public static final String TYPE_JAZMIN_CDN="jazmin-cdn"; public static final String TYPE_JAZMIN_FILE="jazmin-file"; public static final String TYPE_MYSQL="mysql"; public static final String TYPE_MEMCACHED="memcached"; public static final String TYPE_HAPROXY="haproxy"; <BUG>public static final String TYPE_REDIS="redis"; public static final String TYPE_BROSWER="broswer";</BUG> public static final String TYPE_CLIENT="client"; public static final String TYPE_API="api"; public static final String LAYER_USER="User Tier";
public static final String TYPE_JAZMIN_CDN="jazmin-cdn"; public static final String TYPE_JAZMIN_FILE="jazmin-file"; public static final String TYPE_MYSQL="mysql"; public static final String TYPE_MEMCACHED="memcached"; public static final String TYPE_HAPROXY="haproxy"; public static final String TYPE_REDIS="redis"; public static final String TYPE_INFLUXDB="influxdb"; public static final String TYPE_BROSWER="broswer"; public static final String TYPE_CLIENT="client"; public static final String TYPE_API="api"; public static final String LAYER_USER="User Tier";
"importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.lucene);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.process);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.redis);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.http);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.mail);"+ <BUG>"importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.mongodb);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.console);"+</BUG> "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.cdn);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.file);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.jmx);"+
"importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.lucene);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.process);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.redis);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.http);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.mail);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.mongodb);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.driver.influxdb);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.console);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.cdn);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.file);"+ "importPackage(Packages.jazmin.server.jmx);"+
import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.entities.Config; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.entities.Size; <BUG>import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.entities.TargetUi; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.interactors.GetDimens; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.interactors.GetPath; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.sample.activities.StartActivity;</BUG> import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.sample.activities.Testable;
import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.entities.Config; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.entities.Size; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.entities.TargetUi; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.interactors.DownloadImage; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.interactors.GetDimens; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.interactors.GetPath; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.interactors.ImageUtils; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.sample.activities.StartActivity; import com.fuck_boilerplate.rx_paparazzo.sample.activities.Testable;
private int[] getDimensionsPortrait(int width, int height) { if (width < height) return new int [] {width, height}; else return new int [] {height, width}; } private GetDimens getDimens(Size size) { <BUG>TargetUi targetUi = new TargetUi(activityRule.getActivity()); GetPath getPath = new GetPath(targetUi);</BUG> Config config = new Config(); <BUG>config.setSize(size); return new GetDimens(targetUi, config, getPath);</BUG> }
private int[] getDimensionsPortrait(int width, int height) { if (width < height) return new int [] {width, height}; else return new int [] {height, width}; } private GetDimens getDimens(Size size) { Config config = new Config(); config.setSize(size); TargetUi targetUi = new TargetUi(activityRule.getActivity()); ImageUtils imageUtils = new ImageUtils(targetUi, config); DownloadImage downloadImage = new DownloadImage(targetUi, imageUtils); GetPath getPath = new GetPath(targetUi, imageUtils, downloadImage); return new GetDimens(targetUi, config, getPath); }
public GetPath with(Uri uri) { this.uri = uri; return this; } @Override public Observable<String> react() { <BUG>return Observable.just(getPath()); }</BUG> @SuppressLint("NewApi") <BUG>private String getPath() { </BUG> boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;
public GetPath with(Uri uri) { this.uri = uri; return this; } @Override public Observable<String> react() { return getPath(); } @SuppressLint("NewApi") private Observable<String> getPath() {
@SuppressLint("NewApi") <BUG>private String getPath() { </BUG> boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT; <BUG>Context context = targetUi.activity(); if (uri == null) {</BUG> return null; } if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) { if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
@SuppressLint("NewApi") private Observable<String> getPath() { boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT; Context context = targetUi.activity(); String filePath = null; if (uri == null) { return null; } if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) { if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
</BUG> } } else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { <BUG>return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null); </BUG> } else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { <BUG>return uri.getPath(); </BUG> }
contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } else if ("audio".equals(document.type)) { contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; } filePath = getDataColumn(context, contentUri, "_id=?", new String[] {}); } } else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { filePath = getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null); } else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { filePath = uri.getPath();
else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { <BUG>return uri.getPath(); </BUG> } <BUG>return null; }</BUG> private class Document { String type; String id; }
else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { filePath = uri.getPath(); } if (filePath == null) { return downloadImage.with(uri).react(); } return Observable.just(filePath); } private class Document { String type; String id; }
@Override public void afterExecute(Bus handler, SingleResponse<Relationship> result) { if (result.hasData()) { FriendshipUpdatedEvent(accountKey, userKey, result.getData())); } else if (result.hasException()) { <BUG>if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(LOGTAG, "Unable to update friendship", result.getException()); }</BUG> }
@Override public UserKey[] getAccountKeys() { return DataStoreUtils.getActivatedAccountKeys(context);
MicroBlog microBlog = MicroBlogAPIFactory.getInstance(context, accountId); if (!Utils.isOfficialCredentials(context, accountId)) continue; try { microBlog.setActivitiesAboutMeUnread(cursor); } catch (MicroBlogException e) { <BUG>if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(LOGTAG, e); }</BUG> }
MicroBlog microBlog = MicroBlogAPIFactory.getInstance(context, accountId); if (!Utils.isOfficialCredentials(context, accountId)) continue; try { microBlog.setActivitiesAboutMeUnread(cursor); } catch (MicroBlogException e) { DebugLog.w(LOGTAG, null, e);
for (Location location : twitter.getAvailableTrends()) { map.put(location); } return map.pack(); } catch (final MicroBlogException e) { <BUG>if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(LOGTAG, e); }</BUG> }
for (Location location : twitter.getAvailableTrends()) { map.put(location); } return map.pack(); } catch (final MicroBlogException e) { DebugLog.w(LOGTAG, null, e); }
import de.vanita5.twittnuker.receiver.NotificationReceiver; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.service.LengthyOperationsService; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.ActivityTracker; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.AsyncTwitterWrapper; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.DataStoreFunctionsKt; <BUG>import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.DataStoreUtils; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.ImagePreloader;</BUG> import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.InternalTwitterContentUtils; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.JsonSerializer; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.NotificationManagerWrapper;
import de.vanita5.twittnuker.receiver.NotificationReceiver; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.service.LengthyOperationsService; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.ActivityTracker; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.AsyncTwitterWrapper; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.DataStoreFunctionsKt; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.DataStoreUtils; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.DebugLog; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.ImagePreloader; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.InternalTwitterContentUtils; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.JsonSerializer; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.NotificationManagerWrapper;
final List<InetAddress> addresses = mDns.lookup(host); for (InetAddress address : addresses) { c.addRow(new String[]{host, address.getHostAddress()}); } } catch (final IOException ignore) { <BUG>if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.w(LOGTAG, ignore); }</BUG> }
final List<InetAddress> addresses = mDns.lookup(host); for (InetAddress address : addresses) { c.addRow(new String[]{host, address.getHostAddress()}); } } catch (final IOException ignore) { DebugLog.w(LOGTAG, null, ignore); }
import de.vanita5.twittnuker.annotation.CustomTabType; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.MicroBlog; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.MicroBlogException; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.twitter.model.RateLimitStatus; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.twitter.model.Status; <BUG>import de.vanita5.twittnuker.fragment.AbsStatusesFragment; import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.AllColumns;</BUG> import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Columns; import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Columns.Column; import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Expression;
import de.vanita5.twittnuker.annotation.CustomTabType; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.MicroBlog; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.MicroBlogException; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.twitter.model.RateLimitStatus; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.library.twitter.model.Status; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.fragment.AbsStatusesFragment; import org.mariotaku.pickncrop.library.PNCUtils; import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.AllColumns; import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Columns; import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Columns.Column; import org.mariotaku.sqliteqb.library.Expression;
context.getApplicationContext().sendBroadcast(intent); } } @Nullable public static Location getCachedLocation(Context context) { <BUG>if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.v(LOGTAG, "Fetching cached location", new Exception()); }</BUG> Location location = null;
context.getApplicationContext().sendBroadcast(intent); } } @Nullable public static Location getCachedLocation(Context context) { DebugLog.v(LOGTAG, "Fetching cached location", new Exception()); Location location = null;
FileBody fileBody = null; try { fileBody = getFileBody(context, imageUri); twitter.updateProfileBannerImage(fileBody); } finally { <BUG>Utils.closeSilently(fileBody); if (deleteImage && "file".equals(imageUri.getScheme())) { final File file = new File(imageUri.getPath()); if (!file.delete()) { Log.w(LOGTAG, String.format("Unable to delete %s", file)); }</BUG> }
FileBody fileBody = null; try { fileBody = getFileBody(context, imageUri); twitter.updateProfileBannerImage(fileBody); } finally { Utils.closeSilently(fileBody); if (deleteImage) { Utils.deleteMedia(context, imageUri);
FileBody fileBody = null; try { fileBody = getFileBody(context, imageUri); twitter.updateProfileBackgroundImage(fileBody, tile); } finally { <BUG>Utils.closeSilently(fileBody); if (deleteImage && "file".equals(imageUri.getScheme())) { final File file = new File(imageUri.getPath()); if (!file.delete()) { Log.w(LOGTAG, String.format("Unable to delete %s", file)); }</BUG> }
FileBody fileBody = null; try { fileBody = getFileBody(context, imageUri); twitter.updateProfileBannerImage(fileBody); } finally { Utils.closeSilently(fileBody); if (deleteImage) { Utils.deleteMedia(context, imageUri);
FileBody fileBody = null; try { fileBody = getFileBody(context, imageUri); return twitter.updateProfileImage(fileBody); } finally { <BUG>Utils.closeSilently(fileBody); if (deleteImage && "file".equals(imageUri.getScheme())) { final File file = new File(imageUri.getPath()); if (!file.delete()) { Log.w(LOGTAG, String.format("Unable to delete %s", file)); }</BUG> }
FileBody fileBody = null; try { fileBody = getFileBody(context, imageUri); twitter.updateProfileBannerImage(fileBody); } finally { Utils.closeSilently(fileBody); if (deleteImage) { Utils.deleteMedia(context, imageUri);
import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.inject.Singleton; import okhttp3.Dns; @Singleton <BUG>public class TwidereDns implements Constants, Dns { </BUG> private static final String RESOLVER_LOGTAG = "TwittnukerDns"; private final SharedPreferences mHostMapping; private final SharedPreferencesWrapper mPreferences;
import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.inject.Singleton; import okhttp3.Dns; @Singleton public class TwidereDns implements Dns, Constants { private static final String RESOLVER_LOGTAG = "TwittnukerDns"; private final SharedPreferences mHostMapping; private final SharedPreferencesWrapper mPreferences;
private List<InetAddress> resolveInternal(final String originalHost, final String host, final int depth, final boolean useResolver) throws IOException, SecurityException { final TimingLogger logger = new TimingLogger(RESOLVER_LOGTAG, "resolve"); final List<InetAddress> fromAddressString = fromAddressString(originalHost, host); if (fromAddressString != null) { <BUG>if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {</BUG> addLogSplit(logger, host, "valid ip address", depth); dumpLog(logger, fromAddressString); <BUG>}</BUG> return fromAddressString;
private List<InetAddress> resolveInternal(final String originalHost, final String host, final int depth, final boolean useResolver) throws IOException, SecurityException { final TimingLogger logger = new TimingLogger(RESOLVER_LOGTAG, "resolve"); final List<InetAddress> fromAddressString = fromAddressString(originalHost, host); if (fromAddressString != null) { addLogSplit(logger, host, "valid ip address", depth); dumpLog(logger, fromAddressString); return fromAddressString;
if (useResolver) { addLogSplit(logger, host, "start /etc/hosts resolve", depth); final List<InetAddress> fromSystemHosts = fromSystemHosts(host); addLogSplit(logger, host, "end /etc/hosts resolve", depth); if (fromSystemHosts != null) { <BUG>if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {</BUG> dumpLog(logger, fromSystemHosts); <BUG>}</BUG> return fromSystemHosts; }
if (useResolver) { addLogSplit(logger, host, "start /etc/hosts resolve", depth); final List<InetAddress> fromSystemHosts = fromSystemHosts(host); addLogSplit(logger, host, "end /etc/hosts resolve", depth); if (fromSystemHosts != null) { dumpLog(logger, fromSystemHosts); return fromSystemHosts; }
dumpLog(logger, fromDefault); <BUG>}</BUG> return fromDefault; } <BUG>private void dumpLog(final TimingLogger logger, @NonNull List<InetAddress> addresses) { Log.v(RESOLVER_LOGTAG, "Resolved " + addresses);</BUG> logger.dumpToLog(); } <BUG>private void addLogSplit(final TimingLogger logger, String host, String message, int depth) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();</BUG> for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
dumpLog(logger, fromDefault); return fromDefault; } private void dumpLog(final TimingLogger logger, @NonNull List<InetAddress> addresses) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) return; Log.v(RESOLVER_LOGTAG, "Resolved " + addresses); logger.dumpToLog(); } private void addLogSplit(final TimingLogger logger, String host, String message, int depth) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) return; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller.common; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/error") <BUG>public class ErrorController extends AbstractController { @RequestMapping(value = {"/404"})</BUG> public String error404() { return "/error/404"; }
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller.common; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/error") public class ErrorController { @RequestMapping(value = {"/404"}) public String error404() { return "/error/404"; }
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller.membership; <BUG>import com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller.common.AbstractController;</BUG> import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/membership") <BUG>public class LoginController extends AbstractController { @RequestMapping(value = {"/login"})</BUG> public String login() {
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller.membership; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/membership") public class LoginController { @RequestMapping(value = {"/login"}) public String login() {
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.metadata.service.impl; import; <BUG>import com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.engine.query.QueryerFactory;</BUG> import; import; import; <BUG>import; import; import;</BUG> import;
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.metadata.service.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller; <BUG>import com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller.common.AbstractController;</BUG> import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/home") <BUG>public class HomeController extends AbstractController { @RequestMapping(value = {"", "/", "/index"})</BUG> public String index() {
package com.easytoolsoft.easyreport.web.controller; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/home") public class HomeController { @RequestMapping(value = {"", "/", "/index"}) public String index() {
package org.literacyapp.model.contributor; import java.util.Calendar; <BUG>import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.Temporal;</BUG> import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
package org.literacyapp.model.contributor; import java.util.Calendar; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; import javax.persistence.Temporal; import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.persistence.Temporal;</BUG> import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.literacyapp.model.BaseEntity; import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor; <BUG>@Entity public class ContributorEvent extends BaseEntity { </BUG> @NotNull @ManyToOne
package org.literacyapp.model.contributor; import java.util.Calendar; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; import javax.persistence.Temporal; import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.literacyapp.model.BaseEntity; import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor; @MappedSuperclass public abstract class ContributorEvent extends BaseEntity { @NotNull @ManyToOne
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.literacyapp.dao.AllophoneDao; <BUG>import org.literacyapp.dao.ContentCreationEventDao;</BUG> import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor; import org.literacyapp.model.content.Allophone; <BUG>import org.literacyapp.model.contributor.ContentCreationEvent;</BUG> import org.literacyapp.model.enums.Environment;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.literacyapp.dao.AllophoneDao; import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor; import org.literacyapp.model.content.Allophone; import org.literacyapp.model.enums.Environment;
@RequestMapping("/content/allophone/create") public class AllophoneCreateController { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); @Autowired private AllophoneDao allophoneDao; <BUG>@Autowired private ContentCreationEventDao contentCreationEventDao;</BUG> @Autowired private MessageSource messageSource; @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
@RequestMapping("/content/allophone/create") public class AllophoneCreateController { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); @Autowired private AllophoneDao allophoneDao; @Autowired private MessageSource messageSource; @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
package org.literacyapp.web.content.allophone; <BUG>import;</BUG> import java.util.Calendar; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.literacyapp.dao.AllophoneDao; <BUG>import org.literacyapp.dao.ContentCreationEventDao;</BUG> import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor;
package org.literacyapp.web.content.allophone; import java.util.Calendar; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.literacyapp.dao.AllophoneDao; import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.literacyapp.dao.AllophoneDao; <BUG>import org.literacyapp.dao.ContentCreationEventDao;</BUG> import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor; import org.literacyapp.model.content.Allophone; <BUG>import org.literacyapp.model.contributor.ContentCreationEvent; import org.literacyapp.model.enums.Environment; import org.literacyapp.model.enums.Team; import org.literacyapp.util.SlackApiHelper; import org.literacyapp.web.context.EnvironmentContextLoaderListener;</BUG> import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.literacyapp.dao.AllophoneDao; import org.literacyapp.model.Contributor; import org.literacyapp.model.content.Allophone; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@RequestMapping("/content/allophone/edit") public class AllophoneEditController { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); @Autowired private AllophoneDao allophoneDao; <BUG>@Autowired private ContentCreationEventDao contentCreationEventDao;</BUG> @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String handleRequest(Model model, @PathVariable Long id) {"handleRequest");
@RequestMapping("/content/allophone/edit") public class AllophoneEditController { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); @Autowired private AllophoneDao allophoneDao; @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String handleRequest(Model model, @PathVariable Long id) {"handleRequest");
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; @Controller @RequestMapping("/content") public class MainContentController { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); <BUG>@Autowired private ContentCreationEventDao contentCreationEventDao;</BUG> @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request,
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; @Controller @RequestMapping("/content") public class MainContentController { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request,
import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.CallableMemberDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.Modality; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.psi.*; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.BindingContext; <BUG>import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.BindingContextUtils; import org.jetbrains.jet.lexer.JetTokens;</BUG> import org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.JetBundle; import org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.codeInsight.JetFunctionPsiElementCellRenderer; import org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.project.WholeProjectAnalyzerFacade;
import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.CallableMemberDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.descriptors.Modality; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.psi.*; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.BindingContext; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.BindingContextUtils; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.lazy.ResolveSession; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.resolve.lazy.ResolveSessionUtils; import org.jetbrains.jet.lexer.JetTokens; import org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.JetBundle; import org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.codeInsight.JetFunctionPsiElementCellRenderer; import org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.project.WholeProjectAnalyzerFacade;
cgl.setLexicalvalue(valueEdit); cgl.setIdgroup(idDomaine); cgl.setIdthesaurus(idTheso); cgl.setLang(langueEdit); GroupHelper cgh = new GroupHelper(); <BUG>if (!cgh.isDomainExist(connect.getPoolConnexion(), cgl.getLexicalvalue(),</BUG> cgl.getIdthesaurus(), cgl.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4"))); return;
cgl.setLexicalvalue(valueEdit); cgl.setIdgroup(idDomaine); cgl.setIdthesaurus(idTheso); cgl.setLang(langueEdit); GroupHelper cgh = new GroupHelper(); if (cgh.isDomainExist(connect.getPoolConnexion(), cgl.getLexicalvalue(), cgl.getIdthesaurus(), cgl.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4"))); return;
Term terme = new Term(); terme.setId_thesaurus(idTheso); terme.setLang(langueEdit); terme.setLexical_value(valueEdit); terme.setId_term(idT); <BUG>if (new TermHelper().isTermExist(connect.getPoolConnexion(), </BUG> terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4")));
Term terme = new Term(); terme.setId_thesaurus(idTheso); terme.setLang(langueEdit); terme.setLexical_value(valueEdit); terme.setId_term(idT); if (termHelper.isTermExist(connect.getPoolConnexion(), terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4")));
terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4"))); return; } <BUG>ConceptHelper ch = new ConceptHelper();</BUG> if (!ch.addTopConceptTraduction(connect.getPoolConnexion(), terme, user.getUser().getId())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("Error"))); return; } <BUG>ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> tempNTT = new TermHelper().getTraductionsOfConcept(connect.getPoolConnexion(), idC, idTheso, idlangue); </BUG> langues = new ArrayList<>();
terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4"))); return; } if (!ch.addTopConceptTraduction(connect.getPoolConnexion(), terme, user.getUser().getId())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("Error"))); return; } ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> tempNTT = termHelper.getTraductionsOfConcept(connect.getPoolConnexion(), idC, idTheso, idlangue); langues = new ArrayList<>();
Term terme = new Term(); terme.setId_thesaurus(idTheso); terme.setLang(langueEdit); terme.setLexical_value(valueEdit); terme.setId_term(idT); <BUG>if (new TermHelper().isTermExist(connect.getPoolConnexion(), </BUG> terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4")));
Term terme = new Term(); terme.setId_thesaurus(idTheso); terme.setLang(langueEdit); terme.setLexical_value(valueEdit); terme.setId_term(idT); if (termHelper.isTermExist(connect.getPoolConnexion(), terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4")));
terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4"))); return; } <BUG>ConceptHelper ch = new ConceptHelper();</BUG> if (!ch.addConceptTraduction(connect.getPoolConnexion(), terme, user.getUser().getId())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("Error"))); return; } <BUG>ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> tempNTT = new TermHelper().getTraductionsOfConcept(connect.getPoolConnexion(), idC, idTheso, idlangue); </BUG> langues = new ArrayList<>();
terme.getLexical_value(), terme.getId_thesaurus(), terme.getLang())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("sTerme.error4"))); return; } if (!ch.addConceptTraduction(connect.getPoolConnexion(), terme, user.getUser().getId())) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, langueBean.getMsg("error") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("Error"))); return; } ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> tempNTT = termHelper.getTraductionsOfConcept(connect.getPoolConnexion(), idC, idTheso, idlangue); langues = new ArrayList<>();
langues = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, String> tempMapL = new HashMap<>(); for (NodeTermTraduction ntt : tempNTT) { tempMapL.put(ntt.getLang(), ntt.getLexicalValue()); } <BUG>langues.addAll(tempMapL.entrySet()); }</BUG> langueEdit = ""; valueEdit = ""; if (!tradExist) {
langues = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, String> tempMapL = new HashMap<>(); for (NodeTermTraduction ntt : tempNTT) { tempMapL.put(ntt.getLang(), ntt.getLexicalValue()); } langues.addAll(tempMapL.entrySet()); if(newTraduction) { nom = termHelper.getThisTerm(connect.getPoolConnexion(),idC, idTheso, idlangue).getLexical_value(); } } langueEdit = ""; valueEdit = ""; if (!tradExist) {
if (n.getTitle().trim().isEmpty()) { dynamicTreeNode = (TreeNode) new MyTreeNode(1, n.getIdConcept(), idTheso, idlangue, "", "", "dossier", n.getIdConcept(), root); } else { dynamicTreeNode = (TreeNode) new MyTreeNode(1, n.getIdConcept(), idTheso, idlangue, "", "", "dossier", n.getTitle(), root); } <BUG>new DefaultTreeNode("fake", dynamicTreeNode); }</BUG> } public void onNodeExpand(NodeExpandEvent event) { String theso = ((MyTreeNode) event.getTreeNode()).getIdTheso();
if (n.getTitle().trim().isEmpty()) { dynamicTreeNode = (TreeNode) new MyTreeNode(1, n.getIdConcept(), idTheso, idlangue, "", "", "dossier", n.getIdConcept(), root); } else { dynamicTreeNode = (TreeNode) new MyTreeNode(1, n.getIdConcept(), idTheso, idlangue, "", "", "dossier", n.getTitle(), root); } DefaultTreeNode defaultTreeNode = new DefaultTreeNode("fake", dynamicTreeNode); defaultTreeNode.setExpanded(true); } } public void onNodeExpand(NodeExpandEvent event) { String theso = ((MyTreeNode) event.getTreeNode()).getIdTheso();
SKOSXmlDocument sxd = new ReadFileSKOS().readStringBuffer(sb); for (SKOSResource resource : sxd.getResourcesList()) { NodeAlignment na = new NodeAlignment(); na.setInternal_id_concept(idC); na.setInternal_id_thesaurus(idTheso); <BUG>na.setThesaurus_target("OpenTheso"); </BUG> na.setUri_target(resource.getUri()); for(SKOSLabel label : resource.getLabelsList()) { switch (label.getProperty()) {
SKOSXmlDocument sxd = new ReadFileSKOS().readStringBuffer(sb); for (SKOSResource resource : sxd.getResourcesList()) { NodeAlignment na = new NodeAlignment(); na.setInternal_id_concept(idC); na.setInternal_id_thesaurus(idTheso); na.setThesaurus_target("Pactols"); na.setUri_target(resource.getUri()); for(SKOSLabel label : resource.getLabelsList()) { switch (label.getProperty()) {
import; import; import; import; import; <BUG>import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List;</BUG> public final class PatchUtils {
import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; public final class PatchUtils {
package; import; <BUG>import;</BUG> import; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelType; <BUG>class Constants { </BUG> static final AttributeDefinition PATCH_ID = SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder.create("patch-id", ModelType.STRING).build();
package; import; import; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelType; public class Constants {
package; import; import; import org.jboss.logging.Messages; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; <BUG>import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; import;</BUG> import java.util.List; @MessageBundle(projectCode = "JBAS") public interface PatchMessages {
package; import; import; import org.jboss.logging.Messages; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause; import; import java.util.List; @MessageBundle(projectCode = "JBAS") public interface PatchMessages {
package; <BUG>import; import;</BUG> import; import; import;
package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import;
private static final String PATH_DELIMITER = "/"; public static final byte[] NO_CONTENT = PatchingTask.NO_CONTENT; enum Element { ADDED_BUNDLE("added-bundle"), ADDED_MISC_CONTENT("added-misc-content"), <BUG>ADDED_MODULE("added-module"), BUNDLES("bundles"),</BUG> CUMULATIVE("cumulative"), DESCRIPTION("description"), MISC_FILES("misc-files"),
private static final String PATH_DELIMITER = "/"; public static final byte[] NO_CONTENT = PatchingTask.NO_CONTENT; enum Element { ADDED_BUNDLE("added-bundle"), ADDED_MISC_CONTENT("added-misc-content"), ADDED_MODULE("added-module"), APPLIES_TO_VERSION("applies-to-version"), BUNDLES("bundles"), CUMULATIVE("cumulative"), DESCRIPTION("description"), MISC_FILES("misc-files"),
writer.writeEndElement(); final Patch.PatchType type = patch.getPatchType(); <BUG>final List<String> appliesTo = patch.getAppliesTo();</BUG> if(type == Patch.PatchType.ONE_OFF) { <BUG>writer.writeEmptyElement(; </BUG> } else { <BUG>writer.writeEmptyElement(; </BUG> writer.writeAttribute(, patch.getResultingVersion());
writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeStartElement(; writer.writeCharacters(patch.getDescription()); writer.writeEndElement(); final Patch.PatchType type = patch.getPatchType(); if(type == Patch.PatchType.ONE_OFF) { writer.writeStartElement(; } else { writer.writeStartElement(; writer.writeAttribute(, patch.getResultingVersion());
} else { <BUG>writer.writeEmptyElement(; </BUG> writer.writeAttribute(, patch.getResultingVersion()); } <BUG>writer.writeAttribute(, appliesTo); final List<ContentModification> bundlesAdd = new ArrayList<ContentModification>();</BUG> final List<ContentModification> bundlesUpdate = new ArrayList<ContentModification>(); final List<ContentModification> bundlesRemove = new ArrayList<ContentModification>(); final List<ContentModification> miscAdd = new ArrayList<ContentModification>();
} else { writer.writeStartElement(; writer.writeAttribute(, patch.getResultingVersion()); } writeAppliesToVersions(writer, patch.getAppliesTo()); writer.writeEndElement(); // </one-off> or </cumulative> final List<ContentModification> bundlesAdd = new ArrayList<ContentModification>(); final List<ContentModification> bundlesUpdate = new ArrayList<ContentModification>(); final List<ContentModification> bundlesRemove = new ArrayList<ContentModification>(); final List<ContentModification> miscAdd = new ArrayList<ContentModification>();
final int count = reader.getAttributeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i); final Attribute attribute = Attribute.forName(reader.getAttributeLocalName(i)); switch (attribute) { <BUG>case APPLIES_TO_VERSION: builder.addAppliesTo(value); break;</BUG> case RESULTING_VERSION: if(type == Patch.PatchType.CUMULATIVE) {
final int count = reader.getAttributeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i); final Attribute attribute = Attribute.forName(reader.getAttributeLocalName(i)); switch (attribute) { case RESULTING_VERSION: if(type == Patch.PatchType.CUMULATIVE) {
final StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); for(final String p : item.getPath()) { path.append(p).append(PATH_DELIMITER); } path.append(item.getName()); <BUG>writer.writeAttribute(, path.toString()); if(type != ModificationType.REMOVE) {</BUG> writer.writeAttribute(, bytesToHexString(item.getContentHash())); } if(type != ModificationType.ADD) {
final StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); for(final String p : item.getPath()) { path.append(p).append(PATH_DELIMITER); } path.append(item.getName()); writer.writeAttribute(, path.toString()); if (item.isDirectory()) { writer.writeAttribute(, "true"); } if(type != ModificationType.REMOVE) { writer.writeAttribute(, bytesToHexString(item.getContentHash())); } if(type != ModificationType.ADD) {
} @RootTask static Task<Exec.Result> exec(String parameter, int number) { Task<String> task1 = MyTask.create(parameter); Task<Integer> task2 = Adder.create(number, number + 2); <BUG>return Task.ofType(Exec.Result.class).named("exec", "/bin/sh") .in(() -> task1)</BUG> .in(() -> task2) .process(Exec.exec((str, i) -> args("/bin/sh", "-c", "\"echo " + i + "\""))); }
} @RootTask static Task<Exec.Result> exec(String parameter, int number) { Task<String> task1 = MyTask.create(parameter); Task<Integer> task2 = Adder.create(number, number + 2); return Task.named("exec", "/bin/sh").ofType(Exec.Result.class) .in(() -> task1) .in(() -> task2) .process(Exec.exec((str, i) -> args("/bin/sh", "-c", "\"echo " + i + "\""))); }
return args; } static class MyTask { static final int PLUS = 10; static Task<String> create(String parameter) { <BUG>return Task.ofType(String.class).named("MyTask", parameter) .in(() -> Adder.create(parameter.length(), PLUS))</BUG> .in(() -> Fib.create(parameter.length())) .process((sum, fib) -> something(parameter, sum, fib)); }
return args; } static class MyTask { static final int PLUS = 10; static Task<String> create(String parameter) { return Task.named("MyTask", parameter).ofType(String.class) .in(() -> Adder.create(parameter.length(), PLUS)) .in(() -> Fib.create(parameter.length())) .process((sum, fib) -> something(parameter, sum, fib)); }
final String instanceField = "from instance"; final TaskContext context = TaskContext.inmem(); final AwaitingConsumer<String> val = new AwaitingConsumer<>(); @Test public void shouldJavaUtilSerialize() throws Exception { <BUG>Task<Long> task1 = Task.ofType(Long.class).named("Foo", "Bar", 39) .process(() -> 9999L); Task<String> task2 = Task.ofType(String.class).named("Baz", 40) .in(() -> task1)</BUG> .ins(() -> singletonList(task1))
final String instanceField = "from instance"; final TaskContext context = TaskContext.inmem(); final AwaitingConsumer<String> val = new AwaitingConsumer<>(); @Test public void shouldJavaUtilSerialize() throws Exception { Task<Long> task1 = Task.named("Foo", "Bar", 39).ofType(Long.class) .process(() -> 9999L); Task<String> task2 = Task.named("Baz", 40).ofType(String.class) .in(() -> task1) .ins(() -> singletonList(task1))
assertEquals(, "Baz"); assertEquals(val.awaitAndGet(), "[9999] hello 10004"); } @Test(expected = NotSerializableException.class) public void shouldNotSerializeWithInstanceFieldReference() throws Exception { <BUG>Task<String> task = Task.ofType(String.class).named("WithRef") .process(() -> instanceField + " causes an outer reference");</BUG> serialize(task); } @Test
assertEquals(, "Baz"); assertEquals(val.awaitAndGet(), "[9999] hello 10004"); } @Test(expected = NotSerializableException.class) public void shouldNotSerializeWithInstanceFieldReference() throws Exception { Task<String> task = Task.named("WithRef").ofType(String.class) .process(() -> instanceField + " causes an outer reference"); serialize(task); } @Test
serialize(task); } @Test public void shouldSerializeWithLocalReference() throws Exception { String local = instanceField; <BUG>Task<String> task = Task.ofType(String.class).named("WithLocalRef") .process(() -> local + " won't cause an outer reference");</BUG> serialize(task); Task<String> des = deserialize(); context.evaluate(des).consume(val);
serialize(task); } @Test public void shouldSerializeWithLocalReference() throws Exception { String local = instanceField; Task<String> task = Task.named("WithLocalRef").ofType(String.class) .process(() -> local + " won't cause an outer reference"); serialize(task); Task<String> des = deserialize(); context.evaluate(des).consume(val);
TaskContext taskContext = TaskContext.inmem(); TaskContext.Value<Long> value = taskContext.evaluate(fib92); value.consume(f92 -> System.out.println("fib(92) = " + f92)); } static Task<Long> create(long n) { <BUG>TaskBuilder<Long> fib = Task.ofType(Long.class).named("Fib", n); </BUG> if (n < 2) { return fib .process(() -> n);
TaskContext taskContext = TaskContext.inmem(); TaskContext.Value<Long> value = taskContext.evaluate(fib92); value.consume(f92 -> System.out.println("fib(92) = " + f92)); } static Task<Long> create(long n) { TaskBuilder<Long> fib = Task.named("Fib", n).ofType(Long.class); if (n < 2) { return fib .process(() -> n);
} @RootTask public static Task<String> standardArgs(int first, String second) { firstInt = first; secondString = second; <BUG>return Task.ofType(String.class).named("StandardArgs", first, second) .process(() -> second + " " + first * 100);</BUG> } @Test public void shouldParseFlags() throws Exception {
} @RootTask public static Task<String> standardArgs(int first, String second) { firstInt = first; secondString = second; return Task.named("StandardArgs", first, second).ofType(String.class) .process(() -> second + " " + first * 100); } @Test public void shouldParseFlags() throws Exception {
assertThat(parsedEnum, is(CustomEnum.BAR)); } @RootTask public static Task<String> enums(CustomEnum enm) { parsedEnum = enm; <BUG>return Task.ofType(String.class).named("Enums", enm) .process(enm::toString);</BUG> } @Test public void shouldParseCustomTypes() throws Exception {
assertThat(parsedEnum, is(CustomEnum.BAR)); } @RootTask public static Task<String> enums(CustomEnum enm) { parsedEnum = enm; return Task.named("Enums", enm).ofType(String.class) .process(enm::toString); } @Test public void shouldParseCustomTypes() throws Exception {
assertThat(parsedType.content, is("blarg parsed for you!")); } @RootTask public static Task<String> customType(CustomType myType) { parsedType = myType; <BUG>return Task.ofType(String.class).named("Types", myType.content) .process(() -> myType.content);</BUG> } public enum CustomEnum { BAR
assertThat(parsedType.content, is("blarg parsed for you!")); } @RootTask public static Task<String> customType(CustomType myType) { parsedType = myType; return Task.named("Types", myType.content).ofType(String.class) .process(() -> myType.content); } public enum CustomEnum { BAR
if (itemStack.getAmount() > 0) { return itemStack; } } } <BUG>return null; }</BUG> public static Collection<ItemDrop> parseConfig(ConfigurationSection config) { Collection<ItemDrop> drops = Collections.emptyList();
if (itemStack.getAmount() > 0) { return itemStack; } } } return new ItemStack(Material.AIR, 0); } public static Collection<ItemDrop> parseConfig(ConfigurationSection config) { Collection<ItemDrop> drops = Collections.emptyList();
import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberRange; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; <BUG>import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;</BUG> import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.Event; <BUG>import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;</BUG> import se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.commons.DependencyUtils;
import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberRange; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.Event; import se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.commons.DependencyUtils;
{ private static final String NO_COIN_REWARD_MESSAGE = "&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 using a &3<itm>&7."; private static final String COIN_REWARD_MESSAGE = "&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>&7."; private static final String COIN_PENALTY_MESSAGE = "&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>&7."; private String name; <BUG>private CoinDrop coin; private Collection<ItemDrop> itemDrops; private Collection<EntityDrop> entityDrops; private Collection<JockeyDrop> jockeyDrops;</BUG> private Message noCoinRewardMessage;
{ private static final String NO_COIN_REWARD_MESSAGE = "&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 using a &3<itm>&7."; private static final String COIN_REWARD_MESSAGE = "&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>&7."; private static final String COIN_PENALTY_MESSAGE = "&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>&7."; private String name; private Collection<AbstractDrop> drops; private Message noCoinRewardMessage;
66 = name; } public boolean hasPermission(Player player) { return DependencyUtils.hasPermission(player, "reward." + name); <BUG>} public boolean hasCoin() { return coin != null;</BUG> } = name; } public boolean hasPermission(Player player) { return DependencyUtils.hasPermission(player, "reward." + name); }
<BUG>package se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.drops.models; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberRange;</BUG> import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; public class CoinDrop extends AbstractDrop {
package se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.drops.models; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberRange; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; public class CoinDrop extends AbstractDrop {
gain = IDENTITY; party = Collections.emptyList(); integerCurrency = false; name = "Unknown"; coin = ZERO; <BUG>itemDrops = Collections.emptyList(); entityDrops = Collections.emptyList(); jockeyDrops = Collections.emptyList(); message = DefaultMessage.NO_MESSAGE;</BUG> parameters = new HashMap<>();
gain = IDENTITY; party = Collections.emptyList(); integerCurrency = false; name = "Unknown"; coin = ZERO; itemDrops = new ArrayList<>(); entityDrops = new ArrayList<>(); jockeyDrops = new ArrayList<>(); message = DefaultMessage.NO_MESSAGE; parameters = new HashMap<>();
Range nod = nodata; <BUG>Double destNod = null; </BUG> if (backgroundValues != null && backgroundValues.length > 0) { <BUG>destNod = backgroundValues[0]; }</BUG> if (interp instanceof InterpolationBilinear) { interpB = (InterpolationBilinear) interp; this.interp = interpB; interpB.setROIdata(roiBounds, roiIter);
Range nod = nodata; double[] destNod = null; if (backgroundValues != null && backgroundValues.length > 0) { destNod = backgroundValues; } if (interp instanceof InterpolationBilinear) { interpB = (InterpolationBilinear) interp; this.interp = interpB; interpB.setROIdata(roiBounds, roiIter);
interpB.setROIdata(roiBounds, roiIter); if (nod == null) { nod = interpB.getNoDataRange(); } if (destNod == null) { <BUG>destNod = interpB.getDestinationNoData(); </BUG> } } if (nod != null) {
interpB.setROIdata(roiBounds, roiIter); if (nod == null) { nod = interpB.getNoDataRange(); } if (destNod == null) { destNod = new double[]{interpB.getDestinationNoData()}; } } if (nod != null) {
} else { <BUG>byteLookupTable[i] = 0; </BUG> if(i !=0){ <BUG>byteLookupTable[0] = 1; </BUG> } } } else { <BUG>byteLookupTable[i] = value; </BUG> }
} else { byteLookupTable[b][i] = 0; if(i !=0){ byteLookupTable[b][0] = 1; } } } else { byteLookupTable[b][i] = value;
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
final int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; final int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> } } } else {
final int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; final int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; } } } else {
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { int s00 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; int s01 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; int s10 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; int s11 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; <BUG>int w00 = byteLookupTable[s00&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; int w01 = byteLookupTable[s01&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; int w10 = byteLookupTable[s10&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; int w11 = byteLookupTable[s11&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; </BUG> if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) {
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { int s00 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; int s01 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; int s10 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; int s11 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; int w00 = byteLookupTable[k2][s00&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; int w01 = byteLookupTable[k2][s01&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; int w10 = byteLookupTable[k2][s10&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; int w11 = byteLookupTable[k2][s11&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) {
dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = (byte) (intResult & 0xff); } } } else if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> } } if (fracx < fracdx1) {
dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = (byte) (intResult & 0xff); } } } else if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; } } if (fracx < fracdx1) {
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
int w11 = w11index < roiDataLength ? roiDataArray[w11index] & 0xff : 0; if (baseIndex > roiDataLength || w00 == 0 || (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0)) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> } } } else {
int w11 = w11index < roiDataLength ? roiDataArray[w11index] & 0xff : 0; if (baseIndex > roiDataLength || w00 == 0 || (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0)) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; } } } else {
final int s00 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s01 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s10 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s11 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; <BUG>w00 = byteLookupTable[s00&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; w01 = byteLookupTable[s01&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; w10 = byteLookupTable[s10&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; w11 = byteLookupTable[s11&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; </BUG> if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) {
final int s00 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s01 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posy + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s10 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s11 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; w00 = byteLookupTable[k2][s00&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; w01 = byteLookupTable[k2][s01&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; w10 = byteLookupTable[k2][s10&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; w11 = byteLookupTable[k2][s11&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) {
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> } } } else {
int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; } } } else {
+ bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s10 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s11 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; <BUG>w00 = byteLookupTable[s00&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; w01 = byteLookupTable[s01&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; w10 = byteLookupTable[s10&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; w11 = byteLookupTable[s11&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte ? 0 : 1; </BUG> if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) {
+ bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s10 = srcDataArrays[k2][posx + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; final int s11 = srcDataArrays[k2][posxhigh + posyhigh + bandOffsets[k2]]; w00 = byteLookupTable[k2][s00&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; w01 = byteLookupTable[k2][s01&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; w10 = byteLookupTable[k2][s10&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; w11 = byteLookupTable[k2][s11&0xFF] == destinationNoDataByte[k2] ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) {
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataByte[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
final int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; final int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> } } } else {
final int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; final int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; } } } else {
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
int w01 = noData.contains(s01) ? 0 : 1; int w10 = noData.contains(s10) ? 0 : 1; int w11 = noData.contains(s11) ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> } } else { double result = computeValue(s00, s01, s10, s11, w00, w01, w10,
int w01 = noData.contains(s01) ? 0 : 1; int w10 = noData.contains(s10) ? 0 : 1; int w11 = noData.contains(s11) ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; } } else { double result = computeValue(s00, s01, s10, s11, w00, w01, w10,
dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = (short) (intResult & 0xffff); } } } else if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> } } if (fracx < fracdx1) {
dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = (short) (intResult & 0xffff); } } } else if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; } } if (fracx < fracdx1) {
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
int w11 = w11index < roiDataLength ? roiDataArray[w11index] & 0xff : 0; if (baseIndex > roiDataLength || w00 == 0 || (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0)) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> } } } else {
int w11 = w11index < roiDataLength ? roiDataArray[w11index] & 0xff : 0; if (baseIndex > roiDataLength || w00 == 0 || (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0)) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; } } } else {
w01 = noData.contains(s01) ? 0 : 1; w10 = noData.contains(s10) ? 0 : 1; w11 = noData.contains(s11) ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> } } else { double result = computeValue(s00, s01, s10, s11, w00, w01, w10,
w01 = noData.contains(s01) ? 0 : 1; w10 = noData.contains(s10) ? 0 : 1; w11 = noData.contains(s11) ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; } } else { double result = computeValue(s00, s01, s10, s11, w00, w01, w10,
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } if (setDestinationNoData && clipMinX <= clipMaxX) { for (int x = clipMaxX; x < dst_max_x; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } }
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
s_ix = startPts[0].x; s_iy = startPts[0].y; if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int x = dst_min_x; x < clipMinX; x++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; dstPixelOffset += dstPixelStride; } } else
int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> } } } else {
int w10 = roiIter.getSample(x0, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; int w11 = roiIter.getSample(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, 0) & 0xff; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dst_num_bands; k2++) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; } } } else {
w01 = noData.contains(s01) ? 0 : 1; w10 = noData.contains(s10) ? 0 : 1; w11 = noData.contains(s11) ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { <BUG>dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort; </BUG> } } else { double result = computeValue(s00, s01, s10, s11, w00, w01,
w01 = noData.contains(s01) ? 0 : 1; w10 = noData.contains(s10) ? 0 : 1; w11 = noData.contains(s11) ? 0 : 1; if (w00 == 0 && w01 == 0 && w10 == 0 && w11 == 0) { if (setDestinationNoData) { dstDataArrays[k2][dstPixelOffset + dstBandOffsets[k2]] = destinationNoDataUShort[k2]; } } else { double result = computeValue(s00, s01, s10, s11, w00, w01,