# Medical-Commons Medical-Commons is the largest dataset of medical content under free licenses or open data program collected by Pleias. It includes three different collection: * International scientific collection of 2M articles from OpenAlex. * French scientific collection of XM articles, reports and PhD theses from French institutional repositories. * Administration collection from health and medical agencies, for now limited to France but with a planned Europe-wide expansion. The repositories give access to the complete available metadata as well as a sample of ressources. # OpenAlex Collection Statistics ## Overview This section presents detailed statistics **for the OpenAlex collection** within the Medical-Commons dataset. This international scientific collection represents just one of the three collections in Medical-Commons, containing 2.6 million medical articles under free licenses or open data programs. ## OpenAlex Collection Statistics | Metric | Value (OpenAlex Collection Only) | |--------|----------------------------------| | Total Papers | 2,623,673 | | Total Words | 21,328,187,404 | | Average Words per Paper | 8,129.1 | ## Top 10 Medical Subfields in OpenAlex Collection | Subfield | Papers in OpenAlex | % of OpenAlex Total | Words in OpenAlex | Avg Words per Paper | |----------|-------------------|---------------------|-------------------|---------------------| | Epidemiology | 239,307 | 9.12% | 2,104,074,798 | 8,792.5 | | Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health | 237,052 | 9.04% | 1,993,696,484 | 8,410.0 | | Surgery | 218,569 | 8.33% | 1,562,899,038 | 7,150.0 | | Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine | 188,053 | 7.17% | 1,485,806,299 | 7,901.0 | | Oncology | 186,583 | 7.11% | 1,355,465,028 | 7,265.0 | | Infectious Diseases | 162,401 | 6.19% | 1,362,069,806 | 8,386.5 | | Physiology | 147,703 | 5.63% | 1,308,562,705 | 8,859.4 | | Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine | 112,962 | 4.31% | 969,602,006 | 8,583.4 | | Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging | 105,846 | 4.03% | 928,390,321 | 8,771.1 | | Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health | 102,518 | 3.91% | 764,365,895 | 7,455.9 | ## OpenAlex Collection Distribution Visualization OpenAlex Subfields Distribution # Health French Open Administrative Data This is a collection of diverse health and medical related documents (mostly PDFs and webpages, but also some docx, xml, etc) that come from French gouvernment public websites. | Catégorie | Documents | Mots | Largest Contributor | |-----------|-----------|------|-------------------------| | Sécurité Sociale et Soutien | 183 370 | 98 154 084 | forum-assures.ameli.fr | | Services d'Information sur les Addictions | 113 140 | 48 008 481 | alcool-info-service.fr | | Institutions et Agences Médicales | 100 760 | 189 827 776 | ansm.sante.fr | | Sujets de Santé Spécialisés | 91 186 | 122 716 315 | e-cancer.fr | | Portails Gouvernementaux de Santé | 62 026 | 250 630 040 | sante.gouv.fr | | **Total** | **550 482** | **709 336 696** | - | % by number of documents % by number of words A sample of the PDFs that can be found in this collection is present in the haut_conseil_sante_publique folder. # French Health PhD Thesis/Specialized publications This collection contains a total of **383 622** publicly available French thesis and specialized articles in health and medicine, coming from public repositories like HAL, theses.fr, and others. We can find in the top 10 laboratories and instituions the following: - Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire de Grenoble [Grenoble] - Bordeaux Population Health [Bordeaux] - Unité Mixte de Recherche sur les Herbivores - UMR 1213 [Clermont-Ferrand] - Physiologie & Médecine Expérimentale du Cœur et des Muscles [U 1046] [Montpellier] - Institut de Recherche en Santé, Environnement et Travail [Rennes] - Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l'Animal et les Systèmes d'Élevage [Rennes] - Génétique Physiologie et Systèmes d'Élevage [Toulouse] - Science et Technologie du Lait et de l'Œuf [Rennes] - Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie et Santé des Populations [Paris] - Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers [Paris]