# FEED: Facial Extreme Emotions Dataset ## Dataset Download Links: - [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bxtEC76HH-CeGMFBT0xCm45UHSjrw3Rh?usp=sharing) - [Yandex Disk](https://disk.yandex.com/d/4L3DyD3883HdCw) ## Video Naming Conventions: - `*_C.mp4`: Video recorded from the central camera. - `*_R.mp4`: Video recorded from the right camera. - `*_L.mp4`: Video recorded from the left camera. ## Video Content Descriptions: - `blinks_*`: The person performs blinks (typically both eyes together and each eye separately). - `eyes_*`: The person performs eye movements. - `rotations_*`: The person performs head rotations. - `tongue_rot_*`: The person performs head rotations while being asked to demonstrate their tongue during the rotations. - `MAU_mild/strong_*`: The person performs the Main Action Units (Surprise, Fear, Disgust, Anger, Happiness, Sadness) in mild and strong intensities without head rotations or tongue expressions. - `FF_*`: The person performs the Main Action Units in strong intensity with head rotations and attempts to make the expressions as asymmetrical as possible. - `FF_NR_*`: The person performs the Main Action Units in strong intensity without head rotations, focusing on making the expressions as asymmetrical as possible. - `tongue_em_*`: Similar to `FF_NR_*`, but the person is asked to use their tongue in expressions where possible. - `random_*`: The person is asked to perform random extreme expressions continuously for 2-3 minutes. For more details, please visit the [project page](https://neeek2303.github.io/EMOPortraits/) and refer to the EMOPortraits: Emotion-enhanced Multimodal One-shot Head Avatars [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.19110).