entity_group score word start end file page_number 0 title 0.87279725 Background 0 10 W2161071416.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9966501 ¶ 10 12 W2161071416.pdf 2 2 text 0.99966013 "Altering people ’s health-related behaviours can have a substantial impact on the main causes of mortality andmorbidity [1]. Behavioural inte rventions can modify current patterns of disease [1]. Diet-related disease is a major public health concern and continues to endanger our populationhealth and the sustainability of our healthcare systems [2]." 12 369 W2161071416.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9464195 ¶ 369 371 W2161071416.pdf 2 4 text 0.9996178 "Dietary intake of fat (especially saturated fat and trans fat), sugar and salt play a critical role in the development ofhypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovas- cular disease [3]." 371 569 W2161071416.pdf 2 5 separator 0.981947 ¶ 569 571 W2161071416.pdf 2 6 text 0.9997051 "Dietary behaviour is influenced by a complex net of individual, environmental, societal, biological and psycho- logical factors [4,5]. Given the complicated intricacies of dietary behaviour, there is a need to develop effectivecomplex behavioural interventions to promote dietary change in the population. Complex interventions have several interacting components and should be deve-loped systematically with appropriate evidence and theory [1,6]. These interventions should be piloted carefully and the process of implementation should bemonitored [6]." 571 1139 W2161071416.pdf 2 7 separator 0.9885289 ¶ 1139 1141 W2161071416.pdf 2 8 text 0.9997195 "The workplace is an ideal setting to implement these complex interventions, as most adults spend approximately60% of their waking hours at work [7]. The workplace environment is a microcosm of society [8]. It is the most appropriate setting to examine complex dietary inter-ventions as it can tolerate the interacting components of these interventions while assessing the impact in relatively homogenous workplace populations in con-trolled environments [8]. Relevant reviews agree that these interventions may be more effective if they are of high intensity, developed within a complex frameworkand comply with a robust study design [5,8-12]." 1141 1799 W2161071416.pdf 2 9 separator 0.98884964 ¶ 1799 1801 W2161071416.pdf 2 10 text 0.99971336 "However, there are substantial gaps in the current evidence base [8-13]. Although a moderate positiveeffect on dietary behaviour has been reported, particu- larly with fruit and vegetable intakes [9-12], workplace dietary intervention studies to date are of low-intensitywith suboptimal study designs [9-13]. These interven- tions focus on information provision and fail to examine environmental approaches, such as food modification and real incentives, for example, price discounts [8]." 1801 2302 W2161071416.pdf 2 11 separator 0.9636524 ¶ 2302 2304 W2161071416.pdf 2 12 text 0.99943006 "Inconsistent reporting of previous studies has alsoprecluded meta-analysis. Therefore, the impact of complex workplace dietary behaviour interventions is still unknown." 2304 2477 W2161071416.pdf 2 13 separator 0.98969924 ¶ 2477 2479 W2161071416.pdf 2 14 text 0.9983271 "The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of complex dietary interventions focused on environmental dietary modification aloneor in combination with nutrition education in large" 2479 2695 W2161071416.pdf 2 15 separator 0.9925247 ¶ 2695 2697 W2161071416.pdf 2 0 text 0.99960387 "manufacturing workplace settings. The study design is informed by the findings of a systematic review con-ducted by the authors [14].This high-intensity complex intervention design is guided by appropriate structured frameworks and guidelines, including those of the Medical Research Council [6] andthe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) [1]. This study will be reported according to the TREND statement [6,15]." 0 447 W2161071416.pdf 2 1 separator 0.99309695 ¶ 447 449 W2161071416.pdf 2 2 text 0.99961925 "Environmental dietary modification and nutrition edu- cation approaches in this study will primarily draw on a soft paternalistic ‘nudge ’theoretical perspective [16]. As recommended by the World Health Organization, cater- ing and workplace stakeholders, including employees, will actively develop aspects of the intervention with theresearch team according to the specific characteristics of the included workplaces [4]." 449 884 W2161071416.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9873408 ¶ 884 886 W2161071416.pdf 2 4 text 0.99960095 "A process evaluation will be conducted. A cost- effectiveness economic evaluation will be undertaken in each workplace following a previous framework devel- oped by Drummond et al .[ 1 7 ] .V e r yf e ws t u d i e sh a v e used cost-effective techniques to evaluate workplace interventions. Recently, Sacks et al .f o u n dt h a tt h e traffic-light nutrition labelling offered excellent valuefor money as an obesity-prevention measure [18]. Ab- senteeism" 886 1356 W2161071416.pdf 2 0 text 0.9988701 "trends will also be monitored before and after the intervention to measure differences in labourproductivity." 0 111 W2161071416.pdf 2 1 separator 0.99619436 ¶ 111 113 W2161071416.pdf 2 2 title 0.99190044 Study hypothesis 113 130 W2161071416.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9929277 ¶ 130 132 W2161071416.pdf 2 4 text 0.99954975 "Workplace complex dietary interventions that combine environmental dietary modification and nutrition educa- tion are more effective and cost-effective than nutritioneducation interventions alone or environmental dietary modification interventions alone when considering posi- tive changes in dietary behaviour, health status and diet-related disease risk." 132 497 W2161071416.pdf 2 5 separator 0.99373835 ¶ 497 499 W2161071416.pdf 2 6 title 0.99147195 Study objectives 499 516 W2161071416.pdf 2 7 separator 0.9938849 ¶ 516 518 W2161071416.pdf 2 8 text 0.9942746 "The key objectives for this study are: 1. To develop long-term workplace complex dietary interventions focused on environmental dietary modification alone or in conjunction with nutrition education in large manufacturing workplace settings and evaluate the impact of these interventions on employees ’dietary behaviour, health status and nutrition knowledge. 2. To investigate employees ’food choice motives in a working environment. 3. To conduct a process evaluation that will include all key stakeholders to define critical elements in the success or failure of the complex dietaryinterventions. 4. To evaluate and compare the alternative interventions in terms of their costs andconsequences.Ge" 518 1245 W2161071416.pdf 2 9 paratext 0.9043801 aney et al. Trials 2013, 14:370 Page 2 of 14 1245 1289 W2161071416.pdf 2 10 separator 0.9574231 ¶ 1289 1291 W2161071416.pdf 2 11 paratext 0.9865181 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/370 1291 1337 W2161071416.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.9934796 Appl. 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[CrossRef]" 904 1104 W4388672362.pdf 22 13 separator 0.99596477 ¶ 1104 1106 W4388672362.pdf 22 14 paratext 0.80737424 "Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content." 1106 1480 W4388672362.pdf 22 0 text 0.9995883 32 Association), Професійної асоціації гольфу у США (Professional Golf Associa-tion of America, турніром майстрів Професійної асоціації гольфу США (the Masters Tournament) і Асоціації гольфу США (The United States Golf Associa-tion ) у 1997 р. На початку її основною метою було створення можливостей для занять гольфом молоді, особливо з неблагополучних районів США. З 2004 року програма почала діяти у 9 тис. початкових шкіл США First Tee National School. Як задекларовано у статуті організації, метою програми є: «впливати на життя молодих людей через освітні програми, що формують характер, прищеплювати життєві цінності за допомогою гри в гольф. Поєднуючи заняття з гольфу з формуванням життєвих та лідерських якостей, молодь не лише вчитиметься забивати м’яч у лунку, але й отримає важливі життєві уроки» [18]. На кожному етапі тренування спортсмени засвоюють дев’ять основних цінностей, які на думку авторів-розробників є пов’язані з грою у гольф. Батькам рекомендовано обговорювати їх зміст і значення під час сімейних занять. Основними задекларованими у програмі цінностями є: Чесність (чесність стосується правдивості не лише під час гри у гольф, але і поза майданчиком у звичайному житті). Дотримуючись правил гольфу, гравці самостійно 0 1266 W4287547384.pdf 32 0 text 0.9994604 ведуть підрахунок та вимагають штрафних санкцій стосовно себе. Доброчесність (суворе дотримання ціннісних норм чи певної поведінки, особиста чесність і незалежність). У гольфі важливо дотримуватися правил етикету та самоконтролю. Гравці несуть відповідальність за власні дії та особисту поведінку на полі, незалежно від того, чи за ними спостерігають інші). Належна спортивна поведінка (програвати і вигравати з гідністю). Гравці повинні знати правила гри та дотримуватися їх, поводитися доброзичливо навіть в азарті гри , з повагою ставитися до інших спортсменів. Повага (відчувати або проявляти шанобливе ставлення до оточення). У гольфі важливо проявляти повагу до себе, до партнерів, суперників під час змагань на полі гольфу, а також до традицій гри. Упевненість (опора, довіра, почуття впевненості у собі). Упевненість відіграє ключову роль у підвищенні рівня гри. Вона зростає за умови, що гравець відчуває позитивні емоції від ведення гри, незалежно від результату. Відповідальність ( облік своїх дій, надійність). Гравці відповідають за свої дії на полі. 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[CrossRef]" 813 980 W4389487625.pdf 11 17 separator 0.9958786 ¶ 980 982 W4389487625.pdf 11 18 paratext 0.79927415 "Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content." 982 1356 W4389487625.pdf 11 0 paratext 0.98559695 560 0 3 W4239270390.pdf 0 1 separator 0.98473865 ¶ 3 5 W4239270390.pdf 0 2 title 0.9920975 BNF recommended dosage 5 28 W4239270390.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9925384 ¶ 28 30 W4239270390.pdf 0 4 title 0.66719115 DEAR SIRS 30 40 W4239270390.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9930521 ¶ 40 42 W4239270390.pdf 0 6 text 0.9993409 "We read with interest the report of Stanley & Doyle (Psychiatric Bulletin, May 1993, 17, 299-300) about prescribing levels in the West Midlands regional secure unit. Both this experience and that of Fraser & Heppel (1992) represent special cases. Despite this Stanely & Doyle happily report few patients being prescribed doses above the British National Formulary (BNF) ranges." 42 434 W4239270390.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9878932 ¶ 434 436 W4239270390.pdf 0 8 text 0.9994701 "We would like to report a similar exercise under taken in an acute adult psychiatric unit based in a district general hospital serving a mixed urban and rural population. The drug charts for the in-patients of four consultants (excluding the drug and alcohol service)were reviewedon two occasions a month apart." 436 758 W4239270390.pdf 0 9 separator 0.95269644 ¶ 758 760 W4239270390.pdf 0 10 text 0.9996195 "The regular medication dosage for the last 24 hours was recorded and the PRN medication recorded as the singledose prescribed, the total dose given in the last 24 hours and whether any dose had been given. These observations were made (with the consent of theconsultants) by CJB who was blind to the patients' diagnosis and without recourse to the medical notes." 760 1133 W4239270390.pdf 0 11 separator 0.97856313 ¶ 1133 1135 W4239270390.pdf 0 12 text 0.9996227 "The charts of 83 patients were reviewed. There were 129regular prescriptions and 104PRN prescriptions, a mean of 1.55 and 1.25 respectively per patient. Only two patients had no regular medication and only one virgin chart. Twenty regular (15.5%) prescriptions were for antidepressants, only one being a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Sixty-two (48%) regular prescriptions were for ncurolcptics including 14depots (10.9% of regular prescriptions) and two (1.6%) for clozapine. Of the 104 PRN prescriptions, only 12 dosages (11.5%) had been given in the previous 24 hours. Procyclidine was the most commonly pre scribed PRN medication (31 scripts, 29.8%) with temazepam close behind (27 scripts, 26%). Only one patient received regular medication in a dose above that recommended by the BNF, Modecate 200 mg two weekly (BNF maximum dose 100mg two weekly)." 1135 2031 W4239270390.pdf 0 13 separator 0.97905535 ¶ 2031 2033 W4239270390.pdf 0 14 text 0.9996417 "The results suggest that the limits suggested by the BNF serve adequately for the majority of patients in an acute adult setting. Only the exceptional patient requires higher doses and this can be seen in the two studies cited above. There is little value in using very high doses of psychotropic drugs and there may be a worsening of outcome (e.g. Baldessarini et al, 1985)." 2033 2421 W4239270390.pdf 0 15 separator 0.9697635 ¶ 2421 2423 W4239270390.pdf 0 16 text 0.9991519 "There is a need to ensure that clear indications are given for the use of medication above these guide lines and appropriate use of the Mental Health Act (1983) where informed consent cannot be obtained." 2423 2633 W4239270390.pdf 0 17 separator 0.996688 ¶ 2633 2635 W4239270390.pdf 0 18 contact 0.79963577 CHRISTOPHER 2635 2647 W4239270390.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.8655413 "J. BALLGuy 's Hospital London SEI 9RT" 0 39 W4239270390.pdf 0 1 separator 0.3750195 ¶ 39 41 W4239270390.pdf 0 2 contact 0.8667978 "RICHARD L. SYMONDS Medway Hospital Gillingham. KentCorrespondence" 41 111 W4239270390.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9785206 ¶ 111 113 W4239270390.pdf 0 4 title 0.97517526 References 113 124 W4239270390.pdf 0 5 separator 0.99451053 ¶ 124 126 W4239270390.pdf 0 6 bibliography 0.9985189 "BALDESSARINI, R. J.,COHEN,B. M. &TEICHER, H. M. ( 1985) Significance of ncuroleptic dose and plasma level in the pharmacological treatment of psychoses. Archives of General Psychiatry, 45,79-91." 126 327 W4239270390.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9304197 ¶ 327 329 W4239270390.pdf 0 8 bibliography 0.9986235 "FRÄSER, K. & HEPPEL, J. (1992) Prescribing in a Special Hospital. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 3, 311-320." 329 442 W4239270390.pdf 0 9 separator 0.88165617 ¶ 442 444 W4239270390.pdf 0 10 bibliography 0.97756624 See also page 557. 444 463 W4239270390.pdf 0 11 separator 0.99356025 ¶ 463 465 W4239270390.pdf 0 12 title 0.94904006 Burnout 465 473 W4239270390.pdf 0 13 separator 0.99443513 ¶ 473 475 W4239270390.pdf 0 14 bibliography 0.7768637 "DEAR SIRSIn relation to Dr Watson's conference briefing on •Burnout', (Psychiatric Bulletin, April 1993, 17, 235)" 475 593 W4239270390.pdf 0 15 separator 0.9870491 ¶ 593 595 W4239270390.pdf 0 16 text 0.9987698 "I would like to report the findings of a survey of psychiatric trainees I carried out in 1987." 595 692 W4239270390.pdf 0 17 separator 0.9164201 ¶ 692 694 W4239270390.pdf 0 18 text 0.9995278 "The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) and another questionnaire were sent to a 10% sample of trainees (180) in England and Wales. The survey was anonymous and the return rate 50%. Thirty-five respondents (39%) scored 5 or more on the GHQ-30, 17 suspected they had had a past psychiatric illness and, of these, 14 scored high on the GHQ-30, even though no longer apparently suffering from psychi atric illness. Distress sufficient to interfere with home life and work was reported by 37 (42%) and 33 trainees respectively and 24 (27%) had considered giving up psychiatry. Half reporting such distress" 694 1320 W4239270390.pdf 0 0 separator 0.89924014 ¶ 0 1 W4239270390.pdf 0 1 text 0.9988864 "said it lasted for weeks or months.Reported as stressful were listening to others' problems/distress 28 (32%), dealing with violent/ potentially violent patients 21, realising the limi tations of treatment 20, staff relationships 13,on-call duties II, over-work 9, suicidal/potentially suicidal patients 8." 1 318 W4239270390.pdf 0 2 separator 0.98128897 ¶ 318 320 W4239270390.pdf 0 3 text 0.9996328 "These results indicate a significant level of chronic distress during psychiatric training. Non-responders appear to be more distressed than responders (Vernon et al, 1984; Firth Cozens, 1987) and, even if the 50% who did not respond are in full health, there is sufficient distress to warrant further attention.In terms of the causes of ""burnout"", trainees' reports of stressful aspects of training fall mainlyinto the ""problematic relationships"" category, whether doctor-patient or staff. These issues need more attention and should be addressed during train ing as the relationship aspects of psychiatry, whether it be to staff or patients, remain crucial throughoutthe psychiatrist's working career." 320 1044 W4239270390.pdf 0 4 separator 0.9946093 ¶ 1044 1046 W4239270390.pdf 0 5 contact 0.9916401 "R. HADDOCK Middlewood Hospital Sheffield S6ÃŒ TP" 1046 1099 W4239270390.pdf 0 6 separator 0.9863322 ¶ 1099 1101 W4239270390.pdf 0 7 title 0.87544435 References 1101 1112 W4239270390.pdf 0 8 separator 0.982265 ¶ 1112 1114 W4239270390.pdf 0 9 paratext 0.540243 FIR 1114 1118 W4239270390.pdf 0 10 bibliography 0.7490937 "TH-COZENS, J. ( 1987)Emotional distress injunior house officers. British Medical Journal. 292, 1177-1180.https://doi.org/10.1192/pb.17.9.560-a Published online by Cambridge University Press" 1118 1310 W4239270390.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.9707614 "Klasikal: J ournal of Education, Language Teaching an d Science Volume 4 Issue 2 August 2022" 0 98 W4362650952.pdf 13 1 separator 0.6192049 ¶ 99 101 W4362650952.pdf 13 2 paratext 0.9912119 p-ISSN: 2656 -9914 e -ISSN: 2656-8772 101 139 W4362650952.pdf 13 3 separator 0.62756634 "¶ " 140 149 W4362650952.pdf 13 4 paratext 0.4611256 ¶ 149 150 W4362650952.pdf 13 5 separator 0.7818518 ¶ ¶ 152 158 W4362650952.pdf 13 6 contact 0.97959167 "Fakultas Keguruan dan I lmu Pendidikan 400 Unive rsitas Bosowa Makass ar" 158 278 W4362650952.pdf 13 7 separator 0.86422557 "¶ ¶ ¶" 364 382 W4362650952.pdf 13 8 text 0.99951786 "Based on the findings, there were various factors that increase students ’ speaking anxiety in the use of Zoom. 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Jakarta: EGC." 563 675 W3215431920.pdf 6 27 separator 0.9810891 ¶ 677 679 W3215431920.pdf 6 28 bibliography 0.99316686 "Rabie, Gerhard Hendrik, et al. (2020).""Developing a competency profile for newly graduated registered Siallagan, DF. (2011). “Fungsi dan Peranan Mahasiswa”, www.academia.edu" 679 872 W3215431920.pdf 6 29 separator 0.9613563 ¶ 874 876 W3215431920.pdf 6 30 bibliography 0.99873567 "Sommer, Irene, et al. ""Improving Clinical Nurses' Development of Supervision Skills through an Action Learning Approach."" Nursing Research and Practice , 2020, p. NA." 876 1068 W3215431920.pdf 6 31 separator 0.98389447 ¶ 1069 1071 W3215431920.pdf 6 32 bibliography 0.9510727 "Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health , https://link.ga le.com/apps/d oc/A622649522/PPNU?u=fjkthlt& si d=PPNU&xid=e59459db." 1071 1238 W3215431920.pdf 6 33 separator 0.40008575 ¶ 1241 1243 W3215431920.pdf 6 34 bibliography 0.5775342 Accessed 1243 1252 W3215431920.pdf 6 35 separator 0.99067605 ¶ 1254 1256 W3215431920.pdf 6 36 bibliography 0.9874805 "Supartini. 2014. Buku Ajar Konsep Dasar Keperawatan Anak . Jakarta. EGC." 1256 1338 W3215431920.pdf 6 0 paratext 0.984418 "ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 03 June 2022 doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.830703" 0 76 W4281960482.pdf 0 1 separator 0.5091717 76 77 W4281960482.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.96686476 ¶ Frontiers in Neuroscience | www.frontiersin.org 1 June 2022 | Volume 16 | Article 830703Editedby: 77 176 W4281960482.pdf 0 3 separator 0.55021423 ¶ 176 178 W4281960482.pdf 0 4 contact 0.9945442 "RichardCarlGerum, YorkUniversity,Canada" 178 220 W4281960482.pdf 0 5 separator 0.57372963 220 221 W4281960482.pdf 0 6 contact 0.9792385 "¶ Reviewedby: AlexanderGalazyuk, NortheastOhioMedicalUniversity, UnitedStates PrashanthPrabhu, AllIndiaInstituteofSpeechand Hearing(AIISH),India *Correspondence: KonstantinTziridis konstantin.tziridis@uk-erlangen.de" 221 454 W4281960482.pdf 0 7 separator 0.96398765 ¶ 454 456 W4281960482.pdf 0 8 paratext 0.7761731 Specialtysection: 456 474 W4281960482.pdf 0 9 separator 0.7180229 ¶ 474 476 W4281960482.pdf 0 10 paratext 0.91996187 "Thisarticlewassubmittedto AuditoryCognitiveNeuroscience, asectionofthejournal FrontiersinNeuroscience" 476 584 W4281960482.pdf 0 11 separator 0.6214199 ¶ 584 586 W4281960482.pdf 0 12 paratext 0.9641227 "Received: 07December2021 Accepted: 09May2022 Published: 03June2022" 586 657 W4281960482.pdf 0 13 separator 0.9726039 ¶ 657 659 W4281960482.pdf 0 14 paratext 0.87481505 "Citation: GrimmJ,SchulzeHandTziridisK" 659 699 W4281960482.pdf 0 15 separator 0.43428788 699 700 W4281960482.pdf 0 16 paratext 0.8546057 "¶ (2022)CircadianSensitivityofNoise Trauma-InducedHearingLossand TinnitusinMongolianGerbils." 700 796 W4281960482.pdf 0 17 separator 0.5787748 ¶ 796 798 W4281960482.pdf 0 18 paratext 0.95501566 Front.Neurosci.16:830703. 798 824 W4281960482.pdf 0 19 separator 0.6179867 ¶ 824 826 W4281960482.pdf 0 20 paratext 0.9156741 doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.830703Circadian Sensitivity of Noise 826 886 W4281960482.pdf 0 21 separator 0.7268126 ¶ 886 888 W4281960482.pdf 0 22 paratext 0.7263464 "Trauma-Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus in Mongolian Gerbils" 888 952 W4281960482.pdf 0 23 separator 0.98845506 ¶ 952 954 W4281960482.pdf 0 24 contact 0.9919759 "JannikGrimm,HolgerSchulzeandKonstantinTziridis * ExperimentalOtolaryngology,UniversityofErlangen-Nur emberg,Erlangen,Germany" 954 1081 W4281960482.pdf 0 25 separator 0.9939345 ¶ 1081 1083 W4281960482.pdf 0 26 text 0.9995075 "Noise-induced hearing loss (HL) has a circadian component: In nocturnal mice, hearing thresholds (HT) have a significantly stronger effect to acou stic trauma when induced duringthenightcomparedtorathermildeffectsonhearingw heninducedduringdaytime." 1083 1335 W4281960482.pdf 0 27 separator 0.9567201 ¶ 1335 1337 W4281960482.pdf 0 28 text 0.99952376 "Here, we investigate whether such effects are also present i n diurnal Mongolian gerbils and determined whether trauma-induced HL correlated with t he development of a tinnitus percept in these animals. In particular, we invest igated the effects of acoustic trauma (2kHz, 115 dB SPL, 75min) on HT and tinnitus developme nt in 34 male gerbils exposedeitherat9AM,1PM,5PM,or12PM.HTwasmeasuredbyac ousticbrainstem response audiometry at defined times 1 day before and 1 week af ter the trauma." 1337 1837 W4281960482.pdf 0 29 separator 0.84613204 ¶ 1837 1839 W4281960482.pdf 0 30 text 0.9994859 Possible tinnitus percepts were assessed behaviorally by t he gap prepulse 1839 1914 W4281960482.pdf 0 0 text 0.9995308 "inhibition of the acoustic startle response at defined times 1 day before and 1 week after the trauma.Wefounddaytime-dependentchangesduetotraumain meanHTinafrequency- dependent manner comparable to the results in mice, but the r esults temporally shifted accordingtorespectiveactivityprofiles.Additionally,w efoundlinearcorrelationsofthese threshold changes with the strength of the tinnitus percept , with the most prominent correlations in the 5 PM trauma group. Taken together, circa dian sensitivity of the HT to noise trauma can also be found in gerbils, and tinnitus stren gth correlates most strongly with HL only when the trauma is applied at the most sensitive t imes, which seem to be the evening." 0 723 W4281960482.pdf 0 1 separator 0.99429446 ¶ 723 725 W4281960482.pdf 0 2 keywords 0.9033993 "Keywords: rodents, tinnitus, chronobiology, acoustic tra uma, gap prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response, auditory brainstem response audiometry" 725 886 W4281960482.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9939469 ¶ 886 888 W4281960482.pdf 0 4 title 0.9932525 INTRODUCTION 888 901 W4281960482.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9942429 ¶ 901 903 W4281960482.pdf 0 6 text 0.9871433 Circadian rhythms substantially affect the behavior and 903 958 W4281960482.pdf 0 0 text 0.9996234 "physiol ogy of animals ( Konopka and Benzer,1971;Gachonetal.,2004;RichardsandGumz,2013 ).Underlyingmechanismsarecentrally controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamu s (Moore and Eichler, 1972 ) and synchronized to light emission received viathe eyes. In addition, sound can entrain circadian rhythms by modulating melatonin production or body temperatur e (Goel, 2005 ), and circadian clockswerefoundinthecochleaandtheinferiorcolliculus (Meltseretal.,2014;Parketal.,2016 )." 0 501 W4281960482.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9745041 ¶ 501 503 W4281960482.pdf 0 2 text 0.99882543 "This is based on variable mRNA expression and protein production , possibly affecting neuronal processingwithintheauditorysystemoverthecourseofthed ay(Parketal.,2016 )." 503 673 W4281960482.pdf 0 3 separator 0.97788596 ¶ 673 675 W4281960482.pdf 0 4 text 0.9994747 "Effectsofsuchcircadianclocksontheauditorysystemareevi dentinauditory-relatedbehavior suchasthestartleresponsetoaloudsound.Inmice,anocturn alspecies( Rippergeretal.,2011 ),it has been shown that the amplitude of the acoustic startle respon se (ASR) is larger during daytime" 675 951 W4281960482.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.46560112 0 1 W2134611443.pdf 0 1 text 0.29619393 TPA 0 3 W2134611443.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.39696538 – 25 weeks 3 14 W2134611443.pdf 0 3 text 0.2990582 14 15 W2134611443.pdf 0 4 table 0.9050686 "TPA+ATRA – 25 weekscarcinoma‘bump’, or wart-like lesion papilloma lesions in thepsoriatic field psoriatic fieldA BTreatment Avg. Tumor # Control 0 TPA 5.2 ± 1.08 TPA+ATRA 11.4 ± 2.01ATRA 4.8 ± 3.1" 15 227 W2134611443.pdf 0 0 text 0.9970547 "93 supervision). In New Pachacútec, a large settlement in the north of Lima, major projects were initi ated with only superficial technical plans and without even sorting out the ownership of the terrain (El Comercio, 2013a). Several of those interviewed during this research mentioned that there is a tacit agreement that at least 10% of the total cost of an engineering project was diverted to politicians and to the administrators of the public utility. As typically happens in similar circumstances, after leaving office Alan García started to make conferences, at the cost of US$ 60,000 each, often paid by the same companies that own profitable contracts with his government (El Comercio, 2013b). In that context, the Attorney General’s office ordered the lifting of banking secrecy of Alan García’s accounts to facilitate the investigation of wrongdoings. García h ad publicly acknowledged the purchase of a US$ 830,000 new house but explained, with a great dose of sarcasm, that the money was obtained from the selling of books and conferences. While shocking revelations coming from the megacommission, the ex -president took a surprisingly aggressive approach and constantly tried to underplay the significance and the validity of their work. The megacommission was attracted fierce reaction from García and his closest allies, who repeatedly argued that its main purpose was to prevent the next candidacy of the former president in 2016 (El Comercio, 2013c). In May 2013, the megacommission decided to formally accuse García for numerous the irregularities, but the ex -president immediately replied that it was a ‘Chavist manoeuvr ing’ [reference to the late Hugo Chavez of Venezuela] and that his efforts to expand the water services of Lima were merely the operationalization of a decision made by" 0 1887 W4312586893.pdf 11 0 text 0.99954563 "the former president Toledo. As it is widely recognized, García continued to maintain strong personal connections with judges and supreme court members appointed during his two administrations, which helps to explain why the former president acts as if had some sort of immunity from prosecution." 0 308 W4312586893.pdf 11 1 separator 0.91574156 ¶ ¶ 309 315 W4312586893.pdf 11 2 text 0.99966425 "The material consequences of the investigatio n by the megacommission were far from certain. Nonetheless, the controversy around corruption in the water industry of Lima served as justification for reducing public subsidies and even the privatization of SEDAPAL (which was intended in the 1990s and the n dropped due to operational difficulties and political resistance, see Ioris, 2012). Utility privatization never really disappeared from the agenda of multilateral agencies working in Peru, but this argument returned more strongly once the mismanagement o f the Water for All programme and misconduct in SEDAPAL. That was clearly the position taken by the most influential newspaper of Peru, El Comercio, in its editorial page during the coverage of the megacommission’s work. In January 2013, the newspaper e ditors identified as the main problem of water services in Lima the fact that these remain in the hands of the state. Different than other sectors, SEDAPAL is state -owned, that is, “has no owner and, therefore, nobody there is interested in doing the right thing in order to make it more profitable”. Instead of focusing on social demands for better services and the criminal activities of utility managers, the newspaper attacks the government itself for the failures. In their view, “the government forgets tha t problem of SEDAPAL is not the lack of resources, but the lack of incentives to do its job” (El Comercio, 2013d). It is evident here the employment of the same anti -state" 315 1883 W4312586893.pdf 11 0 paratext 0.97929966 A palavra como lócus de análise ... 39 0 39 W1999614277.pdf 3 1 separator 0.50785595 39 40 W1999614277.pdf 3 2 paratext 0.98239034 ¶ Letras de Hoje , Porto Alegre, v. 49, n. 1, p. 36-45, jan./mar. 2014 40 110 W1999614277.pdf 3 3 text 0.9995839 "Conforme o Quadro 1, podemos ver que o contexto seguinte constituído de consoante palato-alveolar e tepe são fatores foneticamente condicionantes para a monotongação. No entanto, não há consenso entre os resultados em relação aos outros fatores, até por que nem todos os estudos consideram as mesmas variáveis com todos os ditongos. É o caso da extensão do vocábulo e da classe de palavras, consideradas relevantes por apenas uma autora. Mas, mesmo em variáveis consideradas em todos os estudos como relevantes, ocorrem resultados diferentes: as sílabas tônicas se mostraram favorece- doras da monotongação nos estudos de Araújo (1999) e de Paiva (1996), porém, nos estudos de Amaral (2005) e de Silva (2004), foram as átonas que favoreceram o fenômeno." 110 906 W1999614277.pdf 3 4 separator 0.98050785 ¶ 907 909 W1999614277.pdf 3 5 text 0.99961483 "Em sílabas fechadas, o fenômeno de monotongação é menos explorado. Na cidade de Florianópolis, ele é mencionado por estudiosos como Furlan (1989) e estudado mais a fundo por Brescancini (2009). Ambos constatam monotongos em sílabas fechadas, tendência contrária ao que diz Cabreira (1996) ao afirmar que, em sílabas fechadas (fator posição do elemento seguinte favorecedor, do Quadro 1), tem-se um ditongo pesado, isto é, um ditongo verdadeiro, que não monotonga." 909 1398 W1999614277.pdf 3 6 separator 0.9862363 ¶ 1399 1401 W1999614277.pdf 3 7 text 0.9996587 "Brescancini (2009) constatou que houve concentração de monotongação em itens específicos, a saber, ‘mais’, ‘depois’, ‘dois’ e ‘seis’, e, recorrentemente, diante da realização palato-alveolar da fricativa final. No entanto, a monotongação ocorreu também em outros itens lexicais, além dos supracitados, mas com menor frequência." 1401 1745 W1999614277.pdf 3 8 separator 0.97262764 ¶ 1746 1748 W1999614277.pdf 3 9 text 0.9996263 "Obteve, como estatisticamente relevantes, a variável papel morfológico de /S/. A redução foi favorecida quando a fricativa final fazia parte da flexão de verbo, como em ‘vais’. Já, como flexão nominal, a redução do ditongo foi desfavorecida. Os radicais tiveram comportamento neutro, ou seja, não podem ser considerados nem favorecedores e nem desfavorecedores. A autora conclui o trabalho dizendo que “a redução do ditongo decrescente diante /S/ caracteriza-se como um processo condicionado lexicalmente, mas que ainda apresenta resquícios de condicionamento estrutural, especificamente de cunho morfológico” (BRESCANCINI, 2009, p. 49)." 1748 2419 W1999614277.pdf 3 10 separator 0.99210405 ¶ 2419 2421 W1999614277.pdf 3 11 text 0.9981681 "Observando todos esses dados, questionamo-nos: do que decorre a divergência dos resultados dos estudos em sílabas abertas supracitados? Uma hipótese seria que diferentes falantes, de diferentes comunidades, têm diferentes experiências com a língua, o que resultaria" 2421 2700 W1999614277.pdf 3 0 separator 0.9897199 ¶ ¶ 0 5 W1999614277.pdf 3 1 text 0.99944943 "1 De acordo com Bisol (1989), há o verdadeiro e o falso ditongo. O primeiro constitui-se daquele ditongo que não monotonga, portanto a semivogal faz parte da forma subjacente; no segundo, a semivogal é apenas uma manifestação de superfície, fonética, e pode ou não ocorrer." 5 293 W1999614277.pdf 3 2 separator 0.84920675 ¶ 293 295 W1999614277.pdf 3 3 text 0.9996866 "2 Nesse estudo, houve apenas 10 ocorrências de monotongação diante de fricativa alveolar.em diferentes resultados. Além disso, o estudo em sílabas fechadas já evidenciou o papel de determinados itens lexicais para conduzir o uso variado entre ditongo e monotongo ou predominância do uso de um em detrimento de outro. O mesmo se aplicaria à variação em sílabas abertas. Ao analisar a frequência dos dados de fala em um estudo da variação entre ditongo e monotongo nessas sílabas (HAUPT, 2011), constatou-se que as palavras mais frequentes foram as que tiveram maior número de ocorrências com monotongo e a relevância ou não dos fatores linguísticos, tais como tonicidade, extensão do vocábulo, estiveram atrelados ao fator palavra, isto é, a frequência dos itens lexicais determinou os resultados." 295 1135 W1999614277.pdf 3 4 separator 0.9969687 ¶ 1135 1137 W1999614277.pdf 3 5 title 0.99581015 3.1 Frequência de ocorrência 1137 1167 W1999614277.pdf 3 6 separator 0.9966193 ¶ 1167 1169 W1999614277.pdf 3 7 text 0.9992381 "Primeiramente, apresentamos as ocorrências dos ditongos decrescentes constituídos da semivogal [ I9], foco da presente análise, encontradas no corpus do NILC. Observando" 1169 1349 W1999614277.pdf 3 0 text 0.9991461 "a Tab. 1,vemos que o ditongo mais frequente é o ditongo [e I9], seguido do ditongo [a I9], com frequências relativamente próximas. Ocupa a terceira posição de ocorrência o ditongo [o I9]. Os ditongos que apresentam menor frequência de ocorrência são constituídos por vogais abertas [ I9,EI9] e pela vogal alta posterior [u I9]." 0 346 W1999614277.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9974233 ¶ 347 349 W1999614277.pdf 3 2 title 0.92974466 Tabela 1 – Frequência de ocorrência de palavras 349 398 W1999614277.pdf 3 3 separator 0.8603388 ¶ 399 401 W1999614277.pdf 3 4 title 0.8165551 contendo ditongos decrescentes [V I9] no corpus do 401 453 W1999614277.pdf 3 5 table 0.57453156 454 455 W1999614277.pdf 3 6 separator 0.47244757 ¶ 455 456 W1999614277.pdf 3 7 table 0.717806 456 457 W1999614277.pdf 3 8 title 0.70715535 NILC 457 461 W1999614277.pdf 3 9 table 0.49771145 461 462 W1999614277.pdf 3 10 separator 0.5557557 ¶ 462 463 W1999614277.pdf 3 11 table 0.9972369 "DitongoFrequência de ocorrência total no NILC% [eI9] 484.007 39,08 [aI9] 406.198 32,79 [oI9] 239.484 19,33 [uI9] 67.560* 5,45 [EI9] 32.385 2,62 [I9] 8.980 0,73 Total 1.238.614 100" 463 688 W1999614277.pdf 3 12 separator 0.98636717 ¶ 688 690 W1999614277.pdf 3 13 text 0.83904535 "* Não consideramos as palavras muito/a/os/as, por terem um ditongo nasa- lizado. Essas palavras somam 51.630 ocorrências." 690 816 W1999614277.pdf 3 14 separator 0.9942541 ¶ 816 818 W1999614277.pdf 3 15 text 0.99134463 "Na Tab. 2, apresentamos os itens lexicais com alta frequência de ocorrência no corpus do NILC e seus percentuais em relação ao total das palavras com ditongos." 818 985 W1999614277.pdf 3 16 separator 0.96858025 ¶ 986 988 W1999614277.pdf 3 17 text 0.9987836 "Esclarecemos aqui que dividimos as ocorrências em três grupos, considerando de alta frequência as palavras com até 1% de ocorrência em relação ao total de itens com ditongo; de frequência moderada as palavras entre 1% e 0,1% do total de itens lexicais com ditongo; e de baixa frequência as palavras com menos de 0,1% de ocor- rência." 988 1341 W1999614277.pdf 3 0 title 0.92008686 Basic and clinical immunology 0 29 W2095347594.pdf 0 1 separator 0.98953265 ¶ 29 31 W2095347594.pdf 0 2 title 0.99056894 "Development of population-based newborn screening for severe combinedimmunodeficiency" 31 118 W2095347594.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9836346 ¶ 118 120 W2095347594.pdf 0 4 contact 0.99198264 Kee Chan, MS,a,band Jennifer M. Puck, MDaBethesda, Md, and New Haven, Conn 120 195 W2095347594.pdf 0 5 separator 0.994504 ¶ 195 197 W2095347594.pdf 0 6 text 0.9994622 "Background: Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is a treatable, inherited lack of cellular and humoral immunity caused by diverse mutations in several different genes andleading to death in infancy unless immune reconstitution isprovided. Currently no population screening exists for SCID, but early diagnosis would improve outcome." 197 539 W2095347594.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9849134 ¶ 539 541 W2095347594.pdf 0 8 text 0.9995883 "Objective: Because all patients with SCID make few or no Tcells, we asked whether the absence of T-cell receptor excision circles (TRECs), DNA episomes in newly formed T cells, could identify SCID regardless of genotype.Methods: DNA isolated from dried blood spots was assayed byreal-time PCR to quantitate TRECs. Control PCR was performed on a segment of the b-actin gene. After pilot studies with adult and cord blood control subjects, blood from SCIDpatients was spotted onto filters and tested, followed by screeningof actual blood spots from the Maryland Newborn Screening Program. Finally, newborn blood spots were recovered and tested from 2 infants after their diagnosis of SCID.Results: In contrast to filters from the newborn screening program, which had a mean of 1020 TRECs in two 3-mm punches, samples from 23 infants with SCID had <30 TRECs.The newborn screening filter was retrieved from a statelaboratory for one of these infants plus another infant who had died of SCID previously; although both samples had detectable b-actin DNA, neither had TRECs." 541 1626 W2095347594.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9680749 ¶ 1626 1628 W2095347594.pdf 0 10 text 0.9988922 "Conclusion: TRECs are a stable analyte that can identify T-celllymphopenia in newborn dried blood spots so that infants with SCID can receive early, life-saving treatment. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:391-8.)" 1628 1845 W2095347594.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9949124 ¶ 1845 1847 W2095347594.pdf 0 12 keywords 0.86084914 "Key words: SCID, newborn screening, TREC, T-cell receptor excision circle, T-cell maturation, early intervention, primary immu-nodeficiency, cost-effectiveness, bone marrow transplant, dried blood spots" 1847 2053 W2095347594.pdf 0 13 separator 0.9929428 ¶ 2053 2055 W2095347594.pdf 0 14 text 0.99931794 "Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) represents a spectrum of genetic disorders characterized by profounddefects in both cellular and humoral immunity.1-4Infants with SCID die of infections in the first year of life unless immunity is reconstituted by bone marrow transplantation(BMT), 5,6enzyme replacement,7or, in some recent cases, gene therapy.8-11There is no current screening program for SCID, which is caused by diverse mutations in any ofat least 11 known genes and others not" 2055 2553 W2095347594.pdf 0 0 text 0.7949075 "presently known, as summarized in Table I ." 0 45 W2095347594.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9948195 ¶ 45 47 W2095347594.pdf 0 2 title 0.630849 12-28 47 53 W2095347594.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9970819 ¶ 53 55 W2095347594.pdf 0 4 text 0.6622628 Screening newborns 55 74 W2095347594.pdf 0 5 title 0.56721205 for 74 78 W2095347594.pdf 0 6 text 0.96980256 "treatable genetic disorders allows early intervention.29,30After the introduction by Guthrie of filter paper spotted with heel-stick blood to screen for phenylketonuria (PKU),31all states in the United States test newborns for PKU, hypothyroidism,and galactosemia." 78 350 W2095347594.pdf 0 7 separator 0.6034081 ¶ 350 352 W2095347594.pdf 0 8 text 0.9991606 "29,32New tests use tandem mass spectrometry to detect many additional metabolic disor- ders30,33and DNA analysis to diagnose specific mutations causing cystic fibrosis, hemoglobinopathies, and biotini- dase deficiency.34-37Screening programs are evolving to meet the growing number of conditions that can be iden-tified and treated." 352 691 W2095347594.pdf 0 9 separator 0.96012723 ¶ 691 693 W2095347594.pdf 0 10 text 0.9266335 29,30,38 693 702 W2095347594.pdf 0 11 separator 0.985566 ¶ 702 704 W2095347594.pdf 0 12 text 0.9992207 "A recent report on primary immunodeficiencies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted thatSCID meets many of the accepted criteria for newbornscreening." 704 876 W2095347594.pdf 0 13 separator 0.635203 ¶ 876 878 W2095347594.pdf 0 14 text 0.9993452 "39SCID is asymptomatic at birth, but it becomes fatal without treatment; effective treatment is available; and early intervention improves outcome. Infants receiv-ing BMT before developing devastating infections have better survival at lower cost than those whose treatment is delayed." 878 1172 W2095347594.pdf 0 15 separator 0.9266487 ¶ 1172 1174 W2095347594.pdf 0 16 text 0.9943858 "5,6,40Indeed, Myers et al40reported 95% survival among infants undergoing transplantation in the first" 1174 1278 W2095347594.pdf 0 0 text 0.9930217 "¶ month of life compared with only 70% for those treated after 3 months." 0 74 W2095347594.pdf 0 1 separator 0.98534644 ¶ 74 76 W2095347594.pdf 0 2 text 0.9979065 "Arguments against newborn screening for SCID include its low incidence and the lack of a practical test." 76 183 W2095347594.pdf 0 3 separator 0.8653482 ¶ 183 185 W2095347594.pdf 0 4 text 0.99714845 "The true incidence of SCID is unknown; estimates ofFromathe National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health; andbYale University School of Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health." 185 394 W2095347594.pdf 0 5 separator 0.97998065 ¶ 394 396 W2095347594.pdf 0 6 paratext 0.50164527 Supported 396 406 W2095347594.pdf 0 7 text 0.46186966 by 406 409 W2095347594.pdf 0 8 contact 0.536376 National Human 409 424 W2095347594.pdf 0 9 text 0.4381614 424 425 W2095347594.pdf 0 10 contact 0.47012675 Genom 425 430 W2095347594.pdf 0 11 text 0.5258755 e 430 431 W2095347594.pdf 0 12 contact 0.60700184 "Research Institute Division of Intra" 431 470 W2095347594.pdf 0 13 text 0.35251966 mural 470 475 W2095347594.pdf 0 14 contact 0.42985559 Research, National Institutes of Health 475 515 W2095347594.pdf 0 15 paratext 0.5306595 . 515 516 W2095347594.pdf 0 16 separator 0.96693575 ¶ 516 518 W2095347594.pdf 0 17 paratext 0.92113775 "Received for publication August 30, 2004; revised September 28, 2004; accepted for publication October 4, 2004." 518 632 W2095347594.pdf 0 18 separator 0.8906672 ¶ 632 634 W2095347594.pdf 0 19 paratext 0.87159646 Available online January 4, 2005.Reprint 634 675 W2095347594.pdf 0 20 contact 0.9870862 "requests: Jennifer M. Puck, MD, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH, 49 Convent Drive, Building 49, Room 4A14, Bethesda, MD 20892. E-mail: JPuck@mail.nih.gov." 675 848 W2095347594.pdf 0 21 separator 0.51193714 ¶ 848 850 W2095347594.pdf 0 22 paratext 0.9835062 "0091-6749/$30.00/C2112005 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2004.10.012" 850 960 W2095347594.pdf 0 23 title 0.9481437 Abbreviations used 960 978 W2095347594.pdf 0 24 separator 0.87262833 ¶ 978 980 W2095347594.pdf 0 25 table 0.99171954 "BMT: Bone marrow transplant DHMH: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene NEMO: Nuclear factor kappa B essential modulator PKU: Phenylketonuria SCID: Severe combined immunodeficiency TCR: T-cell receptor TREC: T-cell receptor excision circle" 980 1233 W2095347594.pdf 0 26 separator 0.8529879 ¶ 1233 1235 W2095347594.pdf 0 27 paratext 0.96954644 391 1235 1239 W2095347594.pdf 0 28 separator 0.9275199 ¶ 1239 1241 W2095347594.pdf 0 29 paratext 0.83223224 Basic and clinical immunology 1241 1271 W2095347594.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.99184495 160Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 17, Issue 3, 2020 0 76 W3087373428.pdf 1 1 separator 0.61401093 ¶ 76 78 W3087373428.pdf 1 2 paratext 0.97912043 http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.17(3).2020.13Abstract 78 132 W3087373428.pdf 1 3 separator 0.99582875 ¶ 133 135 W3087373428.pdf 1 4 text 0.9991821 "Ukraine’s European integration requires the involvement of seaports in the interna - tional TEN-T network, so it is extremely important to create favorable investment con - ditions to develop port infrastructure. This study aims to make a comprehensive assess - ment of the seaports’ investment attractiveness to use it for increasing th e efficiency of attracting investment in the development of Ukrainian seaports, which are part of the European transport network. The study was conducted using the Saati method and the method of calculating the integrated indicator of seaports’ investment attractive - ness. The integrated indicator includes assessing indicators of business activity in the region and consolidated indicators of financial and property status, logistical attrac - tiveness, and prospects for port development. According to the results of calculations, the seaports of Ukraine were divided into three groups. The ports of Yuzhne, Odesa, Illichivsk, and Mykolaiv have a high level of investment attractiveness. The ratio of in - vestment attractiveness ranges from 3 to 2.6. The ports of Izmail, Mariupol, Oktyabrsk, and Kherson have an average level (ratio from 2.2 to 1), and other ports have a low investment attractiveness (coefficient from 0.9 to 0.7).Olena Palyvoda (Ukraine), Oksana Karpenko (Ukraine), Valentyna Vlasova (Ukraine), Nataliia Bondar (Ukraine), Olga Mishulina (Republic of Kazakhstan)" 135 1603 W3087373428.pdf 1 5 separator 0.9971392 ¶ 1603 1605 W3087373428.pdf 1 6 title 0.9924322 "Evaluation of seaports’ investment attractiveness" 1605 1658 W3087373428.pdf 1 7 separator 0.9925113 ¶ 1658 1660 W3087373428.pdf 1 8 paratext 0.97213227 "Received on: 5th of August, 2020 Accepted on: 11th of September, 2020 Published on: 18th of September, 2020" 1660 1775 W3087373428.pdf 1 9 separator 0.99623644 ¶ 1775 1777 W3087373428.pdf 1 10 title 0.99358416 INTRODUCTION 1777 1790 W3087373428.pdf 1 11 separator 0.9958769 ¶ 1791 1793 W3087373428.pdf 1 12 text 0.9995716 "In the conditions of deepening Ukraine’s European integration, sea - ports’ development as starting points of transport corridors is es - pecially important. Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU provides for integrating Ukrainian seaports into the international TEN-T network with the subsequent creation of a single sea window, transit routes, and a secure sea network. Thus, Ukrainian seaports require significant additional investment. This is due to the rapid development of logistics, im - provement of port infrastructure technologies, construction of ne w infrastructure" 1793 2430 W3087373428.pdf 1 0 text 0.9992237 "facilities, and raising environmental standard s. The European Commission estimates that from 2016 to 2030, the to - tal investment required to form the core TEN-T network will be around EUR 750 billion. Therefore, there is a need to properly assess the investment attractiveness of seaports as objects of investment." 0 328 W3087373428.pdf 1 1 separator 0.97192425 ¶ 330 332 W3087373428.pdf 1 2 text 0.9995784 "Assessing the investment attractiveness of seaports is important fo r both private investors and public authorities, as it provides them with additional information on the level of development of seaports and its prospects." 332 565 W3087373428.pdf 1 3 separator 0.68983257 ¶ 565 567 W3087373428.pdf 1 4 text 0.99890137 "Thus, this study aims to make a comprehensive assessment of Ukrainian seaports’ investment attractiveness as part of the Europe an transport network to increase investment decisions’ efficiency and promote investors’ attraction." 567 805 W3087373428.pdf 1 5 contact 0.9674453 "© Olena Palyvoda, Oksana Karpenko, Valentyna Vlasova, Nataliia Bondar, Olga Mishulina, 2020" 805 903 W3087373428.pdf 1 6 separator 0.96499085 ¶ 903 905 W3087373428.pdf 1 7 contact 0.9930375 "Olena Palyvoda, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises, National Aviation University, Ukraine. (Corresponding author)" 905 1100 W3087373428.pdf 1 8 separator 0.96068394 ¶ 1100 1102 W3087373428.pdf 1 9 contact 0.9905299 "Oksana Karpenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Public Administration," 1102 1224 W3087373428.pdf 1 0 contact 0.86337566 "State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Ukraine." 0 65 W3087373428.pdf 1 1 separator 0.98158777 ¶ 65 67 W3087373428.pdf 1 2 contact 0.9851853 "Valentyna Vlasova, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Public Administration, State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Ukraine." 67 254 W3087373428.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9102011 ¶ 254 256 W3087373428.pdf 1 4 contact 0.9876526 "Nataliia Bondar, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National University of Transport, Ukraine." 256 392 W3087373428.pdf 1 5 separator 0.8521874 ¶ 392 394 W3087373428.pdf 1 6 contact 0.9889831 "Olga Mishulina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Kostanay Branch of Chelyabinsk State University, Republic of Kazakhstan." 394 564 W3087373428.pdf 1 7 separator 0.9900913 ¶ 564 566 W3087373428.pdf 1 8 paratext 0.97737074 "This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license , which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited." 566 835 W3087373428.pdf 1 9 separator 0.8263144 ¶ 835 837 W3087373428.pdf 1 10 paratext 0.5222868 www 837 841 W3087373428.pdf 1 11 contact 0.7403355 ".businessperspectives.orgLLC “СPС “Business Perspectives” Hryhorii Skovoroda lane, 10, Sumy, 40022, Ukraine" 841 954 W3087373428.pdf 1 12 paratext 0.5608261 BUSINESS 954 962 W3087373428.pdf 1 13 title 0.5478945 PERSPECTIVES 962 975 W3087373428.pdf 1 14 separator 0.97506595 ¶ 975 977 W3087373428.pdf 1 15 paratext 0.49563673 JEL Classification L91, R42Keywords 977 1013 W3087373428.pdf 1 16 keywords 0.4900099 "investments, investment conditions, seaport of Ukraine, port infrastructure, integrated indicator" 1013 1114 W3087373428.pdf 1 17 separator 0.9780482 ¶ 1114 1116 W3087373428.pdf 1 18 paratext 0.5493039 1116 1117 W3087373428.pdf 1 19 title 0.48807597 Conflict of interest 1117 1137 W3087373428.pdf 1 20 text 0.34841406 statement 1137 1147 W3087373428.pdf 1 21 paratext 0.57937616 : 1147 1148 W3087373428.pdf 1 22 separator 0.9325098 ¶ 1150 1152 W3087373428.pdf 1 23 paratext 0.6467307 Author(s) reported no conflict of interest 1152 1195 W3087373428.pdf 1 0 title 0.9855352 Monoclinic T ’–MoTe 2 0 21 W3083684870.pdf 1 1 separator 0.99617267 ¶ 21 23 W3083684870.pdf 1 2 text 0.9996146 "In the T ’phase at pressures of 1.2 GPa and greater, one main frequency Fηreplaces the two frequencies Fαand Fβ. The Fermi surface in the T ’phase closely resembles that of the T dphase, with the exception that the centrosymmetry of the T ’phase nullifies the spin –orbit splitting of the bands that contribute to this electron pocket (Fig. 3d, e). This similarity leads to a common pressure dependence of the measured electron pocket frequencyin both phases, consistent with the pressure evolution of thecalculated Fermi surface (Fig. 3c, Supplementary Fig. 8, and Supplementary Tables 1 –4). The main feature not captured by the calculations is a pronounced discontinuity in band structurebetween T dand T ’phases due to the discontinuous caxis dilation at the structural transition, which is not modeled (Fig. 3c)." 23 860 W3083684870.pdf 1 3 separator 0.97819066 ¶ 860 862 W3083684870.pdf 1 4 text 0.99964446 "Unexpectedly, our SdH oscillations analysis shows that a πBerry ’s phase also exists in the centrosymmetric T ’phase (Supplementary Table S6). After an ARPES study identi fied surface states in this phase13, it was identi fied theoretically with an unusual type of nontrivial topological state11. Our results are consistent with this prediction, and further have the exciting implication that thehigh-pressure superconductivity in the T ’phase may be inherently topologically nontrivial, as suggested by μSR measure- ments at these pressures" 862 1416 W3083684870.pdf 1 5 separator 0.9969627 ¶ 1416 1418 W3083684870.pdf 1 6 title 0.9934527 18.Natural topological interface network (TIN) 1418 1465 W3083684870.pdf 1 7 separator 0.99649376 ¶ 1465 1467 W3083684870.pdf 1 8 text 0.999591 "A structural mixed region exists over a range of pressures and temperatures in between the bulk T dand T ’phases (Fig. 1a). It consists of an approximately balanced partial volume fraction ofT dand T ’. We emphasize that no other structural phases or ordered superstructures are apparent from neutron diffractionmeasurements (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). It would, therefore,be expected that any measured SdH oscillations in the mixedregion would consist of a superposition of T dand T ’signals, but we do not observe oscillations from either phase. We conclude that the mixed region is suf ficiently disordered that SdH oscillations" 1467 2117 W3083684870.pdf 1 0 text 0.99791336 "from both the T dand T ’phases are suppressed due to increased electron scattering." 0 85 W3083684870.pdf 1 1 separator 0.98530835 ¶ 85 87 W3083684870.pdf 1 2 text 0.99967617 "In light of this, it is completely unexpected that a distinct set of SdH oscillations appears (Fig. 1b, d). This is a robust effect; the oscillations in the mixed phase always appear on both increasingand decreasing applied pressures through the critical range, overmultiple cycles, con firming their intrinsic nature. A different band structure in the mixed region is inferred from the presence of frequencies corresponding to changed Fermi surfaces, and a change in effective mass and much weaker oscillation amplituderelative to bulk T dand T ’, as shown in Fig. 4a–f. These quantum oscillations re flect features typical of topologically protected states, namely, persistence in the presence of strong disorder, as" 87 820 W3083684870.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9939201 ¶ 820 822 W3083684870.pdf 1 4 caption 0.9971473 "Fig. 1 Pressure –temperature phase diagram of MoTe 2.aPressure –temperature phase diagram of MoTe 2. The green and blue symbols delineate the extent of 100% volume fraction of T' and T dphases, respectively, determined through neutron" 822 1059 W3083684870.pdf 1 0 text 0.99933225 "scattering. The onset of full volume superconductivity coincides with the end of the T dphase at 0.8 GPa12, where a topological interface network (TIN) is observed." 0 166 W3083684870.pdf 1 1 separator 0.9855195 ¶ 166 168 W3083684870.pdf 1 2 text 0.9977908 "bPressure dependence of the quantum oscillation frequency, with different branches labeled by Greek letters. The numbers correspond to the effective mass, which changes slightly with pressure. The quantum oscillations with the strongest pressure dependence, αandβin the T d phase, and ηin the T' phase, correspond to extremal orbits on the large electron pockets. In the TIN region, these disappear and are replaced by a completely distinct set of oscillations arising from topological interface states. Representative quantum oscillations ( c) at ambient pressure (Weyl semimetal in T d),d0.9 GPa (TIN), and e1.8 GPa (higher-order topology in T'). Clear changes in the quantum oscillations re flect signi ficant changes in the electronic structure.I.-L. Liu et al." 168 942 W3083684870.pdf 1 3 separator 0.92791975 ¶ 942 944 W3083684870.pdf 1 4 paratext 0.9907686 2 944 946 W3083684870.pdf 1 5 separator 0.81715405 ¶ 946 948 W3083684870.pdf 1 6 paratext 0.9913014 npj Quantum Materials (2020) 62 Published in partnership with Nanjing University1234567890():,; 948 1047 W3083684870.pdf 1 0 paratext 0.99204 Page 3/12 0 9 W4248669330.pdf 2 1 text 0.9937519 responsiveness, validity, and reliability of the WOMAC have been carried out since these initial studies [4]. 9 118 W4248669330.pdf 2 2 separator 0.9879892 ¶ 118 120 W4248669330.pdf 2 3 text 0.9989224 Also, the WOMAC has served as an outcome measure for the evaluation of the e 120 197 W4248669330.pdf 2 0 text 0.9995807 "Because of the defective response to negative growth signals caused by the Rb1DLmutation, these mice create an ideal opportunity to assess how an oncogenic growth signal is opposed. Importantly, this can be determined by comparing Neutransgenic mice with wild type Rb1to either Rb1DL/+orRb1DL/DLanimals." 0 311 W1970375657.pdf 4 1 separator 0.992444 ¶ 311 313 W1970375657.pdf 4 2 text 0.9996765 "To assess the importance of pRB-dependent negative growth control in suppression of primary tumor formation and growth, we followed cohorts of Neu;Rb1+/+,Neu;Rb1DL/+and Neu;Rb1DL/DL females throughout their natural lives and palpated them weekly to determine the onset of mammary tumor formation. Unfortunately, the long latency before tumor formation resulted in excessive grooming in many of our mice and the need to euthanize them before palpable tumors formed. This was particularly true of the Neu;Rb1DL/DLmice. However, the Neu;Rb1DL/+animals have a similar response to TGF- b, indicating that they offer the same insight into how negative growth signals impact tumorigenesis in this transgenic model. In contrast to the Wap-p53R172H;Rb1DL/DL mice, there was no difference in tumor latency between the remaining Neu;Rb1DL/DLfemales and females from the other two genotypes (Fig. 5a). The frequency of tumorigenesis in the Rb1mutant genotypes was also relatively unchanged from wild type (85.7% for Rb1DL/DLand 77.4% for Rb1DL/+vs. 90% for wild type)." 313 1402 W1970375657.pdf 4 3 separator 0.9916618 ¶ 1402 1404 W1970375657.pdf 4 4 text 0.9996646 "This result suggests that negative growth regulatory signals that depend on pRB do not sign ificantly influence cancer pathogenesis in Neutransgenic mice. Because this was unexpect- ed, we also investigated other tumo r characteristics to determine if the Rb1mutant genotypes altered the tumor type of these mice in such a way that the direct compa rison in Fig. 5a is misleading." 1404 1795 W1970375657.pdf 4 5 separator 0.97534657 ¶ 1795 1797 W1970375657.pdf 4 6 text 0.99970317 "To this end, we classified the tumors histologically anddiscovered that they all fit the c haracteristics of solid or acinar carcinomas that have been reported previously for Neumice, indicating that transgene functio n was not altered in the different genotypes (Fig. 5b) [40]. Our expectation from the Wap-p53 R172H cross is that negative growth responses are most important at the initiation step. However, Muraoka et al. found that overexpres- sion of TGF- bdid not affect tumor latency of Neumice, but instead reduced tumor proliferation [38]. For this reason we measured the number of mitotic figures in five randomly selectedmicroscopic fields for each tumor as a means to compare proliferation and this revealed no significant differences (Fig. 5c)." 1797 2575 W1970375657.pdf 4 7 separator 0.9316913 ¶ 2575 2577 W1970375657.pdf 4 8 text 0.9996668 "Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the finaltumor volume (Fig. 5c). Lastly we investigated unaffected mammary glands from tumor-burdened animals for evidence of non-malignant nodules by whole mount preparations. Again,there were no statistically signi ficant differences between the three Rb1genotypes and if anything there was a trend toward fewer nodules in mice bearing the Rb1 DLmutation (Fig. 5d)." 2577 3009 W1970375657.pdf 4 9 separator 0.98714876 ¶ 3009 3011 W1970375657.pdf 4 10 text 0.9992896 "These findings are in stark contrast to those for the Wap-p53R172H cross, where there was an earlier tumor onset in Wap-p53R172H;" 3011 3143 W1970375657.pdf 4 11 separator 0.9880819 ¶ 3143 3145 W1970375657.pdf 4 12 text 0.9911494 Rb1DL/DLfemales 3145 3161 W1970375657.pdf 4 0 text 0.9988105 "and slightly more hyperplastic nodules (Fig. 2a, 2d, 2e). Together, these data indicate that loss of pRB-dependent anti-growth control exacerbates Wap-p53R172H–dependent tu- mor formation, but leaves Neu-driven tumorigenesis unaltered." 0 241 W1970375657.pdf 4 1 separator 0.982882 ¶ 241 243 W1970375657.pdf 4 2 text 0.9990378 "This indicates that during cancer f ormation, the response to anti- growth signals by pRB is context-dependent." 243 357 W1970375657.pdf 4 3 separator 0.98189676 ¶ 357 359 W1970375657.pdf 4 4 text 0.9995472 "In an effort to better relate the combination of the Wap- p53R172Hand Neu transgenes with our Rb1 mutant, we also investigated metastasis in Neu;Rb1+/+,Neu;Rb1DL/+, and Neu; Rb1DL/DLfemale mice. This revealed that the number of lung surface metastases that formed during the 60 day period from initial palpation to euthanasia were similar (Fig. 6a). Furthermore,these metastatic lesions occupied a similar proportion of tissue volume when quantified microscopically in lung sections (Fig. 6b)." 359 865 W1970375657.pdf 4 5 separator 0.981187 ¶ 865 867 W1970375657.pdf 4 6 text 0.9996239 "Lastly, there were no apparent differences in histology betweenmetastases from the respective genotypes (Fig. 6c). From these experiments it is clear that the Rb1 DLallele does not enhance the metastatic potential of mammary tumors whether they form in theNeuorWap-p53 R172Hbackgrounds." 867 1162 W1970375657.pdf 4 7 separator 0.9639424 ¶ 1162 1164 W1970375657.pdf 4 8 text 0.9996075 "This reveals that pRB can confer responsiveness to negative growth signals that limit p53R172Htumorigenic effects. Surpris- ingly, this aspect of pRB function does not affect Neu-driven oncogenesis. Unexpectedly, these experiments reveal that loss of pRB-dependent negative growth responsiveness does not ubiqui-tously contribute to cancer formation in the mammary gland." 1164 1544 W1970375657.pdf 4 9 separator 0.99738854 ¶ 1544 1546 W1970375657.pdf 4 10 title 0.9911078 Discussion 1546 1557 W1970375657.pdf 4 11 separator 0.996991 ¶ 1557 1559 W1970375657.pdf 4 12 text 0.9944167 Using two transgenic 1559 1580 W1970375657.pdf 4 0 text 0.9994641 "mouse models of breast cancer, we have examined the importance of pRB-LXCXE interactions duringcancer formation and progression. Our work has revealed that LXCXE-dependent anti-growth control can act as a barrier to oncogenic transformation in the mammary gland. Surprisingly,the Rb1 DLmutation exacerbated Wap-p53R172H-induced tumor" 0 341 W1970375657.pdf 4 1 separator 0.97647965 ¶ 341 343 W1970375657.pdf 4 2 caption 0.9941879 "Figure 4. Defective TGF- bproliferative control in Rb1DL/DLand Rb1DL/+mice. A)Rb1+/+,Rb1DL/+, and Rb1DL/DLmammary epithelial cells were treated with TGF- b1 and pulse labeled with BrdU 24 hrs later. The percentage of cells incorporating BrdU was measured by immunoflu- orescence microscopy. The fold decrease in proliferation between treated and untreated parallel cultures was determined and the averageof three independent experiments" 343 790 W1970375657.pdf 4 0 text 0.88695633 "is shown. * indicates a statisticallysignificant difference (Student’s t test; P,0.05). Error bars indicate one standard deviation from the mean." 0 147 W1970375657.pdf 4 1 title 0.9803074 B) H&E staining of paraffin sectionsofRb1 147 189 W1970375657.pdf 4 2 separator 0.9415754 ¶ 189 191 W1970375657.pdf 4 3 title 0.867052 +/+,Rb1DL/+, and Rb1DL/DLmammary tissue from 8 week old mice. 191 253 W1970375657.pdf 4 4 separator 0.9967177 ¶ 253 255 W1970375657.pdf 4 5 text 0.9959795 "Each image displays a representative cross section of ducts. The table below displays the proportion of hyperplastic (hp) ducts found inRb1+/+,Rb1DL/+, and Rb1DL/DLmammary glands. Proportions were compared between genotypes using a chi-square test. Scale: 100 mm." 255 523 W1970375657.pdf 4 6 separator 0.96056354 ¶ 523 525 W1970375657.pdf 4 7 text 0.68759155 "{denotes previously published data that has been provided for comparison purposes.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016434.g004pRB-Dependent Negative Growth Response in Cancer" 525 695 W1970375657.pdf 4 8 separator 0.9871067 ¶ 695 697 W1970375657.pdf 4 9 paratext 0.9914067 PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 5 February 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e16434 697 770 W1970375657.pdf 4 0 paratext 0.8506161 "majalat jamieat tkryt lileulum al'iinsaniat almujalid (25) aleadad (1) kanun ¶ alththani (1) 2018 rbye alththani 1439 h ¶ 364" 0 139 W3086851971.pdf 11 1 separator 0.99071324 ¶ 304 306 W3086851971.pdf 11 2 table 0.976642 "T = Times, IN = Interpersonal, TE = Textual, Conj = Conjunction, Intj = Interjection, S = Speaker, H = Hearer, DM = Discourse Marker, SDM = Syntactic Discourse Mark er, PM = Pragmatic Marker." 306 506 W3086851971.pdf 11 3 separator 0.9969653 ¶ 511 513 W3086851971.pdf 11 4 text 0.9989201 "Clinton : Well , I think , if he is referring to what I believe he’s referring to (...) and so much of the perception is rooted in, very ancient feelings that we have about the roles of men and women, and you know, I’ve had so many interesting and sometimes surprising experiences (..) "" but I’m at least considering supporting you"", and that’s a big step forward. Because I don’t know(..). Right Right . I know people are scared, and I understand that completely. (..) I mean, I’ve s pent a lot of time around families that lost kids to gun violence, and1st there is just no words, and2nd I was so proud of the president(..). you don’t expect to loose that child in a mass murder, and so , there’s a lot to be afraid of. But at the same t ime we have to put it into the right context(..) and we have to get together and work together (..) and we can do that. We’ve got to understand we’re all in this together, and at the end of the day (..), they just come and they say, “what can I do to h elp you?” And that’s how we need to be. Right Right. I" 513 1611 W3086851971.pdf 11 0 text 0.99937457 "mean , when I see her doing me I go, “oh, no that’s not me,” and then (..) within inches of her and she’s doing it and some of it is off, but some of it is a little too close to comfort!. And 1st we had so much fun that day (..) and2nd it really is live TV. (..) and the first thing they wanted to do, they wanted to end the skit... as it eventually does, with me singing, and I said, “you really don’t want to hear me sing”. So , we go out to rehear se it and we get to the point where I sing, and I sing and the producers look at me (..). So , there’s a little tiny bit of singing at the end, but that’s all. (..) Right (..) Right . But here’s what I learned...(..) so if anybody knows where you can get one. But, I mean, she whips it out(..) and she makes everybody" 0 810 W3086851971.pdf 11 0 text 0.9899028 look better than you have any reason to look , and she is very nice. 0 69 W3086851971.pdf 11 1 separator 0.9964586 ¶ 74 76 W3086851971.pdf 11 2 caption 0.85760474 (Table 7 .2) Participant 2 : The interviewee Clinton 76 131 W3086851971.pdf 11 3 separator 0.9950979 ¶ 133 135 W3086851971.pdf 11 4 title 0.6141631 Markers Main 135 149 W3086851971.pdf 11 5 table 0.5299547 Type Sub-Type 149 164 W3086851971.pdf 11 6 title 0.44514954 Syn 165 169 W3086851971.pdf 11 7 table 0.5628832 "tactic Category Functions" 169 199 W3086851971.pdf 11 8 separator 0.65982926 ¶ 201 203 W3086851971.pdf 11 9 table 0.48275325 Well Parallel 203 219 W3086851971.pdf 11 10 separator 0.52714777 ¶ 220 222 W3086851971.pdf 11 11 table 0.41478777 marker 222 229 W3086851971.pdf 11 12 text 0.36039433 Focus 230 236 W3086851971.pdf 11 13 table 0.41392103 ing 236 239 W3086851971.pdf 11 14 separator 0.612952 ¶ 240 242 W3086851971.pdf 11 15 text 0.989471 "marker adverb 1 IN, expresses attitude ,the S’s understanding of the topic. And (9 times) SDM Elaborative Conj 1,10, 12(2T), 14, 15, 16(3T) TE, to provide extra information of the current topic. And SDM Elaborative Conj 3 IN, to introduce something else that the S wants to add to what she has just said" 242 602 W3086851971.pdf 11 16 separator 0.89125043 ¶ 604 606 W3086851971.pdf 11 17 text 0.99819756 "But (3 times) SDM Contrastive Conj 3,13, 19 TE, contrasts the following part with the previous one." 606 726 W3086851971.pdf 11 18 separator 0.8737725 ¶ 728 730 W3086851971.pdf 11 19 text 0.99813765 At least SDM Contrastive phrase 4 IN, expresses polite ness, 730 797 W3086851971.pdf 11 0 paratext 0.99151504 981 Braz. J. Biol., 69(3): 981-982, 2009 0 40 W2048953806.pdf 0 1 title 0.8644437 Notes on the Brazilian Brachycyrtus Kriechbaumer species 40 98 W2048953806.pdf 0 2 separator 0.76482713 ¶ 99 101 W2048953806.pdf 0 3 paratext 0.517845 (Hymen 101 108 W2048953806.pdf 0 4 title 0.5607889 optera 108 114 W2048953806.pdf 0 5 paratext 0.4913854 , 114 115 W2048953806.pdf 0 6 title 0.63594526 Ichneumonidae Brachycyrtinae 115 144 W2048953806.pdf 0 7 paratext 0.6641911 ) 144 145 W2048953806.pdf 0 8 separator 0.9554168 ¶ 145 147 W2048953806.pdf 0 9 contact 0.98655474 "Onody, HC.*, Loffredo, APS., Penteado-Dias, AM. Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar, CP 676, CEP 13565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil *e-mail: helenaonody@yahoo.com.br" 147 375 W2048953806.pdf 0 10 separator 0.91011417 ¶ 375 377 W2048953806.pdf 0 11 paratext 0.9907674 Received November 11, 2008 – Accepted November 26, 2008 – Distributed August 31, 2009 377 463 W2048953806.pdf 0 12 separator 0.99158823 ¶ 463 465 W2048953806.pdf 0 13 text 0.9994254 "Brachycyrtus Kriechbaumer is the single genus of Brachycyrtinae Ichneumonidae subfamily, distributed through the tropics, but a few species can be found in the Neartic and Paleartic regions (Gauld and Ward, 2000). As far as is known, brachycyrtines are idiobionts ectopara - sitoids of cocooned pupae and prepupae of Chrysopidae (Neuroptera), but biological information is very scarce." 465 869 W2048953806.pdf 0 14 separator 0.8838782 ¶ 870 872 W2048953806.pdf 0 15 text 0.99954015 "Previously this group was known to belong to the Labeninae subfamily, but it was removed and elevated to sub-familial rank by Wahl (1993). Porter (1998) el - evated Pedunculus Townes, 1969 to subfamily rank but later Gauld and Ward (2000) placed this genus with Adelphion and Monganella in the Pedunculinae sub - family and Brachycyrtus in Brachycyrtinae." 872 1247 W2048953806.pdf 0 16 separator 0.9570308 ¶ 1247 1249 W2048953806.pdf 0 17 text 0.9978131 "Only four among fifteen described species were recorded from Brazil: B. muesebecki (Walkley, 1956) , B. cosmetus (Walkley, 1956), B. veriatrix Gauld and Ward, 2000 and B. walkleyae Gauld and Ward, 2000 (Walkley, 1956; Gauld and Ward, 2000; Yu et al., 2005)." 1249 1522 W2048953806.pdf 0 18 separator 0.99137294 ¶ 1522 1524 W2048953806.pdf 0 19 text 0.99617934 "Studying the material deposited in the DCBU col - lection of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Federal University of São Carlos, SP, Brazil from different localities, we have registered sev - eral new occurrence of species in Brazilian fauna of Ichneumonidae (Onody and Penteado-Dias, 2005; Loffredo and Penteado-Dias, 2008). To Brachycyrtus ge- nus, seven species were found, being four, new records." 1524 1963 W2048953806.pdf 0 20 separator 0.82658404 ¶ 1964 1966 W2048953806.pdf 0 21 text 0.9983078 "Distribution information in different ecosystems and morphological notes are presented." 1966 2057 W2048953806.pdf 0 22 separator 0.9935708 ¶ 2057 2059 W2048953806.pdf 0 23 title 0.6363514 Brachycyrtus cosmetus ( 2059 2084 W2048953806.pdf 0 24 text 0.57647836 Walkley 1956) 2084 2097 W2048953806.pdf 0 25 separator 0.9920213 ¶ 2097 2099 W2048953806.pdf 0 26 text 0.9995088 "Brachycyrtus cosmetus is a widely distributed spe - cies and, in Brazil, it was only known from the northern region. We have collected this species in many different ecosystems: caatinga, cerrado, wetlands of the pantanal and organic and conventional agricultural areas." 2099 2382 W2048953806.pdf 0 27 separator 0.98509675 ¶ 2382 2384 W2048953806.pdf 0 28 text 0.9438473 Variation: The Brazilian specimens 2384 2419 W2048953806.pdf 0 0 text 0.99618095 "presented an extensive range of colour variation, especially of the mesopleuron and legs." 0 95 W2048953806.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9948685 ¶ 95 97 W2048953806.pdf 0 2 table 0.89493936 "Material examined – Brazil: Minas Gerais: Araporã, 4 ♀ 31/i/2002, 25/iv/2002, 06/vi/2002, Malaise trap, C. H. Marchiori col.; São Paulo: Descalvado" 97 251 W2048953806.pdf 0 3 separator 0.5999111 ¶ 252 254 W2048953806.pdf 0 4 table 0.88508683 "4♀,2♂ 21/x/2000, 02/i/2002, 15/iii/2001, 1-21/x/2000, 06/iv/2001, Malaise trap, K.R.N. Cirelli col.; Mato Grosso: Itiquira, 9 ♀, 1♂ 01/ix/1999, Malaise trap, M. Barros col., 23/x/2005, 13/i/2006, 20/i/2006, 03/ii/2006" 254 478 W2048953806.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9351065 ¶ 479 481 W2048953806.pdf 0 6 table 0.8020755 "06/v/2006, 30/xii/2005, Malaise trap, R.S. Santos col.; Paraíba: Patos,; 3 ♂, 8♀17/vi/2004, 03/vi/2004, 15/vii/2004, 29/vii/2004, 12/viii/2004, Malaise trap, R." 481 651 W2048953806.pdf 0 7 contact 0.39303488 S 651 652 W2048953806.pdf 0 8 table 0.6617755 ". Santos col; São Paulo: São Carlos, 1 ♀24/xi/1999, Malaise trap, A." 652 723 W2048953806.pdf 0 9 contact 0.41386226 M 723 724 W2048953806.pdf 0 10 table 0.5224335 . Penteado-Dias col. 724 744 W2048953806.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9953588 ¶ 744 746 W2048953806.pdf 0 12 title 0.9602112 Brachycyrtus oculatus Cushman 1936 746 781 W2048953806.pdf 0 13 separator 0.9956801 ¶ 781 783 W2048953806.pdf 0 14 text 0.9976257 "Brachycyrtus oculatus was only known from Costa Rica, Panama and Venezuela. In Brazil it was collected in the organic agricultural area of the Southeast region and in the Amazonian forest" 783 981 W2048953806.pdf 0 15 table 0.735589 Material examined – Pará: 981 1008 W2048953806.pdf 0 16 separator 0.84196305 ¶ 1009 1011 W2048953806.pdf 0 17 table 0.6730314 Santarém 1 ♀ 31/viii/1997, A.R. Lisboa col.; São Paulo: 1011 1069 W2048953806.pdf 0 18 separator 0.48638493 ¶ 1069 1070 W2048953806.pdf 0 19 table 0.7123138 Araraquara 1 ♀ 23.vi-07/vii. 2006, Malaise trap, H. C. 1070 1125 W2048953806.pdf 0 20 separator 0.44618917 ¶ 1126 1128 W2048953806.pdf 0 21 table 0.3905007 On 1128 1131 W2048953806.pdf 0 22 bibliography 0.34049928 ody 1131 1134 W2048953806.pdf 0 23 table 0.526152 col. 1134 1139 W2048953806.pdf 0 24 separator 0.9943203 ¶ 1140 1142 W2048953806.pdf 0 25 title 0.81247586 Brachycyrtus pretiosus Cushman 1936 1142 1179 W2048953806.pdf 0 26 separator 0.993824 ¶ 1179 1181 W2048953806.pdf 0 27 table 0.49050784 Brachycyr 1181 1191 W2048953806.pdf 0 28 text 0.4540485 tus 1191 1194 W2048953806.pdf 0 29 table 0.51506764 pretiosus 1194 1204 W2048953806.pdf 0 0 text 0.99867254 "was registered from the south of the United States to the north of Argentina. In Brazil, this species was collected in organic and conventional agricultural areas in the Southeast region." 0 196 W2048953806.pdf 0 1 separator 0.99316543 ¶ 196 198 W2048953806.pdf 0 2 table 0.82465845 "Material examined – Brazil: São Paulo: Matão, 1♂ 19/x/1999, Malaise trap, A.M. Penteado-Dias col.; Descalvado, 1 ♀,1♂ 15/iii/2000, Malaise trap, K. R.N. Cirelli col.; São Carlos, 3 ♀ 12-26/viii/2005, Malaise trap, H.C. Onody. col; Araraquara, 2 ♀ 23/vi-07/vii/2006, 21/vii-01/viii/2006, Malaise trap, H.C. Onody. col." 198 532 W2048953806.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9962593 ¶ 532 534 W2048953806.pdf 0 4 title 0.9905268 Brachycyrtus veriatrix Gauld 2000 534 569 W2048953806.pdf 0 5 separator 0.99603057 ¶ 569 571 W2048953806.pdf 0 6 text 0.99859786 "The occurrence of Brachycyrtus veriatrix in Brazil was recorded only for the northern region. In this study it was collected in regions including organic and con - ventional agricultural areas, wetlands of the pantanal and cerrado." 571 815 W2048953806.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9878321 ¶ 815 817 W2048953806.pdf 0 8 table 0.87208813 "Material examined – Brazil: Mato Grosso: Itiquira, 3 ♀11/xi/2005, 16/xii/2005, 06/vii/1999, 01/ix/1999, Malaise trap, M. M Barros, col; Minas Gerais: Araporã, 2 ♀09/v/2002, 15/viii/2002, Malaise trap, C. H. Marchiori col.; Pará: Santarém 1 ♀15/i/1998, Malaise trap, A. R. Lisboa col.; São Paulo: Araraquara," 817 1141 W2048953806.pdf 0 9 separator 0.5834848 ¶ 1142 1144 W2048953806.pdf 0 10 table 0.96447945 3♀,1♂ 26/iv-10/v/2006, 26/v-09/vi/2006, 24/iii-04/ 1144 1195 W2048953806.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.6994879 * Corresponding author : slee@etri.re.kr 0 40 W2944568742.pdf 0 1 title 0.9834743 "Study on Search and Rescue System for Military and Civil use by using COSPAS SARSAT and Terrestrial Communication Network" 41 166 W2944568742.pdf 0 2 separator 0.9807301 ¶ 168 170 W2944568742.pdf 0 3 contact 0.9783089 "Sanguk Lee1, Incheol Jeong1, Woo -Geun Ahn2 Satellite Research Department, ETRI1, Agency for Defense Development2 1Satellite Research Department, ETRI, Daejeon 34129, Korea 2Agency for Defenc e Development Daejeon, Korea" 170 404 W2944568742.pdf 0 4 separator 0.995436 ¶ 406 408 W2944568742.pdf 0 5 text 0.99952143 "Abstract. We propose search and rescue system for the both military and civil uses with minimizing burden to COSPAS SARSAT by using terrestrial communication network like LTE as an example in the paper . The terrestrial network may not be limited to LTE but extended to 5G, SigFox, LoRa, etc, later on. For security, special encryption mechanism is applied to the both COSPAS SARSAT and Terrestrial links. Also, operation concept for critical and normal situation. I mplementation result and enhancing positioning accuracy by using rescue signal itself from ground sig nal processing is presen ted too ." 408 1030 W2944568742.pdf 0 6 separator 0.9971422 ¶ 1031 1033 W2944568742.pdf 0 7 title 0.98949647 1 Introduction 1033 1048 W2944568742.pdf 0 8 separator 0.99480146 ¶ 1051 1053 W2944568742.pdf 0 9 text 0.9995812 "COSPAS SARSAT is very famous and popular system and cooperation organization for rescuing people from distress. Tens of thousands of people has been rescued by the system since it started service in 1979. In critical situation like war or normal situation like peace, if military forces and air, terrestrial and maritime military equipment like armoury vehicle, fighter and cargo aircraft , vessels are in trouble like distress or lost, we may need special search and rescue system. In the operational sense, if distress beacon is allowed to personal use, then limited number of simultaneous burst signals some support communication links such as satellite communication link like thuraya, orbcomm, GMPCS and so on or ground links like TRS and LTE. We determined the LTE as assisting communication link and did not choos" 1053 1921 W2944568742.pdf 0 0 text 0.9951885 e satellite links due to highly expensive costs to use. 0 55 W2944568742.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9840492 ¶ 56 58 W2944568742.pdf 0 2 text 0.9972991 "In the sense of security, we employed cryptography for guarantee user security." 58 141 W2944568742.pdf 0 3 title 0.8979046 Cosmitscheskaja Sistema Poiska 141 172 W2944568742.pdf 0 4 separator 0.9916605 ¶ 173 175 W2944568742.pdf 0 5 text 0.9993905 "Awarinitsch Sudow (Russian: space system for search of vessels in distress) Search and Re scue Satellite -Aided Tracking (COSPAS SARSAT) system allows utilization of national use field for each member states as described in COSPAS SARSAT(2017). But it has limitation on number of distress signals that can be accommodated at the same time as the l imited channel allocation. The burden due to the limitation may be mitigated by additional encrypted satellite link and/or terrestrial link." 175 688 W2944568742.pdf 0 6 separator 0.9973456 ¶ 690 692 W2944568742.pdf 0 7 title 0.9936318 2 COSPAS SARSAT 692 708 W2944568742.pdf 0 8 separator 0.9972001 ¶ 711 713 W2944568742.pdf 0 9 text 0.99952555 "The COSPAS -SARSAT system, which is an international search and rescue system, can be divided int o distress beacon, satellite system, and ground facilities. Satellite system s have t hree different system such as Low Earth Orbit SAR(LEOSAR" 713 964 W2944568742.pdf 0 0 text 0.9977353 ") and Geostationary Earth Orbit SAR(GEOSAR) as the first generation and Medium Earth Orbit SAR(MEOSAR) as the second g eneration [1]. The ground facilities are consisted of Local User Terminal, Mission Control Center, and Rescue Control Center)." 0 257 W2944568742.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9866495 ¶ 258 260 W2944568742.pdf 0 2 text 0.9960772 "Automatically or manually search and rescue beacon in the event of a vessel / airplane or personal distress as shown in Fig. 1 ." 260 397 W2944568742.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9718621 ¶ ¶ 398 404 W2944568742.pdf 0 4 caption 0.99610144 Fig. 1. COSPAS SARSAT configuration and operation 404 454 W2944568742.pdf 0 5 separator 0.97919744 ¶ ¶ 457 463 W2944568742.pdf 0 6 text 0.9882412 "When a distress alert signal on search and rescue beacon is busted out to satellites , it is received by the satellite and relayed to the LUT of the ground system. The LUT" 464 643 W2944568742.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9854989 ¶ 644 646 W2944568742.pdf 0 8 paratext 0.98988104 "© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons At tribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.or g/licenses/b y/4.0/). E3S Web of Conferences 94, 01018 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199401018" 646 931 W2944568742.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9916537 ¶ 931 933 W2944568742.pdf 0 10 paratext 0.75893664 ISGNSS 2018 933 945 W2944568742.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.99480116 Plants 2019 ,8, 233 14 of 18 0 28 W2959984287.pdf 13 1 separator 0.995428 ¶ 28 30 W2959984287.pdf 13 2 text 0.9994619 "previously described [ 86]. Briefly, 10 g of crude saponin samples were suspended in 100 mL CHCl. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was performed to visualize the patterns of unknown compounds. After repeated chromatography, compound identification in the samples was performed using NMR analysis." 30 328 W2959984287.pdf 13 3 separator 0.9967959 ¶ 328 330 W2959984287.pdf 13 4 title 0.9958422 4.10. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopic Analyses 330 392 W2959984287.pdf 13 5 separator 0.99651617 ¶ 392 394 W2959984287.pdf 13 6 text 0.9994881 "For structural analysis,1H and13C spectra were measure on an NMR spectrometer Varian Unity (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA), 300 MHz, d6-DMSO, with tetramethylsilane (TMS) as an internal standard. Deuterated chloroform (CDCl 3) was used as the solvent." 394 652 W2959984287.pdf 13 7 separator 0.9962313 ¶ 652 654 W2959984287.pdf 13 8 title 0.9952443 4.11. Statistical Analyses 654 681 W2959984287.pdf 13 9 separator 0.99625725 ¶ 681 683 W2959984287.pdf 13 10 text 0.9996558 "Each experiment was performed in triplicate, and the data are expressed as mean standard deviation. Quantitative data were statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)." 683 876 W2959984287.pdf 13 11 separator 0.63340414 876 877 W2959984287.pdf 13 12 text 0.995757 "¶ Significant di erences between the obtained data were determined using Duncan’s multiple range tests, with p<0.05 implying statistical significance. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS v20.0 from SPSS Inc. (Chicago, IL, USA). Correlated variables were identified using Pearson’s correlation coe cient. The principal component analysis (PCA) of quantitative morphological traits was also performed using SPSS software v20.0." 877 1324 W2959984287.pdf 13 13 separator 0.99650955 ¶ 1324 1326 W2959984287.pdf 13 14 title 0.99482816 5. Conclusions 1326 1341 W2959984287.pdf 13 15 separator 0.9964532 ¶ 1341 1343 W2959984287.pdf 13 16 text 0.9996956 "In conclusion, callus growth in the weed species was highly sensitive to the alfalfa leaf extracts-derived allelopathic phytochemicals. Additionally, all identified saponins possessed autotoxic properties, with the autotoxicity of medicagenic acid being the most potent. Moreover, the significant positive correlation between seed germination rate and phenolic compound concentration indicates that these compounds have a higher inhibitory" 1343 1789 W2959984287.pdf 13 0 text 0.9969897 "e ect on callus induction and postemergence of weeds and can be potentially developed as bioherbicides for organic farming, which will help conserve biodiversity and the environment." 0 187 W2959984287.pdf 13 1 separator 0.995906 ¶ 187 189 W2959984287.pdf 13 2 title 0.8176 Author Contributions: 189 211 W2959984287.pdf 13 3 text 0.9946563 "B.K.G. performed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. C.Y.Y. supervised the experiments. B.G. and I.-M.C. analyzed the phenolic compounds and edited the manuscript." 211 383 W2959984287.pdf 13 4 separator 0.99386597 ¶ 383 385 W2959984287.pdf 13 5 title 0.9185546 Funding 385 393 W2959984287.pdf 13 6 text 0.9215724 : This research received no external funding. 393 438 W2959984287.pdf 13 7 separator 0.96625006 ¶ 438 440 W2959984287.pdf 13 8 text 0.9542766 Acknowledgments: This work was supported by funding from the KU research professor program. 440 532 W2959984287.pdf 13 9 separator 0.9895023 ¶ 532 534 W2959984287.pdf 13 10 title 0.72577393 Conflicts of Interest 534 555 W2959984287.pdf 13 11 text 0.85014766 : The authors declare no conflict of interest. 555 600 W2959984287.pdf 13 12 separator 0.9942048 ¶ 600 602 W2959984287.pdf 13 13 title 0.9703081 References 602 613 W2959984287.pdf 13 14 separator 0.99481165 ¶ 613 615 W2959984287.pdf 13 15 bibliography 0.997991 "1. Griepentrog, H.W.; Dedousis, A.P . 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[CrossRef] [PubMed]" 735 885 W2959984287.pdf 13 0 paratext 0.99521685 Molecules 2022 ,27, 5141 5 of 13 0 32 W4291512005.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9943037 ¶ 32 34 W4291512005.pdf 4 2 text 0.9919441 "fitness function to estimate the optimal position for wolves. The purpose of GWO variable selection is to minimize the RMSECV . The flow chart of GWO-PLS algorithm is shown in Figure 2. The detailed procedure is displayed as follows." 34 270 W4291512005.pdf 4 3 separator 0.98494947 ¶ 270 272 W4291512005.pdf 4 4 paratext 0.9934457 Molecules 2022 , 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13 272 319 W4291512005.pdf 4 5 separator 0.9877313 ¶ ¶ 320 326 W4291512005.pdf 4 6 text 0.9995743 "In the hunting process, α leads the group, and β and δ may sometimes participate. It is assumed that the solutions of α, β and δ obtained up to now are preserved and other search agents (including ω wolves) are obliged to update their positions according to the position of the best search agents. The equation is defined as follows." 327 670 W4291512005.pdf 4 7 separator 0.9817228 ¶ 671 673 W4291512005.pdf 4 8 math 0.9702561 "XXC DXXC DXXC D −⋅ = −⋅ = −⋅ = δ δ β β α α 3 2 1 , , (5) )( ),( ),( δ δ β β α α ⋅− = ⋅− = ⋅− = DAX XDAX XDAX X 3 3 2 2 1 1 (6) 3)1(321 XXXtX+ +=+ (7)" 673 831 W4291512005.pdf 4 9 separator 0.97178364 ¶ 831 833 W4291512005.pdf 4 10 text 0.9905075 "where αX, βX and δX indicate the positions vectors of α, β, and δ, respectively. αD, βD and δD represent the approximate distances between the grey wolf and α, β and δ wolves. )1(+tX is the optimal position vector of prey. When the prey stops moving, the grey wolves attack the prey, ending the hunting behavior. They separate from each other in search of prey when |A| > 1 and fo rce them to the prey when |A| < 1." 833 1263 W4291512005.pdf 4 11 separator 0.99645174 ¶ 1264 1266 W4291512005.pdf 4 12 title 0.9946815 2.4.2. A Discretized GWO-PLS for Variable Selection 1266 1318 W4291512005.pdf 4 13 separator 0.9966298 ¶ 1319 1321 W4291512005.pdf 4 14 text 0.9994428 "GWO has been successfully employed for solving global optimization problems related to continuity [34,35]. However, this co ntinuous approach is unsuitable in case of variable selection problems. Generally, the variable selection in spectroscopy can be viewed as an optimization problem of variab le combination. The RMSECV generated by PLS is taken as fitness function to estimate the optimal position for wolves. The purpose o f G W O v a r i a b l e s e l e c t i o n i s t o m i n i m i z e t h e R M S E C V . T h e f l o w c h a r t o f G W O - P L S algorithm is shown in Figure 2. The detailed procedure is displayed as follows." 1321 1987 W4291512005.pdf 4 15 separator 0.9890666 ¶ ¶ 1988 1994 W4291512005.pdf 4 16 caption 0.9963787 Figure 2. Flowchart of GWO-PLS algorithm. 1994 2036 W4291512005.pdf 4 17 separator 0.99456257 ¶ 2037 2039 W4291512005.pdf 4 18 caption 0.9884057 Figure 2. Flowchart 2039 2059 W4291512005.pdf 4 0 title 0.98183036 of GWO-PLS algorithm. 0 21 W4291512005.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9965241 ¶ 21 23 W4291512005.pdf 4 2 text 0.99787766 "An initial grey wolf matrix Qnj, where nandjare the number of wolves and spectral variables, respectively, is randomly generated first. The q= {q 1, q2,, qj} is a binary vector." 23 206 W4291512005.pdf 4 3 separator 0.87804234 ¶ 206 208 W4291512005.pdf 4 4 text 0.9985918 "If q i= 1, the ith variable is selected. If q i= 0, the variable is not selected. The PLS model is established between the variables corresponding to 1 and the target vector yin training set." 208 402 W4291512005.pdf 4 5 separator 0.9739802 ¶ 402 404 W4291512005.pdf 4 6 text 0.9989704 "The position of each wolf is updated according to Equations (6) and (7). The RMSECV in discretized GWO-PLS is used to evaluate individual grey wolf positions.!" 404 566 W4291512005.pdf 4 7 separator 0.73743606 ¶ 566 568 W4291512005.pdf 4 8 text 0.9821288 "Xis the position of the fittest wolf with lowest RMSECV value.! X is the second lowest RMSECV following! X.! " 568 687 W4291512005.pdf 4 9 separator 0.4937436 ¶ 687 688 W4291512005.pdf 4 10 text 0.99794394 "Xis the position of the wolf with the third lowest RMSECV and all other wolves are regarded as! X!. The fitness value of each grey wolf is compared between the last and new iteration, storing the position of the best fitness value. After that, the positions of wolves! Xare discretized by the logical function." 688 1008 W4291512005.pdf 4 11 separator 0.9903183 ¶ 1008 1010 W4291512005.pdf 4 12 text 0.9899434 The above steps are 1010 1030 W4291512005.pdf 4 0 text 0.99928045 "repeated until tmaxis reached and then the optimal grey wolf vector is output. Otherwise, tis increased by 1 and continues to get a new fitness." 0 145 W4291512005.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9854804 ¶ 145 147 W4291512005.pdf 4 2 text 0.9996064 "With the optimal grey wolf vector, a PLS model is established between the spectral variables corresponding to optimal grey wolf vector and target in training set. Then PLS is employed to predict the target oil contents of samples in prediction set with the same selected variables." 147 435 W4291512005.pdf 4 3 separator 0.968344 ¶ 435 437 W4291512005.pdf 4 4 text 0.9995859 "Matlab was used to implement the discretized GWO-PLS algorithm. In GWO, only two parameters, i.e., iteration number tand the wolf number n, need to be optimized." 437 601 W4291512005.pdf 4 5 separator 0.9969487 ¶ 601 603 W4291512005.pdf 4 6 title 0.99434197 2.4.3. Quantitative Analysis and Model Evaluation 603 653 W4291512005.pdf 4 7 separator 0.99707514 ¶ 653 655 W4291512005.pdf 4 8 text 0.9996101 "As a multivariate calibration technique, partial least squares (PLS) has become popular- ized, combining the characteristics of principal component analysis and multiple regression." 655 839 W4291512005.pdf 4 9 separator 0.8887513 ¶ 839 841 W4291512005.pdf 4 10 text 0.9996024 "The aim of PLS is to construct a linear mathematical relationship between the spectra and target contents. It is recognized as a powerful technique when dealing with strong noise," 841 1023 W4291512005.pdf 4 0 paratext 0.99468935 Page 10 of 13 Liu et al. The Journal of Headache and Pain (2022) 23:68 0 80 W4282556667.pdf 9 1 separator 0.99351496 ¶ 81 83 W4282556667.pdf 9 2 text 0.99920166 "aura symptoms of migraine in children [37–39]. Several findings support that CGRP can influence the formation of aura symptoms by mediating the mechanism of CSD." 83 251 W4282556667.pdf 9 3 separator 0.62653613 ¶ 252 254 W4282556667.pdf 9 4 text 0.99969476 "CSD is related to aura symptoms in migraine, which may interact with CGRP . During CSD, more endogenous CGRP could be released, which was revealed by using rat cortical brain slices [37]. CGRP receptor antagonists weakened pial dilation induced by CSD [38, 39] and the magnitude of the CSD effect in vitro [45]." 254 578 W4282556667.pdf 9 5 separator 0.9769006 ¶ 578 580 W4282556667.pdf 9 6 text 0.9995437 "Multiple linear regression analysis showed that plasma CGRP levels correlated to nausea, which is consistent with the existence of CGRP in the enteric nervous sys - tem, involved in regulating gastrointestinal motility and secretions [14]. But there were no correlations between" 580 870 W4282556667.pdf 9 7 separator 0.98579526 ¶ 871 873 W4282556667.pdf 9 8 caption 0.99743426 Fig. 6 The ROC curve of CGRP , PACAP-38 and the combination in diagnosing pediatric migraine. 873 967 W4282556667.pdf 9 0 text 0.95037866 "The ROC curve of CGRP in diagnosing pediatric migraine (a). The ROC curve of the PACAP-38 in diagnosing pediatric migraine (b). The ROC curve of the combination in diagnosing pediatric migraine (c). The total ROC curve of CGRP , PACAP-38 and the combination (d). AUC: area under the curve, CGRP: calcitonin gene-related peptide," 0 334 W4282556667.pdf 9 1 separator 0.5835918 ¶ 335 337 W4282556667.pdf 9 2 table 0.5100871 PACAP-38 337 346 W4282556667.pdf 9 3 text 0.5004657 : pituitary ade 346 361 W4282556667.pdf 9 4 table 0.4825878 nylate cycl 361 372 W4282556667.pdf 9 5 text 0.5409133 ase-activating poly 372 391 W4282556667.pdf 9 6 table 0.5400909 peptide-38 391 401 W4282556667.pdf 9 7 text 0.5068872 , Combination: the predict 401 427 W4282556667.pdf 9 8 table 0.53325874 ive probability 427 442 W4282556667.pdf 9 9 text 0.48045903 of the 442 449 W4282556667.pdf 9 10 table 0.4820177 449 450 W4282556667.pdf 9 11 text 0.4893858 combination 450 461 W4282556667.pdf 9 12 table 0.5262844 of CGRP 461 469 W4282556667.pdf 9 13 text 0.46813393 and 469 473 W4282556667.pdf 9 14 table 0.49391016 PACAP-38 473 482 W4282556667.pdf 9 15 separator 0.87947273 ¶ 483 485 W4282556667.pdf 9 16 text 0.539176 in diagnosing 485 499 W4282556667.pdf 9 17 title 0.51880854 pediatric migraine 499 518 W4282556667.pdf 9 18 separator 0.99550676 ¶ 518 520 W4282556667.pdf 9 19 title 0.9848916 Table 8 ROC analysis of the diagnostic value of CGRP , PACAP-38, and their combination for pediatric migraine 520 630 W4282556667.pdf 9 20 separator 0.99387425 ¶ 630 632 W4282556667.pdf 9 21 table 0.99458206 "Abbreviations: +LR Positive likelihood ratio, −LR Negative likelihood ratioAUC 95%CI Sensitivity% Specificity% +LR -LR Youden Index Cut-Off CGRP 0.869 0.812–0.925 85.53 76.62 3.659 0.189 0.621 94.29 PACAP-38 0.867 0.810–0.922 85.53 71.43 2.993 0.203 0.570 36.57 Combination 0.926 0.886–0.966 81.58 90.91 8.974 0.203 0.725 0.55" 632 965 W4282556667.pdf 9 0 math 0.8784659 "Fc f1⁄4r11" 0 10 W4312191713.pdf 3 1 separator 0.88199747 ¶ 10 12 W4312191713.pdf 3 2 math 0.71214384 "Xc/C18/C192 : (2)" 12 32 W4312191713.pdf 3 3 separator 0.3694465 32 33 W4312191713.pdf 3 4 table 0.41290584 ¶ 33 34 W4312191713.pdf 3 5 math 0.49502936 Matrix 34 41 W4312191713.pdf 3 6 table 0.53961015 tension mode ðr22/C210) ¶ 41 67 W4312191713.pdf 3 7 math 0.49032107 Ft 67 70 W4312191713.pdf 3 8 table 0.6527522 ¶ m 70 74 W4312191713.pdf 3 9 math 0.51231444 1⁄4 74 75 W4312191713.pdf 3 10 table 0.5154776 r 75 76 W4312191713.pdf 3 11 math 0.47982568 22 76 78 W4312191713.pdf 3 12 table 0.5920424 ¶ 78 80 W4312191713.pdf 3 13 math 0.5366542 YT/ 80 84 W4312191713.pdf 3 14 table 0.48326707 C 84 85 W4312191713.pdf 3 15 math 0.5113881 18/C192 85 92 W4312191713.pdf 3 16 table 0.49804854 ¶ 92 94 W4312191713.pdf 3 17 math 0.58029586 þas12 94 100 W4312191713.pdf 3 18 table 0.5019483 ¶ 100 102 W4312191713.pdf 3 19 math 0.63857025 SL/C18/C192 102 114 W4312191713.pdf 3 20 table 0.50552404 ¶ 114 116 W4312191713.pdf 3 21 math 0.6147494 : (3) 116 122 W4312191713.pdf 3 22 table 0.46883464 ¶ 122 124 W4312191713.pdf 3 23 math 0.56051695 Matrix compression mode ðr22<0) 124 156 W4312191713.pdf 3 24 table 0.54205227 ¶ 156 158 W4312191713.pdf 3 25 math 0.8165805 "Ft f1⁄4r22 2YT/C18/C192 þs12 2ST/C18/C192 /C01""# r22 Yc/C18/C192 þs12 SL/C18/C192 : (4)" 158 264 W4312191713.pdf 3 26 separator 0.9741194 ¶ 264 266 W4312191713.pdf 3 27 text 0.99332184 "In the above equations, XTand Xcdenote tensile and compres- sive strengths in the fibre direction, YTand YCdenote tensile and compressive strengths in the direction perpendicular to the fibre.S Land STdenote the longitudinal and transverse shear strengths. rand sare normal and shear stresses, respectively. The coeffi- cient arelates to the shear stress contribution that causes fibre damage initiation in the tensile mode [ 49]." 266 709 W4312191713.pdf 3 28 separator 0.99689806 ¶ 709 711 W4312191713.pdf 3 29 title 0.99010915 Results and discussion 711 734 W4312191713.pdf 3 30 separator 0.99224627 ¶ 734 736 W4312191713.pdf 3 31 title 0.9310464 Water absorption 736 753 W4312191713.pdf 3 32 separator 0.98315895 ¶ 753 755 W4312191713.pdf 3 33 text 0.99791056 "The percentage water absorption characteristics of the compo- sites were determined by the relative weight intake defined by Mt, Equation 5 , where Mtrepresents the moisture uptake at time t,wt represents the weight at time tand w orepresents the original weight of the specimen before immersion." 755 1060 W4312191713.pdf 3 34 separator 0.96112585 ¶ 1060 1062 W4312191713.pdf 3 35 math 0.94105995 "Mt1⁄4Wt/C0Wo Wo/C2100%ðÞ: (5)" 1062 1092 W4312191713.pdf 3 36 separator 0.9875157 ¶ 1092 1094 W4312191713.pdf 3 37 text 0.9992706 "Figure 2 shows the comparison of the percentage of water ab- sorption of UD traveller specimens and discontinuous Bouligand-traveller specimens during the process of hygrothermal ageing at40 /C14C and 60/C14C, as a function of the square root of time. At the early stages of immersion, the absorption rate of water is higher in specimens conditioned at 60/C14C compared with those condi- tioned at 40/C14C, based on the absorption curve and this could be attributed to the higher temperature at which the process takesplace. As a result of the increased energy potential, water candiffuse into the free spaces of the matrix faster. Additionally, wa- ter contains hydrogen bonds that plasticize the polymer matrix and contribute to matrix swelling [ 30], which increases the diffu- sion rate of water [ 28] and this is also a reason for the differential saturation points between the two ageing temperatures.Figure 2(a) and (b) shows that UD composite samples absorbed more water than discontinuous helicoidal composite samples,which may" 1094 2153 W4312191713.pdf 3 0 text 0.9996831 "be a function of the increased tortuosity in the poly-mer phase and thus impaired access to interfaces. A tortuous structure reduces the flow rate and thus volume of water that can be absorbed by the structure as it increases the distances re-quired for moisture to diffuse and creates physical blockages thatcan lead to flow stagnation [ 50]. It is also possible that the lami- nate orientations within the matrix of Bouligand-traveller speci-men reduce, therefore, plasticization of the polymer matrix byimpeding free molecules and thence reducing matrix swelling." 0 572 W4312191713.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9844358 ¶ 572 574 W4312191713.pdf 3 2 text 0.99600685 "There are significant differences in the way in which the hygro- thermal ageing temperature and laminate geometry affect thesaturation levels of UD travellers and Bouligand travellers. At40 /C14C, the saturation levels were at 0.75% and 0.67% for UD travel- lers and Bouligand travellers, respectively, while at 60/C14C, the sat- uration levels were at 1.105% and 1.011% for UD travellers andBouligand travellers, respectively. Fickian" 574 1018 W4312191713.pdf 3 3 title 0.6884881 diffusion behaviour 1018 1038 W4312191713.pdf 3 4 separator 0.994838 ¶ 1038 1040 W4312191713.pdf 3 5 text 0.99649256 [51–54] is a commonly observed phenomenon 1040 1082 W4312191713.pdf 3 0 text 0.97379994 "in hygrothermally aged FRP composites [ 55]." 0 46 W4312191713.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9954864 ¶ 46 48 W4312191713.pdf 3 2 text 0.99927324 "The equilibrium water uptake, Equation (6) , and diffusion co- efficient, Equation (7) , are shown in Table 2 at each hygrothermal ageing temperature. When the ageing temperature is increasedfrom 40 /C14Ct o6 0/C14C, the diffusion coefficient, calculated by Equation (7) , increased from 3.276 to 5.328 /C210/C013/C1m2/C1s/C01for UD travellers and from 2.045 to 3.954 /C210/C013/C1m2/C1s/C01for the Bouligand travellers. The same trend was observed for saturation level of water uptake." 48 549 W4312191713.pdf 3 3 separator 0.99620855 ¶ 549 551 W4312191713.pdf 3 4 caption 0.99697375 Figure 2. Comparison of moisture diffusion of UD-traveller and Bouligand-traveller specimens aged at ( a)4 0/C14C and ( b)6 0/C14C seawater.Table 2. Equilibrium water uptake, M1and diffusion coefficients, 551 755 W4312191713.pdf 3 5 separator 0.9781444 ¶ 755 757 W4312191713.pdf 3 6 table 0.6012288 D 757 759 W4312191713.pdf 3 7 separator 0.79157823 ¶ 759 761 W4312191713.pdf 3 8 table 0.96656454 "Temperature (/C14C)M1(%) Diffusion coefficient (1 /C210/C013/C1m2/C1s/C01) UD 15:90 UD 15:90 40 0.750 0.670 3.276 2.045 60 1.105 1.011 5.328 3.9584" 761 917 W4312191713.pdf 3 9 paratext 0.9927562 | Oxford Open Materials Science , 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/ooms/article/3/1/itac016/6957092 by guest on 17 May 2024 917 1067 W4312191713.pdf 3 10 separator 0.9943447 ¶ 1067 1069 W4312191713.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.9817106 1908.] A SOLUBLE DYNAMICAL PROBLEM. 821 0 39 W1965935445.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9946816 ¶ 39 41 W1965935445.pdf 0 2 title 0.9890661 NOTE ON A SOLUBLE DYNAMICAL PROBLEM 41 79 W1965935445.pdf 0 3 separator 0.99267006 ¶ 79 81 W1965935445.pdf 0 4 paratext 0.5746715 By L. J. ROGERS. 81 99 W1965935445.pdf 0 5 separator 0.71339285 ¶ 99 101 W1965935445.pdf 0 6 paratext 0.5777935 [Received March 10th, 1908.—Read 101 134 W1965935445.pdf 0 7 text 0.49407485 March 12th 134 145 W1965935445.pdf 0 8 paratext 0.5559644 , 1908.] 145 153 W1965935445.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9933512 ¶ 153 155 W1965935445.pdf 0 10 text 0.9813089 "A DYNAMICAL system whose equation of energy in n independent co- ordinates xv x<2, ..., x n is where Y lf Y& ..., P lf P2 are functions of x v x2, ..., is satisfied by the equations ri = v* Y^ = VP .... (2) provided P lt P2, ... are respectively functions of x v x2, ... only. For, in Lagrange's equation," 155 474 W1965935445.pdf 0 11 separator 0.5345195 ¶ 474 476 W1965935445.pdf 0 12 text 0.48554727 476 477 W1965935445.pdf 0 13 math 0.78383183 a v • .2dY, .2ar2 _d ?,,. 3i 477 508 W1965935445.pdf 0 14 text 0.5249581 . 508 509 W1965935445.pdf 0 15 separator 0.7931271 ¶ 509 511 W1965935445.pdf 0 16 math 0.9590716 dxl dx x dxi Yi dx t y 2 511 536 W1965935445.pdf 0 17 separator 0.76098645 ¶ 536 538 W1965935445.pdf 0 18 text 0.6569586 we have 538 546 W1965935445.pdf 0 19 math 0.80680835 "¶ and x2 r—^= — PrrT-— (r = 1, 2, ..., n), OXi OXi I r" 546 607 W1965935445.pdf 0 20 separator 0.5488783 ¶ 607 609 W1965935445.pdf 0 21 text 0.98756725 so that the equation is easily seen to be satisfied. 609 662 W1965935445.pdf 0 22 separator 0.97794163 ¶ 662 664 W1965935445.pdf 0 23 math 0.9734764 "K*TT __ / TTT -TT \ / ""XT -TT \ / *TT -XT \ / ""XT ^^ ""XT \ / ~\T TuT \ /Q\" 664 750 W1965935445.pdf 0 24 separator 0.9576481 ¶ 750 752 W1965935445.pdf 0 25 text 0.97839105 "where X x, X^, ... are respectively functions of x v x2, ... only, the solution of the dynamical problem is general and complete. For, if Pr = F r+ the equation of energy becomes in which the constants a 0, av ..., a n-2 do not occur." 752 995 W1965935445.pdf 0 26 separator 0.99341404 ¶ 995 997 W1965935445.pdf 0 27 paratext 0.98690915 SEB. 2. VOL. 6. NO. 995 997 1022 W1965935445.pdf 0 0 text 0.9996946 "[10], loss of heterozygosity analysis [11] and bioinformatic analysis to predict the effect of the amino acid change on structure and multiple sequence alignment strategies [12]; [13–15]. Integrated evaluation of unclassified variants which combines several approaches, such as the analysis of co-segregation of the mutation with disease, co-occurrence of the variant with a deleterious mutation, sequence conservation of the amino acid change, severity of amino acid change, tumor loss of heterozygosity, and tumor histopathology classification, provides a quantitative tool for the classification of variants [16–22]. This multifactorial method was developed to classify such rare unclassified variants into twocategories, variants with features of classical high-risk mutations (termed pathogenic), and variants that do not have the features of a high-risk mutation (termed neutral or low clinical significance (LCS)). While the availability of appropriate biospecimens (e.g. number of families and tumors) for inclusion in likelihood prediction is a major factor determining the classification of any single variant, another major caveat of the multifactorial approach is that it is not appropriate for the evaluation of possible moderate or low risk variants, since it uses high-risk mutations as reference for the underlying assumptions [16,19,20]. Therefore, the current multifactorial method cannot exclude the possibility that rare variants classified to be of low clinical significance may be associated with a moderate or low risk of cancer." 0 1596 W1999067978.pdf 1 1 separator 0.99311304 ¶ 1596 1598 W1999067978.pdf 1 2 text 0.9997115 "Gene expression profiling has increased our understanding of the molecular events in breast tumor development, has been used to predict prognosis, and has characterised breast tumors into subtypes [23–27]. The value of expression profiling for identifying underlying high-risk gene mutation status is indicated by a number of studies. A distinct gene expression profile has been reported for breast tumors of BRCA1 mutation carriers [23,28,29], expected to be homozygous for loss of BRCA1 function at the somatic level. In addition, the existence of distinct gene expression profiles for heterozygous loss of BRCA1 and BRCA2 function is supported byaccurate separation of short-term cultures of fibroblasts carrying a germline mutation in the BRCA1 orBRCA2 genes, compared to healthy women undergoing reduction mammoplastic surgery withno family or personal history of any cancer or sporadic breast- cancer-affected controls [30,31]. Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) have also been shown to have distinct mRNA expressionphenotypes for heterozygous carriers of ATM mutations, some of which are known to be associated with an increased risk in breastcancer [32,33]. These findings suggest that germline gene expression signatures, including those from fibroblasts or LCLs, may be used to define BRCA1 orBRCA2 mutation status and to assist in assessing the clinical significance of BRCA1 and BRCA2 unclassified variants." 1598 3052 W1999067978.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9919007 ¶ 3052 3054 W1999067978.pdf 1 4 text 0.9996248 "In this study we compared LCL gene expression signatures of breast cancer cases carrying pathogenic mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2, to familial breast cancer cases with no known BRCA1/2 mutations ( BRCAX ). We also considered the possibility that BRCAX individuals with a BRCA1 orBRCA2 sequence variant classified to be neutral/low clinical significance (LCS) using multifactorial likelihood analysis may differ in gene expressionprofile from BRCAX individuals without such sequence variants. In addition, since truncating alterations comprise the majority ofknown pathogenic mutations but most BRCA1 and BRCA2 unclassified variants are predicted missense alterations, we compared profiles from individuals with known missense ortruncating mutations to determine if mutation effect will affect" 3054 3863 W1999067978.pdf 1 0 text 0.9996395 "themutation-associated expression profile for each gene. We derivedgene lists to predict mutation status defined by gene and mutation effect, and then tested the efficacy of these gene lists to predict the gene mutation status of LCLs. We provide evidence that gene listsdiffer according to gene and mutation effect, and according to thepresence of sequence variants of low clinical significance. We alsodemonstrate that the use of appropriately-derived gene lists improves the prediction of pathogenicity of known mutations." 0 531 W1999067978.pdf 1 1 separator 0.9925184 ¶ 531 533 W1999067978.pdf 1 2 title 0.9787717 Results 533 541 W1999067978.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9888166 ¶ 541 543 W1999067978.pdf 1 4 title 0.9819901 "Differences in LCL Post-Irradiation Gene Expression between BRCAX Individuals with or without a Sequence Variant of Low Clinical Significance" 543 689 W1999067978.pdf 1 5 separator 0.98968196 ¶ 689 691 W1999067978.pdf 1 6 text 0.9996377 "The ultimate aim of this experiment was to establish if gene expression profiles could distinguish between BRCA1 orBRCA2 pathogenic mutation carriers and familial breast cancer cases whose disease was not attributable to BRCA1 orBRCA2 mutations (BRCAX cases). BRCAX breast cancer families are likely to result from mutations in several other genes, and thus represent aheterogeneous group. Moreover, included in the BRCAX group were a subset of 10 BRCAX individuals who carried a BRCA1/2 variant previously classified to be of low clinical significance using multifactorial likelihood approaches [8,19,21,22]. Unsupervisedhierarchical clustering showed that BRCAX LCLs containing a BRCA1 orBRCA2 variant of low clinical significance clustered away from the majority of remaining BRCAX samples (Figure 1). A t-test with Benjamini and Hochberg multiple testing correction [34] was performed to determine if there were gene expressiondifferences between the BRCAX individuals with an LCS variant and those without an LCS variant. Expression of 631 genesdiffered between the two BRCAX subgroups (5% of the 631 genes identified would be expected to pass this restriction by chance). For this reason, BRCAX samples" 691 1930 W1999067978.pdf 1 0 text 0.997719 "were stratified according to the presence of an LCS variant for further analyses." 0 83 W1999067978.pdf 1 1 separator 0.9868082 ¶ 83 85 W1999067978.pdf 1 2 text 0.9985457 "Gene expression is similar for carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 truncating mutations and rare sequence variants of low clinical significance, but differs from BRCA1 and BRCA2 missense mutations and BRCAX non- BRCA1/2 familial cases." 85 319 W1999067978.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9918599 ¶ 319 321 W1999067978.pdf 1 4 caption 0.795588 "Unsupervised hierarchical clustering (Figure 2) of LCL expression data from all samples revealed that BRCA1 and BRCA" 321 440 W1999067978.pdf 1 5 title 0.8751857 2Author Summary 440 455 W1999067978.pdf 1 6 separator 0.9965191 ¶ 455 457 W1999067978.pdf 1 7 text 0.9993995 "Inherited mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase risk of breast cancer and contribute to aproportion of breast cancer families. However, more thanhalf of the reported sequence alterations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are currently of unknown clinical significance. We analysed gene expression in lymphoblastoid cell linesderived from blood of patients with sequence alterationsinBRCA1 and BRCA2 and compared these to lymphoblas- toid cells from familial breast cancer patients without such alterations." 457 969 W1999067978.pdf 1 0 text 0.999461 "We then classified these lymphoblastoid cellsbased on their gene profiles. We found that BRCA1 and BRCA2 samples were more similar to each other than to familial breast cancer patients without BRCA1/2 mutations, and that the type of sequence change in BRCA1 and BRCA2 (missense or truncating) influenced gene expression. We included in the study ten familial breast cancer samples, which carried sequence changes in BRCA1 orBRCA2 , that are believed to be of little clinical significance. Interestinglythese samples were distinct from other familial breast cancer cases without any sequence alteration in BRCA1 or BRCA2 , indicating that further work needs to be performed to determine the possible association of these ‘‘low clinical significance’’ sequence changes with a low to moderate risk of cancer." 0 829 W1999067978.pdf 1 1 title 0.9786069 Expression Profiles of BRCA1/2 Variants 829 868 W1999067978.pdf 1 2 separator 0.9823499 ¶ 868 870 W1999067978.pdf 1 3 paratext 0.9911065 PLoS Genetics | www.plosgenetics.org 2 May 2008 | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | e1000080 870 950 W1999067978.pdf 1 0 text 0.9994759 "hepatobiliary cancer patients treated with KM. The in- creased serum ferritin was significantly associated with poor survival outcome, showing positive correlation with CRP. After controlling the confounding factors, serum ferritin was identified as an independent prognostic fac- tor for survival in advanced hepatobiliary cancer patients treated with KM. This result implies that serum ferritin plays a significant role in predicting the prognosis for survival in patients with advanced hepatobiliary cancers." 0 527 W2805365557.pdf 8 1 separator 0.99697185 ¶ 527 529 W2805365557.pdf 8 2 title 0.9922957 Abbreviations 529 543 W2805365557.pdf 8 3 separator 0.99338305 ¶ 543 545 W2805365557.pdf 8 4 table 0.8752158 "ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; BMI: Body mass index; BTC: Biliary tract cancers; cHCC-CC: Combined HCC and CC; CI: Confidence interval; CRP: C-reactive protein; ECOG-PS: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status; Hb: Hemoglobin; HCC: Hepatocellular Carcinoma; HR: Hazard ratio; ICC: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; KM: Korean medicine; OS: Overall survival; PT INR: Prothrombin time international normalized ratio; RFA: Radiofrequency ablation; RVS: Rhus verniciflua stokes; WBC: White blood cell; γ-GT: Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase" 545 1141 W2805365557.pdf 8 5 separator 0.995925 ¶ 1141 1143 W2805365557.pdf 8 6 title 0.9890228 Acknowledgements 1143 1160 W2805365557.pdf 8 7 separator 0.99359876 ¶ 1160 1162 W2805365557.pdf 8 8 text 0.9940331 We are grateful to the patients and clinicians. 1162 1210 W2805365557.pdf 8 9 separator 0.9951782 ¶ 1210 1212 W2805365557.pdf 8 10 title 0.9919258 Availability of data and materials 1212 1247 W2805365557.pdf 8 11 separator 0.9914832 ¶ 1247 1249 W2805365557.pdf 8 12 text 0.9972823 "The raw data are not publicly available due to ethical restriction and local data protection regulations. All relevant data for the conclusions are included in this published article." 1249 1437 W2805365557.pdf 8 13 separator 0.99590623 ¶ 1437 1439 W2805365557.pdf 8 14 title 0.99138284 Authors ’contributions 1439 1462 W2805365557.pdf 8 15 separator 0.9940449 ¶ 1462 1464 W2805365557.pdf 8 16 text 0.9992355 "SA analyzed the data and wrote the draft of manuscript; EW and KS formulated the research hypothesis and advised on statistical analyses; SB interpreted the data and revised the manuscript; LS performed the research setup and critically revised the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the manuscript." 1464 1784 W2805365557.pdf 8 17 separator 0.9961668 ¶ 1784 1786 W2805365557.pdf 8 18 title 0.9906078 Ethics approval and consent to participate 1786 1829 W2805365557.pdf 8 19 separator 0.9912112 ¶ 1829 1831 W2805365557.pdf 8 20 text 0.99125224 "This study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong (KHNMC-OH-IRB 2016 –10-006). Informed consent was waived for all patients because the analysis used anonymous clinical data obtained after each patient agreed to treatment." 1831 2126 W2805365557.pdf 8 21 separator 0.9958935 ¶ 2126 2128 W2805365557.pdf 8 22 title 0.9900924 Competing interests 2128 2148 W2805365557.pdf 8 23 separator 0.9934247 ¶ 2148 2150 W2805365557.pdf 8 24 text 0.91949487 The authors declare that they have no competing interests. 2150 2209 W2805365557.pdf 8 25 separator 0.99110556 ¶ 2209 2211 W2805365557.pdf 8 26 title 0.9616371 Publisher ’sN o t e 2211 2231 W2805365557.pdf 8 27 separator 0.9801354 ¶ 2231 2233 W2805365557.pdf 8 28 paratext 0.559879 Springer Nature 2233 2249 W2805365557.pdf 8 29 text 0.63153857 "remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations." 2249 2354 W2805365557.pdf 8 30 separator 0.99516714 ¶ 2354 2356 W2805365557.pdf 8 31 title 0.9848008 Author details 2356 2371 W2805365557.pdf 8 32 separator 0.9927425 ¶ 2371 2373 W2805365557.pdf 8 33 contact 0.98080325 "1Department of Clinical Korean Medicine, Graduate School, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.2Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea." 2373 2587 W2805365557.pdf 8 34 separator 0.79768753 ¶ 2587 2589 W2805365557.pdf 8 35 contact 0.97198415 "3Graduate School, Dankook University, Yongin, South Korea.4Department of Pathology, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.5Department of Clinical Oncology, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, 892 Dongnam-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul 05278, Republic of Korea." 2589 2916 W2805365557.pdf 8 36 separator 0.9695562 ¶ 2916 2918 W2805365557.pdf 8 37 paratext 0.98938316 Received: 4 April 2018 Accepted: 24 May 2018 2918 2963 W2805365557.pdf 8 38 separator 0.99003565 ¶ 2963 2965 W2805365557.pdf 8 39 title 0.9858017 References 2965 2976 W2805365557.pdf 8 40 separator 0.9945531 ¶ 2976 2978 W2805365557.pdf 8 41 bibliography 0.99856293 "1. 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( 8), we obtain a nonlinear equation that can be solved for α0for given values of C0and C+." 90 429 W4283812067.pdf 3 5 separator 0.98724425 ¶ 429 431 W4283812067.pdf 3 6 text 0.994841 "Similar to solvation, long-range electrostatic interactions play a signi ficant role in determining the activity coef ficients of electrolytes in solution26. Due to these interactions, ions of one sign tend to be surrounded by ions of opposite sign, contrary to what one would expect from ideal mixing. To model this behavior,we consider a modi fied version of Debye-Hückel theory 27that accounts for the presence of fixed anions in the membrane13.W e write" 431 899 W4283812067.pdf 3 7 separator 0.8490484 ¶ 899 901 W4283812067.pdf 3 8 math 0.9575168 "ΨelsðC0;CþÞ1⁄4/C04 3RTAI3 2ðC0;CþÞV0C0τ1⁄2aBI1 2ðC0;CþÞ/C138 /C0R T C/C02A bBlogðbBI1 2Þ;(11)" 901 1003 W4283812067.pdf 3 9 separator 0.89420575 ¶ 1003 1005 W4283812067.pdf 3 10 text 0.9666655 "where Aand Bare the Debye-Hückel limiting slope and solvent parameter (known for each solvent), respectively, ais the distance of closest approach of counterions (that is, their averagediameter), bis the spacing between fixed charges in the polymer, ¶" 1005 1260 W4283812067.pdf 3 11 math 0.7826914 τðxÞ1⁄43 logð1þxÞ/C0xþx 1260 1283 W4283812067.pdf 3 12 text 0.4442925 ¶ 1283 1284 W4283812067.pdf 3 13 math 0.7278672 2=2 1⁄2/C138 =x3 1284 1299 W4283812067.pdf 3 14 text 0.8427145 ", and Iis the ionic strength36, computed only for mobile counterions as" 1299 1372 W4283812067.pdf 3 15 math 0.7139873 IðC0;CþÞ1⁄4Cþ=ð2C0V0Þ 1372 1392 W4283812067.pdf 3 16 text 0.8411646 . 1392 1393 W4283812067.pdf 3 17 separator 0.99165654 ¶ 1393 1395 W4283812067.pdf 3 18 text 0.9966657 "The third term in the excess energy represents the free energy associated with short-range physical interactions between cations and anions in solution13,28. Physical interactions between ions of the concordant sign are instead much more sporadic and are hereneglected 13. This term is of semi-empirical origin, based on simple physical considerations on the probability of encounter of cations and anions in solution (similar to kinetic theory) and fitting of solution data. Following the example of ref.13, specialized for the case of a single species of positive counterions and fixed negative ions, we de fine " 1395 2025 W4283812067.pdf 3 19 separator 0.5083675 ¶ 2025 2026 W4283812067.pdf 3 20 text 0.64285487 ΨphyðC0; 2026 2035 W4283812067.pdf 3 21 math 0.5858254 CþÞ1⁄42RT 2035 2043 W4283812067.pdf 3 22 separator 0.37338966 ¶ 2043 2044 W4283812067.pdf 3 23 math 0.9245931 C0βþ/C0CþC/C0; 2044 2059 W4283812067.pdf 3 24 text 0.63341314 (12) 2059 2064 W4283812067.pdf 3 25 separator 0.5344282 ¶ 2064 2066 W4283812067.pdf 3 26 text 0.98212916 "where β+−is the interaction coef ficient between cations and anions." 2066 2136 W4283812067.pdf 3 27 separator 0.97865945 ¶ 2136 2138 W4283812067.pdf 3 28 text 0.9993753 "Finally, we consider the free energy associated with steric effects due to finite pore size13. Due to the finite size of the pores, we need to consider the excluded volume of counterions in the saturating solution, which would affect the mixing of free energy." 2138 2403 W4283812067.pdf 3 29 separator 0.9749325 ¶ 2403 2405 W4283812067.pdf 3 30 text 0.99166715 "Following the approach in ref.13, which considers the pores as the space between randomly oriented walls37,w ed e fine " 2405 2526 W4283812067.pdf 3 31 separator 0.50255734 ¶ 2526 2527 W4283812067.pdf 3 32 text 0.6331175 ΨstcðC0;CþÞ 2527 2539 W4283812067.pdf 3 33 math 0.47631592 1⁄4 2539 2540 W4283812067.pdf 3 34 text 0.6232412 RT 2540 2542 W4283812067.pdf 3 35 separator 0.8175698 ¶ 2542 2544 W4283812067.pdf 3 36 text 0.6132044 dðC0;C 2544 2551 W4283812067.pdf 3 37 math 0.61047375 þÞ 2551 2553 W4283812067.pdf 3 38 text 0.62588674 / 2553 2554 W4283812067.pdf 3 39 math 0.6629993 C0d0Cþaþ 2554 2562 W4283812067.pdf 3 40 text 0.99718106 "; (13)where d(C0,C+) is the actual spacing between hydrophilic domains, and d0is the spacing between hydrophilic domains in the dry membrane. These two quantities are related experimen- tally by the volumetric deformation of the membrane13, which we express as a function of C0and C+through the incompressibility constraint in Eq. ( 1)." 2562 2908 W4283812067.pdf 3 41 separator 0.99690145 ¶ 2908 2910 W4283812067.pdf 3 42 title 0.9935859 Static solution for ionic polymer actuators 2910 2954 W4283812067.pdf 3 43 separator 0.9963788 ¶ 2954 2956 W4283812067.pdf 3 44 text 0.99945444 "As a key application of our theory to describe the complex interplay between mechanics and electrochemistry in chargedmembranes, we focus on ionic polymer actuators. We analyze the steady-state response of an" 2956 3169 W4283812067.pdf 3 0 text 0.999568 "ionic polymer actuator under the premises of small deformations and plane-strain, representingthe master problem to be studied to describe the multiaxialresponse of these actuators 38,39. Under these two assumptions (small-strain and plane-strain), the two-dimensional problem can be effectively decomposed into a (highly nonlinear and compu-tationally challenging) one-dimensional problem through the thickness of the membrane and a one-dimensional problem along the width (with a trivial solution). Such a decomposition hasbeen thoroughly validated through nonlinear, two-dimensionalfinite element simulations 38,39. Ultimately, we obtain a ‘semi- analytical ’solution that allows us to solve the two-dimensional mechanics and electrochemistry through the numerical solutionof a one-dimensional electrochemical problem. We distinguishthis type of solution from the ‘numerical ’solution of the two- dimensional mechanics and electrochemistry." 0 962 W4283812067.pdf 3 1 separator 0.99291027 ¶ 962 964 W4283812067.pdf 3 2 text 0.9991728 "We consider an ionic polymer actuator of length Land thickness 2H≪L, with zero-thickness electrodes (Fig. 2). We de fine a reference frame centered on the left end of the membrane mid-axis, with the x-axis along the actuator length, y-axis along the membrane thickness, and z-axis along the membrane width to form a right-handed coordinate frame. We assume that allboundaries are impermeable to both solvent and counterions,such that the total mass of solution in the membrane is conserved." 964 1462 W4283812067.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9710269 ¶ 1462 1464 W4283812067.pdf 3 4 text 0.99931407 "For classical ionic polymer actuators, while displacements may be very large, the strains typically remain small (below" 1464 1586 W4283812067.pdf 3 0 text 0.9656292 5% 0 2 W4283812067.pdf 3 1 separator 0.96534824 ¶ 2 4 W4283812067.pdf 3 2 text 0.9981159 "40), due to the small thickness of the actuators. We focus on plane-strain deformations, which are non-zero only within the x-yplane. The plane-strain hypothesis is veri fied for standard ionic polymer actuators, in which the width is several times their thickness. Westudy the static actuation of the ionic polymer for a voltage V applied across its electrodes at y=H(anode) and y=−H (cathode). We consider simply supported boundary conditionsfor the actuator, such that the left end of the membrane mid-axis is constrained not to translate in the x-yplane, whereas the right end of the membrane mid-axis can only translate along the x-axis, see Fig. 2." 4 678 W4283812067.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9935956 ¶ 678 680 W4283812067.pdf 3 4 text 0.99950236 "As we focus our attention on static actuation, we eliminate the dependence on time. Similar to ref. 38, we hypothesize that the variation of electrochemical quantities along the length and width of the membrane is negligible compared to the variation along the thickness. As a consequence, all electrochemical variables depend" 680 1017 W4283812067.pdf 3 5 separator 0.99513423 ¶ 1017 1019 W4283812067.pdf 3 6 caption 0.99742746 "Fig. 2 Schematics of the plane-strain actuation problem for an ionic polymer with corresponding boundary conditions and reference frame. Here, positive mobile counterions are depicted as green spheres, fixed negative charges as blue cubes, and solvent molecules are shown as red-gray molecules (focusing on water, oxygen and hydrogen atoms are shown in red and gray, respectively)." 1019 1404 W4283812067.pdf 3 7 separator 0.9840574 ¶ 1404 1406 W4283812067.pdf 3 8 paratext 0.8800208 "A. Boldini and M. Por firi 4" 1406 1436 W4283812067.pdf 3 9 separator 0.5886099 ¶ 1436 1438 W4283812067.pdf 3 10 paratext 0.9890771 npj Computational Materials (2022) 144 Published in partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 1438 1579 W4283812067.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.984766 Rule-BasedTestingof Neural Networks SE4SafeML’23, December4,2023,San Francisco, CA, USA 0 87 W4389215048.pdf 2 1 separator 0.99588895 ¶ 87 89 W4389215048.pdf 2 2 text 0.99715143 We alsomine rulesformis-classi/f_ication ,that are expressedas: 89 153 W4389215048.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9271904 ¶ 153 155 W4389215048.pdf 2 4 math 0.7386512 ∀/u1D44B,/u1D70E(/u 155 175 W4389215048.pdf 2 5 text 0.51181364 1D 175 177 W4389215048.pdf 2 6 math 0.7687457 44B) ⇒ (/u1D439(/u1D44B)≠/u1D459/u1D456/u1D451/u1D452/u1D44E/u1D459) 177 245 W4389215048.pdf 2 7 separator 0.98360765 ¶ 245 247 W4389215048.pdf 2 8 text 0.99940455 "Furthermore, we can mine rules for speci/f_ic vulnerabilities. An adversarymay tryto foolthenetworkintomis-classifyinginputs toaspeci/f_ictargetlabel /u1D45D(thiscanbeachievedthroughe.g.,data poisoning [ 13]). We can mine rules of the following form (and use them to determine if a test suite is adequate for checking such vulnerabilities)." 247 598 W4389215048.pdf 2 9 separator 0.97849476 ¶ 598 600 W4389215048.pdf 2 10 math 0.9614845 ∀/u1D44B,/u1D70E/u1D45D(/u1D44B) ⇒ (/u1D439(/u1D44B)=/u1D45D∧/u1D45D≠/u1D459/u1D456/u1D451/u1D452/u1D44E/u1D459) 600 713 W4389215048.pdf 2 11 separator 0.99108505 ¶ 713 715 W4389215048.pdf 2 12 text 0.99782985 The minedrulescan be leveragedas follows. 715 757 W4389215048.pdf 2 13 separator 0.9723422 ¶ 757 759 W4389215048.pdf 2 14 text 0.9992917 "Test Oracles. The rules for correct classi/f_ication can be used for pre- dicting correct behaviour for new(unlabeled)inputs; furthermore they can be used for assigning ground truth to unlabeled inputs." 759 966 W4389215048.pdf 2 15 separator 0.7143291 ¶ 966 968 W4389215048.pdf 2 16 text 0.9995578 "Conversely, the rules for incorrect classi/f_ication can be used for predictingincorrectbehaviour.Thus,together,therulesforcorrect and incorrect behaviour may be used for assessing the accuracy of the model on a new dataset, containing unlabeled data. Another idea is to mine neuron patterns (for correct behaviour) directly withrespecttotheideallabels(ignoringtheoutputoftheneural network), and use them for assigning the ground truth for new inputs.We leave this for explorationinfuture work." 968 1477 W4389215048.pdf 2 17 separator 0.9904801 ¶ 1477 1479 W4389215048.pdf 2 18 text 0.9995838 "Rule-based Coverage. We propose to use the mined rules to mea- sure the adequacy of a test suite. We note that pattern-based rules havesemanticmeaning astheynaturallyencodetheinput-output behaviorofthenetworks.Therefore,coveringmorepatternsnot only increases the structural coverage of the network (as different neuronconditionsareexercised),butalsocoversmorebehaviors." 1479 1858 W4389215048.pdf 2 19 separator 0.8295318 ¶ 1858 1860 W4389215048.pdf 2 20 text 0.99959207 "Furthermore,by construction, differentpatterns atthesamelayer encodedisjointconditions,andthereforethecoveredbehaviours arenecessarilydifferent.Forinstance,testinputssatisfyingpatterns fordifferentlabelsnotonlycoverdifferentneuronconditionsbut alsocoverdifferentoutputfunctionalities.Testssatisfyingdifferent patternsforthesamelabelpotentiallycoverdifferentinputfeatures aswell,thustestingthemodelfordifferentinputscenarios.Finally, test suites having inputs satisfying patterns for incorrect behavior are likely to exercise the vulnerable portions of the network and can thus helpexpose bugs." 1860 2464 W4389215048.pdf 2 21 separator 0.99353385 ¶ 2464 2466 W4389215048.pdf 2 22 caption 0.86281073 "Example. Figure2shows someexampleimagessatisfying theneu- ronpatternsforrulesextractedfromapoisonedCIFAR-10model[ 22], illustrating the potential of the rules for capturing different be-" 2466 2656 W4389215048.pdf 2 23 text 0.48927853 2656 2657 W4389215048.pdf 2 24 caption 0.79564935 ¶ haviours inaneuralnetwork, as well as differentinputscenarios. 2657 2720 W4389215048.pdf 2 25 separator 0.99704653 ¶ 2720 2722 W4389215048.pdf 2 26 title 0.9923619 3 EVALUATION 2722 2735 W4389215048.pdf 2 27 separator 0.99683785 ¶ 2735 2737 W4389215048.pdf 2 28 text 0.99637663 "Inthissectionwepresentacasestudytodemonstratetheutilityof the proposed rule-based testing. The code for the experiments is available at: https://github.com/safednn-nasa/RuleBasedTesting.git." 2737 2932 W4389215048.pdf 2 29 separator 0.99087703 ¶ 2932 2934 W4389215048.pdf 2 30 text 0.9991866 "WeuseaneuralnetworkmodelforMNIST[ 6],with98.67%accu- racy. The model consists of two convolution, four ReLU activation, onemax-poolandtwodenselayers.Weusetheextendedversionof Prophecy to extract rules from the dense layer and activation layer closestto the outputlayer using asubsetofthe training dataset." 2934 3248 W4389215048.pdf 2 31 separator 0.95381474 ¶ 3248 3250 W4389215048.pdf 2 32 text 0.99952334 "Inordertousetherulesastestoraclesandasameaningfulcover- agemetric,weneedtoselecttherulesthathavehighprecisionand coverage over unseen inputs. The rules mined by Prophecy (usingdecision-tree learning) partition the entire feature space at a given innerlayer.However,somepartitionsmaybeimpurecontaining inputs both satisfying and violating" 3250 3596 W4389215048.pdf 2 0 text 0.9995253 "the output property. We select purerules having 100% precision on the training set. The learning algorithm aims to extract compact rules with high support to in- creasetheirgeneralizability.Therefore,ruleswithhighersupport would potentially have better recall on unseen inputs. From 12,651 inputs,weobtained2,644purerules(2,022forcorrectclassi/f_ication to the tenoutputlabels and622for mis-classi/f_ication)." 0 421 W4389215048.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9868394 ¶ 421 423 W4389215048.pdf 2 2 text 0.99938995 "We evaluate the quality of the extracted rules (precision and recall)onaseparatevalidationsetwith5,000labelledinputs.Every input satis/f_ied at least one of the rules (100% recall) but not all the rules had 100% precision. We chose a threshold of 80% precision to select rules for our two applications. The number of rules selected forcorrectclassi/f_icationwere56,70,138,123,133,141,91,160,145, 180forlabels0through9respectively,and62formis-classi/f_ication." 423 895 W4389215048.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9957993 ¶ 895 897 W4389215048.pdf 2 4 text 0.9992525 "Test Oracles. We evaluated the selected rules as test oracles for twotestsuites:Suite1isastandard5,000(clean)inputtestset;Suite 2isasetof5,000adversarialinputs,generatedfromthecleaninput testsuiteusingFGSM[ 10].Everyinputinthetestsuiteisevaluated ontheselectedrulesasfollows.Ifaruleforcorrectclassi/f_ication to a certain label is satis/f_ied, we predict that the respective label should be the ground-truth ideal label for the input. In addition, wealsopredictthatthemodelwouldcorrectlyclassifytheinput." 897 1416 W4389215048.pdf 2 5 separator 0.8643006 ¶ 1416 1418 W4389215048.pdf 2 6 text 0.9995626 "Conversely,ifamis-classi/f_icationruleissatis/f_ied,wepredictthat the model would mis-classify the input. If more than one rules are satis/f_iedbytheinput, wechoosetherule withthehigher support on the training set, since it would have higher chances of being accurateasexplainedearlier.Weassesstheprecisionoftherules to act as test oracles using two measures: accuracy" 1418 1797 W4389215048.pdf 2 0 text 0.9793981 "in predicting the ground-truthlabel andaccuracyinpredictingmodelcorrectness(or incorrectness) .The results are summarizedinTable 1." 0 135 W4389215048.pdf 2 1 separator 0.995487 ¶ 135 137 W4389215048.pdf 2 2 text 0.9996712 "For Suite 1, the recall for ground truth prediction and predicting correct behavior is high (95.78), similarly the respective precisions are also high (95.01 and 98.39 respectively). This indicates that rules for correct classi/f_ications to different labels displayed good potential in acting as test oracles. However, the quality of the mis- classi/f_ication rules was not high (low recall and precision). This couldbeattributedtotheunavailabilityofmanyfailinginputsin the data set,owing to the relativelyhigh accuracyof the model." 137 684 W4389215048.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9835441 ¶ 684 686 W4389215048.pdf 2 4 text 0.9996176 "Theadversarialinputs(fromSuite2)belongtotheneighborhood regionsof the training distribution where the model generalizes its behavior. Therefore, they do not fail due to low model accuracy on the trainset and hence are different from the failing inputs used to extract the rules for incorrect behavior. Consequently, they satisfy manycorrectclassi/f_icationrulesinadditiontomis-classi/f_ication rules. This explains the low precision of our rules in predicting correctness of model behavior. Interestingly, the average precision forground-truthpredictionis13%,whichisevenbetterthanthe underlyingmodelaccuracyontheadversarialsuite(3%).Thisin- dicatesthat theuseofrules as oraclesfor groundtruthprediction havethepotentialtobemorerobusttoadversarialperturbations thanthe modelfrom whichthey were extracted." 686 1513 W4389215048.pdf 2 5 separator 0.99437356 ¶ 1513 1515 W4389215048.pdf 2 6 text 0.99883187 "Rule-based Coverage. We aim to evaluate whether the rules can be used as a coverage metric to measure adequacy of test suites with respect to: 1) testing diverse functionality of the model, 2) discovering defects that are due to poor training but also due to" 1515 1780 W4389215048.pdf 2 7 separator 0.8414324 ¶ 3 1780 1784 W4389215048.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.994464 Vet. Sci. 2022 ,9, 507 12 of 14 0 31 W4296757370.pdf 11 1 separator 0.9957906 ¶ 31 33 W4296757370.pdf 11 2 text 0.9981226 "suggested marginal zinc aggravated intestinal barrier dysfunction was not likely associated with the host’s zinc levels." 33 156 W4296757370.pdf 11 3 separator 0.96715426 ¶ 156 158 W4296757370.pdf 11 4 text 0.9997005 "Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is the best-characterized pattern recognition transmem- brane receptor, which can recognize many exogenous substances, such as endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Gram-negative bacteria, and then initiate inflammatory response through the TLR4/NF- B signaling pathway [ 35]. In this study, ETEC infec- tion induced higher serum levels of endotoxin, correspondingly higher levels of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines, and higher relative expressions of mRNAs involved in pro- inflammatory cytokines in the jejunum, though the relative expression of TLR4 was not different. Consistently, marginal zinc deficiency induced higher serum levels of endotoxin, and thus higher serum pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the relative expression of intestinal mRNAs accounted for pro-inflammatory cytokines." 158 998 W4296757370.pdf 11 5 separator 0.98857063 ¶ 998 1000 W4296757370.pdf 11 6 text 0.9996845 "The colonization of ETEC on the intestinal epithelium and subsequent enterotoxin release are two vital processes in the pathogenesis of ETEC infection [ 10]. Consistent with common pathogens of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli [26], ETEC k88 cultured in the zinc-deficient medium exhibited higher growth speed and biomass in vitro , compared with the zinc-supplemented group. Moreover, marginal zinc deficiency aggravated the colonization of ETEC k88 on the intestinal epithelium, as evidenced by the result that ETEC k88 shedding in the intestine was higher in the dZn + ETEC group compared with the Zn + ETEC group. However, marginal zinc deficiency failed to affect the concentration of ETEC in the cecum content and even decreased the concentration of ETEC k88 in the stool when ETEC co-treated with zinc. The growth-promoting effect of zinc on ETEC k88 was likely associated with its essential role in ETEC k88 growth. ETEC k88 commonly competes with a host for zinc under a restricted zinc environment, and inhibiting the zinc transporter results in ETEC k88 growth perturbation [ 19]. Consistently, zinc supplementation increased the concentration of ETEC H10407 in stool" 1000 2204 W4296757370.pdf 11 0 text 0.9996906 "under a zinc-restricted environment [ 6]. FaeG, the major component of k88(+) fimbriae, contributes to the pathogen colonization of the intestinal epithelium [ 36,37]. Our results showed that marginal zinc deficiency upregulated the relative expression of FaeG in intestinal content, along with genes involved in cellular motility and biofilm formation, which partly explains the increased intestinal ETEC colo- nization in ETEC-infected mice. Enterotoxins, especially LT and ST, stimulated water and electrolyte secretion in the intestinal lumen through Na+/H+exchange protein 3 (NHE3) and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), thus leading to diar- rhea [ 11,38]. Our results also showed that marginal zinc deficiency upregulated the relative expression of eltA and eltB, responsible for LT, and estB, responsible for ST, in ETEC-infected mice. In line with the elevated ST and LT, marginal zinc deficiency downregulated the relative expression of intestinal NHE3, whereas it upregulated CTFR in ETEC-infected mice." 0 1059 W4296757370.pdf 11 1 separator 0.99142134 ¶ 1059 1061 W4296757370.pdf 11 2 text 0.99699503 These findings might provide a new regulation 1061 1106 W4296757370.pdf 11 0 title 0.61960375 mechanism 0 9 W4296757370.pdf 11 1 text 0.58908087 of 9 12 W4296757370.pdf 11 2 title 0.55610615 marginal 12 21 W4296757370.pdf 11 3 text 0.46897665 21 22 W4296757370.pdf 11 4 title 0.4912974 zinc 22 26 W4296757370.pdf 11 5 text 0.50618064 deficiency 26 36 W4296757370.pdf 11 6 title 0.5523692 in 36 40 W4296757370.pdf 11 7 text 0.429356 ¶ 40 41 W4296757370.pdf 11 8 title 0.68329966 ETEC infection. 41 57 W4296757370.pdf 11 9 separator 0.996809 ¶ 57 59 W4296757370.pdf 11 10 title 0.9940098 5. Conclusions 59 74 W4296757370.pdf 11 11 separator 0.99609095 ¶ 74 76 W4296757370.pdf 11 12 text 0.9995623 "Taken together, the findings of this study demonstrated that marginal zinc deficiency aggravated the growth impairment, intestinal morphology, barrier function, and inflamma- tion induced by ETEC infection. The regulatory role of marginal zinc deficiency was highly correlated with virulence factors of ETEC in vivo , but not with host zinc levels. Further study is warranted to explore the potential mechanisms of marginal zinc deficiency in virulence factors of ETEC k88 in farm animals." 76 571 W4296757370.pdf 11 13 separator 0.99102914 ¶ 571 573 W4296757370.pdf 11 14 text 0.59575886 Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https: 573 664 W4296757370.pdf 11 15 separator 0.71187073 ¶ 664 666 W4296757370.pdf 11 16 text 0.43489105 //www 666 672 W4296757370.pdf 11 17 bibliography 0.4307243 . 672 673 W4296757370.pdf 11 18 text 0.43339962 mdpi.com/article/10 673 692 W4296757370.pdf 11 19 bibliography 0.42064068 . 692 693 W4296757370.pdf 11 20 text 0.5650185 3390/vetsci 693 704 W4296757370.pdf 11 21 bibliography 0.3604337 9090507 704 711 W4296757370.pdf 11 22 text 0.39062783 /s1 711 714 W4296757370.pdf 11 23 caption 0.9889627 ", Figure S1: Zinc deficiency altered the body weight, feed intake, and zinc intake of mice; Figure S2: Effect of zinc concentration on the growth curve of ETEC k88; Table S1: Ingredients and composition of marginal zinc-deficient diet and normal levels of zinc diet; Table S2: Primer set for real-time RT-PCR analysis; Table S3: Primer set for virulence factors analysis." 714 1091 W4296757370.pdf 11 0 text 0.99951994 "compared to the standard-of-care sorafenib in a phase 3 trial with ORR and DCR of 62% and 78%, respectively. With regardsto safety, the combination group demonstrated tolerable safety, with serious adverse events (AEs) rate of only 8% ( 84)." 0 245 W4214681573.pdf 6 1 separator 0.9901779 ¶ 245 247 W4214681573.pdf 6 2 text 0.999646 "CheckMate040 is a phase 1/2 ra ndomized clinical trial (NCT01658878) which comprised of 148 HCC patients thatwere randomized 1:1:1 into three dosing arms (Nivolumab,alone or in combination with ipilimumab). These cohortresults suggest that Nivolumab, plus Ipilimumab, may provide an improved ORR and OS, especially in arm A (lower dose Nivolumab and higher dose Ipilimumab), relative to anti-PD-L1monotherapy ( 85). The combination of lenvatinib plus Pembrolizumab for unresectable HCC (uHCC) patients in thePhase 1b trial (NCT03006926) represented a promisingantitumor activity with an ORR of 46.0%, and a median PFS of9.3 months ( 86). Moreover, an ongoing double-blind randomized controlled phase 3 study (NCT03713593) of lenvatinib plus Pembrolizumab treatment of uHCC is currentlybeing undertaken ( 77). Imbrave150 (NCT03434379), a randomized, multicenter phase 3 clinical study aims toevaluate the ef ficacy and safety of Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab versus Sorafenib among patients with advanced HCC. The results indicated that, among 501 patients (336 in thecombination group and 165 in the Sorafenib group) with HCC, the combination group showed a remarkable improvement inmedian PFS and OS with tolerated and controllable toxicity, compared to the Sorafenib group ( 87)." 247 1550 W4214681573.pdf 6 3 separator 0.9968841 ¶ 1550 1552 W4214681573.pdf 6 4 title 0.9946146 Clinical Trials on Melanoma and CRC 1552 1588 W4214681573.pdf 6 5 separator 0.98744124 ¶ 1588 1590 W4214681573.pdf 6 6 text 0.9996872 "Dacarbazine in combination with Bevacizumab was studied in a phase 2 study (NCT01164007) of 40 unresectable/metastaticmelanoma patients. The results from this study indicated that the treatment had an ORR of 18.9% and a median OS of 11.4 months, with no new toxicity ( 88). Preliminary results from the phase 1 clinical trial (NCT00790010) showed that Ipilimumab(CTLA-4 antibody) plus Bevacizumab (VEGF inhibitors) inpatients with metastatic melanoma (MM) had favorableclinical outcomes, for reasons of increasing tumor vascularexpression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 and lymphocyte infiltration in tumors ( 89). Another open-label phase 1b trial (NCT03086174) validated the ef ficacy of axitinib in combination with Toripalimab among patients with advanced melanoma withan ORR of 48.3% and a median PFS of 7.5 months ( 90). In addition, a phase 2 study (NCT0287319) in 133 mCRC patientsalso demonstrated" 1590 2501 W4214681573.pdf 6 0 text 0.9883669 "that the addition of Atezolizumab to Bevacizumab, as well as capecitabine, improved the median" 0 96 W4214681573.pdf 6 1 title 0.9265823 TABLE 1 | Principal clinical trials for the approval of antiangiogenic and or immunotherapy agents. 96 195 W4214681573.pdf 6 2 separator 0.9954915 ¶ 195 197 W4214681573.pdf 6 3 table 0.99477845 Drug Indication Phase Pivotal study PFS (Months) OS (Months) ORR First 197 268 W4214681573.pdf 6 4 separator 0.71717703 ¶ 268 270 W4214681573.pdf 6 5 table 0.9949295 "postedRecruitment status Atezolizumab + BevacizumabNSCLC 3 NCT02366143 8.3 vs 6.8 19.2 vs 14.7 NA 2015 Completed Bevacizumab + Nivolumab NSCLC 1 NCT01454102 9.3 vs 4.0 21.7 vs 14.1 8.0% vs 10.0% 2011 Completed Ramucirumab + PembrolizumabNSCLC 1 NCT02443324 9.7 26.2 30.0% 2015 Active, not recruiting Ramucirumab + Durvalumab NSCLC 1 NCT02572687 2.7 11.0 11.0% 2015 Completed Bevacizumab + AtezolizumabRCC 2 NCT01984242 11.7 vs 8.4 vs 6.1NA 32.0% vs 29.0% vs 25.0%2013 Completed Nivolumab + Ipilimumab RCC 3 NCT02231749 11.6 vs 8.4 NA vs 26.0 9.0% vs 1.0% 2014 Active, not recruiting Axitinib + Avelumab RCC 1 NCT02493751 NA NA 27.0% vs 4.0% 2015 Completed Axitinib + Avelumab RCC 3 NCT02684006 13.8 vs 8.4 11.6 vs 10.7 55.2% vs 25.5% 2016 Active, not recruiting Pembrolizumab + Axitinib RCC 3 NCT02853331 17.1 vs. 11.1 NA 60.0% vs. 38.5% 2016 Active, not recruiting Tivozanib + Nivolumab RCC 1/2 NCT03136627 18.9% NA 56.0% 2017 CompletedApatinib" 270 1256 W4214681573.pdf 6 0 table 0.9975894 "+ SHR-1210 HCC 1 NCT02942329 2.9 11.4 30.8% 2016 Unknown Bevacizumab + AtezolizumabHCC 1 NCT02715531 5.6 vs 3.4 NA 36.0% 2016 Completed Nivolumab + Ipilimumab HCC 1/2 NCT01658878 NA 22.8 vs 12.5 vs 12.732.0% vs 27.0% vs 29.0%2012 Active, not recruiting Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab HCC 1 NCT03006926 8.6 22.0 36.0% 2016 Active, not recruiting Bevacizumab + AtezolizumabHCC 3 NCT03434379 NA NA NA 2018 Active, not recruiting Bevacizumab + Dacarbazine Melanoma 2 NCT01164007 5.5 11.4 18.9% 2010 Completed Bevacizumab + Ipilimumab Melanoma 1 NCT00790010 9.0 25.1 19.6% 2008 Active, not recruiting Axitinib + Toripalimab Melanoma 1 NCT03086174 7.5 NA 67.5% 2017 Active, not recruiting Bevacizumab + AtezolizumabCRC 2 NCT0287319 4.4 vs 3.3 NA NA Unknown Unknown Bevacizumab + Nivolumab CRC 2 NCT04072198 NA NA NA 2019 Recruiting" 0 859 W4214681573.pdf 6 1 separator 0.96554935 ¶ 859 861 W4214681573.pdf 6 2 text 0.95788777 NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; RCC, renal cell cancer; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; CRC, colorectal cancer; ORR, objective responses rate; R FS, progression-free survival; 861 1040 W4214681573.pdf 6 3 separator 0.47951528 ¶ 1040 1041 W4214681573.pdf 6 4 text 0.84012645 OS, overall survival. NA, Not available. 1041 1082 W4214681573.pdf 6 5 paratext 0.76817274 Hu et al. Anti-Angiogenesis Therapy Combined With Immunotherapy 1082 1145 W4214681573.pdf 6 6 separator 0.93112993 ¶ 1145 1147 W4214681573.pdf 6 7 paratext 0.99218446 Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org February 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 802846 7 1147 1238 W4214681573.pdf 6 0 paratext 0.97020984 "Álvares LM et al. 40 Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 26(1):31-40, jan, 2010" 0 81 W2113416217.pdf 9 1 bibliography 0.99799603 "45. Matsudo SM, M atsudo VKR, Barros Neto TL. Im- pacto do envelhecimento nas variáveis antropo-métricas, neuromotoras e metabólicas da aptidão física. Rev Bras Ciênc Mov 2000; 8:21-32." 81 268 W2113416217.pdf 9 2 separator 0.985796 ¶ 268 270 W2113416217.pdf 9 3 bibliography 0.9987079 "46. Litvak J. El envejecimiento de la población: un de- safío que vá más allá del ano 2000. Bol Oficina Sa-nit Panam 1990; 109:1-5." 270 404 W2113416217.pdf 9 4 separator 0.9877474 ¶ 404 406 W2113416217.pdf 9 5 bibliography 0.99895257 "47. Fr ied LP , Tangen CM, Walston J, Newman AB, Hirsch C, Gottdiener J, et al. Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2001; 56:M146-56.48. Myers AH, Young Y, Langlois JA. Prevention of falls in the elderly. Bone 1996; 18:87-101." 406 684 W2113416217.pdf 9 6 separator 0.9899088 ¶ 684 686 W2113416217.pdf 9 7 bibliography 0.998647 "49. Lima-Costa MF , Barreto SM, Giatti L. Condições de saúde, capacidade funcional, uso de serviços de saúde e gastos com medicamentos da população idosa brasileira: um estudo descritivo baseado na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios . Cad Saúde Pública 2003; 19:735-43." 686 971 W2113416217.pdf 9 8 separator 0.99420977 ¶ 971 973 W2113416217.pdf 9 9 paratext 0.9682597 Recebido em 28/Out/2008 973 997 W2113416217.pdf 9 10 separator 0.8188608 ¶ 997 999 W2113416217.pdf 9 11 paratext 0.8669241 Versão final reapresentada em 15/Ago/2009Aprovado em 08/Set/2009 999 1064 W2113416217.pdf 9 0 paratext 0.9943853 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021 ,18, 10274 3 of 15 0 59 W3202691825.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9961654 ¶ 59 61 W3202691825.pdf 2 2 title 0.99469227 "1.2. National Advisory Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Information and Data (NAGATSIHID)" 61 174 W3202691825.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9969682 ¶ 174 176 W3202691825.pdf 2 4 text 0.99962544 "NAGATSIHID was established “as a result of a decision by AHMAC in October 2000, to improve reporting on the health status of Indigenous Australians. It was set up as the national body to create a partnership between the Commonwealth, jurisdictions and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to improve Indigenous information in national and jurisdictional data collections” [ 9]. The purpose of the committee was to make strategic decisions regarding the use of government held data pertaining to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and work to improve the quality and accessibility of Indigenous data and information." 176 824 W3202691825.pdf 2 5 separator 0.98421127 ¶ 824 826 W3202691825.pdf 2 6 text 0.9996902 "What made NAGATSIHID different from other committees was: “(i) the level of representation from the governments (chaired by an AHMAC member); (ii) it had a majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership with representatives from a wide range of key stakeholders in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health such as the community controlled sector, academia and the government sector with decision making made through an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander quorum; (iii) it provided a unique example of an effective working partnership between government agencies, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations to advance the development and use of data and information on the health of Indigenous Australians; (iv) having a majority of Indigenous people on NAGATSIHID gave the agencies some confidence that the decisions by AHMAC (through NAGATSIHID) reflect the views of Indigenous people and their representative bodies; and (v) it is recognised internationally and has been responsible for many of the significant changes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health statistics and data” [9]." 826 1981 W3202691825.pdf 2 7 separator 0.99544764 ¶ 1981 1983 W3202691825.pdf 2 8 text 0.9750695 The 1983 1987 W3202691825.pdf 2 0 text 0.9988905 "main role of NAGATSIHID was “to provide broad strategic advice to AHMAC, and in particular was responsible for: Continuing the implementation of the 1997 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health Information Plan— this time let’s make it happen (AIHW 1997 [6]); Advising AIHW and ABS on information and data priorities; Providing advice to the Australian Government’s Department of Health (DoH) on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework (HPF)” [10]." 0 502 W3202691825.pdf 2 1 separator 0.95385045 ¶ 502 504 W3202691825.pdf 2 2 text 0.9993824 "NAGATSIHID was abolished in 2019, without notice to its members. While there are a number of advisory committees within government agencies [ 11,12] to support decision- making regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander data by those individual agencies, there has been no replacement to the principal committee." 504 828 W3202691825.pdf 2 3 separator 0.99735093 ¶ 828 830 W3202691825.pdf 2 4 title 0.9947836 1.3. Development of National Surveys 830 867 W3202691825.pdf 2 5 separator 0.9959746 ¶ 867 869 W3202691825.pdf 2 6 text 0.9961431 "In 2001, the National Health Survey was enhanced with a supplementary sample of Indigenous people of sufficient size to produce national estimates for Indigenous people. The supplementary sample was part funded by the Commonwealth and the jurisdictions, and became the first national Indigenous health survey. This was followed by a larger supplementary Indigenous sample in 2004 to provide both national and jurisdictional estimates, and thereafter, was conducted every 6 years [13]." 869 1362 W3202691825.pdf 2 7 separator 0.9522242 ¶ 1362 1364 W3202691825.pdf 2 8 text 0.9996399 "Even though a national biomedical risk factor survey had been conducted for the Australian administration in Papua New Guinea in the late 1960s [ 14], it was not until 2012–2013 that a parallel survey was conducted in Australia, and was made possible by additional funding provided by the Australian Government Department of Health and the National Heart Foundation of Australia. This national survey included two Indigenous components, a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey and a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Measures Survey [15]." 1364 1985 W3202691825.pdf 2 0 title 0.98500806 Etching individual nanoholes 0 28 W3102193079.pdf 3 1 separator 0.7273795 . 28 30 W3102193079.pdf 3 2 text 0.99964315 "To explore the morphological diversity of the proposed etching method, we first investigated the behavior of single isolated nanoholes. In particular, these studies focused on the effect of hole size and shape (Fig. 2a, b, respec- tively), heterostructure (Fig. 2c) and TMD thickness (Fig. 2d) on the resulting etched structure." 30 368 W3102193079.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9888062 ¶ 368 370 W3102193079.pdf 3 4 text 0.9995751 "Figure 2a and Supplementary Fig. 9 show that it is possible to etch a WS 2multilayer to produce hexagonal etched holes with diameters varying in a broad range —from 50 to 10,000 nm (tested here, however, there seems to be no upper limit on the hole size)." 370 632 W3102193079.pdf 3 5 separator 0.9757222 ¶ 632 634 W3102193079.pdf 3 6 text 0.9997174 "It is also important to mention that small circular holes rapidly transform into perfect hexagonal holes, whose subsequent etching is almost entirely stopped (see Supplementary Fig. 2). Larger holes, however, converge to perfect hexagons at a much slower pace." 634 901 W3102193079.pdf 3 7 separator 0.65206957 ¶ 901 903 W3102193079.pdf 3 8 text 0.9996484 "Thus, if the etching is stopped before the perfect hexagonal shape is reached, the resulting hexagonal holes appear incomplete." 903 1033 W3102193079.pdf 3 9 separator 0.98826456 ¶ 1033 1035 W3102193079.pdf 3 10 text 0.9997014 "In addition to the effect of the hole size, we have examined the effect of hole shapes (Fig. 2b). A variety of noncircular shapes, including ellipses, triangles, squares, pentagons, and trapezoids were tested and all of them were converted into regular or irregular hexagonal shapes, irrespectively of the shape and size of the original hole (Fig. 2b). This suggests that random defects on a TMD surface can be anisotropically etched and converted into zigzag-terminated edges. Additional data about the quality of single holes and more complicated geometries such as bull ’s eye nanostructures, as well as tests performed on multiple semi- conductor group VI TMD materials, including MoS 2(and its mineral form), MoSe 2and WSe 2, are given in the Supplementary Information (Supplementary Figs. 10 and 11)." 1035 1866 W3102193079.pdf 3 11 separator 0.9905169 ¶ 1866 1868 W3102193079.pdf 3 12 text 0.99968785 "We further investigated a single hole in a TMD heterostructure (Fig. 2c), which, as it turns out, can also be etched into a hexagon.Such anisotropic etching is possible despite the fact that the crystallographic axes between different layers within a hetero- structure do not, in general, coincide with each other. Etching a twoflake heterostructure where the top flake (WS 2) was rotated by∼30° with respect to the bottom flake (another WS 2) resulted in hexagons rotated by ∼30° (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Fig. 12)." 1868 2395 W3102193079.pdf 3 13 separator 0.96599674 ¶ 2395 2397 W3102193079.pdf 3 14 text 0.9995122 "This con firms the etching is anisotropic even for heterostructures and suggests that this method can be used to reveal crystal- lographic orientation of different flakes with respect to each other." 2397 2598 W3102193079.pdf 3 15 separator 0.9724345 ¶ 2598 2600 W3102193079.pdf 3 16 text 0.9985564 To verify the in fluence of the flake 2600 2636 W3102193079.pdf 3 0 text 0.99934864 "thickness on the etching process, we have investigated several different thicknesses, ranging from a few hundred nanometers down to a monolayer." 0 148 W3102193079.pdf 3 1 separator 0.98894215 ¶ 148 150 W3102193079.pdf 3 2 text 0.99964947 "Here, it is important to emphasize that monolayer TMDs have recently attracted substantial attention due to their direct bandgap and interesting excitonic physics1,2. As shown in Fig. 2d and Supplementary Fig. 13, a WS 2monolayer withstands the etching process, as is evident from a bright photoluminescence (PL) signal, originating from the A-exciton. This observation ensures the excitonic properties of the monolayer are preserved upon interaction with hydrogen peroxide. However, the originally fabricated circular nanoholes in a monolayer cannot be directly patterned into hexagonal shapes; instead they transform into irregular triangular shapes (Supplementary Fig. 13b –e). Further details about anisotropic etching of monolayers are discussed in Supplementary Notes (section d) and in Supplementary Fig. 13." 150 990 W3102193079.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9856088 ¶ 990 992 W3102193079.pdf 3 4 text 0.99946046 "In contrast to the monolayer behavior, an adjacent WS 2bilayer is etched into hexagonal shapes just like any other multilayer, as shown by SEM (Fig. 2d). The bilayer nature is con firmed by the PL signal (inset Fig. 2d). This result has three important implications. First, it con firms that the etching mechanism has" 992 1316 W3102193079.pdf 3 5 separator 0.99471974 ¶ 1316 1318 W3102193079.pdf 3 0 text 0.765139 an anisotropic nature and does not etch along the basal plane 0 61 W3102193079.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9944651 ¶ 61 63 W3102193079.pdf 3 2 table 0.98351437 "Substrate5 μma d 2L 2L1L 1Lb cSiO2/Si TMDC 1 μm 1 μm2 μm 500 nm 200 nm 50 nm5Monolayer WS2 Bilayer WS2 x504 3PL intensity x104 (a.u.) 210 1.4 1.6 1.8 Energy (eV)2.0 2.2 2.4 200 nm" 63 269 W3102193079.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9942696 ¶ 269 271 W3102193079.pdf 3 4 caption 0.9937927 Fig. 2 Etching individual nanoholes. a Effect of hole size: SEM images of etched holes in WS 2with various sizes from ~50 nm to ~10 μm in diameter. 271 419 W3102193079.pdf 3 5 separator 0.9891603 ¶ 419 421 W3102193079.pdf 3 6 caption 0.5290904 b 421 423 W3102193079.pdf 3 7 text 0.66270787 Effect of hole shape: SEM 423 448 W3102193079.pdf 3 8 caption 0.599939 images 448 455 W3102193079.pdf 3 9 text 0.6934147 of single holes with different initial shapes, such as pentagons, octagons, and ellipsoids, 455 547 W3102193079.pdf 3 10 caption 0.54905987 547 548 W3102193079.pdf 3 11 text 0.5522016 etched 548 554 W3102193079.pdf 3 12 caption 0.55174965 into both a 554 566 W3102193079.pdf 3 13 text 0.5266522 bare Si 566 574 W3102193079.pdf 3 14 caption 0.5483532 O 574 576 W3102193079.pdf 3 15 text 0.6648947 "2/Si substrat" 576 591 W3102193079.pdf 3 16 caption 0.5037868 e 591 592 W3102193079.pdf 3 17 text 0.5488138 and a WS 2flake, 592 608 W3102193079.pdf 3 18 caption 0.55189055 illustrating the 608 625 W3102193079.pdf 3 19 text 0.6668444 625 626 W3102193079.pdf 3 20 caption 0.5035787 comparison 626 636 W3102193079.pdf 3 21 text 0.5607195 between 636 644 W3102193079.pdf 3 22 caption 0.57796454 initial and 644 656 W3102193079.pdf 3 23 text 0.64166623 anisotropically etched holes 656 685 W3102193079.pdf 3 24 caption 0.59285396 . cEffect 685 694 W3102193079.pdf 3 25 text 0.52658105 of 694 697 W3102193079.pdf 3 26 caption 0.6636014 hetero 697 704 W3102193079.pdf 3 27 text 0.5607252 structure: 704 714 W3102193079.pdf 3 28 caption 0.691092 SEM image of 714 727 W3102193079.pdf 3 29 text 0.6300296 etched ¶ 727 736 W3102193079.pdf 3 30 caption 0.5049172 hexa 736 741 W3102193079.pdf 3 31 text 0.5354989 gonal 741 746 W3102193079.pdf 3 32 caption 0.5047615 746 747 W3102193079.pdf 3 33 text 0.5142716 holes 747 752 W3102193079.pdf 3 34 caption 0.8839157 "in a WS 2multilayer heterostructure that has a 30° rotation between the stacked flakes. dEffect of flake thickness: an SEM image and a corresponding schematic sketch showing formation of hexagonal holes in a bilayer and circular holes in monolayer WS 2. The inset shows the photoluminescence spectra of bi- (red curve) and mono-layer (orange curve) WS" 752 1106 W3102193079.pdf 3 35 paratext 0.97345376 2.ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18428-2 1106 1183 W3102193079.pdf 3 36 separator 0.62952805 ¶ 1183 1185 W3102193079.pdf 3 37 paratext 0.9897144 4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:4604 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18428-2 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 1185 1317 W3102193079.pdf 3 0 table 0.9683926 "" 0 357 W2541047558.pdf 5 1 separator 0.99466217 ¶ 357 359 W2541047558.pdf 5 2 caption 0.99685085 Fig.12. Configurationseveryquartersecondfromasimulated fourlinkinvertedpendulumresponsetoaforwardimpulse(to theright)of22.5Newton-seconds. 359 497 W2541047558.pdf 5 3 separator 0.9921316 ¶ 497 499 W2541047558.pdf 5 4 caption 0.9144865 Theblackrectangleindicatestheextentofthesymmetricfoot . 499 555 W2541047558.pdf 5 5 separator 0.9764041 ¶ 555 557 W2541047558.pdf 5 6 table 0.98008263 "" 557 915 W2541047558.pdf 5 7 separator 0.993889 ¶ 915 917 W2541047558.pdf 5 8 caption 0.9956994 Fig.13. Configurationseveryquartersecondfromasimulated fourlinkinvertedpendulumresponsetoabackwardimpulse(t otheleft)of22.5Newton-seconds 917 1054 W2541047558.pdf 5 9 separator 0.9936296 ¶ 1054 1056 W2541047558.pdf 5 10 text 0.8790295 "imperfectsensinganddealingwithfloorcompliance.Italso requirescoordinatingtheactionofbothlegs" 1056 1150 W2541047558.pdf 5 11 caption 0.48200375 and 1150 1153 W2541047558.pdf 5 12 text 0.50032926 feet 1153 1157 W2541047558.pdf 5 13 caption 0.48846912 [17] 1157 1161 W2541047558.pdf 5 14 text 0.75958794 . 1161 1162 W2541047558.pdf 5 15 separator 0.9918099 ¶ 1162 1164 W2541047558.pdf 5 16 text 0.99902296 "A third extension is to handle perturbations that take a finiteamountoftime.Inthisworkweavoidedtheissueof recognizingandpredictingthefuturecourseofperturbati ons byapplyingtheminstantaneously.However,ifapushlastsf or asecond,itispossibletotakethatintoaccountingenerati nga response.Ifapushwilllastforanunknowntime,therespons" 1164 1498 W2541047558.pdf 5 0 text 0.9823686 "e inthesamestatemightbedifferentdependingonthebeliefs of the subject as to the future course of the perturbation." 0 117 W2541047558.pdf 5 1 separator 0.9887148 ¶ 117 119 W2541047558.pdf 5 2 text 0.9993923 "It is also possible to recognize perturbations to assist thi s predictionprocess.Onewaytohandlethisinoptimization istoincorporateinformationaboutthefuturecourseofthe perturbationinthestate.Forcomplexpredictionsthismig ht maketheoptimizationmuchmorecomplex.Asimplification istoassumethecurrentperturbationwilllastindefinitely ." 119 454 W2541047558.pdf 5 3 separator 0.9881797 ¶ 454 456 W2541047558.pdf 5 4 text 0.9995213 "Another extension is to consider stepping as a possible response.Wehopetounifytheankle,hip,andstepstrategie s withasingleoptimizationcriteriainthefuture.Itmaybethecasethatwhensteppingispossibleitischoseninsteado f usingthehipstrategy.Itmaybethecasethatankleandhip strategiescontinuetooccurduringastep." 456 766 W2541047558.pdf 5 5 separator 0.99627423 ¶ 766 768 W2541047558.pdf 5 6 title 0.99215716 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 768 783 W2541047558.pdf 5 7 separator 0.99285716 ¶ 783 785 W2541047558.pdf 5 8 text 0.9280434 "Thismaterialisbaseduponworksupportedinpartbythe DARPALearningLocomotionProgramandtheNationalSci- enceFoundationundergrantsCNS-0224419,DGE-0333420, ECS-0325383,andEEC-0540865." 785 966 W2541047558.pdf 5 9 separator 0.99673706 ¶ 966 968 W2541047558.pdf 5 10 title 0.9897465 REFERENCES 968 979 W2541047558.pdf 5 11 separator 0.9953315 ¶ 979 981 W2541047558.pdf 5 12 bibliography 0.9987773 "[1] H. 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Forum 2022 ,14, 48. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/blsf2022014048" 0 283 W4295095816.pdf 0 1 separator 0.63781977 ¶ 283 285 W4295095816.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.9594096 "Academic Editor: Vitor Gonçalves Published: 6 September 2022" 285 348 W4295095816.pdf 0 3 separator 0.729599 ¶ 348 350 W4295095816.pdf 0 4 paratext 0.72025436 "Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil- iations." 350 481 W4295095816.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9298378 ¶ 481 483 W4295095816.pdf 0 6 paratext 0.9536909 "Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland." 483 554 W4295095816.pdf 0 7 separator 0.796559 ¶ 554 556 W4295095816.pdf 0 8 paratext 0.98369324 "This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)." 556 750 W4295095816.pdf 0 9 separator 0.99536246 ¶ 750 752 W4295095816.pdf 0 10 title 0.82235837 Abstract 752 761 W4295095816.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9933855 ¶ 761 763 W4295095816.pdf 0 12 title 0.75299186 "IA-GES-BLOOM-CM: Towards a Comprehensive Warning and Management System for Cyanobacterial Blooms" 763 862 W4295095816.pdf 0 13 separator 0.844624 † ¶ 862 865 W4295095816.pdf 0 14 contact 0.9413006 "JoséAntonio L ópez-Orozco1,‡, Jesús Chac ón1 , Elvira Perona1, Samuel Cir és2 , Antonio Quesada2 and Eva Besada-Portas1,*" 865 993 W4295095816.pdf 0 15 separator 0.8581877 ¶ 993 995 W4295095816.pdf 0 16 contact 0.99068844 "1Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Autom ática, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain 2Departamento de Fisiolog ía Vegetal, Universidad Aut ónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain *Correspondence: ebesada@ucm.es" 995 1240 W4295095816.pdf 0 17 separator 0.8748925 ¶ 1240 1243 W4295095816.pdf 0 18 text 0.7525895 "† Presented at the 7th Iberian Congress on Cyanotoxins/3rd Iberoamerican Congress on Cyanotoxins, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 18–20 June 2022." 1243 1384 W4295095816.pdf 0 19 separator 0.83590436 ¶ 1384 1386 W4295095816.pdf 0 20 text 0.7043297 ‡ Presenting author (oral communication). 1386 1428 W4295095816.pdf 0 21 separator 0.9944685 ¶ 1428 1430 W4295095816.pdf 0 22 text 0.99911934 "Abstract: Cyanobacterial Blooms (CBs) are an ecological and public health problem since they may be followed by the production of secondary metabolites, which are toxic for humans and other animals. This threatens the life of multiple species and prevents the use of water resources for recreational and consumption purposes. Therefore, their proper management is essential to minimize the exposure of the population and ecosystems to the harmful effects of CBs. The ability to predict the formation of CBs in a specific water body is limited by the difficulty of acquiring enough data to determine their state with the appropriate temporal and spatial granularity. Moreover, as CBs are complex phenomena that are influenced by many factors, the conclusions derived for a certain water body are hard to" 1430 2246 W4295095816.pdf 0 0 text 0.9995297 "extrapolate to others. IA-GES-BLOOM-CM is a synergy project funded by the Community of Madrid, Spain, for boosting the collaboration of researchers from different fields (including biology, automation, and information and communication technologies) to develop disruptive solutions for CB prediction and management. Its aim is to develop a comprehensive and reliable system to automatically and efficiently characterize continental water bodies, predict where and when the CBs are expected to occur, determine their potential risks, and provide the authorities with early warnings of CB breakouts. To this end, we are conceiving a system, supported by Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs, a kind of robotized boats), Modeling and Simulation (M&S) tools, and the Internet of Things (IoT). More specifically, on one hand, the ASVs, which are equipped with probes, will be (1) responsible for capturing information related to the CBs from any point of the water column and surface and will be (2) intelligently guided to the points of interest to make relevant observations in order to optimize the monitoring" 0 1123 W4295095816.pdf 0 0 text 0.99947315 "efforts. On the other hand, M&S tools, including dynamical models and machine learning, will be in charge of predicting the CB temporal and spatial evolution in order to guide the ASVs (whose data, in turn, will be used to fine-tune the models) and warn the authorities about relevant CBs. Finally, an IoT infrastructure will support the communications and deployment of the system, closing the gap between the authorities in charge of the water bodies and the information provided by the different elements of the system. In this paper, we will provide an overview of the main ideas of the project and of its initial developments." 0 642 W4295095816.pdf 0 1 separator 0.99513185 ¶ 642 644 W4295095816.pdf 0 2 keywords 0.8838654 "Keywords: autonomous surface vehicles; modeling and simulation; optimization; artificial intelligence ; Internet of Things" 644 769 W4295095816.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9895841 ¶ 769 771 W4295095816.pdf 0 4 paratext 0.48926115 Author Contributions 771 792 W4295095816.pdf 0 5 bibliography 0.5715337 ": IoT and software, J.C.; ASV and methodology, J.A.L.-O.; models, E.B.-P .; validation E.P . and S.C.; supervision, A." 792 912 W4295095816.pdf 0 6 paratext 0.4157834 Q 912 913 W4295095816.pdf 0 7 bibliography 0.5183059 . and E.B.-P . 913 927 W4295095816.pdf 0 8 paratext 0.59787595 "All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript." 927 1006 W4295095816.pdf 0 9 separator 0.99049604 ¶ 1006 1008 W4295095816.pdf 0 10 paratext 0.9917113 Biol. Life Sci. 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Intraclass correlations: Uses in assessing rater reliability. Psychological Bulletin , 86 (2), pp. 420-428." 408 558 W2156097029.pdf 3 7 separator 0.99365866 ¶ 559 561 W2156097029.pdf 3 8 bibliography 0.99875045 "Norušis, M.J., 2012. IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Statistical Procedures Companion . Prentice Hall, New Jersey , pp. 456 -460." 561 685 W2156097029.pdf 3 9 separator 0.99323034 ¶ 686 688 W2156097029.pdf 3 10 bibliography 0.99801326 "Che, T., Li, X., Jin, R., Armstrong, R., & Zhang, T., 2008. Snow depth derived from passive microwave remote -sensing data in Chin a, Annals of Glaciology , 49, pp. 145 -154." 688 870 W2156097029.pdf 3 11 separator 0.961802 "¶ ¶ ¶" 871 885 W2156097029.pdf 3 12 paratext 0.94378513 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 885 1002 W2156097029.pdf 3 13 separator 0.9763716 ¶ 1003 1005 W2156097029.pdf 3 14 paratext 0.6660963 XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 1005 1078 W2156097029.pdf 3 15 separator 0.97881204 ¶ 1078 1080 W2156097029.pdf 3 16 paratext 0.96920043 370 1080 1084 W2156097029.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.7613859 259 P 0 5 W4392644779.pdf 6 1 title 0.65289646 ostrzeganie s 5 18 W4392644779.pdf 6 2 paratext 0.6742916 ́ 18 20 W4392644779.pdf 6 3 title 0.72122145 wiata przez m łodzież 20 41 W4392644779.pdf 6 4 paratext 0.72170484 ... 42 43 W4392644779.pdf 6 5 separator 0.996199 ¶ 43 45 W4392644779.pdf 6 6 text 0.99869937 "Korelacje istotne (p<0,05) i dodatnie (r=0) sensowności świata, zorganizo- wania świata z łącznymi relacjami interpersonalnymi i wszystkimi ich podska-lami odnotowano wśród młodzieży 13–15-letniej." 45 245 W4392644779.pdf 6 7 separator 0.88409173 ¶ 245 247 W4392644779.pdf 6 8 text 0.9992938 "W doniesieniu do młodzieży 16–18-letniej sensowność, zorganizowanie świata korelowało istotnie (p<0,05) i ujemnie (r=0) z prospołecznością, skalą „Ja wobec innych” , brakiem zagrożenia, skalą „Inni wobec mnie” i łącznymi re-lacjami interpersonalnymi." 247 501 W4392644779.pdf 6 9 separator 0.9949844 ¶ 501 503 W4392644779.pdf 6 10 table 0.97792536 "ParametrSensowność, zorganizowanie świata 13–15 latSensowność, zorganizowanie świata 16–18 lat" 503 608 W4392644779.pdf 6 11 separator 0.7957027 ¶ 608 610 W4392644779.pdf 6 12 table 0.96625334 "Współczynnik korelacji Spearmana Prospołeczność r=0,246, p<0,001 * r=-0,082, p=0,038 *Agresywność (brak) r=0,248, p<0,001 * r=-0,066, p=0,094Ja wobec innych r=0,318, p<0,001 * r=-0,09, p=0,022 *Wsparcie r=0,316, p<0,001 * r=0,066, p=0,094Zagrożenie (brak) r=0,301, p<0,001 * r=-0,187, p<0,001 *Inni wobec mnie r=0,373, p<0,001 * r=-0,103, p=0,009 *Relacje interpersonalne r=0,403, p<0,001 * r=-0,12, p=0,002 * * zależność istotna statystycznie (p<0,05)" 610 1067 W4392644779.pdf 6 13 separator 0.9836936 ¶ 1067 1069 W4392644779.pdf 6 14 text 0.9970197 Poczucie sensowności, zorganizowania i przychylności dla ludzi jest ka- 1069 1141 W4392644779.pdf 6 15 separator 0.99145836 ¶ 1141 1143 W4392644779.pdf 6 0 text 0.9996863 "tegorią zmienną rozwojowo; obraz ten może i powinien ewoluować w okresie średniej adolescencji w kierunku jego porządkowania się na podstawie coraz bardziej racjonalnej oceny różnych jego atrybutów. Korzystne rozwojowo jest porządkowanie w kierunku kształtowania się pozytywnych, czyli zrównowa-żonych przekonań, w których doceniane są różne jego właściwości, ale jedno-cześnie krytycznie oceniane jego niedoskonałości, włączające tendencje do po-dejmowania działań służących optymalizującej jego modyfikacji. Tymczasem zauważamy, że obraz świata licealistów ewo luuje w specy ficzny sposób, niestety niekorzystny rozwojowo – zauważalny jest trend do deprecjacji jego walorów. Może to uruchomić przekonania, że nie można liczyć na to, że człowiek uzyska to, na co zasługuje (źli wygrywają, a dobrzy przegrywają, dlatego nie warto być dobrym). Wpływa to na umiejętność radzenia sobie w sytuacjach kryzysowych, gdyż w świecie nieprzewidywalnym konstruktywne radzenie sobie jest niemoż-liwe. To, co dzieje się w tak urządzonym świecie, nie ma racjonalnych przyczyn, dlatego też nie ma sensu planowanie własnego życia, bo szansa powodzenia" 0 1142 W4392644779.pdf 6 0 paratext 0.99293643 ISSN 2519 -2949 (Print); 2519 -2957 (Online ) «ПОЛ ІТИЧНЕ ЖИТТЯ» 2 – 2020 0 75 W3082882133.pdf 3 1 separator 0.87440836 ¶ 76 78 W3082882133.pdf 3 2 paratext 0.93185985 22 79 82 W3082882133.pdf 3 3 text 0.9699269 "Характеризуючи динаміку громадських настроїв за 2014 – 2020 рр. стосовно збройного конфлікту на Сході України, слід відзначити такі тенденції, що зберігаються впродовж названого періоду." 82 275 W3082882133.pdf 3 4 separator 0.9914353 ¶ 277 279 W3082882133.pdf 3 5 text 0.99965495 "Очевидним для більшості громадян України є «російський фактор» збройного конфлікту на Донбасі. При цьому з 2015 р. зросла кількість тих, хто сприймає конфлікт як війну між Україною і Росією: 28% у 2015 р. – 35,2% у 2018 р. [5, c. 112]. Можна припустити, що таке розуміння ситуації на Сході України відбулося за рахунок зменшення частки тих, хто розцінював його як сепаратистський заколот, підтриманий Москвою: 31,5% у 2015 р. проти 25,6% у 2018 р. [Там само]." 279 762 W3082882133.pdf 3 6 separator 0.9199241 ¶ 763 765 W3082882133.pdf 3 7 text 0.9995684 "При цьому, найчастіше українці оцінюють так звані «ДНР -ЛНР» як терористичні організації, підтримувані Росією або російські окупаційні адміністрації в Україні." 765 930 W3082882133.pdf 3 8 separator 0.9876566 ¶ 932 934 W3082882133.pdf 3 9 text 0.9993916 "Напередодні президентських виборів 2019 р. аналітик Фонду «Демініціативи» Сер гій Шаповалов оприлюднив результати дослідження, відповідно до яких 72% громадян України поділяли думку, що зараз триває війна Росії з Україною [17]. Загрозливими у цьому контексті виглядають погляди мешканців підконтрольної Україні території Донбасу, що р озділилися практично навпіл: 39% вважали, що триває війна Росії з Україною, а 40% – що ні [Там само]. А основну провину за збройний конфлікт мешканці підконтрольних територій Донецької і Луганської областей покладали на чинну українську владу (57%), ще 33% звинувачували владу попереднього режиму В. Януковича, 24%" 934 1614 W3082882133.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.87103766 – Майдан [15]. 0 14 W3082882133.pdf 3 1 separator 0.97939265 "¶ ¶ ¶" 16 30 W3082882133.pdf 3 2 caption 0.9723969 "Рис. 1. Ситуація на Донбасі очима громадян України. Соціологічне дослідження Центру Разумкова. Грудень 2018 р. [5, c. 111]." 30 163 W3082882133.pdf 3 3 separator 0.99389136 ¶ ¶ 165 171 W3082882133.pdf 3 4 text 0.99934775 "Отже, очікувано трансльований на вищому державному рівні меседж про «втому від війни», а також більш нагальні для повсякденного життя проблеми фінансово -економічної кризи, корупції, ціноутворення на енергоносії тощо і далі позначатимуться на настроях українців щодо збройного конфлікту на Донбасі ." 171 484 W3082882133.pdf 3 5 separator 0.90023804 ¶ 485 487 W3082882133.pdf 3 6 text 0.9970386 "Ще однією тенденцією громадських настроїв нами вбачається загалом критична оцінка громадянами політики України з врегулювання збройного конфлікту. Більшість українців не вважають її ефективною, послідовною, виваженою, зрозумілою для суспільства та країн -партнерів. Зокрема, вкрай неоднозначні оцінки отримали" 487 809 W3082882133.pdf 3 0 text 0.999479 "мирні ініціативи України в рамках Мінського переговорного процесу. Близько третини українців (30,2%) оцінили результати Мінських домовленостей негативно і ще близько третини (32,6%) – нейтрально [20]. При цьому майже третина громадян України взагалі нічого про них не знає." 0 286 W3082882133.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9819087 ¶ 288 290 W3082882133.pdf 3 2 text 0.99946177 "Переважна більшість населення (55%) не менш неефективною вважають участь Заходу у врегулюванні конфлікту на Сході України [19]. Зокрема, йдеться про роботу місії ОБСЄ, впливу міжнар одних санкцій на російську зовнішню політику тощо. Загалом можна констатувати, що за браком власної чіткої стратегії дій на донбаському напрямі Україна перетворилася за роки переговорного процесу з його учасника на розмінну карту, якою Західна Європа намаг ається втримати імперський апетит Росії." 290 794 W3082882133.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9963459 ¶ 797 799 W3082882133.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.98599786 Residual Stresses 2016: ICRS -10 Materials Research Forum LLC 0 62 W2599896953.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9319254 ¶ 64 66 W2599896953.pdf 4 2 paratext 0.9927089 Materials Research Proceedings 2 (2016) 199-204 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781945291173- 34 66 167 W2599896953.pdf 4 3 separator 0.7159551 "¶ ¶" 168 178 W2599896953.pdf 4 4 paratext 0.9767438 203 179 183 W2599896953.pdf 4 5 text 0.99929756 "Whne the applied load is sufficiently high that the crack opens at the tip, a yielded zone of length ρ forms ahead of the tip. The size of this yielded zone is calculated using the condition that the total stress intensity factor for an extended crack of half-length cρ+ is zero. When residual stresses act in addition to the applied stres s, the total stress intensity factor TOTK is calculated as the sum of the stress intensity factors due to the applies stress APPK , the residual stress RSK and stresses applied to the crack tip to represent the yield zone YK . Therefore" 183 777 W2599896953.pdf 4 6 separator 0.9418223 ¶ 779 781 W2599896953.pdf 4 7 math 0.94425 TOT APP RS Y 0 K K KK= ++= (5) 781 813 W2599896953.pdf 4 8 separator 0.9893707 ¶ 814 816 W2599896953.pdf 4 9 text 0.99858737 "Solution of Eq. (5) gives the size of the plastic zone ρ. The effective stress intensity factor is evaluated using the technique of Burdekin and Stone [8], which requires the crack opening displacement to be calculated at xc=. The total crack opening displacement TOTδ is evaluated as the sum of the crack ope ning due" 816 1146 W2599896953.pdf 4 0 text 0.93854845 "to the applied stress APPδ , the residual stress RSδ and the stresses in the yielded zone Yδ. That is TOT APP RS Yδ" 0 123 W2599896953.pdf 4 1 math 0.71994334 δ δδ 123 128 W2599896953.pdf 4 2 text 0.61851346 = 128 130 W2599896953.pdf 4 3 math 0.48884332 ++ 130 132 W2599896953.pdf 4 4 text 0.7654147 (6) 133 137 W2599896953.pdf 4 5 separator 0.9692397 ¶ 138 140 W2599896953.pdf 4 6 text 0.8559156 "Finally the effective stress intensity factor is obtained by EFF Y TOT KE σδ′= (7)" 140 229 W2599896953.pdf 4 7 separator 0.9916345 ¶ 230 232 W2599896953.pdf 4 8 text 0.996919 "Fig. 5 compares the results of the strip yield model for tensile residual stress and compressive residual stress, where the magnitude of the residual stress is equa l to the yield stress, that is Y RS 1 σσ=. Fig. 5 also shows the results for the standard strip yield model, the case with no residual stress. The figure also shows two dimensional plane stress finite element results obtained for EFFK using the calculation EFFK EJ ′= (8)" 232 688 W2599896953.pdf 4 9 separator 0.65303457 ¶ 689 691 W2599896953.pdf 4 10 text 0.9992848 "where J is the value of the J -integral evaluated using the JEDI procedure [5]. Very good agreement is obtained even for applied stresses approaching the yield stress where large plastic zones develop and small scale yielding conditions certainly do not exist." 691 958 W2599896953.pdf 4 11 separator 0.99612385 ¶ 960 962 W2599896953.pdf 4 12 caption 0.99730945 "Fig. 5 Elastic -plastic normalised effective stress intensity factor EFF RS Kcσπ versus normalised applied stress APP RSσσ for zero, tensile and compressive residual stress." 962 1141 W2599896953.pdf 4 13 separator 0.9968436 ¶ 1143 1145 W2599896953.pdf 4 0 separator 0.99720645 ¶ 1 2 W4200391341.pdf 0 1 title 0.9846719 Supplementary Material 2 25 W4200391341.pdf 0 2 separator 0.99657923 ¶ ¶ 27 33 W4200391341.pdf 0 3 title 0.6702855 Supplementary Video 33 53 W4200391341.pdf 0 4 caption 0.9039415 1. Dynamic evolution of a 3-D isosurface taken at normalized Q -criterion = 53 130 W4200391341.pdf 0 5 separator 0.99052155 ¶ 131 133 W4200391341.pdf 0 6 caption 0.87385625 0.3 colored by vorticity magnitude which illustrates coherent turbulence structures in the jet flow 133 234 W4200391341.pdf 0 7 text 0.44567713 234 235 W4200391341.pdf 0 8 caption 0.703033 . 235 236 W4200391341.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9885142 ¶ 238 240 W4200391341.pdf 0 10 text 0.98194456 The video is slowed by a factor of 10,000. 240 283 W4200391341.pdf 0 0 text 0.9996877 "In order to achieve the objective, set in the beginning of this part of the paper, the exploratory factor analysis will be used to analyze the data gathered from the survey. The main purpose of factor analysis is to evaluate the structure of mutual relationships among variables. Subsequently, it is important to find out if there is a possibility of splitting variables into groups while correlations within the group would be significant and at the same time, correlations between groups wouldn ’t be significant. By applying factor analysis, new variables called factors are created from the original variables (Stankovi čová & Vojtková, 2007 )." 0 660 W2896528829.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9911718 ¶ 660 662 W2896528829.pdf 4 2 text 0.9959074 "Basic assumption for use of factor analysis is the existence of sufficient correlations among data in the data matrix. To analyze these correlations, it is possible to use various tests: ●Bartlett sphericity test: null hypothesis assumes the correlation matrix to be an identity matrix. ●Kaiser –Mayer –Olkin test (KMO): compares sizes of experimental correlation coefficients to sizes of partial correlation coefficients. It is highly recommended that KMO value is higher than 0.5 (Meloun et al., 2012 ). ●MSA: it provides the level of degree of inner correlations between original tokens and expresses how they are predicted by other tokens. It is recommended to not conduct factor analysis when MSA is lower than 0.5 (Coussement et al., 2011 )." 662 1426 W2896528829.pdf 4 3 separator 0.9851738 ¶ 1426 1428 W2896528829.pdf 4 4 text 0.9995809 "If the assumption is met, the next step is to estimate parameters of the factor model. In this phase, principal components analysis will be used. It is a statistical method that uses orthogonal transformation to convert the set of correlated observations into set of observa- tions with no correlations among them. If kis the number of principal components and n is number of variables, then k≤m(Bro & Smilde, 2014 ). The next step is the determination of common factors. As Meloun et al. ( 2012 ) and Kagraoka 2015 )e x p l a i n ,t h en u m b e ro f common factors should be based on certain crite ria. We will use the principle of eigenvalues (factors with eigenvalues higher than 1 are considered" 1428 2143 W2896528829.pdf 4 0 text 0.9992378 "to be significant) and criterion of explained variance (selected factors should explain as high proportion of total variability as possible)." 0 145 W2896528829.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9848747 ¶ 145 147 W2896528829.pdf 4 2 text 0.9996614 "When number of factors is determined, we can compute the factor saturations. During these computations, the situation connected to ambiguity of the results might happen —one variable can correlate with more factors. In order to maximize differences between factors, the rotation is used." 147 439 W2896528829.pdf 4 3 separator 0.95696104 ¶ 439 441 W2896528829.pdf 4 4 text 0.99955565 "Thanks to the rotations, factor loadings (correlations between variable and factor) get into the shape that allows more exact and easier explanation. We distinguish between orthogonal rotation (e.g. varimax, equamax, quartimax) and oblique (e.g. oblimin, promax) (Ronco & De Stéfani, 2012 )." 441 737 W2896528829.pdf 4 5 separator 0.98260164 ¶ 737 739 W2896528829.pdf 4 6 text 0.9993096 "In our analysis, both orthogonal and oblique rotation will be used in order to find the best possible explanation of factors." 739 867 W2896528829.pdf 4 7 separator 0.9634701 ¶ 867 869 W2896528829.pdf 4 8 text 0.9981667 "When new latent variables were created, we needed to confirm their accuracy by using CFA. CFA is a multivariate statistical procedure that is used to test how well the measured variables" 869 1058 W2896528829.pdf 4 9 separator 0.889338 ¶ 1058 1060 W2896528829.pdf 4 10 text 0.9935069 represent 1060 1070 W2896528829.pdf 4 0 text 0.99957615 "the number of constructs (Brown, 2015 ). CFA can specify the number of factors required in the data and which measured variable is related to which latent variable. CFA is a tool that is used to confirm or reject the measurement theory (Brown, 2015 )." 0 255 W2896528829.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9615965 ¶ 255 257 W2896528829.pdf 4 2 text 0.99933076 CFA is used to test whether a hypothesized struc ture is appropriate for multivariate data. 257 349 W2896528829.pdf 4 3 separator 0.93730795 ¶ 349 351 W2896528829.pdf 4 4 text 0.99589175 "The hypothesized structure constrains the matrices appearing in the covariance equation. Individual covariances among the latent factors or among the error terms can be assumed equal or set to zero. Likewise, selected varian ces (diagonal entries) may be presumed to be equal within each of these matrices. Also, s elected factor loadings may be set to zero. A random sample of multivariate observations is used to estimate the c orresponding sample covariance matrix with and without the constraints imposed by the hypothesized structure" 351 900 W2896528829.pdf 4 5 separator 0.63316095 ¶ 900 902 W2896528829.pdf 4 6 text 0.9871219 (Byrne, 2016 ;F o x , 2010 ).Buck 902 936 W2896528829.pdf 4 7 paratext 0.60192347 o 936 937 W2896528829.pdf 4 8 text 0.5717635 et 937 940 W2896528829.pdf 4 9 paratext 0.5756636 al 940 943 W2896528829.pdf 4 10 text 0.47967312 . 943 944 W2896528829.pdf 4 11 paratext 0.52333635 , 944 945 W2896528829.pdf 4 12 text 0.5459908 Co 945 948 W2896528829.pdf 4 13 paratext 0.72911024 gent Business & Management 948 974 W2896528829.pdf 4 14 text 0.59281534 (2018) 974 981 W2896528829.pdf 4 15 paratext 0.6147868 , 5: 1535751 981 993 W2896528829.pdf 4 16 separator 0.97648704 ¶ 993 995 W2896528829.pdf 4 17 paratext 0.98981327 https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2018.1535751 995 1041 W2896528829.pdf 4 18 separator 0.9279673 ¶ 1041 1043 W2896528829.pdf 4 19 paratext 0.9928645 Page 4 of 15 1043 1056 W2896528829.pdf 4 0 text 0.9996233 "susceptibility to different diseases10–15. Some, but not all studies, show that IGF-I is increased in affective dis-orders 16,17. In addition, IGF-I has been documented as a mood regulator18,19, as for example through its potent anxiolytic actions20. Furthermore, we recently observed that TBI induces the entrance of serum IGF-I into thebrain21. Thus, IGF-I may be involved in mood regulation after TBI." 0 416 W2886408378.pdf 1 1 separator 0.9550605 ¶ 416 418 W2886408378.pdf 1 2 text 0.9980514 "In turn, FKBP5 is an Hsp90-associated co-chaperone that regulates the responsiveness of steroid hormone receptors, including glucocorticoids, major regulators ofmood and PTSD responses 22. FKBP5 has been proposed" 418 637 W2886408378.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9966829 ¶ 637 639 W2886408378.pdf 1 4 caption 0.995832 "Fig. 1 A role for circulating IGF-I in anxiety. a Submitting mice to either TBI or exposure to a predator (stressed mice) signi ficantly increased anxiety levels as measured 1 week after in the elevated plus maze (EPM) as time spent in the open arms. However, when both stressors arecombined, anxiety is not increased over basal levels (interaction between stress and injury F( 1,111)=20.174, p< 0.0001; n=38, 10, 32, 35 respectively)." 639 1078 W2886408378.pdf 1 5 separator 0.9950725 ¶ 1078 1080 W2886408378.pdf 1 6 caption 0.9597439 bIntracerebroventricular 1080 1105 W2886408378.pdf 1 0 text 0.9922546 "administration of IGF-I to intact mice attenuates anxiety responses to predator exposure as determined in the EPM ( t= 3.606, df =13,n=7 and 8). cSimilarly reduced anxiety was seen when placing the mice in an open field, as IGF-I-treated mice showed greater time in the center of the arena ( t=2.242, df =13,n=7 and 8). dCombined action of TBI and a life-threatening event (predator exposure) on anxiety levels in mice with low serum IGF-I (LID mice). These mice showed greater basal anxiety as compared to control mice (see panel a), enhanced anxiety after TBI injury, and even greater anxiety when TBI was combined to predator exposure (no signi ficant interaction; effects of injury F( 1,46)=15.15; p= 0.0003 and stress F( 1,46)=4.71; p=0.0352; n=12, 11, 13, 14, respectively). eTreatment of LID mice with systemic IGF-I ameliorated anxiety after combined TBI and rat exposure (Mann −Whitney p=0.0012; n=7 in both groups). * p< 0.05; ** p< 0.01, and *** p< 0.001 vs. respective controls in" 0 1002 W2886408378.pdf 1 1 separator 0.7878121 ¶ 1002 1004 W2886408378.pdf 1 2 text 0.8694704 this and following figures 1004 1030 W2886408378.pdf 1 3 paratext 0.94615334 Santi et al. Translational Psychiatry (2018) 8:142 Page 2 of 11 1030 1094 W2886408378.pdf 1 0 paratext 0.982556 "International Journal of Law, Media and Social Sciences (IJLMSS) Published By Future Research for Excellence (FRE) Volume 1 Issue 1 – Dec-2021 Page 38" 0 164 W4296945116.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9949696 ¶ 166 168 W4296945116.pdf 0 2 title 0.98714 "Impact of COVID -19 on t he Technical and Vocational Institutes ( A Case Study of Pakistan TVET Institutes)" 170 281 W4296945116.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9953878 ¶ 283 285 W4296945116.pdf 0 4 contact 0.44347605 Author’s 285 294 W4296945116.pdf 0 5 paratext 0.33760855 Details 294 302 W4296945116.pdf 0 6 contact 0.8122894 : (1)Muhammad Faheem (2)Dr. Asif Ali Shah 302 344 W4296945116.pdf 0 7 separator 0.94129455 ¶ 346 348 W4296945116.pdf 0 8 paratext 0.97950375 Received Date: 10-Oct-2021 Accepted Date: 13-Nov-2021 Published Date: 31-Dec-2021 348 443 W4296945116.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9954258 ¶ 445 447 W4296945116.pdf 0 10 title 0.96060103 Abstract 447 456 W4296945116.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9931971 ¶ 458 460 W4296945116.pdf 0 12 text 0.9993263 "After the global financial crisis of 2008, the COVID -19 is a pandemic disease that hardly affected global public health, and in Educational, Economical, business etc. 0n February 26, 2020, in Pakistan special Assistant of Prime Minist er Imran Khan, confirmed 2 cases of COVID -19 were diagnosed, both Patients came from the visit of Iran, both patients belonged to Sindh, Pakistan. Due to COVID -19, all the sectors are running abnormally, especially the educational sector. Globally all the countries announced lockdowns and ordered to closed the entire Educational sector to prevent COVID -19, This research investigates the major challenges faced by TVET institutes of Pakistan during the crises of COVID -19 and Conducted a comparative analysis on TVET institutes of Pakistan during the COVID -19 crises. The data collected from the various reports of COVID -19 prepared by national and international agencies, regarding comparative analysis information collected from the national website of the (Nat ional vocational and technical training commission (NAVTTC) of Pakistan and the Provincial websites of TVET authorities of (Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) on the Impact of COVID -19 crises on TVET institutes of Pakistan, Finally Conclus ion and recommendations were provided to overcome the COVID -19 cr ises on TVET sector of Pakistan" 460 1864 W4296945116.pdf 0 13 separator 0.9925828 ¶ 1866 1868 W4296945116.pdf 0 14 keywords 0.83298093 Keywords: COVID -19, Technical and Vocational Institutes 1868 1926 W4296945116.pdf 0 15 separator 0.9956408 ¶ 1928 1930 W4296945116.pdf 0 16 title 0.9887911 1. Introduction 1930 1946 W4296945116.pdf 0 17 separator 0.99384785 ¶ 1948 1950 W4296945116.pdf 0 18 text 0.99922025 "After the global financial crisis of 2008, the COVID -19 is a pandemic disease that hardly affected global public health, also in every sector such as Educational, Economical, business etc." 1950 2146 W4296945116.pdf 0 0 text 0.9994141 "The WHO named officially coronavirus as COVID -19 on 11 February 2020 the abbreviation is that “co” stands for Corona and “vi” means Virus, D mean s disease and the 19 showed the Year in which the virus emerged (31 December 2019) the first case of Covid -19 outbreaks in the Wuhan city , China . During the five days close to 70000 infected cases were reported and 1800 people were killed. 0n February 26, 2 020, in Pakistan special Assistant of Prime Minister Imran Khan , confirmed 2 cases of COVID -19 were diagnosed, both Patients came from the visit of Iran , both patient s belonged to Sindh, Pakistan, one from Karachi and 2nd from the interior of Sindh. Due to COVID -19, all the sectors are running abnormally, especially the educational sector. Globally all the countries announced lockdowns and ordered to closed the entire Educational sector to prevent COVID -19, The UNESCO reported that during April 2020 from the total world population 90% of students were infected by COVID -19, more than 120 crores of student s and Youths" 0 1077 W4296945116.pdf 0 0 text 0.9996024 "were infected in this planet. After a few months WHO advised the entire world to maintain distance is a major step to the prevention, the refore countries of the world announced lockdowns and suspended the classes and physical activities of Schools, Coll eges, and universities and postponed exams and internships of students and the Higher Education Commission ordered that shift all the activities online through the (Zoom app, Ms. Teams, Google classroom , Skype , etc.) also made WhatsApp groups of students, Parents, guardians for bet ter communication) which is successful in developed countries but like in Pakistan, there are many challenges faced because (PTA, 2019 ) report ed that only 36.86% o f the population of Pakistan have access of Internet. In Pakistan, two main streams are running in the education system i.e. formal and non -formal education system s. Technical and vocational education (TVE) is counted as the major branch of the professional education system. General education is identified as a key of any" 0 1067 W4296945116.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.9808371 Frontiers in Neuroanatomy www.frontiersin.org May 2009 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 12Pouget et al. 0 96 W2004095198.pdf 11 1 title 0.989062 Architecture for saccade target selection 96 138 W2004095198.pdf 11 2 separator 0.99640656 ¶ 138 140 W2004095198.pdf 11 3 text 0.99875027 "The suggestion that visual and mo vement neurons are largely if not exclusively localized in supragranular and infragranular layers in conjunction with the fi nding of different complements of inhibitory interneurons across the layers leads to the hypothesis that the mechanisms of inhibition selecting targets and guiding saccades may be different. This can be evaluated through fur-ther physiological research and model refi nement guided by the present anatomical results. Ultimately, the present results provide useful constraints to guide the next generation of biophysically plausible models of target selection and saccade production." 140 791 W2004095198.pdf 11 4 title 0.9824683 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 791 807 W2004095198.pdf 11 5 separator 0.9933188 ¶ 807 809 W2004095198.pdf 11 6 text 0.93263626 We thank Jon Kaas and Anna Roe for comments on the manuscript, Laura Trice, Mary Varghese, and Jennifer Harvey for help with his-tology, Michelle Basso and Mark Wallace for discussions during surgery preparation; John Haitas and Lindsey Reid for help pre-paring reconstructions, and Maggie McTighe and Mary Feurtado for veterinary and surgical assistance. This work was supported by Robin and Richard Patton though the E. 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Zinc supplementation reduces morbidity and mortality in very-low-birth-weight preterm neonates: a hospital-based randomized, placebo-controlled trial in an industrialized country /Am J ClinNutr. – 2013. – N 98(6). – P. 1468 – 1474." 630 872 W2771019000.pdf 3 9 separator 0.9964762 ¶ 872 874 W2771019000.pdf 3 10 title 0.9897624 "РОЛЬ МАКРО- И МИКРОЭЛЕМЕНТОВ В РОСТЕ И Р АЗВИТИИ НА ПЕРВОМ ГОДУ ЖИЗНИ ДЕТЕЙ, РОЖДЕННЫХ ПРЕЖДЕВРЕМЕННО" 874 982 W2771019000.pdf 3 11 separator 0.98273706 ¶ 983 985 W2771019000.pdf 3 12 contact 0.9891484 "Н.В. Котова, Е.А. Старец, Т.Н. Хименко Одесский национальный медицинский университет МОЗ Украины (г.Одесса, Украина)" 985 1111 W2771019000.pdf 3 13 separator 0.99395716 ¶ 1111 1113 W2771019000.pdf 3 14 title 0.9919206 Резюме 1113 1120 W2771019000.pdf 3 15 separator 0.9944749 ¶ 1120 1122 W2771019000.pdf 3 16 text 0.99879175 "Цель – выявить факторы риска задержки физичес - кого развития (ЗФР) на первом году жизни у детей, рожденных преждевременно, и оценить роль дефицита макро- и микроэлементов в формировании ЗФР и за - держки" 1122 1338 W2771019000.pdf 3 0 title 0.5763504 психомоторного развития (З 0 26 W2771019000.pdf 3 1 text 0.45170066 ПМР) 26 30 W2771019000.pdf 3 2 title 0.56575257 у этих детей 30 43 W2771019000.pdf 3 3 text 0.47031105 . 43 44 W2771019000.pdf 3 4 separator 0.9957249 ¶ 44 46 W2771019000.pdf 3 5 text 0.9985713 "Материалы и методы. В когорту исследования было включено 150 детей с массой тела при рождении: I группа – 2499–1500 г (n = 67); II группа –1499–1000 г (n = 45); III группа –до 1000 г (n = 38). Исследовалось их физи - ческое и психомоторное развитие, проводилось опред - еление уровня кальция, магния, цинка, меди и марганца в крови." 46 395 W2771019000.pdf 3 6 separator 0.9175463 ¶ 396 398 W2771019000.pdf 3 7 text 0.8677073 Результаты. Частота ЗФР в 12 месяцев кор 398 439 W2771019000.pdf 3 8 title 0.5129771 ригиро 439 445 W2771019000.pdf 3 9 separator 0.8372581 445 446 W2771019000.pdf 3 10 title 0.9731448 "-THE ROLE OF MACRO- AND MICROELEMENTS IN THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRETERM INFANTS" 446 538 W2771019000.pdf 3 11 separator 0.9667911 ¶ 539 541 W2771019000.pdf 3 12 contact 0.9906749 "N.V . Kotova, O.O. Starets, T.M. Khimenko Odessa National Medical University MH of Ukraine (Odessa, Ukraine)" 541 658 W2771019000.pdf 3 13 separator 0.9915862 ¶ 658 660 W2771019000.pdf 3 14 title 0.9909133 Summary 660 668 W2771019000.pdf 3 15 separator 0.99390686 ¶ 669 671 W2771019000.pdf 3 16 text 0.99924624 "The aim was to reveal the risk factors of growth delay (GD) in preterm infants at the first year of life and to determine the role of macro- and microelements in formation of GD and psychomotor delay among these children." 671 906 W2771019000.pdf 3 17 separator 0.91463244 ¶ 906 908 W2771019000.pdf 3 18 text 0.99869126 "Materials and methods. The cohort included 150 children with birth weight: 1st group 2499-1500g (n= 67), 2nd group 1499-1000g (n=45), 3rd group <1000g (n= 38)." 908 1075 W2771019000.pdf 3 19 separator 0.5142204 1076 1077 W2771019000.pdf 3 20 text 0.9866537 "¶ Growth and psychomotor development were examined; blood levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese were estimated." 1077 1213 W2771019000.pdf 3 21 separator 0.62321866 ¶ 1214 1216 W2771019000.pdf 3 22 text 0.99862736 "Results. The frequency of growth delay (GD) at 12 months corrected age was: in the 1st group 7,46%, 95%CI" 1216 1326 W2771019000.pdf 3 0 text 0.99965143 "européenne. Un volet a été mené en collabora- tion avec de nombreux organismes de recherche (CNRS, INRA, AFSSA notamment) pour aborder les problèmes de contamination des sols, des végétaux et des pollens. En parallèle, la toxicité de l’imidaclopride pour les abeilles a été étudiée en laboratoire et en conditions contrôlées, grâce à des ruches sous tunnels. Ces dernières études ont pour objectif de se rapprocher des conditions réelles et, pour avantage, un contrôle de l’intoxication et une observation précise des symptômes." 0 550 W2008147133.pdf 3 1 separator 0.99559724 ¶ 550 552 W2008147133.pdf 3 2 title 0.9924416 Toxicité 552 561 W2008147133.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9940824 ¶ 561 563 W2008147133.pdf 3 4 text 0.9997067 "Sur le plan comportemental, on assiste à une intense activité de butinage des abeilles à la flo- raison du tournesol et du maïs. Les butineuses récoltent le nectar et le pollen des nombreuses petites fleurs composant la périphérie de la tête du tournesol, également appelée capitule en flo- raison. L’activité de butinage se fait de manière particulièrement organisée et méthodique, fleur par fleur, assurant ainsi des rendements de récolte élevés en matière de pollen et de nectar." 563 1064 W2008147133.pdf 3 5 separator 0.6747242 ¶ 1064 1066 W2008147133.pdf 3 6 text 0.9996386 "Au contraire, sur les parcelles de tournesol traitées par enrobage de semences (Gaucho®ou son concurrent Régent®), l’activité de butinage dévoile souvent des comportements anormaux." 1066 1254 W2008147133.pdf 3 7 separator 0.8920793 ¶ 1254 1256 W2008147133.pdf 3 8 text 0.99970526 "Le butinage n’est plus alors systématique et ordonné, mais les abeilles présentent le compor- tement caractéristique d’une intoxication [7]. Les abeilles sont prises de tremblements, se réfugient sur les pétales ou tombent au sol et sont incapa- bles de rejoindre la ruche. Dans les cas moins sévères, il n’y a pas d’effets spectaculaires mais les fonctions vitales peuvent être suffisamment perturbées pour entraîner d’autres effets à plus long terme (incapacité à butiner, à se nourrir, à communiquer, etc.)." 1256 1787 W2008147133.pdf 3 9 separator 0.97000897 ¶ 1787 1789 W2008147133.pdf 3 10 text 0.9995966 "L’imidaclopride peut être considéré comme très toxique pour les abeilles. En effet, la dose létale 50 % (DL50) est de l’ordre de 4,10-9 grammes d’imidaclopride pour une abeille : (4 ng/abeille) [8-11]. Récemment, des travaux ont montré qu’en toxicité chronique, les doses pouvaient être encore plus basses et situées à partir de 0,01 ng/ abeille, ce qui correspond à une contamination de 0,1 μg/kg en masse relative d’imidaclopridedans" 1789 2241 W2008147133.pdf 3 0 text 0.9996686 "la source de nourriture [12]. La toxicité peut également être évaluée chez l’abeille au niveau sub-létal, c’est-à-dire s’agissant des concentra- tions qui induisent des effets délétères sans provoquer de mortalité directe et immédiate. Par exemple l’activité de butinage est affectée, dès les premiers jours, avec une contamination de 3 μg/kg [13, 14]. Il est à noter que la dégradation de l’imi- daclopride dans les sols ou dans les plantes s’accompagne de la production de métabolites qui sont apparus aussi actifs que l’imidaclopride en toxicité sub-chronique [12]." 0 590 W2008147133.pdf 3 1 separator 0.95513606 ¶ 590 592 W2008147133.pdf 3 2 text 0.99967605 "Finalement, une telle situation nécessite de pouvoir décrire à l’échelle du μg/kg, donc avec une très grande sensibilité, les quantités d’imida- clopride auxquelles les abeilles sont exposées lors de leur activité de butinage sur les grandes cultures traitées. Les techniques analytiques, à l’époque de la mise sur le marché de cet insecti- cide, ne possédaient pas une telle sensibilité." 592 995 W2008147133.pdf 3 3 separator 0.8355504 ¶ 995 997 W2008147133.pdf 3 4 text 0.9989869 "Aussi, nous avons développé de nouvelles méthodes ultrasensibles et parfaitement validées dans le cadre de notre expertise." 997 1125 W2008147133.pdf 3 0 separator 0.99540544 ¶ 0 1 W2008147133.pdf 3 1 title 0.8426629 Analyse 1 9 W2008147133.pdf 3 2 separator 0.99638677 ¶ 9 11 W2008147133.pdf 3 3 text 0.99966204 "En 1993, il n’était pas possible de détecter et de quantifier moins de 50 μg/kg d’imidaclopride dans un prélèvement de terrain (20 μg/kg dans les cas les plus favorables) [15]. De plus, il n’y avait pas de méthodologie adaptée pour l’analyse des pollens. Un travail de recherches et de déve- loppements multiples a donc été nécessaire. Il concerne à la fois les performances de l’extrac- tion, de la séparation et de la détection de la molécule recherchée. Nous avons mis au point des méthodologies analytiques pour l’étude des sols, des végétaux et des pollens en 1999-2000 [16-18]. De telles méthodes utilisent les capacités du couplage de la chromatographie en phase liquide pour la séparation, avec la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (HPLC/APCI/MS/MS) pour la détection. Aujourd’hui, la limite de détection (LOD) est de 0,1 μg/kg tandis que la limite de quantification (LOQ) est de 1 μg/kg [19]. Cela représente une amélioration de la sensibilité ana- lytique supérieure à un facteur de 50 à 100 tandis que l’étude des pollens est désormais possible." 11 1109 W2008147133.pdf 3 4 separator 0.81485766 ¶ 3 1109 1113 W2008147133.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.99499816 Universe 2022 ,8, 406 6 of 36 0 29 W4289731770.pdf 5 1 separator 0.9920036 ¶ 29 31 W4289731770.pdf 5 2 text 0.48372003 31 32 W4289731770.pdf 5 3 math 0.591114 where Uab= 32 42 W4289731770.pdf 5 0 paratext 0.9942873 Research, Society and Development, v. 1 1, n. 11, e219111133523 , 202 2 0 71 W4295854254.pdf 0 1 separator 0.705501 72 73 W4295854254.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.9817858 ¶ (CC BY 4.0) | ISSN 2525 -3409 | DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33448/rsd -v11i11.33523 73 156 W4295854254.pdf 0 3 separator 0.91116244 "¶ ¶" 158 168 W4295854254.pdf 0 4 title 0.9778634 "1 A educação sexual para o desenvolvimento da agência sexual e cidadania: revisão integrativa da literatura" 168 280 W4295854254.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9918752 ¶ 282 284 W4295854254.pdf 0 6 title 0.88826346 Sex education for the development of sexual agency and citizenship: integrative literature review 284 382 W4295854254.pdf 0 7 separator 0.985353 ¶ 384 386 W4295854254.pdf 0 8 title 0.7118587 "Educación sexual para desarrollo de la agencia sexual y ciudadanía: revisión integradora de la literatura" 386 495 W4295854254.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9867026 ¶ ¶ 497 503 W4295854254.pdf 0 10 paratext 0.9825223 Recebido: 29/07/2022 | Revisado: 10/08/2022 | Aceito: 11/08/2022 | Publicado: 05/09/2022 503 592 W4295854254.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9636926 ¶ ¶ 594 600 W4295854254.pdf 0 12 contact 0.98331714 "Andresa Pinho Soster ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000 -0001 -6996 -3778 Universidade do Porto, Portugal E-mail: apsoster@hotmail.com " 600 746 W4295854254.pdf 0 13 separator 0.4881357 ¶ 746 747 W4295854254.pdf 0 14 contact 0.9912954 "Denise Falcke ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000 -0002 -4653 -1216 Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos , Brasil E-mail: dfalcke@unisinos.br" 747 897 W4295854254.pdf 0 15 separator 0.6495991 ¶ 899 901 W4295854254.pdf 0 16 contact 0.99204963 "Marcela Nunes Penna ORCID : https://orcid.org/ 0000 -0002 -7768 -6966 Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brasil E-mail: marcelanpenna@gmail.com" 901 1061 W4295854254.pdf 0 17 separator 0.6459453 ¶ 1063 1065 W4295854254.pdf 0 18 contact 0.99363625 "Alexandra Maria da Silva Oliveira ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000 -0002 -8453 -1719 Universidade do Porto, Portugal E-mail: oliveira@fpce.up.pt" 1065 1221 W4295854254.pdf 0 19 separator 0.99370813 ¶ ¶ 1223 1230 W4295854254.pdf 0 20 title 0.99146605 Resumo 1230 1237 W4295854254.pdf 0 21 separator 0.9923447 ¶ 1239 1241 W4295854254.pdf 0 22 text 0.99965155 "A educação sexual pode ser um meio para desenvolver agência sexual e cidadania, através do desenvolvimento de habilidades para escolhas conscientes, satisfatórias, saudáveis e respeitosas. Este estudo teve como objetivo mapear as pesquisas sobre intervençõ es ou programas de educação sexual, por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura relativa aos últimos dez anos. Buscou -se caracterizar os estudos que tiveram como foco a avaliação de intervenções ou programas de educação sexual, considerando o local o nde foram realizados, o ano de publicação dos estudos, o objetivo do trabalho, os resultados obtidos e os temas abordados na intervenção. A partir dos achados, foi possível identificar as potencialidades e os desafios relacionados aos programas de educação sexual. O potencial caracteriza -se por todos os programas/intervenções em educação sexual demonstrarem resultados positivos, independente do" 1241 2177 W4295854254.pdf 0 0 text 0.99957293 "público, dos objetivos e dos temas abordados. Percebe -se o desafio de ampliar o público -alvo e os espaços e temas em educação sexual, a fim de diminuir as desigualdades de gênero, ultrapassar o conservadorismo, promover agência sexual e cidadania. Tais dados fornecem subsídio para propor intervenções com o objetivo de suprir possíveis lacunas na educação sexual." 0 375 W4295854254.pdf 0 1 separator 0.99590087 ¶ 377 379 W4295854254.pdf 0 2 title 0.7926487 Palav ras-chave: Educação sexual 379 413 W4295854254.pdf 0 3 keywords 0.36938962 413 414 W4295854254.pdf 0 4 title 0.7300891 ; Agência sexual 414 430 W4295854254.pdf 0 5 keywords 0.42331105 430 431 W4295854254.pdf 0 6 title 0.6889703 ; Programas de educação sexual 431 461 W4295854254.pdf 0 7 keywords 0.42593646 461 462 W4295854254.pdf 0 8 title 0.7446813 "; Cidadania ; Revisão integrativa de literatura" 462 512 W4295854254.pdf 0 9 separator 0.43467012 512 513 W4295854254.pdf 0 10 title 0.48132527 . 513 514 W4295854254.pdf 0 11 separator 0.99542636 ¶ ¶ 515 521 W4295854254.pdf 0 12 title 0.9562998 Abstract 521 530 W4295854254.pdf 0 13 separator 0.9935775 ¶ 532 534 W4295854254.pdf 0 14 text 0.9996223 "Sex education can be a way to develop sexual agency and citizenship, through the development of skills for conscious, satisfying, healthy and respectful choices. This study aimed to map research on sex education interventions or programs, through a integra tive review of the literature over the last ten years. We sought to characterize the studies that focused on the evaluation of interventions or sex education programs, considering the place where they were carried out, the year of publication of the studie s, the objective of the work," 534 1090 W4295854254.pdf 0 0 text 0.99969596 "the results obtained and the topics addressed in the intervention. Based on the findings, it was possible to identify the potential and challenges related to sex education programs. The potential is characterized by the fact t hat all programs/interventions in sex education demonstrate positive results, regardless of the audience, objectives and topics addressed. The challenge of expanding the target audience and spaces and themes in sex education is perceived, in order to reduc e gender inequalities, overcome conservatism, promote sexual agency and citizenship. Such data provide support for proposing interventions with the objective of filling possible gaps in sex education." 0 702 W4295854254.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9947828 ¶ 704 706 W4295854254.pdf 0 2 keywords 0.8328061 Keywords: Sex education ; Sexual agency ; Sex education programs ; Citizenship ; Integrative literature review . 706 820 W4295854254.pdf 0 3 separator 0.99279726 ¶ ¶ 821 827 W4295854254.pdf 0 4 title 0.99240947 Resumen 827 835 W4295854254.pdf 0 5 separator 0.99597406 ¶ 837 839 W4295854254.pdf 0 6 text 0.99957246 "La educación sexual puede ser un medio para desarrollar la agencia sexual y la ciudadanía, a través del desarrollo de habilidades para elecciones conscientes, satisfactorias, saludables, respetuosas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo mapear" 839 1081 W4295854254.pdf 0 0 text 0.99945664 "factor f. The comparison indicates that the daily rates from diurnal stream flowfluctuations from the ground- water levels were 7 and 5 mm/day based on the empirical method of Gribovszki et al. (2008) and the White (1932) method, respectively, which was slightly lower than the simulated rates for MW catchment outlet(9.5 mm/day). These results are consistent with the range (8 –11 mm/day) found by Gribovszki et al. (2008) in an alder forest in Hungary. As the depth to the groundwater did not exceed 1 m (2013 –2015) in the riparian zone within 0.5-m distance from the stream in the driest summer months, the root system of the trees (espe-cially the 40 –70 year olds and >10-m species) is likely in direct contact with the saturated zone and evapo- transpiration estimated from the diurnal groundwater level fluctuations could be close to groundwater evapotranspiration (Dawson, 1996; Shah et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2006)." 0 939 W2889200694.pdf 15 1 separator 0.9698657 ¶ 939 941 W2889200694.pdf 15 2 text 0.9995278 "Because the estimated evapotranspiration volumes could not be validated against measurements of sap flow and stomatal conductances, we estimated the transpired volumes for the entire riparian forest using aerial photographs, a tree survey and literature-based transpiration values of different tree species (Table 4). The estimated summer transpiration rates (81 m 3/day) show a good agreement with the modeling results (e.g., incoming shortwave radiation-driven model set up for MW Outlet, for the time period 2013 –15: 69 m3/day). The slightly larger values are expected as the literature-based estimate was calculated for the entire riparian zone (Table 4), which may not fully contribute to the stream flowfluctuations." 941 1676 W2889200694.pdf 15 3 separator 0.99742436 ¶ 1676 1678 W2889200694.pdf 15 4 title 0.9940039 5.4. Separation of Scales in Time Implies a Separation of Scales in Space 1678 1752 W2889200694.pdf 15 5 separator 0.9960773 ¶ 1752 1754 W2889200694.pdf 15 6 text 0.9996605 "The analysis of the stream flowfluctuations during low flow conditions at MW catchment outlet shows that the time lag λbetween radiation and the diurnal low flowfluctuations gradually increased from 3 to 11 hr as the season progressed. The time lag represents the total response consisting of a cascade of responses, which includes the time lags between radiation and evaporation from the stomata, sap flow in the branches and the stem, root water movement, groundwater movement, and groundwater-stream interactions (Figure 13). Each component has its own time lag. A number of studies found that the time lag between the diurnal fluctuations of radiation and sap flow in the tree was approximately 30 min for species such as apple trees (Dragoni et al., 2005), beech (Granier et al., 2000), and Japanese cedar (Kumagai et al., 2009)." 1754 2595 W2889200694.pdf 15 7 separator 0.9842498 ¶ 2595 2597 W2889200694.pdf 15 8 text 0.9994345 "Gartner et al. (2009) found that the sap flow of birch and spruce in the southeastern part of Austria lagged solar radiation by 1 hr during early August. When the soils dried out during a signi" 2597 2792 W2889200694.pdf 15 0 text 0.999676 "ficant drought, the time lags increased to approximately 2.5 hr. Hence, it is likely that the time lag of the mixed vegetation in the ripar- ian zone of the HOAL catchment is also on the order of 0.5 to 2.5 hr. In some of the studies above, the time lag of sap flow from stem to branch was included in the estimates; therefore, this value is also small. Similarly, it is likely that the time lags for root water uptake are small in the riparian zone, where the groundwater table is high, which is typical in the HOAL, especially on the left side of the stream. The remaining time lag compo- nents are associated with subsurface processes (groundwater movement and groundwater-stream interac-tions). Assuming that the lag components are additive, one would estimate lags of the subsurface processes of about 1.5 hr in early spring to about 9 hr in autumn for MW catchment outlet. The time lags are shorter on those tributaries that are located on the left side of the stream with a western aspect wherethe groundwater levels are shallow and the riparian forest cover is more dense (virtual gauge LF)." 0 1113 W2889200694.pdf 15 1 separator 0.98828936 ¶ 1113 1115 W2889200694.pdf 15 2 text 0.99954534 "The reason for the longer subsurface lag times in the summer months are presumably a consequence of the soil moisture status of the riparian zone. Along the stream in the HOAL there is probably a mixture of in filtra- tion and ex filtration due to the heterogeneity of the topography" 1115 1401 W2889200694.pdf 15 0 text 0.9995394 "in the near-stream zone. Previous studies (e.g., Caldwell et al., 1998; Voltz et al., 2013) found a reversal of groundwater gradients in the riparian zone due to nighttime in filtration of groundwater into the stream and reversed flow during the day as the trees take up groundwater and part of the stream water to satisfy their transpiration needs (Figure 13).Although we did not observe the complete reversal of the groundwater gradient in the riparian zone with the current measurement setup, a diurnal change in the magnitude of the gradient was observed. The fact that the main part of the time lag is related to the movement of water in the subsurface suggests that theincrease in lag times during the summer months is a consequence of the amount of water stored in the near-stream zone. The subsurface water storage, both soil moisture and groundwater, is largest in spring, which is also indicated by the seasonal maximum in the discharge. Therefore, it is likely that the short lagtimes in spring are a consequence of the fact that the roots are well connected to the water sources and the celerities are higher. As the season progresses, the catchment gradually dries out and the roots become less connected to the subsurface water storage. When the soils get drier, the unsaturated zone becomes" 0 1321 W2889200694.pdf 15 1 paratext 0.96664727 10.1029/2017WR022037 Water Resources Research 1321 1366 W2889200694.pdf 15 2 separator 0.9725279 ¶ 1366 1368 W2889200694.pdf 15 3 paratext 0.94378316 SZÉLES ET AL. 6183 1368 1387 W2889200694.pdf 15 0 paratext 0.9941539 Page 7 of 18 0 12 W4394616834.pdf 6 1 separator 0.9689545 ¶ 12 14 W4394616834.pdf 6 2 paratext 0.9907898 Chapman et al. BMC Public Health (2024) 24:987 15 71 W4394616834.pdf 6 3 separator 0.98860425 ¶ ¶ 72 78 W4394616834.pdf 6 4 text 0.99630934 "This analysis produced our Egg Intervention Themes from the data." 78 147 W4394616834.pdf 6 5 separator 0.79707515 ¶ 147 149 W4394616834.pdf 6 6 text 0.9992702 "The Major Cultural Themes and Egg Intervention Themes were then used to create a set of culture-based recommendations and intervention specific recom - mendations respectively for each locality. These recom - mendations were then combined to form specialized culturally-informed protocols for the egg interven - tion in each locality: East Lombok, Indonesia and Kaf - frine, Senegal. The process is displayed schematically in" 149 592 W4394616834.pdf 6 7 separator 0.9813051 ¶ 593 595 W4394616834.pdf 6 8 caption 0.9954691 Fig. 3 .Results 595 611 W4394616834.pdf 6 9 separator 0.994223 ¶ 611 613 W4394616834.pdf 6 10 text 0.9995303 "The preparation of the localised WVIS materials at each site took 6 hours of interview field work, and 40 person hours for analysis. The 10 workshops and data summa - ries were concluded within 10 workdays by two people (80 person hours). The analysis of the PEX:FGD data took a further 80 person hours. Thus, the total research time was approximately 200 person hours." 613 1001 W4394616834.pdf 6 11 separator 0.97306776 ¶ 1001 1003 W4394616834.pdf 6 12 text 0.9942575 The stakeholder group types are summarised in 1003 1049 W4394616834.pdf 6 13 separator 0.9639809 ¶ 1050 1052 W4394616834.pdf 6 14 text 0.9216526 Table 2. The data is presented in three parts. Firstly, the 1052 1113 W4394616834.pdf 6 15 separator 0.6944727 ¶ 1114 1116 W4394616834.pdf 6 16 text 0.7727483 Major Cultural Themes found in East Lombok, Indonesia 1116 1170 W4394616834.pdf 6 17 separator 0.991201 ¶ 1171 1173 W4394616834.pdf 6 18 caption 0.9966358 Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the method of production of the culturally-informed protocol for each locality 1173 1287 W4394616834.pdf 6 19 separator 0.9958027 ¶ 1287 1289 W4394616834.pdf 6 20 title 0.97976077 Table 2 The number of participants and stakeholder group types for both Indonesia and Senegal 1289 1383 W4394616834.pdf 6 21 separator 0.98538107 ¶ 1383 1385 W4394616834.pdf 6 22 table 0.9943105 "Type of Group East Lombok, Indonesia Kaffrine, Senegal No. of Groups Total No. of Participants No. of Groups Total No. of Participants Total 9 39 11 44 Mothers 6 25 3 12 Teachers 2 10 1 4 Fathers 1 4 1 4 Grandmothers 0 0 1 4 Market traders 0 0 1 4 Administrators 0 0 1 4 Community Health Workers 0 0 2 8 Farmers 0 0 1 4" 1385 1728 W4394616834.pdf 6 0 text 0.9957602 "429 by nested PCR), the results obtained seem to fit logical expectations. In the case of gene msmA, it 430 is possible to observe a clear separation (95% bootstrap value) between two principal branches: 431 one consists only of metagenomic sequences and includes all the msmA reads generated in this 432 study; the other group (omitted as root in Fig. 7) contains the sequences from cultured strains 433 (Alpha, Beta or Gammaproteobacteria) of both marine and soil origin. In a similar way, the 434 phylogram for gene msmE shows an unambiguous split between two major groups (94% 435 bootstrap value): one comprising mainly metagenomic sequences, including all the msmE reads 436 from this study, sequences from the GOS project, and two from cultured marine strains C. 437 Puniceispirillum marinum IMCC1322 and C. Filomicrobium marinum str. Y; plus a second 438 group containing all other sequences from cultured strains (Alpha and Betaproteobacteria ). 439" 0 1017 W4251792078.pdf 26 1 separator 0.98138726 ¶ 1017 1019 W4251792078.pdf 26 2 paratext 0.985695 PeerJ reviewing PDF | (2016:01:8881:2:0:NEW 3 Aug 2016) 1019 1075 W4251792078.pdf 26 3 separator 0.9295486 ¶ 1075 1077 W4251792078.pdf 26 4 paratext 0.80627096 Manuscripttobereviewed 1077 1100 W4251792078.pdf 26 0 paratext 0.49832293 0 1 W2581067898.pdf 0 1 separator 0.6342716 ¶ ¶ 0 5 W2581067898.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.98071814 "COUNS -EDU The International Journal of Counseling and Education Vol.1, No. 1,December 201 6, pp. 21-28 p-ISSN: 2548 -348X - e-ISSN: 2548 -3498 http://journal.konselor.or.id/index.php/counsedu DOI: 10.23916/22 -28.0016.11 -i2b" 5 251 W2581067898.pdf 0 3 separator 0.6331878 ¶ ¶ 252 259 W2581067898.pdf 0 4 paratext 0.91748416 "Received on 11/28/2016 ; Revised on 12/16/2016 ; Accepted on 12/28/2016 ; Published on:12/31/2016 ¶ ¶" 259 371 W2581067898.pdf 0 5 separator 0.52771175 373 374 W2581067898.pdf 0 6 paratext 0.77163655 ¶ 21 374 378 W2581067898.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9718751 ¶ ¶ 379 385 W2581067898.pdf 0 8 title 0.9835534 "Resilient therapy as an expansion of counseling services in working with the vulnerable clients" 385 485 W2581067898.pdf 0 9 separator 0.98173624 "¶ ¶" 487 497 W2581067898.pdf 0 10 contact 0.9950654 "Amalia Madihie*) Universiti Malaysia Sarawak *) Corresponding author, e-mail: mamalia@unimas.my" 497 602 W2581067898.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9791503 "¶ ¶" 604 614 W2581067898.pdf 0 12 title 0.9793002 Abstr act 614 624 W2581067898.pdf 0 13 separator 0.995469 ¶ 625 627 W2581067898.pdf 0 14 text 0.99653465 "This conceptual paper introduces Resilient Therapy and resilience framewo rk- The Magic Box. The resilience framework, The Magic Box Model was applied in developing Resilient Therapy Intervention (RT -I) in counseling services. The framework consists of five domains also known as potions: Basics, Belonging, Learning, Coping and Core Self Potions will be discussed in details. Resilient Therapy (RT) has been introduced as one of the strategic methodologies in working wi th children and families. RT discusses four key principles named The Noble Truths: Accepting, Conserving, Commitment and Enlisting." 627 1253 W2581067898.pdf 0 15 separator 0.65232563 ¶ 1256 1258 W2581067898.pdf 0 16 text 0.9994028 "The therapy itself is a non -clinical approach and able to be applied by non -professional counselors such as guardians, vo lunteers, medical doctors, social officers, and even by parents. At the end of this paper, the summary of Resilient Therapy Intervention is explained in building resilience in vulnerable clients from the perspective of counseling ." 1258 1625 W2581067898.pdf 0 17 separator 0.96249306 ¶ ¶ 1627 1633 W2581067898.pdf 0 18 keywords 0.88425493 Keywords : Resilient Therapy, The Magic Box Model, Resilient Therapy Intervention 1633 1716 W2581067898.pdf 0 19 separator 0.9733465 ¶ ¶ 1718 1724 W2581067898.pdf 0 20 paratext 0.7600515 "How to Cite: Madihie , A. (2016 ). Resilient Therapy as an Expansion of Counselling Services in Working with the Vulnerable Clients . Couns -Edu: International Journal of Counseling and Education," 1724 1925 W2581067898.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.990958 "1(1): pp. 21-28. DOI: 10.23916/22 -28.0016.11 -i2b" 0 53 W2581067898.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9090062 "¶ ¶" 54 64 W2581067898.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.9456501 "This is an o pen access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properl y cited. ©201 6. Indonesian Counselor Association (IKI )." 64 333 W2581067898.pdf 0 3 separator 0.99395615 ¶ ¶ 334 340 W2581067898.pdf 0 4 title 0.90616494 Introduction 340 353 W2581067898.pdf 0 5 separator 0.99442756 ¶ 355 357 W2581067898.pdf 0 6 text 0.9995761 "Resilience studies have became a trend in studying about individual differences in Malaysia, also worldwide (i.e. Amalia Madihie et al., 2015; Masten, 2011; Hart et al., 2007; Ungar , 2005; Germezy, 1992). Earlier resilience studies were focused on the influence of environmental factors onto individuals (i.e. Rutter, 2006; Luthar et al., 2000; Werner, E. E., & Smith, R. S., 1989). There are many arguments on the factors which contribute to building resiliency in individuals during and after adversity(ies) in life. One of the indicators in resilience studies which fascinates resilience" 357 966 W2581067898.pdf 0 0 text 0.9992239 "researchers to focus on is turning point(s) in life (ie. posttraumatic event such as tsunami in Acheh, Indonesia by Yohana RatrinHestyanti, 2007)." 0 149 W2581067898.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9908869 ¶ 151 153 W2581067898.pdf 0 2 text 0.99759394 "Many resilience evidences have been identified across disciplines such as in counseling too (Rutter, 1979; Werner & Smith, 1982; Garmezy, 1971,1991; Ungar, 2006; Hart et al, 2007; Amalia Madihie et al. , 2015)." 153 368 W2581067898.pdf 0 3 separator 0.98866117 ¶ 370 372 W2581067898.pdf 0 4 text 0.99946564 "Most studies in the literature focus on the children and adolescents‟ resiliency after adversities, stressors or obstacles occurred." 372 508 W2581067898.pdf 0 5 separator 0.98106563 ¶ 510 512 W2581067898.pdf 0 6 text 0.99962896 "Counselor s must equip themselves to be able discuss and explore each trait in the self of client. The in - depth and up -to-date knowledge about personal traits or individual differences is crucial in order for counselor s to guide and facilitate vulnerable clients in sessions. One of our responsibilities is to conduct studies related to our own field to help understa nd working with clients better. Counsel ors who are" 512 946 W2581067898.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9957821 ¶ 947 949 W2581067898.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.83681214 387 0 3 W1986919174.pdf 6 1 title 0.9144155 Fontes de células tronco hematopoéticas para transplantes 3 60 W1986919174.pdf 6 2 separator 0.9964869 ¶ 60 62 W1986919174.pdf 6 3 title 0.9950281 7. DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÕES 62 88 W1986919174.pdf 6 4 separator 0.996703 ¶ 88 90 W1986919174.pdf 6 5 text 0.9982558 "Os trabalhos revisados nas secções anteriores mostram que: 1. mesmo tendo 1 log a mais de células T na CTP, o índice de DECH aguda não é maior nos transplan-tes de CTP; 2. existe efeito antitumoral, desencadeado pela CTP, nos transplantes para LMC, o que leva a se termenos recaída, o que poderia existir, também, para outras doenças; 3. apesar de mais freqüente na CTP, a maioria dos casos de DECH crônica ocorre de novo e respon- de bem ao tratamento imunossupressor; 4. a sobrevida, a curto prazo, de pacientes que rece- bem CTP é maior do que aquela dos pacientes que recebem medula óssea, mas, a longo prazo, ainda não foram observadas diferenças significativas." 90 785 W1986919174.pdf 6 6 separator 0.9695976 ¶ 785 787 W1986919174.pdf 6 7 text 0.9996069 "Fica claro, assim, que o transplante, usando CTP como fonte de células progenitoras, pode ser usadopara tratamento de várias doenças hematológicas. A decisão de substituir a utilização de medula óssea por CTP é, no nosso entendimento, ainda difícil. No anode 2000, aproximadamente um terço de todos os trans- plantes alogênicos utilizaram CTP, segundo dados do IBMTR. A maioria desses pacientes estava partici-pando de ensaios clínicos, mas há uma tendência ao aumento deste tipo de transplante, mesmo na rotina clínica." 787 1322 W1986919174.pdf 6 8 separator 0.97887576 ¶ 1322 1324 W1986919174.pdf 6 9 text 0.99968743 "Nos transplantes de não aparentados, facilida- des logísticas e a preferência dos doadores pressio- nam médicos e doadores a optarem pelo uso de célu-las periféricas. A utilização crescente de manipula- ção “in vitro” das células, tais como depleção de cé- lulas T e seleção positiva, torna necessária a obten-ção de grandes números de células CD34+, o que só é factível com a utilização de células mobilizadas por fatores de crescimento e coletadas por aféreses derepetição." 1324 1812 W1986919174.pdf 6 10 separator 0.93785644 ¶ 1812 1814 W1986919174.pdf 6 11 text 0.99897176 "Os transplantes com condicionamento não mie- loablativos necessitam de um inóculo de células muitogrande e também somente são realizados com célu- las-tronco periféricas. Para transplantes alogênicos entre aparentados, ainda inexistem argumentos sóli-dos, a favor ou contra a substituição de medula óssea por CTP. Os dois estudos randomizados, prospecti- vos, grandes e metodologicamente comparáveis, rea-lizados em Seattle, USA (24) e Canadá (Kouban, co- municação pessoal), mostraram vantagens para os grupos que foram transplantados com CTP, nos as-pectos de: menor mortalidade relacionada ao trans- plante, melhor sobrevida global e livre de" 1814 2479 W1986919174.pdf 6 0 text 0.99966836 "doença, prin- cipalmente nos pacientes com doenças avançadas e agressivas, mesma incidência de GVHD aguda e ten-dência ao aumento de GVHD crônico. O estudo eu- ropeu (Schmitz, comunicação pessoal), também randomizado, multicêntrico e com um grande númerode pacientes, mostrou um aumento da ocorrência de GVHDa e de GVHDc muito mais do que todos os outros estudos publicados até então, mas tal protoco-lo utilizava G-CSF pós transplante e omitia a dose do dia 11 de metotrexato, no esquema de profilaxia de GVHD." 0 528 W1986919174.pdf 6 1 separator 0.9645765 ¶ 528 530 W1986919174.pdf 6 2 text 0.99936527 "A tendência observada até agora, mas não com- provada, ainda, de menor ocorrência de recidivas com o uso de CTP, é outro determinante do entusiasmocom tal modalidade de transplante." 530 716 W1986919174.pdf 6 3 separator 0.98328805 ¶ 716 718 W1986919174.pdf 6 4 text 0.99958354 "Infelizmente, grandes estudos prospectivos e randomizados não estão ativos no momento, pois osestudos de Seatlle e o estudo cooperativo canadense foram interrompidos, prematuramente, devido à ob- servação de vantagens, em análise de interim, em re-lação à sobrevivência dos grupos que receberam CTP." 718 1024 W1986919174.pdf 6 5 separator 0.9423077 ¶ 1024 1026 W1986919174.pdf 6 6 text 0.99954295 "O estudo europeu também foi interrompido e a ex- pectativa é de que maiores informações surjam atra-vés de estudos de metaanálise que são esperados, uti- lizando as bases de dados já existentes." 1026 1225 W1986919174.pdf 6 7 separator 0.9925511 ¶ 1225 1227 W1986919174.pdf 6 8 text 0.99685764 Certamente, 1227 1239 W1986919174.pdf 6 0 text 0.9995958 "os transplantes alogênicos com CTP vieram para ficar. Será necessário desenvolver estratégias que permitam a manipulação do produto de aférese com vistas à utilização de doses de célulasT ajustadas. A utilização de depleção seletiva de cé- lulas T, de DLI e de ajustes no regime de condiciona- mento, além de melhores estratégias de prevenção deGVHD, são instrumentos importantes para a obten- ção de melhores resultados nesse tipo de transplante." 0 460 W1986919174.pdf 6 1 separator 0.9882396 ¶ 460 462 W1986919174.pdf 6 2 text 0.9996427 "A médio e longo prazos, é necessária uma me- lhor definição das populações de células-tronco e de células efetoras contidas nos produtos a serem infun- didos nos pacientes. A manipulação dessas célulasdeve se dar no sentido de que se obtenha uma pega mais rápida e duradoura, melhor proteção contra as infecções e recidivas e menos GVHD." 462 812 W1986919174.pdf 6 3 separator 0.9633336 ¶ 812 814 W1986919174.pdf 6 4 text 0.99965405 "A individualização do tratamento, considerando aspectos, tais como: estado e agressividade da doen- ça, características do receptor e doador, fatores de risco para GVHD dentre outros, deve ser enfatizada. Estu- dos clínicos populacionais exigem a homogeneização de grupos de pacientes e procedimentos, enquanto umaboa assistência médica a pacientes individuais pode exigir decisões terapêuticas personalizadas." 814 1237 W1986919174.pdf 6 0 paratext 0.97571135 CASE REPORT Open Access 0 23 W2130362778.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9924623 ¶ 23 25 W2130362778.pdf 0 2 title 0.99065065 "Plasmodium vivax congenital malaria in an area of very low endemicity in Guatemala: implications for clinical and epidemiological surveillance in a malaria elimination context" 25 207 W2130362778.pdf 0 3 separator 0.99544775 ¶ 207 209 W2130362778.pdf 0 4 contact 0.92280465 "María Eugenia Castellanos1†, Azucena Bardají2*†, Michela Menegon3, Alfredo Mayor2, Meghna Desai4, Carlo Severini3, Clara Menéndez2and Norma Padilla1" 209 360 W2130362778.pdf 0 5 separator 0.995564 ¶ 360 362 W2130362778.pdf 0 6 title 0.9707553 Abstract 362 371 W2130362778.pdf 0 7 separator 0.995274 ¶ 371 373 W2130362778.pdf 0 8 text 0.9996629 "This is a report of the first Plasmodium vivax congenital malaria case in Guatemala and the first case in Latin America with genotypical, histological and clinical characterization. The findings show that maternal P.vivax infection still occurs in areas that are in the pathway towards malaria elimination, and can be associated with detrimental health effects for the neonate. It also highlights the need in very low transmission areas of not only maintaining, but increasing awareness of the problem and developing surveillance strategies, based on population risk, to detect the infection especially in this vulnerable group of the population." 373 1030 W2130362778.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9951544 ¶ 1030 1032 W2130362778.pdf 0 10 keywords 0.8704539 Keywords: Plasmodium vivax , Congenital, Malaria, Guatemala 1032 1092 W2130362778.pdf 0 11 separator 0.99428445 ¶ 1092 1094 W2130362778.pdf 0 12 title 0.9685403 Background 1094 1105 W2130362778.pdf 0 13 separator 0.99511015 ¶ 1105 1107 W2130362778.pdf 0 14 text 0.99972284 "Congenital malaria (CM) has been an often neglected con- sequence of malaria in pregnancy. It occurs when malaria parasites cross the placenta either during pregnancy or at delivery [1-3]. There is not much consensus regarding its definition. It has been defined as the presence of asexual parasites in the neonate ’s peripheral blood within the first seven days of life or later if there is no exposure to infected mosquito bites, with or without clinical symp- toms or signs [4]. Also, CM is often reported as the pres- ence of malaria parasites in cord blood [3]." 1107 1692 W2130362778.pdf 0 15 separator 0.96097726 ¶ 1692 1694 W2130362778.pdf 0 16 text 0.9996614 "Congenital malaria has been predominantly reported forPlasmodium falciparum and from sub-Saharan Africa [5-7]. The precise prevalence of CM remains unclear, as it varies widely across endemic areas, ranging from 0.2% to 46.7% [5,6,8]. The use of PCR methods have revealed a higher frequency than it was previously reported [9-12]." 1694 2035 W2130362778.pdf 0 17 separator 0.9813942 ¶ 2035 2037 W2130362778.pdf 0 18 text 0.99790686 Little information exists on its 2037 2070 W2130362778.pdf 0 0 text 0.99963015 "consequences for infant ’s health, although it has been described that CM may leadto increased morbidity and mortality of the newborn if not accurately diagnosed and treated [13,14]. Moreover, prompt and effective malaria treatment during pregnancy has proven to be a protective factor for CM [14]." 0 306 W2130362778.pdf 0 1 separator 0.95208144 ¶ 306 308 W2130362778.pdf 0 2 text 0.99963695 "In Latin America, reports on CM have been scarce [9,15,16]; also, the effects of Plasmodium vivax congeni- tal mono-infection on the neonate ’s health have not yet been reported. This is the first P.vivax CM case from Guatemala and the first case in Latin American in which a comprehensive clinical, histological and genotypical in- vestigation has been carried out." 308 687 W2130362778.pdf 0 3 separator 0.99709314 ¶ 687 689 W2130362778.pdf 0 4 title 0.9875351 Case report 689 701 W2130362778.pdf 0 5 separator 0.99534553 ¶ 701 703 W2130362778.pdf 0 6 text 0.99957925 "On September 2010, a 21-days-old female baby with a two-day history of fever was admitted to Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (FBC) District Hospital. FBC is a rural low- transmission malaria endemic area (population 55,073 inha- bitants) in Northern Guatemala. FBC was a high-risk area where malaria transmission has been greatly" 703 1039 W2130362778.pdf 0 0 text 0.99862707 "reduced over the last years due to a scale-up of control interventions." 0 73 W2130362778.pdf 0 1 separator 0.84449595 ¶ 73 75 W2130362778.pdf 0 2 text 0.9985512 "Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLITNs) and the im- provement of the case management system implemented from 2006, resulted in a dramatic reduction in malaria parasite incidence from 91/1,000 population in 2006 to 1.9" 75 306 W2130362778.pdf 0 3 separator 0.66184545 / 306 307 W2130362778.pdf 0 4 paratext 0.34049746 * 307 308 W2130362778.pdf 0 5 contact 0.9927634 Correspondence: abardaji@clinic.ub.es 308 346 W2130362778.pdf 0 6 separator 0.9394108 ¶ 346 348 W2130362778.pdf 0 7 contact 0.913186 †Equal contributors 348 368 W2130362778.pdf 0 8 separator 0.84808683 ¶ 368 370 W2130362778.pdf 0 9 contact 0.9930323 "2Barcelona Centre for International Health Research, (CRESIB, Hospital Clínic- Universitat de Barcelona), Roselló, 132, 5-1, 08036, Barcelona, Spain" 370 521 W2130362778.pdf 0 10 separator 0.987062 ¶ 521 523 W2130362778.pdf 0 11 paratext 0.44100335 Full 523 528 W2130362778.pdf 0 12 text 0.41558215 list 528 533 W2130362778.pdf 0 13 paratext 0.47533596 of author 533 543 W2130362778.pdf 0 14 text 0.4649433 information 543 555 W2130362778.pdf 0 15 paratext 0.42885238 is 555 558 W2130362778.pdf 0 16 text 0.41713387 available 558 568 W2130362778.pdf 0 17 paratext 0.5592871 at the end of the article 568 594 W2130362778.pdf 0 18 separator 0.9611213 ¶ 594 596 W2130362778.pdf 0 19 paratext 0.9865457 "© 2012 Castellanos et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Castellanos et al. Malaria Journal 2012, 11:411" 596 976 W2130362778.pdf 0 20 separator 0.889998 ¶ 976 978 W2130362778.pdf 0 21 paratext 0.9905643 http://www.malariajournal.com/content/11/1/411 978 1025 W2130362778.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.9952554 Vaccines 2022 ,10, 2034 5 of 12 0 31 W4310990192.pdf 4 1 separator 0.99445206 ¶ 31 33 W4310990192.pdf 4 2 text 0.9993902 "top ten most prolific authors are geographically located in the USA and two of the then authors are affiliated with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA) and two authors from SRI (Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA, USA). The analysis of the author’s productive life using R Studio in vaccine design research as shown in Figure 1 revealed that D R Burton and “IA Wilson” published frequently and received a significant number of citations too in their research publications." 33 548 W4310990192.pdf 4 3 separator 0.99591494 ¶ 548 550 W4310990192.pdf 4 4 title 0.9907507 Table 2. Distribution of the most prolific authors. 550 601 W4310990192.pdf 4 5 separator 0.9946456 ¶ 601 603 W4310990192.pdf 4 6 table 0.9793142 "Author Name TP TC h-Index ACPP Affiliated Institution Country Burton, D.R. 86 18,449 57 214.52 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA Wilson, I.A. 63 7926 37 125.81 Scripps Research Institute USA Ward, A.B. 48 4814 28 100.29 Scripps Research Institute USA Sette, A. 39 3267 23 83.77 Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) USA Mascola, J.R. 38 5264 31 138.53 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) USA De Groot, A.S. 37 952 14 25.73 University of Rhode Island USA Kwong, P .D. 37 5277 30 142.62 Columbia University USA Sanders, R.W. 34 3582 18 105.35 Weill Cornell Medicine USA Walker, B.D. 32 4528 26 141.5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA Montefiori, D.C. 28 1993 19 71.18 Duke University Medical Centre USA" 603 1369 W4310990192.pdf 4 7 separator 0.96734524 ¶ 1369 1371 W4310990192.pdf 4 8 paratext 0.982095 Vaccines 2022 , 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13 1371 1417 W4310990192.pdf 4 9 separator 0.8925567 ¶ ¶ 1418 1424 W4310990192.pdf 4 10 table 0.9978931 "2019 331 5444 5.48 16.45 36 2020 477 14,145 14.83 29.65 45 2021 545 3499 6.42 6.42 27 Total/Average 5379 20,5759 18.55 38.25" 1425 1559 W4310990192.pdf 4 11 separator 0.9955627 ¶ 1561 1563 W4310990192.pdf 4 12 title 0.99499655 2.2. Distribution of Most Prolific Authors 1563 1606 W4310990192.pdf 4 13 separator 0.9965118 ¶ 1607 1609 W4310990192.pdf 4 14 text 0.9995412 "Table 2 depicts the most prolific authors in vaccine design research publications. It is observed that D R Burton is the most productive author in vaccine design publication with 86 publications, he also received the ma ximum number of citations, i.e., 18,449 total citations followed by “IA Wilson"", who contri buted 63 publications with 7926 citations and A B Ward with 48 publications and 4814 total citations. The study also showed that all the top ten most prolific authors are geog raphically located in the USA and two of the then authors are affiliated with MIT (Massach usetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA) and two authors from SRI (Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA, USA)." 1609 2333 W4310990192.pdf 4 15 separator 0.9580858 ¶ 2334 2336 W4310990192.pdf 4 16 text 0.99950665 "The analysis of the author's productive life using R studio in vaccine design research as shown in Figure 1 revealed that D R Burton and “IA Wilson” published frequently and received a significant number of citations too in their" 2336 2570 W4310990192.pdf 4 0 paratext 0.5731431 research 0 9 W4310990192.pdf 4 1 title 0.48115563 publications 9 21 W4310990192.pdf 4 2 paratext 0.7473326 . 21 22 W4310990192.pdf 4 3 separator 0.9960536 ¶ 24 26 W4310990192.pdf 4 4 title 0.98815376 Table 2. Distribution of the mo st prolific authors. 26 79 W4310990192.pdf 4 5 separator 0.99549675 ¶ 80 82 W4310990192.pdf 4 6 table 0.976737 "Author Name TP TC h-Index ACPP Affiliated Institution Country Burton, D.R. 86 18,449 57 214.52 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA Wilson, I.A. 63 7926 37 125.81 Scripps Research Institute USA Ward, A.B. 48 4814 28 100.29 Scripps Research Institute USA Sette, A. 39 3267 23 83.77 Aligning Science Acro ss Parkinson’s(ASAP) USA Mascola, J.R. 38 5264 31 138.53 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) USA De Groot, A.S. 37 952 14 25.73 University of Rhode Island USA Kwong, P.D. 37 5277 30 142.62 Columbia University USA Sanders, R.W. 34 3582 18 105.35 Weill Cornell Medicine USA Walker, B.D. 32 4528 26 141.5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA Montefiori, D.C. 28 1993 19 71.18 Duke University Medical Centre USA" 82 859 W4310990192.pdf 4 7 separator 0.9949621 ¶ ¶ 860 866 W4310990192.pdf 4 8 caption 0.9944628 Figure 1. Author Productive life. 866 900 W4310990192.pdf 4 9 separator 0.9948971 ¶ 901 903 W4310990192.pdf 4 10 title 0.9947755 2.3. Distribution of Highly Productive Organizations 903 957 W4310990192.pdf 4 11 separator 0.9948432 ¶ 958 960 W4310990192.pdf 4 12 text 0.99946374 "The analysis of the most productive organi zations in the field of vaccine design has been presented in Table 3, which shows that NIH (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) published a maximum of 266 publications followed by SRI (Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA) with 213 publications and" 960 1283 W4310990192.pdf 4 0 paratext 0.7367939 "the NIAD (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, North Bethesda, MD, USA) with 197 research publica-" 0 119 W4310990192.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9957069 ¶ 119 121 W4310990192.pdf 4 2 caption 0.9958936 Figure 1. Author Productive life. 121 155 W4310990192.pdf 4 3 separator 0.99577594 ¶ 155 157 W4310990192.pdf 4 4 title 0.9958184 2.3. Distribution of Highly Productive Organizations 157 210 W4310990192.pdf 4 5 separator 0.9956598 ¶ 210 212 W4310990192.pdf 4 6 text 0.999632 "The analysis of the most productive organizations in the field of vaccine design has been presented in Table 3, which shows that NIH (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) published a maximum of 266 publications followed by SRI (Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA) with 213 publications and the NIAD (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, North Bethesda, MD, USA) with 197 research publications." 212 654 W4310990192.pdf 4 7 separator 0.8827946 ¶ 654 656 W4310990192.pdf 4 8 text 0.99950093 "This Study reports that SRI also received a maximum of 26,434 total citations and a 74 h index; whereas, the University of Melbourne received the lowest of 5066 total citations with 34 h in highly productive organizations. The cited ratio (CR) was calculated based on the total publications cited at least once. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) received the top position with 99.2 among the highly productive organization in the cited ratio analysis. The USA is the dominant country with eight organizations. There is one organization each from UK and Australia among highly productive organizations." 656 1280 W4310990192.pdf 4 0 paratext 0.9755053 78 K. Tang et al.: Bioaerosols and ice nuclei in a Mediterranean dryland 0 72 W4229677891.pdf 7 1 separator 0.9957149 ¶ 72 74 W4229677891.pdf 7 2 caption 0.9971263 Figure 5. Taxonomic composition of Bacteria. Taxonomic classification and proportion of SSU and LSU reads of Bacteria at the class level. 74 211 W4229677891.pdf 7 3 separator 0.9940877 ¶ 211 213 W4229677891.pdf 7 4 text 0.9961712 "SSU reads of CY26 were excluded because of contamination by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequences. CY26 might indicate some emission of archaea by the im- pact of raindrops on soil or water surfaces. Within the Eur- yarchaeota, Halobacteria reads dominated. Halobacteria be- long to the extreme halophilic Archaea that can be found in hypersaline environments ( >10 % salt up to saturation) such as salt lakes or saline sediments (Grant and Ross, 1986; Fendrihan et al., 2007; Oren, 2014). The various salt lakes (e.g., Larnaca Salt Lake) in Cyprus might be a source of the detected airborne Halobacteria. Moreover, the detection of methanogens indicates possible anthropogenic influences, as methanogens are found not only in" 213 956 W4229677891.pdf 7 0 text 0.9995972 "terrestrial and aquatic environments but also in the intestines of larger organisms (Liu and Whitman, 2008; Söllinger and Urich, 2019). Thus, they might stem from the animal waste treatment company in Cyprus, which is close to the station; from wastewater pos- sibly at sewage treatment plants; or from marine pollution by hotels or boats. Moreover, airborne Methanobacteria have been found during fertilization periods (Fröhlich-Nowoisky et al., 2014; Wehking et al., 2018)." 0 491 W4229677891.pdf 7 1 separator 0.9973587 ¶ 491 493 W4229677891.pdf 7 2 title 0.9945178 3.2 Ice nucleation activity 493 521 W4229677891.pdf 7 3 separator 0.99647343 ¶ 521 523 W4229677891.pdf 7 4 text 0.9978493 "Figure 7 provides an overview of the freezing abilities for the individual samples. Figure 7a shows the fraction of frozen droplets; Fig. 7b shows the median temperatures T50(i.e., the temperature at which 50 % of the droplets were frozen);" 523 770 W4229677891.pdf 7 5 separator 0.9773226 ¶ 770 772 W4229677891.pdf 7 6 text 0.99178064 "Fig. 7c shows the ice nuclei (IN) concentrations calculated per liter volume of sampled air (from the data shown inFig. 7a). The individual samples initiated freezing between" 772 949 W4229677891.pdf 7 7 separator 0.9949748 ¶ 949 951 W4229677891.pdf 7 0 text 0.99903226 "governing groundwater flow and discharge in coastal ground- water systems (Figs. 1,2), which is also supported by previous work on the controls on groundwater flow in coastal aquifers17." 0 188 W3111074743.pdf 6 1 separator 0.98922604 ¶ 188 190 W3111074743.pdf 6 2 text 0.9996915 "For the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the USA our model estimates a coastal groundwater discharge of 6.6 (0.1 –11.3) km3a−1,w h i c hi s at the lower end of recent estimates by Zhou et al.46that range from 9.7 (7.2 –12.0) to 27.1 (22.8 –30.5) km3a−1.T h e s ee s t i m a t e sa r e based on a series of regional groundwater models47,i n c l u d em o r e detailed hydrogeology and permeability structure and may therefore be more accurate than our model estimates, especially at local scales." 190 692 W3111074743.pdf 6 3 separator 0.95040005 ¶ 692 694 W3111074743.pdf 6 4 text 0.99964416 "On the other hand, these models did not include solute transport and density-dependent flo wa n du s e dar e l a t i v e l yc o a r s es p a t i a l discretization of 250 m. As a result, the partitioning of groundwater discharge around the coastline may not have been well resolved, and not including the fresh-salt water interface may have led to overestimation of coastal groundwater discharge." 694 1100 W3111074743.pdf 6 5 separator 0.9973317 ¶ 1100 1102 W3111074743.pdf 6 6 title 0.9930906 Conclusions 1102 1114 W3111074743.pdf 6 7 separator 0.99661064 ¶ 1114 1116 W3111074743.pdf 6 8 text 0.9996895 "The assessment of coastal groundwater discharge reported here provides a high-resolution estimate of the distribution of this flux at a global scale that is consistent with the physics of density- driven groundwater flow in coastal groundwater systems. Model sensitivity analysis shows that for most coastal groundwatersystems the bottleneck for coastal groundwater discharge is their flow capacity, which is a function of permeability, the thickness of permeable units and topographic gradient, instead of the volume of water that is recharged in these systems. Our analysis shows that coastal discharge is subdivided in fresh submarine ground- water discharge and a roughly equally important component of terrestrial near-shore discharge, which has been overlooked in most previous analyses, and may have instead been lumped with fresh SGD in water budget analyses and model studies. The global flux is dominated" 1116 2053 W3111074743.pdf 6 0 text 0.99952525 "by a small number of coastal watersheds that are distributed around the globe, including numerous locations at which coastal groundwater discharge has so far not been studied." 0 179 W3111074743.pdf 6 1 separator 0.96642166 ¶ 179 181 W3111074743.pdf 6 2 text 0.9996561 "In contrast to river discharge, coastal groundwater discharge is frequently unmonitored. However, our global analysis shows that locally coastal groundwater discharge can in many cases pose an equally high risk for coastal water quality and coastal ecosystems." 181 448 W3111074743.pdf 6 3 separator 0.87496483 ¶ 448 450 W3111074743.pdf 6 4 text 0.9884353 "In addition, groundwater discharge is in most cases relatively diffuse compared to surface water discharge and may thereforeaffect larger areas. Coastal groundwater discharge links terrestrial groundwater systems with coastal ecosystems, which means that changes in groundwater pumping or land use affect the flow of nutrients to coastal ecosystems 48,49, and should be taken into account in coastal environmental management. The estimates" 450 901 W3111074743.pdf 6 5 separator 0.98709744 ¶ 901 903 W3111074743.pdf 6 6 table 0.7033372 2000 903 908 W3111074743.pdf 6 7 separator 0.9112174 ¶ 908 910 W3111074743.pdf 6 8 table 0.9788181 "Low risk High risk High risk in estuaries High risk in salt marshes High risk in coral reefsba" 910 1013 W3111074743.pdf 6 9 separator 0.9736769 ¶ 1013 1015 W3111074743.pdf 6 10 table 0.66881776 n = 40,096Frequency0 1015 1036 W3111074743.pdf 6 0 separator 0.9808228 ¶ 0 1 W3111074743.pdf 6 1 paratext 0.73732024 10–2 1 6 W3111074743.pdf 6 2 separator 0.9867264 ¶ 6 8 W3111074743.pdf 6 3 table 0.6351304 "CGD (m2a–1)101104 c d 20,000 ¶" 8 45 W3111074743.pdf 6 4 math 0.5366797 0 45 47 W3111074743.pdf 6 5 table 0.4986111 n 47 49 W3111074743.pdf 6 6 math 0.5068307 = 37, 49 54 W3111074743.pdf 6 7 table 0.5284624 812Frequency ¶ 54 68 W3111074743.pdf 6 8 math 0.7271514 "0 log (depletion/CGD + 1)log (depletion/CGD + 1) = 0 log (depletion/CGD + 1) = 1.0 log (depletion/CGD + 1) = 2.0Scale:2" 68 194 W3111074743.pdf 6 9 separator 0.98360527 ¶ 194 196 W3111074743.pdf 6 10 caption 0.91766155 "Fig. 4 Maps of the eutrophication risk by coastal groundwater discharge and a comparison between coastal groundwater discharge and groundwater depletion. Coastal groundwater discharge (CGD) can locally pose a eutrophication and pollution risk to coastal ecosystems ( a). Although the majority of" 196 494 W3111074743.pdf 6 11 text 0.6790753 ¶ coastal watershed 494 514 W3111074743.pdf 6 12 caption 0.5205775 s 514 515 W3111074743.pdf 6 13 text 0.79217446 groundwater depletion 515 537 W3111074743.pdf 6 14 caption 0.49100786 is 537 540 W3111074743.pdf 6 15 text 0.5033829 540 541 W3111074743.pdf 6 16 caption 0.54030555 lower 541 546 W3111074743.pdf 6 17 text 0.73396206 than CGD 546 555 W3111074743.pdf 6 18 caption 0.7563471 , ground 555 563 W3111074743.pdf 6 19 text 0.52256554 water 563 568 W3111074743.pdf 6 20 caption 0.5942303 de 568 571 W3111074743.pdf 6 21 text 0.63580865 pletion 571 578 W3111074743.pdf 6 22 caption 0.91363096 "locally exceeds CGD in approximately 13% of the global coastline (b). The coastal groundwater discharge, eutrophication risk, and groundwater depletion data that are shown here are available as Supplementary Data" 578 793 W3111074743.pdf 6 23 paratext 0.83131737 3 .NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15064-8 ARTICLE 793 871 W3111074743.pdf 6 24 separator 0.60749376 ¶ 871 873 W3111074743.pdf 6 25 paratext 0.9867009 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:1260 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15064-8 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 7 873 1005 W3111074743.pdf 6 0 table 0.89616764 /0 /1 /2 /1 /3 /4 /5 /6 □ /8 /9 □ /10 /11 /12 /3 /9 /13 /14 /13 /1 /2 □ /3 /9 /15 □ /16 /8 /5 /13 /3 /17 □ /16 /5 /13 /1 /9 /5 /1 /2 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 224 W4383378282.pdf 2 1 text 0.63679135 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 224 378 W4383378282.pdf 2 2 table 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/2 /5 /6 /8 /8 /17 /2 □ /18 /13 /14 /6 □ /31 /8 /8 /4 /1 /4 □ /1 /15 /11 /5 /3 /14 /13 /8 /9 □ /31 /1 /4 /44 /8 /4 /12 /3 /9 /5 /1 □ /5 /8 /12 /31 /3 /4 /1 /15 □ /14 /8 □ /44 /1 /12 /3 /17 /1 □ /2 /14 /11 /15 /1 /9 /14 /2 □ /18 /6 /8 □" 0 626 W4383378282.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.9779029 "Gláucia Helena Araújo Russo, et al.4 Emancipação, Ponta Grossa, v. 24, p. 1-21, e2419363, 2024. Disponível em " 0 167 W4394585216.pdf 3 1 text 0.9979592 "mesmo lugares específicos na teia social. Nesse sentido, buscamos aqui pensá-la como universal, pois direta ou indiretamente todas as pessoas podem ou são efetivamente atingidas por ela ou sofrem seus rebatimentos na sociedade." 167 400 W4394585216.pdf 3 2 separator 0.93004835 ¶ 401 403 W4394585216.pdf 3 3 text 0.9994667 "Da mesma forma, conceituar violência não é fácil, muitos autores(as) já se debruçaram sobre essa tarefa (Michaud, 1989; OMS, 2002; Chauí, 2006; Minayo, 1994,1998, Guerra, 2001, dentre outros), o que demonstra sua complexidade. No âmbito desse artigo, assim como Chauí (2006) compreendemos a violência como o exercício de poder de um indivíduo sobre outro considerado mais fraco, seja física, emocional, material ou mesmo simbolicamente, isto é, como uma forma de opressão que viola seus direitos fundamentais." 403 928 W4394585216.pdf 3 4 separator 0.84965 ¶ 929 931 W4394585216.pdf 3 5 text 0.99959403 "Por meio da violência esse outro é coisificado, transformado em objeto, (Russo et al, 2014), tendo seus direitos fundamentais e sua dignidade como ser humano negados. Isso ocorre quando estamos tratando de crianças e adolescentes, em geral, vistos como seres inferiores e, mesmo sendo protegidos por normativas legais em nível nacional e internacional3, muitas vezes, perce- bidos como cidadãos de segunda categoria ou não cidadãos." 931 1375 W4394585216.pdf 3 6 separator 0.987679 ¶ 1375 1377 W4394585216.pdf 3 7 text 0.9996011 "A violência contra crianças e adolescentes não nasceu na atualidade, pelo contrário, é uma “velha conhecida” desses sujeitos, que sempre foram alvo de inúmeras expressões de violências. Nesse artigo em particular, como dito anteriormente iremos destacar a negligência compreendendo-a como uma dessas expressões. Assim, no intuito de entendê-la, discutiremos inicialmente a violência estrutural, tomando por base alguns questionamentos: o que as dife - rencia? Quais os limites entre uma e outra? Em que a negligência" 1377 1908 W4394585216.pdf 3 0 text 0.99924713 "se distingue da pobreza, por exemplo? A negligência realmente existe ou seria uma forma de culpabilizar as famílias mais pobres pela situação na qual se encontram?" 0 169 W4394585216.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9918094 ¶ 169 171 W4394585216.pdf 3 2 text 0.99857837 "Por muitas razões, a necessidade de distinguir esses dois fenômenos se impõe, mas cha- maremos a atenção para duas delas: - Se não somos capazes de diferenciá-los podemos culpabilizar as famílias e os sujeitos individuais por situações nas quais estes são, na realidade, vítimas; - A violência estrutural está na esfera do macroestrutural, pois remete a processos coletivos, globais, enquanto a negligência, embora, em geral, seus determinantes não possam ser compre- endidos fora da esfera macroestrutural, se concretiza nas microrrelações, mais precisamente, nas interações pessoais." 171 776 W4394585216.pdf 3 3 separator 0.97964567 ¶ 777 779 W4394585216.pdf 3 4 text 0.99947053 "Logo, compreender as diferenças entre violência estrutural e negligência, implica no for- talecimento da garantia dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes. Tal entendimento" 779 953 W4394585216.pdf 3 0 text 0.9991075 "pode ainda influenciar diretamente na forma como as políticas públicas e os(as) profissionais trabalharão com tais problemáticas, já que mudanças na forma de entendimento das causas, alteram a ma- neira de abordar o problema." 0 234 W4394585216.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9701474 ¶ 234 236 W4394585216.pdf 3 2 text 0.9992757 "Por tais razões, a nosso ver, não há como discutir a negligência sem refletir sobre a vio- lência estrutural, que, de maneira simplificada, pode ser compreendida como aquela negligência praticada pelo Estado, diante da sua omissão em garantir as necessidades e direitos básicos dos seus concidadãos." 236 544 W4394585216.pdf 3 3 separator 0.996438 ¶ 545 547 W4394585216.pdf 3 4 text 0.9869389 "3 Diversos documentos internacionais como: a Declaração de Genebra, 1924; a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas, 1948; a Convenção Americana sobre os Direitos Humanos, 1969; e as Regras Mínimas das Nações Unidas para Administração da Justiça da Infância e da Juventude – Regras Mínimas de Beijing, 1985, consagram em âmbito internacional a Doutrina da Proteção Integral." 547 951 W4394585216.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.9693319 Open Science Journal 0 20 W3034088078.pdf 5 1 separator 0.7882571 ¶ 22 24 W3034088078.pdf 5 2 paratext 0.9158915 Research Article 24 41 W3034088078.pdf 5 3 separator 0.6999104 ¶ 44 46 W3034088078.pdf 5 4 paratext 0.9766701 Open Scienc e Journal – June 2020 6 46 86 W3034088078.pdf 5 5 bibliography 0.95389974 Zyglidopoulos S, Hirsch P, Martin de Holan P, Philli ps N. 2017. Expanding Research on Corporate 86 183 W3034088078.pdf 5 6 separator 0.8532858 ¶ 184 186 W3034088078.pdf 5 7 bibliography 0.7267165 Corruption, 186 198 W3034088078.pdf 5 8 paratext 0.5822665 Management 198 209 W3034088078.pdf 5 9 bibliography 0.78227335 , and Organizations. Journal of Management Inquiry 209 260 W3034088078.pdf 5 10 paratext 0.76580954 26:(3) 247 - 260 273 W3034088078.pdf 5 11 separator 0.96632874 ¶ 273 275 W3034088078.pdf 5 12 paratext 0.92931914 253doi.org/10.1177/1056492617706648 275 311 W3034088078.pdf 5 0 paratext 0.88468933 Ханина Ю. Ю., Звездина Г. П. Коммуникативный потенциал личности в контексте профессиональной деятельности26R e w i e v a r t i c l e 0 133 W4387259833.pdf 1 1 separator 0.95680773 ¶ 255 257 W4387259833.pdf 1 2 title 0.78688276 Communicative Potential of the Personality in the Professional 257 320 W4387259833.pdf 1 3 separator 0.94946116 ¶ 321 323 W4387259833.pdf 1 4 title 0.9537157 Activity Frames: A Research Review 323 358 W4387259833.pdf 1 5 separator 0.99234986 ¶ 358 360 W4387259833.pdf 1 6 contact 0.9895732 "Yulia Y. Khanina ✉, Galina P. Zvezdina Don State Technical University, 1, Gagarin Sq., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation ✉ khaninayulya@yandex.ru" 360 510 W4387259833.pdf 1 7 separator 0.9962523 ¶ 510 512 W4387259833.pdf 1 8 title 0.92842215 Abstract 512 521 W4387259833.pdf 1 9 separator 0.9943189 ¶ 521 523 W4387259833.pdf 1 10 text 0.9996758 "Introduction. The expansion of informational and communicational space as well as an increase in the volume of contacts for communication draw attention to the study of communicative potential in professionals of various fields. This issue is considered within fields of sociology, communication and political science, philosophy, and psychology. A modern specialist has a need for communicability not only for success in professional tasks, but also for stable client capture and impactful communication with them. Moreover, the ability plays a special role in effective organization of the working process in a positive and productive way. This section highlights the role of the communicative potential of the personality in professional activity. Dynamism, as one of its characteristics, creates an education possibility applying throughout the entire working process.Purpose. Our article is devoted to the theoretical generalization of the empirical data obtained by foreign and Russian researchers in the study of communicative potential in professionals of various fields. Theoretical justification. Characteristics of communicative potential are identified for each of the following occupational groups: “human-machine”, “human-nature”, “human-human”, “human-sign system”, “human-art image”. It is done on the example of the work in pedagogy, healthcare, administration, creative, digital, and technical fields. This article deals with the main directions and research results on the communicative potential of the personality in the chosen professions.Discussion. We considered the main modern directions in the work of foreign and Russian researchers on the problem of the communicative potential of the personality according to the profession type. Research objectives in this area are also stated. The analysis showed that the communicative potential of the personality is gaining importance" 523 2430 W4387259833.pdf 1 0 text 0.99951255 "as part of professional competence in the modern conditions, regardless of the professional activity type. Nowadays specialists in the fields of “human-sign system”, “human-machine”, “human-nature” professions, as well as in the socionomy area, need specific communicative training, developing communicative abilities and skills." 0 332 W4387259833.pdf 1 1 separator 0.99532324 ¶ 332 334 W4387259833.pdf 1 2 keywords 0.8759164 "Keywords: communicative potential, communicability, occupational classification, communication resource, business communication" 334 465 W4387259833.pdf 1 3 separator 0.98189914 ¶ 465 467 W4387259833.pdf 1 4 paratext 0.73770535 For citation: Khanina Y 467 492 W4387259833.pdf 1 5 bibliography 0.5139724 . Y 492 495 W4387259833.pdf 1 6 paratext 0.5956852 ., Z 495 501 W4387259833.pdf 1 7 bibliography 0.5501452 vezdina 501 508 W4387259833.pdf 1 8 paratext 0.54681647 G. P. 508 514 W4387259833.pdf 1 9 bibliography 0.58064663 Communicative Potential of the Personality in the 514 564 W4387259833.pdf 1 10 paratext 0.49507535 Professional 564 577 W4387259833.pdf 1 11 bibliography 0.4964822 577 578 W4387259833.pdf 1 12 paratext 0.4892336 Activity 578 586 W4387259833.pdf 1 13 bibliography 0.6045001 "Frames: A Research Review. Innovative Science: psychology, pedagogy, defectology" 586 670 W4387259833.pdf 1 14 paratext 0.82728326 ", 6(4), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.23947/2658- 7165-2023-6-4-25-32" 670 737 W4387259833.pdf 1 15 separator 0.9934498 ¶ 737 739 W4387259833.pdf 1 16 title 0.9895865 Введение 739 748 W4387259833.pdf 1 17 separator 0.99604595 ¶ 748 750 W4387259833.pdf 1 18 text 0.99950016 "Роль коммуникативного потенциала личности в процессе делового общения трудно переоценить. Данная тема находится в фокусе исследования разных научных направлений — социологии, коммуникалогии, политологии, философии и психология. Проблема коммуникативного потенциала профессионалов разной направленности при-обретает сегодня особую актуальность в связи с расширением информационно-коммуникативного пространства." 750 1166 W4387259833.pdf 1 19 separator 0.98765206 ¶ 1167 1169 W4387259833.pdf 1 20 text 0.63525677 Лев 1169 1173 W4387259833.pdf 1 21 bibliography 0.55714047 кина 1173 1177 W4387259833.pdf 1 22 text 0.6264691 (2013) 1177 1184 W4387259833.pdf 1 23 bibliography 0.718829 под коммуникативным потенциалом 1184 1216 W4387259833.pdf 1 0 text 0.9996301 "личности понимает все внутренние возможности лично- сти (включая средства и источники), используемые человеком при необходимости с целью взаимодействия через общение, то есть в процессе трансактной передачи от человека к человеку информации в виде интеллектуальных сигналов, знаков, символов, а также возможность проявления в отношении других людей коммуникационной функции личности потенциально (в будущем)." 0 410 W4387259833.pdf 1 1 separator 0.9814473 ¶ 411 413 W4387259833.pdf 1 2 text 0.99944973 "В настоящее время понятие коммуникативного потенциала активно исследуется отечественными и зарубеж- ными учеными." 413 529 W4387259833.pdf 1 3 separator 0.83798385 ¶ 529 531 W4387259833.pdf 1 4 text 0.9995195 "В результате исследования содержания коммуникативного потенциала личности в процессе межличностного взаимодействия Козловой (2003) были определены особенности коммуникативного потенциала в зависимости от возрастного периода, пола и ведущего вида деятельности." 531 794 W4387259833.pdf 1 5 separator 0.969385 ¶ 795 797 W4387259833.pdf 1 6 text 0.99969745 "Коммуникативный потенциал личности закладывает ресурсы, без которых невозможно развить коммуника- тивные компетенции и решить коммуникативные задачи. Недостаточное его развитие может снижать эффектив-ность коммуникаций в деловой сфере, способствовать неудовлетворенности человека своей профессиональной деятельностью, что приводит к нестабильной самооценке и останавливает творческое развитие личности." 797 1202 W4387259833.pdf 1 0 paratext 0.9741149 Науч . и техн . б-ки , 2016, No 1 102Ав 0 38 W2903858308.pdf 19 1 title 0.5093796 г 38 39 W2903858308.pdf 19 2 text 0.972817 "фтуа в г . Впмюхеобёууемю (Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbuttel ) – пдопй из туасейщиц бибмипуек ниса . Ооа бэма птопваоа в 1572 г. гесчпгпн Юми - фтпн Бсафощвейгткин , рпмфшима сазвиуие рси гесчпге Авгфтуе (1579–1666)." 39 266 W2903858308.pdf 19 3 separator 0.96607584 ¶ 266 268 W2903858308.pdf 19 4 text 0.99898607 "В 1770 г. здетю тмфжим бибмипуекасен оенечкий рпяу и дсаннауфсг Г. Леттиог (Gotthold Lessing ). Дп кф неоуэ хп ода – 135 уэт. сф кпритей , ио- кф оабфм и седкиц коиг в птопвопн оа мауэои – тптуавмɹёу шатую евспрей - ткпгп кфмюуфсопгп оатмедиɹ и рптме пчихспвки впйдфу в тптуав Евспреаоэ ." 268 566 W2903858308.pdf 19 5 separator 0.9729016 ¶ 566 568 W2903858308.pdf 19 6 text 0.99908763 "Гесчпг Авгфту , бфдфши тусатуоэн мёбиуемен коиг , «в твпбпдопе пу сабпуэ всенɹ » тпбтувеоопсфшоп тптуавмɹм кауампг бибмипуеки , дпрпмоɹɹ егп оекин рпдпбиен аоопуачий , а зауен воптим кпннеоуасии и рпнеуки оа рпмɹц кауампга («пумишоаɹ коига" 568 815 W2903858308.pdf 19 0 text 0.99932307 "», «тнпуси тус .» и дс.). Так шуп тпвсенео - оэе усеодэ сабпуэ т ямекуспооэни кауампгани , дпрфткаёъие в упн шитме и кпннеоуасии шиуауемей , вптцпдɹу как ниоинфн к XVII в." 0 176 W2903858308.pdf 19 1 separator 0.99304163 ¶ 176 178 W2903858308.pdf 19 2 text 0.98499304 "Смедфёъаɹ кпохесеочиɹ ИАТУЛ рспйдɺу 5–9 иёоɹ 2016 г. оа базе бибмипуеки Dalhousie University в г. Гамихакте – тупмиче рспвиочии Нпваɹ Шпумаодиɹ – оа ксайоен тевесп-вптупке аумаоуишеткпгп рпбесежюɹ Каоадэ ." 178 392 W2903858308.pdf 19 3 separator 0.98098344 ¶ 392 394 W2903858308.pdf 19 4 text 0.9939261 "Девиз вэбсао дптуаупшоп вэтпкпгп туимɹ : «Рфкпвпдтувп бибмипуекпй в нпсе ресенео . На реседоен ксае тесвита » (Library leadership in a sea of change. At the bowsprit of service )." 394 578 W2903858308.pdf 19 5 separator 0.99493366 ¶ 578 580 W2903858308.pdf 19 6 contact 0.9950746 "Andrey Zemskov, Cand. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics); Assistan Professor, Head Specialist, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology; anzem@gpntb.ru" 580 752 W2903858308.pdf 19 7 separator 0.8604242 ¶ 752 754 W2903858308.pdf 19 8 contact 0.98974955 17, 3rd Khoroshevskaya str., Moscow, 123298 Russia 754 805 W2903858308.pdf 19 0 table 0.9362696 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.250246810121416 0 42 W2249244693.pdf 4 1 separator 0.920618 ¶ 42 44 W2249244693.pdf 4 2 math 0.49999347 p/MP 46 51 W2249244693.pdf 4 3 table 0.42407006 a 51 53 W2249244693.pdf 4 4 math 0.43751714 ¶ x 53 56 W2249244693.pdf 4 5 table 0.48715696 1 56 57 W2249244693.pdf 4 6 separator 0.9827143 ¶ 58 60 W2249244693.pdf 4 7 caption 0.9961994 "Figura 2 - Diagrama pressão-composição para o sistema {CO2(1) + [0.25 monoetanolamina(2) + 0.75 etanol(3)]} a T = 313 K ( , VLE); 323 K ( , VLE); 333 K ( , VLE); 343 K ( , VLE)." 60 256 W2249244693.pdf 4 8 separator 0.9822209 "¶ ¶" 257 267 W2249244693.pdf 4 9 title 0.99313575 4. CONCLUSÕES 267 281 W2249244693.pdf 4 10 separator 0.9891386 "¶ ¶" 282 292 W2249244693.pdf 4 11 text 0.9996228 "Este estudo investigou a solubilidade dos sistemas de CO2 (1) + etanolamina (2) + etanol (3), a temperaturas de 313-343 K e pressões de até 35 MPa. Verificou-se que a adição de etanol permitiu determinar a pressão de transição destes sistemas. No entanto, mesmo com a adição de etanol, não foi possível obter os dados de transição de fase para as frações molares xCO 2 > 0.35. Portanto, é ainda necessário um trabalho experimental e uma modelagem da solubilidade destes sistemas para pressões superiores a 35 MPa e sistemas com frações mais elevadas de etanol. No entanto, os dados obtidos neste trabalho tornam-se altamente relevante para determinar regiões ótimas de processos envolvendo reação química e absorção de gás." 292 1037 W2249244693.pdf 4 12 separator 0.7094558 1039 1040 W2249244693.pdf 4 13 text 0.514221 ¶ 1040 1041 W2249244693.pdf 4 14 separator 0.51439464 1043 1044 W2249244693.pdf 4 15 text 0.72941905 ¶ 1044 1045 W2249244693.pdf 4 16 separator 0.978267 ¶ 1047 1049 W2249244693.pdf 4 17 paratext 0.42841858 Área temática: Engenharia das Separações e Termodinâmica 1049 1106 W2249244693.pdf 4 18 separator 0.8199308 ¶ 5 1106 1110 W2249244693.pdf 4 0 paratext 0.98500437 Journal of Threatened Taxa | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 26 January 2023 | 15(1): 22410–22418Conservation significance of Changaram wetlands Anand et al.22418 0 156 W4318068469.pdf 10 1 separator 0.9680526 ¶ 156 158 W4318068469.pdf 10 2 paratext 0.9846084 JTTEcology and Biogeography 13: 451─458. 158 199 W4318068469.pdf 10 3 separator 0.9887351 ¶ 200 202 W4318068469.pdf 10 4 bibliography 0.9984459 "Kokkal, K, P. 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Oxford University Press, 459 pp." 692 813 W4318068469.pdf 10 11 separator 0.98413587 ¶ 813 815 W4318068469.pdf 10 12 bibliography 0.99878556 "Murray, N. J., T.A. Worthington, P. Bunting, S. Duce, V. Hagger, C.E. Lovelock, R. Lucas, M.I. Saunders, M. Sheaves, M. Spalding, N.J. Waltham & M.B. Lyons (2022). High-resolution mapping of losses and gains of Earth’s tidal wetlands. Science 376(6594): 744–749." 815 1086 W4318068469.pdf 10 13 separator 0.9812975 ¶ 1087 1089 W4318068469.pdf 10 14 paratext 0.96547246 https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abm9583 1089 1129 W4318068469.pdf 10 15 separator 0.9908278 ¶ 1129 1131 W4318068469.pdf 10 16 bibliography 0.9985935 "Nayar, S. & N.M. Nayar (1997). Wetlands, pp. 369–374. In: Thampy, K.B., N.M. Nayar & C.S. Nair (eds.). The Natural Resources of Kerala ." 1131 1272 W4318068469.pdf 10 17 separator 0.9905281 ¶ 1273 1275 W4318068469.pdf 10 18 bibliography 0.8266126 Worldwide 1275 1285 W4318068469.pdf 10 0 paratext 0.7917163 Fund for Nature, Kerala. 0 24 W4318068469.pdf 10 1 separator 0.99550617 ¶ 24 26 W4318068469.pdf 10 2 bibliography 0.9988238 "Panigrahy, S., T.V.R. Murthy, J.G. Patel & T.S. Singh (2012). Wetlands of India: inventory and assessment at 1: 50,000 scale using geospatial techniques. Current Science 102: 852–856" 26 214 W4318068469.pdf 10 3 separator 0.9920852 ¶ 214 216 W4318068469.pdf 10 4 bibliography 0.99887884 "Piersma, T. & Å. Lindstrom (2004). Migrating shorebirds as integrative sentinels of global environmental change. Ibis 146(Suppl. 1): 61–69" 216 360 W4318068469.pdf 10 5 separator 0.99384177 ¶ 360 362 W4318068469.pdf 10 6 bibliography 0.98377466 "Ramsar Fact Sheet (2014) Wetlands-why should I care? Accessed 16 October 2022. http://www.ramsar.org/sites/default/files/ramsar_factsheets_1-4_en.pdf" 362 516 W4318068469.pdf 10 7 separator 0.99482036 ¶ 516 518 W4318068469.pdf 10 8 bibliography 0.9988268 "Rashiba, A.P., K. Jishnu, H. Byju, C.T. Shifa, J. Anand, K. Vichithra, Y. Xu, A. Nefla, S.B. Muzaffar, K.M. Aarif & K.A. Rubeena (2022). The paradox of shorebird diversity and abundance in the west coast and east coast of India: a comparative analysis. Diversity 14(10): 885." 518 805 W4318068469.pdf 10 9 separator 0.5904099 ¶ 807 809 W4318068469.pdf 10 10 bibliography 0.99740934 https://doi.org/10.3390/d14100885 809 843 W4318068469.pdf 10 11 separator 0.99433637 ¶ 844 846 W4318068469.pdf 10 12 bibliography 0.9989011 "Rao, G.B., S. Babu & G. Quadros (2022) . Spatial and temporal patterns of shorebird assemblages in select estuaries along the India’s west coast. Ornithological Science 21: 1–15." 846 1032 W4318068469.pdf 10 13 separator 0.99287355 ¶ 1032 1034 W4318068469.pdf 10 14 bibliography 0.9866454 "SAC (2011) . National Wetland Atlas, India, SAC/EPSA/ABHG/NWIA/ ATLAS/34/2011, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad, 306 pp." 1034 1171 W4318068469.pdf 10 15 separator 0.9934889 ¶ 1171 1173 W4318068469.pdf 10 16 bibliography 0.9941317 "Urfi, A.J. (2004) . Birds Beyond Watching . Universities Press, Hyderabad, 240 pp." 1173 1259 W4318068469.pdf 10 17 separator 0.9954814 ¶ 1259 1261 W4318068469.pdf 10 18 bibliography 0.85425866 Threatened Taxa 1261 1277 W4318068469.pdf 10 0 text 0.99948454 "biomass model, Eq 11 with the variables D2HandCRwas the best model, as the MAPE was the lowest, and the R2was the highest. In addition, the three parameters of this model were all sig- nificant at a level of 0.05." 0 217 W2309164735.pdf 7 1 separator 0.79754674 ¶ 217 219 W2309164735.pdf 7 2 text 0.999226 "In the middle-aged forest, Eq 8 explained 92.4% of the variance in the trunk biomass (Table 3 ). In addition, the MAPE was lowest, 55.2% lower than that of the equation with only D(Eq 7), indicating that the total tree height greatly improved the trunk biomass model. For the branch biomass model, although the MAPE from Eq 12 was the lowest, the parameters of HandCRwere not significant at a level of 0.05. Eq 7 was the best for estimating the branch bio- mass and the leaf biomass. In terms of the root biomass, both the MAPE and the R2showed thatEq 10 was the best model." 219 806 W2309164735.pdf 7 3 title 0.9171293 Table 3. Parameter estimates and model evaluation statistics of each biomass model for the middle-aged forest. 806 916 W2309164735.pdf 7 4 separator 0.9871665 ¶ 916 918 W2309164735.pdf 7 5 table 0.9970097 "Component model abcd R2MAPE Eq (7) Trunk -2.108 * 2.354 * - - 0.776 0.203 Branch -4.222 * 2.538 * - - 0.529 0.268 Leaf -3.164 * 1.996 * - - 0.587 0.288 Root -3.018 * 2.326 * - - 0.627 0.277 Eq (8) Trunk -2.901 * 1.103 * 1.513 * - 0.924 0.091 Branch -3.977 * 2.925 * -0.467" 918 1207 W2309164735.pdf 7 0 table 0.99784887 "- 0.537 0.266 Leaf -2.8199 2.541 * -0.660 - 0.580 0.284 Root -3.337 * 1.822 * 0.609 - 0.696 0.264 Eq (9) Trunk -2.637 * 2.104 * 0.872 * - 0.793 0.198 Branch -4.185 * 2.556 * -0.061 - 0.532 0.269 Leaf -3.139 * 2.008 * -0.042 - 0.583 0.289 Root -3.308 * 2.189 * 0.479 - 0.642 0.258 Eq (10) Trunk -3.157 * 0.912 * - - 0.923 0.114 Branch -3.463 * 0.738 * - - 0.413 0.311 Leaf -2.305 * 0.546 * - - 0.438 0.346 Root -3.257 * 0.798 * -- 0.706 0.252 Eq (11) Trunk -3.217 * 0.869 * 0.294 - 0.908 0.124 Branch -3.382 * 0.797 * -0.404 - 0.435 0.316 Leaf -2.254 * 0.583 * -0.251 - 0.429 0.347 Root -3.263 * 1.793 * 0.032 - 0.706 0.265 Eq (12) Trunk -2.888 * 1.098 * 1.532 * -0.038 0.924 0.091 Branch -4.083 * 2.961 * -0.618 -0.306 0.524 0.264 Leaf -2.991 * 2.601 * -0.902 0.495 0.597 0.275 Root -3.395 * 1.842 * 0.528 0.165 0.696 0.260" 0 867 W2309164735.pdf 7 1 separator 0.9925175 ¶ 867 869 W2309164735.pdf 7 2 text 0.7392159 Note: Values in bold denote the best statistic among six biomass models for each component. 869 961 W2309164735.pdf 7 3 separator 0.46106005 ¶ 961 963 W2309164735.pdf 7 4 text 0.7055741 *means signi ficant at 0.05 level. 963 997 W2309164735.pdf 7 5 separator 0.9876949 ¶ 997 999 W2309164735.pdf 7 6 paratext 0.98538023 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151858.t003 999 1037 W2309164735.pdf 7 7 separator 0.97011536 ¶ 1037 1039 W2309164735.pdf 7 8 title 0.94712895 Biomass Allocation and Its Model Additivity of Casuarina equisetifolia in Tropical Forest of Hainan 1039 1139 W2309164735.pdf 7 9 separator 0.975566 ¶ 1139 1141 W2309164735.pdf 7 10 paratext 0.99061376 PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151858 March 22, 2016 8/2 0 1141 1206 W2309164735.pdf 7 0 text 0.9994179 "related to medicaments in unadjusted and multivariable- adjusted propensity score models. The perioperative use of dexamethasone as a single medication is associated with a nonsignificant decrease in AL, whereas diclofenac isassociated with a nonsignificant increase in AL." 0 277 W2473957146.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9968548 ¶ 277 279 W2473957146.pdf 4 2 title 0.99261993 Leak rates related to type of anastomosis 279 321 W2473957146.pdf 4 3 separator 0.9951985 ¶ 321 323 W2473957146.pdf 4 4 text 0.99948686 "Leak rates related to different type of anastomoses are shown in Table 3. Ileoileal anastomoses are complicated with a significantly lower leak rate than anastomoses involving the colon, rectum, or the anus ( p=0.025)." 323 547 W2473957146.pdf 4 5 separator 0.84129286 ¶ 547 549 W2473957146.pdf 4 6 text 0.99948436 "Based on this finding, we distinguished between anasto-moses involving the colon, rectum, or anus in one group (named ‘‘colorectal’’), and those involving the small bowel only in the other group in the further analysis." 549 772 W2473957146.pdf 4 7 title 0.98494834 "Leak rates according to timing and length of administration of drugs" 772 842 W2473957146.pdf 4 8 separator 0.9939244 ¶ 842 844 W2473957146.pdf 4 9 text 0.9995738 "In Table 4, we show that the leak rate is higher if diclofenac used as a single medication was started onpostoperative days 0–2 compared to days 3–5 ( p=0.16), and if the accumulated dose during postoperative days 0–2 was C250 mg ( p=0.22). But, since these differences were not significant, we did not discriminate between dif- ferent startup days and different accumulated doses of diclofenac in the analysis of medicaments an AL. Fur-thermore, there were no significant differences in leak rates between the different single doses of per- or postoperative dexamethasone (Table 4). No patients in this group receiving dexamethasone as a single medication used the highest dose of 24 mg." 844 1551 W2473957146.pdf 4 10 separator 0.9966196 ¶ 1551 1553 W2473957146.pdf 4 11 title 0.99244744 Discussion 1553 1564 W2473957146.pdf 4 12 separator 0.9960383 ¶ 1564 1566 W2473957146.pdf 4 13 text 0.99970144 "In the current study, we found a nonsignificant increase inAL with the postoperative use of diclofenac and a non- significant decrease in AL with a per- or postoperative useof single-dose dexamethasone when not combined with NSAIDs, after adjusting for all variables with a propensity score analysis. Other risk factors significantly associatedwith AL were malignancy, use of a vasopressor, blood transfusion, and use of regular steroid medication." 1566 2020 W2473957146.pdf 4 14 separator 0.9629863 ¶ 2020 2022 W2473957146.pdf 4 15 text 0.99952203 "The initial aim of this retrospective cohort study was to investigate whether the postoperative use of NSAIDs had exerted any adverse effect on new intestinal anastomoses during a period with a high rate of AL in our" 2022 2245 W2473957146.pdf 4 0 text 0.9996551 "department,and before we abandoned these medicaments because of the suspicion of these adverse effects. However, since it could not be ruled out that this feared complication couldbe a result of the NSAIDs anti-inflammatory effects acting on the healing process of the anastomosis [ 4], we chose to include the perioperative use of steroids, which also exertan anti-inflammatory effect. We were surprised to discover that the commonly used glucocorticoid dexamethasone given as a single dose during or shortly after an operation isassociated with a nonsignificant decrease in AL when not combined with NSAIDs. Because the number of patients in the subanalysis is small and no mechanistic data exist toverify the effect, we cannot draw a direct causation related to the use of dexamethasone at this time. The findings should be considered hypothesis generating at this point,and warrant further investigation into putative mechanisms." 0 949 W2473957146.pdf 4 1 separator 0.98417085 ¶ 949 951 W2473957146.pdf 4 2 text 0.99918044 "Dexamethasone is a potent glucocorticoid with anti-in- flammatory and immunosuppressant effects, which belongsto the corticosteroids. Dexamethasone is often recom- mended" 951 1125 W2473957146.pdf 4 0 text 0.99483806 "in enhanced recovery protocols to prevent post- operative nausea and vomiting [ 21], to reduce" 0 96 W2473957146.pdf 4 1 title 0.9933577 Table 3 Distribution of different types of anastomoses and leak rates 96 165 W2473957146.pdf 4 2 separator 0.9872961 ¶ 165 167 W2473957146.pdf 4 3 table 0.99796057 "Type of anastomosis No. of operations No. of leaks Leak rate Small bowel 105 10 9.5 %* Ileocolic 88 12 13.6 %Coli-colic 39 8 20.5 %Ileorectal 4 2 50.0 %High colorectal** 113 21 18.6 %Low colorectal 54 10 18.5 %Ileoanal 16 3 18.8 %Multiple 9 1 11.1 %All patients 428 67 15.7 %" 167 447 W2473957146.pdf 4 4 separator 0.5808705 ¶ 447 449 W2473957146.pdf 4 5 table 0.79391736 "*p=0.025 ** Anastomoses defined as localized C7 cm above the anal verge" 449 522 W2473957146.pdf 4 6 separator 0.9951061 ¶ 522 524 W2473957146.pdf 4 7 title 0.9303576 Table 4 Leak rates related to the postoperative startup day with 524 590 W2473957146.pdf 4 8 separator 0.41859272 ¶ 590 591 W2473957146.pdf 4 9 title 0.6192157 diclofenac (POD), accumulated doses of diclofenac for days 0–2 and 591 658 W2473957146.pdf 4 10 text 0.5285762 ¶ 658 660 W2473957146.pdf 4 11 title 0.46878985 doses of dexamethasone 660 683 W2473957146.pdf 4 12 text 0.483958 given as single ordinations 683 711 W2473957146.pdf 4 13 caption 0.3954443 . 711 712 W2473957146.pdf 4 14 title 0.4401708 Numbers relate 712 727 W2473957146.pdf 4 15 separator 0.46430737 ¶ 727 729 W2473957146.pdf 4 16 caption 0.4630909 to the 729 736 W2473957146.pdf 4 17 text 0.50949 groups receiving 736 754 W2473957146.pdf 4 18 caption 0.4557111 either 754 760 W2473957146.pdf 4 19 text 0.62173796 diclofenac 760 771 W2473957146.pdf 4 20 caption 0.41314065 or 771 774 W2473957146.pdf 4 21 text 0.5827672 dexamethasone as singlemedication 774 808 W2473957146.pdf 4 22 separator 0.9865855 ¶ 808 810 W2473957146.pdf 4 23 table 0.99631304 "Leak rate No. of patients No. of leaks Startup day diclof. POD 0–2 24.4 %* 45 11POD 3–5 7.1 % 14 1 Diclof. dose days 0–2 50–200 mg 13.3 %** 15 2250–450 mg 30.0 % 30 9 Dexamethasone dose 4 mg 0.0 % 1 08 mg 2.4 % 41 116 mg 8.0 % 24 2" 810 1054 W2473957146.pdf 4 24 separator 0.86986685 ¶ 1054 1056 W2473957146.pdf 4 25 table 0.5994511 "*p=0.16 **p=0.22" 1056 1075 W2473957146.pdf 4 26 text 0.40898234 2786 1075 1079 W2473957146.pdf 4 27 paratext 0.95497173 World J Surg (2016) 40:2782–2789 1079 1112 W2473957146.pdf 4 28 separator 0.9735993 ¶ 1112 1114 W2473957146.pdf 4 29 paratext 0.9792516 123 1114 1118 W2473957146.pdf 4 0 math 0.9132111 5:1 c1Iskzr. c1cs{ . \1Zt kz toyt. kznc1Ut . #Kzo~r /oqq tmtoz {| tyt k t{z q{~m{y| k t{z {qqw{knt zr 0 104 W3173050231.pdf 21 1 separator 0.87951964 ¶ 104 106 W3173050231.pdf 21 2 math 0.9415983 tzq{rm{y| tzr oy.# tzW~{m1 MSVGK IVT 534;ŒOKKK Mw{lkw I{yy z tmk t{z I{zqo~oz mo. 106 194 W3173050231.pdf 21 3 separator 0.6232356 ¶ 194 196 W3173050231.pdf 21 4 math 0.95534414 [tzrk|{~o .||14 ̆:. Jom1 534;1 196 226 W3173050231.pdf 21 5 separator 0.648139 ¶ 226 228 W3173050231.pdf 21 6 math 0.9374738 5;1 [ z N1.b N1.Lkz M1.kznIsoz S1. Kzo~r kzn tyo oqqtmtoz k v {qqw{knt zrkzn~o { ~mo kww{mk t{ z 228 328 W3173050231.pdf 21 7 separator 0.89905167 ¶ 328 330 W3173050231.pdf 21 8 math 0.9450912 {z sorozo~tm O{\/q{r/ mw{ n k~mst om ~ o. Woo~/\{/W oo~Uo {~vtzr kznF||wtmk t{z . [|~tzro~. {w1 330 430 W3173050231.pdf 21 9 separator 0.6770818 ¶ 430 432 W3173050231.pdf 21 10 math 0.9538942 46.z{15.||197< ̆9:6. Q zo 534=1 432 463 W3173050231.pdf 21 11 separator 0.50010985 ¶ 463 465 W3173050231.pdf 21 12 math 0.9481551 5<1 St L1.N kzr c1N kzr. kznS1_kzr. #Kzo~r /oqq tmtoz m{wwkl{~k t o k v m{y| k t{z {qqw{kntzr tz 465 565 W3173050231.pdf 21 13 separator 0.803665 ¶ 565 567 W3173050231.pdf 21 14 math 0.9603232 mw{ n/k t on onro m{y| tzr q{~O{\ oz {~ .# [oz {~ . {w1 4=.z{19.|14439. Tk~ms 534=1 s | >22 567 665 W3173050231.pdf 21 15 separator 0.50161713 665 666 W3173050231.pdf 21 16 math 0.94305325 ¶ n{t1{~r243166 =32 4=394439 WTOJ> 63<6:;4; 666 709 W3173050231.pdf 21 17 separator 0.5920514 ¶ 709 711 W3173050231.pdf 21 18 math 0.95916945 5=1 _kzr b1.[sozr T1._kzr a1._kzr S1.kznStQ1.#T{ltwo /onro m{y| tzr> Wk~ tkw m{y| k t{z {qqw{kn/ 711 810 W3173050231.pdf 21 19 separator 0.88714343 ¶ 810 812 W3173050231.pdf 21 20 math 0.9306132 "tzr tzr n zkytm {w kro mkwtzr.# OKKK \~kz km t{z {zI{yy z tmk t{z . {w1 :7.z{143.||175:< ̆ 75<5. Vm 1 534:1" 812 926 W3173050231.pdf 21 21 separator 0.8363368 ¶ 926 928 W3173050231.pdf 21 22 math 0.95935935 631 Zt{ w V1.kznTkr{ t Q1. Vz[skzz{z) q{~y wk kznNk~ wo ) ~ wo> Go {zn soyk soyk tm kwm{tzmt/ 928 1026 W3173050231.pdf 21 23 separator 0.7171891 ¶ 1026 1028 W3173050231.pdf 21 24 math 0.95767933 nozmo. Kz ~{| . {w1 4:.z{1=.||17<=5 ̆7=43 .[o|1 53471 1028 1083 W3173050231.pdf 21 25 separator 0.80221826 ¶ 641 1083 1089 W3173050231.pdf 21 26 math 0.9313363 [1^o~yk. F1R1bknk . J1T{ kzt. Z1[1Zk . kznN1R1[tzrs. #Fzoqqtmtoz nk k ~o|wtmk t{z kznw{kn 1089 1181 W3173050231.pdf 21 27 separator 0.94075036 ¶ 1181 1183 W3173050231.pdf 21 28 math 0.9247979 lkwkzmtzr omszt} o q{~q{rm{y| tzr oz t~{z yoz .# OzW~{m1 6~nOz o~zk t{zkw I{zqo~oz mo{zI{y| / 1183 1281 W3173050231.pdf 21 29 separator 0.87144256 ¶ 1281 1283 W3173050231.pdf 21 30 math 0.95404273 tzrq{~[ ktzkl woMw{lkw Jo ow{|y oz *OUJOFI{ y+.Uo Jowst. Ozntk. ||15<<< ̆5<=9. Tk~ms 534:1 1283 1376 W3173050231.pdf 21 31 separator 0.73641473 ¶ 651 1376 1382 W3173050231.pdf 21 32 math 0.9165848 \1csk{. [1cs{ . a1M {. kznc1Ut . #\k v mson wtz rkzn~o { ~mo kww{mk t{ ztzso o~{rozo{ 1382 1470 W3173050231.pdf 21 33 separator 0.8888998 ¶ 1473 1475 W3173050231.pdf 21 34 math 0.90093076 mw{ n q{~nowk /l{ zno ny{ltwo onro m{y| tzr.# OzW~{m1 OKKK Oz o~zk t{zkw I{zqo~ozmo {zI{yy z t/ 1475 1572 W3173050231.pdf 21 35 separator 0.86762846 ¶ 1572 1574 W3173050231.pdf 21 36 math 0.96027386 mk t{z *OII+. Wk~t . L~kzmo. ||14 ̆;. Tk 534;1 1574 1622 W3173050231.pdf 21 37 separator 0.8867981 ¶ 1622 1624 W3173050231.pdf 21 38 math 0.9522059 661 cskzr _1._oz b1.M kz R1.Rtw|o~ J1.S {N1kzn_ J1V1.#Kzo~r /{| tykw y{ltwo mw{ n m{y| tzr 1624 1717 W3173050231.pdf 21 39 separator 0.88946426 ¶ 1717 1719 W3173050231.pdf 21 40 math 0.74587816 zno~ {msk tm t~owo mskzzow.# OKKK \~kz km t{z {z_t~owo 1720 1784 W3173050231.pdf 21 0 math 0.92875427 I{yy ztm k t{z . {w1 45.z{1 0 28 W3173050231.pdf 21 1 separator 0.94795406 ¶ 28 30 W3173050231.pdf 21 2 math 0.96203595 =.||179:= ̆7 9<4. [o| oyl o~53461 30 63 W3173050231.pdf 21 3 separator 0.86545396 ¶ 671 63 69 W3173050231.pdf 21 4 math 0.9413531 Tk nk~t T1.[kwost L1.kznQkwkwt T1. F[ ~ o {qW[V/lk on mson wtz rkwr{~t sy tzmw{ n m{y| / 69 162 W3173050231.pdf 21 5 separator 0.8702114 ¶ 162 164 W3173050231.pdf 21 6 math 0.93803275 tzr. Q{ ~zkw {qUo {~ vkzn[ oy Tkzkroyoz .[|~tzro~. {w159.||1455 ̆49<. Tk 534:1 164 250 W3173050231.pdf 21 7 separator 0.828955 ¶ 691 250 256 W3173050231.pdf 21 8 math 0.951846 Jo k~ku F1.Kws{ oz T1.Jskzk ovk~kz [1.S ntk K1kzn[skzvk~ R1.#N l~tnt k t {z{qqt~oqw kzn 256 347 W3173050231.pdf 21 9 separator 0.9357739 ¶ 347 349 W3173050231.pdf 21 10 math 0.91896755 ty|~{ on y w t/{luom t o|k~ tmwo k~y {| tyt k t{z kwr{~t sy q{~ozo~r /oqq tmtoz w{kn lkwkzmtz rtz 349 451 W3173050231.pdf 21 11 separator 0.96056455 ¶ 451 453 W3173050231.pdf 21 12 math 0.91420734 mw{ n m{y| tzroz t~{zyoz .#Q{ ~zkw {qWk~kwwow kznJt ~tl on I{y| tzr . {w1 475. ||16: ̆79. 453 549 W3173050231.pdf 21 13 separator 0.72216403 ¶ 549 551 W3173050231.pdf 21 14 text 0.53162515 F r 53531 551 564 W3173050231.pdf 21 15 separator 0.95512307 ¶ 564 566 W3173050231.pdf 21 16 math 0.9255358 6:1 [1Tksq . N1O ks. L1c wvo~ztz o.kznW1Utms{ww . #Jo om tzr t~~or wk~ |k o~z tzO{\ ~okytzr nk k q{~ 566 671 W3173050231.pdf 21 17 separator 0.91403234 ¶ 671 673 W3173050231.pdf 21 18 math 0.9581751 qkwwno om t{z.# OzW~{m1 534< OKKK = sFzz k wOzq{~yk t{ z\omsz{w{ r .Kwom ~{ztm kznT{ltwo I{yy / 673 770 W3173050231.pdf 21 19 separator 0.91725856 ¶ 770 772 W3173050231.pdf 21 20 math 0.95456284 ztmk t{z I{zqo~ozmo *OKTIVU+. ^kzm{ o ~.GI.Ikzknk. ||19<< ̆9=7. U{ oyl o~534<1 772 851 W3173050231.pdf 21 21 separator 0.91029173 ¶ 851 853 W3173050231.pdf 21 22 math 0.90333974 6;1 Kwk s~t [1.F ty F1.#Kzo~r /oqqt 853 889 W3173050231.pdf 21 0 math 0.9498911 mtoz {qqw{kntzr {q~okw/ ty o k v tzr mw{ n m{y| tzr.# Iw o~ I{y/ 0 71 W3173050231.pdf 21 1 separator 0.84208214 ¶ 71 73 W3173050231.pdf 21 2 math 0.9468119 "| tzr. [|~tzro~. {w1 56.||165;6 ̆65<< .Tk~ms 53531 s | >22 n{t1{~r24314< 5732tu{1 5353137143 WTOJ> 656==743" 73 185 W3173050231.pdf 21 3 separator 0.7529193 ¶ 185 187 W3173050231.pdf 21 4 math 0.9561823 6<1 bkzr a[. Lt~oqw kwr{~t sy q{~y w ty{nkw {| tyt k t{z . tz[ {msk tm Fwr{~t sy >L{ znk t{z kzn 187 290 W3173050231.pdf 21 5 separator 0.86393034 ¶ 290 292 W3173050231.pdf 21 6 math 0.9577959 "F||wtmk t{z *[FMF 533=+. Som ~o U{ o tzI{y| o~ [mtozmo . [|~tzro~. Go~wtz. {w1 9;=5. ||14:= ̆ 4;<. 533=1" 292 403 W3173050231.pdf 21 7 separator 0.6084059 ¶ 403 405 W3173050231.pdf 21 8 math 0.96000785 6=1 M~kz T1.G{ n [1.kznbob1. I^a> Tk wkl 405 447 W3173050231.pdf 21 0 math 0.8548875 [{q k~o q{~Jt mt|wtzon I{z o W~{r~kyytzr. 533=1 0 50 W3173050231.pdf 21 1 separator 0.9611466 ¶ 50 52 W3173050231.pdf 21 2 math 0.9350335 dVzwtzof F ktwklwo> s |>22m ~1m{y2m 2 1 52 96 W3173050231.pdf 21 3 separator 0.8958224 ¶ 96 98 W3173050231.pdf 21 4 math 0.95809317 731 T1M~kz . [1G{ n. I^a> Tk wkl [{q k~o q{~Jt mt|wtzon I{z o W~{r~ky ytzr. ^o~ t{z 514. 534=1 98 197 W3173050231.pdf 21 5 separator 0.92923594 ¶ 197 199 W3173050231.pdf 21 6 math 0.93403506 dVzwtzof F ktwklwo> s |>22m ~1m{y2m 2 1 199 243 W3173050231.pdf 21 7 separator 0.9817159 ¶ 243 245 W3173050231.pdf 21 8 text 0.47085428 PLOS ONE 245 254 W3173050231.pdf 21 9 math 0.88332415 Kqqtmtoz ozo~r kznm{y|wo t{z tyo q{~no|ozn oz k v m{y| k t{z {qqw{kntzr kwr{~t sy tztzn ~ 713 254 355 W3173050231.pdf 21 10 separator 0.9587405 ¶ 355 357 W3173050231.pdf 21 11 math 0.78865516 WSV[ VUK s | >22n{t1{~ r243146; 42u{ ~zkw1|{ zo13595; 9: Q zo <.5354 55255 357 434 W3173050231.pdf 21 0 text 0.99959195 "Th is understanding is somewhat at variance to traditional clinical practice, supported by current guide-lines that recommend haemodynamic resuscitation follows a step-wise approach – initial fl uid loading, followed by the use of an inotrope to improve cardiac output, followed by a vasopressor to squeeze the circulation to augment the perfusion pressure [7]." 0 367 W2153888810.pdf 1 1 separator 0.9898921 ¶ 367 369 W2153888810.pdf 1 2 text 0.9996603 "Th ree recently published randomised controlled trials comparing the eff ects of catecholamines in severe sepsis have demonstrated equivalence in haemodynamic responses without adverse eff ects on organ function or mortality [8-10]. Of the three catecholamines studied, norepinephrine was associated with the lowest incidence of drug-specifi c side eff ects compared with epinephrine (hyperlactataemia and hyperglycaemia) and dopamine (arrhythmias). On the basis of these studies and a recent commentary [11], norepinephrine appears to be the initial agent of choice. Furthermore, these trials represent a perceptible change in clinical practice to preferentially use catecholamines early in resuscitation to defend MAP as the principal haemodynamic endpoint, although it is acknowledged that there is little evidence or agreement on an optimal perfusion pressure in septic shock [12]." 369 1267 W2153888810.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9868125 ¶ 1267 1269 W2153888810.pdf 1 4 text 0.99957794 "Th e justifi cation for selecting MAP is based on prag- matic reasons – MAP is easy and accurate to measure – as well as it being an aggregate index of organ perfusion pressure. However, as there is little direct relationship between perfusion pressure and venous return, which remains diffi cult to measure under clinical conditions, clinicians rely on the assumption that parallel changes in the arterial and venous circulations will occur." 1269 1717 W2153888810.pdf 1 5 separator 0.9835429 ¶ 1717 1719 W2153888810.pdf 1 6 text 0.99963075 "Th e use of norepinephrine as a neurohormonal aug- men tation therapy by Hamzaoui and colleagues demon-strated inotropic and vasopressor responses in a hetero-geneous population of patients with severe sepsis using current monitoring techniques [1]. Th ese data are consistent with established biological and basic science evidence, and provide addi tional strength to the argument for viewing nor epi nephrine as a neurohormone rather than as a vasopressor and to recommend its early use as the fi rst-line agent for life-threatening hypotension." 1719 2273 W2153888810.pdf 1 7 separator 0.9973633 ¶ 2273 2275 W2153888810.pdf 1 8 title 0.98455924 Abbreviations 2275 2289 W2153888810.pdf 1 9 separator 0.99599886 ¶ 2289 2291 W2153888810.pdf 1 10 text 0.59216094 MAP , mean arterial pressure. 2291 2321 W2153888810.pdf 1 11 title 0.92248905 Competing interests 2321 2340 W2153888810.pdf 1 12 separator 0.98877394 ¶ 2340 2342 W2153888810.pdf 1 13 text 0.70401996 The author declares that he has no competing interests. 2342 2398 W2153888810.pdf 1 14 separator 0.9921825 ¶ 2398 2400 W2153888810.pdf 1 15 title 0.9480693 Author details 2400 2415 W2153888810.pdf 1 16 separator 0.9841967 ¶ 2415 2417 W2153888810.pdf 1 17 contact 0.993999 "1Division of Critical Care and Trauma, The George Institute for Global Health, Level 7, 341 George Street, Sydney 2000, Australia. 2Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia. 3Department of Intensive Care Medicine, St George Hospital, Gray Street, Kogarah, Sydney 2217, Australia." 2417 2759 W2153888810.pdf 1 18 separator 0.9842712 ¶ 2759 2761 W2153888810.pdf 1 19 paratext 0.98794955 Published: 20 2761 2775 W2153888810.pdf 1 0 paratext 0.87987316 September 2010 0 14 W2153888810.pdf 1 1 title 0.70295715 References 14 24 W2153888810.pdf 1 2 separator 0.99593496 ¶ 24 26 W2153888810.pdf 1 3 bibliography 0.9972322 "1. 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Intensive Care Med 2010, 36:1484-1487." 843 1005 W2153888810.pdf 1 9 separator 0.97971445 ¶ 1005 1007 W2153888810.pdf 1 10 bibliography 0.99859333 "12. Shapiro DS, Loiacono LA: Mean arterial pressure: therapeutic goals and pharmacologic support. Crit Care Clin 2010, 26:285-293, table." 1007 1148 W2153888810.pdf 1 11 separator 0.9722642 ¶ 1148 1150 W2153888810.pdf 1 12 paratext 0.7583845 doi:10.1186/cc9246 1150 1169 W2153888810.pdf 1 13 separator 0.97177786 ¶ 1169 1171 W2153888810.pdf 1 14 paratext 0.7979384 "Cite this article as : Myburgh J: Norepinephrine: more of a neurohormone than a vasopressor. Critical Care 2010, 14:196.Myburgh Critical Care 2010, 14:196" 1171 1334 W2153888810.pdf 1 15 separator 0.83822083 ¶ 1335 1337 W2153888810.pdf 1 16 paratext 0.99309427 http://ccforum.com/content/14/5/196Page 2 of 2 1337 1384 W2153888810.pdf 1 0 paratext 0.9665532 Page 7/30Drp1 de 0 16 W4392231049.pdf 6 0 paratext 0.6434162 "Review of: """ 0 12 W4391471292.pdf 0 1 title 0.7398985 "Effect of Supplementation with Moringa Oleifera on Antioxidant and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers of Infertile Women: A Pilot Open-Label Case-Control Randomized" 12 173 W4391471292.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.5736774 173 174 W4391471292.pdf 0 3 title 0.66761863 ¶ Clinical Study 174 190 W4391471292.pdf 0 4 paratext 0.5995102 """" 190 191 W4391471292.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9701289 ¶ 191 193 W4391471292.pdf 0 6 contact 0.895283 "Muhammad Imran Khan" 193 216 W4391471292.pdf 0 7 separator 0.98848605 ¶ 216 218 W4391471292.pdf 0 8 title 0.62920946 Potential competing interests 218 248 W4391471292.pdf 0 9 text 0.54507405 : 248 249 W4391471292.pdf 0 10 separator 0.97972095 ¶ 249 251 W4391471292.pdf 0 11 text 0.98610765 No potential competing interests to declare. 252 297 W4391471292.pdf 0 12 separator 0.9073657 ¶ 297 299 W4391471292.pdf 0 13 text 0.985453 "1. How did the levels of oxidative stress markers (MDA, TPP, LPO, OSI) differ between infertile women and fertile women? 2. Were there any statistically significant differences in the levels of oxidative stress markers between the supplemented group and the unsupplemented group of infertile women? 3. Did the levels of antioxidant biomarkers (TAC, GR, GSH) differ between the infertile women who were supplemented with Moringa Oleifera and the unsupplemented group? " 299 777 W4391471292.pdf 0 14 separator 0.6002134 ¶ 777 778 W4391471292.pdf 0 15 text 0.9870214 "4. How did the levels of oxidative stress markers in infertile women change after four weeks of supplementation with Moringa Oleifera? " 778 916 W4391471292.pdf 0 16 separator 0.55205965 ¶ 916 917 W4391471292.pdf 0 17 text 0.97783315 "5. Did the supplementation with Moringa Oleifera lead to a decrease in oxidative stress markers in infertile women? 6. What was the effect of Moringa Oleifera supplementation on the levels of antioxidant biomarkers in infertile women? 7. Were there any significant differences in the levels of biomarkers between the supplemented group and the unsupplemented group of infertile women? 8. How did the levels of oxidative stress markers in infertile women compare to the levels in the fertile group? 9. Did the levels of antioxidant biomarkers differ between the infertile women and the fertile group? 10. What implications do the findings of this study have for the use of Moringa Oleifera supplementation in improving pregnancy outcomes in infertile women?" 917 1688 W4391471292.pdf 0 18 separator 0.980842 ¶ 1688 1690 W4391471292.pdf 0 19 paratext 0.99046975 "Qeios, CC-BY 4.0 · Review, February 2, 2024" 1690 1741 W4391471292.pdf 0 20 separator 0.52694255 1741 1742 W4391471292.pdf 0 21 paratext 0.9665966 ¶ Qeios ID: F25LRG · https://doi.org/10.32388/F25LRG 1742 1798 W4391471292.pdf 0 22 separator 0.7229139 ¶ 1798 1800 W4391471292.pdf 0 23 paratext 0.95158005 "1 /" 1800 1806 W4391471292.pdf 0 24 separator 0.5818901 ¶ 1806 1808 W4391471292.pdf 0 25 paratext 0.9429476 1 1808 1810 W4391471292.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.9696833 "Page 3 of 7 Review Article http://www.avehjournal.org Open Access" 0 67 W3168115132.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9915398 ¶ 67 69 W3168115132.pdf 2 2 text 0.99927104 "particularly at chord length greater than 15 mm. Therefore, spherical scleral lens with an LZ edge of about 15 mm or less should provide an adequate fit for most eyes; however, larger diameter lenses may require a toric or quadrant-specific haptic zone to achieve a comfortable, stable fit with an appropriate LZ alignment.9,12" 69 412 W3168115132.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9961079 ¶ 412 414 W3168115132.pdf 2 4 title 0.99288595 Sagittal height 414 430 W3168115132.pdf 2 5 separator 0.99445593 ¶ 430 432 W3168115132.pdf 2 6 text 0.9905883 "Sagittal height is intrinsically linked to the scleral angle. Sagittal height is the distance in micrometres (μm) from the ocular surface at each chord length to a line tangent to the corneal apex and parallel to the reference line (see Figure 1). Therefore, ocular surfaces with lower sagittal height values are more elevated than those with higher sagittal height." 432 814 W3168115132.pdf 2 7 separator 0.777747 ¶ 815 817 W3168115132.pdf 2 8 text 0.9995317 "Sagittal height varies with meridian examined, and the meridional differences in scleral elevation (scleral toricity) increase with increasing distance from the limbus (about 100 μm at a 15-mm chord to 400 μm at a 20-mm chord).9 As is the case with scleral angles, for smaller diameter scleral lenses (with an LZ of 15 mm or less), a rotationally symmetric lens design may be acceptable; however, for larger scleral lenses, customised haptic designs may be required to ensure lens stability with minimal decentration and lens flexure (particularly for thinner lenses and scleral toricity ≥ 200 μm).12" 817 1448 W3168115132.pdf 2 9 separator 0.99604 ¶ 1448 1450 W3168115132.pdf 2 10 title 0.99308586 Methods 1450 1458 W3168115132.pdf 2 11 separator 0.9940633 ¶ 1458 1460 W3168115132.pdf 2 12 text 0.997345 "A search was performed in the PubMed database for the literature related to the topic by using a combination of keywords as search criteria. The outcomes are presented in Table 1. The most specific combination was represented by the junction of keywords (scleral topography AND scleral lens fitting). Relevant articles were then analysed to determine whether they made any emphasis on scleral topography considerations and related usefulness in scleral lens fitting among various patients." 1460 1975 W3168115132.pdf 2 13 separator 0.99626493 ¶ 1975 1977 W3168115132.pdf 2 14 title 0.9918903 Ethical considerations 1977 2000 W3168115132.pdf 2 15 separator 0.9910811 ¶ 2000 2002 W3168115132.pdf 2 16 text 0.9993108 "Ethical clearance was not required for this review. This article followed all ethical standards for research without direct contact with human or animal subjects." 2002 2171 W3168115132.pdf 2 17 separator 0.9958166 ¶ 2171 2173 W3168115132.pdf 2 18 title 0.9795934 Results 2173 2181 W3168115132.pdf 2 19 separator 0.9947588 ¶ 2181 2183 W3168115132.pdf 2 20 text 0.9995391 "Forty-four articles were related to scleral topography and scleral lens fitting. Of these, 15 were found to be more relevant to the topic and were selected for review. Many (60 %) of the selected articles originated from European countries and one article (6.7 %) originated from South America (see Table 2)." 2183 2505 W3168115132.pdf 2 21 separator 0.9969952 ¶ 2505 2507 W3168115132.pdf 2 22 title 0.98605627 "The features of the population studied in the reviewed studies" 2507 2573 W3168115132.pdf 2 23 separator 0.992008 ¶ 2573 2575 W3168115132.pdf 2 24 text 0.99951863 "The number of subjects in the reviewed studies ranged from 10 subjects16 to 100 subjects.10 Most of the studies involved more women than men, except for one study that had more men than women.6 Most studies used subjects with healthy eyes. However, some studies included only subjects who were evaluated to receive their scleral" 2575 2916 W3168115132.pdf 2 0 text 0.9989553 "lens prescriptions,5 those who experienced symptoms with their current lenses6 and those who were fitted with 18.2-mm Jupiter lenses to treat regular and irregular corneas.8 One study17 included more inclusion criteria than the others, from corneal ectasia, penetrating keratoplasty, post-surgical ectasia or regular corneas with myopia ≥ |6 D|, hyperopia ≥ |4 D| and/or astigmatism." 0 404 W3168115132.pdf 2 1 separator 0.987454 ¶ 404 406 W3168115132.pdf 2 2 text 0.9990568 "Subjects with ocular diseases and history of ocular surgery were excluded in almost all the studies reviewed. In addition to this, subjects who were seen before by the researcher were excluded to eliminate the role of practitioner’s experience on the study outcomes;18 subjects with connective tissue disease;19 pregnancy;17,19 and those who were contact lens users4,10,14,15 or had difficulty handling and caring for contact lenses,17 were excluded (see Table 2)." 406 892 W3168115132.pdf 2 3 separator 0.99721813 ¶ 892 894 W3168115132.pdf 2 4 title 0.99181527 "Scleral topographers and other devices used to measure anterior ocular surface parameters" 894 987 W3168115132.pdf 2 5 separator 0.99530566 ¶ 987 989 W3168115132.pdf 2 6 text 0.9994798 "Scleral topographers and OCT imaging devices are useful in the fitting of scleral lenses. The data from these devices are used to determine the first trial lens of choice and to objectively assess the central and peripheral lens fit and to customise lens design. Below is a brief description of some of the devices used in the reviewed articles." 989 1350 W3168115132.pdf 2 7 separator 0.99708116 ¶ 1350 1352 W3168115132.pdf 2 8 title 0.97371066 The Eye Surface Profiler (Eaglet Eye BV, the Netherlands) 1352 1410 W3168115132.pdf 2 9 separator 0.9963342 ¶ 1410 1412 W3168115132.pdf 2 10 text 0.99873513 The Eye Surface Profiler (ESP) is a cornea 1412 1456 W3168115132.pdf 2 0 text 0.99961936 "and scleral topographer, which can measure an area of up to 20 mm in diameter with more than 250 000 points, covering the rest of the cornea, the limbus and most part of the sclera (and conjunctiva).20 The ESP is based on the Fourier transform profilometry, which consists of two blue-light fringe projectors and a camera with a yellow filter positioned at the centre. To capture a good image of the anterior surface of the eye with the ESP , a viscous solution, such as Lubristil eye drops and sodium fluorescein, must be instilled into the eye." 0 573 W3168115132.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9332638 ¶ 574 576 W3168115132.pdf 2 2 text 0.9989615 "The ESP is a reliable and precise methodology to calculate the scleral radius and ESP may assist in estimating measurements for scleral lens fitting.20" 576 734 W3168115132.pdf 2 3 separator 0.99712944 ¶ 734 736 W3168115132.pdf 2 4 title 0.90094614 "Medmont E300 corneal topographer (Medmont International Pty Ltd, Victoria, Australia)" 736 825 W3168115132.pdf 2 5 separator 0.99580085 ¶ 825 827 W3168115132.pdf 2 6 text 0.99787885 "The Medmont E300 was used for corneal topography, estimated ocular surface sagittal height (OC-SAG) and scleral lens over-topography;9,16,18 corneal topography was measured by using the Medmont E300 corneal topographer; the Medmont Studio 6.1 was used to analyse the estimated OC-SAG for a chord value set by the examiner;9,18 and the " 827 1178 W3168115132.pdf 2 7 title 0.3655084 TABLE 1178 1183 W3168115132.pdf 2 8 caption 0.60403985 "1: Different combinations of searching criteria and the number of articles retrieved." 1183 1273 W3168115132.pdf 2 9 separator 0.9949771 ¶ 1273 1275 W3168115132.pdf 2 10 table 0.9918878 "Search criteria Number of articles retrieved Scleral topography 212 Scleral lens fitting 204 Scleral lens shape 120 Scleral topography and scleral lens fitting 44" 1275 1446 W3168115132.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.9945635 Mathematics 2021 ,9, 2228 2 of 25 0 33 W3200138809.pdf 1 1 separator 0.99544394 ¶ 33 35 W3200138809.pdf 1 2 text 0.99965316 "the shadows of trees, buildings, or moving clouds that produce limit the solar irradiance reaching PV systems. During PSCs, the bypass diodes connected in parallel with either a single or several photovoltaic solar cells to prevent hot spots on PV modules produce multiple peaks on the P–V curve. Therefore, during PSCs, many of the conventional MPPT techniques cannot track the global maximum power point (GMPP) and may fall into any of the local maximum power points (LMPPs), resulting in reduced output power." 35 558 W3200138809.pdf 1 3 separator 0.99671364 ¶ 558 560 W3200138809.pdf 1 4 table 0.98504364 "MPPT methods Uniform irradianceNon-uniform irradiance On-lineOff-linePCLV&CMM CF CCPVOS LT CVHybridP&O-GA P&O-PSO GWO-FLC P&O-ABC HC-FLC P&O-FSC P&O-ELPSO PSO-DEGWO-P&OINC-PSO SD SCTWC SOFBC RCCDC-L CDC OCCVL CSLCC BetaVSSIR HCSS INCAS P&OTBM BST" 560 852 W3200138809.pdf 1 5 separator 0.9634119 ¶ 852 854 W3200138809.pdf 1 6 table 0.4598697 [2–4] [5 854 863 W3200138809.pdf 1 7 text 0.44907683 –7] 863 866 W3200138809.pdf 1 8 table 0.40811577 [8,9] 866 872 W3200138809.pdf 1 9 text 0.38772163 [10 872 876 W3200138809.pdf 1 10 table 0.38784713 ,11] [12] [13,14] 876 893 W3200138809.pdf 1 11 text 0.3949529 [15 893 897 W3200138809.pdf 1 12 table 0.34517395 ,16] 897 901 W3200138809.pdf 1 13 text 0.37126052 [17 901 905 W3200138809.pdf 1 14 table 0.388249 ,18] 905 909 W3200138809.pdf 1 15 text 0.34560004 [19 909 913 W3200138809.pdf 1 16 table 0.36956298 ,20][21] [22,23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28 913 953 W3200138809.pdf 1 17 text 0.27597478 –30 953 956 W3200138809.pdf 1 18 table 0.32929695 ] [3 956 960 W3200138809.pdf 1 19 text 0.27978006 1,32 960 964 W3200138809.pdf 1 20 table 0.3592012 ][33– 964 969 W3200138809.pdf 1 21 text 0.36558905 35] 969 972 W3200138809.pdf 1 22 table 0.38316086 [ 972 974 W3200138809.pdf 1 23 text 0.4237055 36,37] 974 980 W3200138809.pdf 1 24 table 0.42836204 [ 980 982 W3200138809.pdf 1 25 text 0.34523833 38–40 982 987 W3200138809.pdf 1 26 table 0.3792536 ][41– 987 992 W3200138809.pdf 1 27 paratext 0.30162755 43] 992 995 W3200138809.pdf 1 28 table 0.40007547 [44][ 995 1001 W3200138809.pdf 1 29 text 0.35592797 45,46] 1001 1007 W3200138809.pdf 1 30 table 0.34543344 [47][48][49 1007 1018 W3200138809.pdf 1 31 text 0.33652902 ] 1018 1019 W3200138809.pdf 1 32 table 0.34049216 [50, 1019 1024 W3200138809.pdf 1 33 paratext 0.3257823 51] 1024 1027 W3200138809.pdf 1 34 separator 0.69647247 ¶ 1027 1029 W3200138809.pdf 1 35 table 0.34373516 [ 1029 1031 W3200138809.pdf 1 36 text 0.33191854 52] 1031 1034 W3200138809.pdf 1 37 table 0.36790007 [ 1034 1036 W3200138809.pdf 1 38 text 0.460391 53 1036 1038 W3200138809.pdf 1 39 table 0.3189564 , 1038 1039 W3200138809.pdf 1 40 text 0.47949615 54] 1039 1042 W3200138809.pdf 1 41 table 0.3812513 [55] 1042 1047 W3200138809.pdf 1 42 separator 0.52542585 ¶ 1047 1049 W3200138809.pdf 1 43 table 0.44484794 [56] 1049 1054 W3200138809.pdf 1 44 separator 0.3844677 1054 1055 W3200138809.pdf 1 45 table 0.3976739 ¶ [ 1055 1058 W3200138809.pdf 1 46 text 0.3825204 57] 1058 1061 W3200138809.pdf 1 47 separator 0.36597005 1061 1062 W3200138809.pdf 1 48 table 0.39857638 ¶ [58] 1062 1068 W3200138809.pdf 1 49 separator 0.34140098 ¶ 1068 1070 W3200138809.pdf 1 50 table 0.34597722 [ 1070 1072 W3200138809.pdf 1 51 text 0.40352786 59] 1072 1075 W3200138809.pdf 1 52 table 0.3225923 [ 1075 1077 W3200138809.pdf 1 53 text 0.35091567 60] [61 1077 1084 W3200138809.pdf 1 54 table 0.357048 ][ 1084 1086 W3200138809.pdf 1 55 paratext 0.48132145 62] 1086 1089 W3200138809.pdf 1 56 separator 0.995521 ¶ 1089 1091 W3200138809.pdf 1 57 caption 0.9967481 "Figure 1. A classification of MPPT techniques (please see the abbreviation section for the full name of each method)." 1091 1210 W3200138809.pdf 1 58 separator 0.9954369 ¶ 1210 1212 W3200138809.pdf 1 59 text 0.9993509 "A possible feature with which to classify MPPT techniques is whether each technique operates under uniform and non-uniform irradiance conditions, as shown in Figure 1." 1212 1382 W3200138809.pdf 1 60 separator 0.92654026 ¶ 1382 1384 W3200138809.pdf 1 61 text 0.99946946 "According to this classification, the MPPT techniques for uniform irradiance conditions can be divided into online methods and offline methods. These use the instantaneous sensed variables to generate the control signals to track the MPP , unlike the offline or model-based methods, which" 1384 1676 W3200138809.pdf 1 0 text 0.9996948 "use previous PV physical information to design the control algorithm [ 63]. Among the MPPT methods for uniform irradiance conditions, hill climbing (HC) and perturbation and observation (P&O) are the commonly used algorithms because of simplicity, ease of implementation, and low cost [ 58,69]. On the other hand, under PSCs, the classical methods fail to operate at GMPP , and hence there is a need for more advanced optimization (hybrid) algorithms, as shown in Figure 1." 0 483 W3200138809.pdf 1 1 separator 0.99292815 ¶ 483 485 W3200138809.pdf 1 2 text 0.9996818 "This paper proposes a new MPPT method able to operate under uniform or non- uniform irradiance conditions. The proposed method is a hybrid between the P&O and the artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) method, named ABC-P&O. During the system start-up and uniform irradiance conditions, the P&O method is employed to identify the nearest local maximum with a dynamic step size that allows for tracking the MPP more rapidly during the transients, and reduces the oscillations around the MPP in steady-state." 485 1000 W3200138809.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9754701 ¶ 1000 1002 W3200138809.pdf 1 4 text 0.9996764 "On the other hand, during irradiance changes, the P&O method switches to the ABC technique to search for the most probable current operation point from the 133different cases available in the P–V characteristic data, as shown in Figure 2. Since each of the 133 cases has 24permutations, the ABC search universe is represented by a total of 3192 cases that ensure finding the most likely operation point. Once the actual operating point is determined, it is easy to estimate the reference voltage that allows the GMPP for that case." 1002 1543 W3200138809.pdf 1 5 separator 0.9900062 ¶ 1543 1545 W3200138809.pdf 1 6 text 0.9993243 "Next, the ABC technique switches to the P&O method, which uses the reference voltage previously calculated as initialization." 1545 1673 W3200138809.pdf 1 0 separator 0.77884233 ¶ 1 2 W4299320626.pdf 18 1 paratext 0.97103834 "IEB JOURNAL Islamic Economics and Business Journal Vol. 3, No. 1, Tahun 202 1 ; P ISSN 2715 -8853 Artikel Penelitian ¶ 83" 3 231 W4299320626.pdf 18 2 separator 0.99354845 ¶ 232 234 W4299320626.pdf 18 3 text 0.999202 "Berdasarkan tabel diatas, dapat dikemukakan bahwa 9 3,87 % atau sebanyak 199 responden bekerja sebagai Ibu Rumah Tangga, 3,78 % atau sebanyak 8 responden bekerja sebagai petani, dan 2 ,35% atau sebanyak 5 responden bekerja sebagai Nelayan." 235 484 W4299320626.pdf 18 4 separator 0.99712855 ¶ 486 488 W4299320626.pdf 18 5 title 0.99485064 3. Analisis Data 488 505 W4299320626.pdf 18 6 separator 0.9964329 ¶ 507 509 W4299320626.pdf 18 7 text 0.99934846 "Berdasarkan jawaban yang diperoleh dari 212 responden yang merupakan peserta PKH di Kelurahan Waetuwo , dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian antara Pengaruh Program Keluarga Harapan dengan Pengentasan Kemiskinan dalam perspektif Ekonomi Islam . Pengolah an data dilakukan dengan bantuan SPSS for Windows versi 2 2.0. Adapun alat uji data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, sebagai berikut :" 509 986 W4299320626.pdf 18 8 separator 0.99634266 ¶ 988 990 W4299320626.pdf 18 9 title 0.9934602 a. Uji Instrumen 990 1007 W4299320626.pdf 18 10 separator 0.9955938 ¶ 1009 1011 W4299320626.pdf 18 11 text 0.99936646 "Berikut ini akan disajikan hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas dari masing - masing instrumen yaitu Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) (X) dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan dalam perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Y). Dalam uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen masing -masing variabel pada penelitian yang dilakukan, menggunakan program SPSS 22.0 For Windows. Adapun rekapitulasi hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas dapat disajikan pada tabel berikut :" 1011 1471 W4299320626.pdf 18 12 separator 0.99686384 ¶ 1472 1474 W4299320626.pdf 18 13 title 0.99426466 1) Uji Validit as 1474 1492 W4299320626.pdf 18 14 separator 0.995754 ¶ 1493 1495 W4299320626.pdf 18 15 text 0.9992248 "Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode korelasi pearson yaitu dengan cara mengorelasikan skor item pada satu variabel." 1495 1627 W4299320626.pdf 18 16 separator 0.5528119 ¶ 1628 1630 W4299320626.pdf 18 17 text 0.9991759 "Kemudian pengujian signifikan dilakukan dengan kriterian menggunakan r tabel pada tingkat signifikan 0,05 dengan uji 2 sisi. Jika" 1630 1764 W4299320626.pdf 18 0 paratext 0.9935729 www.grani.org.ua57 0 18 W3025082741.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9436821 ¶ 18 20 W3025082741.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.98103094 GRAN I 23 (3) 2020The structure of hermeneutic experienceУДК: 140.8 DOI: 10.15421/172025 20 109 W3025082741.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9943938 ¶ 109 111 W3025082741.pdf 0 4 text 0.9995356 "The applied aspects of philosophical hermeneutics in connection with the formation of a special hermeneutic space in modern humanitarian culture are considered. The concept of meaning and understanding inherent in the ancient philosophical tradition is analyzed, the terminological aspects of the concept of understanding in its practical plane are considered. The hermeneutic method and its use in the analysis of specific semantic formations is associated with the concept of metaphor, which can be considered as a mediastinum of hermeneutic experience." 111 679 W3025082741.pdf 0 5 separator 0.6639938 ¶ 679 681 W3025082741.pdf 0 6 text 0.9984125 "Hermeneutics is a special aspect or turn in the development of European philosophy, which includes all other levels: ontology, epistemology, transcendental phenomenology and language philosophy. It is" 681 885 W3025082741.pdf 0 7 contact 0.6804262 Vira Dubinina, Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy 885 933 W3025082741.pdf 0 8 title 0.97837895 Структура герменевтичного досвіду 933 967 W3025082741.pdf 0 9 separator 0.92624027 ¶ 967 969 W3025082741.pdf 0 10 contact 0.98973995 Віра Дубініна, Українська медична стоматологічна академія 969 1027 W3025082741.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9945488 ¶ 1027 1029 W3025082741.pdf 0 12 text 0.99933887 "Розглядаються прикладні аспекти філософської герменевтики у зв’язку з формуванням особливого герменевтичного простору в сучасній гуманітарній культурі. Аналізується уявлення про сенс і розуміння, притаманне античній філософській традиції, розглядаються термінологічні аспекти концепту розуміння в його практичній площині. Герменевтичний метод і його використання при аналізі конкретних смисло - вих утворень пов’язується із поняттям метафори, яка може розглядатись як середостіння герменевтич - ного досвіду." 1029 1551 W3025082741.pdf 0 13 separator 0.98867255 ¶ 1551 1553 W3025082741.pdf 0 14 text 0.9994477 "Розглянуто прикладні аспекти філософської герменевтики у зв’язку з формуванням особливого гер - меневтичного простору в сучасній гуманітарній культурі. Проаналізовано поняття сенсу і розуміння, вла - стиве давній філософській традиції, розглянуто термінологічні аспекти поняття розуміння в його прак - тичній площині. Метод герменевтики і його використання при аналізі конкретних семантичних утворень пов’язані з поняттям метафори, яке можна розглядати як середостіння герменевтичного досвіду." 1553 2056 W3025082741.pdf 0 15 separator 0.98328614 ¶ 2056 2058 W3025082741.pdf 0 16 text 0.9972515 Встановлено, що герменевтика – це особливий аспект або поворот у 2058 2123 W3025082741.pdf 0 0 text 0.9991004 "розвитку європейської філосо - фії, який включає в себе всі інші рівні: онтологію, епістемології, трансцендентальну феноменологію і філософію мови." 0 152 W3025082741.pdf 0 1 separator 0.99165714 ¶ 152 154 W3025082741.pdf 0 2 text 0.99969167 "З’ясовано, що саме мова є джерелом, з якого виникає сама можливість герменевтики. Мова є сере - довищем герменевтичного розуміння світу, і сьогодні ми спостерігаємо в сучасній філософії ситуацію формування герменевтичного середовища, особливого семантичного простору, в якому ми осягаємо всі філософські системи минулого і сьогодення." 154 497 W3025082741.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9890708 ¶ 497 499 W3025082741.pdf 0 4 text 0.99964994 "Герменевтика постійно піднімає питання: чи можливо розуміння в принципі? Питання в тому, чи мо - жемо ми зрозуміти себе і що це насправді означає. Наскільки адекватний виражений сенс самому пред - мету? Фундаментальною основою герменевтики, її можливості і необхідності є наявність зовнішнього та внутрішнього в слові, мові, знаку і та ін. Наявність прихованого значення, метафоричності, конотацій, полісемії, особистого значення тощо – це уможливлює герменевтику навіть незалежно від його реальних досягнень. Тут принципи Ф. Шлейєрмахера цілком доречні:" 499 1067 W3025082741.pdf 0 0 separator 0.9954909 ¶ 0 1 W3025082741.pdf 0 1 text 0.9756252 "1. Усе, що підлягає інтерпретації, має визначатися тільки на основі мови автора і оригінального кола читачів. " 1 115 W3025082741.pdf 0 2 separator 0.6009955 ¶ 115 116 W3025082741.pdf 0 3 text 0.9965266 "2. Значення кожного слова в даному місці має визначатися його зв’язком зі значенням контексту. На - приклад, грецький логос може означати в різних контекстах розум і закон, прозу і Спасителя, що загалом є традиційною проблемою перекладу і перекладачів." 116 374 W3025082741.pdf 0 4 separator 0.9898156 ¶ 374 376 W3025082741.pdf 0 5 text 0.9996231 "У результаті слід зазначити, що проблема стратифікації герменевтичного досвіду є фундаменталь - ною для розуміння самої суті герменевтики. Цей досвід не є його окремою формою, у даний час ми можемо говорити про те, що він пронизує всі гуманітарні знання, що дозволяє говорити про формування особливого герменевтичного, культурного, семантичного простору, в якому будь-яка людина має мати сенс, Таке ставлення дозволяє абсолютно по-іншому поглянути на роль і завдання герменевтики на шля - ху перетворення її на універсальну філософську методологію." 376 938 W3025082741.pdf 0 6 separator 0.99445534 ¶ 938 940 W3025082741.pdf 0 7 keywords 0.88043785 "Ключові слова: герменевтика, герменевтичний простір, метод, розуміння, інтерпретація, мова, смисл, метафора" 941 1053 W3025082741.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.9937712 60 Annali d’Italia No43/2023 0 28 W4378363443.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9900901 ¶ 29 31 W4378363443.pdf 0 2 title 0.9869162 "SURGICAL TREATMENT OF DIAPHYSEAL FRACTURES OF THE HUMERUS USING AN EXTERNAL FIXATION DEVICE" 31 126 W4378363443.pdf 0 3 separator 0.99180317 ¶ ¶ 128 134 W4378363443.pdf 0 4 contact 0.98514295 "Emelin Alexey Lvovich , Docent of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Kazan State Medical University of the Minis- try of Health of Russia" 134 296 W4378363443.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9656575 ¶ 298 300 W4378363443.pdf 0 6 contact 0.9905423 "Ildar Saitkhanovch Khaertdinov , Orthopedic traumatologist Republican Clinical Hospital, assistant of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Kazan State Medical University of the Min- istry of Health of Russia" 300 536 W4378363443.pdf 0 7 separator 0.9575732 ¶ 538 540 W4378363443.pdf 0 8 contact 0.98772013 "Pankov Igor Olegovich, MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Kazan State Medical Academy Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Research Department of the RCH of the Ministry of Health o f the Republic of Tatarstan" 540 835 W4378363443.pdf 0 9 separator 0.84244394 ¶ 837 839 W4378363443.pdf 0 10 contact 0.9893668 "Sirazitdinov Sayar Damirovich Head of the reception and diagnostic department No.2 Republican Clinical Hospital, assistant of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Kazan State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia" 839 1090 W4378363443.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9863813 "¶ ¶" 1092 1102 W4378363443.pdf 0 12 title 0.9842272 "ХИРУРГИЧЕСКЕОЕ ЛЕЧЕНИЕ ДИАФИЗАРНЫХ ПЕРЕЛОМОВ ПЛЕЧЕВОЙ КОСТИ С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ АППАРАТА ВНЕШНЕЙ ФИКСАЦИИ" 1102 1205 W4378363443.pdf 0 13 separator 0.9891203 ¶ ¶ 1207 1213 W4378363443.pdf 0 14 contact 0.97132987 "Емелин Алексей Львович Доцент кафедры травматологии и ортопедии Казанского государственного медицинского университета Минздрава России" 1213 1356 W4378363443.pdf 0 15 separator 0.92401564 ¶ 1358 1360 W4378363443.pdf 0 16 contact 0.9840485 "Хаертдинов Илдар Саитханович Врач травматолог -ортопед Республиканской клинической больницы, Ассистент кафедры травматологии и ортопедии Казанского государственного медицинского университета Минздрава России" 1360 1580 W4378363443.pdf 0 17 separator 0.96515465 ¶ 1582 1584 W4378363443.pdf 0 18 contact 0.9880758 "Панков Игорь Олегович Доктор медицинских наук, п рофессор, заведующий кафедрой травматологии и ортопедии Казанской государственной медицинской академии Минздрава России, главный научный сотрудник научно -исследовательского отдела ГАУЗ «РКБ МЗ РТ»" 1584 1842 W4378363443.pdf 0 19 separator 0.9508865 ¶ 1844 1846 W4378363443.pdf 0 20 contact 0.98568547 "Сиразитдинов Саяр Дамирович Заведующий приемно -диагностич еским отделением No2 Республиканской клинической больницы, ассистент кафедры травматологии и ортопедии Казанской государственной медицинской академии Минздрава России" 1846 2084 W4378363443.pdf 0 21 separator 0.9956009 ¶ 2086 2088 W4378363443.pdf 0 0 separator 0.9959049 ¶ ¶ 0 5 W4378363443.pdf 0 1 title 0.96990675 Abstract 5 14 W4378363443.pdf 0 2 separator 0.9968483 ¶ 16 18 W4378363443.pdf 0 3 text 0.9995752 "The article presents the results of surgical rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the humerus diaphysis using transosseous osteosynthesis with an external fixation device in 21 patients with diaphyseal fractures of the humerus, with localization in the middle -lower third of the diaphysis, on the example of clinical cases. E valuation of the results of the study was carried out by retrospective analysis of the outcomes of surgical rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the humerus diaphysis using transosseous osteosynthesis by external fixation apparatus in the period fr om 2015 -2020, which showed that modified closed transosseous osteosynthesis by external fixation apparatus, the use of a rod line -up allows to significantly reduce the risks of complications in comparison with the traditional technology of bone and intraos seous fixation and allowing to achieve excellent and good results in 85.7% of patients with diaphyseal fractures of the humerus." 18 1022 W4378363443.pdf 0 4 separator 0.99720305 ¶ 1024 1026 W4378363443.pdf 0 5 title 0.99210185 Аннотация 1026 1036 W4378363443.pdf 0 6 separator 0.9968822 ¶ 1038 1040 W4378363443.pdf 0 7 text 0.58531153 В 1040 1042 W4378363443.pdf 0 0 text 0.9993791 "статье на примере клинических случаев представлена результаты хирургической реабилитации па- циентов методом чрескост ного остеосинтеза аппаратом внешней фиксации 21 пациента с диафизарными переломами плечевой кости в средней -нижней трети диафиза. Оценка результатов (в период с 2015 -2020 г.г.) показала, что модифицированный закрытый чрескостный остеосинтез аппаратом внешн ей фиксации, преимущественно стержневой компоновки, позволяет существенно снизить риски возникновения ослож- нений в сравнении с традиционной технологией накостной и внутрикостной фиксации и достичь отличных и хороших результатов у 85,7% пациентов с диафизар ными переломами плечевой кости." 0 683 W4378363443.pdf 0 1 separator 0.94007456 ¶ ¶ 686 692 W4378363443.pdf 0 2 keywords 0.7294141 Keywords: humerus, diaphyseal fractures, external fixation apparatus. 692 762 W4378363443.pdf 0 3 separator 0.980683 ¶ 764 766 W4378363443.pdf 0 4 keywords 0.437285 Ключевые слова: плечевая кость, диафизарные переломы, аппарат внешней фиксации. 766 846 W4378363443.pdf 0 5 separator 0.95782363 ¶ ¶ 848 854 W4378363443.pdf 0 6 text 0.99932116 "Актуальность проблемы. Распространен- ность диаф изарных переломов плечевой кости, по данным различных авторов, составляют от 3% до 7% от всех переломов костей конечностей. На долю" 854 1040 W4378363443.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.963822 Molecular Characterization of a Number of Local and Cultivated Varieties of Eggplant 107 0 89 W4307116444.pdf 5 1 separator 0.9945545 ¶ 90 92 W4307116444.pdf 5 2 title 0.9897681 Table 4: Results of RAPD Primers of the studied varieties. 92 152 W4307116444.pdf 5 3 separator 0.98816395 "¶ ¶" 166 176 W4307116444.pdf 5 4 text 0.9983961 "Table (5) shows the RAPD primers varied in molecular sizes of the resulting bands, ranging from (100 -2000) bp ; it’s the small est molecular size was 100 bp of the (OP D -10) While the most significan t molecular size was 2000bp of the (OP A -02, OP B -20, OP C -08, OP D-10, OP J -04). For proficiency of primers, less proficiency was 3.9 in (OP D -03), While the higher proficiency was twelve in (OP D -12). The (O .P. D- is distinguished (12) in (OP C-10)." 189 668 W4307116444.pdf 5 5 separator 0.98610586 ¶ ¶ 671 677 W4307116444.pdf 5 6 title 0.9001989 "Table 5: Show distinguish bands, efficiency , and recogni tion of the capacity of RAPD primer." 677 776 W4307116444.pdf 5 7 separator 0.957719 "¶ ¶" 778 788 W4307116444.pdf 5 8 text 0.99889684 "RAPD results appear for the 12 varieties (Fig.1) of eggplant are random, and a genetic distance is not possible by chance, enhancing the presence of known sites (Sambrook at el., 1989)." 801 994 W4307116444.pdf 5 9 separator 0.85700095 ¶ ¶ 996 1002 W4307116444.pdf 5 0 paratext 0.99374074 152 – Skenoo: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen , Vol. 3 , No. 2 (2023 ) 0 83 W4390892964.pdf 15 1 title 0.9946774 Grafik 11 . Apa Saja Pengaruh Negatif Ibadah Online 84 136 W4390892964.pdf 15 2 separator 0.9713118 ¶ 138 140 W4390892964.pdf 15 3 title 0.72055316 Menurut Anda? 140 154 W4390892964.pdf 15 4 separator 0.8342798 ¶ ¶ 156 162 W4390892964.pdf 15 5 text 0.99963534 "Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh negatif dari ibadah online yang paling banyak dialami kalangan muda adalah ibadah sambil bersantai dirumah yang berarti kurangnya keseriusan ketika beribadah online . Ditambah menurunnya minat untuk kembali aktif dalam pelayanan karena nyaman dengan kondisi beribadah secara online . Selain itu, muncul juga rasa malas untuk beribadah di gereja yang dialami oleh kalangan muda karena terbiasa beribadah online dari rumah. Terakhir dan cukup memiliki dampak adalah mulainya membandingkan ibadah digereja tempat digembalakan dengan gereja lain karena adanya perbedaan dan kenyamanan yang ditawarkan." 162 816 W4390892964.pdf 15 6 separator 0.95548457 ¶ ¶ 818 824 W4390892964.pdf 15 7 title 0.9352338 Grafik 12 . Apakah Anda Melihat Channel Gereja Lain? 824 877 W4390892964.pdf 15 8 separator 0.9792547 "¶ ¶" 879 889 W4390892964.pdf 15 9 text 0.99886626 "Dapat disimpulkan bahwa mayoritas kalangan muda tidak melihat channel ibadah gereja lain dan cukup berbanding hampir seimbang dengan kalangan muda yang melihat ibadah di channel gereja yang berbeda." 889 1094 W4390892964.pdf 15 10 separator 0.97793704 ¶ 1096 1098 W4390892964.pdf 15 11 table 0.9932336 "Menjadi malas ke gereja 17% Menurunnya minat untuk kembali aktif dalam pelayanan 33%Ibadah sambil santai di rumah 42%Bisa membanding - bandingkan bentuk ibadah gereja lain 8% Menjadi malas ke gereja Menurunnya minat untuk kembali aktif dalam pelayanan Ibadah sambil santai di rumah Bisa membanding-bandingkan bentuk ibadah gereja lain Ya 42% Tidak 58% Ya Tidak" 1100 1513 W4390892964.pdf 15 0 title 0.9711136 34ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 0 18 W4383484053.pdf 33 1 paratext 0.32619596 621 18 22 W4383484053.pdf 33 2 separator 0.9802643 ¶ 22 24 W4383484053.pdf 33 3 text 0.9949266 "We would like to thank Sanne ten Oever for constructive feedback on the study design, and 622 Ryan M.C. 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Možná že se vnějším pozorovatelům o nás píše snadněji. Jestliže však výzvu nepřijmeme, naše výjimečnost ve světě nesporně skončí""." 0 669 W2784027825.pdf 2 1 separator 0.993525 ¶ 670 672 W2784027825.pdf 2 2 text 0.99953127 "Vzniká otázka, zda nyní, kdy se Polsko stalo zemí relativně normální a zájem médií i západních sociologů se přesouvá na Rusko i jiné oblasti světa, není z hlediska vývoje obecné teorie i z hlediska odvětvových teorií, jež se vztahují např. na sociální procesy, tato ztráta pozornosti věnované polské spo­ lečnosti předčasná." 672 1014 W2784027825.pdf 2 3 separator 0.98975384 ¶ 1015 1017 W2784027825.pdf 2 4 text 0.9995171 "Sztornpka na to odpovídá, že velká sociologická díla jsou dětmi velkých společenských přelomů. Tak tornu bylo v 19. století, kdy se celá sociologická klasika rodila ze zaujetí novým, vznikajícím sociál­ ním řádem. ""S přelomem, který přinesl rok 1989, nám, polským sociologům, i sociologům soused­ ních zemí dějiny nadělily nebývalý dárek: fascinují­ cí laboratoř sociálních změn. Domnívám se, že od finále systémové transformace jsme ještě velmi vzdáleni. Je možné, že se blížíme k určité stabiliza­ ci ekonomického systému či právních institucí, upevňují se demokratické formy, ale v oblasti kultu­ ry, mentality, životních vzorů, hodnot, zvyků, způ­ sobů, reakcí srdce (použiji-li Tocquevillovy metafo­ ry) máme k normalitě, ať už to znamená cokoli, velice daleko. Nechme tedy stranou módy světo­ vých médií a dělejme si svoje, tzn. pokusme se lépe pochopit tuto fascinující dobu a poskytnout společ­ nosti mapu situace, v níž se nacházíme, i ukazova­ tele cest do budoucnosti. To snad" 1017 2052 W2784027825.pdf 2 0 text 0.999372 "není pro sociolo­ gy jen výzva, ale i naše profesionální povinnost."" V závěru rozhovoru reagoval P. Sztompka na myšlenku, že jako jedna z inspirací sociologického myšlení dnes v Polsku téměř úplně chybí marxis­ mus, a na otázku, jaké je místo této ideové orienta­ ce ve světové sociologii i jaká je prognóza inspirace marxismem a šířeji levicovostí v polské sociologii pro nejbližší léta i pro delší časový horizont." 0 434 W2784027825.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9597285 ¶ 435 437 W2784027825.pdf 2 2 text 0.99958336 "Sztompka říká, že ""Marx dnes v Polsku platí trochu za hříchy, jež nejsou jeho vlastní. Byli to marxisté po Marxovi, leninisté a stalinisté, jakož i cynikové, kteří zdobili autokratickou politiku mar­ xovskou ornamentací, již se stali, použijeme-li mar­ xovské metafory, jeho hrobaři. Avšak nezávisle na politických emocích sociolog nesmí zapomínat, že Marx byl vedle Webera a Durkheimajedním z velké trojice tvůrců naší disciplíny. To dnes uznávají všichni historikové sociologie včetně těch, kteří jsou marxismu nejvzdálenější. Domnívám se, že po čase Marx" 437 1026 W2784027825.pdf 2 0 text 0.99952215 "znovu získá svou normální roli velkého teoretika 19. století, jehož díla je třeba nadále stu­ dovat stejně jako díla Comtova, Spencerova a Sirnmelova, nemluvě o pracích Weberových a Durkheimových. K této tvorbě je nutné se vracet nikoli na kolenou, ale kriticky, hledat v ní spíše badatelskou inspiraci než ideologickou iluminaci nebo politický štít. Americký filozof Alfred North Whitehead kdysi napsal, že věda, jež zapomíná na své předky, je ztracená.""" 0 481 W2784027825.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9969108 ¶ 482 484 W2784027825.pdf 2 2 title 0.9654267 A o levicové orientaci v nejbližších letech 484 528 W2784027825.pdf 2 3 separator 0.99334264 ¶ 529 531 W2784027825.pdf 2 4 text 0.99951696 "Sztompka prohlásil: ""Sociální svět ještě dlouho, ne­ -li na věky, bude plný bídy a hladu, nespravedlnosti a nezaměstnanosti, utrpení a zločinů. Sociolog povahou své profese vidí tyto temné stránky společ­ nosti ostřeji, má pro ně větší cit. A tak jestliže levi­ covost znamená citlivost pro osudy těch, kteří jsou dole, i péči o jejich zlepšení, bude levicová orienta­ ce v sociologii vždy jednou z důležitých výzkum­ ných i teoretických perspektiv.""" 531 1001 W2784027825.pdf 2 5 separator 0.99371696 ¶ 1002 1004 W2784027825.pdf 2 6 paratext 0.8506885 "Jan Sedláček 163" 1004 1024 W2784027825.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.9902511 "JAGO TOLIS : Jurnal Agrokompleks Tolis Vol. 2 No. 2 (hal. 41-44)" 0 69 W4288762996.pdf 1 1 separator 0.57968175 ¶ 70 72 W4288762996.pdf 1 2 paratext 0.94706196 "Yanti et al., (2022) ¶ 42" 72 104 W4288762996.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9775784 ¶ ¶ 105 111 W4288762996.pdf 1 4 text 0.99941564 "merupakan tempat untuk menempel dan merayap atau berjalan, sedangkan bahan organik merupakan sumber makanannya. Berdasarkan ukuran butir an pada daerah pantai maka di bedakan menjadi tiga tipe yaitu pantai berpasir,pantai berbatu dan pantai berlumpur. Ukuran butiran sangat menentukan bermacam- macam spesies." 111 437 W4288762996.pdf 1 5 separator 0.70183575 ¶ 438 440 W4288762996.pdf 1 6 text 0.9994563 "Makin besar butiran,makin besar volume ruang interstitial ,makin besar pula organism interstitial yang dapat mendiami tempat itu. Gastropoda merupakan hewan yang bergerak dengan menggunkan perutnya (gaster= perut dan podos=kaki) yang saat ini mulai terancam keberadaannya karena rusaknya ekosistem hutan mangrove karena konversi lahan, dampak ekologis yang ditimbulkan adalah mengganggu keseimbangan ekosist em hutan mangrove (Nybaken,1982 )." 440 914 W4288762996.pdf 1 7 separator 0.9864428 ¶ 917 919 W4288762996.pdf 1 8 text 0.9995207 "Penelitian Rangan (2010) , tentang inventarisasi gastropoda di lantai hutan mangrove R ap-rap ditemukan sebanyak 5 famili dan 9 spesies . Spesies yang mendominasi daerah tersebut adalah Chicoreus capucinus, Clypeomorus coralium dan Terebralia sulcata dari family Muricidae. Berdasarkan Penelitian tersebut maka dilakukan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman g astropoda didaerah pantai Desa Binontoan yang merupakan salah satu desa yang dipadati tumbuhan mangrove." 919 1417 W4288762996.pdf 1 9 separator 0.9959053 ¶ ¶ 1420 1426 W4288762996.pdf 1 10 title 0.9945386 2. Metode Penelitian 1426 1448 W4288762996.pdf 1 11 separator 0.99434936 ¶ ¶ 1450 1456 W4288762996.pdf 1 12 text 0.9991521 "Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2020 samapai dengan selesai . Bertempat di Desa Binontoan, Kecamatan Tolitoli Utara, Kabupaten Tolitoli, Sulawesi Tengah. Lokasi penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga stasiun yang dilakukan berdasarkan keberadaan ekosistem mangrove ." 1456 1754 W4288762996.pdf 1 13 separator 0.9869361 ¶ 1756 1758 W4288762996.pdf 1 14 text 0.9970087 "Identifikasi jenis dan kepadatan gastropoda di lakukan di Laboratorium Terpad u, Universi tas Madako Tolitoli." 1758 1875 W4288762996.pdf 1 15 separator 0.80152273 ¶ 1877 1879 W4288762996.pdf 1 16 text 0.9986351 "Alat-alat yang digunakan yaitu trnasek ukuran 1 m x 1 m2, pH meter air, pH meter tanah, thermometer, plastic klip, meteran, tali, buku identifikasi, buku tulis dan pulpen. Bahan yang akan digunakan" 1879 2094 W4288762996.pdf 1 0 text 0.9960436 "dalam penelitian ini ya itu gastropoda dan alcohol 70%." 0 58 W4288762996.pdf 1 1 separator 0.99240255 ¶ ¶ 60 66 W4288762996.pdf 1 2 title 0.99381924 Prosedur Penelitian 66 86 W4288762996.pdf 1 3 separator 0.9921416 ¶ 88 90 W4288762996.pdf 1 4 text 0.9932105 "Pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel gastropoda menggunakan petak contoh (plot) yang berukuran 1 x 1 m2 yang dipasang dalam plot transek vegetasi mangrove berkategori pohon (10 x 10 m2) (Syahrial dan Novita, 2018) (Gambar 1). " 90 331 W4288762996.pdf 1 5 separator 0.6613726 ¶ ¶ 331 337 W4288762996.pdf 1 6 caption 0.9848542 Gambar 1 . Pengumpulan data gastropoda 337 376 W4288762996.pdf 1 7 separator 0.92879903 ¶ ¶ 378 384 W4288762996.pdf 1 8 text 0.9995109 "Pengambilan sampel gastropoda dilakukan dengan mengambil semua gastropoda yang berada di lantai hutan mangrove, menempel pada batang kayu yang telah mati dan pada akar yang berada dalam luasan pengambilan sampel. Sampel gastropoda yang di amati di catat jenis dan jumlahnya. Selanjutnya sampel diawetkan dengan menggunakan alkohol 70%, selanjutnya sampel diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan buku identifikasi Dharma (1988) dan jurnal ilmiah. Selain itu, dilakukan pengamatan jenis mangrove yang ditemukan dala m transek pengamatan." 384 950 W4288762996.pdf 1 9 separator 0.98449385 ¶ ¶ 952 958 W4288762996.pdf 1 10 title 0.99122906 Parameter Uji 958 972 W4288762996.pdf 1 11 separator 0.98584867 ¶ 974 976 W4288762996.pdf 1 12 title 0.5935808 Kelimpahan 976 987 W4288762996.pdf 1 13 text 0.6145973 Individu 987 999 W4288762996.pdf 1 14 separator 0.49859473 ¶ 999 1000 W4288762996.pdf 1 15 text 0.997767 Kelimpahan indiv idu dihitung menggunakan 1000 1042 W4288762996.pdf 1 0 separator 0.99271613 ¶ 0 1 W4288762996.pdf 1 1 text 0.9130111 rumus yaitu: 1 14 W4288762996.pdf 1 2 separator 0.9653476 "¶ ¶" 16 65 W4288762996.pdf 1 3 text 0.85270864 Keterangan : 65 78 W4288762996.pdf 1 4 separator 0.93059576 ¶ 80 82 W4288762996.pdf 1 5 text 0.6994365 Ki = kelimpahan individu, (ind/m2) 82 117 W4288762996.pdf 1 6 table 0.50436866 ¶ ni = 120 127 W4288762996.pdf 1 7 text 0.6628623 jumlah tiap jenis (individu) 127 156 W4288762996.pdf 1 8 table 0.54842615 ¶ 159 161 W4288762996.pdf 1 9 text 0.65541697 A = luasan transek (m2). 161 186 W4288762996.pdf 1 10 separator 0.99169654 ¶ ¶ 188 194 W4288762996.pdf 1 11 title 0.99314624 Indeks Keanekaragaman 194 216 W4288762996.pdf 1 12 separator 0.9933565 ¶ 218 220 W4288762996.pdf 1 13 text 0.99679285 "Perhitungan Keanekaragaman jenis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Indeks Keanekaragaman Shannon -Wienner yang didasarkan pada logaritma basis dua (Odum,1971)." 220 388 W4288762996.pdf 1 14 separator 0.9054842 ¶ ¶ 390 396 W4288762996.pdf 1 15 math 0.88369536 H′ = −∑ Pi (LNPi) 396 414 W4288762996.pdf 1 16 separator 0.9499064 ¶ 415 417 W4288762996.pdf 1 17 text 0.88031375 Keterangan : 417 430 W4288762996.pdf 1 18 separator 0.5604259 ¶ 432 434 W4288762996.pdf 1 19 text 0.7582941 "H′ = Indeks k eanekaragaman Shannon -Wienner Pi" 434 487 W4288762996.pdf 1 20 table 0.53662896 488 489 W4288762996.pdf 1 21 text 0.57967645 "= Proporsi jumlah individu jenis ke -i (ni) ter" 489 539 W4288762996.pdf 1 22 table 0.42359924 hadap total 539 551 W4288762996.pdf 1 23 text 0.4950918 individu ( 551 562 W4288762996.pdf 1 24 table 0.38717726 N 562 563 W4288762996.pdf 1 25 text 0.46234977 ) 563 564 W4288762996.pdf 1 26 table 0.48567963 ¶ ni = 567 575 W4288762996.pdf 1 27 text 0.48763657 Jumlah individu jenis ke 575 601 W4288762996.pdf 1 28 table 0.47131595 "-i N =" 601 611 W4288762996.pdf 1 29 text 0.56961685 Total jumlah individu semua spesies 611 647 W4288762996.pdf 1 30 table 0.51735365 ¶ 649 651 W4288762996.pdf 1 31 text 0.39750034 ni 651 655 W4288762996.pdf 1 32 math 0.38415158 /N 655 657 W4288762996.pdf 1 33 table 0.47652096 657 658 W4288762996.pdf 1 34 text 0.4956949 = proporsi jenis ke –i terhadap jumlah total. 658 703 W4288762996.pdf 1 35 separator 0.96897084 ¶ 705 707 W4288762996.pdf 1 36 text 0.7262039 Dengan kriteria : 707 725 W4288762996.pdf 1 37 separator 0.6633947 ¶ 727 729 W4288762996.pdf 1 38 table 0.47890368 H′ < 1 = 729 744 W4288762996.pdf 1 39 text 0.58841074 Keanekaragaman jenis rendah 744 772 W4288762996.pdf 1 40 table 0.5414601 ¶ 1 ≤ H′ ≤ 3 = Ke 775 794 W4288762996.pdf 1 41 text 0.4534787 anekaragam 794 804 W4288762996.pdf 1 42 table 0.4464611 an 804 806 W4288762996.pdf 1 43 text 0.43920574 806 807 W4288762996.pdf 1 44 table 0.43824184 jenis 807 812 W4288762996.pdf 1 45 text 0.45811707 se 812 815 W4288762996.pdf 1 46 table 0.53639394 dang ¶ 815 824 W4288762996.pdf 1 47 math 0.36104488 H′ > 824 830 W4288762996.pdf 1 48 text 0.38578892 3 830 832 W4288762996.pdf 1 49 table 0.56972057 838 839 W4288762996.pdf 1 50 text 0.58500504 = Keanekaragaman jenis tinggi 839 868 W4288762996.pdf 1 51 separator 0.9903899 ¶ ¶ 870 876 W4288762996.pdf 1 52 title 0.99203646 Indeks Dominansi 876 893 W4288762996.pdf 1 53 separator 0.9936514 ¶ 895 897 W4288762996.pdf 1 54 text 0.9975456 "Nilai indeks dominansi digunakan untuk menggambarkan ada tidaknya dominasi suatu je nis dalam suatu komunitas, yang dihitung dengan" 897 1035 W4288762996.pdf 1 55 separator 0.9860368 ¶ 1036 1038 W4288762996.pdf 1 0 text 0.9996715 "Presentations offuture impacts require explicit communication ofuncertainties, which includes realistic levels ofprecision [17] and clear guidance ontherelevance oftheinforma- tion (ornot) forplanning and decision-making. The process ofdelineating their limitations may, initself, beenough todeter decision-makers from direct use. Climate model outputs can- notbeused toinfer local conditions, and they perform especially poorly atthelevel ofanindi- vidual model grid. Nor canweuseclimate projections toinfer anything about thefuture climate over periods shorter than 30years. Because projections donotcapture thetiming of interannual and decadal variations, statistics should always becalculated over atleast three decades. Extracting model output over shorter windows oftime could result inasubstantial over- orunderestimation ofthetrend, particularly over thenext 10to30years. Alternatively, theoutput from several models canbeaveraged tocancel outthedifferent phases ofvariability ineach model. However, only thetrend remains after thismulti-model averaging isper- formed; interannual todecadal variability isanadditional source ofuncertainty intheprojec- tions that should befactored into future scenarios, forexample, bytaking past variability asan indicator ofvariability inthefuture [18,19]. Finally, wecannot settoomuch store byprobabi- listic projections because theensemble ofmodels used intheprojections isnotanaccurate representation ofthefullrange ofpossible futures [9].The complexities ofthese considerations point totheimportance ofclose collaboration between climate and health experts when con- ducting research onfuture impacts. Failure tocapture thefullrange ofuncertainty indecisions could lead tomaladaptation [20]." 0 1776 W2811044906.pdf 2 1 separator 0.99681664 ¶ 1776 1778 W2811044906.pdf 2 2 title 0.9908918 Long-term impacts, short-term actions 1778 1816 W2811044906.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9955276 ¶ 1816 1818 W2811044906.pdf 2 4 text 0.99948454 "Iflong-term climate prediction issouncertain, where isthevalue inmodelling thehealth impacts offuture climate change? Long-term projections areoneofmany lines ofevidence that help toshape climate and health policy bytheir gradual influence ontheculture and prior- ities ofpeople and" 1818 2107 W2811044906.pdf 2 0 text 0.9996731 "institutions. Research onthehealth impacts offuture climate change thus plays animportant role intheclimate change discourse, butitsvalue isprimarily inshaping policy byproviding material that canbeused toadvocate forboth mitigation and adaptation programming rather than triggering practical actions. Much ofthepublished information on climate change health impacts serves thisadvocacy agenda (e.g., WHO's Climate and Health Country Profile Project [21]). The language used topromote such materials, however, often suggests that they areintended toguide practical adaptation decisions. The high precision of theinformation that isgenerally provided gives themisleading impression ofhigh confidence invery specific outcomes." 0 740 W2811044906.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9777578 ¶ 740 742 W2811044906.pdf 2 2 text 0.9995458 "Practical adaptation measures need tofocus onwhat canbeaccomplished today with avail- able and reliable climate information while keeping thelong term inmind. Forexample, warming inEthiopia israising themaximum elevation formalaria transmission inmountain- ousareas, exposing new highland populations tomalaria" 742 1059 W2811044906.pdf 2 0 text 0.99964386 "risk, butprojected temperature trends areuncertain [22]. Asuitable adaptation response might useseasonal forecasts toadvo- cate fornew surveillance and clinics inmarginal transmission zones, with higher vigilance dur- ingElNiño years when climate anomalies aremore predictable [23] and highland warming is often strongest [22]. Such windows ofenhanced predictability canbeused topush formalaria eradication, apriority oftheWHO Strategic Advisory Group onMalaria Eradication, byput- ting additional resources into control programs likebednet distribution, indoor residual spray- ing, and vector control atthese times [24]. Approaches todecision-making under uncertainty areattracting attention and provide some promise forplanners toincorporate uncertain future climate projections into planning decisions. Rather than aapredict then acto approach, they assess risks topolicies [25]. These methods require deep consultation with stakeholders," 0 961 W2811044906.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9211662 ¶ 961 963 W2811044906.pdf 2 2 paratext 0.9937465 PLOS Medicine |https://doi.or g/10.1371/ journal.pmed.1 002624 July 31,2018 3/5 963 1043 W2811044906.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.9930959 www.nature.com/scientificreports/3 0 34 W2255183929.pdf 2 1 separator 0.7873393 ¶ 34 36 W2255183929.pdf 2 2 paratext 0.9610758 Scientific RepoRts | 5:10149 | DOi: 10.1038/srep10149Information, Text S 36 112 W2255183929.pdf 2 3 text 0.9853191 "5). The interdependence of multiple correlation functions on a small set of instrument parameters yields robust results in the global fit." 112 253 W2255183929.pdf 2 4 separator 0.95185804 ¶ 253 255 W2255183929.pdf 2 5 text 0.99948555 "In addition, we have implemented a raster image correlation (RICS11)-based analysis that can be applied to the 2c2f lsFCS data to determine the free ligand concentration in the extracellular space by correlating the intensities of different pixels with each other ( Supplementary Information, Text S6 and Fig. S5). Thereby, an additional, conventional FCS measurement of the diffusion of a freely diffusing ligand in the extracellular space may become obsolete, resulting in a further decrease in measurement time." 255 783 W2255183929.pdf 2 6 separator 0.9899285 ¶ 783 785 W2255183929.pdf 2 7 text 0.9996313 "We have applied our 2c2f lsFCS method to ligand-receptor interactions in the Wnt signaling pathway, which is arguably one of the most important cellular communication systems known to date. Cell-cell communication by the Wnt pathway uses multiple ligand-receptor interactions to control essential func - tions during development, adult homeostasis and in disease12. Although several ligand-receptor interac - tions in the Wnt pathway have been characterized by in-vitro methods, a robust, standardized method to quantify and compare these binding events in live cells and tissues will be of great benefit. Our 2c2f lsFCS method should be well suited for this purpose and we present here initial proof of principal experi - ments using a ligand-receptor pair that has been well characterized, both in terms of functional relevance for Wnt signaling as well" 785 1663 W2255183929.pdf 2 0 text 0.9987057 "as in-vitro binding affinity. This receptor-ligand pair is the Wnt co-receptor low-density-lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6) and its ligand, Dickkopf1 (Dkk1)." 0 174 W2255183929.pdf 2 1 separator 0.9729593 ¶ 174 176 W2255183929.pdf 2 2 text 0.99891186 "Dickkopf (Dkk) glycoproteins belong to an evolutionarily conserved four member family (Dkk1 – 4) and play important roles in metazoan development and homeostasis by inhibiting Wnt/β-catenin" 176 369 W2255183929.pdf 2 3 separator 0.99508905 ¶ 370 372 W2255183929.pdf 2 4 caption 0.950368 Figure 1. Data acquisition scheme of 2c2f lsFCS. (a) In a con 372 436 W2255183929.pdf 2 5 text 0.5585003 focal laser 436 448 W2255183929.pdf 2 6 caption 0.5224397 scanning 448 457 W2255183929.pdf 2 7 text 0.7121889 "microscope, the observation focus is scanned perpendicularly through the cell membrane along" 457 552 W2255183929.pdf 2 8 caption 0.5438683 two 552 556 W2255183929.pdf 2 9 text 0.97478896 "lines separated by a small, fixed distance, and the excitation light is alternated between two colors (green and red). ( b) In a single scan of duration tline (2 ms in our case), the fluorescence emission is registered separately for the two colors and binned in pixels according to their spatial position along the scan axis. A scan sequence of duration tsequence consists of four sequential scans, focus 1 and 2 with red excitation, and focus 1 and 2 with green excitation, and is repeated many times. ( c) The intensities measured in all line scans are arranged as kymograms, where the horizontal axis shows the intensity as a function of scanner position, and the vertical axis labels the scan number. Membrane fluctuations during the measurement are removed by shifting the line data horizontally to a common origin. The data are separated into four arrays corresponding to one of the four line scans of the sequence. Fluorescence intensity time traces are computed from these data, from which correlation functions are calculated and analyzed to reveal the dynamics." 556 1660 W2255183929.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.97957087 "Kvale et al. BMC Psychiatry (2022) 22:587 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-022-04229-y" 0 98 W4294659990.pdf 0 1 separator 0.9895916 ¶ 98 100 W4294659990.pdf 0 2 title 0.98580575 RESEARCH 100 109 W4294659990.pdf 0 3 separator 0.9898362 ¶ 109 111 W4294659990.pdf 0 4 title 0.97752345 "Concentrated transdiagnostic and cross- disciplinary group treatment for patients with depression and with anxiety: a pilot study" 111 250 W4294659990.pdf 0 5 separator 0.9949675 ¶ 250 252 W4294659990.pdf 0 6 text 0.52416515 Gerd Kvale1,2*, Ane Wilhelmsen‐Langeland1,3, Marte Jürgensen1,3, Sigurd William Hystad4, Lars‐Göran Öst5, 252 358 W4294659990.pdf 0 7 separator 0.4269777 ¶ 359 361 W4294659990.pdf 0 8 text 0.5977633 Eirik Søfteland3,6,7 and Tore Børtveit1,3,8 361 405 W4294659990.pdf 0 9 separator 0.9952873 ¶ 406 408 W4294659990.pdf 0 10 title 0.9485292 Abstract 408 417 W4294659990.pdf 0 11 separator 0.9927968 ¶ 418 420 W4294659990.pdf 0 12 text 0.999577 "Background: A number of treatment approaches have shown efficacy for depression and/or anxiety, yet there is a paucity of research on potentially cost ‐effective concentrated approaches. Based on our previous experience with concentrated treatment in disorders such as Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder and chronic fatigue, we proposed that this novel approach could be useful for other conditions, including depression and/or anxiety. As a pre ‐requisite for a future randomized controlled trial, the aim of this study was to investigate the acceptability, satisfaction and effective ‐ ness of a transdiagnostic, interdisciplinary group treatment delivered during 5 consecutive days to groups of 6–10 patients with depression and/or anxiety." 420 1176 W4294659990.pdf 0 13 separator 0.9874624 ¶ 1176 1178 W4294659990.pdf 0 14 text 0.9995084 "Methods: This was a non‐randomized clinical intervention pilot study in line with a published protocol. Forty‐two consecutively referred patients, aged 19–47 (mean age 31.7, SD = 8.12) were included and completed treatment. All had a severity of their problems that entitled them to care in the specialist public mental health care. Self‐reported age when the symptoms became a problem was 20.9 years. Mean number of prior treatment courses was 2.77 (SD = 2.19; range 0–8). Acceptability was defined as the proportion of eligible patients who accepted and completed the treatment. Satisfaction was evaluated by Client Satisfaction Questionnaire ‐8. Secondary objectives were to assess the treatment effectiveness by questionnaires at pre ‐treatment, seven days post ‐treatment and three months follow‐up." 1178 2004 W4294659990.pdf 0 15 separator 0.9651885 ¶ 2004 2006 W4294659990.pdf 0 16 text 0.9989867 Results: The treatment was highly acceptable (91.3% accepted, all 2006 2072 W4294659990.pdf 0 0 text 0.99948955 "completed), and patients were highly satisfied with the treatment, including the amount. Functional impairment, as measured by Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) improved significantly (p < .0005) from “severe” (mean 25.4 SD = 6.59) to “less severe” (mean 13.37, SD = 9.43) at 3 months follow‐up. Using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD ‐7) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ ‐9), the effect sizes at 3 months follow‐up were 1.21 for anxiety and 1.3 for depression. More than 80% reported reduced utilization of mental health care, and 67% had not used, or had used the family doctor less, for anxiety or depression. 52% had not used, or had reduced, medication for their disorder." 0 721 W4294659990.pdf 0 1 separator 0.92778224 ¶ 721 723 W4294659990.pdf 0 2 paratext 0.9849228 "© The Author(s) 2022. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide" 723 1036 W4294659990.pdf 0 0 paratext 0.88807636 "a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4. 0/. 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State 0 includes those feeding appendage-bearing taxa with cavities extending uninterrupted from thecalshoulders and extending into feeding appendages. State (1) includes taxa without accompanying left and right somatocoel-" 1798 2201 W4361286179.pdf 19 0 text 0.9993413 "¶ bearing appendages. This latter condition is signi fied by the lack of cavities for somatocoels extending through thecal shoulders.As regards this study, condition 0 is observed in Cambrianedrioasteroid-like radiate echinoderms, including Camptos- troma , with its apparent short feeding appendages (Durham, 1966 ; Derstler et al., 2018 ), and crinoids. Clausen et al. ( 2009 ) and Shef field and Sumrall ( 2019 ) each proposed blastozoan intermediaries linking states 0 and 1 (that is, blastozoans withleft and right somatocoel extensions in feeding appendages)but, in each case, evidence has been published contradictingthese claims (Guensburg et al., 2016 ,2020 ,2021 )." 0 683 W4361286179.pdf 19 1 separator 0.9967975 ¶ 683 685 W4361286179.pdf 19 2 title 0.991053 2. Podial pores or basins 685 711 W4361286179.pdf 19 3 separator 0.53155684 711 712 W4361286179.pdf 19 4 title 0.7619043 .— 712 714 W4361286179.pdf 19 5 text 0.99589545 "Present (0); absent (1). Determining the existence of podial pores or podial basins is crucial to asses- sing relationships among early crinoids, as well as with otherearly echinoderm groups. The fossils can be dif ficult to interpret when weathering and diagenesis obscure plate boundaries infossils such as the ones treated here (see section on Taphonomyand preparation)." 714 1092 W4361286179.pdf 19 0 text 0.99943537 "The best supported interpretation, obtained by coated, submersed, and dry images, is that there are podial basins if not actual pores in basins that could extend to water vas-cular elements such as ampullae that lie internal to the floor plates. Although not documented in later Paleozoic crinoids,these structures can be seen in Aethocrinus ,Athenacrinus ,Apek- tocrinus ,Titanocrinus , and possibly Glenocrinus (Guensburg et al., 2020 ,figs. 4.4, 4,6, 10.3, 10.4). Derstler et al. ( 2018 ) uncovered evidence that feeding appendages of Camptostroma consist of axial and epispire-bearing regions (i.e., are truearms) accompanied by podial pores; this interpretation is tenta-tively accepted pending further con firmation. Therefore, any internal manifestations of the water vascular system, such asampullae, would be wholly contained within the body cavity, similar, but not necessarily homologous to the condition seen in crownward asteroids." 0 961 W4361286179.pdf 19 1 paratext 0.9681062 Guensburg et al. —Crinoid calyx origin 1111 961 1004 W4361286179.pdf 19 2 separator 0.8921859 ¶ 1004 1006 W4361286179.pdf 19 3 paratext 0.99201506 https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2023.14 Published online by Cambridge University Press 1006 1090 W4361286179.pdf 19 0 paratext 0.98316133 Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx 0 30 W4319066720.pdf 6 1 separator 0.99507475 ¶ 30 32 W4319066720.pdf 6 2 title 0.9949078 73.6. Effect of EE2 concentration 32 66 W4319066720.pdf 6 3 separator 0.99619406 ¶ 67 69 W4319066720.pdf 6 4 text 0.99954766 "The effect of initial EE2 concentration on its removal is shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that an increase in EE2 concentration reduces the removal efficiency. This behavior has been observed in various advanced oxidation processes and is due to (i) mass transfer limitations, and/or (ii) limitations on the production of reactive species. Higher concentrations of organic compound occupy more active sites, and this may prevent the light from reaching the surface of the photocatalytic films [37]. In addition, increasing the concentration of EE2 under con- stant experimental conditions increases the ratio of organics to the available reactive species. Therefore, the radicals available for EE2 are insufficient. Thus, the generation of the reactive species can be consid - ered a limiting factor [38]." 69 907 W4319066720.pdf 6 5 separator 0.99691164 ¶ 908 910 W4319066720.pdf 6 6 title 0.99492395 3.7. Toxicity 910 924 W4319066720.pdf 6 7 separator 0.9964398 ¶ 925 927 W4319066720.pdf 6 8 text 0.9995563 "Although advanced oxidation processes could conceptually lead to mineralization of the target contaminants, this usually is not the case since very intensive conditions or prolonged treatment times are required. Therefore," 927 1159 W4319066720.pdf 6 0 text 0.99965376 "the resulting stream often contains a mixture of oxidation by-products. In this respect, it is crucial to investigate the toxicity of the treated solution. This was done using the bacterium V. fischeri as an indicator, and the results are depicted in Fig. 8. As seen, the decrease in toxicity is not proportional to the elimination of EE2, thus implying that certain by-products formed may also induce toxicity to V. fischeri ; this said, the starting value of the untreated solution is rather low, i.e., 20–25 %. Notably, the experiment performed with NaCl as the electrolyte was not detrimental to the indicator, thus indicating that toxic organochlorinated by-products are not formed at considerable concentrations at the conditions in question. However, these results must be viewed with caution since they are limited to a specific indicator and experimental conditions. In future work, research is needed for an integrated assessment of toxicity using specific tests regarding the estrogenicity of the treated solution." 0 1067 W4319066720.pdf 6 1 separator 0.99696016 ¶ 1068 1070 W4319066720.pdf 6 2 title 0.99411815 4.Conclusions 1070 1084 W4319066720.pdf 6 3 separator 0.99600685 ¶ 1085 1087 W4319066720.pdf 6 4 text 0.9980636 The use of relatively low quantities of PMS (10mgL 1087 1138 W4319066720.pdf 6 0 paratext 0.9944966 Mathematics 2023 ,11, 617 3 of 15 0 33 W4318316102.pdf 2 1 separator 0.995279 ¶ 33 35 W4318316102.pdf 2 2 title 0.9938542 2. Overview of the Hexapod Robot Platform 35 77 W4318316102.pdf 2 3 separator 0.9963811 ¶ 77 79 W4318316102.pdf 2 4 text 0.9993157 "The hexapod robot platform used in this paper is shown in Figure 1. Each leg has three joints: hip joint, knee joint, and ankle joint. The rotation range of the hip joints is 45. The rotation ranges of the knee and ankle joints are both 90. The joints are driven by the AX-12A servo motors. The maximum torque of the servo motor is 1.5 Nm. The rotation speed of the servo motor is 59 rpm. The communication among the servo motors is half-duplex serial communication bus. The joint commands of the servo motors are sent from an embedded controller CM-530, of which the central control unit is STM32. The power supply of the hexapod robot is a lithium battery, of which the capacity is 1000 mAh." 79 791 W4318316102.pdf 2 5 separator 0.9818335 ¶ 791 793 W4318316102.pdf 2 6 paratext 0.9941654 Mathematics 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 16 793 844 W4318316102.pdf 2 7 separator 0.9716011 ¶ ¶ 845 851 W4318316102.pdf 2 8 text 0.9845349 verify the effectiveness of the proposed double‐layered CPG‐based motion controller in 852 942 W4318316102.pdf 2 9 separator 0.90375745 ¶ 943 945 W4318316102.pdf 2 10 text 0.9739112 Section 6. A discussion and a conclusion are summarized in Section 7. 945 1018 W4318316102.pdf 2 11 separator 0.99648905 ¶ 1019 1021 W4318316102.pdf 2 12 title 0.994495 2. Overview of the Hexapod Robot Platform 1021 1065 W4318316102.pdf 2 13 separator 0.99632734 ¶ 1067 1069 W4318316102.pdf 2 14 text 0.9993409 "The hexapod robot platform used in this paper is shown in Figure 1. Each leg has three joints: hip joint, knee joint, and ankle joint. The rotation range of the hip joints is ±45°. The rotation ranges of the knee and ankle joints are both ±90°. The joints are driven by the AX‐12A servo motors. The maximum torque of the servo motor is 1.5 Nm. The rotation speed of the servo motor is 59 rpm. The communication among the servo motors is half‐duplex serial communication bus. The joint commands of the servo motors are sent from an embedded controller CM‐530, of which the central control unit is STM32. The power supply of the hexapod robot is a lithium battery, of which the capacity is 1000 mAh." 1069 1797 W4318316102.pdf 2 15 separator 0.99043953 ¶ ¶ 1798 1804 W4318316102.pdf 2 16 caption 0.9968046 Figure 1. The hexapod robot platform. 1804 1843 W4318316102.pdf 2 17 separator 0.9960035 ¶ 1845 1847 W4318316102.pdf 2 18 title 0.9957737 3. Motion Controller Based on the Double‐Layered CPG 1847 1901 W4318316102.pdf 2 19 separator 0.99616385 ¶ 1902 1904 W4318316102.pdf 2 20 text 0.99815893 "The plasticity of CPG neuron coupling connection makes its output diverse, which can realize the control of multiple locomotion modes of the hexapod robot. A double‐ layered CPG network is proposed to control the hexapod robot. The proposed CPG net‐ work is divided into a rhythm layer and a pattern layer. The pattern layer is controlled by the rhythm layer. The functions of each layer should meet the following requirements: (1) CPG neurons in the rhythm layer establish the phase relationship between each functional unit (legs and trunk). (2) CPG neurons in the pattern layer correspond to the joints inside each functional unit (such as hip joint, knee joint, and ankle joint), and control the joint phase relationship and joint trajectory. (3) The output signal of pattern layer is based on the output signal of the rhythm layer, and the rhythm layer signal is not affected by the pattern layer signal." 1904 2865 W4318316102.pdf 2 21 separator 0.94397587 ¶ 2867 2869 W4318316102.pdf 2 22 text 0.9962954 Based on the structural 2869 2893 W4318316102.pdf 2 0 text 0.99962765 "characteristics of the hexapod robot, the rhythm layer of the CPG network contains six CPG neurons, which determine the motion phase of each leg, respectively. The pattern layer contains 18 CPG neurons, which are divided into six groups corresponding to the six legs. Each group contains three CPG neurons, which re‐ spectively determines the motion phase and trajectory of the hip, knee, and ankle joints." 0 428 W4318316102.pdf 2 1 separator 0.97929275 ¶ 429 431 W4318316102.pdf 2 2 text 0.9995792 "The coupling relationship between CPG neurons in the rhythm layer and CPG neurons in the pattern layer is unidirectional. The CPG neurons in different neuron groups have no coupling relationship. To improve the synchronization speed of the proposed CPG net‐ work, the coupling relation of CPG neurons in each level or group is bidirectional. The hierarchical scheme of the proposed double‐layered CPG network is shown in Figure 2." 431 885 W4318316102.pdf 2 3 separator 0.98376834 ¶ 886 888 W4318316102.pdf 2 4 text 0.997798 The CPG neurons in the rhythm layer are not used to control the joint trajectories. It can 888 980 W4318316102.pdf 2 5 separator 0.9900992 ¶ 981 983 W4318316102.pdf 2 6 caption 0.997032 Figure 1. The hexapod robot platform. 983 1021 W4318316102.pdf 2 7 separator 0.99643785 ¶ 1021 1023 W4318316102.pdf 2 8 title 0.9954231 3. Motion Controller Based on the Double-Layered CPG 1023 1076 W4318316102.pdf 2 9 separator 0.9965563 ¶ 1076 1078 W4318316102.pdf 2 10 text 0.99947006 "The plasticity of CPG neuron coupling connection makes its output diverse, which can realize the control of multiple locomotion modes of the hexapod robot. A double-layered CPG network is proposed to control the hexapod robot. The proposed CPG network is divided into a rhythm layer and a pattern layer. The pattern layer is controlled by the rhythm layer. The" 1078 1447 W4318316102.pdf 2 0 text 0.99852777 functions of each layer should meet the following requirements: 0 63 W4318316102.pdf 2 1 separator 0.5465035 63 64 W4318316102.pdf 2 2 text 0.99555737 "¶ (1) CPG neurons in the rhythm layer establish the phase relationship between each functional unit (legs and trunk). (2) CPG neurons in the pattern layer correspond to the joints inside each functional unit (such as hip joint, knee joint, and ankle joint), and control the joint phase relationship and joint trajectory. (3) The output signal of pattern layer is based on the output signal of the rhythm layer, and the rhythm layer signal is not affected by the pattern layer signal." 64 559 W4318316102.pdf 2 3 separator 0.96368384 ¶ 559 561 W4318316102.pdf 2 4 text 0.999505 "Based on the structural characteristics of the hexapod robot, the rhythm layer of the CPG network contains six CPG neurons, which determine the motion phase of each leg, respectively. The pattern layer contains 18 CPG neurons, which are divided into six groups corresponding to the six legs. Each group contains three CPG neurons, which respectively determines the motion phase and trajectory of the hip, knee, and ankle joints. The coupling relationship between CPG neurons in the rhythm layer and CPG neurons in the pattern layer is unidirectional. The CPG neurons in different neuron groups have no coupling relationship. To improve the synchronization speed of the proposed CPG network, the coupling relation of CPG neurons in each level or group is bidirectional. The hierarchical scheme of the proposed double-layered CPG network is shown in Figure 2. The CPG" 561 1445 W4318316102.pdf 2 0 paratext 0.99313146 Appl. Sci. 2020 ,10, 7538 17 of 23 0 34 W3097108410.pdf 16 1 separator 0.98833853 ¶ 34 36 W3097108410.pdf 16 2 bibliography 0.99392486 "SPIE Conference Proceeding, San Diego, CA, USA, 9–13 August 2015 ; MacEwen, H.A., Breckinridge, J.B., Eds.; SPIE: Bellingham, WA, USA, 2015; p. 960209." 36 190 W3097108410.pdf 16 3 separator 0.99433446 ¶ 190 192 W3097108410.pdf 16 4 bibliography 0.99881786 "6. 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Participants believed they need to accompany their wife to ANC because she is carrying their pregnancy andalso to be able to support her financially when the needarises in the clinic. Other reasons given by the participantswere that accompanying their wives will help them to learna n di n c r e a s et h e i rk n o w l e d g eo fA N Ca c t i v i t i e s ,s h o wt r u el o v ea n dk ee pth ew o m a nh a p p y ,e n c o u r a g ea n ds u p po rtth ewoman during the stress and discomfort of pregnancy, andhelpboth(thecouple)toknowtheirhealthstatus." 72 952 W2015195778.pdf 3 4 separator 0.98953706 ¶ 952 954 W2015195778.pdf 3 5 text 0.9992299 "Only a few participants reported that they had ever accompaniedtheirwifetoANC.AparticipantfromIgboonacommunitysaid, I have accompanied my wife to ANC many times becauseshegetssickalotwhilepregnant." 954 1158 W2015195778.pdf 3 6 separator 0.90068877 ¶ 1158 1160 W2015195778.pdf 3 7 text 0.99879354 Th i si si na c c o r dw i t ht h efi n d i n g sb yN k u o he ta l .[ 31]. 1160 1236 W2015195778.pdf 3 8 separator 0.98168457 ¶ 1236 1238 W2015195778.pdf 3 9 text 0.9994707 "Participants’ reasons for never accompany, their wives toANC were not having time due to work, the perception thatANCisforwomenonly,thatitis“notinourculture”formentoattendANCwithwife,andthatthemanwillbeperceivedasa“womanwrapper” (amanwhotakesorderfromhiswife) amonghispeers.AparticipantfromOlaiyacommunitysaid, Men have so many responsibilities towards meet- ingfinancialobligationofthefamily;sowecannotstaythroughouttheANCwithourwivesbecauseittakeslonghours.Butforme,whatIdomosttimeswastodropmywifeattheclinicandleaveforworkandwhensheisthroughattheclinic,shewillcallandIwillgoandpickher." 1238 1833 W2015195778.pdf 3 10 separator 0.984871 ¶ 1833 1835 W2015195778.pdf 3 11 text 0.99868095 "Anotherparticipantsaid, Mendonotusuallywanttoaccompanytheirwives forantenatalvisitsbecausetheydonotwanttobetestedinthehospital." 1835 1967 W2015195778.pdf 3 12 separator 0.9632925 ¶ 1967 1969 W2015195778.pdf 3 13 text 0.99936557 "AnotherparticipantfromAjegunlecommunitysaid, N o to n l yt h a tw ed on o tw a n tt ob et e s t e di nt h e hospital but wealso don’t want tobe toldthat wearepositivetoHIV." 1969 2146 W2015195778.pdf 3 14 separator 0.99084526 ¶ 2146 2148 W2015195778.pdf 3 15 text 0.9994764 "Participants were also asked about what they perceived to be their roles during their wife’s pregnancy period. Manyof the participants said that their roles are to pay theANC/delivery fees and also care for their child or childrenifany.AparticipantfromIgboonacommunitysaid," 2148 2424 W2015195778.pdf 3 0 separator 0.9936249 ¶ 0 1 W2015195778.pdf 3 1 text 0.99514943 "I think our role is to pay the ANC bills and take care of children when necessary especially whenthepregnancyisuptosevenmonth." 1 130 W2015195778.pdf 3 2 separator 0.98717964 ¶ 130 132 W2015195778.pdf 3 3 text 0.9981779 "AnotherparticipantfromOkefiacommunitysaid,The role of a man is to pay the ANC bills and also get someone like my sister to assist her withdomesticwork." 132 286 W2015195778.pdf 3 4 separator 0.99235344 ¶ 286 288 W2015195778.pdf 3 5 text 0.99848914 "This is in accord with previous research done in Cameroon [ 31]. Participants were specifically asked if finan- cialsupportwasadequatesupportformentoprovidetotheirpregnant wife. The majority of the participants respondedthat pregnant women need additional support on domesticwork.AparticipantfromAlekuwodocommunitysaid; I don’t think financial support is what all women will need from us. I think our ordinary presencewith them will go a long way towards makingthemhappywhichisgoodfortheirhealth." 288 793 W2015195778.pdf 3 6 separator 0.9874084 ¶ 793 795 W2015195778.pdf 3 7 text 0.99669313 "A contrary opinion from a participant from the same Alekuwodocommunitywasthat, Ifwomencanbeprovidedwithadequatefinancial support,theywillbeokay.Atleasttheywillusethemoneytogetalltheywan t." 795 990 W2015195778.pdf 3 8 separator 0.9874753 ¶ 990 992 W2015195778.pdf 3 9 text 0.99930316 "Participants were asked if they would support their wife in taking medication during pregnancy to prevent HIVtransmission to her baby. Most of the participants indicatedthat they would" 992 1179 W2015195778.pdf 3 0 text 0.9986997 "support their wives to take the drugs toensurethatthebabyisbornfreeofHIV,especiallyifthedrugsarefree.AparticipantfromOja-Obacommunitysaid, “We would support her since the baby belongs to thehusband”" 0 202 W2015195778.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9916895 ¶ 202 204 W2015195778.pdf 3 2 text 0.99930334 "AnotherparticipantfromIgboonacommunitysaid; Iw i l ls u r e l ys u p p o r th e ra n da l s om a k es u r eI provide her with herbs because there are herbswomencanalsousetopreventthistransmission." 204 405 W2015195778.pdf 3 3 separator 0.99105 ¶ 405 407 W2015195778.pdf 3 4 text 0.9993198 "A contrary opinion was also recorded among few par- t i c i p a n t st h a tt h e yc a n n o ts u p p o r tt h e i rw i v e si nt a k i n g medication.AparticipantfromAlekuwodocommunitysaid, I cannot support her at all because am scared of thatdrugandIwillnotbehappytoseehertakingitatall." 407 704 W2015195778.pdf 3 5 separator 0.9813876 ¶ 704 706 W2015195778.pdf 3 6 text 0.9993713 "AnotherparticipantfromAjegunlecommunitysaid, Ic a n n o ts u p p o r th e rb u tIw i l lt a k eh e rt om y mothertohelpmeprovidesupportforherandamsureshewilldothat." 706 875 W2015195778.pdf 3 7 separator 0.9935726 ¶ 875 877 W2015195778.pdf 3 8 text 0.9984848 "Another reason why men would not support their wife was because of wrong perception towards antiretroviraldrugs.AparticipantfromOkefiacommunitysaid; People say words that discourage HIV positive peoplefromtakingthedrugespeciallythosetrado-medical people (traditional healers). They say itkills." 877 1178 W2015195778.pdf 3 0 paratext 0.99386454 Page 26/28 0 10 W4210819839.pdf 25 1 separator 0.99612 ¶ 10 12 W4210819839.pdf 25 2 caption 0.92100453 Figure 3 12 21 W4210819839.pdf 25 3 separator 0.99569774 ¶ 21 23 W4210819839.pdf 25 4 text 0.40324044 See 23 27 W4210819839.pdf 25 0 paratext 0.99249536 M. Glamuzina, N. Glamuzina: Kolo čep i Lopud Geoadria, vol. 4, 89-100, 1999. 0 107 W1809866220.pdf 4 1 separator 0.9189497 ¶ ¶ 108 114 W1809866220.pdf 4 2 paratext 0.6171066 93 114 117 W1809866220.pdf 4 3 title 0.98321164 Tab. 1. Kretanje broja stanovnika naselja na elafitskom oto čju 1857.-1991. 118 194 W1809866220.pdf 4 4 separator 0.994887 ¶ ¶ 195 201 W1809866220.pdf 4 5 table 0.99624306 "NASELJE 1857. 1910. 1921. 1948. 1991. Koločep 405 237 218 251 148 Lopud 494 342 341 387 348 Suđurađ 455 369 342 373 221 Šipanska Luka 830 648 555 571 279" 201 367 W1809866220.pdf 4 6 separator 0.9841401 ¶ 368 370 W1809866220.pdf 4 7 bibliography 0.6472525 Izvor: M. Koren čić, str. 221, 224 370 405 W1809866220.pdf 4 8 separator 0.99210066 ¶ ¶ 406 412 W1809866220.pdf 4 9 text 0.99941957 "Kao i ostali hrvatski prostori, ovi otoci nisu bili pošte đeni gubitka stanovništva, iako su razmjerno blizu svog vode ćeg središta Dubrovnika s kojim imaju dobru brodsku vezu. Zna čajna depopulacija odvijala se u razdoblju 1971.-1991., a i od 1991. do 1998." 412 677 W1809866220.pdf 4 10 separator 0.64241123 ¶ 678 680 W1809866220.pdf 4 11 text 0.9995857 "Pad broja stanovnika iznosio je na Lopudu 12,80 % (1971.-1991.), a 42,60 % u razdoblju 1991.-1998. Prema podacima Mjesnog odbora, Lopud 1998. ima tek oko 200 stanovnika, što treba prihvatiti s oprezom. Brz gubitak pu čanstva objašnjava se gotovo potpunim zamiranjem turizma u prvoj polovici zadnjeg desetlje ća 20. st., (posljedica srbo četničke agresije na dubova čkom podru čju 1991.-1995.). Osim u tri hotela, mještani su bili djelatni i u svojim objektima za boravak turista, a turizam je bio i najvažnija gospodarska djelatnost na otoku. U doba turisti čkog procvata mnogi su Lopu đani kupili stanove u većim gradovima Hrvatske (u Dubrovniku i dr.), pa su u doba ratne gospodarske krize počeli napuštati otok. Vjerojatno će se dio stanovnika vratiti, a ve ć sada se javlja pojava doseljavanja stanovništva s kopna koje od doma ćeg stanovništva kupuje stambene objekte ili parcele za gradnju ku ća (pa i neplansku)." 680 1627 W1809866220.pdf 4 0 separator 0.9960514 ¶ 0 1 W1809866220.pdf 4 1 text 0.9991285 "Otok Kolo čep je tako đer zahvaćen depopulacijom zbog koje je u razdoblju 1971.-1991. izgubio 28,53 % stanovništva, a u razdoblju 1991. do 1998. g. 22,30 % (prema podacima Mjesnog odbora, Kolo čep je 1998. g. imao oko 115 stanovnika)." 1 239 W1809866220.pdf 4 2 separator 0.9944979 ¶ 242 244 W1809866220.pdf 4 3 text 0.9814479 "Iz tablica dobno-spolne strukture za otoke Lopud i Kolo čep za popisne godine 1971. i 1991. može se zaklju čiti sljedeće:" 244 369 W1809866220.pdf 4 4 separator 0.9811056 ¶ 370 372 W1809866220.pdf 4 5 text 0.9995314 "Spolna struktura kod oba otoka ukazuje na znatnu prevagu ženskog stanovništva. Kod Lopuda taj odnos za 1971. g. je bio 58,40% ženskog naprama 41,60% muškog stanovništva, dok se je do 1991. g. ovaj odnos pozitivno promijenio u korist muškog stanovništva i 1991. g. iznosio je 53,16% ženskog i 46,84% muškog stanovništva (Tab. 2. i Tab. 3.). Kod otoka Kolo čepa taj odnos je bio nešto druk čiji, tj." 373 780 W1809866220.pdf 4 6 separator 0.9722302 ¶ 781 783 W1809866220.pdf 4 7 text 0.99906355 1991. u odnosu na 1971. pokazuje 783 816 W1809866220.pdf 4 0 text 0.999355 "se tendecija pove ćanja udjela ženskog i u usporedbi s muškim stanovništvom, dok je kod Lopuda bila izražena suprotna tendencija (pove ćanje udjela muškog, a smanjenje udjela ženskog stanovništva). Kolo čep je 1971. imao 51,69 % ženskog i 48,31 % muškog stanovništva, dok je 1991. g. udio ženskog stanovništva iznosio 56,75 % , a muškog 43,25 % (Tab. 4. i 5.)." 0 373 W1809866220.pdf 4 1 separator 0.95547897 ¶ ¶ 373 379 W1809866220.pdf 4 2 text 0.99946404 "Dobna struktura oba otoka pokazuje izrazitu starost stanovništva, što se tako đer može vidjeti iz spomenutih tablica. Na osnovi analize velikih dobnih skupina, tj. broja mladog (0-19 godina), zrelog (20-59 godina) i starog (više od 60 godina) stanovništva, može se zaklju čiti kako najviše osoba ima u zreloj i staroj dobnoj skupini, a posebno je značajan broj stanovnika sa 70 i više godina." 380 785 W1809866220.pdf 4 3 separator 0.81966054 "¶ ¶ ¶" 786 803 W1809866220.pdf 4 0 text 0.999217 "made by type II urea inhibitors in the inactive DFG-out conformation of the kinase domain.32The addition of aryl urea groups or their isosteres to convert type I kinase inhibitor scaffolds to type II molecules is a well-established approach.33" 0 248 W2918075368.pdf 3 1 separator 0.9864521 ¶ 248 250 W2918075368.pdf 3 2 text 0.99935764 "Gratifyingly, we obs erved that the 2-( N-phenyl)- aminobenzimidazole 9had similar kinase site binding a ffinity to2, and improved on the inhibition of IRE1 αRNase activity." 250 426 W2918075368.pdf 3 3 separator 0.93356085 ¶ 426 428 W2918075368.pdf 3 4 text 0.9993315 "Consistent with a role for the 2-( N-phenyl)aminoimidazole functionality in forming multiple hydrogen bonds, N-methylation at any position reduced inhibitory activity (see 10−12)." 428 612 W2918075368.pdf 3 5 separator 0.98402035 ¶ 612 614 W2918075368.pdf 3 6 text 0.99928707 "With two variations of the imidazo[1,2- b]pyridazin-8-amine core identi fied that led to RNase inhibition, the e ffects of varying the 8-amino group on potency and physicochemical properties were studied. The aqueous (aq) bu ffer solubilities of 2(KSol= 0.8 μM) and 9(KSol= 2.9 μM) were low, consistent with their measured lipophilicities ( 2, Log D7.4= 3.4; 9, Log D7.4= 4.1). We therefore sought to introduce polar or ionizable groups to improve solubility and hypothesized that" 614 1106 W2918075368.pdf 3 7 caption 0.9377372 Scheme 2. Syntheses of Compounds 19 −32a 1106 1146 W2918075368.pdf 3 8 separator 0.9912976 ¶ 1146 1148 W2918075368.pdf 3 9 caption 0.8849747 aReagents and conditions: (i) amine, THF, rt, 16 h, 60 −97%; (ii) heteroaryl boronate, Pd(OAc)2, 1,1 ′-bis(di- tert-butylphosphino)ferrocene, 2 M 1148 1294 W2918075368.pdf 3 10 separator 0.7375413 ¶ 1294 1296 W2918075368.pdf 3 11 caption 0.6032794 Na2CO 1296 1302 W2918075368.pdf 3 0 table 0.86534256 3, 1,4-dioxane, 130 °C, 16 h, 4 −55%; (iii) tert-butyl ((1 r,4r)-4-aminocyclohexyl)carbamate, THF, 50 °C, 16 h, quantitative; (iv) HCl, 1,4- 0 140 W2918075368.pdf 3 1 separator 0.87897164 ¶ 140 142 W2918075368.pdf 3 2 table 0.7690354 dioxane, rt, 2 h, 99%; (v) (a) LiAlH4, THF, 0 °Ct or e flux, 4 h; (b) ethyl 1,3-dioxoisoindoline-2-carboxylate, Et3N, CH2Cl2, rt, 15 h; (c) 3,E t3N, 142 290 W2918075368.pdf 3 3 separator 0.9567231 ¶ 290 292 W2918075368.pdf 3 4 table 0.81994075 1,4-dioxane −dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 100 °C, 22 h, 52% over three steps; (vi) 5-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)-1 H-indazole, 292 435 W2918075368.pdf 3 5 separator 0.831771 ¶ 435 437 W2918075368.pdf 3 6 table 0.74772674 Pd(OAc)2, 1,1 ′-bis(di- tert-butylphosphino)-ferrocene, 2 M Na2CO3, 1,4-dioxane, 130 °C, 21 h, then NH2NH2·H2O, 100 °C, 48 h, 34%; (vii) 437 574 W2918075368.pdf 3 7 separator 0.6232734 ¶ 574 576 W2918075368.pdf 3 8 table 0.9150435 amine, THF, 50 °C, 16 h, 29 −85%; (viii) (a) tert-butyl ((1 r,4r)-4-aminocyclohexyl)carbamate, 576 671 W2918075368.pdf 3 0 text 0.47220606 Et3N, CH2Cl2 0 12 W2918075368.pdf 3 1 table 0.47604582 , rt, 20 h 12 22 W2918075368.pdf 3 2 math 0.3737467 ; (b) HCl − 22 33 W2918075368.pdf 3 3 text 0.37008214 1,4 33 36 W2918075368.pdf 3 4 table 0.3451787 - 36 37 W2918075368.pdf 3 5 text 0.38801852 dio 37 40 W2918075368.pdf 3 6 table 0.37169567 xane 40 44 W2918075368.pdf 3 7 math 0.3773419 , 44 45 W2918075368.pdf 3 8 text 0.2958962 45 46 W2918075368.pdf 3 9 separator 0.5710197 ¶ 46 47 W2918075368.pdf 3 10 table 0.6654436 MeOH, rt, 2 h, 37% over two steps; (ix) 3,E t 3N, 1,4-dioxane-DMSO, 50 °C, 23 h, 58%; ( 47 135 W2918075368.pdf 3 11 text 0.3552828 x 135 136 W2918075368.pdf 3 12 table 0.50876373 ) (a) isothiocyanatobenzene, EDC, THF, 50 °C, 5 h 136 185 W2918075368.pdf 3 13 text 0.43605852 ; ( 185 188 W2918075368.pdf 3 14 math 0.4015988 b 188 189 W2918075368.pdf 3 15 text 0.455329 ) 189 190 W2918075368.pdf 3 16 separator 0.9582965 ¶ 190 192 W2918075368.pdf 3 17 math 0.44426426 (Boc)2O, 192 201 W2918075368.pdf 3 18 text 0.41856453 D 201 203 W2918075368.pdf 3 19 math 0.44566467 MAP 203 206 W2918075368.pdf 3 20 text 0.43055615 , THF, 206 213 W2918075368.pdf 3 21 math 0.3423159 rt 213 215 W2918075368.pdf 3 22 text 0.41894144 , 16 215 219 W2918075368.pdf 3 23 table 0.35837176 h 219 221 W2918075368.pdf 3 24 text 0.43968838 ; ( 221 224 W2918075368.pdf 3 25 math 0.38365605 c 224 225 W2918075368.pdf 3 26 text 0.36652434 ) 225 226 W2918075368.pdf 3 27 math 0.43551475 bis( 226 231 W2918075368.pdf 3 28 text 0.5064747 pinacolato 231 241 W2918075368.pdf 3 29 math 0.428516 )diboron, KOAc, Pd(d 241 261 W2918075368.pdf 3 30 text 0.4464681 ppf 261 264 W2918075368.pdf 3 31 math 0.45967364 )Cl2·CH2Cl2 264 275 W2918075368.pdf 3 32 text 0.4280261 , 1,4-dioxane, 275 289 W2918075368.pdf 3 33 math 0.3736576 135 289 293 W2918075368.pdf 3 34 text 0.4186782 °C, 24 h; ( 293 305 W2918075368.pdf 3 35 math 0.43315494 d) 3-bromo 305 315 W2918075368.pdf 3 36 text 0.43964443 -6- 315 318 W2918075368.pdf 3 37 math 0.48193452 chloro- N-((1- 318 332 W2918075368.pdf 3 38 text 0.51625526 ¶ 332 334 W2918075368.pdf 3 39 math 0.4828396 methyl 334 341 W2918075368.pdf 3 40 text 0.53714895 piperidin 341 350 W2918075368.pdf 3 41 math 0.45109433 -4- 350 353 W2918075368.pdf 3 42 text 0.45630857 yl 353 355 W2918075368.pdf 3 43 math 0.4467221 )methyl 355 362 W2918075368.pdf 3 44 text 0.5260792 )imidazo[1,2- 362 375 W2918075368.pdf 3 45 math 0.5207867 b 375 377 W2918075368.pdf 3 46 text 0.5358992 ]pyridazin-8-amine, Pd(OAc)2, 1,1 377 411 W2918075368.pdf 3 47 math 0.48190302 ′ 411 412 W2918075368.pdf 3 48 text 0.5578655 -bis(di 412 419 W2918075368.pdf 3 49 math 0.4413535 - 419 420 W2918075368.pdf 3 50 text 0.5965677 tert-butylphosphino)-ferrocene, 420 452 W2918075368.pdf 3 51 math 0.4782841 2 M Na 452 459 W2918075368.pdf 3 52 text 0.5204109 2CO3, 1,4-dioxane, 459 477 W2918075368.pdf 3 53 separator 0.781096 ¶ 477 479 W2918075368.pdf 3 54 paratext 0.7653039 135°C, 16 h, 2 479 494 W2918075368.pdf 3 55 text 0.47393736 − 494 496 W2918075368.pdf 3 56 paratext 0.85372907 5% over four steps.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Article 496 553 W2918075368.pdf 3 57 separator 0.5657079 ¶ 553 555 W2918075368.pdf 3 58 paratext 0.9794798 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b01721 555 589 W2918075368.pdf 3 59 separator 0.9439297 ¶ 589 591 W2918075368.pdf 3 60 paratext 0.9919943 J. Med. Chem. 2019, 62, 2447 −24652450 591 630 W2918075368.pdf 3