Prompt: |
Generate a Bail Application involving the following key legal details: |
- CASE: Crime No. 123 of 2014 |
- DISTRICT: Not available |
- BAIL APPLICATION: Not available |
--- |
Output: |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B) of 2015 |
Aasheen son of Mohd. Safiq resident of Village – |
Lawana, Police Station - Nawabganj, District – |
Pratapgarh |
.....Applicant |
(In Jail from 20.08.2014) |
Versus |
State of Uttar Pradesh |
.....Opposite Party |
Case Crime No. 123 of 2014 |
Under section 498A/304B I.P.C. |
3/4, The Dowry Prohibition Act |
Police Station - Nawabganj |
District – Pratapgarh |
Bail application rejected by the |
Sessions Judge, Pratapgarh on 31.01.2015 |
The applicant most respectfully submits as under:- |
For the facts and reasons mentioned in accompanying |
affidavit, it is most respectfully prayed that this |
Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleased to grant the bail |
to the applicant in the interest of Justice. |
Lucknow (Dr. Gyan Singh) |
Advocate |
Dated : .2015 Counsel for the applicant |
Case Crime No. 123 of 2014 |
Under section 498A/304B I.P.C. |
3/4, The Dowry Prohibition Act |
Police Station - Nawabganj |
District – Pratapgarh |
Bail application rejected by the |
Sessions Judge, Pratapgarh on 31.01.2015 |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2015 |
Aasheen …...Applicant |
(In Jail from 20.08.2014) |
Versus |
State of Uttar Pradesh ....Opposite Party |
(In support of bail application) |
I, Mohd. Islam aged about 35 years son of Mohd. Rafi |
resident of Village – Lawana, Police Station - |
Nawabganj, District – Pratapgarh, Religion – Muslim, |
Education – Literate, Occupation – Band Master, do |
hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under :- |
That the deponent is the brother of the applicant |
1. |
and duly authorized by the applicant to file the |
aforesaid application before this Hon'ble Court |
and as such he is fully conversant with the facts |
of the case and deposed as under. The ID Proof of |
the deponent is enclosed and his photograph is |
affixed on the affidavit. |
That this is the first bail application before |
2. |
this Hon'ble Court. No any other bail |
application pending before this Hon'ble Court or |
rejected by this Hon'ble Court. |
That brief facts of the case is that a first |
3. |
information report has been lodged against |
applicant and three family members of the |
applicant on 31.07.2014 on 14.30 hours by the |
father of the deceased namely Mohd. Arman, under |
section 498A, 304B I.P.C. and 3/4 The Dowry |
Prohibition Act on the basis of wrong facts, the |
incident took place on 26.07.2014. The photocopy |
of the first information report dated 31.07.2014 |
is being annexed as Annexure No. 01 to this |
application. |
That the informant stated in the first |
4. |
information report, the marriage of daughter of |
informant namely Shaziya Bano was solemnized with |
applicant on 23.02.2014 in group marriage in |
District – Pratapgarh without dowry. Just after |
marriage, the applicant and his family member was |
demanding dowry and when the demand of the |
applicant and his family member has not fulfilled |
in result of that they brutally murdered his |
daughter. |
That some spot witnesses namely Ayodhya Prasad |
5. |
Maurya and others given statement before the |
investigating officer as on 26.07.2014 near about |
3.00 PM deceased quarreled with the applicant for |
leaving the family member of the applicant and |
wants to settle with the applicant in Mumbai, |
where the applicant residing for the livelihood |
of his family. Just after quarrel the deceased |
enter her room and locked from inside. When the |
deceased raised alarm for saving her life then |
the applicant and some other villagers tried to |
open the door but door was locked from inside. |
Thereafter the applicant enters the room from the |
back side of the home by using stair and opens |
the door from inside, where the deceased was |
burning and the applicant brought the deceased |
hospital for medication. The type copy of the |
statements of spot witnesses of the case is being |
annexed collectively as Annexure No. 02 to this |
application. |
That after opening the door the applicant called |
6. |
the Ambulance by the helpline No. 108 and brings |
the deceased with family members to SRN Hospital, |
Allahabad for treatment and admitted in hospital |
at 07.25 PM. The photocopy of the hospital |
admission slip dated 27.07.2014 is being annexed |
as Annexure No. 03 to this application. |
That the inquest report was prepared by the |
7. |
concerned police on 27.07.2014 before the |
presence of ACM, Sushila at SRN Hospital, |
Mortuary, Allahabad and the Panchat are as under: |
1. Mohd. Arman son of Mohd. Nasir resident of |
Pateullapur, Police Station – Manikpur, |
District – Pratapgarh, |
2. Mohd. Murtaza son of Mustafa resident of |
Gaura, Police Station – Sorawan, District- |
Allahabad, |
3. Mohd. Junaid son of Mohd. Arman resident of |
Pateullapur, Police Station – Manikpur, |
District – Pratapgarh |
4. Aasheen son of Mohd. Safiq resident of Village |
– Lawana, Police Station - Nawabganj, District |
– Pratapgarh |
5. Mohd. Islam son of Ali Hasan resident of |
Varista, Police Station – Jethwara, District – |
Pratapgarh |
The type copy of the inquest report dated |
27.07.2014 prepared by the investigating officer |
is being annexed as Annexure No. 04 to this |
application. |
That the post mortem was done on body of the |
8. |
deceased on 27.07.2014 in MLN, Hospital, |
Allahabad at 4.00 PM. The photocopy of the post |
mortem report dated 27.07.2014 is being annexed |
as Annexure No. 05 to this application. |
That the statement of the informant has been |
9. |
recorded by the investigating officer on |
31.07.2014 wherein the informant repeated the |
version of his first information report. The type |
copy of the statement of informant dated |
31.07.2014 is being annexed as Annexure No. 06 to |
this application. |
That the applicant belongs to very poor family |
10. |
and has bearing Antyoday Ration Card but the |
informant alleged the applicant and his family |
demanded one Motorcycle and Rs. 1,00,000/- same |
is unbelievable. The photocopy of the Antyoday |
Ration Card is being annexed as Annexure No. 07 |
to this application. |
That charge sheet filed by the investigation |
11. |
officer on 06.11.2014 against only applicant |
including under section 498A, 304B I.P.C. and 3/4 |
The Dowry Prohibition Act. |
That the applicant has been arrested by the |
12. |
police on 20.08.2014 and moved the bail |
application before the court concerned and his |
bail application has been rejected by the court |
concerned on 31.01.2015. The copy of the order |
dated 31.01.2015 passed by court concerned is |
being annexed as Annexure No. 08 to this |
application. |
That the applicant in jail since 20.08.2014 and |
13. |
has no criminal history. |
That investigating officer has not found any |
14. |
evidence against the other accused on the basis |
of statements of the spot witnesses. |
That the applicant was living in Mumbai for the |
15. |
survival/livelihood of his family members but the |
deceased always pressurized him to bring her to |
Mumbai and the deceased was always quarreled for |
this issue with the applicant but the economic |
status of the applicant has not allowed bringing |
the deceased to Mumbai. |
That on date of incident i.e. 26.07.2014, the |
16. |
deceased was start quarreling with applicant near |
about 01.00 PM and suddenly about 03.00 PM she |
run away in room and locked from inside and |
committed suicide. |
That on basis of said issue the deceased |
17. |
committed suicide and nothing was done by the |
applicant as alleged by the informant and proved |
the concerned police. |
That the applicant has no issue with the deceased |
18. |
in his life and both are very happy except above |
mentioned but the informant has lodged first |
information report on the wrong facts. |
That there is no any evidence found by the |
19. |
investigating officer in regard of demand of the |
dowry. After suicide of the deceased the |
informant cooked this story overnight. |
That the applicant is innocent and due to take |
20. |
revenge with informant falsely implicated in the |
aforesaid case crime. |
That there is no any evidence against the |
21. |
applicant to connect him with the aforesaid case |
crime and the only evidence against the applicant |
in regard of alleged offence is only false story |
and baseless ground, which was by the informant |
and the police. |
That since the applicant has not committed any |
22. |
offence as alleged but he has been falsely |
implicated in the case by the informant in |
malafide intention. |
That no any involvement in the said case as |
23. |
alleged in first information report, the |
applicant has no reason to murder the deceased. |
That a false story cooked up by the concerned |
24. |
police and informant as the applicant committing |
the aforesaid case crime. |
That the applicant has no motive to commit the |
25. |
alleged crime and false motive, for the money, |
has been fabricated by the concerned police. |
That the applicant has no criminal history except |
26. |
the aforesaid false case and not likely to hope |
in future to commit any offence. |
That there is no chance of the applicant |
27. |
absconding or tempering with the prosecution |
witnesses. |
That the applicant is ready to furnished the |
28. |
security and bond and also undertake that he will |
be never misused liberty of bail. |
That in view of the above, it would be expedient |
29. |
and necessary in the interest of justice that the |
applicant be enlarged on bail during pendency of |
case. |
Lucknow |
Date : 2015 Deponent |
I, the deponent, do hereby verify that the |
contents of para 1 to of this affidavit are |
true to my personal knowledge. No part of its is false |
and nothing material has been concealed. So, help me |
“GOD”. |
Lucknow |
Dated: 2015 Deponent |
I, do hereby declare that the person making this |
affidavit and alleging himself to be the deponent is |
known to me from the perusal of papers and I am |
satisfied that he is the same person. |
Advocate |
Solemnly affirmed before me on |
at A.M./P.M. by the deponent, who has been |
identified by Sri Prabhat Kumar Mishra, Advocate, High |
Court, Lucknow, Bench, Lucknow. Enrollment No. 8078 of |
2011, resident Nigohan, Lucknow. Mobile No. 8004776600 |
I, have satisfied myself by examining the deponent |
that he understands the contents of this affidavit, |
which have been read over and explained by me. |
Criminal Misc. Case No. (B)of 2015 |
Aashin …...Applicant |
(In Jail from 20.08.2014) |
Versus |
State of Uttar Pradesh ....Opposite Party |
Sr.No |
Particulars Page No. |
Application for bail under section |
439 Cr.P.C. |
1. |
Affidavit in support of |
2. |
application |
Annexure No. 1 |
3. |
The photocopy of the first |
information report dated |
31.07.2014 |
Annexure No. 2 |
4. |
The type copy of the statement of |
spot witness of the case dated |
31.07.2014 |
Annexure No. 3 |
5. |
The photocopy of the hospital |
admission slip dated 27.07.2014 |
Annexure No. 4 |
6. |
The type copy of the inquest |
report dated 27.07.2014 prepared |
by the investigating officer |
Annexure No. 5 |
7. |
The photocopy of the post mortem |
report dated 27.07.2014 |
Annexure No. 6 |
8. |
The type copy of the statement of |
informant dated 31.07.2014 |
Annexure No. 7 |
9. |
The photocopy of the Antyoday |
Ration Card |
Annexure No. 8 |
10. |
The copy of the order dated |
31.01.2015 passed by court |
concerned |
Vakalatnama/Power |
11. |
Lucknow (Dr. Gyan Singh) |
Advocate |
Dated : .2015 Counsel for the applicant |