Amxxprogramer / How to create A Custom Mode.txt
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Upload How to create A Custom Mode.txt
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1- First we will include the necessary include files
#include < amxmodx >
#include < fun >
#include < zombie_plague_advance >
Instead of using fake meta to set the default attributes for players, i will be using fun because it is not only efficient but is also easy for beginners to understand.
2- Now we will make a customizations section where users can customize the game modes according to there requirements
// This is the chance value according to which this game mode will be called
// The higher the value the lesser the chance of calling this game mode
new const g_chance = 15
// This is the access flag required to start the game mode
// through the admin menu. Look in users.ini for more details
new const g_access_flag[] = "a"
// This is the sound which is played when the game mode is triggered
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_play_sounds[][] =
"zombie_plague/nemesis1.wav" ,
// Comment the following line to disable ambience sounds
// Just add two slashes ( // )
// Ambience Sounds (only .wav and .mp3 formats supported)
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_sound_ambience[][] =
"zombie_plague/swarm.mp3" ,
// Duration in seconds of each sound
new const Float:g_sound_ambience_duration[] = { 58.0 , 56.0 }
Now were done with the customizations section we have added support for all necassary things which make a gamemode more enjoy able to play
3- Now we will create the plugin init and declare some variables
I have commented it well so it will be easy to understand:
// Variables
new g_gameid, g_maxplayers, cvar_minplayers, cvar_ratio, cvar_sniperhp, cvar_assahp, g_msg_sync
// Ambience sounds task
// This value should be different from other task values present in other plugins
// Change it every time you make a new game mode
#define TASK_AMB 2957
public plugin_init( )
// Plugin registeration.
register_plugin ( "[ZP] Example Game Mode","1.0", "@bdul!" )
// Register some cvars
// Edit these according to your liking
// Min players required for this game mode
cvar_minplayers = register_cvar ( "zp_avsm_minplayers", "2" )
// Sniper's HP multiplier
cvar_sniperhp = register_cvar ( "zp_avsm_sniper_hp", "1.5" )
// Assassin's HP multiplier
cvar_assahp = register_cvar ( "zp_avsm_assassin_hp", "1.0" )
// Infection ratio i.e this number * alive players = no of assassins
cvar_ratio = register_cvar ( "zp_avsm_inf_ratio", "0.5" )
// Get maxplayers
g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers( )
// Hud stuff needed
g_msg_sync = CreateHudSyncObj( )
4- Now we will precache our resources this is very necessary
Game Modes MUST be registered in plugin precache ONLY
public plugin_precache( )
// Read the access flags
// Convert them in to bitsums
new access_flag = read_flags( g_access_flag )
new i
// Loop through all play sounds
// Precache the play sounds
for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_play_sounds; i++)
precache_sound( g_play_sounds[i] )
// Precache the ambience sounds
new sound[100]
for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_sound_ambience; i++)
// If mp3 sounds then precache them seperately
if (equal(g_sound_ambience[i][strlen(g_sound_ambience[i])-4], ".mp3"))
formatex(sound, sizeof sound - 1, "sound/%s", g_sound_ambience[i])
// mp3 sounds are generic resources to half life
precache_generic( sound )
// Precache the sound normally
precache_sound( g_sound_ambience[i] )
// Register our game mode
g_gameid = zp_register_game_mode( "Assassin vs Snipers Mode", access_flag, g_chance, 0, ZP_DM_BALANCE )
Now we have registered our game mode
zp_register_game_mode takes 5 parameters
The first parameter is its normal name
The second parameter is the access flag required to activate this game mode manually through the admin menu
The third parameter is its chance level....setting this to zero will cause the game mode to be always called by the main plugin
The fourth parameter is whether to allow infection in this round or not
set this to 1 and attacks by zombies on humans will infect them instead of killing them
The fifth parameter is the type of deathmatch you want during this game mode
I will paste the code from Zombie Plague Advance's include file regarding deathmatch modes
/* Death Match modes for zp_register_game_mode */
ZP_DM_NONE = 0, // Disable death match during the custom mode round
ZP_DM_HUMAN, // Respawn as human only
ZP_DM_ZOMBIE, // Respawn as zombie only
ZP_DM_RANDOM, // Respawn randomly as humans or zombies
ZP_DM_BALANCE // Respawn as humans or zombies to keep both team balanced
5- In order to catch the game mode we will use the zp_round_started_pre forward instead of zp_round_started because the first one is called for custom game modes and allows them to either start or stop while informing the main plugin whether to give other game modes a chance or not.
public zp_round_started_pre( game )
// Check if it is our game mode
if( game == g_gameid )
// Check for min players
if( fn_get_alive_players() < get_pcvar_num(cvar_minplayers) )
* Note:
* This very necessary, you should return ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED if
* some conditions required by your game mode are not met
* This will inform the main plugin that you have rejected
* the offer and so the main plugin will allow other game modes
* to be given a chance
// Start our new mode
start_avs_mode( )
// Make the compiler happy =)
start_avs_mode is the function where our code for the game mode will be present
6- Now we will catch the round started forward from ZP to check if our game mode has started fully so we can show a hudmessage for it and start play sounds and ambience sounds.
public zp_round_started( game, id )
// Check if it is our game mode
if( game == g_gameid )
// Show HUD notice
set_hudmessage(221, 156, 21, -1.0, 0.17, 1, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1)
ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_msg_sync, "Assassins vs Snipers Mode !!!")
// Play the starting sound
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"%s^"", g_play_sounds[ random_num(0, sizeof g_play_sounds -1) ] )
// Remove ambience task affects
remove_task( TASK_AMB )
// Set task to start ambience sounds
set_task( 2.0, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )
7- Next we will check if our game mode was manually selected
if so, then start our game mode with out any checks.
// This is called when an admin selects a custom game mode
public zp_game_mode_selected( gameid, id )
// Check if our game mode was called
if( gameid == g_gameid )
start_avs_mode( )
// Make the compiler happy again =)
8- Now lets create a function where our actual game mode is hidden
// This function contains the whole code behind this game mode
start_avs_mode( )
// Create and initialize some important vars
static i_assassins, i_max_assassins, id, i_alive
// Get alive players
// This function will be discussed later in the tutorial
i_alive = fn_get_alive_players()
id = 0
// Get the no of players we have to turn into assassins
i_max_assassins = floatround( ( i_alive * get_pcvar_float( cvar_ratio ) ), floatround_ceil )
i_assassins = 0
// Randomly turn players into Assassins
while (i_assassins < i_max_assassins)
// Keep looping through all players
// As the while loop continues, 1 is added to the "id" variable so every single time the
// while loop completes a new player is selected for the task of making him into an assassin
// If the variable "id" has exceeded max players number than its value is reset 1 so we
// can loop through the players again
if ( (++id) > g_maxplayers) id = 1
// Dead
if ( !is_user_alive(id) )
// Random chance to convert players so we dont convert players with a smaller id
if (random_num(1, 5) == 1)
// Make user assassin
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_assahp)) )
// Increase counter
// Turn the remaining players into snipers
for (id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++)
// Only those of them who are alive and are not assassins
if ( !is_user_alive(id) || zp_get_user_assassin(id) )
// Turn into a sniper
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_sniperhp)) )
9- Now i will display the code to start our ambience sound
i wont be explaning it more since i have commented it well.
public start_ambience_sounds( )
// Variables
static amb_sound[64], sound, Float:duration
// Select our ambience sound randomly
sound = random_num( 0, sizeof g_sound_ambience - 1 )
// Copy the string into the amb_sound variable
copy( amb_sound, sizeof amb_sound - 1 , g_sound_ambience[ sound ] )
// Get the duration for the ambience sound
duration = g_sound_ambience_duration[ sound ]
// Check whether it's a wav or mp3, then play it on clients
if ( equal( amb_sound[ strlen( amb_sound ) - 4 ], ".mp3" ) )
client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", amb_sound )
client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", sound )
// Start the ambience sounds again after the duration is completed
set_task( duration, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )
public zp_round_ended( winteam )
// Stop ambience sounds on round end
remove_task( TASK_AMB )
10- Now we will transform a player into an assassin or a sniper after he respawns
We cant use Hamsandwich's spawn forward because it is not called for CZ bots and for CZ bots we need to register ham forwards seperately
which wil not only lengthen the tutorial but will also confuse beginners
so we will use ZPA's own spawn forward which i made specially for game modes:
// Player spawn post
public zp_player_spawn_post( id, should_be_zombie )
// Check for current mode
if( zp_get_current_mode() == g_gameid )
// Check if the player was to be made a zombie
if( zp_get_user_zombie( id ))
// Make him an assassin instead
zp_make_user_assassin( id )
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_assahp)) )
// Make him a sniper
zp_make_user_sniper( id )
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_sniperhp)) )
The first parameter of this forward is the index of the player who is spawning
if the second parameter is 1 then it means that the main plugin wanted the guy to be a zombie . If it is 0 than the player should be a human
11- The final step is to add a function to return the number of alive players
You can use this in your script to get no of alive players
// This function returns the no of alive players
fn_get_alive_players( )
static i_alive, id
i_alive = 0
for ( id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++ )
if ( is_user_alive ( id ) )
return i_alive;
So finally in the end it will look like this:
PHP Code:
#include < amxmodx >
#include < fun >
#include < zombie_plague_advance >
/****************[ Customizations Section ]***************/
// This is the chance value according to which this game mode will be called
// The higher the value the lesser the chance of calling this game mode
new const g_chance = 15
// This is the access flag required to start the game mode
// through the admin menu. Look in users.ini for more details
new const g_access_flag[] = "a"
// This is the sound which is played when the game mode is triggered
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_play_sounds[][] =
"zombie_plague/nemesis1.wav" ,
// Comment the following line to disable ambience sounds
// Just add two slashes ( // )
// Ambience Sounds (only .wav and .mp3 formats supported)
// Add as many as you want [Randomly chosen if more than one]
new const g_sound_ambience[][] =
// Duration in seconds of each sound
new const Float:g_sound_ambience_duration[] = { 58.0 , 56.0 }
/****************[ Customizations End....!!! ]***************/
// Variables
new g_gameid, g_maxplayers, cvar_minplayers, cvar_ratio, cvar_sniperhp, cvar_assahp, g_msg_sync
// Ambience sounds task
#define TASK_AMB 3256
public plugin_init( )
// Plugin registeration.
register_plugin( "[ZP] Example Game Mode","1.0", "@bdul!" )
// Register some cvars
// Edit these according to your liking
cvar_minplayers = register_cvar("zp_avsm_minplayers", "2")
cvar_sniperhp = register_cvar("zp_avsm_sniper_hp", "1.5")
cvar_assahp = register_cvar("zp_avsm_assassin_hp", "1.0")
cvar_ratio = register_cvar("zp_avsm_inf_ratio", "0.5")
// Get maxplayers
g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers( )
// Hud stuff
g_msg_sync = CreateHudSyncObj()
// Game modes MUST be registered in plugin precache ONLY
public plugin_precache( )
// Read the access flag
new access_flag = read_flags( g_access_flag )
new i
// Precache the play sounds
for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_play_sounds; i++)
precache_sound( g_play_sounds[i] )
// Precache the ambience sounds
new sound[100]
for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_sound_ambience; i++)
if (equal(g_sound_ambience[i][strlen(g_sound_ambience[i])-4], ".mp3"))
formatex(sound, sizeof sound - 1, "sound/%s", g_sound_ambience[i])
precache_generic( sound )
precache_sound( g_sound_ambience[i] )
// Register our game mode
g_gameid = zp_register_game_mode( "Assassin vs Snipers Mode", access_flag, g_chance, 0, ZP_DM_BALANCE )
// Player spawn post
public zp_player_spawn_post( id, should_be_zombie )
// Check for current mode
if( zp_get_current_mode() == g_gameid )
// Check if the player was to be made a zombie
if( zp_get_user_zombie( id ))
// Make him an assassin instead
zp_make_user_assassin( id )
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_assahp)) )
// Make him a sniper
zp_make_user_sniper( id )
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_sniperhp)) )
public zp_round_started_pre( game )
// Check if it is our game mode
if( game == g_gameid )
// Check for min players
if( fn_get_alive_players() < get_pcvar_num(cvar_minplayers) )
* Note:
* This very necessary, you should return ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED if
* some conditions required by your game mode are not met
* This will inform the main plugin that you have rejected
* the offer and so the main plugin will allow other game modes
* to be given a chance
// Start our new mode
start_avs_mode( )
// Make the compiler happy =)
public zp_round_started( game, id )
// Check if it is our game mode
if( game == g_gameid )
// Show HUD notice
set_hudmessage(221, 156, 21, -1.0, 0.17, 1, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1)
ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_msg_sync, "Assassins vs Snipers Mode !!!")
// Play the starting sound
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"%s^"", g_play_sounds[ random_num(0, sizeof g_play_sounds -1) ] )
// Remove ambience task affects
remove_task( TASK_AMB )
// Set task to start ambience sounds
set_task( 2.0, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )
public zp_game_mode_selected( gameid, id )
// Check if our game mode was called
if( gameid == g_gameid )
start_avs_mode( )
// Make the compiler happy again =)
// This function contains the whole code behind this game mode
start_avs_mode( )
// Create and initialize some important vars
static i_assassins, i_max_assassins, id, i_alive
i_alive = fn_get_alive_players()
id = 0
// Get the no of players we have to turn into assassins
i_max_assassins = floatround( ( i_alive * get_pcvar_float( cvar_ratio ) ), floatround_ceil )
i_assassins = 0
// Randomly turn players into Assassins
while (i_assassins < i_max_assassins)
// Keep looping through all players
if ( (++id) > g_maxplayers) id = 1
// Dead
if ( !is_user_alive(id) )
// Random chance
if (random_num(1, 5) == 1)
// Make user assassin
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_assahp)) )
// Increase counter
// Turn the remaining players into snipers
for (id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++)
// Only those of them who are alive and are not assassins
if ( !is_user_alive(id) || zp_get_user_assassin(id) )
// Turn into a sniper
// Set his health
set_user_health( id, floatround(get_user_health(id) * get_pcvar_float(cvar_sniperhp)) )
public start_ambience_sounds( )
// Variables
static amb_sound[64], sound, Float:duration
// Select our ambience sound
sound = random_num( 0, sizeof g_sound_ambience - 1 )
copy( amb_sound, sizeof amb_sound - 1 , g_sound_ambience[ sound ] )
duration = g_sound_ambience_duration[ sound ]
// Check whether it's a wav or mp3, then play it on clients
if ( equal( amb_sound[ strlen( amb_sound ) - 4 ], ".mp3" ) )
client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", amb_sound )
client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", sound )
// Start the ambience sounds
set_task( duration, "start_ambience_sounds", TASK_AMB )
public zp_round_ended( winteam )
// Stop ambience sounds on round end
remove_task( TASK_AMB )
// This function returns the no. of alive players
fn_get_alive_players( )
static i_alive, id
i_alive = 0
for ( id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++ )
if( is_user_alive( id ) )
return i_alive;