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<meta content="A problem lately: I start running, and within five minutes or so, I start thinking about a title or description for my online training log. I should be payin..." name="description">
<meta content="Meta-Running?" property="og:title">
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<meta content="2015-03-16" property="og:article:published_time">
<body class="">
<p class="caption">
About software and adventures on foot.
<h1 class="with-time">
<time class="permalink" datetime="2015-03-16T00:00:00+00:00">
<a title="Permalink to Meta-Running?">
16 Mar 2015
A problem lately: I start running, and within five minutes or so, I start thinking about a title or description for my
online training log
Take today&rsquo;s run, for example.
Strava entry
about this in my head.
This is a bit of a problem, for me and I think a lot of other people (there is a steady stream of running-selfies out there, for one measure). Sometimes we are too connected; we quantify our runs until we neglect to feel the ground with each step, and we objectify our performance until we no longer feel our lungs fill with each breath.
Short of investing time in learning to meditate or throwing out all training technology (which really is useful), the only two solutions I know of are to run longer and work harder. Working hard or being out a long time, you will eventually get into a zone in which you are present to the reality of the run.
Maybe blogging about it will help.
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