diff --git "a/data/hackernews/2-5/0_0.jsonl" "b/data/hackernews/2-5/0_0.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/hackernews/2-5/0_0.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +{"text":"Show HN: Afctl \u2013 CLI to manage and deploy Airflow projects faster and smoother - https:\/\/github.com\/qubole\/afctl Pretty cool! We use Airflow heavily here at Instacart. Some of our teams use a managed service from google for deployment and orchestration [https:\/\/cloud.google.com\/composer\/](https:\/\/cloud.google.com\/composer\/) For companies wanting a standard structure of dags and self hosting their airflow deployments, your tool would be super helpful to get started. One suggestion - would be cool to add separate deployments for the different components of airflow - webserver, workers, scheduler etc. reading through the readme it looks like you deploy the single image to the Qubole Cloud? Often times deploying code to airflow is updating the dags files in airflows file system.\n\n Thanks for the feedback.\n\nThe main motivation behind building this tool was to make onboarding easier on Apache Airflow. There was no standard structure for a airflow projects and setting it up on local can be a nightmare sometimes. The simple CLI tool makes it very easy to create and test your project locally before deploying it to your production or staging environment via your CI\/CD.\n\nRight now we are using a docker-compose file which brings up all the Airflow services but we are also currently working on providing a command to control individual process.\n\nQubole is not a cloud but a self managed Data Platform. Deploying on Qubole means just putting all the Dag files on the machine (AWS\/ GCP\/ Azure) where airflow is running. Qubole provides out of the box solutions for running airflow on your cloud with a click of a button. We offer bunch of different things (Spark, Presto, notebooks, etc) and have a great eco system build around Airflow.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> What's the simpler solution analogous to airflow that I an deploy on the same ec2 instance as my webserver? I prefer to use the simpler tool until it becomes unwieldable, and my current stack is just an elastic beanstalk deployment that runs the webserver as well as a celery worker. This seems easy to make the site highly available (scale up and down instances easily), with managed RDS and a redis broker taking care of managing state. A scheduled task runner is the missing piece - turns out celery is just not designed for long- running tasks, and both celery and airflow seem to require that only one instance of their scheduler run at any given time. I'd much prefer a tool where the service is robust enough to handle multiple redundant schedulers so I can go home and sleep without having to bring in kubernetes just to deal with this.\n\nCurrently using some custom code to do this using a database table but totally aware of how fickle and easy to screw up this method can be, and open to suggestions.\n\n<\/comment> 'Airflow' as in ....?\n\nIt does ring a bell, but airflow gives a lot of hits on google. Would be helpful to add a link in your readme to 'your' Airflow.\n\n Apache Airflow :)\n\n As well as commenting here. It would make sense to update your readme.\n\n Thank you. It was updated.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> [https:\/\/astronomer.io](https:\/\/astronomer.io) offers a managed platform and installation into your cloud or data center.\n\nGreat product experience, fully open source. Gives your people using Airflow a sweet UI so they don't need to go CLI\n\n It depends on your preference really. Most devs I know would prefer a CLI over UI, plus CLIs can be easily used to automate workflows like deployment and pushing pipelines to production.\n\n Yes, devs prefer CLI, but most users of Airflow are not devs. Just because something is OSS does not mean it's geared towards devs\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Deploying airflow workers took me loads of sweat to get used to - defenitely try this<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Algenol \u2013 First to Sell Algae-Based Fuel in Florida - http:\/\/wgcu.org\/post\/local-company-first-sell-algae-based-fuel-florida A Fort Myers company is putting its environmentally-friendly fuel on the market for Floridians. Algenol Biofuels is first to patent ethanol made from algae. It's been developing this product for nine years.\n\nAlgenol's fuel leaves 69 percent less of a carbon footprint than regular gasoline. It's also cheaper-- at $1.30 per gallon. The company heats up carbon dioxide-filled algae, using sunlight. And through photosynthesis, it converts that carbon into the four most important fuels: ethanol, gasoline, jet fuel and diesel. The only bi-product of this is freshwater.\n\n\"We have a really advanced technology that could make a very, very big difference in climate change and carbon emissions,\" said Paul Woods, founder of Algenol Biofuels.\n\nHe's recently partnered with Protec Fuel, another Florida-based company, to commercially distribute his products around the state. Woods said Algenol will open its first commercial facility in Central Florida between the end of next year and early 2017. He also plans to announce international partnerships in China, India and the Middle-east.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Hong Kongers avoid China's internet censorship with peer-to-peer mesh network - https:\/\/legalinsurrection.com\/2019\/09\/hong-kong-category-1-insurgency\/ From the article:\n\n _How do you communicate when the government censors the internet? With a peer-to-peer mesh broadcasting network that doesn't use the internet._\n\n _That's exactly what Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters are doing now, thanks to San Fransisco startup Bridgefy's Bluetooth-based messaging app. The protesters can communicate with each other \u2014 and the public \u2014 using no persistent managed network._\n\n _And it's led to swift growth for Bridgefy: downloads are up almost 4,000% over the past 60 days, according to Apptopia estimates (Apptopia is an app metrics company)._\n\n _The app can connect people via standard Bluetooth across an entire city, thanks to a mesh network. Chatting is speediest with people who are close, of course, within a hundred meters (330 feet), but you can also chat with people who are farther away. Your messages will simply \"hop\" via other Bridgefy users' phones until they find your intended target._<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: 2D animation or video editing framework with programming interface? - I'm currently working with the open-source OpenToonz (released by Studio Ghibli: https://opentoonz.github.io/e/), but the ECMAScript API is not very robust.

I tried Blender3D, which has a robust Python API, but it renders extremely slowly, even with raytracing off.

Youtuber 3Blue1Brown has a specialized math animation toolkit (https://github.com/3b1b; example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmgkSdhK4K8), but it's lacking in tutorials and doesn't seem too suited for my purposes. It's 3D (but that's really up to your camera and shader settings) but since you've tried Blender... you may want to try Houdini.\n\nUnfortunately it is not free or open source. However it is extremely powerful. It has python and it has a robust API. It has daily builds and top tier support! Also lively communities over at\n\nforums.odforce.net\n\nand\n\n[https:\/\/www.sidefx.com\/forum\/](https:\/\/www.sidefx.com\/forum\/)\n\nand tons and tons of tutorials.\n\n(source: Me, I've been a huge Houdini fan for 20 years)\n\n<\/comment> you could try: [https:\/\/cindyjs.org\/](https:\/\/cindyjs.org\/)\n\n<\/comment> You should try Spine by Esoteric software.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"QUIC and HTTP\/3: Too big to fail? - https:\/\/calendar.perfplanet.com\/2018\/quic-and-http-3-too-big-to-fail\/ > the median global network and device are both quite slow. This means a lot > of the network gains from QUIC are potentially (largely) undone by the > slower hardware.\n\nThe rest of the article made reasonable points but this is a really bad argument.\n\nThe cited claim that congestion control was application limited 50% of the time used bandwidth of either 10Mbps or 50Mbps. Meanwhile, the median mobile device is on a low-end (~15th percentile) 3g connection, I would guess around 1Mbps or less; 45% of devices were on 2g in 2017 according to the author's own citation.\n\nI'm writing this from Senegal, currently on great internet with a 350ms RTT; mobile RTT often hits 1s. At those speeds I really couldn't care less how much time my phone spends decrypting if you can save me roundtrips!\n\n This brings up an interesting point, who is QUIC\/HTTP3 for? Who benefits, who doesn't. I was initially going to ask about why we don't have wider adoption of larger packet sizes along with all out increases in bandwidth. If feasible this should be put into the protocol sooner than later.\n\nBut on the issue of who it's for, it it helps the less connected be much more connected than it does get hard to argue against it, unless it leads to a loss of decentralization or other prime principle.\n\n I'm no expert, but generally, large packet sizes have all sorts of issues.\n\nWhile they decrease some overhead, they increase the surface for single bit errors, require larger buffers for sending\/receiving retransmission buffers, and hurt bad connections while only minimally improving good ones.\n\nI don't know the full protocol, but if you can decrease round trips you improve latency while also taking a ton of load off of all intermediate systems, lower RAM used for buffering, etc. \"Buffer bloat\" has been an issue for a long time.\n\n I was just thinking it odd that we're still using the same packet sizes from the 70s despite all the changes in communications technology. Have we just worked around this, or is it actually optimal in some way?\n\nAs for the pros\/cons, I'm only suggesting increasing maximum packet size and using whatever size works for a given connection. I suppose that adds some complexity to negotiation and operating modes. Cost for memory buffers is a good explanation.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> The way they think they can fight Amplification ddos attacks is a joke. They need to research more about how to beat layer 7 attacks before crying during the release version.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":18618381},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Test how fast your website is on mobile and desktop from 9 locations - https:\/\/siterelic.com Site Relic is a FREE toolbox where you can test your website for performance & security in seconds without user registration.\n\nThere are 18 testing tools at the moment including the following.\n\nScreenshot Checker - Check how does your website look like from different region on desktop & mobile. You can choose to test from one of the nine location or all. Find out if web page content is rendered as expected globally, how much time it took to load, resolving IP with full page snapshot.\n\nSpeed Test - Check how much time does it take to load from nine locations on desktop and mobile. Speed test focus on providing essential metrics like time to the first byte, number of requests, page size, fully load time, request waterfall, request count by content type.\n\nSecurity Header Test - Check if OWASP recommended HTTP secure header is implemented.\n\nMiscellaneous - test for HTTP\/2, DNSSEC, SPF record, DNS lookup, Safe browsing, Server signature, etc.\n\nMy goal is to help website owner, developer, webmaster and everyone to quickly check various site metrics to find out what needs to be improved for better performance, security.\n\nSite Relic is powered by Google Cloud Platform, hosted in 9 locations around the world. Go ahead and give a try!\n\nI would love to receive any feedback.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: How to charge on first freelance gig - tldr; I've read lots of things about freelancing and how much to charge but all I can think of are excuses for why this circumstance is different.

I'm thinking of doing some websites updates for a friend. I've done some work like this (Wordpress) a while ago but it's been a bit and it was pro bono at the time so I didn't even do any sort of invoicing.

I'm mainly worried that I'll have to overcharge because I'm rusty so I've been tossing ideas around in my head. I estimate the time it will take me for each requested item of work I've been given but then what if it takes twice as long? Do your clients ask you to timebox certain tasks (i.e. if it takes you x hours to do it then give up)? If you can't finish a task in that time, do you still charge for that work?

As an software dev at a big 5 tech company, I'd imagine my rate should be well above $100/hour but since this isn't my wheelhouse and it would be a first time, I'm more inclined to do $50/hour (despite people saying not to discount your rate). Why do you want to do this work? It seems outside of your skillset and wordpress is a technology that is notoriously cheap to get develop for.\n\nIf you're just doing a friend a favor and picking up a little extra cash I'd charge $50\/hr and let him know you're doing it at a family and friends rate and set his expectations accordingly.\n\nIf you're trying to break into freelancing I'd just not do it and spend the time reaching out to people who have problems they'd be happy to spend 125-150\/hr fixing from someone who works for a big 5 tech company.\n\n<\/comment> I think it's fair to discount your rate a little, but don't over do it.\n\nYou can't charge customers for feasability research. You have to be the guy that brings the solution. A bit of R&D is okay on the clock, but you have to know you can deliver the goods before taking the contract.\n\nIt helps a lot if you have friends in the industry that can answer your questions if you're stuck. You'd be surprised what you can achieve with just the internet and paid time.\n\nThe first one can be scary, and frankly it will depend on the customer. If you have a great first customer, it may propel you for a long career as freelancer. If your first customer sucks, you might be tempted to move on. For that I can only say, good luck.\n\n<\/comment> The thing the experts always say is not to charge by time, but by delivered value. I haven't got there yet, and my clients seem to prefer to work with a time-based rate. YMMV.\n\nBut ... I do adjust my hours according to my productivity. So, if I need to study up on something, I generally won't charge the client for that (or not all of it) if it's reasonable that I should already know it. On the other hand, if I've been pumping out great code for the last 4 days solid, then I'll still charge a full day for the fifth day when I get a bit less done.\n\n<\/comment> Just charge whatever you're comfortable at. The people who tell you not to discount are the ones who will be competing with you. $50\/hour is a good deal for WordPress. You can always charge more later.\n\nOne of my mistakes was charging past my comfort zone, where I ended up too intimidated to even start working and rounded down my fees.\n\nAt a higher level, you'll be charging by value. But for now, main priority is you don't lose money and your client doesn't lose trust.\n\n<\/comment> Well there's how much you might be able to charge as a developer (and the amount of money you'd have to make as a freelancer to account for things that full-time jobs typically provide, like benefits, etc), and then there's what you can charge in a particular situation.\n\nIs your friend likely to be able to pay you, say, $4000 for website updates? (40hr @ $100). How about $2000 (40hr @ $50)? You know this person better than we do.\n\n<\/comment> Self employment has much higher overhead. $50\/hr is too low.\n\nEstimates w\/ disclaimers are good. Quotations are not. You're not laying tile.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":19924901},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"How to Build a Compromise-Resilient CI\/CD - https:\/\/sched.co\/dUZM CI\/CD is critical to any DevOps operation today, but when attackers compromise it, they get to distribute malicious software to millions of unsuspecting users. We present how Datadog used TUF and in-toto to develop, to the best of our knowledge, the industry's first end-to-end verified pipeline that automatically builds integrations for the Datadog agent. That is, even if this pipeline is compromised, users should not be able to install malware. We will show a demonstration of our pipeline in production being used to protect users of the Datadog agent, and describe how you can use TUF + in-toto to secure your own pipeline.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2024-22":1}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Learn GraphQL by Doing: The 2 Hour GraphQL Tutorial for Front End Developers - https:\/\/learn.hasura.io Hey all,\n\nWe've been working on this for the last few months. We have put together a powerful and concise course that will introduce you to GraphQL and integrating GraphQL into your frontend stack, in the shortest amount of time possible. We will explore the fundamentals of GraphQL and especially the things that make GraphQL suitable for modern applications, like its realtime capabilities!\n\nThe course is light on opinions so that once you grok the fundamentals you can go on to choose your favourite libraries, tools and tailor your workflow.\n\nWe have tutorials for popular frameworks with more frameworks coming soon! These are completely open source. We'd love for you to try these out and let us know if you have any feedback & suggestions. You can leave them as issues directly on the GitHub repo.\n\nAlso, let us know which frameworks\/language you'd like to see next :)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Reexamining the Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market (2003) [pdf] - https:\/\/sites.hks.harvard.edu\/fs\/gborjas\/publications\/journal\/QJE2003.pdf About the author, George Borjas:\n\nGeorge J. Borjas is the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. He was awarded the IZA Prize in Labor Economics in 2011. Professor Borjas is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a Research Fellow at IZA. Professor Borjas is the author of several books, including Immigration Economics (Harvard University Press, 2014), Heaven's Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy (Princeton University Press, 1999), and the widely used textbook Labor Economics (McGraw-Hill, 2016), now in its seventh edition. His latest book is We Wanted Workers: Unraveling the Immigration Narrative, published by W. W. Norton in Fall 2016. He has also published over 150 articles in books and scholarly journals. His professional honors include citations in Who's Who in the World and Who's Who in America. Professor Borjas was elected a fellow of the Econometric Society in 1998 and a fellow of the Society of Labor Economists in 2004. In 2016, Politico listed Professor Borjas #17 in the list of the 50 \"thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics...For telling it like it really is on immigration.\" He received his Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University in 1975.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Have Disneyland fans finally reached their limit? - https:\/\/www.mercurynews.com\/2019\/08\/13\/have-disneyland-fans-finally-reached-their-limit\/ The article neglects to mention the huge drop in international visits to the U.S. in recent years. Quoting a USA Today article from last week:\n\n _U.S. visits as a portion of total global travel fell to 11.7% last year from a high of 13.7% in 2015, according to the travel group and Oxford Economics. That has resulted in losses to the U.S. economy of 14 million international visitors, $59 billion in traveler spending and 120,000 U.S. jobs._\n\nSource: [https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/money\/2019\/08\/09\/travel- inter...](https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/money\/2019\/08\/09\/travel- international-visits-u-s-forecast-keep-falling\/1942922001\/)\n\nI know Disneyland and Disneyworld have traditionally been popular destinations for foreign tourists; it's reasonable to assume that if overall international travel is down the number of foreign visitors to the parks is also down, even before factoring in the high prices everyone has to pay to get into the parks.\n\n > The article neglects to mention the huge drop in international visits to the > U.S. in recent years. Quoting a USA Today article from last week:\n\nPart of this might be the ever-stronger US dollar. Five years ago, AUD$1 would buy about USD$0.94. Now it buys USD$0.68, making the trip to the US about a third more expensive.\n\n US dollar is pretty much steady against the Euro from 2016 levels. The AUD fall is because of our mismanaged economy.\n\nThe fall in US tourism can better be attributed to Trump trashing America's foreign image.\n\n As if most tourists care for politics? Changing trends in tourism and financial issues are far more likely reasons...\n\n As a previously frequent tourist to the US, I assure you politics is an important consideration for me and my family. Many people of my acquaintance have also taken politics into account when making vacation plans.\n\nI'm not aware of any studies on this, so anecdote is all I have. But for me, it's \"obvious\" that politics is a factor rather than \"obvious\" that tourists only think of trends and exchange rates.\n\nIn fact, it's now common (at least in my circle) for people to plan vacations to avoid changing planes in the USA, because of the delays in customs and the risks of missing connections or being denied entry to the US (required in the USA even if you never leave the transfer area).\n\n part of the problem is that airports in the US have no \"transfer area\" \\- international departure lounges are not set up to require passing through immigration if you want to leave them - many are connected directly to domestic departure lounges (SFO is an example)\n\n It'a not a decision made by US airports, the US requires every person who lands on US soil to clear US customs even if that person's final destination is outside the US (ie. the US doesn't allow sterile transit).\n\n Yes but the US is very unusual in this practice, I don't know of anywhere else in the Western World where this happens.\n\n We traveled a couple of years ago to Milan via Amsterdam. My recollection is that we did have to clear customs in Amsterdam.\n\n You were entering the Schengen area - the group of European nations who have a combined border - once you enter one of those countries you can freely travel to the others (so no passport booths on the roads on the borders between the Netherlands and Italy) - your flight from Amsterdam to Milan was an internal flight.\n\nIf you had flown into Amsterdam and transited to Moscow you would have gone thru metal detectors to the departure lounge, but not thru immigration\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I'm a former Disneyland CM, I strongly suspect lower attendance is a desired goal.\n\nIf my memory is correct, Disneyland can accommodate around 60,000 (aka a 60k day) without having to shut the gates to prevent further entry - and the park feels.. well packed - Disney over time has made AP's less viable for frequent visits to reduce overcrowding, raising ticket prices accomplishes the same thing, a 45k day with everyone paying an average of 60 bucks a head, is just as profitable as a 60k day with and average of everyone paying 45 a head. The difference is the 45k day is a whole lot more pleasant for everyone, and puts far less strain on park infrastructure, on a 50+ day, an attraction going out of service puts a tremendous load on other things nearby (vending, merch, and foods), on a 45k- day, the load is much much less.\n\nfor reference, a 50k day by the way, was not abnormal when I worked there in the early 00's. - and a 55k day was seen weekly or more during summertime.\n\n<\/comment> It's a tricky trade-off. The last couple of times we visited Disneyland, the crowds were so bad that it didn't feel worth it. However, I'm not sure I'm ready to pay $100+ per person per day for less congestion. I think I topped out at $99.\n\n This, in addition to the Yogi quote below, is a known problem in game theory:\n\n[https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/El_Farol_Bar_problem](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/El_Farol_Bar_problem)\n\n This is EXACTLY the type of problem a market economy is designed to solve - distribution of a scarce resource.\n\nYou solve it by setting the price of attendance such that the correct number of people choose to go.\n\n Well, in Disney's case, you want to maximize profits, not optimize attendance rates. So you set the price such that it maximizes total returns, and whatever attendance rate that is, is the \"correct one\"\n\n > So you set the price such that it maximizes total returns, and whatever > attendance rate that is, is the \"correct one\"\n\nI don't think it's that simple\u2014they're not trying to maximize total returns on a single day, but total returns overall. How many people are in the park determines the kind of experience you have, which then determines if you're likely to come back. Plus all sorts of associated halo effects\u2014if you enjoy your time at the park, then after you leave you're more likely to purchase Disney branded merchandise, watch Disney movies, and subscribe to their upcoming Disney+ streaming service.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I grew up on Disneyland. At one point, my family was going nearly every weekend because my father worked for a subsidiary of Disney, so we got in for free. Even for years after he left the company, we bought annual passes and went rather frequently. Everyone I knew had annual passes.\n\nIt's probably been 5 years since I last went. Over time, annual passes became less worth it. Prices kept going up and more dates kept getting blocked out. Even ordinary tickets got pricey. Eventually, the park got so crowded that it really wasn't fun to go. Then they added premiums to a bunch of things like Fast Passes. I just kind of said screw it and chose not to go back.\n\nI'm sure that I'll go back for some reason, but I won't make an effort to. This is coming from someone who LOVED Disneyland and wanted to build theme park rides as a dream job. It ended up feeling like they were doing everything they could to squeeze pennies, which I know theme parks are designed to do, but it used to seem like Disneyland at least partly cared about whether or not you were enjoying yourself. Cast members, at one time, were pretty damned friendly, though they're still much better than most other theme parks. When I last went, you could _tell_ that they secretly hated their jobs. I don't want to pity lowly employees when I'm there to have fun. At least Six Flags doesn't seriously attempt to make their employees act cheery(I was once an employee there BTW).\n\nAbove all, I really don't want to give Disney money. Sure, they became an Evil MegaCorp a long time ago, and have long ago slithered their tentacles through the news and entertainment industry, but they control so much now and pretty much have no regard for artistry or the cultural significance of their films and characters. Star Wars just took the cake. Why would I pay Disney for a bizarro facsimile something I enjoyed _as a child_ where the characters I loved are losers only to be replaced by modern ripoffs? _Maybe_ they could have attracted a new generation, which doesn't appear to be working out much for them, but as someone who grew up with the original Star Wars, what they've done only repels me from anything to do with them. I'm not even a Star Wars fan... and I don't think one has to be to respond that way to Disney.\n\nI'm not angry at Disney. It's just that, looking at my own behavior, it's no surprise to me why attendance to their park would be in decline.\n\n > Prices kept going up and more dates kept getting blocked out.\n\n> Eventually, the park got so crowded that it really wasn't fun to go.\n\nIf prices were going up and attendance was still rising, Disney had two options: 1) keep raising prices to the point where attendance rates dropped to a manageable level, or 2) keep prices fixed and put stricter caps on attendance for specific dates. Being the cutthroat megacorp that it is, Disney picked option #1 because it's more profitable. If attendance drops enough, prices will go back down again.\n\n 3) build more parks?\n\n You have to fund that somehow so ... prices go up! Real estate isn't infinite, but Disney World in Florida is expanding now more than ever. If they ever have to build a new set of parks elsewhere, real estate prices are going to be ridiculous, and you have to buy it somehow so ... prices go up!\n\nI don't see how increasing supply brings prices down at Disney - they'll hike the price now to fund it, then they'll hike prices again to control attendance.\n\nBuy Disney stock.\n\n >You have to fund that somehow so ... prices go up! Real estate isn't infinite, but Disney World in Florida is expanding now more than ever. If they ever have to build a new set of parks elsewhere, real estate prices are going to be ridiculous, and you have to buy it somehow so ... prices go up!\n\nWhy raise prices on consumers when you can fund a new park with the $12.6 billion in profit they earned in 2018?\n\nEdit: I'm not the most fiscally-savvy person, so it would be cool if someone explained why I might be wrong rather than just hitting the downvote button and walking away.\n\n Anaheim is landlocked, it would cost them several billion dollars just to buy more land in Anaheim alone, the odds of more park in Anaheim are basically zero.\n\n IIRC, Walt Disney practically begged friends and associates to buy up the land surrounding Disneyland, and always lamented the cheap motels and establishments that quickly proliferated outside the park. But he maxed out, mortgaged and bet pretty much every penny of the studio (and personally) to get the park built at all. There was simply no money left to buy up any more orange groves.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Will be interesting to see how low birth rates will impact theme park attendance going forward. I feel like young adults are already struggling with student debt and difficulty affording a home. Throw in a kid or two and makes me wonder how an average family could afford a 3 or 4 night vacation to Disneyland with flights and hotel and tickets for everyone. That's at least $4k for 4 nights.\n\n I feel like going to Disney is something that the average middle class family might do once in a life time. At least that is how it was in my family growing up in the 80's and 90's we went to Disney World once and every other vacation was some variation on camping at a state park or going to the local Six Flags amusement park for the day. When you look at it that way 4k doesn't seem as outrageous.\n\n Probably depends on where you are. As a California native, Disneyland trips were much more frequent.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> What do these prices actually look like? the article does not get into specifics about how much it actually costs or how much it used to cost.\n\n Ticket price is based on age, demand, number of days you want to visit and included features (park hopper and MaxPass). The cheapest, adult, lowest demand, 1 day, no features ticket runs $104 right now. The most expensive peak time, single day ticket with park hopper and MaxPass is $214.\n\nAnnual passes provide extra benefits over tickets and are priced based on what days you wish to be able to go (cheaper passes have more blockout dates or are limited to southern California residents only). AP runs from $599 for Flex (only allowed in certain parks and sometimes must reserve park entrance in advance) to $1399 for the Signature Plus which has 0 blockouts or restrictions. (There is also the Premier passport which costs $2,099 and gets you unrestricted access to both Disneyland and Walt Disney World in Florida.)\n\n For a vacationing family of 4 coming to the park for three full days and staying in a Disney resort for 4 nights in the spring or summer, what might be the expected cost range including everything (except for flights and the rental car)?\n\n It really depends on what hotel you are staying at, whether on or off property. On property you could pay anywhere from $3000 to $5000 would be my guess off the top of my head. Paradise Pier is lowest price, Grand Californian is highest. Really depends on when exactly you are going too. I've seen prices like $1200\/night at Grand Californian during Christmas time.\n\nDisneyland's website has an excellent tool to calculate full price (even including flights). I'd recommend checking that out or calling them for a more personal touch. You can book everything online (tickets, hotels, transport from the airport to the resort, dining and more).\n\n Thanks. I wasn't interested for my own family, just curious about what people typically pay for the experience these days.\n\nFWIW I went to Disneyland and Universal Studios in 1980 with my family, and it really was a special experience - still remember the trip 40 years later.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I'd be curious how it compares to Universal Studios Hollywood. Personal observation is that Universal Studios has gotten better, faster (with recent addition of Harry Potter area) and is more fun\/interesting for the older crowd. If you had to choose one or the other because both are expensive then Universal Studios seems like a better option unless you have very young kids.\n\n Haha not a chance. For the price Universal Studios is incredibly small, less well kept, and there's only really 1-2 interesting rides. The whole park takes like 10 minutes to walk end to end. You can walk around Disney land all day and still not hit it all.\n\n \"Not a chance\" what?\n\nLooking at 2018 data Disneyland grew attendance 2% vs Universal Studios at 12%, and the source says almost all attributed to Harry Potter.\n\nBoth parks can be done in a day each...both are small relative to Orlando counterparts.\n\n[http:\/\/www.ocregister.com\/disneyland-still-worlds- no-2-theme...](http:\/\/www.ocregister.com\/disneyland-still-worlds-no-2-theme- park-but-universal-studios-hollywoods-attendance-surges)\n\n You can do Disneyland in a day if it's not too crowded\n\nUniversal Studios' AP is a lot cheaper but the park needs to add a lot more rides to match Disneyland\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> TBH, I feel uniquely qualified to comment on this.\n\nI lived two miles from Disneyland for a decade (Old Towne Orange). I proposed to my wife there (now ex-wife). We named our daughter after the \"Emma\" from \"Once Upon a Time.\" We had an annual pass for about a decade, and my life and free time centered around Disneyland.\n\nFor years I went to DL\/DCA several times a week. But, gradually, it became a horrid thing. Disneyland, when I arrived in the early 2000s was a place where I could forget the stresses of the daily world. I worked so close to it (Cypress and Santa Ana), that I would sometimes take an extended lunch and ride one or two rides and then go back to work.\n\nPsychologically, Disneyland was a place that allowed me to let go and enjoy myself.\n\nThen, they started offering financing on their Annual Passes. I used to have to layout 1k for my families passes. But now, you could get them on an installment basis. The parks were always crowded, and even when they weren't, the powers that be understaffed the park such that ride times were long. I had a friend who could barely afford food but had a $400 AP. She would often crash in our living room to go to the park.\n\nWhat was once my refuge from reality became this horrid thing where we were waiting 60 mins for a 90-second ride. The last two years the (ex)wife and I had passes, we just, would stand in line, look at each other, and think, \"Why are we here? We could be at home, not standing in the sun, not paying $7 for a bottle of water.\" We weren't enjoying ourselves, and it cost us about 1k\/yr for the passes and parking, plus incidental expenses in the park.\n\nThe company I used to work for was located a couple of miles from Dl, and when we had guests from other countries, I would take them to Disneyland. It was an amazing thing for the folks because I could give them a world-class tour of the park (being a regular), and we would all have a great time. But gradually, that became impossible.\n\nI remember the exact day I gave up on Disneyland. We drove over there, and they were doing some construction, and detour, after the detour, we ended up at some nearly abandoned mall, which is only a little bit from my house, then we had to board a bus which drove us to the transportation hub. It took 75 mins to get into the park, and the whole time, I was literally one exit from my home. It took 75 mins for us to get to the front gate back to our car. Never again.\n\nWhile my failures as a husband are my own fault, and my marriage was probably doomed from the beginning... In a real way, my marriage was based on Disneyland. It was something my wife and I bonded over and looked forward to and, was special to us. When we stopped going, the magic in our relationship died.\n\nSomeday I'll go back, but not today, and not anytime soon. I live 100 miles from Disneyland now. If it were enjoyable again, I'd move back to Orange County. But it's not. Disneyland is a broken dream, and their tilt towards Star Wars is a joke that is not funny. Disney must constantly reinvent itself, and the last decade has been a mistake.\n\nI interviewed for Disney Research a year ago and, was amazed by the brilliant folks working there. Ultimately, Disney will prevail just because of the amazing folks who work there. I don't know if I'm just an old fart wishing for his more formative years, or if things are really different.\n\nAnyways, I love you Disneyland. I hope we can both get our act together. But you've broken my heart and I'm weary.\n\n > In a real way, my marriage was based on Disneyland. It was something my wife > and I bonded over and looked forward to and, was special to us. When we > stopped going, the magic in our relationship died.\n\nDamn. :(\n\nI had a similar situation with my last relationship, except we broke up soon after we decided to go to Knott's Berry Farm for the first time instead.\n\n _(no joke, not that it had anything to do with the breakup, but kind of a funny coincidence)_\n\n Knotts has been a disaster even longer than DL. My grandmother used to work there and take my brother and I regularly. I don't even think it's safe, to be honest. Whatever I might say about Disneyland, at least it's safe.\n\nSorry about your bad luck.\n\n I think Knotts is about as safe as it ever has been, I'm saying this as someone who worked at both Knotts and Disney, Knotts in some ways in the early and mid 00's was actually better about doing some basic maintenance to keep the park looking and feeling fresh.\n\n The last time I ever went to Knotts, admittedly 13 or so years ago... One of the employees asked me not to lean on a chain that was strung between to parts of the que to rope it off. I gave him a sort of, \"Are you serious?\" look...\n\nHe was super nice and explained that it took him a whole year to get the chain, that Knotts doesn't like paying for things like that, and he didn't want it, or the que itself damaged as he wouldn't be able to get a new one anytime soon.\n\nMy mind immediately started thinking about the cost of chains, and how safe the park could possibly be if that were the operating environment. We rode the ride because we'd waited 4 hours in the queue, and the friend that I had gone with and I agreed this was not a place we wanted to be anymore.\n\nI also worked in Cypress, a few blocks from Knotts, and we'd always hear about horror stories about people stranded on attractions. What worried me about it most was, not that rides break down, they do. What was concerning was that Knotts didn't seem to have a plan for that.\n\nWhen a ride breaks at Disneyland, They have plan after plan after plan. I have never felt unsafe at Disneyland, and I've had at least half a dozen incidents. I remember being stuck once on the Ferris wheel at DCA. My wife and I were stuck with 3, 13-year-old boys for 2 hours. We joked around, got to know each other other, assigned the barf bags to those most likely to need them-- the sunwheel is 160ft tall. Never felt unsafe for even a moment.\n\nKnotts, just seems to call the fire department when something happens.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Theres some simple economics in this. If visitor numbers are down 3%, and say prices are up 5% then total profit is also up, variable costs are down, and parks are less crowded so everyone has a better time.\n\n<\/comment> Went last week, very disappointed by the new Star Wars attraction, essentially a glorified video game - I'll be skipping Star Wars land next time\n\n<\/comment> Surprise! The laws of economics still apply to you, even if you're a company with a great brand like Disney and Apple.\n\n<\/comment> Or more like, the USD is extremely overvalued right now. In addition, the US makes travel to the US extremely risky and difficult, even for visa waiver eligible applicants. Many people are starting to not bother.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":20691164},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"PG&E Had Systemic Problems with Power Line Maintenance, California Probe Finds - https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/pg-e-had-systemic-problems-with-power-line-maintenance-california-probe-finds-11575338873?mod=rsswn After the San Bruno pipeline explosion, where PG&E gas pipeline maintenance and inspection records were falsified, is anyone surprised?\n\n[https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/San_Bruno_pipeline_explosion#L...](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/San_Bruno_pipeline_explosion#Litigation)\n\nIf a company is forced to implement a \"compliance and ethics monitoring program\" by the federal government, it has some serious culture problems.\n\n > _If a company is forced to implement a \"compliance and ethics monitoring > program\" by the federal government, it has some serious culture problems._\n\nAnd where were the state regulators in all of this?\n\nSomeone on HN once mentioned that CPUC [1] allowed deferred maintenance on a lot of stuff because it helped to keep rates down. This prevented customers screaming at politicians. True\/plausible?\n\n[1] [https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/California_Public_Utilities_Co...](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/California_Public_Utilities_Commission)\n\n > And where were the state regulators in all of this?\n\nIn bed with PG&E the whole time, of course.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> >PG&E sought bankruptcy protection in January, citing more than $30 billion in potential liabilities from fires sparked by its equipment. This fall, the utility has blacked out millions of its own customers during strong winds to try to prevent its equipment from starting more fires, a move that has generated widespread criticism, including from California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state leaders.\n\nHow does this work if a private utility company seeks bankruptcy? Do its responsibilities get taken over by the government? Can they even seize operations?\n\n PG&E's in Chapter 11. In Chapter 11 bankruptcy the company continues operating as if nothing had happened. (Well, except that there may be layoffs and work furloughs if the company lacks sufficient cash to pay salaries, and they're probably not making major capital investments.) What changes is the _capital structure_ \\- the payments due to creditors and dividends paid to shareholders. Basically the company is saying \"Well, guess we don't have the money to pay all our debts, so nobody's getting anything until we work out a new arrangement that we can actually support with our assets and cash flows.\" In this case the bankruptcy was triggered by court judgments that found PG&E liable for the 2018 fires, so the bankruptcy means that the court settlements are suspended while another court figures out who's going to pay for them.\n\nIn practice, what often happens during Chapter 11 proceedings is that the stock goes to nearly zero (it's close but not there yet with PG&E), on the assumption that many of the common stockholders will be wiped out and the debt recapitalized as shares. Bonds also become very risky, as bondholders expect that they may not see all of the principal repaid. Assets _can_ be sold off to pay creditors - this is part of the negotiations in the bankruptcy proceedings. But ordinary workers largely keep on doing their jobs, though there's a big cloud of \"will there be layoffs or not?\" surrounding it.\n\nIt's very rare (and almost unheard of in the U.S.) for a private corporation to be nationalized and taken over by the government; the government generally is not in the business of running complex operations, other than the military. Even in the financial crisis of 2009, bankrupt organizations were recapitalized by the government (where the government basically took over the debt and wiped out existing shareholders) rather than seized (where the government installs its own people and takes over operations).\n\n At a certain point during Chapter 11 the title of the company seemingly changes to \"ABC co, debtor in possession\" and that goes on the checks, and those checks don't get honored as much. I believe this status is not permanent. The worker's unpaid vacation time becomes a debt and you don't end up with much of that debt paid off. I _joined_ a company that was in Chapter 11 and none of this affected me adversely, so I think this is a passing phase, but it would not be fun for the long-time employees.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> [http:\/\/archive.is\/DJ4RR](http:\/\/archive.is\/DJ4RR)\n\n Thank you, kind person.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Executives that let this happen under their watch should be charged with the deaths of those 85 people.\n\n Completely agree with you, but I'll be surprised if even the outsized bonuses and dividends they paid themselves over the past ten years (with money which should have gone to line maintenance and upgrades) are clawed back.\n\n Not sure why this is being downvoted as it's been the case.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> PG&E is far away from the concept of a modern 'smart grid', running archaic and obsolete overground infrastructure. It is incredible that companies like Tesla are also in California when the Paradise fire, caused by a 100 year old rusty pylon failing on an inaccessible hillside, resulted in massive subsequent precautionary power outages that rendered EV's useless in recent emergency situations.\n\n To be fair, gas powered vehicles are less effective in a power outage too since without power (or a backup generator) at the gas station, they can't refuel. Of course, you can drive your gas powered car outside of the area to refuel, but you can do the same with an EV -- during the recent PG&E scheduled outages, EV owners worked out a rotation for the EV chargers at work so they could all recharge at work while the power was out at home.\n\nMy gas powered car can go about 160 miles on half a tank of gas (which is about the average amount I have in it at any time). If I had an EV, I'd charge it overnight, so I'd have 200 - 300 miles of range in the event of a power outage.\n\n Well, you can bring gas in far more easily than the equivalent amount of electricity... That said, scheduled outages shouldn't ever be a thing except when you're getting new in-house wiring. Anything else that can be scheduled should only cause a few seconds of power loss during the physical switchover from your line getting disconnected from the old feed-in and re-connected to the new feed-in. If this takes more than a minute, they're doing something wrong (yes, this implies stripping the cable while live and all that. Routine, and easy to contain at the voltages (<1kV) involved. Higher voltages do come up, but at least here in Germany those are redundant setups usually based on rings at the smallest (10kV) scale. The redundancy would be reduced during this, but that's just an increased failure risk, not a certain outage.)\n\n I'm not sure you're aware of the scheduled outages I'm referring to (and why would you? You live in a country with reliable power). I'm referring to the scheduled outages where our power company decides to turn off power for entire cities and regions because they didn't invest enough money in maintaining their power grid to prevent wildfires during high winds and trees blow into the power lines.\n\nSo it leads to the case where hundreds of thousands of people have no power at home, but often a short distance away (like maybe where they work), the power is fine.\n\n I'm aware of what PG&E is doing. Sorry if I sounded otherwise.\n\nThat said, I mentioned these things because it's a should. I'm compassionate for those in that unfortunate situation.\n\nI don't know about how the distance scales are regarding the interactions between commuting, geography, infrastructure sections, etc. I'm partially arguing about a situation with a less voluntary shutoff on a comparable scale. A scenario with similar infrastructure availability, just larger regions with sparse\/meager availability. Think of what you'd have in case of a sudden jump to 100% renewables. Existing storage doesn't suffice for 24\/7 traditional load curves. Overall demand is higher than supply....\n\nAnyways, it was more a yawning in defeat than a case of \"confused pikachu\". (Forgive me for the wording, and feel free to correct. I'm not trying to joke.)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I wish I could find a copy of this report online\n\n It's on the CPUC FTP server\n\nftp.cpuc.ca.gov:News_and_Outreach\n\n'I1906015 Appendix A SED Camp Fire Investigation Report REDACTED.pdf' '259 MB' '12\/2\/19, 7:40:00 AM'\n\n ftp:\/\/ftp.cpuc.ca.gov\/News_and_Outreach\/I1906015%20Appendix%20A%20SED%20Camp%20Fire%20Investigation%20Report%20REDACTED.pdf for a link\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> But at least they were paying out dividends. Sure those dividends were being paid directly by tax dollars in the form of the inevitable bail out, but at least private individuals got that money first.\n\n Please don't post snarky rage comments here. I know it's the internet, but that's not what this site is for, as you'll notice if you review the guidelines: [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/newsguidelines.html](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/newsguidelines.html)<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"A More Natural Stackless Coroutine in C That Maintains Local Variables - https:\/\/liuliu.me\/eyes\/a-more-natural-stackless-coroutine-in-c-maintains-local-variables\/ I have an implementation of nested coroutines for C in this file:\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/billziss- gh\/winfuse\/blob\/master\/src\/winfu...](https:\/\/github.com\/billziss- gh\/winfuse\/blob\/master\/src\/winfuse\/coro.h)\n\nThis uses the macros coro_block to introduce a new coroutine block, coro_await to invoke a nested coroutine, coro_yield to suspend the coroutine block and coro_break to exit it.\n\nThe implementation is fairly simple in about 17 lines of code (omitting file headers\/comments). I use it extensively in the implementation of a Windows kernel driver that implements the FUSE protocol (work in progress).\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/billziss-gh\/winfuse](https:\/\/github.com\/billziss- gh\/winfuse)\n\nEDIT: For an example use see the implementation of READ:\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/billziss- gh\/winfuse\/blob\/d44307105b0f1a56...](https:\/\/github.com\/billziss- gh\/winfuse\/blob\/d44307105b0f1a5683a6cb1ef84d2f722a4f3211\/src\/winfuse\/fuseop.c#L1244-L1301)\n\n<\/comment> I can't be the only one who finds it cleaner to just use structs with state and pointers to them, than all such macro and typedef hackery\n\n Structs with state and pointers to them? Might as well just use C with classes.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> The author should take a look at async.h[0], which is extremely simple. I don't think you need a scheduler, but you do need what Rust calls an \"executor\", which is a library of I\/O functions and an event loop.\n\n[0] [https:\/\/github.com\/naasking\/async.h](https:\/\/github.com\/naasking\/async.h) [https:\/\/higherlogics.blogspot.com\/2019\/09\/asynch- asynchronou...](https:\/\/higherlogics.blogspot.com\/2019\/09\/asynch-asynchronous- stackless.html)\n\n My real use case involves transferring that event loop from existing thread to another spawned pthread, thus, having a \"scheduler\" \/ \"executor\" is easier.\n\nI think async.h is very similar to Protothreads, both are very lightweight and not as opinionated.\n\n async.h does not preclude threads, as long as you ensure that no more than one thread is running any given co-routine at any point in time.\n\nasync.h is indeed similar to protothreads, but simpler. I like its mechanism for co-routines calling co-routines.\n\nAs for scheduling, there's a lot of history of M:N scheduling. M:N scheduling hasn't worked out for, e.g., Solaris, Linux, Rust, and some others. Thread libraries tend to be 1:1 nowadays. Erlang uses M:N and I see claims that it works well enough, but I am not familiar enough with it to understand if that's true or why.\n\nM being the number of user-land threads and N being the number of threads allocated in the OS kernel to run those user-land threads. M:N means having them be different, with M>N and a user-land scheduler to choose which OS thread runs which user-land thread (which looks a lot like a co-routine). It's easy end up with pathological conditions and leaving performance on the table. But I suppose a lot depends on just what exactly the workload looks like. An I\/O bound workload with no long CPU runs (or lots of yielding during them) will probably work well enough with M:N scheduling, but 1:1 threading with as many threads as CPUs should work even better.\n\n I think Erlang is successfully where other not because it fully commit to the idea. Is not just \"give me some way to do M:N\", everything is around actors. Also, actors. Is not just \"some way to schedule stuff\" is a full paradigm.\n\n Right, small actors == small (stack, code), preferably stackless coroutines that hopefully don't do much CPU hogging and just lots of cooperative behavior -- I'm ready to believe that M:N does well for that when the coroutines have small stacks or are stackless, and that you don't even need a scheduler for them if there's no yield operation as then you need only ever \"schedule\" coroutines whose pending I\/O events have occurred.\n\nI.e., coroutines are just a C10K method, and you must end up with more of them than you have OS threads and HW CPUs.\n\nIf, e.g., Bryan Cantrill and others who claim M:N is bad are wrong, they're only wrong -I think- if they extend the claim to stackless \/ small stack coroutines. But Bryan Cantrill's seminal paper on the badness of M:N threading was not about stackless coroutines, but about very stackful coroutines (pthreads).\n\nM:N is necessarily bad if the M things have large stacks (which was and is the case in, e.g., pthreads).\n\nM:N is necessarily good (C10K) if the M things are extremely light-weight.\n\nEverything we see in this space, from Scheme-style continuations, partial continuations, to hand-coded CPS, to stackless co-routines, async\/await primitives that allow compilers to do partial CPS conversion \/ coroutines -- all these things are about program C10K, which is about a) using async I\/O, and b) compressing program state \/ reducing overhead to serve the most possible clients.\n\nAs a program state compression technique, nothing beats hand-coded CPS, but it's utterly not user-friendly. Scheme-style continuations mostly shift program state from the stack to the heap. The sweet spot is async\/await.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> t-writescode I understand the excitement of proving you _can_ do something.\n\nWouldn't a language suited to async, or a framework implementing that from the ground up, complete with all its natural ugliness, be ... better than trying to shoe-horn async into such a low language?\n\n It totally would! I think that is where C++20's coroutine proposal (or Rust) makes a lot of sense (and all these negative abstraction costs!). There are a lot of fun when working on though, and the end result is not bad (I translated my old stateful coroutine based code to this one in an afternoon: [https:\/\/github.com\/liuliu\/ccv\/commit\/03c84ee1e3344b8458d8502...](https:\/\/github.com\/liuliu\/ccv\/commit\/03c84ee1e3344b8458d8502010b3ea73417ede75#diff-0576585e7e3ffa72c74264debbc013ad))<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":21688811},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: AR hand puppets and more from 2D\/3D feature point extraction CNNs - https:\/\/heartbeat.fritz.ai\/real-time-2d-3d-feature-point-extraction-from-a-mobile-camera-80c9dc3c207a I'm confused. The demo doesn't seem to be using CNNs, then the article mentions just using SolvePnP instead for the 3D case (which is not ML -- it's an overdetermined linear system solver). Wouldn't it be possible to map points on the hand into a prototypical hand scale-invariant reference frame in 3D space? We also have newer mobile devices with stereoscopic cameras.\n\nNow I'm also more curious about running CNNs on mobile devices (seems like something that can just be done in a shader).\n\n Apologies if the title is confusing. The demo does use CNNs, as mentioned to predict the 2D joint locations of the hand. The whole point of this system is that it relies only on a monocular camera, allowing it to run on a wide range of devices. CoreML on iOS and Tensorflow Lite on Android handle all the GPU inference on these models<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"RemedyBG a lightweight debugger for Windows - https:\/\/remedybg.itch.io\/remedybg A debugger inspired and somewhat popularized by the Handmade Hero screencast series. Primarily for C and C++. Some people say good things about it and happy that it is being developed. Since it is a paid tool with no demo, you might want first to see it in action before purchasing. A good introduction to the debugger is simply watching a few videos of it being discussed and used by Casey Muratori. Go to the screencast page [0], scroll down, and and the search field (which accepts regexes by the way) type 'remedy'. Click on everything. You might also watch a 2 hour long episode discussing debuggers in general [1] and why Visual Studio debugger is not ideal [2].\n\n[0]: [https:\/\/handmadehero.org\/watch](https:\/\/handmadehero.org\/watch) [1]: [https:\/\/youtu.be\/GfGNPo9Z6mA](https:\/\/youtu.be\/GfGNPo9Z6mA) [2]: [https:\/\/youtu.be\/vohsUKjg9tU?t=33](https:\/\/youtu.be\/vohsUKjg9tU?t=33)\n\nIt is still early days for the debugger, so it has bugs and might crash. Another downside is that it is closed source which might be difficult to reconcile with today's culture of open source. It is really unfortunate because author said it is developed completely from scratch using very few third party libraries. Because of that it would be interesting to take a look at the source and perhaps hack on it. But people are buying it anyway.\n\nI urge everyone who might be interested to support the development of remedy, because I want the project to succeed.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: Facebook now requires an account to view business pages? - I don't recall ever seeing this before, but I went to check the Facebook page for a local business to see if they're now open (previously closed due to COVID) and I was blocked by a Facebook login page. I checked a few other pages I remember looking up in the past, such as a restaurant where I wanted to see their menu, and a barbershop where I wanted to view their price list on Facebook, and those pages are all blocked as well when not logged in.

Is everyone else experiencing the same issue? It seems like a large amount of essential content (store hours, menus, prices, contact details), is now unavailable without a Facebook account. It's concerning since more and more businesses have been moving exclusively to Facebook or leaving their websites outdated while they post daily updates to Facebook. It's similar to the Instagram change in recent months where users are required to log in when scrolling too far down the page, blocking access to image galleries for many businesses.

None of this is too surprising but it's still unsettling to see so much information suddenly walled off. yep, i have noticed it yesterday. i say fucke em, fuck entire facebook and companies that have only fb pages.... but if you have a direct link to a post, it will show up.\n\n<\/comment> Maha-pudma Yes: [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=24529869](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=24529869)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"JWT scope claim compression using a bitmap - https:\/\/raphael.medaer.me\/2020\/05\/21\/scope-bitmap.html That's a great garden path sentence. (or at least beautifuly ambiguous)\n\nI initally parsed it as \"[The] James Webb Telescope ([which is a tele]scope) [team] claim [they can] compress [pictures somehow] using a bitmap\".\n\n I've skimmed the article and I'm still not sure what JWT stands for.\n\n At least the first several google results look pretty explanatory to me?\n\n > the first several google results look pretty explanatory to me?\n\nIs the article really about Java Web Toolkit?\n\n Maybe my Google results are especially tailored to my search\/browsing history :( Every result for me was about JSON Web Tokens.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> As a casual reader not familiar with problem of large JWT scopes, I suggest the strength of the argument for this proposal could be improved by explaining exactly why larger JWT tokens cause problems in practice, defining some metrics or benchmarks that can be used to measure the impact of the problem, then comparing the proposed solution to the baseline approach using those metrics.\n\nE.g. are large JWT tokens bad because they take longer to send? Then compare durations between both implementations. Or are large JWT tokens bad because they exceed some maximum supported token size? Then compare how many scopes are supported by the standard approach and new approach before hitting limit.\n\nAnother thought: the proposed compression scheme requires that each token producer & consumer needs to depend upon a centralised scope list that defines the single source of truth of which scope is associated with which index for all scopes in the ecosystem.\n\nIf we assume we've set that up, why not generalise and say the centralised shared scope list is actually a centralised JWT compression standard that defines how to compress and decompress the entire JWT.\n\nThis could be implemented as something like [https:\/\/facebook.github.io\/zstd\/](https:\/\/facebook.github.io\/zstd\/) running in dictionary compression mode, where a custom compression dictionary is created that is good at compressing the expected distribution of possible JWT values. As long as each JWT producer and consumer is using the same version of the centrally managed compression dictionary the compression & decompression could still occur locally.\n\nIn practise in any given JWT ecosystem perhaps there's a subset of scopes that commonly appear together. If common enough that entire subset of common scopes could be encoded in 1 or 0 bits using a custom compression scheme tuned to the frequency of observed JWT scopes, instead of compressing each scope independently.\n\n Hi shoo, thanks for your feedback. At this point in time this is only a proposal. A proposal which needs to be challenged. So thanks again for your useful feedback.\n\nIndeed the goal is to limit the size of JWT tokens. I can't tell you if it really improves the performances for now. I already started a spreadsheet to compare the bitmap scope list against the space-separated list. Although I need some real examples and metrics to do a relevant analysis of the impact.\n\nOne of the questions you raised is about the scopes commonly used. Should we defined a shared dictionary\/registry ? Maybe. I would propose to open an issue on Github to discuss about that. Here it is: [https:\/\/github.com\/rmedaer\/rmedaer.github.io\/issues\/2](https:\/\/github.com\/rmedaer\/rmedaer.github.io\/issues\/2)\n\nIf there is more interest in this proposal, I would propose to create a dedicated repository where ~~I~~ __we __could discuss, compare and challenge it.\n\nKind regards,\n\n > Indeed the goal is to limit the size of JWT tokens.\n\nAt work we just implemented some M2M auth using JWT[1]. The other party requires a full certificate chain as our identification and RS256 as algorithm, so our \"compact\" tokens end up around 8k in size.\n\nAt least the auth token we get back lasts a couple of minutes.\n\n[1]: [https:\/\/difi.github.io\/felleslosninger\/maskinporten_protocol...](https:\/\/difi.github.io\/felleslosninger\/maskinporten_protocol_jwtgrant.html)\n\n I see that you have a lot of scopes ([https:\/\/github.com\/difi\/felleslosninger\/blob\/ad9ef79b4fef61f...](https:\/\/github.com\/difi\/felleslosninger\/blob\/ad9ef79b4fef61f741cdfb296ac5f975167f81bf\/_docs\/ID- porten\/oidc\/oidc_protocol_scope.md)). Especially from 3rd parties ([https:\/\/integrasjon.difi.no\/scopes\/all](https:\/\/integrasjon.difi.no\/scopes\/all) [https:\/\/integrasjon-ver2.difi.no\/scopes\/all](https:\/\/integrasjon- ver2.difi.no\/scopes\/all))\n\nDo you have some statistics about that ? For instance, do you know how many scopes are usually requested, on average ?\n\n Unfortunately not. We're just outsiders, using Maskinporten to get an auth token to be used against the REST API of some other gov't agency. For that we use one of two scopes, prod scope or test scope, as they (the agency we talk to) haven't narrowed it down further yet.\n\nBut if you're interested maybe try to contact the Difi folks running Maskinporten, from my impression there's a high chance there's someone willing to share there.\n\nMaskinporten is being phased in as the primary M2M auth solution for any Norwegian gov't agency, so they're bound to get a lot more \"users\" (agencies), and hence scopes, going forward.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I wonder if this is much smaller than using one character claims and regular http transport deflate\/gzip compression.\n\n Here I'm talking about the value of one particular claim: `scope`. If you identify each scope by only one character it would be limited to the size of your alphabet.\n\nIf you talk about claim names, they basically aim to be short. For instance, claims defined in RFC7519 Section 4.1 ([https:\/\/tools.ietf.org\/html\/rfc7519#section-4.1](https:\/\/tools.ietf.org\/html\/rfc7519#section-4.1)) are only 3 characters long. As explained in the same section:\n\n \n \n \"All the names are short because a core goal of JWTs is for the representation to be compact.\"\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> > Your resources (aka content) ACL should not be in the scope itself\n\nI have to disagree on this one, being able to specify which resources an OAuth client can tinker with is useful (e.g. only read access to x,y and z repos).\n\nI'm also curious on how often these use cases are of needing many scopes \/ a god JWT, vs. production usage and keeping a narrow scope for the task at hand. There's also the other option (if in charge of authoring the resource server) to have broader scopes that encompass several others.\n\n In enterprise, one example is when active directory groups are put into the token.\n\nThis makes sense because permissions are often managed by groups (read write, read only, user, admin, etc...), so employees can request a specific group to access some business application(s). This causes issues when an employee invariably has a hundred groups, adding multiple kilobytes to the token, more than is permitted by HTTP headers.\n\n Ah, I haven't had the pleasure of dealing with enterprise AD that convoluted yet.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> The access token is designed for saving size. Scopes are in the ID token. The disadvantage of the access token is the required back channel. But then this scheme also needs a shared backchannel so it's pretty much an access token implementation (you could express it as such)\n\n[https:\/\/developer.okta.com\/docs\/guides\/validate-id- tokens\/ov...](https:\/\/developer.okta.com\/docs\/guides\/validate-id- tokens\/overview\/)\n\n<\/comment> How about side-stepping the problem of big lists of scopes by training a zlib or zstd dictionary with the list of scopes, and then compressing the scopes in the jwt token using this dictionary?\n\nObvious benefit is that you can still represent a scope that is not included in the ones used to train the dictionary (vs. the proposed approach that breaks down in this case)\n\n<\/comment> I am curious, why will you not use OAuth 2 userinfo endpoint which can serve a lot more detail and keep claims in JWT simpler and lightweight.\n\n If you can just pass around the JWT you can save a network call. I would say the size of the JWT wouldn't matter as much as that call.\n\n You still have to make network calls to obtain public key (JWKS) to validate token signature. Unless you are using shared private keys. With userinfo you will know if token is invalidated or not.\n\nI guess it also depends on use case. If you are in domains such as banking with elevated security requirements, then probably you want to hit userinfo endpoint else you can continue with token validation with cached or stored keys.\n\n You don't pull JWKS on every request\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Should http\/2 header compression not take care of the JWT size to the point that would make this more work than it's worth?\n\n Thanks quaffapint to raise this point. To be honnest, I hesitated to add this question in the post. Indeed HPACK could partially solve the issue. But as you said, it requires HTTP\/2\\. Btw, HPACK is well explained here: [https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/h...](https:\/\/developers.google.com\/web\/fundamentals\/performance\/http2#header_compression)\n\nI tried in this post to not talk about the \"transport\". Indeed JWTs can be used with HTTP\/1.1, HTTP\/2 or even SIP. Furthermore HPACK maybe disabled in some cases. Here is what the RFC 7541 (HPACK) says about Authorization header ([https:\/\/tools.ietf.org\/html\/rfc7541#section-7.1.3](https:\/\/tools.ietf.org\/html\/rfc7541#section-7.1.3)):\n\n \n \n \"An encoder might also choose not to index values for header fields that are considered to be highly valuable or sensitive to recovery, such as the Cookie or Authorization header fields.\"\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> This very similar to SID compression in Windows Kerberos. Funny to see the same challenges and problems in the web space.\n\n<\/comment> I would like to see a standardized scopes composer tool to complement this.\n\n<\/comment> I commend you for the attempt...\n\nBut the issue you are trying to mitigate (heavy tokens due to complex scope strategy) is a symptom of a bigger problem that has caused OAuth-using folks to scratch their heads for a long while. (of course, also realtes to non-Oauth JWTs)\n\nTldr: The new \"Cloud native\" way of solving for this is to not push your \"Permissions\" thru the token.\n\nBasically, you limit the scopes included in a token to just a few basic ones (essentially assigning the user to a \"Role\" \\- think RBAC)....\n\n... and then you use a modern Authorization approach (e.g. CNCF Open Policy Agent) to implement the detailed\/fine grain authorization.\n\nIts hella cool, declarative, distributed, and infinitely scalable...\n\n... and it obviates the whole \"heavy JWT\" issue before it starts....\n\nSource: This is what I do day in day out in my day job....\n\n What libraries or services do you recommend using to implement that very approach?<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":23270052},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"HQ Trivia hits 1M players milestone as app soars in popularity - https:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2018\/1\/7\/16861762\/hq-1-million-players-record-milestone-trivia Last night they hit 1M+ users, but also booted the vast majority of them from the game by marking the correct answer as incorrect on the first question. The cynical side of me wonders if it was a load shedding method.\n\n Yeah, I remember seeing a flicker of 1.3M at the very start.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I don't understand the appeal of doing this live. To me, one of the most valuable characteristics of the Internet is that it is asynchronous by default. You can create content, and I can view it later. That's the default state.\n\nEven Snapchat and Instagram Stories let me watch it up to 24 hours after you publish it.\n\nI fail to see how creating a new constraint that violates the default state of the Internet makes sense long-term.\n\nWould love to hear the counter argument. Just musing... Perhaps at some point they will run them in different time zones? That's still not fixing the asynchronous benefit of the Internet.\n\nTo add -- DVRs proved that time-delay is an advantage, and this startup is undoing that. I'm just so curious how that gets massive scale. I've yet to see live video get real, meaningful traction and I largely believe it's because people don't want to always tune in at the same time when the alternative is far superior.\n\nAnother example -- lotto tickets. They have a live drawing, but you can buy tickets for up to a week in advance (or whatever duration).\n\n You're fixating too much on it being \"on the Internet\". It's event entertainment. Just the same as event television. Lots of people love experiencing things together in the moment, it's more exciting that way.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I kind of wish HQ would go away. I know that's mean to say however it's really a rather buggy app and the game it's self is only marginally fun. Having to deal with questions not working, the host droning on, the app freezing or stream crashing makes the experience even less enjoyable. Additionally, the prize money is going to have to increase if prize is going to be more than a few $ as they keep getting bigger. Even 10k when split between a few hundred or a few thousand people gives you a pretty minimal reward. I wonder at what point the creators are going to start pivoting to advertising to start underwriting their gameshow.\n\n Also, there's probably already Watsonesque bots out there to ruin the party.\n\n I've prototyped such a bot. See my submissions for the blog post.\n\nAnother dev and a HN user, stervy, built something similar and was able to get around 80% accuracy on old gameplay.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I was hanging out with a group of people a couple days ago and all of a sudden 3 or 4 pulled out their phones at the same time with this giddy expression on their face [for HQ trivia].\n\nIt was pretty jarring, though not necessarily in a bad way.\n\n<\/comment> Had a lot of fun playing with the whole family around the holidays. That was the first time I'd heard of the app but apparently it's been around for months and are still growing; I figured they would have peaked around New Year's.\n\nIt's getting annoying to play the game every day at 2pm\/8pm central. They are still having load issues it seems, and winning typically require you to get lucky as towards the end the questions can get pretty obscure.\n\nWonder how long they have before they need to monetize.\n\n<\/comment> I wonder what they're going to use to mitigate cheating. But give the recent uptick in technical difficulties, they have bigger things to worry about.\n\n<\/comment> I would love to know more about their software architecture... 1+ million concurrent streams is no joke! Have they published anything about it?\n\n It's been really buggy lately and I wonder if they're at the point of confidence yet to start publishing their architecture<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"The global trade in junk and trash - https:\/\/discardstudies.com\/2019\/05\/06\/adam-minter-how-things-flow\/ _Of course, the discards weren't always processed or used in a way that conforms to health, safety, and environmental standards found in many developed countries. But it's difficult to argue that somebody is dumping something on a poor country when a person in the poor country is paying for the stuff._\n\nIf someone is engaging in environmentally destructive production in a third world country using materials from the first world, one might say the \"externalities\" of first world production are being imported to that third world nation. This is similar to way rare earth production shifted to China when other industrialized nations regulated it's environmental impact.\n\nWhich is to say the arguments here seem like a collection of double talk. \"Denying agency\" is the sort of complaint that can justify all sort of claims.\n\nEdit: just broadly, a big part of the article is about exploding the story that the first world dumps its trash on the third world. He dramatizes the view, denigrates the view, gives some details intended to debunk the view but doesn't really say what happen instead. \"It gets bought\" doesn't seem like enough detail, to say the least. Plastic scraps go to Malaysia - are burned, actually recycled, what? If one is exploding other's myths, it seems like an alternative story would be merited.\n\n This.\n\nI mean, it's difficult to argue somebody _isn 't_ dumping something on a poor country when that poor country legislates to ban it for health and safety reasons (and some exports continue with falsified manifests...). And as highly sophisticated as the operation might be to export car batteries to villages in developing countries where they can set up cottage industries re-smelting them for their lead, I'm not persuaded by the idea the organizations running the exports deserve more agency than kids dying of lead poisoning, and I'm entirely unconvinced by the author's argument that it's emotional attachment to cars we've assumed are going to be dismantled for scrap domestically that makes us queasy about the whole thing.\n\nA lot of the time the waste is being exported in ships that would otherwise be empty, and the exporters are evading expensive legal disposal costs and massive taxes (a lot of organised unlawful dumping takes place closer to home of course, but there are costs and risks of doing that at scale too). And whilst I'm all in favour of taking a nuanced view of low income countries trying to make money from recycling, I also refuse to believe that someone who has written two books on the global waste trade over two decades of research has never heard of any incidents which don't fit his narrative of waste exports invarably being legitimately purchased by informed customers (really? he hasn't heard of the _Khian Sea_?)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I'm reading Minter's _Junkyard Planet_ right now, whic is primarily about the global recycling trade. It's quite interesting, though a little too first- person\/anecdotal. nonetheless it's thorough enough to give a good idea of what is happening in various parts of the trade network. Well recommended, if you're curious to what happens when you recycle a can or junk a car.\n\n Agreed: [https:\/\/jakeseliger.com\/2018\/04\/10\/junkyard-planet-adam- mint...](https:\/\/jakeseliger.com\/2018\/04\/10\/junkyard-planet-adam-minter), although I'd argue that the first-person perspective, especially given his family's history, is what gives the book its charm and insight.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> > From that point, I slowly began to understand that people in consumption- > based societies assemble their identities via stuff, and become very > emotional when those identities \u2013 and that stuff- is discarded in ways that > don't match their values. Over the years I've come to the conclusion that > consumers actually care more about how their stuff is discarded, than how it > is manufactured.\n\nPart of the problem is that so few bother to get rid of what they no longer use. They pack it around with them, unable to part with utterly useless things.\n\nThe interview mentions Japan. In this context, it's interesting to contrast Marie Condo's _Tidying Up_. She talks at length about how emotions play into our inability to toss things out.\n\nHer system is simplicity itself. Begin by dumping all of your crap of a particular category into one big pile.\n\nShe describes the shock most of her clients experience after doing so. If you've never tried this yourself, I can highly recommend it. It's staggering how much crap even tidy people accumulate because it's so often spread out in various places.\n\nIt's not hard to understand how packing crap like this drives an insatiable urge for ever bigger houses and cars. You need more room to accommodate your every growing collection of crap.\n\nThe environmental consequences of this behavior are staggering. I'm not sure whether this is is something new or not, but it's plain as day that houses, cars, and yes people are getting bigger. Look inside those houses and cars, and you're likely to find an accretion of crap whose contents even the owners can't recall.\n\nSo there's a reluctance to toss things out, and there's a real lack of understanding about how much crap we actually have. Sounds like a first world problem to be sure, but one with bizarre emotional\/psychological\/environmental angles I don't think have really been explored that much.\n\n > Marie Condo's Tidying Up. She talks at length about how emotions play into > our inability to toss things out\n\nInterestingly, that always has seemed to be to be about buying more stuff. You throw away, you buy more.\n\n I was surprised by that when reading her book. There wasn't anything about curbing our tendency to acquire, it was all about making space for the next cycle.\n\n It also encourages throwing away things that might be useful to someone else, or to yourself in the future.\n\nEspecially the emotional way it is presented, that it is cathartic to get rid of possessions, without considering if there was another way to get rid of them but throwing them in the bin.\n\nWe should have much more respect for our things, and be mindful of how much waste and energy (and toil) is required to make something like a computer or a set of clothes. We should buy things that last and make the effort to repair them when they break... and spend more time on the toys we have instead of getting new ones.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> There was an interesting video on youtube about global recycling.\n\n[https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-gNZtI7hbvI](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-gNZtI7hbvI)\n\nSince china exports so much and we export so little, rather than send empty shipping containers back to china, we fill it with our garbage and send that back to china to recycle.\n\nChina exports goods. We export garbage to china. And it's been going on for decades.\n\n _Since china exports so much and we export so little, rather than send empty shipping containers back to china, we fill it with our garbage and send that back to china to recycle._\n\nAt one time this was true of the trucking industry, too. Trucks would haul goods to a city, then carry that city's trash back out. It was considered better than running a truck empty.\n\nThen they started doing it with food trucks, and the regulations came.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Some takeaways: Trash is never dumped onto 3rd world countries. It's _sold_. The people there pay money for that trash because they want it.\n\nWhen people throw things out they have expectations for what they want to happen with those items, and those expectations conflict with what really does happen, and what is the ideal result.\n\n I think people pay for it because they can make money on a small % of what they buy so they pick out the easy money and dump the trash somewhere else. So the result is pretty much the same. A bunch of trash from developed countries gets dumped on the 3rd world only 2 people made money from it and we can all feel good about it because no first world dumps trash in the ocean, they go through extra steps before that.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Just a reminder: George Carlin's great sequence about 'your stuff' [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MvgN5gCuLac](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MvgN5gCuLac)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Why Cryonics Makes Sense - https:\/\/waitbutwhy.com\/2016\/03\/cryonics.html Pretty interesting analogy...\n\n\"You're on an airplane when you hear a loud sound and things start violently shaking. A minute later, the captain comes on the speaker and says:\n\nThere's been an explosion in the engine, and the plane is going to crash in 15 minutes. There's no chance of survival. There is a potential way out\u2014the plane happens to be transferring a shipment of parachutes, and anyone who would like to use one to escape the plane may do so. But I must warn you\u2014the parachutes are experimental and completely untested, with no guarantee to work. We also have no idea what the terrain will be like down below. Please line up in the aisle if you'd like a parachute, and the flight attendants will give you one, show you how to use it and usher you to the emergency exit where you can jump. Those who choose not to take that option, please remain in your seat\u2014this will be over soon, and you will feel no pain.\"<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Submerger \u2013 A SRT subtitles merger useful to study new languages - https:\/\/github.com\/daxliar\/submerger I made something similar for Japanese learning, but instead of merging subtitles, I analyze the Japanese subs with mecab, look up the words I likely don't know based on their JLPT level, and add them with reading and translation on the top right of the video.\n\nI also plan to auto generate Anki cards with unknown words when I do the analysis pass.\n\n Yours is this one from github, right?\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/juliango202\/jijimaku](https:\/\/github.com\/juliango202\/jijimaku)\n\nI found it very nice. Thank you for developing this solution :)\n\n I have not open-sourced my code since it's a gross hack I did in one afternoon.\n\nIt looks exactly like the screenshot of that project. Very interesting that I thought of the same solution without knowing jijimaku.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> See also: [https:\/\/github.com\/emk\/subtitles- rs\/tree\/master\/substudy](https:\/\/github.com\/emk\/subtitles- rs\/tree\/master\/substudy)\n\n<\/comment> Wonder what two (or three) languages one should use this with: audio in new_lang, and subs in new_lang and your_native_lang ? Or some other combination ?\n\n In my case I find it very useful to have audio and first line of subtitles in the language I want to learn and second subtitles in my native language.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> This is really awesome. I'm learning German, and I can see a real use-case for this for me. I'll give it a try and come back with feedback!\n\n<\/comment> This is cool and in the same vein I've found that a lot of Canadian gov't dept\/figures have very literal translations of their tweets making them a nice, bite-sized snippet to translate, then check with the other tweet.\n\n<\/comment> Make this as a service and I would pay to use it\n\n Can you say more about what you'd want in such a service? What language are you learning? What kind of videos do you watch? Where do you get them? Youtube?\n\n If there was a collection of videos on you tube which had subtitles for the main video and an extra language then I would pay for it. Danish for me\n\n Nice. I working on something that does exactly that for Korean videos on youtube. If you're interested in helping with feedback, I could repurpose it for Danish. If so, email me at email@example.com.\n\n Send me a link to try it for Korean and I'll give you my feedback. You can post it here on Hacker News\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I was actually looking for something like that last week. Thanks OP!<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Packaging Wine Application 'Path of Exile' with Flatpak for Linux - https:\/\/ramsdenj.com\/2018\/03\/26\/packaging-pathofexile-with-flatpak.html I enjoy gaming and occasionally there's an application I want to run that is unavailable on Linux. Up until now my primary way of dealing with this was to use multiple wine bottles, one for each game. While this provides a little bit of segmentation for applications, it is not a sandbox.\n\nI figured this would be a good opportunity to test out flatpak, and figure out how to package and build a wine application with it.\n\nI'm not actually distributing Path of Exile, or technically even packaging Path of Exile. This package really just contains everything necessary to install Path of Exile.\n\nPath of Exile is not installed until the user runs the flatpak for the first time at which point it downloads the installer directly from their website and runs it. Everything distributed in the flatpak is open source.\n\nPath of Exile is also free to play.\n\nLet me know what you think of the post and if you try the flatpak and have any criticism feel free to leave me a pull request on GitHub.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":16683636},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Better Web GUI Development - https:\/\/insights.dice.com\/2019\/02\/28\/webassembly-web-gui-future\/ With QT5 and it's qt quick controls 2, I put together the demos of the first few chapters of \"Full Stack React\" within minutes. The QT creator helped me with this. I compiled to desktop (which is quicker) and then when I was done I compiled to WASM and loaded it up in the browser.\n\nWith React and other DOM based tools, it takes very long to develop even simple GUI's. There are tools like React Studio, but nothing as mature as QT. Also QML and Signal\/Slots are much better than React's model IMHO. In addition, Virtual-DOM is a hack that only DOM based models suffer from and adds overhead to the development model.\n\nI think the article is right -- Out with the new, in with the old!<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":20425192},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Autofocus System (2009) - http:\/\/static1.1.sqspcdn.com\/static\/f\/93510\/2843401\/1239306772237\/Autofocus+system+instructions.pdf?token=WxRjqjmjdsuxbf%2BBScUJuDC7eq8%3D Mark Forster stuff is interesting, but he never stuck with this, he ended up doing version, have version after version of this... and is still coming up with new versions to this day.\n\nI almost feel bad for him, because it seems he is obsessed with finding the perfect system, but despite dedicating a huge amount of his life hasn't been able to do so.\n\nFrom his blog it seems he has been very ill recently, due to cancer and he is still trying to find a system and still trying to find something that works. Every system he publishes has worked for a few days or a few weeks, but then he moves onto something different.\n\nI think although his insights are helpful, I think he is the perfect example of what happens when you focus on productivity as an end result too much rather than the real world.\n\n While I agree with you somewhat, I also find value in an iterative learning approach - one that, in theory, constantly improves over time.\n\nMy problem with his approach, which I think you hint at, is that to properly improve you need to make sure you're optimizing the right metric(s), and those goals need to be clear. In Mark's case, I don't think that he has a clear goal he's trying to optimize all the time, so the different iterations on the system seem like they're swirling around a drain: slowly getting better and better, but sometimes just moving orthogonal to the most effective direction.\n\n his paper reinforces a desire in me to be way more thorough in my reading; my head was overheating from newfound motivation\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> The \"little and often\" line is a takeoff on the job of a fireman for a steam locomotive.[1]\n\n[1] [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PVIr66K_rUA](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PVIr66K_rUA)\n\n<\/comment> I've always liked his \"Final Version\" method better, where you select tasks you want to do, and then do them in reverse order.\n\n[http:\/\/markforster.squarespace.com\/blog\/2015\/5\/21\/the- final-...](http:\/\/markforster.squarespace.com\/blog\/2015\/5\/21\/the-final- version-perfected-fvp.html)\n\n<\/comment> So I've started using this, and it's really nice for getting into a flow of knocking out tasks. It's kinda like NADD candy or something.\n\n<\/comment> Can't do 1 nt m -> in lb\n\nI mean can't even come close to doing it.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2017-13":1}},"id":13909175},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Proto REPL, a New Clojure Development and Visualization Tool [video] - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=buPPGxOnBnk Proto REPL has some great features in its earliest incarnations. Kudos to Jason for such a great start. The drill-down pretty printed eval output is very cool. And I love the built in charting\/graphing plugin and how easy it is to use within this IDE.\n\nI'm an Emacs\/CIDER hardcore, so it takes a lot to sway me to try something new.\n\nI'm looking forward to this being refined to the point of fully usable for daily work. The Clojure community would really benefit from a \"just works\" IDE - especially for ClojureBridge where we need to get people up and running quickly and without teaching them a new editor. Nightcode, and now Proto REPL seem like leading candidates.\n\nCurrent minor quibbles: * Eval of charting expressions creates 2 tabs each time. * Eval popup gets truncated if size exceeds size of frame * Several charting examples either render improperly or throw exceptions. This may just be version incompatibilities.\n\nSome of these may be pilot error. I'll confirm and try to report the bugs soon.\n\nI must say, I miss paredit. Parinfer (at least in this incarnation) drives me completely bonkers, especially in indent mode. It's magic, but horrible evil black magic that works \"sometimes\" and steals and inserts closing ])} willy nilly. I guess I'll just turn it off unless someone can testify that it can become tolerable with more experience.\n\nAgain, great work Jason.\n\n FYI I've been using proto-repl, parinfer, and lisp-paredit in Atom and like that combination. If you like paredit more you can do without parinfer all together and get the paredit experience you're used to.\n\n Thanks. After some more effort I found out much of my frustration was due some bugs and some bad config settings.\n\nLisp-paredit is buggy for me (must use a shortcut twice to get one motion, can't hold down modifier keys when changing direction e.g. from slurp to barf). Very troublesome. Also lisp-paredit strict mode fights with parinfer, so you must turn it off to get the expected parinfer paren closing behaviors. I'll give parinfer some more time to sink in now that I have it working better.\n\nAdding some familiar paredit keybindings (to keymap.cson) helps a lot too:\n\n \n \n 'atom-text-editor[data-grammar~=\"clojure\"]':\n 'ctrl-right': 'lisp-paredit:slurp-forwards'\n 'ctrl-left': 'lisp-paredit:barf-forwards'\n 'ctrl-alt-right': 'lisp-paredit:barf-backwards'\n 'ctrl-alt-left': 'lisp-paredit:slurp-backwards'\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Wow! This looks great.\n\nI really like the power of emacs. It seems like Atom might be more powerful, thanks to its browser capabilities.\n\nI've read that Atom is not great when it comes to how many resources is requires. Has it gotten better? Is there a timeline for Atom performance improvements?\n\n<\/comment> Repo: [https:\/\/github.com\/jasongilman\/proto- repl](https:\/\/github.com\/jasongilman\/proto-repl)\n\n Here is a good checklist on how to get started with Clojure in Atom.\n\n[https:\/\/gist.github.com\/jasongilman\/d1f70507bed021b48625](https:\/\/gist.github.com\/jasongilman\/d1f70507bed021b48625)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Great video. I need to do some work on a medium large Clojure web app that I wrote five years ago, with few recent changes. This talk motivates me to change my development environment to use Proto REPL.\n\nThe demos in the talk remind me of some great data visualization demos I have seen for Pharo Smalltalk.\n\n<\/comment> Atom? ick. Atom spies on you: [https:\/\/discuss.atom.io\/t\/collecting-metrics- in-atom-core\/14...](https:\/\/discuss.atom.io\/t\/collecting-metrics-in-atom- core\/14178)\n\n HN downvotes you without providing feedback, because your negativity is correctly placed, and no one can summon the words to contradict the substance of your response.\n\nThey take chromium, and they repurpose the spyware that gets baked into the Google Chrome product, rather than removing it. Take note of this and any app based on the Electron framework.\n\n It's opt in now:\n\n[http:\/\/blog.atom.io\/2016\/10\/11\/atom-1-11.html](http:\/\/blog.atom.io\/2016\/10\/11\/atom-1-11.html)\n\n Thank you for taking the time to explain why the parent post may have been downvoted. It's useful information that should be communicated. It'd be nice if more users explained whether they were downvoting incorrect information, rather than a preference for tone of voice or conventional community sentiment.<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2024-26":1}},"id":13213918},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Koalephant Shell Script Library - https:\/\/bitbucket.org\/koalephant\/shell-script-library I've been working on this, on-and-off for a while, and I've finally found the time to get it usable\/reliable enough to make a public release.\n\nShell being what it is, the library functions are largely just ways to make code more obvious (i.e. `k_string_pad_left 10 foo` vs `printf '%+10s' foo`).\n\nOne big goal is portability, so wherever possible things are done in pure shell, or using POSIX-defined tools. For that reason, there are some current external tool uses (notably `cfget`) that I want to replace, and of course use of things like `gpg` basically requires the environment has a working implementation,\n\nOne of the parts that's been both time consuming but also rewarding (in terms of mentally and in terms of results) has been `k-script-build`, which facilitates turning a script with relative source (`.`) statements into either a self-contained script (by inlining those scripts) or a script with absolute references (i.e. if you re-use a `.lib.sh` type file, and want to reference it in a location like `\/usr\/share`).\n\nThe installed versions of the tools, and the library files are themselves built with `k-script-build` which in turn, relies on the library. It's dogfooding\/self-hosting up the wazoo.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":16626328},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Rules to live by - http:\/\/www.scottberkun.com\/blog\/2010\/rules-to-live-by\/\n\n Rules to live by:\n\n* You must not dilly-dally.\n\n* You must be your word.\n\n* You must have good intentions.\n\n* You must admit to being the maker of meaning.\n\n* You must not feel sorry for yourself.\n\n* You must have a vision that you are striving for.\n\n* You must tie creativity and experimentation with survival.\n\n* You must be the change you want to see.\n\n* You must rally others with your vision.\n\n* You must stake your reputation on your better self.\n\n* You must be comfortable with the consequences of being who you are.\n\n* You must share.\n\n* You must make your own advice and take it.\n\n* You must manage your stress, health, and clarity.\n\n* You must study your mistakes.\n\n* You must retry things you don't like every once in a while.\n\n*You must make time to enjoy things.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: What are some less known but powerful\/important companies? - Do companies similar to, for example, Qualcomm exist. It depends what you haven't heard of. I've certainly heard of Qualcomm and I don't even live in the same time zone.\n\nThere's companies like Mindgeek which own about 80% of the porn on the internet.\n\nNestl\u00e9, Pepsi Co, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg's, Mars, Associated British Foods, and Mondelez own nearly all the major food brands in the world.\n\nAgriculture is also huge - many of the billionaires in my country are related to agriculture, or agricultural products like latex gloves and condoms.\n\nChinese tech companies tend to be underrated because many of them are private. Huawei makes similar revenue to Google and probably writes more code, but you don't see people fantasizing about working there. There's also ZTE, Tencent.\n\n<\/comment> It depends on what you mean by less known\/powerful\n\nA lot of companies that the general public doesn't tend to hear about are either outside of CPG\/outside of your geography\/outside of industries you hear about in the news or just private companies or holding companies. Some have really high revenues or # of employees.\n\nA couple of companies I was surprised by revenues:\n\n\\- Cargill\/Koch both have $100B+ revenues\n\n\\- Exor (Italy\/Netherlands) $143B+\n\n<\/comment> G4S is the world's third-largest private employer; they run private prisons.\n\n<\/comment> Many private equity firms are the real owners of a lot of brands you probably heard of i.e. JAB holdings owns Peet's coffee, Panera, Pret, Krispy Kreme, Krueger, etc etc\n\n<\/comment> MarkMonitor, who provide big-enterprise domain name registration and brand protection. You'll find a significant number of big corporations have their domain name registered with them.\n\n<\/comment> think tanks.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: What do you think will happen to Facebook in the next 1-2 years? 10? - I suspect Facebook won't be around in 10 years. Social media sites and services tend not to last forever, and with the way public opinion seems to have turned against the company and the inevitably of a competitor coming along with a new focus\/different features, it's almost certain Facebook's days are numbered.\n\nEventually, they'll be another Myspace. Another Digg. Another Friendster. Whatever.\n\nIn the short term, well that's harder to predict. They'll probably get in a bit of hot water over their attitudes towards privacy and the spread of 'fake news' on the platform. They're already being called up in front of governments to answer for their actions, and I suspect things could get much worse for them there.\n\nAnd then the inevitable will happen. People will keep calling for Facebook to change, and eventually it will. In a way that basically destroys the selling point of the site and drives people off to that hip new startup offering an alternative.\n\nThe cycle continues.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":19403705},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"World's oldest known wild bird is a mother again on Midway Atoll - https:\/\/www.staradvertiser.com\/2019\/02\/11\/hawaii-news\/worlds-oldest-known-wild-bird-is-a-mother-again-on-midway-atoll-2\/ Very cool to see the fruits of a long research project. I had no idea birds could live that long or produce offspring that long.\n\n I think more interesting is that it, and presumably many others, survived so long in the wild of all places. Many species are known to have significantly extended lifespans in captivity compared to the wild, so that alone isn't unusual. What is is that in all that time, the bird has avoided sickness and disease, predation, other natural perils, as well as man-made perils (according to Wikipedia, major man-made threats for the species are fishing, plastic pollution, lead poisoning, and introduced species), and so on. The bird is going on 70 and has never had access to modern healthcare - unthinkable for modern society.\n\n Albatrosses have a unique adaptation (dynamic soaring) that allows them to live most of their lives on the open ocean. They don't face many predators or even humans out there. Interestingly enough, global warming is actually helping albatrosses, as increased temperatures lead to increased wind speeds, allowing them to expand their range.\n\n >>Interestingly enough, global warming is actually helping albatrosses\n\nThis will always be the case whenever there are some extreme changes to the environment. Some species will thrive and some will go extinct. The Cretaceous\u2013Tertiary (K\u2013T) extinction event exterminated three quarters of all life. We are descendants of those mammals that made it through.\n\nI remember reading somewhere that had it not been for that extinction event we probably would not be here. Don't know if it's true.\n\n It probably is true. If it weren't true, there would be something very peculiar about the universe.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Just a small token of appreciation for explicitly qualifying this as 'known' superlative. One of my pet peeves anytime there's a headline discussing the -est of anything.\n\n Anthropocentrism isn't big on humility, but is on being \"first\" or whatever- est, as if that changed anything. I guess it's purely a game.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> If these birds mate for life then isnt the mate ~ the same age? Or is this a until death do us part situation?\n\n Until death.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Midway is also known as one of the places in the region most polluted with plastic garbage.\n\n Many of the Pacific Islands are lined with plastic bags. It's really quite sad.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> _Twas right, said they, such birds to slay, That bring the fog and mist_\n\n<\/comment> My father's entire life fit inside of this bird's life. He was born after her and died before her.\n\nThat's insane.\n\n The oldest tortoise around was born during the Industrial Revolution.\n\n [https:\/\/www.livescience.com\/61210-shark-not-512-years- old.ht...](https:\/\/www.livescience.com\/61210-shark-not-512-years-old.html)\n\n\"Eye tissue analysis presented a probability range suggesting that the sharks were at least 272 years old, and could potentially be as much as 512 years old,\"<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: How can I convince my coworkers to start a company? - I work at a FAANG and have a lot of side projects that I'd like to try turning into businesses, but I'm having a hard time finding cofounders. All of my close friends work at <large company> however and they all say that the security of the job is why they won't leave even though the product sounds fun and they'd want to work on it. Obviously, this isn't something I can offer. I want to offer something better, however I'm not sure how I can pitch a convincing argument.

So, for those of you who managed to convince a friend or were otherwise convinced, what tipped the scale away from job security? You have to find like minded people, and people who want the security of a large corporation are the exact opposite of the risk taking adventure entrepreneurs take. Entrepreneurs as a group consider working for a large corporation to be a major risk, really working for anyone is a risk. Personally I think having a \"job\" is a major risk but sometimes it is fun to do too, just like building a business.\n\nThe people you are talking to are comfortable and not the right crowd, I am sure some work at the company that would love that opportunity.\n\nJust a word of caution, be careful actively recruiting while on the job, it is a fast way to either A get fired, or B get fired and sued for your side project depending on the company. A lot of FAANG and startups that emulate them have clauses about side projects and so you have to be really careful here if you have one of those. I am all for you doing whatever you want, but just make sure you know the details on how it could affect you.\n\n<\/comment> Those friends\/coworkers won't make it in the long-run, even if you can convince them in the beginning.\n\nYou need someone that is hungry to start a business, sick and tired of working for someone else, and will sacrifice their free time to make it happen.\n\nI've tried at least half a dozen times in the past to start a company with friends\/coworkers..and most failed miserably for this reason.\n\nSome people just aren't meant to start or run a company and want the stability and security of being an employee.\n\n > You need someone that is hungry to start a business, sick and tired of > working for someone else, and will sacrifice their free time to make it > happen.\n\nDo you have any ideas where I can meet and get to know such people?\n\nUndergrad me thought that FAANG was the place to find such people because in undergrad we were too inexperienced, but now FAANG me thinks that undergrad was the place, and that maybe grad school will be similar? But I'm worried that I again won't have much luck at grad school.\n\nIs it really that rare of a trait or am I just looking in the wrong places?\n\n have you thought of starting solo to begin? Why do you want partners so early on? I'm luck enough to have met a few at work that I might consider working with on businesses in the future if opportunities come, but those people are honestly quite rare. There are plenty of smart engineers I've met on the jobs that have 0 desire to run a business and enjoy stability, why go the route of resistance?\n\nI have however started a non-tech related business on the side, don't know where this would take me but can say the least because I've started this business, I managed to meet some ambitious and risk-taking individuals, when you meet them you will know their mindset is very different from many of the folks you work with in the office, these people typically dare to lose and dare to dream.\n\n I've tried starting things solo before and I think my skillset is not diverse enough. I have a very engineering-heavy skillset and I've been met with failure a few times before doing things solo.\n\nIt's a fair point though and I don't see this as stopping me, but it's a sore spot and I've been trying to find a partner so I can try to take a different approach with someone who has a different point of view than me.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Don't do it. Find someone else, who is at least as much or more enthusiastic about starting a company to work on a product.\n\nBuilding a product is hard, building a company is harder. There will be lots of ups and downs, so what you don't want is to end up \"try to convince to continue working on it\" them again every 4-6 months.\n\nFind someone who will convince you.\n\n<\/comment> Running a business isn't just about building something that's interesting to you.\n\nThere's plenty of resources on Hacker News about how to validate your business. Assuming your side project is just software you work on nights and weekends, you'll find that \"writing code\" is just a fraction of what it takes to start a business.\n\nSee if you can find a side project that doesn't need to be a full-time business, and figure out how to focus it to be fun. At some point you'll see an opportunity to turn it into something that pays your bills; but don't rush.\n\n<\/comment> Do you really need cofounders ? Can you start already and find someone later on ? I am a single founder and I spent a lots of time, money and energy because I had to find a cofounder because It s what successful startups do. I might not be successful yet :) but I have a profitable startup and I am still a single founder\n\n<\/comment> Build from scratch. First one will be hard, but it will get easier.\n\nRecruit college kids, they can take a lot more risks and less pay. Happy with bunkbeds and ramen. Spend the money on blingy hardware and entertainment. Need more workers, they'll recruit their friends for you.\n\nWorst case, they have to go back to school with a lot of experience.\n\n<\/comment> People do startups for similar reasons to mountain climbing. They enjoy the thrill of being in control of a chaotic situation.\n\nThey like being the underdog. They are at their best when the odds are against them. They love taking responsibility.\n\nA lot of people like that would suffer in a large, stable company.\n\n<\/comment> I agree with others here - if you're working at a FAANG you have it pretty good. They likely value free time more than the ability to try to build a side project.\n\nI'm looking for a project myself to work on - email in my profile if you want to reach out.\n\n<\/comment> as i spend all of my energy to build a great product i dont have any energy left to convince co-founders or co-workers every few weeks. i wouldnt ever found a business or project with someone not as committed to it as myself.\n\nso: if you have to convince someone of co-founding, he\/she is probably not a good match\n\n<\/comment> Are you in the USA or Europe?\n\n USA<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"This is how we let Hans Rosling rest in peace - http:\/\/www.hd.se\/2017-02-13\/this-is-how-we-let-hans-rosling-rest-in-peace Hans' daughter, Ola Rosling, words on Gapminder FB page encouraged me to read this, so I think it's worth sharing here:\n\n\"Hans would have loved reading this article after his death!\n\nThousands and thousands of wonderful words have been written about my father during the last days. I knew he was popular. But I didn't expect this avalanche of comforting condolences. Thanks a million everyone!\n\nAll the stories have been wonderful, but last night one article made my jaw drop. While scrolling down the page I kept thinking: Hans would have loved reading this after his death!\n\nThe article was called \"This is how we let Hans Rosling rest in peace\". It was written in Swedish, by someone I'd never heard of. How could this person know my father so well? Was he a close friend of Hans, whom I had never met? How could he express with such precision what my father was thinking and feeling?\n\nAfter I woke up this morning I couldn't resist calling the author, Peter F\u00e4llmar Andersson, who answered with a humble voice. He told me he had interviewed Hans only ones. Hans had mainly used the time to explain why he refused being categorised as an optimist. In addition to that, Peter only had access to the same free online material as everyone else.\n\nPeter, you must be a very good listener! Many people didn't hear what Hans was saying. And you must be a very good writer. Hans never managed to express his frustration as clearly as you do. The frustration of being fame, but not being listened to. And then you convey what Hans wanted everyone to hear!\n\nMost people can not read our tribal language (as Hans usually called Swedish). So I asked Peter to translate the article.\n\nPlease read carefully.\n\nThanks Peter Ola Rosling\"<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: What was it like to work at a \"dotcom\" in the late 90s? - I'm curious what the work environment was like back in the dotcom boom. Did the people on the ground believe the hype? What did it take to get a job in development back then? Are there any good blogs or articles I can read on the topic? I want to understand what it was like and how it's different from today's environment. The word \"startup\" was only recently coined. We didn't know what we were doing. At all. All the standard business knowledge and tech knowledge that is comon knowledge today had not yet been figured out. Incubators were not a thing. The VC market hadn't yet figured things out. Hype wasn't about getting a huge exit, it was about people paying you millions for a static HTML page that happened to get some traffic. And simply the ability to put up a site could be a viable business. There was no tie between business value and company worth. It was all chaos, and truly a wild west type environment.\n\nAs far as the work environment, it is exactly what you read about. A few guys in a basement or a garage. A desktop sitting next to you as the server. Slinging code and trying to get it to customers. At my first startup, we didn't even have an internet connection - we developed on a local LAN, and transferred the deliverable to the clients via FTP from home, or sometimes even via disk. We got a few customer and rented an office space, and then had 6 guys in 3000 square feet of open space with a few folding tables. Later, we were able to build out walls, hire more people, and make it a real office.\n\nWe went public, had lots of paper numbers next to our names, and then it all crashed.\n\n > All the standard business knowledge and tech knowledge that is common > knowledge today had not yet been figured out.\n\nYou're right about that. The lean startup, \"there's no truth in the office\", Minimum Viable Product concepts just weren't a thing back then, they would have saved one of the companies I worked for if the founders had known and accepted them. Instead they spent way too much time in stealth mode, hired a corporate lawyer to get them a bogus patent, were way too worried about competitors instead of ever getting traction for their idea, spent too much time debating details of the website, and who would pay what for precisely what sort of service, and too much upfront engineering to handle a huge demand which didn't materialize due to sabotage by the last round of investors who were found in desperation half a year before launch.\n\n What is \"there's no truth in the office\"?\n\n That any discussion of your potential customers \"inside\" the office, purely between people in your company, is highly to entirely speculative. You've got to get \"out\" of the office and sell your product, or not, to _know_. Hence the emphasis on having a Minimum Viable Product as soon as possible to know if there's real demand for it, and at what price.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I attended a well regarded Engineering school back in the mid '90s and people were getting developer and \"IT\" jobs really quickly and without much interview rigamarole. If you could build a computer and install Windows you'd probably get an IT job (not a great one, but the pay was decent). Able to configure an office NAT? You must be a networking genius. Pure software developer jobs were harder to get than IT jobs, but not that much harder. It was also easier for people with Engineering Degrees (e.g. Electrical Engineering) to get an actual decent paying engineering job as opposed to software becoming a landing place for all degrees engineering.\n\nThat being said, a lot of stuff that is trivial today was a complete mess. Ever spent days debugging why all the new computers are crashing and it turned out to be the driver for your network card conflicting with another card the IT department installed? Jobs in software and IT could be a total mess because of all the different things technical people were doing.\n\nI worked for a small company with a CEO who had done well for themselves running a small non-tech company and they decided to invest their money in a .com\/internet venture. It was almost a textbook example of a CEO who thought there was money just waiting on the internet and all you had to was build something. No strategy around how to make money, users, or much of anything. The company was circling the drain even before the product was released and I was too young and stupid to quit the day the paychecks started bouncing. I don't think that's very different than many startups today.\n\nAnother friend worked for a bigger hardware company that was living on all the .com money floating around. He loved it. When everything went bust that company went bust as well. Another friend was a CEO of a company that was \"Surviving on signed contracts where we signed a contract with another company and they signed a contract with us.\" You can imagine what happened when the bust occurred - all that paper money vanished.\n\nI actually think software jobs are a lot better now. There's a lot more definitions and better discipline about what a developer does. The tooling is certainly better. I think there's also more respect and awareness about software development from others. Plus, I can move my big monitor now and not end up with a back injury :)\n\n<\/comment> I worked for a .com (a German company, so technically a .de) roughly from 1999 to 2003.\n\nThe way I got the job was by founding a startup in the same industry that was bought by said company.\n\nWe mostly believed the hype. However, for that particular company and industry it wasn't all hype but founded on reasonable assumptions. The company had its problems and has been transformed several times over the years but it still exists to this day!\n\nWorking as a developer back then was different because that role wasn't the more or less well-defined job it is today (or in larger, established companies for that matter).\n\nAs a developer you often were responsible for all things technical, from the office network to installing new servers hardware to actual software development. Basically, it was DevOps before there was DevOps - albeit in a much less well-structured manner.\n\nInterestingly, back in the day designers and developers rarely worked together in the same team. It was more of a \"We throw web design artefacts over the wall and see what happens.\" set-up.\n\n<\/comment> The documentary \"Startup.com\" provided an insider's view into one such dotcom. Check it out.\n\n Thanks! I'll check it out.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I worked as a programmer in SF\/South Park for three different startups from 97 to 2001. The hype and excitement was intoxicating. The launch parties were crazy and money was being thrown around like confetti on New Years. There was a huge demand for talent and many offers were made on the spot after short interviews. There were no coding tests. One interviewer said \"I'm running late and have no time to talk to you. I read your resume and I think you can do the job, the job is yours if you want it\" The deepest questions were along the lines of \"can you explain what a constructor is?\"or \"Can you sketch out an object oriented design for a vending machine\". After the crash was like the day after a huge party and you wake up in a trashed living room with a bad hangover. I moved to the suburbs and took a job with a company that inspired the Dilbert cartoon characters.\n\n Oh you worked for Pacific Telesis? With the whole AT&T breakup and then re- merge that must be a good story on its own.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I just missed it. I graduated in 2001 and looking for a job was terrible. Companies that were larging it at the recruitment fairs a year ago were under water. I opted out of the \"graduate recruitment cycle\" as I didn't want to take days out traveling to London when I should be studying. So I was looking for a job in a state of effectively unemployment.\n\nI was so desperate I applied to a company that was just a one man shop, and I'd be maintaining Access databases. And got rejected for a better candidate! I also had a job interview where \"we get always the girls in for an interview to see what they look like\" ... I'm a guy, but was pretty horrified. Did I instantly reject the company? No... I needed to eat. This was also at a time when \"personality\" questions and questionairres were all the rage, I suck at them, and man it was so good to be offered a job by a reasonable company that liked me for my ability to like ... write code.\n\nI was like hold on they talked to me, gave me a coding test and made me an offer. Wow that was easy! Like now I'm thinking that should be standard. Any company who gets me in for 2 full days (after a first interview), unless they are sending me to the moon, can f'off.\n\n >I just missed it. I graduated in 2001 and looking for a job was terrible.\n\nI think for a lot of people that experience was a wake up call to the reality of the world. One year everybody with a technical degree is graduating with jobs waiting, the next year there are no jobs and even the most specialized (e.g. Microelectronic engineering degrees) people are having offers revoked. Family and parents don't understand because supposedly if you have a degree in IT or CS jobs are just waiting for you and plentiful. New graduates are wondering what's wrong with them that they can't even get the most basic job.\n\nPlus, at that time you had to deal with Monster.com, which was one of the most horrible and SPAM filled BS job sites on earth. Post your resume and get an \"exiting offer to be an entrepreneur\" and it turns out you can be an agent for an insurance company in your local area. That made job-seekers even more depressed.\n\n I worry this is going to happen again in the next five years. Things right now just feel too good to be true for someone with a CS degree (or even a bootcamp certificate).\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> One thing to focus on is how much of the crash was telecom vs. dot.com companies. An excess of fiber was laid, which was a boon to later companies like Google which bought dark fiber at low prices, competitive local exchange carriers (CLEC [https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Competitive_local_exchange_car...](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Competitive_local_exchange_carrier)) rose and fell based on changing law and regulations in the US, equipment manufacturers like Lucent were at the whip end of demand, especially since they financed a lot of the purchases of the equipment they were selling, and some of the biggest Internet service providers blew up in one way or another, see Worldcom for example.\n\nThe hype? Largely justified, even if the timing was off, there's no denying this has become a very big thing, note Amazon was founded in 1994. For me getting a job was no different than getting one prior to the Internet really taking off in this first wave.\n\nBjoernKW's comments about the job being not tightly defined, and being responsible for many things including raw hardware matches my experience. And \"cloud\" alternatives to your own hardware, even if installed at a colo, weren't an option, weren't even for the start of 2nd batch of companies following the crash. And like his experience, one of the companies I worked for in the late 1990s lasted through it and way beyond, was independent until a few years ago when they were bought and folded into another company.\n\nOne very big difference is that the IPO exit option largely ended for most companies, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002 seems to have been the tipping point.\n\n<\/comment> All the VCs thought you had to have Sun servers running Solaris, so that was what everybody used. I remember seeing pallets of them delivered.\n\n<\/comment> It was interesting. Shame [http:\/\/fuckedcompany.com\/](http:\/\/fuckedcompany.com\/) isn't on [http:\/\/web.archive.org](http:\/\/web.archive.org).\n\n Pud roams around HN, maybe he kept a copy he could gift to the Internet Archive.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I've read Bad Blood about the horrors of modern startups, but I've been looking for good books about the horrors of dotcom companies. Any recommendations?<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: My company plans an ICO despite my opposition as CTO, any advice? - I'm really sorry for creating a new account to stay anonymous. Feel free to ban this one if it is considered misbehavior.

Having that said, you can read the full story on my first comment below. I'm in my late 20s. It's been almost 4 years since we founded our startup company. We pitched for a year and eventually gathered enough investment to give it a go. The initial plan was to release our app in the local market (middle east) and aim for more users. At the end of first year, with the approval of the board, we decided to delay marketing spending for more development to polish existing features as well as to add more ones. We revoked one feature (not ads) which would provide early cash flow as it turned out to be too ambitious and rash.\n\nWe pivoted and decided to go global with our proven to be fun features highlighted. It went smooth and retention rates grew tremendously until finally the day for series A arrived. The lead investor (the one with the most equity) already hinted that he would be willing to invest, some others followed as well. They are all angels btw.\n\nMails exchanged, meetings happened, places were visited and it turned out what we can gather is not enough to handle marketing costs for aimed growth. We contacted people from crowd equity funding companies. Apparently, none of them is currently accepting applicants from our country.\n\nDuring our last meeting, the board discussed the idea of an initial coin offering. Some of our investors are crypto enthusiasts and many of them think it is a good idea to fund a project publicly with tokens. The thing is, our product doesn't resemble anything like a currency, not even a commodity in my opinion. It sounds unnaturally arbitrary to have tokens inside our app, or a token with our app's branding on top. Moreover, as someone who is the most technically proficient person in the board, I can easily deduce that all the proposals about hows and whys of the ICO resembles an obfuscated fraud. I couldn't believe what I heard that day and it seems I am the only one who thinks that way.\n\nI plan to spend my all remaining days until the next meeting to prepare the hugest report ever written, hoping it will prove that it is the worst idea we ever discussed. As my voting rights being limited, I have no idea what to do if my report doesn't stop its happening. I still need to work for a year to permanently gain rights on my own equity. If I quit now, I'll lose everything except the lessons learned during these 4 years.\n\nMy question is, what would you do?\n\n Here's an opposing view, from someone a little older and maybe a little wiser. In the big scheme of things, you're not that important. Your company is also not that important, and whether or not your company chooses to adopt this coin is not that important. If it's a \"fraud\" by your definition, then many, many other coins (and companies, for that matter) are also fraudulent, and it's not a very important fraud, so don't worry so much about saving the world from it. If you have any interest in working on blockchain technology, go with the flow. Leverage what skills and advantages you have in your life, don't burn bridges, and especially try to keep from burning your bridges because of ego issues. Remember, you're not that important. But you are important enough to do what you enjoy, important enough to have people in your life and career who look out for you, and important enough that every single day you learn something or work on something that progresses your ambition in some way. Maybe this coin offering can be a part of that and maybe not, but the answer is more likely to be found within your own psychology than the details of this particular technological\/business crossroads.\n\n Or maybe they actually see something that other people are failing to see.\n\nI was in a position like that a few years ago. A manager a few levels above me had done a severely flawed study, and proposed completely restructuring our company's revenue model based on the results. He pitched it to us before going to the executive team. I pointed out that his numbers were too small to achieve statistical significance, and he was inconsistent in how he calculated the key metric in the study.\n\nAnother engineer in the room indicated that they were also concerned that he was proposing a massive change to our company based on very shaky evidence. Other people mostly sat quiet, too scared to make the manager angry.\n\nAnd indeed, he got pretty pissed. He pretty much told me to shut up, and I let it go. I really wish I hadn't, because the results were even worse than I'd imagined.\n\nHe took it to the executives who loved it, and promptly restructured the company. We lost 2\/3 of our revenue almost overnight. Investors were furious, and many of them sued us. Most of the executives were forced out, and the company was sold off for a tiny fraction of its previous value to one of our competitors.\n\nThe acquisition didn't go well. A lot of my co-workers lost their jobs in the process. I was fine because I saw the writing on the wall, and I started interviewing almost as soon as that disastrous meeting adjourned. I was long gone by the time the hammer fell.\n\nI feel really shitty about being bullied into silence. I saved my own ass, but dozens of people lost their jobs. I could have fought harder for them. Yeah, I probably would have made things worse for myself, and I might have even gotten fired. I still feel like I did the wrong thing.\n\n I would recommend pointing out errors one on one, not in a meeting of a manager's direct reports.\n\nIn this one on one, I would feign having trouble understanding the model and ask the manager to walk you through it in more detail so you can understand it. During the review, ask some pointed questions that will lead the manager towards the error.\n\nIn many cases while explaining the model in detail, the manager will discover the error on their own.\n\nThis approach allows the manager to save face. Many times, the manager will be very relieved and many times they will realize you knew there was an error all along.\n\n I like this approach. It sounds like a play right out of \"How to Win Friends and Influence People\". But... This also needs a good chunk of maturity and trust in both the employee and manager. Doesn't mean don't try it, but also don't be surprised if it doesn't work.\n\n It plays out exactly as described in \"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High\"[1]. Recommended.\n\n[1] [https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Crucial-Conversations-Talking- Stakes-...](https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Crucial-Conversations-Talking-Stakes- Second\/dp\/1469266822)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> #1, if you think the company is going to go ahead with something fraudulent, leave. This has nothing to do with your CTO role -- applies to any job at any company.\n\n#2: is it fraudulent? Some people think all ICOs are fraudulent, some reasonable people may disagree. If you think all ICOs are fraudulent, see #1 above. Or if you think they are legit but this one has fraud in it, ditto. But (not knowing the situation) you may be overreacting.\n\n#3: Sticking tokens into the app may simply be a dumb business decision, but not actual fraud. It's OK for you to disagree with a business decision, but if you don't agree with the direction, at the end of the day too bad. \"CTO\" can mean a lot of things but it's rarely an executional job -- most often it's \"chief talking officer\". So your opinion counts, but shouldn't be decisive. If you decide \"well, OK it's not fraud, just bogus\" you have to stop complaining about it OR leave.\n\nFinally...lots of good ideas look weird from a technical basis. I thought YouTube was weird: why sort content by media type -- shouldn't a video about X be part of a web page about X? I thought the Apple II was weird: who wants a home computer you didn't design and build yourself? Clearly I was wrong!\n\nBut if actual bad behaviour is the plan, do leave, even if you think they will get away with it.\n\n Fraud is not the only issue. OP needs to assess what his liability will be if the SEC concludes that the token is an unregistered security and demands that the company return all funds to investors.\n\n Companies doing responsible ICOs should seek legal advice and this is part of the cost.\n\nDisclaimer: my company does ICO campaigns, assesment, development, and security audits, but we add external lawyers to the loop.\n\n \/disclaimer\/disclosure\/\n\nWhen you disclose somthing, that's a disclosure.\n\n Thank you! My fault. The edit option for the comment expired.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Being a corporate officer means getting-the-fuck-out-of-Dodge the moment things get questionable.\n\nCheck out \"STRICT LIABILITY FOR CORPORATE EXECUTIVES\" on page 3: [http:\/\/www.nortonrosefulbright.com\/files\/20160801-criminal-a...](http:\/\/www.nortonrosefulbright.com\/files\/20160801-criminal- and-civil-liability-for-corporations-officers-and-directors-142383.pdf)\n\n OP is in the middle east, so the linked document is probably not relevant.\n\nHowever, similar laws do exist in many countries.\n\n It will affect them if they plan on traveling to the United States...ever.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I and fellow colleagues had to do this once. As a founder I gave up 7 years of building that company due to some really unethical moves by the CEO.\n\nAt the end of the day, as a c-suite officer, I would have been liable by being complicit.\n\nOnce I stated my objection, I and my fellow c-suite colleagues went to the board with our objection, and CEO decided to continue executing the unethical behavior, I and a few of my c-suite colleagues all bailed. That sucked hard.\n\nPS. That signal from us leaving ended up preventing the securities fraud that was about to happen.\n\n >> _I and my fellow c-suite colleagues went to the board with our objection, and CEO decided to continue executing the unethical behavior, I and a few of my c-suite colleagues all bailed. That sucked hard._\n\nYour board should have taken action against the CEO if the behaviour or decision was indeed unethical. Allowing the CEO to proceed means the deck was stacked against the rest of you. Sounds like those of you that resigned in protest made the right decision.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> My .02 on this:\n\nYou've already lost. The decision has been made, they're moving ahead, and it's clear (a) you can't change their minds and (b) you aren't onboard with it.\n\nYou should treat this as a learning experience about decision-making and corporate politics.\n\nPut aside the technical issues and take some time to consider the people issues. Who is the decision-maker? What is his\/her motivations? How are decisions made in your organization - top-down, consensus, debate, face-to- face, etc? What role did you _think_ you should have in making this decision, and how did that differ from the role you actually had? How do you feel about all of this?\n\nMaybe you felt this was your decision to make, or should've been given more weight\/input on the decision. This is a relationship problem. You don't have the role you want with the others.\n\nAnother view might be, you were consulted but ultimately you weren't the top decision-maker in the org, the decision didn't go your way, and you need to either (A) get onboard with it or (b) leave.\n\nIt's very reasonable to want out at times like this. Don't do anything rash, but if you can't get onboard with this decision and really do object to it, leaving this organization might be your best bet.\n\nIt's important to realize, when you aren't the head person, there are some things that aren't going to go your way. You can argue and fight and debate, but ultimately, a decision has to be made, and it might not be the one you want, but you have to either tow the line, or leave, doubly so as an executive. As bad as this situation is, it's way worse to have a bunch of people who can't agree, and decisions not getting made, than MADE decisions that don't go your way.\n\nIf you truly have ethical or legal issues, you should get out. You're young and will move on to something else quickly. But I think this stuff (ICOs and coins in general) is grayer than you might think. There's a lot of gray between 100% upright business practices and fraud, and you're somewhere in the middle.\n\n Given the OP's description of the situation, I strongly agree with eldavido. Both his assessment that the time to convince them to step back is past, how to think about the current situation, and how to handle subsequent events seems spot on to me.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I would collect a list of every ICO fraud story in the press, and just ask if your board wants to be added to the list (whether officially or in the social zeitgeist).\n\nI would also ask the board how many examples they can find of companies who did an ICO, and were later successful.\n\nAlso, I'd be looking for a new job... Even if they listen now, it doesn't sound like good leadership.\n\nEdit to add: Your equity is only worth something if the ICO works. If there's no ICO and you still can't find investors, your equity is also worth nothing. I wouldn't even consider it...\n\n<\/comment> If you don't believe in the technology that you're developing; run. A company should never develop technology against the better judgement of its CTO.\n\nThat being said: Using things like blockchain to represent stock ownership; and using crowdfunding, are great ideas. They just don't replace the fact that your company needs a viable business plan, paying customers, and actual investment.\n\nThings like an ICO are like the old story from the 1990s about a lumber company changing its name to \"lumbar.com\" because there were plenty of fools trying to invest in anything related to the internet.\n\nSo, even though this is new technology, how is it relevant for your business? Crowdfunding is great for funding artists, and great for swindling unsavy suckers. Blockchain technology is still too primitive to represent ownership for a run-of-the-mill company; even for a run-of-the-mill \"tech\" company. Why? Because the tech of blockchain will be too much of a distraction from building your real business.\n\nAnyway, when I read your details, I see a startup that's not going anywhere, and is considering an ICO out of desperation. It's probably time to assess if your company is viable or not.\n\nIf you're going to leave, don't try to be too diplomatic. Be frank with your board, \"I am leaving because I do not believe that our company is viable. An ICO is a distraction from finding a viable business model and savvy investors. Blockchain \/ ICO will be a useful technology in the future, but at this time it's too immature and will be a distraction from building our business and product. I recommend that you concentrate on the shortcomings of the business and its product.\"\n\n<\/comment> I'm surprised there isn't a single person here advising you to stay and figure out something that the token can be used for in your app. This is exactly the type of software and product design decision that a CTO should be doing, and you might even be proud of the result if you come up with a good idea, not to mention the potential financial benefits. Maybe it's a little flaky, but it's not fraud if you tell everyone what the token is and what it's used for beforehand.\n\n<\/comment> Most ICOs are deeply unethical in the sense that they exist only to circumvent traditional funding regulations, and not because they actually utilize cypto- tokens for their business. If you feel that this describes the plan, I would absolutely back out. It may not currently be illegal, but chances are it will be. It certainly does not reflect well on the business.\n\n >>Most ICOs are deeply unethical in the sense that they exist only to circumvent traditional funding regulations\n\nCare to explain what makes this unethical? What if you think these regulations are unethical?\n\n Then work to reform the regulations. There's a perfectly consistent position in thinking that the circumvention of unethical rules is itself unethical.\n\n What if there is a law against homosexual intercourse? Should people be expected to refrain from participating in it until they can convince enough people in their country to change the law?\n\nIf you need to start adding a bunch of qualifications to this principle of illegality being unethical, meaning that if you can't apply it consistently, then it's probably not well founded.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Life is too short to waste on other people's shifty ideas. The investors have a portfolio, so they think a 1 in 10 chance of a quick 100x is a great idea. But you're the one who has to build it and live it every day.\n\nDecide where you draw the line, and tell them. Don't try too hard to fight the idea or persuade them, just make your case calmly and if their decision is over your line, walk away. And wish them well as you walk away, no reason to burn bridges.\n\n<\/comment> If this is fraudulent or not is of course very, very important. But from reading your comment I feel there are some weird trust dynamics at play here. My view is that for a company to work you need to have people working in the same direction with a large amount of trust. That means that if you are a specialist in your are I will trust your judgement. I need not understand how you came to that decision. If I do not trust you to make decisions in your area or if you are not aligned with the goals of the company I would find someone else for your role. That's how I think trust should work.\n\nThat also means that if my judgement in my area of expertise is not trusted I will quickly start looking for something else to do. \"If you don't trust me to do what I'm good at I'll go somewhere else or do something else\".\n\nIf I were in your shoes I would not feel trusted anymore and look for something else. You also mentioned that all your shares are vested. I'm more used to schemes where you shares vest over time e.g. you receive 33% of your shares per year worked so you will own all your shares after three years. If this is how your vesting works consequences for leaving should not be that bad.\n\nHowever if none of the shares have vested you should thread carefully. Having been part of a similar situation with vested shares and leaving I know there are compromises to be made. All parts have a lot to earn from an amicable deal that let's you and the company part ways without any bad blood.\n\n<\/comment> ICOs are only fraudulent if you make them so. We don't know if you're based in the US either, which matters quite a bit since even the most well-intentioned ICOs constitute the sale of unregistered securities under US law. If you are, and since they're going ahead with it anyway, you might take a look at the SAFT Project [1], which is a legal framework for ICOs in the US created by the Cooley law firm.\n\nIn short, leave if you believe they are doing something illegal, and then sue them for creating a situation where you had no choice but to leave your job. But not all ICOs are, by default, illegal.\n\n[1] [https:\/\/saftproject.com\/](https:\/\/saftproject.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Ah, the age-old question on the morality of taking money from suckers. Basically, as always, two options:\n\n1\\. be moral, walk away, maybe talk, get no money\n\n2\\. stay, make lots of money, wipe tears away with hundred dollar bills\n\n<\/comment> Sounds like they are going to go with an ICO, it sounds like they think that is the only choice, so it's most likely happening with or without you.\n\nI'm not sure I would rock the boat since you still care about your equity.\n\nI would spend your time trying to make the app better, let someone else handle the ICO to bring in funding to get you to your vesting mark.\n\nIf you don't feel the ICO is a good idea or is potentially fraud, just don't participate in setting it up, keep your name out of it. I'm sure they will use a service or outside experts to handle it.\n\nIt will bring in funding to get you to your vesting date which sounds important to you.\n\nYou're in your 20s so this isn't your last rodeo, ride this one out, see what happens, use your knowledge and experience toward the next one.\n\nGood luck riding it out.\n\n<\/comment> I would rephrase the question as the following:\n\nMy company plans on partaking in a legally grey area with a real potential for liability down the road, do I want my name associated and put my neck out for something I don't believe in?\n\nI think you know the answer already.\n\n<\/comment> Run!\n\nBut first go get a good lawyer.\n\nI'm guessing there is a playbook for \"fundamental disagreement among execs\/founders in a startup\" and a chapter in said playbook for \"CEO doing questionably ethical stuff\".\n\n<\/comment> You're on the right path, drafting a well rationed argument as to why its not a good idea. If they decide to move forward, you should quit.\n\nI'd seek good legal council regardless of what happens.\n\n<\/comment> I think ethics are somewhat overrated in this situation. But more importantly it sounds like your app\/whatever is dead in the water. If it's not good enough to convince people to invest more - and investing just to burn money on marketing sounds like a terrible idea - then it's not going to survive. I mean let's be honest if you have rich Middle Eastern contacts and they won't put money in, it's a dog. Just cut loose and don't waste more time on it.\n\n<\/comment> \"No matter how much you try, you can't stop people from sticking beans up their nose.\"\n\n[https:\/\/www.uie.com\/brainsparks\/2011\/07\/08\/beans-and- noses\/](https:\/\/www.uie.com\/brainsparks\/2011\/07\/08\/beans-and-noses\/)\n\n<\/comment> Are you sure your company is not planning to use this as a utility token. Several companies ICO with this promise. For example Binance (a crypto- exchange) introduced BNB tokens. You can pay with Bitcoin but if you pay for your trades with BNB tokens then your trades cost 50%.\n\n I recently heard of a utility token being scrutinized by the SEC. You need to make sure that the token's price is in line with the utility's economic value. If investors drive the price up to a point where it doesn't make economic sense to buy the token for its use value, the SEC's position is that the Howey test applies.\n\nNot a lawyer, not legal advice, etc. Just heard this on the grapevine, could be false. (But I find it very plausible.)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I left the thread alone, hoping to see some answers in a few hours, yet I had no idea it would explode like this. Thank you everyone, your support has no match around my proximity.\n\nI read all 92 (and increasing) comments. There are some duplicate concerns, questions, suggestions etc. I want to be as transparent as I can to leave a useful record for people who will be in similar position as me. Below is my attempt to do so.\n\n* Many people commented or touched on the topic of my role as CTO. Things I did can be summarized as these: building the proof of concept (vanilla Java for Android) before the very first seed; constantly be in dialogue with investors and the other co-founder (CEO); gathering all the dev team including the designers; managing outsourced development; having code contribution on 10% of server side code (especially mission critical parts such as auth and soft real time systems); %50 code contribution on Android (Kotlin, Java, RN hybrid); %50 code contribution on iOS (Swift, RN hybrid) including migrations to latest Swift versions; deciding frameworks, platforms, SaaS components; literally scripting all the dev-ops; building small demos for investors to test ideas; hacking all day when the dev team is able to self organize. Despite all the hardships, I must admit it was the most amazing playground I could ever hope for on this age. I have a BS degree on Computer Engineering if anyone wonders.\n\n* Some people expressed their concerns about my mental and physical health. I can say I failed almost on all of those. My cigarette consumption skyrocketed. I smoked weed almost on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis. Having no time to cook, I ordered take away food a lot (it hurts to eat outside financially). I stopped doing sports last year. Socially, everything is much more OK. I have a really supportive life partner who I never disappointed. I didn't lose a friend without my own consent. My family is worried but also proud with all their best wishes and support felt here.\n\n* I understand some people's suspicions on me having a bias towards fraudulent ICOs. Let me explain our situation a little more, you can decide for yourself. First of all, we can still gather investment without the ICO, just not enough for a meaningful (or hasty) boost. It has its consequences though like hibernating for a while, losing the original dev team (they are already informed by me btw) for cheaper labor, figuring out how to deal with ancient local law etc. It will almost feel like a new startup. Some people may therefore think \"the project is dead\" and that is true if looked from the inside. The sad thing is we finally built the real thing which our users really love. Ad revenue interpolations shows hope.\n\nI have some other reasons (technical and observable) to think that our attempt would be fraudulent.\n\nFirstly, there has never been such a plan, not even a bite-sized bit of it. The ICO is definitely an idea emerged as a reaction, a reflex. The startup scene here is visibly shifting towards blockchain tech, that is a fact. But issuing a token in our app feels like watching Pinterest issue its own coin for people to spend on pinning some content. In the end, all the brainstorm in the meeting can be summarized as \"placing a button to spend\/receive the token inside the app for some arbitrary reason which we can figure out later\" in terms of UX. It's a feature without a problem to solve.\n\nThe next thing is, all the other B2B solutions we can pivot to are quite cheaper, easier to build and equally doable without a blockchain. No business has ever demanded from us an immutable, distributed database with fail recovery. We are repeatedly told that a dev-friendly API is more sell-able than bleeding edge cool technology (lesson of my life).\n\nAbout the shady stuff: If the value of our token drops after the initial offering, the ones who are gonna get hurt by it are mainly the early adopters who would all be selected from angels or ventures. We only plan for a private, invite only ICO to benefit from network effects among some rich people. It is even spoken out loud that, and I'm quoting, \"all we need is some well designed PDF with our successes (there are some after all) and vision highlighted, some kind of white paper as the jargon tells\". The excuse has been debated as the token will be traded publicly despite the private distribution, and will always be promoted within the app. So the existing user base will be harvested to create the hype, investor money will be grabbed via private offering when shown enough hype is there, the market will do the rest. Almost all gathered liquidity will be converted to fiat to buy time to figure out a viable business plan. If the bought time is not enough, the crypto world will be blamed, all will be well. It really sounds like an IPO without the risk and responsibilities coming after that.\n\n* The million dollar reality is not all ICOs are against law. This is completely true and applies in our case. We have good legal advice and will definitely get away with all of our actions. Regardless of the future incidents, nobody is going to jail or even paying fines for anything. Nonetheless, as stated by some commenters, it still may create some issues outside if we (founders, investors, the board, dunno) plan to travel and do business abroad. I didn't know that, thank you so much for the intel.\n\n* Some boring facts and misconceptions: There is no us vs them culture between the founders and the investors. There is actually only a little politics between people, and mainly because of age differences. What drives the pursue is mostly misinformation about blockchain news, lack of technical knowledge and shareholders' being able to carelessly act due to having the safety net of financial resources. It is pure luck or lack of it that I am the only one who is capable of navigating through the echo chamber in our board, where right now words like \"crypto is the next big thing\" is resonating among people who have no idea what even a software protocol mean.\n\n* Completely off-topic, or maybe not, nonetheless I want to make games some day.\n\nThanks again everyone. It's been a pleasure to read you all.\n\n > feels like watching Pinterest issue its own coin for people to spend on > pinning some content.\n\nI think this actually sounds interesting, if it cost a little to pin something but it also means that content creators get a little bit of $$ just for creating content that people pin. Of course nothing about this requires a blockchain or a new coin, but it could be fun!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> ICOs are not necessarily fraud - are they outlawed in your country? Do you simply need to register them properly with any countries you decide to release your app in?\n\n<\/comment> Run as fast you can. If they don't value what you say, and it may put you in a legal world of hurt it's time to jettison.\n\n<\/comment> Trust your gut\n\n<\/comment> Make sure you have some stock or coins and enjoy the nice pop and free money you get....\n\n I have $30 of DOGE. :)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Go on, take the money and run.\n\n<\/comment> Hopefully you are not working at Facebook. I think you should start looking for other jobs. Last I saw, there are 72 different ICOs on coinstats. There is not an inch progress from any adoption towards ICOs. Don't get rippled!\n\n<\/comment> watch the movie Office Space and do what Milton did.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Connect all of your communication channels in one place - https:\/\/www.plummapp.com Hi,\n\nmy name is Wiktor. It took more than 1 year, but I'm finally done building the minimum viable product for Plumm. I worked mostly nights and weekends. I coded the whole thing in Python and JS. This is my side project, but it is fully functional and stable product, which you can use right now.\n\nProduct:\n\nPlumm is a single place where you can chat with your team members and support your customers. It can integrate your email inboxes (for now only GSuite) and provide livechat for your website. In the future I am planning to add more integrations, so it will become single place for all communication channels, for example it should integrate with facebook groups or twitter.\n\nMotivation:\n\nI've built Plumm, because I wanted to chat with customers and my team members in one place (one tool). Using separately livechat, email accounts and Slack was not perfect for my communication needs, because I needed to switch all these tools constantly.\n\nI'm excited to start talking to customers and see what they think about the product so far!\n\nBut, also I would very like to get feedback from you indie hackers. What do you think?\n\nCheers, Wiktor<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":21675180},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Auroracoin market cap has surpassed Litecoin. Second only to Bitcoin - http:\/\/coinmarketcap.com\/mineable-all.html\n\n Before anyone starts liquidating their assets to buy-in to this, remember that cryptocurrency is highly, highly speculative. A post on bitcointalk.org give some insight into this meteoric rise:\n\n\\---\n\nFrom: [https:\/\/bitcointalk.org\/index.php?topic=497736.0](https:\/\/bitcointalk.org\/index.php?topic=497736.0)\n\nI looked around, and for some reason no one is talking about this..\n\nI was looking up Auroracoin, and now I know why it's marketcap is insanely inflated: There are only 98476 coins in circulation, but coinmarketcap is also including all 10,500,000 (50%) of the premine coins for a total of 10,598,476 coins.\n\nThe true value of the Auroracoin marketcap is currently $2,552,498. When the airdrop happens, expect the price to eventually plummet to less than 1% of it's current value when the airdrop is finally complete. If I were an Icelander, I'd grab my free ~$900 USD and dump it right away, the price is only going to drop as the supply inflates by %10,000 in less than a year's time.\n\nAdditionally, people don't seem to realize that currently one entity controls 50% of the total Auroracoin supply (10,500,000) while there are only ~100k coins being traded by everyone else. So when the price \"jumps\" 60-70%, that's actually not uncommon for low valued coins; however, because the pre-mine number is included, this jump looks magnitudes larger than it really is.\n\nPeople usually scream bloody murder to premine (even as _low_ as 10%!), but some guy comes along and says \"give me 50% premine, I promise to distribute it, trust me\" and suddenly everyone is convinced.\n\n\\---<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2024-10":1}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Teracrawler - "Crawl anything at any scale TeraCrawler can adapt to projects or any scale. Our rotating proxies infrastructure gets you past IP blocks with over 2 million residential proxies. With us you get: \nRapid Web Scrapping in Millions of sites Faster proxies to get your work done easily and rapidly.

TeraCrawler is an ambitious project that aims to solve all these common problems and reduce it to a simple point and click interface. " Link?<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":22906930},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"curl - https:\/\/curl.haxx.se\/ Excerpt:\n\n\"Supports...\n\nDICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, Telnet and TFTP. curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, HTTP\/2, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Plain, Digest, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, Negotiate and Kerberos), file transfer resume, proxy tunneling and more.\n\nWhat's curl used for?\n\ncurl is used in command lines or scripts to transfer data. It is also used in cars, television sets, routers, printers, audio equipment, mobile phones, tablets, settop boxes, media players and is the internet transfer backbone for thousands of software applications affecting billions of humans daily.\"\n\nSource Code:\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/curl\/curl](https:\/\/github.com\/curl\/curl)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3,"dup_dump_count":2,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2024-18":1,"2024-30":1}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Minimizing Faulty Executions of Distributed Systems [pdf] - http:\/\/www.eecs.berkeley.edu\/~rcs\/research\/nsdi16.pdf _Abstract\n\nWhen troubleshooting buggy executions of distributed systems, developers typically start by manually separating out events that are responsible for triggering the bug (signal) from those that are extraneous (noise). We present DEMi, a tool for automatically performing this minimization. We apply DEMi to buggy executions of two very different distributed systems, Raft and Spark, and find that it produces minimized executions that are between 1X and 4.6X the size of optimal executions._<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":2,"unknown":2}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Keep track of everything you watch and easily find things to watch - https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com Hey everyone! I wanted to share something I've been working on for some time that I hope you will find useful. It's called AddToTheList: [https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/](https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/)\n\nYou can keep track of everything you're watching with AddToTheList. You can rate, make notes, and mark which streaming service a title is on. You'll also be able to see IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings for titles with links to each site if you want more information.\n\nYou can add your friends once they've signed up as well and then you can easily recommend each other things to watch. You'll be able to easily see what your friends are watching to get a better idea of what to watch. You can also easily copy titles from other users to your own lists.\n\nThere are pre-populated Smart Lists that also give you ideas on what to watch. These range from Popular Shows to Upcoming Movies. These lists will update as you use the site more.\n\nYou'll also be able to see when titles are coming to Netflix or Amazon Prime as well as when titles are leaving Netflix. Then you can plan what to watch better as well. (I'm planning to add Hulu soon.) All of these are only supported for USA. You'll also get recommendations on what to watch as you watch\/rate titles.\n\nYou can view a sample user here to see how to organize your lists, but it's entirely up to you how you want to do it: [https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/user\/sample- user](https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/user\/sample-user)\n\nOnce you sign up and login, you will see more of the available features such as IMDb\/Rotten Tomatoes ratings and when titles are coming to certain streaming services.\n\nI hope you will sign up and hopefully it's as useful for you as it has been for me. You can also import lists from IMDb or Trakt directly into AddToTheList.\n\nIf you have any feedback, questions, issues, etc. just comment below or use the contact form here: [https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/contact_us](https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/contact_us)\n\nAlso check the FAQs as they might help answer some of your questions: [https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/faqs](https:\/\/www.addtothelist.com\/faqs)\n\nThanks!<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Spinning Up in Deep RL - https:\/\/blog.openai.com\/spinning-up-in-deep-rl\/ This developed-and-maintained package is a good approach towards furthering RL development; as the writeups state, the biggest problem in RL is subtle bugs from an implementation which don't cause an error but tank learning performance. (+ loggers\/utils to help debug things)\n\nGranted, a lot of RL thought pieces\/examples on places like Medium.com take an existing RL implementation without many tweaks, run it on a new task, and see what happens. A better RL library might make this workflow more prevalent; hence why it's very important for researchers to make their pipelines transparent.\n\n I've made some effort to provide a set of similar high-quality implementations available in PyTorch: [https:\/\/blog.millionintegrals.com\/vel-pytorch-meets- baseline...](https:\/\/blog.millionintegrals.com\/vel-pytorch-meets-baselines\/)\n\nIn my opinion PyTorch code is easier to understand and debug for newcomers. Code is definitely lacking in documentation, but whenever there was a tradeoff between clarity and modularity in the end I've chosen modularity. Ideally I would like others to be able to take bits and pieces and incorporate into their projects to speed up time to delivery of their ideas.\n\n +1 on that, that's a great project.\n\nPyTorch with its explicit state that can be easily examined by hand in PyCharm debugger will be way easier for people coming into the field.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> This is awesome and I hope will allow more people to _experiment_ with algorithms, instead of only re-applying OpenAI's baselines. Baselines are great, but are very hard (for me, at least) to tinker with.\n\nIt helps me to understand something new if I can controllably break it. In other words, I progress by predicting the edge-conditions when something shouldn't work - and then testing if algorithm indeed experienced expected type of failure. Transparent algorithm implementation is key for this.\n\nOne thing, which I immediately checked in the spinningup-repo is if it uses TF Eager. And it doesn't. @OpenAI what's your reasoning for that?\n\n Hi! Primary developer for Spinning Up here. The code for this was developed mostly in June and July this year, and Eager still felt relatively new to me. I wanted to wait for Eager to stabilize and hit maturity before investing in it. I also wanted to see how TF would change on the road to TF 2.0, since that could change the picture even more.\n\nAt the six month review in 2019, we'll evaluate whether it makes sense to rewrite the implementation examples for TF 2.0. I'll speculate that the answer will be \"yes, it does.\" Since Eager execution will be a central feature of TF 2.0, the (probable) revamp for Spinning Up will include it.\n\nGood luck with your experiments! And please let us know about your experience with Spinning Up---we want to make sure it fulfills the mission of helping anyone learn about deep RL, and user feedback is vital for that.\n\n Thank you for sharing your thought process!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> whenever I see high quality submissions I bookmark it and promise myself to come back and spend time learning it.\n\nthis time...I promise myself its different\n\n<\/comment> Hi! I really appreciate you sharing this with the community. The documents and code look really clear and concise. I do have one question. Is it possible to change the dependency on Mujoco engine to something else (to for e.g. Roboschool)?\n\nI don't have access to a computer with GPU and I am currently using google colab to do my DL projects. I tried installing Mujoco on colab but unfortunately, the computer id generated seems invalid. Any help is highly appreciated.\n\nThank you!\n\n Hi!\n\nA few people had this question on Twitter also. Our response: \"Several of us at OpenAI are thinking seriously about how to make something like this happen! I can't promise anything, but we definitely want to remove barriers to entry.\" ([https:\/\/twitter.com\/jachiam0\/status\/1060595172285632512](https:\/\/twitter.com\/jachiam0\/status\/1060595172285632512))\n\nIn the meanwhile, you can still use Spinning Up with the Classic Control and Box2d envs in Gym (which don't require any licenses at all). And what's more: for most of these environments you don't need a GPU! CPU is fine.\n\n Thank you for replying promptly. I am willing to help with such a change, if planned. Meanwhile I'll get started with running spinning-up on my laptop.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> This looks like an awesome initiative! I think it will be very valuable for people trying to enter the field. I particularly like the clear advice on how to get started doing RL research. Have you considered setting up a forum for the community to share their experiences?\n\n<\/comment> Discovered two small issues in the doc. Where can I send feedback?\n\n Let us know by opening an issue on Github: [https:\/\/github.com\/openai\/spinningup\/issues\/new](https:\/\/github.com\/openai\/spinningup\/issues\/new)\n\n Perfect. Thanks\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> is there a Dockerfile with everything set up already?\n\n No, but please open up an issue on Github and we'll look into making one! :)\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/openai\/spinningup\/issues\/new](https:\/\/github.com\/openai\/spinningup\/issues\/new)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I thought this was something about roguelikes. :(<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Norton Medical and Scientific Research & Biotechnology - http:\/\/norton-scientificmedical.com\/resources\/ Norton Medical and Scientific Research & Biotechnology - FDA approves kidney cancer drug from Pfizer<p>BY ADMIN, 4 DAYS AGO The medicine made by Pfizer against advanced kidney cancer was recently approved by Norton Medical and Scientific Research & Biotechnology regulators for commercial use despite a warning of possible side effects. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that the drug (with the generic name of axitinib) is effective in curing patients who do not show response to other drugs against kidney cancer. The advance stage of kidney cancer usually begins in the lining of the kidney's tubes. Inlyta does its work by blocking specific receptors that are involved in the growth of tumor. According to FDA, Inlyta is already the seventh drug it approved to cure advanced cancer of the kidney since 2005. American Cancer Society said that more than 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with kidney cancer last year and 1 out of 5 is expected to die from them. The FDA approval has come as a welcome opportunity for Pfizer since they have lost revenue from their cholesterol drug, Lipitor, after generic counterparts started to come out last year. However, Inlyta will still face tough competition from the 6 other drugs for kidney cancer that have their respective market shares already. An advisory committee of FDA endorsed the oral drug last month and announced that it is as effective and as safe as the kidney cancer medication from Bayer AG, Nexavar. Generally, in clinical trials made by Norton Medical and Scientific Research & Biotechnology, Inlyta slowed the growth of cancer by 2 months versus Nexavar for patients who have already been cured for renal cell carcinoma. However, the results differed based on what certain medicines patients have taken prior. For people who took first the Sutent (also from Pfizer), Inlyta slowed the spread of disease only by one and a half months, compared to the more than 5 months for patients treated with cytokines beforehand. Most of the advisers of FDA stated that the drug does not have a huge advantage over others. However, the fact that it has different side effects than the other medicine in the market could be an important deciding factor for patients. Several of the most common side effects of using Inlyta include high blood pressure, weight loss, vomiting, loss of voice and diarrhea. Some patients also reported bleeding problems that can possibly lead to fatality in extreme cases. FDA issued a warning to patients with high blood pressure, intestinal bleeding, or untreated brain tumors in their intake of Inlyta. Meanwhile, Pfizer is conducting further tests of Inlyta for liver cancer treatment. great<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Cenario - https:\/\/www.cenario.co\/ Cenario helps get your data into one singular source of truth so you can start making better decisions, fast.\n\nOur mission is to help more companies become more successful with more data- informed decisions.\n\nWe're simply not just another dashboard. Most dashboards focus on being reactive.\n\nWe focus on being both reactive and PROACTIVE.\n\nCurious? Find out more by visiting the link [https:\/\/www.cenario.co\/](https:\/\/www.cenario.co\/) or type in \"Cenario\" on google and you will find us :)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: How do you conduct effective code reviews? - Please share any tips, insights from doing so regularly. Things practical things that have helped me:\n\n\\- The idea of different types of comment. Suggestions vs questions vs more serious, \"I think this might break X\"\n\n\\- As a submitter, take the time to do screenshots if it is UI focused. Read through it once and if some bits require explanation then add your own comments. Basically due diligence\n\n\\- Be hyper aware of how language can escalate a situation. Ditch abrasive sentences. Re-write to be more questioning or helpful.\n\n\\- if it's a naming problem, make suggestions. \"I find the name X confusing because Y. How about something along the lines of A or B\"\n\n\\- If it's a larger problem, and you can meet face to face. Then do so. It will save a lot of back and forth. Or make a phone call. You're there to make the cosebase better for everyone. Not a public flame war.\n\n\\- Agree as a team etiquette. Ideally codify it\n\n\\- Ask yourself the question: \"Does this really matter?\" Sometimes I don't bother commenting because while I disagree, I realize that it's a style thing and it doesn't affect the codebase at large. Sometimes it's also worth commenting anyway. That way there is a potential to steer things \"your way\" but no big deal if not.\n\n\\- Make positive comments. Try not to dish out praise. If you see something cool, a neat trick or a really elegant solution or even something you didn't know, then it's worth writing\n\n\\- It's okay not to comment at all. If you can't find fault. Then just green light. Too many people feel they have to find \"something\"\n\n\\- I find it useful to acknowledge when comments have been addressed. This can simply be \"Done\".\n\n\\- The offer to pair on a solution to a problem can be effective\n\nI was going to put this and more into a blog post but have never got round to it\n\n<\/comment> (non-native english speaker, be kind) I'm not even a good code reviewer but I think I can share some insights:\n\n1 - First of all remember these two things: \"There is no perfect code\" and \"There is a human, who doesn't know everything, on the other side\". 2 - Understand the scope of the Code. What is this piece trying to achieve? 3 - Read. Calmly. 4 - Read. Calmly. Again. Reading code is hard and takes practice. 5 - If you think something could be done better but it is not required, open the discussion, not everything is a 'change request'. 6 - you don't understand something, ask. 7 - It's a team play. 8 - Praise what needs to be praised. 9 - Read the tests, for god sake. Try to think test cases that the PR didn't cover. 10 - Understand the moment that the project is. Sometimes some changes are too big for this review. If this is the case, could it be done later?\n\nI know these are pretty simple insights, and no real technique, but they are often forgotten :\/\n\n Ah, and last: Don't be afraid.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I think the most important thing is empathy. It can be pretty hard for some people to put egos aside when doing\/receiving code reviews.\n\nOther than that, have clear standards regarding formatting (preferably do it automatically with something like clang-format), build and run a linter\/tests on CI so that the most basic things are caught automatically.\n\nFinally, remember the objective is not criticizing someone else's style, since we all have our own, but instead sharing knowledge and improving quality.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Deskguru.io' a team wellness app for Slack - olly-thomas https:\/\/deskguru.io\/ olly-thomas Hey HackerNews!\n\nMy names Olly, a UX\/UI designer from the UK. I'm currently in the process of validating a product idea and I thought you guys would be the perfect people to run this by and get your feedback.\n\nI've been working on DeskGuru, a team wellness app for Slack. It's designed to build happy, healthy and mindful teams by delivering simple and accessible meditation, stretching and wellness routines straight to Slack. I want it to be your Slack integration to a healthier work-life balance. I'm not a hippy type but I have found working in small daily habits such as a quick mindfulness meditation before I start work, taking well timed breaks and keeping active during the day has really helped me focus, increase productivity and feel healthier in general.\n\nSo why did I think this was needed? Over the last few years I've noticed that the wellness of a team is becoming more and more important to employers, especially as we are shifting toward a remote, working from home culture. It's easy to forget to keep mentally and physically healthy when working alone at home. There's no one there to remind you to take a break, get up and stretch or go home at the end of the day. I wanted to create something that could be accessible to a team which wasn't cheesy or 'hippy' whilst keeping it super lightweight and customisable to everyones preferences.\n\nYou can check it out the landing page here- [https:\/\/deskguru.io\/](https:\/\/deskguru.io\/)\n\nSo, what do you think? Is this something you think is needed for you or a team? Can you see yourself using this to help improve your mental and physical health on a day-to-day basis? I would love to hear your feedback, thoughts, fears, stand-out-bits and anything in between. It's currently in a very early stage so any feedback would be really valuable. Oh yeah, and if you're into it please sign up with your email and I can keep you up to date with my progress!\n\nKindest thanks, Olly\n\nPs. If you really dig it you can support my bootstrapping efforts and pre- order a years subscription now for half price! Find it at the bottom of the homepage \ufe0f<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":19500079},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"CleanRL: RL library focusing on experimental research (beginner-friendly) - https:\/\/github.com\/vwxyzjn\/cleanrl Hi everyone,\n\nAuthor here. I have created a yet another reinforcement learning library. [[https:\/\/github.com\/vwxyzjn\/cleanrl](https:\/\/github.com\/vwxyzjn\/cleanrl)]\n\nThis repository focuses on a clean and minimal implementation of reinforcement learning algorithms. The highlights features of this repo are:\n\n* Most algorithms are self-contained in single files with a common dependency file common.py that handles different gym spaces. * Easy logging of training processes using Tensorboard and Integration with wandb.com to log experiments on the cloud. Check out [[https:\/\/app.wandb.ai\/costa-huang\/cleanrltest](https:\/\/app.wandb.ai\/costa-huang\/cleanrltest)] * Easily customizable and being able to debug directly in Python's interactive shell. * Convenient use of commandline arguments for hyper-parameters tuning.\n\nCurrently I support A2C, PPO, and DQN. If you are interested, please consider giving it a try :)\n\nMotivation:\n\nThere are two types of RL library on the two ends of the spectrum. The first one is the demo kind that really just demos what the algorithm is doing, only deals with one gym environment and hard to record experiments and tune parameters.\n\nOn the other end of the spectrum, we have OpenAI\/baselines, ray-project\/ray, and couple google repos. My personal experience with them is that I could only run benchmark with them. They try to write modular code and employ good software engineering practices, but the problem is _python is a dynamic language without IDE support_. As a result, I had no idea what variable types in different files are and it was very difficult to do any kind of customization. I had to see through dozens of files before even able to try some experiments.\n\nThat's why I created this repo that leans towards the first kind, but has more actual experimental support. I support multiple gym spaces (still working on it), command line arguments to tune parameters, and very seamless experiment logging, all of which are essential characteristics for building a pipeline for research I believe.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Choose the best assignment writing service by professional - https:\/\/cheapestwritingservices.tumblr.com\/post\/168286341672\/choose-the-best-custom-writing-service-providers Education is considered as one of the most important things in these days. When students go to school or college, they not only get to learn many things but they also have to complete their homework and assignments daily. Essay writing is any interesting task but sometimes it becomes difficult when you don't have proper knowledge regarding it. Assignments also need to be done carefully without making any mistakes.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":15877526},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: How do you get over the initial fear of learning something hard or new? - Particularly with regard to new software projects, languages, concepts, etc. Two ideas:\n\n1\\. Keep reducing the goal until it's no longer scary. Instead of \"learning X\", maybe try \"reading about X\" or \"try X for 10 min\". Keep taking more off your plate until you feel that \"I can do this\" feeling.\n\n2\\. When a fear pops up, respond to yourself with \"I know\". For example: \"I might waste my time and never get good at X\" -> \"I know\". If you repeat that process some contend that by giving your monkey brain (or flight response) attention and respect it starts to diminish. It just wants you to know how risky it thinks this activity is and can keep repeating or getting louder until you acknowledge that it's been heard.\n\n In addition to that, it helps me to think of the consequences of failure.\n\nFor instance, my wife and I recently redid an entire small bathroom. I replaced wallboard, replaced toilet and cabinet and sink, and laid tile. I'd never done any of that before.\n\nIt was incredibly scary at first. But I finally said, \"What's the worst that can happen?\" We paid a plumber for the hard stuff like moving the shutoffs and replacing the cracked flange (my fault!) and did the rest ourselves.\n\nThe worst thing that could happen was that we damage something (which happened with the flange!) or that we decide we just can't do it to our satisfaction and have to pay someone.\n\nThe alternative was to just pay someone.\n\nIn the end, it was still scary, but it was the logical thing to do, and so I tried it.\n\nIt went very, very well. Except the flange.\n\n In case it happens again :-): [https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Toilet-Flange-Repair- Kit-Flanges\/dp\/B...](https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Toilet-Flange-Repair-Kit- Flanges\/dp\/B078HGCYYJ)\n\n Thanks, but unfortunately that wasn't the part that cracked, It cracked vertically all the way down to the pipe it was connected to. The whole thing had to be replaced to make sure it wouldn't leak.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> One thing is to learn not to fear jargon. It's just a bunch of made up words, and you can quite easily learn them, and then you will sound just as clever and sophisticated as those people you saw in discussions.\n\nLike, you might be getting into woodworking and see someone casually saying this, a real example I ran into earlier today:\n\n\"I built a jig to hold my boards down and run them over the stacked dado with the miter guide. Despite this, the cupping that some of the boards had made the cross cuts uneven. I opted for half lap joints because I've seen people do miter joints on this bed design before and they don't seem to hold up very well over time.\"\n\nThat's actually a self-proclaimed beginner talking about one of his first woodworking projects. When someone asked him how he learned all these words, he said \"You can learn a lot from YouTube.\"\n\nIndeed those concepts aren't advanced; a miter guide is just little gizmo that holds your plank at an angle, a half lap joint is just a particular way of gluing two planks together, etc.\n\nBut reading stuff that has unfamiliar vocabulary can be tiring, so keep an eye on that and make sure you look up the words you don't understand, maybe keeping a small lexicon in a text file.\n\n Also, watch out for bullshit artists using jargon. Most jargon isn't B.S., but a lot of B.S. manages to hide behind jargon. You'll begin to notice this if you immerse yourself in academic writing. Being widely cited and having lots of collaborators is no guarantee that you actually have something useful to say.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Step one to solving any problem is recognizing there is one. In words from Rambo, you need to come full circle with your fear that...\n\n1) You don't know shit\n\n2) Learning requires patience and time\n\n3) It's ok to take a step back and start from square one\n\nI approach learning new programming languages, hardware design concepts and software design concepts very similar to how I might approach hiking through a forest, mountain, etc.\n\nIf I'm hiking i'm usually taking the most interesting scenic route I can take out of pure curiosity. This drives my interest as I'm hiking wondering what might I see around the bend or just over the next ridge. This part is crucial for me to keep going otherwise lost of interest is high and the end goal of getting to the top seems less rewarding.\n\nThe same concept should be applied to learning. There should be an elevating amount or sustainable amount of interest towards the end goal of learning something new. Each chapter of a book or functional line(s) of code that does something should excite you and elevate or at the very least sustain your level of interest.\n\nI'm probably one of the weakest software engineers (or possibly was) at my company mostly because I'm a first generation college student and engineer out of my family. I grew up on a farm and ranch where most of these resources were limited. I've had to spend more time on improving my skills and learning new things than probably the vast majority of individuals in our software department have. This methodology I've mentioned above has done wonders for me and has shaped my character\/personality to how I approach problems and learning new skills.\n\n<\/comment> I need something pushing me. Usually it's a demand placed upon me that requires I learn it to meet some kind of deadline. It's got to be something time-bound. If it's just a general request, for example, from a higher up that I learn something or look into something for some unknown reason or for some theoretical future project, odds are I'm not going to actually do it. But if I know that if I fail to do it and there is actually a consequence like me not being able to fulfill a goal that has been set for me, then I'm going to make sure that it gets done if for no other reason than not wanting to fail or be embarrassed.\n\nIf this is not for work where you are accountable to others and instead this is for a personal project it becomes more difficult. If possible, work with someone on your side project because then you will be accountable to them like you would be on a team at work. If it's just yourself and you are taking the approach of \"well it doesn't matter if I don't meet my made up deadline for myself\", then things tend to never get done. I had this issue. When trying to balance side projects with life and family, the projects kept getting pushed. Once I had a business partner, I'm far more productive because I have a real reason to get stuff done - no one wants to fail the person they are in business with.\n\n +1 to this, doesn't really matter how vague the push is so long as someone is putting the monkey on my back. There's always some stress but it's infinitely better than no push and I always learn loads in the process.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Fear of learning something new...?\n\nI have real problems understanding the question. Honestly.\n\nThe only way it could even remotely make sense to me is something like:\n\n\"Fear of _failing_ to learn something that is required knowledge to save your (your) job\/livelihood\/life.\n\nCase in point: am I \"scared\" of learning German? No, but I can think it will be too hard _for the level of energy I will be able to put into studying it_ compared to the benefits.\n\nSo - at least in my case - the only \"scaring\" element would be \"scared of wasting my time\/money pursuing this\".\n\n(EDIT: typo)\n\n Sounds like you're having trouble with honest empathy or understanding what other people might be thinking or feeling.\n\nThis kind of feeling is EXTREMELY common, especially with engineers. You sound like you're over-indexing on logic and not really trying to understand how other people might think and feel. You might not get this now, but working on these other skills will make a bigger impact on your life and career than being a better programmer.\n\n I can't understand this either. Of course you know very little about something when you are just starting out, that is expected, where is the shame in that? Hopefully you'll learn it eventually, and if not, well then it wasn't for you. We can't all be good at everything.\n\n\/another (ex-) consultant.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Try to take on a contract or job role that's a significant but achievable step above your current level of capability.\n\nIt's amazing how quickly you can learn something when you throw yourself into a situation where you just have to do it, or else.\n\nObviously you need to take care to ensure that your employers\/colleagues will be supportive and understanding that you'll need some time to develop new skills. But you also want them to push you to raise your level to what you\/they know you're capable of.\n\n<\/comment> It requires a certain amount of energy to \"punch through\" a problem. You just have to focus and commit enough energy.\n\nMost people have unfocused energy. They try to do too many things and never hit the boiling point on the harder things. Because they don't succeed, they start to lose confidence on attacking hard problems, and start to give up earlier.\n\nYou might be playing a game. It's easy to give up on them. Commit to a certain stage, maybe a level, a round, try out a build, or play until one defeat.\n\nI'm reading a tough book. Instead of commiting to properly reading it, I've committed to highlighting major points in each chapter.\n\nI tried to learn to use a breadmaker today. It's quite intimidating - instructions are very precise, ingredients have to be collected, and there's a lot of unknowns. I committed to just doing one loaf of bread. It took me the whole morning's energy, it was quite pointless, and it failed. But I learned a lot and I'm glad I did it.\n\nWant to learn to do mobile programming? Commit to it until you can do a to do app or something.\n\nWant to learn a concept? Then do it until you learn and can repeat the concept.\n\nPhrase it as a challenge, a puzzle to yourself, not something you _have_ to do.\n\nWhat I strongly don't recommend you do is to only commit a certain amount of minutes. It works for some, but often I see people stop before hitting that boiling point. It's actually incredibly fun to focus on something for a few days, just as long as it's not an endless treadmill.\n\n<\/comment> Fear can be normal. Assuming you already know how to break a problem down into its smallest\/most manageable steps (trying things like working backward from the end goal, using what you already know\/learned previously, etc.), if the fear is overwhelming and getting in the way of getting started, then dealing with the fear might be a first step.\n\nWrite them out. What are you afraid of? \"I can't learn this.\" \"This time I will be proven to be an impostor\", \"Everyone will think I'm stupid\". \"I'll be ridiculed.\" Sometimes just doing that helps.\n\nThere's a lot of critical thinking that fears don't hold up to. \"Have I learned anything hard or new before?\" \"Was I ever ridiculed for being a novice at something?\" \"Will _everyone_ really think I'm stupid?\" etc. Sometimes just analyzing the things your fear-based reactions are telling you is enough to dispel them, or at least make them less paralyzing.\n\nAsk yourself \"what if I knew everything would turn out fine here, and that I'll be a success. How would I act in that case?\"\n\nStuff like that. Sometimes the technical problems are easier than the psychological ones.\n\n<\/comment> What is the most important step a person can take? It is the next one. --Stormlight Archives (at least the spirit of the quote is from there).\n\nI think the first step is easy, but continuing is hard. I think the most scary project I took on was being a very inexperienced home improvement person and decidiing to tear out our rock chimney, replace the whole wall and install a big window and create a new hearth with a wood burning stove. I had a week of vacation to do get the house at least back to livable.\n\nI broke it down into parts or mini-milestones. Estimated what I would need and what I would do. I did research. I took the first step of removing the first stone of the chimney. Then the next stone. Then the wall. Then then next step.\n\n<\/comment> Learning should never be unpleasant. If it is, consider exploring supermemo.guru. It has many articles on learning, memory, sleep... and is maintained by one of the most knowledgeable people on the topics of learning. For this particular question, explore the articles on toxic memories, to see why some people experience anxiety before learning.\n\nI am not in ANY way affiliated with this site, I just read it often and the articles have helped me more than I can describe in words.\n\n I second it. The site looks a bit old and the articles are quite long, giving it that rambling madman feel. But it's all good stuff by a qualified researcher.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Grab a successful project already done by someone else, put it in your repository, back it up, and start changing things, one at a time. You'll start to see how little things work, maybe understand why the original author made choices, and surprisingly, find better or more interesting ways to do the same thing. (I'm always looking for ways to do the same thing with \"less\". I usually find them.)\n\nKeep restoring the original and repeat. Then start adding new functionality. Experiment. Break it. Play \"what if\". You can always restore and start over.\n\nBefore you know it, the mystery starts to fade and for some people, the fear does too.\n\n<\/comment> Why will you have fear of learning something new or hard?\n\n<\/comment> For me: start small.. keep moving, inward, onward, upward..\n\nCheck out the book mindset by Dr Carol Dueck.\n\nShe walks a person thru recognizing where we have a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset. It was a refreshing read.\n\n<\/comment> Recently I started learning VHDL. I have some very personal pep talks... look to your own past for something more applicable.\n\n \n \n * \"you've learned over 20 languages\"\n \n * \"this won't be as annoying as brainfuck, Piet, or FRACTRAN\"\n \n * \"you've absorbed the basics of analog circuit design, this digital crap is gonna be easy\"\n \n \n\nAnd then it's all about setting reasonable goals, breaking the work into discrete chunks and tackling them in an orderly fashion.\n\n \n \n * my coworker whose FPGA board I'm using tells me \"just get to a point where you can turn on an LED with a switch and it's downhill from there\"\n \n * I tell myself, \"your algorithm is a series of interconnected state machines. Figure out how to make a state machine and it's downhill from there\"\n \n\nAnd then there's the expertise I have access too -- I know that memory and timing issues are going to be a nightmare. When I get to that point. _When I get to that point_ , I can worry about the PCI bus and API. At that point I'll have the basics down, and I'll be able to have more fruitful discussions with my coworkers and they'll take a greater interest in my work.\n\n<\/comment> We are all born ignorant. Life's mysteries give meaning and passion to life. If I knew everything, I'd have to find new passion, so I'm grateful I'm ignorant. There has never been nor ever will be anything wrong with not knowing.\n\nAssuming you're studying alone, so it's not fear based on m\u0101na (comparing yourself to others without taking in the back story of all parties being compared):\n\nGeneric fear is recognition of the unknown. Recognizing when there is something to learn is a beneficial skill to learn. Recognizing this is how fear works, the emotional response ceases its control when the logical mind understands what is going on and how to deal with this unknown; learning is an opportunity for a reward.\n\nLearning is pattern matching our previous understanding (neighboring concepts) with a new idea. (And understanding the story of how that concept came to be, and what its intention is eg, leading to how it is used and in what situations.)\n\nWhen one is learning a concept within a subject matter they are already familiar with, there are a lot of similar concepts, making the learning easy or effortless. However, when it is a new subject matter, especially if it is an atomic concept with its only neighboring understanding comes from isomorphic concepts that exist in other domains, it can take a bit more work to really \"get it\".\n\nA trick I employ when learning is I forget time. I forget any goals. If I'm learning a thing so I can solve an issue in a issue tracker, then I will feel pressured on time. But the harder or more foreign the subject is that needs to be learned, the slower one needs to go to really get it.\n\nIf I am okay taking a day or even days pondering a new idea with the patience of learning the concept for it itself, then the learning process will be enjoyable instead of stressful.\n\nIf you have \"all the time in the world\" to learn, then it becomes easy to recursively dive depth-first into the concept and it's prerequisite concepts, as well as its neighboring concepts. Instead of learning a single concept, why not learn an ecosystem of concepts? This will help one retain what they've learned, make what they learn far more useful than learning a single stand alone idea, and it makes it easier to learn more of that topic. Once the first 2-4+ concepts in a domain are learned, learning anything else within that world becomes a cake walk.\n\n > m\u0101na\n\nI like that there's a word for this :) Which language is this from?\n\n Pali. Usually if you want a precise word to describe something psychological, there is a word in Pali for it.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> This might not be a direct answer , but reading \" Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise [http:\/\/www.goodreads.com\/book\/show\/29369213-peak\"](http:\/\/www.goodreads.com\/book\/show\/29369213-peak\") certainly helped nail down in my head that learning is a skill, and the only barrier to learning (and becoming an expert) and doing something is yourself and time (it explicitly says that you can't hope to be an expert by mindlessly repeating it or going through the motions though) . The book also lays down effective lessons for how to optimize for learning the skill fast (specifically with short iterational feedback loops) and effectively.\n\nThe book is fairly well researched, draws from credible academic sources and breaks down the \"genius\" construct fairly well. It left me knowing that any new subject or skill is approachable to anyone and everyone, as long as they are prepared to put in the time, and effort and an effective feedback loop in there.\n\n<\/comment> Tim Ferriss publishes a piece called Fear Setting. You might find that useful.\n\nAnother suggestion is to actually write down and articulate the specific issues you're facing. I find that the act of writing helps me make sense of thoughts - much more so than simply thinking about my thoughts.\n\nAlthough I find I'm better at execution than planning so I like the mantra \"just do it\".\n\n<\/comment> I can think of a few strategies, alongside the other good ones people mentioned. 1\\. Reduce your initial expectations. When you start something hard and\/ or new you will be awful at it. Just acknowledge that fact and move on. 2\\. Focus on time as the goal. Instead of saying, I have to master A or B, focus on time spent, focus on the raw number of hours spent learning. You should still chunk the learning, but start by tracking time. 3\\. Seek immersion opportunities. The person who authors [https:\/\/waitbutwhy.com\/](https:\/\/waitbutwhy.com\/) focuses on a new topic periodically. These topics can get quite complex and yet sometimes he only has a week or so to get himself up to speed. He'll do things like find all the videos on the topic on Youtube that are informative, authoritative and yet somewhat entertaining. He'll mass watch those videos, all the while gaining a feel.\n\n<\/comment> If the reason for your fear is out of deadlines, then simply ignore the deadlines for the most part and focus on learning overall. Obviously you can't ignore them completely, but if you actually let yourself just focus on learning instead of the deadline you will actually have a better chance of completing your goal by the deadline rather than if you focused only on the completing something by the deadline.\n\nIf it does not have something to do with a deadline, then I would suggest just pursue the new language, concept, etc. like you would something you are naturally curious about. If you are a fan of a certain science fiction universe, it is not scary to try and learn something new about that universe, because you will be naturally curious about it and be focusing on the joy of learning new information about the universe. Treat whatever you are trying to learn like that by finding ways to get naturally curious about the new subject.\n\n<\/comment> I can't say I ever had fear of learning something new. I really enjoy learning.\n\nI suspect you don't have a fear of learning, but a fear of how people might perceive you during the phase of learning? Don't get me wrong, I also struggle with \"perception fear\", just in different areas of life. I'm also working on overcoming that.\n\nHere's my 2 cents that's worth less than 2 cents.\n\nFace your fear head on. Instead of beating yourself up for mistakes, remind yourself that making mistakes is natural. Adjust and try again.\n\nHope you break out of this fear because it's a mindset. Most fears are bullshit. Learning won't kill you, people judging you along the way won't kill you.\n\nEnjoy yourself and go easy on yourself.\n\n<\/comment> Don't look at it from the view of a complete project. Think of it like compound interest in your retirement account. I learn by building slightly more complex projects on top of a previous simpler project knowledge.\n\nWant to build an entire website, with authentication, payments, dynamic interfaces, real time notifications? Learn HTML by putting your resume on the web. Then take that knowledge, and build something that takes a basic form, and maybe saves to a database. Then you take that, and build something that takes that user input, and thanks them by email. Onward and so forth.\n\nGoing from 0 to 100 for someone that hasn't done all of these little projects over the years, is way too daunting and unrealistic.\n\n<\/comment> If you're going to learn a new language or software being organized takes out all the stress. For example, when I learned Rust I made myself the perfect Sublime text setup for rust when on udemy got a course for it and would code along with the course instructor. I'd also make a folder to containing the code for each source with a folder in there for each lesson which would contain the source and the compiled program and I got through that and it was actually fun. As long as you're organized and don't rush yourself you should be fine.\n\n<\/comment> Google \"Tim Ferris fear setting\". I've gone through the fear setting technique several times and have gotten through pretty rough patches in my personal development with it.\n\n<\/comment> Come up with a small first step. This is usually writing the hello world equivalent or reading through a paper or article. Once I get my head around it I make a list of todos and start knocking them out.\n\n<\/comment> Pick any _aspect_ of said subject and dig in. If possible, have a project to study said subject. Do not look at other aspects of the same subject. Focus. Less thought is more at this point.\n\nThe minute you start thinking \"oh no the subjects so big, where do I start\", you start tying yourself up in mental knots.\n\nAlso, have another subject, so when you get fed up, you can take a break and switch subject (maybe forever). You can \"find your spot\" like that.\n\nTo learn is to live! Good luck!\n\n<\/comment> Give yourself permission to define your own goalposts, however meager or humble. It's not unlike learning a new spoken language: just because you have a massive vocabulary in your native tongue, does not mean it's not an achievement to learn to count to ten in a new one.\n\nIt's not enough to \"crawl before you walk before you run\". It's important to _feel good_ about successfully crawling, even if one is accustomed to running marathons in another context.\n\n<\/comment> Call it \"excitement\" instead.\n\nFor example, there is no stage fright. It's stage excitement. All those feelings some people get before speaking in front of a large crowd? That's all excitement. Wow, I'm looking forwards to this! This is going to be _great_! Surprisingly effective. Apply the same self-psychology here.\n\nBeing excited about it makes more sense; maybe it really _is_ excitement you're feeling. Easy to confuse the two.\n\n<\/comment> Not on the topic of software, but with other crafts, I like to think about the idea \"Nothing is hard, it is just slow\". the biggest beginner mistake in woodworking is trying to work to fast, same with welding, same with music. If you just content yourself with working on new, hard things slowly and don't try to be fast it all ends up less daunting. FWIW, this has been my experience learning the little code that I know, too.\n\n this is key with hand work. there is an expectation that, if for example you are shaping a piece of sheet metal, it seems like if you know what you're doing just can just bang it out. so if you keep trying to bang things out you're supposed to get better.\n\nknowing what you're doing really means having the patience to make a subplan, trying to execute it carefully, seeing how well you did and repeating the process.\n\ninitially that might take several days and be painful. it will get faster over time, but you have to learn to let the work steer you, and to put it aside when you no longer have the focus or stamina. that internalization, regardless any any of the particular skills you may pick up along the way, is what makes you a practitioner rather than a hack.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Meditate everyday. Mindful meditation for 15 minutes a day has helped me just start things without thinking about them. Most people enjoy doing something once they get started, it is getting started that is difficult. Set a small objectives, and just get em done. I'm not even exaggerating, mindful meditation has been the greatest tool I've ever found for being consistent about things and starting things.\n\n<\/comment> As a neurotic, I conquer fear through excessive preparation. I honestly don't know what to do about a fear of preparation, though. If I find myself intimidated by learning something, I look for a prerequisite to that something that isn't intimidating, and start there.\n\nMaybe what you have is a fear of _committing_ to learning something hard or new? Something with a deadline, that you'll be judged on at some point?\n\n<\/comment> I see a lot of comments asking what a fear of learning something new is. I interpret is as the fear of appearing stupid when trying to learn something new. This means, that one doesn't ask questions, doesn't take big steps in the presence of other people, the fear of failing at this new learning experience. The fear of appearing incompetent at something that one \"should\" already know.\n\n<\/comment> We have this problem all the time where I work. It usually manifests itself as a \"slow engineer.\" When you dig a bit that usually means the engineer in question is afraid to ask questions, generally out of fear of looking silly.\n\nMy advice is to ask questions and read up. You can ask trusted advisors\/friends what to read up on before asking questions to the scary folks (who are usually not that scary anyway).\n\n<\/comment> For me, I use the power of habit, and just keep at it every day.\n\nA few benefits to this:\n\n\\- The power of habit can be an impetus to overcome the initial fear.\n\n\\- The knowledge that you did it just yesterday, and it wasn't so bad.\n\n\\- Learning gets solidified overnight, and often things are easier the next day.\n\n\\- And then just doing something every day means it gets a lot of repetitions.\n\n _\" I only write when I am inspired. Fortunately I am inspired at 9 o'clock every morning.\"_\n\n\u2015 William Faulkner\n\n<\/comment> Fear? Learning new things, especially hard things, should be the most thrilling and rewarding thing in life. Starting on a new subject is like being a child again. Instead of jaded indifference you look at the world with fresh eyes, full of fascination. Everything is new, you don't know what to expect, it's an adventure!\n\n<\/comment> I use this formula for everything, from learning new domains to working on side projects to doing exercise:\n\nImprovement = Consistency + Effort\n\nIf you consistently put in effort, you will improve. Improvement over time becomes success.\n\nIf you just keep consistently showing up and trying your best, eventually you will get very good at anything. On a long-enough timescale that is a certainty. There is no reason to fear the new.\n\n<\/comment> I'd say you have to accept the reality of having a lot of unknowns in new software projects. By doing that, I guess I mean embracing the fear since there's always going to new situations that come up in reality. In my mind, I can't actually get used to anything since something new always crops up so I just take that as the norm.\n\n<\/comment> Fear is normal, though sometimes because of that fear i get too lazy to start to learn something new. So just think positive, nothing is impossible.\n\nMaybe my advise isn't so good but i like to buy new pens and have some sweet stuff like chocolate. If i pass first hard part i can encourage myself with a bar of chocolate.\n\n<\/comment> Do something with it that is simple, useful, and for which it is uniquely well suited.\n\nFor instance, I wanted to start working with Lazarus (A FreePascal IDE with WYSIWYG GUI designer) so I used it to throw together some simple GUI launchers for a portable LAN gaming pack I put together.\n\n<\/comment> Realize you are going to die and there is nothing you can do about it.\n\nHelps in all fear based situations.\n\n<\/comment> I don't. I just suffer through the anxiety. Mostly trying not to pay attention to it until I've made something. Once I've made something with a new technology I've got evidence for myself, than I can start to find comfort.\n\n<\/comment> You keep doing it. The more you try, the more you get over that fear, and understand you can learn what you put your mind to.\n\nThat also means you get better at understanding how you learn, and prioritizing what to learn as there is just to much!\n\n<\/comment> Take a look at this: [https:\/\/azeria-labs.com\/the-process-of-mastering-a- skill\/](https:\/\/azeria-labs.com\/the-process-of-mastering-a-skill\/)\n\n<\/comment> If I get discouraged I just tell myself this is good because I am adequately challenging myself. If you're only doing stuff that you feel is easy then you aren't really going to improve.\n\n<\/comment> oh-4-fucks-sake If it's a really big tech to learn, I tell myself \"the first 6 weeks are going to suck, and then I'll be fine\". Has seemed to be a decent rule of thumb for me.\n\n<\/comment> I took a personality test today. (Really). The results were uncanny. I LOVE learning and trying new things and if it is hard then I might fail. But I if I get up and try again again I might succeed. My Dad used to tell my sister \"if you never fall you aren't skiing hard enough\". I fell all the time.\n\nBaron von Hilton went bankrupt numerous times before founding Hilton Hotels. Failure is how we learn. It's the main ingredient in \"experience\".\n\nIt's also a way to find your own path. I tried Angular. It just didn't click for me. I tried React. At first I didn't like the idea of JSX. Then everything clicked. I might have never tried it had I not failed with Angular first.\n\n<\/comment> Keep in mind that in this case fear is a good indicator that if you proceed you will grow as a person. It is a good sign to feel fear, embrace it.\n\n<\/comment> Can't say I have this fear. What's it a fear of?\n\n It doesn't exactly feel like fear. I'd say it's more like the goal is so far that you give up even before trying \/ push it back forever \/ procrastinate. For ex \"I'm going to learn how to do security research \/ do bug bounties \/ write exploits\" and never do much. It is fear based tho. I'd say it's fear of wasting time and not getting anywhere.\n\n I wonder if it might just be not knowing how to start, rather than fear, then. I don't expect I'd be very good at achieving those goals unless I had a specific project in mind that touched on them.\n\nLike, I wanted to do kernel development for years and couldn't get into it, and then suddenly I had a job with buggy kernel drivers that needed to be fixed and it was surprisingly easy. Fear wasn't holding me back, but not having identified a realistic small project in the area that I was motivated by was.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Just do it.\n\n<\/comment> accept failure and use it as a stepping stone.\n\n<\/comment> The only answer I've found is to set that aside and just put one foot in front of the other. Over and over and over again.\n\nWhen I encounter uncertainty or doubt, I have a bad habit of distracting myself so I don't have to think about it. I have learned to catch myself doing this, stop distracting myself, and continue to press on.\n\nIf something isn't working after trying and trying, it can be really frustrating. But instead of thinking about how stupid the thing is that I'm trying to make work, or why it was designed this way, or whatever, I have learned to just keep trying. Maybe I'm even correct that the thing is poorly designed or whatever- but it doesn't matter, just keep going.\n\nThis is not easy- but the upside is that it is simple. You just have to remember to keep going. Again, not easy, but also extremely uncomplicated, no?\n\nIf you're anything like me, you can be very thoughtful, but that can manifest as constant thinking about \"what ifs\", which honestly doesn't help anything. Make your head like a rock. Just keep going. Everything besides \"keep going\" is a distraction. So just keep going.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":19113628},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Police were called to reports of Murdock banging on the door of a neighbor - http:\/\/www.theregister.co.uk\/2015\/12\/30\/ian_murdock_debian_founder\/ The interesting part that I hadn't heard before:\n\n> According to the San Francisco police, officers were called to Steiner and > Union St in the city at 11.30pm on Saturday, December 26, following reports > of a man trying to break into a home \u2013 that man was identified as Ian > Murdock. He reportedly fought with the cops, and was given a ticket for two > counts of assault and one for obstruction of an officer. The techie had been > drinking, according to the police logs. A medic arrived to treat an abrasion > to Murdock's forehead, and he was released so he could be taken to hospital.\n\n> A few hours later, on Sunday, December 27 at 2.40am, police were called > again to reports of Murdock banging on the door of a neighbor at the very > same block. A medic arrived to treat him for any injuries. Officers then > took Murdock to the county jail where he was held in a cell.\n\n> Murdock was bailed later that day, on Sunday, after a bond, said to be > $25,000, was paid. He died the next day.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Nitric oxide radicals are emitted by wasp eggs to kill mold fungi - https:\/\/elifesciences.org\/articles\/43718 semi-extrinsic Since the domain was unknown to me, and there was suddenly two stories from them on the front page, I was a bit skeptical that this was some low-quality publisher.\n\nBut \"eLife was founded in 2011 by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society and the Wellcome Trust \", so they seem legit.\n\n<\/comment> Your sinuses also produce NO theorized to have the same antimicrobial effect as well as a sort of regulatory hormone as the gas is inhaled.\n\n<\/comment> It's well known that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are used to fend off both infection and non-cooperative host cells i.e. cancerous cells.\n\nBut nitric oxide (NO) can spontaneously react to nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-), and nitrate can actually be used as an electron acceptor by some bacteria in mouse intestines. ([https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/pmc\/articles\/PMC3705454\/](https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/pmc\/articles\/PMC3705454\/))\n\nThe article points out that wasps transfer protective bacteria to their larvae, so it could have been that secreting NO is really just an indirect way of cultivating more of these helpful bacteria. However, they showed that the protective effect against mold was the same whether or not nitrate was present, which shows that the mechanism really is direct killing of the mold by the eggs themselves!\n\n I believe you are conflating Nitric Oxide (NO) with Nitric Oxide Radicals (NO\u2022). While Nitric Oxide isn't stable in the presence of Oxygen, Nitric Oxide Radicals will react with pretty much any species they come into contact with. From the viewpoint of an organism, they are more useful as a weapon than as any sort of controlled energy source.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> reminds me of the dynamics of survival whereby yeast has evolved to exude alcohol to thwart off bacteria as they both attempt to colonize a food source like some fallen apple\n\n Indeed it has been suggested that early forms of life produced oxygen as toxin as an evolutionary advantage.<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Disintermediating Amazon. Fast. - http:\/\/contraterrene.com\/blog\/ebooks\/2012\/04\/18\/going-into-competition-with-amazon-fast\/\n\n The server is starting to show signs of stress, so here's the text:\n\nEveryone has an opinion about the DOJ v. Apple\/Big Six case (or Big Five, I guess, since Random House wasn't involved in the alleged collusion). I've got my own opinion on the merits of the case, of course, but I'm not going to discuss that in this post. Instead, I'm going to address some common misconceptions: first, that publishers find it difficult or impossible to get their books on the Kindle without paying Amazon (as expressed by Bruce in the comment thread on this post by John Scalzi) and second, that setting up your own ebook publishing workflow requires scads of time and money (as expressed by Charlie Stross here). Now, Charlie Stross is a smart, technically sophisticated guy, but he's way off base when he claims (in the comments) that \"if I had to run my own self-publishing op I'd lose half my writing time\".\n\nStarting at 5:39 PM CST, I created a cover image, formatted and compiled an ebook using Abulafia (shameless plug, deal with it), created a video explaining how to set up your Kindle to receive third-party books by email, and wrote a rudimentary book-to-Kindle distribution mechanism (actually, there was very little original code involved \u2014 all it really has to do is send the book file as an email attachment, and people have already written that code plenty of times). If you want to try it, watch the video, then set up your Kindle to allow mail from email@example.com.\n\nIn a (probably vain) attempt to forestall nitpicking:\n\nNo, I didn't write the book in that time. It's actually just a short story; Poe's Masque of the Red Death \u2014 but I could just as easily have copied and pasted his complete works. The writing time is irrelevant to this discussion anyway (you'll have to write the book no matter how it's distributed, yes?). The cover image could use some work, certainly. It's a modification of an illustration by Aubrey Beardsley, taken from a 19th century edition of the piece (it may be moderately NSFW, depending on where you W). If I were going to put this up for sale, I'd either spend more time on the cover or hire an artist. Maybe one of these folks. It wouldn't take much volume to bring this little server to its knees. A production server farm for the likes of the Big Six would need to be much more robust, no question about it (and I'd definitely spend more than 15 minutes on the code ). But, you know, you can spin up as many servers as you want nowadays \u2014 within minutes. Hundreds of servers. Thousands of servers. If you don't want to screw around with maintaining your own, there are companies (including Amazon itself) that will rent you as many commodity servers as you want, by the hour. I don't have a payment mechanism set up but that's also a solved problem. These guys, or these guys, or even these guys (if you must). Hundreds of others. Yes, Amazon could shut down the Kindle's email facilities (or start blocking email from competitors they don't like), but that would very likely result in the DOJ descending on them. If that happens, getting a third-party book on the Kindle would require the awesomely complex process of plugging it in to your computer, waiting for it to show up as a USB drive, then copying the files (or you could use this \u2014 another shameless plug). It is now 11:08 PM, and I spent 25 minutes of that time talking to my aunt Joyce on the phone about issues unrelated to this project \u2014 so about 5 hours total to go from raw text to an ebook that's available to every Kindle owner on the planet at the click of a button. Not bad.\n\nRemember, that's the total time to format the book, create the cover image, compile the book, set up the server for distribution, create the tutorial video, and write this blog post.\n\nAnd I'm just, like, a guy, you know. If I can do this why can't the Big Six do the same? Claiming that they're \"unable to compete with Amazon\" is sheer unadulterated nonsense. Sorry, it just is.\n\nI should note here that forward-thinking publishers such as Baen and Pragmatic Programmers have been doing exactly this for quite some time. I didn't invent this process. I have probably a couple of dozen books from those publishers on my Kindles right now \u2014 none of which were purchased through Amazon.\n\nUpdate: April 22, 2012\n\nIn case it's not perfectly clear: I'm not planning to go into competition with Amazon myself (certainly not with this server) \u2014 this is just an illustration of how easy it would be. If I can do this in 5 hours, imagine what someone with Rupert Murdoch's budget could do.\n\nThe story choice was not a coincidence. The publishing industry is behaving in much the same way as the characters in the story.\n\nThis only addresses ebooks. Amazon, of course, also has a colossal (and massively efficient) infrastructure for delivering physical goods. Now that is an area where it would be very hard to compete with them. Digital goods are another story entirely.\n\nWith respect to Amazon \"not paying taxes\": Amazon charges sales tax and pays their own taxes in every state where they have a physical presence, and doesn't in states where they don't, just like every other mail-order company since, well, always. The same is true of every other retailer from Apple and Barnes & Noble all the way down to the indie bookstore on the corner, which doesn't collect sales tax on mail orders to other states. This is one of the consequences of a federal form of government. In general, you're not obliged to abide by the laws of a state unless you're physically present in that state. Changing that would likely require a constitutional amendment. If you think that's a good idea, it might be worth considering how you'd feel about being required to abide by all the laws of (insert least-favorite state). That doesn't sound quite as appealing, does it?<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2013-20":1}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: I made a product that helps to collect feedback from users - https:\/\/productroad.com Hi,\n\nI made a product that helps companies to collect user's feedback, share roadmap and changelog.\n\nProductroad is a platform for users where users can:\n\n\\- leave feedback and discuss feedback from other users;\n\n\\- suggest features and upvote them;\n\n\\- subscribe to post and receive updates from the company team.\n\nProductroad is also a platform for company team where team members can:\n\n\\- prioritize feedback and show it's status on development roadmap;\n\n\\- write a changelog;\n\n\\- track who is working on particular feedback.\n\nYeah, we are not first who are providing such services. So how we differ from others?\n\nUserVoice. That service is one of the first in this niche. For now, it's focused on enterprise customers. We are focusing on small to medium businesses providing better user experience, simple and clean interface, transparent pricing. Also, we provide premium support for every customer.\n\nCanny. This product is great and in many ways, we inspired by Canny. At the same time, we make a more customizable product. We also focused on privacy so we have different access levels, closed accounts, enforced SSO and many other things.\n\nWe are eating our dog food and make our roadmap public on feedback.productroad.com you are welcome to vote for our features :)\n\nAlso, Productroad is an open startup and we publish our business metrics monthly in our twitter (spoiler alert: not a unicorn yet): [https:\/\/twitter.com\/productroad](https:\/\/twitter.com\/productroad)\n\nAnd the best part: we understand now is a hard time for many companies so we offer a 50% discount for one year for any hunter signed up during the first two months after our launch. And we offer a 100% discount for organizations fighting the COVID-19. Just drop us a mail on email@example.com.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Harmful Workload Generator for PostgreSQL - https:\/\/github.com\/lesovsky\/noisia Some of my own code did all of this all by itself...\n\n<\/comment> Awesome tool! It's like Chaos Monkey for your ACID database. I am kind of hoping it could steer conversation into making DBs more \"idiot proof\". Pushing some code (or making a \"manual data fix\") that in rare conditions inadvertently locks the production database is no fun.\n\n<\/comment> Interesting. How does this compare to just generating generic system load (e.g. running some benchmark)?\n\n Well, this tool is extremely useful when you want, for example, to test your monitoring system or other observability tools to understand how \"bad\" cases will be really visible in them.\n\nOf course, it should not be used in production.\n\nAlso, it's a good idea to use it for training of DBA \/ DBRE \/ SRE engineers to practice various cases and improve their diagnostics skills.\n\nRegular benchmarks could have something like this embedded, I think. Postgres standard tool, pgbench, doesn't have it now. But I doubt \"harmful workload\" would be really useful when we test systems to see their max throughput \/ lowest latencies for particular workload.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> starred, Im curious if it could run concurrently with a standard tool to see impact on performances.\n\n<\/comment> Cool tool to test implementation of graceful degradation in the service and between services\n\n Great idea! Do you think such kinds of tests could be fully automated (executed in CI)?<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":23731360},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"NHome \u2013 The Hub Free Smart Home\/ IoT System - http:\/\/nhome.ba NHome, a hub free smart home and IoT system is a different and better way to take controll over your home. Instead of using a separate app for each and every one of your smart devices, you get to use just one, and we spared you the hard installing part you're normally facing, our app just scans the network your server is on and automatically adds every device on it, and allows them their true features and possibilities. Mutually connect every app to make your home a little peace of heaven. Scene your pre-set scenes and ambients, Schedule the scenes and devices, and off course trigger them inbetween. You also get a remote, which can recognise almost every device in the IR area. And let's not forget that we have widgets on our smartphones, a very usefull thing when in a cold night, you find yourself searching for the app and then clicking Unlock, now, you can access every device's controll, directly from your homescreen.\n\nAnd if you don't want anyone unallowed to \"unlock\" your doors, the NHome app delivers you a superior security module, which allows to add as many cameras as you wish, and to record with them on many triggers, say Motion,it Integrates with ANY alarm system, and always gets you notifications when something you didn't expect happens. Get NHome and try it, we promise, it will be worth the three clicks necessary. If you find it either usefull, awesome, or nice, feel absolutely free to spread the word, and make sure to mention @NHomeApp whereever you can (It's twitter), and you'll be helping build something extraordinary<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Advice on CIA website: \"Your security and well being are our primary concerns\" - https:\/\/www.cia.gov\/cgi-bin\/comment_form.cgi\n\n From the site:\n\n\"Your security and well being are our primary concerns. By visiting this website from outside of the U.S. and contacting us, you may be subject to monitoring by security or intelligence services, or other third parties that do not adhere to U.S. Internet privacy laws. While we employ numerous safeguards to help minimize this risk, we suggest that you not use your home or work computer to contact us. Use instead a computer where you are entirely unknown. Although our website is encrypted, it is still possible for others to see that you have visited CIA.gov. As an added precaution, we recommend you use current web browsers and clean the computer's search and\/or browser histories after you visit the website.\"\n\n<\/comment> so?<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Project failure lessons (let's learn together) - I think we spend a lot of time congratulating ourselves and others when our projects succeed.

This is a great way to build up positive reinforcement but as we all know there are at least 5 failures for every 'success'. Sometimes this number is more like 50:1 or more.

Success can mean anything like getting your first paying customer, reaching 500 users or being featured in a large publication.

On the other hand, failure can happen for a plethora of reasons and usually is caused by more than one factor. I personally wouldn't even know of many of the reasons why my old projects failed. I want to learn from your experiences and I want everyone else on Indie Hackers to be able to learn too.

If you please;

- list one or more reasons why projects of yours failed in the past (possibly telling us how you found out/fixed it). I think many of my past projects failed because I spent too much time developing them before releasing them or asking potential users for feedback.\n\nIn the end I didn't know what users really wanted and was instead developing the features I thought users would want.\n\nI think many of my past projects failed because I spent too much time developing them before releasing them or asking potential users for feedback.\n\nAny overall projects or idea or features can be tested with your potential customers.\n\nSee would they pay for it, how usable it is, or do they even like it!\n\nPlease validate your projects with real users as early and as often as possible.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":21811531},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"TranslateQuick - https:\/\/translatequick.com\/ Hi guys. Have you ever traveled in Latin America and had locals send you voice messages in Spanish in WhatsApp? If you don't speak Spanish, this can be extremely frustrating because you can't use Google Translate for these voice messages. I built TranslateQuick as a service to help solve this problem. You can forward your Spanish voice messages to us in WhatsApp, and we'll send you the English translation.\n\nProblem I travel quite a bit in South America and I've noticed that most locals prefer to send voice messages rather than sending the message in text form . I don't understand why they prefer voice messages to text form, but I found that it can be frustrating for foreigners who don't speak Spanish as they can't copy and paste the message into Google Translate for translation.\n\nYou can try using the voice recorder function in Google Translate, but the problem is that Spanish has various accents and slangs depending on the region and country. Also, Google Translate tends to be more accurate when you enter in what you want translated in grammatically correct form. Most people don't speak like this on a day to day basis.\n\nSolution I got the idea thanks to a friend who always sends me voice messages to translate. I thought that maybe this problem can be solved if travelers had a WhatsApp number that they can forward their voice messages to, and the person operating that WhatsApp number can listen to the forwarded voice message and send back the translation of the voice message from Spanish to English.\n\nI built a basic web app that handles sign ups and assigns a number of a translator to the users. Users can add that WhatsApp number to his\/her phone and can forward any Spanish voice messages received in WhatsApp to this number. The translator will then receive the message, listen to it, and send back the English translation.\n\nStatus The service is live and operational. I thought about building a mobile app for this where the users can share the voice messages through the app, and I can have a dashboard where translators all over the world can translate the voice messages as they come through, but that's a lot of upfront work for the initial launch. I think that will be a better user experience though compared to signing up through a website and manually adding a WhatsApp number to one's contact list.\n\nOnce I see the user base grow and I'm confident that this is a big enough problem to solve, I will get to building the mobile apps and the infrastructure around it to help it scale better.\n\nLet me know what you guys think!<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Interview with Type Designer Erik Spiekermann - https:\/\/johannesippen.com\/2019\/erik-spiekermann\/ Aah, the quip on the road network typeface... some highlights\n\n> The narrower a typeface gets, the less legible it becomes. We do also know > that we have long words in Austria, like \"Gumpersdorfer Stra\u00dfe\" in Vienna \u2013 > so now they only use the compressed version, even for short words, because > it's easier for them. Then I get blamed because it's not legible, but that > is not my fault. Maybe it is because I should have said no. When you're > supposed to work for a bad company, like weapons or tobacco, the argument > is: \"If I don't do it, somebody else will, so I might as well do it.\" If I > wouldn't have done the compressed version, somebody else would have done it, > maybe even worse.\n\n> \"Shit, Spiekermann, you are right \u2013 you make us look better!\" \u2013 that was my > big lesson here: You make them look better, that is your job. We have the > skill of showing them, not just complaining about things that don't work.\n\n> My Dutch friend Lucas de Groot put it nicely when he was learning German: > \"We have to vergl\u00fccklichen our clients\", we have to make them happy.\n\n<\/comment> \"I want to die as the person with the most letterpresses\" - an insightful, personable, and inspiring interview that illustrates Spiekermann's views on design but also his personality in an awesome way!\n\n Awww thank you! _blush_\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Stopped listening to this guy after this fiasco.. [https:\/\/www.dailydot.com\/unclick\/erik-spiekermann-laura- kalb...](https:\/\/www.dailydot.com\/unclick\/erik-spiekermann-laura-kalbag- twitter\/)\n\n Why? He's a typographer, of course he's pedantic. Paired with his eccentricities it's quite entertaining to listen to him.\n\n At the risk of flogging a dead horse, the tweeter was technically correct when she said that she had written a book. She said neither that she edited, typeset, printed, bound, distributed, shelved, loaned, sold, nor solely forged a book out of the edifice of the void.\n\nPedantically-speaking, Spiekermann dropped the ball on this one.<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: What is your best way to learn a new programming language? - I want to learn Python for web development. Programming is totally new to me.

So what's the best way to learn it and maybe the fastest?

What would be your learning methods? Do you have any tips/hacks etc that works for you? 1\\. Do some research and look for a good book on python, or possibly a MOOC\/set of videos.\n\n2\\. Follow the content, make sure you understand the concepts. Don't just read the material, it's recommended to code what you're reading so you spend time understanding what you're coding.\n\n3\\. Solve some exercises.\n\n4\\. Once you've covered the fundamentals, go and start off with a project. Start with a small project, then create bigger ones.\n\nEssentially, cover the fundamentals and understand them, then go ahead with a project. The real learning is in the projects you'll build as you'll find gaps in your knowledge that you'll cover on the way. But it's good to study the fundamentals so you have a starting point and aren't completely lost.\n\nThere are a lot of good books for an introduction to Python, \"Automate the boring stuff\"[1], \"Think Python\"[2], and many more. These two are actually available for free online. Someone here can probably recommend some better books or you can look up other recommendations online.\n\nEDIT: formatting\n\n[1] [https:\/\/automatetheboringstuff.com\/](https:\/\/automatetheboringstuff.com\/)\n\n[2] [https:\/\/greenteapress.com\/wp\/think- python-2e\/](https:\/\/greenteapress.com\/wp\/think-python-2e\/)\n\n<\/comment> My recommended route: Harvard's CS50x on edx -> _Think Python 2ed_ -> [https:\/\/www.obeythetestinggoat.com\/pages\/book.html#toc](https:\/\/www.obeythetestinggoat.com\/pages\/book.html#toc)\n\nYou don't need to take CS50, but it's the probably the best introduction to programming available online and will give you a strong foundation that will make the later books easier to work through.\n\n<\/comment> My method is always make yourself small examples to study as you read. So if you're reading a Python book chapter on lists, stop reading and open emacs or whatever editor and write yourself some lists. If it's a section on stacks\/queues, make a toy stack or queue model. This is the only way I was able to read some difficult texts in programming theory, by making sure I understood what I was reading before continuing the chapter, sometimes this took a few days stuck on one topic. My course recommendation after that green tea press introduction is [https:\/\/www.cs.cmu.edu\/~112\/schedule.html](https:\/\/www.cs.cmu.edu\/~112\/schedule.html) notice that each topic has video buttons to watch a short youtube lecture, and notice the 'weekly practice' 'hw' and 'labs' on the right side. These are all open and come with a linter to enforce class scope and a solution test suite.\n\n<\/comment> If you have never programmed before I wouldn't care about the fastest, you risk learning nothing _fast_.\n\nAvoid any hacks, shortcuts or methods more appropriate for less practical subjects.\n\nFind a good and definitely not concise book or a good MOOC that explains all the basic concepts with lots of examples you can try in a Jupyter notebook. The more you code the more you learn.\n\n<\/comment> I recommend by first reading through a high-level style guide. Guides produced by larger orgs like FaceBook, Etsy etc are usually a good starting point - high level but without too much technical mud.\n\nAfter that, depending on whether you like getting your feet wet or taking a more formal approach my two go to methods are either: 1) reading through a \"code by example\" for the lang or 2) finding a cool relatively simple project written in the lang and stepping back to the very first commit and reading diffs from there (I also recommend this technique for picking up design pattern \/ design strategies in general)\n\n<\/comment> you can read all the books you want, cover all the moocs you want, but in the end nothing gets your noodle working more than working on a project of interest\n\n<\/comment> My way to do it is: Read all of the instructions, and then write a program. If the program is wrong, then correct it. If something is unclear, see if there are examples, and possibly parts of other programs can also be used as a example.\n\n<\/comment> my 2 cents: write unit tests in it. go check some simple code out there ( github ) and cover it with tests, rinse and repeat...<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: Why is finding a well paid remote position so difficult? - It seems 100 times easier to find a job locally if you are in a big/medium North Americn city. Will working remotely ever take off and if it did, would the global workforce reduce wages so low that most in the western world couldn't afford to take a senior developer job? Remote positions often (not always) pay less because many more people are competing for the same job, and some of those people have suburban or rural costs of living.\n\n<\/comment> I think the difficulty depends on a lot of factors.\n\nI lucked into my first remote job. I got to work remotely 80% of the time. I hadn't really considered remote work a real possibility until that point. It worked out pretty well, and every position I've held since then has been 100% remote. Almost eight years now.\n\nI think once you have some remote experience then it's much easier to find other remote positions since you've proven you can do it. It also helps _a lot_ to know people who do remote work and especially managers who have remote\/distributed teams. Networking, for better or worse, is extremely important.\n\nAlso I think it's important to consider that while it may be _easier_ to find work locally, you're actually quite limited in the breadth of work available. There are super interesting things I absolutely would not have had the opportunity to work on if I hadn't been actively looking for remote opportunities.\n\nI would say keep applying for remote opportunities that interest you. If you show genuine interest and ability to perform then I think you'll find you'll eventually land a position.\n\nDon't be afraid to email decision makers directly. If you're respectful and lay out your value proposition they'll definitely pay attention. At worst they'll ignore you.\n\n I've been working 100% remote for 6 years now, and have seen about half the people who do end up going remote just don't like it or are not self-motivated enough to put in a full day's work without being in an office.\n\n It's certainly not for everyone. Easy to be distracted and it can get very lonely.\n\nI feel like I've done my best work remotely though.\n\nThe ideal would be remote work most of the time with the option to go into an office whenever I like, but the reality is that's rarely an option.\n\nThe ability to structure my own day is extremely valuable to me. I also feel I get judged less for appearances and more on what I actually deliver.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I hire remote workers. Because of our business and the level of communication, being in the same time zone is important. Because of legal complexities, being in the USA is important (though we have interviewed people from other countries).\n\nI think if you are in a position of providing labor that can be reduced to a written document (and no other communication) then you are at risk of being outsourced to the global marketplace. Otherwise I wouldn't worry.\n\n<\/comment> Most jobs aren't remote or, even if the possibility exists, aren't listed as fully remote, right away. Therefore, when you're looking strictly for remote work, you're limiting your choices substantially. At the same time, the company hiring is casting a wide net, so competition will be higher than a comparable local job.\n\n<\/comment> I see a lot of remote jobs on angel list, here on HN, on SO and also LinkedIn. I work in Prague and there are two different US companies from NYC that have setup dev shops here, so they are for sure hiring remote engineers and paying almost what you might make in a smaller US market. So the number of remote jobs is only increasing.\n\n[https:\/\/jobspresso.co\/remote-work\/#s=1](https:\/\/jobspresso.co\/remote- work\/#s=1)\n\n<\/comment> My main issue is that there are no brand name companies (think FAANG\/2, or even FAANG\/3) hiring remote. I'm not going to debase my resume by working for someone's pet project.\n\n > I'm not going to debase my resume by working for someone's pet project\n\nDamn... That hits way too close to home.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I just got finished a remote job search. I think in general the market is quite good if you're a Senior Engineer with the right skillset and have prior remote experience.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":19916132},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"The Apple Tax (Part II) - http:\/\/www.mondaynote.com\/2012\/08\/26\/the-apple-tax-part-ii\/\n\n My favorite part:\n\n'There seems to be a moral aspect, here, as if Apple should be held to a higher standard. Last year, Apple and Nokia settled an IP \"misunderstanding\" that also resulted in a \"Tax\"\u2026but it was Nokia that played the T-Man role: Apple paid Nokia more than $600M plus an estimated $11.50 per iPhone sold. Where were the handwringers who now accuse Apple of abusing the patent system when the Nokia settlement took place? Where was the outrage against the \"evil\", if hapless, Finnish company? (Amusingly, observers speculate that Nokia has made more money from these IP arrangements than from selling its own Lumia smartphones.)'<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2013-20":2}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"PhoSho \u2013 Do Friendship Differently - https:\/\/itunes.apple.com\/ai\/app\/phosho-do-friendship-differently\/id959065952?mt=8 PhoSho lets you share themed moments with friends. Have even more fun with AutoTake! Turn it on and your friends will have only 5 seconds before a picture automatically takes from their camera and post for all to see. It's like surprising, or catching your friends off guard, and you get an awesome photo of it! Think of the possibilities\u2026.\n\nA themed moment (we call these Sho's) can be a competition, dare, challenge, or anything you think is worth sharing. Your friends respond with photos related to your theme. Vote the best photo up and the worst photo down. The photo with the most votes scores a point! When the timer ticks down to zero photos disappears.\n\nPick a preloaded Sho (like the below) or write your own. Control how long Sho's last by setting the timer, when it hits zero all photos and comments disappear. Select only the friends you want to include - share with one or share with many.\n\nA theme can be whatever you'd like! Just a few examples:\n\nBest Beer Chug The Mustache Impersonate Trump Love is\u2026 Cutest Girl\/Guy On The Way To Class Stay Classy America Too Much Touching\u2026 Awkward Couples\u2026 What Are You Guys Up To?\n\nFraternities and sororities all around the U.S. are using PhoSho. Be crazy, spontaneous, or downright weird. Get funky and do friendship differently!<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"MySQL Raytracer - http:\/\/www.pouet.net\/prod.php?which=83222 I did not create this. This is a demoscene production released yesterday at Deadline (Berlin) 2019.\n\nDetails from the README [https:\/\/demozoo.org\/productions\/268459\/info\/2923\/](https:\/\/demozoo.org\/productions\/268459\/info\/2923\/)\n\n\\----\n\nHello Deadline! This is a raytracing engine contained in a single Mysql SELECT statement. In the beginning of the code there are a few parameters that can be modified. The scene can be specified using the @triangles and @squares parameters, but everything is explained in the comments. The whole query returns a bitmap file which can be written to the filesystem using the \"INTO DUMPFILE\" syntax at the end of the query, if mysql has filesystem write permissions. The raytracer supports shadows and reflections, which makes it, to my knowledge, the most advanced MySQL raytracer on the market right now. However, it is not really polished and kinda slow. Since I didn't really know how to present this work in a demoparty friendly way, I just included two finished renderings.\n\nContained files: sqlray.sql - Contains the code and a standard box scene with a few spheres sqlray-bunny.sql - Contains the code and a scene with the stanford bunny model, about 950 polygons. sqlray.bmp - Contains the output of the query in sqlray.txt. With a resolution of 1920x1080, this image took about 10 minutes to render on a Xeon E3-1246. sqlray-bunny.bmp - Contains the output of the query in sqlray-bunny.txt. With a resolution of 200x200, this image only took about 2 hours to render on a Xeon E3-1246.\n\nRequirements: To run this code, you need a running mysql-server to execute the query. The code is only tested on mysql version 5.7.22 running on Ubuntu 16.04. MySQL also needs file write permissions to write the bmp file to the filesystem. If you want to render more than a few pixels worth you usually also have to increase mysql's memory and execution time limit settings.\n\nReleased under the do whatever the fuck you want license. If you use it for commercial purposes, like rendering your Hollywood studio's new big animated A-Movie, please let me know at email@example.com.\n\nHave fun!\n\n\\-- Nick \/ Holtsetio\n\n<\/comment> madness, i love it!<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Digital Disruptors - http:\/\/www.m1l.asia\/articles\/50 During 1800's investors in the stock market traded with paper securities, yelling and screaming at the top of their voices in order to 'transact' and own stacks of those paper. Little did they know that those physical papers would fade in oblivion in future and that securities would be held virtually in digital formats.\n\nAlthough the transition from physical world to today's all-encompassing virtual lives has been slow, such changes have been important catalyzers for technology companies to begin innovating and redefining how traditional processes work. Paper security converted to virtual demats was just one of the numerous examples of how technology made its way into traditional processes.\n\nOnes and zeros are eating the world. The creation, storage, communication, and consumption of information is being digitized - turned into the universal language of computers at breathtaking pace. All forms and types of enterprises \u2013 from small businesses to large corporations, from non-profits to government agencies \u2013 are going through \"digital transformation\", taking the help of digitisation to create new processes, activities, and modes of transactions.\n\nDigitization is changing the way we work, shop, bank, travel, educate, govern, manage our health, and enjoy life. The technologies of digitization enable conversion of traditional forms of information storage such as paper and photographs into binary codes (ones and zeros) of computer storage. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals is a sub-set of such a workflow. Its noteworthy to note though that the digital transformation of economic transactions and human interactions is more pronounced than conversion of various forms of media into bits and bytes. In the last decade or so, the rates at which technology has been evolving have become overwhelmingly steep. From driverless cars to artificial intelligence, high- tech companies are competing to strive to achieve the unthinkable; a life where WORK IS FOR MACHINES AND LIFE IS FOR HUMANS.\n\nRecent developments in technology industry has been quite fascinating. Artificial intelligence (AI), which refers to the use of computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human understanding, has been around for nearly 60 years. But, it is only recently that AI appears on the brink of revolutionizing industries as diverse as health care, law, journalism, aerospace, and manufacturing, with the potential to profoundly affect how people live, work, and play.\n\nWithin 3 to 5 years, it is expected that commercial uses of AI would increase exponentially. The idea is that AI embedded in product applications would benefit end customers. AI is also being used in process applications and in corporations to automate processes and enhance customer satisfaction. Automated voice response systems have been used for a few years now to replace human customer service agents for customer support. Eg. The Hong Kong subway system has employed AI to automate and optimize the planning of workers' engineering activities, building on the learning of experts. Insight applications harness advanced analytical capabilities such as machine learning to uncover insights that can inform operational and strategic decisions across an organization. Chipmaker Intel employs predictive algorithms to segment customers into groups with similar needs and buying patterns effectively using this information to prioritize its sales efforts and tailor promotions (Intel expects that their AI-based approach will generate an additional $20 million in revenue once it is rolled out globally).\n\nThe next big disruptor is the Blockchain technology. Blockchain is a secured and reliable technology that is used to securely stock and share data or list transactions on an infinitely large and democratized networked system called the ledgers. It enables to perform transactions in a relatively fast and cost effective manner and ejects brokers out of the system leading to direct peer- to-peer interactions.\n\nThe Blockchain data storage technology is predicted to be a massive disruptor in the next 3-5 years. Because the existing cloud storage services are centralized, users have to trust a single storage provider. With Blockchain, this can become decentralized. Eg. Filecoin is testing cloud storage using a Blockchain-powered network to improve security and decrease dependency. Additionally, users can rent out their excess storage capacity, Airbnb-style, creating new marketplaces.\n\nBlockchain technologies make tracking and managing digital identities, both, secure and efficient, resulting in seamless sign-on and reduced fraud. Be it banking, healthcare, national security, citizenship documentation or online retailing, identity authentication and authorization is a process intricately woven into commerce and culture worldwide. Blockchain offers a unique service called smartcontracts. These are legally binding programmable digitized contracts entered on the blockchain. What developers do is implement legal contracts as variables and statements that can release of funds using the bitcoin network as a '3rd party executor', rather than trusting a single central authority. For example, if two people would like to exchange $100 at a specific time in future when a set of preconditions are met, the conditions, payout, and parties' details would be programmed into a smart contract. Once the defined conditions are met, funds would be released and sent to the appropriate party as per terms.\n\nVirtual reality is all set to take over the way we experience and view media. Some experts call it the ultimate empathy machine because VR helps to live vicariously in others' shoes. Currently, the gaming industry has the hottest VR applications because it is fun and people can understand easily why VR adds value to their experience.\n\nThe education industry has started to embrace VR for teaching students. For example, Schools would invest into Google Cardboard (VR Headset), give it to students in classes and experience the Google Expedition app on Android\/IOS. This app allows students to go on field trips from Galapagos to the International Space Station. It makes learning more interesting because it is more likely that they will remember what they have experienced rather than just reading a book.\n\nAs the advertising space becomes more and more congested with competition, VR has opened up a new space for brands to communicate to their customers. For example, Audi\u00b4s Sandbox experience which uses real-time trackers, an Oculus Rift, a driving seat and a sandbox to create a unique experience. The idea is that you can create a real track in the sandbox that is referenced in VR where you drive an Audi.\n\nThe real estate sector is also set to benefit from the VR technology. Companies are giving virtual tours on VR headsets for prospective buyers, with just a camera and software that is available on cloud. The whole process of making a Virtual tour of a mansion takes around 2 \u2013 3 days. In addition, the camera only costs $3600 and the software is around $49 \u2013 $149 a month. The speed, price and ease of doing, makes this a real disruptor in the industry.\n\nDisruptive technologies usually start out performing worse than their current generation counterparts, which are much used and are, so called, incumbents. This leads to a tendency to ignore disruptors until it's too late or 'in your face'. History is testament to the fact that transformational ideas emerge victorious in the end. So could be the cases of AI, Blockchain, AR, VR, Drones etc., and a few others that are hidden but lurking around the corner.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":15156540},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: I'm a solopreneur and I feel demoralised - Created a throwaway for a variety of reasons. I am currently running a profitable service business, making $10k+/mo. But I feel miserable and I don't understand why. The work I get to do is easy and enjoyable. The clients I get to work with are great. Once I get started working I get stuff done pretty quickly, but the problem is getting started every morning. ONCE I get started, everything is fine, but every day I feel demoralised to GET STARTED. The time period of waking up until getting started feels absolutely miserable. I have no idea how to solve it since, from my perspective, it isn't clear what the problem is. Like I said, the work + customers are fantastic. But why do I still feel so demoralised and horrible every single morning? How could I solve this?

Update: Additional info

* I work from home

* I only work 5 days a week, around 3/4h a day.

* Don't follow a specific diet and don't exercise regularly

I've been struggling with this feeling for a few months now and I can't seem to see why. My days are not long, the work itself is fun, but to get started in the morning is absolute hell. I keep postponing work until late in the afternoon sometimes. If it's earning you $10k+ a month then you can probably afford going to specialist and by that I mean psychotherapist. Just do it. Don't listen to random advice from random internet people. If you're feeling miserable (especially if it's going on for quite some time) that might be the symptom of some bigger underlying issue.\n\n > Don't listen to random advice from random internet people.\n\n> [Go] to [a] specialist and by that I mean psychotherapist.\n\nIt sounds like you've got a great setup. The way you're feeling could destroy what you've built, however, and you may not recognize how. Drop a few Benjamins and get professional advice from a psychologist.\n\nYou might also consider seeing a doctor and getting a physical, and start the Couch to 5K if your doctor advises you to get some exercise.\n\n Assuming you have health insurance and are based in the US, your plan most likely covers this. Check your insurer's website or talk to your doctor's office. Many insurance plans also have remote mental health services.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> What helped for me is build a team around you. The moment there are others that join your mission, everything changes. I started out my service based UI design business ([http:\/\/fairpixels.pro](http:\/\/fairpixels.pro)) as a solopreneur. At some point, I started getting the same feelings as you're describing and realised (from past projects) that having a team for support had always worked for me. If you don't have the budget, no worries. You don't have to hire full time people. These can be VA's, freelancers that occasionally help you out or even a mentor that actively pings you to keep updated on the progress you're making. Knowing you're not by yourself has been a huge motivator for me and might be the solution you're looking for. Good luck & feel free to ping me if you have additional questions.\n\n fairpx has the right advice. I can echo it nearly word for word. Get some help even if you are specifically carving out say work that takes you 10 hours a week to do and you hire a VA or freelancer to do it each week.\n\nA few additional things I'll add, make sure you are eating well, getting some exercise\/activity everyday and make a plan to take say a week off 1-2 months from now. Part of your job during that 2 months is to make it so you can take the time off and not panic. Just remember this, if you can't take time off you don't have a business you have a job.\n\nOne other suggestion which I have personally done. I was having trouble with doing the above personally, but I knew I was going to implode if I didn't do something. So in my case I took my laptop got a hotel room on an island and worked from the pool, hotel room, etc during a week. I found I could work a few hours a day and accomplish everything and had enough time to go explore and relax. That helped energize me, I think just getting out of my pattern was the most important part.\n\nGood luck!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I used to be the same way.\n\nWake up at 5am, meditate, exercise, and shower before starting your day. Stop eating processed carbs and sugar. Get off the computer at 9pm and sleep at 10pm. Clean your room. Schedule sprints of work for yourself, drag yourself over to your chair, and force yourself to start typing anything. Talk to your friends more often. Set 1-3 large goals at the beginning of the day and explain to yourself why they're important.\n\nThere are lots of reasons you might be feeling this way, and it's different for everyone. Maybe you're disorganized, or you feel your work is too easy, or your health is bad. You'll have to find out which one it is by trying a lot of different things.\n\nIf after doing all this you still feel the same way, please seriously consider the very real possibility of clinical depression, and seek professional help.\n\n This goal is too hard to achieve! It is like the 10x programmer, it is just too much to be a realistic goal. I mean, good for you if you can wake up every day at 5 am and meditate. But aside from the 0.0001% of people on the world that can do this, most people can't.\n\nThis is a way of life which seems like living in a monastery to me. Totally unrealistic.\n\n Neither getting up at 5am or daily meditation are all that rare or difficult. And if you take perfection out of the equation, as you should, then aiming to do them 80-90% of the time makes it even easier.\n\nI'm a natural night owl, but I routinely (80-90% of the time) go to bed early and get up at 4am. It's really not that hard.\n\n > It's really not that hard.\n\nBased on the current research on chronotypes [0], you seem to be the exception, not the norm.\n\n'\"If people are left to their naturally preferred times, they feel much better. They say that they are much more productive. The mental capacity they have is much broader,\" says Oxford University biologist Katharina Wulff, who studies chronobiology and sleep.'[1]\n\n[0] [https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Chronotype](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Chronotype)\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.bbc.com\/capital\/story\/20171114-why-you- shouldnt-t...](http:\/\/www.bbc.com\/capital\/story\/20171114-why-you-shouldnt-try- to-be-a-morning-person)\n\n Throwing a bit of anecdotal evidence out: throughout high school I had to get up at 6:45 every weekday for four years, and constantly felt tired throughout the day, but it cleared up at night and I'd be energized at 1am. I had to take naps after school, but even if I didn't I'd still be unable to sleep at 11pm. Something about everyone else around me being asleep and not distracting me allowed me to focus on things better.\n\nNow I have a job with very flexible hours so I go to sleep at 2am and wake up at 10am like clockwork. I feel and perform much better all around. I'm convinced that if I had had a sleep schedule that worked for me in my teens I'd have been able to achieve much more than I did.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> In basically the same situation, here's what's helped me:\n\n1\\. Hard limits on screen time (e.g. no screens after 5pm)\n\n2\\. Basketball, tennis, chess (find a social activity - physical ones are a double whammy)\n\n3\\. Personal training\n\n4\\. Spend time learning - I spend a good portion of my free time learning about my craft, but also about other things. Variability spices life up a bit.\n\n5\\. Working from coffee shops\n\n6\\. Writing. Serves mainly as a way to process my experiences, and the large positive feedback has been rewarding. (example: [http:\/\/www.programmerfu.com\/2017\/04\/20\/fast-is-slow-slow- is-...](http:\/\/www.programmerfu.com\/2017\/04\/20\/fast-is-slow-slow-is-smooth- smooth-is-fast.html))\n\nMy most recent strategy has been to wake up, make coffee and bust out an hour of focused work before I do anything. My wife works with me during this time, which is nice for accountability and togetherness. Generally, getting that first hour out of the way without \"easing into it\" with reddit\/HN gives me a feeling of accomplishment that empowers me to tackle the rest of the day. And if I'm unmotivated the rest of the day, I know I've gotten a decent slice of work in already.\n\n Fun nitpick: Can \"double whammy\" be used in a positive context? I think it implies two negative things no?\n\n Clearly I was referring to the original meaning: shooting curses at people with your fingers, which is a fun social and physical activity ;)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Without knowing anything specific, lets check the basics\n\n\\- Sleep: Do you sleep around 8 hours per night and shake that rhythm up sometimes (go party once a month or whatever to give you some change)?\n\n\\- Sport: You should definitively do something, like go running half an hour twice a week.\n\n\\- Diet: Not following anything specific doesn't say much ;-) I mean, when you say that, I would assume you are probably eating more suggar\/fat than the WHO recommends and less vegetables. So try to bring the sugar consume to a recommended level and try to find out what a healty diet is about.\n\n\\- Vacation: When was the last time you left the place you live for at least two weeks without even thinking about work? You should do that _at least_ once a year.\n\n\\- Partner: Do you life alone? For many people it is helpful to have a relationship with someone, but that really depends, as some people are also alone pretty happy.\n\nLast but not least: Finding a good psychotherapist is also something worth mentioning. Its not like you have to have some mental illness to visit them. They are more like consultants on how solve personal pain points.\n\nPS: My personal advice: Do not read news pages before you work. At least for me it kills my productivity and makes it really hard to concentrate at the task at hand (might not apply to you).\n\n Re: therapist, years ago it was estimated that a good, listening friends has about the same effect as a good therapist. So maybe cheaper (if you can find one at all).\n\n If you can afford do both. Specialists have a bigger toolset with these things to help. Their advice is independent from a friend or family relationship. But hanging with them 1-2 hours every day as you might with a good friend can get expensive... Both types of support are useful in different ways.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I'm also a solopreneur making a healthy profit who has dealt with this. Some days, I'll make up tasks to perform just to keep me busy so that I don't have to go sit at the computer. Or, when I am at the computer, I'll close my email only to reopen it a few moments later. It's the worst cycle of nothingness, especially as a developer, whose primary motivation is to figure out how things work (or, why something isn't working.)\n\nYou know what has helped me, contrary to all the advice I've been given?\n\nStepping away. Stopping trying to fight against the feeling and really listening to it and embracing it. Putting my best effort into the _other_ thing that is keeping me motivated at the time. Slow down, breathe.\n\nIdeally, maybe you can incorporate some of the other healthy advice into your routine or interests. Need to eat better? Maybe you'd enjoy putting more time into the intricacies of cooking. Need more exercise? Try picking up a fun activity where you can level up, like mountain biking.\n\nConsider building a team who can help you to grow your business and become your professional family. Surround yourself with people who you can learn from and help out. Leverage the fact that your healthy solo profit provides the benefit of choosing your hours. We're made to feel so bad if we don't perform 40 hours of work per week, but that's total BS and an outdated social construct.\n\nIf you want to talk more about this, I'm on Twitter. @davekiss\n\n<\/comment> Do you work from home? If you do, consider going somewhere else to work, and make that place your workplace. Coworking spaces are especially good because you'll be around people working all day, which will stimulate you to work too, without having to actually employ anyone, like other comments suggest.\n\nSome people are not made to work alone year-long. I know I'm one of them, working for home has been exactly what you described. Now that I'm in an office, I spend most of my workday actually working.\n\n This co-working thing can backfire a bit. I work alone in a shared office. There are plenty of people around, but they are all in teams and no one really talks other people from not their team \/ company.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Because there's more to life than being successful and earning money: being part of a team, having successful relationships with family\/friends\/lovers and other factors is 90% of your happiness..\n\nSo the problem is not probably the money, nor actually the diet \/ exercise, it won't make you happy because you are already disciplined enough in many ways so more discipline to you will not make you more happy. Instead you should focus on these other valuable aspects of life:\n\n __\\- Learning to have fun __\n\n __\\- Learning to be crazy __\n\n __\\- Deepening your relationships. __\n\nYou 're depressed because there's a lack of something and clearly it's not money so i would say it's relationships \/ feelings maybe.. or maybe a bit of craziness ? We (SWE\/maths guys) live in a world of rule and order but it's not most of the essense of life. Life is messy and cahotic and we are made to embrace it somehow... (edit: even it looks hard or if there is a voice in your head saying 'this advice is stupid')\n\nFinally a quote that i like: \"sex is like water, it only becomes important when you don't lacking of\".. it's actually not only sex the same for food, personal relationships, money, family. Life is pretty much about equilibrating a few of these \"basic needs\". Just find what is missing to you.\n\n This is really great advice. Balance is something I think many of us forget. Without it I think it's hard to appreciate the good things. It reminds me of a Bible quote I seen in a book the other week that reads like a nice poem. I think it's relevant to anyone.\n\nThere is a time for everything,\n\nand a season for every activity under the heavens:\n\na time to be born and a time to die,\n\na time to plant and a time to uproot,\n\na time to kill and a time to heal,\n\na time to tear down and a time to build,\n\na time to weep and a time to laugh,\n\na time to mourn and a time to dance,\n\na time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,\n\na time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,\n\na time to search and a time to give up,\n\na time to keep and a time to throw away,\n\na time to tear and a time to mend,\n\na time to be silent and a time to speak,\n\na time to love and a time to hate,\n\na time for war and a time for peace.\n\nInterpret it however you want, I don't personally feel it promotes violence but I do think it shows how one might not appreciate the good without the bad. It personally reminds me that life needs balance & importantly, life needs much of the above not just being productive & wealthy which many of us focus on to much.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I'd move to a co-working space or simply rent a small office. I did that while freelancing and startupping and never had trouble starting the day.\n\nHowever don't be shy to take @dkns's advice try a professionals help, there's nothing wrong taking care about mental health too.\n\n I completely agree with this. While there can be many other issues that are worth seeking professional advice for, being on ones own for prolonged periods is definitely bad for one's mental health. I recently watched a documentary on the effects of solitary confinment on prison inmates and saw that I was developing very mild symptoms described by working on my own at home for many days consecutively. Even having people in view helps immeasurably.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I imagine it's from a lack of mission\/end goal. It may feel that you're just \"floating by\" right now. What are your end goals? What's your mission? I would recommend working backwards from that and setting timelines\/goals.\n\nAlso, personally working from home as a solopreneur sounds like a nightmare for me. I interact at my best when I'm surrounded by others, though ymmv. If hiring is out of the question - spend $500 of that $10k per month and get a coworking space (WeWork, etc). If that doesn't help you, cancel the monthly contract.\n\n I'd second the getting an office or joining a co-working space - i'm in a very similar situation to you and being alone all day was demoralizing. Getting up and going to an office makes the day much more bearable.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> That's a pretty good situation to be in.\n\nI think that maybe it's partially because you spend too much time on Hacker News. On HN, you constantly read about people who are luckier than you who complain about their lives... Then you think \"Whoa; these people have way more than me and they're unhappy about it; how am I supposed to feel?\" \\- Answer: \"Depressed\".\n\n<\/comment> I've been through depression and this sounds like how I felt at many points in my life.\n\nAssuming I'm not simply projecting my feelings, there's a good news: the hardest for me was acknowledging I had a problem (which you just did). Once you pass that and get help you'll get the ball rolling quickly.\n\nI hope you solve that issue promptly, the sooner the better.\n\n<\/comment> Getting into a habit of exercise is the obvious answer. A less conventional advice that has sometimes worked for me is to totally embrace the feeling of being somber, and binge on some of the classic sort of _miserable apathetic existentialist_ books. Things like Albert Camus' The Stranger, Sartre's Nausia, Beckett's Waiting for Godot, and Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground. Sometimes after I have read those works, after I have stopped trying to ignore the feeling and just went all in for a few days, do I even get bored with being miserable and then start to look for other emotions to experience, and usually they're a lot happier in flavour. Obviously this advice could also exacerbate the problem, so try it at your own risk.\n\n<\/comment> What is your nutrition story like? Do you have a healthy diet?\n\nYour symptoms could also be caused by a vitamin deficiency.\n\n<\/comment> * Don't follow a specific diet and don't exercise regularly *\n\n\\<\/comment>-\n\nHonestly, this is the biggest red flag for me. Yes, you may have other personal\/emotional\/mental health things you want to get support for, but regular exercise can do absolute wonders for your overall well-being.\n\nMy advice: watch a couple youtube videos about navy seals -about how disciplined they are and the will power they develop to get up every day and attack the day during their training. Challenge yourself to get up early and do a good quality workout for about ~2 weeks straight, then re-evaluate how you feel. I bet you'll feel 5x better.\n\n What's a good workout for a beginner w\/o access to a gym?\n\n I got into recreational gymnastics about a year ago to challenge myself and have really taken to simple body weight exercises with no weights... But people have different bodies and need to find what works for them.\n\nHere is what i may do in 30-40 minutes in the morning: * stretch quick. * ab\/core workout for 5-10 minutes. Then 2-4 rotations through the following: * hand stand hold against the wall. * air squats or power jacks. * push ups. * calf raises. * variations of pullups.\n\nThe only equipment i have is a pull up bar over a door frame.\n\nSuper simple super effective.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> For what is worth, you are like my kind of hero. My dream is to someday accomplish something like that and be able to work from home. And on top of that, you have so much time available for other things, that's awesome.\n\n<\/comment> At the end of the day, save yourself something very simple to start with the next day.\n\nThere are different stages in the life of a buisness, this stage may not appeal to you. Maybe it is time to start another one?\n\n\\- The recommendation to stick to the parts of business development that you love comes up occasionally on the [http:\/\/www.startupsfortherestofus.com](http:\/\/www.startupsfortherestofus.com) podcast. Rob Walling actually does another podcast specifically targeting mental wellness: [https:\/\/zenfounder.com](https:\/\/zenfounder.com)\n\n<\/comment> Check this out . . . if you haven't already.\n\nI think this could help. [https:\/\/zenfounder.com\/services\/solopreneur\/](https:\/\/zenfounder.com\/services\/solopreneur\/)\n\nCongratulations!\n\nIt's tough being a solopreneur.\n\nOne thing that helps me get started is setting up a task I really look forward to working on to be the first thing I work on after some warmups.\n\nWarmups are tiny tasks that are quick and easy to knock out, I usually try to have 4 to 5 of these at the top of my trello board for the day. It literally warms you up to tackle more challenging work.\n\nStart eating a better diet, if you drink soda\/sweet coffee try switching to tea and more water during the day.\n\nSince you work from home if you find yourself not getting things done stop. Spend some time with family, go for a walk, go for a bike ride exercise. There are many times during the day where you just get in a lull and aren't doing anything productive at the computer.\n\nService businesses are tough, you should check out StartupsForTheRestOfUs.com and start learning about building a product or SaaS. This can give you something to look forward to working on and help supplement your services revenue and replace it in the future.\n\nGood luck hope things are going better next week.\n\n<\/comment> Given that you've come here to ask relative strangers about what might help you solve this, it would be easy to presume that you might not have friends and family you can turn to for advice.\n\nBut if you do know anyone with a bit of life experience (could be any age or background, but as a general guideline at least late 30s with similar professional accomplishments to yourself) who can make time to talk with you in person, reach out to them.\n\nLet them know you'd like to get their advice on something personal that's affecting your professional life. I'd also recommend refraining from intoxicants for this meeting but the face to face is the most important part.\n\nOthers have already suggested ensuring that your personal footing (exercise, meditation, self-care) is solid. This is essential, and as I've grown older I've noticed that I've needed to change the balance and kind of things I do to maintain my mental and spiritual well being.\n\nOn occasion, I've gone outside my personal network and sought the help of a therapist. If you haven't already considered doing so, add professional counseling in the list of possible options to help you through this phase of your life.\n\nEmotional and mental well being are, to my mind, the entire point of everything we can do for ourselves and for each other and finding the balance can be hard, solutions elusive.\n\nGiven how well you've done for yourself so far, I'm guessing you will get through this even stronger than you were before.\n\nGood luck.\n\n<\/comment> Hey man, there may be a LOT of things going on here, but I can relate. If I don't get my day STARTED by 6am (or so), I see it slipping away from me. Others below have alluded to it, also. Diet and exercise are important (but the world is jacked when it comes to 'exercise', pushing gyms and supplements and dumb sporting events. Honestly, just keep lights low at night before dusk, don't be on devices after dark, read only paper books after dark, and start getting up early (tons of info out there if you search). Get up at 5am, go for a walk and get a coffee (not a sugar bomb - just a small coffee like your grandfather probably would do) and be back at 6:30a to start work. According to you, you'll be done well before lunch. Make plans for a lunch date with friends\/family (sounds like you can afford it) and have a healthy fun salad- ish eating out time. Then go do something fun - or go see a movie matinee - go do things for other people (volunteer, visit your kids if you have any, go make some if you don't... ha ha, or go help other business owners solve problems since you sound like you have good ideas in that area, or go talk to wayward youth at schools... something! Switch it up so you look forward to that afternoon 'you-only' time. Then, do your personal errands at end of day (like the rest of us working stiffs) like groceries, laundry, house cleaning, etc... one last check of devices before dusk, then it's either date night, relaxing at home, maybe a night out 1\/2 times\/week on the town, etc... No coffee after noon, no alcohol before noon, walk everywhere you possibly can (and keep stretching that), no devices after dusk, and I promise you, no matter what, you'll be feeling at LEAST 3x better in a month or so. Happy holidays, dude.\n\n > Get up at 5am, go for a walk and get a coffee (not a sugar bomb - just a > small coffee like your grandfather probably would do) and be back at 6:30a > to start work.\n\nI never understand these suggestions of waking up at 5am, I, on contrary feel myself much better if I can enjoy a late dinner\/Netflix with my wife after kids are in bed or going out with friends. Waking up at 5 am means you need to fall asleep at 9pm. It means that if on a weekend your friend invite you to hangout or on Friday after work - it will be hard to adjust to this time change on a fly and you will feel miserable with them and the next morning too.\n\n people are different when it comes to a good time to get up. what works for one doesn't work for another. some are naturally early birds, others late risers. personally i had a job for about two years that forced me to get up at 6am and i felt sleep deprived and miserable for the whole two years because even after all those months it still felt natural for me to go to bed after midnight.\n\nthis is also the case without screens; i used to attend a training camp a couple of years prior. up at 6am, morning sport, breakfast, nap, training, lunch, nap, training, dinner, cards then off to bed at ~10pm. after 2, 3 days i get used to it and start staying up longer until i'm back to going to bed at or after midnight and then sleeping through the morning sport.\n\ni guess people are just naturally different when it comes to sleep times.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Well, there is very little data here, but let's guess from it.\n\nYou say your job is easy, but feel miserably, so it looks like your body is telling you it needs something you are not providing him.\n\nLet's review the basics: -Do you sleep well? -Do you eat well? -Do you exercise regularly? You answer that question, no. -Do you have friends, wife, partner or children? -Do you spend too much time in front of a computer? -Do you spend too much time sit down? -Do you see the light of the day every single day or work in the dark?\n\nNormally someone will postpone a job that is tedious or hard or makes you suffer(mental). If that is not the case, odds are that it is just a physical thing.\n\nWhen I started working at home I had to be in front of a computer 8-10 hours per day, but I could not be more than 1 or 2. So I bought a stool, put my screens at eye level while standing up and started going out in sunny Madrid every single day to exercise.\n\nAfter one year of doing that(it took training of my muscles to be able to work standing up) I could work for more than 8 hours in front of a computer without issues.\n\nThere are things like the lymphatic system that needs movement of the body in order to work. If you do not move your body will alert you into stopping whatever you are doing to fix this issue first.\n\n<\/comment> Holy cow you are in a great position. I am guessing you are missing social and health elements because your work life would be the envy of 99.99% about the people on this planet.\n\nYou already know how to fix the other stuff: exercise, find new hobbies, find new friends\/relationships. Just do it. There are no shortcuts or secrets to getting in shape, getting good at stuff and meeting new people, it just requires a little courage.\n\n<\/comment> When was the last time you took a vacation? It might be worth it to spend some time to find someone to try and hold your clients at bay while you take off for a month or even to just tell your clients that you wont be available for that period.\n\nIf you can't take the time off, you can try and travel and work at the same time. You can join a coworking space and meet people and build a community and you might gain some perspective. Developers outside the US make significantly less and you may discover a sense of gratitude that you gain from this perspective.\n\nI've been working remotely mostly in Asia with short stints in South America and Europe for a few years now and this has worked wonders for me. I mostly work alone and I can't imagine being back home doing the same thing.\n\nA change in environment may be all you need to engage in new healthy practices like exercising. For example, if you're near a beach in Bali, like I am, it's easy to jog along the beach during sunset. And if you're not, being surrounded by yogis might get you in some regular classes that may help with being more mindful.\n\nHope this helps.\n\n<\/comment> Do you have access to a co-working space? What about some meetups in your area?\n\nI work from home significantly and find that I struggle when the social aspect completely disappears from my job. I'm not a particularly social person, but I absolutely need some social interactions to feel positive and happy throughout the day.\n\n Agree completely. Being isolated from people and not making connections can be detrimental. Being in a co-working environment and being able to have small interactions can make a big difference.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Separate your living space from your working space.\n\nI started working from my home and after a few years of productivity and motivation sliding down, I'd spend entire day trying to motivate myself to work to only actually produce a couple of hours of useful work.\n\nI rented a small office nearby that forced me to go out, walk a bit, and separate work from leisure. This has helped me tremendously. Ff there were coworking options nearby at that time, I'd use that - it has the added benefit of having other people around, which will motivate \/ inspire you.\n\nAdditionaly, try to end each day's work with a small, well defined task\/thing - leave that bit for tomorrow. It'll be easier to start with, and it'll help you get rolling.\n\nExcercise helps - but dont't try to attack several problems at once. Start gradually.\n\n<\/comment> Seems you are into a light depression, what helps the most is routines! Go to bed the same time every day, wake up the same time every day, eat at least three good meals, at the same times every day. Go to work at the same time, and go away from fork at the same time _every_ day. Get some exercise, like go to the gym, and you guess it, same day, same time every week. Also how long time since your last vacation ? Get at least four straight weeks of vacation every year where you do not work at all. And how does your life look like outside of work ? Do you have relationships, friends and family ? Relations are essentially how much time you spend with someone, so go work on your relations, eg spend more time with people you like.\n\n<\/comment> It sounds like you're depressed, possibly you're in a rut. You should definitely exercise (I know, easier said than done). What's helped me? Going for an hour long walk everyday (I don't do it everyday like I ought to but even 3x per week has tremendous benefits). Walking is enough. Don't feel like you have to change your whole routine, just try walking 3x per week for two weeks. I guarantee that you'll feel better. After that, reassess and see if you need to add\/subtract other stuff to\/from your routine.\n\nOther things to experiment with: Meditation, social life, meetups, weight- lifting, juicing, etc etc.\n\n<\/comment> It sounds like you might be having a difficult time transitioning from the non-work (personal?) mindset to the work mindset. If this is indeed the case, I have found the following to help: develop a middle ground that warms you up for whichever mindset you shall transition to.\n\nFind some topics within the work domain that interest you personally. (Maybe jot some down as you come across an idea or two while working, then set them aside for this semi-work period.) Allow yourself to look into these, slowly getting yourself interested in moving into the work mindset.\n\nThis may feel like you're further postponing work, but it may in fact lead you to start work much sooner than if you did not do this.\n\n<\/comment> First of all congrats on your business success, many here dream of having this.\n\nCould it be that your day misses structure? Is joining a tech hub\/shared office an option for you?\n\nI have been working from home for many years. The trick for me is that I have to be careful that my daily life doesn't become too comfortable. I absolutely need to start working first thing in the morning.\n\nWhat also works for me is getting out. Physical work is important. I do weightlifting and really enjoy sweating and working out.\n\nGo to meetups, do networking or meet clients. This works especially well if you don't like socialising! Because once you have done this, you will feel eager to be back at your home office to work.\n\n<\/comment> As you're getting close to the top of the Maslow Pyramid. Maybe you need to gives more sense at what you're doing and how you are living.\n\nAlso as you are working from home it is easy to lose real life socialization opportunities, could it be that?\n\n<\/comment> 1) Can you perhaps schedule a brief 10 minute meeting with a client at, say, 9.00am each day to get the ball rolling? It seems like once you get started you are OK.\n\n2) Another option - get a business\/life coach - you can afford it. He might give you a call at 9.00am each day for say fifteen minutes to get your 'state' activated.\n\n3) Try starting the day with a workout. Good thing to do anyway.\n\n4) Another thought ....\n\nI'm curious how much of that 10K a month are you saving?\n\nLet's say you save 8K - that's 96K a year savings. Do it for a couple of years and you have 192K - a tidy sum with which to perhaps take a year or two out, doing something that gets you more pumped.\n\n<\/comment> This is what I do. I use a canary pad and I write down specific actions needed. When I complete actions, I cross them out in red. When I get distracted, I look at the pad. I sometimes gamify it a bit, like cross off 3 items then I can play a game or similar.\n\nAlso, I have a special DNS set up in my router that shunts certain sites to localhost.\n\nCouch time is a good suggestion. Any therapist worth a damn is going to tell you to walk 20-60 minutes a day, eat right, and supplement B and magnesium at a minimum because all that exercise and nutrition will minimize the funk. And yes, I do that too.\n\n<\/comment> What you describe sounds awful. I'm sorry that you're going through that. Some of the advice already mentioned is good. I would add that everyone needs something outside of work, a social life, hobbies, etc...It doesn't sound like your business suffers if you don't start work first thing in morning. If that's the case, don't worry about it and spend the time from when you wake up on other non-work things. Things that engage your imagination, passions, and body. Then come to \"work\" in the afternoon refreshed. I wish you the best of luck.\n\n<\/comment> Are you _sure_ all of your work is fun? When you have trouble to get started with something i'd assum There must be _something_ about it you don't like.\n\nAt least for me that is when i an in a similar state as you describe. It happens every 1-4 months depending what im doing. If i see no sense in my work, have ugly code bases to work with abd colleagues who don't bother to think crappy code, processes and communication could be a problem, i get into that state... i can then try to change my attitude about it, try to improve the situation, or leave if both don't work.\n\n<\/comment> At $10k\/mo, you can easily afford to hire someone else. That'll both give you a community to keep you encouraged and give you a bit of breathing room, which you should use to take a vacation.\n\n<\/comment> Hey. I was in the same situation a while ago (running a profitable service, making about the same and feeling miserable). What eventually helped was moving from Norway to Spain(Madrid), where I started exercising and for the first time had a proper social life. My body and mind were full of energy all the time. It was like being on opium. Of course, there were some downs now and then. Then in 2014, I meet my wife, we got a child together (now 2y old) and since then my life has been filled with meaning every day.\n\nThat is my two cents.\n\n<\/comment> I've in a similar situation in the past. For me, the problem was ultimately boredom and lack of fulfillment. It was the prospect of doing the same thing all day every day with no end in sight, with no purpose other than paying bills.\n\nConsider how much of that $10k\/mo it would take to hire 1-2 other people and make yourself unnecessary in the business. Turn it into a passive income as much as possible. If you succeeded in this, you can reclaim your time and do anything with it which is a freeing experience.\n\n<\/comment> You feel miserable. Why? Also, try getting a solid routine. An accountability buddy who you meet with every day at the same time. Perhaps you feel miserable because it is a battle every day, rather than a mindless routine. When you wake up, get up. Don't go back to bed. Get up and make coffee. You can always take a nap later, but eventually, you'll get used to waking up only once. Go watch the sun rise if you wake up too early. Trust that when you wake up, you should just get up.\n\n<\/comment> Though I'm not a solopreneur, I've been through similar streaks of difficult mornings. One thing realised - I was pretty weak on a sense of purpose those days. I wasn't sure what my immediate \/ 1 year \/ 2 year goals were and this led to complacency. Maybe deciding where you want to be in a year's time might help. A goal\/mission to look forward is certainly a good thing to have. All the best!\n\n<\/comment> Your point #3 about diet\/exercise could only help contribute to this feeling...or in other words you're really killing yourself not doing this.\n\n<\/comment> jonesss-s Don't even try to start in the morning. For a couple of weeks, just plan on working in the afternoon maybe starting at 2pm.\n\nEveryone keeps talking about wanting to start work early so they're done early. But relaxed, free mornings are such a wonderful thing! Have breakfast, read the newspaper, enjoy doing stuff that is annoying at other times because everyone is doing it then. Everyone's at work now, so lines are short ;)\n\n<\/comment> Why not just become a digital nomad for a while and go to Thailand for a month, where you can just chill at the beach for $100 living expenses a week, then Argentina, then Israel, then Germany and get to know the world.\n\nHere is a good resource [https:\/\/m.facebook.com\/groups\/859952234028551](https:\/\/m.facebook.com\/groups\/859952234028551)\n\nLet me know if you have any questions of course.\n\n<\/comment> Similar situation here - positive reinforcement helped me.\n\nEvery morning, I'd reward myself with something that I like - sometimes I watched a good TV show, sometimes I went to the gym and worked out. I also have a girlfriend but I guess that's a different point. Anyway, I just found stuff I like to do. I eventually associated waking up with happiness.\n\nYMMV. Just what worked for me - try it out if you want.\n\n<\/comment> There's lots of great advice here- especially regarding the importance of being connected to other people and taking care of yourself physically (sleep, exercise, diet). Those are the most basic things to tend to when you're feeling off. I'm a psychologist who works with founders (zenfounder.com) and I can assure you that you are not alone in feeling off your game, even when the business is going well. Sometimes the answer to the question \"why am I feeling this way?\" is really hard to come by. It might take some time to sort it out. I'm really glad you're talking about it here. That's an important first step. It may be a good idea to see your physician and check your thyroid and testosterone levels. Both can wreck havoc on motivation and can affected by sleep-wake cycles (ie. why you feel so low in the morning). A psychologist or therapist can also help you sort out whether you may be experiencing depression or burnout (low motivation is part of both). Being successful and having a great life don't also protect us from physical problems or from depression. Its a good idea to see a professional to check out a variety of possible causes. If you have a clean bill of health, then it might be time to ask some existential questions: Are you bored? Is your work meaningful to you? Are you as connected as you want to be to other people? A therapist, coach, priest, or good friend may be able to talk you through some of these questions. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you'd like more ideas or resources.\n\n<\/comment> You might have just found a good level. You must have worked really hard to get to this point and now a few hours in the afternoon might be all your body wants to do for good reason.\n\nI go through the same writing my PhD literature review. It comes and goes and I've decided to accept it rather than defeat it.\n\nWhen I go through periods of making little PhD progress, I don't hate myself and do something else.\n\n<\/comment> You are burnt out. Have a holiday. Take a break. Life isn't about work, work is the process by which we attract coins to live.\n\n<\/comment> Hey,\n\nI am currently also working remotely but without a team back in the company, struggled with depression and such for most of my life. What helped was a team sport, 3 times a week. Besides all the things the other posters say (sport in general, meditation, psychotherapy) bonding and having a human connection to other people is probably the most important one, IMHO.\n\nI hope you are getting better, friend.\n\nCheers\n\n<\/comment> Clearly, to me, you need to find the purpose of your life here on Earth. There are people that may help you, although you have to choose carefully. Not psychiatrists or anything like that. Look for indigo people that have a \"highway\" connection to the Universe, that came to show the way to others. Read and practice about meditation and spirituality.\n\n<\/comment> Is your current work challenging? You said repeatedly that it is easy and enjoyable but, if you aren't being challenged enough, work can begin to feel pointless even if the work itself is enjoyable.\n\n \n \n In my experience, overcoming regular (but not constant) challenges with cultivated skill(s) creates motivation to continue.\n \n\nGood luck.\n\n<\/comment> How's your social life both during and outside of work? I personally think working with great comedies is invigorating.\n\n<\/comment> Widen your horizons. It's tabu for some to mention but perhaps your lack of fulfillment is of a spiritual kind. I don't mean to become a born-again christian or a hippie, but if that's your thing that's fine too. I'm just saying there's more to life than making money in a pleasant and safe environment.\n\n<\/comment> The good news is, you already know the right things to do, as do we all: diet, exercise, sunlight, meditation, build a good community of friends\/family around yourself. In short, take care of your whole being, body, spirit, emotions, social, etc. But the trick is doing it.\n\nRead Superhuman by Habit, and acknowledge and do something about the deep effect community has on you and on your ability to start and maintain habits. This should help build these habits that we all know we should do.\n\nBut I also agree with the others on here who said to seek some sort of professional help. If you really want to overcome this, you're going to need someone else's perspective who knows you. Best of luck, I hope you come out of this better than ever!\n\nPS I've been doing 5BX exercise program for a couple of months and it's great. It's designed to increase your chance of sticking to it, which is what so many of us need. Once I started doing this very light workout, a lot changed for me. I started thinking of myself as \"the kind of person who works out\", and that kind of person also eats well, gets up early, goes to bed early, doesn't drink much alcohol, etc.\n\n<\/comment> I've had morning anxiety for a while. It meant that when I woke up, I had these terrible depressing thoughts running in my mind, and I couldn't get out of that circle of thought. I couldn't get out of bed, and could stay in that mood for hours. I knew that once I got out of bed that it would be over, but I just couldn't do that and wanted to stay there forever. I got out of bed for work, but in the weekends I could waste half a day like that. Turns out that somehow I had stomache or belly tensions (probably caused by overweight). When I figured that out, the problem was solved immediately. Now I wake up, feel that tension, go to the toilet, have some water and let my belly relax for a moment (google for high vs low breathing). I go back to bed and have some sleep. (NB: If this is anxiety, I don't say that this will work for you, but who knows!)\n\nAlternatively, you may be depressed or you sound like that. Find a good therapist to get things clear. Therapies nowadays can be very focused, so it's not about endless talking about vague feelings. If you don't want to say that you have a depression, say that you feel depressed, or that you have decided to go into therapy to find out what is going on. You have the money and the time!\n\nMeditation, dancing, theater sports, book club, fitness, yoga can be therapeutic as well. If you really have a depression, these won't solve that problem, but they make things lighter and life more enjoyable.\n\nStop working from home. Go to one of those places or bars where people work all day, rent an office for a day, so you meet people. It seems like your lonely maybe? Hire someone or partner up with someone. Having a (business) partner and working from the same place daily will make things more enjoyable.\n\n<\/comment> The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg gives incredible insight into how to build habits. I highly recommend it.\n\n<\/comment> Create a recurring task for yourself, a very easy one to be done, something mechanic that doesn't require any big thinking, problem solving or making decisions. Design it in a way you could be transitioning from it into actual work for your business. Give it a try. Adjust. Re-do.\n\n<\/comment> Likely unhelpful question but would you be willing to share how you got to your level of success? If you have a blog or something similar, plenty of folks would love to read about your solopreneur experiences. Perhaps some morning writing would help get the day going?\n\n<\/comment> I think you should prepare a solid morning routine, like workouts, running, meditation, etc whatever feels you good to do because it will pump adrenaline in your body which will motivate you to Kickstart your day full of energy. Try it one day and see what works for you.\n\n<\/comment> I walk my dog before and after (occasionally during) my working day - five hours per day five days per week. Exercise, fresh air, quiet with the odd chat to fellow walkers.\n\nIt makes working from home enjoyable and a bit more sociable. I do one day a week from a co-working space, too.\n\n<\/comment> You may benefit from a bit of life coaching. I have a friend who specializes in this. You've created something awesome but just need to fix a few things in your life. Happy to make a referral if you're interested. E-mail is in my profile.\n\n<\/comment> I'm exactly like you but make $250k per year. Making more money wont solve the issue.\n\n<\/comment> There's been a lot of good advice thrown out there, so I'd just add that you might consider looking into a sleep study. I had untreated sleep apnea and it was like waking up with a hangover every morning.\n\n<\/comment> I hate working from home. Generally if I have something that needs to get done, I go to my office. No distractions there. I feel down\/negative if I try to work at home because I see I'm not achieving.\n\n<\/comment> How about selling me the services business? ;)\n\nJokes aside, loneliness is a serious problem ignored in tech circles. The water cooler talks and that annoying co-worker is missed only when that is missing. So build a team.\n\n<\/comment> > Don't follow a specific diet and don't exercise regularly.\n\nExercise every day.\n\n<\/comment> Journal, meditate, exercise _before_ you work. Before you even touch your phone. When you get in touch with the WHY each day first, you're more likely to stay aligned with where you're going.\n\n<\/comment> I've posted this kind of answer a couple times:\n\nI started ZeroTier (www.zerotier.com) initially alone. Being a sole founder is tough for many reasons. The biggest one I've found is not so much time in the raw sense but cognitive load. There are _so_ many things to pay attention to at once: fund raising, economics, product dev, HR, engineering, devops, talking to customers, ... it's endless.\n\nThen there's the standard issue rollercoaster of entrepreneurship which you have to weather alone. Some weeks it feels like ZeroTier is going to conquer the world. Other weeks I feel like \"wow I'm an idiot this is doomed.\" I've learned to just ride that up and down thing and always apply a consistent forward pressure no matter how I feel.\n\nPaul Graham always harped on single founders being a bad idea and in general I kind of agree with him. It's a tough thing to do. Doesn't mean it can't be done though and there are lots of success stories. There are many reasons you might be solo. In my case it's because I founded ZT after just moving to the area and developed it alone, so there wasn't a good co-founder. (Just picking a co-founder for the hell of it like getting married by Elvis in Vegas to someone you just met. It's a worse idea than going solo.) If you are solo just count it as one of your disadvantages (every team and venture has them!) and therefore something you'll have to work around\/through. Honestly founder drama is way worse. Being solo means you get the problems of solo but in exchange you get to pass on founder drama.\n\nOne of the best things I did early on is to move into a co-working space. We are in LA\/OC (SoCal) and are here:\n\n[http:\/\/peoplespace.us\/](http:\/\/peoplespace.us\/)\n\nIt's a friendly hacker space with many tenants from other small startups to consultants and solo people. Lots of events like code camps, maker meetups, and OWASP meetings are hosted here too.\n\nBeing at a co-working space makes you feel like you're not totally alone, especially if other entrepreneurs are present. If you have some in your area (most major cities do these days) then I highly recommend using one. If there are options other than the larger franchise ones like WeWork I'd recommend those since they're more likely to feel like a community.\n\n(There are now four of us but we're still here. We occupy a corner office upstairs.)\n\nOther things I highly recommend include talking to other entrepreneurs and independent consultants who are in the same boat. Then there's the basic health stuff. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep. Bad health practices can wear you down quick. Imagine you're an athlete trying to keep up on training for your career. You _are_ , but your muscle is your brain. Keeping your whole body fit keeps your brain fit because it's part of your body. The myth of the out of shape genius nerd is just that. Being out of shape makes you less intelligent.\n\nFinally if you are really feeling symptoms of depression go see a psychiatrist. Depression can be biochemical and we have good fixes for that available. The stigma here is silly. If your feet hurt you go to a podiatrist. If you have an issue with your brain you go to a psychiatrist. The brain is an organ like any other and it's one of the most important you have. There should be as much stigma about seeing a brain doctor as there is about seeing a foot doctor.\n\nEdit: if you are in SoCal stop by and visit! My contact info is in my profile.\n\n<\/comment> What is your purpose in life? Does your work align with your purpose?\n\n<\/comment> My thoughts are from extensive research into self-improvement and from personal experience. They are things you could try. Some may not apply as I do not know your personal situation.\n\n\\- Are you feeling challenged? I found myself in a situation like this in the past. I was wanting nothing, yet felt unsatisfied. It took some time to realize that I was not feeling challenged and felt a bit like I was cruising through life. Things that helped: hobbies, a side-project, and a realignment of how I think.\n\n\\- Are you getting enough sleep? This one is very easy to get wrong. Everyone is different. Things that helped: going to sleep earlier. Sleeping a minimum of 8 hours per night. Kids got older and don't wake me up as much.\n\n\\- Are you feeling overwhelmed? I sometimes I would feel overwhelemd in the morning, for no discernible reason at all. It felt there was so much to do, and it created a self-reinforcing cycle that would make it tough to get the day started. Things that helped: getting enough sleep. Having a morning routine that I don't need to think about and just do: get out of bed, go to the bathroom, drink a glass of water, make coffee, brush teeth, hot shower w. cold shower ending, light stretching + exercise, drink coffee, eat breakfast. By doing these things automatically I start the day without actually having to analyze anything. I start moving. Blood start pumping. When I'm done, I'm ready for whatever I need to get done that day. It's a warm up to get the engine going.\n\n\\- Do you drink alcohol? I found that even small amount of alcohol have an effect on the next day. If you do consume any amount of alcohol, take a week break. Nothing. Nada. See if it helps. If this makes a positive difference, consider changing your habits. Perhaps limit drinking to one or two nights and give yourself a good sober week between the weekends.\n\n\\- Exercise. This one is tough to get into a routine. I do it on and off. In general, when I do it, I sleep better and the following day just flows better.\n\n\\- Depression. If these things don't help, you may have light depression. It's not always easy to tell. Go talk to a doctor. It's a sickness like any--no shame in it.\n\n<\/comment> Maybe you're burnout or depressed (see depression signs) ?\n\n<\/comment> I suspect if you take the time to look back at the last few months, and then the last few months +, then run a mental diff, you will find your answer.\n\n<\/comment> It could also be that you are just very bored, no? I mean, maybe you are the type of person who needs a constant challenge to keep going.\n\n<\/comment> Maybe a question of how long you are doing this?\n\nGetting a month off could help if you are in constant \"work mode\" for over a year or something.\n\n<\/comment> Maybe you dislike the tools you use, or the domain you work on...\n\nWithout details, it's difficult to point the issues.\n\nYou could try to ask that to someone you trust.\n\n<\/comment> I've lived this type of life for the last 5 years (solopreneur as you put it). Reading the other comments it seems like you don't have very strict boundaries of work time. You're getting a lot of good feedback. I agree with others you are likely experiencing burnout. You obviously like your work, but if you aren't motivated to get started then it will probably not get any easier. Again, from experience, spend your off time not doing or thinking too much about your work.\n\n<\/comment> Are you sure you don't need another goal? sounds like you might have hit a plateau and it's time to find another goal.\n\n<\/comment> try to analyze what you're doing when you're postponing your work.\n\nwhat are you doing instead? what are you seeking out? it might give you an indication to what're you subconciously seeking\n\na lot of suggestions here about what it could be... maybe you're bored, maybe you're seeking socialization.\n\n<\/comment> PM if you are in Austin, TX. (my current HN username @gmail.com)\n\nI've been in similar situations. Having people to talk to matters.\n\n<\/comment> Make a list at the end of the day of what you should do tomorrow. Use that list in the morning to get started.\n\n<\/comment> get some exercise first, THEN start work\n\n<\/comment> A food change can be an immediate, large improvement. Cut out the sugar entirely. That includes the lattes.\n\n<\/comment> Are you maybe bored? Or feeling unchallenged? Maybe you're lonely?\n\nThese are all things I struggle with as a solopreneur.\n\n<\/comment> Go find a coworking space. Being in a good one has, quite probably literally, saved my life.\n\n<\/comment> Run, meditate, find a way to give back. Perhaps set a challenge to make the business turnkey.\n\n<\/comment> The advice you might get here are worthless compared to a few hours talking to a shrink.\n\n<\/comment> Sound like you need a vacation.\n\n<\/comment> Exercise. It'll really help mentally and physically. Seriously.\n\n<\/comment> .. and when is the last time you took a vacation longer than a week?\n\n<\/comment> the-dude Do you work every day?\n\n yea, but usually not more than 3h\n\n the-dude Start taking weekends and holidays like normal people do.\n\nI take days off whenever I feel like it.\n\nAlso, if it was me having trouble to start, I would consider it as an early burnout symptom.\n\nGood luck.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> From my point of view, your professional situation seems really enjoyable.\n\nI guess the first step is to be proud of you. Next, go to the gym, and spend more time with your loved ones (friends\/family). Do you have a hobby?\n\n<\/comment> You might be bored.\n\n<\/comment> It sounds like you don't have clarity of purpose in your life. Work is just a comfortable distraction. Diet and exercise won't solve your problem.\n\n<\/comment> Get into a spiritual practice that is non sectarian or religious. Yoga and meditation can help you.\n\n<\/comment> Hope you feel better soon.\n\n<\/comment> Creating an anonymous account to respond for obvious reasons as well...\n\nI've been a _de facto_ solopreneur for a couple of years now, and I deal with the same feelings every day. I don't particular like the market I'm in\u2014I really don't think there's any kind of social good that comes out of it (arguably its a social ill), although on an individual basis I do like my customers. I have a partner who's been basically AWOL since taking a couple of new jobs (consecutively\u2014neither of us was full time and she's an attorney in her day job). Its basically on me to handle not just the tech but sales, marketing, design, etc, most of which I'm really not good at (everything but tech, basically.) On top of that, because of the way we're structured and the agreement we negotiated when I started trading time for equity, back when she was more active, she's getting about 30% more of the cash-out from an impending sale.\n\n(side rant: I used to be opposed to vesting schedules on a company that's bootstrapped\u2014no more. If you have one or more partners, you need to be on a vesting schedule. Period. There's a reason those are a thing. As far as that goes, I basically made every mistake you can make in getting the company to this place\u2014the fact that I'm even seeing a prospective payday is almost in spite of the mistakes we've made, not because of anything special we did. Someday I'll be able to tell that story.)\n\nOn top of all _that_ I rolled out the new version of our platform a month ago and overall its not going great. It was premature but because its been delayed several times and our work is seasonal, there was a hard deadline on getting it out and I had to release it missing several features that were part of the old product. (As I'm writing this, I'm cringing\u2014another rookie mistake from someone who ought to know better.)\n\nAll that to say, you're not alone in finding yourself in this position. Something I spend a lot of time thinking about when I'm not fantasizing about accidentally stepping in front of a bus is what gives me meaning and self- worth, and how fucked up it is that so much of that is tied to my career. I'm also a father (so no, won't be intentionally accidentally stepping in front of any busses) and a husband, and when I'm being objective, a friend to many and mentor to more than a few. There's more to me than just my career, but damned if I could prove it right now.\n\nSo now I'm really trying to consider how to claw my way out of feeling this way. I see both a therapist (two, actually\u2014one personal and one couples) and a psychiatrist, I'm on an antidepressant, and before anyone goes dropping medical advice without a license\u2014 I've got years of experience with different meds so yes, I'm certain this one is the right one for me. No, I'm not exercising or getting enough sleep, and yes, I recognize that's likely part of the problem but its difficult mental hurdle to get over to take time away from (unproductively) coding. As I'm writing all this down it sounds even worse.\n\nSorry, I keep trying to get to my point but I get sidetracked (also I'm super ADD, and depression and sleep habits accentuate that). My therapist and I talk a lot about how people with a certain kind of mind\/mindset need stimulation, and part of the problem for me is that the work simply isn't stimulating. I've got too much free time (until I've got not enough) and I haven't always done a great job at finding something new to engage in on the side. I picked up a new platform a couple of years ago, which has been a lot of fun to work in (but then I decided to port our platform over to that, which arrested all forward momentum product-wise\u2014like I said, I've made every mistake you can make as a company here...) Maybe what you need is something engaging to start your day with\u2014learn AI (that's what I keep promising myself after this exit happens, assuming it does) or get into some side of technology you've always been less good at. For me that's hardware\u2014I dropped out of my CS program well before we got to the more advanced circuits classes, so while I understand digital logic the EE side of things is a black box for me I've always wanted to grok.\n\nMaybe you just need more work to do\u2014sounds like you've got a lot of free time, thought about consulting work or mentoring at an incubator? As boring a the business may be, I'm certain you've learned a lot of things the hard way, and that's valuable knowledge to share. Maybe if you put something in the afternoon that you really want to do, getting work out of the way early would be easier. But also, maybe you're just not a morning person. If your company is making you enough money, and it really only takes 3-4h\/day, is it so bad you don't start til the afternoon? Some people just don't click in til then. Also worth noting, the average american worker only spends about 2-3h\/day doing actual work [[https:\/\/www.inc.com\/melanie-curtin\/in-an-8-hour-day-the- aver...](https:\/\/www.inc.com\/melanie-curtin\/in-an-8-hour-day-the-average- worker-is-productive-for-this-many-hours.html)]\n\nGetting out of the house would probably help some too. Do you have a dedicated work environment? I bought a house recently and one of my favorite things about it is that I have a dedicated office now. (I also get an inordinate amount of pleasure out of yard work, which is difficult to explain. When I'm not fantasizing about bus factors, I fantasize about pulling weeds. Go figure.)\n\nI've been kind of thinking about starting an accountability group or something with a couple of friends. That might be something to consider.\n\nAnyway, I'm sorry to hijack your post with my own problems. I hope there's a kernel of something in there that points you in a direction that makes you feel more fulfilled. Best of luck, friend.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Pipelining Consensus Writes to Speed Up Distributed SQL Transactions - https:\/\/www.cockroachlabs.com\/blog\/transaction-pipelining\/ > Finally, the third assumption we'll make is that the CockroachDB cluster is > operating under a steady-state that does not include chaos events.\n\n> they shouldn't represent the cluster's typical behavior \u2013\u2013 so, for the sake > of this performance model, it's safe to assume they are absent.\n\nThese events can be made somewhat rare within a datacenter. But they are actually very typical and very normal in communications between datacenters over the internet. Ignoring them is basically ignoring 90th percentile latency in such \"geo distributed\" configurations.\n\nWhich is fine, I always believed that Cockroach should focus on local clusters. But marketing it as \"geo distributed\" would just bring people disappointment, not necessarily a feeling you want potential customers to have.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Price Manipulation in the Bitcoin Ecosystem [pdf] - http:\/\/weis2017.econinfosec.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/3\/2017\/05\/WEIS_2017_paper_21.pdf From abstract:\n\n\"We identify and analyze the impact of suspicious trading activity (STA) on the Mt. Gox Bitcoin currency exchange between February and November 2013. We discuss two distinct STA periods in which approximately 600,000 bitcoins (BTC) valued at $188 million were acquired by agents who did not pay for the bitcoins. During the second period, the USD-BTC exchange rate rose by an average of $20 at Mt. Gox on days when suspicious trades took place, compared to a slight decline on days without suspicious activity. Based on rigorous analysis with extensive robustness checks, we conclude that the suspicious trading activity caused the unprecedented spike in the USD-BTC exchange rate in late 2013, when the rate jumped from around $150 to more than $1,000 in two months.\"<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: How to Bootstrap a Startup Effectively? - Title is self-explanatory The best way is to build a product for a single customer, who will pay you upfront (early bird discount) for the solution with the agreement that it's your product (not client work). Make that one customer super happy and then find more people that have the same problem you just built a solution for.\n\n What if its in the consumer market?\n\n Avoid that at all cost if you are trying to bootstrap a startup effectively.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I don't think the title is self-explanatory at all. It is a very broad question that could have been answered through a lot of different angles.\n\nYou want advice on how do you effectively manage your time? How do you effectively manage your money? How do you manage your effectively team\/contractors? How do you effectively find a good product? Good customers?\n\n I am sorry for not explaining a bit more in the title. I wanted to ask about finding ways of funding for a bootstrapped startup. Without savings, bootstrapping seems pretty terrifying\n\n Then I think krm01 answer is the right path: _\" best way is to build a product for a single customer, who will pay you upfront\"_.\n\nAbout it being B2C product, there you have the exact reason why it is better to bootstrap B2B products than B2C.\n\nBuilding a B2B product is how you bootstrap a startup effectively.\n\nIf building a B2C is \"non-negotiable\", then you should try to minimize the cost of building a product the most. For example, not coding a product.\n\nThere is a new site that aims at this sort of solution: [https:\/\/www.makerpad.co](https:\/\/www.makerpad.co). Validating business without code. Might be useful.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> 1\\. Build a product customers want (kind of important)\n\n2\\. Write efficient code (have low technical debt too while your at it) so you can keep hosting and operating costs low\n\n3\\. Get users to use and buy your product\n\n4\\. To become profitable: either charge enough to reach profitability, or sell more to reach profitability\n\n<\/comment> The goal is often to hit \"ramen profitablity\" as soon as possible.\n\nIf you're doing enterprise, get that one customer who's paying you enough to sustain yourself, and make them very happy.\n\nFor consumer facing, find something you can build 10x better that people are already willing to pay for. Then beeline towards building and selling it. If they aren't buying it, it's not valuable enough.\n\nThere are exceptions like reddit, but you can't really bootstrap those. Anything with network effects needs a very long runway.\n\n<\/comment> Take your time. Overnight success is a myth. Spend more time on marketing than coding. Talk to users a lot.\n\n This! Try to focus your energy on finding _your_ market and less on throwing your product at tire-kickers from Product Hunt, Reddit and Hacker News. As a bootstrapper, you're not looking for affirmation from your peers, you're looking for customers. Definitely put a ton of effort into talking to prospects\/customers -- even if you just receive radio silence in return -- it is so important to have these conversations even if they're super rare. Experiment with different marketing avenues to see what sticks.\n\nI wrote about this more here: [https:\/\/www.indiehackers.com\/interview\/2fa6c5e1eb](https:\/\/www.indiehackers.com\/interview\/2fa6c5e1eb)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> bootstrap a startup is an art. no decision is final, many of your decisions would become invalid in days.\n\nif the product is for general public then 1) can be started as a side project 2) Friends and family may use first 3) Experiment the idea with 1000 lines or less code. 4) Don't prefect the idea, let it evolve 5) Don't go for startup events, mentors, investment etc 6) No co-founders until you get n number of users 7) Where can you get early users ? 8) do you use the product yourself ? 9) simplicity of the product is the key 10) no one is waiting, no one is caring your idea until it gets some traction. the list goes on..\n\nmany ideas i stopped in the middle, because myself not interested to continue. because ideas seems to good in one time, later it is boring to do.\n\n<\/comment> The best way I have learned and follow myself is find clients willing to pay THEN build the product. I have used powerpoint, PDF's, Balsamiq and lots of manual ways to demonstrate ideas to potential clients before code ever was typed into an IDE.\n\n What if the market is the general public, the consumers?\n\n Still the same, test the idea before you invest lots of time. It is even easier when the market is consumers usually. Go to the Gym, Starbucks etc ask people if they'd use it, pay for it etc. Talk to humans face to face to get a read on their feedback. Collect their email and name to offer them a free preview when the product launches. If they resist, they weren't really interested and just trying to be nice.\n\nIf you get good initial feedback from people you talk to then it is good to setup an online signup form and do some simple advertising with FB\/Google and see if you can get 500 or 1000 signups. And get feedback on the features so you know what to build. If you have good traction with signups and solid feedback move forward.\n\nIf instead you get very few signups as a percentage of visits then you aren't on the right track. Change the approach and retest before you build.\n\nThe #1 mistake I think most developers make is trying to build a product before they have a client\/market.\n\n I do want to clarify one point, consumer market is not an easy market in general. My \"even easier\" comment is about getting initial product validation because you don't have a lot of gatekeepers like B2B can have before you talk to a decision maker.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Read the books:\n\nThe Lean Startup\n\nFour Steps to Epiphany\n\nBoth books will give you everything you need. The rest comes down to your personality and your tech\/sales skills.\n\n<\/comment> do all the coding yourself... do it in Python... use Stripe as your checkout vendor:)\n\n That would probably take me 3 years all in all :D I need an option where I can establish a cofounding team to work on it with me, and we all need to be ramen profitable\n\n One thing I learned over the past years is a v1 should be the bare minimum to get sales. You can add all the bells and whistles later.<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Cellular Automata Laboratory - https:\/\/www.fourmilab.ch\/cellab\/manual\/webca.html I'm trying to understand the NLUKY rules... I think I've almost got it, but one thing is throwing me off: if Conway's Game of Life is NLUKY 0,3,3,2,3, how does a cell's state get back to 0 from 1? Rule 3 means that when a cell \"dies\" it gets set to 2, but if N = 0 then it looks like Rule 5 will never kick in and the cell will be stuck at 2 permanently.\n\nI'm guessing this is a bug in the specification of Rule #3 (newC should be 0 if the cell \"dies\" and N = 0), but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding something.\n\n<\/comment> Fourmilab is chock-full of interesting things. Be sure to check out the gravity detector, too.\n\nAnd the SlideScreen screen saver for Windows is still the best slide-show screen saver on that platform, after 15 years or more.\n\nNot to mention how interesting John Waters, the creator of the site and Autodesk founder is.\n\n (John Walker)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Folks interested in playing with cellular automata might also be interested in the desktop application Golly ([http:\/\/golly.sourceforge.net\/](http:\/\/golly.sourceforge.net\/)).\n\n<\/comment> Some of the scenes in the demo remind me a lot of an old \"game\" I played with as a kid, Burning Sand. It's a Falling Sand game.\n\n\\- [http:\/\/burningsand.de\/](http:\/\/burningsand.de\/)\n\n\\- [https:\/\/www.wikiwand.com\/en\/Falling- sand_game](https:\/\/www.wikiwand.com\/en\/Falling-sand_game)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Sahara Desert \u2013 Could you believe? The Sahara was once green - https:\/\/www.matrixdisclosure.com\/sahara-desert-green\/ A hypothesis called \"The Saharan pump theory\" explains how flora and fauna have migrated through a physical link between Eurasia and Africa. This hypothesis postulates that long periods of heavy rainfall for thousands of years that have alternated with periods of drought in Africa, are associated with a so-called \"wet Sahara\" phase, during which large lakes and rivers such as mega-lake Chad, existed alternately with an immense desert, the Sahara. The wet Sahara was probably a mosaic landscape of rivers, lakes, swamps, woodlands, forest islands, wooded savannas and grasslands. Earth regions higher than 45\u00b0 of latitude where under a heavy shelf of ice. Mediterranean sea was much lower than today.\n\nThe Middle Paleolithic was a period of African prehistory that began about 280,000 years BCE and ended approximately between 50,000 years and 25,000 years BCE.\n\nEven during periods of drought, humans were most often able to follow the Nile to cross the Sahara, as flora and fauna persisted on its banks. Migrations between Eurasia and Africa were, however, interrupted when, during a desert phase of 1.8 - 0.8 million years, the Nile at times stopped flowing completely and at another period because of a geological uplift (movement of elevation) of the Nile region.\n\nThis has resulted in changes in the flora and fauna in the region which have made traveling at great distances very difficult. Evaporation exceeds precipitation, water levels in lakes like Lake Chad, fall very low and rivers become dry wadis. The once widespread flora and fauna must be retreated northward into the Atlas Mountains and south into West and East Africa in the Nile Valley and from there to South-East to the plateaus of Ethiopia and Kenya or north-east to Asia via Sinai.\n\nThis separates the populations of the different species in zones with different climates, thus requiring them to adapt either by migration or speciation (evolution towards new species) or by exploiting different resources.\n\nThe Saharan pump was invoked to explain three waves of human migrations outside Africa, namely: Homo Erectus to Southeast Asia, perhaps twice, once as far as China and India, once again to Pakistan. Homo heidelbergensis to the Middle East and Western Europe. Homo Sapiens Sapiens towards the Middle East and Western Europe, the so-called \"out of Africa\"\n\nBetween approximately 133 and 122 000 years BCE, the southern parts of the Saharan desert had the beginning of the so-called \"Abbassia Pluvial\" period, which is a very wet period with monsoon precipitation. This allowed the Eurasian animals to travel to Africa and vice versa.\n\nThe Abbassia Pluvial period brought humid and fertile conditions to what is today the Sahara desert, which then benefited from lush vegetation, fed by lakes, swamps and river systems, many of which disappeared later in the drier climate that followed the Abbassia Pluvial period. African wildlife, now associated with the savannas, meadows and woods of the southern Sahara, had penetrated all of North Africa during this period.\n\nThe Stone Age cultures, especially the Mousterian and Aterian have grown significantly in Africa during the Abbassia Pluvial period. The transition to more severe climatic conditions that accompanies the end of this humid period may have encouraged the emigration of Homo Sapiens away from Africa.\n\nThe coastal road around the western Mediterranean was open during the last glacial period and may have promoted exchanges. Wet periods were limited to only tens or hundreds of years.\n\nDuring the Pluvial Mousterian, the dried-up regions of North Africa became again very humid, as during the rainy Abbassia period 50,000 years earlier. There were lakes and even small inland seas (mega lake Chad), swamps and hydrographic networks that no longer exist today. Where the Sahara Desert is located today, there was the African wildlife typical of meadows and woods, herbivores such as the gazelle, the giraffe or the ostrich, predators of the lion to the jackal, hippopotamuses and crocodiles, As well as species that have now disappeared, such as the Pleistocene camel.\n\nThe Mousterian Pluvial was caused by large-scale climatic changes during the last glacial period. At about 50,000 BCE the W\u00fcrm glaciation was well advanced in the northern hemisphere. The ice caps in North America and Europe were increasingly shifting the climatic zones favorable to human life to the southern hemisphere. Temperate zones in Europe and North America were transformed into arctic tundra, and rainfall strips typical of temperate zones declined sharply at latitudes in North Africa.\n\nCuriously, the same influences that created the Mousterian Pluvial also seem to have made it disappear. At its maximum development, there are between 30 and 18,000 BCE, the Laurentide ice sheet covers not only an enormous geographical area but reaches an altitude of 1750 meters. This creates a specific meteorological system that affects the jet stream on the North American continent. The jet stream splits into two entities, creating a new climate over the northern hemisphere, which sets harsher conditions in several regions of Central Asia and the Middle East, the end of the Mousterian Pluvial and a Return to a more arid climate in North Africa.\n\nHuman settlements then move northwards. The late Paleolithic began in Egypt about 30,000 BCE as evidenced by the skeleton of Nazlet Khater. The excavation of the Nile exposed the first stone tools of that period.\n\nAnother example of climate change introduced by the Saharan pump occurred after the last glacial maximum around 22,500 - 17,000 BCE. During the last glacial maximum the Sahara desert was more extensive than it is today, with a considerably weaker extent of tropical forests than today. During this period, lower temperatures reduce the strength of Hadley's atmospheric cell, whereby tropical climbing air brings rain in the tropics, while dry air descending to about 20 degrees north latitude, Flows back to Ecuador and brings desert conditions to this region. This phase is associated with high levels of wind- borne mineral dust found in marine cores from the northern tropical Atlantic.\n\nAround 12,500 BCE, begins a period of much more humid conditions in the Sahara, bringing a savannah climate to the Sahara.\n\nAnalysis of Nile sediment deposited in the delta also shows that this period had a higher proportion of sediments from the Blue Nile, suggesting higher precipitation on the highlands of Ethiopia. This was mainly due to a stronger monsoon activity in all tropical regions, affecting India, Arabia and the Sahara.\n\nThe African wet period that took place between 12,800 and 3,500 years BCE, was the last occurrence of a \"Green Sahara\". Climatic conditions in the Sahara during the African wet season were dominated by a strong monsoon with heavy rainfall. With the considerable increase in rainfall, vegetation in North Africa is transformed into vast grasslands. The Sahel region to the south of the Sahara becomes a savanna.\n\nThe African wet season was also characterized by a network of vast rivers in the Sahara, large lakes, rivers and deltas. The four largest lakes were Megachad Lake, Megafezzan Lake, Ahnet-Mouydir Lake and Lake Chotts. There were large rivers in the area such as the Senegal River, the Nile River, the Sahabi River and the Kufra River. These river and lake systems have provided corridors that have enabled many animal species, including humans, to extend their geographic range to the north, migrating across the Sahara.\n\nA brutal climatic event occurred around 6,000 BCE. It is characterized by a sudden drop in global temperatures that lasted several millennia. This sudden cooling event may have been caused by the collapse of the Laurentide ice sheet in northeastern North America, probably when the Ojibway and Agassiz glacial lakes suddenly emptied into the North Atlantic Ocean. The melting pulse may have altered the thermohaline circulation of the North Atlantic, reducing the transport of heat from the tropics to the north of the Atlantic.\n\nThe sudden movement of the Hadley atmospheric cell towards the south causes sudden cooling followed by slower warming, linked to changes with the El Ni\u00f1o cycle, which leads to a rapid drying up of the Saharan and Arab regions.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":15452637},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Packetdrill network stack testing tool - https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/packetdrill\/\n\n The research paper (Usenix) is published at this location:\n\n[http:\/\/research.google.com\/pubs\/pub41316.html](http:\/\/research.google.com\/pubs\/pub41316.html)\n\nProceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 2013), USENIX, 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215, Berkeley, CA, 94710 USA, pp. 213-218.\n\npacketdrill: Scriptable Network Stack Testing, from Sockets to Packets Abstract: Testing today's increasingly complex network protocol implementations can be a painstaking process. To help meet this challenge, we developed packetdrill, a portable, open-source scripting tool that enables testing the correctness and performance of entire TCP\/UDP\/IP network stack implementations, from the system call layer to the hardware network interface, for both IPv4 and IPv6. We describe the design and implementation of the tool, and our experiences using it to execute 657 test cases. The tool was instrumental in our development of three new features for Linux TCP\u2014Early Retransmit, Fast Open, and Loss Probes\u2014and allowed us to find and fix 10 bugs in Linux. Our team uses packetdrill in all phases of the development process for the kernel used in one of the world's largest Linux installations.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2017-13":2}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Target to phase out gender-based signage - https:\/\/corporate.target.com\/article\/2015\/08\/gender-based-signs-corporate#sf39850073\n\n \"Right now, our teams are working across the store to identify areas where we can phase out gender-based signage to help strike a better balance. For example, in the kids' Bedding area, signs will no longer feature suggestions for boys or girls, just kids. In the Toys aisles, we'll also remove reference to gender, including the use of pink, blue, yellow or green paper on the back walls of our shelves.\"<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":10027575},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Truffaut's early essays on auteurism - https:\/\/www.newyorker.com\/culture\/the-front-row\/the-truffaut-essays-that-clear-up-misguided-notions-of-auteurism Richard Brody is a guilty pleasure of mine. He's such a grumpy old man when it comes to film criticism. Reading his review of Avengers is like hearing someone kvetch on the subway, except with innumerable references to Godard, Brecht, and Marx. Every film concept, premise or plot has been done better, but just in a more independent, more obscure, more directed-by-Jean-Luc-Godard fashion. Occasionally he'll toss out a glowing review but it's often with a heavy layer of political commentary that I'm not entirely sure was necessarily intended by the filmmaker (not that this is a necessary condition for the film to be political in nature). See his Us Review for that\n\nOne level of auteur theory that I've wondered about is its political ramifications. For one, it's not a very communist theory. There's no real collectivism or equality in the idea of a singular mind behind a film. Which is probably why Godard (partially) rejected the theory later in his collaborations with Gorin. Also why Third Cinema purposefully distinguished itself from the tradition of French New Wave (a tradition of un-quality?) by categorizing it as the \"Second Cinema\".\n\nLikewise, auteurship was and is a title mostly populated by white, male directors. Oh sure, there's a few notable exceptions: Agnes Varda, Claire Denis, Ousmane Semb\u00e8ne, etc. Nonetheless, it's important to question whether auteur theory succeeded due to the power already allocated to the canonically white, male director. And whether auteurship erases the contributions made by the editor and screenwriter, positions usually more diverse in gender and race (for instance, Marcia Lucas in Star Wars and Taxi Driver).\n\nPersonally I view auteur theory as a necessary weapon against the studio system and against the \"tradition of quality\", but not necessarily a theory that reflects the state of an actual film production. Truffaut, Godard, et al used it as a banner to wage war against the powers above them\u2014producers, financiers, etc\u2014but in doing so they also negated the work of those below them, the grips and gaffers, the cinematographers and editors. I don't believe this was their intention, but hey, they did make a theory about how filmmaking is all one dude's creation. Not exactly hard to see how that'd ignore other people's contributions.\n\n<\/comment> The essays as they are summarized here don't seem to controversial when it comes to the production itself- everyone on a production answers to the director no matter what.\n\nThe issue is the line between the producer and the director which is usually contentious, but I feel like most of the time it's over money issues rather than studio censorship or interference. Or if the director is taking more artistic liberties than usual regarding the script or whatever, the studio may want both the original line and the updated line shot to compare.\n\nCertain 'auteurs' would probably get the benefit of the doubt from a producer, but only after an established body of work; unless, the director also happens to be one of the producers or an executive producer where in the latter case they would be partially financing the film- like sitting on the board and also being the CEO.\n\n<\/comment> I didn't know, so I had to look it up:\n\nau\u00b7teur\u00b7ism. noun. The definition of auteurism is the belief that a movie should primarily reveal the director's feelings and beliefs as if he has written it himself. The theory that the director's vision should be clearly seen in a movie is an example of auterism.\n\n Which makes little sense without a reference to the opposite, which was common practice at the time (and even today):\n\nthe movie as a commercial product, built to spec, and designed by committee to appeal to the largest market...\n\nSo, the auteur is the \"director as artist\" as opposed to the \"director as hired executor of the studio's will\".<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":20162418},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Founders Bundle \u2013 All the tools you need in one subscription - https:\/\/foundersbundle.com\/ It would be interesting to see what you're saving on each tool and why they beat free alternatives. I think the only one that doesn't have a compelling free option is getresponse but there's sendfox for email that does the job well.\n\n Thank you for pointing that out, that's a great point. I will try to find a way to clarify what they are saving. I do plan to do a fair amount of content marketing explaining that further including alternatives, etc. It could be interesting to create a page for this on the site as well.\n\nRegarding the current offering, unfortunately, we did not have much leverage when approaching the companies this time around. I do hope we will be able to increase the value of the bundle over time while remaining affordable.\n\nThank you again for your feedback, it is much appreciated!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Hello Everyone,\n\nIf you have been working on your own company, side project, all the way to being a-part of a startup, you have likely noticed the ever-growing amount of tools you are using.\n\nI personally find it interesting, it is definitely better than one company doing everything for us. It also gives them the chance to really focus on certain pain points. However, it is not always practical to manage. All the bills are coming in on different days, some are still trying to trick you with unstable bills, different account logins, etc. This is often an unnecessary distraction and tends to make the accounting much more complicated than it needs to be.\n\nAfter looking into this problem a bit, I noticed different kinds of bundles. Some offered lifetime deals which are neat but you also want to make sure the tools you are paying are getting recurring revenue for them to stick around and improve. Then, I found others offering discounts only which is not bad but it was still not what I was hoping for.\n\nWhat I believed would be the most useful, and sustainable for everyone involved would be a subscription model that includes numerous tools within that subscription, at no additional cost.\n\nI decided to email back and forth with companies about potentially joining a bundle. After getting on many calls and digging into the details we realized it would be a bit time consuming, and hard to get everyone involved within the paid subscription.\n\nInstead, we believe it is better to slowly grow the list based on what is suggested by the subscribers. The subscription will currently include 4 partners (GetResponse, HelpCrunch, Vectera, and Qlearly) and credits towards 1Password, Twist and many others.\n\nAdditionally, we wanted to give discounts for many other great tools we believe a high percentage of our subscribers could really benefit from. By potentially getting your feedback on the tools you use the most or are likely to use the most, we could see which tools should really be included within the subscription. All of this and more is what we are hoping to learn during this beta, which is currently limited at 500 subscribers.\n\nThis is also why we are holding off just a bit on building a backend for your account and our own payment system. We will have this ready by April 2020. The codes will be emailed to you 15 minutes after the checkout. You will receive an email with the link and password to an Airtable sheet.\n\nSome may call this a beta, others an MVP. However, something I have learned is if someone is willing to go through a bit of an unfamiliar process to access what you are offering, it is a good way to tell if you have something good on your hands.\n\nThank you again for willing to learn more about our beta. We hope this is something you will find helpful. If you have any suggestions to help us improve, I would love to hear from you: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nPlease note:\n\nDiscounts: You can purchase access to the discounts only.\n\nAccessing the codes: The codes will be emailed to you 15 minutes after the checkout. You will receive an email with the link and password to an Airtable sheet.\n\nRefunds: Unfortunately, since you will receive access to the codes within 24 hours, we can not offer refunds on your 1st transaction. However, if you become a subscriber you can request a refund within 48 hours of your 2nd transaction. In this case, your subscription will be canceled and refunded.\n\nDo you have any feedback or suggestions? I'd love to hear it as the project is still not launched. We plan to do so next Monday!\n\nOur main goal is to increase the value of the subscription over time while keeping it affordable, however, we simply don't have enough leverage when approaching companies. At least for now.\n\nThank you for your time :)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":22016263},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Taking Steps to Combat Your Own Decision-Making Bias - https:\/\/www.strategy-business.com\/article\/Why-Our-Brains-Fall-for-False-Expertise-and-How-to-Stop-It \\- _Set up \"if-then\" plans [such as] \"If I catch myself agreeing with everything a dominant, charismatic person is saying in a meeting, then I will privately ask a third person (not the presenter or the loudest person) to repeat the information, shortly after the meeting, to see if I still agree.\"_\n\n\\- _Get explicit, and get it in writing._ Document how decisions are made and conclusions reached.\n\n\\- _Incentivize awareness._ Reward people who point out systematic issues. Tom Brady pays defenders who intercept his passes in practice.\n\n\\- _Set up buffers._ Take a walk before making a decisions or to jostle loose unconsidered issues. Use \"pre-mortems\" to see how the yet to be made decision could go wrong, and work backward from there to mitigate and give insight into the best decision.\n\n\\- _Cut the cues._ Set up blind decisions that mask potential biases such as gender, ethnicity, background, hometown, and so on.\n\n<\/comment> I liked in particular adding a short \"cooling off\" period for a group to break and relax before coming back to make a decision.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":16838441},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Health News \u2013 Hacker News for Health - https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/ Tangential: I looked at other \"Hacker News for X\" sites and a lot of those links are now dead \u2014 [https:\/\/hn.algolia.com\/?query=\"hacker%20news%20for\"&sort=byP...](https:\/\/hn.algolia.com\/?query=\"hacker%20news%20for\"&sort=byPopularity&prefix&page=1&dateRange=all&type=story)\n\nOnly lobsters and Product Hunt made it out alive from what I can tell. Says a lot about HN's moderation team, do the things that don't scale indeed.\n\n I think HN teaches some great lessons. Building an online community has little to do with the technology of the platform. What matters the most is a strong robust set of founders, slow growth, and vigilent moderators. The founders will set the culture, and slow growth will help new comers to adapt. If you experience rapid growth you run the risk of new comers bringing in their own cultures without experiencing some of the \"we don't do that here forces\" thus diluting what makes the community special. Diversity of backgrounds is great, but once they're here... there are sets of expecations about behavior.\n\n Agreed although it may not apply for every community\/community type. Looks like you listened to Masters of Scale recently? :)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I appreciate the use of Discourse for this project, but unless the community is substantially similar to HN I don't see the value. A nontrivial number of links on HN deal with health (I'm thinking about recent stories related to dietary habits, sleep quality, and depression). And while these also appear elsewhere (Reddit, Twitter e.g), what I really value are the comments from this community that are well-moderated and on-point. Without the HN community the links on their own yield little value.\n\n Thanks for your feedback!\n\nI think we totally agree. Our sole goal, as stated here: [https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/t\/welcome-to-health- news\/7](https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/t\/welcome-to-health-news\/7) is to evolve this into a community that is as high quality as HN is. But HN wasn't HN on its day one. Speaking of which, here's a legendary post: [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=1](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=1) ;)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Looks neat.\n\nIf it's going to be like HN, then it needs the front page to have posts voted beyond a threshold. Right now it shows the latest, which is like going to the \"new\" section on HN and seeing all the submissions pouring in and waiting to appear on the front page. Maybe the front page showing top posts with recency could help. Health is another area where there's a lot of clickbait articles and spam. So controlling the quality of posts on the front page is very important.\n\n Absolutely so. Posts with more engagement will automatically climb up and that's on the \"Top\" section ([https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/top](https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/top)). We'll make this section the default as the community grows.\n\nThanks for the feedback!\n\n Or top daily perhaps [https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/top\/daily](https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/top\/daily)\n\n The reason we're leaving it at 'Latest' for now is because that's where the 'Welcome' post is pinned, which is important for people to get a sense of what it's all about and what does it stand for (i.e. mission).\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Hacker news fits all 30 links on a single screen in my current configuration\n\nHealth news fits 14 links in the same amount of space.\n\nLooks good, but increase in information density would be nice.\n\n Good point. We'll look into this.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> This seems to just be a standard Discourse forum with about 5 users.\n\nWhat makes it \"Hacker News for Health\"? Have you implemented features that make it work more like HN than Discourse usually does?\n\n \"[...] with about 5 [contributing] users.\" On the 'consuming' side, it's more than 20X of that.\n\nIn any case, the raison d'\u00eatre of this is to maintain a quality discourse around human health and biology. Why it doesn't \"seem\" to have achieved that goal yet is simply because it's a brand new project.\n\nNow the reason for _starting_ with Discouse is that, among its numerous capabilities, it actually does more than you'd expect when it comes to moderation. So it will help us maintain the quality as the community grows and we build our own tools.\n\nAgain, this is still in its infancy phase and even HN didn't look like HN on day or week one; [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=1](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=1)\n\nI guess good things don't get built up in a hurry :) especially good communities.\n\n I'm a moderator on a Discourse instance and while it's not perfect, it's pretty dang good. That said, it's more oriented toward discussion than link- sharing. Do you plan to be more Reddit-like or forum-like? (Of course, there's overlap between those categories, but generally speaking.)\n\n It is quite good indeed. Where do you see it lacking? Perhaps this is a blindspot for admins.\n\nThe aim is to really have some good discussions from time to time. We definitely don't want to make it a place to just dump links into.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Hey Pierre\n\nThis is great! I shared it with my cardiologist cousin and he says its epic!\n\nDid you use word press to build this?\n\n No, it uses the open source Discourse forum. [https:\/\/www.discourse.org](https:\/\/www.discourse.org)\n\n Epic! Thank you\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Just fyi: People with Health Anxiety, like me, please avoid this site :)\n\n You don't learn to ride a bike by avoiding bikes :)\n\nNonetheless, it's totally understandable.\n\n Hahaha, trust me, I have health anxiety because I've ridden that bike way too many times and are currently undergoing through the process of riding it even further :\/\n\n Since this seems to be more serious than expected, do you mind getting in touch? We want to see how we can help.\n\n Yeah I have a rare illness called intracranial idiopathic hypertension (7 months of daily headaches so far, yikes) and more bad things going on health wise, and consequently, I've developed health anxiety.\n\nSure, just tell me how we could get in touch on HN privately ;) Also I'm from Spain so just fyi.\n\n Could you please shoot an email to email@example.com? Just mention that you came from HN.\n\n Okay, just sent you an email :)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Is there an RSS feed?\n\n That's an Easter Egg :) Just add .rss to any URL, except the main one of course.\n\nE.g. [https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/latest.rss](https:\/\/news.nukleosome.com\/latest.rss)\n\n Excelente!!! Thank you!!!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Zero results for FHIR....\n\n Their last release was almost 3 months ago and this is still a bit of an infant :)\n\nHowever, please feel free to submit any interesting stuff on that front!<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":19380718},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"My first impressions about Go language - http:\/\/blog.balazspocze.me\/2015\/10\/13\/my-first-impressions-about-go-language\/ I am fascinated. Maybe that should be enough, but I guess I have to write a bit more here, because we are not in twitter.\n\nI spent a few days to get know Go language, and now I am more than satisfied. I mean, all the project ideas which are floating in my head should be written in Go.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Notation as a Tool of Thought (1979) [pdf] - http:\/\/www.eecg.toronto.edu\/~jzhu\/csc326\/readings\/iverson.pdf This is one of my favorite papers and a bigger influence on my coding than anything else I've read. It's hard to really take advantage of these ideas without a language designed for that, but I have made an attempt to document a style guide for python that tries to get some of the feel at least: [https:\/\/github.com\/fastai\/fastai\/blob\/master\/docs\/style.md](https:\/\/github.com\/fastai\/fastai\/blob\/master\/docs\/style.md)\n\n(NB: this approach to coding in Python won't suit most people, for many reasons - I wrote it because I had a lot of requests to document my approach, not because I want anyone else to do the same thing. But if you're curious about ways to lay out code that are rather different to PEP8, do check it out!)\n\n<\/comment> Nicholas Cooke in \"Handbook of Musical Analysis\" says something that has always influenced me very deeply:\n\n> All notation is analysis\n\nObviously he's talking in the specific context of musical notation, but it seems true in other fields too. Choosing how to notate seems a very important analytical decision and certain forms of notation help or hinder analysis.\n\nFeynman diagrams for example famously help to understand the maths underlying particle interactions.\n\nRoman numerals (for a different example) make all kinds of arithmetic much harder than in Arabic notation.\n\n > Roman numerals (for a different example) make all kinds of arithmetic much > harder than in Arabic notation.\n\nDefinitely not for simple addition or subtraction, the kind you're likely to do every day haggling over prices or counting things - roman numerals work visually!\n\nWhat is I + II? You just write them together -> III\n\nWhat is VVVV - V? Take just one V away -> VVV.\n\nKnowing that IIIII = V or X = VV = IIIIIIIIII only allows you to express things as a shorthand. Also, some numerals allow for a subtraction index, so: X - I = IX (take I from X)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> \"The preceding sections have attempted to develop the thesis that the properties of executability and universality associated with programming languages can be combined, in a single language, with the well-known properties of mathematical notation which make it such an effective tool of thought\" (378).\n\nI've been working through \"Seven Sketches in Composability\" [1], posted here a few weeks ago, and thinking about how much math relies in diagrams which are somewhere between drawing and writing. In research meetings, I often see people reasoning with diagrams and mathematical notation. In the vein of this article, I wonder whether it would also be possible to formalize mathematical pictographs to the point where they could be computable--a not-strictly- textual programming language. iPython notebooks often toggle between symbolic expressions and their implementation in code.\n\nOne thing that might be missing is context. Diagrams are indexical (pointing to contextual meaning) even more than text, often illustrating a problem that has previously been defined. This feels to me like potentially-fruitful design problem.\n\n[1] [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=16677395](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=16677395)\n\n Diagrams are a mainstay in architecture because they index multiple interreptations. This lends itself to creative work. The kind of computing done would be a weird one, having a stage that would generate multiple semantics for the same symbol and have to be executing on at least a couple of them.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Looking further back to the days before cheap writing, I recently enjoyed reading this paper by Netz about the Ancient Greek use of counters as a tool of thought:\n\n[http:\/\/articles.adsabs.harvard.edu\/cgi-bin\/nph- iarticle_quer...](http:\/\/articles.adsabs.harvard.edu\/cgi-bin\/nph- iarticle_query?db_key=AST&bibcode=2002HisSc..40..321N&letter=.&classic=YES&defaultprint=YES&whole_paper=YES&page=321&epage=321&send=Send+PDF&filetype=.pdf)\n\n[https:\/\/scholar.google.com\/scholar?cluster=86099607799623165...](https:\/\/scholar.google.com\/scholar?cluster=860996077996231654)\n\nIt explains how Greeks began using various sorts of counters or tokens for currency, policy making, court judgments, food distribution, recreation, etc., and demonstrates that Greek numeracy was quite varied and sophisticated while remaining concrete\/tangible.\n\n Hmm, in that sense an abacus was\/is certainly a tool of thought, and a notation system at that.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I've been meaning to read this for some time. Thanks for reminding me. What else like this is there? In book form or paper form. Or video.\n\n Me too; I have had the tab open months, or years at this point.\n\n[http:\/\/prog21.dadgum.com\/114.html](http:\/\/prog21.dadgum.com\/114.html) \\- \"Papers from the lost culture of Array Languages\" \\- has links to this and a couple more interesting sounding things.\n\n I've read and re-read \"Notation as a Tool of Thought\" ever since I came across it, one of my favorite papers.\n\nThank you for the link to this other paper, I can branch out to discover related works. Just found this one, I'll chew it well: \"Language as an intellectual tool: From hieroglyphics to APL\" [0].\n\n[0] [http:\/\/citeseerx.ist.psu.edu\/viewdoc\/download?doi=](http:\/\/citeseerx.ist.psu.edu\/viewdoc\/download?doi=<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Bitcaribe - https:\/\/bitcaribe.net\/en\/ Bitcaribe is a fintech startup that develops products and services based on blockchain technology for the general public, merchants, and investors. All Bitcaribe financial tools differentiate themselves for their easiness of use and reliability.\n\nWith Bitcaribe, you can buy cryptocurrencies with credit card, debit card or ApplePay in less than a minute. Whether you are a beginner or advanced trader, make use of our cryptocurrency exchange to easily receive, send, and trade dozens of different cryptoassets.\n\nFor more information, visit buy.bitcaribe.net<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ep.68 Triton (Podcast June 2020) - https:\/\/darknetdiaries.com\/episode\/68\/ Full Transcript @ [https:\/\/darknetdiaries.com\/transcript\/68\/](https:\/\/darknetdiaries.com\/transcript\/68\/)\n\nA mysterious mechanical failure one fateful night in a Saudi Arabian chemical plant leads a cast of operational technology researchers down a strange path towards an uncommon, but grave, threat. In this episode, we hear how these researchers discovered this threat and tried to identify who was responsible for the malware behind it. We also consider how this kind of attack may pose a threat to human life wherever there are manufacturing or public infrastructure facilities around the world.\n\nA big thanks to Julian Gutmanis, Naser Aldossary, Marina Krotofil, and Robert M. Lee for sharing their stories with us.\n\nSponsors This episode was sponsored by IT Pro TV. Get 65 hours of free training by visiting ITPro.tv\/darknet. And use promo code DARKNET25.\n\nThis episode was sponsored by Linode. Linode supplies you with virtual servers. Visit linode.com\/darknet and when signing up with a new account use code darknet2020 to get a $20 credit on your next project.\n\nSources [https:\/\/www.fireeye.com\/blog\/threat- research\/2019\/04\/triton-...](https:\/\/www.fireeye.com\/blog\/threat- research\/2019\/04\/triton-actor-ttp-profile-custom-attack-tools-detections.html) [https:\/\/www.fireeye.com\/blog\/threat- research\/2017\/12\/attacke...](https:\/\/www.fireeye.com\/blog\/threat- research\/2017\/12\/attackers-deploy-new-ics-attack-framework-triton.html) [https:\/\/www.fireeye.com\/blog\/threat- research\/2018\/10\/triton-...](https:\/\/www.fireeye.com\/blog\/threat- research\/2018\/10\/triton-attribution-russian-government-owned-lab-most-likely- built-tools.html) [https:\/\/dragos.com\/wp- content\/uploads\/TRISIS-01.pdf](https:\/\/dragos.com\/wp- content\/uploads\/TRISIS-01.pdf) Video S4 TRITON - Schneider Electric Analysis and Disclosure Video S4 TRITON - Mandiant Analysis at S4x18 Video S4 TRITON - Reverse Engineering the Tricon Controller by Dragos Video S4 TRITON - A Report From The Trenches Video - Safety Orientation video for the Chemical Plant Attribution Darknet Diaries is created by Jack Rhysider.\n\nEpisode artwork by odibagas.\n\nTheme music created by Breakmaster Cylinder. Theme song available for listen and download at bandcamp. Or listen to it on Spotify.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Samsung Introduces Next Gen Tactical Mobility with Galaxy S20 Tactical Edition - https:\/\/news.samsung.com\/us\/galaxy-s20-tactical-edition-next-generation-tactical-mobility-enterprise\/ 'Samsung Electronics America, Inc. today introduced the Samsung Galaxy S20 Tactical Edition (TE), a mission-ready smartphone solution tailored to the unique needs of operators in the federal government and Department of Defense (DoD). With a highly customized software and feature set, the Galaxy S20 TE can operate seamlessly with a range of existing peripherals and supports the requirements of tactical and classified applications, especially those designed to help operators navigate complex terrain, expansive distances, and the potential loss of communication with command units. Galaxy S20 TE also introduces DualDAR architecture, which delivers two layers of data encryption based on the NSA standards to secure up to top-secret level data for classified missions.'\n\nOriginal title was too long. It was:\n\nSamsung Introduces Next Generation of Tactical Mobility with the Galaxy S20 Tactical Edition<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3,"dup_dump_count":2,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2024-18":1,"2024-30":1}},"id":23252846},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Apple may delete your iTunes metadata - Recently, when opening iTunes after letting my Apple Music subscription lapse, I discovered my entire listening history and ~15 years playlist metadata had been automatically purged by Apple. Upon contacting Support I was informed this was the expected behavior and that my data was likely unrecoverable.

Fortunately I had a backup of the metadata. Do you? Looking to create a backup of your Playlist Metadata? Here's how: [https:\/\/habd.as\/post\/backup-restore-macos- mojave\/#itunes](https:\/\/habd.as\/post\/backup-restore-macos-mojave\/#itunes)\n\n<\/comment> That's really bad. I never subscribed to Apple Music, still on iTunes Match - hope that doesn't happen when I let that lapse. Yet another reason not to subscribe to Apple Music.\n\n<\/comment> Yes, via Time Machine.\n\n Google or Duck the search phrase \"backup mojave\". On page one you'll see an article titled \"How to Backup & Restore macOS Mojave\". I suggest you start there if you wish to properly back-up your system.\n\nFor better data portability you may import your iTunes data into Spotify and use the free streamexport.com website to connect with your Spotify account and, from there, export CSV files representing your entire library.<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Global Technology Advancements - http:\/\/www.m1l.asia\/articles\/51 The husband and wife go out to dinner to have quality time alone; as they sit across from each other, both of them on their phone.\n\nAnd what shall we do with our cell phone next? Should we start a photo stream or send out a text? Our day is just not complete, it seems without sending or receiving the latest memes.\n\n The confusion before tranquility ?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Octavio Paz Lozano, a Mexican poet and diplomat, pens technology as \"not an image of the world but a way of operating on reality.\"\n\nIt's amazing to see how technology has wrapped itself around \"man's little finger.\" With multitasking fast becoming the mantra of the day, it's tough to imagine being away from man's newest friend and companion: the cell phone. Carol Connell, a poet from poetrysoup.com, captures the pun of technological integration into our daily lives in his poem \"Cell Phone Phenomenon.\"\n\nIt reads thus:\n\nThe husband and wife go out to dinner to have quality time alone; as they sit across from each other, both of them on their phone.\n\nAnd what shall we do with our cell phone next? Should we start a photo stream or send out a text? Our day is just not complete, it seems without sending or receiving the latest memes.\n\nThe technology evolution of the past decade has been so hectic that it's tough to pen it down and to analyse the how the cornerstones of technology are deeply embedded into our daily lives. Experts believe that such integration was possible because of chain reactions fuelled by the innate needs of humanity to remain connected, irrespective of communication barriers. Like all other eras, the digital revolution was observed in both the software and the hardware side. As authorities viewed and documented human history, they distinguished Information Age as an economy based on information computerization. This information era's foundation was laid with the invention of early computing devices such as the abacus in Babylonia over 5000 years ago.\n\nAs time ticked away, a relatively advanced computing device was assembled by the \"Father of Computers\", Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and polymath of the 19th century. But, as the British government decided that the then project was not as viable as previously conceived, it was dissolved thereafter. However, this advancement sparked the need to develop a more sophisticated computer system \u2013 analog computers followed by the mightier digital computers.\n\nThe two dreadful world wars, which claimed lives of about 11 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians, was seen relying heavily on machines and computers. In order to achieve the favourable outcome and establish technological dominance, the government of United States heavily funded its navy to develop an electromechanical analog computer small enough to be used aboard a submarine, hence successfully shrinking its size, equipping the machine with precision, and educating it to solve firing problems using trigonometry.\n\nIt is undeniable that man's need to win has often yielded in technological advancement. As the world recuperated from the disasters of war, a new battle field was prepped for the show of dominance. The entire world witnessed the launch of the Soviet Union's artificial satellite, Sputnik, on October 4, 1957. Some viewed this news with suspicion, some with envy, and some with caution as the foundations were laid to usher in a new era. Another such war- worn invention that is noteworthy is the Internet (WWW - the world wide web).\n\nWith the breaking of the war, the importance of communication and information sharing within a small window of time became very crucial. The military realised efficiency of the packet networking system for communication. The US Department of Defence sanctioned funds for project ARPANET. This project helped in developing an eco-system of connecting networks. Simultaneously the UK government funded experts like Donald Davies to design and develop packet network between the 1960s and early 1970s.\n\nSoon, man realised the application of computer and communications to non- defence sectors like business, commerce, pharmaceutical, etc. Because of the realisations that private entities operated differently to that of the armed forces, principal designers, J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, of the United States, invented UNIVAC \u2013 the first commercial computer. Having seen the foundation for the PCs \/ laptops, the market then saw many entrants. Facing the cut-throat competition, IBM, another American multinational technology company, invented IBM 702 to go toe-to-toe with UNIVAC.\n\nAs humans progressed, they envisioned a computer for each individual, terming them personal computers, and called it laptops in a few years. The first personal computers were assembled in 1975 and came as kits: The MITS Altair 8800, followed by the IMSAI 8080, an Altair clone. It seemed that a new universe of possibility lay at our feet. And first to try their luck was college dropout Bill Gates with his childhood friend Paul Allen, establishing Microsoft. Leading ahead on the path of progress, Microsoft added many feathers to its hat - Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS), Windows, Web browser \u2013 Internet explorer, gaming console Xbox, and much more. Soon the technology sector saw fierce competition as Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak began their Apple journey; Intel was founded by Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce; Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates started a software company ORACLE, and so on.\n\nOn April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper made the first call via a mobile phone. The initial handset though not made with consumers in mind was sold for $4,000 each. Standing true to its meaning Mo-bile \u2013 on the go communication \u2013 the sector stands witness to staggering facts. With a legacy of 150 years, Nokia entered the mobile communications in 1968 and soon won over 250 million consumers, making their model Nokia 1100 the best-selling electrical gadget in history.\n\nNot long after, Packet networking system combined with satellite commutation leading to the development of the present Internet. Attendee Mark Pesce during the first International Conference on the World Wide Web, Geneva, addressed the audience, \"if the web can be said to have had a starting gun, it fired on that Wednesday morning at CERN,\" marking the arrival of WWW in the year 1994. The Internet opened such a world of technology where man is only at the hem of it. As the human civilization grows, so does his imagination to do the unthinkable. Technology has helped man to achieve that I-m-Possible.\n\nWith social networking, RFID, QR Code, graphic user interface, bar codes and scanners, SRAM flash memory, augmented and virtual reality, etc., technology is progressing at a very fast pace. Combine technology with man's imagination and we are sure to find GOD soon. Although having progressed so much, technology has few shades tainted red. Critics are often heard blaming technology advancement for impersonal communication, growing distances, globalising community, privacy and security frauds etc. Another worthwhile debate is pin pointing the master vs. the slave. But having given the democratic setting, it's safe to say for now that it's user's call of how to employ technology to enhance the quality of life.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":15154562},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Biddy Mason: From Slave to California Entrepreneur - https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Biddy_Mason Biddy Bridget Mason (1815-1891) was born into slavery and given as a wedding gift to a Mormon couple in Mississippi named Robert and Rebecca Smith. In 1847 at age 32, Biddy Mason was forced to walk from Mississippi to Utah tending cattle behind her master's 300-wagon caravan.\n\nAfter four years in Salt Lake City, Smith took the group to a new Mormon settlement in San Bernardino, California in search of gold. Biddy Mason soon discovered that the California State Constitution made slavery illegal, and that her master planned to move them all to Texas to avoid freeing them. With the help of some free blacks she had befriended, she and the other slaves attempted to run away to Los Angeles, but they were intercepted by Smith and brought back. However, when he tried to leave the state with his family and slaves, a local posse prevented his flight. Biddy had Robert Smith brought into court on a writ of habeas corpus. She, her daughters, and the ten other slaves were held in jail for their own safety until the judge heard the case and granted their freedom.\n\nNow free, Mason and her three daughters moved to Los Angeles where they worked and saved enough money to buy a house at 331 Spring Street in downtown Los Angeles. Biddy was employed as a nurse, midwife, and domestic servant. She was one of the first black women to own land in the city of Los Angeles. She had the gumption to use part of her land as a temporary resting place for horses and carriages, and people visiting town paid money in exchange for the space. This can be considered the first \"parking lot\" in Los Angeles!\n\nKnowing what it meant to be oppressed and friendless, Biddy Mason immediately began a philanthropic career by opening her home to the poor, hungry, and homeless. Through hard work, saving, and investing carefully, she was able to purchase large amounts of real estate including a commercial building, which provided her with enough income to help build schools, hospitals, and churches. Her financial fortunes continued to increase until she accumulated a fortune of almost $300,000. In today's money, that would be $6M. Her most noted accomplishment is the founding of the First AME Church in California.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":23811997},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Yogi, Document Clustering as a Service - https:\/\/cluster.meetyogi.com\/ What's an example of a business that would want to do this, and why? It looks interesting, but I fear the landing page is too geared towards saying what it does, but not telling a potential user why they'd want to do it.\n\n Great question, and one we're still juggling with :) We have some management consulting firms that use the clustering results as part of the analysis they do for clients, and some brands that have used it to better understand what people are asking them on their customer support tasks.\n\nI guess this is one of the difficulties that comes with NLP, since it can be applicable across a wide range of use cases.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Very interested to see the direction this all goes. Good luck.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Persuade or Be Persuaded - https:\/\/thepointmag.com\/2019\/politics\/persuade-or-be-persuaded-agnes-callard Pretending abstract principles have black-or-white truth value is the root cause of the problem. Each party trying to persuade the other in an argument is just papering over that fundamental issue. How can two people on opposite sides of a contentious debate ever agree if their logical axioms\/priorities are not the same? Debating principles is a touch of luxurious navel-gazing that is available only when suitably screened from real world consequences and related emotions.\n\nA far more constructive approach, IMHO, is to debate actions, and try to find middle ground. The reasons for which either of the disputing parties might consider the resulting action satisfactory might be completely different, but what matters is that it allows the deadlock to be resolved and for people to move on. In most cases, that is what the parties seek, and are happy to work towards and concede minor ideological points in the matter.\n\nHowever, with increasing emphasis on abstract statements, people easily lose touch with reality and are prone to pointless bikeshedding, but with increasing polarization and anger, while the actual situation becomes worse.\n\nIt seems more natural that we derive principles from behavior as a bunch of abstractions convenient to communicate, rather than deriving behavior from principles.\n\n Often you cannot give the proper context of why an action is prefered until you debate\/speak of the principles. For example, we both may want healthcare, but there isn't an easy 'action' to arrive at without discussing the 'truth' of if people have the right to their health or if the framing of the decision should be a market economic one. So I think you need both: both abstract arguments (without navel-gazing) and also a focus on the here-and-now immediacy of need fulfillment.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I think, increasingly these days, those who are in the wrong (like the picket- line crossing author) know that they're wrong and wallow in it like pigs in... mud. You can't convince folks like that, and it's disingenuous of them to demand that you waste your time trying to do so.\n\n<\/comment> Good response here: [https:\/\/thepointmag.com\/2019\/politics\/whose-university- respo...](https:\/\/thepointmag.com\/2019\/politics\/whose-university-response- agnes-callard)\n\nDon't be a scab.\n\n<\/comment> This is a harsh thing to say and here goes. This article and its response are boring. They're what happen when you take a high-stakes situation (union creation, scabs, overworked grad students) and take all the emotion out of it. People already interested may read these happily, but as a layperson, it took some effort for me.\n\nThe tldr; is (\"scab\" professor) supports holding class even when the sky is falling because of their duty to educate. The other side (grad student organizer) argues that not holding class was okay because many undergrads supported the grad student's efforts. Scattered throughout are references to Plato\/Socrates and some philosophical musings on if grad students are employees in the since of working for a business (and therefore able to unionize).<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Small world Health Body by vi 90 days challange - http:\/\/www.smallworldhealth.ca\/ Thanks for checking out my site. I am so excited about the Body by Vi\u2122 Challenge!

This 90 Day Challenge has already helped people lose millions of pounds! There are tens of thousands of people joining each month!

The Body by Vi\u2122 Challenge was created by ViSalus Sciences\u00ae, the company behind one of the fastest growing health movements in the world.

ViSalus is challenging the world to set a personal goal and make health a priority for at least 90 days, while awarding the participants with over $25,000,000 a year in free product, prizes and vacations.

Body by Vi was even featured on the latest cover story of Success From Home Magazine, and mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.

This thing is exploding! That is why they gave me this great website to help share the Challenge with others. good<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"How to Read an Unlabeled Sales Chart (2013) - https:\/\/www.evanmiller.org\/how-to-read-an-unlabeled-sales-chart.html I remember \"How Not To Sort By Average Rating\" by the same author, which I am confident helped shape thousands of recommendation\/quality sorting algorithms (including Reddit or Yelp), over the years that followed its writing.\n\n[https:\/\/www.evanmiller.org\/how-not-to-sort-by-average- rating...](https:\/\/www.evanmiller.org\/how-not-to-sort-by-average-rating.html)\n\n I doubt it. Evan's algorithm optimizes for user satisfaction. Merchants optimize for engagement and conversion.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Oh, this is a great read! I fondly recall a meeting with extremely bright individuals, and several of us were able to deduce the scale on the fly using the Riemann Zeta Function trick. The presenter was not pleased (the deduced number was not exactly complimentary to their messaging).\n\n How does that work, since in the common case the number of pixels would be rounded to nearest integer?\n\nThe article explains that this only works if you assume that there are much fewer sales than pixels, so that sales divide pixels.\n\n If I remember correctly, the metrics were in millions (and clearly rounded to the nearest million).\n\nAnd it wasn't sales data, I believe it had to do with chip design or marketshare (during the design phase of the current generation of consoles).\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> > In the absence of calamity, fortuitous events, or brilliant new marketing > strategies, sale counts are well-described by a Poisson process. That is, > you can think of there being an underlying average number of sales per day, > and each day will be a realization of a Poisson distribution with that > average.\n\nCan someone give a bit more justification for this? It seems like the average rate shouldn't be constant and is heavily dependent on time\/date.\n\nIf not, is there another justification for why sales mean should equal sales variance?\n\n > shouldn't be constant and is heavily dependent on time\/date.\n\nA priori it is assumed that sales are independent of time. That's part of what Poisson distribution means -- a constant rate of rolls of a fixed weighted die. The assumption could be wrong.\n\n> justification for why sales mean should equal sales variance\n\n[https:\/\/proofwiki.org\/wiki\/Variance_of_Poisson_Distribution](https:\/\/proofwiki.org\/wiki\/Variance_of_Poisson_Distribution)<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Recreating the Neolithic toolkit - https:\/\/www.archaeology.org\/issues\/152-1411\/features\/2591-germany-recreating-neolithic-toolkit Primitive Technology shows what techniques are possible for stone age hominids, albeit some ideas, like the blower forge, are likely inspired by modern inventions. But who knows what clever Neolithic hacks existed, until we dig them up.\n\n[https:\/\/primitivetechnology.wordpress.com](https:\/\/primitivetechnology.wordpress.com)\n\n<\/comment> A minor point, I'm not sure \"first carpenter\" is justified here\n\n\"How experimental archaeology is showing that Europe's first farmers were also its first carpenters.\"\n\nThere is the possibility that either Neanderthal or Erectus made it to the island of Cyprus, as early as 170,000 years ago:\n\n[https:\/\/phys.org\/news\/2012-11-anthropologist- mediterranean-i...](https:\/\/phys.org\/news\/2012-11-anthropologist- mediterranean-islands-inhabited-earlier.html)\n\nElsewhere in the world, we know of Erectus making it islands far from the mainland, islands which are believed to have been far from the mainland even with exaggerated assumptions about the low sea levels of the Ice Age.\n\nAt a stretch, you could make the case that sea levels got so low during the Ice Age that an early human could simply walk from Africa to Cyprus, or perhaps Anatolia to Cyprus -- that is, you could argue that Cyprus was part of the mainland. But I don't know of anyone serious ever making that argument.\n\nThe more likely alternative is that Neanderthal or Erectus built a boat and got to Cyprus over the water. If so, you'd have to consider them the first carpenters in Europe. Boats take some sophistication. You have to at least take a good axe and shape the trees you are working with.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"World's First Dengue Vaccine Originated from SLU Research - https:\/\/www.slu.edu\/news\/2015\/december\/dengue-vaccine.php _A vaccine to prevent dengue fever discovered by a Saint Louis University researcher in 1997 and now licensed worldwide by Sanofi Pasteur has been approved for use in Mexico. Dengvaxia\u00ae is the world 's first vaccine approved to prevent dengue fever, which is a virus spread by mosquitoes primarily in tropical and sub-tropical areas.\n\n\"Dengue fever is a huge costly and debilitating health problem in virtually all developing countries. It is very painful, puts people in the hospital and takes a major toll on the health of children,\" said Graeme Thomas, director of the office of technology transfer at Saint Louis University.\n\n\"SLU is a leader in the field of vaccine development and we're proud to play a role in efforts to prevent human suffering and disease.\"\n\nSLU is a leader in the field of vaccine development and we're proud to play a role in efforts to prevent human suffering and disease. According to the World Health Organization, about half of the world's population is at risk of developing dengue fever, which is a growing health threat. Dengue is believed to be under-reported, with an estimated 390 million infections a year. With symptoms similar to influenza, dengue affects babies, young children and adults. A rare and severe form of dengue can be deadly, causing extensive bleeding under the skin and inside the body.\n\nSaint Louis University holds the patent on the vaccine, which was developed in 1997 by Thomas Chambers, M.D., then an associate professor of molecular microbiology and immunology. While at SLU, Chambers studied flaviviruses, which typically are spread by mosquitoes in hot, rainy climates. He has subsequently pursued a career in private industry.\n\nA biopharmaceutical company that became Acambis Inc. obtained rights for vaccines developed at SLU to prevent dengue, Japanese encephalitis and West Nile. Acambis later partnered with Sanofi Pasteur to conduct human clinical trials of the vaccine in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Acambis was acquired by Sanofi in 2008.\n\nWhile Mexico is the first country to approve the use of the dengue vaccine, regulatory boards in other countries where dengue fever is endemic are reviewing licensing the vaccine. In a press release, Sanofi said it has produced first doses of the vaccine. When operating at full production capacity, Sanofi expects to produce 100 million vaccine doses a year._<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Japanese Math Professor Excellent on Optical Illusionist - http:\/\/youtu.be\/Wx4yi5m8IfI Japanese mathematics professor Kokichi Sugihara spends much of his time in a world where up is down and three dimensions are really only two. Professor Sugihara is one of the world's leading exponents of optical illusion, a mathematical art-form that he says could have application in the real world.

Three sloped ramps are aligned along three of the four sides of a square. Each ramp appears to be sloped in the same direction but when a marble is placed at one end of the ramp it seems to defy gravity.

It's called an \"anti-gravity slide\". Only when the the entire structure is turned 180 degrees, is the illusion revealed.

Japanese mathematics professor Kokichi Sugihara from the Meiji Institute near Tokyo, has made a career of creating optical illusions. He's devised and built more than a hundred of them, like this one called \"Perches and a Ring\".

[Kokichi Sugihara, Meiji University Professor]: \"Among these models, there are those which are reproductions of optical illusions, and others that seem like normal models, but when you add movement to them, they show movement that should be impossible in real life. This is done by using the same trick, and I call them 'impossible motions'.\"

Professor Sugihara's \"impossible motions\" have been recognized around the world. He won first prize in an international competition last year with this one, called \"Magnet-Like Slopes\".

Sugihara says the success of his illusions is tied to human perception. Because humans have the capacity to perceive two-dimensional objects as being three-dimensional, they can be fooled into believing that something \"impossible\" is taking place during the course of the illusion.

For Sugiraha the illusions aren't just for amusement. He says they have real world application. For example, he says misjudgments made by drivers on steeply curved roads could be mitigated by changing their perceptions of the immediate environment.

[Kokichi Sugihara, Meiji University Professor]: \"If we can find how drivers misjudge an incline, we would be able to construct roads where these incidents are less likely to happen. In other cases, we could also reorganize the surrounding environment so that drivers could more easily see the difference between an ascending and descending road, and it could lead to reducing traffic jams.\"

Sugihara says says his dream is to create playground amusements - even buildings with his models. More immediately though he has plans for an \"impossible object exhibition\", a venue to demonstrate that seeing really is believing. I wonder if the reporter referring to the math professor as a \"leading exponent\" of optical illusion was an intentional pun.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: Who is hiring? (July 2014) - Please lead with the location of the position and include the keywords INTERN, REMOTE, or VISA if the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. Feel free to post any job that may interest HN readers from executive assistant to machine learning expert to CTO.

Please do not post recruiting firms or job boards. Weft - [http:\/\/weft.io](http:\/\/weft.io) \\- Cambridge\/Boston, MA (office is in central sq.)\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n <\/comment> What we do <\/comment>===\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n \n\nStrategic Maritime Risk Planning (waze for ships, [https:\/\/www.waze.com\/](https:\/\/www.waze.com\/))! We're working in the largest, least sexy, most invisible industry in the world \u2014 90% of everything has been on a ship at one point in time.\n\nThe problem -> To try to decrease costs, carries have been increasing the size of container ships. The only problem there is that as container ships get larger, the variability in the global supply chain goes up (e.g. a large ship being late causes a headache to more people than a small one).\n\nHow we fix it -> We track every ship on the water and run a bunch of analysis on our data sets so that we can help our customers smooth out the rough edges. (One company we're working with spends 6.5 mil every month on \"late fees\" because of these rough edges).\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n ===== How we do it <\/comment>==\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n \n\nWeb\/data stack -> clojure + postgres\/cassandra\/redis\/rabbit + ruby on rails + hadoop\/EMR + node (we're a SOA shop)\n\nMobile -> iOS, android in the near term\n\nAlgorithms -> a dizzying mixture of oldschool and newschool techniques ;-)\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n <\/comment> And the rest <\/comment>=\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n \n\nWe've got some very interesting partners and customers (ranging from telcos to enterprise software providers to regional and international logistics companies). We also have some top tier investors (a16z)!\n\nLooking for help on mobile, frontend, and data science sides! Would be thrilled to find a CTO to grow the tech side of the company with me, but I'm also happy to find engineers who just want to build great things.\n\nIf this sounds interesting, please shoot me an email at email@example.com!\n\n We have a 'Who is Hiring' thread over at DataTau ([http:\/\/www.datatau.com\/item?id=3398](http:\/\/www.datatau.com\/item?id=3398)). Looking for data scientists? Feel free to crosspost there. We have a good chunk of the data science crowd there.\n\n Posted :-)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Bloomberg - San Francisco (full-time, no remote, no relo, visa ok)\n\nI am looking for the first few individuals to join a team of two building something special in SF. Bootstrapping a team from scratch requires a type of person who thrives in a startup atmosphere and can wear many hats. Ideal candidates have had plenty of experience scaling up or building large distributed systems and\/or building products for developers with a large user base. Full-time Bloomberg LP employment with generous benefits and compensation commensurate with experience.\n\nWho we are:\n\nWe run a worldwide network with somewhere around 35,000 circuits in 180+ countries. We ingest anywhere from 45-60 billion \"ticks\" daily aggregate from feeds in all of these countries. We normalize, scrub, and then re-distribute all this data to customers in all of those countries in an efficient manner. The Terminal provides analytic and visualization tools to work with market data, as well as the same tools to work with news and alerts. On the news side, we ingest over 80,000 news feeds (e.g. WSJ would be one \"feed\") from around the world and do the same kind of processing, applying ML for sentiment and topic classification, machine translation, etc. The web side (bloomberg.com, businessweek.com, Government, Law, etc) uses mostly Rails stacks and everything you would expect to find in a web shop.\n\nIf you want to join a team in the single digits and work for one of the most profitable software companies in the world, contact me -- firstname.lastname@example.com (personal e-mail)\n\n If Andrew Paprocki says a particular role at BB is interesting, it's probably amazing.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> IBM Watson - www.ibm.com\/watsonjobs - many locations Watson Group is IBM's $1B dollar bet on the cognitive computing space building upon the Watson technology developed for the now famous Jeopardy challenge.\n\nIf you have talent, skills and experience in the areas of: * NLP, * ML, and * Cloud Services,\n\nwe invite you to join a team that is working on ground-breaking and exciting projects.\n\nWe have aggressive growth plans and are looking to hire over 300 researchers and developers in 2014 alone!\n\nWorking @ Watson means: \\- Working first-hand with renowned industry leaders in NLP, ML, Speech Recognition \\- Contributing to products that have meaningful impact e.g. helping find cancer cure, helping doctors diagnose and treat patients better, helping people make wise investment decisions etc. \\- Having IBM's deep customer base and R&D investment behind you\n\nWe are hiring mostly in the US \u2013 Watson Group HQ are in East Village NYC (checkout our new headquarters [http:\/\/www.ibm.com\/smarterplanet\/us\/en\/ibmwatson\/watson- hq.h...](http:\/\/www.ibm.com\/smarterplanet\/us\/en\/ibmwatson\/watson-hq.html)) In addition, we have openings in NY, Boston, Raleigh, Pittsburgh, Austin, Prague and Dublin. Remote work is an option as well.\n\nIf you want to be part of a team that is growing fast, keeps things real, and is focused on getting things done rather than 'managing' things, do talk to us.\n\nCheck out all the openings at www.ibm.com\/watsonjobs for a variety of positions including cloud developer, software engineer, dev-ops engineer and many more.\n\n Are all of IBM's operations at the Watson center in Yorktown Heights moving to Manhattan or are these really two separate groups? I ask as someone who is interested in applying.\n\n These are two separate groups - Watson Group will have presence in both Manhattan (HQ) and Yorktown Heights\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> REMOTE developer positions at Twin Technologies.\n\nContract and full-time positions - currently seeking front-end, node, and scala\/java developers.\n\nWe are an elite consultancy called Twin Technologies. We're about 25 FTEs and 40 contractors. I settled here after working in multiple startups, contracting for a larger consultancy, and even co-running my own consultancy and incubator. I came back to Twin after a year hiatus because this is really as good as it gets. The leadership is fantastic, and work-life balance is deeply ingrained in the culture. On top of that, I can honestly say that I enjoy working with my entire team and look forward to our three yearly get- togethers.\n\nWe're very selective with who we hire, but if you're reading this then it's a good start that you're on Hacker News. We've got some big projects in the pipeline and need to find the right people to join us ASAP. Drop us a line if you're interested. Also drop me a line is you have any general questions about tech consulting. Write to firstname.lastname@example.com and please include \"HN\" in the subject.\n\n Wrote Andy for 'general questions about tech consulting', he replied back with an earnest, helpful response. Seems like a great person to work with.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> CircleCI ([https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs](https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs)) - fulltime, SF or REMOTE, international OK, VISA-transfers OK\n\nMore than anything, we try to make CircleCI a great place to work. You might love it too if you like:\n\n\\- working with great people who you can learn from\n\n\\- to work on developer tools\n\n\\- building a product that customers love, and pay for\n\n\\- working with Clojure and ClojureScript\n\n\\- flat, transparent cultures (we're inspired a lot by Valve and similar companies) [1]\n\n\\- to work remotely, or to have your own private office in SF [2]\n\nWe're hiring lots of roles, esp in engineering, design, dev-success, and dev- marketing.\n\n[1] [http:\/\/blog.circleci.com\/kindness-is- underrated\/](http:\/\/blog.circleci.com\/kindness-is-underrated\/) [2] [http:\/\/blog.circleci.com\/silence-is-for-the- weak\/](http:\/\/blog.circleci.com\/silence-is-for-the-weak\/)\n\nCheck out [https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs](https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs) for details\n\n<\/comment> Twin Technologies, Inc\u2026 REMOTE in the US (Prefer people in DC\/Baltimore\/Albany or Philly area, but open to US), www.twintechs.com.\n\nTwin Technologies, Inc. is a technology consulting services firm using software to help organizations achieve new heights in productivity and profit while strengthening brand and image. We feature business optimization solutions that optimize company-to-consumer conversations, workflows and transactions; digital media management and collaboration solutions delivering video across multiple channels and devices; and user experience design that unlocks rich and intuitive user experiences.\n\nWe are looking for amazing Senior Engineers and Project Managers. Front-End (HTML5, Javascript, Responsive,eCommerce). Back-End (eCommerce\/Java\/Scala\/Ruby\/PHP. Project Managers (Scrum Master\/Product Owner\/Software Team Leadership). Jobs can be reviewed and applied for here: [http:\/\/twintechs.com\/about-us\/contact- us\/careers\/](http:\/\/twintechs.com\/about-us\/contact-us\/careers\/) or you can email me direct at firstname.lastname@example.com [http:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/lauriecheverie\/](http:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/lauriecheverie\/)\n\n<\/comment> Factual - Los Angeles, San Francisco, Shanghai\n\nFactual is currently hiring engineers and data lovers of all levels in the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Shanghai.\n\nFactual's location platform enriches mobile location signals with definitive global data, enabling personalized and contextually relevant mobile experiences. Built from billions of inputs, the data is constantly updated by Factual's real-time data stack. We were named one of \"50 Disruptive Companies in 2013\" by MIT Technology Review. We have a terrific team that is still fairly small and an incredible CEO who was previously the co-founder of Applied Semantics (which was bought by Google and became AdSense). Factual has venture funding from Andreessen-Horowitz and our partners\/customers include Facebook, Yelp, Trulia, and Newsweek.\n\nThere are many challenging problems to work on at all layers of the stack: data cleaning and canonicalization, storage, deduping, serving, APIs, improving data using machine learning, etc. A great example is one of our most recent products, Geopulse Audience, which stands at the intersection of high quality places data and large scale analysis of user geo-data: [http:\/\/www.factual.com\/products\/geopulse- audience](http:\/\/www.factual.com\/products\/geopulse-audience) . If you love data, Factual is the place to be. Our main criteria are that you're smart and get things done, but you'll get bonus points for experience with Clojure ([http:\/\/www.factual.com\/jobs\/clojure](http:\/\/www.factual.com\/jobs\/clojure)), machine learning, NLP, algorithm design, or Hadoop.\n\nYou can email me personally at firstname.lastname@example.com, or view our job postings and apply directly via Jobvite: Los Angeles\/SF Bay Area Software engineer: [http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oQR1Vfwn&s=Hackernews](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oQR1Vfwn&s=Hackernews)\n\n<\/comment> Periscope - fulltime in SF. Visa-transfers OK.\n\nPeriscope is a data analysis tool that uses pre-emptive in-memory caching and statistical sampling to run data analyses really, really fast. Customers typically see a 100x-10,000x speedup of their analysis queries on the day they install.\n\nWe also write the popular High-Performance SQL Blog ([https:\/\/periscope.io\/blog](https:\/\/periscope.io\/blog)) which gets tens of thousands of monthly uniques, and espouses our marketing philosophy of helping analysts wherever we can, whether or not they end up buying.\n\nWe're hiring marketers, designers and engineers! See:\n\n* [https:\/\/www.periscope.io\/outrageous-marketer](https:\/\/www.periscope.io\/outrageous-marketer)\n\n* [https:\/\/www.periscope.io\/user-experience-designer](https:\/\/www.periscope.io\/user-experience-designer)\n\n* [https:\/\/www.periscope.io\/data-obsessed-engineer](https:\/\/www.periscope.io\/data-obsessed-engineer)\n\nWe're a team of 4 ex-Google and Microsoft engineers and PMs. We have venture funding, paying customers, > 25% m\/m revenue growth, and a spacious loft apartment in SF to work out of.\n\nEmail me (firstname.lastname@example.com) if you have questions!\n\n<\/comment> StoryWorth ([https:\/\/www.storyworth.com](https:\/\/www.storyworth.com)) FULLTIME, SF, YC-funded\n\nI'm hiring for two founder-level roles at StoryWorth: Head of Marketing and Partnerships, and Head of Community.\n\nStoryWorth makes it easy for people to privately record their family stories. Each week, we email our customers a question about their life, for example \"What do you remember about your grandmother?\" or \"Tell me about the day you got engaged\". All they have to do is reply with a story, either by email or by phone. We save their stories and share them privately with their family.\n\nWe have a launched product with paying customers across the country who love our service. This is an opportunity to be part of the founding team that is going to help every family in the world record their story for generations to come.\n\nYou're a good fit for these roles if you crave a ton of responsibility on a small team. You'll get to define your strategy, and then you'll actually get to execute on it. If you're the kind of person who learns by doing, you'll be learning faster than ever before.\n\nIf you're interested in either position, I'd be happy to tell you more about each specific role. Send me a short note about yourself at email@example.com, I can't wait to hear from you!\n\n awesome company!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Front-end developer, npm, Oakland, CA: [https:\/\/npmjs.org](https:\/\/npmjs.org)\n\nWe are the most popular package manager for Node.js and we're completely rebuilding and redesigning our website. We want somebody who cares a lot about CSS and HTML to join our team as our second full-time front-end developer, working with a world-class design firm to make our site more useful for the millions of JavaScript developers who visit it.\n\nWe are not a typical early stage startup. We believe that working sensible hours and taking care of ourselves and our loved ones is the best way to ensure long-term productivity. We care deeply about making tech a more inclusive and diverse place.\n\nnpm is an open-source project, including our website.\n\nFor more details, [http:\/\/npmjs.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/npmjs.com\/jobs\/)\n\n \"We care deeply about making tech a more inclusive and diverse place.\"\n\nIf we assume that other companies listed here will abide by employment law i.e. non-discrimination in hiring, what is your selling point? That you care more than other companies do? That you engage in diversity outreach programs?\n\nOr are you sending a subtle message that white heterosexual male programmers who like watching sports need not apply?\n\nGiven that the Gnome foundation ran out of money because they diverted donations to women's outreach, rather than focusing on the core mission of programming, I think it's fair to ask especially as your founder was embroiled in a controversy over gender neutral pronouns, if you intend npm to be a pure technology company or some kind of activist organization?\n\n \"Given that the Gnome foundation ran out of money because they diverted donations to women's outreach, rather than focusing on the core mission of programming\"\n\nThis is, shockingly, incorrect:\n\n1) The GNOME Foundation did not run out of money. 2) The reason for the financial issues was not that money from donations was diverted to women's outreach - instead, corporate donations that were intended specifically for OPW were not received before outgoings to students were due. Money from existing reserves was used to cover the shortfall, most of which has now been made up as the original donations have been received. 3) The GNOME Foundation's charter does not define a core mission of programming. One of its roles is to promote development of the GNOME platform, and recruiting developers from a pool that's been largely ignored by the free software community is an excellent way to do that.\n\nThat's three fundamental factual errors in 25 words.\n\n Sorry, you're being sligtly misleading.\n\n[https:\/\/wiki.gnome.org\/FoundationBoard\/CurrentBudgetFAQ](https:\/\/wiki.gnome.org\/FoundationBoard\/CurrentBudgetFAQ)\n\n\"The GNOME Foundation had a temporary lack of reserves due to processing the funds for the Outreach Program for Women (OPW). Due to a very fast and generous response from the Free software community, the foundation now has over three months of operating costs, which is more than enough time for the pending invoices to be paid.\"\n\nIn plain English: They ran out of money because they used money which people had donated for software development to pay for the women's outreach program. Instead of waiting for the corporate downations to arrive, they prioritised the women's outreach program over everything else.\n\nAs for the GNOME charter, \"The GNOME Foundation will work to further the goal of the GNOME project: to create a computing platform for use by the general public that is completely free software.\"\n\nNowhere does it say that the GNOME foundation is going into the business of diversity outreach. So why should people donating to the GNOME foundation, who expect the money to be spent on building the GNOME platform\/desktop, instead see it goto an outreach program?\n\n Running out of money would imply that there was, well, no money. Which was never the case. The Foundation has significant cash reserves, as you can easily verify from looking at its public accounts.\n\nThe outreach program has resulted in a significant increase in the number of developers working on the GNOME project, which improves their ability to build the GNOME platform. The charter doesn't say that they'll sponsor developer travel to conferences either, or the purchase of hardware in order to improve integration. Why are you hung up on a specific example of spending money in a way that improves the project, but not any others?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Khan Academy \u2014 Mountain View, CA (we also love interns, and remote is a possibility)\n\nWe're a small, non-profit tech startup bringing a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere.\n\nHere's a testimonial we received last wweek:\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nI just want to thank you soooo very much in high school it was very hard for me and I hated studying also even thou my mother told me it would help me I never listened and now I am in college and this website helps me so much with algebra\/health and so much more when I start working again I want to give back to you for helping me out in college and becoming a Doctor because you can never say never :)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nEvery month we get hundreds of letters like this from people in all walks of life who are thankful for our free, high-quality educational content. Most of you reading this are familiar with Sal's videos, but we also have hundreds of videos by other teachers, partnerships with organizations like MoMA and the California Academy of Sciences, and a huge library of interactive exercises. Over 20 million math problems are done every week on our site.\n\nYou'll be part of a small team working alongside both \"celebrity\" devs (like jQuery creator John Resig and Google's first employee Craig Silverstein) and many more who you haven't heard of but who are also really awesome.\n\nWe're especially looking for new product designers (of all types) but we also have many engineering positions open as well as some positions for a teacher and contract question writers.\n\nApply at [https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/careers](https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/careers) and mention that you're coming from HN. Feel free to email me at firstname.lastname@example.com if you have questions about applying or about KA in general. Unfortunately we can't sponsor visas right now unless you're from Canada, Australia, or Mexico.\n\n Don't take me wrong, I really appreciate Khan and I've learned quite a bit from his videos, but I am not seeing the technical challenges in running the website. My opinion is the challenge with Khan's academy is not a technical one, but how to scale the teachers\/presenters. Khan is a great teacher, very knowledgable and engaging, but how do you find people like him to take over the other subjects.\n\n A few things we're currently working on building:\n\n\u2013 The next version of our personalized learning dashboard [1] to make the UI more consistent across subjects and to help people learn better\n\n\u2013 Improved knowledge models so we can better know what you know and don't know [2]\n\n\u2013 Better tools for our content creators to allow them to make thousands of engaging, interactive exercise problems without knowing how to code [3]\n\n\u2013 A major revision to our iOS app to let students practice skills on the go (or in a classroom with iPads!)\n\n\u2013 Infrastructure improvements to make the site more reliable and faster for our millions of visitors every month [4]\n\nThere's a ton more that we want to do but haven't had a chance to even think about yet. Not all of our work is technically interesting, but a lot of it is, and it's easy to find technical challenges if that's what you're looking for.\n\n(As for new content, we're working on partnerships with other organizations [5][6] and have many new content creators in other subjects [7]. We're obviously working hard to find ways to make more great content.)\n\n[1]: [https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/58354379257\/intr...](https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/58354379257\/introducing- the-learning-dashboard)\n\n[2]: [http:\/\/mattfaus.com\/2014\/05\/improving-khan-academys- student-...](http:\/\/mattfaus.com\/2014\/05\/improving-khan-academys-student- knowledge-model-for-better-predictions\/)\n\n[3]: [https:\/\/github.com\/Khan\/perseus](https:\/\/github.com\/Khan\/perseus)\n\n[4]: [https:\/\/twitter.com\/soprano\/status\/474729636710985728](https:\/\/twitter.com\/soprano\/status\/474729636710985728)\n\n[5]: [https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/90372763660\/new-...](https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/90372763660\/new- series-on-the-american-revolution-from-the-aspen)\n\n[6]: [https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/65072185996\/khan...](https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/65072185996\/khan- academy-and-moma-collaborate)\n\n[7]: [https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/89105955375\/more...](https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/89105955375\/more- health-and-medicine-content-now-available)\n\n Another example of something technically cool that we built recently is tinyquery, a pure-Python reimplementation of Google BigQuery suitable for very small data sets, which we're using for (fast) integration testing when building pipelines on top of the BigQuery API:\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/Khan\/tinyquery](https:\/\/github.com\/Khan\/tinyquery)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> DuckDuckGo (remote or local in Paoli, PA). If you're a DuckDuckGo user who is excited about what we're trying to accomplish, then check out our hiring page at [https:\/\/dukgo.com\/help\/en_US\/company\/hiring](https:\/\/dukgo.com\/help\/en_US\/company\/hiring)\n\nIn particular, we're looking right now for:\n\n-1 or 2 Back-end (Perl) engineers.\n\n-1 Front-end (JavaScript\/CSS) engineer.\n\n-1 Operations (Chef\/Site-reliability) engineer.\n\n-1 Desktop\/mobile Web designer.\n\n<\/comment> Lovely, San Francisco: [http:\/\/livelovely.com](http:\/\/livelovely.com). Looking for smart, relatively senior devs and designers. No remote, but we'll pay relocation expenses if you're not local and we've sponsored two H1Bs so far.\n\nWe're the prettiest entrant in a traditionally un-pretty industry: real estate. This is an entrenched industry that is overdue for some innovation, and it's a great opportunity to work on improving the difficult experience of finding a home. Your rent payment is probably the biggest bill you pay every month.\n\nIt's a great time to join because we've recently hit an inflection point, especially in SF where it's hard to find an apartment. We're on Lifehacker regularly, featured in last month's WIRED magazine, and 7x7 named us one of the top startups changing the world.\n\nWe're just over 20 people right now but we're growing as fast as we can find people. We just signed a lease for our first office by ourselves, a gorgeous 6000sqft building. I run engineering -- ex-YC, Django dev, been in the real estate space most of my life. I'd be happy to answer any of your questions: email@example.com.\n\n Two questions: 1 Do you support anywhere outside of SF? 2 Do you support someone without a credit score?\n\nI ask because I think the product you have is sorely lacking in many, many areas, and is a great idea! And I ask about the credit score as growing numbers of people are ditching credit cards and other forms of loans in favor of good ol' cash and checks.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Hall [https:\/\/hall.com\/careers](https:\/\/hall.com\/careers) San Francisco, CA (local preferred) VISAs OK\n\nHiring for the following full-time roles:\n\nSr. Fullstack Engineer\n\nSr. Rails Engineer, Infrastructure\/Backend\n\nVisual Designer\n\n___________________________\n\nTransforming the way companies communicate.\n\nWhy work at Hall?\n\nWork on a product you'll be actively using every day\n\nWe use node.js, rails, redis, mongoDB, capistrano, chef and EC2\n\nWe're a design & data-driven organization.\n\nRecently raised a $5.5m series-A when the company was just 2 people led by the early investors in Mint.com, Google and Box - Felicis, PivotNorth, Founder Collective and AngelPad.\n\nLocated in SOMA, San Francisco near 4th and Bryant. Just a 5 minute walk from Caltrain.\n\nHall's CEO & founder Brett Hellman joined his first startup at 14, and also spent time building new products at Yahoo & Intuit.\n\nHall's CTO & co-founder Ron Adams, previous led the engineer team at Yahoo! Sports.\n\n___________________________\n\nPERKS: Be a part of a world-class team, love what you do and have a huge impact!\n\nTop-of-the-line MacBook Pro or MacBook Air and 27\" monitor\n\nGenerous equity grants\n\nWeekly company-wide happy hours\n\nMedical insurance with very low co-pay and deductible. HMO, PPO, and HSA options available\n\nDental coverage\n\nVision coverage\n\n[https:\/\/hall.com\/careers](https:\/\/hall.com\/careers)\n\n hi Matt, Hall sounds like a great company to work for.\n\nI am an experienced software developer looking for opportunities in the Bay area. I am currently working at Qualcomm- Modem software division. At this point in my career, I really want to break into the mobile \/ web development, but it has proven not easy- given that my experience is primarily with firmware \/ embedded device programming.\n\nI do, however, have a strong foundation in CS fundamentals: algorithms, data structures, good coding practices. I also have a lot of experience in all aspects of the software development life cycle (requirements, design, implementation and testing), having implemented and maintained high-quality software that are deployed on billions of mobile devices around the world.\n\nI have taken initiatives on my own to learn about web and mobile development. Last summer, I took Startup Engineering class on Coursera which taught front- end and back-end technologies, built a website on my own in a month (~10,000 lines of code), earned a place in the final projects rankings, and a distinction for passing the class at 97% grade. I am also signing up for Android programming class on the same platform.\n\nI am an extremely fast learner and am eager to learn whatever necessary, including new languages and technologies, to get the jobs done.\n\nPlease let me know if you are interested. You can reach me at 858-405-8831 or email@example.com\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Industry Dive - [http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/](http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/) \\- Washington, DC\n\nWe are a rapidly expanding mobile-focused B2B media startup. We have a staff of writers and editors who provide breaking news and original analysis for executives in industries like Education, Marketing, Energy, and Retail. See [http:\/\/www.retaildive.com](http:\/\/www.retaildive.com) for example.\n\nWe're hiring for a number of positions:\n\n\\- Audience Development Manager\n\n\\- Digital Media Sales Associate\n\n\\- Full Time Business Writer\/Editor\n\n\\- Freelance business writers (can be remote)\n\n\\- Django\/Python Developer (job ad not posted yet)\n\n\\- Design Interns, Devleoper Interns, and Editorial Interns\n\nMost of these are on [http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/company\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/company\/jobs\/) but feel free to reach out with any questions or if you think you'd be a good addition to the team, but don't see a specific opening. eli-at-industrydive- com\n\n<\/comment> CB Insights - [http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com](http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com) \\- New York, NY (full-time)\n\nVP, Engineering - [http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs\/vp- engineering](http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs\/vp-engineering)\n\nDirector, Online Marketing - [http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs\/director-online- marketing](http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs\/director-online-marketing)\n\nDirector of Research, Editor-in-Chief - [http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs\/director- research](http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs\/director-research)\n\nSeveral other opportunities here - [http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs](http:\/\/cbinsights.com\/jobs)\n\nWe're a revenue-funded company (aka bootstrapped) doing seven-figure revenues and planning to double our team this year.\n\nAwesome team tackling interesting problems. Our office also has a gong.\n\n<\/comment> PHP\/Back end or Front-End Developer INTERN - Washington DC\n\nThe agency I work for, Engage ([http:\/\/enga.ge](http:\/\/enga.ge)), is looking for fall developer interns. We do everything from WordPress sites to our own products to custom web and mobile apps, and most of our work relates to politics\/issue advocacy. We're particularly passionate about Internet issues (anti-SOPA advocacy was a big pro bono project for us). Right now we're gearing up to launch a new product so it's a pretty exciting time. Check out our portfolio here: [http:\/\/enga.ge\/work\/](http:\/\/enga.ge\/work\/).\n\nAnyway, we are looking for a college student with back or front-end talent (PHP\/MySQL or Javascript\/HTML\/CSS). Must be in the DC area or willing to relocate; foreigners welcome as long as you can secure a visa on your own (usually J-1 or F-1).\n\nAlso, note that we treat our interns well and hire them. In fact, one of our current developers used to intern here, as did I. And, management doesn't really care if you have side projects, which is always nice.\n\nTo apply, please send me an email directly to email@example.com with the subject \"Developer intern from Hacker News\" (I'm the technical project manager). Include your resume, GitHub\/portfolio link and a brief description of why you want to work with us. Hope to hear from you!\n\n<\/comment> Leadify - [http:\/\/leadify.net](http:\/\/leadify.net) \\- Jackson, MS Leadify influences people who aren't looking for you.\n\nBackend Engineer\n\nWhat you'll do * Consistently ship high-quality code to production * You'll implement features for our social messaging application using Ruby (Sinatra framework) \\- Write custom web services that interact with social platforms like Twitter. We listen and provide recommendations based on trends. Then we deploy and track the effectiveness of our messages. \\- Design RESTful APIs that allow our web apps to interact with our data * Convert time-consuming manual reports into web services that return data instantly using the ActiveRecord ORM * Build data transformation scripts that allow our different apps to talk to each other\n\nWho we're looking for * A self-starter that can get stuff done with little supervision. We expect you to come up with an initial design, talk it over with our architect and you're good to go. * Strong CS fundamentals, some experience with our stack (Ruby, Sinatra Framework, MySQL, Redis, Perl, Neo4J, JavaScript, Angular.JS) and a desire to learn and master your craft. * An understanding of application performance (Big-O and profiling) and data structures\n\nBonus * Deep knowledge of Graph Theory; Familiarity with graph databases * Database Skills - 3rd Normal Form is \"normal\" to you\n\nInterested? Send us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Smarkets, London, Software Engineer, Python, Erlang & Mobile\n\nSmarkets is disrupting the global betting industry by offering a modern betting exchange with significantly lower transaction fees than the competition. We're a well-funded company with a small, agile development team, and our platform has handled over \u00a3500 million of bets. Smarkets has been featured in publications such as Wired, The Wall Street Journal and TechCrunch and was recently selected as part of the Startups 100.\n\nWe're building a reliable, low-latency exchange system to facilitate automated traded strategies, as well as a fast, modern web interface. Our team constantly works on significant, challenging software engineering problems; if you're fed up of writing yet another boring CMS, we might be able to help. The Smarkets platform is written predominantly in Python and Erlang, and relies heavily on asynchronous programming techniques and REST. We make extensive use of version control, configuration management and automated testing, which allows us to reliably deploy code to production several times a day.\n\nOur team builds on a modern, open-source software stack which includes Linux, Vagrant, Flask, Eventlet, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, Graphite, Chef and Git. For more info: [http:\/\/info.smarkets.com\/about\/jobs\/](http:\/\/info.smarkets.com\/about\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> Thread.com (YC S12) - Software engineer who loves product (Python\/Django) London, England. [https:\/\/www.thread.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.thread.com\/jobs)\n\nWe're a startup trying to reinvent retail so men can dress well without being subject to the horrors of the high street or having to trawl through millions of items online. We do this using a combination of powerful algorithms and human stylists.\n\nYou'd be joining a small, highly technical team with a ton of startup experience (the founders have started and sold 2 companies before). You'll be one of the first technical hires and get to build and own huge parts of the product and work on the core algorithms.\n\nOne of our ancillary goals is to build one of the best engineering cultures anywhere, and we'd love you to help us do that. We launched in October and user and revenue numbers are scaling extremely quickly. We're backed by a collection of the top investors from London and Silicon Valley as well as Y Combinator.\n\nWe're especially interested in people who are interested in founding their own startup one day. We view working at Thread as a founder bootcamp where you'll learn about all parts of starting and growing a startup.\n\nWant to learn more? Check out [https:\/\/www.thread.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.thread.com\/jobs) and you can see some of our code at [http:\/\/dev.thread.com\/](http:\/\/dev.thread.com\/)\n\nThanks!\n\n<\/comment> SMSgrupp, Stockholm, Sweden. Android-, iOS- and Backend Developer\n\nGroup messaging startup with 10 developers and offices on three continents looking for mobile app and backend developers. Given the small size of our team, you will be a critical part of the company.\n\nSupertext is a new and exciting chat app with a very competitive advantage that no other chat app has: Full integration and relations with the Telecom operators enabling the app to break out of the silos that chat apps are limited to and deliver a hybrid of SMS and regular chat apps.\n\nSupertext is based on SMSgrupp which is a mature SMS-based communcation tool that works on all mobile phones, regardless of model or age. SMSgrupp is rapidly spreading in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.\n\nThe main quality we'd like to see in a candidate is simply the ability to ship solid, professionally written and maintainable code. And enjoy doing it. If you have apps in the Market, and a proven track record of delivering quality code that stirs a developer's admiration, that counts for more than any number of impressive degrees.\n\nWe look for: Solid knowledge of tools and language Strong understanding of software engineering principles and object-oriented concepts. Pride in writing simple and beautiful code. Product sensibility and understanding of interaction design. A sense of humor and a light heart.\n\nOur new offices are situated near the water in central Stockholm, at G\u00f6tgatan just beside Slussen. If this piques your interest, drop us a mail at jobs at smsgrupp dot se. We would love to hear from you!\n\n Great product!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Trail of Bits is hiring.\n\nWe're working on many funded research projects focusing on software security, program analysis, compiler construction, trusted computing and network security. We also have a commercial product for automated enterprise security assessment.\n\nWe're looking for enthusiastic hackers, scientists, and engineers to work with us. We have no specific requirements in terms of degrees or years of experience, some of our staff have completed high school, others have graduate degrees. We'd really like to hear from people with strong programming skills in Ruby, C\/C++, OCaml, and people with strong reverse engineering and vulnerability analysis skills. If you have experience with systems programming, program analysis (to include dynamic binary instrumentation, symbolic execution, and abstract interpretation), reverse engineering, or application and software security assessment, we'd like to talk to you.\n\nOur primary location is New York City, though remote work is a possibility if the fit is right. Our salaries are competitive, benefits are generous, and our culture is relaxed. In the past, our researchers and engineers have turned their personal projects into funded work. We'd like to do that more, so if you have your own ideas we can help you work on them.\n\nWorking at Trail of Bits, you will work closely with some really smart people in the security industry. We also encourage our employees to talk publicly about their work at conferences and on the Internet.\n\nIf you are interested and would like to know more, send an e-mail with your resume to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> VideoBlocks - Reston Virginia Full-Time Backend Web Developer\n\nWe are looking for multiple backend web developers to help us launch exciting new projects. Our stack is PHP but we love language agnostic Devs who are willing to learn. We prefer NOVA\/DC local, but we have remote employees and are open to remote for the right candidate.\n\nOur Dev Wishlist (Not all needed, but the more the better) 2+ years web app dev experience Experience with MVC principals Experience with PHP Experience with Sphynx Experience with Redis Experience with selenium Expwrience with Git Hacker attitude Love of learning\n\nWe offer, Competitive salaries Insurance Take when you need it unlimited time off Ping Pong games\n\nIf you are interested, email me at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nVideo Blocks is a profitable, venture backed technology company, recently recognized by Inc. Magazine as being the fourth fastest growing media company in the United States.\n\nVideoBlocks.com offers a subscription-based service that provides members with unlimited downloads of stock video, motion backgrounds, production music, sound effects, special effects, After Effects templates and more.\n\nIn 2013, Video Blocks was ranked the 32nd fastest growing technology company in the US\/Canada, and the 2nd fastest growing technology company in the DC region by Deloitte for the Fast500, for achieving 7,000% revenue growth over the past 5 years.\n\n<\/comment> Droplet (dropletpay.com) - Ruby on Rails developer (Shoreditch, London)\n\nDroplet is a funded, fast-growing startup working to overhaul payments. We have mobile apps, web apps and a realtime API - most of our platform side code is Ruby and Go, and we are using a handful of other services and technologies.\n\nYou:\n\n \n \n - Have experience with Ruby (or other object oriented languages)\n - Have built and deployed Rails applications\n - Love to learn new things\n - Are self-motivated and able to work to your own agenda\n - Think like a hacker\n - Are eligible to work in the UK (an EU citizen)\n \n\nWe offer:\n\n \n \n - Competitive salary (range \u00a330-\u00a340k DOE)\n - Work to your own schedule (we have no fixed working hours)\n - Based at our London office (City Road)\n - Learn new things every day, and work with nice people\n - Big challenges to solve in security, performance, big data, analytics, and lots more\n - We love to work with smart people who learn fast. If that sounds like you (don't be shy) then get in touch.\n \n\nTo apply:\n\nSend a CV to firstname.lastname@example.com OR simply solve the following code challenge and get an interview.\n\n[https:\/\/www.prehash.com\/#\/startup\/38\/challenge\/92](https:\/\/www.prehash.com\/#\/startup\/38\/challenge\/92)\n\n Are you still hiring in Birmingham?\n\n We're looking in London for this role, but we'll not turn people away if they're based in a different city. Get in touch anyway!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Watsi \u2013 [http:\/\/watsi.org](http:\/\/watsi.org) \u2013 San Francisco, CA; FULLTIME, possible VISA\n\nWatsi is a global crowdfunding platform that enables anyone to directly fund healthcare for people around the world.\n\n~\n\n\"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.\"\n\n~\n\nWe're a team of developers, designers, doctors, and marketers working at Watsi because we believe that everyone, everywhere deserves access to healthcare. We move fast, take risks, and come to work every day excited about building an organization that matters more than we do.\n\nWe're looking for a full-stack developer (engineer #2) to join our five-person team in San Francisco. The ideal candidate is an experienced, product-focused generalist who wants to use their skills to bring healthcare to the world. Our stack is Rails, Backbone.js, SCSS, Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq, Heroku, RSpec, and Jasmine. You don't have to be familiar with our stack, but you do need to learn fast :)\n\nIf you're interested in learning more, please send whatever info you have (linkedin, github, personal site) to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nFor more info, check out our recent trip to East Africa - [http:\/\/exposure.watsi.org\/a-dose-of- perspective](http:\/\/exposure.watsi.org\/a-dose-of-perspective).\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Senior Ruby\/Javascript Engineer - SkilledUp Academy\n\nNew York, NY\n\nOur Mission\n\nSkilledUp Academy is changing the way that people learn skills online. Over 44% of college graduates work in jobs that don't require a college degree, but employers still can't find quality talent. We introduce the human element into real-world, skills-based online education. Students complete rigorous curriculums created by our partner companies that focus on teaching the skills that employers need. Our industry-based mentors ensure that students receive the support that they need to learn.\n\nOur Story\n\nWe were born out of two acquired startups and still retain the culture and practices of a lean \/ agile startup, but have all the resources and benefits of a public company (our parent company, Apollo Education Group, made over 3.5 billion in revenue last year). We're a young company looking for people looking to help shape our culture.\n\nOur Team\n\nWe're a diverse team made of:\n\n\\- A Bonnaroo Guitarist\n\n\\- The world's preeminent scholar on Toilet Based Social Networks\n\n\\- A philosopher king with a sweet spot for ice cream\n\nOur engineers write pristine, well-tested code. We pride ourselves in developer happiness. SkilledUp uses a pull request based workflow, continuous integration. We think Ruby on Rails, Trello, Github, and Heroku are the best tools. We have continuous investment days, where we only focus on learning new skills.\n\nIf you are interested in learning more and want to talk to an engineer, send an email to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Conclusive Analytics - Charlotte, NC - Full-time - [http:\/\/www.conclusiveanalytics.com\/](http:\/\/www.conclusiveanalytics.com\/)\n\nWe're a small and growing company looking for people with a passion for big data who love to solve difficult\/fun problems for our clients. Here are two job postings:\n\nData Miner\/Data Scientist: [http:\/\/www.conclusiveanalytics.com\/career- opportunities\/data...](http:\/\/www.conclusiveanalytics.com\/career- opportunities\/data-miner-scientist\/)\n\nDatabase Developer: [http:\/\/www.conclusiveanalytics.com\/career- opportunities\/data...](http:\/\/www.conclusiveanalytics.com\/career- opportunities\/database-developer\/)\n\nBeing a small company, your daily job will not be defined by your job title, and you will get to learn something new every day. We develop in Linux and Windows, HP Vertica and SQL Server, and other languages & platforms like R, SAS, DataFlux, Python, or whatever we think is best at getting the job done. We offer competitive pay & benefits, a pool table, lots of white boards, and a great team of smart and fun coworkers.\n\nContact firstname.lastname@example.com for more details.\n\n<\/comment> Pittsburgh PA - Full Time \/ Intern\n\nIBM Watson Group creates products and technologies using Cognitive Computing to solve real problems, from winning Jeopardy to assisting doctors. Watson does this by analyzing massive amounts of structured and unstructured data. We are on the cutting edge of technology working to change the world.\n\nOur team within Watson Group works on Watson Explorer, a web application enabling data exploration and visualization. We are looking for senior and junior front-end developers to join us.\n\nHow we work:\n\n* Open and collaborative office environment - you will not be stuffed into a cubicle and left alone.\n\n* Software craftsmanship - pairing, Test Driven Development (TDD), small commits in Git, Gerrit code reviews, continuous integration and deployment, daily standups with progress visualization\n\n* Technologies we use - CSS (Sass and Compass), JS, JRuby on Rails, and Java\n\nWhat you'll do:\n\n* Develop full-stack web applications\n\n* Work with designers and researchers to translate users' needs into reality\n\n* Influence design and direction of product\n\nWant to come work with us? We're interested in you, too! See all of the positions below:\n\n[http:\/\/ibm.referrals.selectminds.com\/jobs\/search\/14208828](http:\/\/ibm.referrals.selectminds.com\/jobs\/search\/14208828)\n\n<\/comment> Tradewave \u2014 [https:\/\/tradewave.net](https:\/\/tradewave.net) \u2014 New York City (NYC)\n\nWe're building an algorithmic trading platform for cryptocurrencies. You write your trading strategy in Python, backtest it against our historical data, then run it live on any of the major exchanges. All in the browser\n\nCome and experience what it's like to be in on the ground floor at a promising tech startup. We're less than six months old, backed up some of the best investors in the crypto space, and already generating revenue.\n\nMore information: [https:\/\/tradewave.net\/jobs\/](https:\/\/tradewave.net\/jobs\/)\n\n I use Tradewave! Wish I was in NYC\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> South Lake Tahoe (Zephyr Cove, NV) Informa Investment Solutions, Inc. is seeking both a senior and a junior developer to join our web applications team at our office on the shores of Lake Tahoe. If you love designing and building modern, responsive web applications that make it easy for business users to run sophisticated investment analysis software, we would like to talk to you. We're an established company with actual paying customers and we want to make our little corner of the world a better place for our users.\n\nWe use standards-based HTML, JavaScript and CSS, along with state of the art technologies \u2013 Canvas, SVG, RequireJS, Backbone, Marionette, and LESS \u2013 to build cross-browser interfaces and advanced data visualizations. The backend is a mixture of C#, Java, C++ because we believe in using the right tool for the job, and we are regularly evaluating our tools to ensure that. Our development process is agile and we release our web products approximately once a month.\n\nOur offices are a five minute walk from the Nevada shore of Lake Tahoe and Heavenly ski resort is a fifteen minute drive from the office. As a developer you'll also get your own private office and even though we mostly develop on Windows, all our developers have Mac hardware. We prefer to hire generalists who are as curious and excited about technology as we are. All of us enjoy learning new technologies and tools; we have a small team and each developer should be able to work on every aspect of the system.\n\nPlease note: this is a full-time, on-site position. We would prefer you to work in our Zephyr Cove office, but we also have offices in White Plains, NY or Nashville, TN that you could work out of. If you're interested, please email matt.motherway -at- informais.com (and put \"Hacker News\" in the subject). Thanks.\n\n<\/comment> London: Farringdon. On-site only.\n\nTimetric ([https:\/\/timetric.com](https:\/\/timetric.com)) is looking for AI\/ML engineers to help us build great data products.\n\nWe're a motivated team, small, but growing rapidly. We use git, code reviews and a one-click deploy\/rollback system so that we can rapidly iterate and ship code without constantly breaking everything.\n\nWe're backed by a solid sales team who know how to get users for our products (and pay the bills!)\n\nWe want smart, interesting people with a passion for making usable systems.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-\n\nYou need to have:\n\n \n \n Python experience.\n Numerical\/scientific\/mathematical background.\n Understanding of AI\/ML techniques\n Comfortable working in a Linux environment.\n Used to working with git (or mercurial).\n \n\nAnd it would be really great if you also had some of:\n\n \n \n Django experience.\n Understanding of HTML\/CSS (especially recent standards development).\n Modern javaScript experience.\n Data visualization experience\n \n\nand if you've published or contributed to any open-source software, then tell us about it!\n\nEmail us at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Palo Alto, CA\n\nINFER, INC.\n\n\\- Team: 10 engineers from MIT, Berkeley, CMU, Google\/Google Research, Facebook, Y Combinator, Microsoft Research, Palantir, Jane Street, IBM Research, Yahoo! Research, ...\n\n\\- Investors: Red Point, a16z, SHV, Social Capital, ...\n\n\\- Customers: Box, Jive, Microsoft, Tableau, Zendesk, AdRoll, Nitro, and many more\n\n\\- Product: machine learning applications for non-technical users to help their businesses more effectively win and retain customers\n\n\\- Looking for: strong engineers excited to join an early-stage startup to help grow & shape the company\n\nEXAMPLES OF RESPONSIBILITIES\n\n\\- Build on and extend our sophisticated model training pipeline that uses data extracted from the web and other sources\n\n\\- Build beautiful visualizations to communicate results and frontends to allow non-technical users to build complex models\n\n\\- Develop and operate secure, scalable cloud infrastructure to manage and process customers' large, confidential datasets\n\n\\- Create and shape the processes used to guide the engineering team to work together effectively\n\nQUALIFICATIONS\n\n\\- BS\/MS\/PhD in Computer Science, Statistics, Math or related fields\n\n\\- Depth in software engineering, algorithms, and general analytical problem- solving\n\n\\- Familiarity with Python preferred\n\nCONTACT\n\n\\- [https:\/\/www.infer.com](https:\/\/www.infer.com)\n\n\\- email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Aclima - [http:\/\/www.aclima.io](http:\/\/www.aclima.io) \\- San Francisco, CA\n\n\\---\n\n* Full-time Backend Engineer\n\n* Full-time Frontend Engineer\n\n* Full-time UI\/UX Designer\n\n* Full-time DevOps Engineer\n\n\\---\n\nAclima is an early-stage company based in San Francisco that designs and deploys distributed, large-scale sensor networks to empower people with actionable environmental quality data. Our end-to-end solutions collect, process and analyze real-time streaming data from thousands of sensors, enabling a level of environmental awareness that has never been possible before. We believe our technologies can redefine the way we imagine and manage our buildings, communities, and cities, helping us improve our collective well-being.\n\nWe are looking for passionate engineers to help build and scale our platform. We have no required list of skills or years of experience. Instead, we're looking for engineers who are smart and get things done. Our engineering culture values rapid iteration, continuous improvement, and as much automation as is sensible. We work in a relaxed, purpose-driven atmosphere with flexible hours and competitive perks.\n\nIf you're up for the challenge, contact us: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Octopart - New York, NY - [http:\/\/octopart.com\/jobs](http:\/\/octopart.com\/jobs)\n\n\\---\n\n* Full time Backend Engineer focusing on electronic component data\n\n* Full time Frontend Engineer\n\n* Full time UI\/UX Designer\n\n* Full time Entry Level Sales Account Executive\n\n\\---\n\nAt Octopart, we're opening up the world of electronic component data through our search engine, [http:\/\/octopart.com](http:\/\/octopart.com) and our API, [http:\/\/octopart.com\/api](http:\/\/octopart.com\/api)\n\nWe're connecting hardware hackers to the information they need to design the next generation of hardware devices.\n\nWe're building the most intuitive, fast and beautiful interface for searching for electronic parts.\n\nWe're compiling the most extensive database on electronic components by combining data from tons of different sources.\n\nWe're in NYC, we're a team of 11, we're ex-physicists and electrical engineers, and we've been profitable since 2010.\n\nWe're from the W07 YC batch. We write a lot of Python and JavaScript.\n\nIf you're a software hacker who wants to build amazing tools for hardware hackers, get in touch with us at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> MindTribe - San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're looking for:\n\nSenior Electrical - [http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/electrical-engineer- senior](http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/electrical-engineer-senior)\n\nSenior Mechanical - [http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/mechanical-engineer- senior](http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/mechanical-engineer-senior)\n\nSenior Firmware - [http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/firmware-engineer- senior](http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/firmware-engineer-senior)\n\nTechnician - [http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/technician](http:\/\/www.mindtribe.com\/jobs\/technician)\n\nWe're a tight-knit team of engineers developing hardware products for clients. Our specialty is consumer electronics and connected devices. Our past projects include the Tesla Roadster, Square Reader and Stand, and the recently-launched Adobe Ink and Slide ([http:\/\/www.adobe.com\/products\/ink-and- slide.html](http:\/\/www.adobe.com\/products\/ink-and-slide.html)).\n\n<\/comment> Crutchfield, Charlottesville, VA; [http:\/\/www.crutchfield.com](http:\/\/www.crutchfield.com)\n\nFront End Web Developer \/ Designer\n\nCrutchfield is looking for a talented software developer who doesn't fear javascript and new web technologies, and who is very enthusiastic at the idea of bringing e-commerce to the next level. We like to think of the proper candidate as 85% front-end mechanic, 15% designer.\n\n* You will be involved in all phases of the software's development and will be responsible for planning features, designing its components, programming and more * You will design the software and architecture, and requirements to build Crutchfields' next generation of ecommerce solutions * Develop using mainly JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS 3, Angular and Bootstrap Skills & Requirements * Deep knowledge of JavaScript \/ jQuery, HTML 5 & CSS 3 * Knowledge of Angular and\/or Ember is an asset * Experience with a server side framework (.NET, PHP, Rails, etc.) is desired * Keen understanding of responsive front-end frameworks, cross-browser user interfaces \/ browser limitations, modern web technologies, web security, SEO & more * Experienced building and scaling consumer oriented web applications * Attention to details and strong commitment to quality * Experienced with modern software development principles and processes, frameworks, and version control systems * Have previously built web applications from A to Z a plus * Experienced with eCommerce a big plus\n\nWe offer our employees a competitive benefits package, a wellness program, a challenging work environment and a relaxed dress code.\n\nPlease apply here: [https:\/\/home.eease.adp.com\/recruit2\/?id=9691891&t=1](https:\/\/home.eease.adp.com\/recruit2\/?id=9691891&t=1)\n\n<\/comment> Stripe! We're hiring engineers in San Francisco and remotely within US timezones. REMOTE and H1B welcome.\n\nWe're increasing online commerce by making payments (and building an online business generally) way easier.\n\nSee [1] for an overview of the challenges we're working on, or check out [2] for a description of our interview process. Apply by following the instructions on our jobs page [3] (please indicate that you saw this post).\n\nAlso feel free to ping me at email@example.com if you're thinking about applying but have any questions!\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.quora.com\/Stripe-company\/What-engineering- problem...](http:\/\/www.quora.com\/Stripe-company\/What-engineering-problems-and- challenges-is-Stripe-solving) [2] [http:\/\/www.quora.com\/Stripe-company\/What- is-the-engineering-...](http:\/\/www.quora.com\/Stripe-company\/What-is-the- engineering-interview-process-like-at-Stripe) [3] [https:\/\/stripe.com\/jobs](https:\/\/stripe.com\/jobs)\n\n How about London?\n\n (Sorry about the late reply!)\n\nNot generally, but we'd definitely be willing to take a look if you want to send something in! (:\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Devops - Chicago, Illinois - \n\nWe're an EdTech Startup that's building an engagement platform that hopes to improve retention rates in post-secondary, non-traditional learners. Basically, if you're an adult and you want to improve your life through education, we're here to try to help you succeed. We've been around since October 2012 and have a team of nine people.\n\nOur Product team consists of a VP of Product, three programmers, and a User Experience person. The remaining team members are a Community Manager, a Relationship Manager, our CEO, and our VP of Sales.\n\n* AWS\n\n* Linux admin, shell scripting, etc.\n\n* Some configuration management tool (Docker, Chef, Puppet, etc.)\n\n* Server config\/management (nginx, haproxy, openssl, etc.)\n\n* Tuning JVM and\/or ruby apps (ideally, both)\n\n* Networking, TCP\/IP tuning, etc.\n\n* Deployment (continuous, or something close to it)\n\n* Some working knowledge of one or more programming languages (ideally, one we use - JavaScript, Clojure, Ruby)\n\n* Automation of lots of the above\n\n* Experience working closely and frequently with programmers, as you'll be sitting in the bullpen with us\n\n* Interest in writing production code while at the same time not seeing Devops as just a stepping stone to full-time production coder\n\n* Plays well with others\n\n* Experience transitioning away from Heroku\n\nWe're a small, cool-headed team who like our relatively well-defined roles. Culture fit is extremely important for us at our current size so \"plays well with others\" is probably the most important bullet point.\n\nContact email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> NoRedInk in San Francisco (or remote).\n\nFull stack rails engineers wanted to make sure that grammer is taught good. Every one's revolutioneyesing educaton but while some student's cant even right the write words.\n\nThen there was NoRedInk.\n\nNoRedInk helps students quickly improve their grammar and writing skills.\n\nWe've got a small, technically excellent engineering team. We extensively use react in production.\n\nI work here because I get to learn about my practice (as well as my failing grammar skills) every day. I work here because I care about education. I work here because existing online tools for teaching grammar and writing are pathetic. Join us as engineer #4, and improve how grammar is taught.\n\n[https:\/\/www.noredink.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.noredink.com\/jobs)\n\np.s. Other people think we're awesome, too: [http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/alextaub\/2013\/12\/19\/noredink- is-...](http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/alextaub\/2013\/12\/19\/noredink-is-growing- at-mach-speed-10-of-the-us-school-system-using\/)\n\n<\/comment> AvantCredit (Chicago) is hiring senior data scientists, data engineers, and data dev ops. We offer competitive salaries and a flexible work environment.\n\n[http:\/\/avantcredit.com\/jobs](http:\/\/avantcredit.com\/jobs)\n\nWe have gone from 0 to 150 employees in a little under fifteen months and have raised more money last quarter than all other Chicago startups in the same period last year combined. ([http:\/\/bit.ly\/1hp2cx4](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1hp2cx4))\n\nOur stack is Ruby on Rails and R deployed on Heroku and AWS, respectively, and we do not mess around. All of our R packages are documented, tested, and vignetted. We have continuous deployment and integration (yes, on the data science side!), and all of our classifiers are automatically backtested and validated.\n\nWe're trying to give [https:\/\/github.com\/hadley](https:\/\/github.com\/hadley) a run for his money. Sound interesting? Email email@example.com\n\n I don't understand the hadley reference? Who is that? Are you guys a microlending company?\n\n He is well known in the R community as he contributed many of the well known and often used packages such as ggplot2, plyr and reshape\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Stuph ([https:\/\/angel.co\/stuph](https:\/\/angel.co\/stuph), [https:\/\/stuph.co](https:\/\/stuph.co)) is building its founding team! We are a stealth startup creating a consumer product fueled by data mining and information extraction. We are well funded and backed by top VCs. Our office is located in San Francisco.\n\nOur founder is an ex-googler who created Google Trends. Our team consists of graduates of MIT, Berkeley, Cornell, and top international universities. Between us we have worked at Google, Twitter, Microsoft and Amazon, and won a Kaggle competition. We love math, algorithms and machine learning.\n\nDo you like functional programming? We're using Clojure for our backend and ClojureScript for our frontend. Knowing either isn't a requirement, but be excited to learn!\n\nWe are looking for:\n\n\\- Experienced backend engineer\/techlead with excellent system design and architecture skills\n\n\\- Engineering & design interns for the fall of 2014.\n\nContact: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Oration - Foster City, CA (local, no-remote, relocation)\n\nOration uses big data and predictive analytics to connect consumers covered by employer-sponsored healthcare with the best deals on their healthcare needs. The only thing that makes our members even more excited than the prices is the convenience. We've transformed the arcane world of healthcare shopping into a simple, few click process. Consumers find great deals with our application and we take care of dealing with the healthcare system. It's healthcare shopping made simple - like the rest of the internet.\n\nWe're searching for a seasoned front end engineer to help lead our front end dev efforts. Come join us in building awesome user experiences for both web and mobile that scale and evolve gracefully. Our small, dedicated group of designers and engineers (there's 8 of us) care equally about good visual design, technical design and having a good time.\n\nEmail me at email@example.com if interested or with any questions.\n\n<\/comment> CloudFlare ([http:\/\/cloudflare.com\/](http:\/\/cloudflare.com\/)) is hiring in San Francisco and London.\n\nLots of opportunities for software developers, customer support, network operations and SRE.\n\nFull list of positions here: [https:\/\/www.cloudflare.com\/join-our- team](https:\/\/www.cloudflare.com\/join-our-team)\n\n<\/comment> Sift Science - San Francisco, CA. Full-time. Sift Science ([http:\/\/siftscience.com](http:\/\/siftscience.com)) uses large-scale machine learning to fight online fraud. It's a problem that cost U.S. merchants > $10B last year, and 70% of it is organized crime. Attacks have rapidly evolved in breadth and depth, but current rule-based systems don't scale. We're looking for engineers of all flavors -- distributed systems, web development, data visualization, and of course, machine learning. We're a tight-knit team that likes board games, yummy food, and solving challenging technical problems. Check out [https:\/\/siftscience.com\/jobs](https:\/\/siftscience.com\/jobs) We're also looking for account managers, integration engineers, and sales folks. Ping us at firstname.lastname@example.com or feel free to e-mail me directly at email@example.com :)\n\n<\/comment> Jello Labs - New York City - [http:\/\/jellolabs.com\/jobs](http:\/\/jellolabs.com\/jobs)\n\n=== Senior Engineer === (fulltime, onsite)\n\n=== Lead iOS Engineer === (fulltime, onsite)\n\nIf you want to write Go full time, come join us!\n\nWe're a pre-launch, funded startup, about a year old. We already have an amazing team with engineers from Google, Foursquare, Ebay, Chartbeat, Medium etc.- [http:\/\/jellolabs.com\/team](http:\/\/jellolabs.com\/team)\n\nWe're moving and growing quickly and are looking to add smart, experienced engineers interested in e-commerce to our core team. We love GoLang, AngularJS, and ObjectiveC. We do code reviews and care deeply about moving fast while maintaing reliable systems. We use Asana, Hipchat, Google Apps and Trello. Every dev gets a Mac Book Pro, large monitors and Aeron chairs.\n\nOur office is a hybrid of engineers and our brand team, which is made up of some of the best people in fashion and e-commerce. We're a tight knit bunch, just moved into an awesome office in SoHo.\n\nWe take our work and our culture seriously. Our goal is to create a happy, productive workplace! We keep a stocked fridge, bring in breakfast 3 times a week, lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We play boardgames, have a kickball team, enjoy a good karaoke outing from time to time. Our two puppies, Fred & Gizmo, keep us on our toes.\n\nWe offer full benefits, unlimited vacation time and a competitive salary. Plus our team is the best in New York!\n\nIf you're interested, email email@example.com, and check us out:\n\n[http:\/\/twitter.com\/springnyc](http:\/\/twitter.com\/springnyc)\n\n[http:\/\/jellolabs.com\/jobs](http:\/\/jellolabs.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> SPORTS195 - Full Time - [http:\/\/www.sports195.com](http:\/\/www.sports195.com)\n\nNew York, NY * Austin, TX * Remote\n\n \n \n <\/comment> What we do <\/comment>\n \n\nEmpower and Unite the World through Sports.\n\nSport is a universal language. SPORTS195 connects the entire global sports ecosystem on one platform, uniting the world around a shared and universal passion. Our massive platform continuously grows through our partners building their networks. With one of the world's largest sports content database, SPORTS195's hub of two-way content feeds the entire sports ecosystem.\n\n \n \n <\/comment> What we want <\/comment>\n \n\n* Front End - NodeJS, BackboneJS, SASS, Strong web app experience\n\n* QA Automation - Selenium, JAVA or Ruby\n\n* SysOps - AWS, Chef, Puppet, Bash\/Shell scripting\n \n \n <\/comment> Perks <\/comment>\n \n\n* Flexible vacation\n\n* Remote and work-from-home\n\n* Flexible hours\n\n* Conference and travel budgets\n\n* Stocked kitchen with snacks and beverages\n\n* Kickball team!\n\n* Health\/Vision\/Dental\/Life\/401K\n\n* Great offices in NYC and Austin, TX\n \n \n <\/comment> Apply <\/comment>\n \n\nSai Wong\n\nVP of Development\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Redwood City, CA - INTERN, VISA\n\nNo remote, but we do offer relocation and visa sponsorship.\n\nSummary: We're profitable, very open as a company, and supportive, and we need more engineers. EdTech.\n\nFull description: Course Hero, the leading platform for crowd-sourced educational materials, is looking for a software engineer who can hit the ground running. Our team releases code every day to millions of people, so we're looking for someone who can take on challenges, build new features, and iterate quickly. Each engineer has a role in building Course Hero's architecture and will have the opportunity to touch all parts of the stack. Our projects are big -- terabytes of data and customers around the world -- but our team is small, so you'll see projects from start to finish, working closely with product managers and designers to ensure successful results.\n\nOur company culture is very open, flat, and transparent. We succeed and learn together. Our office is very comfortable, has a lot of natural light, and great amenities like a gym and walking trails onsite. We've tried hard to make this a pleasant and inspiring place to do creative work.\n\nMost importantly, we seek to hire individuals whose personality, integrity and passion for our business make our team better as a whole. We're growing fast, profitable (yes, it's true!), and looking for another core team member to push us toward the future.\n\nOur stack is LAMP (PHP\/Symfony) + jQuery and AngularJS, but we're open to people with all kinds of experience. iOS would be a nice bonus.\n\nMore info: [http:\/\/www.coursehero.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.coursehero.com\/jobs\/) \\- Company video: [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5ig5g4xp9tE](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5ig5g4xp9tE)\n\nPlease email: firstname.lastname@example.com (and put \"Hacker News\" in the subject)\n\n<\/comment> Lyve Minds is a young energetic startup, having just successfully shipped our v1 product (which is already gaining great reviews on Amazon). We are based in the heart of Silicon Valley in Cupertino California.\n\nWe are an AWS shop practicing DevOps techniques supporting iOS, Android, PC and Mac clients. We are looking for a engineers who want to be part of an exciting well-funded startup experience, including international growth.\n\nThis is an opportunity to work alongside Apple and Netflix veterans deploying and managing the most modern highly scalable Cassandra-based infrastructure capable of handling petabytes of precious consumer data (life memories) that is changing the world for our users.\n\nMore details at [https:\/\/www.mylyve.com\/careers](https:\/\/www.mylyve.com\/careers)\n\nFor Service Engineering positions please reach out to John Adelus at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nFor Client Software positions please reach out to Ain McKendrick at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Software Developer - _San Francisco_\n\nCloud Metrics at Rackspace - [http:\/\/blueflood.io](http:\/\/blueflood.io)\n\n### _Who we are_\n\n* We are the Cloud Metrics team at Rackspace.\n\n* We run a metrics-as-a-service API.\n\n* We created the Blueflood ([http:\/\/blueflood.io](http:\/\/blueflood.io)) open-source metrics engine and API.\n\n* We make it easy for developers to store and scale their metrics.\n\n### _Software Engineer_\n\n* Making Blueflood core a world-class metrics backend\n\n* Scaling and tuning Cassandra clusters.\n\n### _Infrastructure Engineer_\n\n* Working on the Blueflood infrastructure focusing on our large and growing Cassandra cluster running on top of Rackspace's OpenStack cloud.\n\n* Optimizing Blueflood's deployment, continuous integration and testing processes.\n\n### _Read more here_\n\n* Job Posting Link: [https:\/\/uscareers-rackspace.icims.com\/jobs\/10173\/software-de...](https:\/\/uscareers-rackspace.icims.com\/jobs\/10173\/software-developer\/job)\n\n* To apply just shoot us an email: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Anaheim, CA (Orange County\/OC) and Boulder\/Denver, CO (full-time)\n\nSendGrid [http:\/\/www.sendgrid.com](http:\/\/www.sendgrid.com)\n\n\\---\n\nWe've revolutionized the cloud-based transactional email space by efficiently powering the infrastructure for tens of thousands of companies that rely on us to send millions of emails every day (13B+ monthly). We have been growing really fast since launching in 2009, and we want you to be part of the awesome company we are building.\n\n\\---\n\nAll Jobs - [http:\/\/sendgrid.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/sendgrid.com\/careers.html)\n\nSoftware Engineers (All Kinds!)\n\nSoftware Engineers in Test\n\nDevOps Engineer\n\nProject Managers\n\n\\---\n\nWe've recently made the transition to Go (check us out if you're interested in learning), Python, MySql,Linux, Agile (We are technology agnostic - doesn't matter what you currently code in)\n\n\\---\n\nIf you don't see what you're looking for here, reach out to us. We're always looking for talented, happy, hungry, honest, and humble people.\n\n-Socrate- email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Knewton - fulltime in NYC.\n\nKnewton is on a mission to personalize education for students around the world. Education companies worldwide use the Knewton infrastructure platform to power course materials that dynamically adapt to each student's unique needs.\n\nAt Knewton, we use small, cross-functional teams to solve difficult challenges with real-world implications. Teams comprise a range of technical, mathematical, educational, and design specialists unified by a passion for improving education.\n\nKnewton was founded in 2008 and has offices in New York City and London. Investments top $105M from well-known angel investors plus Accel, Bessemer, First Round Capital, Firstmark, Founders Fund, GSV, and Atomico.\n\nApply online or email me at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n[http:\/\/jobs.knewton.com\/apply\/juKGkn\/Senior-Software- Enginee...](http:\/\/jobs.knewton.com\/apply\/juKGkn\/Senior-Software-Engineer- Machine-Learning.html)\n\n<\/comment> Vessel - Video Focused Venture Backed By Benchmark, Greylock and Bezos Expeditions (San Francisco, CA - Full-time No Remote)\n\n[http:\/\/www.vessel.com](http:\/\/www.vessel.com)\n\nWe're still in stealth but we've been busy building a service whose mission is to delight consumers and content creators alike.\n\nOur founders, former founding CEO and CTO of Hulu, Jason Kilar and Richard Tom, have assembled a unique and talented team, with strong experience building and innovating at places like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon. As a team, we are unusually passionate about the intersection of media and technology; we see an opportunity to improve media, particularly next generation video\n\nWe're looking for strong full stack developers who love to code in a variety of languages and frameworks (Python, CoffeeScript, Node.js, React to name a few). If this sounds like you, please email: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> LOCATION: NYC OR REMOTE\n\nHi, we're DailyBurn a fitness and nutrition company based in Midtown Manhattan. We'd like you to come join our multi-discipline engineering team to build software on a wide array of platforms and technologies.\n\nWe really are a fitness company, we have our own well equipped gym in the office and offer a gym membership budget for all employees. Everyday we get messages from users sharing the changes they've made in their lives not every company can say the same. If fitness is an area of interest for you this is a great place to get involved in changing peoples lives.\n\nAs a member of our Engineering team you'll get:\n\n* Yearly conference and travel budget\n\n* Your pick of development hardware\n\n* Access to all the corporate benefits of IAC\n\nOur team is currently made up of 10 developers with a team of 2 working on iOS and the rest of our team focused on web and platform development.\n\nThe DailyBurn engineering team offers the chance to work on a wide range of different technologies. Our main web platform is built using Ruby on Rails, but we also work with node.js and golang on our backend systems. We have client applications built for many of the major mobile and TV platforms (using Javascript, Objective-C, Java and more) and you as a part of the team will have the opportunity to get involved in many of these different platforms.\n\nIf you are an experienced developer comfortable with web or front end technologies of any kind but especially if you are skilled with JS, Ruby, Rails, Node or Golang we have a place for you here.\n\nSpecifically we are looking for:\n\nFront End\/Senior Front End developer - JS applications (we work on web, smart tv's, game consoles all with JS)\n\nAndroid - become our primary Android developer and lead all of the Android efforts for our product\n\nReach out to me directly: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Numerate Inc, San Bruno, CA (25 mins from San Francisco)\n\nSenior Infrastructure Engineer - Distributed Systems\n\n[https:\/\/github.com\/Numerate\/hiring](https:\/\/github.com\/Numerate\/hiring)\n\n\\--- Who we are ---\n\nNumerate is a group of cutting-edge scientists and engineers trying to solve very difficult problems at the interface of medicinal chemistry, data science, machine learning and cloud-scale analytics. We have developed a computational platform that can predict how a potential drug will behave in the lab and the body. We use this platform to process large spaces of chemistry while searching for therapies for some of the world's most important diseases, such as, obesity, heart failure, Alzheimer's, and Huntington's disease. Our platform makes the drug development process cheaper, faster, and results in higher success rates than traditional approaches.\n\n\\--- Our Stack ---\n\nOur stack consists of a proprietary distributed computational platform, Numatix, which in-turn consists of cloud management, job management, job execution engine and custom dataflow language layers. We generally run this on top of Amazon Web Services, where we often scale the system to more than 10,000 cores. We are working to scale it to over 100,000 cores. On top of Numatix we run a number of custom libraries and services, such as machine learning, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, mathematics, etc. At the very top of our stack sits a number of user-facing tools, including web-based GUIs, NIX command line tools, and custom plugins for third party data analysis and chemistry tools. All of the layers use various storage types (MySQL, S3, Couchbase, custom built). The code base is written in Java, Scala, Python, and some C++. All of these layers are being actively developed and improved.\n\nJoin us, and code for more than just clicks!\n\nFor more information see [https:\/\/github.com\/Numerate\/hiring](https:\/\/github.com\/Numerate\/hiring) or shoot us an email to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Palantir Technologies - Palo Alto, CA - [http:\/\/www.palantir.com](http:\/\/www.palantir.com). The Internal Tools team at Palantir owns continuous integration, artifact & dependency management, build tools, source code management, and much more. We use a combination of open- source software (e.g. Gerrit, Jenkins, Ivy, Gradle), third-party enterprise software (e.g. Atlassian Bamboo and Stash), and in-house magic to develop robust and scalable systems.\n\nFor more info or to apply: [http:\/\/www.palantir.com\/careers\/OpenPosDetail?id=a0m80000002...](http:\/\/www.palantir.com\/careers\/OpenPosDetail?id=a0m80000002LiKaAAK)\n\nDo you have any questions? Drop me an email at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Declara - Boise Idaho, Palo Alto California\n\nWe are transforming learning, because learning is discovery.\n\nWe're engineers and scientists with a focus on learning science, NLP, automation, creative problem solving, and open source. We use AngularJS, ElasticSearch, Postgres and Python and we analyze everything. We're a Data company and proud of it!\n\nIf you're a Postgres DBA, we need you!\n\nTake a look at our press: [https:\/\/www.declara.com\/news\/](https:\/\/www.declara.com\/news\/)\n\nTake a look at our jobs: [https:\/\/www.declara.com\/about\/careers\/](https:\/\/www.declara.com\/about\/careers\/)\n\nYour interested and think you can help? send us an email: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Monetate - Conshohocken, PA (Philly suburbs) [REMOTE or ONSITE] - Will help with relocation to Philadelphia; also remote (Americas timezones preferred, must speak English)\n\nMonetate helps digital marketers make their content more relevant. We turn data into action on our clients' sites by doing real-time data analysis and DOM manipulation to put the right experience in front of their users. We're looking for engineers who want to do highly visible work on great brands and solve tough problems with great coworkers. What we're looking for:\n\n* People who like to ship - we're focused on building and shipping great products - if you like to see your work in production quickly you'll see it here. We ship often (every two weeks), and iterate.\n\n* People who like hard challenges - we have great problems across our products - huge data sets, UX, 3rd party Javascript, high volume \/ low latency APIs - we have no shortage of fun problems to work on.\n\n* Problem solvers who like to code - we take things apart, figure out how they work, then build software to solve our users' problems.\n\nAbout us:\n\n* Founded in 2008\n\n* Open source - Google Closure, Python, AngularJS, Pandas, Redis, Hadoop, Mahout, Solr and Lucene - we're open source across our stack\n\n* Respect - it's our core value. We have a great team and we work well together. Our vacation policy is the same as Netflix (we don't have one). Our technical project teams are self-organizing and have full authority over (as well as responsibility for) the problems they work on.\n\n* Market rate salaries\n\n* Funded by First Round Capital and OpenView\n\nWe've hired great people from HN before, and we're looking for people not positions. We have people who have joined the team with no background in our primary languages and people from non-traditional backgrounds.\n\nCheck out our blog at [http:\/\/engineering.monetate.com\/](http:\/\/engineering.monetate.com\/) Send me a message if you have questions or want to apply: karl at monetate dot com\n\n<\/comment> Crowdtap - crowdtap.com\n\nLocation: NYC (Houston & Braodway)\n\nWe're looking for someone who has experience in dev and\/or ops, willingness to learn is the most important factor.\n\nWe're a decently sized startup with ~70 people and growing. We were #3 of the best places to work according to Crain's: [http:\/\/www.crainsnewyork.com\/article\/20131208\/SMALLBIZ\/31208...](http:\/\/www.crainsnewyork.com\/article\/20131208\/SMALLBIZ\/312089986\/no-3-crowdtap).\n\nTo apply: [http:\/\/crowdtap.theresumator.com\/apply\/6Mt0co\/DevOps- Enginee...](http:\/\/crowdtap.theresumator.com\/apply\/6Mt0co\/DevOps- Engineer.html)\n\n<\/comment> Cloud Monitoring at Rackspace - San Francisco [https:\/\/monitoring.api.rackspacecloud.com\/](https:\/\/monitoring.api.rackspacecloud.com\/)\n\nWe're the product Cloudkick grew into after being acquired. We love to collaborate with peers and make things for people who make things. We want to build the monitoring tools we've always wanted. Come join us and write code every day in Node.js, Java, C, and Lua.\n\nMore info: [https:\/\/uscareers-rackspace.icims.com\/jobs\/10925\/software- de...](https:\/\/uscareers-rackspace.icims.com\/jobs\/10925\/software-developer--- cloud-monitoring\/job)\n\n<\/comment> NGP VAN - Washington, DC - Engineering Director, Team Lead, Senior Developer, DevOps Engineer\n\nNGP VAN ([https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp-van](https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp- van)) is the world's leading political technology firm, providing campaign and organizing technology to Democrats, progressives, and non-partisan organizations. We offer an integrated platform that combines the best fundraising, compliance, organizing, and new media products available.\n\nWe are a rapidly growing company that built the voter contact and volunteer management tools used by Obama for America. Nearly every State Democratic Party in the country distributes our VoteBuilder tools to Democrats up and down the ticket, and we provide industry-leading organizing tools for labor unions, environmental groups, pro-choice advocates, civil rights activists, and international political parties across the world. Our fundraising and compliance software is used by the vast majority of Democratic candidates from the Presidential level on down, and our fast-growing new media platform has recently become the most-used platform by Democratic campaigns as well.\n\nWe have a several spots open in DC - most of them (management and devops) are focused on our public facing products that run on a combination of node, angular, mongo, dynamo, drupal, and a touch of ruby now, with a senior developer spot for our asp.net mvc, ef, and angular stack.\n\nThe positions offers competitive compensation and a strong benefits package. NGP VAN prides itself on being a progressive workplace; we have a fun and inclusive company culture, including blowing off steam on a softball field, drinking in the office on Fridays while watching team demo videos, shooting at each other during Friday Fragfest, enjoying periodic company retreats to warm places with beaches (including Jamaica or Dominican Republic this November), and casual Friday every day.\n\nCoderwall: [https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp- van](https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp-van) Company Site: [http:\/\/ngpvan.com](http:\/\/ngpvan.com)\n\nHit me up at dmiller at ngpvan dot com for more info or to apply.\n\n<\/comment> CFPB, Remote or D.C. - Back-end, Front-End, Designers and UX\n\nThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is hiring technology specialists to join the team for a 2 year term.\n\nThe fellowship is a unique opportunity for developers and designers to join a government agency and help it develop new tools for the public.\n\nRegarding tech you will use a combination of Python, Javascript, HTML\/CSS, Clojure and other tools so polyglots are welcome.\n\nTo apply find the position that best suits you here: [http:\/\/www.consumerfinance.gov\/jobs\/technology-innovation- fe...](http:\/\/www.consumerfinance.gov\/jobs\/technology-innovation-fellows\/)\n\n<\/comment> Skai, Inc. - Arlington, VA (Washington, DC)\n\nHiring Talented and Ambitious Developers for the future of Big Data\n\nAbout Skai:\n\nOriginally funded out of the MIT computer science community, Skai is a fast- growing technology company. With over 1,000 pages of intellectual property behind our core technology, we are disrupting the data integration market by delivering a cloud platform for the next generation of big data. Skai is working with some of the largest Fortune 500's. Although we can't go into any more detail in this space, we'd love to tell you more once you've applied!\n\nSenior Back-End Developer\n\nJoin our engineering team as we tackle the challenges of distributed data and computation. As part of the platform development team, you'll participate actively in all phases of the development process: architecture, design and implementation. If you're interested in graphs, distributed data structures, functional programming paradigms, reactive computation, and distributed systems \u2013 or if you're curious how those things come together to form a powerful model for integrating and transforming data at scale \u2013 we'd love to talk to you!\n\nSkills & Requirements:\n\nNeed to have: \\-- Java proficiency \\-- Excellent communication skills \\-- Basic experience with the Hadoop ecosystem \\-- B.S. in computer science or equivalent experience\n\nNice to have: \\-- HBase proficiency \\-- Hadoop MapReduce proficiency \\-- Distributed systems experience \\-- Scala proficiency \\-- NoSQL \\-- Experience using Spark or other tools in Berkeley Data Analytics stack \\-- Experience with Akka actor framework\n\nWe want our developers to be happy and productive, and we don't hesitate to buy whatever software or hardware tools are needed to make that happen. We also like to relax with board games and ping pong on Friday afternoons. We offer competitive compensation, including stock options.\n\nYou can check out our website at [http:\/\/skai.net\/](http:\/\/skai.net\/) (...it's currently undergoing a complete overhaul).\n\nIf any or all of this sounds like the kind of work you want to do with the team you want to be a part of, then reach out to us at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> HubSpot - [http:\/\/www.hubspot.com](http:\/\/www.hubspot.com) \\- Cambridge\/Boston, MA\n\nWe create software that helps businesses with their online marketing. The company is several hundred employees and nearing a hundred in engineering. Things are organized in small teams and you get to have a big impact. We were also named the #2 place in Massachusetts to work.\n\nOn the backend, we use Java (modern Java with DropWizard, Guice, and the like) and Python (Django). We love using JSON to get things done. For storage, there's HBase, Hadoop (for MapReduce jobs), MySQL, ZooKeeper, Redis, and Memcached. We do great monitoring and deploy hundreds of times a day. We use CI and have automated deployment. Don't expect your code to languish in git (we have GitHub Enterprise) for long.\n\nOn the front end, we use Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, and jQuery.\n\nWe're also looking for iOS and Android engineers.\n\nWork schedule seems flexible (most engineers work 10-6), you get great equipment (like a Retina MacBook Pro and Thunderbolt display), and you get to make a meaningful difference in the product. There's free drinks (including beer), snacks, etc.\n\nIt's a great place to be and hope you come join us! We have lots of positions open.\n\nSoftware Engineer: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3UQdwgwe](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3UQdwgwe)\n\nJavaScript: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3iQdwgwC](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3iQdwgwC)\n\nInfrastructure Automation and Tooling: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3wRdwgwR](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3wRdwgwR)\n\nMobile, iOS, Android, JS: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3XRdwgwi](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3XRdwgwi)\n\nCore Data (Hadoop, HBase): [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?34Rdwgwp](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?34Rdwgwp)\n\nReliability: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3HSdwgw3](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3HSdwgw3)\n\nTechnical Lead: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3zSdwgwV](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3zSdwgwV)\n\n<\/comment> New Classrooms - New York, NY\n\nSoftware Developers at New Classrooms work at the intersection of technology and education. Building and improving on groundbreaking technology, our Software Developers play a critical role supporting the development of new models for personalized education. We are seeking a Junior .NET Developer to produce, maintain, and evolve personalized learning algorithms.\n\n[https:\/\/newclassrooms.bamboohr.com\/jobs\/view.php?id=15](https:\/\/newclassrooms.bamboohr.com\/jobs\/view.php?id=15)\n\n<\/comment> Kumu Networks - Santa Clara, CA - [http:\/\/kumunetworks.com\/](http:\/\/kumunetworks.com\/)\n\nKumu Networks is revolutionizing the way wireless systems are built using an innovative full-duplex wireless design that its co-founders developed in their research at Stanford. Wireless full-duplex allows a radio to transmit and receive signals at the same time and on the same frequency channel. Kumu's patent pending full-duplex technology changes the basic assumptions on which current wireless radios are built, allowing for improved performance and reduced complexity across a variety of wireless devices and markets.\n\nWe're looking for well-rounded systems programmers with an embedded systems, C, Linux, and networking background. Fluency in Python and Git workflows are big pluses. In addition, we're looking for software engineers with a background in cellular stacks, and algorithms scientists with a background in optimization. See more information on open positions here: [http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/kumunetworks](http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/kumunetworks). Apply on jobscore or email resumes and\/or questions to email@example.com. Please mention Hacker News!\n\nThis is a well-funded technology startup with a small team, a highly cross- disciplinary environment, and a very concrete mission. Help us change the future of wireless!\n\n<\/comment> Sensor Tower (SF) (Designer, Engineer, Customer Happiness) (Intern) [https:\/\/sensortower.com](https:\/\/sensortower.com) Do you play Clash of Clans? Candy Crush? Ever wonder how to get your app on top of the app store?\n\nWe at Sensor Tower (AngelPad) help mobile apps increase their downloads and rocket to the top of the app store. We have over 26k customers tracking over 500k apps and used by companies such as Yahoo, Skype, Zynga, Johnson & Johnson, Adobe, and Supercell. We're a small + high caliber team located in the heart of San Francisco and backed by Rembrandt Ventures, Merus Capital, and BDMI. We're built using Ruby + Rails, MongoDB + Mongoid, Redis, Coffeescript, Knockout.js, d3.js, AWS. We reverse engineer apps and internal APIs, write our own gems, and use natural language processing to parse through millions of app reviews for our customers.\n\nWhat we offer: A chance to revolutionize how information is delivered to mobile marketers and app developers. Competitive salary and significant (enormous) equity in well-funded, high-growth company. Free lunch, daily. Unlimited vacation and holidays. Top-notch healthcare, vision, & dental coverage. Unlimited Gym membership. An incredible team of fun, bright coworkers. We're looking for smart, motivated individuals for full time positions. Ping us at oliver (at) sensortower dot com.\n\n<\/comment> Eyegroove - San Francisco, CA ([http:\/\/eyegroove.com\/#jobs](http:\/\/eyegroove.com\/#jobs))\n\nFrom the team that brought you some of the most innovative music apps including Bj\u00f6rk: Biophilia and the Beck produced Philip Glass:REWORK_ App ([http:\/\/snibbestudio.com](http:\/\/snibbestudio.com)). We are now focused completely on Eyegroove, a social platform for user-created music video. We plan to do for music video what Instagram did for photos.\n\nOur app released 2 months ago, and is in a soft-launch phase tuning the MVP experience before we go big. We have a small team of six with amazing talents and extremely good relations with one another. The work is rich and rewarding, immediately seeing the results with our community. You should have some combination of abilities in creating iOS interfaces for new features (UIKit); graphics (OpenGL, GLSL), video, effects, and audio work; to contributing to interaction design and company strategy.\n\nRead more about our company and launch here: [http:\/\/www.prweb.com\/releases\/2014\/05\/prweb11817423.htm](http:\/\/www.prweb.com\/releases\/2014\/05\/prweb11817423.htm)\n\nApply via jobs [at] eyegroove.com or on Angellist: [https:\/\/angel.co\/jobs?tab=profile&startup_id=319523](https:\/\/angel.co\/jobs?tab=profile&startup_id=319523)\n\n<\/comment> Bitmatica - San Francisco, CA - On-Site - Full Time - Junior iOS Developer\n\nWe're a small web and mobile development agency thats created dozens of successful applications for our clients. Given our explosive growth, we're looking to hire a second freelance Junior iOS engineer. Your first project awaits you and will be full-time on-site in San Francisco's Financial District.\n\nWhy join our team? \\+ You'll learn and work alongside our experienced engineers \\+ You'll gain experience with dozens of technologies across multiple products \\+ We have a designer on staff who provides beautiful, fully-spec'd UI\/UX \\+ Our projects are all clearly spec'd \\+ You'll build multiple (not just one) applications for the most innovative companies in tech \\+ Our culture is highly democratic; you are the lead on your projects\n\nWe're looking someone who: \\+ Has 1+ years of experience building\/shipping iOS apps via Objective-C\/Cocoa \\+ Has solid communication skills - our clients often have minimal technical skills \\+ Loves to learn and asks questions \\+ Is self-motivated and takes action (the first 25 applicants are guaranteed a response!) \\+ Bonus: Has experience with full stack web development including Ruby or JavaScript\n\nIf this sounds good, email me at Munjal at bitmatica.com with the subject \"hire me!\" and include information about yourself! Compensation will be experience based.\n\n<\/comment> SPINS LLC - [http:\/\/www.spins.com](http:\/\/www.spins.com) Chicago and Schaumburg, IL Software Engineers, Designers, and QA Engineers wanted!\n\nWe are looking for a variety of software engineers, designers, and QA engineers to fill out our engineering team. SPINS is the leading provider of analytics, reporting, and insights for the natural, organic, and specialty products industry. We deliver analytics to naturally-focused retailers and manufacturers, based on point-of-sale data, transactional data, and other sources.\n\nTechnologies we're using include Java, Hadoop\/Pig, DB2\/MySQL\/PostgreSQL, REST, and AngularJS. We use agile development, git, and maven.\n\nReasons I love working here:\n\n\\- SPINS is about 100 people, but still like a startup in some ways. There's a great team and good resources, but everyone is friendly, casual, flexible on hours and which office you work from. There's free snacks, biweekly masseuse, that sort of thing.\n\n\\- We are at the intersection of two awesome growth industries: big data analytics, and natural foods\/products.\n\n\\- We are spinning up some cool tech projects: Moving all our processing to Hadoop, new responsive webapps, and mobile later this year.\n\nYou can see some postings at [http:\/\/spins.atsondemand.com\/](http:\/\/spins.atsondemand.com\/), or feel free to ping me at firstname.lastname@example.com if you're interested in any engineering role.\n\n<\/comment> OneHealth - Solana Beach, CA (San Diego area)\n\nThe company I work for as an iOS engineer, OneHealth is a behavioral modification platform that increases outcome-driven wellness and reduces the cost of health care by combining clinical principles, social technologies and game mechanics to extend the reach and benefits of professional medical and clinical care. We are revolutionizing the health care industry so we can help saves lives every day. OneHealth Solutions, Inc. was founded in 2008, is backed by a leading industry Venture Capital firm, and is located in Solana Beach, CA. This is an opportunity to join a small company making a big impact. We have an engaging corporate culture that combines high standards, professional discipline and an enjoyable team-oriented environment. Competitive benefits package including health, dental and vision insurance, 401K and Equity Incentive plan. Our offices are located one mile from the beach and we offer a free weekly yoga class and surfing meet ups. (www.OneHealth.com)\n\nSenior Software Engineer ([http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3WsLugwo](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3WsLugwo))\n\nAndroid Software Engineer ([http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3OrLugwf](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3OrLugwf))\n\nLead Test Automation Engineer ([http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3WIewgw9](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3WIewgw9))\n\nEngineering Intern ([http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3wKewgwL](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3wKewgwL))\n\n<\/comment> Senior Software Engineers - TrueVault - SoMa, SF [https:\/\/www.truevault.com\/](https:\/\/www.truevault.com\/) \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-\n\nTrueVault is an off-premise, secure data store that developers use to make their applications immediately secure and HIPAA compliant. TrueVault stores healthcare data from mobile health apps, wearable devices, and even genomic research so that our customers don't need to spend their precious time worrying about security, performance, and scalability. More than just a database as a service, TrueVault's proprietary technology allows us to secure our customers' data better than anyone else can (hint: think encryption and global scale slice distribution).\n\nOur mission is to provide the simplest, most secure way for web apps, mobile apps, and even wearable devices to store sensitive data. Simple and secure access and storage of people's most personal and private information is a huge challenge. That's why we are looking for incredible people (like you perhaps?) to join us.\n\nWe are also hiring a Client Library Engineer and an Engineering Lead. TrueVault is in a great location and offers great compensation, benefits, and extra perks to employees. If you are interested in speaking about who we are and our job opportunities, please reach out to me at email@example.com or apply at: [https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/truevault](https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/truevault)\n\nBe sure to let us know that you heard about the opening through HN!\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA: Active Mind Technology \/ GAME GOLF -- [http:\/\/www.gamegolf.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.gamegolf.com\/jobs)\n\nDo you love golf? Do you want a job in tech where you can live and breathe golf every day -- to create easier and better ways to track your stats, to compete with your friends, to analyze your game, and to connect every golfer and golf fan on the planet? If so, then Active Mind Technology is the place for you.\n\nWe are a lean and scrappy group of software and hardware folks, revolutionizing the way sports are played and analyzed with next-generation wearable products, starting with golf. We launched our first product GAME GOLF at the PGA Show, with support from PGA players (Graeme McDowell, Lee Westwood, Jim Furyk), Apple retail stores, the PGA and Golf Channel, and a few of the largest sporting goods stores.\n\nWe're looking for experienced engineers, (front-end, back-end, iOS, Android), as well as data scientists, product managers, designers, and an RTOS expert for our wearable tech. Our platform is built on Java, PostgreSQL, PHP, and AngularJS. This is a small team so be prepared to hit the ground running!\n\nWe are hiring ASAP for full-time in San Francisco only. Our office is on Townsend near the Caltrain. Please contact firstname.lastname@example.com with inquiries. We're also on AngelList and Facebook if you want to find out more.\n\n<\/comment> Ruby Developer | Charlie (an early-stage, funded startup) | Chicago, IL\n\nWe're looking for a developer who's sort of a bad-ass. Can you think up mind- blowing solutions to complex, hairy problems? Do you get excited by things like graph databases and machine learning? We want someone who can move fast, think creatively, and deliver quality\/tested code. Is this you? Have at least a couple years of professional experience writing code. Take a small risk and join us in building a growth business.\n\nWho are we? Before any meeting, Charlie automatically researches people before you see them. Researching people is a complex problem: we sift through, analyze, and manipulate data into powerful insights (i.e. what are they passionate about, what do you have in common?). CNBC called us \"One of the world's most promising new companies\" and SXSW selected us as an Accelerator Finalist.\n\nWe've built Charlie to research people at massive scale, using the latest Ruby on Rails stack with MongoDB, Redis, Sidekiq, and hosted in an elastic cloud farm. We write code with agility and have a tight process where anyone on the team can deploy to production at any time, without approval. We thoroughly test our code, though we're not strict TDD. We're a small dev that loves to code, and constantly pushes, and learns from each other.\n\nThis is your opportunity to join an early-stage company that's making moves.\n\nInterested? Find out more here: [https:\/\/charlieapp.com\/jobs](https:\/\/charlieapp.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Transcriptic: Full-stack developer (emphasis on frontend)\n\nMenlo Park, CA\n\nTranscriptic is \"Amazon Web Services\" for the life sciences. Rather than carry out wet-lab experiments by hand, researchers can code up (or visually configure) their experimental protocols and then run them in Transcriptic's central, highly automated 'biocenter' in an on-demand way. Customers have no upfront capital costs and pay for only what they use. Life science research today is incredibly slow, error-prone, monotonous, and expensive with researchers spending many hours a day every day just moving small volumes of liquids from one place to another. We're building a long-term company to completely change the way life science research and development is done.\n\nWe're looking for a highly talented full-stack web developer. On top of our robotic work cells is a slew of internal services as well as a Rails app that acts as our lab information management system and customer-facing UI. Challenges range from building rich, interactive interfaces for composing protocols to presenting analytical data generated by the lab back to the user. We use d3, Backbone, and some CoffeeScript today, but you'd be free to choose your own tools and libraries.\n\nWe're a rapidly growing startup (you'd be #18), but well funded ($6M) and have customers at places like Harvard, Caltech, UCSF, and Stanford. You'd be able to work on interesting science and hard technology in a small, all technical team with lots of freedom and resources.\n\nA biology background is preferred but not strictly necessary for outstanding people.\n\nRecent coverage:\n\n\\- [http:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2013\/12\/18\/5216738\/inside- transcript...](http:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2013\/12\/18\/5216738\/inside-transcriptic- the-secret-robot-lab-that's-shaking-up-science)\n\n\\- [http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/02\/18\/aws-for-life-science- with-4...](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/02\/18\/aws-for-life-science-with-4-1m-in- the-bank-transcriptic-wants-to-reinvent-scientific-research\/)\n\nteam at transcriptic.com\n\n[https:\/\/www.transcriptic.com\/](https:\/\/www.transcriptic.com\/)\n\n This sounds like it could be a really good fit for me. My undergraduate degree is in biology, I've got an MS is bioinformatics and I'm currently working on my PhD while being a full-time director\/lead developer of the IT group in a division of biomedical informatics at a academic health center.\n\nI wasn't actively seeking out employment, but I think I'll apply for this. Thanks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> HHMI Janelia Farm, Ashburn, VA. [http:\/\/janelia.org](http:\/\/janelia.org)\n\nWhat we do: connectomics, or large-scale neural circuit reconstruction with electron microscopy, computer vision and machine learning.\n\nWhat you will do: design and implement high-accuracy high-performance software for automatic reconstruction of neural circuits. We aim at (semi)automating what is now a slow, manual task.\n\nWho will you work with:\n\n \n \n Tom Kazimiers - https:\/\/github.com\/tomka\n Jan Funke - https:\/\/github.com\/funkey\n Albert Cardona - https:\/\/github.com\/acardona\n Stephan Saalfeld - https:\/\/github.com\/axtimwalde\n Stephan Gerhard - https:\/\/github.com\/unidesigner\n \n\nWho you are:\n\n \n \n You know python, C++, and are comfortable with postgres and javascript.\n You are familiar with computer vision and image processing in general.\n You have developed using version control some open source projects\n that we can look at to evaluate your skills.\n A plus if you have used already django and djcelery, and are comfortable\n using remote machines and clusters.\n \n\nWe offer excellent benefits.\n\nContact: install CATMAID and submit a pull request with a fix. [https:\/\/github.com\/acardona\/CATMAID\/issues](https:\/\/github.com\/acardona\/CATMAID\/issues)\n\n<\/comment> Shift \u2013 Software Engineer \u2013 San Francisco \u2013 full time \u2013 VISA welcome\n\nShift is building a new way to buy and sell cars. The founding team includes the co-founder of Taxi Magic; an experienced Google and Dropbox engineer; and a long-time Google Product Manager.\n\nWe are looking for engineers who have a strong product sense and are passionate about both technology and user experience. This includes full- stack, front-end, back-end, and mobile engineers. Join our team, come in at the ground level, and shape a product that has great potential to transform a huge market!\n\nOur tech stack is HTML5, iOS, Android, Go, App Engine, and AWS.\n\nCars are the largest retail vertical in the US \u2013 consumers buy almost 50 million new and used cars every year, totaling $1 trillion in value. Yet technology has barely touched the market. Americans buy cars in the same, burdensome ways they did decades ago. Selling a car means either letting the dealer collect a huge margin in a trade-in, or significant hassle selling to a private party. Our goal is to create a delightful experience for every person buying and selling a car, similar to Tesla's customer service.\n\nShift is extremely well-funded (with a seed round as large as many A rounds), has strong partnerships with key strategic players across the value chain of the car buying process, and has done dozens of sales in San Francisco. We are lean and hypotheses-driven, led by engineering and design. We work hard together, have fun together, and strive to ensure a healthy and respectful culture.\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Eventstagram ([http:\/\/eventstagr.am\/](http:\/\/eventstagr.am\/)) - Full time, London UK - Project Manager\n\nEventstagram builds real-time Instagram and Twitter slideshows for events of all sizes. We work with a number of notable clients including Ferrari, Nike, Microsoft and The O2 Arena; we're based in one of the most exciting workspaces in London.\n\nWe're looking for an experienced, organised project manager to help focus our development team's efforts, keep the clients up-to-date and help plan our long-term development.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n\\- Holding daily development meetings, preferably using agile project management, \\- Managing the task workflow by scheduling in developers and designers to projects, \\- Account management, \\- Managing bugs by creating a system for finding, reporting, filtering, reproducing, prioritising and writing up bugs, \\- Managing feature requests by assessing, scheduling and checking they meet expectations, \\- Product Management, scoping out new features through an understanding of the market; competition, product positioning and usability.\n\nIf interested, you can read more on our blog or drop us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n[http:\/\/blog.eventstagr.am\/2014\/05\/were-hiring- aspirational-p...](http:\/\/blog.eventstagr.am\/2014\/05\/were-hiring-aspirational- projectproduct-manager\/)\n\n<\/comment> Software Engineer at Roundtown ([http:\/\/roundtown.com](http:\/\/roundtown.com)) -- Cambridge, MA\n\nRoundtown is a 6-person startup. We've built a Web site ([http:\/\/roundtown.com](http:\/\/roundtown.com)) that lists events (concerts, plays, movies, sports games, everything else) happening everywhere. We just launched in May - check it out! Our site is still an early beta, and we want to add many more features as we grow our user base this year. Our goal is nothing less than to become the top destination online for finding out what's going on anywhere.\n\nWe are looking to add a couple of software engineers to our team. You should be a proficient programmer who's enthusiastic about joining a fast-moving startup environment. We're using Scala, Play, Slick, Postgres, Angular and Bootstrap. You should already know at least some of these technologies, or be able to learn them very quickly. Knowledge of machine learning would be a big plus as well.\n\nWe're in a cool co-working space right near Central Square. Unlike some startups, we can offer you a real salary plus early-stage stock options in our venture.\n\nBy the way, some things we'll be working on in the near future include:\n\n\\- Mobile apps for iOS and Android \\- Social event sharing \\- Crawling the Web to find more events than we have today \\- Automatic event categorization \\- Personalized event recommendations \\- Lots more polish and glitter\n\nSound like a fit? Yeehaw - send your resume to email@example.com .\n\n<\/comment> Software Engineer at Zoomforth.com -- San Francisco, CA - Full Time, Local\n\nWe're building technology to make it easy for non-technical people to make multimedia-enhanced business messaging. There are lots of people whose impact is much greater with the ability to build messaging that includes photos and video, for sales, recruiting, or leadership, and we're striving to build the best product we can in that space.\n\nWe've got our foot in the door at several enterprise companies, and have closed a few larger deals. Our product is evolving -- there's a lot still to be imagined and built, in addition to the clear stepping stones to bigger sales with new enterprise clients.\n\nWe're looking to bring on our first engineering hire. We use Python+Pyramids as our framework, with a great deal of javascript including backbone.js and jQuery. Our persistence layer includes mysql and elastic search on top of AWS.\n\nWe're hiring experienced developers at either full-stack or front-end positions. We are passionate about making good software, and bringing an experience to our users that they love. If you think you can help us build that, apply via email at engineering+hn(at)zoomforth(dot)com Check us out at [https:\/\/zoomforth.com\/about](https:\/\/zoomforth.com\/about).\n\nWhat can we offer?\n\nA competitive salary, full medical coverage, a flexible environment where we actually care about not burning people out, and a commitment from us to help you reach the top of your game, whatever that means for you.\n\n<\/comment> ________________________________* Stylect ([http:\/\/stylectapp.com](http:\/\/stylectapp.com)) ________________________________*\n\nWe're hiring a Fulltime Python Developer in London (REMOTE is okay).\n\nWe're a small, fun team that's trying to change how people shop on mobile. We're backed by a top VC in London and were featured by Apple as a 'best new app' in over a hundred countries and are getting some incredible traction. Our team has previously worked for Rocket Internet, Dafiti, Techstars and Pixelmator. We've got strong domain expertise in the area and believe that there's a massive opportunity in the space.\n\nYou'll be working on core projects on day 1 and once you're familiar with the source, expect to be leading key projects. You'll be challenged constantly as we keep pushing the boundaries of what a 'simple' app can do (algorithms, image analysis etc..).\n\nWe're also quite open about our numbers and our plans, so please drop us a line (firstname.lastname@example.com) and lets chat. Coffee is on us :).\n\nP.S: We're willing to be flexible for STRONG candidates because our biggest priority is to build an amazing team.\n\n<\/comment> Pivotal Labs has spent the last two years building a Product Management practice, and we're looking for people that want to focus on the craft of shaping a product. I run the practice and am committed to bringing a Lean focus to two decades of amazing Agile development.\n\nPalo Alto - [http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product- manager-12\/](http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product-manager-12\/)\n\nBoulder - [http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product- manager-10\/](http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product-manager-10\/)\n\nChicago - [http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product- manager-9\/](http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product-manager-9\/)\n\nSan Francisco - [http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product- manager\/](http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product-manager\/)\n\nLondon - [http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product- manager-3\/](http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product-manager-3\/)\n\nToronto - [http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product- manager-11\/](http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product-manager-11\/)\n\nNew York - [http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product- manager-2\/](http:\/\/pivotallabs.com\/pl_job\/product-manager-2\/)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco and Toronto, Fulltime\n\nWe're PagerDuty, changing the way people interact with machines that have gone wrong. Everyone you know uses us, and now we're expanding into the rest of the world. There are over a dozen positions we're looking for right now.\n\nIf you read HN, you might want to be:\n\n* Our data warehouse engineer ( [http:\/\/pduty.me\/1iRhj3a](http:\/\/pduty.me\/1iRhj3a) ) or work on our Business Systems ( [http:\/\/pduty.me\/V7Vstc](http:\/\/pduty.me\/V7Vstc) ) If you want a front row seat to how a successful startup grows.\n\n* Our team in Toronto is possibly the best Scala shop in Canada: [http:\/\/pduty.me\/1lOHgQf](http:\/\/pduty.me\/1lOHgQf)\n\n* We're hiring web developers ( [http:\/\/pduty.me\/1sUtuAm](http:\/\/pduty.me\/1sUtuAm) )\n\n* And we recently opened an evangelist role ( [http:\/\/pduty.me\/1rcO8Kh](http:\/\/pduty.me\/1rcO8Kh) ) which is all kinds of exciting.\n\nWe pay well, you get to work with good people, on problems that matter. And if you live in SF, we're very easy to get to (much of the office bikes to work). I'm email@example.com if you have any questions.\n\nFor all other jobs, visit: [http:\/\/pduty.me\/jobshnjune](http:\/\/pduty.me\/jobshnjune)\n\n<\/comment> Kivo (YC S13) - \n\nWe're building Github for documents and have started by creating the best way to store, share and get feedback on presentations. We're a team of three based in Soho, London. You'll be technical hire #2 and have a huge amount of responsibility and ownership of the product. We're looking for an excellent front-end developer. You love Javascript, but are comfortable picking up other languages, and obsess over building the best possible user experience. Customer feedback is our guiding light so working closely with users in shaping Kivo should excite you.\n\nOur back end is Scala \/ Play and we're in the process of moving to Angular, so bonus points for experience with that.\n\nEquity grants will be well above market for first hires and salary will be competitive. We want new partners, not just employees, so we are looking for people who are as driven to succeed as we are.\n\nWe're hiring for people who want to help lead the team as we continue to grow, so you should be excited to shape the development culture of a fast growing start-up.\n\nWe also know there's more to life than work. You get gym membership for gyms across London and an extremely sociable team to work with. We love poker, eating out, tennis, and nights at the pub.\n\nIf this sounds exciting, ping us (firstname.lastname@example.com) and we'd love to buy you lunch and have a chat.\n\n<\/comment> Potato are hiring project managers, Django developers, frontend developers and UX designers in London UK, Bristol UK, and Mountain View California. Freelance & fulltime.\n\nWe're is a 75-person developer-lead agency based in London, UK with offices in Bristol, Sydney & San Francisco Bay Area. Our clients include Google, PayPal, Skype, a number of startups and other agencies such as BBH & Mother.\n\n[https:\/\/p.ota.to\/jobs\/](https:\/\/p.ota.to\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> DataHero\n\nSan Francisco, CA\n\n[https:\/\/datahero.com\/about\/jobs](https:\/\/datahero.com\/about\/jobs)\n\nNode.js | Backbone | Angular | D3 | MySQL\n\n \n \n * Full Stack Engineer\n * Machine Learning\n * Frontend Engineer\n \n\n\\<\/comment>\n\nAt DataHero, we're building a beautiful data analysis and visualization platform that anyone can use to understand their business data.\n\nCan you explain a join to your sales manager? Can you instead build a system where she can combine her Salesforce and Stripe data without learning a line of SQL?\n\nOur system uses recommendation algorithms, an intuitive user experience, and all the dirty engineering grit to give non-engineers superhuman analysis skills.\n\nYou:\n\n \n \n - build high-concurrency single page HTML5 webapps\n - don't mind that Node.js hasn't yet reached 1.0 \n (and have built many an escalator through the 9 levels of callback hell)\n - believe design is just as important as engineering\n - want to work for a top venture backed startup with monthly recurring revenue\n - want to contribute to our beer preference datasets with our \n small close-knit team: \n https:\/\/datahero.com\/blog\/2014\/06\/17\/datahero-beer-consumption-analysis\n \n\nIf you're a software hacker or data nerd who wants to lead the next data revolution, get in touch with us at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> ZocDoc \u2013 Soho, NYC\n\nEngineering Manager and Principal Software Engineer:\n\nAt ZocDoc we are working on real products that are improving people's lives (at 5 million users a month)! We need an Engineering Manager who knows how to strike the right balance between upfront planning and iterative development. When you join a team, you make good engineers great and great engineers even better. You have the technical experience necessary to help your team members with tough challenges and you're not afraid to dive in and write code with the rest of the team. You prefer data-driven decision making and are always chasing the opportunity where you can make the most impact. Finally, you have a history of setting ambitious goals and then crushing them.\n\nWe also need a Principal Engineer to drive our elite dev team toward an even brighter future. This role is for a highly experienced engineer with a tireless devotion to good system design across the entire stack. From data storage\/retrieval\/manipulation to consumer APIs and client template renderers, you'll care deeply about all of it and push us toward perfection.\n\nWe offer:\n\n\\+ Awesome team of extremely smart devs\n\n\\+ Ability to help build a product that customers love\n\n\\+ 100% healthcare, unlimited vacation, catered lunch everyday, and we will do visa transfers\/sponsor\n\nLearn more about us at [http:\/\/engineering.zocdoc.com\/](http:\/\/engineering.zocdoc.com\/) or apply at [http:\/\/www.zocdoc.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.zocdoc.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Nod Labs - [http:\/\/hellonod.com](http:\/\/hellonod.com) \\- Mountain View CA - Full Time, Interns, no remote work.\n\nWe believe our technology will fundamentally change how we interact with computers and our environment. We have built the first and only pixel accurate gestural control device, and we are just getting started. Imagine walking into a living room turning the lights down, adjusting the thermostat and searching for your favorite show on your TV with just subtle movements of your finger.\n\nYourself: Self starter and mostly importantly a finisher - pick something up and deliver without supervision. You will be a manager with a team size of one - you. You will need to pick the next problem on the way to achieve our goals and solve it. You could be working on our custom OS twiddling GPIOs or you could be hacking on the backend or polishing off our iOS app. You will need to hold a lot of complexity in your head and have solid CS fundamentals. For what we do, Google may not have all the answers to your questions, github may not have any such sample code and Stackoverflow may have a vaguely related question with no replies, but you will be responsible for solving the problem.\n\nTeam: ex-(Apple, Facebook, Google, Jawbone, Lab126, NASA, Samsung). Approximately 1\/3rd of the team are PhDs (or PhDs on \"pause\") in various fields (Math, Physics, CS) from MIT, Stanford, CMU etc.\n\nAlong with incredibly smart engineers we are also looking for a world class Product Manager who can work with the incredibly smart engineers while also being laser sharp focused on execution.\n\nDrop us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Rinse - San Francisco, CA [https:\/\/www.rinse.com](https:\/\/www.rinse.com)\n\nAlthough the domain isn't sexy at first glance, Laundry and Dry Cleaning really are problems that would benefit from today's technical prowess. Modernizing laundry has real environmental benefits to water usage, not to mention the convenience factor of a delivery service. As humanity becomes more and more urban and less and less likely to have space for a personal washer and dryer, demand for efficient laundry service is growing.\n\nRinse needs to tackle interesting technical challenges as well. Of course, the routing problem as popularized by the Traveling Salesman Problem (except with multiple, load-balanced agents) is a challenge, but since we are also taking photos of the clothes we process, there are interesting data mining, machine learning, and image processing applications as well. This is in addition to the joys of rapidly scaling an operational system, while continually optimizing a consumer-facing product.\n\nWe're looking for skilled developers of all types to join us, including Web Developers and Full-Stack Developers. Since we haven't taken any VC yet, this is a chance to earn a significant equity stake (while still earning a competitive salary).\n\nWe're a Python - Django - Heroku - AWS - Postgres - Backbone.js - Sass - - HTML5 shop currently, but since we're small, there are opportunities to steer us technically as well.\n\nMore information at [https:\/\/www.rinse.com\/careers\/](https:\/\/www.rinse.com\/careers\/) or just contact us at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> REDI Technologies ([http:\/\/www.redi.com](http:\/\/www.redi.com))\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=====\n\nLocations :: New York, NY and Dallas (Frisco), Texas\n\nBackground :: Our mission is to \"make trading better\". REDI is a startup (10 months old) dedicated to taking an already successful trading platform to the next level. As a tech company that operates in the financial trading industry, we have a very different perspective and approach. Our next-generation platform is focused on building a community for the buy-side, sell-side, and technology providers, bridging the Wall Street and the FinTech startup spaces. We take a highly open and collaborative approach to building our technology (everything from C++, Java, .NET, Ruby, Angular, NodeJS, Chef, PostgreSQL, etc). We need individuals with a passion for technology, and an unparalleled drive to deliver world-class software across the desktop, web, and mobile contexts. Financial knowledge is not required, but a strong engineering mindset and razor-sharp problem solving skills are a must.\n\nRoles (FULL-TIME, H1B, VISA supported) :: \\- Software Engineers\n\n \n \n - DevOps Engineers\n \n - Test Engineers\n \n - Product Managers\n \n \n\nWe'd love to hear from you. Send any inquiries or resumes to: email@example.com\n\n\\- Josh (CTO)\n\n<\/comment> Acquia is hiring for a variety of DevOps roles - Boston, MA\n\nAcquia Cloud is a platform as a service tuned to run some of the largest websites on the planet. Although we're focused on Drupal (essentially the largest open source project in the world) on the cloud team we utilize a variety of languages and operate a polyglot PaaS engineered for enterprise needs.\n\nWe're one of Amazon's largest customers and run over 8000 AWS instances. Do you want to not just do DevOps but instead join a team devoted to DevOps at massive scale? If so let me know!\n\nAcquia, itself, was named the fastest growing private company in America last year.\n\nWe have openings for junior and senior DevOps engineers, distributed systems engineers, systems administrators, low-level developers (C modules, Kernel engineers, etc.) and more.\n\nWe utilize a variety of languages and technology, including: Ruby, Puppet, MySQL, Cassandra, Python, Go and more!\n\nLet me know if you want to work on exciting DevOps project at ludicrous scale such as:\n\n \n \n * Architecting highly scalable and resilient PaaS services using technologies such as Docker\n * Developing a monitoring infrastructure in Sensu to monitor 10s of thousands of hosts\n * Building next-generation Virtual Private Cloud network security features to power some of the most secure websites on the planet\n * Scaling a platform health feature to millions of datapoints using Graphite and Cassandra\n \n\nTake a peek at [http:\/\/bit.ly\/acquiajobs](http:\/\/bit.ly\/acquiajobs) or write me at andrew[dot]kenney[at]acquia[dot]com\n\n Andrew didn't ask, but I thought I'd just add my 2 cents:\n\nI've been at Acquia for a few years and it's a fun place to be. Running a system on such a large scale is one of the coolest things I've done in my career so far and there is something new and interesting happening every day.\n\nSomething that is appealing (at least to me), is that the team is running a very \"professional\" process. All of the commits are code reviewed and have passing tests, the colleagues are all great and impressively capable engineers. Everybody is excited about adding things like code metrics, good refactorings and helpful tooling (travis ci, ...). Even though it's a somewhat \"streamlined\" process, there is still enough time to fix those annoying little things (Upgrading the Ruby version we use, restructure our puppet manifests for logical consistency, ...).\n\nIt's a great place to learn and work in a team that actually lives the whole DevOps idea.\n\nAndrew (syrneus) is an Engineer and understands the problems that business requirements can have with the current way we're doing things.\n\nOk, enough now before the marketing department tries to get me to write a blog post ;)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> SmartBIM ([http:\/\/www.smartbim.com](http:\/\/www.smartbim.com)) Atlanta, GA REMOTE\n\nAbout SmartBIM: We are creating innovative new tools that let architects, engineers, designers, owners, and contractors to tap into the full potential of building information modeling (BIM) and we need bright, energetic people to contribute in a team environment to deliver best in class BIM content creation, management, distribution and discovery capabilities.\n\nThe job:\n\n-You will be the in-house indexing expert\n\n-You will create and enhance the next generation of our index services. These services are written in C# on top of Elasticsearch and are used by our internal and public facing applications to view and manipulate data.\n\n-You will drive future iterations of the index and take us to where we need to be in regards to index services functionality and index structure and content.\n\nAbout the technical side:\n\n-We use git, write tests, do regular code reviews, do sprints, have daily standups, and value our time off.\n\n-We have a mix of systems, written in a variety of languages.\n\n-We are building the next version of our infrastructure in C#.\n\nAbout you: -You have significant Elasticsearch, Lucene, or Solr experience. This won't be your first large index project.\n\n-You are a senior level Java or C# programmer who will enjoy programming in C# on a day-to-day basis.\n\n-You thrive working in a collaborative environment.\n\nPlease contact firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Vurb - San Francisco, CA - [http:\/\/vurb.com](http:\/\/vurb.com)\n\nWe just won TechCrunch Disrupt NYC - [http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/05\/05\/vurb\/](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/05\/05\/vurb\/)\n\nVurb is working on reinventing search, browsing, and sharing - by creating an intelligent layer over the Internet that helps you get things done in one place. Rather than opening lots of windows\/tabs or hopping from mobile app to mobile app, we're building a platform that brings everything together.\n\nWe do this by connecting the services we use in a contextual way, through data technologies (search, machine learning, big data, etc.) and original thinking around UI\/UX.\n\nWe're funded by Max Levchin, Drew Houston (Dropbox), Naval Ravikant (AngelList), CrunchFund, and many others. This is a hard problem, but it has the potential to change the behavior of how we do things on the Internet (and make it fun!)\n\nFull-time opportunities in San Francisco (3+ yrs experience, interview on- site)\n\n* Search \/ Data Scientist \/ Data Engineer - search, classification, ranking, ML, recommendation systems, NLP, graph dbs, data crawling\/processing. Search experience strongly desired.\n\n* Full-stack Engineer - experience in JavaScript and async programming (e.g., node.js) preferable\n\n* Android Engineer\n\n* Lead Designer - visual design, interaction design, and experience design - please include your portfolio or Dribbble when applying\n\nemail@example.com | angel.co\/vurb\n\n curious !! why did you decide to move to SF\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Patreon. The crowdfunding site for ongoing projects. San Francisco, CA.\n\nSoftware Engineers: Full-stack, Mobile, DevOps\n\nYesterday we were featured in SFGate with pictures of the apartment we were working out of but, as of today, we have a beautiful new office on 9th Street, South of Mission.\n\nA vibrant community of artists and musicians are already using the site and it continues to grow. We just closed our Series A round. We're in that moment of transition where the site has stopped being a project written by two enthusiastic roommates and becomes a real company. This means that there's a huge amount of work to do on every level of the stack. The existing site is written in PHP, but we've already started adding Node.js services to do the heavy-lifting for new features. As our third full-time engineer, you'd help us figure out the technology stack we use as we grow.\n\nMore information at [http:\/\/www.patreon.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.patreon.com\/jobs) . Also, check out the talk our founder Jack Conte gave at XOXO Festival about the vision for the company at [http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=K9NjntTUJ1Q](http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=K9NjntTUJ1Q)\n\nand feel free to email me directly, jesse@\n\n<\/comment> Contextly, San Francisco, CA; [http:\/\/contextly.com](http:\/\/contextly.com)\n\nOur mission is to help publishers thrive in the age of drive-by readers, with tools that are good for readers, writers and publishers. Broadly speaking that means figuring out how to get good stories to the right readers.\n\nWe do this with content recommendations that don't suck and have no misleading content. Our recommendation technology marries editorial curation to machine learning. We're a small team, but we've got great clients and we're growing.\n\nWe are looking to hire our first two local engineers:\n\n* Infrastructure Engineer * Front-End\/Web Developer\n\nHere is what we think would make a good match:\n\nAs an infrastruture engineer, here are some skills that will likely lead to a good match:\n\n* Python * Experience with AWS * Experience with both relational dbs and key-value stores * Experience with application\/service monitoring\/logging * CDNs\/Caching\/Memcache\/Redis * Demonstrated ability to build systems using these skills\n\nAs a designer\/web developer, here are some skills that will likely lead to a good match:\n\n* API use\/design * Javascript * Mobile web experience * Familiarity with publishing systems\n\nPlease tell us about yourself in a cover letter.\n\nAll serious inquiries will get a response.\n\n<\/comment> Austin TX, AcademicWorks, Senior Ruby Engineer \/ Systems Architect\n\nWe are looking for someone to help us scale, automate, and maintain our SaaS application that is used by some of the largest and most prestigious universities and foundations. We operate a heavily sharded environment and process millions of scholarship applications for our customers. If you love working on interesting problems while knowing that your work is actually helping students pay for school, we'd love to talk to you.\n\nWe are a close-knit, pragmatic group. We have fun solving hard problems by tackling them as a team, relying on open communication, and a consistent willingness to pitch in. As a member of our team, you will be given ownership over key projects and entrusted to lead them through to completion. The contributions you make will have a real impact, and will be recognized by both our customers and other team members.\n\nExamples of the work you might do are: * Writing and assisting with the design of new core features for both existing and new products; * Optimizing application and system components for performance and reliability; * Creating tools to automate the scaling of certain components of our AWS-backed infrastructure; and * Instrumenting our application and systems to capture performance and business metrics.\n\nOur technology stack includes: * AWS EC2, Route53, S3, and ElastiCache * Ruby\/Rails * Cassandra * Elasticsearch * Postgres * Chef * Redis\n\nIf these types of problems and technologies interest you, please contact us at email@example.com . Experience in one or more of the technologies mentioned is preferred. Passion (and a basic understanding of Linux) is required.\n\n<\/comment> Trulia - San Francisco - Full Time\n\nTrulia's real estate search platform serves 50 million unique visitors every month. With an at-scale web experience, category leading apps in both the Play and iOS App stores, and teams working on behavioral search models, home estimates, commute times, and computer vision, we're doing a lot of cool things and have a constant need for mobile and web engineers. I've worked at Trulia for about 2 years. Employees are taken care of. Engineers have a voice. A successful IPO and healthy balance sheet give us the ability to take on ambitious projects. It's just really a great place to work.\n\n\\- Competitive comp and equity \\- Great benefits, including gym reimbursement and free healthcare \\- Fantastic location in downtown San Francisco, close to Bart, Caltrain, the Transbay Terminal, etc. \\- Kegs (plural) and a rooftop patio \\- Quarterly hack-weeks where meetings are prohibited and engineers work on whatever delights them. (More than a few of these projects get on the roadmap and SHIP)\n\nCheck out our Jobs page at [http:\/\/www.trulia.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.trulia.com\/jobs) and apply. Or reach out to me, shane at trulia dot com.\n\n<\/comment> StackSocial \/ Venice, CA \/ Senior Ruby Developers www.stacksocial.com\n\nWE ARE HIRING - www.stacksocial.com\/careers\n\nWhat we are looking for: We are looking for Mid-Level and Senior Ruby Engineers to join the StackSocial team. You'll be part of a small, but growing team, working hard to build a first-of-its-kind native commerce platform.\n\nWho we are: StackSocial was founded in 2011 and is headquartered steps from the sand in Venice Beach, CA. We're both a native commerce platform that distributes relevant products to our partner network of top tier publishers, and we're a marketplace for people to discover, share, and buy innovative apps, gadgets, and online tools across the world.\n\nCheck us out!\n\nFacebook: [https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/StackSocial](https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/StackSocial) Twitter: [https:\/\/www.twitter.com\/StackSocial](https:\/\/www.twitter.com\/StackSocial) Awesome Venice Office: [http:\/\/blog.stacksocial.com\/stacksocial-new- digs\/](http:\/\/blog.stacksocial.com\/stacksocial-new-digs\/)\n\nIf you want to get in on an early stage, profitable startup and join an amazing team, send your resume to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA Mixpanel (YCS09; [http:\/\/mixpanel.com](http:\/\/mixpanel.com)) is the most advanced advanced analytics platform ever for web & mobile applications.\n\nMixpanel is profitable, with thousands of customers and millions in monthly revenue.\n\nENGINEERING CULTURE\n\nOur engineering culture:\n\n \n \n * We do very thorough, line-by-line code reviews using GitHub pull requests. This keeps our code quality high and helps us learn.\n * We try to have two people work together on every project (collaborating, not pairing). It's more fun and it results in better code.\n * We practice rapid iteration. If it's better than live, we ship. We also build things so they can go live (whitelisted) long before launch day.\n * We write tests for things that are mission-critical, prone to failure, or cause paranoia. Think billing and datastore code, not Django views.\n * We care about learning. Right now we're reading through Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment.\n * We currently have 9 vim users, 2 IntelliJ, and 1 emacs holdout.\n \n\nENGINEERING POSITIONS\n\nWe have two types of engineering positions available - systems and product. Both of these positions require you to be able to work in San Francisco, CA.\n\nSystems engineers build and scale our infrastructure, and write mostly C, C++, and Python. We are working on a number of new products right now with serious infrastructure challenges and we need more people with great depth to help us solve them. This position requires at least 4 years of experience.\n\nResponsibilities of this role include:\n\n \n \n * Working on our custom datastore (written from the ground up in C)\n * Scaling the data processing pipeline (currently handling > 50K requests per second)\n * Building notification delivery infrastructure (currently sending > 100M emails & push notifications per month)\n * General improvements to performance, reliability, and security\n * Work with the rest of the engineering team to design, build, deploy, and maintain systems\n \n\nIf you're interested in a more full-stack role, check out the Product engineer position: [http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/mixpanel\/jobs\/7910](http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/mixpanel\/jobs\/7910)\n\n\\--\n\nThe engineering team is still small (12), and there's a lot of interesting stuff to do. Happy to talk details.\n\nIf you're interested, drop me a line - firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n Any chance for a REM0TE from Europe for an experienced C++ engineer?\n\n We are unfortunately only hiring for our SF office, no remote (and US work authorization is required).\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> ITU - San Jose, CA\n\nInternational Technological University is looking for software engineers and DBAs to help us build educational software that handles all the day to day processes that run a university.\n\nITU is an accredited, non-profit educational institution that offers masters and doctorates degrees for CS and software engineering. We have a close knit, rapidly growing technical team that's focused on building better educational software to help our university grow.\n\nCurrent work culture is focused on sustainability, stability, and career growth. We make a serious effort at training up current employees and providing mentorship, in addition to giving employees access to free classes at ITU for whatever topics they are interested in.\n\nDetailed job descriptions are available on the ITU website ([http:\/\/itu.edu\/index.php\/about-itu\/working-at- itu\/](http:\/\/itu.edu\/index.php\/about-itu\/working-at-itu\/)).\n\nIf you're interested in working at ITU as a software developer or DBA, feel free to reach out to me at email@example.com with any questions or more information about these positions. I work on the software team here and would be happy to answer any questions you may have.\n\n<\/comment> REDWOOD CITY,CA - PRODUCT MANAGER - COURSE HERO\n\nWe're looking for a Product Manager who will help define and build the product roadmap and define the customer experience as we move to internationalize our core study guides, flashcards and tutoring platform.\n\nYou'll own this product and work closely with a dedicated engineering and design team, you'll collaborate with our other Product team members, and you'll share product roadmap, expectation and results with our Executive team and board.\n\nHere are a few things we'd love to see in a strong candidate: * 3+ years of professional experience in a Product Manager role in a consumer facing software company, with extra bonus points for educational technology or e-commerce experience.\n\n* A BA or BS degree, or relevant skills and equivalent work experience. MBA a plus!\n\n* You can demonstrate success in delivering products and services in a high growth environment, and you have a track record of successful international product expansion in both strategy and execution.\n\n* You can demonstrate effective, clear communication to lead a team and drive product as a major influencer across the company.\n\nAPPLY VIA: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/743](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/743)\n\n<\/comment> BOSTON Full-time __Xamarin __is hiring __Release Engineer __[http:\/\/xamarin.com\/jobs\/oV5xYfwf](http:\/\/xamarin.com\/jobs\/oV5xYfwf)\n\nCome join the team in the Boston office! __Xamarin __is redefining cross- platform mobile development by unifying fully native app development for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows in a single C#-based platform!\n\nEmail me (firstname.lastname@example.com) if you have questions!\n\n<\/comment> Senior Android Developer\n\nOmada Health (omadahealth.com) is a design-led digital health company that's looking to re-imagine how the world tackles chronic disease. We're looking for an experienced Android developer to join our engineering team. You should have been around the block a couple times building out and maintaining Android applications with multiple services. Right now our API is built in Ruby on Rails \u2014 you should be ready to take on these technologies and more as we build out our products. We're creating mobile products to enhance user experience and are looking for developers interested in owning features across multiple platforms\n\nIf you're ready to guide technical decision making and work hands-on with some of the best engineers in the health industry, this gig is for you. We value agile, test-driven development and constant collaboration. Our team practices pair programming full time, so you'll have the opportunity to learn techniques from everyone as well as sharing your skills.\n\nREQUIREMENTS:\n\nExperience launching an Android app on the Play store\n\n2+ years of experience maintaining an Android app\n\nExposure to TDD and automated testing\n\nExperience leading a technical team\n\nMeticulous attention to quality\n\nInterest in healthcare or social entrepreneurship\n\nBENEFITS:\n\nCompetitive salary and stock options\n\nMedical, dental, and vision insurance\n\n401k plan\n\nVery flexible vacation policy\n\nDiscounts on personal Apple purchases\n\nSatisfaction from making a real-world, positive impact\n\n<\/comment> Rent the Runway - New York, NY (VISA candidates welcome!)\n\nRent the Runway is building the first online rental platform for retail goods. We're a disruptive e-commerce business that believes democratizing luxury products in the US is just the first step of a broader vision to drive aspirational experiences for tens of millions of users across the globe. We're more than \"Netflix for dresses\"\u2014we're Cinderella Experience as a Service. Find out more about the challenging product-oriented problems we face across the boundaries of e-commerce, mobile, analytics and shipping\/fulfillment here: [http:\/\/blog.tech.renttherunway.com\/](http:\/\/blog.tech.renttherunway.com\/)\n\nWe are hiring front-end, back-end, DevOps, and mobile (iOS) engineers. Our stack:\n\n* Service-oriented architecture with Java 7 (soon to be 8!) and DropWizard: Modern Java is a thing and we've got the proof!\n\n* Ruby and Sinatra for lightweight, scalable web applications.\n\n* JavaScript and Backbone for a front end that's becoming faster and more awesome to work on every day.\n\nJob postings: [http:\/\/www.renttherunway.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.renttherunway.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Urban Airship is hiring full time senior software engineers in San Francisco and Portland.\n\nWe're looking for people to join our back end team (which is primarily Java, hbase, cassandra, high volume RPC services), and our web team (JavaScript, python\/django, d3, etc...)\n\nOur San Francisco location is a small, engineering and operations-focused office in SOMA. We have the feel of a much smaller company, but we operate at a scale of billions of events per day. If working on APIs that get called 40,000 times per second, all day, every day sounds interesting, you might like us.\n\nDoing interesting things with a firehose of kafka events is also something we also do a lot of.\n\nWe support open source software and believe in good tooling (we just released a new project yesterday -- [https:\/\/github.com\/urbanairship\/tessera;](https:\/\/github.com\/urbanairship\/tessera;) full disclosure - that was my project for our internal Hack Week recently, and we're now monitoring our metrics in production with it), and minimizing the obstacles to getting stuff done. We also believe in work\/life balance, as well has having room for people to work on their side projects; most of our monitoring stack started as side projects!\n\nIn our backend stack, experience with Java, netty, protobufs, kafka, hbase, high volume TCP\/IP messaging in general, designing and building REST APIs, postgres, postgis, cassandra, geolocation technology, automated testing and deployment are all valuable.\n\nYou can check out the official listings at [http:\/\/urbanairship.com\/careers](http:\/\/urbanairship.com\/careers), or send me a note at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> US - Boston, MA and San Francisco, CA\n\nFitbit is hiring full-time software and hardware engineers.\n\nI've been a Principal Software Engineer at Fitbit since November (previously Senior Software Engineer at Google) and Fitbit is an awesome place to work. The company culture is fantastic. The people are great to work with. The Boston office feels like a startup because it's so small and new, yet we're well-funded and secure. Everywhere I go people tell me they love our product or know someone who loves it and talks about it.\n\nBoston Software Engineers: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?35Rglgwi](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?35Rglgwi)\n\nSan Francisco Software Engineers: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3XSglgwb](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3XSglgwb)\n\nSan Francisco Hardware Engineers: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3kVhlgwC](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3kVhlgwC)\n\nIf you're really good but none of those positions seems to exactly fit you, apply anyway. New projects are emerging with big data, new products, and other ideas. Feel free to reply with general-interest questions. Personal inquiries can be emailed to me, blewis at the obvious domain.\n\nIn Site Engineering, we're using jQuery, underscore, Handlebars, Backbone, Stylus, Buster, Selenium, requirejs, and Highcharts on the front end, with new technologies introduced as needed. We're only using node as part of the build system for now. The back end is tomcat with a lot of Spring and Hibernate in front of mysql.\n\nSome big data projects I'm aware of also use Python. Beyond that, check job listings to know what tools might be used.\n\n<\/comment> New York City, FULL TIME\n\nCompany Overview: Kitchensurfing is a company that allows you to hire a chef to come cook in your home for you and your friends. We allow chefs in our marketplace the unique combination of direct access to the people they feed, a chance for extra income, and brand equity for themselves all while doing the thing that they truly love.\n\nSoftware Engineer at Kitchensurfing\n\nJob Title & Summary: Software Engineer\n\nKey Responsibilities: Engineers at Kitchensurfing are responsible for discussing requirements and making estimations with our designers and product owners, pairing with other engineers to develop user facing functionality and the backend that supports it, then monitoring releases to production and responding to feedback on the work we have delivered.\n\nDepartment & Supervisor: Reporting to our Director of Engineering as a member of our Product team.\n\nSkills & Qualifications: 3 years of experience as a Software Engineer Skills we seek out: Test driven development, pairing, refactoring, agile, extreme programming, object oriented programming Experience with the technologies we use every day is important to us: Rails, SQL, HTTP, HTML, CSS, Javascript.\n\nType of Employment: Full-time\n\n If interested, please email your resume to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Windsor Circle [http:\/\/www.windsorcircle.com\/](http:\/\/www.windsorcircle.com\/) \\- Durham NC\n\nFront End Developer & Python Developer\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nWe're hiring developers on the front end and backend to join our funded startup to help us build and expand our market leading Retention Automation Platform.\n\nBackend Developers will have an opportunity to work with Python, the pyramid web framework, and and many of the leading ecommerce and marketing platforms in the world.\n\nFront End Developers will be able to work in JavaScript with Backbone, jQuery and Marionette.JS to build out our rapidly growing web application.\n\nThis is an exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor with salary and stock options while working with cutting edge technology. Telecommuting is available 1-2 days\/wk with the rest of your time spent in our awesome downtown Durham office.\n\nMore info here:\n\n[http:\/\/www.windsorcircle.com\/jobs#SoftwareDeveloperPython](http:\/\/www.windsorcircle.com\/jobs#SoftwareDeveloperPython)\n\n[http:\/\/www.windsorcircle.com\/jobs#FrontEndDeveloper](http:\/\/www.windsorcircle.com\/jobs#FrontEndDeveloper)\n\n<\/comment> MeetMe - New Hope, PA (near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) - [http:\/\/www.meetme.com](http:\/\/www.meetme.com)\n\nSee all public openings here: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2)\n\nAbout Us: MeetMe is the leading social network for meeting new people in the US with over 1 million DAU. We've been around since 2005 as myYearbook, rebranding in 2012 as MeetMe. We've launched other apps such as Choosy, Charm, and Unsaid in the past few months, and are looking to continue adding more standalone apps in the future.\n\nWe use a wide variety of languages, generally using what makes sense. C, PHP, Python, JavaScript and Node.js, and native iOS and Android development are the most common.\n\nMeetMe is a fun place to work. We hold a yearly developer retreat, as well as regular company-wide hackathons. We have a book club, board game club, and we even have a game room. While we aren't a new company in the time scale of the internet, we still know how to have fun. We just get the benefit of not having to kill ourselves working 12 hour days. =) This means you'll enjoy actually going home on time! We have many openings, both technical and non-technical. Here is a list of positions we are usually always looking for.\n\n* Senior Web Developer\n\n* Senior Android Developer\n\n* Software iOS Developer\n\n* Network Engineer\n\nYou can apply directly here: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2)\n\nOr you can contact me at firstname.lastname@example.com. I'm a developer, so feel free to ask specific developer-type questions\n\n<\/comment> TechAccelerator - SoCal or Remote - Contract \/ Full Time (Interns welcome) - [http:\/\/www.techaccelerator.com](http:\/\/www.techaccelerator.com)\n\nAt TechAccelerator we've built a next generation platform that disrupts how Enterprise Technology products are sold. Rethinking the 'Sales Cycle' by taking a new approach at the way presentation are given. Our tight team of passionate builders are creating interactive, real-time, demo environments that engage and educate users as it walks them through setting up, configuring and using complex Enterprise Technologies. Let's face it, with social media, smart phones, instagram and technology like vines, we consume information much differently today then we did even 5 years ago. It's about time someone used this to their advantage.\n\nOur clients range from Publicly Traded Manufactuers to some of Silicon Valley's hotest startups.\n\nWe're looking for people who like to solve complex problems using simple but elegant solutions.\n\nOpenings:\n\n* Graphic Designer\n\n* Front End Developer\n\n* Full Stack Rails Engineer\n\n* DevOps Engineer\n\n* Cloud Architect\n\n* Solution Architect\n\n[http:\/\/www.techaccelerator.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.techaccelerator.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Vienna, Austria - full time front-end enthusiast\n\n(local in Vienna, the city with the best quality of life in the world [http:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/worldnews\/europe\/austria\/972...](http:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/worldnews\/europe\/austria\/972...))\n\nWe, nextSociety Inc want to help people find and connect to the subset of their social network contacts that is actually relevant to them.\n\nTo achieve this we need people that like hard challenges, want to work with cutting edge natural language processing and machine learning tools, and know that to deliver value to the customer even the loftiest algorithms have to be glued together with solid software craftsmanship.\n\nWe are a Java shop with the frontend written in Backbone for fast prototyping, but strongly believe that real programming talent is not language bound.\n\nWe have an office in the center of Vienna in walking distance to innumerable bars and pubs, regular happy hours and regularly host guest start ups to cooperate and learn from each other.\n\nIf you are interested or know someone who is, shoot me (email@example.com) a mail, recruiters shouldn't bother.\n\n<\/comment> London, UK - Permanent, full time, on-site. Lumi - [https:\/\/lumi.do](https:\/\/lumi.do)\n\nJoin Lumi and help us change the way the world discovers content. Brought to you by the people who started Last.fm.\n\nLumi allows you to anonymously and securely record the pages you visit to let Lumi know what you're interested in. It finds popular webpages among all users and makes suggestions of pages that will interest you.\n\nWe're looking for fine folk to work on\n\n* Our frontend\n\n* Backend services and middleware\n\n* Android\/iOS apps\n\n* Our Recommendation Engine, both developers and data scientists\n\nWe are also looking for * A Product Lead\n\n* A Design Lead\n\nOur stack is mostly Python backed by Cassandra, Elastic Search and Postgres. We'd like you to know a bit of everything and a lot of something.\n\nReasons to be interested in Lumi\n\n* Founders with recognised pedigree\n\n* A small but extremely strong engineering team\n\n* With funding imminent, about to grow rapidly - a great time to join\n\n* A really cool product that \/could\/ go onto take over the world :-)\n\n* Genuinely hard and interesting machine learning\/data retrieval problems.\n\nEither launch a CV at email@example.com, or get in touch personally if you'd like to chat first. [https:\/\/lumi.do\/about\/jobs](https:\/\/lumi.do\/about\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Entelo - San Francisco (SOMA), CA - Full-time - [http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/](http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/)\n\nEntelo is a new and better way to recruit. The Entelo platform leverages big data, predictive analytics and social signals to help recruiting organizations find, qualify and engage with in-\u00addemand talent.\n\nEntelo Search gives unprecedented access to rich profiles of over 20 million candidates, each filled with data from social sites such as Github, Dribbble, Quora, Twitter, and more. Entelo Sonar finds candidates for you by analyzing over 70 variables to tell you when a candidate is ready to change jobs.\n\nWe are helping to give companies like Facebook, Box, AT&T, ESPN and Salesforce a competitive advantage in building great teams.\n\nTech Stack: Ruby, Scala, Rails, MySQL, Mongo, Redis, Elasticsearch\n\nWe are currently looking for engineering, sales, marketing and customer success professionals to join our team. Please see our careers page for more info [https:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers](https:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers)\n\nI'm the founder and you can email me directly at jon at entelo dot com\n\n<\/comment> Doctor On Demand - [http:\/\/www.doctorondemand.com\/](http:\/\/www.doctorondemand.com\/) San Francisco (SoMa), CA\n\nWe have current openings for full-stack and front-end engineers (particularly with experience building single-page applications), as well as customer support and marketing positions.\n\nDoctor On Demand is a recently launched startup in the mobile health space. Our app allows users to connect to a real, US-licensed doctors for immediate consultation via video chat. We prevent unnecessary in-person doctor visits while helping doctors make extra money. We have strategic relationships that provide massive advantages in reaching millions of US consumers.\n\nWe've raised venture capital from top-tier investors including Andreessen \/ Horowitz, Google Ventures, Venrock, Shasta and some fantastic angels. Our founders also have an excellent track record of building great companies.\n\nWorking at Doctor On Demand is a unique opportunity to join an incredibly well positioned start-up that is driving meaningful social good: we provide better access to primary care for all Americans.\n\n Would you consider Remote for the perfect candidate?\n\n Yes - too late to edit, but remote is an option for an excellent candidate.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Quixey - Mountain View, CA + Tel Aviv, Israel\n\n[https:\/\/www.quixey.com\/about\/](https:\/\/www.quixey.com\/about\/)\n\nWe're a well-funded, ~100-person startup making app search that doesn't suck. Our goal is to index the state and functionality of apps as well as Google indexes the web, and then present app functionality directly to users in search results. We currently provide iOS and Android app search that soundly beats Google Play and iTunes in blind tests.\n\nWe have a variety of projects in Python (most of our web-facing stuff, mid- tier services, and our search API), Java (our relevance engine and other computationally intensive code) and Clojure (our app content pipeline.)\n\nWe're basically hiring most good generalist software engineers, or engineers with domain knowledge relevant to any of our work (e.g. analytics, scraping, semantic web, machine learning, search, web development, Android development and internals.) Email me at email@example.com for details or a referral.\n\nWe also host the South Bay Less Wrong meetups on Tuesday evenings, so stop by the office and check it out!\n\n<\/comment> Digital Marketing and Web Designer Wanted - LONDON\/ESSEX, UK\n\nBold Content is looking for a digital marketing enthusiast to join the team.\n\nIf you have a passion for digital marketing and want to get stuck in to use the knowledge and experience you've gained in previous employment or training then we can offer you a challenging and rewarding position.\n\nYou will be asked to design and build websites (mostly in Wordpress) to promote our services and our client's.\n\nContent management will also be a large part of the role as you will be managing and maintaining an online library that organizes video content for our clients. In addition to managing content on their websites you will be also responsible for cataloging a wide range of internationally produced video so strong organizational skills are a must.\n\nIf you have an interest and talent in content marketing and how to use and promote interactive, short-form, narrative content then you'll fit right in.\n\nJob Requirements \u2022 Great written English \u2022 Eye for detail and design \u2022 Experience utilizing Google Analytics and web search optimization \u2022 Practical knowledge of keyword research, content optimization and SEO is essential. \u2022 In-depth knowledge of inbound digital marketing is essential. \u2022 Self starter with strong time management skills \u2022 Strong communication skills and client orientated attitude\n\nSalary is \u00a318,000 pro rata for a six-month contract with the potential to be made permanent thereafter.\n\nOur office is located in Buckhurst Hill, on the Central Line, NE of London.\n\nPlease reply to firstname.lastname@example.com with CV, covering letter explaining your suitability for the position and please include links to online portfolios, blogs or webpages that showcase your work.\n\n \u00a318k (in London!), to do digital marketing and SEO? Potential to be made permanent later? Is this a joke? I'm not sure HN is the avenue for this type of job.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Allahabad, India INTERN\n\nKhitchdee is a dish made from rice and lentils, common man's food popular throughout India. It's cooked in one pot and easy to digest. It's one of the first foods given to infants and to people who have an upset stomach.\n\nKhitchdee the term therefore connotes a mix-up.\n\nOur company Khitchdee explores the mix-up of music and computing gadget technology. We build software apps to help produce music. We produce our own music using these apps. We also build technology with elements from the practice of music specially timing elements. For example we explore comm protocols that use rhythm to enhance info exchange. We're building a coding tool based on this work.\n\nWe look for an intern who's into music, at least plays one instrument confidently and has had a technical education so can design and write code along with us. This an expenses only internship. We don't pay a stipend like other people. At the end of this two month trial period, we may choose to offer you a full time job. We're looking for brilliance, we'll make it worth it.\n\nSend email to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> VictorOps - Boulder, CO\n\nWe're looking for a mid to senior-level front-end web developer to work on our devops alerting platform and www (wordpress) site. Should have experience with JavaScript app development using Backbone or similar, jQuery, strong understanding of the DOM, AJAX, and RESTful APIs. We also make use of SCSS, websockets, and Lo-Dash on the front-end, as well as Git for version control.\n\nBonus points for: * OOCSS, SMACSS * Front-end optimization techniques * Mobile web dev * An interest in usability and the overall experience\n\nWe're offering: * A competitive salary, generous benefits, and equity * The opportunity to work on issues that have a direct impact on our success * The chance to join a fun and hard-working team, with room to grow * A collaborative, open work environment at our new office in the heart of downtown Boulder * New hardware of your choice, free snacks, and beer on tap\n\n[http:\/\/victorops.com\/jobs\/front-end-javascript- developer\/](http:\/\/victorops.com\/jobs\/front-end-javascript-developer\/)\n\n<\/comment> Citymapper (London, UK) - Help build the world's most loved urban navigation app!\n\n[https:\/\/citymapper.com\/apps\/](https:\/\/citymapper.com\/apps\/)\n\nWe're looking for great people first and foremost, but especially the following roles:\n\n\\- Lead DevOps engineer (Python, AWS, Salt)\n\nYou will be responsible for our platform in the cloud.\n\nThis isn't a \"systems administrator\" role. You will shape the tool chain, deliver features, and ensure that the moving parts of our system can communicate.\n\nExperience with Python and AWS required.\n\n\\- Experienced Android and iOS developers\n\nWe're reimagining mobile UIs for finding the best ways to get around cities. We're looking for mobile developers who both care deeply about the \"little big details\" of mobile interfaces, and who know the grotty implementation details required to make things work across a range of device types.\n\nIf you're looking for a project that improves people's lives on a daily basis, if you want to craft elegant and fun UIs out of the tangled thicket of transportation options, or if you have a passion for public transportation, get in touch!\n\nIf you're interested, please contact me at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Amsterdam, the Netherlands. No remote work \u2013 must be willing to work at our Amsterdam office.\n\nSilk [1] is looking for Front-end Developers and Javascript\/TypeScript and Haskell Engineers. We're building a product that makes it easy for people to create sites with information that is easy to query, visualize and share. On a deeper level, our vision is to bring the semantic web to the masses and build an amazing company around that.\n\nWe're working on many interesting and challenging problems, with a custom- built Haskell graph-database on the back-end and a cutting-edge Functional Reactive client-side framework in Javascript on the front-end [2]. Silk is well-funded by top-tier VCs (NEA and Atomico) and we're located in the city center of Amsterdam.\n\nFor more info & open positions: [https:\/\/jobs.silk.co\/](https:\/\/jobs.silk.co\/)\n\n[1] [https:\/\/www.silk.co\/](https:\/\/www.silk.co\/) [2] See [http:\/\/engineering.silk.co\/](http:\/\/engineering.silk.co\/) for examples.\n\n<\/comment> Silent Circle - SoCal would be cool, but we're spread from California to Greece, so (REMOTE) location is not critical for the right person.\n\nWe're looking for a web frontend developer with strong UI\/UX skills and experience developing usable, attractive, and responsive interfaces. We're not overly concerned with the frameworks or libraries you've used, but hopefully you've been around the block enough times to have solid opinions about a couple.\n\nIf you're looking for interesting challenges, we have many of them... Delivering high quality products that solve real world problems for our users, while keeping their privacy and security our primary concern, can make for surprisingly competing interests at time. We're a very distributed team, which has many advantages, but also presents a number of challenges; it's pretty critical that you are comfortable working independently.\n\nIf you're interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to me or StavrosK (We're josh and stavros at silentcircle.com, respectively).\n\n<\/comment> London, England - Full Time - \n\nBrand Networks ([http:\/\/bn.co\/](http:\/\/bn.co\/)) is hiring full stack engineers for our London office, working on real time bidding, analytics and front end web applications. Graduates welcome.\n\nRequirements:\n\n \n \n * BS or MS degree in computer science, mathematics, or related field. \n Or related experience.\n * Good understanding of web technologies HTML, CSS, Javascript, HTTP, JSON, REST\n * Can demonstrate that you're a great programmer in at least one of \n Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Clojure, Haskell, F#, Kotlin, Scala, Java\n or Ruby\n * Would like to work with TypeScript, NodeJS, AngularJS, Python, Ansible and AWS\n * Good understanding of a Unix based operating system\n * Some experience of databases and at least one web application framework\n \n\nIf you love programming and would like an interesting job with a steep learning curve and a wide variety of challenges, please get in touch. You can email me personally at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> PromptWorks - Philadelphia. Local only. Relocation assistance provided.\n\nWe are a development shop that focuses on software craftsmanship.\n\nOur calling is to help companies create amazing, intuitive web applications, APIs, products and services.\n\nWe take pride in the consistency with which we successfully turn ideas into MVPs, manual processes into automated ones, and frustrating online experiences into pleasurable customer interactions.\n\nWe employ agile practices, including writing automated tests, pair programming, automating builds, continuously deploying, tracking our velocity, and developing in short iterations.\n\nWe specialize in open-source, dynamic languages like Ruby and JavaScript, but we are excited about future work with languages like Clojure, Erlang, Go & Objective C.\n\nWe have a few positions open:\n\n* Software engineer\n\n* Senior software engineer\n\n* Operations engineer (aka DevOps)\n\n[http:\/\/www.promptworks.com](http:\/\/www.promptworks.com)\n\nJob page and how to apply is here: [https:\/\/jobs.github.com\/positions\/d8f94048-ea66-11e3-82b6-db...](https:\/\/jobs.github.com\/positions\/d8f94048-ea66-11e3-82b6-db429914f52b)\n\n Permanent job page: [http:\/\/www.promptworks.com\/jobs\/senior-software- engineer.htm...](http:\/\/www.promptworks.com\/jobs\/senior-software- engineer.html)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Helsinki, Finland - full time, part time, VISA\n\nOmniata - [http:\/\/www.omniata.com](http:\/\/www.omniata.com) \\- Founded by a team of former Digital Chocolate and EA data leads, Omniata integrates analytics, CRM, CMS and A\/B testing platforms into one solution. The company is well funded & headquartered in SF. The bulk of R&D will be done in the Helsinki office which at the moment only has a handful of people, so this is a great opportunity to get in early and grow with the company.\n\nSome of the open positions include:\n\n\\- JS developer: jQuery, Angular, data visualization experience a plus\n\n\\- API integration engineer: Node.js, Python or Ruby\n\n\\- Devops engineer: AWS, Ruby, Puppet\/Chef\n\n\\- Data analyst\n\nThere are other positions available as well (including in the SF office & more senior positions), so if you're at all interested in this space and Helsinki as a place to live and work (rated one of the top 5 cities in the world for quality of living by Monocle a few years in a row), drop a one line email with a link to your LinkedIn or GitHub profile to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n I tried to send you an email to firstname.lastname@example.com, but this address doesn't work - \"We're writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (jobs.europe) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group\"\n\n Weird, worked for me; will fix. In the meantime please forward your email to email@example.com - thanks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I'm reposting this from the June \"Who is hiring?\" thread:\n\nZumper - Soma, San Francisco, CA - [https:\/\/www.zumper.com](https:\/\/www.zumper.com)\n\nLead Front-End Web Developer\n\nZumper is a next generation apartment rental platform that recently raised a $6.5 million Series A led by Kleiner Perkins.\n\nWe're growing very quickly (numbers are 4x three months ago) and we're looking for a lead front-end engineer to help accelerate this growth in our traction and product.\n\nWho We're Hiring\n\nAn experienced Javascript-focused frontend developer with a strong portfolio and experience using client-side MVC frameworks. You'll work across Zumper's Tenant and Professional web apps, so you should be self-motivated and excited about taking on a big challenge.\n\nDesired Skills & Experience\n\n> Deep experience with development of Javascript-based dynamic web apps\n\n> Exposure to client-side MVC frameworks (AngularJS experience a plus!)\n\n> Strong HTML and CSS skills\n\n> Passionate about great design and user experience\n\n> Independent and a fast learner\n\n> Able to communicate openly within a close-knit team\n\nApply - please email your resume or GH profile to email@example.com - we're excited to hear from you!\n\n<\/comment> FutureAdvisor is a robo-advisor that automates portfolio management and helps people balance their investments for free. You could say that sounds boring, but dealing with peoples' life savings is about life and death.\n\nWe have more than 150,000 users, we just raised $15.5 million, and we need people to help us make FutureAdvisor better. In particular, we need software engineers and product people. CNNMoney named us one of the top five financial web apps last year.\n\nWe care about code, we care about design, and we care about our customers. We believe portfolio management can help save the American middle class.\n\nWe're looking for:\n\n\\+ An engineering manager \\+ iOS\/Android developers \\+ Front-end developers \\+ Infrastructure engineers \\+ Designers!!\n\nIf you know someone we should talk to, or if you are that someone, please contact us at firstname.lastname@example.com. You can see more details about the positions here: [https:\/\/www.futureadvisor.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.futureadvisor.com\/jobs). We are based in San Francisco and hiring for here.\n\n<\/comment> Keplar Agency - Amsterdam, Netherlands - INTERN - Full time or Freelance\n\nKeplar Agency is looking for a fulltime or freelance Ruby on Rails developer and\/or trainee. We make a lot of sites for large events such as \"A State of Trance 2014\", \"Amsterdam Music Festival\", \"I Am Hardwell\", etc. We also make sites and apps (iOS and Android) for other companies.\n\nWe work with modern tools common to the Ruby community and never stop looking forward to improve our workshop. We're small team now, but we're expanding to take on new projects and also setup our own apps.\n\nFor more information take a look at: [http:\/\/keplaragency.com\/jobs\/ruby_developer](http:\/\/keplaragency.com\/jobs\/ruby_developer) and [http:\/\/keplaragency.com\/jobs\/ruby_traineeship](http:\/\/keplaragency.com\/jobs\/ruby_traineeship). And you can contact us at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nLet me know if you're interested in either position. You can also contact me if you want to know more! (firstname.lastname@example.com, mention Tom)\n\n<\/comment> REMOTE, relocation to Germany possible if desired.\n\nEyeo, the company behind Adblock Plus, is looking for JavaScript and C++ developers.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nSenior JavaScript developer\n\nWe are looking for a senior developer with a solid understanding of computer science and a focus on web technologies, in particular JavaScript.\n\n[https:\/\/eyeo.com\/jobs#senior-javascript- developer](https:\/\/eyeo.com\/jobs#senior-javascript-developer)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nC++ developer\n\nWe're looking for someone who can help bring Adblock Plus to mobile devices and other resource constrained environments.\n\n[https:\/\/eyeo.com\/jobs#c++-developer](https:\/\/eyeo.com\/jobs#c++-developer)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nWe're in the middle of changing the world of online advertising for the better, and there's lots of work to do. We're also experimenting with new, supplementary ways of content monetisation.\n\nWhat we do is disruptive and controversial, and we've had our share of bad press in the past. Much of it FUD, but there's also legitimate criticism we need to address. We do this by being as open as we can possibly be, which is what we ought to do anyway. Mozilla is pretty close to what we want Eyeo to be.\n\nApply at firstname.lastname@example.com if you're up for all this, we'd love to hear from you. Please include a list of notable open source projects you are contributing to or have contributed to. We're an open source project, so that'd be a very big plus.\n\n<\/comment> SAN FRANCISCO - SR. ANDROID ENGINEER - WEARABLE INTELLIGENCE\n\nWe're looking for a capable, curious and smart Senior Android Engineer to join our team. You're a tinkerer and an aesthete, and you like to write code that gives mobile and wearable devices magic abilities. You have a passion for building great products that are robust and enjoyable, and you're interested in stretching the boundaries of what's possible on wearable hardware.\n\nAs one of our early senior team members, you'll work directly with our co- founders team to develop software for wearable devices -- from our product suite to core framework components -- and help us ensure optimal performance for our clients. We're growing, and we'd be thrilled for you to grow your career with us, be it into a team lead, manager, or architect.\n\n[http:\/\/wearableintelligence.com\/](http:\/\/wearableintelligence.com\/)\n\nAPPLY VIA: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/757](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/757)\n\n<\/comment> Spectrum ([http:\/\/spectrumedusolutions.com](http:\/\/spectrumedusolutions.com)) - Poughkeepsie, NY\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=\n\nLooking for:\n\n\\- Front-end web developer\n\n\\- Back-end developer (python ideally)\n\n\\- DevOps (AWS)\n\nSpectrum's 20 year tenure has seen a massive evolution in the way we can work with and support our Higher Education clients with an ever-increasing suite of customer-focused solutions. From print to digital to mobile to personal, we have the passion and the experience to transform the Higher Education marketing space. Clients come to Spectrum for a complete experience. We offer the most extensive and effective higher ed marketing platform with embedded CRM technologies on the market, and our team is solely focused on developing solutions that translate directly into success. By blending extensive experience in admissions strategy, print and digital design, interface development, client profiling and above all cutting-edge marketing software, we can promise a complete 360\u00b0 experience when you work with Spectrum.\n\n<\/comment> Coinbase, San Francisco, CA\n\nHi - I'm Ryan, I'm with Security @ Coinbase. We're trying to make BTC easy to use.\n\n[https:\/\/coinbase.com\/mission](https:\/\/coinbase.com\/mission)\n\nWe're building out our security and engineering teams. We are based out of San Francisco, and have remote engineering options. We're a company that cares deeply about our security engineers and how they improve our security every day, and we are looking for more.\n\nWe're looking for engineers to build new security features for Coinbase, secure our customers, employees, products and infrastructure from all sorts of threats. We're doing a lot of building, and looking for builders. Today, we're a Rails+AWS shop, with mobile apps and lots more technology being built on the backend. We're also building a culture and a company, so you should care about that stuff too.\n\nWe're looking for software engineers, systems engineers, and security engineers... or whatever combination you might be. You should have no problem thinking like a bad guy and be up to date on building defensively. You shouldn't be afraid of an incident and you shouldn't be afraid of getting your hands dirty on new technology.\n\nWe've setup some fun tests (On HackerRank) to make sure everyone has a fair shake for an interview (Resumes can only tell us so much anyway) Choose one or more that suits your skillset, have fun, and hope we can talk soon.\n\nApp Security Engineer (Written) [http:\/\/istest.co\/prodsec1](http:\/\/istest.co\/prodsec1) App Security Engineer (Coding) [http:\/\/istest.co\/prodsec3](http:\/\/istest.co\/prodsec3) Security Engineering (Written) [http:\/\/istest.co\/infosec1](http:\/\/istest.co\/infosec1)\n\n<\/comment> London, UK\n\nFully funded PhD Studentship in Space Debris Environment Modelling using Spatio-Temporal Analysis\n\nUniversity College London\n\n<\/comment><\/comment>=\n\nAlthough largely unrecognised by the general population, the world has never been more reliant on access to space. However, continued use of the space environment over the last 60 years has polluted the orbits around the Earth with debris. Currently only a small fraction of space debris is tracked. Failure to capture this data more accurately, and model its behaviour, could result in us losing access to space entirely if a space debris cascade event is allowed to occur.\n\nThe aim of this PhD project is to describe the current space debris environment using cutting edge astrodynamics methods and model its evolution over time using machine learning techniques and spatio-temporal data analysis. The Space Geodesy and Navigation Laboratory (SGNL) has become a world leader in accurately modelling the many forces acting on spacecraft in orbit. Our models are currently employed by both NASA and ESA to supply data to support scientific environmental monitoring missions (JASON-1, SENTINEL). SpaceTimeLab have a wealth of experience in the analysis, modelling, simulation and visualisation of large spatio-temporal datasets, with applications in transportation, crime and disaster response. This is an exciting opportunity to build on these models and develop novel techniques to gain new insights into the behaviour of the space debris environment.\n\nSkills you will learn include design, development and testing of algorithms, software and database development, experimental design and implementation, data analysis and both technical and interpersonal communication. You will also have the opportunity to build a network of contacts within both the astrodynamics and spatio-temporal data analysis communities.\n\nThis project is a collaboration between UCL's Space Geodesy and Navigation Laboratory and SpaceTimeLab and will be supervised by Dr Stuart Grey and Dr James Haworth.\n\nEligibility: Applications are invited from UK and EU members, residing in UK.\n\nApplication Procedure: Applicants should send a covering letter and CV to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nStart Date: The post will be available from September 2014\n\nDuration: 4 Years\n\nFunding: The scholarship covers UCL registration fees and provides a stipend of \u00a315,726 per annum tax free. Travel expenses and research equipment will also be paid for.\n\nFunding Body:EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)\n\n<\/comment> Sourcegraph is hiring programmers.\n\nWe are a team of 4 in San Francisco building a better way to search and explore code. Sourcegraph indexes 100,000s of open source libraries. It lets you browse fully linked code, see live usage examples of how other projects and people are using a given function, and quickly find documentation. Check it out for yourself at [https:\/\/sourcegraph.com](https:\/\/sourcegraph.com).\n\nWe're looking for programmers who are passionate about open source and who can jump into any part of our codebase and make a strong contribution to our product.\n\nAs a member of our team, you will engage with users, design and implement new functionality (front-end, back-end, language analysis), help drive product direction, contribute to open-source libraries, and evangelize our product and mission.\n\nCome help us improve the state of our own craft and make code more accessible and open. Shoot us an email at email@example.com with your resume and background.\n\n<\/comment> HOPSTER - LONDON\/UK - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/gethopster](http:\/\/bit.ly\/gethopster)\n\nAlways looking for good people, particularly developers (Python\/GAE), growth people, creatives (animators\/voice actors\/producers - contract\/partnerships)\n\nIf you're excited about the idea of making TV better for kids (better = more educational, interactive, engaging), get in touch: firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n \n \n ***************************\n ** MAKING KIDS TV BETTER **\n ***************************\n \n\nKids in the UK watch 6bn hours of TV every year. At Hopster, we're trying to make that time better. Our first product is a beautiful iPad app for kids aged 2-6, which combines gorgeous TV shows with contextual learning games - and we plan to go much further. Launched in December, we have had great reviews from parents so far plus thousands and thousands of MAUs. Oh, and we have paying customers.\n\nWe're a funded London-based start-up, launched in late 2013. Our team includes people from a range of backgrounds (from start-ups to non-profits and corporates), all with a solid track record of developing and delivering innovative and successful products to consumer audiences.\n\n \n \n ******************\n ** OUR STACK(S) **\n ******************\n \n\nTECH Front-end: Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery Back-end: Python, Google App Engine, Google Cloud Endpoints & Storage iOS App: Cocos2d-x, C++, Objective-C\n\nMARKETING WordPress, Localytics\/Google Analytics, Mailchimp\/Mandrill, Google Experiments\/Unbounce\/Optimizely, Buffer, SocialBro\/Sprout, SensorTower\/AppAnnie\n\nTEAM Trello, bitbucket, Google Docs, Google Hangouts, Friday curry sessions, climbing wall & go kart track in the same building\n\n \n \n ***************************\n ** WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR **\n ***************************\n \n\nAs usual, always looking for good people. The team is broadly split into development, product, marketing\/growth and creative (and creative actually means creative, incl. animation, characters, voice acting etc.!).\n\nIf you're excited about the idea of making TV better for kids (better = more educational, interactive, engaging), get in touch: email@example.com.\n\n\\----\n\nPS: thanks, speek, for the inspiration on making headers more obvious ;-)\n\n<\/comment> Thumbtack - San Francisco (H1-B and interns welcome)\n\nThumbtack helps people accomplish personal projects central to their lives. Thumbtack can help you remodel your kitchen, get photographs taken at your wedding, or teach your daughter how to play the piano. We are a two-sided marketplace that connects buyers and sellers in these service industries. We work hard to empower small business owners nationwide to grow their businesses.\n\nThumbtack's core values are 1) help locally, scale globally, 2) obsess over our customers, and 3) improve relentlessly. We look for people who have raw talent and drive, work well with others, are motivated to improve, and are personable and intellectually curious.\n\nOur engineering team is a lean 12 people, and supports the larger Thumbtack team of 500. We work in a beautiful office in SoMa, eat family-style meals cooked by our in-house chefs, study CS theory together, read and debate literature at book club, brew beer, and provide annual stipends for self- improvement. We offer competitive salary and equity along with great health insurance and a flexible vacation policy.\n\nWe're hiring software engineers with the following kinds of expertise:\n\n \n \n * Statistics\n * Data science\n * Front-end\n * Back-end\n * Site reliability \/ DevOps\n * Analytics and big data\n * Android\n * iOS\n \n\n[http:\/\/www.thumbtack.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.thumbtack.com\/jobs)\n\n[http:\/\/www.thumbtack.com\/engineering](http:\/\/www.thumbtack.com\/engineering)\n\n[http:\/\/www.fastcompany.com\/3030952\/whos-next\/thumbtack-is- co...](http:\/\/www.fastcompany.com\/3030952\/whos-next\/thumbtack-is-coming-for- yelp-and-angies-list-as-the-smartest-way-to-hire-professio)\n\nPlease contact alex @ thumbtack for more information.\n\n<\/comment> One of our offices: Shanghai, China\n\nWe build products at the intersection of technology around data. Lots of data visualization, big data and infrastructure.\n\nWe work with large organizations on challenging problems (the World Bank, the United Nations, CNN) OR on our own products (mostly developer tools, things like [http:\/\/devo.ps](http:\/\/devo.ps) or [http:\/\/octokan.com](http:\/\/octokan.com)).\n\nWe are a multicultural team with French, American, British, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Finnish colleagues. We are about to settle a third office in Berlin and are looking at remote hiring in Spain and Seoul.\n\nWe work a lot with Javascript (node.js, AngularJS), Python, occasionally Go and Erlang. Lots of single page apps, APIs and infrastructure automation.\n\nWe are looking for full-time or interns:\n\n\\- Developers; front-end (HTML5 + Compass + AngularJS), backend (node.js, Python), ops (Python, Go).\n\n\\- Designers; you have design chops, understand technology (HTML\/CSS...) and do more than nice pictures (content strategy, color theory, ...).\n\n\\- Strategist; you can quickly immerse yourself in a new field of knowledge, have a knack for data and are quick at recognizing patterns. You are a jack- of-all-trades that can think a solution and get it shipped, either alone or with a team.\n\n\\- Marketing; you have what it takes to grow a brand or product online and understand how to leverage online and offline tools to get there.\n\n\\- Business Development; if you are in Washington DC, Berlin or Paris, understand enough of our space and would like to help us grow our services, shoot us an email.\n\nDrop me a line at firstname.lastname@example.com, or go to [http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html)\n\n<\/comment> Ideal Candidate - [http:\/\/www.idealcandidate.com](http:\/\/www.idealcandidate.com)\n\nLocation: Downtown Toronto. No remote.\n\nWe are currently looking for a front end designer\/developer who can help us build the next generation of recruiting applications.\n\nWe are looking for someone with solid front end skills who also has some experience with UI\/UX design. Our front end uses Angular.js so experience there is advantageous though not required. We are looking to recruit at a mid to senior level for this role.\n\nIdeal Candidate is a small friendly team led by experienced entrepreneurs. Here you will get to experience some extremely cutting edge technology such as machine learning, vector math, large scale databases and external systems integration. As a front end developer you will have priority input into the design and feel of our application. We believe strongly that the appearance of our application is a key to our success.\n\nEmail your resume to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> If interested, please visit our LI career page at [https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/yp\/careers?trk=top_nav_care...](https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/yp\/careers?trk=top_nav_careers) or contact Winston Bonnheim at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nYP is North America's largest local search, media and advertising company. We are a cutting-edge new media company with tremendous growth that empowers creative, innovative and entrepreneurial individuals. We offer the resources of a well-established, high-profile company plus the excitement and growth potential of a dynamic start-up.\n\nAlso, we rank among the top 50 digital media companies in the world and are owners of the 31st largest website (YP.com) and a top 40 mobile app (YPmobile).\n\nALL ROLES ARE H1B ELIGIBLE AND LOCATED IN GLENDALE, CA(UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED).\n\nDirector of Product Management Sr Software Engineer, Ruby \/ Sinatra Sr Software Engineer, Ruby \/ Sinatra Software Engineer (Mobile Web) Dr of Data Science Analytics Manager- Yield Management Director of Product Management Director of Engineering, BE Product Manager, Billing\/CRM Director of Platform Data Services Sr Manager, Product Development, Print Researcher Visual Designer Sr DBE Sr Software Engineer, Ruby Sr Software Engineer, QA Data Scientist Data Scientist Inventory Modeling Manager, Yield Management Dr of Product Management Director of Product Management Senior Product Manager Director of Product Management Senior Engineer (Java\/Hadoop) HR Manager, Tech Software Engineer Software Engineer, Java Sr Software Engineer, Java Sr Software Engineer (Austin) Sr Software Engineer (Austin)\n\nIf interested, please visit our LI career page at [https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/yp\/careers?trk=top_nav_care...](https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/company\/yp\/careers?trk=top_nav_careers) or contact Winston Bonnheim at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> The Victory Solution\/Realtech - Cincinnati, Ohio (REMOTE OK)\n\nRealtech provides solutions to help loan officers and mortgage companies foster great relationships with Real estate agents so that the mortgage companies can grow their purchase business. We do this by offering a suite of tools that the Real Estate professionals can use at no cost or a trivial monthly cost (under $7) that will help them market their listings in today's digital age.\n\nWe're growing, cash flow positive, and bootstrapped.\n\nI have the following positions open:\n\nJunior Developer (Python\/PHP)\n\nJunior System Administrator (Linux\/AWS)\n\nUI\/UX Developer\n\nRelaxed atmosphere. Catered lunch every day. Membership to a hacker\/maker space, 100% covered health\/dental\/vision for you, and we pay 85% of your family's coverage. Choice of Mac or PC.\n\nPlease send a resume to firstname.lastname@example.com, and let me know that you noticed my posting on HN. You can also find me on freenode as iwilson if you'd like to chat about the position or the company.\n\n<\/comment> MedTech Exchange - Atlanta, GA\n\nWe are a new company who is looking to eliminate the inefficiencies in implant surgeries. Help us make medicine better.\n\n \n \n We are looking for a talented front-end developer with experience in:\n \n * Bootstrap\n \n * jQuery\n \n * Less\/CSS\/Object-Oriented CSS\n \n * HTML5\n \n * Responsive design\n \n * Understanding of UX principles and best practices\n \n * Angular.js\n \n * Single-page Application Development\/Design\n \n \n We are also looking for a back-end or full-stack developer with experience in:\n \n * Play Framework (Java\/Scala)\n \n * MySQL\n \n * REST\n \n * Object-Oriented Development\/Design\n \n * RabbitMQ (or other message queueing technologies)\n \n * Automated Testing\n \n * Linux Administration\n \n\nJoin us and have the opportunity to design and implement the look and feel of software than can disrupt the medical industry. Interested? firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Liftoff - Menlo Park, CA - Visa transfers OK\n\nWe are building a sustainable engine of growth for mobile app companies, by solving the problem of connecting users with the mobile apps that they will actually value. We're tackling this by leveraging programmatic advertising and state-of-the-art machine learning.\n\nWhy join us?\n\n\\- We are solving the toughest problem facing every mobile app today: effective user growth.\n\n\\- We are building a technology-centric company that can solve tech challenges previously considered insurmountable.\n\n\\- We optimize for sustainable developer productivity by hiring for smarts and adaptability and using the right tools for each job (e.g. Clojure, Go, Ansible, Vowpal Wabbit, AWS).\n\n\\- We have the nimbleness, transparency and personal impact of an early-stage 11-person startup, combined with the funding, revenue and long-term thinking of a later-stage one.\n\nWe are hiring generalist engineers (ML experience is a plus), Data Scientists and marketing. Email me at firstname.lastname@example.com if you are interested in talking.\n\n<\/comment> Push Science ([http:\/\/pushsci.com](http:\/\/pushsci.com)) Toronto, ON, Canada (Happy Canada Day!)\n\nOpen Positions: \\- Ruby on Rails API Developer (local or remote contract) \\- Front-end Angular JS Developer (local or remote contract) \\- DevOps Expert (contract) \\- UX Designer (local contract)\n\nCommunication services and the Service Providers play an important role on our daily lives. But the fact is most of us hate dealing with our telco service provider. We think that's crazy and needs to change.\n\nStarting with the retail store touch point, Push Science is empowering front line agents to deliver exceptional customer experience using mobile software tools for sales and customer care. Our patented technologies allow agents to connect with customers and provide service in brand new ways.\n\nWe think that dealing with your telco (or any other service provider) should be a pleasure and delight. We're looking for passionate designers and engineers that can make this possible.\n\nOur technology: Cloud based backend running on Ruby on Rails, Rails 4, Active Model Serializers, Postgres. Frontend Angular JS, Cordova. We develop and maintain a RESTful JSON API that powers our application at multiple touch- points. Developing new systems for real-time asynchronous communication. Writing libraries to integrate with external systems.\n\nWe use an agile scrum process with 2-week sprints. Our team of 10 people includes designers, engineers, business development, and a stellar batch of telco advisors. Our office is located on King and Bathurst in the heart of Toronto's entertainment and fashion district.\n\nYou can reach us at firstname.lastname@example.com Push Science job board: [http:\/\/pushscience.theresumator.com\/apply](http:\/\/pushscience.theresumator.com\/apply) Push Science website: [http:\/\/pushsci.com](http:\/\/pushsci.com)\n\n<\/comment> Ginsberg - Edinburgh, Scotland, Full Time Head of User Acquisition, Project Ginsberg\n\nWe're looking to complete our team by hiring a Head of User Acquisition to drive and execute our strategy around building a world-class mental wellbeing service for the Scottish population.\n\nKey tasks are the planning and execution of our public beta launch plan and driving users to a number of smaller products that might be part of our product suite. Your ultimate success criteria is the number of relevant users that arrive at and activate our services.\n\nWe're a data driven project: part of your responsibility is to identify and quantify the most appropriate acquisitions channels for reaching our target users.\n\nVery competitive pay. Get in touch through kate at project-ginsberg.com see: [https:\/\/www.project-ginsberg.com\/blog\/were-hiring-looking- fo...](https:\/\/www.project-ginsberg.com\/blog\/were-hiring-looking-for-a-head- of-user-acquisition\/)\n\n<\/comment> \n ***********************************\n PUT YOUR NAME ON EVERY LINE OF CODE \n ***********************************\n \n Company: Creative Market (Acquired: Autodesk)\n Location: Pier 9 Workshop, San Francisco, CA\n Job Type: Full Time\n Relocation: Relocation benefits and visa sponsorship available\n \n \n\nFounded by three YC alums, Creative Market is building the world's marketplace for design content.\n\nWe're proud to be a part of Autodesk's 27,000 square foot Pier 9 workshop, surrounded by makers and artists ( Take a tour of our workshop: [http:\/\/goo.gl\/6gLhMf](http:\/\/goo.gl\/6gLhMf) ).\n\nOur small engineering team of four is looking for passionate full stack web engineers to help us build, ship and iterate on new and existing features.\n\nEngineering Culture\/Style:\n\n\u2022 Agile approach, democratic environment, hands off management style\n\n\u2022 We like to work on what makes us the most happy; you get to help decide what projects you work on\n\n\u2022 We're big on automation and love building growth features\n\n\u2022 You own end-to-end what you build\n\nUnder the hood stuff:\n\n\u2022 LAMP stack (PHP), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (JQuery, Backbone, require.js)\n\n\u2022 Clean Git flow for version control\n\n\u2022 Daily code pushes\n\n\u2022 No Q\/A manager (that's you)\n\nIf you're interested in starting a conversation, please email: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nOR\n\nApply here: [https:\/\/creativemarket.com\/jobs](https:\/\/creativemarket.com\/jobs)\n\nTake a tour of our workshop: [http:\/\/goo.gl\/6gLhMf](http:\/\/goo.gl\/6gLhMf)\n\nCheck out our community: www.creativemarket.com\n\n<\/comment> Remote or one of our offices: San Francisco, CA - Shanghai, China\n\nWe build products at the intersection of technology around data. Lots of data visualization, big data and infrastructure.\n\nWe work with large organizations on challenging problems (the World Bank, the United Nations, CNN) OR on our own products (mostly developer tools, things like [http:\/\/devo.ps](http:\/\/devo.ps) or [http:\/\/octokan.com](http:\/\/octokan.com)).\n\nWe are a multicultural team with French, American, British, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Finnish colleagues. We are about to settle a third office in Berlin and are looking at remote hiring in Spain and Seoul.\n\nWe work a lot with Javascript (node.js, AngularJS), Python, occasionally Go and Erlang. Lots of single page apps, APIs and infrastructure automation.\n\nWe are looking for full-time or interns:\n\n\\- Developers; front-end (HTML5 + Compass + AngularJS), backend (node.js, Python), ops (Python, Go).\n\n\\- Designers; you have design chops, understand technology (HTML\/CSS...) and do more than nice pictures (content strategy, color theory, ...).\n\n\\- Strategist; you can quickly immerse yourself in a new field of knowledge, have a knack for data and are quick at recognizing patterns. You are a jack- of-all-trades that can think a solution and get it shipped, either alone or with a team.\n\n\\- Marketing; you have what it takes to grow a brand or product online and understand how to leverage online and offline tools to get there.\n\n\\- Business Development; if you are in Washington DC, Berlin or Paris, understand enough of our space and would like to help us grow our services, shoot us an email.\n\nDrop me a line at firstname.lastname@example.com, or go to [http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html)\n\n<\/comment> Conspire - [http:\/\/goconspire.com\/jobs](http:\/\/goconspire.com\/jobs) \\- Boulder, CO\n\nConspire is a Techstars company founded in 2012.\n\nWe analyze email data to give users detailed analytics on their email network and to understand the strength of connections between people. With this understanding, we maintain an always-up-to-date, weighted network of connections without any work on the part of users. When a user needs to reach a person or company, Conspire finds the strongest path of connections in the user's extended network.\n\nUX Engineer ([https:\/\/www.goconspire.com\/jobs#ux](https:\/\/www.goconspire.com\/jobs#ux))\n\nFull Stack Engineer ([https:\/\/www.goconspire.com\/jobs#fullstack](https:\/\/www.goconspire.com\/jobs#fullstack))\n\nMarketing Lead ([https:\/\/www.goconspire.com\/jobs#marketing](https:\/\/www.goconspire.com\/jobs#marketing))\n\n<\/comment> For Goodness Sake, LLC (Local preferred, Remote considered)\n\nSeeking: Front End Developer & Full Stack Engineer\n\nTechnologies: Angular, Foundation, Spring MVC, on AWS\n\nWe're an early stage funded startup in stealth mode and we're building an experiential mobile web app to help break through the stigma, shame and misconceptions around sex. It's what The Joy of Sex could have been if it had today's leading edge tech behind it. No generation thinks they're repressed \u2013 it's only in hindsight that we see how taboos in previous generations were keeping individuals and couples from living fully. We feel it's our duty to future generations to move the conversation forward, even if doing so ruffles some feathers.\n\nFor more details: [http:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/57608\/full-stack- devel...](http:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/57608\/full-stack-developer- for-goodness-sake-llc)\n\nCome join our team! Email me directly at email@example.com.\n\n-Joel\n\n You said 'local preferred', but neglect to mention where you are. It's SF, for anyone else wondering.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Branch Metrics, Palo Alto, CA. We are an early-stage VC-backed startup which helps apps grow their user base organically through a mobile referral SDK. We're working right now on building a dashboard to view analytics data from our system.\n\nOur stack:\n\n \n \n - Servers in Node.js, backed by Postgres\n - Deployment on AWS with Ansible\n - iOS SDK in Objective-C and Android SDK in Java\n \n\nOur team: 2 coders, 1 sales\/operations, 1 sales\/design\n\nWhat we're looking for:\n\n \n \n - HTML\/CSS knowledge with an eye for design\n - advanced JavaScript skill\n - self-directed, good communicator\n - full-time employee willing to work out of our Palo Alto office\n \n\nWhat you get:\n\n \n \n - competitive salary + equity\n - the opportunity to come in as employee #1 and take ownership of a critical part of our infrastructure\n \n\nIf you're interested, I'd love to talk - email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Couchbase is hiring for technical positions across the board [http:\/\/www.couchbase.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.couchbase.com\/careers)\n\nSpecifically I'm tracking mobile database engineer and developer advocate roles, but there's a lot more opportunity than that. Remote is an option for all our positions.\n\n<\/comment> Jetsetter - New York, NY\n\nJetsetter, A TripAdvisor company, is the world's leading luxury travel site, providing insider access, expert knowledge and exclusive deals on the world's greatest vacations.\n\nWe're looking for a Senior Scala Engineer who takes pride in their code and is a team-player. We believe in a development process that's agile, but not dogmatic. People who succeed here tend to have little tolerance for unnecessary process and impediments, but also appreciate having sufficient checks and balances in place to keep things under control.\n\nRequirements:\n\n* 5+ years of full stack web development experience\n\n* 2+ years of production Scala development experience\n\n* Strong knowledge of Akka, Spray, Slick libraries is a plus\n\n* Knowledge of object oriented software development practices\n\nEmail to email@example.com or apply here: [https:\/\/tripadvisor.taleo.net\/careersection\/2\/jobdetail.ftl?...](https:\/\/tripadvisor.taleo.net\/careersection\/2\/jobdetail.ftl?job=46262)\n\n<\/comment> Pascal Metrics, Washington DC (Georgetown)\n\nWe're a healthcare startup focused on improving patient safety in hospitals.\n\nOur software platform enables clients to detect, track, and analyze patient safety issues across hospital systems.\n\nOpen positions:\n\n* UI Engineer - Front-end developer with knowledge of CSS, HTML5, Javascript for our SaaS platform. Knowledge of MVC frameworks and CSS organization desired.\n\n* Java Engineer - Core Java developer to help build out our SaaS platform. Experience with play! framework, dropwizard, event processing, distributed systems a plus.\n\nCheck us out at [http:\/\/www.pascalmetrics.com](http:\/\/www.pascalmetrics.com)\n\nFull job listing:\n\n[https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/PascalMetricsInc](https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/PascalMetricsInc)\n\nIf you're interested in getting involved with healthcare, improving work culture, and tackling hard technical challenges, please feel free to reach out to me directly to chat in detail.\n\ntheo at pascalmetrics.com\n\n<\/comment> Backend or frontend developer at moviepilot.com \u2014 Berlin, Germany \u2014 Full time\n\nWe make a webpage called moviepilot.com using chaplin.js, backbone.js, node.js, express.js, puppet, nginx, varnish, rails, mysql, elasticsearch, rabbitmq, neo4j and couchDB.\n\nWe're looking for a backend and a frontend developer who enjoys using this stack, loves movies, doesn't mind our coffee eccentric team members and is an all-round nice person. We're a bunch of developer girls and guys from Brazil, Germany, Greece, Poland, Russia and UK, and we often sit in our beautiful Berlin office with golden walls (seriously) directly at U-Mehringdamm in Kreuzberg.\n\nA bit more about moviepilot:\n\nMoviepilot is the fastest growing movie fan community in the world. We have a core readership of 14 million fans and an audience of over 27 million spread across 13 Facebook pages. We're creating the world's best place for fans to talk about movies.\n\nInterested? Get in touch! email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Bolt ([https:\/\/bolt.co](https:\/\/bolt.co)) - Potrero Hill, SF, CA\n\nWe're building the world's next great communications carrier entirely in the cloud. We don't know how to erect towers or lay fiber, but we do know how to write software people actually want to use.\n\nWe're starting by building out a full set of mobile apps to replace for your carrier's voice and SMS service and letting you port your number in. There's a lot to build, which is why we need you.\n\nWe're hiring for all engineering roles including Android, iOS and Devops. We have a particular need for engineers who know SIP\/XMPP+jingle or who have built real-time communications services before. Super-mega extra credit goes to anyone who understands WebRTC internals, and I don't mean the JavaScript API.\n\nSend me an email at email@example.com with a little info about yourself and some links to work you've done.\n\n<\/comment> Clever (YC S12) is hiring full-stack engineers to hack education\n\nSteve Jobs described education as one of the final frontiers still untouched by modern technology. Clever (YC S12 - [https:\/\/clever.com](https:\/\/clever.com)) is building the data platform needed for great software to make its way into the classroom. Just like Stripe has made it simple for developers to build payment processing into their apps, Clever has made it easy for developers to build applications for schools using student data.\n\nWe're a small, highly technical team with deep experience in education. In under two years, 1 in 7 schools in America has begun using our APIs, meaning that Clever moves data for eight million students every day.\n\nOur newest project is essentially Facebook Connect for education: one identity to tie together all of a student's learning applications into a cohesive experience. We're making that happen with our Instant Login service, which allows students to log in once and immediately get access to all their apps: [https:\/\/www.edsurge.com\/n\/2014-05-14-no-more-passwords- cleve...](https:\/\/www.edsurge.com\/n\/2014-05-14-no-more-passwords-clever-shows- off-instant-login)\n\nAnd while we have all the startup perks (a beautiful loft office in SoMa, free lunch, unlimited Amazon credits for learning..) \u2013 hands down the best part of the job are the calls and emails from schools describing how much Clever helps them.\n\nAs an education company, we're all about learning personally too \u2013 it's practically a prerequisite to work here. In the past few weeks we've done tech talks on things like exoplanets, set theory, and kitesurfing. (We also love a good round of bughouse chess \u2013 just ask Magnus Carlsen [http:\/\/screencast.com\/t\/xD7umWfo](http:\/\/screencast.com\/t\/xD7umWfo))\n\nWe're looking for full-stack engineers who can hack in Node, Go, and Python (or are willing to learn), but more importantly, we're looking for people who share our passion for improving education. If you're interested, we'd love to hear from you.\n\n[https:\/\/clever.com\/about\/jobs](https:\/\/clever.com\/about\/jobs)\n\nAt Clever, we want to work with the best people - applicants of all backgrounds and beliefs are welcome to come improve education with us. We're committed to making our office a safe and comfortable environment for all employees.\n\n<\/comment> Arachnys - Engineering and DevOps - London, UK\n\nWe make a search platform for companies carrying out due diligence on their counterparties in emerging and developing markets. Our SaaS platform is used by some of the world's biggest and most prestigious banks and consulting firms to help them manage their counterparty risk. We have just hit breakeven, with strong growth, and are looking to invest to grow our engineering capability.\n\nOur stack is a huge range of fun open-source technologies, including Hadoop, ElasticSearch, PhantomJS and Django. We mainly write in Python but are starting to use other languages, especially go, for key services.\n\nWe're looking for engineers and devops types to join our growing London-based team. Competitive salary, flexible working, usual startup stuff available.\n\nPlease email firstname.lastname@example.com if you're interested, no need for a CV if you can show us an impressive GitHub (or equivalent) profile.\n\n<\/comment> Huffington Post - \n\nScala, Angular, Software Engineer(Data)\n\nHuffington Post is becoming a global media platform. With editions in 12 countries now, HuffPost is rebuilding and expanding its platform on a massive scale.\n\nWe are looking for strong FE and BE engineers, ideally with either Scala or AngularJS experience or with a strong background in building Data backed platforms, who like working on and building massively scalable and concurrent systems.\n\nThe Huffington Post has spent 2014 focusing on rebuilding and re-platforming its technology stack to prepare for its continual global growth (leveraging mostly Play2, Akka, Angular). A whole new set of APIs, new publishing platforms and an entirely new Realtime Data infrastructure are part of what we are working on.\n\nIf interested, apply here [http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/thehuffingtonpost#.U7K78I1dW1H](http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/thehuffingtonpost#.U7K78I1dW1H)\n\n<\/comment> Riot Games - Full-time in Los Angeles \/ St. Louis \/ Points elsewhere globally\n\nRiot Games, developer and publisher of League of Legends, is looking for highly accomplished engineers passionate about the technology that excites and engages millions of players globally. Our opportunities run the gamut of Game Development, Big Data, eSports, Merchandise, Live Service Development and Corporate IT Systems. With 27 million players daily, we face cutting edge technical challenges at scale. Consequently, we're an engineering organization that values \"T-shaped\" engineers. We are expected to make pragmatic decisions about the best tool for the job, thus a broad exposure to many languages and tools is vital.\n\nExcited to improve the game engine behind today's largest PC game? Interested in crafting the future of infrastructure as a service? Curious about the role of open source in the video game industry? Thrilled to participate in and cultivate a global engineering organization? We are. If this sounds like you, check out the careers section on the Riot Games website or apply directly:\n\n[http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/riotgames\/jobs\/10838#.U7Mi8Y1dWH...](http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/riotgames\/jobs\/10838#.U7Mi8Y1dWH9)\n\nOk, corporate speak aside, League of Legends offers a pretty amazing and rare intersection of core video gaming and cutting edge, large scale, interesting tech problems. For those of us engineers who are gamers in our heart, this is a chance to work on something you're truly passionate about. I feel quite lucky to work at Riot and am excited to have other other gamers join us in building games by players and for players. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up directly on Twitter or LinkedIn.\n\n[https:\/\/twitter.com\/jaaronfarr](https:\/\/twitter.com\/jaaronfarr) [https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/jaaronfarr](https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/jaaronfarr)\n\n<\/comment> KarmicLabs: Payment Cards as a Service - fulltime SF\n\nWe're building a SaaS service that lets small businesses issue configurable expense\/purchasing cards to their employees. Cardholders can use our mobile app to handle receipt capture and expense reporting during transactions (instead of at the end of the month) or request approval for budget changes and large purchases. By issuing the cards ourselves (over the existing payment networks) we can get significantly more data and expose more control parameters than we could by linking to existing cards.\n\nWe recently raised our first round and are looking to make our second and third fulltime engineering hires. We've got interesting problems involving security, authentication, fraud detection, and user interfaces.\n\nStack includes: Python3, AWS, Ansible, AngularJS, SCSS, Redis, and PostgreSQL.\n\nEmail (compressed with zlib): eJxLzijKLNauyslMcshOLMrNTM5JTCrWS87PBQB\/Mwm8\n\n<\/comment> Indiegogo - San Francisco, CA - Full Time Software Engineer (mobile & web)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nIndiegogo empowers people around the world to fund what matters to them. As the largest global crowdfunding platform, campaigns have launched from every country around the world with millions of dollars being distributed every week due to contributions made by the Indiegogo community. At its core, Indiegogo is the equal opportunity platform dedicated to democratizing the way people raise funds for any project \u2013 creative, entrepreneurial or cause-related. The company was launched in 2008 and is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Los Angeles and New York.\n\nWe are looking to grow our engineering team with engineers of all sorts web (rails\/angular), iOS, Android and generalists are encouraged to apply.\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3wDewgwE](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3wDewgwE)\n\n<\/comment> Downtown San Francisco Full Time\n\nFull Stack Developer at Academia.edu\n\nTo apply just send us an email: email@example.com Company:\n\n* Our mission is to build a new system for scientists to share their results and broadcast their work\n\n* We have over 10 million users and they are extremely important to us!\n\n* Our investors include Khosla Ventures, Spark Capital and True Ventures\n\nTeam:\n\n* We move quickly, everyone is in charge of their own projects but also very collaborative\n\n* We get catered lunches from zerocater and lunch usually ends with a round of foosball\n\n* We're a diverse group with backgrounds in philosophy, biology, music and art.\n\nTechnical:\n\n* We are a Rails shop (you don't need to know Rails though, just how to tackle difficult technical challenges)\n\n* Peer Review: We are revisiting peer review with a novel product built from the ground up that will allow layers of discussion on top of a single document and we are building this using Rails and Backbone\n\n* Recommendation Engine: Lots of machine learning to parse science papers and figure out what people want to read. Pretty cool stuff.\n\n* Servers, Speed, Security and Storage (Postgres \/ Dynamo \/ Elasticsearch \/ Redis): Speed and stability are really important to us because areas in the world with slower internet connections tend to be where researchers can benefit the most from open access to research\n\nAbout you:\n\n\\- You have a curious mind and enjoy tackling hard technical problems\n\n\\- You work best when given a lot of autonomy\n\n\\- You want to have a huge impact on a product that is making a positive impact on the world\n\nPlease send firstname.lastname@example.com an email if you would like to apply or if you have any questions.\n\n<\/comment> Nokia\/HERE (Formerly Navteq) \u2014 Chicago\n\nAs an organization, we have a long history with map data. Now we're looking at interesting ways to use it to change driving. Cars of the future (and present) have onboard computers, tons of sensors, and internet connections over the cell network. If you could hook that up to our map data, you could do some really cool things.\n\nTo see what we're up to, check out [http:\/\/360.here.com\/tag\/connected- driving\/](http:\/\/360.here.com\/tag\/connected-driving\/)\n\nWe're looking for strong Java developers and strong testers to make this happen. We're building on AWS, so experience there is a plus.\n\nThe things I've enjoyed most since starting here a few months ago:\n\n\\- Interesting problem space\n\n\\- Interesting tech stack\n\n\\- I get to wear sandals to work\n\n\\- Team running group that goes for a run together every Wednesday morning before lunch\n\n\\- Company gym\n\n\\- Quickly-growing team\n\n\\- Good medical insurance coverage\n\nInterested? Questions? Email me at firstname.lastname@example.com I'd love to talk to you.\n\n<\/comment> RelateIQ- Palo Alto, CA www.relateiq.com\n\nWe're working on relationship intelligence and are looking for a number of different engineers to join the team. We're pretty open on backgrounds and previous experience but would really like to find people who can add knowledge to our team in areas of Distributed Systems, Analytics, Security, and Android.\n\nOur current stack is mostly Java with Cassandra, Mongo, and Postgres. We work a lot with Hadoop, Kafka and Storm. Our front end is mostly Angular, and we are heavily invested in Docker for our infrastructure.\n\nWe're located in downtown Palo Alto. We're about 75 people, with about half working in Eng and Product.\n\nIf you're interested in hearing about some of the projects were currently working on, please email firstname.lastname@example.com or message me here. We're open to relocating people and working with visa sponsorships, but we do want people onsite with us.\n\n<\/comment> Contentful - [https:\/\/www.contentful.com](https:\/\/www.contentful.com) \\- Berlin, Germany (VISA)\n\nWe are hiring for several full time positions:\n\n1\\. Android Developer - [http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/7793](http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/7793)\n\n2\\. Dev Ops - [http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/8221](http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/8221)\n\n3\\. JavaScript Developer - [http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/2980](http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/2980)\n\n4\\. Ruby \/ Rails Developer - [http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/2954](http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/2954)\n\n5\\. Elasticsearch \/ Lucene Engineer - [http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/2957](http:\/\/contentful.workable.com\/jobs\/2957)\n\n<\/comment> XpExtend is looking to contract someone (remote or local) for helping us build our new startup [http:\/\/www.xpextend.com\/](http:\/\/www.xpextend.com\/). We're an early-stage startup who has angel funding and are keeping the 300-500 million Windows XP users up-to-date with security and performance updates.\n\nOur company consists of individuals who have worked for critical private industry and governments, providing zero-day fixes with only raw x86\/64 to work with.\n\nOur current website runs on Web2py with Nginx and MySQL. Our client\/server software is written in C and C++ (Qt). I'm looking for a talented individual\/team who can do frontend and backend web development in a very small team environment with lots of autonomy and trust.\n\nIf you want to join a company doing something way out of the ordinary, please contact us at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Boston, MA - full time, internship, exploring possible remote\n\nWeb Programmer, Developer, Hacker\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nSmarterer - [http:\/\/smarterer.com\/](http:\/\/smarterer.com\/)\n\nMake a difference. Change the world. Have fun. Do something important.\n\nSmarterer gives people unprecedented understanding of what they know and what their teams and organizations know.\n\nWe are looking for creative web programmers, developers and hackers to join our product team. Ideally you are a versatile technologist who loves to build web products, especially (but not exclusively) if you have Python experience. Our stack is primarily Python, SqlAlchemy, Backbone and CoffeeScript.\n\nSmarterer is doing something unique and important. We're approaching a point where traditional university credentialing isn't enough. Skills are changing too quickly and what makes someone effective in a role or job is evolving. New roles appear daily that no (or few) traditional universities have courses for. People are acquiring more and more skills through non-traditional means. Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to close the \"skills gap\".\n\nHow do you show what you know?\n\nSmarterer has created an innovative, machine learning, crowd-sourced testing system that will disrupt how people think about skills. Don't let our name fool you, while our system is fun, our unique, patent-pending, technology is also deeply rooted in scientific modern testing theory.\n\nSmarterer is enabling a revolution: in how the enterprise manages their teams and talent, in the changing job marketplace, and in the way people measure their own skills and share that knowledge.\n\nWe're funded by Google Ventures, True Ventures, Re-think education, Boston Seed as well as some amazing angel investors.\n\nInterested? Contact me at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Palantir Technologies - Information Security Engineers Wanted! Locations - Palo Alto (CA), McLean (VA) and NY\n\nPalantir's Information Security team is growing and we are on the hunt for the following expertise: IR Lead (with a strong forensics foundation). Location - Palo Alto, CA only Forward Deployed Security Engineers (InfoSec experts who would love to work on client facing projects) - Location(s) - Palo Alto, NY or DC InfoSec Engineers (who love to build solutions and have strong scripting and\/or programming backgrounds, but a sincere passion for security related projects). Locations - Palo Alto, CA preferred. NY and DC are possibilities.\n\nIf interested in learning more, I would love to have you introduce yourself to me. Please email me at firstname.lastname@example.com To apply online or to review our openings in more detail, please visit - www.palantir.com\/careers\n\n<\/comment> Coursera - Mountain View CA, Full Time\n\nOur team is working hard to empower people through education. If you are looking for an amazing team of smart and fun people on a great mission, come talk to us. We are looking for software engineers (mobile, product, infrastructure, devops), engineering leaders, data scientists, designers, ux researchers, product managers, communication managers, and more.\n\n[https:\/\/www.coursera.org\/about\/careers](https:\/\/www.coursera.org\/about\/careers)\n\n==\n\n[https:\/\/tech.coursera.org\/](https:\/\/tech.coursera.org\/) [Tech Blog]\n\n[https:\/\/www.coursera.org\/about\/people](https:\/\/www.coursera.org\/about\/people) [Meet the Team!]\n\n[https:\/\/medium.com\/engineering- leadership\/c91989eca3fb](https:\/\/medium.com\/engineering- leadership\/c91989eca3fb) [Culture at Coursera]\n\n<\/comment> Lyft - [https:\/\/www.lyft.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.lyft.com\/jobs) \\- San Francisco, CA\n\nWith the tap of a button, passengers in need of a ride are instantly connected to nearby drivers. We currently operate in cities all across the country, and with your help, we'll take Lyft worldwide! If growth excites you, this is the place to be! We're looking for:\n\n \n \n - Software Engineers\n - Android Engineers\n - iOS Engineers\n - DevOps Engineers\n - Data Architects\n - Schema Designers\n - Data Analysts\n - Product Managers\n - Product Designers\n \n\nStack: AWS, MongoDB, PHP, Python, Go, AngularJS Interested? kiana a\/t lyft d\/o\/t com. Open to coffee\/tea or whatever to discuss. Incredible team, top medical & dental, open vacation policy, catered lunches, snacks, dogs, equipment, Lyft credits, etc. -----\n\n<\/comment> Next Big Sound - [http:\/\/nextbigsound.com](http:\/\/nextbigsound.com)\n\nLooking for backend engineers, who love data.\n\nAt Next Big Sound, you get to pick what you work on, whom you worth with, and where you work.\n\nWe've open-sourced our \"policies\": [http:\/\/github.com\/nextbigsoundinc\/The-Way- We-Work](http:\/\/github.com\/nextbigsoundinc\/The-Way-We-Work)\n\nA bit about the way we work: [http:\/\/making.nextbigsound.com\/post\/88680367993\/iterating- on...](http:\/\/making.nextbigsound.com\/post\/88680367993\/iterating-on- iterations-the-year-long-evolution-of)\n\nOur stack: [http:\/\/highscalability.com\/blog\/2014\/1\/28\/how-next-big- sound...](http:\/\/highscalability.com\/blog\/2014\/1\/28\/how-next-big-sound-tracks- over-a-trillion-song-plays-likes-a.html)\n\n<\/comment> Timehop - [http:\/\/timehop.com](http:\/\/timehop.com) \\- New York, NY\n\nWe're looking for backend engineers, devops, and designers. You can read more here: [http:\/\/timehop.com\/joinus](http:\/\/timehop.com\/joinus)\n\nWe write a ton of Golang and Ruby to support our recent amazing growth (see: [http:\/\/j.mp\/TimehopGrowthGraph](http:\/\/j.mp\/TimehopGrowthGraph)).\n\nTimehop is building the place online to connect with friends around the past. Whereas Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram focus on the real time, Timehop focuses on anniversaries and bringing meaning and relevancy to old content. We have MILLIONS of users opening the app _every day_ and signing up a user ~every second\n\nWe recently became consistently a top 50 US iPhone app, surpassing Tumblr, Yelp, Foursquare and GroupMe in daily downloads.\n\n<\/comment> Object Partners - [http:\/\/www.objectpartners.com\/](http:\/\/www.objectpartners.com\/) \\- Minneapolis, MN \/ Omaha, NE (full time)\n\nObject Partners, Inc is an IT consulting firm specializing in Enterprise application development services since 1996. Our success is based on a model of full-time employees and a strategic focus on the JEE technology stack including Groovy\/Grails, and open source technologies - as well as iOS. Our consultants have, on average, 12+ years of experience in software development utilizing mature, repeatable development processes.\n\nOur services include project outsourcing, co-development, staff augmentation, and technology and process mentoring. OPI helps companies of all sizes build and deploy applications that are scalable, reliable, and can be easily extended and maintained.\n\nGrails Developer - [https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/72810421-j...](https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/72810421-java- developer)\n\nJava Developer - [https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/72810421-j...](https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/72810421-java- developer)\n\nMobile Developer - [https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/72810417-m...](https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/72810417-mobile- developer)\n\nSenior Java\/Grails Developer (Omaha, NE) - [https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/77393077-s...](https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/ObjectPartnersInc\/77393077-sr- java-grails-developer)\n\nAwesome Benefits\n\n \n \n - Free Healthcare\n - Profit sharing\n - Paid OT\n - PTO + sick time\n - You work with the best\n - Small company vibe\n - Company lake home and condo\n \n\nSend an email to email@example.com if you are interested.\n\n<\/comment> CHEWSE - San Francisco, CA - Full Time\n\nWe're Chewse, and we're bringing taste to office lunches. We believe good food is a powerful force for uniting people, and we want to wield it to build stronger communities everywhere.\n\nWe are a young startup and a small, passionate team that's hungry to tackle really big problems. We're located in a work loft in San Francisco's SOMA neighborhood. We have a kitchen. (And we like to use it.)\n\nWe're hiring for two positions:\n\nFULL-STACK ENGINEER: [https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/jobs\/full-stack- engineer\/](https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/jobs\/full-stack-engineer\/)\n\nJAVASCRIPT ENGINEER: [https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/jobs\/javascript- engineer\/](https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/jobs\/javascript-engineer\/)\n\nIf you're passionate about good food and good people, reach out \u2014 I'm eager to hear from you!\n\n<\/comment> HackerRank - Palo Alto, CA & Bangalore, India\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nWe are building a platform where programmers hone their skills and companies use it to streamline their recruiting process. This leads to better skill level overall and a meritocratic + faster recruiting process. This effectively is building a time machine.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nWe've an active and growing community of hackers (500k+), signed up some of the top tech companies like facebook, amazon, vmware, bloomberg, square, etc. as our customers; raised our series-b funding recently from top tier investors, 60+ people in our team and making millions of dollars\/quarter growing >100% every quarter.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nWe're flattening the world. Come join us. We're hiring for all roles ([https:\/\/www.hackerrank.com\/careers](https:\/\/www.hackerrank.com\/careers))\n\n<\/comment> Location: Singapore (PR, citizen or VISA) or REMOTE\n\nZalora is (still) hiring Haskellers, DevOps engineers and data scientists. We sell clothing online in 7 Asian countries, are almost three years old and raised several hundred million dollars.\n\nWe don't save the world, but we have millions of happy customers. There's interesting challenges that come from trying to rewrite a codebase in a purely functional style and from coping with operations in countries speaking different languages, selling a hundred thousand distinct SKUs. Singapore's a nice, warm place with low taxes, cheap cost of living and a highly functional first world government and infrastructure, but if you want to stay in your farm in Sweden and work remotely, that's also OK.\n\nApply via [http:\/\/jobs.zalora.com\/](http:\/\/jobs.zalora.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> AppNeta - Boston, MA and Providence, RI\n\nIt's getting harder and harder for developers to deliver a consistent experience to their users. That's why we're working on making the internet faster for everyone. This isn't a job for just anyone \u2014 we're looking for people who are passionate about performance of all kinds. If you're passionate about technology, performance, and transforming how people write applications on the web, get in touch with us.\n\nWe're hiring, fueled by growth, for a number of positions:\n\n* Python\/JavaScript hackers to work on our D3-based visualization frontend\n\n* Technical Product Manager (if you're a web dev who's looking to get into product, this is the role for you)\n\n* UX\/Design leader\n\nMore information: [http:\/\/dev.appneta.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/dev.appneta.com\/jobs\/)\n\nOr just shoot us a resume: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Vista Higher Learning - Boston, MA\n\n[http:\/\/vistahigherlearning.com\/](http:\/\/vistahigherlearning.com\/)\n\n\\-----\n\nWeb Application Developer\n\nInterested in foreign languages, online education, or distance learning? Come help us change the way people learn foreign languages! Vista Higher Learning is a profitable, growing business with a terrific location in downtown Boston. We provide a small company feel without the instability of a startup, and as an engineer in our technology development department you'll have the opportunity to make an immediate and significant impact on our products. We have ambitious plans for the next few years, including extensive development for mobile platforms, and we're expanding our development team to keep up with the company's growth.\n\nWe'd love it if you have:\n\n\\- Development experience with Ruby\/Python\/Java\/Javascript\n\n\\- Experience building scalable, rich web applications\n\n\\- Strong OO skills\n\n\\- Test-driven development experience\n\n\\- A working style that thrives in a highly collaborative environment\n\n\\- Experience building REST-based APIs and services\n\n\\- A GitHub account (or code that you can share with us)\n\nIf you don't meet all those requirements, no problem\u2014drop us a line anyway. If you are a good match for our team, we can look at providing in-house and external training to help you get up to speed. If you're interested in learning more please send your r\u00e9sum\u00e9 to: firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n\\----\n\nWe're a tight-knit team that pairs frequently and writes test-driven AngularJS and Rails code. We're looking for mid- and senior-level developers to work with us in our office at 500 Boylston in Back Bay.\n\nFeel free to send me questions, but please send all cover letters and resumes to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Amazon Web Services (Amazon EC2), Seattle, WA\n\nWe are spinning up a new team inside Amazon EC2 that is building out a set of components and services with a firm eye on how we believe computing in the cloud will evolve over the next several years. For this team, I am looking for smart, pragmatic developers and principal engineers who have built, operated and scaled distributed systems, and know how to design and implement APIs that will be used by 100s of 1000s of customers. If you are into Linux, even better. I am also looking for dev managers who know how to deliver high quality services and run a fast growing team that will ship fast and often. We are a small team, but will be growing quickly over the next several months. If you would like to find out more, please contact me at deesingh [AT] amazon DAWT com.\n\n<\/comment> Six to Start - London, UK - Senior iOS Developer\/Senior Android Developer\n\n[http:\/\/sixtostart.com](http:\/\/sixtostart.com)\n\nWe're the indie game developers behind the world's bestselling smartphone fitness game, Zombies, Run!, which has over 900,000 players. We've also created the NHS' first smartphone game, The Walk, which was Editor's Choice on the App Store in the US and UK in December. The games we make literally improve people's lives!\n\nWe are looking for a senior iOS developer with experience in creating innovative iOS apps or games. Our games combine innovative real-world gameplay with captivating stories and design. We want to find someone who can help us improve our existing games and develop new games that are just as revolutionary and innovative as Zombies, Run!\n\nResponsibilities\n\n* Developing new features for our existing games, and maintaining them to take advantage of new OS-level features (we're currently targeting iOS7 for all our apps)\n\n* Developing and designing new apps and games\n\n* Working with our web developer to ensure good communication with our online services\n\n* Working with our Android developers (currently, all of our games are available on both platforms)\n\nRequirements\n\n* At least two years of experience developing iOS applications.\n\n* An enthusiasm for quickly learning and applying new and emerging technologies.\n\n* An interest in games and game design, and a tenacious approach to problem-solving.\n\nWe're a small, bootstrapped, profitable company that makes people's lives better. Position is full-time and based in London.\n\nSee more info at [http:\/\/www.sixtostart.com\/onetoread\/2013\/senior-ios- develope...](http:\/\/www.sixtostart.com\/onetoread\/2013\/senior-ios-develope..). and email us at hello at sixtostart dot com.\n\n<\/comment> Livingly Media - San Carlos, California (30 miles south of San Francisco)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n\nWe will help cover relocation costs if you want to come to the Bay Area. We are open to H1B.\n\nWe are hiring junior and senior full stack engineers.\n\nDay to day we work with Python\/Django, MySQL, iOS, JS, CSS, HTML, Sphinx, among others. All positions are on-site and full time.\n\nWe are a tech driven media company with large traffic and a very small, tight- knit team. Our 3 websites receive 40 million unique viewers a month and we currently have 5 engineers.\n\nYou will ship a lot of code, you will build a lot of new features, and a lot of people will use what you build! That is not recruiter BS; I am an engineer on the team. If you love to build stuff and you can program, you will enjoy this.\n\nFeel free to email me personally at email@example.com! Let me know you're from Hacker News!\n\nNo freelancers or firms, please.\n\n<\/comment> Shuddle - iOS Developer, San Francisco CA [http:\/\/shuddle.us](http:\/\/shuddle.us)\n\nWhat we do:\n\nAt Shuddle we are building a safe and reliable ride sharing service with trusted drivers for busy families. Join this venture backed startup and help bring the next generation of transportation to the masses.\n\nWe embrace agile development and do weekly stand-ups as well as scrum sprints. We are test driven, be prepared to learn quickly, iterate fast, and focus on solving hard problems.\n\nAbout the Job:\n\nWe engineer our systems in an SOA manner, be ready to own a major working component of our platform. We are looking for well-rounded and dedicated developers to join the team. You'll work closely with the founding team to help us define our mobile applications.\n\nResponsibility:\n\n\\- Technical leadership and hands on development and implementation of features\n\n\\- Provide estimates on development cycles, works iteratively on weekly scrum sprints\n\n\\- Work very closely with designers to help define and implement UI features from the ground up\n\n\\- Work with team members on server-side integration\n\n\\- Understands and implements experiments (A\/B tests)\n\nRequirements:\n\n\\- A strong passion for software development\n\n\\- Expert Knowledge of Cocoa, Objective-C and Xcode\n\n\\- Understands asynchronous communication\n\n\\- Has worked closely with other teams especially server-side engineers and designers\n\n\\- Strong understanding of geo location services and background services\n\n\\- Expert Knowledge of Object Oriented concepts\n\n\\- Experience with Apple Approval & Distribution Process, Ad Hoc & Enterprise Distribution\n\n\\- Understanding of WebRTC data channels and video (this is a bonus)\n\nEmail resume or links to: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> \n _____ _\n | __ \\(_)\n | | | |_ ___ __ _ _ _ ___\n | | | | \/ __|\/ _` | | | \/ __|\n | |__| | \\__ \\ (_| | |_| \\__ \\\n |_____\/|_|___\/\\__, |\\__,_|___\/\n | |\n |_|\n \n\nDisqus is hiring! You know, for all the things. ops, dev ops, dev, iOS, python, data stuff, javascript, design, product, startup stuff.\n\nWe are focused on tapping the data in our vast commenting network to make an awesome consumer destination. Come help us out. You can see the pre-release version here: [https:\/\/disqus.com\/home\/](https:\/\/disqus.com\/home\/)\n\nWe are super laid back, have a lot of fun, and ship code that hits over a billion uniques a month.\n\njob specifics are here > [http:\/\/grnh.se\/vj71bo](http:\/\/grnh.se\/vj71bo)\n\n<\/comment> Smartsheet - Bellevue, WA\n\nSmartsheet.com is an enterprise-ready cloud app for work management and collaboration used by more than 40,000 businesses in over 160 countries. Smartsheet recently won Seattle Business Magazine's Best Midsize Company to Work For award. [http:\/\/seattlebusinessmag.com\/article\/100-best-companies- wor...](http:\/\/seattlebusinessmag.com\/article\/100-best-companies- work-2014-midsize-companies)\n\nWe have several open technical positions, including Senior and Lead Software Engineers, Systems Engineer, Mobile (Android) developers, and QA Engineer. Smartsheet.com is built with a variety of technologies including Java, JavaScript, MySQL, RabbitMQ, and Redis.\n\nSee: [http:\/\/www.smartsheet.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.smartsheet.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Prometheus Research, New Haven, CT ; [https:\/\/prometheusresearch.com](https:\/\/prometheusresearch.com)\n\n* Sr. Dev Ops Engineer (New Haven, Chicago, or U.S. Remote) *\n\nPrometheus is building out our hosting infrastructure for customized OSS RexDB deployments. You'll be joining two competent systems folk, and a delightful product manager. We use reStructuredText and Sphinx for documentation, Python for scripting, Ansible for automation, and, soon Docker for application releases. We're also moving from Apache to nginx with the help of customized lua scripts.\n\nWe're really interested in someone who has broad technical knowledge yet groks networks and security. To collaborate remotely with our staff and clients, you need to be an accomplished writer with solid task management skills. We're a custom development shop, with clients of varied technical skill levels; since our system group is often the primary contact for technical issues, you'll have to fearlessly tackle all sorts of challenges... both technical and political.\n\nUnfortunately, since access to Protected Health Information is required, we're only hiring in the U.S. for this position.\n\n* Sr. Application Developer (New Haven, or Worldwide Remote) *\n\nOur clients have all sorts of medical informatics challenges. Prometheus is also looking for someone to help build out our open source RexDB software ([http:\/\/rexdb.org](http:\/\/rexdb.org)) and deliver customized applications using it.\n\nThe backend is written in Python using PostgreSQL, and we're busy updating our client code to use Facebook's React toolkit. We're especially looking for someone who loves analytics, and wishes to improve HTSQL ([http:\/\/htsql.org](http:\/\/htsql.org)) with data processing and graphing features. For more information, you could browse the code base at [http:\/\/bitbucket.org\/rexdb\/](http:\/\/bitbucket.org\/rexdb\/) and [https:\/\/github.com\/prometheusresearch](https:\/\/github.com\/prometheusresearch)\n\nOf course, it's great if you could join our core team in New Haven, CT. Since most of our company is remote, you will need to work independently, and, _love_ to write succinct analysis and usage documentation.\n\nThanks in advance for dropping us a note at email@example.com_ \\- Clark\n\n<\/comment> London, UK - Intern or Junior Developer - Laravel PHP\n\nWe are a web development company with a few SaaS apps. We need someone to join our team and work on Laravel 4 projects. This includes new and existing products, so you would be involved in the full development life-cycle.\n\nExperience You don't need any formal work experience or training, but you must have knowledge in the following areas: \\- Laravel 4 \\- MySQL \\- HTML5 and CSS\n\nSome experience of the following would be preferred (but not essential): \\- Jquery \\- Git version control\n\nWe're based in London and we are looking for someone on site. UK\/EU candidates only please.\n\nWe are looking for someone to start immediately.\n\nWe have a very relaxed working environment (want to come to work in shorts, no problem!), flexible working hours (work when you want) and a super friendly team.\n\nSend any questions to jon[at]accountsportal[dot]com\n\n<\/comment> Google - Mountain View, CA or REMOTE Cloud Platform Solutions Architects\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nAre you a person who likes defining and designing products that solve real problems? Do you have experience in product management in the enterprise software space, particularly in the area of cloud computing? Do you want to come up with innovative solutions to problems that affect some of the largest companies and industries globally? Do you want to join one of the fastest growing groups within Google and make a huge difference? If you answered \"yes\" to all these questions, let's talk.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nURL: [https:\/\/www.google.com\/about\/careers\/search#!t=jo&jid=384650...](https:\/\/www.google.com\/about\/careers\/search#!t=jo&jid=38465001&)\n\n<\/comment> Podio - [https:\/\/podio.com](https:\/\/podio.com) \\- Copenhagen, Denmark (REMOTE possible, international OK)\n\nMillions of people all over the world are trapped using archaic tools and unfriendly software to get their work done. We want to change that.\n\nWe're hiring for multiple positions ([https:\/\/jobs.podio.com](https:\/\/jobs.podio.com)), but specifically we're looking for a\n\n* Site Reliability Engineer\n\nWhen things go right, you'll play a crucial role in the rapid development and deployment of features. And when things go wrong, you'll help us recover and build even safer services.\n\n[https:\/\/company.podio.com\/jobs\/site-reliability- engineer](https:\/\/company.podio.com\/jobs\/site-reliability-engineer)\n\n<\/comment> VCE is hiring unicorn jockeys globally: [http:\/\/UnicornJockey.com](http:\/\/UnicornJockey.com)\n\nVCE is a privately held company, formed by Cisco and EMC with investments from VMware and Intel, in order to accelerates the adoption of converged infrastructure.\n\n<\/comment> Mediafly is hiring passionate backend, frontend, and QA engineers in Chicago to grow our team. We have pioneered Mobile Apps as a Service for some of the largest F500 customers in the world, and are looking to grow our team to match our incredible revenue growth.\n\nBackend engineer: [http:\/\/www.mediafly.com\/careers\/back-end- engineer\/](http:\/\/www.mediafly.com\/careers\/back-end-engineer\/)\n\nFrontend engineer: [http:\/\/www.mediafly.com\/careers\/front-end- engineer\/](http:\/\/www.mediafly.com\/careers\/front-end-engineer\/)\n\nQA engineer: [http:\/\/www.mediafly.com\/careers\/qa- engineer\/](http:\/\/www.mediafly.com\/careers\/qa-engineer\/)\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you!\n\n<\/comment> Fitbit - San Francisco, CA - [https:\/\/www.fitbit.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.fitbit.com\/jobs)\n\nWe're hiring in a lot of areas, but I'm focused on Site Operations, where I'm the principal engineer.\n\nOur application stack is based mostly in Java, however most of our operations automation is developed in Python. The major components we use daily are Ubuntu\/Linux, MySQL, Redis, Neo4j, Solr, logstash, Kibana, Graphite, collectd, StatsD, Nagios, Tomcat, Fabric, Jenkins, Git, JIRA, Confluence, Stash, Cassandra, Puppet, HAProxy, Nginx and Ansible. We leverage mostly externally hosted bare metal servers, with some virtualization thrown into the mix.\n\nFeel free to contact me (Fitbit email in my profile) with any questions you have.\n\n<\/comment> Monroe MI - Full time - Onsite preferred, remote possible.\n\nSenior Linux Administrator\n\nWe're looking for a highly skilled Linux Admin. We perform 24x7 system monitoring and maintenance for a wide variety of clients -- ranging from single server customers, to 100's of systems at multiple locations.\n\nWe have recently launched [http:\/\/MNX.io](http:\/\/MNX.io) a 100% SSD cloud hosting solutions and are highly interested if you have OnApp, or Openstack experience.\n\nSend me an email nick at mnx io and introducing yourself, including why you think this position would be a good fit for you. If you have a resume available, please include it.\n\nMore detail available at [http:\/\/www.mnxsolutions.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.mnxsolutions.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Scribie.com - Bangalore, India\n\nPosition: Head of Marketing, full time.\n\nWe are an Mturk like system dedicated for audio\/video transcription where you can get high quality transcripts of your interviews, meetings, dictations, lectures, podcasts etc. We have a four stage process where the initial work is done by our freelance certified transcribers, which is then QA'ed by our in- house team. We have achieved a good product-market fit and are poised for high growth.\n\nThe primary job responsibility is to drive revenue growth. We are looking to grow faster than our historical growth rate of 50% y-o-y. The aim is to dominate the market we're in and take the pole position. We are looking for someone up to this challenge.\n\nIf interested, please drop me a note at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Bleacher Report, San Francisco - [http:\/\/bleacherreport.com](http:\/\/bleacherreport.com)\n\nWe are a sports media site that is revolutionizing journalism. We are the 2nd largest sports site (right behind ESPN) and a top 30 web site, reaching 80 million unique users per month. We love technology, we love to learn, and we love to have fun.\n\nWe are primarily a Ruby shop, but as we implement a service oriented architecture, we use increasingly diverse technologies. These technologies include Rails, Node.js, Redis, PostgreSQL, Backbone, Marionette, Docker, DynamoDB, Elastic MapReduce, Redshift, and more.\n\nSee our listings at [http:\/\/eng.bleacherreport.com\/jobs](http:\/\/eng.bleacherreport.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> www.Tanda.co - Brisbane, Australia.\n\nWe automate paper timesheets. And the many many benefits that come with that - we spend a lot of our time playing with real time data (using Firebase more recently) to help customers visualise ways of improving their businesses.\n\nYou might like working here if:\n\n\\- You love data, and finding good ways of presenting and learning from very specific data sets \\- You want to work in a fast growing, bootstrapped, profitable team \\- You're keen on our tech stack - described in our formal job posting, [http:\/\/m.seek.com.au\/job\/26755531](http:\/\/m.seek.com.au\/job\/26755531) \\- You're in Brisbane or able to come here \\- You love accounting (hah! but seriously)\n\nGet in touch on email@example.com or via Seek!\n\n<\/comment> Coinbase - San Francisco, CA (REMOTE, INTERN, VISA) [http:\/\/www.coinbase.com](http:\/\/www.coinbase.com)\n\nWe're looking for full-stack engineers, two executive assistants, compliance investigators, sales and BD, recruiting staff, as well as other roles.\n\nCheck out [http:\/\/www.coinbase.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.coinbase.com\/careers) for a list of the roles and to apply.\n\nCoinbase is a platform that facilitates the easy conduct of the digital currency Bitcoin for consumers and merchants. This includes the buying and selling of Bitcoin, secure storage of Bitcoin in the cloud, and a suite of merchant tools.\n\nWe've raised over $30M from investors such as Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures and grown from 8 to 33 full time employees this year.\n\nHere are some of the things we're building: \\- Storing hundreds of millions of dollars of people's money securely, with the best hackers in the world probing your systems daily \\- Integrating fiat money connections into dozens of different countries and providers, the KYC checks that come with this, error handling, race conditions and arbitrage people use to try to abuse it \\- Building wallets across many platforms, mobile, web, sms, etc, dealing with offline\/online situations, different devices, and cultural UI differences around money \\- Using cryptography in novel ways both offline and online, such as our cold storage solution which makes use of key splitting \\- Our own custom bitcoin client, which transmits binary data across a distributed system to 100+ peers at any given time, and runs across 15 different servers to accommodate over 1M users now on the platform and will need to scale to 20M users in the next year or two, and implement each new BIP protocol as it is adopted.\n\nIf you're an engineer and want to get a head start in the application process, check out our test here: [http:\/\/istest.co\/coinbasecodetest](http:\/\/istest.co\/coinbasecodetest)\n\nIf you have any questions feel free to contact us at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Slickdeals - Las Vegas, NV\n\nSlickdeals is the nation's largest and most trusted community sharing deals, coupons and product reviews with over 8 million unique visitors per month. We've been around since 1999!\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nMobile Product Manager (full-time, no remote, relocation)\n\n[http:\/\/slickdeals.net\/corp\/job-mobile-product- manager.html](http:\/\/slickdeals.net\/corp\/job-mobile-product-manager.html)\n\nThe community and site are rapidly expanding and Slickdeals is looking for a Mobile Product Manager to build and grow our mobile platform. Currently, we've got over a million downloads of our apps, across Android and iOS devices in a little over a year.\n\n\\- Owning the mobile products for Slickdeals across multiple devices\n\n\\- Forward thinking product planning and product design that delivers a cohesive experience across mobile and web\n\n\\- Developing a comprehensive mobile product roadmap to deliver on business goals\n\n\\- Working with internal stakeholders and customers to answer questions, gather insights, and bring new features and offers to production\n\n\\- Managing the product development process from design, development, integration and testing\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nWeb Developer (full-time, no remote, relocation)\n\n[http:\/\/slickdeals.net\/corp\/job-web- developer.html](http:\/\/slickdeals.net\/corp\/job-web-developer.html)\n\n\\- Designing, developing, testing, and debugging web applications for the Slickdeals website.\n\n\\- Integrating new solutions into our existing platforms using either custom code or APIs.\n\n\\- Optimizing and maintaining existing code\/applications.\n\n\\- Maintaining thorough documentation of all programs and procedures.\n\n\\- Participating in code review and design.\n\n<\/comment> Wingify - [http:\/\/wingify.com\/](http:\/\/wingify.com\/) \\-- Delhi, India\n\n^^^ Look at our About Us page to know what sort of a company are we ^^^\n\nWe make Visual Website Optimizer. VWO is an intuitive platform for websites to increase online sales and conversions by enabling marketers to constantly test and tweak the marketing funnel and run personalized one-to-one campaigns in minutes\n\nWe're hiring for following full time positions in Delhi:\n\n\\- Software Engineer (mobile)\n\n\\- Software Engineer (systems)\n\n\\- Software Engineer (frontend)\n\n\\- Software Engineer (backend)\n\n\\- Product Managers\n\nWe're also looking to close senior executive level positions for engineering and product teams.\n\nTo apply, [http:\/\/wingify.com\/careers](http:\/\/wingify.com\/careers) or send your CV to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Venice Beach (Los Angeles), CA:\n\nSnapchat is hiring!\n\nWe offer amazing benefits, cool offices right on the Venice Beach boardwalk, two meals daily by our private chef, and a seat on the rocket ship. We are incredibly well funded, yet still retain the social startup vibe.\n\nWe are looking for full-time, local, generalist coders, front-end web devs, and data scientists. Please be smart, have a strong background in computer science, strong coding skills, and a passion to get great things done.\n\nApply via [[http:\/\/grnh.se\/4v8agh](http:\/\/grnh.se\/4v8agh)], and feel free to ping me directly if you have any questions or need anything. My email is 'anthony' followed by the at sign and my company's domain name.\n\n<\/comment> Memset Hosting Ltd - [http:\/\/www.memset.com\/](http:\/\/www.memset.com\/) \\- Dunsfold Park, Cranleigh, Surrey (UK) - \n\nIf you're an experienced Python developer willing to solve interesting problems and you're not afraid of releasing high impact code every day, then we'd like to hear from you.\n\nRequired: fluency in Python, familiarity with Subversion or any other SCM, web front-end development experience with Django and happy to work on your own without excessive supervision.\n\nWe're also looking for DevOps and system administrators.\n\nFurther details about us and the open positions: [http:\/\/www.memset.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.memset.com\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> Curriculet - Full Time - San Francisco, CA - [http:\/\/curriculet.com](http:\/\/curriculet.com)\n\nCurriculet enables students to read more deeply and teachers to teach better in their classrooms. We're an online reading platform that allows teachers to embed lesson plans on top of books, articles, other texts. Our team is made up of former educators and startup veterans. You'll be joining a well funded company that is <10 people.\n\nSenior Software Engineer:\n\n* Smart, motivated, ready to build something that isn't another todo app\n\n* Ruby on Rails experience preferred, but not required\n\nSenior iOS or Android Engineer:\n\n* We're looking for someone with experience that is ready to lead mobile development\n\nIntroduce yourself here: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Mutually Human - Grand Rapids, Michigan\n\n[http:\/\/www.mutuallyhuman.com\/](http:\/\/www.mutuallyhuman.com\/)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n\nWe are a small team passionate about making people's lives better through software. We're hiring for full time positions as software developers and software designers at our office in Grand Rapids.\n\nA little bit about us:\n\n \n \n - We write custom software of all shapes and sizes for clients all over the US.\n \n - Though everyone here is fluent in Ruby, we don't artificially limit ourselves.\n Recently, I've worked with Objective-C, Backbone.js (inside PhoneGap),\n Angular.js, QT and of course Ruby.\n \n - We practice a sustainable pace. We recognize that we each have lives,\n activities, and families outside of work. Late nights and > 40 hour weeks are\n rare by design.\n \n - We're agile, but not dogmatic about it. Our process evolves to suit our needs.\n \n - We offer competitive salaries, health\/vision\/dental insurance, quarterly profit\n sharing, retirement + match, weekly catered lunches, and a top-floor office\n with snacks, guitars, and your choice of standing or sitting desks.\n \n - We run a makerspace in our building (http:\/\/grmakers.com), which gives us access\n to lots of cool machines.\n \n\nA little bit about Grand Rapids:\n\n \n \n - 2.5 hours from Chicago and Detroit, less than an hour to the beach.\n \n - Lots of great beer. Founders Brewery (a mile from our office) has 3 beers in\n the Beer Advocate top 15. HopCat is a \"World Class\" bar on BA.\n Just look here: http:\/\/beeradvocate.com\/beerfly\/city\/43\n \n - If you're renting anything larger than a breadbox in the Bay Area or NYC,\n you can afford a house here. I bought a nice house with a mortgage payment\n 30% lower than the rent of my 1 bedroom apartment in Mountain View.\n \n - A growing technology and startup community.\n \n\nA little bit about you:\n\n \n \n - You love making software, and you have a few years of experience doing it.\n \n - You learn new stuff quickly. You've used a lot of technologies, but you're not\n afraid to use more. It would be nice if you use and love Ruby, but not required.\n \n - You believe software is written for humans, not computers.\n \n - You want to come into work every day and enjoy the people you work with.\n \n\nI'm a software craftsman on this awesome team. If you're interested, get in touch with me:\n\nemail@example.com\n\n<\/comment> REMOTE - programming teacher for 7yo\n\nLooking for someone who might be interested in teaching my son to code (remote, private lessons). He is 7yo and is good at Scratch but I don't know enough about programming to get him to the next level. Very flexible on how and when the lessons are conducted. Basically just need someone who knows how to code, likes teaching, has a fair amount of patience and has at least a general structure for teaching someone from the very beginning. And yes, his primary goal is to create an iPad app!\n\nI am aware that there are many online courses, etc., but I think he'll enjoy learning more if he has an engaging teacher.\n\nIf interested, please shoot me an email: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nThanks, Geoff\n\n<\/comment> Epoxy ([http:\/\/epoxy.tv](http:\/\/epoxy.tv)) in Venice, CA (Los Angeles; full time, remote considered)\n\nJust launched! ([http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/05\/20\/epoxy- launch\/](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/05\/20\/epoxy-launch\/))\n\nJust closed our Series A! ([http:\/\/venturebeat.com\/2014\/06\/24\/epoxy- funding\/](http:\/\/venturebeat.com\/2014\/06\/24\/epoxy-funding\/))\n\nAnd, of course, we need all the help we can get. Join our exceptional engineering and product design team and help define the future of online video. We're building on a thoroughly modern stack including Ruby, Rails, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Redis, Hadoop, Chef, AWS and friends. Our pressing challenges range from data to rich client apps, mobile, social and of course video. If any of this sounds up your alley, we'd love to connect. Specific priorities right now are:\n\nSenior full-stack Rails engineer: [http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers\/rails](http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers\/rails)\n\nSenior full-stack Node.js engineer: [http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers\/node](http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers\/node)\n\nSenior data engineer: [http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers\/data](http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers\/data)\n\nA bit about us:\n\nEpoxy builds exceptional software for online video creators and viewers. Our tools help YouTubers and networks optimize their businesses and deepen the relationship with their audience. Our channel experiences provide viewers with new ways to connect with and experience the content they love.\n\nEpoxy was founded by designers, engineers and entrepreneurs who are passionate about product and solving problems. Our backgrounds include Stanford, Brown, IDEO, Adobe, Mixpanel, Google\/YouTube and Team Downey.\n\nSound interesting? Check out more complete descriptions at [http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers](http:\/\/epoxy.tv\/careers) or drop us a line at firstname.lastname@example.com. Thanks!\n\n<\/comment> London, UK - \n\nWe provide a real prepaid debit card for young people, aged 8 - 18, so they can make their own decisions with money: online, in shops, at cash machines and abroad. Thousands of kids have already signed up to our service.\n\nBut we not only give debit cards to young people - we are building a highly automated financial system that gives them unparalleled service. Behaviour- based security measures. Using and contributing to the best of open-source tools. Fully automated continuous integration and deployment. Hackathons to build the next big thing - what is that exactly? That's up to you.\n\nWe want to meet and work with geeks of all stripes - from sysadmins to server- side devs, testers to mobile coders, data crunchers to security analysts - with a broad and deep set of relevant skills. Some examples appear below but we're excited to talk with you no matter what your technical profile is.\n\nBack-end developer\n\n* Writing well-tested, readable, robust code in any modern programming language. (We mainly use Python, but don't worry if you know something else better.)\n\n* Designing semantically meaningful, self-documenting, intuitive APIs, especially for server-to-mobile interaction.\n\n* Integrating with sloppy, poorly-documented, sometimes buggy APIs from vendors - and hiding the mess behind a clean interface to ease everyone else's job.\n\n* Building and extending a database schema that's meaningful, readable, and fast.\n\n* Developing financial applications of any kind (but payment processing and PCI compliance win bonus points).\n\nFront-end developer\n\n* Designing and building amazing mobile and responsive-web experiences using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Extra points for native app experience, especially with PhoneGap.\n\n* Consuming APIs on a mobile device - and contributing to their design and improvement.\n\n* Automating tests for mobile applications.\n\n* Using the top tools for elegant, beautiful front-end design and coding - we're currently fans of SVGs, web fonts, and Photoshop.\n\n Congrats on the recent round, guys :-)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> CA\/SF (remote in USA is a possibility), Ruby, PHP, HTML\/CSS\/JS, Machine Learning\n\nWe're about to launch Resimit ([https:\/\/www.resimit.com](https:\/\/www.resimit.com) \\- still a work in progress), an innovative new startup focused on producing premium quality digital products via machine learning algorithms. Currently we're focused on generating ready-to-wear (pret-a-porter) premium WordPress themes.\n\nIf you're interested in algorithmic creative design and have some knowledge of Ruby, PHP\/WordPress, HTML\/CSS\/JS, Machine Learning, and possibly (MySQL, Linux, nginx, AWS) please drop an email to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Raleigh\/Durham, NC - Zift Solutions\n\n* Senior Software Engineer: [http:\/\/www.ziftsolutions.com\/careers\/senior-software-enginee...](http:\/\/www.ziftsolutions.com\/careers\/senior-software-enginee..). We're a small team of 5 devs doing some exciting things, looking to add a few new members. Technologies we use: AngularJS, Bootstrap, Apache Cordova, Spring MVC based REST services, Hibernate. Everything hosted in AWS.\n\n* Other positions as well: see all listings at [http:\/\/www.ziftsolutions.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.ziftsolutions.com\/careers\/)\n\nApply to the email address on the job listing. Mention Hacker News.\n\n<\/comment> UBER ([https:\/\/www.uber.com\/](https:\/\/www.uber.com\/)) Backend Engineer- Python- San Francisco, CA\n\nDo you want to write code code that actually enhances people's lives? You will be right at home at Uber. Our back-end infrastructure deals with a wide breadth of business logic: fare calculation, geographical and product configuration, push and SMS notifications, payment transactions, fraud prevention, etc. We're constantly learning how to better adapt it to our rapidly evolving business environment while scaling out massively.\n\nFull listing here: [http:\/\/grnh.se\/ke7ria](http:\/\/grnh.se\/ke7ria)\n\n<\/comment> Company: TheLadders ([http:\/\/www.theladders.com](http:\/\/www.theladders.com))\n\nLocation: New York, NY\n\nPostion: Full-time on-site software engineer\n\nTheLadders' mission is to match people with the jobs that are right for them. In order to do that we need a strong engineering team.\n\nCurrently we are looking for a software engineer to join our Platform Engineering Team. This team is responsible for developing and maintaining the software and systems that power our websites, mobile applications, and marketing.\n\nA few things about us:\n\n* We try to use the right tool for the right job; maybe a shell script, maybe multiple Storm topologies communicating via RabbitMQ and reading data from internal web services. And while we have found some tools that work, we're always willing to incorporate new ones if they give us a new way of tackling a problem.\n\n* We know that engineering is all about understanding tradeoffs, not applying the same solution over and over again to every problem.\n\n* Sometimes we get to work with fun new tools (Scala, Clojure, Storm, Elastic Search), sometimes we work with old standards (Java, Python, Bash). Sometimes we write cool new code, sometimes we are on call dealing with a production issue.\n\n* We think pushing code into production is only the beginning of our job. We are responsible for what we put out in the world, including monitoring and maintainence.\n\nA few things about you:\n\n* You're an engineer, but you know how to think like an operations person.\n\n* You cut your teeth in open source software, and know how to find documentation, read the source, ask for help, and report a bug.\n\n* You're excited about glamorous work, but you're willing to sometimes do shit work, because in the end that's part of being a team: spreading the shit work around.\n\nIf this sounds interesting and you think you'd be a good match, or if you're interested in learning the skills to become a good match, please get in touch with Sean Allen (email@example.com).\n\n<\/comment> PipelineDB (YC W14)\n\nWe are on a mission to build a new type of database for a modern world in which information is constantly moving, and moving fast. PipelineDB runs SQL queries continuously on large volumes of streaming data, giving companies the capability to easily develop scalable, realtime applications and services using only a familiar SQL interface. No application code is required.\n\nThis inherently involves solving a lot of big problems, many of which are novel. We're looking for creative engineers who appreciate the value and freedom of choosing their own projects, approaches, and working with other top talent in a low distraction, streamlined work environment in our new SOMA office.\n\nWe are well funded by top investors including SV Angel, Susa Ventures, Data Collective, Paul Buchheit, and more.\n\nIf you've been waiting for an opportunity like this, please send your resume and a quick blurb about yourself to email@example.com. We're hiring for two positions:\n\n1) Software Engineer - San Francisco, CA\n\nRequirements:\n\n* Bachelor's degree or higher in CS or related field\n\n* You've worked with large C\/C++ systems in a Linux environment\n\n* Strong system-level debugging skills\n\n* Strong understanding of how performant storage systems work\n\nBonus points:\n\n* Experience with\/contributions to PostgreSQL, Storm, Kafka, Samza, Kinesis, or Esper\n\n* Experience with database internals\n\n* Experience building distributed systems\n\n* Experience building realtime systems\n\nCompensation:\n\n$90k - $120k + 2% - 4% equity\n\n\\--\n\n2) Frontend Engineer - San Francisco, CA\n\nRequirements:\n\n* Strong design sense (please send us a link to your portfolio\/work if possible)\n\n* Experience with a framework such as Django or Rails\n\n* Strong HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills\n\n* Ability to implement your vision effectively\n\nBonus points:\n\n* Bachelor's degree or higher in CS or related field\n\n* Experience with databases\n\n* Experience with monitoring\/operations\/admin software\n\nCompensation:\n\n$80k - $110k + 1% - 3% equity\n\n\\--\n\nemail@example.com\n\n<\/comment> SnapEngage - [http:\/\/snapengage.com](http:\/\/snapengage.com) \\- Front-End\/UX Software Engineer - Berlin, Germany or Boulder, CO\n\nSnapEngage is a fast growing live chat solution for the web. We are an Internet startup (TechStars Boulder S09) with offices in Boulder, Colorado, USA and Berlin, Germany where everybody has a huge stake in the company's success. We are customer funded and profitable. We're committed to creating products that make peoples' lives better and changing the way companies interact with their customers.\n\n[http:\/\/snapengage.com\/front-end-and-ux-software- engineer\/](http:\/\/snapengage.com\/front-end-and-ux-software-engineer\/)\n\nWhat you'll do:\n\n \n \n * Create beautiful UI with millions of daily views on mobile and desktop\n * Lead UI\/UX projects \n * Research and promote new technologies to help improve our development processes\n * Contribute ideas to improve our service and software\n * Maintain and improve existing functionality\n * Spend a few hours a week chatting with customers\n * Participate in daily stand-up meetings with our global team\n \n\nYour skills:\n\n \n \n * Wizardly UI design skills and able to implement them in JavaScript, HTML and CSS\n * Mastery of JavaScript frameworks like Backbone, Underscore, D3\n * Excellent written communication skills in English, other languages a plus\n * Ability to write clean, efficient code\n * Quick learner, team player, positive attitude\n * Experience with Google AppEngine, GWT, Eclipse is a plus\n * Allowed to work in Germany (EU citizen or work visa holder)\n \n\nAwesome benefits of working at SnapEngage:\n\n \n \n * Work from home part of the week\n * Gain-share plan\n * Yearly team building trip to exotic locations\n * Opportunity to make great ideas come to life\n * Work with an awesome multicultural team\n \n\nCheck out our Jobs page for other positions too - [http:\/\/snapengage.com\/jobs](http:\/\/snapengage.com\/jobs)\n\nCome chat with us at [http:\/\/snapengage.com](http:\/\/snapengage.com) if you're interested!\n\n<\/comment> Senior Java Database Scalability Engineer - Weta Digital, Wellington, NZ\n\nImagine 50,000 Orcs beating at the door of your database app! That's the challenge you'll get at Weta Digital.\n\nWe're looking for a top developer to scale our Render Queue and Asset Tracking applications to the next level. Requirement:\n\n1\\. Demonstrated ability to scale database applications using Java frameworks!\n\nDetails found below:\n\n[http:\/\/www.wetafx.co.nz\/jobs#Senior%20Java%20Developer](http:\/\/www.wetafx.co.nz\/jobs#Senior%20Java%20Developer)\n\nHighlights: Java, Spring, Postgres, MySQL, Linux Performance tweaking\n\nAdditional bonus items:\n\n* Experience with Apache Thrift or Protocol Buffers for communication.\n\n* Knowledge of porting from MySQL.\n\n* Python, shell scripting, C++, git\n\n* Familiarity with throttling erratic or demanding clients, both scripted and in-the flesh. ;)\n\n* Must be willing to move to beautiful New Zealand for about a year. Yes, there's a reloc package and team to help you get settled.\n\nIf you've been living in the Bay Area or other big city such as LA, NY, or London, you'll be happy to hear that for the price of a studio apartment there you'll be able to rent a three bedroom house with yard here, possibly with ocean or bay views.\n\nMore perks:\n\n* Monday continental breakfast, everyday organic fruits & veggies, espresso, dinner when on overtime, and \"Beer o'clock\" happy-hour on Friday.\n\n* Beautiful scenery in every direction for weekend trips.\n\n* Good to great schools and healthcare.\n\n* Credit on future films you can probably guess the names of.\n\nAnd fair warning, as nowhere is perfect:\n\n* Winters are cold and windy in Wellington, but it keeps things interesting.\n\n* All employees are contractors and paid by the hour, 50 hrs is typical but up to you.\n\n* Lots of legacy software and procedures after 20 years in business-- we'll need your help to update them.\n\n* Occasionally noisy but fun office environment (think Nerf bullets).\n\nPlease apply at the link above. If you'd like to reply here, I'll confirm that your resume makes it through HR.\n\n_____________________________________________________\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco \/ Remote ok - Sr. Software Engineer @CircleUp\n\n[https:\/\/circleup.com\/jobs\/senior-engineer\/](https:\/\/circleup.com\/jobs\/senior- engineer\/)\n\nBacked by Google Ventures and other prominent VC's. The team at CircleUp is building a new kind of investment platform that is changing how entrepreneurs all across the country build their businesses.\n\nOur tech stack is Python\/Django\/MySQL on the backend (we're starting to get some pretty amazing results with Machine Learning in Python as well) and Javascript\/jQuery & SASS on the Frontend (we're experimenting with AngularJS there).\n\n<\/comment> Serious Fox - www.seriousfox.co.uk, London (Remote OK)\n\nSerious Fox is a Design & Development boutique based in Shoreditch, London. We deliver web and mobile applications for clients of all sizes from small startups to large corporations.\n\nWe're currently looking for designers and front end developers to work on some amazing projects if you're interested in these types of things you'll love it here :)\n\nAbout us We're a small team of 6 founded in 2009 we're bootstrapped and proud! We cherry pick our clients and projects so everyone is happy and know one is stretched too thin.\n\nIf you're interested in finding out more drop me a line\n\nJosh - firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> We're a YC company building financial services tools. We're already cash-flow positive, and laptops, and office snacks, and etc. and so forth. and general good things. Here's what's awesome: we have non-technical customers paying us for an online tool. Everyday, our clients call and email to say that we're making them happy. And that feels great.\n\nBut there's one problem: parts of our product are a little bit ugly and a little bit confusing. We're rapidly adding new features, and we're quickly outpacing our design capabilities. In short, it's time to hire a UX\/UI designer.\n\nOur clients use our product for hours at a time. This is their tool for getting their jobs done. It is their workflow. We want it to beautiful and intuitive. It should be easy for a new client to learn, while at the same time, it should make power users feel like they're flying through their day.\n\nYou must have experience with The Struggle of Application Design. And frankly, you should enjoy this struggle, because it's hard to get things right, but really rewarding when you do.\n\nWhat would your first day on the job be like? Well, we've got a product live right now that processes several hundred orders per day. You now own the design and you will be responsible for improving it. Changes could be simple, like, 'make this button blue' or it could be more elaborate like, 'add tooltips and a new customer tutorial,' or maybe you might want to redesign aspects of the site from scratch. Ideally, within a couple weeks, clients should be telling us that they've noticed small, nice design improvements.\n\nList of Responsibilities: - Design - Usability and Utility are more important (at the moment) than purely visual appeal. As a team, we frequently meet with our clients to learn how they're using the product. A good candidate for this role will be able to speak to users and feel out their feelings.\n\nList of Skills: - UI\/UX design experience - Responsive design experience (a lot of our clients access our site on their phones) - HTML\/CSS is great. At the moment, we're using a lot of Bootstrap. Pixel perfect designs are not (yet) crucial; usability is paramount.\n\nWe're in San Francisco on a trolley-filled street in Union Square. We're small (3 in-office employees) and we're still building a culture. If you have ideas for how to build a blissed-out company, we're all ears. Thinking of moving to San Francisco, but not yet ready to commit? Talk to us.\n\nSend an email to firstname.lastname@example.com telling us about yourself. Include a resume and a portfolio if possible.\n\n<\/comment> Grapevine, Boston, MA. [http:\/\/www.grapevinelogic.com](http:\/\/www.grapevinelogic.com)\n\nWe're a profitable, seed funded, fast-growing MassChallenge finalist looking for a lead designer to join our team.\n\nGrapevine brings advocates and brands together to execute large-scale marketing campaigns through a powerful end-to-end marketing & audience analytics platform. Hundreds of brands rely on Grapevine to create compelling, trustworthy, and original content reaching millions of engaged consumers every day.\n\n[http:\/\/bit.ly\/grapevine-designer](http:\/\/bit.ly\/grapevine-designer)\n\n<\/comment> PHP API and\/or WordPress devs!\n\nWe're Tidal Labs, (NYC-based but remote OK), a 15-person tech startup building great tools to help brands and publishers connect organically with their fans, whether their fans are expert bloggers or casual readers.\n\nWe're looking for 1) a modern PHP API engineer to work with Slim, Doctrine, and millions of pieces of content. Also 2) a seasoned WordPress developer to lead the charge on our Client Professional Services division.\n\nWe move fast, build lots of stuff, have dozens of great clients, are pretty experimental, and are serious about production quality as well as work\/life balance.\n\nEmail me at firstname.lastname@example.com if you're interested!\n\n<\/comment> Crowd Vision Ltd - London, UK\n\nAnalytics Developer\n\n\\-- Job Description --\n\nCrowd Vision Ltd is a small, fast-growing, software company based in North Greenwich, London. Our video analytics software enables clients to measure and analyse the flows or people and crowding in busy locations, such as airports and events. We are expanding our team and are looking for someone with an intuitive understanding of data and analytics, and the skills to develop analytical algorithmic elements for integration into our core product.\n\nYou must have an intuitive feel for data and analytics and experience of writing analytical algorithms. You will be an enthusiastic and delivery- focused person, and relish the opportunity to contribute very directly to building a successful business by working in a small, high quality and diverse team.\n\n\\-- Skills & Requirements --\n\nEssential:\n\n\\- Programming: C++ with a focus on algorithms, data structures and data processing \\- Scripting: Proficiency in at least one scripting language to quickly automate simple tasks \\- Analytics: Data analysis; plotting; statistics; algorithms \\- Databases and data structures: SQL (preferably MySQL); XML \\- Environments: Linux (Ubuntu) - both native and virtualised (VMware)\n\nDesirable:\n\n\\- Image\/video processing \\- Big Data analytics: Experience working with real- time noisy sensor data (e.g. from video analytics) \\- Web frameworks development\n\n\\-- About Crowd Vision Ltd --\n\nCrowd Vision Ltd is a pioneer of live crowd analytics. Our mission is to provide live, actionable and predictive insights into pedestrian and crowd behaviour. CrowdVision video analytics software is currently used to measure passenger flows and queuing in airports to optimise airport operations and improve customer experience. It is also used by event operators to assure public safety and optimise event delivery. The company is also an active participant in the maturing Smart Cities scene.\n\nTo apply: [http:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/61427\/analytics- develo...](http:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/61427\/analytics-developer- crowd-vision-ltd)\n\n<\/comment> Stack Exchange (Stack Overflow) - Remote!\n\nFull Stack Web Developer: [https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/34229\/full- stack-web-...](https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/34229\/full-stack-web- developer-stack-exchange)\n\nSite Reliability Engineer, Networking (sysadmin): [https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/47588\/site- reliabilit...](https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/47588\/site-reliability- engineer-networking-stack-exchange)\n\n[http:\/\/stackexchange.com\/work-here](http:\/\/stackexchange.com\/work-here)\n\n<\/comment> Leuven, Belgium, Europe.\n\nwieni.be > websites for cool clients livingconcert.com > Airbnb for concerts in your house\n\n2X PHP DEVELOPER (JUNIOR OR SENIOR LEVEL) You're a pimp in PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Drupal, Symfony or Backbone You build smart & powerful internet applications You work in GIT You get a fulltime job & a lot of oppurtunites\n\n2X FRONTEND DEVELOPER (JUNIOR OR SENIOR LEVEL) You write SASS, CSS3, HTML5 & Javascript You're focussed on UX, performance & creativity You work in GIT You build rich internet applications within an awesome frontend team You get a fulltime job & a lot of oppurtunites\n\n<\/comment> Software Engineer at Addepar: Mountain View, CA and New York, NY; Full time\n\nWe are engineers rebuilding the infrastructure that powers global finance. Current technology in the space is so broken and opaque, it empowers scandals like Bernie Madoff to go on for a decade while $64 billion vanishes from the economy. We're building a platform around transparency and connectedness to encourage responsibility and reward good decision making.\n\nAddepar is an engineering led company that's designed our perks around enabling great technologist to build. Join us: careers.addepar.com Or email careers [at] Addepar [dot] com\n\n<\/comment> Significance Labs - Brooklyn, NY -\n\n[http:\/\/significancelabs.org\/](http:\/\/significancelabs.org\/)\n\nWe at Significance Labs believe that technology can help to solve real problems for low income Americans and we are looking for excellent engineers to help us in our mission. Significance Labs is a not-for-profit socially conscious tech incubator in the heart of Brooklyn, focusing on bringing the lean startup methodology to the world of charity.\n\nWe are looking for a handful of excellent, experienced full stack engineers who want to do more with their talents: take on a project that really matters, something that leverages the power of technology to help make the world a better place. To that end, we are offering a ten week residency, beginning in June, at our office in downtown Brooklyn, working with some of the best people in the business, experts in the field, academics, designers and technologists to tackle some of the real problems of poverty.\n\nYou will be working with our fellows ( [http:\/\/significancelabs.org\/solve\/](http:\/\/significancelabs.org\/solve\/) ) in small teams, developing an app from scratch, with direct feedback from the very communities we are trying to help. This isn't a hackathon where your code gets left in the dustbin sunday night: we are going to be building projects that will continue to make a real difference long after the summer is over.\n\nWhat you'll get * Co-Working space in downtown Brooklyn * Expert engineers, entrepreneurs, UI and UX people as mentors * Local collegiate interns as dedicated as you * At the end of the cycle, we will do a demo day with VC's, foundations, government organizations, etc. to help take the product and team to the next level. * An honorarium to pay your rent and bills. You are a talented engineer, and could work anywhere: Why join us?\n\nThis is an opportunity to build a greenfield project that really matters, something that leverages the power of technology to help make the world a better place. This is your chance to be the CTO of a social enterprise, level up your skills, and work with some of the best people in the business solving some of the most important problems of our time.\n\nThis isn't just another gig, nor is it your friend's crazy idea about how to disrupt some market... This is about changing the world for the better.\n\nIf this sounds like something you'd be interested in, you can find out more and apply here: [http:\/\/significancelabs.org\/hackers](http:\/\/significancelabs.org\/hackers)\n\n<\/comment> Famo.us | Full Time | SoMa, San Francisco | Hiring for Engineer & Product Marketing Managers\n\nNot yet listed: we are hiring engineering leads and head of cloud services, platform, and product. If you don't see something that fits please email hiring(at)famo.us\n\n[https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/famo.us?lever- source=hackernews](https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/famo.us?lever-source=hackernews)\n\nwww.famo.us\n\nWe are reinventing web apps from first principles.\n\nFront-end: if physics, UI, 3D modeling is your thing, give us a look.\n\nBack-end: if tooling, performance testing, CI and code releasing, distribution is your thing, give us a look.\n\n<\/comment> Marketo ([http:\/\/www.marketo.com\/](http:\/\/www.marketo.com\/))\n\nLocations: San Mateo, Portland, Atlanta, Tel Aviv, Dublin\n\nBackground: Marketo provides easy-to-use, powerful and complete marketing software that propels fast-growing small companies and global enterprises, turning marketing from a cost center into a revenue driver.\n\nRoles: Software Engineer, Solutions Consultant, Product Manager, Account Executive\n\nApply: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3a2usgwT](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3a2usgwT)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=====\n\nAny questions? Please email me at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Ziron - Junior Linux Systems Administrator (Office based), near Oxford, UK\n\nZiron is building a new generation of telecommunications operator, where APIs are at the heart of the service \u2013 and not just an afterthought.\n\nAs part of our rapid expansion we're looking for a Junior Linux Systems Administrator to help expand our team at our Oxfordshire (UK) office, based in a beautiful listed former milking shed on a farm just outside Bicester.\n\nReporting to the CTO and working as part of a team based in the UK, US and Australia, you'll be primarily responsible for monitoring, supporting and developing the company's Linux-based voice and messaging platform. You'll also be expected to assist with customer support enquiries, plus help diagnose and resolve any issues relating to third party suppliers.\n\nYou'll need to have:\n\nGood working knowledge of Linux (Centos)\n\nGood working knowledge of MySQL\n\nExperience of supporting web applications (PHP)\n\nBonus points if you have:\n\nKnowledge of REST APIs Used JIRA, Confluence, Zendesk before Incident and problem management experience Basic IP networking knowledge Previous experience working in a customer support role Experience of noSQL technologies (e.g. Redis, MongoDB) Experience of FreeSWITCH, Kamailio, Kannel Understand any of the following: SIP, RTP, RTMP, WEBRTC, SMPP, SS7, SIGTRAN, ISUP, MAP Know how to use Git Don't mind the occasional out of hours \/ weekend work\n\nWhat we'll give you in return:\n\nA competitive salary with regular reviews 28 days paid holiday (inclusive of public holidays) A shiny new Macbook Air Fast-track career advancement Healthcare and company pension Free snacks and drinks A Fitbit and company contribution to gym\/fitness centre membership to balance up those free snacks and drinks The chance to be part of a fast growing team in an exciting environment\n\n* Please ensure you have the right to work in the UK before applying. Sorry, no sponsorship or relocation package *\n\nInterested? Please email your CV and a covering note to email@example.com or visit [https:\/\/ziron.recruiterbox.com\/jobs\/fk08qj\/](https:\/\/ziron.recruiterbox.com\/jobs\/fk08qj\/) to apply\n\n<\/comment> Hey,\n\nWe're looking for a full time C# .Net developer to work on our snazzy HR app [http:\/\/www.staffsquared.com](http:\/\/www.staffsquared.com)\n\nYou can find the job description here: [https:\/\/docs.google.com\/a\/atlascs.co.uk\/document\/d\/18eK0mqg7...](https:\/\/docs.google.com\/a\/atlascs.co.uk\/document\/d\/18eK0mqg7mZTaxD8xwHdZzqApAkb- CXJWavpnKGbG1EM\/edit)\n\nWe're located just outside of London in Essex, United Kingdom.\n\nIf you're interested, just drop me a line on email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Tubular Labs - Mountain View\n\nTubular is the only video marketing platform that provides insights based on the individual behavior of over 150 million viewers.\n\n[http:\/\/tubularlabs.com\/](http:\/\/tubularlabs.com\/)\n\nWe're hiring engineers and in particular engineers to work on the following stack\n\n* Angular JS * Python * Cassandra * MySQL * ElasticSearch\n\nWe collect millions of data points daily and need everything from Data Engineers to Frontend Engineers to help our customers understand their audience.\n\nIf interested drop me email or apply via our jobs page email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Scribd (YC '06), San Francisco - VISA, FULL-TIME, and INTERN are all welcome\n\nScribd (\"Netflix for eBooks\", top 100 website, 50 people) is hiring talented hackers of all kinds to help us build the library of the 21st century.\n\nWe've hired EIGHT full-time people and TONS of interns from these \"Who is Hiring\" threads ... it really works!\n\nWe're looking for people who want to work with:\n\n* Ruby on Rails (we're the #2 largest rails site, after Twitter)\n\n* Javascript (well, we use Coffeescript)\n\n* iOS OR Android (we're a top 10 eBook app with more reviews than Wikipedia, with a tiny mobile team)\n\n* Machine Learning \/ data mining \/ recommendations - think Netflix prize, but for books!\n\n* Product manager and design (UI or UX) roles too\n\n* Internships: junior standing or above for all areas of engineering. We hire several interns every summer and year-round.\n\nThat said, we care way more about your personality and general hacking skills then what languages you've used so far, so if you haven't used these but want to break into mobile or web development, this could be a good opportunity for you. We've hired people from these threads with everywhere from 0 to 10 years of experience.\n\nWe're profitable, very well funded and have a really fun office environment (go-karts + a rock climbing wall!). Scribd alumni have gone on to found 4 other YCombinator companies, more than from any other startup. We think this says something about the kind of people that we like to hire, and we love hiring people with entrepreneur and startup ambitions. We are also always looking for international people interested in moving to the US and can help you secure a visa.\n\nYou can read more about our \"Netflix for Books\" service here [http:\/\/wrd.cm\/1dJquzz](http:\/\/wrd.cm\/1dJquzz) or check out our tech blog at [http:\/\/coding.scribd.com](http:\/\/coding.scribd.com)\n\nMore info is at [http:\/\/www.scribd.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.scribd.com\/jobs), but as a HN user, feel free to apply directly by emailing me at jared at scribd.com.\n\n<\/comment> Blueshift - [http:\/\/getblueshift.com\/](http:\/\/getblueshift.com\/) \\- San Francisco, CA - fulltime, VISA-transfers OK\n\nWe are an early-stage startup focused on improving customer engagement through data science.\n\nWe are looking for: * Full-stack engineer (Ruby on Rails) * Data scientist & Machine Learning expert\n\nWe offer competitive salaries and early-stage equity. You can learn more about our jobs here: [http:\/\/getblueshift.com\/jobs](http:\/\/getblueshift.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> BloomReach - Mountain View, California\n\nH1B, Intern, Full-time all welcome!\n\nApply at [http:\/\/bloomreach.com\/careers](http:\/\/bloomreach.com\/careers) or send an email to dGFsZW50QGJsb29tcmVhY2guY29t and mention Hacker News.\n\nBloomReach helps online businesses get their high quality and relevant content found by their consumers. Our big data marketing applications deliver personalized discovery to visitors between devices and across channels. Our services just came in #9 in this year's Entrepreneur's 100 Brilliant Companies: [http:\/\/www.entrepreneur.com\/article\/233887](http:\/\/www.entrepreneur.com\/article\/233887)\n\nCheck them out at [http:\/\/bloomreach.com\/what-we- do\/](http:\/\/bloomreach.com\/what-we-do\/)\n\nWe have open positions in Engineering (we could definitely use a few more Frontend Engineers), Data Science, Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Product and Engagement Management. If you don't find a position that interests you, fill out a generic application and let us know what you want to work on- we're just looking for smart, talented people to help us continue making BloomReach an amazing place to work.\n\nFor engineering positions, if you can also send at least one cool piece of code, or a link to something you've built, or a hack that you're proud of, we'd love to see it!\n\n What's with that email?\n\n it's encoded, decode it :)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Yiftee - Menlo Park, CA\n\nWe're hiring AngularJS Developers! Learn more here:- [http:\/\/yiftee.com\/YifteeJobDescFrontEndEngineer.pdf](http:\/\/yiftee.com\/YifteeJobDescFrontEndEngineer.pdf)\n\nWe're a series A backed startup, disrupting the $110b gift card market. We are looking for a front end developer to join our engineering team.\n\nThis is a full time position located at the Yiftee headquarters in Menlo Park, CA, walking distance from the Caltrain station. Compensation includes stock and salary.\n\n<\/comment> Dropbox - San Francisco, CA & New York, NY\n\nWe're working on a lot of interesting stuff.\n\nHere is the Glassdoor page for Dropbox: [http:\/\/www.glassdoor.com\/Overview\/Working-at-Dropbox- EI_IE41...](http:\/\/www.glassdoor.com\/Overview\/Working-at-Dropbox- EI_IE415350.11,18.htm)\n\n[https:\/\/www.dropbox.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.dropbox.com\/jobs)\n\nIf you would like to apply, send me an email at email@example.com. Please include your resume and what position you are applying for.\n\n<\/comment> Perfect Audience (Part of Marin Software) San Francisco, CA\n\nLooking for Fullstack Web Engineers, High Performance Java Engineers (up to 100,000 requests a second), Front End Developers and Dev Ops Engineers:\n\n[http:\/\/www.perfectaudience.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.perfectaudience.com\/jobs\/)\n\nWe are a former YC startup that joined up with one of the big players in our space (digital advertising) to take our cool ideas and scale them up for huge companies and huge amounts of data. Come check us out!\n\n<\/comment> London, UK - [http:\/\/editd.com\/jobs\/engineering\/](http:\/\/editd.com\/jobs\/engineering\/) or email firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nData science, DevOps, Engineering. Python & JavaScript primarily.\n\nWe've got a great team made up of some really clever people, doing important things for the fourth biggest industry in the world (fashion), helping them reduce waste and be more efficient.\n\nWe have a beautiful web app, used every day by hundreds of people at ASOS, Gilt Groupe, Target, Gap and more.\n\n<\/comment> Eventstagram ([http:\/\/eventstagr.am\/](http:\/\/eventstagr.am\/)) - Full time, London UK - Project Manager\n\nEventstagram builds real-time Instagram and Twitter slideshows for events of all sizes. We work with a number of notable clients including Ferrari, Nike, Microsoft and The O2 Arena; we're based in one of the most exciting workspaces in London.\n\nWe're looking for an experienced, organised project manager to help focus our development team's efforts, keep the clients up-to-date and help plan our long-term development.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n\\- Holding daily development meetings, preferably using agile project management, \\- Managing the task workflow by scheduling in developers and designers to projects, \\- Account management, \\- Managing bugs by creating a system for finding, reporting, filtering, reproducing, prioritising and writing up bugs, \\- Managing feature requests by assessing, scheduling and checking they meet expectations, \\- Product Management, scoping out new features through an understanding of the market; competition, product positioning and usability.\n\nIf interested, you can read more on our blog or drop us an email at email@example.com\n\n[http:\/\/blog.eventstagr.am\/2014\/05\/were-hiring- aspirational-p...](http:\/\/blog.eventstagr.am\/2014\/05\/were-hiring-aspirational- projectproduct-manager\/)\n\n<\/comment> Handybook - [http:\/\/www.handybook.com](http:\/\/www.handybook.com) \\- New York City\n\nHandybook is the easiest way to book home cleaning and home services. At Handybook we're empowering real people to improve their lives while disrupting the home services industry.\n\nWe're looking for:\n\n* Full Stack Engineers - AWS, Rails, Redis, Sidekiq and MySQL on the backend. Transitioning the front end to Angular.\n\n* Android Developers\n\n[http:\/\/www.handybook.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.handybook.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Shape Security \u2013 Mountain View, CA\n\nIf you're bored of writing CRUD apps, we're solving very difficult problems in the web security space.\n\nShape is roughly 90 people, has $66 million in funding from Google Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Venrock, and others. Our team has worked on web browsers, networking hardware, some of the web's largest web apps, and other exciting projects.\n\nMore information here: [http:\/\/www.shapesecurity.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.shapesecurity.com\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> RJMetrics - Philadelphia, PA [http:\/\/rjmetrics.com\/jobs](http:\/\/rjmetrics.com\/jobs)\n\nWe're hiring for software engineers, devops, analysts, designers, business development, sales, and account management. Some more about us:\n\nAt RJMetrics, we inspire and empower data-driven people with powerful hosted software. Hundreds of high-growth e-commerce and software as a service businesses use our analytics platform to collaborate and make smarter decisions using data. RJMetrics is backed by some of the most successful technology investors in New York and Silicon Valley, but we are Philly born and raised. We are located in the heart of Center City Philadelphia in convenient proximity to all major rail lines.\n\nWe are a growing team tackling big problems: \\- We want to transform large datasets more efficiently \\- We want to push the envelope of possibility for in-browser data visualizations \\- We want to make complex data questions easy for anyone to understand \\- While we currently work with tools like PHP, Clojure, AngularJS, MySQL and Hadoop, we are looking for candidates who can identify the best tools for a given job and quickly adapt. Prior experience with these technologies is not a requirement.\n\nThe life and responsibilities of an RJMetrics developer include: \\- Source control using git \\- Continuous integration and deployment via our one-click build-and-deploy system \\- Milestone and issue tracking with github and Trello \\- A commitment to preventing tech debt and tackling the root causes of issues \\- Comfortable working conditions and access to the best tools money can buy\n\n<\/comment> Android Developer, Chicago (downtown), H1B sponsorship available for the right candidate.\n\nWe are looking for new teammates who will join the existing Android team to design and develop native Android applications for our clients, paving the way for the much needed technological advancements in the entertainment industry. Our client roster includes the biggest names such xFinity, Paramount and others. Your every contribution will impact hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Content Direct has a very laid back personality, with a touch of startup culture while having the stability and the backing of a large enterprise.\n\n\\- 3+ years of Java and Eclipse IDE experience \\- 1+ years of experience with the Android SDK preferred \\- Experience building apps that communicate with RESTful services \\- Experience in Object-Oriented Design, Data Structures, Algorithm Design, Problem Solving, Complexity Analysis and Debugging \\- Experience in building and maintaining automated build and deployment processes preferred \\- Roku and Smart TV development experience preferred\n\n* Find more about us at [http:\/\/contentdirect.csgi.com\/us\/careers.html](http:\/\/contentdirect.csgi.com\/us\/careers.html) * Send us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com and you will be put in touch with our engineers!\n\n<\/comment> [Kansas City, MO]\n\nCerner Corp., a globally recognized innovator in the health care IT space (ranked #13 on the Most Innovative Companies list by Forbes).\n\nCerner is hiring a Software Architect for our Cloud Imaging Platform Dev team in Kansas City, MO. This is a technical leadership role that will lead the architecture and further development of Cerner's radiology solutions, specifically the Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS). Below is a checklist of the skills we're looking for and that are required of you to be considered.\n\n> Java programming wizardry (C++ wizards also considered, but only in addition > to Java) > Experience developing for (not just on) the Eclipse platform > (bonus points for experience with other RCP platforms like NetBeans, etc.) > > Experience creating GUIs; ideally you have experience using 3D graphics > methods to project three-dimensional UI objects > Strong mathematical > education and\/or ability to understand complex mathematical concepts as > related to three-dimensional rending of digital images\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1n8ibQy](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1n8ibQy)\n\nRead & learn more about Cerner Engineering on our blog, Engineering Health: [http:\/\/engineering.cerner.com\/](http:\/\/engineering.cerner.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Las Vegas, NV.\n\nA young, growing, high-energy casino group seeks a quantitative and critical thinker to join as a (possibly Sr.) Analyst. You will work with customer data to help make strategic business decisions\/recommendations related both to our casino floors and to our direct mail marketing program.\n\nYour work will have a direct impact on our bottom line. Think: \"Moneyball\" meets marketing. If you get excited by data, prediction, inference, and Las Vegas, this is probably a good fit for you.\n\nOfficial job posting at: [https:\/\/www.hrapply.com\/pnkinc\/AppJobView.jsp?link=46072](https:\/\/www.hrapply.com\/pnkinc\/AppJobView.jsp?link=46072)\n\nI would prefer someone with a few years of analytics\/data experience, but if you are good with SQL, have a quantitative degree (preferably math\/cs, but this is negotiable -- we have some really good folks with econ backgrounds), and can demonstrate that you're a smart and quick-thinking data geek, I'd love to chat with you.\n\nThere is room for growth within the company, and I'm really excited about where our group is headed. We're automating and standardizing processes and reporting, building predictive models, developing test methodology and analyses, and becoming a key and highly visible business partner to many groups throughout the company.\n\nResumes\/inquiries to brian at PNKMAIL com\n\nSorry, no intern, no remote, and no H1B for the time being.\n\n<\/comment> Disqus - [http:\/\/disqus.com](http:\/\/disqus.com) \\- San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're actively hiring for Frontend, Backend, DevOps, Data Infrastructure, Data Mining, and Data Analyst.\n\nAPPLY HERE: [http:\/\/grnh.se\/0vy62q](http:\/\/grnh.se\/0vy62q)\n\n\\---\n\nWHAT IS DISQUS?\n\nDisqus is a free service that enables great online communities. As the web's most popular discussion system, Disqus is used by 3 million websites that cover pretty much any topic imaginable. Our magic is in connecting people to stuff worth talking about.\n\nWHO WE ARE\n\nDisqus is a fast-growing team making a big impact. We're a group of hackers and tech geeks who love the web and believe that better communities will make an even better web. We believe in amazing user experiences, well-designed code, and fast, iterative development.\n\nWe go above and beyond when it comes to thinking outside of the box to solve problems creatively. We're driven to learn and implement new technologies, and figure out how to build them to accommodate our massive scale.\n\nAre you up for the challenge of building an application that supports over 1 billion unique visits per month, 50,000+ requests per second, and 4MM active concurrent connections to our realtime stream? Then join us.\n\nWe love what we do, and we love the team we've built: [http:\/\/disqus.com\/about](http:\/\/disqus.com\/about).\n\n<\/comment> SF [not remote] - Angaza - [http:\/\/www.angazadesign.com\/](http:\/\/www.angazadesign.com\/)\n\nAngaza is tackling both global poverty and climate change through a single focus: building a new energy economy for the billion+ people in off-grid markets. These markets are leapfrogging conventional centralized energy generation, becoming the center of development for the distributed renewable systems that will replace it. Software for integrated metering, finance, and payments makes this development possible.\n\nAngaza is hiring a software engineer to join our team in San Francisco. Your challenges may include extending and scaling our backend platform for payments and analytics; taking our HTML5+JS frontend to the next level; designing synchronization protocols for highly constrained channels; squeezing DSP code into fewer bytes than this paragraph; and traveling occasionally to field sites across the world.\n\nIf hired, you will become part of a small team creating a new approach to energy in emerging markets. You will receive both a salary and an equity stake in the company. See [http:\/\/www.angazadesign.com\/jobs\/software- engineer\/](http:\/\/www.angazadesign.com\/jobs\/software-engineer\/) and contact us at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> SF - DATABASE SUPPORT ENGINEER & SOFTWARE ENGINEER - MONGOLAB - FULL TIME\n\nDatabase Support Engineer\n\nWe are looking for a Database Support Engineer to join our support engineering team to focus on ensuring each database in our fleet of over 100,000 is fast and scaling properly.\n\nIn this role you will work on challenging performance-tuning cases and will support our users by learning the way their applications are using MongoDB in order to make indexing, data modeling, and\/or platform sizing and configuration recommendations.\n\nAs you advance, you will have opportunities to automate and productize performance diagnostic techniques and best-practices. Check out our open- source tool Dex, which can automatically recommend the correct indexes for slow queries.\n\nIn this role, you'll be exposed to every major cloud provider and infrastructure technology. We currently run on Amazon, Google Cloud Platform, Joyent, Rackspace, and Microsoft Azure and have integrated with all of the major Platform-as-a-Service providers (Heroku et al.).\n\nIn addition to checking out our website ([https:\/\/mongolab.com\/welcome\/](https:\/\/mongolab.com\/welcome\/)), you should look at our open-source tools ([http:\/\/mongolab.org\/](http:\/\/mongolab.org\/)) and our blog ([http:\/\/blog.mongolab.com\/](http:\/\/blog.mongolab.com\/)).\n\nAPPLY VIA: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/745](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/745)\n\nSoftware Engineer\n\nWe are looking for a Software Engineer who will join us in scaling MongoLab from managing well over 100,000 databases to managing millions of databases at ever-increasing levels of complexity.\n\nAs our newest team member you'll be exposed to every major cloud provider and infrastructure technology. We currently run on Amazon, Google Cloud Platform, Joyent, Rackspace, and Microsoft Azure and have integrated with all of the major Platform-as-a-Service providers (Heroku et al.).\n\nYou'll become an expert in MongoDB, cloud automation, and MongoLab's suite of automation tools (some of which we open-source), and you'll use your passion for finding solutions with the best tools for problems developers face in our community.\n\nWe're building these tools with Python, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB (of course).\n\nAPPLY VIA: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/744](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/744)\n\n<\/comment> Software Developer - useMango Software - London - Full time\n\nWe design and build test automation software that enables test engineers to construct automated business process tests without the need to write code. We strive to create a highly usable native client UI within a distributed system using the best technologies and practices that we can find.\n\nOur product is young and rapidly developing and so offers great scope for new ideas to make a high impact. We develop primarily in C# supplemented with a significant element of scripting. Development activities encompass WPF UI, domain modelling, client-server integration, database design and query, automation APIs and components, DSLs for configuration, reactive programming, continuous integration, etc.\n\nOur agile team employs SCRUM and has multi-disciplined developers and experienced testers working co-operatively in a positive, open environment. We are self-managing and dedicated to continuous improvement in our processes and outputs.\n\nIf you love creating great software, have a solid couple of years' experience, know .NET and are proficient and interested in learning new technologies then please get in touch via [http:\/\/usemango.co.uk\/about\/careers\/](http:\/\/usemango.co.uk\/about\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> \n ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _____ \n | -_| . | . | | | | |\n |___| _|___|_|_|_ |_|_|_|\n |_| |___|\n \n\n(New York, NY) [http:\/\/www.eponymous.co\/careers](http:\/\/www.eponymous.co\/careers)\n\nEponym is building a platform for making eyewear and distributing it directly to customers. We build our own brands, like Classic Specs[1] and extend existing brands, like Steven Alan Optical[2].\n\nOn the back end, our e-commerce API runs Python and MongoDB, with bits of Celery, nginx and uwsgi. We integrate with UPS, USPS and NetSuite (in fact, we maintain some open source libraries for doing so [3][4]).\n\nOn the front end, our sites run on a tricked-out CodeIgniter app. We're working on the next generation of the framework in ember.js in the months to come.\n\nSound good? Email me! email@example.com\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.classicspecs.com](http:\/\/www.classicspecs.com) [2] [http:\/\/www.stevenalanoptical.com](http:\/\/www.stevenalanoptical.com) [3] [https:\/\/github.com\/eponymco\/netsuite](https:\/\/github.com\/eponymco\/netsuite) [4] [https:\/\/github.com\/eponymco\/ClassicUPS](https:\/\/github.com\/eponymco\/ClassicUPS)\n\n<\/comment> Union Metrics - [http:\/\/unionmetrics.com](http:\/\/unionmetrics.com) \\- San Francisco, CA and Austin, TX\n\nWe are a fast-growing, profitable startup building powerful social media analytics software. Every day our systems process more than 130 million social events and deliver analytics for thousands of paying customers.\n\nWe have two open engineering positions:\n\n=== Data Engineer (Austin, TX) ===\n\nWe need an engineer who wants nothing more than to wrangle massive amounts of data. Do you love to build on top of open source technologies like Hadoop and Cassandra using hundreds of servers? Do you enjoy working in a polyglot environment with plenty of variety? If you're passionate about building the infrastructure to process, analyze, and store hundreds of millions of events every day, then we want to talk to you.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n \n \n * Implement stream processing pipelines to handle hundreds millions of messages and events daily with Java and Ruby\n * Use open source tools and data stores to analyze and store billions of data points\n * Build workflows to make data accessible to end users\n \n \n\n=== Full Stack Ruby (& Rails) Engineer (Austin, TX) ===\n\nWe're looking for an experienced Ruby (and Rails) engineer who's passionate about the craft of building software. If you're interested in working with a small team of engineers to build software that not only scales but delivers an amazing user experience, then we'd love to talk to you.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n \n \n * Implement core user-facing functionality in a Ruby on Rails application within a large service oriented architecture\n * Design and build backend services and APIs\n * Integrate with massive analytics systems and data stores\n \n\nYou can find more info about these positions at [https:\/\/unionmetrics.com\/company\/careers](https:\/\/unionmetrics.com\/company\/careers) and you can find out more about _us_ at [https:\/\/unionmetrics.com\/company\/about\/](https:\/\/unionmetrics.com\/company\/about\/) or email us at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nI'm a member of the engineering team and I'd be happy to answer any questions about us or the positions: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Tablet Hotels - New York, NY\n\nRelocation Assistance; Visa Transfer\n\nFounded in 2000 Tablet is the world's leading award winning source of boutique hotel experiences (WSJ, NYTimes, Huffington Post). We've been profitable since the first year and are still privately held. Perks and Benefits include: Open Vacation Policy, Tablet Plus Membership, Personal Travel Budget, \"My Way\" Days for Special Projects.\n\nOur engineering team is a group of polyglots and fullstackers who take a unix- heavy approach to engineering. As one of NYC's earliest Python platforms we're tackling challenges of scalability, search, and integrations on a global scale. Tablet engineering alums have taken their skills to top five internet companies and some of the web's most highly trafficked names.\n\n[[http:\/\/www.tablethotels.com\/en\/careers](http:\/\/www.tablethotels.com\/en\/careers)] Lead Backend Engineer ; Lead Frontend Engineer ; Backend Engineers ; DevOps Engineer ; QA Lead\n\n _Frontend Requirements: HTML CSS \/LESS\/SASS The more javascript better (including DOM based and testing frameworks), at least jQuery, Knockout Experience with Python web frameworks (especially Flask) and templating engines (especially Jinja2) helpful Experience with Unix command line Command line Git. Nice to Have: Angular Backend javascript experience with Grunt, Require.js, Mocha + Chai will be beneficial MySQL\n\n_Backend Requirements: Expertise in any modern programming language (Python, Ruby, Perl, Scala, etc.) Understanding of Web Services Understanding of SOA Unix\/FreeBSD. Nice to Have: Python experience\n\n<\/comment> Lead Developer - Python\/Django Briggo Coffee Haus, Austin, TX [https:\/\/briggo.com\/web\/#about](https:\/\/briggo.com\/web\/#about)\n\n\\-- Opportunity:\n\nIf you are looking for the opportunity to lead the development of the cloud- based UI\/UX for an exciting start-up that's revolutionizing the coffee industry then you've found the right place! Briggo is revolutionizing the way that people order coffee (think the Redbox of coffee) and is looking for someone to lead the development effort for their web, mobile, middleware and user experience.\n\n\\-- Key Responsibilities & Skills\n\n \n \n Deploy, maintain and support infrastructures of cloud-based, middleware application servers. Experience with Amazon Web Services, especially EC2 and S3 is a plus.\n \n Monitor all production servers, applications and services\n \n 5+ years of web related development experience. Lead developer\/architecture experience a plus\n \n Must have experience with Python and Django framework\n \n Must have experience creating RESTful API applications. Experience with open source tools like Tastypie are a plus.\n \n Must have experience in designing a database architecture. Knowledge of PostgreSQL is a plus.\n \n Experience with HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery\n \n Experience with JavaScript framework such as Backbone.js, grunt,js, and require.js\n \n Must be proficient in Linux\n \n iOS and\/or Android development and deployment experience is a large plus\n \n Experience with Nginx\n \n Knowledge of messaging systems\n \n Puppet, Salt experience a plus\n \n Knowledge of Nagios or other monitoring platforms.\n \n Excellent analytical, problem-solving and technical troubleshooting skills\n \n Strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to remain composed and professional in stressful, high-pressure situations.\n \n\n\\-- Required Knowledge & Experience\n\nDegree in Computer Science, MIS, Math, or related fields. At least 5 years of experience developing successful internet and\/or mobile-based products. Experience utilizing software development processes and tools (eg, source control, issue tracking, test-driven development, etc). Start-up experience is strongly preferred. Experience designing software architecture and database architecture is strongly preferred.\n\nIf this sounds interesting, email me at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> iRobot ([http:\/\/www.irobot.com](http:\/\/www.irobot.com)) - Bedford, MA (just outside of Boston, MA)\n\nLooking for great work-life balance at a job where you can say \"I can't find my keyboard under all these robots!\" ? Then iRobot might be the place for you.\n\nWe blend cutting-edge research and practical engineering to build useful and affordable robots.\n\nWe're looking for smart engineers who are easy to work with. You should probably think robots are cool, but a robotics background is NOT required. (I had no robotics background when I started at iRobot.)\n\niRobot is looking for software engineers and mechanical engineers.\n\nHere are a few of our 20+ job openings:\n\n* Embedded software engineers: We're hiring for \"big embedded\" (C++, Linux, and big cpus) and \"small embedded\" (C, bare-metal, small cpus). If you have good OO skills (C++, Java, etc.) but no \"embedded\" background that's okay too - shoot me an email and we'll chat.\n\n* Software engineers for vision, navigation, and mapping\n\n* Test engineers\n\n* Mechanical engineers\n\n* IT engineers\n\nCheck our jobs site for all positions: [http:\/\/www.irobot.com\/us\/Company\/Careers.aspx](http:\/\/www.irobot.com\/us\/Company\/Careers.aspx)\n\nEmail me directly if you'd like to know more: email@example.com\n\nPS: We have hired people from these \"Who is hiring?\" posts, thanks to HN for this service\/forum!\n\n Let me stress again: you do _NOT_ need _ANY_ robotics experience. I had ZERO robotics experience when I started here, and I'm not the only one.\n\nIf you like software, and would like to learn about robotics, please send me an email I'll be be happy to talk with you! Thanks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Spoon.net - Full-time Software Engineers - Seattle, WA (Remote possible) - [http:\/\/spoon.net\/careers](http:\/\/spoon.net\/careers)\n\nFounded in 2006, Spoon.net is transforming the world of application delivery. We are completely employee-owned and love working for ourselves.\n\nOur breakthrough virtualization, streaming, and networking technologies allow applications of all shapes and sizes to be run instantly, anywhere. Our products are fundamentally changing the way that software is developed, packaged, tested, deployed, and managed.\n\nThousands of organizations employ Spoon to distribute their enterprise applications; tens of thousands of developers use our cross-browser testing and automation capabilities; and millions of end users have discovered that streaming software is faster, safer, and easier than installing.\n\nWe build new products as quickly as we can dream them up \u2014 and invent the novel algorithms and technologies needed to translate those visions into reality.\n\nWe're growing rapidly and need to hire full-time engineers, designers, program managers, business development folks, and more. Check out [http:\/\/spoon.net\/careers](http:\/\/spoon.net\/careers) to learn more about us.\n\nHope to hear from HN!\n\n<\/comment> Los Angeles, CA (Santa Monica)\n\n[Full-time\/Part-time, on-site, contract]\n\nFull-Stack Rails Developer\n\nWe're looking for a full stack Ruby on Rails developer to assist in building features, performance tuning, and deploying a ticketing\/eCommerce related startup. Candidate will work with existing front-end developer and junior developers to build features and deploy MVP.\n\nSome things you'll be responsible for might include: * Build new features * Integrate third-party analytics tools * Performance tune code * Write tests * Mentor\/teach junior developers * DevOps * Contribute suggestions on how we can make product better\n\nRequirements Must have Ruby on Rails experience in a production environment. You'll be working in the full-stack, but mostly responsible for back-end dev and deployment into production. DevOps experience a big plus. The ideal candidate is a Lead Rails Developer looking for contract work, who values a flexible schedule, an early-stage startup environment, and can teach skills to new developers. Startup has signed deals with major brands in entertainment space, equity is available.\n\nTo apply for this job, please email email@example.com. Include a one page cover letter, plus your resume in the email. We look forward to hearing from you!\n\n<\/comment> One of our offices: Shanghai, China We build products at the intersection of technology around data. Lots of data visualization, big data and infrastructure. We work with large organizations on challenging problems (the World Bank, the United Nations, CNN) OR on our own products (mostly developer tools, things like [http:\/\/devo.ps](http:\/\/devo.ps) or [http:\/\/octokan.com](http:\/\/octokan.com)). We are a multicultural team with French, American, British, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Finnish colleagues. We are about to settle a third office in Berlin and are looking at remote hiring in Spain and Seoul. We work a lot with Javascript (node.js, AngularJS), Python, occasionally Go and Erlang. Lots of single page apps, APIs and infrastructure automation. We are looking for full-time or interns: \\- Developers; front-end (HTML5 + Compass + AngularJS), backend (node.js, Python), ops (Python, Go). \\- Designers; you have design chops, understand technology (HTML\/CSS...) and do more than nice pictures (content strategy, color theory, ...). \\- Strategist; you can quickly immerse yourself in a new field of knowledge, have a knack for data and are quick at recognizing patterns. You are a jack-of-all-trades that can think a solution and get it shipped, either alone or with a team. \\- Marketing; you have what it takes to grow a brand or product online and understand how to leverage online and offline tools to get there. \\- Business Development; if you are in Washington DC, Berlin or Paris, understand enough of our space and would like to help us grow our services, shoot us an email. Drop me a line at firstname.lastname@example.com, or go to [http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html)\n\n<\/comment> Blue Bottle Coffee - [http:\/\/www.bluebottlecoffee.com](http:\/\/www.bluebottlecoffee.com) \\- Bay Area (remote OK)\n\nYou'll be helping our growing digital team build amazing experiences for lovers of coffee around the world. We craft easy-to-use tools that allow our guests to shop for coffee and merchandise online, learn about brewing coffee at home, and share their coffee-drinking experiences with friends and followers. We also build powerful automated tools that magically help our production teams deliver fresh-roasted coffee to the right person, at the right time. We use the following technologies to make these experiences real:\n\n\u25cf Ruby and Rails (latest versions)\n\n\u25cf HTML, CSS, and Javascript\n\n\u25cf Postgres\n\n\u25cf Memcached, Redis, Resque\n\n\u25cf Heroku, Cloudinary\n\nOur digital product team is small and thirsty for meaningful collaboration. On a daily basis, you'll get the chance to work with world-class engineers, designers, and product managers. We build and push new features with confidence using automated testing frameworks to verify our changes and release to production daily.\n\nYou'll have a chance to encounter some or all of the following fun things: online consumer eCommerce experiences, automated tools for manufacturing \/ production \/ roasting, recurring billing systems, email marketing, analytics, tools for our quality control team, retail point of sale systems, and mobile applications for iOS and Android.\n\nMore details \/ apply here:\n\n[http:\/\/www.proven.com\/jobs\/view\/13979](http:\/\/www.proven.com\/jobs\/view\/13979)\n\n<\/comment> Theranos - Palo Alto\n\n\/* Thank you all for the comments related to the recent Fortune article - [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=7951019](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=7951019) \u2013 Did you watch the video? [http:\/\/fortune.com\/video\/2014\/06\/19\/take-the- blood-leave-the...](http:\/\/fortune.com\/video\/2014\/06\/19\/take-the-blood-leave- the-pain\/) *\/\n\nVisit a lab for a Doctors appointment recently? Two vials of blood is a lot isn't it? Theranos is looking to completely redefine healthcare by solving speed and accuracy issues of current lab testing by combining SW engineering and life sciences using 1\/1000 less blood than what is typically drawn today; our process have results in Doctors' hands within 6-12 hours allowing them to provide significantly more accurate treatments in a timely manner.\n\n[http:\/\/ycharts.com\/analysis\/story\/bloody_disruption_new_chal...](http:\/\/ycharts.com\/analysis\/story\/bloody_disruption_new_challenge_to_quest_labcorp)\n\nAn advanced stage startup, Theranos primary stack is .Net - We are looking for engineers who want to make a postive impact in healthcare. Also looking for embedded, iOS & Android developers. Find out how Theranos can help you take patient care to the next level.\n\nVISA & Relo assistance (within US) - Sorry No remote.\n\nFor more about each position: [http:\/\/www.theranos.com\/careers\/software- development](http:\/\/www.theranos.com\/careers\/software-development)\n\nemail michaelw at theranos dot com\n\n<\/comment> Catalyst Zero \/ TBD - Cologne, Germany\n\nWe are starting a new product company targeted at developers. Currently looking for \\- Software Engineer \\- Devops Engineer \\- UX Designer \/ Frontend \nDetails here: [http:\/\/catalyst-zero.com\/we-are-hiring](http:\/\/catalyst- zero.com\/we-are-hiring)\n\nPing me via [http:\/\/twitter.com\/luebken](http:\/\/twitter.com\/luebken) or email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Thinkful based in NYC: We're looking for software engineers interested in helping us build the best online education platform, in AngularJS + Python \/ Flask.\n\n[http:\/\/www.thinkful.com\/](http:\/\/www.thinkful.com\/)\n\nFor engineering, check out the full job listing here: [https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/thinkful\/8a737595-fb6a-407d-9723-04dc6...](https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/thinkful\/8a737595-fb6a-407d-9723-04dc698f506e)\n\nWe're also hiring a leader in design and UX: [https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/thinkful\/e1dd4a11-0f50-4607-9b9e-8e7da...](https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/thinkful\/e1dd4a11-0f50-4607-9b9e-8e7dae823cfb)\n\nThinkful has the industry's best experts across the US who mentor students 1:1 as they go through our curriculum. We've been growing revenue 25% each month since founding at the beginning of 2013.\n\nOur team today is 18 (9 engineers) and growing to 35 in 2014. We took one round of seed funding from Peter Thiel, RRE, Quotidian Ventures in early 2013.\n\nContact me directly to talk: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nFor all our other positions check out: [https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/thinkful](https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/thinkful)\n\n<\/comment> NYC-(REMOTE OK) Take-Two Interactive a leading developer, marketer and publisher of interactive entertainment for consumers around the globe. The Company develops and publishes products through its two wholly-owned labels Rockstar Games and 2K. www.take2games.com\/careers or email@example.com\n\nSite Reliability Engineer ===== What You'll Do ===== \u2022 The Site Reliability Engineer will be responsible for architecting and troubleshooting public facing Linux web architectures in various hosting environments including database technologies (traditional and emerging). \u2022 Along with the Online Engineering team, he\/she will work closely with development teams to develop, deploy, and support applications. \u2022 Work with development groups to architect solutions for new and existing projects \u2022 Utilize configuration management and custom scripts to deploy and manage systems \u2022 Ensure all critical systems and services are properly monitored with relevant alerts enabled \u2022 Manage backups including ongoing policy refinement \u2022 Migrate applications off of legacy environments with minimal downtime \u2022 Be able to respond to critical requests during off hours\n\n===== What We're Looking For ===== \u2022 Mastery of Linux (RHEL\/Centos preferred) support experience in large scale environments. \u2022 Advanced knowledge (maintaining, troubleshooting, tuning) of web architecture and related applications including the following: Apache 2.x; Memcached; PHP, Python; MySQL; Mongo, Postfix, DNS; CDN; SVN, GIT \u2022 Advanced knowledge and experience creating and executing shell scripts \u2022 Advanced knowledge of load balancing administration and tuning \u2013 BigIP LTM, Squid, Nginx, Varnish \u2022 The ideal candidate will be comfortable in \"non-silo'd\" environments and have an appetite to research, test, and implement new technologies.\n\n<\/comment> . <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>== Notion \u2013 San Francisco <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\n\"We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us\"\n\nThe goal is to democratize software. Quite a shame that 30 years into personal computing, an average person's interaction still caps at word-processing. We'd like to change that.\n\nA beautiful loft\/artist office in the Mission. Best investors out there.\n\nYou will be part of the founding team. You need to be able to make things and think conceptually.\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Rent the Runway - New York, NY (VISA candidates welcome!)\n\nRent the Runway is hiring front end, back end, DevOps, and mobile (iOS) engineers. Our stack:\n\n* SOA with Java 1.7 (soon to be 1.8!) + DropWizard. Modern Java's a thing and we've got the proof.\n\n* Ruby + Sinatra for lightweight, scalable web applications.\n\n* JavaScript + Backbone for a front end that's becoming faster and more awesome to work on every day.\n\nRent the Runway is building the first online rental platform for retail goods. We're a disruptive e-commerce business that believes that democratizing luxury products in the US is just the first step of a broader vision to drive aspirational experiences for tens of millions of users across the globe. We're more than \"Netflix for dresses\"\u2014we're Cinderella Experience as a Service. Find out more about the challenging product-oriented problems we face across the boundaries of e-commerce, mobile, analytics and shipping\/fulfillment here: [http:\/\/blog.tech.renttherunway.com\/](http:\/\/blog.tech.renttherunway.com\/)\n\nJob postings: [http:\/\/www.renttherunway.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.renttherunway.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Twenty20 - [http:\/\/www.twenty20.com](http:\/\/www.twenty20.com) \\- Los Angeles, CA\n\nWe're building the premier artistic photography community and marketplace on the web. Besides giving artists (mostly mobile photographers) a place to get exposure, gain recognition, and hone their craft, we also provide a place for them to sell their work. We've always printed physical products (canvases, framed prints, phone cases, etc), and now we're launching a digital service.\n\nBrands and advertisers have wanted to get their hands on authentic, artistic user-generated content for a long time, and we're finally providing them with a way to get it!\n\nWe're hiring a product designer. We'd like to find someone with rich experience in designing native mobile apps, with a tendency towards awesome UX and an eye for great visual design as well. You can find the job description here: [http:\/\/twenty20.theresumator.com\/apply\/Xdz6YE\/Product- Design...](http:\/\/twenty20.theresumator.com\/apply\/Xdz6YE\/Product- Designer.html)\n\nFeel free to email me. I'm our internal recruiter. My email is email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco Bay Area, (NO REMOTE) Take-Two Interactive a leading developer, marketer and publisher of interactive entertainment for consumers around the globe. The Company develops and publishes products through its two wholly- owned labels Rockstar Games and 2K. www.take2games.com\/careers or firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nSite Reliability Engineer ===== What You'll Do ===== \u2022 The Site Reliability Engineer will be responsible for architecting and troubleshooting public facing Linux web architectures in various hosting environments including database technologies (traditional and emerging). \u2022 Along with the Online Engineering team, he\/she will work closely with development teams to develop, deploy, and support applications. \u2022 Work with development groups to architect solutions for new and existing projects \u2022 Utilize configuration management and custom scripts to deploy and manage systems \u2022 Ensure all critical systems and services are properly monitored with relevant alerts enabled \u2022 Manage backups including ongoing policy refinement \u2022 Migrate applications off of legacy environments with minimal downtime \u2022 Be able to respond to critical requests during off hours\n\n===== What We're Looking For ===== \u2022 Mastery of Linux (RHEL\/Centos preferred) support experience in large scale environments. \u2022 Advanced knowledge (maintaining, troubleshooting, tuning) of web architecture and related applications including the following: Apache 2.x; Memcached; PHP, Python; MySQL; Mongo, Postfix, DNS; CDN; SVN, GIT \u2022 Advanced knowledge and experience creating and executing shell scripts \u2022 Advanced knowledge of load balancing administration and tuning \u2013 BigIP LTM, Squid, Nginx, Varnish \u2022 The ideal candidate will be comfortable in \"non-silo'd\" environments and have an appetite to research, test, and implement new technologies.\n\n<\/comment> InstaEDU (www.instaedu.com) - San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're a 25-person education startup in downtown San Francisco looking to add to our team. InstaEDU is the biggest marketplace for online tutoring. As more education moves online and video and collaboration technologies reach a point where they can properly replace in-person learning, we see an enormous opportunity to reach a much wider category of students. We've been growing quickly and were recently acquired by Chegg. [http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/06\/03\/chegg-acquires-online- tutor...](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2014\/06\/03\/chegg-acquires-online-tutoring- site-instaedu-for-30-million\/)\n\nWe're hiring for... \\- iOS engineer \\- Senior Android Engineer \\- Senior Platform Engineer \\- DevOps Engineer \\- Senior Data Engineer \\- Senior Algorithm Engineer\n\nTech stack includes Django, Node.js (for real-time messages and notifications, our collaborative IDE, and EtherPad Lite), Postgres, Redis, Gunicorn, HAProxy, Nginx, RabbitMQ, and Celery on the back-end, and mostly Backbone + Marionette on the front-end. We use Ubuntu as our server OS, Nagios for monitoring, and Graphite\/StatsD for dashboards.\n\nBenefits of working at InstaEDU include: close-knit team all passionate about the product we're creating, weekly catered lunches and fully stocked kitchen, 401K, Medical, dental, and vision insurance, weekly Friday happy hour and monthly team events (Wine tasting trips, Giants games...)\n\nFeel free to ping me at kate (at) instaedu (dot) com if you want to learn more. You can also apply here: [http:\/\/www.chegg.com\/jobs\/listings](http:\/\/www.chegg.com\/jobs\/listings)\n\nWe want to hear from you!\n\n<\/comment> Vimeo - NY, NY\n\n[https:\/\/vimeo.com\/jobs](https:\/\/vimeo.com\/jobs)\n\n2013: The Year We Did More Cool Stuff - [https:\/\/vimeo.com\/82576921](https:\/\/vimeo.com\/82576921)\n\nTECHNICAL:\n\n-Director, Data Engineering\n\n-DBA, MySQL\n\n-Engineer, Payments (#vindicia, #braintree, #paypal)\n\n-API Engineer (Cameo)\n\n-Lead Engineer, iOS (Cameo)\n\n-Senior Designer\n\nNON-TECH:\n\n-VP, Audience Development\n\n-Director, Brand Partnerships\n\n-Senior Manager, Curation (VOD)\n\nStuff we use: PHP, Python, MySQL, Mongo, Redis, AWS, Solr, Hadoop, nginx, node, Vertica. And pretty much any mobile platform.\n\nFeel free to reach out: tyler at vimeo dot com.\n\n<\/comment> University of Texas - Austin, TX - Full time direct hire\n\nWe're a small team in charge of the McCombs School of Business website at the University of Texas. We're looking for a mid level web developer with experience with CMSes (we use Sitecore), C#\/ASP.Net, HTML & CSS, Javascript, and UI\/UX principles.\n\nOur team is very relaxed, and we fit the Austin culture well. We're constantly trying to improve our site, our code, our processes. It's a great environment for learning, and expanding your skills are encouraged as much as possible.\n\nThe pay is a little on the low side (we're bound by State guidelines), but the benefits are very good: generous paid time off, comp time for any hours worked over 40, excellent health and disability benefits, a pension plan, conferences, and (after a year) one free class per semester.\n\nEmail me directly at firstname.lastname@example.com if you have any questions, or you can apply for the position at the link below.\n\nFull job posting here: [https:\/\/utdirect.utexas.edu\/apps\/hr\/jobs\/nlogon\/140703019359](https:\/\/utdirect.utexas.edu\/apps\/hr\/jobs\/nlogon\/140703019359)\n\n<\/comment> Front Row Education ([https:\/\/www.frontrowed.com\/](https:\/\/www.frontrowed.com\/)) - San Francisco, \nAt Front Row, we're building an incredibly powerful tool to help kids learn math, and help math teachers be more effective. In just 8 months after launch, we're in more than 1.5% of US schools, and are growing rapidly. We solve the hard problem of computing large amounts of student data and presenting it to teachers in a way that they can use it to personalize instruction for each student.\n\nWe're looking for engineers who have functional programming experience, or are really excited about functional programming to work on our product built in Clojure, Haskell, and JS.\n\nWe're looking for the first engineers (after the CTO) to join the team and have immense impact on our success and our culture. Given this high level of responsibility, we offer a generous amount of equity. Finally, everyone at Front Row has a ton of flexibility in where they work, and what they work on.\n\nEmail email@example.com if you're interested, or learn more here: [http:\/\/goo.gl\/dY8gqB](http:\/\/goo.gl\/dY8gqB)\n\n<\/comment> Mountain View 2 roles in Marketing INTERN - Outreach (or junior full-time) and Director of Marketing Both are our first hires to separate the sales role from the marketing\/lead generation role.\n\nThese roles are: \\- NOT Cold-Calling. \\- NOT content marketing or advertising. \\- NOT sales (though if you are in sales with experience handling 5 and 6-figure contracts, preferably with SaaS software, please do get in touch).\n\nThese roles are about identifying leads, nurturing the relationship, and handing off qualified leads to sales. It's about GROWTH.\n\nWe set targets, track progress, and work hard to achieve our goals.\n\nMaybe you've built lead pipelines at a prior startup. Maybe you've read Predictable Revenue, SaaStr, or anything else by Jason Lemkin or Aaron Ross. Maybe you're looking to launch your own startup, but you want to learn what it takes to get users and customers to your door.\n\nCustomers include companies like Stripe, Sequoia Capital, and SurveyMonkey. If you like the idea of taking on industry giants who are \"too big to succeed\" then you should definitely get in touch.\n\nWe're a YC company (S2013) building a software platform for the General Counsel (or VP of Legal, Chief Legal Officer, Chief Compliance Officer) at mid to large companies. We're a small team with experienced leadership. We have paying customers today (product is well beyond \"MVP\"). We are roughly break- even and continue to sell to new customers to reach profitability. We're looking to grow and want some great, high-energy people to join our team.\n\nWe're [http:\/\/www.simplelegal.com](http:\/\/www.simplelegal.com). My email address is my first name: Nathan\n\n<\/comment> REMOTE We are hiring\/sponsoring a developer to join the team and work fulltime on the Open-Source Data Pipeline for Hadoop NeverwinterDP.\n\n \n \n The Open-Source Team is based internationally and is distributed with founding\n members in San Francisco.\n \n\nDo you love data systems, distributed computing, high availability, high performance systems that take advantage of the state of the art in technologies and best practices.\n\nIt's be a lead and help drive the future of the Hadoop Ecosystem\n\nTechnologies\n\n \n \n * Hadoop and Ecosystem Components\n * Yarn\n * Kafka\n * Netty\n * Storm\n * Hbase\n * Java Chronicle\n * Hazelcast\n * Docker\n * Jenkins\n * Ansible \n \n\nYou:\n\n \n \n * Self Driven\n * You can dive the project future and vision\n * Your looking for something full time and remote\n \n\nSend your resume, and explain why your perfect for this project\/team. What will your first contributions be.\n\n \n \n Email: firstname.lastname@example.com\n \n\nSee the Project at [https:\/\/github.com\/DemandCube\/NeverwinterDP](https:\/\/github.com\/DemandCube\/NeverwinterDP)\n\n<\/comment> Native Instruments - [http:\/\/www.native-instruments.com](http:\/\/www.native- instruments.com)\n\nWe create audio hardware and software for producers, sound designers and dj's.\n\nWe're building a highly scalable api (which will be used to infuse our apps with \"cloud goodies\") from the bottom up using flask and lot's of fun toys. Think tools like vagrant, salt, docker, ... the toolchain is still being defined, but we're looking at the modern stuff first. Most probably AWS, maybe other hosts. We're looking for ops and server side devs.\n\nThere are 3 open positions to be filled in in Berlin (full-time\/ASAP) even though there are only two positions described.\n\n[http:\/\/www.native-instruments.com\/en\/career-center\/berlin- of...](http:\/\/www.native-instruments.com\/en\/career-center\/berlin- office\/development\/web-api-system-engineer\/)\n\n[http:\/\/www.native-instruments.com\/en\/career-center\/berlin- of...](http:\/\/www.native-instruments.com\/en\/career-center\/berlin- office\/development\/teamleader-infrastructure\/)\n\n<\/comment> Wealthfront is hiring! Located in Palo Alto, CA. Roles: iOS Engineer, Backend Engineer, Full Stack Engineer, Data Engineer, DevOps Engineer and Product Designers.\n\nApply to: firstname.lastname@example.com. You can also contact: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nMobile Engineer (Full Time, Palo Alto) Are you interested in building the flagship iOS apps for the fastest growing online financial service? We're looking for outstanding engineers who are passionate about designing and delivering incredible user experiences that will revolutionize the way people manage their investments.\n\nData Engineer (Full Time, Palo Alto) Are you interested to build the data and analytic systems which power the fastest growing online financial service? We're looking for talented engineers who are passionate to apply continuous deployment to building systems which enable self-service access to sophisticated data and analysis, from data pipelines to machine learned models.\n\nFull Stack Engineer (Full Time, Palo Alto) Are you interested to apply modern consumer web technologies and design principles to make investing delightful? Do you want to ship code in under 10 minutes?\n\n<\/comment> Xerox - Web Developer (FTE onsite) - Wilsonville (near Portland), OR and Rochester, New York\n\nWe have an open web developer position in the Global Digital Marketing group's agile software development team.\n\nThe Global Digital Marketing group manages Xerox's digital communication through the xerox.com and other websites and various social media networks.\n\nJoin us if you want to work with smart people who are pushing the technical envelope on how marketing can be done on the web.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\nWrite frontend and backend software for the xerox.com customer facing marketing websites. Develop technical recommendations. Create and update unit or integration tests. Document software features.\n\nQualifications\n\nRequired Skills:\n\nAbility to communicate ideas effectively with technical and non-technical staff. Intermediate to advanced knowledge of Perl, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and CSS. Knowledge of version control software (e.g. git or subversion). Comfortable with UNIX.\n\nDesired Skills:\n\nAdobe SiteCatalyst or Google analytics SQL and NoSQL databases\n\nApply at [https:\/\/searchjobs.external.xerox.com\/careersection\/xerox_ex...](https:\/\/searchjobs.external.xerox.com\/careersection\/xerox_external\/jobdetail.ftl?job=14026985)\n\n<\/comment> Localytics - Boston - FULL-TIME, INTERN, H1B\n\nLocalytics is hiring engineerings, designers and product managers:\n\n \n \n - Senior Android Engineer \n - JavaScript Engineer\n - Mobile Test Engineer \n - Site Reliability Engineer\n - Security Engineer\n - Senior Backend End Engineer\n - Senior Front End Engineer\n - UI\/UX Designer\n - Rails Engineer\n - Product Managers\n \n\nCheck out our last two blog posts to get an idea of what its like to work with us:\n\n* Your first day: [http:\/\/www.localytics.com\/blog\/2014\/onboarding-engineers\/](http:\/\/www.localytics.com\/blog\/2014\/onboarding-engineers\/)\n\n* How we deploy: [http:\/\/www.localytics.com\/blog\/2014\/on-the-road-to-continuou...](http:\/\/www.localytics.com\/blog\/2014\/on-the-road-to-continuous-delivery-at-localytics\/)\n\nAbout Localytics:\n\n* We provide app analytics and app marketing services for thousands of apps on over a billion devices.\n\n* We have hard problems to solve in big data, scaling, distributed systems, data visualization and mobile.\n\n* We are one of the fastest growing companies in Boston and were named one of the top places to work by The Boston Globe.\n\n* We are passionate about and have deep expertise in the technologies we work with including: Scala, iOS, Android, Mapreduce, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Memcache, Redis, Column Store Databases, Rails, AngularJS, D3.js, AWS: DynamoDB, S3, SQS, EMR, ElasticCache and EC2.\n\n* We are located in Downtown Crossing Boston.\n\nWe love candidates who:\n\n* Prefer startup environments.\n\n* Are passionate about technology.\n\n* Enjoy influencing the direction of the product and technologies.\n\nSuccessful candidates may help us with:\n\n* Front end development - We have ambitious data visualization projects on our roadmap.\n\n* Back end development - wrangling big data using Scala, AWS and several storage technologies.\n\n* Mobile development on Android, iOS, HTML5 and Windows Phone\n\n* Prototyping - We still do a significant amount of customer development and R&D.\n\nCandidates of all experience levels encouraged to connect with us: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> The Factory - San Francisco, CA -- [http:\/\/www.thefactory.com\/](http:\/\/www.thefactory.com\/)\n\nThe Factory is changing the way companies are built. Backed by the founder of Skype and Rdio and led by Rdio's exec team, we're a product incubator without the burdens of outside influence, funding, or time constraints.\n\nWe are well-funded and have a small and exceptional team of twelve. We have a gorgeous office in SOMA. Salary is top-notch, as are the equity and benefits as an early member.\n\nWe're looking for highly experienced, entrepreneurially-minded builders to help:\n\n* Dream up and build products\n\n* Develop and perfect a common platform and pipeline\n\n* Create open-source tools to help others launch products\n\nCurrent positions:\n\n* Senior Front-End Engineer ([http:\/\/www.thefactory.com\/pdfs\/sr_frontend.pdf](http:\/\/www.thefactory.com\/pdfs\/sr_frontend.pdf))\n\n* Senior Back-End Engineer (opportunistic)\n\n* Other roles (opportunistic)\n\nYou can read more about us here: [http:\/\/gigaom.com\/2013\/06\/21\/the-factory- janus-friis-todd-be...](http:\/\/gigaom.com\/2013\/06\/21\/the-factory-janus-friis- todd-berman\/)\n\nA smattering of tech we're working on includes: Scala, Python, Mesos, Marathon, Docker, Packer, ZooKeeper, Exhibitor, AWS, Finagle, Zipkin, and Kestrel. We've already open sourced a number of projects, too: [https:\/\/github.com\/thefactory\/](https:\/\/github.com\/thefactory\/)\n\nIf you think this sounds like a fit, drop me a line: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Basis Science - [https:\/\/www.mybasis.com](https:\/\/www.mybasis.com) San Francisco CA, full-time only, LOCAL\/RELOCATE\n\nOur wearable health tracker records heart rate, movement, and a whole bunch of biometric data. All of this is sent to the cloud where our Backend team takes over. We ingest the data, classify it, and process it into useful insights and visualization for our users. We're a python shop, and some of the technologies we use include cassandra, mongodb, flask, tornado, salt, rackspace, and aws. The job descriptions are in the gists below, and please send us a message if you are interested (\"backend-jobs at mybasis dot com\"). Hope to hear from you!\n\nSenior Backend Engineer [https:\/\/gist.github.com\/dcwangmit01\/3d90a0c89aa2fd3e8940](https:\/\/gist.github.com\/dcwangmit01\/3d90a0c89aa2fd3e8940)\n\nDevOps \/ Site Reliability Engineer [https:\/\/gist.github.com\/dcwangmit01\/d5323a65250f58db6574](https:\/\/gist.github.com\/dcwangmit01\/d5323a65250f58db6574)\n\n<\/comment> Skai, Inc. - Arlington, VA (Washington, DC) or Remote\n\nHiring Freelance Front-End Developer\n\nOriginally funded out of the MIT computer science community, Skai is a fast- growing technology company. With over 1,000 pages of intellectual property behind our core technology, we are disrupting the data integration market by delivering a cloud platform for the next generation of big data. Skai is working with some of the largest Fortune 500's.\n\nPosition: Freelance, Remote, Front-end Developer\n\nSkai is looking for a developer who can create a graphically impressive demo using d3.js of a software product that will be built in the future. The idea is to create a visualization of a process that is well understood by the customer. The customer would define the set of screens, help think through the mock data underlying the demo, and explain the graphical views required. The customer has said they have budget available and is targeting a 2.5-3 week engagement to start as soon as possible.\n\nYou will be working directly with the customer on this project. Pay is highly competitive and hourly.\n\nPlease send us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com for more information!\n\n<\/comment> StackAdapt - Toronto, ON\n\nWe're a young, bootstrapped, and profitable startup in the Native Advertising space. You'll be joining a fun, hard-working team with plenty of room for career growth as we expand.\n\nWe're hiring Account Executives, Senior Software Engineers, Growth Hackers, and a Controller.\n\nMore details at [http:\/\/www.stackadapt.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.stackadapt.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> VIALUTIONS - We are a group of SharePoint specialists and develop SharePoint products and extensions, web portals or business applications. VIALUTIONS develops solutions in the fields of document management, collaboration and compliance, as well as archiving and digitizing of documents. For our customers we create Microsoft technology driven solutions(i.e. SharePoint, Windows 8, Windows Mobile). Our growing team is looking for an experienced .NET Developer giving us new impulses for development services.\n\nCurrently we are running projects with clients all over europe as well as North America.\n\nLocation: Wroc\u0142aw, POLAND\n\nRegion: dolno\u015bl\u0105skie\n\nREQUIREMENTS:\n\n\\- At least Bachelor's degree in computer science\n\n\\- At least three years experience in .NET\n\n\\- Experience working within a team and project\n\n\\- Experience working remotely and with remote teams\n\n\\- English language skills\n\n\\- Advantage: experience in SharePoint\n\n\\- Advantage: Microsoft Certifications\n\n\\- Advantage: experience in SCRUM development process\n\n\\- Advantage: German language skills\n\nWE OFFER:\n\n\\- Stable conditions of employment\n\n\\- The opportunity to improve professional competence in an international environment\n\n\\- Work in an open minded, young team\n\n\\- MS Certifications will improve your working skills and salary\n\n\\- Medical healthcare and Multisport card possible\n\n\\- Bring in your own ideas and skills to improve our assets\n\nIf you are interested, drop us your CV to firstname.lastname@example.com and write \"HN - Job Application\" in the title.\n\n<\/comment> Baltimore, MD; Reston, VA; FULL TIME, INTERN (H1B maybe if already in US)\n\nVideology Group - [http:\/\/www.videologygroup.com\/](http:\/\/www.videologygroup.com\/)\n\nInternet advertising startup (DSP, SSP, DMP, lots of things) looking primarily for server-side Java developers (if your Java is rusty but you're good, drop us a note anyway). I was working for a start-up called LucidMedia Networks (hence the \"lmn\" in the e-mail address below), which got acquired by Videology. Our stack is Java on Spring on *nix with MySQL and some NoSQL stores on AWS. The Baltimore office also has a team on a large .NET stack as well, but Java teams are spread across both offices. We have some big projects in the works involving big data and volume as we scale globally and across mediums (video, mobile, etc.). Currently, our Reston platform alone handles 4 billion requests a day.\n\nContact me directly at email@example.com.\n\nI actually got hired through a HN \"Who is Hiring\" thread, and I hired an intern through these threads. These things do work!\n\n<\/comment> SharpSpring - sharpspring.com - Gainesville, FL\n\nJob Description\n\nAs an integral part of our development team, you'll help design and create features for our web application, and help us identify and evaluate new technologies for implementation. You'll also be involved in customer discussions, helping to determine product development needs.\n\nSkills & Requirements\n\nRequired:\n\n-Solid understanding of Javascript\n\n-Experience with jQuery\n\n-Fluent writing semantic, cross-browser compatible HTML and modular CSS\n\n-Able to perform with minimal oversight\n\n-Effective communication, decision-making, and problem solving skills\n\n-Up-to-date on front-end web technologies\n\nPreferred:\n\n-Design skills\n\n-Familiarity with responsive web design techniques\n\n-Experience with any of the following: JavaScript modules, client-side unit testing, Chrome Developer Tools\n\n-Experience working with vector and raster graphics in applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator\n\n-Experience building and or designing web applications\n\n-Familiarity with PHP\n\n-Comfortable working on the command line\n\nAbout SharpSpring\n\nSharpSpring is a marketing automation start-up based out of Gainesville, FL. With a streamlined user interface, a price point way below the leading competitors', more flexibility in the commitment period, and an all-star team, SharpSpring is rapidly gaining momentum as a rising star in the marketing automation world.\n\nHow to Apply\n\nSend an email including resume to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> C++ Engineer\n\nEurope\/Hungary\/Budapest\n\nFull-time \/ no remote work \/ relocation supported\n\nPrezi is a zooming presentation software that uses an open canvas instead of traditional slides, is available on desktop, browsers, iPads and iPhones. With offices in San Francisco and Budapest, we work together with 200 employees. You'll love to work with us if you want to: 1\\. create an app used by 40 million users 2. work together with people, who are smarter than you, who can inspire you, 3. use the technologies, tools and methods on you daily work, you like, 4. work in small, independent teams, 4. do something from scratch, 5. have free food all day long\n\nCurrently we are building a new C++ team, where you will be developing a complex editor for Prezi. If you want to solve non-trivial architectural problems, take full ownership of features, work with a wide range of software tools and technologies and work on a new codebase, not legacy stuff, send us your application:\n\n[http:\/\/prezi.com\/jobs\/oHh7XfwM\/](http:\/\/prezi.com\/jobs\/oHh7XfwM\/)\n\n Since Budapest is one of those low-income\/high-costs places, could you please comment on your salary competitiveness compared to Western Europe and North America?\n\nYou're working on great product and the team\/company seems great, but your location arises concerns...\n\nCould you also please comment on the compensation gap between developers in SF and Budapest?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> SponsorPay is one of the top 10 mobile advertising companies. We are located in Berlin, Germany.\n\nWe are looking for (Senior\/Lead) Ruby developers (we do mean Ruby, not Rails)\n\n\\- You will work in an international team (15+ nationalities) in our Berlin HQ, in a cross-functional team (Devs, QA & Product) using Kanban\/Scrum\n\n\\- You will get to know what bloom filters, hyperloglog and real Ruby multithreading apps are.\n\n\\- Tons of traffic.\n\nWhat we offer:\n\n\\- Competitive remuneration package - German lessons - Relocation package - team with more than 35 experienced developers, QA, DevOps and product managers\n\nYou can have a look to some of our talks:\n\n\\- Euruko 2013: \"...\"but we had to kill Unicorns\" [http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-q_kS5Dymmc](http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-q_kS5Dymmc)\n\n\\- RailsConf 2014: \"What the Cache!\" [http:\/\/www.railsconf.com\/program#sessions](http:\/\/www.railsconf.com\/program#sessions)\n\nIf you are interested have a look to our careers page:\n\n[http:\/\/www.sponsorpay.com\/careers.html#jobs](http:\/\/www.sponsorpay.com\/careers.html#jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Flywheel Networks <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nFull-Stack Rails Engineers - [http:\/\/flywheelnetworks.com\/jobs\/position?jvi=oAfCXfw8](http:\/\/flywheelnetworks.com\/jobs\/position?jvi=oAfCXfw8)\n\nCome join an awesome tech team working on problems in the Real Estate space: [http:\/\/flywheelnetworks.com\/tech](http:\/\/flywheelnetworks.com\/tech)\n\n<\/comment> Getable \u2014 San Francisco, CA\n\nGetable is a small team (~10 people) working on changing the construction industry by helping contractors order and manage their rental equipment. We focus on producing high quality apps for three separate users: Contractors, Suppliers, and Getable itself. We develop our applications using a modular approach on both the frontend and backend, using a modern, mostly open source JavaScript based stack: CouchDB, Node, Engine.io, Backbone, and responsive design.\n\nOur frontend is based heavily on Atomic Design and Development, using an open source library we built called Atomify. We optimize for developer happiness and eliminate as many barriers to getting things on production as we can: we don't have any build steps, we have a live reloading component development workflow, and we have tests that run as you write your code.\n\nMost of our apps are very frontend heavy, but our backend is all realtime. We share model code between the server and the client to make interacting with our data easy. At the end of the day though, none of that is what makes us get out of bed in the morning. It all comes down to creating great feeling interactions to help our users get their jobs done.\n\nDay to Day:\n\n\\- Participate in the team's direction and come up with new ideas\n\n\\- Build modules for both the frontend and backend. We embrace open source and modularized development\n\n\\- Participate in and contribute to product discussions\n\nRequirements:\n\n\\- Have a passion for building easy to use apps for underserved users\n\n\\- Love to write small, well tested components that can be reused in many contexts\n\n\\- Have experience working on large JS codebases with a team of other highly skilled engineers\n\n\\- Be able to work on both the frontend and the backend - it's all JS\n\nWe provide:\n\n\\- Meaningful equity\n\n\\- Better than average health plans\n\n\\- Backed by industry leading VCs\n\n\\- Opportunities to grow as a leader or individual contributor\n\n\\- Fun and smart coworkers\n\nSound like a good deal to you? Apply here: [https:\/\/angel.co\/getable\/jobs\/30560-software- engineer](https:\/\/angel.co\/getable\/jobs\/30560-software-engineer) or email email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Rails Machine - [https:\/\/railsmachine.com](https:\/\/railsmachine.com) \\- Remote, USA\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n ---- Who are we looking for? ----\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n \n \n\nOperations professionals (DevOps, SysAdmin, Automation, DBA, Rails\/Node developers, etc.) with a strong customer-service bent. We support our clients by understanding and identifying their problems and proposing solutions to fix them. This might be running stuff on our hardware, it might be a mix of AWS and Heroku, or something else entirely.\n\nWe have no billable hours - we are empowered to fix issues, add memory\/CPU\/disk, etc. based on our pricing\/billing model.\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n ---- What is Rails Machine? ----\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n \n\nRails Machine is a boutique managed services hosting provider for medium and large sized web firms. Although our name is \"Rails Machine\", we operate a large Rails, PHP, Node, and Java application server farm (but Rails is the largest proportion). We have PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and MongoDB clusters. We multiple geographically distributed data centers. We have our own metal but also manage AWS, Heroku, etc. as necessary to achieve client goals.\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-\n ---- Extreme Support ----\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-\n \n\nWe take an approach of extreme support - our default unit of work is the pull request on the client repo. We contract with our clients to provide a certain level of service (9's, latency, response time, whatever) and we are empowered to do anything to resolve it (adding database indexes, removing N+1 queries in Rails code, etc.).\n\nIf bare metal is on one end of the spectrum, we're on the complete opposite end. Off the charts.\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment>-----\n ---- Details ----\n <\/comment><\/comment>-----\n \n\nWe've been around and profitable since April, 2006.\n\nWe are a completely virtual\/remote company (although we have physical data centers). You can work from home or a local co-working place. Unfortunately, you need to be a US citizen to apply.\n\nSalary plus profit sharing ensures you're paid well above average (75th percentile).\n\nIf you're interested, drop me a line at matt at railsmachine.com.\n\nThanks!\n\n\\-- Matt\n\n<\/comment> Hello,\n\nLocation: Vancouver, BC, Canada Stack: Erlang (Elixir), Docker, Ubuntu, AWS Site: [http:\/\/bex.io](http:\/\/bex.io)\n\nLooking for folks interested in Crypto-currencies, distributed systems, high tolerance\/low fault systems. We are build a globally distributed network of digital currency exchanges. Lots of interesting problems to solve and technologies to play with.\n\nemail@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Inbox Health - Bridgeport, CT\n\nAbout Inbox Health:\n\nInbox Health is developing software to improve the efficiency of healthcare. We're particularly focused on creating solutions to patient billing and payments. This may sound boring, but it's a tremendous issue, and an exciting challenge. We're dedicated and passionate about making change in the healthcare space. We're well funded from several angel investors, and are currently closing a large seed round that will allow for ample runway and team growth.\n\nWhat We're Looking For:\n\nWe're currently looking to add at least two engineers and a full stack UI\/UX designer to our current team. Candidates should be passionate about healthcare innovation (particularly on the business operations side of things), SaaS business models, startups in general. If you're not sure if you're interested in working for a healthcare startup, stop reading this post, buy the book \"Where Does it Hurt?\", and read that. Then come back.\n\nSkills\/focuses that are desirable, but not necessarily all required: \\- Ruby on Rails development experience or significant experience with server-side development languages\/MVC frameworks \\- Front-end development and\/or UI\/UX Design \\- Experience in designing and utilizing modular and reusable HTML5 templating (ERB) and Javascript libraries and frameworks \\- Previous experience with GitHub version control software and concepts (forking, merging, committing, branching, etc.) \\- Passion for database architecture and design \\- Experience with REST architecture design patterns \\- Familiarity with Linux \\- Server-side UNIX development and command-line scripting\n\nRequirements: \\- Public GitHub projects and work and\/or be willing to create or share sample work \\- Must be willing to commute to, or relocate to the area. __This is an on-site position only. __\n\nOther Details:\n\nCompensation will be in line with current market pay. Obviously it depends on your skill level and experience. We're offering equity. We provide health benefits and vacation time and such. Side note: If you're leaving your job looking for a better salary, don't contact us. If you're looking to make an impact on an industry, have more ownership over a product, work on something you're passionate about etc... then lets talk.\n\nWe enjoy long walks around the block with the office dog, the occasional Mario Kart competition, and the occasional philosophical tangent. The office is generally dog friendly. As long as he or she gets along well with the current dog(s).\n\nApply at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Esper (Palo Alto, CA - right next to Caltrain) - [http:\/\/esper.com\/jobs.html](http:\/\/esper.com\/jobs.html) \\- FULL-TIME (could be remote) Generalist Engineers\n\nAt Esper, we are developing software that improves the communication and workflow between executives and executive assistants. It's quite the creative challenge. Esper is using OCaml on the backend, with a web front-end using Typescript, an Android mobile app, and a planned iPhone app. This StackOverflow answer by our lead engineer Martin Jambon will tell you more about our approach: [http:\/\/stackoverflow.com\/a\/19355173\/597517](http:\/\/stackoverflow.com\/a\/19355173\/597517)\n\nWe are hiring two generalist engineers to join our team of five in Palo Alto - we offer very generous equity. We are venture financed and have an experienced team (Palantir, Zynga, etc.) working on an interesting problem and we'd love to talk to you about what we're working on!\n\n<\/comment> Maxymiser - www.maxymiser.com New York City - \n\nMaxymiser is a leading global provider of online testing, personalization and cross-channel optimization solutions. The company's enterprise platform allows its clients to drive continuous improvements in their key online strategic goals and financial metrics.\n\nNamed as a leader by Forrester Research in its February 2013 Online Testing Wave, Maxymiser's platform is used by hundreds of global companies including Alaska Airlines, Avis, Epson, Harry and David, HSBC, InterContinental Hotel Group, Sovereign Bank, Teleflora, Virgin Media, Wyndham Hotels and Resorts.\n\nWe're currently hiring for a number of positions, but the one below is what I do so I can speak to it best.\n\nPosition title: Junior Solutions Engineer\n\nJunior Solutions Engineers will proactively assist in the delivery of technical support and services to clients. Additionally you will liaise with the internal Maxymiser team to continually highlight updates in documentation, training, online knowledge base and product functionality. The ideal candidate has knowledge of front-end development languages (JS\/CSS\/HTML) and is comfortable effectively communicating coding solutions to clients.\n\nI was given a long HR-ese blurb to follow that, but I think that paragraph gives a nice overview of what you'd be doing. Day to day you're working with an interesting range of clients, who have a diverse and challenging set of problems to solve.\n\nFeel free to send me any questions via the email in my profile. If you're interested, you can send your resume in to email@example.com\n\nYou can see all of our openings (including the full description for the Solutions Engineer) here: [http:\/\/www.maxymiser.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.maxymiser.com\/careers\/)\n\n I'd like to learn some more about this position. Can I email you?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Lyft - San Francisco, CA (Visa)\n\nWe're hiring Software Engineers! Learn more here:-\n\n[http:\/\/bit.ly\/1xbAjMt](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1xbAjMt)\n\nRide by ride Lyft is changing the way our world works. We imagine a world where cities feel small again. Where transportation and tech bring people together, instead of apart. We see the future as community-driven \u2014 and it starts with you.\n\n<\/comment> OrgSync \u2014 Dallas, TX. Full-time.\n\nFrontend \/ Backend \/ Full-stack \/ Ops\n\n## Job Summary\n\nWe're looking for a sharp engineer to work alongside a small team of developers and designers committed to building a robust, performant and scalable web application serving over 350 colleges and universities around the country. You have an attention to detail and a professional curiosity that extends beyond the workplace. You will work in a mostly autonomous environment, so you have to be just as awesome at getting things done as you are at composing elegant solutions.\n\nMost of our code is written in Ruby and runs on the Rails stack backed by a MySQL database, but we also incorporate other technologies such as Node.js, Memcached, ElasticSearch and Redis. We use GitHub for version control and our infrastructure is entirely hosted via cloud services. We care about keeping our libraries up-to-date and test coverage. While most of our stack is on Rails today, we're comfortable with other technologies and always strive to use the right tool for the job.\n\nThis is a full-time position at our headquarters in Dallas, TX and includes a competitive base salary, a full range of benefits, stock options, and an awesome team of creative people by your side.\n\n## Requirements\n\n\\- Passion for developing excellent software and an appreciation for elegant code\n\n\\- Strong understanding of web services and REST concepts\n\n\\- Strong understanding of relational databases including complex queries and optimization\n\n\\- Experience writing object-oriented software guided by tests\n\n\\- Strong understanding of performance optimization and caching techniques\n\n\\- Being comfortable in a polyglot environment a plus\n\n\\- Open source project contributions a plus\n\n\\- Ability to play \"Careless Whisper\" on saxophone a plus\n\n\\- Strong written and verbal communication skills\n\n## Links\n\nOpen source: [http:\/\/orgsync.github.io\/](http:\/\/orgsync.github.io\/)\n\nBlog: [http:\/\/devblog.orgsync.com\/](http:\/\/devblog.orgsync.com\/)\n\nOpenings: [http:\/\/www.orgsync.com\/company\/careers](http:\/\/www.orgsync.com\/company\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Back-End Engineer - Node.js & Mongo in NYC\n\nInterface Foundry [http:\/\/interfacefoundry.com](http:\/\/interfacefoundry.com)\n\n\/\/=== Tasks ====\/\/\n\nDevelop our platform's back-end automated systems for API consolidation, widget deployment, and communication with 3rd party connected devices. Also, all levels of security and database optimization.\n\n\u2022 Knowledge of: Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js \u2022 Nice to have: Angular.js, Hadoop, Elasticsearch\n\n\/\/=== Benefits ====\/\/\n\n\u2022 All early employees get both stock options and vesting interest when they join full time, along with health insurance. \u2022 Office located in downtown SoHo, Manhattan, near lots of great food in Chinatown.\n\n\/\/=== About Us ====\/\/\n\nInterface Foundry's mission is to index the physical world, allowing people to move seamlessly from one area or timeframe to another, interacting with their environment where information (apps, widgets, connected devices, data cards, localized maps) is absorbed into personal devices securely.\n\nOur platform lets you browse & build databubble micro-worlds -- data pinned to a specific location or time, consolidating apps and other widgets into a single context-aware interface.\n\nWe just closed our first round of seed\/angel financing, raised over 100K and looking to grow and scale quickly. We have over 20,000 users, deployed worldwide everywhere from Berlin to Barcelona, Detroit to Oakland and NYC.\n\nOur platform is open source and open API. We believe strongly in transparency and accountability, and have benefit-corporation status.\n\n\/\/=== Apply ===\/\/\n\nIf you're interested, send us a note: email@example.com\n\n:)\n\n<\/comment> Kindling - \n\nHiring a Lead Developer: [http:\/\/www.kindlingapp.com\/jobs\/lead-application- developer\/](http:\/\/www.kindlingapp.com\/jobs\/lead-application-developer\/)\n\nWe're an enterprise SaaS idea management platform (read: paying clients! no crazy hours! no ads, not EVER!), built on Zend and AWS.\n\nIf you have any questions I can answer, feel free to ask.\n\n<\/comment> AvantCredit (Chicago) is hiring senior data scientists, data engineers, and data dev ops. We offer competitive salaries and a flexible work environment.\n\n[http:\/\/avantcredit.com\/jobs](http:\/\/avantcredit.com\/jobs)\n\nWe have gone from 0 to 150 employees in a little under fifteen months and have raised more money last quarter than all other Chicago startups in the same period last year combined. ([http:\/\/bit.ly\/1hp2cx4](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1hp2cx4))\n\nOur stack is Ruby on Rails and R deployed on Heroku and AWS, respectively, and we do not mess around. All of our R packages are documented, tested, and vignetted. We have continuous deployment and integration (yes, on the data science side!), and all of our classifiers are automatically backtested and validated.\n\nWe're trying to give [https:\/\/github.com\/hadley](https:\/\/github.com\/hadley) a run for his money. Sound interesting? Email email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> MongoDB - New York, Palo Alto, and more\n\nMongoDB is hiring engineers of pretty much every stripe!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nIn New York:\n\n\\+ Java application engineers __Work on MMS (our monitoring, backup and automation platform -[https:\/\/mms.mongodb.com](https:\/\/mms.mongodb.com))\n\n\\+ Systems\/ops engineers __Build out the data centers used by MMS\n\n\\+ Database kernel engineers __Work on the core MongoDB database (C++)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nIn New York\/Palo Alto\/many other places:\n\n\\+ Technical service engineers __Support our users and customers to ensure their success\n\n\\+ Consulting engineers __Assist our users and customers with all phases of implementation\n\n\\+ Solutions Architects __Design systems \/architectures alongside our customers\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nAs well as:\n\n\\+ Performance engineers in Palo Alto\n\n\\+ Test engineers in New York, Palo Alto, Austin and Boston\n\n\\+ Technical writers in New York\n\n\\+ Language-specific driver developers around the world\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nYou can apply online or just get in touch with me at email@example.com\n\n[http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?aj=oWm7Yfw7&s=Ian_Whalen](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?aj=oWm7Yfw7&s=Ian_Whalen)\n\n<\/comment> Stuph ([https:\/\/angel.co\/stuph](https:\/\/angel.co\/stuph), [https:\/\/stuph.co](https:\/\/stuph.co)) is building its founding team! We are a stealth startup creating a consumer product fueled by data mining and information extraction. We are well funded and backed by top VCs. Our office is located in San Francisco.\n\nOur founder is an ex-googler who created Google Trends. Our team consists of graduates of MIT, Cornell, RPI, and top international universities. Between us we have worked at Google, Twitter and Amazon, and won a Kaggle competition. We love math, algorithms and machine learning.\n\nDo you like functional programming? We're using Clojure for our backend and ClojureScript for our frontend. Knowing either isn't a requirement, but be excited to learn!\n\nWe are looking for:\n\n\\- Frontend engineers with strong CS fundamentals\n\n\\- Experienced backend engineer with excellent system design and architecture skills\n\n\\- Engineering interns who can hit the ground running.\n\nContact: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> jack-kearney Kitchit | San Francisco, CA\n\nThe Kitchit recipe is simple: For a great night with friends, skip the restaurant and bring the chef to you.\n\nWe believe that a great meal shared with great people is a powerful and joyful experience. When that meal takes place effortlessly in the comfort of home, something downright magical happens. That's why we're building a platform to pioneer a new kind of dining experience\u2014one that turns your table into the best table in town.\n\nWe're a well-funded startup based in the Mission neighborhood of San Francisco. Our platform is powered by great chefs, world-class technology, and a passionate team. We're looking for talented (and hungry) full-stack engineers with an eye for product. Currently wee use Rails + Heroku, but we'll be diving into mobile app development soon.\n\nPlus. our office features the biggest dinner table you've ever seen. Want to pull up a chair? Apply for an open job.\n\n[http:\/\/www.kitchit.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.kitchit.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Gliffy - San Francisco (SOMA office) Full Stack Software Engineer\n\nGliffy (www.Gliffy.com) is looking for a talented engineer (full stack) to help build upon their already innovative SaaS diagraming\/graphing product.\n\nIn this role you would have the opportunity to work with technologies like Scala\/Playframework\/HTML5\/Canvas and make a measurable impact as part of a small, but insanely bright team. Gliffy is established and quite profitable, but still operates like a startup (hackatons, quarterly outings) and is investing in growing the team. They are based in SF and allow employees to work from home Mondays and Fridays (alongside some other nice perks - quarterly bonuses, employer 401K contribution, etc).\n\nGliffy has hired me to help them on the search (an engineer I placed back in March is loving it and they've asked me to find one more as they continue their growth).\n\nSponsorship\/remote work not available at this time.\n\nEmail me for more details: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Raizlabs - [http:\/\/raizlabs.com](http:\/\/raizlabs.com) \\- Boston, MA and San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland)\n\nMobile Strategy, Design, and Development\n\nWhat you'll do at Raizlabs:\n\nDo more than code. Raizlabs is seeking experienced mobile developers, and user experience\/user interface designers to engineer beautiful apps and influence product direction for startups and big brands like Virgin, Bloomingdale's, Localytics, RunKeeper, Rue La La, Care.com, and HubSpot. We've worked in a diverse array of fields ranging from education to medical wearables and are always playing with novel technologies.\n\nYou'll be working with enthusiastic and supportive peers in a trust-based work environment. In fact, you'll be helping to keep it that way.\n\nSounds like fun, right?\n\nCheck out our openings and apply: [http:\/\/raizlabs.com\/company\/jobs\/](http:\/\/raizlabs.com\/company\/jobs\/) or email me directly with questions: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Lellan - Redwood City, CA - Director or Sales & Marketing\n\nThe position is a key member of the leadership team. The candidate will be responsible for the overall marketing strategy and vision, setting the sales distribution and rep network strategy and fielding early sales. The ideal candidate excels at both strategic and executional levels and thrives in a startup environment.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n\\- set and execute sales distribution and rep network strategy\n\n\\- field early sales calls and manage early customers\n\n\\- devise and set marketing strategy, positioning and vision\n\n\\- work with executive team to identify and develop strategic alliances and major customers\n\n\\- understand and test key value proposition and articulate features and benefits\n\n\\- set up marketing structure of company\n\n\\- propose and develop sales, marketing budget\n\n\\- represent company at key events and trade shows\n\n\\- set strategy for hiring reps or sales team\n\n\\- develop and manage effective PR strategy\n\nExperience and Qualifications:\n\n\\- successful experience selling and marketing products as a Manager or Director level in a fast-growing company\n\n\\- experience setting marketing strategy and direction for new products in new market segments\n\n\\- ability to plan and manage at both strategic and operational levels\n\n\\- prior startup experience required\n\n\\- 7+ years' experience with progression responsibilities\n\n\\- MBA preferred\n\nCompensation:\n\n\\- we offer competitive salaries, equity and benefits\n\nApply here: [https:\/\/lellan.recruiterbox.com\/jobs\/fk08ds](https:\/\/lellan.recruiterbox.com\/jobs\/fk08ds)\n\n<\/comment> Formswift - [http:\/\/formswift.com\/jobs](http:\/\/formswift.com\/jobs) \\- San Francisco (preferred, will relocate)\n\nWe are hiring an associate manager for content marketing (non-technical).\n\nAre you a creative, results-oriented self-starter? Are you looking for a high- impact, management-track role with mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and opportunities for growth? If your answer is \"yes,\" we should chat!\n\nFormSwift is looking for a team member to join our online marketing department in our San Francisco office. This full-time role will provide experience in content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, and public relations.\n\nFormSwift is a leading provider of tools to help you easily create, edit, and sign any document. Since our founding in the summer of 2012, FormSwift's platform has created millions of documents by users around the globe.\n\nPlease visit formswift.com\/jobs for specific instructions on how to apply.\n\n<\/comment> iCapital Network - fulltime in NYC\n\niCapital is redefining the alternative investment process with innovative technology for fund managers, institutions, and qualified investors. Our founders and management team are accomplished industry executives who have raised hundreds of billions of dollars of private equity capital and have proven track records for investing in, building, managing, and advising financial software & services companies.\n\nOut tech stack is:\n\n-AngularJS\n\n-Ruby on Rails\n\n-Heroku\/Amazon AWS\n\nWe are looking for a junior to mid-level developer with the following experience:\n\n\\- 1+ years developing full-stack Ruby on Rails web applications\n\n\\- 3+ years developing web-based applications in any web development platform (Rails, Django, PHP, ASP.NET MVC, Java EE\/Spring, Node.js, etc.)\n\n\\- 1+ years working with modern JavaScript libraries\/frameworks and related technologies (Ajax, JSON, RESTful web services, jQuery, Backbone, AngularJS, Ember or similar, HTML 5, CSS 3)\n\n\\- Knowledge of Test-Driven Development\n\nEmail me email@example.com if you are interested.\n\n<\/comment> Raytheon BBN Technologies Cyber Security Department is hiring (Cambridge, MA and Columbia, MD). I currently work here in a technical position.\n\nWhat You Could Do\n\n\"As part of the Cyber Security team at BBN, you might write Android apps and inject them with malware to test malware detection tools, devise creative ways to graphically represent data about the lineage of malware, reverse engineer an embedded device looking for vulnerabilities that a hacker could exploit, or create and implement algorithms and code to prevent data exfiltration from military networks.\"\n\nI know that is copied from the req. I don't want to post details that might get me in trouble. That being said, it is an accurate description of what you could do.\n\nWhat We Are Looking For\n\nWe are looking for developers, reverse engineers, cyber researchers, etc., BS to PhD, 0-6 years experience. US citizenship required, willingness to obtain clearance preferred but not required. Offices in Columbia, MD and Cambridge, MA.\n\nJob Requirements: * Great imagination * Strong written and oral communication skills * Solid programming skills, particularly in C\/C++ or Java but also x86 (or other) assembly language, Python or Perl * Some experience in designing and developing software systems, as well as performing system test and integration\n\nExperience or interest in any of the following is desirable: * Networking code development * Operating system internals and\/or kernel development * Network protocol analysis techniques * Virtualization and sandboxing * Reverse engineering * System analysis and engineering * Static and dynamic binary analysis * Low-level knowledge of consumer electronics (e.g., mobile phones, ARM processors, etc.) * Embedded systems * Other security topics like fuzzing, memory analysis, malware techniques, cryptography, etc.\n\nShoot me an email at email@example.com if interested. I'm happy to answer questions.\n\n<\/comment> Ersatz Labs - Pacifica, CA (peninsula, south of San Francisco)\n\nCome work with neural networks and deep learning by the beach. ([http:\/\/www.ersatzlabs.com](http:\/\/www.ersatzlabs.com))\n\nWe're building out our local team and have an opening for a position that is essentially CTO. We're not particularly big on titles, but it's ok if you are. We need someone that can help take our product to the next level and is local to the SF Bay Area.\n\nQualified candidate: Demonstrable experience with deep learning and neural networks, preferably with applicable PHD. Capable of leading a fast growing team and being involved hands on with building the product. Strong familiarity with python, some C++. Experience managing a software team.\n\nWe're offering equity, a salary, and a chance to help turn the world into a data driven technological utopia.\n\nFor more information, contact Dave Sullivan at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Mediamorph - Numerous Tech Roles (Junior\/Senior) (New York, NY) - [http:\/\/www.mediamorph.com\/company\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.mediamorph.com\/company\/careers\/)\n\nDo you binge watch series on Hulu or Netflix? Do you love watching movies on Amazon Prime or via your Playstation? Are you interested in building software at the only New York startup where your job is to work with the television, film, and music services you use every day?\n\nMediamorph is working on several powerful platforms that integrate with the day to day operations of those in the business of the motion picture and entertainment industries. We take a cutting edge software approach, always building and experimenting with the latest technologies.\n\n[http:\/\/www.mediamorph.com\/company\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.mediamorph.com\/company\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> Easyart - [http:\/\/easyart.com\/help\/jobs](http:\/\/easyart.com\/help\/jobs) \\- Clerkenwell, London\n\nEasyart is looking for a talented and passionate Front-end Web Developer to help us craft great experiences for our customers.\n\nAs part of our technology team, you'll be responsible for the continual improvement of the design, functionality, usability and sales conversion of our network of websites. You'll need a keen eye for design, be fluent in HTML, CSS and JavaScript and have a passion for making things that people love to use.\n\nWhat we can offer you\n\n \n \n * A key role in a high-traffic, industry-leading ecommerce site\n * A fun, collaborative environment where you will have the chance to make your mark\n * A focus on productivity using data-driven processes using the best of Lean and Agile\n \n\nWhat we need from you\n\n \n \n * Continual improvement of user experience and functionality of our public-facing websites\n * Have your finger on the pulse of web development, and bring new ideas to the team regularly\n * An enthusiastic team player who can collaborate across departments\n * Strong technical skills so you can lead development on our pattern library\n * The ability to think strategically, beyond the current task and be excited about solving difficult problems\n \n\nThe skills we are looking for\n\n \n \n * Solid front-end design experience writing clean, maintainable JavaScript (jQuery, Backbone, JSON), CSS (Sass) and HTML\n * UX design skills, including responsive layouts\n * Excellent communication skills\n * A systematic approach to design and development, and opinionated views on topics like object-oriented CSS, modular design, mobile-first and progressive-enhancement\n * The ability to conceptualise features, take them through sketching, prototyping, building and testing phases\n * A broad understanding of back-end web development\n \n\nIf this sounds like you then please contact email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Web Application Developer, Egowall.com, Dallas, Tx: [https:\/\/egowall.com](https:\/\/egowall.com)\n\nEgowall is a web-based 3D social platform that enables users to archive, organize and showcase their personal memories and professional achievements through one or more virtual spaces.\n\nWe are seeking a web application developer to support existing and to build new cloud-based web and mobile applications on a scalable cloud platform.\n\nThe ideal candidate for this job is an experienced developer with initiative and solid software engineering sensibilities and an eye for all the components that combine to create highly efficient and effective code.\n\nFor more details, [http:\/\/www.egowall.com\/common\/jobs#webAppDeveloper](http:\/\/www.egowall.com\/common\/jobs#webAppDeveloper)\n\nIf this sounds interesting, please shoot me an email at firstname.lastname@example.com!\n\n<\/comment> SeatGeek \u2014 New York, NY \u2014 Full Time \u2014 We're a search engine for tickets and live events. Think \"Kayak for sports\/music\/theater tickets.\"\n\nWeb Engineer \u2014 We're looking for someone who loves building for the web. Everything else (professional experience, where in the stack you fit, the languages you've used) is up for grabs. Details here: [http:\/\/seatgeek.com\/jobs\/web_engineer\/](http:\/\/seatgeek.com\/jobs\/web_engineer\/)\n\nAndroid Engineer \u2014 Our Android app is at a nascent stage, with just one fulltime engineer working on it. Our iOS app is used by millions; we want our Android app to get there too. We're looking for someone to help make that happen: [https:\/\/seatgeek.com\/jobs\/android_developer](https:\/\/seatgeek.com\/jobs\/android_developer)\n\n<\/comment> VSCO - Downtown Oakland.\n\nWe're boostrapped and profitable. And focused on photography, art, and artists.\n\nWe're hiring in a lot of areas, but I'm focused on DevOps. Tech stack is Ubuntu, Chef, HAProxy, Mongo, Node, Varnish, PHP, and a smattering of other things.\n\n[http:\/\/vsco.co\/careers](http:\/\/vsco.co\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Blue Bell, PA Wingspan has a variety of document management products for companies in regulated industries.\n\nWe're looking for junior or senior software developers - Scala \/ C#. Experience with Sharepoint or Postgres also a big plus.\n\nWe're also looking for operations folks interested in devops (puppet).\n\nInterested? contact firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> \"Wanna work on #AngularJS, #nodejs, #Golang, #Swift or #python with the @wiredcraft team in #Shanghai?\n\nOne of our offices: Shanghai, China\n\nWe build products at the intersection of technology around data. Lots of data visualization, big data and infrastructure.\n\nWe work with large organizations on challenging problems (the World Bank, the United Nations, CNN) OR on our own products (mostly developer tools, things like [http:\/\/devo.ps](http:\/\/devo.ps) or [http:\/\/octokan.com](http:\/\/octokan.com)).\n\nWe are a multicultural team with French, American, British, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Finnish colleagues. We are about to settle a third office in Berlin and are looking at remote hiring in Spain and Seoul.\n\nWe work a lot with Javascript (node.js, AngularJS), Python, occasionally Go and Erlang. Lots of single page apps, APIs and infrastructure automation.\n\nWe are looking for full-time or interns:\n\n\\- Developers; front-end (HTML5 + Compass + AngularJS), backend (node.js, Python), ops (Python, Go).\n\n\\- Designers; you have design chops, understand technology (HTML\/CSS...) and do more than nice pictures (content strategy, color theory, ...).\n\n\\- Strategist; you can quickly immerse yourself in a new field of knowledge, have a knack for data and are quick at recognizing patterns. You are a jack- of-all-trades that can think a solution and get it shipped, either alone or with a team.\n\n\\- Marketing; you have what it takes to grow a brand or product online and understand how to leverage online and offline tools to get there.\n\n\\- Business Development; if you are in Washington DC, Berlin or Paris, understand enough of our space and would like to help us grow our services, shoot us an email.\n\nDrop me a line at email@example.com, or go to [http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html)\n\n<\/comment> eShares ([https:\/\/esharesinc.com\/](https:\/\/esharesinc.com\/)) \u2013 Mountain View, California \u2013 fulltime \u2013 fintech\n\nWe're looking to hire a handful of positions to help us bring private corporation ownership tracking into the modern era. We're replacing the dead- tree versions of stock certificates and option grants with fully electronic versions that provide up-to-date capitalization tracking, along with a lot of other powerful financial tools. Many of the other companies listed here use eShares.\n\n1\\. Full-stack engineer (Python, Django, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, AWS, \u2026)\n\n2\\. Designer (heavy product design, visualization, front-end, HTML, CSS)\n\nWe have a small team of great people with a strong product sense. Customers love us and we love them! Direct email: email@example.com (fixed email address; if you sent one before please re-send!)\n\n<\/comment> Docxa (Paris, France, On-site only)\n\nWe develop client interaction tools, small team and huge challenges, with clients ranging from major banks and insurance companies to state institutions.\n\nLooking for: * Lead dev Java\/Js * dev front end JS\n\nFrench & English is a huge plus, but only one language and a willingness to learn could make the cut.\n\ncontact: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> KPMG LLP IN NJ and CO ([http:\/\/us-jobs.kpmg.com\/](http:\/\/us-jobs.kpmg.com\/)) H1 VISA is also accepted.\n\nSee reasons to work for KPMG: [http:\/\/us-jobs.kpmg.com\/en\/why-kpmg\/top- reasons-to-work-at-k...](http:\/\/us-jobs.kpmg.com\/en\/why-kpmg\/top-reasons-to- work-at-kpmg)\n\nSenior .NET developer in Montvale, NJ [http:\/\/us- jobs.kpmg.com\/jobs\/descriptions\/senior-net-develop...](http:\/\/us- jobs.kpmg.com\/jobs\/descriptions\/senior-net-developer-montvale-new-jersey- job-1-4560338)\n\nSenior .NET developer in Denver, CO [http:\/\/us- jobs.kpmg.com\/jobs\/descriptions\/senior-net-develop...](http:\/\/us- jobs.kpmg.com\/jobs\/descriptions\/senior-net-developer-denver-colorado- job-1-4338538)\n\n<\/comment> Via Health - San Francisco, CA (full time, local only)\n\nStealth, venture-backed digital health company combatting preventable disease through AI-leveraged human coaching.\n\nSeeking full-stack, android and devops engineers among other roles.\n\nMore info: [https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/via](https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/via)\n\nOr email me: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Autodesk is hiring across the board at the San Francisco office.\n\nLook here for details: [http:\/\/careers.autodesk.com\/san-francisco,-ca- jobs](http:\/\/careers.autodesk.com\/san-francisco,-ca-jobs)\n\n(currently site is undergoing maintenance, check back in a bit)\n\nYou can email me directly: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Sr. Full Stack Engineer @ Stitch Fix - San Francisco OR REMOTE\n\nWe're looking for a Sr. Full Stack Engineer to join our team. We're building a new kind of enterprise, service-oriented set of applications that's powering one of the most innovative ecommerce platforms ever.\n\nHere are some things we're working on:\n\n* Advanced learning algorithms to aid our awesome styling team\n\n* Multiple-application architecture running in the cloud\n\n* Custom warehouse and inventory systems for a very unique business model\n\n* Responsive web interfaces to drive both the customer experience and our internal tools\n\n* Building prediction models for a smart and successful future\n\nWe build through open communication, collaboration, prototyping and testing. We work mostly in Rails with some Python. We love HipChat and Google Hangouts. We use new continuous integration tools like Tddium to deploy to Heroku.\n\nWe knew you'd ask eventually, so here's what we're offering:\n\n* Competitive salaries and generous equity.\n\n* A business that trusts and embraces tech. We know, a style brand? But it's totally true.\n\n* Want to move to San Francisco or Pittsburgh? Stitch Fix has your relocation expenses covered.\n\n* A senior team that does things right.\n\n* A startup with a proven business model that's growing fast.\n\n* Use your preference of tools and hardware.\n\n* A comprehensive health insurance plan, including full dental and vision coverage.\n\n* Fully stocked pantry with your choice of snacks and drinks.\n\n* Sunny office in downtown San Francisco and also in downtown Pittsburgh (or you can come visit our SF office once every 2 months if you prefer to work remotely)\n\nApply via: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/724](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/724)\n\n<\/comment> New York City - \n\nMoat is a growing analytics startup with products in two core areas:\n\n1) Analytics\n\nWe analyze content and advertisements for many of the most trafficked websites on the Internet. Receiving terabytes of data a day, we give our customers insights with metrics like ad viewability, attention and much more. Our client base is growing very quickly.\n\n2) Search\n\nWe index the Internet for online ads. This helps advertisers, publishers, and companies in the ad-tech ecosystem see the ads their competitors are running and allows us to estimate each company's online ad footprint. We have a free product, moat.com and a premium product, Moat Pro.\n\nMoat is turning into one of the largest Python shops in NYC and we're committed to open source technology. We're looking for engineers in various roles up and down the tech stack to help us scale.\n\nOpenings can be found at jobs.moat.com\n\n<\/comment> FinFolio - www.finfolio.com - Denver, CO\n\nLooking For: Entry-Level C#\/SQL\/WPF Developer\n\nFinFolio is a boutique technology company that makes software for professional financial advisers. Our development environment uses the Microsoft technology stack (C#, WPF, SQL). We have beautiful offices in the Denver Tech Center with video games, foosball, free sodas\/snacks, and standard perks like health care.\n\nI founded\/run the company and still write code.\n\nCheck out our posting at: [http:\/\/www.finfolio.com\/aboutus\/Pages\/Entry-level- C-SQL-WPF-...](http:\/\/www.finfolio.com\/aboutus\/Pages\/Entry-level-C-SQL-WPF- Developer.aspx)\n\nIf you are interested, please email me directly at mattabar (at) finfolio.com. Please mention you heard about it on HN. Candidates only please; no recruiters or consulting firms.\n\nThanks!\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco - SoMA - 1st and Folsom\n\nBigcommerce opened our first office in SF 4 months ago and have hired 50 people for our product and engineering team. We are an Australian\/American company so have a unique work style that you will find very refreshing.\n\nWe work to live not live to work.\n\nWe still have a number of roles open so if you are interested in any of the following email me on email@example.com\n\n[http:\/\/www.bigcommerce.com\/careers\/?filter=san- francisco&tea...](http:\/\/www.bigcommerce.com\/careers\/?filter=san- francisco&team=all#jobs)\n\nVP, User Experience (UX)\n\nBackend Software Engineer - Core Services\n\nBig-Data (Analytics) Engineer\n\nData Systems Engineer\n\nDatabase Architect\/Engineer (PostgreSQL)\n\nDatabase Engineer (Linux, Puppet, MySQL, Postgres, Spark)\n\nDirector of Engineering\n\nIT Team Lead\n\nMarketing Campaign Manager\n\nProduct Manager\n\nProduct Marketing Manager\n\nProgram Manager - San Francisco\n\nQA Engineer (PHP, MySQL, Linux)\n\nQuality Engineer\n\nSecurity Engineer\n\nSenior Data Scientist\n\nSenior Product Manager\n\nSenior Product Manager - Catalog & Inventory Management\n\nSenior Product Manager - Merchant Tools & Control Panel\n\nSenior Product Manager - Mobile Products\n\nSenior Product Manager - Payments, Billing and Tax\n\nSenior Product Manager - Themes Platform\n\nSenior Product Marketing Manager, Apps and Themes\n\nSenior UX\/UI Designer\n\nSite Reliability Engineer\n\nSoftware Engineer (PHP or Ruby)\n\nTechnical Product Manager - Platform & API\n\nTechnical Recruiter\n\n<\/comment> FlareWorks - [http:\/\/www.flareworks.co](http:\/\/www.flareworks.co) \\- San Francisco, CA ( Bay area preferred, remote possible ) Interested in changing the world? Neither are we! But we are interested in having fun and building cool software.\n\nFlareWorks is a mobile messaging startup headquartered in San Francisco, California. Our mission is to build a platform for contextual communication between family and friends that is easier, simpler and safer than texting. Our company's visual messaging service \u2014called Flares\u2014 uses visual cues, instead of text, to provide communication shortcuts between friends and family.\n\nWe're a seed funded, early stage startup, so this is an opportunity to get in on the ground-floor ( we have not launched yet ). You would be engineer number 2 or 3. We're looking for mobile developers, both iOS and Android to help us take our application and platform to the next level. Our mobile apps are the face of the organization and, as such, you'll be on the front lines of creating an application and experience that has the potential to be used by millions of people every day.\n\nOur Stack:\n\n \n \n * Node for our API.\n * Erlang for our platform.\n \n\nWhat we offer:\n\n \n \n * We're not fans of 9-5 with a lunch break. Work then you want, where you want. Results matter. \"Seat Time\" does not.\n * Unlimited PTO. Take the time off you need, when you need it. We don't offer prizes for 'attendance'.\n * 5K equipment budget. Buy what you want; After a year, it's yours to keep.\n * Company outings. We like to get out and do things as a team. Lunches, dinners, games, volunteering, concerts. We're always on the lookout for things to do.\n * A real voice. We want to know what you think. If you have an idea or think something isn't working, we want to hear about it. Your voice counts.\n * Generous options and an actually competitive salary ( no low balling + options bait and switch here ).\n \n\nWhat we're looking for:\n\n \n \n * Senior level Android and iOS engineers.\n * UX and visual design chops.\n * Meticulous attention to details.\n * Android:\n * Animation and the hardware accelerated rendeing pipeline as well as OpenGL ES.\n * Location, Content and Media SDK experience.\n * iOS:\n * Core Graphics, Core Animation, Core Data, Core Location\n * Comfort with rapid iteration and real-time team collaboration.\n \n\nIf this sounds like a good fit for you, email us (firstname.lastname@example.com) and we'll talk.\n\n<\/comment> We're hiring in Boston. Pavlok is making behavior-modification technology to help people become the best possible version of themselves. I'm an engineer on the team and would love to talk to anyone who's interested in learning more: justuseapen (AT) gmail (dot) com\n\n<\/comment> AgaMatrix Software Engineer - Salem, NH\n\nResponsibilities Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of complicated tasks. May lead and direct the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected.\n\nTasks *Designs, modifies, develops, writes and implements software applications for multiple platforms: iOS, Android, and web client\/server applications. Creates, supports, and\/or installs in-house tools for development and testing automation. Assists in authoring and\/or reviewing software requirements. Participates in Risk Analysis meetings for new and current products\n\nQualifications\n\n \n \n Requires a bachelor's degree in CS, CE, EE or equivalent experience in the field or in a related area.\n Familiar with best practices and procedures of the field of software engineering.\n High competency in a modern OO language.\n Comfortable in a rapid, agile development environment\n Deep knowledge of mobile and\/or web application architectures.\n Able to write clear and accurate technical documentation\n \n\nWHAT WE DO: AgaMatrix is revolutionizing health care. We've sold over a million devices, two billion sensors, and we are the first FDA cleared medical device\/app that works with iOS. We've been featured by the New York Times and Fast Company, and we work with the world's largest retailers (Walmart, Kroger, Target) and pharmaceutical companies (Sanofi, Perrigo) to change the way diabetes is treated. If you want to make a living while making a difference, we should talk.\n\nYou'll be joining a team with numerous Ph.D's and engineers\/scientists from a dozen countries, founded by a Marshall Scholar. There is never a lack of challenging problems.\n\nWHO WE ARE: We are driven, passionate people who value innovation and perseverance, while still enjoying a collegial, familial atmosphere. Our people come from a variety of backgrounds from biochemistry and algorithm design to industrial design and regulatory affairs, so you will have the chance to learn from many different disciplines.\n\nWHERE WE'RE HEADED: We are extending our product development group with an A-team of designers and engineers. This team will deliver on our vision for mobile diabetes care: leveraging hardware and software technology to reduce healthcare costs and enable a quantum leap forward in the quality of care for the 285+ millions of people with diabetes worldwide.\n\nHOW TO APPLY: For immediate review, send resumes to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Connectifier ([http:\/\/www.connectifier.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.connectifier.com\/careers)) is located in sunny Newport Beach, CA (45 minutes south of Los Angeles).\n\nEvery month millions of jobs are left unfilled. This means people look for work longer, companies move slower, and products and services that we all want don't get delivered. Recruiting is a $400 billion per year industry, and there is ample room to make it better. Connectifier is a small but quickly growing venture-backed startup that's passionate about solving the hiring problem. We build software to streamline the recruiting process and connect talented candidates with the companies looking to hire them. Join us to be an early employee at a fast growing startup!\n\nOur engineering team has a depth of talent from places like Google, Microsoft Research, Berkeley National Lab, Carnegie Mellon, and Stanford. We're committed to helping each other learn and grow while having a blast, and we're looking for developers that are smart, ambitious, and get things done. We mostly work in Java, but you'll get bonus points for server\/backend, MongoDB, HTML, JavaScript, or machine learning experience. You'll get to design and develop large scale data processing systems, work alongside a talented set of peers, and make an impact beyond what is possible at a large, bureaucratic company.\n\nWe offer a highly competitive salary and stock compensation package, including 100% employee coverage for medical, dental, life, and disability insurance. We also provide lunch and a fully-stocked snack bar & coffee station. To decompress, we play table tennis at the office, or volleyball at the beach (which is walking distance from our office!).\n\nPlacing the right people in the right jobs is hard, and since we took on this challenge, we've already helped hundreds of companies, from fledgling startups to the Fortune 100s, find and recruit the best talent. We want to improve people's lives by helping them work somewhere they love. If you want to help us change the world and drive the economy forward, shoot us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> ClustrixDB - San Francisco, San Jose, or Seattle\n\n\\---- Senior Software Engineer ----\n\nClustrix is solving one of the most difficult open problems in the software database industry today: scaling SQL. We've built our own distributed relational database from the ground up. Now we're looking for smart and motivated folks to join our small team of developers and take this technology to the next level. We work on:\n\n\\- a C codebase written mostly in continuation-passing style database fundamentals: B-trees, logging and recovery, checkpointing, MVCC\n\n\\- a Paxos-based distributed system: group membership, transaction consensus, global checkpoint\n\n\\- a query planner and compiler, modeled on the Cascades Framework, which generates distributed queries\n\n\\- a rebalancer, which manages data distribution across the cluster\n\nYou should be someone with experience in databases, file systems, or other systems at scale and comfortable with designing efficient programs in C.\n\nHere are some things that make Clustrix a great place to work:\n\n\\- Our team is small, so you get to own significant projects and contribute in a big way to the product.\n\n\\- We have a lot of interesting problems to work on, in a variety of areas.\n\n\\- Our customers love us. We help them do things they could never do with their legacy SQL databases.\n\n\\- We are passionate about making our software work better and faster\n\nOur customer base is growing, both in number and in size of deployment. Their clusters keep getting bigger and their workloads more varied, so you will see interesting challenges and solutions in solving those.\n\nWe have offices in Seattle, San Jose, and San Francisco, with all the perks you expect from a startup (happy hours, snacks, hoodies, etc).\n\nLet's build a scalable database!\n\n[http:\/\/www.clustrix.com\/company\/careers\/openings\/](http:\/\/www.clustrix.com\/company\/careers\/openings\/)\n\n<\/comment> Engineering Training Manager, Washington, D.C.: weddingwire.com\n\nWeddingWire is the nation's leading technology company serving the $100+ billion wedding, corporate, and social events industry. Launched in 2007, WeddingWire is the largest and most trusted online marketplace connecting merchants with engaged couples and party planners. Moreover, WeddingWire's SaaS business platform powers the front and back-office for tens of thousands of event merchants, from venues and photographers to caterers and entertainers.\n\nFor more details: [http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/MmPKU9\/Engineering- Trainin...](http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/MmPKU9\/Engineering-Training- Manager.html?source=Hacker+News)\n\n<\/comment> Datanyze - [http:\/\/datanyze.com](http:\/\/datanyze.com) \\- San Mateo, CA (downtown)\n\n*\n\nJon from Datanyze here. We crawl millions of websites every day to tell our customers things like who stopped using their competitor today.\n\nJohn Koetsier from VentureBeat called us \"the Google for sales and marketing\" \\- [http:\/\/venturebeat.com\/2014\/01\/20\/this-startup-tells-you- whe...](http:\/\/venturebeat.com\/2014\/01\/20\/this-startup-tells-you-when- companies-try-your-competitors-software-and-is-growing-25-a-month\/)\n\nOur growth has been phenomenal and we're looking for talented people to help in all capacities, including engineering, design, marketing, and more.\n\nEmail me directly at email@example.com for more information.\n\n<\/comment> Android Mobile Developer, Washington, D.C.: WeddingWire.com\n\nWeddingWire is the nation's leading technology company serving the $100+ billion wedding, corporate, and social events industry. Launched in 2007, WeddingWire is the largest and most trusted online marketplace connecting merchants with engaged couples and party planners. Moreover, WeddingWire's SaaS business platform powers the front and back-office for tens of thousands of event merchants, from venues and photographers to caterers and entertainers.\n\nFor more details: [http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/4BIrds\/Android-Mobile- Deve...](http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/4BIrds\/Android-Mobile- Developer.html?source=Hacker+News)\n\n<\/comment> Ruby On Rails Developer, Washington, D.C.: WeddingWire.com\n\nWeddingWire is the nation's leading technology company serving the $100+ billion wedding, corporate, and social events industry. Launched in 2007, WeddingWire is the largest and most trusted online marketplace connecting merchants with engaged couples and party planners. Moreover, WeddingWire's SaaS business platform powers the front and back-office for tens of thousands of event merchants, from venues and photographers to caterers and entertainers.\n\nFor more details: [http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/tilTTi\/Ruby-On-Rails- Devel...](http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/tilTTi\/Ruby-On-Rails- Developer.html?source=Hacker+News)\n\n<\/comment> Princess Margaret Cancer Centre: Postdoctoral fellowships in computational biology and machine learning - [http:\/\/pmgenomics.ca\/hoffmanlab\/join\/](http:\/\/pmgenomics.ca\/hoffmanlab\/join\/)\n\nToronto, ON\n\nThe Hoffman Lab at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, seeks new members for our team. We develop machine learning techniques to better understand chromatin biology. These models and algorithms transform high-dimensional functional genomics data into interpretable patterns and lead to new biological insight. A key focus of the lab is to train a new generation of computational biologists.\n\nWe seek postdoctoral fellows for several projects in computational genomics and machine learning. Selected projects include:\n\n1\\. Predicting long-range chromatin interactions and enhancer targets with novel machine learning methods.\n\n2\\. Integrating epigenomic and sequence data to better understand human gene regulation.\n\n3\\. Creating models of transcription factor binding that allow us to predict the effects of perturbations.\n\n4\\. Developing deep learning techniques to find novel behavior in multiple functional genomics datasets.\n\n _Required qualifications_ : Doctorate in computational biology, computer science, electrical engineering, statistics, or physics obtained in the last five years. Submitted papers in genomics or machine learning research. Expertise in Python and Unix environments.\n\n _Preferred qualifications_ : Experience with epigenomics and graphical models. Published papers in peer-reviewed journals or refereed conference proceedings. Expertise in R, C, and C++.\n\nWe will consider candidates who need a VISA to work in Canada.\n\n _To apply_ : We will accept applications until the position is filled. Please submit a CV, a PDF of your best paper, and the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three references to the address at [http:\/\/pmgenomics.ca\/hoffmanlab\/join\/#postdoc](http:\/\/pmgenomics.ca\/hoffmanlab\/join\/#postdoc)\n\n<\/comment> New York, NY and\/or SF - full time Android Engineer\n\nVenmo - [https:\/\/venmo.com](https:\/\/venmo.com) \\- [https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.venmo](https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.venmo)\n\nVenmo is approaching the top free finance apps (currently #26) and is looking to add a couple more Android engineers to our team to help us break the top 5.\n\nIf you're interested in helping friends pay each other, implementing some amazing interactions powered with Material Design and hacking on Java and Gradle, apply online at [https:\/\/venmo.com\/info\/jobs](https:\/\/venmo.com\/info\/jobs)\n\nQuestions? ron \\at\/ venmo.com\n\n<\/comment> Uberall - [https:\/\/uberall.com](https:\/\/uberall.com) \\- Berlin, Germany (Mitte)\n\nWE ARE UBERALL \u2013 A young and ambitious technology startup from Berlin. We believe that the internet enables us to connect to our local environment in radically new ways and that it lets us navigate and shape our daily lives like we never before could. We want to be part of this development, bring customers and local businesses closer together and re-instill a sense of community where anonymity has become the norm. To this end we are building a revolutionary marketing platform for local businesses. This platform makes getting in touch and communicating with their customers through all relevant online channels super easy for them. Really.\n\nThese are amazing times \u2013 we are well financed, we have a beautiful office space in the heart of Berlin and we are looking to hire a number of highly motivated and skilled colleagues to join forces with us!\n\nWe are looking for backend engineers (m\/f) to support our tech team. You will be working closely with product development and be responsible for turning their wildest dreams into reality. Your skill-set includes:\n\n\\- Real passion for developing great web apps\n\n\\- Proven experience in Java & web technology, possibly Grails\n\n\\- Building & maintaining scalable architectures using modern tools\n\n\\- Enthusiasm for beautiful, pragmatic code and an eye for simplicity\n\n\\- Looking past your Java IDE to play with servers, databases, and web services is your everyday playground\n\n\\- Competent English ability. The team is international and English is the language of the office\n\nWe're looking for YOU!\n\nYou already have at least some work experience, you have an above-average education and you thrive in an environment that lets you take on responsibility early on? You're highly motivated, an independent thinker but still a team player and you're hungry to do things that matter? Then you should join us!\n\nYou get the chance to become part of a young company with an ambitious and highly skilled team, to contribute to our vision to really bring local business to the web, to work on and implement your own ideas and to have a lot of fun on the way.\n\nJust send your application containing all relevant documentation (including past projects, GitHub & stackoverflow links, etc) and we will get in touch soon. Applications to firstname.lastname@example.com, please!\n\n<\/comment> Foraker Labs. Boulder, CO.\n\nWe build stuff for clients as well as maintaining a couple of internal products. Our clients range from Breastcancer.org to local school districts. Our products range from usability testing mobile web sites ([http:\/\/www.uxrecorder.com\/](http:\/\/www.uxrecorder.com\/)) to navigating traffic more efficiently ([http:\/\/www.i70app.com\/](http:\/\/www.i70app.com\/)).\n\nWe're looking for someone comfortable with both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript.\n\nWe're also looking for Web and iOS designers.\n\nMore details and apply here: [http:\/\/www.foraker.com\/careers\/web- developer\/](http:\/\/www.foraker.com\/careers\/web-developer\/)\n\n<\/comment> Bex.io - Vancouver, BC, Canada Back-end engineer Our stack is Erlang (Elixir), AngularJS, Docker, Postgres, etc. -Love of Bitcoin and experience with distributed systems and\/or highly available financial systems.\n\nOpen to remote contractors or in house at our Vancouver office\n\nemail@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Mesosphere, Inc. (INTERN, VISA)\n\nWe're hiring for a number of positions in both our Hamburg, Germany and our San Francisco, CA offices:\n\n\\+ UX Prototyper\n\n\\+ Frontend Engineer\n\n\\+ Distributed Applications Engineer\n\n\\+ Distributed Systems Engineer\n\n\\+ Linux Systems Engineer\n\n\\+ Technical Writer\n\n\\+ Solutions Architect\n\nFull details are at [http:\/\/mesosphere.io\/jobs\/](http:\/\/mesosphere.io\/jobs\/), please apply online or email me at email@example.com for more information!\n\nWe're well funded, visa friendly, contribute extensively to open source (we're building products and services around the Apache Mesos project) and have great investors, advisors and engineers. Work ranges from Javascript to Python to Go to Scala to C++, depending on the layer of the stack and application to hand. Get in touch!\n\n<\/comment> Remind, Soma, San Francisco - Education startup\n\n[https:\/\/remind.com\/careers#jobs](https:\/\/remind.com\/careers#jobs)\n\nHighlights\n\n\\- 15% of US Teachers\n\n\\- 6MM monthly actives\n\n\\- $19.5MM raised; Kleiner Perkins (led by John Doerr) & Social+Capital (led by Chamath Palihapitiya)\n\nPositions\n\n\\- Full stack, Backend engineers\n\n\\- Senior Product Designer\n\n\\- Android, iOS developer\n\n<\/comment> PSYCHOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES ([http:\/\/PSYT.co.uk](http:\/\/PSYT.co.uk)) \u2014 Epsom\/Brighton, UK\n\n* Seeking: experienced Android and\/or full stack engineer\n\nWHAT WE DO. We're a tech startup creating corporate and consumer products to measure and enhance wellbeing and productivity. There are two strands to what we do. First, we quantify cognitive and psychological states, such as attention or happiness. Second, we deliver interventions, such as mindfulness, to boost cognitive and psychological skills. Web and mobile apps are key to both these strands.\n\nWHO WE ARE. Our backgrounds span finance, psychology, technology, and design. CTO George leads on the measurement side, having mapped the nation's wellbeing with the Mappiness app ([http:\/\/mappiness.org.uk](http:\/\/mappiness.org.uk)). CEO Nick leads on interventions, as the former Head of Research for successful mindfulness app Headspace ([http:\/\/www.getsomeheadspace.com](http:\/\/www.getsomeheadspace.com)).\n\nWHAT WE USE. We love CoffeeScript, both in the browser and for our internal app logic. Our back-end is largely Postgres and Ruby. We could imagine using Node, Python, Go and\/or R at some point; maybe other things too. Our iOS apps are C and Objective-C, of course, with liberal use of SpriteKit and Accelerate. We've tried RubyMotion (impressive, but probably not for us) and we're playing with Swift. Our Android apps don't exist yet, and that might be where you come in.\n\nWHO YOU MIGHT BE. We're looking for someone smart, opinionated, and enthusiastic (in the face of interesting work). Someone with solid experience in web, Android (especially) and\/or iOS app development, who likes learning, and who agrees that UX is the most important \u2014 and usually the hardest \u2014 thing to get right. Bonus points for any of: user testing, sysadmin or database expertise; an interesting technical blog or Github\/BitBucket profile; and an interest in mindfulness or subjective wellbeing.\n\nWHERE WE'RE AT. Geographically we're currently at Nuffield Health's offices in Epsom (free gym and lovely offices) but a move to Brighton is likely in the works over the next year. We have just completed our first investment round. Currently our CTO does all development, so you'd be our first developer hire. That means we can be flexible about the work you take on, playing to your strengths and your preferences. That also means you can expect to help guide our development and share in our success.\n\nContact george(at)PSYT.co.uk\n\n<\/comment> Splunk, San Francisco, CA\n\nSplunk is hiring software engineers for the Splunk Cloud platform. While we value excellent software engineers from all disciplines, you get bonus points for having experience with Ruby, Python, a little Chef, AWS APIs etc.\n\nMy email is in my profile.\n\n<\/comment> EnergySavvy \u2014 Seattle, WA\n\nAt EnergySavvy we're using software to help solve one of the world's biggest challenges: energy. We work with utilities across the country to improve their energy efficiency programs and to help individuals and businesses reduce energy consumption. Utilities spend almost $30B a year on energy efficiency. EnergySavvy gives them a greater impact.\n\nWe're hiring devops, software engineers, IT, sales, operations, client engagement, and regulatory affairs!\n\nWe use Python, Django, jQuery, PostgreSQL, and nginx to power SaaS offerings.\n\nWe just raised $8.25 mil. Come help us spend it wisely.\n\n[http:\/\/www.energysavvy.com\/](http:\/\/www.energysavvy.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Chat Sports is hiring for a lead iOS engineer: [http:\/\/www.chatsports.com\/jobs\/#!\/lead-iOS- engineer](http:\/\/www.chatsports.com\/jobs\/#!\/lead-iOS-engineer)\n\nThe groundbreaking Chat Sports app is the most comprehensive sports news app to date. Sports news from all your favorite sources on the web is now perfectly formatted for reading on your iPhone. Follow your teams like never before with local, national and blog news all in one place.\n\n[https:\/\/itunes.apple.com\/us\/app\/chat- sports\/id819629553?mt=8](https:\/\/itunes.apple.com\/us\/app\/chat- sports\/id819629553?mt=8)\n\n<\/comment> writeLaTeX ([https:\/\/www.writelatex.com\/](https:\/\/www.writelatex.com\/)), London, UK\n\nAbout Us:\n\nWe're building 'Google Docs for Science', making science and R&D faster, more open and more transparent by bringing the whole scientific process into the cloud, from idea to writing to review to publication. Our users have already created more than 1,000,000 documents on writeLaTeX, and it is being used in hundreds of universities worldwide for teaching and research.\n\nWe're a London-based startup, supported by Bethnal Green Ventures ([http:\/\/bethnalgreenventures.com\/](http:\/\/bethnalgreenventures.com\/)) and founded by two mathematicians who were inspired by their own experiences in academia to create a better solution for scientific collaboration and communication.\n\nWe're looking for a full stack engineer:\n\nYou'll be working closely with our team to build new and awesome ways for scientists to collaborate and communicate. We're looking for full stack engineers \u2014 your projects will span our database (PostgreSQL), web app (Ruby & Rails, Node.js, Meteor), front end (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and infrastructure (Heroku, Linux on Amazon EC2, RackSpace) layers. We also have projects for mobile, if you're into Android or iOS.\n\nYou're an independent thinker and fast learner. You're resourceful and knowledgeable, but you ask questions when you get stuck. You take pride in your work, and you ship it early and often, because you love to see it out there in the real world. You learn new programming languages and techniques for fun, and you contribute to open source.\n\nIf this sounds like you, send your CV, current salary, and a link to your profile on github\/bitbucket to email@example.com. We'll get in touch to arrange an informal interview in person if possible, otherwise via Skype\/Google Hangout.\n\nThis is an immediate vacancy for a permanent position with a two month probationary period. Working arrangements are flexible. The primary place of work will be at our London office.\n\nWe look forward to meeting you!\n\n<\/comment> Lily Pod (lilypodlane.com) - Palo Alto, CA, INTERN or REMOTE OK\n\nFamily wellness is our play. We a building a non-contact sleep tracker for children and parents and a beautiful dashboard to track developmental milestones.\n\nWe seek smart developers and designers that want to build a beautiful and intuitive platform for parents and caregivers. We provide parents an easy way to log developmental events. The central feature is an image processing engine that automatically quantifies many elements of a child's life. We are a small team now, and a lot of fun to be around.\n\nTalk to me if you have questions: email@example.com . iOS experience, backend server and video experience a plus.\n\n<\/comment> Synergyse - [http:\/\/synergyse.com](http:\/\/synergyse.com) \\- Toronto, ON (Local, Remote, Visa, Relocation)\n\nSynergyse creates highly interactive and measurable Google Apps training. Our mission is to teach everyone how to use Google Apps proficiently. We are working on hard problems in big data, HTML5, media delivery and real time technology. Our backend technology and web runs on the highly scalable Google App Engine. Our frontend uses the Chrome Extension to inject content directly into Google Apps. We love using the latest technologies from Google!\n\nSynergyse is based in Toronto and we managed to be profitable within a couple of months of starting it. Our clients tend to be in the enterprise and education world, but our technology is consumer facing and fun. It's the best of both worlds. We are seeking a highly talented founding Software Engineer to join us in building the future of training software.\n\nWhy you should join us\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\n\\- Ability to define product and engineering as one of our first hires\n\n\\- Work with a highly motivated and talented founding team\n\n\\- Be a part of a business that has a good business model, good revenue stream, and makes flagship technology\n\n\\- Flexible and casual work environment with opportunity to work remotely\n\n\\- Competitive compensation ($100k-$150k), equity (0.5%-1.5%) and full benefits\n\nWhat we're looking for\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\n\\- Software Engineer with a full-stack experience\n\n\\- Experience with cloud technologies (GAE, AWS, or Azure)\n\n\\- Experience with Javascript (experience with Chrome Extensions is a plus)\n\n\\- Ability to solve difficult technical problems\n\n\\- Ability to lead and run projects\n\n\\- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent, or 4+ years of professional engineering experience\n\nSynergyse is on a mission to teach the world how to use Google Apps, our interactive training system is deployed in over 1000 schools and businesses around the world, supporting over 1 million end-users. Join our team of ex- Google engineers and learn what it takes to run a B2B business focused on the enterprise and education markets.\n\nApply: [https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/61050\/senior- fullstac...](https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/61050\/senior-fullstack- java-javascript-engineer-synergyse)\n\n<\/comment> www.gopaperbox.com\n\nWe are a super cool Dropbox app - and we're starting to blow up.\n\nWe are looking for full-stack developers that can work remotely 8 hours a day. 80-100K. The technology is node.js, mongoose\/mongo, angular.\n\nCheck out the site, and send us a contact us if interested.\n\nThanks.\n\n<\/comment> MeetMe -[http:\/\/www.meetmecorp.com\/careers\/jobs- available\/](http:\/\/www.meetmecorp.com\/careers\/jobs-available\/) \\- New Hope,PA --- One of the leading Social Networks on the web and mobile is hiring for multiple full time tech roles including: Network Engineer, Android Developer, iOS Developer and Web Developers specializing in node.js.\n\nWe use the latest and greatest technologies to get the job done to support our one million daily active users! Our platform is robust and our teams are growing.\n\nIf you want to hear more about our amazing culture and opportunities email me : firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> New Matter - [http:\/\/newmatter.com](http:\/\/newmatter.com) \\- Los Angeles (Pasadena), CA\n\n3D printing should be as easy as how we create and communicate. That's why New Matter is more than just a printer. It's an end-to-end 3D printing system, including our breakthrough MOD-t 3D printer, complimentary software, and a store full of cool 3D-printable designs.\n\nCheck out the last few days of our crowdfunding campaign here: [https:\/\/www.indiegogo.com\/projects\/new-matter-mod- t-a-3d-pri...](https:\/\/www.indiegogo.com\/projects\/new-matter-mod- t-a-3d-printer-for-everyone)\n\n* Senior Software Engineer - Back End *\n\nWe're looking for an engineer to lead the development of the back end of the 3D printing marketplace that's tightly integrated with our 3D printer. We're very early so you really get to own this piece of the product. You'll work closely with product, front end engineers, mobile engineers, and firmware engineers to develop an API that talks to both our marketplace as well as our printers. Being self-driven is important since the team is small and we want to build an ambitious product quickly.\n\nPreferably Ruby\/Rails, but we are early enough that you can pretty much build it out the way you want. You should have strong experience developing large- scale web applications and experience designing and building REST APIs.\n\n* Senior Software Engineer - Front End *\n\nWe are also looking for engineer to lead the development of the front end of the marketplace. We're very early so you really get to own this piece of the product. You'll work closely with product and design to implement the best possible user experience across both desktop and mobile.\n\nAn ideal candidate would be up to date on current best practices for developing complex user interfaces, including front end frameworks and communicating with REST APIs. Being self-driven is important since the team is small and we want to build an ambitious product quickly. You should have strong experience developing large-scale web applications (desktop and mobile web), experience with modern web frameworks (such as Backbone, Angular, Ember, etc), experience working with REST APIs, and, obviously, experience with and extensive knowledge of web technologies (HTML5\/CSS3\/Javascript). Major plus if you consider yourself a full-stack developer (ie, you know how to integrate the front end with the back end)\n\n* Other positions *\n\nWe don't have formal job descriptions written yet, but if you are a desktop software or firmware engineer, please get in touch with us.\n\nEmail me (Sean Stevens) at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA. At Blurb we help people create, publish, and sell one-of-a- kind books. Any kind you can imagine\u2014in print book, ebook, and magazine formats. We use use Rails, Ruby, Ember, Backbone, Redis, PostgreSQL, Coffeescript, jQuery, Sass, RSpec, Cucumber, HTML5 and Github daily. Check out our open jobs ([http:\/\/www.blurb.com\/job-listings](http:\/\/www.blurb.com\/job- listings)) and tech blog ([http:\/\/blurb.github.io\/blog](http:\/\/blurb.github.io\/blog)). Contact Andrew at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Placemeter \u2014 NYC\/REMOTE \u2014 FREELANCE \u2014 UI\/UX\n\nHiring now!\n\nWe're looking for a UI\/UX designer to optimize our onboarding flow. Should be able to design mobile-first, responsive and work with developers on comps. This should be a quick project, but we like to work with known entities and there will be more work down the road.\n\n _To Apply_\n\nEmail: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nSubject: Designer from HN\n\n\\---\n\n _About Placemeter_\n\nPlacemeter uses public video feeds and computer vision algorithms to create a real time data layer about places, streets, and neighborhoods. Check out our algorithm in action here: [http:\/\/placemeter.com\/tech](http:\/\/placemeter.com\/tech)\n\n<\/comment> Zillow Rentals, San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're building the largest rental housing search network on the web and need to make sure it's solid. We're hiring a software engineer\/SDET to lead our back-end testing efforts, building systems to test systems. You'll be an extremely important part of a smart, fast-paced team that's responsible for the data behind the best rental sites on the internet.\n\n[http:\/\/www.zillow.com\/jobs\/san-francisco- office\/](http:\/\/www.zillow.com\/jobs\/san-francisco-office\/) or email me at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Santa Monica, CA (Los Angeles) Adomic.com - [http:\/\/www.adomic.com](http:\/\/www.adomic.com)\n\nWe're a big-data display advertising SaaS service used by top agencies and brands (you've definitely heard of our customer.) We churn over terabytes of data a day to deliver actionable intelligence and recommendations to our customers.\n\nWe're a developer run company, looking for full stack engineers who want to work on our pretty sweet tech stack (C#, mongodb, hive\/Map Reduce, tons of AWS, etc.)\n\nInterested? Have questions? firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Lead Developer - Boston MA\n\nI am looking for an individual to steer our technology and mentor our development team.\n\nOur technology environment includes: GWT, J2EE, Hibernate, Cassandra, MySQL, Postgres, AWS, JS, Jira, Bamboo, Fisheye, and Sharepoint.\n\nThis is a senior level position.\n\nPlaor, a company that specializes in developing highly scalable multi-platform games, is located in the heart of Boston's fast growing Innovation District. Plaor produces Mega Fame Casino, an innovative and highly rated social casino available on iOS, Android & desktop.\n\nPlease send resume\/profile to firstname.lastname@example.com Thank you!\n\n<\/comment> Optaros is a leading eCommerce services firm based in Boston, MA, with offices in Austin, Boston, San Francisco and Bucharest, Romania. Some of our clients, including Rue La La, Macy's, and Nestle, and we work on platforms like hybris, Magento, and Demandware.\n\nWe are recruiting for a number of roles, such as Tech Lead, Tech Architect, UX Lead, and Sr. UX Developer.\n\n\\---\n\nTechnical Lead \u2013 Boston ([https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.a...](https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.aspx?req_id=enc-15.502805944085028&source=160584-CS-9741&validationonly=true))\n\nWe're looking for technologists with deep Java experience including Hibernate, Spring, and MVC, with experience in consulting. This position is based out of Boston, MA with around 30% travel.\n\n\\---\n\nTechnical Lead\/Architect \u2013 Austin ([https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.a...](https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.aspx?req_id=enc-15.590095514495900&source=188516-CS-9741&validationonly=true))\n\nWe're looking for technologists with deep Java experience including Hibernate, Spring, and MVC, with experience in consulting. This position is based out of Austin, TX with around 30% travel.\n\n\\---\n\nUX Development Lead \u2013 Boston ([https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.a...](https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.aspx?req_id=enc-15.549455319785494&source=175512-CS-9741&validationonly=true))\n\nWe're looking for technical strength (html5, css3, JavaScript, jquery and skilled in backbone or another similar framework) and at least 2 years of leadership experience. Knowledge of Ecommerce and a consultative approach is also a must. This position is based out of Boston, MA with around 30% travel.\n\n\\---\n\nSr. UX Developer \u2013 Austin ([https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.a...](https:\/\/apply.hrmdirect.com\/resumedirect\/ApplyOnline\/Apply.aspx?req_id=enc-15.511360818185113&source=163321-CS-9741&validationonly=true))\n\nWe're looking for technical strength (html5, css3, JavaScript, jquery and skilled in backbone or another similar framework), strong communication skills and a consultatitive approach. This position is based out of Austin, TX with around 30% travel.\n\n<\/comment> Robert Half (for corporate)\n\nWe're looking for a front end developer that has SharePoint expertise, strong understanding of HTML5\/JavaScript\/CSS3, and has worked on global enterprise level websites.\n\nWe specialize in C# development; however, also have a strong open source presence, developing in Python and Java.\n\nWe currently have a Software Engineer II (front end web) position open:\n\n[http:\/\/careers.roberthalf.com\/job\/San-Ramon-Software- Enginee...](http:\/\/careers.roberthalf.com\/job\/San-Ramon-Software-Engineer-II- CA-94582\/56192200\/)\n\n If you are seriously interested and worth your salt please reach out to me directly [https:\/\/github.com\/MikeMcMahon](https:\/\/github.com\/MikeMcMahon)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Yahoo Fantasy Sports - [http:\/\/sports.yahoo.com\/fantasy](http:\/\/sports.yahoo.com\/fantasy) \\- Sunnyvale, CA\n\nWe are the #1 fantasy sports destination on the web. Fantasy Sports is a booming industry that is growing every year and has one of the most passionate and engaged users on the web.\n\nWe have several positions that we are currently trying to hire for as we try to bring home the championship. Sports and fantasy knowledge is a plus, but not required. Just a willingness to get a little crazy and watch sports! Watching sports will be a part of your job, how cool is that? Here is what we are hiring for:\n\n1\\. Data Scientist - We have some of the largest warehouses of both user generated and sports data anywhere. This is a sports nuts' dream! Apply for this if you love figuring out what users are doing and how to iterate on the product based on numbers.\n\n2\\. Backend engineer - We are creating a new, state of the art backend infrastructure. Fantasy Sports is one of the most challenging backends on the web, due to the spiky nature of traffic. During an NFL Sunday, our peak RPS can exceed twitter! Apply for this if you love massive scaling and performance optimization.\n\n3\\. Mobile engineer - Looking for both iOS and Android expertise. I was acquired by Yahoo last year ([http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/07\/01\/yahoo-acquires- bignoggins-a...](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/07\/01\/yahoo-acquires-bignoggins-a- one-man-fantasy-sports-app-maker\/)), and my goal is to make Yahoo Fantasy Sports the runaway leader in mobile sports apps. We have a great team of designers and developers, and Yahoo mobile is actually now the largest mobile development organization in the world! We are taking mobile seriously, and you can help us get there.\n\n4\\. SDET - For fantasy sports, we can NOT make mistakes. No fumbles, no turnovers, nothing. Our crack team of SDETs writes automated test scripts and build testing and release infrastructure to make sure that the devs can move fast and (not) break things!\n\nYahoo may not be the most glamorous company in the Valley, and we definitely don't have it all figured out. Most startups let you make a big impact in a small pond, and a big company lets you make a small impact in a big pond. Yahoo is the rare opportunity to make a big impact in a big pond. There is a lot of low hanging fruit that we need to solve, and if you want to be part of one of the most epic turnaround stories in the Valley, then hit me up!\n\nIf you wanna come kick ass and chew bubble gum, hit me up at bignoggins@yahoo- inc.com!\n\n<\/comment> SwiftStack - [http:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs](http:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs) \\- San Francisco, CA (preferred, will relocate)\n\nWe're a storage company focused on solving a lot of the hard problems around deploying and managing scalable storage systems. We build a management controller [0] around the OpenStack Swift [1] storage engine, and we sell that controller to customers. Some of our customers include eBay, PAC-12, and HP [2]. Our focus is on ensuring that the OpenStack Swift storage engine is well integrated into enterprise IT infrastructure and processes. This means we spend a lot of time automating day-to-day operations tasks, providing good visualization of monitoring data, integrating with auth systems, selecting hardware, building utilization tools, and on and on.\n\nBut we also get to build against new technologies[3], actively contribute to open source[4], and partner with major companies to build cool new features into Swift[5].\n\nInterested? Send us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com. Tell us who you are, why you're interested in SwiftStack, and why we'll be interested in you. We'll get in touch with you shortly to continue the conversation.\n\n[0] [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7Aue0eoMGCA](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7Aue0eoMGCA)\n\n[1] [https:\/\/wiki.openstack.org\/wiki\/Swift](https:\/\/wiki.openstack.org\/wiki\/Swift)\n\n[2] [https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2014\/06\/25\/ebay-pac12-and-hp- hel...](https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2014\/06\/25\/ebay-pac12-and-hp-helion-use- swiftstack-2-0\/)\n\n[3] [https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2013\/10\/22\/kinetic-for- openstack...](https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2013\/10\/22\/kinetic-for-openstack- swift-with-seagate\/)\n\n[4] [http:\/\/stackalytics.com\/?release=all&company=swiftstack](http:\/\/stackalytics.com\/?release=all&company=swiftstack)\n\n[5] [https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2013\/07\/17\/erasure-codes-with- op...](https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2013\/07\/17\/erasure-codes-with-openstack- swift-digging-deeper\/)\n\n<\/comment> We are currently a team of three (sales\/engineer\/data scientist) working on ad campaign optimization for internet retailers.\n\nFull-stack Engineer\/Data Engineer @ Adchemix (SF, Boston or REMOTE)\n\n\\- a grandmaster in at least one of these (Python, NodeJS)\n\n\\- use git\n\n\\- have built production crawling\/scraping\/indexing code\n\n\\- have built production ETL code\n\n\\- have built production dashboards and reporting\n\n\\- extra points if you have done stuff with D3.js or other data visualization\n\n\\- built cool things on top of AWS\n\nUs:\n\n\\- bootstrapped\n\n\\- profitable\n\n\\- distributed team\n\n\\- SF and Boston based email me firstname.lastname@example.com or connect with me on linkedin www.linkedin.com\/in\/samingrassia\/\n\n<\/comment> LetsAlign [http:\/\/letsalign.com](http:\/\/letsalign.com) is hiring Ruby on Rails (RoR), iOS and Android developers to work on some exciting projects.\n\nWe are a Mobile & Web Design & Development consultancy (with an exciting side project in SaaS\/mobile domain) - We're Bootstrapped & Profitable.\n\nYou can work remotely, on a part time or a full time basis.\n\nWork and experiment with new technologies and you can also contribute to some projects we are planning to open source.\n\n<\/comment> Hyderabad, IN.\n\nSocialTwist Inc., a unit of Pramati Technologies, is hiring Interaction Designers in Hyderabad, India. Our vision is to provide an enterprise-grade compliant social marketing platform so marketers can market and not worry about the technology. For more details, please visit [http:\/\/www.socialtwist.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.socialtwist.com\/careers) . You can also get in touch with me directly at careers (at) socialtwist (dot) com.\n\n<\/comment> Shutterstock - New York, San Francisco, Berlin, Remote, Visa\n\nWe're hiring all sorts of software engineers and data scientists. We've got some pretty fun problems -- image search, video search, storage scalability, tons of behavioral data to mine -- and an awesome team. We prefer folks to work in one of our offices, but are always willing to consider remote superstars.\n\nTake a peek at [http:\/\/www.shutterstock.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.shutterstock.com\/jobs)\n\n > _New York, San Francisco, Berlin_\n\nThere are exactly zero engineering positions outside of the US on [http:\/\/www.shutterstock.com\/jobs\/listings](http:\/\/www.shutterstock.com\/jobs\/listings)\n\nIt should read: \"New York, San Francisco, Seattle (but mostly New York)\".\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Wearable Intelligence - San Francisco, CA - [http:\/\/wearableintelligence.com\/](http:\/\/wearableintelligence.com\/)\n\nOur mission is to empower every enterprise by giving their employees the right information at the right time. We're the first enterprise company devoted specifically to wearable technology, and we're solving difficult problems for real customers that will impact 80% of the world's workforce, from doctors & nurses to manufacturing and energy workers.\n\nOur leadership team includes folks who've built and sold successful companies, and we're backed by First Round Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, and other prominent investors.\n\nAndroid Engineer:\n\nWe're looking for a capable, curious and smart Android Engineer to join our team. You're a tinkerer and an aesthete, and you like to write code that gives mobile and wearable devices magic abilities. You have a passion for building great products that are robust and enjoyable, and you're interested in stretching the boundaries of what's possible on wearable hardware.\n\nAs one of our early team members, you'll work directly with our leadership team to develop software for wearable devices -- from our product suite to core framework components -- and help us ensure optimal performance for our clients. We're growing, and we'd be thrilled for you to grow your career with us, be it into a senior engineer, team lead, or architect.\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/buff.ly\/1qPkvPd](http:\/\/buff.ly\/1qPkvPd)\n\nFull Stack Engineer:\n\nWe're looking for a Full Stack Engineer to join our growing team. You have a knack for strong user-centric design, and also speak the language of libraries and frameworks. You stay on top of web technology trends and know the best practices and idioms of writing Javascript- and CSS-rich software.\n\nAs one of our early team members, you'll learn from and work directly with product managers, designers and senior engineers to develop complex in-browser apps as well as the web platform for the client-facing part of our product. We're growing, and we'd be thrilled for you to grow your career with us.\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/760](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/760)\n\n<\/comment> Almighty - Boston, MA - Full Time - \n\n[http:\/\/www.bealmighty.com\/career\/developer\/](http:\/\/www.bealmighty.com\/career\/developer\/)\n\n<\/comment> Zipcar - Boston, MA\n\nWork in the awesome fort point district at our nice new location.\n\nBuild applications for use or support of people you can actually meet (local members, friends, family).\n\nGet a sweet Zipcar membership discount.\n\nGood pay.\n\nGet to work with technologies like Ruby on Rails, Backbone.\n\nSenior Software Engineer [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Zomwgw0](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Zomwgw0) Software Engineer [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3npmwgwp](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3npmwgwp)\n\n<\/comment> Bugsnag ([https:\/\/bugsnag.com](https:\/\/bugsnag.com)) is hiring!\n\nWe're building automated crash detection for web and mobile apps.\n\nWe're a team of software developers building tools for software developers. Our product is built around what would be an amazing product for us and our customers to use.\n\nCurrently we're looking for full-stack engineers and an enterprise salesperson, to join our team of 6 people.\n\nEmail me at firstname.lastname@example.com to talk more!\n\n<\/comment> Loggly - [http:\/\/loggly.com](http:\/\/loggly.com) \\- Fulltime in San Francisco, CA (right by Montgomery St. Bart)\n\nWe're looking for an Infrastructure Engineer and a Lead Developer. The technologies that power our product include Python, Apache, Tomcat, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Amazon AWS REST, API, JSON, HTTP, RDBMS.\n\nTo apply, please email email@example.com with the subject \"Hacker News Loggly Job Application\". Thanks!\n\nLoggly is the world's most popular cloud-based log management solution, used by more than 3,500 happy customers to effortlessly spot problems in real-time, easily pinpoint root causes and resolve operational issues faster to ensure application success. Founded in 2009 and based in San Francisco, the company is backed by Trinity Ventures, True Ventures, Matrix Partners, Cisco, Data Collective Venture Capital and others.\n\nLoggly helps cloud-centric organizations\u2014organizations that build and manage cloud-facing applications\u2014to solve operational problems faster, easier and without the cost or complexity associated with traditional software-based tools. Our service is designed around the needs of modern DevOps teams and purposely built to dramatically simplify the log management experience for start-ups through Fortune 500 organizations.\n\nEngineers at Loggly are responsible for designing and delivering the cloud- based log management product. As a key member of this team you will collaborate with engineers, product management and the operations team to develop innovative features on top of our big data stack. You will be responsible for technically leading the infrastructure team. You will have full life cycle responsibilities for key product functionality spanning architecture, design, development, implementation and mentoring the infrastructure team. You will provide and ensure excellence in product design and implementation with regard to efficiency. You will be responsible for planning, organizing and performing technical work and ensuring the integrity of significant and diverse projects.\n\nYou will be expected to create robust, scalable, multi-threaded and distributed systems that operate 7x24x365. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a highly innovative environment with new technologies as we continue to evolve our products and extend our leading market position. . Our culture is fast paced, fun, performance oriented, open and collegial.\n\n<\/comment> Salt Lake City, UT -- Lucid Software ([http:\/\/www.golucid.co](http:\/\/www.golucid.co))\n\nLucid Software is building world class graphical applications in the browser and on mobile devices. Our first product, Lucidchart ([http:\/\/www.lucidchart.com](http:\/\/www.lucidchart.com)), is an online diagramming application with 2M+ users. We recently launched our second product, Lucidpress ([http:\/\/www.lucidpress.com](http:\/\/www.lucidpress.com)), which is an online layout and design application.\n\nLucid is a startup founded by Karl Sun, a former Google exec, and Ben Dilts, our CTO. We're profitable and rapidly growing in every dimension of the business and need people to join our team. For fun we raft river rapids on company retreats, have Friday BBQs, and eat lots of pizza. Talent and ability to learn are more important than specific skills.\n\nBACKEND SOFTWARE ENGINEER (all experience levels) -\n\nLucidchart and Lucidpress run with various decoupled services in a Linux environment using Scala, MongoDB, AWS, and MySQL. At Lucid your responsibilities would include enhancing existing services, building new services, integrating with 3rd party applications and ensuring services are highly available, secure, and scalable.\n\nRequirements: - Talent - BS degree\n\nRecommended experience: - Building large products \/ applications - Scala or Java - MySQL or other relational database - NoSQL databases - Cloud computing (AWS)\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/CompanyJobs\/Careers.aspx?nl=1&k=Job&...](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/CompanyJobs\/Careers.aspx?nl=1&k=Job&j=oa2cZfw7&s=golucid.co)\n\nFRONTEND SOFTWARE ENGINEER (all experience levels) -\n\nLucidchart and Lucidpress are powered by one of the largest Javascript codebases on the Internet (about 250k lines of JS), optimized so that the user experience is indistinguishable from an installed native application. Come help us show the tech world what can be done on the web.\n\nRequirements: - Talent - BS degree\n\nRecommended experience: - Building large products \/ applications - - Google Closure compiler\/library - CSS\/HTML\/DOM manipulation - jQuery - Native app development on Android and\/or iOS\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/CompanyJobs\/Careers.aspx?c=qqQ9Vfw4&...](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/CompanyJobs\/Careers.aspx?c=qqQ9Vfw4&v=1&page=Job%20Description&j=oqtXYfwy)\n\n<\/comment> Beyond Pricing - San Francisco, CA - Full-Stack Developer ([https:\/\/beyondpricing.com\/](https:\/\/beyondpricing.com\/))\n\nBeyond Pricing is seeking our second full-stack developer to help bring dynamic pricing to the $85B vacation rental market (think Airbnb and HomeAway). As our second engineer, you'll have a huge influence on the product.\n\nEmail email@example.com if you're interested.\n\n<\/comment>==== About Us <\/comment>====\n\nBeyond Pricing is bringing dynamic pricing to Airbnb, VRBO, and the $85B vacation rental market.\n\nWe leverage massive datasets including hotel prices, local occupancy rates, airline data, and more to power a predictive and reactive pricing model that updates prices for each of our customers, daily.\n\nWe are already pricing over 6% of San Francisco Airbnbs in the two weeks since our public launch, and see between 15-40% increases in revenue for our customers. We have 1000s of customers in over 100 major global cities waiting for us to launch in their city. That's why we need you.\n\nWe are a seasoned team, all with prior experience as founders or early employees at YC companies and with strong backgrounds in revenue management for hotels and airlines. We have a great set of seed investors who have invested early in companies like Uber, Hipmunk, Optimizely, and Homejoy.\n\n<\/comment>==== About You <\/comment>====\n\nIdeally you will have worked on the full stack of a web product before, but we're open to talented or senior front \/ back-end specific engineers. You'll be joining a small team - currently one full time and two part time engineers - so you'll have a big influence over our product going forward. Our stack is Python \/ Django on the back end, coffeescript \/ sass \/ ember on the front end.\n\n<\/comment>= SKILLS <\/comment>=\n\nExperience in any of the following is preferred but not required:\n\npython coffeescript sass \/ css ember machine learning statistical modeling\n\n<\/comment>= CULTURE <\/comment>=\n\nWe are team of YC vets who understand that people come first, product comes second, and the rest should follow.\n\nWhile you will probably love coming into our office (two floors, two kegs, chess boards & foosball), people are free to work from anywhere.\n\nOutside of work, we are comprised of marathon runners, bikers, wine makers, chess players, and artists.\n\n<\/comment>== BENEFITS <\/comment>==\n\nAll employees have full health benefits, include dental and vision.\n\nWe'd love for you to join us!\n\n\\- David, Andrew, Ian and the rest of the Beyond Team\n\n Hi Ian,\n\nI think your product is great !! I was wondering how you manage to automate and feed prices to AirBnb since they have no API ?\n\n scrapping ?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Intel (Hillsboro OR) We are attempting change within to embrace a more modern approach to software development, we need fearless people who are passionate about software as a craft. We are developing a distributed web service CI framework with the methods and technologies (python, REST, RIAK, AngularJS) you read about here. Contact us if you are looking for a change and a challenge.\n\n<\/comment> [https:\/\/famo.us](https:\/\/famo.us) San Francisco, CA\n\nnerd out on web apps. e-mail me if interested (in profile).\n\n<\/comment> Edge, Inc. - Boston, MA - REMOTE possible firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nAbout Us: We're a small company founded by MIT grads that is taking a data- driven approach to online retail. We buy and sell goods in online marketplaces at a large scale based on mathematical models and our solutions to a set of optimization problems. We employ more than 50 workers around the world, but the core team has only a few engineers who have automated most of our process. Our infrastructure is built completely in Python and runs on AWS.\n\nOur core team is very small, so our culture is laid back and fun, but we're all driven and work very hard. We'd like to find a candidate who can thrive in such an environment.\n\nAbout the Job: We're looking for a full-stack Python developer to create the next generation of our infrastructure. It's running on a single AWS server, but we'd like to move to a more scalable distributed model. The infrastructure mostly consists of a backend framework that generates very large datasets, organizes & processes the data, and makes decisions in realtime. There is also a front end written with Flask that will need to be redesigned eventually.\n\nThe new infrastructure will need to rely on test automation throughout the code, so we're looking for someone who really understands best practices when it comes to testing. We can handle controlled downtime, but data integrity and the decisions our algorithms make are critical to our business, so we need to build up several layers of testing to ensure correctness.\n\nResponsibilities will include: \\- Rewriting our Python-based backend and frontend so it's more maintainable and scalable \\- Deploying the new infrastructure on AWS \\- Helping us migrate from the existing codebase to the new one \\- Modifying the new codebase as we move forward and develop our mathematical models and algorithms\n\nRequired Qualifications: \\- Strong Python development experience \\- A solid grasp of test automation, and more importantly some real enthusiasm for it \\- Experience designing and deploying on cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services \\- Familiarity with both SQL and NoSQL databases, especially relating to their performance \\- BS Computer Science or equivalent\n\nPreferred Qualifications: \\- Experience working both single-handedly and in small groups (2-4 developers) \\- Experience with popular Python frameworks and the ability to learn new Python frameworks quickly\n\nEmail email@example.com to learn more.\n\n<\/comment> TerrAvion - [http:\/\/www.terravion.com](http:\/\/www.terravion.com) \\- Dublin, CA\n\nApply at [http:\/\/www.terravion.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/www.terravion.com\/careers.html) or email email@example.com.\n\n __Hardware \/ Systems Engineer __We have an opening for a hardware \/ systems engineer and are looking for talented, hard working, innovative candidates interested in working in an early stage company. We are Y Combinator alumni, venture backed, and growing fast. Our core product, OverView, has seen over 200x growth in the last year. If you live to deploy scalable hardware to the field, this job is for you. You will have primary responsibility for building and maintaining our imagery collection system, which mounts on to the belly of a single engine airplane. The first version is already flying and generating revenue, but you are going to design the fleet.\n\n __Responsibilities __Architect, design, and build hardware and software for imagery collection which can be reliably deployed in the field Assist in data processing activities - this requires training and working with our ops team on new features you will deploy Communicate with stakeholders (operations and customers) to determine requirements for imagery collection system and imagery calibration Interview and evaluate potential engineering job candidates Assist in other activities as necessary in an early stage company\n\n __Requirements __Bachelors degree or higher in Electrical Engineering, Optics, Remote Sensing, Software Engineering or Computer Science or equivalent experience Demonstrable experience designing new hardware systems and writing low level software Experience designing and deploying complex systems in the field Experience working in C, Java, and Python on Linux Strong problem solving abilities Very strong hardware and software troubleshooting skills Strong written and oral communication skills Ability to work well alone or in teams, with limited supervision required Ability to commute as necessary to Dublin, CA (our office is a 10 minute walk from the West Dublin BART)\n\n __Bonus Attributes __(These are skills \/experience we would really like to see but candidates without them should still definitely apply.) CAD\/mechanical engineering experience Knowledge of radiometry, image calibration, cameras, and optics Interest in general aviation Experience with UAVs or drones GIS experience Farming experience, interest, or connection\n\n<\/comment> SoundFocus - San Francisco, CA\n\nRoles: iOS Engineer, Product Marketer, Community Manager\n\nFull-time in SF (VISA ok, will relocate)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nTL:DR; We're a YC-backed startup building audio hardware to help people hear better using their mobile phones when making phone calls, listening to music or watching movies. If you're an iOS dev, marketer or community manager that's passionate about audio hardware or music, email me firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n[http:\/\/soundfocus.com\/jobs.html](http:\/\/soundfocus.com\/jobs.html)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\niOS Engineer\n\nWe're looking for an experienced mobile engineer to take ownership of our user-facing software stack, including our iOS and Android applications. Our ideal candidate is passionate about developing beautiful user interfaces, and has an eye for design and detail. As an early employee at SoundFocus you'll get a chance to develop products that will have a positive impact on the lives of millions who face hearing-related challenges.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nProduct Marketer\n\nSoundFocus is looking for a product marketing manager to drive the launch for our first hardware product. You'll be instrumental in crafting our go-to- market strategy and will need to know our customers inside out. In addition to spearheading our marketing efforts, you'll also be tasked with building strong connections with cultural icons and industry leaders. As the first hire on the marketing team, we're looking for someone who's creative, scrappy, and resourceful, with a successful track record of strategic business development and cultivating meaningful relationships.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nCommunity Manager\n\nSoundFocus is looking for a community manager who will play a critical role by building a strong and vibrant community of both current and potential customers. Your overarching goal will be to ensure that each and every individual has an interaction with the product and the team that is as positive and rewarding as possible.\n\nYou should be energetic and enthusiastic, with an innate ability to build and maintain great relationships with people at all levels, from the janitor to our world famous customers. You will be first in line to help people understand the product and engage with it.\n\n<\/comment> iOS Lead in NYC for Tech Legal Startup\n\nWe are looking for an experienced iOS developer to join our growing team. Do you enjoy creating beautiful iOS apps? Do you have an Apple logo tattooed on your body (completely optional, but that would be very impressive)?\n\nQualifications and Experience:\n\nAt least 2 years of Objective C hands-on programming In-depth XCode\/iOS experience Fan of agile process and test driven development Compassion for the end user and an eye for design Server Side MVC OO programming experience (Django, Rails, Struts, asp.net, Cake) Believer of Modular Design principles Hungry to make an impact and take ownership 5+ years of experience Shake is a venture-backed legal tech startup based in New York. Our mission is to make the law accessible, understandable and affordable for consumers and small businesses. We're starting with simple agreements and building for mobile first. The company was founded in 2012 by an experienced team of entrepreneurs and investors with executive leadership experience at companies such as Google, Spotify, AOL, Buzzfeed, and RRE Ventures.\n\nShake Principles and Beliefs:\n\nWe are not afraid to be bold, push the envelope, and challenge the status quo We are driven by what legal transactions can and will be, not what they have been historically We value innovative design and superior mobile user experiences We are a technology company solving a legal problem, not a legal company trying to understand technology We believe that the legal market is highly underserved by technology and begging for disruption We believe that significant change in the legal industry will be driven by consumers and small businesses, not by lawyers and law firms We believe that the value in mobile technology is in building utility not serving banner ads If you share our beliefs and are passionate about transforming an outdated $250B industry, we look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to be creative in your application; we like to be surprised!\n\nFor more information, visit www.ShakeLaw.com.\n\n<\/comment> A ninja startup with angel backing in it's early stages.\n\nLooking for a competent remote iOS developer, with experience in Parse or other backend frameworks. XMPP familiarity is a plus. Web app experience preferred.\n\nWilling to contract\/freelance for lumpsum, or a share of equity, depending on level of interest.\n\n I'm available for remote projects.\n\nI have previous experience with Parse. I published this app: [http:\/\/itunes.apple.com\/us\/app\/80-Mileage- Book\/id873847566?m...](http:\/\/itunes.apple.com\/us\/app\/80-Mileage- Book\/id873847566?mt=8) two months ago.\n\nI have web app experience from both business and consumer products.\n\nFeel free to contact me: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Boston, MA (South Shore)\n\nZenWrench - [http:\/\/www.zenwrench.com](http:\/\/www.zenwrench.com)\n\nWe do on-demand used motorcycle inspections. We're looking for a ruby\/sinatra\/mysql\/jquery dev that also likes getting their hands dirty wrenching on motorcycles.\n\nQuestions? firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> iOS Mobile Developer, Washington, D.C.: WeddingWire.com\n\nWeddingWire is the nation's leading technology company serving the $100+ billion wedding, corporate, and social events industry. Launched in 2007, WeddingWire is the largest and most trusted online marketplace connecting merchants with engaged couples and party planners. Moreover, WeddingWire's SaaS business platform powers the front and back-office for tens of thousands of event merchants, from venues and photographers to caterers and entertainers.\n\nFor more details: [http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/xt1nuv\/IOS-Mobile- Develope...](http:\/\/jobs.weddingwire.com\/apply\/xt1nuv\/IOS-Mobile- Developer.html?source=Hacker+News)\n\n<\/comment> New Frontier Nomads - [http:\/\/newfrontiernomads.com\/](http:\/\/newfrontiernomads.com\/) \\- hiring a Senior Android Developer in Seattle, WA (and other locations in USA)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment>-COMPANY DESCRIPTION<\/comment><\/comment>-\n\nWe partner with startups and companies to validate, design, develop and launch innovative new web and mobile products. We design, build and validate MVPs, provide highly skilled product and software development teams on an ongoing basis, or augment and build internal teams around a core of highly skilled subject matter experts, all in exchange for fees and equity.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment>-JOB DESCRIPTION<\/comment><\/comment>-\n\nThe product is a very exciting experimental offering and the client's most important undertaking at the moment. The environment is agile and collaborative. The team is packed with experienced and accomplished developers.\n\nRequired skills:\n\nSolid Android background Experience shipping products Take-charge (do what it takes personality and sense of ownership of deliverables and timelines)\n\nDesired skills:\n\nVideo streaming on Android Quality vs. lag tradeoffs DRM Consuming near realtime web services Frequency vs. battery life tradeoffs Custom, high-polish UI components\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment>-ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<\/comment><\/comment>-\n\nFor idea-stage startups, we provide the most direct route from idea to product with traction. We help you de-risk, validate, design and develop your idea, we make sure the correct technical decisions are made from the start, and we help you collect and analyze key metrics which help you chart your path from unproven idea to product-market fit.\n\nFor later-stage startups, we provide a well-oiled, turnkey development team, and the peace of mind that comes with it. We take care of product and software development, so you can focus on your areas of core expertise, whether business development, fundraising, or marketing.\n\nFor companies, we build startup teams within large organizations. Our track record with early and later stage startups helps large companies create agile and lean processes which foster and enable innovation. We seed internal teams with highly skilled and innovative mobile and web resources, or we build- manage-transfer new teams around a core of highly experienced veteran mobile and web developers.\n\nYou can contact me at email@example.com if interested or apply through our job ad here:\n\n[https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/NFN\/76806044-remote- android-...](https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/NFN\/76806044-remote-android-dev- must-live-in-us)\n\n<\/comment> Voltaiq - SF, NYC, or REMOTE - Full Time - [http:\/\/voltaiq.io](http:\/\/voltaiq.io)\n\nSoftware Developers \u2014 Full Stack\/Backend\/Deployment\n\nBattery performance is the key bottleneck slowing the adoption of electric- vehicles, renewable energy, and longer lasting more powerful mobile electronics.\n\nVoltaiq is developing a powerful web-based data analytics and visualization platform to enable better, longer-lasting batteries and other energy devices. We have early customer revenue, industry partnerships, and grant funding from the National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy.\n\nVoltaiq is looking for creative, experienced, and extremely talented software developers to join our team in the San Francisco Bay Area or New York City (remote will be considered for more senior applicants, US only). We're looking to fill out our initial team with someone who has full-stack backend experience both shipping features and managing multiple-server deployments.\n\nWe are looking to fill a position immediately, and will give preference to those with a broad knowledge base and a strong desire to learn.\n\nDesired Tech Skills:\n\n* Strong coding skills in one or more of the following: Python, Java, C\/C++, Go.\n\n* Solid understanding of a web deployment stack: Cookies, sessions, websockets, asset management.\n\n* Experience with ZeroMQ or a similar asynchronous messaging system.\n\n* Strong command of Linux and deployments on Amazon Web Services.\n\n* Deployment experience: Salt Stack (big plus!), Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Fabric, Nginx, uWSGI.\n\n* Knowledge of Git and experience committing to a team code repository.\n\n* Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases.\n\nOther Prerequisites:\n\n* Undergraduate or advanced degree in Computer Science, Physics, Math, Engineering, or a related discipline.\n\n* At least 3 years of experience developing and shipping software.\n\n* Willingness to travel occasionally for in-person meetings, conferences, and deployments.\n\n* Strong team player with the ability to help build and work as a cohesive team.\n\nCompensation: Competitive salary plus equity and full benefits.\n\nLocation(s): SF Bay Area, NYC, or remote (remote must live and work in the US).\n\nEmail us a resume at email@example.com\n\nThanks HN!\n\n<\/comment> Ambassador ([https:\/\/getAmbassador.com](https:\/\/getAmbassador.com))\n\nWe help businesses turn their customers into brand ambassadors. We're changing word-of-mouth on the web. [https:\/\/getambassador.com](https:\/\/getambassador.com).\n\nWe focus on the rapid production, testing, and deployment of beautiful code and design. We make our product team's job as creative and simple as possible. No outdated management models, we get real work done and solve large problems. Success is measured through the enjoyment of our customers.\n\n<\/comment>=====\n\nThe Perks\n\n<\/comment>=====\n\n* Food - Whether you're vegan or on a macrobiotic diet, we'll make sure you're covered. Friday lunches are a pastime.\n\n* Benefits - Competitive salary, options, and healthcare. Happy faces every morning.\n\n* Remote or Relocate - We hire the best people, no matter where they are or plan to be.\n\n* Play - You'll want a paddle at your desk to fight off incoming table tennis balls. Ninja backhand required.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment>\n\nJoin our ranks\n\n<\/comment><\/comment>\n\nBackend Web Engineer\n\nOur REST API is our bread and butter and the heart and soul of Ambassador's products, meaning you'll always be on the forefront of product development. A passion for writing elegant and efficient code is a must as is experience in any # of modern scripting languages and frameworks. Experience with Python and Django is preferred. Knowledge of Django Rest Framework is a plus.\n\nFrontend Web Engineer\n\nYou'll have a wide-ranging experience across various products, bridging the gap between design and reality. You should have an eye for good design and UX, experience in either is a huge plus. Your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS skills must be top-notch, and you should already have experience working in JavaScript frameworks such as Angular. Experience with UI toolkits such as Bootstrap and preprocessors such as LESS are a plus.\n\nUX\/Visual Designer\n\nYour work must delight not only our customers but also our ambassadors, giving you the opportunity to design for two very different audiences. We also promote various one-off projects and marketing efforts for which you'd have the opportunity to collaborate. You should have a proven track record of working on software teams and designing beautiful interfaces that are also functional and serve both business and user needs.\n\nFor more information, check out [https:\/\/getAmbassador.comjobs](https:\/\/getAmbassador.comjobs)\n\n<\/comment> Aggregage is the building the biggest B2B marketing and media company. We create industry-specific B2B market communities that surpass those of traditional publishers or online-only content sites. We have a proprietary technology platform that leverages the explosive growth in sources of online B2B content and uses social media signals to automatically curate that content. The reader sees the most interesting and relevant content in their vertical. That's why our site in eLearning has become the highest trafficked site in that industry. And we'll be launching over 1,000 of these business verticals.\n\nCome join an experienced and successful group of founders -- Clicker, eHarmony, etc. \u2013 and their team at this groundbreaking time. We are well- funded for the next several years. Our billion dollar potential is based on a real business model, not just hope and dreams. Our small team is going to do big things.\n\nWe are looking for a full-stack Java web developer. Currently we're a small team looking for a solid programmer who can grow with the company. Someone who is a team player. Even if you don't have experience with everything listed in this job description, we offer excellent learning opportunities for those who are eager to expand their skill sets.\n\nJob Responsibilities\n\nWorking in a small development team, you will take a central role in the technical design, and development of the front-end and back-end of the application that's written in Java, MySQL, Lucene, JavaScript, HTML\/CSS. This application deals with fairly large scale of content and users, so understanding of robust, high-performance sites is a plus.\n\nJob Qualifications\n\nIn addition to programming capability, candidates must have experience working on collaborative development teams and good communication skills.\n\nIdeal candidates will have experience building all facets of software systems including the data model, business logic, and front-end.\n\nKnowledge of the following is required: \u2022 Java \u2022 HTML\/JavaScript\/CSS \u2022 Java Frameworks such as Spring, Dropwizard, or Wicket\n\nKnowledge of the following is a plus: \u2022 Lucene or SOLR \u2022 jQuery \u2022 ORM (Hibernate, etc.) \u2022 MySQL and SQL query tuning \u2022 Ant\/Maven\/Git \u2022 Apache \u2022 Linux\n\nThat said, we're mostly looking for great developers who are great to work with. If you don't have experience with everything listed above but are a solid developer eager to learn new things, you might be a great fit here.\n\nIf you are interested, send your resume to: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Sr. Node \/ JavaScript Dev - \n\nCompany: Hook & Loop\n\nAll the details you need are here:\n\n[http:\/\/www.hookandloopnyc.com\/javascriptnode-js- developer-2](http:\/\/www.hookandloopnyc.com\/javascriptnode-js-developer-2)\n\n<\/comment> Remote Positions\n\nSocial Media Intern, Business Development Manager, Web Development Instructor, Data Science Instructor\n\nCoursebirdie ([http:\/\/coursebirdie.com](http:\/\/coursebirdie.com)) - New Delhi, India\n\n<\/comment> Tesla Motors, Stationary Storage Group, Palo Alto\n\nOur Stationary Storage product offers battery storage systems that can attach to power grids, commercial areas, or residential systems. As the need for and the available sources of energy increases, efficient and smart energy storage is quickly becoming the only solution for meeting these demands.\n\nWe are have several open positions for firmware and embedded software within this team. Finding the right person for the group and then defining a role for their skillset is more important to us than listing several generic job descriptions. If you are passionate about this field and technology, feel free to contact us.\n\nBelow are some specific skills and experience that we know we will need (we do not expect all of these in the same candidate). I've clustered them into two groups of skills, but we'd be happy to have a candidate with a blend from both clusters.\n\nEmbedded Firmware\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\n\\- Embedded C\n\n\\- Realtime operating systems and applications\n\n\\- Low-level embedded experience with linkers, bootloaders, drivers\n\n\\- CAN bus\n\n\\- Embedded TCP\/IP (driver level)\n\n\\- Experience with power electronics\n\n\\- Familiarity with electronics, schematics, PCBs (can use an oscope)\n\n\\- Design for safety critical systems\n\n\\- State machines\n\nEmbedded Linux\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment>--\n\n\\- Embedded linux application deployment\n\n\\- Protocol buffers\n\n\\- Golang\n\n\\- Zigbee\n\n\\- Industrial or utility SCADA protocols like modbus and DNP3\n\n\\- Experience with power electronics or the energy industry\n\n\\- General networking: ppp, ssh, vpn, iptables\n\n\\- Code generation + DSLs\n\nYou should be interested in, excited about, or experienced with the Energy Industry to apply for this position. Our team is a small part of the company but we are working on becoming a larger part. These positions will have a significant impact on the design and behaviors of our next generation Stationary Storage products.\n\nAt this time, we are not looking for interns or people working remotely.\n\nPlease email email@example.com for more information.\n\nIf you are interested in other positions at the Tesla (for example working on vehicles), it is most helpful if you have a position in mind that you are interested in and I can forward your info on to the right people. For other positions, please see [http:\/\/www.teslamotors.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.teslamotors.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Full-Stack Software Engineers - Trulia, San Francisco - INTERN, VISA welcome; REMOTE possible\n\nContact me at firstname.lastname@example.com for more info, or send me your resume.\n\nPositions are available on multiple teams at Trulia, including on the rentals team that where I work. We're growing very quickly and aim to hire the highest quality people while doing so.\n\nHow we work:\n\nThe engineering team is about a hundred people, and we break into small teams of 2-4 to focus on specific projects. The rentals team is a small, vertically- integrated team within the larger engineering team. We are responsible for the entire Trulia Rentals product, giving us the speed and flexibility of a startup with the resources of a public company.\n\nWe release weekly, but new features are always under development and often span releases. Our local QA team writes automation tests and does hand testing of your features, working with you to ensure that only high quality code gets to production. Organizationally, we're pretty flat, though you'll have a mentor with whom you'll have weekly 1-on-1 meetings, to review code, exchange ideas, and ensure we're doing everything we can for you to thrive in your role.\n\nBehind the curtain:\n\n\\- 'Innovation Week' every quarter - work on any project you like for one week each quarter, recruit others to work on your project with you, present your work to other engineers (if you feel like it)\n\n\\- People you're happy to see every day\n\n\\- Stocked Kitchens and two kegerators\n\n\\- Unbeatable SOMA location with penthouse roof deck\n\n\\- All IDEs welcome\n\n\\- Aeron chairs\n\n\\- Great benefits (untracked time off, variety of health plans, 401k match)\n\nYou: \\- You have experience working on high-traffic, scalable internet applications\n\n\\- You love solving hard problems and working in small teams with smart people\n\n\\- You're comfortable with everything from bash scripting to javascript\n\n\\- You're a great person\n\n\\- You love making fast websites\n\nWhat you'll work with:\n\nOur base web stack is LAMP, but that rides on top of Solr\/Lucene, Hadoop, Memcache, Python, Couchbase, Open Street Maps, and more. We're rewriting our website to use Javascript on both client and server using Rendr.js, Node.js and Backbone.js. We use jQuery on the client, d3.js and Raphel.js for our charts and Git for source control. If there's something that's a good idea for the team, we'll do our best to implement it.\n\nWhy work at Trulia?\n\nEngineering gets respect.\n\nWe use the phrase 'we're a tech company that does Real Estate' to emphasize how important engineering is to the company. Engineering is the department that drives our apps, tools, data, and interfaces forward. This attitude comes not only from the Engineers, but from our CEO and other top management. They believe in us.\n\nWe have awesome problems to solve.\n\nThe housing market provides a fantastic blend of problems. We need creative people to help us combine the data about every address in America with the soft side of helping people find a home that makes them feel safe, happy, and comfortable.\n\nStability is wonderful.\n\nWe're that rare company that holds the culture of its startup roots, while blending in the sanity of a regular work schedule with an emphasis on work\/life\/family balance.\n\nTrulia is a successful rapidly growing Internet technology company, redefining the home search experience for consumers and changing the way real estate professionals build their businesses. Our marketplace, delivered through the web and mobile applications, gives consumers powerful tools to research homes and neighborhoods and enables real estate professionals to efficiently market their listings and attract new clients. Trulia was founded in 2005, backed by Accel Partners and Sequoia Capital, and had a successful IPO in 2012. We are headquartered in downtown San Francisco with offices in Denver and New York and voted Best Place to Work in both San Francisco and Denver.\n\n<\/comment> Bay Area, Full Time\/Contract\n\n\\- Ruby on Rails Developer\n\n\\- Sales and Business Development Lead\n\n[http:\/\/civicinsight.com\/jobs.html](http:\/\/civicinsight.com\/jobs.html)\n\n===About Us===\n\nAt Civic Insight, we are helping to build a world where all members of society have access to the data necessary to make informed and inclusive decisions about the trajectory of their neighborhoods. Our online platform makes official data about the management of buildings, permitting and construction available to the public in a refreshingly simple yet powerful interface. We have seen how lack of access to this information can be costly to businesses, governments and communities, and we're working to change that.\n\nWe've graduated from Code for America's Incubator, we have investments from the Knight Foundation, and we're generating consistent revenue. Our platform has garnered praise from PBS News Hour, Time Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal.\n\nWe're live in New Orleans and Palo Alto, and we're confirmed to launch in 11 new cities by the end of the year.\n\nThis is where you come in.\n\n===Seeking=== We are seeking a talented Ruby on Rails Developer to help us on- board new customers as well as continue to streamline and improve the platform in response to user and customer needs. We're looking for a team player who's eager to get their hands dirty working on a multi-tenant Rails application with lots of GIS data that has the potential to change the way we relate to the built environment in our cities.\n\n===Our current technology stack:===\n\n \n \n Ruby on Rails\n \n PostGIS database\n \n Leaflet.js \/ Mapbox \/ ESRI \/ Google Maps\n \n HighCharts.js\n \n Grape RESTful API microframework\n \n\n===You're excited to work on:===\n\n \n \n Integrating new customers into the platform\n \n Building out a comprehensive analytics framework\n \n Enhancing our geospatial searching and filtering capabilities\n \n Increasing automation and backend management\n \n Improving scalability and performance\n \n\n===You have:===\n\n \n \n Bachelor's degree in CS or related field or equivalent experience\n \n Experience with Ruby on Rails\n \n Strong proficiency writing RSpec tests\n \n Experience with with MVC Javascript\n \n Experience with GIS data\n \n Experience working with a variety of APIs and\/or building large data importers\n \n Good communication skills and a collaborative mentality\n \n\n===Bonus points:===\n\n \n \n You dabble in data science and have built a data visualization or two\n \n You have an eye for design; you have the ability and an interest in contributing to design conversations\n \n You have a passion for making cities work better, and maybe even some experience working on civic technology projects\n \n Experience working with time-series data\n \n Experience with building Ruby on Rails Engines\n \n Experience with multi-tenant Rails \/ SaaS applications\n\n<\/comment> TechEmpower - Los Angeles area, California (El Segundo, near LAX)\n\nYou may recognize us from the Web Framework Benchmarks that have been discussed on HN periodically: [http:\/\/www.techempower.com\/benchmarks\/](http:\/\/www.techempower.com\/benchmarks\/)\n\nWe don't want ninjas and rockstars, just good developers\n\nWe hire people, not skill sets. If you're a smart, motivated developer who likes our company culture, let's talk.\n\nOver the past 16 years we've cultivated a great group of people to work with. Our developers are smart, thoughtful, respectful to each other, opinionated, dedicated, and fun. We don't hire often, and when we do, we value these qualities as much as technical abilities.\n\nFounded by a former computer science professor, in many ways we keep the same feel as a small computer science lab (without the long hours):\n\n \n \n Challenging and varied projects\n Informal, comfortable environment\n Intelligent, engaged people\n Lively, respectful technology discussions\n Frequent mentoring\n Easy camaraderie\n General culture of helpfulness and friendliness \n \n\nTeams at TechEmpower are typically between 2 and 6 people. Because of the small size of our teams, we need developers able to work on all aspects of an application (\"full stack\" developers). We rely on individual developers to do much of the software design, with guidance and discussion, and actively work to improve each other's technical capabilities.\n\nOn average, a typical developer will get exposure to 3 or 4 different projects over the course of a year. Since each project has a different technology stack, developers gain varied experience over time and never stop learning.\n\nWe pride ourselves on doing the best work we can for our clients. This means working with them to really understand what they need built, carefully planning how to do it, and delivering what we promise while maintaining a sensible work\/life balance. We build quality applications and have fun doing it.\n\nAlso, we enjoy programming on high-performance workstations with 4K displays. A lot of code fits in 3840x2160 pixels!\n\nThe technologies we use vary over time with our mix of projects. Here is a snapshot of the technologies we use at the moment:\n\n \n \n Languages: Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, Ruby, PHP\n Tools: Git, Jenkins (Continuous Integration), Sonar (static code analysis), Eclipse, IntelliJ, Ant, Maven\n Web: Dropwizard, .NET MVC 5, Play, Django, Rails, Mustache, Handlebars, Backbone, Angular, Knockout, JSP, Servlets, jQuery, etc.\n Mobile: iOS, Android, PhoneGap\n Hosting: AWS (EC2, RDS, etc.), Rackspace Cloud, Linux deployments\n Data Persistence: ORM (Hibernate, etc.), MySQL, Postgres, MS SQL Server, NoSQL (Redis, MongoDB) \n \n\nWe don't expect new hires to have experience with all of these, but developers at TechEmpower can expect to expand their skillsets with most of these over time.\n\nIf this sounds like the kind of place you'd like to work, please apply here: [http:\/\/jobs.techempower.com\/hn](http:\/\/jobs.techempower.com\/hn)\n\n<\/comment> UX Designer \u2014 MIT Cambridge, MA\n\nWe're looking for someone to help us plan, design, code and test the user workflows, behaviors and interfaces of web-based applications. This role will work to understand the needs of an application's users and translate that knowledge into the creation of workflows and experiences that promote learning, with special emphasis on usability. As a member of the User Experience & Interaction team, this candidate works closely with product management, programmers and other designers to translate product requirements into highly usable web applications using cutting edge technology. The UX Designer must be comfortable addressing a complex and diverse set of interaction problems, and researching and\/or developing new solutions to design\/technology challenges.\n\nThis role must be comfortable working both independently and collaboratively, with good time management skills, solid team experiences and proven judgment in order to plan, prioritize and accomplish goals. Strong creative skills and effective decision-making skills are required.\n\n\u2022 Develop conceptual models, storyboards, scenarios, flowcharts, prototypes, detailed UI design requirements and interface designs. \u2022 Build and write design deliverables to effectively communicate functional behavior to stakeholders. \u2022 Create, run and analyze usability tests to measure effectiveness of UI solutions; incorporate results into overall UX design through assessment and prioritization of business, technical and user constraints. \u2022 Knowledge of ARIA, usability, accessibility (508-compliance) and cross-browser compatibility \u2022 Evaluate effectiveness of new and existing projects and features through performance metrics, customer feedback, competitive landscape, and industry standard best practices to evolve and continuously improve user experience. \u2022 Perform necessary research for each project including ethnography, competitive analysis, and participatory exercises. \u2022 Advise client\/team\/stakeholders on user experience and human factors best practices. \u2022 Present prototypes to client\/team\/stakeholders and iterates as appropriately. \u2022 Proficiently code in HTML and CSS\/SASS; advocate web standards, cross-browser compatibility and semantic mark-up; hold basic understanding of Javascript\/AJAX. \u2022 Actively identify product issues, propose solutions, participate in quality improvement activities. \u2022 Maintain strategic outlook and great attention to detail. \u2022 Collaborate within a dynamic multidisciplinary team. \u2022 Have excellent written and verbal communication skills.\n\nPlease submit a CV, portfolio and cover letter to email@example.com\n\nThanks!\n\n<\/comment> FoundationDB - Developer; Sales Engineer - DC, Boston, Bay Area\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--- \\---- About FoundationDB <\/comment>- \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n\nFoundationDB is the company behind the eponymous distributed database. FoundationDB's primary product - its Key-Value Store - is unique in the database market. It is a distributed, high performance, exceptionally fault- tolerant ordered key\/value store that supports true, no asterisk, ACID transactions across all data in a cluster. The unique characteristics of the key-value store make it relatively easy to build stateless layers that expose different data models at the top and store all of their state in they key\/value store at the bottom, using ACID transactions. The product vision is to make it possible for organizations to store all of their state in FoundationDB, while providing their application developers access to all of the various data models and APIs that they want to use for their applications.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--- \\- Developer - DC or Boston Area - \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n\nFoundationDB is currently seeking exceptional developers to join our growing team. In this position you will help us continue to build the next generation of transactional database technology. You will work with a team of exceptional engineers with backgrounds from top CS programs, research fields, and successful startups. We don't just write software, we build our own languages, simulations, and state of the art tools to write better software.\n\nKey Responsibilities:\n\n* Working closely with other development team members on core and layer development.\n\n* Thinking about high-level and long-term implications of design decisions\n\n* Taking significant ownership in projects\n\n* Doing a significant amount of actual coding each day\n\n* Contributing to our dynamic entrepreneurial environment\n\nRequired Skills:\n\n* A good attitude, friendly personality, and strong work ethic\n\n* Strong systems programming experience\n\n* A high level of interest in software engineering and computer science\n\n* Ability to work legally in the US\n\nBeneficial, But Not Required Skills:\n\n* Experience working on large software development projects\n\n* Proficiency in C++\n\n* Experience with distributed systems development\n\n* An interesting portfolio of side projects that show you enjoy solving problems\n\n* Experience interacting with users\n\n* Strong verbal and written communication skills\n\nApply here for DC area: [https:\/\/foundationdb.com\/jobs\/8923-Developer-Tysons- Corner-V...](https:\/\/foundationdb.com\/jobs\/8923-Developer-Tysons-Corner-VA- Washington-DC-?gh_jid=8923)\n\nApply here for Boston area: [https:\/\/foundationdb.com\/jobs\/10443-Developer- Boston-Cambrid...](https:\/\/foundationdb.com\/jobs\/10443-Developer-Boston- Cambridge-?gh_jid=10443)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>- Sales Engineer - DC, Boston, Bay Area \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-\n\nFoundationDB is currently seeking Sales Engineers to join our growing team. In this position you will be the technical representative for FoundationDB's products and services. Your mission will be to work with our Sales team to ensure the successful closure of software and services sales, while laying the foundation for customer success.\n\nThis role requires deep, hands-on database and\/or development experience - will be much more than a powerpoint jockey. You will be writing \"Layers\" and contributing them to the FoundationDB community. You will architect and deliver technology solutions for customers, prospects and partners. Experience with the entire customer success lifecycle is crucial \u2013 conception, solution architecture, technology evaluation, solution presentation, pilot, production, performance optimization and maintenance & support.\n\nWorking knowledge of high-performance cloud architectures and distributed database systems (SQL & NoSQL) as well as hands-on engineering is essential. We're looking for customer-facing, hands-on technologists with a track record of success to join us in locations throughout North America.\n\nSales Engineers are responsible for actively driving and managing the technology evaluation stage of the sales process; working in conjunction with the sales team as the key technical advisor and product advocate. Presenting FoundationDB products as well as building strong relationships with key sponsors both during and after the sales cycle.\n\nThe Sales Engineer must be able to articulate technology and product positioning to both business and technical users across a wide variety of horizontal solution landscapes and in vertical industries. He or she must be able to rapidly identify all technical issues of assigned accounts to assure complete customer satisfaction through all stages of the sales process. Sales Engineers must be able to establish and maintain strong relationships throughout the sales, and then customer success, cycles.\n\nAn existing network and\/or relationships within the DevOps community in Cloud, SaaS, eCommerce, Media & Entertainment and\/or Financial organizations is a plus.\n\nKey Responsibilities:\n\n* Partner with the Sales team and Account Executives to achieve defined sales goals.\n\n* Propose technical and business solutions in support of sales activities.\n\n* Present technical and business aspects of proposed solutions to prospective and existing customers.\n\n* Assist with strategy development within the target accounts by building customer relationships.\n\n* Manage target accounts that may span multiple Account Executives.\n\n* Work with Partners to achieve defined sales goals.\n\n* Lead efforts to ensure the delivery of all technical resources into the sales campaigns.\n\n* Assist in the production of RFPs and other proposals to prospective and existing customers.\n\n* Responsible for development and delivery of consistently high-quality product demonstrations focused on advancing the sales cycle and addressing specific customer needs.\n\n* Responsible for the design and delivery of on or off site technical Proof-of-Concepts for prospective customers.\n\n* Responsible for representing the product to customers; and at field events such as conferences, seminars, etc.\n\n* Work with colleagues across the organization to receive the support needed to accomplish the technical goals.\n\n* Creative solution development and presentation based on customer requirements, challenges and needs.\n\n* Sphere of Influence: Sales team, customers and prospective customers, partners\n\nTechnical Skills: Experience with one or more in each of the categories below\n\nEngineering: Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, Node,js, C\/C++\/C#, .NET, SQL, Go, Erlang, Scala\n\nDatabases \/ State Storage Systems: Relational (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL), NoSQL (key value, document, graph, columnar), Time Series databases\n\nOperating Systems: Linux, Windows, Macintosh OS\n\nRequired Skills:\n\n* 8+ years of related experience in IT.\n\n* 5+ years of specialized experience in software development or software delivery organization.\n\n* Previous experience with architecture, design, build and management of distributed applications, databases\n\n* Previous experience providing database and\/or NoSQL solutions\n\n* Previous experience with data infrastructure tools \u2013 Integration, ETL, MDM, data quality\n\n* Previous experience with Time Series applications\n\n* Experience with Linux, Windows system configuration or Network configuration (TCP\/IP, web servers, firewalls, security).\n\n* Extensive experience in production environments (application servers, web servers, databases), together with experience working with DevOps teams.\n\n* History of success with Enterprise customer sales cycles, prototypes or large-scale development and deployment projects.\n\n* Technical depth to respond to all functional and technical elements of RFIs\/RFPs.\n\n* Proven success conveying customer requirements to Product Management teams.\n\n* Strong verbal and written communication skills, customer interaction, requirements analysis, presentations, training, requirements specifications, system design, and documentation of user guides.\n\n* Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Math, Computer Science, or equivalent background.\n\n* Willingness to travel to customer locations.\n\nApply here: [https:\/\/foundationdb.com\/jobs\/10431-Sales- Engineer?gh_jid=10...](https:\/\/foundationdb.com\/jobs\/10431-Sales- Engineer?gh_jid=10431)\n\n<\/comment> LDR Interactive \u2014 [http:\/\/ldrinteractive.com\/](http:\/\/ldrinteractive.com\/) \u2014 Cleveland, OH \u2014 Full Time Local (Sorry, No Remote)\n\nCome to LDR, and enjoy a fun and innovative environment. Our team is revolutionizing the media industry. LDR is growing, and we are looking for smart and driven people to join our team!\n\nWe're a funded, profitable startup working in the broadcast media space. We're looking to expand our development team, and currently have two full time development openings available:\n\n\\---\n\nLead Web Application Developer, TopicPulse\n\nLDR Interactive has created an innovative social news platform called TopicPulse. TopicPulse provides publishers and broadcasters with automatic discovery of online content, such as news stories, as well as minute-by-minute analysis and insight into social activity (local or national) around a given story or piece of content. TopicPulse is a growing system with a great future!\n\nLDR is looking to recruit a talented developer who can help expand TopicPulse's feature set and positively influence the trajectory of the product. Our ideal candidate takes pride in finding elegant solutions to hard problems and writing efficient, understandable code.\n\n\\---\n\nSenior Web Application Developer\n\nLDR has a team of highly talented software engineers who have built our scalable interactive platform that connects listeners with our AM \/ FM \/ Internet radio partners.\n\nNow, we have an opening for a full-time software engineer on our evolving team. Our company and engineering team has been expanding this year, and we are looking for a special person for this new Web Application Developer position.\n\n\\---\n\nStuff we like \/ use (and things with which ideal candidates should have experience):\n\nBackend:\n\n\\- PHP (modular, object-oriented, 5.4+)\n\n\\- MySQL (MariaDB technically)\n\n\\- Apache (and nginx)\n\n\\- Linux\n\n\\- Chef\n\n\\- ElasticSearch\n\n\\- Node.js\n\n\\- Redis\n\n\\- MongoDB\n\n\\- Memcache\n\n\\- Cordova \/ PhoneGap \/ mobile app development in general\n\nFrontend:\n\n\\- HTML (duh)\n\n\\- Javascript\n\n\\- jQuery\n\n\\- Bootstrap\n\nMissing a couple of these? Apply anyway.\n\nSee [http:\/\/ldrinteractive.com\/careers.php](http:\/\/ldrinteractive.com\/careers.php) for more details on both positions (in addition to our other openings) and to apply. We'd love to hear from you!\n\n Every 'who's hiring' thread I cmd + f Cleveland, finally a hit (not for me but good luck)!\n\n Too bad. Please pass along to any PHP developers you know!\n\n(Just curious, do you not do backend development or is there something specific in that list you don't do \/ like?)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Benzinga -- is getting massive amounts of new traffic and we need some more team members to help us handle all the new visitors either REMOTE or local full-time in Detroit, MI.\n\n \n \n Positions\n \u2606\u2606\u2606 Lead UX \/ UI Designer \/ CD - Full creative control + build your own team\n \u2606 Senior Django Developer \n \u2606 Senior Drupal Developer\n \n \n Quick Stats\n \u2605 Customers include TD Ameritrade, Microsoft, Yahoo\n \u2605 20 million+ monthly readers\n \u2605 1000s of subscribers to our private Marketfy investor communities\n \u2605 Accelerated growth rate \n \n\nWe're a financial media company, a poor man's - lest we say everyday man's - Bloomberg competitor, and a financial product SaaS all forged together into a powerful trident that is attacking the high seas of Wall Street in a relentless pursuit of transparency.\n\nAnd conquer we shall! We've grown 100% quarter over quarter all last year and another 100% just in the last month. Our team has surged to 30+ people and the waves of revenue washed together to form a rushing roar with just one of our products going from nothing to $200k\/month in under a year.\n\nBeing a media company we find our way into all kinds of cool stuff. Our office is furnished with things like a $3000 high-end bed that was sent to us to review. We got to talk to and get pictures with Warren Buffett and Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs) when they came to Detroit.\n\nBut, you interject, finance is one of the toughest startup seas to sail upon! The old boys club runs an ironclad ship with no visible decks for boarding. Avast! We've built a battering ram of a business in just a few short years that has pummeled its way deep into the heart of Wall Street. Old Ironsides has warmed itself to Benzinga and once a taste the thirst cannot be quenched.\n\nWe've recently became Microsoft's premier finance partner alongside 3 other companies, all worth over a billion dollars and established for years. As of this Christmas we were installed by default on 500 million desktops and tablets via Windows 8 Finance. No download necessary. That's right mateys, we're in the source code.\n\nAnd if you happen to trade or invest yourself you'll find us inside almost all of the major brokerages in the US.\n\nSo, where do you fit in this rigging, you swashbuckling scalawag? Well, our team is crazy ambitious, motivated, and experienced with shaking shit up. If you know your tech, and want on deck this is the place to do it. Your exact technical background and language of choice doesn't matter as much as your motivation and your ability to adapt quickly.\n\nWe are a young team and we're especially looking for sailors who've got some salt in their whiskers who can help us scale from millions to hundreds of millions.\n\nWhy be a ninja when you can be a pirate? This ship is forging a new course, send an email to firstname.lastname@example.com to board!\n\nEmail us now: firstname.lastname@example.com Check us out: [http:\/\/marketfy.com](http:\/\/marketfy.com) and [http:\/\/benzinga.com](http:\/\/benzinga.com)\n\n<\/comment> NationBuilder, Senior Software engineers, Los Angeles.\n\n(www.nationbuilder.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Rackspace - San Francisco, CA (will relocate and remote possible)\n\nTLDR; email me if you want a great job writing software to change the world: email@example.com.\n\nOk, it's time to make a decision\u2026\n\nDo you want to write closed-source software to enrichen your corporate overlords...do you want to take a flyer with a startup and do all the work without the big founder upside...or do you want to write open-source software and collaborate with other awesome devs around the world working on the leading edge of cloud computing, while making great salary and benefits?\n\nIf it's the latter, we are changing the future of cloud computing at Rackspace and collaborating with OpenStack, Docker, CoreOS and anyone else that wants to joint the OSS cloud party. Just check out our latest offering, OnMetal [1], which is a combination of open source software (OpenStack) [2] and open source hardware (OpenCompute) [3].\n\nIf you are passionate about OSS\/cloud\/distributed systems, we would love to have you be part of our team in SF. We have positions available in a startup environment with recent acquisitions Mailgun and Exceptional.io, as well as big, hairy distributed computing problems to solve at Rackspace. So there is something for everyone.\n\nWe are located in the SoMa neighborhood in San Francisco on 2nd St. and Folsom.\n\nBelow are some positions currently available:\n\n* All: Get stuff done, people that are motivated to make an impact.\n\n* All: Excited to build new products, passion for new technology, new programming models.\n\n* Backend Engineer: Distributed systems experience, passion for large scale systems.\n\n* Frontend Engineer: Architecting interesting fully client side apps, dashboards, live updates, etc...\n\n* Data Engineer: Building big data systems to be used throughout the company.\n\n* Spam Fighting Engineer (Mailgun): Finding spammers and fraudsters with smart algorithms.\n\n* Deliverability Engineer (Mailgun): Automating email deliverability best practices into code.\n\n* Marketing Manager (Mailgun and Exceptional.io): Taking the lead on these teams' marketing efforts.\n\nI was a co-founder of Mailgun and I run the SF office so email me directly if you are interested: firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.rackspace.com\/cloud\/servers\/onmetal](http:\/\/www.rackspace.com\/cloud\/servers\/onmetal) [2] [https:\/\/www.openstack.org](https:\/\/www.openstack.org) [3] [http:\/\/www.opencompute.org](http:\/\/www.opencompute.org)\n\n<\/comment> Portland, OR: Treehouse - Java Teacher - [http:\/\/teamtreehouse.com](http:\/\/teamtreehouse.com)\n\n[https:\/\/teamtreehouse.com\/jobs\/at- treehouse-0e946294-cb80-45...](https:\/\/teamtreehouse.com\/jobs\/at- treehouse-0e946294-cb80-4524-b782-60d391414905)\n\n __Overview __\n\nTreehouse is an educational technology company. Our mission is to bring affordable technology education to people everywhere, in order to help them achieve their dreams and change the world. As a teacher at Treehouse, you'll join our amazing teaching team to create world class learning material for Treehouse students. Due to the nature of high quality video production, you will need to work from our production office in Portland, Oregon.\n\n __Responsibilities __\n\n\\- Work with other teachers to design the Treehouse curriculum at a high level by identifying topics that are critical to job-readiness.\n\n\\- Write structured educational content and work with the video team through production and release. This includes writing scripts, creating engaging example projects, building assessment material using Treehouse Quizzes and Code Challenges, and recording all course materials both on-set and as a screencast.\n\n\\- Iterate quickly on courses to keep them up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies.\n\n\\- Research new languages, tools, frameworks, open source projects, and other material to stay on the cutting-edge of technology.\n\n\\- Support Treehouse courses after their release by responding to student questions and making critical updates to courses as necessary.\n\n __Qualifications __\n\n\\- Deep knowledge of Java for desktop and web application development\n\n\\- Deep knowledge of related web technologies for Java web development (HTML\/CSS\/JS)\n\n\\- Knowledge of native Android development is a plus\n\n\\- Passionate about sharing knowledge and teaching others\n\n\\- Outstanding writing abilities\n\n\\- Excellent presentation skills and on-camera confidence\n\n __Benefits __\n\n\\- Full coverage for medical, dental, and vision insurance\n\n\\- 4-day, 32-hour work week (we don't work on Friday)\n\n\\- 18 days (or 4.5 weeks) paid time off\n\n\\- 401(k) contribution matching, 100% up to 6% of your salary\n\n\\- $5,000 office setup budget\n\n\\- $1,500 annual education budget (conferences, books, classes, etc.)\n\n\\- Free iPhone or Android phone and monthly contract compensation\n\n\\- Free lunch every day\n\n<\/comment> Premise Data Corporation,San Francisco\n\n\\<\/comment>About Premise<\/comment> Premise is building a novel information-gathering network on a global scale. The network harnesses the explosion in mobile technology, combined with sophisticated machine learning capabilities, to aggregate observations from users all around the world to deliver business, economic and human development data in real-time. We are growing the platform to sufficient scale where it will deliver any user-observable information on demand, whether that is the price of food staples at a Mumbai street market, or the length of a queue at a Walmart de M\u00e9xico parking lot.\n\nWe're a fast-growing startup \u2013 bolstered by the backing of significant 'smart money,' but still young enough such that you'll be a core member of the team that is reinventing how the human race understands its own economic activity. We're being helped in our mission by Silicon Valley's most creative and disruptive investors: Social+Capital Partnership, Google Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz and Harrison Metal.\n\nBottom line, this is an opportunity for someone who:\n\nWants to build something meaningful at a fast-growing and mission-driven startup Wants to contribute to the amazing, messy evolution of the open-source ecosystem Actually cares about social good enough to make Premise a permanent part of their resume Read more about Premise in TechCrunch, New York Times, Wired, The New Yorker, TheAtlantic, MIT Technology Review and The Wall Street Journal.\n\nBenefits & Perks _Great open office workspace in SF SoMa \/Design District, near CalTrain, BART, 101\/280\\. _Competitive salary and equity packages. _Health, dental, and vision benefits._ Open vacation policy. We hire folks who ship and love to code, no need to count days. _Create your ideal work environment._ Free healthy meals, snacks, and beverages.\n\n __ __ __ _Software Engineer- Data_ __ __ __\n\nResponsibilities: _Build data pipelines that analyze web content as well as user activity to drive features ranging from user-engagement, user-retention, notifications, targeting, geo-spatial applications, A \/B-experimentation, cohort\/session analytics _Develop & launch algorithms to extract signals from data, develop recommenders, extract entities, generate product taxonomy, detect sentiment, improve search relevance and generate user preferences _Develop & launch algorithms for time-series analysis, anomaly detection, analyze media, generate indices based on econometric models _Own release and quality assurance of data sets, including QA\/side-by-side eval & pipeline metrics\n\nRequired Qualifications: _Experience developing, releasing, and maintaining search \/knowledge\/data-mining applications (send us links to your projects) _BS, MS or PhD in Computer Science or equivalent work experience & analytical skills _2+ years of experience in developing applications using one or more of: Java, Python, Scala_ Deep understanding of Data Structures, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Statistical Methods _Working knowledge of at least two of: MySQL, Redis, Hadoop \/Spark, MongoDB, Protocol Buffers\/Avro, Play Framework _Passion for learning and sharing knowledge with the team around you\n\nBonus Qualifications: _Experience building consumer \/marketplace products _Experience with one or more of NLP toolkits (Lucene, Solr\/ElasticSearch, NLTK, Hadoop\/Cascading\/Scalding, Apache Tika) _Experience with graph databases & computing models (Neo4j, Gigraph, Titan) _Passion for creating products; personal projects or other work (send us links to your GitHub repos)\n\n __ __ __ _Software Engineer- Computer Vision_ __ __ __\n\nResponsibilities: _Build data pipelines that analyze user-generated images and other media, to drive features ranging from automated quality control, user- engagement, user-retention, targeting, gamification_ Develop & launch algorithms to extract signals from time-varying text, numerical & image data, develop recommenders, extract entities, generate product taxonomy, detect sentiment, improve search relevance and generate user preferences _Develop & launch algorithms for time-series analysis, anomaly detection, analyze media _Own release and quality assurance of data sets, including QA\/side-by-side eval & pipeline metrics\n\nRequired Qualifications: _Experience developing, releasing, and maintaining vision \/knowledge applications (send us links to your projects) _BS, MS or PhD in Computer Science or equivalent work experience & analytical skills _2+ years of experience in developing applications using one or more of: Java, Python, Scala_ Deep understanding of Data Structures, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Statistical Methods _Expert knowledge of vision related libraries such as OpenCV, SimpleCV, CCV as well a familiarity with NLP toolkits._ Passion for learning and sharing knowledge with the team around you\n\n __ __ __ _Software Engineer- Backend_ __ __ __\n\nResponsibilities: _Build backend applications that drive features ranging from user-engagement, user-retention, notifications, targeting, experimentation, analytics, and interfacing with external systems_ Collaborate with frontend engineers to build clean & well-documented APIs that drive fast & highly relevant user experience. _Collaborate with data engineers to build scalable pipelines ranging from ingest content, cleaning web content, deriving signals that feedback into the application_ Own release and quality assurance of backend components, automate testing infrastructure & performance monitoring\n\nRequired Qualifications: _Experience developing, releasing, and maintaining backend Applications (send us links to your projects)_ BS, MS or PhD in Computer Science or equivalent work experience & analytical skills _2+ years of experience in developing backend applications using two or more of: Java, Python, Scala, Ruby, Node.js_ Deep understanding of Data Structures, Algorithms, Distributed Computing, Storage Systems _Deep understanding of at least two of: MySQL, Redis, Hadoop \/Spark, MongoDB, Protocol Buffers\/Avro, Play Framework _Passion for learning and sharing knowledge with the team around you\n\nBonus Qualifications: _Experience building consumer products using Facebook, Twitter APIs_ Experience building or interfacing with XMPP-based systems, or other messaging\/notification platforms _Information Retrieval (Lucene, NLTK), data-mining, data-modeling_ Experience building scalable mobile\/web applications with HTML5 as well as server-side components using Python, Ruby, Scala, MySQL or similar technologies _Passion for creating products; personal projects or other work (send us links to your GitHub repos)_ Maven, Intellij, Gradle, SBT, JUnit, Remote Debugging, JVM cpu & memory profiling, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment\n\n<\/comment> Expensify-San Francisco, CA-Fulltime, Programmer Extraordinaire\n\nHey there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Expensify and we do \"expense reports that don't suck!\" (Google \"expensify\" to read more.) We're getting crushed under an ever-growing pile of super awesome work, and I need one bright soul to help us dig our way out. I can guarantee you fun, an amazing opportunity to learn, and the siren's call of distant riches. But only if you are all of the following:\n\n\\- An incredibly hard worker, even when it's not so fun. There is a ton of work to do, and a lot of it downright sucks. After all \u2014 we do the sucky work so our customers won't need to. I need you to buck up and grind through server logs, user emails, source code, and bug reports, without complaint or supervision, and come back asking for more.\n\n\\- A cool person to be with. Not a crazy party animal, just someone we can trust, rely upon, hang out with, bounce ideas off of, and generally interact with in a positive way, both personally and professionally. In fact, this is one of the most stringent requirements we have: would you be fun to hang out with day and night on some remote, exotic beach? This isn't a rhetorical question, either: every year we take the company overseas for a month (on your own dime, sorry) and work incredibly hard while having a ton of fun. We've done Thailand, Mexico, India, Turkey, Croatia and the Philippines. Where do you want to go next?\n\n\\- Super talented, in a general way. We're going to throw a ton of work at you of every possible sort, and you need that magic skill of being able to figure it out even if you have no idea where to start. On any given day you might bounce between super low-level coding, super high-level technical support, marketing-driven data-mining, updating our user documentation, inventing\/designing\/building some new feature, etc. This is not a code monkey job \u2014 you're going to be a full participant in the process, and you need to bring your own unique blend of skills to the table.\n\n\\- Specifically talented in a programming way. You can instantly visualize solutions to problems big and small. Your code is always clean, well commented, has good nomenclature and indentation. You can switch on a dime between C++, PHP, Bash, Cron, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Dwoo, SQL \u2014 not because you know them all, but because you're the sort of person who can just pick it up and figure it out. If you're this sort of person, you'll know what I mean. If not, then this position isn't for you.\n\nAnd there are a bunch more, but odds are if you got this far, nothing I can do would stop you from applying. That's a problem because while I know you are awesome, it's actually really hard and time consuming to find you in the midst of the literally hundreds of other applications I get from everyone else. So this is where I'm going to ask my first favor: can you make it really easy and obvious how great you are, so I don't accidentally overlook you?\n\nThere are probably many ways to do that. But the easiest way to do that is to check out we.are.expensify.com and send in an application(which you can find at [http:\/\/we.are.expensify.com\/apply](http:\/\/we.are.expensify.com\/apply)). We are excited to hear from you! \\-----\n\n<\/comment> NationBuilder, Senior Ruby Engineers, Los Angeles- CA NationBuilder is an online Community Organizing System built by a world-class team dedicated to empowering a new generation of leaders and creators with the tools they need to create a new world.\n\nWe're currently hiring great software developers to join our core and web systems teams in Los Angeles. We will relocate folks, so if you've ever wanted to live in LA, this is probably the best opportunity you'll get. (And if you never considered living in LA we'll convince you that it's the greatest city to live in.)\n\nOur driving force as a company is to empower organizers to make the world a better place, and we do this by creating a powerful product with a great customer experience.\n\nAs a team we are dedicated to continuous learning and improvement. We will push code within minutes of a customer reporting a problem, and our entire process is set up for rapid iteration and agile development.\n\nOn our core and web systems teams, you will build, extend, refactor, and scale the core parts of our product. From systems that form a content management system for websites, to a comprehensive control panel for relationship and contact management, to scalable integrations with domain management and email systems -- you will be responsible for keeping NationBuilder running well, becoming better and faster, and achieving our mission. Your skills will need to be balanced between the front-end and the back-end, as you will cross layers from the database to JavaScript in order to develop new features. Your troubleshooting skills will allow you to drill down from a bug report to a solution regardless of complexity. You will work with the product management team to develop delightful, usable, fast, and maintainable features that solve real customer needs.\n\nYou:\n\nare always interested in learning new things.\n\nget excited when you have the chance to pair.\n\npractice test-driven development and judicious refactoring.\n\nenjoy being responsive to customer feedback.\n\nare a pragmatic problem solver, knowing how to find the middle ground between \"perfect, but takes forever to code\" and \"fixes it now, but nobody will ever be able to understand what I did\"\n\nwork well in small teams with a clear mission.\n\ndetail oriented and precise in code, communication, and documentation.\n\nhave the insight to know what's important and the dedication to get it done.\n\nSkills required:\n\nWhile existing experience with the technologies we use is welcome, an open and disciplined approach to your work is more important to us than whether you already know Ruby, Rails or anything else in our stack. We value the willingness to learn our technologies and environment over domain-specific skills.\n\nWe use Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, HTML\/CSS\/SCSS, and JavaScript (JQuery, Handlebars.js, Underscore.js, etc).\n\nPlease send email to firstname.lastname@example.com with:\n\nContact details, resume, that sort of thing\n\nSites you've worked on recently\n\nGitHub account (or other online code) if you have it\n\n<\/comment> Full Stack Web Developer at Tripnary -- Chicago, IL (LOCAL only)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----- About Tripnary \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nTripnary ([http:\/\/www.tripnary.com;](http:\/\/www.tripnary.com;) [http:\/\/angel.co\/tripnary](http:\/\/angel.co\/tripnary)) is a seed-funded, an early stage travel startup based in Chicago. We are focused on building a disruptive mobile\/web app that helps travelers save and organize the places they want to see and be ready for their next vacation. We want to eliminate the clutter of spreadsheets, bookmarks, emails, etc. that are currently used to document travel plans and provide an easy way to collect all the places you find around the web in one app and create your own itinerary with built-in travel tools. We have a slick web app (currently in private beta) with a jaw- dropping design that blows away everyone who sees it. We have validated the concept with critical feedback from travel bloggers, destination experts, and enthusiasts. We are continuously evolving the product and building the next generation of the app that can be best described as Pinterest travel boards meets Kayak. We work out of 1871, the coolest co-working space for the city's digital startups.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----- About the role \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nTripnary is seeking a highly motivated visionary with experience in building web apps to join the team. As a partner, you will\n\n\\-- Collaborate with the founders to refine and execute on the Tripnary vision.\n\n\\-- Spearhead end-to-end development and participate in planning, architecture, design and implementation of a beautiful and intuitive travel app.\n\n\\-- Guide the product roadmap and help deliver features that provide maximum value to Tripnary's users.\n\n\\-- Be a team player with an open mind possessing confidence to make important product-related decisions.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----- What Tripnary offers \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nTripnary promises a fun, energetic, and fast-paced startup environment and the opportunity to be an early member of a growing team of passionate and tight- knit group of young entrepreneurs with a vision. Because we are a startup, everyone on the team is fully involved on multiple levels. This allows you to gain a great deal of experience both within and beyond your specific area of expertise as everyone works cohesively to accomplish a greater goal. The founder brings over a decade of combined experience with software development and technology businesses delivering million-dollar software products. You will be coming into a very goal-oriented, technically grounded team. We promise exciting challenges, a broad range of experiences across a variety of projects and the chance to make a difference while working in a casual but fast-paced setting. Just remember to work hard and party harder (or in our case, travel farther). Our vacation policy is \"take some\" (just make sure to bring back a fridge magnet from your adventures!).\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----- What we are looking for \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nWe are looking for people with:\n\n\\-- Experience building web applications in an open source stack like Ruby on Rails, Python\/Django, or node.js\/Express with either PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB. However, if you are proficient with C#\/.NET or Java, we would love to talk to you as well.\n\n\\-- Experience with RESTful web services (Google Maps, Foursquare, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc.), JSON, XML, and SQL\n\n\\-- Fluency with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX\n\n\\-- Knowledge of at least one client-side app frameworks such as Backbone.js, AngularJS, or Ember.js, etc.\n\n\\-- Keen eye for design with demonstrated background to show\n\n\\-- Passionate about delivering a delightful experience to users\n\n\\-- Experience deploying and hosting applications on Amazon Web Services, Heroku, or other cloud environments\n\n\\-- Experience with test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD)\n\n\\-- Strong understanding of object-oriented programming including algorithms, data structures, and design patterns\n\n\\-- Creative thinker with excellent analytical, troubleshooting, and debugging skills\n\n\\-- Self-motivated, enthusiastic, fast learner with the ability to work in a team environment\n\n\\-- Ability to wear many different hats\n\n\\-- Attitude to thrive in a fun, fast-paced startup environment\n\nWe prefer people with:\n\n\\-- Understanding of machine learning, Hadoop, and\/or MapReduce\n\n\\-- Passion and love for everything travel\n\n\\-- Appreciation for design thinking\n\n\\-- Bachelor's\/Master's degree in computer science\/engineering or related field\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----- Compensation \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nWe provide competitive packages with both a salary and generous equity. Compensation for this position will consist of a substantial company equity as we are looking for the right partner with an entrepreneurial mindset. This ensures that we all take ownership of Tripnary and have a vested personal interest in its success.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----- How to apply \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nIf you are interested to be part of Tripnary please drop us an email with your resume at firstname.lastname@example.com. Thanks a lot for your interest!\n\nAll applicants must be authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship.\n\n<\/comment> DoorDash (YC S13) - Palo Alto, CA - hiring engineers and operations managers to build the future of on-demand logistics.\n\nWe're creating a platform to connect small businesses with consumers for the next generation of local delivery. Unlike other local logistics companies, we operate a full stack delivery service: by partnering with merchants, hiring our own drivers, and building our own logistics software, we are able to control the entire delivery experience to make it more efficient for everyone.\n\nOur team is looking to grow with talented people who want to build much more than just a food delivery company. We help small businesses grow, give underemployed people meaningful work, and offer affordable convenience to consumers. I'm happy to answer any of your questions: email@example.com.\n\nWe're hiring for all jobs listed here: [https:\/\/www.doordash.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.doordash.com\/jobs). DoorDash is growing very quickly and we'd love to have you join us!\n\nEngineering:\n\n* Front-end Engineer - build intuitive user experiences by interfacing with our APIs and using your framework of choice\n\n* Software Engineer - create predictive models to efficiently assign drivers to orders and build out our backend systems\n\n* iOS\/Android Developer - bring our products for consumers, merchants, and drivers to mobile\n\n* Designer - work with all DoorDash teams to work on any part of the visual delivery experience, including print materials, marketing campaigns, and web UI\/UX\n\nOperations:\n\n* General manager (LA\/Chicago) - be the CEO of a market. You'll be responsible for the financials, building a team, running the launch playbook, and reporting back to HQ how your local team is performing.\n\n* Operations Manager, Chicago - Build and scale out a world class driver workforce that's excited about delivering happiness to our customers.\n\n* Operations Launcher - Brings DoorDash into new markets across the country. In this role, you will execute the launch playbook and processes to bring drivers to each city that DoorDash serves.\n\n* Partnerships Launcher - Brings DoorDash into new markets across the country. In this role, you will co-create the launch playbook and processes to partner with merchants in each city that DoorDash serves.\n\n* Bay Area Sales Lead - Grow merchant partnerships for DoorDash in the Bay Area.\n\n* Drive Team Builder - We are looking for someone to join our Operations Team to focus on driver acquisition. You will pitch driver candidates on DoorDash as an expert on our brand, and develop and lead our driver acquisition strategy as we expand to new markets.\n\n* Operations support - join our elite ops team to delight customers by any means necessary and support drivers while they deliver\n\n* Partnerships launcher - bring DoorDash into new markets across the country by creating the launch playbook to partner with local merchants\n\n* Merchant account manager - support small businesses across the country as they grow and partner with DoorDash delivery\n\n* Operations manager - build and scale out a world class driver workforce that's excited about delivering happiness to our customers\n\n* Delivery driver - work full-time or part-time delivery happiness (and food!) to delight our customers.\n\nWhat you'll get:\n\n* Free lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks\n\n* Health, Dental and Vision covered 100%\n\n* Unlimited free deliveries via DoorDash!\n\n* Competitive salary and equity packages\n\n* Flexible hours. We're an active team that loves to get outside every day\n\n* Open vacation policy\n\n* Free on-demand magic tricks from our in-house magician\n\n<\/comment> DICOM Grid [http:\/\/dicomgrid.com\/](http:\/\/dicomgrid.com\/) \\- Phoenix, AZ or REMOTE\n\nDICOM Grid, a SaaS start-up in the healthcare technology field, is looking for a JavaScript\/TypeScript developer to maintain and enhance DICOM Grid's front- end medical image sharing and reading web application. You will report to the Director of Dev Ops.\n\nFamiliarity with modern front-end web development is essential.\n\nThe ideal candidate would be able to work independently with minimal supervision, and be enthusiastic about keeping up-to-date with the latest web technologies.\n\nThe team is distributed with team members working remotely in Phoenix, Los Angeles, Boston, and New York.\n\nRequired:\n\n* HTML5, CSS, JavaScript\n\n* JQuery, Underscore\n\n* Working knowledge of Linux\n\nFamiliarity with any of the following would be a big plus:\n\n* TypeScript\n\n* Handlebars, Backbone\n\n* Scala, Java\n\n* Functional programming techniques\n\n* Linear algebra\n\n* DICOM, HL7\n\nPosition Responsibilities\n\n* Plan, evaluate, implement, test and document new features and bug fixes for the DICOM Grid web application.\n\n* Work with other development team members to integrate with backend services.\n\n* Work with DevOps to deploy code into our production and UAT environments.\n\n* Work with customers and professional services to gather requirements.\n\n* Conform to company standard operating procedures.\n\nWhat qualifies you to join?\n\n* A combination of a college degree in CS, Math, Physics, or related, relevant work experience, and\/or a strong open source portfolio\n\n* General interest in the healthcare field\n\n* Strong communication and interpersonal skills\n\n* Meticulous attention to detail with strong organization skills\n\n* Base salary and stock options depend on experience; health insurance, paid holidays and vacation are part of the package.\n\nSend your resume, cover letter and\/or links to your StackOverflow, GitHub profiles, etc. to email@example.com.\n\nFor bonus points, include a solution to the following short task, including code in JavaScript or the frontend language of your choice: write a function which identities the largest common set (not list) of words appearing as prefixes of two input strings. For example, the largest common prefix set of the strings \"His dog and the cat\" and \"The dog and his ball\" is { \"the\", \"dog\", \"and\", \"his\" }\n\nNo recruiters please.\n\n<\/comment> Lead Developer \/ MacroFab, Inc. \/ Houston, TX Full-time\n\n==== About MacroFab\n\nMacroFab is making it easier, faster, and less expensive for makers and creators to get their designs to market through cloud-enabled electronics manufacturing and automated operations services. Our goal is to make it possible for any maker or product designer to get their product to market quickly and easily, whether their market is 100 users or 100,000.\n\nFully interactive and automatic production tools for electronic products, with direct control over all just-in-time manufacturing and fulfillment tasks through the web and via APIs. MacroFab is the first electronics manufacturing service to give makers and entrepreneurs a completely transparent, scalable, and manageable outsourcing capability.\n\n===== Why Work with Us?\n\nWe're creating the next generation of manufacturing services, one which is powered not by cheap labor, but by intelligent software and beautiful machines. We're creating a service that has all of the capabilities we needed when we had a small products company. We're makers, developers, and entrepreneurs who are working to enable other makers, developers, and entrepreneurs. We are all about building things: machines, software, and communities. We're focused on that point where abstracts meet reality and concrete inventions are born. If you like creating new, beautiful code and machines, if you like the challenge of tackling difficult problems, and if you want to help inventors and makers get from idea to product fast while saving them money and time, then we'd love to have you on our team.\n\n<\/comment> About You\n\nAs a Lead Developer at MacroFab, you'll be responsible for creating stable, performant APIs and control systems to run our network of manufacturing equipment, 3D printers, and warehousing systems. You'll build great software to work with machines large and small, both purchased and built in-house. If you like, you can help design and write the core software for those machines too. You'll build great, reliable APIs in Mojolicious, and solve complex task management in Python, C++, Erlang, or whatever language you believe will be able to solve the problem most effectively. Of course, to fit in with our existing tech stack, you'll have working knowledge of (Or, will be able to pick it up fast!) RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, memcached, MySQL, and AWS APIs.\n\nYou're the kind of person that thinks crafting 4-dimensional bin packing algorithms is fun, but also believes in shipping software every day. You can get into the seat of your users and understand the pains they feel and absolutely must solve those problems with your work. You always build software using best industry practices and have kept your knowledge of security and performance concerns up-to-date. As a Lead Developer, you'll pride yourself in the examples you set for your team. You'll be part of a small team, and will have the autonomy you need to express your creativity in all of the ways you want.\n\n<\/comment>= Get in Touch!\n\nSend your resume and some examples of your work to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Bonanza.com. Seattle, WA. [http:\/\/www.bonanza.com](http:\/\/www.bonanza.com)\n\nFull-Stack Rails Developer\n\nWe're looking for a full time, full stack Ruby on Rails developer to continually improve the user interface, performance, feel, and other aspects of our site to make our customers happier, save time, and have more fun buying and selling on Bonanza.com.\n\nWe've already built Bonanza into a leading person-to-person marketplace, but we'll never stop making it even better. Some things you'll be responsible for might include:\n\n* Fix bugs reported by customers and the dev team * Implement new features as needed * Learn and grow your skills under the guidance of world-class Rails coders on our dev team * Use the website regularly and contribute your own suggestions on how we can make it better\n\nRequirements\n\nWe strongly prefer that you have some Ruby on Rails experience in a production environment. You'll be working in the full stack, from the mysql database up to jQuery and HTML\/CSS. You should be comfortable receiving sometimes-vague bug reports, and having the doggedness to track down repro steps and make an appropriate fix. You should have the empathy to see problems from our customers' perspectives and keep their needs in mind while building solutions. An innate sense of good UX design would be super helpful in this position.\n\nBecause we're a small and close-knit team, attitude is a critical element in our selection process. The ideal candidate will be able to speak both \"geek\" and \"human,\" and will approach problems with a \"can-do\" attitude.\n\nNote: If you're not currently located in the Seattle area, we're open to working remotely with a strong candidate.\n\nBenefits\n\nIn addition to a very competitive salary, Bonanza offers the following perks:\n\n* \"Work from home Wednesday\" \\- every Wednesday we get to work from home, coffee shops, or wherever suits us (remote staff can work from home every day!) * \"Freedom February\" \\- every February we retreat from the gloom of Seattle and work from a remote tropical locale. So far we've been to Costa Rica and Oahu. Next year we're eyeing Nicaragua. * Fast growing (averaged 50-100% yearly growth over 5 years), and already-profitable company. It's fun to work for a winner. * Work from a waterfront office in downtown Seattle (food trucks aplenty!) * Full arcade room in the office * Pong table on site * All employees get fully paid health insurance coverage, vacation benefits, holidays, stock options, and more.\n\nApply for this job\n\nTo apply to any of the above jobs, please email jobs -at- bonanza.com. Specify in the title the position you are applying for, and include a one page cover letter, plus your resume. We look forward to hearing from you!\n\n<\/comment> Linux \/ Big Data Engineer \u2014 Permanent role \u2014 Appsbroker, Swindon UK\n\nAppsbroker continues to grow its Cloud Platform capability. We are looking for strong Linux Engineers to join us from the South West of England to help us build the next generation of cloud platforms for our customers. The chance to learn Big Data skills and enhance your Dev Ops capabilities are part of this role. Engineers at Appsbroker get the opportunity to excel in multiple technology disciplines.\n\nYou will get exposure to the latest Google and Amazon technologies including Google Compute Engine, App Engine, BigQuery, Managed VMs, Docker, Amazon EC2, S3 plus Puppet \/ Ansible for CM \/ automation. Training & certification in Google and Amazon cloud platform technologies provided on the job and by Google \/ Amazon.\n\nResponsibilities\n\n \n \n - Development of cloud hosting platforms infrastructure (auto scaling & load balanced resilient architectures, monitored & audited, secure & auto deployed)\n - Tooling for cloud hosting platforms - Deploying and managing cloud infrastructure using Google Cloud Platform tools and\/or AWS and configuration of Linux operating systems using puppet, chef, ansible etc.\n - Monitoring costs and managing budgets for the deployed technology stack\n - Work on one or more projects reporting to the lead of Delivery Team \/ Platform Department\n - Automating system administration \n - Best practice for rolling out security patches & operating system major releases \n - Assist development team with test platforms & continuous integration activities\n - Architecture of Big Data solutions: On premise ETL -> Big Query -> Analysis \/ Visualisation\n - Talend Big Data ETL (Extract \/ Transform \/ Load) activities for extracting data from a multiplicity of data sources including SQL Databases, Web Services, flat files etc to support Big Data activities.\n - Google BigQuery table design to support Big Data activities.\n \n\nMandatory skills\n\n \n \n - Experienced administrator & platform engineering skills for a major Linux-based operating system. Particularly RPM based Linux (RedHat, Centos, Unbreakable Linux and Fedora).\n - Good programming skills in at least 1 modern language (Java, C#, python, PHP, ruby etc)\n - Good scripting skills in at least 1 Linux based language (Bash, ksh, awk, perl, ruby, python) \n - Prior experience with Linux in Virtual Machine environments: VMware \/ vsphere, docker, kvm, xen\n - Solid cloud firewall experience: iptables, AWS security groups etc\n - Able to work in small Agile teams with other developers, project managers and stakeholders\n - Able to commit to deadlines \/ sprint outcomes and deliver and demonstrate tested components\n - Able to accurately estimate time to complete tasks based on stories \/ requirements\n - Able to work across multiple projects within the same timeframes\n - Able to interpret requirements and assist in producing designs that meet those requirements\n - Source code control \/ release management skills\n - Working knowledge of securing a Linux server from attack threats\n - Good documentation skills\n - Dry sense of humour essential\n \n\nDesirable skills\n\n \n \n - Experience building custom Linux platforms & releases: RedHat satellite, spacewalk, cobbler\n - Conversant in Configuration Management automation - puppet, chef, salt or ansible.\n - Conversant in JSON and Cloud Platform REST web services\n - Prior experience with Google Cloud Platform and \/ or Amazon Web Services Infrastructure as a Service offerings\n - Ability to create RPMs\n - Able to draw \/ describe platform architectures visually using modern diagramming tools (Visio etc)\n - ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) - Talend \n - Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3\n - noSQL datastore experience - Google High Replication Datastore, Google Cloud Datastore, Amazon DynamoDb, MongoDb\n - Google APIs (OAuth, Maps, Cloud Endpoints, Google Apps etc)\n - Working knowledge of HTML \/ CSS, HTML5 \/ CSS3\n - Working knowledge of JQuery \/ Javascript\n \n\nAbout Appsbroker: Appsbroker is a cloud solutions consultancy & product organisation. We specialise in providing the following Cloud services:\n\nGoogle Cloud Platform Partner: Compute Engine, App Engine, Big Query, Cloud Storage Amazon AWS Reseller \/ Consulting Partner: EC2, S3, DynamoDb Google Search Premier Partner Google Apps Premier Partner Google Maps Premier Partner\n\nAppsbroker is a fast growing organisation and as a result of this growth we are looking for good people to join us on a continual basis. Our clients include Jaguar Land Rover, Vodafone & Travis Perkins and we are premium enterprise partners of both Google and Amazon AWS. Appsbroker employees enjoy a wide range of social activities and quarterly special events. Employees benefit in being an active part of all project development and contributing directly to the success of these projects. Cloud services is a fast moving industry with constantly evolving web technologies that employees can employ directly in their next project.\n\nLocation: The job will be based at our office in Swindon, Wiltshire. Salary: Dependent on experience\n\nContact: email@example.com (quote hackernews!)\n\n<\/comment> Understory - [http:\/\/www.understoryweather.com](http:\/\/www.understoryweather.com) \\- Boston, MA\n\nAbout Us:\n\nUnderstory\u2014named for the area in a rainforest beneath the forest canopy\u2014detects rain, hail, wind and other weather events directly at the earth's surface, where the risk to life and property is greatest. While traditional, radar-enabled weather centers collect data by analyzing conditions observed in the atmosphere, Understory's \"ground-truth\"-based detection is a marked enhancement in both resolution and fidelity, providing real time datasets and graphical views of the movement and intensity of weather events, which leads to better insight and early detection of risks.\n\nOur company recently raised a seed round of $1.9 million and we are growing our engineering team.\n\nWe are currently working out of the Greentown Labs ([http:\/\/greentownlabs.org\/](http:\/\/greentownlabs.org\/)) space in Somerville, MA. We have a large office space, prototyping lab with awesome equipment, full kitchen, smash bros melee, and free coffee. Understory also provides a free employee membership to the nearby climbing gym - Brooklyn Boulders Somerville.\n\nWe are looking for the following full-time positions:\n\n* Back End Engineer * Data Scientist *\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>\n\nBack End Engineer\n\nBlend open-source technology with proprietary hardware to deliver real time data to customers quickly and efficiently. Build the robust interface between the weather stations and the web so that not a single data point is lost. Be on the ground floor of Understory - as we are building out our software team and make the technology choices that will be the structure for our platform. Work with our data science team to implement algorithms that predict thunderstorms and their outcomes.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>\n\nData Scientist\n\nUse statistical, signal processing, and machine learning techniques with our proprietary sensor data to help solve the current data sparsity problem. Use findings from our local grids to improve the picture of nation-wide weather effects. Explore the business opportunities for such high density data in the current market of sparse data. Join the team that will revolutionize weather data.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>\n\nIf you are interested in these positions or think you would be a great fit for Understory, please see the full job descriptions at [http:\/\/understory.theresumator.com\/](http:\/\/understory.theresumator.com\/) or email me at info(at)understoryweather(dot)com.\n\n<\/comment> Table XI - Sr. Software Developer, Designer - \n\n\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ About Table XI \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\n\n([http:\/\/www.tablexi.com](http:\/\/www.tablexi.com))\n\nTable XI is a Chicago-based digital consultancy, focused on building web and mobile applications that deliver business value to our customers. Many of our clients look to us to be their IT department, and we make decisions that affect the long-term success of their businesses. We do most of our work from our studio in Chicago and have a chef on staff who prepares gourmet lunch daily.\n\nAs a Table XI employee, you'll work side-by-side and get exposure to many different people and projects. We've developed web and mobile applications for clients like Roger Ebert Digital, The Field Museum, Chicago Ideas Week, the YMCA of Chicago, fashion designer Maria Pinto, The Spice House, PechaKucha, Northwestern University, and many more. We love a challenge, and we're not afraid to reinvent the wheel when the wheel isn't good enough.\n\n\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Sr. Software Developer \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\n\n([http:\/\/tablexi.theresumator.com\/apply\/N5C5q5\/Senior- Software...](http:\/\/tablexi.theresumator.com\/apply\/N5C5q5\/Senior-Software- Developer))\n\nWe're looking for experienced developers who:\n\n* are curious and love exploring new technologies\n\n* believe there's a solution to every problem and are excited to find it\n\n* have a few years of web development experience and are looking for an exciting new opportunity\n\n* have a background in one or more of the the following: Ruby, JavaScript, HTML\/CSS and Objective-C. (Most of our projects currently use these languages; however, if you're a strong developer with experience in related tools, we'd still love to hear from you. Experience with TDD is a plus, as is database or DevOps experience.)\n\n\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Designer \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\n\n([http:\/\/tablexi.theresumator.com\/apply\/kUX5Qr\/Designer.html](http:\/\/tablexi.theresumator.com\/apply\/kUX5Qr\/Designer.html))\n\nWe're looking for a designer who:\n\n\u200b* works as comfortably in HTML and CSS as in Photoshop\n\n* views the job of a designer as being deeper than what is seen on the screen\n\n* thinks about the fluidity of designs beyond \"mobile\", \"tablet\" and \"desktop\"\n\n* has experience working on web projects with small teams\n\n* hasn't ever used the phrase \"good design will sell itself\"\n\n* has opinions on [fill in current web trend here]\n\n* possesses strong typographic skills\n\n* has mastered the principles of layout and color theory\n\n* is familiar with and understands the basic syntax of HAML and SASS\n\n<\/comment> WebAction - Downtown Palo Alto, CA\n\n[http:\/\/webaction.com](http:\/\/webaction.com)\n\nHiring Lead Front-End Developers, Web Developers, and Big Data Platform Developers (java).\n\nAt WebAction, you will work on creating a real-time interface to the world's most valuable data. WebAction is a real-time big data platform that bridges the gap between users and terabytes\/petabytes of diverse, fast moving, and physically disparate data. We do this by offering high-speed acquisition of log data, distributed stream processing and caching, and real-time querying of stored data in one platform. As a result, our customers rapidly create real- time, mission critical data-driven solutions that would normally take months of development effort with other products.\n\nFounded by a team of Silicon Valley veterans with proven track records, WebAction is backed by some of the most respected names in Silicon Valley. We're also well funded (recently raised $11m Series B by a private equity firm with a $15 billion fund).\n\nWe offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits package, generous equity for the right candidates. Our office is also a short walk from some great restaurants and coffee spots on University Avenue in Downtown Palo Alto.\n\nFor the Lead Front-End Developer Position:\n\n-Turn mockups and wireframes into functional, fluid web components\n\n-Implementing beautiful and robust dashboards using d3.js\n\n-Building re-usable dashboard-development frameworks\n\n-Creating user interface and web apps for various industry applications like ATM monitoring, fraud detection, and data center monitoring\n\nRequirements:\n\n-Strong knowledge of Javascript, CSS, HTML, and jQuery\n\n-Enthusiasm for working in a startup environment\n\nNice to haves\n\n-You're interested in designing engaging and intuitive user experiences\n\n-Experience with Backbone.js, angular.js or other front-end MV* frameworks\n\n-An interest in the type of scalable systems you hear about at Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.\n\n-You're interested in telling stories and revealing anomalies through data visualization\n\n-Concentration in Human Computer Interaction\n\nFor the Platform Engineering position, we ask that you have experience writing clean code in Java and have a strong desire and skills to work on a scalable, highly optimized data management infrastructure. We ask that you have the following skills:\n\n-Large-scale distributed systems\n\n-Highly available, highly scalable architectures, Hadoop (MapReduce \/ Pig \/ Zookeeper),\n\n\\- Data Serialization (Avro \/ Thrift \/ Protocol Buffers)\n\n\\- Experience with HBase or Cassandra\n\n-Real-time messaging (0MQ \/ Kestrel \/ Kafka or similar), Real-time event processing, Continuous Queries\n\n-Predictive Analytics\n\nFor the Web Developer position, you should be well versed in HTML\/CSS\/jQuery. You should be able to work with designers to create visual components that maintain the integrity of the design while achieving fluid performance in the browser.\n\nIf this sounds like you, shoot us an e-mail at firstname.lastname@example.com or apply through our jobs page:\n\n[http:\/\/ch.tbe.taleo.net\/CH02\/ats\/careers\/jobSearch.jsp?org=W...](http:\/\/ch.tbe.taleo.net\/CH02\/ats\/careers\/jobSearch.jsp?org=WEBACTION&cws=1)\n\n<\/comment> LSR | Full Time | Hudson WI, Madison WI, Cedarburg WI, Arlington Heights IL\n\n[http:\/\/www.lsr.com](http:\/\/www.lsr.com)\n\n\\<\/comment> Software Engineer\n\n\\+ Duties include design, implementation, integration and system testing of embedded firmware within wireless communication systems.\n\n\\+ Interfacing with customers and other design engineers will be required throughout the product development cycle.\n\n\\+ Software and firmware design experience in an embedded environment utilizing popular 8\/16\/32 bit micro controllers (ARM Cortex, MSP430 and 8051 experience preferred).\n\n\\+ Knowledge of and\/or experience with embedded RTOSs and networking protocols used in data communication systems, especially those unique to wireless communications, is desirable.\n\n\\+ Working knowledge of embedded hardware (digital, analog, RF) and\/or experience programming PCs with C# is a plus.\n\n\\+ Must be a self-starter, self-directed and have good troubleshooting and time management skills.\n\n\\<\/comment> Test Fixture Engineer\n\n\\+ Five (5) years of automated test fixture design, including both software implementation and hardware \/ mechanical definition.\n\n\\+ This position will interface directly with design engineering teams and production teams to define test strategies that comply with customer test needs, and will also provide scheduling and budget estimated for new proposals.\n\n\\+ Excellent communication skills are required, as this position will directly interface with perspective customers in order to define fixture requirements and needs.\n\n\\+ A solid understanding of C++ and C# is required as well as proven working knowledge of the proper use and handling of RF test equipment.\n\n\\<\/comment> iOS Application Developer\n\n\\+ Two (2) years experience with Objective-C and common iOS framework APIs, and must have written or contributed to apps published in the App store.\n\n\\+ This position will include direct interaction with RF Engineers, User Interface designers and Embedded Software developers.\n\n\\+ Experience with every stage of the software development process is required: design, architecture, deployment, code reviews, maintenance, documentation, etc.\n\n\\+ Additional consideration will be given to candidates with CoreBluetooth framework experience, embedded firmware experience, .Net development experience and\/or Android development experience.\n\n\\<\/comment> Senior RF Design Engineer\n\n\\+ BSEE and with 7-10 years of practical work experience in RF and communication systems design activities.\n\n\\+ Opportunity to work on the latest wireless technologies including Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, GPS and proprietary 900 MHz and 2.4\/5.8 GHz radios.\n\n\\+ Experience with the design and integration of single chip, low power wireless transceivers from TI, Freescale, Atmel, Analog Devices, Broadcom, Marvell etc. is considered highly desirable.\n\n\\+ Digital radio design, wireless protocol experience and a familiarity with EMC\/EMI regulatory and compliance standards is considered a plus.\n\n\\<\/comment> Please feel free to ask me questions: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nThanks! Joe\n\n<\/comment> Football Radar - London, UK\n\nMore about engineering at Football Radar: [http:\/\/engineering.footballradar.com](http:\/\/engineering.footballradar.com)\n\nTo apply for any of the positions below, please visit: [http:\/\/www.footballradar.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.footballradar.com\/jobs\/)\n\nFootball modelling & statistics\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nWe are a leading company in forecasting the outcome of football matches. We have a variety of interesting and challenging projects. Our team works with complex regression models, time series models, high-dimensional data, text parsers and statistical classifiers, and the sheer amount of data we collect means that there are countless hypotheses to investigate and test.\n\nHow we work:\n\n<\/comment>====\n\nWhile our company is amongst the best in the world at what we do, and consequently has grown rapidly over the past years, we've retained the feel of a start-up: you manage your own time and have your say on what we do.\n\nYou'll get a competitive salary that is reviewed regularly, with an annual bonus option. We have free fruit, snacks, Nespresso and catered lunches and dinners every day; fun social get-togethers; our own 5-a-side football teams; as well as clubs for running and cycling. And you get to choose your own development kit.\n\nSOFTWARE ENGINEER (full-time, permanent, on-site)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nWe're looking for an experienced programmer to help us build real-time trading software, work with large datasets, do complex statistical modelling and invent new ways to help our staff analyse football. You will be working mainly with the modelling department, in close cooperation with our statisticians and football experts, building the infrastructure and the foundations of our models.\n\nThe main language we use for our real-time and modelling systems is Scala, but we use Python and PHP too. We don't expect you to know Scala, but we expect that you will be excited to learn it if you don't know it already.\n\nYou should have mastered at least one compiled object-orientated language, have worked on at least one big software project, and feel comfortable working autonomously on designing\/building large scale maintainable and testable systems.\n\nJUNIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER (full-time, permanent, on-site)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>==\n\nWe're looking for an engineer who can write structured, testable code for our web applications. You should have experience of object-oriented programming in PHP and one other language. You should also have some practical experience of building and maintaining commercial applications. Ideally you'll have some experience of working with MVC frameworks and especially Symfony2 components.\n\nYou should have a good Computer Science degree, or similar. We will happily consider applications from candidates with other educational backgrounds, but we will expect you to demonstrate strong knowledge of computer science fundamentals to an equivalent standard.\n\nJAVASCRIPT DEVELOPER (full-time, permanent, on-site)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nThe ideal candidate will be experienced in frontend development, with experience working with rich user interfaces and single-page applications. We are scaling up our business operations, and we need someone who can create powerful interfaces that help us grow.\n\nWe need developers with a keen understanding of browser performance and the unique constraints of rendering high volumes of data in realtime. Demonstrable experience of modular design and event-driven architecture is also highly desirable.\n\nSome of the technologies that power Football Radar:\n\n* Backbone, Marionette, React, jQuery\n\n* AMD (Require.js), CommonJS (Browserify\/Webpack)\n\n* Grunt, Bower, NPM\n\n* Node.js\n\n* Mocha, Nodeunit, Istanbul, PhantomJS\n\n<\/comment> Moveline \u2014 [https:\/\/moveline.com](https:\/\/moveline.com) \\- REMOTE or Las Vegas, NV\n\ntl;dr: full-stack JS (Express + Angular), MongoDB, Golang, web + mobile, remote, high impact on real customers\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>\n\nMoveline is transforming an industry older than the internal combustion engine: we build software that dramatically improves the customer experience, end-to-end, around moving. We're helping real people every day and excited to tackle more of the problem space.\n\n> About Moveline\n \n \n * Techstars NYC 2012 graduate [1]\n * 2014 TBAN Las Vegas Tech Transplant of the Year\n * Located in the heart of Tony Hsieh's Downtown Project [2]\n * Well-funded by world-class investors and advisers [3]\n \n\n> About the dev team\n \n \n * Supporting web and mobile offerings for customers plus an internal web app for our operations team\n * Primarily working in a MEAN stack (MongoDB\/Express\/Angular\/Node) with a bit of Golang\n * Evaluating new tools and technologies for real use cases, not just to play with shiny new toys\n * Shipping every day with continuous testing and deployment\n * Small, tight-knit, self-managing, and highly communicative team (half of us are remote)\n * Deeply involved in understanding the business and creating long-term strategy\n * We love Maker Day [4], board games, and hanging out together in downtown Las Vegas\n \n\n> About you\n \n \n * Solid full-stack experience, preferably with JavaScript both server-side and client-side\n * Passion for clean, correct, and maintainable solutions as well as modern development practices\n * Bonus points for experience working with remote teams, devops skills, and an eye for design\n * Strongly self-motivated but eager to collaborate on tough problems\n * Don't care if the moving industry isn't sexy\n * Would rather make money than make the front page of TechCrunch (though we do that too)\n \n\nMarket salary and meaningful equity are available. Hackers in Vegas or remote in the US are welcome. Full-time candidates only, please (with an initial contract-to-hire phase). No freelancers or recruiters need apply.\n\nMENTION HACKER NEWS WHEN APPLYING! We have hired from HN before and consistently see the best candidates coming from these threads.\n\nEmail: email@example.com\n\nApply: [https:\/\/www.moveline.com\/careers\/details?jvi=osBYXfwI,Job](https:\/\/www.moveline.com\/careers\/details?jvi=osBYXfwI,Job)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.techstars.com\/companies\/stats\/](http:\/\/www.techstars.com\/companies\/stats\/)\n\n[2] [http:\/\/downtownproject.com\/](http:\/\/downtownproject.com\/)\n\n[3] [http:\/\/angel.co\/moveline](http:\/\/angel.co\/moveline)\n\n[4] [http:\/\/www.fastcompany.com\/3029158\/agendas\/why-your- office-n...](http:\/\/www.fastcompany.com\/3029158\/agendas\/why-your-office-needs- a-maker-day)\n\n I was hired from an HN posting, and if you apply it's likely that I will interview you. If you have any questions, shoot them to firstname.lastname@example.com and I'll get back to you soon.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> JavaScript\/CoffeeScript Developers and Designers\n\nIntellinote - The Team Productivity Platform\n\nLOCAL PREFERRED, REMOTE CONSIDERED\n\nReston, VA (Washigton DC Area)\n\nWHO WE ARE\n\n<\/comment>====\n\nIntellinote is a funded, fast-growing startup led by experienced team. All three founders have had one or more successful exits.\n\nOur offices are located in an innovative co-working space in the pedestrian- friendly (and soon Metro-accessible) Reston Town Center in Northern Virginia.\n\nWe have funding, a viable business plan and traction. We're adding key members to the team to help accelerate our next stage of growth.\n\nWHAT WE DO\n\n<\/comment>====\n\nIntellinote sells a multi-platform (mobile, web, REST API) collaboration and note-taking platform for teams.\n\nWHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nIntellinote is looking for super-smart, motivated, programmers\/designers who can utilize the latest technologies to deliver the best experiences for our customers. We want developers who strive to be DRY, to continuously improve not only our product but our development practice, and who care deeply about what we are building for our customers.\n\nThe ideal candidate will join an exciting team executing a highly visible product in an agile, high-velocity software development environment.\n\nKey Requirements:\n\n\\- Should be familiar with Angular\/Ember\/Knockout, Backbone\n\n\\- Fluency with all tools helpful and required for high-quality webUI development, including Bootstrap\/SASS\/LESS, Grunt, Bower, Yeoman, Jasmine, Protractor, Mocha, RequireJS, Promises, Underscore\/Lodash, JQuery, etc.\n\n\\- Ability to research, assess, and integrate open source technology for production use\n\n\\- Familiarity with OAuth for security, Mobile\/Responsive development, integration of libraries\/tools such as d3.js, Modernizr, Socket.io, Skrollr, Togetherjs, Impressjs, etc.\n\n\\- Be able to work with local and remote team members via Skype, Jira and Intellinote\n\n\\- Contribute to continuous improvement of development, QA and deployment processes\n\n\\- Participate in deployment of Intellinote builds, releases, and support\n\n\\- Maximize and promote use of Intellinote within engineering processes\n\n\\- Experience with Server-Side JavasScript, Node.js or CoffeeScript a definite plus.\n\nSkills\/Experience:\n\n\\- At least 3-5 years experience with Web programming, particularly Javascript MVC libraries\/tools, HTML5, CSS3\n\n\\- Experience with or strong understanding of Single-Page application development (SPA)\n\n\\- Experience writing to and improving REST services for web clients\n\n\\- Should have experience with tools such as Git, Jenkins, shell scripting in *nix\n\n\\- Experience working in live, production secure, multi-tenant environments\n\n\\- Detail-oriented\n\n\\- Analytical\n\n\\- Focused on deliverables\n\n\\- Problem-solving orientation\n\n\\- Self-motivated, able to plan and execute work collaboratively with team members and management\n\n\\- DRY-oriented, TDD-oriented\n\n\\- Must be capable of handling fast-paced, dynamic development process in a startup culture\n\nEducation: Bachelor's Degree or equivalent\n\nContact us at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nAlso see [http:\/\/www.intellinote.net\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.intellinote.net\/careers\/) for more information.\n\n<\/comment> Ripple Labs - [http:\/\/www.ripplelabs.com](http:\/\/www.ripplelabs.com) \\- San Francisco, CA <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=== Senior Javascript Engineer <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nOur Mission: Enable the world to move value like information moves today.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nAbout Ripple Labs:\n\nRipple Labs is a company committed to minimizing the costs of payments. The company created Ripple, the open payment protocol that enables free, instant payments in any currency - including dollars, yen, euros, bitcoins, and even loyalty points. Ripple was created to enable the world to move and exchange value like information does today.\n\nIt's our business model that makes us unique. Ripple Labs doesn't charge fees. Instead, we strive to create a vibrant ecosystem around the open Ripple protocol and support the community in every way that we can. This lifts the value of the Ripple currency and allows us to finance our operations.\n\nWe're looking for someone who can bring out the best in our JavaScript developers through inspirational and spiritual leadership.\n\nYou would:\n\nCreate and implement novel cryptographic protocols such as threshold signature systems, novel identity and authentication methods and...\n\nParticipate in the wider JavaScript community to shape the vision for JavaScript as a powerful, versatile and open language.\n\nCreate trusted execution environments for running untrusted JavaScript through Software Fault Isolation (SFI) to enable smart contracts.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nWhat our Ideal Candidate looks like:\n\nCareer stage: 5+ years of JavaScript development experience building large- scale applications, hands-on experience with JavaScript Frameworks such as:\n\nAngular.js, Ember.js, Flex, Ext.js, Node.js, Crypto.js\n\nProfessional engineering experience in a diverse set of languages and understanding of engineering concepts:\n\nfunctional, object-oriented paradigms\n\nconcurrency models\n\nAbility to communicate effectively and a scientific mindset - empirically test your hypotheses.\n\nBe deserving of the freedom we'll give you. We have a flat, informal organization, which means you have the responsibility to direct your own work..\n\nInterests: open-source, entrepreneurship, economics and financial markets, equal access for all people globally, strong work ethic, creative thinking, systems thinking, cryptography, creative logic, fast-paced environment, surfing, biking, jokes\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nWhat We Can Offer You:\n\nCompetitive salary, compelling equity, 100% benefits coverage!\n\nChallenging and fun projects with a dynamic team at a fast-growing startup in an exciting industry\n\nWork experience in an entrepreneurial environment on a high-impact team\n\nAn opportunity to drive personal career development for yourself and the team as a whole Outstanding office location in the heart of San Francisco, CA\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nTo apply, email email@example.com !\n\n<\/comment> The Noun Project - Los Angeles, CA\n\n[http:\/\/thenounproject.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/thenounproject.com\/jobs\/)\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>--\n\nDjango \/ Python Developer\n\nThe Job:\n\nThe Noun Project isn't just a library of icons: it's an active venue for ideas, where users share and create our visual language. We need a full-time Python developer to make this space available, functional and evolving. The right candidate is a life learner with a proven background in modern MVC frameworks (Django and the like), fluency in Javascript (jQuery and CoffeeScript) and an understanding of APIs. They should be both disciplined and imaginative in their work, a great communicator and a clean coder. Those with a working knowledge of front-end development and an interest in web standards will be at an advantage.\n\nThe Traits:\n\nYou're a developer with several projects under your belt. You understand how to validate user input and optimize queries to make fewer database calls. You're also familiar with making requests to REST-ish APIs.\n\nThe Responsibilities:\n\nDeveloping user facing features with Django Working directly with designers and front-end developers\n\nThe Perks:\n\nMarket salary Generous benefits Valuable equity Creative work environment Ability to really affect a product We're small. We all share our ideas. We all collaborate.\n\nWhen you apply for this position, make sure to send your resume and a link to your personal site or portfolio. Developers without a website or web portfolio need not apply.\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----\n\nSenior Interaction Designer\n\nThe Job:\n\nThe Noun Project is seeking an ambitious lead interaction designer based in LA. The right candidate has an understanding of design, interactions, and a passion for visual communication.\n\nThe Traits:\n\nApplicants must have experience working on a variety of projects, including mobile, web, and desktop, and have a proven background in leadership and creative direction. Individuals should also be familiar with HTML, JavaScript (jQuery), and CSS. Those with an an interest in making the world a better place will be at an advantage.\n\nThe Perks:\n\nMarket Salary Generous benefits Valuable equity Creative work environment Ability to really affect a product We're small. We all share our ideas. We all collaborate.\n\nWhen you apply for this position, make sure to send your resume and a link to your personal site or portfolio. Designers without a website or web portfolio need not apply.\n\n[http:\/\/thenounproject.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/thenounproject.com\/jobs\/)\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> COURSE HERO IS HIRING! - Redwood City, CA\n\nSoftware Engineer\n\nCourse Hero is looking for a software engineer who can hit the ground running. Our engineering team releases code every day to millions of people, so we're looking for someone who can take on challenges, build new features, and iterate quickly. Each engineer has a role in building Course Hero's architecture and will have the opportunity to touch all parts of the stack. Our projects are big \u00ad\u00ad terabytes of data and customers around the world \u00ad\u00ad but our team is small, so you'll see projects from start to finish, and work closely with senior engineers, product managers and designers to ensure successful results.\n\nOur Ideal Candidate Has:\n\n* Some academic, project or 1-2 years of work experience where you've worked with modern languages and MVC frameworks like PHP, Ruby, Python or Node.js.\n\n* A degree in Computer Science or STEM field, and interest in side projects you can share through a project website or GitHub repository.\n\n* Experience working with SQL databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL.\n\n* Academic or work experience in data structures and algorithms\n\nApply via:[http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/735](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/735)\n\nSr. Software Engineer\n\nCourse Hero is looking for a Sr. Software engineer who can hit the ground running. Our engineering team releases code every day to millions of people, so we're looking for someone who can take on challenges, build new features, and iterate quickly.\n\nEach engineer has a role in building Course Hero's architecture and will have the opportunity to touch all parts of the stack. Our projects are big \u00ad\u00ad terabytes of data and customers around the world \u00ad\u00ad but our team is small, so you'll see projects from start to finish, and work closely with product managers and designers to ensure successful results.\n\nOur Ideal Candidate Has:\n\n* 3+ years of professional software engineering experience where you've worked with modern languages and MVC frameworks like PHP, Ruby, Python or Node.js.\n\n* A degree in Computer Science or STEM field, or related work experience working with data structures and algorithms.\n\n* Experience working with SQL databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL.\n\n* Experience working within a SCRUM or Agile team, where you practiced TDD.\n\n* Appreciation for statistical analysis and the power of data-driven decisions.\n\n* Ability to formulate articulate opinions on product design and engineering issues with a focus in finding the most effective solution.\n\n* A deep sense of product ownership.\n\nApply via: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/734](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/734)\n\n<\/comment> I am looking for another software developer for the LIMS group at The Genome Institute, a position where the primary language is Perl. You may contact me directly (my user name at genome.wustl.edu) with your resume and samples of code or hosted repositories; it does not matter to me what languages you choose. Officially, you can apply to this job through [https:\/\/jobs.wustl.edu](https:\/\/jobs.wustl.edu) (search for job ID 28449). Below is a copy of the official job posting with all the HR legalese. :) This is considered a mid-tier position, between junior and senior experience.\n\nSUMMARY\n\n\\- Job Title: Bus & Tech App Analyst II - The Genome Institute - \n\n\\- Job ID: 28449\n\n\\- Location: Medical School\n\n\\- Full\/Part Time: Full-Time\n\n\\- Regular\/Temporary: Regular\n\nJOB TYPE\/SCHEDULE\n\nThis position is full-time and works approximately 40 hours per week. Position hours are generally M-F 8:30-5.\n\nDEPARTMENT NAME\/JOB LOCATION\n\nThis position is at the Genome Institute. This position is for the Medical School Campus.\n\nESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS\n\nThe Genome Institute at Washington University has an opening for a talented software engineer in the Bioinformatics group. The position will work with an experienced group of software engineers to develop software supporting the tracking of laboratory data and analysis processes to support large scale genomic research projects. The Genome Institute has been at the forefront of genome research since its inception in 1993 and has been a part of major scientific projects such as the Human Genome, 1000 Genomes and TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) Projects. The Genome Institute is a world-leader in the generation and analysis of genomic sequence data and uses this data to extend biological knowledge of the human genome and provide clinically relevant sequence analysis aimed at understanding human diseases (such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease). In addition, the Institute fosters public understanding of genomic science through various educational and outreach efforts.\n\nREQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS\n\nCertification or degree in computer programming from a technical school or college plus two years of relevant work experience required. Additional relevant programming experience may be substituted on a year-for-year basis for required education\n\nPREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS\n\nThe ideal candidate has a talent and love for writing software, is interested in developing that skill, and applying it in a production environment. The candidate will be expected to learn new things on a regular basis, think critically, and collaborate with other developers across groups. The environment is fast-paced and a person who likes to get things done will find a lot of opportunity. Design, testing, debugging, and problem analysis are a regular part of the work. Skills in abstract software design, object-oriented architecture, relational data modeling, and web interface design will be used frequently, which will require thorough knowledge of each concept. The applicant will use these skills to develop software that will: interface with people and\/or laboratory equipment, process and analyze large data sets on a compute cluster, and provide intuitive web based interfaces to the specifications of the laboratory managers and technicians. Proficiency in dynamically typed languages (Perl, Ruby, Python, Lisp, etc.) is a plus, but not required. Understanding of relational databases and SQL will be helpful. Experience with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and approaches such as REST and AJAX is an asset. Regular work will be done in GNU\/Linux and other UNIX-like development environments. Familiarity with open source technologies, version control software such as git, and programming in a network environment are also assets.\n\nSALARY RANGE\n\nThe hiring range for this position is commensurate with experience.\n\nDEPARTMENT SUMMARY\n\nOne of only three NIH-funded large-scale genome centers in the United States, The Genome Institute at Washington University is a leader in genomics research as it applies to the study of biology, human disease and the field of personalized medicine. Founded in 1993, The Genome Institute focuses on cancer genomics, the genomics of heritable diseases, microbial and pathogen genomics, as well as novel sequencing and evolutionary genomics.\n\nOur mission is to help improve the human condition by producing, studying, and interpreting high-quality genome-based data that drives biological discoveries that range from the bench to the hospital bedside. We value the open sharing of information and ideas and encourage collaboration while also engaging the next generation of scientists through educational outreach efforts.\n\nBENEFITS\n\n\\- Retirement Savings Plan\n\n\\- 22 vacation days\n\n\\- 8 Paid Holidays\n\n\\- Sick Time\n\n\\- Tuition benefits for employee, spouse and dependent children\n\n\\- Free Metro Link\/ Bus pass\n\n\\- Free Life Insurance\n\n\\- Health, Dental, Vision\n\n\\- Health Savings Accounts (HSA)\n\n\\- Long Term Disability Insurance\n\n\\- Flex Spending Plan\n\n\\- Other Benefits\n\nMed School HR website ([http:\/\/medschoolhr.wustl.edu](http:\/\/medschoolhr.wustl.edu))\n\nEOE STATEMENT\n\nAll qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to sex, race, ethnicity, protected veteran, or disability status.\n\n I was trying to figure out why a job offer was downvoted into the hard-to-read range when I realized... I forgot to add the location! and I can't edit the post! Sorry!\n\nSt. Louis, MO, United States\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> New York, NY - Brooklyn Museum - Web Developer (Full-time):\n\nThe Technology department at the Brooklyn Museum seeks a web developer to join our team to help manage the museum's web presence. You'd be working with a small team on a variety of web and mobile projects related to art, community engagement, visitor experience and open access.\n\nAs a small team, we work across disciplines and support each other. Accordingly, qualified candidates will possess a broad range of skills navigating the full stack of web and web-for-mobile development, SQL to CSS. We have adopted a number of Agile practices in our development process in order to adapt to the fast-evolving nature of our projects and we're looking for someone who thrives using this methodology.\n\nHere's what we're after:\n\nStrong command of object-oriented PHP. Strong command of HTML and CSS, as well as a commitment to web standards and making accessible, usable websites which degrade gracefully on older browsers. Experience with JavaScript and relevant frameworks, e.g. MooTools, jQuery. Experience with relational databases, e.g. MySQL, MSSQL. Experience working on mobile platforms, e.g. iOS, Android and web-for-mobile frameworks such as Cordova or Sencha. Some experience with Linux web server administration and deployment, e.g. Apache, Bash scripting, etc. Familiarity with version control, e.g. git, svn. Familiarity with Amazon Web Services cloud architecture patterns and practices. Familiarity with Agile development practices. Additionally, we're keeping an eye out for exceptional candidates who may have:\n\nExperience with UX design and information architecture. Experience building and maintaining content management tools. Familiarity with at other dynamic programming languages, e.g. Ruby, Objective-C. Experience with e-commerce and PCI compliance. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with other project stakeholders, to manage multiple responsibilities independently, while adhering to established departmental technology standards both in back-end and front-end architecture. With mobile development crossing further into web-based territory with frameworks like Cordova, we're also looking for someone who can push the boundaries of what is possible with web technologies for mobile devices.\n\nThis is a full-time position located at the Museum's offices in Brooklyn. Located on the top floor, our office lacks fancy furniture or ping-pong tables, but we're housed inside a 19th century neoclassical monument sharing space with priceless art, so we're ok with that. This is a fast-paced, but fun environment which we balance by keeping a commitment to a 35 hour week. This position does not include telecommuting or relocation; qualified candidates must be able to commute daily to the Brooklyn Museum. No recruiters please.\n\nBrooklyn Museum is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants for positions are considered without regard to race, creed, color, country of origin, sex, age, citizenship, disability or sexual orientation. Candidates of color are strongly encouraged to apply. The Immigration and Control Act (1986) requires that all hires be in conformity with the law.\n\nPlease send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to email@example.com. Include your cover letter in the body of the email and attach your resume.\n\n<\/comment> Silicon Milkroundabout - LONDON \/ UK - firstname.lastname@example.com\n\ntl;dr: seeking back-end engineer to lead development of Rails product suite\n\n \n \n #############################\n # Who are we?\n #############################\n \n\nWe're Silicon Milkroundabout, the jobs fair for software developers, product managers, designers and marketers interested in working for UK tech startups. We put people directly in touch with the founders and teams behind 150 startups. This works: face-to-face conversations happen, and more than 1,000 people have found new jobs through us since our first event in 2011.\n\n \n \n #############################\n # Who we're looking for\n #############################\n \n\nWe're looking for an engineer with experience of the usual tech stack \u00ad AWS, Heroku, Github, Postgres, Rails and JavaScript \u00adto manage and develop our suite of products. You'll be strong with development and devops, confident adding features to Rails apps, managing processes such as cron jobs, queuing and database migrations. You'll move us to continuous integration, test driven development and automated server configuration, ensuring everything keeps working as we migrate. You'll have a solid disaster recovery plan, but you'll do what it takes to ensure we don't need to use it.\n\nYou're might not call yourself a front\u00adend or full\u00adstack developer, but you're comfortable updating existing views and adding whole new user flows to an app. You're happy to roll your sleeves up and use jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap to get the job done. You know enough CSS to make it look tidy, but you're not trying to win design awards for your work - you're happy when everything's working.\n\n \n \n #############################\n # Why we're hiring\n #############################\n \n\nWe've worked with four freelancers in two years, have done a few too many rewrites and maybe didn't think carefully enough about our build versus buy decisions. We're looking to put that right. We need someone who can join us for the long term, a safe pair of hands to fix up our systems and fill in the gaps, then take our technology platform to the next level as our company grows. You'll start working on the SMR product suite, including a B2C web app, a sales CRM, candidate vetting tools and an event check\u00adin app. We also have a public API, event tools, B2B site, data visualisations and a range of microsites in the pipeline. We hope you'll help shape our roadmap, and as we're a small team, you'll join in conversations on everything from our marketing, expansion plans and event experience.\n\n \n \n #############################\n # Must have\n #############################\n \n\n\\- Experience with AWS, Heroku, Github, Postgres, Rails and JavaScript \\- Experience building and maintaining reliable, performant, secure web apps \\- Committed to writing elegant, maintainable code with great test coverage \\- Reasonable front\u00adend development skills with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap - enough to get the job done\n\n \n \n #############################\n # We're offering\n #############################\n \n\n\u00a340-55k salary depending on skills and experience.\n\nAll the usual startup perks: a nice office in Shoreditch just off Hoxton Square, a \u00a32000 equipment budget to buy whatever you need (Mac, Linux, desktop, laptop, dual monitors... whatever you're comfortable with), unlimited freshly ground coffee and table tennis.\n\nContact email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> NodePrime: Help our rapidly growing early stage team in SF build the future of IT Management\n\n\"NodePrime is building the next generation Management and Analytics Platform for Datacenter Infrastructure. \"\n\nWeb UI Developer in San Diego, CA\n\n\"Fast growing startup, partnered with Spotify, is building the next generation of musical apps! Bring your passion for design and music to F#.\"\n\nRecent Grads! Join LaunchHub to help Solve Industry Shaking Problems w\/ BigData. Palo Alto, CA\n\n\"Competitive compensation, Elite experience required. Work w\/ High Traffic clients, Machine Learning, and next generation user interfaces.\"\n\nAngular Developer to help build a cutting-edge, next generation UI in Downtown Seattle, WA\n\n\"Build JavaScript heavy apps in an agile environment. Join a self-motivated & empowered team at one of Washigton's \"Best Companies to Work for.\"\"\n\nLead Developer to update Backbone app w\/ AngularJS in New York City\n\n\"Wayla is a seed funded start-up that documents cultural events and provides advanced crowd data. \"\n\nFront End Engineer - Javascript\/Angular - San Francisco Bay Area\n\n\"F5 Networks is looking for a talented web applications developers with Expert JavaScript skills to LEAD the design and implementation of comprehensive new application delivery and security features for our platform.\"\n\nFrontend Magician \/\/ AngularJS & RequireJS pro \/\/ Amsterdam, The Netherlands\n\n\"Backbase is uniting masters of the AngularJS Framework. We are building software used by millions of people. Join us asynchronously!\"\n\nAwesome Frontend Developer to Embed AngularJS at PetroCloud - Irving, TX\n\n\"Building real-time dashboards for remote embedded devices. Software stack includes AngularJS, NodeJS, Mongodb, websockets. \"\n\nFront End Engineer at Thumbtack | San Francisco\n\n\"Front End Developers, @thumbtack needs you to help change how we Hire Local Services. #AngularJS #JavaScript #Frontend Jobs\"\n\nCreate Beautiful UIs w\/ AngularJS for Support.com in San Francisco, CA\n\n\"Focus on usability, design, and performance. Earn a competitive salary while getting to work from home 1-2 days per week! \"\n\nImpact Advertising w\/ AngularJS. Experience High-Growth w\/ 100M+ Users Weekly! Work in Boston or NYC\n\n\"Both Junior & Senior Available! Focus on JavaScript. TDD Angular components. \"Never lost a developer over price\" \\- CTO\"\n\nApply here:\n\n> [https:\/\/www.AngularJobs.com](https:\/\/www.AngularJobs.com)\n\n<\/comment> Kaggle, San Francisco\n\n\\<\/comment>- About Kaggle <\/comment>-\n\nKaggle is best known as the world's largest community of data scientists. Our community of around 200,000 data scientists compete to solve complex data problems. We're changing the way the most important data-driven problems are solved. We have branched out beyond our core business of machine learning competitions, to build end-to-end solutions in specific industries. Our first focus industry is energy, where we are working with Global 10 companies to make better decisions on where and how to drill for oil & gas. Our solutions take detailed geological and engineering data and help predict well performance. These solutions can minimize capital and environmental destruction by helping operators drill fewer uneconomic wells. Kaggle is located in the heart of the SOMA. We are well-funded (Khosla Ventures, Index Ventures and Max Levchin). Our team includes coffee, beer wine and whisky connoisseurs, pastry chefs, ping pong players, kiteboarders and rollerbladers.\n\n\\<\/comment>---- Who We're Looking For <\/comment>-----\n\n\\-----Product Manager-----\n\nWe're looking for a Product Manager with an interest in hard science and data science. Somebody who can learn a complex and technical industry and empathize with customers who are not always data science savvy. What you will be doing\n\n* Create and refine the company's product strategy * Work with our customers to understand their economics, buying process and decision making process * Develop an understanding of how Kaggle's products impact our customer's economics and decision making process * Collaborate with sales to develop pricing models and identify target customers * Collaborate with engineering to prioritizing requirements, scoping feature & set expectations * Develop an understanding of our competition and how their impact our roadmap and positioning * Identify new opportunities based on customer interactions\n\n\\-----Statisticians & Data Scientists to Focus on the Energy Industry-----\n\n\\-----Software Engineer-----\n\nWe have branched out behind our core data mining competitions, to build end- to-end solutions on an industry by industry basis. Our first industry is energy, where we're building solutions that can transform the world's largest industry. In the energy sector, we've started with two basic solutions:\n\n* using detailed geological data to pick the best place to lease and drill for oil & gas; * using detailed data on drilling practices to help operators produce efficiently.\n\nThe machine learning and statistical challenges in energy have some interesting properties:\n\n* geospatial data * mix of deep science and machine learning * sample sizes are small and samples are highly correlated * we care about explainability and insights\n\nAddressing these challenges requires layers upon layers of statistical machine learning models We want to fully capture the uncertainties in our modeling at each layer, not just the point estimates.\n\nFor questions, please contact us at email@example.com or visit our career page at [https:\/\/www.kaggle.com\/careers](https:\/\/www.kaggle.com\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> _Data Scientist at 42matters in Zurich, Switzerland, Job type: full\u00adtime, Starting date: immediately_\n\n42matters is a rapidly growing start\u00adup, leading the development of next generation mobile user modeling technology. Our solutions are used by big brand companies within the mobile advertising market to serve mobile users intelligently targeted content. We are an international team, with an innovative and fast\u00adpaced company culture.\n\nWe're growing our data science and analytics team and are looking for experienced data scientists to be a part of projects that cover the full spectrum of machine learning and statistical programming. We are specifically interested in people with experience in classification and clustering algorithms, natural language processing, predictive analytics and recommender systems.\n\n _Highlights_\n\n\u25cf Globally focused company with international team\n\n\u25cf Directly see the impact of your contribution\n\n\u25cf Collaborative work environment\n\n\u25cf Development of cutting\u00adedge technologies\n\n\u25cf Enjoy the high quality of living Zurich has to offer\n\n _Responsibilities \/Opportunities_\n\n\u25cf Research, design, and implement user modeling systems for very large\u00adscale data sets\n\n\u25cf Analyse and understand our data and present insights in a clear way\n\n\u25cf Improve the quality of data and the efficiency of our algorithms\n\n\u25cf Implement highly available, scalable and performant systems\n\n _Requirements_\n\n\u25cf M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Statistics, Math, Physics, Computer Science, or other quantitative discipline\n\n\u25cf Proficiency in applying discrete math, statistics, probability theory, and machine learning to answer complex questions\n\n\u25cf Experience with python or other programming languages\n\n\u25cf Experience in relational and non relational databases\n\n\u25cf Proactive, organized, practical and solution oriented\n\n\u25cf Team player but also a self starter\n\n\u25cf Experience with MongoDB or Couchbase is a plus\n\n\u25cf Experience with statistical programming environments like R or Matlab is a plus\n\n\u25cf Experience with Hadoop, Pig or Hive is a plus\n\n\u25cf Experience with Amazon AWS (or similar cloud services) is a plus\n\n _Our offer_\n\n\u25cf Full\u00adtime position\n\n\u25cf International travel for industry and academic events\n\n\u25cf Discounted access to gym and other sports\/activities\n\n\u25cf Free discount card (halbtax) for local transportation\n\n\u25cf Competitive salary\n\n _Interested in the Data Scientist position?_ To apply, please send us a short email at email@example.com, including:\n\n\u25cf Your CV\n\n\u25cf Your motivation\n\n\u25cf First possible starting date\n\n\u25cf Link to online portfolio, Github, LinkedIn or public available projects that shows your work experience, if any\n\n[http:\/\/42matters.com](http:\/\/42matters.com) Sumatrastrasse 3, 8006 Z\u00fcrich Switzerland\n\n<\/comment> Cerego - [http:\/\/www.cerego.co.jp\/en\/](http:\/\/www.cerego.co.jp\/en\/) \\- Tokyo, Japan - Full Time - Front-End Software Engineer\n\nCerego builds learning technology that helps people learn more efficiently. We currently have teams located in San Francisco and Tokyo. This position is for the Tokyo team.\n\nThe Tokyo team develops iKnow! ([http:\/\/iknow.jp](http:\/\/iknow.jp)), a cross- platform service specializing in language learning. The current focus of iKnow! is the huge ELL (English language learning) space in Japan. iKnow! is a proven and successful product, with tens of thousands of paying users and almost 10 million hours logged of study time.\n\nWith powerful core learning technologies in place, we are now looking to greatly expand the platform. We go from ideas to prototypes to working features quickly, and we're looking for someone who can help us every step of the way. We think that fast, focused releases are the best way to craft the best learning experiences for our users.\n\nIn addition to our core technology stack, we love learning new tools, technologies, and techniques. If you've got a favorite language, framework, library, or practice, pitch it to the team, and we'll explore integrating it into our workflow.\n\nCerego is interested in engineers who have both engineering proficiency and creativity. We're looking for a front-end engineer who:\n\nWrites well-crafted HTML, JavaScript, and CSS Has experience with a server- side web framework, REST based APIs, and version control Feels a sense of ownership and pride over anything he or she builds Works well with a small, close-knit team Wants to live in Japan and learn Japanese Is excited about solving language-learning problems\n\nAs a frontend engineer, you'll be primarily working with:\n\nRuby on Rails 3+ HTML\/ERB JavaScript\/CoffeeScript\/jQuery CSS\/SASS\n\nYour primary responsibilities will be:\n\nDesigning, implementing, and maintaining front-end features Expanding the JavaScript-based learning applications to cover new kinds of learning Working with the product team to craft the optimal user experience\n\nAnd you'll be working in:\n\nA sunlit office in the heart of Shibuya with incredible views of Tokyo and Mt. Fuji on a clear day An extremely flexible and friendly working environment\n\nWe are a small, dedicated team of passionate individuals who believe in the value of the service we are creating. English proficiency opens many doors in Asia both personally and professionally, and we know our product is that rare product that can actually make a difference in people's lives.\n\nIf you think you're a good fit for our team, please send an email to firstname.lastname@example.com with a brief introduction, resume, and a few code samples you'd like to talk about during an interview. Tell us what you're most proud of, what you've accomplished, and why you're interested in Cerego.\n\n<\/comment> Unhaggle - [http:\/\/www.unhaggle.com](http:\/\/www.unhaggle.com) \\- Toronto, Canada\n\nWe're looking for: Python\/Django Developer (Remote)\n\n=====\n\n _Who We Are_\n\nUnhaggle is Canada's largest live online marketplace for new cars.\n\nOur tools and data are trusted and used by car buying services for Yahoo Autos, MSN Autos, AOL Autos, and the Globe and Mail. With over 700 Partner Dealers nationwide and average customer savings of $3,618, Unhaggle provides customers with a positively unforgettable experience by removing the frustrating inefficiencies of the traditional car buying process.\n\nSince 2011, Unhaggle has become the number 1 web portal in Canada for New Car Buying, providing over $87,000,000 in savings to over 250,000 satisfied customers and making the new car buying process easier, faster and more transparent for car buyers and dealers alike.\n\n=====\n\n _What We 're Looking For_\n\nUnhaggle is looking for a Python developer with experience in web application development. This is a full-time contract position. We are looking for developers who will be working from home and ideally to work with us on a long-term basis. We accept applications from candidates anywhere in the world.\n\nOur management team is based in Toronto, Canada. Selected candidates will be asked to work as much as possible in Toronto Time \/ EST Time (GMT -4).\n\n=====\n\nWe use GitHub to manage tasks and code reviews. Basecamp is used sometimes for general project management.\n\nYou will be primarily involved in three different projects:\n\n\\- Our web portal unhaggle.com\n\n\\- REST APIs, for integration with different partners\n\n\\- An internal and innovative web application we built for industry clients\n\n=====\n\nAdditional information:\n\n\\- All projects are written in Python and Django. The scope will usually include front-end (CSS\/Javascript and AJAX\/XHTML) and back-end (Django, Python, PostgreSQL and general server software).\n\n\\- We take quality seriously and you should expect to be involved in well written code bases following standards such as PEP-8 and good software engineering practices.\n\n=====\n\nQualifications:\n\n\\- Strong hands on experience with Python, experience with Django is important, but we might still be willing to consider candidates with strong Python skills and none or little knowledge with Django.\n\n\\- Strong web development experience: we expect that you know XHTML, CSS and Javascript well.\n\n\\- Hands on experience with jQuery is a big plus\n\n\\- Track record of delivering completed projects, preferably web-based\n\n\\- Good SQL knowledge and databases, PostgreSQL is a plus\n\n\\- You should be very familiar with Linux\n\n\\- Experience using version control software, Git is a plus\n\n\\- Understanding of code best practices and standards. We also expect that you follow PEP-8 style guide and use tools like Pyflakes and Pylint very often\n\n\\- Easy-going personality. You will actively participate in design discussions and code review\n\n=====\n\nSkills:\n\nPython, Javascript, CSS, jQuery, SQL, AJAX, Django, RESTful Services, Front- End Development, Git, PostgreSQL, Linux, XHTML, Backend Development, Version Control\n\n=====\n\n _How To Apply_\n\nShoot us a note at email@example.com and let us know that you're coming from HN and that you're interested in this role, or you can send me a note personally at firstname.lastname@example.com and I can forward you along to the right people.\n\nPlease send your application with the following additional information:\n\n\\- Your expected hourly rate\n\n\\- Any important details about your availability that we should be aware of. Note that this is a full-time position (8 hours per day \/ 40 hours per week).\n\n\\- Any small sample of Python code that you have written and are really proud of [OR] any links to accounts such as github, google code, bitbucket or stackoverflow would be great too.\n\n\\- A list of some projects that you have previously been involved in and that are currently online Selected candidates will be contacted for a technical phone interview + coding interview.\n\nWe thank all candidates for taking the time to apply, but only those who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.\n\nNo relocation available, we are a distributed team.\n\n<\/comment> Data Science Retreat - [http:\/\/datascienceretreat.com\/](http:\/\/datascienceretreat.com\/) -Community manager - Berlin, Germany\n\nOutgoing, eloquent and friendly Community Manager. This is our pitch to prospective students: \"Data Science Retreat (DSR) is the only data science course in the world with chief-data-scientist-level mentors. DSR helps coders or people with significant quantitative training (e.g. science, engineering, or math graduates) ramp-up rapidly for a data science career - arguably the fastest-growing, highest-demand profession.\n\nDSR is a 3-month, in-person, rigorous, and full-time\/intensive course in the startup-capital of Europe: Berlin. You'll learn software engineering, data science, business analysis and communication faster and more deeply with mentors doing code reviews and pair-programming - all on real-world data and problems. You will develop a portfolio project, demonstrating you can own a business problem, solve it, and communicate why your results are definitive.\n\nYou bring your training, tuition, and drive to master our curriculum alongside our world-class mentors and partners. Towards the end we provide a networking event with top-tier technology companies, where you will show off your new skills and portfolio project, likely leaving with a career-changing job.\"\n\nWe're looking for someone to take charge of operations, accounting, and event coordination at Data Science Retreat. This job will entail everything from managing our office space to handling inbound email to planning events to working with our accountant.\n\nYou will get to meet lots of interesting people and companies, and be at the center of the data science action in EU.\n\nFind out more about DSR and apply at [http:\/\/datascienceretreat.com\/](http:\/\/datascienceretreat.com\/)\n\nWe are profitable from day one and growing.\n\nWho we're looking for: _____________________________________ We're looking for someone who writes well, exercises good judgement, is extremely effective, and is energized by being around other people. Hours: The job will initially be 20 hours per week on a freelance basis. Assuming you can meet your targets equally well, then you can work from home most days, meaning you'll save that unpaid daily waste that exists in other jobs: commuting.\n\nWhat we offer: _____________________________________ \u2022 Meaningful work, with a huge effect on people's lives. You will help people make a career change into arguably the fastest growing profession today. \u2022 Market rate pay \u2022 A friendly and intellectual atmosphere, and a tight-knit and supportive team. \u2022 A warm and welcoming office (near lots of good food and transit). \u2022 You can sit on our classes when you are not busy; that is, you can start your path to become a data scientist yourself if you are interested \u2022 Lots of interaction with famous data scientists who come to teach or give talks. \u2022 Potential for growth. If you get things done, you will be a permanent hire. If you understand the business side of DSR, and help achieving objectives, you will be a crucial part of it What makes you a strong candidate in our eyes? We don't expect any single candidate to have all of these but please mention relevant experience when applying. \u2022 Good spoken German (native or close). \u2022 You live in Berlin \u2022 Attention to detail. You will deal with bills, receipts, etc. Familiarity with doing taxes a plus \u2022 Some understanding of Facebook and Twitter (Likes, RTs, @, #, DMs, \u2026). \u2022 Confident writing skills are essential. You will communicate with companies \u2022 An interesting personality. Let's be realistic: a large component of sales is charm. \u2022 Experience selling over email. \u2022 Comfortable and confident talking with people you haven't met \"In Real Life\" (one secret: just babble about something random and interesting to break the e-ice). \u2022 Native or native-level English spelling and grammar.\n\nWhat would be a plus: _____________________________________ \u2022 Tech-savvy and deep passion for data \u2022 Prior experience in sales \u2022 Prior experience assisting an executive\n\nWhat your day-to-day will look like: _____________________________________ \u2022 Organizing accommodation for visitors \u2022 Helping students in their day-to-day activities \u2022 Contacting companies that are hiring data scientists, informing them of our program \u2022 Following up with companies that responded, arranging a call \u2022 Keeping calendars and checklists \u2022 Developing process out of chaos \u2022 Helping us automate as much as possible\n\n<\/comment> US - Phoenix, AZ (fulltime, local only)\n\nP.S. Studios in sunny Phoenix, AZ is looking for a local full-time, well- rounded web developer to enhance our creative and committed team. Our clients range from local arts and cultural organizations to architects, national educational institutions and retailers. We focus on providing an excellent working experience for our clients and continually pushing the envelope with design on the web.\n\nYour main responsibility will be building web experiences using a variety of front- and back-end technologies. We are primarily a Wordpress shop, so this will include intensive PHP development as well as interaction and UI development and design. Projects will include everything from coding simple HTML emails, to planning, building, and deploying customized publishing platforms and web apps. You will become an integral part of our team, helping craft and execute cutting-edge projects for small and large web efforts, with emphasis on design and performance.\n\n\\<\/comment>-- Day-to-day on the Job <\/comment>--\n\nSince we are a small studio, no two projects are the same and a lot of our success is due to our flexibility.\n\nThe ideal candidate will have strong knowledge of PHP, HTML5 and CSS3 and can demonstrate experience building websites from design to launch. Experience with modern web development workflows (preprocessors, MVC principles, modular\/OO design patterns) is key. Must understand the development process and have the ability to scope and architect Wordpress and other database- driven sites. Have a deep understanding of SEO principles, web standards and responsive design, and can isolate browser-compatibility bugs back to IE8 when called for. The ability to jump in and successfully troubleshoot an unfamiliar site is a must. Familiarity with version control systems (git) is important, and knowledge of other development languages\/platforms (Rails, Flask, etc) and\/or database administration is a plus.\n\nThis is a full-time in-house position at our Phoenix studio. Salary is commensurate with experience.\n\n\\<\/comment>-- Skills & Requirements <\/comment>--\n\n\\- Ability to solve complex technical problems and communicate the solution clearly to other non-technical designers and client teams\n\n\\- Examples of hand-coded, standards-based HTML5, CSS3 and javascript work (doesn't have to be from client work)\n\n\\- Experience developing custom Wordpress sites or themes, both front-end and back-end, from scratch when necessary\n\n\\- Experience with modern front-end development tooling: Sass, Bower, Codekit\/Grunt\/etc, git or other VCS\n\n\\- Experience with UX development: Responsive design, Semantic markup, mobile optimization\n\n\\- Understanding of MVC architectures or maintaining\/deploying a LAMP stack are a plus\n\n\\- A strong sense of craftsmanship and pride in your work\n\n\\<\/comment>-- About PS Studios <\/comment>--\n\nWe're a small studio of a dozen people who share a sense of craft and want to make a difference for our clients. We go to work everyday in a beautiful mid- century modern building located in midtown Phoenix, Arizona, work on the latest generation of Mac Pro machines, and provide delicious illy espresso as creative fuel. Please email me at email@example.com if interested. Examples of finished work along with your inquiry are preferred.\n\n<\/comment> OneHealth - Solana Beach, CA (San Diego area)\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n <\/comment>- About OneHealth <\/comment>-\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n \n\nOneHealth\u2122 is an award winning behavioral modification platform that increases outcome-driven wellness and reduces the cost of health care by combining clinical principles, social technologies and game mechanics to extend the reach and benefits of professional medical and clinical care. We are revolutionizing the health care industry so we can help saves lives every day. OneHealth Solutions, Inc. was founded in 2008, is backed by a leading industry Venture Capital firm, and is located in Solana Beach, CA. (www.OneHealth.com)\n\nThis is an opportunity to join a small company making a big impact. We have an engaging corporate culture that combines high standards, professional discipline and an enjoyable team-oriented environment. Competitive benefits package including health, dental and vision insurance, 401K and Equity Incentive plan. Our offices are located one mile from the beach and we offer a free weekly yoga class and surfing meet ups.\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n --- Senior Software Engineer ----\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n \n http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3WsLugwo\n \n -- Essential Duties & Responsibilities: --\n \n * Design and build clinical and social backends and related APIs that drive our web and mobile sites.\n * Develop and improve A\/B Testing of new features on our platform allow us to drive company decisions with supporting metrics.\n * Help evolve and scale the platform and its core rule and analytic engines to improve outcomes and improve peoples lives.\n \n --- What we are looking for: ---\n \n * BS in Computer Science (or equivalent)\n * 5+ Years of Linux and web development experience\n * Solid knowledge of JavaScript\/PHP website development.\n * Thorough understanding of protocols such as HTTP, XMPP, SMTP, AMQP\n * Working knowledge of RequireJS, Backbone, Handlebars, SASS, HTML and CSS\n * Experience with data stores such as Redis, MySQL, LocalStorage.\n * Experience with agile development practices and methodologies such as Scrum, TDD, BDD and Unit Testing.\n * Experience with Continuous Integration and automated development tools and processes\n * Familiarity with asynchronous\/event driven architectures and graph theory\n * Familiarity with open source software development and have an active account on github\n * Experience with building PHP\/Node Extensions, Ruby gems and Debian Packages is a big plus\n * Experience with HIPAA, HITECH, PHI and related security and privacy laws is a plus\n * Passionate, Accountable with excellent organization and communication skills\n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n --- Android Software Engineer ---\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n \n http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3OrLugwf\n \n -- Essential Duties and Responsibilities --\n \n * Design and build hybrid apps and web experiences for mobile phones and tablets\n * Work directly with our platform and analytics engineers and contribute the mobile perspective\n * Collaborate daily with development, QA, product and management teams\n * Maintains a working knowledge of relevant government and industry standards\n \n -- Qualifications --\n \n * BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience\n * 3+ Years of mobile development experience\n * Knowledge of protocols such as HTTP, OAuth and REST\n * Thorough understanding of JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3, REST APIs\n * Experience with native app development for Android (Java), Android Frameworks and technologies such as WebView, Intents, Testing and Volley\n * Experience with Android tools such as proguard, systrace, adb, bmgr and jobb\n * Experience with GIT, Continuous Integration and automated development tools and processes\n * Experience with design patterns, such as Model View Presenter, Data Mapper, Polymorphism, DRY, Decoupling\n * Experience with agile development practices and methodologies such as Scrum, Refactoring, TDD, BDD and Unit Testing\n * Strong interest in learning new technologies, standards and working with open source software\n * Passionate, accountable with excellent organization and communication skills\n * Experience with CORS, HTML5 WebSockets and C2DM based Push Notifications a plus\n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n - Lead Test Automation Engineer -\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n \n http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3WIewgw9\n \n -- Essential Duties and Responsibilities --\n \n * Plans and directs the development, application, and maintenance of quality standards for our software.\n * Develop and update test cases.\n * Report product bugs using the Company's bug-tracking tool.\n * Collaborate daily with development, product and management teams. Create clear status reports and concisely communicate with relevant parties.\n * Recommend streamlining of processes to improve test efficiency.\n * Maintains a working knowledge of relevant government and industry standards.\n * Interprets quality assurance philosophy to key personnel in the Company.\n * Reviews all data obtained during all quality assurance activities to ensure consistency with Company policies and procedures.\n \n -- Qualifications -- \n \n * BS in Computer Science (or equivalent)\n * 6+ Years of developing, managing and ensuring quality of a web platform and\/or service.\n * Solid knowledge of automated test frameworks such as Watir, Selenium or Sahi and related best practices.\n * Hands-on experience with testing large scale AJAX based websites.\n * Hands-on experience with testing web services\n * Have built out and maintained regression test frameworks.\n * Used agile development practices and methodologies such as Scrum\n * Deeply familiar with TDD, BDD and Unit Testing.\n * Experience with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipelines\n * Experience with RSpec, PHPUnit, SimpleTest\n * Must pass a background check and drug test\n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n <\/comment>- Engineering Intern <\/comment>\n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n \n http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3wKewgwL\n \n -- What you will do: --\n \n * Build fast, secure, beautiful and scalable web apps\n * Use modern web technologies to disrupt healthcare\n * Be exposed to a broad range of technologies such as Chef, RabbitMQ, Redis, APIs and real time applications \n * And as always, debug hard problems\n \n -- Requirements: --\n \n * Current student at a top university majoring in Computer Science\/Computer Engineering \n * Solid knowledge of data structures and algorithms\n * Experience building web applications using PHP, Python or Ruby\n * Web development experience (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax)\n * Experience with Angular or Backbone is desirable but not required \n * Most importantly, high energy and willingness to learn new technologies\n * Must be able to pass a background check and drug screen\n * This is a part-time position\n\n<\/comment> onefinestay - javascript application developer - London, UK\n\n\\----\n\n# Who are we?\n\nThere's a new way to stay in a city. onefinestay is a trusted service for hosts to flexibly share their homes while they're out of town. We give guests the best bits of a boutique hotel stay inside some of the most distinctive homes around.\n\n\\----\n\n# Why does onefinestay need developers?\n\nAs well as continuously improving [http:\/\/www.onefinestay.com](http:\/\/www.onefinestay.com) we're building a whole bevy of tools to support the very real, very logistical business that depends on technology, from mobile tools to scheduling systems. Here's a snapshot of some of the things we're currently working on, will be working on soon, or maybe just finished.\n\n\\- Updating the entire online pre-stay experience for guests (we call it, online check-in)\n\n\\- Launched a brand new online magazine with custom cms called The Edition\n\n\\- Developed an authentication and staff management system to handle our ever- growing team\n\n\\- Completely revamping the entire site to support mobile devices (40% of our traffic comes from iOS)\n\n\\----\n\n# Who do we want?\n\nWe're looking for someone who can question the status quo, bring new ideas to the table, see the full potential of a new feature (and push it to realisation), or if necessary tone down something that is getting out of hand. Everyone on the team is a fullstack developer, to some degree. But our django heavy application is moving more and more to the client in order to keep our interfaces as usable as possible. We'd like you to have some experience with server-side code in a production environment, but if yours isn't in python or django, don't worry, there'll be plenty of time to learn. With that in mind, we're looking for:\n\n\\- High-level ability in HTML\/CSS (SASS)\n\n\\- MVC style application development with javascript (backbone, underscore, react)\n\n\\- Some experience with server side frameworks (django, RoR, express)\n\n\\- Ability to work with our product team to develop high quality user experience\n\n\\- Strong knowledge of web standards and cross-browser compatibility\n\nThere's a bunch of other stuff that will go a long way to get us excited:\n\n\\- Experience with source control (git, mercurial)\n\n\\- Experience with agile development methodologies\n\n\\- Comfortable working with pre-processors such as browserify, React's jsx format\n\n\\- Experience with CI and automated testing (jenkins, jasmine)\n\n\\----\n\n# What we can offer you?\n\n\\- Competitive salaries\n\n\\- Stock options\n\n\\- A social work environment filled to the brim with talented developers\n\n\\- Your choice of dev environment (on the penthouse floor of our sweet new offices)\n\n\\- Time to expand and grow your skills\n\n\\----\n\nPlease apply at the following link: [https:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j?aj=oM05Wfwx&s=hn_whos_hiring](https:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j?aj=oM05Wfwx&s=hn_whos_hiring)\n\n<\/comment> craigslist is seeking full stack web developers to:\n\n\\- imagine, design, implement, test, and roll out new features\n\n\\- ship code daily, and see it loved (or hated) by millions\n\n\\- draw from and contribute to various open source projects\n\n\\- enjoy a tech-driven, laid-back, fun-loving workplace\n\nA sampling of the technologies we work with includes:\n\n\\- Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl\n\n\\- python, node.js, C\/C++\n\n\\- Javascript, jquery, AJAX\n\n\\- redis, mongoDB, SQLite\n\n\\- HTML, CSS, JSON, XML\n\nExperience in any of the following areas is helpful (but not required):\n\n\\- anti-fraud \/ spam \/ scam systems\n\n\\- accounts receivable & billing systems\n\n\\- QA \/ automated testing\n\n\\- user interface design\n\n\\- internationalization, encoding systems, Unicode\n\n\\- event driven programming\n\n\\- queuing \/ job scheduling systems\n\n\\- security, web site vulnerabilities, phishing attacks\n\n\\- machine learning\n\ncraigslist offers:\n\n\\- an unusually philanthropic company mission and philosophy\n\n\\- a small team (< 50) of fun-loving, smart, interesting, idealistic people\n\n\\- non-garden-variety tech challenges at billions-of-page-views-per-day\n\n\\- a tech nirvana, free from VCs, MBAs, sales, marketing, biz dev, meetings\n\n\\- big company stability and benefits -- w\/o the dysfunction and despair\n\n\\- competitive market rates for you -- free classifieds for humanity\n\ncraigslist benefits include:\n\n\\- 100% paid (including eligible dependents) health and dental insurance\n\n\\- craigslist-provided health reimbursement account ($3K-$7K)\n\n\\- 3-to-1 match on employee charitable donations (up to 10% of salary)\n\n\\- 401(k) matching program (up to 6% of salary), with immediate vesting\n\n\\- 4 weeks paid time off; 10 paid holidays\n\n\\- commuting stipend (up to $245\/month)\n\n\\- wellness stipend (up to $150\/month); weekly in-office yoga\n\n\\- mobile phone and at-home internet stipend (up to $250\/month)\n\n\\- bike-friendly culture, in-office bicycle parking\n\n\\- healthy (vegan, vegetarian, omnivore) breakfast, lunch, and snacks daily\n\n\\- SF HQ - 25' ceilings, all natural light, adjustable height desks, CoffeeBot 9000\n\nTo apply, please reply with your plain text resume, a summary of your technical strengths, and WEB DEV in the subject line to techjobs[at]craigslist.org. No attachments, please.\n\n\"For those about to rock, we salute you!\"\n\n<\/comment> Windward Studios - [http:\/\/www.windward.net](http:\/\/www.windward.net) Boulder, Colorado\n\nWe have the best group of developers I have ever worked with, and that includes when I was on the core Windows 95 team at Microsoft. Very smart, motivated, and work really well with each other.\n\nWe want rock stars who work well with others.\n\nOur existing code is Java and C#. We're presently creating an equivalent of Word + AutoTag in the browser using typescript & Sencha (for the U.I.).\n\nWe are self-funded, profitable, and growing.\n\nWhat is it like working at Windward? In the words of some of our employees: [http:\/\/blogs.windwardreports.com\/tomasr\/2012\/01\/come-work- wi...](http:\/\/blogs.windwardreports.com\/tomasr\/2012\/01\/come-work-with-us-were- awesome.html) [http:\/\/blogs.windwardreports.com\/matta\/2012\/02\/help- theyre-m...](http:\/\/blogs.windwardreports.com\/matta\/2012\/02\/help-theyre- making-me-work-at-windward.html) [http:\/\/blogs.windward.net\/davidt\/2012\/02\/05\/why-you-want- to-...](http:\/\/blogs.windward.net\/davidt\/2012\/02\/05\/why-you-want-to-work-at- windward\/)\n\nSend resumes to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Recent Grads! Join LaunchHub to help Solve Industry Shaking Problems w\/ BigData. Palo Alto, CA ===\n\n\"Competitive compensation, Elite experience required. Work w\/ High Traffic clients, Machine Learning, and next generation user interfaces.\"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1081-recent-grads-join- > lau...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1081-recent-grads-join-launchhub- > to-help-solve-industry-shaking-problems-w-bigdata-palo-alto-ca)\n\nAngular Developer to help build a cutting-edge, next generation UI in Downtown Seattle, WA ===\n\n\"Build JavaScript heavy apps in an agile environment. Join a self-motivated & empowered team at one of Washigton's \"Best Companies to Work for.\"\"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1016-angular-developer- > to-...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1016-angular-developer-to-help- > build-a-cutting-edge-next-generation-ui-in-downtown-seattle-wa)\n\nLead Developer to update Backbone app w\/ AngularJS in New York City ===\n\n\"Wayla is a seed funded start-up that documents cultural events and provides advanced crowd data. \"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/896-lead-developer-to- > upda...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/896-lead-developer-to-update- > backbone-app-w-angularjs-in-new-york-city)\n\nFront End Engineer - Javascript\/Angular - San Francisco Bay Area ===\n\n\"F5 Networks is looking for a talented web applications developers with Expert JavaScript skills to LEAD the design and implementation of comprehensive new application delivery and security features for our platform.\"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/803-front-end-engineer- > jav...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/803-front-end-engineer-javascript- > angular-san-francisco-bay-area)\n\nFrontend Magician \/\/ AngularJS & RequireJS pro \/\/ Amsterdam, The Netherlands ===\n\n\"Backbase is uniting masters of the AngularJS Framework. We are building software used by millions of people. Join us asynchronously!\"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1037-frontend-magician- > ang...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1037-frontend-magician-angularjs- > requirejs-pro-amsterdam-the-netherlands)\n\nAwesome Frontend Developer to Embed AngularJS at PetroCloud - Irving, TX ===\n\n\"Building real-time dashboards for remote embedded devices. Software stack includes AngularJS, NodeJS, Mongodb, websockets. \"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/371-awesome-frontend- > devel...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/371-awesome-frontend-developer- > to-embed-angularjs-at-petrocloud-irving-tx)\n\nFront End Engineer at Thumbtack | San Francisco ===\n\n\"Front End Developers, @thumbtack needs you to help change how we Hire Local Services. #AngularJS #JavaScript #Frontend Jobs\"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1003-front-end-engineer- > at...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/1003-front-end-engineer-at- > thumbtack-san-francisco)\n\nCreate Beautiful UIs w\/ AngularJS for Support.com in San Francisco, CA ===\n\n\"Focus on usability, design, and performance. Earn a competitive salary while getting to work from home 1-2 days per week! \"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/995-create-beautiful- > uis-w...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/995-create-beautiful-uis-w- > angularjs-for-support-com-in-san-francisco-ca)\n\nImpact Advertising w\/ AngularJS. Experience High-Growth w\/ 100M+ Users Weekly! Work in Boston or NYC ===\n\n\"Both Junior & Senior Available! Focus on JavaScript. TDD Angular components. \"Never lost a developer over price\" \\- CTO\"\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/832-impact-advertising- > w-a...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/832-impact-advertising-w- > angularjs-experience-high-growth-w-100m-users-weekly-work-in-boston-or-nyc)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Telegram desktop app leaked internet addresses when starting calls - https:\/\/www.engadget.com\/2018\/09\/30\/telegram-desktop-app-leaked-ip-addresses\/ Posted by Telegram's founder Durov on his channel:\n\nSome tech media reported that the Telegram Desktop app wasn't secure because it \"leaked IP addresses\" when used to accept a voice call.\n\nThe reality is much less sensational \u2013 Telegram Desktop was at least as secure as other encrypted VoIP apps even before we improved it by adding an option to disable peer-to-peer calls. As for Telegram calls on mobile, they were always more secure than the competition, because they had this setting since day one.\n\nDuring a peer-to-peer (P2P) call, voice traffic flows directly from one participant of a call to the other without relying on an intermediary server. P2P routing allows to achieve higher quality calls with lower latency, so the current industry standard is to have P2P switched on by default.\n\nHowever, there's a catch: by definition, both devices participating in a P2P call have to know the IP addresses of each other. So if you make or accept a call, the person on the other side may in theory learn your IP address.\n\nThat's why, unlike WhatsApp or Viber, Telegram always gave its users the ability to switch off P2P calls and relay them through a Telegram server. Moreover, in most countries we switched off P2P by default.\n\nTelegram Desktop, which is used in less than 0.01% of Telegram calls, was the only platform where this setting was missing. Thanks to a researcher who pointed that out, we made the Telegram Desktop experience consistent with the rest of our apps.\n\nHowever, it is important to put this into perspective and realize that this is about one Telegram app (Telegram Desktop) being somewhat less secure than other Telegram apps (e.g. Telegram for iOS or Android). If you compare Telegram with other popular messaging services our there, unfortunately, they are not even close to our standards.\n\nUsing the terminology from the flashy headlines, WhatsApp, Viber and the rest have been \"leaking your IP address\" in 100% of calls. They are still doing this, and you can't opt out. The only way to stop this is to have all your friends switch to Telegram.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: Who is hiring? (February 2014) - Please lead with the location of the position and include the keywords INTERN, REMOTE, or H1B if the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. Feel free to post any job that may interest HN readers from executive assistant to machine learning expert to CTO.

Also see: Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (February 2014) http://news.ycombinator.com/edit?id=7162201 Oculus VR - [https:\/\/careers.oculusvr.com\/](https:\/\/careers.oculusvr.com\/) \\- Irvine, CA\n\nHelp us bring Virtual Reality to the people! Oculus is up to over 60 people (primarily engineers), and we are expanding quickly. In addition to a huge variety of positions in Irvine, CA, Oculus is looking for software engineers in Dallas, Tx.\n\nA few of the positions that are especially important to us right now are:\n\n* Web Services Engineer - Architect and implement the APIs behind our platform.\n\n* Senior Android Engineer - We're looking for experts in kernel, system level, and\/or graphics programming on Android in both Dallas and Irvine.\n\n* Embedded Systems Engineer - We need hardware hackers in Irvine to help define, prototype, and program the systems going into future projects.\n\n* Computer Vision Engineer - We're looking for engineers with a strong 3d math background and experience with computer vision research and algorithms.\n\n* Senior Audio Engineer - We're looking for an audio expert with experience with positional audio and HRTFs.\n\nThe full set of job listings you can apply to is at [https:\/\/careers.oculusvr.com\/](https:\/\/careers.oculusvr.com\/)\n\nYou can also email me directly at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n I feel like every time I see an Oculus post in these threads I get really excited for mobile work then see that you're still only hiring for Android. Any reason no iOS love?\n\n With AOSP, you can build a custom Android device. It's unlikely you can get a license from Apple to build a custom iOS device.\n\n Surely they'll want iOS games and compatibility at launch right? They could take the whole market of iOS\/VR from launch day if they plan it right. Am I taking crazy pills, or does that not seem like a HUGE opportunity?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> SpaceX, Hawthorne, CA - [http:\/\/spacex.com](http:\/\/spacex.com) (US citizen\/PR only)\n\nYou've probably heard of SpaceX -- we build and fly rockets! Check out [http:\/\/youtu.be\/DjpUf__4vPA](http:\/\/youtu.be\/DjpUf__4vPA) and [http:\/\/youtu.be\/9ZDkItO-0a4](http:\/\/youtu.be\/9ZDkItO-0a4).\n\nWhat you might not know is that we need software engineers. Some of the positions we are looking to fill currently are:\n\nLead front-end software engineer - [http:\/\/www.spacex.com\/careers\/position\/3895](http:\/\/www.spacex.com\/careers\/position\/3895)\n\nSoftware engineer for Borg, our flight data logging and analysis system - [http:\/\/www.spacex.com\/careers\/position\/3366](http:\/\/www.spacex.com\/careers\/position\/3366)\n\nSimulations software engineer, writing the software used to fool the flight software into thinking it's in space - [http:\/\/www.spacex.com\/careers\/position\/3858](http:\/\/www.spacex.com\/careers\/position\/3858)\n\n Is this onsite only or remote\/telecommute for the right candidate?\n\n As a rule, candidates will only be considered if they can relocate. Relocation expenses are covered, though.\n\n(And yes, we know getting people to move to LA is a handicap for us...)\n\n I'd LOVE to move to LA! Right now I'm studying computer engineering at UC Davis with an embedded systems project (freescale cup) involved and some iOS app development on the side.\n\nThe tough part for me is I keep hesitating to apply to you guys because my projects are getting more interesting as time goes on (and I have more time to put into them, EE classes suck up a lot of time!)\n\nAh well, anyway, I will be applying for a few positions, including that one mentioned. Perhaps you'll get to interview me, that'd be awesome :)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Meta: I wish this bot would submit threads on the first Tuesday after the first of each month, so employers who work M-F would be more likely to see and post. Tuesday around 10a to noon Pacific time seems to have the best chance of covering the majority of HN audience.\n\n Perhaps employers should be smart enough to write their bots too?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> CircleCI ([https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs](https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs)) - SF or REMOTE fulltime (in the US)\n\nAt CircleCI we're building the next generation of developer automation: amazing Continuous Integration and Deployment. We have traction and revenue and funding and great customers. Our customers love us, because we move quickly, build great things, and provide amazing support. Everyone talks to customers a lot.\n\nWe're still a small team, so you'll have a large impact on company culture. We're highly influenced by Valve's Employee handbook and Stripe and GitHub's cultures, and have as flat a structure as we can.\n\nWe're looking for frontend engineers (JS), designers (must be able to HTML+CSS), and backend engineers (Clojure). Being a mix of those is of course welcome! We lean towards senior experienced engineers, or junior engineers who can display great talent.\n\nWe're also looking for engineers for sales and marketing positions. Since we have an incredibly technical product, and selling directly to developers, the marketing positions (dev evangelism, CRO, analytics, etc - think a patio11-style engineer) require significant development experience. Sales positions are a good fit for engineers looking for a change, esp those who love automating manual processes.\n\nCheck out our jobs page at [https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs](https:\/\/circleci.com\/jobs).\n\n<\/comment> Toronto, Canada: pressureNET atmospheric modeller\n\nAbout us:\n\nWe collect about 1 million measurements of the atmosphere every day from Android smartphones. We're specifically collecting barometric pressure for use in new weather models: models that you will build, models that will produce higher accuracy and higher resolution weather forecasts than anyone has ever made.\n\nThe position:\n\nCliff Mass and his team [1] have done some preliminary research and testing of models. You will bring these into our company and begin running them in real- time to forecast weather events. You must be familiar with WRF and FORTRAN and have a degree in Atmospheric Science or a related field. You can learn more about our atmosphere platform (and even get an API key to start early) at [http:\/\/pressurenet.io](http:\/\/pressurenet.io). You will be employee #1. Stock options and compensation to be discussed.\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.atmos.washington.edu\/~cliff\/cliff.php](http:\/\/www.atmos.washington.edu\/~cliff\/cliff.php)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco - Heyday - [http:\/\/hey.co](http:\/\/hey.co)\n\nWe are building a lifelog for people to remember and share the story of their lives, automatically, beautifully, and privately. Two months ago, we launched here on Hacker News [ [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=6858373](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=6858373) ]. Here's what some of you guys said:\n\n\\- \"Wow. I rarely download this stuff. But the fact that it claims to be automatic piqued my interest. After downloading it I can say that my first impression is shocked. Shocked that I really liked it.\"\n\n\\- \"This is very well done. This could crush Facebook. Not in the short term but if you create a timeline that is more personally valuable to people they will be far more likely to use it and share it with friends and family. Your timeline is already far more interesting then my \"Wall.\"\n\n\\- \"Why is it free? I would've paid for this.\"\n\n\\- \"I have been looking for this. I've been so desperate for this I've been contemplating creating it myself.\"\n\nWe're looking for mobile engineers (iOS - hard problems include making our sync engine fast\/reliable, fast\/intuitive search for memories, surfacing important memories in the background, UI performance, and doing it all without using a lot of battery), systems engineers (Python, Devops, Puppet\/Chef - problems include delivering accurate geocoding for memories, reliable syncing, and building systems to monitor and scale all of it automatically), and data scientists (R\/Matlab\/SPSS, Python, SQL, statistics, machine learning - problems include using ML to improve accuracy of geocoding, building growth and retention models, all while guaranteeing user anonymity and privacy).\n\nWe will fly you out for interviews and relocate you to San Francisco if you aren't here already. A lot of our team work remotely from time to time, but we haven't found full time remote employees to work out well for us since we collaborate so closely together in real time.\n\nPlease email me directly at siqi at hey dot co (8 hour SLA for a response). I'm also happy to answer questions here.\n\nFun fact: 33% of our engineering team found us through Who's Hiring threads here.\n\n<\/comment> Stripe. We're hiring engineers in San Francisco and remotely within US timezones. INTERN, REMOTE, H1B all welcome.\n\nSee [http:\/\/www.quora.com\/Stripe-company\/What-engineering- problem...](http:\/\/www.quora.com\/Stripe-company\/What-engineering-problems-and- challenges-is-Stripe-solving) for an overview of what challenges we're working on.\n\nIf you're interested, you can apply through the email links on [https:\/\/stripe.com\/jobs](https:\/\/stripe.com\/jobs). If you have any questions, feel free to ping me directly at email@example.com.\n\n I've shot you an email. Thanks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Sunnyvale, CA - Yahoo Fantasy Sports\n\nIf you're a hacker who loves sports, Yahoo Fantasy Sports is looking for iOS & Android developers to help us build amazing mobile experiences. Great pay\/perks, an awesome team, and the chance to work on a product used by millions of hardcore fans around the world.\n\nThe fantasy mobile team at Yahoo includes of 2 acquired startups (Loki Studios & Bignoggins Productions), so we've got a startup culture within a big company.\n\nWe're looking for people with at least a year of native iOS\/Android experience. If you have an app on the store that's a big plus!\n\nIf interested, please send your resume\/github\/app links to sportsjobs@yahoo- inc.com\n\nHere's a commercial from last year's fantasy football campaign: [http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=61DQGOzpdpE](http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=61DQGOzpdpE)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco -- Standard Treasury (YC S13)\n\nStandard Treasury helps banks harness the power of developers and developer ecosystems by building, hosting, maintaining, and supporting white-labeled and co-branded developer platforms for banks worldwide.\n\nOur platform wraps internal bank information and payment systems using our middleware. We then securely expose these systems to bank customers via standardized RESTful APIs. We empower the middleware and APIs, associated software development kits (SDKs) and application stores, while providing support, partner engineering, growth engineering, and more, for our bank partners.\n\nWe are looking to hire:\n\nPlatform Engineers\n\nInfrastructure Engieners\n\nBank Integration Engineers\n\nUser Interface Engineers\n\nDesigners\n\nWe offer great comp:\n\nGreat benefits. Medical, vision, and dental insurance for you and your dependents.\n\nGreat comp. Salary and equity. We know some people have a greater risk appetite than others and we're interested in finding the right balance for you.\n\nGreat perks. Free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, snacks, a stocked fridge, laundry service, gym membership, Clipper card, and house cleaning by Homejoy.\n\nGreat flexibility. Flexible hours, open vacation policy, paid maternity\/paternity.\n\nGreat tools. Build your ideal workstations so you can have the tools you want and need. Buy the books you need or want on Amazon. Need a Kindle for your commute \u2014 get it. The corporate Amex can be used for all expenses under a standard of trust & reasonableness.\n\nYou can see our job postings and apply at [https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/standardtreasury](https:\/\/jobs.lever.co\/standardtreasury) or just email me (one of the co-founders) at email@example.com.\n\n shot you an email with some questions. thanks\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> San Francisco, CA\n\nMixpanel (YCS09; [http:\/\/mixpanel.com](http:\/\/mixpanel.com)) is the most advanced advanced analytics platform ever for web & mobile applications.\n\nMixpanel is profitable, with millions in monthly revenue, and we're backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, and Max Levchin.\n\nENGINEERING POSITIONS\n\nWe have two types of engineering positions available - systems and product. Both of these positions require you to be able to work in San Francisco, CA.\n\nSystems engineers build and scale our infrastructure, and write mostly C, C++, and Python. These are the people working on our custom datastore. This position requires at least 2 years of experience writing systems software. Solid C experience is a plus.\n\nProduct engineers are full-stack developers who build the parts people interact with - reporting interfaces, APIs, dataviz stuff, and more - write mostly Python, JS, and Less. This position requires at least 2 years of software engineering experience, no specialization required. Solid JS experience is a plus though.\n\nThe engineering team is still small (10), and there's a lot of interesting stuff to do. Happy to talk details.\n\nIf you are interested, drop me a line - firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n Any remote possibilities from Europe for the right candidate?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> FiveThirtyEight - Computational Journalist - New York\n\nWe're looking for a Ruby on Rails developer to architect and build systems that collect, process and present real-time data and predictions about sports, politics, economics, science and lifestyle topics; to create interactive features and data visualizations; and to design and develop tools and data management systems that will power the world's first data-oriented newsroom.\n\nCandidates should be full-stack programmers, with deep experience using modern programming languages (Python, Ruby, Javascript), web frameworks (Rails, Django, node.js) and relational and document-based data stores (MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB).\n\nBonus points for experience working with government and politics data, a background in journalism or talent with statistics, information design or writing.\n\nTo apply, send an email w\/ your Twitter and GitHub accounts to email@example.com with the words COMPUTATIONAL JOURNALIST in the subject line.\n\n<\/comment> Parse.ly - Remote (EST \/ CST preferred) - [http:\/\/parse.ly](http:\/\/parse.ly)\n\nWe're a fully distributed team (see [http:\/\/bit.ly\/distributed- teams](http:\/\/bit.ly\/distributed-teams) for a post by me, the CTO) -- which is to say, a merit-based, technology-forward, super-bright team of Pythonistas who happen to collaborate using the same methods of major open web projects like Wikipedia, Wordpress, Ubuntu, and Mozilla.\n\nWe are well-funded with a solid SaaS business model, we are growing, and we are product-focused.\n\nWe're looking to expand our engineering team. We are primarily looking for full-stack and UI-focused engineers, especially those with expertise in front- end data visualization \/ interaction. You should know modern web and mobile design principles and be particularly excited by d3.js and its associated ecosystem.\n\nYou'd be joining the company at a great time. Our engineering team is still small enough that we feel like an elite task force, but unlike two years ago, we are making millions in revenue and have a ridiculous amount of data to draw insight out of on behalf of our customers.\n\nYou should be an expert in Python and JavaScript. You should be willing to learn, or already know, technologies like Tornado, MongoDB, Redis, Postgres, and Amazon Web Services. You should be extremely handy at a UNIX command line, possessing all the skills of a sysadmin.\n\nIf you join, you'd become part of a team that is building one of the web's greatest analytics companies, while also serving a strong mission: helping editors and writers at top news organizations excel in the digital medium.\n\nOur software aggregates data on >5 billion pageviews per month of traffic, and we work with major media companies as customers, such as The Atlantic, Arstechnica, Mashable, The New Republic, MIT Technology Review, and many more.\n\nApply by sending a (short!) cover letter to email@example.com. Mention this HN post and say you're looking for Andrew.\n\nInclude links to online portfolio, Github, LinkedIn, or any similar services, if you have them. If you have a Python code example that you think expresses your Python coding style, that would also be a good thing to send along -- as plain attachment, Github Gist, or similar.\n\n Your 1 minute demo video does not load due to a https mismatch. You should be able to change the iframe to point to \"\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/clKpU9ygaCA?rel=0&autoplay=1\" to fix the issue.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Pirate3D is a Singapore-based kickstarter-funded startup building a consumer- oriented 3D printer, the Buccaneer. We are building a large suite of software around the printer, and we are looking for multi-hat programmers in diverse fields.\n\nTo apply, try implementing some of the following tasks, and email them at firstname.lastname@example.com. We arrange flight and visa application for you (keyword: H1B, called EP in Singapore).\n\n* 3D processing \u2212 write a GLSL fragment shader that renders a sphere, cylinder and cube next to each other with lighting. The vertex shader should not be used and kept minimalistic. Include in the email a discussion about your approach and how it could be extended into an actual application.\n\n* iOS\/Android \u2212 write a small application allowing to scroll through hundreds of images in the style of Windows Metro UI, but vertically and with circular loading (meaning the last items are followed by the first items, the first items are preceded by the last items, and so on).\n\n* 3D processing \u2212 write in your favorite language a program that scales uniformly the object of an STL file to the smallest size so that at least 99% of the points within the object can be contained inside a sphere of radius 1.0 that is entirely within the object itself. Include in the email some explanation of your approach and alternative approaches you could have taken.\n\n* Security \u2212 write in your favorite language or pseudo-language a program that encrypts a short message within a single UDP datagram for a destination with known IP, port, and public key. You don't need to write the code of the destination. Include in the email a discussion about the trade-offs between data overhead, processing time and security of your approach.\n\n* More to come at [http:\/\/www.pirate3d.com\/career](http:\/\/www.pirate3d.com\/career).\n\n<\/comment> There's a couple job posts here that have been mistakenly hellbanned (invisible to everyone except the submitter, who doesn't realize they're being blocked). These are the affected submitters: you can read their posts from last month's \"Who's Hiring\", they're mostly the same.\n\n[https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/threads?id=infer](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/threads?id=infer) (Infer, Inc., machine learning)\n\n[https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/threads?id=dirtyb1t](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/threads?id=dirtyb1t) (Cigital, security)\n\n(Is there any way to report this sort of thing privately?)\n\n Wow, thanks for pointing this out! Usually I get a bunch of responses and was surprised this time when I didn't get a single email (minus the spam emails from people trying to get me to use their company for recruiting)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Washington, DC -- Industry Dive -- [http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/](http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/)\n\nWe are a two-year-old, mobile-focused B2B media company. We publish news and information for business executives in a variety of industries.\n\nWe currently have several openings:\n\n* VP of Content to lead our (growing) editorial team.\n\n* Full Time Business Writer\/Editor.\n\n* Online Media Sales.\n\n* Freelance writers able to commit to several stories a week.\n\n* App Development Intern (iOS\/Android).\n\n* Editorial Internship\n\nJob descriptions are here: [http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/company\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.industrydive.com\/company\/jobs\/)\n\nBut if you think you have something to add our team but don't see a job description that quite fits, send me an email and lets talk. I'm also generally free for grabbing a coffee and just talking or an informational interviews or whatever you want to call it. (Especially if you're willing to come out to the Dupont Circle area.)\n\nQuestions? Send me an email: eli-at-industrydive.com\n\n Forgot to add: We are also very interested in hiring a Data Intern, especially someone who could do full-time during the Summer (or sooner). The ideal candidate is comfortable with statistics and SQL queries. Contact me for details.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> The Motley Fool - Alexandria, VA (DC suburb) - [http:\/\/techspandex.fool.com](http:\/\/techspandex.fool.com)\n\nWork with Glassdoor.com's #1 Midsize Company to Work for 2014 and join us in helping the world invest - better.\n\nWe're looking for software developers, front end web developers, web user experience designers, and web\/dev operations experts with expertise in...\n\nFor Web Engineers: Web server farms, load balancing, caching and automation technologies like Varnish and Salt, and Win\/Lin systems.\n\nFor others: Python\/Django, C#, Javascript, Angular\/Node JS, HTML, CSS, Sass\/LESS, Responsive Design, and PostgreSQL\/Microsoft SQL\/MySQL.\n\nIf this sounds like you and you're ready for a unique approach to hiring, check us out here:\n\n[http:\/\/techspandex.fool.com](http:\/\/techspandex.fool.com)\n\n<\/comment> Academia.edu, San Francisco, CA\n\nAcademia.edu is trying to improve the way that scientific publishing works. Here is the current way it works. A scientist does some experiments and writes up a paper. He sends it to a journal who sends it out to two or three peer reviewers. They peer review it, which means writing a page of comments on it, and recommending either accepting or rejecting it. Usually you get a few journal rejections and the average time-lag between finishing the paper and its being published is 12 months. Then the paper is behind a paywall and people have to pay $35 to read it.\n\nOur view of scientific publishing is that when you finish the paper you should post it immediately on the internet. Peer review should be done post- publication, and it should be done by the community, reddit-style, not by just two or three people. We believe peer review will be more robust that way. And the paper should be openly and freely accessible for anyone to read, along with the data and any accompanying materials like source code.\n\nWe believe that this will speed up science, and accelerate research into curing diseases, reducing infant mortality, and discovering clean energy amongst other things.\n\nWe are a mission-driven team based in San Francisco. We have raised $17 million from Khosla ventures and Spark Capital. Bijan Sabet from Spark Capital writes \"We believe open science is really important. We believe Academia.edu is going to have a profound impact on the world.\" Over 7 million academics have joined Academia.edu, and 800k plus join up each month.\n\nIf you are a mission-driven person then you may enjoy the atmosphere at Academia.edu and the problems we are working on.\n\nWe are looking to hire full stack software engineers. Technologies we use include Ruby, Rails, Postgres, Mongo and Varnish. Our office is in downtown San Francisco. For more information, visit [http:\/\/academia.edu\/hiring](http:\/\/academia.edu\/hiring). If you are interested to learn more, please email Richard Price at richard [at] academia.edu\n\n Note to people applying: I wouldn't hold your breath for a response. in 2013, Academia.edu came to my school and agreed to an on campus interview, and never actually contacted me for the time of the interview (cancelled my classes all day too :\/). I also emailed Ben, who posted at a previous \"Who is Hiring\" thread with no response.\n\n I don't know the details here but I'm very sorry for the mistake here - somehow this slipped through the cracks. We will try to do better.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Monetate - Conshohocken, PA (Philly suburbs) - No remote, but we will relocate. Monetate helps digital marketers make their content more relevant. We turn data into action on our clients' sites by doing real-time data analysis and DOM manipulation to put the right experience in front of their users. We're looking for engineers who want to do highly visible work on great brands and solve tough problems with great coworkers.\n\nWhat we're looking for:\n\n* People who like to ship - we're focused on building and shipping great products - if you like to see your work in production quickly you'll see it here. We ship often (every two weeks), and iterate.\n\n* Problem solvers who like to code - we take things apart, figure out how they work, then build software to solve our users' problems.\n\n* People who like hard challenges - we have great problems across our products - huge data sets, UX, 3rd party Javascript, high volume \/ low latency APIs - we have no shortage of fun problems to work on.\n\nAbout us:\n\n* Founded in 2008\n\n* Respect - it's our core value. We have a great team and we work well together. Our vacation policy is the same as Netflix (we don't have one). Our technical project teams are self-organizing and have full authority over (as well as responsibility for) the problems they work on.\n\n* Open source - Google Closure, Python, AngularJS, Pandas, Redis, Hadoop, Mahout, Solr and Lucene - we're open source across our stack\n\n* Funded by First Round Capital and OpenView\n\n* Market rate salaries\n\nWe've hired great people from HN before, and we're looking for people not positions. We have people who have joined the team with no background in our primary languages and people from non-traditional backgrounds.\n\nCheck out our blog at [http:\/\/engineering.monetate.com\/](http:\/\/engineering.monetate.com\/) Send me a message if you have questions or want to apply: karl at monetate dot com\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA\n\nMeCommerce\/ThirdLove is hiring rockstar Mobile (iOS\/ Android) Developers and Computer Vision Engineers to take the lead in changing the face of eCommerce through computer vision technology integrated into iOS and soon Android.\n\nAbout us:\n\nThirdLove is focused on creating a truly immersive, highly-personalized mobile shopping experience that's all about the consumer. We developed and patented computer vision technology to help consumers confidently buy apparel that fits them best. By designing our own products and maintaining a complex supply chain, we offer an elevated product experience unrivaled in the apparel industry. We're funded by a long list of tier 1 VCs and angels. We're a motley crew of fashion designers, operations experts, computer vision scientists, and mobile and web engineers -- all working side by side to define a new generation of personalized eCommerce. We're looking for motivated, smart people to join our family of trailblazers who love big challenges and seek to add value every single day.\n\nWhat we're looking for:\n\n\\- iOS\/ Android Engineers \\- Computer Vision Engineers\n\nPERKS: Compensation Competitive salary Equity 401k Commuter benefits Catered weekly lunches Healthy snacks Fresh baked gluten free cookies Monthly fun events Monthly on-site massages\n\nTo apply, send a note to careers [at] thirdlove [dot] com and include your LinkedIn, GitHub, and\/or any project portfolios. If you any questions, feel free to e-mail me directly at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Picturehouse Cinemas Ltd (Hackney, London, UK) <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>===\n\nPicturehouse Cinemas Ltd is looking for Python developers and front-end engineers.\n\nRequirements\n\n \n \n - Python, html, css, javascript programming experience\n - Ability to self-lead, a lot of the time you will be deciding for yourself what to work on.\n - Ability to look at big picture architecture as well as small details code.\n - Any experience in DevOps is attractive as we handle the full stack.\n - 2-3 Days in London (Typically at Hackney Picturehouse) every week, rest from home.\n \n\nAbout the company\n\n \n \n - We have a relaxed, family-friendly culture.\n - We contribute to open-source projects, with any non-sensitive code being available for ope\n\nn-sourcing \\- We have real customers -- who care about the product and use it every day \\- Free cinema tickets, tickets to premieres, discounts on food prepared by the chef, free soda and barista made coffees \\- Flexibility in hours and home working (2-3 days\/week)\n\nWhat Python is used for:\n\n \n \n - We use python for almost everything\n - Full stack cinema system from POS, ATM to public websites, and internal admin apps.\n - A distributed, fault tolerant system so different parts of the business continue to sell i\n\nn case of failures. \\- We sell 25K+ tickets and 30k+ transactions every day across 60+ cinemas. \\- We send around 500,000 emails a week \\- We run quite a few websites.\n\nIf you are interested, drop me a line - vikram.b at picturehouses.co.uk\n\n<\/comment> Eponym (New York, NY, USA) [http:\/\/www.eponymous.co](http:\/\/www.eponymous.co)\n\nWe're an eyewear company looking for engineers to help architect and build our software which powers eyeglass orders for fashion brands.\n\nOur team is looking for someone to take the lead iterating on user experience features. What kinds of things should we A\/B test? Should we implement an email capture? How can we update the checkout flow? Where are customers having difficulty when buying prescription eyewear on our websites? You would help decide what kinds of features to build, and then be responsible for implementing, testing, and iterating on new features. You should be proficient in HTML\/CSS\/JS (framework-du-jour) and interested in using these skills to help our customers have a great experience.\n\nThis also applies to internal dashboards: we ship everything from our office, and have a lot of infrastructure to keep track of customers, order status, laboratory status, and shipments. How can we build more usable tools?\n\nOur backend is Python (Flask) and MongoDB, including bits of Celery, nginx, and uwsgi. We do a lot of integration with the UPS (in fact, we maintain an open-source UPS library [1]). If you are interested in helping develop our eyewear API, please reach out too!\n\nWe develop white-label eyewear for other fashion brands; Classic Specs and Steven Alan are some of our brands. Email me! email@example.com\n\n[1] [https:\/\/github.com\/classicspecs\/ClassicUPS](https:\/\/github.com\/classicspecs\/ClassicUPS). If you build something cool that others would find useful, we want you to open-source it.\n\n<\/comment> PHP or Front-End Developer INTERN - Washington DC\n\nThe agency I work for, Engage ([http:\/\/enga.ge](http:\/\/enga.ge)), is always looking for young developer talent. Our dev team is pretty badass (and not just badass for an agency, but in general). We do everything from WordPress sites to our own products to custom web and mobile apps, with a strong tilt towards custom social apps (Facebook targeted sharing especially). I'm proud of our portfolio -- check it out here: [http:\/\/enga.ge\/work\/](http:\/\/enga.ge\/work\/).\n\nAnyway, we are looking for a college student with back or front-end talent (PHP\/MySQL or Javascript\/HTML\/CSS). Must be in the DC area or willing to relocate; foreigners welcome as long as you can secure a J-1 or have an F-1.\n\nTo apply, please send an email to firstname.lastname@example.com with the subject \"Developer intern from Hacker News\" (we're giving HR a heads up). Include your resume, GitHub\/portfolio link and a brief description of why you want to work for us. Hope to hear from you!\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA - Zenbox. Software Engineer. [LOCAL | RELOCATE OK]\n\nWe're a YC company wrangling SaaS to work together (as they should), starting by bringing the biggest apps our customers use right into Gmail. We've been growing our team over the past few months, and looking to add even more awesome people. We work with dozens of API's to show our users profiles of their customers without having to jump out of the email flow - imagine having [http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WtzqRSlgqkw](http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WtzqRSlgqkw) available when helping customers.\n\nThousands of people use it every day for hours on end, and are happy to pay for it to make sure they can continue using it. But there's still so much polish and improvement possible.\n\nWe also spend time improving our tooling, and tools for other developers. As one example we've recently vastly improved the source-map capabilities of the ClojureScript compiler and added reified keywords to the runtime to make ClojureScript a better citizen on the web. We do it because we want to give back to the communities that have enabled us, because it helps us, and because it's interesting. Looking for an engineer who loves the craft, who cares about building product, and is excited about helping customers.\n\nInterested in working with Reactjs, Om, and functional programming in the client? We're building a team that's able to reduce complexity others balk at into simple, easy to reason about system, so we can continue to move quickly and delight both customers and ourselves.\n\nThis is both UI and backend work.\n\nLanguages: Clojure, Clojurescript, Javascript. sean @ zenboxapp [https:\/\/www.zenboxapp.com](https:\/\/www.zenboxapp.com)\n\n<\/comment> Localytics - Boston, MA - FULL-TIME, INTERN, H1B\n\nLocalytics is hiring:\n\n \n \n - Mobile Engineers\n - Rails Engineers\n - Front End Engineers\n - Backend End Engineers\n - DevOps Engineers\n \n\nAbout Localytics:\n\n* We provide app analytics and app marketing services for thousands of apps on over a billion devices\n\n* We have the buzzwords: Big Data + Data Visualization + Mobile\n\n* We are one of the fastest growing companies in Boston and were recently named one of the top places to work by The Boston Globe.\n\n* We are passionate about and have deep expertise in the technologies we work with including: Rails, AngularJS, D3.js, Scala, iOS, Android, Mapreduce, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Memcache, Redis, Column Store Databases, AWS: DynamoDB, S3, SQS, EMR, ElasticCache and EC2.\n\n* We are located next to Park Street Station on the Red Line.\n\nWe love candidates who:\n\n* Prefer startup environments.\n\n* Are passionate about technology.\n\n* Enjoy influencing the direction of the product and technologies.\n\nSuccessful candidates may help us with:\n\n* Web application development - Help us expand our analytics and marketing automation offerings.\n\n* Prototyping - We still do a significant amount of customer development and R&D.\n\n* Writing automated tests - Help us expand our code coverage and improve our Continuous Integration system.\n\n* Writing background jobs and data processing - Move data and perform calculations using cron, Sidekiq and Ruby.\n\n* Front end development - Expand our CSS framework, build screens and libraries in AngularJS and build charts, graphs and other cool visualizations using D3.js\n\n* Back end development - wrangling big data using Scala, AWS and several storage technologies.\n\nCandidates of all experience levels encouraged to connect with us: email@example.com\n\nMore details: [http:\/\/www.localytics.com\/company\/localytics- jobs\/](http:\/\/www.localytics.com\/company\/localytics-jobs\/)\n\nRecent HN posts from our engineering team:\n\n \n \n https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=5525531\n https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=7075763\n\n Would you happen to have any info you could share on your internship program? I wasn't able to find any info on it on your site. (What type of internship positions are open, maybe a bit on what you're looking for in interns.)\n\nYour company looks really interesting, and I'm somewhat interested in applying for an internship if you still have positions open.\n\n Hi, thanks for your interest.\n\nInternships are available for all areas of engineering. Send your resume to firstname.lastname@example.com and make sure to mention the type of work you are most interested in.\n\n Thanks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Buildzoom.com - San Francisco, CA (INTERN no, Remote\/H1B no) Buildzoom is a YC company, we raised our seed money about a year ago ([http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/06\/25\/yc-backed-contractor- direct...](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/06\/25\/yc-backed-contractor-directory- buildzoom-raises-1-4-million-seed-round\/)) and are thinking about series A, probably in 6 months.\n\nOur team is fairly small (Only 6!) and mostly tech (4 ppl). We share our office with 3 other YC company. It's less than a block away from the Montgomery Bart station. There are plenty of restaurants to eat for lunch and bars for after works.\n\nWe often have poker night with other YC folks.\n\nWe are hiring for 4 differents positions.([http:\/\/www.buildzoom.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.buildzoom.com\/jobs)):\n\n\\- Front-End Developer\n\n\\- Customer Relationship Manager\n\n\\- Remodeling Broker\n\n\\- Economic Analyst\/Journalist\n\nOur team is pretty awesome and very talented. If you're in the Bay Area and are interested, come say hi!\n\n<\/comment> Sift Science - San Francisco, CA. Full-time.\n\nSift Science ([http:\/\/siftscience.com](http:\/\/siftscience.com)) uses large- scale machine learning to fight online fraud. It's a problem that cost U.S. merchants > $10B last year, and 70% of it is organized crime. Attacks have rapidly evolved in breadth and depth, but current rule-based systems don't scale. We're looking for engineers of all flavors -- distributed systems, web development, data visualization, and of course, machine learning. We're a tight-knit team that likes board games, yummy food, and solving challenging technical problems. Check out [https:\/\/siftscience.com\/jobs](https:\/\/siftscience.com\/jobs) We're also looking for account managers, integration engineers, and someone to lead our B2B marketing efforts. Feel free to email me personally - jason at siftscience dot com\n\n<\/comment> Formlabs - [http:\/\/formlabs.com](http:\/\/formlabs.com) \\- Boston (Somerville) - Full time and intern\n\nFormlabs makes the easiest to use and highest resolution desktop 3D printer. This requires a fusion of advanced hardware, software, and materials, all while developing an entirely new user experience.\n\nWe are growing quickly and hiring across all parts of the company\n\nOn the business side:\n\n \n \n * marketing\n * sales\n * operations\n * finance\n \n\non the product side:\n\n \n \n * electrical engineers\n * software (both desktop\/3D\/algorithms and web dev work)\n * mechanical engineering\n * industrial design\n * materials\n * manufacturing\n \n\nYes, that's a really wide range of roles and that is the beauty of working on 3D printing in a small company. It is extremely cross disciplinary.\n\napply online at [http:\/\/formlabs.com\/pages\/careers](http:\/\/formlabs.com\/pages\/careers) or email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Palo Alto, CA\n\n _Seeking fellow developer to help build the Google Maps of history_\n\nI'm working on a project, similar to OpenStreetMap or Wikipedia, with the goal of mapping the world throughout history (and seeing maps change over time). Getting to this point requires building a crowdsourcing community around historic map data.\n\nI'm looking for other talented hackers to work with, preferably with experience in Javascript\/Node. More importantly others who are interested in history\/mapping and in solving challenging problems.\n\nemail: max at atlastory dot com\n\n<\/comment> New York - CB Insights [http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com](http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com)\n\nWe are using data to predict the health & momentum of startups, VCs and emerging industries.\n\nOur customers love us - [http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com\/customer- love](http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com\/customer-love)\n\nAs does the press - [http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com\/press](http:\/\/www.cbinsights.com\/press)\n\nDeemed one of NY's 15 enterprise companies to watch.\n\nWe have been bootstrapped to seven-figure revenues (recurring subscription revenue). We're a real company.\n\nWe're looking for:\n\n\\- Industry Analysts (tech & life sciences)\n\n\\- Front-end developer\n\n\\- Data visualization folks\n\n\\- Data scientists\n\n\\- Account managers\n\n\\- Inside sales\n\nAll jobs detailed here - www.cbinsights.com\/jobs\n\nIf interested, send your resume to info@cbinsights or to me directly at firstname.lastname@example.com. Look forward to hearing from you.\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, Remote - Heroku - [http:\/\/heroku.com\/jobs](http:\/\/heroku.com\/jobs)\n\nWe have tons of openings right now. We are growing our team significantly this year.\n\nI'm not a hiring manager in any way, but I'd love to work with more awesome people here at Heroku!\n\n Jon, do you mind if I send my resume and cover letter to you? If you find it a good fit to your team or any other team, please forward to the right person. I really appreciate you taking the time to review it.\n\nMy email is gcao99 at gmail.com\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Boston - HubSpot - [http:\/\/dev.hubspot.com](http:\/\/dev.hubspot.com) \\- INTERN\n\nHubSpot is hiring frontend (Javascript\/Coffeescript\/Backbone) and backend (Java) engineers to build software to change how businesses market and sell their products. We are engineers, and understand that the best work is done when the creators have the freedom to build the right product in the right way. We also believe in engineers owning their part of the product or infrastructure completely. Finally, we take a lot of pride in having a supportive and fun culture full of entrepreneurs. If you're in Boston, I'd love to give you a tour of our office and give more details, get in touch: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> FULLTIME - Assembly (assemblymade.com) - San Francisco\n\nWe're hiring Front-End and Ruby Engineers to help us build foundational pieces of the Assembly platform. Assembly's collaborative platform enables the creation of a new class of software products; where anyone around the world can help collectively build, retain ownership, and receive profit for their contributions.\n\nWe're currently a small 5 person team in San Francisco that has recently secured a healthy financing from top-tier investors which will enable us to tackle the enormous challenges of creating a 'meta' company (a software company that creates software companies). You would have a direct hand in helping us shape the future of work and unlocking the power of independent creators.\n\nWe believe in progress over consensus, strong opinions weakly held, moving fast is best even if it breaks things, and we make what we measure - you'll have the opportunity to add your own lessons to that list. We work alone and we work together; meaning we believe the best know how to get things done on their own, as well as how to work in a team. Everyone on the team is responsible for self directing their work and has a tremendous impact on our shared success.\n\nWHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR\n\n* Understand pain points, come up with solutions, and then prototype, iterate, and launch frequently.\n\n* Strong opinions on testing & code quality.\n\n* Over 3 years experience with Ruby.\n\n* Experience with Heroku, ElasticSearch, Postgres, or Redis a plus.\n\nWHAT WE OFFER\n\n* Free meals.\n\n* Flexible work hours.\n\n* A great vacation policy.\n\n* Stand up desks, mac book pros, cinema displays...Buy or build your ideal work environment\n\n* A sunny office space.\n\n* Competitive salary and equity package.\n\n* 100% covered health benefits.\n\nWe're located in Mission, San Francisco, CA. Please apply by sending any work, resume, github username to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Scribd (YC '06), San Francisco - H1B, FULL-TIME, and INTERN are all welcome\n\nScribd (\"Netflix for eBooks\", top 100 website, 40 people) is hiring talented hackers of all kinds to help us build the library of the 21st century.\n\nWe've hired SIX full-time people and TONS of interns from these \"Who is Hiring\" threads ... it really works!\n\nWe're looking for people who want to work with:\n\n* Ruby on Rails (we're the #2 largest rails site, after Twitter)\n\n* Javascript (well, we use Coffeescript)\n\n* iOS (we're a top 10 eBook app, with a 2 person iOS team)\n\n* Machine Learning \/ data mining \/ recommendations - think Netflix prize, but for books!\n\n* Data science \/ data analysis (SQL guru?)\n\n* Internships: junior standing or above. We hire several interns every summer and year-round.\n\nThat said, we care way more about your personality and general hacking skills then what languages you've used so far, so if you haven't used these but want to break into mobile or web development, this could be a good opportunity for you. We've hired people from these threads with everywhere from 0 to 10 years of experience.\n\nWe're profitable, very well funded and have a really fun office environment (go-karts + a rock climbing wall!). Scribd alumni have gone on to found 4 other YCombinator companies, more than from any other startup. We think this says something about the kind of people that we like to hire, and we love hiring people with entrepreneur and startup ambitions. We are also always looking for international people interested in moving to the US and can help you secure a visa.\n\nWe recently launched a service that's being called the \"Netflix for books\" and are really excited about it. Read more here: [http:\/\/wrd.cm\/1dJquzz](http:\/\/wrd.cm\/1dJquzz)\n\nMore info is at [http:\/\/www.scribd.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.scribd.com\/jobs), but as a HN user, feel free to apply directly by emailing me at jared at scribd.com.\n\n<\/comment> Chicago - Modest, Inc - [http:\/\/modest.com](http:\/\/modest.com)\n\nWe are building a platform to power the future of commerce.\n\nCurrently, we are hiring for:\n\n* Mobile engineers types * Design types * Generalist hacker types * Data\/Modeling types\n\nWe are a very small team and are building a great company. Located in Chicago, IL - we are open to remote workers.\n\nEmail me email@example.com or email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> London or Birmingham, UK - \n\nWe are looking for someone to refine, scale, and take ownership of our core infrastructure at Droplet. You will be instrumental in the direction of our platform implementation and architecture choices.\n\nExperience in the following is desirable, although we love quick learners!\n\n* Web application security principles\n\n* SOA systems\n\n* RabbitMQ\n\n* Ruby\n\n* Docker\n\n* Chef\n\n* Continuous integration\/deployment\n\n* AWS suite of products\n\nBenefits\n\n* Totally flexible working hours and location\n\n* Opportunity to actually build stuff\n\n* Unlimited holiday\n\n* Salary up to \u00a340k p\/a depending on experience\n\n* Participation in our employee share options scheme, for the right candidate\n\n[https:\/\/dropletpay.com\/blog\/were-hiring-operations- engineer-...](https:\/\/dropletpay.com\/blog\/were-hiring-operations-engineer- london-or-birmingham-uk)\n\n Love to see Docker becoming a desirable trait for hiring purposes. I know some great guys in the community; let me know if you'd like some references.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> San Francisco - \n\nWe're hiring for a variety of customer facing roles here at Mixpanel. We have some of the greatest customers on the planet, and when they reach out to us they deserve to be supported by a smart, energetic and technical team.\n\nThis includes Account Managers, Support Engineers and Solutions Architects. The details are at [http:\/\/mixpanel.com\/jobs](http:\/\/mixpanel.com\/jobs). I am the hiring manager, so feel free to ping me directly at email@example.com with questions or to apply. I actually read cover letters!\n\n<\/comment> Squarespace - NYC (INTERN yes, REMOTE no, H1B yes) [http:\/\/www.squarespace.com\/](http:\/\/www.squarespace.com\/) About us:\n\n* Since 2004, Squarespace has offered a fully-hosted environment for creating and maintaining a website. Known for its sophisticated yet easy-to-use interfaces, Squarespace's do-it-yourself tools allow creative professionals, businesses, bloggers, and web developers to quickly and easily create and maintain professional, high-quality websites. What we're looking for:\n\n* Software Engineers - To work on various projects related to building features into the platform, the underlying system powering millions of websites, e-Commerce, and data\/analytics. - You should be strong in Java and\/or JavaScript - Some other technologies we use: MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Jersey, Memcached, Guice, YUI3, jQuery, Elasticsearch, WebGL\n\n* Front-end Engineers - Seeking engineers with strong design sensibilities who are interested in crafting some of the most sophisticated UIs on the web. - Advanced skills in HTML\/CSS and JavaScript (bonus if you're familiar with YUI3) required - Bonus: Interest if not experience working further down the stack\n\n* Senior Android Engineer - Help us build beautiful Android apps - Expertise in Java & strong understanding of the Android SDK a must - Successfully published several apps to the play store - Must be passionate about Android and excited to evangelize the platform both internally and externally\n\n* Developer Evangelist - Evangelize our developer platform both in person and on the web by presenting at conferences, blogging, writing technical tutorials, etc. - Must be a great communicator, have solid skills with web technologies like HTML\/CSS\/JavaScript, & bonus points if you've built a Squarespace developer site\n\n* Customer Acquisition Associate - Grow our subscriber base with profitable, brand-appropriate placements while executing display, e-mail, sponsorship, PPC, and other marketing programs in partnership with our business category managers. - Previous relevant customer acquisition experience is required along with Excel & SQL knowledge.\n\nWe'd love to hear from you, feel free to reach out directly to learn more or with any questions - swood at squarespace dot com\n\n<\/comment> PagerDuty - San Francisco and Toronto We're growing, our customer base is growing, and the number of interesting technical problems are growing. We have an obsession with building highly available and reliable services for our customers. I'm specifically hiring for infrastructure automation engineers, but we're hiring at every layer of the stack. We are also looking for a strong leader to head up our backend engineering team in SF. You can ping me directly if interested or apply at pagerduty.com\/jobs\n\n Hey there,\n\nAre you guys looking for interns for the summer? Also, what languages do you work with?\n\nThanks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Streak.com (YC S11) - [https:\/\/www.streak.com](https:\/\/www.streak.com) \\- San Francisco\n\nHiring full time engineers. We're a small and nimble company working on email for businesses. We're growing fast (our user engagement has been doubling every 4 months).\n\nWe're trying to make email better for business users by adding a layer of metadata and UI to existing email systems.We're built on top of Gmail and we help business manage all their processes (sales, hiring, fundraising, etc.) inside of Gmail.\n\nAt Streak, you'll be able to: - work on incredibly challenging front end infrastructure. We're a sophisticated web app built on top of the most sophisticated web app out there - Gmail. We're also planning on exposing our Gmail infrastructure to 3rd parties so you can help build a platform to build apps on top of Gmail. - work on a product that people use everyday for 28% of their day. - work on iOS and Android apps for email that are integrated into apps people already use or by building our own\n\nObviously: - Great compensation and real ownership (both equity and over the product) - We'll make your life easier. Our benefits package is amazing - We're well funded by elite silicon valley investors\n\nOur requirements: - you love working hard, not just for financial rewards, but for the opportunity to grow personally - you are intellectually curious\n\nWe'd love to hear from you at email@example.com, please send us samples of anything you've built.\n\n<\/comment> Kira Talent ([https:\/\/www.kiratalent.com](https:\/\/www.kiratalent.com)) - Toronto, Canada\n\nAt Kira Talent, we help employers spot top talent earlier in the hiring process through timed video interviews.\n\nA bit about us:\n\n \n \n * we're a small team (you'd be #14), based in the heart of downtown Toronto\n \n * we're well funded (we just raised a $2M seed round) and have had paying clients since day 1 of the company \n \n * we're hiring both mobile and backend developers\n \n * we think even enterprise software can be beautiful, and pride ourselves on our design \n \n * every single one of our developers have committed code within their first day at work; some within their first hour\n \n\nHere's some stuff we've been working on lately:\n\n \n \n * building infrastructure to allow us to scale our video recording and streaming\n \n * re-building the UI-heavy sections of our product using AngularJS\n \n * designing and creating our mobile suite for both job candidates and employers alike \n \n * presenting analytics data captured in our product to the end user, and our team internally\n \n\nWe mostly use Python\/Django, JavaScript (jQuery, AngularJS), MySQL (and some MongoDB), but you'd be free to choose your own tools and libraries. If this sounds fun, let's chat! My name is Konrad, I'm the co-founder\/CTO, and you can send me a note at email@example.com. :)\n\n<\/comment> Folsom Labs, San Francisco, Full Time (www.folsomlabs.com)\n\nBasically, if you are interested in science and\/or energy, and want to do software engineering at a place that actually let's you leverage the math\/physics you learned in college\/grad school, we're probably as good a fit as you'll find. We make powerful design tools for Solar PV systems, making them very easy to use by leveraging a pretty sophisticated simulation engine (so we handle the physics for the user).\n\nWe've already launched our product[1], have some great traction (including a federal grant), and we're still just a 2 man team, so there's a lot of opportunity. Everyday we get to deal with a range of problems that few startups get to offer \u2013 we have a pretty modern web-stack [2] (that we actually need, not just to be trendy), but also get to solve interesting physics\/optimization problems on a regular basis. It's a really unique place in both the solar industry, and as a software company.\n\n\u2013 Paul email@example.com\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.greentechmedia.com\/articles\/read\/better-faster- ba...](http:\/\/www.greentechmedia.com\/articles\/read\/better-faster-bankable- solar-pv-installation-designs-from-any-computer) [2] AngularJS, Python\/Flask (API\/Backend), Cython\/C (Physics Simulation Engine)\n\n<\/comment> Airseed - San Francisco, CA\n\n \n \n * The Atlas: Lead Backend Engineer (Employee #4)\n * The Rainman: Data Scientist \/ ML Engineer (Employee #5)\n * The Polymath: Fullstack Engineer (Employee #6)\n \n\ntl;dr\n\n \n \n who: founding engineers (#4, 5, 6)\n what: developer platform\n tech: Auth + API + Analytics\n big data: double digit TBs (soon to be PBs)\n data mine: 200M+ objects\n investors: Google Ventures, angels\n beta customers: ecommerce, travel apps\n location: downtown SF\n comp: non-trivial equity + salary\n \n\n_Airseed is a developer platform that powers: (1) single sign-on authentication, (2) rich consumer data, and (3) interactive analytics. We make it incredibly easy for web \/ mobile app developers & Fortune 500 companies, to authenticate their users while getting incredibly rich intelligence, all within minutes of onboarding._\n\nOur backers: Google Ventures and top Silicon Valley angel investors\n\nOur culture: balance, betterment, do good, hustle, resourceful, simplicity, transparency\n\nOur stack: Ruby (Rails), Python, MySQL, NoSQL (Neo4j, Redis), Elasticsearch, Javascript, Hadoop\n\nLooking for domain experts: application development, infrastructure, data mining, machine learning, distributed systems, security, monitoring\/ eliability\n\n \n \n More info here: https:\/\/www.airseed.com\/jobs\n Email me (Arun - CTO): firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Ginkgo Bioworks - [http:\/\/www.ginkgobioworks.com\/](http:\/\/www.ginkgobioworks.com\/) \\- Boston, MA\n\nGinkgo BioWorks is a young company out of MIT with the mission of making biology easier to engineer. We engineer organisms to address fundamental challenges the world is facing today. We aren't trying to study biology, we are trying to build it - constructing, editing, and redesigning the living world. Our bioengineers make use of an in-house pipeline of synthetic biology technologies to design and build new organisms.\n\nYou will be working closely with our biological engineers to design and implement our computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD\/CAM) platform. Work includes programming robots to build metabolic pathways and new genomes, automate measurement processes, and implementing gene and pathway design algorithms. You don't need previous biology experience; Ginkgo is a great environment for amazing programmers to learn to hack biology.\n\nGinkgo's programming languages of choice are Ruby, Python, and DNA, but you must be someone who loves writing elegant code in any language. Most importantly, you should be passionate about making biology the next engineering discipline, and learning new things.\n\nInterested? Please email email@example.com. We have both full time positions and 1-year internships.\n\n<\/comment> ClassDojo\n\nFULLTIME in SAN FRANCISCO, CA\n\nClassDojo is used by over 15mm teachers and students to manage behavior in the classroom, using real time feedback and rewards that can also be shared with parents. We're an edtech startup with funding some of the biggest names in the valley (Jeff Clavier, Ron Conway, General Catalyst, Mitch Kapor...), and we're one of the fastest growing education companies of all time. We're the only non-YC company that Paul Graham has ever invested in.\n\nWe've built a product that makes a real difference and gets huge engagement with millions of kids, and we're about to take it to the next level, hopefully with you on board. We have a strong team, an extremely comfortable and relaxed environment and great salary + benefits. If you're a strong hacker who wants to use JavaScript to change the world, apply here:\n\n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-- \n \n \n https:\/\/classdojo.wufoo.com\/forms\/join-classdojo\/ \n \n \n <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-- \n \n\nOr email firstname.lastname@example.com. You can read about the work and environment here:\n\n[http:\/\/www.classdojo.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.classdojo.com\/jobs)\n\nWe're particularly looking for:\n\n \n \n * Senior Engineer (iOS)\n \n \n * Senior UX Designer\n \n \n\nApply here:\n\n[https:\/\/classdojo.wufoo.com\/forms\/join- classdojo\/](https:\/\/classdojo.wufoo.com\/forms\/join-classdojo\/)\n\n<\/comment> \u00ebnimai - www.enimai.com - Mountain View CA - Full Time, no remote work.\n\nUs: A very passionate group of individuals who strongly believe our hardware and software will change how we have approach computing. We went to Caltech, CMU, IIT, RPI, Stanford, UIUC, USC to earn our PhDs and other degrees in Aeronautics, Computer Science, Cryptography, Materials Science, Applied Math, Particle Physics etc.\n\nWe worked at Apple, Facebook, Google, Jawbone, Lab126, NASA, NSA, Samsung etc working on a variety of projects including Android devices, Chromebooks, Cryptanalysis, Distributed systems, Mac Hardware, OLPC, Personal Aircraft, RISC processors, Speech recognition, Sun workstations, Video compression algorithms etc.\n\nWe love what we do. As a team we believe we will make an impact in this world.\n\nYou: Be awesome in coding. Know you are awesome in coding. Be a generalist at heart. You could be a specialist in something but you should be open to working on our RTOS one day and twiddling with machine learning algorithms the next. Be cognizant we are a product company trying to pack in as much research as possible i.e end of the day we have to ship a product that makes an impact and amazes people.\n\n_Understand_ CS fundamentals. Use whatever tool is at your disposal to solve the next available problem\/task. You will need to hold a lot of complexity in your head.\n\nIf all this sounds interesting please apply at [http:\/\/enimai.theresumator.com\/](http:\/\/enimai.theresumator.com\/) or email firstname.lastname@example.com. Tell us what moves you.\n\n<\/comment> MakeGamesWithUs ([https:\/\/www.makegameswith.us\/](https:\/\/www.makegameswith.us\/), YC W12) - NYC, SF, Boston\n\nSummer Academy Instructor\n\nYou will be teaching primarily college and high school students how to build their first product: an iPhone game! Our curriculum covers Objective-C and Cocos2d, but also product design, prototyping, user testing, analytics, and more. The MakeGamesWithUs Summer Academy is where students go from having tinkered with CS to falling in love with it and your job will be to teach and mentor them throughout. What we're looking for:\n\n\\- Passion for teaching and teaching experience\n\n\\- Strong CS background and industry experience building real products\n\n\\- Existing knowledge or ability to learn (prior to summer) technologies used (Objective-C, Cocos2d, Git, SpriteBuilder)\n\n\\- We're hiring 2-3 instructors per location and would like at least one female instructor\n\nYou will need to come to California (we will pay your travel expenses) for at least 2 weeks of training in late May\/early June and then you will be in your location for a week of setup + the 9 weeks the program runs - mid June to mid August. This is a fixed term 12 week full time job.\n\nIf you're interested, contact us - firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nMore info about our Summer Academy - [https:\/\/www.makegameswith.us\/summer- academy\/](https:\/\/www.makegameswith.us\/summer-academy\/)\n\n<\/comment> Raizlabs - San Francisco and Boston - [http:\/\/raizlabs.com](http:\/\/raizlabs.com)\n\nDo more than code. Raizlabs is seeking experienced mobile developers and user experience designers to engineer beautiful apps and influence product direction for startups and big brands like Virgin, Bloomingdale's, Localytics, RunKeeper, Rue La La, Care.com, and HubSpot. We've worked in a diverse array of fields ranging from education to medical wearables and are always playing with novel technologies.\n\nYou'll be working with enthusiastic and supportive peers in a trust-based work environment. In fact, you'll be helping to keep it that way. As an early employee of our West Coast office, you will strongly influence our culture, priorities, and future hiring in San Francisco. If you join the Boston office, you'll join the CEO and team in our top floor headquarters in Downtown Boston.\n\nJoin us and contribute to the \"next big thing\" for years to come.\n\nFull job ad: [http:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/47712\/mobile- developer...](http:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/47712\/mobile-developer- engineer-apps-youll-love-raizlabs)\n\nApply through our website: www.raizlabs.com\/company\/jobs\/apply-for-a-job\/\n\nOr just email me directly and we'll grab coffee! justin-at-raizlabs-dot-com\n\n<\/comment> Two Sigma \u2013 New York City \u2013 Full time\n\nTwo Sigma [1], an investment manager with the heart and soul of a tech company, has openings in many areas of technology. We have engineers working on everything from file systems to trading platforms to interactive visualizations.\n\nMy team, Collaboration and Usability Engineering, is specifically looking for a frontend engineer with an eye for design [2], a full stack engineer for our internal collaboration tools [3], and an HR tools engineer [4]. We also have a couple product management positions open, but they haven't made it online yet. Filling out the general PM application [5] should get you to the right place.\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/](http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/)\n\n[2] [http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/705.html](http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/705.html)\n\n[3] [http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/686.html](http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/686.html)\n\n[4] [http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/848.html](http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/848.html)\n\n[5] [http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/728.html](http:\/\/www.twosigma.com\/careers\/position\/728.html)\n\n applied last month but never heard from anyone (except from an auto generated email). cant even do a follow up as there are no emails provided. so hard to reach.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> T-REX - Tel Aviv, Israel\n\nFull-time devs, Front-end\/Full-Stack. We're working with Python \/ Django \/ BackboneJS \/ Nginx \/ PostgreSql \/ NumPy \/ Pandas \/ Bootstrap \/ Git \/ AWS. Experience in any of these is great, but mostly we're looking for people who are quick learners, motivated and 'get things done'. If you are one of those, the rest is really just a plus\n\n\\---\n\nWe are a funded (Series A) start-up bringing together the worlds of finance and renewable energy, helping to drive up the adoption of renewable energy assets as a mainstream, investable asset class.\n\nWe are now establishing T-REX's SAAS development team in Tel-Aviv and are looking for full-stack developers and front-end developers, who are looking to work in a small, fast-paced start-up oriented team.\n\nFunded by two of the most successful clean-tech venture capital firms in California, T-REX's mission is to unlock mass market investment into renewable energy assets by bringing together the largest investors in the world with the developers of renewable energy projects. We are building a comprehensive software solution which provides robust and transparent risk analysis to institutional investors, providing them with the transparency and knowledge needed to invest in renewable energy assets.\n\n\\---\n\nemail me directly at arad.shaiber [at] therenex.com\n\n<\/comment> SwiftStack - [http:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs](http:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs) \\- San Francisco, CA (preferred)\n\nWe are making running private cloud storage awesome. Our core product - SwiftStack Controller - makes it easy to configure, deploy, manage and monitor your own personal Swift[1] cluster. It's a Django app, with a background task and alerting\/eventing engine, a 0mq based remote execution agent to control the fleet, and statsd feeding graphite for telemetry.\n\nBut our core deliverable is OpenStack Swift. OpenStack is the open-source alternative to AWS, and Swift is Object Storage (think S3). And our team is actively driving new capabilities[2] with the open source community.\n\nOur customers are managing distributed storage systems growing at dozens or hundreds of terabytes a month - we're literally taking on big problems - help? We're primarily a python shop, actively recruiting Sr. Engineers and opinionated UX designers who have experience working with a Django team - we've got lots of room for experience at all levels, if you're interested check us out:\n\n[https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs\/](https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs\/)\n\n[1] Swift: [https:\/\/wiki.openstack.org\/wiki\/Swift](https:\/\/wiki.openstack.org\/wiki\/Swift)\n\n[2] Storage Policies in Swift: [https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2014\/01\/27\/openstack-swift- stora...](https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2014\/01\/27\/openstack-swift-storage- policies\/)\n\n<\/comment> Pascal Metrics, Washington DC (Georgetown)\n\nWe're a healthcare startup focused on improving patient safety in hospitals.\n\nOur software platform enables clients to detect, track, and analyze patient safety issues across hospital systems.\n\nOpen positions:\n\n* UI Engineer - Front-end developer with knowledge of CSS, HTML5, Javascript for our SaaS platform. Knowledge of MVC frameworks and CSS organization desired.\n\n* QA Engineer - QA engineer with experience developing and executing rigorous test plans for web applications and a passion for seeking & destroying software defects.\n\n* Java Engineer - Core Java developer to help build out our SaaS platform. Experience with play! framework, event processing, distributed systems a plus.\n\n* Systems Engineer - Engineer to build scalable infrastructure based on puppet. Linux and scripting experience required. Configuration management experience a plus.\n\nCheck us out at [http:\/\/www.pascalmetrics.com](http:\/\/www.pascalmetrics.com)\n\nFull job listing: [https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/PascalMetricsInc](https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/PascalMetricsInc)\n\nIf you're interested in getting involved with healthcare, improving work culture, and tackling hard technical challenges, please feel free to reach out to me directly to chat in detail.\n\ntheo at pascalmetrics.com\n\n<\/comment> REMOTE, whereever\n\nDataStax makes the enterprise edition of Cassandra, the NoSQL db for serious applications. We have developers all over the world and a 100% remote working environment. Some of the development is open source (we are the primary contributors to Cassandra core, which is an Apache Foundation project...)\n\nI just joined recently; as a senior developer with startup experience, I had lots of offers from various companies. The reasons I chose DataStax were:\n\n\\- 100% remote means I can work from whereever I want (I like to travel) and whenever, within reason, as long as I get my stuff done \\- the opportunity to work on interesting new technology that is rapidly changing and being adopted by a lot of Fortune 100, etc \\- they have been vocal about their plans to IPO in the next few years and are growing like crazy\n\nVery competitive salary, lots of open positions: Java, Python, JS, I've even seen some Clojure. Also, SDET and technical writing.\n\n[http:\/\/www.datastax.com](http:\/\/www.datastax.com) [http:\/\/www.datastax.com\/company\/careers](http:\/\/www.datastax.com\/company\/careers)\n\nHit me up, esmith at datastax dot com, if you'd like an intro.\n\n<\/comment> Tired of the startup goose chase? Change the world for real in 2014.\n\nWork on projects involving solar power, hardware controller software, data science, and mobile apps which really are life-changing [1] at the Sustainable Engineering Lab at Columbia [2].\n\nYou'll be joining a like-minded peer group of hackers working in python, R, go, mongodb, nodejs, and other technologies.\n\nThere are no sales\/MBA types, no scrum masters, and we strongly disapprove of code written in Enterprise FizzBuzz style[3].\n\nDeets here: [https:\/\/github.com\/SEL-Columbia\/jobs](https:\/\/github.com\/SEL- Columbia\/jobs)\n\n[1] Three current projects: data-driven local planning project in Nigeria, infrastructure planning project for Myanmar and remote islands in Indonesia, building an Android app for rural nurses in India. [2] [http:\/\/modi.mech.columbia.edu\/](http:\/\/modi.mech.columbia.edu\/) [3] [https:\/\/github.com\/EnterpriseQualityCoding\/FizzBuzzEnterpris...](https:\/\/github.com\/EnterpriseQualityCoding\/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, Austin, San Antonio TX\n\nWe're solving hard infrastructure problems at Rackspace, and building products that other developers use and love. We're looking for smart Linux\/Python software engineers located in San Francisco, Austin or San Antonio, who want to sell awesome tech, not advertisements. We'll relocate you if needed.\n\nAbout our team:\n\n \n \n - We love Linux and open standards.\n - We solve problems with software and hardware. We love hardware.\n - Our favorite GUI is ssh\/bash, preferably served grey on black.\n - We deploy to many data centers all over the globe.\n - We have a hot key for everything.\n - Some of us have never dragged or dropped anything.\n \n\nAbout you:\n\n \n \n - You have strong opinions on concurrency models.\n - You are an intellectually curious US-based hacker.\n - You want to have an enormous impact on a product developers love.\n - You know what an architecture astronaut is and you're not one.\n - You want to learn from us and you have something to teach.\n - You've managed your own memory on multiple occasions (successfully).\n \n\nWe need help with:\n\n \n \n - Running software at scale. Running it well. We want to re-invent a data center.\n - Hacking on OpenStack\/Python, especially on Nova.\n - Systems-level hacking: PXE Booting, BMCc, iDRACs, hardware management.\n - Controlling the new generation of network devices and SDNs.\n - Good knowledge of Python is helpful but not mandatory.\n \n\nIf you're a hacker who're generally unhappy with the state of cloud hosting - or generally with hosting - and want to do something about it, we want to talk to you.\n\nIf this sounds like you, let me know: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Frederick, MD (near DC) - Swift Software - Product Support Engineer\n\nAre you looking to escape your long commute to Washington DC or Northern Virginia? Swift Software is a growing product-centered B2B software company seeking a talented product support specialist or software engineer to join our team in Frederick, MD to help us support our broad base of happy customers.\n\nOur product is an advanced task management and workflow system with a long track record of customer success. You'll work with new and existing customers to help them learn how to get the most out of our visual workflow engine. You'll also help them troubleshoot problems and build new systems, and you'll gather their feedback and use it to help us plan the future of our product.\n\nUnlike other companies, product support is a first-class member of our organization. Our support team and developers work side-by-side, and our support team is a key contributor to product design. In addition to helping our customers with current issues, our support team also spends time improving our product, documentation, and processes to prevent future problems and streamline our customers' experience.\n\nWe have built an enjoyable and collaborative culture and a creative environment. We interact positively and openly with each other, emphasize learning and professional development, and encourage respectful debate and creative tension.\n\nIf this sounds interesting to you, please check out the links below.\n\n[http:\/\/www.jobtraq.com\/jobs\/se228-software-engineer- product-...](http:\/\/www.jobtraq.com\/jobs\/se228-software-engineer-product- support.html) [http:\/\/www.jobtraq.com\/jobs\/ps103-senior-product-support- spe...](http:\/\/www.jobtraq.com\/jobs\/ps103-senior-product-support- specialist.html)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA: Active Mind Technology \/ GAME GOLF -- [http:\/\/www.gamegolf.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.gamegolf.com\/jobs)\n\nWe are a lean and scrappy group of software and hardware folks, revolutionizing the way sports are played and analyzed with next-generation wearable products, starting with golf. We just launched our first product GAME GOLF at the PGA Show, with support from PGA players (Graeme McDowell, Lee Westwood, Jim Furyk), Apple retail stores, the PGA and Golf Channel, and one of the largest sporting goods stores.\n\nWe're looking for experienced engineers, (front-end, back-end, iOS, Android), as well as data scientists, designers, and an RTOS expert for our wearable tech. Our web site is built on PostgreSQL, PHP, and AngularJS. This is a small team so be prepared to hit the ground running!\n\nWe are hiring ASAP for full-time in San Francisco only. Our office is on Townsend near the Caltrain. Please contact email@example.com with inquiries. We're also on AngelList and Facebook if you want to find out more.\n\n<\/comment> Remote \/ NYC - ControlShift Labs - [http:\/\/www.controlshiftlabs.com\/](http:\/\/www.controlshiftlabs.com\/)\n\nWe are an organization devoted to building web tools for progressive activists and nonprofits worldwide. Right now we have two main products that we've been working on -- an online petitioning and campaigning tool, and a donations platform is in the works. Our clients include 350.org, Greenpeace India, and 38 Degrees. To get a sense for what we do, you can view the petitions platform in action here: [http:\/\/campaigns.350.org\/](http:\/\/campaigns.350.org\/)\n\nWe're looking for part-time and possibly full-time web developers. We're located in both NYC and Buenos Aires -- a small and remote Rails company. We generally prefer those who work in the same time zone, but we still would like to talk to those who might live in different time zones.\n\nExperience with Rails is preferred, but not necessary. Drop us a line at talk - at - controlshiftlabs.com\n\n<\/comment> NODE.JS, ANDROID and PRODUCT MANAGEMENT positions in Berlin\/Germany\u2014all full- time and permanent\n\nTop 5 reasons why you should move to Berlin, now:\n\n1\\. Lowest livings costs with highest quality of living. Stay in gorgeous, perfectly renovated apartments in pre-WWII residential buildings with high ceilings, right in the middle of the center and pay a fraction of costs of any other capital (even cheaper than any Eastern European capital). No need for a car\u2014Berlin has one of the densest subway nets and wide streets make biking fun. In addition, Germany has an amazing social health care system including health, unemployment and pension (when working as an employee).\n\n2\\. A vibrant and fast growing ecosystem of smart people. A vast number of new software talents, founders, software companies and VCs are moving to Berlin, every day (Twitter, Google, Soundcloud, Early Bird and many more).\n\n3\\. People here are open-minded, outgoing, mix well and international\u2014no need to learn German, everyone speaks English! Making new friends is a matter of days. Visit tons of networking and startup events, every week.\n\n4\\. Easy work permissions\u2014Europeans do not need any and can work from day one and the rest applies for the hassle-free Blue Card.\n\n5\\. Berlin's night life is unmatched, huge and changing every day (plus ridiculously cheap). Berlin has got some of the most dazzling, naughty, and original clubs on the face of the Earth.\n\nBerlin is calling and getting the new tech hub of Europe. If you are passionate about building great software, we'd love to talk with you. If you don't live in Berlin yet, we could help to fix that.\n\nAll job offers => [http:\/\/urge.io\/jobs](http:\/\/urge.io\/jobs)\n\nMail addresse => career versus com\n\n<\/comment> Connexity - Ventura, CA\n\nWe have a small, nimble team building an online advertising platform. Always committed to picking the right tool for the job, we have Rails, Scala, Postgres, Hadoop, HBase and plenty of Redis. Lots of juicy challenges to work on. Wrangling tables with billions of rows. Serving hundreds of thousands of requests per second. Just a normal day at Connexity.\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Apportable (YC W11) - [http:\/\/www.apportable.com\/](http:\/\/www.apportable.com\/) \\- San Francisco, CA\n\nWe are bringing Objective-C to Android devices! Apportable is 53 people (primarily engineers), and we are expanding quickly. Here are some of the roles available:\n\n* Platform engineer - Implement and improve the Objective-C libraries that power our platform\n\n* Release engineer - Ship bestselling apps using our platform\n\n* Developer tools engineering - Extend and improve open source engines including SpriteBuilder ([http:\/\/www.spritebuilder.com](http:\/\/www.spritebuilder.com)) and cocos2d ([http:\/\/www.cocos2d-iphone.org\/](http:\/\/www.cocos2d-iphone.org\/))\n\n* Developer relations - Spread the word about our technology and show how it's works\n\n* Marketing\/design\/web development - Take control of our brand and web presence\n\nApply by email (firstname.lastname@example.com) or at [https:\/\/www.apportable.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.apportable.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Android engineer - London - Mixlr [http:\/\/dev.mixlr.com](http:\/\/dev.mixlr.com)\n\nMixlr is a fast-growing platform for social live audio with millions of users across the world.\n\nWe would like an experienced engineer to join our small, passionate team and take responsibility for bringing the Mixlr experience to the Android world.\n\nThe app will include live audio streaming, chat, discovery and all the key features that mobile users already enjoy in our successful iOS app.\n\nYou will have experience of building at least one non-trivial native Android app. The following attributes would also be advantageous:\n\n* dedication to designing and building fantastic user interfaces\n\n* knowledge of live streaming protocols, especially on mobile\n\n* passion for music apps and\/or audio programming\n\n* experience working with JSON and RESTful APIs\n\n* broad knowledge of different Android devices\n\n* experience with test-driven development\n\n* proficiency of at least one other language apart from Java, especially: C, C++, Ruby or JavaScript\n\nFor more information please see our dev portal: [http:\/\/dev.mixlr.com](http:\/\/dev.mixlr.com)\n\n<\/comment> Citymapper (London, UK) - Help build the world's best transport app!\n\n(Python, iOS\/Android, JavaScript, etc)\n\nWe're looking for great people first and foremost, but here are some of the things we make:\n\n* Client experiences that people love. We have iOS, Android, and web apps.\n\n* An omnivorous transport data processor. We fuse together loads of data sources (of wildly varying quality) to give people the information they need in a growing number of cities around the world. We use a lot of Python.\n\n* A fast, scalable stable of servers. We have a large user base which relies on us to give them snappy answers every day. We use Saltstack.\n\n* A psychic city brain. We're digging up patterns in urban data to tell people the answers they need to know about their commute before they know the questions.\n\nIf you want to help us with these things and other yet-to-be revealed madcap schemes, we want to hear from you!\n\n[http:\/\/citymapper.com\/jobs](http:\/\/citymapper.com\/jobs) \\- or drop me a line at email@example.com if you just want to talk :)\n\n Do you have a ballpark for the remuneration on offer? I'm interested in applying but don't want to waste our time. Thanks :)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Factual is currently hiring engineers and data lovers of all levels in the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Shanghai.\n\nFactual's location platform enriches mobile location signals with definitive global data, enabling personalized and contextually relevant mobile experiences. Built from billions of inputs, the data is constantly updated by Factual's real-time data stack. We were recently named one of \"50 Disruptive Companies in 2013\" by MIT Technology Review. We have a terrific team that is still fairly small and an incredible CEO who was previously the co-founder of Applied Semantics (which was bought by Google and became AdSense). Factual has venture funding from Andreessen-Horowitz and our partners\/customers include Facebook, Yelp, Trulia, and Newsweek.\n\nThere are many challenging problems to work on at all layers of the stack: data cleaning and canonicalization, storage, deduping, serving, APIs, improving data using machine learning, etc. A great example is one of our most recent products, Geopulse Audience, which stands at the intersection of high quality places data and large scale analysis of user geo-data: [http:\/\/www.factual.com\/products\/geopulse- audience](http:\/\/www.factual.com\/products\/geopulse-audience) . If you love data, Factual is the place to be. Our main criteria are that you're smart and get things done, but you'll get bonus points for experience with Clojure ([http:\/\/www.factual.com\/jobs\/clojure](http:\/\/www.factual.com\/jobs\/clojure)), machine learning, NLP, algorithm design, or Hadoop.\n\nYou can email me personally at email@example.com, or view our job postings and apply directly via Jobvite:\n\nLos Angeles\/SF Bay Area Software engineer: [http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oQR1Vfwn&s=Hackernews](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oQR1Vfwn&s=Hackernews)\n\n<\/comment> Gumroad ([https:\/\/gumroad.com\/](https:\/\/gumroad.com\/)) \u2014 San Francisco, CA\n\nGumroad enables all types of creators (musicians, designers, writers, video game developers, comedians, filmmakers, and more) earn a living by selling their work directly to their audience.\n\nSee a demo: [https:\/\/gumroad.com\/demo](https:\/\/gumroad.com\/demo)\n\nThe company is 2 years old. We're a tiny team of 10 folks focused on making a great product over anything else \u2014 we've raised $8M and don't have to think about raising money for a while (besides the money that we raise daily from our customers!).\n\nYou can see more definitive roles here, but in general we are looking for smart, hard-working, creative people: [https:\/\/gumroad.com\/jobs](https:\/\/gumroad.com\/jobs)\n\nYou can apply through there or email me directly with links to a couple of things you've built \u2014 firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Fluencia - Arlington, VA\n\n \n \n * Front-End Engineer\n * Lead UI Designer\n * Software Engineer\n * Software Engineer - \n * Business Analytics Manager\n * Digital Content Creator\n \n\n[http:\/\/www.fluencia.com\/about-us\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.fluencia.com\/about- us\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> SAN FRANCISCO \u2013 Senior iOS Developer for Founding Team\n\nSnowledge ([http:\/\/snowledgeapp.com\/](http:\/\/snowledgeapp.com\/))\n\nWe are looking for a Senior iOS Developer with the technical vision to build an app for the first true navigation and performance tracking community for skiing and snowboarding.\n\n==About the Company==\n\nSnowledge is a mobile and web-based navigation and performance tracking community for the mountains. It equips skiers and snowboarders with valuable inside knowledge to navigate and explore their mountains, GPS technology to capture geotagged stats, photos, & videos, and a community to engage with each other and members of the ski and snowboard industry.\n\nWe are a seed stage startup with years of involvement in the skiing & snowboarding industry, including former Junior Olympic ski racing and current competitive Big Mountain skiing experience. We've raised a seed round of investment and recently partnered with a mountain resort and popular weather and snow forecasting site to help develop and test our beta.\n\n==Desired Skills & Experience==\n\nAs a Senior iOS Developer, you will work directly with the founder to go from mockups to working prototypes for a private beta group. You should be comfortable working at all levels of the stack, obsessed with measuring everything, detail oriented, and above all, hungry to succeed.\n\n* B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in Computer Science\n\n* 4+ years of professional engineering experience\n\n* Expert knowledge of the Objective-C language\n\n* Proven track record of developing quality apps currently available in the app store\n\n* A mellow personality (but an insane work ethic)\n\nContact email@example.com. Please include your resume, examples of apps and sites you've worked on, and your Github profile.\n\n<\/comment> Yahoo (Ads & Data) -- Front-End Engineers\n\nFulltime - Bay Area\n\nBig things are happening here at Yahoo: EmberJS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Underscore, Bower, Grunt, qUnit (yes, at Yahoo)\n\nWe want Front-end engineers who are excited about the bleeding edge of web application development.\n\nWe've started a big push to change our tech-stack and are making ambitious single page applications. We are just about to launch Yahoo's first EmberJS app Ad Manager Plus. It was announced [1] at Marissa' CES keynote. It's incredibly ambitious, highly visible, full of big data, and directly impacting the success of Yahoo.\n\nYou're awesome because:\n\n \n \n - Someone in your life is jealous because you love JavaScript maybe too much\n - You want to build single page applications with Ember\n - Imperfectly written code keeps you from sleeping at night\n - Canary isn't a bird to you; it's a playground of wonderful new toys\n - You could develop back-end stuff, but your keen understanding of user interaction is what sets you apart from the crowd\n - You're badass when working alone, but unstoppable when working with a team that's firing on all cylinders\n - You like working with a functional style because forget verbosity\n \n\nWe're awesome because:\n\n \n \n - We have other UI leaders just like yourself\n - We have the camaraderie of a startup, with all the nice perks of a big company\n - The projects you'll work on are incredibly ambitious, highly visible, full of big data, and directly impacting the success of Yahoo.\n - We have disowned Internet Explorer's first 8 children\n \n\nsdumas [at] yahoo-inc [dot] com\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>----\n\n[1]: [http:\/\/www.adweek.com\/news\/advertising-branding\/yahoo- reboot...](http:\/\/www.adweek.com\/news\/advertising-branding\/yahoo-reboots-ad- business-attempt-own-ad-tech-154812)\n\n<\/comment> TripleLift is hiring - we're a small (25-person) startup in NYC trying to disrupt online advertising. We're working on technologies that move away from annoying banner ads to beautiful, image-centric native ads. We focus on computer vision (and related technologies), real-time bidding, data analysis and more. We're looking for some awesome people that are awesome at one or more of: angular, node.js, java (high performance), PHP, and \"big data\" \\- reach out at firstname.lastname@example.com if you're interested (or check us out here [http:\/\/triplelift.com\/careers](http:\/\/triplelift.com\/careers))!\n\nAlso, we were recently named one of Forbes top 5 companies transforming advertising in 2013, were finalists for AdWeek's startup of the year (both editorial and readers choice) and won The NY Times \/ 212NYC ad tech startup of the year.\n\n<\/comment> Rescale - [http:\/\/www.rescale.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.rescale.com\/careers\/) \\- San Francisco, CA\n\nAt Rescale, you will help the world's leading engineers and scientists develop the next generation of disruptive innovations. Our team members have the unique opportunity to learn and contribute to solving some of the world's most challenging problems, from space flight to genetic engineering and everything in between.\n\nWe are computer scientists, domain experts, and industry thought leaders who are eager to work in teams with the brightest minds and most talented engineers. Located in the heart of San Francisco, we offer an exciting and vibrant work environment with competitive compensation and benefits.\n\n* Senior Software Engineer, Platform\n\n* Senior Engineer, Applications\n\n* UI Designer\n\n* Director of Sales\n\n* Senior Sales Engineer\n\nApply directly at [http:\/\/www.rescale.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.rescale.com\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> PillPack, Inc - Somerville, MA - [https:\/\/www.pillpack.com](https:\/\/www.pillpack.com)\n\nPillPack is simplifying the process of managing medications for the 30M+ Americans that take 5 or more prescriptions a day. We have a full service pharmacy in NH (with robots) and a beautiful office in Davis Square (no robots, yet). We are currently a small team (~12), and looking to grow both engineering (frontend, full stack, ios) and marketing.\n\nWe are backed by top tier VC's and are one of the few consumer startups in the area that are both a technology company at heart and delivering a real product and service that changes people's lives.\n\n[https:\/\/www.pillpack.com\/careers](https:\/\/www.pillpack.com\/careers) Send an email to elliot at pillpack.com if you're interested or want to find out more about us \/ what we're looking for.\n\n<\/comment> Remote or one of our offices: San Francisco, CA - Shanghai, China\n\n\\---\n\nWe build products at the intersection of technology around data. Lots of data visualization, big data and infrastructure.\n\nWe work with large organizations on challenging problems (the World Bank, the United Nations, CNN) OR on our own products (mostly developer tools, things like [http:\/\/devo.ps](http:\/\/devo.ps) or [http:\/\/octokan.com](http:\/\/octokan.com)).\n\nWe are a multicultural team with French, American, British, Chinese, Korean, Dutch and Finnish colleagues. We are about to settle a third office in Berlin and are looking at remote hiring in Spain and Seoul.\n\nWe work a lot with Javascript (node.js, AngularJS), Python, occasionally Go and Erlang. Lots of single page apps, APIs and infrastructure automation.\n\nWe are looking for full-time or interns:\n\n\\- Developers; front-end (HTML5 + Compass + AngularJS), backend (node.js, Python), ops (Python, Go).\n\n\\- Designers; you have design chops, understand technology (HTML\/CSS...) and do more than nice pictures (content strategy, color theory, ...).\n\n\\- Strategist; you can quickly immerse yourself in a new field of knowledge, have a knack for data and are quick at recognizing patterns. You are a jack- of-all-trades that can think a solution and get it shipped, either alone or with a team.\n\n\\- Marketing; you have what it takes to grow a brand or product online and understand how to leverage online and offline tools to get there.\n\n\\- Business Development; if you are in Washington DC, Berlin or Paris, understand enough of our space and would like to help us grow our services, shoot us an email.\n\n\\---\n\nDrop me a line at firstname.lastname@example.com, or go to [http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/wiredcraft.com\/careers.html)\n\n<\/comment> Measurence - REMOTE (UTC-5 ~ UTC+5) - [http:\/\/measurence.com](http:\/\/measurence.com)\n\nHi! :) I'm Federico Feroldi, co-founder of Measurence. Our mission is to bring the power of lean analytics practices and tools to the brick & mortar retailers (think about MixPanel and Optimizely for the real world).\n\nWe're very early stage, but with a working product, enough seed funding, some excited customers and a few very important prospects.\n\nThis is not our first startup. As founders together have almost 30 years of combined tech and business experience with a few startups and exits already under our belt.\n\nYour responsibility will be to build the front end app of our analytics platform using Rails and AngularJS. The backend system (data ingestion and analysis) is built on Scala, so there's a chance for you to learn it if you want :)\n\nThis is a fully remote position. You'll be able to work from (almost) anywhere you want and organize you working hours as long as you deliver stuff and bring the product closer to the vision that we're going to shape together.\n\nYou'll not be told what to do. We'll, instead discuss together what needs to happen then you'll decide what and how to do to make it happen. You'll need to be comfortable with the uncertainty that characterizes the early stage of a startup.\n\nWe value honesty, transparency and direct communication.\n\nIf you're interested to discuss more, tell me your story and show me what you built at fferoldi - at - measurence.com\n\nTo learn more about the founding team: [https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/feroldi](https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/feroldi) [https:\/\/github.com\/cloudify](https:\/\/github.com\/cloudify) [https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/elionarciso](https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/elionarciso)\n\n<\/comment> Amsterdam, the Netherlands. No remote work \u2013 must be able and willing to work at our Amsterdam office.\n\nSilk (www.silk.co) is looking for Javascript, TypeScript and Front-end engineers.\n\nWe're building a product that makes it easy for people to create sites with content that is easy to query, visualize and share. On a deeper level, our vision is to bring the semantic web to the masses and build an amazing company around that.\n\nWe're working on many interesting and challenging problems, with a custom- built Haskell graph-database on the back-end and a cutting-edge Functional Reactive client-side framework in Javascript on the front-end.\n\nSilk is well-funded by top-tier VCs (NEA and Atomico) and we're located in the city center of Amsterdam.\n\nFor more info & open positions: [http:\/\/jobs.silk.co\/](http:\/\/jobs.silk.co\/)\n\n<\/comment> MongoDB - (New York, Austin, DC, and Hong Kong)\n\nBelow are 3 \"hot jobs\" that I am currently recruiting for. If you think you fit the bill, feel free to reach out @ email@example.com\n\n\\---\n\nSolutions Architect (Technical Pre-sales Engineer\/consultant) Location: Austin, TX \/ Hong Kong\n\nSolutions Architects are responsible for guiding our customers and users to design and build reliable, scalable systems using MongoDB. The Solutions Architecture team at MongoDB is made up of seasoned software architects, entrepreneurs and developers who take direct responsibility for customer success, including the design of their software, deployment and operations.\n\nA development\/distributed systems background is required.\n\n\\---\n\n __*Consulting Engineer (Field \/implementation\/post-sale Engineers) Location: New York, NY \/ Washington D.C. (Clearance is required)\n\nAs a technical consultant, you'll be MongoDB's ambassador to our clients and other MongoDB users. You'll deliver advisory consulting to and lead comprehensive training sessions with MongoDB's clients, helping them solve mission-critical challenges in areas as varied as schema design, performance optimization (both in a database and in an application), software architecture, production operations.\n\nA development\/distributed systems background is required.\n\n\\---\n\nTechnical Services Engineer: Location: New York,NY \/ Palo Alto,CA \/ Austin, TX \/ Sydney, AU\n\nTeam members will apply strong problem solving skills and will acquire a broad understanding of our products as well as a wide range of innovative customer applications and environments, from Foursquare to CERN to Metlife and everywhere in-between. At the end of the day, you'll be able to look at these groundbreaking applications and say that you had a hand in making them happen. If you have a strong Dev, Ops, or DevOps background, you might be a great fit!\n\n\\---\n\n what kind of clearance is required for #2?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> ListRunner - collaborative app for doctors. From the team behind the hacking health movement, now we are tackling handover inefficiencies in hospitals and clinicals environment.\n\nWe have amazing traction and need to move fast. We are a great team composed of doctors, hackers and designers.\n\nHttp:\/\/www.listrunnerapp.com\n\nTwo positions (Montr\u00e9al or REMOTE)\n\n \n \n - Great full stack developer (presently our stack is angular, node and firebase). Should be comfortable with Linux, hacking on the backend and front-end. Bonus for javascript and Python expert, some ios knowledge would be awesome too. Obviously a great team player. \n \n - Experienced IOS developer. Attention to details, love high quality code and great team player. \n \n\nHappy to answer questions and give more information by email: phzbox at gmail\n\nThanks\n\n<\/comment> Mountain View, CA (we also love interns, and remote is a possibility for the right candidate)\n\n\\---\n\nAt Khan Academy, we're a small, 52-person non-profit tech startup. We're trying hard to do good for the world. Here's a testimonial we received just two days ago:\n\n _January 29, 2014_\n\n _I am an adult returning to school for a midlife career change. I have always disliked math and thought I was bad at it -- and my last math class was over 20 years ago! But I just passed my Accuplacer placement test, thanks to Khan Academy. Thank you so much for making it fun and easy to refresh my skills. I also purchased the Accuplacer test prep app, but I found myself coming back to Khan Academy more often because I liked it more. Now I am learning coding at school, so I 'll definitely be back for more!_\n\n _Lisa_\n\nThis letter is one story, but every month we hear about hundreds of lives like this that we've transformed.\n\n\\--\n\nMost of you reading this are familiar with Sal's videos, but we also have hundreds of videos by other teachers, partnerships with organizations like MoMA and the California Academy of Sciences, and a huge library of interactive exercises. Over 20 million math problems are done _every week_ on our site. That's a lot.\n\nWith this huge scale, we're able to study learning in a way that wasn't previously possible. We've run tests and found that students learn more when they're given harder problems based on an intelligent machine-learning algorithm [1]. Right now we have dozens of A\/B tests running to help us understand what we can do to make people learn more, such as testing how different spaced repetition algorithms affect retention. We're also beginning to release anonymized student data to external researchers.\n\nWe're doing a big mobile push. Around 20% of our traffic comes from phones and tablets but we have only two mobile devs so far. We're totally overhauling our iOS app; if you join us now, you can be a main developer on an app that is _guaranteed_ to have millions of users. This is a rare opportunity.\n\nYou'll be working alongside a small team with the best in the business \u2013 though we have \"celebrity\" devs like jQuery creator John Resig and Google's first employee (and former Director of Technology) Craig Silverstein, we have many more you haven't heard of but who are also amazing.\n\nWhether you're a machine learning guru or you take pride in perfecting UI details for a dropdown menu [2], we have something for you. We really have a great team and culture. We use (and contribute to) new technology [3], we invest heavily in mentoring our interns (and full-timers) [4], we have lots of fun at and around work [5], and even though we're a non-profit, we pay well too. I'm also proud to say that we're winning against GitHub in team Bensity (i.e., percentage of employees named Ben) [6].\n\n\\---\n\nWe're hiring engineers (frontend, backend, mobile, data science), designers, and more -- if you're a designer, you might also be interested in our parnership with Bridge [7]. And if you want to have an amazing summer (or fall or spring) building real features for real users, we're hiring interns too.\n\nAs I said above, mobile is a big priority for us. Let me know if you know someone great.\n\nPlease apply at [https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/careers](https:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/careers) directly (say you saw us on HN!). If you have questions, feel free to ask here or to email me at email@example.com.\n\n[1]: [http:\/\/derandomized.com\/post\/51729670543\/khan-academy- machin...](http:\/\/derandomized.com\/post\/51729670543\/khan-academy-machine- learning-measurable-learning)\n\n[2]: [http:\/\/bjk5.com\/post\/44698559168\/breaking-down-amazons- mega-...](http:\/\/bjk5.com\/post\/44698559168\/breaking-down-amazons-mega- dropdown)\n\n[3]: [http:\/\/joelburget.com\/backbone-to- react\/](http:\/\/joelburget.com\/backbone-to-react\/) (sorry about the background, but there are dinosaur pictures!)\n\n[4]: [http:\/\/bjk5.com\/post\/71559049069\/the-most-common-feedback- we...](http:\/\/bjk5.com\/post\/71559049069\/the-most-common-feedback-we-give-dev- interns)\n\n[5]: [http:\/\/life.khanacademy.org\/](http:\/\/life.khanacademy.org\/)\n\n[6]: [https:\/\/twitter.com\/dmnd_\/status\/425870378330644480](https:\/\/twitter.com\/dmnd_\/status\/425870378330644480)\n\n[7]: [http:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/75079597750\/khan-...](http:\/\/www.khanacademy.org\/about\/blog\/post\/75079597750\/khan- academy-joins-bridge-to-find-more-amazing)\n\n Sent you an email.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> CodeHS: Software Engineer in San Francisco\n\nCodeHS is a site that helps teach computer science to beginners with a focus on working with high schools. We work with students and schools all over the US and all over the world. Make a big impact on a small team in an exciting space.\n\nSee more at [http:\/\/codehs.com\/jobs](http:\/\/codehs.com\/jobs)\n\nWe are a company with a social mission, and we believe that we can help make computer science more fun and accessible to high school students. If you are a programmer, but also consider yourself a teacher--or if you love coming up with creative ways to explain things--or if you want to work on a meaningful project instead of programming widgets at the widget factory--then send us an email. You can email me at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nWe're a small team of 6 with funding and a business model and soon to be a lot bigger. We have a monthly team hackathon (and recently had one for 150 students and teachers at Facebook [http:\/\/facebook.com\/codehs](http:\/\/facebook.com\/codehs) ), and are always thinking of ways to make working more fun.\n\nSee what students and teachers say about CodeHS: [http:\/\/codehs.com\/testimonials](http:\/\/codehs.com\/testimonials)\n\nHow We Start Teaching:\n\nWe start teaching programming with \"Karel the Dog,\" a dog that lives in a grid world and only knows four commands: move, turnLeft, putBall and takeBall. We use karel to teach that computer science is about problem solving. We start in JavaScript, but use a thin teaching library because we believe in teaching concepts over syntax.\n\nTry it out and let us know what you think at codehs.com.\n\nOur site is built in python, django, JavaScript, and we're on ec2.\n\nCodeHS was recently a winner at NBC's Education Nation and has been featured on the Today Show and a number of other places.\n\nThanks! Jeremy\n\n[http:\/\/blog.codehs.com\/](http:\/\/blog.codehs.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Columbia, MD \u2013 H1B, FULL-TIME, INTERN\n\nWe're a small company in the Maryland suburbs transforming how states manage Medicaid information. This is an exploding niche and we have a bright future ahead of us but we need your help to build it!\n\nWe're looking for .NET software engineers with 'SOLID' C# skills and experience with ASP.NET MVC, NoSQL, HTML5, and JavaScript frameworks such as Knockout, Angular, or Durandal. Knowledge of domain-driven design, service- oriented architecture, and OO design patterns is a plus. Experience with RavenDB is a huge plus. If you don't know any of this stuff, that's fine too \u2013 just love to code in C#.\n\nE-mail questions, comments, or your resume to email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Madison, WI (or remote) - Developer Evangelist [http:\/\/ionicframework.com\/](http:\/\/ionicframework.com\/)\n\nWe are looking for a great developer evangelist to help make the Ionic Framework the biggest mobile dev platform in the world.\n\nThe job will require some traveling to conferences and other events, along with creating tutorials and help guides, demo applications, and other content to help developers learn and use the framework effectively along with our upcoming tools.\n\nWe are a team of 7 obsessed with making the web amazing for mobile development.\n\nMore info on the job here: [http:\/\/drifty.com\/jobs\/evangelist-2014.html](http:\/\/drifty.com\/jobs\/evangelist-2014.html)\n\n<\/comment> Pathable ([http:\/\/pathable.com](http:\/\/pathable.com)) - Seattle or REMOTE Pathable is hiring expert javascript engineers and UI designers. We're innovating how single-page applications are built and we need your help. Our industry leading social networking application is focused on conferences and events. It's 75% JavaScript and 25% Ruby. We support several open source projects including Backbone and QuiltJS. We've embraced remote working to a degree you won't find anywhere else. Learn more: [http:\/\/www.pathable.com\/](http:\/\/www.pathable.com\/)\n\n I am trying to get into the QA field and I was searching for entry level QA jobs saw that you guys were hiring a QA intern but the position was filled. Any chance that you will be hiring for QA again?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Salt Lake City, UT -- Lucid Software ([http:\/\/www.golucid.co](http:\/\/www.golucid.co))\n\nLucid Software is building world class graphical applications in the browser and on mobile devices. Our first product, Lucidchart ([http:\/\/www.lucidchart.com](http:\/\/www.lucidchart.com)), is an online diagramming application with 1M+ users. We recently launched our second product, Lucidpress ([http:\/\/www.lucidpress.com](http:\/\/www.lucidpress.com)), which is an online layout and design application. Lucid is a startup founded by Karl Sun, a former Google exec, and Ben Dilts, our CTO. We're profitable and rapidly growing in every dimension of the business and need people to join our team. For fun we raft river rapids on company retreats, have Friday BBQs, and eat lots of pizza. Talent and ability to learn are more important than specific skills.\n\nBACKEND SOFTWARE ENGINEER (all experience levels) - Lucidchart and Lucidpress run with various decoupled services in a Linux environment using Scala, MongoDB, AWS, and MySQL. At Lucid your responsibilities would include enhancing existing services, building new services, integrating with 3rd party applications and ensuring services are highly available, secure, and scalable.\n\n \n \n Requirements: - Talent - BS degree\n \n Recommended experience: - Building large products \/ applications - Scala or Java - MySQL or other relational database - NoSQL \n databases - Cloud computing (AWS)\n \n\nFRONTEND SOFTWARE ENGINEER (all experience levels) - Lucidchart and Lucidpress are powered by one of the largest Javascript codebases on the Internet (about 250k lines of JS), optimized so that the user experience is indistinguishable from an installed native application. Come help us show the tech world what can be done on the web.\n\n \n \n Requirements: - Talent - BS degree\n \n Recommended experience: - Building large products \/ applications - Javascript - Google Closure compiler\/library - CSS\/HTML\/DOM \n manipulation - jQuery - Native app development on Android and\/or iOS\n \n\nAll applicants email resumes (and links to recent projects) to email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Success Academy Charter Schools (New York, NY) - [http:\/\/jobs.successacademies.org\/](http:\/\/jobs.successacademies.org\/)\n\nSuccess currently operates 22 high-performing public charter schools around NYC. We are currently hiring a full-time Middle School Computer Science Teacher (previous teaching experience is not required) and a part-time High School Computer Science Teacher. We are also hiring a Product Manager for the Network-wide Technology team. If you're at all interested in working in education and having a direct impact on lots of great kids, please reach out to me.\n\n<\/comment> REMOTE or SF Bay Area: Full Stack Web Developer for Dreamforge (YC S12) We build software for 3D printers. Looking for a developer passionate about 3D printing or 3D interfaces and exceptionally quick at coding full stack (back and frontend, web). Most of our work is Rails-based, though we're exploring Node for future work. Our stack is a bit intense (not your typical consumer website), but you won't lack in excitement. Posting and instructions here: [http:\/\/dreamforge.me\/full-stack-engineer.html](http:\/\/dreamforge.me\/full- stack-engineer.html)\n\n<\/comment> Optimizely - San Francisco, CA \/ Amsterdam, NL - Fulltime, Permanant. Intern\/H1-B Transfer okay as well.\n\nIntern - [http:\/\/jobsco.re\/1g27Jp8](http:\/\/jobsco.re\/1g27Jp8)\n\nGrowth Engineer - [http:\/\/jobsco.re\/18r6N9L](http:\/\/jobsco.re\/18r6N9L)\n\nSoftware Engineer - [http:\/\/jobsco.re\/1g287Ea](http:\/\/jobsco.re\/1g287Ea)\n\niOS Developer - [http:\/\/jobsco.re\/1hjBfoa](http:\/\/jobsco.re\/1hjBfoa)\n\nDevOps Engineer - [http:\/\/jobsco.re\/Hwr31e](http:\/\/jobsco.re\/Hwr31e)\n\nProduct Manager - [http:\/\/jobsco.re\/Hwretn](http:\/\/jobsco.re\/Hwretn)\n\nOptimizely is a website optimization platform. We enable businesses to show the right thing to the right person at the right time. Our first product makes A\/B Testing easy. In 2 years we've grown to become #1 in the category with 4,000+ paying customers including Starbucks, Disney, and Marketo. We're profitable and our revenue is growing 400% year-over-year. Join us in our mission to empower businesses to make better data-driven decisions.\n\nAbout the Job: We have scale: 15 billion server requests\/month. You'll work on our amazing visual editor - a cutting edge tool \/ high performance low footprint iOS SDK or scaling our system to new heights in a continuous integration environment; we're fast and nimble: 1-2 deployments every day.\n\nBenefits Free city-wide Gym membership at any Crunch Fitness. Free Clipper Card to pay for your commute from anywhere in the bay area. Catered in-office lunch and dinner on weekdays. Full medical insurance with very low co-pay and deductible. HMO, PPO, and HSA options available. Full dental coverage including orthodontics. Full vision coverage including contacts. Dependents 100% covered for medical, dental, and vision. Unlimited vacation policy. 401k benefit. Top-of-the-line MacBook Pro or MacBook Air and 30\" monitor. Working with a great team and having a huge impact!\n\nIf you can't find a job that fit you above please send me your resume at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Tolq - [http:\/\/www.tolq.com](http:\/\/www.tolq.com) \\- The Hague, Netherlands\n\nJavascript powered professional crowd-sourced web translations. We are rolling in clients right now and we're looking for strong programmers to help us out, we're looking for more software engineers to back us up. INTERN, REMOTE welcome.\n\n* Web \/ Backend developer - Our backend is mainly in Rails with some Node.js and possibly a bit of Golang pending. We're looking for a polyglot. :-)\n\nIf your interested you can apply by sending me a direct email at email@example.com\n\nSTACK:\n\n* Rails\n\n* Node.js\n\n* Selenium\/Phantomjs for various testing\/indexing stuff\n\n* ElasticSearch\n\n* ... and lots more\n\n<\/comment> Montreal, Canada - \n\nData Scientist, Full time\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n \n \n Conceive and design complete data mining solutions to support operations\n Develop and implement solutions including applying algorithms, improving existing algorithms, and developing custom algorithms\n Review recent technological and research advances from the community and integrate them with existing architecture\n Assist engineering in the deployment of accepted and successful algorithms to production environments\n Provide expert advice and assistance to other teams in the company\n Perform ad hoc statistical and data mining analysis on various datasets\n \n \n\nRequirements:\n\n \n \n M.Sc. in Data Mining, Machine Learning, Statistics, Mathematics or similar field - Ph.D. an asset\n Strong knowledge and proficiency in data mining algorithms including decision trees, probability networks, clustering, regression and neural networks\n Research-oriented and strong passion for empirical research on hard problems\n Ability to present results to non-expert people\n Familiarity with database environments and functional knowledge of SQL\n Strong programming skills in R, Java, Python or similar high-level languages\n Experience with media buying platforms and online advertising an asset\n Experience and ability to work with Big Data problems\n Experience with UNIX\/Linux environment\n \n\nContact me: olivier.beauchesne -at- mindgeek.com\n\n<\/comment> London, UK \u2014 Fountain Digital Labs ([http:\/\/www.fountain- digital.com](http:\/\/www.fountain-digital.com))\n\nWe're working on the delivery of live video streams from our own camera installations around the globe into an iPad app for children. Both the client part (iOS) and the video processing backend (Python\/ffmpeg) are being actively developed in-house. We're currently looking for a Python developer and Video Streaming Engineer, both full-time in London. Our office is at TechHub, in the heart of the Silicon Roundabout, but we'll be moving to the new office in the same area very soon.\n\nThe usual job description blurb is at our landing page [http:\/\/www.fountain- digital.com](http:\/\/www.fountain-digital.com), just wanted to add that we're a well funded one year old company, with product prototype ready, now approaching first public release. It's nine of us, with five people located in London. These will be our first hires, so your influence on the end product is only limited by your own capacity. For the same reason we're super serious about picking the right people and should we find them, ready to treat them very well with interesting engineering tasks and cookies.\n\nIt's great to work here, really. If you want to ask anything about the product, technology, or simply wanna say hi, drop me a line (I'm the CTO), my email is in the profile.\n\n<\/comment> Los Angeles, CA (FULL TIME) - Pariveda Solutions - [http:\/\/www.parivedasolutions.com](http:\/\/www.parivedasolutions.com) (other locations as well)\n\nImmediate need for a very strong and technical manager-level hire to join our Los Angeles office and jump into some established and growing projects. You will work with our team on large Java enterprise-level applications, leading our developers and working side by side with senior leadership to deliver successful projects.\n\n\\-- Significant and recent development experience and expertise in Java\/J2EE and frameworks like Spring and Hibernate \\-- Good experience with consumer web applications and frontend HTML, CSS and JavaScript technologies like jQuery, Backbone, Angular JS \\-- Good experience on a major RDBMSes such as Oracle, MySQL or SQL Server\n\nWe are also hiring in pretty much all of our national offices, including Seattle, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, New York, and DC. Pay is very competitive and the benefits are fantastic (read: Cadillac). I'm not a recruiter, but can put you in touch with the right people in the firm. Contact me directly at joshua DOT lyman @ thecompany'sdomainname for any questions and to start the process.\n\nPariveda Solutions is an award winning software development and management consulting firm. This is truly a great place to work\u2013focused on career development and filled with smart, passionate people who care about the work they do.\n\n<\/comment> Emeryville, CA (Near BART) Software Engineer (C# .NET Windows Desktop) Gracenote, Inc. [http:\/\/www.gracenote.com](http:\/\/www.gracenote.com)\n\nCome help people discover and enjoy entertainment media. This involves building fast, efficient systems that process and manage colossal amounts of data on a daily basis. Gracenote is one of the world's largest and most commercially viable media information databases. The Gracenote Media Database contains millions of Music and Video records in more than 20 Languages, and is used to power leading edge media solutions from Sony, Apple, Ford to name just a few marquis customers. This Media Database, along with supporting vocabularies and methodologies, is a critical component within all of Gracenote's Product offerings.\n\nWe're looking for people with great programming skills and an understanding of data: structures, storage mechanisms, and processing. Ideal candidates are quick learners, self-starters, and take ownership of their work.\n\nOur systems are largely built using C#\/ .NET-based technologies, but we're looking for smart, driven individuals that have a variety of technologies in their toolbox such as JAVA, C++ etc.\n\nApply at: [http:\/\/ch.tbe.taleo.net\/CH01\/ats\/careers\/requisition.jsp?org...](http:\/\/ch.tbe.taleo.net\/CH01\/ats\/careers\/requisition.jsp?org=GRACENOTE&cws=1&rid=390)\n\n<\/comment> Dstillery - NYC, New York\n\nDstillery is hiring Backend and Full-stack Software Engineers!\n\nWe're #10 on Crain's Best Places to Work in NYC list, #47 on Forbes' America's Most Promising Companies list. We play Ultimate or Soccer on Fridays, we have a company band, we work sane hours, we don't track vacation (and not in the 'so nobody ever takes any' sense), and we Get Stuff Done.\n\nYou'll learn a lot from working here, regardless of your current level of experience. You'll work directly with a world-class data science team (winners of multiple KDD Best Paper and other awards) that keeps us on the cutting edge of learning at scale, allowing us to build customer-specific models from billions of events per day. We're hooked up to all the big ad exchanges, and have direct working relationships with companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more. But we're also still pretty small on the engineering team, and everyone gets their hands dirty and makes a real impact.\n\nWe write mostly Java. Hadoop, Cassandra, Mongo, and Kafka are big parts of our stack, and we're always looking for new tech that helps us work at scale. Experience with these is a big plus, but if you've never used them before that's fine too, if you're eager to learn. If you write clean, working code, think through problems, and deliver on time, we want to talk to you.\n\nContact me for more info, email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> EnergyHub - [http:\/\/www.energyhub.com\/](http:\/\/www.energyhub.com\/) \\- Brooklyn, NY\n\nYou will have the opportunity to work on all aspects of our software: predictive analytics, communicating with embedded devices, the back end distributed system, and web and mobile applications.\n\nThe ideal candidate: \\- Is fluent in a modern programming language (almost any!). \\- Knows their way around computers because they like knowing how things work. \\- Plays around with embedded systems. \\- Has built cool web or mobile applications. \\- Has worked on a distributed, fault-tolerant, and scalable system.\n\nAs a team, we: \\- Like the JVM, but love Python. \\- Juggle data using the right tool for the job \u2014 SQL, NoSQL, and a mixture of Pandas\/SciPy\/IPython. \\- Scale horizontally. \\- Are open to trying out new technologies, languages, and ideas.\n\nEnergyHub is a Brooklyn-based startup located in an old factory near the scenic Gowanus Canal. We provide a cloud-hosted software platform for managing energy use in homes and small businesses. Together, our partners have sold over 100,000 EnergyHub-powered devices, and we will be managing 1 million devices in the next few years.\n\nTo apply, send the following to firstname.lastname@example.com: \\- Your resum\u00e9. \\- Why you're excited to work at EnergyHub. \\- Some code. This can take the form of a link to any of your open source projects, your github username, a code sample, or an app you wrote.\n\n<\/comment> Alta Bicycle Share, Inc., Portland, OR or Remote [http:\/\/www.altabicycleshare.com\/](http:\/\/www.altabicycleshare.com\/)\n\nA little late to the party, but... Alta Bicycle Share is the operator of bicycle sharing systems across the country and internationally including Citi Bike (NYC), Divvy (Chicago), Capital Bikeshare (Washington, DC), Hubway (Boston), Bay Area Bike Share (SF Bay Area), CoGo (Columbus, OH), Bike Chattanooga, and Melbourne Bike Share (Melbourne, AU) and we are looking for a senior web developer to work with our team building software that supports our operations across the country.\n\nOur team handles two distinct pieces of bike share operations: the customer- facing sites for each of our cities (like www.citibikenyc.com) and internal tools that help our staff with their work in the day-to-day running of a bike share system (like our rebalancers, mechanics, dispatch, etc). Our technology stack is mostly PHP right now, though at least one of our internal APIs is written in Ruby, and I'd be open to arguments for moving languages \/ stacks. Looking for a full-stack web developer, but really I'm just looking for someone who is excited about both software and bike share.\n\nApply at [https:\/\/www.appone.com\/MainInfoReq.asp?R_ID=796552](https:\/\/www.appone.com\/MainInfoReq.asp?R_ID=796552)\n\n<\/comment> Hey, I'm one of the developers at LiquidPlanner in Seattle. It's primarily a Ruby on Rails shop, with a really great development team. Our application provides predictive project scheduling, dynamic collaboration, and easy time tracking.\n\nIf that sounds interesting to you, here's the official job posting:\n\nSoftware Development Engineers\n\nLiquidPlanner is looking for full-time developers in the Seattle area to help us build next-generation scheduling and team collaboration tools. We have an industry-leading product, a smart team and a great work environment. These positions include stock options and an excellent benefits package.\n\nCore responsibilities\n\nDevelop advanced web applications using Ruby on Rails and Javascript Maintain the highest levels of software quality through test-driven development Collaborate with customers and the team to solve interesting problems Help support and improve our production and development infrastructures Help design features and build the roadmap for LiquidPlanner Required skills\n\nA commitment to quality and a pragmatic approach Proficiency with Ruby on Rails, Javascript and HTML\/CSS Strong knowledge of SQL and Linux Experience developing and operating complex web applications BA\/BS or graduate degree in Computer Science\n\n[http:\/\/www.liquidplanner.com\/careers\/#software- development-e...](http:\/\/www.liquidplanner.com\/careers\/#software-development- engineers)\n\n<\/comment> Qubit - London (+ New York web devs)\n\nQubit has just had our 4th birthday, and we're looking to really grow our engineering team (somewhat) internationally, as we expand out into new markers!\n\nThere's a bunch of jobs listed here: [http:\/\/www.qubitproducts.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.qubitproducts.com\/jobs), but to summarise, we are hiring on the front-end from UX architects to both new and experienced full-stacky-JS engineers and in our infrastructure teams for DevOps folk. Also, if you find [http:\/\/xkcd.com\/1132](http:\/\/xkcd.com\/1132) funny, we want you as well!\n\nIt's a really fun environment - not just because of the perks of working in the middle of Soho with our own newly remodelled (and fully stocked) kitchen - but we've put together an inspirational team across the board, and we're building a personalisation platform that is really resonating with some of the biggest brands in the world. Not only that, but we have huge plans about where we are going to take it!\n\nIt's a really exciting time, and I hope some of you will join us! There's tonnes of big technical and \"soft\" problems that we're tackling, so drop us a line at firstname.lastname@example.com, tell us a bit about yourself and we'd love to have a chat about how you can help us solve them.\n\n<\/comment> Tictail ([http:\/\/tictail.com](http:\/\/tictail.com)) \u2013 Stockholm, Sweden.\n\nTictail is the easiest way to start an online store. We're home for 35000 stores and plan to grow 3x over the next year. We care deeply about user experience and want to make e-commerce as accessible as starting a blog. As a result, more than 80% of our store owners have recommended Tictail. We've also recently launched Tictail Apps, a platform for third-party developers to make apps for Tictail stores.\n\nWe're currently 7 people in the tech team and we're looking to hire a few more talented engineers with a good product sense. The platform is mostly written in Python and production is currently served by Tornado, Flask and node.js. Our infrastructure is built on AWS and we use Chef for configuration management. Search is currently powered by Solr but we will soon be migrating to Elasticsearch.\n\nHere's a \u2013 somewhat outdated \u2013 blog post from Siavash, our CTO, describing the position in more detail: [http:\/\/blog.tictail.com\/post\/45182662726\/backend- developer-o...](http:\/\/blog.tictail.com\/post\/45182662726\/backend-developer-of- the-future-of-ecommerce)\n\nIf you're interested, get in touch at email@example.com and tell us a few things about yourself and a project you've enjoyed working on. Tack!\n\n<\/comment> XP-Dev.com - Remote - [https:\/\/xp-dev.com](https:\/\/xp-dev.com)\n\nXP-Dev.com does version control and project hosting (in the same market as Github, Bitbucket, etc). Profitable and bootstrapped.\n\nLooking for backend and frontend engineers who would like to get their hands dirty in Subversion, Git and Mercurial. You will be working on new features on the platform that may involve work on the whole stack. You will be liaising directly with real users. Deployments are really quick, and you get to see the impact of your work almost immediately.\n\nStack:\n\n \n \n - Nginx, Apache\n - Java (Core, Wicket, Hibernate)\n - Python (mainly for scripting)\n - \n - AngularJS, JQuery\n - \n - \n - \n - \n \n\nThere are other products in the pipeline - most of which are akin to xp- dev.com (hosting\/productivity platforms). So, there is plenty of room to switch products and try out new things.\n\nWhat we're looking for:\n\n \n \n - Self starters\n - Sound understanding of programming\n you don't need to be a Java\/Python\/JavaScript guru\n \n\nBenefits:\n\n \n \n - No keeping track of holidays\n - Flexible working hours\n - Flexible working conditions (see below)\n \n\nPosition location is remote. You'll need to factor in working from home or from a shared space near you (all will be paid for).\n\nTo apply, just drop a short cover email describing yourself and your CV to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> AllTrails and AllSnow [http:\/\/alltrails.com](http:\/\/alltrails.com) [http:\/\/allsnow.com](http:\/\/allsnow.com)\n\nFULLTIME Rails \/ iOS \/ Android Engineers \/ Designers San Francisco (preferred) \/ Los Angeles \/ NYC \/ Remote \/ H1B AllTrails is hiring! We're building Yelp for the outdoors - the best way to discover and share hiking trails and outdoor activities around you. We're helping people rediscover the outdoors and having lots of fun in the process. Camping and snowboarding benefits, anyone?\n\nWe just launched our brand new site in partnership with National Geographic ([http:\/\/alltrails.com\/partners\/national_geographic](http:\/\/alltrails.com\/partners\/national_geographic)) and have the #1 outdoors app in the Apple and Android stores (try searching for 'Hiking'). We also have the #1 Snow sports app on iPhone.\n\nOur company was AngelPad incubated, is funded by 500Startups and consists of a strong team from Google \/ Microsoft \/ Facebook with previous startup experience. We also have the author of an O'Reilly Android book, and a core committer to Homebrew on the team. We're looking for exceptional full stack Rails and mobile developers (Android and iOS) and designers. If your idea of sunlight is more than just sitting in front of a really bright monitor all day, we'd love to hear from you!\n\n[http:\/\/alltrails.com\/jobs](http:\/\/alltrails.com\/jobs) or email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Berlin, Germany Comany: bleech (web development agency) Hiring: Backend and Frontend Web Developers bleech.de [https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/bleechberlin](https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/bleechberlin)\n\nWe build shit-hot web products for ad agencies and media companies -- an engaging web special for Volkswagen's latest campaign, a social-heavy microsite for AEG, or an interactive music video for an indie band. If it's cool, it's got our name on it.\n\nbleech is an award-winning boutique web development agency based in Berlin Mitte. Most of our client work is campaign-based, done in conjunction with creative agencies on behalf of international and local brands. We are proud to say that 100% of our work comes from client referrals.\n\nOur developers are integrated into the planning process of each project, and work closely alongside the project manager to create custom solutions and meaningful web experiences. We are a team of experts where everyone contributes with her or his own personality, skills and experience. The majority of our projects last 2-3 months, so you'll have the opportunity to influence and shape multiple web products that are visited by millions.\n\nThe bleech philosophy is simple: work earnestly toward goals and always rise to challenges. Over 2.5 years we've successfully grown to achieve a wonderful client base, a breadth of rewarding projects, a brilliant young team, and a beautiful new office overlooking a large green park.\n\nBoth job descriptions can be found at bleech.de email@example.com\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you!\n\n<\/comment> AMA Capital -- Palo Alto, CA. Full time. H1B okay.\n\nAMA Capital trades billions of dollars per day in the foreign exchange markets.\n\nWe are all engineers, and we all do a little bit of everything, designing and implementing our own trading strategies and infrastructure. We are a very small team (I am curently the only employee) and aim to add one or two engineers who will focus on strategy and\/or on infrastructure. No experience or specific knowledge of finance is required. However, you do need to be at least interested in financial markets and to be able to implement your strategies carefully in C++.\n\nAn example of an infrastructure project is designing and building a system for logging to non-volatile memory. We generate large logs that cover everything from prices to transaction data. NVDIMMs are a form of RAM that survives power loss, and such hardware has been on the horizon for a while, but it is just now becoming available to early adopters. Writes to NVDIMMs will be nearly instantaneous and immediately durable. This project will be to develop an NVDIMM-based system that simultaneously functions as a log, an IPC mechanism, and a searchable database for analysis. Making this work will involve a number of pieces: kernel drivers, CPU cache control, lock-free synchronization, a daemon to write everything back to long-term (i.e. less expensive) storage, and more. If this works well, we plan to open-source all the pieces.\n\nVisit [http:\/\/amacapital.net\/careers.html](http:\/\/amacapital.net\/careers.html) to learn more, and send applications\/inquiries to email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Cambridge\/Boston - Luminoso - [http:\/\/luminoso.com](http:\/\/luminoso.com)\n\nLuminoso is a growing team of 17 looking to attract a back-end developer to help us attack the problems of natural language processing on a large scale.\n\nAs we work with ever increasing amounts of data, we particularly need someone with the expertise to design the right ways to handle all that data, reliably and with high availability. Not only do we need to store and search the data, we also need to feed it efficiently through our awesome text analysis pipeline, in batches or in ongoing streams.\n\nWe develop our stack on Linux using Python.\n\nExperience with any of the following is a bonus: NLTK, Solr, NumPy\/SciPy, PyTables, scikit-learn, Python 3, Redis, and Riak.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=\n\nThis position will become a member of an eight-person development team, working closely with the front-end developers and the operations team. We particularly seek individuals with sharp and tenacious troubleshooting capability. Strong communication skills and willingness to take initiative are also desired. Luminoso is an equal opportunity employer, and an excellent place to work.\n\nTo apply, send your resume to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nMore about us and other positions we're hiring: [http:\/\/www.luminoso.com\/team.html](http:\/\/www.luminoso.com\/team.html)\n\n<\/comment> MeetMe - New Hope, PA - [http:\/\/www.meetme.com](http:\/\/www.meetme.com)\n\nSee all openings here: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2)\n\nAbout Us: MeetMe is the leading social network for meeting new people in the US with over 1 million DAU. We've been around since 2005 as myYearbook, rebranding in 2012 as MeetMe. We've launched other apps such as Choosy, Charm, and Unsaid in the past few months, and are looking to continue adding more standalone apps in the future.\n\nWe use a wide variety of languages, generally using what makes sense. C, PHP, Python, JavaScript and Node.js, and native iOS and Android development are the most common.\n\nMeetMe is a fun place to work. We hold a yearly developer retreat, as well as regular company-wide hackathons. We have a book club, board game club, and we even have a game room. While we aren't a new company in the time scale of the internet, we still know how to have fun. We just get the benefit of not having to kill ourselves working 12 hour days. =) This means you'll enjoy actually going home on time!\n\nSeveral Openings\n\n* Senior iOS Architect\n\n* Senior Android Architect\n\n* Software Architect\n\n* System Administrator\n\nYou can apply directly here: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3Je6egw2)\n\nOr you can contact me at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> BabyList - Downtown Oakland, CA (2 blocks from 12th Street BART)\n\nFrontend or Full-stack developer\n\nBabyList ([http:\/\/babyli.st](http:\/\/babyli.st)) makes having your first baby less overwhelming, more creative and most importantly more delightful. We have a large and rapidly growing user base of passionate parents-to-be who are making important purchasing decisions for one of the biggest events in their lives. The baby industry is massive and ripe for disruption. Our core product is an easy to use registry that let's parents-to-be add anything they can find on the internet. Our users LOVE this product.\n\nWe're looking for a senior developer to lead the development of our website and API. Our stack is Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Javascript\/jQuery. We're looking for someone who has a lot of coding experience and expert-level fluency in at least one programming language (you don't have to be great at Ruby right now).\n\nWe're offering meaningful equity, a competitive salary, benefits, and relocation expenses.\n\nWe are also hiring for:\n\nEmail Marketing Specialist - [http:\/\/babyli.st\/jobs#email- marketing](http:\/\/babyli.st\/jobs#email-marketing)\n\nUI\/UX Designer - [https:\/\/babyli.st\/jobs#ui- designer](https:\/\/babyli.st\/jobs#ui-designer)\n\nEmail me at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> SwiftStack - [http:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs](http:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs) \\- San Francisco, CA (preferred)\n\nWe are making running private cloud storage awesome. Our core product - SwiftStack Controller - makes it easy to configure, deploy, manage and monitor your own personal Swift[1] cluster. It's a Django app, with a background task and alerting\/eventing engine, a 0mq based remote execution agent to control the fleet, and statsd feeding graphite for telemetry.\n\nBut our core deliverable is OpenStack Swift. OpenStack is the open-source alternative to AWS, and Swift is Object Storage (think S3). And our team is actively driving new capabilities[2] with the open source community.\n\nOur customers are managing distributed storage systems growing at dozens or hundreds of terabytes a month - we're literally taking on big problems - help? We're primarily a python shop, actively recruiting Sr. Engineers and opinionated UX designers who have experience working with a Django team - we've got lots of room for experience at all levels, if you're interested check us out:\n\n[https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs\/](https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/jobs\/)\n\n[1] Swift: [https:\/\/wiki.openstack.org\/wiki\/Swift](https:\/\/wiki.openstack.org\/wiki\/Swift) [2] Storage Policies in Swift: [https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2014\/01\/27\/openstack-swift- stora...](https:\/\/swiftstack.com\/blog\/2014\/01\/27\/openstack-swift-storage- policies\/)\n\n<\/comment> Senior Rails Developer - Seattle, WA - \n\nQuve (\"cue+move\") is a well-funded, early-stage company, developing an online platform to change the nature of work for personal trainers and the nature of working out for consumers. Quve will enable top trainers to coach their clients efficiently and effectively between in-person training sessions, attract new clients who are interested in the benefits of daily fitness coaching between training sessions, and increase trainers' income via online coaching.\n\nWe are looking for a Seattle-based senior rails developer to lead the development of Quve. You will be working closely with the entire team to rapidly build Quve, and iterate the product based on insights from ongoing user testing. This is the perfect position for an senior developer who wants to get in on the ground floor at a well-funded startup developing a stand-out coaching product that has the potential to extend to verticals beyond fitness in the future. Company founders and early employees are experienced and connected.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n* Full stack development lead for Quve\n\n* Build out and iterate on the core Quve product using Rails, Postgres, backbone.js and other technologies you determine necessary\n\n* Help translate user research into actionable product improvement items rational tasks: deploying, running, monitoring, and scaling Quve on Linux VPS\n\n[https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/46701\/senior-rails- de...](https:\/\/careers.stackoverflow.com\/jobs\/46701\/senior-rails-developer- for-well-funded-fitness-quve)\n\n<\/comment> Binpress (500Startups '13) - [http:\/\/www.binpress.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.binpress.com\/jobs) \\- Mountain View, CA\n\nBinpress provides a platform for developers to build profitable businesses from working on their open-source projects in the same mold as MySQL, Redhat, Magento and other commercial open-source solutions. We are based in Mountain View and backed by 500startups and other respectables seed funds\/Angels.\n\nTHE POSITIONS:\n\n* Head of growth - We need someone with proven past experience in growing users and revenue through multiple acquisition channels to head our growth efforts.\n\n* Content marketer - We're looking for someone who has a knack for creating great content in all media formats, and a track record for exposing that content to the relevant audience. Positions are ideally onsite, but we will consider very strong applicants for remote work (at least initially - hopefully we can convince you to relocate later :)\n\nCOMPENSATION:\n\n* A competitive salary\n\n* A meaningful stake in the company\n\n* Paid Health, vision and dental insurance.\n\n* A chance to make a major impact on the company's future and success.\n\nIf you are interested in open-source and believe open-source developers should get paid - get in touch! Send us a message indicating what position you are interested in and why you would be a good fit, or apply through the link above.\n\n<\/comment> Mountain View, CA. Relocation available to the right candidate.\n\n\\---\n\nStoryCloud's mission is to become the leading provider of cloud-based operating systems. Our system empowers people to take control of their digital lives on any device, everywhere.\n\nSince this project is at an early stage so you will have a large influence on the overall architecture of the StoryCloud platform. Your reasoned thoughts about internet-scale system design will always find a receptive audience.\n\n\\---\n\nHadoop HBase Developer - [http:\/\/www.authenticjobs.com\/jobs\/19665\/hadoop- hbase-develop...](http:\/\/www.authenticjobs.com\/jobs\/19665\/hadoop-hbase- developer)\n\nWe think modularity, flexibility, scalability, and security should be concerns from the start of a project, not tacked on as afterthoughts. The schema-less nature of HBase allows massive flexibility in the data model chosen \u2013 with corresponding risk of fragmentation and disorganization. You will be our shepherd of cleanliness and quality and order.\n\n\\---\n\nJava API Developer - [http:\/\/www.authenticjobs.com\/jobs\/19666\/java-api- developer](http:\/\/www.authenticjobs.com\/jobs\/19666\/java-api-developer)\n\nWe cannot overstate the importance to of a quality API to the usability of our system. A clean API is pleasing to use and encourages developers to write apps for our platform. An organized API feels obvious, not arbitrary. A flexible API design allows us to grow our feature set indefinitely. At StoryCloud you can help us build something beautiful.\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA (right in the heart of downtown Union Square)\n\nAnyPerk (YC W12) - hiring 13 positions\n\n\\---\n\nWhat is AnyPerk? A platform unleashing the future of perks. At AnyPerk, we believe that every company - regardless size and influence - should have access to high-quality perks for their employees.\n\nWhy work at AnyPerk? Many startups are proud of their unique cultures, and what makes our team stand out is this: we care deeply about our teammates and want to inspire other companies to do likewise.\n\n\\---\n\nFrom an Engineer at AnyPerk - \"The trust and cooperation at AnyPerk let you work with a speed and comfort you won't find anywhere else. Here we develop together, and with purpose.\"\n\nWe are currently looking for product-minded and seasoned engineers (Ruby-on- Rails & Python) to join our team.\n\nApply today! [http:\/\/anyperk.theresumator.com\/apply\/trHPnt\/Engineer- Ruby-O...](http:\/\/anyperk.theresumator.com\/apply\/trHPnt\/Engineer-Ruby-On- Rails.html)\n\n\\---\n\nFeel free to check out our jobs page for the full list of positions we're hiring - [http:\/\/anyperk.theresumator.com\/](http:\/\/anyperk.theresumator.com\/) . If you have queries about any position on our team, don't hesitate to drop me a line at firstname.lastname@example.com and I will get back to you promptly.\n\n<\/comment> Craftsy (craftsy.com) - Denver, CO\n\nIf you like skiing, hiking, or 4 man pac-man battles ([https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JCbYz7fv7hA);](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JCbYz7fv7hA\\);) we should chat (ck @ craftsy.com)\n\nWe're looking for a variety of roles including Android, Java and a few product managers (Growth, Ecommerce). My team specifically is looking for a lead Android developer as well as a junior Android\/Web Services developer.\n\nIf it matters: We're 4 years old, have raised >50 MM over 3 rounds, Forbes rated us the #19 most promising company in the country and we are looking forward to a big 2014.\n\nDetails here: [http:\/\/www.craftsy.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.craftsy.com\/careers)\n\nCome join the fastest growing online education company out there. Craftsy was designed to provide the best online learning experience possible. Our courses are taught by renowned, expert instructors who take the complex and make it compelling\u2014all in HD-quality streaming video. Craftsy customers can tap into the knowledge of their instructors and other members of our vibrant, passionate communities as they learn, make and share their projects on Craftsy.com. Craftsy was started in 2010, is backed by leading investors, and has grown to 100+ employees. Our class portfolio and categories are expanding, as are our social and eCommerce efforts. And the good news is that we believe this is just the beginning. We're based in Denver, Colorado where you can get a start-up experience with all the lifestyle benefits our city has to offer. Curious? Shoot me an email for more! ck @ craftsy.com \\-----\n\n<\/comment> lost-theory Lumosity - [http:\/\/www.lumosity.com\/](http:\/\/www.lumosity.com\/) \\- San Francisco, CA\n\nWe are looking for software engineers on the rails team and operations team (the team I'm on)!\n\nLumosity provides brain training games to improve the minds and lives of our 50 million users worldwide. Lumosity.com is one of the largest consumer rails apps and has a team of really smart engineers and product people building it.\n\nIf you're interested, please read the job descriptions and apply through jobvite here:\n\nSenior Software Engineer (Rails): [http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oW7PVfwx&s=SWE_HN](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oW7PVfwx&s=SWE_HN)\n\nSenior Ops Engineer (DevOps): [http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oX7PVfwy&s=DevOps_HN](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j\/?cj=oX7PVfwy&s=DevOps_HN)\n\nWe also have a bunch of other job positions at [http:\/\/www.lumosity.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.lumosity.com\/jobs) for engineers (iOS, Android, Flash) and others (UX, marketing, internationalization, product management). If you have any questions at all please email email@example.com and put \"Hacker News\" in the subject!\n\n<\/comment> PaperG - [http:\/\/www.paperg.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.paperg.com\/careers) \\- San Francisco, CA or Seattle, WA\n\nThe New York Times describes PaperG as \"an ad engine to put Mad Men out of business.\" We're changing how digital ads are created and distributed by automating much of what people thought couldn't be done by computer. Our technology retrieves all the relevant content about an advertiser across the web to intelligently design a beautiful set of ads for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices all in under a minute.\n\nWe have great benefits and take care of things like visa sponsorship so that we can put together a team that's always striving to learn and innovate. Here are a few positions that are most important to us right now - either full time or as an internship. But feel free to contact us at email@example.com. We're growing the team pretty quickly, and are constantly adding new positions:\n\n* Software Engineer - DevTools * Software Engineer - Front End * Software Engineer - JavaScript * Visual \/ UI Designer * Technical Product Manager * Enterprise Account Executive * Business Development Associate * Finance and Accounting Analyst\n\n<\/comment> wc- DigitalH2O - Chicago, IL, Full Time Senior Software Developer\n\nLooking for a senior software developer with a strong background in ruby (not necessarily in the context of rails). We do a lot of work with various data sources and an API written in ruby using the grape framework ties it all together. You would be a very early hire with significant opportunities to make a huge impact!\n\nAbout Us: Digital H2O, Inc. (\"DH2O\") is an early stage Big Data startup focused on creating an online water management analytics and marketplace platform to disruptively change how energy companies manage scarce water resources. Our software as a service (SaaS) platform will enable oil and gas companies in North America to more cost effectively, and sustainably, manage oilfield water. Water management is a growing issue for unconventional oil and gas plays both from an economic, regulatory, and public perception perspective. Digital H2O believes passionately in the \"win-win\"; world-class data analysis, combined with software and marketplace mechanisms, can help our society solve challenging natural resource and environmental problems.\n\nIf you are interested or would like to know more, send me a message at wcleveland ( at ) digitalh2o.com\n\n<\/comment> Flipboard, Palo Alto, CA\n\nWe're working on building the world's best personal magazine.\n\nWe're taking that mission literally: my team, this week, just shipped this \u2013 [http:\/\/gigaom.com\/2014\/01\/29\/flipboard-wants-to-tame-the- unr...](http:\/\/gigaom.com\/2014\/01\/29\/flipboard-wants-to-tame-the-unruly- stream-by-becoming-more-like-a-traditional-magazine\/) \u2013 so, right now, we're biting off big problems in structuring and organizing social media through algorithmic approaches, editorial talent, social curation and striking design.\n\nWe're looking especially for Web engineering, systems\/services, devops, building scaled machine learning pipelines, big data infrastructure, Android and iOS. And we need a great IT person, too. So, basically, everything.\n\nYou'll get: a competitive salary\/equity package, a commute subsidy, an excellent healthcare plan, a 401k with company contributions, and big problems to solve. The company's ping-pong obsession is, over the last few weeks, in danger of being replaced by one with Street Fighter II. And lots of my colleagues have kids, including both the co-founders, so you can expect to get home in the evening in time to see them.\n\nWe've raised over $150m ([http:\/\/www.crunchbase.com\/company\/flipboard](http:\/\/www.crunchbase.com\/company\/flipboard)), so we're going to be around for the long haul.\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3NI5egwz](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3NI5egwz) and please feel free to email me with any questions you have at andrew at flipboard.com.\n\n<\/comment> Lab49 \u2014 New York, NY \u2014 [http:\/\/lab49.com](http:\/\/lab49.com)\n\nI work as a User Experience (UX) Architect for Lab49. Lab49 is a strategy, design and technology consulting firm that creates advanced solutions for the world's leading investment banks, asset managers and exchanges.\n\nWe combine market insight, user-centered design, and world class engineering to deliver solutions that are fast, scalable, and richly interactive.\n\nWe're a small, close-knit design team, and we're looking for some top talent for Architecture (interaction design) , Design (visual design), and Integration (prototyping, UI) positions.\n\nCheck out the postings below, and if you have any questions please email me at ari.zilnik [AT] lab49 [.] com. Please note I can only speak to design positions.\n\n[http:\/\/www.lab49.com\/careers\/openings\/ux- architect\/](http:\/\/www.lab49.com\/careers\/openings\/ux-architect\/)\n\n[http:\/\/www.lab49.com\/careers\/openings\/ux- designer\/](http:\/\/www.lab49.com\/careers\/openings\/ux-designer\/)\n\n[http:\/\/www.lab49.com\/careers\/openings\/ux- integrator\/](http:\/\/www.lab49.com\/careers\/openings\/ux-integrator\/)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, Thumbtack, Software Engineer\n\nThumbtack is a new way to hire local services, e.g. photographers, tutors, or home contractors. With millions of users and an active consumer base across the US, we're riding the proverbial rocketship with insane month-over-month growth figures. If you want to join a company that has ridiculous growth, opportunity, but also impact on the real world, Thumbtack might be a good choice.\n\nSome things our users are saying: \"I owe my business to you\", \"50% of my business is from Thumbtack\", \"I can work less and earn more with Thumbtack.\" We help small businesses build their client-base. And on the flip side of the marketplace, we help consumers find just the right person to do the job with minimal effort on their part.\n\nH1B is great. :-)\n\nWe're a human-focused company: we brew beer, eat meals together (cooked by our in-house chef), and otherwise enjoy the usual startup perks in downtown SF. But we maintain a serious perspective about our software, engineering discipline, and experimental rigor.\n\nIf you're in SF, I'm happy to meet up for coffee: email chris @.\n\n[http:\/\/www.thumbtack.com\/engineering](http:\/\/www.thumbtack.com\/engineering)\n\n<\/comment> Bangkok, Thong Lo, Thailand (INTERN or FULL-TIME)\n\nWe are the team of Sanoga (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (www.sanoga.com), Thailand's most promising e-commerce start-up founded by the creators of Thailand's biggest e-commerce companies and true e-commerce pioneers: Lazada (www.lazada.co.th), Zalora (www.zalora.co.th) and Ensogo (www.ensogo.com). We operate in the Health, Fitness and Beauty Care sectors, based in Bangkok, Thong Lo, to deal with this trend rapidly booming in Thailand.\n\nDue to our rapid expansion, we are looking for enthusiastic, motivated and dynamic people and we have the following open positions:\n\n\\- Web Developers: Product management and improvement of the frontend- design\/usability of sanoga.com, development of new front-end content, functions and interfaces (i.e. filters, chat, interactive product suggestions etc.), ongoing conversion rate optimization of our shop platform and cross- browser testing;\n\n\\- Graphic Designers: Thinking creatively to produce new ideas, designs and concepts, develop graphic standards and layouts, select visuals and collaborate in the development of advertisements, create, enhance and articulate the overall brand tone and personality of our online presence.\n\nThis is an incredibly rare opportunity to work for a highly reputed Company which offers you a challenging, but also fun and casual work atmosphere! If you are interested contact us by sending an email to: email@example.com\n\nor through our facebook page: [https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/SanogaThailand](https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/SanogaThailand)\n\nWe are looking forward to hear from you!\n\nThe Sanoga Recruitment Team\n\n<\/comment> Notting Hill, London, England, U.K.\n\nOur web application is at the heart of our busy and successful e-commerce business; every day it serves millions of product images and handles hundreds of thousands of user visits, but we can and do update the live site with new code anytime we want - multiple times per day - without missing a beat. Our systems are written on the LAMP stack and deployed on Amazon Web Services; we are migrating to Symfony 2 as our MVC framework. Developers choose the tools that work best for them - for instance, at the moment we have a mix of Linux and Mac workstations in the team. We are adopting and adapting agile development techniques such as test-driven development, pair programming, and continuous integration. We hold regular retrospectives to improve our working environment and lightning talks to share cool ideas whether work-related or not. Our developers are generalizing specialists whose typical day may include refining an algorithm, writing a tricky integration test, tuning a SQL query, and discussing feature nuances with a product manager. Our team is growing fast and we'd like to hear (at firstname.lastname@example.com) from any of you who'd like to join us; we're hiring for all technical roles, especially developers of all levels of experience.\n\nEstablished in London in July 2007, Secretsales.com is the UK's leading private shopping club, offering limited-time online sales with current name- brand goods at deep discounts. Brands include fashion, beauty, homeware, and lifestyle categories, many of them familiar from the high street. The company has about eighty employees and a substantial annual turnover; it was recently selected to join the UK's Future Fifty programme for the country's most rapidly growing startups.\n\n<\/comment> WorkMeIn - Nashville, TN ([http:\/\/workmein.com](http:\/\/workmein.com))\n\nWe got rejected from YC. But by Q4 our software will be facilitating patient referrals for 200+ hospitals (seriously)\n\nCome be the first hire - a full stack engineer who might take on the role of CTO as the company grows. We use a fairly standard Rails stack (rails, postgres, redis, capistrano, git, ec2, etc.) plus some other cool things like Mirth Connect.\n\n\\---\n\nWhy is WorkMeIn a great place to work?\n\nIf you're interested in, or have experience in healthcare, WorkMeIn is the place to be. We share a top floor office (sweet pic: [http:\/\/imgur.com\/ag8yiza](http:\/\/imgur.com\/ag8yiza)) in downtown Nashville with an $800MM VC fund headed by the former CEO of Vanderbilt Medical. Come work with us, and the former Vanderbilt Medical CIO will knuckle bump you every day (again, seriously).\n\nWe are well funded, already profitable (not just the ramen kind either), and have large enterprise customers.\n\n\\--\n\nWorkMeIn's goal is to dramatically increase the efficiency of care coordination between healthcare providers. Our software increases the efficiency of primary care physicians, provides specialist physicians with a better patient mix, and allows insurance companies and healthcare systems to help ensure patients stay in network. As a result, patients get higher quality, more affordable, more appropriate care with better outcomes.\n\nI would love to hear from you whether you're interested in joining us (awesome!) or just want to chat. Shoot me a message at firstname.lastname@example.com or @jongautsch\n\n<\/comment> Vurb ([http:\/\/vurb.com](http:\/\/vurb.com)) - San Francisco, CA - Full-time (no remote)\n\nMax Levchin funded, early-stage consumer startup - [http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/02\/20\/contextual-content- engine-v...](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/02\/20\/contextual-content-engine-vurb- wants-to-make-the-internet-seamless)\n\nWe're working on search, browsing, and sharing, by connecting the services we use in a contextual way that's more usable, efficient, and social (e.g., no more having lots of windows\/tabs open). We do this through unique UX\/UI combined with search, machine learning, big data, and more.\n\nEngineering Positions:\n\n* JavaScript (node.js, backbone.js) - generalist \/ full-stack development\n\n* Search \/ Data Science - search \/ classification \/ ranking, machine learning, recommendations, NLP, data crawling\/processing\n\nWe're stealth but funded by Max, Drew Houston (Dropbox), Naval Ravikant (AngelList), Arrington (CrunchFund), and many others. If you're looking to join a small team that solves complex problems and is making something people will use daily, then come find out what we're up to.\n\nemail@example.com | angel.co\/vurb\n\n<\/comment> Toronto (Canada) - GroupBy Inc - [http:\/\/groupbyinc.com](http:\/\/groupbyinc.com) We are building a ecommerce platform built on top of the Google Search Appliance to deliver the best search experience possible on retail websites.\n\nWe are a one-year old startup, self-funded, have 15 employees across Toronto and NYC and already have many clients. We are an amazing group of very smart and talented developers and are looking for a Software Developer and a Senior Customer Support Engineer in Toronto to help us grow even more.\n\nSoftware developer job description: [https:\/\/dl.dropboxusercontent.com\/u\/592280\/GroupBy%20Job%20D...](https:\/\/dl.dropboxusercontent.com\/u\/592280\/GroupBy%20Job%20Description%20-%20Software%20Developer.pdf)\n\nSupport Engineer Job description: [https:\/\/dl.dropboxusercontent.com\/u\/592280\/GroupBy%20Job%20D...](https:\/\/dl.dropboxusercontent.com\/u\/592280\/GroupBy%20Job%20Description%20-%20Senior%20Customer%20Support%20Engineer.pdf)\n\nApply here: [http:\/\/www.groupbyinc.com\/careers.html](http:\/\/www.groupbyinc.com\/careers.html)\n\n<\/comment> Glance - San Francisco, CA - Full-time - Join an early stage company solving high-impact problems\n\nWe are hiring:\n\n* Android Engineers - experienced developers who are passionate about writing code to do incredible things on Android\n\n* Platform Engineers(Search \/ Machine Learning) - developers with experience gaining insights from large data sets and building scalable server architectures that are fast and efficient\n\n* Front-end Engineers - engineers who are passionate about building elegant web products\n\nWe've been funded by an amazing set of investors including Reid Hoffman, Mike Maples, Greylock and NEA to solve the biggest problem in mobile today - driving retention and engagement while delighting users.\n\nWe're developing a smarter alternative to disruptive and spammy options like push notifications. Our approach is built on a next generation contextual platform and elegant UX that delights both users and developers.\n\nYou'll be a core member of our team as we grow the company and build the platform that will power the Glance experience across billions of post-pc devices.\n\nIf you're looking to join a small team that solves complex problems and is making something people will use daily we would love to talk. Get in touch with us at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Philadelphia (Whitpain) - Wingspan Technology\n\nFull Time - Senior Operations Engineer and QA Test Analyst\n\nWingspan's operations team manages infrastructure for a cloud-based pharmaceutical application, a challenging and growing space - our quality assurance team is growing as well.\n\nIf interested in either position, contact firstname.lastname@example.com (want to talk to someone technical? you can also contact me as well - email@example.com)\n\nSome of the things that we're really into are:\n\n* 99.999% uptime in our validated environments (don't know what validated means? check this - [http:\/\/www.fda.gov\/medicaldevices\/deviceregulationandguidanc...](http:\/\/www.fda.gov\/medicaldevices\/deviceregulationandguidance\/guidancedocuments\/ucm085281.htm))\n\n* Replacing our Python, Bash and Cron system automation with Puppet\n\n* Continuous integration using Atlassian products\n\n* Proactive monitoring and alerting with Zabbix, Splunk and Pingdom\n\n* Load\/performance testing and tuning PostgreSQL and Tomcat\n\n* Backup and recovery \u2013 and testing those bad boys!\n\nThe ideal candidate would also have at least five years of experience with:\n\n* Network administration\n\n* Linux administration (we're a CentOS shop)\n\nListings- [http:\/\/www.wingspan.com\/career_open_positions\/](http:\/\/www.wingspan.com\/career_open_positions\/)\n\n<\/comment> Canada\/France, OpenEdX Consultancy -- REMOTE\n\nConsultancy specialized on the edX project, and hiring to handle increasing demand. edX is a free software project, used by various universities and companies to run online courses. See edx.org, class.stanford.edu, france- universite-numerique-mooc.fr or codecoalition.com for examples of edX instances.\n\nIt's a large Python\/Django codebase, with good code standards and architecture (a lot of the edX engineers come from MIT). You would work on different clients contracts using the platform. The clients list\/references include Harvard, edX themselves, the French government, and various startups & universities currently running their own instances, or looking to create one. Tasks are varied, from developing custom features for specific courses (XBlocks), customizing instances, developing generic platform features, deploying instances, working on both client\/server sides, etc.\n\nMost of your work would be published as free software (edX is released under the AGPL license, which requires clients to release modifications under the same license), and you would also contribute to the free software project, pushing some of your developments upstream through pull requests, contributing features, documentation or help on mailing-lists.\n\nYou would be able to work remotely from where you want, as long as you have a good internet connexion. : )\n\nStack: Python\/Django, Ansible, AWS, Debian\/Ubuntu, JS, HTML\/CSS, MySQL, MongoDB\n\nApplying: Email email@example.com with: your github account, a short explanation of why the role interests you (no formal cover letter, please :) ) and a list of links to free software contributions you have made, if any.\n\n<\/comment> Layer - San Francisco, CA\n\nLayer is building an open communications layer for the Internet: a globally- distributed communications network that enables app developers to quickly and easily build secure, scalable messaging, voice and video features into any app.\n\nDesign\n\n \n \n Web Designer\n \n\nEngineering\n\n \n \n Android Developer Internship\n Android Engineer \n Backend Engineer \n iOS Developer Internship\n iOS Engineer \n Systems Engineer \n Web Engineer \n \n\nAbout us:\n\nSince our September 2013 launch, we've attracted thousands of developer users who immediately recognized the need for a service like Layer. And we've hired a stellar team. Individually we've built Google Voice, invented the ubiquitous communications protocol, XMPP, and architected and deployed the OpenDNS network. Collectively we're the best team in the world to do what we're doing.\n\nWith the backing of some of technology's most respected venture capital investors and accomplished advisors, we're on a mission to make communications better through all of the services people love and use daily.\n\nApply here: [https:\/\/layer.com\/jobs](https:\/\/layer.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Hacker News, Who's Hiring\n\nFreeAgent, Edinburgh or REMOTE (UK)\n\n[http:\/\/www.freeagent.com](http:\/\/www.freeagent.com)\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n## TL;DR We're looking for Software Engineers of all levels to come and work on leading Ruby\/Rails app for successful UK SaaS startup FreeAgent.\n\nWe're also looking for interns to come and join us in Summer 2014.\n\n## Details We're looking for people to come and contribute towards our mission of democratising accounting for small businesses across the world!\n\nWe're the leading UK online accounting platform with over 35,000 delighted customers and continued high growth. We have a brilliant team of engineers and designers who are developing with cutting-edge tech at scale. We have a wealth of technical challenges for you to solve and we can provide a friendly, creative and collaborative environment in which to solve them.\n\nMore details on the website:\n\n[http:\/\/www.freeagent.com\/company\/jobs\/software- engineer](http:\/\/www.freeagent.com\/company\/jobs\/software-engineer)\n\n[http:\/\/www.freeagent.com\/company\/jobs\/engineering-summer- int...](http:\/\/www.freeagent.com\/company\/jobs\/engineering-summer-interns)\n\n<\/comment> Palo Alto, CA\n\nINFER, INC.\n\n\\- Team: fewer than 10 engineers from MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, Google\/Google Research, Facebook, Y Combinator, Microsoft Research, Jane Street, IBM Research, Yahoo Research, ...\n\n\\- Investors: Red Point, a16z, SHV, Social Capital, ...\n\n\\- Customers: Box, Jive, Microsoft, Tableau, Zendesk, AdRoll, Nitro, and many more\n\n\\- Product: machine learning applications for non-technical users to help their businesses more effectively capture and retain customers\n\n\\- Looking for: strong engineers excited to join an early-stage startup to grow with & shape the company\n\nEXAMPLES OF RESPONSIBILITIES\n\n\\- Build on and extend our sophisticated model training pipeline that uses data extracted from the web and other sources\n\n\\- Build beautiful visualizations to help customers understand model performance and meaning\n\n\\- Develop and operate secure, scalable cloud infrastructure to manage and process customers' large, confidential datasets\n\n\\- Interact with customers, analyze their data, understand their pain points, and develop new product features and new products\n\nQUALIFICATIONS\n\n\\- BS\/MS\/PhD in Computer Science, Statistics, Math or related fields\n\n\\- Depth in software engineering, algorithms, and general analytical problem- solving\n\n\\- Familiarity with Python preferred\n\nCONTACT\n\n\\- [https:\/\/www.infer.com](https:\/\/www.infer.com)\n\n\\- email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Sense - [https:\/\/senseplatform.com](https:\/\/senseplatform.com) \\- SF, NYC, \nWe're a just launched startup building a radically better platform for data science. We've received tremendous response from both individual data scientists and CTOs at Fortune 500 companies. We're a tiny team of two PhD developer\/statisticians and are looking for #3. You should believe in our mission and want to join a startup as a full partner.\n\nPosition: Full-stack web lead. You will be responsible for leading our frontend and backend web efforts. You should have extremely strong JavaScript skills and experience building large client-side JavaScript applications. Interest in data and data science a huge plus but is not required.\n\nWe're located in San Francisco but are building a distributed team. We're looking for the right person over everything else. We are open to almost any arrangement, including all the way up to adding a cofounder. If you have world class skills and are looking for an exciting project to join, let's chat.\n\nInterested? Email: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Vigo - San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're Vigo, a wearable device startup building devices to help you stay alert and nudge you when you're drowsy. We're now crowdfunding our first product on Kickstarter: [http:\/\/kck.st\/Jz1Y75](http:\/\/kck.st\/Jz1Y75). We're looking for the following types of people to join our team:\n\n\\- Electrical engineers with experience in digital circuits design, signal processing, and\/or firmware development in C\/C++ (we use ARM)\n\n\\- Software engineers to build our iOS\/Android\/Google Glass\/Web platforms using Java, Android SDK, iOS\n\n\\- Data scientists with experience in machine learning and statistics, to work on and refine our drowsiness detection algorithm using Matlab, R\n\n\\- Designers with experience in app design, interaction design or product design using CAD\n\nWe're located in downtown San Francisco and our office provides free drinks and snacks plus all the other startup benefits you would expect. We're looking for full-time people though we'd consider part-time\/interns too. If you're interested, please send an email to email@example.com. Thanks!\n\n<\/comment> [HIRING] InnovaSystems International : [http:\/\/bit.ly\/19yGl06](http:\/\/bit.ly\/19yGl06) Agile development team creating software and solutions for the DoD. Love big data? Quick iterations? Freedom to create your own schedule? Telecommute options? Paid time off and 40 hour work weeks? Email me at email@example.com\n\nTech stack: C#, .Net, HTML5, JS, iOS, and more Certifications a plus\n\nJOBS available: Database Developer: Salt Lake ([http:\/\/linkd.in\/1cjAZFU](http:\/\/linkd.in\/1cjAZFU)) ETL Developer: DC ([http:\/\/linkd.in\/1gktEaC](http:\/\/linkd.in\/1gktEaC)) Business Analyst: VA Software Engineer: VA ([http:\/\/linkd.in\/1mZbVXA](http:\/\/linkd.in\/1mZbVXA)) Software Engineer: San Diego ([http:\/\/linkd.in\/1lb6weY](http:\/\/linkd.in\/1lb6weY)) Report Developer: VA Cognos or other BI tool Author: VA ([http:\/\/linkd.in\/1gImaP6](http:\/\/linkd.in\/1gImaP6))\n\n<\/comment> Reading, UK - DataSift - [http:\/\/datasift.com](http:\/\/datasift.com)\n\nWe are a provider of social media data on the firehose scale - we are one of only a small number of companies who are reselling the Twitter firehose; we also provide a number of sources including Facebook, Tumblr, Wordpress, Wikipedia and Sina Weibo to our customers via a single API, filtered through complex rules (now including tagging suitable for applying machine-learned scoring) and delivered via a number of integration methods. We also store a number of sources which are available for querying using the same filtering language.\n\nOur production languages include PHP (the firehose passes through that many times!), Java, Scala, C++ and Python, and our technology stack includes Hadoop and ZeroMQ.\n\nWe are currently looking for a number of engineering and product positions including Data Scientists, Sales Engineers, Product Management, DevOps and PHP Engineers.\n\nFor more information, and to apply: [http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3S35egwZ](http:\/\/jobvite.com\/m?3S35egwZ)\n\n<\/comment> HowAboutWe - howaboutwe.com - Brooklyn NY. Founded in 2010, HowAboutWe is a digital lifestyle company dedicated to helping people fall and stay in love. We have raised more than $20mm from top-notch investors including Kholsa Ventures & RRE Ventures. We are headquartered in a in Brooklyn, New York. We have two subscription-based products, HowAboutWe Dating and HowAboutWe for Couples, and HowAboutWe Media, an independent media network devoted to exploring all things love, sex and culture.\n\nWe are hiring for:\n\n\\- Product manager: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/17qxLkY](http:\/\/bit.ly\/17qxLkY)\n\n\\- Data scientist: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/137vzIq](http:\/\/bit.ly\/137vzIq)\n\n\\- iOS Developer: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dV0Wcg](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dV0Wcg)\n\n\\- Android Developer: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1egODgj](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1egODgj)\n\n\\- Wordpress Developer: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1bg7MZV](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1bg7MZV)\n\n\\- Rails Devleoper: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1iZyOg3](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1iZyOg3)\n\n<\/comment> Twenty20 | Santa Monica, CA | twenty20.com\n\nWe'd relocate you, and we'd sponsor your visa if you're the right person.\n\n\\---\n\nTwenty20 is a photography marketplace for physical art pieces and digital art. Based in Santa Monica, we're backed by several of the world's top investors including First Round Capital, Founders Fund, and others. Our core mission is to build a real-time catalogue of human life on earth via mobile photography.\n\nLots of big tech challenges ahead, and we're looking for high caliber engineers to join our team. Our rooftop office is located within walking distance from the beach and the Third Street Promenade. Come join us and help us grow!\n\nWe're a Ruby shop, and we love Rubyists. That said, you might grock Python instead, and that's alright with us as long as you're willing to learn! Job descriptions can be found here: [http:\/\/twenty20.theresumator.com\/apply](http:\/\/twenty20.theresumator.com\/apply)\n\nMost needed right now are an operations\/infrastructure-heavy engineer and an iOS developer with a strong focus on UI.\n\n<\/comment> kaggle-sf Kaggle - San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're hiring our next Software Developer - Web Platform (C#, ASP.NET). REMOTE within US timezones or E3 is a possibility for the right candidate.\n\nKaggle runs data competitions that solve business problems for companies and provide fun and prize money to the world's community of data scientists. We're offering an opportunity to be involved in what Forbes magazine called the most novel Machine Learning applications that are \"eating the world\" [1]. As a developer, you'll be responsible for keeping kaggle.com (and the 140,000+ users who play there) running: everything from front-end UI work to server- side code and DB architecture.\n\nSee [https:\/\/www.kaggle.com\/careers\/](https:\/\/www.kaggle.com\/careers\/) to apply and learn more about our team.\n\n\\--- [1] [http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/85broads\/2014\/01\/06\/six-novel- ma...](http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/85broads\/2014\/01\/06\/six-novel-machine- learning-applications\/)\n\n<\/comment> Mutually Human - Grand Rapids, Michigan (INTERN yes, REMOTE\/H1B no)\n\n[http:\/\/www.mutuallyhuman.com\/](http:\/\/www.mutuallyhuman.com\/)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>---\n\nWe are a small team passionate about making people's lives better through software.\n\nA little bit about us:\n\n \n \n - We write custom software of all shapes and sizes for clients all over the US\n \n - Though everyone here is fluent in Ruby, we don't artificially limit ourselves.\n In the past few months, I've worked with Objective-C, Backbone.js (inside\n PhoneGap), Angular.js, Ruby (of course) and a little bit of Java and C#.\n \n - We practice a sustainable pace. We recognize that we each have lives,\n activities, and families outside of work. Late nights and > 40 hour weeks are\n rare by design.\n \n - We're agile, but not dogmatic about it. Our process evolves to suit our needs.\n \n - We offer competitive salaries, health\/vision\/dental insurance, quarterly profit\n sharing, retirement + match, weekly catered lunches, and a top-floor office\n with snacks, guitars, and your choice of standing or sitting desks.\n \n\nA little bit about Grand Rapids:\n\n \n \n - 2.5 hours from Chicago and Detroit, less than an hour to the beach.\n \n - Lots of great beer. Founders Brewery (a mile from our office) has 3 beers in\n the Beer Advocate top 15. HopCat is a \"World Class\" bar on BA.\n Just look here: http:\/\/beeradvocate.com\/beerfly\/city\/43\n \n - If you're renting anything larger than a breadbox in the Bay Area or NYC,\n you can afford a house here. I bought a nice house with a mortgage payment\n 30% lower than the rent of my 1 bedroom apartment in Mountain View.\n \n - A growing technology and startup community.\n \n\nA little bit about you:\n\n \n \n - You love writing software, and you have a few years of experience doing it.\n \n - You learn new stuff quickly. You've used a lot of technologies, but you're not\n afraid to use more. It would be nice if you use and love Ruby, but not required.\n \n - You believe software is written for humans, not computers.\n \n - You want to come into work every day and enjoy the people you work with.\n \n\nI'm a software craftsman on this awesome team. If you're interested, email me and I'll get you more info on how to apply:\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> SVBio: Foster City, CA (next to San Mateo, in the SF Bay Area): Full-time <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>= SVBio ([http:\/\/svbio.com\/](http:\/\/svbio.com\/)) is looking for the most talented full-stack software engineer with experience and understanding of web architecture design and implementation, following best and up-to-date practices. The work will further enhance the application of our clinical-grade genome interpretation engine. As leaders in the field, we drive the vision of the genome-interpretation product down to the last detail - only modern browsers are supported here! Knowledge of some specific technologies is greatly desired (see below), but not necessarily required for the right hacker. Knowledge of javascript is a must, as well as the desire to write clean and maintainable code. Knowledge of the genome and next-generation- sequencing technologies is really nice to have, but definitely not required. SVBio is a tightly-knit organization with people from many diverse disciplines and backgrounds, so being an all-around friendly person is a must. Anyone who is interested should contact me (elicudine -A-T- svbio.com) directly with your background, a resume\/c.v., some previous work samples, a github link, whatever you think might help me out. \\---Preferable knowledge\/experience--- \\- Significant proven experience, both in frontend and backend technologies. \\- Dynamic frontends (angular.js, angular-ui, JQuery, d3.js) \\- Advanced backend architectures (at least one of: node.js, express\/hapi\/geddy\/koa, flask, twisted, django, sinatra, rails) \\- Scalable persistency layers (HDFS, Postgres, mysql, mongodb) \\- Other tools (grunt.js, bower.js, require.js) \\- Testing frameworks (at least one of: chai.js, mocha.js, karma, capybara, cucumber, istanbul, supertest) \\-- Additional valuable experience: \\- Strong scripting knowledge (e.g., python, perl, bash) \\- An eye for aesthetics\n\n<\/comment> London, England - Full Time - Local Only\n\nBrand Networks \/ Optimal ([https:\/\/www.optimalsocial.com\/](https:\/\/www.optimalsocial.com\/)) is hiring full stack engineers for our London office, working on real time bidding, analytics, dev ops and front end web applications.\n\nRequirements:\n\n \n \n * BS or MS degree in computer science, mathematics, or related field. Or related experience.\n * Good understanding of web technologies HTML, Javascript, HTTP, JSON, REST\n * Can demonstrate that you're a great \n programmer in at least one of Scala, Python, Java, Clojure, Haskell, \n F#, Kotlin or Ruby\n * Willing to work in Python, Scala and Java\n * Good understanding of a Unix based operating system\n * Some experience of databases and at least one web application framework\n \n\nIf you love programming and would like an interesting job with a steep learning curve and a wide variety of challenges, please get in touch. You can email me personally at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Seeking Technical Co-Founder for Nonprofit Startup\n\nWe are an exciting nonprofit seeking to make the world a better place by connecting international travelers with daylong volunteering opportunities in order to bring more resources to vetted nonprofit organizations around the world.\n\nWe believe that by re-engineering international volunteering and making it open to micro-contributions we can create new revenue streams for worthy nonprofit organizations and increase awareness of global issues across a wide demographic of travelers.\n\nWe have been working on this project since August 2012 and we incorporated in July 2013. We have laid legal groundwork (applied for 501c3 and have temporary fiscal sponsor), have considerable traction with fundraising, partner organizations (6 confirmed, 6 in the works), and a few initial pilot users.\n\nWe have one full-time co-founder and two part-time co-founders - none are technical. We are seeking a technical co-founder to lead our technical strategy (including but not limited to crowdfunding and social engagement), to take on projects (including but not limited to web development and CRM), and to to be a decision-making member of our core team. Web Development experience required.\n\nThe ideal candidate can contribute 8-10 hours per week, but would be able to go full time if we are admitted into a incubator program (we plan to apply to 3+ programs this year). No compensation is currently available, but is negotiable pending funding.\n\nWe are striving to create an organizational culture that values innovation, transparency, and integrity. We are a fun core group with a dynamic extended community of volunteers and supporters.\n\nA passion for making the world a better place and engaging global issues is essential.\n\nIf interested, please email firstname.lastname@example.com, tell her billy sent you :)\n\n<\/comment> Cupertino ---> Commit code your first week as an Android developer\n\n* Remote-collaboration is an extremely important part of our culture. Most of the dev team is remote.\n\n* H1B candidates are ok\n\n* Interns welcome!\n\nWe are the team behind Mokriya Craigslist. Time, Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Xconomy, and a slew of tech bloggers raved about it. Check it out. [http:\/\/craigslist.mokriya.com\/](http:\/\/craigslist.mokriya.com\/)\n\nWe are a team of engineers, UX designers, and thinkers. We have worked for some of the hottest tech startups in Silicon Valley, including Path, MixPanel, Threadflip, SimpleGeo, SideCar, etc.\n\nGoogle has us on a list of \"best mobile development teams in the country\" so we get calls from them too.\n\n _About You_\n\nYou love to build. When you're not at your job, you're probably tinkering on some contraption in the basement or figuring out how to take apart . You get a thrill from figuring out a clever way to solve a problem. And you really take pride in knowing the ins and outs of Android. You should be familiar with the libraries so that you know the best ways to do things without re-inventing the wheel.\n\n _About How We Work_\n\nEvery developer on the team is remote, so we just get stuff done, from wherever, and chat via HipChat\/GitHub to communicate. That, and the occasional G+ Hangout, is all we've found to be necessary.\n\nSend a note to firstname.lastname@example.com (I'll see it, I'm Adam. Sunil & Pranil, the technical co-founders, will see it also). Say hi, tell us a bit about yourself. We'll be most excited if you tell us about recent projects you've built, and technical details that you learned, or that interested you.\n\n<\/comment> Boulder, CO or Bozeman, MT\n\n\\---\n\nOracle RightNow is looking for Damn Good Web App Developers\n\n\\---\n\nWe're looking for pragmatic web application developers who love the detailed inner workings of Javascript, who know how to squeeze performance out of web applications, who always write unit tests and who delight in elegantly structured code to join a team of like-minded individuals.\n\nProduct: We create great customer experiences on the web by providing the building blocks for customer self service websites for some of the world's best known brands. Our product is rapidly evolving and is used by over 8 million people every day. We're a cloud service and our web app gets over 2 billion page hits per month. Though you might not know it, you've probably used our software many times.\n\nWork\/Life Balance: We're not talking about 80 hour work weeks here or a startup with 6 months of funding to go. This is a thriving product at a rock solid company. We move fast and are creatively untethered. We have great benefits, work\/life balance and stability. This is a rare job that mixes the latest web technologies, agile development, and a high performing team for a rewarding career.\n\nQualifications: If you're an early adopter, a critical thinker, inquisitive, consummately professional and damn good at web application development, talk with us.\n\nBoulder: This job is in Boulder, Colorado, in a bright and cool office a block from the heart of Pearl Street. Alternately, we're also hiring in Bozeman, Montana.\n\nBuzzword Bingo: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, YUI, PHP, SQL, Linux, Memcached, HTTP, TCP, Backend, Frontend, Agile, Scrum, Distributed, Large scale, REST, MVC, AJAX, DOM, UX, CX, git, Graphics, Design, Innovate, you get the idea...\n\nIf you are interested, please email me at patrick.walsh at oracle dot com.\n\n<\/comment> Human API, Menlo Park, CA SOFTWARE ENGINEER\n\nHuman API is a universal health data infrastructure for developers. We bring together patient-generated data from a wide variety of wearable sensors, apps, and at-home testing tools, and provide developers with a single stream of normalized data. We're working with independent developers, corporate wellness platforms, clinics and hospitals.\n\nWe're hiring a software engineer to help build and scale our infrastructure. It's an opportunity to create data synchronization and data processing services in a distributed system, as well as improve our REST API. The scale at which our systems must operate will require producing and using highly- performant algorithms and data structures, and solving complex distributed systems challenges where security is essential.\n\nExperience with health IT gets bonus points. Full description of the role here: [http:\/\/humanapi.co\/jobs](http:\/\/humanapi.co\/jobs)\n\nContact firstname.lastname@example.com with interest or questions.\n\n<\/comment> FundApps - London, UK - [http:\/\/www.fundapps.co\/](http:\/\/www.fundapps.co\/)\n\nFundApps is a startup bringing finance software kicking and screaming into the 21st century. We're a small team who believe in simplicity, automation and testing \u2013 that's why we're bringing the benefits of cloud based software, agile development and simpler user interfaces to the finance industry.\n\nWe like working with smart people who love technology. If you know your .NET but don't think that's the end of the story technology-wise, we'd love to talk to you.\n\nYou'll be getting your teeth stuck into:\n\n\\- Big architectural decisions down to building best of breed front-end user interfaces\n\n\\- Back-end messaging processing with RabbitMQ, number crunching algorithms through to AngularJS and Bootstrap UI.\n\n\\- Establishing best practices \u2013 whether scalable infrastructure, distributed architectures or coding & testing\n\n\\- Evaluating new technologies \u2013 NancyFX, Gulp, F# & Chef, are recent ones \u2013 we're all about the right tool for the job.\n\nIf it sounds like it might be up your street, get in touch!\n\n<\/comment> Emeryville, Ca - Amyris, Inc - [http:\/\/www.amyris.com](http:\/\/www.amyris.com)\n\nWe are searching for a talented and self-motivated engineer to join our Software Engineering team in building the most advanced production-scale synthetic biology platform on the planet. Research and Development at Amyris is a highly multidisciplinary effort, requiring brilliant contributions from every area of the life sciences and engineering disciplines.\n\nFrom manipulating yeast DNA in the lab to full scale factory production of renewable chemicals, every aspect of our work is facilitated and accelerated by software and hardware automation. Our tools integrate the activities of scientists, engineers, and industrial robots to achieve the rapid optimization of genetic designs and laboratory processes.\n\nAmong the tools we have developed are a CAD\/CAM system for genetic engineering: a compiler toolchain whose target architecture is life itself. This stack physically integrates high level genetic modules into microbial hosts. We also derive novel strains through random mutagenesis and directed evolution. Using our custom control platform, we then subject these experimental organisms to high throughput performance screening in our state- of-the-art robot labs.\n\nThis is your chance to do foundational work in biotechnology. We are past proof of principle; we have begun the rapid expansion of a technology that will characterize this industry. We offer competitive compensation, excellent healthcare, unlimited high quality conversation, and many other benefits.\n\nCode is primarily python, javascript and sql (postgreSQL, MSSQL). We are open to anyone with solid experience with multiple similar languages.\n\n[https:\/\/home.eease.adp.com\/recruit2\/?id=6794621&t=1](https:\/\/home.eease.adp.com\/recruit2\/?id=6794621&t=1)\n\n<\/comment> iRobot ([http:\/\/www.irobot.com](http:\/\/www.irobot.com)) - Bedford, MA (just outside of Boston, MA)\n\nDo you think robots are cool? So do we!\n\nWe're looking for smart engineers who are easy to work with. You should probably think robots are cool, but no robotics background is required. (I had no robotics background when I started at iRobot.)\n\niRobot is looking for software engineers and mechanical engineers.\n\nHere are a few of our 20+ job openings:\n\n* Android developer\n\n* Embedded software engineers: We're hiring for \"big embedded\" (C++, Linux, and big cpus) and \"small embedded\" (C, bare-metal, small cpus). If you have good OO skills (C++, Java, etc.) but no \"embedded\" background that's okay too - shoot me an email and we'll chat.\n\n* Software engineers for vision, navigation, and mapping\n\n* Test engineers\n\n* Mechanical engineer\n\nCheck our jobs site for all positions: [http:\/\/www.irobot.com\/us\/Company\/Careers.aspx](http:\/\/www.irobot.com\/us\/Company\/Careers.aspx)\n\nEmail me directly if you'd like to know more: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n [Partially] rem0te possible from Europe? (for SE)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> UNC-Charlotte's Bioinformatics and Genomics Department is engaged in a multi- year expansion. In addition to the new $35M Bioinformatics Building the department has the leadership role in Bioinformatics in the North Carolina Research Campus (NCRC) in Kannapolis. NCRC is a $1B research park that is becoming home to academic and industrial research. As a whole our programs goals are to use these platforms to perform research and teaching in the fields that bioinformatics touches upon including but not limited to: defense, agriculture, health care, and natural sciences.\n\nWe seek a developer to work on site. The developer must be strong in service oriented architectures and this skill set:\n\nScripting experience (i.e. python, perl, and\/or ruby) in environments that make use of HPC resources like PBS\/Torque, SSH and SFTP protocols.\n\nRESTful and WSDL web services development.\n\nWeb application development using frameworks like Ruby on Rails and .NET (e.g., SHARPSSH)\n\nRelational database development.\n\nsend email to email@example.com with r\u00e9sum\u00e9\n\n<\/comment> New York, NY \u2013 Product Development Lab, [http:\/\/futureof.io\/](http:\/\/futureof.io\/)\n\n\\---\n\nWe're hiring for a start-up in an end-up (a large global-scale company) \u2013 an opportunity for scrappy devs, designers, and product managers to work in a four-person, autonomous team that owns huge ideas from the start. You'll be building products in the payments\/credit card space that will eventually scale to millions of users. The effort is inspired by Spotify's squad model and Lockheed Martin's Skunkworks.\n\nProve that the principles of lean-startups, when applied to a prestigious company with 50 million+ customers, can accelerate our pace of change. You'll disrupt a company from the inside out, while producing ideas that have a meaningful effect on the daily lives of millions.\n\nWe're hiring: product managers, engineers, and UX\/UI designers. H1B welcome.\n\nMore info at: [http:\/\/futureof.io\/payments](http:\/\/futureof.io\/payments)\n\n<\/comment> Appcelerator - Mountain View, CA\n\nWe have an immediate opening for a Sr. Web Engineer for our Appcelerator Dashboard Team. You will have a chance to work on the hottest mobile cloud dashboard on the market, Appcelerator Dashboard, which enables IT executives, business owners, architects, developers, testers and project team members to view and analyze mobile portfolio performance in real time.\n\nRESPONSIBILITIES:\n\n\\--Research, design and develop new features for the Appcelerator Dashboard Design, document and implement open and extensible Dashboard APIs \\--Come up with unique ways to slice and dice the analytics and show it in an innovative manner \\--Explain, patiently, to other people just what you wrote, documented, and implemented \\--Review code, write unit tests, and otherwise help people break all your hard work (and that of others)\n\nMore info and other openings available here: [http:\/\/www.appcelerator.com\/company\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.appcelerator.com\/company\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> Seeking senior engineers with experience designing, building, scaling, and securing financial ECNs, for equity positions with an early stage Palo Alto- based startup. Well known investors, first engineer famous in his field, building infrastructure for uncharted territory. If you're interested, please contact me for details. Email in profile.\n\n<\/comment> Kansas City, MO\n\nC2FO - [https:\/\/c2fo.com](https:\/\/c2fo.com) \\- hiring software engineers.\n\nOur name stands for \"Collaborative Cash Flow Optimization\" and we maintain a web platform that dynamically prices working capital so companies of any size can connect with each other to meet cash flow needs without involving traditional financial intermediaries like banks or financial factors.\n\nThe platform runs as a marketplace similar to a stock exchange where the assets considered are approved invoices. We work mainly in JavaScript and particularly node.js; our open source projects are available at [https:\/\/github.com\/C2FO](https:\/\/github.com\/C2FO). We also have some great investors on board including Mithril Capital Management, Summerhill Venture Partners, and Union Square Ventures.\n\nMore about the openings at [https:\/\/github.com\/C2FO\/jobs](https:\/\/github.com\/C2FO\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> OpenCare - Toronto, ON, Canada ([http:\/\/www.opencare.com](http:\/\/www.opencare.com))\n\nFinding the right health providers for you and your family is a needlessly difficult task. At OpenCare, we are changing that. We're building a platform for connecting patients and doctors in order to improve the way they interface with each other. Our vision is to connect patients, doctors, and health data in order to make a healthier world.\n\nWe're a team of 11 based in the downtown core of Toronto. We're well funded by a mix of angels and VCs based out of SF and Canada.\n\nWe're looking for highly passionate, supremely intelligent, and insatiably motivated people to join our growing engineering team. We offer competitive compensation and stock options. For a more detailed job description, visit [https:\/\/opencare.recruiterbox.com\/jobs\/23500\/](https:\/\/opencare.recruiterbox.com\/jobs\/23500\/)\n\n<\/comment> Full-stack Developer - London, UK\n\nPlayCanvas [[http:\/\/playcanvas.com](http:\/\/playcanvas.com)] - Cloud-hosted game development platform\n\nYou could be Employee #3 at PlayCanvas. We've built the world's first cloud- hosted 3D game development platform. A real-time collaborative platform for building, playing and sharing video games and a community hub for game developers. This is an opportunity to help create the future of game development. We're a Techstars company with additional funding from 500 Startups.\n\nOur ideal candidate will have already shipped impressive web projects and can wow me with their technical prowess. You should be an expert in some of these, capable in a few more and interested to learn the rest:\n\n* Javascript\n\n* Python\n\n* NodeJS\n\n* AngularJS\n\n* MySQL\n\n* MongoDB\n\n* AWS\n\n* HTML\/CSS\n\n* Game Development\n\nWe're based in London and ideally you are too, though we'll consider remote workers if you are can convince us.\n\nEmail your CV or portfolio to firstname.lastname@example.com. Some more general info at [http:\/\/blog.playcanvas.com\/jobs](http:\/\/blog.playcanvas.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> London, UK - TomTom ([http:\/\/www.tomtom.jobs](http:\/\/www.tomtom.jobs)): Mobile\/Embedded App Development\n\nTomTom continues to leave the rest behind in getting drivers to their destinations quickly, predictably and always by the fastest route - adapting to changing traffic conditions along the way.\n\nIf you relish the engineering challenge in interpreting complex realtime information and making it easy for users to understand at a glance, have a passion for quality and detail, and love working collaboratively with great engineers and ambitious UX designers, then come join us in London where we're working on TomTom's next generation UIs for navigation. Bring your platform and technology spanning mobile & embedded application development skills with you!\n\nFor more info, check out the TomTom job site: [http:\/\/www.tomtom.jobs](http:\/\/www.tomtom.jobs) (search for London jobs)\n\n I sincerely hope for everyone applying that the recruitment team at the Tomtom London office is better at responding to applicants than the Amsterdam office.\n\nI applied at Tomtom, got a positive response, tried to set appointment for interview, got ignored. Later I learned that a friend also applied for a job and had a similar experience. Meanwhile the job postings are still up on the website. So for the sake of Tomtom and the applicants I hope the company improved their interview process in the last year.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Zalora - [http:\/\/jobs.zalora.com\/](http:\/\/jobs.zalora.com\/) \\- Singapore\/REMOTE (full-time, Haskell, NixOS)\n\nWe're hiring functional programmers for development and DevOps positions. Our tools of choice are Haskell and NixOS, and we apply purely functional principles anywhere we can.\n\nYou'll be working with an experienced team, but you'll still have the opportunity to influence the design of our systems. We sell fashion products online in Southeast Asia, and the work involves building out a new NixOps- managed network, writing daemons\/tools for a service-oriented architecture (primarily web-based), and the odd data science\/machine learning problem (if that interests you).\n\nWe can assist you with relocation to Singapore, or you can work remotely and travel there occasionally. Apply via our jobs board at [http:\/\/jobs.zalora.com\/](http:\/\/jobs.zalora.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Perkville (Rockridge, CA) - REMOTE OK - [http:\/\/perkville.com](http:\/\/perkville.com)\n\nHi there! We're Perkville, a startup that's all about customer loyalty. Using Perkville, small and medium-sized businesses painlessly set up rewards programs. Customers earn points for interacting with a business, and can redeem those points for perks -- a free t-shirt or private lesson, for example. And we do this with a minimum of pain on the part of the customer and business. We've been around since 2010, and are based out of Rockridge, CA. We have experience from eBay, LinkedIn, and Yahoo! Our solution is used by hundreds of thousands of users, and we're growing fast.\n\nWe're seeking a full stack engineer who's fluent in the Django framework.\n\nRequirements: You have at least two years of experience developing web applications with Python\/Django \u25cf You're fluent in the front end technologies of the web -- HTML, CSS, Javascript \u25cf You're experienced with front-end frameworks that make web development a bit easier -- e.g., LESS, jQuery, Bootstrap You feel right at home with DVCS software such as git or mercurial \u25cf You're experienced with application-oriented database management -- creating tables, optimizing queries, etc. \u25cf You have a track record of writing clean, wonderful, and maintainable code \u25cf You're a learner, great communicator, and passionate about making awesome, fast, useful applications\n\nIn addition, experience with the following is a definite plus: Test driven development \u25cf Linux \u25cf Jinja2 \u25cf uWSGI \u25cf Nginx \u25cf MySQL \u25cf Redis\n\nPerks for You: We're pre-Series A, which means we're still small, and that gives you an opportunity to have a huge impact. We can promise a nice salary, a great stock package, and a fantastic experience. More benefits are planned as we grow.\n\nIf interested, send an email to firstname.lastname@example.com with a 1 page r\u00e9sum\u00e9\n\nWe look forward to hearing from you!\n\n<\/comment> Top Hat - tophat.com - Toronto, Ontario\n\nTop Hat is hiring for a few roles: mobile dev (iOS, Android), sysadmin\/infrastructure developer (rabbitmq, selenium, fabric, ec2), general web developer (python, django, javascript, node.js.) We also hire interns so please feel free to apply for that as well.\n\nWe're a profitable (and valley VC funded by some of the best funds in the valley) education startup that helps make class more engaging. We've got some really cool problems to work on and your work would be impacting a huge number of students daily.\n\nOur dev team is in Toronto but we've also got an office in San Francisco so if you're really good we would be open to having someone work from there. If you're not based in Canada or the US but are willing to relocate feel free to contact us, because we do cover relocation expenses and will help you manage the work permit process.\n\nSend your resume\/github account to mike at tophat dot com.\n\n<\/comment> Diffbot - Palo Alto, one block from the Stanford campus. We're applying computer vision and NLP to web pages to structure data for developers. Read more here: [http:\/\/diffbot.com\/company\/](http:\/\/diffbot.com\/company\/)\n\nWe're looking for full-time and interns for the summer. Write email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> EventMobi - Toronto, ON (Full Time, Intern) - [http:\/\/www.eventmobi.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.eventmobi.com\/careers)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nWe at EventMobi develop a suite of platforms to help events & conferences create their own mobile apps, event registration, and more to manage their events more easily.\n\nWe're not your typical startup, we're completely self-funded with a team of 35 in Toronto and Berlin and yet with no outside capital we're massively profitable and on an incredible growth path with companies like Intel, Disney and the Internation Olympics Committe using us for their mobile event app needs.\n\nWe use a distributed SOA architecture exposed through a (Python) RESTful API to feed our Node & AngularJS applications \u2013 from our mobile apps, to the app- building services, real-time chat \/ mapping services and tons more.\n\nIn the past year we've more than tripled our growth & our software now services 3000+ events and millions of users worldwide. We're expecting that growth to continue again (while still being bootstrapped with no funding) and if you are interested in helping us scale, and meet the next set of challenges, let's chat!\n\nWe're a very fast-paced company, and we need energetic, creative individuals looking for an opportunity to grow with a young startup, get your hands dirty, and provide your insight in all aspects of cloud services, mobile and web development, and help with every aspect of a startups' technology infrastructure. Hopefully you also have some familiarity with our tech stack - Python, AngularJS, NodeJS, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, RSpec, Jenkins, Ansible as our main tools.\n\nYou can get to know us better through our video [http:\/\/www.eventmobi.com\/careers\/#video](http:\/\/www.eventmobi.com\/careers\/#video) or you can email me to chat more in detail! bijan at eventmobi com\n\n<\/comment> New York, NY\n\nPercolate is growing and looking for Pythonista, DBAs, Backboners and DevOpsers.\n\nHelp us bring the best of the technology in the marketing world.\n\nWe are all automated and you'll be able to focus on building, not fixing or firefighting.\n\nStack: Backbone, Python, Django, Celery, Thrift, SQL, NoSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, CFEngine, AWS\n\nJobs:\n\n\\- Backend [http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/oZ5AXfwl](http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/oZ5AXfwl)\n\n\\- Frontend [http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/ozkyXfw8](http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/ozkyXfw8)\n\n\\- DBA [http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/oM2EXfw9](http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/oM2EXfw9)\n\n\\- Infrastructure [http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/oVnGXfwF](http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/oVnGXfwF)\n\n\\- More jobs on [http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/](http:\/\/percolate.com\/about\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> Iterable ([http:\/\/iterable.com](http:\/\/iterable.com)) - San Francisco, CA\n\nCome join Iterable, the next generation email optimization company. Email usage is changing, but the technology and capabilities haven't caught up to the 21st century.\n\nWe're a small team of hackers and thinkers who are creating the next generation email optimization platform. Our team has experience at big tech companies (Twitter, Google) and we want to bring and improve the technology that powers user growth and commerce at these places to everyone. This means writing code that improves the lives of our customers (series seed and series A companies) and their millions of email subscribers. One of our top level goals is to build a uniquely fun and growth oriented company culture. This is a journey, not a rat race.\n\nKnowledge sharing in any capacity is highly valued here -- are you interested in prediction markets or PGP encryption? Do you enjoy teaching posture techniques or purely functional data structures to others? We pair program, design together, and generally create a learn-and-teach environment here.\n\nIf you're interested in coming on board, you can help with some challenges we face: \\- Scale our API to beyond millions of requests \\- Design and write performant, beautiful interfaces \\- Write software to build machine learned user models \\- Make data visualizations for our email and user data \\- Design an immutable infrastructure for our platform\n\nSome aspects of our culture that make us different: \\- We are all very focused on self improvement \\- Our company has egalitarian and transparent values: work when you want, on what you want. \\- We are chill and empathetic people \\- The company is completely transparent\n\nYou'll get to work with us at our office at Kleiner Perkins' startup incubation space in SoMa. If this sounds like an interesting opportunity for you, please email us: YW5kcmV3QGl0ZXJhYmxlLmNvbQ==\n\n<\/comment> New York City - \n\nMoat is a rapidly growing analytics startup with products in two core areas:\n\n1) Analytics\n\nWe analyze content and advertisements for many of the most trafficked websites on the Internet. Receiving terabytes of data a day, we measure more than just clicks and impressions, giving our customers insights with metrics like viewability, attention and much more. Our client base is growing very quickly.\n\n2) Search\n\nWe index the Internet for online ads. This helps advertisers, publishers, and companies throughout the ad-tech ecosystem see the ads their competitors are running and allows us to estimate each company's online ad footprint. We have a free product, moat.com and a premium product, Moat Pro.\n\nWe're quickly turning into one of the biggest Python shops in NYC and are committed to open source technology. We're growing very quickly and are looking for engineers in various roles up and down the tech stack to help us scale. Openings can be found at jobs.moat.com\n\n<\/comment> Chantilly, VA (no remote) - H1B & INTERNS WELCOME\n\nRuby on Rails & Android Developer\n\nTekMasters is looking for a Developer to join our dynamic Visa Application Project. We're working on creating a better system to streamline the Visa process and get ready rid all the shops that are charging people a lot of money to process Visa applications internationally. We're developing an international VISA application that is being launched in over 48 countries which is written in Ruby on Rails. This year, we're looking to launch an Android native app to enable users to access the application via their phone which will empower users to understand the process and apply quicker and cheaper. Our project supports the Department of State and US Embassies and is fully funded until February 2020. That means even if there's a government shutdown, we're not affected.\n\nThis project has a huge impact on all people seeking to work on a temporary or permanent basis and to date, received over 1.9 million views per day. Due to the large enterprise level environment, we are focused on continuing our Agile methodology, bringing it to government contracts to ensure that users have the best experience with our apps, and there's less chance of bugs.\n\nWe're looking for junior developer with a passion for technology who want to learn a variety of different languages and have a passion for development; before, during, and after graduation from college. If you have either Ruby on Rails or Android, and a willingness to learn the other, you are more than welcome to apply.\n\n\\- Ideally 1+ years in either of the following: RoR or Android. \\- You must be familiar with a Linux Ubuntu environment, and have the ability to write code on a Mac. \\- You do not need to be a US citizen or have a security clearance to work on this project, however, this does require you to work on site in Chantilly, VA the majority of the time.\n\nFor more information, contact Shannon at firstname.lastname@example.com or call 703-349-5698.\n\n<\/comment> HP Cloud Security - Seattle, WA or Bristol, England\n\n\\----\n\nHP Cloud[1] provides OpenStack[2]-based cloud solutions and services to a wide range of customers. Our growing Security team is responsible for the security of the HP Cloud OS[3] product and HP Public Cloud services.\n\nWe have several positions open at present:\n\n\\- Security Architect [4]\n\n\\- Security Engineer (Operations) [5]\n\n\\- Application Security Architect [6]\n\n\\- Compliance Program Manager [7]\n\nMessage me with questions or see more details through the links below.\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.hpcloud.com](http:\/\/www.hpcloud.com)\n\n[2] [http:\/\/www.openstack.org](http:\/\/www.openstack.org)\n\n[3] [http:\/\/www8.hp.com\/us\/en\/business- solutions\/solution.html?co...](http:\/\/www8.hp.com\/us\/en\/business- solutions\/solution.html?compURI=1421776)\n\n[4] [http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515682-h...](http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515682-hp- cloud-security-architect-jobs)\n\n[5] [http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515684-h...](http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515684-hp- cloud-security-engineer-\\(operations\\)-jobs)\n\n[6] [http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515683-h...](http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515683-hp- cloud-application-security-architect-jobs)\n\n[7] [http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515681-h...](http:\/\/h30631.www3.hp.com\/seattle\/engineering\/jobid4515681-hp- cloud-compliance-program-manager-jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Burlingame, CA (between SF and Palo Alto)\n\nTellApart is hiring: Dev ops engineers, Hadoop\/data-pipeline engineers, Data product engineers (personalization products)\n\nTellApart is a ~50 person (20+ engineers) startup ([http:\/\/www.tellapart.com\/](http:\/\/www.tellapart.com\/)) that works on real time personalization for retailers. Here are some specific things we're working on that folks might find interesting:\n\n\\- Rearchitecting our data system to use the lambda architecture ([http:\/\/www.manning.com\/marz\/](http:\/\/www.manning.com\/marz\/)) so we can build better personalization products on top of retailers' customer data.\n\n\\- Building and improving machine learning models to predict user's behavior and what users want based on a ton of datapoints we collect for hundreds of millions of users.\n\n{my_username[-3:]}@tellapart.com if you'd like to find out more\n\n<\/comment> Plated (New York, NY): Mid-Senior Level Ruby on Rails Developer\n\n\\---\n\nPlated is a NYC startup that is redefining the way we eat by reconnecting people to their food. As our young company is entering a growth stage, we need to expand our developer team \u2013 that's where you come in!\n\nWhy us? This is an excellent opportunity for a seasoned engineer to scale a product and work with a company early on that will be a household name in 1-2 years. Beyond brute intelligence and problem solving skills, we are looking for hunger, passion, and a general craving to help build a successful company.\n\nMore Info:\n\n[http:\/\/www.plated.com](http:\/\/www.plated.com)\n\n[http:\/\/www.plated.com\/press](http:\/\/www.plated.com\/press)\n\n[http:\/\/plated.theresumator.com\/apply\/kWwrXI\/MidSenior- Level-...](http:\/\/plated.theresumator.com\/apply\/kWwrXI\/MidSenior-Level-Ruby- On-Rails-RoR-Developer.html)\n\n<\/comment> TheLadders - New York, NY (Mostly on-site, remote and H1B for the right candidate)\n\n\\---\n\nWe're looking primarily for front-end developers to help us build out our completely redesigned job-matching site. We have openings for back-end and iOS positions as well.\n\n\\--\n\nWe're in the sweet spot, not quite a startup and not a giant company. As such, we have the ability to invest in our engineers: an annual $3K stipend for training, conferences--whatever grows you. Since we're also not that large, you'll have your fingerprints all over our product, seeing your designs and implementation in production. Read about what we do and how we do it: [http:\/\/dev.theladders.com\/](http:\/\/dev.theladders.com\/)\n\n\\--\n\nBackbone, SaSS, java, Scala, clojure, MySQL, Couchbase, RabbitMQ and friends all play a large part in our architecture.\n\n\\--\n\nIf you're intellectually curious and have a desire to learn (and teach) on a daily basis, get in touch: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Sunnyvale, CA (Aruba Networks - [http:\/\/arubanetworks.com\/](http:\/\/arubanetworks.com\/)) Full Time (+ possibly H1B, for the right candidate) \\----\n\nAirWave, the network management for Aruba's wireless hardware products, is looking for front end and back end developers.\n\nWe're looking for people who are strong in either JavaScript (for the front end) or Perl (for the back end). Both positions require a bit of SQL knowledge(we use Postgres).\n\nThe right candidate works well with others, has experience practicing agile methodologies, is passionate about beautiful code, and can think creatively about hard problems.\n\n\\<\/comment>\n\nThe boring stuff: You must have a solid grasp of computer science\/software engineering concepts, including common data structures and algorithms and object-oriented design. You must also be familiar with at least one flavor of Linux (preferably CentOS\/RHEL) and be completely at home on the UNIX command line.\n\nNice-to-haves: the more of these you can check off, the better (we are looking for both front end and back end engineers, so it's ok if you lean one way or the other):\n\n\\- scripting languages (particularly perl)\n\n\\- detailed knowledge of common networking protocols (including SNMP and HTTP)\n\n\\- version control systems (preferably svn)\n\n\\- SQL databases (preferably Postgres)\n\n\\- multi-server high availability\/failover architecture\n\n\\- web stack (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Apache)\n\n\\- JS frameworks (especially Google Closure)\n\n\\- system administration\/configuration of anything mentioned above\n\n\\- passion for craft beer and or home brewing\n\n\\- nerf darts\n\nTo apply, please send your resume in plain text or PDF format only to airwave- resumes (at) arubanetworks.com\n\n<\/comment> New York, NY | Amplify Education Inc.\n\n[http:\/\/ch.tbe.taleo.net\/CH14\/ats\/careers\/searchResults.jsp?o...](http:\/\/ch.tbe.taleo.net\/CH14\/ats\/careers\/searchResults.jsp?org=WIRELESSGENERATION&cws=1)\n\nAmplify is dedicated to transforming the K\u201312 classroom experience and empowering teachers, students and parents in new ways. We're looking for other believers, innovators and optimists to join us in creating the digital products and services to realize this vision.\n\nH1B OK.\n\nWe are looking to fill multiple positions for Software, Security, Systems and Front End Engineers, Designers, Editors and others for our Brooklyn and Manhattan offices.\n\nIf interested, email your resume to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nNote: Experience with AWS, MongoDB, AMQP is not required, but if you have experience with those technologies, please do mention that in your resume as some positions find those technologies useful.\n\n<\/comment> Dayton, Ohio | Littlelines\n\n([http:\/\/littlelines.com](http:\/\/littlelines.com))\n\nLittlelines is looking for Front-end and Ruby on Rails developers to work with us in our spanking new headquarters or possibly remote.\n\nWe're a small and talented team of designers and developers that love making clients happy. You'll have the opportunity to learn, hone your skills, and contribute valuable work to real projects. We work exclusively on Rails web applications, so some familiarity with Rails views and how a Rails project is set up is a plus. Ideal candidates will be able to work with us at our headquarters.\n\nResponsibilities: Directly providing assistance to existing clients with day- to-day technical needs. Collaborating closely with our designers and other developers.\n\nOur Stack: Ruby \/ Rails Elixir Coffeescript Sass \/ Haml Angular.js\n\nIf you're interested or have questions, email me at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Pusher - [http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs](http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs) \\- London, United Kingdom\n\nPusher is a uniquely techy London company with a large and growing global user base and we are looking to hire a Lead Designer, Growth Engineers and Platform Engineers among other positions ( [http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs](http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs) ).\n\nOur company's vision is to help stop developers reinventing the wheel when it comes to software, and help them focus their time and energy into valuable and meaningful work. We're growing quickly and there's much to be done.\n\nWe have currently a couple of open positions:\n\n* Lead Designer: Join us as our first in house designer and you'll have the opportunity to evolve our brand as well as the experience of the product itself. More info @ [http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs\/lead_designer](http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs\/lead_designer)\n\n* Platform Engineer : The current Pusher platform is only the start of our plans. We're looking for engineers who can help us build out our platform and help shape the way software is produce. More info @ [http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs\/platform_engineer](http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs\/platform_engineer)\n\n* Growth Engineer : Engineers on the Growth team are responsible for iterating on, experimenting with, and devising new strategies for growing Pusher. Growth engineers care not just about technology \u2014 but ultimately the problems it can solve; they care about creating experiences that delight our users; and, they are comfortable at all levels of the stack. More info @ [http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs\/special_developer](http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs\/special_developer)\n\nWe are also always keen on interns (paid) and we have other open positions. [http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs](http:\/\/pusher.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> CHEWSE - San Francisco, CA - Full Time\n\nWe're Chewse, and we make ordering office lunches a delight. We believe good food is a powerful force for uniting people, and we want to wield it to build stronger communities everywhere.\n\nWe are a young startup and a small, passionate team that's hungry to tackle really big problems. We're located in a work loft in San Francisco's SOMA neighborhood. We have a kitchen. (And we like to use it.)\n\nWe're hiring for two positions:\n\nFULL-STACK ENGINEER: [https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/#\/jobs\/full-stack- engineer\/](https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/#\/jobs\/full-stack-engineer\/)\n\nJAVASCRIPT ENGINEER: [https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/#\/jobs\/ux-and-javascript- engineer\/](https:\/\/www.chewse.com\/#\/jobs\/ux-and-javascript-engineer\/)\n\nIf you're passionate about good food and good people, reach out \u2014 I'm eager to hear from you!\n\n<\/comment> helloshow- Lead Developer- Rails + AngularJS (Ft. Lauderdale or Remote)\n\nHello Show is modernizing a key workflow for real estate agents. The current market for real estate technology is vastly underserved and Hello Show is building the tools agents need and deserve.\n\nWe have an expert team, we have great investors, and we are ready to hire an A+ technical lead. Working with us will not only be an opportunity for professional and personal growth, but an opportunity to become an innovator and thought leader in a rapidly evolving industry.\n\nWith our product in development, we already have beta customers who have fallen in love and are anxious to sign up now! We are building a great product because we are obsessed with validation, user experience, and testing. We are a results and data driven team, and use Agile\/SCRUM processes to build.\n\nSkills & Requirements:\n\n\\- Ruby on Rails expert \\- Javascript expert \\- Experience with Angular.js or similar frameworks, and Node.js \\- Expert writing and interfacing with APIs \\- Strong HTML 5 and CSS skills \\- Focus on test driven development \\- Appreciation for Web Accessibility and how that should translate to code. \\- Insane attention to detail \\- Desire and ability to continuously learn and implement new technologies \\- Effective communication with team members, focusing on project requirements, capabilities, and schedule \\- Love of building products that people love\n\nIf you are not driven and a life-long learner, this is not the job for you!\n\nYour competitive salary will be supplemented with stock options. You are also welcome to work remotely.\n\n\\--\n\nTo apply, send an email to firstname.lastname@example.com. Be sure to reference the job posting and where you came across it. Please provide any information that will help us in our decision process (resume, portfolio, github, etc\u2026). If you seem like a good fit, we will want you to come by for a face-to-face interview or chat on skype. We are looking forward to hearing from you.\n\n<\/comment> Codero Hosting (www.codero.com)\n\nSoftware Developer (Austin\/Kansas City) - [http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/codero\/software-developer- cloud...](http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/codero\/software-developer- cloud\/dK5lViFSer46ODeJe9fLhG?Board=Indeed&PID=1558311)\n\n[http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/codero\/software-developer- cloud...](http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/codero\/software-developer-cloud-entry- level\/bozHh6FSir44eaeJe9fLhG?Board=Indeed&PID=1558320)\n\nCustomer Support Manager at Codero in Austin, TX [http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/codero\/dedicated-hosting- custom...](http:\/\/www.jobscore.com\/jobs\/codero\/dedicated-hosting-customer- support-manager\/b7VbS2CyKr46wZiGakhP3Q?Board=Indeed&PID=1532132)\n\nAnd we are always looking for great DevOps members.\n\n<\/comment> Android\/Java Developer, Chicago (downtown), H1B sponsorship available for the right candidate.\n\nWe are looking for new teammates who will join the existing Android team to design and develop native Android applications for several companies, paving the way for the much needed technological advancements in the entertainment industry. Our client roster includes the biggest names such xFinity, Paramount and others. Your every contribution will impact hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Content Direct has a very laid back personality, with a touch of startup culture while having the stability and the backing of a large enterprise.\n\nContent Direct solution empowers the top brands in media and entertainment to easily and effectively market, monetize and manage their premium digital content and customers. Content Direct is offered as either a set of software services or as an integrated solution, and allows content companies of all sizes to increase the value and return of every content transaction. The solution supports virtually all content types and commerce models, marketing promotions, partner management, financial management, reporting, and analytics.\n\nOur Android\/Java Developer will take part in the design and development of applications utilizing multiple technologies and platforms. Translates requirements into effective, intuitive, and responsive user interfaces. Collaborates with developers, testers, clients, users and cross functional teams to continuously enhance the usability of applications. Works under minimal supervision on complex projects. You will be helping out on the project from the first day and your teammates will be there right alongside you, should you need any help or mentorship.\n\n\\- 3+ years of Java and Eclipse IDE experience\n\n\\- 1+ years of experience with the Android SDK preferred\n\n\\- Experience building apps that communicate with RESTful services\n\n\\- Experience in Object-Oriented Design, Data Structures, Algorithm Design, Problem Solving, Complexity Analysis and Debugging\n\n\\- Experience in building and maintaining automated build and deployment processes preferred\n\n\\- Roku and Smart TV development experience preferred\n\n* Find more about us at [http:\/\/contentdirect.csgi.com\/us\/careers.html](http:\/\/contentdirect.csgi.com\/us\/careers.html)\n\n* Send us an email at email@example.com and you will be put in touch with our engineers!\n\n<\/comment> Knewton\n\nNew York, NY (Union Square) - full-time\n\nKnewton personalizes digital course materials by figuring out exactly what a student knows and what she should do right now. Knewton provides the tools and infrastructure needed to create continuously adaptive learning applications driven by real-time proficiency estimation, activity recommendations, concept- level analytics, and more.\n\nKnewton has been recognized globally as a \"Technology Pioneer\" (World Economic Forum in Davos) and one of the world's \"50 Most Innovative Companies\" (Fast Company). Global leaders Pearson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Cengage, Macmillan Education, Cambridge University Press, and more have already signed on and are now integrating the Knewton API into their products. More at [http:\/\/www.knewton.com\/about\/press\/](http:\/\/www.knewton.com\/about\/press\/)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\n[http:\/\/www.knewton.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.knewton.com\/careers\/)\n\nSome specific openings:\n\n* Mathematics Content Expert - Adaptive Instruction - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dUmMfQ](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dUmMfQ)\n\n* Data Scientist - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1ijlYXc](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1ijlYXc)\n\n* Lead Software Engineer - Full Stack - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1fw9TNg](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1fw9TNg)\n\n* Senior Software Engineer - Natural Language Processing - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1b8rmJD](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1b8rmJD)\n\n* Senior Software Engineer - Java, NoSQL - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dgCL86](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dgCL86)\n\n* Software Engineering Internship - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1cTBTaP](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1cTBTaP)\n\n* System Administrator - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/Ll9PF0](http:\/\/bit.ly\/Ll9PF0)\n\n* Senior Project Manager - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1i3cONJ](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1i3cONJ)\n\n* Senior Product Manager, Analytics - [http:\/\/bit.ly\/InFqoH](http:\/\/bit.ly\/InFqoH)\n\n\\--> For more follow [http:\/\/twitter.com\/knewton_jobs](http:\/\/twitter.com\/knewton_jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Chicago - OpinionLab - [http:\/\/www.opinionlab.com\/senior-rails- engineer\/](http:\/\/www.opinionlab.com\/senior-rails-engineer\/)\n\nOpinionLab is seeking a Senior Rails Engineer with strong development skills to join our Chicago, IL based Product Development team.\n\nAs a member of our Product Development team, you will play a critical role in the architecture, design, development, and deployment of OpinionLab's web- based applications and services. You will be part of a high-visibility agile development team empowered to deliver high-quality, innovative, and market leading voice-of-customer data acquisition and feedback intelligence solutions. If you thrive in a collaborative, fast-paced, get-it-done environment and want to be a part of one of Chicago's most innovative companies, we want to speak with you!\n\n<\/comment> London, UK | www.letolab.com | Full Stack Web Developer\n\nWe're on a hunt for:\n\nDedicated web developer to join our growing team, based in the middle of the sought after Silicon Roundabout area, just opposite Google Campus in London. Taking into account our focus on innovation and the pace of work, we're looking for an open-minded, flexible, and adaptable to change individual with a professional attitude to work. Required Skills\n\nKnowledge of:\n\n \n \n * Fluency in Python and JS\n * Exposure to OOP and Functional Programing\n * Good knowledge of HTML\/CSS\n * Django web framework\n * Git\n \n\nExtra points:\n\n \n \n * Knowledge of other languages (e.g Go)\n * Node.js\n * Exposure to evented\/asynchronous patterns\n * Client side JS frameworks (backbone, angular, react, etc)\n * TDD\n \n\nIn return you get:\n\n \n \n * Competitive salary\n * Rewards and recognition\n * Work in experienced & agile team\n * Opportunity to work closely with London-based and international startups\n * Opportunity to attend multiple tech events in the UK and abroad\n * The latest technologies and devices to assist in your work\t \t\n * Friday beers, Fifa, and much much more!\n \n\nAbout Leto:\n\nLeto is a digital innovation agency that works with startups and enterprises. It helps to build and scale up new ventures and provides all kinds of services from IT consultancy, to branding, design and application development. Leto is also involved in various startup and technology events around Europe and London particularly, having presented at conferences and summits, as well as having recently run a pan-european startup competition StartupRally([http:\/\/startuprally.org](http:\/\/startuprally.org)).\n\nIf all of the above sounds cool to you \u2013 we want to hear from you asap! Drop an email with your CV attached to email@example.com. Please remember to include some links to show off your work (e.g. github, bitbucket).\n\n<\/comment> Lyft - [https:\/\/www.lyft.com\/jobs](https:\/\/www.lyft.com\/jobs) \\- San Francisco, CA (SoMa)\n\nWith the tap of a button, passengers in need of a ride are instantly connected to nearby drivers. We currently operate in cities all across the country, and with your help, we'll take Lyft worldwide!\n\nIf growth excites you, this is the place to be! We're looking for:\n\n \n \n - Software Engineer\n - Senior Web Developer\n - Android Engineer\n - iOS Engineer\n - DevOps Engineer\n - Data Architect\n - Data Scientist\n - Technical Recruiter\n \n\nStack: AWS, MongoDB, PHP, Python, Go, AngularJS\n\nInterested? dhochman a\/t lyft d\/o\/t com. Open to coffee\/tea or a Hangout to discuss. Incredible team, top medical & dental, open vacation policy, catered lunches, snacks, dogs, equipment, etc.\n\n<\/comment> Izooble - Eindhoven, The Netherlands\n\nLooking for an experienced full-stack web developer.\n\nAt Izooble, we believe that the best programmers are all-rounders. We're currently in the going through a total rebuild of our architecture and technology, while we're re-targeting our app to the web. You would be involved in all aspects of this responsive, mobile-first web application. We are re- inventing product search, which means a large amount of challenging problems related to data and search technology. The vast majority of technical decisions on both the front-end and the back-end are still to be made, so you will be able to have a major influence on the Izooble app and business.\n\nThe dev team is small, currently consisting of 6 people, including 3 great interns.\n\nWhat we're looking for in a candidate:\n\n \n \n * Allrounder: a wish to do both front-end and back-end programming.\n * Experience with at least 2 programming languages and a wish to learn more. \n * A strong interest in software design and architecture. \n Demonstrable experience with architecture, or a deep desire to learn.\n * We care deeply about a good user experience, and we expect that you can \n think along.\n with the designers and concept developers on this.\n * Interest in coaching and supporting interns. Bring good engineering \n practices with you and teach them to the team.\n \n\nIzooble is a Social Recommendation Platform for products in which people use their social networks to find, share and buy products online. With Izooble, users get 100% personalized search results and 100% relevant content in their wall, without privacy issues and free of advertisements.\n\nWe're organised as a distributed company, currently with people in the Netherlands, Portugal and Poland. Anyone with a permit to work in the EU can apply, as long as they're willing to come over to Eindhoven every month or so.\n\nMore info on [http:\/\/izooble.com\/jobs.html](http:\/\/izooble.com\/jobs.html)\n\n<\/comment> Los Angeles, CA\n\nAd Hoc Labs is the maker of the privacy and temporary phone number app Burner ([http:\/\/burnerapp.com](http:\/\/burnerapp.com)). We are a small team of very talented and driven engineers from companies like Yahoo!, Nokia, Amazon, Whisper, and Grindr, all passionate about empowering mobile users to take control of their privacy and communications. We believe this is a very large market and are backed in our vision by some of the best venture firms in the business, including Venrock, Founder Collective, 500 startups, and many notable angel investors.\n\nSeeking a Senior Platform Engineer, an Android developer, and a Startup Assistant. Details: [http:\/\/web.burnerapp.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/web.burnerapp.com\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> Aruba Networks - [http:\/\/arubanetworks.com\/](http:\/\/arubanetworks.com\/) \\- FullTime - Sunnyvale, CA or REMOTE\n\nAruba networks is hiring awesome devops systems folks and great python, angular, flask, data folks to help us build great online cloud apps.\n\nCome join a fun team with the stability of a mature company and the can-do attitude of a startup.\n\nJobs are here - [https:\/\/career4.successfactors.com\/career?company=aruba](https:\/\/career4.successfactors.com\/career?company=aruba)\n\nThe one I'm hiring for is here: [http:\/\/tinyurl.com\/arubadevops-2014-02](http:\/\/tinyurl.com\/arubadevops-2014-02)\n\nYou can mail me directly email@example.com with any questions, or send me a resume and introduction or through the linkedin process.\n\n<\/comment> Radialpoint - Montreal, Canada - Director of Marketing\n\nA great customer experience isn't possible without a great support experience. That's why Radialpoint is developing solutions that make technical support instant and complete.\n\nWe're a well funded, profitable, tech company out of Montreal with a serious startup culture. Looking to hire a marketer who's run a successful SaaS program before (either as an employee or as a founder) to join our product management and marketing team focussed on new lines of business like SupportKit ([http:\/\/supportkit.radialpoint.com](http:\/\/supportkit.radialpoint.com)) and others.\n\nE-mail me directly at email@example.com if you'd like to know more. Open to hiring from anywhere in NA to work in Montreal (an awesome city!)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco\n\nIntrans\n\nRuby Engineer\n\nThe last 50 years have seen the reinvention of almost every major industry except for one: Trucking. Intrans is here to change that. We've deployed the world's first mobile platform for on-demand freight shipping.\n\nOver 30 billion dollars a month is spent on trucking freight around the US. Without trucks, the country would grind to a halt overnight. In such a massive market, it's hard to believe that the entire industry still runs on landlines and fax machines. We are changing that by using location-based technology to automatically match supply and demand.\n\nWe're a team of 10 and have been around for over two years. We're growing quickly and looking for a Ruby engineer to join us.\n\nIf you're ready to be part of this industrial transformation, send your resume and GitHub profile to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Unlockable - [http:\/\/unlockable.com\/](http:\/\/unlockable.com\/) \\- New York City (No remote or H1B)\n\nPosition: CTO\n\nUnlockable (unlockable.com) is a seed-funded company looking for the leader of our tech team. You are: a true full-stack engineer who has conceived, built, and launched your own projects. You have effectively managed and delegated to a team and to yourself. You'll be the captain of the ship, getting it where it needs to be, on time and on budget. Your job will be to invent your role and build the team that allows you to fill it. You don't want to be the \"tech guy\" working with \"business guys.\" You and the two founders will be the executive team, and together we'll all make decisions about the business.\n\nOur Mission\n\nDevelopers, publishers, and all sellers of digital content are missing out on billions of dollars. That's because an enormous share of their audience \u2014 often greater than 90% \u2014 stops at the paywall. Unlockable helps change the equation for selling digital media, from games to apps to streaming services and beyond: by letting people pay with their time in a fun, ad-supported experience.\n\nOur Product\n\nUnlockable lets people pay for content by playing ad-based games. Anywhere a \"Buy\" button can go, an \"Unlock\" button can go next to it. All of our games use only existing video ads with no additional production, making it extremely easy for brands to get started. Publishers can earn more revenue from their existing audience, brands get guaranteed engagement on existing video, and players get a free way to access paid content. See a walkthrough (narrated by Zach, the CEO) here: [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FV7lMxGMHaI](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FV7lMxGMHaI)\n\nOur Progress\n\nWe have an upcoming launch with one of the largest mobile gaming companies in the world, with over 1 million downloads per day.\n\nIf you're interested or have questions, email me at firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Worldwide Telecommute \/ REMOTE Automattic is currently hiring for a variety of positions\n\nWe are passionate about making the web a better place and are strong believers in Open Source. We build WordPress.com, contribute to the WordPress Open Source project ([http:\/\/wordpress.org](http:\/\/wordpress.org)) and work on a lot of other really cool stuff including CloudUp, Gravatar and Akismet.\n\nJoin us if you are passionate about making the web a better place.\n\nIf you like solving interesting problems in different ways, are passionate about giving people the platform to share their knowledge, views etc we would loves to here from you :)\n\nHead here to read more - [http:\/\/automattic.com\/work-with- us\/](http:\/\/automattic.com\/work-with-us\/)\n\n I pinged an email through some time last week I believe. Waiting on my reply, think the site said it can take up to two weeks.\n\n Good luck.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Taunton UK - Covalent Software\n\nA small business in South West England, and a great place to work if you're based anywhere from Bristol to Exeter.\n\nWe are currently transitioning between a thick client hosted product and a new browser-based version. Work will be on the browser product, the thick client being phased out as we migrate functionality across. We are looking to hire a motivated developer to join the team and hit the ground running. This is a chance to join a strong team moving an existing product to the browser and adopting what new technologies make sense along the way.\n\nWe use Java (Play Framework) on the backend and Twitter Bootstrap for base CSS alongside JQuery, Knockout and other JavaScript libraries on the front-end.\n\nInterested? drop me an email robin.warren [at] covalentsoftware.com\n\n<\/comment> New York City\n\nQuovo: full-stack data mining specialist\n\nFreelance, part-time, intern welcome, possibly transitioning to full time\n\nQuovo is a FinTech Big Data startup (lots of jargon there, we know) that performs aggregation and analytics for investment advisors, foundations, hedge funds, and even everyday investors. Learn more about us at (www.quovo.com).\n\nWe're looking for a full-stack developer to work specifically on data mining projects such as screen scraping, website crawling, DOM parsing, etc. Fancy yourself a bit of a hacker? This is the job for you.\n\nSkills and experience:\n\n\\- Strong understanding of HTTP and webservers\n\n\\- HTML scraping and other data mining\/retrieval experience\n\n\\- Strong regular expression skills\n\n\\- PHP, C++, JS knowledge (or similar languages)\n\n\\- Familiarity with HAR, XPATH, jQuery\n\nEmail email@example.com with a resume and description of relevant experience, and we'll take it from there...\n\n<\/comment> Republic Wireless - Raleigh\/Durham, NC\n\n _About us_\n\nRepublic Wireless, a division of Bandwidth.com, is the nation's first WiFi- based cell phone service. We launched Republic to unprecedented national attention for a new wireless provider.\n\nOur development team has changed the wireless industry, introducing the first widely-deployed WiFi to cellular call handover. We want you to join us to solve hard problems.\n\nWe are actively hiring for the following positions:\n\n _Web Developer_\n\nJoin our Web\/Front-end Engineering team to help define and build out our modern Web application platform. Right away you'll use your deep HTML, CSS, and JavaScript expertise to work on Angular and Backbone apps.\n\n _Android Developer_\n\nJoin our Device\/Front-end Engineering team to build out the apps that differentiate Republic from traditional carriers. We've got a lot of ideas to integrate stupid phone tricks directly on the phone. (Think native Google Voice).\n\n _UI Tester_\n\nJoin our Test team to break stuff. Native app, hybrid mobile app, and Web app automation. We've got it all.\n\n _DevOps_\n\nJoin our DevOps team and help us scale.\n\nE-mail firstname.lastname@example.com with your details and let's get talking.\n\nA few reviews about Republic:\n\n[http:\/\/allthingsd.com\/20131126\/smartphone-with-wi-fi- smarts\/](http:\/\/allthingsd.com\/20131126\/smartphone-with-wi-fi-smarts\/)\n\n[http:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2013\/11\/14\/5105230\/with-plans- starti...](http:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2013\/11\/14\/5105230\/with-plans-starting- at-5-republic-wireless-looks-more-un-carrier-than-t-mobile)\n\n[http:\/\/online.wsj.com\/news\/articles\/SB1000142405270230328150...](http:\/\/online.wsj.com\/news\/articles\/SB10001424052702303281504579222131917130744)\n\n<\/comment> Full time, on-site engineer (San Francisco, CA) focused on the front-end of fareharbor.com\n\n\\---\n\nFareHarbor is a SaaS business focused on the activities and tourism industry. We've been growing like mad and enjoying the challenges of rising to the challenge. And our sales team is based in Hawaii, so occasional trips to the islands are, sadly, a reality :)\n\n\\---\n\nIf:\n\n* You enjoy front-end development\n\n* You've toyed around with \u2013 or, preferably, are in love with \u2013 AngularJS\n\n* You can easily map designs at any level (pixels, pen and paper, or just a proposal) to HTML\/CSS\/JS\n\n* You can get familiar with a new codebase, accept its faults, and focus on moving it forward\n\n* Testing isn't just a thing that other people do\n\nThen:\n\n* Email us at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n* Include a link to your website, a portfolio, your contributions to open-source projects, or any of the above.\n\n++:\n\n* Python + Django\n\n* Ops experience, Ansible\n\n* Solid design sense\n\n* Surfer\n\n\\---\n\nStop by aloha.fareharbor.com\/jobs\/ or just say hi, send me an email at email@example.com!\n\n<\/comment> Pune, India - Fulltime.\n\nCo-Founder of Styloot.com here.\n\nStyloot.com, is a visual search engine for fashion. At 1.2 Million SKUs and 4000+ brands, we carry slightly more women apparel than Amazon and twice as many shoes as Zappos. Our patented technology already powers some of the largest media and commerce companies of the world.\n\nIf fashion is not your thing, but machine learning is, you will find our work equally exciting :). We have produce patent-worthy work in various aspects of ML.\n\nWe are looking to hire Python, Javascript and Front End developers.\n\nYou will be working directly with the product and will be making decisions that directly influence the site.\n\nYou must love coding and should be at home with fellow hackers - else we can work around.\n\nYou must have a github repo that you are proud of.\n\nEmail us if interested - jobs at styloot.com.\n\n<\/comment> Downtown Vegas, Front-end Developer (Full-Time, Part-Time, Intern) Local Only\n\nI am the CTO of Macho, a multi-modal travel search engine startup with market focus in the US. We are batch 2 of progression labs (progressionlabs.com) in downtown vegas. We are looking for a intern\/part-time\/full-time Front-End Developer in downtown vegas. Currently, we have a prototype (www.travelmacho.com), but we would like to have a front-end developer to work with us to speed up the process of rapid prototyping to make it awesome. Ideally, we would like to have someone that has some experience, but if you know some javascript that will suffice. If you know anyone or interested, please email us at firstname.lastname@example.com Thank you!\n\n<\/comment> We are currently a team of two (one sales and one engineer) working on ad campaign optimization for internet retailers.\n\nData Scientist @ Adchemix (SF, Boston or REMOTE)\n\n\\- a grandmaster in at least two of these (Python, R, SQL)\n\n\\- have worked on large data sets (>1TB)\n\n\\- use git\n\n\\- worked with scikit, panadas, numpy, pig\n\n\\- built cool things on top of AWS\n\n\\- extra points if you have good understanding of internet ads\/adtech industry in general and some of the core problems related to campaign optimization\n\nFull-stack Engineer\/Data Engineer @ Adchemix (SF, Boston or REMOTE)\n\n\\- a grandmaster in at least one of these (Python, NodeJS)\n\n\\- use git\n\n\\- have built production crawling\/scraping\/indexing code\n\n\\- have built production ETL code\n\n\\- have built production dashboards and reporting\n\n\\- extra points if you have done stuff with D3.js or other data visualization\n\n\\- built cool things on top of AWS\n\nUs:\n\n\\- bootstrapped\n\n\\- profitable\n\n\\- distributed team\n\n\\- SF and Boston based\n\nemail me email@example.com or connect with me on linkedin www.linkedin.com\/in\/samingrassia\/\n\n<\/comment> Big Data\/Distributed Systems Software Engineer\n\nAppMonsta - \n\nAppMonsta collects massive amounts of data about mobile apps and turns it into actionable metrics for a wide variety of business customers ranging from investors to health care companies to startups. We really love data, building distributed systems, and helping people understand complicated market dynamics through our data.\n\nWe're looking for a distributed systems\/big data software engineer to join our distributed team. You'll take ownership of our crawl & data pipeline, keeping them running with high uptime, scaling them up to handle load, and adding new data sources and new features to help our customers make even better decisions. Experience with distributed systems and\/or big data is a huge bonus - we're looking for people that have a good intuition about what good architecture looks like, and who can grow into leadership roles.\n\nOur current tech stack is mostly Python, Linux, AWS (EC2, S3, & EMR mostly), MongoDB, Celery and Redis. If you haven't worked with individual pieces of this before it's fine - we like working with smart people that are comfortable working in a distributed systems\/big data\/cloud environment. We're happy to help you get up to speed with anything you haven't seen before. We practice peer code review and continuous deployment on all our code and systems.\n\nOur entire team works remotely. We're very flexible about where and when you work, as long as you ship code, keep systems online, and are reachable by other team members for part of the day. We stay in touch via a team chatroom and weekly team video chats, with impromptu 1-on-1 video chats whenever there's a detailed issue to discuss. To make this work, you'll need to be in a compatible timezone (between PDT(UTC-08) and CET(UTC+1)), and be very fluent writing and speaking English. Like getting out of the house to work? Ask about our mobile Internet subsidy:)\n\nThis is a full time, longterm opportunity. If this sounds exciting, send us an email at firstname.lastname@example.com, and we can get the conversation started.\n\n<\/comment> HuffingtonPost - \n\nBe part of the growing engineering team transforming the Huffington Post into a next generation social news platform. Looking for energetic, passionate engineers who love to collaborate, move quickly and build amazing products and solve very high traffic problems at scale.\n\nWe are looking for front and backend engineers who have a strong background in any of these languages: Scala, Java, PHP, Ruby, JS MVC Frameworks like Angular and Backbone. Experience with large scale and high throughput environments is a definite plus.\n\nJob listsings here - [https:\/\/github.com\/huffingtonpost\/HuffPost-Tech- Jobs](https:\/\/github.com\/huffingtonpost\/HuffPost-Tech-Jobs)\n\nEmail us at email@example.com if interested\n\n<\/comment> Santa Barbara, CA - PHP Developer\n\nIs LAMP more than just an appliance in your living room? Is Ajax more than just a powdered household cleaner? Do you count electric sheep? Well then my friend, have we got a job for you! Join our team of adept developer ninjas as they grow our core code base by constantly optimizing our existing code while adding new and exciting Web 3.0 features! Additionally, you'll be helping us with our client email delivery by handling bounces accurately and instantly, identifying and stomping out spam, and extending the current toolset that we offer to our clients! It is truly nerd-vana. Duties: \u00b7Collaborate with the team to solve problems \u00b7Track down and squash bugs when discovered or reported. \u00b7Work with product team to architect, develop and deploy new features \u00b7Improve existing code base by discovering and re-factoring speed bottlenecks, ensuring clean MVC and object-oriented architecture throughout, etc. \u00b7Research, architect, and port localized data file system to distributed content delivery network (CDN). \u00b7Research, test, and deploy portions of our system for hosting via AWS. \u00b7Monitor and improve algorithms to improve speed and delivery response \u00b7Build scripts to improve workflow for delivery admin \u00b7Design and implement queuing algorithm to minimize delivery latency while under load \u00b7Brainstorm caching schemes for quick delivery of email to MTA \u00b7Research, identify patterns, and develop algorithms to find and stop email abusers \u00b7Convert infrastructure to scale seamlessly from 3000 accounts to 100k accounts \u00b7Integrate 3rd party email testing and rendering services to provide customer feedback Also: \u00b7Review customer feedback and develop reporting system improvements \u00b7Design database queries to improve speed and capability of our reporting engine \u00b7Design front-end data display tools for end-users, including scheduled reports via email, PDF, and more \u00b7Work with database engineer to develop real-time, live reporting for various datasets such as sales and lead flow \u00b7Develop internal statistics to monitor system and feature usage and display on company dashboard\n\nApply at: email@example.com [http:\/\/ontraportcareers.com\/](http:\/\/ontraportcareers.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> At Cruise (San Francisco), we're taking the pain out of your commute. How? By making your car drive itself.\n\nWe're hiring machine learning experts, machine vision experts, and smart hackers. Also looking for a mechanical engineer and industrial designer.\n\nEmail firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> The Area: Software Engineering\n\nAxial's engineers develop technology to drive the transformation and democratization of modern capital markets. In addition to leveraging and building search technology to transform an entire industry, our engineers use their skills to advance our data, social and other technology-driven product strategies and initiatives.\n\nThe Role\n\nAs a Front-End Engineer at Axial, you're responsible for developing and refining the client-facing HTML, Javascript and CSS portions of our platform. We're a tight-knit team here so collaboration is a must. You'll be building technology hands-on with a small product and design team, and be responsible for prototyping and creating responsive and elegant UIs to drive site engagement and manageability.\n\nYou'll also be working to help us improve our service aggregators, applications templating, and client-side libraries, and to extend and improve the power and scale of the Axial platform. You will be challenged to deconstruct designs into fine-grained, distributed modules capable of reuse in any portion of our platform.\n\nYou'll be challenged to engineer great, sustainable technology at high speed, but that's okay 'cause you're a champ.\n\nThe benefits of being an Axialite ... we are building something very important the team you're joining is pretty darn good and getting better with every new hire we pay people what they're worth, not what we can get away with stocked and ever-expanding technical library onsite stocked fridge and bottomless coffee bike-friendly good location w\/ roof in the Flatiron Desired Skills and Experience We look for technologists who:\n\n\\- Are expert at working with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS \\- Are intimately familiar with browser quirks \\- Love creating well-crafted interfaces and elegant web UI's \\- Communicate and collaborate well\n\nBonus points for:\n\n\\- Bootstrap, jQuery, or Django \\- Experience developing in *NIX environments \\- Experience with a non-JavaScript programming language (python, php, ruby, perl, sh)\n\nReach out to firstname.lastname@example.com with your resume if interested in hearing more.\n\n<\/comment> Ensighten ([http:\/\/ensighten.com\/company\/careers\/engineering](http:\/\/ensighten.com\/company\/careers\/engineering)) Cupertino, CA. H1-B transfer okay.\n\nWe are building some interesting products in the Tag management and web analytics space. Most of our customers are enterprise companies and are in Fortune 500 list.\n\nWe're looking for talented senior backend engineers (JS\/NodeJS + JVM), and senior frontend engineers (JS).\n\nIf you are interested, please send your Resume to email@example.com and don't forget to include your \/github\/bitbucket\/etc with it. Lead with the subject line: [Hackernews] followed by the position from the careers page.\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA\n\n\\--\n\nDesign-Oriented iOS Engineer One Medical Group\n\nWe're a tech company that delivers primary care. We seek a creative iOS engineer to join us in building our platform of digital health solutions to power our growing network of medical practices.\n\nOne Medical is a next-generation network of primary care practices designed to reinvent what health care should be. Using technology and process redesign, patients receive a convenient, accessible, and transparent health care experience that's really unlike any other. Our offices are in San Francisco, New York City, Boston, Chicago, and Washington DC, and we're expanding.\n\nWe offer the opportunity to work on solving a fantastic blend of compelling problems. These include mobile diagnosis and treatment; health data visualization and interactivity; video and device integration, social\/behavioral change, monitors\/sensors and more. Plus the ability to create innovations that truly impact people's lives.\n\nYou Have:\n\n\\--Rich iOS development skills including, of course, Objective-C, UIKit and Storyboarding but also consuming RESTful APIs, Core Data, Core Animation, AFNetworking and similar such. \\--Published apps in the AppStore with impressive ratings \/ ranking \\--3 - 5+ years industry experience, principally in consumer product space\n\nYou Are:\n\n\\--Happiest innovating with Engineering, Product and Design folks. \\--Driven to engineer crisp, performant code \\--Prone to moments of outstanding creative genius\n\nOur Tech:\n\n\\--Native iOS apps talking to Rails stack via in-house REST API \\--Agile; Continuous Integration; Pivotal Tracker \\--Lean UX; In Situ User Testing and Design Iterations\n\nWe Offer:\n\n\\--Competitive compensation and above average benefits including One Medical care \\--Downtown San Francisco location (352 yards \/ 3 minutes from Montgomery St. station) \\--Internal hackathons, quarterly team offsites, personal development budget \\--People you're happy to see every day \\--Opportunity to change the world\n\nContact: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> RightScale - Edinburgh, Scotland\n\nWe recently launched our new product - RightScale Cloud Analytics - taking a lot of what we had in PlanForCloud and rebuilding it from the ground-up: [http:\/\/www.rightscale.com\/blog\/cloud-cost- analysis\/introduci...](http:\/\/www.rightscale.com\/blog\/cloud-cost- analysis\/introducing-cloud-analytics-better-way-manage-cloud-costs)\n\nWe're looking for Software Engineering Interns, see [http:\/\/workinstartups.com\/job-board\/job\/8412\/software- engine...](http:\/\/workinstartups.com\/job-board\/job\/8412\/software-engineer- railsangularjs-at-rightscale\/) for more info.\n\n<\/comment> CourseHorse (New York, NY) | FULL TIME | [https:\/\/coursehorse.com\/hiring](https:\/\/coursehorse.com\/hiring)\n\nAmazon for Education: We're the first marketplace that helps people discover, compare & enroll in trusted local classes (from casual classes like cooking, art & Spanish, to professional programs like finance, writing & programming).\n\nWe're seeking: SR ENGINEERS: Creative, indomitable. | DIRECT SALES: Driven, tenacious. | GROWTH HACKERS: Proven, quantitative. | CUSTOMER SERVICE: Friendly, passionate.\n\nLet the beauty we love be what we do: [https:\/\/coursehorse.com\/hiring](https:\/\/coursehorse.com\/hiring)\n\n<\/comment> Dublin, Ireland. ( CTO for Evercam, an IP Camera Developer Platform )\n\nWe're building www.evercam.io an API that makes it easy to develop for cameras. Initially IP cameras, but in principal any type of camera.\n\nThe task is challenging and the opportunity is large. The Internet of Things needs a visual cortex.\n\nWe're a team of 8. 4 coders and 4 non-coders. We're looking for a strong CTO type who can also code. The stack is Ruby based.\n\nSignificant equity & a decent salary on offer.\n\nRead all about it: [http:\/\/apievangelist.com\/2014\/01\/21\/a-world-where-every- came...](http:\/\/apievangelist.com\/2014\/01\/21\/a-world-where-every-camera-is- connected-to-the-internet-via-apis\/)\n\n<\/comment> Ruby on Rails developers in London and New York time zones (fulltime)\n\nAlphaSights is looking for passionate developers who can write clean and maintainable code that creates business value. We manage our own time and get involved into more business areas than just writing code. Join us!\n\nLondon: [http:\/\/www.alphasights.com\/careers\/positions\/london\/ruby- on-...](http:\/\/www.alphasights.com\/careers\/positions\/london\/ruby-on-rails- developer)\n\nNew York: [http:\/\/www.alphasights.com\/careers\/positions\/new- york\/ruby-o...](http:\/\/www.alphasights.com\/careers\/positions\/new-york\/ruby-on- rails-developer)\n\n<\/comment> CS Disco Inc. - csdisco.com\/jobs - Houston, Texas\n\nDisco is a VC-backed startup that makes ediscovery software for lawyers. 5 of the top 50 law firms and 2 of the top 5 insurance companies in the world use Disco to find evidence faster in major cases and investigations.\n\nWe are hiring engineers (C# .NET, Lucene, RavenDB, HTML5), lawyers (commercial litigators, for customer-facing and product roles), and salespeople (with experience selling into the legal vertical).\n\nThe team (csdisco.com\/about) includes a YC W11 alum, the former CTO of Sonic Foundry, and alumni of Vinson & Elkins, Hogan Lovells, Pillsbury Winthrop, Camara & Sibley, Fulbright & Jaworski, and Dewey & LeBoeuf.\n\n<\/comment> Ooyala is hiring! Come work in the future and help change how the world views TV!\n\nOoyala harnesses the power of big data to help broadcasters, operators and media companies build more engaged audiences and monetize video with personalized, interactive experiences for every screen. We go beyond traditional online video platforms, providing software and services combining best-of-breed technologies with industry-leading video analytics to help our customers optimize and automate video programming, video streaming and video syndication.\n\nVisit our careers page: [http:\/\/www.ooyala.com\/about\/careers](http:\/\/www.ooyala.com\/about\/careers)\n\n<\/comment> Buttercoin Dev Ops Engineer - Palo Alto, CA [http:\/\/buttercoin.com](http:\/\/buttercoin.com)\n\nButtercoin makes Bitcoin trading platforms. We make them fast, safe, and easy to use.\n\nWe're seeking an experienced Dev Ops Engineer to start immediately. This would be a full-time on-site position at our office in downtown Palo Alto, though we might be open to a contract position with the right person.\n\nDo you love branching, testing, and deploying code across multiple servers at a moment's notice? Does the thought of migrating hundreds of thousands of database items in 10 tables across 5 machines get you excited? How about backups? And, more importantly, restoring those backups? Remotely? In the middle of the night? Are you a source management pro, with extensive experience using distributed version control systems (i.e Git, Mercurial, Subversion). How much do you know about large relational and NoSQL databases, and can you manage the internals of our systems, check load balances, and respond in the blink of an eye to automated messages about the state of these machines? All while managing risk and delivering superior results?\n\nIf this sounds like a typical day in your dream job, then we'd love to hear from you! You should be a developer with some experience as a systems administrator, or a systems administrator with extensive programming knowledge, and have an extensive open source portfolio (a link to your GitHub profile is required, please include it in your response).\n\nPreferred Experience: * Provisioning tools like Chef or Puppet * Node and Java. Scala experience strongly preferred * CI and frequent deployments on a released product * Some Bitcoin knowledge preferred\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n* Own the workflow for getting new code into the wild * Use and develop tools to automate QA and release deployment * Design and implements systems to monitor the health of running code * Troubleshoot issues across the entire stack * Develop app features relevant and participate in code reviews * Take part in 24\/7 on-call rotation\n\nIf interested, please send an email to \"firstname.lastname@example.com\" with a link to your Github profile\n\n<\/comment> NYC (or US remote) - Tidal Labs - [https:\/\/tid.al\/](https:\/\/tid.al\/)\n\nWe're a mature startup working on developing some new and exciting products this year. We already work with dozens of big-name brands and 30,000+ bloggers, helping to create meaningful ways for the two to interact through technology.\n\nWe're looking for PHP\/JS developers of all experience levels to join our growing team of 10. You'll be helping develop new products from scratch and maintaining existing products. We work 40-hour weeks, live a sustainable lifestyle, and enjoy what we do.\n\nIf you're interested, send your info to firstname.lastname@example.com and we'll talk.\n\n<\/comment> Santa Monica, Ca - Draftster.com\n\nFULL TIME Javascript(Angular) & Python application developers\n\nCOMPANY DESCRIPTION\n\nAre you passionate about sports? Do you like money? Draftster.com combines the two by offering daily fantasy sports contests for cash. We are a private equity backed, large-scale fantasy sports gaming startup that includes founders with previous exits. We have disruptive aspirations, an aggressive customer acquisition strategy, and a vision that will transform sports as we know it. Draftster is entering into beta with plans for a US launch in spring 2014. We are looking for brilliant application developers to join our team as we bring our product to market. Our ideal candidate will be a self-starting, code-shipping, team focused engineer with a passion for elegant code. Our technology includes python, nginx, tornado web, angular, and mongoDB. More info: [https:\/\/angel.co\/draftster-com](https:\/\/angel.co\/draftster-com)\n\nJavascript Developer Job Description: The javascript developer will be a lead for the UI Engineering team. This candidate will work to create new UI architectures, interfaces, and functionality by integrating back-end API's, create and maintain UI Development Standards and Best practices, and provide technical leadership, feedback, and oversight for various technical initiatives across the organization. This candidate should excel in all components of the Rich Internet Application development skill set, as well as the UI Engineering\/Web Development skills (CSS 3, Javascript, HTML 5, AJAX and Javascript Libraries such as jQuery and Angular).\n\nPython Application Developer Job Description: The Senior Application developer will lead the engineering team. The candidate will work with our CTO to create and maintain architecture standards, implement application features, create supporting web API's, and provide technical leadership, feedback, and oversight for various technical initiatives across the organization. This candidate should excel in all components of the Rich Internet Application development skill set as well as NoSQL database administration.\n\nPlease contact firstname.lastname@example.com for more information. Cheers, --Michael\n\n<\/comment> Boulder, CO - \n\nSeeking a web developer to help build our (currently) Angular.js based client application.\n\nWe are extending the familiar spreadsheet interface with a powerful cloud analytics and BI system. Highlights include a real full-featured tablet\/mobile front-end, collaboration, and external datasource integration.\n\nGridCraft is a small company so there's lots of room to help teach us what you know. We're a very experienced group with a wealth of knowledge and anecdotes to share as well. Honest, upfront founding team and compensation structure. Competitive salaries and available equity.\n\nIf you're interested please introduce yourself: jobs at gridcraft.com .\n\n<\/comment> SEEKING EMPLOYEE, REMOTE, UNITED STATES\n\nCyanna Education Services [1] is building a web-based business workflow platform to service the education industry. We are looking for a full-time Rails developer to bring on board to advance the platform. Someone who wants to build clean, well-tested code that approaches problems in an architecturally sound way.\n\nSome PHP experience is a plus for supporting legacy systems.\n\nIf you are a self-starter and knowledgeable code wrangler, please email us a little bit about yourself, including resume and github username, to firstname.lastname@example.com (no recruiters please).\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.cyanna.com\/](http:\/\/www.cyanna.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> San Mateo, CA - Electrical, firmware and software engineers. INTERN or H1B ok.\n\nLocal Motion is bringing the sharing economy to the enterprise. We designed an onboard module that can make any vehicle in any fleet openable with a badge or smartphone. Drivers always get the vehicle they need when they need it, managers access analytics that help them drastically reduce the size of the fleet, and cohorts of penguins are saved every hour.\n\nYou'll find our product in the hands of Google, Sacramento, Verizon, Stanford, GM and others. We're 15 people funded by Andreessen Horowitz, Tim Draper, Tony Hsieh, Jerry Yang, etc.\n\nApply at www.getlocalmotion.com\/join-us\n\n<\/comment> REMOTE - Mandiant\/FireEye - [http:\/\/mandiant.com](http:\/\/mandiant.com) \/ [http:\/\/fireeye.com](http:\/\/fireeye.com)\n\nWe have positions open in both development (Ruby, Node.js, etc.) and security- analyst-type positions (I know we were looking for malware analysts recently, for example). Previously, candidates had to be U.S.-based, but now that we've been acquired by FireEye, we have a little more flexibility on international candidates. So, if you're interested, do ping me at my HN username at gmail, and we can start chatting about it. :)\n\n<\/comment> [http:\/\/www.khitchdee.com](http:\/\/www.khitchdee.com) Allahabad, India\n\nI've been running this company solo for the last 4 years, and now look for an apprentice to join me and help with product definition, customer interface and programming. Our customers are mostly students who have recently learnt programming. Our tool, Inck, helps such students write better programs. It's design draws heavily from music. We're looking for programmers that are also musicians whom we think will be able to really get behind our tools.\n\nIf you're excited by this prospect, send me email at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> UBER Engineering San Francisco Full Time\n\nSr. Software Engineer: Supply-Engineering\n\nDo you feel like the most exciting code is the code closest to the business? Do you thrive on being a generalist who's able to understand infrastructure issues, develop backend services and design delightful web and mobile experience? Do you want to have a huge impact on people's lives, helping them grow their business? Then join our supply engineering team!\n\nUs\n\nOur supply engineering team is responsible for prototyping, building and maintaining the partner-facing platform and business logic, supporting the livelihood and well-being of providers.\n\n\u25cf We build internal tools to improve our operational efficiency, achieving high impact on the bottom line. Our team created an SMS Inbox that makes communicating with our partners a breeze. \u25cf We maintain of partner-facing tools helping them manage their business, abstracting complex tax and regulatory frameworks. For instance, we built a payment architecture that handles large volumes of financial transactions.\n\nYou\n\n\u25cf Intelligent. Highly adaptable. Rapid learner. \u25cf Experience building web services. Deep knowledge of the web stack (from top to bottom). \u25cf Experience building highly scalable services. \u25cf Advanced knowledge or eagerness to learn Python, JavaScript, HTML\/CSS. \u25cf Advanced knowledge or eagerness to learn PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka.\n\nThe role\n\nAs a member of our team, you'll be confronted with a variety of technical challenges, including:\n\n\u25cf Creating flexible implementations that are able to support extremely different regulatory environments, on a city and country basis. \u25cf Leveraging technologies such as OCR to considerably streamline internal processes. \u25cf Interfacing with different payment gateway providers to handle our partners' payment. \u25cf Designing automatic anomaly detection for key business metrics.\n\nWe're bringing Uber to every major city in the world. We need brains and passion to make it happen and make it happen in style. Come join us!\n\n[https:\/\/www.uber.com\/jobs\/4810](https:\/\/www.uber.com\/jobs\/4810)\n\n<\/comment> New York, NY.\n\nFull Time.\n\n[http:\/\/www.thehackerati.com](http:\/\/www.thehackerati.com)\n\nSoftware developers at all experience levels. Front end web, back end, big data, iOS\/Android. We don't care what languages you know, as long as you're highly skilled in at least one. We use agile and tend to use the same kinds of technologies you'd see in your typical YC startup. Email me if interested:\n\nemail@example.com\n\nBonus: Just for fun we're giving 10,000 Dogecoin to anyone who sets up an interview with us in the next two weeks. (You may have to do a couple coding problems first if you don't already have a solid GitHub portfolio.)\n\n<\/comment> Sauce Labs - San Francisco, Remote - [https:\/\/saucelabs.com](https:\/\/saucelabs.com)\n\nSF startup providing cloud based selenium testing. We've got our own cloud, and spin up VM's running any OS and Browser. Pipe selenium commands using the JSONWire protocol through our API to run your tests in parallel on our infrastructure.\n\n~50 employees now and growing quickly. Ideal SF startup culture where everyone is incredible, unique, and places a strong emphasis on living a healthy and full life.\n\nHiring:\n\n\\- Core Developer: working on VM architecture, Python, heavy duty networking...\n\n\\- Full-stack web devs\n\n\\- Mobile developers (for our iOS and Android images\/emulators)\n\n<\/comment> Perth, Western Australia Gramercy Studios is looking for full time, part time and intern employees to join our web and app development studio.\n\nMore specifically, we are chasing the following (in any combination):\n\n1) Web Frontend - HTML, CSS (bonus: Sass), JS (bonus: Coffee Script), Backbone.js and Photoshop\n\n2) Web Backend - Django \/ Python, Rails \/ Ruby, other MVC frameworks, Heroku, Postgres\n\n3) iOS - Objective-C, iOS 7 SDK, Photoshop\n\n4) Android - Java, Android SDK\n\nWe really are keen to see examples of your work - throw at least one project up online. Gramercy absolutely hearts open source so if you do that, then you're a bloody legend\n\nEmail CV & Cover Letter: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Charlotte, NC - PassportParking We're building mobile payment solutions for parking. No more coins! We're a small team growing fast and ready to bring on a few more developers to push things faster. We've found the best way to form a relationship is through our programming challenge. Just show us your skills. (dont care to much for resumes!) [http:\/\/passportparking.info\/PassportProgrammingTest\/](http:\/\/passportparking.info\/PassportProgrammingTest\/) Feel free to reach out if you have questions! Cheers, Brad firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Animatron.com, Cambridge, MA\n\nWe are building next generation animation tools in a browser based on open standards (html5 etc).\n\nWe are looking for 2 interns for this summer who's passion is cool UI, who know JS and Java and love computer graphics and math.\n\nThe company is about 2 years old and is backed by JetBrains, Inc. ([http:\/\/www.jetbrains.com](http:\/\/www.jetbrains.com))\n\nOur office is in the heart of Cambridge, next to MIT campus.\n\nCheck out what our users are making: [http:\/\/www.animatron.com\/explore#staff- picks](http:\/\/www.animatron.com\/explore#staff-picks)\n\nSend your resume to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Eventbrite - San Francisco, CA\n\n\\----\n\nSenior Software Engineer, Architecture Team\n\nWe're looking for an experienced engineer to join our new architecture team, responsible for Eventbrite's public API as well as designing and building core frameworks and services to help Eventbrite scale and improve the agility of our other development teams.\n\nEventbrite's primary stack includes Python, Django, Redis, MySQL, Cassandra, HBase, Hive and AWS\n\nFull details here: [https:\/\/jobs.github.com\/positions\/834e549e-8dc3-11e3-8b1d-23...](https:\/\/jobs.github.com\/positions\/834e549e-8dc3-11e3-8b1d-23a444198231)\n\n<\/comment> BRIKA - Toronto, ON - [http:\/\/www.brika.com](http:\/\/www.brika.com)\n\nSeeking Full Stack Software Engineer (Fulltime)\n\nBRIKA is a unique online shopping destination that offers a curated selection of special pieces that are destined to become heirlooms and celebrates the makers behind them. Weaving a sense of community and creativity into the fabric of the brand, BRIKA is a place shoppers can come to find inspiration as easily as beautiful, modern crafts.\n\nLearn more and apply at [http:\/\/www.brika.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.brika.com\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> Natural Stacks - REMOTE WORK\n\nNatural Stacks is dedicated to creating the world's best nutritional supplements with full transparency.\n\nEach product contains only several premium sourced ingredients, each with a defined biomechanical purpose that's supported by science.\n\nOur mission is simple - to help people experience the highest level of performance by providing natural solutions that work.\n\nWe are looking for a customer champion and director of content. ([http:\/\/naturalstacks.com\/pages\/jobs](http:\/\/naturalstacks.com\/pages\/jobs))\n\nYou can email me directly email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> OC\/LA [Relocate Ok] BindHQ\n\nBindHQ is building a CRM for the financial services sector that leverages machine learning, public api's and the latest open source tech. We're a bi- coastal company with a startup culture backed by Scottish American Capital, Peterson Venture's and HV Capital.\n\nFull Stack Engineer\n\nBindHQ is looking for an engineering lead with experience building large scale web applications. We're looking for people who care deeply about quality of execution and can set their own direction.\n\nStack: PHP\/Symfony2, Clojure, AWS (EC2, S3, RDS)\n\nEmail: Cristian [at] scottishamerican [dot] com\n\n<\/comment> Web Developer\/Bioinformatics\n\nUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte Bioinformatics lab with interests in next generation sequencing for public health and natural science applications seeks an on site developer familiar with service oriented architectures and this skill set:.\n\nScripting experience (i.e. python, perl, and\/or ruby) in environments that make use of HPC resources like PBS\/Torque, SSH and SFTP protocols.\n\nRESTful and WSDL web services development.\n\nWeb application development using frameworks like Ruby on Rails and .NET\n\nRelational database development.\n\nplease email r\u00e9sum\u00e9 to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco & Sunnyvale, CA - Yahoo Sports - [http:\/\/sports.yahoo.com\/jobs](http:\/\/sports.yahoo.com\/jobs)\n\n\\---\n\nYahoo currently has the largest node.js installation in the world and is still rapidly growing.\n\nI am an engineering manager for Rivals - a Yahoo Sports property. We are a small(5), entrepreneurial-minded team that recently acquired (Hitpost acquisition). We are looking for a great full-stack engineer with client-side MVC experience.\n\nI will personally respond to all emails within 24 hours. Please sent your resume to me at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> London, UK. REMOTE partly okay, but some meetings in London required. Part time 3\/4 days a week also a possibility.\n\nWildfish - [http:\/\/wildfish.com](http:\/\/wildfish.com)\n\nWe're a London based consultancy, working exclusively with Django. Thus far it's just been myself and a collective of freelancers, for some 13 years now, but now I'm looking to put together a permanent team to take things to the next level, maybe starting with you :).\n\nAs the first permanent developer besides me (also a Django specialist) you'll get a chance to help shape how we do pretty much everything. Most of the day to day will be working on developing and maintaining new and existing client web apps and sites, but there'll also be time for our own product ideas, as well as open source work and blog posts.\n\nEverything's results focused. As such you'll be free to work from home as much as you want, meeting up occasionally, so long as things get done and the clients are happy.\n\nSome of the things we use, which it would be good for you to know some of:\n\n\\- Python\/Django [Essential]\n\n\\- HTML\/CSS\/Javascript [Essential]\n\n\\- Twitter Bootstrap\n\n\\- Git \/ Github\n\n\\- PostgreSQL\n\n\\- Ubuntu Linux Server Administration\n\n\\- TDD, django-webtest\n\n\\- Jenkins, django-jenkins\n\n\\- Salt, Linode\n\nI'm imagining I'm looking for someone who has at least 2 years of Django experience, experience in an agency\/consultancy environment would be a bonus, but if you can demonstrate that you know your stuff, for example with open source contributions, or code examples, then that's fine too.\n\nYou'll be working autonomously a fair bit, so it's important that you're the sort of person who has attention to detail and can read requirements carefully.\n\nWould also be open to considering either part time work, or possibly part equity, please mention when getting in touch if any of these are of interest. Also let me know what sort of money you're looking for. Please mail email@example.com.\n\nThanks :)\n\n<\/comment> Tubular Labs - Mountain View CA - [http:\/\/tubularlabs.com](http:\/\/tubularlabs.com)\n\nHelping YouTube creators, advertisers and brands find and manage audience. Online video is a multi-billion dollar industry and we're making it happen. As seen in AdWeek [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dUKpEY](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1dUKpEY)\n\nWhat we're looking for:\n\n* Software Engineer (pick your title); Key Skills \\- JavaScript \/ CoffeeScript \\- Python - Tornado \\- MySQL\n\n* Automation Engineer \\- Selenium \\- Python \/ JavaScript\n\n<\/comment> Stuph is building its founding team ([https:\/\/angel.co\/stuph- inc](https:\/\/angel.co\/stuph-inc))\n\nLocation: San Francisco, Positions: Senior Software Engineer, Frontend Software Engineer (Web + Mobile), UX designer\n\nWe're an early stage, well funded stealth startup with a very ambitious vision. We're building a consumer product fueled by big data.\n\nCurrent technology stack: Clojure\/MongoDB\/AngularJS. You'll have a say at what it looks like in the future.\n\nOur product is fascinating, and our hiring bar is sky high.\n\nWrite to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Red Lotus Technologies Inc. Mountain View, CA. www.redlotustech.com\n\nPosition: Industrial designer Starts: March 2014 \\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-- We are a startup company funded by the U.S. Department of Defense that builds visual support technologies for training soldiers to detect IEDs with handheld detectors.\n\nWe have built prototypes that are currently being evaluated at U.S. DoD training sites.\n\nWe are seeking an industrial designer who can help us design weatherized and manufacturing-ready versions of our product.\n\nPlease email firstname.lastname@example.com with any questions \/ resume.\n\n<\/comment> WizeHive - Remote (Philadelphia, PA preferred) - [http:\/\/wizehive.com](http:\/\/wizehive.com)\n\n[http:\/\/www.wizehive.com\/make\/](http:\/\/www.wizehive.com\/make\/)\n\nWe're a funded team, building a SaaS, B2B data collaboration tool. Co-founded by Mike Levinson, Managing Partner at DreamIt Ventures, rapid growth is in our DNA. Work takes place both remotely and on-site in Philadelphia, PA. Everybody enjoys competitive salaries, benefits, options, product ownership, and more.\n\n* Developer\n\n* UI Designer\n\n These 2 jobs do not appear on your website. Are they going to be posted, or are you going to provide more detail here (e.g. skills required, etc.)?\n\n Hi - they are posted here: [http:\/\/www.wizehive.com\/make\/](http:\/\/www.wizehive.com\/make\/)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Gamaroff Digital (London, UK) - We create innovative, technically radical products for companies around the world, and we want you to join us.\n\nWe're looking for:\n\n\\- Full-stack Rails Developers (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL\/MYSQL, HTML5, CoffeeScript, CSS\/Stylus\/Sass) \\- Front-end Developers (HTML5, CSS3, CoffeeScript, CSS\/Stylus\/Sass, Angular\/Ember\/Backbone, Photoshop\/Fireworks)\n\nCheck out our work and perks here: [http:\/\/jobs.gamaroff.com\/](http:\/\/jobs.gamaroff.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA - Kongregate - [http:\/\/www.kongregate.com\/pages\/jobs](http:\/\/www.kongregate.com\/pages\/jobs)\n\nLove games? Kongregate is a flash gaming portal and mobile game publisher. We're expanding the mobile team in both marketing and analytics.\n\n* Marketing & User Acquisition - no marketing experience required just an analytical mind, this is the product manager, mobile position\n\n* Data Analyst\n\nYou can either apply online or send them directly to curt at kongregate dot com so they don't get lost in the shuffle.\n\n<\/comment> Menlo Park, CA - Synack [https:\/\/www.synack.com](https:\/\/www.synack.com)\n\nCome work with me on building crowd security intelligence software. We are backed by some of the best investors (Greylock, Kleiner Perkins, others...) and offer great perks and benefits (free lunch, 401k, medical, flex time). Currently we are looking for JavaScript Developers (Backbone.js experience would be ideal), RoR Guys and a Sr. Designer.\n\nIf you have questions or would like to apply, shoot me an email firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Docker inc - [http:\/\/www.docker.com\/jobs\/](http:\/\/www.docker.com\/jobs\/) \\- San Francisco, CA\n\nSoftware Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer, Web Designer\n\nAt Docker Inc, we believe that containerization will soon become the next big thing, the next tool which will be part of every developer and sysadmin toolbox. What's \"containerization\"? The name comes the LXC technology (Linux Containers), and the technique is also known as \"Lightweight Virtualization\".\n\nThat's why we recently launched Docker ([http:\/\/www.docker.io\/](http:\/\/www.docker.io\/)), an Open Source tool enabling anyone to run those Linux Containers very easily. Containers boot 1000x faster than virtual machines; their disk and memory footprint are also much lower; and they work on virtually all current platforms (from physical servers to public cloud instances). We think that they are the future of virtualization, and will soon become ubiquitous.\n\nConvinced? Then fork the repo on github ([https:\/\/github.com\/dotcloud\/docker](https:\/\/github.com\/dotcloud\/docker)) and have a look at the code. Not convinced? Then check the website ([http:\/\/www.docker.io\/](http:\/\/www.docker.io\/)), which contains more details, demos, and screencasts. Excited about this? Then join our engineering team!\n\nYour responsibilities will include:\n\n\\- being a contributor to the Docker project, which means contributing patches, and reviewing and merging pull requests from the community;\n\n\\- working on some server-side applications; participate in product discussions, influence the roadmap, and take ownership and responsibility over new projects to make them happen.\n\nYou can qualify if you...:\n\n\\- can read and write Go code (because docker itself is in Go);\n\n\\- can read and write Python code (because many tools and services built around Docker are in Python);\n\n\\- are familiar with network protocols: the lower layers like IP, TCP, and UDP; and the higher layers like HTTP;\n\n\\- have experience in scaling large applications;\n\n\\- believe that writing unit and functional tests is important.\n\n<\/comment> Flatiron Health, New York\n\nWe're bringing the power of big data to the healthcare industry. Our team is building data processing pipelines, algorithmic and human operated data curation tools, and customer facing data analytics and visualization tools. We're scaling those pipelines to handle the world's oncology data with creative engineering solutions to open-ended oncology data problems.\n\nLook us up: [http:\/\/bit.ly\/1fxnOn4](http:\/\/bit.ly\/1fxnOn4)\n\nor shoot me a note: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Blue Apron (New York, NY): Software Engineer\n\nBlue Apron ([http:\/\/www.blueapron.com](http:\/\/www.blueapron.com)) is an NYC- based startup delivering original recipes and premium, seasonal ingredients needed to prepare them, in exactly the right proportions. We've raised $8M from First Round Capital and Bessemer Venture Partners, among others. Forbes recently named us one of the hottest startups of 2013 [1].\n\nSince launching in late 2012, we're now delivering over 350,000 meals each month nationwide. Our product is growing quickly, and we want to work with talented, passionate individuals that will help us enhance the experience of cooking at home.\n\nOur engineers solve problems for both customers and members of the Blue Apron team. We evaluate, design, and implement new features to provide more enjoyable experiences for our users. We collaborate to understand and overcome unique supply-chain, scheduling, and logistics challenges. We listen to the needs of our internal teams and build tools that bring harmony to complex operational workflows.\n\nOur stack: Ruby on Rails, RSpec, PostgreSQL, HAML, Bootstrap, SASS, JQuery, AJAX, Git, Heroku\n\nAbout you:\n\n\\- You've taken features or products from concept to completion and have experience working with production web applications.\n\n\\- You communicate your ideas clearly, and are capable of designing and implementing complex, scalable solutions.\n\n\\- You want to build software that has impact on the lives of customers and coworkers alike.\n\n\\- You are always learning and are excited at the prospect of mastering new technologies and techniques.\n\n\\- You write tests to improve the quality and reliability of your code.\n\n\\- You help teammates improve when reviewing their work and appreciate feedback when they reciprocate.\n\nThis role comes with health insurance, a flexible vacation policy, and competitive salary and equity. To apply, please submit a short email outlining your experience and why you are interested along with your resume to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n[1] [http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/pictures\/emjl45himd\/blue- apron-4\/](http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/pictures\/emjl45himd\/blue-apron-4\/)\n\n<\/comment> FlightAware - [http:\/\/flightaware.com\/about\/careers\/](http:\/\/flightaware.com\/about\/careers\/) \\- Houston, TX\n\nFlightAware is the world leader in flight tracking; we accomplish this with creativity, innovation, dedication, diligence, and integrity. FlightAware is over eight years old, is self-financed, with millions a year in revenue, but still ambitious and with the hunger of a startup.\n\nRoles we're looking for:\n\n* Web software developer\n\n* Mapping software developer\n\n* Front-end (UI\/UX) developer\n\n* Android developer\n\n* IT Operations Support Technician\n\n<\/comment> Esper (Palo Alto, CA) - Engineer - H1B, FULL-TIME, and INTERN are all welcome \\--- Check us out at [http:\/\/esper.com](http:\/\/esper.com) \\- there's a manifesto there. In short, we make productivity software for executive assistants. We're venture-backed, have a stellar group of engineers (OCaml back-end, JS, iOS, Android front-end), and we're looking for another early engineer to join our small team.\n\nAlso, you get an assistant when you join. :)\n\n<\/comment> Chartbeat is hiring for everything from Support to Data Science to Sales.\n\nWe're a real-time analytics service designed for real-time action used by everyone from The Wall Street Journal to Al Jazeera. We're democratizing data by putting it in the hands of people who need it to make decisions and take action - right now. Just before our 4th birthday we moved into our own sprawling office in Union Square, Manhattan. We are packing it full of incredible talent. Thanks to years of hard work and amazing funding by some of the top investors in the world (Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Index Ventures, and Betaworks) we're growing, and growing quickly.\n\nRead more about us and check out our office [http:\/\/www.themuse.com\/companies\/chartbeat\/office](http:\/\/www.themuse.com\/companies\/chartbeat\/office)\n\n\\<\/comment>-----\n\nFrontend Engineer - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/fe- ads](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/fe-ads)\n\nBackend Engineer - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/be](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/be)\n\nInfrastructure Engineer - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/ie](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/ie)\n\nData Science - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/data- scientist](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/data-scientist)\n\nVisual & Interaction Designer - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/dse](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/dse)\n\nSales Development Rep - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/sdr](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/sdr)\n\nAccount Executive - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/ae](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/ae)\n\nChartcorps - [https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/cc](https:\/\/chartbeat.com\/jobs\/cc)\n\n\\<\/comment>-----\n\nP.S. - We have a puppytorium!\n\n[http:\/\/blog.chartbeat.com\/2013\/06\/26\/from-problem-solving- to...](http:\/\/blog.chartbeat.com\/2013\/06\/26\/from-problem-solving-to- puppytoriums-take-a-gander-at-the-chartbeat-office\/)\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco - Red Hot Labs - [http:\/\/www.redhotlabs.com](http:\/\/www.redhotlabs.com)\n\nWe're on a mission to revolutionize how mobile developers harness their data. Our product, still in beta, functions as the central hub for all the services mobile developers already use. By weaving together the data from these disparate services, we gain a comprehensive view of the app and are uniquely positioned to deliver insights and value back to the developer.\n\nThis isn't our first trip around the block. Our previous startup was acquired by Zynga and our core technology turned into FarmVille and the rest of Zynga's most successful games. It was a wild ride and now we're full steam ahead on a new adventure.\n\nWe're looking for passionate, energetic, highly talented engineers to join our team. By becoming a foundational member of our team you will help shape the direction of our product, company and culture. We're believe in constantly challenging ourselves to learn new things and would love to teach you what we know and learn from you as well.\n\nWe want all members of the team to be full-stack engineers and well-rounded individuals. But, we're especially excited about the following profiles:\n\nSenior Product Engineer: You've built products from concept all the way to maturity. You're as opinionated and influential about product as you are about coding. You're a master at JS\/CSS\/HTML and customer facing technologies. Bonus points if you're on-top of your front-end frameworks like Angular (which we use!), Ember, or Meteor.\n\nSenior Systems Engineer: You've architected and scaled backend systems to millions of users. You've put out every kind of fire and learned a lot in the process. You understand the tradeoffs of different data stores, server architectures, and low-level services.\n\nSenior Data Engineer: You've built models which extract insights or predictions from large, living datasets. You can engage with a dataset in an unfamiliar domain, grasp the dynamics of the system and impress subject area experts with your result.\n\nStupendous Junior Engineer: You don't have years of working experience, but you have handful of mind-blowing personal or school projects. You were among the best students at a top tier engineering university. Your TA's and classmates gush about your code.\n\nDoes this sound like you? Send us an email at: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nOr, learn a little more about us here: [http:\/\/www.redhotlabs.com](http:\/\/www.redhotlabs.com)\n\n<\/comment> Iridescent Learning has two positions open!\n\nDirector of Software Engineering\n\nSoftware Engineer\n\nAmazing organization, flexibility and responsibility to run your own projects, can live anywhere in country (remote), and be a part of a fantastic team of people. We partner with National Geographic, Science Friday, and other science & engineering organizations.\n\nMore details here: [http:\/\/iridescentlearning.org\/get- involved\/jobs\/](http:\/\/iridescentlearning.org\/get-involved\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> My team is looking for version control nerds for some developer tools work. Pittsburgh and NYC are the locations we can do for now. Sadly, I can't go into much detail about the specifics of what we're doing, but we're digging deep into Git and Mercurial, working on building fast servers and some clever features on top of both systems.\n\nMy email is in my profile if you want to know more - experience with the guts of either git or hg is very desirable.\n\n<\/comment> ZTR (London, Canada): both iOS and .Net developers\n\nJoining our growing software development team at ZTR gives you the opportunity to apply your development expertise on solving the complex challenges faced by thousands of businesses worldwide as they look to manage, maintain, and understand their equipment.\n\nMore info: [http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/CompanyJobs\/Job.aspx?j=oIQHXfwW](http:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/CompanyJobs\/Job.aspx?j=oIQHXfwW)\n\n<\/comment> New York, NY -- Codecademy\n\nCodecademy started in Y Combinator in the summer of 2011 and has since reached tens of millions of learners around the world teaching the most important skill of the twenty-first century -- programming. We've profiled a few of our successful users here - codecademy.com\/stories - and we're looking for great people to make millions more.\n\nFind out more - codecademy.com\/jobs or email me, one of the cofounders, at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA | Cancer Therapeutics Innovation Group (CTIG)\n\nHelp cure cancer by building webapps.\n\nAt CTIG, we sequence the DNA of cancer tumors to recommend the right therapy for that tumor's specific DNA mutations. Patients and their oncologists use our analyses to help make decisions about how to treat their cancer. With us, you'd help build the systems that doctors and patients use to access and interpret our results, and work on the systems we use to manage our internal processes.\n\nIt's really important that our users (patients and doctors) be able to understand the results we're giving back to them. So we're looking for someone who can translate our analyses into web pages that are clear, simple, and well-designed. That makes front-end experience and an eye for aesthetics important, but you'll be working on the backend as well.\n\nOur current web apps are built using:\n\n* Scala, with the Play framework\n\n* Python, with Django and Flask\n\n* Javascript, with Angular.js and D3\n\n* HTML\/CSS\/LESS with Bootstrap\n\n* Postgres\n\nIt's great if you're familiar with those, but general web dev skill and the ability to pick up new tools and technologies is more important. Our other systems also use R, and we're experimenting with the Julia language, so if you're looking to work with interesting technology then you'll find kindred spirits here.\n\nCTIG is located in Mission Bay in San Francisco, across the street from the UCSF campus here. We're a very interdisciplinary group, with bioinformaticians and computational biologists from UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and UCSF; biologists from UCSF, and physicians from Harvard Medical School. Some of us have PhDs, some of us have MDs, and some of us are college dropouts; we're not credentialists, but we do have strong backgrounds in our respective fields. It's a small team with 6 programmers, so you'd be a core contributor and you'd help set our technical direction.\n\nWe're very serious about cancer, but pretty laid-back otherwise; office discussions range from the nitty-gritty details of molecular biology and machine learning to re-enactments of South Park episodes.\n\nIf you're interested, email me at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> New York, NY (NYC) - Pivotal Labs\n\nWe're trying to change the way the world builds software. We need more software engineers and designers to help us.\n\nCome work with us and get free breakfast and beer, sane working hours (40 hour weeks) and some stiff ping pong competition.\n\nWe're hiring for our other offices, as well. Check out [http:\/\/www.pivotallabs.com\/careers](http:\/\/www.pivotallabs.com\/careers) and shoot me an email if you have questions.\n\n<\/comment> YP - New York City (and elsewhere)\n\nHiring for multiple roles in our Digital Markets team. (Formerly the startup Sense Networks.) See [http:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/vsearch\/j?locationType=Y&f_C=2583177...](http:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/vsearch\/j?locationType=Y&f_C=2583177&trk=jobs_biz_prem_all_header&rsid=35139191391283789170&openFacets=N,C,L&f_L=us%3A70&orig=FCTD)\n\nHiring for other positions elsewhere as well.\n\n<\/comment> oo oo oo\n\nFeedback Loop - San Francisco, CA - Frontend Engineer\n\nYou know how when you read reviews or testimonials on a businesses' website you don't know whether they're real or fake? We help people trust these reviews by connecting them to social profiles. Our customers write their own loving testimonials about us because testimonials collected and published through our widget get them more sales, leads and partners.\n\nWe're a tiny startup (team of three) but we're founded in Sydney and currently spread across 3 countries doing sales and development. We've won funding from Australian state government and universities and our customers also pay us money.\n\nYou'll be our first SF hire as we're positioning ourselves to grow in the US market in terms of both technical talent, sales and funding (I landed here 7 weeks ago).\n\nIf you join us you'll be helping us: \\- Improve our widget and badges on clients sites to measure and increase conversions. This is fun because your one simple change can help many clients. \\- Improve our setup funnel and flow so that more users activate and use our product \\- Win in the US\n\nSkills\/experience Python\/Django Javascript <\\--- important, please let us know the most challenging js work you've done Responsive css A bit of UX flare CTO attitude\/experience desirable but not required\n\nTo apply go to [http:\/\/www.feedbackloop.io\/jobs](http:\/\/www.feedbackloop.io\/jobs) and hit the apply with linkedin badge (note this is actually a SF position), or email me directly at email@example.com\n\noo oo oo\n\n Hey Sam,\n\nRonald here commenting from Fishburners\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> itBit - New York City - [http:\/\/www.itbit.com](http:\/\/www.itbit.com)\n\nWe want to bring Bitcoin further into the mainstream by providing robust, liquid virtual currency exchange services to retail and institutional clients.\n\nWe're well-funded, VC-backed, and looking to expand our NYC software development team. You would be one of a handful of developers building a trading platform targeting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You'll work with our international team of experts in related financial and compliance fields to enhance our platform.\n\nWe're looking for self-motivated engineers with a strong grasp of computer science fundamentals and a passion for communication as well as coding. Frontend, backend, and full-stack roles are available.\n\nOur current technology stack includes components written in node.js, C#, and C++. While we don't require experience in any particular language, we do ask that all candidates have a thorough understanding of their favorite language and are comfortable working on the command line.\n\nContributions to free and open source software are appreciated but not required. Please include links to Github profiles, project pages, or other public artifacts of your work.\n\nInterested? Send us a note at email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Indianapolis, IN - JacobsParts Inc [https:\/\/www.jacobsparts.com](https:\/\/www.jacobsparts.com)\n\nWe're a small and growing e-commerce company. Since 2006 we've been developing all of our own software. We're an all linux shop and we develop in Python and JS. We're seeking a full time developer. The job offers interesting work and good pay.\n\nFor more information contact me directly: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> thisCLICKS Saint Paul, MN (FULL TIME) [http:\/\/thisclicks.com](http:\/\/thisclicks.com)\n\nthisCLICKS is a mobile and web startup that has reinvented the employee punch clock and staff schedule with our two products: When I Work and WageBase.\n\nOur addressable market is huge. Sixty percent of all workers work hourly jobs, including over 75 million Americans. And we already have international customers.\n\nOur 3,000 customers today have over 200,000 employees. We're expecting to triple our customer base this year. We have already exceeded $1 million in annual revenue and we didn't hire any sales staff to do it.\n\nAfter raising $4 million in our series A fundraising round, we have immediate on-site openings:\n\nANDROID ENGINEER iOS ENGINEER PHP ENGINEER\n\n\\- Do you have experience building solid mobile or web apps? \\- Do you take the time upfront to architect maintainable solutions? \\- Do you balance your work and life, but also spend time growing your skills? \\- Are you ready to upset the human resources industry? \\- Do you rock a ZZ Top beard? (Not required, but you would totally get along with our designer.)\n\nIf this sounds like you, blast your resume to daniel at our domain name, thisclicks dot com.\n\n Copy\/paste error there. It should be three, separate positions: Android, iOS, or PHP.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Magic Pixel Games is looking for programmers in Los Angeles.\n\nWe're a mid-size (18-person) mobile game developer, and we're looking for a network programmer (proficient in C++, C# and Javascript\/node.js)\n\nWe're also looking for Unity programmers.\n\nVisa requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis.\n\nFind out more here: [http:\/\/www.magicpixelgames.com\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.magicpixelgames.com\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> PERQ - Indianapolis, IN - Marketing Technology & Incentivized Promotions\n\nUX\/UI Specialist: [http:\/\/perq.com\/job-post-ui-ux- specialist\/](http:\/\/perq.com\/job-post-ui-ux-specialist\/)\n\nSoftware Engineer: [http:\/\/perq.com\/job-posting-software- engineer\/](http:\/\/perq.com\/job-posting-software-engineer\/)\n\nYou can send your resume directly to me: nkelty [AT] perq [DOT] com\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco ---> Hiring Sales Hackers (No Cold Calling -- Hunting for Deals in the 21st Century)\n\nWhat's a sales hacker? Sales hackers have several personality traits: (1) First and foremost, you get a thrill from \"the hunt\" of selling, (2) you are extremely good at follow-up, (3) you are literate in technology (not necessarily a developer or anything, but you like becoming an advanced user of your tools, whether it's Gmail or Evernote -- and you follow the software industry), (4) you can't help but figure out ways to exploit systems for your gain, and (5) you understand enough about people to relate to them and you are good at asking pointed questions & listening (as well as persuasive pitching when the time is right)\n\n _About Us_\n\nWe are the team behind Mokriya Craigslist. Time, Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Xconomy, and a slew of tech bloggers raved about it. Check it out. [http:\/\/craigslist.mokriya.com\/](http:\/\/craigslist.mokriya.com\/)\n\nWe are a team of engineers, UX designers, and thinkers. We have worked for some of the hottest tech startups in Silicon Valley, including Path, MixPanel, Threadflip, SimpleGeo, SideCar, etc.\n\nGoogle has us on a list of \"best mobile development teams in the country\" so we get calls from them too.\n\n _More Details_\n\nWe are looking for strong people who we can build a team on top of. Our immediate functional need is for Sales Development (ie hunting for qualified leads to send to the closers on the team), but we are building leaders. If you join us now, there will be lots of room for professional and personal growth.\n\nWe have a unique technology stack that will help you automate much of the tedious parts of this job so you can focus on the important part - phone and in-person conversations where you can get to know the prospect.\n\n* No cold calling\n\n* Learn best practices used by the best B2B software sales organizations on the planet (Salesforce, Omniture, etc.)\n\nSend a note to email@example.com (I'll see it, I'm Adam. Sunil & Pranil, the co-founders, will see it also). Say hi, tell us a bit about yourself. We'll be most excited if you can sell yourself in writing.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you!\n\nAdam\n\n801-687-1401\n\n<\/comment> Sumo Logic - Redwood City, CA [http:\/\/www.sumologic.com\/about- sumo\/careers\/](http:\/\/www.sumologic.com\/about-sumo\/careers\/)\n\nMultiple openings for Scala backend devs, JavaScript (Backbone)\/Sass front end devs and SRE engineers.\n\nBacked by substantial VC and with a fast growing customer base, we are leveraging log data to bring machine data intelligence to the cloud.\n\n<\/comment> WePay - we're building the payments API for marketplaces & crowdfunding sites.\n\n\\- Backend Engineer \\- Product Manager \\- Systems Administrator \/ CSO\n\nwepay.com\/jobs\n\n<\/comment> Shirts.io - Indianapolis, IN\n\nShirts.io ([http:\/\/www.shirts.io](http:\/\/www.shirts.io)) is a tech-driven printing company. Our goal is to use technology to make it easier and faster to print t-shirts.\n\nWe are looking for:\n\n* Back-end (Django\/Python) developers\n\n* Front-end developers and designers\n\n* Marketing\/sales associates\n\nYou'll get a competitive salary and unlimited t-shirts. To apply, send an email to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Benzinga is looking for a Django developer, a front end dev, and a Drupal dev either REMOTE or local full-time in Detroit, MI.\n\nWe're a financial media company, a poor man's - lest we say everyday man's - Bloomberg competitor, and a financial product SaaS all forged together into a powerful trident that is attacking the high seas of Wall Street in a relentless pursuit of transparency.\n\nAnd conquer we shall! We've grown 100% quarter over quarter all last year. Our team has surged to 30+ people and the waves of revenue washed together to form a rushing roar with just one of our products going from nothing to $100k\/month in just 9 months.\n\nBeing a media company we find our way into all kinds of cool stuff. Our office is furnished with things like a $3000 high-end bed that was sent to us to review. We got to talk to and get pictures with Warren Buffett and Lloyd Blankfein (CEO of Goldman Sachs) when they came to Detroit last week.\n\nBut, you interject, finance is one of the toughest startup seas to sail upon! The old boys club runs an ironclad ship with no visible decks for boarding. Avast! We've built a battering ram of a business in just a few short years that has pummeled its way deep into the heart of Wall Street. Old Ironsides has warmed itself to Benzinga and once a taste the thirst cannot be quenched.\n\nWe've recently became Microsoft's premier finance partner alongside 3 other companies, all worth over a billion dollars and established for years. As of this Christmas season we will be installed by default on 500 million desktops and tablets via Windows 8 Finance. No download necessary. That's right mateys, we're in the source code.\n\nAnd if you happen to trade or invest yourself you'll find us inside almost all of the major brokerages in the US.\n\nSo, where do you fit in this rigging, you swashbuckling scalawag? Well, our team is crazy ambitious, motivated, and experienced with shaking shit up. If you know your tech, and want on deck this is the place to do it. Your exact technical background and language of choice doesn't matter as much as your motivation and your ability to adapt quickly. We are a young team and we're especially looking for sailors who've got some salt in their whiskers who can help us scale from millions to hundreds of millions.\n\nWhy be a ninja when you can be a pirate? This ship is forging a new course, send an email to email@example.com to board!\n\n<\/comment> Zipmark -- NYC(HQ) & Remote -- [https:\/\/zipmark.com](https:\/\/zipmark.com)\n\nWe are looking for awesome people to come work with us and help build the next great alternative payment network. Zipmark is a mobile and online payments company that enables people and businesses to pay each other using their real bank accounts through the digital checking infrastructure. You can read more about our business in this recent Entrepreneur Mag article ([http:\/\/www.entrepreneur.com\/article\/227979](http:\/\/www.entrepreneur.com\/article\/227979))\n\nCome help us solve problems like:\n\n* building the safest and fastest way to make or receive payments via checking account\n\n* operationalizing and automating remaining manual processes to help manage our growth\n\n* protecting our customers and company from financial and security risks\n\n* increasing organizational transparency and fostering open communication\n\n* building and supporting official API client libraries in languages we don't use everyday\n\n* supporting and troubleshooting with customers who are integrating with just about every other language\/platform\n\nUsing tools like:\n\n* ember.js\n\n* Ruby\/Rails\n\n* Objective-C for our iPhone app\n\n* postgresql, redis and memcached\n\n* cloud and bare metal infrastructure\n\nWhile learning and creating expertise around:\n\n* advanced cryptography\n\n* web and\/or mobile application security, threat modeling and pentesting\n\n* risk analytics\n\n* identity validation\n\nYou should care about creating and improving operational processes that contribute to high quality, low defect software, and you should want to learn more about and become an expert in automated testing, continuous integration, and monitoring everything. However, you still want to work with an organization that is agile enough to respond to change quickly when it is warranted.\n\nIf any of this sounds interesting, we would love to meet you. We offer a generous salary + benefits package, with the ability to offer generous equity grants for the right teammates.\n\nEmail a cover letter and requisite info about yourself to: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> SimpleEnergy in Boulder Colorado is hiring for a number of positions both on our engineering team and other departments.\n\n* Django\/Python positions for our application team. * Front-End\/EmberJs developer. * Dev-Ops * Automation Engineers\n\nMore at [http:\/\/simpleenergy.com\/company\/#jobs](http:\/\/simpleenergy.com\/company\/#jobs)\n\n<\/comment> theScore - [http:\/\/mobile.thescore.com\/](http:\/\/mobile.thescore.com\/) \\- Toronto, ON, Canada\n\nWe're looking for backend developers. Right now we're focused on ruby and python, but looking to get into other languages (see this speakerdeck[0] for all the technologies we work with, given by one of our devops guys).\n\nCurrently we have 4.8 million users -- about 50% more than we had last year at this time. We send over a billion push messages a year... lots of cool things going on here, in other words!\n\nIf you like sports, this place is great. Not a big deal if you don't, though.\n\nLots of perks:\n\n* foosball (we have a league and it's serious)\n\n* ping pong\n\n* PS4 (FIFA and NBA2K are popular)\n\n* Wii (Mario Kart Double Dash is the go-to game)\n\n* various computer games (CS:GO, TF2)\n\n* outdoor deck with bbq\n\n* free snacks\n\n* free drinks\n\n* espresso\/coffee machine\n\n* top-of-the-line macbook pro with cinema display\n\nAny other questions? Contact me (below) or reply to this and I'll try to fill you in on more details.\n\nInterested? Email me (firstname.lastname@example.com), tweet me [1]@Nitrodist, or connect with me on [2]LinkedIn!\n\n[0] [[https:\/\/speakerdeck.com\/lreeves\/scaling-applications-at- thes...](https:\/\/speakerdeck.com\/lreeves\/scaling-applications-at-thescore- using-aws)]\n\n[1] [https:\/\/twitter.com\/Nitrodist\/](https:\/\/twitter.com\/Nitrodist\/)\n\n[2] [http:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/pub\/mark- campbell\/33\/856\/818](http:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/pub\/mark-campbell\/33\/856\/818)\n\n<\/comment> Twenty Digital - New York, NY\n\nWe are a recruitment firm, focused solely in NYC's startup, digital & tech space. We strategically support businesses at various stages of development, from inception through late series funding, to pre & post-IPO.\n\nAs many organizations in this space are competing for the best engineering talent, we help to accurately represent both company and opportunity to the potential candidate. We are flexible to our client's needs, taking on as much of the process as requested, including pre-screening and meeting each candidate before presentation.\n\nSome of our current positions include:\n\n-Senior Python Developer (Python Expert) - Post Series A Funded Startup with a Unique Networking Platform\n\n-Front-End Engineer (Heavy Javascript) - Post Series A Funded Startup with a Unique Networking Platform\n\n-Tech Lead\/Senior Engineer (Java & PHP) - Disruptive E-Commerce Business, Post Series B Funded\n\n-Lead Front End Engineer (Heavy Javascript) - Series A Funded B2C Startup\n\n-Development Manager (Strong Python) - Series B Funded SaaS Startup\n\n-Front End Tech Lead (Raw Javascript) - Series B Funded SaaS Startup\n\n-Engineering Manager (Java, Struts & Project Mgmt) - SaaS product in the Entertainment space\n\n-Back End Engineer (Scala) - Mobile Web Platform, Seed Funded\n\n-Senior Front End Engineer (Javascript) - Mobile Web Platform, Seed Funded\n\n-DevOps Engineer \u2013 Startup E-Commerce\n\n-QA Lead (Manual & Automation) \u2013 Startup E-Commerce\n\n-Lead Front End Engineer (HTML5, CSS3, JS) \u2013 Startup E-Commerce\n\n-Back End Lead Engineer (Python) \u2013 Startup E-Commerce\n\n-Lead Android Engineer (1st Android Hire) \u2013 Peter Thiel-backed, Series A Funded\n\n-Mobile Engineering Manager (Android or iOS) \u2013 E-Commerce, Series E+ Funded\n\n-iOS Engineer \u2013 E-Commerce, Series E+ Funded\n\nPlease get in touch to understand how we can be a resource to you, as well as to learn further details on these opportunities. We offer a seamless recruitment experience, unlike any other in the startup space. We will provide full company and role description, verbally. In addition, we have met all of our clients, so truly understand the environment and culture.\n\nemail: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> iPLATO Healthcare, London, UK ([http:\/\/www.iplato.net](http:\/\/www.iplato.net))\n\nWe are working on revolutionising the patient healthcare mobile experience in the UK (a market we already lead in) by furthering the healthcare available on the patient's terms.\n\nIf you like solving hard problems and love the feel of a start up then join us.\n\nYou will be working on the highest throughput mobile patient interaction platform, improving on great mobile UX and helping to make the use of the NHS a great experience.\n\nWe are looking for:\n\nSystem engineers with experience of Cisco IOS\/NX-OS, VMWare\/Openstack, chef\/puppet\/salt, nagios\/icinga, GNU\/Linux\n\nSoftware engineers with great imperative and functional programming skills in a high throughput middleware world\n\nFront end engineers for mobile platforms\n\nExperience in the NHS or with supervised statistical classification being a distinct advantage.\n\nPlease contact me to discuss any of the above: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> The Climate Corporation (San Francisco, Seattle, INTERN\/H1B) - [http:\/\/climate.com\/careers](http:\/\/climate.com\/careers)\n\nThe Climate Corporation's mission is to help all the world's people and businesses manage and adapt to climate change. We use a combination of weather monitoring, agronomic modeling, and weather simulation to provide real-time pricing and purchasing of customizable weather insurance to farmers in the United States.\n\nClimate's technical staff numbers around 80, and we're hiring full-time employees and interns across many teams as we expand efforts on a new class of decision support tools for growers. Work is split across groups focusing on web applications for farmers and agents, risk and insurance policy management, internal platform and data services, and scientific modeling and research, with roles for:\n\n1\\. Software engineering generalists with solid CS fundamentals, particularly anyone interested in building (i) entirely new, large-scale distributed data services for scientific computing (we use Clojure); and (ii) web applications (Rails, Python, Javascript, and iOS) used by farmers to manage weather risk.\n\n2\\. Quantitative researchers in statistics\/ML, stochastic optimization, remote sensing, atmospheric physics, and agronomics. Our goal is to forecast statistical distributions of crop yield for any piece of arable land, synthesizing satellite images, digital elevation models, weather data, agricultural statistics, and geological surveys into multiscale models that underly our data services.\n\n3\\. Experienced technical team leads, operations engineers, product managers, and designers to pull all this together into a compelling product.\n\nThe scale and interdiscplinary nature of the work drive a lot of cross- collaboration within the company, supported by a pressing need to build durable solutions to some very important problems.\n\nCompetitive salary, excellent benefits, stock options, etc. Our 25% time is lumped into two-week sabbaticals. The usual details about these positions are here: [https:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j?bj=o7B8Wfww&s=hackernews](https:\/\/hire.jobvite.com\/j?bj=o7B8Wfww&s=hackernews)\n\nI write Clojure for a small scientific software engineering team building Climate's agricultural yield models. If you're interested or have any questions, send me an email at email@example.com with [feb2014-hn] in the subject heading.\n\n<\/comment> Village Defense (Atlanta, GA)\n\nWe have part-time\/full time spots open for web development as part of our real-time communication system that helps neighbors connect and share information with each other.\n\nYou can learn more here: [http:\/\/villagedefense.com\/jobs](http:\/\/villagedefense.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Raleigh, NC\n\n\\---\n\nRed Hat, Inc is looking to hire Ruby\/AngularJS engineers. Must have some experience with Ruby or AngularJS. Benefits are solid and the pay is competitive. Also, the hours are flexible and you get to work remotely (at least part time). Send me an email if you're interested at my username at red hat dot com.\n\n<\/comment> On-site only. Small, lean, highly successful software company (more than 20 years old). Lots of positions available!\n\n\\- Analysts \\- Developers(application, internal, and UI) \\- DBA \\- Network Engineer\n\n[https:\/\/www.moneyguidepro.com\/careers\/](https:\/\/www.moneyguidepro.com\/careers\/)\n\n<\/comment> Cardflight is a funded start up wants to hire a software engineer. Ideally with some Java\/Android experience.\n\nYou can find more info here [https:\/\/getcardflight.com\/careers](https:\/\/getcardflight.com\/careers) Also feel free to email us: firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n The company is based in NYC - New York\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're open to meeting potential INTERNs, but this job requires a full-time on- site (not REMOTE) commitment. We have no experience with H1B, but would be open to it for the right person. Cutting to the chase:\n\nBAGGU (baggu.com) is looking for a well-rounded developer to help us continue to build web-based software tools at our studio in San Francisco.\n\nIt may seem out of place on HN since we're not VC funded, and we make physical products \u2014 but technology has been a big part of BAGGU since the beginning. Our website, content management and ordering systems are developed internally. There is a constant dialogue between designers and developers. We build things that suit our needs, and solve problems quickly. Product design, graphic design, photography and interactive all happen in-house. We are a small, close-knit team. It's a fun and collaborative environment.\n\nOur stack is composed of Node.js, Redis and CouchDB on the backend, with Backbone, JQuery and Less (compiled and minified, of course) on the client. Most of our JavaScript is written in CoffeeScript. We use Git and are deployed on Amazon infrastructure. We love building things from scratch, and we'd love to find someone who could lead us toward releasing our tools as open source.\n\nFamiliarity with components of our stack is important, but most important is that you are disciplined, self-motivated, and fit well into a collaborative creative environment. We're happy to take on someone technically adept who can learn quickly. You don't need a CS degree, but you need to both eagerly solve problems that are thrown at you and lead the development of larger projects.\n\nTo give you a feel for it, these are some examples of things you could be working on: \\- You figure out that ordering system doesn't seem to be consuming orders via Redis fast enough. Time to get in there and figure out why. \\- It would be convenient if wholesale customers had a portal they could use to process payment. Lay out a roadmap for making this happen, then impliment. \\- View rendering on the client is sometimes too slow. Explore some options for server-sided rendering with some quick mock-ups so we can evaluate a timeframe for making it happen.\n\nWe are a small business that values a healthy work life balance. There's plenty to do, but we prefer to get it done at a consistent pace. No weekends and very rare late nights.\n\nQualified applicants will submit a CV and cover letter that detail their relevant experience and related projects. Get in touch with email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> MedTech Exchange - Atlanta, GA\n\nWe are a new company who is looking to eliminate the inefficiencies in implant surgeries. Help us make medicine better.\n\nWe are looking for a talented front-end developer with experience in:\n\n* Bootstrap\n\n* jQuery\n\n* Less\/CSS\n\n* HTML5\n\n* Responsive design\n\n* UX design\n\nThis position will be a ground-level opportunity to design and implement the look and feel of an important web application.\n\nInterested? firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> New York City -- Grasshopper NYC looking for business co-founder for interactive game table venture\n\nAs part of our mission to revitalize face-to-face play for the 21st century, Grasshopper NYC has created a beautiful interactive game table that has potential as a standalone product and business. We are now looking for a business co-founder and leader to unlock this potential.\n\nWe're looking for someone who knows the relevant entertainment markets (including both traditional at-home game consoles and the out-of-home entertainment market); is skilled at business and strategic planning; has experience getting integrated hardware\/software products to wide distribution; can get us the right industry partners; can lead fundraising as needed; has executive management potential; and is generally a excellent person who is fun and inspiring to work with.\n\nOur game table is being featured this month at IndieCade East, the annual independent games festival, at New York's Museum of the Moving Image. We think it's both gorgeous and ergonomically unique, comfortably sitting up to 6 players with plenty of leg room. (Design has been led by a cutting-edge architecture firm headed by MIT\/Harvard architecture professors.) Technically, it's a smart combination of open-source and proprietary software, including our own game framework built on Unity3D. (The core table engineering was led by an MIT Media Lab expert in multi-touch tables.) Unlike many interactive tables, it's cool and smooth to the touch and is seamless and spill-proof; having a cocktail or beer at the table is encouraged by design. We already have around a dozen games working on the table -- ranging in stage from alpha to polished, some our own, some from third-parties indie game developers.\n\nIn short, we think we've created a special product that enables a unique and wonderful face-to-face game experience -- bringing the best of digital technology into a fully present, truly social interaction. Now we're looking for a co-founder to turn an exceptional product into an exceptional business.\n\nAdditional background: the founder and creative director of Grasshopper NYC is an MIT engineer with a track record of product and business innovation in new media, including high-level executive positions in business news and as as a product management director at Google. A blog post in Gamasutra, a leading games industry website, noted that Grasshopper NYC is being talked about as \"the coolest thing happening in the New York game industry at the moment.\"\n\nInterested? Email Ien Cheng at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Idaho (remote or on-site)\n\n \n \n KickBack Rewards Systems\n http:\/\/www.kickbacksystems.com\n http:\/\/careers.kickbacksystems.com\n \n\nI'm a senior manager at KRS. We're a bootstrapped and profitable start-up. We're building a nation-wide coalition loyalty program and already have thousands of clients and thousands of locations on the program. Our clients include a half-dozen Fortune 50 companies - one that is an anchor partner in our coalition loyalty program. As the Director of Software Development I need some help! You will be joining a medium sized team of 11 developers. If you are interested in any of these positions my contact information is under my profile.\n\nData Scientist\n\nWe are looking for a world-class data scientist to get in to the minds of our customers. Your job will be to analyze our \"large\" data-sets, identify patterns, determine consumer sentiment and provide them with incredible offer. Looking for someone with extensive programming and modeling experience using the Hadoop ecosystem. At KickBack you will research and implement new scalable learning algorithms and data mining techniques including sequential data models, variable discretization, feature extraction, selection, and construction. Machine learning a plus. We're looking for an expert someone we would consider a \"game changer\" and are paying accordingly.\n\nBack-end Developer\n\nWe're looking for a pro that can create scalable back-ends. Message queues, concurrency and fault tolerance should be second-nature to you.\n\nFront-end Developer\n\nWe're looking for an expert in Angular whom can pair with our aforementioned world-class back-end developer. Heck, if you aren't an angular pro, anyone with amazing front-end skills will do, you can pick-up our framework or suggest a better one as you work in to the role. UX skills a plus. Like any start-up, we're big on usability.\n\nMobile Developer\n\nWe're looking for two mobile developers. We have a specific vision for our mobile platform and have already moved past html5 interfaces to native applications to improve performance.\n\nDevOps\n\n(Multiple positions) We're looking for a Hadoop cluster administrator and an overall DevOps engineer proficient in Chef, Celery, Message Queues, Networking, BGP AnyCast, etc. We'll always train the right candidate so junior developers and candidates fresh out of a university are welcome to apply. Thanks!\n\n<\/comment> NGP VAN - Washington, DC or Boston, MA - Senior and Mid-Level Developers, QA Engineers, Interns\n\nNGP VAN ([https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp-van](https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp- van)) is the world's leading political technology firm, providing campaign and organizing technology to Democrats, progressives, and non-partisan organizations. We offer an integrated platform that combines the best fundraising, compliance, organizing, and new media products available.\n\nWe are a rapidly growing company that built the voter contact and volunteer management tools used by Obama for America. Nearly every State Democratic Party in the country distributes our VoteBuilder tools to Democrats up and down the ticket, and we provide industry-leading organizing tools for labor unions, environmental groups, pro-choice advocates, civil rights activists, and international political parties across the world. Our fundraising and compliance software is used by the vast majority of Democratic candidates from the Presidential level on down, and our fast-growing new media platform has recently become the most-used platform by Democratic campaigns as well.\n\nWe have a couple of positions open in Boston and DC for developers - our stack is mostly ASP.NET MVC \/ EF, but we have several node apps and are also using angular pretty heavily in new development. We're open to summer interns, mid- level developers, and senior developer.\n\nThe positions offers competitive compensation and a strong benefits package. NGP VAN prides itself on being a progressive and open-minded workplace; we have a fun and relaxed company culture, including blowing off steam on a softball field, drinking in the office on Fridays, enjoying periodic company retreats to warm places with beaches, and casual Friday every day.\n\nSome relevant links:\n\nJob Postings: [http:\/\/www.ngpvan.com\/about\/jobs\/senior- developer-0](http:\/\/www.ngpvan.com\/about\/jobs\/senior-developer-0) [http:\/\/www.ngpvan.com\/about\/jobs\/development- intern](http:\/\/www.ngpvan.com\/about\/jobs\/development-intern) [http:\/\/www.ngpvan.com\/about\/jobs\/qa-automation- engineer-0](http:\/\/www.ngpvan.com\/about\/jobs\/qa-automation-engineer-0)\n\nCoderwall: [https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp- van](https:\/\/coderwall.com\/team\/ngp-van)\n\nHit me up at dmiller at ngpvan dot com if you have any questions!\n\n<\/comment> Groupon (Palo Alto, CA)\n\nWe're looking for full stack web developers!\n\nJob Listing: [https:\/\/jobs.groupon.com\/careers\/engineering\/software- engine...](https:\/\/jobs.groupon.com\/careers\/engineering\/software-engineer- goods-palo-alto-ca-united-states-6281\/)\n\n<\/comment> Chicago, IL - Federis Group\n\nWe're a small software consultancy looking for front end and full stack engineers. Rails and\/or mobile experience a plus, but not strictly required. Our team is based in Chicago, but we're open to remote as well.\n\nEmail: email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco, CA Covered, Inc.\n\nPersonalized Consumer Health Tech:\n\n[http:\/\/www.gocovered.com\/#\/jobs](http:\/\/www.gocovered.com\/#\/jobs)\n\nSr. Software Engineer: Scala + REST API, Rich Data Engineer: Python + DB Ninja, Lead Designer, Digital Marketing Manager\n\n<\/comment> Remote \/ Tel Aviv - Fun or die ltd\n\nWe are building a new way to interact with tv, we are well funded and have successfully launched our first project.\n\nThe team consist of two swedes and two israelis.\n\n* UX\/UI designer, someone that is passionate about tv and in the long run transforming tv.\n\n<\/comment> London, UK\n\nWe're hiring Visual and UX designers to work on Ubuntu Touch. It's an exciting opportunity to work on a mobile operating system.\n\nPurely mobile\/tablet design. Perm and freelance. Must be based in London.\n\nDrop me a line with your portfolio at email@example.com\n\nThanks!\n\n<\/comment> Oxford Circus, London, UK - Ocean Labs.\n\nOcean Labs is a small product focused startup working on interesting mobile and web applications.\n\nWe're looking for a permanent Python + Django developer to join our little team of 7, get in touch in interested.\n\n<\/comment> Wikia - Poznan, Poland - Web Developer and more - H1B [polish alternative]\n\nWikia is a top 35 global site recognized for leading the Post-Editorial World (translation: known for giving knowledgeable and passionate citizens the power of voice and creative expression to rival the likes of traditional media). We're on a world-wide hunt for bright, creative and determined professionals to join our team and accelerate our growth.\n\nOpen positions:\n\nLead Software Engineer - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Lead_Software_Engineer](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Lead_Software_Engineer)\n\nAdvertising Software Engineer - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Advertising_Software_Engineer](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Advertising_Software_Engineer)\n\nMobile Web Developer - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Mobile_Web_Developer](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Mobile_Web_Developer)\n\nFront-end Developer - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Hiring\/Front- end_Developer(Poznan)](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Hiring\/Front- end_Developer\\(Poznan\\))\n\nWeb Developer - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Application_Engineer_(Poznan)](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Application_Engineer_\\(Poznan\\))\n\nKnowledge Software Engineer - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Knowledge_Engineer_(Poznan)](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Knowledge_Engineer_\\(Poznan\\))\n\nProject Manager - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Project_Manager](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/Project_Manager)\n\nMySQL DBA - [http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/MySQL_DBA](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers\/MySQL_DBA)\n\nI work here as an iOS developer, the time is flexible, we use JIRA for tasks, github for code - everything is open source [http:\/\/github.com\/Wikia](http:\/\/github.com\/Wikia), so you can even checkout the code. The guys are awesome and smart, we have a fussball table and a pool table in the office, also free snacks and drinks.\n\n[http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers](http:\/\/www.wikia.com\/Careers) \\- career page; all the job descriptions in detail and salaries.\n\nIf you want to apply, chat about the job, or ask any questions: alistra@wikia- inc.com, please attach CV or github.\n\n<\/comment> Homejoy San Francisco, CA\n\nWe're looking for Engineers, Operations and BD people to join our growing team!\n\nCheck us out: [https:\/\/www.homejoy.com\/job- listings](https:\/\/www.homejoy.com\/job-listings)\n\n<\/comment> mPATH in Palo Alto or San Francisco. We're building something that hasn't been done before. This well-funded seed stage startup was started in August by two C-level Salesforce execs. Our CTO comes from Square, where he lead platform engineering.\n\nWe have an immense amount of customer traction for a stealth startup. We're looking for Ruby or Python web app engineers, product designers, Java-based service layer engineering, iOS and Android engineers.\n\n[http:\/\/mpath.com\/#careers](http:\/\/mpath.com\/#careers)\n\n<\/comment> Entelo - San Francisco (SOMA), CA - Full-time - [http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/](http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/)\n\nEntelo helps companies build great teams by allowing recruiters to search for the most talented people across the web. With over 300 million social profiles in its database, powerful search to surface relevant candidates and patent- pending technology to help discover candidates who may be open to new opportunities. Our easy-to-use collaborative tools help streamline the recruiting process and allow recruiters to spend time more effectively and efficiently.\n\nOur team is small, but growing so you'll play an integral role in building something meaningful. We work hard while respecting that our colleagues have well-rounded lives, and we strive for a diverse, welcoming, and respectful environment. We have over 100 customers including Box, Yelp, Square, ESPN and Groupon and announced our series A round of funding last summer [http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/06\/19\/entelo-the-big-data- recruit...](http:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2013\/06\/19\/entelo-the-big-data-recruiting- platform-used-by-box-yelp-and-square-lands-3-5m-from-battery-and-menlo\/)\n\nSome of our perks include $300 headphone allowance, 100% coverage of employee health care premiums, 1:1 matching for donations to non-profits, and catered lunches.\n\nCurrent openings:\n\nMarketing: [http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/marketing\/content_marketing_ma...](http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/marketing\/content_marketing_manager)\n\nEngineering (Data): [http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/engineering\/data_engineer](http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/engineering\/data_engineer)\n\nEngineering (Full-Stack): [http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/engineering\/full_stack](http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/engineering\/full_stack)\n\nSales: [http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/sales\/inside_account_executive](http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/sales\/inside_account_executive)\n\nCustomer Success: [http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/customer_success\/director](http:\/\/www.entelo.com\/careers\/customer_success\/director)\n\nWe're in a beautiful open office in SOMA right across from the 4th and King Cal-Train station and near AT&T Park.\n\nI'm the founder and you can email me directly at jon at entelo dot com or call me at 310-351-7275.\n\n<\/comment> Enigma (New York, NY) [http:\/\/enigma.io](http:\/\/enigma.io)\n\nBig Public Data\n\n[http:\/\/enigma.io\/about\/jobs\/](http:\/\/enigma.io\/about\/jobs\/)\n\n<\/comment> Nitrous.IO - Mountain View, CA\n\nFull stack engineers \/ Platform & Ops \/ Sys Admins \/ Product Design\n\n[https:\/\/www.nitrous.io\/jobs](https:\/\/www.nitrous.io\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> RJMetrics in Philadelphia devs, marketing, sales [http:\/\/rjmetrics.com\/jobs?source=bgarvey](http:\/\/rjmetrics.com\/jobs?source=bgarvey)\n\n<\/comment> SF - ([http:\/\/www.grammarly.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.grammarly.com\/jobs))\n\n\\- Sr. Backend Engineer\n\n\\- Sr. NLP Developer\n\n\\- Lead DevOps Engineer\n\n\\- Director of Product Marketing\n\n\\- Product Marketing Manager\n\n\\- Public Relations Coordinator\n\n<\/comment> Austin, TX (internships possible)\n\nCompare Metrics, Inc, is a BigData start-up revolutionizing consumer decision making.\n\nLooking for Sr. Node.JS developers in the Austin area.\n\nemail your resume to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> HUGE number of companies looking for entry level talent \/ interns. See [http:\/\/collegefeed.com](http:\/\/collegefeed.com)\n\n<\/comment> Webflow is hiring. Incredible team and product: [http:\/\/jobs.webflow.com\/](http:\/\/jobs.webflow.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Barcelona, Spain - Odigeo.\n\nOdigeo is the company running the travel sites Opodo, GoVoyages, Liligo, eDreams.\n\nWe're looking for a senior sysadmin, ping me if interested!\n\n Hey toots. It's difficult to ping you without an email address (your HN email addy isn't made public by default)... :)\n\n fixed, thanks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Back-end web developer - Cambridge\/Boston or New York City strongly preferred - PersonalGenomes.org 501(c)(3) \/ Open Humans (openhumans.org)\n\nAs the Senior Software Engineer at PersonalGenomes.org you will work on the Open Humans Network, a project that aims to help people aggregate and share their health and trait data to advance scientific, educational and humanitarian causes.\n\nOur model for this initiative is the work we've done on the Harvard Personal Genome Project (PGP), which has over 3,000 volunteers publicly sharing extensive biological and trait data, including hundreds of whole genomes, exomes, and genotyping data sets, over 1,000 health records, microbiome datasets from various bodily habitats, device data, brain imaging, etc. This combination of a highly informed and engaged community of volunteers and their contributions of extremely rich biological and health data, along with a network of collaboration-minded researchers, is an incredibly powerful scientific and educational resource that is unrivaled elsewhere. We will build on this momentum with this exciting new initiative that will transform participatory research and advance human health.\n\nOur current hiring position is focusing on someone with back-end web development skills, as we have plans to work with a design firm for initial front-end work. Because we plan to develop open source software used by researchers, we believe Python (which many scientists use) is generally preferred.\n\nWe're looking for someone who...\n\n\\-- Is interested in building and managing a full-stack website. As the Senior Software Engineer, your expertise will be an important factor in decisions about what kind of technology is used and how it's deployed.\n\n\\-- Has used multiple programming languages to build production systems (e.g. Python, JavaScript, Ruby).\n\n\\-- Is experienced with back-end web development (e.g. Rails or Django).\n\n\\-- Is comfortable managing Unix servers, cloud-based services and has opinions about how to store and disseminate large datasets (currently around 50TB total, although we would start with managing <10GB).\n\n\\-- Works well in a small team of developers and scientists.\n\n\\-- Loves science, participatory research, and free\/open source ideals.\n\n\\-- Believes in our mission!\n\nAbout PersonalGenomes.org: PersonalGenomes.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to generate, aggregate and interpret human biological and trait data on an unprecedented scale. PersonalGenome.org's mission is to make a wide spectrum of data about humans accessible to increase biological literacy and improve human health. Its efforts are informed by values encouraging greater transparency and collaboration between researchers and participants. The organization supports the Personal Genome Project (PGP) global network. The first PGP research study was founded at Harvard Medical School in 2005, and PGP sites now exist at leading institutions in four countries. We also produce the annual Genomes, Environments and Traits (GET) Conference. More information is available at www.personalgenomes.org\n\nAbout Open Humans: We have years of practical experience, thousands of participants, and diverse data sets accrued. What we need now is an experienced developer to help us build a site for participants and researchers to manage and publicly share this data. Think of this as a nonprofit startup project!\n\nRead more about Open Humans at [http:\/\/openhumans.org](http:\/\/openhumans.org) and apply for the position by contacting us: Jason Bobe (email@example.com) and Madeleine Ball (email@example.com)\n\n<\/comment> Remote (USA) or Bay Area\n\nKato - [https:\/\/kato.im](https:\/\/kato.im)\n\n* Visual designer\n\n* Writer - marketing, technical, copy, blog, etc.\n\nFull-time + benefits.\n\nemail@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Tophatter - Palo Alto, CA\n\n[http:\/\/www.tophatter.com\/jobs](http:\/\/www.tophatter.com\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Palantir is hiring Infrastructure Quality Engineers in Palo Alto, CA.\n\nPalantir Infrastructure Quality Engineers work on cross-functional product teams to ensure a successful, high quality product release. We are looking for energetic, highly motivated, and detail-oriented engineers with strong software skills to fill this role. As an Infrastructure Quality Engineer at Palantir, you will play a critical role in defining Palantir's world-class information analysis platform. You will accomplish this by drawing on your superb engineering ability to solve complex software problems. You will figure out how to assess the server architecture of each release of Palantir's platform to ensure that it operates flawlessly. You will be responsible for designing software tests based both on expected uses and functional requirements; validating functionality; finding, filing, verifying, and solving issues and defects; and providing extensive input to the software development process. This is an opportunity to join a fast growing start-up and be a critical member on cross-functional product teams building disruptive technology.\n\nResponsibilities\n\nReview and critique software specifications Design and execute test cases using functional requirements Develop scripts to automate and validate functionality Find and file defects; verify fixed deficiencies Debug software\/server issues Write scripts to generate large data sets for scale testing Maintain and administer robust enterprise software deployments Work with developers to ensure a successful, high-quality release Requirements\n\nBS\/MS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, or equivalent Double major in Finance, Mathematics, or Physics is a plus Strong experience with Linux; specifically, the ability to diagnose software issues on a server environment Strong shell scripting, Python or Perl Firm grasp of back-end QA methodologies with a focus on scale performance Oracle, Postgres and\/or other (SQL) database knowledge Systems administration experience highly desired Ability to work in a fast-moving environment with ad-hoc objectives Excellent teamwork, independent decision making, and written\/verbal communication skills Analytical thinking, creative problem solving, trouble shooting, and attention-to-detail a must\n\n[http:\/\/www.palantir.com\/careers\/OpenPosDetail?id=a0m80000000...](http:\/\/www.palantir.com\/careers\/OpenPosDetail?id=a0m80000000jNlvAAE)\n\n<\/comment> Bitovi - Remote (N. America preferred) - [http:\/\/bitovi.com](http:\/\/bitovi.com)\n\nWe are simplifying JavaScript development. We build amazing web apps, the right way. After years of solving complex front-end engineering problems, we know what works and what doesn't. We've baked that experience into our tools, consulting, and training.\n\nWe're a team of 20 developers (and designers) located around the US, Canada, and Croatia. This is a remote position, but due to travel requirements, we have a strong preference for North American-based developers.\n\nYOU\n\nWe're looking for passionate JavaScript developers who who enjoys identifying the hard parts of application development and simplifying them, talking about software architecture, and teaching others. We also want someone who can lead others and be an integral part of a team, but can also hang out with the dev team after the workday.\n\nThe following attributes are major positives, but not all hard requirements:\n\n\\- Some experience contributing to or at least using open source\n\n\\- Doesn't mind a bit of travel, averaging one week per month\n\n\\- Has strong opinions about the right way to develop\n\n\\- Has a lot of JavaScript experience\n\n\\- Has some full stack experience (backend and DB)\n\nTHE JOB\n\nAs soon as you begin, we'll train you to become an expert in JavaScript application design, frontend architecture, and our JavaScriptMVC stack of tools. You'll work with clients creating applications, designing and discussing architectures, reviewing code, and researching new front-end technologies.\n\nIn addition to client work, you'll have the opportunity to shape a small and growing company by applying your talent and passion towards an area of interest. Bitovi developers:\n\n\\- Speak at conferences\n\n\\- Give trainings\n\n\\- Run meetups\n\n\\- Maintain open source projects\n\n\\- Write articles\n\nBENEFITS\n\n\\- Competitive salary and yearly bonuses\n\n\\- Bi-annual company retreats (previously in Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Amelia Island)\n\n\\- 401(k) plan with matching\n\n\\- 4 weeks paid vacation\n\n\\- Health and dental insurance\n\n\\- Gym membership reimbursement\n\n\\- Maternity\/paternity leave\n\n\\- Work from home\n\nTo apply, send your resume and an introduction that shows us that you are the kind of person we cannot live without to email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> stempremier.com\n\nback-end dev. java\/scala. play framework. charleston, sc\n\n[http:\/\/www.indeed.com\/cmp\/STEM-Premier\/jobs\/Web- Application-...](http:\/\/www.indeed.com\/cmp\/STEM-Premier\/jobs\/Web-Application- Developer-9b5741d656b862fa)\n\n<\/comment> Intercom ([https:\/\/www.intercom.io\/](https:\/\/www.intercom.io\/)).\n\nIntercom is a simple, personal messaging service for businesses and their customers. Used for marketing, sales, support and product, Intercom is the easiest way to reach your customers.\n\nOur mission is to make web business personal. We believe that the future of customer communication requires not increasingly complex, impersonal point solutions, but rather a simple, seamless platform that feels a lot more like Facebook than Salesforce.\n\nPeople love our product: [https:\/\/twitter.com\/intercom\/favorites](https:\/\/twitter.com\/intercom\/favorites)\n\nThe company is just over 2 years old. It has over $30MM to-date from Bessemer Venture Partners, and the Social+Capital Partnership.\n\nThe team is currently 46, comprising people from Apple, Box, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Yammer, Microsoft, and PayPal.\n\nIntercom is installed in thousands of web products and is connected with many millions of end-users. The company has been experiencing double-digit monthly revenue growth from the start.\n\nWe intend to fundamentally change how internet businesses and their customers interact.\n\nFor a full list of jobs see our careers page: [https:\/\/www.intercom.io\/careers](https:\/\/www.intercom.io\/careers)\n\nSAN FRANCISCO\n\nSoftware engineers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/9A06A2D028](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/9A06A2D028)\n\nProduct designers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/32B8BD914B](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/32B8BD914B)\n\nSuccess engineers [http:\/\/intercom.workable.com\/jobs\/3412](http:\/\/intercom.workable.com\/jobs\/3412)\n\nMarketing designers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/F38239DCA4](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/F38239DCA4)\n\nSoftware engineers(interns): [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/FAA77D5FF1](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/FAA77D5FF1)\n\nData analysts: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/0734A1424E](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/0734A1424E)\n\nOffice manager: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/B8DDA2E2C4](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/B8DDA2E2C4)\n\nExecutive assistant: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/BF0FA1DA02](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/BF0FA1DA02)\n\nDUBLIN\n\nProduct Managers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/B306D705BF](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/B306D705BF)\n\nVisual designers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/202064E5FA](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/202064E5FA)\n\nAndroid engineers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/2B044EEB80](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/2B044EEB80)\n\nProduct designers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/3CD022F97F](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/3CD022F97F)\n\nSoftware engineers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/0D0544C466](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/0D0544C466)\n\nGraduate software engineers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/4264D3CB92](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/4264D3CB92)\n\niOS engineers: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/38B689A8E3](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/38B689A8E3)\n\nSystems engineer: [https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/2479E3FE05](https:\/\/www.workable.com\/j\/2479E3FE05)\n\n[https:\/\/www.intercom.io\/careers](https:\/\/www.intercom.io\/careers)\n\n Hi I'm able to work in Dublin legally (without a visa) and in San Francisco (got to get a visa). However it seems as though there aren't any interns available in Dublin.\n\nAlso am I open to work in San Francisco (I'm a Canadian citizen) or is not have a current work permit a no go?\n\nEmail me back at david.chris.baldwin[at]gmail.com\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Buffer ([http:\/\/bufferapp.com](http:\/\/bufferapp.com)) - REMOTE (We're a small distributed team of 16 people (5 engineers) across the US, UK, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sweden and Australia)\n\nI'd love for you to come join Buffer for the fun ride. We have over 1.2 million users and our annual run rate is over $3m. There are some super interesting challenges ahead, as we focus on Buffer for Business. We're looking to expand our engineering team with the following open positions.\n\n \n \n * Android Hacker\n * Reliability Hacker (Devops engineer).\u00a0\n * Backend Hacker\n * iOS Hacker\n \n\nHere are some key stats about our technology and scale.\n\n \n \n - we have over 150k monthly active users.\n - 8500+ API clients. Most popular: Feedly, IFTTT, Pocket, Instapaper\n - we release changes several times a day - we have an entirely data-driven process, with Einstein and Buffer-Metrics, our custom built a\/b testing and metrics tracking framework.\n - Some of the tech we work with: PHP, Python, MongoDB, AWS (Elastic Beanstalk, Elasticache, SQS), Backbone.js, Grunt.js, Android, iOS.\n \n\nMore stats and stack details here: [http:\/\/overflow.bufferapp.com\/2013\/08\/01\/scaling-buffer- in-2...](http:\/\/overflow.bufferapp.com\/2013\/08\/01\/scaling-buffer-in-2013\/)\n\nWe're a small team of driven hackers and happiness heroes (our support people). Just like you, we're excited and passionate about engineering challenges and have some interesting architecture and scaling problems we work on. If you're interested in coming on board, you'll:\n\n \n \n - work closely myself on technical architecture and Joel on product. \n - ship to thousands of users and iterate quickly \n - work with our metrics team to make smart changes \n - be friendly and comfortable talking directly to customers on issues and features \n - be a happy, positive-minded and kind person who has a great approach in dealing with others \n - be a Buffer user \n - be anywhere in the world, and if you'd like, you have help and support from us to move to where you want to be \n - have experience working with another startup or building side projects before (would be awesome, it's cool if not)\n \n\nSome aspects of Buffer culture that makes us a little different:\n\n \n \n - we are totally transparent. We raised $450k, we currently have over 1.1 million users and generate $230k\/mo. Ask me anything else! \n - within the company, all salaries and equity are open and we have a formula for the distribution. \n - we're all very focused on self improvement \n - we have daily standups where we discuss our current improvements. This could be waking up earlier, starting public speaking, blogging, exercise, learning a language, etc. \n - here's our culture deck: http:\/\/www.slideshare.net\/bufferapp\/buffer-culture-03\n \n\nSalary: 88k-110k depending on location (living costs) and experience. ([http:\/\/99u.com\/articles\/15527\/the-age-of-salary- transparency](http:\/\/99u.com\/articles\/15527\/the-age-of-salary-transparency))\n\nEquity: 0.1-0.5%\n\nIf this sounds fun, let's chat. Send me a note about yourself, why you're interested in Buffer, and any relevant links (Github profile, projects and background): [http:\/\/jobs.bufferapp.com](http:\/\/jobs.bufferapp.com) \\- Sunil (CTO)\n\n I love Buffer. I use it everyday to share interesting links to friends and family :)\n\nSounds like a great job! I don't really have much experience with the tech you're using though. Plus I'm currently half-way through a CS degree.\n\nEDIT: The weekend warrior positions sound really interesting. I would be totally on that if it could be flexible around my studies.\n\nEDIT2: I've sent you an email\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Join'em, TX \\----- Join'em is the first community-powered marketplace to provide an easy, fun and collaborative way to leverage the collective buying power of like-minded shoppers with quality merchants. Our core proposition is based on WePower\u2122 to enable groups to shop, share and beat down the prices on thousands of brand name products and services.\n\nWe are open to all levels(junior, mid and senior):\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Back End Developer <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>\n\nResponsibilities: Your work will span many areas of the Join'em platform, including but not limited to:\n\n\\- Playing with large datasets \\- Developing our RESTful APIs \\- Working on machine learning (such as recommendation systems) \\- Developing dashboards \\- Scaling applications across distributed machines \\- Requirements\n\n\\- Fluent in python language \\- Write great code, view it as a craft, and be proud of what you do at your job \\- Experience using Git\n\nPluses:\n\n\\- Have a college degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience \\- Experience with a good portion of our technology stack \\- Experience in working in i18n projects supporting non-Latin languages (as we expend future markets) \\- Familiarity with standards and guidelines; including: Unicode, CLDR, ICU, PEP 8 etc..) \\- Experience in A\/B testing \\- E-commerce experience\n\nOur stack: You will work with a broad and bleeding-edge back-end technologies, including but not limited to:\n\n\\- Python and Django \\- PostgreSQL \\- MongoDB \\- Redis \\- Amazon Web Services \\- Third party apps (such as Braintree, Optimizely, Twilio, Paypal etc..)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>= Front End Developer <\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=\n\nResponsibilities: Your work will span many areas of the Join'em platform, including but not limited to:\n\n\\- Developing device agnostic & responsive frontend code \\- Work with creative and production team to bring ideas to life \\- Code HTML marketing campaign emails\n\nRequirements:\n\n\\- Must be able to communicate well with designers and developers \\- Solid understanding of core front-end web technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) \\- Understanding of emerging UI\/UX concepts \\- Experience with jQuery \\- Responsive design experience \\- Experience using Git\n\nPluses:\n\n\\- Experience with Bootstrap, Backbone.js, AngularJS \\- Experience with LESS CSS pre-processor \\- Experience in A\/B testing \\- Experience in template engines such as Django, Jinja, or Smarty \\- E-commerce experience\n\nThese are full-time position based in our Dallas, TX office. Relocation assistance may be available.\n\nPlease email your resume to firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> bjelkeman-again Akvo is a rapidly-growing, entrepreneurial non-profit foundation with a big mission. Our tools are already positively disrupting the ways that development aid is allocated and reported in a sector that has been historically adverse to change.\n\nAkvo's staff are based in multiple locations. We have a head office in the centre of Amsterdam with hubs in London, Stockholm, Washington DC, Nairobi and New Delhi. We also have people working from home in numerous other locations around the world. Where you are is not as important as who you are and what you can contribute.\n\nWe think job satisfaction comes, more than anything else, from working with great people on exciting projects. Akvo's team is like no other, with motivated and talented people whose diverse backgrounds converge to accomplish shared objectives.\n\nOpen positions\n\nUI designer \/ developer\n\nIf you are a UI designer \/ developer with startup experience wanting to contribute to make the world better, please read on!\n\nWe are seeking a skilled, self-motivated, pro-active and energetic UI developer \/ designer with a sense for data visualization. Reporting to the lead designer, your primary responsibility will be to create and ensure a consistent, usable, and beautiful UI throughout our software platform, which includes web applications, desktop applications and mobile \/ tablet applications.\n\nYou have to be able to adapt to a fast changing environment where multi- tasking is a must. You will be required to design and develop functional user interfaces as well as keeping the brand consistent across the organization and a range of different products.\n\nBeing part of a continuously growing team is essential to maintain and improve the quality of our work.\n\nAkvo creates and runs open source internet and mobile services that make it easy to bring international development work online. We focus on project and programme dashboards, reporting, monitoring, evaluation and making data easier to share.\n\nHeadquartered in Amsterdam, Akvo is a non-profit foundation that works with more than a thousand organisations around the world. We are looking for someone to be based in Helsinki (primary), Stockholm or Amsterdam. You must have a work permit already to work in one of these locations.\n\nPlease send your CV along with a cover letter to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nWeb developer, based in Amsterdam, Netherlands\n\nAkvo is hunting for the right full-stack developer to complement our existing technical team. We are experiencing a huge demand for our suite of open source software products, and need to increase our capacity as a team to be able to continually meet the expectations of our working partners.\n\nTo be suitable for this position you need to have experience working in modern Web Frameworks (such as Python\/Django), in addition to an interest in and an understanding of the latest and upcoming web development strategies and solutions. You should feel confident in delivering complete code based solutions to provided problems and documenting the work that you do.\n\nWe're looking for someone eager to accept a challenge, and willing to enhance and improve their own skills while continuing to contribute to the group effort. Due to working in a globally distributed team, you should be an active communicator with the flexibility to encompass the variety of culture and working styles.\n\nCore skills: Python\/Django, Java, HTML\/CSS, SQL, Ubuntu. Please send your CV along with a cover letter to firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nSoftware Developer\n\nWe are looking to hire a software developer to join our Akvo FLOW team. Akvo FLOW is one of our core software products. It is a Java based open source platform to collect, manage, analyse and display geographically-referenced monitoring and evaluation data. (Learn more about the Akvo Platform)\n\nWe have some fun, and interesting, problems to solve and we want you to help us fix them: How can we maintain and extend a complex tool with a lot of moving parts (a mobile Android app, a Web platform, map displays) while keeping it simple and enjoyable for people to use? Double down when they need to be able to use it in areas of the world with low, or inadequate, web and mobile connectivity? How to move towards a service oriented architecture, upgrading one component at a time, while keeping services running?\n\nYou'll be working with our international team, based out of Amsterdam, Stockholm, Helsinki or remote at UTC to UTC+2.\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n\u2022Design, develop and support open source Java based web applications\/services \u2022Support the development and release process \u2022Work with legacy code as well as new developments \u2022Work with multiple languages Java, JavaScript, Clojure\n\nRequirements:\n\n\u2022Experience with developing Java based web applications \u2022Experience with JavaScript (MVC frameworks) \u2022Experience with web technologies (HTML5\/CSS3) \u2022Some experience with Clojure and\/or functional programming is desirable \u2022Ability to work in a distributed team in a self-disciplined manner is expected \u2022DVCS (git)\n\nYou must have a work permit already to work in one of these locations. Please send your CV along with a cover letter to email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> The Honest Company - Hiring Software Engineers - Santa Monica, CA (INTERN yes, REMOTE no, H1B transfer maybe)\n\n[https:\/\/www.honest.com](https:\/\/www.honest.com)\n\nAbout us\n\nThe Honest Company passionately believes in creating not only effective, but also unquestionably safe, eco- friendly, beautiful, convenient, and affordable products for babies and homes.The growing product line is comprised of eco- friendly diapers (with super stylish designs) and a natural line of bath, skincare, home cleaning, and organic nutritional supplement products \u2013 all packed in convenient bundles that can be customized, personalized, and conveniently shipped whenever needed.\n\nWe're growing really fast with over 170 employees as of our 2nd birthday two weeks ago ([http:\/\/instagram.com\/p\/jSqeESMujh\/](http:\/\/instagram.com\/p\/jSqeESMujh\/)) and have raised $52 million to date.\n\nOur awesome office:\n\n\\-- [http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2013\/10\/02\/jessica-alba- honest...](http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2013\/10\/02\/jessica-alba-honest- company-headquarters_n_4031708.html)\n\n\\-- [http:\/\/www.lonny.com\/magazine\/October+2013\/xC34VaNFEkE\/1#28](http:\/\/www.lonny.com\/magazine\/October+2013\/xC34VaNFEkE\/1#28)\n\nWe like to have fun - [http:\/\/instagram.com\/p\/efoaU_Muud\/](http:\/\/instagram.com\/p\/efoaU_Muud\/)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nPositions Available\n\nWe are continuing to expand our engineering team and hiring for the following positions:\n\n\\-- Full-Stack Engineers\n\n\\-- Front-End Engineers\n\n\\-- Back-End Engineers\n\n\\-- QA Automation Engineers\n\nSend resume to: Justin Ricaurte (firstname.lastname@example.com)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nOur stack:\n\n\\-- Ruby on Rails backend for our E-Commerce Site (Python and\/or Node.js experience perfectly fine)\n\n\\-- Angular.js and themed Bootstrap on the front-end\n\n\\-- Our warehouse currently runs off an in-house created Ruby server\n\n\\-- TDD with rspec, capybara, and jasmine tests keeping things stable\n\n\\-- Datastores - MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Memcached\n\n\\-- iOS app in the app store - Honest Baby\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>====\n\nWhat will we look for in you?\n\nWe want to see someone who will take initiative to support the company's mission of delivering safe, eco-friendly, beautiful and affordable home and family products to all current and future customers. Someone who is known to smile and crack a joke while working on a difficult problem. You take pride in your work, deliver clean, well-tested code and are able to communicate with your teammates about your work and find creative ways to improve code and processes. We like to cross-train everyone to be full-stack engineers, so if you're back-end or front-end, we would also like you to want to learn the other side while working for us.\n\nIf this sounds like the type of place you would have a lot of fun working at, contact:\n\nJustin Ricaurte (firstname.lastname@example.com)\n\n<\/comment> Atlanta, GA - GuildQuality - Remote in USA or here in the ATL\n\n\\---\n\nIf you're a Web Application Developer who likes to build and ship; values freedom, flexibility, and empowerment; loves working with the best tools; values working alongside supportive people who care about and respect you; gets jazzed by the notion that your work will have an immediate, visible, and significant impact on the health of the business; longs for an opportunity to be a part of an award-winning work environment where friendliness is a core requirement for every role, and everyone is focused on measurable results; and is awesome; then we would like to speak with you about joining our team.\n\nWe're looking for Web Application Developers who have 10,000+ hours of PHP, PHP frameworks, and high-performance web applications; a friendly disposition, a love of learning, and an interest in building great products for real customers; and a readiness to immediately begin building cool new stuff from the ground up.\n\nGuildQuality - [http:\/\/www.guildquality.com](http:\/\/www.guildquality.com) \\- is a profitable, fast-growing SaaS business that helps the very best homebuilders, remodelers, and home improvement contractors in North America deliver an exceptional customer experience. Our clients (we call them \"Guildmembers\") are small and mid-sized companies, representing a \"best of the best\" in the residential real estate and construction industry.\n\nOurs is a big market and it's getting bigger: we're squarely at the intersection of reputation, real estate, and home improvement. We're doing tons of great stuff in this space, and we'd like to have more wonderful people on the team to help us accelerate our pace of innovation.\n\nAbout our work environment, culture, and benefits: \u2022 We have 24 full-time, committed, friendly, and resourceful people on our team. \u2022 Most of our team works here in our Midtown Atlanta office, and about 10 people work remotely. \u2022 We're profitable and growing rapidly. \u2022 We dig things like craftsmanship, design, and data. \u2022 We have a Results Oriented Work Environment (ROWE). \u2022 We don't monitor sick days or vacation days. When someone needs time off, they take it. \u2022 We have very few meetings, but lots of communication. \u2022 People work from wherever and whenever they're most productive. \u2022 We're open-book. That means everyone has a clear understanding of how the business is performing. \u2022 Employment benefits include great health insurance, long term disability insurance, and life insurance. \u2022 The company matches SIMPLE IRA contributions, up to 3% of salary. \u2022 We have excellent retreats, where we roll up our sleaves and everyone digs into strategizing about the future of the company, and then we throw down and have a great time. \u2022 Every single person in the company moves our needle. We have no dead weight getting in the way, no negative attitudes bringing people down, and no bureaucracy dragging on our progress. \u2022 Regardless of the job description and requisite skills, we only hire folks who are friendly, committed, and resourceful. No prima donnas, no personal agendas, no politics \u2013 just a focus on doing great work. \u2022 In September, the Atlanta Business Chronicle rated GuildQuality among the Top 5 Best Places to Work in Atlanta.\n\nHere's a brief talk I gave about how we work at GuildQuality: [http:\/\/geoffreygraham.com\/2013\/12\/29\/empowerment-trust- and-f...](http:\/\/geoffreygraham.com\/2013\/12\/29\/empowerment-trust-and-freedom- in-the-workplace\/)\n\nIf you think you might be a fit, we would like to speak with you. Email us at firstname.lastname@example.com, and include whatever details you think convey a good picture of who you are and what you've done. Thanks!\n\n<\/comment> Lima, Peru -AND- Boston, MA -- Full Stack Junior Developer Fellowship opportunity!\n\n\\---\n\nAbout Entrepreneurial Finance Lab:\n\nEFL's mission is to expand access to finance in emerging markets by equipping banks with better tools to measure credit risk. Built with the aim of tackling a 2.5 trillion dollar financing gap for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) around the world, EFL's digital psychometric credit assessment evaluates small business owners on key elements of entrepreneurship in a scalable and automated manner. This breakthrough technology helps banks provide financing to market segments previously out of reach, and helps bring the developing world's most capable, yet previously unbankable, entrepreneurs into the formal financial fold. After spinning off from a research initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School's Center for International Development, EFL now works with leading financial institutions across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and has facilitated over $240 million in lending to SMEs. We've been recognized and endorsed by leading development organizations such as the IFC, Inter-American Development Bank, and the G-20.\n\n\\---\n\nAbout the Fellowship:\n\nThe two-year Global Technology Fellowship provides an opportunity for young, driven individuals with a background in computer science and software engineering to gain exposure to a quickly growing and highly accredited startup in the field of emerging market technology. Your mission will be to tackle engineering challenges at the intersection of data science and software development. We are re-engineering our infrastructure and will need help in designing for growth. The Fellowship will be based in Lima, Peru and Boston, MA for the duration of the first year, and you will also have the opportunity to engage with EFL clients in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. We at EFL view first-hand exposure to emerging markets as an essential component of the fellowship and guarantee at least six weeks of on the ground experience within your first year.\n\nProjects you may be asked to take on in your first year are:\n\nWeb Development \u2022 Enhancements to the EFL Web App to meet new customer feature needs (Django and JQuery) \u2022 Implementation of automated continuous integration (Git, Jenkins, and AWS)\n\nScoring Systems \u2022 Enhancements to support faster asynchronous scoring and reporting needs (Celery) \u2022 Enhancements to async infrastructure configuration to support redundancy (AWS and Celery)\n\nUX\/UI Projects \u2022 Android Mobile tools development (Android) \u2022 Enhancements to the EFL Web App (Django\/CSS\/XHTML)\n\nR&D Projects \u2022 Mobile, GIS, and Social scoring enhancements to the core EFL algorithm (NoSQL, R)\n\nClient Integration Projects \u2022 Enhancements to the EFL REST API (Python) \u2022 Client integration projects (varies)\n\nBased on your contributions in your first year, EFL will offer you a position for a second and final year of the fellowship. This position may be a continuation of one of the projects you worked on in year one, or it may be a new opportunity in one of our global markets. Your success in both years of the fellowship will depend on your ability to learn quickly in situations that are foreign, to think critically through complex challenges, to take initiative as opportunities present themselves, and to execute efficiently and effectively.\n\nAdditional Fellowship Opportunities:\n\nAs a Global Technology Fellow, you will have the opportunity to engage with EFL's senior leadership to gain exposure to other areas of the business including sales, project management, credit modeling and statistics. You'll be joining a tight-knit corps of EFL Fellows with an array of skillsets and shared ambitions in the field of emerging market technology, and will have access to leading practitioners of development economics. Fellows are highly encouraged to utilize these resources during their time with EFL. For more information on current and past Fellows, visit eflglobal.com\/efl-fellowship.\n\n\\---\n\nQualifications:\n\nRequired Qualifications: \u2022 BA\/BS in Computer Science, Software Engineering or equivalent degree \u2022 Solid experience in one of Python, Ruby or PHP, a modern MVC framework (Django, Ruby-on-Rails, Spring, etc) \u2022 Some experience with JQuery\/CSS\/XHTML \u2022 Experience with one major RDBMS system: MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, or MSSQL \u2022 Proficiency with Git \u2022 Proficiency with at least one major OOP language C++, Java, or C# \u2022 Proficiency with Linux, Apache \u2022 Work and\/or travel experience in emerging markets in Africa, Latin America, and\/or Asia\n\nDesired Qualifications: \u2022 A self-starting, entrepreneurial nature, as well as the ability to take on leadership roles and manage many projects at once. \u2022 Foreign language ability (preferably Spanish and\/or Portuguese) \u2022 Proficiency with REST and\/or SOAP web services \u2022 NoSQL experience \u2022 Experience with Matlab, R, NumPy etc \u2022 Design skills (InDesign, Photoshop, Fireworks, etc) \u2022 Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.\n\n\\---\n\nHow to apply:\n\nEmail a cover letter and resume to Darrell Grissen at email@example.com. Please save both in a single word document or PDF entitled \"LastName.FirstName-TechFellowship\" (e.g., \"Smith.John-TechFellowship\") Applications without cover letters will not be considered. In the cover letter, please touch on who you are, why EFL and why this position. We are looking for a real person, not credentials; you'll be a member of a small, growing team, so be yourself! Applications will be accepted until March 21, 2014.\n\n<\/comment> Front end web developer, OpenEye Scientific Software - Santa Fe, NM\n\nEmail email@example.com for details. About OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc: OpenEye Scientific Software provides software to the pharmaceuticals industry for molecular modeling and cheminformatics. It has done so since 1997 in its continuing mission to provide novel software, new science and better business practices to the industry. Central to our approach is the importance of shape and electrostatics as primary variables of molecular description, platform- independent code for high-throughput 2D and 3D modeling, and a preference for the rigorous rather than the ad hoc. With offices in the United States, Germany & Japan, OpenEye Scientific Software is a global company. However, with fewer than 50 employees we offer a unique working culture. We believe that work should be fun and our working environment supports this philosophy. For the third year we have been a recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility.\n\nFRONT END WEB DEVELOPER\n\nLocation: Santa Fe, New Mexico Employee type: Full-time Industry: Computer Science, Biotechnology Manages others: No Job Type: Information Technology Education: BSc degree Experience: 3 or more years Travel: Occasional Post date: January 2014 Relocation covered: Yes Contact information Send cover letter and resume to: OpenEye Scientific Software Recruiting 9 Bisbee Court, Suite D Santa Fe, NM, 87508 Contact information Send cover letter and resume to: OpenEye Scientific Software Recruiting 9 Bisbee Court, Suite D Santa Fe, NM, 87508 or email to firstname.lastname@example.com. Job Description: The ideal candidate for this position is someone who can design and implement interactive web interfaces. The candidate should understand user interface design, and be familiar with state of the art web application technologies. Although the position is primarily for interfaces, the candidate should have an understanding of how interactive web applications work. You will be working in a small focused team that is envisaging how we build applications for deployment on Amazon Web Services and delivery via the web browser. You are not expected to be a seasoned chemist, but expect to pick some chemistry up along the way. Requirements: * BSc degree in computer science, or a similar area. * Minimum 3 years of experience in a similar position. * Proven track record of deploying interactive web interfaces using HTML5 & CSS3. * Requires experience as follows: * Use of CSS, optionally using SASS or Compass. * Use of Bootstrap or similar frameworks. * Use of JavaScript and Ajax via CoffeeScript. * Use of jQuery, Dojo, AngularJS, Closure, Ember or similar JavaScript libraries. * Use of real time technologies such as WebSockets and other HTML5 advancements. * Use of testing frameworks associated with these technologies. For example Selenium, Jasmine, PhantomJS or similar. * Use of mockup software such as Balsamiq, Moqups or similar. * Software development using Windows, Linux, and Unix operating systems and common browsers they support (with an appreciation of there numerous idiosyncrasies). Desired experience as follows: * Use of Python. * Use of Python web frameworks such as Django, Flask and Tornado. * Appreciation of Amazon Web Services.\n\nOpenEye Scientific Software is an Equal Opportunity Employer\n\n<\/comment> \\---Memphis, TN (University of Memphis, workforum.memphis.edu)---\n\nCurrently searching for a full-time senior research programmer at the Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS) to begin as early as February 2014. Since the job involves working closely with researchers, it must be done on- site. Applicants must have completed a MS or PhD in software-related field, or a track record of industry experience on-par with such credentials. Successful candidates should have more than 5 years of experience in software design and development.\n\nThe candidate will be involved in the design and implementation of a novel service-oriented framework for intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). ITS use a combination of artificial intelligence techniques, expert knowledge models, and computerized learning environments to significantly increase student knowledge. UM-IIS is one of the leading labs in the world for ITS and is producing a natural language (NLP) service-oriented tutoring system. This system will drive animated tutoring agents in traditional hypermedia contexts (e.g., HTML5) and also virtual reality environments (e.g., Unity). We are looking for a programmer with strong fundamental skills and the drive to research interesting software problems. Opportunities to publish scientific research will be available, but not required. Our ideal candidate would have a background developing Python Web Services, but other well-qualified candidates will be considered.\n\nRole and Responsibilities: \u25cf Develop scalable Python web services \u25cf Deploy and monitor Amazon Web Service deployments of these services \u25cf Maintain a well- tested and orderly code base \u25cf Work well in a small programming team environment\n\nPreferred Skills: \u25cf 3+ Years Python Programming Experience \u25cf Experience with Amazon Web Services, MongoDB, Flask, and\/or OAuth \u25cf Experience with bug tracking, version control, and test frameworks \u25cf Good documentation habits (@param UsesDocStrings: Defaults to True)\n\nCompensation: \u25cf Pay Range: $55k \u2013 $85k, commensurate with experience and fit \u25cf Benefits Available: State of Tennessee Partners Health Care Program \u25cf Travel opportunities to attend relevant conferences and meetings\n\nHow to Apply Please complete an on-line application at [https:\/\/workforum.memphis.edu](https:\/\/workforum.memphis.edu) Click on the staff position box to find the posting for Senior Research Programmer. You will be required to upload a cover letter, resume, and a reference list. Application review will begin in January 2014, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Memphis is an Equal Opportunity\/Affirmative Employer. We urge all qualified applicants to apply for this position. Appointment will be based on qualifications as they relate to position requirements without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, handicap or veteran status. Successful candidates must meet guidelines of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The current job posting for this position is at: [https:\/\/workforum.memphis.edu\/postings\/5996](https:\/\/workforum.memphis.edu\/postings\/5996) The position number is 017180 in workforum.memphis.edu. Please submit application materials through the University of Memphis workforum for consideration. For questions on this posting, please contact Xiangen Hu (email@example.com) or just reply here.\n\n\\---\n\nOn a side note, the Institute for Intelligent Systems at UM is also an excellent and friendly work environment. Programming is typically done in small teams, with a lot of opportunities for creativity.\n\n<\/comment> We're Hiring at Prismatic (getprismatic.com)\n\nThe office is located in SOMA in San Francisco.\n\nFrontend Engineer at Prismatic: iOS, Web, and Android. [http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/prismatic\/jobs\/5971](http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/prismatic\/jobs\/5971)\n\nStrong CS basics in data structures and algorithms. Strong engineering; thoughtful design and clean code. Graphics, browser, games, or animation experience a big plus.\n\nA front-end engineer that has a strong computer science background, but wants to focus on product engineering rather than backend systems. You don't want to just take off the shelf UI components, but want to explore new interactions. You aren't afraid to dig under the hood of iOS frameworks or browser code in order to make an animation or interaction feel natural and smooth.\n\nBackend Engineer at Prismatic: [http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/prismatic\/jobs\/5976](http:\/\/boards.greenhouse.io\/prismatic\/jobs\/5976)\n\nPrismatic is a great place to be a backend engineer - we analyze millions of shared web pages every day, automatically classify them into tens of thousands of topics, and serve up personalized feeds in real-time using our homegrown, lightning fast, machine learning-based relevance engine. We are looking to grow our top-notch team, with both junior and senior-level positions available.\n\nWe are looking for engineers with deep interest and knowledge in at least one area core to our business (i.e., distributed systems, ops and tooling, machine learning, designing and building new product features). We're a small team, so you will have the opportunity to have a lot of impact, and to learn from peers who are extremely talented engineers, computer scientists, and data experts. Our backend is written entirely in Clojure, a JVM-based LISP that is a dream to work in. Almost none of us knew it before we joined, and we don't expect you to either. We do, however, expect the following:\n\n\\- You live and die by good abstractions. You know that they can make the difference between easily understandable and maintainable code, and a spaghetti mess. \\- You think about edge cases and performance implications, and anticipate future needs. \\- You read and understand existing code before diving in and adding your own. You re-use existing code whenever possible, cleaning it up as needed to be more generally useful. \\- You know when to do it fast, when to do it right, and how to find the best compromise between the two. \\- You recognize that we are all stewards of the codebase, not owners. You leave code better than you found it, and you fix bugs without grumbling about whose they are. \\- You are a team player who enjoys discussing ideas and implementations with other engineers.\n\nHere's a small sampling of the things you will be working on as a member of the Prismatic backend team:\n\n\\- Making our crawlers and document analysis better and more comprehensive \\- Building out new product features in our API \\- Solving tough systems problems to help us scale reliably and robustly \\- Building and improving Machine Learning systems for ranking, document analysis, and more \\- Creating tools to assist development and ops \\- Shipping some of the best open-source Clojure libraries out there, and working with the community to make them better\n\n<\/comment> Voltaiq - SF, NYC, or REMOTE - Full Time - [http:\/\/voltaiq.io](http:\/\/voltaiq.io)\n\nSoftware Developers \u2014 Deployment\/Front-end\/Full Stack\n\nBattery performance is the key bottleneck slowing the adoption of electric- vehicles, renewable energy, and longer lasting more powerful mobile electronics. Voltaiq is developing a powerful web-based data analytics and visualization platform to enable better, longer-lasting batteries and other energy devices. Our core team is comprised of masters and PhD-level energy engineers, computer scientists, and machine learning experts. We have early customer revenue, and funding from the National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Energy.\n\nVoltaiq is looking for creative, experienced, and extremely talented software developers to join our team in the San Francisco Bay Area or New York City. These will be our first hires, so you'll be getting in on the ground floor of a fast-paced, customer-focused, product-driven startup. Your duties will encompass the full stack, from development through deployment.\n\nWe are looking to fill three positions immediately, and will give preference to those with a broad knowledge base and a strong desire to learn. Currently, we're looking for:\n\n* Deployment Specialist\n\n* Front-end Developer\n\n* Full Stack Web Developer\/Generalist\n\nDesired Tech Skills:\n\n* Strong coding skills in one or more of the following: Python, Java, C\/C++, Go.\n\n* Front-end development experience: Coffeescript, Sass, Backbone\/Underscore, Handlebars, Highcharts, D3.\n\n* Solid understanding of a web deployment stack: Cookies, sessions, websockets, asset management.\n\n* Experience using ZeroMQ or a similar asynchronous messaging system.\n\n* Strong command of Linux and deployments on Amazon Web Services.\n\n* Deployment experience: Salt Stack, Fabric, Nginx, uWSGI.\n\n* Knowledge of Git and experience committing to a team code repository.\n\n* Experience with MongoDB, managing mongo instances, and the mongo aggregation framework.\n\nOther Prerequisites:\n\n* Undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Physical\/Biological Sciences, Math or a related discipline. Advanced degree strongly preferred.\n\n* Intuitive grasp of fundamental concepts and quantities in energy and power.\n\n* At least 3 years of experience developing and shipping software.\n\n* Willingness to travel occasionally for in-person meetings, conferences, and deployments.\n\n* Strong team player with the ability to help build and work as a cohesive team.\n\nCompensation: Competitive salary plus equity and full benefits Location(s): SF Bay Area, NYC\n\nEmail us a resume at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> DICOM Grid - Phoenix AZ, or REMOTE, no H1B, US only - JavaScript Developer\n\nDICOM Grid, a SaaS start-up in the healthcare technology field, is looking for a JavaScript developer to maintain and enhance DICOM Grid's front-end medical image sharing and reading web application. You will report to the Director of Dev Ops.\n\nFamiliarity with modern front-end web development is essential, including but not limited to HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, LESS, JQuery, Underscore, Handlebars, Backbone. Experience working in the medical industry (DICOM, HL7, PACS, etc.) would be a bonus, but is not required.\n\nThe ideal candidate would be able to work independently with minimal supervision, and be enthusiastic about keeping up-to-date with the latest web technologies.\n\nThe team is distributed with team members working remotely in Phoenix, Los Angeles, Boston, and New York. Position Responsibilities\n\n\\- Plan, evaluate, implement, test and document new features and bug fixes for the DICOM Grid web application.\n\n\\- Work with other development team members to integrate with backend services.\n\n\\- Work with DevOps to deploy code into our production and UAT environments.\n\n\\- Work with customers and professional services to gather requirements.\n\n\\- Conform to company standard operating procedures.\n\nWhat qualifies you to join?\n\n\\- A combination of a college degree in CS, Math, Physics, or related, relevant work experience, and\/or a strong open source portfolio.\n\n\\- General interest in the healthcare field.\n\n\\- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.\n\n\\- High enthusiasm and desire to work on an entrepreneurial team.\n\n\\- Roll-up-the sleeves attitude is a must.\n\n\\- Meticulous attention to detail with strong organization skills\n\n\\- Heavy emphasis will be placed on problem solving skills, personal initiative and good people management\/relationship skills. Sense of humor is mandatory.\n\nLogistics\n\n\\- This is virtual position, you must be able to work from home effectively\n\n\\- Base salary and stock options depend on experience; health insurance, paid holidays and vacation are part of the package.\n\nSend your resume along with links to your StackOverflow, GitHub profiles, etc. to firstname.lastname@example.com. For bonus points, include a solution to the following short task, including code in JavaScript or the frontend language of your choice: given a JSON object conforming to the schema { value: ..., collapsed: (true|false), children: [...] }, where children is an array of objects conforming to the same schema, and a function render taking values to DOM elements, layout the information for read-only display, with the ability to expand\/collapse individual nodes. The aim of the exercise is to demonstrate familiarity with Javascript, so a very basic UI is all that is needed.\n\n<\/comment> St. Louis, MO - Business & Technology Applications Analyst I (entry level position) - The Genome Institute - \n\nThe Genome Institute at Washington University has an opening for a talented software engineer in the Bioinformatics group. The position will work with an experienced group of software engineers to develop software supporting the tracking of laboratory data and analysis processes to support large scale genomic research projects.\n\nThe ideal candidate has a talent and love for writing software, is interested in developing that skill, and applying it in a production environment. The candidate will be expected to learn new things on a regular basis, think critically, and collaborate with other developers across groups. The environment is fast-paced and a person who likes to get things done will find a lot of opportunity.\n\nThe Genome Institute has been at the forefront of genome research since its inception in 1993 and has been a part of major scientific projects such as the Human Genome, 1000 Genomes and TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) Projects. The Genome Institute is a world-leader in the generation and analysis of genomic sequence data and uses this data to extend biological knowledge of the human genome and provide clinically relevant sequence analysis aimed at understanding human diseases (such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease). In addition, the Institute fosters public understanding of genomic science through various educational and outreach efforts.\n\nWashington University in St. Louis is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women, ethnic minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.\n\nDegree or certification from a technical school or college in computer programming required; experience in computer programming and\/or relevant DBA experience may be substituted on a year-for-year basis for required education.\n\nDesign, testing, debugging, and problem analysis are a regular part of the work. Skills in abstract software design, object-oriented architecture, relational data modeling, and web interface design will be used frequently, which will require thorough knowledge of each concept. The applicant will use these skills to develop software that will: interface with people and\/or laboratory equipment, process and analyze large data sets on a compute cluster, and provide intuitive web based interfaces to the specifications of the laboratory managers and technicians.\n\nProficiency in dynamically typed languages (Perl, Ruby, Python, Lisp, etc.) is a plus, but not required. Understanding of relational databases and SQL will be helpful. Experience with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and approaches such as REST and AJAX is an asset. Regular work will be done in GNU\/Linux and other UNIX-like development environments. Familiarity with open source technologies, version control software such as git, and programming in a network environment are also assets.\n\nThis position is full-time and works approximately 40 hours per week. The salary will be commensurate with experience.\n\nBenefits:\n\n* Retirement Savings Plan\n\n* 22 vacation days\n\n* 8 Paid Holidays\n\n* Sick Time\n\n* Tuition benefits for employee, spouse and dependent children\n\n* Free Metro Link \/ Bus pass\n\n* Free Life Insurance\n\n* Health, Dental, Vision\n\n* Health Savings Accounts (HSA)\n\n* Long Term Disability Insurance\n\n* Flex Spending Plan\n\n* Other Benefits - Med School HR website ([http:\/\/medschoolhr.wustl.edu\/](http:\/\/medschoolhr.wustl.edu\/))\n\nPlease email your resume and a code sample to me, William Schroeder (wschroed), at genome.wustl.edu. You may also apply through the official channel (you can do a basic search for job number 26988): [https:\/\/jobs.wustl.edu\/](https:\/\/jobs.wustl.edu\/)\n\n<\/comment> Raleigh, NC, USA\n\nCoalmarch is based in Raleigh, North Carolina, and provides its services to the United States and Canada. Our ideal candidate will live in Raleigh, NC or is willing to move in the near future. We are seeking exceptional people to join our team and be part of something amazing. If you think you have what it takes let's talk. No calls please!\n\n\\-----\n\nPHP Developer - [http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/kZezfR\/PHP- Developer...](http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/kZezfR\/PHP- Developer.html)\n\nCoalmarch is looking for a PHP Developer to work with our web development team in creating user friendly, well structured, and scalable software- on-time and with minimal defects.\n\nWe are looking for a developer that is an expert in PHP\/MySQL and has experience working with a CMS, preferably Drupal. Our ideal candidate enjoys staying up to date on the latest technologies and trends and enjoys leading a team.\n\nWe want someone who can provide guidance and insight on development techniques and methodologies. Our ideal candidate writes clean, well-engineered code that conforms to accepted standards within the Drupal community.\n\n\\<\/comment>\n\nFront-end Developer - [http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/BqFb5E\/FrontEnd- Deve...](http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/BqFb5E\/FrontEnd- Developer.html)\n\nThe job of the Front End Developer at Coalmarch is to create and theme websites utilizing the Drupal framework.\n\nWe are looking for a full-time front-end developer with content management experience (including CCK, views, JQuery, PHP, and CSS) to help us better serve new and existing clients. The ideal candidate would be interested in furthering their development skills and would enjoy working with Drupal (our preferred CMS).\n\nOur ideal candidate has an eye for design and good UX. They don't have to be a graphic designer, but they should understand the basics, and know how to implement them. We want someone who enjoys documenting their work whether it is commenting code or logging details into Basecamp (our project management system).\n\n\\-----\n\nLocal Search Specialist - [http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/0DvO8R\/Local- Search-...](http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/0DvO8R\/Local-Search- Specialist.html)\n\nThe job of a Local Search Specialist at Coalmarch is to research and execute exceptional local search strategies for our clients.\n\nThe Local Search Specialist will be keenly aware of how Google works and changes and will be able to explain the implications of changes to the team. They will have a passion and understanding of microformats, schema, rich snippets, and social signals that impact local search results. The local search specialist will be responsible for analyzing and executing client's SEO strategies.\n\nThe ideal candidate will be a team player and is interested in the bigger picture of how search impacts local-based businesses.\n\n\\-----\n\nAccount Coordinator - [http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/BAp4wT\/Account- Coord...](http:\/\/coalmarch.theresumator.com\/apply\/BAp4wT\/Account- Coordinator.html)\n\nThe job of an Account Coordinator at Coalmarch is to provide amazing customer service to our clients, manage their expectations, and communicate their needs to the team.\n\nOur ideal candidate is someone who is very organized and can manage website projects and inbound marketing clients. The account coordinator will work with the development and marketing teams to keep projects organized, on time, and on budget. The account coordinator will collaborate with the teams to manage capacity and keep the team focused on their priorities.\n\nThis position will be in touch with a lot of areas of the business. We are looking for someone who can work in a fast-paced environment and maintain a great attitude towards our clients, team members, and vendors.\n\n<\/comment> OnDeck ( New York,NY)\n\nWe are seeking Java Engineers & Web Engineers for our Development Team to build cutting-edge web applications from the ground up that will help millions of small businesses across the country gain access to capital they need to grow their business. We are a tech startup backed by Google and Peter Thiel (among others). We are a big proponent of cutting edge open source tools. We do not believe in red tape and seek to securely empower our development team to rapidly roll out new features. We welcome out-of-the-box thinking, resourcefulness, and a desire to innovate\n\n<\/comment>====\n\nAbout You:\n\n<\/comment>====\n\n* Startup experience, and experience building scaling web applications.\n\n* You have 2+ years of experience using the Java platform.\n\n* You have 2-5+ years of experience working on web-based projects, with exposure to the full stack.\n\n* You are comfortable with building object-oriented systems and have an eye for good design.\n\n* Ideally, you've created a public GitHub project, posted answers on Stack Overflow, modified open-source code, or created some hacks that you're proud of.\n\n* You have at least a Bachelors degree in Computer Science.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=====\n\nAt on Deck Capital, you will:\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>=====\n\n* Have a meaningful impact on the company's future, and share in the rewards accordingly.\n\n* Be able to drive which technologies are used and which software development practices are followed.\n\n* Work in a fun, fast-paced startup environment with some really cool and brilliant people.\n\n* Be on a motivated team that gets a lot done.\n\n<\/comment>\n\nPerks:\n\n<\/comment>\n\n* Competitive salary, Stock options, 401K, Vision, Dental, Life, and Health insurance,\n\n* In-office Happy Hour Wednesday's\n\n* Free drinks and snacks from our fridge\n\n* Flexible time off and vacation policy.\n\n _Send your resumes to email@example.com or apply at[https:\/\/www.ondeck.com\/careers](https:\/\/www.ondeck.com\/careers). Please include links to github, stackoverflow, blogs etc._\n\nCheck out why we're such a great company to work at:\n\n* [https:\/\/www.ondeck.com\/in-the-news](https:\/\/www.ondeck.com\/in-the-news)\n\n* [http:\/\/blog.ondeckcapital.com\/blog\/on-deck\/on-deck-named-top...](http:\/\/blog.ondeckcapital.com\/blog\/on-deck\/on-deck-named-top-25-starts-up-to-work-for)\n\n* [https:\/\/www.ondeck.com\/in-the-news\/34-articles\/477-techcrunc...](https:\/\/www.ondeck.com\/in-the-news\/34-articles\/477-techcrunch-ondeck-17m-gv-pt)\n\n* [http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/jjcolao\/2013\/03\/27\/need-a-busine...](http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/jjcolao\/2013\/03\/27\/need-a-business-loan-impress-the-algorithm-not-the-loan-officer\/)\n\n<\/comment> Message Systems: Columbia, MD\n\n1) Application Software Engineer (Javascript, Node.js, Angular.js) - positions at different levels of seniority [http:\/\/messagesystems.com\/about- us\/careers\/open-positions\/ap...](http:\/\/messagesystems.com\/about- us\/careers\/open-positions\/application-software-engineer-javascript-nodejs- angularjs)\n\n2) Mobile SDK Software Engineer (iOS, Android, Windows) [http:\/\/messagesystems.com\/about-us\/careers\/open- positions\/mo...](http:\/\/messagesystems.com\/about-us\/careers\/open- positions\/mobile-ios-application-software-engineer)\n\nSeveral other positions can be found here: [http:\/\/messagesystems.com\/about- us\/careers\/open-positions](http:\/\/messagesystems.com\/about-us\/careers\/open- positions)\n\nApplication Software Engineer (Javascript, Node.js, Angular.js)\n\nMessage Systems is looking for a highly motivated full-stack Application Software Engineer to help us design and build applications and user interfaces that support our suite of industry-leading messaging software. We are an engineering-focused company founded by an engineer and our customers include tech leaders Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Rackspace, Match.com, and Zynga. We currently have several positions available for varying levels of experience. This position is based in Columbia, MD. Message Systems believes in a fun but focused development environment: * Open floor plan * Flexible hours * Outstanding benefits * Hackathons * Group activities * Stocked kitchen with fresh food and catered lunch once a week * Equipment includes MacBook Pro + Linux Workstations\n\nResponsibilities:\n\n* Work within an agile software engineering team to create software applications that delight our customers. * Software development includes: Back-end & front-end, database development, UX design, REST APIs. * Collaboration within the team and with our partners is essential (Product, Project Management, other teams) for all activities: requirements analysis, R&D and prototyping, architecture, estimates, documentation, coding, and testing. * Unit, functional, and performance testing of backend and front-end code. * Automation of development, build, and testing process.\n\nDesired Experience and Qualifications:\n\n* 2-5+ years experience building, testing, and deploying high quality, highly reliable, scalable web applications, APIs, and user-interfaces in a team environment. * Expertise in server-side development with NodeJS (Express). * Expertise in client-side development with Javascript (AngularJS, JQuery), HTML, and CSS (Twitter Bootstrap) * Expertise with Linux. * Experience with and passion for quality-oriented software development best practices including unit and functional testing, automation, continuous integration, and low-dependency architectures. * Ability to mentor other developers, and otherwise share and collaborate with peers on best practices, testing, and building in quality. * Must think critically, be outcome oriented, and constantly strive for improving how the team reliably delivers high-quality software. * Excellent analytical, problem solving, and debugging skills * Experience with version control systems, particularly distributed models including Mercurial and Git. * Knowledge of software design best practices: OOD, SOA, and design patterns. * Experience with relational (PostgreSQL, Vertica, Infobright) and non-relational databases (Cassandra, Hbase) and search engines (ElasticSearch, SOLR) * Experience with system and data integration and message queues. * Experience in commercial software products industry is a plus. * Experience with responsive design is a plus. * Experience with mobile application development (iOS, Android) is a plus. * Experience with the following tools is a plus: JIRA, Confluence, Crucible, Bamboo, Grunt, Vagrant, Selenium (testing), Karma (testing), Mocha (testing) * Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field or equivalent experience. * Experience with Agile development.\n\n<\/comment> Senior Windows Software Engineer | Duo Security | Ann Arbor, Michigan (Relocation strongly preferred)\n\n([https:\/\/www.duosecurity.com\/company\/jobs](https:\/\/www.duosecurity.com\/company\/jobs))\n\nDuo Security's hosted two-factor authentication service brings strong, scalable security to organizations of any size. Duo's unique, high- availability architecture provides centralized management, self-service enrollment, and interactive secondary login through an intuitive web interface, eliminating the high costs, complexity, and confusion associated with traditional two-factor systems. Every day, over 1,000 organizations in 80+ countries around the world rely on Duo for their security.\n\nDuo Security is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is a privately held company whose investors include Google Ventures, True Ventures, Resonant Venture Partners, and Radar Partners. Read more about Duo's investors.\n\nAbout Duo \/ Co-Founder Bios: [https:\/\/www.duosecurity.com\/company\/about](https:\/\/www.duosecurity.com\/company\/about)\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nOur ideal candidate is an experienced Windows developer. Experience with security products a big plus, as is experience working on B2B and SaaS products.\n\nJob duties:\n\n* Integrate Duo with all things Windows including Active Directory, ADFS, Exchange Server, IIS, and Remote Desktop Services.\n\n* Help us build and deliver cloud-based 2FA services for two-factor authentication as part of a high performance development team.\n\n* Handle field escalations, related to Windows integrations, when fronttline support escalates support requests.\n\nMain qualifications:\n\nWindows development experience\n\n* C++ (e.g. Win32 API, COM, MFC)\n\n* C#, .NET\n\n* Windows Installers (e.g. WiX)\n\nSecondary qualifications:\n\n* Experience with Windows security APIs and technologies\n\n* Experience with development and administration of Active Directory, ADFS, Exchange Server, IIS, and Remote Desktop Services\n\n* Experience with Python development\n\n* Mobile development for Windows Phone, iOS, or Android\n\nYou also...\n\n* Care about contributing to an amazing work culture and environment\n\n* Are comfortable with the rapid, unpredictable nature of a tech startup\n\n* Don't believe you have to live on a coast to work for a high-growth, tech startup\n\n\\<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>-----\n\nExcited? We can't wait to hear from you!\n\n[https:\/\/www.duosecurity.com\/company\/jobs](https:\/\/www.duosecurity.com\/company\/jobs)\n\n<\/comment> Keywords:\n\n\\- INTERN: No\n\n\\- REMOTE: Yes\n\n\\- ON-SITE: Yes\n\nDeveloper positions available, remote or on-site:\n\n\\- Front-end\/web\n\n\\- Full web stack\n\n\\- Back-end\n\nCompany name: Iteris, Inc.\n\nLocation: Grand Forks, ND (Yup, you read that right.)\n\nWe're seeking multiple positions to bolster our talented development teams. Whether you have 3 years, 8 years, or 15 or more years of development experience, we encourage you to apply.\n\nThe available positions will be responsible for participating in one or more of Iteris's development teams working on highly interactive web sites, widely used mobile apps, big data-based APIs, SQL & noSQL databases, or devops related projects, including participating in all aspects of the development process from design to implementation to deployment. Iteris embraces both the agile and devops methodologies with a very strong focus on maintaining stellar uptimes. There is a heavy emphasis on working with emerging and established web technologies, parallel development with mobile apps, and utilizing relational and non-relational databases. We work with many large data sets centered on weather and traffic. The candidate must be a strong individual contributor, collaborative, and takes pride in their work while delivering quality software on time.\n\nSpecific skills, experiences, or keywords that get us excited about a candidate:\n\nItems with an asterisk (* ) get us really excited when a candidate has advanced knowledge on the subject!\n\n\\- * Web stacks (Apache, Nginx, Varnish, Lighttpd, ...)\n\n\\- * HTTP mastery (headers, caches, access methods, ...)\n\n\\- * Javascript-based app experience (toolkits [dojo, jquery, YUI, etc.], NodeJS, ...)\n\n\\- * Build and maintain sites\/servers\/services to survive Slashdot\/Reddit\/Fark\/Twitter\/Digg effect\n\n\\- * Redundant, replicated, high-performance, multi-data center SQL\/noSQL databases (SSD friendly!)\n\n\\- * Build automation, automated deployments, self-healing systems\n\n\\- Deployment tools (Docker, Jails, systemd, supervisord, ...)\n\n\\- SQL databases (Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, ...)\n\n\\- NoSQL databases (HBase, MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase, ...)\n\n\\- Programming languages (Python, Perl, Javascript, C#, others)\n\n\\- GIS tools (Mapserver, PostGIS, OpenLayers, OpenStreetMaps, Leaflet, Google's GIS-related APIs)\n\n\\- Mobile dev experience (iOS\/Android)\n\n\\- Revision control experience (branching, merging, svn, git, hg, etc.)\n\n\\- Unix\/Linux development environment\n\nPlease contact us directly via firstname.lastname@example.com.\n\nThe full list of available positions are listed here:\n\n[https:\/\/www5.ultirecruit.com\/ITE1000\/JobBoard\/ListJobs.aspx?...](https:\/\/www5.ultirecruit.com\/ITE1000\/JobBoard\/ListJobs.aspx?__RecordsPerPage=100)\n\nA quick explanation of benefits:\n\n[http:\/\/www.iteris.com\/about\/careers\/career- benefits](http:\/\/www.iteris.com\/about\/careers\/career-benefits)\n\nIteris, Inc. is a scientific and information technology solutions innovator, developer, and provider with emphasis in the surface transportation and weather communities.\n\n<\/comment> MaxSquare Inc.\n\n>>LOCATION<<\n\nNew York City\n\n>>WHO WE ARE<<\n\nMaxSquare is developing a suite of capabilities accessible through SMS, mobile apps or the web that allows local businesses to leverage what we call the \"the local marketplace API\". We believe there is a huge opportunity in developing a better way for local businesses to interact with their potential customers and vice versa.\n\nWe are well capitalized through angel investors and positioned to leverage several key strategic partnerships once the initial product offering has completed development.\n\n>>WHERE WE ARE<<\n\nWe've currently in RAD mode developing our MVP. For our MVP, our backend is built in MySQL and a web2py framework for the application tier. The frontend app is built in Sencha Touch (that will eventually be wrapped in PhoneGap) that communicates with the backend with a RESTFUL api. The backend and API is being developed in-house while the front-end is currently being contracted out.\n\nWe are looking for our #2, #3, #4, and #5 technical hires.\n\n>>BENEFITS AND WORK ENVIRONMENT<<\n\nWe are located in an awesome private brownstone building that we have all to ourselves with a garden, kitchen, a nice break room, in a quiet neighborhood on the UES of New York. Mostly empty right now, with ample space to create an ideal work environment.\n\nFounder title and meaningful equity stake.\n\nExcellent health, dental and vision benefits.\n\nStocked fridge, free breakfasts, lunches, snacks, seamless & postmates in the office.\n\nFlexible work hours, no counting vacation or sick days. Choice of MacBook Pro or 2xCinema Displays (or whatever equivalent you want).\n\nBuild\/choose your ideal workstation!\n\nNo forced work environment or corporate culture: All we care about is building the product and nurturing a very hacker-friendly culture. We are 100% hacker owned and operated.\n\nA business that puts solving the problems of our customers first. Our investors and team only care about one thing: Building the best product possible. We care about creating technology that keeps small local businesses in their neighborhoods. Because who wants to live in a world where every other building is a bank, megabrand or franchise?\n\n>>WHO YOU ARE<<\n\nA world-class engineer passionate about building beautiful and, more importantly, useful products using bleeding-edge technology.\n\nSomeone who thrives in a startup environment and wants to be involved in building a company from the ground up.\n\nSomeone who pays attention to details, a perfectionist who is driven and comfortable working with rapidly evolving products. You are proactive about improving our products and you are able to prototype and iterate quickly.\n\n>>WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR<<\n\n\\--- CTO\n\nOur current CTO will be moving into the COO role. We are looking for candidates with a strong full stack pedigree in web and mobile app architecture and will be responsible for designing a scalable architecture, overseeing product development and providing technical leadership.\n\nCompensation in the range of 100-200K.\n\n\\--- Backend Engineer\n\nWill be responsible for writing and maintaining the back-end.\n\nOpen to developers with expertise in any modern technology stack - as long as you can make a case for it.\n\nMust be able to collaborate and work with frontend engineers\n\nBeing able to support and work with the current back-end framework in MySQL and web2py is a major plus.\n\nExpertise or knowledge in machine learning and\/or natural language processing a plus.\n\nMust be comfortable writing lots of code.\n\nCompensation in the range of 50-100K\n\n\\--- Frontend Engineer\n\nMust be able to work with the currently contracted devs to finish the MVP in Sencha Touch, and possibly for future releases while in transition to moving to a native mobile app.\n\nMust have a high level of proficiency in either native iOS or native Android development. Proficiency in both is a plus.\n\nMust have some level of proficiency in desktop web frameworks to support a future release for desktop web browsers.\n\nMust be able to coordinate with our backend engineer, so some knowledge of back-end architecture and APIs is required.\n\nAn eye for and\/or competency in UI\/UX design a huge plus.\n\nMust be comfortable writing lots of code.\n\nCompensation in the range of 50-100K\n\n\\--- UI\/UX Designer\n\nWill be responsible for evolving our brand as well as the product itself.\n\nWill be responsible for conceptualizing and creating a distinctive and elegant UX, UI and style guide that will be used across our products.\n\nMust have proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, or equivalent visual design tools.\n\nMust be able to work with other developers to translate mockups into products, so some knowledge of front end markup code (HTML,CSS,JQUERY,etc.) is a plus or must be willing to learn.\n\nMust have an eye for clean, beautiful, intuitive design that can translate basic AND complex solutions into fast and simple to user interfaces and user interactions.\n\nMust understand that when it comes to UI, less is more.\n\nMust be passionate about typography, icon design, color, imagery and graphic elements.\n\nMust be passionate about the design of \"everyday things\".\n\nWill have the unofficial title of Chief Design Officer and in charge of improving company aesthetics (stationary, letterheads, email templates, merchant collateral, business cards, office interior design\/decorations).\n\nA talent for creating beautiful and accessible ways to visualize data is a big plus.\n\nCompensation in the range of 40-100K.\n\n>>HOW TO REACH US<<\n\nDrop me a line if you think you'd be a good fit: michael AT max2.com\n\n<\/comment> MailChimp - Atlanta, GA\n\nDatabase Engineer\n\nMailChimp is a DIY email-newsletter service based in Atlanta that serves more than 4 million users worldwide. We're self-funded and profitable, and we're growing fast.\n\nJob Description MailChimp is seeking a database-focused infrastructure engineer to join our team. You'll build, maintain, and monitor systems that support millions of users across all products and applications at the company. We operate in a high volume environment and are growing rapidly, adding 10000+ new accounts\/day with that rate increasing every week. On the infrastructure side we do interesting work to support that scale and growth rate, working closely with developers to build and support our applications.\n\nThe engineering teams are small and focused, our benefits are unmatched, and internally we function much like a startup aside from established stability and abundant resources. There are no sales people, no investors, no board, and engineering teams are trusted to make good decisions with resources with minimal oversight. We are competitive nationally on salary and benefits.\n\nApplicants should have strong Linux experience, extremely heavy operational MySQL experience, independent troubleshooting skills, and a love for automation and monitoring. Our core persistence layer consists of hundreds of horizontally sharded and paired Percona 5.5 instances. We are seeking an experienced engineer who would be part of the core infrastructure team with a focus on maintaining and improving this crucial MySQL layer in addition to contributing to the systems that feed off of it (emailgenome.org, Elasticsearch, Postgres, Redis). We take a pragmatic and practical approach to our stacks using proven components and building our own logic and complexity on top of well understood building blocks. This is a large, well built setup with consistent hardware, configs, monitoring, backups, and tuning in place.\n\nSkills and Experience: \\- Linux servers \\- Experience with modern MySQL at high volume: sharding, replication, backups, monitoring, tuning \\- Knowledge of the current MySQL ecosystem and an interest in where things are headed \\- Deep understanding of InnoDB performance, recovery, tuning, and backups \\- Experience with replication and an understanding of all options and components involved \\- Exposure to HA solutions like MMM, haproxy, PXC \\- Scripting and coding (python, bash, php) \\- Puppet or other configuration management tool experience is a big plus \\- Zabbix or other monitoring tools \\- Familiarity with other infrastructure pieces of our stacks (nginx, apache, memcache, postgres, redis, elasticsearch) is also a big plus\n\nPlease apply here, the applications come directly to me:\n\n[http:\/\/mailchimp.theresumator.com\/apply\/oJIqi3\/Database- Engi...](http:\/\/mailchimp.theresumator.com\/apply\/oJIqi3\/Database- Engineer.html)\n\nMany other positions available as well:\n\n[http:\/\/mailchimp.theresumator.com\/](http:\/\/mailchimp.theresumator.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Shopular - Redwood City, CA\n\nShopular's mission is to create the most intuitive and effortless way to save money while shopping. The iOS and Android apps have over 20,000 reviews and widely loved. Time featured Shopular as one of the 50 Best iPhone Apps of 2013. Shopular is backed by Y Combinator and Sequoia Capital.\n\nThe best part is that we are still a small team of 5: high-caliber engineers from Google, Shopkick, Ooyala and Loopt\n\nWe are growing the engineering team and looking for experienced and eager individuals who share our passion for creating consumer experiences that \"just work\". You get significant equity, significant responsibility and a company with traction and backing.\n\nOur stack: iOS\/Android, Python, Postgres, Redis\n\n* iOS Lead\n\nMaster of iOS with significant prior experience building beautiful consumer- facing app(s) with a large number of users. You have built complex apps from scratch. When needed, you are comfortable jumping into the backend (python or ruby experience preferred) to build features to support the app.\n\n* Android Lead\n\nMaster of Android with significant prior experience building consumer-facing app(s) with a large number of users. You have built complex apps from scratch. When needed, you are comfortable jumping into the backend (python or ruby experience preferred) to build features to support the app.\n\n* Backend Lead\n\nYou can handle the entire backend stack including the DB, production app servers, web servers, caching. You have built systems with significant scale and low latency performance. You have deployed and maintained servers, built DB schemas to scale, used effective caching for performance, handled high throughput systems. You will lead the entire backend.\n\n* Full-Stack Engineer\n\nYou are a go-getter, fast learner, get-work-done engineer. You love new challenges and find creative solutions for problems. You are comfortable building features in the backend, to creating web UI using JS\/HTML.\n\n* UI\/UX Designer\n\nYou have experience building mobile app interfaces. You are full-stack and can handle interface and UX design and also the visual design. You strive to build the most clean and delightful UIs that can improve lives of millions of users. You stress about every part of the UX and every pixel of the UI.\n\nAll roles require strong prior experience. If you have been looking for an early-stage startup opportunity where you can create a significant impact and be part of a stellar team, we may be the right fit. Lets talk more!\n\nJoin us in our quest to transform physical retail and create the most intuitive consumer experiences. See more at shopular.com and we look forward to hearing from you at firstname.lastname@example.com\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco (relocation possible) - -[http:\/\/housecanary.com](http:\/\/housecanary.com)\n\nLooking for UX\/UI designer and Frontend Developer\n\nOver the past year we brought together real estate experts, economists, and Statistics PhD's to build a big data platform to accurately forecast real estate values up to 36 months into the future for all 381 US counties (MSA's) and 25,000 major zip codes. We forecast at this level as real estate truly is local, and we've found there are huge differences in how markets move between zip codes in a county. Our forecasts have over 90% accuracy forecasting housing prices up to 3 years out for most US real estate markets. We have back-tested these models for accuracy over the past 40 years, so that we can have confidence in calling the major market turns, and also understand where we are in the cycle and the likely future returns.\n\nWe are currently working with sophisticated institutions such as homebuilders, land investors, mortgage banks, etc. to use these forecasts.\n\nWe will be building housecanary.com into a full consumer oriented website in early 2014. We want to provide property owners in the US with a simple and accurate forecast for what is likely to happen to their home's value over the next few years (at a zip code level), given that a home represents most people's single largest investment in life. There are many people who want to better understand and plan for future price swings, similar to how they manage the rest of their financial assets, however currently, there is insufficient information available to consumers. We can now provide 80M US households with powerful data\/forecasts only the largest banks and hedge funds had access to historically.\n\nPositions available:\n\nUI\/UX Designer - Our ideal designer will be able to build beautiful and simple web sites, help out with product design and implement the designs in HTML and CSS. However being able to code is not required, just a huge plus. We're building very data driven products, so experience working on analytic heavy sites is also a plus.\n\nFrontend developer - Our frontend is compiled statically (hosted on s3 and cloudfront) and all data is pulled via angular from our API. Our graphs are built using d3.js, we use SASS as our css preprocessor and grunt for our builds and deployment. Our ideal frontend developer will have prior experience with angular and prior experience building out analytic driven sites\n\nWe're a small but growing team, so your work will have large impact of the future success of the company. And as one of our first hires you will rewarded with meaningful equity in the company.\n\nWe have an office in the SOMA neighborhood of San Francisco. We cover health, dental and vision for all of our employees. Please note, we're currently only looking to hire people who are located in the US or have US work authorization.\n\nIf interested please email email@example.com\n\n<\/comment> Kloudless ([https:\/\/kloudless.com](https:\/\/kloudless.com)) - SF Bay Area (Berkeley)\n\nFront-End Developer - Full Time\n\nTO APPLY: email firstname.lastname@example.com\n\nKloudless is hiring! We are a well-funded ($1M+) startup located in Berkeley, helping people work across cloud services easier. We launched earlier in May on the stage of TC Disrupt NYC and have ramped up with 20% growth month-over- month. We're backed by leading Silicon Valley angel investors such as David Sacks of Yammer and Tim Draper from DFJ.\n\nWith our latest round of funding, we are looking for a passionate and experienced Front-End Developer to lead our client-facing application development.\n\nYOU\n\n\\- A solid foundation in software development, with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms and software design patterns.\n\n\\- Passionate about elegant solutions. Non-DRY, spaghetti code and the like should trigger panic attacks.\n\n\\- Excellent JavaScript knowledge and experience with client side MVC frameworks such as Backbone.js, Underscore.js, Ember, Knockout or Angular\n\n\\- Excellent knowledge of current web standards: HTML5, CSS3, and responsive design.\n\n\\- Experience working with preprocessors (CoffeeScript, Sass, Less or Compass).\n\n\\- Experience with a dynamic deployment process (git version control, code reviews, bash scripts).\n\n\\- Experience building and shipping code to production countless times.\n\n\\- A good eye for design... no need to be a graphic designer, but need to know what a good UI looks like, and like to create a great user experience. Any design experience is a plus.\n\nEssential: Drive to contribute at every stage in delivering the best software: brainstorming for roadmap, architecture, implementation, testing, shipment and maintenance.\n\nHOW WE WORK\n\nWe operate on the mentality of mutual trust for all of our projects. We have a flat team structure, and we expect everyone's opinions when making decisions or brainstorming. The dev team has strong experience in web application development, distributed computing, machine learning and systems management. We love open source and have contributed to several projects including our own. Our backend technology consists of Django, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Storm, ElasticSearch, nginx, puppet, plenty of Python, a dash of Ruby and some Java and Lua for flavor.\n\nPERKS\n\n\\- Macbook, external monitor, whiteboard desk and any other equipment you need\n\n\\- All the food\/drink you could stuff your face with.\n\n\\- Great location: We're in the heart of Downtown Berkeley, half a block from BART and there's a great selection of restaurants nearby as well.\n\n\\- On-the-Kloud team lunches\/dinners.\n\n\\- Team outings\n\n\\- Subsidized gym membership\n\n\\- Covered public transportation cost of traveling to office\n\n\\- Monthly allowance to spend on cool stuff you want in the office\n\nTO APPLY\n\nShoot us an email at email@example.com with your resume and\/or any relevant links (Github, LinkedIn, Dribbble, personal websites, portfolio, etc.). If you can point us to an application you shipped that we could check out, that would be great!\n\n<\/comment> Mountain View, CA\n\nRefresh is hiring full-time developers and designers up and down the stack.\n\nWho we are: Refresh Inc. is a Silicon Valley startup, and we've raised $10M in funding. Our current team is pretty awesome and includes some ex-Googlers, ex- Microsofties, ex-Yahoo, ex-LinkedIn and ex-Salesforce folks, vets from startups, tech book authors, PhDs, along with Stanford and Harvard grads. We're a super strong team that cares about how our code runs and cares that users simply love our mobile app.\n\n[http:\/\/www.refresh.io](http:\/\/www.refresh.io)\n\nWhat our mobile app does (available for IOS now - try it!):\n\nRefresh delivers real-time dossiers from data across the web about the people you meet. We grab data from over 40 sources (more every week!) to give you an edge in every meeting you have.\n\nWho we're looking for: We're looking for passionate and capable engineers to add to our already great team. Are you excited about working with smart people who are motivated and driven? If you want to be part of building a start-up from the ground up and have an impact on things every step of the way, we want to hear from you.\n\n\u00d8 Java Developers (server side)\n\nWork on our back-end system that pulls, on-demand, data from dozens of data sources (in parallel), parses and semi-structures the input, creates and packages the results to be shipped back to the user device. Needless to say we care about performance (a lot). If you do too, send us a resume!\n\nWe're hiring across the experience spectrum from new grads to Senior Engineers. For more experienced engineers, you have years of experience on large Java projects with high-performance requirements. For new grads, you have a few significant Java projects you can show us. If you are awesome in some other language but willing to learn Java - we're happy to talk to you too.\n\n\u00d8 IOS Engineer\n\nContribute heavily to the conceptualization and design of Refresh on the iOS Platform.\n\n2+ years of iOS software development and iOS7, Core Data, Core Graphics and Core Foundation for iOS experience. Published iPhone and\/or iPad applications in the App Store (or something far enough along to be able to show us).\n\n\u00d8 Web Developer (front end)\n\nDevelop innovative large scale, robust web-based applications\/projects, and build a web app that mimics the Refresh iOS and Android mobile experience.\n\nExperience programming in HTML5, CSS3, Advanced JavaScript, AJAX. Website development & Mobile Website development and Image and HTML coding optimization for email.\n\n\u00d8 Android Engineer\n\nContribute heavily to the conceptualization and design of Refresh on the Android Platform. Interface Android client with Refresh's extensive back-end intelligence systems.\n\n2+ years of Android software development and Android sdk, ndk, apk packaging experience. Strong Java language skills. Published apps in the Play store (or something far enough along to be able to show us).\n\n\u00d8 QA Engineer\n\nAutomated and Manual testing. Writing and executing automated tests for both web and mobile environments. Implementing and creating regression systems.\n\n3+ years testing web and\/or mobile apps with coding experience and familiarity with Java, Javascript, and\/or Objective-C. Hands-on mobile automation experience. Part tester, part bug-hunter and when appropriate, bug fixer.\n\n\u00d8 QA Tester\n\nManual front-end testing of mobile apps in iOS and Android environments.\n\n3+ years of experience testing mobile apps (web apps a plus), with rock solid knowledge of bug tracking and writing\/following test plans and test cases. Knowledge of front-end technologies such as: HTML, CSS, JavaScript is a plus.\n\n\u00d8 Visual Designer (for Android)\n\nFocusing on our Android app, you will play a critical role shaping the future of Refresh. You will work closely with the existing User Experience team to adapt our design for Android specific interactions.\n\nExtensive experience in designing the UI for Android and iOS apps. You should have a passion for creating simple, clean designs with an element of delight.\n\nWhy you want to work with us: Awesome team, cool culture, top of the line dev machines, brand new office (killer views), free lunches, and more!\n\nRefresh your relationships with our app and Refresh your career by working with us!\n\nMore information at: www.refresh.io\/jobs\/\n\nApply at: email@example.com\n\nH1B transfer applicants welcome.\n\n<\/comment> Voleon Capital Management -- Berkeley, CA -- Full-time, on-site, H1B\n\nWe are a science-driven systematic trading firm, built on the principle that statistical machine learning provides the best solutions to the scientific problems we must solve. Our CEO is a CS PhD and founded a successful internet startup, and our Head of Research\/CIO is a Berkeley statistics professor; both have a background in finance. Our trading is entirely automated and based on cutting-edge machine learning techniques. We have a collegial, academic working environment, rely on open source software, and have built our own software stack. We have a track record of strong performance and have been raising money and growing fast.\n\nWillingness to take initiative, and a gritty determination to productize, are essential.\n\nOur offices are in downtown Berkeley, one block from campus and one block from BART.\n\nWe have two positions open: CTO and Member of Research Staff.\n\n* Chief Technology Officer\n\nWe have assembled a small group of exceptional software and infrastructure professionals and seek an experienced candidate to lead and grow the team. The CTO will manage the implementation of our next generation infrastructure, including production trading systems, software infrastructure for our research department, and our compute and storage hardware systems. The CTO will work directly with the Head of Research and the CEO to set the technical direction of the company. A strong candidate will be well-versed in state-of-the-art technology (particularly distributed systems and cluster computing), and will have a track record of building and leading elite technical teams and successfully delivering complex projects (especially in a startup environment). A background in finance is not required.\n\n* Member of Research Staff\n\nWe are looking for a PhD-level scientist to join us in developing predictive models and other components of automated trading systems. You will apply modern statistical machine-learning methods to large, high-dimensional data sets. The work will range from data preparation to model development to production software implementation.\n\nWe take a rigorous approach to building trading systems, and we actively foster a collegial, intellectual environment.\n\nWe hire on the basis of exceptional talent. If you excel in a technical field such as statistics, mathematics, computer science, engineering, ,or operations research, then we encourage you to contact us. The following criteria, while not all requirements, illustrate the demands of this role.\n\n\\+ Background in modern statistical methods \/ machine learning\n\n\\+ Evidence of strong mathematical abilities, e.g. publication record, graduate coursework, or competition placement\n\n\\+ Substantial programming experience and interest in software development techniques\n\n\\+ Competence in solving large-scale computing problems\n\n\\+ Track record as an applied researcher\n\n\\+ Demonstrable clarity of thought (not optional)\n\nInterest in financial applications is essential, but experience in finance is not a primary factor in our hiring.\n\nBenefits and compensation are highly competitive. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a cover letter and resume to email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> WebAction (www.webaction.com) in Downtown Palo Alto - Full Time Hiring UI Developer, Platform Engineers, and Application Developers\n\nfirstname.lastname@example.com\n\nWebAction is a real-time streaming big data company based in the San Francisco Bay Area, providing an end-to-end platform that aims to enable the next generation of real-time, data driven applications. Founded by a team of Silicon Valley veterans with proven track records, WebAction is backed by some of the most respected names in Silicon Valley. We're also well funded (recently raised $11m Series B by a private equity firm with a $15 billion fund).\n\nWe offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits package, generous equity for the right candidates. Our office is also a short walk from some great restaurants and coffee spots on University Avenue in Downtown Palo Alto.\n\nFor the UI Developer Position:\n\nResponsibilities\n\n\\- Code user interface components for a real-time big data dashboard\n\n\\- Optimize code for performance and usability\n\n\\- Contribute innovative ideas for new dashboard features\n\n\\- Collaborate with platform engineers to coordinate user interface with back- end functionality\n\nRequirements:\n\n\\- Strong knowledge of Javascript, CSS, HTML, and jQuery\n\n\\- Enthusiasm for working in a startup environment\n\n\\- Portfolio of deployed projects\n\nNice to Haves\n\n\\- Experience working with real-time, data-intensive user interfaces\n\n\\- Experience with D3.js or other data visualization libraries\n\n\\- Experience with Backbone.js or other front-end MV* frameworks\n\n\\- User experience and design skills\n\nFor the Platform Engineering position, we ask that you have experience writing clean code in Java and have a strong desire and skills to work on a scalable, highly optimized data management infrastructure. We ask that you have the following skills:\n\n-Large-scale distributed systems\n\n-Highly available, highly scalable architectures, Hadoop (MapReduce \/ Pig \/ Zookeeper),\n\n\\- Data Serialization (Avro \/ Thrift \/ Protocol Buffers)\n\n\\- Experience Optimizing HBase Performance\n\n-Real-time messaging (0MQ \/ Kestrel \/ Kafka or similar), Real-time event processing, Continuous Queries\n\nFor the Application Development position, please follow the link to our detailed description of the role:\n\n[http:\/\/www.glassdoor.com\/job- listing\/JV.htm?jl=887065158&..](http:\/\/www.glassdoor.com\/job- listing\/JV.htm?jl=887065158&..).\n\nIf this sounds like you, shoot us an e-mail at email@example.com.\n\n<\/comment> Chicago, IL - DevOps and Build Automation Engineer @ Spantree - [http:\/\/www.spantree.net](http:\/\/www.spantree.net)\n\n===\n\nSystems Management: Vagrant, Puppet, AWS\n\nBuild Automation\/CI: Gradle, Grunt, Jenkins, Sonar, Maven, Cordova\n\nTest Automation: JUnit\/Spock, Selenium, Mocha.js\n\nWeb Tier: Java 7, Nginx, Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, Grails, Redis, RabbitMQ, Node.js, Varnish\n\nData stores: MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Postgres, Redis, Couchbase, Neo4J\n\n===\n\nSpantree is a boutique software engineering firm based (mostly) in Chicago. We're looking for our very first DevOps engineer to join our team in the West Loop.\n\nThis candidate should enjoy learning new technologies and solving hard problems. Ideally, we're looking for someone that can whip or systems engineering stack into shape, taking over cross-cutting systems work that we each handle on our individual projects. Our existing team of 7 are mostly programmers. We've had to learn tools such as Vagrant, Puppet and AWS to make our lives easier, but we're growing to the point where we could really use someone who lives and breathes this stuff.\n\nWe work quite a bit with OSS and we're not shy about jumping into other people's code to figure things out. We constantly hunt for smarter ways to do things, so we're often experimenting with emerging tech with little or no documentation. You should be motivated to submit pull requests and hunt down project committers on Twitter and IRC when you're stuck.\n\n===\n\nWho are you?\n\n===\n\n* A nice person\n\n* An effective communicator face-to-face, on the phone, and over the web\n\n* A pragmatic engineer that can quickly go from problem to solution to working software\n\n* A lazy programmer who leverages test, build, and deployment automation wherever possible\n\n* An confident teacher of what you know and a humble student of what you don't\n\n* An altruist who wants to participate in open-source projects\n\n===\n\nWhat do we work on?\n\n===\n\nOur clients range from small and scrappy startups to large enterprise companies. We have 3-7 projects going at any point in time. We tend to focus on greenfield development, building web applications from the ground up. We also work on integrating the old with the new, bringing technologies like Elasticsearch, Grails and Drools to large companies. Helping people make better decisions is the central theme of most of our projects. This can take the form of a search engine to help people find interesting stuff to do on a Saturday night, a complex rules-oriented workflow management system for evaluating health insurance claims, helping people find the right doctor, or a matchmaking and scheduling system to help people book face-to-face meetings at conferences. In the next year or two, we also plan to get into product development, taking our experiences solving the same sort of problems for multiple clients and rolling them into a generic framework which we plan to open source and support directly for our clients and the rest of the world.\n\n===\n\nWe offer full health, vision and dental for our full-time employees. 401K. Free snacks and often free lunches as well. Big monitors and top-of-the-line equipment. We also have a shiny new office treadmill.\n\nDrop us a line at email@example.com and tell us a bit about yourself. If you have a resume or CV, feel free to pass that along as well. Github and LinkedIn profiles are also helpful. We're looking forward to hearing from you!\n\n<\/comment> San Francisco - Mavenlink - [http:\/\/mavenlink.com](http:\/\/mavenlink.com) \\- [http:\/\/mavengineering.com](http:\/\/mavengineering.com)\n\nSenior Web Application Developer\n\nMavenlink provides consultants, independent professionals, and services firms with a suite of simple, thoughtful tools to run their businesses profitably. We're replacing cumbersome and expensive business processes that are currently handled by a hodge-podge of Excel, aging competitors, and repetitive human tasks. Our users love us (and pay us) because we make consultants and their clients happier and more efficient at doing their jobs.\n\nOur roadmap is clear, both due to strong relationships with our customers, and due to our founders' experience in the services industry. With each month, we find our product moving further and further upmarket as it tackles increasing complexity and scale. We're looking for more smart people to help us build business software that's both powerful and easy to use.\n\nWho\n\nWe're looking for senior engineers who enjoy teaching and learning from others. You are passionate about writing maintainable, reusable, well-tested code. You enjoy pairing and applying TDD when appropriate. You don't shy away from diving into a large (but very well tested!) Rails application to refactor it into components and services. You're excited to work on a team creating intuitive UIs in Backbone.Marionette and CoffeeScript, developing reusable JSON APIs, and extracting and releasing open source components.\n\nIt's hard to measure experience in years meaningfully, but you should have a strong background in Ruby and Ruby on Rails, as well as JavaScript and ideally CoffeeScript. We'd expect something on the order of 2-3 years of full-time Ruby experience.\n\nExperience in the following would help you get up to speed and start committing on day one:\n\n* RSpec and Jasmine\n\n* CoffeeScript\n\n* Sass and modular CSS\n\n* Backbone \/ Backbone.Marionette\n\n* API design\n\nBenefits and Work Environment\n\n* We offer competitive salary, benefits, equity, and a fun and casual work environment.\n\n* Because we pair most of the time, we work regular, predictable hours, starting at 9:30am with a brief morning stand-up, and ending at 6pm. We won't ask you to stay late or work weekends except in truly exceptional situations. We care about work-life balance.\n\n* We send interested employees to conferences to speak or just to learn. The whole 16 person engineering team has attended GoGaRuCo (Golden Gate Ruby Conference) here in San Francisco two years running, and we've given talks at a number of Ruby conferences.\n\n* Our development workflow is a combination of pairing and soloing, with pull requests and code review.\n\n* We use Pivotal Tracker to break down and estimate features and Travis for continuous integration of our test suite.\n\n* We've seen the benefits of test-driven, high-quality code first hand, and we know what happens when code spikes turn into production code and become unmaintainable. You will have full-buyin from the team to spend time testing and writing maintainable code.\n\n* We always striving to have the most enjoyable and productive environment. We conduct periodic team retrospectives where we discuss what's working, what's not working, and how we can improve everyone's experience.\n\n* We're located in downtown San Francisco, two blocks from the Embarcadero BART.\n\nApply\n\nSend your resum\u00e9, GitHub profile, or other examples of your work to email@example.com\n\nAsk us questions! We believe that you should always ask probing questions about a company's trajectory, funding, and plans when considering employment, especially at a startup. Please, ask us anything! We strive for operational transparency.\n\n<\/comment> Expensify-San Francisco, CA-Fulltime, Programmer Extraordinaire Hey there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Expensify and we do \"expense reports that don't suck!\" (Google \"expensify\" to read more.) We're getting crushed under an ever-growing pile of super awesome work, and I need one bright soul to help us dig our way out. I can guarantee you fun, an amazing opportunity to learn, and the siren's call of distant riches. But only if you are all of the following:\n\n\\- An incredibly hard worker, even when it's not so fun. There is a ton of work to do, and a lot of it downright sucks. After all \u2014 we do the sucky work so our customers won't need to. I need you to buck up and grind through server logs, user emails, source code, and bug reports, without complaint or supervision, and come back asking for more.\n\n\\- A cool person to be with. Not a crazy party animal, just someone we can trust, rely upon, hang out with, bounce ideas off of, and generally interact with in a positive way, both personally and professionally. In fact, this is one of the most stringent requirements we have: would you be fun to hang out with day and night on some remote, exotic beach? This isn't a rhetorical question, either: every year we take the company overseas for a month (on your own dime, sorry) and work incredibly hard while having a ton of fun. We've done Thailand, Mexico, India, Turkey, Croatia and the Philippines. Where do you want to go next?\n\n\\- Super talented, in a general way. We're going to throw a ton of work at you of every possible sort, and you need that magic skill of being able to figure it out even if you have no idea where to start. On any given day you might bounce between super low-level coding, super high-level technical support, marketing-driven data-mining, updating our user documentation, inventing\/designing\/building some new feature, etc. This is not a code monkey job \u2014 you're going to be a full participant in the process, and you need to bring your own unique blend of skills to the table.\n\n\\- Specifically talented in a programming way. You can instantly visualize solutions to problems big and small. Your code is always clean, well commented, has good nomenclature and indentation. You can switch on a dime between C++, PHP, Bash, Cron, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Dwoo, SQL \u2014 not because you know them all, but because you're the sort of person who can just pick it up and figure it out. If you're this sort of person, you'll know what I mean. If not, then this position isn't for you.\n\nAnd there are a bunch more, but odds are if you got this far, nothing I can do would stop you from applying. That's a problem because while I know you are awesome, it's actually really hard and time consuming to find you in the midst of the literally hundreds of other applications I get from everyone else. So this is where I'm going to ask my first favor: can you make it really easy and obvious how great you are, so I don't accidentally overlook you?\n\nThere are probably many ways to do that. But the easiest way to do that is to check out we.are.expensify.com and send in an application(which you can find at [https:\/\/we.are.expensify.com\/apply](https:\/\/we.are.expensify.com\/apply)). We are excited to hear from you!\n\n w\/ all these requirements, how much will u pay? guys like u described can go to anywhere and make half million dollars a year easily.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Ask HN:user research?\n\n<\/comment> Product Developer\n\nSan Francisco, CA | www.investcloud.com\n\nJob Description: Do you enjoy designing and engineering beautiful products that improve your client's experience? Are you a skilled technologist with an interest and experience in the asset management industry? Are you excited by the opportunity to change the way that the global finance industry uses and interacts with data? The InvestCloud team is looking for a product developer with the technical skill, architectural acumen and the drive to deliver innovative solutions to the challenges today's investment managers face.\n\nKey Responsibilities:\n\n\\- Drive and deliver the next generation of features and functions to expand the InvestCloud product offering.\n\n\\- Find ways to leverage new technologies to increase the scalability and performance of the platform.\n\n\\- Recognize opportunities to expand the product suite to capitalize on new market opportunities.\n\n\\- Develop and architect new product features.\n\n\\- Make informed decisions, and be comfortable with celebrating your successes and learning from your failures.\n\nRequirements:\n\n\\- Experience with highly available, multi-tenant, cloud-deployed applications.\n\n\\- A BS\/BA in Computer Science, or related field, and a strong interest in investment management.\n\n\\- Experience in multi-threaded application environments.\n\n\\- Knowledge of SQL and NoSQL database architectures.\n\n\\- Experience with Git.\n\n\\- Experience programming in Java, .NET, or Python a plus.\n\n<\/comment> Funding Circle USA is hiring in San Francisco!\n\nThe Company: Small businesses and the middle class are suffering in the wake of the current financial crisis because banks and traditional lenders just aren't willing to make loans or they demand high interest rates while business owners suffer long wait times. At the same time investors are searching for an asset class that promises strong risk-adjusted returns.\n\nLike David took down Goliath, Funding Circle USA is the taking aim at Big Banking.\n\nFunding Circle USA was founded with the mission of jump starting small businesses and they are succeeding through the creation of their robust marketplace that connects small businesses looking for up to $500k with accredited investors.\n\nHow To Apply: * The Sourcery will be the first point of contact. * All applications receive a response. * All applications are kept strictly confidential. * To apply, click the link!\n\nFull Stack Engineer: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/588](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/588)\n\nSr. Full Stack Engineer: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/654](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/654)\n\n<\/comment> PRODUCT MANAGER\n\nSan Francisco, CA | www.investcloud.com\n\nJob Description:\n\nDo you enjoy designing and engineering beautiful products that improve your client's experience? Are you a skilled technologist with an interest and experience in the asset management industry? Are you excited by the opportunity to change the way that the global finance industry uses and interacts with data? The InvestCloud team is looking for a product manager with the technical skill, design acumen and the drive to deliver innovative solutions to the challenges today's investment managers face.\n\nKey Responsibilities:\n\n\\- Partner with engineers, architects, clients, partners, and executives on the creation of product vision, strategy, roadmap, and communications for InvestCloud's products.\n\n\\- Find new and different ways to leverage the existing product features and functions to create new product offerings.\n\n\\- Recognize opportunities to expand the product suite to capitalize on new market opportunities.\n\n\\- Get your hands dirty when necessary to develop and design new product features.\n\n\\- Understand and distill client needs into new products.\n\n\\- Make informed decisions, and be comfortable with celebrating your successes and learning from your failures.\n\nRequirements:\n\n\\- Experience with highly available, multi-tenant, cloud-deployed applications.\n\n\\- A BS\/BA in Computer Science, or related field, and a strong interest in investment management.\n\n\\- 3+ years of experience in Product Management, specifically working with both engineering and design teams.\n\n\\- Understanding of technical and functional testing; experience with automated testing frameworks (Selenium specifically) a plus.\n\n\\- Excellent listening, oral, and written communication\/presentation skills with strong ability to influence people at all levels and various functions.\n\n<\/comment> GoPro is hiring for several Full-time roles in San Francisco.\n\n-Director of Engineering, Platform:(go to: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/641](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/641))\n\n-Software Engineer: (go to: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/643](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/643))\n\n-Sr. Software Engineer: (go to: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/644](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/644))\n\n<\/comment> Pantheon is making it radically easier for organizations to develop and manage their websites on one platform. Pantheon makes building websites simple and fast for brands of all sizes.\n\nJoin the team as a Customer Success Engineer. To learn more and to apply, go to: [http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/646](http:\/\/www.thesourcery.com\/jobs\/646)\n\n<\/comment> For those of you extra interested in AngularJS jobs.\n\nMuther F'ing Sorcerer (AngularJS & SASS)\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/465-muther-f-ing- > sorcerer-...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/465-muther-f-ing-sorcerer- > angularjs-sass)\n\nSenior Software Engineer (Enterprise consulting and AngularJS specialisation)\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/643-senior-software- > engine...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/643-senior-software-engineer- > enterprise-consulting-and-angularjs-specialisation)\n\nAngularJS Developer with Grails \/ Java Background at wixab [remote work]\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/611-angularjs-developer- > wi...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/611-angularjs-developer-with- > grails-java-background-at-wixab-remote-work)\n\nFront End Web Developer (JavaScript\/HTML5\/CSS)\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/604-front-end-web- > develope...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/604-front-end-web-developer- > javascript-html5-css)\n\nSenior JavaScript Developer with AngularJS experience. Franklin, Tennessee.\n\n> [https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/599-senior-javascript- > deve...](https:\/\/www.angularjobs.com\/posts\/599-senior-javascript-developer- > with-angularjs-experience-franklin-tennessee)\n\n There are some positions in which one is entitled to call oneself a sorcerer. Yours is not one of them.<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2014-10":2}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"We wrote an article on Product Hunt 'to dos' with a statistical analysis - https:\/\/www.epiloge.com\/how-much-time-should-you-actually-invest-into-your-product-hunt-launch-9a810e We have posted Epiloge, our start-up to Product Hunt today.\n\nThere are tons of articles on tips and tricks for posting anything on Product Hunt, even though people ultimately always say it is the app itself which is what gets people excited (tips range from \"don't put your app up on PH right away, but iron out bugs first\", \"get an initial community or user group with feedback\", \"follow on posts on Twitter, Facebook, email\", \"make great slides that look like your app\" etc.). But we couldn't find a step by step walkthrough what's really technically required to put together a reasonable PH page... and don't forget anything!\n\nDo you absolutely need an animated GIF logo? And where do you get one... How common are videos posted to the successful PH launches? Can you hunt your app yourself or is it a no-no and you really need to contact one of the \"hunters\" on Product Hunt to do so. What about timing again? etc. At least those were our questions.\n\nWell, to get some answers, we put together a little statistical analysis that led to a steps plan for our PH launch. There are also links in there to much more comprehensive blog posts and articles we found useful.\n\nAnyway, hope this is a good read for others in a similar situation - and yeah, any support on ProductHunt for Epiloge is appreciated [https:\/\/www.producthunt.com\/posts\/epiloge-2](https:\/\/www.producthunt.com\/posts\/epiloge-2) :)\n\nCheers!<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2},"id":22317348},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: I have received RSU's. Now what? - th-miracle-257 Please help me with any or all of the following:

- a simple definition of RSU's

- how to effectively utilize these? and yet,

- how to not let them be your golden handcuffs? An RSU is like a pre-order for a share of stock. Your employer gives you an RSU with a specified vesting date as an incentive to continue working for the company until that date. On the vesting date, the RSU magically turns into a share of company stock, which is then yours to keep or sell as you please. If you leave, any remaining un-vested RSUs simply evaporate.\n\nHolding shares in the same company that pays your salary for is not great from a risk-management point of view, so most people sell their shares as soon as they vest. You can reinvest the proceeds in a mutual fund or something.\n\nGolden handcuffs only work if you let them. I make a habit of completely ignoring RSUs and acting as though they have no value. They play no part in my decisions about where to work or how I feel about the compensation package. If the salary is good I take the job, if not I go somewhere else. If the RSUs turn out to be worth something, then yay, it's a bonus! But most of the time they are not as good a deal as company recruiters would like you to think they are - if they actually _were_ worth the cash equivalent a recruiter will quote you, the company would save themselves the trouble of managing the RSU program and just give you the cash instead. The company saves money by offering you RSUs because you will never be able to cash in on all of them - you will always walk away from the company with un-vested RSUs at some point. That's not a terrible thing, just don't let yourself count RSUs as real income until _after_ they actually vest.\n\n<\/comment> Assuming these are RSUs are in a listed company whose shares are liquid, the things that are important are:\n\n\\- the list of vesting events (including date and # shares)\n\n\\- the current market price of the stock\n\nYou can use the above to calculate your future income at this job (after adding your cash salary and expected bonus). This will provide a benchmark against which to evaluate future job offers.\n\nIf you want to diversify your portfolio (rather than having a large part of your wealth linked to the stock price of your employer), then you could sell any shares immediately as they vest, and use the money to buy an index tracking ETF.\n\n<\/comment> >how to not let them be golden handcuffs.\n\nStay competitive and willing to leave for a different company or find value in other things than gold.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Ask HN: What tool\/trick has most improved your programming productivity? - Interactive debugging. \"Most bugs are a result of the execution state not being exactly what you think it is\" (Carmack) and it's astonishing how many people just refuses to effectively debug using an interactive debugger, which allows for easy inspection of anything, at any moment, with a REPL for a given state of your program, including call stack inspection\/jumping and what not. Some say that \"printing\" and\/or \"logging\" is just \"enough\", when those are _other_ debugging techniques and often needed too. Heck, even some say that \"if you need to step through your code you already are in bad shit\" just as an excuse.\n\nKnowing how to do effective, interactive debugging in any language is a major step in productivity: it helps in so many ways: learning, diagnose, getting things done...\n\n I can't stand watching people do the add print statement \u2014> compile \u2014> run loop over and over. You can save so much time just stepping through and printing things in the REPL. It's like you're gonna be in this industry a long time, learn the damn tools.\n\nSometimes if I'm writing a complicated piece of logic I'll even jump straight to the debugger on first run just to look at all the values and make sure the assumptions were correct.\n\n Both have their place, printing is good when you need to get some quantity reads.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I like to leave off at the end of the day knowing what the next step is. I leave a small task that I could easily do then and there. This way I can start my morning off with a simple, quick, productive task. This gets my momentum rolling. I learned it reading about some famous author that used to use this trick.\n\nOther fun productivity tricks include drawing a simple diagram when you can't focus or don't know what to work on next. I also try to have tasks that take all different levels of focus and cognitive energy in the backlog so that I can choose a task based on my mood.\n\n<\/comment> Meditation. Not the type that keeps you calm, but the type that acts as internal debugging.\n\nAll my issues with procrastination come from some deep internal issues, for example, an aversion to working hard, sleeping early, or wanting to spend a lot of time on games as some sort of status symbol.\n\nA lot of these come from mental scars in our past, or even the wrong cultural conditioning. Basically just think what we would do if we were in complete control of ourselves, and why we're not doing that. And then dig really deep to find out where. You'll definitely know when you strike the nerve - it can trigger a sudden rage or tears. But hitting that nerve reduces the control it has over you.\n\n<\/comment> Keeping a private \"playground\" code repository that hosts various \"trivial\"\/useless projects you've flash through in your brain during free time. For most of us, a simple application prototype is good enough.\n\nKeep them buried for some period (maybe a month or so), then review back your code and see what's the good, bad & ugly you used to have (e.g algorithm usage, memory allocation, code style, correctness). I love this kind of \"writer's retrospection\" to see how much we've grown.\n\n<\/comment> I like the Pomodoro method. Basically, focus on a task for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. Every 4 blocks, take a 15 minute break instead.\n\nI work at home, so I do housework in some of those 5 minute breaks. It's different enough that it helps clear my mind enough to focus again after the break.\n\nI'm still trying to find a good way to plan these work chunks, but so far I think emacs org-mode will work pretty well.\n\n I find it difficult to break after 25 minutes when I am too much into the stuff specially in between complex debugging. Then I feel like I am not doing Pomodoro right. Do have a similar experience?\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Test driven development. Making your tests first, or at least early, helps you mentally nail down what you want your software to do. It also helps you think defensively early-on about corner cases and race conditions.\n\nBut that isn't really where the biggest benefits lie.\n\nWhen you come back to that code a year later and have to make changes to it, but have forgotten how it works, having all the tests pass with good coverage provides a significant (but not absolute) level of confidence that you didn't break anything.\n\nGiven that so much development time is spent editing\/updating code, rather than writing it from scratch, this can be a huge speedup in productivity.\n\n<\/comment> Prettier for auto formatting. Tailwind for CSS.\n\nHowever, the biggest win was having a custom React boilerplate better suited to my needs than anything else that's out there.\n\n I love using prettier. I just hit that format button or let it format on save. No reason to waste time formatting it when something can do the styling I normally do automatically.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Jetbrains IDEs and learning using flashcards.\n\n +1 on Jetbrains, I've just installed PHPStorm and have skipped a ton of env setup BS already by having PHPStorm run my stuff from inside a docker container managed in the IDE itself.\n\nWhat do you learn using flashcards, out of interest?\n\n I use Ankidroid and make my own cards.\n\nIt works on all platforms and is free. Usually just language syntax, and keywords.\n\nBut there are great free flash cards like this one on Kotlin: [https:\/\/ankiweb.net\/shared\/info\/1229687199](https:\/\/ankiweb.net\/shared\/info\/1229687199)\n\nI got inspired by Derek Banas video: [https:\/\/youtu.be\/5urUZUWoTLo](https:\/\/youtu.be\/5urUZUWoTLo)<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Dan Bunten and M.U.L.E. (2013) - https:\/\/www.filfre.net\/2013\/02\/dan-bunten-and-m-u-l-e\/ Absolutely loved it on the Commodore64, and still love playing the ROM+emulator version. It's truly a masterpiece of easy to learn, yet challenging to master, and of course just plain fun.\n\n<\/comment> > Despite all the love lavished on M.U.L.E. by Ozark Softscape and EA and > despite deservedly stellar reviews, it was a commercial disappointment. > M.U.L.E. sold only about 30,000 copies over its lifetime\n\nWow, that's sad to hear. But I still have one of those 30,000 here in my study (if the C64 counts in those numbers!)\n\n Yeah, nah, my cousins were known C64 pirates and I had hundreds of disks filled with games for my C64. I too loved MULE, but I didn't pay for it. It makes me sad, now.\n\nEDIT: my standard loading screen was ISEPIC[0]\n\n[0][https:\/\/rr.pokefinder.org\/rrwiki\/images\/7\/71\/ISEPIC.gif](https:\/\/rr.pokefinder.org\/rrwiki\/images\/7\/71\/ISEPIC.gif)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Four player M.U.L.E. was amazing. It was such a fun game that had simple rules but pretty varied strategies.\n\n<\/comment> Discussed at the time: [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=5211036](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=5211036)\n\n2014: [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=7929284](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=7929284)\n\n<\/comment> The first game I played for 12 hours straight without noticing what happened. The only real flaw was the crystite strategy that had a \"runaway win\" nature.\n\nPlayed this for years before I realized that you get points for making your property contiguous.\n\n<\/comment> I still regularly play M.U.L.E. on my 800xl daily driver.\n\nThere still exist a ton of us that love our vintage machines and games, us Atari guys hang out on the [https:\/\/atariage.com\/](https:\/\/atariage.com\/) forums and in fact my local Atari group has our monthly meeting this Saturday and there are plenty of larger meetups like the ones that the Vintage Computer Federation puts on [http:\/\/vcfed.org\/wp\/festivals\/](http:\/\/vcfed.org\/wp\/festivals\/)\n\nFloppy Days podcast has been doing a good job documenting old machines and software by talking to the people involved [http:\/\/floppydays.libsyn.com\/](http:\/\/floppydays.libsyn.com\/) as well as uploading anything they get to the Internet Archive.\n\nFor Atari there's also ANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast by some of the same people involved with Floppy Days [https:\/\/ataripodcast.libsyn.com\/](https:\/\/ataripodcast.libsyn.com\/)\n\nThere's also the Facebook page \"Vintage Computer Shows\" that tries to list all upcoming shows\/conventions that is run by one of the ANTIC guys (that also runs the local group here in Indy).\n\n<\/comment> M.U.L.E. on the Atari 800 was fantastic.\n\n<\/comment> So what is the consensus on _Planet M.U.L.E._ for those who actually remember the original game? It was my first introduction to M.U.L.E. as a game, and I thought it was a very neat little implementation back when I tried it\n\n[http:\/\/www.planetmule.com\/](http:\/\/www.planetmule.com\/)\n\n<\/comment> Loved M.U.L.E. Friend and I used to play for hours on the Commodore64. Now we still play using the emulator.\n\n Can emulator handle four physical joysticks? I'd like to assemble a setup to play w four people.\n\n A Commodore 64 only had 2 joystick ports, so the C64 version of M.U.L.E. uses the keyboard for players 3 and 4 on screens where all players are active, but accepts input from any joystick on screens where only one player is active -- allowing players to pass the sticks around to take their \"turns\".\n\nThe Atari version of the game supports four joysticks as did the underlying hardware. This is the version you want to play in emulation if you have 4 players. Great fun!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> > But as any good game designer, whether she works in cardboard or silicon, > will tell you, even the most genius of designs must be relentlessly tested, > endlessly tweaked. Ozark Softscape and EA devoted literally months to this > task, gradually refining the design.\n\nIt was nice in the '80s to buy a game and receive an actual finished game out of the box. Contrast that today where the game is barely working on release day, and underwent insufficient play testing and tuning. We're so reliant on endless patches now, and gamers inexplicably accept the idea of buying unfinished \"early access\" games. Does any major studio actually devote a length of time measurable in months to play testing anymore?\n\n We're going to see a much larger problem, of actually archiving this autoupdated software.\n\n10 years later, I could reinstall NeverWinter Nights. 20 years later, and I could still install Unreal Tournament. 25, Total Annihilation. 30 years ago; Duke nukem.\n\nBut that online game that came out 4 years ago and was abandoned; gone to time. Even if I have the client, the server world is gone. Nada. Any trace of my playing, my friends, our exploits; gone from time. But there's a CNet article about it. That's as close as anyone will ever get.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I spent hours playing that on my C64. I can still hear that music in my head...\n\n The music is very catchy, indeed: [http:\/\/deepsid.chordian.net\/?file=\/GAMES\/M-R\/M_U_L_E.sid](http:\/\/deepsid.chordian.net\/?file=\/GAMES\/M-R\/M_U_L_E.sid)\n\n MP3s available here:\n\n[https:\/\/ftp.acc.umu.se\/mirror\/media\/Oakvalley\/soasc\/hvsc\/051...](https:\/\/ftp.acc.umu.se\/mirror\/media\/Oakvalley\/soasc\/hvsc\/051\/MP3\/GAMES\/M-R\/)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I always loved the look & idea of M.U.L.E., but I never understood how to play it.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":4},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Customizable music loops for videos, games, podcasts - https:\/\/studio.awsm.st\/ I built this web app that lets you customise background music loops within a set. You can switch different instruments on and off, set volume levels, set the length and download. All the tracks in a set work together but different combinations can change a piece from light and happy to dramatic and angry to wistful and relaxed.\n\nIt's primarily for video background music but it also works for games where you need lots of variations of tracks that work together to smoothly change with the game's mood and atmosphere.\n\n There are examples of very different tracks built from the same set in this blog post: [https:\/\/thingsinjars.com\/post\/497\/harmonious- studio\/](https:\/\/thingsinjars.com\/post\/497\/harmonious-studio\/)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> This project is super interesting to me for a variety of reasons and I spent a few minutes playing around with it--and have some thoughts, feelings and opinions as a result. :)\n\nToo many to get fully into now but here's a few roughly expressed:\n\n* Do people who want background music want as much control over individual instruments as this provides or is it too overwhelming?\n\n* Do the target audience have the necessary skill\/experience\/desire to be able to manipulate the music at the level of control provided to get the result they want?\n\n* Do people want higher level less detailed control over the feel of a piece of music? e.g. \"more exciting\", \"more dramatic\", \"slower\", \"less repetitive\", \"less in-your-face\"?\n\n* Would people want to chain some mix variations together to provide a single longer, less repetitive sequence?\n\n* Is it more effective for the original artist to provide variations on a piece or selected \"mixes\" and people choose one of those rather than manipulating individual instruments themselves?\n\n* What if individual instrument volume or selection were chosen randomly after pressing a \"give me something different\" button?\n\n* What if individual instrument volume or selection were chosen by a method that used some \"intelligence\" to set values rather than completely random?\n\n* Rather than starting with a silent mix, it felt better to start with a playing mix (from the side bar) that I could then alter. (Similar to a great GDC talk I saw from someone involved in Spore, I think, who said they intentionally didn't present a \"blank page\" in a design tool, in order to help people get started.)\n\n* After being used to more of a vertical channel mixing desk layout the horizontal\/grid volume control layout felt weird to me.\n\n* Design-wise it feels\/looks a bit \"dated\"\/busy\/cramped to me.\n\nFWIW my most satisfying mix was based on \"Organ Or Not\". (Also, I think that being able to generate a URL to save mix settings without having to create account\/login would be nicer experience--and also would've meant I could've shared the mix with you here. :) )\n\nI have a general interest in music composition, code, user experience and dynamic music which is part of the reason for my interest in your project.\n\nNow, I'm no investor but to me, this project seems like something that seems like it might have a potential market for it because there's already an existing market\/demand for pre-composed background music.\n\nMy key question though would be \"do people want this much control over the mix\"?\n\nFWIW my suggestion would be to:\n\n* Get this in front of as many people from your target (end purchaser) audience as possible and find out if it actually serves their need. My gut feeling is that it provides too much control for most people to be comfortable with.\n\n* Investigate other dynamic music products\/services to find out what's working and what's not.\n\n* Look at other \"consumer\" orientated products that enable manipulation of media that previously required a professional. e.g. photo manipulation software, everything from Photoshop's \"Variations\" tool (see: [http:\/\/www.graphic-design.com\/Photoshop\/color_cast\/figure_3-...](http:\/\/www.graphic-design.com\/Photoshop\/color_cast\/figure_3-10.jpg) via [http:\/\/www.graphic-design.com\/Photoshop\/color_cast\/](http:\/\/www.graphic-design.com\/Photoshop\/color_cast\/)) to \"Red Eye\" reduction or \"Magic\" fix options in iPhoto or similar. Essentially how can you help people explore a \"solution space\" to get the result they want?\n\nIt's definitely a cool tool with lots of possibilities technically but even if you got everything about it right as a tool, I can still see a risk that it might not be solving the actual problem people want to (pay to) have solved.\n\nGood luck! :)\n\nOh! Just thought, also check out DropMix by Harmonix\/Hasbro: [https:\/\/www.geek.com\/games\/dropmix-is-the-crown-jewel-of- har...](https:\/\/www.geek.com\/games\/dropmix-is-the-crown-jewel-of- harmonixhasbro-music-games-1715462\/)\n\nParticularly these reviews\/posts from Penny Arcade and note about how it makes the (non-musician) players _feel_ : [https:\/\/www.penny- arcade.com\/news\/post\/2017\/09\/25\/men-of-dis...](https:\/\/www.penny- arcade.com\/news\/post\/2017\/09\/25\/men-of-distinction) [https:\/\/www.penny- arcade.com\/news\/post\/2017\/10\/11\/bifurcator](https:\/\/www.penny- arcade.com\/news\/post\/2017\/10\/11\/bifurcator)<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} +{"text":"Show HN: Gter \u2013 A terminal for GUI apps - https:\/\/github.com\/raoofha\/gter Only slightly related;\n\nMy favorite 3d Modeling Program, Rhino3d, has a built in command line stemming from its Autocad heritage.\n\nIt is absolutely amazing, and has been for two decades now. Rhino3d is by far the best 3d modeling program I have ever used, and I'd say it is downright _fun_ to use!\n\nAuto-complete, discoverability, and the way it mixes keyboard and mouse input all come together to make this wonderful experience. A basic example, tell it to draw an ellipsoid, click the starting point, type the width in one dimension, and then click the mouse for the third point.\n\nIn comparison to Sketchup I am easily 5x-10x more productive in Rhino (not just because of the command line, lots of other reasons, Rhino3d really is awesome).\n\nI wish more applications had built in command lines that mixed mouse and textual input so well together. IMHO the greatest contribution VS Code has made is bringing that sort of combined UI to the programming masses, and doing it really well.\n\n yjftsjthsd-h Yeah, the one thing that I love about autocad is that they made a system where the GUI and CLI are actually fully integrated and equal. I'm actually surprised that I've not really seen anything like that elsewhere, especially in the *nix world.\n\n AutoCAD's integration is a historic legacy from its roots back when GUIs were more limited.\n\nRhino3d was, AFAIK, one of the earlier re-imaginings of that paradigm. (The CAD world doesn't move too fast!)\n\nAutocad has released slews of products since I last looked at any of this, but I still _really_ enjoy using Rhino3d. It feels like a natural extension of my mind and body, it is _that_ good to use.\n\nI don't even have a reason to do 3d modeling anymore, and I'll still open it up sometimes just to do something in it.\n\nGah I can't believe Blender and Sketchup became popular with their WTF UIs. Or why they didn't just copy a good UI from the get go.\n\nBleck.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Part of me wonders what a clean sheet redesign of a text terminal handling system would look like, would it still use inband signaling, or would you presume network and break it up into multiple sets of communications channels.\n\n<\/comment> I don't get it. What can you do here that you couldn't otherwise? You already have a term and an xserver to make it work right?\n\n it's just a proof of concept. I think it's cool to have a unified UI to the OS it's like you're chatting with the OS and it\/(she\/he in the future) can show\/ask you anything in response. my core idea is to make it easy to create something like Mathematica or Jupyter(IPython) by creating set of tiny GUI program that follow the same convention to talk to each other.\n\n That's a really interesting idea! I wrote a bit about it in Dercuano last year but I don't have a prototype to show. I look forward to seeing where you take it!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> You don't even need to make it vt100 compat. Just temporarily spawn the lightest vt100 compat terminal in the terminal.\n\nVery cool.\n\n Could you elaborate? Thanks.\n\n The \"terminalish\" part of this terminal doesn't need to actually be implemented. Instead, it can run another terminal as another X app, as the full backgroudnd.\n\n Except you'd need to keep track of windows inside the terminal, which is not obvious.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> With DomTerm (https::\/\/domterm.org) you can get similar functionality by embedding browser windows. In a running domterm window do:\n\ndomterm html '