial lung disease and/or respiratory system restriction due to obesity, which could contribute to worse dyspnea. Conversely, the association of dyspnea with the FEV1/FVC ratio was in the opposite direction for those with asthma or COPD, and a lower FEV1/FVC ratio correlated with worse dyspnea, as expected.\nOur study complements the literature by focusing on adults with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms who were randomly selected and recruited through active case /uniFB01 nding in the community. This increases the generalizability of our results to a broader population. Our dyspnea questions were derived from widely used\nand validated respiratory health questionnaires, and our dyspnea assessment measure is a weighted average of responses to these validated questions. Consequently, the measure has an immediate interpretation in terms of the lived day-to-day experience of individuals.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Statistical Analysis\nBox plots were used to compare distribution patterns of dyspnea impact assessments among the disease groups. Pairwise comparison tests were conducted to evaluate mean dyspnea differences between groups. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to measure contributions to variability of dyspnea by selected patient-speci /uniFB01 c risk factors, spirometry disease classi /uniFB01 cation, and key lung function measures. The selected sets of risk factors were evaluated using successive regression analyses. Analysis of variance sums of squares from the successive regression analyses provided the cumulative percentage contributions to variability of dyspnea. Simple, multiple, and logistic regression analyses were used to study associations between dyspnea and health care utilization, quality of life, and work productivity outcomes. All statistical analyses were done using STATA 16 statistical software (StataCorp).\nparticipants (24%) did not meet the threshold of $ 6 points on the ASQ or $ 20 points on the COPDDiagnostic Questionnaire and were thus excluded, leaving 4,272 individuals deemed eligible for spirometry.\nFigure 1 -Study /uniFB02 ow diagram demonstrating the case /uniFB01 nding and control group recruitment and allocation. ASQ ¼ Asthma Screening Questionnaire; COPD-DQ ¼ COPD Diagnostic Questionnaire; CF ¼ cystic /uniFB01 brosis; MI ¼ myocardial infarction; PRISM ¼ preserved ratio impaired spirometry.\nchestjournal.org\n1299\nTABLE 1 ] Descriptive Characteristics and Demographics of the Study Group", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed6_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf", - "query": "Can I put my plants directly on my compost ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Don’t\tput\tplants\tinto\t100%\tcompost.\t\tMix\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t compost\tthoroughly\tinto\texisting\tsoil\tbefore\t\t\t planting.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Tips to Remember:\n· Don't put plants into 100% compost. Mix compost thoroughly into existing soil before planting.\n· When transplanting, it's better to amend the whole bed, not just planting holes, to promote root growth.\n· Ask your compost supplier which compost product is best for your intended use.\n· Use compost at the recommended application rate.\n· To maintain healthy soil, reapply compost or mulch every 1-2 years.\n· Many composts are rich in plant nutrients, so you may be able to reduce fertilizer use after applying compost.\n· Compost can also reduce your lawn and garden's summer irrigation needs.\n· Compost-amended soil and mulching slow run off, reduce erosion, and break down pollutants. When you use compost, you're helping to protect our precious streams, rivers, lakes, and marine waters.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Remember:\nYour compost provider can help you pick the best compost mix for your needs.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Building Rich and Healthy Soil With Compost\nTo grow healthy plants you need healthy soil.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Compost Beginnings\nThe yard debris or food scraps* that you place into your home compost bin, take to a drop-off site, or set out for curbside collection could become the compost that you later use on your garden, lawn, and flowerbeds.\nIt is essential to place only quality organic material into the composting process. Here are some tips:\nl The products you use or spray in your yard can end up in the compost process. Carefully read the labels of pesticide and herbicide products you use. (See page 9.)\nl Please keep yard debris free of :\nx Garbage\nx Plastic of any sort\n- Plastic plant pots\n- Plastic plant tabs\n- Plastic bags (if you want to bag your yard debris, use paper garden bags - available at most garden centers)\nx Rock, brick, or masonry\nx Glass or metal\nx Pet waste.\n* Many localities now collect food scraps and food-soiled paper along with yard debris for composting. Call your local collection service to find out what is collected in your area.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Composting Process\nEven though there are a variety of composting methods, most composting follows a similar process:", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ask Your Compost Supplier\nWhether you're buying direct from the composting facility, or from a local vendor, here are some good questions to ask:\n· What ingredients go into your compost?\n· What compost products or blends do you sell?\n· Are there quality control or testing results available for these products? (These may be on the manufacturer's website.)\n· Which product is best for my intended use?\n· What application rate do you recommend?\n· How much do I need for my area? (Or see pages 4-6.)", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "When to Use Compost?\n· Any time you're preparing soil for planting\n· Mulching beds and gardens in spring, summer, or fall\n· Top-dressing lawns in spring or fall.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What is compost?\nCompost is a natural humus-like soil amendment that results from the controlled aerobic (with oxygen) decomposition of organic materials. Compost is not soil - it should be mixed with soil. It is not fertilizer, although it contains many slowly released nutrients.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Selecting Quality Compost\nCompost is available in many product types and blends that may be used for different gardening applications. The type of feedstock, the composting process, and any supplementary additives determine the end product.\nMany facilities offer a variety of blends based on compost, such as garden mix, potting soil, planting mix, mulches, turf top-dressing and soil blends.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Beauty of Your Lawn and Garden Blossoms from the Soil\nThank you for your interest in compost.\nCompost is a versatile product with many benefits. It enhances soil quality, helps save water, and supports your community's efforts to recycle organic debris. All this helps to conserve our natural resources and reduces the amount of material sent to the landfill.\nCompost-amended soil also helps break down pollutants and absorb stormwater runoff. By making nutrients slowly available to plants and enhancing plant health, compost can reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. All these benefits help protect our lakes, rivers, and marine waters from pollution and excessive runoff.\nCompost is a natural amendment for your lawn or garden, and can be used regularly to enrich your soil. This guide is designed to help you get the most from the compost that you buy.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf", - "query": "What are fertilizers ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": " Fertilizers are concentrated sources of plant nutrients, used in small amounts to supplement natural soil fertility. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "What is compost?\nCompost is a natural humus-like soil amendment that results from the controlled aerobic (with oxygen) decomposition of organic materials. Compost is not soil - it should be mixed with soil. It is not fertilizer, although it contains many slowly released nutrients.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other Fuels\nMunicipal solid waste\nIndustrial waste\nFuel mixtures (fossil and biomass)\nWaste gas\nOther wastes\nHydrogen", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gaseous Fuels\nNatural gas", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gas\nLandfill gas Sludge gas (sewage gas) Other biogas", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Solid\nWood/Wood waste\nAgricultural waste\nCharcoal\nOther solid biomass", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nInternational initiatives in Asian countries and others", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ADJECTIVES\nAdjectives are words that are used to describe nouns. They usually give more information about the nouns, and answer questions such as: 'What kind?' 'Which one?' 'How many?' 'How much?'\nthe red bus the unscheduled meeting an inaccurate report a hard-working employee\nExample:\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Documents Incorporated by Reference\ni", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Subject Areas:\nclimatology, hydrology", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf", - "query": "Explain to me what is peat moss ?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Peat Moss is partially decayed sphagnum moss from peat bogs. It provides soil porosity, but not the nutrients or biological diversity for healthy soil that compost provides.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Comparing Landscape Products\nA variety of soil and landscape products are sold. Here's a comparison:\nCompost is stable, decomposed organic matter, excellent for improving soil structure, fertility, moisture holding capacity, and plant growth.\nMulch is any material applied to the soil surface. Woody mulches (high in carbon, low in nitrogen) like wood chips, bark and woody composts are great for woody plants. Annual plants should be mulched with nutrient-balanced mulches like compost, grass clippings, or leaves.\nPeat Moss is partially decayed sphagnum moss from peat bogs. It provides soil porosity, but not the nutrients or biological diversity for healthy soil that compost provides.\nFertilizers are concentrated sources of plant nutrients, used in small amounts to supplement natural soil fertility.\nTopsoil that is sold is usually not native topsoil. Quality manufactured topsoils are a blend of native sandy sub-soils with composted organic matter to support soil life.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What is compost?\nCompost is a natural humus-like soil amendment that results from the controlled aerobic (with oxygen) decomposition of organic materials. Compost is not soil - it should be mixed with soil. It is not fertilizer, although it contains many slowly released nutrients.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Solid\nWood/Wood waste\nAgricultural waste\nCharcoal\nOther solid biomass", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Creating and sharing Lambda layers", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interpret:\nName or list the most important features or characteristics.", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Subject Areas:\nclimatology, hydrology", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Important\nUnless otherwise stated, REST APIs are discussed in the fundamentals.", - "page_start": 65, - "page_end": 65, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ronald James\nBSc (Geology), MAusIMM, MAIG", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Tell us about your PDF experience.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf", - "query": "How encourage temporally adjacent representations to be predictive of each other ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "One way to encourage temporally adjacent representations to be predictive of each other is to ensure that they vary slowly over time. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2 Related Works\nSlow Features. One way to encourage temporally adjacent representations to be predictive of each other is to ensure that they vary slowly over time. Early works targeting predictive features encouraged representations of individual video frames to be locally temporally invariant, while preventing representation collapse by using spectral methods, as in SFA (Wiskott and Sejnowski, 2002), SSA (Kayser et al., 2001), and Simulated Fixations (Zou et al., 2012). More recently, Goroshin et al. (2015); Wang et al. (2010) train a siamese convolutional network to map the representations of two subsequent frames to the same point, while encouraging distant frames to have diverse representations via a pairwise margin loss and a triplet loss, respectively. Other works (Oord et al., 2018; Surís et al., 2021; Feichtenhofer et al., 2021) implement temporal invariance using noisecontrastive estimation (Gutmann and Hyvärinen, 2012). Our exploration in this paper goes beyond temporal in-\n2\nriance and explores feature prediction using masked modeling.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2 Related Works\nPredictive Features. Going beyond local invariance, a family of works trains a predictor network to map the representation of a frame or clip at one time-step to a distinct representation at another time-step. Srivastava et al. (2015); Vondrick et al. (2016); Wang et al. (2023b) train such a video feature predictor network on top of a frozen pretrained image or video encoder. Unfreezing the target feature extractor, several methods train the video encoder and the predictor network simultaneously, while preventing collapse by using a supervised action forecasting loss (Girdhar and Grauman, 2021), or by using the representations of distant clips as negative samples in a contrastive loss (Han et al., 2019, 2020; Tan et al., 2023), often focusing on small convolutional encoders (Han et al., 2019, 2020). The idea of learning a representation by predicting missing information in feature space is also core to the joint-embedding predictive architecture (JEPA) (LeCun, 2022), which combines a siamese encoder with a predictor network. JEPAs have been successfully instantiated in several modalities, such as with audio data (Baevski et al., 2022b) and image data (Zhou et al., 2021; Oquab et al., 2023; Assran et al., 2023). In this work, we extend this paradigm to video data by leveraging recent advances in self-supervised learning.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Training Objective\nWe train our visual encoder E θ ( · ) to satisfy the constraint that representations computed from one part of the video, y , should be predictable from representations\n3\ncomputed from another part of the video, x . The predictor network P ϕ ( · ) , which maps the representation of x to the representation of y , is trained simultaneously with the encoder, and is provided specification of the spatio-temporal positions of y through the conditioning variable z ← ∆ y .\nNaively implementing the objective using the regression\nminimize θ,ϕ ∥ P ϕ ( E θ ( x ) , ∆ y ) -E θ ( y ) ∥ 1 ,\nwould admit a trivial solution, where the encoder outputs a constant representation, regardless of its input. In practice, we use the following modified objective to prevent representation collapse,\nminimize θ,ϕ ∥ P ϕ ( E θ ( x ) , ∆ y ) -sg ( E θ ( y )) ∥ 1 , (1)\nwhere sg ( · ) denotes a stop-gradient operation, which does not backpropagate through its argument, and E θ ( · ) is an exponential moving average of the network E θ ( · ) . The use of an exponential-moving average feature extractor along with a stop-gradient and a predictor has been used as a collapse prevention strategy for image pretraining (Grill et al., 2020), and studied empirically (Xie et al., 2021) and theoretically (Tian et al., 2021). In fact, the objective in equation (1) is similar to the loss of Assran et al. (2023) used for image pretraining, but we modify it to use an ℓ 1 regression, which we found to be more stable.\nTheoretical motivation. A theoretical motivation for the effectiveness of this collapse prevention strategy was proposed in Grill et al. (2020) for the BYOL method. We provide a simple adaptation of their analysis for our ℓ 1 loss. For ease of exposition, we will disregard the effect of the conditioning variable z and consider one dimensional representations. Denote the representation E θ ( y ) by a random variable Y . The optimal predictor under equation (1) is thus given by the following functional expression,\nP ⋆ ( E θ ( x )) = argmin P ∥ P ( E θ ( x )) -Y ∥ 1 = median ( Y | E θ ( x )) .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Self-Supervised Learning from Videos\nSimilar to unsupervised learning from images, a family of unsupervised video representation learning approaches enforces a spatio-temporal representation of a video clip to be invariant to hand-crafted spatio-temporal data augmentations (Parthasarathy et al., 2022). However, one obvious insight is that the temporal ordering of visual information in video can provide implicit supervision. Indeed, this insight is the key insight leveraged by many works on unsupervised video learning. Towards leveraging temporal information as supervision, some approaches train a visual encoder by predicting the temporal ordering of frames (Xu et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2017). Other approaches seek to predict low-level motion vectors computed from optical flow (Pintea et al., 2014), or to predict mixing pixels in video frames, using either a frame-interpolation objective (Kalluri et al., 2023) or a denoising autoencoder (Tong et al., 2022; Feichtenhofer et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2023a).\n15", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1 Introduction\nHumans possess the remarkable ability to map low-level signals originating from the retina into a semantic spatiotemporal understanding of the world; synthesizing notions such as objects and global motion (Spelke et al., 1995). A long-standing goal of the machine learning community is to identify the principles or objectives that may guide such unsupervised learning in humans (Field, 1994; Berkes and Wiskott, 2005; Hinton, 1989). One related hypothesis is based on the predictive feature principle (Rao and Ballard, 1999), which posits that representations of temporally adjacent sensory stimuli should be predictive of each other.\nIn this work, we revisit feature prediction as a standalone objective for unsupervised learning of visual representations from video. Numerous advances in the field such as the standard use of transformer architectures in vision (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020), the maturing of masked autoencoding frameworks (Xie et al., 2021; Bao et al., 2021; He et al., 2021), query-based feature pooling (Chen et al., 2022), joint-embedding predictive architectures (JEPA) (LeCun, 2022; Assran et al., 2023; Baevski et al., 2022b), and larger datasets - form a unique arsenal of tools, which we integrate in a modern and conceptually simple method, the video joint-embedding predictive architecture or V-JEPA , which is based solely on feature prediction, without using pretrained image encoders, text, negative examples, human annotations, or pixel-", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\nare reciprocally linked through top-down connections that convey predictions (black edges) and bottom-up connections that convey prediction errors (red edges), within and across levels. This predictive coding architecture permits inferring (in the Bayesian sense) the most likely causes of sensations, across multiple modalities and multiple hierarchical levels, by minimizing prediction errors at all levels. The rationale is that predictions at all levels are continuously adjusted (and synaptic weights adjusted at a slower time scale) until they match with incoming multimodal stimuli sufficiently well, and, consequently, the prediction errors across all levels are minimized. This process entails that even if a predictive coding agent starts with an incorrect prediction (e.g. about what object it is looking at) the prediction errors that measure a discrepancy between the predicted sensations and the actual sensations can help revise the initial predictions. See Parr et al. (2022) for a more detailed explanation of how to interpret these schematics.\nAnother critical aspect of Fig. 1 is that it illustrates two pathways in which prediction errors at the proprioceptive and interoceptive levels are used to steer physical actions (reflex arcs) and autonomic actions (autonomic reflexes). Endowing predictive coding with these reflexes-hence realizing an 'active inference' architecture-permits minimizing prediction errors by changing the state of the world (by physically acting) or the internal milieu (by engaging in autonomic actions) rather than only by changing predictions, as described later.\nEquipped with a generative model like the one shown in Fig. 1, an active inference agent can continuously infer (and act upon) the state of the world and of the body, including the internal milieu, at multiple time scales. Of particular interest, here are multimodal inferences that unite exteroceptive and interoceptive sources of evidence. One example of this is the perception of faces expressing emotions. Two studies reported that\n6 Barca et al.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\npredictive coding for video representation, 1 = Mehdi Noroozi and Paolo Favaro. Unsupervised learning of visual representations by solving jigsaw puzzles. In Euro- pean conference on computer vision , pages 69-84. Springer, 2016.. learning. In European conference on computer vision , pages 312-329. Springer, 2020. Kaiming He, Xinlei Chen, Saining Xie, Yanghao Li, Piotr Dol- lár, and Ross Girshick. Masked autoencoders are scalable, 1 = Aaron van den Oord, Yazhe Li, and Oriol Vinyals. Represen- tation learning with contrastive predictive coding. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.03748 , 2018.. vision learners. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.06377 , 2021. Geoffrey E Hinton. Connectionist learning procedures. In Machine learning , pages 555-610. 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Uniformer: Unified trans- former for efficient spatiotemporal representation learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.04676 , 2022.. masked autoencoders. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14344 , 2023., 1 = Ilya Loshchilov and Frank Hutter. Decoupled weight decay regularization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.05101 , 2017.. Michael U Gutmann and Aapo Hyvärinen. Noise-contrastive estimation of unnormalized statistical models, with appli- cations to natural image statistics. Journal of machine learning research , 13(2), 2012., 1 = Antoine Miech, Dimitri Zhukov, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Makarand Tapaswi, Ivan Laptev, and Josef Sivic. Howto100m: Learning a text-video embedding by watch- ing hundred million narrated video clips. In Proceedings. Tengda Han, Weidi Xie, and Andrew Zisserman. Video representation learning by dense predictive coding. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference, 1 = of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision , pages 2630-2640, 2019.. on Computer Vision Workshops , pages 0-0, 2019. Tengda Han, Weidi Xie, and Andrew Zisserman. Memory- augmented dense", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 Methodology: Video-JEPA\nFigure 2 Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures are trained to predict the representation of an input y from the representation of another input x . The additional variable z provides the predictor with information about the transformation that computes y from x .\nOur goal is to explore the effectiveness of feature prediction as a stand-alone objective for learning visual representations from video. To that end, we use a joint-embedding predictive architecture (JEPA) (LeCun, 2022); see Figure 2. The main idea behind a JEPA is to learn by predicting the representation of an input y from the representation of another input x . The basic architecture is made up of an encoder, E θ ( · ) , which computes the representation of the inputs, and a predictor, P ϕ ( · ) , which predicts the representation of y from the representation of x , conditioned on a variable z indicating the transformation (or corruption) between x and y . Conditioning on z enables the generation of distinct predictions for various transformations of x .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6 Evaluating the Predictor\nNext, we seek to qualitatively inspect the V-JEPA models. Recall that the predictor network in V-JEPA predicts the representations of a masked spatio-temporal region y from a visible region x , given the positional information of the masked regions (see Section 3). To qualitatively investigate the grounding of the feature-space predictions, we freeze the pretrained encoder and predictor networks and train a conditional diffusion decoder to map the V-JEPA predictions to interpretable pixels. Notably, the decoder is only fed the representations predicted for the missing regions of the video, and does not have access to the unmasked regions of the video (see Figure 6a).\nGiven a masked video, we use the V-JEPA pretrained models to predict the representations of the missing regions, and then use the decoder to project the representations to pixel space. Figure 6b shows decoder outputs for various random seeds. Qualities that are common across samples represent information that is contained in the predictor representation.\nFigure 6b shows that the V-JEPA feature predictions are indeed grounded, and exhibit spatio-temporal consistency with the unmasked regions of the video. Specifically, the samples in Figure 6b show that the V-JEPA predictor correctly captures positional uncertainty and produces a variety of visual objects at various locations with consistent motion. Some of the samples also demonstrate an understanding of object-permanence, as the visual objects remain consistent after partial occlusion.\n9", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf", - "query": "What does mean the JEPA acronym ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": " joint-embedding predictive architecture (JEPA)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Michael J. Brown\nPresident and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CI/CD\nContinuous Delivery/Continuous Integration", - "page_start": 262, - "page_end": 262, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3 Methodology: Video-JEPA\nFigure 2 Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures are trained to predict the representation of an input y from the representation of another input x . The additional variable z provides the predictor with information about the transformation that computes y from x .\nOur goal is to explore the effectiveness of feature prediction as a stand-alone objective for learning visual representations from video. To that end, we use a joint-embedding predictive architecture (JEPA) (LeCun, 2022); see Figure 2. The main idea behind a JEPA is to learn by predicting the representation of an input y from the representation of another input x . The basic architecture is made up of an encoder, E θ ( · ) , which computes the representation of the inputs, and a predictor, P ϕ ( · ) , which predicts the representation of y from the representation of x , conditioned on a variable z indicating the transformation (or corruption) between x and y . Conditioning on z enables the generation of distinct predictions for various transformations of x .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Effective capacity\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 796, - "page_end": 796, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Written capacity\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 809, - "page_end": 809, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive and\nCorporate Officers", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.2 Reference Documents\nTable 1-1: Reference Documents", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work\nEN", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "P\nIndex\n797", - "page_start": 818, - "page_end": 818, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nInternational initiatives in Asian countries and others", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf", - "query": "What is the average performance of the ViT-L/16 architecture on the K710 dataset with 700k samples ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "70.9", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.4 Pretraining Data and Evaluation Setup\nViT-L/16, Data = K710. ViT-L/16, #Samples = 700K. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.K400 (16 × 1 × 1) = 75.8. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.SSv2 (16 × 1 × 1) = 63.2. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.IN1K = 73.7. ViT-L/16, Avg. = 70.9. ViT-L/16, Data = K710+SSv2. ViT-L/16, #Samples = 900K. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.K400 (16 × 1 × 1) = 72.9. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.SSv2 (16 × 1 × 1) = 67.4. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.IN1K = 72.8. ViT-L/16, Avg. = 71.0. ViT-L/16, Data = K710+HT. ViT-L/16, #Samples = 1900K. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.K400 (16 × 1 × 1) = 74.5. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.SSv2 (16 × 1 × 1) = 64.2. ViT-L/16, Frozen Evaluation.IN1K = 74.8. ViT-L/16, Avg. = 71.1. , Data = VideoMix2M. , #Samples = 2000K. , Frozen Evaluation.K400 (16 × 1 × 1) = 73.7. , Frozen Evaluation.SSv2 (16 × 1 × 1) = 66.2. , Frozen Evaluation.IN1K = 74.8. , Avg. = 71.5. ViT-H/16, Data = K710+SSv2. ViT-H/16, #Samples = 900K. ViT-H/16, Frozen Evaluation.K400 (16 × 1 × 1) = 75.7. ViT-H/16, Frozen Evaluation.SSv2 (16 × 1 × 1) = 66.8. ViT-H/16, Frozen Evaluation.IN1K = 73.7.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "E.2 Finetuning\nIn Table 15, we evaluate V-JEPA using finetuning (separately) on K400 and SSv2. We compare V-JEPA with VideoMAEv2 (Wang et al., 2023a), VideoMAE (Tong et al., 2022) and MVD (Wang et al., 2023b) using a ViT-L/16 or a ViT-H/16 architecture. V-JEPA obtains competitive performance using a finetuning protocol. With a ViTiH/16 architecture, V-JEPA outperforms by 1 . 2% VideoMAE and +0 . 3% VideoMAEv2 on the SSv2 dataset, while obtaining comparable performance on K400. V-JEPA also obtains performance similar to MVD on the SSv2 dataset. The MVD model achieves the best performance across models on the K400 dataset, and is trained using the image dataset ImageNet1K, in contrast to the other methods in the table, which only use video data. Additionally MVD requires the processing of significantly more samples during pretraining due to the cost of training the teacher encoder networks in a pre-pre-training step.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.4 Pretraining Data and Evaluation Setup\nPretraining. We combine several public datasets to construct an unsupervised video pretraining dataset, which we refer to as VideoMix2M. Specifically, we combine the videos from HowTo100M (HT) (Miech et al., 2019), Kinetics-400/600/700 (K710) (Kay et al., 2017), and Something-Something-v2 (SSv2) (Goyal et al., 2017), and remove any overlap with the validation sets of Kinetics-400/600/700 and Something-Something-v2, resulting in approximately 2 million videos. We train a ViT-L/16, a ViT-H/16, and a ViT-H/16 384 transformer model on VideoMix2M. We use a batch size of 3072 for the ViT-L/16 and ViT-H/16 models, and a batch size of 2400 for the ViT-H/16 384 model. Each model takes as input a video clip of 16 frames sampled with a frameskip of 4, corresponding to roughly 3 second clips on average. The ViT-L/16 and ViT-H/16 process the video at a spatial resolution of 224, while the ViT-H/16 384 uses an input resolution of 384; cf. Appendix C.\n4\nTable 1 Pixels vs. Featurized Targets. We ablate the effect of computing the prediction loss in feature space vs pixel space. All models are trained on VideoMix2M for 90K iterations with a batch size of 3072 using the multi-block prediction task. We examine downstream performance using a frozen backbone with attentive probing, and report top-1 accuracy using a single center view. We also examine end-to-end fine-tuning performance of the models on K400. Predicting in feature space provide a consistent improvement over pixel space prediction.\nTable 2 Pretraining Data Distribution. We pretrain all models for 90K iterations using a batch size of 3072, and evaluate downstream performance of the frozen backbones with an attentive probe using a single center view. Average performance across tasks increases with the pretraining dataset size.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C Pretraining details\nIn section, we report V-JEPA pretraining details. Table 8 summarizes the main hyperparameters used during pretraining.\nArchitectures. We use Vision Transformer (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020) (ViT) architectures for the x -encoder and y -encoder. We train three V-JEPA encoders: a ViT-L/16 224 , a ViT-H/16 224 and a ViT-H/16 384 . All three encoders take as input a short video clip of 16 frames with a temporal stride of 4 between consecutive frames. The subscripts, 224 and 384 , indicate the spatial resolution of the video clip. V-JEPA flattens the video clip into a sequence of non-overlapping spatio-temporal patches of size 16 × 16 × 2 (see Figure 7). For all three models, the predictor is designed as a narrow ViT architecture, consisting of 12 transformer blocks with an embedding dimension of 384. For simplicity, we keep the number of self-attention heads in the predictor equal to that of the backbone used for the context-encoder/target-encoder. V-JEPA is pretrained without using a [cls] token.\nOptimization. We use AdamW (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017) to optimize the x -encoder and predictor weights. The ViT-L/16 224 and ViT-H/16 224 models use a batch size of 3072 while the ViT-H/16 384 uses a batch size of 2400 . Models are trained for a total of 90,000 iterations. The learning rate is linearly increased from 2 × 10 -4 to 6 . 25 × 10 -4 during the first 12 , 000 iterations of pretraining, and decayed to 10 -6 following a cosine schedule.\n17\nTable 9 Frozen Evaluation hyper-parameters.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B Extended Description of V-JEPA\nTable 8 pretraining hyper-parameters for V-JEPA.\npatch_size, ViT-H/16 224 = 16. patch_size, ViT-H/16 384 = 16. tubelet_size, ViT-L/16 224 = 2. tubelet_size, ViT-H/16 224 = 2. tubelet_size, ViT-H/16 384 = 2. pred_depth, ViT-L/16 224 = 12. pred_depth, ViT-H/16 224 = 12. pred_depth, ViT-H/16 384 = 12. pred_embed_dim, ViT-L/16 224 = 384. pred_embed_dim, ViT-H/16 224 = 384. pred_embed_dim, ViT-H/16 384 = 384. hardware, ViT-L/16 224 = . hardware, ViT-H/16 224 = . hardware, ViT-H/16 384 = . dtype, ViT-L/16 224 = bfloat16. dtype, ViT-H/16 224 = bfloat16. dtype, ViT-H/16 384 = bfloat16. accelerator, ViT-L/16 224 = A100 80G. accelerator, ViT-H/16 224 = A100 80G. accelerator, ViT-H/16 384 = A100 80G", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "E.1 Frozen Evaluation.\nTable 11 Finetuning Evaluation hyper-parameters.\ndata num_segments num_frames sampling_rate resolution, K400 = . data num_segments num_frames sampling_rate resolution, K400 = . data num_segments num_frames sampling_rate resolution, SSv2 = 1 16 4 224. data num_segments num_frames sampling_rate resolution, SSv2 = . model model_name, K400 = . model model_name, K400 = ViT-L/16 ViT-H/16. model model_name, SSv2 = . model model_name, SSv2 = ViT-L/16 ViT-H/16. drop_path, K400 = 0.1. drop_path, K400 = 0.2. drop_path, SSv2 = 0.2. drop_path, SSv2 = 0.2. head_drop_rate, K400 = 0.. head_drop_rate, K400 = 0.. head_drop_rate, SSv2 = . head_drop_rate, SSv2 = . , K400 = 5 3. , K400 = . , SSv2 = 0.5. , SSv2 = 0.5. optimization, K400 = . optimization, K400 = . optimization, SSv2 = . optimization, SSv2 = . batch_size, K400 = 256. batch_size, K400 = 1024. batch_size, SSv2 = 256. batch_size, SSv2 = 256. epochs, K400 = 35. epochs, K400 = 25. epochs, SSv2 = 15. epochs, SSv2 = 15. opt, K400 = . opt, K400 = . opt, SSv2 = adamw. opt, SSv2 = . opt_eps momentum, K400 = . opt_eps momentum, K400 = . opt_eps momentum, SSv2 = 0.00000001 0.9. opt_eps momentum, SSv2 = . weight_decay, K400 = . weight_decay, K400 = . weight_decay, SSv2 = . weight_decay, SSv2 = . , K400 = . , K400 = . , SSv2 = 0.05. , SSv2 = .", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D.1 Frozen classification\nTable 10 Frozen Detection hyper-parameters.\nout_layers, ViT-L/16 = [18, 20, 22, 24] [26, 28, 30, 32]. out_layers, ViT-H/16 = . batch_size, ViT-L/16 = 64. batch_size, ViT-H/16 = 64. epochs, ViT-L/16 = 30. epochs, ViT-H/16 = 30. opt, ViT-L/16 = AdamW. opt, ViT-H/16 = AdamW. opt_eps, ViT-L/16 = 0.00000001. opt_eps, ViT-H/16 = 0.00000001. momentum, ViT-L/16 = 0.9. momentum, ViT-H/16 = 0.9. weight_decay, ViT-L/16 = 0.05. weight_decay, ViT-H/16 = 0.05. lr, ViT-L/16 = 0.0001. lr, ViT-H/16 = 0.0001. warmup_lr, ViT-L/16 = 0.000001. warmup_lr, ViT-H/16 = 0.000001. min_lr, ViT-L/16 = 0.000001. min_lr, ViT-H/16 = 0.000001. warmup_epochs, ViT-L/16 = 2. warmup_epochs, ViT-H/16 = 2. warmup_steps, ViT-L/16 = 1. warmup_steps, ViT-H/16 = 1", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1 Comparison with Pixel Prediction\nTo investigate the effectiveness of feature prediction pretraining, we first compare V-JEPA to video masked modeling models relying on a pixel prediction loss. We control\nfor the possible confounding factor of model architecture by evaluating all models using either a ViT-L/16 encoder, or a Hiera-L encoder, which has a similar number of parameters. For the pixel prediction baselines we consider VideoMAE (Tong et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2023a), which trains vision transformer autoencoders exclusively on video, Hiera (Ryali et al., 2023), which trains a hierarchical transformer autoencoder on video, and OmniMAE (Girdhar et al., 2023), which trains a vision transformer autoencoder on static images and video simultaneously.\n7\nFigure 4 SSv2 fine-tuning performance vs. Samples Seen. We report SSv2 fine-tuning for V-JEPA and pixel-reconstruction baselines using a ViT-L/16 or Hiera-L architecture. V-JEPA outperforms all pixel-reconstruction methods using a ViTL/16 and matches the Hiera-L performance while seeing significantly less samples during pretraining.\nageNet; hence, V-JEPA achieves comparable ImageNet performance despite only pretraining on video.\nUnder the fine-tuning protocol, V-JEPA also achieves the best performance of any model trained with a ViT-L/16, and matches the performance of the Hiera-L on SSv2, which benefits from a hierachical prior (Ryali et al., 2023). The V-JEPA models achieve this result while processing significantly fewer samples during pretraining (Figure 4), demonstrating the efficiency of feature prediction as a learning principle.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B Extended Description of V-JEPA\nTable 8 pretraining hyper-parameters for V-JEPA.\nlr, ViT-L/16 224 = 6.25e-4. lr, ViT-H/16 224 = 6.25 × 10 - 4. lr, ViT-H/16 384 = 6.25 × 10 - 4. start_lr, ViT-L/16 224 = 2 × 10 - 4. start_lr, ViT-H/16 224 = 2 × 10 - 4. start_lr, ViT-H/16 384 = 2 × 10 - 4. final_lr, ViT-L/16 224 = 1 × 10 - 6. final_lr, ViT-H/16 224 = 1 × 10 - 6. final_lr, ViT-H/16 384 = 1 × 10 - 6. start_momentum, ViT-L/16 224 = 0.998. start_momentum, ViT-H/16 224 = 0.998. start_momentum, ViT-H/16 384 = 0.998. final_momentum, ViT-L/16 224 = 1.0. final_momentum, ViT-H/16 224 = 1.0. final_momentum, ViT-H/16 384 = 1.0. start_weight_decay, ViT-L/16 224 = 0.04. start_weight_decay, ViT-H/16 224 = 0.04. start_weight_decay, ViT-H/16 384 = 0.04. final_weight_decay, ViT-L/16 224 = 0.4. final_weight_decay, ViT-H/16 224 = 0.4. final_weight_decay, ViT-H/16 384 = 0.4. scheduler_scale_factor, ViT-L/16 224 = 1.25. scheduler_scale_factor, ViT-H/16 224 = 1.25. scheduler_scale_factor, ViT-H/16 384 = 1.25. architecture, ViT-L/16 224 = . architecture, ViT-H/16 224 = . architecture, ViT-H/16 384 = . patch_size, ViT-L/16 224 = 16.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.4 Pretraining Data and Evaluation Setup\nViT-H/16, Avg. = 72.0. ViT-H/16, Data = VideoMix2M. ViT-H/16, #Samples = 2000K. ViT-H/16, Frozen Evaluation.K400 (16 × 1 × 1) = 74.0. ViT-H/16, Frozen Evaluation.SSv2 (16 × 1 × 1) = 68.5. ViT-H/16, Frozen Evaluation.IN1K = 75.9. ViT-H/16, Avg. = 72.8\nEvaluations. Pretrained models are evaluated on downstream video and image tasks. On video tasks, we use a subset of the VideoGLUE benchmark (Yuan et al., 2023) to test for various capabilities; specifically, we investigate action recognition on Kinetics400 (K400) (Kay et al., 2017), motion classification on Something-Something-v2 (SSv2) (Goyal et al., 2017), and action localization on AVA (Gu et al., 2018). Action classification on Kinetics evaluates the appearance-based understanding of the model, as many action classes in the dataset can be inferred from the presence of specific objects in the video (Sevilla-Lara et al., 2021). Motion classification on Something-Something-v2 evaluates the temporal understanding of the model, as action classes in the dataset are decoupled from the appearance/presence of specific objects in the video (Goyal et al., 2017). Finally, action localization on AVA evaluates the ability of the model to understand and localize motions in the video. We follow standard practice and report accuracy on K400 and SSv2 by sampling several spatial and temporal views. For static image tasks, we explore object recognition on ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015), scene classification on Places205 (Zhou et al., 2014), and fine-grained recognition on iNaturalist 2021 (Van Horn et al., 2018).", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf", - "query": "What is appropriate authority ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY.—The term ‘appropriate authority’ means the head of a Federal agency, the Architect of the Capitol, or other official authority responsible for the operation of a public building. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Consent for publication\nNot applicable.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary\nChapter 3. Administration\n71", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I.14. Service provided on the premises of the contracting authority\nNot applicable.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "EN-Draft FWC for services 0142.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive and\nCorporate Officers", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Available (usable) capacity\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 791, - "page_end": 791, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Documents Incorporated by Reference\ni", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Effective capacity\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 796, - "page_end": 796, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Governance\n- 46 -", - "page_start": 47, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Responsibilities:\nManaging Director and Chief Executive Officer.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf", - "query": "What criteria must a lactation room meet?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "LACTATION ROOM.—The term ‘lactation room’ means a hygienic place, other than a bathroom, that— ‘‘(A) is shielded from view; ‘‘(B) is free from intrusion; and ‘‘(C) contains a chair, a working surface, and, if the public building is otherwise supplied with electricity, an electrical outlet. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "An Act\nTo provide a lactation room in public buildings.\nBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "''§ 3318. Lactation room in public buildings\n''(a) DEFINITIONS.-In this section:\n''(1) APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY.-The term 'appropriate authority' means the head of a Federal agency, the Architect of the Capitol, or other official authority responsible for the operation of a public building.\n''(2) COVERED PUBLIC BUILDING.-The term 'covered public building' means a public building (as defined in section 3301) that is open to the public and contains a public restroom, and includes a building listed in section 6301 or 5101.\n''(3) LACTATION ROOM.-The term 'lactation room' means a hygienic place, other than a bathroom, that-\n''(A) is shielded from view;\n''(B) is free from intrusion; and\n''(C) contains a chair, a working surface, and, if the public building is otherwise supplied with electricity, an electrical outlet.\n''(b) LACTATION ROOM REQUIRED.-Except as provided in subsection (c), the appropriate authority of a covered public building shall ensure that the building contains a lactation room that is made available for use by members of the public to express breast milk.\n''(c) EXCEPTIONS.-A covered public building may be excluded from the requirement in subsection (b) at the discretion of the appropriate authority if-\n''(1) the public building-\n''(A) does not contain a lactation room for employees who work in the building; and\n''(B) does not have a room that could be repurposed as a lactation room or a space that could be made private using portable materials, at a reasonable cost; or\nJuly 25, 2019\n[H.R. 866]\nFairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act of 2019. 40 USC 101 note.\n40 USC 3318.\ndkrause on DSKBC28HB2PROD with PUBLAWS\nVerDate Sep 11 2014\n15:46 Aug 08, 2019\nJkt 089139\nPO 00030\nFrm 00002\nFmt 6580\nSfmt 6580\nE:\\PUBLAW\\PUBL030.116\nPUBL030\nPUBLIC LAW 116-30-JULY 25, 2019\n133 STAT. 1033\n''(2) new construction would be required to create a lactation room in the public building and the cost of such construction is unfeasible.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SEC. 2. LACTATION ROOM IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS.\n(a) LACTATION ROOM IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS.-Chapter 33 of title 40, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section:", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "''§ 3318. Lactation room in public buildings\n''(d) NO UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY.-Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize an individual to enter a public building or portion thereof that the individual is not otherwise authorized to enter.''.\n(b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.-The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 33 of title 40, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item related to section 3316 the following new item:\n40 USC 3301 prec.\n''3318. Lactation room in public buildings.''.\n(c) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments made by this section shall take effect 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act. 40 USC 3318 note.\nApproved July 25, 2019.\nLEGISLATIVE HISTORY-H.R. 866 (S. 528):\nCONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 165 (2019): Feb. 6, considered and passed House. June 26, considered and passed Senate.\nÆ", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conditions\nConditions are specific rules for which the access is valid.", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Board carries out its responsibilities in accordance with the following:\nThe Board will comprise at least four directors; ·\nThe Board will be made up of at least one quarter of non-executive directors; ·\nThe directors must between them possess a broad range of skills, qualifications and experience; ·\nThe Board will meet on a monthly basis; and ·\nAll available information in connection with items to be discussed at a meeting of the Board will be provided to each director prior to that meeting. ·", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.\nThis Act may be cited as the ''Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act of 2019''.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.3.2 Design considerations\nThis section discusses some design considerations.", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Day 8 tests: private provider requirements\n(3) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (1)(d) and (e), a person or laboratory (as the case may be) meets the relevant requirements for accreditation to a standard where the person who is the operator of the laboratory complies with the requirements of regulation 6 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Testing Requirements and Standards) (England) Regulations 2020 as if-\n(a) a reference to an applicable test were a reference to a day 8 test;\n(b) a reference to a test provider were a reference to a private provider.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How do I know I'm getting safe, quality compost?\nFortunately, in Washington we have strict permitting and production standards for compost facilities, that include both time and temperature requirements and contaminant limits.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf", - "query": "When take effect the Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "The amendments made by this section shall take effect 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.\nThis Act may be cited as the ''Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act of 2019''.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "An Act\nTo provide a lactation room in public buildings.\nBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review and expiry\n2. -(1) The Secretary of State must review the effectiveness of these Regulations during the period for which they have effect.\n(2) These Regulations cease to have effect on 25th September 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "''§ 3318. Lactation room in public buildings\n''(a) DEFINITIONS.-In this section:\n''(1) APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY.-The term 'appropriate authority' means the head of a Federal agency, the Architect of the Capitol, or other official authority responsible for the operation of a public building.\n''(2) COVERED PUBLIC BUILDING.-The term 'covered public building' means a public building (as defined in section 3301) that is open to the public and contains a public restroom, and includes a building listed in section 6301 or 5101.\n''(3) LACTATION ROOM.-The term 'lactation room' means a hygienic place, other than a bathroom, that-\n''(A) is shielded from view;\n''(B) is free from intrusion; and\n''(C) contains a chair, a working surface, and, if the public building is otherwise supplied with electricity, an electrical outlet.\n''(b) LACTATION ROOM REQUIRED.-Except as provided in subsection (c), the appropriate authority of a covered public building shall ensure that the building contains a lactation room that is made available for use by members of the public to express breast milk.\n''(c) EXCEPTIONS.-A covered public building may be excluded from the requirement in subsection (b) at the discretion of the appropriate authority if-\n''(1) the public building-\n''(A) does not contain a lactation room for employees who work in the building; and\n''(B) does not have a room that could be repurposed as a lactation room or a space that could be made private using portable materials, at a reasonable cost; or\nJuly 25, 2019\n[H.R. 866]\nFairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act of 2019. 40 USC 101 note.\n40 USC 3318.\ndkrause on DSKBC28HB2PROD with PUBLAWS\nVerDate Sep 11 2014\n15:46 Aug 08, 2019\nJkt 089139\nPO 00030\nFrm 00002\nFmt 6580\nSfmt 6580\nE:\\PUBLAW\\PUBL030.116\nPUBL030\nPUBLIC LAW 116-30-JULY 25, 2019\n133 STAT. 1033\n''(2) new construction would be required to create a lactation room in the public building and the cost of such construction is unfeasible.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "PLAW-116publ30.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Expiry of Regulations\n25. These Regulations expire at the end of 16th May 2022.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Workforce tests\nRegulation 7(5)", - "page_start": 66, - "page_end": 66, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Shareholder Information\nAs at 26 September 2013", - "page_start": 115, - "page_end": 115, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(3) Fair Value of Investments\nThe following tables present the fair value of investments based on hierarchical level as of June 30, 2024 and 2023:", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Responsibilities:\nMember of the Remuneration Committee.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DATA AVAILABILITY\nData will be made available upon reasonable request.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf", - "query": "When is it not necessary to review an EHC plan ?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": " It is not necessary for a local authority to review an EHC plan in accordance with section 44(1) of the Act if it is impractical to do so because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "' Circumstances in which it is not necessary to review an EHC plan\n18A. -(1) It is not necessary for a local authority to review an EHC plan in accordance with section 44(1) of the Act if it is impractical to do so because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.\n(2) Where paragraph (1) applies, a local authority must instead conduct such reviews as soon as reasonably practicable.'.\n12. In regulation 22 (amending an EHC plan following a review), after paragraph (5) insert-\n'(6) The local authority need not comply with the time limit referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4) if it is impractical to do so because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.'.\n13. In regulation 27(3) (amending or replacing an EHC plan following a re-assessment)-\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (d) insert-\n'; or\n(e) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n14. In regulation 45 (unopposed appeals), after paragraph (7) insert-\n'(8) The local authority need not comply with the time limits specified in paragraph (3A) if it is impractical to do so because the circumstances referred to in regulation 10(4)(e) apply.'.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review of need for requirements\n24. The Secretary of State must review the need for the requirements imposed by these Regulations by 14th June 2021 and at least once every 28 days thereafter.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n6. In regulation 4 (determination whether or not special educational provision may be necessary), after paragraph (2) insert-\n'(3) The local authority need not comply with the time limit referred to in paragraph (1) if it is impractical to do so because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.'.\n7. In regulation 5(4) (decision whether or not to conduct an EHC needs assessment)-\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (d) insert-\n'; or\n(e) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n8. In regulation 8(2) (duty to co-operate in EHC needs assessments)-\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (b) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) insert-\n'; or\n(d) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n9. In regulation 10(4) (decision not to secure an EHC plan)-\n2\n(a) at the end of sub-paragraph (c) omit 'or'; and\n(b) at the end of sub-paragraph (d) insert-\n'; or\n(e) of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus'.\n10. In regulation 13(3) (timescales for EHC plans), for '(d)' substitute '(e)'.\n11. After regulation 18 (circumstances in which a local authority must review an EHC plan) insert-", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Restructuring\nWe make provisions for restructuring when we have approved a detailed and formal restructuring plan, and either the restructuring has started or management has announced the plan's main features to the employees affected by it.", - "page_start": 101, - "page_end": 101, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CRTC Review of Wholesale Telecommunications S ervices\nIn October 2013, the CRTC initiated its planned review of the telecommunications essential services rulings it released in March 2008. The review will culminate with a public hearing expected in November 2014.", - "page_start": 73, - "page_end": 73, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Check that you have received the correct exam paper.\nYou don't want to waste precious time (and energy) by starting with the wrong paper.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n(2) The coronavirus exception applies where it is not reasonably practicable for a person to meet a requirement referred to in paragraph (1) for a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.\n(3) The following regulations are specified for the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2)-\n(a) regulation 15(2) (transfer of EHC plans) (in relation to the second reference to 15 working days), (4), (5), (7) (in relation to the second reference to 15 working days) and (8);\n(b) regulation 16(2) and (3) (change of responsible commissioning body);\n(c) regulation 20(9) and (10) (review where the child or young person attends a school or other institution);\n(d) regulation 21(7), (8) and (9) (review of EHC plan where the child or young person does not attend a school or other institution);\n(e) regulation 25(1) (notification of decision whether it is necessary to re-assess educational, health care and social care provision);\n(f) regulation 27(4) (amending or replacing an EHC plan following a re-assessment);\n(g) regulation 33 (requirement to consider mediation);\n(h) regulation 34(1) and (2) (where a parent or young person does not wish to or fails to pursue mediation);\n(i) regulation 35(2), (3) and (4) (mediation - health care issues);\n(j) regulation 36(2) (mediation - no health care issues);\n(k) regulation 39(1) and (3) (mediation certificate under section 55(5));\n(l) regulation 42(3) and (4) (steps to be taken by a local authority);\n(m) regulation 44(2)(d), (e), (f) and (h) (compliance with the orders of the First-tier Tribunal);\n(n) regulation 45(4), (5) and (6A) (unopposed appeals);\n(o) regulation 47 (disclosure of EHC plans in relation to higher education); and\n(p) regulation 56(3) (publication of comments on the local offer).'.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review and expiry\n2. -(1) The Secretary of State must review the effectiveness of these Regulations during the period for which they have effect.\n(2) These Regulations cease to have effect on 25th September 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MHC Results\nFor the years ended December 31,", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. REVIEW OF BOARD AND EXECUTIVE PERFORMANCE\nThe Board Guidelines provide that:\n· non-executive Directors are to be appointed on the basis that their nomination for re-election as a Director is subject to review and support by the Board;\n· there should be appropriate circumstances justifying reelection after a specified period of service as a Director; and\n· the contribution of the Board and of individual Directors is the subject of formal review and discussion on a biennial and annual basis, respectively.\nAs the biennial review of the Board and of its Committees was conducted by an independent consultant in 2003, no formal performance appraisal of the Board was conducted in 2004.\nPerformance evaluation of key executives is undertaken on a quarterly and annual basis by the CEO and summarised in presentation to the\nRemuneration Committee of the\nBoard, both specifically for determination of remuneration and generally in relation to management succession planning for review by the Board.", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf", - "query": "Give me some info about the scroll bars in excel", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "Appear at the right and on the bottom of the screen. You may click the scroll arrows, drag the scroll box or click the scroll bar to move through the document. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "For Your Reference…\nMicrosoft Excel\ntools provide a way of seeing what the different charts will look like without having to first create the chart.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGING THE CHART LAYOUT\nExcel has a gallery of chart layouts that can be applied to an existing and selected chart that is either in its own worksheet or embedded into the data worksheet. Chart layouts are the way", - "page_start": 53, - "page_end": 53, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "QUICK CHARTING\nCharts aren't all that difficult to create in Excel, especially with the Recommended Charts feature. However, deciding what style and type of chart can be daunting. Fortunately the Charts", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel PDF Accessibility\nArticle · 11/26/2024", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "UNDERSTANDING WORKBOOKS\nIn Microsoft Excel the data you enter, whether it consists of numbers, text, or formulas, is stored in a file known as a workbook . Workbooks are just like huge electronic books with pages (or\nsheets ) that have been ruled into columns and rows. Before using Excel it is helpful to know what the various parts and elements that make up a workbook are.\n A worksheet (or page) in a workbook contains 16,384 columns that are labelled using letters of the alphabet. The first column in a worksheet is labelled column A , while the last is labelled XFD\n A worksheet (or page) in a workbook contains 1,048,576 rows that are labelled using numbers from 1 to 1,048,576\n Where a column and row intersect we get what is known as a cell . You enter your data into these cells. Each cell in a worksheet can hold up to 32,767 characters - although it would be unrealistic to ever push it this far. Cells are referred to by their column and row labels. For example, in the screen above the cell we are pointing to is C11 - this reference is known as the cell address and is most important as it is frequently used in commands and formulas\n When you start typing something, you want it to appear somewhere in the worksheet. As a consequence when the Status Bar shows Ready mode, at least one cell in the worksheet will be highlighted - this is known as the active cell . In the screen above, the active cell is cell A1 -notice that the column label and the row label also appears coloured to indicate the active cell. You can have more than one active cell - when this occurs you have what is known as a range\n A workbook (as you would expect) is made up of pages known as worksheets . You can have as many sheets in a workbook as your computer resources can accommodate. As a default, a new blank workbook normally has 3 worksheets labelled Sheet1 , Sheet2 , and Sheet3 . Of course these labels are pretty boring and meaningless and can be changed to something more relevant\n The Insert Worksheet button here will insert another worksheet into the current workbook should you need it\nITTraining@sgul.ac.uk\nPage 1\nSt. George's Information Services\nMicrosoft Excel\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "To freeze panes in a worksheet :\n1. Click in the cell below and to the right of the area you want to freeze/unfreeze\n2. Click on the VIEW tab\n3. Click on Freeze Panes in the Window group, then select Freeze Panes\nITTraining@sgul.ac.uk\nPage 12\nSt. George's Information Services", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n Make sure that you check your worksheet carefully after you've made changes to entire columns. Remember that all of the cells in that column are affected - even those in rows below the visible area.\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "RENAMING A WORKSHEET\nBy default, Excel names worksheets as Sheet1 , Sheet2 , Sheet3 , etc. These names are fine if you are not planning to share the workbook, but changing these to something more relevant\nmakes it much easier to understand the purpose of a worksheet. You can also adjust the horizontal scroll bar to make room for longer, more meaningful worksheet names.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Operators\n+ Addition\n-Subtraction\n* Multiplication\n/ Division\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf", - "query": "How to rename a worksheet in Excel ?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": "To rename a worksheet: 1. Double click on the current name on the worksheet tab 2. Type the new name and press ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "RENAMING A WORKSHEET\nBy default, Excel names worksheets as Sheet1 , Sheet2 , Sheet3 , etc. These names are fine if you are not planning to share the workbook, but changing these to something more relevant\nmakes it much easier to understand the purpose of a worksheet. You can also adjust the horizontal scroll bar to make room for longer, more meaningful worksheet names.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n You can rename a worksheet by right-clicking on the worksheet tab to display the shortcut menu and clicking on Rename .\n A worksheet tab name can contain up to 31 characters including spaces, but it is better to keep it short and succinct.\nMicrosoft Excel\n To copy a worksheet into an existing workbook, make sure that you open the destination workbook first to ensure that it is listed in To book in the Move or Copy dialog box.\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "To rename a worksheet :\n1. Double click on the current name on the worksheet tab\n2. Type the new name and press\nITTraining@sgul.ac.uk\nPage 8\nSt. George's Information Services", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Try This Yourself:\nContinue using the previous file with this exercise, or open the file E1324 Worksheet Techniques_2.xlsx...\n Point to the vertical dots between the sheet names and the horizontal scroll bar, as shown\nThe pointer will change to a double-headed arrow...\n Click and drag the bar across to the right, to the end of column L , then release the mouse button\n Double-click on Sheet1 (5) to select the worksheet tab name\nThis will also place it into edit mode…\n Type Comms , then press\n Repeat steps 3 and 4 to rename the other worksheets:\nSheet1 (4)\nAdmin\nSheet1 (3)\nShop\nSheet1 (2)\nIT\nSheet1\nMaintenance", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n You can copy the current worksheet using the HOME tab by clicking on Format in the Cells group, then clicking on Move or Copy Sheet .\n The Before sheet options in the Move or Copy dialog box allow you to position the copied worksheet where you want.\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "To copy a sheet to another workbook :\n1. Right click on the worksheet tab, then click on Move or Copy\n2. Select either (new book) or the name of another workbook in To book\n3. Tick Create a copy , then click on [OK]\nITTraining@sgul.ac.uk\nPage 9\nSt. George's Information Services\n1", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n To insert a worksheet between existing worksheets, right-click on the worksheet tab before which you want to insert a new sheet, then click on Insert to display the Insert dialog box. Select Worksheet and click on [OK] .\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MOVING OR COPYING A SHEET TO ANOTHER WORKBOOK\nYou can copy worksheets to other workbooks as required. For example, you might need to keep records for six different divisions - rather than send each division the entire set of records, you\ncan copy their worksheet to another workbook and send them their data only. If worksheets exist in the other workbook, you will need to determine the order in which to place the copied worksheet.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Try This Yourself:\nn\nBefore starting this exercise you MUST open the file E1324 Worksheet Techniques_1.xlsx…\n Examine the workbook - it currently contains one worksheet named Sheet1\n Click on the New Sheet icon at the end of the worksheet tabs\nA new worksheet named Sheet2 will be inserted. You can also use the keyboard shortcut...\n Press + to insert another new worksheet\nThis sheet is named Sheet3 and is inserted before the currently selected sheet. Now let's delete a sheet...\n Right-click on the Sheet3 worksheet tab to display the shortcut menu\n Select Delete to remove the worksheet\nAs the worksheet contains no data, the sheet will be deleted immediately. If a worksheet contains data, Excel will ask you to confirm your actions...\n Repeat steps 4 and 5 to delete Sheet2", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "For Your Reference…\nTo insert a new worksheet into a workbook :\n Click on the New Sheet icon to the right of the worksheet tabs\nTo delete a worksheet from a workbook :\n Right click on the worksheet tab, then select Delete\nITTraining@sgul.ac.uk\nPage 6\nSt. George's Information Services", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf", - "query": "I want to freeze a pane in my Excel worksheet ", - "target_page": 16, - "target_passage": "To freeze panes in a worksheet: 1. Click in the cell below and to the right of the area you want to freeze/unfreeze 2. Click on the VIEW tab 3. Click on Freeze Panes in the Window group, then select Freeze Panes ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "To freeze panes in a worksheet :\n1. Click in the cell below and to the right of the area you want to freeze/unfreeze\n2. Click on the VIEW tab\n3. Click on Freeze Panes in the Window group, then select Freeze Panes\nITTraining@sgul.ac.uk\nPage 12\nSt. George's Information Services", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n If you want to freeze only the rows above the selected cell (leaving all columns unfrozen), select the cell in column A of that row - e.g. to freeze rows 1 to 6 , click in cell A7 . The same applies to freezing only columns and leaving the rows unfrozen: select the cell in row 1 .\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Try This Yourself:\nContinue using the previous file E1324 Worksheet\nwith this exercise, or open the file Techniques_11.xlsx...\n Click on the Maintenance worksheet tab, then spend a few moments examining the worksheet\nDepending on your screen, it is possible that you won't be able to see all of the figures on the screen at once...\n Click in cell B6 to select the cell\n Click on the VIEW tab, click on Freeze Panes in the Window group, then select Freeze Panes\nThin black lines appear above and to the left of the selected cell. This indicates that the areas above and to the left are frozen...\n Scroll to the right until Yearly Average in column L appears next to column A\n Scroll down until Overheads in row 25 is below row 5\n Press + to move to cell B6 - this is our temporary home cell, as the cells above and to the left are frozen\n On the VIEW tab, click on Freeze Panes in the Freeze Panes group, then click on Unfreeze Panes to unfreeze the rows and columns", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel\nExcel PDF Accessibility\nExcel.Workbook.ExportAsFixedFormat", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n To insert a worksheet between existing worksheets, right-click on the worksheet tab before which you want to insert a new sheet, then click on Insert to display the Insert dialog box. Select Worksheet and click on [OK] .\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n You can copy the current worksheet using the HOME tab by clicking on Format in the Cells group, then clicking on Move or Copy Sheet .\n The Before sheet options in the Move or Copy dialog box allow you to position the copied worksheet where you want.\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Extending Office PDF Export\nExtending Office PDF Export", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FREEZING ROWS AND COLUMNS\nWhen you lay out your data in rows and columns, it is most likely that your headings end up at the top or to the left of your data. If you have a large amount of data, you may find that when you\nscroll across or down to particular cells, the headings scroll out of view. This problem can be resolved by freezing the rows and/or columns that hold the headings.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n Make sure that you check your worksheet carefully after you've made changes to entire columns. Remember that all of the cells in that column are affected - even those in rows below the visible area.\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf", - "query": "What is the msodocexStructTypeArticle type value ?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "A group of nodes forming a single flow of text that should be read or searched as a contiguous block of content. Some documents have a single article and others have multiple articles.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "DocExComment_BeginStructNode\nmsodocexStructTypePara, Description = A block of text within an article. Its parent node must be an article.. msodocexStructTypeFigure, Description = A graphical element (for example, an image or collection of shapes) that has a textual representation. The textual representation is the alternate text used for reading or searching the document.. msodocexStructTypeArticle, Description = A group of nodes forming a single flow of text that should be read or searched as a contiguous block of content. Some documents have a single article and others have multiple articles.. msodocexStructTypeHeading, Description = A heading in the text.. msodocexStructTypeTable, Description = A block of text forming a table.. msodocexStructTypeTR, Description = A block of text forming a single row of a table.. msodocexStructTypeTD, Description = A block of text forming a single cell in a table row.. msodocexStructTypeTH, Description = A block of text forming a single header cell in a table row.. msodocexStructTypeList, Description = A block of text forming a list.. msodocexStructTypeListItem, Description = A block of text forming a list item.. msodocexStructTypeListBody, Description = A block of text forming the body of a list item.. msodocexStructTypeDocument, Description = A document.. msodocexStructTypePage, Description = A page in the document.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_BeginStructNode\nmsodocexStructTypeTOC, Description = A table of contents.. msodocexStructTypeTOCI, Description = An item in a table of contents.. msodocexStructTypeExtLink, Description = A link to an external resource.. msodocexStructTypeIntLink, Description = A link to an internal resource.. msodocexStructTypeFootnote, Description = A footnote.. msodocexStructTypeEndnote, Description = An endnote.. msodocexStructTypeTextbox, Description = A text box.. msodocexStructTypeHeader, Description = A block of text forming a header.. msodocexStructTypeFooter, Description = A footer.. msodocexStructInlineShape, Description = An inline shape.. msodocexStructAnnotation, Description = An annotation.. msodocexStructTypeSpanBlock, Description = A block of text.. msodocexStructTypeWorkbook, Description = A workbook.. msodocexStructTypeWorksheet, Description = A worksheet.. msodocexStructTypeMacrosheet, Description = A macrosheet.. msodocexStructTypeDialogsheet, Description = A dialogsheet.. msodocexStructTypeSlide, Description = A slide.. msodocexStructTypeChart, Description = A chart.. msodocexStructTypeDiagram, Description = A SmartArt diagram.. msodocexStructTypeBulletText, Description = Buller text.. msodocexStructTypeTextLine, Description = A line of text.. msodocexStructTypeDropCap, Description = A drop cap.. msodocexStructTypeSection, Description = A section.. msodocexStructTypeAnnotationBegin, Description = The beginning of an annotation.. msodocexStructTypeAnnotationEnd, Description = The end of an annotation.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_BeginStructNode\nmsodocexStructTypeParaRTLAttr, Description = A block of text within an article with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeTableRTLAttr, Description = A block of text forming a table with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeHeadingRTLAttr, Description = A heading in the text with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeListItemRTLAttr, Description = A block of text forming a list item with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeParaUnannotatableAttr, Description = A block of text within an article that is not annotatable.. msodocexStructTypeTHead, Description = The header row area in a table.. msodocexStructTypeTBody, Description = The body area in a table, i.e. the portion between the THead and TFoot.. msodocexStructTypeLabel, Description = A label.. msodocexStructTypeEquation, Description = An equation.. msodocexStructTypeIntLinkNoteRef, Description = A footnote or endnote reference mark link.. msodocexStructTypeTFoot, Description = The footer row area in a table.\nfContentNode Specifies whether a DocExComment_EndStructNode structure marks the end of this structure node. If fContentNode is true , a\nDocExComment_EndStructNode structure closes off the content bounded by the node. If this fContentNode has a false value, then the node does not bound any content.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HrBeginStructNode\nTable 4. Enumerated values of MSODOCEXLISTTYPE\nmsodocexLineBreakTypeNormal, Description = Normal line break.. msodocexLineBreakTypeManual, Description = Manual line break.. msodocexLineBreakTypeEOP, Description = End of paragraph.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_BeginStructNode\nA value of -1 indicates that the sibling order is the same order in which the nodes appear in the EMF comments. Note that the order in which the content appears in the EMF is not necessarily the order in which the content is consumed by a user of the document.\ndesn Specifies a MSODOCEXSTRUCTTYPE structure, which is defined earlier in the document.\nThe idNode member specifies the ID of the node. This member may not have a value of 0 . A value of -1 indicates that child nodes do not use the idNodeParent member to specify this node as their parent. Instead, this node can be a parent only by enclosing child nodes in the EMF. Multiple nodes can have a ID of -1 . If the ID is not -1 , the value is unique across the document.\nThe nodetype specifies the type of structure node. This member is equal to one of the values from the MSODOCEXSTRUCTTYPE enumeration type. The following table lists examples of document structure node types.\nTable 7. Document structure node types\nExpand table", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ノ Expand table\nmsodocexcommentExternalHyperlink, Structure Type = DocExComment_ExternalHyperlink. msodocexcommentExternalHyperlinkRctfv, Structure Type = DocExComment_ExternalHyperlink. msodocexcommentInternalHyperlink, Structure Type = DocExComment_InternalHyperlink. msodocexcommentInternalHyperlinkRctfv, Structure Type = DocExComment_InternalHyperlink. msodocexcommentColorInfo, Structure Type = DocExComment_ColorInfo. msodocexcommentColorMapEnable, Structure Type = DocExComment_ColorEnable. msodocexcommentBeginTextRun, Structure Type = DocExComment_BeginTextRun. msodocexcommentBeginTextRunRTL, Structure Type = DocExComment_BeginTextRun. msodocexcommentEndTextRun, Structure Type = DocExComment_EndTextRun. msodocexcommentBeginStructNode, Structure Type = DocExComment_BeginStructNode. msodocexcommentEndStructNode, Structure Type = DocExComment_EndStructNode. msodocexcommentUnicodeForNextTextOut, Structure Type = DocExComment_UnicodeForNextTextOut. msodocexcommentUnicodeForNextTextOutRTL, Structure Type = DocExComment_UnicodeForNextTextOut. msodocexcommentEPSColor, Structure Type = DocExComment_EPSColor. msodocexcommentEPSCMYKJPEG, Structure Type = DocExComment_EPSColorCMYKJPEG. msodocexcommentEPSSpotImage, Structure Type = DocExComment_EPSColorSpotImage. msodocexcommentEPSStart, Structure Type = DocExComment_EPSStart. msodocexcommentPageName, Structure Type = DocExComment_PageName. msodocexcommentTransparent, Structure Type = DocExComment_Transparent", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HrBeginStructNode\niHeadingLevel is the heading level for an msodocexStructTypeHeading.\nidPara is the paragraph id for a P, TOCI, or ListBody.\nidDropCap is the id of an msodocexStructTypeDropCap.\niPage is the page number for an msodocexStructTypePage.\nbt is the line break type for an msodocexStructTypeTextLine.\niListLevel is the list level for an msodocexStructTypeList or msodocexStructTypeListItem.\nlistType is the list type for an msodocexStructTypeListItem.\nidAtn is the id of an msodocexStructTypeAnnotationBegin or msodocexStructTypeAnnotationEnd.\ncpLim is used to determine the nesting order of tables within tables for an msodocexStructTypeTable, msodocexStructTypeTOC, or msodocexStructTypeListBody.\nshapeProperty is for a msodocexStructTypeFigure where the content is a shape, text box, or table cell and contains bit fields from the MSODOCEXSHAPEPROPERTY enumeration.\ntableAttr is the table cell attributes for a msodocexStructTypeTH or msodocexStructTypeTD.\nidTableHeader is the unique id for an msodocexStructTypeTH or msodocexStructTypeTD.\niTargetParentId is the id of the node to reparent an msodocexStructTypeDiagram to.\nTable 3. Enumerated values of MSODOCEXLINEBREAKTYPE\nノ Expand table\nTable 4. Enumerated values of MSODOCEXLISTTYPE", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HrBeginStructNode\ntypedef struct _MsoDocexStructNode { int idNode; MSODOCEXSTRUCTTYPE nodetype; WCHAR* pwchAltText; union { int iHeadingLevel; ULONG idPara; ULONG idDropCap; int iPage; WCHAR* pwchActualText; MSODOCEXLINEBREAKTYPE bt; int iListLevel; MSODOCEXLISTTYPE listType; ULONG idAtn; long cpLim; int shapeProperty; MsoDocexTableAttr tableAttr; WCHAR* idTableHeader; int iTargetParentId; }; } MSODOCEXSTRUCTNODE;\nThe idNode member specifies the ID of the node being passed in the call to HrBeginStructNode . This member may not have a value of 0 . A value of -1 indicates that child nodes do not use the idNodeParent parameter to specify this node as their parent. Instead, this node can be a parent only by enclosing child nodes in the EMF. Multiple nodes can have an ID of -1 . If the ID is not -1 , the value is unique across the document.\nThe embedded union at the end of the MSODOCEXSTRUCTNODE is interpreted differently depending on the type of node:", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ノ Expand table\nTable 5. Enumerated values of MSODOCEXSHAPEPROPERTY bit fields\nmsodocexListTypeNone, Description = No bullets or numbering.. msodocexListTypeBulletDisc, Description = Disc-shaped bullets.. msodocexListTypeBulletCircle, Description = Circle-shaped bullets.. msodocexListTypeBulletSquare, Description = Square-shaped bullets.. msodocexListTypeBulletDecimal, Description = Decimal numbering.. msodocexListTypeUpperRoman, Description = Uppercase Roman numeral numbering.. msodocexListTypeLowerRoman, Description = Lowercase Roman numberal numbering.. msodocexListTypeUpperAlpha, Description = Uppercase alphabetic numbering.. msodocexListTypeLowerAlpha, Description = Lowercase alphabetic numbering.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_EndStructNode\nThe DocExComment_EndStructNode structure marks the end of the content that is decorated by the information in the DocExComment_BeginStructNode .\nC++ struct DocExComment_EndStructNode { DWORD ident {}; DWORD iComment {}; };\nThe members of the DocExComment_EndStructNode structure are as follows:\nident Specifies the constant value, msodocexsignature, which identifies this EMF comment as containing semantic information.\niComment Specifies the MSODOCEXCOMMENT value, msodocexcommentEndStructNode.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf", - "query": "What are vector colors ?", - "target_page": 29, - "target_passage": "Vector colors are any COLORREF values that the add-in receives from Publisher.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Vector Color and Recolored Images\nVector colors are any COLORREF values that the add-in receives from Publisher. For example, text color, line stroke color, and color for metafile recolor. When color mapping is enabled, Publisher uses a color ID for COLORREF rather than a real RGB color value. If Publisher provides the add-in an IMsoDocExporterSite interface pointer by calling the SetDocExporterSite method of the IMsoDocExporter interface, the add-in should always call the IMsoDocExporterSite::HrResolveColor method to convert the COLORREF to an extended color, which the add-in receives through the methods in the IDOCEXCOLOR interface.\nTo support vector color mapping, the add-in needs to do the following:\nImplement class support for an IDOCEXCOLOR interface. The methods in this interface enable Publisher to pass extended color back to the add-in.\nCache the following color state values from the semantic records in the EMF.\nSet foreground color for recoloring. This is set through the DocExComment_ColorInfo structure.\nSet background color for recoloring. This is set through the DocExComment_ColorInfo structure.\nDetermine when color mapping is enabled. This is set through the DocExComment_ColorEnable structure.\nFor a vector color, create an IDOCEXCOLOR interface with the color ID, so that IDOCEXCOLOR::GetUnresolvedRGB returns the color ID. The add-in should call the IMsoDocExporterSite::HrResolveColor method with the IDOCEXCOLOR interface and cached color states. Publisher calls the IDOCEXCOLOR interface methods with the final color, which can be RGB, CMYK, spot, or registration tint.\nWhen either foreground color or background color for recoloring is specified from an EMF semantic record, the add-in should recolor images in the add-in (for example, metafiles or raster pictures).", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGING THE CHART STYLE\nThe style of a chart refers to its colour scheme and overall appearance and can impact the clarity of the content of the chart. Choosing a predefined chart style can save valuable time", - "page_start": 54, - "page_end": 54, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ethernet and LED status\nTable 13-2 Ethernet LED statuses\nLink state, Color = Green. Link state, Meaning = It is on when there is an Ethernet link.. Activity, Color = Amber. Activity, Meaning = It is flashing when there is activity on the link.", - "page_start": 697, - "page_end": 697, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "* Labels:\nLabels are key value pairs that can be assigned to any resource in the system for grouping and selection. Many resources use labels to identify sets of other resources.", - "page_start": 163, - "page_end": 163, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OCI container image\nA container image that is compliant with the OCI Image Format Specification.", - "page_start": 263, - "page_end": 263, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Arms\nCoat of arms of Louis XIV", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.3.2 Design considerations\nThis section discusses some design considerations.", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.0 Menu style\nThere are a variety of menu styles for users to choose.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Extended Color Support\nTo support extended color spaces in Publisher, additional EMF semantic records and interfaces are needed because EMF only supports RGB (red-green-black) colors. Extended color spaces include CMYK (cyan-magenta-yellow-black) and spot color space, which are commonly used in commercial printing.\nPublisher uses color mapping to represent extended colors in the document EMF. Publisher builds a color table for all colors used in the document and replaces actual colors with color IDs in the EMF. The type for the color ID is COLORREF , which is the\nsame type that is used for RGB color. For information about the COLORREF structure, see COLORREF.\nTo resolve color IDs in the EMF back to the extend color space, the add-in calls back to Publisher through the HrResolveColor method of the IMsoDocExporterSite interface. The add-in passes Publisher an interface pointer to an IDOCEXCOLOR interface as one of the parameters to HrResolveColor . Publisher takes the color IDs, also specified in the call to HrResolveColor , converts them to extended color (RGB, CMYK, or spot color), and passes them back to the add-in through the methods in the IDOCEXCOLOR interface.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf", - "query": "What are msodocexMetadataComments ?", - "target_page": 35, - "target_passage": "Miscellaneous comments relevant to the document.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "HrAddDocumentMetadataDate\nTable 9. Enumerated values of MSODOCEXMETADATA\nmsodocexMetadataCreationDate, Description = The creation date for the document.. msodocexMetadataModDate, Description = The last-modified date for the document.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_BeginStructNode\nmsodocexStructTypeTOC, Description = A table of contents.. msodocexStructTypeTOCI, Description = An item in a table of contents.. msodocexStructTypeExtLink, Description = A link to an external resource.. msodocexStructTypeIntLink, Description = A link to an internal resource.. msodocexStructTypeFootnote, Description = A footnote.. msodocexStructTypeEndnote, Description = An endnote.. msodocexStructTypeTextbox, Description = A text box.. msodocexStructTypeHeader, Description = A block of text forming a header.. msodocexStructTypeFooter, Description = A footer.. msodocexStructInlineShape, Description = An inline shape.. msodocexStructAnnotation, Description = An annotation.. msodocexStructTypeSpanBlock, Description = A block of text.. msodocexStructTypeWorkbook, Description = A workbook.. msodocexStructTypeWorksheet, Description = A worksheet.. msodocexStructTypeMacrosheet, Description = A macrosheet.. msodocexStructTypeDialogsheet, Description = A dialogsheet.. msodocexStructTypeSlide, Description = A slide.. msodocexStructTypeChart, Description = A chart.. msodocexStructTypeDiagram, Description = A SmartArt diagram.. msodocexStructTypeBulletText, Description = Buller text.. msodocexStructTypeTextLine, Description = A line of text.. msodocexStructTypeDropCap, Description = A drop cap.. msodocexStructTypeSection, Description = A section.. msodocexStructTypeAnnotationBegin, Description = The beginning of an annotation.. msodocexStructTypeAnnotationEnd, Description = The end of an annotation.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HrAddDocumentMetadataString\nPublisher calls the HrAddDocumentMetadataString method to specify document metadata in the form of a Unicode string.\nC++ HRESULT HrAddDocumentMetadataString( MSODOCEXMETADATA metadataType, const WCHAR* pwchValue );\nThe metadatatype parameter specifies the type of metadata represented by the string. The metadatatype parameter must be one of the following values from the MSODOCEXMETADATA enumeration type.\nTable 8. Enumerated values of MSODOCEXMETADATA\nExpand table\nmsodocexMetadataTitle, Description = The title of the document.. msodocexMetadataAuthor, Description = The author of the document. msodocexMetadataSubject, Description = String that describes the subject matter of the document (for example, business or science).. msodocexMetadataKeywords, Description = Keyword relevant to the document content.. msodocexMetadataCreator, Description = The creator of the document, possibly distinct from the author.. msodocexMetadataProducer, Description = The producer of the document, possibly distinct from the author or creator.. msodocexMetadataCategory, Description = String that describes the type of document (for example, memo, article, or book).. msodocexMetadataStatus, Description = Status of the document. This field can reflect where the document is in the publication process (for example, draft or final).. msodocexMetadataComments, Description = Miscellaneous comments relevant to the document.\nFor a given document, each metadata type can have only one string associated with it. So, for example, if the document has multiple keywords, they are passed to the add-in as one concatenated string.\nThe pwchValue parameter specifies a Unicode string that contains the metadata itself.\nHow the add-in incorporates the text-string metadata into the exported document depends on the implementation details of the export code and the type of fixed-format used in the exported document.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_EndStructNode\nThe DocExComment_EndStructNode structure marks the end of the content that is decorated by the information in the DocExComment_BeginStructNode .\nC++ struct DocExComment_EndStructNode { DWORD ident {}; DWORD iComment {}; };\nThe members of the DocExComment_EndStructNode structure are as follows:\nident Specifies the constant value, msodocexsignature, which identifies this EMF comment as containing semantic information.\niComment Specifies the MSODOCEXCOMMENT value, msodocexcommentEndStructNode.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_BeginStructNode\nmsodocexStructTypePara, Description = A block of text within an article. Its parent node must be an article.. msodocexStructTypeFigure, Description = A graphical element (for example, an image or collection of shapes) that has a textual representation. The textual representation is the alternate text used for reading or searching the document.. msodocexStructTypeArticle, Description = A group of nodes forming a single flow of text that should be read or searched as a contiguous block of content. Some documents have a single article and others have multiple articles.. msodocexStructTypeHeading, Description = A heading in the text.. msodocexStructTypeTable, Description = A block of text forming a table.. msodocexStructTypeTR, Description = A block of text forming a single row of a table.. msodocexStructTypeTD, Description = A block of text forming a single cell in a table row.. msodocexStructTypeTH, Description = A block of text forming a single header cell in a table row.. msodocexStructTypeList, Description = A block of text forming a list.. msodocexStructTypeListItem, Description = A block of text forming a list item.. msodocexStructTypeListBody, Description = A block of text forming the body of a list item.. msodocexStructTypeDocument, Description = A document.. msodocexStructTypePage, Description = A page in the document.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.2 Reference Documents\nTable 1-1: Reference Documents", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_BeginStructNode\nmsodocexStructTypeParaRTLAttr, Description = A block of text within an article with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeTableRTLAttr, Description = A block of text forming a table with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeHeadingRTLAttr, Description = A heading in the text with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeListItemRTLAttr, Description = A block of text forming a list item with right-to-left layout.. msodocexStructTypeParaUnannotatableAttr, Description = A block of text within an article that is not annotatable.. msodocexStructTypeTHead, Description = The header row area in a table.. msodocexStructTypeTBody, Description = The body area in a table, i.e. the portion between the THead and TFoot.. msodocexStructTypeLabel, Description = A label.. msodocexStructTypeEquation, Description = An equation.. msodocexStructTypeIntLinkNoteRef, Description = A footnote or endnote reference mark link.. msodocexStructTypeTFoot, Description = The footer row area in a table.\nfContentNode Specifies whether a DocExComment_EndStructNode structure marks the end of this structure node. If fContentNode is true , a\nDocExComment_EndStructNode structure closes off the content bounded by the node. If this fContentNode has a false value, then the node does not bound any content.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conclusion\nYou can extend the fixed-format export feature of Office applications by implementing the IMsoDocExporter interface. The methods of this interface provide a channel for Office applications to communicate to the add-in the visual content and semantic information in the document to export. The visual content of the document is provided to the add-in as one or more in-memory enhanced metafiles. The semantic information is provided as specially formatted comment records within this EMF. Additional methods in the interface enable Office applications to communicate metadata and structural information about the document.", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IMsoDocExporter\nThe IMsoDocExporter interface exposes the following methods.\nノ Expand table\nHrCreateDoc, Description = Called at the start of the fixed-format export process.. HrAddPageFromEmf, Description = Called to pass the add-in an enhanced metafile (EMF) that. HrAddPageFromEmf, Description = represents a rendered view of the content to export.. HrAddDocumentMetadataString, Description = Called to specify string-format metadata for the document.. HrAddDocumentMetadataDate, Description = Called to specify date-format metadata for the document.. HrSetDefaultLcid, Description = Called to specify the default locale ID (LCID) for the content to\nTable 2. Methods inherited from the IUnknown interface", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DocExComment_EndTextRun\nThe DocExComment_EndTextRun structure marks the end of a text sequence, the beginning of which was marked by a DocExComment_BeginTextRun structure.\nC++ struct DocExComment_EndTextRun { DWORD ident {}; DWORD iComment {}; };\nThe members of the DocExComment_EndTextRun structure are as follows:\nident Specifies the constant value, msodocexsignature, which identifies this EMF comment as containing semantic information.\niComment Specifies the MSODOCEXCOMMENT value, msodocexcommentEndTextRun.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf", - "query": "What are the total operating expenses of Wikimedia foundation in 2024 ?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "178,471,109", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nNet assets without donor restrictions:, 2024 = . Net assets without donor restrictions:, 2023 = . Support and revenue:, 2024 = . Support and revenue:, 2023 = . Contributions of cash and other financial assets, 2024 = $ 168,212,977. Contributions of cash and other financial assets, 2023 = 164,121,185. Contributions of nonfinancial assets and services, 2024 = 263,476. Contributions of nonfinancial assets and services, 2023 = 1,040,453. Foreign currency losses, 2024 = (300,907). Foreign currency losses, 2023 = (94,868). Other income, net, 2024 = 5,629,773. Other income, net, 2023 = 3,824,240. Investment income, net, 2024 = 5,096,842. Investment income, net, 2023 = 3,002,929. Release of net assets with donor restrictions, 2024 = 6,481,350. Release of net assets with donor restrictions, 2023 = 4,732,654. Total support and revenue, 2024 = 185,383,511. Total support and revenue, 2023 = 176,626,593. Operating expenses:, 2024 = . Operating expenses:, 2023 = . Salaries and benefits, 2024 = 106,793,960. Salaries and benefits, 2023 = 101,305,706. Awards and grants, 2024 = 26,820,080. Awards and grants, 2023 = 24,433,682. Internet hosting, 2024 = 3,116,445. Internet hosting, 2023 = 3,120,819. In-kind service expenses, 2024 = 263,476. In-kind service expenses, 2023 = 1,040,453. Donation processing expenses, 2024 = 7,547,718. Donation processing expenses, 2023 = 6,855,680. Professional service expenses, 2024 = 13,090,040. Professional service expenses, 2023 = 15,464,635. Other operating expenses, 2024 = 10,798,140. Other operating expenses, 2023 = 7,393,982. Travel and conferences, 2024 =", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nJune 30, 2024 and 2023\nThe Foundation also receives donations on behalf of the Wikimedia Endowment as well as transfers additional Foundation donations to the Endowment monthly. Donations that are donor-specified for the Wikimedia Endowment are not recognized as revenue to the Foundation, whereas donations that are not donor-specified for the Wikimedia Endowment are recognized both as contributions revenue and awards and grants expense to the Foundation. The Foundation transferred $10,706,812 donor-designated gifts and $624,137 Foundation gifts to the Wikimedia Endowment during the year ended June 30, 2024. As of June 30, 2024, the Foundation owed the Wikimedia Endowment $525,607 for donations to be transferred to the Wikimedia Endowment for the month of June 2024.\nDuring the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Wikimedia Endowment also provided the Foundation with grants of $1,500,000 for MediaWiki improvements, $600,000 for the Abstract Wikipedia project, and $500,000 for exploring strategies for expanding beyond the Foundation's existing audiences of consumers and contributors. The grants are recorded as contributions with donor restrictions and within net assets with donor restrictions as of June 30, 2024.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consolidated Statements of Financial Position\nCurrent assets:, 2024 = . Current assets:, 2023 = . Cash and cash equivalents, 2024 = $ 82,845,159. Cash and cash equivalents, 2023 = 75,808,401. Contributions receivable, 2024 = 856,657. Contributions receivable, 2023 = -. Short-term investments, 2024 = 116,074,763. Short-term investments, 2023 = 132,216,667. Prepaid expenses and other current assets, 2024 = 5,722,457. Prepaid expenses and other current assets, 2023 = 5,569,485. Total current assets, 2024 = 205,499,036. Total current assets, 2023 = 213,594,553. Restricted cash, 2024 = 1,428,542. Restricted cash, 2023 = 1,396,717. Long-term investments, 2024 = 67,291,224. Long-term investments, 2023 = 43,265,786. Right of use asset - operating lease, net, 2024 = -. Right of use asset - operating lease, net, 2023 = 1,821,174. Property and equipment, net, 2024 = 11,826,136. Property and equipment, net, 2023 = 14,045,139. Contributions receivable, 2024 = 715,000. Contributions receivable, 2023 = -. Total assets, 2024 = $ 286,759,938. Total assets, 2023 = 274,123,369. Liabilities and Net Assets, 2024 = . Liabilities and Net Assets, 2023 = . Current liabilities:, 2024 = . Current liabilities:, 2023 = . Accounts payable, 2024 = $ 4,009,582. Accounts payable, 2023 = 2,783,904. Accrued expenses, 2024 = 7,959,558. Accrued expenses, 2023 = 6,922,259. Lease liability, 2024 = 417,756. Lease liability, 2023 = 1,640,735. Donations payable to Wikimedia Endowment, 2024 = 525,607. Donations payable to Wikimedia Endowment, 2023 = 5,274,448.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Opinion\nWe have audited the consolidated financial statements of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc and its subsidiary (the Foundation), which comprise the consolidated statements of financial position as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, and the related consolidated statements of activities, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements.\nIn our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Foundation as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nConsolidated Statements of Activities\nYears ended June 30, 2024 and 2023", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\n5,824,979. Travel and conferences, 2023 = 4,878,359. Depreciation and amortization, 2024 = 4,216,271. Depreciation and amortization, 2023 = 4,602,064. Total operating expenses, 2024 = 178,471,109. Total operating expenses, 2023 = 169,095,380. Change in net assets without donor restrictions from operating activities, 2024 = 6,912,402. Change in net assets without donor restrictions from operating activities, 2023 = 7,531,213. Nonoperating activities:, 2024 = . Nonoperating activities:, 2023 = . Unrealized gains on investments, net, 2024 = 9,858,001. Unrealized gains on investments, net, 2023 = 3,547,510. Change in net assets without donor restrictions, 2024 = 16,770,403. Change in net assets without donor restrictions, 2023 = 11,078,723. Net assets with donor restrictions:, 2024 = . Net assets with donor restrictions:, 2023 = . Contributions with donor restrictions, 2024 = 6,295,000. Contributions with donor restrictions, 2023 = 9,273,736. Net assets released from restrictions, 2024 = (6,481,350). Net assets released from restrictions, 2023 = (4,732,654). Increase (decrease) in net assets with donor\nrestrictions, 2024 = (186,350). Increase (decrease) in net assets with donor restrictions, 2023 = 4,541,082. Increase in net assets, 2024 = 16,584,053. Increase in net assets, 2023 = 15,619,805. Net assets at beginning of year, 2024 = 254,971,337. Net assets at beginning of year, 2023 = 239,351,532. Net assets at end of year, 2024 = $ 271,555,390. Net assets at end of year, 2023 = 254,971,337\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\n4", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Organization and Purpose\nThe accompanying consolidated financial statements present the financial position, change in net assets and cash flows of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) and Wikimedia, LLC.\nThe Foundation is the nonprofit organization that operates Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia. Based in San Francisco, California, the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity that is funded primarily through donations and contributions.\nThe Foundation also operates Wikimedia, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, with the Foundation as its Sole Member. The Wikimedia, LLC is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a disregarded entity for tax purposes.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(10) Related Party Transactions\nThe Wikimedia Endowment began operations as a standalone tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization on September 30, 2023, with the mission to act as a permanent fund that can support in perpetuity the operations and activities of current and future Wikimedia projects, which are projects that are approved by and advance the purposes of the Foundation or its successor if the Foundation ceases to exist. The Foundation does not have control or controlling financial interest in the Wikimedia Endowment and the Wikimedia Endowment has a separate Board of Directors, but the Wikimedia Endowment is considered a related party to the Foundation because Wikimedia Endowment management is also management at the Foundation.\nDuring the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Foundation recognized revenue of $2,063,195 related to services provided to the Wikimedia Endowment, primarily for fundraising and general and administrative support under the terms of a cost sharing agreement. These costs are included within the Foundation ' s expenses based on the nature of the cost. The revenue from the Wikimedia Endowment reimbursing the costs is recorded within other income, net.\n17\n(Continued)", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nConsolidated Financial Statements\nJune 30, 2024 and 2023\n(With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)\nTable of Contents", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2024 and 2023", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf", - "query": "What external events can affect Wikimedia Fundation in raising funds ?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "External factors such as global geopolitics, recession, and currency markets may impact our ability to raise funds.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "(b) Risks and Uncertainties\nThe Foundation's operations are funded primarily by public donations from individuals as well as gifts from foundations and corporations. External factors such as global geopolitics, recession, and currency markets may impact our ability to raise funds. As of the date of this report, the Foundation has not experienced an adverse impact on its business operations.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nThe Board of Trustees\nWikimedia Foundation, Inc:", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nJune 30, 2024 and 2023\nThe Foundation also receives donations on behalf of the Wikimedia Endowment as well as transfers additional Foundation donations to the Endowment monthly. Donations that are donor-specified for the Wikimedia Endowment are not recognized as revenue to the Foundation, whereas donations that are not donor-specified for the Wikimedia Endowment are recognized both as contributions revenue and awards and grants expense to the Foundation. The Foundation transferred $10,706,812 donor-designated gifts and $624,137 Foundation gifts to the Wikimedia Endowment during the year ended June 30, 2024. As of June 30, 2024, the Foundation owed the Wikimedia Endowment $525,607 for donations to be transferred to the Wikimedia Endowment for the month of June 2024.\nDuring the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Wikimedia Endowment also provided the Foundation with grants of $1,500,000 for MediaWiki improvements, $600,000 for the Abstract Wikipedia project, and $500,000 for exploring strategies for expanding beyond the Foundation's existing audiences of consumers and contributors. The grants are recorded as contributions with donor restrictions and within net assets with donor restrictions as of June 30, 2024.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(10) Related Party Transactions\nThe Wikimedia Endowment began operations as a standalone tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization on September 30, 2023, with the mission to act as a permanent fund that can support in perpetuity the operations and activities of current and future Wikimedia projects, which are projects that are approved by and advance the purposes of the Foundation or its successor if the Foundation ceases to exist. The Foundation does not have control or controlling financial interest in the Wikimedia Endowment and the Wikimedia Endowment has a separate Board of Directors, but the Wikimedia Endowment is considered a related party to the Foundation because Wikimedia Endowment management is also management at the Foundation.\nDuring the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Foundation recognized revenue of $2,063,195 related to services provided to the Wikimedia Endowment, primarily for fundraising and general and administrative support under the terms of a cost sharing agreement. These costs are included within the Foundation ' s expenses based on the nature of the cost. The revenue from the Wikimedia Endowment reimbursing the costs is recorded within other income, net.\n17\n(Continued)", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(6) Functional Allocation of Expenses\nCosts of providing the Foundation's activities have been summarized below on a functional basis. Programs comprise various initiatives that focus on (1) building the technological and operating platform that enables the Foundation to function sustainably as a top global internet organization, (2) strengthening, growing, and increasing diversity of the Wikimedia communities, and (3) accelerating impact by investing in key geographic areas, mobile application development, and bottom-up innovation, all of which support Wikipedia and other wiki-based projects. This also includes costs related to the Wikimedia Endowment for which the Foundation is reimbursed. The allocation between programs, general and administrative, and fundraising expenses is based on personnel and related costs and other operating expenses such as rent and office expenses using estimates of time spent or percentage of utilization by headcounts, as well as\n14\n(Continued)", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Organization and Purpose\nThe accompanying consolidated financial statements present the financial position, change in net assets and cash flows of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) and Wikimedia, LLC.\nThe Foundation is the nonprofit organization that operates Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia. Based in San Francisco, California, the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity that is funded primarily through donations and contributions.\nThe Foundation also operates Wikimedia, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, with the Foundation as its Sole Member. The Wikimedia, LLC is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a disregarded entity for tax purposes.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nConsolidated Statements of Activities\nYears ended June 30, 2024 and 2023", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Opinion\nWe have audited the consolidated financial statements of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc and its subsidiary (the Foundation), which comprise the consolidated statements of financial position as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, and the related consolidated statements of activities, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements.\nIn our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Foundation as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nNet assets without donor restrictions:, 2024 = . Net assets without donor restrictions:, 2023 = . Support and revenue:, 2024 = . Support and revenue:, 2023 = . Contributions of cash and other financial assets, 2024 = $ 168,212,977. Contributions of cash and other financial assets, 2023 = 164,121,185. Contributions of nonfinancial assets and services, 2024 = 263,476. Contributions of nonfinancial assets and services, 2023 = 1,040,453. Foreign currency losses, 2024 = (300,907). Foreign currency losses, 2023 = (94,868). Other income, net, 2024 = 5,629,773. Other income, net, 2023 = 3,824,240. Investment income, net, 2024 = 5,096,842. Investment income, net, 2023 = 3,002,929. Release of net assets with donor restrictions, 2024 = 6,481,350. Release of net assets with donor restrictions, 2023 = 4,732,654. Total support and revenue, 2024 = 185,383,511. Total support and revenue, 2023 = 176,626,593. Operating expenses:, 2024 = . Operating expenses:, 2023 = . Salaries and benefits, 2024 = 106,793,960. Salaries and benefits, 2023 = 101,305,706. Awards and grants, 2024 = 26,820,080. Awards and grants, 2023 = 24,433,682. Internet hosting, 2024 = 3,116,445. Internet hosting, 2023 = 3,120,819. In-kind service expenses, 2024 = 263,476. In-kind service expenses, 2023 = 1,040,453. Donation processing expenses, 2024 = 7,547,718. Donation processing expenses, 2023 = 6,855,680. Professional service expenses, 2024 = 13,090,040. Professional service expenses, 2023 = 15,464,635. Other operating expenses, 2024 = 10,798,140. Other operating expenses, 2023 = 7,393,982. Travel and conferences, 2024 =", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nNotes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2024 and 2023", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf", - "query": "What include Wikimedia Fundation restricted cash ?", - "target_page": 9, - "target_passage": "Restricted cash includes standby letters of credit for (1) the Foundation’s headquarters office lease and (2) one of the Foundation’s Employer of Record responsible for administering compensation and benefits for non-US personnel.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements\nJune 30, 2024 and 2023\nThe Foundation also receives donations on behalf of the Wikimedia Endowment as well as transfers additional Foundation donations to the Endowment monthly. Donations that are donor-specified for the Wikimedia Endowment are not recognized as revenue to the Foundation, whereas donations that are not donor-specified for the Wikimedia Endowment are recognized both as contributions revenue and awards and grants expense to the Foundation. The Foundation transferred $10,706,812 donor-designated gifts and $624,137 Foundation gifts to the Wikimedia Endowment during the year ended June 30, 2024. As of June 30, 2024, the Foundation owed the Wikimedia Endowment $525,607 for donations to be transferred to the Wikimedia Endowment for the month of June 2024.\nDuring the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Wikimedia Endowment also provided the Foundation with grants of $1,500,000 for MediaWiki improvements, $600,000 for the Abstract Wikipedia project, and $500,000 for exploring strategies for expanding beyond the Foundation's existing audiences of consumers and contributors. The grants are recorded as contributions with donor restrictions and within net assets with donor restrictions as of June 30, 2024.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(f) Restricted Cash\nRestricted cash includes standby letters of credit for (1) the Foundation's headquarters office lease and (2) one of the Foundation's Employer of Record responsible for administering compensation and benefits for non-US personnel. As of June 30, 2024, neither letter of credit has been used.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nNet assets without donor restrictions:, 2024 = . Net assets without donor restrictions:, 2023 = . Support and revenue:, 2024 = . Support and revenue:, 2023 = . Contributions of cash and other financial assets, 2024 = $ 168,212,977. Contributions of cash and other financial assets, 2023 = 164,121,185. Contributions of nonfinancial assets and services, 2024 = 263,476. Contributions of nonfinancial assets and services, 2023 = 1,040,453. Foreign currency losses, 2024 = (300,907). Foreign currency losses, 2023 = (94,868). Other income, net, 2024 = 5,629,773. Other income, net, 2023 = 3,824,240. Investment income, net, 2024 = 5,096,842. Investment income, net, 2023 = 3,002,929. Release of net assets with donor restrictions, 2024 = 6,481,350. Release of net assets with donor restrictions, 2023 = 4,732,654. Total support and revenue, 2024 = 185,383,511. Total support and revenue, 2023 = 176,626,593. Operating expenses:, 2024 = . Operating expenses:, 2023 = . Salaries and benefits, 2024 = 106,793,960. Salaries and benefits, 2023 = 101,305,706. Awards and grants, 2024 = 26,820,080. Awards and grants, 2023 = 24,433,682. Internet hosting, 2024 = 3,116,445. Internet hosting, 2023 = 3,120,819. In-kind service expenses, 2024 = 263,476. In-kind service expenses, 2023 = 1,040,453. Donation processing expenses, 2024 = 7,547,718. Donation processing expenses, 2023 = 6,855,680. Professional service expenses, 2024 = 13,090,040. Professional service expenses, 2023 = 15,464,635. Other operating expenses, 2024 = 10,798,140. Other operating expenses, 2023 = 7,393,982. Travel and conferences, 2024 =", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, INC.\nThe Board of Trustees\nWikimedia Foundation, Inc:", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) Organization and Purpose\nThe accompanying consolidated financial statements present the financial position, change in net assets and cash flows of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) and Wikimedia, LLC.\nThe Foundation is the nonprofit organization that operates Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia. Based in San Francisco, California, the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity that is funded primarily through donations and contributions.\nThe Foundation also operates Wikimedia, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, with the Foundation as its Sole Member. The Wikimedia, LLC is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a disregarded entity for tax purposes.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(10) Related Party Transactions\nThe Wikimedia Endowment began operations as a standalone tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization on September 30, 2023, with the mission to act as a permanent fund that can support in perpetuity the operations and activities of current and future Wikimedia projects, which are projects that are approved by and advance the purposes of the Foundation or its successor if the Foundation ceases to exist. The Foundation does not have control or controlling financial interest in the Wikimedia Endowment and the Wikimedia Endowment has a separate Board of Directors, but the Wikimedia Endowment is considered a related party to the Foundation because Wikimedia Endowment management is also management at the Foundation.\nDuring the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, the Foundation recognized revenue of $2,063,195 related to services provided to the Wikimedia Endowment, primarily for fundraising and general and administrative support under the terms of a cost sharing agreement. These costs are included within the Foundation ' s expenses based on the nature of the cost. The revenue from the Wikimedia Endowment reimbursing the costs is recorded within other income, net.\n17\n(Continued)", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(9) Liquidity and Availability of Financial Assets\nThe Foundation's financial assets available for general expenditure within one year of the balance sheet date, June 30, 2024 and 2023, are as follows:\nCash and cash equivalents, 2024 = $ 82,845,159. Cash and cash equivalents, 2023 = 75,808,401. Current contributions receivable, 2024 = 856,657. Current contributions receivable, 2023 = -. Short-term investments, 2024 = 116,074,763. Short-term investments, 2023 = 132,216,667. Total financial assets, 2024 = 199,776,579. Total financial assets, 2023 = 208,025,068. Less:, 2024 = . Less:, 2023 = . Restricted by donors for programs, 2024 = 5,696,323. Restricted by donors for programs, 2023 = 5,882,673. Donations payable to Wikimedia Endowment, 2024 = 525,607. Donations payable to Wikimedia Endowment, 2023 = 5,274,448. Financial assets available to meet cash needs for general expenditures within one year, 2024 = $ 193,554,649. Financial assets available to meet cash needs for general expenditures within one year, 2023 = 196,867,947\nThe Foundation's liquidity management includes a policy of structuring its financial assets to be available to meet its general expenditures, liabilities, grant-making, and other obligations as they come due. Cash and cash equivalents as reported on the consolidated balance sheet at June 30, 2024 and 2023, are the primary liquid resources used by the Foundation to meet these obligations. Financial assets invested in the short-term and long-term investments can be liquidated at any time as needed.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Opinion\nWe have audited the consolidated financial statements of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc and its subsidiary (the Foundation), which comprise the consolidated statements of financial position as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, and the related consolidated statements of activities, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements.\nIn our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Foundation as of June 30, 2024 and 2023, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Restricted Cash\nOur total cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash, as presented in the consolidated statements of cash flows, was as follows (in millions):\nCash and cash equivalents, September 30, 2024 = $ 18,111. Cash and cash equivalents, December 31, 2023 = $ 16,398. Cash and cash equivalents, September 30, 2023 = $ 15,932. Cash and cash equivalents, December 31, 2022 = $ 16,253. Restricted cash included in prepaid expenses and other current assets, September 30, 2024 = 483. Restricted cash included in prepaid expenses and other current assets, December 31, 2023 = 543. Restricted cash included in prepaid expenses and other current assets, September 30, 2023 = 453. Restricted cash included in prepaid expenses and other current assets, December 31, 2022 = 294. Restricted cash included in other non-current assets, September 30, 2024 = 380. Restricted cash included in other non-current assets, December 31, 2023 = 248. Restricted cash included in other non-current assets, September 30, 2023 = 205. Restricted cash included in other non-current assets, December 31, 2022 = 377. Total as presented in the consolidated statements of cash flows, September 30, 2024 = $ 18,974. Total as presented in the consolidated statements of cash flows, December 31, 2023 = $ 17,189. Total as presented in the consolidated statements of cash flows, September 30, 2023 = $ 16,590. Total as presented in the consolidated statements of cash flows, December 31, 2022 = $ 16,924", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(6) Functional Allocation of Expenses\nCosts of providing the Foundation's activities have been summarized below on a functional basis. Programs comprise various initiatives that focus on (1) building the technological and operating platform that enables the Foundation to function sustainably as a top global internet organization, (2) strengthening, growing, and increasing diversity of the Wikimedia communities, and (3) accelerating impact by investing in key geographic areas, mobile application development, and bottom-up innovation, all of which support Wikipedia and other wiki-based projects. This also includes costs related to the Wikimedia Endowment for which the Foundation is reimbursed. The allocation between programs, general and administrative, and fundraising expenses is based on personnel and related costs and other operating expenses such as rent and office expenses using estimates of time spent or percentage of utilization by headcounts, as well as\n14\n(Continued)", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf", - "query": "What is the price of the The Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 ?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "£6.90", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Citation and commencement\n1. These Regulations may be cited as the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 1st May 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EDUCATION, ENGLAND\nThe Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\n28th April 2020\nLaid before Parliament\n30th April 2020\nComing into force\n-\n-\n1st May 2020\nThe Secretary of State makes the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 30(8), 31(4), 36(11), 37(4), 44(7)(b) and (c), 47, 49(3), 51(4), 56(1), 71(11), 73(4), 74(3) and 135(2) and (3) of the Children and Families Act 2014( a ) and sections 29(3) and 569(4) of the Education Act 1996( b ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014\n3. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014( c ) are amended as follows.\n4. In regulation 2(1) (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n5. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015\n18. The Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015( a ) are amended as follows.\n19. In regulation 2(1) (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n20. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EXPLANATORY NOTE\n(This note is not part of the Regulations)\nThese Regulations make amendments to secondary legislation relating to special educational needs and disability in order to provide exceptions to time limits set out in that legislation where they cannot be met because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.\nRegulation 2 contains review and expiry provisions. The Secretary of State is required to review the effectiveness of the Regulations during the period in which they have effect. The Regulations cease to have effect on 25th September 2020.\nRegulations 3 to 14 amend the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 ('the SEND Regulations 2014').\nRegulation 5 inserts a glossing provision into the SEND Regulations 2014 which relaxes certain requirements in those Regulations for actions to be taken within specified time limits where it is not reasonably practicable for a person to meet those requirements for a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus. Instead, any such requirement is to be read as a requirement for such action to be taken as soon as reasonably practicable.\nRegulations 6 to 14 make textual amendments to the SEND Regulations 2014 to relax time limits.\nRegulations 15 to 17 amend the Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014 ('the Personal Budgets Regulations 2014').\nRegulation 17 inserts a similar glossing provision into the Personal Budgets Regulations 2014 as regulation 5 does in respect of the SEND Regulations 2014.\nRegulations 18 to 27 amend the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015 ('the Detained Persons Regulations 2015').\nRegulation 20 inserts a glossing provision into the Detained Persons Regulations 2015 similar to the ones in regulations 5 and 17 in relation to the SEND Regulations 2014 and the Personal Budgets Regulations 2014 respectively.\nRegulations 21 to 27 make textual amendments to the Detained Persons Regulations 2015 to relax time limits.\nRegulations 28 to 30 amend the Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017 ('the First-tier Tribunal Regulations 2017').\nRegulation 30 inserts a glossing provision into the First-tier Tribunal Regulations 2017 similar to those in regulations 5, 17 and 20.\nAn impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as this is a temporary, emergency measure and no significant impact on business, charities or voluntary bodies is foreseen.\nAn Explanatory Memorandum is published alongside this instrument on www.legislation.gov.uk.\n' Crown copyright 2020", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014\n15. The Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014( a ) are amended as follows.\n16. In regulation 2 (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n17. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017\n28. The Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017( a ) are amended as follows.\n29. In regulation 2 (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n30. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consequential Amendments\n1. -(1) The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010( a ) are amended as follows.\n(2) In regulation 4(3D)(b), for 'regulation 3B of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'regulation 6 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021'.\n( a ) S.I. 2010/659. Regulations 4(3D) and 4ZA were inserted by S.I. 2021/150. There are other amendments but none is relevant.\n88", - "page_start": 87, - "page_end": 87, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n2A. -(1) Where the coronavirus exception applies, any requirement in any of the regulations specified in paragraph (3) for action to be taken within a specified period of\n( a ) 2014 c.6. Section 30(8) was amended by Schedule 2, Part 1, paragraph 4 to the Children and Social Work Act 2017 (c.16).\n( b ) 1996 c.56. Section 29(3) was amended by Schedule 30, paragraph 67 and Schedule 31 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (c.31) and S.I. 2010/1158 and section 569(4) was amended by section 8(1) and (5) of the Education (Wales) Measure 2009.\n( c ) S.I. 2014/1530, relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2014/2096, S.I. 2015/359 and S.I. 2017/1306.\ntime or by a certain day is to be read instead as a requirement for such action to be taken as soon as reasonably practicable.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consequential Amendments\n(3) In regulation 4ZA-\n(a) in the heading, for 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021';\n(b) in paragraph (1)(a), for 'regulation 3B of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020 ('the 2020 Regulations')' substitute 'regulation 6 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021 ('the International Travel and Operator Liability Regulations')';\n(c) in paragraph (1)(c), for 'paragraph 7(1)(f) of Schedule 2C to the 2020 Regulations' substitute 'paragraph 7(1)(g) of Schedule 11 to the International Travel and Operator Liability Regulations';\n(d) in paragraph (3), for 'paragraph 7(1)(f) of Schedule 2C to the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'paragraph 7(1)(g) of Schedule 11 to the International Travel and Operator Liability Regulations'.\n2. -(1) The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England) Regulations 2020( a ) are amended as follows.\n(2) In regulation 2D(1)(c), for 'regulation 4 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'regulation 9 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021'.\n(3) In regulation 6(1)-\n(a) in the definitions of 'designated place', 'isolation requirements' and 'self-isolating worker', for 'regulation 4' substitute 'regulation 9';\n(b) in the definition of 'International Travel Regulations', for 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021'.", - "page_start": 88, - "page_end": 88, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf", - "query": "When come into force the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "These Regulations may be cited as the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 1st May 2020.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Citation and commencement\n1. These Regulations may be cited as the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 1st May 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EDUCATION, ENGLAND\nThe Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\n28th April 2020\nLaid before Parliament\n30th April 2020\nComing into force\n-\n-\n1st May 2020\nThe Secretary of State makes the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 30(8), 31(4), 36(11), 37(4), 44(7)(b) and (c), 47, 49(3), 51(4), 56(1), 71(11), 73(4), 74(3) and 135(2) and (3) of the Children and Families Act 2014( a ) and sections 29(3) and 569(4) of the Education Act 1996( b ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014\n3. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014( c ) are amended as follows.\n4. In regulation 2(1) (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n5. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EXPLANATORY NOTE\n(This note is not part of the Regulations)\nThese Regulations make amendments to secondary legislation relating to special educational needs and disability in order to provide exceptions to time limits set out in that legislation where they cannot be met because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus.\nRegulation 2 contains review and expiry provisions. The Secretary of State is required to review the effectiveness of the Regulations during the period in which they have effect. The Regulations cease to have effect on 25th September 2020.\nRegulations 3 to 14 amend the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 ('the SEND Regulations 2014').\nRegulation 5 inserts a glossing provision into the SEND Regulations 2014 which relaxes certain requirements in those Regulations for actions to be taken within specified time limits where it is not reasonably practicable for a person to meet those requirements for a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus. Instead, any such requirement is to be read as a requirement for such action to be taken as soon as reasonably practicable.\nRegulations 6 to 14 make textual amendments to the SEND Regulations 2014 to relax time limits.\nRegulations 15 to 17 amend the Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014 ('the Personal Budgets Regulations 2014').\nRegulation 17 inserts a similar glossing provision into the Personal Budgets Regulations 2014 as regulation 5 does in respect of the SEND Regulations 2014.\nRegulations 18 to 27 amend the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015 ('the Detained Persons Regulations 2015').\nRegulation 20 inserts a glossing provision into the Detained Persons Regulations 2015 similar to the ones in regulations 5 and 17 in relation to the SEND Regulations 2014 and the Personal Budgets Regulations 2014 respectively.\nRegulations 21 to 27 make textual amendments to the Detained Persons Regulations 2015 to relax time limits.\nRegulations 28 to 30 amend the Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017 ('the First-tier Tribunal Regulations 2017').\nRegulation 30 inserts a glossing provision into the First-tier Tribunal Regulations 2017 similar to those in regulations 5, 17 and 20.\nAn impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as this is a temporary, emergency measure and no significant impact on business, charities or voluntary bodies is foreseen.\nAn Explanatory Memorandum is published alongside this instrument on www.legislation.gov.uk.\n' Crown copyright 2020", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015\n18. The Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015( a ) are amended as follows.\n19. In regulation 2(1) (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n20. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017\n28. The Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017( a ) are amended as follows.\n29. In regulation 2 (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n30. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Amendment of the Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014\n15. The Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014( a ) are amended as follows.\n16. In regulation 2 (interpretation), at the appropriate place insert-\n''coronavirus' means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); '.\n17. After regulation 2 (interpretation) insert-", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "' Relaxation of time periods due to coronavirus exception\n2A. -(1) Where the coronavirus exception applies, any requirement in any of the regulations specified in paragraph (3) for action to be taken within a specified period of\n( a ) 2014 c.6. Section 30(8) was amended by Schedule 2, Part 1, paragraph 4 to the Children and Social Work Act 2017 (c.16).\n( b ) 1996 c.56. Section 29(3) was amended by Schedule 30, paragraph 67 and Schedule 31 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (c.31) and S.I. 2010/1158 and section 569(4) was amended by section 8(1) and (5) of the Education (Wales) Measure 2009.\n( c ) S.I. 2014/1530, relevant amending instruments are S.I. 2014/2096, S.I. 2015/359 and S.I. 2017/1306.\ntime or by a certain day is to be read instead as a requirement for such action to be taken as soon as reasonably practicable.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consequential Amendments\n1. -(1) The Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010( a ) are amended as follows.\n(2) In regulation 4(3D)(b), for 'regulation 3B of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) Regulations 2020' substitute 'regulation 6 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) Regulations 2021'.\n( a ) S.I. 2010/659. Regulations 4(3D) and 4ZA were inserted by S.I. 2021/150. There are other amendments but none is relevant.\n88", - "page_start": 87, - "page_end": 87, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review and expiry\n2. -(1) The Secretary of State must review the effectiveness of these Regulations during the period for which they have effect.\n(2) These Regulations cease to have effect on 25th September 2020.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20200471_en.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf", - "query": "Who is Daniel Casali ?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": " Daniel Casali is a Thought Leader Information Technology Specialist working for 15 years at IBM with Power Systems, high-performance computing, big data, and storage. His role at IBM is to bring to reality solutions that address client’s needs by exploring new technologies for different workloads. He is also fascinated by real multicloud implementations, always trying to abstract and simplify the new challenges of the heterogeneous architectures that are intrinsic to this new consumption model, be that on-premises or in the public cloud. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Daniel M. Wade\nDirector", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 79, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Daniel R. Henry\nChief Operating Officer", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ramani Ayer\nChairman, President and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "J. Terrence Lanni\nDirector/Officer\nChairman & Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 79, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "David K. Zwiener\nPresident and Chief Operating Officer", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "David M. Znamierowski\nPresident", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Damien Ashley Hannes\nDirector, CA, BBs", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chief Executive Officer\nGavin Thomas", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Robert L. Katz\nPresident,\nRobert L. Katz and Associates", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Kevin M. Connor\nManaging Director", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf", - "query": "When does IBM close its acquisition of Red Hat ?", - "target_page": 20, - "target_passage": " On July 9th, 2019, IBM closed its acquisition of Red Hat, a leader in enterprise Linux and open source technology", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1.2 Red Hat and IBM\nOn July 9th, 2019, IBM closed its acquisition of Red Hat, a leader in enterprise Linux and open source technology.\nThis acquisition puts Red Hat and IBM in a unique position to unlock the true value of hybrid cloud for your business. By combining the power and flexibility of Red Hat's open hybrid cloud technologies with the scale and depth of IBM innovation and industry expertise, you now have the tools to accelerate your cloud journey.\nIBM and Red Hat worked together for more than 20 years in making open source a competitive advantage for businesses on x86, IBM Power Systems, and IBM z Systemsfi. Together, we are both on a mission to improve open source technology and help your companies capture the business value of the cloud.\n4\nRed Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Power Systems: Volume 1\nThis publication describes how Red Hat and IBM can advance your cloud journey and speed growth and innovation for your business by using Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power Systems.\nNote: Red Hat joins IBM as a distinct unit, preserving the independence and neutrality of Red Hat's open source development heritage and unique development culture. Red Hat's unwavering commitment to open source remains unchanged and it continues to offer customers choice and flexibility.\nChapter 1. Introduction to the Journey to the Cloud: Volume 1\n5\n6\nRed Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Power Systems: Volume 1\nChapter 2.\n2", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Enable Red Hat repositories for IBM POWER9:\nansible -i", - "page_start": 144, - "page_end": 144, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Authors\nIBM India\nAlfonso Jara\nIBM Spain", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Part 1\n2\nRed Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Power Systems: Volume 1\nChapter 1.\n1", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Find and read thousands of IBM Redbooks publications\nSearch, bookmark, save and organize favorites\nGet up-to-the-minute Redbooks news and announcements\nLink to the latest Redbooks blogs and videos", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acquisitions in 2014\nThere were no business acquisitions for the year ended 31 December 2014.", - "page_start": 74, - "page_end": 74, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Part 4\n198\nRed Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Power Systems: Volume 1\nAppendix A.\nA", - "page_start": 213, - "page_end": 214, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Enterprise (Scale-up) servers\nChapter 5. Red Hat OpenShift installation planning and considerations\n73", - "page_start": 88, - "page_end": 88, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Blackiron Data (Blackiron)\nOn April 17, 2013, we closed an agreement to acquire 100% of the common shares of Blackiron for cash consideration of $198 million. Blackiron provides Business Solutions the ability to enhance its suite of enterprise-level data centre and cloud computing services along with fibre-based network connectivity services.", - "page_start": 107, - "page_end": 107, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Red Hat OpenShift installation planning and considerations\nThis chapter describes the Red Hat OpenShift planning, considerations, and installation guidelines and includes the following topics:\n/SM590000 5.1, 'IBM Power Systems' on page 72\n/SM590000 5.2, 'Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 on IBM Power Systems' on page 77\n/SM590000 5.3, 'Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 on IBM PowerVC' on page 79\n' Copyright IBM Corp. 2020. All rights reserved.\n71", - "page_start": 86, - "page_end": 86, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf", - "query": "What does an ITMS service provide ?", - "target_page": 30, - "target_passage": "An IT Service Management (ITSM) perspective can provide automation and a global management view, and incorporate the necessary software disciplines that are required to build a solid infrastructure for an enterprise, commercial or not. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "SHENTEL SERVICE AREAS", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)\nThe delivery of a computer infrastructure, including server functionality, networking functionality, data center functionality, and storage functionality, as an outsourced service.", - "page_start": 262, - "page_end": 262, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IT Service Management and orchestration\nAn IT Service Management (ITSM) perspective can provide automation and a global management view, and incorporate the necessary software disciplines that are required to build a solid infrastructure for an enterprise, commercial or not.\nThe missing point was the orchestration and the orchestration of all containers and resources around them. Many people think that orchestration and automation are the same thing, but the orchestration is more complex. Automation often is discussed in the context of specific tasks, whereas orchestration refers to the automation of processes and workflows.\nOrchestration deals with the end-to-end process simplify the automation and the administration across specific machines and diverse dependencies (see Figure 2-3). Automation attempts to move people out of the equation whereas orchestration is not about rigid planning, but arranging and coordination of automated tasks, which ultimately results in a consolidated process or workflow. Parts can be automated, but the decision is still human-centric; for example, the definition of which tasks must run, the order of the tasks, role assignments, permission, post-deployment, failure recovery, and scaling.\nFigure 2-3 Where orchestration fits\nFor more information about automation, see 2.4, 'Kubernetes: An open source container orchestration' on page 24.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NETWORK SERVICES\nEuronet's Network Services division provides complete solutions for management and outsourcing of distribution channels and transaction processing. These solutions include ATM networks, point-of-sale (POS) services and card management, as well as access to all major payment gateways and mobile operators.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EEFT_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contents\nSt. George's Information Services\nMicrosoft Excel\nSt. George's Information Services", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1.1 Cloud service model\nThis section describes the different cloud service models.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Microsoft Excel\nSt. George's Information Services", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "8.3.2 Content Management Interoperability Services\nCMIS is an open standard for accessing content management repositories. It is an OASIS specification and it is supported by various applications from different vendors, including IBM (with FileNet P8, Content Manager, and Content Manager OnDemand).\nCMIS provides a common access interface for searching, retrieving, and in the case of document management systems, modifying and deleting documents. It is a web services interface that is implemented in either SOAP web services and REST (Atom) services.\nFor more information about CMIS, see the CMIS page on the OASIS website, the CMIS overview page at the IBM Enterprise Content Manager website, and the technical documentation that is available:\n/SM590000 https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/cmis/\n/SM590000 http://www.ibm.com/software/ecm/cmis.html\n/SM590000 Implementing Web Applications with CM Information Integrator for Content and OnDemand Web Enablement Kit , SG24-6338\n/SM590000 Content Management Interoperability Services for Content Manager OnDemand is installed as part of the IBM Content Navigator installation. For more information, see 'Installing Content Navigator' on page 194.\nWhen you consider implementing your own software on CMIS, remember CMIS is used for accessing document management systems, but not necessarily high-volume report archives, such as Content Manager OnDemand.\nThe methodology of accessing documents is based on folders and subfolders with documents in it (such as in a file system) and partially emulated by Content Manager OnDemand with its different object model. The use of CMIS must be considered as an abstraction layer that might have an impact on throughput and feature exposure. Also, much of the CMIS API is not supported by Content Manager OnDemand (such as the storage and deletion functions).", - "page_start": 227, - "page_end": 227, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Reliance on Third Party S ervice Providers\nWe have outsourcing arrangements with third parties to provide certain essential components of our business operations to our employees and customers, including payroll, certain facilities or property management functions, call centre support, certain installation and service technicians, certain information technology functions, and invoice printing. Interruptions in these services can adversely affect our ability to service our customers.", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 79, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Internet storage name service\nThe internet storage name service (iSNS) protocol that is used by a host system to manage iSCSI targets and the automated iSCSI discovery, management, and configuration of iSCSI and FC devices. It was defined in Request for Comments (RFC) 4171.", - "page_start": 799, - "page_end": 799, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf", - "query": "What are the two distinct public domain tools support by Creative Commons ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Creative Commons supports two distinct public domain tools, the CC0 Public Domain Dedication and the Public Domain Mark.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "What Is Creative Commons?\nCreative Commons is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting an open and accessible Internet that is enriched with free knowledge and creative resources for people around the world to use, share, and cultivate.\nOur easy-to-use licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work - on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you change your copyright terms from the default of 'all rights reserved' to 'some rights reserved.'\nMillions of people use CC licenses on some of the world's most popular platforms for user-generated content. When you use a CC license to share your photos, videos, or blog, your creation joins a globally accessible pool of resources that includes the work of artists, educators, scientists, and governments.\nCreative Commons has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this guide using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.\nPublic domain works are valuable because anyone can freely build upon, enhance, and reuse them for any purposes without restriction under copyright or database law.\nThat's why it's important for creators to have a clear and legally robust way to place their works in the public domain as completely as possible, and it's also important for publishers and archives to have a standardized way to identify works that are already in the public domain.\nCreative Commons supports two distinct public domain tools, the CC0 Public Domain Dedication and the Public Domain Mark . Creative Commons copyright licenses help authors manage their copyright on terms they choose. Conversely, CC0 enables authors and copyright owners who want to dedicate their works to the worldwide public domain to do so, and PDM facilitates the labeling and discovery of works that are already free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About Us\nCreative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy. Since 2002, the CC Licenses have served as an alternative to traditional copyright, providing a simple, standardized, and legal way for individuals and institutions to freely share images, music, research, educational resources, and cultural artifacts.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Public Domain Mark\nUse this tool if you have identified a work that is free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What is the di/fference between CC0 and the Public Domain Mark?\nCC0 ('CC Zero') is intended for use only by authors or holders of copyright and related rights (including database rights), in connection with works that are still subject to those rights in one or more countries.\nWhen CC0 is applied to a work, copyright and related rights are relinquished worldwide, making the work free from those restrictions to the greatest extent possible.\nThe Public Domain Mark (PDM) is used to label works that are already free of known copyright restrictions. Unlike CC0, PDM doesn't change the copyright status of a work.\nPDM can be used by anyone, and is intended for use with works that are already free of known copyright restrictions throughout the world.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Licensing\nThis document is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. I typically distribute it as a PDF but if you want to make your own version send me an email and I will send you the Word version. For details on licensing see:\nhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Permissively licensed works\nThere are books that have been permissively licensed in an easily identifiable way, such as works placed under Creative Commons (CC) licenses. Such works explicitly allow particular uses of works subject to various responsibilities (e.g., requiring attribution by the user in their follow-on use).\nWhile such works could be candidates for inclusion in a books data commons, their inclusion depends on whether the license's terms can be complied with in the context of AI training. For instance, in the context of CC licensed works, there are requirements for proper attribution across all licenses (the CC tools Public Domain Dedication (CC0) and Public Domain Mark (PDM) are not licenses and do not require attribution). 18", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The CC0 Public Domain Dedication\nUse this universal tool if you are a holder of copyright or database rights, and wish to waive all your rights to the work worldwide.\nBy using CC0, you waive all copyright and related rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.\nApplying CC0 to your work is easy. Simply visit the CC0 chooser (http://creativecommons.org/choose/zero) which will lead you through the process. When completed, you will be provided with HTML code that you can copy and paste into your website.\nYou let others copy, modify, distribute, and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.\nWorks marked with the Public Domain Mark have been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. Anyone can copy, modify, distribute, and perform such works, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.\nApplying the PDM to a work is easy. Simply visit the PDM chooser (http://creativecommons.org/choose/mark) which will lead you through the proces. When completed, you will be provided with the HTML code that you can copy and paste into your website.\nCreative Commons does not recommend this tool for works that are restricted by copyright laws in one or more jurisdictions. Consult with your legal advisor if you are unsure whether you should use the PDM for a certain work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "THREE-LAYER DESIGN\nCreative Commons (CC) license has three layers:\n\"Legal Code\" (base layer): contains terms and conditions to be used by lawyers and legally applicable in court.\n\"Human Readable\" (commons deeds): contain the summary of the legal code and key terms.\n\"Machine Readable\": contains HTML or codes for machines to recognize a work is available under a Creative Commons license.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SIX LICENSES\nCC BY (\"Attribution\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form) as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-SA (\"Attribution-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form), as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-NC (\"Attribution-NonCommercial\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-SA (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-ND (\"Attribution-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf", - "query": "What is Creative Commons ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": " Creative Commons is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting an open and accessible Internet that is enriched with free knowledge and creative resources for people around the world to use, share, and cultivate.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Creative Commons makes sharing easy", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About Us\nCreative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy. Since 2002, the CC Licenses have served as an alternative to traditional copyright, providing a simple, standardized, and legal way for individuals and institutions to freely share images, music, research, educational resources, and cultural artifacts.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "What Is Creative Commons?\nCreative Commons is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting an open and accessible Internet that is enriched with free knowledge and creative resources for people around the world to use, share, and cultivate.\nOur easy-to-use licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work - on conditions of your choice. CC licenses let you change your copyright terms from the default of 'all rights reserved' to 'some rights reserved.'\nMillions of people use CC licenses on some of the world's most popular platforms for user-generated content. When you use a CC license to share your photos, videos, or blog, your creation joins a globally accessible pool of resources that includes the work of artists, educators, scientists, and governments.\nCreative Commons has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this guide using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.\nPublic domain works are valuable because anyone can freely build upon, enhance, and reuse them for any purposes without restriction under copyright or database law.\nThat's why it's important for creators to have a clear and legally robust way to place their works in the public domain as completely as possible, and it's also important for publishers and archives to have a standardized way to identify works that are already in the public domain.\nCreative Commons supports two distinct public domain tools, the CC0 Public Domain Dedication and the Public Domain Mark . Creative Commons copyright licenses help authors manage their copyright on terms they choose. Conversely, CC0 enables authors and copyright owners who want to dedicate their works to the worldwide public domain to do so, and PDM facilitates the labeling and discovery of works that are already free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.1 Licensing\nThis document is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. I typically distribute it as a PDF but if you want to make your own version send me an email and I will send you the Word version. For details on licensing see:\nhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Protege5NewOWLPizzaTutorialV3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CC LICENSE CAN'T BE USED FOR …\nfair use, fair dealing, or some other limitation and exception to copyright applies the the work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "REMIND THAT…\nCC license only applicable to the work that is within the scope of copyright law. CC license can be used when …\nyou want to give others permissions to freely copy and redistribute your work, and\nyou want to give others permission to freely transform, alter, or otherwise create derivative works based on your work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Public Domain Mark\nUse this tool if you have identified a work that is free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "THREE-LAYER DESIGN\nCreative Commons (CC) license has three layers:\n\"Legal Code\" (base layer): contains terms and conditions to be used by lawyers and legally applicable in court.\n\"Human Readable\" (commons deeds): contain the summary of the legal code and key terms.\n\"Machine Readable\": contains HTML or codes for machines to recognize a work is available under a Creative Commons license.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SIX LICENSES\nCC BY (\"Attribution\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form) as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-SA (\"Attribution-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for any purpose (even commercially and even in modified form), as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-NC (\"Attribution-NonCommercial\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-SA (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike\") allows people to use the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under the same or a compatible license.\nCC BY-ND (\"Attribution-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give attribution to the creator.\nCC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Anna Tumadóttir, CEO\nThe first CC License was created in 2002. Today, we boast six CC Licenses and two public domain tools, setting a global standard for sharing.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf", - "query": "How to apply the PDM to my work ?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Simply visit the PDM chooser (http://creativecommons.org/choose/mark) which will lead you through the proces. When completed, you will be provided with the HTML code that you can copy and paste into your website.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Understanding\nbefore licensing your work", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Understanding_Creative_Commons_license_(infographic).pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Tell us about your PDF experience.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The CC0 Public Domain Dedication\nUse this universal tool if you are a holder of copyright or database rights, and wish to waive all your rights to the work worldwide.\nBy using CC0, you waive all copyright and related rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.\nApplying CC0 to your work is easy. Simply visit the CC0 chooser (http://creativecommons.org/choose/zero) which will lead you through the process. When completed, you will be provided with HTML code that you can copy and paste into your website.\nYou let others copy, modify, distribute, and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.\nWorks marked with the Public Domain Mark have been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. Anyone can copy, modify, distribute, and perform such works, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.\nApplying the PDM to a work is easy. Simply visit the PDM chooser (http://creativecommons.org/choose/mark) which will lead you through the proces. When completed, you will be provided with the HTML code that you can copy and paste into your website.\nCreative Commons does not recommend this tool for works that are restricted by copyright laws in one or more jurisdictions. Consult with your legal advisor if you are unsure whether you should use the PDM for a certain work.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1 Design\nIndividual in-depth interviews using a phenomenologicalinspired approach were chosen, as this is suitable for exploring the meaning and signi /uniFB01 cance of pwMS ' s experiences and re /uniFB02 ections (23, 24).", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STEP 2 - FILL IN YOUR STUDENT DETAILS\nTo complete this section, you need to provide us with your personal details:", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "11. Where relevant, give examples.\nThis will help to demonstrate that you understand the topic.", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Public Domain Mark\nUse this tool if you have identified a work that is free of known copyright restrictions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Publicdomain.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Check that you have received the correct exam paper.\nYou don't want to waste precious time (and energy) by starting with the wrong paper.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Create something\nBegin with a Blank document to get right to work. Or start with a template to save yourself time and steps. Just select File > New , and then select or search for the template you want.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Read the questions carefully.\nMake sure you understand what is being asked of you, so that you focus on answering the right questions, instead of providing irrelevant information.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf", - "query": "Which rivers flow through Lyon?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "It is located at the confluence of the rivers Rhône and Saône, ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Maps\nNetwork of highways around Lyon\nPublic transport map", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Lyon [c] (Franco-Provençal: Liyon ) is the second-largest city in France by urban area and the third largest by city limits. [14] It is located at the confluence of the rivers Rhône and Saône, to the northwest of the French Alps, 391 km (243 mi) southeast of Paris, 278 km (173 mi) north of Marseille, 113 km (70 mi) southwest of Geneva, Switzerland, 58 km (36 mi) northeast of Saint-Étienne.\nThe City of Lyon had a population of 522,250 at the Jan. 2021 census within its small municipal territory of 48 km 2 (19 sq mi), [15] but together with its suburbs and exurbs the Lyon metropolitan area had a population of 2,308,818 that same year, [7] the second most populated in France. Lyon and 58 suburban municipalities have formed since 2015 the Metropolis of Lyon, a directly elected metropolitan authority now in charge of most urban issues, with a population of 1,424,069 in 2021. [16] Lyon is the prefecture of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and seat of the Departmental Council of Rhône (whose jurisdiction, however, no longer extends over the Metropolis of Lyon since 2015).\nThe capital of the Gauls during the Roman Empire, Lyon is the seat of an archbishopric whose holder bears the title of Primate of the Gauls. Lyon became a major economic hub during the Renaissance. The city is recognised for its cuisine and gastronomy, as well as historical and architectural landmarks; as such, the districts of Old Lyon, the Fourvière hill, the Presqu'île and the slopes of the Croix-Rousse are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lyon was historically an important area for the production and weaving of silk. Lyon played a significant role in the history of cinema since Auguste and Louis Lumière invented the cinematograph there. The city is also known for its light festival, the Fête des lumières, which begins every 8 December and lasts for four days, earning Lyon the title of \"Capital of Lights\".", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Lyon\nLiyon (Arpitan)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Prefecture and commune\nSkyline of Lyon in La Part-Dieu\nBasilica of NotreDame de Fourvière\nPlace des Terreaux with the Fontaine Bartholdi\nParc de la Tête d'or\nConfluence District\nVieux Lyon\nPont Lafayette\nCoat of arms\nMotto(s): Avant, avant, Lion le melhor (old Franco-Provençal for \"Forward, forward, Lyon the best\") [a] Virtute duce, comite fortuna (\"With virtue as guide and fortune as companion\") [b]\nLocation of Lyon\nThe name of the city has taken the forms Lugdon , Luon , and since the 13th century, Lyon . The Gallic Lugdun or Lugdunon that was Latinized in Roman as Lugdunum is composed of two words. The first may be the name of the Celtic god Lug (in charge of order and law), or the derived word lugon , meaning \"crow\" (the crow being the messenger of Lug), but might also be another word lug , meaning \"light\". The second is dunos ('fortress', 'hill'). The name thus may designate the hill of Fourvière, on which the ancient city of Lyon is founded, but could mean \"hill of the god Lug\", \"hill of the crows\" or \"shining hill\". [21] [22]\nAlternatively Julius Pokorny associates the first part of the word with the Indo-European radical * lūg ('dark, black, swamp'), the basis of the toponyms Ludza in Latvia, Lusatia in Germany (from Sorbian Łužica ), and several places in the Czech Republic named Lužice; [23] it could then also be compared to Luze in Franche-Comté and various hydronyms such as Louge.\nFurther down, in the current Saint-Vincent district, was the Gallic village of Condate, probably a simple hamlet of sailors or fishermen living on the banks of the Saône. Condate is a Gallic word meaning \"confluence\", from which the Confluence district gets its name.\nIn Roman times the city was called Caput Galliæ , meaning \"capital of the Gauls\". As an homage to this title, the Archbishop of Lyon is still called the Primate of Gaul.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "External links\nOfficial website (http://www.lyon.fr)(in French)\nVisit Lyon, the official website for tourism in France (https://en.visiterlyon.com/)\nLyon's English Language News and Information (https://thisislyon.fr/)\nRues de Lyon (https://www.ruesdelyon.net/) Streets, Places, Monuments (in French)\nOld maps of Lyon (http://historic-cities.huji.ac.il/france/lyon/lyon.html) Archived (https://web.archive.org/we b/20210116220537/http://historic-cities.huji.ac.il/france/lyon/lyon.html) 16 January 2021 at the Wayback Machine, Historic cities site (http://historic-cities.huji.ac.il/historic_cities.html) Archived (https://web.archive. org/web/20220325051637/http://historic-cities.huji.ac.il/historic_cities.html) 25 March 2022 at the Wayback Machine, The National Library of Israel\nRetrieved from \"https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lyon&oldid=1267625203\"", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Commune\nLike Paris and Marseille, the commune (municipality) of Lyon is divided into a number of municipal arrondissements, each of which is identified by a number and has its own council and town hall. Five arrondissements were originally created in 1852, when three neighbouring communes (La Croix-Rousse, La Guillotière, and Vaise) were annexed by Lyon. Between 1867 and 1959, the third arrondissement (which originally covered the whole of the Left Bank of the Rhône) was split three times, creating a new arrondissement in each case. Then, in 1963, the commune of Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe was annexed to Lyon's fifth arrondissement. A year later, in 1964, the fifth was split to create Lyon's 9th - and, to date, final arrondissement. Within each arrondissement, the recognisable quartiers or neighbourhoods are:\n1st arrondissement: Slopes of La Croix-Rousse, Terreaux, Martinière/St-Vincent\n2nd arrondissement: Cordeliers, Bellecour, Ainay, Perrache, Confluence, SainteBlandine\n3rd arrondissement: Guillotière (north), Préfecture, Part-Dieu, Villette, Dauphiné/Sans Souci, Montchat, Grange Blanche (north), Monplaisir (north)\n4th arrondissement: Plateau de la Croix-Rousse, Serin\n5th arrondissement: Vieux Lyon (Saint-Paul, Saint-Jean, Saint-Georges), Saint-Just, Saint-Irénée, [44] Fourvière, Point du Jour, Ménival, Battières, Champvert (south)\n6th arrondissement: Brotteaux, Bellecombe, Parc de la Tête d'or, Cité Internationale\n7th arrondissement: Guillotière (south), Jean Macé, Gerland\n8th arrondissement: Monplaisir (south), Bachut, États-Unis, Grand Trou/Moulin à Vent, Grange Blanche (south), Laënnec, Mermoz, Monplaisir-la-Plaine\n9th arrondissement: Vaise, Duchère, Rochecardon, St-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe, Gorge de Loup, Observance, Champvert (north)\nMap of the City of Lyon divided into 9 arrondissements\nGeographically, Lyon's two main rivers, the Saône and the Rhône, divide the arrondissements into three groups:", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ancient Lyon\nAccording to the historian Dio Cassius, in 43 BC, the Roman Senate ordered the creation of a settlement for Roman refugees of war with the Allobroges. These refugees had been expelled from Vienne and were now encamped at the confluence of the Saône and Rhône rivers. The foundation was built on Fourvière hill and officially called Colonia Copia Felix Munatia , a name invoking prosperity and the blessing of the gods. The city became increasingly referred to as Lugdunum (and occasionally Lugudunum [25] ). [26] The earliest translation of this Gaulish place-name as \"Desired Mountain\" is offered by the 9th-century Endlicher Glossary . [27] In contrast, some modern scholars have proposed a Gaulish hill-fort named Lug[o]dunon, after the Celtic god Lugus (cognate with Old Irish Lugh , Modern Irish Lú ), and dúnon (hillfort).\nThe Romans recognised that Lugdunum's strategic location at the convergence of two navigable rivers made it a natural communications hub. The city became the starting point of main Roman roads in the area, and it quickly became the capital of the province, Gallia Lugdunensis. Two Emperors were born in this city: Claudius, whose speech is preserved in the Lyon Tablet in which he justifies the nomination of Gallic Senators, and Caracalla.\nCoordinates: 45°46'N 4°50'E", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate\nLyon has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen: Cfa ), bordering an oceanic climate ( Köppen : Cfb , Trewartha: Do ). [38] The mean temperature in Lyon in the coldest month is 4.1 °C (39.4 °F) in January and in the warmest month in July is 22.6 °C (72.7 °F). Precipitation is adequate year-round, at an average of 820 mm (32.3 in), the winter months are the driest. The highest recorded temperature was 40.5 °C (104.9 °F) on 13 August 2003 while the lowest recorded temperature was -24.6 °C (-12.3 °F) on 22 December 1938. [39]\nIce on the Saône, 2012", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n±% p.a. = -0.03%. 1872, Year = . 1872, Pop. = . 1872, ±% p.a. = \nAll figures come from population censuses. Figures from 1911 to 1936 (incl.) are the redressed figures calculated by INSEE to correct the overestimated population of Lyon published by the municipal authorities at the time (10,000s of false residents had been added by the municipal authorities to artificially inflate the population figures and remain the 2nd largest city of France ahead of Marseille). [68] The 1906 figure is the one published by the municipal authorities, probably already inflated, but not corrected by INSEE because the overestimate was smaller than 10,000. Source: EHESS [69] and INSEE [15]\nThe city of Lyon and 58 suburban municipalities have formed since 2015 the Metropolis of Lyon, a directly elected metropolitan authority now in charge of most urban issues, with a population of 1,424,069 in 2021. [16]", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n413,095. 1841, ±% p.a. = -1.42%. 1846, Pop. = 238,466. 1846, ±% p.a. = +2.86%. 1846, Year = 1906. 1846, Pop. = 474,652. 1846, ±% p.a. = +0.56%. 1846, Year = 1990. 1846, Pop. = 415,487. 1846, ±% p.a. = +0.07%. 1851, Pop. = 259,220. 1851, ±% p.a. = +1.68%. 1851, Year = 1911. 1851, Pop. = 462,248. 1851, ±% p.a. = -0.53%. 1851, Year = 1999. 1851, Pop. = 445,452. 1851, ±% p.a. = +0.78%. 1856, Pop. = 293,743. 1856, ±% p.a. = +2.66%. 1856, Year = 1921. 1856, Pop. = 462,446. 1856, ±% p.a. = +0.00%. 1856, Year = 2010. 1856, Pop. = 484,344. 1856, ±% p.a. = +0.78%. 1861, Pop. = 320,326. 1861, ±% p.a. = +1.72%. 1861, Year = 1926. 1861, Pop. = 463,125. 1861, ±% p.a. = +0.03%. 1861, Year = 2015. 1861, Pop. = 513,275. 1861, ±% p.a. = +1.17%. 1866, Pop. = 325,219. 1866, ±% p.a. = +0.30%. 1866, Year = 1931. 1866, Pop. = 463,647. 1866, ±% p.a. = +0.02%. 1866, Year = 2021. 1866, Pop. = 522,250. 1866, ±% p.a. = +0.29%. 1872, Pop. = 324,590. 1872, ±% p.a. = -0.03%. 1872, Year = 1936. 1872, Pop. = 463,061. 1872,", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf", - "query": "How big was Lyon's population in 2022? ", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Population (2022) 520,774", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n413,095. 1841, ±% p.a. = -1.42%. 1846, Pop. = 238,466. 1846, ±% p.a. = +2.86%. 1846, Year = 1906. 1846, Pop. = 474,652. 1846, ±% p.a. = +0.56%. 1846, Year = 1990. 1846, Pop. = 415,487. 1846, ±% p.a. = +0.07%. 1851, Pop. = 259,220. 1851, ±% p.a. = +1.68%. 1851, Year = 1911. 1851, Pop. = 462,248. 1851, ±% p.a. = -0.53%. 1851, Year = 1999. 1851, Pop. = 445,452. 1851, ±% p.a. = +0.78%. 1856, Pop. = 293,743. 1856, ±% p.a. = +2.66%. 1856, Year = 1921. 1856, Pop. = 462,446. 1856, ±% p.a. = +0.00%. 1856, Year = 2010. 1856, Pop. = 484,344. 1856, ±% p.a. = +0.78%. 1861, Pop. = 320,326. 1861, ±% p.a. = +1.72%. 1861, Year = 1926. 1861, Pop. = 463,125. 1861, ±% p.a. = +0.03%. 1861, Year = 2015. 1861, Pop. = 513,275. 1861, ±% p.a. = +1.17%. 1866, Pop. = 325,219. 1866, ±% p.a. = +0.30%. 1866, Year = 1931. 1866, Pop. = 463,647. 1866, ±% p.a. = +0.02%. 1866, Year = 2021. 1866, Pop. = 522,250. 1866, ±% p.a. = +0.29%. 1872, Pop. = 324,590. 1872, ±% p.a. = -0.03%. 1872, Year = 1936. 1872, Pop. = 463,061. 1872,", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Demographics\nThe population of the city (commune) of Lyon proper was 522,250 at the January 2021 census. [15] As of 2011, 14% of its population was born outside Metropolitan France. [67]", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n±% p.a. = -0.03%. 1872, Year = . 1872, Pop. = . 1872, ±% p.a. = \nAll figures come from population censuses. Figures from 1911 to 1936 (incl.) are the redressed figures calculated by INSEE to correct the overestimated population of Lyon published by the municipal authorities at the time (10,000s of false residents had been added by the municipal authorities to artificially inflate the population figures and remain the 2nd largest city of France ahead of Marseille). [68] The 1906 figure is the one published by the municipal authorities, probably already inflated, but not corrected by INSEE because the overestimate was smaller than 10,000. Source: EHESS [69] and INSEE [15]\nThe city of Lyon and 58 suburban municipalities have formed since 2015 the Metropolis of Lyon, a directly elected metropolitan authority now in charge of most urban issues, with a population of 1,424,069 in 2021. [16]", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n1801, Pop. = 101,760. 1801, ±% p.a. = -. 1801, Year = 1876. 1801, Pop. = 344,513. 1801, ±% p.a. = +1.33%. 1801, Year = 1946. 1801, Pop. = 464,104. 1801, ±% p.a. = +0.02%. 1806, Pop. = 114,643. 1806, ±% p.a. = +2.41%. 1806, Year = 1881. 1806, Pop. = 378,581. 1806, ±% p.a. = +1.84%. 1806, Year = 1954. 1806, Pop. = 475,343. 1806, ±% p.a. = +0.29%. 1821, Pop. = 149,611. 1821, ±% p.a. = +1.79%. 1821, Year = 1886. 1821, Pop. = 404,172. 1821, ±% p.a. = +1.45%. 1821, Year = 1962. 1821, Pop. = 535,746. 1821, ±% p.a. = +1.54%. 1831, Pop. = 182,668. 1831, ±% p.a. = +2.02%. 1831, Year = 1891. 1831, Pop. = 440,315. 1831, ±% p.a. = +1.78%. 1831, Year = 1968. 1831, Pop. = 527,800. 1831, ±% p.a. = -0.25%. 1836, Pop. = 198,683. 1836, ±% p.a. = +1.60%. 1836, Year = 1896. 1836, Pop. = 468,311. 1836, ±% p.a. = +1.25%. 1836, Year = 1975. 1836, Pop. = 456,716. 1836, ±% p.a. = -2.06%. 1841, Pop. = 206,670. 1841, ±% p.a. = +0.79%. 1841, Year = 1901. 1841, Pop. = 461,687. 1841, ±% p.a. = -0.29%. 1841, Year = 1982. 1841, Pop. =", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n(metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 659,007. 1872, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.45%. 1872, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1982. 1872, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,138,718. 1872, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = -0.18%. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 453,540. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +1.37%. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1926. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 691,446. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.97%. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1990. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,166,797. 1876, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.30%. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 493,778. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +1.66%. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1931. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 743,297. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +1.46%. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1999. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n(59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,199,589. 1881, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.31%. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 527,621. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +1.47%. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1936. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 738,220. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = -0.14%. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 2010. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,296,166. 1886, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.72%. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 566,115. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +1.46%. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1946. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 746,062. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.11%. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 2015. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,370,678. 1891, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +1.12%. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 600,881. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis)", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 418,515. 1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = -. 1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1906. 1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 627,073. 1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.60%. 1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1968. 1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,077,794. 1861, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +2.17%. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 427,522. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.43%. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1911. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 629,931. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.09%. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1975. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,153,402. 1866, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.98%. 1872, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 426,552. 1872, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = -0.04%. 1872, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1921. 1872, Population of Lyon", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\n(59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +1.21%. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1954. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 790,662. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.71%. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 2021. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 1,424,069. 1896, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.64%. 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 608,856. 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +0.26%. 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = 1962. 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = 947,569. 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = +2.34%. 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Year = . 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).Pop. = . 1901, Population of Lyon (metropolis) (59 communes, within 2020 borders).±% p.a. = \nStade de Gerland", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n7. INSEE. \"Statistiques locales - Lyon : Aire d'attraction des villes 2020 - Population municipale 2021\" (https://sta tistiques-locales.insee.fr/#c=indicator&i=pop_depuis_1876.pop&s=2021&selcodgeo=002&t=A01&view=map1 3). Retrieved 12 July 2024.\n8. Wells, John C. (2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (3rd ed.). Longman. ISBN 978-1-4058-8118-0.\n9. \"Lyons\" (https://web.archive.org/web/20200124144048/https://www.lexico.com/definition/lyons). Lexico UK English Dictionary . Oxford University Press. Archived from the original (http://www.lexico.com/definition/Lyons) on 24 January 2020.\n10. Jones, Daniel (2011). Roach, Peter; Setter, Jane; Esling, John (eds.). Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-15255-6.\n11. \"Lyon\" (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Lyon). Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary . MerriamWebster. Retrieved 8 August 2018.\n12. \"Lyons\" (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/amp/english/lyons). Collins English Dictionary . HarperCollins. Retrieved 8 August 2018.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Population of Lyon (commune) (within 2020 borders)\nAll figures come from population censuses. Figures from 1911 to 1936 (incl.) are computed using the redressed figures for the commune of Lyon calculated by INSEE to correct the overestimated population of Lyon published by the municipal authorities at the time (10,000s of false residents had been added by the municipal authorities to artificially inflate the population figures and remain the 2nd largest city of France ahead of Marseille). [68] The 1906 figure is computed using the figure for the commune of Lyon published by the municipal authorities, probably already inflated, but not corrected by INSEE because the overestimate was smaller than 10,000.\nSource: EHESS [70] and INSEE [71]", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf", - "query": "What is the climate in Lyon ?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": " Lyon has a humid subtropical climate ( Köppen: Cfa), bordering an oceanic climate (Köppen: Cfb, Trewartha: Do).", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Climate\nLyon has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen: Cfa ), bordering an oceanic climate ( Köppen : Cfb , Trewartha: Do ). [38] The mean temperature in Lyon in the coldest month is 4.1 °C (39.4 °F) in January and in the warmest month in July is 22.6 °C (72.7 °F). Precipitation is adequate year-round, at an average of 820 mm (32.3 in), the winter months are the driest. The highest recorded temperature was 40.5 °C (104.9 °F) on 13 August 2003 while the lowest recorded temperature was -24.6 °C (-12.3 °F) on 22 December 1938. [39]\nIce on the Saône, 2012", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\nRecord high °C (°F), Jan = 16.3 (61.3). Record high °C (°F), Feb = 21.4 (70.5). Record high °C (°F), Mar = 25.7 (78.3). Record high °C (°F), Apr = 28.0 (82.4). Record high °C (°F), May = 29.4 (84.9). Record high °C (°F), Jun = 34.4 (93.9). Record high °C (°F), Jul = 39.8 (103.6). Record high °C (°F), Aug = 37.1 (98.8). Record high °C (°F), Sep = 33.8 (92.8). Record high °C (°F), Oct = 28.4 (83.1). Record high °C (°F), Nov = 22.6 (72.7). Record high °C (°F), Dec = 20.2 (68.4). Record high °C (°F), Year = 39.8 (103.6). Mean maximum °C (°F), Jan = 10.2 (50.4). Mean maximum °C (°F), Feb = 14.4 (57.9). Mean maximum °C (°F), Mar = 15.9 (60.6). Mean maximum °C (°F), Apr = 18.6 (65.5). Mean maximum °C (°F), May = 23.1 (73.6). Mean maximum °C (°F), Jun = 28.8 (83.8). Mean maximum °C (°F), Jul = 32.8 (91.0). Mean maximum °C (°F), Aug = 28.1 (82.6). Mean maximum °C (°F), Sep = 27.3 (81.1). Mean maximum °C (°F), Oct = 19.7 (67.5). Mean maximum °C (°F), Nov = 14.1 (57.4). Mean maximum °C (°F), Dec = 9.5 (49.1). Mean maximum °C (°F), Year = 32.8 (91.0). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Jan = 6.1", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\nRecord high °C (°F), Jan = 19.1 (66.4). Record high °C (°F), Feb = 21.9 (71.4). Record high °C (°F), Mar = 26.0 (78.8). Record high °C (°F), Apr = 30.1 (86.2). Record high °C (°F), May = 34.2 (93.6). Record high °C (°F), Jun = 38.4 (101.1). Record high °C (°F), Jul = 40.4 (104.7). Record high °C (°F), Aug = 41.4 (106.5). Record high °C (°F), Sep = 35.8 (96.4). Record high °C (°F), Oct = 28.4 (83.1). Record high °C (°F), Nov = 23.0 (73.4). Record high °C (°F), Dec = 20.2 (68.4). Record high °C (°F), Year = 41.4 (106.5). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Jan = 7.1 (44.8). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Feb = 9.0 (48.2). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Mar = 13.8 (56.8). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Apr = 17.4 (63.3). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), May = 21.5 (70.7). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Jun = 25.6 (78.1). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Jul = 28.2 (82.8). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Aug = 28.0 (82.4). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Sep = 23.1 (73.6). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Oct = 17.7 (63.9). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Nov = 11.4 (52.5). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Dec = 7.7 (45.9). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Year = 17.5 (63.5). Daily mean", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\n°C (°F), Jan = 4.1 (39.4). Daily mean °C (°F), Feb = 5.2 (41.4). Daily mean °C (°F), Mar = 9.0 (48.2). Daily mean °C (°F), Apr = 12.3 (54.1). Daily mean °C (°F), May = 16.3 (61.3). Daily mean °C (°F), Jun = 20.3 (68.5). Daily mean °C (°F), Jul = 22.6 (72.7). Daily mean °C (°F), Aug = 22.3 (72.1). Daily mean °C (°F), Sep = 17.9 (64.2). Daily mean °C (°F), Oct = 13.7 (56.7). Daily mean °C (°F), Nov = 8.1 (46.6). Daily mean °C (°F), Dec = 4.8 (40.6). Daily mean °C (°F), Year = 13.0 (55.4). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Jan = 1.1 (34.0). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Feb = 1.4 (34.5). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Mar = 4.2 (39.6). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Apr = 7.2 (45.0). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), May = 11.2 (52.2). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Jun = 15.0 (59.0). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Jul = 17.0 (62.6). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Aug = 16.6 (61.9). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Sep = 12.8 (55.0). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Oct = 9.6 (49.3). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Nov = 4.9 (40.8). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Dec = 2.0 (35.6). Mean daily minimum °C (°F), Year = 8.6 (47.5). Record low °C", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n38. Gregory, Stanley. 'Climatic Classification and Climatic Change (Klimaklassifikation Und Klimaänderung) (http s://www.jstor.org/stable/25636095).' Erdkunde , vol. 8, no. 4, 1954, pp. 246-252. JSTOR.\n39. \"Données climatiques de la station de Lyon: Relevés de 2016 - Lyon\" (https://web.archive.org/web/20161004 055201/http://www.meteofrance.com/climat/france/lyon/69029001/releves) (in French). Meteo France. Archived from the original (http://www.meteofrance.com/climat/france/lyon/69029001/releves) on 4 October 2016. Retrieved 2 October 2016.\n40. \"Lyon-Bron (69)\" (https://donneespubliques.meteofrance.fr/FichesClim/FICHECLIM_69029001.pdf) (PDF). Fiche Climatologique: Statistiques 1991-2020 et records (in French). Meteo France. Retrieved 14 July 2022.\n41. \"Température et records en Août pour Lyon\" (https://www.meteo-lyon.net/records/mois/aout). meteo-lyon.net (in French). Météo Villes. Retrieved 7 September 2023.\n42. \"Lyon-Bron (07480) - WMO Weather Station\" (ftp://ftp.atdd.noaa.gov/pub/GCOS/WMO-Normals/TABLES/RE G_VI/FR/07480.TXT). NOAA. Retrieved 8 February 2019. Archived (https://archive.org/details/19611990Norm alsNOAALyonBron) 8 February 2019, at the Wayback Machine", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\n(≥ 1.0 mm), Apr = (2.21) 9.6. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), May = 10.9. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Jun = (2.88) 8.2. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Jul = 6.8. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Aug = 8.2. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Sep = 7.3. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Oct = 8.5. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Nov = 8.9. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Dec = 9.8. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Year = 107.6. Average snowy days, Jan = 5.5. Average snowy days, Feb = 3.9. Average snowy days, Mar = 2.5. Average snowy days, Apr = 1.1. Average snowy days, May = 0.0. Average snowy days, Jun = 0.0. Average snowy days, Jul = 0.0. Average snowy days, Aug = 0.0. Average snowy days, Sep = 0.0. Average snowy days, Oct = 0.0. Average snowy days, Nov = 2.0. Average snowy days, Dec = 4.6. Average snowy days, Year = 19.6. Average relative humidity (%), Jan = 84. Average relative humidity (%), Feb = 80. Average relative humidity (%), Mar = 74. Average relative humidity (%), Apr = 71. Average relative humidity (%), May = 72. Average relative humidity (%), Jun = 70. Average relative humidity (%), Jul = 65. Average relative humidity (%), Aug = 70. Average relative humidity (%), Sep = 76. Average relative humidity (%), Oct = 82. Average relative humidity (%), Nov = 84. Average relative humidity (%), Dec = 86. Average relative humidity (%), Year = 76. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Jan = 62.6. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Feb = 89.8. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Mar = 147.5.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\n(°F), Mar = -10.5. Record low °C (°F), Apr = -3.2 (26.2). Record low °C (°F), May = -0.3 (31.5). Record low °C (°F), Jun = 3.6. Record low °C (°F), Jul = 6.1 (43.0). Record low °C (°F), Aug = 5.2 (41.4). Record low °C (°F), Sep = 1.9 (35.4). Record low °C (°F), Oct = -3.2 (26.2). Record low °C (°F), Nov = -7.1. Record low °C (°F), Dec = . Record low °C (°F), Year = -23.0 (-9.4). Average precipitation mm (inches), Jan = 54.0. Average precipitation mm (inches), Feb = 53.8. Average precipitation mm (inches), Mar = (13.1) 72.2. Average precipitation mm (inches), Apr = 56.1. Average precipitation mm (inches), May = 72.6 (2.86). Average precipitation mm (inches), Jun = (38.5) 73.2. Average precipitation mm (inches), Jul = 54.5 (2.15). Average precipitation mm (inches), Aug = 71.6 (2.82). Average precipitation mm (inches), Sep = 53.2 (2.09). Average precipitation mm (inches), Oct = 56.2 (2.21). Average precipitation mm (inches), Nov = (19.2) 68.0 (2.68). Average precipitation mm (inches), Dec = -16.0 (3.2) 55.8 (2.20). Average precipitation mm (inches), Year = 741.2 (29.19). Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Jan = (2.13) 10.4. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Feb = (2.12) 9.3. Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm), Mar = (2.84) 9.7. Average precipitation days", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\n(43.0). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Feb = 8.2 (46.8). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Mar = 11.6 (52.9). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Apr = 15.2 (59.4). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), May = 19.1 (66.4). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Jun = 22.9 (73.2). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Jul = 26.1 (79.0). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Aug = 26.0 (78.8). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Sep = 22.4 (72.3). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Oct = 17.1 (62.8). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Nov = 10.0 (50.0). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Dec = 6.4 (43.5). Mean daily maximum °C (°F), Year = 15.9 (60.7). Daily mean °C (°F), Jan = 3.0 (37.4). Daily mean °C (°F), Feb = 4.9 (40.8). Daily mean °C (°F), Mar = 7.4 (45.3). Daily mean °C (°F), Apr = 10.2 (50.4). Daily mean °C (°F), May = 14.0 (57.2). Daily mean °C (°F), Jun = 17.6 (63.7). Daily mean °C (°F), Jul = 20.6 (69.1). Daily mean °C (°F), Aug = 20.0 (68.0). Daily mean °C (°F), Sep = 17.1 (62.8). Daily mean °C (°F), Oct = 12.7 (54.9). Daily mean °C (°F), Nov = 6.7 (44.1). Daily mean °C (°F), Dec = 3.9 (39.0). Daily mean °C (°F), Year = 11.5 (52.7). Mean daily minimum °C, Jan = 0.2", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\n(°F), Jan = -23.0 (-9.4). Record low °C (°F), Feb = -22.5 (-8.5). Record low °C (°F), Mar = -10.5 (13.1). Record low °C (°F), Apr = -4.4 (24.1). Record low °C (°F), May = -3.8 (25.2). Record low °C (°F), Jun = 2.3 (36.1). Record low °C (°F), Jul = 6.1 (43.0). Record low °C (°F), Aug = 4.6 (40.3). Record low °C (°F), Sep = 0.2 (32.4). Record low °C (°F), Oct = -4.5 (23.9). Record low °C (°F), Nov = -9.4 (15.1). Record low °C (°F), Dec = -24.6 (-12.3). Record low °C (°F), Year = -24.6 (-12.3). Average precipitation mm (inches), Jan = 49.8 (1.96). Average precipitation mm (inches), Feb = 41.6 (1.64). Average precipitation mm (inches), Mar = 49.4 (1.94). Average precipitation mm (inches), Apr = 68.9 (2.71). Average precipitation mm (inches), May = 80.9 (3.19). Average precipitation mm (inches), Jun = 74.1 (2.92). Average precipitation mm (inches), Jul = 67.4 (2.65). Average precipitation mm (inches), Aug = 65.5 (2.58). Average precipitation mm (inches), Sep = 82.5 (3.25). Average precipitation mm (inches), Oct = 99.8 (3.93). Average precipitation mm (inches), Nov = 87.2 (3.43). Average precipitation mm (inches), Dec = 53.7 (2.11). Average precipitation mm (inches), Year = 820.8 (32.31). Average precipitation days (≥", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Climate data for Lyon (LYN), elevation: 197 m (646 ft), 1991-2020 normals, extremes 1920-present\nMean monthly sunshine hours, Apr = 184.2. Mean monthly sunshine hours, May = 215.9. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Jun = 250.9. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Jul = 292.6. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Aug = 259.0. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Sep = 208.1. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Oct = 134.3. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Nov = 75.3. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Dec = 55.4. Mean monthly sunshine hours, Year = 1,975.6. Percent possible sunshine, Jan = 23. Percent possible sunshine, Feb = 31. Percent possible sunshine, Mar = 41. Percent possible sunshine, Apr = 46. Percent possible sunshine, May = 47. Percent possible sunshine, Jun = 54. Percent possible sunshine, Jul = 62. Percent possible sunshine, Aug = 60. Percent possible sunshine, Sep = 56. Percent possible sunshine, Oct = 40. Percent possible sunshine, Nov = 27. Percent possible sunshine, Dec = 21. Percent possible sunshine, Year = 42", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf", - "query": " What should do the rector, vicar or curate in charge of a church or chapel to which a register of marriage services has been provided ?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "ensure that the register is kept in that church or chapel, and (b) do everything that is reasonably practicable to ensure that the register is protected against theft, loss or damage.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Requirements about the keeping of registers of marriage services\n4. -(1) The rector, vicar or curate in charge of a church or chapel to which a register of marriage services has been provided under regulation 2(1) must-\n(a) ensure that the register is kept in that church or chapel, and\n(b) do everything that is reasonably practicable to ensure that the register is protected against theft, loss or damage.\n(2) Where there is no rector, vicar or curate in charge of a church or chapel to which a register of marriage services has been provided under regulation 2(1), the obligations under paragraph (1) in respect of that register fall on the churchwardens of the parish in which the church or chapel is situated.\nGiven under my hand on 29th April 2021\nAbi Tierney Registrar General\n2\nI approve\n29th April 2021\nKevin Foster Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Home Office", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Duty of parochial church councils to provide registers of marriage services\n2. -(1) The parochial church council of a parish must provide books for the purpose of making records under regulation 3 to each church and chapel of the Church of England( c ) in that parish in which banns of matrimony may be published.\n(2) Books provided under paragraph (1) are to be known as 'registers of marriage services'.\n(3) A register of marriage services provided under paragraph (1) must meet the requirements of paragraphs (4) and (5).\n(4) The register must be made of durable material.\n(5) For the purposes of enabling a record to be made in the register under regulation 3 in respect of a marriage, the register must be printed in such a way that it-\n( a ) 1949 c. 76 (12 & 13 Geo 6). Section 74 was amended by Schedule 2 to the Registration Service Act 1953 (c. 37) and by paragraph 5(1)(d) of Schedule 2 to the Transfer of Functions (Registration) Order 2008 (S.I. 2008/678) and subsequently renumbered as section 74(1) by article 12 of the Registration of Marriages etc. (Electronic Communications and Electronic Storage) Order 2009 (S.I. 2009/2821). Section 74(1) was amended by paragraph 19 of Schedule 15 to the Immigration Act 2016 (c. 19) and paragraph 43 of Schedule 1 to the Registration of Marriages Regulations 2021 (S.I. 2021/411), which also inserted subsection (1A).\n( b ) See section 68(2) of the Marriage Act 1949. The certification function of the Admiralty under that section was transferred to the Secretary of State by the Defence (Transfer of Functions) Act 1964 (c. 15).\n( c ) Section 78(2) of the Marriage Act 1949 provides for references to the Church of England to be construed as including references to the Church in Wales.\n(a) indicates the descriptions of information required by each of sub-paragraphs (a) to (h) of regulation 3(2) in relation to the marriage, and\n(b) provides corresponding spaces for recording information required by each of those subparagraphs in relation to the marriage.\n(6) A register of marriage services provided under paragraph (1) by a parochial church council belongs to that parochial church council.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Duty to record information about marriages solemnized according to the rites of the Church of England or Church in Wales\n3. -(1) Paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) apply where a marriage has been solemnized according to the rites of the Church of England in a church or chapel in which banns of matrimony may be published.\n(2) As soon as practicable after the marriage has been solemnized, the clergyman by whom the marriage was solemnized must make a record of the following information in relation to that marriage in a register of marriage services provided to the church or chapel under regulation 2(1)-\n(a) the date and place of the marriage;\n(b) the name and surname of each party;\n(c) the date of birth of each party;\n(d) the occupation (if any) of each party;\n(e) the address of each party at the time of the marriage;\n(f) the names and surnames of each party's parents, so far as those names and surnames are known to the clergyman who solemnized the marriage;\n(g) the name and surname of each of the witnesses in whose presence the marriage was solemnized;\n(h) the name and surname of the clergyman by whom the marriage was solemnized.\n(3) The clergyman must record the information required by paragraph (2) in English, and may also record information required by that paragraph in Welsh where the church or chapel is situated in Wales.\n(4) After making a record under paragraph (2) the clergyman must sign it.\n(5) This regulation does not apply in relation to a marriage solemnized before 4th May 2021.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EXPLANATORY NOTE\n(This note is not part of the Regulations)\nThese Regulations provide for records of marriages to be kept in churches and chapels of the Church of England and the Church in Wales, other than chapels to which Part 5 of the Marriage Act 1949 applies (naval, military and air force chapels).\nRegulation 2 requires parochial church councils to provide books known as 'registers of marriage services' to churches and chapels in their parish in which banns of matrimony may be published, for the purposes of keeping the records required by regulation 3. Regulation 2 also imposes requirements relating to the durability and pre-printed content of these registers, and provides that they belong to the parochial church council.\nRegulation 3 requires specified information to be recorded in a register of marriage services when a marriage has been solemnized on or after 4th May 2021 according to the rites of the Church of England or Church in Wales in a church or chapel in which banns of matrimony may be published. The record must be made and signed by the member of the clergy by whom the marriage was solemnized.\nRegulation 4 imposes requirements relating to the keeping of registers of marriage services provided under regulation 2.\nA full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument because no, or no significant, impact on the private, public or voluntary sector is foreseen.\n' Crown copyright 2021\nPrinted and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament.\n3\n£4.90\nhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/uksi/2021/538", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MARRIAGE, ENGLAND AND WALES\nThe Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021\nMade\n-\n-\n-\n-\n29th April 2021\nComing into force - -\n4th May 2021\nThe Registrar General makes these Regulations with the approval of the Secretary of State in exercise of the powers conferred by section 74(1)(c)(v), (1A)(a) and (3) of the Marriage Act 1949( a ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Citation, commencement, extent and interpretation\n1. -(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Marriage (Keeping of Records in Churches and Chapels) Regulations 2021.\n(2) These Regulations come into force on 4th May 2021.\n(3) These Regulations extend to England and Wales.\n(4) In these Regulations, 'chapel' does not include a chapel to which Part 5 of the Marriage Act 1949 (marriages in naval, military and air force chapels) applies( b ).", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "uksi_20210538_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "11.7 Remote Copy commands\nThis section presents commands that need to be issued to create and operate remote copy services.", - "page_start": 562, - "page_end": 562, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Test providers\n3. -(1) A test provider complies with this paragraph where-\n(a) they provide appropriate tests in a single end-to-end testing service (whether or not they arrange with another person ('X') for X to provide one or more elements of the service on their behalf);\n(b) they have made a declaration to the Department of Health and Social Care that they meet the minimum standards for private sector-provided testing at https://support-covid-19testing.dhsc.gov.uk/PrivateSectorSelfDeclaration;\n(c) in relation to a test which requires laboratory processing-\n(i) the person responsible for the taking of samples meets the relevant requirements for accreditation to ISO standard 15189 or ISO/IEC standard 17025, in respect of the taking of samples, and\n(ii) the laboratory used by the test provider for the processing of samples meets the relevant requirements for accreditation to ISO standard 15189 or ISO/IEC standard 17025, in respect of the processing of samples;\n(d) in relation to a point of care test, they meet the relevant requirements for accreditation to ISO standard 15189 and ISO standard 22870( a );\n(e) a registered medical practitioner has oversight and approval of medical practices undertaken by the test provider, and responsibility for reporting medical issues;\n(f) they have an effective system of clinical governance in place which includes appropriate standard operating procedures in relation to the carrying out of appropriate tests;\n(g) a registered clinical scientist has oversight of clinical practices undertaken by the test provider, and responsibility for reporting clinical issues;\n(h) they have systems in place to identify any adverse incidents or quality control issues in relation to appropriate tests and be able to report them as soon as reasonably practicable to the Secretary of State;\n(i) they administer or provide an appropriate test to P, on or after the fifth day after the day on which P arrived in England having received the information required by paragraph 4(b) and (c) (as appropriate); and\n(j) if they arrange with another person ('X') for X to carry out any element of the single end-to-end testing service on their behalf, the test provider ensures that X complies with any of paragraphs (c) to (i) and 5(2), (3) and (5) as is relevant to the carrying out of that element.", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Responsibilities:\nMember of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee.\nwww.kingsgate.com.au", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGE OF ADDRESS\nShareholders should notify the share registry in writing immediately there is a change to their registered address.", - "page_start": 67, - "page_end": 67, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf", - "query": "What are Tesla's total liabilities and equity in 2024?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "119,852", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Sources and Conditions of Liquidity\nOur sources to fund our material cash requirements are predominantly from our deliveries and servicing of new and used vehicles, sales and installations of our energy storage products, interest income, and proceeds from debt facilities and equity offerings, when applicable.\n33\n43 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..\n44 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..\nAs of September 30, 2024, we had $18.11 billion and $15.54 billion of cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments, respectively. Balances held in foreign currencies had a U.S. dollar equivalent of $3.32 billion and consisted primarily of Chinese yuan and euros. We had $5.00 billion of unused committed credit amounts as of September 30, 2024. For details regarding our indebtedness, refer to Note 7, Debt , to the consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.\nWe continue adapting our strategy to meet our liquidity and risk objectives, such as investing in U.S. government securities and other investments, invest in autonomy, do more vertical integration, expand our product roadmap and provide financing options to our customers.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Overview\nTesla, Inc. ('Tesla', the 'Company', 'we', 'us' or 'our') was incorporated in the State of Delaware on July 1, 2003 and converted to a Texas corporation on June 13, 2024.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "tsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 6 - Other Long-Term Liabilities\nOur other long-term liabilities consisted of the following (in millions):\nOperating lease liabilities, September 30, 2024 = $ 4,290. Operating lease liabilities, December 31, 2023 = $ 3,671. Accrued warranty reserve, September 30, 2024 = 4,524. Accrued warranty reserve, December 31, 2023 = 3,606. Other non-current liabilities, September 30, 2024 = 996. Other non-current liabilities, December 31, 2023 = 876. Total other long-term liabilities, September 30, 2024 = $ 9,810. Total other long-term liabilities, December 31, 2023 = $ 8,153", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 7 - Debt\nThe following is a summary of our debt and finance leases as of September 30, 2024 (in millions):", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consolidated Balance Sheets (in millions, except per share data)\nTable of Contents\n4,989. Other non-current assets, December 31, 2023 = 4,531. Total assets, September 30, 2024 = $ 119,852. Total assets, December 31, 2023 = $ 106,618. Liabilities, September 30, 2024 = . Liabilities, December 31, 2023 = . Current liabilities, September 30, 2024 = . Current liabilities, December 31, 2023 = . Accounts payable, September 30, 2024 = $ 14,654. Accounts payable, December 31, 2023 = $ 14,431. Accrued liabilities and other, September 30, 2024 = 10,601. Accrued liabilities and other, December 31, 2023 = 9,080. Deferred revenue, September 30, 2024 = 3,031. Deferred revenue, December 31, 2023 = 2,864. Current portion of debt and finance leases, September 30, 2024 = 2,291. Current portion of debt and finance leases, December 31, 2023 = 2,373. Total current liabilities, September 30, 2024 = 30,577. Total current liabilities, December 31, 2023 = 28,748. Debt and finance leases, net of current portion, September 30, 2024 = 5,405. Debt and finance leases, net of current portion, December 31, 2023 = 2,857. Deferred revenue, net of current portion, September 30, 2024 = 3,350. Deferred revenue, net of current portion, December 31, 2023 = 3,251. Other long-term liabilities, September 30, 2024 = 9,810. Other long-term liabilities, December 31, 2023 = 8,153. Total liabilities, September 30, 2024 = 49,142. Total liabilities, December 31, 2023 = 43,009. Commitments and contingencies (Note 10), September 30, 2024 = . Commitments and contingencies (Note 10), December 31, 2023 = . Redeemable noncontrolling interests in subsidiaries, September 30, 2024 = 70. Redeemable noncontrolling interests in subsidiaries, December 31, 2023 = 242. Equity, September 30, 2024 = . Equity, December 31, 2023 =", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 7 - Debt\nDate = . Total debt and finance leases, Net Carrying Value.Current = $ 2,291. Total debt and finance leases, Net Carrying Value.Long-Term = $ 5,405. Total debt and finance leases, Unpaid Principal.Balance = . Total debt and finance leases, Unused Committed.Amount (1) = . Total debt and finance leases, Contractual Interest Rates = . Total debt and finance leases, Contractual.Maturity Date = \n18\n24 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..\nThe following is a summary of our debt and finance leases as of December 31, 2023 (in millions):\nTable of Contents", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consolidated Statements of Financial Position\nOther liabilities, 2024 = 2,292,045. Other liabilities, 2023 = 2,124,939. Total current liabilities, 2024 = 15,204,548. Total current liabilities, 2023 = 18,746,285. Lease liability, 2024 = -. Lease liability, 2023 = 405,748. Total liabilities, 2024 = $ 15,204,548. Total liabilities, 2023 = 19,152,033. Net assets:, 2024 = . Net assets:, 2023 = . Net assets without donor restrictions, 2024 = 265,859,067. Net assets without donor restrictions, 2023 = 249,088,663. Net assets with donor restrictions, 2024 = 5,696,323. Net assets with donor restrictions, 2023 = 5,882,673. Total net assets, 2024 = 271,555,390. Total net assets, 2023 = 254,971,336. Total liabilities and net assets, 2024 = $ 286,759,938. Total liabilities and net assets, 2023 = 274,123,369\nSee accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.\n3", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Wikimedia_Foundation_2024_Audited_Financial_Statements.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Certain Investigations and Other Matters\nWe regularly receive requests for information, including subpoenas, from regulators and governmental authorities such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission ('SEC'), the Department of Justice ('DOJ'), and various local, state, federal, and international agencies. The ongoing requests for information include topics such as operations, technology (e.g., vehicle functionality, vehicle incidents, Autopilot and FSD Capability), compliance, finance, data privacy, and other matters related to Tesla's business, its personnel, and related parties. We routinely cooperate with such formal and informal requests for information, investigations, and other inquiries. To our knowledge no government agency in any ongoing investigation has concluded that any wrongdoing occurred. We cannot predict the outcome or impact of any ongoing matters. Should the government decide to pursue an enforcement action, there exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on our business, results of operation, prospects, cash flows, financial position or brand.\nWe are also subject to various other legal proceedings, risks and claims that arise from the normal course of business activities. For example, during the second quarter of 2023, a foreign news outlet reported that it obtained certain misappropriated data including, purportedly non-public Tesla business and personal information. Tesla has made notifications to potentially affected individuals (current and former employees) and regulatory authorities and we are working with certain law enforcement and other authorities. On August 5, 2023, a putative class action was filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, purportedly on behalf of all U.S. individuals impacted by the data incident, followed by several additional lawsuits, that each assert claims under various state laws and seeks monetary damages and other relief. If an unfavorable ruling or development were to occur in these or other possible legal proceedings, risks and claims, there exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on our business, results of operations, prospects, cash flows, financial position or brand.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Contingent Liabilities\nWe have the following contingent liabilities as at December 31, 2013:", - "page_start": 127, - "page_end": 127, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf", - "query": "Where was Tesla incorporated? ", - "target_page": 13, - "target_passage": "State of Delaware", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Overview\nTesla, Inc. ('Tesla', the 'Company', 'we', 'us' or 'our') was incorporated in the State of Delaware on July 1, 2003 and converted to a Texas corporation on June 13, 2024.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Tesla, Inc.\n(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)\nTexas\n91-2197729\n(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)\n(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)\n1 Tesla Road\nAustin, Texas\n78725\n(Address of principal executive offices)\n(Zip Code)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "tsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE\nNordstrom, Inc. and subsidiaries 3", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Vision\nNissan: Enriching people's lives", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Certain Investigations and Other Matters\nWe regularly receive requests for information, including subpoenas, from regulators and governmental authorities such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission ('SEC'), the Department of Justice ('DOJ'), and various local, state, federal, and international agencies. The ongoing requests for information include topics such as operations, technology (e.g., vehicle functionality, vehicle incidents, Autopilot and FSD Capability), compliance, finance, data privacy, and other matters related to Tesla's business, its personnel, and related parties. We routinely cooperate with such formal and informal requests for information, investigations, and other inquiries. To our knowledge no government agency in any ongoing investigation has concluded that any wrongdoing occurred. We cannot predict the outcome or impact of any ongoing matters. Should the government decide to pursue an enforcement action, there exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on our business, results of operation, prospects, cash flows, financial position or brand.\nWe are also subject to various other legal proceedings, risks and claims that arise from the normal course of business activities. For example, during the second quarter of 2023, a foreign news outlet reported that it obtained certain misappropriated data including, purportedly non-public Tesla business and personal information. Tesla has made notifications to potentially affected individuals (current and former employees) and regulatory authorities and we are working with certain law enforcement and other authorities. On August 5, 2023, a putative class action was filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, purportedly on behalf of all U.S. individuals impacted by the data incident, followed by several additional lawsuits, that each assert claims under various state laws and seeks monetary damages and other relief. If an unfavorable ruling or development were to occur in these or other possible legal proceedings, risks and claims, there exists the possibility of a material adverse impact on our business, results of operations, prospects, cash flows, financial position or brand.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company Secretary\nRoss Coyle", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Automotive-Production\n26\n32 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..\n33 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Holders\nAs of February 13, 2003, we had 1,604 shareholders of record.", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of October 25, 2003, the Company had over 16,000 active employees.\n(d)\nExecutive Officers of the Registrant", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf", - "query": "What is the reason for the increase in Tesla's tax rate from 2023 to 2024?", - "target_page": 26, - "target_passage": " increase in our effective tax rate is primarily due to the impact of releasing the valuation allowance on our U.S. deferred tax assets in the fourth quarter of 2023 and changes in the mix of our jurisdictional earnings", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Table of Contents\nOur provision for income taxes increased by $434 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and increased by $652 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. Our effective tax rate increased from 8% to 22% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and increased from 10% to 23% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. These increases are primarily due to the impact of releasing the valuation allowance on our U.S. deferred tax assets in the fourth quarter of 2023 and changes in mix of jurisdictional earnings.\nSee Note 9, Income Taxes , to the consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for further details.", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Note 9 - Income Taxes\nOur effective tax rate was 22% and 23% for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, compared to 8% and 10% for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. The increase in our effective tax rate is primarily due to the impact of releasing the valuation allowance on our U.S. deferred tax assets in the fourth quarter of 2023 and changes in the mix of our jurisdictional earnings.\nOur effective tax rates for the three and nine months of 2024 and 2023 as compared to the U.S. federal statutory rate of 21% were primarily impacted by the mix of our jurisdictional earnings subject to different tax rates, valuation allowances on our deferred tax assets and benefits from our U.S. tax credits and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 ('IRA') manufacturing credits.\nWe are subject to tax examinations in the U.S. federal, state and foreign jurisdictions. Given the uncertainty in timing and outcome of our tax examinations, an estimate of the range of the reasonably possible change in gross unrecognized tax benefits within twelve months cannot be made at this time.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Automotive & Services and Other Segment\nCost of automotive sales revenue increased $87 million, or 1%, in the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023 due to the increases in deliveries year over year as discussed above, partially offset by a decrease in the average combined cost per unit of our vehicles primarily from lower raw material costs, freight and duties as well as mix.\nCost of automotive sales revenue decreased $2.32 billion, or 5%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023 due to a decrease in the average combined cost per unit of our vehicles primarily from lower raw material costs, freight and duties as well as mix, in addition to the volume changes in deliveries year over year as discussed above. The decreases were partially offset by higher costs for Cybertruck and the updated Model 3 at our Fremont factory as a result of the temporary under-utilization of manufacturing capacity as production ramps.\nCost of automotive leasing revenue decreased $54 million, or 18%, in the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Cost of automotive leasing revenue decreased $211 million, or 22%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decreases were primarily due to a decrease in direct sales-type leasing cost of revenue driven by lower deliveries and a decrease in our direct operating lease cost of revenue driven by lower lease payoffs compared to the prior periods.\nCost of services and other revenue increased $507 million, or 25%, in the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Cost of services and other revenue increased $1.47 billion, or 26%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increases were primarily due to volume increases in used vehicle sales, insurance services, paid Supercharging, non-warranty maintenance services and collision and part sales.\n30\n38 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..\n39 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Overview\nTesla, Inc. ('Tesla', the 'Company', 'we', 'us' or 'our') was incorporated in the State of Delaware on July 1, 2003 and converted to a Texas corporation on June 13, 2024.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Table of Contents\nWe are focused on growing our manufacturing capacity, which includes capacity for manufacturing newer vehicle models such as our Cybertruck, Tesla Semi and future vehicles utilizing aspects of our next generation platform, and ramping the production at our Gigafactories to their installed production capacities as well as increasing production rate and efficiency at our current factories. The next phase of production growth will depend on the continued ramp at our factories and be initiated by advances in autonomy and the introduction of new products, including those built on our next generation vehicle platform, as well as our ability to add to our available sources of battery cell supply by manufacturing our own cells that we are developing to have high-volume output, lower capital and production costs and longer range. Our goals are to improve vehicle performance, decrease production costs and increase affordability and customer awareness.\nThese plans are subject to uncertainties inherent in establishing and ramping manufacturing operations, which may be exacerbated by new product and manufacturing technologies we introduce, the number of concurrent international projects, any industry-wide component constraints, labor shortages and any future impact from events outside of our control. For example, during the first quarter of 2024, we experienced a sequential decline in production volumes partially caused by the early phase of the production ramp of the updated Model 3 at our Fremont factory, and factory shutdowns at Gigafactory BerlinBrandenburg resulting from shipping diversions caused by the Red Sea conflict and an arson attack. Moreover, we have set ambitious technological targets with our plans for battery cells as well as for iterative manufacturing and design improvements for our vehicles with each new factory.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Energy Generation and Storage Segment\nEnergy generation and storage revenue increased $817 million, or 52%, in the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Energy generation and storage revenue increased $2.43 billion, or 53%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increases were primarily due to increases in Megapack and Powerwall deployments compared to the prior periods.\n29\n36 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..\n37 sur 49\n10/01/2025, 14:3\ntsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Income Tax Expense (2014 vs. 2013)\nThe increase in the effective tax rate for 2014 compared with 2013 was primarily due to tax adjustments associated with a reassessment of our deferred tax assets related to acquisitions.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Automotive & Services and Other Segment\nAutomotive sales revenue increased $249 million, or 1%, in the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, due to an increase of approximately 23,000 combined Model 3 and Model Y cash deliveries and an increase of 8,000 deliveries of other models primarily due to our production ramp of Cybertruck. Additionally, we recognized $326 million of FSD revenue for Cybertruck and certain features such as Actually Smart Summon in the third quarter of 2024. The increases were partially offset by lower average selling price on our vehicles driven by overall price reductions and attractive financing options provided year over year as well as mix.\nAutomotive sales revenue decreased $4.06 billion, or 7%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to lower average selling price on our vehicles driven by overall price reductions and attractive financing options provided year over year as well as mix. Additionally, there was a decrease of approximately 17,000 combined Model 3 and Model Y cash deliveries partially due to the early phase of the production ramp of the updated Model 3 at our Fremont factory. The decreases were partially offset by an increase of approximately 19,000 deliveries of other models primarily due to our production ramp of Cybertruck and an increase in FSD revenue compared to the prior period, as discussed above.\nAutomotive regulatory credits revenue increased $185 million, or 33%, in the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Automotive regulatory credits revenue increased $714 million, or 53%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. These increases were driven by demand for credits in North America as other automobile manufacturers scale back on their battery electric vehicle plans.\nAutomotive leasing revenue decreased $43 million, or 9%, in the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Automotive leasing revenue decreased $240 million, or 15%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decreases were primarily due to lower direct sales-type leasing deliveries and a decrease in lease buyouts.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "tsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Income Tax Expense (2013 vs. 2012)\nThe increase in the effective tax rate for 2013 compared with 2012 was primarily due to changes in our estimated state tax reserves.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf", - "query": "Which is the first candidate for experimenting the case of electrons interacting with a single boson mode?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "The primary candidate for such mode is an optical phonon", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "B. The Einstein boson model\nWe next consider the case of electrons interacting with a single boson mode which by itself is not affected by superconductivity. The primary candidate for such mode is an optical phonon. The imaginary part of the NS self energy has been discussed numerous times in the literature. We make one simplifying assumption - approximate the DOS by a constant in calculating fermionic self-energy. We will, however, keep the full lattice dispersion in the calculations of the optical integral. The advantage of this\n6\nFIG. 5: The evolution of optical integral in NS(top) and SCS(bottom) for BCSI case. Plots are made for clean limit (solid lines, Γ = 3 . 5 meV ) and dirty limit (dashed lines, Γ = 150 meV ) for ∆ = 30 meV . Observe that (a) W (0) = 0 in the NS, but has a non-zero value in the SCS because of the δ -function (this value decreases in the dirty limit), and (b) the flat region in the SCS is due to the fact that σ ' ( ω ) = 0 for Ω < 2∆. Also note that ∼ 90 -95% of the spectral weight is recovered up to 1 eV\napproximation is that the self-energy can be computed analytically. The full self-energy obtained with the lattice dispersion is more involved and can only be obtained numerically, but its structure is quite similar to the one obtained with a constant DOS.\nThe self-energy for a constant DOS is given by\nΣ( iω ) = -i 2 π λ n ∫ d/epsilon1 k d ( i Ω) χ ( i Ω) G ( /epsilon1 k , iω + i Ω) (13)\nwhere\nχ ( i Ω) = ω 2 0 ω 2 0 -( i Ω) 2 (14)\nand λ n is a dimensionless electron-boson coupling. Integrating and transforming to real frequencies, we obtain\nΣ '' ( ω ) = -π 2 λ n ω o Θ( | ω | -ω o )\nIn the SCS, we obtain for ω < 0\nΣ ' ( ω ) = -1 2 λ n ω o log ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ω + ω o ω -ω o ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ (15)", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n1 R. Kubo, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 12 , 570(1957).\n2 R.A. Ferrrel and R.E. Glover, Phys. Rev. 109 , 1398 (1958).\n3 M. Tinkham and R.A. Ferrrel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2 , 331 (1959), M. Tinkham, Introduction to Superconductivity (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975).\n4 J. Hirsch, Physica C 199 , 305 (1992).\n5 D. N. Basov and T. Timusk, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 , 721 (2005); A. V. Puchkov, D. N. Basov and T. Timusk, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 8 , 10049 (1996).\n6 C. M. Varma et al , Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 , 1996 (1989).\n7 D. N. Basov, S. I. Woods, A. S. Katz, E. J. Singley, R. C. Dynes, M. Xu, D. G. Hinks, C. C. Homes and M. Strongin, Science 283 , 49 (1999).\n8 H.J.A Molegraaf, C. Presura, D. van der Marel, P.H. Kess, M. Li, Science 295 , 2239 (2002); A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, F. Carbone and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 72 , 144503 (2005).\n9 A. F. Santander-Syro, R. P. S. M. Lobo, N. Bontemps, Z. Konstantinovic, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy, Europhys. Lett. 62 , 568 (2003);\n10 A. V. Boris, N. N. Kovaleva, O. V. Dolgov, T. Holden, C. T. Lin, B. Keimer and C. Bernhard, Science 304 , 708 (2004).", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0806v1 [astro-ph.HE] 6 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.2648v1 [physics.chem-ph] 15 Jan 2010", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D. The collective boson model\nWe now turn to a more microscopic model- the CB model. The model describes fermions interacting by exchanging soft, overdamped collective bosons in a particular, near-critical, spin or charge channel 31,44,45 . This interaction is responsible for the normal state self-energy and also gives rise to a superconductivity. A peculiar feature of the CB model is that the propagator of a collective boson changes below T c because this boson is not an independent degree of freedom (as in EB model) but is made out of low-energy fermions which are affected by superconductivity 32 .\nThe most relevant point for our discussion is that this model contains the physics which we identified above as a source of a potential sign change of ∆ W K . Namely, at strong coupling the fermionic self-energy in the NS is large because there exists strong scattering between low-energy fermions mediated by low-energy collective bosons. In the SCS, the density of low-energy fermions drops and a continuum collective excitations becomes gaped. Both effects reduce fermionic damping and lead to the increase of W K in a SCS. If this increase exceeds a conventional loss of W K due to a gap opening, the total ∆ W K may become positive.\nThe CB model has been applied numerous times to the cuprates, most often under the assumption that nearcritical collective excitations are spin fluctuations with momenta near Q = ( π, π ). This version of a CB boson is commonly known as a spin-fermion model. This model yields d x 2 -y 2 superconductivity and explains in a quantitative way a number of measured electronic features of the cuprates, in particular the near-absence of the quasiparticle peak in the NS of optimally doped and underdoped cuprates 39 and the peak-dip-hump structure in the ARPES profile in the SCS 31,32,46,47 . In our analysis we assume that a CB is a spin fluctuation.\nThe results for the conductivity within a spin-fermion model depend in quantitative (but not qualitative) way on the assumption for the momentum dispersion of a collective boson. This momentum dependence comes from", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0955v2 [astro-ph.HE] 6 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0770v1 [astro-ph.HE] 5 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n34 A.E. Karakozov and E.G. Maksimov, cond-mat/0511185, A. E. Karakozov, E. G. Maksimov and O. V. Dolgov, Solid State Comm. 124 , 119 (2002); A. E. Karakozov and E. G. Maksimov, ibid. 139 , 80 (2006).\n35 see e.g., P. B. Allen, Phys. Rev. B 3 , 305 (1971); S. V. Shulga, O. V. Dolgov and E. G. Maksimov, Physica C 178 , 266 (1991).\n36 A. A. Abriskov and L. P. Gor'kov, JETP 35 , 1090 (1959), Sang Boo Nam, Phys. Rev. 156 , 470 (1967).\n37 Theory of superconductivity, Schrieffer, (W. A. Benjamin Inc., New York 1964).\n38 M.R. Norman, M. Randeria, H. Ding, and J.C. Campuzano, Phys. Rev. B 52 , 615 (1995).\n39 Z.X. Shen and D.S. Dessau, Phys. Rep. 253 , 1(1995), J. C. Campuzano, M. R. Norman, and M. Randeria, 'Superconductivity'(Vol-1), 923-992, Springer (2008).\n40 A. V. Chubukov, Ar. Abanov, and D. N. Basov, Phys. Rev. B 68 , 024504 (2003).\n41 T. Valla et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett 85 , 828(2000).\n42 Kaminski et al. , Phys. Rev. B 71 , 014517 (2005).\n43 Robert Haslinger and Andrey V. Chubukov, Phys. Rev. B 67 , 140504(2003).\n44 C. Castellani, C. DiCastro, and M. Grilli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 , 4650 (1995).", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D. The collective boson model\nTo address this issue, we took a larger λ for the same ω sf and re-did the calculation of the conductivities and optical integrals. The results for σ ( ω ) and ∆ W ( ω c ) are presented in Fig. 22. We found the same behavior as before, i.e., ∆ W K is negative. But we also found that the larger is the overall scale for the self-energy, the larger is a frequency of zero-crossing of ∆ W ( ω c ). In particular, for the same λ and ω sf that were used in Ref. 33 to fit the NS conductivity data, the zero crossing is at ∼ 0 . 8 eV which is quite close to the bandwidth. This implies that at a truly strong coupling the frequency at which ∆ W ( ω c ) changes sign can well be larger than the bandwidth of 1 eV in which case ∆ W integrated up to the bandwidth does indeed remain positive. Such behavior would be consistent with Refs.8,9. we also see from Fig. 22 that ∆ W K becomes small at a truly strong coupling, and over a wide range of frequencies the behavior of ∆ W ( ω c ) is predominantly governed by ∆ f ( ω c ), i.e. by the cut-off term. 50 The implication is that, to first approximation, ∆ W K can be neglected and positive ∆ W ( w c ) integrated to a frequency where it is still positive is almost compensated by the integral over larger frequencies. This again would be consistent with the experimental data in Refs. 8,9.\nIt is also instructive to understand the interplay between the behavior of ∆ W ( ω c ) and the behavior of the difference of the kinetic energy between the SCS and the NS, δ KE . We computed the kinetic energy as a function of λω sf and present the results in Fig. 23 for λ = 1 and 10. For a relatively weak λ = 1 the behavior is clearly BCS likeδ KE > 0 and increases with increasing λω sf . However, at large λ = 10, we see that the kinetic energy begin decreasing at large λω sf and eventually changes sign. The behavior of δ KE at a truly strong coupling is\n14\nconsistent with earlier calculation of the kinetic energy for Ornstein-Zernike form of the spin susceptibility 43 .", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D. The collective boson model\nOn a more careful look, we found that indifference of δW ( ω c ) to the increase of λ is merely the consequence of the fact that above we kept λω sf constant. Indeed, at small frequencies, fermionic self-energy in the NS is Σ ' = λω , Σ' = λ 2 ω 2 / ( λω sf ), and both Σ ' and Σ '' increase with λ if we keep λω sf constant. But at frequencies larger than ω sf , which we actually probe by ∆ W ( ω c ), the selfenergy essentially depends only on λω sf , and increasing λ but keeping λω sf constant does not bring us closer to the physics associated with the recovery of electron coherence in the SCS. To detect this physics, we need to see how things evolve when we increase λω sf above the scale of ∆ , i.e., consider a truly strong coupling when not only λ /greatermuch 1 but also the normal state Σ NS ( ω ≥ ∆) >> ∆.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf", - "query": "What was the optical integral analysis proposed by Norman and Pépin?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "a phenomenological model for the self energy which fits normal state scattering rate measure- ments by ARPES", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "II. OPTICAL INTEGRAL IN NORMAL AND SUPERCONDUCTING STATES\nThe generic formalism of the computation of the optical conductivity and the optical integral has been discussed several times in the literature 21-23,26,29 and we\n4\njust list the formulas that we used in our computations. The conductivity σ (Ω) and the optical integral W ( ω c ) are given by (see for example Ref. 35).\nσ ' (Ω) = Im [ -Π(Ω) Ω+ iδ ] = -Π '' (Ω) Ω + πδ (Ω) Π ' (Ω) (7a)\nW ( ω c ) = ∫ ω c 0 σ ' (Ω) d Ω = -∫ ω c 0+ Π '' (Ω) Ω d Ω + π 2 Π ' (0) (7b)\nwhere ' X ' ' and ' X '' ' stand for real and imaginary parts of X . We will restrict with T = 0. The polarization operator Π(Ω) is (see Ref. 36)\nΠ( i Ω) = T ∑ ω ∑ /vector k ( ∇ /vector k ε /vector k ) 2 ( G ( iω, /vector k ) G ( iω + i Ω , /vector k ) + F ( iω, /vector k ) F ( iω + i Ω , /vector k ) ) (8a)\nΠ ' (Ω) = 1 π 2 ∑ /vector k ( ∇ /vector k ε /vector k ) 2 ∫ ' ∫ ' dxdy ( G '' ( x, /vector k ) G '' ( y, /vector k ) + F '' ( x, /vector k ) F '' ( y, /vector k ) ) n F ( y ) -n F ( x ) y -x (8c)\nΠ '' (Ω) = -1 π ∑ /vector k ( ∇ /vector k ε /vector k ) 2 ∫ 0 -Ω dω ( G '' ( ω, /vector k ) G '' ( ω +Ω , /vector k ) + F '' ( ω, /vector k ) F '' ( ω +Ω , /vector k ) ) (8b)", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. OPTICAL INTEGRAL IN NORMAL AND SUPERCONDUCTING STATES\nwhere ∫ ' denotes the principal value of the integral, ∑ /vector k is understood to be 1 N ∑ /vector k ,( N is the number of lattice sites), n F ( x ) is the Fermi function which is a step function at zero temperature, G and F are the normal and anomalous Greens functions. given by 37\nFor a NS, G ( ω, /vector k ) = 1 ω -Σ( k, ω ) -ε /vector k + iδ (9a)\nFor a SCS, G ( ω, /vector k ) = Z k,ω ω + ε /vector k Z 2 k,ω ( ω 2 -∆ 2 k,ω ) -ε 2 /vector k + iδsgn ( ω ) (9b)\nF ( ω, /vector k ) = Z k,ω ∆ k,ω Z 2 k,ω ( ω 2 -∆ 2 k,ω ) -ε 2 /vector k + iδsgn ( ω ) (9c)\nwhere Z k,ω = 1 -Σ( k,ω ) ω , and ∆ k,ω , is the SC gap. Following earlier works 31,33 , we assume that the fermionic self-energy Σ( k, ω ) predominantly depends on frequency and approximate Σ( k, ω ) ≈ Σ( ω ) and also neglect the frequency dependence of the gap, i.e., approximate ∆ k,ω by a d -wave ∆ k . The lattice dispersion ε /vector k is taken from Ref. 38. To calculate W K , one has to evaluate the Kubo term in Eq.3 wherein the distribution function n /vector k , is calculated from\nn ( ε /vector k ) = -2 ∫ 0 -∞ dω 2 π G '' ( ω, /vector k ) (10)\nThe 2 is due to the trace over spin indices. We show the distribution functions in the NS and SCS under different circumstances in Fig 2.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\nF. Marsiglio for many discussions concerning the infrared conductivity and optical integrals and thank A. Boris, E. van Heumen, J. Hirsch, and F. Marsiglio for the comments on the manuscript. The work was supported by nsf-dmr 0906953.\nand Phys. Rev. B 62 , 15131 (2000).\n24 A. Toschi, M. Capone, M. Ortolani, P. Calvani, S. Lupi and C. Castellani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 , 097002 (2005).\n25 F. Marsiglio, F. Carbone, A. Kuzmenko and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 74 , 174516 (2006).\n26 L. Benfatto, S. G. Sharapov, N. Andrenacci and H. Beck, Phys. Rev. B 71 , 104511 (2005).\n27 D. van der Marel, H.J.A. Molegraaf, C. Presura, and I. Santoso, Concepts in Electron Correlations, edited by A. Hewson and V. Zlatic (Kluwer, 2003)\n28 L. Benfatto, J.P. Carbotte and F. Marsiglio, Phys. Rev. B 74 , 155115 (2006)\n29 F. Marsiglio, Phys. Rev. B 73 , 064507(2006).\n30 M.R. Norman and C. P'epin, Phys. Rev. B 66 , 100506(R) (2002).\n31 J. Fink et al. , Phys. Rev. B 74 , 165102(R) (2006).\n32 M. Eschrig, Adv. Phys. 55 , 47-183 (2006)\n33 M.R. Norman and A.V. Chubukov, Phys. Rev. B 73 , 140501(R)(2006).", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\n∫ ' ∞ ' 0 Reσ (Ω) d Ω = W K = πe 2 2 N ∑ /vector k ∇ 2 /vector k x ε /vector k n /vector k (3)\nwhere n /vector k is the electronic distribution function and ε /vector k is the band dispersion. Prime in the upper limit of the integration has the practical implication that the upper limit is much larger than the bandwidth of a given band which crosses the Fermi level, but smaller than the frequencies of interband transitions. Interactions with external objects, e.g., phonons or impurities, and interactions between fermions are indirectly present in the distribution function which is expressed via the full fermionic Green's function as n /vector k = T ∑ m G ( /vector k, ω m ). For /epsilon1 k = k 2 / 2 m , ∇ 2 /vector k x ε /vector k = 1 /m , W K = πne 2 / (2 m ), and Kubo sum rule reduces to Eq. (1). In general, however, ε /vector k is a lattice dispersion, and Eqs. (1) and (3) are different. Most important, W K in Eq. (3) generally depends on T and on the state of the system because of n /vector k . In this situation, the temperature evolution of the optical integral does not reduce to a simple redistribution of the spectral weight - the whole spectral weight inside the conduction band changes with T . This issue was first studied in detail by Hirsch 4 who introduced the now-frequently-used notation 'violation of the conductivity sum rule'.\nIn reality, as already pointed out by Hirsch, there is no true violation as the change of the total spectral weight", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. OPTICAL INTEGRAL IN NORMAL AND SUPERCONDUCTING STATES\nThe /vector k -summation is done over first Brillouin zone for a 2-D lattice with a 62x62 grid. The frequency integrals are done analytically wherever possible, otherwise performed using Simpson's rule for all regular parts. Contributions from the poles are computed separately using Cauchy's theorem. For comparison, in all four cases we also calculated FGT sum rule by replacing ∫ d 2 k = d Ω k d/epsilon1 k ν /epsilon1 k , Ω k and keeping ν constant. We remind that the FGT is the result when one assumes that the integral in W ( ω c ) predominantly comes from a narrow region around the Fermi surface.\nWe will first use Eq 3 and compute W K in NS and SCS. This will tell us about the magnitude of ∆ W ( ω c = ∞ ). We next compute the conductivity σ ( ω ) using the equations listed above, find W ( ω c ) and ∆ W ( ω c ) and compare ∆ f ( ω c ) and ∆ W K .\nFor simplicity and also for comparisons with earlier studies, for BCSI, EB, and MFLI models we assumed that the gap is just a constant along the FS. For CB model, we used a d -wave gap and included into consideration the fact that, if a CB is a spin fluctuation, its propagator develops a resonance when the pairing gap is d -wave.\nFIG. 2: Distribution functions in four cases (a) BCSI model, where one can see that for ε > 0, SC > NS implying KE increases in the SCS. (b) The original MFLI model of Ref. 30, where for ε > 0, SC < NS, implying KE decreases in the SCS. (c) Our version of MFLI model (see text) and (d) the CB model. In both cases, SC > NS, implying KE increases in the SCS. Observe that in the impurity-free CB model there is no jump in n ( /epsilon1 ) indicating lack of fermionic coherence. This is consistent with ARPES 39", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Marginal Fermi liquid model\nFor their analysis of the optical integral, Norman and P'epin 30 introduced a phenomenological model for the self energy which fits normal state scattering rate measurements by ARPES 41 . It constructs the NS Σ '' ( ω ) out of two contributions - impurity scattering and electronelectron scattering which they approximated phenomenologically by the marginal Fermi liquid form of αω at small frequencies 6 (MFLI model). The total Σ '' is\nΣ '' ( ω ) = Γ + α | ω | f ( ω ω sat ) (17)\nwhere ω sat is about ∼ 1 2 of the bandwidth, and f ( x ) ≈ 1 for x < 1 and decreases for x > 1. In Ref 30 f ( x ) was assumed to scale as 1 /x at large x such that Σ '' is flat at large ω . The real part of Σ( ω ) is obtained from KramersKronig relations. For the superconducting state, they obtained Σ '' by cutting off the NS expression on the lower end at some frequency ω 1 (the analog of ω 0 +∆ that we had for EB model):\nΣ '' ( ω ) = (Γ + α | ω | )Θ( | ω | -ω 1 ) (18)\nwhere Θ( x ) is the step function. In reality, Σ '' which fits ARPESin the NS has some angular dependence along the Fermi surface 42 , but this was ignored for simplicity. This model had gained a lot of attention as it predicted the optical sum in the SCS to be larger than in the NS, i.e., ∆ W > 0 at large frequencies. This would be consistent with the experimental findings in Refs. 8,9 if, indeed, one identifies ∆ W measured up to 1eV with ∆ W K .\nWe will show below that the sign of ∆ W in the MFLI model actually depends on how the normal state results are extended to the superconducting state and, moreover, will argue that ∆ W K is actually negative if the extension is done such that at α = 0 the results are consistent with\n8\nBCSI model. However, before that, we show in Figs 1012 the conductivities and the optical integrals for the original MFLI model.\nω\nσ", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe analysis of the optical integral showed that in overdoped cuprates it definitely decreases below T c , in consistency with the expectations at weak coupling 11 . For underdoped cuprates, all experimental groups agree that a relative change of the optical integral below T c gets much smaller. There is no agreement yet about the sign of the change of the optical integral : Molegraaf et al. 8 and Santander-Syro et al. 9 argued that the optical integral increases below T c , while Boris et al. 10 argued that it decreases.\nTheoretical analysis of these results 21,22,25,28,30 added one more degree of complexity to the issue. It is tempting to analyze the temperature dependence of W K and relate it to the observed behavior of the optical integral, and some earlier works 25,28,30 followed this route. In the experiments, however, optical conductivity is integrated only up to a certain frequency ω c , and the quantity which is actually measured is\nW ( ω c ) = ∫ ω c 0 Reσ (Ω) d Ω = W K + f ( ω c ) f ( ω c ) = -∫ ' ∞ ' ω c Reσ (Ω) d Ω (4)\nThe Kubo formula, Eq. (3) is obtained assuming that the second part is negligible. This is not guaranteed, however, as typical ω c ∼ 1 -2 eV are comparable to the bandwidth.\nThe differential sum rule ∆ W is also a sum of two terms\n∆ W ( ω c ) = ∆ W K +∆ f ( ω c ) (5)\nwhere ∆ W K is the variation of the r.h.s. of Eq. 3, and ∆ f ( ω c ) is the variation of the cutoff term. Because conductivity changes with T at all frequencies, ∆ f ( ω c ) also varies with temperature. It then becomes the issue whether the experimentally observed ∆ W ( ω c ) is predominantly due to 'intrinsic' ∆ W K , or to ∆ f ( ω c ). [A third possibility is non-applicability of the Kubo formula because of the close proximity of other bands, but we will not dwell on this.]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe analysis of sum rules for optical conductivity has a long history. Kubo, in an extensive paper 1 in 1957, used a general formalism of a statistical theory of irreversible processes to investigate the behavior of the conductivity in electronic systems. For a system of interacting electrons, he derived the expression for the integral of the real part of a (complex) electric conductivity σ (Ω) and found that it is independent on the nature of the interactions and reduces to\n∫ ∞ 0 Reσ (Ω) d Ω = π 2 ne 2 m (1)\nHere n is the density of the electrons in the system and m is the bare mass of the electron. This expression is exact provided that the integration extends truly up to infinity, and its derivation uses the obvious fact that at energies higher than the total bandwidth of a solid, electrons behave as free particles.\nThe independence of the r.h.s. of Eq. (1) on temperature and the state of a solid (e.g., a normal or a superconducting state - henceforth referred to as NS and SCS respectively) implies that, while the functional form of σ (Ω) changes with, e.g., temperature, the total spectral weight is conserved and only gets redistributed between different frequencies as temperature changes. This conservation of the total weight of σ (Ω) is generally called a sum rule.\nOne particular case, studied in detail for conventional superconductors, is the redistribution of the spectral weight between normal and superconducting states. This is known as Ferrel-Glover-Tinkham (FGT) sum rule: 2,3\n∫ ∞ 0+ Reσ NS (Ω) = ∫ ∞ 0+ Reσ sc (Ω) + πn s e 2 2 m (2)\nwhere n s is the superfluid density, and πn s e 2 / (2 m ) is\nthe spectral weight under the δ -functional piece of the conductivity in the superconducting state.\nIn practice, the integration up to an infinite frequency is hardly possible, and more relevant issue for practical applications is whether a sum rule is satisfied, at least approximately, for a situation when there is a single electron band which crosses the Fermi level and is well separated from other bands. Kubo considered this case in the same paper of 1957 and derived the expression for the 'band', or Kubo sum rule", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. The Einstein boson model\nWe next consider the case of electrons interacting with a single boson mode which by itself is not affected by superconductivity. The primary candidate for such mode is an optical phonon. The imaginary part of the NS self energy has been discussed numerous times in the literature. We make one simplifying assumption - approximate the DOS by a constant in calculating fermionic self-energy. We will, however, keep the full lattice dispersion in the calculations of the optical integral. The advantage of this\n6\nFIG. 5: The evolution of optical integral in NS(top) and SCS(bottom) for BCSI case. Plots are made for clean limit (solid lines, Γ = 3 . 5 meV ) and dirty limit (dashed lines, Γ = 150 meV ) for ∆ = 30 meV . Observe that (a) W (0) = 0 in the NS, but has a non-zero value in the SCS because of the δ -function (this value decreases in the dirty limit), and (b) the flat region in the SCS is due to the fact that σ ' ( ω ) = 0 for Ω < 2∆. Also note that ∼ 90 -95% of the spectral weight is recovered up to 1 eV\napproximation is that the self-energy can be computed analytically. The full self-energy obtained with the lattice dispersion is more involved and can only be obtained numerically, but its structure is quite similar to the one obtained with a constant DOS.\nThe self-energy for a constant DOS is given by\nΣ( iω ) = -i 2 π λ n ∫ d/epsilon1 k d ( i Ω) χ ( i Ω) G ( /epsilon1 k , iω + i Ω) (13)\nwhere\nχ ( i Ω) = ω 2 0 ω 2 0 -( i Ω) 2 (14)\nand λ n is a dimensionless electron-boson coupling. Integrating and transforming to real frequencies, we obtain\nΣ '' ( ω ) = -π 2 λ n ω o Θ( | ω | -ω o )\nIn the SCS, we obtain for ω < 0\nΣ ' ( ω ) = -1 2 λ n ω o log ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ ω + ω o ω -ω o ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ (15)", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. The BCS case\nIn BCS theory the quantity Z ( ω ) is given by\nand\nZ BCSI ( ω ) = 1 + Γ √ ∆ 2 -( ω + iδ ) 2 (11)\nΣ BCSI ( ω ) = ω ( Z ( ω ) -1) = i Γ ω √ ( ω + iδ ) 2 -∆ 2 (12)\nThis is consistent with having in the NS, Σ = i Γ in accordance with Eq 6. In the SCS, Σ( ω ) is purely imaginary for ω > ∆ and purely real for ω < ∆. The self-energy has a square-root singularity at ω = ∆.\nIt is worth noting that Eq.12 is derived from the integration over infinite band. If one uses Eq.6 for finite band, Eq.12 acquires an additional frequency dependence at large frequencies of the order of bandwidth (the low frequency structure still remains the same as in Eq.12). In principle, in a fully self-consistent analysis, one should indeed evaluate the self-energy using a finite bandwidth. In practice, however, the self-energy at frequencies of order bandwidth is generally much smaller than ω and contribute very little to optical conductivity which predominantly comes from frequencies where the self-energy is comparable or even larger than ω . Keeping this in mind, below we will continue with the form of self-energy derived form infinite band. We use the same argument for all four models for the self-energy.\nFor completeness, we first present some well known results about the conductivity and optical integral for a\n5\nconstant DOS and then extend the discussion to the case where the same calculations are done in the presence of a particular lattice dispersion.\nFIG. 3: The BCSI case with a dispersion linearized around the Fermi surface. Evolution of the difference of optical integrals in the SCS and the NS with the upper cut-off ω c Observe that the zero crossing point increases with impurity scattering rate Γ and also the 'dip' spreads out with increasing Γ. ∆ = 30 meV", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf", - "query": "What is the Ferrel-Glover-Tinkham sum rule?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "the redistribution of the spectral weight between normal and superconducting state", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe analysis of sum rules for optical conductivity has a long history. Kubo, in an extensive paper 1 in 1957, used a general formalism of a statistical theory of irreversible processes to investigate the behavior of the conductivity in electronic systems. For a system of interacting electrons, he derived the expression for the integral of the real part of a (complex) electric conductivity σ (Ω) and found that it is independent on the nature of the interactions and reduces to\n∫ ∞ 0 Reσ (Ω) d Ω = π 2 ne 2 m (1)\nHere n is the density of the electrons in the system and m is the bare mass of the electron. This expression is exact provided that the integration extends truly up to infinity, and its derivation uses the obvious fact that at energies higher than the total bandwidth of a solid, electrons behave as free particles.\nThe independence of the r.h.s. of Eq. (1) on temperature and the state of a solid (e.g., a normal or a superconducting state - henceforth referred to as NS and SCS respectively) implies that, while the functional form of σ (Ω) changes with, e.g., temperature, the total spectral weight is conserved and only gets redistributed between different frequencies as temperature changes. This conservation of the total weight of σ (Ω) is generally called a sum rule.\nOne particular case, studied in detail for conventional superconductors, is the redistribution of the spectral weight between normal and superconducting states. This is known as Ferrel-Glover-Tinkham (FGT) sum rule: 2,3\n∫ ∞ 0+ Reσ NS (Ω) = ∫ ∞ 0+ Reσ sc (Ω) + πn s e 2 2 m (2)\nwhere n s is the superfluid density, and πn s e 2 / (2 m ) is\nthe spectral weight under the δ -functional piece of the conductivity in the superconducting state.\nIn practice, the integration up to an infinite frequency is hardly possible, and more relevant issue for practical applications is whether a sum rule is satisfied, at least approximately, for a situation when there is a single electron band which crosses the Fermi level and is well separated from other bands. Kubo considered this case in the same paper of 1957 and derived the expression for the 'band', or Kubo sum rule", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nin a given band is compensated by an appropriate change of the spectral weight in other bands such that the total spectral weight, integrated over all bands, is conserved, as in Eq. (1). Still, non-conservation of the spectral weight within a given band is an interesting phenomenon as the degree of non-conservation is an indicator of relevant energy scales in the problem. Indeed, when relevant energy scales are much smaller than the Fermi energy, i.e., changes in the conductivity are confined to a near vicinity of a Fermi surface (FS), one can expand ε k near k F as ε k = v F ( k -k F ) + ( k -k F ) 2 / (2 m B ) + O ( k -k F ) 3 and obtain ∇ 2 /vector k x ε /vector k ≈ 1 /m B [this approximation is equivalent to approximating the density of states (DOS) by a constant]. Then W K becomes πne 2 / (2 m B ) which does not depend on temperature. The scale of the temperature dependence of W K is then an indicator how far in energy the changes in conductivity extend when, e.g., a system evolves from a normal metal to a superconductor. Because relevant energy scales increase with the interaction strength, the temperature dependence of W K is also an indirect indicator of whether a system is in a weak, intermediate, or strong coupling regime.\nIn a conventional BCS superconductor the only relevant scales are the superconducting gap ∆ and the impurity scattering rate Γ. Both are generally much smaller than the Fermi energy, so the optical integral should be almost T -independent, i.e., the spectral weight lost in a superconducting state at low frequencies because of gap opening is completely recovered by the zero-frequency δ -function. In a clean limit, the weight which goes into a δ -function is recovered within frequencies up to 4∆. This is the essence of FGT sum rule 2,3 . In a dirty limit, this scale is larger, O (Γ), but still W K is T -independent and there was no 'violation of sum rule'.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe issue of sum rule attracted substantial interest in the studies of high T c cuprates 5-18,21-26 in which pairing is without doubts a strong coupling phenomenon. From a theoretical perspective, the interest in this issue was originally triggered by a similarity between W K and the kinetic energy K = 2 ∑ ε /vector k n /vector k . 18-20 For a model with a simple tight binding cosine dispersion ε k ∝ (cos k x +cos k y ), d 2 ε /vector k d k 2 x ∼ -ε /vector k and W K = -K . For a more complex dispersion there is no exact relation between W K and K , but several groups argued 17,27,28 that W K can still be regarded as a good monitor for the changes in the kinetic energy. Now, in a BCS superconductor, kinetic energy increases below T c because n k extends to higher frequencies (see Fig.2). At strong coupling, K not necessary increases because of opposite trend associated with the fermionic self-energy: fermions are more mobile in the SCS due to less space for scattering at low energies than they are in the NS. Model calculations show that above some coupling strength, the kinetic energy decreases below T c 29 . While, as we said, there is no one-to-one correspondence between K and W K , it is still likely that, when K decreases, W K increases.\nAgood amount of experimental effort has been put into\n2\naddressing the issue of the optical sum rule in the c -axis 7 and in-plane conductivities 8-16 in overdoped, optimally doped, and underdoped cuprates. The experimental results demonstrated, above all, outstanding achievements of experimental abilities as these groups managed to detect the value of the optical integral with the accuracy of a fraction of a percent. The analysis of the change of the optical integral between normal and SCS is even more complex because one has to (i) extend NS data to T < T c and (ii) measure superfluid density with the same accuracy as the optical integral itself.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Query\n· Summarization: Spearman correlation based on cosine similarity", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "=SUM(B10:D15)\nAs you can see this is much simpler than writing your own referential formula which would look like:", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Trade creditors, other creditors and accruals\nThe carrying amount approximates fair value.", - "page_start": 64, - "page_end": 64, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Fair value hierarchy\nNotes t o the Financial Statements\nu", - "page_start": 104, - "page_end": 104, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\n∫ ' ∞ ' 0 Reσ (Ω) d Ω = W K = πe 2 2 N ∑ /vector k ∇ 2 /vector k x ε /vector k n /vector k (3)\nwhere n /vector k is the electronic distribution function and ε /vector k is the band dispersion. Prime in the upper limit of the integration has the practical implication that the upper limit is much larger than the bandwidth of a given band which crosses the Fermi level, but smaller than the frequencies of interband transitions. Interactions with external objects, e.g., phonons or impurities, and interactions between fermions are indirectly present in the distribution function which is expressed via the full fermionic Green's function as n /vector k = T ∑ m G ( /vector k, ω m ). For /epsilon1 k = k 2 / 2 m , ∇ 2 /vector k x ε /vector k = 1 /m , W K = πne 2 / (2 m ), and Kubo sum rule reduces to Eq. (1). In general, however, ε /vector k is a lattice dispersion, and Eqs. (1) and (3) are different. Most important, W K in Eq. (3) generally depends on T and on the state of the system because of n /vector k . In this situation, the temperature evolution of the optical integral does not reduce to a simple redistribution of the spectral weight - the whole spectral weight inside the conduction band changes with T . This issue was first studied in detail by Hirsch 4 who introduced the now-frequently-used notation 'violation of the conductivity sum rule'.\nIn reality, as already pointed out by Hirsch, there is no true violation as the change of the total spectral weight", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "=B10+B11+B12+B13+B14+B15+D10+D11+D12+D13+D14+D15\nImagine writing and proofing a formula where you had to add 200 cells!", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. OPTICAL INTEGRAL IN NORMAL AND SUPERCONDUCTING STATES\nThe /vector k -summation is done over first Brillouin zone for a 2-D lattice with a 62x62 grid. The frequency integrals are done analytically wherever possible, otherwise performed using Simpson's rule for all regular parts. Contributions from the poles are computed separately using Cauchy's theorem. For comparison, in all four cases we also calculated FGT sum rule by replacing ∫ d 2 k = d Ω k d/epsilon1 k ν /epsilon1 k , Ω k and keeping ν constant. We remind that the FGT is the result when one assumes that the integral in W ( ω c ) predominantly comes from a narrow region around the Fermi surface.\nWe will first use Eq 3 and compute W K in NS and SCS. This will tell us about the magnitude of ∆ W ( ω c = ∞ ). We next compute the conductivity σ ( ω ) using the equations listed above, find W ( ω c ) and ∆ W ( ω c ) and compare ∆ f ( ω c ) and ∆ W K .\nFor simplicity and also for comparisons with earlier studies, for BCSI, EB, and MFLI models we assumed that the gap is just a constant along the FS. For CB model, we used a d -wave gap and included into consideration the fact that, if a CB is a spin fluctuation, its propagator develops a resonance when the pairing gap is d -wave.\nFIG. 2: Distribution functions in four cases (a) BCSI model, where one can see that for ε > 0, SC > NS implying KE increases in the SCS. (b) The original MFLI model of Ref. 30, where for ε > 0, SC < NS, implying KE decreases in the SCS. (c) Our version of MFLI model (see text) and (d) the CB model. In both cases, SC > NS, implying KE increases in the SCS. Observe that in the impurity-free CB model there is no jump in n ( /epsilon1 ) indicating lack of fermionic coherence. This is consistent with ARPES 39", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf", - "query": "What does Kitaev show about spin- 1/2 model?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "spin- 1/2 model can be mapped to a model with one Majo- rana fermion per site coupled to Ising gauge fields on the links", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "III. REALIZATION OF THE KITAEV MODEL.\nH = ∑ j ( J cluster / 2)( S j 1 + S j 2 + S j 3 + S j 4 ) 2 -∑ x -links J x (2 S j 1 · S j 2 +1 / 2)(2 S k 1 · S k 2 +1 / 2) -∑ y -links J y (4 / 3)[ S j 1 · ( S j 3 -S j 4 )][ S k 1 · ( S k 3 -S k 4 )] -∑ z -links J z ( -4 / 3)(2 S j 3 · S j 4 +1 / 2)[ S j 1 · ( S j 3 -S j 4 )](2 S k 3 · S k 4 +1 / 2)[ S k 1 · ( S k 3 -S k 4 )] (9)\nThis model, in terms of physical spins S , has full spin rotation symmetry and time-reversal symmetry. A pseudo-magnetic field term ∑ j /vector h · /vectorτ j term can also be included under this mapping, however the resulting Kitaev model with magnetic field is not exactly solvable. It is quite curious that such a formidably looking Hamiltonian (8), with biquadratic and six-spin(or eight-spin) terms, has an exactly solvable low energy sector.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION.\nKitaev's exactly solvable spin-1/2 honeycomb lattice model 1 (noted as the Kitaev model hereafter) has inspired great interest since its debut, due to its exact solvability, fractionalized excitations, and the potential\n5\n5\n7\n2\nto realize non-Abelian anyons. The model simply reads\nH Kitaev = -∑ x -links J x τ x j τ x k -∑ y -links J y τ y j τ y k -∑ z -links J z τ z j τ z k (1)\nwhere τ x,y,z are Pauli matrices, and x, y, z -links are defined in FIG. 1. It was shown by Kitaev 1 that this spin1/2 model can be mapped to a model with one Majorana fermion per site coupled to Ising gauge fields on the links. And as the Ising gauge flux has no fluctuation, the model can be regarded as, under each gauge flux configuration, a free Majorana fermion problem. The ground state is achieved in the sector of zero gauge flux through each hexagon. The Majorana fermions in this sector have Dirac-like gapless dispersion resembling that of graphene, as long as | J x | , | J y | , and | J z | satisfy the triangular relation, sum of any two of them is greater than the third one 1 . It was further proposed by Kitaev 1 that opening of fermion gap by magnetic field can give the Ising vortices non-Abelian anyonic statistics, because the Ising vortex will carry a zero-energy Majorana mode, although magnetic field destroys the exact solvability.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION.\nGreat efforts have been invested to better understand the properties of the Kitaev model. For example, several groups have pointed out that the fractionalized Majorana fermion excitations may be understood from the more familiar Jordan-Wigner transformation of 1D spin systems 2,3 . The analogy between the non-Abelian Ising vortices and vortices in p + ip superconductors has been raised in serveral works 4-7 . Exact diagonalization has been used to study the Kitaev model on small lattices 8 . And perturbative expansion methods have been developed to study the gapped phases of the Kitaev-type models 9 .\nMany generalizations of the Kitaev model have been\nFIG. 1: The honeycomb lattice for the Kitaev model. Filled and open circles indicate two sublattices. x, y, z label the links along three different directions used in (1).\nderived as well. There have been several proposals to open the fermion gap for the non-Abelian phase without spoiling exact solvability 4,6 . And many generalizations to other(even 3D) lattices have been developed in the last few years 10-16 . All these efforts have significantly enriched our knowledge of exactly solvable models and quantum phases of matter.\nHowever, in the original Kitaev model and its later generalizations in the form of spin models, spin rotation symmetry is explicitly broken. This makes them harder to realize in solid state systems. There are many proposals to realized the Kitaev model in more controllable situations, e.g. in cold atom optical lattices 17,18 , or in superconducting circuits 19 . But it is still desirable for theoretical curiosity and practical purposes to realize the Kitaev-type models in spin rotation invariant systems.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Realization of the Exactly Solvable Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model in a Spin Rotation Invariant System\nFa Wang 1\n1 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA\nThe exactly solvable Kitaev honeycomb lattice model is realized as the low energy effect Hamiltonian of a spin-1/2 model with spin rotation and time-reversal symmetry. The mapping to low energy effective Hamiltonian is exact, without truncation errors in traditional perturbation series expansions. This model consists of a honeycomb lattice of clusters of four spin-1/2 moments, and contains short-range interactions up to six-spin(or eight-spin) terms. The spin in the Kitaev model is represented not as these spin-1/2 moments, but as pseudo-spin of the two-dimensional spin singlet sector of the four antiferromagnetically coupled spin-1/2 moments within each cluster. Spin correlations in the Kitaev model are mapped to dimer correlations or spin-chirality correlations in this model. This exact construction is quite general and can be used to make other interesting spin-1/2 models from spin rotation invariant Hamiltonians. We discuss two possible routes to generate the high order spin interactions from more natural couplings, which involves perturbative expansions thus breaks the exact mapping, although in a controlled manner.\nPACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 75.10.Kt", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION.\nIn this paper we realize the Kitaev honeycomb lattice model as the low energy Hamiltonian for a spin rotation invariant system. The trick is not to use the physical spin as the spin in the Kitaev model, instead the spin-1/2 in Kitaev model is from some emergent two-fold degenerate low energy states in the elementary unit of physical system. This type of idea has been explored recently by Jackeli and Khaliullin 20 , in which the spin-1/2 in the Kitaev model is the low energy Kramers doublet created by strong spin-orbit coupling of t 2 g orbitals. In the model presented below, the Hilbert space of spin-1/2 in the Kitaev model is actually the two dimensional spin singlet sector of four antiferromagnetically coupled spin-1/2 moments, and the role of spin-1/2 operators(Pauli matrices) in the Kitaev model is replaced by certain combinations of S j · S k [or the spin-chirality S j · ( S k × S /lscript )] between the four spins.\nOne major drawback of the model to be presented is that it contains high order spin interactions(involves up to six or eight spins), thus is still unnatural. However it opens the possibility to realize exotic (exactly solvable) models from spin-1/2 Hamiltonian with spin rotation invariant interactions. We will discuss two possible routes to reduce this artificialness through controlled perturbative expansions, by coupling to optical phonons or by magnetic couplings between the elementary units.\nThe outline of this paper is as follows. In Section II we will lay out the pseudo-spin-1/2 construction. In Sec-\n2", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. REALIZATION OF THE KITAEV MODEL.\nWe emphasize that because the first intra-cluster term ∑ cluster H cluster commutes with the latter Kitaev terms independent of the representation used, the Kitaev model is realized as the exact low energy Hamiltonian of this model without truncation errors of perturbation theories, namely no ( | J x,y,z | /J cluster ) 2 or higher order terms will be generated under the projection to low energy cluster singlet space. This is unlike, for example, the t/U expansion of the half-filled Hubbard model 22,23 , where at lowest t 2 /U order the effective Hamiltonian is the Heisenberg model, but higher order terms ( t 4 /U 3 etc.) should in principle still be included in the low energy effective Hamiltonian for any finite t/U . Similar comparison can be made to the perturbative expansion studies of the Kitaev-type models by Vidal et al. 9 , where the low energy effective Hamiltonians were obtained in certian anisotropic (strong bond/triangle) limits. Although the spirit of this work, namely projection to low energy sector, is the same as all previous perturbative approaches to effective Hamiltonians.\nNote that the original Kitaev model (1) has threefold rotation symmetry around a honeycomb lattice site, combined with a three-fold rotation in pseudo-spin space (cyclic permutation of τ x , τ y , τ z ). This is not apparent in our model (8) in terms of physical spins, under the current representation of τ x,y,z . We can remedy this by using a different set of pseudo-spin Pauli matrices τ ' x,y,z in (7),\nτ ' x = √ 1 / 3 τ z + √ 2 / 3 τ x , τ ' y = √ 1 / 3 τ z -√ 1 / 6 τ x + √ 1 / 2 τ y , τ ' z = √ 1 / 3 τ z -√ 1 / 6 τ x -√ 1 / 2 τ y\nWith proper representation choice, they have a symmetric form in terms of physical spins,", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. REALIZATION OF THE KITAEV MODEL.\nτ ' x = -(4 / 3) S 2 · ( S 3 × S 4 ) + √ 2 / 3(2 S 1 · S 2 +1 / 2) τ ' y = -(4 / 3) S 3 · ( S 4 × S 2 ) + √ 2 / 3(2 S 1 · S 3 +1 / 2) τ ' z = -(4 / 3) S 4 · ( S 2 × S 3 ) + √ 2 / 3(2 S 1 · S 4 +1 / 2) (10)\nSo the symmetry mentioned above can be realized by a three-fold rotation of the honeycomb lattice, with a cyclic permutation of S 2 , S 3 and S 4 in each cluster. This is in fact the three-fold rotation symmetry of the physical spin lattice illustrated in FIG. 2. However this more symmetric representation will not be used in later part of this paper.\n4\nAnother note to take is that it is not necessary to have such a highly symmetric cluster Hamiltonian (2). The mappings to pseudo-spin-1/2 should work as long as the ground states of the cluster Hamiltonian are the two-fold degenerate singlets. One generalization, which conforms the symmetry of the lattice in FIG. 2, is to have\nH cluster = ( J cluster / 2)( r · S 1 + S 2 + S 3 + S 4 ) 2 (11)\nwith J cluster > 0 and 0 < r < 3. However this is not convenient for later discussions and will not be used.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. REALIZATION OF THE KITAEV MODEL.\nIn this Section we will use directly the results of the previous Section to write down a Hamiltonian whose low energy sector is described by the Kitaev model. The Hamiltonian will be constructed on the physical spin lattice illustrated in FIG. 2. In this Section we will use j, k to label four-spin clusters (pseudo-spin-1/2 sites), the physical spins in cluster j are labeled as S j 1 , . . . , S j 4 .\nApply the mappings developed in Section II, we have the desired Hamiltonian in short notation,\nH = ∑ cluster H cluster -∑ x -links J x τ x j τ x k -∑ y -links J y τ y j τ y k -∑ z -links J z τ z j τ z k (7)\nwhere j, k label the honeycomb lattice sites thus the fourspin clusters, H cluster is given by (2), τ x,y,z should be replaced by the corresponding physical spin operators in (4) and (5) or (6), or some other equivalent representations of personal preference.\n3\nPlug in the expressions (4) and (6) into (7), the Hamil-\ntonian reads explicitly as\nH = ∑ j ( J cluster / 2)( S j 1 + S j 2 + S j 3 + S j 4 ) 2 -��� z -links J z (16 / 9)[ S j 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 )][ S k 2 · ( S k 3 × S k 4 )] -∑ x -links J x (2 S j 1 · S j 2 +1 / 2)(2 S k 1 · S k 2 +1 / 2) -∑ y -links J y (4 / 3)[ S j 1 · ( S j 3 -S j 4 )][ S k 1 · ( S k 3 -S k 4 )] (8)\nWhile by the represenation (4) and (5), the Hamilto-\nnian becomes", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. REALIZATION OF THE KITAEV MODEL.\nWe briefly describe some of the properties of (8). Its low energy states are entirely in the space that each of the clusters is a physical spin singlet (called cluster singlet subspace hereafter). Therefore physical spin correlations are strictly confined within each cluster. The excitations carrying physical spin are gapped, and their dynamics are 'trivial' in the sense that they do not move from one cluster to another. But there are non-trivial low energy physical spin singlet excitations, described by the pseudospins defined above. The correlations of the pseudo-spins can be mapped to correlations of their corresponding physical spin observables (the inverse mappings are not unique, c.f. TABLE I). For example τ x,y correlations become certain dimer-dimer correlations, τ z correlation becomes chirality-chirality correlation, or four-dimer correlation. It will be interesting to see the corresponding picture of the exotic excitations in the Kitaev model, e.g. the Majorana fermion and the Ising vortex. However this will be deferred to future studies.\nIt is tempting to call this as an exactly solved spin liquid with spin gap ( ∼ J cluster ), an extremely short-range resonating valence bond(RVB) state, from a model with spin rotation and time reversal symmetry. However it should be noted that the unit cell of this model contains an even number of spin-1/2 moments (so does the original Kitaev model) which does not satisfy the stringent definition of spin liquid requiring odd number of electrons per unit cell. Several parent Hamiltonians of spin liquids have already been constructed. See for example, Ref. 24-27 .", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "V. CONCLUSIONS.\nWe constructed the exactly solvable Kitaev honeycomb model 1 as the exact low energy effective Hamiltonian of a spin-1/2 model [equations (8) or (9)] with spin-rotation and time reversal symmetry. The spin in Kitaev model is represented as the pseudo-spin in the two-fold degenerate spin singlet subspace of a cluster of four antiferromagnetically coupled spin-1/2 moments. The physical spin model is a honeycomb lattice of such four-spin clusters, with certain inter-cluster interactions. The machinery for the exact mapping to pseudo-spin Hamiltonian was developed (see e.g. TABLE I), which is quite general and can be used to construct other interesting (exactly solvable) spin-1/2 models from spin rotation invariant systems.\nIn this construction the pseudo-spin correlations in the Kitaev model will be mapped to dimer or spin-chirality correlations in the physical spin system. The corresponding picture of the fractionalized Majorana fermion excitations and Ising vortices still remain to be clarified.\nThis exact construction contains high order physical spin interactions, which is undesirable for practical implementation. We described two possible approaches to reduce this problem: generating the high order spin interactions by perturbative expansion of the coupling to optical phonon, or the magnetic coupling between clusters. This perturbative construction will introduce truncation error of perturbation series, which may be controlled by small expansion parameters. Whether these constructions can be experimentally engineered is however beyond the scope of this study. It is conceivable that other perturbative expansion can also generate these high order spin interactions, but this possibility will be left for future works.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf", - "query": "How can fractionalised Majorana fermion excitations be understood?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "from the more familiar Jordan-Wigner transformation of 1D spin systems", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION.\nKitaev's exactly solvable spin-1/2 honeycomb lattice model 1 (noted as the Kitaev model hereafter) has inspired great interest since its debut, due to its exact solvability, fractionalized excitations, and the potential\n5\n5\n7\n2\nto realize non-Abelian anyons. The model simply reads\nH Kitaev = -∑ x -links J x τ x j τ x k -∑ y -links J y τ y j τ y k -∑ z -links J z τ z j τ z k (1)\nwhere τ x,y,z are Pauli matrices, and x, y, z -links are defined in FIG. 1. It was shown by Kitaev 1 that this spin1/2 model can be mapped to a model with one Majorana fermion per site coupled to Ising gauge fields on the links. And as the Ising gauge flux has no fluctuation, the model can be regarded as, under each gauge flux configuration, a free Majorana fermion problem. The ground state is achieved in the sector of zero gauge flux through each hexagon. The Majorana fermions in this sector have Dirac-like gapless dispersion resembling that of graphene, as long as | J x | , | J y | , and | J z | satisfy the triangular relation, sum of any two of them is greater than the third one 1 . It was further proposed by Kitaev 1 that opening of fermion gap by magnetic field can give the Ising vortices non-Abelian anyonic statistics, because the Ising vortex will carry a zero-energy Majorana mode, although magnetic field destroys the exact solvability.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION.\nGreat efforts have been invested to better understand the properties of the Kitaev model. For example, several groups have pointed out that the fractionalized Majorana fermion excitations may be understood from the more familiar Jordan-Wigner transformation of 1D spin systems 2,3 . The analogy between the non-Abelian Ising vortices and vortices in p + ip superconductors has been raised in serveral works 4-7 . Exact diagonalization has been used to study the Kitaev model on small lattices 8 . And perturbative expansion methods have been developed to study the gapped phases of the Kitaev-type models 9 .\nMany generalizations of the Kitaev model have been\nFIG. 1: The honeycomb lattice for the Kitaev model. Filled and open circles indicate two sublattices. x, y, z label the links along three different directions used in (1).\nderived as well. There have been several proposals to open the fermion gap for the non-Abelian phase without spoiling exact solvability 4,6 . And many generalizations to other(even 3D) lattices have been developed in the last few years 10-16 . All these efforts have significantly enriched our knowledge of exactly solvable models and quantum phases of matter.\nHowever, in the original Kitaev model and its later generalizations in the form of spin models, spin rotation symmetry is explicitly broken. This makes them harder to realize in solid state systems. There are many proposals to realized the Kitaev model in more controllable situations, e.g. in cold atom optical lattices 17,18 , or in superconducting circuits 19 . But it is still desirable for theoretical curiosity and practical purposes to realize the Kitaev-type models in spin rotation invariant systems.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\n1 Frustrated spin Systems , edited by H. T. Diep (World Scientific, 2004).\n2 H. Kawamura, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 10 , 4707 (1998).\n3 T. Kimura et al. , Nature (London) 426 , 55 (2003).\n4 F. Cinti et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 , 057203 (2008).\n5 J.H. Park, S. Onoda, N. Nagaosa, and J. H. Han, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 167202 (2008), and references therein.\n6 S. W. Cheong and M. Mostovoy, Nature Materials (London) 6 , 13 (2007).\n7 Minhyea Lee, W. Kang, Y. Onose, Y. Tokura, and N. P. Ong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 , 186601 (2009)\n8 P. Pedrazzini et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 , 047204 (2007).\n9 H. Kawamura and M. S. Li, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 , 187204 (2001).\n10 P. J. Jensen, and A. R. Mackintosh, Rere Earth Magnetism (Structure and Excitations) , Clarendon Press, Oxford (1991).\n11 S. Konings, C. Schuessler-Langeheine, H. Ott, E. Weschke, E. Schierle, J. B. Goedkoop, arXiv 0707.2765v2\n12 P.J. Jensen, and K.H. Bennemann, Surface Science Reports 61 , 129 (2006).\n13 E. Weschke, et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 , 157204 (2004).\n14 F. Cinti, A. Cuccoli, and A. Rettori, Phys. Rev. B 78 , 020402(R) (2008).\n15 F. Cinti, A. Cuccoli, and A. Rettori, Phys. Rev. B 79 ,\n7", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "1001.0510.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Annihilation into charged fermions\n|M| 2 = 32 ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ g 2 B -L q f q N s -M 2 Z ' + iM Z ' Γ Z ' ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( 3 8 s -1 2 ( s 2 -m 2 f ) + 1 2 ( s 4 -m 2 f ) cos 2 θ ) +16 λ 2 N ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ y f ( ∂ Φ ∂h i s -M 2 h + iM h Γ h ∂ Ψ ∂h + ∂ Φ ∂H i s -M 2 H + iM H Γ H ∂ Ψ ∂H )∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ 2 ( s -4 m 2 N ) ( s 4 -m 2 f ) . (B1)", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1002.2525.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "D. The collective boson model\nhigh-energy fermions and is an input for the low-energy theory. Below we follow Refs. 31,33 and assume that the momentum dependence of a collective boson is flat near ( π, π ). The self energy within such model has been worked out consistently in Ref. 31,33. In the normal state\nΣ '' ( ω ) = -1 2 λ n ω sf log ( 1 + ω 2 ω 2 sf ) ω (19)\nΣ ' ( ω ) = -λ n ω sf arctan ω sf\nwhere λ n is the spin-fermion coupling constant, and ω sf is a typical spin relaxation frequency of overdamped spin collective excitations with a propagator\nχ ( q ∼ Q, Ω) = χ Q 1 -i Ω ω sf (20)\nwhere χ Q is the uniform static susceptibility. If we use Ornstein-Zernike form of χ ( q ) and use either Eliashberg 45 or FLEX computational schemes 48 , we get rather similar behavior of Σ as a function of frequency and rather similar behavior of optical integrals.\nThe collective nature of spin fluctuations is reflected in the fact that the coupling λ and the bosonic frequency ω sf are related: λ scales as ξ 2 , where ξ is the bosonic mass (the distance to a bosonic instability), and ω sf ∝ ξ -2 (see Ref. 49). For a flat χ ( q ∼ Q ) the product λω sf does not depend on ξ and is the overall dimensional scale for boson-mediated interactions.\nIn the SCS fermionic excitations acquire a gap. This gap affects fermionic self-energy in two ways: directly, via the change of the dispersion of an intermediate boson in the exchange process involving a CB, and indirectly, via the change of the propagator of a CB. We remind ourselves that the dynamics of a CB comes from a particlehole bubble which is indeed affected by ∆.\nThe effect of a d -wave pairing gap on a CB has been discussed in a number of papers, most recently in 31 . In\n11\na SCS a gapless continuum described by Eq. (20) transforms into a gaped continuum, with a gap about 2∆ and a resonance at ω = ω 0 < 2∆, where for a d -wave gap we define ∆ as a maximum of a d -wave gap.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "III. REALIZATION OF THE KITAEV MODEL.\nWe briefly describe some of the properties of (8). Its low energy states are entirely in the space that each of the clusters is a physical spin singlet (called cluster singlet subspace hereafter). Therefore physical spin correlations are strictly confined within each cluster. The excitations carrying physical spin are gapped, and their dynamics are 'trivial' in the sense that they do not move from one cluster to another. But there are non-trivial low energy physical spin singlet excitations, described by the pseudospins defined above. The correlations of the pseudo-spins can be mapped to correlations of their corresponding physical spin observables (the inverse mappings are not unique, c.f. TABLE I). For example τ x,y correlations become certain dimer-dimer correlations, τ z correlation becomes chirality-chirality correlation, or four-dimer correlation. It will be interesting to see the corresponding picture of the exotic excitations in the Kitaev model, e.g. the Majorana fermion and the Ising vortex. However this will be deferred to future studies.\nIt is tempting to call this as an exactly solved spin liquid with spin gap ( ∼ J cluster ), an extremely short-range resonating valence bond(RVB) state, from a model with spin rotation and time reversal symmetry. However it should be noted that the unit cell of this model contains an even number of spin-1/2 moments (so does the original Kitaev model) which does not satisfy the stringent definition of spin liquid requiring odd number of electrons per unit cell. Several parent Hamiltonians of spin liquids have already been constructed. See for example, Ref. 24-27 .", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgements\n20 for a review see F. Marsiglio, J. Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22 , 269 (2009).\n21 F. Marsiglio, E. van Heumen, A. B. Kuzmenko, Phys. Rev. B 77 144510 (2008).\n22 M. R. Norman, A. V. Chubukov, E. van Heumen, A. B. Kuzmenko, and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 76 , 220509 (2007).\n23 J. E. Hirsch and F. Marsiglio, Physica C 331 , 150 (2000)\n15", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. Marginal Fermi liquid model\nFor their analysis of the optical integral, Norman and P'epin 30 introduced a phenomenological model for the self energy which fits normal state scattering rate measurements by ARPES 41 . It constructs the NS Σ '' ( ω ) out of two contributions - impurity scattering and electronelectron scattering which they approximated phenomenologically by the marginal Fermi liquid form of αω at small frequencies 6 (MFLI model). The total Σ '' is\nΣ '' ( ω ) = Γ + α | ω | f ( ω ω sat ) (17)\nwhere ω sat is about ∼ 1 2 of the bandwidth, and f ( x ) ≈ 1 for x < 1 and decreases for x > 1. In Ref 30 f ( x ) was assumed to scale as 1 /x at large x such that Σ '' is flat at large ω . The real part of Σ( ω ) is obtained from KramersKronig relations. For the superconducting state, they obtained Σ '' by cutting off the NS expression on the lower end at some frequency ω 1 (the analog of ω 0 +∆ that we had for EB model):\nΣ '' ( ω ) = (Γ + α | ω | )Θ( | ω | -ω 1 ) (18)\nwhere Θ( x ) is the step function. In reality, Σ '' which fits ARPESin the NS has some angular dependence along the Fermi surface 42 , but this was ignored for simplicity. This model had gained a lot of attention as it predicted the optical sum in the SCS to be larger than in the NS, i.e., ∆ W > 0 at large frequencies. This would be consistent with the experimental findings in Refs. 8,9 if, indeed, one identifies ∆ W measured up to 1eV with ∆ W K .\nWe will show below that the sign of ∆ W in the MFLI model actually depends on how the normal state results are extended to the superconducting state and, moreover, will argue that ∆ W K is actually negative if the extension is done such that at α = 0 the results are consistent with\n8\nBCSI model. However, before that, we show in Figs 1012 the conductivities and the optical integrals for the original MFLI model.\nω\nσ", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix B: Derivation of the Terms Generated by Second Order Perturbation of Inter-cluster Magnetic Interactions\n27 D. F. Schroeter, E. Kapit, R. Thomale, and M. Greiter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 , 097202 (2007); R. Thomale, E. Kapit, D. F. Schroeter, and M. Greiter, Phys. Rev. B 80 , 104406 (2009).\n28 O. Tchernyshyov, R. Moessner, S. L. Sondhi, Phys. 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Homes and M. Strongin, Science 283 , 49 (1999).\n8 H.J.A Molegraaf, C. Presura, D. van der Marel, P.H. Kess, M. Li, Science 295 , 2239 (2002); A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, F. Carbone and D. van der Marel, Phys. Rev. B 72 , 144503 (2005).\n9 A. F. Santander-Syro, R. P. S. M. Lobo, N. Bontemps, Z. Konstantinovic, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy, Europhys. Lett. 62 , 568 (2003);\n10 A. V. Boris, N. N. Kovaleva, O. V. Dolgov, T. Holden, C. T. Lin, B. Keimer and C. Bernhard, Science 304 , 708 (2004).", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf", - "query": "What happens when the spin-rotation symmetry is explicitly broken?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "makes them harder to realize in solid state systems", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 6 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION\n1 Frustrated spin Systems , edited by H. T. 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C. Homes, S. V. Dordevic, D. A. Bonn, R. Liang and W. N. Hardy, Phys. Rev. B 69 , 024514 (2004).\n14 J. Hwang et al , Phys. Rev. B 73 , 014508 (2006).\n15 E. van Heumen, R. Lortz, A. B. Kuzmenko, F. Carbone, D. van der Marel, X. Zhao, G. Yu, Y. Cho, N. Barisic, M. Greven, C. C. Homes and S. V. Dordevic, Phys. Rev. B 75 , 054522 (2007).\n16 M. Ortolani, P. Calvani and S. Lupi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 , 067002 (2005).\n17 A.F. Santander-Syro, R.P.S.M. Lobo, and N. Bontemps, Phys. Rev. B 70 , 134504(2004), A. F. Santander-Syro, R. P. S. M. Lobo, N. Bontemps, Z. Konstantinovic, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy, Europhys. Lett. 62 , 568 (2003).\n18 P. F. Maldague, Phys. Rev. B 16 2437 (1977); E. H. Kim, Phys. Rev. B 58 2452 (1998).\n19 J. Hirsch, Physica C, 201 , 347 (1992) and Ref 4.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.2648v1 [physics.chem-ph] 15 Jan 2010", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix A: Coupling between Distortions of a Tetrahedron and the Pseudo-spins\nThe functions f T 2 1 , 2 , 3 for the T 2 modes are\nf T 2 1 = ( S 2 · S 3 -S 1 · S 4 ) , f T 2 2 = ( S 1 · S 3 -S 2 · S 4 ) , f T 2 3 = ( S 1 · S 2 -S 3 · S 4 )\nNow we can use TABLE I to convert the above couplings into pseudo-spin. It is easy to see that f A and f T 2 1 , 2 , 3 are all zero when converted to pseudo-spins, namely projected to the physical spin singlet sector. But f E 1 = ( P 14 + P 23 + P 24 + P 13 -2 P 12 -2 P 34 ) / (4 √ 3) = -( √ 3 / 2) τ x and f E 2 = ( P 24 + P 13 -P 14 -P 23 ) / 4 = ( √ 3 / 2) τ y . This has already been noted by Tchernyshyov et al. 28 , only the E modes can lift the degeneracy of the physical spin singlet ground states of the tetrahedron. Therefore the general spin lattice coupling is the form of (12) given in the main text.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION.\nGreat efforts have been invested to better understand the properties of the Kitaev model. For example, several groups have pointed out that the fractionalized Majorana fermion excitations may be understood from the more familiar Jordan-Wigner transformation of 1D spin systems 2,3 . The analogy between the non-Abelian Ising vortices and vortices in p + ip superconductors has been raised in serveral works 4-7 . Exact diagonalization has been used to study the Kitaev model on small lattices 8 . And perturbative expansion methods have been developed to study the gapped phases of the Kitaev-type models 9 .\nMany generalizations of the Kitaev model have been\nFIG. 1: The honeycomb lattice for the Kitaev model. Filled and open circles indicate two sublattices. x, y, z label the links along three different directions used in (1).\nderived as well. There have been several proposals to open the fermion gap for the non-Abelian phase without spoiling exact solvability 4,6 . And many generalizations to other(even 3D) lattices have been developed in the last few years 10-16 . All these efforts have significantly enriched our knowledge of exactly solvable models and quantum phases of matter.\nHowever, in the original Kitaev model and its later generalizations in the form of spin models, spin rotation symmetry is explicitly broken. This makes them harder to realize in solid state systems. There are many proposals to realized the Kitaev model in more controllable situations, e.g. in cold atom optical lattices 17,18 , or in superconducting circuits 19 . But it is still desirable for theoretical curiosity and practical purposes to realize the Kitaev-type models in spin rotation invariant systems.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix B: Derivation of the Terms Generated by Second Order Perturbation of Inter-cluster Magnetic Interactions\nr λ 2 P jk S j 2 · ( S k 3 × S k 4 )(1 -P jk ) × [0 -H cluster j -H cluster k ] -1 × (1 -P jk ) S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 ) P jk\nWe can use the previous argument for both cluster j and k , so (1 -P AB )[0 -H cluster j -H cluster k ] -1 (1 -P jk ) can be replace by c -number ( -2 J cluster ) -1 . This term becomes\n-r λ 2 2 J cluster P jk [ S j 2 · ( S k 3 × S k 4 )][ S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 3 )] P jk .\nSpin rotation symmetry again helps to separate the terms for cluster j and k , and we get ( r λ 2 ) / (32 J cluster ) τ z τ z .\nThe other cross term r λ P jk S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 )(1 P jk )[0 -H cluster j -H cluster k ] -1 (1 - P jk ) S j 2 · ( S k 3 S k 4 ) P jk gives the same result.\n-· j k 2 -×\nIn summary the second order perturbation from λ [ S j 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 ) + r S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 )] is\n-r λ 2 16 J cluster · τ z j τ z k + λ 2 32 J cluster ( τ x k + r 2 τ x j -2 r 2 -2) .", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Appendix B: Derivation of the Terms Generated by Second Order Perturbation of Inter-cluster Magnetic Interactions\nFor the cluster j part we can use the same arguments as before, the H cluster j can be replaced by a c -number J cluster . For the cluster k part, consider the fact that S k 3 × S k 4 equals to the commutator -i [ S k 4 , S k 3 · S k 4 ], the action of S k 3 × S k 4 on physical singlet states of k will also only produce spin-1 state. So we can replace the H cluster k in the denominator by a c -number J cluster as well. Use spin rotation symmetry to separate the j and k parts, this term simplifies to\n-λ 2 6 J cluster P j S j 2 · S j 2 P j · P k ( S k 3 × S k 4 ) · ( S k 3 × S k 4 ) P k .\nUse ( S ) 2 = 3 / 4 and\n( S k 3 × S k 4 ) · ( S k 3 × S k 4 ) = ∑ a,b ( S a k 3 S b k 4 S a k 3 S b k 4 -S a k 3 S b k 4 S b k 3 S a k 4 )\n= ( S k 3 · S k 3 )( S k 4 · S k 4 ) -∑ a,b S a k 3 S b k 3 [ δ ab / 2 -S a k 4 S b k 4 ] = 9 / 16 + ( S k 3 · S k 4 )( S k 3 · S k 4 ) -(3 / 8)\nthis term becomes\n-λ 2 6 J cluster · (3 / 4)[3 / 16 + ( τ x / 2 -1 / 4) 2 ] = -( λ 2 ) / (32 J cluster ) · (2 -τ x k ) .\nAnother second order perturbation term r 2 λ 2 P jk S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 )(1 - P jk )[0 -H cluster j -H cluster k ] -1 (1 -P jk ) S k 2 · ( S j 3 × S j 4 ) P jk can be computed in the similar way and gives the result -( r 2 λ 2 ) / (32 J cluster ) · (2 -τ x j ).\nFor one of the cross term", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "1001.0266.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.7.3 Changing the system topology to HyperSwap\nChapter 5.", - "page_start": 152, - "page_end": 152, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF", - "query": "What is the Oxbridge Academy email?", - "target_page": 59, - "target_passage": "Email: info@oxbridgeacademy.co.za", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Did you enjoy reading this book?\nJoin our online social community and share your opinion:\nwww.facebook.com/oxbridgeacademysa twitter.com/oxbridgeEdu www.linkedin.com/company/oxbridge-academy\nOxbridge Academy is an established distance learning college offer -ing skills courses, national qualifications, and internationally recognised courses to students in South Africa and abroad.\nWith our head office in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape, we cater to our students' needs by recruiting industry-expert tutors to provide academic assistance via telephone and e-mail, as well as by designing our study material in such a way that it is clear, simple, and easy for our students to understand.\nWith us, studying from home is easy, affordable, and convenient.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "E-mail address\nPlease provide a valid e-mail address that you check on a regular basis, as we'll be using this address to communicate with you throughout your studies.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "CONTACT NUMBERS:\nTel: 021 1100 200 Tel:+2721 883 2454 (international) Fax: 086 111 2121\nFax: +2721 883 2378 (international)\nWhatsapp: 0605671585 Email: info@oxbridgeacademy.co.za\nPostal Address:\nPO Box 12723, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7613\nWe are registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Private College in terms of Section 31(6)(a) of the Continuing Education and Training Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006). 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Not only do you need to choose a course, but you also need to make sure that you:\n· meet the entry requirements\n· meet the deadlines\n· fill in the forms correctly\n· send the forms to the right address\n· include all the necessary attachments\nTo make the college registration process easier for you, we've compiled a comprehensive guide on how to register at Oxbridge Academy (www.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/enrol-now/). The guide also includes general tips that will be relevant to the application and registration processes at other colleges.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Check that you have typed in the correct e-mail address.\nIt's easy to type in the wrong address by mistake.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf", - "query": "When is it necessary to use a host multipathing driver for load balancing?", - "target_page": 340, - "target_passage": "For load balancing and access redundancy on the host side, the use of a host multipathing driver is required in the following situations: Protection from fabric link failures, including port failures on the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system nodes Protection from a host HBA failure (if two HBAs are in use) Protection from fabric failures if the host is connected through two HBAs to two separate fabrics Provide load balancing across the host HBA", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "8.1 Host attachment overview\nThe IBM Storwize V7000 system supports a wide range of host types (both IBM and non-IBM). This feature makes it possible to consolidate storage in an open systems environment into a common pool of storage. Then, you can use and manage the storage pool more efficiently as a single entity from a central point on the storage area network (SAN).\nThe ability to consolidate storage for attached open systems hosts provides the following benefits:\n/SM590000 Easier storage management\n/SM590000 Increased utilization rate of the installed storage capacity\n/SM590000 Advanced Copy Services functions offered across storage systems from separate vendors\n/SM590000 Only one multipath driver is required for attached hosts\nHosts can be connected to Storwize V7000 system using any of the following protocols:\n/SM590000 Fibre Channel (FC)\n/SM590000 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)\n/SM590000 Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)\n/SM590000 iSCSI Extensions over RDMA (iSER)\n/SM590000 Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe)\nHosts that connect to the Storwize V7000 system by using fabric switches that use FC or FCoE protocol must be zoned correctly, as described in 3.6, 'SAN configuration planning' on page 50.\nHosts that connect to the Storwize V7000 system with iSCSI protocol must be configured correctly, as described in Chapter 3, 'Planning' on page 43.\nNote: Certain host operating systems can be directly connected to the Storwize V7000 system without the need for FC fabric switches. For more information, see this page of the IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC).\nFor load balancing and access redundancy on the host side, the use of a host multipathing driver is required in the following situations:\n/SM590000 Protection from fabric link failures, including port failures on the IBM Spectrum Virtualize system nodes\n/SM590000 Protection from a host HBA failure (if two HBAs are in use)\n/SM590000 Protection from fabric failures if the host is connected through two HBAs to two separate fabrics\n/SM590000 Provide load balancing across the host HBAs", - "page_start": 339, - "page_end": 339, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Load balancers\nThis guide uses an external load balancer that is running HAproxy to offer a single entry point for the many Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform components. Organizations can provide their own deployed load balancers if the service exists.\nThe Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform console, which is provided by the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform master nodes, can be spread across multiple instances to provide load balancing and HA properties.\nApplication traffic passes through the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Router on its way to the container processes. The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Router is a reverse proxy service container that multiplexes the traffic to multiple containers that make up a scaled application that is running inside Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. The load balancer that is used by infrastructure nodes acts as the public view for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform applications.\nThe destination for the master and application traffic must be set in the load balancer configuration after each instance is created, the floating IP address is assigned, and before the installation. A single HAproxy Load Balancer can forward both sets of traffic to different destinations.\nChapter 5. Red Hat OpenShift installation planning and considerations\n93\n94\nRed Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Power Systems: Volume 1\nWhen configuring multiple masters, the cluster installation process supports the native HA method. This method uses the native HA master capabilities that are built into OpenShift Container Platform and can be combined with any Load Balancing solution.\nIf a host is defined in the [lb] section of the inventory file, Ansible installs and configures HAProxy automatically as the load balancing solution. If no host is defined, it is assumed that you pre-configured an external load balancing solution of your choice to balance the master API (port 8443) on all master hosts.\nNote: The HAProxy Load Balancer is intended to demonstrate the API server's HA mode and is not recommended for production environments. If you are deploying to a cloud provider, Red Hat recommends deploying a cloud-native TCP-based Load Balancer or take other steps to provide a highly available load balancer.", - "page_start": 108, - "page_end": 109, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Performance considerations\nFor the best performance and availability, use ISL trunking or port channeling. Independent ISL links can easily become overloaded and turn into performance bottlenecks. Bonded or trunked ISLs automatically share load and provide better redundancy in a failure.\n740\nImplementing the IBM Storwize V7000 with IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2.1\n/SM590000 Number of paths per host multipath device\nThe maximum supported number of paths per multipath device that is visible on the host is eight. Although the IBM Subsystem Device Driver Path Control Module (SDDPCM), related products, and most vendor multipathing software can support more paths, the Storwize V7000 expects a maximum of eight paths. In general, you see only an effect on performance from more paths than eight. Although the IBM Spectrum Virtualize can work with more than eight paths, this design is technically unsupported.\n/SM590000 Do not intermix dissimilar array types or sizes\nAlthough the IBM Spectrum Virtualize supports an intermix of differing storage within storage pools, it is best to always use the same array model, Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) mode. RAID size (RAID 5 6+P+S does not mix well with RAID 6 14+2), and drive speeds.\nRules and guidelines are no substitution for monitoring performance. Monitoring performance can provide a validation that design expectations are met, and identify opportunities for improvement.", - "page_start": 761, - "page_end": 762, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.6.5 Host zones\nFor hosts that use four HBAs/ports with eight connections to an I/O Group, use the zoning schema that is shown in Figure 3-5 on page 57. You can combine this schema with the previous four-path zoning schema.\nFigure 3-5 Overview of eight-path host zoning\nFor more information, see Chapter 8, 'Hosts' on page 317.", - "page_start": 77, - "page_end": 78, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS)\nA service that provides the ability to distribute traffic among instances in a virtual private cloud.", - "page_start": 263, - "page_end": 263, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "13.2.2 Recommendations\nFor the most optimal performance in loading, we recommend the following practices:", - "page_start": 325, - "page_end": 325, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.12.2 Offloaded data transfer\nIf your Windows hosts are configured to use Microsoft Offloaded Data Transfer (ODX) to offload the copy workload to the storage controller, consider the benefits of this technology against extra load on storage controllers. The benefits and effects of enabling ODX are especially prominent in Microsoft Hyper-V environments with ODX enabled.", - "page_start": 92, - "page_end": 92, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Host bus adapter\nA host bus adapter (HBA) is an interface card that connects a server to the SAN environment through its internal bus system, for example, PCI Express. Typically it is referred to the Fibre Channel adapters.", - "page_start": 798, - "page_end": 798, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DNS\nDNS service is an important component in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment. Regardless of the provider of DNS, an organization is required to have certain records in place to serve the various Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform components.\nConsidering the Load Balancer values for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform master service and infrastructure nodes running router Pods are known beforehand, entries must be configured into the DNS before starting the deployment procedure.", - "page_start": 109, - "page_end": 109, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.6.5 Host zones\nHost must be zoned to the I/O Group to access volumes that are presented by this I/O Group.\nThe preferred zoning policy is to create a separate zone for each host HBA port, and place exactly one port from each node in each I/O group that the host accesses in this zone. For deployments with more than 64 hosts defined in the system, this host zoning scheme is mandatory.\nIf you plan to use NPIV, see the other host zoning requirements at that available at this website.\nWhen a dual-core SAN design is used, it is a requirement that no internode communications use the ISL link. When you create host zones in this type of configuration, ensure that each system port in the host zone is attached to the same Fibre Channel switch.\nConsider the following rules for zoning hosts with the Storwize V7000:\n/SM590000 HBA to Storwize V7000 port zones\nPlace each host's HBA in a separate zone with exactly one port from each node in each I/O group that the host accesses.\nIt is not prohibited to zone host's HBA to one port from every node in the cluster, but it does reduce the maximum number of hosts that can be attached to the system.\nNumber of paths: For n + 1 redundancy, use the following number of paths:\n/SM590000 With two HBA ports, zone HBA ports to Storwize V7000 ports 1:2 for a total of four paths.\n/SM590000 With four HBA ports, zone HBA ports to Storwize V7000 ports 1:1 for a total of four paths.\n/SM590000 Optional ( n +2 redundancy): With four HBA ports, zone HBA ports to Storwize V7000 ports 1:2 for a total of eight paths.\nHere, the term HBA port is used to describe the SCSI initiator and Storwize V7000 port to describe the SCSI target.\n/SM590000 Maximum host paths per logical unit (LU)\nFor any volume, the number of paths through the SAN from the Storwize V7000 nodes to a host must not exceed eight. For most configurations, four paths to an I/O Group are sufficient.\nImportant: The maximum number of host paths per LUN must not exceed eight.", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf", - "query": "Which orbiting instrument provides near-continuous full-sky coverage in the hard X-ray/low-energy gamma-ray range?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Gamma ray Burst Monitor", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe Gamma ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on Fermi is currently the only instrument in orbit providing nearly continuous full sky coverage in the hard X-ray/low energy gamma ray energy range. The Earth occultation technique, used very successfully on BATSE, has been adapted to GBM. An initial catalog of 64 sources is currently being monitored and continuously augmented. At energies above 100 keV, six steady sources (the Crab, Cyg X-1, Swift J1753.5-0127, 1E 1740-29, Cen A, GRS 1915+105) and one transient source (XTE J1752-223) have been detected in the first year of observation. We describe the instrument, outline the technique, and present light curves for the seven sources.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "M.H. Finger\nUSRA, National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL 35899\nThe NaI and BGO detectors on the Gamma ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on Fermi are now being used for long term monitoring of the hard X-ray/low energy gamma ray sky. Using the Earth occultation technique demonstrated previously by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, GBM produces multiband light curves and spectra for known sources and transient outbursts in the 8 keV - 1 MeV band with its NaI detectors and up to 40 MeV with its BGO. Coverage of the entire sky is obtained every two orbits, with sensitivity exceeding that of BATSE at energies below ∼ 25 keV and above ∼ 1 . 5 MeV. We describe the technique and present preliminary results after the first ∼ 17 months of observations at energies above 100 keV. Seven sources are detected: the Crab, Cyg X-1, Swift J1753.5-0127, 1E 1740-29, Cen A, GRS 1915+105, and the transient source XTE J1752-223.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nJ. G. Mangum, and M. S. Yun (2007), vol. 375 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , p. 234.\n[6] S. E. Healey, R. W. Romani, G. Cotter, P. F. Michelson, E. F. Schlafly, A. C. S. Readhead, P. Giommi, S. Chaty, I. A. Grenier, and L. C. Weintraub, ApJS 175 , 97 (2008).\n[7] A. A. Abdo, M. Ackermann, M. Ajello, W. B. Atwood, M. Axelsson, L. Baldini, J. Ballet, G. Barbiellini, D. Bastieri, B. M. Baughman, et al., ApJ 700 , 597 (2009).\n[8] T. Hovatta, E. Nieppola, M. Tornikoski, E. Valtaoja, M. F. Aller, and H. D. Aller, A&A 485 , 51 (2008).\n[9] B. C. Kelly, J. Bechtold, and A. Siemiginowska, ApJ 698 , 895 (2009).\n[10] M. Sikora, R. Moderski, and G. M. Madejski, ApJ 675 , 71 (2008).", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. GBM AND THE EARTH OCCULTATION OBSERVATIONAL TECHNIQUE\nThe Gamma ray Burst Monitor is the secondary instrument onboard the Fermi satellite [1, 2]. It con-\neConf C091122\nsists of 12 NaI detectors 5 '' in diameter by 0.5 '' thick mounted on the corners of the spacecraft and oriented such that they view the entire sky not occulted by the Earth. GBM also contains 2 BGO detectors 5 '' in diameter by 5 '' thick located on opposite sides of the spacecraft. None of the GBM detectors have direct imaging capability.\nKnown sources of gamma ray emission can be monitored with non-imaging detectors using the Earth occultation technique, as was successfully demonstrated with BATSE [3, 4]. When a source of gamma rays is occulted by the Earth, the count rate measured by the detector will drop, producing a step-like feature. When the source reappears from behind the Earths limb, the count rate will increase, producing another step. The diameter of the Earth seen from Fermi is ∼ 140 · , so roughly 30% of the sky is occulted by the Earth at any one time. Coupled with the ± 35 · slewing of the pointing direction every orbit, this means that the entire sky is occulted every two orbits. With an altitude of 565 km, a period of 96 minutes, and an orbital inclination of 26 . 5 · , individual occultation steps last for ∼ 10 seconds (Fig. 1).\n2\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nFIG. 1: Single Crab occultation step in a single GBM NaI detector. Horizontal scale is in seconds centered on the occultation time. Vertical scale is in measured counts.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Steady Sources\nThe sources Crab, Cyg X-1, Swift J1753.5-0127, 1E 1740-29, Cen A, and GRS 1915+105 are detected by GBM at energies above 100 keV. We show GBM light curves generated from the Earth occultation analysis in several energy bands with one day resolution for these six sources in Figures 2 - 7.\nTable I gives the fluxes and significances averaged over all the days from Aug. 12, 2008 (the beginning of science operations) to Dec. 15, 2009, approximately 490 days.\nThe Crab (Fig. 2) spectrum in the hard x-ray/low energy gamma-ray region can be described by a broken power law, with the spectrum steepening at 100 keV and then hardening at 650 keV [7, 8]. While the GBMCTIMEdata do not have the spectral resolution\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n3\nFIG. 3: Cen A light curve. Horizontal scale is in modified Julian days.\nto observe these breaks, GBM is able to see significant emission above 300 keV, consistent with the canonical hard spectrum.\nCen A (Fig. 3) is a Sy 2 galaxy that is the brightest AGN in hard x-rays/low energy gamma rays. It has a hard spectrum (Γ = 1 . 8) and has been observed at energies > 1 MeV [9]. The GBM results are consistent with this hard spectrum, though GBM does not have the sensitivity to determine if the hard spectrum continues beyond 300 keV or if the spectrum cuts off.\nCyg X-1 (Fig. 4) is a HMXB and one of the first systems determined to contain a black hole. It has been observed to emit significant emission above 100 keV including a power law tail extending out to greater than 1 MeV [10, 11]. The GBM results show significant emission above 300 keV, consistent with the power law tail observed when Cyg X-1 is in its hard state.\nGRS 1915+105 (Fig. 5) is a LMXB with the compact object being a massive black hole. Evidence for emission above 100 keV has been seen previously [12] with BATSE. The GBM light curve integrated over 490 days shows significant emission above 100 keV.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nThis work was supported in part by the NSF REU and DoD ASSURE programs under Grant no. 0754568 and by the Smithsonian Institution. Partial support was also provided by NASA contract NAS8-39073 and NASA grant NNX07AQ55G. We have made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France, and the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the JPL, Caltech, under contract with NASA.\n6\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nThis work is supported by the NASA Fermi Guest Investigator program. At LSU, additional support is provided by NASA/Louisiana Board of Regents Cooperative Agreement NNX07AT62A.\n(1998).\n[10] M. McConnell et al., Ap. J. 523 , 928 (2000).\n[11] J. C. Ling and W. A. Wheaton, Chinese J. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 5 , 80 (2005).\n[12] G. L. Case et al., Chinese J. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 5 , 341 (2005).\n[13] L. Bouchet et al., Ap. J. 693 , 1871 (2009).\n[14] M. C. Bell et al., Ap. J. 659 , 549 (2007).\n[15] G. L. Case et al. (2010), to be submitted.\n[16] C. Wilson-Hodge et al., Astron. Telegram 2280 (2009).", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nThis research is supported by grants from the US Department of Energy, the US National Science Foundation, and the Smithsonian Institution, by NSERC in Canada, by Science Foundation Ireland, and by STFC in the UK. We acknowledge the excellent work of the technical support staff at the FLWO and the collab-\neConf C091122\norating institutions in the construction and operation of the instrument.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Blazar Discovery Program\nThe blazars observed in the discovery program are largely high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. However, the program also includes IBLs (intermediatepeaked) and LBLs (low-peaked), as well as flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), in an attempt to increase the types of blazars known to emit VHE γ -rays. The observed targets are drawn from a target list containing objects visible to the telescopes at reasonable zenith angles ( -8 · < δ < 72 · ), without a previously published VHE limit below 1.5% Crab, and with a measured redshift z < 0 . 3. To further the study of the\neConf C091122\nEBL a few objects having a large ( z > 0 . 3) are also included in the target list. The target list includes:\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) HBL and IBL recommended as potential VHE emitters in [5, 6, 7].\n· The X-ray brightest HBL ( z < 0 . 3) in the recent Sedentary [8] and ROXA [9] surveys.\n· Four distant ( z > 0 . 3) BL Lac objects recommended by [5, 10].\n· Several FSRQ recommended as potential VHE emitters in [6, 11].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars detected by EGRET [12].\n· All nearby ( z < 0 . 3) blazars contained in the Fermi-LAT Bright AGN Sample [13].\n· All sources ( | b | > 10 · ) detected by Fermi-LAT where extrapolations of their MeV-GeV γ -ray spectrum (including EBL absorption; assuming z = 0.3 if the redshift is unknown) indicates a possible VERITAS detection in less than 20 h. This criteria is the focus of the 2009-10 VERITAS blazar discovery program.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A. Steady Sources\n1E 1740-29 (Fig. 6) is a LMXB very near the Galactic Center. It is a microquasar, and spends most of its time in the low/hard state. Integral observations indicate the presence of a power law tail above 200 keV [13]. The present GBM results are consistent with this high energy emission. In the future, we\neConf C091122\nFIG. 4: Cyg X-1 light curve. Horizontal scale is in modified Julian days.\nFIG. 5: GRS 1915+105 light curve. Horizontal scale is in modified Julian days.\n4\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nTABLE I: Fluxes and Significance in High Energy Bands", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf", - "query": "What is Cyg X-1?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "is a HMXB and one of the first systems determined to contain a black hole", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "CI/CD\nContinuous Delivery/Continuous Integration", - "page_start": 262, - "page_end": 262, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Patent\n(xxxxxxx)", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1.1 Cloud service model\nThis section describes the different cloud service models.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Southlake\n9", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PART 1\nThe specified information is-", - "page_start": 81, - "page_end": 81, - "source_file": "uksi_20210582_en.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1990 (3)\nKevin Decker David Higgins Cindi Williams", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NAIIS Web Application\n(Release version 1.1.3)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "tsla-20240930\nhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/00016282802404..", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Overview\nThis section introduces and describes IBM Cloud Paks.", - "page_start": 53, - "page_end": 53, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company Secretary\nRoss Coyle", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf", - "query": "What satellite is the Gamma Ray Burst Observatory on?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": " Fermi satellite", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "I. INTRODUCTION\nThe Gamma ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on Fermi is currently the only instrument in orbit providing nearly continuous full sky coverage in the hard X-ray/low energy gamma ray energy range. The Earth occultation technique, used very successfully on BATSE, has been adapted to GBM. An initial catalog of 64 sources is currently being monitored and continuously augmented. At energies above 100 keV, six steady sources (the Crab, Cyg X-1, Swift J1753.5-0127, 1E 1740-29, Cen A, GRS 1915+105) and one transient source (XTE J1752-223) have been detected in the first year of observation. We describe the instrument, outline the technique, and present light curves for the seven sources.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "II. GBM AND THE EARTH OCCULTATION OBSERVATIONAL TECHNIQUE\nThe Gamma ray Burst Monitor is the secondary instrument onboard the Fermi satellite [1, 2]. It con-\neConf C091122\nsists of 12 NaI detectors 5 '' in diameter by 0.5 '' thick mounted on the corners of the spacecraft and oriented such that they view the entire sky not occulted by the Earth. GBM also contains 2 BGO detectors 5 '' in diameter by 5 '' thick located on opposite sides of the spacecraft. None of the GBM detectors have direct imaging capability.\nKnown sources of gamma ray emission can be monitored with non-imaging detectors using the Earth occultation technique, as was successfully demonstrated with BATSE [3, 4]. When a source of gamma rays is occulted by the Earth, the count rate measured by the detector will drop, producing a step-like feature. When the source reappears from behind the Earths limb, the count rate will increase, producing another step. The diameter of the Earth seen from Fermi is ∼ 140 · , so roughly 30% of the sky is occulted by the Earth at any one time. Coupled with the ± 35 · slewing of the pointing direction every orbit, this means that the entire sky is occulted every two orbits. With an altitude of 565 km, a period of 96 minutes, and an orbital inclination of 26 . 5 · , individual occultation steps last for ∼ 10 seconds (Fig. 1).\n2\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nFIG. 1: Single Crab occultation step in a single GBM NaI detector. Horizontal scale is in seconds centered on the occultation time. Vertical scale is in measured counts.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "M.H. Finger\nUSRA, National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL 35899\nThe NaI and BGO detectors on the Gamma ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on Fermi are now being used for long term monitoring of the hard X-ray/low energy gamma ray sky. Using the Earth occultation technique demonstrated previously by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, GBM produces multiband light curves and spectra for known sources and transient outbursts in the 8 keV - 1 MeV band with its NaI detectors and up to 40 MeV with its BGO. Coverage of the entire sky is obtained every two orbits, with sensitivity exceeding that of BATSE at energies below ∼ 25 keV and above ∼ 1 . 5 MeV. We describe the technique and present preliminary results after the first ∼ 17 months of observations at energies above 100 keV. Seven sources are detected: the Crab, Cyg X-1, Swift J1753.5-0127, 1E 1740-29, Cen A, GRS 1915+105, and the transient source XTE J1752-223.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Observations of Soft Gamma Ray Sources > 100 keV Using Earth Occultation with GBM\nG.L. Case, M.L. Cherry, J. Rodi Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nJ. G. Mangum, and M. S. Yun (2007), vol. 375 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , p. 234.\n[6] S. E. Healey, R. W. Romani, G. Cotter, P. F. Michelson, E. F. Schlafly, A. C. S. Readhead, P. Giommi, S. Chaty, I. A. Grenier, and L. C. Weintraub, ApJS 175 , 97 (2008).\n[7] A. A. Abdo, M. Ackermann, M. Ajello, W. B. Atwood, M. Axelsson, L. Baldini, J. Ballet, G. Barbiellini, D. Bastieri, B. M. Baughman, et al., ApJ 700 , 597 (2009).\n[8] T. Hovatta, E. Nieppola, M. Tornikoski, E. Valtaoja, M. F. Aller, and H. D. Aller, A&A 485 , 51 (2008).\n[9] B. C. Kelly, J. Bechtold, and A. Siemiginowska, ApJ 698 , 895 (2009).\n[10] M. Sikora, R. Moderski, and G. M. Madejski, ApJ 675 , 71 (2008).", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. VERITAS AGN Detections\nVERITAS has detected VHE γ -ray emission from 16 AGN (15 blazars), including 8 VHE discoveries. These AGN are shown in Table I, and each has been detected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) instrument aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Every blazar discovered by VERITAS was the subject of ToO MWL observations to enable modeling of its simultaneously-measured SED. The known VHE blazars detected by VERITAS were similarly the targets of MWL observations.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. CONNECTION WITH GAMMA-RAYS\nSikora et al. [10] report that, during its flaring epochs, 3C 454.3 transitions from its typical FSRQ state to a more BL Lac-like state, where the synchrotron component emits much more strongly compared to the γ -ray component than during its 'low state'. 3C 454.3, which is the highest submillimeter luminosity FSRQ in our sample, would then shift down and to the right in Figure 5 when it enters a flaring period. For the first three months of the Fermi mission, 3C 454.3 was not flaring, which may explain its present location in Figure 5. The three objects for which there is a type discrepancy between CGRaBS and LBAS are all FSRQs (in CGRaBS) and exhibit\neConf C091122\nlow luminosity ratios and high luminosity, which suggest they may be undergoing the same changes as 3C 454.3. A possible interpretation of the elevated luminosity ratios observed in some BL Lacs objects is that there has been a dramatic increase in γ -ray luminosity due to ERC, which would not be reflected in the synchrotron component.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "VERITAS Observations of Blazars\nW. Benbow for the VERITAS Collaboration\nHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, F.L. Whipple Observatory, PO Box 6369, Amado, AZ 85645, USA\nThe VERITAS array of four 12-m diameter imaging atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes in southern Arizona is used to study very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) γ -ray emission from astrophysical objects. VERITAS is currently the most sensitive VHE γ -ray observatory in the world and one of the VERITAS collaboration's Key Science Projects (KSP) is the study of blazars. These active galactic nuclei (AGN) are the most numerous class of identified VHE sources, with ∼ 30 known to emit VHE photons. More than 70 AGN, almost all of which are blazars, have been observed with the VERITAS array since 2007, in most cases with the deepest-ever VHE exposure. These observations have resulted in the detection of VHE γ -rays from 16 AGN (15 blazars), including 8 for the first time at these energies. The VERITAS blazar KSP is summarized in this proceeding and selected results are presented.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0806v1 [astro-ph.HE] 6 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nThis work was supported in part by the NSF REU and DoD ASSURE programs under Grant no. 0754568 and by the Smithsonian Institution. Partial support was also provided by NASA contract NAS8-39073 and NASA grant NNX07AQ55G. We have made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France, and the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the JPL, Caltech, under contract with NASA.\n6\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf", - "query": "When in present-day Poland did the first shift away from earlier ancestry occur?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "in the Middle to Late Bronze Age (1500 bce to 1000 bce), we observe a clear shift away from preceding ancestry originally associated with Corded Ware cultures", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Article\nFig. 3 | Time transects across six geographical regions in Europe.\na -f , Ancestry change visualized over a time transect spanning from the Bronze Age to the present day in Poland ( a ), southeastern Europe ( b ), central Europe ( c ), Italy ( d ), Britain and Ireland ( e ) and Scandinavia ( f ). The maps show sample locations of all available ancient genomes with at least 0.5× coverage from\nmedieval individuals ( P ≪ 1 × 10 -32 ). Instead, the majority of individuals from medieval Poland can be modelled only as a mixture of ancestries related to Roman Iron Age Lithuania, which is similar to ancestries of individuals from middle to late Bronze Age Poland (44%, 95% confidence interval 36-51%), an ancestry component related to Hungarian Scythians or Slovakian La Tène individuals (49%, 95% confidence interval 41-57%) and potentially a minority component of ancestry related to Sarmatians from the Caucasus ( P = 0.13) (Fig. 2c). Four out of twelve individuals from medieval Poland, three of whom are from the late Viking Age 6 , carried detectable Scandinavian-related ancestry. Some of the ancestry detected in individuals from later medieval Poland may have persisted during the late first millennium CE in the cremating portion of the population, but regardless, this points to large-scale ancestry transformation in medieval Poland (Fig. 3a). Future data could shed light on the extent to which this reflects the influence of groups speaking Slavic languages in the region.\n122\n| Nature | Vol 637 | 2 January 2025\nthese regions (Supplementary Table 1). Their ancestry is shown on the same MDS model as in Fig. 2a for each time period. For each geographic region, the early medieval period is highlighted in orange and the area in the MDS corresponding to Scandinavian and central European ancestries is highlighted in an orange box.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Expansions of Scandinavian-like ancestry\nWe assembled time transects using available aDNA data across several geographical regions in Europe, and infer their ancestry using a model with the EIA or Roman Iron Age sources previously defined (shown in Fig. 2a). Our modelling provides direct evidence of individuals with ancestry originating in northern Germany or Scandinavia appearing across Europe as early as the first century CE (Figs. 2b,c and 3 and Supplementary Table 3).\nIn the region of present-day Poland, our analysis suggests several clear shifts in ancestry. First, in the Middle to Late Bronze Age (1500 BCE to 1000 BCE), we observe a clear shift away from preceding ancestry originally associated with Corded Ware cultures 55 (Fig. 3a). Second, in the first to fifth century CE, individuals associated with Wielbark culture 5,12 show an additional strong shift away from the preceding Bronze Age groups, and can only be modelled with a >75% component attributed to the EIA Scandinavian Peninsula. Multiple individuals, especially from earlier Wielbark cemeteries, have approximately 100%\nFig. 2 | Ancestry from the Iron Age to the early medieval period in Europe.\na , Source groups used for qpAdm modelling of early medieval Europe. MDS is computed jointly with individuals from later periods using pairwise outgroup f 3 statistics (outgroup: Han Chinese people). These are calculated using Twigstats on Relate genealogies with a cut-off of 1,000 generations. The geographical map shows sampling locations of these individuals. b , The genetic structure of ancient groups predominantly from early medieval contexts shown on the same MDS as in a . The magnified inset shows an MDS computed without Twigstats on the same samples as the Twigstats MDS and focusing on early medieval or later individuals. c , Ancestry models of early medieval (EM) groups across Europe computed using qpAdm. Sample sizes are", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Influx into pre-Viking Age Scandinavia\nIn EIA Scandinavia (<500 CE), we find evidence for broad genetic homogeneity. Specifically, individuals from Denmark (100 CE-300 CE) were indistinguishable from contemporary people in the Scandinavian Peninsula (Fig. 2c). However, we observe a clear shift in genetic ancestry already in the eighth century CE (Late Iron Age/early Viking Age) on Zealand (present-day Denmark) for which a 100% EIA ancestry model is rejected ( P = 1 × 10 -17 using Twigstats; P = 7.5 × 10 -4 without). This shift in ancestry persists among later Viking Age groups in Denmark, where all groups are modelled with varying proportions of ancestry related to Iron Age continental groups in central Europe (Figs. 3f and 4c). A non-parametric MDS of Viking Age individuals suggests that variation between individuals forms a cline spanning from the EIA Scandinavian Peninsula individuals to ancestry characteristic of central Europe (Fig. 4e). The observed shift in ancestry in Denmark cannot be confounded by potentially earlier unknown gene flow into Iron Age source groups in Austria, France and Germany, but such gene flow could affect the exact ancestry proportions.\nThese patterns are consistent with northward expansion of ancestry, potentially starting before the Viking Age, into the Jutland peninsula and Zealand island towards southern Sweden. The geographical origin of this ancestry is currently difficult to discern, as the available samples from Iron Age central Europe remain sparse. The timing of this expansion is constrained only by the samples available: this ancestry is not observed in individuals from the Copenhagen area of Denmark (around 100 CE-300 CE) 6 , an individual from the southern tip of Sweden (around 500 CE) 16 , individuals from the Sandby Borg massacre site on Öland in present-day Sweden (around 500 CE) 7 and 31 individuals from the mid-eighth century Salme ship burials in present-day Estonia (Extended Data Fig. 9), who probably originated in central Sweden 6 . Therefore, this ancestry transformation most likely postdated these individuals in each particular region and mostly occurred in the second half of the first millennium CE.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe\nAncient genome sequencing has revolutionized our ability to reconstruct expansions, migrations and admixture events in the ancient past and understand their impact on human genetic variation today. However, tracing history using genetic ancestry has remained challenging, particularly in historical periods for which the richest comparative information from history and archaeology often exists. This is because ancestries in many geographical regions are often so similar as to be statistically indistinguishable with current approaches. One example is northern and central Europe since the start of the Iron Age around 500 BCE, a period for which many long-standing questions remain, such as the nature of large-scale patterns of human migration during the fourth to sixth centuries CE, their impact on the Mediterranean world and later patterns of human mobility during the Viking Age (around 750-1050 CE).\nSeveral recent studies have documented substantial mobility and genetic diversity in these time periods, suggesting stable population structure despite high mobility 5 , and have revealed genetic variation in Viking Age Scandinavia 6-8 , early medieval England 3,9 , early medieval Hungary 10,11 and Iron Age and medieval Poland 12 . However, previous studies mostly used large modern cohorts to study ancestry change through time and space. This is because the differentiation between Iron Age groups in central and northern Europe is an order of magnitude lower (fixation index ( F ST) = 0.1-0.7%; Extended Data Fig. 1) than, for example, the more commonly studied hunter-gatherer, early farmer and steppe-pastoralist groups that shaped the ancestry landscape of\nStone Age and Bronze Age Europe 13-16 ( F ST = 5-9% (refs. 13,17)). Modern populations provide more power to detect differences, but their genetic affinity to ancient individuals may be confounded by later gene flow, that is, after the time of the ancient individual(s) 18 . The most principled approach is thus to build ancestry models in which source and 'outgroup/reference' populations are older than, or at least contemporary with, the target genome or group that we are trying to model 18 . However, this has been challenging, due to the limited statistical power offered by the thousands-fold lower sample sizes and reduced sequence quality of ancient genomes.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article\nIn present-day Slovakia, individuals associated with the Iron Age La Tène period appear close to Hungarian Scythians in the two dimensions of our MDS analysis, and are modelled as a mixture of central and eastern European ancestry. However, a first-century CE burial of a 50-60-year-old woman from Zohor is modelled only with Scandinavian-related ancestry, providing evidence of ancestry related to the Scandinavian EIA appearing southwest of the range of the Wielbark archaeological complex 5,57 (Fig. 3b). Later early medieval individuals from Slovakia have partial Scandinavian-related ancestry, providing evidence for the integration between expanding and local groups.\nNearby, in present-day Hungary, we observe Scandinavian-related ancestry components in several burials dating to the sixth century CE associated with Longobards (Longobard_earlyMED(I)) 10 (Fig. 2c). This is consistent with the original study 10 , which reported affinity to present-day groups from northwestern Europe (GBR, CEU and FIN in the 1000 Genomes Project (1000GP)) 10 but which we can resolve with\nhigher resolution using earlier genomes. Several other individuals from these Longobard burials (Longobard_earlyMED(II)) show no detectable ancestry from northern Europe and, instead, are more closely related to Iron Age groups in continental central Europe, putatively representing descendants of local people buried in a Longobard style. Our results are consistent with attestations that the Longobards originated in the areas of present-day northern Germany or Denmark, but that by the sixth century CE they incorporated multiple different cultural identities, and mixed ancestries. Present-day populations of Hungary do not appear to derive detectable ancestry from early medieval individuals from Longobard contexts, and are instead more similar to Scythian-related ancestry sources (Extended Data Fig. 6), consistent with the later impact of Avars, Magyars and other eastern groups 58 .", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article\nIn southern Germany, the genetic ancestry of individuals from early medieval Bavaria probably associated with the historical Germanic-language-speaking Baiuvarii 59 cannot be modelled as deriving ancestry solely from earlier groups in Iron Age central Germany ( P ≪ 1 × 10 -36 ). The Baiuvarii probably appeared in the region in the fifth century CE 59 , but their origins remain unresolved. Our current best model indicates a mixture with ancestry derived from EIA Peninsular Scandinavia and central Europe, suggesting an expansion of Scandinavian-related ancestry producing a regional ancestry shift (Figs. 2c and 3c).\nIn Italy, southward expansions of northern and central European ancestries appear by the Late Antiquity (approximately fourth century CE), where a clear diversification of ancestry can be observed compared with preceding time periods (Fig. 3d). However, no individuals with near 100% Scandinavian ancestry can be observed in the sampling data available so far.\nIn Britain, the ancestries of Iron Age and Roman individuals form a tight cluster in our MDS analysis (Fig. 3e), shifted relative to available preceding Bronze Age individuals from Ireland and Orkney, and adjacent to, but distinct from, available individuals in Iron Age and Roman central Europe. However, two first- to second-century CE burials from a Roman military fortress site in Austria (Klosterneuburg) 5 carry ancestry that is currently indistinguishable from Iron Age or Roman populations of Britain, to the exclusion of other groups (qpWave cladality P = 0.11). One option is that they had ancestry from Britain; alternatively, currently unsampled populations from western continental Europe carried ancestries similar to Iron Age southern Britain.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Viking Age mobility into Scandinavia\nPrevious studies had suggested a major influx of ancestry related to Britain into Viking Age Scandinavia 6,7 . Although we detect this ancestry in some individuals (7 individuals in Norway, 14 in Denmark and 14 in Sweden), including some individuals whose ancestry appears to be entirely derived from Iron Age Britain, its overall impact appears reduced compared with previous reports. Our analysis indicates a proportionally larger impact of ancestry from Iron Age Britain in northern Norway, with southern Scandinavia predominantly influenced by continental central European ancestries (Fig. 4d). We hypothesize that our estimates of ancestry from Britain are reduced relative to previous studies because ancestry related to Britain and continental central Europe may have been indistinguishable. This could be due to a lack of statistical power to distinguish these closely related sources with standard methods, as well as through potential biases introduced by using modern surrogate populations that have since been influenced by later gene flow (such as gene flow into Britain). We illustrate this by replicating the analyses previously described 6,7 (Extended Data Fig. 8).\nSimilarly, a previous study has suggested that individuals at sites such as Kärda in southern Sweden carried ancestry from southern Europe 6 . In our models, two Kärda individuals fit with central European-related ancestry, but none of the individuals has a substantial proportion of ancestry related to southern European sources (Extended Data Fig. 9). Instead, we detect ancestry from southern European sources in only three individuals from Scandinavia, and in relatively small proportions (Fig. 4a).\nInterestingly, we detect ancestry from Bronze and Iron Age sources from Eastern Europe (present-day Lithuania and Poland), concentrated in southeastern parts of Sweden, particularly the island of Gotland (14 individuals; Fig. 4a). This is consistent with previous genetic studies 6,7 . We find that this ancestry is enriched in male individuals (Extended Data Fig. 7d), suggesting male-biased mobility and/or burial. The closest match tends to be Roman Iron Age Lithuanian genomes associated with Balts, which would be consistent with mobility across the Baltic Sea, but we caution that the geographical representation of available genomes is still limited.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Influx into pre-Viking Age Scandinavia\nTo assess the full extent of the impact of this ancestry influx into Scandinavia, we next aimed to understand the ancestry of individuals in Scandinavia during the Viking Age. Previous studies have suggested that there was a diversity of ancestries in Scandinavia during this period 6,7,65 , due to increased maritime mobility, but have not reported per-individual ancestry estimates based on preceding ancestry. We analysed each individual's ancestry using a rotational qpAdm scheme (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 9 and Supplementary Table 4), which showed increased power in distinguishing models when restricted to recent coalescences with Twigstats (more than 80% of accepted one-source models in Twigstats were also accepted one-source models using all SNPs, compared with less than 17% for the inverse).\nWe investigated regional differences in non-local ancestry across Scandinavia. In Denmark, 25 out of 53 Viking Age individuals had detectable ( zscore > 1) central European-related ancestry (CentralEurope. IronRoman or Portugal.IronRoman) in their best accepted qpAdm models. In Sweden 20 out of 62 individuals had detectable central European-related ancestry, concentrated almost entirely in southern regions (Fig. 4a,d). By contrast, in Norway, this ancestry was observed in only 2 out of 24 individuals, indicating a wide-ranging impact of incoming ancestry in southern Scandinavia and suggesting more\nNature | Vol 637 | 2 January 2025 |\n123", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ancestry models of early medieval Europe\nHaving demonstrated that the Twigstats approach can effectively improve resolution and statistical power to test ancestry models and estimate proportions, we turn to the history of early medieval Europe.\n120\n| Nature | Vol 637 | 2 January 2025\nIn the first half of the first millennium CE, Roman historians such as Tacitus and Ammianus Marcellinus described the geographical distribution and movements of groups beyond the imperial frontier and suggested a potential role for them in the fall of the western Roman Empire 52 . However, the exact nature and scale of these historically attested demographic phenomena-and their genetic impacthave been questioned 53 , and have been difficult to test with genetic approaches owing to the close relations shared between many groups that were ostensibly involved. Less is understood at further distances from the Roman frontier owing to a lack of historical accounts. The improved statistical power of time-restricted ancestry in Twigstats thus offers an opportunity to revisit these questions.\nTo develop an ancestry model for early medieval individuals (Supplementary Table 1), we first need a broad characterization of the ancestry of the earlier sources from the early Iron Age (EIA) and Roman periods. We use hierarchical UPGMA clustering based on pairwise clade testing between all individuals, and formally test the cladality of proposed ancestry groups with qpWave 5 (cladality in this sense means whether they are consistent with being symmetrically related to all other tested groups; Methods). This resulted in a set of model ancestry sources that included Iron Age and Roman Britain ( n = 11), the Iron Age of central European regions of mostly Germany, Austria and France ( n = 10), Roman Portugal ( n = 4), Roman Italy ( n = 10), Iron Age Lithuania ( n = 5), the EIA Scandinavian Peninsula (Sweden and Norway, n = 10) and several other more eastern groups dating to the Bronze Age and EIA ( n = 25) (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 1). We then use a rotational qpAdm approach 54 to narrow down the set of contributing sources from this larger pool of putative sources.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08275-2\nReceived: 14 December 2023\nAccepted: 23 October 2024\nPublished online: 1 January 2025\nOpen access\nLeo Speidel 1,2,3 ✉ , Marina Silva 1 , Thomas Booth 1 , Ben Raffield 4 , Kyriaki Anastasiadou 1 , Christopher Barrington 5 , Anders Götherström 6,7 , Peter Heather 8 & Pontus Skoglund 1 ✉\nMany known and unknown historical events have remained below detection thresholds of genetic studies because subtle ancestry changes are challenging to reconstruct. Methods based on shared haplotypes 1,2 and rare variants 3,4 improve power but are not explicitly temporal and have not been possible to adopt in unbiased ancestry models. Here we develop Twigstats, an approach of time-strati/fied ancestry analysis that can improve statistical power by an order of magnitude by focusing on coalescences in recent times, while remaining unbiased by population-speci/fic drift. We apply this framework to 1,556 available ancient whole genomes from Europe in the historical period. We are able to model individual-level ancestry using preceding genomes to provide high resolution. During the /first half of the /first millennium CE, we observe at least two di/fferent streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry expanding across western, central and eastern Europe. By contrast, during the second half of the /first millennium CE, ancestry patterns suggest the regional disappearance or substantial admixture of these ancestries. In Scandinavia, we document a major ancestry in/flux by approximately 800 CE, when a large proportion of Viking Age individuals carried ancestry from groups related to central Europe not seen in individuals from the early Iron Age. Our /findings suggest that time-strati/fied ancestry analysis can provide a higher-resolution lens for genetic history.\nCheck for updates", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf", - "query": "How many clusters has the Scandinavian peninsula been divided into thanks to Twigstats?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": "This approach results in two clusters in the Scandinavian Penin- sula, approximately separating northern from southern Scandinavia", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Conclusions\nOur approach, Twigstats, transfers the power advantage of haplotypebased approaches to a fully temporal framework, which is applicable to f -statistics and enables previously unavailable unbiased and time-stratified analyses of admixture. We demonstrated that Twigstats enables fine-scale quantitative modelling of ancestry proportions, revealing wide-ranging ancestry changes that affect northern and central Europe during the Iron, Roman and Viking ages. We reveal evidence of the southward and/or eastward expansion of individuals who probably spoke Germanic languages and who had Scandinavian-related ancestry in the first half of the first millennium CE. We note that 'Scandinavian-related' in this context relates to the ancient genomes available, and so it is entirely possible that these processes were driven, for example, from regions in northern-central Europe. This could be consistent with the attraction of the greater wealth, which tended to build up among Rome's immediate neighbours and may have played a major role in vectors of migration internal to communities in Europe who lived beyond the Roman frontier 52 . Later, patterns of gene flow seem to have turned northwards, with the spread of Iron Age Central Europe-related ancestry into Scandinavia. Overall, our approach can be used for the reconstruction of new high-resolution genetic histories around the world.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Expansions of Scandinavian-like ancestry\nshown in black boxes. Sources are highlighted in a and marked as bold in the key, and were used in a rotational qpAdm scheme. For each target group, we remove models with infeasible admixture proportions (falling outside [0, 1]) and use a Twigstats cut-off of 1,000 generations. All models satisfy P > 0.01, unless a -log10[ P value] is shown next to the model. If models satisfy P > 0.05, we show all such models; otherwise, we show only the model with the largest P value. d , The ancestry proportion derived from EIA Scandinavia in groups with a non-zero component of this ancestry. We show groups modelled in c that have a feasible model ( P > 0.01). In c , d , we show one s.e. BA, Bronze Age; CNE, continental northern Europeans; EBA, early Bronze Age; EVA, early Viking Age; IA, Iron Age; MED, medieval; MLBA, middle/late Bronze Age; VA, Viking Age.\nancestry related to EIA Scandinavian Peninsula (Fig. 2c). The Wielbark archaeological complex has been linked to the later Chernyakhov culture to the southeast and to early Goths, an historical Germanic group that flourished in the second to fifth centuries CE 56 . Our modelling supports the idea that some groups that probably spoke Germanic languages from Scandinavia expanded south across the Baltic into the area between the Oder and Vistula rivers in the early centuries CE, although whether these expansions can be linked specifically with historical Goths is still debatable. Moreover, since a considerable\nproportion of Wielbark burials during this period were cremations, the possible presence of individuals with other ancestries cannot be strictly rejected if they were exclusively cremated (and are therefore invisible in the aDNA record).\nA previous study could not reject continuity in ancestry from the Wielbark-associated individuals to later medieval individuals from a similar region 12 . With the improved power of Twigstats, models of continuity are strongly rejected, with no one-source model of any preceding Iron Age or Bronze Age group providing a reasonable fit for the\nNature | Vol 637 | 2 January 2025 |\n121", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe\nFig. 1 | Twigstats performance on simulated data. a , A diagram of the Twigstats approach. We first construct genealogies from genetic variation data and then use Twigstats to compute f 2-statistics between pairs of groups to be used by ADMIXTOOLS2. b , Admixture proportions inferred from an f 4-ratio statistic or non-negative least squares method. Source groups P1 and P2 split 250 generations ago and mix 50 generations ago, where P2 contributes proportion α and P1 contributes 1 α . Effective population sizes are equal and constant except for a recent bottleneck in P2 (see Methods for simulation details). The Twigstats cut-off is set to 500 generations, the rare variant cut-off is set to 5%, and we additionally infer admixture proportions by generating 'first coalescence profiles' for each population and modelling PX as a mixture\nof sources P1 and P2 using non-negative least squares (NNLS) (Methods). We sample 20 haploid sequences from each population. Data are mean ± 2 s.e. around the point estimate. c , The fold improvement of s.e. relative to the genotype case as a function of the Twigstats cut-off time, for the same simulation as in b and averaged across different true admixture proportions. The dashed line shows the best fold improvement of s.e. when ascertaining genotypes by frequency, when evaluated at different frequency cut-offs. d , The optimal Twigstats cut-off, defined as the largest reduction in s.e. relative to the genotype case, as a function of source split time in simulations using true trees. The dashed line indicates our theoretical prediction (Supplementary Note).\nsingle-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, but this information has not been accessible in combination with the advantages of f -statistics 2,6,25,26 . Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of available aDNA is from a panel of 1.2 million SNPs 27 , and few clear advantages have been demonstrated for analysis of the more than 50 million SNPs available with whole-genome shotgun data.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article\nClustering using qpwave. To overcome challenges with hand-curating source groups used in qpAdm modelling, we follow ref. 5 and run qpwave using Twigstats between pairs of ancient individuals. We use Han Chinese individuals from Beijing and five European populations from the 1000GP as reference groups. This approach tests whether two\nindividuals form a clade with respect to reference groups. The reason why this is a principled approach despite the 1000GP groups post-dating the ancient individuals is that if a group of ancient individuals are truly homogeneous, they will be so also with respect to later individuals.\nWe then define clusters by running UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) on -log10[ P values] obtained from qpwave between all pairs of individuals and cut the resulting dendrogram at a height corresponding to a P value of 0.01. We then further subdivide clusters by requiring all samples to be within 500 years of the mean cluster age.\nTo choose the source groups shown in Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 1d, we run this algorithm on samples from Iron and Roman Age Europe (Supplementary Table 1). We retain groups that have at least three individuals and, therefore, exclude clusters of size one or two.\nThis approach results in two clusters in the Scandinavian Peninsula, approximately separating northern from southern Scandinavia, three clusters in Poland and Ukraine that separate samples temporally between the early and later Bronze Age, a cluster combining the Hungarian Scythian and Slovakian La Tène-associated individuals, and a cluster each for Iron and Roman Age Portugal, Italy and Lithuania. In present-day Austria, Germany and France, this approach identifies three clusters, with each cluster spanning multiple archaeological sites in different countries, indicating genetic diversity in this region in the first millennium CE. Encouragingly, these clusters separate in our non-parametric MDS analysis (Fig. 2a), indicating that we are capturing real genetic differences between groups using this approach.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ancestry models of early medieval Europe\nWe additionally perform non-parametric multidimensional scaling (MDS) on outgroupf 3 statistics 44 computed using Twigstats, the results of which do not depend on any modelling assumptions and which show increased resolution compared with conventional outgroupf 3 statistics (Fig. 2a,b, Extended Data Fig. 6 and Supplementary Table 2). Encouragingly, the MDS model supports regional fine-scale genetic structures reflected in our source groups, such as the separation of predominantly Norwegian and northern Swedish EIA individuals from southern Peninsular Scandinavia (Fig. 2a); this relationship is not detected without Twigstats. In this MDS analysis, we note a close affinity of wide-ranging individuals from Portugal, France, Germany, Austria and Britain. We hypothesize that this corresponds to areas associated with the Celtic-speaking world, and that their close genetic affinity is due to earlier expansions. Sparse sampling limits our understanding of the full extent of regional ancestry variation in central Europe and some other regions, but the continental ancestries differentiated in the MDS model suggests that major ancestry variation across Europe in this period is relatively well captured.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Extended Data Fig. 9 | Ancestry models of Viking Age individuals in\nScandinavia. a , MDS of each Scandinavian Viking group plotted on top of preceding Iron age and Roman individuals. b , All accepted qpAdm models using Twigstats-1000 for every Scandinavian Viking individual in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, computed in a rotational qpAdm with source groups identical to Fig. 4. We only retain models with feasible admixture proportions, standard errors of <0.25, and show models with 1 source and a p-value greater than 0.01\nor otherwise with 2 sources and a p-value greater than 0.01. If several models satisfy p > 0.05, we show all such models, otherwise we select the model with the largest p-value. The -log10 p-values are shown to the left of each model. We combine models involving related sources, if they exist, by averaging their respective admixture proportions, standard errors, and p-values. We plot one standard error.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Influx into pre-Viking Age Scandinavia\nTo assess the full extent of the impact of this ancestry influx into Scandinavia, we next aimed to understand the ancestry of individuals in Scandinavia during the Viking Age. Previous studies have suggested that there was a diversity of ancestries in Scandinavia during this period 6,7,65 , due to increased maritime mobility, but have not reported per-individual ancestry estimates based on preceding ancestry. We analysed each individual's ancestry using a rotational qpAdm scheme (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 9 and Supplementary Table 4), which showed increased power in distinguishing models when restricted to recent coalescences with Twigstats (more than 80% of accepted one-source models in Twigstats were also accepted one-source models using all SNPs, compared with less than 17% for the inverse).\nWe investigated regional differences in non-local ancestry across Scandinavia. In Denmark, 25 out of 53 Viking Age individuals had detectable ( zscore > 1) central European-related ancestry (CentralEurope. IronRoman or Portugal.IronRoman) in their best accepted qpAdm models. In Sweden 20 out of 62 individuals had detectable central European-related ancestry, concentrated almost entirely in southern regions (Fig. 4a,d). By contrast, in Norway, this ancestry was observed in only 2 out of 24 individuals, indicating a wide-ranging impact of incoming ancestry in southern Scandinavia and suggesting more\nNature | Vol 637 | 2 January 2025 |\n123", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08275-2\nReceived: 14 December 2023\nAccepted: 23 October 2024\nPublished online: 1 January 2025\nOpen access\nLeo Speidel 1,2,3 ✉ , Marina Silva 1 , Thomas Booth 1 , Ben Raffield 4 , Kyriaki Anastasiadou 1 , Christopher Barrington 5 , Anders Götherström 6,7 , Peter Heather 8 & Pontus Skoglund 1 ✉\nMany known and unknown historical events have remained below detection thresholds of genetic studies because subtle ancestry changes are challenging to reconstruct. Methods based on shared haplotypes 1,2 and rare variants 3,4 improve power but are not explicitly temporal and have not been possible to adopt in unbiased ancestry models. Here we develop Twigstats, an approach of time-strati/fied ancestry analysis that can improve statistical power by an order of magnitude by focusing on coalescences in recent times, while remaining unbiased by population-speci/fic drift. We apply this framework to 1,556 available ancient whole genomes from Europe in the historical period. We are able to model individual-level ancestry using preceding genomes to provide high resolution. During the /first half of the /first millennium CE, we observe at least two di/fferent streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry expanding across western, central and eastern Europe. By contrast, during the second half of the /first millennium CE, ancestry patterns suggest the regional disappearance or substantial admixture of these ancestries. In Scandinavia, we document a major ancestry in/flux by approximately 800 CE, when a large proportion of Viking Age individuals carried ancestry from groups related to central Europe not seen in individuals from the early Iron Age. Our /findings suggest that time-strati/fied ancestry analysis can provide a higher-resolution lens for genetic history.\nCheck for updates", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Extended Data Fig. 7 | Ancestry estimates stratified by genetic sex. a , Map\nshowing ancestry carried by each Scandinavian Viking age individual. b , Ancestry proportions across individuals grouped by Latitude and genetic sex. c , Odds ratio and p-values calculated using a two-sided Fisher's exact test on the number of males and females carrying each ancestry in Viking Age Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Gotland. d , F4 values of the form f 4(Scandinavian_Peninsula_ EIA(I), alternative source group, males in Viking group, females in Viking group) computed using all SNPs and Twigstats. A significantly positive value is\nevidence of attraction of females with pop2 or males with Scandinavian_ Peninsula_EIA(I). Number of males and females is shown in each facet title and we restrict to groups with at least four males and females. We plot one standard error. e , Map showing 'farflung' Viking individuals grouped by ancestry and genetic sex. In contrast to Fig. 4a and d where we showed results for the 'best' qpAdm model, here in panels a , b, c, and e , an individual is assigned an ancestry group, if it has any accepted model (p > 0.01) where that ancestry features.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article\nFig. 4 | Ancestry in the Viking world. a , Map showing ancestry carried by Scandinavian Viking Age individuals as inferred using the best-fitting qpAdm model. These are chosen by either choosing the one-source model with largest P value and P > 0.01 or the two-source model with the largest P value and P > 0.01. Extended Data Fig. 7 shows the same map with all accepted models. b , Stable isotope data indicating the geology of childhood origin. The histogram shows the ratio of strontium isotopes 87 to 86 measured in 109 individuals in Öland 69 . For individuals included in our ancestry modelling, we plot Iron Age central European-related ancestry against their stable isotope values (grey circles, r = -0.39, P = 0.075). Shared area corresponds to the 95% confidence band\naround the regression line. c , The ancestry shift observed in Viking Age Danish groups using qpAdm on all SNPs or Twigstats. We show the best one-source and all two-source models with P > 0.05. For models with P < 0.05, the -log10[ P value] is shown under the plot. Sample sizes for each group are shown in brackets. d , The ancestry proportion across Viking Age individuals in Denmark, Sweden and Norway grouped by latitude. e , Viking Age genetic variation (grey circles) visualized on the same MDS as in Fig. 2a,b. f , The best-fitting qpAdm ancestry model for far-flung Viking individuals. Detailed models for all individuals are shown in Extended Data Figs. 9 and 10. In c and f , we show one s.e. Rotating qpAdm sources are marked in bold in the key.\ncontinuity from the EIA in Norway and northern Sweden (Fig. 4a). When considered collectively, the individuals who show evidence of central European-related ancestry are mostly observed in regions historically within the Danish sphere of influence and rule. Currently, no such individuals, for example, are noted in eastern central Sweden, which was a focus of regional power of the Svear (Fig. 4a). The difference in distribution could suggest that the central European-related ancestry was more common in regions dominated by the historical Götar and groups inhabiting the lands on the borders of the Danish kingdom.\nTo test the extent to which the variation in ancestry was consistent with mobility during the lifetime of the individuals or, alternatively,\n124", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf", - "query": "What are the cultures with which the Wielbark culture is associated?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "linked to the later Chernyakhov cul- ture to the southeast and to early Goths", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Expansions of Scandinavian-like ancestry\nshown in black boxes. Sources are highlighted in a and marked as bold in the key, and were used in a rotational qpAdm scheme. For each target group, we remove models with infeasible admixture proportions (falling outside [0, 1]) and use a Twigstats cut-off of 1,000 generations. All models satisfy P > 0.01, unless a -log10[ P value] is shown next to the model. If models satisfy P > 0.05, we show all such models; otherwise, we show only the model with the largest P value. d , The ancestry proportion derived from EIA Scandinavia in groups with a non-zero component of this ancestry. We show groups modelled in c that have a feasible model ( P > 0.01). In c , d , we show one s.e. BA, Bronze Age; CNE, continental northern Europeans; EBA, early Bronze Age; EVA, early Viking Age; IA, Iron Age; MED, medieval; MLBA, middle/late Bronze Age; VA, Viking Age.\nancestry related to EIA Scandinavian Peninsula (Fig. 2c). The Wielbark archaeological complex has been linked to the later Chernyakhov culture to the southeast and to early Goths, an historical Germanic group that flourished in the second to fifth centuries CE 56 . Our modelling supports the idea that some groups that probably spoke Germanic languages from Scandinavia expanded south across the Baltic into the area between the Oder and Vistula rivers in the early centuries CE, although whether these expansions can be linked specifically with historical Goths is still debatable. Moreover, since a considerable\nproportion of Wielbark burials during this period were cremations, the possible presence of individuals with other ancestries cannot be strictly rejected if they were exclusively cremated (and are therefore invisible in the aDNA record).\nA previous study could not reject continuity in ancestry from the Wielbark-associated individuals to later medieval individuals from a similar region 12 . With the improved power of Twigstats, models of continuity are strongly rejected, with no one-source model of any preceding Iron Age or Bronze Age group providing a reasonable fit for the\nNature | Vol 637 | 2 January 2025 |\n121", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Expansions of Scandinavian-like ancestry\nWe assembled time transects using available aDNA data across several geographical regions in Europe, and infer their ancestry using a model with the EIA or Roman Iron Age sources previously defined (shown in Fig. 2a). Our modelling provides direct evidence of individuals with ancestry originating in northern Germany or Scandinavia appearing across Europe as early as the first century CE (Figs. 2b,c and 3 and Supplementary Table 3).\nIn the region of present-day Poland, our analysis suggests several clear shifts in ancestry. First, in the Middle to Late Bronze Age (1500 BCE to 1000 BCE), we observe a clear shift away from preceding ancestry originally associated with Corded Ware cultures 55 (Fig. 3a). Second, in the first to fifth century CE, individuals associated with Wielbark culture 5,12 show an additional strong shift away from the preceding Bronze Age groups, and can only be modelled with a >75% component attributed to the EIA Scandinavian Peninsula. Multiple individuals, especially from earlier Wielbark cemeteries, have approximately 100%\nFig. 2 | Ancestry from the Iron Age to the early medieval period in Europe.\na , Source groups used for qpAdm modelling of early medieval Europe. MDS is computed jointly with individuals from later periods using pairwise outgroup f 3 statistics (outgroup: Han Chinese people). These are calculated using Twigstats on Relate genealogies with a cut-off of 1,000 generations. The geographical map shows sampling locations of these individuals. b , The genetic structure of ancient groups predominantly from early medieval contexts shown on the same MDS as in a . The magnified inset shows an MDS computed without Twigstats on the same samples as the Twigstats MDS and focusing on early medieval or later individuals. c , Ancestry models of early medieval (EM) groups across Europe computed using qpAdm. Sample sizes are", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nInternational initiatives in Asian countries and others", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article\nIn present-day Slovakia, individuals associated with the Iron Age La Tène period appear close to Hungarian Scythians in the two dimensions of our MDS analysis, and are modelled as a mixture of central and eastern European ancestry. However, a first-century CE burial of a 50-60-year-old woman from Zohor is modelled only with Scandinavian-related ancestry, providing evidence of ancestry related to the Scandinavian EIA appearing southwest of the range of the Wielbark archaeological complex 5,57 (Fig. 3b). Later early medieval individuals from Slovakia have partial Scandinavian-related ancestry, providing evidence for the integration between expanding and local groups.\nNearby, in present-day Hungary, we observe Scandinavian-related ancestry components in several burials dating to the sixth century CE associated with Longobards (Longobard_earlyMED(I)) 10 (Fig. 2c). This is consistent with the original study 10 , which reported affinity to present-day groups from northwestern Europe (GBR, CEU and FIN in the 1000 Genomes Project (1000GP)) 10 but which we can resolve with\nhigher resolution using earlier genomes. Several other individuals from these Longobard burials (Longobard_earlyMED(II)) show no detectable ancestry from northern Europe and, instead, are more closely related to Iron Age groups in continental central Europe, putatively representing descendants of local people buried in a Longobard style. Our results are consistent with attestations that the Longobards originated in the areas of present-day northern Germany or Denmark, but that by the sixth century CE they incorporated multiple different cultural identities, and mixed ancestries. Present-day populations of Hungary do not appear to derive detectable ancestry from early medieval individuals from Longobard contexts, and are instead more similar to Scythian-related ancestry sources (Extended Data Fig. 6), consistent with the later impact of Avars, Magyars and other eastern groups 58 .", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Solid\nWood/Wood waste\nAgricultural waste\nCharcoal\nOther solid biomass", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Creating and sharing Lambda layers", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this book.", - "page_start": 432, - "page_end": 432, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Article\n53. Halsall, G. Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007).\n54. Skoglund, P. et al. Reconstructing prehistoric African population structure. Cell 171 , 59-71 (2017).\n55. Chyleński, M. et al. Patrilocality and hunter-gatherer-related ancestry of populations in East-Central Europe during the Middle Bronze Age. Nat. Commun. 14 , 4395 (2023).\n56. Heather, P. The Goths (Wiley-Blackwell, 1996).\n57. Elschek, K. in Grundprobleme. Thema: Macht des Goldes - Gold der Macht (Forschungen zu Spätantike und Mittelalter 2) (eds Hardt, M. & Heinrich-Tamáska, O.) 91-123 (Greiner, Bernhard A., 2013).\n58. Gnecchi-Ruscone, G. A., Szecsenyi-Nagy, A. & Koncz, I. Ancient genomes reveal origin and rapid trans-Eurasian migration of 7th century Avar elites. Cell 185 , 1402-1413 (2022).\n59. Veeramah, K. R. et al. Population genomic analysis of elongated skulls reveals extensive female-biased immigration in Early Medieval Bavaria. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 115 , 3494-3499 (2018).\n60. Martiniano, R. et al. Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons. Nat. Commun. 7 , 10326 (2016).\n61. Schiffels, S. & Sayer, D. in Migration and Integration From Prehistory to the Middle Ages (eds Meller, H. et al.) Vol. 17, 255 (Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle, 2017).\n62. Morez, A. et al. Imputed genomes and haplotype-based analyses of the Picts of early medieval Scotland reveal fine-scale relatedness between Iron Age, early medieval and the modern people of the UK. PLoS Genet. 19 , e1010360 (2023).", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 264, - "page_end": 264, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related publications\nThe publications that are listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics that are covered in this book.", - "page_start": 810, - "page_end": 810, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf", - "query": "What do the timescales during which high-amplitude flaring events occur in blazars indicate?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "that much of the en- ergy is being produced deep within the jet on small, sub-parsec scales", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "5. CONCLUSIONS\nThe motivation for observing blazars in the submillimeter is to study behavior close to the central engine, where the jet material is presumably still being accelerated. The separate emission processes that contribute to overall SED may present differently in BL Lacs and FSRQs, allowing us to understand the similarities and differences between blazar types. We have investigated these differences between objects in terms of submillimeter behavior and, in conclusion, find that\n· The SMA blazars exhibit submillimeter energy spectral indexes that follow the spectral sequence interpretation of blazars.\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n5\nFigure 5: Ratio of γ -ray luminosity to submillimeter luminosity in the 1mm band. The location of an object in this plot should be directly correlated with its blazar 'state', with FSRQs occupying the upper right and BL Lacs the lower left. Flat-spectrum radio quasar 3C 454.3 is the object with the highest submillimeter luminosity in this plot.\n· BL Lacs and FSRQs do not exhibit significant differences in amplitude of submillimeter variability or characteristic timescale, but our sample of BL Lacs may be dominated by highpeaked BL Lacs (HBLs), which exhibit observational similarities with FSRQs.\n· Blazar submillimeter light curves are consistent with being produced by a single process that accounts for both high and low states, with characteristic timescales 10 < τ rest < 500 days.\n· The blazars detected by Fermi have synchrotron peaks at higher frequencies, regardless of submillimeter luminosity.\n· FSRQs exhibit higher ratios of γ -ray to submillimeter luminosity than BL Lacs (Figure 5), but all objects inhabit a region of parameter space suggesting transitions between states during flaring epochs.\nAs Fermi continues to observe fainter sources, the sample of objects for which we can perform this type of analysis will increase and provide better limits on our results. To understand the physical relevance of these results, however, it is important to be able to distinguish between the difference in variability between BL\neConf C091122", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. INTRODUCTION\nThe timescales on which high-amplitude flaring events occur in blazars indicate that much of the energy is being produced deep within the jet on small, sub-parsec scales [1, 2]. Understanding if/how emission differs between blazar subclasses (i.e., BL Lacs objects and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs)) may offer important insight into the similarity between blazars and, furthermore, can provide constraints on the formation and acceleration of the jets themselves.\nFor the synchrotron component of blazar spectra, the low-frequency spectral break due to synchrotron self-absorption moves to higher frequencies as one measures closer to the base of the jet [2]. This often places the peak of the spectrum in the millimeter and submillimeter bands, where the emission is optically-thin and originates on parsec and sub-parsec scales [3], allowing direct observation of the most compact regions near the central engine. The high energy γ -ray emission originates as a Compton process, typically a combination of synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) and external-radiation-Compton (ERC). Depending on the source properties, the synchrotron photons or external photons are upscattered by the same population of electrons that emit the millimeter and submillimeter spectra. Therefore the submillimeter and γ -ray emission are closely linked and give the full information about the source emission.\nA systematic study of the submillimeter properties of the entire sample of Fermi blazars has yet to be conducted and is one of the primary goals of our work. We present here preliminary analysis of the submillimeter properties of Fermi blazars detected by the Submil-\neConf C091122\nlimeter Array 1 ( SMA ) at 1mm and 850 µ m, including an investigation of variable behavior and the determination of submillimeter energy spectral indices. In addition, we consider the connection to the observed γ -ray indices and luminosities.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. SMA BLAZARS\nForty-four of the objects in our total blazar sample were detected by Fermi and can be found in the catalog of LAT Bright AGN Sources (LBAS) from Abdo et al. [7]. J0050-094 has no redshift in either the LBAS catalog or CGRaBS and is not included in our study. Of the 43 remaining sources, 14 are BL Lac objects and 29 are FSRQs, with 0 . 03 ≤ z ≤ 2 . 19.\nWe examined submillimeter light curves for all of the SMA blazars, with observations beginning in approximately 2003 (see Figure 1). Typically, the 1mm band is much more well-sampled in comparison to the 850m band, but visual inspection reveals that the regularity and quality of observations vary greatly from source to source. Many of the objects exhibit nonperiodic variability, either in the form of persistent, low-amplitude fluctuations or higher amplitude flaring behavior.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6. Blazars Upper Limits\nMore than 50 VHE blazar candidates were observed by VERITAS between September 2007 and June 2009. The total exposure on the 49 non-detected candidates is ∼ 305 h live time (average of 6.2 h per candidate). Approximately 55% of the total exposure is split amongst the 27 observed HBL. The remainder is divided amongst the 8 IBL (26%), 5 LBL (6%), and 9 FSRQ (13%). There are no clear indications of significant VHE γ -ray emission from any of these 49 blazars [25]. However, the observed significance distribution is clearly skewed towards positive values (see Figure 1). A stacking analysis performed on the entire data sample shows an overall excess of 430 γ -rays, corresponding to a statistical significance of 4.8 σ , observed from the directions of the candidate blazars. The IBL and HBL targets make up 96% of the observed excess. Observations of these objects also comprise ∼ 80% of the total exposure. An identical stacked analysis of all the extragalactic non-blazar targets observed, but not clearly detected ( > 5 σ ), by VERITAS does not show a significant excess ( ∼ 120 h exposure). The stacked excess persists using alternate methods for estimating the background at each blazar location, and with different event selection criteria (e.g. soft cuts optimized for sources with Γ VHE > 4). The distribution of VHE flux upper limits is shown in Figure 1. These 49 VHE flux upper limits are generally the most-constraining ever reported for these objects.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. Transient Source\n12-25 keV band, where the flux initially rose to about 240 mCrab (2009 Oct 25-28), suddenly dropped to non-detectable on 2009 October 29-30, then rose again during the period 2009 October 31 to November 2. As of mid December 2009, the source remains in a high intensity state. The light curve is shown for the period MJD 54700-55200, again with 1-day resolution, in Fig. 8. The fluxes for XTE J1752-223 in Table 1 are given are for the interval of flaring activity, TJD 55130-55180.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Submillimeter Variability and the Gamma-ray Connection in Fermi Blazars\nA. Strom Univ. of Arizona, AZ 85721, USA A. Siemiginowska, M. Gurwell, B. Kelly\nCfA, MA 02138, USA\nWe present multi-epoch observations from the Submillimeter Array ( SMA ) for a sample of 171 bright blazars, 43 of which were detected by Fermi during the first three months of observations. We explore the correlation between their gamma-ray properties and submillimeter observations of their parsec-scale jets, with a special emphasis on spectral index in both bands and the variability of the synchrotron component. Subclass is determined using a combination of Fermi designation and the Candidate Gamma-Ray Blazar Survey (CGRaBS), resulting in 35 BL Lac objects and 136 flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in our total sample. We calculate submillimeter energy spectral indices using contemporaneous observations in the 1 mm and 850 micron bands during the months August-October 2008. The submillimeter light curves are modeled as first-order continuous autoregressive processes, from which we derive characteristic timescales. Our blazar sample exhibits no differences in submillimeter variability amplitude or characteristic timescale as a function of subclass or luminosity. All of the the light curves are consistent with being produced by a single process that accounts for both low and high states, and there is additional evidence that objects may be transitioning between blazar class during flaring epochs.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. VERITAS Blazar KSP\nVERITAS observes for ∼ 750 h and ∼ 250 h each year during periods of astronomical darkness and partial moonlight, respectively. The moonlight observations are almost exclusively used for a blazar discovery program, and a large fraction of the dark time is used for the blazar KSP, which consists of:\n· A VHE blazar discovery program ( ∼ 200 h / yr): Each year ∼ 10 targets are selected to receive ∼ 10 h of observations each during astronomical darkness. These data are supplemented by discovery observations during periods of partial moonlight.\n· A target-of-opportunity (ToO) observation program ( ∼ 50 h / yr): VERITAS blazar observations can be triggered by either a VERITAS blazar discovery, a VHE flaring alert ( > 2 Crab) from the blazar monitoring program of the Whipple 10-m telescope or from another VHE instrument, or a lower-energy flaring alert (optical, X-ray or Fermi-LAT). Should the guaranteed allocation be exhausted, further time can be requested from a pool of director's discretionary time.\n· Multi-wavelength (MWL) studies of VHE blazars ( ∼ 50 h / yr + ToO): Each year one blazar receives a deep exposure in a pre-planned campaign of extensive, simultaneous MWL (Xray, optical, radio) measurements. ToO observation proposals for MWL measurements are also submitted to lower-energy observatories (e.g. Swift) and are triggered by a VERITAS discovery or flaring alert.\n· Distant VHE blazar studies to constrain the extragalactic background light (EBL): Here distant targets are given a higher priority in the blazar discovery program, as well as for the MWL observations of known VHE blazars, particularly those with hard VHE spectra.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2. First-Order Continuous Autoregression\nFigure 3: Characteristic timescale (days) versus submillimeter luminosity (erg s -1 ) in the 1mm band for all objects. Physically, τ represents a 'relaxation timescale', the timescale beyond which events are no longer correlated.\nboth classes extending across a large range in τ . Because of the uncertainty for objects with shorter characteristic timescales, it is hard to draw any definitive conclusions about the differences between classes. It is important to note that τ does not necessarily represent a flaring timescale, which is a behavior that typically operates on a scale of ∼ 10-100 days and not on the longer timescales we see in τ .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nActive galactic nuclei are the most numerous class of identified VHE γ -ray sources. These objects emit non-thermal radiation across ∼ 20 orders of magnitude in energy and rank among the most powerful particle accelerators in the universe. A small fraction of AGN possess strong collimated outflows (jets) powered by accretion onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH). VHE γ -ray emission can be generated in these jets, likely in a compact region very near the SMBH event horizon. Blazars, a class of AGN with jets pointed along the line-of-sight to the observer, are of particular interest in the VHE regime. Approximately 30 blazars, primarily high-frequency-peaked BL Lacs (HBL), are identified as sources of VHE γ -rays, and some are spectacularly variable on time scales comparable to the light crossing time of their SMBH ( ∼ 2 min; [1]). VHE blazar studies probe the environment very near the central SMBH and address a wide range of physical phenomena, including the accretion and jet-formation processes. These studies also have cosmological implications, as VHE blazar data can be used to strongly constrain primordial radiation fields (see the extragalactic background light (EBL) constraints from, e.g., [2, 3]).\nVHE blazars have double-humped spectral energy distributions (SEDs), with one peak at UV/X-ray energies and another at GeV/TeV energies. The origin of the lower-energy peak is commonly explained as synchrotron emission from the relativistic electrons in the blazar jets. The origin of the higher-energy peak is controversial, but is widely believed to be the result of inverse-Compton scattering of seed photons off the same relativistic electrons. The origin of the seed photons in these leptonic scenarios could be the synchrotron photons themselves, or photons from an external source. Hadronic scenarios are also plausible explanations for the VHE emission, but generally are not favored.\nContemporaneous multi-wavelength (MWL) obser-\neConf C091122", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. CONCLUSIONS\nLacs and FSRQs. One avenue for exploring this difference is to monitor changing submillimeter energy spectral index and the ratio of γ -ray to submillimeter luminosity as functions of time. The full meaning of the results of our autoregressive method is not yet clear, and will require better-sampled blazar light curves and the comparison between τ rest with physical timescales such as the synchrotron cooling timescale. These analyses would allow us to place constraints on the processes occurring near the base of the jet in blazars and further understand the intimate connection between them.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf", - "query": "Where is the Submillimeter Array?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "near the summit of Mauna Ke", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2. SMA BLAZARS\nThe Submillimeter Array [4] consists of eight 6 m antennas located near the summit of Mauna Kea. The SMA is used in a variety of baseline configurations and typically operates in the 1mm and 850 µ m windows, achieving spatial resolution as fine as 0.25' at 850 µ m. The sources used as phase calibrators for the array are compiled in a database known as the SMA Calibrator List 2 [5]. Essentially a collection of bright objects (stronger than 750 mJy at 230 GHz and 1 Jy at 345 GHz), these sources are monitored regularly, both during science observations and dedicated observing tracks.\nTo select our sample, we identified objects in the calibrator list that were also classified as BL Lacs or FSRQs by the Candidate Gamma-Ray Blazar Survey [6, CGRaBS]. Of the 243 total objects in the calibrator list, 171 (35 BL Lacs and 136 FSRQs) have positive blazar class identifications, although there are three sources (J0238+166, J0428-379, and\n1 The Submillimeter Array is a joint project between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics and is funded by the Smithsonian Institution and the Academia Sinica.\n2 http://sma1.sma.hawaii.edu/callist/callist.html\n2\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nFigure 1: The SMA light curves for 3C 454.3. The open circles represent the 850 µ m observations, and the open triangles represent the 1mm observations.\nJ1751+096) which have conflicting classifications between Fermi and CGRaBS. Some blazars found in the calibrator list have been studied extensively (e.g., 3C 279 and 3C 454.3) but the SMA blazars have not been studied collectively.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. INTRODUCTION\nThe timescales on which high-amplitude flaring events occur in blazars indicate that much of the energy is being produced deep within the jet on small, sub-parsec scales [1, 2]. Understanding if/how emission differs between blazar subclasses (i.e., BL Lacs objects and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs)) may offer important insight into the similarity between blazars and, furthermore, can provide constraints on the formation and acceleration of the jets themselves.\nFor the synchrotron component of blazar spectra, the low-frequency spectral break due to synchrotron self-absorption moves to higher frequencies as one measures closer to the base of the jet [2]. This often places the peak of the spectrum in the millimeter and submillimeter bands, where the emission is optically-thin and originates on parsec and sub-parsec scales [3], allowing direct observation of the most compact regions near the central engine. The high energy γ -ray emission originates as a Compton process, typically a combination of synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) and external-radiation-Compton (ERC). Depending on the source properties, the synchrotron photons or external photons are upscattered by the same population of electrons that emit the millimeter and submillimeter spectra. Therefore the submillimeter and γ -ray emission are closely linked and give the full information about the source emission.\nA systematic study of the submillimeter properties of the entire sample of Fermi blazars has yet to be conducted and is one of the primary goals of our work. We present here preliminary analysis of the submillimeter properties of Fermi blazars detected by the Submil-\neConf C091122\nlimeter Array 1 ( SMA ) at 1mm and 850 µ m, including an investigation of variable behavior and the determination of submillimeter energy spectral indices. In addition, we consider the connection to the observed γ -ray indices and luminosities.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION\nWashington, D.C. 20549", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION\nWashington, D.C. 20549", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Submillimeter Variability and the Gamma-ray Connection in Fermi Blazars\nA. Strom Univ. of Arizona, AZ 85721, USA A. Siemiginowska, M. Gurwell, B. Kelly\nCfA, MA 02138, USA\nWe present multi-epoch observations from the Submillimeter Array ( SMA ) for a sample of 171 bright blazars, 43 of which were detected by Fermi during the first three months of observations. We explore the correlation between their gamma-ray properties and submillimeter observations of their parsec-scale jets, with a special emphasis on spectral index in both bands and the variability of the synchrotron component. Subclass is determined using a combination of Fermi designation and the Candidate Gamma-Ray Blazar Survey (CGRaBS), resulting in 35 BL Lac objects and 136 flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in our total sample. We calculate submillimeter energy spectral indices using contemporaneous observations in the 1 mm and 850 micron bands during the months August-October 2008. The submillimeter light curves are modeled as first-order continuous autoregressive processes, from which we derive characteristic timescales. Our blazar sample exhibits no differences in submillimeter variability amplitude or characteristic timescale as a function of subclass or luminosity. All of the the light curves are consistent with being produced by a single process that accounts for both low and high states, and there is additional evidence that objects may be transitioning between blazar class during flaring epochs.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0955v2 [astro-ph.HE] 6 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0955.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION\nWashington, D.C. 20549", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0806v1 [astro-ph.HE] 6 Jan 2010\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n1", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. CONNECTION WITH GAMMA-RAYS\nIn general, we find that in the submillimeter, we are observing these blazars at or near the peak of the synchrotron component ( α S ∼ 0), but that Fermi -detected sources have more negative energy spectral indices overall than Fermi -nondetected sources. In Figure 4, we see that while the majority of Fermi blazars are observed on the rising part of the synchrotron component (at lower energies than the peak), all of the objects have very steeply falling γ -ray energy spectral indexes, putting the γ -ray peak at lower energies than the observed Fermi band. Knowing that we are not observing the synchrotron and γ -ray components at analagous points in the spectrum may allow us to better understand the magnetic field in the parsec-scale jet region and the population of external photons that is being upscattered to γ -rays.\nIn Figure 5, the ratio between L γ and νL ν, 1mm reflects the division between BL Lacs and FSRQs as well\n4\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nFigure 4: The γ -ray index versus submillimeter index plane. The blazars fall more steeply in the γ -rays than in the submillimeter band, where most are, in fact, rising. This LAT-detected sample contrasts with the full SMA sample, where the blazars are more distributed around α S ∼ 0.\nas the presence of SSC versus ERC. Here, we use submillimeter luminosity as a proxy for jet power, which is correlated with the integrated luminosity of the synchrotron component. Elevated γ -ray luminosity with respect to the synchrotron component (which is often seen in FSRQs) suggests the upscattering of external photons off the synchrotron-emitting electrons. These objects should occupy the upper right of the ratio/jet power plot, and BL Lacs, which generally exhibit components with roughly comparable luminosities, should occupy the lower left. It is clear from the figure, however, that many FSRQs exhibit ratios similar to those of the BL Lacs and vis versa.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1. Submillimeter Properties\nSubmillimeter Luminosities. Since we are primarily concerned with comparisons to Fermi observations, we note that only 129 of the SMA blazars (23 BL Lacs and 106 FSRQs) were observed by the SMA in either band during the three months August-October 2008. For these objects, submillimeter luminosities are calculated in the standard way:\nν e L ν e = 4 πD 2 L ν obs F obs 1 + z , (1)\nwhere D L is the luminosity distance, ν obs is the frequency of the observed band, and F obs is the average\neConf C091122\nFigure 2: Variability index for our sample (top: 1mm, bottom: 850 µ m), with FSRQs as the hatched distribution and BL Lacs as the solid distribution. There is no signicant difference in the class distributions in either band; the 'tail' to the left is populated by objects with errors larger than the intrinsic variability.\nflux (in erg cm -2 s -1 Hz -1 ) over the three month period. We adopt a lambda cold dark matter cosmology with values of H 0 = 71 km s -1 Mpc -1 , Ω M = 0 . 27, and Λ = 0 . 73.\nEnergy Spectral Indices. We derive submillimeter spectral energy indices from observations quasisimultaneous with the Fermi observations. To be consistent with the use of α γ , we define spectral energy index as νF ν = ν -α S and calculate α S from the average of the energy spectral indices over the corresponding three months. We only calculate α S for the 16 objects (8 BL Lacs and 35 FSRQs) with observations at both 1mm and 850 µ m during this time frame.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf", - "query": "How many blazars were observed by the SMA in either band during the three months August-October 2008?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "only 129 of the SMA blazars", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2. SMA BLAZARS\nForty-four of the objects in our total blazar sample were detected by Fermi and can be found in the catalog of LAT Bright AGN Sources (LBAS) from Abdo et al. [7]. J0050-094 has no redshift in either the LBAS catalog or CGRaBS and is not included in our study. Of the 43 remaining sources, 14 are BL Lac objects and 29 are FSRQs, with 0 . 03 ≤ z ≤ 2 . 19.\nWe examined submillimeter light curves for all of the SMA blazars, with observations beginning in approximately 2003 (see Figure 1). Typically, the 1mm band is much more well-sampled in comparison to the 850m band, but visual inspection reveals that the regularity and quality of observations vary greatly from source to source. Many of the objects exhibit nonperiodic variability, either in the form of persistent, low-amplitude fluctuations or higher amplitude flaring behavior.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1. Submillimeter Properties\nSubmillimeter Luminosities. Since we are primarily concerned with comparisons to Fermi observations, we note that only 129 of the SMA blazars (23 BL Lacs and 106 FSRQs) were observed by the SMA in either band during the three months August-October 2008. For these objects, submillimeter luminosities are calculated in the standard way:\nν e L ν e = 4 πD 2 L ν obs F obs 1 + z , (1)\nwhere D L is the luminosity distance, ν obs is the frequency of the observed band, and F obs is the average\neConf C091122\nFigure 2: Variability index for our sample (top: 1mm, bottom: 850 µ m), with FSRQs as the hatched distribution and BL Lacs as the solid distribution. There is no signicant difference in the class distributions in either band; the 'tail' to the left is populated by objects with errors larger than the intrinsic variability.\nflux (in erg cm -2 s -1 Hz -1 ) over the three month period. We adopt a lambda cold dark matter cosmology with values of H 0 = 71 km s -1 Mpc -1 , Ω M = 0 . 27, and Λ = 0 . 73.\nEnergy Spectral Indices. We derive submillimeter spectral energy indices from observations quasisimultaneous with the Fermi observations. To be consistent with the use of α γ , we define spectral energy index as νF ν = ν -α S and calculate α S from the average of the energy spectral indices over the corresponding three months. We only calculate α S for the 16 objects (8 BL Lacs and 35 FSRQs) with observations at both 1mm and 850 µ m during this time frame.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. SMA BLAZARS\nThe Submillimeter Array [4] consists of eight 6 m antennas located near the summit of Mauna Kea. The SMA is used in a variety of baseline configurations and typically operates in the 1mm and 850 µ m windows, achieving spatial resolution as fine as 0.25' at 850 µ m. The sources used as phase calibrators for the array are compiled in a database known as the SMA Calibrator List 2 [5]. Essentially a collection of bright objects (stronger than 750 mJy at 230 GHz and 1 Jy at 345 GHz), these sources are monitored regularly, both during science observations and dedicated observing tracks.\nTo select our sample, we identified objects in the calibrator list that were also classified as BL Lacs or FSRQs by the Candidate Gamma-Ray Blazar Survey [6, CGRaBS]. Of the 243 total objects in the calibrator list, 171 (35 BL Lacs and 136 FSRQs) have positive blazar class identifications, although there are three sources (J0238+166, J0428-379, and\n1 The Submillimeter Array is a joint project between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics and is funded by the Smithsonian Institution and the Academia Sinica.\n2 http://sma1.sma.hawaii.edu/callist/callist.html\n2\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nFigure 1: The SMA light curves for 3C 454.3. The open circles represent the 850 µ m observations, and the open triangles represent the 1mm observations.\nJ1751+096) which have conflicting classifications between Fermi and CGRaBS. Some blazars found in the calibrator list have been studied extensively (e.g., 3C 279 and 3C 454.3) but the SMA blazars have not been studied collectively.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Submillimeter Variability and the Gamma-ray Connection in Fermi Blazars\nA. Strom Univ. of Arizona, AZ 85721, USA A. Siemiginowska, M. Gurwell, B. Kelly\nCfA, MA 02138, USA\nWe present multi-epoch observations from the Submillimeter Array ( SMA ) for a sample of 171 bright blazars, 43 of which were detected by Fermi during the first three months of observations. We explore the correlation between their gamma-ray properties and submillimeter observations of their parsec-scale jets, with a special emphasis on spectral index in both bands and the variability of the synchrotron component. Subclass is determined using a combination of Fermi designation and the Candidate Gamma-Ray Blazar Survey (CGRaBS), resulting in 35 BL Lac objects and 136 flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in our total sample. We calculate submillimeter energy spectral indices using contemporaneous observations in the 1 mm and 850 micron bands during the months August-October 2008. The submillimeter light curves are modeled as first-order continuous autoregressive processes, from which we derive characteristic timescales. Our blazar sample exhibits no differences in submillimeter variability amplitude or characteristic timescale as a function of subclass or luminosity. All of the the light curves are consistent with being produced by a single process that accounts for both low and high states, and there is additional evidence that objects may be transitioning between blazar class during flaring epochs.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7. Multi-wavelength Studies of VHE Blazars\nDuring the first three seasons of VERITAS observations, pre-planned extensive MWL campaigns were organized for three blazars 1ES 2344+514 (2007-08), 1ES 1218+304 (2008-09) and 1ES 0229+200 (200910 - ongoing). In addition, numerous ToO MWLobservation campaigns were performed. These include campaigns for every blazar/AGN discovered by VERITAS, and all include Swift (XRT and UVOT) data. All MWL campaigns on the VHE blazars discovered\n4\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\nFigure 1: (Left) The preliminary significance measured from each of the 49 non-detected candidates using standard analysis cuts. The curve shows a Gaussian distribution, with mean zero and standard deviation one, normalized to the number of blazars. A similar result is obtained using analysis cuts optimized for soft-spectrum sources. (Right) The distribution of flux upper limits for the non-detected blazars in percentage of Crab Nebula flux above the observation threshold. The time-weighted average limit is less than ∼ 2% Crab flux.\nσ\nsince the launch of Fermi include LAT detections. In addition, several MWL campaigns on the well-studied VHE blazars Mkn 421 and Mkn 501 (please see the contributions of D. Gall and A. Konopelko in these proceedings) were also performed. Highlights of these campaigns include:", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. CONCLUSIONS\nThe motivation for observing blazars in the submillimeter is to study behavior close to the central engine, where the jet material is presumably still being accelerated. The separate emission processes that contribute to overall SED may present differently in BL Lacs and FSRQs, allowing us to understand the similarities and differences between blazar types. We have investigated these differences between objects in terms of submillimeter behavior and, in conclusion, find that\n· The SMA blazars exhibit submillimeter energy spectral indexes that follow the spectral sequence interpretation of blazars.\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n5\nFigure 5: Ratio of γ -ray luminosity to submillimeter luminosity in the 1mm band. The location of an object in this plot should be directly correlated with its blazar 'state', with FSRQs occupying the upper right and BL Lacs the lower left. Flat-spectrum radio quasar 3C 454.3 is the object with the highest submillimeter luminosity in this plot.\n· BL Lacs and FSRQs do not exhibit significant differences in amplitude of submillimeter variability or characteristic timescale, but our sample of BL Lacs may be dominated by highpeaked BL Lacs (HBLs), which exhibit observational similarities with FSRQs.\n· Blazar submillimeter light curves are consistent with being produced by a single process that accounts for both high and low states, with characteristic timescales 10 < τ rest < 500 days.\n· The blazars detected by Fermi have synchrotron peaks at higher frequencies, regardless of submillimeter luminosity.\n· FSRQs exhibit higher ratios of γ -ray to submillimeter luminosity than BL Lacs (Figure 5), but all objects inhabit a region of parameter space suggesting transitions between states during flaring epochs.\nAs Fermi continues to observe fainter sources, the sample of objects for which we can perform this type of analysis will increase and provide better limits on our results. To understand the physical relevance of these results, however, it is important to be able to distinguish between the difference in variability between BL\neConf C091122", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. INTRODUCTION\nThe timescales on which high-amplitude flaring events occur in blazars indicate that much of the energy is being produced deep within the jet on small, sub-parsec scales [1, 2]. Understanding if/how emission differs between blazar subclasses (i.e., BL Lacs objects and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs)) may offer important insight into the similarity between blazars and, furthermore, can provide constraints on the formation and acceleration of the jets themselves.\nFor the synchrotron component of blazar spectra, the low-frequency spectral break due to synchrotron self-absorption moves to higher frequencies as one measures closer to the base of the jet [2]. This often places the peak of the spectrum in the millimeter and submillimeter bands, where the emission is optically-thin and originates on parsec and sub-parsec scales [3], allowing direct observation of the most compact regions near the central engine. The high energy γ -ray emission originates as a Compton process, typically a combination of synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) and external-radiation-Compton (ERC). Depending on the source properties, the synchrotron photons or external photons are upscattered by the same population of electrons that emit the millimeter and submillimeter spectra. Therefore the submillimeter and γ -ray emission are closely linked and give the full information about the source emission.\nA systematic study of the submillimeter properties of the entire sample of Fermi blazars has yet to be conducted and is one of the primary goals of our work. We present here preliminary analysis of the submillimeter properties of Fermi blazars detected by the Submil-\neConf C091122\nlimeter Array 1 ( SMA ) at 1mm and 850 µ m, including an investigation of variable behavior and the determination of submillimeter energy spectral indices. In addition, we consider the connection to the observed γ -ray indices and luminosities.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[1] M. Sikora and G. Madejski, in American Institute of Physics Conference Series , edited by F. A. Aharonian and H. J. Volk (2001), vol. 558 of American Institute of Physics Conference Series , pp. 275-288.\n[2] M. Sikora, in Blazar Demographics and Physics , edited by P. Padovani and C. M. Urry (2001), vol. 227 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series , pp. 95-104.\n[3] J. A. Stevens, S. J. Litchfield, E. I. Robson, D. H. Hughes, W. K. Gear, H. Terasranta, E. Valtaoja, and M. Tornikoski, ApJ 437 , 91 (1994).\n[4] P. T. P. Ho, J. M. Moran, and K. Y. Lo, ApJl 616 , L1 (2004).\n[5] M. A. Gurwell, A. B. Peck, S. R. Hostler, M. R. Darrah, and C. A. Katz, in From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies , edited by A. J. Baker, J. Glenn, A. I. Harris,\neConf C091122", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "1001.0806.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.1. Recent VERITAS Blazar Discoveries\nPrior to the launch of Fermi VERITAS had discovered VHE emission from 2 blazars. These included the first VHE-detected IBL, W Comae [14, 15], and the HBL 1ES0806+524 [16]. VERITAS has discovered 6 VHE blazars since the launch of Fermi. Three of these were initially observed by VERITAS prior to the release of Fermi-LAT results, due to the X-ray brightness of the synchrotron peaks of their SEDs.\nVHEemission from 3C66A was discovered by VERITAS in September 2008 [17] during a flaring episode that was also observed by the Fermi-LAT [18]. The observed flux above 200 GeV was 6% of the Crab Nebula flux and the measured VHE spectrum was very soft (Γ VHE ∼ 4 . 1). RGBJ0710+591 was detected\n2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5\n3\nTable I VERITAS AGN Detections. The only non-blazar object is the radio galaxy M 87. The blazars discovered at VHE by VERITAS are marked with a dagger.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7. Multi-wavelength Studies of VHE Blazars\n· 1ES 2344+514: A major (50% Crab) VHE flare, along with correlations of the VHE and X-ray flux were observed from this HBL. The VHE and X-ray spectra harden during bright states, and a synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model can explain the observed SED in both the high and low states [26].\n· 1ES 1218+304: This HBL flared during VERITAS MWL observations. Its unusually hard VHE spectrum strongly constrains the EBL. The observed flaring rules out kpc-scale jet emission as the explanation of the spectral hardness and places the EBL constraints on more solidfooting [27, 28].\n· 1ES 0806+524: The observed SED of this new VHE HBL can be explained by an SSC model [16].\n· W Comae: This IBL, the first discovered at VHE, flared twice in 2008 [14, 15]. Modeling of the SED is improved by including an externalCompton (EC) component in an SSC interpretation.\n· 3C 66A: This IBL flared at VHE and MeV-GeV energies in 2008[17, 18]. Similar to W Comae and PKS 1424+240, modeling of observed SED suggests a strong EC component in addition to an SSC component.\n· Mkn 421: This HBL exhibited major flaring behavior for several months in 2008. Correlations of the VHE and X-ray flux were observed, along with spectral hardening with increased flux in both bands [29].\neConf C091122\n· RGBJ0710+591: Modeling the SED of this HBL with an SSC model yields a good fit to the data. The inclusion of an external Compton component does not improve the fit.\n· PKS1424+240: The broadband SED of this IBL (at unknown redshift) is well described by an SSC model favoring a redshift of less than 0.1 [21]. Using the photon index measured with Fermi-LAT in combination with recent EBL absorption models, the VERITAS data indicate that the redshift of PKS 1424+240 is less than 0.66.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "1001.0770.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf", - "query": "How big is the Mermaid fleet?", - "target_page": 12, - "target_passage": "Mermaid operates a fleet of fifteen (15) tugs, workboats and barges, undertaking all forms of offshore activity", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "MERMAID FLEET\n23", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "B. QUAY WALL ( BERTH 1)\nMarket research and customer needs have caused Mermaid to relocate and redesign the main berth to accommodate a wider range of vessels than originally contemplated. The berth is now located in deeper water with better vessel access.\nThe regional offshore fleet characteristics have been changing in terms of vessel size. There are now four vessels operating in the region with 12,000 to 18,000 hp. When design commenced there were none of this size.\nThe depth alongside Berth 1 will be 7.5m. King Bay has a statistical average extreme low tide (MLWS) of 0.9 m, the occurrence of which can be expressed in hours per month. The largest", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The primary responsibilities of the Board include:\nEstablishing Mermaid's goals and developing strategic plans to achieve them; ·\nThe review and adoption of annual budgets and cashflow forecasts for the financial performance of Mermaid and monitoring the results on an ongoing basis; ·\nIdentifying business risks and implementing actions to manage those risks; ·\nDeveloping an effective management and corporate system to ensure safety, quality, measure progress and exercise control; ·\nEnsuring the employment and further development of efficient and qualified staff for the growth of the Company's business consistent with industry leadership; ·\nIdentifying and developing strategic relationships for growth and access to specialist expertise; and ·\n·\nDevelop clear and accurate annual and half-yearly financial reports for Mermaid stakeholders.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "C. QUAY WALL (BERTH 2)\nThe inner berth, Berth 2 has a minimum depth alongside of 5.0 m allowing unrestricted operation of all the Mermaid fleet, and the majority of other vessels servicing the offshore oil/gas industry and mineral ports. This berth will offer excellent weather protection for small and medium size vessels.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING\nMermaid Marine Australia Limited's ordinary shares are quoted by the Australian Stock Exchange Limited.", - "page_start": 67, - "page_end": 67, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Related resource:\n· Deploy container images", - "page_start": 61, - "page_end": 61, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS\nThe Chairman's and Operations Reviews give indications, in general terms, of likely developments in Mermaid's operations in future financial years and the expected results of those operations.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2000\n19(b), Company.1999.$ = 5,392,785\n* These cash flows form part of the acquisition of Mermaid Marine Group Pty Ltd as disclosed in Note 19(d).\nThe statement of cash flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes on pages 21 to 42.\n37", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 40, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ethical Standards\nThe Board is committed to the establishment and maintenance of the highest ethical standards to underpin Mermaid's operations and corporate practices.\n25\n26", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CORPORATE GOVERNANCE\nThe Directors are responsible for the Corporate Governance practices of Mermaid. This statement sets out the main Corporate Governance practices that were in operation during the Period.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf", - "query": "What was the budget for the expansion of Dampier Base?", - "target_page": 14, - "target_passage": "a capital budget of $13m", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "BASE EXPANSION WORKS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT\nWork on Dampier\nBase expansion commenced on 9 October and will be largely complete by June 2001, involving a capital budget of $13m.\nThe principle activities and facility developments involved in the expansion are:", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "annual Investment in acquisitions and Development\n$ millions", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OPERATING CASH FLOW AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE\n$ million", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OPERATIONS REVIEW\nA slipway initially capable of receiving vessels up to 2,700 tonnes capacity will handle most of the 60 vessels currently working in the region, a considerable number, but one which will rise over coming years. First class engineering facilities have been planned and highly experienced management recruited. Alternative slipways offering comparable capacity are only to be found in Darwin or Fremantle, a sea journey of approximately 1000 miles from this operational region. Australia has emerged as a centre of excellence with respect to vessel repair work, the Dampier facility will both benefit from and protect that valuable reputation.\nRehabilitated land for buildings and storage will finally extend over 17 hectares. The major oilfield services company Halliburton, have been attracted to the base as a tenant and a $1.1m purpose built building is being constructed for their use. Negotiations are also proceeding with other groups who recognise the unique advantages of operating from this strategically positioned Base. Rental income and associated revenues such as plant and labour hire will contribute significantly to the overall economics of the facility.\nProtected moorings for cyclone shelter will be established inside the breakwater for long term lease to local tug operators. The demand arises from serious vessel and crew safety considerations. The Dampier Port Authority are reluctant to see the continued use of cyclone moorings in the Harbour, not only for safety reasons, but for environmental concerns as well. Oil spills are not acceptable under any circumstances and will be avoided whatever the cost. Tug owners share similar concerns, but in addition they need to remain in a position of readiness for crews and equipment to resume their important functions immediately following a cyclonic event. The number of specific purpose spread moorings, detailed on the adjacent plan will total 10 in the first phase of construction, a limit which will be assisted by an ability to remove vessels up to 100 tonnes from the water by wharf crane for tie down on cradles.\nConstruction of the Dampier Base commenced on the 9th October this year, with an expectation that all major elements of the project will be largely completed within 12 months.\nThe 'Clough Challenge' Barge Shallow Water Construction Support Barge in the East Spar Field\n9", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Base Salary\n- 33 -", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SEAGOING OPERATIONS\nMermaid operates a fleet of fifteen (15) tugs, workboats and barges, undertaking all forms of offshore activity including exploration support, supply, survey and berthing assist. Lower vessel utilisation during the period allowed an acceleration of scheduled maintenance. Two tugs, Mermaid Commando and Mermaid Chieftan received extensive refits. In both cases the work increased productivity through enhanced bollard pull and consequent earnings.\nSafety was given the highest priority through new monitoring systems and awareness programs. Formalised on the job instruction and training courses have also lifted levels of experience and proficiency across the workforce.\nThe offshore waters and islands adjacent to Dampier, host in excess of 50% of all exploration and development budgets of Australia's offshore oil and gas industry. The Burrup Peninsular where the Base is located is the intended site of major new oil, gas, petrochemical and industrial mineral processing plants. The Port of Dampier is Australia's largest Port as measured by tonnage, but as identified in the 1997 WA Department of Commerce and Trade report, there remains an urgent need for additional marine support infrastructure. Mermaid is now well advanced in our plan to satisfy those needs and onshore work was announced to start on the 9th October 2000. DAMPIER BASE\nSince receiving approval in principle for development of the Dampier Base from the Western Australian Minister for the Environment in February 2000, engineering and general design work in connection with the base proceeded at an accelerated pace.\nThis work, assisted by technical studies and a re-assessment of an increased demand for services arising out of greater expectations for growth in the sector, has led to improvements and expansion of capacity over earlier plans.\nThe Dampier Base will now comprise:-\n·\n·\nAn 'all tides' approach channel to a minimum depth of 6 metres", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CAPITAL EXPENDITURE INVESTMENTS\nCapital expenditures were $34.8 million in 2003, $25.9 million in 2002, and $36.9 million in 2001. Expenditures during 2003, 2002, and 2001 have been consistently focused on machinery and equipment needed to support new products, process improvements, and cost savings initiatives. Expenditures in 2003 also included the purchase from a related party of a previously leased hearth products plant for $3.6 million.", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHALLENGER EXPLORATION\nExploration expenditure totalled $8.8 million during the year comprising $1.8 million of resource development and exploration costs delineating targets outside of the reserve and $7.0 million on underground mining of lodes outside of the reserve. The majority of the mining exploration costs occurred in the first quarter and included portions of 240 and 205 Aminus 2 and 670 Challenger West before they were upgraded to the reserve.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Houtman Basin\nAnnual Report 2004", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STRENGTH\n$\nmillion", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf", - "query": "When did Mermaid Marine Service Base in the Port of Broome start?", - "target_page": 22, - "target_passage": "1 February 2000", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "BROOME SUPPLY BASE\nMermaid Marine services base at the Port of Broome (Broome Base) commenced operations on 1 February 2000 when the first ship containing drill pipe for Inpex Browse Ltd arrived from Japan.\nAs a result of Mermaid's efforts in establishing the Broome Base, Inpex Browse Ltd., BHP Petroleum and Woodside have used Broome as their base for drilling a total of four (4) offshore wells.\nIt is presently expected that at least six (6) exploration wells will be drilled in the area during 2001. The Base now employs as many as ten (10) staff up from the three (3) who commenced in February 2000. Excellent management and staff competence are the prime factors, which have delivered the smooth start up and continued success at Broome.\nThe Mermaid Broome Supply Base certified Impex, Woodside and BHP Petroleum exploration program during 2000.\nThe base is currently secured on a come and go lease arrangement, located on Port premises adjacent to the wharf gates. Although convenient, with an excellent cyclone proof building, the site has limitations in terms of size and slope. An area more suitable for our long term needs has been optioned from Port authorities and discussions will proceed with our clients this year to determine their precise needs.\nThe success of Browse Basin wells drilled this year, strong developments in the energy sector and the intention of operators to base their 2001 operations in Broome, have encouraged the Board to consider further investment to ensure that capability keeps pace with demand and that we leave no reason for competitors to offer more or better.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SEAGOING OPERATIONS\nMermaid operates a fleet of fifteen (15) tugs, workboats and barges, undertaking all forms of offshore activity including exploration support, supply, survey and berthing assist. Lower vessel utilisation during the period allowed an acceleration of scheduled maintenance. Two tugs, Mermaid Commando and Mermaid Chieftan received extensive refits. In both cases the work increased productivity through enhanced bollard pull and consequent earnings.\nSafety was given the highest priority through new monitoring systems and awareness programs. Formalised on the job instruction and training courses have also lifted levels of experience and proficiency across the workforce.\nThe offshore waters and islands adjacent to Dampier, host in excess of 50% of all exploration and development budgets of Australia's offshore oil and gas industry. The Burrup Peninsular where the Base is located is the intended site of major new oil, gas, petrochemical and industrial mineral processing plants. The Port of Dampier is Australia's largest Port as measured by tonnage, but as identified in the 1997 WA Department of Commerce and Trade report, there remains an urgent need for additional marine support infrastructure. Mermaid is now well advanced in our plan to satisfy those needs and onshore work was announced to start on the 9th October 2000. DAMPIER BASE\nSince receiving approval in principle for development of the Dampier Base from the Western Australian Minister for the Environment in February 2000, engineering and general design work in connection with the base proceeded at an accelerated pace.\nThis work, assisted by technical studies and a re-assessment of an increased demand for services arising out of greater expectations for growth in the sector, has led to improvements and expansion of capacity over earlier plans.\nThe Dampier Base will now comprise:-\n·\n·\nAn 'all tides' approach channel to a minimum depth of 6 metres", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OPERATIONS REVIEW\nThe foreshore of King Bay will be redeveloped as part of the Mermaid Marine Dampier Base Expansion works.\nleased facilities to seven third party vessels and protection for three of our own vessels using this technique by the cyclone season in 2001.\nAs more vessels seek protection, additional breakwaters can be constructed and sea room dredged. Each mooring involves a pattern of pin piles drilled into the granite sea floor with four vessel specific mooring lines secured to special attachment points on the vessel.\nMany smaller vessels including Mermaid's will be lifted from the water and tied down on purpose built cradles for cyclones.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING\nMermaid Marine Australia Limited's ordinary shares are quoted by the Australian Stock Exchange Limited.", - "page_start": 67, - "page_end": 67, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OPERATIONS REVIEW\nDarwin is serviced by three marine infrastructure elements.\na. A public port adjacent to the main business centre, which is destined to be redeveloped as a cruise ship and tourism precinct .\nb. A group of freehold water front properties on Frances Bay near to the main business center.\nc. A recently commissioned public port and industrial estate at East Arm some 25 km from the main business district.\nDarwin already has an abundance of shore based logistics service providers who operate from onshore industrial estates through publicly owned facilities.\nThe Northern Territory Government has sponsored a study to determine the marine infrastructure deficits of the Darwin area. Mermaid has contributed to the study and is monitoring the subsequent planning processes.\nRegardless of industry trends, Mermaid has a need for a Darwin Base to service and care for Mermaid vessels working in the area. Too often vessels have been demobilised to Dampier at the conclusion of a contract then being required to return to Darwin within days or weeks for another assignment.\nMermaid has decided that needs and opportunities in the north of Australia can be best served by entering a co-operative arrangement with an established Darwin Company. Agreement has therefore been reached with Perkins Shipping Group, who are one of the freehold land owners on Frances Bay.\nPerkins Shipping, established in the 1950s is the major coastal shipping service provider in Australia's north, linking Darwin to mining and aboriginal committees from the Kimberly to Gulf of Carpenteria. Additionally Perkins operate services to East Timor, mining operations in Indonesia, as well as Singapore and East Malaysia. The Perkins and Mermaid businesses are different, but complementary, offering benefits to both. The arrangement with Perkins will give Mermaid well placed office facilities, open storage and waterfront access.\nOur intention is that Darwin become the third and final mainland entreport to service the Northwestern offshore oil and gas industry together with our other strategically placed facilities at Dampier and Broome.\n19", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OPERATIONS REVIEW\nTrading for the period commencing 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000 for Mermaid Marine Australia Ltd ('Company') and its controlled entities, experienced a 43% turnover reduction from last year. The result was almost entirely due to a heavy fall in oil prices, which reached their low of US$10 in February 1999, leading to the lowest level of offshore activity for many years. In September 1999 Mermaid exercised its option to acquire the utility vessel 'Mermaid Achiever' for $3,250,000. Previously the Achiever operated under a bare boat charter.\nIn February 2000 Mermaid received approval in principle from the Western Australian Minister for the Environment for the development of a supply and engineering base at Dampier (Dampier Base). Since that time a detailed environmental management system has been produced for final approval and as a guide to daily environmental management and compliance. Refinements to the design have proceeded, together with the preparation of bid packages and negotiations with Banks for project finance.\nSubsequent to years end, the subscription of a further $5 million from Mr Mark Bradley and Clough Engineering will see an extremely robust balance sheet, with cash on hand approaching $10 million. As construction commences at Dampier, a level of project finance will be arranged providing a comfortable mix of debt and equity and allowing the retention of a significant cash balance.\nThe year saw considerable progress with Base activities at Dampier, Broome and Darwin. They are dealt with in detail under following headings.\nFINANCIAL\nMermaid recorded an after-tax loss for the Period of $207,957. Compared with an after-tax profit for the previous period of $2,454,919. Revenue for the Period was $15,124,774, a decrease of 43% over the previous period. Fixed cost reductions enabled the Company to ride out the market reversal with a minimal loss and positive operating cash before capex of $1.6m. This result, achieved against a major drop in turnover, was possible through a vigorous attack on overheads, which included more beneficial ownership costs, insurance savings, management salary savings, including voluntary sacrifice from certain senior executives in recognition of the tighter conditions. In all the changes contributed approximately $1.5million to the bottom line.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MERMAID LABOUR AND MANAGEMENT LIMITED\nSAFETY\n20\nDuring 2000 Mermaid Marine formed a new business unit Mermaid Labour and Management Limited. The focus of this unit will be labour supply and industrial relations management to the marine, offshore construction industry and onshore resources projects in the NW of Australia. The Directors and Management of the new entity are very experienced, well known and regarded by the industry in general. The company has high expectations for Mermaid Labour and Management Limited.\nMermaid remains dedicated to ensuring a safe environment in all areas where we operate or have responsibility.\nIn April 2000, following the regular six monthly Quality Assurance audit, the Company's accreditation under AS/NZS/ISO 9002 was reconfirmed. Mermaid's quality assurance and compliance team continues with a continuous day to day effort to improve our health, safety and environmental performance. Stringent charterer requirements, which are a pre requisite of increased vessel usage, must be met to the letter and are the subject of regular and demanding audits. Although time consuming and expensive, we are grateful to certain of the large producers, who while demanding the highest levels of compliance, have also been prepared to give their time, sharing their safety expertise with us and in that way assisting in the very major advances our company has made in this all important area.\nAt the time of writing this report, Mermaid had accumulated 348 days without a Lost Time Injury. A fine achievement and a continuing record.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MERMAID FLEET\n23", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "G. SLIPWAY.\nAustralia, and particularly the north west is impoverished in terms of infrastructure to service our marine industries. Some of this has been due to a historical link with our recent industrial past. This is now behind us, and Australia has now become a centre of excellence with respect to both new building and ship repair, particularly for high tech and specialty vessels.\nThe Mermaid slipway will be the third such facility on the western half of the continent , with others located at Fremantle and Darwin.\nThe slipway will be a repair only facility, no new building is contemplated. Its capacity is structured to meet the regional steel mono-hulled fleet requirements of some 60 vessels between 200 and 4000 tonne displacement. Fishing industry, marine tourist industry, large private pleasure craft , naval, scientific and law enforcement vessels are a secondary target.\nThe slipway is designed to initially accept vessels up to 2,700 tonnes, a restriction which is set by our current inventory of cradles used to support vessel on the slip. The cradles will be progressively upgraded to ultimately handle 4000 tonne. A later expansion will allow 500 tonne vessels to be side slipped, thereby increasing capacity.\nThe slipway location and orientation on the Base has been chosen to maximize the cost and load bearing benefits of having a very high strength granite bedrock as the best possible foundation.\nThe Mermaid slipway will rank second in terms of capacity on the western half of the continent. Tenix, Fremantle 8,000 tonne, Mermaid Dampier 2,700 tonne rising to 4,000 tonne, Darwin Ship Repair 2,500 tonne. The nearest other facilities are Singapore, Adelaide, Port Moresby or Cairns.\nMermaid has purchased a very large cyclone rated industrial building frame which will be sited beside the slipway and tenanted by Mermaid engineering and companies which will provide ancillary services related to ship repair.\nThe Northwest Shelf is a world scale offshore oil and gas exploration province.\n17", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(d) Businesses Acquired\nOn 12 August 1998, Mermaid Marine Australia Limited (formerly Bellbridge Investments Pty Ltd) acquired 100% of the shares in Mermaid Marine Group Pty Ltd. The acquisition details were:\nCash paid for purchase of shares Buy back of shares Issue of shares as part of acquisition Pre-acquisition dividend Stamp duty payable on transfer of shares\nConsideration Shares issued\n-, $ = 5,923,618. -, $ = -. -, $ = -. -, $ = (4,500,000). -, $ = -. -, $ = -. -, $ = 3,041,785. -, $ = -. -, $ = -. -, $ = (2,076,382). -, $ = -. -, $ = -. -, $ = 55,590. -, $ = -. -, $ = -. -, $ = 2,444,611. -, $ = -. -, $ = -\n49\n50", - "page_start": 52, - "page_end": 53, - "source_file": "ASX_MRM_2000.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf", - "query": "How do I create a new document in Word?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Just select File > New", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Create something\nBegin with a Blank document to get right to work. Or start with a template to save yourself time and steps. 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Type what you want to do.\nFor example, type:\n Add watermark to quickly get to the watermark command.\n Help to go to Word help.\n Training to see the list of Word training courses.\n What's new for a list of the most recent updates to Word", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Share your work with others\nTo invite others to view or edit your documents, select the Share button in the top right corner of the app window. Then, you can choose to share a link to your document or send invitations directly to specific people. If someone doesn't have Word, they can use the free Word for the Web app to edit and comment.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Format with styles\nStyles lets you create, apply, and review the formatting styles in your current document. To open it, select the Home tab, and then select the small arrow in the lower right corner of the Styles gallery.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Find whatever you need\nType a keyword or phrase into the Search box to quickly find the Word features and ribbon commands you're looking for, to discover Help content, or to get more information online .", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Handy to Know…\n To insert a worksheet between existing worksheets, right-click on the worksheet tab before which you want to insert a new sheet, then click on Insert to display the Insert dialog box. Select Worksheet and click on [OK] .\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Share and collaborate\nWith this document saved in OneDrive, you can share it with others. They don't even need Word to open it.\nTry it: Select Share , and send a link to this document. (keyboard shortcut - Alt+F+Z or Alt+Z+S)\nYou can send the link by typing someone's email address or by copying the link and pasting it into a message or chat. If you want them to read the document but not edit it, set their permission to view-only.\nIf they don't have Word, the document will open in their web browser, in Word Online.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Send us your feedback\nLove Word? Got an idea for improvement to share with us? On the File menu, select Feedback and then follow the prompts to send your suggestions directly to the Word product team. 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Use this guide to learn the basics.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Get other Quick Start guides\nTo download our free Quick Start Guides for your other favorite apps, go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2008317.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Microsoft Excel\nSt. George's Information Services", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Try it: Get help:\n1. Go to Tell me what you want to do at the top of the window.\n2. Type what you want to do.\nFor example, type:\n Add watermark to quickly get to the watermark command.\n Help to go to Word help.\n Training to see the list of Word training courses.\n What's new for a list of the most recent updates to Word", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Welcome to Microsoft Teams\nMicrosoft Teams is the app that brings your conversations, meetings, and files together in one place. This guide will help you get started with Teams, learn the basics, get tips to practice on your own, and discover ways to engage your team.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "MSTeams_QuickStartGuide_EN_Final_4.18.22.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Get help with Word\nThe Tell me search box takes you straight to commands and Help in Word.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Find whatever you need\nType a keyword or phrase into the Search box to quickly find the Word features and ribbon commands you're looking for, to discover Help content, or to get more information online .", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Get free training, tutorials, and videos for Office\nReady to dig deeper into the capabilities that Word has to offer? Visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871123 to explore our free training options.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Additional resources\nOfficial AWS documentation:\n· AWS Lambda Developer Guide - extensive and complete documentation for Lambda", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "serverless-core.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf", - "query": "How to connect to my Microsoft account from Word?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": " Click File > Account to sign in with your Microsoft account", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Quick Start Guide\nNew to Word? Use this guide to learn the basics.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Access files anywhere\nNeed to work on the go and across different devices? Click File > Account to sign in with your Microsoft account and access your recently used files anywhere, on any device, through seamless integration between Office, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Word\nWord PDF Accessibility", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Get free training, tutorials, and videos for Office\nReady to dig deeper into the capabilities that Word has to offer? Visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871123 to explore our free training options.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "See what's new in Office\nExplore the new and improved features in Word and the other Office apps. Visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871117 for more information.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Find whatever you need\nType a keyword or phrase into the Search box to quickly find the Word features and ribbon commands you're looking for, to discover Help content, or to get more information online .", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Share and collaborate\nWith this document saved in OneDrive, you can share it with others. They don't even need Word to open it.\nTry it: Select Share , and send a link to this document. (keyboard shortcut - Alt+F+Z or Alt+Z+S)\nYou can send the link by typing someone's email address or by copying the link and pasting it into a message or chat. If you want them to read the document but not edit it, set their permission to view-only.\nIf they don't have Word, the document will open in their web browser, in Word Online.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Share your work with others\nTo invite others to view or edit your documents, select the Share button in the top right corner of the app window. Then, you can choose to share a link to your document or send invitations directly to specific people. If someone doesn't have Word, they can use the free Word for the Web app to edit and comment.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Word QS.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Get help with Word\nThe Tell me search box takes you straight to commands and Help in Word.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Count on Word to count your words\nTry it: Hit return after this line and type some words.\nThe status bar at the bottom of the window keeps a running count of the number of words in the document.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "welcome_to_word_template.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf", - "query": "What are the products of Hormel Foods Corporation?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "meat and other food product", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION\n(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) General Development of Business\nInternationally, the Company markets its products through Hormel Foods International Corporation (HFIC), a wholly owned subsidiary. HFIC has a presence in the international marketplace through joint ventures and placement of personnel in strategic foreign locations such as China, Spain, and the Philippines. HFIC also has a global presence with minority positions in food companies in Spain (Campofrio Alimentacion S.A., 15% holding) and the Philippines (Purefoods-Hormel, 40% holding).\nThe Company has not been involved in any bankruptcy, receivership or similar proceedings during its history. Substantially all of the assets of the Company have been acquired in the ordinary course of business.\nThe Company had no significant change in the type of products produced or services rendered, nor in the markets or methods of distribution since the beginning of the fiscal year.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) General Development of Business\nHormel Foods Corporation, a Delaware corporation, was founded by George A. Hormel in 1891 in Austin, Minnesota, as George A. Hormel & Company. The Company started as a processor of meat and food products and continues in this line of business. The Company name was changed to Hormel Foods Corporation on January 31, 1995. The Company is primarily engaged in the production of a variety of meat and food products and the marketing of those products throughout the United States. Although pork and turkey remain the major raw materials for Hormel products, the Company has emphasized for several years the manufacture and distribution of branded, consumer packaged items rather than the commodity fresh meat business.\nThe Company's branding strategy led to the development of a joint venture between Hormel Foods Corporation and Excel Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cargill Incorporated. This joint venture began marketing and selling nationally branded fresh case ready beef and pork under the existing HORMEL ALWAYS TENDER brand name in fiscal year 2003. This 50 percent owned joint venture, named Precept Foods LLC, is based in Austin, Minn.\nIn fiscal 2001, the Jennie-O Turkey Store (JOTS) business was formed as a result of merging the Company's existing Jennie-O Foods, Inc. business with the operations of The Turkey Store Company, which was acquired in the second quarter of fiscal 2001. The Turkey Store Company was a turkey processing business headquartered in Barron, Wisconsin. The merged JOTS operation is currently the largest turkey processor in the world. JOTS\nmarkets its turkey products through its own sales force and independent brokers.\nThe acquisitions of Diamond Crystal Brands Nutritional Products in fiscal 2001 and the Century Foods International business in July of fiscal 2003 strengthened the Company's presence in the nutritional food products and supplements market. The Company currently operates as one of the largest companies providing nutritional products to the U.S. healthcare industry.\nThe Company acquired the Diamond Crystal Brands business from Imperial Sugar Co. in December of fiscal 2003. Diamond Crystal Brands packages and sells various sugar, sugar substitute, salt and pepper products, savory products, drink mixes and dessert mixes to retail and foodservice customers.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Competition\nThe production and sale of meat and food products in the United States and internationally are highly competitive. The Company competes with manufacturers of pork and turkey products, as well as national and regional producers of other meat and protein sources, such as beef, chicken and fish. The Company believes that its largest domestic competitors for its Refrigerated Foods segment in 2003 were Tyson Foods, Smithfield Foods and ConAgra Foods; for its Grocery Products segment, ConAgra Foods, Dial Corp. and Campbell Soup Co.; and for JOTS, ConAgra Foods and Cargill, Inc.\nAll Hormel segments compete on the basis of price, product quality, brand identification and customer service. Through aggressive marketing and strong quality assurance programs, the Company's strategy is to provide higher quality products that possess strong brand recognition, which would then support higher value perceptions from customers.\nThe Company competes using this same strategy in international markets around the world.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES\nThe following consolidated financial statement schedule of Hormel Foods Corporation required pursuant to Item 15(d) is submitted herewith:", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STATEMENTS\nThe following consolidated financial statements of Hormel Foods Corporation included in the Annual Stockholders' Report for the Registrant to its stockholders for the year ended October 25, 2003, are incorporated herein by reference in Item 8 of Part II of this report:\nConsolidated Statements of Financial Position -October 25, 2003, and October 26, 2002.\nConsolidated Statements of Operations -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002 and October 27, 2001.\nConsolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Investment -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002, and October 27, 2001.\nConsolidated Statements of Cash Flows -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002, and October 27, 2001.\nNotes to Financial Statements -October 25, 2003.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION\n2.1 (1), 1 = Agreement and Plan of Merger and Plan of Reorganization dated January 22, 2001, by and among Hormel, Badger Acquisition Corporation, Jerome Foods, Inc. and Jerome K. Jerome. (Incorporated by reference to Hormel's Current Report on Form 8-K dated March 9, 2001, File No. 001-02402.). 3.1 (1), 1 = Certificate of Incorporation as amended to date. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3A-1 to Hormel's Annual Report on Form 10- K/A for the fiscal year ended October 28, 2000, File No. 001-02402.)", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Patents and Trademarks\nThere are numerous patents and trademarks that are important to the Company's business. The Company holds seven foreign and 47 U.S. issued patents. Some of the trademarks are registered and some are not. In recognition of the importance of these assets, the Company created a subsidiary, Hormel Foods, LLC, in 1998 to create, own, maintain and protect most of the Company's trademarks and patents. Some of the more significant owned or licensed trademarks used in the Company's segments are:\nHORMEL, ALWAYS TENDER, AMERICAN CLASSICS, AUSTIN BLUES, BLACK LABEL, CARAPELLI, CHI-CHI'S, CURE 81, CUREMASTER, DAN'S PRIZE, DIAMOND CRYSTAL, DI LUSSO, DINTY MOORE, DUBUQUE, EL TORITO, FAST 'N EASY, HERB-OX, HERDEZ, HOMELAND, HOUSE OF TSANG, JENNIE-O TURKEY STORE, KID'S KITCHEN, LAYOUT, LITTLE SIZZLERS, MARRAKESH EXPRESS, MARY KITCHEN, OLD SMOKEHOUSE, PATAK'S, PELOPONNESE, PILLOW PACK, QUICK MEAL, RANGE BRAND, ROSA GRANDE, SANDWICH MAKER, SPAM, STAGG, SWEET THING, THICK & EASY and WRANGLERS.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Form 10-K (NYSE:HRL)\nPublished: January 23rd, 2004\nPDF generated by stocklight.com\nUse these links to rapidly review the document HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Products and Distribution\nThe Company's products primarily consist of meat and other food products. The meat products are sold fresh, frozen, cured, smoked, cooked and canned. The percentages of total revenues contributed by classes of similar products for the last three fiscal years of the Company are as follows:\nPerishable meat, 1 = 50.3%. Perishable meat, 2 = 53.0%. Perishable meat, 3 = 54.7%. Nonperishable meat, 1 = 18.9. Nonperishable meat, 2 = 19.8. Nonperishable meat, 3 = 21.0. Poultry, 1 = 22.1. Poultry, 2 = 22.6. Poultry, 3 = 20.3. , 1 = 100.0%. , 2 = 100.0%. , 3 = 100.0%\nReporting of revenues from external customers is based on similarity of products, as the same or similar products are sold across multiple distribution channels such as retail, foodservice or international. Revenues reported are based on financial information used to produce the Company's generalpurpose financial statements.\nPerishable meat includes fresh meats, sausages, hams, wieners and bacon (excluding JOTS products.) Nonperishable meat includes canned luncheon meats, shelf stable microwaveable entrees, stews, chilies, hash, meat spreads and other items that do not require refrigeration as well as frozen processed products. The Poultry category is composed primarily of JOTS products. The Other category primarily consists of nutritional food products and supplements, sugar and sugar substitutes, salt and pepper products, dessert mixes, food packaging (casings for dry sausage), and industrial gelatin products. The Other category has increased over the past two years primarily due to the following acquisitions: Century Foods International (July 2003), Diamond Crystal Brands (December 2002), and Diamond Crystal Brands Nutritional Products (April 2001).\nNo new product in fiscal 2003 required a material investment of Company assets.\nDomestically, the Company sells its products in all 50 states. Hormel products are sold through Company sales personnel, operating in assigned territories coordinated from district sales offices located in most of the larger U.S. cities, as well as independent brokers and distributors. As of October 25, 2003, the Company had approximately 600 sales personnel engaged in selling its products. Distribution of products to customers is by common carrier.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf", - "query": "Where are Hormel Foods Corporation plants located? ", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "has plants in Austin, Minnesota; Fremont, Nebraska; and Beijing, China", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION\n(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) General Development of Business\nInternationally, the Company markets its products through Hormel Foods International Corporation (HFIC), a wholly owned subsidiary. HFIC has a presence in the international marketplace through joint ventures and placement of personnel in strategic foreign locations such as China, Spain, and the Philippines. HFIC also has a global presence with minority positions in food companies in Spain (Campofrio Alimentacion S.A., 15% holding) and the Philippines (Purefoods-Hormel, 40% holding).\nThe Company has not been involved in any bankruptcy, receivership or similar proceedings during its history. Substantially all of the assets of the Company have been acquired in the ordinary course of business.\nThe Company had no significant change in the type of products produced or services rendered, nor in the markets or methods of distribution since the beginning of the fiscal year.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Item 2. PROPERTIES\nHormel Foods Corporation, 1 = . Hormel Foods Corporation, 2 = . Slaughtering and Processing Plants, 1 = . Slaughtering and Processing Plants, 2 = . Austin, Minnesota, 1 = 1,292,000. Austin, Minnesota, 2 = Owned. Fremont, Nebraska, 1 = 655,000. Fremont, Nebraska, 2 = Owned. Processing Plants, 1 = . Processing Plants, 2 = . Algona, Iowa, 1 = 153,000. Algona, Iowa, 2 = Owned. Aurora, Illinois, 1 = 141,000. Aurora, Illinois, 2 = Owned. Beloit, Wisconsin, 1 = 339,000. Beloit, Wisconsin, 2 = Owned. Ft. Dodge, Iowa, 1 = 17,000. Ft. Dodge, Iowa, 2 = Owned", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) General Development of Business\nHormel Foods Corporation, a Delaware corporation, was founded by George A. Hormel in 1891 in Austin, Minnesota, as George A. Hormel & Company. The Company started as a processor of meat and food products and continues in this line of business. The Company name was changed to Hormel Foods Corporation on January 31, 1995. The Company is primarily engaged in the production of a variety of meat and food products and the marketing of those products throughout the United States. Although pork and turkey remain the major raw materials for Hormel products, the Company has emphasized for several years the manufacture and distribution of branded, consumer packaged items rather than the commodity fresh meat business.\nThe Company's branding strategy led to the development of a joint venture between Hormel Foods Corporation and Excel Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cargill Incorporated. This joint venture began marketing and selling nationally branded fresh case ready beef and pork under the existing HORMEL ALWAYS TENDER brand name in fiscal year 2003. This 50 percent owned joint venture, named Precept Foods LLC, is based in Austin, Minn.\nIn fiscal 2001, the Jennie-O Turkey Store (JOTS) business was formed as a result of merging the Company's existing Jennie-O Foods, Inc. business with the operations of The Turkey Store Company, which was acquired in the second quarter of fiscal 2001. The Turkey Store Company was a turkey processing business headquartered in Barron, Wisconsin. The merged JOTS operation is currently the largest turkey processor in the world. JOTS\nmarkets its turkey products through its own sales force and independent brokers.\nThe acquisitions of Diamond Crystal Brands Nutritional Products in fiscal 2001 and the Century Foods International business in July of fiscal 2003 strengthened the Company's presence in the nutritional food products and supplements market. The Company currently operates as one of the largest companies providing nutritional products to the U.S. healthcare industry.\nThe Company acquired the Diamond Crystal Brands business from Imperial Sugar Co. in December of fiscal 2003. Diamond Crystal Brands packages and sells various sugar, sugar substitute, salt and pepper products, savory products, drink mixes and dessert mixes to retail and foodservice customers.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION\n2.1 (1), 1 = Agreement and Plan of Merger and Plan of Reorganization dated January 22, 2001, by and among Hormel, Badger Acquisition Corporation, Jerome Foods, Inc. and Jerome K. Jerome. (Incorporated by reference to Hormel's Current Report on Form 8-K dated March 9, 2001, File No. 001-02402.). 3.1 (1), 1 = Certificate of Incorporation as amended to date. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3A-1 to Hormel's Annual Report on Form 10- K/A for the fiscal year ended October 28, 2000, File No. 001-02402.)", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES\nThe following consolidated financial statement schedule of Hormel Foods Corporation required pursuant to Item 15(d) is submitted herewith:", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION\nHormel Foods Corporation Operators' Shares Incentive Compensation Plan. (Incorporated by Reference to Appendix A to Hormel's definitive Proxy Statement filed on December 30, 1997, File No. 001-02402.). 10.3 (1)(3), 1 = Hormel Foods Corporation Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (2002 Restatement.) (Incorporated by Reference to Exhibit 10.3 to Hormel's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 26, 2002, file No. 001-02402.). 10.4 (1)(3), 1 = Hormel Foods Corporation 2000 Stock Incentive Plan. (Incorporated by Reference to Exhibit A to Hormel's definitive Proxy Statement filed on December 30, 1999, File No. 001-02402.)\n(1) Document has previously been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is incorporated herein by reference.\n(2) These Exhibits transmitted via EDGAR.\n(3) Management compensatory plan", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Products and Distribution\nThrough HFIC, the Company markets its products in various locations throughout the world. Some of the larger markets include Australia, Canada, China, England, Japan, Mexico and Micronesia. The distribution of export sales to customers is by common carrier, while the China operations own and operate their own delivery system. The Company, through HFIC, has licensed companies to manufacture various Hormel products internationally on a royalty basis, with the primary licensees being Tulip International of Denmark and CJ Corp. of South Korea.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STATEMENTS\nThe following consolidated financial statements of Hormel Foods Corporation included in the Annual Stockholders' Report for the Registrant to its stockholders for the year ended October 25, 2003, are incorporated herein by reference in Item 8 of Part II of this report:\nConsolidated Statements of Financial Position -October 25, 2003, and October 26, 2002.\nConsolidated Statements of Operations -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002 and October 27, 2001.\nConsolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Investment -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002, and October 27, 2001.\nConsolidated Statements of Cash Flows -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002, and October 27, 2001.\nNotes to Financial Statements -October 25, 2003.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Competition\nThe production and sale of meat and food products in the United States and internationally are highly competitive. The Company competes with manufacturers of pork and turkey products, as well as national and regional producers of other meat and protein sources, such as beef, chicken and fish. The Company believes that its largest domestic competitors for its Refrigerated Foods segment in 2003 were Tyson Foods, Smithfield Foods and ConAgra Foods; for its Grocery Products segment, ConAgra Foods, Dial Corp. and Campbell Soup Co.; and for JOTS, ConAgra Foods and Cargill, Inc.\nAll Hormel segments compete on the basis of price, product quality, brand identification and customer service. Through aggressive marketing and strong quality assurance programs, the Company's strategy is to provide higher quality products that possess strong brand recognition, which would then support higher value perceptions from customers.\nThe Company competes using this same strategy in international markets around the world.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf", - "query": "Does Hormel Food Corporation have any material legal proceedings pending?", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "The Company knows of no pending material legal proceedings.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Item 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS\nThe Company knows of no pending material legal proceedings.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION\n(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) General Development of Business\nInternationally, the Company markets its products through Hormel Foods International Corporation (HFIC), a wholly owned subsidiary. HFIC has a presence in the international marketplace through joint ventures and placement of personnel in strategic foreign locations such as China, Spain, and the Philippines. HFIC also has a global presence with minority positions in food companies in Spain (Campofrio Alimentacion S.A., 15% holding) and the Philippines (Purefoods-Hormel, 40% holding).\nThe Company has not been involved in any bankruptcy, receivership or similar proceedings during its history. Substantially all of the assets of the Company have been acquired in the ordinary course of business.\nThe Company had no significant change in the type of products produced or services rendered, nor in the markets or methods of distribution since the beginning of the fiscal year.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES\nThe following consolidated financial statement schedule of Hormel Foods Corporation required pursuant to Item 15(d) is submitted herewith:", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(a) General Development of Business\nHormel Foods Corporation, a Delaware corporation, was founded by George A. Hormel in 1891 in Austin, Minnesota, as George A. Hormel & Company. The Company started as a processor of meat and food products and continues in this line of business. The Company name was changed to Hormel Foods Corporation on January 31, 1995. The Company is primarily engaged in the production of a variety of meat and food products and the marketing of those products throughout the United States. Although pork and turkey remain the major raw materials for Hormel products, the Company has emphasized for several years the manufacture and distribution of branded, consumer packaged items rather than the commodity fresh meat business.\nThe Company's branding strategy led to the development of a joint venture between Hormel Foods Corporation and Excel Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cargill Incorporated. This joint venture began marketing and selling nationally branded fresh case ready beef and pork under the existing HORMEL ALWAYS TENDER brand name in fiscal year 2003. This 50 percent owned joint venture, named Precept Foods LLC, is based in Austin, Minn.\nIn fiscal 2001, the Jennie-O Turkey Store (JOTS) business was formed as a result of merging the Company's existing Jennie-O Foods, Inc. business with the operations of The Turkey Store Company, which was acquired in the second quarter of fiscal 2001. The Turkey Store Company was a turkey processing business headquartered in Barron, Wisconsin. The merged JOTS operation is currently the largest turkey processor in the world. JOTS\nmarkets its turkey products through its own sales force and independent brokers.\nThe acquisitions of Diamond Crystal Brands Nutritional Products in fiscal 2001 and the Century Foods International business in July of fiscal 2003 strengthened the Company's presence in the nutritional food products and supplements market. The Company currently operates as one of the largest companies providing nutritional products to the U.S. healthcare industry.\nThe Company acquired the Diamond Crystal Brands business from Imperial Sugar Co. in December of fiscal 2003. Diamond Crystal Brands packages and sells various sugar, sugar substitute, salt and pepper products, savory products, drink mixes and dessert mixes to retail and foodservice customers.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Form 10-K (NYSE:HRL)\nPublished: January 23rd, 2004\nPDF generated by stocklight.com\nUse these links to rapidly review the document HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ITEM 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS\nFrom time to time we and our subsidiary banks are parties to lawsuits arising in the ordinary course of our banking business. However, there are no material pending legal proceedings to which we, our subsidiary banks or our other direct and indirect subsidiaries, or any of their properties, are currently subject. Other than regular, routine examinations by state and federal banking authorities, there are no proceedings pending or known to be contemplated by any governmental authorities.", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION\n2.1 (1), 1 = Agreement and Plan of Merger and Plan of Reorganization dated January 22, 2001, by and among Hormel, Badger Acquisition Corporation, Jerome Foods, Inc. and Jerome K. Jerome. (Incorporated by reference to Hormel's Current Report on Form 8-K dated March 9, 2001, File No. 001-02402.). 3.1 (1), 1 = Certificate of Incorporation as amended to date. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3A-1 to Hormel's Annual Report on Form 10- K/A for the fiscal year ended October 28, 2000, File No. 001-02402.)", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STATEMENTS\nThe following consolidated financial statements of Hormel Foods Corporation included in the Annual Stockholders' Report for the Registrant to its stockholders for the year ended October 25, 2003, are incorporated herein by reference in Item 8 of Part II of this report:\nConsolidated Statements of Financial Position -October 25, 2003, and October 26, 2002.\nConsolidated Statements of Operations -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002 and October 27, 2001.\nConsolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Investment -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002, and October 27, 2001.\nConsolidated Statements of Cash Flows -Years Ended October 25, 2003, October 26, 2002, and October 27, 2001.\nNotes to Financial Statements -October 25, 2003.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ITEM 1. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS\nFor a description of our material pending legal proceedings, please see Note 10, Commitments and Contingencies , to the consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf", - "query": "What is Mexican Farm Subsidies ?", - "target_page": 9, - "target_passage": "an online tool to analyze how the federal government allocates those subsidies", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "· Mexico\n· Mexican Farm Subsidies - an online tool to analyze how the federal government allocates those subsidies\n· Compare Your School : compares aggregate test results from any school with the municipal, regional, and national averages\n· Rebellion of the Sick built for patients with chronic diseases whose expenses are not covered by the government subsidized health coverage.\n· Argentina: Public Spending in Bahía analyzes how public funds are used.\n· Colombia: Visible Congress monitors the actions of the Colombian congress\n· Brazil\n· Eleitor 2010 : a website to submit reports of electoral fraud during the Brazil 2010\n9/34\nCopyright 2011 LEM, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. This work is released under a Creative Commons attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmental Activities\nInternational initiatives in Asian countries and others", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "rogers.com/investors\nStay up-to-date with the latest Rogers investor information", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Excel Fundamentals\nMicrosoft Excel", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Excel Training Manual 1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows\n(In millions of Canadian dollars)", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary of Cash Flows\nTable of Contents", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "tesla_form_10q.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Supporting farming villages in the northeast\nSMBC SMBC's Bangkok Branch assisted s Bangkok Branch assisted farmers by donating underground farmers by donating underground water storage tanks and assisting water storage tanks and assisting with vegetable planting and with vegetable planting and harvesting. harvesting.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Consolidated Statements of Financial Position\n(In millions of Canadian dollars)", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gaseous Fuels\nNatural gas", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Bynum Miers\nRanching", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf", - "query": "What concerns has open data raised in the insurance sector?", - "target_page": 23, - "target_passage": "insurance companies may charge higher fees for life insurance to those among their customers who... put online a family tree from which it shows that they come from families with an average life expectancy lower than usual", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.6.1. Data alterations and financial sustainability\nSome concerns about the limits of Open Data are about what may happen, or stop to happen, before they are published online. The most common concerns of this type are (from Open Public Data: Then What? - Part 1):\n1. Opening up PSI causes those data to not be produced anymore, or to be only produced as private property by private corporations, because the public agencies whose job was to produce those data, can't sell them anymore.\n2. total accessibility of data provides more incentives to tinker with them, at the risk of reducing trust in institutions and inhibiting decision-making even more than today.\nData manipulation is the topic of the next paragraph. Speaking of costs, a point to take into account is that, once data are open, routinely used and monitored by as many independent users as possible, even the cost of keeping them up to date may be sensibly reduced: in other words, in the medium/long term Open Data may reduce the need to periodically perform complete, that is very expensive, studies and surveys to update a whole corpus of data in one run.\nBesides, and above all, even if opening data always destroyed any source of income for the public office that used to create and maintain them, this problem would only exist for the PSI datasets that are already sold today. Such data, even if of strategic importance as is the case with digital cartography, are only a minimal fraction of all the PSI that could and should be opened to increase transparency, reduce the costs of Government and stimulate the economy. In all these other cases:\n· the money to generate the data already arrives by some other source than sales and licensing(but even with those data it may be possible to generate them by crowdsourcing, thereby reducing those costs!)\n· the only extra expense caused by publishing those data online (assuming they're already available in some digital format, of course!), would be the hosting and bandwidth costs, that may be greatly reduced by mirroring and other technical solutions like torrents, already widely used to distribute Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) through the Internet.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.7. The privacy problem\nBeing perceived as a lethal attack to privacy remains one of the biggest misunderstandings that prevents adoption of Open Data. On one hand, there is no doubt that in an increasingly digital world it becomes harder and harder to protect privacy. But, exactly because the whole world is going\n22/34\nCopyright 2011 LEM, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. This work is released under a Creative Commons attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)\ndigital, attacks to privacy and to civil rights in general can and are coming by so many other sides that those from (properly done) Open Data are a really tiny percentage of the total.\nThis is a consequence of the fact that data about us end up online from the most different sources (including ourselves and our acquaintances), and that often it would be very hard to discover, never mind prove , that they've been used against our interest. There have been concerns, for example, that insurance companies may charge higher fees for life insurance to those among their customers who... put online a family tree from which it shows that they come from families with an average life expectancy lower than usual.\nAssuming such concerns were real, would it always be possible to spot and prove such abuses of data, that weren't even published by any Public Administration? Of course, publishing online complete, official Census data of several generations, in a way that would make such automatic analysis possible would be a totally different matter.\nGetting rid of all the unjustified concerns about privacy is very simple, at least in theory. All is needed to dismiss for good the idea that Open Data is a generalized attack to privacy is to always remember and explain that:", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.6.3. Unequal access\nSince one of the topics of this project is the economic value of Open Data, it is necessary to add a somewhat obvious observation to Frydman's concerns (regardless of their probability). Even if it is difficult now to make accurate estimates, such negative developments would surely impact also the costs of health services and insurances, not to mention healthcare-related jobs, both in the communities hosting centers of excellence and in those with the worst ones.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.7. The privacy problem\n1. Most Open Data have nothing personal to begin with (examples: digital maps, budgets, air pollution measurements....)\n2. The majority of data that are directly related to individuals (e.g. things like names and address of people with specific diseases, or who were victims of some crime) have no reason to be published, nor there is any actual demand for them by Open Data advocates\n3. Exceptions that limit privacy for specific cases and categories of people (e.g. candidates to public offices, Government and Parliament members etc...) already exist in many countries\n4. Very often, in practice, Open Data struggles only happen about when and how to make available in the most effective way for society information that was already recognized as public. What to declare public, hence open, is indeed a serious issue (more on this in the next paragraph) but is a separate one.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Social and political landscape\nmore concrete over time is damage control. In a world that produces digital data without interruption, uncontrolled and unpredictable data releases are facts of life that are very hard to predict, practically impossible to avoid and increasingly common. Opening public government data, that is providing plenty of officially verified information, becomes therefore also a damage control solution, to prevent or at least minimize damages from such uncontrolled releases. Without official Open Public Data, individual citizens, political parties or other organizations will start to process and compare (if they already aren't...) data from unofficial sources anyway, maybe from different countries. In such cases, it will be unavoidable not reach sometimes, even in good faith, wrong conclusions. This is not some theoretical possibility far in the future, as this real world example (from a comment to an Open Data discussion in an italian blog) proves:\n\" on the [non italian] Geonames website you can download geo-referenced data about... 47000 Italian municipalities. That worries me, because there are only 8094 of them. Besides, I grabbed a few random data about population, and I can guarantee you that not one was right. What should be done in such cases?\nFrom an Open Data perspective, all these recent stories have (at least) one thing in common: they suggest that, considering its current needs and problems, current societies want and need more Open Data than they already have.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. Emerging trends and issues related to Open Data\nOne of the most common activities for Open Data activists in this moment is the creation of country-wide catalogs of all data sources, to facilitate individuation and correlation of independent data sets. Normally, all initiatives of this type are announced on the Open Knowledge Foundation blog and/or its data hub CKAN. Another relevant development is the publication of an Open Data Manual that \"can be used by anyone but is especially designed for those seeking to open up data, since it discusses why to go open, what open is, and the how to 'Open' Data.\" Activists in several European countries have already published local versions of the manual, or equivalent documents. On this background, several interesting issues, some of which were anticipated in the Open Data, Open Society report, are coming in full light. They are presented, one at a time, in the following sections of this chapter.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.8. Need to better define what is Public Data\nAre such data \"Public\" today, in the sense defined at the beginning of this paragraph, that is something every citizen has the right to know without intermediaries or delegates, or not? Should they be public? If yes, shouldn't law mandate that all such data be Open (that is, published online as soon as possible, in machine readable format with an open license etc...) just like, for example, the budget of some Ministry? Answering these questions may be one of the biggest challenges for the Open Data community, and for society as a whole, in the next years.\nHere are, in order to facilitate reflection on this issue, a few recent, real world examples of \"Public Data\" that are not PSI, and of the impacts of their lack of openness.\n24/34\nCopyright 2011 LEM, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. This work is released under a Creative Commons attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gurnstein wrote:\n\"The problem of open access in the case of land records in India is... the manner in which the data tends to get encoded. Typically, digitization of land records would mean either scanning the record as it is, or inputting all the data on the record as it is, without changing any fields. But ways of maintaining land records are highly diverse... Private ownership is not the only means of holding a land parcel. When it comes to land ownership, for example, it may eliminate the history of land, how were subdivisions and usufruct rights negotiated and enforced.\"\nAnother risk of digitization and e-government (without openness, that is) is lack of contact between citizens and institutions:\n\"Prior to digitization, land records in India were available to people who made requests with village accountants for them. .. after digitization of several services, village accountants no longer personally visit the villages they are in charge of... What has happened with digitization is a reorganization of earlier forms of social and political relations. Accountability has moved from the immediate village level\"\nOf course, all these problems existed well before computers and return every time the political or social order changes. The demand for Open Data is only increasing, by orders of magnitude, the numbers of times in which we meet them.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.6. Clearer vision of the real risks and limits of Open Data\nOpen Data, we already said, is about reuse. The point is, at least when the goal is Open Government and transparency in politics, reuse by whom? There is no automatic cause-effect relationship between Open Data and real transparency and democracy. On the contrary, several problems may occur, if administrators and citizens don't pay close attention.\n16/34\nCopyright 2011 LEM, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. This work is released under a Creative Commons attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nThis report is the final deliverable of the Open Data, Open Society research project. It follows the publication of the Open Data, Open Society report, finished in late October 2010 and published in early January 2011. That first report focused on explaining the critical importance of digital data in contemporary society and business activities; defining Open Data; giving examples on their potential, especially at the local level, on transparency and economics activities; finally, defining summarizing some general best practices.\nThis second report looks at what happened in the Open Data arena after October 2010. After some considerations on the general social and political background in late 2010/early 2011, it is divided in two main parts. The first describes some emerging trends and issues related to Open Data, that got minor or no coverage in the first report. The second part discusses some practices and actions to follow to deal with those trends and issues.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf", - "query": "What are Steinberg's concerns about the government releasing all non-private existing data?", - "target_page": 28, - "target_passage": "The first reasons for Steinberg's concern is that asking for everything as soon as possible would \"stress the system too much, by spreading thin the finite amount of good will, money and political capital\". The second is that many existing old data and data archival systems are, in practice, so uninteresting that it wouldn't make sense to spend resources in opening them", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "4.3. Keep past and future separate\nFor the same reason why it is important to always distinguishes between political and economical advantages (or disadvantages) of Open Data, it is necessary to keep decisions about future data (those that will arrive in the future, due to new contracts, public services and so on) separate from those about data that already exist. At the end of 2010, T. Steinberg wrote that the idea that Government should publish everything non-private it can now is \"rather dangerous\", and that it would be much better to release nothing until someone actually asked for it, and at that point doing it right, that is with an open license and so on. The first reasons for Steinberg's concern is that asking for everything as soon as possible would \"stress the system too much, by spreading thin the finite amount of good will, money and political capital\" . The second is that many existing old data and data archival systems are, in practice, so uninteresting that it wouldn't make sense to spend resources in opening them.\nEven if these concerns were always true, it is important to realize that they apply (especially the second) to already existing data, not to future ones. The two classes of data have, or can have, very different constraints. Existing data may still exist only in paper format and/or be locked by closed or unclear licenses, or not relevant anymore for future decisions.\nOpening future data, instead, is almost always more important, useful urgent, easier and cheaper than digitizing or even only reformatting material that in many cases is already too old to make immediate, concrete differences. While this argument is probably not always true when we look at Open data for transparency, it probably is when it comes to economic development.\nTherefore, features and guidelines that should be present in all future data generation and management processes include:\n· standardization: the less, obviously open, formats are used for data of the same type, the easier it is to merge and correlate them. The formats that have to be standardized are not only those at the pure software level. Even more important is, for example, to adopt by law standard identificators for government suppliers, names and machine-readable identifiers of budget voices and so on\n· preparation for future digitization: new digital systems should explicitly be designed from the beginning so that it will be possible, when non-digital records will be digitized, to add them to the databases without modifying losses.\n· Open licenses", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.7. The privacy problem\n1. Most Open Data have nothing personal to begin with (examples: digital maps, budgets, air pollution measurements....)\n2. The majority of data that are directly related to individuals (e.g. things like names and address of people with specific diseases, or who were victims of some crime) have no reason to be published, nor there is any actual demand for them by Open Data advocates\n3. Exceptions that limit privacy for specific cases and categories of people (e.g. candidates to public offices, Government and Parliament members etc...) already exist in many countries\n4. Very often, in practice, Open Data struggles only happen about when and how to make available in the most effective way for society information that was already recognized as public. What to declare public, hence open, is indeed a serious issue (more on this in the next paragraph) but is a separate one.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.6.1. Data alterations and financial sustainability\nSome concerns about the limits of Open Data are about what may happen, or stop to happen, before they are published online. The most common concerns of this type are (from Open Public Data: Then What? - Part 1):\n1. Opening up PSI causes those data to not be produced anymore, or to be only produced as private property by private corporations, because the public agencies whose job was to produce those data, can't sell them anymore.\n2. total accessibility of data provides more incentives to tinker with them, at the risk of reducing trust in institutions and inhibiting decision-making even more than today.\nData manipulation is the topic of the next paragraph. Speaking of costs, a point to take into account is that, once data are open, routinely used and monitored by as many independent users as possible, even the cost of keeping them up to date may be sensibly reduced: in other words, in the medium/long term Open Data may reduce the need to periodically perform complete, that is very expensive, studies and surveys to update a whole corpus of data in one run.\nBesides, and above all, even if opening data always destroyed any source of income for the public office that used to create and maintain them, this problem would only exist for the PSI datasets that are already sold today. Such data, even if of strategic importance as is the case with digital cartography, are only a minimal fraction of all the PSI that could and should be opened to increase transparency, reduce the costs of Government and stimulate the economy. In all these other cases:\n· the money to generate the data already arrives by some other source than sales and licensing(but even with those data it may be possible to generate them by crowdsourcing, thereby reducing those costs!)\n· the only extra expense caused by publishing those data online (assuming they're already available in some digital format, of course!), would be the hosting and bandwidth costs, that may be greatly reduced by mirroring and other technical solutions like torrents, already widely used to distribute Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) through the Internet.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Social and political landscape\nmore concrete over time is damage control. In a world that produces digital data without interruption, uncontrolled and unpredictable data releases are facts of life that are very hard to predict, practically impossible to avoid and increasingly common. Opening public government data, that is providing plenty of officially verified information, becomes therefore also a damage control solution, to prevent or at least minimize damages from such uncontrolled releases. Without official Open Public Data, individual citizens, political parties or other organizations will start to process and compare (if they already aren't...) data from unofficial sources anyway, maybe from different countries. In such cases, it will be unavoidable not reach sometimes, even in good faith, wrong conclusions. This is not some theoretical possibility far in the future, as this real world example (from a comment to an Open Data discussion in an italian blog) proves:\n\" on the [non italian] Geonames website you can download geo-referenced data about... 47000 Italian municipalities. That worries me, because there are only 8094 of them. Besides, I grabbed a few random data about population, and I can guarantee you that not one was right. What should be done in such cases?\nFrom an Open Data perspective, all these recent stories have (at least) one thing in common: they suggest that, considering its current needs and problems, current societies want and need more Open Data than they already have.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. Properly define and explain both Open Data and Public Data\nJust because Open Data is becoming more popular (and, we may say, more and more necessary every year), it is essential to intensify efforts to explain, both to the general public and to public administrators, that\n1. Privacy issues are almost always a non-issue. Quoting from What \"open data\" means and what it doesn't): Privacy and/or security concerns with putting all the government's data out there are a separate issue that shouldn't be confused with Open Data. Whether data should be made publicly available is where privacy concerns come into play. Once it has been determined that government data should be made public, then it should be done openly.\n2. Defining as Public and consequently opening them in the right way, much more data than those born and stored inside Public Administration is an urgent task that is in the best interest of all citizens and businesses", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1. Wikileaks and the Open Data movement\nOf course, citizens must always check that they aren't getting incomplete or biased data. But in any case, Open Data means that the involved government officials aren't just prepared to see that data published, they know and accept it from the start. In such a context, some risks associated to Wikileaks, like the fact that the leaker lacks the means to influence the downstream use of the information, and therefore may harm anybody connected to the linked information, are almost nonexistent.\nAbove all, unlike the content of most Wikileaks documents, Open Data are almost always data that should surely be open, unlike wartime military reports, and that almost never contain any personal information. In summary, whatever the conclusions about Wikileaks are, they could not be conclusions against Open Data, because there are too many differences between the two movements.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.8. Need to better define what is Public Data\nAre such data \"Public\" today, in the sense defined at the beginning of this paragraph, that is something every citizen has the right to know without intermediaries or delegates, or not? Should they be public? If yes, shouldn't law mandate that all such data be Open (that is, published online as soon as possible, in machine readable format with an open license etc...) just like, for example, the budget of some Ministry? Answering these questions may be one of the biggest challenges for the Open Data community, and for society as a whole, in the next years.\nHere are, in order to facilitate reflection on this issue, a few recent, real world examples of \"Public Data\" that are not PSI, and of the impacts of their lack of openness.\n24/34\nCopyright 2011 LEM, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. This work is released under a Creative Commons attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.8. Need to better define what is Public Data\nTogether with citizens education, there is a huge challenge that Governments and the Open Data movement will have to face (hopefully together) in 2011 and beyond. This challenge is to update and expand the definition of Public Data and to have it accepted by lawmakers and public administrators.\n23/34\nCopyright 2011 LEM, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. This work is released under a Creative Commons attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)\nWhat is, exactly, Public Data? A definition that is accepted almost implicitly is \"data that is of public interest, that belongs to the whole community, data that every citizen is surely entitled to know and use\" . This definition is so generic that accepting it together with the assumption that all such data should be open as preached by the Open Data movement (online, as soon as possible, in machine readable format with an open license etc...) doesn't create any particular problem or conflict.\nReal problems however start as it has happened all too often so far, whenever we assume more or less consciously that \"Public Data\" in the sense defined above and data directly produced by Governments and Public Administrations, that is what's normally called PSI (Public Sector Information) are the same thing.\nThere is no doubt that Governments and Public Administrations produce huge quantities of Public Data. But this is an age of privatization of many public services, from transportation to healthcare, energy and water management. This is an age in which many activities with potentially very serious impacts on whole communities, like processing of hazardous substances or toxic waste, happen outside Public Administrations. The paradox is that, as Sasaki put it, this increased privatization is happening in the very same period in which \" we are observing a worldwide diffusion of access to information laws that empower citizens to hold government agencies accountable.\"\nIn such a context, \"Public Data\"is critical just because it is a much bigger set of data than what constitutes traditional, official PSI. \"Public Data\" includes all that information plus the much bigger amount of data describing and measuring all the activities of private companies, from bus timetables to packaged food ingredients, aqueducts performances and composition of fumes released in the atmosphere, that have a direct impact on the health and rights of all citizens of the communities affected by the activities of those companies.", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3. Legal issues remain crucial\ngovernment. Even ignoring data openness, this is essential for at least three other reasons. The first is to protect a public administration from having to pay twice for those data, if it needs it again in the future for some other internal activity, not explicitly mentioned in the initial contract. The second reason is to not spend more than what is absolutely necessary to respond to public records requests, that is to comply with Freedom of Information laws.\nThe final reason is to guarantee quality assurance and detection of abuses at the smallest cost, that is sharing it with all the citizens using the public services based on those data. A real world example of this point comes from the \"Where's My Villo?\" service in Brussels. Villo! is a city-wide bikesharing scheme started in May 2009, through a partnerships with a private company: JCDecaux finances the infrastructure and operates it, in exchange for advertising space on the bikes themselves and on billboards at the bike sharing stations. The availability of bikes and parking spaces of each station is published online in real time on the official Villo's website.\nWhen the quality of service decreased, some citizens started \"Where's My Villo?\", another website that reuses those data to measure where and how often there aren't enough available bikes and parking spaces, in a way that made it impossible for JCDecaux to deny the problems and stimulated it to fix them. Both this happy ending and the fact that it came at almost no cost to the city, because citizens could monitor the service by themselves, were possible just because the data from the official website were legally and automatically reusable.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Data availability statement\nThe datasets presented in this article are not readily available because of ethical and legal restrictions. Requests to access the datasets should be directed to stine.s.dahl@nord.no.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed13.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf", - "query": "How did serum estradiol and progesterone levels change during pregnancy?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Serum hormone concentrations increased significantly over the course of pregnancy and dropped precipitously postpartum", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Serological evaluations\nSerological evaluations captured canonical hormone fluctuations characteristic of the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal periods (Fig. 1b). Serum hormone concentrations increased significantly over the course of pregnancy and dropped precipitously postpartum (preconception, estradiol (E) = 3.42 pg ml -1 and progesterone (P) = 0.84 ng ml -1 ; 3 weeks preparturition, E = 12,400 pg ml -1 and P = 103 ng ml -1 ; 3 months postparturition, E = 11.50 pg ml -1 and P = 0.04 ng ml -1 ).", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Neuroanatomical changes observed over the course of a human pregnancy\nWorldwide, nearly 85% of women experience one or more pregnancies in their lifetime 1 , with 140 million women becoming pregnant each year. Over an approximately 40-week gestational window, the maternal body undergoes profound physiological adaptations to support the development of the fetus, including increases in plasma volume, metabolic rate, oxygen consumption and immune regulation 2 . These rapid adaptations are initiated by 100-fold to 1,000-fold increases in hormone production, including estrogen and progesterone. These neuromodulatory hormones also drive significant reorganization of the central nervous system. Evidence from animal models and human studies converge on pregnancy as a period of remarkable neuroplasticity 3-10 (see ref. 10 for one of the earliest known observations). Gestational increases in steroid hormone synthesis drive neurogenesis, dendritic spine growth, microglial proliferation, myelination and astrocyte remodeling (for review, see ref. 11). These cellular changes are pronounced in brain circuits that promote maternal behavior. For example, Ammari et al. recently discovered that steroid hormones can fine-tune the response properties of galanin neurons in the rodent medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus (mPOA), leading to enhanced sensitivity in dams to sensory cues from newborn pups 12 .\nIn humans, reductions in gray matter volume (GMV) have been observed postpartum 13-16 , particularly in regions central to theory-of-mind processing 13 . These GMV changes persist at 6 years postpartum 17 and are traceable decades later 18,19 , underscoring the permanence of this major remodeling event. And yet the changes that occur within the maternal brain during gestation itself are virtually unknown (see ref. 20 for early neuroimaging insight). A recent study by Paternina-Die et al. offers intriguing clues 21 . Women were scanned once in the third trimester and again in the postpartum period, revealing a reduction of cortical volume observable in the late pregnancy scan. These findings suggest that pregnancy is a highly dynamic period for neural remodeling, yet neuroscientists lack a detailed map of how the human brain changes throughout the gestational period.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparing brain changes across pregnancy against controls\nWe then compared the changes in GMV across gestation to that of typical variability over time, derived from eight densely-sampled controls 23 . The GMV changes we see across pregnancy far exceed normative brain variability (Supplementary Fig. 11). On average, change in cortical GMV was nearly three times higher than controls scanned over a similar duration (Supplementary Fig. 11a,b). This extends to MTL subfields, wherein change in volume was three to four times greater across gestation than normative brain variability (Supplementary Fig. 11c,d). We contextualized these findings further by comparing gestational GMV change against our participant's preconception brain volumes; average GMV change during pregnancy was six times (cortical) and three times (MTL) higher than the variability observed between baseline sessions.\nResource\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0\nFig. 1 | Precision imaging reveals neuroanatomical changes throughout gestation. a , Standard medical demarcations for pregnancy stages (that is, trimesters) by gestation week (the image is created with BioRender.com). b , Steroid hormones increased significantly throughout pregnancy and dropped precipitously postpartum, as is characteristic of the prenatal and postnatal periods. c , A healthy 38-year-old primiparous woman underwent 26 scanning sessions from 3 weeks preconception through 2 years postpartum. Scans were distributed throughout preconception (four scans), first trimester (four scans), second trimester (six scans), third trimester (five scans) and postpartum (seven scans); tick marks indicate when major measures were collected and", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n11. Servin-Barthet, C. et al. The transition to motherhood: linking hormones, brain and behaviour. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 24 , 605-619 (2023).\n12. Ammari, R. et al. Hormone-mediated neural remodeling orchestrates parenting onset during pregnancy. Science 382 , 76-81 (2023).\n13. Hoekzema, E. et al. Pregnancy leads to long-lasting changes in human brain structure. Nat. Neurosci. 20 , 287-296 (2017).\n14. Hoekzema, E. et al. Mapping the e/ffects of pregnancy on resting state brain activity, white matter microstructure, neural metabolite concentrations and grey matter architecture. Nat. Commun. 13 , 6931 (2022).\n15. Martínez-García, M., Paternina-Die, M., Desco, M., Vilarroya, O. & Carmona, S. Characterizing the brain structural adaptations across the motherhood transition. Front. Glob. Womens Health 2 , 742775 (2021).\n16. Spalek, K. et al. Pregnancy renders anatomical changes in hypothalamic substructures of the human brain that relate to aspects of maternal behavior. Psychoneuroendocrinology 164 , 107021 (2024).\n17. Martínez-García, M. et al. Do pregnancy-induced brain changes reverse? The brain of a mother six years after parturition. Brain Sci. 11 , 168 (2021b).\n18. De Lange, A.-M. G. et al. Population-based neuroimaging reveals traces of childbirth in the maternal brain. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 116 , 22341-22346 (2019).", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Resource\n19. Orchard, E. R. et al. Neuroprotective e/ffects of motherhood on brain function in late life: a resting-state fMRI study. Cereb. Cortex 31 , 1270-1283 (2021).\n20. Oatridge, A. et al. Change in brain size during and after pregnancy: study in healthy women and women with preeclampsia. Am. J. Neuroradiol. 23 , 19-26 (2002).\n21. Paternina-Di, M. et al. Women's neuroplasticity during gestation, childbirth and postpartum. Nat. Neurosci. 27 , 319-327 (2024).\n22. Makris, N. et al. Decreased volume of the brain reward system in alcoholism. Biol. Psychiatry 64 , 192-202 (2008).\n23. Filevich, E. et al. Day2day: investigating daily variability of magnetic resonance imaging measures over half a year. BMC Neurosci. 18 , 65 (2017).\n24. Dulac, C., O'Connell, L. A. & Wu, Z. Neural control of maternal and paternal behaviors. Science 345 , 765-770 (2014).\n25. Carmona, S. et al. Pregnancy and adolescence entail similar neuroanatomical adaptations: a comparative analysis of cerebral morphometric changes. Hum. Brain Mapp. 40 , 2143-2152 (2019).\n26. Pawluski, J. L., Hoekzema, E., Leuner, B. & Lonstein, J. S. Less can be more: fine tuning the maternal brain. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 133 , 104475 (2022).\n27. Martínez-García, M., Jacobs, E. G., de Lange, A. M. G. & Carmona, S. Advancing the neuroscience of human pregnancy. Nat. Neurosci. 27 , 805-807 (2024).\n28. Pritschet, L., Taylor, C. M., Santander, T. & Jacobs, E. G. Applying dense-sampling methods to reveal dynamic endocrine modulation of the nervous system. Curr. Opin. Behav. Sci. 40 , 72-78 (2021).", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Endocrine procedures\nCortical GMV and CT . We then narrowed our analyses to the first 19 sessions (baseline-36 weeks gestation) to assess novel brain changes occurring over the gestational window. We first computed Pearson's product-moment correlation matrices between the following variables: gestation week, estradiol, progesterone and the 17 network-level average GMV values. We then ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting ROI-level GMV changes by gestation week. To identify which regions were changing at a rate different from the global decrease, we then ran the analyses again to include total GMV in the regression model (Supplementary Table 2). This was extended to the network level, where we ran partial correlations accounting for total GMV. These same analyses were then run with CT measures. Globally-corrected results provided in Supplementary Tables 1-5. Percent change at the network level was computed by subtracting the final pregnancy value (36 weeks pregnant) from the first prepregnancy baseline value, then dividing that difference by said first prepregnancy baseline value. All analyses underwent multiple comparisons testing (false discovery rate (FDR)-corrected at q < 0.05).\nNature Neuroscience\nSubcortical GMV . A similar statistical approach was taken for subcortical volume estimates. We ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting GMV changes over gestation in 28 ROIs (Supplementary Fig. 6a) by gestation week (FDR-corrected at q < 0.05).\nTo evaluate the relationship between gestation week and MTL subregion volume over pregnancy ( n = 7 bilateral subregions and n = 18 MTL scans), we used a combination of linear and nonlinear models based on individual subregion data patterns. Models were compared for best fit with each subregion via AIC from the GLM output (as described in 'Summary brain metrics'). A linear regression model was most appropriate for PHC (AICdiff < 3), whereas a quadratic model performed best for CA1 and CA2/CA3. As a control, we repeated the analyses with MTL subregion volumes after proportional volume correction of total GMV calculated by ASHS. Finally, we evaluated the relationship between endogenous sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and subregion volumes using linear regression. Relationships were considered significant only if they met FDR correction at q < 0.05.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Whole-brain subcortical volumes\noverlook the full range of changes that unfold within the gestational window, and underrepresent the brain's metamorphosis during pregnancy. Furthermore, although observed changes were largely global, some regions displayed notable stability (for example, extrastriate cortex). The subcortical region that displayed the strongest relationship with gestation week was the ventral diencephalon, which encompasses the hypothalamus and subsequent medial preoptic area and paraventricular nucleus-structures critical for inducing maternal behavior 12,16 . The hippocampus exhibited a reduction in volume across gestation, and with higher spatial resolution, this reduction was revealed to be driven by changes in CA1 and CA2/CA3 subfield volumes, while other hippocampal subfields remained stable. Adjacent PHC within the MTL also exhibited volume reduction across gestation. While our hippocampal findings are consistent with pre/post studies of pregnancy 13 , the precision lens applied within gestation revealed the nonlinear nature of this reduction. Recapitulating and clarifying these regionally specific patterns of volume change throughout the MTL merits further investigation.\nSimilar precision imaging studies have captured dynamic brain reorganization across other neuroendocrine transitions, such as the menstrual cycle (see review in ref. 28), underscoring the powerful role steroid hormones have in shaping the mammalian brain 29 . Endocrine changes across pregnancy dwarf those that occur across the menstrual cycle, which highlights the critical need to map the brain's response to this unique hormonal state. Broad physiological changes occur in tandem with the rise in steroid hormones, including changes in body mass composition, water retention, immune function and\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2258", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparing brain changes across pregnancy against controls\ncolors denote pregnancy stage. The participant underwent IVF to achieve pregnancy, allowing for precise mapping of ovulation, conception and gestation week. d , Summary (that is, total) of brain measures throughout the experiment. Generalized additive models revealed GMV, CT and total brain volume decreased throughout pregnancy (see Methods for validation with cubic regression), with a slight recovery postpartum. Global QA, lateral ventricle and CSF volumes displayed nonlinear increases across gestation, with a notable rise in the second and third trimesters before dropping sharply postpartum. Shaded regions represent 95% confidence bands; solid lines indicate model fit; dashed line indicates parturition.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nConverging evidence across mammalian species points to pregnancy as a remarkable period of neuroplasticity, revealing the brain's ability to undergo adaptive, hormonally-driven neuroanatomical changes beyond adolescence 13-15,20,21,24-26 . Investigations that compare women\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2255\nprepregnancy and then again postpartum provide the strongest evidence to date that the human brain undergoes such neural changes 11,27 . But what about pregnancy itself? Over what time course do anatomical changes in the maternal brain manifest? Are they tied to the substantial increase in sex hormone production? Here we begin to address these\nResource\na\nWhole-brain GMV\nGMV ~ gestation week\nFig. 2 | Cortical GMV showed widespread change through gestation and\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0\nPostcentral gyrus Dorsal attention network B Regional GMV\nFrontal eye fields\nDorsal attention network B\nc\nPrecuneus/posterior cingulate Default mode network A\nMedial frontal Salience ventral attention network A\nInsula Salience ventral attention network B\npostpartum. a , Multivariate regression analyses reveal largely negative relationships between gestation week and regional GMV, with only a minority of regions unaffected or increasing over the gestational window (baseline-36 weeks). All associations presented here were corrected for multiple comparisons (FDR at q < 0.05; nonsignificant values set to zero for interpretability). b , Average network change was calculated by estimating GMV percent change from baseline (initial) to 36 weeks gestation (final). Attention and control networks appear most affected. c , Six representative regions, classified by major subnetworks, that exhibit pronounced GMV change across gestation. For each panel, we display a scatterplot between average GMV of the ROIs and gestation week (left; gestation sessions only, 19 scans), and summary GMV of ROIs by pregnancy stage across the whole study (right; gestation and postpartum sessions, 26 scans).", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Endocrine procedures\nThe participant underwent a blood draw ( n = 19; Fig. 1c) before MRI scanning. Sex steroid concentrations were determined via ultra-sensitive liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry at the Brigham and Women's Hospital Research Assay Core (BRAC). Assay sensitivities, dynamic range and intra-assay coefficients of variation\nNature Neuroscience\nwere as follows: estradiol-1.0 pg ml -1 , 1-500 pg ml -1 , <5% relative s.d. (RSD); progesterone-0.05 ng ml -1 , 0.05-10 ng ml -1 , 9.33% RSD. Serological samples were not acquired in five sessions due to scheduling conflicts with UC Irvine's Center for Clinical Research.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf", - "query": "Which cortical sub-networks were particularly sensitive to pregnancy?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Several sensory and attention subnetworks were particu- larly sensitive to gestation, including the control (subnetwork B), sali- ence ventral attention (subnetwork A), dorsal attention (subnetwork B), default (subnetwork A) and somatomotor (subnetworks A and B) networks", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Cortical volume and thickness changes tied to gestation\nWe then narrowed the aperture to capture changes unfolding within gestation itself (baseline-36 weeks pregnant, 19 scans). Relationships between summary brain metrics were evident over the gestational period as follows: total brain volume, GMV and CT were positively associated with one another, whereas lateral ventricles, CSF and global QA demonstrated negative relationships with GMV (Supplementary Fig. 1).\nChanges in GMV were near-ubiquitous across the cortical mantle (Fig. 2a). Most large-scale brain networks exhibited decreases in GMV (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Table 1); indeed, 80% of the 400 regions of interest (ROI) demonstrated negative relationships between GMV and gestation week (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Table 2). Together, these results provide evidence of a global decrease in cortical volume across pregnancy. Several sensory and attention subnetworks were particularly sensitive to gestation, including the control (subnetwork B), salience/ventral attention (subnetwork A), dorsal attention (subnetwork B), default (subnetwork A) and somatomotor (subnetworks A and B) networks (Supplementary Table 1). Regions driving these network-level changes include the bilateral inferior parietal lobe, postcentral gyri, insulae, prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate and somatosensory cortex (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Table 2 and validation of findings using alternate pipeline in Supplementary Tables 1 and 3). These regions and\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2254\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Whole-brain subcortical volumes\nb\nCA1\nMedial temporal lobe subregion volumes\nCA2/CA3\nFig. 3 | Subcortical GMV changed throughout gestation. a , Multivariate regression analyses revealed largely negative relationships between gestation week and subcortical GMV regions over pregnancy, including bilateral thalamus, caudate, hippocampus, ventral diencephalon (encompassing hypothalamus, substantia nigra, mammillary body and red nucleus) and left caudate. Lateral ventricles displayed the only positive relationships with gestation week (also depicted in Fig. 1d). The whole-brain subcortical GMV estimates shown here were derived via FreeSurfer and 'aseg' subcortical segmentation. FDRcorrected at q < 0.05. Inset, right ventral diencephalon displayed the strongest negative association with gestation (left; baseline-36 weeks, 19 scans) and did not return to baseline postpartum (right; gestation and postpartum, 26 scans). b , The participant's hippocampus and surrounding cortex were segmented\ninto seven bilateral subregions. Quadratic (CA1, CA2/CA3) and linear regression analyses (PHC) revealed subfields were negatively associated with gestation week (baseline-36 weeks, 18 scans) and did not return to baseline postpartum (gestation and postpartum, 25 scans). Shaded regions in scatterplots represent a 95% confidence interval. Each boxplot represents IQR for each stage, with a horizontal line representing the median value. The whiskers indicate variability outside (±1.5) of this range. Outside values are >1.5× and <3× IQR beyond either end of the box. FDR-corrected at q < 0.05. For a and b , nonsignificant regions were set to zero for interpretability. See Supplementary Fig. 6 for complete labeling of regions in both segmentations. Brain visualizations created with R package ggseg 48 . DC, diencephalon.\noutstanding questions. This study and corresponding open-access dataset offer neuroscientists a detailed map of the human brain across gestation, a resource for which a wide range of previously unattainable neurobiological questions can now be explored.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Cortical volume and thickness changes tied to gestation\nassociated brain networks appear to decrease in volume at a faster rate than the rest of the brain throughout pregnancy, as determined by a subsequent analysis controlling for total GMV (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). GMV reductions were also significantly correlated with the participant's estradiol and progesterone concentrations (Supplementary Table 1). A highly similar pattern of results was observed when examining pregnancy-related CT changes (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). Significant reductions in cortical GMV over gestation remained after controlling for standard quality control (QC) metrics, albeit with some influence on the magnitude and location of the observed effects (Supplementary Figs. 4 and 5).\nIn contrast, GMV within regions of the default mode (subnetwork C), limbic (subnetworks A and B) and visual peripheral networks buck the global trend by slightly increasing (for example, temporal poles), remaining constant (for example, orbitofrontal cortex) or reducing at a much slower rate (for example, extrastriate cortex) than total GMV (Fig. 2a,b and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). CT changes in these regions exhibit similar patterns (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Tables 4 and 5).", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Whole-brain subcortical volumes\noverlook the full range of changes that unfold within the gestational window, and underrepresent the brain's metamorphosis during pregnancy. Furthermore, although observed changes were largely global, some regions displayed notable stability (for example, extrastriate cortex). The subcortical region that displayed the strongest relationship with gestation week was the ventral diencephalon, which encompasses the hypothalamus and subsequent medial preoptic area and paraventricular nucleus-structures critical for inducing maternal behavior 12,16 . The hippocampus exhibited a reduction in volume across gestation, and with higher spatial resolution, this reduction was revealed to be driven by changes in CA1 and CA2/CA3 subfield volumes, while other hippocampal subfields remained stable. Adjacent PHC within the MTL also exhibited volume reduction across gestation. While our hippocampal findings are consistent with pre/post studies of pregnancy 13 , the precision lens applied within gestation revealed the nonlinear nature of this reduction. Recapitulating and clarifying these regionally specific patterns of volume change throughout the MTL merits further investigation.\nSimilar precision imaging studies have captured dynamic brain reorganization across other neuroendocrine transitions, such as the menstrual cycle (see review in ref. 28), underscoring the powerful role steroid hormones have in shaping the mammalian brain 29 . Endocrine changes across pregnancy dwarf those that occur across the menstrual cycle, which highlights the critical need to map the brain's response to this unique hormonal state. Broad physiological changes occur in tandem with the rise in steroid hormones, including changes in body mass composition, water retention, immune function and\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2258", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Subcortical GMV changes tied to gestation\nConsistent with the broader cortical reductions in GMV, several subcortical regions significantly reduced in volume across gestation (Fig. 3a, left). This included bilateral ventral diencephalon (right hemisphere values shown in Fig. 3a, right; encompasses hypothalamus, substantia nigra, mammillary body, lateral geniculate nucleus and red nucleus among others 22 ), caudate, hippocampus and thalamus, along with left putamen and brain stem (Supplementary Table 6, q < 0.05).\nNext, high-resolution segmentation of the MTL allowed us to interrogate subcortical structures at a finer resolution, revealing nonlinear volumetric decreases in CA1 ( F (2,15) = 5.84, q = 0.031, R 2 adj = 0.36; Fig. 3b, left) and CA2/CA3 ( F (2,15) = 6.82, q = 0.027, R 2 adj = 0.41; Fig. 3b, middle) across gestation. PHC exhibited linear volumetric decreases across gestation ( F (1,16) = 24.87, q < 0.001, R 2 adj = 0.58; Fig. 3b, right) which was also tied to estradiol ( F (1,12) = 20.21, q = 0.005, R 2 adj = 0.60). All three relationships remained significant after proportional correction for total GMV. There was no significant change in other subregions or total volume of the hippocampal body, or in the parahippocampal gyrus (Supplementary Table 7 and Supplementary Fig. 8).", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Neuroanatomical changes observed over the course of a human pregnancy\nHere we conducted a precision imaging study of pregnancy in which a healthy 38-year-old primiparous woman underwent 26 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and venipuncture beginning 3 weeks preconception through 2 years postpartum. We observed widespread reductions in cortical GMV and cortical thickness (CT) occurring in step with advancing gestational week and the dramatic rise in sex hormone production. Remodeling was also evident within\n1 Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. 2 Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA. 3 Section on Functional Imaging Methods, Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. 4 Neuroscience Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. 5 These authors contributed equally: Elizabeth R. Chrastil, Emily G. Jacobs. e-mail: laura.pritschet@pennmedicine.upenn.edu; chrastil@uci.edu; emily.jacobs@psych.ucsb.edu\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2253\nResource\nsubcortical structures, including the ventral diencephalon, caudate, thalamus, putamen and hippocampus. High-resolution imaging and segmentation of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) extend these findings further, revealing specific volumetric reductions within hippocampal subfields CA1, CA2/CA3 and parahippocampal cortex (PHC). In contrast to widespread decreases in cortical and subcortical GMV, correlational tractography analyses revealed nonlinear increases in white matter quantitative anisotropy (QA) throughout the brain-indicating greater tract integrity-as gestational week progressed. Together, these findings reveal the highly dynamic changes that unfold in a human brain across pregnancy, demonstrating a capacity for extensive neural remodeling well into adulthood.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Whole-brain subcortical volumes\nsleep patterns 11 . These factors could have a role in the brain changes observed here, with some driving neurobiological changes and others, like water retention, potentially affecting MRI-based measurements. Note that, although cortical reductions in GMV over gestation were stable across analyses, accounting for QC measures influenced the magnitude and location of these results. These metrics all fell within the standard range, but there may be meaningful reductions in signal that accompany volumetric reductions (for example, increased CSF and decreased GM)-a methodological nuance that goes beyond the scope of this resource study. Ultimately, identifying the shared and unique contributions of these factors to the neuroanatomical changes that unfold across gestation warrants further investigation. Deeply phenotyping a large and diverse cohort of women across pregnancy will open up new avenues of exploration, for example, allowing researchers to link blood-based proteomic signatures to pregnancy outcomes; deploying wearable devices to monitor changes in sleep, cognition and mood; and probing the broader social and environmental determinants of maternal health 27 .\nThe neuroanatomical changes that unfold during matrescence may have broad implications for understanding individual differences in parental behavior 13,24,30,31 , vulnerability to mental health disorders 32,33 and patterns of brain aging 18,19,34-36 . Decreases in GMV may reflect 'fine-tuning' of the brain by neuromodulatory hormones in preparation for parenthood 26 . For example, in rodents, steroid hormones promote parental behavior by remodeling specific neural circuits in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus. These behavioral adaptations are critical to the dam's ability to meet the demands of caring for\nResource\nthe offspring 12 . Human studies have revealed GMV reductions in areas of the brain important for social cognition and the magnitude of these changes corresponds with increased parental attachment 13 . Deeper examination of cellular and systems-level mechanisms will improve our understanding of how pregnancy remodels specific circuits to promote maternal behavior.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Resource\n19. Orchard, E. R. et al. Neuroprotective e/ffects of motherhood on brain function in late life: a resting-state fMRI study. Cereb. Cortex 31 , 1270-1283 (2021).\n20. Oatridge, A. et al. Change in brain size during and after pregnancy: study in healthy women and women with preeclampsia. Am. J. Neuroradiol. 23 , 19-26 (2002).\n21. Paternina-Di, M. et al. Women's neuroplasticity during gestation, childbirth and postpartum. Nat. Neurosci. 27 , 319-327 (2024).\n22. Makris, N. et al. Decreased volume of the brain reward system in alcoholism. Biol. Psychiatry 64 , 192-202 (2008).\n23. Filevich, E. et al. Day2day: investigating daily variability of magnetic resonance imaging measures over half a year. BMC Neurosci. 18 , 65 (2017).\n24. Dulac, C., O'Connell, L. A. & Wu, Z. Neural control of maternal and paternal behaviors. Science 345 , 765-770 (2014).\n25. Carmona, S. et al. Pregnancy and adolescence entail similar neuroanatomical adaptations: a comparative analysis of cerebral morphometric changes. Hum. Brain Mapp. 40 , 2143-2152 (2019).\n26. Pawluski, J. L., Hoekzema, E., Leuner, B. & Lonstein, J. S. Less can be more: fine tuning the maternal brain. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 133 , 104475 (2022).\n27. Martínez-García, M., Jacobs, E. G., de Lange, A. M. G. & Carmona, S. Advancing the neuroscience of human pregnancy. Nat. Neurosci. 27 , 805-807 (2024).\n28. Pritschet, L., Taylor, C. M., Santander, T. & Jacobs, E. G. Applying dense-sampling methods to reveal dynamic endocrine modulation of the nervous system. Curr. Opin. Behav. Sci. 40 , 72-78 (2021).", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nConverging evidence across mammalian species points to pregnancy as a remarkable period of neuroplasticity, revealing the brain's ability to undergo adaptive, hormonally-driven neuroanatomical changes beyond adolescence 13-15,20,21,24-26 . Investigations that compare women\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2255\nprepregnancy and then again postpartum provide the strongest evidence to date that the human brain undergoes such neural changes 11,27 . But what about pregnancy itself? Over what time course do anatomical changes in the maternal brain manifest? Are they tied to the substantial increase in sex hormone production? Here we begin to address these\nResource\na\nWhole-brain GMV\nGMV ~ gestation week\nFig. 2 | Cortical GMV showed widespread change through gestation and\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0\nPostcentral gyrus Dorsal attention network B Regional GMV\nFrontal eye fields\nDorsal attention network B\nc\nPrecuneus/posterior cingulate Default mode network A\nMedial frontal Salience ventral attention network A\nInsula Salience ventral attention network B\npostpartum. a , Multivariate regression analyses reveal largely negative relationships between gestation week and regional GMV, with only a minority of regions unaffected or increasing over the gestational window (baseline-36 weeks). All associations presented here were corrected for multiple comparisons (FDR at q < 0.05; nonsignificant values set to zero for interpretability). b , Average network change was calculated by estimating GMV percent change from baseline (initial) to 36 weeks gestation (final). Attention and control networks appear most affected. c , Six representative regions, classified by major subnetworks, that exhibit pronounced GMV change across gestation. For each panel, we display a scatterplot between average GMV of the ROIs and gestation week (left; gestation sessions only, 19 scans), and summary GMV of ROIs by pregnancy stage across the whole study (right; gestation and postpartum sessions, 26 scans).", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Endocrine procedures\nCortical GMV and CT . We then narrowed our analyses to the first 19 sessions (baseline-36 weeks gestation) to assess novel brain changes occurring over the gestational window. We first computed Pearson's product-moment correlation matrices between the following variables: gestation week, estradiol, progesterone and the 17 network-level average GMV values. We then ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting ROI-level GMV changes by gestation week. To identify which regions were changing at a rate different from the global decrease, we then ran the analyses again to include total GMV in the regression model (Supplementary Table 2). This was extended to the network level, where we ran partial correlations accounting for total GMV. These same analyses were then run with CT measures. Globally-corrected results provided in Supplementary Tables 1-5. Percent change at the network level was computed by subtracting the final pregnancy value (36 weeks pregnant) from the first prepregnancy baseline value, then dividing that difference by said first prepregnancy baseline value. All analyses underwent multiple comparisons testing (false discovery rate (FDR)-corrected at q < 0.05).\nNature Neuroscience\nSubcortical GMV . A similar statistical approach was taken for subcortical volume estimates. We ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting GMV changes over gestation in 28 ROIs (Supplementary Fig. 6a) by gestation week (FDR-corrected at q < 0.05).\nTo evaluate the relationship between gestation week and MTL subregion volume over pregnancy ( n = 7 bilateral subregions and n = 18 MTL scans), we used a combination of linear and nonlinear models based on individual subregion data patterns. Models were compared for best fit with each subregion via AIC from the GLM output (as described in 'Summary brain metrics'). A linear regression model was most appropriate for PHC (AICdiff < 3), whereas a quadratic model performed best for CA1 and CA2/CA3. As a control, we repeated the analyses with MTL subregion volumes after proportional volume correction of total GMV calculated by ASHS. Finally, we evaluated the relationship between endogenous sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and subregion volumes using linear regression. Relationships were considered significant only if they met FDR correction at q < 0.05.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf", - "query": "What may reflect the decrease in GMV during pregnancy?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": " Decreases in GMV may reflect ‘fine-tuning’ of the brain by neuromodulatory hormones in prepara- tion for parenthood", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Cortical volume and thickness changes tied to gestation\nassociated brain networks appear to decrease in volume at a faster rate than the rest of the brain throughout pregnancy, as determined by a subsequent analysis controlling for total GMV (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). GMV reductions were also significantly correlated with the participant's estradiol and progesterone concentrations (Supplementary Table 1). A highly similar pattern of results was observed when examining pregnancy-related CT changes (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). Significant reductions in cortical GMV over gestation remained after controlling for standard quality control (QC) metrics, albeit with some influence on the magnitude and location of the observed effects (Supplementary Figs. 4 and 5).\nIn contrast, GMV within regions of the default mode (subnetwork C), limbic (subnetworks A and B) and visual peripheral networks buck the global trend by slightly increasing (for example, temporal poles), remaining constant (for example, orbitofrontal cortex) or reducing at a much slower rate (for example, extrastriate cortex) than total GMV (Fig. 2a,b and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). CT changes in these regions exhibit similar patterns (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Tables 4 and 5).", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Whole-brain subcortical volumes\nsleep patterns 11 . These factors could have a role in the brain changes observed here, with some driving neurobiological changes and others, like water retention, potentially affecting MRI-based measurements. Note that, although cortical reductions in GMV over gestation were stable across analyses, accounting for QC measures influenced the magnitude and location of these results. These metrics all fell within the standard range, but there may be meaningful reductions in signal that accompany volumetric reductions (for example, increased CSF and decreased GM)-a methodological nuance that goes beyond the scope of this resource study. Ultimately, identifying the shared and unique contributions of these factors to the neuroanatomical changes that unfold across gestation warrants further investigation. Deeply phenotyping a large and diverse cohort of women across pregnancy will open up new avenues of exploration, for example, allowing researchers to link blood-based proteomic signatures to pregnancy outcomes; deploying wearable devices to monitor changes in sleep, cognition and mood; and probing the broader social and environmental determinants of maternal health 27 .\nThe neuroanatomical changes that unfold during matrescence may have broad implications for understanding individual differences in parental behavior 13,24,30,31 , vulnerability to mental health disorders 32,33 and patterns of brain aging 18,19,34-36 . Decreases in GMV may reflect 'fine-tuning' of the brain by neuromodulatory hormones in preparation for parenthood 26 . For example, in rodents, steroid hormones promote parental behavior by remodeling specific neural circuits in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus. These behavioral adaptations are critical to the dam's ability to meet the demands of caring for\nResource\nthe offspring 12 . Human studies have revealed GMV reductions in areas of the brain important for social cognition and the magnitude of these changes corresponds with increased parental attachment 13 . Deeper examination of cellular and systems-level mechanisms will improve our understanding of how pregnancy remodels specific circuits to promote maternal behavior.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparing brain changes across pregnancy against controls\nWe then compared the changes in GMV across gestation to that of typical variability over time, derived from eight densely-sampled controls 23 . The GMV changes we see across pregnancy far exceed normative brain variability (Supplementary Fig. 11). On average, change in cortical GMV was nearly three times higher than controls scanned over a similar duration (Supplementary Fig. 11a,b). This extends to MTL subfields, wherein change in volume was three to four times greater across gestation than normative brain variability (Supplementary Fig. 11c,d). We contextualized these findings further by comparing gestational GMV change against our participant's preconception brain volumes; average GMV change during pregnancy was six times (cortical) and three times (MTL) higher than the variability observed between baseline sessions.\nResource\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0\nFig. 1 | Precision imaging reveals neuroanatomical changes throughout gestation. a , Standard medical demarcations for pregnancy stages (that is, trimesters) by gestation week (the image is created with BioRender.com). b , Steroid hormones increased significantly throughout pregnancy and dropped precipitously postpartum, as is characteristic of the prenatal and postnatal periods. c , A healthy 38-year-old primiparous woman underwent 26 scanning sessions from 3 weeks preconception through 2 years postpartum. Scans were distributed throughout preconception (four scans), first trimester (four scans), second trimester (six scans), third trimester (five scans) and postpartum (seven scans); tick marks indicate when major measures were collected and", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Endocrine procedures\nCortical GMV and CT . We then narrowed our analyses to the first 19 sessions (baseline-36 weeks gestation) to assess novel brain changes occurring over the gestational window. We first computed Pearson's product-moment correlation matrices between the following variables: gestation week, estradiol, progesterone and the 17 network-level average GMV values. We then ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting ROI-level GMV changes by gestation week. To identify which regions were changing at a rate different from the global decrease, we then ran the analyses again to include total GMV in the regression model (Supplementary Table 2). This was extended to the network level, where we ran partial correlations accounting for total GMV. These same analyses were then run with CT measures. Globally-corrected results provided in Supplementary Tables 1-5. Percent change at the network level was computed by subtracting the final pregnancy value (36 weeks pregnant) from the first prepregnancy baseline value, then dividing that difference by said first prepregnancy baseline value. All analyses underwent multiple comparisons testing (false discovery rate (FDR)-corrected at q < 0.05).\nNature Neuroscience\nSubcortical GMV . A similar statistical approach was taken for subcortical volume estimates. We ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting GMV changes over gestation in 28 ROIs (Supplementary Fig. 6a) by gestation week (FDR-corrected at q < 0.05).\nTo evaluate the relationship between gestation week and MTL subregion volume over pregnancy ( n = 7 bilateral subregions and n = 18 MTL scans), we used a combination of linear and nonlinear models based on individual subregion data patterns. Models were compared for best fit with each subregion via AIC from the GLM output (as described in 'Summary brain metrics'). A linear regression model was most appropriate for PHC (AICdiff < 3), whereas a quadratic model performed best for CA1 and CA2/CA3. As a control, we repeated the analyses with MTL subregion volumes after proportional volume correction of total GMV calculated by ASHS. Finally, we evaluated the relationship between endogenous sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and subregion volumes using linear regression. Relationships were considered significant only if they met FDR correction at q < 0.05.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Subcortical GMV changes tied to gestation\nConsistent with the broader cortical reductions in GMV, several subcortical regions significantly reduced in volume across gestation (Fig. 3a, left). This included bilateral ventral diencephalon (right hemisphere values shown in Fig. 3a, right; encompasses hypothalamus, substantia nigra, mammillary body, lateral geniculate nucleus and red nucleus among others 22 ), caudate, hippocampus and thalamus, along with left putamen and brain stem (Supplementary Table 6, q < 0.05).\nNext, high-resolution segmentation of the MTL allowed us to interrogate subcortical structures at a finer resolution, revealing nonlinear volumetric decreases in CA1 ( F (2,15) = 5.84, q = 0.031, R 2 adj = 0.36; Fig. 3b, left) and CA2/CA3 ( F (2,15) = 6.82, q = 0.027, R 2 adj = 0.41; Fig. 3b, middle) across gestation. PHC exhibited linear volumetric decreases across gestation ( F (1,16) = 24.87, q < 0.001, R 2 adj = 0.58; Fig. 3b, right) which was also tied to estradiol ( F (1,12) = 20.21, q = 0.005, R 2 adj = 0.60). All three relationships remained significant after proportional correction for total GMV. There was no significant change in other subregions or total volume of the hippocampal body, or in the parahippocampal gyrus (Supplementary Table 7 and Supplementary Fig. 8).", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Cortical volume and thickness changes tied to gestation\nWe then narrowed the aperture to capture changes unfolding within gestation itself (baseline-36 weeks pregnant, 19 scans). Relationships between summary brain metrics were evident over the gestational period as follows: total brain volume, GMV and CT were positively associated with one another, whereas lateral ventricles, CSF and global QA demonstrated negative relationships with GMV (Supplementary Fig. 1).\nChanges in GMV were near-ubiquitous across the cortical mantle (Fig. 2a). Most large-scale brain networks exhibited decreases in GMV (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Table 1); indeed, 80% of the 400 regions of interest (ROI) demonstrated negative relationships between GMV and gestation week (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Table 2). Together, these results provide evidence of a global decrease in cortical volume across pregnancy. Several sensory and attention subnetworks were particularly sensitive to gestation, including the control (subnetwork B), salience/ventral attention (subnetwork A), dorsal attention (subnetwork B), default (subnetwork A) and somatomotor (subnetworks A and B) networks (Supplementary Table 1). Regions driving these network-level changes include the bilateral inferior parietal lobe, postcentral gyri, insulae, prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate and somatosensory cortex (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Table 2 and validation of findings using alternate pipeline in Supplementary Tables 1 and 3). These regions and\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2254\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Whole-brain subcortical volumes\nOur findings from this precision imaging study show that pregnancy is characterized by reductions in GMV, cortical thinning and enhanced white matter microstructural integrity that unfold week by week. These changes were also tied to the significant rise in steroid hormone concentrations over pregnancy. Some of these changes persist at 2 years postpartum (for example, global reductions in GMV and CT), while others, including markers of white matter integrity, appear to be transient. Ventricular expansion and contraction parallel these cortical changes. These widespread patterns, and the notable increase in CSF volume across gestation, could reflect increased water retention and subsequent compression of cortical tissue. However, the persistence of these changes at 2 years postpartum and regional variation in GMV, CT and QA, hint at cellular underpinnings, such as alterations in glia\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2257\nor neuron number, synaptic density and myelination (for review on the latter, see ref. 4). Future studies of the relationship between fluid dynamics and volumetric changes will help clarify the factors that drive global neural changes during pregnancy; such insights will have broad implications for maternal health (for example, neurological effects tied to pre-eclampsia or edema).\nCritically, dynamic neural changes occurred within the pregnancy window itself, a nuance not captured by studies limited to comparisons between prepregnancy and postpregnancy. For example, we observed large increases in white matter microstructural integrity (QA) throughout the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, but these measures fully returned to baseline values by the first postpartum scan. This pattern may explain why previous studies report no pregnancy-related differences in white matter tractography 14 . Other measures, such as GMV and CT, decreased throughout gestation and displayed only a modest rebound postpartum. These nonlinear patterns suggest that only quantifying prepregnancy and postpartum brain structure may\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0\nPHC\nResource\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Comparing brain changes across pregnancy against controls\ncolors denote pregnancy stage. The participant underwent IVF to achieve pregnancy, allowing for precise mapping of ovulation, conception and gestation week. d , Summary (that is, total) of brain measures throughout the experiment. Generalized additive models revealed GMV, CT and total brain volume decreased throughout pregnancy (see Methods for validation with cubic regression), with a slight recovery postpartum. Global QA, lateral ventricle and CSF volumes displayed nonlinear increases across gestation, with a notable rise in the second and third trimesters before dropping sharply postpartum. Shaded regions represent 95% confidence bands; solid lines indicate model fit; dashed line indicates parturition.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Discussion\nConverging evidence across mammalian species points to pregnancy as a remarkable period of neuroplasticity, revealing the brain's ability to undergo adaptive, hormonally-driven neuroanatomical changes beyond adolescence 13-15,20,21,24-26 . Investigations that compare women\nNature Neuroscience | Volume 27 | November 2024 | 2253-2260\n2255\nprepregnancy and then again postpartum provide the strongest evidence to date that the human brain undergoes such neural changes 11,27 . But what about pregnancy itself? Over what time course do anatomical changes in the maternal brain manifest? Are they tied to the substantial increase in sex hormone production? Here we begin to address these\nResource\na\nWhole-brain GMV\nGMV ~ gestation week\nFig. 2 | Cortical GMV showed widespread change through gestation and\nhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01741-0\nPostcentral gyrus Dorsal attention network B Regional GMV\nFrontal eye fields\nDorsal attention network B\nc\nPrecuneus/posterior cingulate Default mode network A\nMedial frontal Salience ventral attention network A\nInsula Salience ventral attention network B\npostpartum. a , Multivariate regression analyses reveal largely negative relationships between gestation week and regional GMV, with only a minority of regions unaffected or increasing over the gestational window (baseline-36 weeks). All associations presented here were corrected for multiple comparisons (FDR at q < 0.05; nonsignificant values set to zero for interpretability). b , Average network change was calculated by estimating GMV percent change from baseline (initial) to 36 weeks gestation (final). Attention and control networks appear most affected. c , Six representative regions, classified by major subnetworks, that exhibit pronounced GMV change across gestation. For each panel, we display a scatterplot between average GMV of the ROIs and gestation week (left; gestation sessions only, 19 scans), and summary GMV of ROIs by pregnancy stage across the whole study (right; gestation and postpartum sessions, 26 scans).", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gray Matter Volume & Cortical Thickness:\nWe first computed Pearson's product-moment correlation matrices between the following variables (n = 19 pregnancy scans): gestation week, estradiol, progesterone, total GMV, and the 17 network-level average GMV values. We then ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting ROI-level GMV changes by gestation week. To identify which regions were changing at a rate different from the global decrease, we then re-ran the analyses to include total GMV as a variable of noninterest in the regression model. A similar statistical approach was taken for T1w-derived subcortical volume estimates. We ran a multivariate regression analysis predicting GMV changes over gestation in 28 regions-of-interest by gestation week (FDR-corrected at q < 0.05).", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "6126797.pdf", - "query": "How to light up my sports smart watch?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Up button: Short press to light up or turn off the screen", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3. Find Watch\nAfter the smartwatch is bound to the APP, you click 'Find Watch' in the APP, the smartwatch will light up and vibrate for once.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Button down:\nShort press to enter multi-sport mode.\nIn addition, when the watch is in the off-screen state, you can light up the screen by pressing any buttons.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6. Tilt to wake the screen\nWear the smartwatch correctly on your wrist (left/right hand). when you switch on the feature, you can light up the screen when you raise up your wrist.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Up button:\nShort press to light up or turn off the screen; one press to go back the dial interface; long press to reactivate the watch.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.4 Weather\nAfter the smartwatch is connected to the app and the data is synchronized, tap Weather on the watch to display the weather information for the day.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.0 My QR code\nConnect the watch to the APP, find My QR Code in the APP, select WeChat/QQ/Alipay and other \"Receive money QR code\" to sync to the watch (Please follow the instructions of the app to operate the function).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sports smart watch User Manual DT3 Mate\nThank you for choosing our smart watch. You can fully understand the use and operation of the equipment by reading this manual.\nThe company reserves the right to modify the contents of this manual without any prior notice.\nThe product contains: a packing box, a manual, a watch body, and a charging cable.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. Camera\nClick 'camera' in the app WearPro to wake up the camera mode of the watch, click the camera button on the watch to take photos, and the photos will be automatically saved to the phone album.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1 Remote control music\nBind the smartwatch to the app WearPro, you can control the music to start/pause/play previous song/play next song of your phone.\nBind the audio/calling Bluetooth of the smartwatch also, the music will be broadcast on the smartwatch.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Data synchronization\nAfter the watch is successfully bound to the application, the data in the smartwatch can be synchronized to the application.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "6126797.pdf", - "query": "Is my sports smartwatch's fitness data turned on or off by default?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "Fitness data is turned on by default.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1.7 Fitness data\nFitness data is turned on by default. When you enter the fitness data interface, scroll up the screen, the smartwatch will display the current data of steps, distance, and calories. The data will be wiped out at 00:00 every day in the morning.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.4 Weather\nAfter the smartwatch is connected to the app and the data is synchronized, tap Weather on the watch to display the weather information for the day.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "basketball, football)\n1.8.1 Select the corresponding exercise mode, click the 'Start' button on the screen to start the exercise; click the 'Start' button again to pause the recording of the exercise; click the 'End' button to end the recording, and save to the data.\n1.8.2 The data can only be saved when the recording of the exercise is more than 1 minute; If the recording time is less than 1 minute, the smartwatch will remind you that the data is too little to be saved.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Data synchronization\nAfter the watch is successfully bound to the application, the data in the smartwatch can be synchronized to the application.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. Find Watch\nAfter the smartwatch is bound to the APP, you click 'Find Watch' in the APP, the smartwatch will light up and vibrate for once.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Button down:\nShort press to enter multi-sport mode.\nIn addition, when the watch is in the off-screen state, you can light up the screen by pressing any buttons.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.10 ECG\nAfter you wearing the smartwatch correctly, and enter the ECG function(you need to turn on the ECG interface in the app, you can have single measurement at a time. The data of ECG will be saved in the mobile phone. This function should be used with the app.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.6 Frequently used contacts\nThe watch binds to the app, and you allow the watch to access to the phone book of your mobile phone, then you can synchronize you contacts of your mobile phone to the smartwatch.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.9 Heart rate\nAfter you wearing the smartwatch correctly, you can measure heart rate when you enter the heart rate function. If you don't wear the smartwatch properly, it will remind you to wear firmly for the measurement.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Settings\n1) You can select the watch language on the settings of the watch, or the watch language can be synchronized with your mobile phone language after the watch successfully binds to the APP.\n2) Switch the watch face, swipe to the right to view the next watch face, select a watch face, and click it to set the watch face.\n3) Set screen time; a variety of screen time lengths can be selected.\n4) Vibration intensity; set reminder vibration intensity.\n5) Password; a 4-digit password can be set (if you forget the password, please enter 8762 to decrypt the previous password).\n6) Restore factory settings; click √ to enable the factory reset, and click X to cancel the factory reset.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "6126797.pdf", - "query": "When does my Sport smartwatch start and stop monitoring sleep?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "Sleep monitoring time period: from 18:00 at night to 10:00 the next day", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2.2 Sleep\nSleep monitoring time period: from 18:00 at night to 10:00 the next day, the data will be generated by the watch. After connecting to the APP, the sleep data on the watch can be synchronized to the APP for you to check.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "basketball, football)\n1.8.1 Select the corresponding exercise mode, click the 'Start' button on the screen to start the exercise; click the 'Start' button again to pause the recording of the exercise; click the 'End' button to end the recording, and save to the data.\n1.8.2 The data can only be saved when the recording of the exercise is more than 1 minute; If the recording time is less than 1 minute, the smartwatch will remind you that the data is too little to be saved.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3. Find Watch\nAfter the smartwatch is bound to the APP, you click 'Find Watch' in the APP, the smartwatch will light up and vibrate for once.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.4 Weather\nAfter the smartwatch is connected to the app and the data is synchronized, tap Weather on the watch to display the weather information for the day.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "7. Do not disturb mode\nIn the APP, tap 'Device' > 'More' > 'Do not disturb mode', set the start to end time, such as 12:00 to 14:00, then you won't receive phone calls and apps notifications on the watch during this period.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1.7 Fitness data\nFitness data is turned on by default. When you enter the fitness data interface, scroll up the screen, the smartwatch will display the current data of steps, distance, and calories. The data will be wiped out at 00:00 every day in the morning.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "9. Sedentary reminder\nSet the start and the end time of the sedentary reminder, and the time interval (minutes) in the APP. You can set the reminder for once or to repeat regularly by entering the repeating setting. When the sedentary time is reached, the watch will vibrate and display a sedentary icon on the screen.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5. Data synchronization\nAfter the watch is successfully bound to the application, the data in the smartwatch can be synchronized to the application.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6. Tilt to wake the screen\nWear the smartwatch correctly on your wrist (left/right hand). when you switch on the feature, you can light up the screen when you raise up your wrist.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Button down:\nShort press to enter multi-sport mode.\nIn addition, when the watch is in the off-screen state, you can light up the screen by pressing any buttons.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf", - "query": "Have the operating profits in Japan for Nissan gone up or down in 2004?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "operating profits in Japan came to ¥341.1 billion, a decrease of 3.2 percent compared to last year", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Nissan\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review of 2004\nNissan lived up to its challenges in fiscal 2004, despite a very challenging year in the global industry, full of risks both anticipated and unexpected.\nConsolidated net revenues reached ¥8 trillion 576.3 billion, up 15.4 percent from last year. Consolidated operating profit improved by 4.4 percent to a record ¥861.2 billion. As a percentage of net revenue, our operating profit margin came to 10 percent, which remains at the top level among global automakers. And our net income reached ¥512.3 billion, or ¥125.16 per share, compared to ¥122.02 per share for the previous fiscal year.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Net Income\n(Billion Yen)\nNissan Annual Report 2004\n1\nHIGHLIGHTS\nLETTER FROM CEO\n2", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The recovery story is complete\nFiscal 2004 was a tough year, full of both anticipated and unexpected risks, but Nissan lived up to all the challenges. We had a record year in revenues, operating profit, net income, sales volume and production.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OUR WAY\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Operating Income\nConsolidated operating profit improved by 4.4 percent from last year to a record ¥861.2 billion. This resulted in an operating profit margin of 10.0 percent. Operating profit was affected by the following factors:\n· The effect of foreign exchange rates produced a ¥78 billion negative impact for the full year. The depreciation of the U.S. dollar against the yen resulted in a negative impact of ¥74 billion, with an additional ¥13 billion from other currencies. The appreciation of the euro resulted in a positive impact of ¥9 billion.\n· The change in the scope of consolidation produced a positive impact of ¥31 billion. This was primarily from the consolidation of Dongfeng Motor and Yulon Nissan Motor.\n· The impact of the higher volume and mix contributed ¥284 billion. This was mainly driven by an increase in U.S. sales volume.\n· Selling expenses increased by ¥114 billion, also mainly due to the increase of sales in the U.S.\n· The improvement in purchasing costs amounted to ¥131 billion.\nNissan Annual Report 2004\n· Product enrichment and the cost of regulations had a negative impact of ¥92 billion.\n· An additional ¥44 billion was allocated to R&D to reinforce product and technology development.\n· Cost reductions from manufacturing efficiencies were offset by costs associated with expanding the Canton plant's capacity, which resulted in a ¥15 billion increase in manufacturing and logistics expenses.\n· Warranty costs increased by ¥41 billion, partly due to greater volume.\n· General, administrative and other expenses increased by ¥25.7 billion.\nBy region, operating profits in Japan came to ¥341.1 billion, a decrease of 3.2 percent compared to last year. This was mainly due to unfavorable exchange rate fluctuations and an increase in R&D expenses, which reached a record level.\nDue to higher volumes, profitability in the U.S. and Canada increased 7.9 percent from last year and totaled ¥379.7 billion.\nOperating profit in Europe was ¥56 billion, an increase of 13.8 percent compared to last year, owing to a better mix and higher contributions from Russia.\nIn General Overseas Markets, including Mexico, operating profits came to ¥84.8 billion, an increase of 28.5 percent compared to last year. This was primarily due to the consolidation of Dongfeng Motor and Yulon Nissan Motor.\nInter-regional eliminations were negative ¥0.4 billion.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Automotive Debt:\nDespite higher levels incurred for capital expenditures and R&D, cash generated from operating activities in the automotive division eliminated net automotive debt. Nissan held a ¥205.8 billion yen net cash position at the close of fiscal 2004 in this division.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS\nNissan Motor Co., Ltd. And Consolidated Subsidiaries Fiscal years 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME\nNissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Fiscal years 2004, 2003 and 2002", - "page_start": 75, - "page_end": 75, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Share Performance in Fiscal 2004\nNissan's share price began at ¥1,143 at the beginning of fiscal 2004 and ended the fiscal year at ¥1,099, generating a negative return of 3.85 percent. Total shareholder return (TSR) was -1.67 percent, while the dividend yield came to 2.18 percent (¥24 per share dividend, divided by the ¥1,099 closing price). Adverse movements in foreign exchange rates and commodity price hikes adversely affected Nissan's profitability, which was reflected in the share price. In addition, specific events relating directly to the company also had a negative impact. Later in this report, corporate officers will explain what actions Nissan has undertaken to ensure better performance.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf", - "query": "How can CEDAR Oil be used with the AY11236 microscope?", - "target_page": 10, - "target_passage": "1. Drop some cedar oil on to the top of the 100x objective when the 100x objective is being used. NOTE: To maintain a good quality image, rotate the turret right and left several times to eliminate bubbles in the cedar oil. 2. After finishing the observation, wipe off the cedar oil. 3. Do not use the 40x objective until you have wiped off all of the cedar oil.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "USING THE CEDAR OIL\n1. Drop some cedar oil on to the top of the 100x objective when the 100x objective is being used. NOTE: To maintain a good quality image, rotate the turret right and left several times to eliminate bubbles in the cedar oil.\n2. After finishing the observation, wipe off the cedar oil.\n3. Do not use the 40x objective until you have wiped off all of the cedar oil.\n17", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MICROSCOPE USAGE\nBARSKA Model AY11236 is a powerful fixed power compound microscope designed for biological studies such as specimen examination. It can also be used for examining bacteria and for general clinical and medical studies and other scientific uses.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MICROSCOPE USAGE\nBARSKA Model AY11228 and Model AY11232 are designed for biological studies such as specimen examination. They can also be used for examining bacteria and for general clinical and medical studies. Simple design and use is especially useful for school classroom instruction.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MICROSCOPE USAGE\nBARSKA Model AY11240 and Model AY11238 are designed for biological studies such as specimen examination. They can also be used for examining bacteria and for general clinical and medical studies. Simple design and use is especially useful for school classroom instruction.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MODEL AY11236\nModel AY11236", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11240\nName\nMicroscope Stand\nAchromatic\nObjective\nPlain Concave Mirror\n1\nPlastic Dust Cover\n1\n10x Wide Field Eyepiece\n1\nLens Cleaning Tissue\n1\nSpecification\n1\nInspection Certificate\n1\nPacking List\n1", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MICROSCOPE USAGE\nBARSKA Model AY11230 and Model AY11234 are trinocular microscopes designed for biological studies such as specimen examination. They can also be used for examining bacteria and for general clinical and medical studies. Simple design and use and the vertical tube make them is useful for school classroom instruction.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11238\nMicroscope Stand, Name = Microscope Stand. Microscope Stand, Qty = 1. , Name = 4x. , Qty = 1. Achromatic Objective, Name = 10x. Achromatic Objective, Qty = 1. , Name = 40x (s). , Qty = 1. 10x Wide Field Eyepiece, Name = 10x Wide Field Eyepiece. 10x Wide Field Eyepiece, Qty = 1. Plastic Dust Cover, Name = Plastic Dust Cover. Plastic Dust Cover, Qty = 1. Spare Bulb, Name = Spare Bulb. Spare Bulb, Qty = 1. Lens Cleaning Tissue, Name = Lens Cleaning Tissue. Lens Cleaning Tissue, Qty = 1. Specification, Name = Specification. Specification, Qty = 1. Inspection Certificate, Name = Inspection Certificate. Inspection Certificate, Qty = 1. Packing List, Name = Packing List. Packing List, Qty = 1\n7. To clearly see the outline of the specimen, rotate the coarse adjustment knob and lower the barrel to the space limiter.\n8. Rotate the fine adjustment knob until the image is in sharp focus. When using other objectives, rotate the fine focus adjustment until the image is in focus.\n6. To clearly see the outline of the specimen, rotate the coarse adjustment knob and lower the barrel to the space limiter.\n7. Rotate the fine adjustment knob until the image is in sharp focus. When using other objectives, rotate the fine focus adjustment until the image is in focus.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MICROSCOPE USER MANUAL\nMODEL AY11240 40X,100X,400X COMPOUND MONOCULAR\nMODEL AY11238 40X,100X,400X COMPOUND MONOCULAR\nMODEL AY11228 20X,40X STEREO BINOCULAR\nMODEL AY11232 7X-45X STEREO ZOOM\nMODEL AY11230 20X,40X STEREO TRINOCULAR\nMODEL AY11236\n40X,100X,400X,1000X COMPOUND\nMODEL AY11234 7X-45X ZOOM STEREO TRINOCULAR", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PARTS LIST\nMicroscope Stand, Name = Microscope Stand. , Name = 4x (parfocal distance adjustable). , Name = 10x. , Name = 40x (s) (parfocal distance adjustable). , Name = 100x (oil,s) (parfocal distance adjustable). 10x Wide Field Eyepiece w/Pointer, Name = 10x Wide Field Eyepiece w/Pointer. Abbe Condenser NA1.25, Name = Abbe Condenser NA1.25. , Name = . Spare 6V20W Halogen Bulb, Name = Spare 6V20W Halogen Bulb. Lens Cleaning Tissue, Name = Lens Cleaning Tissue. Cedar Oil, Name = Cedar Oil. 1A Fuse (spare), Name = 1A Fuse (spare). Specification, Name = Specification. Inspection Certificate, Name = Inspection Certificate. Packing List, Name = Packing List", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf", - "query": "For the AY11230 microscope, what is the interpupillary adjustment?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "Model AY11230 1. Interpupillary Adjustment: 55mm - 75mm", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Model AY11230\n1. Interpupillary Adjustment: 55mm - 75mm\n2. Working Stage Diameter: 95mm\n3. Focus Knob Adjustment Range: 60mm\n4. Elevator Adjustment Range: 110mm\n5. Right Diopter Adjustment Range: +4 to -6 dopters\n6. Illumination: Input Voltage: 110V AC or 220V Output: Oblique illumination: 12V 10W Halogen Lamp", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11228\n1. Interpupillary Adjustment: 55mm - 75mm\n2. Working Stage Diameter: 95mm\n3. Focus Knob Adjustment Range: 60mm\n4. Elevator Adjustment Range: 110mm\n5. Right Diopter Adjustment Range: +4 to -6 dopters\n6. Illumination: Input Voltage: 110V AC or 220V Output: Oblique illumination: 12V 10W Halogen Lamp", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11232\n1. Interpupillary Adjustment: 55mm - 75mm\n2. Working Stage Diameter: 95mm\n3. Focus Knob Adjustment Range: >50mm\n4. Elevator Adjustment Range: 110mm\n5. Diopter Adjustment Range: +/- 5 diopters\n6. Illumination:\nInput Voltage: 110V AC or 220V Output: Oblique Illumination: 12V 10W Halogen Lamp Transmitted Illumination: 12V 10W Halogen Lamp", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11234\n1. Interpupillary Adjustment: 55mm - 75mm\n2. Working Stage Diameter: 95mm\n3. Focus Knob Adjustment Range: >50mm\n4. Elevator Adjustment Range: 110mm\n5. Diopter Adjustment Range: +/- 5 diopters\n6. Illumination:\nInput Voltage: 110V AC or 220V Output: Oblique Illumination: 12V 10W Halogen Lamp Transmitted Illumination: 12V 10W Halogen Lamp", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Optical Specifications - Model AY11230\n20x, 40x, Objective Magnification = 2x, 4x. 20x, 40x, Eyepiece Magnification & Field Diameter (mm) = Wide Field 10x, 20mm. 20x, 40x, Working Distance = 90mm", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGING THE INTERPUPILLARY DISTANCE\n1. The distance between the observer's pupils is the interpupillary distance.\n12 2. To adjust the interpupillary distance rotate the prism caps until both eyes coincide with the image in the eyepiece.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGING THE INTERPUPILLARY DISTANCE\n1. The distance between the observer's pupils is the interpupillary distance.\n2. To adjust the interpupillary distance rotate the prism caps until both eyes coincide with the image in the eyepiece.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGING THE INTERPUPILLARY DISTANCE\n1. The distance between the observer's pupils is the interpupillary distance.\n2. To adjust the interpupillary distance rotate the prism caps until both eyes coincide with the image in the eyepiece.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CHANGING THE INTERPUPILLARY DISTANCE\n1. The distance between the observer's pupils is the interpupillary distance.\n2. To adjust the interpupillary distance rotate the prism caps until both eyes coincide with the image in the eyepiece.\n8", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11240\nName\nMicroscope Stand\nAchromatic\nObjective\nPlain Concave Mirror\n1\nPlastic Dust Cover\n1\n10x Wide Field Eyepiece\n1\nLens Cleaning Tissue\n1\nSpecification\n1\nInspection Certificate\n1\nPacking List\n1", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf", - "query": "The illumination of my AY11236 microscope is not very strong, what can I do to solve this?", - "target_page": 10, - "target_passage": "1. Open iris diaphragm wider. 2. Raise condenser. 3. Clean lens.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 9 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Model AY11234\n1. Remove components from package. identify all parts before assembling.\n2. Tighten the knob on the stand to prevent the elevator from sliding down.\n3. Fix the binocular body on the stand with the tightening screw.\n4. Check the input voltage to ensure that it conforms to the microscopes requirement.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11232\n1. Remove components from package. identify all parts before assembling.\n2. Tighten the knob on the stand to prevent the elevator from sliding down.\n3. Fix the binocular body on the stand with the tightening screw.\n4. Check the input voltage to ensure that it conforms to the microscopes requirement.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SELECTING THE ILLUMINATION\n1. Depending on microscope use, select oblique or transmitted illumination.\n2. The Brightness Adjustment knobs change the oblique or transmitted light independently. The transmitted illuminator fluorescent lamp cannot be adjusted.\n3. The angle of the oblique lamp can be adjusted to ensure optimum lighting of the sample.\n1. Remove components from package. identify all parts before assembling.\n2. Check the input voltage to ensure that it conforms to the microscopes requirement.\n1. Depending on microscope use, select oblique or transmitted illumination.\n2. The Brightness Adjustment Knobs change the oblique or transmitted light independently. The transmitted illuminator fluorescent lamp cannot be adjusted.\n3. The angle of the oblique lamp can be adjusted to ensure optimum lighting of the sample.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SELECTING THE ILLUMINATION\n1. Depending on microscope use, select oblique or transmitted illumination.\n2. The Brightness Adjustment knobs change the oblique or transmitted light independently. The transmitted illuminator fluorescent lamp cannot be adjusted.\n3. The angle of the oblique lamp can be adjusted to ensure optimum lighting of the sample.\n1. Remove components from package. identify all parts before assembling.\n2. Check the input voltage to ensure that it conforms to the microscopes requirement.\n1. Depending on microscope use, select oblique or transmitted illumination.\n2. The Brightness Adjustment Knobs change the oblique or transmitted light independently. The transmitted illuminator fluorescent lamp cannot be adjusted.\n3. The angle of the oblique lamp can be adjusted to ensure optimum lighting of the sample.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11238\nMicroscope Stand, Name = Microscope Stand. Microscope Stand, Qty = 1. , Name = 4x. , Qty = 1. Achromatic Objective, Name = 10x. Achromatic Objective, Qty = 1. , Name = 40x (s). , Qty = 1. 10x Wide Field Eyepiece, Name = 10x Wide Field Eyepiece. 10x Wide Field Eyepiece, Qty = 1. Plastic Dust Cover, Name = Plastic Dust Cover. Plastic Dust Cover, Qty = 1. Spare Bulb, Name = Spare Bulb. Spare Bulb, Qty = 1. Lens Cleaning Tissue, Name = Lens Cleaning Tissue. Lens Cleaning Tissue, Qty = 1. Specification, Name = Specification. Specification, Qty = 1. Inspection Certificate, Name = Inspection Certificate. Inspection Certificate, Qty = 1. Packing List, Name = Packing List. Packing List, Qty = 1\n7. To clearly see the outline of the specimen, rotate the coarse adjustment knob and lower the barrel to the space limiter.\n8. Rotate the fine adjustment knob until the image is in sharp focus. When using other objectives, rotate the fine focus adjustment until the image is in focus.\n6. To clearly see the outline of the specimen, rotate the coarse adjustment knob and lower the barrel to the space limiter.\n7. Rotate the fine adjustment knob until the image is in sharp focus. When using other objectives, rotate the fine focus adjustment until the image is in focus.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11238\n1. Remove components from package. identify all parts before assembling.\n2. Attach 4x, 10x and 40x objectives to revolving turret.\n3. Place the specimen on the stage and secure with spring clips. NOTE: The cover glass must face upward (the thinner glass is the cover glass), otherwise when the 40x objective is used the specimen cannot be observed. Observation is best when the thickness of the cover glass is 0.1-1.1mm and the cover glass is 0.17mm.\n4. Adjust the stand to an angle that provides comfortable observation.\n5. Rotate and adjust concave mirror to light the field of view. NOTE: Do not reflect the Sun with the mirror. This can cause serious eye injury or permanent eye damage.\n6. Observe the specimen using the lowest magnification objective first. The 4x objective provides a larger field of view to search specimen.\n1. Remove components from package. identify all parts before assembling.\n2. Attach 4x, 10x and 40x objectives to revolving turret. 3. Place the specimen on the stage and secure with spring clips. NOTE: The cover glass must face upward (the thinner glass is the cover glass), otherwise when the 40x objective is used the specimen cannot be observed. Observation is best when the thickness of the cover glass is 0.1-1.1mm and the cover glass is 0.17mm.\n4. Plug power cord into an electrical outlet. Turn microscope lamp ON.\n5. Observe the specimen using the lowest magnification objective first. The 4x objective provides a larger field of view to search specimen.\n4\n4x\n10x\n40x (s)\nQty\n1\n1\n1\n1", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MICROSCOPE USAGE\nBARSKA Model AY11236 is a powerful fixed power compound microscope designed for biological studies such as specimen examination. It can also be used for examining bacteria and for general clinical and medical studies and other scientific uses.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CONSTRUCTION\nBARSKA Model AY11236 is a fixed power compound microscope. It is constructed with two optical paths at the same angle. It is equipped with transmitted illumination. By using this instrument, the user can observe specimens at magnification from 40x to 1000x by selecting the desired objective lens. Coarse and fine focus adjustments provide accuracy and image detail. The rotating head allows the user to position the eyepieces for maximum viewing comfort and easy access to all adjustment knobs.\n14", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Model AY11240\nName\nMicroscope Stand\nAchromatic\nObjective\nPlain Concave Mirror\n1\nPlastic Dust Cover\n1\n10x Wide Field Eyepiece\n1\nLens Cleaning Tissue\n1\nSpecification\n1\nInspection Certificate\n1\nPacking List\n1", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "TROUBLESHOOTING\n1. Image not clear., Possible Cause = 1.Specimen is in incorrect position. 2. Lens is dirty. 3. Cedar oil not placed on immersion objective. 4. Bubbles in Cedar oil.. 1. Image not clear., Solution = 1. Re-position specimen. 2. Clean lens. 3. Put a drop of Cedar oil on immersion objective. 4. Rotate turret several times to eliminate bubbles.. 2. Poor illumination., Possible Cause = 1. Condenser position is incorrect. 2. Lens is dirty. 3. Specimen is not placed level.. 2. Poor illumination., Solution = 1. Re-position condenser. 2. Clean lens. 3. Re-position specimen so it is level.. 3. Illumination not bright., Possible Cause = 1. Iris diaphragm opening too small. 2. Position of condenser too low. 3. Lens is dirty.. 3. Illumination not bright., Solution = 1. Open iris diaphragm wider. 2. Raise condenser. 3. Clean lens.. 4. Cannot focus at high magnification., Possible Cause = 1. Specimen is in incorrect position.. 4. Cannot focus at high magnification., Solution = 1. Re-position specimen.. 5. Objective lenses touch specimen., Possible Cause = 1. Stage is too high.. 5. Objective lenses touch specimen., Solution = 1. Re-position stage.\n18", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "Microscope Manual.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf", - "query": "What event marks the beginning of the field of artificial intelligence?", - "target_page": 22, - "target_passage": "The field of AI research was founded at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Artificial intelligence\nArtificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956, [6] and the field went through multiple cycles of optimism throughout its history, [7][8] followed by periods of disappointment and loss of funding, known as AI winters. [9][10] Funding and interest vastly increased after 2012 when deep learning outperformed previous AI techniques. [11] This growth accelerated further after 2017 with the transformer architecture, [12] and by the early 2020s many billions of dollars were being invested in AI and the field experienced rapid ongoing progress in what has become known as the AI boom. The emergence of advanced generative AI in the midst of the AI boom and its ability to create and modify content exposed several unintended consequences and harms in the present and raised concerns about the risks of AI and its long-term effects in the future, prompting discussions about regulatory policies to ensure the safety and benefits of the technology.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "History\nThe study of mechanical or \"formal\" reasoning began with philosophers and mathematicians in antiquity. The study of logic led directly to Alan Turing's theory of computation, which suggested that a machine, by shuffling symbols as simple as \"0\" and \"1\", could simulate any conceivable form of mathematical reasoning. [319][320] This, along with concurrent discoveries in cybernetics, information theory and neurobiology, led researchers to consider the possibility of building an \"electronic brain\". [r] They developed several areas of research that would become part of AI, [322] such as McCullouch and Pitts design for \"artificial neurons\" in 1943, [115] and Turing's influential 1950 paper 'Computing Machinery and Intelligence', which introduced the Turing test and showed that \"machine intelligence\" was plausible. [323][320]\nThe field of AI research was founded at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956. [s][6] The attendees became the leaders of AI research in the 1960s. [t] They and their students produced programs that the press described as \"astonishing\": [u] computers were learning checkers strategies, solving word problems in algebra, proving logical theorems and speaking English. [v][7] Artificial intelligence laboratories were set up at a number of British and U.S. universities in the latter 1950s and early 1960s. [320]", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Artificial intelligence\nArtificial intelligence ( AI ), in its broadest sense, is intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems. It is a field of research in computer science that develops and studies methods and software that enable machines to perceive their environment and use learning and intelligence to take actions that maximize their chances of achieving defined goals. [1] Such machines may be called AIs.\nHigh-profile applications of AI include advanced web search engines (e.g., Google Search); recommendation systems (used by YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix); virtual assistants (e.g., Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa); autonomous vehicles (e.g., Waymo); generative and creative tools (e.g., ChatGPT and AI art); and superhuman play and analysis in strategy games (e.g., chess and Go). However, many AI applications are not perceived as AI: \"A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications, often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it's not labeled AI anymore.\" [2][3]\nVarious subfields of AI research are centered around particular goals and the use of particular tools. The traditional goals of AI research include reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, and support for robotics. [a] General intelligence-the ability to complete any task performed by a human on an at least equal level-is among the field's long-term goals. [4] To reach these goals, AI researchers have adapted and integrated a wide range of techniques, including search and mathematical optimization, formal logic, artificial neural networks, and methods based on statistics, operations research, and economics. [b] AI also draws upon psychology, linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience, and other fields. [5]", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "History\nUp to this point, most of AI's funding had gone to projects that used high-level symbols to represent mental objects like plans, goals, beliefs, and known facts. In the 1980s, some researchers began to doubt that this approach would be able to imitate all the processes of human cognition, especially perception, robotics, learning and pattern recognition, [335] and began to look into \"sub-symbolic\" approaches. [336] Rodney Brooks rejected \"representation\" in general and focussed directly on engineering machines that move and survive. [x] Judea Pearl, Lofti Zadeh, and others developed methods that handled incomplete and uncertain information by making reasonable guesses rather than precise logic. [86][341] But the most important development was the revival of \"connectionism\", including neural network research, by Geoffrey Hinton and others. [342] In 1990, Yann LeCun successfully showed that convolutional neural networks can recognize handwritten digits, the first of many successful applications of neural networks. [343]\nAI gradually restored its reputation in the late 1990s and early 21st century by exploiting formal mathematical methods and by finding specific solutions to specific problems. This \"narrow\" and \"formal\" focus allowed researchers to produce verifiable results and collaborate with other fields (such as statistics, economics and mathematics). [344] By 2000, solutions developed by AI researchers were being widely used, although in the 1990s they were rarely described as \"artificial intelligence\" (a tendency known as the AI effect). [345] However, several academic researchers became concerned that AI was no longer pursuing its original goal of creating versatile, fully intelligent machines. Beginning around 2002, they founded the subfield of artificial general intelligence (or \"AGI\"), which had several well-funded institutions by the 2010s. [4]", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "History\nDeep learning began to dominate industry benchmarks in 2012 and was adopted throughout the field. [11] For many specific tasks, other methods were abandoned. [y] Deep learning's success was based on both hardware improvements (faster computers, [347] graphics processing units, cloud computing [348] ) and access to large amounts of data [349] (including curated datasets, [348] such as ImageNet). Deep learning's success led to an enormous increase in interest and funding in AI. [z] The amount of machine learning research (measured by total publications) increased by 50% in the years 2015-2019. [306]\nIn 2016, issues of fairness and the misuse of technology were catapulted into center stage at machine learning conferences, publications vastly increased, funding became available, and many researchers refocussed their careers on these issues. The alignment problem became a serious field of academic study. [283]\nIn the late teens and early 2020s, AGI companies began to deliver programs that created enormous interest. In 2015, AlphaGo, developed by DeepMind, beat the world champion Go player. The program taught only the game's rules and developed a strategy by itself. GPT-3 is a large language model that was released in 2020 by OpenAI and is capable of generating high-quality human-like text. [350] ChatGPT, launched on November 30, 2022, became the fastest-growing consumer software application in history, gaining over 100 million users in two months. [351] It marked what is widely regarded as AI's breakout year, bringing it into the public consciousness. [352] These programs, and others, inspired an aggressive AI boom, where large companies began investing billions of dollars in AI research. According to AI Impacts, about $50 billion annually was invested in \"AI\" around 2022 in the U.S. alone and about 20% of the new\nU.S. Computer Science PhD graduates have specialized in \"AI\". [353] About 800,000 \"AI\"-related U.S. job openings existed in 2022. [354] According to PitchBook research, 22% of newly funded startups in 2024 claimed to be AI companies. [355]", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "History of AI\nCrevier, Daniel (1993). AI: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence . New York, NY: BasicBooks. ISBN 0-465-02997-3.\nMcCorduck, Pamela (2004), Machines Who Think (2nd ed.), Natick, Massachusetts: A. K. Peters, ISBN 1-5688-1205-1\nNewquist, H. P. (1994). The Brain Makers: Genius, Ego, And Greed In The Quest For Machines That Think . New York: Macmillan/SAMS. ISBN 978-0-6723-0412-5.\nHarmon, Paul; Sawyer, Brian (1990). Creating Expert Systems for Business and Industry . New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0471614963.", - "page_start": 51, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n361. Kirk-Giannini, Cameron Domenico; Goldstein, Simon (16 October 2023). \"AI is closer than ever to passing the Turing test for 'intelligence'. What happens when it does?\" (https://theco nversation.com/ai-is-closer-than-ever-to-passing-the-turing-test-for-intelligence-what-happe ns-when-it-does-214721). The Conversation . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/202409 25040612/https://theconversation.com/ai-is-closer-than-ever-to-passing-the-turing-test-for-in telligence-what-happens-when-it-does-214721) from the original on 25 September 2024. Retrieved 17 August 2024.\n362. Russell & Norvig (2021), p. 3.\n363. Maker (2006).\n364. McCarthy (1999).\n365. Minsky (1986).\n366. \"What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?\" (https://cloud.google.com/learn/what-is-artificial-intellige nce). Google Cloud Platform . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20230731114802/http s://cloud.google.com/learn/what-is-artificial-intelligence) from the original on 31 July 2023. Retrieved 16 October 2023.\n367. \"One of the Biggest Problems in Regulating AI Is Agreeing on a Definition\" (https://carnegiee ndowment.org/posts/2022/10/one-of-the-biggest-problems-in-regulating-ai-is-agreeing-on-adefinition?lang=en). carnegieendowment.org . Retrieved 31 July 2024.\n368. \"AI or BS? How to tell if a marketing tool really uses artificial intelligence\" (https://www.thedr um.com/opinion/2023/03/30/ai-or-bs-how-tell-if-marketing-tool-really-uses-artificial-intelligen ce). The Drum . Retrieved 31 July 2024.\n369. Nilsson (1983), p. 10.", - "page_start": 49, - "page_end": 49, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Defining artificial intelligence\nSome authors have suggested in practice, that the definition of AI is vague and difficult to define, with contention as to whether classical algorithms should be categorised as AI, [367] with many companies during the early 2020s AI boom using the term as a marketing buzzword, often even if they did \"not actually use AI in a material way\". [368]", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n318. \"Frontier AI Safety Commitments, AI Seoul Summit 2024\" (https://web.archive.org/web/2024 0523201611/https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/frontier-ai-safety-commitments-aiseoul-summit-2024/frontier-ai-safety-commitments-ai-seoul-summit-2024). gov.uk. 21 May 2024. Archived from the original (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/frontier-ai-safe ty-commitments-ai-seoul-summit-2024/frontier-ai-safety-commitments-ai-seoul-summit-202 4) on 23 May 2024. Retrieved 23 May 2024.\n319. Russell & Norvig 2021, p. 9.\n320. Copeland, J., ed. (2004). The Essential Turing: the ideas that gave birth to the computer age . Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-1982-5079-7.\n321. \"Google books ngram\" (https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=electronic+brain& year_start=1930&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3). Archived (https://web.ar chive.org/web/20241005170209/https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=electronic +brain&year_start=1930&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3) from the original on 5 October 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n322. AI's immediate precursors: McCorduck (2004, pp. 51-107), Crevier (1993, pp. 27-32), Russell & Norvig (2021, pp. 8-17), Moravec (1988, p. 3)\n323. Turing's original publication of the Turing test in \"Computing machinery and intelligence\": Turing (1950) Historical influence and philosophical implications: Haugeland (1985, pp. 69), Crevier (1993, p. 24), McCorduck (2004, pp. 70-71), Russell & Norvig (2021, pp. 2, 984)\n324. Crevier (1993), pp. 47-49.", - "page_start": 47, - "page_end": 47, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Explanatory notes\no. This is the United Nations' definition, and includes things like land mines as well. [247]\np. See table 4; 9% is both the OECD average and the U.S. average. [258]\nq. Sometimes called a \"robopocalypse\" [266]\nr. \"Electronic brain\" was the term used by the press around this time. [319][321]\ns. Daniel Crevier wrote, \"the conference is generally recognized as the official birthdate of the new science.\" [324] Russell and Norvig called the conference \"the inception of artificial intelligence.\" [115]\nt. Russell and Norvig wrote \"for the next 20 years the field would be dominated by these people and their students.\" [325]\nu. Russell and Norvig wrote, \"it was astonishing whenever a computer did anything kind of smartish\". [326]\nv. The programs described are Arthur Samuel's checkers program for the IBM 701, Daniel Bobrow's STUDENT, Newell and Simon's Logic Theorist and Terry Winograd's SHRDLU.\nw. Russell and Norvig write: \"in almost all cases, these early systems failed on more difficult problems\" [330]\nx. Embodied approaches to AI [337] were championed by Hans Moravec [338] and Rodney Brooks [339] and went by many names: Nouvelle AI. [339] Developmental robotics. [340]\ny. Matteo Wong wrote in The Atlantic: \"Whereas for decades, computer-science fields such as natural-language processing, computer vision, and robotics used extremely different methods, now they all use a programming method called \"deep learning\". As a result, their code and approaches have become more similar, and their models are easier to integrate into one another.\" [346]\nz. Jack Clark wrote in Bloomberg: \"After a half-decade of quiet breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, 2015 has been a landmark year. Computers are smarter and learning faster than ever\", and noted that the number of software projects that use machine learning at Google increased from a \"sporadic usage\" in 2012 to more than 2,700 projects in 2015. [348]\naa. Nils Nilsson wrote in 1983: \"Simply put, there is wide disagreement in the field about what AI is all about.\" [369]", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf", - "query": "What would a superintelligence need?", - "target_page": 27, - "target_passage": "possess intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest and most gifted human mind.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Superintelligence and the singularity\nA superintelligence is a hypothetical agent that would possess intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest and most gifted human mind. [379] If research into artificial general intelligence produced sufficiently intelligent software, it might be able to reprogram and improve itself. The improved software would be even better at improving itself, leading to what I. J. Good called an \"intelligence explosion\" and Vernor Vinge called a \"singularity\". [395]\nHowever, technologies cannot improve exponentially indefinitely, and typically follow an S-shaped curve, slowing when they reach the physical limits of what the technology can do. [396]", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "General intelligence\nA machine with artificial general intelligence should be able to solve a wide variety of problems with breadth and versatility similar to human intelligence. [4]", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Further reading\nRoivainen, Eka, \"AI's IQ: ChatGPT aced a [standard intelligence] test but showed that intelligence cannot be measured by IQ alone\", Scientific American , vol. 329, no. 1 (July/August 2023), p. 7. \"Despite its high IQ, ChatGPT fails at tasks that require real humanlike reasoning or an understanding of the physical and social world.... ChatGPT seemed unable to reason logically and tried to rely on its vast database of... facts derived from online texts.\"\nScharre, Paul, \"Killer Apps: The Real Dangers of an AI Arms Race\", Foreign Affairs , vol. 98, no. 3 (May/June 2019), pp. 135-144. \"Today's AI technologies are powerful but unreliable. Rules-based systems cannot deal with circumstances their programmers did not anticipate. Learning systems are limited by the data on which they were trained. AI failures have already led to tragedy. Advanced autopilot features in cars, although they perform well in some circumstances, have driven cars without warning into trucks, concrete barriers, and parked cars. In the wrong situation, AI systems go from supersmart to superdumb in an instant. When an enemy is trying to manipulate and hack an AI system, the risks are even greater.\" (p. 140.)\nSchulz, Hannes; Behnke, Sven (1 November 2012). \"Deep Learning\" (https://www.researchgat e.net/publication/230690795). KI - Künstliche Intelligenz . 26 (4): 357-363. doi:10.1007/s13218-012-0198-z (https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs13218-012-0198-z). ISSN 1610-1987 (https://search.worldcat.org/issn/1610-1987). S2CID 220523562 (https://ap i.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:220523562).", - "page_start": 68, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Goals\nThe general problem of simulating (or creating) intelligence has been broken into subproblems. These consist of particular traits or capabilities that researchers expect an intelligent system to display. The traits described below have received the most attention and cover the scope of AI research. [a]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other sources\nBostrom, Nick (2014). Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies . Oxford University Press.\nBostrom, Nick (2015). \"What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?\" (https://w ww.ted.com/talks/nick_bostrom_what_happens_when_our_computers_get_smarter_than_w e_are/transcript). TED (conference). Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/2020072500571 9/https://www.ted.com/talks/nick_bostrom_what_happens_when_our_computers_get_smart er_than_we_are/transcript) from the original on 25 July 2020. Retrieved 30 January 2020.\nBrooks, Rodney (10 November 2014). \"artificial intelligence is a tool, not a threat\" (https://web.a rchive.org/web/20141112130954/http://www.rethinkrobotics.com/artificial-intelligence-tool-th reat). Archived from the original (http://www.rethinkrobotics.com/artificial-intelligence-tool-thr eat) on 12 November 2014.\nBrooks, Rodney (1990). \"Elephants Don't Play Chess\" (http://people.csail.mit.edu/brooks/paper s/elephants.pdf) (PDF). Robotics and Autonomous Systems . 6 (1-2): 3-15. CiteSeerX (https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= 7539). doi:10.1016/S0921-8890(05)80025-9 (https://doi.org/10.1016%2FS0921-8890%280 5%2980025-9). Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20070809020912/http://people.csail. mit.edu/brooks/papers/elephants.pdf) (PDF) from the original on 9 August 2007.", - "page_start": 53, - "page_end": 53, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Narrow vs. general AI\nAI researchers are divided as to whether to pursue the goals of artificial general intelligence and superintelligence directly or to solve as many specific problems as possible (narrow AI) in hopes these solutions will lead indirectly to the field's long-term goals. [378][379] General intelligence is difficult to define and difficult to measure, and modern AI has had more verifiable successes by focusing on specific problems with specific solutions. The sub-field of artificial general intelligence studies this area exclusively.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Russell & Norvig (2021), pp. 1-4.\n2. AI set to exceed human brain power (http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/07/24/ai.bostr om/) Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20080219001624/http://www.cnn.com/2006/TEC H/science/07/24/ai.bostrom/) 2008-02-19 at the Wayback Machine CNN.com (July 26, 2006)\n3. Kaplan, Andreas; Haenlein, Michael (2019). \"Siri, Siri, in my hand: Who's the fairest in the land? On the interpretations, illustrations, and implications of artificial intelligence\". Business Horizons . 62 : 15-25. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2018.08.004 (https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.bushor. 2018.08.004). ISSN 0007-6813 (https://search.worldcat.org/issn/0007-6813). S2CID 158433736 (https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:158433736).\n4. Artificial general intelligence: Russell & Norvig (2021, pp. 32-33, 1020-1021) Proposal for the modern version: Pennachin & Goertzel (2007) Warnings of overspecialization in AI from leading researchers: Nilsson (1995), McCarthy (2007), Beal & Winston (2009)\n5. Russell & Norvig (2021, §1.2).\n6. Dartmouth workshop: Russell & Norvig (2021, p. 18), McCorduck (2004, pp. 111-136), NRC (1999, pp. 200-201) The proposal: McCarthy et al. (1955)\n7. Successful programs of the 1960s: McCorduck (2004, pp. 243-252), Crevier (1993, pp. 52107), Moravec (1988, p. 9), Russell & Norvig (2021, pp. 19-21)", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other sources\nToews, Rob (3 September 2023). \"Transformers Revolutionized AI. What Will Replace Them?\" (https://www.forbes.com/sites/robtoews/2023/09/03/transformers-revolutionized-ai-what-willreplace-them). Forbes . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20231208232145/https://www. forbes.com/sites/robtoews/2023/09/03/transformers-revolutionized-ai-what-will-replace-the m/) from the original on 8 December 2023. Retrieved 8 December 2023.\nTuring, Alan (October 1950). \"Computing Machinery and Intelligence\" (https://academic.oup.co m/mind/article/LIX/236/433/986238). Mind . 59 (236): 433-460. doi:10.1093/mind/LIX.236.433 (https://doi.org/10.1093%2Fmind%2FLIX.236.433). ISSN 1460-2113 (https://search.worldcat.org/issn/1460-2113). JSTOR 2251299 (https://ww w.jstor.org/stable/2251299). S2CID 14636783 (https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:146 36783).\nUNESCO Science Report: the Race Against Time for Smarter Development (https://unesdoc.un esco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000377433/PDF/377433eng.pdf.multi). Paris: UNESCO. 2021. ISBN 978-9-2310-0450-6. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20220618233752/https://un esdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000377433/PDF/377433eng.pdf.multi) from the original on 18 June 2022. Retrieved 18 September 2021.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 64, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive and\nCorporate Officers", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL STRENGTH\n$\nmillion", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf", - "query": "Where can I find the Inspect tool to evaluate the safety of our models?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "The UK AI Safety Institute released in 2024 a testing toolset called 'Inspect' for AI safety evaluations available under a MIT open-source licence which is freely available on GitHub", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Statistical modeling & inference\nModel type and settings", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Installation tools\nPerform the installation by using the tools that are recommended and supported.", - "page_start": 106, - "page_end": 106, - "source_file": "sg248459.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 12. Screen of 'Work on Inventories'\nFigure 13. View Inventories Progress", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 54. View Inventories Progress screen\nFigure 56. Work on Inventories screen\n4. Click on 'Work on Inventories' under 'Submission' (figure 55).", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work\nEN", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Portal Version 4.3 - User Manual\nV1.0 October 2019", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "edp_s1_man_portal-version_4.3-user-manual_v1.0.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "User Manual\n(As of 10 February 2014)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Figure 7: Select an Inventory screen\nFigure 9: 'Started' status of an Inventory\n Left click to select the appropriate Inventory (figure 8a)\n Press the 'Start Inventory' button (figure 8b)", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Evaluate:\nState both the positive and the negative aspects.", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "A. Watch function description\nButton description:", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "6126797.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "What was the age category of most new opiate/crack users during the crime peak in the mid-1990s?", - "target_page": 9, - "target_passage": "mplying that most of these individuals were in their mid-to-late teens during the crime peak of the mid-1990s", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nThe mean age at test is 32 and the mean year of birth is 1977, implying that most of these individuals were in their mid-to-late teens during the crime peak of the mid-1990s. 9 Given evidence suggesting that the average age of initiation for opiate/crack use is around 18-20 (Millar et al ., 2001), this age profile would tentatively suggest that OCU incidence also peaked in the 1990s and that this created a large cohort of users who would be approaching 40 today.\nThe minimum and maximum years of birth are fixed by construction, because anyone born\n9 Note that the dataset counts tests, not unique individuals, so the same person can appear more than once.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n9\nbefore 1960 was removed and because DIP tests are only administered to those aged 18 and over, so only using data to 2013 means it would not be possible for anyone to be born in 1996 or afterwards to be included. Even so, it is clear from the year-of-birth distribution (Figure 2) that positive opiate tests drop off sharply for those born after 1982. This is in line with other evidence suggesting that the number of new users of opiates decreased sharply in the 2000s. This needs to be considered when interpreting the analysis that follows. When DIP and the NDTMS treatment system began in the mid-2000s, there already existed a cohort of around 320,000 OCUs, according to available estimates by Hay et al ., (2013). And most of these individuals began using opiates/crack during the epidemic years of the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of data capture this means it is hard to separate the gradual inclusion of more and more individuals from this original cohort from genuinely new users of these drugs.\nFigure 2: Year of birth distribution for all opiate-only/positive-for-both tests.\nFigure 3, which shows the age of the individual at a positive test, also reveals that although the average age at positive test is 32, the peak is quite flat, with high numbers of positive tests still being recorded by individuals in their late 30s and even into their 40s.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n10\nFigure 3: Distribution of tester's age at positive test for all opiate-only/positive-for-both tests.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive summary\n It is estimated that around 5,000 to 8,000 individuals started using opiates or crackcocaine in 2013. There is a high degree of uncertainty around this figure due to the sparse data on this population, but sense-checks based on treatment and criminal justice system data suggest the true figure is unlikely to be much larger than 10,000.\n Data also suggest that the number of current opiate/crack initiates involved with crime may be even lower. The number of arrestees testing positive for the first time for opiates (or for both opiates and crack-cocaine) dropped from 14,750 in 2006 to 4,281 in the first 11 months of 2013, a fall of around 70 per cent 2 . Furthermore, of the new positive testers in 2013, only 721 were aged 18-24. 3 Though this arrestee data will capture only a proportion of the true population, it does suggest that the number of new, young initiates involved with crime - those who have the potential to inflict most societal harm - has decreased markedly, probably just to a few thousand per year; and that this group now make up a small minority of the total number of opiate/crack-cocaine users (estimated to be 294,000 in 2011/12), most of whom are older, longer-term users.\n In terms of trends in new opiate/crack-cocaine users, all available data suggest that figures have dipped by at least a fifth since 2005 and have dropped hugely since the late 1980s and early 1990s when the opiate/crack-cocaine population in the UK grew very rapidly. The current estimate works out at a rate of 0.18 per 1,000 population. During the epidemic years, published estimates of new opiate/crack-cocaine users in Manchester and Bolton show rates more than 11 times larger.\n However, the findings also suggest that between 2011 and early 2014, the number of new opiate/crack-cocaine users stopped decreasing and instead stabilised at a (historically) low level. Further analysis was conducted to try and determine whether this was a precursor to a new rise in initiates. Though the data are not totally conclusive, the results suggest that a marked increase in new opiate/crack-cocaine users in the near future is unlikely. If anything, findings suggested that the downward trend may be set to resume.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Charts showing age-of-onset distributions (by percentage of total cohort) for different cohorts based on year of first treatment\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n31\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n32", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Proportion of the total opiate and cocaine using population covered by each individual LAA.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n40", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Conclusion\nThis report has attempted to draw together available data and evidence to estimate the number of new opiate/crack-cocaine users (OCUs) per year in England since 2005 and then to look briefly at their characteristics. This is important as previous research has suggested that mostly through the actions of a minority - this group has the potential to have a large impact on crime trends and therefore to impose significant societal costs.\nThough data on this population is imperfect, a number of different data sources and methodologies are available to estimate OCU incidence. From these, three key conclusions emerge:\n The number of new opiate/crack users is clearly far lower now than it was in the 1980s and early 1990s and has even dropped 20-45% since 2005.\n This means numbers of new users in 2013 may be around 5,000-8,000 with an approximate upper bound of 10,000; and numbers involved with prolific criminality will be lower still.\n The downward trend in new OCUs has flattened since about 2011, but available data do not suggest that this is the precursor to a new increase. If anything, the downward trend may resume in 2014, though the situation requires further monitoring.\nFor local areas then, this report suggests that it is still important to identify new OCUs as the arrestee data showed that a proportion of these are likely to offend over a long period of time. But also, there was some evidence of a shift to older initiates, which may require a slightly different treatment approach.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n30", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive summary\n Analysis also revealed some possible changes in characteristics of the new opiate/crackcocaine initiates. There is a trend in the treatment data towards new initiates coming to treatment earlier in their drug-using careers than previous cohorts and also to have\n1 At the time of writing, data was unavailable for the period after November 2013.\n2 It is 68 per cent if the 2013 figure is adjusted to correct for the missing month of data.\n3 787 if adjusted for the missing month.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n3\ninitiated use at an older age. Currently it is not possible to determine whether this is a reporting issue or a genuine shift in the age profile of new opiate/crack-cocaine users.\n The report has several important policy implications. Even though numbers of new initiates involved with crime have dropped to the low thousands, putting downward pressure on crime, identification and early diversion to treatment remains paramount. Frontier Economics have estimated that the average 4 lifetime crime cost of an injecting drug user is £445,000, so the potential for social harm - even from a small number of individuals - remains large and potentially long-lasting. This means local areas need to manage both the (relatively large) stock of current users, and the (much smaller) flow of new initiates, whose treatment needs may be different. There is no evidence of any new epidemic in this country, but given the impact of the epidemic of the 80s and early 90s on crime, ongoing monitoring of recent trends is required to spot early signs of any emerging problems.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\n23 This shift does not appear to be related to the reduction in heroin supply occurring around 2010/11. As Appendix 1 demonstrates, the pattern emerges far earlier.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n28\nFigure 11: Number of recent (within two years) OCU initiates presenting to treatment in 2005 and 2013, by age of individual at first presentation.\nThe mode age of initiation has shifted from around 18 to around 25 and there is an older age profile throughout. Rises in average age of initiation have also been reported recently in cohorts of Australian injecting drug users (Horyniak et al., 2015). There appear to be two possible explanations.\n There is a genuine shift towards new initiates being older, and for them to present to treatment much faster than in previous years.\n There is a consistent, but small number of individuals who mis-report their age of onset when attending treatment i.e. who report that they have only been using opiates/crack for a short period when in fact they have been using for a far longer period, and that this is starting to really bias the numbers for recent cohorts because attendees from the original epidemic are becoming smaller.\nIt is possible then that the flattening we observe in the incidence trend is due to a small in-flux of older initiates, although mis-reporting may also explain that phenomenon. Either way though, as this analysis has made clear throughout, absolute numbers of new OCUs appear to be small probably fewer than 10,000 per annum and the numbers of those involved with crime will be smaller still. In addition, despite a flattening in the probable trend in new users, there is currently no sign that it is likely to tip upwards. If anything, the data suggest the downward trend is set to resume, though clearly it remains important to monitor the situation.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n29", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\nbetween March 2011 and March 2015 can also be seen in the raw numbers for total new OCU treatment presentations. 22\nFigure 10: New treatment presentations for opiate/crack use.\nFigure 10 shows that, rather than increasing in the current year, new presentations for opiate/crack use have actually fallen slightly from 48,154 in 2013/14 to 47,241 in 2014/15, a decrease of 1.9%. However, given that the early signs of previous opiate/crack use epidemics have been missed before (see Morgan, 2014), and the potential social harm that a fresh increase in new OCUs could cause, further analysis was conducted on the most recent data to try and determine whether the apparent flattening in trends was actually caused by the early stages of a significant surge in new users.\nThe treatment data was broken down by age to check whether the slight fall in total new presentations in 2014/15 masked an increase in younger treatment presentations. This showed instead that opiate/crack presentations by those aged 18-24 had fallen from 3,579 in 2013/14 to 3,021 in 2014/15, a fall of 15.6%. In other words, younger new presentations have fallen at a faster rate over the last year than for those aged over-25. Furthermore, separate statistics produced for those in treatment aged 18-and-under also show a fall in aggregate numbers in treatment for opiates and crack.\nWe also looked at trends at the local level, given that previous epidemics have started in very specific areas and have taken several years to spread nationally. This means that the start of an epidemic can be hidden in the national data because it has not reached enough areas to register.\n22 Note that this series counts the start of any new treatment journey, regardless of whether an individual has been in treatment before. So unlike our definition of 'new' elsewhere it includes individuals who have been to treatment previously.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n27\nThe analysis showed that of the 149 Drug Action Team areas in England, 72 per cent had decreases in new OCU treatment numbers in the year to September 2014 compared to the previous year. Furthermore, of the 42 areas showing an increase, only 11 also showed a rise for the 12 months to September 2010 compared with the 12 months to September 2014, and most of these involved small numbers of individuals.", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "New opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\nResearch Report 90\nNick Morgan, Daniel Heap, Amy Elliott, Tim Millar\nJanuary 2016", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\n14 Note that this rate is, in effect, the rate of arrest-and-testing-positive.\n15 The technical annex contains a section on exactly how this range was estimated.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n19\nTable 9: Table showing the age breakdown of individuals testing positive for opiates-only or positive-for-both as a proportion of all individuals first testing positive in that year.", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "According to the National Database Treatment Monitoring System, how many people started using opiates/crack between 2005 and 2014?", - "target_page": 22, - "target_passage": " Only 52,829 individuals said they had an opiate/crack initiation date between 2005 and 2014", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\nThis section uses treatment data from the National Database Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) to estimate the number of new OCUs annually. The NDTMS captures data on the numbers of people presenting to services with problem drug misuse and information about the drug treatment they receive. All drug treatment agencies in England provide a basic level of information to the NDTMS on their activities each month. The data for this report included all unique individuals presenting to treatment with opiates or crack-cocaine listed as their primary drug between 2005 and 2014. All individuals whose age of first use was listed as below ten or before 2005 were then excluded. Excluding individuals who started using opiates/crack before 2005 resulted in a large number of records being left out, due to the fact that the majority of the treatment population, even in 2013/14, initiated in the 1980s and 1990s when heroin and crack use surged in the UK. However, this exclusion is necessary for the incidence methodology, as explained later in this section. The remaining dataset included 52,829 individuals, as shown in Table 10.\nTable 10: Descriptive statistics from the NDTMS data.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\nThe majority of those presenting for treatment between 2005 and 2014 started using opiates/crack before 2005 (around four in five). Only 52,829 individuals said they had an opiate/crack initiation date between 2005 and 2014. This suggests an average of just under 5,000 new starters per year during this period. But this would be an under-estimate of incidence because it is likely that some of those who began use between 2005 and 2014 would not yet have come to treatment during that period.\nTo correct for this, we use two variants of a methodology employed by researchers in Millar et al . (2001) and Hickman et al . (2001). These papers discuss the methodology in detail.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends 22 In brief, the method uses the lag-to-treatment distribution for the sample coupled with the number of new treatment presentations in a given year to estimate OCU incidence in that year. So, when presenting to treatment, all individuals are asked to provide the year in which they first began using their primary drug, which for this analysis was limited to opiates and/or crack-\ncocaine. From this information it is possible to create a distribution, for all presentations, of the lag-time between initiation and their first presentation at treatment. This might show - for example - that only ten per cent of all individuals presenting to treatment do so in the first year of use, but that 25 per cent present within two years, and so on. This means that for each year, we can estimate the number of individuals who have begun an opiate-crack career but who have yet to come to treatment . Adding these to the numbers who began in that year and have come to treatment gives our total incidence estimate for each year.\nThe first model uses NDTMS data for the cohort starting use in 2005 (n=8,960), the lag-time distribution for those initiating use in 2005 and presenting to treatment between 2005 and 2014 18 is shown below.\nTable 11: Time-to-treatment distribution for those initiating use in 2005 and presenting to treatment between 2005 and 2014. 19", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\n= 2014. , Year of 1st treatment.2005 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2006 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2007 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2008 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2009 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2010 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2011 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2012 = -. , Year of 1st treatment.2013 = -. , 2014 = 869. , Total = 869. , Percentag e of total incidence accounted for by observed = 12%. , Estimated number yet to come to treatment = . Total, = Total. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2005 = 1,305. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2006 = 2,805. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2007 = 4,742. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2008 = 6,226. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2009 = 7,023. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2010 = 7,312. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2011 = 5,754. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2012 = 5,840. Total, Year of 1st treatment.2013 = 6,449. Total, 2014 = 6236.4. Total, Total = 53,693. Total, Percentag e of total incidence accounted for by observed = . Total, Estimated number yet to come to treatment = \nReading down the year columns, the table shows that of the 6,449 people who presented for opiate/crack treatment for the first time in 2013, 376 said they had begun using in 2005. Another 470 said they started using in 2006, and so on.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive summary\n It is estimated that around 5,000 to 8,000 individuals started using opiates or crackcocaine in 2013. There is a high degree of uncertainty around this figure due to the sparse data on this population, but sense-checks based on treatment and criminal justice system data suggest the true figure is unlikely to be much larger than 10,000.\n Data also suggest that the number of current opiate/crack initiates involved with crime may be even lower. The number of arrestees testing positive for the first time for opiates (or for both opiates and crack-cocaine) dropped from 14,750 in 2006 to 4,281 in the first 11 months of 2013, a fall of around 70 per cent 2 . Furthermore, of the new positive testers in 2013, only 721 were aged 18-24. 3 Though this arrestee data will capture only a proportion of the true population, it does suggest that the number of new, young initiates involved with crime - those who have the potential to inflict most societal harm - has decreased markedly, probably just to a few thousand per year; and that this group now make up a small minority of the total number of opiate/crack-cocaine users (estimated to be 294,000 in 2011/12), most of whom are older, longer-term users.\n In terms of trends in new opiate/crack-cocaine users, all available data suggest that figures have dipped by at least a fifth since 2005 and have dropped hugely since the late 1980s and early 1990s when the opiate/crack-cocaine population in the UK grew very rapidly. The current estimate works out at a rate of 0.18 per 1,000 population. During the epidemic years, published estimates of new opiate/crack-cocaine users in Manchester and Bolton show rates more than 11 times larger.\n However, the findings also suggest that between 2011 and early 2014, the number of new opiate/crack-cocaine users stopped decreasing and instead stabilised at a (historically) low level. Further analysis was conducted to try and determine whether this was a precursor to a new rise in initiates. Though the data are not totally conclusive, the results suggest that a marked increase in new opiate/crack-cocaine users in the near future is unlikely. If anything, findings suggested that the downward trend may be set to resume.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\nbetween March 2011 and March 2015 can also be seen in the raw numbers for total new OCU treatment presentations. 22\nFigure 10: New treatment presentations for opiate/crack use.\nFigure 10 shows that, rather than increasing in the current year, new presentations for opiate/crack use have actually fallen slightly from 48,154 in 2013/14 to 47,241 in 2014/15, a decrease of 1.9%. However, given that the early signs of previous opiate/crack use epidemics have been missed before (see Morgan, 2014), and the potential social harm that a fresh increase in new OCUs could cause, further analysis was conducted on the most recent data to try and determine whether the apparent flattening in trends was actually caused by the early stages of a significant surge in new users.\nThe treatment data was broken down by age to check whether the slight fall in total new presentations in 2014/15 masked an increase in younger treatment presentations. This showed instead that opiate/crack presentations by those aged 18-24 had fallen from 3,579 in 2013/14 to 3,021 in 2014/15, a fall of 15.6%. In other words, younger new presentations have fallen at a faster rate over the last year than for those aged over-25. Furthermore, separate statistics produced for those in treatment aged 18-and-under also show a fall in aggregate numbers in treatment for opiates and crack.\nWe also looked at trends at the local level, given that previous epidemics have started in very specific areas and have taken several years to spread nationally. This means that the start of an epidemic can be hidden in the national data because it has not reached enough areas to register.\n22 Note that this series counts the start of any new treatment journey, regardless of whether an individual has been in treatment before. So unlike our definition of 'new' elsewhere it includes individuals who have been to treatment previously.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n27\nThe analysis showed that of the 149 Drug Action Team areas in England, 72 per cent had decreases in new OCU treatment numbers in the year to September 2014 compared to the previous year. Furthermore, of the 42 areas showing an increase, only 11 also showed a rise for the 12 months to September 2010 compared with the 12 months to September 2014, and most of these involved small numbers of individuals.", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive summary\nThis paper uses a range of datasets and methodologies to:\n obtain working estimates for the number of individuals in England who started using opiates/crack from 2005 to 2013; 1\n examine the characteristics of these individuals.\nThe main findings of the paper are as follows.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\nThe incidence estimates from the two models are shown in Figure 9.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n25\nFigure 9: Estimated incidence trend, 2005-2013.\nBefore discussing the trend implied by this chart, it is important first to sense-check the general level of new users implied. Analysis from the previous section suggested that the number of new OCUs for 2013 was unlikely to be much higher than 10,000 with only a proportion of those involved with crime. The 2013 estimate implied by Model 1 is 8,290 and for Model 2 it is 5,092, so both are in line with the earlier analysis. The NDTMS data only covers England, not England and Wales, and our estimates will of course miss any OCUs who never come to treatment. Hence the estimates for both models may be slightly conservative in that sense. But putting all the partial evidence together, it can be said with a degree of certainty that the total number of individuals who begin using opiates or crack-cocaine each year is probably not markedly higher than 10,000, and that fewer than half of these are likely to be involved in significant amounts of acquisitive crime.\nTo put this into historical context, an incidence rate of 10,000 works out at a rate of 0.18 individuals per 1,000 population. Published estimates of incidence in Manchester during the epidemic period of the late 1980s and early 1990s included rates above two per 1,000 population, i.e. more than 11 times higher (Millar et al ., 2001).\nTurning to the trend implied by Figure 9: both models imply that numbers of new OCUs in 2013 are lower than in 2005. Model 1 implies that they have fallen by around a fifth during that period and Model 2 suggests a fall of around 45%. But secondly, the way the methodology works means that the most recent years are the least reliable because they use the least amount of data. This is why the distance between the estimates from the two models widens for the more recent years. It means that it is difficult to say for certain whether the period of flattening from 2011 onwards, which occurs in both estimated trends but is more obvious in Model 1, is a blip in an otherwise downward trend or the start of a turning point. Either way, a flattening of the trend\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n26", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nThe mean age at test is 32 and the mean year of birth is 1977, implying that most of these individuals were in their mid-to-late teens during the crime peak of the mid-1990s. 9 Given evidence suggesting that the average age of initiation for opiate/crack use is around 18-20 (Millar et al ., 2001), this age profile would tentatively suggest that OCU incidence also peaked in the 1990s and that this created a large cohort of users who would be approaching 40 today.\nThe minimum and maximum years of birth are fixed by construction, because anyone born\n9 Note that the dataset counts tests, not unique individuals, so the same person can appear more than once.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n9\nbefore 1960 was removed and because DIP tests are only administered to those aged 18 and over, so only using data to 2013 means it would not be possible for anyone to be born in 1996 or afterwards to be included. Even so, it is clear from the year-of-birth distribution (Figure 2) that positive opiate tests drop off sharply for those born after 1982. This is in line with other evidence suggesting that the number of new users of opiates decreased sharply in the 2000s. This needs to be considered when interpreting the analysis that follows. When DIP and the NDTMS treatment system began in the mid-2000s, there already existed a cohort of around 320,000 OCUs, according to available estimates by Hay et al ., (2013). And most of these individuals began using opiates/crack during the epidemic years of the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of data capture this means it is hard to separate the gradual inclusion of more and more individuals from this original cohort from genuinely new users of these drugs.\nFigure 2: Year of birth distribution for all opiate-only/positive-for-both tests.\nFigure 3, which shows the age of the individual at a positive test, also reveals that although the average age at positive test is 32, the peak is quite flat, with high numbers of positive tests still being recorded by individuals in their late 30s and even into their 40s.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n10\nFigure 3: Distribution of tester's age at positive test for all opiate-only/positive-for-both tests.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Estimating an incidence trend from treatment data\nReading across the table shows that of all those who said they began using opiates/crack in 2005 (8,960), 1,305 also presented to treatment for the first time in that year (which is 15 per cent of the observed cohort from Table 11 and 12 per cent of our estimated total cohort from Table 12). Another 1,508 presented for the first time a year later, and so on. The first number in the totals column (8,960) therefore represents all individuals who said they began using in 2005. It is therefore the 'observed' incidence level. The column to the right of this is the cumulative percentages from the estimated lag-to-treatment distribution in Table 12. This shows the\notherwise similar data (i.e. first treatment presentation and year of initiation) from OCUs attending treatment in the Manchester area.\n21 Note that the data for 2014 only includes Jan-Oct as this was all that was available. Hence we do not do not attempt to calculate an incidence estimate for 2014 and we adjust all the values in that column by multiplying by (12/10) to account for the missing months.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n24\nestimated percentage of the total incidence captured by the observed incidence. In other words, our lag-to-treatment distribution suggests that of the 8,960 individuals who began use in 2005, 85 per cent will have come to treatment by 2014; so by adding the other 15 per cent on (1,523), we reach our estimated total incidence for that year: 10,483.", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Aims and Methodology\n4 The average is useful, but hides the fact that offending within the opiate/crack population is highly skewed with a few individuals responsible for the majority of crime and many individuals manage to use heroin and crack without resorting to acquisitive crime at all (Morgan, 2014).\n5 Though regular national-level estimates have not been attempted, studies have estimated incidence at various times and at various different levels of geography, see for example: De Angelis et al ., 2004, Millar et al ., 2001 and Hickman et al ., 2001.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n4\nmethods for calculating incidence are complicated and imperfect. It should be acknowledged in advance that this paper does not fully resolve these issues. It is merely intended as a first step, to obtain workable estimates upon which to base policy until more sophisticated methods are developed. That said, every effort is made in this analysis to sense-check the results against other available datasets. The datasets used and the structure of the paper is as follows.\ni) Drug Interventions Programme (DIP) data. In part one, we produce general descriptive statistics from these data, which capture individuals who test positive for opiates/crack-cocaine following arrest or charge. Due to the limitations in coverage of these data over time, we draw only broad conclusions, some of which act as a sensecheck for the main results from part two.\nii) Data on presentations to treatment from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS). In part two, we use two models based on previous research papers to calculate OCU incidence at the national level between 2005 and 2013. Most of the main conclusions come from this section.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n5", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf", - "query": "What proportion of opiate users tested in 2004 were still positive a decade later?", - "target_page": 18, - "target_passage": "Nearly ten per cent (8.9%) of individuals who tested positive for opiates at charge in 2004 also tested positive nearly a decade later in 2013 (on arrest)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nThese tables can be read both horizontally and vertically. Reading vertically (i.e. down the columns) it can be observed, for example, that of the 12,353 individuals with a positive test in 2013, 4,281 (35%) had not had a previous positive test and over half had already tested positive at least once in 2010 or before.\nReading horizontally - for example from left to right across the first row - it can be concluded that of the 12,246 individuals testing positive in 2004, 3,171 also had a positive test in 2005; 3,299 of the original 12,246 also had a positive test in 2006 and so on. The table does not show whether those who had a subsequent test in 2005 were the same individuals as those who had a subsequent test in 2006. So reading the results of the two tables together, we can say that 12,246 individuals had 17,174 positive tests in 2004, and of these, 3,171 also tested positive in 2005, resulting in 5,604 positive tests because some tested positive more than once in that year. The last figure in each column gives the number of new users that year (10,539 in 2005, 14,750 in 2006 and so on).\nThere are several observations to be drawn from these tables. First, it is clear that a proportion of opiate-using offenders offend over long periods of time. Nearly ten per cent (8.9%) of individuals who tested positive for opiates at charge in 2004 also tested positive nearly a decade later in 2013 (on arrest). And reading vertically, of the 12,253 individuals testing positive in 2013, 1,092 (8.9%) had also tested positive almost a decade earlier.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nThere were just over 100,000 unique individuals who tested positive for opiates-only or positivefor-both between 2004 and 2013. The distribution of the 296,008 positive tests these individuals gave, shows that the vast majority (55%) were only tested once (see Figure 4), which is likely to be why the age statistics are quite similar between Table 3 and Table 4. However, within this\n10 Examining the data it is also clear that some areas recorded a higher proportion of cases without a PNC number than others. Thus excluding these cases further affects the variation in geographic coverage across time. See Appendix for more.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n12\npopulation there exists a small group of frequent repeat users. 1,828 individuals (1.7% of this population) accounted for just over ten per cent of all positive tests (30,471 tests in total). These individuals provided between 16 and 57 positive tests over the period 2004 to 2013.\nFigure 4: Proportion of positive tests by number of times an individual tested positive.\nThe age and year-of-birth distributions for the 104,817 individuals reveals a similar profile to the distribution for total tests (Figures 5 and 6).\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n13\nFigure 5: Year of birth for all individuals on their first positive test (opiates-only or positivefor-both.)\nFigure 6: Age at first positive test (opiates-only or positive-for-both.)\nNote: as a guide to the OCU population, this chart is left-truncated as DIP tests are not given to under-18s.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n14\nThe relationship between the total opiates-only or positive-for-both tests and the individuals responsible for them can also be shown over time, as Table 5 illustrates 11 .\nTable 5: Table showing trends in total positive opiates-only or positive-for-both., in unique individuals testing positive, and in new individuals testing positive.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nTable 8: Unique individuals testing positive for opiates-only or positive-for-both, by age and by year of first test.\n2004, Age 18-24 = 3,150. 2004, Age 25-29 = 3,319. 2004, Age 30-34 = 2,938. 2004, Age 35-39 = 1,958. 2004, Age 40 over = 881. 2004, Total = 12,246. 2005, Age 18-24 = 2,391. 2005, Age 25-29 = 2,832. 2005, Age 30-34 = 2,548. 2005, Age 35-39 = 1,791. 2005, Age 40 over = 977. 2005, Total = 10,539. 2006, Age 18-24 = 3,635. 2006, Age 25-29 = 3,768. 2006, Age 30-34 = 3,275. 2006, Age 35-39 = 2,491. 2006, Age 40 over = 1,580. 2006, Total = 14,749. 2007, Age 18-24 = 3,182. 2007, Age 25-29 = 3,359. 2007, Age 30-34 = 2,869. 2007, Age 35-39 = 2,178. 2007, Age 40 over = 1,803. 2007, Total = 13,391. 2008, Age 18-24 = 2,912. 2008, Age 25-29 = 3,197. 2008, Age 30-34 = 2,857. 2008, Age 35-39 = 2,425. 2008, Age 40 over = 2,238. 2008, Total = 13,629. 2009, Age 18-24 = 2,711. 2009, Age 25-29 = 2,594. 2009, Age 30-34 = 2,304. 2009, Age 35-39 = 1,998. 2009, Age 40 over = 2,048. 2009, Total = 11,655. 2010, Age 18-24 = 2,287. 2010, Age 25-29 = 2,180. 2010, Age 30-34 = 2,105. 2010, Age 35-39 = 1,744. 2010, Age 40", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nTable 8: Unique individuals testing positive for opiates-only or positive-for-both, by age and by year of first test.\nover = 2,075. 2010, Total = 10,391. 2011, Age 18-24 = 1,772. 2011, Age 25-29 = 1,519. 2011, Age 30-34 = 1,622. 2011, Age 35-39 = 1,274. 2011, Age 40 over = 1,726. 2011, Total = 7,913. 2012, Age 18-24 = 1,136. 2012, Age 25-29 = 1,179. 2012, Age 30-34 = 1,300. 2012, Age 35-39 = 1,030. 2012, Age 40 over = 1,377. 2012, Total = 6,022. 2013, Age 18-24 = 721. 2013, Age 25-29 = 850. 2013, Age 30-34 = 938. 2013, Age 35-39 = 704. 2013, Age 40 over = 1,068. 2013, Total = 4,281. Total, Age 18-24 = 23,897. Total, Age 25-29 = 24,797. Total, Age 30-34 = 22,756. Total, Age 35-39 = 17,593. Total, Age 40 over = 15,773. Total, Total = 104,816", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nTable 9: Table showing the age breakdown of individuals testing positive for opiates-only or positive-for-both as a proportion of all individuals first testing positive in that year.\n26%, Age 18 - 24 = 27%. 26%, Age 25 - 29 = 24%. 26%, Age 30 - 34 = 16%. 26%, Age 35 - 39 = 7%. 26%, Age 40 over = 100%. 26%, Total = 2004. 23%, Age 18 - 24 = 27%. 23%, Age 25 - 29 = 24%. 23%, Age 30 - 34 = 17%. 23%, Age 35 - 39 = 9%. 23%, Age 40 over = 100%. 23%, Total = 2005. 25%, Age 18 - 24 = 26%. 25%, Age 25 - 29 = 22%. 25%, Age 30 - 34 = 17%. 25%, Age 35 - 39 = 11%. 25%, Age 40 over = 100%. 25%, Total = 2006. 24%, Age 18 - 24 = 25%. 24%, Age 25 - 29 = 21%. 24%, Age 30 - 34 = 16%. 24%, Age 35 - 39 = 13%. 24%, Age 40 over = 100%. 24%, Total = 2007. 21%, Age 18 - 24 = 23%. 21%, Age 25 - 29 = 21%. 21%, Age 30 - 34 = 18%. 21%, Age 35 - 39 = 16%. 21%, Age 40 over = 100%. 21%, Total = 2008. 23%, Age 18 - 24 = 22%. 23%, Age 25 - 29 = 20%. 23%, Age 30 - 34 = 17%. 23%, Age 35 - 39 = 18%. 23%, Age 40 over = 100%. 23%, Total = 2009. 22%, Age 18 - 24 = 21%. 22%, Age 25 - 29 = 20%. 22%, Age 30 - 34 = 17%. 22%, Age 35 - 39 = 20%. 22%, Age 40 over = 100%. 22%, Total = 2010. 22%, Age 18 - 24 = 19%. 22%, Age 25 - 29 = 20%. 22%, Age 30 - 34 = 16%. 22%, Age", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nTable 9: Table showing the age breakdown of individuals testing positive for opiates-only or positive-for-both as a proportion of all individuals first testing positive in that year.\n35 - 39 = 22%. 22%, Age 40 over = 100%. 22%, Total = 2011. 19%, Age 18 - 24 = 20%. 19%, Age 25 - 29 = 22%. 19%, Age 30 - 34 = 17%. 19%, Age 35 - 39 = 23%. 19%, Age 40 over = 100%. 19%, Total = 2012. 17%, Age 18 - 24 = 20%. 17%, Age 25 - 29 = 22%. 17%, Age 30 - 34 = 16%. 17%, Age 35 - 39 = 25%. 17%, Age 40 over = 100%. 17%, Total = 2013", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nThe mean age at test is 32 and the mean year of birth is 1977, implying that most of these individuals were in their mid-to-late teens during the crime peak of the mid-1990s. 9 Given evidence suggesting that the average age of initiation for opiate/crack use is around 18-20 (Millar et al ., 2001), this age profile would tentatively suggest that OCU incidence also peaked in the 1990s and that this created a large cohort of users who would be approaching 40 today.\nThe minimum and maximum years of birth are fixed by construction, because anyone born\n9 Note that the dataset counts tests, not unique individuals, so the same person can appear more than once.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n9\nbefore 1960 was removed and because DIP tests are only administered to those aged 18 and over, so only using data to 2013 means it would not be possible for anyone to be born in 1996 or afterwards to be included. Even so, it is clear from the year-of-birth distribution (Figure 2) that positive opiate tests drop off sharply for those born after 1982. This is in line with other evidence suggesting that the number of new users of opiates decreased sharply in the 2000s. This needs to be considered when interpreting the analysis that follows. When DIP and the NDTMS treatment system began in the mid-2000s, there already existed a cohort of around 320,000 OCUs, according to available estimates by Hay et al ., (2013). And most of these individuals began using opiates/crack during the epidemic years of the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of data capture this means it is hard to separate the gradual inclusion of more and more individuals from this original cohort from genuinely new users of these drugs.\nFigure 2: Year of birth distribution for all opiate-only/positive-for-both tests.\nFigure 3, which shows the age of the individual at a positive test, also reveals that although the average age at positive test is 32, the peak is quite flat, with high numbers of positive tests still being recorded by individuals in their late 30s and even into their 40s.\nNew opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends\n10\nFigure 3: Distribution of tester's age at positive test for all opiate-only/positive-for-both tests.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nTable 6: Number of positive opiates-only or positive-for-both. tests, by year of first positive test.\n2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2004 = 17,174. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2005 = 5,604. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2006 = 7,091. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2007 = 6,784. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2008 = 6,509. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2009 = 5,292. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2010 = 4,863. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2011 = 3,341. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2012 = 2,629. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2013 = 1,800. 2004, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).Adjusted 2013 = 1,964. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2004 = . 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2005 = 13,553. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2006 = 6,066. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2007 = 5,110. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2008 = 4,941. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2009 = 3,983. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2010 = 3,549. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive opiate/opiate + cocaine).2011 = 2,323. 2005, Number of tests per year (positive", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Drug Interventions Programme Data\nTable 7: Number of unique individuals testing positive for opiates-only or positive-for-both, by year of first positive test.\n2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2004 = 12,246. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2005 = 3,171. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2006 = 3,299. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2007 = 3,090. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2008 = 2,992. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2009 = 2,573. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2010 = 2,311. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2011 = 1,766. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2012 = 1,513. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2013 = 1,092. 2004, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.Adjusted 2013 = 1,191. 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2004 = . 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2005 = 10,539. 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2006 = 3,020. 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2007 = 2,539. 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2008 = 2,478. 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2009 = 2,083. 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per year.2010 = 1,844. 2005, Number of unique individuals with positive opiate/opiate + cocaine tests per", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive summary\n It is estimated that around 5,000 to 8,000 individuals started using opiates or crackcocaine in 2013. There is a high degree of uncertainty around this figure due to the sparse data on this population, but sense-checks based on treatment and criminal justice system data suggest the true figure is unlikely to be much larger than 10,000.\n Data also suggest that the number of current opiate/crack initiates involved with crime may be even lower. The number of arrestees testing positive for the first time for opiates (or for both opiates and crack-cocaine) dropped from 14,750 in 2006 to 4,281 in the first 11 months of 2013, a fall of around 70 per cent 2 . Furthermore, of the new positive testers in 2013, only 721 were aged 18-24. 3 Though this arrestee data will capture only a proportion of the true population, it does suggest that the number of new, young initiates involved with crime - those who have the potential to inflict most societal harm - has decreased markedly, probably just to a few thousand per year; and that this group now make up a small minority of the total number of opiate/crack-cocaine users (estimated to be 294,000 in 2011/12), most of whom are older, longer-term users.\n In terms of trends in new opiate/crack-cocaine users, all available data suggest that figures have dipped by at least a fifth since 2005 and have dropped hugely since the late 1980s and early 1990s when the opiate/crack-cocaine population in the UK grew very rapidly. The current estimate works out at a rate of 0.18 per 1,000 population. During the epidemic years, published estimates of new opiate/crack-cocaine users in Manchester and Bolton show rates more than 11 times larger.\n However, the findings also suggest that between 2011 and early 2014, the number of new opiate/crack-cocaine users stopped decreasing and instead stabilised at a (historically) low level. Further analysis was conducted to try and determine whether this was a precursor to a new rise in initiates. Though the data are not totally conclusive, the results suggest that a marked increase in new opiate/crack-cocaine users in the near future is unlikely. If anything, findings suggested that the downward trend may be set to resume.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal2_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf", - "query": "Who led the Fronde des princes?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "It was headed by the highest-ranking French nobles, among them Louis's uncle Gaston, Duke of Orléans and first cousin Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, known as la Grande Mademoiselle; Princes of the Blood such as Condé, his brother Armand de Bourbon, Prince of Conti, and their sister the Duchess of Longueville; dukes of legitimised royal descent, such as Henri, Duke of Longueville, and François, Duke of Beaufort; so-called \"foreign princes\" such as Frédéric Maurice, Duke of Bouillon, his brother Marshal Turenne, and Marie de Rohan, Duchess of Chevreuse; and scions of France's oldest families, such as François de La Rochefoucauld.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Early acts\nnobles, among them Louis's uncle Gaston, Duke of Orléans and first cousin Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, known as la Grande Mademoiselle ; Princes of the Blood such as Condé, his brother Armand de Bourbon, Prince of Conti, and their sister the Duchess of Longueville; dukes of legitimised royal descent, such as Henri, Duke of Longueville, and François, Duke of Beaufort; so-called \"foreign princes\" such as Frédéric Maurice, Duke of Bouillon, his brother Marshal Turenne, and Marie de Rohan, Duchess of Chevreuse; and scions of France's oldest families, such as François de La Rochefoucauld.\nQueen Anne played the most important role in defeating the Fronde because she wanted to transfer absolute authority to her son. In addition, most of the princes refused to deal with Mazarin, who went into exile for a number of years. The Frondeurs claimed to act on Louis's behalf, and in his real interest, against his mother and Mazarin.\nQueen Anne had a very close relationship with the Cardinal, and many observers believed that Mazarin became Louis XIV's stepfather by a secret marriage to Queen Anne. [30] However, Louis's coming-of-age and subsequent coronation deprived them of the Frondeurs ' pretext for revolt. The Fronde thus gradually lost steam and ended in 1653, when Mazarin returned triumphantly from exile. From that time until his death, Mazarin was in charge of foreign and financial policy without the daily supervision of Anne, who was no longer regent. [31]", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Early acts\nUnfortunately for Anne, her partial victory depended on Condé, who wanted to control the queen and destroy Mazarin's influence. It was Condé's sister who pushed him to turn against the queen. After striking a deal with her old friend Marie de Rohan, who was able to impose the nomination of Charles de l'Aubespine, marquis de Châteauneuf as minister of justice, Anne arrested Condé, his brother Armand de Bourbon, Prince of Conti, and the husband of their sister Anne Genevieve de Bourbon, duchess of Longueville. This situation did not last long, and Mazarin's unpopularity led to the creation of a coalition headed mainly by Marie de Rohan and the duchess of Longueville. This aristocratic coalition was strong enough to liberate the princes, exile Mazarin, and impose a condition of virtual house arrest on Queen Anne.\nPortrait by Justus van Egmont between the years 1649-1652.\nAll these events were witnessed by Louis and\nlargely explained his later distrust of Paris and the higher aristocracy. [27] \"In one sense, Louis's childhood came to an end with the outbreak of the Fronde. It was not only that life became insecure and unpleasant - a fate meted out to many children in all ages - but that Louis had to be taken into the confidence of his mother and Mazarin on political and military matters of which he could have no deep understanding\". [28] \"The family home became at times a near-prison when Paris had to be abandoned, not in carefree outings to other chateaux but in humiliating flights\". [28] The royal family was driven out of Paris twice in this manner, and at one point Louis XIV and Anne were held under virtual arrest in the royal palace in Paris. The Fronde years planted in Louis a hatred of Paris and a consequent determination to move out of the ancient capital as soon as possible, never to return. [29]\nJust as the first Fronde (the Fronde parlementaire of 1648-1649) ended, a second one (the Fronde des princes of 1650-1653) began. Unlike that which preceded it, tales of sordid intrigue and half-hearted warfare characterized this second phase of upper-class insurrection. To the aristocracy, this rebellion represented a protest for the reversal of their political demotion from vassals to courtiers. It was headed by the highest-ranking French", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Early acts\nAs the Thirty Years' War came to an end, a civil war known as the Fronde erupted in France. It effectively checked France's ability to exploit the Peace of Westphalia. Anne and Mazarin had largely pursued the policies of Cardinal Richelieu, augmenting the Crown's power at the expense of the nobility and the Parlements . Anne was more concerned with internal policy than foreign affairs; she was a very proud queen who insisted on the divine rights of the King of France. [22]\nAll this led her to advocate a forceful policy in all matters relating to the King's authority, in a manner that was much more radical than the one proposed by Mazarin. The Cardinal depended totally on Anne's support and had to use all his influence on the Queen to temper some of her radical actions. Anne imprisoned any aristocrat or member of parliament who challenged her will; her main aim was to transfer to her son an absolute authority in the matters of finance and justice. One of the leaders of the Parlement of Paris, whom she had jailed, died in prison. [23]\nThe Frondeurs , political heirs of the disaffected feudal aristocracy, sought to protect their traditional feudal privileges from the increasingly centralized royal government. Furthermore, they believed their traditional influence and authority was being usurped by the recently ennobled bureaucrats (the Noblesse de Robe , or \"nobility of the robe\"), who administered the kingdom and on whom the monarchy increasingly began to rely. This belief intensified the nobles' resentment.\nIn 1648, Anne and Mazarin attempted to tax members of the Parlement de Paris . The members refused to comply and ordered all of the king's earlier financial edicts burned. Buoyed by the victory of Louis, duc d'Enghien (later known as le Grand Condé ) at the Battle of Lens, Mazarin, on Queen Anne's insistence, arrested certain members in a show of force. [24] The most important arrest, from Anne's point of view, concerned Pierre Broussel, one of the most important leaders in the Parlement de Paris .", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Minority and the Fronde\nIssue more...\nLouis, Grand Dauphin\nMarie Thérèse, Madame Royale\nPhilippe Charles, Duke of Anjou\nIllegitimate :\nMarie Anne, Princess of Conti\nLouis, Count of Vermandois\nLouis Auguste, Duke of Maine\nLouis César, Count of Vexin\nLouise Françoise, Princess of Condé\nLouise Marie Anne,\nMademoiselle de Tours\nLouise, Baroness of La Queue\nFrançoise Marie, Duchess of Orléans\nLouis Alexandre, Count of Toulouse", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "F. Scott Dueser\nPresident and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Philip Fraser\nPresident & Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Domenic J. Dell'Osso, Jr.\nExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Officers\nKenneth T. Murphy\nChairman of the Board", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "France as the pivot of warfare\nFor lukewarm, useless, or impotent friends, France has the Pope, who is indifferent; the King of England [James II] expelled from his country; the Grand Duke of Tuscany; the Dukes of Mantua, Modena, and Parma [all in Italy]; and the other faction of the Swiss. Some of these are sunk in the softness that comes of years of peace, the others are cool in their affections....The English and Dutch are the main pillars of the Alliance; they support it by making war against us in concert with the other powers, and they keep it going by means of the money that they pay every year to... Allies.... We must therefore fall back on privateering as the method of conducting war which is most feasible, simple, cheap, and safe, and which will cost least to the state, the more so since any losses will not be felt by the King, who risks virtually nothing....It will enrich the country, train many good officers for the King, and in a short time force his enemies to sue for peace. [66]", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ramani Ayer\nChairman, President and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf", - "query": "What was one of Louis XIV's most ill-famed decrees?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "One of Louis's more infamous decrees was the Grande Ordonnance sur les Colonies of 1685, the Code Noir (black code)", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Louis XIV\nLouis XIV (Louis-Dieudonné; 5 September 1638 - 1 September 1715), also known as Louis the Great ( Louis le Grand ) or the Sun King ( le Roi Soleil ), was King of France from 1643 until his death in 1715. His verified reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest of any sovereign. [1][a] An emblematic character of the Age of Absolutism in Europe, [3] Louis XIV's legacy is widely characterized by French colonial expansion, the conclusion of Eighty Years' War involving the Habsburgs, and his architectural bequest, marked by commissioned works of art and buildings. His pageantry, opulent lifestyle and ornate cultivated image earned him enduring admiration. Louis XIV raised France to be the exemplar nation-state of the early modern period, and established a cultural prestige which lasted through the subsequent centuries, and continues today.\nLouis began his personal rule of France in 1661, after the death of his chief minister Cardinal Mazarin, when the King famously declared that he would take over the job himself. [4] An adherent of the divine right of kings, Louis continued his predecessors' work of creating a centralised state governed from the capital. He sought to eliminate the remnants of feudalism persisting in parts of France; by compelling many members of the nobility to reside at his lavish Palace of Versailles, he succeeded in pacifying the aristocracy, many of whom had participated in the Fronde rebellions during his minority. He thus became one of the most powerful French monarchs and consolidated a system of absolute monarchy in France that endured until the French Revolution. Louis also enforced uniformity of religion under the Catholic Church. His revocation of the Edict of Nantes abolished the rights of the Huguenot Protestant minority and subjected them to a wave of dragonnades, effectively forcing Huguenots to emigrate or convert, virtually destroying the French Protestant community.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Issue\nThis is an incomplete list of Louis XIV's illegitimate children. He reputedly had more, but the difficulty in fully documenting all such births restricts the list only to the better-known and/or legitimised.", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Reputation\nAlternatively, Louis's critics attribute the social upheaval culminating in the French Revolution to his failure to reform French institutions while the monarchy was still secure. Other scholars counter that there was little reason to reform institutions that largely worked well under Louis. They also maintain that events occurring almost 80 years after his death were not reasonably foreseeable to Louis and that in any case, his successors had sufficient time to initiate reforms of their own. [135]\nLouis has often been criticised for his vanity. The memoirist Saint-Simon, who claimed that Louis slighted him, criticised him thus:\nThere was nothing he liked so much as flattery, or, to put it more plainly, adulation; the coarser and clumsier it was, the more he relished it.\nFor his part, Voltaire saw Louis's vanity as the cause for his bellicosity:\nRoyal procession passing the PontNeuf under Louis XIV\nIt is certain that he passionately wanted glory, rather than the conquests themselves. In the acquisition of Alsace and half of Flanders, and of all of Franche-Comté, what he really liked was the name he made for himself. [136]\nNonetheless, Louis has also received praise. The anti-Bourbon Napoleon described him not only as \"a great king\", but also as \"the only King of France worthy of the name\". [137] Leibniz, the German Protestant philosopher, commended him as \"one of the greatest kings that ever was\". [138] And Lord Acton admired him as \"by far the ablest man who was born in modern times on the steps of a throne\". [139] The historian and philosopher Voltaire wrote: \"His name can never be pronounced without respect and without summoning the image of an eternally memorable age\". [140] Voltaire's history, The Age of Louis XIV , named Louis's reign as not only one of the four great ages in which reason and culture flourished, but the greatest ever. [141][142]", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Relations with the major colonies\nLouis's legal reforms were enacted in his numerous Great Ordinances. Prior to that, France was a patchwork of legal systems, with as many traditional legal regimes as there were provinces, and two co-existing legal systems-customary law in the north and Roman civil law in the south. [36] The Grande Ordonnance de Procédure Civile of 1667, the Code Louis , was a comprehensive legal code imposing a uniform regulation of civil procedure throughout the kingdom. Among other things, it prescribed baptismal, marriage and death records in the state's registers, not the church's, and it strictly regulated the right of the Parlements to remonstrate. [37] The Code Louis later became the basis for the Napoleonic code, which in turn inspired many modern legal codes.\nOne of Louis's more infamous decrees was the Grande Ordonnance sur les Colonies of 1685, the Code Noir (black code). Although it sanctioned slavery, it attempted to humanise the practice by prohibiting the separation of families. Additionally, in the colonies, only Roman Catholics could own slaves, and these had to be baptised.\nLouis ruled through a number of councils:\nConseil d'en haut (\"High Council\", concerning the most important matters of state)-composed of the king, the crown prince, the controller-general of finances, and the secretaries of state in charge of various departments. The members of that council were called ministers of state.\nLouis and his family portrayed as Roman gods in a 1670 painting by Jean Nocret. L to R: Louis's aunt, Henriette-Marie; his brother, Philippe, duc d'Orléans; the Duke's daughter, Marie Louise d'Orléans, and wife, Henriette-Anne Stuart; the Queen-mother, Anne of Austria; three daughters of Gaston d'Orléans; Louis XIV; the Dauphin Louis; Queen Marie-Thérèse; la Grande Mademoiselle .\nConseil des dépêches (\"Council of Messages\", concerning notices and administrative reports from the provinces).\nConseil de Conscience (\"Council of Conscience\", concerning religious affairs and episcopal appointments).\nConseil royal des finances (\"Royal Council of Finances\") headed by the \"chef du conseil des finances\" (an honorary post in most cases)-this was one of the few posts in the council available to the high aristocracy. [38]", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Coming of age and early reforms\nLouis XIV was declared to have reached the age of majority on the 7th of September 1651. On the death of Mazarin, in March 1661, Louis personally took the reins of government and astonished his court by declaring that he would rule without a chief minister: \"Up to this moment I have been pleased to entrust the government of my affairs to the late Cardinal. It is now time that I govern them myself. You [secretaries and ministers] will assist me with your counsels when I ask for them. I request and order you to seal no orders except by my command . . . I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport . . . without my command; to render account to me personally each day and to favor no one\". [33] Capitalizing on the widespread public yearning for peace and order after decades of foreign and civil strife, the young king consolidated central political authority at the expense of the feudal aristocracy. Praising his ability to choose and encourage men of talent, the historian Chateaubriand noted: \"it is the voice of genius of all kinds which sounds from the tomb of Louis\". [34]\nLouis began his personal reign with administrative and fiscal reforms. In 1661, the treasury verged on bankruptcy. To rectify the situation, Louis chose Jean-Baptiste Colbert as Controller-General of Finances in 1665. However, Louis first had to neutralize Nicolas Fouquet, the powerful Superintendent of Finances. Although Fouquet's financial indiscretions were not very different from Mazarin's before him or Colbert's after him, his ambition worried Louis. He lavishly entertained the king at the opulent château of Vaux-le-\nRoyal Monogram\nVicomte, flaunting a wealth which could hardly have accumulated except through embezzlement of government funds.\nFouquet appeared eager to succeed Mazarin and Richelieu in power, and he indiscreetly purchased and privately fortified the remote island of Belle Île. These acts sealed his doom. Fouquet was charged with embezzlement; the Parlement found him guilty and sentenced him to exile; and finally Louis altered the sentence to life imprisonment.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Edict of Fontainebleau\nLouis decided to persecute Protestants and revoke the 1598 Edict of Nantes, which awarded Huguenots political and religious freedom. He saw the persistence of Protestantism as a disgraceful reminder of royal powerlessness. After all, the Edict was the pragmatic concession of his grandfather Henry IV to end the longstanding French Wars of Religion. An additional factor in Louis's thinking was the prevailing contemporary European principle to assure socio-political stability, cuius regio, eius religio (\"whose realm, his religion\"), the idea that the religion of the ruler should be the religion of the realm (as originally confirmed in central Europe in the Peace of Augsburg of 1555). [67]\nResponding to petitions, Louis initially excluded Protestants from office, constrained the meeting of synods, closed churches outside of Edict-stipulated areas, banned Protestant outdoor preachers, and prohibited domestic Protestant migration. He also disallowed Protestant-Catholic intermarriages to which third parties objected, encouraged missions to the Protestants, and\nLouis XIV in 1685, the year he revoked the Edict of Nantes\nrewarded converts to Catholicism. [68] This discrimination did not encounter much Protestant resistance, and a steady conversion of Protestants occurred, especially among the noble elites.\nIn 1681, Louis dramatically increased his persecution of Protestants. The principle of cuius regio, eius religio generally also meant that subjects who refused to convert could emigrate, but Louis banned emigration and effectively insisted that all Protestants must be converted. Secondly, following the proposal of René de Marillac and the Marquis of Louvois, he began quartering dragoons in Protestant homes. Although this was within his legal rights, the dragonnades inflicted severe financial strain on Protestants and atrocious abuse. Between 300,000 and 400,000 Huguenots converted, as this entailed financial rewards and exemption from the dragonnades . [69]\nOn 15 October 1685, Louis issued the Edict of Fontainebleau, which cited the redundancy of privileges for Protestants given their scarcity after the extensive conversions. The Edict of Fontainebleau revoked the Edict of Nantes and repealed all the privileges that arose therefrom. [4] By his edict, Louis no longer tolerated the existence of Protestant groups, pastors, or churches in France.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Quotes\nNumerous quotes have been attributed to Louis XIV by legend.\nThe well-known \"I am the state\" ( \"L'État, c'est moi.\" ) was reported from at least the late 18th century. [143] It was widely repeated but also denounced as apocryphal by the early 19th century. [144][b][145]\nHe did say, \"Every time I appoint someone to a vacant position, I make a hundred unhappy and one ungrateful.\" [146][147] Louis is recorded by numerous eyewitnesses as having said on his deathbed: \" Je m'en vais, mais l'État demeurera toujours. \" (\"I depart, but the State shall always remain.\") [148]", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Reputation\nAccording to Philippe de Courcillon's Journal , Louis on his deathbed advised his heir with these words:\nDo not follow the bad example which I have set you; I have often undertaken war too lightly and have sustained it for vanity. Do not imitate me, but be a peaceful prince, and may you apply yourself principally to the alleviation of the burdens of your subjects. [132]\nSome historians point out that it was a customary demonstration of piety in those days to exaggerate one's sins. Thus they do not place much emphasis on Louis's deathbed declarations in assessing his accomplishments. Rather, they focus on military and diplomatic successes, such as how he placed a French prince on the Spanish throne. This, they contend, ended the threat of an aggressive Spain that historically interfered in domestic French politics. These historians also emphasise the effect of Louis's wars in expanding France's boundaries and creating more defensible frontiers that preserved France from invasion until the Revolution. [132]\nArguably, Louis also applied himself indirectly to \"the alleviation of the burdens of [his] subjects.\" For example, he patronised the arts, encouraged industry, fostered trade and commerce, and sponsored the founding of an overseas empire. Moreover, the significant reduction in civil wars and aristocratic rebellions during his reign are seen by these\nTerritorial expansion of France under Louis XIV (1643-1715) is depicted in orange.\nhistorians as the result of Louis's consolidation of royal authority over feudal elites. In their analysis, his early reforms centralised France and marked the birth of the modern French state. They regard the political and military victories as well as numerous cultural achievements as how Louis helped raise France to a preeminent position in Europe. [133] Europe came to admire France for its military and cultural successes, power, and sophistication. Europeans generally began to emulate French manners, values, goods, and deportment. French became the universal language of the European elite.\nLouis's detractors have argued that his considerable foreign, military and domestic expenditure impoverished and bankrupted France. His supporters, however, distinguish the state, which was impoverished, from France, which was not. As supporting evidence, they cite the literature of the time, such as the social commentary in Montesquieu's Persian Letters . [134]", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Arms\nCoat of arms of Louis XIV", - "page_start": 22, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Coming of age and early reforms\nThe main weakness arose from an old bargain between the French crown and nobility: the king might raise taxes on the nation without consent if only he exempted the nobility. Only the \"unprivileged\" classes paid direct taxes, which came to mean the peasants only, as most bourgeois finagled exemptions in one way or another. The system laid the whole burden of state expenses on the backs of the poor and powerless. After 1700, with the support of Louis's pious secret wife Madame de Maintenon, the king\nwas persuaded to change his fiscal policy. Though willing enough to tax the nobles, Louis feared the political concessions which they would demand in return. Only towards the close of his reign under the extreme exigency of war, was he able, for the first time in French history, to impose direct taxes on the aristocracy. This was a step toward equality before the law and toward sound public finance, though it was predictably diminished by concessions and exemptions won by the insistent efforts of nobles and bourgeois. [35]\nLouis and Colbert also had wide-ranging plans to grow French commerce and trade. Colbert's mercantilist administration established new industries and encouraged manufacturers and inventors, such as the Lyon silk manufacturers and the Gobelins tapestry manufactory. He invited manufacturers and artisans from all over Europe to France, such as Murano glassmakers, Swedish ironworkers, and Dutch shipbuilders. He aimed to decrease imports while increasing French exports, hence reducing the net outflow of precious metals from France.\nEngraving of Louis XIV\nLouis instituted reforms in military administration through Michel le Tellier and his son François-Michel le Tellier, successive Marquis de Louvois. They helped to curb the independent spirit of the nobility, imposing order on them at court and in the army. Gone were the days when generals protracted war at the frontiers while bickering over precedence and ignoring orders from the capital and the larger strategic picture, with the old military aristocracy ( noblesse d'épée , nobility of the sword) monopolizing senior military positions and the higher ranks. Louvois modernized the army and reorganised it into a professional, disciplined, well-trained force. He was devoted to the soldiers' material well-being and morale, and even tried to direct campaigns.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf", - "query": "What did Louis XIV do to avoid the Spanish War of Succession in 1698?", - "target_page": 13, - "target_passage": "In an attempt to avoid war, Louis signed the Treaty of the Hague with William III of England in 1698. This agreement divided Spain's Italian territories between Louis's son le Grand Dauphin and Archduke Charles, with the rest of the empire awarded to Joseph Ferdinand.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Louis XIV\nDuring Louis's long reign, France emerged as the leading European power and regularly made war. A conflict with Spain marked his entire childhood, while during his personal rule, Louis fought three major continental conflicts, each against powerful foreign alliances: the Franco-Dutch War, the Nine Years' War, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In addition, France contested shorter wars such as the War of Devolution and the War of the Reunions. Warfare defined Louis's foreign policy, impelled by his personal ambition for glory and power: \"a mix of commerce, revenge, and pique\". [5] His wars strained France's resources to the utmost, while in peacetime he concentrated on preparing for the next war. He taught his diplomats that their job was to create tactical and strategic advantages for the French military. [6] Upon his death in 1715, Louis XIV left his great-grandson and successor, Louis XV, a powerful but war-weary kingdom, in major debt after the War of the Spanish Succession that had raged on since 1701.\nSome of his other notable achievements include the construction of the Canal du Midi, the patronage of artists, and the founding of the French Academy of Sciences.\nPortrait by Hyacinthe Rigaud , 1701\nKing of France (more...)\nReign\n14 May 1643 - 1 September\n1715\nCoronation\n7 June 1654\nReims Cathedral\nPredecessor\nLouis XIII\nSuccessor\nLouis XV\nRegent\nAnne of Austria (1643-1651)\nChief ministers See list\nCardinal Mazarin (1643-1661)\nJean-Baptiste Colbert (1661-1683)\nThe Marquis of Louvois (1683-1691)\nBorn\n5 September 1638\nChâteau de Saint-Germain- en-Laye, Saint-Germain-en- Laye, France\nDied\n1 September 1715 (aged 76) Palace of Versailles, Versailles, France\nBurial\n9 September 1715 Basilica of Saint-Denis\nSpouses\nMaria Theresa of Spain (m. 1660; died 1683)\nFrançoise d'Aubigné, Marquise de Maintenon (private) (m. 1683)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Commencement of fighting\nEven before war was officially declared, hostilities began with Imperial aggression in Italy. Once finally declared, the War of the Spanish Succession lasted almost until Louis's death, at great cost to him and France.\nThe war began with French successes, but the talents of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, and Eugene of Savoy checked these victories and broke the myth of French invincibility. The duo allowed the Palatinate and Austria to occupy Bavaria after their victory at the Battle of Blenheim. Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, had to flee to the Spanish Netherlands. The\nimpact of this victory won the support of Portugal and Savoy. Later, the Battle of Ramillies delivered the Low Countries to the Allies, and the Battle of Turin forced Louis to evacuate Italy, leaving it open to Allied forces. Marlborough and Eugene met again at the Battle of Oudenarde, which enabled them to invade France.\nFrance established contact with Francis II Rákóczi and promised support if he took up the cause of Hungarian independence.\nDefeats, famine, and mounting debt greatly weakened France. Between 1693 and 1710, over two million people died in two famines, made worse as foraging armies seized food supplies from the villages. [98] In desperation, Louis ordered a disastrous invasion of the English island of Guernsey in the autumn of 1704 with the aim of raiding their successful harvest. By the winter of 1708-09, he was willing to accept peace at nearly any cost. He agreed that the entire Spanish empire should be surrendered to Archduke Charles, and also consented to return to the frontiers of the Peace of Westphalia, giving up all the territories he had acquired over 60 years. But he could not promise that Philip V would accept these terms, so the Allies demanded that Louis single-handedly attack his grandson to force these terms on him. If he could not achieve this within the year, the war would resume. Louis would not accept these terms. [99]", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "France as the pivot of warfare\nUnder Louis, France was the leading European power, and most wars pivoted around its aggressiveness. No European state exceeded it in population, and no one could match its wealth, central location, and very strong professional army. It had largely avoided the devastation of the Thirty Years' War. Its weaknesses included an inefficient financial system that was hard-pressed to pay for its military adventures, and the tendency of most other powers to gang up against it.\nDuring Louis's reign, France fought three major wars: the Franco-Dutch War, the Nine Years' War, and the War of the Spanish Succession. There were also two lesser conflicts: the War of Devolution and the War of the Reunions. [64] The wars were very expensive but defined Louis XIV's foreign policy, and his personality shaped his approach. Impelled \"by a mix of commerce, revenge, and pique\", Louis sensed that war was the ideal way to enhance his glory. In peacetime, he concentrated on preparing for the next war. He taught his diplomats that their job was to create tactical and strategic advantages for the French military. [6] By 1695, France retained much of its dominance but had lost control of the seas to England and Holland, and most countries, both Protestant and Catholic, were in alliance against it. Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban, France's leading military strategist, warned Louis in 1689 that a hostile \"Alliance\" was too powerful at sea. He recommended that France fight back by licensing French merchant ships to privateer and seize enemy merchant ships while avoiding its navies:\nLouis XIV\nFrance has its declared enemies Germany and all the states that it embraces; Spain with all its dependencies in Europe, Asia, Africa and America; the Duke of Savoy [in Italy], England, Scotland, Ireland, and all their colonies in the East and West Indies; and Holland with all its possessions in the four corners of the world where it has great establishments. France has ... undeclared enemies, indirectly hostile, hostile, and envious of its greatness, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Venice, Genoa, and part of the Swiss Confederation, all of which states secretly aid France's enemies by the troops that they hire to them, the money they lend them and by protecting and covering their trade. [65]\nVauban was pessimistic about France's so-called friends and allies:", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Spain\nThe death of Louis's maternal uncle King Philip IV of Spain in 1665 precipitated the War of Devolution. In 1660, Louis had married Philip IV's eldest daughter, Maria Theresa, as one of the provisions of the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. [39] The marriage treaty specified that Maria Theresa was to renounce all claims to Spanish territory for herself and all her descendants. [39] Mazarin\nLouis XIV in 1670, engraved portrait by Robert Nanteuil\nand Lionne, however, made the renunciation conditional on the full payment of a Spanish dowry of 500,000 écus. [40] The dowry was never paid and would later play a part persuading his maternal first cousin Charles II of Spain to leave his empire to Philip, Duke of Anjou (later Philip V of Spain), the grandson of Louis XIV and Maria Theresa.\nThe War of Devolution did not focus on the payment of the dowry; rather, the lack of payment was what Louis XIV used as a pretext for nullifying Maria Theresa's renunciation of her claims, allowing the land to \"devolve\" to him. In Brabant (the location of the land in dispute), children of first marriages traditionally were not disadvantaged by their parents' remarriages and still inherited property. Louis's wife was Philip IV's daughter by\nhis first marriage, while the new king of Spain, Charles II, was his son by a subsequent marriage. Thus, Brabant allegedly \"devolved\" to Maria Theresa, justifying France to attack the Spanish Netherlands.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Relations with the Dutch\nDuring the Eighty Years' War with Spain, France supported the Dutch Republic as part of a general policy of opposing Habsburg power. Johan de Witt, Dutch Grand Pensionary from 1653 to 1672, viewed this as crucial for Dutch security and a counterweight against his domestic Orangist opponents. Louis provided support in the 1665-1667 Second Anglo-Dutch War but used the opportunity to launch the War of Devolution in 1667. This captured Franche-Comté and much of the Spanish Netherlands; French expansion in this area was a direct threat to Dutch economic interests. [41]\nThe Dutch opened talks with Charles II of England on a common diplomatic front against France, leading to the Triple Alliance, between England, the Dutch and Sweden. The threat of an escalation and a secret treaty to divide Spanish possessions\nThe Battle of Tolhuis, Louis XIV crosses the Lower Rhine at Lobith on 12 June 1672; Rijksmuseum Amsterdam\nwith Emperor Leopold, the other major claimant to the throne of Spain, led Louis to relinquish many of his gains in the 1668 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. [42]\nLouis placed little reliance on his agreement with Leopold and as it was now clear French and Dutch aims were in direct conflict, he decided to first defeat the Republic, then seize the Spanish Netherlands. This required breaking up the Triple Alliance; he paid Sweden to remain neutral and signed the 1670 Secret Treaty of Dover with Charles, an Anglo-French alliance against the Dutch Republic. In May 1672, France invaded the Republic, supported by Münster and the Electorate of Cologne. [43]\nLouis XIV, 1670, by Claude Lefèbvre\nRapid French advance led to a coup that toppled De Witt and brought William III to power. Leopold viewed French expansion into the Rhineland as an increasing threat, especially after they seized the strategic Duchy of Lorraine in 1670. The prospect of Dutch defeat led Leopold to an alliance with Brandenburg-Prussia on 23 June, followed by another with the Republic on 25th. [44] Although Brandenburg was forced out of the war by the June 1673 Treaty of Vossem, in August an anti-French alliance was formed by the Dutch, Spain, Emperor Leopold and the Duke of Lorraine. [45]", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Causes and build-up to the war\nBy the time of the Peace of Ryswick, the Spanish succession had been a source of concern to European leaders for well over forty years. King Charles II ruled a vast empire comprising Spain, Naples, Sicily, Milan, the Spanish Netherlands, and numerous Spanish colonies. He produced no children, however, and consequently had no direct heirs.\nThe principal claimants to the throne of Spain belonged to the ruling families of France and Austria. The French claim derived from Louis XIV's mother Anne of Austria (the older sister of Philip IV of Spain) and his wife Maria Theresa (Philip IV's eldest daughter). Based on the laws of primogeniture, France had the better claim as it originated from the eldest daughters in two generations. However, their renunciation of succession rights complicated matters. In the case of Maria Theresa, nonetheless, the renunciation was considered null and void owing to Spain's breach of her marriage contract with Louis. In contrast, no renunciations tainted the claims of Emperor Leopold I's son Charles, Archduke of Austria, who was a grandson of Philip III's youngest daughter Maria Anna. The English and Dutch feared that a French or Austrian-born Spanish king would threaten the balance of power and thus preferred the Bavarian Prince Joseph Ferdinand, a grandson of Leopold I through his first wife Margaret Theresa of Spain (the younger daughter of Philip IV).\nIn an attempt to avoid war, Louis signed the Treaty of the Hague with William III of England in 1698. This agreement divided Spain's Italian territories between Louis's son le Grand Dauphin and Archduke Charles, with the rest of the empire awarded to Joseph Ferdinand. William III consented to permitting the Dauphin's new territories to become part of France when the latter\nPhilip V of Spain\nsucceeded to his father's throne. [90] The signatories, however, omitted to consult the ruler of these lands, and Charles II was passionately opposed to the dismemberment of his empire. In 1699, he re-confirmed his 1693 will that named Joseph Ferdinand as his sole successor. [91]", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Accession\nSensing imminent death in the spring of 1643, King Louis XIII decided to put his affairs in order for his four-year-old son Louis XIV. Not trusting the judgement of his Spanish wife Queen Anne, who would normally have become the sole regent of France, the king decreed that a regency council would rule on his son's behalf, with Anne at its head. [13]\nLouis XIII died on 14 May 1643. On 18 May [14] Queen Anne had her husband's will annulled by the Parlement de Paris , a judicial body of nobles and high-ranking clergy, [15] and she became sole regent. She exiled her husband's ministers Chavigny and Bouthilier and appointed the Count of Brienne as her minister of foreign affairs. [16] Anne kept the direction of religious policy strongly in hand until her son's majority in 1661.\nShe appointed Cardinal Mazarin as chief minister, giving him the daily administration of policy. She continued the policies of her late husband and Cardinal Richelieu, despite their persecution of her, in order to win absolute authority in France and victory abroad for her son. Anne protected Mazarin by exiling her followers the Duke of Beaufort and Marie de Rohan, who conspired against him in 1643. [17]\nLouis XIV as a young child, unknown painter\nThe best example of Anne's loyalty to France was her treatment of one of Richelieu's men, the Chancellor Pierre Séguier. Séguier had brusquely interrogated Anne in 1637 (like a\n\"common criminal\", as she recalled) following the discovery that she was giving military secrets to her father in Spain, and Anne was virtually under house arrest for years. By keeping the effective Séguier in his post, Anne sacrificed her own feelings for the interests of France and her son Louis.\nThe Queen sought a lasting peace between Catholic nations, but only after a French victory over her native Spain. She also gave a partial Catholic orientation to French foreign policy. This was felt by the Netherlands, France's Protestant ally, which negotiated a separate peace with Spain in 1648. [18]", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Reputation\nAccording to Philippe de Courcillon's Journal , Louis on his deathbed advised his heir with these words:\nDo not follow the bad example which I have set you; I have often undertaken war too lightly and have sustained it for vanity. Do not imitate me, but be a peaceful prince, and may you apply yourself principally to the alleviation of the burdens of your subjects. [132]\nSome historians point out that it was a customary demonstration of piety in those days to exaggerate one's sins. Thus they do not place much emphasis on Louis's deathbed declarations in assessing his accomplishments. Rather, they focus on military and diplomatic successes, such as how he placed a French prince on the Spanish throne. This, they contend, ended the threat of an aggressive Spain that historically interfered in domestic French politics. These historians also emphasise the effect of Louis's wars in expanding France's boundaries and creating more defensible frontiers that preserved France from invasion until the Revolution. [132]\nArguably, Louis also applied himself indirectly to \"the alleviation of the burdens of [his] subjects.\" For example, he patronised the arts, encouraged industry, fostered trade and commerce, and sponsored the founding of an overseas empire. Moreover, the significant reduction in civil wars and aristocratic rebellions during his reign are seen by these\nTerritorial expansion of France under Louis XIV (1643-1715) is depicted in orange.\nhistorians as the result of Louis's consolidation of royal authority over feudal elites. In their analysis, his early reforms centralised France and marked the birth of the modern French state. They regard the political and military victories as well as numerous cultural achievements as how Louis helped raise France to a preeminent position in Europe. [133] Europe came to admire France for its military and cultural successes, power, and sophistication. Europeans generally began to emulate French manners, values, goods, and deportment. French became the universal language of the European elite.\nLouis's detractors have argued that his considerable foreign, military and domestic expenditure impoverished and bankrupted France. His supporters, however, distinguish the state, which was impoverished, from France, which was not. As supporting evidence, they cite the literature of the time, such as the social commentary in Montesquieu's Persian Letters . [134]", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Causes and conduct of the war\nThe Nine Years' War, which lasted from 1688 to 1697, initiated a period of decline in Louis's political and diplomatic fortunes. It arose from two events in the Rhineland. First, in 1685, the Elector Palatine Charles II died. All that remained of his immediate family was Louis's sister-in-law, Elizabeth Charlotte. German law ostensibly barred her from succeeding to her brother's lands and electoral dignity, but it was unclear enough for arguments in favour of Elizabeth Charlotte to have a chance of success. Conversely, the princess was demonstrably entitled to a division of the family's personal property. Louis pressed her claims to land and chattels, hoping the latter, at least, would be given to her. [76] Then, in 1688, Maximilian Henry of Bavaria, Archbishop of Cologne, an ally of France, died. The archbishopric had traditionally been held by the Wittelsbachs of Bavaria, but the Bavarian claimant to replace Maximilian Henry, Prince Joseph Clemens of Bavaria, was at that time not more than 17 years old and not even ordained. Louis sought instead to install his own candidate, Wilhelm Egon von Fürstenberg, to ensure the key Rhenish state remained an ally. [77]\nIn light of his foreign and domestic policies during the early 1680s, which were perceived as aggressive, Louis's actions, fostered by the succession crises of the late 1680s, created concern and alarm in much of Europe. This led to the formation of the 1686 League of Augsburg by the Holy Roman Emperor, Spain, Sweden, Saxony, and Bavaria. Their stated intention was to return France to at least the borders agreed to in the Treaty of Nijmegen. [78] Emperor Leopold I's persistent refusal to convert the Truce of Ratisbon into a permanent treaty fed Louis's fears that the Emperor would turn on France and attack the Reunions after settling his affairs in the Balkans. [79]\nAnother event Louis found threatening was England's Glorious Revolution of 1688. Although King James II was Catholic, his two Anglican daughters, Mary and Anne, ensured the English people a Protestant succession. But when James II's son James Francis Edward Stuart was born, he took precedence in succession over his sisters. This seemed to herald an era of Catholic monarchs in England. Protestant lords called on the Dutch Prince\nBattle of Fleurus, 1690\nLouis in 1690", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Causes and conduct of the war\nWilliam III of Orange, grandson of Charles I of England, to come to their aid. He sailed for England with troops despite Louis's warning that France would regard it as a provocation. Witnessing numerous desertions and defections, even among those closest to him, James II fled England. Parliament declared the throne vacant, and offered it to James's daughter Mary II and his son-inlaw and nephew William. Vehemently anti-French, William (now William III of England) pushed his new kingdoms into war, thus transforming the League of Augsburg into the Grand Alliance. Before this happened, Louis expected William's expedition to England to absorb his energies and those of his allies, so he dispatched troops to the Rhineland after the expiry of his ultimatum to the German princes requiring confirmation of the Truce of Ratisbon and acceptance of his demands about the succession crises. This military manoeuvre was also intended to protect his eastern provinces from Imperial invasion by depriving the enemy army of sustenance, thus explaining the preemptive scorched earth policy pursued in much of southwestern Germany (the \"Devastation of the Palatinate\"). [80]\nLouis XIV at the siege of Namur (1692)\nFrench armies were generally victorious throughout the war because of Imperial commitments in the Balkans, French logistical superiority, and the quality of French generals such as Condé's famous pupil, François Henri de Montmorency-Bouteville, duc de Luxembourg. [81] He triumphed at the Battles of Fleurus in 1690, Steenkerque in 1692, and Landen in 1693, although, the battles proved to be of little of strategic consequence, [82][83] mostly due to the nature of late 17th-century warfare. [84]", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "wikipedia5.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf", - "query": "Does nerve transection or crushing affect small afferents within the dorsal root ganglion in the same way?", - "target_page": 5, - "target_passage": "Both SNItrans (Fig. 2C) and SNIcrush (Fig. 2D) injuries resulted in a rightward shift in population distributions of the cross-sectional area of nucleated, FB-labelled DRG neurons when compared with contralateral DRG, consistent with a loss of small afferents post–nerve injury.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.2. Spared nerve crush or transection results in death of Mrgprd-expressing neurons\nFigure 1. SNItrans induces death of small primary afferent neurons, accompanied by a reduction in volume, not cell density, of the dorsal root ganglion. (A) Approach to differentially labelled intact afferents with tdTomato and damaged afferents with GFP after peripheral nerve injury using the Avil FlpO ;Atf3 CreERT2 ;RC:: FLTGmouseline and schematic of experimental timeline. (B) Representative image of GFP, tdTomato, and NeuN expression in an L4 DRG, 2 weeks after SNItrans. Scale bars 5 100 m m. (C and D) Stereological quantification of the total number of DRG neurons (C) or number of axotomized and intact neurons (D) in the L4 DRG 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after SNItrans or contralateral (contra) to injury. (C) One-way ANOVA with Tukey posttests; F 4,10 5 37.98, P , 0.001. (D) Two-way RM ANOVA; Timepoint 3 Color interaction F 4,10 5 39.04, P , 0.001, n 5 3 mice; Tukey posttests (between injured groups): † P , 0.05 vs contra, ‡ P , 0.05 vs 1-week. (E) Volume of DRG-containing cells (ie, excluding white matter tracts) following SNItrans. One-way ANOVA with Tukey posttests; F 4,10 5 21.25, P , 0.001, n 5 3. (F) Neuronal density within the DRG following SNItrans. One-way ANOVA; F 4,10 5 2.77, P 5 0.09, n 5 3. (G) Population distribution of uninjured and injured afferents by cross-sectional area, 1 and 8 weeks post-SNItrans. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests of cumulative distributions; Uninjured: D 5 0.08, P 5 0.18; Injured: D 5 0.32, P , 0.001; n 5 310 to 427 neurons from 3 mice. * P , 0.05, ** P , 0.01, ***", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2. Spared nerve crush or transection results in death of Mrgprd-expressing neurons\nFigure 2. Spared nerve crush and transection lead to a loss of small DRG neurons. (A) Approach to restrict analysis to damaged afferents: a subcutaneous injection of the tracer FB into both hindpaws labelled tibial afferents, before unilateral SNItrans or SNIcrush surgery. (B) Representative image of FB labelling and NeuN immunostaining in the L4 DRG. The image is a projection of optical sections at 3m mintervals through the entirety of a 30m m-thick tissue section. Scale bar 5 100 m m. (C and D) Quantification of the cross-sectional area of FastBlue labelled DRG neurons ipsilateral and contralateral to SNItrans (C) or SNIcrush injury (D) reveals a loss of small afferents and subsequent shift in population distribution. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests of cumulative distributions; SNItrans: D 5 0.25, P , 0.001; n 5 183 or 191 neurons from 3 mice; SNIcrush: D 5 0.22, P , 0.001, n 5 319 or 325 neurons from 3 mice. (E) Experimental approach for whole DRG volumetric analyses after SNItrans. (F) Representative 3D rendering of TDP-43 profiles and corresponding nuclear spot profiles following Imaris-based spot detection feature. Scale bar 5 100 m m. (G) Quantification of DRG nuclear spot volume ipsilateral and contralateral to SNItrans. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests of cumulative distribution: D 5 0.06, P , 0.001, n 5 30,206 (contra) or 32,544 (ipsi) nuclei from 4 (contra) or 5 (ipsi) mice. (H) Total number of nuclear spots, by size, per DRG. Two-way RM ANOVA; size bin 3 injury interaction: F 2,14 5 8.26, P 5 0.004; n 5 4 to 5 mice; ˇ S'ıd 'ak multiple comparisons tests: ** P , 0.01. ANOVA, analysis of variance; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; FB, FastBlue; RM, repeated measures.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Peripheral nerve injury induces a loss of small neurons from the dorsal root ganglion\nSNItrans resulted in a mixed population of axotomized and intact afferents within the L4 DRG. Therefore, we developed an approach to restrict our analysis to axotomized afferents, without relying on transgenic labelling, and used this as a complementary approach to confirm our findings. We injected the neuronal tracer FB into the glabrous, tibial innervation territory of both hindpaws 1 week before common peroneal and tibial transection (SNItrans) or crush (SNIcrush) surgeries ( Figs. 2A and B ). FastBlue-uptake was complete across neurons of all sizes by 1 week (Fig. S3, http://links.lww.com/PAIN/ C84), so this approach allowed us to profile a sample of the axotomized afferents. Both SNItrans ( Fig. 2C ) and SNIcrush ( Fig. 2D ) injuries resulted in a rightward shift in population distributions of the cross-sectional area of nucleated, FB-labelled DRG neurons when compared with contralateral DRG, consistent with a loss of small afferents post-nerve injury.\nAs a third complementary approach, we applied semiautomated volumetric analyses of nuclei size following tissue clearing. In this study, whole DRGs were cleared 4 weeks after SNItrans for nuclei counting in 'complete' tissue ( Figs. 2E-H ). Nuclei were labelled by TDP-43, in line with the study by West et al., 67 and were quantified using Imaris software ( Fig. 2F , Video 1). We observed a slight but significant rightward shift in nuclear spot volume population distribution 4 weeks after SNItrans ( Fig. 2G ). In addition, there was a significant reduction in the number of small but not medium or large nuclear spots, in support of a loss of small-diameter neuron populations ( Fig. 2H ).\nTogether, our data derived from several different experimental approaches show that a population of small-diameter afferents are lost following peripheral nerve injury.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[36] Molander C, Wang H, Rivero-Meli 'an C, Grant G. Early decline and late restoration of spinal cord binding and transganglionic transport of isolectin B4 from Griffonia simplicifolia I after peripheral nerve transection or crush. Restor Neurol Neurosci 1996;10:123-33.\n[37] Nguyen MQ, Le Pichon CE, Ryba N. Stereotyped transcriptomic transformation of somatosensory neurons in response to injury. Elife 2019;8:e49679.\n[38] Oliveira ALR. Apoptosis of sensory neurons and satellite cells after sciatic nerve transection in C57BL/6J mice. Braz J Med Biol Res 2001;34: 375-80.\n[39] Olson W, Abdus-Saboor I, Cui L, Burdge J, Raabe T, Ma M, Luo W. Sparse genetic tracing reveals regionally specific functional organization of mammalian nociceptors. Elife 2017;6:e29507.\n[40] Plummer NW, Evsyukova IY, Robertson SD, de Marchena J, Tucker CJ, Jensen P. Expanding the power of recombinase-based labeling to uncover cellular diversity. Development 2015;142:4385-93.\n[41] Prescott SA, Ratt 'e S. Pain processing by spinal microcircuits: afferent combinatorics. Curr Opin Neurobiol 2012;22:631-9.\n[42] Qi L, Iskols M, Shi D, Reddy P, Walker C, Lezgiyeva K, Voisin T, Pawlak M, Kuchroo VK, Chiu I, Ginty DD, Sharma N. A DRG genetic toolkit reveals molecular, morphological, and functional diversity of somatosensory neuron subtypes. bioRxiv 2023.2023.04.22.537932.\n[43] Reid AJ, Mantovani C, Shawcross SG, Terenghi G, Wiberg M. Phenotype of distinct primary sensory afferent subpopulations and caspase-3 expression following axotomy. Histochem Cell Biol 2011;136:71-8.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[65] West CA, Davies KA, Hart AM, Wiberg M, Williams SR, Terenghi G. Volumetric magnetic resonance imaging of dorsal root ganglia for the objective quantitative assessment of neuron death after peripheral nerve injury. Exp Neurol 2007;203:22-33.\n[66] West CA, Ljungberg C, Wiberg M, Hart A. Sensory neuron death after upper limb nerve injury and protective effect of repair: clinical evaluation using volumetric magnetic resonance imaging of dorsal root ganglia. Neurosurgery 2013;73:632-40.\n[67] West SJ, Bonboire D, Bennett DL. StereoMate: 3D stereological automated analysis of biological structures. bioRxiv 2020:648337.\n[68] Wiberg R, Novikova LN, Kingham PJ. Evaluation of apoptotic pathways in dorsal root ganglion neurons following peripheral nerve injury. Neuroreport 2018;29:779-85.\n[69] Yu X, Liu H, Hamel KA, Morvan MG, Yu S, Leff J, Guan Z, Braz JM, Basbaum AI. Dorsal root ganglion macrophages contribute to both the initiation and persistence of neuropathic pain. Nat Commun 2020;11:264.\n[70] Zheng J, Lu Y, Perl ER. Inhibitory neurones of the spinal substantia gelatinosa mediate interaction of signals from primary afferents. J Physiol 2010;588:2065-75.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nDorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons represent a molecularly and functionally heterogeneous population. Under normal conditions, this diversity contributes to the ability of the somatosensory nervous system to detect a myriad of sensory stimuli that result in the perceptions of touch, temperature, itch, and pain. Following nerve injury, physiological changes in DRG neurons lead to hyperexcitability, 57 which is a key pathological driver of neuropathic pain. 20,63 Concomitant molecular changes in discrete subpopulations also occur, and these have recently been comprehensively described in single-cell 37,44 and subpopulation-specific sequencing studies. 3 These studies describe a transient and generalized reduction in the expression of subpopulation-specific genes following nerve injury. 3,37,44\nIn addition to molecular changes, there is a rich literature describing the frank loss of DRG neurons following traumatic\nSponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at the end of this article.\na School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, b Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom\n*Corresponding author. Address: School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom. Tel.: 1 44 (0) 141 330 7023. E-mail address: gregory.weir@glasgow.ac.uk (G.A. Weir).\nSupplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site (www.painjournalonline.com).\nCopyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Pain. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003321\nDecember 2024 · Volume 165 · Number 12", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Peripheral nerve injury induces a loss of small neurons from the dorsal root ganglion\nobserved 7809 6 153 neurons per DRG; this was not significantly different to the number of neurons in the contralateral DRG (7917 6 349), whereas cell number approximately halved by 8 weeks postinjury to 3963 6 410 neurons per DRG ( Fig. 1C ). Separating analysis into intact vs axotomized afferents revealed that only axotomized afferents were lost, with no difference observed in numbers of intact afferents ( Fig. 1D ). Between 1 and 8 weeks after injury, we observed a 61.0 6 7.0% decrease in the number of GFP 1 neurons. This loss of injured afferents resulted in a loss of neuron-containing (ie, excluding white matter regions) DRG volume ( Fig. 1E ), but not neuron density ( Fig. 1F ). Cell loss predominantly occurred between 1 and 2 weeks postinjury and stabilized after this timepoint. Population distributions of the cross-sectional area of nucleated, tdTomato-expressing cell profiles were not significantly different at 1 vs 8 weeks postSNItrans, in contrast to GFP-expressing/injured afferents, in which a loss of a population of small afferents at 8 weeks postinjury was observed ( Fig. 1G ).", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Peripheral nerve injury induces a loss of small neurons from the dorsal root ganglion\nTo assess the gross loss of neurons from DRG following nerve injury, we generated the Avil FlpO ;Atf3 CreERT2 ;RC::FLTG mouse line in which na¨ıve and axotomized sensory neurons were differentially labelled. In this mouse line, all neurons express tdTomato (Flp-dependent) in the na¨ıve state and switch to expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) upon axonal damage and concurrent tamoxifen treatment (Flp- and Cre-dependent) ( Figs. 1A and B ). Following pilot experiments to optimize tamoxifen dosing regimen, this approach was both highly efficient and specific (with the caveat that it was necessary to wait for several days after nerve injury for Cre-induced GFP expression): 14 days after SNItrans surgery, GFP was expressed by 99.1 6 0.6% of Atf3-expressing ipsilateral L4 DRG neurons, while we observed GFP in only 4.6 6 0.7% of contralateral DRG neurons (Figs. S2A-D, http://links.lww.com/PAIN/C84). We then used a stereological approach to quantify the total number of neurons in L4 DRG ipsilateral to injury 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after SNItrans, as well as contralateral to injury. One week after SNItrans, we\nwww.painjournalonline.com\n2867", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2. Spared nerve crush or transection results in death of Mrgprd-expressing neurons\nTo date, determining cell loss among specific populations of afferent neurons has proved challenging due to the downregulation of subpopulation-specific marker genes following axonal transection. 37,44 To overcome this issue, we took advantage of transgenic strategies to label populations in a manner that persisted after injury. Owing to the bias for the loss of small neurons and the known loss of IB4-binding central terminals postinjury, 36 we initially focused on nonpeptidergic nociceptive neurons. We used MrgD ChR2-YFP mice to identify neurons belonging to the largest of the 3 classes of nonpeptidergic nociceptors, NP1. 55,59 To determine whether these neurons are lost following nerve injury, we used a stereological method to quantify L4 DRG MrgD-YFP 1 (yellow fluorescent\n2868\nA.H. Cooper et al. · 165 (2024) 2863-2876\nPAIN ®", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nmouse: marked changes both in cell numbers and neuropeptide expression. Neuroscience 2001;105:249-63.\n[51] Song H, Yao E, Lin C, Gacayan R, Chen MH, Chuang PT. Functional characterization of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells in lung development, injury, and tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2012;109:17531-6.\n[52] Takasu K, Sakai A, Hanawa H, Shimada T, Suzuki H. Overexpression of GDNF in the uninjured DRG exerts analgesic effects on neuropathic pain following segmental spinal nerve ligation in mice. J Pain 2011;12: 1130-1139.\n[53] Tandrup T, Woolf CJ, Coggeshall RE. Delayed loss of small dorsal root ganglion cells after transection of the rat sciatic nerve. J Comp Neurol 2000;422:172-80.\n[54] Terenghi G, Hart A, Wiberg M. The nerve injury and the dying neurons: diagnosis and prevention. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2011;36:730-4.\n[55] Usoskin D, Furlan A, Islam S, Abdo H, Lonnerberg P, Lou D, HjerlingLeffler J, Haeggstrom J, Kharchenko O, Kharchenko PV, Linnarsson S, Ernfors P. Unbiased classification of sensory neuron types by large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing. Nat Neurosci 2015;18:145-53.\n[56] Vestergaard S, Tandrup T, Jakobsen J. Effect of permanent axotomy on number and volume of dorsal root ganglion cell bodies. J Comp Neurol 1997;388:307-12.\n[57] Wall PD, Gutnick M. Properties of afferent nerve impulses originating from a neuroma. Nature 1974;248:740-43.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf", - "query": "What are the EU's key nature conservation commitments for 2030?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "1. Legally protect a minimum of 30% of the EU’s land area and 30% of the EU’s sea area and integrate ecological corridors, as part of a true Trans-European Nature Network. 2. Strictly protect at least a third of the EU’s protected areas, including all remaining EU primary and old-growth forests. 3. Effectively manage all protected areas, defining clear conservation objectives and measures, and monitoring them appropriately.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Nature protection: key commitments by 2030\n1. Legally protect a minimum of 30% of the EU's land area and 30% of the EU's sea area and integrate ecological corridors, as part of a true Trans-European Nature Network.\n2. Strictly protect at least a third of the EU's protected areas, including all remaining EU primary and old-growth forests.\n3. Effectively manage all protected areas, defining clear conservation objectives and measures, and monitoring them appropriately.\n27 Guidance on a strategic framework for further supporting the deployment of EU-level green and blue infrastructure (SWD(2019) 193).\n5", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EU Nature Restoration Plan: key commitments by 2030\n1. Legally binding EU nature restoration targets to be proposed in 2021, subject to an impact assessment. By 2030, significant areas of degraded and carbon-rich ecosystems are restored; habitats and species show no deterioration in conservation trends and status; and at least 30% reach favourable conservation status or at least show a positive trend.\n2. The decline in pollinators is reversed.\n3. The risk and use of chemical pesticides is reduced by 50% and the use of more hazardous pesticides is reduced by 50%.\n4. At least 10% of agricultural area is under high-diversity landscape features.\n5. At least 25% of agricultural land is under organic farming management, and the uptake of agro-ecological practices is significantly increased.\n6. Three billion new trees are planted in the EU, in full respect of ecological principles.\n7. Significant progress has been made in the remediation of contaminated soil sites.\n8. At least 25,000 km of free-flowing rivers are restored.\n54 Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive (2009/128/EC).\n55 European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy (COM(2018) 28).\n56 A new Circular Economy Action Plan for a cleaner and more competitive Europe (COM(2020) 98).\n57 See for example: Hulme P. (2014). Invasive species challenge the global response to emerging diseases, Trends in parasitology (2014) Vol. 30, Issue 6 ; Duscher et al. (2017).\n58 Regulation (EU) 1143/2014 on invasive alien species.\n59 Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).\n14\n9. There is a 50% reduction in the number of Red List species threatened by invasive alien species.\n10. The losses of nutrients from fertilisers are reduced by 50%, resulting in the reduction ofthe use of fertilisers by at least 20%.\n11. Cities with at least 20,000 inhabitants have an ambitious Urban Greening Plan.\n12. No chemical pesticides are used in sensitive areas such as EU urban green areas.\n13. The negative impacts on sensitive species and habitats, including on the seabed through fishing and extraction activities, are substantially reduced to achieve good environmental status.\n14. The by-catch of species is eliminated or reduced to a level that allows species recovery and conservation.", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. PROTECTING AND RESTORING NATURE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION\nThe EU has legal frameworks, strategies and action plans to protect nature and restore habitats and species. But protection has been incomplete, restoration has been smallscale, and the implementation and enforcement of legislation has been insufficient 17 .\nTo put biodiversity on the path to recovery by 2030, we need to step up the protection and restoration of nature. This should be done by improving and widening our network of protected areas and by developing an ambitious EU Nature Restoration Plan .", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2.1. Strengthening the EU legal framework for nature restoration\nNature restoration is already partially required from the Member States in existing EU legislation 28 . However, significant implementation and regulatory gaps hinder progress . For instance, there is no requirement for Member States to have biodiversity restoration plans. There are not always clear or binding targets and timelines and no definition or criteria on restoration or on the sustainable use of ecosystems. There is also no requirement to comprehensively map, monitor or assess ecosystem services, health or restoration efforts. These issues are exacerbated by the gaps in implementation that prevent the existing legislation from achieving its objectives 29 . Stronger implementation support and enforcement is required. To ensure that nature restoration across land and sea picks up, increases the EU's resilience, and contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation as a key nature-based solution, this strategy puts forward two strands of actions:\n Firstly, and subject to an impact assessment, the Commission will put forward a proposal for legally binding EU nature restoration targets in 2021 to restore degraded ecosystems, in particular those with the most potential to capture and store carbon and to prevent and reduce the impact of natural disasters. This will identify the conditions in which the targets must be met, as well as the most effective measures to reach them. The impact assessment will also look at the possibility of an EU-wide methodology to map, assess and achieve good condition of ecosystems so they can deliver benefits such as climate regulation, water regulation, soil health, pollination and disaster prevention and protection.\n In that context, the Commission will request and support Member States to raise the level of implementation of existing legislation within clear deadlines. It will in particular request Member States to ensure no deterioration in conservation trends and status of all protected habitats and species by 2030 30 . In addition, Member States will have to ensure that at least 30% of species and habitats not\n28 Notably the EU Birds Directive (2009/147/EC), Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC).\n29 See Fitness Check of the EU Nature Legislation (SWD(2016) 472) and Fitness Check of the EU Water Legislation (SWD(2019) 439). See also below, Section 3.2.\n30 Habitats and species listed under the Birds and Habitats Directives.\n6", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS\nEU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030\nBringing nature back into our lives", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2.1. Strengthening the EU legal framework for nature restoration\ncurrently in favourable status are in that category or show a strong positive trend. The Commission and the European Environmental Agency will provide guidance to Member States in 2020 on how to select and prioritise species and habitats.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. BIODIVERSITY - THE NEED FOR URGENT ACTION\n7 Food and Agriculture Organization (2019), State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.\n8 IPBES (2019), Summary for policymakers, p. 3, A1.\n9 IPBES (2019), Summary for policymakers, pp. 17-19, B.10-B.14; European Environment Agency (2019), The European environment - state and outlook 2020.\n10 World Wildlife Fund (2018), Living Planet Report - 2018: Aiming Higher.\n11 IPBES (2019), Summary for policymakers, p. 4, A4.\n12 Idem.\n13 https://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index.cfm?pg=nbs\n14 World Economic Forum (2020), The Global Risks Report 2020.\n15 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2019), Biodiversity: Finance and the Economic and Business Case for Action.\n16 Idem.\n2\nbuild on the headline ambition to ensure that by 2050 all of the world's ecosystems are restored, resilient, and adequately protected. The world should commit to the net-gain principle to give nature back more than it takes. As part of this, the world should commit to no human-induced extinction of species, at minimum where avoidable.\nThis strategy sets out how Europe can help make this happen. As a milestone, it aims to ensure that Europe's biodiversity will be on the path to recovery by 2030 for the benefit of people, the planet, the climate and our economy, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It addresses the five main drivers of biodiversity loss, sets out an enhanced governance framework to fill remaining gaps, ensures the full implementation of EU legislation, and pulls together all existing efforts. This strategy is enterprising and incentivising in spirit and action. It reflects the fact that protecting and restoring nature will need more than regulation alone . It will require action by citizens, businesses, social partners and the research and knowledge community, as well as strong partnerships between local, regional, national and European level. This strategy is in line with the ambitions and commitment set out in President von der Leyen's Political Guidelines and in the European Green Deal.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. Raising the level of ambition and commitment worldwide\nProtecting biodiversity is a global challenge and the next decade will be decisive. Global efforts under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity have largely been insufficient. Nature cannot afford any half measures or lack of ambition.\nIn this spirit, the EU is ready to lead all efforts - working with like-minded partners in a high-ambition coalition on biodiversity - to agree an ambitious new global framework for post-2020 at the upcoming 15 th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.\nWith this strategy, the Commission proposes ambitious commitments for the EU to bring to the table. The EU should also support governments and stakeholders across the globe to significantly step up their ambition and their action.\nThe Commission proposes that the EU ensures that the post-2020 global framework includes, at a minimum, the elements outlined below:\n Overarching global goals for biodiversity for 2050, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the vision of 'living in harmony with nature'. The ambition should be that, by 2050, all of the world's ecosystems are restored, resilient, and adequately protected. The world should commit to the net-gain principle to give nature back more than it takes. The world should commit to no human-induced extinction of species, at minimum where avoidable.\n Ambitious global 2030 targets in line with EU commitments in this strategy. These should clearly address the drivers of biodiversity loss and be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound.\n A much stronger implementation, monitoring and review process. Parties should revise their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans by the end of 2021, or as a minimum, submit national commitments for the most important targets. There should be a regular review cycle to look at progress towards the\n76 Green alliances focus on cooperation with African and other partners to implement the European Green Deal.\n19\ntargets, with the ability to ratchet up action if needed. These reviews should be based on an independent, science-based gap-analysis and foresight process, with common headline indicators for all Parties.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2. An EU Nature Restoration Plan: restoring ecosystems across land and sea\nProtecting the nature we have will not be enough to bring nature back into our lives. To reverse biodiversity loss, the world needs to be more ambitious on nature restoration. With a new EU Nature Restoration Plan , Europe will lead the way.\nThe plan will help improve the health of existing and new protected areas, and bring diverse and resilient nature back to all landscapes and ecosystems. This means reducing pressures on habitats and species, and ensuring all use of ecosystems is sustainable. It also means supporting the recovery of nature, limiting soil sealing and urban sprawl, and tackling pollution and invasive alien species. The plan will create jobs, reconcile economic activities with nature growth and help ensure the long-term productivity and value of our natural capital.", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.1. A coherent network of protected areas\nStates and the European Environment Agency, will put forward in 2020 criteria and guidance for identifying and designating additional areas, including a definition of strict protection, as well as for appropriate management planning. In doing so, it will indicate how other effective area-based conservation measures and greening of cities could contribute to the targets.\nThe targets relate to the EU as a whole and could be broken down according to the EU bio-geographical regions and sea basins or at a more local level. Every Member State will have to do its fair share of the effort based on objective ecological criteria, recognising that each country has a different quantity and quality of biodiversity. Particular focus will be placed on protecting and restoring the tropical and sub-tropical marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the EU's outermost regions given their exceptionally high biodiversity value.\nIn addition, in order to have a truly coherent and resilient Trans-European Nature Network, it will be important to set up ecological corridors to prevent genetic isolation, allow for species migration, and maintain and enhance healthy ecosystems. In this context, investments in green and blue infrastructure 27 and cooperation across borders among Member States should be promoted and supported, including through the European Territorial Cooperation.\nThe Commission will aim to agree the criteria and guidance for additional designations with Member States by the end of 2021. Member States will then have until the end of 2023 to demonstrate significant progress in legally designating new protected areas and integrating ecological corridors. On this basis, the Commission will assess by 2024 whether the EU is on track to meet its 2030 targets or whether stronger actions, including EU legislation, are needed.\nFinally, the Overseas Countries and Territories also host important biodiversity hotspots, not governed by EU environmental rules. The Commission encourages relevant Member States to consider promoting equal or equivalent rules in these countries and territories.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf", - "query": "Was there a biodiversity governance framework in place in the EU before the European Commission's proposal?", - "target_page": 16, - "target_passage": "In the EU, there is currently no comprehensive governance framework to steer the implementation of biodiversity commitments agreed at national, European or international level. To address the gap, the Commission will put in place a new European biodiversity governance framework. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.1. A new governance framework\nIn the EU, there is currently no comprehensive governance framework to steer the implementation of biodiversity commitments agreed at national, European or international level. To address the gap, the Commission will put in place a new European biodiversity governance framework . This will help map obligations and commitments and set out a roadmap to guide their implementation.\nAs part of this new framework, the Commission will put in place a monitoring and review mechanism. This will include a clear set of agreed indicators and will enable regular progress assessment and set out corrective action if necessary. This mechanism will feed the Environmental Implementation Review and contribute to the European Semester.\nThe new governance framework will ensure co-responsibility and co-ownership by all relevant actors in meeting the EU's biodiversity commitments. It will support administrative capacity building, transparency, stakeholder dialogue, and participatory governance at different levels.\nThe Commission will assess the progress and suitability of this approach in 2023, and consider whether a legally binding approach to governance is needed.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4. THE EUROPEAN UNION FOR AN AMBITIOUS GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY AGENDA\nBiodiversity is a priority of the EU's external action and an integral part of efforts to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It will be mainstreamed throughout bilateral and multilateral engagements, through the EU's 'Green Deal diplomacy', and forthcoming green alliances 76 . The Commission will work closely with the European Parliament and Member States to ensure a high level of EU ambition and mobilise all efforts for the good of the world's biodiversity.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. PROTECTING AND RESTORING NATURE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION\nThe EU has legal frameworks, strategies and action plans to protect nature and restore habitats and species. But protection has been incomplete, restoration has been smallscale, and the implementation and enforcement of legislation has been insufficient 17 .\nTo put biodiversity on the path to recovery by 2030, we need to step up the protection and restoration of nature. This should be done by improving and widening our network of protected areas and by developing an ambitious EU Nature Restoration Plan .", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS\nEU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030\nBringing nature back into our lives", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. BIODIVERSITY - THE NEED FOR URGENT ACTION\n7 Food and Agriculture Organization (2019), State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.\n8 IPBES (2019), Summary for policymakers, p. 3, A1.\n9 IPBES (2019), Summary for policymakers, pp. 17-19, B.10-B.14; European Environment Agency (2019), The European environment - state and outlook 2020.\n10 World Wildlife Fund (2018), Living Planet Report - 2018: Aiming Higher.\n11 IPBES (2019), Summary for policymakers, p. 4, A4.\n12 Idem.\n13 https://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index.cfm?pg=nbs\n14 World Economic Forum (2020), The Global Risks Report 2020.\n15 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2019), Biodiversity: Finance and the Economic and Business Case for Action.\n16 Idem.\n2\nbuild on the headline ambition to ensure that by 2050 all of the world's ecosystems are restored, resilient, and adequately protected. The world should commit to the net-gain principle to give nature back more than it takes. As part of this, the world should commit to no human-induced extinction of species, at minimum where avoidable.\nThis strategy sets out how Europe can help make this happen. As a milestone, it aims to ensure that Europe's biodiversity will be on the path to recovery by 2030 for the benefit of people, the planet, the climate and our economy, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It addresses the five main drivers of biodiversity loss, sets out an enhanced governance framework to fill remaining gaps, ensures the full implementation of EU legislation, and pulls together all existing efforts. This strategy is enterprising and incentivising in spirit and action. It reflects the fact that protecting and restoring nature will need more than regulation alone . It will require action by citizens, businesses, social partners and the research and knowledge community, as well as strong partnerships between local, regional, national and European level. This strategy is in line with the ambitions and commitment set out in President von der Leyen's Political Guidelines and in the European Green Deal.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1. Raising the level of ambition and commitment worldwide\nProtecting biodiversity is a global challenge and the next decade will be decisive. Global efforts under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity have largely been insufficient. Nature cannot afford any half measures or lack of ambition.\nIn this spirit, the EU is ready to lead all efforts - working with like-minded partners in a high-ambition coalition on biodiversity - to agree an ambitious new global framework for post-2020 at the upcoming 15 th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.\nWith this strategy, the Commission proposes ambitious commitments for the EU to bring to the table. The EU should also support governments and stakeholders across the globe to significantly step up their ambition and their action.\nThe Commission proposes that the EU ensures that the post-2020 global framework includes, at a minimum, the elements outlined below:\n Overarching global goals for biodiversity for 2050, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the vision of 'living in harmony with nature'. The ambition should be that, by 2050, all of the world's ecosystems are restored, resilient, and adequately protected. The world should commit to the net-gain principle to give nature back more than it takes. The world should commit to no human-induced extinction of species, at minimum where avoidable.\n Ambitious global 2030 targets in line with EU commitments in this strategy. These should clearly address the drivers of biodiversity loss and be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound.\n A much stronger implementation, monitoring and review process. Parties should revise their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans by the end of 2021, or as a minimum, submit national commitments for the most important targets. There should be a regular review cycle to look at progress towards the\n76 Green alliances focus on cooperation with African and other partners to implement the European Green Deal.\n19\ntargets, with the ability to ratchet up action if needed. These reviews should be based on an independent, science-based gap-analysis and foresight process, with common headline indicators for all Parties.", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2.1. Strengthening the EU legal framework for nature restoration\ncurrently in favourable status are in that category or show a strong positive trend. The Commission and the European Environmental Agency will provide guidance to Member States in 2020 on how to select and prioritise species and habitats.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2.1. Strengthening the EU legal framework for nature restoration\nNature restoration is already partially required from the Member States in existing EU legislation 28 . However, significant implementation and regulatory gaps hinder progress . For instance, there is no requirement for Member States to have biodiversity restoration plans. There are not always clear or binding targets and timelines and no definition or criteria on restoration or on the sustainable use of ecosystems. There is also no requirement to comprehensively map, monitor or assess ecosystem services, health or restoration efforts. These issues are exacerbated by the gaps in implementation that prevent the existing legislation from achieving its objectives 29 . Stronger implementation support and enforcement is required. To ensure that nature restoration across land and sea picks up, increases the EU's resilience, and contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation as a key nature-based solution, this strategy puts forward two strands of actions:\n Firstly, and subject to an impact assessment, the Commission will put forward a proposal for legally binding EU nature restoration targets in 2021 to restore degraded ecosystems, in particular those with the most potential to capture and store carbon and to prevent and reduce the impact of natural disasters. This will identify the conditions in which the targets must be met, as well as the most effective measures to reach them. The impact assessment will also look at the possibility of an EU-wide methodology to map, assess and achieve good condition of ecosystems so they can deliver benefits such as climate regulation, water regulation, soil health, pollination and disaster prevention and protection.\n In that context, the Commission will request and support Member States to raise the level of implementation of existing legislation within clear deadlines. It will in particular request Member States to ensure no deterioration in conservation trends and status of all protected habitats and species by 2030 30 . In addition, Member States will have to ensure that at least 30% of species and habitats not\n28 Notably the EU Birds Directive (2009/147/EC), Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC).\n29 See Fitness Check of the EU Nature Legislation (SWD(2016) 472) and Fitness Check of the EU Water Legislation (SWD(2019) 439). See also below, Section 3.2.\n30 Habitats and species listed under the Birds and Habitats Directives.\n6", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3.1. Business for biodiversity\nIn the partnership spirit of this strategy, all parts of the economy and society will have to play their role. Industry and business have an impact on nature, but they also produce the important innovations, partnerships and expertise that can help address biodiversity loss.\nTo ensure environmental and social interests are fully embedded into business strategies, the Commission will put forward a new initiative in 2021 on sustainable corporate governance . This initiative, which may take the form of a legislative proposal, will address human rights and environmental duty of care and due diligence across economic value chains in a proportionate way according to different sizes of entreprises 64 . This will help ensure that shareholder and stakeholder interests are fully aligned with the objectives set out in this strategy. In addition, in 2020, the Commission launched a review of the reporting obligations of businesses under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive 65 , with a view to improving the quality and scope of non-financial disclosures, including on environmental aspects such as biodiversity.\nThrough its existing platforms 66 , the Commission will help to build a European Business for Biodiversity movement, taking inspiration from recent initiatives 67 and making this movement an integral part of the European Climate Pact. Particular attention will be paid to measures to incentivise and eliminate barriers for the take-up of naturebased solutions, as these can lead to significant business and employment opportunities in various sectors 68 and are the key to innovation for economic or societal needs that rely on nature.\n62 Such as the Directives on Environmental Impact Assessment (2014/52/EU), on Strategic Environmental Assessment (2001/42/EC), on Environmental Liability (2004/35/CE) and on Environmental Crime (2008/99/EC).\n63 https://ec.europa.eu/environment/aarhus/\n64 Study on due diligence requirements through the supply chain - Final Report.\n65 Directive 2014/95/EU amending Directive 2013/34/EU as regards disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large undertakings.\n66 Such as the EU Business @ Biodiversity Platform (B@B).\n67 See for example Business for Nature or One Planet Business for Biodiversity.\n68 BenDor et al. (2015), Estimating the Size and Impact of the Ecological Restoration Economy.\n16", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.3.2. Investments, pricing and taxation\n69 See Common framework and guidance documents for biodiversity proofing of the EU budget.\n70 The cost estimate is based on the 2018 Impact Assessment of the LIFE Regulation (SWD(2018) 292), a Study on the costs of implementing the Target 2 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and data submitted by 16 Member States under Article 8(1) of the Habitats Directive. The Commission will update the estimate, notably based on Member States' Prioritised Action Frameworks under the Habitats Directive.\n71 Including the Common Agricultural Policy, Cohesion Policy funds, Horizon Europe, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, LIFE and external action funds.\n72 See EU taxonomy for sustainable activities.\n73 World Wildlife Fund (2019), The Nature of Risk - A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business.\n17\nlegislation and guidance on green public procurement , the Commission will integrate criteria and monitoring to boost nature-based solutions.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf", - "query": "What is the EU's tolerance for unauthorised fishing?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "The EU will apply zero tolerance towards illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2.2.6. Restoring the good environmental status of marine ecosystems\nRestored and properly protected marine ecosystems bring substantial health, social and economic benefits to coastal communities and the EU as a whole. The need for stronger action is all the more acute as marine and coastal ecosystem biodiversity loss is severely exacerbated by global warming 42 .\nAchieving good environmental status of marine ecosystems, including through strictly protected areas, must involve the restoration of carbon-rich ecosystems as well as important fish spawning and nursery areas. Some of today's sea uses endanger food security, fishers' livelihoods, and the fishery and seafood sectors. Marine resources must be harvested sustainably and there must be zero-tolerance for illegal practices . In this regard, the full implementation of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Birds and Habitats Directives is essential.\nThe application of an ecosystem-based management approach under EU legislation 43 will reduce the adverse impacts of fishing, extraction and other human activities, especially on sensitive species and seabed habitats. To support this, national maritime spatial plans , which Member States have to deliver in 2021, should aim at covering all maritime sectors and activities, as well as area-based conservation-management measures. 44 The Commission will also propose a new action plan to conserve fisheries resources and protect marine ecosystems by 2021. Where necessary, measures will be introduced to limit the use of fishing gear most harmful to biodiversity, including on the seabed. It will also look at how to reconcile the use of bottom-contacting fishing gear with biodiversity goals, given it is now the most damaging activity to the seabed. This must be done in a fair and just way for all. The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund should also support the transition to more selective and less damaging fishing techniques.\nHealthy fish stocks are key to the long-term prosperity of fishermen and the health of our oceans and biodiversity. This makes it all the more important to maintain or reduce fishing mortality at or under Maximum Sustainable Yield levels . This will help achieve a healthy population age and size distribution for fish stocks.\nThe by-catch of species threatened with extinction must also be eliminated or reduced to a level that allows full recovery. This should also be the case for those in bad conservation status or not in good environmental status. Furthermore, the by-catch of other species 45 must be eliminated or, where this is not possible, minimised so as not to\n41 Article 29 of the EU Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.2.1. International Ocean Governance\nIn line with the International Ocean Governance agenda 77 , the EU will support the conclusion of an ambitious legally binding agreement on marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) by the end of 2020. It must set clear global procedures for identifying, designating and effectively managing ecologically representative marine protected areas in the high seas. It should be ratified and implemented as quickly as possible.\nThe EU should also use all of its diplomatic leverage and outreach capacities to help broker agreement on the designation of three vast Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean 78 , two of which were co-proposed by the EU in East Antarctica and in the Weddell Sea. If agreed, this would constitute one of the biggest acts of nature protection in history.\nWork will continue with partner countries and regional organisations to put in place measures to protect and sustainably use sensitive maritime ecosystems and species, including in areas beyond national jurisdiction, with a focus on marine biodiversity hotspots. The EU should continue supporting Small Island Developing States and other relevant partner countries to participate in meetings of regional and global organisations and bodies, and to implement relevant international commitments and regulations.\nThe EU will apply zero tolerance towards illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and will combat overfishing, including through WTO negotiations on a global agreement to ban harmful fisheries subsidies .\nIn international negotiations, the EU should advocate that marine minerals in the international seabed area cannot be exploited before the effects of deep-sea mining on the marine environment, biodiversity and human activities have been sufficiently researched, the risks are understood and the technologies and operational practices are able to demonstrate no serious harm to the environment, in line with the precautionary\n77 International ocean governance agenda: an agenda for the future (JOIN(2016) 49).\n78 In the framework of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.\n20\nprinciple 79 and taking into account the call of the European Parliament 80 . In parallel, the EU will continue to fund research on the impact of deep-sea mining activities and on environmentally-friendly technologies. The EU should also advocate for more transparency in international bodies such as the International Seabed Authority.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2.1. Strengthening the EU legal framework for nature restoration\ncurrently in favourable status are in that category or show a strong positive trend. The Commission and the European Environmental Agency will provide guidance to Member States in 2020 on how to select and prioritise species and habitats.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work\nEN", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2.6. Restoring the good environmental status of marine ecosystems\n42 See for example Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2019), Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.\n43 The Common Fisheries Policy, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (2014/89/EU).\n44 The Commission will report on the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive by March 2022 at the latest, including the application of ecosystem-based management.\n45 Protected by international and EU law.\n11\nthreaten their conservation status. To support this, data collection on by-catch for all sensitive species needs to be stepped up.\nIn addition, fisheries-management measures must be established in all marine protected areas according to clearly defined conservation objectives and on the basis of the best available scientific advice.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. PROTECTING AND RESTORING NATURE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION\nThe EU has legal frameworks, strategies and action plans to protect nature and restore habitats and species. But protection has been incomplete, restoration has been smallscale, and the implementation and enforcement of legislation has been insufficient 17 .\nTo put biodiversity on the path to recovery by 2030, we need to step up the protection and restoration of nature. This should be done by improving and widening our network of protected areas and by developing an ambitious EU Nature Restoration Plan .", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.2.7. Restoring freshwater ecosystems\nThe EU's legal framework on water is ambitious but implementation is lagging behind and enforcement must be stepped up 46 . Greater efforts are needed to restore freshwater ecosystems and the natural functions of rivers in order to achieve the objectives of the Water Framework Directive. This can be done by removing or adjusting barriers that prevent the passage of migrating fish and improving the flow of water and sediments. To help make this a reality, at least 25,000 km of rivers will be restored into free-flowing rivers by 2030 47 through the removal of primarily obsolete barriers and the restoration of floodplains and wetlands. Technical guidance and support to the Member States to identify sites and help mobilise funding will be provided by the Commission in 2021, in consultation with all relevant authorities 48 . Member State authorities should review water abstraction and impoundment permits to implement ecological flows in order to achieve good status or potential of all surface waters and good status of all groundwater by 2027 at the latest, as required by the Water Framework Directive 49 . To that effect, the Commission will provide technical support to Member States on their measures by 2023.\nOverall, large-scale river and floodplain restoration investments 50 can provide a major economic boost for the restoration sector and for local socioeconomic activities such as tourism and recreation. At the same time, these investments can improve water regulation, flood protection, nursery habitats for fish, and the removal of nutrient pollution.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.2.2. Trade policy\nTrade policy will actively support and be part of the ecological transition . In this spirit, the Commission will ensure full implementation and enforcement of the biodiversity provisions in all trade agreements, including through the EU Chief Trade Enforcement Officer. The Commission will better assess the impact of trade agreements on biodiversity, with follow-up action to strengthen the biodiversity provisions of existing and new agreements if relevant. The Commission will also present in 2021 a legislative proposal and other measures to avoid or minimise the placing of products associated with deforestation or forest degradation on the EU market 81 , and to promote forest-friendly imports and value chains. The Commission will take a number of steps to crack down on illegal wildlife trade . This trade contributes to the depletion or extinction of entire species, is the world's fourth most lucrative black market and is thought to be one of the causes behind the emergence of zoonotic diseases. It is a human, economic and environmental duty to dismantle it.\nWith this in mind, the Commission will revise the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking in 2021 and propose a further tightening of the rules on EU ivory trade later this year. It will explore a possible revision of the Environmental Crime Directive, including by looking at expanding its scope and introducing specific provisions for types and levels of criminal sanctions. It will consider strengthening the coordinating and investigative capacities of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) to work with Member States and non-EU countries to prevent illicit trade and the entry of illicit products into the Single Market.\nThe Commission will continue to engage with partner countries to ensure a smooth and fair transition, mobilising in particular Aid for Trade to ensure that partners reap the benefits of biodiversity-friendly trade.", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Nature protection: key commitments by 2030\n1. Legally protect a minimum of 30% of the EU's land area and 30% of the EU's sea area and integrate ecological corridors, as part of a true Trans-European Nature Network.\n2. Strictly protect at least a third of the EU's protected areas, including all remaining EU primary and old-growth forests.\n3. Effectively manage all protected areas, defining clear conservation objectives and measures, and monitoring them appropriately.\n27 Guidance on a strategic framework for further supporting the deployment of EU-level green and blue infrastructure (SWD(2019) 193).\n5", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2. Stepping up implementation and enforcement of EU environmental legislation\nAll environmental legislation relies on proper implementation and enforcement. Over the last 30 years, the EU has put in place a solid legislative framework to protect and restore its natural capital. However, recent evaluations show that although legislation is fit for purpose, implementation on the ground is lagging behind 60 . This is having dramatic consequences on biodiversity and comes with a substantial economic cost 61 . The full implementation and enforcement of EU environmental legislation is therefore at the heart of this strategy , for which political support and financial and human resources will need to be prioritised.\n60 See 2015 State of Nature in the EU report (COM (2015)219).\n61 The costs of non-implementation are estimated at EUR 50 billion per year.\n15\nAs regards the Birds and Habitats Directives, enforcement will focus on completing the Natura 2000 network , the effective management of all sites, species-protection provisions, and species and habitats that show declining trends. The Commission will also ensure that environment-related legislation with an impact on biodiversity 62 is better implemented, enforced and - where necessary - reviewed and revised.\nThe Commission will strive to improve compliance assurance , working closely with Member States and European networks of environmental agencies, inspectors, auditors, police, prosecutors and judges.\nIn addition, the Commission will support civil society's role as a compliance watchdog and will engage with Member States to improve access to justice in national courts in environmental matters for individuals and NGOs. It will also broaden standing for NGOs by proposing a revision of the Aarhus Regulation 63 .", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "legal5_eubiodiversity_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf", - "query": "What are the missions of the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "• To provide optimum added value to our customers and together with them achieve growth • To create sustainable shareholder value through business growth• To create sustainable shareholder value through business growth • To provide a challenging and professionally rewarding work environment for our dedicated employees• To provide a challenging and professionally rewarding work environment for our dedicated employee", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "www.smfg.co.jp/english\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report\nDigest version", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Structure of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (as of September 30, 2011)\n* SMFG plans to make PROMISE a wholly owned subsidiary in April 2012.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Listing on the New York Stock Exchange\nIn November 2010, the Sumitomo Mitsui In November 2010, the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group listed on the New York Financial Group listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This move, we believe, not Stock Exchange. This move, we believe, not only significantly increases convenience for only significantly increases convenience for our overseas shareholders and investors, our overseas shareholders and investors, but also broadens our customer base as it but also broadens our customer base as it further increases the transparency of our further increases the transparency of our financial position. Listing on the New York financial position. Listing on the New York Stock Exchange as a socially responsible Stock Exchange as a socially responsible corporation accelerates our evolution into a corporation accelerates our evolution into a global player. global player.\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report\nSpecific Examples of CSR Activities", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company name abbreviations and other special terminology\nThroughout this report, 'Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group' or 'SMFG' refers to the holding company alone. 'The SMFG Group' refers to the holding company and its primary domestic and international subsidiaries and affiliates.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Koichi Miyata\nPresident Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.\nThe SMFG Group has 62,000 employees, The SMFG Group has 62,000 employees, 'stepping up to the plate and working hard 'stepping up to the plate and working hard to give something back to society.' I think it to give something back to society.' I think it is important to develop ways of making this is important to develop ways of making this a shared aspiration of all the employees of a shared aspiration of all the employees of\nthe Group. the Group.\n05\nCSR REPORT 2011\nCSR REPORT 2011\n06", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Scope of this Report\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation\nGLYPH<129> SMFG Card & Credit, Inc.\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Card Company, Limited\nGLYPH<129> Cedyna Financial Corporation\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing Co., Ltd.\nGLYPH<129> The Japan Research Institute, Limited\nGLYPH<129> SMBC Friend Securities Co., Ltd.\nGLYPH<129> SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.\nGLYPH<129> THE MINATO BANK, LTD.\nGLYPH<129> Kansai Urban Banking Corporation\nGLYPH<129> Other Group companies", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Outline (as of September 30, 2011)\nCompany Name\nBusiness Description\nEstablished\nHead Office\nChairman of the Board\nPresident\nCapital\nStock Exchange Listings\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. ::\nManagement of banking subsidiaries (under the stipulations of Japan's Banking Act) and of non-bank subsidiaries, as well as the performance of ancillary functions :\nDecember 2, 2002 :\n1-2, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan :\nMasayuki Oku :\nKoichi Miyata (Concurrent Director at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) :\n¥2,337.8 billion :\nTokyo Stock Exchange (First Section) :\nOsaka Securities Exchange (First Section) Nagoya Stock Exchange (First Section) Note: American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sumitomo Mitsui Finance & Leasing: Promoting recycling and reuse\nAs part of its core leasing operations, As part of its core leasing operations, Sumitomo Mitsui Finance & Leasing is Sumitomo Mitsui Finance & Leasing is helping reduce customers' environmental helping reduce customers' environmental\nRecycling and reuse of old equipment and machinery\nload through measures such as 'carbon load through measures such as 'carbon neutral leases' (with carbon credits allocated neutral leases' (with carbon credits allocated in proportion to emission volumes of leased in proportion to emission volumes of leased assets) and leasing of environment-friendly assets) and leasing of environment-friendly and energy-saving equipment. and energy-saving equipment.\nLikewise, by trading used machinery and Likewise, by trading used machinery and semiconductor- manufacturing equipment, semiconductor- manufacturing equipment, Sumitomo Mitsui Finance & Leasing is Sumitomo Mitsui Finance & Leasing is supporting more efficient capital investment supporting more efficient capital investment by its customers, while itself evolving into a by its customers, while itself evolving into a recycling-oriented, environment-friendly recycling-oriented, environment-friendly company. company.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Further measures needed\n● Share expertise in corporate social responsibility Share expertise in corporate social responsibility with the international community with the international community\n● Improve financial services in preparation for the Improve financial services in preparation for the globalization of operations in Japan (multilingual globalization of operations in Japan (multilingual support) support)\n● Promote diversity Promote diversity\nCSR REPORT 2011\n10\nIn the past, the Sumitomo Group In the past, the Sumitomo Group programs to solve the problem of programs to solve the problem of mine, while the Mitsui Group set up mine, while the Mitsui Group set up give the poorest in society access to give the poorest in society access to corporate social responsibility corporate social responsibility philosophies of both the Sumitomo philosophies of both the Sumitomo years of their existence, we will years of their existence, we will problems facing the international problems facing the international service service operations.operations.\nundertook large-scale afforestation undertook large-scale afforestation pollution around the Besshi copper pollution around the Besshi copper the Mitsui Memorial Hospital to the Mitsui Memorial Hospital to basic medical care. Based on this basic medical care. Based on this DNA embedded in the business DNA embedded in the business and Mitsui groups over the 400 and Mitsui groups over the 400 continue to play our part in solving continue to play our part in solving community through our financial community through our financial", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Today, Tomorrow and Beyond\nPresident Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.\nKoichi Miyata\n01 CSR REPORT 2011\nCSR REPORT 2011 02\nFirst, I would like to extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt First, I would like to extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to all those who have suffered and condolences to all those who have suffered and to the families and friends of those who tragically lost their lives in to the families and friends of those who tragically lost their lives in the devastating earthquake and tsunami the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. We pray for the that struck northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. We pray for the early recovery of the affected people and areas.early recovery of the affected people and areas. SMFG is dedicated to seamlessly responding to clients' needs by SMFG is dedicated to seamlessly responding to clients' needs by leveraging our group-wide capabilities, leveraging our group-wide capabilities, offering optimal products and services, and ensuring that every offering optimal products and services, and ensuring that every employee and the overall group are capable of employee and the overall group are capable of responding to the challenges of globalization. I believe that responding to the challenges of globalization. I believe that through these measures, through these measures, we will contribute to the growth and development of our clients we will contribute to the growth and development of our clients and society, and ourselves grow in partnership with them.and society, and ourselves grow in partnership with them. Through our basic policy of becoming 'a globally competitive Through our basic policy of becoming 'a globally competitive financial services group financial services group with the highest trust of our clients, society and other stakeholders' with the highest trust of our clients, society and other stakeholders' by maximizing our core strengths of by maximizing our core strengths of 'Spirit of Innovation,' 'Speed' and 'Solution & Execution,' we 'Spirit of Innovation,' 'Speed' and 'Solution & Execution,' we will continue to stay ahead of the times, will continue to stay ahead of the times, no matter how challenging, and actively adapt to changes in our no matter how challenging, and actively adapt to changes in our business environment.business environment.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf", - "query": "Did Katsutoshi Konuma participate in the August 2011 expert roundtable on the role of the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group's new Food and Agricultural Assessment Loan? ", - "target_page": 8, - "target_passage": "Key comments of participants Together with Our Customers Katsutoshi Konuma, Section Manager, Social & Environmental Management, Asahi Breweries Ltd", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Roundtable session: SMBC Food and Agricultural Assessment Loan\nA roundtable session with experts held in August 2011 considered the role of the new SMBC Food and Agricultural Assessment Loan in improving the food supply chain that links food and fishery producers with food processors and consumers. Opinions were also exchanged on what other future role the bank might assume in this regard, given the current situation and issues facing the food industry\nand agriculture in Japan.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Key comments of participants\n'We want to deliver value by creating demand and quality combined with safety, peace of mind and trust.' Katsutoshi Konuma, Section Manager, Social & Environmental Management, Asahi Breweries Ltd.\nYasuhiro Nakashima Associate Professor Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo\n'Eating should be something that generates emotion. New potential exists in the world of cuisine.' Daisuke Yamamoto, Vice Senior Consultant, Research Department,\nThe Japan Research Institute, Limited\n'As consumer tastes go through a time of great change, I think it is important to prioritize ingredients and the attitude of customers toward eating.'\nYoichiro Fukayama, Planning Dept., Deputy Head (with powers of representation) of the Corporate Banking Unit & Middle Market Banking Unit, SMBC\n'An important concept is multilateral dialogue as the number of parties involved in food production increases throughout the supply chain.'\nModerated by Kenji Sawami, Partner, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC\nThe SMBC Food and Agricultural Assessment The SMBC Food and Agricultural Assessment Loan comes with conditions, depending on Loan comes with conditions, depending on the results of an evaluation of food-producers' the results of an evaluation of food-producers' progress in areas such as food safety and progress in areas such as food safety and environment-friendliness, healthiness and environment-friendliness, healthiness and nutritional value, and efficiency of distribution. nutritional value, and efficiency of distribution. The Japan Research Institute researches The Japan Research Institute researches\nmeasures in the measures in the areas areas of food and o f f o o d a n d farming being taken farming being taken by the loan applicant, by the loan applicant, and drafts a simple and drafts a simple 'diagnosis' stating 'diagnosis' stating whether there is room whether there is room\nfor future improvement. Ernst & Young for future improvement. Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC provides expert opinions on ShinNihon LLC provides expert opinions on ongoing improvement of this system. ongoing improvement of this system.\nBy backing customer companies' own By backing customer companies' own initiatives in the areas of food and agriculture initiatives in the areas of food and agriculture in this way, SMBC will be supporting measures in this way, SMBC will be supporting measures to improve the diet of the Japanese and to improve the diet of the Japanese and strengthen the agriculture and fisheries sector. strengthen the agriculture and fisheries sector.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About this Report\nPeriod Covered\nPublication Date of Japanese Document\nContact\n: April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011 ( 'Fiscal 2010' )\n: December 2011\n:\nNote: Certain items in this report refer to activities taking place after April 2011.\nGroup CSR Department, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. 1-2 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 TEL: +81-3-3282-8111", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Outline (as of September 30, 2011)\nCompany Name\nBusiness Description\nEstablished\nHead Office\nChairman of the Board\nPresident\nCapital\nStock Exchange Listings\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. ::\nManagement of banking subsidiaries (under the stipulations of Japan's Banking Act) and of non-bank subsidiaries, as well as the performance of ancillary functions :\nDecember 2, 2002 :\n1-2, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan :\nMasayuki Oku :\nKoichi Miyata (Concurrent Director at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) :\n¥2,337.8 billion :\nTokyo Stock Exchange (First Section) :\nOsaka Securities Exchange (First Section) Nagoya Stock Exchange (First Section) Note: American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "www.smfg.co.jp/english\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report\nDigest version", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Structure of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (as of September 30, 2011)\n* SMFG plans to make PROMISE a wholly owned subsidiary in April 2012.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Today, Tomorrow and Beyond\nPresident Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.\nKoichi Miyata\n01 CSR REPORT 2011\nCSR REPORT 2011 02\nFirst, I would like to extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt First, I would like to extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to all those who have suffered and condolences to all those who have suffered and to the families and friends of those who tragically lost their lives in to the families and friends of those who tragically lost their lives in the devastating earthquake and tsunami the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. We pray for the that struck northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. We pray for the early recovery of the affected people and areas.early recovery of the affected people and areas. SMFG is dedicated to seamlessly responding to clients' needs by SMFG is dedicated to seamlessly responding to clients' needs by leveraging our group-wide capabilities, leveraging our group-wide capabilities, offering optimal products and services, and ensuring that every offering optimal products and services, and ensuring that every employee and the overall group are capable of employee and the overall group are capable of responding to the challenges of globalization. I believe that responding to the challenges of globalization. I believe that through these measures, through these measures, we will contribute to the growth and development of our clients we will contribute to the growth and development of our clients and society, and ourselves grow in partnership with them.and society, and ourselves grow in partnership with them. Through our basic policy of becoming 'a globally competitive Through our basic policy of becoming 'a globally competitive financial services group financial services group with the highest trust of our clients, society and other stakeholders' with the highest trust of our clients, society and other stakeholders' by maximizing our core strengths of by maximizing our core strengths of 'Spirit of Innovation,' 'Speed' and 'Solution & Execution,' we 'Spirit of Innovation,' 'Speed' and 'Solution & Execution,' we will continue to stay ahead of the times, will continue to stay ahead of the times, no matter how challenging, and actively adapt to changes in our no matter how challenging, and actively adapt to changes in our business environment.business environment.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Further measures needed\n● Share expertise in corporate social responsibility Share expertise in corporate social responsibility with the international community with the international community\n● Improve financial services in preparation for the Improve financial services in preparation for the globalization of operations in Japan (multilingual globalization of operations in Japan (multilingual support) support)\n● Promote diversity Promote diversity\nCSR REPORT 2011\n10\nIn the past, the Sumitomo Group In the past, the Sumitomo Group programs to solve the problem of programs to solve the problem of mine, while the Mitsui Group set up mine, while the Mitsui Group set up give the poorest in society access to give the poorest in society access to corporate social responsibility corporate social responsibility philosophies of both the Sumitomo philosophies of both the Sumitomo years of their existence, we will years of their existence, we will problems facing the international problems facing the international service service operations.operations.\nundertook large-scale afforestation undertook large-scale afforestation pollution around the Besshi copper pollution around the Besshi copper the Mitsui Memorial Hospital to the Mitsui Memorial Hospital to basic medical care. Based on this basic medical care. Based on this DNA embedded in the business DNA embedded in the business and Mitsui groups over the 400 and Mitsui groups over the 400 continue to play our part in solving continue to play our part in solving community through our financial community through our financial", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Koichi Miyata\nPresident Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.\nThe SMFG Group has 62,000 employees, The SMFG Group has 62,000 employees, 'stepping up to the plate and working hard 'stepping up to the plate and working hard to give something back to society.' I think it to give something back to society.' I think it is important to develop ways of making this is important to develop ways of making this a shared aspiration of all the employees of a shared aspiration of all the employees of\nthe Group. the Group.\n05\nCSR REPORT 2011\nCSR REPORT 2011\n06", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Listing on the New York Stock Exchange\nIn November 2010, the Sumitomo Mitsui In November 2010, the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group listed on the New York Financial Group listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This move, we believe, not Stock Exchange. This move, we believe, not only significantly increases convenience for only significantly increases convenience for our overseas shareholders and investors, our overseas shareholders and investors, but also broadens our customer base as it but also broadens our customer base as it further increases the transparency of our further increases the transparency of our financial position. Listing on the New York financial position. Listing on the New York Stock Exchange as a socially responsible Stock Exchange as a socially responsible corporation accelerates our evolution into a corporation accelerates our evolution into a global player. global player.\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report\nSpecific Examples of CSR Activities", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news2.pdf", - "query": "What is the trend of flood risk in Canada in 2024?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "(NC) Communities in Canada are facing increased flood risks, with 1.5 million homes highly exposed", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Three ways Canadian communities are reducing flood risks\n(NC) Communities in Canada are facing increased flood risks, with 1.5 million homes highly exposed. There are large-scale programs available across the country providing flood protection measures for communities at risk, such as Intact's Municipal Climate Resiliency Grants. This program is helping build the resilience of communities and homes through a variety of preventative actions.\nWetlands can reduce flood risk by absorbing large quantities of water, but they are not typically found in cities. In Vancouver, B.C., Environmental Youth Alliance and Strathcona Community Gardens created a wetland on downtown's east side, an area historically prone to flooding. Made up of natural elements like ponds and marshes, the wetland reduces the community's flood risk by catching and absorbing rainfall and runoff from surrounding surfaces.\nKnowing the risks is the first step to protecting homes and communities. In New Brunswick, the City of Fredericton launched a Neighbourhood Flood Risk Tool to provide easy access to online flood prevention guidance. Residents can input their addresses to see if they are at risk and learn tips to reduce the risk of flooding around their properties. The portal launched in the summer of 2023 and was viewed 27,000 times in its first year.\nRebate programs are a powerful motivation for homeowners to make upgrades that might otherwise be put off. In PEI, the City of Charlottetown offered rebates covering 75 per cent of eligible material and labour costs, up to a maximum of $1,000. More than 90 properties completed upgrades, including installing sump pumps, backup batteries, backwater valves, and water monitors and alarms, to better prepare them for extreme weather events.\nCommunities can learn more about the grant program and how to apply at intactfc.com/mcrg.\nwww.newscanada.com\nWord Count: 281\nNews Canada and L'édition Nouvelles are either registered trademarks or trademarks of News Canada Inc. All rights reserved.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FRANÇAIS\nTrois façons dont des collectivités au Canada réduisent leurs risques d'inondation\nRADIO", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Office 2024\nOffice 2024 PDF Accessibility Improvements", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INDUSTRY TRENDS\nThe telecommunications industry in Canada, and our business segments, is affected by several overarching trends.", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "management's Discussion and analysis\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)", - "page_start": 52, - "page_end": 52, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "management's Discussion and analysis\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "management's Discussion and analysis\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "management's Discussion and analysis\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "management's Discussion and analysis\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "management's Discussion and analysis\nDollar amounts are in thousands of Canadian dollars (except as noted)", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news2.pdf", - "query": "How flooding was prevented in Vancouver? ", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "In Vancouver, B.C., Environmental Youth Alliance and Strathcona Community Gardens created a wetland on downtown’s east side, an area historically prone to flooding. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "FRANÇAIS\nTrois façons dont des collectivités au Canada réduisent leurs risques d'inondation\nRADIO", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Three ways Canadian communities are reducing flood risks\n(NC) Communities in Canada are facing increased flood risks, with 1.5 million homes highly exposed. There are large-scale programs available across the country providing flood protection measures for communities at risk, such as Intact's Municipal Climate Resiliency Grants. This program is helping build the resilience of communities and homes through a variety of preventative actions.\nWetlands can reduce flood risk by absorbing large quantities of water, but they are not typically found in cities. In Vancouver, B.C., Environmental Youth Alliance and Strathcona Community Gardens created a wetland on downtown's east side, an area historically prone to flooding. Made up of natural elements like ponds and marshes, the wetland reduces the community's flood risk by catching and absorbing rainfall and runoff from surrounding surfaces.\nKnowing the risks is the first step to protecting homes and communities. In New Brunswick, the City of Fredericton launched a Neighbourhood Flood Risk Tool to provide easy access to online flood prevention guidance. Residents can input their addresses to see if they are at risk and learn tips to reduce the risk of flooding around their properties. The portal launched in the summer of 2023 and was viewed 27,000 times in its first year.\nRebate programs are a powerful motivation for homeowners to make upgrades that might otherwise be put off. In PEI, the City of Charlottetown offered rebates covering 75 per cent of eligible material and labour costs, up to a maximum of $1,000. More than 90 properties completed upgrades, including installing sump pumps, backup batteries, backwater valves, and water monitors and alarms, to better prepare them for extreme weather events.\nCommunities can learn more about the grant program and how to apply at intactfc.com/mcrg.\nwww.newscanada.com\nWord Count: 281\nNews Canada and L'édition Nouvelles are either registered trademarks or trademarks of News Canada Inc. All rights reserved.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gippsland Basin\nAnnual Report 2004", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Restoring the Soil to Protect our Waterways\nwww.soilsforsalmon.org\nCompost amendment and erosion control during construction: information for builders www.buildingsoil.org", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "CompostGuide.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Houtman Basin\nAnnual Report 2004", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "ASX_STO_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Erin Cleveland, CA\nVice President, Finance", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Word\nWord PDF Accessibility", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Subject Areas:\nclimatology, hydrology", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ruth Buckle\nVice President, Property management", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gaseous Fuels\nNatural gas", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news2.pdf", - "query": "How can citizens in Fredericton easily access flood risk data?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "New Brunswick, the City of Fredericton launched a Neighbourhood Flood Risk Tool to provide easy access to online flood prevention guidance.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Three ways Canadian communities are reducing flood risks\n(NC) Communities in Canada are facing increased flood risks, with 1.5 million homes highly exposed. There are large-scale programs available across the country providing flood protection measures for communities at risk, such as Intact's Municipal Climate Resiliency Grants. This program is helping build the resilience of communities and homes through a variety of preventative actions.\nWetlands can reduce flood risk by absorbing large quantities of water, but they are not typically found in cities. In Vancouver, B.C., Environmental Youth Alliance and Strathcona Community Gardens created a wetland on downtown's east side, an area historically prone to flooding. Made up of natural elements like ponds and marshes, the wetland reduces the community's flood risk by catching and absorbing rainfall and runoff from surrounding surfaces.\nKnowing the risks is the first step to protecting homes and communities. In New Brunswick, the City of Fredericton launched a Neighbourhood Flood Risk Tool to provide easy access to online flood prevention guidance. Residents can input their addresses to see if they are at risk and learn tips to reduce the risk of flooding around their properties. The portal launched in the summer of 2023 and was viewed 27,000 times in its first year.\nRebate programs are a powerful motivation for homeowners to make upgrades that might otherwise be put off. In PEI, the City of Charlottetown offered rebates covering 75 per cent of eligible material and labour costs, up to a maximum of $1,000. More than 90 properties completed upgrades, including installing sump pumps, backup batteries, backwater valves, and water monitors and alarms, to better prepare them for extreme weather events.\nCommunities can learn more about the grant program and how to apply at intactfc.com/mcrg.\nwww.newscanada.com\nWord Count: 281\nNews Canada and L'édition Nouvelles are either registered trademarks or trademarks of News Canada Inc. All rights reserved.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FRANÇAIS\nTrois façons dont des collectivités au Canada réduisent leurs risques d'inondation\nRADIO", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "How can I get the information and when?\nAccess to the raw data, pre-prepared data and maps, headline messages and user guidance will be available through a dedicated website.\nA dedicated user interface will provide users with a means to download the data and produce customised visualisations. The exact nature of these outputs is still the subject of consultation with users.\nDetailed descriptions of the scientific basis of the projections will be available as the project progresses. For the latest information visit:\nhttp://ukclimateprojections.metoffice.gov.uk/24125\nUKCP Project Team\nJuly 2017", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Open Climate Data Project\nIn 2023, with support from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation , we launched a new project to help open up access to large climate datasets. We successfully conducted a landscape analysis of 30 major global sources of climate data and published our ' Recommendations for Better Sharing of Climate Data .'", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "2023-Creative-Commons-Annual-Report-2-1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.5. Educate citizens to understand and use data\nIt is necessary to guarantee the widest possible availability of all the pre-requisites for effective use of Open Data. In other words, it is necessary to provide free and widely accessible training, oriented to average citizens, on how and why to visualize Public Data and use them to make informed\n30/34\nCopyright 2011 LEM, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. This work is released under a Creative Commons attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)\ndecisions. Ideally, this training should be provided at a local level with local programs, in a way that makes it possible to use it on local issues, for the reasons and in the ways discussed in the next paragraph. For example, visualization techniques like those used by ABC News to show the effects of the March 2011 Japan Earthquake, in which all the user has to do to compare scenes from before and after the earthquake is to move a slider, should be routinely used to explain proposals about urban planning, zoning and related topics.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Social and political landscape\nmore concrete over time is damage control. In a world that produces digital data without interruption, uncontrolled and unpredictable data releases are facts of life that are very hard to predict, practically impossible to avoid and increasingly common. Opening public government data, that is providing plenty of officially verified information, becomes therefore also a damage control solution, to prevent or at least minimize damages from such uncontrolled releases. Without official Open Public Data, individual citizens, political parties or other organizations will start to process and compare (if they already aren't...) data from unofficial sources anyway, maybe from different countries. In such cases, it will be unavoidable not reach sometimes, even in good faith, wrong conclusions. This is not some theoretical possibility far in the future, as this real world example (from a comment to an Open Data discussion in an italian blog) proves:\n\" on the [non italian] Geonames website you can download geo-referenced data about... 47000 Italian municipalities. That worries me, because there are only 8094 of them. Besides, I grabbed a few random data about population, and I can guarantee you that not one was right. What should be done in such cases?\nFrom an Open Data perspective, all these recent stories have (at least) one thing in common: they suggest that, considering its current needs and problems, current societies want and need more Open Data than they already have.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "Open_Data_Report.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DATA AVAILABILITY\nData will be made available upon reasonable request.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed12.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "RESEARCHERS\nImprove recognition and discoverability of their research\nSpend more time doing research, less time managing it\nControl and manage a trusted and easily shareable record of their research activities and a/ffiliations - for free", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Tell us about your PDF experience.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "rogers.com/investors\nStay up-to-date with the latest Rogers investor information", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf", - "query": "In these mice, which lumbar levels were the dorsal root ganglion removed from?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "L3 to L5 DRGs were removed and postfixed for another 2 hours", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "2.8. Dorsal root ganglion culture\nDorsal root ganglia were dissected from MrgD CreERT2 ;Ai32 and Calca CreERT2 ;Ai32 mice . 1 week after dosing with tamoxifen and enzymatically digested at 37˚˚C for 80 minutes in dispase type II (4.7 mg/mL) plus collagenase type II (4 mg/mL) (Worthington Biochemical), as described previously. 63 Mechanically dissociated cells were plated onto laminin/poly-D-lysine (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) treated coverslips in complete Neurobasal Plus medium (Neurobasal Plus media supplemented with 2% (vol/vol) B27 Plus, 1% N2, 1% Glutamax, and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic [ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA]). Mouse nerve growth factor (GF) (50 ng/mL; nerve growth factor (NGF), PeproTech, Cranbury, NJ) and 10 ng/mL glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF, PeproTech) were added to the media under some conditions. Cytosine b -D-arabinofuranoside (4 m M) was added to the media for 24 hours the day after plating to reduce the proliferation of nonneuronal cells. Media was refreshed 3 times per week thereafter. Cultures were fixed for 10 minutes at room temperature with 4% paraformaldehyde and subsequently processed by immunocytochemistry (described earlier).", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nmouse: marked changes both in cell numbers and neuropeptide expression. Neuroscience 2001;105:249-63.\n[51] Song H, Yao E, Lin C, Gacayan R, Chen MH, Chuang PT. Functional characterization of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells in lung development, injury, and tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2012;109:17531-6.\n[52] Takasu K, Sakai A, Hanawa H, Shimada T, Suzuki H. Overexpression of GDNF in the uninjured DRG exerts analgesic effects on neuropathic pain following segmental spinal nerve ligation in mice. J Pain 2011;12: 1130-1139.\n[53] Tandrup T, Woolf CJ, Coggeshall RE. Delayed loss of small dorsal root ganglion cells after transection of the rat sciatic nerve. J Comp Neurol 2000;422:172-80.\n[54] Terenghi G, Hart A, Wiberg M. The nerve injury and the dying neurons: diagnosis and prevention. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2011;36:730-4.\n[55] Usoskin D, Furlan A, Islam S, Abdo H, Lonnerberg P, Lou D, HjerlingLeffler J, Haeggstrom J, Kharchenko O, Kharchenko PV, Linnarsson S, Ernfors P. Unbiased classification of sensory neuron types by large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing. Nat Neurosci 2015;18:145-53.\n[56] Vestergaard S, Tandrup T, Jakobsen J. Effect of permanent axotomy on number and volume of dorsal root ganglion cell bodies. J Comp Neurol 1997;388:307-12.\n[57] Wall PD, Gutnick M. Properties of afferent nerve impulses originating from a neuroma. Nature 1974;248:740-43.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.6. Tissue clearing and 3D volumetric analyses\nDorsal root ganglia were extracted from animals 4 weeks postSNItrans for whole DRG analyses. In this study, tissue was extracted\nPAIN ®", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[65] West CA, Davies KA, Hart AM, Wiberg M, Williams SR, Terenghi G. Volumetric magnetic resonance imaging of dorsal root ganglia for the objective quantitative assessment of neuron death after peripheral nerve injury. Exp Neurol 2007;203:22-33.\n[66] West CA, Ljungberg C, Wiberg M, Hart A. Sensory neuron death after upper limb nerve injury and protective effect of repair: clinical evaluation using volumetric magnetic resonance imaging of dorsal root ganglia. Neurosurgery 2013;73:632-40.\n[67] West SJ, Bonboire D, Bennett DL. StereoMate: 3D stereological automated analysis of biological structures. bioRxiv 2020:648337.\n[68] Wiberg R, Novikova LN, Kingham PJ. Evaluation of apoptotic pathways in dorsal root ganglion neurons following peripheral nerve injury. Neuroreport 2018;29:779-85.\n[69] Yu X, Liu H, Hamel KA, Morvan MG, Yu S, Leff J, Guan Z, Braz JM, Basbaum AI. Dorsal root ganglion macrophages contribute to both the initiation and persistence of neuropathic pain. Nat Commun 2020;11:264.\n[70] Zheng J, Lu Y, Perl ER. Inhibitory neurones of the spinal substantia gelatinosa mediate interaction of signals from primary afferents. J Physiol 2010;588:2065-75.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[29] Li L, Zhou XF. Pericellular Griffonia simplicifolia I isolectin B4-binding ring structures in the dorsal root ganglia following peripheral nerve injury in rats. J Comp Neurol 2001;439:259-74.\n2876\nA.H. Cooper et al. · 165 (2024) 2863-2876", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Peripheral nerve injury induces a loss of small neurons from the dorsal root ganglion\nTo assess the gross loss of neurons from DRG following nerve injury, we generated the Avil FlpO ;Atf3 CreERT2 ;RC::FLTG mouse line in which na¨ıve and axotomized sensory neurons were differentially labelled. In this mouse line, all neurons express tdTomato (Flp-dependent) in the na¨ıve state and switch to expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) upon axonal damage and concurrent tamoxifen treatment (Flp- and Cre-dependent) ( Figs. 1A and B ). Following pilot experiments to optimize tamoxifen dosing regimen, this approach was both highly efficient and specific (with the caveat that it was necessary to wait for several days after nerve injury for Cre-induced GFP expression): 14 days after SNItrans surgery, GFP was expressed by 99.1 6 0.6% of Atf3-expressing ipsilateral L4 DRG neurons, while we observed GFP in only 4.6 6 0.7% of contralateral DRG neurons (Figs. S2A-D, http://links.lww.com/PAIN/C84). We then used a stereological approach to quantify the total number of neurons in L4 DRG ipsilateral to injury 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after SNItrans, as well as contralateral to injury. One week after SNItrans, we\nwww.painjournalonline.com\n2867", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[44] Renthal W, Tochitsky I, Yang L, Cheng YC, Li E, Kawaguchi R, Geschwind DH, Woolf CJ. Transcriptional reprogramming of distinct peripheral sensory neuron subtypes after axonal injury. Neuron 2020; 108:128-44.e9.\n[45] Schindelin J, Arganda-Carreras I, Frise E, Kaynig V, Longair M, Pietzsch T, Preibisch S, Rueden C, Saalfeld S, Schmid B, Tinevez J-Y, White DJ, Hartenstein V, Eliceiri K, Tomancak P, Cardona A. Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis. Nat Methods 2012;9:676-82.\n[46] Schmalbruch H. Loss of sensory neurons after sciatic nerve section in the rat. Anat Rec 1987;219:323-9.\n[47] Schmitz C, Hof PR. Design-based stereology in neuroscience. Neuroscience 2005;130:813-31.\n[48] Schulte A, Degenbeck J, Aue A, Schindeh utte M, Schlott F, Schneider M, Monoranu CM, Bohnert M, Pham M, Antoniadis G, Blum R, Rittner HL. Humandorsalroot ganglia after plexus injury: either preservation or loss of the multicellular unit. bioRxiv 2023.02.06.526934.\n[49] Schulte A, Lohner H, Degenbeck J, Segebarth D, Rittner HL, Blum R, Aue A. Unbiased analysis of the dorsal root ganglion after peripheral nerve injury: no neuronal loss, no gliosis, but satellite glial cell plasticity. PAIN 2023;164:728-40.\n[50] Shi TJS, Tandrup T, Bergman E, Xu ZQD, Ulfhake B, H okfelt T. Effect of peripheral nerve injury on dorsal root ganglion neurons in the C57 BL/6J\nPAIN ®", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.5. Conclusions\nIn sum, we have provided data from multiple complementary experimental approaches to support the hypothesis that DRG neurons are lost following nerve injury in mice. We describe a substantial loss, which is biased towards specific subpopulations and particularly present in small-diameter nonpeptidergic nociceptive neurons.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nDorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons represent a molecularly and functionally heterogeneous population. Under normal conditions, this diversity contributes to the ability of the somatosensory nervous system to detect a myriad of sensory stimuli that result in the perceptions of touch, temperature, itch, and pain. Following nerve injury, physiological changes in DRG neurons lead to hyperexcitability, 57 which is a key pathological driver of neuropathic pain. 20,63 Concomitant molecular changes in discrete subpopulations also occur, and these have recently been comprehensively described in single-cell 37,44 and subpopulation-specific sequencing studies. 3 These studies describe a transient and generalized reduction in the expression of subpopulation-specific genes following nerve injury. 3,37,44\nIn addition to molecular changes, there is a rich literature describing the frank loss of DRG neurons following traumatic\nSponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at the end of this article.\na School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, b Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom\n*Corresponding author. Address: School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom. Tel.: 1 44 (0) 141 330 7023. E-mail address: gregory.weir@glasgow.ac.uk (G.A. Weir).\nSupplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site (www.painjournalonline.com).\nCopyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Pain. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003321\nDecember 2024 · Volume 165 · Number 12", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Peripheral nerve injury induces a loss of small neurons from the dorsal root ganglion\nobserved 7809 6 153 neurons per DRG; this was not significantly different to the number of neurons in the contralateral DRG (7917 6 349), whereas cell number approximately halved by 8 weeks postinjury to 3963 6 410 neurons per DRG ( Fig. 1C ). Separating analysis into intact vs axotomized afferents revealed that only axotomized afferents were lost, with no difference observed in numbers of intact afferents ( Fig. 1D ). Between 1 and 8 weeks after injury, we observed a 61.0 6 7.0% decrease in the number of GFP 1 neurons. This loss of injured afferents resulted in a loss of neuron-containing (ie, excluding white matter regions) DRG volume ( Fig. 1E ), but not neuron density ( Fig. 1F ). Cell loss predominantly occurred between 1 and 2 weeks postinjury and stabilized after this timepoint. Population distributions of the cross-sectional area of nucleated, tdTomato-expressing cell profiles were not significantly different at 1 vs 8 weeks postSNItrans, in contrast to GFP-expressing/injured afferents, in which a loss of a population of small afferents at 8 weeks postinjury was observed ( Fig. 1G ).", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf", - "query": "Did the researcher responsible for quantifying the cells in the dorsal root ganglion know which group each mouse belonged to?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "During all image quantification, the experimenter was blind to the experimental groups.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "References\nmouse: marked changes both in cell numbers and neuropeptide expression. Neuroscience 2001;105:249-63.\n[51] Song H, Yao E, Lin C, Gacayan R, Chen MH, Chuang PT. Functional characterization of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells in lung development, injury, and tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2012;109:17531-6.\n[52] Takasu K, Sakai A, Hanawa H, Shimada T, Suzuki H. Overexpression of GDNF in the uninjured DRG exerts analgesic effects on neuropathic pain following segmental spinal nerve ligation in mice. J Pain 2011;12: 1130-1139.\n[53] Tandrup T, Woolf CJ, Coggeshall RE. Delayed loss of small dorsal root ganglion cells after transection of the rat sciatic nerve. J Comp Neurol 2000;422:172-80.\n[54] Terenghi G, Hart A, Wiberg M. The nerve injury and the dying neurons: diagnosis and prevention. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2011;36:730-4.\n[55] Usoskin D, Furlan A, Islam S, Abdo H, Lonnerberg P, Lou D, HjerlingLeffler J, Haeggstrom J, Kharchenko O, Kharchenko PV, Linnarsson S, Ernfors P. Unbiased classification of sensory neuron types by large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing. Nat Neurosci 2015;18:145-53.\n[56] Vestergaard S, Tandrup T, Jakobsen J. Effect of permanent axotomy on number and volume of dorsal root ganglion cell bodies. J Comp Neurol 1997;388:307-12.\n[57] Wall PD, Gutnick M. Properties of afferent nerve impulses originating from a neuroma. Nature 1974;248:740-43.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[65] West CA, Davies KA, Hart AM, Wiberg M, Williams SR, Terenghi G. Volumetric magnetic resonance imaging of dorsal root ganglia for the objective quantitative assessment of neuron death after peripheral nerve injury. Exp Neurol 2007;203:22-33.\n[66] West CA, Ljungberg C, Wiberg M, Hart A. Sensory neuron death after upper limb nerve injury and protective effect of repair: clinical evaluation using volumetric magnetic resonance imaging of dorsal root ganglia. Neurosurgery 2013;73:632-40.\n[67] West SJ, Bonboire D, Bennett DL. StereoMate: 3D stereological automated analysis of biological structures. bioRxiv 2020:648337.\n[68] Wiberg R, Novikova LN, Kingham PJ. Evaluation of apoptotic pathways in dorsal root ganglion neurons following peripheral nerve injury. Neuroreport 2018;29:779-85.\n[69] Yu X, Liu H, Hamel KA, Morvan MG, Yu S, Leff J, Guan Z, Braz JM, Basbaum AI. Dorsal root ganglion macrophages contribute to both the initiation and persistence of neuropathic pain. Nat Commun 2020;11:264.\n[70] Zheng J, Lu Y, Perl ER. Inhibitory neurones of the spinal substantia gelatinosa mediate interaction of signals from primary afferents. J Physiol 2010;588:2065-75.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.8. Dorsal root ganglion culture\nDorsal root ganglia were dissected from MrgD CreERT2 ;Ai32 and Calca CreERT2 ;Ai32 mice . 1 week after dosing with tamoxifen and enzymatically digested at 37˚˚C for 80 minutes in dispase type II (4.7 mg/mL) plus collagenase type II (4 mg/mL) (Worthington Biochemical), as described previously. 63 Mechanically dissociated cells were plated onto laminin/poly-D-lysine (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) treated coverslips in complete Neurobasal Plus medium (Neurobasal Plus media supplemented with 2% (vol/vol) B27 Plus, 1% N2, 1% Glutamax, and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic [ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA]). Mouse nerve growth factor (GF) (50 ng/mL; nerve growth factor (NGF), PeproTech, Cranbury, NJ) and 10 ng/mL glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF, PeproTech) were added to the media under some conditions. Cytosine b -D-arabinofuranoside (4 m M) was added to the media for 24 hours the day after plating to reduce the proliferation of nonneuronal cells. Media was refreshed 3 times per week thereafter. Cultures were fixed for 10 minutes at room temperature with 4% paraformaldehyde and subsequently processed by immunocytochemistry (described earlier).", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.5. Conclusions\nIn sum, we have provided data from multiple complementary experimental approaches to support the hypothesis that DRG neurons are lost following nerve injury in mice. We describe a substantial loss, which is biased towards specific subpopulations and particularly present in small-diameter nonpeptidergic nociceptive neurons.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[44] Renthal W, Tochitsky I, Yang L, Cheng YC, Li E, Kawaguchi R, Geschwind DH, Woolf CJ. Transcriptional reprogramming of distinct peripheral sensory neuron subtypes after axonal injury. Neuron 2020; 108:128-44.e9.\n[45] Schindelin J, Arganda-Carreras I, Frise E, Kaynig V, Longair M, Pietzsch T, Preibisch S, Rueden C, Saalfeld S, Schmid B, Tinevez J-Y, White DJ, Hartenstein V, Eliceiri K, Tomancak P, Cardona A. Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis. Nat Methods 2012;9:676-82.\n[46] Schmalbruch H. Loss of sensory neurons after sciatic nerve section in the rat. Anat Rec 1987;219:323-9.\n[47] Schmitz C, Hof PR. Design-based stereology in neuroscience. Neuroscience 2005;130:813-31.\n[48] Schulte A, Degenbeck J, Aue A, Schindeh utte M, Schlott F, Schneider M, Monoranu CM, Bohnert M, Pham M, Antoniadis G, Blum R, Rittner HL. Humandorsalroot ganglia after plexus injury: either preservation or loss of the multicellular unit. bioRxiv 2023.02.06.526934.\n[49] Schulte A, Lohner H, Degenbeck J, Segebarth D, Rittner HL, Blum R, Aue A. Unbiased analysis of the dorsal root ganglion after peripheral nerve injury: no neuronal loss, no gliosis, but satellite glial cell plasticity. PAIN 2023;164:728-40.\n[50] Shi TJS, Tandrup T, Bergman E, Xu ZQD, Ulfhake B, H okfelt T. Effect of peripheral nerve injury on dorsal root ganglion neurons in the C57 BL/6J\nPAIN ®", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n[30] Liang Z, Hore Z, Harley P, Uchenna Stanley F, Michrowska A, Dahiya M, La Russa F, Jager SE, Villa-Hernandez S, Denk F. A transcriptional toolbox for exploring peripheral neuroimmune interactions. PAIN 2020; 161:2089-106.\n[31] Love MI, Huber W, Anders S. Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biol 2014;15:550.\n[32] Madisen L, Mao T, Koch H, Zhuo J, Berenyi A, Fujisawa S, Hsu YWA, Garcia AJ, Gu X, Zanella S, Kidney J, Gu H, Mao Y, Hooks BM, Boyden ES, Buzs 'aki G, Ramirez JM, Jones AR, Svoboda K, Han X, Turner EE, Zeng H. A toolbox of Cre-dependent optogenetic transgenic mice for light-induced activation and silencing. Nat Neurosci 2012;15:793-802.\n[33] Madisen L, Zwingman TA, Sunkin SM, Oh SW, Zariwala HA, Gu H, Ng LL, Palmiter RD, Hawrylycz MJ, Jones AR, Lein ES, Zeng H. A robust and high-throughput Cre reporting and characterization system for the whole mouse brain. Nat Neurosci 2010;13:133-40.\n[34] McCoy ES, Taylor-Blake B, Street SE, Pribisko AL, Zheng J, Zylka MJ. Peptidergic CGRP a primary sensory neurons encode heat and itch and tonically suppress sensitivity to cold. Neuron 2013;78:138-51.\n[35] McKay Hart A, Brannstrom T, Wiberg M, Terenghi G. Primary sensory neurons and satellite cells after peripheral axotomy in the adult rat: timecourse of cell death and elimination. Exp Brain Res 2002;142:308-18.", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nDorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons represent a molecularly and functionally heterogeneous population. Under normal conditions, this diversity contributes to the ability of the somatosensory nervous system to detect a myriad of sensory stimuli that result in the perceptions of touch, temperature, itch, and pain. Following nerve injury, physiological changes in DRG neurons lead to hyperexcitability, 57 which is a key pathological driver of neuropathic pain. 20,63 Concomitant molecular changes in discrete subpopulations also occur, and these have recently been comprehensively described in single-cell 37,44 and subpopulation-specific sequencing studies. 3 These studies describe a transient and generalized reduction in the expression of subpopulation-specific genes following nerve injury. 3,37,44\nIn addition to molecular changes, there is a rich literature describing the frank loss of DRG neurons following traumatic\nSponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at the end of this article.\na School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, b Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom\n*Corresponding author. Address: School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom. Tel.: 1 44 (0) 141 330 7023. E-mail address: gregory.weir@glasgow.ac.uk (G.A. Weir).\nSupplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site (www.painjournalonline.com).\nCopyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Pain. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.\nhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003321\nDecember 2024 · Volume 165 · Number 12", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.6. Tissue clearing and 3D volumetric analyses\nDorsal root ganglia were extracted from animals 4 weeks postSNItrans for whole DRG analyses. In this study, tissue was extracted\nPAIN ®", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1. Peripheral nerve injury induces a loss of small neurons from the dorsal root ganglion\nTo assess the gross loss of neurons from DRG following nerve injury, we generated the Avil FlpO ;Atf3 CreERT2 ;RC::FLTG mouse line in which na¨ıve and axotomized sensory neurons were differentially labelled. In this mouse line, all neurons express tdTomato (Flp-dependent) in the na¨ıve state and switch to expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) upon axonal damage and concurrent tamoxifen treatment (Flp- and Cre-dependent) ( Figs. 1A and B ). Following pilot experiments to optimize tamoxifen dosing regimen, this approach was both highly efficient and specific (with the caveat that it was necessary to wait for several days after nerve injury for Cre-induced GFP expression): 14 days after SNItrans surgery, GFP was expressed by 99.1 6 0.6% of Atf3-expressing ipsilateral L4 DRG neurons, while we observed GFP in only 4.6 6 0.7% of contralateral DRG neurons (Figs. S2A-D, http://links.lww.com/PAIN/C84). We then used a stereological approach to quantify the total number of neurons in L4 DRG ipsilateral to injury 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after SNItrans, as well as contralateral to injury. One week after SNItrans, we\nwww.painjournalonline.com\n2867", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acknowledgments\nThe authors thank Dr Mark Hoon for providing the Trpm8-Flp transgenic mouse line and Prof Andrew Todd and Dr David Hughes for their critical feedback on the manuscript. Neuron and ganglion illustrations in Figure 1 and S1 (http://links.lww.com/ PAIN/C84) were adapted from images provided by Servier Medical Art, licensed under CC BY 4.0. The research was funded by an MRC Fellowship grant awarded to GAW. (MR/T01072X/1) and a Tenovus Scotland Pilot Grant awarded to AHC and GAW (S22-17). This work was also funded by the Wellcome Trust (DPhil scholarship to AMB, 215145/Z/18/Z) and a Wellcome Investigator Grant to D.L.B. (223149/Z/21/Z), as well as the MRC (MR/ T020113/1), and with funding from the MRC and Versus Arthritis to the PAINSTORM consortium as part of the Advanced Pain Discovery Platform (MR/W002388/1). AMB further received a GTC MSDTC Scholarship.", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 12, - "source_file": "pubmed2.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF", - "query": "Does the Oxbridge Academy have a guide on how to apply to college?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "To make the college registration process easier for you, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on how to register at Oxbridge Academy (www.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/enrol-now/).", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "TIPS FOR FILLING IN YOUR COLLEGE REGISTRATION FORM\nApplying for college (www.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/enrol-now/) can be a daunting experience. Not only do you need to choose a course, but you also need to make sure that you:\n· meet the entry requirements\n· meet the deadlines\n· fill in the forms correctly\n· send the forms to the right address\n· include all the necessary attachments\nTo make the college registration process easier for you, we've compiled a comprehensive guide on how to register at Oxbridge Academy (www.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/enrol-now/). The guide also includes general tips that will be relevant to the application and registration processes at other colleges.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "1. Read (and follow) the instructions carefully.\nIf you are an Oxbridge Academy student, the general assignment guidelines will be provided in your 'Success' Study Guide. Specific instructions will also be included at the beginning of each of your assignments.", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "There are 4 steps you need to follow when you want to register as a student at Oxbridge Academy:\n1. Select Your Course\n2. Fill in Your Student Details\n3. Select Your Delivery Option\n4. Pay Your Registration Fee and Send in Your Form\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 21, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Did you enjoy reading this book?\nJoin our online social community and share your opinion:\nwww.facebook.com/oxbridgeacademysa twitter.com/oxbridgeEdu www.linkedin.com/company/oxbridge-academy\nOxbridge Academy is an established distance learning college offer -ing skills courses, national qualifications, and internationally recognised courses to students in South Africa and abroad.\nWith our head office in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape, we cater to our students' needs by recruiting industry-expert tutors to provide academic assistance via telephone and e-mail, as well as by designing our study material in such a way that it is clear, simple, and easy for our students to understand.\nWith us, studying from home is easy, affordable, and convenient.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "IMPROVE YOUR MARKS!\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 41, - "page_end": 42, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Be clear and concise.\nMake sure that your tutor will be able to understand what it is that you are asking.\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "STEP 1 - SELECT YOUR COURSE\nOxbridge Academy Short Course: Marketing Management\nADV101\nBefore you start filling in the registration form, you need to choose your course. Once you've identified the course that you would like to study, remember to check that you meet the entry requirements.\nYou can find the course name and course code for your chosen course on the relevant detailed course information page on our website. Have a look at the example in the screenshot below (the course name and course code are circled in red):\nPlease make sure to check the accreditation status of your chosen course. Some of our courses are non-credit bearing skills development courses, which are neither accredited by external bodies nor registered on the NQF. Please go to our website: oxbridgeacademy.co.za for more information about our skills development courses.\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 21, - "page_end": 22, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "TIPS FOR COMPLETING YOUR WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS\nDepending on which course you study, you will either be assessed by means of written assignments, or through a combination of written assignments and exams. Assignments not only help to deepen your understanding of the work, but they often also count toward your final mark.\nIt is therefore important that you put effort into your assignments, and that you complete them to the best of your ability.\nWe realise that, like many other students, you might be unsure of how to go about completing your assignments, or that you might be afraid of failure.\nIf you are an Oxbridge Academy student, we'd like you to know that we are here to help you every step of the way, and that we will give you the opportunity to resubmit your assignments if you don't achieve a pass mark the first time around.\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "STEP 4 - PAY YOUR REGISTRATION FEE AND SEND IN YOUR FORM\nDifferent courses have different registration fees. Please check the course fees list (www.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/Documents/ Price-list-2015.pdf) to find out how much you need to pay to register for your chosen course, and pay this amount using the banking details provided at the bottom of the registration form. Remember to attach your proof of payment.\nIf you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian will need to sign this section of the form to state that they are aware of your registration with Oxbridge Academy, and that they do not have any objections. If you are unemployed, you will need a guarantor to sign this section of the form. Your parent or guarantor will be held responsible if you miss any of your payments in relation to your course fees.\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\n3\nBasic English Language Skills\n4\nSend your registration form to the registrations office at Oxbridge Academy via one of the following channels:\nFax:\n086 262 5550\nPost: PO Box 12723, Die Boord, 7613 E-mail: registrar@oxbridgeacademy.co.za\n6\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "HOW TO ASK FOR HELP FROM YOUR TUTOR\nAs a student, you are going to experience times when you need help with your studies. You might be unsure about an assignment question, you might be confused by a particular concept, or you might be stressed about the upcoming exams.\nAnd if you are studying via distance learning (www.oxbridgeacademy.co. za/distance-learning/), where you don't have any face-to-face interaction with lecturers, you will need to rely on your tutors for the necessary academic support.\nBasic English Language Skills\nIf you have any questions about your course work, you are always welcome to approach your tutors for help. Just remember that your tutors cannot guess what your needs are: you will have to make contact with your tutors and communicate your questions clearly if you want to get the assistance that you need.\nWhen it comes to contacting your tutors, your best option will usually be to send an e-mail.\nHere are some important tips to keep in mind when requesting help from a tutor via e-mail:", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF", - "query": "I have trouble writing effective summaries in English, do you have any tips?", - "target_page": 29, - "target_passage": "To make a good summary, you need to: • Keep it brief. • Make sure to use main headings and keywords. • Focus on the main ideas. • Classify and organise the information in a logical manner. • Use your own words where possible. • Include examples. • Remember that your summaries are there to help you", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "To make a good summary, you need to:\n· Keep it brief.\n· Make sure to use main headings and keywords.\n· Focus on the main ideas.\n· Classify and organise the information in a logical manner.\n· Use your own words where possible.\n· Include examples.\n· Remember that your summaries are there to help you.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Summarise:\nGive the main points\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "16. A good summary:\nA -Uses the same words as the ones used in the study material.\nB -Does not focus on specific keywords.\nC -Includes examples.\nD -Is very detailed.", - "page_start": 56, - "page_end": 56, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "General Tips for Making Summaries\n· Underline or highlight key points as you work through your study material, and make notes.\n· When you come across a word or concept you don't understand, look it up in a dictionary, or do some research on the concept, and add your own definition to your summary.\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "SO WHAT EXACTLY IS A SUMMARY?\nA summary is more than just a condensed or shortened version of your work. A summary requires you to analyse your study material, to identify the key concepts, and to explain it in your own words.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Do the following:\n25. Create a mind map to summarise Chapter 7 (How to Ask for Help from Your Tutor). (5)\n26. List 3 things you need to do if you want to earn good marks for your written assignments. (3)\n27. List 5 important things to keep in mind when writing a cover letter.\n(5)\n28. List 5 of the things that you should include in a resignation letter.\n(5)\n29. List 3 methods you can use to summarise your study material. (3)\n30. Give 2 examples of how good language skills can benefit your ca -reer. (2)\n31. Complete the following sentence:\nSummarising your study material gives you the opportunity to\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 57, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Debt\nA summary of our long-term debt is as follows:", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SUMMARISING YOUR WORK GIVES YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO:\n· Organise your study material into a structure that makes sense to you.\n· Arrange your study material into a format that suits your learning style.\n· Create memory aids for yourself.\n· Identify key ideas and concepts.\n· Focus on what's important.\n· Prepare for exams more easily.\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "LEARN HOW TO SUMMARISE YOUR STUDY MATERIAL\nTo be successful in your studies, you need to learn how to create meaningful summaries of your course material. This is especially important if you are a distance learning student (www.oxbridgeacademy. co.za/distance-learning/), as you won't have a teacher or lecturer to point out key concepts, or to give you tips about the types of questions you can expect in the exams.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - }, - { - "text": "Be clear and concise.\nMake sure that your tutor will be able to understand what it is that you are asking.\nDeveloped for Oxbridge Academy\nBasic English Language Skills", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "basic-english-language-skills.PDF" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf", - "query": "Is exposure to risk factors that may affect mental wellbeing at work comparable across European countries?", - "target_page": 25, - "target_passage": "The country data vary significantly. Sweden, Greece and Luxembourg report over two-thirds such exposures, and Germany, Lithuania and Czechia one-third or less.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.1 Psychosocial risks at work\n1. Severe time pressure or overload of work;\n2. Violence or threat of violence;\n3. Harassment or bullying;\n4. Poor communication or cooperation within the organisation;\n5. Having to deal with difficult customers, patients, pupils etc.;\n6. Job insecurity;\n7. Lack of autonomy, or lack of influence over the work pace or work processes; and\n8. Another significant risk factor for mental well-being.\nForty-five per cent of the employed persons reported being exposed to risk factors that can adversely affect mental wellbeing. The country data vary significantly. Sweden, Greece and Luxembourg report over two-thirds such exposures, and Germany, Lithuania and Czechia one-third or less. 13\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n25\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nFigure 3: 'Exposure to risk factors adversely affecting mental wellbeing' - LFS Ad hoc survey 2020 14\nESENER 2019 reveals that several psychosocial risk factors are reported to be present in a significant share of establishments in the EU27, namely having to deal with difficult customers, patients and pupils (59%) and time pressure (45%).\nThe aspects 'Difficult clients', 'Poor communication' and 'Long working hours' are major psychosocial risks. The increase of workforce in communicative and client-oriented occupations - social work, education, tourism and entertainment, health and care - during the last 30 years adds to the conventional work with clients in service, sales and health occupations.\nThe next table shows the top seven EU Member states with the highest share of these risks for all sectors and for the sector 'Human health and social work activities' (HHSW).\nTable 1: Psychosocial risks, Top countries 'All Sectors' and 'Human health and social work' - ESENER 2019\nDifficult customers, patients and pupils ('clients') seem to be the most widespread psychosocial burden, with workers in Portugal, Malta and Cyprus are most exposed. In the sector HHSW, eastern European countries are much more present, Slovenia at the top, followed by Portugal, Estonia, Poland and Bulgaria.\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n26\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Psychosocial risks at work\nDuring the last 30 years, the scientific, political and practical discussions on psychosocial risks and preventive measures against psychosocial risks have gained strong importance. After a period of doubts and resistance, today they are regarded as risks of the same severity as the classical physical safety and health risks. 4 (Chapter 1 covers the psychosocial risk aspect; for the prevalence of mental diseases and the burden of mental diseases see Chapter 2.2. 5 )\nLooking at the steady increase of certain psychosocial risk indicators at workplace level, either the risks have increased and/or the number of people working in occupations with higher psychosocial risks has increased. 6,7 This is valid, for example, for the indicator time pressure, for example, in delivery services, transport, and often also clerical work; the workforce has grown in sectors where emotional demands from dealing with difficult clients, customers, pupils or patients are common; there are also more workers employed (or self-employed) in interactional occupations, for example, in call centres, or in occupations with a high level of emotional tensions, for example, education, health and care.\nFigure 2: Risk factors that can adversely affect mental wellbeing - EWCS 8 and ESENER 9\nA major difference between the ESENER and the EWCS survey is the respondent. In ESENER those persons who are most familiar with OSH or responsible for OSH in an enterprise were asked whether a certain risk factor exists in the enterprise; in the EWCS survey workers themselves were asked whether they are exposed to a risk factor.\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n24\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nIn 2007, 2013 and 2020, Eurostat asked employed persons in its ad hoc surveys to the Labour Force Survey (LFS) whether they had '… exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental wellbeing' . 10 In 2007 and 2013, the questions covered four items (time pressure and overload of work, violence or threat of violence, harassment and bullying, other factors). In the 2020 survey, 11 'Mental well-being' was operationalised by an additional four response options, resulting in a total of eight options: 12", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.6 Conclusions\nThe exposure to psychosocial risks is increasing, with mental health prevalence still emerging. Major work-related exposures have grown in the past 15 to 25 years that is, time pressure, difficult clients, longer working hours and poor communication. There is also some evidence that countries with overaverage employment in sectors like health and care or other human and client-oriented services (education, social work, tourism, entertainment) suffer from longer working hours and more mental burden. The northern countries are at the top of the countries with highest mental burden. The southern countries have a high share of specific psychosocial risks related to work in tourism and entertainment, characterised by atypical working times and issues with difficult clients.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.3.2 Health affected - overall opinion\nThe self-assessment of health risks at work is a question in the EWCS. According to the responses to the EWCS 2015, work is regarded by exactly one-quarter (25%) of the workers in the EU as a health risk. (The OSH Barometer provides more details; links in the text box at the end of this chapter.)\nThe countries with the lowest percentage of perceived affection of health at work are Portugal at 15%; below or around 20% are also Italy, Ireland and Czechia, Germany, Hungary and Romania. The countries with the highest percentage of perceived health risks at work are Latvia (41%), followed by Spain and Slovenia (both 38%), Lithuania (37%), and Estonia, France and Malta (all 35%).\nAt EU level the aggregated sectors 'Construction and Transport' show the highest figures (35%) and 'Commerce / Hospitality' (20%) and 'Financial / Other services' the lowest (20%). These sectoral differences repeat in most countries.\nFigure 30: 'Health at risk', sectoral responses for EU and three countries - EWCS 2015 252\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n91\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nRegarding this question, age differences are negligible . Concerning gender , male respondents report more often that their work imposes health risks; at EU level the values are 23% for female workers and 27% for male workers.\nIn 2005, the workers in the 10 new Member States responded much less positive ; 40% of the workers in the 10 new Member States considered their health and safety to be affected because of their work.\nFigure 31: 'Health at risk', responses in groups of EU Member States - EWCS 253\nFor the EU-15 (Member States that joined the EU before 2004), the 'Yes' responses to this question decreased from 31% in 1991 (first EWCS) to 28% in 2005 and reached 26% in 2015. For the 10 new Member States the rate decreased, from previously 40% in 2005 to 29% in 2015. 254 The EU membership has definitely created more convergence between the countries.", - "page_start": 90, - "page_end": 91, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References and notes\n12 Eurostat: Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and factor, data here and explanatory metadata here\n13 It has to be noted that in 2007 and 2013 the interviews were done face-to-face. In 2020 the interviews were conducted either face-to-face or by phone, depending on the public health measures in each country. The responses were influenced by work under conditions of the pandemic.\n14 Eurostat: Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and educational attainment level\n15 Rigó et al., 2021: Work stress on rise? Comparative analysis of trends in work stressors using the European working conditions survey\n16 WHO/ILO, 2021: WHO/ILO joint estimates of the work-related burden of disease and injury, 2000-2016: Global monitoring report (p. 35ff).\n17 Eurostat provide data for the periods before and after the NACE revision in 2008. Data for 2019: Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2), here Filter: Full-time, 15-64 years, all NACE sectors. Data for 2006: Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1), here\n18 Eurostat, 2018: How many hours do Europeans work per week? Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - hours[lfsa_ewhun2], here\n19 Mean duration of commuting time one-way between work and home by sex and age (source: Eurofound), Here", - "page_start": 140, - "page_end": 140, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 Psychosocial risks at work\nConcerning the complaints about poor communication and cooperation within the organisation, all three Nordic EU Member States are represented in the seven countries with the highest burden, together with several central European countries. This is valid for both selected groupings, 'All sectors' and 'HHSW'.\nRegarding long or irregular working hours , we see a mix of countries from all regions. The order of countries in the sector HHSW - a mixture of countries from the East, South and North - is probably due to specific sectoral regulations of working times. Sweden is at the top in HHSW with 57%, followed by Denmark, Cyprus, Latvia and Czechia, all between 44% and 48%.\nMany analyses of psychosocial risks include other relevant factors like decision latitude (or decision authority) and skill discretion (level of skill and creativity required on the job). In a long-term analysis of the responses to the EWCS between 1995 and 2015, the authors conclude: 15\n'Our findings suggest that work stress generally increased from 1995 to 2015, and that the increase was mostly driven by psychological demands. People working in lower-skilled occupations had generally higher levels of job strain and effort-reward imbalance, as well as they tend to have a steeper increase in job strain than people working in higher-skilled occupations. Most of the change occurred from 1995 to 2005.'\nAccording to this study, the differences between the skills groups are significant, below illustrated for the development of 'Psychological demands' and 'Job strain' ; for these two indicators high-skilled and low-skilled manual workers are at the top of the scale.\nFigure 4: Psychosocial risk factors - Differences between skill groups (Job strain)\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n27\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nFigure 5 : Psychosocial risk factors - Differences between skill groups (Psychological demand)\nRegarding the other two analysed indicators, decision authority and skill discretion , the clerical workers show higher levels (a positive outcome) and both manual worker groups are at the lowest level.\nFigure 6: Psychosocial risk factors - Differences between skill groups (Decision authority)\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n28\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nFigure 7: Psychosocial risk factors - Differences between skill groups (Skill discretion)", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "here\nEU Commission, 2018: Promoting mental health in the workplace. Guidance to implementing a comprehensive approach. https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=738&langId=en&pubId=8098&furtherPubs=yes\nILO - International Labour Organization, Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints. Practical improvements for stress prevention in the workplace, 2012. https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/books/WCMS_168053/lang-en/index.htm\nILO - International Labour Organization, 2021: Violence and harassment in the world of work: A guide on Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206, 2021. https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/violenceharassment/resources/WCMS_814507/lang--en/index.htm\nWHO - World Health Organization, PRIMA-EF, 2008: Guidance on the European framework for psychosocial risk management : a resource for employer and worker representatives, https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/43966 Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC), 2018: Labour inspectors' guide for assessing the quality of risk assessments and risk management measures with regard to prevention of psychosocial risks, here 395 Two EU-OSHA databases present several hundred guidance documents on Dangerous Substances https://osha.europa.eu/en/themes/dangerous-substances/practical-tools-dangerous-substances and Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD): https://osha.europa.eu/en/themes/musculoskeletal-disorders/practical-toolsmusculoskeletal-disorders\n396 Examples of such tools and database are: EU-OSHA's Online Interactive Risk Assessment tool (OIRA) with more than 250 tools and more than 180,000 risk assessments https://osha.europa.eu/en/tools-and-resources/oira 397 See the series of EU-OSHA reports on 'Safety and health in micro and small enterprises in the EU:\nhttps://osha.europa.eu/en/themes/safety-and-health-micro-and-small-enterprises\nDescriptions of the good examples are available at: https://osha.europa.eu/en/tools-and-", - "page_start": 155, - "page_end": 155, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References and notes\n1 OSH Barometer data visualisation tool: https://visualisation.osha.europa.eu/osh-barometer\n2 Methodological remark: Many workers in the service sectors have similar physically demanding work like workers in manufacturing, construction and agriculture. The statistical assignment of enterprises of a certain type to the service sectors and the sectors industry/construction/agriculture is a too rough approach to describe and analyse working conditions, particularly if more detailed data on working conditions are available. For that reason, when talking about health outcomes, in this report often more informative categories are used, for example, managerial jobs (LFS, Eurostat terminology), or high-, medium- and low-skilled clerical work (EWCS), or high-skilled manual and low-skilled manual work (Eurostat), independent on the sector where this work is performed.\n3 EU-OSHA - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work: Third European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER 3), ESENER Data visualisation, section 'Comparisons 2014-2019'; for 'Prolonged sitting' value from 'Data visualisation 2019' not from 'Comparisons'.\n4 Some of the very first OSH regulations on psychosocial risks at workplaces were issued by Denmark in the early 1980s, dealing with monotony at work, stress, risk of violence at work and risks of working alone.\n5 Psychosocial risks are regarded as reason, and mental health/disease as consequence or outcome of these risks.\n6 OSHWiki, 2022: Psychosocial issues - the changing world of work; OSHWiki, 2022: Psychosocial risks and workers health\n7 EU-OSHA, 2007: Expert forecast on emerging psychosocial risks related to occupational safety and health data for 2015: Eurofound: European Working Conditions Survey - Data Visualisation; Data for 2005: Eurofound:\n8 Eurofound, 2017: Sixth European Working Conditions Survey - Overview report (2017 Update) (p. 48). Raw Fourth European Working Conditions Survey\n9 EU-OSHA: ESENER Data visualisation, Comparisons 2014-2019.\n10 Due to the change of possible response items, the data for the three surveys cannot be compared; the number of mental risk factors increased from three in 2007 and 2013 to eight in 2020.\n11 Eurostat, 2021: EU labour force survey 2020 module on accidents at work and other work-related health problems : assessment report : 2021 edition", - "page_start": 140, - "page_end": 140, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Wellbeing and health\nExisting concepts of wellbeing cover more aspects of work than working conditions or safety and health at work. Eurofound mentions as the most relevant components: income, working time arrangements, possibilities for skills development and career advancement, and the degree of individual control over work.\nILO defines wellbeing at work under the term 'Workplace Wellbeing' : 'Workplace Wellbeing relates to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how workers feel about their work, their working environment, the climate at work and work organization. The aim of measures for workplace well-being is to complement OSH measures to make sure workers are safe, healthy, satisfied and engaged at work.'\nA common methodology to collect data on health status and wellbeing is self-reporting and selfassessment of risks at work, health risks and health problems, absence, job satisfaction and working life perspectives from a health point of view. This allows insight into the subjective assessment of health risks at work and wellbeing.\nIndicators on wellbeing and satisfaction at work show similar patterns to health and work accidents. Sectors with high physical demands and high customer and client orientation and occupations with a lower skill level report lower wellbeing and satisfaction levels; they report a good health status but fewer expectations to be able to work in this occupation until the age of 60 years. Concerning the levels of self-reported 'Health at risk' , the LFS Ad hoc module on 'Accidents at work and other work-related health problems' suggests that the situation has improved. According to the LFS, in 2007 14.6% of employed persons reported a work-related health problem; this figure decreased in 2013 to 8.8% and went slightly up again - during the pandemic - to 10.3% in 2020 (EU27 level).\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n13\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023", - "page_start": 12, - "page_end": 13, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "result in high values for both responses. That is, high risk but also high satisfaction with health and safety.\nThe picture of country positions in this ranking changes again when looking at the response on the offwork periods due to a work-related health problem. 259 In 2020, around 10% report that they had a work-related health problem that kept them more than six months away from work . The rate is at 10.1% for the EU27; the countries with the highest rates above 20% are Hungary (30.3%), Lithuania (29.9%), the Netherlands (27.6%), Belgium (20.9%) and Romania (20.7%). The countries with lowest rates under 10% are Poland (2.6%), Denmark (6.0%), Sweden (6.2%), Italy (6.5%) and Finland (9.0%). 260 The country positions do not change much when looking at all absences over one month (18.7% for the EU), or three months or over (12.6% for the EU27). 261 That means that - at least at the first glance contradictory - countries reporting highest health risks have the lowest number of long-term off-work periods. These figures are probably much influenced by social security and compensation rules. This is another indication that high exposure and identification of health risks - fortunately - does not materialise in serious disease episodes, and this could be attributed to on the effectiveness of prevention measures .\nThere might also be structural reasons for low levels of reported health problems, for example, a high percentage of young workers with low illness rates in highly skilled clerical work; Ireland is probably such an example.\nThe responses to 'work-related health problem' vary also between different occupational groups . 262 The skilled agricultural and fishery workers (16.9%) report the highest values, followed by plant and machine operators and assemblers (12.5%), craft and related trades workers (12.3%), and the group of those with elementary occupations (11.2%). The lowest shares were found for the professionals (9.3%), legislators, senior officials and managers (9.0%), and clerks (8.0%).\nFigure 34: People reporting a work-related health problem by occupational category 2020 - LFS Ad hoc module 2020", - "page_start": 94, - "page_end": 94, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf", - "query": "Has the average working week for employees working full-time decreased since 2006?", - "target_page": 31, - "target_passage": ". The statistical data (Eurostat) show a slight decrease of the average weekly working time for full-time employees (15-64 years) from 40.2 to 39.9 hours between 2006 and 2019.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Employees\nAs of December 31, 2004, we employed approximately 13,400 full-time employees, approximately 3,100 of whom were covered by collective bargaining agreements. Our management believes that we have good relations with our employees.", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "NYSE_RSG_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.1 Working time in hours and at atypical times\nThe length of the daily or weekly working time, its allocation over the 24 hours of a day or at night are important factors for health and wellbeing. The statistical data (Eurostat) show a slight decrease of the average weekly working time for full-time employees (15-64 years) from 40.2 to 39.9 hours between 2006 and 2019. 22 The data also document slight increases and decreases of work at atypical times (response option for frequency: 'usual'). 23 In 2006 and 2019, the following percentages of all employed persons worked at atypical times: on Saturdays the percentage decreased from 28% to 25%, working on Sundays remained stable at around 13.5%, working in the evenings decreased from 19% to 15%, work at night fell from 7% to 5% and shift work increased slightly from 17% to 18%. 24\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n31\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nFigure 9: Average working time and work during unsocial hours - Eurostat LFS\nTwo country examples might illustrate these developments (all data for 2019): Slovakia, a country with a high share of process-based industries, reports that 15.0% of its workforce is working at night and 29% in shifts; for the EU27 this rate is 5.2% respectively and 18.3%. 25 Regarding work on Sundays three other countries are at the top of the EU27, the Netherlands, Ireland and Spain; they report between 18% and 21% (EU27 average = 13.5%); all three countries have an above-average share of sectors like transport, tourism and agriculture. 26\nFor all these types of work it should be take into account that other groups of workers under nonstandard types of employment contracts (self-employed, agency workers, students, pensioners, undeclared workers) might have taken over work at these atypical working times.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 31, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.1 Working time in hours and at atypical times\nToo many hours of working time and/or working hours at atypical or unsocial times can put the mental and the physical health of humans at risk. It is also regarded as a major contributing factor to work accidents , due to fatigue or exhaustion. 16\nThe main indicator to describe working time is the number of the weekly average working hours of full-time employees. However, regarding its impact on health and safety, other aspects of working time are of the same relevance :\n· How long is the average working day?\n· At which times and days is this work done (typical, atypical times)?\n· How often do long working hours take place?\n· Is the work split between two jobs?\n· How flexible are start and end?\n· How intense is the work during this time (breaks, deadlines)?\n· Which groups of workers have standard working times and which do not (e.g. depending on the sector or the type of contract, e.g. sub-contracted workers or self-employed)?\nThere is a slight trend towards fewer working hours for full-time employees (not 'Employed persons') in the EU27; between 2006 and 2019 the average weekly working time dropped from 40.2 to 39.9 hours, a decrease of approximately 15 minutes. 17\nRegarding the weekly hours, there are no striking differences between the EU27 Member States. In 2019, Cyprus, Austria and Malta with a high share of workers in the sector of tourism (accommodation) had the highest number of working hours per week (above 41 hours), and Denmark, the Netherlands and Italy the lowest number (39 or fewer) (full-time, employees, 15-64 years, all NACE codes). 18\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n29\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\n'Bakers are craftsmen, working mostly at night, unlike other craftsmen who, once their work during the day is done, can grasp sleep, and by this renew the worn-out forces. The bakers are the whole night rushing about, and then, for most of the day, they are forced to indulge in sleep, just like those animals hiding from the sun (Solifugae). Therefore, in the same city there are Antipodes, men who live a life that is contrary to that of others.'", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.1 Working time in hours and at atypical times\nConcluding, it can be stated that there is a slight trend towards a reduction of weekly working hours for regularly employed workers, including a stable commuting time. Working hours at atypical times show a mixed picture. Looking at most types of employees, atypical working time decreased, except work on Sundays . For self-employed with employees, the working time at atypical hours is in general at a higher level. The number of employees in night work is decreasing. More employees in service and client-related occupations at night or in shifts but also here the atypical times are slightly decreasing.\nProbably these changes mirror the structural economic changes , that is, the shift of workforce between sectors. Night work was common in many industries as part of a three 8-hours shifts, not only in industries with permanent production processes (steel, chemicals, etc.). 27 Moreover night work is and was common in essential services like health, transport, technical infrastructure and security. The\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n32\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nnumber of workers in industry decreased, but the number of workers in the above-mentioned service sectors increased.", - "page_start": 31, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EMPLOYEES\nDuring 2014, we employed approximately 67,000 employees on a full- or part-time basis. Due to the seasonal nature of our business, employment increased to approximately 68,000 employees in July 2014 and 73,500 in December 2014. All of our employees are non-union. We believe our relationship with our employees is good.", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Employees\nWith our subsidiary banks we employed approximately 750 full-time equivalent employees at February 1, 2003. Our management believes that our employee relations have been and will continue to be good.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References and notes\n20 Eurostat definition: The atypical work distinguishes between 'evening or night work', 'Saturday or Sunday working', and 'shift work'. Data for 2020 are available but indicate a strong reduction of atypical working times, the reason is probably that sectors with a high rate of atypical working times like tourism, transport, entertainment, hotels and restaurants could not work as in previous years, and also production lines in industry, often shift work, were stopped.\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n141\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\n21 Eurostat: Ad hoc module 2019 on work organisation and working time arrangements. Employment at an atypical working time (time period start with 2011), here and here\n22 Eurostat Data for 2019: Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2). here Filter: Employees, Full-time, All NACE, EU27 2019 Q4.\nEurostat Data for 2006: Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1), here Filter: Employees, Full-time, All NACE, EU27 2019 Q4.", - "page_start": 140, - "page_end": 141, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1.1 Working time in hours and at atypical times\nRamazzini, 1713: De Morbis Artificum Diatriba.\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n30\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nFigure 8: Hours worked per week of full-time employment, EU27 - Eurostat\nThe commuting time between home and workplace is quite stable; in 2005 at EU27 level, it stood at 42.4 minutes, and in 2015 Eurostat reports 40.2 minutes (time for both ways, to the workplace and back). 19\nWork at atypical working times is in general regarded as a working condition with negative health impact, called work extensity . The two major indicators of atypical working times are work at 'atypical working times' and 'long working hours' .\nEurostat reports for 'Employment at atypical working time' 20 a minor decrease between 2011 and 2019, from 38.8% to 37.2% (EU27), for all employed workforce and all types of such atypical time. 21 Some groups of self-employed show a higher rate of atypical working times but also for most of the categories of self-employed the rates decreased during the period 2011 to 2019. High managerial selfemployed had a slight increase from 42.1% to 43.2% in this period. For the low managerial selfemployed Eurostat finds a decrease from 69.2% to 64.5%. The figures for small entrepreneurs dropped slightly from 56.6% to 54.1%, the same applies for employed persons in personal care work with a minor change (50.6% to 49.8%). Agricultural self-employed had the highest level of such working times; they showed a decrease from 68.4% to 63.4%.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References and notes\n12 Eurostat: Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and factor, data here and explanatory metadata here\n13 It has to be noted that in 2007 and 2013 the interviews were done face-to-face. In 2020 the interviews were conducted either face-to-face or by phone, depending on the public health measures in each country. The responses were influenced by work under conditions of the pandemic.\n14 Eurostat: Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and educational attainment level\n15 Rigó et al., 2021: Work stress on rise? Comparative analysis of trends in work stressors using the European working conditions survey\n16 WHO/ILO, 2021: WHO/ILO joint estimates of the work-related burden of disease and injury, 2000-2016: Global monitoring report (p. 35ff).\n17 Eurostat provide data for the periods before and after the NACE revision in 2008. Data for 2019: Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2), here Filter: Full-time, 15-64 years, all NACE sectors. Data for 2006: Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1), here\n18 Eurostat, 2018: How many hours do Europeans work per week? Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - hours[lfsa_ewhun2], here\n19 Mean duration of commuting time one-way between work and home by sex and age (source: Eurofound), Here", - "page_start": 140, - "page_end": 140, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Working conditions - Risk factors at work\nA certain ergonomic risk of many administrative and supervisory jobs is physical inactivity (61%), in practice meaning sitting most of the working time in front of digital equipment, sitting to make phone calls or sitting in meetings. Not only administrative tasks but also many occupations in transport and industry require prolonged sitting (transport, cashiers, parts assembly, etc.).\nIn the 10-year period before 2005, EU-wide surveys found a significant increase in work intensity. Major differences in work intensity and working time patterns can be seen between occupations, forms of work, sectors and enterprise size, for example. The length of the daily or weekly working time and its allocation with the 24 hours of a day or at night are important factors for health and wellbeing. The Eurostat data show a slight decrease in the average weekly working time for full-time employees (15-64 years) from 40.2 to 39.9 hours between 2006 and 2019.\nEurostat reports for all types of 'employment at atypical working time' a minor decrease between 2011 and 2019, from 38.8% to 37.2% (EU27 average), for all employed workforce and all types of such atypical time. The data also document slight increases or decreases of the different types of work during atypical times > on Saturdays the percentage decreased from 28% to 25%, working in the evenings decreased from 19% to 15%, working on Sundays remained stable at around 13.5%, work at night fell from 7% to 5%, and shift work increased slightly from 17% to 18%. Some groups of self-employed show a higher rate of atypical working times: for high-managerial self-employed , this rate is 43.2% and for low-managerial self-employed 64.5%.\nSignificant differences also exist between eastern/southern and central/northern/western European countries. More physical and ergonomic risks (except inactivity) are reported from eastern and southern EU Member States but more emotional demands (e.g. difficult clients, poor communication and long working hours) in northern and central European countries. One of the major reasons might be the reallocation of industrial production to eastern countries after the EU extension to 24 and later to 27 Member States.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf", - "query": "What is the definition of a work accident according to the International Labour Organisation?", - "target_page": 38, - "target_passage": "ILO Definition of accident: ‘An occupational accident is an unexpected and unplanned occurrence, including acts of violence, arising out of or in connection with work, which results in one or more workers incurring a personal injury, disease or death.’", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 4 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "What is an accident?\n'Accident at work' is defined in the ESAW methodology 135 as a 'discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm.'", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Accidents at work\nAccidents at work are the most common indicator regarding the quality of prevention in an enterprise, a sector or a country. Between 1998 and 2019 (EU level), the incidence rate of non-fatal work accidents fell about 58%, from 4,089 to 1,713. Most of this decrease took place in the first half of this decade. Between 1998 and 2008, the incidence rate fell by 54%, and between 2009 and 2019 by 9%.\nBetween 1998 and 2019, the incidence rate for fatal accidents dropped about 57% from 5.03 to 2.17, almost the same decrease as for non-fatal accidents.\nFour major sectors, agriculture, manufacturing, construction and transport , employed just under 40% of the workforce (in 1998 as well as in 2019). However, in 1998, more than 60% of the accidents at work took place in these sectors, thus the reduction of accidents in these sectors was crucial for the overall reduction. In addition, economic developments - sector decline and shift of workforce between sectors - reduced the number of workers exposed to common safety risks in these sectors.\nThere have always been concerns in national or sectoral case studies about underreporting of work accidents for different reasons: accidents suffered by self-employed who are not obliged to notify or are insured via private or non-occupational public health insurances, work-related traffic accidents that are reported as traffic accidents only, declaration of less severe accidents as private to avoid administrative burden, administrative burden in general. This leads to several approaches to estimate the true number of accidents at work. Currently, these estimates result in figures of around 5.45 million work accidents at EU27 level in 2019 for all economic sectors and all types of employment. That means that the reported 3.14 million accidents represent approximately 57.5% of all work accidents resulting in more than three days of absence, while 42.5% are not reported.\nThe pure distinction between fatal and non-fatal work accidents does not reveal that a very large part of the human and financial burden is caused by severe but not fatal accidents . In 2019, 232,892 work accidents resulted in an absence of more than three months or caused a permanent disability, compared to 3,008 fatal accidents (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N). That is, in addition to every worker who dies, another 77 suffer injuries resulting in at least three months off work or in permanent disability.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OSH Barometer -Non-fatal accidents at work:\nhttps://visualisation.osha.europa.eu/osh-barometer/accidents-diseases-well-being/workaccidents/non-fatal-work-accidents", - "page_start": 72, - "page_end": 72, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1.2 Serious non-fatal and fatal work accidents\nEurostat defines a fatal work accident as follows : 'A 'fatal accident' means an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident'. 160 Fatal commuting accidents are excluded, or when counted at national level, excluded from the ESAW data.\nIn the last decade, most EU Member States registered a significant decrease of fatal work accidents . 161 From 2010 to 2019, for the EU27, the incidence rate of fatal accidents decreased over all sectors from 2.31 to 1.74 , or a minus of 25%. In the period between 2010 and 2019 the sectoral figures of five major sectors developed as follows:\nTable 19: Incidence rates of fatal accidents per sector in 2010 and 2019 (EU27) 162\nAlso, large differences between countries can be noted. The following figure - taken from the OSH Barometer - calculates the number of fatal accidents in periods and compares the period 2010-2014 with 2015-2020. The reason is that - particularly in smaller Member States - a year with one serious and large work accident and several fatalities, or another year without any fatal accident, would distort the annual picture and create significant changes from year to year. Romania, Luxembourg and Bulgaria have the highest incident rates, and the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany the lowest. In 25 countries the rate fell or stagnated in these two periods, with exceptions being Luxembourg and Greece.\nFigure 23: Comparison of the average incidence rate of fatal accidents in two periods: 2010-2014 and 20152020 163\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n71\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nESAW provides more detailed data about the severity of non-fatal accidents . 164 According to Eurostat's evaluation of 'Causes and circumstances' of work accidents ( data from 2005, EU-15 and Norway ), in 2005, 3.9% of the non-fatal work accidents or 157,494 non-fatal accidents led to permanent incapacity (full or partly), and 138,568 (3,4% of all accidents) to absences from three to six months. 165", - "page_start": 70, - "page_end": 71, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.2 Physical health risks at work\nRisks at work that can result in physical harm can be divided into safety and health risks .\nThe main result of insufficient safety is a work accident. A work accident has as immediate consequences either a personal injury, a disease, or death of one or more workers. Eurostat distinguishes between non-fatal and fatal work accidents, and for the majority of sectors it provides also the duration of the absence due to the accident - an indicator for the severity of the injury. Non-fatal accidents at work can cause medium- or long-term health consequences, and in the worst case a permanent disability.\nILO Definition of accident: 'An occupational accident is an unexpected and unplanned occurrence, including acts of violence, arising out of or in connection with work, which results in one or more workers incurring a personal injury, disease or death.' 51\nPhysical health risks can be caused by a variety of circumstances and exposures or by inadequate ergonomics . Natural circumstances at work can pose such health risks, that is, temperature, storms and floods, unsafe terrain, biological agents and so on; or the risks are due to manmade circumstances, that is, work in buildings, on roofs and towers, on traffic routes, under artificial ventilation. Exposure is a general term to describe the interaction between environment / emissions / contaminants and the human organism. In a workplace context, 'exposure' mainly covers emissions from machinery or from tools and materials, for example, noise, vibration, dust, electromagnetic fields and chemical substances.\nRisks from inadequate ergonomics harm in particular the musculoskeletal system. Ergonomic risks of manual work are typically caused by repetitive hand and arm movements, tiring positions, for example, permanent kneeling or overhead work, lifting and moving of heavy loads, or of patients and so on. A certain ergonomic risk is physical inactivity , in practice sitting most of the working time. Not only administrative tasks but also many occupations in service or industry require permanent sitting, for example, drivers, cashiers, part assembly operators and so on (often called 'sedentary occupations').", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DEFINITIONS\nEurostat has developed the European Statistics on Accidents at Work, or ESAW, methodology to harmonise the monitoring of work accidents. This methodology describes how accidents at work have to be reported and defines several terms and conditions.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "When is a non-fatal work accident counted?\nESAW counts a work accident 'if the resumption of work occurred 5 days after the work accident' ; Chapter 4.2 of the ESAW Methodology 2012 explains: 'Accidents at work with more than three calendar days' absence from work: Only full calendar days of absence from work have to be considered, excluding the day of the accident. Consequently, more than three calendar days' means 'at least four calendar days', which implies that only if the victim resumes work on the fifth (or subsequent) working day after the date on which the accident occurred should the incident be included.'\nExempted are: Commuting accidents, self-inflicted injuries (e.g. suicides), and strictly natural causes that injure people at their workplaces (e.g. earthquakes, floods).\nThe total number of reported non-fatal accidents for the EU27 was 3,140,950 in 2019. 136 As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, the incident rates of non-fatal accidents fell in about 25 years from 4,089 (year 1998 137 ) to 1,713 (2019), that is, it decreased about 58% . 138 The greatest part of this decrease took place between 1998 and 2010 , 139 the incidence rate halved to 2,021, a drop of 51% . Still, between 2010 and 2019 the incidence rate for the EU27 fell from 2,021 incidents per 100,000 workers to 1,713, a drop of a further 15% (taking 2010 as the reference year). 140\nEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work - EU-OSHA\n64\nOccupational safety and health in Europe - state and trends 2023\nFigure 21: Development of the total number of non-fatal accidents at work and incidence rates (accidents per 100,000 workers), 1998 and 2019 - Eurostat\nStill today we can see incident rates above average in sectors like construction and manufacturing, wholesale and retail, transport and storage, and agriculture including forestry and fishing. These are sectors where work with dangerous working conditions is quite common, that is, use or handling of heavy or dangerous equipment (sharp, fast, moving, rotating, high-pressure, hot, etc.), work at height, work on slippery ground, work with electrical equipment, transport and so on.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 64, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References and notes\n147 In 2019, there were 3.141 million non-fatal accidents that resulted in at least four calendar days of absence from work and 3,408 fatal accidents in the EU27, a ratio of approximately 922 non-fatal accidents for every fatal accident, here\n148 Kurppa, 2015: Severe Under-reporting of Work Injuries in Many Countries of the Baltic Sea Region: An exploratory semi-quantitative study - 'What goes unreported goes unfixed' (p. 20 ff).\n149 Eurostat: Non-fatal accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and sex; Eurostat: Fatal Accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity\n150 Detailed studies from hospitals in Denmark show that even a large share of serious work accidents (25%) resulting in amputations and fractions are not registered, see: LO Denmark, 2012: Underrapportering af arbejdsulykker Table 14; and the Danish Working Environment Authority published a report concluding a total of 50% in underreporting, here\n151 Kurppa, 2015: Severe Under-reporting of Work Injuries in Many Countries of the Baltic Sea Region: An exploratory semi-quantitative study - 'What goes unreported goes unfixed' (p. 20ff). 152 LFS Ad hoc module: Accidents at work and other work-related health problems (2020, 2013 and 2007) 153 Eurostat: EU labour force survey 2020 module on accidents at work and other work-related health problems : assessment report : 2021 edition. The exact question is (p. 47): 'Thinking of the year before [last day of reference week], have you had any accident at work? Accidents outside working hours and accidents during the journey from home to work or from work to home are excluded. However, accidents during a journey in the course of work are included.'\n154 Eurostat, Statistics in focus, Theme 3 - 16/2001: Accidents at work in the EU 1998-1999, here 155 ISCO-Groups: 1. Managers, 2. Professionals, 3. Technicians and Associate Professionals, 4. Clerical Support Workers, 5. Services and Sales Workers, 6. Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers, 7. Craft and Related Trades Workers, 8. Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers, 9. Elementary Occupations, 0. Armed Forces Occupations.\n156 Eurostat: Persons reporting an accident at work by sex, age and occupation", - "page_start": 146, - "page_end": 146, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "European Agency for Safety and Health at Work\nEN", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OSH Barometer - Fatal accidents at work:\nhttps://visualisation.osha.europa.eu/osh-barometer/accidents-diseases-well-being/workaccidents/fatal-work-accidents\nEurostat - Accidents at work (ESAW and LFS Ad hoc modules):\nhttps://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/health/data/database", - "page_start": 72, - "page_end": 72, - "source_file": "EN-Annex II - EU-OSHA websites, SM accounts and tools.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf", - "query": "Was knowledge domain agnosticism a goal in the development of OLAF?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations represented largely depend on one or more business use cases. As we designed our framework with industry application in mind, we need to consider it within its real-world usage context.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= . Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, = Pipeline Execution. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = It relies on WordNet and POS It considers only multiword terms and relies on WordNet and POS tags. It does not distinguish between terms and concepts and implements different adaptable approaches.. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic).,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, Ontology based-system = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Our framework", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= OLAF Pipeline Optimisation. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = tags and does not distinguish between terms and concepts. It implements different. edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., Ontology based-system = Knowledge sources Text Corpus. edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = Seed Ontology. edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = . Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nText2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = various formats. GATE system adds great visualisations. But it is not maintained since 2011.. Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, = . Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, Ontology based-system = Ontology Use Cases. Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, = Final Application. Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nWe designed the proposed framework focusing on automation with very little, if any, human involvement in mind. Unlike most existing approaches, particular attention is brought to the learned ontology final production use case . We implement the framework as an open-source and openaccess python library. We aim to gather feedback and grow a community to develop and test multiple algorithms. Various satellite tools could be developed to enhance the framework implementation. However, we should focus on developing axiom extraction and automatic ontology evaluation . One exciting research area might be the adaptation of the software industry's \"DevOps\" concepts to knowledge management. The latter field is known as \"SemOps\".\nCimiano P, Völker J. Text2Onto. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2005.p. 227-238. ISBN: 978-3-540-32110-1 1.\nDrymonas E, Zervanou K, Petrakis EGM. Unsupervised Ontology Acquisition from Plain Texts: The OntoGain System. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2010. p. 277-87. ISBN: 978-3-642-13881-2 2.\nPaola Velardi, Stefano Faralli, Roberto Navigli; OntoLearn Reloaded: A Graph-Based Algorithm for Taxonomy Induction. Computational Linguistics 2013; 39 (3): 665-707. DOI: 10.1162/COLI_a_00146 3.\nMuhammad Nabeel Asim, Muhammad Wasim, Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan, Waqar Mahmood, Hafiza Mahnoor Abbasi, A survey of ontology learning techniques and applications, Database, Volume 2018, 2018, bay101, DOI: 10.1093/database/bay101 4.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nprovides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = Data preprocessing. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., Ontology based-system = . Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = We choose Python numerous. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = as it eases access to the vast python .. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = community and its library ecosystem, particularly Machine Learning (ML) libraries . The text processing on spaCy helps us many different languages. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = NLP tools", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= . OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., Ontology based-system = . OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., = Pipeline Building. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic).,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nMarion SCHAEFFER (marion.schaeffer@insa-rouen.fr) - Matthias SESBOUE (matthias.sesboue@insa-rouen.fr) Jean-Philippe KOTOWICZ - Nicolas DELESTRE - Cecilia ZANNI-MERK\nSince the beginning of the century, research on ontology learning has gained popularity. Automatically extracting and structuring knowledge relevant to a domain of interest from unstructured data is a major scientific challenge. We propose a new approach with a modular ontology learning framework considering tasks from data pre-processing to axiom extraction. Whereas previous contributions considered ontology learning systems as tools to help the domain expert, we developed the proposed framework with full automation in mind. An implementation as an opensource and collaborative python library is available at https://gitlab.insa-rouen.fr/msesboue/ontology-learning.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= Concept/Relation Extraction. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, Ontology based-system = OLAF. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, = Our vision is to implement a gather to build pipelines ontology.. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, = . These pipelines can be run, optimised and analysed to learn the best possible. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = Ressource. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, = Algorithm implemented Upcoming implementation. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = Concept/Relation Extraction. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, Ontology based-system = OLAF. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = Our vision is to implement a gather to build pipelines ontology.. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = . Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = . Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, = Axiom Ontology. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, Ontology based-system = Artifact. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= Activity Optional. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, = : Iterative process. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = : Iterative process. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, = : Iterative process. , Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = Hierarchisation. , = Axiom Ontology. , Ontology based-system = Artifact. , = . , = CAPTION. , OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = CAPTION. , = CAPTION. Rule-based axiom extraction, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Rule-based axiom extraction, = Axiom Ontology. Rule-based axiom extraction, Ontology based-system = Artifact. Rule-based axiom extraction, = Different serialization techniques\ncan be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.. Rule-based axiom extraction, = Different serialization techniques can be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.. Rule-based axiom extraction, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = Different serialization techniques can be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.. Rule-based axiom extraction, = Different serialization techniques can be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf", - "query": "Is OLAF a specific strategy for ontological learning or is it a toolbox of different strategies?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Our vision is to implement a toolbox of methods we can gather to build pipelines. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 7 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nWe designed the proposed framework focusing on automation with very little, if any, human involvement in mind. Unlike most existing approaches, particular attention is brought to the learned ontology final production use case . We implement the framework as an open-source and openaccess python library. We aim to gather feedback and grow a community to develop and test multiple algorithms. Various satellite tools could be developed to enhance the framework implementation. However, we should focus on developing axiom extraction and automatic ontology evaluation . One exciting research area might be the adaptation of the software industry's \"DevOps\" concepts to knowledge management. The latter field is known as \"SemOps\".\nCimiano P, Völker J. Text2Onto. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2005.p. 227-238. ISBN: 978-3-540-32110-1 1.\nDrymonas E, Zervanou K, Petrakis EGM. Unsupervised Ontology Acquisition from Plain Texts: The OntoGain System. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2010. p. 277-87. ISBN: 978-3-642-13881-2 2.\nPaola Velardi, Stefano Faralli, Roberto Navigli; OntoLearn Reloaded: A Graph-Based Algorithm for Taxonomy Induction. Computational Linguistics 2013; 39 (3): 665-707. DOI: 10.1162/COLI_a_00146 3.\nMuhammad Nabeel Asim, Muhammad Wasim, Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan, Waqar Mahmood, Hafiza Mahnoor Abbasi, A survey of ontology learning techniques and applications, Database, Volume 2018, 2018, bay101, DOI: 10.1093/database/bay101 4.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= . Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, = Pipeline Execution. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = It relies on WordNet and POS It considers only multiword terms and relies on WordNet and POS tags. It does not distinguish between terms and concepts and implements different adaptable approaches.. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic).,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= OLAF Pipeline Optimisation. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = tags and does not distinguish between terms and concepts. It implements different. edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., Ontology based-system = Knowledge sources Text Corpus. edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = Seed Ontology. edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . edge recovery. adaptable approaches., = . Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nMarion SCHAEFFER (marion.schaeffer@insa-rouen.fr) - Matthias SESBOUE (matthias.sesboue@insa-rouen.fr) Jean-Philippe KOTOWICZ - Nicolas DELESTRE - Cecilia ZANNI-MERK\nSince the beginning of the century, research on ontology learning has gained popularity. Automatically extracting and structuring knowledge relevant to a domain of interest from unstructured data is a major scientific challenge. We propose a new approach with a modular ontology learning framework considering tasks from data pre-processing to axiom extraction. Whereas previous contributions considered ontology learning systems as tools to help the domain expert, we developed the proposed framework with full automation in mind. An implementation as an opensource and collaborative python library is available at https://gitlab.insa-rouen.fr/msesboue/ontology-learning.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nprovides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = Data preprocessing. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., Ontology based-system = . Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = We choose Python numerous. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = as it eases access to the vast python .. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = community and its library ecosystem, particularly Machine Learning (ML) libraries . The text processing on spaCy helps us many different languages. Our framework provides several algorithms for the different stages of the pipeline. The algorithms are taken from external libraries or directly implemented in the framework. The goal is to have as many methods as possible to cover the maximum needs., = NLP tools", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, Ontology based-system = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE, = Most ontology learning systems do not consider the targeted ontology- based system. Though an ideal ontology should model a domain in an application-independent manner, in practice, concepts and relations ONTOLOGY LEARNING FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE. Our framework", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= . OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., Ontology based-system = . OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic)., = Pipeline Building. OntoLearn (Reloaded), 2013, [3] It focuses on \"lexicalised ontologies\" and uses seed knowledge. It implements 5 steps: terminology extraction, hypernym graph construction, domain filtering of hypernyms, hypernym graph pruning and 2010, [2] steps: text preprocessing, concept extraction (C/NC- value), taxonomy construction, and non-taxonomic relation acquisition (rule-based and probabilistic).,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= Concept/Relation Extraction. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, Ontology based-system = OLAF. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, = Our vision is to implement a gather to build pipelines ontology.. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, = . These pipelines can be run, optimised and analysed to learn the best possible. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = Ressource. ConceptNet-based extraction Grouping terms based on synonyms, = Algorithm implemented Upcoming implementation. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = Concept/Relation Extraction. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, Ontology based-system = OLAF. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = Our vision is to implement a gather to build pipelines ontology.. Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = . Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = . Term cooccurrences-based extraction Similarity-based extraction, = . Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, = Axiom Ontology. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, Ontology based-system = Artifact. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\n= Activity Optional. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, = : Iterative process. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = : Iterative process. Formal concept Analysis Term subsumption algorithm Hierarchical clustering Inductive Logic Programming We only work on unstructured textual data . We apply the framework in two different use cases and datasets to validate our results :, = : Iterative process. , Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = Hierarchisation. , = Axiom Ontology. , Ontology based-system = Artifact. , = . , = CAPTION. , OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = CAPTION. , = CAPTION. Rule-based axiom extraction, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = . Rule-based axiom extraction, = Axiom Ontology. Rule-based axiom extraction, Ontology based-system = Artifact. Rule-based axiom extraction, = Different serialization techniques\ncan be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.. Rule-based axiom extraction, = Different serialization techniques can be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.. Rule-based axiom extraction, OLAF IN A PRACTICAL CONTEXT.Ontology = Different serialization techniques can be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.. Rule-based axiom extraction, = Different serialization techniques can be used to export and leverage the learned ontology in an application system.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OLAF : Ontology Learning Applied Framework\nText2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, Pros and cons Ontologies can be exported in = various formats. GATE system adds great visualisations. But it is not maintained since 2011.. Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, = . Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, Ontology based-system = Ontology Use Cases. Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4, = Final Application. Text2Onto, 2005, [1] representation-agnostic structure with modular steps and takes into account uncertainty. The system is implemented as a GATE module. OntoGain, It focuses on multiword terms to construct a \"lexicalised ontology\" by adapting an agglomerative clustering and an FCA method. It implements 4,", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "infographic5.pdf", - "query": "Is Text2Onto still updated nowadays?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "But it is not maintained since 2011.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Excel PDF Accessibility\nArticle · 11/26/2024", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed11.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "User Manual\n(As of 10 February 2014)", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Code availability\nNo custom code was used.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Office 2024 PDF Accessibility\nArticle • 11/26/2024", - "page_start": 37, - "page_end": 37, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Get the latest version of the Redbooks Mobile App\nDownload Now", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "sg246915.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Word PDF Accessibility\nArticle • 11/26/2024", - "page_start": 55, - "page_end": 55, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Data availability\nNo new data were generated or analyzed in support of this research.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Office 2024\nOffice 2024 PDF Accessibility Improvements", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "office-pdf.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "As at and for the year ended December 31, 2013\nas at and for the year ended December 31, 2012", - "page_start": 77, - "page_end": 77, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf", - "query": "What was the proportion of revenue generated by wireless telecommunications operations in 2009?", - "target_page": 91, - "target_passage": "6,685", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Wireless\nThe trends in Wireless revenue and adjusted operating profit reflect:\nGLYPH<129> the growing number of wireless voice and data subscribers\nGLYPH<129> decreased churn\nGLYPH<129> higher usage of wireless data\nGLYPH<129> higher handset subsidies as more consumers shift to smartphones\nGLYPH<129> a slight decrease in blended ARPU due to changes in wireless price plans.\nWe continue to target higher value postpaid subscribers, which has contributed to the significantly heavier mix of postpaid versus prepaid subscribers. Growth in our customer base and overall market penetration have resulted in higher costs over time for customer service, retention, credit and collection; however, most of the cost increases have been offset by gains in operating efficiencies.\nWireless' operating results are influenced by the timing of our marketing and promotional expenditures and higher levels of subscriber additions and related subsidies, resulting in higher subscriber acquisition and activation-related expenses in certain periods. This increased activity generally occurs in the third and fourth quarters, and can also occur or be accentuated by the launch of popular new wireless handset models.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Operating Revenue\nConsolidated revenue increased in 2012 by $140 million from 2011, Wireless contributed $142 million, Cable contributed $49 million and Media contributed $9 million, partially offset by decreases in revenue of $54 million in Business Solutions and in corporate items and intercompany eliminations of $6 million. The increase was due to overall higher subscriber levels, data revenue and equipment sales at Wireless and higher Internet revenue at Cable, partially offset by lower overall revenue at Business Solutions due to the phased exit of the legacy services business.", - "page_start": 59, - "page_end": 59, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Years Ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001\nin thousands, except per share amounts\nOperating revenues:, 2003 = . Operating revenues:, 2002 = . Operating revenues:, 2001 = . Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2003 = $ 69,872. Wireless (Notes 7 and 8), 2002 = $ 57,867. Wireless", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Higher Adjusted Operating Profit\nAdjusted operating profit was 3 % higher this year compared to last year because of continued growth of wireless data, our improvements in cost management and efficiency and lower volumes of hardware sales and upgrades. Adjusted operating profit margin as a percentage of network revenue increased this year to 46.8 % from 45.6 % in 2012.", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DATA REVENUE GROWTH\nWHAT WE SAID: Generate double-digit wireless and broadband data growth consistent with our data usage monetization strategy.\nWHAT WE DID: Grew wireless and broadband data revenues by 17% and 16%, respectively over 2012 levels.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SUPERIOR ASSET MIX\nMajority of revenue and cash flow is generated from wireless and broadband services, the fastest growing segments of the telecommunications industry.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Revenue by Product\nWireless:, 2013 = . Wireless:, 2012 = . Postpaid, 2013 = $ 6,470. Postpaid, 2012 = $ 6,402. Prepaid, 2013 = 278. Prepaid, 2012 = 317. Network revenue, 2013 = 6,748. Network revenue, 2012 = 6,719. Equipment sales, 2013 = 522. Equipment sales, 2012 = 561. Total Wireless, 2013 = 7,270. Total Wireless, 2012 = 7,280. Cable:, 2013 = . Cable:, 2012 = . Television, 2013 = 1,809. Television, 2012 = 1,868. Internet, 2013 = 1,159. Internet, 2012 = 998. Cable telephony, 2013 = 498. Cable telephony, 2012 = 477. Service revenue, 2013 = 3,466. Service revenue, 2012 = 3,343. Equipment sales, 2013 = 9. Equipment sales, 2012 = 15. Total Cable, 2013 = 3,475. Total Cable, 2012 = 3,358. Business Solutions:, 2013 = . Business Solutions:, 2012 = . Next generation, 2013 = 213. Next generation, 2012 = 162. Legacy, 2013 = 149. Legacy, 2012 = 183. Service revenue, 2013 = 362. Service revenue, 2012 = 345. Equipment sales, 2013 = 12. Equipment sales, 2012 = 6. Total Business Solutions, 2013 = 374. Total Business Solutions, 2012 = 351. Media:, 2013 = . Media:, 2012 = . Advertising, 2013 = 762. Advertising, 2012 = 784. Subscription, 2013 = 316. Subscription, 2012 = 264. Retail, 2013 = 305. Retail, 2012 = 276. Other, 2013 = 321. Other, 2012 = 296. Total Media, 2013 = 1,704. Total Media, 2012 = 1,620. Corporate items and intercompany eliminations, 2013 = (117). Corporate items and intercompany eliminations, 2012 = (123). , 2013 = $ 12,706. , 2012 = $ 12,486", - "page_start": 106, - "page_end": 106, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Operating Revenue\nWireless network revenue was higher than last year because of higher adoption and usage of wireless data services, partially offset by the introduction of lower priced roaming plans and pricing changes made over this year.\nCable operating revenue was higher than last year mainly because of growth in Internet and phone revenues and the acquisition of Mountain Cable, partially offset by a decline in television revenue related principally from competitive TV subscriber losses.\nBusiness Solutions operating revenue was higher than last year mainly because we completed the acquisitions of Blackiron Data and Pivot Data Centres earlier this year combined with the continued growth in on-net and next generation services, partially offset by planned decline in legacy voice and data services.\nMedia operating revenue was higher than last year mainly because of revenue growth at Sportsnet, higher attendance at Toronto Blue Jays games and higher sales at The Shopping Channel.", - "page_start": 39, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Operating Revenue\nWireless network revenue was lower this quarter compared to the same period last year, mainly because of the recent introduction of lower priced roaming plans and pricing changes made over the past year primarily associated with our new simplified plans.\nCable operating revenue was higher this quarter compared to the same period last year, mainly because of Internet growth and the acquisition of Mountain Cable, partially offset by a decline in television revenue with competitive TV subscriber losses.\nBusiness Solutions operating revenue was higher this quarter compared to the same period last year, mainly because we completed the acquisitions of Blackiron Data and Pivot Data Centres earlier this year, combined with the continuing growth in on-net and next-generation services.\nMedia operating revenue was higher this quarter compared to the same period last year, mainly because of revenue growth at Sportsnet and higher sales at The Shopping Channel.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Information by S egment\nOperating revenue, Wireless = $ 7,270. Operating revenue, Cable = $ 3,475. Operating revenue, Business Solutions = $ 374. Operating revenue, Media = $ 1,704. Operating revenue, Corporate items and eliminations = $ (117). Operating revenue, Consolidated totals = $ 12,706. Operating costs 1, Wireless = 4,113. Operating costs 1, Cable = 1,757. Operating costs 1, Business Solutions = 268. Operating costs 1, Media = 1,543. Operating costs 1, Corporate items and eliminations = 32. Operating costs 1, Consolidated totals = 7,713. Adjusted operating profit, Wireless = 3,157. Adjusted operating profit, Cable = 1,718. Adjusted operating profit, Business Solutions = 106. Adjusted operating profit, Media = 161. Adjusted operating profit, Corporate items and eliminations = (149). Adjusted operating profit, Consolidated totals = 4,993. Restructuring, acquisition and other expenses, Wireless = . Restructuring, acquisition and other expenses, Cable = . Restructuring, acquisition and other expenses, Business Solutions = . Restructuring, acquisition and other expenses, Media = . Restructuring, acquisition and other expenses, Corporate items and eliminations = . Restructuring, acquisition and other expenses, Consolidated totals = 85. Stock-based compensation expense 1, Wireless = . Stock-based compensation expense 1, Cable = . Stock-based compensation expense 1, Business Solutions = . Stock-based compensation expense 1, Media = . Stock-based compensation expense 1, Corporate items and eliminations = . Stock-based compensation expense 1, Consolidated totals = 84. Depreciation and amortization, Wireless = . Depreciation and amortization, Cable = . Depreciation and amortization, Business Solutions = . Depreciation and amortization, Media = . Depreciation and amortization, Corporate items and eliminations = . Depreciation and amortization, Consolidated totals = 1,898. Operating income, Wireless = . Operating income, Cable = . Operating income, Business Solutions = . Operating income, Media = . Operating income, Corporate items and eliminations = . Operating income, Consolidated totals = 2,926. Finance costs, Wireless = . Finance costs, Cable = . Finance costs, Business Solutions = . Finance costs, Media = . Finance costs, Corporate items and eliminations = . Finance costs, Consolidated totals = (742). Other income, Wireless = . Other", - "page_start": 105, - "page_end": 105, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf", - "query": "What has Rogers Communications done to improve its television platform?", - "target_page": 2, - "target_passage": "Launched NextBox 3.0 delivering a superior TV experience and leveraged the success of Rogers AnyPlace TV, our Internet and mobile on-demand TV service.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 3 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "WHY INVEST IN ROGERS\nRogers Communications has excellent positions in growing markets, powerful brands that stand for innovation, proven management, a long record of driving growth and shareholder value, and the financial strength to continue to deliver long-term growth.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Rogers Communications is one of Canada's leading diversified communications and media companies.\nWe provide a broad range of services: wireless and wired voice and data communications, cable television, high-speed Internet, cable telephony, wired telecom and data networking services to consumers and businesses. We also compete in television and radio broadcasting, multi-platform shopping, sports media and entertainment, digital media and consumer, trade and professional publications.\nAlmost all of our operations and sales are in Canada. We have a highly skilled and diversified workforce of approximately 28,000 employees. Our head-office is in Toronto, Ontario and we have numerous offices across Canada.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "rogers.com/investors\nStay up-to-date with the latest Rogers investor information", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EVOLVE AND ENHANCE TELEVISION PLATFORM\nWHAT WE SAID: Invest in the evolution of our current TV platform and extend our video offerings to new platforms.\nWHAT WE DID: Launched NextBox 3.0 delivering a superior TV experience and leveraged the success of Rogers AnyPlace TV, our Internet and mobile on-demand TV service.\n24 24 Management's Discussion and Analysis\n88 Management's Responsibility for Financial Reporting\n88 Independent Auditors' Report of Registered Public Accounting Firm\n89 Consolidated Statements of Income\n90 90 Con Con Consolsos idadated Statements of Com Com Comprepreprehenhenhensivsivsive Ie Ie nconcoomeme", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND VALUE DRIVERS\nAt Rogers, our purpose is to easily connect customers with what matters most. Our vision is to be known for leading the enablement of seamless, and reliable experiences across any device, place or time.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SUSTAINABILITY\nRogers is committed to continuing to grow responsibly and we focus our social and environmental sustainability efforts where we can make the most meaningful impacts on both. To learn more, please visit rogers.com/csr", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DELIVERING WHAT'S NEXT\nThese are just a few examples of the ways Rogers continues to innovate and lead the way, introducing wireless, broadband and digital technologies and services that fundamentally change the way customers stay connected, informed and entertained anywhere they are. Canadians know there's one thing to be certain of - if they're with Rogers, they'll never miss a thing.\n2013 ANNUAL REPORT ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 15", - "page_start": 18, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS\nRogers Communications (TSX: RCI; NYSE: RCI) is a diversi/fied Canadian telecommunications and media company. As discussed in the following pages, Rogers Communications is engaged in the telecom and media businesses through its primary operating segments Rogers Wireless, Rogers Cable, Rogers Business Solutions and Rogers Media.\nROGERS COMMUNICATIONS\nBUSINESS SOLUTIONS", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DELIVERING WHAT'S NEXT\nLEADING NEXT GENERATION NETWORKS\nDIGITAL MEDIA\nADVANCED IP SOLUTIONS\nMOBILE COMMERCE\nHOME AUTOMATION\nENTERPRISE MOBILE APPLICATIONS\nMACHINE-TOMACHINE COMMUNICATIONS\nMOBILE STREAMING TELEVISION\nCONVERGED WIRELESS/ WIRELINE\n14 ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT\nINNOVATION AND A DRIVE TO BE FIRST TO DELIVER THE MOST ADVANCED INFORMATION, COMMUNICATIONS, ENTERTAINMENT AND TRANSACTION SERVICES, SOLUTIONS AND DEVICES ARE AT THE VERY CORE OF ROGERS.\nAs one of the first carriers in the world to offer the telecommunications 'quadruple play' of wireless, television, Internet and telephony services over its own networks, few have more capabilities or success in enabling subscribers to enjoy their experiences across multiple screens.\nRogers has a long history of firsts, including the first cellular call in Canada, the world's first high-speed cable modem service, the first digital cellular network in North America, Canada's first video-on-demand and mobile TV services, the first HSPA and LTE networks and the first to offer iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows 8 in Canada. With the combination of our advanced next-generation national wireless network, our powerful broadband cable infrastructure and our category-leading media assets, we are in a unique position to help Canadians to live like never before.\nOur new wireless Share Everything plans were Canada's first to let individuals, families and small businesses share wireless data and unlimited nationwide talk and text, with up to 10 wireless devices. Rogers recently further enhanced its exciting One Number service by introducing smartphone apps which enable customers to use mobile data or Wi-Fi to talk, text and video chat using their existing Rogers wireless number from any device.\nWe also keep customers informed and entertained with Rogers nextgeneration NextBox 3.0 TV experience which allows customers to view and record up to eight HD programs simultaneously, store hundreds of hours of content and enjoy whole-home PVR capability. And with Rogers Anyplace TV, it's also a wireless experience where viewers can navigate their cable guide, use a virtual remote, set PVR recordings and stream live or on-demand content from a tablet, smartphone, laptop or gaming console.\nRogers continues to be Canada's innovation leader in rapidly growing areas such as wireless machine-to-machine communications, remote home monitoring and automation, mobile payments, in-car infotainment and telematics, and digital media. As well, Rogers has deployed a suite of unique local digital services that create virtual marketplaces for bringing consumers and businesses together and provide location-based targeted offers.", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 18, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Understanding Our Business\nRogers Communications is one of Canada's leading diversified communications and media companies.\nOur vision is to be known for leading the enablement and delivery of seamless, customer-driven communications, entertainment, information and transactional experiences across any device, place or time.\nWireless provides wireless voice and data communication services, including machine to machine to both consumer and enterprise businesses, governments and other telecommunications service providers. Cable provides voice and data communications, home monitoring, television and high-speed Internet services to both consumers and businesses. Business S olutions provides voice and data communications and advanced services including data centre based solutions and cloud computing services to a wide range of medium to large businesses, including other service providers, and government either wirelessly or over our terrestrial network. Revenue generated from these segments is generally based on monthly subscription and network usage rates. Costs include attracting, setting-up and retaining customers, content, and the costs of upgrading and maintaining the underlying network.\nOur wireless network is currently one of the most extensive and advanced independent high-speed wireless data networks in Canada, capable of supporting wireless services on smartphones, tablets, computers and a broad variety of machine-to-machine and specialized devices. We built the first Long Term Evolution (LTE) high speed network in Canada, reaching nearly 73 % of the Canadian population at December 31, 2013. We also have roaming agreements with international carriers in more than 200 other countries, including 5 LTE roaming operators and have network sharing arrangements with several carriers in Canada.\nOur expansive fibre and hybrid fibre coaxial infrastructure delivers services to consumers and businesses in Ontario, New Brunswick and", - "page_start": 32, - "page_end": 32, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf", - "query": "Until what NHL season will the Vancouver's ice hockey team be a Rogers Communications partner?", - "target_page": 39, - "target_passage": "Sportsnet announced a 10-year partnership extension with the Vancouver Canucks through the 2022-2023 NHL seasons", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "NHL\nGLYPH<129> Advanced our strategy of delivering highly sought-after sports content anywhere, anytime, on any platform and strengthening the value of our sports brand by entering into an exclusive 12-year licensing agreement with the NHL which begins with the 2014-2015 season and grants Rogers the following:\n-national rights across television broadcasts, wireless and mobile tablets and Internet streaming\n-national rights to all regular season games, all playoff games and the Stanley Cup Final, and all special events and nongame events (e.g. NHL All-Star Game, NHL Draft) - in multiple languages\n-out-of-market rights for all regional games\n-ownership of all linear and digital highlights, including condensed games and video archives\n-NHL broadcast assets: Rogers to operate NHL Centre Ice and NHL Game Centre Live\n-sponsorship rights to the NHL Shield logo as an official partner of the NHL\n-Canadian representation of ad sales for NHL.com\n-ownership of all commercial inventories for the television broadcasts\n-rights to sublicense broadcasting rights to TVA and CBC\n-rights to use the Hockey Night In Canada brand through the CBC sublicense agreement.\nThrough this agreement, Rogers plans to provide Canadians with a unique viewing experience that will feature expanded pre- and postgame coverage of regular season and playoff games and other enhanced NHL content. We expect this agreement to drive Sportsnet subscriber growth and to provide highly sought after content in multiple languages across all of Rogers' platforms.\n48 ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT", - "page_start": 51, - "page_end": 51, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Rogers Communications is one of Canada's leading diversified communications and media companies.\nWe provide a broad range of services: wireless and wired voice and data communications, cable television, high-speed Internet, cable telephony, wired telecom and data networking services to consumers and businesses. We also compete in television and radio broadcasting, multi-platform shopping, sports media and entertainment, digital media and consumer, trade and professional publications.\nAlmost all of our operations and sales are in Canada. We have a highly skilled and diversified workforce of approximately 28,000 employees. Our head-office is in Toronto, Ontario and we have numerous offices across Canada.", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "MEDIA\nGLYPH<129> Exclusive NHL 12-year licensing agreement to broadcast national NHL games beginning with the 2014-2015 season was signed. The agreement grants Rogers the exclusive distribution of all national live and in-progress regular season and playoff games within Canada, in multiple languages, across all platforms. We executed separate agreements to sublicense certain of these broadcasting rights to TVA Sports and CBC.\nGLYPH<129> Sportsnet 360 was launched, which is comprised of the rebranded theScore assets. The acquisition of theScore received final regulatory approval in the first half of this year.\nGLYPH<129> Sportsnet announced a 10-year partnership extension with the Vancouver Canucks through the 2022-2023 NHL seasons, continuing a 14-year network tradition as the regional television broadcaster of Canucks hockey. The new agreement features a comprehensive suite of multimedia rights including television, online and mobile, delivering up to 60 regular season Vancouver Canucks games each season. Sportsnet is also the official regional television broadcast rights holder for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Calgary Flames and Edmonton Oilers.\nGLYPH<129> Next Issue Canada, an innovative, all-you-can-read subscription digital magazine service that provides consumers with exclusive and unlimited access to a catalogue of more than 100 premium Canadian and US titles was launched. Next Issue Canada delivers access to our leading publishing brands alongside many of the most popular US magazine titles.\nGLYPH<129> The Shopping Channel launched a brighter, easier, and more engaging multi-channel retail experience and a refreshed on-air and online look, an all-new mobile app, special-themed programming and improved shipping. The leading interactive and only national Canadian multi-channel retailer also added on-air social media engagement, new leading brands and more celebrity guest appearances.\nGLYPH<129> Sportsnet announced an eight-year multi-platform broadcast rights extension with MLB Properties and MLB Advanced Media to show live and in-progress regular season and playoff baseball games and highlights within Canada.\n2013 ANNUAL REPORT ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC.\n35\nM A NA G E M E N T ' S D I SCU S SI O N AN D ANAL Y S IS\nMANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 39, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DIRECTORS OF ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC.\nAS OF FEBRUARY 11, 2014", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "LEADER IN CANADIAN COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY\nCanada's largest wireless carrier and a leading cable television provider, offering a 'quadruple play' of wireless, Internet, television and telephony services to consumers and businesses.", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "LEADER IN CANADIAN COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY\nCanada's largest wireless carrier and a leading cable television provider, offering quad-play services (i.e. wireless, television, Internet and telephony) to consumers and businesses.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 33, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "SENIOR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC.\nAS OF FEBRUARY 11, 2014", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OUR PROGRESS IN 2013\nWe expanded our wireless network by establishing key network sharing agreements to bring LTE to more customers at faster speeds to customers in Manitoba, Quebec and the Ottawa region, and through our relationship with AT&T to become the first Canadian carrier to offer LTE roaming for customers travelling to the US. We also secured an option to buy Shaw's Advanced Wireless Service (AWS) spectrum holdings.\n32 ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT\nWe launched new products, including Rogers Smart Home Monitoring, to customers in Ontario's Golden Horseshoe area and Atlantic Canada. We completed several strategic acquisitions this year that strengthened our offering of cable television, Internet and telephony services in the Hamilton, Ontario area, established Business Solutions as a leader in Canadian data centre and hosting services and increased the reach of our television broadcast network to over 80 % of Canadian households.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "rogers.com/investors\nStay up-to-date with the latest Rogers investor information", - "page_start": 129, - "page_end": 129, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "LEADING CONTENT\n12 ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT\nROGERS IS COMMITTED TO DELIVERING WORLD-CLASS CONTENT AND EXPERIENCES TO CONSUMERS AND ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS TO BUSINESSES. THE COMPANY HAS A STRONG LEGACY OF BUILDING POWERFUL MEDIA BRANDS WITH COMPELLING CONTENT THAT RESONATES WITH AUDIENCES ACROSS MULTIPLE PLATFORMS ON ANY DEVICE.\nToday, businesses across Canada connect with customers through Rogers category-leading television and radio assets, sports entertainment, televised and online shopping, publishing, and digital media properties as the one-stop solution for all their local and national advertising needs.\nRogers Media is Canada's premier combination of diversified broadcast, specialty, sports, print and online media assets which together touch nearly 90% of Canadians every week. This includes over 50 popular AM and FM radio stations across Canada. In television, it includes the seven station City network which broadcasts intensely local, urban-oriented\nprogramming across the country's largest markets, as well as five OMNI Television stations which deliver multilingual news, information and entertainment to Canada's multiple language communities.\nThe Sportsnet specialty network provides sports programming across Canada through its four regional television channels and its nationallydistributed Sportsnet ONE, Sportsnet World, and Sportsnet 360 stations. Rogers also owns other Canadian specialty television channels, including FX Canada, OLN, The Biography Channel and G4.\nThe Shopping Channel - Canada's only nationally televised and Internet shopping service - is a leading interactive multi-channel retailer, offering a vast assortment of exclusive products and top brand names. As one of Canada's most innovative and diversified retailers, it provides customers with exceptional selections in health/beauty, jewelry, home/lifestyle, fashion/accessories, and electronics.\nRogers also publishes many well-known consumer magazines, such as Maclean's, Chatelaine, FLARE, L'actualité, and Canadian Business, and is the leading publisher of a number of industry, medical and financial publications. Rogers also controls a suite of fast-growing digital media assets, including 90+ owned and 300+ premium partnership online sites, as well as the recently launched Next Issue Canada digital magazine platform which provides 100+ of North America's most celebrated titles on an unlimited anytime, anywhere basis.\nIn sports entertainment, Rogers owns the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team and Rogers Centre stadium, Canada's largest sports and entertainment facility and home field of the Blue Jays. Rogers also holds a 37.5% investment in Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment which owns the NHL Maple Leafs, NBA Raptors, MLS Toronto FC and a number of other sports related assets.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 16, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf", - "query": "I am a shareholder of Emmis Communication, but I will be available from the 20th of June to the 4th of July, will the Annual Meeting take place during this period?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "The Annual Meeting of shareholders will be held at 10 a.m. Central Time on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, at Emmis’ Corporate office.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Annual Meeting\nThe Annual Meeting of shareholders will be held at 10 a.m. Central Time on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, at Emmis' Corporate office.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL MEETING\nThe Board of Directors extends an invitation to all shareholders to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The meeting will be held at 11:00 AM (EST) on April 20, 2004 in the Auditorium of the Company's offices at the Shentel Center, 500 Mill Road, Edinburg, Virginia.", - "page_start": 58, - "page_end": 58, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_SHEN_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "ANNUAL MEETING\nThe Company's annual shareholders' meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on May 4, 2004, at the Holiday Inn, Highways 61 & 38 North, Muscatine, Iowa. Shareholders and other interested investors are encouraged to attend the meeting.", - "page_start": 62, - "page_end": 62, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A NNUAL M EETING\nThe annual meeting of shareholders will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2003, in Corning, NY. A formal notice of the meeting together with a proxy statement will be mailed to shareholders on or about March 12, 2003. The proxy statement can also be accessed electronically through the Investor Relations category of the Corning home page on the Internet at www.corning.com. A summary report of the proceedings at the annual meeting will be available without charge upon written request to Ms. Denise A. Hauselt, Secretary and Assistant General Counsel, Corning Incorporated, HQ-E2-10, Corning, NY 14831.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NYSE_GLW_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Form 10-K\nA copy of the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended February 29, 2004, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, will be sent to shareholders without charge upon written request to Kate Healey, Emmis Communications Corporation, One Emmis Plaza, 40 Monument Circle, Suite 700, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, or ir@emmis.com.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Item 13. CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS\nInformation under \"Other Information Relating to Directors, Nominees, and Executive Officers\" for the year ended October 25, 2003, as set forth on page 17 of the definitive proxy statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held January 27, 2004, is incorporated herein by reference.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "NYSE_HRL_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Annual General Meeting\nAll shareholders are encouraged to attend and participate in the Company's Annual General Meeting. Shareholders may attend in person or send a proxy as their representative.\nThe Company's external auditor is routinely invited to and attends the Annual General Meeting in order to respond to questions raised by shareholders relating to the content and conduct of the audit and accounting policies adopted by the Company in relation to the preparation of the financial statements.", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence.\nThe information required under this item is included in the following sections of our Proxy Statement for our 2015 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the sections of which are incorporated by reference herein and will be filed within 120 days after the end of our fiscal year:\nElection of Directors\nCertain Relationships and Related Transactions", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 79, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Shareholder Information\nAs at 26 September 2013", - "page_start": 115, - "page_end": 115, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Item 11. Executive Compensation.\nThe information required under this item is included in the following sections of our Proxy Statement for our 2015 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the sections of which are incorporated by reference herein and will be filed within 120 days after the end of our fiscal year:\nCompensation of Executive Officers\nCompensation Discussion and Analysis\nDirector Compensation\nCompensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 79, - "source_file": "NYSE_JWN_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf", - "query": "Who is the President of the TV Department of Emmis Communications?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "Randall Bongarten Television Division President", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "16 Robert W. Bruce\nPresident, Communications Division", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Executive Officers\nJeffrey H. Smulyan Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer\nWalter Z. Berger\nExecutive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer\nRandall Bongarten Television Division President\nRichard F. Cummings Radio Division President\nGary L. Kaseff\nExecutive Vice President, General Counsel\nPaul W. Fiddick International Division President\nMichael Levitan Senior Vice President, Human Resources\nGary Thoe\nPublishing Division President", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "25 Terrie L. Tweddle\nVice President, Corporate Communications", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "David M. Znamierowski\nPresident", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Roland Hernandez\nDirector\nPresident, Hernandez Media Ventures", - "page_start": 79, - "page_end": 79, - "source_file": "NYSE_MGM_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Board of Directors\nJeffrey H. Smulyan Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer\nSusan B. Bayh\nFormer Commissioner of the International Joint Commission of the United States and Canada\nWalter Z. Berger\nExecutive Vice President,\nChief Financial Officer and Treasurer\nGary L. Kaseff Executive Vice President, General Counsel\nRichard A. Leventhal\nPresident and Majority Owner,\nLMCS, LLC\nPeter A. Lund\nMedia consultant and former President of CBS Inc.\nGreg A. Nathanson Media consultant and former President of Fox Television Stations and Emmis Television\nFrank V. Sica\nSenior Advisor\nSoros Fund Management LLC\nLawrence B. Sorrel Managing Partner and Co-CEO Tailwind Capital Partners\nemmis entities, 1 = St. Louis. emmis", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "20 Keith W. Pelley\nPresident, Rogers Media", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Jeremy Jackson\nVice President, Marketing", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "David R. Robb\nExecutive Vice President", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DIRECTORS OF ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC.\nAS OF FEBRUARY 11, 2014", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf", - "query": "Does the radio station 93.7 in Austin belong to Emmis Communication?", - "target_page": 7, - "target_passage": "KLBJ-FM (93.7), Album Oriented Rock", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 6 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Business\nEmmis Communications (NASDAQ: EMMS) is a diversified media firm with awardwinning radio broadcasting, television broadcasting and magazine publishing operations. Emmis' 23 FM and 4 AM domestic radio stations serve the nation's largest markets of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago as well as Phoenix, St. Louis, Austin, Indianapolis and Terre Haute, Ind. The company's 16 television stations are located in Albuquerque, N.M.; Fort Myers, Fla.; Green Bay, Wis.; Honolulu; Huntington, W.Va.; Mobile, Ala./Pensacola, Fla.; New Orleans; Omaha, Neb.; Orlando, Fla.; Portland, Ore.; Terre Haute, Ind.; Topeka, Kan.; Tucson, Ariz.; and Wichita, Kan. Emmis also publishes Indianapolis Monthly, Texas Monthly, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Country Sampler Group magazines; has a 59.5% interest in Sláger Rádió, a national radio network in Hungary; operates nine FM radio stations serving more than 50 percent of the population in the Flanders region of Belgium; and has ancillary businesses in broadcast sales, publishing and interactive products.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "about emmis\nEmmis Communications (NASDAQ: EMMS) owns 23 FM and 4 AM domestic radio stations serving the nation's largest markets of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago as well as Phoenix, St. Louis, Austin, Indianapolis and Terre Haute, Ind. In addition, Emmis owns 16 television stations, award-winning regional and specialty magazines, a radio network, international radio interests, and ancillary businesses in broadcast sales and publishing.\nEmmis was founded in 1980, and the company launched its first radio station, WENS-FM, in July 1981. As Emmis (the Hebrew word for 'truth') acquired more radio stations across the nation, it established a reputation for sound operations and emerged as a radio industry leader and innovator. Emmis was the first broadcast company to own toprated radio stations in both L.A. and New York, and it pioneered such concepts as the all-sports format.\nThe company launched its magazine division in 1988 with the purchase of Indianapolis Monthly , and moved into the world of international radio in 1997, when it was awarded a license to operate a national radio network in Hungary. In 1998, Emmis expanded into television by buying six television stations in markets throughout the United States. In the last six years, the company has added properties in each of its divisions.\nWith its emphasis on solid operations, integrity, community involvement and fun, the company's culture has been repeatedly lauded by both its employees and its peers. Trade publications have regularly cited the company's leaders as being among the best in the business.\nEmmis became a public company in 1994. It maintains its worldwide headquarters in Indianapolis, where the company was founded.\nThis annual report contains certain non-GAAP measures. For a presentation of the directly comparable GAAP measure and a reconciliation of the non-GAAP measures to the GAAP measures, see the attachment to the back of our Form 10-K in this Annual Report.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "what it has always done: outperform.\nIn addition, we commit ourselves to creating the best content in our markets. Our magazines routinely dominate their industry awards ceremonies - last year, Texas Monthly won a coveted National Magazine Award, and Emmis publications claimed more than half of the awards at the City and Regional Magazine competition. Our radio stations feature some of the industry's most popular personalities - in 2003, Emmis people and stations were awarded three Marconi Radio Awards. And our television operations are regularly honored by journalism organizations for their news gathering and community service. In short, we provide our markets with reliable, high-quality content - content that helps us assemble the audiences our advertisers want to reach.\nWe then generate revenue by overallocating to sales. We give our teams well-developed strategies, clearly defined brands and solid products. We build bigger, better sales forces and put a greater emphasis on local dollars than our competitors. We hire aggressive managers, set ambitious goals and then watch our people work harder and smarter than anyone else.\nWe also seize the right opportunities and make the most of them. As the cost of buying radio properties has gone through the roof, we have been careful about buying. However, when we had a chance to acquire the LBJ stations in Austin, we knew it was the right fit: good stations, a tremendous heritage and a great culture, all with an opportunity for growth. And we've already built on that group's track record - since we bought them, we've reformatted one station and quickly sent it to No. 1 in the market, and we've pushed revenues up 9 percent for the entire group.\nFinally, we innovate. Why has Emmis, traditionally a radio company, become the company to emulate in TV? Because we approached TV in a way it's never been approached before. Why do we operate leading hip-hop stations in markets across the nation? Because we pioneered the concept. Why have we created a new 'Music with Class' format in St. Louis' Red 104.1? Because we believe we see a new opportunity. We know that successful companies don't follow the pack. They lead it, and that's what we'll always do.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The best year\nThe bottom line is this: Emmis Communications turned in a remarkable performance last year. Again and again, and by a number of measures, we outperformed our peers, our markets and our own solid track record.\nAnd we did this in a year that was challenging in just about every way. The economy was unstable, public companies came under continuing scrutiny, indecency issues hounded broadcasters, competition for tight ad dollars increased and technology continued to reshape the media world.\nBut our people refused to be slowed by those challenges. Instead, they worked through them. They innovated, hustled and focused. And they produced.\nOur radio division's revenue growth led our markets and the industry - in our fiscal year, our group was up 4.5 percent while our markets were up 2.7 percent and the industry only 1 percent. Based on this kind of performance, we have consistently ranked among the nation's leaders in per-station revenue, and we continue to produce top-rated programming in markets across the nation.\nOur TV performance was even more impressive. The Emmis television group's revenues were up 0.5 percent in calendar 2003, a year when our markets saw a 2.3 percent decrease in revenues, and the industry experienced a 4.7 percent revenue decline. This industry-leading result made us one of the few groups in the nation to post positive growth. In addi-\ntion, we gained revenue share at 11 of our 13 measured stations and held the line on expenses, giving us a 1.2 percent increase in fiscal-year cash flow.\nOur publishing and international divisions also posted strong results. In a tough publishing market, our magazines boosted their division's revenues by 4.6 percent over last year and increased cash flow by 3.3 percent. Our international division turned in a revenue increase of 27 percent and a cash flow increase of 31 percent.\nIn addition to boosting performance in our divisions, we honed our corporate operations by continuing to build one of the most adept and hardest-working corporate groups in American media. With this team in place, we've brought our leverage and cost of capital down to more manageable levels, found ways to combat the continually increasing costs of health insurance and, in a truly top-notch effort, smoothly integrated our new Austin radio properties - in just under a year as a part of Emmis, the Austin properties are enjoying significant ratings and revenue increases.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Board of Directors\nWRKS-FM(98.7), Classic Soul/Today's R&B Phoenix, 1 = Mobile, Ala./Pensacola, Fla., WBPG-TV (Channel. WRKS-FM(98.7), Classic Soul/Today's R&B Phoenix, 2 = RELATED BUSINESSES. KKFR-FM(92.3), Rhythmic CHR, 1 = 55), WB programming. KKFR-FM(92.3), Rhythmic CHR, 2 = Emmis Books. KKLT-FM (98.7), Adult Contemporary, 1 = New Orleans, WVUE-TV (Channel 8),. KKLT-FM (98.7), Adult Contemporary, 2 = Emmis Interactive. KMVP-AM (860), Sports, 1 = Fox programming/local news. KMVP-AM (860), Sports, 2 = RDS. KTAR-AM (620), News/Talk/Sports, 1 = Omaha, Neb., KMTV-TV (Channel 3),. KTAR-AM (620), News/Talk/Sports, 2 = . , 1 = CBS programming/local news. , 2 = \nemmis communications one emmis plaza 40 monument circle indianapolis, indiana 46204", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Outperform\nEmmis Communications 2004 Annual Report", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Board of Directors\nentities, 2 = Orlando, Fla., WKCF-TV (Channel 18),. , 1 = KFTK-FM (97.1), Talk. , 2 = WB programming. RADIO, 1 = KIHT-FM (96.3), Classic Hits. RADIO, 2 = Portland, Ore., KOIN-TV (Channel 6),. Austin, 1 = KPNT-FM (105.7), Alternative Rock. Austin, 2 = CBS programming/local news. KDHT-FM (93.3), Rhythmic CHR, 1 = KSHE-FM (94.7), Album Oriented Rock. KDHT-FM (93.3), Rhythmic CHR, 2 = Terre Haute, Ind., WTHI-TV (Channel 10),. KEYI-FM (103.5), Oldies, 1 = WRDA-FM (104.1), New Standards. KEYI-FM (103.5), Oldies, 2 = CBS programming/local news. KGSR-FM (107.1), Adult Alternative, 1 = Terre Haute. KGSR-FM (107.1), Adult Alternative, 2 = Topeka, Kan., KSNT-TV (Channel 27),. KLBJ-AM (590), News/Talk, 1 = WTHI-FM (99.9), Country. KLBJ-AM (590), News/Talk, 2 = NBC programming/local news. , 1 = WWVR-FM (105.5), Classic Rock. , 2 = Tucson, Ariz., KGUN-TV (Channel 9),. KLBJ-FM (93.7), Album Oriented Rock, 1 = . KLBJ-FM (93.7), Album Oriented Rock, 2 = ABC programming/local news. KROX-FM (101.5), Alternative Rock, 1 = TELEVISION. KROX-FM (101.5), Alternative Rock, 2 = Wichita, Kan., KSNW-TV (Channel 3),. Chicago, 1 = Albuquerque, N.M., KRQE-TV (Channel 13),. Chicago, 2 = NBC programming/local news. WKQX-FM (101.1), Alternative Rock, 1 = CBS programming/local news. WKQX-FM", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Office\nOne Emmis Plaza, 40 Monument Circle, Suite 700, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204,\n317.266.0100.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Board of Directors\n(101.1), Alternative Rock, 2 = . Indianapolis, 1 = Fort Myers, Fla., WFTX-TV (Channel 4),. Indianapolis, 2 = PUBLISHING. WENS-FM (97.1), Adult Contemporary, 1 = Fox programming/local news. WENS-FM (97.1), Adult Contemporary, 2 = Atlanta. WIBC-AM (1070), News/Talk/Sports WNOU-FM (93.1), CHR, 1 = Green Bay, Wis., WLUK-TV (Channel 11),. WIBC-AM (1070), News/Talk/Sports WNOU-FM (93.1), CHR, 2 = Country Sampler. , 1 = Fox programming/local news. , 2 = Cincinnati. WYXB-FM (105.7), Soft Adult Contemporary Network Indiana, Statewide news network, 1 = Honolulu, KHON-TV (Channel 2),. WYXB-FM (105.7), Soft Adult Contemporary Network Indiana, Statewide news network, 2 = Indianapolis Monthly. Los Angeles, 1 = Fox programming/local news. Los Angeles, 2 = Los Angeles. KPWR-FM (105.9), Hip-Hop/R&B, 1 = Honolulu, KGMB-TV (Channel 9),. KPWR-FM (105.9), Hip-Hop/R&B, 2 = Texas Monthly. KZLA-FM (93.9), Country, 1 = CBS programming/local news. KZLA-FM (93.9), Country, 2 = . New York, 1 = Huntington/Charleston, W.Va., WSAZ-TV (Channel 3),. New York, 2 = INTERNATIONAL. WQCD-FM (101.9), Smooth Jazz, 1 = NBC programming/local news. WQCD-FM (101.9), Smooth Jazz, 2 = Hungary, Sláger Rádió, Classic Rock/local programming. , 1 = Mobile, Ala./Pensacola, Fla., WALA-TV (Channel 10),. , 2 = Belgium, nine stations serving the Flanders region. WQHT-FM (97.7), Hip-Hop, 1 = Fox programming/local news. WQHT-FM (97.7), Hip-Hop, 2 = .", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "emmis communications 2004 abbreviated financial highlights\nin thousands except where noted\nnet revenues, '00 = 325,265. net revenues, '01 = 473,345. net revenues, '02 = 539,822. net revenues, '03 = 562,363. net revenues, '04 = 591,868. station operating income*, '00 = 125,477. station operating income*, '01 = 174,213. station operating income*, '02 = 185,665. station operating income*, '03 = 213,112. station operating income*, '04 = 220,445. station op income margin, '00 = 38.6%. station op income margin, '01 = 36.8%. station op income margin, '02 = 34.4%. station op income margin, '03 = 37.9%. station op income margin, '04 = 37.2%. leverage, '00 = 2.5x. leverage, '01 = 6.8x. leverage, '02 = 9.3x. leverage, '03 = 6.5x. leverage, '04 = 6.7x\n*excluding noncash compensation\nradio\nstation operating income,\nexcluding noncash compensation\ntv\npublishing\nDear Shareholders,\nOn our year-end conference call, I said that last year was the best in Emmis Communications' history. And while that might have sounded like the usual Wall Street hyperbole - like any other CEO bragging about his company's performance - the difference is, I believed it. And I still do.\nBut I've been in this business long enough to know two things for sure: What I believe is not as important as what I can prove, and what we did last year is only meaningful if it reflects on how we will do in the coming year. The good news is, Emmis does have the results to back up my high praise, and what we did to perform last year does directly relate to how we'll perform in the year ahead.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_EMMS_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf", - "query": "What are the two components considered in the expected free energy?", - "target_page": 4, - "target_passage": "The former (utilitarian) objective is to realize one’s preferences, such as being satiated or safe, by minimizing the discrepancy between preferred sensa- tions (encoded as “priors over observations” in active inference) and current sensations in different modalities (e.g. interoceptive or exteroceptive). The latter (epistemic) objective is to reduce uncertainty about one’s estimated state", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Abbreviations\nThe following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:\nAIF\nActive inference\nFEP\nFree energy principle\nVFE\nVariational free energy\nEFE\nExpected free energy\nMCMC\nMarkov Chain Monte Carlo\nPOMDP\nPartially Observed Markov Decision Process", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Summary of expected outputs\nTable 1 below indicates the likely dimensions of the outputs for each of the components as of July 2017.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "PROJECTIONS OVER LAND\nThe land projections comprise three components:", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "legal1_opengouvernementlicense.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n10. Karl, F. A Free Energy Principle for Biological Systems. Entropy 2012 , 14 , 2100-2121. [CrossRef]\n11. Corcoran, A.W.; Pezzulo, G.; Hohwy, J. From allostatic agents to counterfactual cognisers: Active inference, biological regulation, and the origins of cognition. Biol. Philos. 2020 , 35 , 32. [CrossRef]\n12. Heins, C.; Millidge, B.; Da Costa, L.; Mann, R.P.; Friston, K.J.; Couzin, I.D. Collective behavior from surprise minimization. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2024 , 121 , e2320239121. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n13. Patzelt, E.H.; Hartley, C.A.; Gershman, S.J. Computational Phenotyping: Using Models to Understand Individual Differences in Personality, Development, and Mental Illness. Personal. Neurosci. 2018 , 1 , e18. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n31 of 33", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Gaseous Fuels\nNatural gas", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Effective capacity\nSee 'Capacity' on page 771.", - "page_start": 796, - "page_end": 796, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2. Active Inference with POMDPs\nIn this section, we briefly describe the core concepts of AIF and POMDPs. This should familiarise the reader with the vernacular used in the later sections regarding the functionalities of the package. While various extensions, such as structure learning, which enables an agent to learn the structure or shape of its environment through model comparison [44-47], or hierarchical and temporally deep POMDPs [48,49], are relevant for future work, describing these in detail is beyond the scope of this foundational paper.\nAt the core of AIF lies the minimisation of a variational free energy upper bound on surprise for perception, as well as action. This is motivated by the free energy principle [4-8], which states that self-organising systems can be described as minimising the variational free energy of their sensory states. The minimisation of free energy generally takes two\n4 of 33\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n5 of 33\nquantities as its target: the variational free energy ( VFE ) in the case of perception and the expected free energy ( EFE ) in the case of action. The VFE is the free energy associated with a given sensory observation and is resolved perceptually by updating beliefs about the environment. The EFE is the free energy that is expected in the future, contingent on a given policy or course of action. Choosing action policies associated with a low EFE lead to reducing uncertainty about the environment, as well as making preferred observations more likely.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Parr, T.; Pezzulo, G.; Friston, K.J. Active Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain, and Behavior ; The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2022. [CrossRef]\n2. Friston, K.; FitzGerald, T.; Rigoli, F.; Schwartenbeck, P.; O'Doherty, J.; Pezzulo, G. Active inference and learning. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 2016 , 68 , 862-879. [CrossRef]\n3. Friston, K.; FitzGerald, T.; Rigoli, F.; Schwartenbeck, P.; Pezzulo, G. Active inference: A process theory. Neural Comput. 2017 , 29 , 1-49. [CrossRef]\n4. Friston, K.J.; Stephan, K.E. Free-energy and the brain. Synthese 2007 , 159 , 417-458. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n5. Friston, K. The free-energy principle: A unified brain theory? Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2010 , 11 , 127-138. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n6. Friston, K. The free-energy principle: A rough guide to the brain? Trends Cogn. Sci. 2009 , 13 , 293-301. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n7. Friston, K. A free energy principle for a particular physics. arXiv 2019 , arXiv:1906.10184. [CrossRef]\n8. Friston, K.; Da Costa, L.; Sajid, N.; Heins, C.; Ueltzhöffer, K.; Pavliotis, G.A.; Parr, T. The free energy principle made simpler but not too simple. Phys. Rep. 2023 , 1024 , 1-29. [CrossRef]\n9. Friston, K.; Kiebel, S. Predictive coding under the free-energy principle. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 2009 , 364 , 1211-1221. [CrossRef] [PubMed]", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "b. Conversion factors for energy\nJ, To = TJ. J, Multiply by = 10 -12. KJ, To = TJ. KJ, Multiply by = 10 -9. MJ, To = TJ. MJ, Multiply by = 10 -6. GJ, To = TJ. GJ, Multiply by = 10 -3. TJ, To = TJ. TJ, Multiply by = 1. cal, To = TJ. cal, Multiply by = 4.1868 x 10 -12. kcal, To = TJ. kcal, Multiply by = 4.1868 x 10 -9. Mcal, To = TJ. Mcal, Multiply by = 4.1868 x 10 -6. Gcal, To = TJ. Gcal, Multiply by = 4.1868 x 10 -3. Tcal, To = TJ. Tcal, Multiply by = 4.1868. kWh, To = TJ. kWh, Multiply by = 3.6 x 10 -6. MWh, To = TJ. MWh, Multiply by = 3.6 x 10 -3. GWh, To = TJ. GWh, Multiply by = 3.6. Btu, To = TJ. Btu, Multiply by = 1.0551 x 10 -9. kBtu, To = TJ. kBtu, Multiply by = 1.0551 x 10 -6. MBtu, To = TJ. MBtu, Multiply by = 1.0551 x 10 -3. GBtu, To = TJ. GBtu, Multiply by = 1.0551. toe, To = TJ. toe, Multiply by = 41.868 x 10 -3. ktoe, To = TJ. ktoe, Multiply by = 41.868. Mtoe, To = TJ. Mtoe, Multiply by = 4.1868 x 10 4. TJ, To = J. TJ, Multiply by = 10 12. TJ, To = KJ. TJ, Multiply by = 10 9. TJ, To = MJ. TJ, Multiply by = 10 6. TJ, To = GJ. TJ, Multiply by = 10 3. TJ, To = cal. TJ,", - "page_start": 48, - "page_end": 48, - "source_file": "maiis-user-manual.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions\nK 0 = ∫ ∞ 0 d r 4 πr 2 e -β ˜ V int ( r ) = 0 . 43 L . mol -1 (3)\nThe excess free-energy density of the original system βf ex v is that of the three component mixture β ˜ f ex v plus a correction term\nβf ex v = β ˜ f ex v -˜ ρ 3 ln K 0 , (4)\nwhich is due to the change in standard chemical potential between the two component and three component models. It should be noted that the fraction of pairs is now an additional parameter in the minimization scheme, which serves to ensure chemical equilibrium. Within this representation, the pair can be modeled as a hard sphere (MSA3) or as a dumbbell-like CIP (BIMSA3) [4]. Since\n3\nFIG. 4: (Color online) Excess free-energy density βf ex v as a function of the square root of the concentration √ c . (diamond) MC simulations, (dot dashed) MSA2, (dashed) MSA3, (solid) BIMSA3, (dot) DHLL, and (cross) experiments. The inset gives the fraction of pairs (MSA3, BIMSA3) as a function of √ c .\nwe have no additional information, we consider only symmetric dumbbells. Furthermore, since analytic expressions for the RDF within BIMSA are not known, we approximate the dumbbell as a hard sphere when computing the perturbation term (this is not necessary for the reference term, since an expression for the free energy is available). Let ˜ σ c be the diameter of the cation (anion) within the dumbbell, the diameter of the hard sphere representing this dumbbell is taken to be σ 3 = 4 √ 2 π σ c [21].", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "1001.2648.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf", - "query": "How could the heart rate be estimated by means of an active inference paradigm?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "The second panel of Fig. 2 shows the Shannon surprise of an inference model that estimates the current heart rate using the two standard components of a generative model. The for- mer component is the prior, which encodes the person’s a priori probabilistic belief (i.e. probability distribution) about her “nor- mal” heart rate range; here, the prior is a Gaussian centered on 67 and has a precision of 0.11. The latter component is the likeli- hood, which encodes the probabilistic mapping between sensory (heartbeat) observations and the hidden state (heart rate); here, the likelihood is a Gaussian centered on the current heart rate with an additional bias of 15 pulses, and the panel shows the results for 10 values for precision obtained by subdividing the range [0.1,10] into equal intervals.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 2 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\ninference that tracks the noise rather than the correct state of the estimated variable system (i.e. overfitting), whereas assigning excessively low weight to sensations (or excessively high weight to prior knowledge) makes the system poorly responsive to incoming observations that might signal a change in the state of the system-and both are examples of aberrant inference (Friston et al. 2014).\nFigure 2 provides a formal illustration of the above by plotting some examples of Bayesian inference using generative models under various levels of precision of the model components. For simplicity, we focus on a simplified example of inference of an interoceptive variable: one's heart rate. Heart rate is a 'hidden variable' in Bayesian parlance since it is not directly observable but needs to be inferred through two sources of information: prior knowledge about the most likely heart rate and sensory (heartbeat) observations. The top panel of Fig. 2 shows a series of (noisy) heartbeat observations. In the beginning, they are in the normal range for an adult (time steps 1-10), then they increase significantly, simulating tachycardia (time steps 11-20), then they go back to the normal range (time steps 21-30), then they decrease significantly, simulating bradycardia (time steps 31-40), and finally, they go back to the normal range (time steps 41-50).", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\nThe last examples-disambiguating one's fatigue and emotional states-may seem strange if one assumes that we do have direct access to the body- and allostasis-related states (e.g. states of satiation, thirst, and fatigue) and to our emotions (e.g. we automatically know whether we are happy or sad). However, one assumption of active inference is that one's bodily and emotional states are not necessarily observable but, instead, 'hidden states' that need to be inferred on the basis of sensations (especially, but not exclusively, of interoceptive sensations from the inside of the body) and of an implicit, unconscious model of how the body functions (Barrett and Simmons 2015, Pezzulo et al. 2015, Seth and Friston 2016). In other words, the same inferential process that allows active inference agents to estimate the hidden state of the external environment (e.g. the presence or absence of an object in the environment) is also used to estimate other hidden states, such as fatigue, happiness, or sadness. This implies that one can also be wrong, or be fooled, about these states; for example, we could experience the 'interoceptive illusion' of feeling more fatigued than our physiological parameters would afford (Iodice et al. 2019).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\nThe second panel of Fig. 2 shows the Shannon surprise of an inference model that estimates the current heart rate using the two standard components of a generative model. The former component is the prior, which encodes the person's a priori probabilistic belief (i.e. probability distribution) about her 'normal' heart rate range; here, the prior is a Gaussian centered on 67 and has a precision of 0.11. The latter component is the likelihood, which encodes the probabilistic mapping between sensory (heartbeat) observations and the hidden state (heart rate); here, the likelihood is a Gaussian centered on the current heart rate with an additional bias of 15 pulses, and the panel shows the results for 10 values for precision obtained by subdividing the range [0.1,10] into equal intervals. The results shown in the second panel of Fig. 2 show that Shannon surprise increases dramatically during episodes of tachycardia and bradycardia, which are far from the normal range. The pattern of results is the same across all levels of likelihood precision. However, the inference with a very high precision (a precision of 10) tracks more closely the noise sensory signals and can therefore lead to more extreme results.\nThe third panel shows the Bayesian surprise (or the KullbackLeibler divergence between posterior and prior probability distributions) over time. This is a measure of how much dissimilar the posterior and the prior are, and it always decreases as a result of inference, but note that it decreases much more rapidly when the precision of the likelihood is 10, which is another indication that the posterior is 'overfitting,' meaning that the inference result is excessively biased by the likelihood distribution.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\nparticipants processed faces expressing fear (but not neutral faces or faces expressing other emotions) when their heart rate was high-hence congruent with the fearful expression (Pezzulo et al. 2018, Yu et al. 2021). The generative model shown in Fig. 1 could support this kind of inference by using interoceptive information from the heart (i.e. high heart rate) as evidence that 'there might be something fearful out there' (Pezzulo 2013). Another more complex example regards emotional awareness and self-awareness-which significantly engage the brain regions involved in interoception and the representation of physiological processes (Garfinkel et al. 2013). The generative model shown in Fig. 1 might support processes of emotional awareness in a way that is neither purely bottom-up (i.e. as if interoceptive signals cause emotional awareness) nor top-down (i.e. as if emotional awareness causes interoceptive signals), but rather through a circular causality between central predictions about bodily statethat engage autonomic reflexes-and interoceptive streams-that update the predictions (Seth and Friston 2016). In this perspective, any representation that induces interoceptive predictions could be associated with emotional or affective content; crucially, this is also the case with some aspects of self-awareness (e.g. recognizing one's own face) that require integrating interoceptive streams with concurrent exteroceptive (e.g. visual) and proprioceptive cues. These examples illustrate that the generative model of Fig. 1 natively implements both the multisensory integration required to unite (for example) interoceptive and exteroceptive streams and the active aspects that are supposed to support emotional and self-processing-and the construction of an 'embodied self' (i.e. the circular causality between engaging autonomic reflexes and capturing the ensuing interoceptive signals).", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\nFinally, the two bottom series of panels are organized in two (left and right) columns, which show the first five time steps of inference for the two cases with high precision (of 10) and low precision (of 0.1) of the likelihood, respectively. In these plots, the prior distributions are in blue, the posterior distributions are in green, and the likelihoods are in red. It is possible to note that in the left (high precision) panels, the posterior inference closely follows the likelihood (it 'overfits') after five time steps and the inferred heart rate is slightly biased (i.e. it is 79). Differently, in the right (low precision) panels, the inference converges much slower to a high precision posterior, but without overfitting.\nThese simple examples of Bayesian inference illustrate two things. First, sensory observations that are unpredictable given\nModeling and controlling the body in maladaptive ways\n7\nFigure 2. A simplified example of (Bayesian) inference of one's heart rate. First panel: simulated time series of heartbeat observations. Second panel: Shannon surprise of a generative model composed of a fixed prior about heart rate (a Gaussian with a mean of 67 and a precision of 0.11) and a likelihood (a Gaussian centered on the current heart rate with an additional bias of 15 pulses, with various precisions that vary between 0.47 and 10, see the legend). Third panel: Bayesian surprise, which measures the discrepancy between posterior and prior probabilities over time. Bottom panels: the two series of panels are organized in two (left and right) columns, which show the first five time steps of inference for the two cases with high precision (of 10) and low precision (of 0.1) of the likelihood, respectively. See the main text for an explanation and online article for colored version of this figure.\nthe current model generate significant surprise, and sometimes, the surprise can remain relatively high for long periods before the model adapts (or the world changes), especially with some parameterizations of the generative model. This is particularly relevant in this context since active inference agents strive to minimize their surprise (and the long-term average of surprise, entropy, which is a measure of uncertainty) by changing their model, or changing the world, or both.", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\nActive inference is based on the idea that in order to engage in adaptive allostatic regulation and goal-directed behavior, living organisms continuously strive to minimize the surprise of their sensations or, more formally, an upper bound to surprise: variational free energy (Parr et al. 2022). Notably, the (expected) free energy minimization processes that drive active inference jointly consider two complementary objectives. The former (utilitarian) objective is to realize one's preferences, such as being satiated or safe, by minimizing the discrepancy between preferred sensations (encoded as 'priors over observations' in active inference) and current sensations in different modalities (e.g. interoceptive or exteroceptive). The latter (epistemic) objective is to reduce\nuncertainty about one's estimated state. This means that active inference agents tend to avoid ambiguous states, encompassing the avoidance of ambiguous places where self-localization is challenging, ambiguous social situations where safety is uncertain, and ambiguous bodily states, such as unsure feelings of fatigue. However, one apparent exception to this aversion to ambiguity arises when exploring novel states implies the opportunity to learn new things and enhance one's model; see Friston et al. (2017) for a discussion. Furthermore, and importantly, active inference agents will actively operate in the environment to reduce their ambiguity; for example, by actively seeking informative sensations that disambiguate in which location they are (e.g. by looking for traffic signs), whether their social context is safe or unsafe (e.g. by trying to understand other's intentions from their facial expressions and actions), or whether they are currently fatigued (e.g. by putting attention to one's heart), happy, or sad.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Active inference, interoceptive processing, and uncertainty reduction\nIn general, the accuracy of the inference of hidden bodily states, the 'embodied self,' or other aspects of the model depends on the signal-to-noise ratio of the sensations and on the quality of the model. For example, it is difficult to self-localize in a city if it is dark (low signal-to-noise ratio) or if one does not know the city well (poor model). The inference of hidden bodily and emotional states might function in an analogous manner. If the quality of the afferent interoceptive (e.g. cardiac) signals is low, or if one has a poor model of how one's body functions, then it would estimate one's bodily states such as fatigue incorrectly (which in turn would also impair its adaptive regulation of the same bodily states). Interoceptive signals could be 'too noisy' for various reasons, which might be related to physiology, inflammation, or stress. The body model can be poor in various ways, too. For example, it could poorly characterize the statistical relations between interoceptive sensations and hidden bodily states (e.g. systematically mischaracterize high heart rate as caused by hunger but not fatigue or joy).\nFinally, there is a third essential element that determines the accuracy of the inference: precision control. In predictive coding, the influence of prediction errors on inference is weighted by their precision, i.e. inverse variance (pink triangles in Fig. 1). This weighting would ensure that very reliable sensations have more impact on inference than unreliable sensations. However, precision (like all other variables) needs to be estimated, but this might be incorrect. An incorrect setting of precisions has been associated with various psychopathological conditions, such as psychosis (Adams et al. 2013), eating disorders (Barca and Pezzulo 2020), panic disorders (Maisto et al. 2021), symptom perception (Pezzulo et al. 2019), depression (Barrett et al. 2016), and many others (Khalsa et al. 2018, Paulus et al. 2019). Intuitively, assigning excessively high weight to noisy sensations yields an incorrect", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Introducing ActiveInference.jl : A Julia Library for Simulation and Parameter Estimation with Active Inference Models\nSamuel William Nehrer 1,† , Jonathan Ehrenreich Laursen 1,† , Conor Heins 2,3, * , Karl Friston 3,4 ,\nChristoph Mathys 5 and Peter Thestrup Waade 5\n1 School of Culture and Communication, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark; 202204724@post.au.dk (S.W.N.); 202204836@post.au.dk (J.E.L.)\n2 Department of Collective Behaviour, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany\n3 VERSES Research Lab., Los Angeles, CA 90016, USA; k.friston@ucl.ac.uk\n4 Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London WC1N 3BG, UK\n5 Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark; chmathys@cas.au.dk (C.M.); ptw@cas.au.dk (P.T.W.)\n* Correspondence: cheins@ab.mpg.de\n† These authors contributed equally to this work.\nAbstract: We introduce a new software package for the Julia programming language, the library ActiveInference.jl . To make active inference agents with Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) generative models available to the growing research community using Julia, we re-implemented the pymdp library for Python. ActiveInference.jl is compatible with cutting-edge Julia libraries designed for cognitive and behavioural modelling, as it is used in computational psychiatry, cognitive science and neuroscience. This means that POMDP active inference models can now be easily fit to empirically observed behaviour using sampling, as well as variational methods. In this article, we show how ActiveInference.jl makes building POMDP active inference models straightforward, and how it enables researchers to use them for simulation, as well as fitting them to data or performing a model comparison.\nKeywords: active inference; free energy principle; predictive processing; Markov decision process; cognitive modelling; Julia\nPACS: 87.15.Aa\nMSC: 91-08\nJEL Classification: C63", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. Parr, T.; Pezzulo, G.; Friston, K.J. Active Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain, and Behavior ; The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2022. [CrossRef]\n2. Friston, K.; FitzGerald, T.; Rigoli, F.; Schwartenbeck, P.; O'Doherty, J.; Pezzulo, G. Active inference and learning. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 2016 , 68 , 862-879. [CrossRef]\n3. Friston, K.; FitzGerald, T.; Rigoli, F.; Schwartenbeck, P.; Pezzulo, G. Active inference: A process theory. Neural Comput. 2017 , 29 , 1-49. [CrossRef]\n4. Friston, K.J.; Stephan, K.E. Free-energy and the brain. Synthese 2007 , 159 , 417-458. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n5. Friston, K. The free-energy principle: A unified brain theory? Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2010 , 11 , 127-138. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n6. Friston, K. The free-energy principle: A rough guide to the brain? Trends Cogn. Sci. 2009 , 13 , 293-301. [CrossRef] [PubMed]\n7. Friston, K. A free energy principle for a particular physics. arXiv 2019 , arXiv:1906.10184. [CrossRef]\n8. Friston, K.; Da Costa, L.; Sajid, N.; Heins, C.; Ueltzhöffer, K.; Pavliotis, G.A.; Parr, T. The free energy principle made simpler but not too simple. Phys. Rep. 2023 , 1024 , 1-29. [CrossRef]\n9. Friston, K.; Kiebel, S. Predictive coding under the free-energy principle. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 2009 , 364 , 1211-1221. [CrossRef] [PubMed]", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "1. Introduction\nWe introduce a novel software library for Julia, ActiveInference , which lets users produce the simulated behaviour of agents and their internal belief states with active inference (AIF) models, as well as fit such models to empirically observed behaviour. AIF [1-3] is a generally applicable formal framework for understanding and simulating intelligent behaviour that is based in neurobiology and first principles from statistical physics [4-8]. AIF treats action and perception as unified under a joint imperative: to minimise the variational free energy ( VFE ), which quantifies how well the agent's internal generative model explains incoming sensory observations. It is an upper bound on the the surprise from sensory observations, making AIF formally related to prediction error\nAcademic Editor: Astero Provata\nReceived: 25 October 2024 Revised: 2 January 2025 Accepted: 7 January 2025\nPublished: 12 January 2025\nCitation: Nehrer, S.W.; Ehrenreich Laursen, J.; Heins, C.; Friston, K.; Mathys, C.; Thestrup Waade, P. Introducing ActiveInference.jl : A Julia Library for Simulation and Parameter Estimation with Active Inference Models. Entropy 2025 , 27 , 62. https://doi.org/10.3390/e27010062\nCopyright: ©2025 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/).\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\nhttps://doi.org/10.3390/e27010062\nEntropy 2025 , 27 , 62\n2 of 33", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed7_cc4.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf", - "query": "At what stage of childhood does the construction of narrative identity take place?", - "target_page": 3, - "target_passage": "Among the challenges that adolescents have to face are the structuring of a “narrative identity” or self-story, featuring the development of a sense of personal identity that integrates past experiences with current, and future goals and meanings in a coherent whole over time ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "NSSI in adolescence\nAdolescence is the period of developmental transition from childhood to adulthood, which might be stretched up to the early 20s due to current sociocultural changes (e.g. delays in completing education, occupational attainment, and parenthood) (Patton et al. 2018). Among the challenges that adolescents have to face are the structuring of a 'narrative identity' or self-story, featuring the development of a sense of personal identity that integrates past experiences with current, and future goals and meanings in a coherent whole over time (McAdams and McLean 2013, McLean and Lilgendahl 2019). The definition of the new boundaries of adolescents' personal identity involves significant changes in the\n4 Barca et al.\nreciprocity with caregivers and peers. Thus, in parallel to the negotiation of identity with caregivers (through a relative detachment from them, a renegotiation of intimacy, and the questioning of their confirmatory authority), the modifications of friendship structures-from childhood to adolescence-lay the ground for the progressive recognition of social contexts and peer relationships as the elite territories for the modulation and exploration of personal identity. The redefinition that the adolescent has to face in these territories of exploration (of the self as an individual separated from the other and of the self with the other) might pass through a phase of reduced coherence in the narration of the self and hence an increased level of uncertainty. Coherence in the self's narrative is considered a measure of well-being and has been associated with psychopathology in adulthood (Klimstra and Denissen 2017) and adolescence (Lind et al. 2020, Shiner et al. 2021). For example, narrative incoherence has been found to be associated with personality disorders in adolescents (Lind et al. 2019), where 'identity diffusion' (e.g. feelings of emptiness and being fragmented and lack of a sense of continuity over time) might be considered an expression of high levels of uncertainty of the self.", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NSSI in adolescence\nEmotion-wise, a developmental trend toward an increased specificity of emotion-related maps of bodily sensations (Barca et al. 2023)-a proxy of interoceptive representations of emotions-has been reported from children aged 6years to adulthood (Hietanen et al. 2016). Pubertal changes encompass dramatic bodily and neuroendocrine system changes, comprising-but not reduced to-changes in the reproductive, adrenal, and growth axes (Cameron 2004). Thus, adolescents might face at least four sources of uncertainty: (i) the uncertainty due to physiological alterations related to bodily changes and to modification in hormonal levels leading to sexual maturity; (ii) the uncertainty in selfidentity (i.e. the structure of self-awareness) and personal identity (i.e, the narrative diachronic self) (Drummond 2021), which might be coupled with changes in body image and the development of gender identity; (iii) the uncertainty in affect regulation, with the emergence of new forms of affectivity as feelings of love and sexual attraction toward a partner; and (iv) uncertainty in the social context, with respect to their social status and role expectations in the adult society. Such high levels of uncertainty might lead to a poorly defined sense of self, with unclear boundaries and a sense of emptiness. In this context, pain becomes a possible way to recover a bodily sense of self, and self-injurious behavior might be instantiated as an attempt to reduce the rise in the levels of uncertainty in these (and potentially other) domains, toward the transition to adulthood (see Miller et al. 2020 for a closely related approach on addiction).", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nLiotti G. A model of dissociation based on attachment theory and research. J Trauma Dissocn 2006; 7 :55-73.\nMagerl W, Burkart D, Fernandez A, Schmidt LG, Treede R. Persistent antinociception through repeated self-injury in patients with borderline personality disorder. Pain 2012; 153 :575-84.\nMaisto D, Barca L, Van den Bergh O et al. Perception and misperception of bodily symptoms from an active inference perspective: modelling the case of panic disorder.. Psychol Rev 2021; 128 :690-710.\nMalter Cohen M, Jing D, Yang RR et al. 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These physiological changes are coupled with a fundamental developmental transition that requires a redefinition of personal identity and narrative integration (McLean and Lilgendahl 2019), with increased uncertainty of one's internal states and role in the social context. Taking into account the perimenopausal and menopausal transition, the physiological, psychological, and affective experiences associated with it are very heterogeneous. Some women might experience it as a new beginning, whereas for others, it may be more critical (Deeks 2003). In some cases, e.g. the menopause transition might perturb the continuity of one's sense of self, inducing discrepancies in internal self-coherence (e.g. the end of childbearing years, the aging process), which might increase the level of distress (Barca and De Marchis 2018).\nThe dramatic changes that a women's physiology undergoes during life have been suggested to concur with the atypical interoception often reported (e.g. heightened interoceptive attention but poor interoceptive accuracy), which might contribute to their greater vulnerability to mental illness (Murphy et al. 2019). Although this is still a speculative hypothesis that needs to be tested empirically, the effect of these transition periods on women's well-being is currently overlooked and deserves more attention.", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n1. World Health Organization. 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Phenomenol Cogn Sci 2021; 20 :235-47.", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Highlights\nAbraham et al. (2019) evaluated a number of features of the neurobiological interoceptive circuit (e.g. the functionality of the amygdala, insula, and oxytocinergic system) in parents and children over the first 6 years of parenthood. Results revealed a critical association between parental interoceptive sensitivity-indexed, e.g. by increased bilateral activation of the anterior insula in response to a video of his/her interacting with his/her infantthe consolidation of the child's interoceptive circuit and mental health. Taken together, thus, consistent evidence indicates that parental ability to respond appropriately to the children's needs and bodily signals supports the child's ability to adequately represent his/her internal bodily states, concurring in the development of self-processes (Fotopoulou and Tsakiris 2017, Ciaunica et al. 2021a, 2021b). The degree of predictability of caregivers' response appears to be critical for the development of affect regulation and a cohesive sense of the self (Ilyka et al. 2021). When caregivers' behavior is less reliable, children have more difficulties in distinguishing their own internal states, making self-other distinctions (Ogawa et al. 1997, Dutra et al. 2009), and-in the most severe cases-developing an integrated sense of the self (Liotti 2004, 2006).\nAs a consequence of these or other deficits in developing appropriate models of emotional and self-models, a person might experience significant interoceptive uncertainty and perceive her own internal states in confused and uncomfortable ways later in life. Suppose that the interoceptive channels are unreliable and the internal models rooted in bodily experiences are poor. In that case, a person might construe a sense of personal stability through external, non-interoceptive signals, such as feedback from others and from the world, rather than via interoceptive signals. Engaging in social interactions, in which we experience affective states relevant to our self-confirmation (e.g. a sense of acceptance and kindness), might be particularly challenging for this person (Guidano 1987, Arciero and Bondolfi 2009). While interacting with others, she might experience ambiguous bodily and emotional states. She might be unable to reduce this uncertainty using the other as an external point of reference since", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\nDutra L, Bureau J-F, Holmes B et al. Quality of early care and childhood trauma: a prospective study of developmental pathways to dissociation. J Nerv Ment Dis 2009; 197 :383-90.\nFonagy P, Campbell C, Luyten P. Attachment, mentalizing and trauma: then (1992) and now (2022). Brain Sci 2023; 13 :459.\nFotopoulou A, Tsakiris M. Mentalizing homeostasis: the social origins of interoceptive inference. Neuropsychoanalysis 2017; 19 :3-28.\nFriston K. A theory of cortical responses. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2005; 360 :815-36.\nFriston K, Lin M, Frith CD et al. Active inference, curiosity and insight. Neural Comput 2017; 29 :2633-83.\nFriston KJ, Stephan KE, Montague R et al. Computational psychiatry: the brain as a phantastic organ. Lancet Psychiatry 2014; 1 :148-58.\nGarfinkel SN, Nagai Y, Seth AK et al. Neuroimaging studies of interoception and self-awareness. In: Neuroimaging of Consciousness . Springer Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2013, 207-24.\nGee DG. Sensitive periods of emotion regulation: influences of parental care on frontoamygdala circuitry and plasticity. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev 2016; 2016 :87-110.\nGee DG and Cohodes EM. Influences of Caregiving on Development: A Sensitive Period for Biological Embedding of Predictability and Safety Cues. Curr Dir Psychol Sci 2021; 30 :376-83.\nGlynn LM, Baram TZ. The influence of unpredictable, fragmented parental signals on the developing brain. Front Neuroendocrinol 2019; 53 :100736.\nGlynn LM, Stern HS, Howland MA et al. Measuring novel antecedents of mental illness: the questionnaire of unpredictability in childhood. Neuropsychopharmacol 2019; 44 :876-82.\nGuadagno A, Kang MS, Devenyi GA et al. Reduced resting-state functional connectivity of the basolateral amygdala to the medial\nModeling and controlling the body in maladaptive ways\n11", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "pubmed1.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf", - "query": "What was the indicator related to increasing Nissan's research and development activities in terms of publication of scientific articles in 2004?", - "target_page": 46, - "target_passage": "And the number of research papers we present at societies such as The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers rose dramatically in fiscal 2004. ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Research and Development\nNissan's investment in R&D has been rising. In fiscal 2004 we devoted approximately ¥400 billion to it, equivalent to 4.6 percent of our turnover. We estimate that our financial commitment to R&D will continue to range between 4.5 and 5 percent. R&D investments take a lot of time to pay off, of course, so it's difficult to evaluate our evolution over the short term. Given our expanded output, however, I believe that we are headed in the right direction.\nFor example, the number of patents we have generated is growing quickly, exceeding 4,000 in fiscal 2003-more than twice the fiscal 1999 figure. And the number of research papers we present at societies such as The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers rose dramatically in fiscal 2004. These are direct results of our commitment to research. We are also generating more new technologies related to safety and the environment, such as the Around View Monitor and the lane-keeping system.\nRear active steering\nNissan Annual Report 2004\nMITSUHIKO YAMASHITA Executive Vice President\nWe have succeeded in shortening our production pipeline, too, using a new vehicle development process called V3P that our engineers devised over the past three years. V3P, which stands for Value-up innovation of Product, Process, and Program, has helped us cut our development time almost in half, from 20 months to just 10.5 months. I believe this makes Nissan the world benchmark in development. That improvement is having a major effect on the flexibility and execution of R&D at Nissan, and will ultimately boost the company's profitability.\nThe number of new products we have brought to market over the past three years is equally significantmore than thirty new vehicles. That's an impressive engineering achievement, and the reason you are seeing so many new Nissan models on the road.\nOur R&D infrastructure, however, is still in need of expansion. We've therefore begun building new facilities at the Nissan Technical Center, NTC, and at the Nissan Advanced Technical Center, NATC, both of which are in Japan. These additions represent a major investment, and show Nissan's dedication to maintaining and enhancing its technological skills.", - "page_start": 45, - "page_end": 45, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Nissan\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OUR WAY\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Research and Development\nNissan's technology must be 'real world'-useful, pragmatic and easy to use. Nissan anticipates the nature and scope of the market demand, and then prioritizes and invests in new technologies. Nonetheless, any sudden and greater-than-anticipated changes in its business environment or in customer preferences may impact negatively on customer satisfaction with these new technologies.", - "page_start": 72, - "page_end": 72, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Investment Policy\nCapital expenditures increased by ¥50.2 billion to ¥477.5 billion, representing 5.6 percent of net revenue. This increase included the Canton plant expansion. R&D expenditures increased by ¥43.8 billion to ¥398.1 billion. This increase went to fund new technologies and product development. Our R&D resources are focused on projects that add value to our customers and that will deliver an expected return, in both the short and long term.\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Review of 2004\nNissan lived up to its challenges in fiscal 2004, despite a very challenging year in the global industry, full of risks both anticipated and unexpected.\nConsolidated net revenues reached ¥8 trillion 576.3 billion, up 15.4 percent from last year. Consolidated operating profit improved by 4.4 percent to a record ¥861.2 billion. As a percentage of net revenue, our operating profit margin came to 10 percent, which remains at the top level among global automakers. And our net income reached ¥512.3 billion, or ¥125.16 per share, compared to ¥122.02 per share for the previous fiscal year.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The recovery story is complete\nFiscal 2004 was a tough year, full of both anticipated and unexpected risks, but Nissan lived up to all the challenges. We had a record year in revenues, operating profit, net income, sales volume and production.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Five-Year Share Performance\nNissan Annual Report 2004\n15\nPERFORMANCE\nWHO WE ARE\nNissan Annual Report 2004 16\nWHO WE ARE\nNISSAN IS ABOUT MEETING UNMET NEEDS, CRAFTING SINGULAR PRODUCTS AND TRANSFORMING BRAND STRENGTH AND INNOVATION INTO NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WE ARE NISSAN. WE ARE INFINITI. WE ARE NISSAN LIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, EXPANDING OUR RANGE. WE ARE NISSAN INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY, LEVERAGING OUR EXPERTISE TO BUILD FORKLIFTS AND MARINE PRODUCTS. AND WE ARE NISSAN FINANCIAL SERVICES, PROVIDING OUR CUSTOMERS WITH A COMPREHENSIVE LINEUP OF OFFERINGS. THIS IS THE NISSAN SHIFT_\nNissan Annual Report 2004\n17\nWHO WE ARE\nWHO WE ARE\n18", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Investor Relations Website\nhttp://www.nissan-global.com/EN/IR/\nNissan Annual Report 2004 110\nThis annual report is printed on recycled paper.\nNissan Annual Report 2004\nc3", - "page_start": 111, - "page_end": 112, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS\nNissan Motor Co., Ltd. And Consolidated Subsidiaries Fiscal years 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 2, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf", - "query": "What was Nissan's vehicle production in Mexico in 2003?", - "target_page": 72, - "target_passage": "308,322", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Nissan\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 23, - "page_end": 23, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CONSOLIDATED FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY\nNotes: 1. Unit sales in Mexico are included in 'North America.'\n2. Sales and Production for Europe and Mexico for each year are on a January to December basis. (In the annual reports for the fiscal years before 2003, production for Europe and Mexico was on April to March basis.)\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 71, - "page_end": 71, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sales performance\nGlobal sales came to 3,388,000 units, which exceeded our forecast of 3,380,000 units. This record level represents an increase of 10.8 percent, or 331,000 units, over fiscal 2003, and is 281,000 units more than the previous record level set in 1990. In fiscal 2004, we released nine all-new models globally.\nAlong with record sales, we achieved a global production record. Nissan's manufacturing plants turned out 3,378,000 units, or 293,000 units more than the previous record.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Vision\nNissan: Enriching people's lives", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "OUR WAY\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 19, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "CONSOLIDATED FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY\nNissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Fiscal years 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 71, - "page_end": 71, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)\nNissan's investments are made within the strict guidelines of its automotive operating ROIC. Based on these guidelines, Nissan reached 20.1 percent of ROIC on a consistent basis as of fiscal 2003.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NON-CONSOLIDATED FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY\nNissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Fiscal years 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000", - "page_start": 106, - "page_end": 106, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Retail Sales by Region\n(Units: 1000s)\n*Including Mexico\nand Canada\nNissan Annual Report 2004\n9\nPERFORMANCE\nPERFORMANCE\n10\nNissan Annual Report 2004", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Natural Disasters\nNissan's corporate headquarters and many of its manufacturing facilities are located in Japan, where the statistically proven probability of earthquakes is higher than in many other countries. Nissan has developed risk management guidelines relating to earthquake damage and the CEO has organized a global task force to direct disaster prevention and recovery activities. In addition, the Gruop has begun to strengthen its manufacturing facilities with anti-seismic reinforcement. However, if a severe earthquake were to hit one of Nissan's key facilities causing a halt in production, this would adversely affect Nissan's financial position and results of operations.", - "page_start": 72, - "page_end": 72, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf", - "query": "Why did Sundance Energy's oil sales improve in 2014?", - "target_page": 18, - "target_passage": "The increase in oil revenues was the result of increased oil production volumes ($81.3 million) offset by a decrease in product pricing ($15.7 million). ", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\nI am pleased to present Sundance Energy Australia Limited's Annual Report for the 12 months ended 31 December 2014. It has been another year of significant progress for Sundance across our portfolio of liquids rich oil and gas assets in the US.\nThe Company's strategic focus on growing production, cash flows and reserves from large, repeatable resource plays in North America continues to deliver positive results with growth in production, cash flows, and reserves.\nDuring late 2013 and 2014, we completed the divestment of our interest in the Williston Basin in North Dakota for $51 million which realised an internal rate of return of 45 percent; and also opportunistically divested our interest in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado for $114 million which realised an internal rate of return of 104 percent. These divestitures of smaller, less scalable positions enabled us to focus on developing and growing our assets in the Eagle Ford in Texas and our Mississippian/Woodford assets in Oklahoma.\nDespite the reduction in crude oil and liquids prices towards the end of the year and continuing into 2015, the operational performance and focused, value-adding transactions during the past year have positioned the Company very favourably for future growth in net asset value and shareholder returns.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\n2014 Review -2014 was a year of stark economic contrasts in our industry. During the first half as in the past several years, historically volatile West Texas Intermediate oil prices seemed range bound between $80 and $110 with geopolitical events driving prices towards the ceiling and demand risks pushing prices towards the floor of the range.\nIn the US, E&P companies were spending record amounts of capital, fueled by cheap and plentiful debt, on horizontal drilling and completions to drive production growth while making material strategic acquisitions in order to increase their long-term exposure to oil prices.\nThe easy credit environment caused asset prices to increase significantly to the point where, in our view, risk adjusted returns on new acquisitions were threatening cyclical lows. In line with our strategy, Sundance had monetized several mature assets realizing", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Positive outlook for 2015\nDespite the current oil pricing scenario, Sundance's medium-to-long term growth trajectory looks very positive.\nWe can demonstrate this through:\n· A track record of capital efficient growth\n· A track record of value creation\n· Being a low cost/high margin operator\n· Having top tier Eagle Ford assets with an extensive drilling inventory\n· Having a clean balance sheet\nAs a mid-tier oil and gas producer and explorer in the S&P/ASX All Australian 200 index, and with the increasing interest and support from institutional and retail investors. I believe that Sundance will deliver significant long-term value from our assets for our shareholders.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sundance Energy Australia Limited\nABN 76 112 202 883", - "page_start": 112, - "page_end": 112, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interest in Shares :\n1,059,000 ordinary shares in Sundance Energy Australia Limited", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interest in Shares :\n596,700 Ordinary Shares in Sundance Energy Australia Limited", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Overview and Strategy\nSundance Energy Australia Limited (ASX: SEA) is an onshore oil and natural gas company focused on the exploration, development and production of large, repeatable resource plays in North America. The Company's oil and natural gas properties are located in premier U.S. oil and natural gas basins, and its current operational activities are focused in south Texas targeting the Eagle Ford formation (''Eagle Ford'') and north central Oklahoma targeting the Mississippian and Woodford formations (''Mississippian/Woodford'').\nThe Company utilises its U.S.-based management and technical team to appraise, develop, produce and grow its portfolio of assets. The Company's strategy focuses on generating cash flow from its existing production base, developing assets where it is the operator and has high working interests, exploring for additional resources within its existing basins and pursuing strategic merger and acquisition opportunities, which positions it to control the pace of its development and the allocation of capital resources.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A strong financial position\nSundance is well placed for future growth in the Eagle Ford. The Company has a strong balance sheet to withstand the current low oil price environment, and our sound financial management strategy has seen the Company well supported by both new and existing investors in Australia and internationally.\nWe expect that Sundance will grow organically and also through further leasing or bolt-on acquisitions in our core Eagle Ford focus area within our current, conservative balance sheet parameters.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A year of growing production, cash flow and reserves\nIn line with our strategy we continued to increase the level of company operated assets, and successfully maintained a very strong focus on optimising our operations and reducing costs. This resulted in an impressive improvement in well performance combined with a top tier cost structure.\nThrough our operated development program, we ended 2014 with record production of 9,434 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) compared with an exit rate of 5,028 BOEPD in December 2013 and an average annual production of 6,635 BOEPD compared to 3,015 BOEPD in 2013. During 2014 we drilled and completed 42.7 net wells, primarily in the Eagle Ford, bringing our total well count to 81.3 by 31 December 2014. High value oil comprised approximately 69 percent of our total 2014 annual production and production from Sundance-operated projects accounted for 89 percent of total production for the year.\nCorresponding with the growth in annual production, the Company's full year revenues increased to $159.8 million and Adjusted EBITDAX increased to $126.4 million.\nThe Company's development program also generated significant growth in Constant Case reserves during the year. More details are contained elsewhere in this Annual Report, but in summary our 1P Reserves at the end of 2014 were 26.0 MBOE, 2P Reserves 54.1 MBOE, and 3P Reserves 147.7 MBOE. This compares with Reserves of 20.7 MBOE, 34.6 MBOE, and 92.8 MBOE, respectively, at the end of 2013.\nIn the current price environment, we have elected to scale back our drilling program to mainly concentrate on limited drilling obligations to hold Eagle Ford acreage. This will enable us to maintain our low leverage profile, which was approximately 1.03x debt to Adjusted EBITDAX at year end, and focus on growing our drilling inventory in an environment with less competition for leases and small acquisitions. Liquidity was $84 million at year end, with a borrowing base redetermination in 2015 expected to materially increase debt availability if the use of such funds is justified in line with our strategy.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Eagle Ford - driving value and production growth\nSundance has grown its Eagle Ford acreage position from ~7,200 acres upon entering the basin to approximately 26,160 net mineral acres in the Eagle Ford at the end of 2014 which includes the acquisition of approximately 18,000 net acreage in 2014. By the end of the first quarter 2015 this had grown to 38,701 net mineral acres. Our growing presence in this prolific oil and gas region has been driving significant value for the Company and our shareholders, and continues to form our priority focus for development and acreage growth in the coming years.\nAt year end, we had 197 gross 3P Reserves drilling locations across our Eagle Ford acreage where we continue to pursue operational and drilling efficiencies, opportunities to further improve well economics by improving recoveries and reducing costs. In 2014 this included a switch to pad drilling with zipper fracs and new completion techniques that have provided significant upside in production.\nDespite our current scaling back of drilling activity, we have set 2015 production guidance at 7,850 - 8,500 BOEPD, an increase from the previous year of some 13 - 17 percent, but a target that we believe is achievable while maintaining acceptable levels of liquidity given our demonstrated abilities and growing footprint in the Eagle Ford.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf", - "query": "I heard that Sundance Energy has acquired land in South Texas in July 2014, where is it?", - "target_page": 21, - "target_passage": "In July 2014, the Company completed the acquisition of approximately 5,700 net Eagle Ford acres in Dimmit County, South Texas", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 5 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Sundance Energy Australia Limited\nABN 76 112 202 883", - "page_start": 112, - "page_end": 112, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Corporate Overview and Strategy\nSundance Energy Australia Limited (ASX: SEA) is an onshore oil and natural gas company focused on the exploration, development and production of large, repeatable resource plays in North America. The Company's oil and natural gas properties are located in premier U.S. oil and natural gas basins, and its current operational activities are focused in south Texas targeting the Eagle Ford formation (''Eagle Ford'') and north central Oklahoma targeting the Mississippian and Woodford formations (''Mississippian/Woodford'').\nThe Company utilises its U.S.-based management and technical team to appraise, develop, produce and grow its portfolio of assets. The Company's strategy focuses on generating cash flow from its existing production base, developing assets where it is the operator and has high working interests, exploring for additional resources within its existing basins and pursuing strategic merger and acquisition opportunities, which positions it to control the pace of its development and the allocation of capital resources.", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interest in Shares :\n596,700 Ordinary Shares in Sundance Energy Australia Limited", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interest in Shares :\n1,059,000 ordinary shares in Sundance Energy Australia Limited", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\nI am pleased to present Sundance Energy Australia Limited's Annual Report for the 12 months ended 31 December 2014. It has been another year of significant progress for Sundance across our portfolio of liquids rich oil and gas assets in the US.\nThe Company's strategic focus on growing production, cash flows and reserves from large, repeatable resource plays in North America continues to deliver positive results with growth in production, cash flows, and reserves.\nDuring late 2013 and 2014, we completed the divestment of our interest in the Williston Basin in North Dakota for $51 million which realised an internal rate of return of 45 percent; and also opportunistically divested our interest in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado for $114 million which realised an internal rate of return of 104 percent. These divestitures of smaller, less scalable positions enabled us to focus on developing and growing our assets in the Eagle Ford in Texas and our Mississippian/Woodford assets in Oklahoma.\nDespite the reduction in crude oil and liquids prices towards the end of the year and continuing into 2015, the operational performance and focused, value-adding transactions during the past year have positioned the Company very favourably for future growth in net asset value and shareholder returns.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Acquisitions\nIn April 2014, the Company acquired approximately 4,800 net acres in the Eagle Ford for an initial purchase price of approximately $10.5 million and two separate earn out payments due upon commencement of drilling in each of three blocks of acreage (total for all three blocks of $7.7 million) and payout of the first two wells drilled on each block of the acreage ($7.7 million). The term of the agreement is two years and provides a one year extension for $500 per acre extended. This acquired acreage is adjacent to our existing acreage in McMullen County, Texas.\nIn July 2014, the Company completed the acquisition of approximately 5,700 net Eagle Ford acres in Dimmit County, South Texas, for approximately $36 million and a commitment to drill four Eagle Ford wells. The Company also has the option, at its sole discretion, to acquire the Seller's remaining working interest for an additional $45 million for the earlier of one year from closing the acquisition or six months from first production of hydrocarbons.\n- 19 -", - "page_start": 20, - "page_end": 20, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sundance Energy, Inc.\n633 17th Street, Suite 1950\nDenver, CO 80202 USA\nPhone: (303) 543-5700\nFax: (303) 543-5701\nWebsite: www.sundanceenergy.net", - "page_start": 112, - "page_end": 112, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Junior Credit Facility\nIn August 2013, Sundance Energy, Inc. ('Sundance Energy'), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a second lien credit agreement with Wells Fargo Energy Capital, Inc., as the administrative agent (the 'Junior Credit Facility'), which provides for term loans to be made in a series of draws up to $100 million. The Junior Credit Facility matures in June 2018 and is secured by a second priority lien on substantially all of the Company's assets. Upon entering into the Junior Credit Facility, the Company immediately borrowed $15 million pursuant to the terms of the Junior Credit Facility and paid down the outstanding principal of the Senior Credit Facility. In May 2014, the Company's borrowing capacity increased to $35 million. As at 31 December 2014, the borrowing capacity under the Junior Credit Facility remains at $35 million.\n- 86 -", - "page_start": 87, - "page_end": 87, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The Eagle Ford - driving value and production growth\nSundance has grown its Eagle Ford acreage position from ~7,200 acres upon entering the basin to approximately 26,160 net mineral acres in the Eagle Ford at the end of 2014 which includes the acquisition of approximately 18,000 net acreage in 2014. By the end of the first quarter 2015 this had grown to 38,701 net mineral acres. Our growing presence in this prolific oil and gas region has been driving significant value for the Company and our shareholders, and continues to form our priority focus for development and acreage growth in the coming years.\nAt year end, we had 197 gross 3P Reserves drilling locations across our Eagle Ford acreage where we continue to pursue operational and drilling efficiencies, opportunities to further improve well economics by improving recoveries and reducing costs. In 2014 this included a switch to pad drilling with zipper fracs and new completion techniques that have provided significant upside in production.\nDespite our current scaling back of drilling activity, we have set 2015 production guidance at 7,850 - 8,500 BOEPD, an increase from the previous year of some 13 - 17 percent, but a target that we believe is achievable while maintaining acceptable levels of liquidity given our demonstrated abilities and growing footprint in the Eagle Ford.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Report on the financial report\nWe have audited the accompanying financial report of Sundance Energy Australia Limited, which comprises the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2014 the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and the directors' declaration of the consolidated entity comprising the company Sundance Energy Australia Limited and the entities it controlled at the year's end or from time to time during the financial year.", - "page_start": 108, - "page_end": 108, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf", - "query": "I am the CFO of Sundance Energy, will my base increase in 2015 as it did in 2014?", - "target_page": 31, - "target_passage": "No increases to Managing Director’s or KMP’s base salary", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\nI am pleased to present Sundance Energy Australia Limited's Annual Report for the 12 months ended 31 December 2014. It has been another year of significant progress for Sundance across our portfolio of liquids rich oil and gas assets in the US.\nThe Company's strategic focus on growing production, cash flows and reserves from large, repeatable resource plays in North America continues to deliver positive results with growth in production, cash flows, and reserves.\nDuring late 2013 and 2014, we completed the divestment of our interest in the Williston Basin in North Dakota for $51 million which realised an internal rate of return of 45 percent; and also opportunistically divested our interest in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in Colorado for $114 million which realised an internal rate of return of 104 percent. These divestitures of smaller, less scalable positions enabled us to focus on developing and growing our assets in the Eagle Ford in Texas and our Mississippian/Woodford assets in Oklahoma.\nDespite the reduction in crude oil and liquids prices towards the end of the year and continuing into 2015, the operational performance and focused, value-adding transactions during the past year have positioned the Company very favourably for future growth in net asset value and shareholder returns.", - "page_start": 3, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Base Salary\nBase salaries for executives recognize their qualifications, experience and responsibilities as well as their unique value and historical contributions to Sundance. In addition to being important to attracting and retaining executives, setting base salaries at appropriate levels motivates employees to aspire to and accept enlarged opportunities. We do not consider base salaries to be part of performance-based remuneration. In setting the amount, the individuals' performance is considered as well as the length of time in their current position without a salary increase.\n2013 Base Salaries and 2014 Salary Adjustments", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Report on the financial report\nWe have audited the accompanying financial report of Sundance Energy Australia Limited, which comprises the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2014 the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and the directors' declaration of the consolidated entity comprising the company Sundance Energy Australia Limited and the entities it controlled at the year's end or from time to time during the financial year.", - "page_start": 108, - "page_end": 108, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "A strong financial position\nSundance is well placed for future growth in the Eagle Ford. The Company has a strong balance sheet to withstand the current low oil price environment, and our sound financial management strategy has seen the Company well supported by both new and existing investors in Australia and internationally.\nWe expect that Sundance will grow organically and also through further leasing or bolt-on acquisitions in our core Eagle Ford focus area within our current, conservative balance sheet parameters.", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 4, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "In our opinion:\na. the financial report of Sundance Energy Australia is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 , including:\ni giving a true and fair view of the consolidated entity's financial position as at 31 December 2014 and of its performance for the year ended on that date; and\nii complying with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Regulations 2001 ; and\nb. the financial report also complies with International Financial Reporting Standards issued by the IASB as disclosed in Note 1.", - "page_start": 109, - "page_end": 109, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Senior Credit Facility\nOn 31 December 2012, Sundance Energy entered into a credit agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (the 'Senior Credit Facility'), pursuant to which up to $300 million is available on a revolving basis. The borrowing base under the Senior Credit Facility is determined by reference to the value of the Company's proved reserves. The agreement specifies a semi-annual borrowing base redetermination and the Company can request two additional redeterminations each year. The borrowing capacity was increased from prior year to $110 million as at 31 December 2014 based on Company reserves as at 31 December 2014. As at 31 December 2014, the Company had $15 million undrawn on the Senior Credit Facility. In conjunction with the increase in the borrowing base, the Company has expanded the syndicate of banks under the Senior Credit Facility. With Wells Fargo as administrative agent, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and the Bank of Nova Scotia have now joined the banking group.\nInterest on borrowed funds accrue, at the Company's option, of i) LIBOR plus a margin that ranges from 175 to 275 basis points or ii) the Base Rate, defined as a rate equal to the highest of (a) the Federal Funds Rate plus ½ of 1%, (b) the Prime Rate, or (c) LIBOR plus a margin that ranges from 75 to 175 basis points. The applicable margin varies depending on the amount drawn. The Company also pays a commitment that ranges from 37.5 to 50 basis points on the undrawn balance of the borrowing base. The agreement has a five-year term and contains both negative and affirmative covenants, including minimum current ratio and maximum leverage ratio requirements consistent with the Junior Credit Facility's. Certain development and production assets are pledged as collateral and the facility is guaranteed by the Parent Company.\nFor the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013, the Company capitalised nil and $0.2 million, respectively, of financing costs related to the Senior Credit Facility, which offset the principal balance. As at 31 December 2014 there was $95.0 million outstanding under the Company's Senior Credit Facility. As at 31 December 2014, the Company was in compliance with all restrictive financial and other covenants under the Senior Credit Facility.\nThe Company capitalised $3.4 million and $1.3 million of interest expense during the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013, respectively.\n- 87 -", - "page_start": 88, - "page_end": 88, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Dear Fellow Shareholders,\n2014 Review -2014 was a year of stark economic contrasts in our industry. During the first half as in the past several years, historically volatile West Texas Intermediate oil prices seemed range bound between $80 and $110 with geopolitical events driving prices towards the ceiling and demand risks pushing prices towards the floor of the range.\nIn the US, E&P companies were spending record amounts of capital, fueled by cheap and plentiful debt, on horizontal drilling and completions to drive production growth while making material strategic acquisitions in order to increase their long-term exposure to oil prices.\nThe easy credit environment caused asset prices to increase significantly to the point where, in our view, risk adjusted returns on new acquisitions were threatening cyclical lows. In line with our strategy, Sundance had monetized several mature assets realizing", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Thank you for your support\nWe have had a busy year at Sundance and I would like to recognise the efforts and valued contribution of the Board of Directors, management team and all staff and contractors of the Company in helping us achieve our strategic goals. I am confident that we have the right team and excellent assets in place to execute our clear and focused strategy that we expect to deliver significant value for our shareholders.\nOn behalf of the Board and Company, I would like to thank our shareholders for your strong support of the Company throughout the year. We are committed to delivering long-term value for our shareholders and I look forward to reporting over the rest of the coming year on the continued value creation and growth of Sundance.\nYours sincerely,\nMIKE HANNELL\nChairman\nThe Company has a strong balance sheet to withstand the current low oil price environment, and our sound financial management strategy has seen the Company well supported by both new and existing investors in Australia and internationally.\n3\nCEO'S REPORT\n4", - "page_start": 4, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interest in Shares :\n596,700 Ordinary Shares in Sundance Energy Australia Limited", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Interest in Shares :\n1,059,000 ordinary shares in Sundance Energy Australia Limited", - "page_start": 24, - "page_end": 24, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf", - "query": "What are the physical requirements for installing the Storwize V7000?", - "target_page": 70, - "target_passage": "You must consider several key factors when you are planning the physical site of a Storwize V7000 installation. The physical site must have the following characteristics: \u0002 Meets power, cooling, and location requirements of the Storwize V7000 nodes. \u0002 Has two separate power sources. \u0002 Sufficient rack space exists for the installation of controller and disk expansion enclosures. \u0002 Has sufficient maximum power rating of the rack. Plan your rack placement carefully to not exceed maximum power rating of the rack. For more information about the power and environmental requirements, see this website", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "3.4 Physical planning\nYou must consider several key factors when you are planning the physical site of a Storwize V7000 installation. The physical site must have the following characteristics:\n/SM590000 Meets power, cooling, and location requirements of the Storwize V7000 nodes.\n/SM590000 Has two separate power sources.\n/SM590000 Sufficient rack space exists for the installation of controller and disk expansion enclosures.\n/SM590000 Has sufficient maximum power rating of the rack. Plan your rack placement carefully to not exceed maximum power rating of the rack. For more information about the power and environmental requirements, see this website.\nYour Storwize V7000 2076-524 and Storwize V7000 2076-624 order includes a printed copy of the IBM Storwize V7000 Gen2 and Gen2+ Quick Installation Guide, which also provides information about environmental and power requirements.", - "page_start": 69, - "page_end": 69, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.1 General planning rules\nImportant: At the time of this writing, the statements that are provided in this book are accurate but can change. Always verify any statements that are made in this book with the IBM Storwize V7000 supported hardware list, device driver, firmware, and recommended software levels information that are available at the following websites:\n/SM590000 Support Information for Storwize V7000\n/SM590000 IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC)\nTo maximize the benefit that is realized from the Storwize V7000, pre-installation planning must include several important steps. These steps ensure that the Storwize V7000 provides the best possible performance, reliability, and ease of management for your application needs. The correct configuration also helps minimize downtime by avoiding changes to the Storwize V7000 and the storage area network (SAN) environment to meet future growth needs.\nThis book is not intended to provide in-depth information about the described topics. For an enhanced analysis of advanced topics, see IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000 Best Practices and Performance Guidelines , SG24-7521.", - "page_start": 65, - "page_end": 65, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "9.1.2 Prerequisites\nBefore the storage migration wizard can be started, the external storage system must be visible to the Storwize V7000. You also need to confirm that the restrictions and prerequisites are met.\nAdministrators can migrate data from the external storage system to the system that uses iSCSI connections and Fibre Channel or Fibre Channel over Ethernet connections.", - "page_start": 408, - "page_end": 408, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.3.1 IBM Storwize V7000 models\nThe first generation of IBM Storwize V7000 hardware is not supported by IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.1. Any attempt to upgrade to V8.1 is rejected by the software. The last supported version for first-generation Storwize V7000 is V7.8.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "3.6 SAN configuration planning\nStorwize V7000 cluster can be configured with a minimum of two (and up to eight) Storwize V7000 nodes. These nodes can use SAN fabric to communicate with back-end storage subsystems and hosts.", - "page_start": 71, - "page_end": 71, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "5.11.2 Working with enclosures\nThe following section describes how to add or remove expansion enclosure to or from your IBM Storwize V7000 system.", - "page_start": 207, - "page_end": 207, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.3.1 IBM Storwize V7000 models\nThe IBM Storwize V7000 consists of enclosures and drives. An enclosure contains two canisters that are seen as part of the enclosure, although they can be replaced independently.\nMore information: For the most up-to-date information about features, benefits, and specifications of IBM Storwize V7000 models, see this web page.\nThe information in this IBM Redbooks publication is valid at the time of this writing and covers IBM Spectrum Virtualize V8.2. As IBM Storwize V7000 matures, expect to see new features and enhanced specifications.\nThe IBM Storwize V7000 models are listed in Table 2-1.\nTable 2-1 IBM Storwize V7000 models", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Configuring the network\nThe procedure to set up and configure IBM Storwize V7000 network interfaces is described in Chapter 4, 'Initial configuration' on page 87.", - "page_start": 187, - "page_end": 187, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "4.1 Prerequisites\nBefore initializing and setting up the Storwize V7000, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:\n/SM590000 The installation of physical components is planned to fulfill all requirements and correctly executed, including:\n- Control enclosures are physically installed with the correct cabling.\n- The Ethernet and Fibre Channel connectivity are correctly configured.\n- Expansion enclosures, if available, are physically installed and attached to the Storwize V7000 nodes in the I/O group that is meant to use them.\n- The Storwize V7000 control enclosures and optional expansion enclosures are powered on.\n/SM590000 Your web browser is supported and has the appropriate settings enabled. For more information about supported browsers and settings, see IBM Knowledge Center.\n/SM590000 You have the required information available, including:\n- For IPv4 addressing (if used):\nGLYPH<129> Cluster IPv4 address, which is the address that is used for the management of the system.\nGLYPH<129> Service IPv4 addresses, which are used to access node service interfaces. You need one address for each node.\nGLYPH<129> IPv4 subnet mask for each subnet used.\nGLYPH<129> IPv4 gateway for each subnet used.\n- For IPv6 addressing (if used):\nGLYPH<129> Cluster IPv6 address, which is used for the management of the system.\nGLYPH<129> Service IPv6 addresses, which are used to access node service interfaces. You need one address for each node.\nGLYPH<129> IPv6 prefix for each subnet used.\nGLYPH<129> IPv6 gateway. for each subnet used.\n- The licenses that enable you to use licensed functions, which include the licenses that indicate your entitlement to use licensed functions:\nGLYPH<129> Remote Copy\nGLYPH<129> External Virtualization\nGLYPH<129> Real-time Compression\nGLYPH<129> Transparent Cloud Tiering\n- Physical location of the system.\n- The name, email address, and phone number of the storage administrator who IBM can contact if necessary.\n- The Network Time Protocol (NTP) server IP address (optional, but recommended), which is necessary only if you want to use an NTP service instead of manually entering date and time.", - "page_start": 109, - "page_end": 109, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "2.3 IBM Storwize V7000 overview\nIBM Storwize V7000 solution incorporates IBM Spectrum Virtualize software and provides a modular storage system that includes the capability to virtualize its internal and external SAN-attached storage. IBM Storwize V7000 solution is built on IBM Spectrum Virtualize.\nIBM Storwize V7000 system provides several configuration options that are aimed at simplifying the implementation process. These configuration options conform to different implementation scenarios regarding the size of your data center, and SAN and local area network (LAN) topology. IBM Storwize V7000 system is a clustered, scalable, midrange storage system that is easy to deploy and use.\nFigure 2-3 shows a high-level overview of IBM Storwize V7000.\nFigure 2-3 IBM Storwize V7000 overview\nThe IBM Spectrum Virtualize software that runs on IBM Storwize V7000 provides a GUI that enables storage to be deployed quickly and efficiently. The GUI is provisioned by IBM Spectrum Virtualize code and there is no need for a separate console.\nThe management GUI contains a series of preestablished configuration options that are called presets , and that use common settings to quickly configure objects on the system. Presets are available for creating volumes and IBM FlashCopy mappings, and for setting up a RAID configuration, including traditional RAIDs and the new feature of distributed RAID.\nAn IBM Storwize V7000 solution provides a choice of up to 760 disk drives per system or 1024 disk drives per clustered system (by using dense drawers). The solution uses SAS cables and connectors to attach to the optional expansion enclosures.\nThe IBM Storwize V7000 system supports a range of external disk systems similar to what IBM SAN Volume Controller supports today. A view of an IBM Storwize V7000 control enclosure is shown in Figure 2-4.\nFigure 2-4 Top-front view of a Storwize V7000 control enclosure\nThe IBM Storwize V7000 solution consists of 1 - 4 control enclosures and optionally, up to 36 expansion enclosures. It supports the intermixing of the different expansion enclosures. Each enclosure contains two canisters. Control enclosures contain two node canisters, and expansion enclosures contain two expansion canisters.", - "page_start": 33, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf", - "query": "Is '1oijizer--10108453535318919918883384---jhjjzhiuhzrh--14584joiz///KK ' valid for a pool?", - "target_page": 218, - "target_passage": "Naming rules: When you choose a name for a pool, the following rules apply: \u0002 Names must begin with a letter. \u0002 The first character cannot be numeric. \u0002 The name can be a maximum of 63 characters. \u0002 Valid characters are uppercase letters (A - Z), lowercase letters (a - z), digits (0 - 9), underscore (_), period (.), hyphen (-), and space. \u0002 Names must not begin or end with a space. \u0002 Object names must be unique within the object type. For example, you can have a volume that is named ABC and a storage pool that is calledvolumes that are calledvolumes called ABC. \u0002 The default object name is valid (object prefix with an integer). \u0002 Objects can be renamed to their current names", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 7 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Code availability\nNo custom code was used.", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "pubmed4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:2404.08471v1 [cs.CV] 15 Feb 2024", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "NA VAIR 00•801•80", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "00-80T-80.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:2501.01818v1 [cs.CR] 3 Jan 2025", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv1.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "(build 13.4.1709291021000)#FRU=fan 31P1847\n#AdditionalData(0->63)=00000000460000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000#Additional Data(64-127)=000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", - "page_start": 747, - "page_end": 747, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:2405.20468v2 [cs.CL] 17 Jun 2024", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "arxiv4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.2669v1 [cond-mat.soft] 15 Jan 2010", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.2669.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6.1.1 Creating storage pools\n/SM590000 Names must begin with a letter.\n/SM590000 The first character cannot be numeric.\n/SM590000 The name can be a maximum of 63 characters.\n/SM590000 Valid characters are uppercase letters (A - Z), lowercase letters (a - z), digits (0 - 9), underscore (_), period (.), hyphen (-), and space.\n/SM590000 Names must not begin or end with a space.\n/SM590000 Object names must be unique within the object type. For example, you can have a volume that is named ABC and a storage pool that is calledvolumes that are calledvolumes called ABC.\n/SM590000 The default object name is valid (object prefix with an integer).\n/SM590000 Objects can be renamed to their current names.\nThe new pool is created and is included in the list of storage pools with zero bytes, as shown in Figure 6-8.\nFigure 6-8 Newly created empty pool\nTo perform this task with the CLI, the mkmdiskgrp command is used. The only required parameter is extent size. It is specified with the -ext parameter, which must have one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192 (MB). To create Data Reduction Pool, specify -datareduction yes . In Example 6-2, the command creates DRP named 'Pool2' with no MDisks in it.\nExample 6-2 mkmdiskgrp command\nIBM_Storwize:ITSOV7K:superuser>mkmdiskgrp -name Pool2 -datareduction yes -ext 8192 MDisk Group, id [2], successfully created", - "page_start": 217, - "page_end": 217, - "source_file": "sg247938.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Patent\n(xxxxxxx)", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "OTC_NSANY_2004.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "arXiv:1001.0764v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 13 Jan 2010", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "1001.0764.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news4.pdf", - "query": "I want to start a company that automates kitchen tasks, does that sound like a good idea for 2025?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Smart home automation Smart home automation has been around for a while, but AI is taking it to the next level. Imagine a home that not only follows your commands, but also anticipates your needs. Enhanced smart home systems can learn your daily routines and adjust settings accordingly, from lighting and temperature to security and entertainment, making your home smarter and more responsive than ever before.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 6 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "The top AI-powered tech trends in 2025\n(NC) As we look ahead to 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize our lives. From enhancing our daily routines to transforming entire industries, AI's impact is undeniable.\nThese five innovations are set to shape our future, offering unprecedented convenience, efficiency and personalization.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EDITOR'S PICKS\nEN\nHave your say! Complete our 2025 Media Survey\nRetrain your way to a new job\nThe top AI-powered tech trends in 2025", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news2.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "DRIVE FUTURE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES\nContinue to develop targeted new growth areas of our business, including machine-to-machine communications, mobile commerce and video, sports, business communications services, local and digital media services, and home automation.", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 7, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Other sources\nMahdawi, Arwa (26 June 2017). \"What jobs will still be around in 20 years? Read this to prepare your future\" (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/26/jobs-future-automation-robo ts-skills-creative-health). The Guardian . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20180114021 804/https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/26/jobs-future-automation-robots-skillscreative-health) from the original on 14 January 2018. Retrieved 13 January 2018.\nMaker, Meg Houston (2006), AI@50: AI Past, Present, Future (https://web.archive.org/web/200 81008120238/http://www.engagingexperience.com/2006/07/ai50_ai_past_pr.html), Dartmouth College, archived from the original (http://www.engagingexperience.com/2006/0 7/ai50_ai_past_pr.html) on 8 October 2008, retrieved 16 October 2008\nMarmouyet, Françoise (15 December 2023). \"Google's Gemini: is the new AI model really better than ChatGPT?\" (https://theconversation.com/googles-gemini-is-the-new-ai-model-really-bet ter-than-chatgpt-219526). The Conversation . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/202403 04215625/https://theconversation.com/googles-gemini-is-the-new-ai-model-really-better-tha n-chatgpt-219526) from the original on 4 March 2024. Retrieved 25 December 2023.\nMinsky, Marvin (1986), The Society of Mind , Simon and Schuster", - "page_start": 59, - "page_end": 59, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "6. DRIVE FUTURE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES\nContinue to develop targeted new growth areas of our business, including machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, mobile commerce and video, business communications services, local and digital media services, home automation and sports.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WE WILL BE PROFITABLE.\nWe pursue mutually profitable relationships with customers and suppliers. Only when our company achieves an adequate profit can the other elements of this Vision be realized.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Smart home automation\nSmart home automation has been around for a while, but AI is taking it to the next level. Imagine a home that not only follows your commands, but also anticipates your needs. Enhanced smart home systems can learn your daily routines and adjust settings accordingly, from lighting and temperature to security and entertainment, making your home smarter and more responsive than ever before.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "We make products that meet the specific needs of niche markets.\nThese continue to stand as signs of our strength.\n5", - "page_start": 6, - "page_end": 6, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_ATRI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "WE WILL BE A SUPPLIER OF QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES.\nWe provide reliable products and services of high quality and brand value to our end-users. Our products and services exceed our customers' expectations and enable our distributors and our company to make a fair profit.", - "page_start": 63, - "page_end": 63, - "source_file": "NYSE_HNI_2003.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n198. Hammond, George (27 December 2023). \"Big Tech is spending more than VC firms on AI startups\" (https://arstechnica.com/ai/2023/12/big-tech-is-spending-more-than-vc-firms-on-aistartups). Ars Technica . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240110195706/https://arst echnica.com/ai/2023/12/big-tech-is-spending-more-than-vc-firms-on-ai-startups) from the original on 10 January 2024.\n199. Wong, Matteo (24 October 2023). \"The Future of AI Is GOMA\" (https://www.theatlantic.com/t echnology/archive/2023/10/big-ai-silicon-valley-dominance/675752). The Atlantic . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240105020744/https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archi ve/2023/10/big-ai-silicon-valley-dominance/675752) from the original on 5 January 2024.\n200. \"Big tech and the pursuit of AI dominance\" (https://www.economist.com/business/2023/03/2 6/big-tech-and-the-pursuit-of-ai-dominance). The Economist . 26 March 2023. Archived (http s://web.archive.org/web/20231229021351/https://www.economist.com/business/2023/03/26/ big-tech-and-the-pursuit-of-ai-dominance) from the original on 29 December 2023.", - "page_start": 40, - "page_end": 41, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news4.pdf", - "query": "I want to help my parents who are in residential care, are there any trendy AI-related devices I could help them with? ", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Wearable devices equipped with this technology can offer real-time health insights, helping individuals make informed decisions about their well-being", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Smart home automation\nSmart home automation has been around for a while, but AI is taking it to the next level. Imagine a home that not only follows your commands, but also anticipates your needs. Enhanced smart home systems can learn your daily routines and adjust settings accordingly, from lighting and temperature to security and entertainment, making your home smarter and more responsive than ever before.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Health and wellness\nThe health-care industry is seeing significant transformation. AI-driven health and wellness applications can monitor vital signs, predict potential health issues, and even provide personalized fitness and nutrition plans. Wearable devices equipped with this technology can offer real-time health insights, helping individuals make informed decisions about their well-being.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The top AI-powered tech trends in 2025\n(NC) As we look ahead to 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize our lives. From enhancing our daily routines to transforming entire industries, AI's impact is undeniable.\nThese five innovations are set to shape our future, offering unprecedented convenience, efficiency and personalization.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Sexuality\nApplications of AI in this domain include AI-enabled menstruation and fertility trackers that analyze user data to offer prediction, [138] AI-integrated sex toys (e.g., teledildonics), [139] AI-generated sexual education content, [140] and AI agents that simulate sexual and romantic partners (e.g., Replika). [141] AI is also used for the production of non-consensual deepfake pornography, raising significant ethical and legal concerns. [142]\nAI technologies have also been used to attempt to identify online gender-based violence and online sexual grooming of minors. [143][144]", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Agents\nArtificial intelligent (AI) agents are software entities designed to perceive their environment, make decisions, and take actions autonomously to achieve specific goals. These agents can interact with users, their environment, or other agents. AI agents are used in various applications, including virtual assistants, chatbots, autonomous vehicles, game-playing systems, and industrial robotics. AI agents operate within the constraints of their programming, available computational resources, and hardware limitations. This means they are restricted to performing tasks within their defined scope and have finite memory and processing capabilities. In real-world applications, AI agents often face time constraints for decision-making and action execution. Many AI agents incorporate learning algorithms, enabling them to improve their performance over time through experience or training. Using machine learning, AI agents can adapt to new situations and optimise their behaviour for their designated tasks. [175][176][177]\nVincent van Gogh in watercolour created by generative AI software", - "page_start": 11, - "page_end": 11, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n135. \"AI discovers new class of antibiotics to kill drug-resistant bacteria\" (https://www.newscientis t.com/article/2409706-ai-discovers-new-class-of-antibiotics-to-kill-drug-resistant-bacteria/). 20 December 2023. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240916014421/https://www.ne wscientist.com/article/2409706-ai-discovers-new-class-of-antibiotics-to-kill-drug-resistant-ba cteria/) from the original on 16 September 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n136. \"AI speeds up drug design for Parkinson's ten-fold\" (https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/a i-speeds-up-drug-design-for-parkinsons-ten-fold). Cambridge University. 17 April 2024. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20241005165755/https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/ne ws/ai-speeds-up-drug-design-for-parkinsons-ten-fold) from the original on 5 October 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.", - "page_start": 35, - "page_end": 35, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "AI welfare and rights\nIt is difficult or impossible to reliably evaluate whether an advanced AI is sentient (has the ability to feel), and if so, to what degree. [388] But if there is a significant chance that a given machine can feel and suffer, then it may be entitled to certain rights or welfare protection measures, similarly to animals. [389][390] Sapience (a set of capacities related to high intelligence, such as discernment or self-awareness) may provide another moral basis for AI rights. [389] Robot rights are also sometimes proposed as a practical way to integrate autonomous agents into society. [391]\nIn 2017, the European Union considered granting \"electronic personhood\" to some of the most capable AI systems. Similarly to the legal status of companies, it would have conferred rights but also responsibilities. [392] Critics argued in 2018 that granting rights to AI systems would downplay the importance of human rights, and that legislation should focus on user needs rather than speculative futuristic scenarios. They also noted that robots lacked the autonomy to take part to society on their own. [393][394]\nProgress in AI increased interest in the topic. Proponents of AI welfare and rights often argue that AI sentience, if it emerges, would be particularly easy to deny. They warn that this may be a moral blind spot analogous to slavery or factory farming, which could lead to large-scale suffering if sentient AI is created and carelessly exploited. [390][389]", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n128. Wodecki, Ben (5 May 2023). \"7 AI Programming Languages You Need to Know\" (https://aibu siness.com/verticals/7-ai-programming-languages-you-need-to-know). AI Business . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240725164443/https://aibusiness.com/verticals/7-ai -programming-languages-you-need-to-know) from the original on 25 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n129. Plumb, Taryn (18 September 2024). \"Why Jensen Huang and Marc Benioff see 'gigantic' opportunity for agentic AI\" (https://venturebeat.com/ai/why-jensen-huang-and-marc-benioff-s ee-gigantic-opportunity-for-agentic-ai/). VentureBeat . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/ 20241005165649/https://venturebeat.com/ai/why-jensen-huang-and-marc-benioff-see-gigan tic-opportunity-for-agentic-ai/) from the original on 5 October 2024. Retrieved 4 October 2024.\n130. Davenport, T; Kalakota, R (June 2019). \"The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare\" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6616181). Future Healthc J . 6 (2): 94-98. doi:10.7861/futurehosp.6-2-94 (https://doi.org/10.7861%2Ffuturehosp.6-2-94). PMC 6616181 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6616181). PMID 31363513 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31363513).", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Health and medicine\nThe application of AI in medicine and medical research has the potential to increase patient care and quality of life. [130] Through the lens of the Hippocratic Oath, medical professionals are ethically compelled to use AI, if applications can more accurately diagnose and treat patients. [131][132]\nFor medical research, AI is an important tool for processing and integrating big data. This is particularly important for organoid and tissue engineering development which use microscopy imaging as a key technique in fabrication. [133] It has been suggested that AI can overcome discrepancies in funding allocated to different fields of research. [133] New AI tools can deepen the understanding of biomedically relevant pathways. For example, AlphaFold 2 (2021) demonstrated the ability to approximate, in hours rather than months, the 3D structure of a protein. [134] In 2023, it was reported that AI-guided drug discovery helped find a class of antibiotics capable of killing two different types of drug-resistant bacteria. [135] In 2024, researchers used machine learning to accelerate the search for Parkinson's disease\ndrug treatments. Their aim was to identify compounds that block the clumping, or aggregation, of alphasynuclein (the protein that characterises Parkinson's disease). They were able to speed up the initial screening process ten-fold and reduce the cost by a thousand-fold. [136][137]", - "page_start": 8, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Generative AI\nIn the early 2020s, generative AI gained widespread prominence. GenAI is AI capable of generating text, images, videos, or other data using generative models, [168][169] often in response to prompts. [170][171]\nIn March 2023, 58% of U.S. adults had heard about ChatGPT and 14% had tried it. [172] The increasing realism and ease-of-use of AI-based text-to-image generators such as Midjourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion sparked a trend of viral AI-generated photos. Widespread attention was gained by a fake photo of Pope Francis wearing a white puffer coat, the fictional arrest of Donald Trump, and a hoax of an attack on the Pentagon, as well as the usage in professional creative arts. [173][174]", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "news4.pdf", - "query": "Is the topic of finance trending among AI topics for 2015 in Canada?", - "target_page": 1, - "target_passage": "Financial services", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 1 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Finance\nFinance is one of the fastest growing sectors where applied AI tools are being deployed: from retail online banking to investment advice and insurance, where automated \"robot advisers\" have been in use for some years. [161]\nWorld Pensions experts like Nicolas Firzli insist it may be too early to see the emergence of highly innovative AI-informed financial products and services: \"the deployment of AI tools will simply further automatise things: destroying tens of thousands of jobs in banking, financial planning, and pension advice in the process, but I'm not sure it will unleash a new wave of [e.g., sophisticated] pension innovation.\" [162]", - "page_start": 10, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Financial services\nAI is also making waves in the financial sector, offering smarter and more secure ways to manage money. From AI-driven investment platforms that provide personalized financial advice to fraud detection systems that protect against cyber threats, AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends and make more informed financial decisions.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "The top AI-powered tech trends in 2025\n(NC) As we look ahead to 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize our lives. From enhancing our daily routines to transforming entire industries, AI's impact is undeniable.\nThese five innovations are set to shape our future, offering unprecedented convenience, efficiency and personalization.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n273. \" \"Godfather of artificial intelligence\" talks impact and potential of new AI\" (https://www.cbsne ws.com/video/godfather-of-artificial-intelligence-talks-impact-and-potential-of-new-ai). CBS News . 25 March 2023. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20230328225221/https://www. cbsnews.com/video/godfather-of-artificial-intelligence-talks-impact-and-potential-of-new-ai) from the original on 28 March 2023. Retrieved 28 March 2023.\n274. Pittis, Don (4 May 2023). \"Canadian artificial intelligence leader Geoffrey Hinton piles on fears of computer takeover\" (https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ai-doom-column-don-pittis1.6829302). CBC . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240707032135/https://www.cbc. ca/news/business/ai-doom-column-don-pittis-1.6829302) from the original on 7 July 2024. Retrieved 5 October 2024.\n275. \" '50-50 chance' that AI outsmarts humanity, Geoffrey Hinton says\" (https://www.bnnbloomb erg.ca/50-50-chance-that-ai-outsmarts-humanity-geoffrey-hinton-says-1.2085394). Bloomberg BNN . 14 June 2024. Retrieved 6 July 2024.\n276. Valance (2023).", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "EDITOR'S PICKS\nHave your say! Complete our 2025 Media Survey\nRetrain your way to a new job\nThe top AI-powered tech trends in 2025\nNews Canada and L'édition Nouvelles are either registered trademarks or trademarks of News Canada Inc. All rights reserved.\nEN", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "news4.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Towards a Books Data Commons for AI Training\nApril 2024", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "creative_common_ai.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n160. Alex McFarland: 7 Best AI for Math Tools. (https://www.unite.ai/best-ai-for-math-tools/) Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240911125615/https://www.unite.ai/best-ai-for-mat h-tools/) 11 September 2024 at the Wayback Machine unite.ai. Retrieved 2024-08-07\n161. Matthew Finio & Amanda Downie: IBM Think 2024 Primer, \"What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Finance?\" 8 Dec. 2023\n162. M. Nicolas, J. Firzli: Pensions Age/European Pensions magazine, \"Artificial Intelligence: Ask the Industry\" May June 2024 https://videovoice.org/ai-in-finance-innovationentrepreneurship-vs-over-regulation-with-the-eus-artificial-intelligence-act-wont-work-asintended/ Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20240911125502/https://videovoice.org/ai-i n-finance-innovation-entrepreneurship-vs-over-regulation-with-the-eus-artificial-intelligenceact-wont-work-as-intended/) 11 September 2024 at the Wayback Machine.\n163. Congressional Research Service (2019). Artificial Intelligence and National Security (https://f as.org/sgp/crs/natsec/R45178.pdf) (PDF). Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.PD-notice\n164. Slyusar, Vadym (2019). Artificial intelligence as the basis of future control networks (Preprint). doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.30247.50087 (https://doi.org/10.13140%2FRG.2.2.30247.5 0087).\n165. Iraqi, Amjad (3 April 2024). \" 'Lavender': The AI machine directing Israel's bombing spree in Gaza\" (https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/). +972 Magazine . Retrieved 6 April 2024.", - "page_start": 38, - "page_end": 38, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Artificial intelligence\nArtificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956, [6] and the field went through multiple cycles of optimism throughout its history, [7][8] followed by periods of disappointment and loss of funding, known as AI winters. [9][10] Funding and interest vastly increased after 2012 when deep learning outperformed previous AI techniques. [11] This growth accelerated further after 2017 with the transformer architecture, [12] and by the early 2020s many billions of dollars were being invested in AI and the field experienced rapid ongoing progress in what has become known as the AI boom. The emergence of advanced generative AI in the midst of the AI boom and its ability to create and modify content exposed several unintended consequences and harms in the present and raised concerns about the risks of AI and its long-term effects in the future, prompting discussions about regulatory policies to ensure the safety and benefits of the technology.", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "References\n260. Zhou, Viola (11 April 2023). \"AI is already taking video game illustrators' jobs in China\" (http s://restofworld.org/2023/ai-image-china-video-game-layoffs). Rest of World . Archived (http s://web.archive.org/web/20240221131748/https://restofworld.org/2023/ai-image-china-video -game-layoffs/) from the original on 21 February 2024. Retrieved 17 August 2023.\n261. Carter, Justin (11 April 2023). \"China's game art industry reportedly decimated by growing AI use\" (https://www.gamedeveloper.com/art/china-s-game-art-industry-reportedly-decimated-a i-art-use). Game Developer . Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20230817010519/https:// www.gamedeveloper.com/art/china-s-game-art-industry-reportedly-decimated-ai-art-use) from the original on 17 August 2023. Retrieved 17 August 2023.\n262. Morgenstern (2015).\n263. Mahdawi (2017); Thompson (2014)\n264. Tarnoff, Ben (4 August 2023). \"Lessons from Eliza\". The Guardian Weekly . pp. 34-39.\n265. Cellan-Jones (2014).\n266. Russell & Norvig 2021, p. 1001.\n267. Bostrom (2014).\n268. Russell (2019).\n269. Bostrom (2014); Müller & Bostrom (2014); Bostrom (2015).\n270. Harari (2023).\n271. Müller & Bostrom (2014).\n272. Leaders' concerns about the existential risks of AI around 2015: Rawlinson (2015), Holley (2015), Gibbs (2014), Sainato (2015)", - "page_start": 43, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "wikipedia3.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INDUSTRY TRENDS\nThe telecommunications industry in Canada, and our business segments, is affected by several overarching trends.", - "page_start": 34, - "page_end": 34, - "source_file": "NYSE_RCI_2013.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf", - "query": "Is there any chance that my cousin has been granted financial aid from Chesapeak Energy? He's studying at a college in Oklahoma.", - "target_page": 26, - "target_passage": "hat’s why we gave $1.0 million to establish the Chesapeake Energy dormitory for students at the Oklahoma School for Science and Mathematics (OSSM", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Educational Impact\nWe are also proud to help prepare tomorrow's leaders today. In 2010 Chesapeake supported universities, schools, academic chairs, scholarships and other educational programs with contributions totaling $5.4 million.\nInvesting in programs that promote technology and innovation is a key to our country's success. That's why we gave $1.0 million to establish the Chesapeake Energy dormitory for students at the Oklahoma School for Science and Mathematics (OSSM), a public, tuition-free, residential high school located in Oklahoma City for juniors and seniors with exceptional abilities. The extremely competitive school is helping train the next generation of scientists and mathematicians.\nWe also established the Chesapeake Energy Presidential Scholars Program at the Oklahoma City University Meinders School of Business, making a $5.0 million commitment to be distributed over the next five years. The Chesapeake Scholars Program will provide up to $25,000 per year in tuition\nto selected students pursuing careers in finance, economics, accounting, marketing, business administration, computer science and information technology. In addition, scholars will take part in a Chesapeake Presidential Leadership Course facilitated by faculty members in coordination with designated Chesapeake leadership coaches, including a Chesapeake senior vice president and OCU alumni.\nIn 2007 Chesapeake launched a scholarship program in Texas with an initial $1.25 million contribution, challenging the cities of Fort Worth and Dallas to match its gift within a year. The cities responded and matched the gift, so Chesapeake in 2008 added another $1.25 million to the fund, bringing the total to $3.75 million. The Chesapeake Scholarship Fund currently funds the cost of higher education for 48 minority students. The fund provides each student $20,000 a year for up to four years at the school of their choice. To date more than $1.0 million has been distributed to deserving local students.\nTo help ensure the training of qualified geologists, engineers, landmen and energy lawyers in the next generation, we award scholarships to students pursuing energy-related degrees. We also help mentor them through Chesapeake's Peak Program. Junior- and senior-level scholarship recipients are paired with Chesapeake employee mentors who help develop students' knowledge and provide career advice. There are currently 25 mentors and 40 scholarship recipients participating in the Peak Program.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chesapeake's $25 million of charitable giving in 2010\nCommunity Development\nEducation\nHealth and Medical\nSocial Services\nequates to one-third of the goods that otherwise would have been destined for Oklahoma City-area landfills. In West Virginia, we helped fund construction of the Morgantown Market\nEquipping the next generation - West Virginia students hold their new laptops from Chesapeake as part of the company's Discovering Tomorrow's Leaders program.\nPlace, a permanent site for the city's farmers' market, creating more business opportunities for local farmers.\nChesapeake also supports local chambers of commerce and city councils in all of its operating areas. In the Haynesville Shale last year, we awarded grants to the Shelby County, Sabine Parish and Coushatta-Red River chambers of commerce to help fund tourism, business communications and chamber events. In Texas, we assisted more than 250 civic, professional and community service organizations throughout Johnson, Tarrant and western Dallas counties, and sponsored memberships in 35 local Texas chambers of commerce. By helping local chambers and businesses grow and thrive, we are creating stronger economies.\nWe also hire locally whenever possible to help stimulate the local economy, and we provide training when the local work force isn't yet qualified for the jobs we have open. For example, when Chesapeake began operating in the Marcellus Shale of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, finding experienced rig workers was a challenge. To meet that need, Chesapeake's wholly owned subsidiary, Nomac Drilling, built the 40,000-square-foot Eastern Training Center and Housing Facility in Bradford County, near Sayre, Pennsylvania. The campus opened in 2010 and serves as a housing facility and training ground for 266 workers at a time. Nomac and Chesapeake host regular job fairs in the region and the lines of interested candidates often extend out the door.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "'While they may be the biggest bank in town, they sure\ndon't act like it.\nIt's like banking\nwith friends.'", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 9, - "source_file": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Common Stock\nChesapeake Energy Corporation's common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol CHK. As of March 31, 2011, there were approximately 415,000 beneficial owners of our common stock.", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chesapeake Energy Corporation is the second-largest producer of natural gas, a Top 15 producer of oil and natural gas liquids and the most active driller of new wells in the U.S.\nHeadquartered in Oklahoma City, the company's operations are focused on discovering and developing unconventional natural gas and oil fields onshore in the U.S. Chesapeake owns leading positions in the Barnett, Haynesville, Bossier, Marcellus and Pearsall natural gas shale plays and in the Granite Wash, Cleveland, Tonkawa, Mississippian, Bone Spring, Avalon, Wolfcamp, Wolfberry, Eagle Ford,", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Educational Impact\nOur recruiting team also initiated a strategic military recruitment effort during the past two years to hire former military personnel to work in a variety of leadership and crew positions. This effort earned Chesapeake an honor from G.I. JOBS magazine when we were named a 2011 Top 100 Military-Friendly Employer. Chesapeake currently employs 37 men and women who formerly served as junior military officers and more than 100 former servicemen and servicewomen who joined the company through a program called Troops 2 Roughnecks.\nIn addition to our specific scholarship programs, one-time educational donations and recruitment efforts, in 2010 we gave more than $1.8 million to fund higher education for nearly 400 other students in 12 states through our Chesapeake Scholars program. Chesapeake's scholarships help recruit the best and brightest students and provide educational opportunities in communities where we operate. In Oklahoma City, more than 400 employees volunteer for up to an hour a week on company time at four local public schools. Chesapeake's program has grown to become the largest corporate mentoring program in Oklahoma.", - "page_start": 26, - "page_end": 26, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recent Events and a Better Way Forward\nYou may be aware that I have been outspoken in attempting to persuade our country's political leadership to recognize that the discovery of vast resources of unconventional natural gas and oil in the U.S. is a complete game changer for our country from an economic, national security and environmental perspective. After two years of my best efforts and the efforts of many others in the industry, most notably T. Boone Pickens,\n2010 ANNUAL REPORT |\n13\nDeveloping great assets begins with great people, such as the hardworking crews of Nomac, Chesapeake's wholly owned drilling subsidiary. Employees take pride in the critical roles they play in finding and delivering natural gas to their fellow Americans.\nRig lights come on at twilight in the Permian Basin of Texas, where crews drill around the clock in the liquids-rich Bone Spring play. This is the newest in a series of energy booms that has enabled West Texas cities like Midland to prosper for almost 100 years.\nI am pleased to report that we have apparently finally convinced President Barack Obama and Congressional leadership to recognize that the energy path America is on today is completely unsustainable. There appears to be growing recognition that it is spectacularly dangerous for America to continue importing 9 million barrels of oil per day and exporting\nmore than $1 billion per day in national wealth to oil exporting countries.\nAmerica's undiminished appetite for foreign oil has created the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world. The political leadership in Washington, D.C., has not seemed overly concerned about this issue until recently. However, after President Obama's recent speech calling", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Internet Address\nCompany financial information, public disclo sures and other information are available through Chesapeake's website at www.chk.com.", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "BIG WELLS, TEXAS In the heart of the Eagle Ford Shale, Chesapeake's vertical integration strategy allows the company to rapidly accelerate its drilling activities.\nChristy Peebles\nDennis Peek\nTamara Penney\nDavid Pennington\nCarlos Perez\nFelipe Perez\nJames Perez\nLaura Perez\nManuel Perez\nRodolfo Perez Jr.\nRosendo Perez\nChris Perry\nJoshua Perry Chris Pesesky\nKevin Peters\nBrittany Peterson\nDonna Peterson\nVanessa Peterson\nJames Pettiette\nLarry Pettyjohn\nStephen Pezalski\nJason Phelps\nDan Phillips\nDavid Phillips\nJames E. Phillips\nJason Phillips\nMike Phillips\nEmily Phipps\nLauren Phoenix\nChristian Piaquadio\nAdan Pichardo\nKyle Pickens\nDell Pierce\nEllen Pierce\nJulie Pierini\nRandy Piland\nJamie Pilkington\nJonathan Pilkington\nNelson Pinho\nStan Pinney\nSheena Pittman\nWaylon Pixley\nJason Plotkin\nEthan Plumlee\nEarl Plumley\nKaren Poch\nShane Poindexter\nJames Pointer\nBraden Pollard\nLorna Pollard\nDavid Poole\nJason Poole\nThomas Poore Jr.\nJason Pope\nDennis Porter\nJustin Porter\nKenneth Porterfield\nRobert Post\nMichael Poteet\nGary Potter\nDiane Pound\nAdina Powell\nFrank Powell\nJason Powell\nKatie Tisher\nRick Powell\nRonald Powers\nTom Powers\nLara Prasayasitl\nReggie Pratcher\nAllix Prather\nRhone Prather\nJames Pratt\nJustin Pratt\nKathi Pratt\nMonte Pratt\nJason Price\nTim Prince\n2010 ANNUAL REPORT |\n43\nJoseph Raynes Justin Raynor William Reather Jr. Bill Redding Jr. Andrew Redman James Redwine III Jesse Redwine Faron Reed James L. Reed James W. Reed Louis Reed\nMichael Robinson\nRebecca Robinson\nSusan Robinson\nTara Robinson\nDeWayne Robison\nRussell Robison\nTaylor Robison\nTjaden Roblin\nFrank Rocchio\nOlga Rocha\nRandy Rodeheaver", - "page_start": 44, - "page_end": 44, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "BIG WELLS, TEXAS In the heart of the Eagle Ford Shale, Chesapeake's vertical integration strategy allows the company to rapidly accelerate its drilling activities.\nBrad Geer\nWarren Geionety\nJerry Gentry Jr.\n42\n| EMPLOYEES\nKenneth Gentry\nChris George\nJerry George II\nBrian Gibbs\nJohn Gibbs III\nLane Gibbs\nChris Gibson\nHayley Gibson\nJ.D. Giddens\nTricia Giffin\nMatt Gilbert\nLarry Gillespie Jr.\nMatthew Gilliam\nCharles Gillis\nTracy Givens\nDavid Gladwin\nJames Glass\nChristina Glaviano\nDavis Gleason\nRonnie Glenewinkel\nHenry Glenn\nJeff S. Glenn\nSally Glenn\nScott Glenn\nWilbert Glover III\nSpencer Goad\nAllison Gocke\nRyan Goddard\nJon Godsy\nDana Goe\nJosh Goforth\nKandy Golden\nDerrick Goldston\nDustin Goldston\nMario Gomez\nGeorge Gonzales\nSam Gonzales\nDavid Gonzalez\nFabian Gonzalez\nJose Gonzalez\nRay Good II\nPat Goodman\nDaniel Goodwin\nAndrew Gooshaw\nBryan Gordon\nDaniel Gordon\nDavid Gore\nRonnie Gore\nNick Goree\nThomas Goslin\nTravis Gosnell\nAdam Gospodarek\nSteven Gosvener\nBrandy Gottschall\nRichard Gowan Jr.\nJC Goza\nEvelyn Grace\nCarlos Gracian\nAlicia Graham\nDana Grant\nDusy Grant\nDavid Grapusa Jr.\nDusty Graves\nJon Graves\nJoseph Graves\nGavin Gray\nJim Gray\nJon Gray\nEric Greathouse\nJohn Greathouse\nGeoff Green\nJeff Green\nJohn Green\nJustin Green\nLucas Green\nMichael Green\nRandy Green\nRonald Green II\nSilas Green\nJane Greene\nMike Greenough\nJennifer\nGreen-Pongrattanaman\nJason Greer\nKyle Gregor\nRegina Gregory\nChris Grewell\nMark Gribbin\nRyan Griffin\nJanelle Griffis\nMike Griffith\nAnthony Grillett\nJeff Grim\nJeff Grindstaff\nChad Grinnell\nClay Grissom\nTara Gross\nVertis Grummert\nJohn Gryder\nJose Guajardo Jr.\nG G Guerra\nHomero Guerra Jr.\nMatt Guerrero\nMiguel Guerrero\nRoy Guerrero\nArnaud Guillemard\nAgustin Guillen\nDaniel Guinane\nMichael Gulikers\nBrenda Gumm\nBarbara Guskin\nCarly Gustafson\nGalen Gustavus\nJimmy Gustavus\nSteven Gustavus\nJoseph Guthrie\nThomas Guthrie\nJoe Gutierrez\nJose L. Gutierrez\nLeopoldo Gutierrez\nJamey Guzak\nJohn Haag\nMatthew Habuda\nTim Hackenberg\nJosh Hack\nRichard Hackney\nJohn Hadlock\nJessica Haer\nJoshua Haile\nRobert Hajdas\nKyle Hakes\nTodd Hakes\nAlicia Haley\nAlex Hall\nBilly Hall\nBrock Hall\nDerek Hall\nGabriel Hall\nGerad Hall\nRichard B. Hall\nRyan Hall\nCalwin Halpin\nRicky Hamilton\nRussell Hamilton\nWilliam Hamilton\nBrian Hamiter\nBilly Hamm\nStuart Hamman\nTodd Hammer\nAugusta Hammergren\nBrian Hammerschmidt\nMelissa Hammontree\nDavid Hancock\nJohn Haner Jr.\nJeremy Hanes\nRegan Hankins Jr.\nJoel Hanks\nAngie Hardey\nRichard Harding", - "page_start": 42, - "page_end": 43, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf", - "query": "Has the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group offered help to the elderly?", - "target_page": 6, - "target_passage": "Currently, the proportion of people aged 65 or over in Japan has reached 23.4%*. SMFG will help create frameworks enabling the elderly to enjoy a vibrant lifestyle with peace of mind, through support for life-cycleframeworks enabling the elderly to enjoy a vibrant lifestyle with peace of mind, through support for life-cycle planning and other measures. The SMFG Group aims to create systems and a corporate culture that foster a soundplanning and other measures. The SMFG Group aims to create systems and a corporate culture that foster a sound balance between work and care needs, given that many group employees will later need to nurse ailing relatives.balance between work and care needs, given that many group employees will later need to nurse ailing relatives", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": false, - "index": null - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "www.smfg.co.jp/english\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report\nDigest version", - "page_start": 0, - "page_end": 0, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Structure of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (as of September 30, 2011)\n* SMFG plans to make PROMISE a wholly owned subsidiary in April 2012.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Listing on the New York Stock Exchange\nIn November 2010, the Sumitomo Mitsui In November 2010, the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group listed on the New York Financial Group listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This move, we believe, not Stock Exchange. This move, we believe, not only significantly increases convenience for only significantly increases convenience for our overseas shareholders and investors, our overseas shareholders and investors, but also broadens our customer base as it but also broadens our customer base as it further increases the transparency of our further increases the transparency of our financial position. Listing on the New York financial position. Listing on the New York Stock Exchange as a socially responsible Stock Exchange as a socially responsible corporation accelerates our evolution into a corporation accelerates our evolution into a global player. global player.\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report\nSpecific Examples of CSR Activities", - "page_start": 9, - "page_end": 10, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Preparing our businesses for a higher old-age dependency ratio\nIn addition to removing mobility barriers at In addition to removing mobility barriers at branches, the bank plans to aggressively branches, the bank plans to aggressively support installation of facilities needed to support installation of facilities needed to cope with the rapidly rising old-age cope with the rapidly rising old-age dependency ratio. As a first step, SMBC dependency ratio. As a first step, SMBC has established clear guidelines for has established clear guidelines for supporting the construction of rental supporting the construction of rental housing for the elderly, expected to be a housing for the elderly, expected to be a future growth area. future growth area.\nWhile continuing to tailor business While continuing to tailor business activities to the needs of the community at activities to the needs of the community at large and ensuring a friendly banking large and ensuring a friendly banking environment for our customers, the SMFG environment for our customers, the SMFG Group also plans to support the creation of Group also plans to support the creation of frameworks that enable the elderly to live frameworks that enable the elderly to live active lives with peace of mind. active lives with peace of mind.\n15\nCSR REPORT 2011\nCSR REPORT 2011\n16\nSumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report\nSpecific Examples of CSR Activities", - "page_start": 7, - "page_end": 8, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Koichi Miyata\nPresident Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.\nThe SMFG Group has 62,000 employees, The SMFG Group has 62,000 employees, 'stepping up to the plate and working hard 'stepping up to the plate and working hard to give something back to society.' I think it to give something back to society.' I think it is important to develop ways of making this is important to develop ways of making this a shared aspiration of all the employees of a shared aspiration of all the employees of\nthe Group. the Group.\n05\nCSR REPORT 2011\nCSR REPORT 2011\n06", - "page_start": 2, - "page_end": 3, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Further measures needed\n● Share expertise in corporate social responsibility Share expertise in corporate social responsibility with the international community with the international community\n● Improve financial services in preparation for the Improve financial services in preparation for the globalization of operations in Japan (multilingual globalization of operations in Japan (multilingual support) support)\n● Promote diversity Promote diversity\nCSR REPORT 2011\n10\nIn the past, the Sumitomo Group In the past, the Sumitomo Group programs to solve the problem of programs to solve the problem of mine, while the Mitsui Group set up mine, while the Mitsui Group set up give the poorest in society access to give the poorest in society access to corporate social responsibility corporate social responsibility philosophies of both the Sumitomo philosophies of both the Sumitomo years of their existence, we will years of their existence, we will problems facing the international problems facing the international service service operations.operations.\nundertook large-scale afforestation undertook large-scale afforestation pollution around the Besshi copper pollution around the Besshi copper the Mitsui Memorial Hospital to the Mitsui Memorial Hospital to basic medical care. Based on this basic medical care. Based on this DNA embedded in the business DNA embedded in the business and Mitsui groups over the 400 and Mitsui groups over the 400 continue to play our part in solving continue to play our part in solving community through our financial community through our financial", - "page_start": 5, - "page_end": 5, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company name abbreviations and other special terminology\nThroughout this report, 'Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group' or 'SMFG' refers to the holding company alone. 'The SMFG Group' refers to the holding company and its primary domestic and international subsidiaries and affiliates.", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "About this Report\nPeriod Covered\nPublication Date of Japanese Document\nContact\n: April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011 ( 'Fiscal 2010' )\n: December 2011\n:\nNote: Certain items in this report refer to activities taking place after April 2011.\nGroup CSR Department, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. 1-2 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 TEL: +81-3-3282-8111", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Scholarships at major universities\nSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited established a scholarship program for students of Zhejiang established a scholarship program for students of Zhejiang\nUniversity, Shanghai Inter University, Shanghai International Studies University, national Studies University, Sun Yat-sen University, Sun Yat-sen University, and other universities. and other universities.\nScholarship students at Sun Yat-sen University", - "page_start": 14, - "page_end": 14, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Scope of this Report\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation\nGLYPH<129> SMFG Card & Credit, Inc.\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Card Company, Limited\nGLYPH<129> Cedyna Financial Corporation\nGLYPH<129> Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing Co., Ltd.\nGLYPH<129> The Japan Research Institute, Limited\nGLYPH<129> SMBC Friend Securities Co., Ltd.\nGLYPH<129> SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.\nGLYPH<129> THE MINATO BANK, LTD.\nGLYPH<129> Kansai Urban Banking Corporation\nGLYPH<129> Other Group companies", - "page_start": 15, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_SMFG_2011.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf", - "query": "Does Chesapeake Energy have a project to reduce excessive water use?", - "target_page": 28, - "target_passage": "Created to meet the challenge of reducing our water usage, Chesapeake’s Aqua Renew® program uses state-of-the-art technology to recycle pro- duced water.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 0 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Aqua Renew ®\nCreated to meet the challenge of reducing our water usage, Chesapeake's Aqua Renew ® program uses state-of-the-art technology to recycle pro-\nduced water. Since the company's preliminary reclamation project in\n2006, our focus on water reuse and conservation has become a companywide endeavor, stretching from the Barnett Shale of North Texas to the Marcellus Shale of northern Pennsylvania.\nThe Aqua Renew program has yet to find a limit to how much recycled water could be used without compromising well production. In fact, our Marcellus Shale operations are treating and recycling virtually 100% of produced water (more than 10 million gallons per month) for reuse in our hydraulic fracturing operations. Properly conducted modern fracking is a highly engineered, controlled, sophisticated and safe procedure.\nWith such large volumes of recycled water, the company is seeing more than just environmental advantages. We estimate that this\nGreen operations - Chesapeake's Best Management Practices ensure our operations are as environmentally friendly as possible, while protecting our employees, neighbors and the areas where we operate.\nprocess is saving the company an average of $12 million per year in the Marcellus Shale alone.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Environmentally Friendly Operations\nAt Chesapeake, we realize that the way a great product is produced is as important as the product itself. For example, we have helped pioneer the use of multiwell padsites to drill up to 16 wells from a single location, greatly reducing our land and road use and overall environmental footprint. We use the latest horizontal and directional drilling technology to place wells at a safe distance from homes, schools and businesses. In addition, we build and maintain access roads and work to eliminate soil erosion near our sites, as well as restore local vegetation.\nWe implement advanced, modern protective measures known as Best Management Practices (BMPs) to help ensure energy development is conducted in an environmentally responsible manner. Procedures are implemented throughout our operations to protect freshwater aquifers and reduce environmental impacts. BMPs protect wildlife, air quality, water and landscapes as we work to develop vitally needed domestic energy sources.\nImplemented throughout the entire life cycle of a well, BMPs can be as simple as strategically placing a berm, or land barrier, on locations to control surface water runoff. Others involve cutting-edge operational technologies such as utilizing the most advanced techniques offered in drilling fluids, well casing and cement design. Regardless of complexity, all BMPs are based on the idea that the environmental footprint of\nenergy development should be as small and temporary as possible. These practices are continually evolving and further improving as Chesapeake and the industry develop new innovative techniques and approaches to business.\nIn addition to our BMPs, Chesapeake has also initiated several innovative internal programs focused on water recycling and greener hydraulic fracturing processes.", - "page_start": 27, - "page_end": 27, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Aubrey K. McClendon\nChairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Chesapeake Energy Corporation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chesapeake Energy Corporation is the second-largest producer of natural gas, a Top 15 producer of oil and natural gas liquids and the most active driller of new wells in the U.S.\nHeadquartered in Oklahoma City, the company's operations are focused on discovering and developing unconventional natural gas and oil fields onshore in the U.S. Chesapeake owns leading positions in the Barnett, Haynesville, Bossier, Marcellus and Pearsall natural gas shale plays and in the Granite Wash, Cleveland, Tonkawa, Mississippian, Bone Spring, Avalon, Wolfcamp, Wolfberry, Eagle Ford,", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITIES »\nChesapeake's sense of civic commitment provides a bountiful harvest of benefits to cities large and small. We partner with groups and organizations across all of our operating areas to improve the communities our employees, contractors, vendors, land and mineral owners call home. We believe the success of our business depends on the strength, goodwill and vitality of those communities. Most importantly, we believe it is the responsibility of every successful business to share success with its neighbors.\nIn 2010 we gave more than $25 million to charitable organizations and projects across our operating areas, primarily focusing on community development, education, health and medical and social services.", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Green Frac ®\nChesapeake's Green Frac ® program was launched in October 2009 to evaluate the types of additives typically used in the fracking process. As\nan industry-leading program, Green Frac is a decisive move toward an even greener fluid\nsystem. By reviewing all of the ingredients typically used in each fracking operation, the program identifies additives that can be removed and tests alternatives. To date, the company has eliminated 25% of the additives used in frack fluids in most of its shale plays.\nGreen Frac is also establishing simple guidelines for the company and its vendors to select fracking ingredients that present minimal risks to people and the environment. These guidelines will also be used to\nLearning from the best - Our commitment to creating a safe work environment continued to grow in 2010 with the founding of the Chesapeake SAFE program. Focused on developing safe behaviors, promoting a safety-conscious culture and eliminating risk in all operating areas, the program has trained more than 4,200 employees and consultants.\nincrease public understanding of the process and its necessity in the production of American natural gas.", - "page_start": 28, - "page_end": 28, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Economic Impact\nWhile much of the U.S. is still struggling to recover from the economic recession, the positive impact of natural gas and oil operations has provided a valuable economic recovery stimulus for states that are home to exploration and development activities. As the nation's second-largest producer of natural gas, a Top 15 producer of liquids and most active driller of new wells, Chesapeake's arrival in a new play stimulates economic activity, augments personal income through jobs and royalty payments, generates substantial tax revenue and sustains communities throughout its operating areas.\nIn addition to the general economic impact of our activities on local economies, the company's tax contributions are substantial. In 2010 Chesapeake paid approximately $675 million in taxes, including ad valorem, severance, sales, employer, and corporate income and franchise taxes. These taxes pay for ongoing government services and also build and maintain schools, recreational facilities, and parks and roads - at a time when state and local governments are still feeling the pinch of recession. We are proud to support America's economy with our growth while also helping to protect the environment through the greater use of clean-burning natural gas and reducing the country's dependence on expensive foreign oil.\nChesapeake also makes contributions that help improve lives and economies in cities where we operate: $25 million in 2010 alone. For example, this past year we donated $200,000 to establish the Chesapeake Environmental and Recycling Center at Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma. The center will provide an additional 80 jobs to disabled Oklahomans, as well as help Goodwill recycle 10 million pounds a year, which", - "page_start": 25, - "page_end": 25, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Internet Address\nCompany financial information, public disclo sures and other information are available through Chesapeake's website at www.chk.com.", - "page_start": 46, - "page_end": 46, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "J. Mike Stice\nSenior Vice President - Natural Gas Projects and Chief Executive Officer Chesapeake Midstream Partners, L.P.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "AMERICA'S PREMIER ENERGY RESOURCE BASE »\nChesapeake is the second-largest producer of U.S. natural gas and a Top 15 producer of U.S. oil and natural gas liquids. The company has built a large resource base of high-quality U.S. assets in the Barnett, Haynesville, Bossier, Marcellus and Pearsall natural gas shale plays and in the Granite Wash, Cleveland, Tonkawa, Mississippian, Bone Spring, Avalon, Wolfcamp, Wolfberry, Eagle Ford, Niobrara and Utica unconventional liquids plays. In 2010 Chesapeake increased its focus on applying the geoscientific and horizontal drilling expertise gained from developing unconventional natural gas shale plays to unconventional liquids-rich plays. Our goal is to reach a balanced mix of natural gas and liquids revenue as quickly as possible through organic drilling. We invested approximately $4.7 billion in 2010, net of divestitures, primarily in liquids-rich acreage to provide the foundation for this shift toward more profitable plays.\nWe own interests in approximately 46,000 producing natural gas and oil wells, and in 2010 we produced approximately 1.035 trillion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (tcfe) for an average of 2.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (bcfe) per day. At year-end 2010, our proved reserves were 17.1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent, of which 90% were natural gas and all were onshore in the U.S. We have also captured an inventory of up to 115,000 unrisked net future drilling opportunities - almost 50 years worth of drilling opportunities - on approximately 13.2 million net leasehold acres in the U.S. The following highlights Chesapeake's ownership position in our key operating areas.\nUnconcerned by a Chesapeake drilling rig, antelope continue their daily routines in southeastern Wyoming's Powder River Basin where the company is developing the promising Niobrara Play.\n17\n| OPERATING AREAS", - "page_start": 17, - "page_end": 19, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - } - ] - }, - { - "references": { - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf", - "query": "Has the CEO of Chesapeake Energy met with the US President about America's energy production?", - "target_page": 16, - "target_passage": "I am pleased to report that we have apparently finally convinced President Barack Obama and Congressional leadership to recognize that the energy path America is on today is completely unsustainable.", - "chunk_present": { - "presence": true, - "index": 7 - } - }, - "top_chunk": [ - { - "text": "Aubrey K. McClendon\nChairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Chesapeake Energy Corporation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma", - "page_start": 29, - "page_end": 29, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "J. Mike Stice\nSenior Vice President - Natural Gas Projects and Chief Executive Officer Chesapeake Midstream Partners, L.P.", - "page_start": 30, - "page_end": 30, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recent Events and a Better Way Forward\nThe good news, however, is that America can now secure a new energy future thanks to Chesapeake and a handful of other leading U.S. E&P companies that have reinvented the process of finding natural gas and oil during the past five years. In doing so, we have discovered twice the resources of natural gas in the U.S. that Saudi Arabia possesses in oil. Furthermore, these same few companies that led the unconventional natural gas revolution have in just the past two years also reinvented the way in which we can find large new oil resources onshore in the U.S. In fact, I believe the U.S. can possibly increase its production of oil from the current 5.8 million barrels per day by 30-50% during the next 5-10 years, thereby potentially reaching the President's 2025 goal of reducing foreign oil imports by 33%, 5-10 years earlier than hoped.\n2010 ANNUAL REPORT |\n15\nThe combination of these vast new discoveries of unconventional natural gas and liquids provides America with a unique future pathway toward greater energy independence, an industrial renaissance, economic rejuvenation and greater national security. I remain fully confident that the marketplace understands this and that over time the U.S. will more fully embrace and utilize clean, affordable, abundant American natural gas and increased domestic oil production as the best alternatives to burning environmentally challenged coal and expensive and dangerous foreign oil.\nThere is now a clear road ahead toward a more sustainable, affordable, dynamic and independent future if America embraces the remarkable gift of energy abundance that Chesapeake has helped discover in the U.S. You have my commitment, and the commitment of more than\nThe combination of these vast new discoveries of unconventional natural gas and liquids provides America with a unique future pathway toward greater energy independence, an industrial renaissance, economic rejuvenation and greater national security.\n10,000 other Chesapeake employees, that every day we are working hard to create shareholder value and a better future for our communities, our states and our country through the continued discovery and development of unconventional natural gas and liquids.\nBest regards,\nAubrey K. McClendon\nChairman and Chief Executive Officer April 15, 2011\n16\n| OPERATING AREAS", - "page_start": 16, - "page_end": 17, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Philip Fraser\nPresident & Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 96, - "page_end": 96, - "source_file": "TSX_KMP_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company Secretary\nDamien Connor", - "page_start": 112, - "page_end": 112, - "source_file": "ASX_SEA_2014.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chesapeake Energy Corporation is the second-largest producer of natural gas, a Top 15 producer of oil and natural gas liquids and the most active driller of new wells in the U.S.\nHeadquartered in Oklahoma City, the company's operations are focused on discovering and developing unconventional natural gas and oil fields onshore in the U.S. Chesapeake owns leading positions in the Barnett, Haynesville, Bossier, Marcellus and Pearsall natural gas shale plays and in the Granite Wash, Cleveland, Tonkawa, Mississippian, Bone Spring, Avalon, Wolfcamp, Wolfberry, Eagle Ford,", - "page_start": 1, - "page_end": 1, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Company Secretary\nRoss Coyle", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Recent Events and a Better Way Forward\nYou may be aware that I have been outspoken in attempting to persuade our country's political leadership to recognize that the discovery of vast resources of unconventional natural gas and oil in the U.S. is a complete game changer for our country from an economic, national security and environmental perspective. After two years of my best efforts and the efforts of many others in the industry, most notably T. Boone Pickens,\n2010 ANNUAL REPORT |\n13\nDeveloping great assets begins with great people, such as the hardworking crews of Nomac, Chesapeake's wholly owned drilling subsidiary. Employees take pride in the critical roles they play in finding and delivering natural gas to their fellow Americans.\nRig lights come on at twilight in the Permian Basin of Texas, where crews drill around the clock in the liquids-rich Bone Spring play. This is the newest in a series of energy booms that has enabled West Texas cities like Midland to prosper for almost 100 years.\nI am pleased to report that we have apparently finally convinced President Barack Obama and Congressional leadership to recognize that the energy path America is on today is completely unsustainable. There appears to be growing recognition that it is spectacularly dangerous for America to continue importing 9 million barrels of oil per day and exporting\nmore than $1 billion per day in national wealth to oil exporting countries.\nAmerica's undiminished appetite for foreign oil has created the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world. The political leadership in Washington, D.C., has not seemed overly concerned about this issue until recently. However, after President Obama's recent speech calling", - "page_start": 13, - "page_end": 15, - "source_file": "NYSE_CHK_2010.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Ramani Ayer\nChairman, President and Chief Executive Officer", - "page_start": 36, - "page_end": 36, - "source_file": "NYSE_HIG_2001.pdf" - }, - { - "text": "Chief Executive Officer\nGavin Thomas", - "page_start": 117, - "page_end": 117, - "source_file": "ASX_KCN_2013.pdf" - } - ] - } - ] -] \ No newline at end of file