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{"text":"Landlords' insurance is an insurance policy that covers a property owner from financial losses connected with rental properties. The policy covers the building, with the option of insuring any contents that belong to the landlord that are inside. Landlords' insurance is often referred to as buy-to-let insurance, however buy-to-let insurance is a type of landlords' insurance. It is important to distinguish between buy-to-let insurance which generally covers one property that has been purchased with a buy-to-let mortgage, and multi-property insurance, which covers two or more properties. Each of these types of landlords' insurance covers different things. Landlord insurance is separate from landlords' emergency cover.\n\nThe policy will normally cover standard perils such as fire, lightning, explosion, storm, escape of water\/oil, subsidence, theft and malicious damage. Each insurance policy is different and may or may not include all these items. Optional coverage might include accidental damage, malicious damage by tenant, terrorism, legal protection, alternative accommodation costs, contents insurance, rent guarantee insurance, and liability insurance.\n\nLandlords' insurance policies typically do not cover any personal property belonging to tenants, or otherwise protect the interest of tenants; although a liability policy protecting a landlord or property manager will be of benefit to tenants should they incur a loss for which the landlord is responsible.\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nTypes of insurance","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5634,"dup_dump_count":85,"dup_details":{"2024-30":70,"2024-26":78,"2024-22":83,"2024-18":98,"2024-10":96,"2017-13":7,"2015-18":3,"2015-11":2,"2015-06":2,"2014-10":2,"2013-48":2,"2013-20":2,"2023-50":140,"2023-40":110,"2023-23":135,"2023-14":87,"2023-06":94,"2022-49":50,"2022-40":120,"2022-33":10,"2022-27":75,"2022-21":106,"2022-05":105,"2021-49":21,"2021-43":118,"2021-39":72,"2021-31":196,"2021-25":85,"2021-21":97,"2021-17":133,"2021-10":128,"2021-04":127,"2020-50":114,"2020-45":78,"2020-40":166,"2020-34":64,"2020-29":150,"2020-24":75,"2020-16":159,"2020-10":55,"2020-05":181,"2019-51":110,"2019-47":102,"2019-43":119,"2019-39":85,"2019-35":117,"2019-30":89,"2019-26":98,"2019-22":81,"2019-18":104,"2019-13":62,"2019-09":116,"2019-04":84,"2018-51":88,"2018-47":63,"2018-43":83,"2018-39":59,"2018-34":84,"2018-30":51,"2018-26":66,"2018-22":37,"2018-17":62,"2018-13":31,"2018-09":54,"2018-05":26,"2017-51":28,"2017-47":29,"2017-43":23,"2017-39":37,"2017-34":35,"2017-30":27,"2017-26":33,"2017-22":18,"2017-17":10,"2017-09":5,"2015-27":3,"2015-22":2,"2015-14":1,"2014-52":2,"2014-49":1,"2014-42":2,"2014-41":4,"2014-35":2,"2014-23":4,"2014-15":1}},"id":13872812,"url":"https:\/\/\/wiki\/Landlords%27%20insurance","title":"Landlords' insurance","language":"en"},"subset":"wikipedia"}
{"text":"\"September 1, 1939\" atau 1 September 1939 adalah puisi oleh W. H. Auden (1907 - 1973) yang ditulis pada saat pecah Perang Dunia II. Pertama kali dipublikasikan di The New Republic edisi 18 Oktober 1939, dan ditulis pula dalam buku koleksi puisi karya Auden yaitu Another Time (1940).\n\nTeks puisi \nI sit in one of the dives\n\nOn Fifty-second Street\n\nUncertain and afraid\n\nAs the clever hopes expire\n\nOf a low dishonest decade:\n\nWaves of anger and fear\n\nCirculate over the bright\n\nAnd darkened lands of the earth,\n\nObsessing our private lives;\n\nThe unmentionable odour of death\n\nOffends the September night.\n\nAccurate scholarship can\n\nUnearth the whole offence\n\nFrom Luther until now\n\nThat has driven a culture mad,\n\nFind what occurred at Linz,\n\nWhat huge imago made\n\nA psychopathic god:\n\nI and the public know\n\nWhat all schoolchildren learn,\n\nThose to whom evil is done\n\nDo evil in return.\n\nExiled Thucydides knew\n\nAll that a speech can say\n\nAbout Democracy,\n\nAnd what dictators do,\n\nThe elderly rubbish they talk\n\nTo an apathetic grave;\n\nAnalysed all in his book,\n\nThe enlightenment driven away,\n\nThe habit-forming pain,\n\nMismanagement and grief:\n\nWe must suffer them all again.\n\nInto this neutral air\n\nWhere blind skyscrapers use\n\nTheir full height to proclaim\n\nThe strength of Collective Man,\n\nEach language pours its vain\n\nCompetitive excuse:\n\nBut who can live for long\n\nIn an euphoric dream;\n\nOut of the mirror they stare,\n\nImperialism's face\n\nAnd the international wrong.\n\nFaces along the bar\n\nCling to their average day:\n\nThe lights must never go out,\n\nThe music must always play,\n\nAll the conventions conspire\n\nTo make this fort assume\n\nThe furniture of home;\n\nLest we should see where we are,\n\nLost in a haunted wood,\n\nChildren afraid of the night\n\nWho have never been happy or good.\n\nThe windiest militant trash\n\nImportant Persons shout\n\nIs not so crude as our wish:\n\nWhat mad Nijinsky wrote\n\nAbout Diaghilev\n\nIs true of the normal heart;\n\nFor the error bred in the bone\n\nOf each woman and each man\n\nCraves what it cannot have,\n\nNot universal love\n\nBut to be loved alone.\n\nFrom the conservative dark\n\nInto the ethical life\n\nThe dense commuters come,\n\nRepeating their morning vow;\n\"\n\nI will be true to the wife,\n\nI'll concentrate more on my work,\"\n\nAnd helpless governors wake\n\nTo resume their compulsory game:\n\nWho can release them now,\n\nWho can reach the deaf,\n\nWho can speak for the dumb?\n\nAll I have is a voice\nTo undo the folded lie,\n\nThe romantic lie in the brain\n\nOf the sensual man-in-the-street\n\nAnd the lie of Authority\n\nWhose buildings grope the sky:\n\nThere is no such thing as the State\n\nAnd no one exists alone;\n\nHunger allows no choice\n\nTo the citizen or the police;\n\nWe must love one another or die.\n\nDefenceless under the night\n\nOur world in stupor lies;\n\nYet, dotted everywhere,\n\nIronic points of light\n\nFlash out wherever the Just\n\nExchange their messages:\n\nMay I, composed like them\n\nOf Eros and of dust,\n\nBeleaguered by the same\n\nNegation and despair,\n\nShow an affirming flame.\n\nReferensi\n\nPuisi","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":2710,"dup_dump_count":99,"dup_details":{"2024-30":24,"2024-26":19,"2024-22":30,"2024-18":28,"2024-10":25,"2017-13":43,"2015-18":13,"2015-11":11,"2015-06":11,"2014-10":15,"2013-48":13,"2013-20":22,"2023-50":23,"2023-40":20,"2023-23":33,"2023-14":29,"2023-06":31,"2022-49":32,"2022-40":32,"2022-33":14,"2022-27":32,"2022-21":32,"2022-05":33,"2021-49":16,"2021-43":35,"2021-39":20,"2021-31":33,"2021-25":20,"2021-21":17,"2021-17":31,"2021-10":24,"2021-04":29,"2020-50":23,"2020-45":24,"2020-40":29,"2020-34":25,"2020-29":27,"2020-24":28,"2020-16":24,"2020-10":27,"2020-05":36,"2019-51":21,"2019-47":24,"2019-43":21,"2019-39":31,"2019-35":18,"2019-30":22,"2019-26":19,"2019-22":24,"2019-18":18,"2019-13":24,"2019-09":17,"2019-04":26,"2018-51":17,"2018-47":26,"2018-43":26,"2018-39":23,"2018-34":20,"2018-30":65,"2018-26":44,"2018-22":38,"2018-17":34,"2018-13":55,"2018-09":53,"2018-05":61,"2017-51":56,"2017-47":54,"2017-43":75,"2017-39":53,"2017-34":66,"2017-30":60,"2017-26":60,"2017-22":53,"2017-17":54,"2017-09":26,"2017-04":22,"2016-50":21,"2016-44":17,"2016-40":18,"2016-36":13,"2016-30":12,"2016-26":11,"2016-22":13,"2016-18":14,"2016-07":15,"2015-48":16,"2015-40":12,"2015-35":13,"2015-32":14,"2015-27":14,"2015-22":14,"2015-14":10,"2014-52":14,"2014-49":15,"2014-42":36,"2014-41":20,"2014-35":18,"2014-23":24,"2014-15":17}},"id":3412720,"url":"https:\/\/\/wiki\/September%201%2C%201939","title":"September 1, 1939","language":"id"},"subset":"wikipedia"}
{"text":"\u4fc4\u6253(Ode)\u6216\u980c\u3001\u8ce6,\u4fc2\u897f\u65b9\u8a69\u6b4c\u55f0\u4e00\u7a2e\u5f62\u5f0f\u3002\u4f62\u901a\u5e38\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u55f0\u9577\u5ea6,\u7d50\u69cb\u7cbe\u7dfb\u3001\u5100\u79ae\u51fa\u773e\u3001\u66f2\u8abf\u838a\u56b4,\u901a\u5e38\u4fc2\u8209\u884c\u846c\u79ae\u3001\u570b\u4e8b\u55f0\u6642\u9593\u7528\u55f0\u3002\n\n\u793a\u4f8b\n\u300aOde to a Nightingale\u300b,John Keats\n\n1.\n\nMy heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains\n  My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,\nOr emptied some dull opiate to the drains\n  One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:\n'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,              \n  But being too happy in thine happiness,\u2014\n    That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees,\n          In some melodious plot\n  Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,\n    Singest of summer in full-throated ease.         \n\n2.\n\nO, for a draught of vintage! that hath been\n  Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth,\nTasting of Flora and the country green,\n  Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth!\nO for a beaker full of the warm South,               \n  Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,\n    With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,\n          And purple-stained mouth;\n  That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,\n    And with thee fade away into the forest dim:     \n\n3.\n\nFade far away, dissolve, and quite forget\n  What thou among the leaves hast never known,\nThe weariness, the fever, and the fret\n  Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;\nWhere palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs,      \n  Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;\n    Where but to think is to be full of sorrow\n          And leaden-eyed despairs,\n  Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes,\n    Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow.       \n\n4.\n\nAway! away! for I will fly to thee,\n  Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,\nBut on the viewless wings of Poesy,\n  Though the dull brain perplexes and retards:\nAlready with thee! tender is the night,              \n  And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,\n    Cluster'd around by all her starry Fays;\n          But here there is no light,\n  Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown\n    Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. \n\n5.\n\nI cannot see what flowers are at my feet,\n  Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs,\nBut, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet\n  Wherewith the seasonable month endows\nThe grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild;     \n  White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;\n    Fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves;\n          And mid-May's eldest child,\n  The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine,\n    The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.     \n\n6.\n\nDarkling I listen; and, for many a time\n  I have been half in love with easeful Death,\nCall'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme,\n  To take into the air my quiet breath;\nNow more than ever seems it rich to die,             \n  To cease upon the midnight with no pain,\n    While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad\n          In such an ecstasy!\n  Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain\u2014\n    To thy high requiem become a sod.                \n\n7.\n\nThou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!\n  No hungry generations tread thee down;\nThe voice I hear this passing night was heard\n  In ancient days by emperor and clown:\nPerhaps the self-same song that found a path         \n  Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,\n    She stood in tears amid the alien corn;\n          The same that oft-times hath\n  Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam\n    Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.        \n\n8.\n\nForlorn! the very word is like a bell\n  To toll me back from thee to my sole self!\nAdieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well\n  As she is fam'd to do, deceiving elf.\nAdieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades             \n  Past the near meadows, over the still stream,\n    Up the hill-side; and now 'tis buried deep\n          In the next valley-glades:\n  Was it a vision, or a waking dream?\n    Fled is that music:\u2014Do I wake or sleep?\n\n\u5225\u55f0\u689d\u76ee\n\u5df4\u524c(Ballad)\n\n\u8a69","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3407,"dup_dump_count":99,"dup_details":{"2024-30":13,"2024-26":22,"2024-22":23,"2024-18":17,"2024-10":21,"2017-13":64,"2015-18":32,"2015-11":26,"2015-06":32,"2014-10":43,"2013-48":45,"2013-20":45,"2023-50":38,"2023-40":22,"2023-23":31,"2023-14":24,"2023-06":30,"2022-49":23,"2022-40":36,"2022-33":10,"2022-27":28,"2022-21":29,"2022-05":17,"2021-49":20,"2021-43":34,"2021-39":26,"2021-31":26,"2021-25":17,"2021-21":24,"2021-17":27,"2021-10":13,"2021-04":26,"2020-50":16,"2020-45":15,"2020-40":24,"2020-34":15,"2020-29":31,"2020-24":18,"2020-16":27,"2020-10":17,"2020-05":34,"2019-51":18,"2019-47":18,"2019-43":21,"2019-39":20,"2019-35":33,"2019-30":27,"2019-26":20,"2019-22":25,"2019-18":34,"2019-13":35,"2019-09":38,"2019-04":31,"2018-51":37,"2018-47":27,"2018-43":48,"2018-39":31,"2018-34":28,"2018-30":84,"2018-26":43,"2018-22":43,"2018-17":45,"2018-13":68,"2018-09":52,"2018-05":74,"2017-51":74,"2017-47":68,"2017-43":82,"2017-39":63,"2017-34":79,"2017-30":71,"2017-26":80,"2017-22":51,"2017-17":61,"2017-09":31,"2017-04":30,"2016-50":25,"2016-44":25,"2016-40":23,"2016-36":21,"2016-30":25,"2016-26":14,"2016-22":20,"2016-18":22,"2016-07":26,"2015-48":29,"2015-40":18,"2015-35":28,"2015-32":25,"2015-27":25,"2015-22":28,"2015-14":22,"2014-52":28,"2014-49":26,"2014-42":67,"2014-41":58,"2014-35":59,"2014-23":68,"2014-15":54}},"id":13671,"url":"https:\/\/\/wiki\/%E4%BF%84%E6%89%93","title":"\u4fc4\u6253","language":"gan"},"subset":"wikipedia"}