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Ladakh - Adventure Travel For Active Boomers Over Fifty: FiftySense
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Adventure Travel
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Trekking in Ladakh
In the past few years, Ladakh has become increasing more popular as an adventure travel destination. Because of the recent political problems in Nepal (which hopefully are now overcome), many travelers have sought the Himalayan region of Ladakh as an alternative trekking destination.
The standard way to trek in Ladakh is to hire a guide as well as a couple horses and assistants to walk with you, making the trip much easier and hassle free. Because of the rough and dry terrain as well as extremely high altitudes, it is highly recommended that trekkers take advantage of these services in order to experience an enjoyable as well as safe trek in the Himalayas.
One popular trek which takes you through the varied terrain of Ladakh is the Markha Valley trek. This trek will take you through green valleys, as well as over high altitude passes passing through moon-like desert landscape along the way.
Because of the high altitudes and passes the best time of year to do this trek is from July to September. An easier trek to consider is the Sham trek from Liker to Khaltser.
Trekking in Ladakh is a once in a lifetime experience where you can not only challenge yourself physically, but also experience the amazing landscape and the vastly different Ladakhi culture along the way.
We hope you not only learn something new, but will also share your experiences with us.
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, you may even be selected for our weekly feature!
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