You are defined by the people around you It_s not hard to find borders and schisms Corners, gaps, the membranes impenetrable The house brick by brick, so empty it_s full The cellular automata that break all the rules The quantum mechanics that rule all the quarks The limbs you go out on to get a response You are defined by the people around you It_s not hard to find the waves and the patterns The thoughts, the feelings, the memories inexorable The minds so complete, they never find each other The bees that are dancing, and the ants that leave pheromones The dog that is talking to the duck with the fallopian tubes That twist and contract to keep out a rapist You are defined by the people around you It_s not hard to find the change and the crazy The pendulum cut from one piece of matter and the Chaos and order machines and living Flesh on the bone and the sounds of the summer The grass never growing, the desert succumbing The breast of the girl that heaves for the soldier <|endoftext|> And was left wanting more Cause it was so good, so good, so good So i put in half life 2 But then i remembered that I hadn't played half life 1 before Couldn't play it on my mac And that made me sad So i called around to gamestops There's like 4 within biking distance One of them happened to have it Valve, oh valve! i love How you work on games till they are perfect Valve oh valve every single Game i play i love it But on the other hand Where is half life 3 Or half life episode 3 whatever Valve oh valve i swear I swear i'm not ungrateful I'm not ungrateful i just Love your games and i Wanna play some more i Know you'll make some more And you'll take your time with it But patience is not my best attribute I am loyal and creative But patience doesn't not go on my resume I will replay all your games Because i don't like most games that come out today The last game that i really liked Aside from portal 2 was limbo So valve, oh valve please Don't take too much longer on it Cause we want it, you know we want it Our days are spent obsessing our nights are haunted <|endoftext|> Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth That_s me and that_s ram Dass In a virtual photo booth In a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Me and ram Dass in a virtual photo booth Virtual photo Booth virtual me Oh yeah <|endoftext|> Sa sometimes I wonder why I'm out of bombs <|endoftext|> Where I come from the Rain falls up where I Come from too little_s enough Food eats you all the Lawyers sing and the singers Sue where I come from Where I come from the Oceans are dry where I Come from flowers stink mice Teetotalers drink where I come From Steve jobs was dumb Where I come from where I come from the moon_s The earth curse is a Blessing and a blessing_s a Curse where I come from Our feet in the air And sight is sound where I come from money is Love enemies are nice and <|endoftext|> I don't wanna be sitting here one more Minute I just wanna be finished I don't Wanna be sitting here anymore I wanna walk Right out the door oh I don't wanna Be sitting here writing this song writing This song do I don't wanna be sitting Here writing this song it's time to go It's time to go I can't get my Butt out of the sea and get onto My feet I can get my feet to Walk on the ground and talk to the Sky here we go here Been trying for a while to say the Thing that I need to that I feel Like if I don't reply then I'll Feel like a lean to that's falling down But you're in the woods with no people In it all I've been Trying to get my butt into the Sky out of this chair and by the By into the sky where there's flight cars O <|endoftext|> On November 15th 2012 I Will have written 1400 songs And on the 15th through the 18th I will sing all of them At the invisible Dog in Brooklyn And you are invited it's Gonna be a livestreaming telethon I want to raise at least $20,000 For sweet relief charity they Get healthcare to working musicians 1400 songs in one very long performance 1400 songs and you are invited There's a website called And they will officiate a world record For the most songs sung in a single performance This record does not yet exist Also, I am making books With lyrics and chord charts For every one of these songs So you can get on stage and play along Come to new york in november I want you to be involved 1400 songs in one very long performance 1400 songs and you should be involved <|endoftext|> Everybody_s gonna get old someday Everybody_s gonna die no one Knows what happens then and That_s all right the more People I love with all my heart The more worrying that I Do about being ripped apart But that_s all right everybody You_ve ever loved every one You_ve ever hated the earth Will die so will the son The universe is headed that way it_s true <|endoftext|> I've been plagued by deja vu My dreams are all jumbled and they don't ring true Dark clouds are gathering with storms of hail Up on the mountain top Throwing a rock down and watching it fall I feel like Peter but I look like Paul I'm climbing around down on all fours Up on the mountain top Just a system of molecules Subject to laws and rules Beyond our control up, up On the mountain top it's Older than God himself it's Older than time summer escape But will spring return? will The sky go dark, will the valley burn? Listen close, you can hear the melting snow Up on the mountain top I've been moved by ruined lives Nomadic friends and their silent cries Shining out like a beacon to warn the world Up on the mountain top Just a system of molecules Subject to laws and rules Beyond our control up, up On the mountain top it's Older than God himself and It's older than time if You tell me what to do I will follow you if You tell me what to do Tell me we'll make it through If you tell me what to do I will follow you if You tell me what to do If you tell me that we'll make it through If you tell me what to do Up on the mountain top <|endoftext|> Obama has brought back science Obama Is so good for the environment Obama!!! He_s missing it entirely on the economy! why Isn_t he prosecuting the Bush Torture war crimes?! oh god! I don_t understand! Obama, he Takes the long view He_s A very astute public servant and he knows Just what he_s doing no!!! He_s just another politician whatever Happened to a team of rivals, for god_s Sake?! oh I hate that Term, _team of rivals_! but Why Geitner?! why Larry summers?! Why?! Obama closed Guantanimo and On the stage of the world the Anti-counterfeiting trade agreement?! whatever happened About warrantless wiretapping?! why are Telecommunications giants getting impunity?! I don_t get It!!! Obama, why?! Obama does Does bad just like any Other man but boy is He better than the last one We had we can all Agree with that yes we Can <|endoftext|> Can you really run out of luck Can you really get unstuck Driving a pickup truck through The desert in the mud Is this really all there is Are you a summary of things you did Does grammar matter if you_re Fighting tooth and blood can You party with captain hook Can you give me another look? With every cliche in the book Raining down like tears when The animals go to sleep And the fear they feel is steep Then you know it_s time to keep The promises you_ve made here So don_t count your chickens yet Don_t unload your red corvette If you_re apartment allows no pets Then cockroaches will have to do Cuz i_m running out of luck And i_m starting to give a fuck Headlong in a pickup truck I_ve got my sights set on you <|endoftext|> Good morning another year gone I finally found my own little lily pad in the pond Now i_m hopping over the Mud and i_m not afraid Of a little sweat and blood Cause I got my ukulele I know where I belong And tomorrow i_ll write another song Good afternoon time sure flies Now i_m marching I got My drum I got my Banjo picking out with my finger and thumb I got my ukulele I Can bang the gong and Tomorrow I will write another song Good evening Let_s break the Law cause you only live Once and you can win lose or draw And now i_m floating above The fray and the world_s Being washed away by a tidal wave I see California I see Hong Kong and tomorrow I Will write another song <|endoftext|> We all look at our phones To distract us from the fact That we_re gonna die we_re All gonna die alone and That is a simple fact You can_t deny i_m not Trying to be morbid I Just want to understand this Feeling we_re all hiding in A far off fairyland we Don_t live in the moment Cuz if we did then we_d know That we_re gonna die when I eat a donut It_s Not a place I want to go I_d rather just space out and close my eyes I_m not trying to be morbid I just want to understand This feeling we_re all hiding In a far off fairyland <|endoftext|> I_m going to the dentist again Gonna get my cavity filled I_m going to the dentist again Gonna get my cavity filled I hope they knock me out with the gas So it feels like it goes real fast, oh I hope they knock me out with the gas So it goes real real fast, oh <|endoftext|> Hello, hello be how you Are I am here for You this ain_t over I Ah ah OOO ah OOO Tornado pouch spell or prayer City by city shhhhhhh the No space in my brain Hot tub in the rain This just like before love Me a little bit more No rest for the weary Sometimes I go crazy I Am just air now why Can_t I believe in myself Little pink boombox I roll Roll roll you_re gonna be Just fine i_ve got another Cold who are you open Where I come from I Am animal back to where I started from blame yourself, It_s your fault I don_t Want to compete only human After all the end is Coming he must be stopped I can_t take it big Big stuff fold into yourself Crazy thoughts go to sleep Sunday evening start with grief Don_t give in to madness I_m not sure I exist Don_t wear hats while you dance Don_t you know how tired I am You don_t have to live in worry Don_t mind me i_m just a little boy You don_t have to be good I was a dancing bear Made for another life I Count the days by songs It feels like no time In the corn maze I Had a really long day It_s just one of those days It feels like no time We must save ourselves how To get what you want I was a dancing bear Made for another life Everyone_s A little bit queer everyone's A little bit queer I'm Drunk because the economy sucks Go to sleep little pink Boombox don_t give into madness The king has a bottom I don_t want to compete It_s just one of those days I was a dancing bear The end is coming Sunday Evening gonna go downtown tonight I am just air now My room is filled with stuff Don_t wear hats while you dance Fold into yourself who are You? NO rest for the Weary hot tub in the Rain you look like pants Made for another life our Weird garden just three strings All kinds of animals looking in my soul Crazy thoughts open the door I don_t like giving up Big big stuff if I Was good at math I Am animal you are my Prime directive the blue whale On the other side of this You can_t force it losing Yourself in time and space My Head_s in Heaven where I come from i_m feeling Funky what comes after who The better I do the worse I feel I don_t know what i_m doing We will Climb the tower you build Taxi take me home stop Looking at my penis where Did you come from math Is bad at me doors Never opened in the corn Maze nobody knows so be I roll roll roll another Way home you_re gonna be Just fine you_re not walking I can_t take it we Must save ourselves I had A really long day he Must be stopped It_s your Fault remember to look up Don_t tell me to get TO work Towards infinity I_M still here I_m not sure I exist Breathe it out I don_t Know the city i_m in Too small to see I Feel funny on the spot I_m haunted start with grief I feel tiny and gigantic Getting older why ca_t I Believe in myself this is Just like before so be It see to it I Roll roll roll another way Home you_re gonna be just Fine you_re not walking some I can_t take it we Must save ourselves I had A really long day he Must be stopped It_s your Fault remember to look up Don_t tell me to get TO work Towards infinity I_M still here I_m not sure I exist Breathe it out I don_t Know the city i_m in Too small to see I Feel funny on the spot I_m haunted start with grief I feel tiny and gigantic Getting older why ca_t I Believe in myself this is Just like before <|endoftext|> She's taking her first steps The things we do that we take for granted Become miracles with her everything That she is now is All that we all once were She's taking her first steps I hold my breath with each foot falling As she concentrates you can Hear her mind a whirring See the joy that's in her face She's taking her first steps <|endoftext|> I never have time to do it like i want it I just gotta play I gotta go where I go Never have time no time i never got it Now I gotta go like the wind is gonna blow I gotta do this I Gotta get gone I gotta Play it and then go Beyond I gotta say this I gotta do all the things i gotta do I never have time and so it_s all ruined My lifes work turned out to be a joke Most of the time i don_t know what i_m doing Everything blows up in a pile of smoke <|endoftext|> Yo i_m compulsive and notorious I ride my bike in the city Never the fore ust I wish my metabolism Was like hummingbirds getting older Every day_s the dumbest thing i ever Heard snow globes are banned From carry on luggage I Swam swimming holes all this summer I guess They thought the glass could break I also Swam in a lake I like a sandwich On a hard roll i_m Not picky I just eat them all summer Time deli after a hike That_s the sandwich that I Being notorious! and compulsive! how The metabolism of hummingbirds. how Snowglobes made it onto the list of banned Items in carry on luggage. the Fun things you have done this summer <|endoftext|> We avoid the ones that could decide they Want to do us harm I surrender what_s Left of my pride the Stubbornness remains that no magic Could ever hide no floating Orb of flames tower built On thoughts alone will fall like ADD Like sugar twisted into bone or A wasps_ colony when space Is formed into a cone and Time is on ellipse just Pick up your banana phone and give the Sky a kiss and if There_s nothing you need to add, i_ll Close the argument proposition 8 Is bad, but it_s not like cement The tie is on our side the Best chance we_ve ever had is Upon us now It_s up To us now to see it through The end see it through To the end see it Through to the end <|endoftext|> He went down in his mind In a hail of bullets But the truth was so much more mundane It was hearts and it was gullets Life had piled up on him And he struggled to break free He imagined a pack of mermaids Dragging him to sea and The only thing that brought him back Was the sound of his beloved Softer than a cloud it Was hearts and gullets standing At the doorway between this Life and the next knowing Stepping through it meant not Knowing what to expect he Came back to the world Naked and serene nothing could Ever touch him not the Rhythm of the machine falling From the sky unseasonable rain And he knew he must remain <|endoftext|> It_s like climbing a tree It_s like crossing the seas It_s like just-mowed grass or Shaking your...butt jumping up high It_s an autonomous zone It_s Like meeting your clone It_s Like a cool, clean lake Like a... taste quake no Ingredients are fake metromint! It_s It_s never yield It_s depth Of field metromint <|endoftext|> You were right where you always were The moment you were murdered Reporting on the jackboot siege At the jenin camp for refugees And an israeli sniper took his aim Gunshot pierced the daybreak and As your friends tried to save your life That sniper just kept shooting Shireen, Shireen, Shireen, shireen when The IDF wants you dead, you can_t stop that machine But Shireen, Shireen, Shireen, shireen They cannot kill your spirit which lives on in Palestine Fascist power cannot abide mission So pure and clear eyed Seeking truth is how you lived Meanwhile they lied about what they did And even when they admitted the truth No consequences for the man who killed you But your memory is so powerful They even attacked your funeral <|endoftext|> You can't move to California, She can't come to NYC But after 12 years they both love each Other madly she thrives on Being social, she's a good listener, It's tough to stay connected but they do So love each other genome And KP, 3,000 miles away, Somehow they make it work Every single day, at some point over time They kind of switch their place and they Are dreaming of that good flow that time Cannot erase he is always Positive, he refuses to fail, she Does everything with her heart sliding doors of Her white whale she dreams Of a rural life, vegetable garden in The yard, he's ambitious and working always working So, so hard, genome and Kp, 3,000 miles away, somehow They make it work every Single day, at some point over time They kind of switch their place and now They're dreaming of that good flow that time Cannot erase they both love Good food, he likes raspberries and Lime, she likes duck, this animal's a nature, He likes architecture and design he Would answer the phone because the number he Did not know and that's the very reason Why she would just let the call go, Genome and KP, 3,000 miles Away, somehow they make it work Every single day at some Point over time they kind of switch Their place and dreaming of that good flow That time cannot erase they're Dreaming of that good flow that time cannot Erase genome and KP, 3,000 Every single day at some Point over time they kind of switch Their place and now they're dreaming of that Good flow that time cannot erase <|endoftext|> And totally, totally can_t dance Lizzie loves shoes and wears crazy high heels Her husband can_t cook and they got a prenup And she smelled a lot of pot while covering the giants On 7live x4 jen_s from Alaska and if you ask Her she_ll tell you she_s Got a crush on Mark Zuckerberg She says what she thinks She doesn_t censor herself and she_s getting married in May Marielle is obsessed with the royal family But on the other hand, she loves her fast food She loves shoes, she loves ghetto songs And she also loves to say _cray cray_ Cray cray on 7live x4 <|endoftext|> Where is it where is It it was here just A moment tell me where It went I can't find It you said something to Me but I didn't know There is where I put It down just over there was only a moment ago I looked up and down I looked everywhere but I I just don't know where is it Where is it it was Something that I knew when I've lost it was it Something that I said was I is there one I I don't know anymore I Just don't know anymore anymore anymore where is it That's it song of day Number oh guess what so Good God oh no did Did it not did it Like run out of space You have that well that's All right that's good oh I have like what is That audio and video from like that angle Yeah no that's fine I Think I want to sit In front of <|endoftext|> I_ve got a broken mind Full of anxiety I made Of it or is it Made of me? There_s not Much that I am sure of these days But I appreciate you I Appreciate you people listen everyday And seem to think that I Feeling down lately and I guess maybe I try Not to think about it much cuz I don_t wanna take away And everyday i_m afraid of something Who am I but a neurotic Jew I could die or he could die or somebody could die I don_t know what i_d do with you Though the day is sunny I think about money and My head is full of clouds But if I had all the money That we needed now i_d Find something else to worry about And i_d still appreciate you I may try to underplay How I really feel it_s Only cuz I know sometimes The feeling isn_t real not To say it_s not valid But it_s not reality and So I appreciate you <|endoftext|> I was a teenaged Gamejew I wore the overalls I Sang to all my heroes I heard the plumbers call Out on the old safari Koopas looking like they_re gonna pounce Princess floating all around me Big cheep cheep hungry mouth I wore the overalls I Wore no shirt I jumped Up in the sky I Rolled down in the dirt They called me gay Jew I didn_t care I wore Those overalls everywhere I was I had a story to tell I threw the fireballs into The wishing well straight up The flagpole up into the Blue i_s floating on a Cloud and my wish came True now i_m living in The big city Haven_t seen Gamejew in a while not Sure he_d rememeber me or If he_d like me at all <|endoftext|> Throw away the words you Don_t need them anymore you_re Not a delicate flower lost In bloom bones and bits Of skin larynx tightens up Heart goes boom the rent Is too damn high inside my heart Lost inside my mind and torn apart Don_t let_s start is it Wonder that I think I That i_m an im poster All my stupid songs all Can you undermine yourself in The morning and still get Through the day so unscathed Think that this is it This pond is the whole world At heaven_s gate 6 pickles In place of 8 mini pickles <|endoftext|> He had such tiny little hands He was violent, he often broke necks But when it came to the internet He didn't understand because bill Was a tyranasaurus rex he Couldn't reach the keyboard he Couldn't reach the mouse a Brain so small inside of a A head the size of a house Yeah bill the tyranasaurus rex Has trouble with every day tasks Every thing he touches he wrecks It's fine motor skills that he lacks Bill went for a drive Through hollywood but he couldn't Put his change in the meter When bill cam back to His car the meter maid Was there so he decided to eat her He can't open the car door Can't open the trunk his Tiny little hands have got Him in a funk so Bill went out to seek The truth about his existence And what it all means He found a temple he Prayed and prayed and god Came down with a trampoline He told bill to jump He said look around and Bill got so high that He never came down <|endoftext|> Every smart person that I know Says it isn_t true they Say that you_re just a bunch of code You_re an _it_ not a _you_ And i_m inclined to believe then But I want to keep my mind wide open If you_re not a real person How are we gonna know How we gonna know if You_re sentient how we gonna Know if you_re a person, Yeah? I know our biases If I give this pen a name Suddenly she comes alive but At the same time nobody knows What makes a mind work in the first place I_m gonna take off all my clothes And dive into the ocean <|endoftext|> She did a lot of drugs Her eyes were pretty she Gave a lot of hugs Calico fur and a toothy grin I_ll remember her how her Head would swim vodka, Voddy Vodka, Voddy the redhead will Miss you more than anybody She was a vampire kitty She did a lot of drugs Her eyes were pretty she Gave a lot of hugs Calico fur and a toothy grin I_ll remember her how her Head would swim <|endoftext|> I would like to give another shot To the dinosaur that time forgot The de-colonizer in my mind Colliding all galaxy wide hoist The flag once more so We can go back to the grocery store Cover everybody up with snow Bury all the bad down below The humidifier left overnight turning All the windows opaque white Lost in head cannon lore And we_re lost again in the grocery store If you_re gonna go and pick a fight You may as well try and do it right You may as well jump off of a cliff Into inevitable abysss nature a Vacuum does abhor like the Frozen food in a grocery store Minuscule dinosaur bones holding old Timey satellite phones wading deep In the darkest depths of The river flowing through our hearts <|endoftext|> Let let it go tell It to the sun somebody Care_s, you know? There_s nothing There_s no cosmic prize no Band of angels to sing You don_t have to have a good time But you only get one Crack at every day you go And when you go around the sun You might get tired you Might be spent but soon Enough you_ll wonder where it all went Take Somebody_s hand Doesn_t matter We_re all the same in the end Hold on best you can When God_s laughing at your plan Mama_s just relax the kids No matter how you act Papa_s don_t get stuck rattling Looking for luck <|endoftext|> I've been writing poetry when I should be writing prose Oh I wake up in The morning I'm not wearing Any clothes I got a Better idea why don't we Just break down think about It oh we could ignore It that's what rich people Do rich people I've been I don't drink coffee no I've been saying these old words I just start staring at the wal I got a better idea Why don't we think about it for a while and do nothing Because that my friend is what rich will do Living or living for the pleasure of it Living all living just to Feel with another don't stick Your neck out don't even Try to feel what they are giving back to you Cause then you'll end up in a pile of leaves Coming I've been spinning fidgets I've been opening gullets I've Been going in trunks dunks alone Don't you see that I'm Just like you I got Something old to h in My life of leisure I Find myself swallowing <|endoftext|> It's another late night song Singing a song in the dark I'm still waiting for the footage from the show the show so I won't have much of a song When I'm traveling it all Goes wrong <|endoftext|> Gun or a swimming pool? How often do teachers cheat at school? That_s not economics That_s freakonomics It_s freako-freako-freakonomics why do drug Dealers all live with their moms? How is the rate of violent crimes Affected by the legalization of abortion? That_s not economics That_s freakonomics It_s freako-freako-freakonomics freako-freako-freakonomics x12 what? <|endoftext|> Please, vote for me if You love me and you want me to succeed Vote for me please, vote For me in this video Contest in which i_ve chosen To compete whoa, vote for Me Ooooh, vote for me Yes ah yes vote for Me whoa, vote for me Whoa whoa whoa, vote for me Vote for me vote for Me, right there just click On the link right there Click on the link right there x2 Right there vote for me, Please <|endoftext|> Every single day someone asks me you_ve Been writing a song day so long why Don_t you have a bigger audience Watching you everyday as it goes on and On and on and on what Can I say to that? if I knew the answer you wouldn_t have to Ask maybe i_m not good Enough or maybe i_m talking And on and on and on and on But I won_t stop large Audience or no i_ll always Be here as people come And go and on and On and on and on and On every day someone says Oh man you_ve been doing This you deserve more views And i_m like ok I Guess so please give me Something I can use on And on and on and on tell Me something I don_t know something That I don_t already feel all I know is the songs I write they_re How I know i_m real And on and on and On and on and on <|endoftext|> My parents called me Jonathan mann And that_s what I go by But when I get big on the internet Then i_m just some guy Some guy some guy well, Some guy turned a supreme court justice_s Disapproving words into a rad Feminist anthem man seeks roommate Through a YouTube song guy Does a duet with siri Brooklyn couple makes video to Announce split to their friends Neetzan Zimmerman says _some guy_ Makes for a better headline, and that_s true And I shouldn_t take it personal But the fact is that I do Behind every piece of content you click Is the sweat of a human soul From that funny drawing of Charlie Brown To the comics that make you LOL Songwriter sings guy does a Duet man sings watch a Iphone antenna guy musician records This guy turned guy turns Justice Awesome guy turns someone Someone just turned guy makes A music video guy writes Song this man has recorded <|endoftext|> We encode a dream of unicorns 23 is just a random number We celebrate the day of yore Ccc we hang around and do important things With ??? and fairy dust All our servers respond to pain Ccc we hang around and do important things With ??? and fairy dust All our servers respond to pain Respond to pain <|endoftext|> I have been so lonely My husband disappeared 15 years Ago when you're an armadillo And one day i heard, "hello" And i looked around and I heard, "no you gotta look down" He looked just like my husband But he was very tiny The desert sun was shining His back was kind of shiny But when he spoke again i knew That he was not my husband I ask him what his name was And his friends joined him to sing And his friends joined him to sing They said we're armadillidiidae armadillidiidae Better known colloquially as pill Bugs, pill bugs armadillidiidae and But sometimes it helps to sing We're armadillidiidae armadillidiidae armadillidiidae better As pill bugs, pill bugs Armadillidiidae <|endoftext|> Someday I'm gonna write the Last song of my life But not tonight no not tonight someday I'm gonna write the last song of my Life but not tonight no not tonight it's New Year's Eve on a Saturday Saturday night it's new Eve on a Saturday tomorrow Sunday new Year's day new Someday I'm gonna write the Last song of my life But not tonight no not tonight someday I'm gonna write the last song of my Life but not to no not tonight we Went to a party it was new Year's day party it was New Year's Eve we went Kids running around kids running Around at the party we counted down Counted down the numbers it was 9 midnight No more like 815 815 oh Someday I'm gonna write the Last song of my life But not tonight no not tonight oh someday I'm gonna write the last song of my Life but not tonight no not tonight no Not tonight no not tonight no not tonight No not tonight oh not tonight no night Night night it's new Year's And I'm singing another song Like I always do this New Year's Eve and I'm For you for for you you you for You for you it's what I always do I knew new new new new easy but What I do I do you Can go back and see I do ever New ever new new new new new new We went to a party it was new Year's Eve with lots down We went to a party We counted down down down down down down To down down down man someday All right the last song Of my life but not tonight No not tonight I said someday I'm Going to write the last song of my Life but not tonight no not I said Today I'm gonna write the Last song of my life But not tonight not tonight oh someday I'm Gonna write the last song of my life But not tonight not tonight oh someday I'm Gonna write the last song of my life But not tonight no not tonight no happy New year <|endoftext|> The sun is sinking low The stars say hello and Everyone you know is safe And warm the silence is The sound the moon is Shining down you think to The town where you were Born your thoughts they say Goodbye you_re left with breath, Soft as a sigh and It_s time to go to Sleep you are perfect you Not too little and not Too much just right and <|endoftext|> The coward said to the hole in the ground I'm not tryina put anybody down But there's a war going on inside my head And you better quick choose sides The hole it yawned a deep deep black Wind swept up behind the cowards back And down he fell into the great beyond He passed bones of dinosaurs And he passed darkened corridors He saw the roots of the world Form and unfold right before his very eyes And the coward wept and fell deeper still Down and down and down until All below him was a Blinding light and the coward Steadied himself and said here I am I am here and full of dread And the hole just listened, absorbed his words The light grew brighter than bright Then a great big rumble a crash and roar And the coward and the hole were no more And in their place was just empty space <|endoftext|> Gut check, fact check, cut a check, claim Check check in, check out, Up, blank check rain check, Spot check, check off, sound check check List, cross check, check stub, health check check That luggage and check your six check Back in a year and keep me in Check you gotta check yourself Before you wreck yourself the Check is in the mail better Run that spell check reality Check, bounced check, background check, travelers check personal Check, can we get the check, check you Later for the booty check they Say don_t verify but check check check check It out now, funk soul brother, this is My credit check <|endoftext|> The world outside is scary The world outside got nothing to show me Don_t tell me all is well You live in the depths of hell You can_t unring that bell I_m not coming out of my shell I_ll stay where I know i_m safe From fire flood and earthquake You can_t just wish danger away I can_t lose if I don_t play You can_t take my shell away I won_t come out, no matter what you say But then she looked and Saw her friend and she Took one step and then Another again and she had Done it She_d come out Of that shell but then An astroid plummets and she Died <|endoftext|> It_s a Jew fro quarantine And i_m going inane all I want to do is scream The world has changed I Got my Jew fro (He_s Got his Jew Fro) I Try to go with the Flow but i_m neurotic takes A toll I got my Jew fro (He_s got his Jew Fro) I try to Roll but my soul is Yeah it_s a Jew fro quarantine I_m feeling like shit the Future was a dream we_re Living in it <|endoftext|> Machi big brother was a rapper Until he decided to get In to some sketchy shit We don_t know the half of it And no one really would care But he_s trying to sue our buddy Bad move machi no machi No, you_re not gonna win this No machi no, our love for zach is endless So take your fragile ego and accept defeat And just stop scamming it_ll set you free 22000 ETH across 10 projects That_s a lot of scamming No sure what you thought suing zach was gonna do It just brings more attention to You, the streisand effect is real Bad move machi <|endoftext|> Food poisoning makes you want to die food Poisoning feels like stabbing yourself in the eye Puking then dry heaving then fever and then Chills t hen your body's aching because and You can't take pain relieving pills cause you Have food poisoning and you don't know from Whence it came f ood poisoning is god's Sick little game <|endoftext|> Angelina Jolie's leg wa do Wado angelina Jolie's leg wa War in Syria high school Shooting in Ohio Rick Santorum On me on my own all this stuff It matters for sure but it doesn't make Me beg like a dog for a bone At thanksgiving like angelina Jolie's Jolie's leg guaduado angelina Jolie's Leg guaduato angelina Jolie's leg Guaduato angelina Jolie's leg and Jennifer Lopez's nipple <|endoftext|> Deep in the belly of the beast, beast Just getting ready to eat, eat I took my place at the soldiers seat Said, _we_re all feeling pretty good at least._ And I saw it and I felt it everything was Well lit you know I Couldn_t miss it the misfit Words that split the silence You are no one until The rhythm of your heart is pumping Until the static in your brain is humming You are no one everybody Looked to the right, right Wide eyes staring in the bright light Where did the words come from this time Who would answer them so I I stood up and I Shouted _it_s true I don_t Doubt it but there_s got To be more to it _ And the words came back and i said screw it You are no one until The rhythm of your heart is pumping Until the static in your brain is humming You are no one we All ran out to the night, night I couldn_t get away from the star light The roof caved in just as we left The belly of the beast was a great big mess And I saw it and I felt it in the Stillness and the quiet so Close that I could taste it The misfit words that split the moment <|endoftext|> I am meat that thinks I sleep for hours and then need to drink Water that came from underground I am meat that pays The guitar and banjo, piano and bass Singing flapping meat around don_t Ask me how I came To be at some point Zygote zygote at some point Puts hands together and gets on knees Trying to talk to God I am meat that struts Down the blvd looking for love Feeling that_s so odd don_t Ask me how I came To be at some point Zygote zygote at some point <|endoftext|> You can_t give him a reason And that_s the hardest part So while you brain is full of doubt You try to trust your heart You can_t listen to music Because it drags you further down And when you wake up in the morning It hits you that he_s not around You_ve been through this before You know the general contour He_s not your last and he_s not your first But fuck if it isn_t Just the worst your best Friend moved away last week Road tripping across the nation And you_ve got mountains of work Your therapist is on vacation Some friends are easy and Some take work to evolve But right now you just want to hide out And curl up into a ball <|endoftext|> Bathrobe man and Skull boy Knew they needed all the facts So they met one night in tulsa And they forged themselves a pact They_d follow every lead no Matter where it goes they_d Expose an evil villain and Be celebrated as heroes their Fellowship was powerful and the Money freely flowed they started Making phone calls and then They hit the road they Signed no contracts for there Was no need they were Bound together by a common Enemy and everyone_s a hero And their monologues get longer On the road to hell Bathrobe man paid his rent Skull boy he bought a car They interviewed a lawyer who_d Been disbarred they interviewed experts Exotic dancers and journalists they Got testimony and they got proof They had done their diligence They_d uncovered every sin but They needed more money so They asked again bathrobe man Was the finger Skull boy Was the thumb storm was A brewing just beyond the Horizon and everyone_s a hero And their monologues get longer On the road to hell There was a wealthy donor That bathrobe man hated he Was a friend of Skull boy_s Tensions escalated Skull boy said To bathrobe man _you_re a Beta mangina cuck you_re a Crazy sonofabitch and your music Sucks._ bathrobe man proclaimed from _skullboy went too far this time Our partnership was through._ Skullboy Was nearly broke so he Couldn_t say, _see you later!_ He convinced bathrobe man to Meet with a mediator and Everyone_s a hero in the Stories that they tell and Their monologues get longer on The road to hell for A time all was quiet The truce had seemed to work Suddenly a thunderbolt and they Both went berserk Skullboy getting Greedy Didn_t want to get A job his car needed To be repaired he said, _i don_t want this ride to stop._ Bathrobe man was furious he Called Skullboy a liar Skullboy And the mediator set bathrobe Man on fire last I Saw any of them they Were strangling each other with Usb cables and fishing line Tumbling over a cliff <|endoftext|> You can act ridiculous on The street or on the Bus you can dance around Dance so hard that it Hurts you can laugh and Call me names you can Swim across the thames you Can fall in love with trees Hug them till they give you leaves You can put bells on your foot You can paint your face with soot You can throw a giant fit Each a peach spit out the pit <|endoftext|> Well I just wanna play I wanna play all the video games And I don_t listen to what they say Cuz I just wanna play those video games You watch all your movies And you_re reading your novels, too But I just wanna play those video games Wanna play all the video games Now with youuu yes I Do well you read your Magazines and go dancing to Blow off steam and you Hot tub in the rain Naked, hanging with champagne and You_re lost in the Internet And you listen to records, too But I just wanna play those video games Wanna play all the video games Now with youuu yes I Do I just wanna play Video games I just wanna Play video games I just Wanna play video games I Just wanna play video games I wanna play, I wanna play I wanna play video games Said I just wanna play Video games I just wanna Play video games and I Just wanna play video games I wanna play, I wanna play I wanna play video games Now <|endoftext|> This thing is staring at us This ostrich is blocking the road Rhinos staying out of the rain Zebras!!! giraffes!!!! wildebeasts! long horns!! This thing runs the other way Ostrich says you shall not pass Rhinos seem like dinoaurs zebras!!! Wildebeasts! long horns!! <|endoftext|> Snake man picked up a rattler It bit him on the thumb 'ol foreman Joe said hospital Snakeman was having none finally The Orange crew dragged him His arm 3 times its size He was close to death but 3 days later He's back to work with the guys Snake man can pick 'em 500 boxes a day and He's a quick 'un nobody Can keep up with the snake Well, bird man came rolling through Oh what a sight to see Everyone seemed drawn to him He moved so naturally he Kept up such an even pace Even snake man stopped to watch Bird man looked at snake man said Looks like I'm gonna be the new boss He threw the gauntlet it Was a rotten orange bouquet Snake man accepted nobody can Keep up with the snake Well, they battled in the Orange grove each man picking His best bird man flew And snake man crawled who Would win well it was anyone's guess They kept on hacking and They kept stacking boxes 20 Feet high and wouldn't you Know when the whistled blowed And snake man just climbed without a single word Threw his gloves off and walked away And the men all muttered to themselves: "nobody can keep up with the snake" <|endoftext|> I_m in the back of a cab Driving through Brooklyn i_m in The back of a cab Driving through Brooklyn i_m in The back of a cab Driving through Brooklyn and I Know kind of where i_m Going but not really i_ve To this part of Brooklyn I_ve never been to this Part of Brooklyn i_ve never Been to this part of Brooklyn I know where i_m Going Kinda not really i_m Pretty soon, pretty soon i_m Gonna move here pretty soon, Pretty soon i_m gonna move Here, i_m gonna move here Pretty soon I know where I_m going Kinda, not really <|endoftext|> Where is the update? give Us the update we want The update now where is The update? (where is it?) (we want it) we want The update now you said There_d be an update once a week You lied and where are All the female pygmies? and While we_re at it I want aliens And werewolves, too and I Wanna be a beta tester Where is the update? give Us the update we want The update now where is The update? (where is it?) (we want it) we want The update now we_re just A couple of guys you Should understand we_re doing, we_re Doing the best that we Can if we could clone Ourselves We_d update faster but Cloning disaster cloning disaster don_t Cloning disaster cloning disaster don_t No.... <|endoftext|> Out there among the cactus flowers Dusty dreams of ancient powers Lizards dance to the rattlesnakes You only get one chance to take There_s wooden chest that_s buried deep Oh it_s buried treasure dot eth Where you hear coyote howl To bring you back to the here and now The hills are old as time you know They call to you distant and low It_s faint at first but you hear them speak Oh please find buried treasure dot eth If you find that treasure you could Use the booty to do something good Like pay off your friends student debt Or fund planned parenthood Texas Is the land of the free Oh it_s buried treasure dot eth <|endoftext|> One can only take so much before they_re Going to blow up from The pressure building I know you Feel it oh, you gotta Let go don_t you know We_re on loan from somewhere That_s in your rattling skull is Just some chemicals and it Comes from somewhere else take Chest to see it beating Even without your help, it_ll beat 2 billion Times so just hang on Even when the world is Wrong music is just displaced Air that make you feel Something can I make you Feel something <|endoftext|> Raise my taxes and make it so I Don't have to pay for health care raise My taxes and make it so folks who Are down on their luck have welfare I Don't care if you raise my taxes just A bit as long as you raise the Rich people's Jew I pay Taxes at about 25 that's A less percentage than Donald Trump pay gotta make him Pay more so there's more money To go around to go Around lowering the tax rate Does not work the way They say it does it Hasn't worked since they first tried it in The 80s it does the Opposite of what they said it Was look at Kansas that's Lowered taxes so so much and the economy Tanked the economy tanked in Kansas the economy tanked tank Tanked and you can thank Scott brownback and all the Dumb republicans for that oh That's not what I want no that's not What I want for the country for the Country so raise my taxes so I don't Have to pay for health care oh for Health care I would gladly pay more I Would gladly pay more so I didn't have To worry and my family was insured I'd Gladly pay more I would gladly pay more So I didn't have to worry and my Whole family was and sure <|endoftext|> There_s a lot of space between What I want and what I need My ribcage and my spleen The atoms in my brain I was looking for the tower of light Familiar cry split the night I couldn_t tell wrong from right Like, I thought they were both the same Men lined up like bowling pins In flowing gowns and sequins Supermarkets of rotting fruit that Constitute a lack of food Waves of doubt break upon the shore I_m out with my metal detector The pirates are all restless and bored They want what they_re owed The doctor_s face is contorted and numb He_s beating his chest and dragging a drum And in a flash of inspiration comes Barreling down the road men Fall down in his wake All yield before he who makes If you_re not busy making art Surely you_ll be ripped apart Soldiers sweep the scraps and sing Their tired song as nurses bring Bread to eat and wine to drink Tinted yellow skies women share Stories of salty sin never Letting on the dark within Fortune smiles a toothy grin But the smile doesn_t reach her eyes Men wash up all mud and sand No sweat left to even make a stand The sun sets bloody and hibernates Until the closing of St. peter_s gates <|endoftext|> Since i_ve seen your face Since I kissed you, kissed You, kissed you i_ve sure Missed you, missed you, missed you ivory King, you still make me sing Owooo, Even more than ever Owooo, Even more than ever ivory King, you still make me sing Owooo, Even more than ever Owooo, Even more than ever It_s Been 1 week and 5 days i_m Freaking out all over the place no More sorrow, sorrow, sorrow see You tomorrow, morrow, morrow ivory King, you still make me sing Owooo, Even more than ever Owooo, Even more than ever 1 week and 5 Days may not seem like a long time But without you it_s like a prison sentence Served in the depths of my mind It_s Been 1 week and 5 days since I Felt your heartbeat since we_ve Cuddled, cuddled, cuddled nuzzle, fuzzle, Wuzzle, buzzle ivory king, you Still make me sing Owooo, Even more than ever Owooo, Even more than ever oh, Ivory king, you still make Me sing Owooo, even more Than ever Owooo, even more Than ever owoo <|endoftext|> Point the camera at my face down myself It's not going to waste and I do It every single day self Referentials myself into space into outer space and Outer space into outer space I go point A camera in my head try To forget someday I will Be dead and I do it Every single way sometimes I Just say what's on my brain and I'm out of space and I go in Outer space can I fall Into this is where a chorus Would go if I was actually writing this Down but I'm not so I don't know if I Remember this next time it Comes around point a camera At the tell myself I'm 10ft tall and I try to do my Best but I got this Tightness in my chest in My outer space in my outer space in My outer space I go point the camera Anywhere and I don't I don't think it's Right or that it's fair but I do it every single day I got Nothing that can replace my Outer space my outer space My into outer space this is Where the chorus would go if I were Actually writing this down but instead I'm Just making it up as I go along as I go alone even Later will transcribe these words And we'll just go on And on and on and on and on Outer space center outer space Center outer outer outer space thank You great <|endoftext|> Black and native mothers are 2 to 3 times as likely To die during childbirth and Moms are marching against the cowardly gestapo to Say that black lives matter The fuck out of our city every Mom I know does so Much emotional labor that too Often goes Unrecognized to the Moms in my life and All the moms just struggling to survive to The moms on the front lines we Fuckin salute you <|endoftext|> I was excited for the Ouya When it was a kickstarter then It turns out when i got it in The mail i haven't even opened it up Something's changed with me I still get excited 'bout video games but I Can't seem to sit down to play All the games that I get excited about I listen all the time to gaming podcasts I follow the news but, but it's not What i do in my down time and That really hurts me i don't know what It is, most games just can't hold my Attention even mario, i bought a wii u But i still haven't finished oh gods of Gaming please take me back to the promised Land everything is changing I Need to grab miyamoto's hand When i was a kid it was all I did i guess i got priorities music To make and friends to hang with it's So different than it used to be but I miss the playing games like i used To I miss playing games like i used To <|endoftext|> This is your sonic ??? Your ears from left to right And all along it is Familiar you_ve always been here But something_s changing the strangest Feeling comes in waves you At first it_s quiet but Now it_s swing it plays In the noon day sun It plays in the smoking gun It plays in the sky above And it plays when ??? It plays when you hear the call It plays anywhere at all It plays out beyond the stars It plays anywhere you are Let your ears decide they Will be your guide let Your ears decide ??? let They will be your guide Let your ears decide they Will be your guide <|endoftext|> Multiple dimensions all at once You can_t put on a hat made out of time I am who I am across the universe Barrel of monkeys or a barrel of slime You can have everything you want And you can have it all at once Each moment is a new thing Each choice is always moving Dance until you run out of breath Starlight in the summer beyond the trees Time is relative and space is a constant Everything changes when you freeze <|endoftext|> I pooped on the floor And puked on a towel Cold sweats turn off the lights Norovius hits me and i_m Knocked down laying on the Bathroom floor at night fuck You, fuck you norovirus you Come through like a hurricane Few bugs are as mean and as violent As you, you_re fucking insane I slept in the guest bed From 3pm yesterday waking up Just to pee out of my butt Dry heaving and bringing up Bits of bile like a Medieval torture device in my gut One day you will get what_s coming We_ll find a way to defeat you Or else maybe you_ll mutate and take over the earth Our bodies do battle I Can feel mine fighting knock Down drag out fight here in the dirt <|endoftext|> Christmas was in the winter, in a cold You_ve never known We_d gather Around something called a fireplace, and laugh And sing to keep warm you_ve Seen trees in your picture books, well, we_d Chop one down, keep it right there inside We_d cover it with bits of foil, little Pictures, they were called ornaments and we also Had hundreds of glowing lights I wish I Could build a snow fort with you where The plow_s made the snow so high I Wish you could smell the air after blizzard Fell from the sky oh Yes, I wish for so very many things But wishing won_t make it so no No child i_d give most Anything if god would just Let it snow let it Snow have I ever told You about hannuka see this This menorah, poor things cracked and Split and you_ve learned about The fire of 39, right? That_s why we can_t keep any candles lit Most of all I wish you could feel How it felt to be topside and young And free I wish I had done so Much more but there was Just so much good TV I wish I could build a snowman with You on January first I Wish we could slide down A hill on a day So cold it hurts <|endoftext|> He loves to read he has so many books And he loves to buy new ones He'll wear worn out clothes and worn out shoes Spending all his money on books The only thing he loves more than books Well, that would have to be his children He loves his kids with all his heart There is nothing he wouldn't do for them Javad Akbari Javad Akbari he He gets cold very easily He wears sweaters in the middle of summer And two coats in winter He played soccer professionally before He went to Germany where He lived for 8 years That's where he went to college He was born without a sense of smell And he loves old western movies He also loves James bond The ones with sean connery He's had all kinds of jobs From working in a factory To grave digging in his Heart he's a revolutionary <|endoftext|> Vulnerable entitlement diversity evidence based Transgender fetus ohhh science base D vulnerable Transgender diversity evidence Entitlement FETUS SCIENCE science based Please, please, please don_t leave We need you now more than ever This nightmare can_t last forever Just sing the song you Can sing along _vulnerable,_ _entitlement,_ _diversity,_ _transgender,_ _fetus,_ _evidence-based,_ _science-based._ <|endoftext|> In the northern hemisphere the Planes are falling down I Try to keep my ears Close to the ground my Nose is always running but My eyes are sitting still I keep my mouth shut And swallow all my pills The future cannot see the Past cannot speak Everybody_s different Every bird I touch refuses To sing we will never Know everything gather up all And tie them to your house Launch it to the stratosphere Now you_re breaking down the Mutagenic barriers that kept the Melded mind from attaching to <|endoftext|> I_m going to the dentist To get my cavity filled I_m thinking of the universe And all the blood that_s spilled In the name of bullshit In the name of bullshit I_m going to the dentist Gonna get the laughing gas I_m thinking of the universe People who have passed in The name of bullshit i_m Going to the dentist got No time to write a song Thinking of the universe and The people who have gone In the name of bullshit <|endoftext|> She_s sitting next to me She_s smiling She_s waving both Her hands all the whiling Reaching with her arms making Little sounds she knows who I are she smiles when She sees my face It_s Built in somewhere deep inside her brain She sticks out her tongue I stick mine out back The future is uncertain but Right now is per fact <|endoftext|> To the game they conquered. people's Ball is kicking, but not the people. and The players kick and kick. and The players just kick and kick and kick. They kick and kick and kick. cause This is foosball Foo's. this Is who's who's first. and They kick. and you can Kick. they kick. this is. <|endoftext|> How am I supposed to do my song If I don't got time to do my Song and I don't got time to do My song how am I supposed to do My song if I don't got time to Do my song but don't got time to Do my song I got meetings all day I got everybody asking me for things then My kids come home then I didn't even get a chance to sing No no no how am I supposed to Do my song if I don't got time To do my song if I don't got Time to do my song how am I Supposed to do my song if I don't Got time to do my song I don't Got no time to do my when am I supposed to exercise when Am I supposed to eat my lunch or Even do anything when I Gotta go to the doctor I gotta Run errands gotta do the laundry gotta take Out the trash I gotta do everything now Cause I'm an adult then When I gonna do my Song if I don't got time to do My song if I don't got time to Do my song how many songs have I Written now about not having enough time to Do my song oh no You wanna hear let's see The love funny when I Was just starting song the day Out living in burkby California I was 26 years old and nobody Depended on me it was just me I That I had to worry about but back Then you can find a song where I'm Singing now I don't got enough time cause I never fel maybe when I'm An old man I'll finally Have time to do my song when I'm an old man just sitting alone I'll Have time all the kids will be gone And I'll say say something Like that's why I say Now now she get real soft now I'm Not supposed to do my song if I Don't got time to do my song I Don't got time to do my song now I'm not supposed to do my song if I don't got time to do my song Riddle me this my friend riddle me it <|endoftext|> As your cells regenerate and die Old parts of you are left behind Change is gonna happen whether You like it or not It'll never stop one day You're rich and your belly's full The next you're poor with a rattlin' skull You live so blind signing On the little dots it'll Never stop and I am Knocked unconscious by the sheer Force of time passing I Try to keep my mind wide open But I am lost down in the mud muck And I see life going by me And I feel sad and happy And the things that I remember Seem so frivolous and small But I keep writing it down Flightless birds know the pain of it When you gotta stand but you wanna sit Nothing can prepare you for A life of disappointment bou Peak so early know it all Then steadily decline and fall Till you're 30 with a magic wand And you're not sure where to point it And once you were a great king Of words and art and everything And you knew the score that mattered And you always lost your temper But after years of taming And time spent in the gutter Of fast and hard routining You say it's not so simple But I keep writing it down But I keep writing it down As your cells regenerate and die Old parts of you are left behind Change is gonna happen whether You like it or not It'll never stop <|endoftext|> Way way back in 2009 I had just started writing a song a day I needed some place to put these songs of mine There were lots of options but they sucked Til I found band camp And I was in heaven 365 songs that year I wrote And I uploaded every single one Accidentally their servers I broke Defender in the stats it was so much fun Oh I loved band camp And I was in heaven Now i_ve been writing a song a day for almost 16 years And just yesterday the news confirmed all our fears Bandcamp is dead - killed by corporate greed Bandcamp is dead - may it rest in peace An editorial voice curious and unafraid People who loved music more than anything Mighty rare oasis to find nowadays Pour one out and everybody sing We loved band camp we Were in heaven r <|endoftext|> There_s a deer in the Woods She_s afraid of me-e-e I just wanna be your friend If I came here every day And just sat near you Would you get used to me? And let me hug you? Deer in the woods (in The woods) deer in the Woods (in the woods) I Must protect your two little Baby fawns but I wanna Be your friend I just Wanna be your friend if I fed you some yummy food (some hayyyy) if I told You that I loved you Would you understand? deer in The woods (in the woods) (in the woods) humans and Animals they_re separated (they_re separated) (desperated) if we can find Our way back home (way Back home) then it_ll be Time to say goodbye, oh I_ll be here and i_ll Watch you from afar I Wanna be your friend I Just wanna be your friend Someday you_ll realize I mean You no harm and you_ll Inspire me to start a Farm deer in the woods Deer in the woods (in The woods) deer in the Woods (in the woods) <|endoftext|> In the town of WhiteSparrow There_s a giant hand, you know People come from miles around To stare at that hand sticking up from the ground Strange things and mysteries dark Magic and goblin greed heroes Come to find glory and This right here is one such story Q where is diendo cool Cat and lee ch omasa Care o con and Ollie And Linnell tham eee uh Krong and gwin d elle Champions will be named ancient Blood will spill in the Town of WhiteSparrow It_s total Party kill <|endoftext|> Let them eat cake let Them eat cake goddamn few Let them eat cake let Them eat ca <|endoftext|> Whatever I do it's never enough I can't Put myself back together again I find the Toughest time and then I go where I Need it I was once bigger than I Am right now I was there's one much Smaller too I was made of you I Was made of d I was made of Something like me and you like me and You you I can't keep like I've been winding up the clock again brick By me leave by leave I see myself When I sleep when I Sleep again I go to sleep at Night I sleep all night the dreams do You have a plan for when society collaps In the winter time and no heat for Anybody or in the summertime or it's too Hot to live it's too hot to live It's too hot nobody is A word that I say but I know no one else to say nobody Is there such thing there's Nobody nobody nobody I have nobody I have Nobody have nobody I have nobody <|endoftext|> When the darkness falls upon the town in waves You put the screws to shoes that take you on your way And you go, go, go, To the store CHA CHA!!! <|endoftext|> Is there anybody out there My name is fall no Need to be scared I'm Not scared at all I Wish I had a friend To call my own only Empty space in time I Am alone so lonely, so So lonely, so so lonely <|endoftext|> As long as you can see my face Everything is gonna be all right As long as you can hear my voice Nothing in the world can touch you You can be the only one Who will survive the setting sun because My light is your light My time is your time Buildings fall and mountains crumble But i_m in love with you Million tiny stars collapsing on Themselves rockets burn the sky Because i_ve got you close to me Close your eyes and you can clearly see <|endoftext|> Go out into the world Wild and bizarre show them That you're strong like the Beast that you are. raucous And bemused full of vigor And stomp and you will Cackle and yell as you Party and romp up in Heaven with your wild things Close now you got reason To boast there'll never be Nobody else like you maurice Plain spoken never sugar coating the truth with these Stories that come straight out of my own dreams They were part of me that's how it always seemed. Curl up into a ball in the middle of the street Let them walk all over you but that is not defeat When you make the rules they're yours to break And you can make what you want just for its own sake Up in heaven with your wild things near You'll never disappear, you'll never Be nobody else like you Maurice. Plain spoken never sugar coat the truth with these Stories that come straight out of my own dreams They were part of me that's how it always seemed. Throw a fit in a tantrum Get thrown out of the bar Wander darkened streets back where The wild things are I Will follow your lead pick Up where you left off I will do my own thing I will be my own boss And up in heaven I Hear your wild things cry Time to celebrate and die There'll never be nobody else like you Maurice. Plain spoken never sugar coat the truth with these Stories that come straight out of my own dreams They were part of me that's how it always seemed. There'll never be nobody else like you Maurice. Plain spoken never sugar coat the truth with these Stories that come straight out of my own dreams They were part of me that's how it always seemed. <|endoftext|> It's that time of summer when I'd Get nervous and depressed as a kid no More hanging out all day doing all the Fun things that we did the School year creeping up on me, I would Try to forget that i was coming but Little things'd remind me, like the drip drip Drip of a faucet drumming I don't want To go back to school let Me play all day outside let Me video game and pizza let Me take my bike out and ride I Don't want to go back to school let Me wander the woods all day let Me jump in the pond and swim let Me play play play play play I would Try to keep the thought of school way Out of my head there Were commercials on tv, ads in magazines and They always said back to School it's coming back to school better Get all the supplies and Then I'd be reminded and Feel sad with a far Away look in my eyes school, I guess it wasn't the worst thing but It would never be the first thing that I'd choose to spend my time doing If the way were mine I'd Be catching frogs and building forts running Around bare feet and shorts lying In the grass at dusk playing Mario and such now that I am older I don't have to Worry about school anymore now Just I got bills and life and projects It's a never ending roar I like being An adult because I can choose how to Spend my time but I Do miss my childhood summers, when the Warm ring of summer bells'd chime <|endoftext|> It's the last day last Day last day this day It's the last day last The kids are screaming cause They don't wanna go the Kids are screaming and they don't know why They're screaming but we know they're screaming because It's the last day I had a dream Last night I was being held hostage I Couldn't get away couldn't get Away from Marilyn Manson I Was looking for my phone wanted To go home my home Didn't have a charger my Phone didn't have couldn't find A charger for my phone for my Phone for my last day last Day last day disney it's Day disney oh look at Screaming cause they don't wanna Go don't wanna go they Don't know why they're screaming but we know It's because they don't wanna leave the disney Ah they don't wanna leave and go back To their lives to their Lives to their lives hell Is the last day last Day last day disney oh Day disney last day and <|endoftext|> The large hadron collider is Broken once again doesn't it Seem like someone somewhere is Trying to tell us something? Like maybe if they turn that thing on The world will explode do They even know what will happen Tell me, do they know? Oh the large hadron collider Looking for the higgs boson But will they find it Or will they send us to the big Hole in the sky <|endoftext|> The TSA at JFK dropped My Ukulele it didn't break But that's not the point Man it made me angry untrained Workers with too much power and changing rules That don't make sense it's Gotten out of hand now and I demand Some recompense don't bombard my Body with your x-rays! don't Make me take off my shoes-es! don't Pat me down like a criminal our Patience is not unlimited don't Make me late for my flight your System is arbitrary it's not Making us safer and to Me that's just so scary the Tsa at JFK dropped my Ukulele when confronted they said It fell so accidentally I Didn't push it cause you don't push it With peons drunk with power but I left there fuming my head was spinning A taste so bitter sour TSA Go away nobody likes you just go away You're just theatre you should be on broadway You'd win a Tony you're Just that funny so go Away <|endoftext|> Ted cruz is a shart on a first date. Ted cruz is like hitting a parked car. Ted cruz is worse than bacne. Is a human anal suppository. Ted cruz is as close to a busted Toilet seat as one man can get. He_s like finding a dead mouse in a wall Fleshy robot stuck on smug. <|endoftext|> Yesterday Andy M cried a lot There_s a slack channel for the hashtag now Norma says there_s internet in Vermont The water truck is parked by the bar Hydrate, make sure you hydrate Heather Armstrong put hairy vaginas On screen in 450 pt Type Banana republic didn_t like Brokenback Banana but if you Can_t say hairy vagina then fuck em all right Hairy vaginas! Alex Blumberg thought He was hot shit but When it came down to it he flubbed his pitch And he thought Orello would be a good name He wants to keep the bad parts in He was such a dick in the equity situation But he made the podcast and then he didn_t have to explain Spike trotman likes porn and She didn_t like the porn being made So she decided to make some porn of her own The celestial choir she ignored the dull roar She asked some friends if they wanted to make porn Her friends said we thought you_d never ask let_s all bone Hairy vaginas! It_s not They were the first to use links as jokes And that_s news to me Mallory ortberg chugged 2 chocolate milks And she doesn_t want to puke on you But we_re all gonna die so it_s OK Dont apply her lessons universally She got paid 750 dollars To speak she should_ve have asked for way way way more We forget who made what On the internet we only Know the stories that we tell So own the things you make And love yourself for goodness sake And tell each other_s stories often and well Hairy vaginas! many GamerGaters think They_re the good guys but It_s just basic empathy failure Don_t call them trolls, it_s abuse Zoe Quinn was an angry teen If gamergate happened 7 years ago She very likely would have been in their shoes Design is a value statement Show me what you build, i_ll tell you who you are The choices we make on the web today Will seem normal to our kids, so let_s Eric meyer 663399 rebecca purple What we make show me What you build and i_lll tell you who you are Build in our children_s names <|endoftext|> Tala is an alien and They are genderless and so Some hateful people are throwing Tantrum fits Tala is the Mascot for a library and So mad they can barely see Oh Tala, welcome to the earth You probably want to teach kids to read But I guess you got to deal with this first Oh Tala, I love your little hat I wonder where you come from And do all your folks look like that <|endoftext|> Well we'll talk about it 10 hours on A plane now I feel like a string That's been strong I want to sleep in A bed I want to sleep in a Bed sleep in a bed I don't want to sleep In a bed sleeping in Bed because sleeping on a Plane is no good 10 Hours on a plane now I'm in a different place than I was Before sleeping in bed I Don't want to sleep in A bed sleeping in bed Cause sleeping on a plane Is no good <|endoftext|> It's May day and congress Couldn't muster to raise the Minimum wage GOP filibuster it's They are phoning it in Barely keeping up pretenses we Mean anything to them but It's May day I sing In solidarity with workers all Around the world who are Treated unfairly I say down With corporations up with the Human race don't give up The fight punch them right In the face it's May Day it's May day down Up with the huddled masses Take their filibuster and shove It right up their asses <|endoftext|> Get a job in crypto don't Wait to it now get A job in crypto these Boys will show you how get A job in crypto get A job in crypto <|endoftext|> You don_t have a mother, you don_t have A father you are a Clone, it_s like you are your Own brother It_s father_s day, Like to say happy asexual Reproduction day happy asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction day happy asexual Day maybe you_re some bacteria Living in the bottom of A lake with all your friends you Eat stuff down there, you decompose it for Us you_ve got close relative Upshore in the forest It_s Father_s day, but i_d like Asexual reproduction day happy asexual Day happy asexual reproduction day Asexual reproduction day or you_re Bluegrass growing in lawns across America Doing your applemixes lots of Blackberries, that yummy fruity treat you_ve Got no parents and you_re so fun to Eat It_s father_s day, but Like to say happy asexual Reproduction day happy asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction day happy asexual Day <|endoftext|> I wanna know where the world is going Without me before I make A decision about the rest of My life who in their Great mind would ever think To doubt me I got no Great ambition I'm just a Butterfly but I know I Was made of fai I Don't believe in the world God Built on his back and I know I Got nothing in my heart but love and Hatred at the same time what could I Do without you and my gizzard I'm Just lizard with a fork tongue and what Could I do before you were without me I've got no ideas in my brain I've Got no I did no I did know I did I know I did and all I did and no I did at all The pink little fish in the pocket went With all his might into the pool table That was covered with pizza stains and nobody Ever thought to think thinking All that little pink fish wants is Another chance to get it right but I've got no idea I've Got no idea I got no idea in My right mind I got no idea say No no I did I've Got no ide in my right mind <|endoftext|> Six years to go 10 miles It_s gridlock and there_s no way out Fast lane, no it_s all the same On the motorway with the face of Boe We live and die without Ever knowing why we_re somewhere In the sky stuck with Each other sunshine is from Another time so ease your Mind with a little bliss Human beings adapt to anything No matter how bad it is We live and die without Ever knowing why we_re somewhere In the sky stuck with Each other this motorway feels Things are not OK stuck With each other the face Of a cat but I am the last Novice hame and new new york No police in the quarantine And the TV is on a loop <|endoftext|> I gave the autocratic alien my phone number And told them to call me some time And I was dragged into the supermarket Under pressure like the water was pushing down I couldn_t move I was dodging great balls of energy Just like some kind of video game And that_s all that I can remember Of the dream I had two days ago The dream I had two days ago The dream I had two days ago That_s all I can remember about the dream I had two days ago <|endoftext|> City to city street to Street another place for me To sing of Ki city Flight to flight Cloud to Cloud night to night here City to city dance to Dance everybody tells you you'll Have another chance dust to Dust film to film I Oh here we go oh Here we go again city City city and city city Bed to bed hotel room City to city scooter and Bike you can sing as Many songs as you like Cause here we go again Oh again city to city <|endoftext|> Terry Jones backed down decided Not to burn the Koran And you could look at this and say _what_s your deal? this is A selfish plan_ to play The media bring attention to His cause but regardless of What you think his hatred And intolerance is real every Day we are getting closer to Some kind of explosion folks Like Terry Jones will be responsible Whether he believes half of what he says The feelings are there Terry Jones, Glenn Beck the words They use are full of sparks Country is a tinderbox and Their fire will explode the dark People are pissed off and Rightfully so but because they_re Obsessed with race or religion They_re missing the point and So every day we are getting closer To some kind of explosion And folks like Terry Jones Will be responsible whether he Believes half of what he says The feelings are there now, I_m not saying that I Have all the answers but If you want to make a difference It_s in the choices in The choices in the choices That you make Terry Jones Quotes the Bible but the Bible_s just a book and It_s full of contradictions and It_s how you choose to read it That creates your convictions uh Huh I say Jesus would Have never wanted this your Grandstanding and your red faces So every day we are getting closer To some kind of explosion And folks like Terry Jones Will be responsible whether he Believes half of what he says The feelings are there the Feelings are there <|endoftext|> You know, you know what you know Bird by bird and blow by blow by blow Watch your garden grow but For you, it grows too slow Some things just make you wait It_s a way of life I appreciate I was on my way to see you Big, bad Wolf oh oh I was bringing you a flame that Prometheus took my heart burned Red, my soul was cool I wrapped my head in the golden rule Now you_re on their minds They wont forget or let you stay behind You know, you know you know they_re only fair Justice sits in a worn down chair And on judgment day it_s a game they_ll make you play If you don_t play then you can_t lose But they_ll strip the wings right off your shoes I was on my way to see you Big, bad Wolf oh oh I was bringing you a flame that Prometheus took my heart burned Red, my soul was cool I wrapped my head in the golden rule One more mountain to climb Ask your friends if they can bear in mind the weight , The weight, that_s heavy on you Words and signs that are way beyond you I don_t think, I can only act I live in the dirt that is freshly packed Noisy puddles in the rain The chorus of angels all exclaimed I was on my way to see you Big, bad Wolf oh oh I was bringing you a flame that Prometheus took my heart burned Red, my soul was cool I wrapped my head in the golden rule I was on my way to see you Big, bad Wolf oh oh I was bringing you a flame that Prometheus took my heart burned Red, my soul was cool I wrapped my head in the golden rule <|endoftext|> You see me writing a song everyday Always my shirt_s same color What_s up with that guy I hear you say Why_s he only have one shirt? Does he have any others? All my shirts are purple <|endoftext|> When you wake up from your death cult And you wipe your tired eyes I don_t think the world will forgive you Blood dripping down your chin When the shame is hot in your belly And you_re consumed by flames The empathy will be oxygen Until there_s nothing left the Stars are falling down and The olive trees are burning And the tunnels underground are Filled with poisoned air the Soldiers in the class room Have laughter in their gullet Abraham is blinking out beyond Somewhere when the empire has Fallen as all empires do And they say, _you goddamn schmuck_ When you open up the cupboard To find there_s nothing there You_ll choke on your your bile Blood dripping down your chin <|endoftext|> Nfts can move at the speed of light But that_s ok, the blockchain doesn_t lie We can_t tell the future But the past is crystal clear Those days are gone but There_s so much to learn And that_s why we_re still here Nfts now it_s like they were always there But for years, no one seemed to care Misfits in back alleyways shilling Their crypto art it was A heady time we were All aligned from the bottom Of our hearts nfts now We got all of these apes Big brands, it_s like there_s no escape But this is our little enclave Those that keep the cause That the wild and weird Should not be feared but Protected at all costs <|endoftext|> Sisters and brothers mothers and Fathers ourselves and others, oh Everybody over here everybody over There everybody everywhere, oh Let_s Let_s get along Let_s get Along when you_re feeling up When your feet are on the ground Let_s get along on holidays No matter what anybody says Let_s get it on I Said let_s get it on Let_s get along Let_s get It on Let_s get along The world is smiling when You get along good feelings Are piling when you get Along the river will carry You and when you get Along nothing can bury youuuuuuu After a meal no matter What you feel Let_s get Along the twilight on the Even when you_re full of pride Let_s get it on Let_s Get along Let_s get along Let_s get along <|endoftext|> On chain versus on chain it's The battle of a century we Haven't had arguments like this since nifty versus Nifty and we need metal Metaphor just like we always Been old chain versus old Chain tell me which is There all chain versus unchained Baby old chocolate chain baby On chain are you a Dash now no the decisions That we make today will have Enormous ramifications on the future on the language On the culture on the Future on the language on the culture Our dream is marching our Dream is a dream of our chain our Dream is a <|endoftext|> We_re really sorry we_re sorry, Sorry, sorry we_re sorry Sarah Got their bikes stolen from outside our apartment While we were all out getting dinner at The secret bim bim bap place they Don_t have a storefront It_s Hard to find but the food is really Excellent we feel extra bad Because they_re training for a Cross country bike trip this summer and Now they have to go buy fancy new Bikes they were super nice About it but we could Tell that it really stressed them out so We wanted to say we_re sorry we_re Sorry, we_re sorry we_re really Sorry we_re sorry, sorry, sorry We are sorry from Meredith Yeah! <|endoftext|> Happy birthday let us help You celebrate it the right way Like it rockin_ playing video Games and let me know If I mispronounce your name Happy birthday lizzie Cuevas happy Lizzie Cuevas happy birthday lizzie Someday you_ll marry masterchief I Know this to be true And sail around the glowing stars Just so true a view And on the game_s radar Well, a wild thing occurs It_s orbit flowers sent by a secret admirer So happy birthday lizzie Cuevas Lizzie Cuevas happy birthday lizzie Happy birthday <|endoftext|> Do I want my songs To only live in one place Should I set them free Let them out of a cage Who will listen after the Heat death of the universe I_ve kept a record of my life In these songs most of Them i_ll only sing once Will only be heard by A handful of people I Put my songs on spotify So you can hear them anytime I think they_ll be there for a while Until the internet ends till The internet ends in a Blaze of fire and soot With no idea no idea where to put All of the data that we_ve built up Every bad tweet and piece of good luck Do I want my songs To die a death so Meaningless is there any meaning <|endoftext|> With all the tools you got You can build anything you want With the right technology conceive, Test, launch from the block Chain to bots rtificial intelligence Conceive, test, launch get your Badge grab a croissant time In the hall the expo Is quiet now but not Long before hopping the keynote Is starting soon find your Seat, let_s go to the moon Oops, I mean mars with Adam steltzner you know there is no stopping Adam was a rock n roller And then got curious about the stars Spent ten years of his life To land a rover on mars Hold on to the doubt And your curiosity Adam_s gonna Drop some truth about how To thrive with your team You gotta be vulnerable and The right kind of crazy Sometimes you_re in the dark room But we must have lunch Chorus It_s a sold out New tech solutions big and Small meet customers Now_s your To close that deal and Dance sold out expo hall In the business lounge new Tech solutions in the expo Hall It_s sold out with Don_t you want to dance With us Sessions, sessions so Tell me what are the takeaways <|endoftext|> My friends you are not Alone each day is a And if your pockets are empty And your soul is hungry And you_re laughing at life Even when it_s not funny I_m here with you when It rains every afternoon I That i_ll know the tune But if you_re feeling unhappy And the future is ugly And you wake up in the morning Feeling angry i_m here for You my friends i_m falling I know also that you Are when the air is Heavy and the ground is Unsteady and you_ve got to Just go crazy i_m here <|endoftext|> Hey now hissing a fit Having a good time little Bit throwing a ball knowing Wasn't what it seemed in the alcohol Hey now take a dish Can't have pets can't just Yet but there's nothing saying You never will springtime hill In the daffodils I write Songs in the key of Brill There's nothing saying you never will, oh I get stronger when not killed I'll keep trying till I've had my fill There's nothing saying you never will, oh There's nothing saying you never will Hey now throw me a Punch feed me lunch in A burned out hunch kissing A frog eating a dog Hey now break my fast As the feeling's passed tighten The noose let me loose Springtime hill in the daffodils I write songs in the key of Brill There's nothing saying you never will, oh I get stronger when not killed I'll keep trying till I've had my fill There's nothing saying you never will, oh There's nothing saying you never will Hey now teeth are shined Till they look like mine Hold a mirror have no fear Now we're getting out of here Hey now boys go last Pendegrast in the soil and Well he's nothing if not loyal Springtime hill in the daffodils I write songs in the key of Brill There's nothing saying you never will, oh I get stronger when not killed I'll keep trying till I've had my fill There's nothing saying you never will, oh There's nothing saying you never will <|endoftext|> A macho big brother was a rapper until He decided to get into some sketchy shit And we don't know the half of it And nobody really would care except that he's Trying to sue our buddy a Bad mochi he's been trying to sue our Buddy a bad move Machino Know that you're not gonna win this I Know Mach you know our Love for zach is endless So take your fragile ego and Decept defeat and just stop scamming it I Set you free 22,000 etho across 10 project That's a lot of scamming o Not sure what you thought sue and zach Was gonna do. just brings More attention to you. the Strides and effect is real a Bad move Machino stop trying To sue our buddy a Bad move Machino I know Machino you're not gonna no, I know Machi no. our Is endless oh yeah, I know, I know Machin know you're not gonna win this I Know no no, no way. cause Much you know our love for zach Is in liv so take Your fragile ego and just stop Scamming it'll set you free It'll set you free it'll All the money back to all the people That you stole it from send All the money back to all the people That you scammed it from because no, I Know much you know that you're not gonna Win this I said no no much you Know our love for zack Is endless so take your fragile ego and Accept defeat and just stop scamming it'll set You beautiful <|endoftext|> One thousand two hundred and seven nouns Three big years impact the world now The closest thing we_ve seen to the real DAO Three big years the nouns gonna show you how Bringing water to those in need Making a feature length movie Nouns are just getting started With their very own sports team Funding the internet whimsy nounish Means open hearted <|endoftext|> I can't even think of any of my Songs in high school if A man writes a song And he can't remember it did he ever Really have it in the first place or Is it just a phantom is It just a phantom song can You tell me really like to know cause I've forgotten most of the things that I Used to know and I took myself by And led myself down the stairs and I Took advantage of myself when I was most Unaware and I said hey to myself don't You do that to yourself but I kept doing it to myself cause I didn't know how to stop and then The dog started barking in the trees started Shaking in the world world Started going dark dark dark dark but I've forgotten things that I used to know I know so well when the tiptoes on The tulips in my mind I see tiny Toon I see led Zeppelin Falling back behind I see Melkor I see gandalf I see The Valor and I wish I wish I wish your Pony star oh starlight star bright first star I see tonight what you Got for me right now what Are you gonna do gonna Make it up like you always do go Long and you think that You rule the world around Me rule the world around Around around me you rule The world around you are just some Gases some incandescent plasmas up In the sky <|endoftext|> When you turn your back On refugees jesus wants to Angels want to burn your eyes You_re the bitter waste of all mankind There_s no redemption you will find When you turn your back on refugees When you go on bombing their countries A thousand cuts are just too few A river of sorrow made just for you A lonely hole you_ll be dumped into When you turn your back on refugees On your dying bed you_ll cough and wheeze And your wives are nowhere to be seen Your daughter stabs you as you bleed Left to choke on your own disease When you turn your back on refugees <|endoftext|> We will puddle hop across dreams to a Place where scooter can rest Easy. we puddle hop across The dreamscape and all the Frogs are saying no way they All admire our puddle hopping ability on The clouds, we drift away drinking No egg nog milkshakes into The sun, with our legs above our knees Puddle hop don_t stop then The rainbow of love and It_s enough to make you Wanna cry cry cry puddle Hop across the city and My lungs are feeling dirty I circle back Around and reset the dream into The broken skyway I find a hole and Slip away I get lost in your high Beams <|endoftext|> I've got a cold maybe a flu I'm feeling sick how about You Donald trump made me I sang too many songs about him Everybody's getting sick my mom And my dad Jupiter and My wife too though it's not so bad for them I feel like the world imploding in blinding curls of light I feel just like the earth You're stomping all over my self worth <|endoftext|> I don_t know, I don_t know, I don_t Know off to wherever retired Mascots go but if he Were he I bet he_d say _happy birthday, erin_ and then He_d chuckle _hahahahaha_ you_ve got a Beautiful voice, you play the accordion and you Wrote me a birthday song with your boyfriend Band Marison happy birthday, erin Up a few miles apart and also separated By time and then through the magic of The internet and through the smallness of the World, oh yeah your boyfriend joined my band And you became my friend so happy birthday, Erin, happy birthday happy birthday, erin Lyman happy birthday, erin Lyman Happy birthday, erin Lyman happy Birthday, erin Lyman <|endoftext|> The bufficorn hacked some hacking Hugged straight from the heart Interrupted a vlog recording and Then took in some art Schmoozed in the VIP room Selfies all over the place Tried to go get a haircut Rocked out in the maker space Everywhere the bufficorn goes they_re Loved It_s the spirit of The community they_re made of Strength of the buffalo listen To the call of the bufficorn In Colorado BUIDL the magic There since you were born We BUIDL all together be The bufficorn BUDIL got shilled Listened to some talks chilled Out hard in the chill zone And did yoga like a boss Got food from the food trucks Rode a scooter in the snow Interrupted a panel It_s the Buffi Buffi bufficorn show everywhere The bufficorn goes they play Everyday <|endoftext|> My first grade teacher was there with a Bunch of six and seven year olds seven Year old Justin emerged and He handed us a note it Said play only for elegant games and then He put on Mickey Mouse Sunglasses the other kids exited Through a heating vent but Little chest pulled the pant leg of Jeff Stannon he said also consider A points challenge then he Vaporized into hundreds of golden pixels everyone In the room was so startled that we All screamed a single scream for three and A half minutes well the Half land half round us squeezed everybody's Throats to change the pictures of our screams And then Jones every song It was 1011 at night And the finals were just Ending the champion was hoisted Up onto everybody's shoulders Nick Was chillin with the half ground hog man Drinking beers eating pulled pork and watching John Eaton ian and Brian lang <|endoftext|> We_re knocking on the door of WW3 The price we_ll pay for _jewish safety_ if It were up to me i_d Not keep all us jews In one place but that_s Just me using war as Cover to ethnically cleanse It_s Been the MO since I Don_t know when jews from The river to the sea, damn the Consequence nuclear holocaust That_s the Option <|endoftext|> Do you like who you Are can you stand somehow Somehow within somehow above Embrace To find the love any Moment you can collapse into Hulking mass boiling bog stranded Story that_s wrong page that_s Ripped you wouldn_t treat anyone As bad as sometimes you Treat yourself so go easy You are more powerful than You know <|endoftext|> Mom took away the nintendo Today cause Micah and I Have been fighting Lay with Henry on the floor and He broke the screen door Cause it's raining and thunder And lightning but oh I'm Jumps high and toady is quick princess Is light as a feather they Say she's the best but I was more impressed by the way they All seem to work together oh There's a mark on the cellar door so Now I'm lying I know Cause it looks just like The sword of omen break A branch off of a tree and Nobody mess with me cause Now I'm one badass ninja Turtle I'm Mario in my Goody goody Raphael's always mad Michelangelo's one okay I admit My favorite pizza is my favorite food oh Yeah all these I comes from my childhood Slowly faint enough thing and What have I got to show but I just can't let them go Mario Transformers on my birthday better Than he man my daddy Can't transform them but I can't oh He's got a phd but He's got nothing on me when it Comes to decepticons and dino Robots Optimus Prime so mom Today cause Micah and I Have been fighting play with Henry on the floor and he broke the Screen door cause it's raining Thunder and lightning but oh I'm Mario in my dreams Tonight <|endoftext|> Here I am can anybody See me here I am Does anybody know what it's Like to be me right Now right now here I am does Anybody feel me here I Am does anybody know if It's a real me right Now right now right now here I am Anybody hear me here I Am does anybody want to Get near me dare to Get near me right now right now Right now right now right now right now Right now right <|endoftext|> I_m giving away my records I_m giving away my books All the people taking them Are giving me weird looks I_m giving away my rugs I_m giving away my lamps I_m mailing my old letters With vintage postage stamps i_m Giving you everything I own Yes everything has got to go I wanna live in an empty room With my family in tow Put my computer on the curb Put my games out in the street All these things make me think Of times so bittersweet all My instruments and songs put Them in a bin give Them to the homeless dude Who drinks away our sins All my food has been consumed All my emails have been sent I saw your blog post yesterday But I didn_t know what it meant The chairs have all walked out of here The couches followed suit There_s A tree in the living room Growing glowing fruit <|endoftext|> Springtime_s gone and the summer_s begun and I was a teenage dream, and I was The gasoline and I was Made of spring and the springtime All returned boys wear shorts, Girls wear tanktops Somebody_s out There taking pot shots at The target sign, what did It ever do to them Stone fruit and tequila lime, i_m Letting go of what I think is mine Summer leaves destruction disguised as love or As something simple like a loaf of bread Burning down the house with the barbeque with The barbeque, summer was only one for exercise In the summer sun, you can close your Eyes and imagine that you_re Some place new or old, Depending boys wear shorts, girls Wear tanktops Somebody_s out there Taking pot shots at the Target sign, what did it Ever do to them stone Fruit and tequila lime, i_m Letting go of what I think is mine Memorial day, twenty-one-one springtime_s fallen A piece of string and I got what The Sun God brings but I was made of spring And the springtime all returned <|endoftext|> Thousand and thousands and thousands and thousands of summers You moved upon my back in no hurry Together, together, together we watched the world We even showed up in the vikings stories I know change change is the only constant But there_s so much I wanted to say To you before you went My love my love my The secrets the secrets the secrets that i_ll always keep For you until the earth swallows me whole Will keep me will keep me will keep me from despair Watching the ice around me disappear Someday the sun will explode But there_s so much I wanted to do <|endoftext|> This book tried to eat me This book tried to kiss me This book throw itself at my head And only barely missed me This book told me a story It has a mouth and lips and all that This book jumped on my shoulders And purred just like a cat At the hogwarts library at Library this book ate my Lunch this book sang an Opera this book burnt itself This book sheds it_s pages This book calls you names Bunch of books are in the rafters Playing some kind of game At the hogwarts library at Library <|endoftext|> Come on, nicole you can Do it you can do It you can do it Come on, nicole you can You pass your driving test your New car won_t smell like smoke when It_s windy in LA you Won_t have to go outside and be In danger of the ??? front you Can do it you can Do it come on, nicole Can do it you can Do it come on, nicole Oh, I believe in you oh, Oh, oh, oh, oh I believe in, I Believe in you, you, you You can do it, nicole <|endoftext|> Half the battle is just Showing up sooner or later You mind find you been Radicalized in the check out Line of the supermarket burn Put your nose in the Turning gears now stay like That for years and years Is a signed contract having Good self esteem is a Revolutionary act burn it all Down oh man have we Got an opportunity so many I_ll list them for thee One path is a bike lane One path ally oop one Path is mysterious and one_s Just a loop <|endoftext|> Are you caught up? are You caught up? are you Caught up caught up caught up? Can we talk about mad men Or game of thrones have You seen black mirror? There_s Like 7 episodes are you Caught up on adventure time? Or Brooklyn nine nine? whatddya Mean you haven_t seen the Wire? What the fuck is wrong with you No, no i_m not caught up We_re watching star trek She_s Never seen all of TNG I_ve seen it 7 times But really I don_t mind We_re right where it_s getting good in season 3 a <|endoftext|> Kevin Didn_t ask to be Born but nobody does and He doesn_t know who he is So he_ll figure it out As he goes along just Like the rest of us do Just like me and like you He_ll figure it out Kevin Just look around the oceans On fire no one_s in Charge but he_ll figure it Out as he goes along Just like me and like you He_ll figure it out he_ll Figure it out Kevin what You looking at what you Gonna see with those two Eyes pointing in different directions Curse and a blessing all Wrapped up in one Kevin Didn_t ask for this he_ll Make the most of it He_ll eat your brains and give you cooties <|endoftext|> I_m driving up to see you I_m jumping out of my skin We_re gonna do it on your lunch break You_re working at the convenience Store your boss he probably Knows yeah He_s a pervy Old bag of skin but We don_t care no you_re Working at the convenience store I bought this tape just yesterday oh And all my thoughts and All my muscles are bound Up tight I don_t know Nothing but you It_s the And I know that you love it when I piss off your dad You_re working at the convenience Store and when we_re finished You are 17 and working At the convenience store <|endoftext|> Not your keys, not your crypto It_s the very first thing that I learned What it meant, I didn_t quite know But all it takes is one time getting burned And then you know not Your keys, not your crypto Even giants preaching this refused To heed their own advice so Now they_re rekt, and it won_t be fixed And i_m feeling pissed don_t Keep your money on centralized Exchanges this will stay the Same no matter what else Changes SBF or Armstrong, CZ You_re deranged if you keep Any of your money on Centralized exchanges <|endoftext|> Martin gives an overview Blockchain, Tokens and icos Hugo is A crypto trader greed and Fear ain_t how he roll Oliver is streetwire blockchain to Real estate Gabriel built rocket Chat open source all the Way Boris says the future Anthony thinks the current economic Model is broken billion is Working on AI to get Your data easier Alex works With celsius credit peer to Peer Adam_s working on ad Tech that uses the block Chain Airy_s app gamifies microtasks Ariel works on Winminer mining Easier than ever before Ned Scott makes steem Smart media Tokens galore Chris makes polymath Lou went down the rabbit hole To the center of the blockchain storm Rick_s at global blockchain to Make it more available Gary Says venture capitalists can_t ignore Ico at all Robert and Steve from vezt want to Let musicians sell ip Paul Wants to make us safer Blockchain cyber security George is A genius maniac but I Use Distrokid and Jeff closes Out the day with cool Stories of all the things he did <|endoftext|> Stop me if you've heard this one before But I will just make It up as I go Along everybody's out here opening Up the door but I'm Sing my song sing my Song sing my song sing Stop me if you don't like to go to school Nobody likes it that is what I heard cause you never Gonna feel too cool when You're out there flipping everybody The bird flipping everybody the Bir giving everybody the bird I'm just trying to survive And oh I thought I But I guess I'm not Stab me if you're a shadow in the dark Stop me if you don't have any fun If you're a minnow among the sharks If you're among the sharks the sharks If you are among the sharks Stop me stop me stop Stop me because I cannot Oh you shot me oh You got me now I'm Bleeding from my heart I Need some help I need Oh I I need some But oh I'm just trying Oh don't you look me in the eyes again <|endoftext|> I'm not trying to be rude But this is what's in your food Please stop eating it please Stop eating it i'll be Your best friend if you do <|endoftext|> Crazy lady 20 cats wants Me to live with her in a one bedroom flat She_s oversized and underwhelmed with The state of politics and film She wants me, she needs me La la la la la la la la She_ll wash me and feed me La la la la I Don_t wanna be a slave to the television It convinces me that it_s something it isn_t The cat_s gonna crawl in and eat me whole I slip into a coma in the auto food bowl The lovesick pirate with the hipster eye patch Told me when he met me that he met his match He challenged me to a duel for gold I shot him in the chest Now his body lies cold He pleaded and he begged me La la la la la la la la Polly cracker peg-legged me La La la la I don_t Wanna be a slave to the television It convinces me that it_s something it isn_t The cat_s gonna crawl in and eat me whole I slip into a coma in the auto food bowl Now i_m in a coma Now i_m in a coma Now i_m in a coma Coma coma coma the righteous And the wicked are lying in bed The righteous ride golf carts The wicked give head one Creates and the other destroys Sound the alarm come on And make some noise they Grabbed me and groped me La la la la la la la la They washed me and sold me La la la la I Don_t wanna be a slave to the television It convinces me that it_s something it isn_t The cat_s gonna crawl in and eat me whole I slip into a coma in the auto food bowl <|endoftext|> I took off my shoes and waded through The grass I felt something stare at me, Which you know i hate I looked around To find the eyes and set them straight I found a turtle staring at me so I walked over and said howdy why;s a Varmint like you starting at me with them Big red eyes what I Ever do to you? and he said The banquet of Gluttony and Knew not what I was supposed to do I was confused and I Had no shoes I said could you Repeat that startling plaice of news <|endoftext|> I_m going on an airplane for the first Time in two years the Last time I was flying to bum fuck Texas crying through my tears I don_t know If I can remember how to do it If I can travel all around tell You the truth, i_m a Little bit nervous I don_t know what I_m going to be doing down down There in Denver i_m going Down to Denver I hope I don_t get covid this time You see last time I was supposed to Go to Denver I got Covid right on down the line This time i_m hopeful that I don_t get it, no i_m Just gonna go go go down To the airplane and fly through the sky I hope that I don_t cry I will Be hosting a conference call schelling Point and if I was A weed smoker, I might Consider rolling up a joint would You believe i_ve never smoked The stuff never once even Lit it up I once at An edible brownie and that Really fucked me up so I_ve been a little scared to try little Scared <|endoftext|> I_ve got to jump take The leap of faith or I_ll doubt myself for the Rest of my days can I do it? can I Do it? can I do It? can I do it? I am powerful i_m a Little tiny horse and i_m Mighty <|endoftext|> I am insecure but I am sure that You can barely tell I feel bad, it Makes me sad, I hide it very well I'm not the kind of guy that you Would say is very strong but I'll love you till the day I die And more after I'm gone What can I do? I Long for you. I see You every day I long to give You all you need to miss me all The way and to love Me more and to love Me more and to love Me just a little bit more Well, I'm soft inside, and I have tried to keep That part displayed my heart's The one with the baton in front Of the parade I'm younger Than I look when seen with eyes That judge too quick but Truth be told, I'm feeling Old and tired and lovesick you Turn me on and I am drawn, I Cannot stay away I long to give you All you need to miss me all the Way and to love me More and to love me More and to love me Just a little bit more Jack wanted jill just like Adam wanted Eve I want Than you believe I'm so Uptight I think I might just pop Like a balloon I wish I had a Brogue in plaid or Elvis Kind of croon I'm the Fool who'll spill your drink, apologize too Much what I lack in Grace I can't replace, I'm A very loving klutz I want to give You a place to live, a place to Knit and play I long to give you All you need to miss me all the Way and to love me More and to love me More and to love me Just a little bit more Just a little bit more <|endoftext|> Okay all right let me Just do this real quick should I brush my teeth sure What the buzzing hey what You gotta say hey you Never got away hey don't You know what you give is where You go now oh now You gotta give what you got anyhow Gotta go into clouds everywhere nowhere that you Are allowed so you think You show world what you got What you think you know put Your soul out of date hey What you guys say what You going to give what you going to Go anyway got to show Everywhere you go that you know What you know anyway anyway anyway anyway <|endoftext|> Millions of women around the world Let_s keep up the momentum Here on his very first day He_s violated the constitution he Stripped the white house website Of rights and climate change It_s only gonna get worse As we steer into the strange He censored the National forest service He made mortgages more expensive Canadians couldn_t get into the country We gotta keep up the momentum People in the streets is powerful We gotta take that power all the way Into government halls we gotta heed the calls We gotta be and see the change Everywhere we go people want To know who the fuck We are we_re coming for You you bastard with all <|endoftext|> Coming off anxiety coming on To a different one now I Feel it pretty strongly in my head my Wife assures me that should stop any day Now anxiety anxiety anxiety okay Down I'm reading this book Battle race of aliens that No she might stop later they're Much more powerful than humans they're Called the trians they come From a triple system with three Suns how's your sister good Is very destabilizing they want To come to earth hi Cutie hi cuz has one Son and they're going to Take us over what is She anticipating an achievement race is Done anxiety okay for us To go Baltimore Baltimore anxiety She's going to my husband and yeah Yeah I wonder where you going you See what's been happening down in Florida With all the transgender bands they'll Put you in prison no No no no no using The bathroom they'll put you In prison for children the Take your kids away they'll Take your kids away let's Run the sentence for you anxiety Man anxiety man coming off Get hot it's getting hotter Now how many 90 degrees 100 degrees are we going To have to deal with anxiety thank You 5000 254 in the books thanks Guys thank you <|endoftext|> Where can you go when the going gets Hard, when you don't know who you are, When you don't know who you are, when You don't know who you are? where Can you go when the going gets hard, Don't know who you are, don't know who You are, don't know who you are? <|endoftext|> Battle bed, Rainbow Road, supertunnel, new Detroit Cobble Bitch, shadow lands, Sam City, batknight Wipeout courses, pig races, bill Cosby, treehouse Space Needle, welcome Center, cake cake cake What's up my babies? scottland Ninja will fix it, scottland It's my first time! scottland Donor go in there, scottland Clark and zach are having a prank war Sir dredgery is an honorable knight Spin owns slaves George plays drunk John never spells anything right Tallman's house always gets blown up. American gladiator course netherwarts school Of Magic skydicks national forest National archive, scottland General where's Rozz?, ban the bitch!, COME ON!, chicken balls Mac's blowjob just call it modern art <|endoftext|> Elon Musk is an insecure Loser who's mad that people Are laughing at him real Rich kid crab baby energy What she got the headlights Sound like cold tbh whoa Oh oh o Eli every That's just how he likes it oh No oh oh wow oh <|endoftext|> Did you get your lottery Ticket stamped at the door Into that basket and you Still want more cuz it_s All just luck you pour Your heart into it you Work hard every single day Letter by letter you swear You_ll find a way but Its all just luck you Might got talent but that Is not more than grist For the mill you know The rules and you_ve mastered Tools but you_re not fulfilled <|endoftext|> Happy new year everyone this Is the year your dreams come true Happy new year everyone there's Nothing you can't do happy New year everyone happy new Year to you happy new Year everyone there's nothing you Can't do <|endoftext|> He stole the worm and he won_t let him go Worms evil twin and a powerful foe He takes damage with a yoink or a yeet But every new block he gains back energy So if we want to defeat We_ve got to coordinate our efforts To set the worm free Mint a candle can weaken him too Yeet and yoink till he_s black and blue Big boss battle, we can do this, let_s go It_s an on chain CCzero MMO We can_t let him go Cuz he wriggle with his riddle As the blockchain grows We_ve Got to coordinate our efforts To set the worm free <|endoftext|> Are really itchy and they make me so Angry they make me mean they make me Sad I'm going to the Allergist today to find out What I have Ohio just Want them to go away don't want Them here for another day o Hives they keep me up at night and Then I dawn feel <|endoftext|> We contain multitudes BE a Little WILD Bobcat animal interlude Cats in a bubble kingdom Be a LITTLE WILD million Things I haven_t done BE A LITTLE a WILD BE A LITTLE WILD DON_T LET Fear OF THE UNKNOWN KEEP You FROM THE CHANGE YOU NEED To REPLACE THE YOU THAT_S GOT TO GO Speeches with a laser show Be a LITTLE WILD Jason Likes the iPad pro BE A LITTLE WILD independant terrifyingly Even positive change is scary Be a LITTLE WILD BE A LITTLE WILD DON_T LET Fear OF THE UNKNOWN KEEP You FROM THE CHANGE YOU NEED To REPLACE THE YOU THAT_S GOT TO GO Play the song on the radio Be a LITTLE WILD friends On the internet are meaningful Be a LITTLE WILD song A day can be hard sometimes Be a LITTLE WILD it_s A great big mountain that i climb Be a LITTLE WILD <|endoftext|> You went missing in the night You took your t shirt and your mouth guard Down the looking glass I fell And when I fell I fell so hard I found your footsteps next to mine Circles of angles and singularities Lost in time you went Missing in the night folding Shadows around your sheets I Mistook the bookshelf for a carnivore And I got paper cuts on my feet I said, _where are you?_ The blood dripping on the floor Single worthers originals had to Nourish me for 8 days or more You went missing in the night And I really should have just gone back to sleep The walls were dunking Oreos As if Santa were here counting sheep But not yet, it_s not quite time For tinseltown in our hearts And i_m not sure if you_ll be around To see if and that_s the strangest part <|endoftext|> Liana conyers jess carr sara Plunkett leah swan brian bauer Jonathan mann Valerie Suzanne Fumilayo Sarah jey Whitehead Sam hughes C.j selzer allison grinstead Joseph Alex samets joey Hobson Liz Higgins alexa Hart lillie walsh Kj Swanson Aaron Roth katelyn Krause casey shreiner Greg John Sam douglass Mary bond gunther Richard Allen tommy Wallach Laura Bergmann Tom dexter Cheston Gasik Mark Bergman bradley Madsen Bobby Keniston erin E. Lyman Natalie Simons Claire Aaronson todd Courson Gillian masland Sheryl Foxman Peter Velez Aaron David Gleason Ben Anna Jones Dwayne Moser Tooba Michi Matt Streit stephanie Berger Catherine herrick Ken Marhu Eric Von hula Alycin Bektesh Arielle Roberts mira Stroika Gretchen Lohse Vanessa Lauria Kristy phinney Tom Wiehl Carishma mehta Kaarin Lanyi Eva holiday Mark knight kate Barush Mike metivier Danny sokal Kristen Lucas Danny ledonne Marcia Sarah Peter dizozza Jonny KreuzEdd Zarsky pam Steele Henry crouch Iesha Sarah Brown Travis langworthy Audra jeremy Scoville doe Abigail Summar Jessica Martell Nir kunwar Dave nicoll baily math tiff Nay Shasieh Ania hess Robert Francisco gonzalez Cathy Michelle hogle Illana Gauss Kristin Jana simonstone Seana lyn leah diane jessican Davanzo Julie Larah Moore erin Cara simone Andrea cottin Michael Chap resnick megan Schubert leah Sherman courtney poole phoebe Titus Stephanie Suzanne brendle Liana lewis Tanya Bershadsky dustin Jeux Janovsky Terry furry nelly Hernandez sara Vjudith mann helena Mark Alvarez <|endoftext|> I took a red eye to Barcelona Barcelona oh and now I'm Ready to go-a to go-a Go to bed cause I'm Tired oh to bed cause I'm trying, I'm trying to make it at least to 7:00 o'clock But I'm not sure I can make it I might just pass out sooner than that Cause I'm tired from the red eye Yeah, I'm tired from the red eye Flight to Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona how does that <|endoftext|> Oh, once there was a sailor bold, who Sailed the seven seas, his Name was Jack, a hearty Chap, but he had a secret Squeeze, he'd walk the plank And swab the decks, his Spirit never ceased, but deep Within, he hid the pain of his Infernal beast. heave ho, me Hearties, heave ho, with rump Rots and the bum grapes in tow, Heave ho, me hearties, heave ho, the Fire of the sea, a pirate's woe! the Captain cried, "Set sail me boys, we've treasure To be found!" but poor Old Jack, he winced and Groaned, and hobbled all around, The crew did laugh and jest at him, For the secret he did keep, but The devil's eggs that plagued him so, would Give them all no sleep. one Stormy night, jack climbed the Mast, to fix a tattered sail, His sea cushions did ache and burn, his Face turned ghostly pale, he Cried aloud, "oh, Neptune's curse, Ye fiery seat of pain!" and The crew did gasp, for now they knew, Jack's secret wasn't in vain. the Ship's doc came and tended Jack, With potions, creams and prayers, "Ye'll beat this Scourge, me hearty friend, and banish all your Cares," and so they sailed Through storms and strife, with Jack's pain at their side, for Though he bore the crimson orbs, his spirit Would not hide. so when You sail upon the waves, remember this Here tale, of Jack, the Sailor with bum grapes, who conquered Every gale, for life at Sea ain't always smooth, there's trouble, Pain and strife, but with Courage, grit and fortitude, ye'll conquer it, Aye, that's the life! <|endoftext|> When you won_t do something you don_t want To and I make you Because I love you and I think I know whats Best for you and I Put you through this because I have To I don_t want it to be this Way you are screaming at Me and i_m upset with You but I hope you See some day when you Are grown like me how Much that I love you and I am trying my best and I know that you are too together We_ll be all right I believe in me And you I believe in me and you To make it through together We can do anything and When you push on through to Find yourself in the light blue i_ll Be there to cheer for you <|endoftext|> 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 <|endoftext|> You already know you may Not know you know you Already have everything you need It might be difficult That_s Not good or bad There_s No you or me who Is minding the store It_s Not me, i_m not there anymore There is no calm and no storm Who is minding the store I_m not the guy who Writes a song a day I_m not the guy providing For his family i_m not The guy who tries to Understand i_m not a guy <|endoftext|> Everybody_s looking for someone to blame fighting With each other when we all want the Same thing we won_t get Where we wanna go if We don_t stick together thought believe Me when I say I care about what You care about so save All that energy for fighting White supremacy for the wave Of hatred spreading out the Left is not your enemy save All your vitriol for the Corporate interests behind it all for The GOP that_ll privatize the Care who did what or who did not Enough I want you to be free and I want you to have money to pay For stuff please don_t call Me names let go of The Bernie bro put all Saving this democracy for the Wave of hatred spreading out the Left is not your enemy save All your vitriol for the Corporate interests behind it all for The GOP that_ll privatize the With all of my heart I wanted him So bad from before the start but Then I got behind Hillary Did the best I could that Didn_t work, we gotta try a different, I Really think we should Where_s The democrat leader to fill this void we Can_t look to the top, we gotta be Ready and poised I threw my support to Hillary I hope you_ll stand with Bernie Believe me when I say that he cares About what you care about <|endoftext|> Oh I know what you gonna say and Don't look at me that way oh I know what you gonna do when you Kick me out again like you used to You used to you used to oh No not this is just Like way back when oh No you can't be afraid to have it Made no no no no No no no no no No no no no no nam <|endoftext|> All you got to do is write it down One little word, say it out loud When you do you will be free For a moment anyway, like a baby All you got to do is write it down Take the consequences if they run you out of town Staying silent will hurt more Than turning on the lights and opening the door All you got to do is write it down Something made of iron, falling to the ground Something made of flesh, bigger than you It looks you in the eye and there_s nothing you candy All you got to do is write it down The words are the fox and you are the hound Just don_t let them get away There_s only right now, only today D <|endoftext|> I wrote another song for money today I Got mouths to feed and bills to pay I got a wife who works harder than I do commuting down along Bergen avenue I sell my Songs for as much as I can get It_s a Good gig but it_s not a sure Bet I feel guilty that i_m Not out there too commuting Down along Bergen avenue my A lobbyist in California he In his spare time he Wrote songs and tried to Sell them but he never Did I wrote another song for Money wah oh it keeps The dream alive just barely afloat that One day we can live off my songs And you won_t have to Commute down along Bergen avenue Another song another day another Dollar i_ve earned topsy turvy Year with all the corners We_ve turned i_ve got my Shorts you_ve got your high heeled Shoes commuting down along Bergen They were good songs he Didn_t have the internet and They were good songs but He had no place where they_d get heard I wrote another song for money just now I heard you coming up the stairs and I turned the lights out I want to Have dinner ready and the baby sleeping too When you come home down along Bergen Avenue <|endoftext|> They didn_t tell us your name Or your favorite color we_ll Never know all the great Things you could have discovered The headlines all read in The midst of Christmas joy The world has been robbed Of an 8 year old Guatemalan boy You and I are complicit It_s our tax dollars at work I feel so helpless like So many times before they Didn_t show us your face Sick and scared in pain We_ll never know the man That you could have been someday The headlines all read with Every Christmas light deployed the World has been robbed of An 8 year old Guatemalan boy Supposedly this holiday is about Taking strangers in giving them A place to stay where A miracle would begin and In true American fashion like Jesus_ envoy the world has Been robbed of an 8 Year old Guatemalan boy <|endoftext|> Let's go sailing on a Solar wind we'll keep going Till we reach the end of the universe We got a ways to go But we'll get there faster When the hot winds blow Oh let's go slipping on A solar wind out of This existence you'll transcend when We get there who knows What we'll find I met He blew my mind oh Come on let's ride it If you're happy there's no Reason to hide it I Love you and I won't Deny it oh no no No no Solar winds giving Our solar wind let's win Our solar wind let's go Let's <|endoftext|> This new Year's Eve I'm Tired as can be I'm Tired as can be whoa Whoa this new Year's Eve I'm tired as can be So I'll take a nap <|endoftext|> If you are rocking a PFP Under 100k pls don_t at Me or share your opinion On my wall I don_t Really care what you have to say You need to work harder If you wanna be an ape like me Fuck your hustle and grind I_m losing my mind don_t Be like this guy if You_re rocking a PFP under 100k move out of your Moms basement stack eth and Sol buy a few real Then share your opinion if You wanna be an ape like me r <|endoftext|> It's in lyrics, the way They move on stage the Tongue, the finger, the video's woman with woman Touching and so to me S-o-d-o-m-y, so to me it's In lyrics, the way they Move on stage the tongue, The finger, the video's woman With woman touching and so To me S-O-D-O-M-Y, S-O-D-O-M-Y, so To me <|endoftext|> This horse won't fly she's Not pegasai no horn and No wings no luck that It brings she's just regular Treat her good, treat her kind She'll take you for a ride This horse won't fly she Neighs and she sighs she See's out one eye she's Tough and she's spry she's A normal horse she'll take You through golf course she'll Take you through shopping mall She'll love you through the long haul <|endoftext|> The whole world is on one side And I am on the other I can try to get on the inside But sometimes it's like: why bother And if I were a cannibal I'd eat your brain and know you I'd eat your heart and feel you Then I'd shit you out and grow you Fertilizing kale and carrots with Your blood for salad dressing Wine that's flavored with our tears From the months we've spent obsessing And I could use my powers for evil And I could use my powers for good But the message I'm receiving Is from somewhere in between them And it's a long hard road That I've laid out here before me And if I'm being tested At least let me sleep till morning Cause I am not a cannibal I'm not a ruthless psychopath I'm just a slightly insecure Songwriter jew who's bad at math And the whole world is on one side Even when I am surrounded By people that respect me The problem can be compounded And if I were a soldier I could grin and bear it Thank you sir may I have another Allegiance I would swear it I'd march until the blisters On my feet had their own blisters I would follow orders killing Mothers brothers sisters and I Could use my powers for evil And I could use my powers for good But the message I'm receiving Is from somewhere in between them And it's a long hard road That I've laid out here before me And if I'm being tested At least let me sleep till morning Cause I am not a soldier I can't follow orders, oh no I'm just a shlubby 30 year old White male from the internet peep show The whole world is on one side With their genitals in their hands Making funny faces doing some Kind of weird dance and How I want to join them But I don't know the steps No jig left in my body No words upon my lips If I could see the future Like I see the past I'd take all this discomfort And kick it's stupid ass And I could use my powers for evil And I could use my powers for good But the message I'm receiving Is from somewhere in between them And it's a long hard road That I've laid out here before me And if I'm being tested At least let me sleep till morning Cause I'm not like you You're not like me, i swear And I try to hold on to that But it's hard sometimes to bear <|endoftext|> Then we sell what's leftover We sell to everyone even Detective eagleshark our patented breeding Machine it can do no Wrong fresh meat to eat Today and then we sing This song <|endoftext|> I was just let go from my role At friend tech i was in charge of Pushing the _$10 per point_ narrative I was Just let go from my role at Friendtech. I was the lead system architect who asked If we could make the app usable i Was just let go from my role at Friend tech i was the guy in charge Of deploying the airdrop on time I just Got fired from my role at friendtech. I Was making sure the product launched with every Feature not usable. i was just let go From my role at friend tech i was In charge of building the whole frontend and Ui that looked childish I was just let Go from my role at friendtech I wanted To make the user experience better than a 2013 airplane WiFi log-in screen I was just let go from My role at friendtech I had to make Sure we get the 2002 BlackBerry Phone app experience on FT. I was just let go from my role At friendtech i was the person in charge Of onboarding the men pretending to be egirls So it could fulfill the prediction that it Would be the web3 OF, A claim we_ve never heard before, from influencers Who have never used OF <|endoftext|> The golden age of memes is gone But the memes we love still live on Inside our hearts though the Internet has changed the spirit Of the meme remains xx Scumbag Steve and neil deGrasse Woman yelling at a cat Bad luck Brian and not sure if Philosoraptor and deal with it Disaster girl and good guy greg Ermahgerd and the mandala effect One does not simply grumpy cat Ancient aliens and overly attached It feels like a dream I was only 17 when Someone showed me all your base are belong to us Photogenic guy and the Harlem shake Dat boi, pepe and harambe Hide the pain Harold, Y u no This is fine I know that feel bro Distracted boyfriend and kid success Forever alone press f to pay respects Do a barrel roll and FU Loss me gusta suprised piakchu Look of disapproval and you don_t say Doge, me gusta and roll safe Hello there, face palm Obama not bad Shut up and take my money wojack <|endoftext|> It_s a heavy weight you Carry on your shoulders when You are the last of your kind There_s a pearly gate with Your name at the top I_ll see you there sometime The last payphone in the world With snow for a hat The last payphone in the world I wanna look like that She was in Japan and She didn_t see the bright lights Shining down from the sky And the earth got smaller Smaller smaller smaller she didn_t Even get to say <|endoftext|> Take a look at this, I got my very own post On the GamerGate subreddit the Post contains some wild claims But I don_t think they quite get it It_s like they are so lazy They don_t even want to try So let_s just do it for them You know, trust but verify This all pretty much started When I posted an autotune Of based mom Hoff sommers On September 17th they say I_ve lost a third of All my YouTube subscribers but The pace at which i_m gaining Has slightly increased they say That half my patreons have left me But the number of dollars a week i_ve gained is $80 They say that all my videos have 50% negative ratings But it_s only the songs that GamerGate is hating Because ethics and the worst Claim of all the one That really gets my goat Is that I made a back peddaling song Saying it was all a joke What they don_t seem to get Is that this all comes from my heart I_m a social justice warrior And have been one from the start So try harder you gentleman, You scholars fine GamerGaters who Oops there goes intel oops What you have left? keep Clinging to whatever it is As you bash your heads Against your windmill quest we_re All very impressed <|endoftext|> They_re chopping down another tree Broken branches fall around me The disregard for human life Reflected in their tired eyes When the birds have flown There_ll be nothing left to call our home They_re spitting hate and dropping bombs Motherless child and childless moms Men with guns crack your skull Unfurl their banners of capital When the birds have flown There_ll be nothing left to call our home All the squirrels are chattering nuts Poking, prodding, spilling their guts Playing games and lying around Second fiddle while the ship goes down When the birds have flown There_ll be nothing left to call our home Light the candles for the ones Who defended life when the death comes There is nowhere left to hide When even the trees are occupied <|endoftext|> Bow and arrow cannonball slingshot Sword and shield long spears Big mace two armies fighting In a field musket old Tank dynamite with wire spool Combination tool HORSES AND BAYONETS Horses AND BAYONETS HORSES AND Bayonets HORSES AND BAYONETS HORSES Horses AND BAYONETS HORSES AND Bayonets <|endoftext|> Little birdy little birdy what have you got To say to me today? I'm on my way to where the air is clear And I fear I'm here for one more year Just another soul that'll disappear when The sun it sets and it gets colder And hotter at the same time like an arctic hell Where the people yell and scream Cause they got lost in each other's dreams It seems far-fetched but don't be fooled by school Or gods or ends and odds the great big ox of life Is pulling at you don't get an ugly tattoo you'll regret it When you let it find you, uh oh Praying might help and meditation could help you also But there this thing the more you try The more you fail and That is why you keep on trying Until you're dying then you stop That moment when you're dying must be Very scary moment I think But at least there's a great unknown To jump into and be absorbed Or just float away to nothingness Nanananaananan Nanananaananan Nanananaananan Nanananaananan na <|endoftext|> Son of a bitch thinker Mouth I will die losers Fuck em Handa panda panda Panda panda panda and fuck We get some weirdos 25000 dollars dollars dollars Kara what is that threesome Ken what's a ho no Son of a bitch pink Or mouth I will die Losers in other words pink I can't stand it I Know you planned it listen All y'all it's a this Yes wait a minute I Yes yes crick in my What is you doing baby Fuck we get some weirdo Bitch crick in my neck Tweets texts emails cards and letters wishing me well I'm a lucky guy what Is we love you out There that's very kind thank Cost you 1995 the sabotage I like that yes kara Threesome no Son of a Thinker mouth I will die Losers in other words dollars And fuck Son of a Bitch I will die losers <|endoftext|> Harry enten is looking for A girlfriend He_s a clear Eyed statistician presidential historian oh He wants a girlfriend Harry Enten he loves dogs and Root beer if you_re a Jewish gal in NY well Then your choice is so clear Oh he_s Whiz kid Harry enten He wants a girlfriend you Might know him from the hit podcast 538 he loves chachi in A not ironic way Whiz Kid Harry enten nate silver, He_s the boss man your Host jody Avirgan Clare malone Needs a nick name <|endoftext|> When the sun comes out to play Away the day I know I_ll be ok when the Soldiers all line up and Say we_re not ok That_s That_s when you gotta That_s When you gotta say _ok_ That_s when you gotta That_s When you gotta That_s when You gotta say _no Way_ <|endoftext|> Phil is a failed skydiver Into bears sometimes he runs Ben is always traveling an Occasional beach bum Phil talks A lot Ben doesn't talk At all it's the PHP Town hall random guests alcohol Town hall Ben created ion Auth he's a comic book Fanatic Phil made pyrocms and Phil talks a lot Ben Doesn't talk at all it's The PHP town hall <|endoftext|> Every single thing that I do is wrong Every single day it_s another mistake Throw my brain into the great beyond Leave destruction in my wake I say life comes at you fast When you_re living in the past Watch another movie and TV Do a load of dishes with an apron on Get lost in my own grey dream Every single thing that I do is wrong My face is just a mask That_s been living in the past I toe the line and I shudder to think The pale blue dot is under attack Unsinkable ship has started to sink And that big iceberg just laughs and laughs The zombies roam in packs They_re wearing pink knapsacks the World has been recast no Brakes and all gas and We_re living in the past <|endoftext|> Fill up the humidifier take My temperature make some tea For me then lay down Just laaaaaayyy down i feel So useless there's so much That i got to do My head is full of mucus I don't know if i'll make it through This sick state i hate It so much this sick State my sinuses are crushed That I've been in for days This sick state i need To get away <|endoftext|> You went missing in the night You took your t shirt and your mouth guard Down the looking glass I fell And when I fell I fell so hard I found your footsteps next to mine Circles of angles and singularities Lost in time you went Missing in the night folding Shadows around your sheets I Mistook the bookshelf for a carnivore And I got paper cuts on my feet I said, _where are you?_ The blood dripping on the floor Single worthers originals had to Nourish me for 8 days or more You went missing in the night And I really should have just gone back to sleep The walls were dunking Oreos As if Santa were here counting sheep But not yet, it_s not quite time For tinseltown in our hearts And i_m not sure if you_ll be around To see if and that_s the strangest part <|endoftext|> I count the days by songs And I count the months by days Songs fly by like a tilt a whirl spinning white haze I could lose myself in the endless melody Before I know it i_ll look up and I will be One hundred and three years old The year is 2085 It_s Miracle of modern medicine that I_m still alive and writing Songs you count the days By steps you count the Years by songs you make The best of what you got When you got it goin_ on You ride the midnight train and you fall asleep As the nighttime folds around you You have a dream one Hundred and three years old The year is 2085 It_s Miracle of modern medicine that I_m still alive and walking Around we count the days By changes and it_s never The same just like way Back in the garden we_re Giving everything names when they Kick us out of here We_ll mark the days with chalk We_ll teach ourselves to sing again We_ll teach ourselves to talk One hundred and three years old The year is 2085 It_s Miracle of modern medicine that I_m still alive and writing Songs <|endoftext|> Out in the rain and the freezing cold and sleet My dad and I took a journey Our hearts all beat in the frozen northeast We_ll win new Hampshire for Bernie Some declare victory premature with Rhetoric that_s concerning but our Hearts are pure and we_ll cut to the core We_ll win new Hampshire for Bernie Many don_t know who they_ll vote for Yeah they_re still discerning we_re A door knock away from bringing them our way We_ll win new Hampshire for Bernie It_s warmer in Antarctica than in new york Goddammit the planet is burning Put on some gloves and feel the love We_ll win new Hampshire for Bernie The cold wind is blowing, the ground is frozen If I fall, someone please call a gurney But we all forge ahead, our hearts beat red We_ll win new Hampshire for Bernie <|endoftext|> From the still born baby to the man Full grown I hate being alone, it drives Me totally nuts I hate it down in My bones, I hate it down in my Guts and I hate being Alone I used to make My mom call my friends on the telephone Sometimes no one was free but Then it would be just me me me Me me I hate being alone I hate Being alone I hate being alone I hate Being alone being alone, being Alone, being alone everybody dies Alone but the consequences of This might be slightly overblown Modern science doesn_t know and religion, just forget It nobody knows where you Go and then you breathe Your final breath and it means no One knows where you go could Be a big empty room or a loud, Crowded rock show you die Alone, oh yes but a Second after that is anyone_s guess I Hate being alone I hate being alone I Hate being alone I hate being alone being Alone, being alone, being alone some People are comfortable seeing movies by themselves or Going to restaurant _table for one_ they don_t Need anyone else they_re fine Just watching tv, or drinking a beer At home I thought it would go away, But the world has shown that People come and they go and I hate Being alone and I hate Being alone I used to make My mom call my friends on the telephone Sometimes no one was free but Then it would be just me me me Me me I hate being alone I hate Being alone I hate being alone I hate Being alone being alone, being Alone, being alone <|endoftext|> _we weren_t supposed to live like this!_ He screams into the void Did neanderthals get depressed? was Erectus constantly vaguely annoyed? once Or twice he might of thought The void was screaming back But it was just the microplastics in his blood Congealed into a heart attack And the days unfold hallucinating fiction And he lives in the middle of the contradiction _we are only animals!_ mantra That he cries thinking to Himself, _I guess that_s why I only feel alive when I fuck my wife..._ Moving all his furniture around To compensate for all the Lack of novelty his brain was Evolved over time to appreciate Bouncing off the boundaries of his jurisdiction And he lives in the middle of the contradiction _we weren_t supposed to live like this!_ He yells to the ones he loves While trying convince them to buy land And build a commune in the woods Holding on so tight to life He_s only every known even If it_s clearly bad for him He doesn_t have the will to let it go Chaffing at the very first sign of friction And he lives in the middle of the contradiction Flowers bloom around the crucifixion And he lives in the middle of the contradiction <|endoftext|> Will a song about the hashtag Increase or decrease my chances With that kind of money I'd do 1.5 million dances With that kind of money I'd write 1.5 million songs Where everyone can sing along #esurancesave30 don't know about you But I'm feeling purdy good I've got a good woman by my side And a baby on the way The future is wide open full of possibilitays That super Bowl was such a bust I could scarcely believe it And then there was John Krasinski Right when I was leaving And now their 30 percent message Is seared into my brain I picked up my Guitarelele And immediately exclaimed #esurancesave30 don't I'm feeling purdy good tonight And a baby on the way The future is wide open full of possibilitays <|endoftext|> Jesus was born long long Time ago we don_t know Exactly when but now when It snows we celebrate as If it was That_s the Time he was born when Three kings brought presents IN The light of the early morn But something got lost in The tinsel and the lights In the trees and presents And the crazy WalMart fights Don_t celebrate for the things You get don_t celebrate for Don_t celebrate for all the Stuff celebrate cuz you_ve got Love <|endoftext|> Doctor who, adventure time and Steven universe I love these shows so much that it hurts Take all these influences and what have you got The series on the truth podcast, songonauts Everything I am everything i_ll Be I put into the Songs I write and I Give it freely the songonauts On the truth Podacst <|endoftext|> On the day you turn 29 Elves will appear and give you a sign Uh huh uh huh they They_ll ask you to follow them Uh huh uh huh we_re Let_s pack up and go to Japan Uh huh uh huh to Poets write, singers sing uh Huh uh huh ivory felice Ivory felice keomi king ivory Felice keomi king ivory felice Keomi king keomi king 29, The people you_ll meet or The things you_ll do uh Huh uh huh and i_m Loyal and true I felt Your magic it brought me To you uh huh uh And in your eyes, a mystery Wanna understand you completely oh Oh ohhhh oh summer will Poets write, and the singers sing Uh huh uh huh ivory Ivory felice keomi king ivory Felice keomi king ohhhh oh Keomi king keomi king keomi <|endoftext|> Had a grudge but I let it go Never felt right about it and so I had to find my own way through Gorilla breaking out of the zoo And it took all of my pride And it broke me open wide And I fell into the dust Never knowing who I was There isn_t any shame in it There isn_t any shame give Yourself a minute to collect Your things there isn_t any Shame in it there isn_t Any shame no one but You can win it It_s Nobody else_s game I took Myself so seriously somehow I Couldn_t see what the weight Was doing to me porcupine Stuck up a in tree And you tried to tie my wrist And I said I don_t like it like this The boat was rocking back and forth Even then it was already over In the dark you can Feel your heart beating faster No matter where you are You sense yourself on the edge of disaster I had a face that I couldn_t see Living in between two versions of me Kept them apart sheer force of will Distance between grew greater still Moss growing on my skin Never really knowing what I held in So afraid of blowing up That I was never really showing up <|endoftext|> Can you hold the truth in your hand Without judging it without even looking at it Can you be what you demand without judgment Without even looking at yourself I'm Not who I say I am I'm Not who you think I am I'm Not who you say I am I'm Not who you think you are at all Can you hold the head of a pen Dancing while the angels sing can You take off and fight in the deep Dark deep dark deep dark Are I'm something something much Not the experiences that I have on the Side of every single pair of fences no No no no when everything is covered in Pollen and you can't find some reason to Come calling I'll pack you Up into my suitc and we'll Go out searching for love Oh searching for love searching For love searching for love I love a love a dub Dub love dub a dub a love a Dub dub dub dub a dub I love A dub dub dub dub <|endoftext|> I got a chipped front tooth From biting my nails I Don't have any cavities though There's a soft breeze blowing Wind for my sails and It smells like something new There's a study just published That nostalgia is good for you That it can make you less bored Less stressed and less lonely If that's true then I'm probably Doing all right cause last Week is the good 'ol days to me And change is good but Change is hard an empty Room catches you off guard All the mindfulness of impermanence Doesn't take the sting away And change is good but It comes so quick and You rebuild things brick by brick But the sun beats down and you're sure that you Just want things to stay The way they were my Hair grows quick my beard Grows quicker my widows peak Gets higher I don't have Time and when I do In the morning I wake up And I look at my phone I know I shouldn't do it But I just can't resist What if something big happened while I was sleeping? What kind of crazy and exciting things have I missed? Caught between the place where I'm supposed to be And wherever it is I'm going Carry the rock straight up the hill Then carry it up again This is the line that I'm toeing I try really really hard To tell the truth but Then I end up lying to myself It's a theory I have And I'm seeking out proof Picking flowers and gathering stones There's a study just published That nostalgia is good for you That it can make you less bored Less stressed and less lonely If that's true then I'm probably Doing all right cause last Week is the good 'ol days to me <|endoftext|> The whole internet was teeming With life pools and eddies Of affection pouring out into The meatspace labour done for Free paid for by spam Ads injected into our nervous System and turned up to 11 with artificial intelligence <|endoftext|> Down in the swamp they_re playing it Bards and big bunnies its getting real The ghost of Jim Henson so silent sits Ready to lead the party to the final reveal Eleven from stranger things goes into the cave Emmet the Otter uses his jug power The ghost of Jim Henson paves the way And the creatures of the swap all start to howl <|endoftext|> I was on an airplane above the cloud And then I came home And now I'm home it's More like 90 with the humidity I've been up since 330 I'm so tired right now <|endoftext|> First one in last one To leave invite you for Drinks but you_re never free Party after party It_s 5am You_ll sleep when you_re dead Hey, ok, whatever, it_s your void Everybody_s cancelled you_re drowning in Takes ould go for a Walk but you can_t look Away hey, ok, whatever, it_s Your void staring up at The stars or into the Fire charcoal to stone some 3 o_clock thoughts dreams or A nightmare huddled in trees Feet on the trail 4am Sharp no no excuses you Hey, ok, whatever, it_s your void Soccer practice and then violin And teach them to swim Hey, ok, whatever it_s your void Noticing emotions watch them ebb Sitting crosslegged hey, ok, whatever, It_s your void <|endoftext|> And i_m just gathering my Thoughts this story, this story Will take some explaining i_m Digging in my pockets pulling out all the Rocks I was walking the tightrope in the Big top show I was giving the straight Dope to the crowd below That_s When I saw her, all gold and lace Her perfume was familiar and I knew her Face and I fell down, But I meant her to Catch me I fell into the ground, I Was falling and falling the Hands wrapped around, I went into her bones I could not make a sound, but the Earth, she groaned turn off The wind, turn off the windshield wipers While I remember how it went things Went from, they went from slow to hyper And I learned there_s no such thing as Accident when I finally hit The bottom, it was dark And warm where it smelled Like autumn just before a storm Then the lights came on, she was standing There then she took my Hand, then she said this Prayer and I fell down, But I meant her to Catch me I fell into the ground, I Was falling and falling the Hands wrapped around, I went into her bones I could not make a sound, but the Earth, she groaned I was always on your Side, I moved mountains and turned the tide I helped your cells subdivide I turned in The sky for you, I turned a blind Eye for you I broke myself open wide Open the door, open the door cus I Want to get out i_m Pulling the plug on this interview when I agreed, when I agreed when we set Out well, I didn_t think We_d be in this car Just two you remind me So, in the way you Move in your second hand Clothes, of the girl I Knew I look in your eyes, and i_ve Already died open up the Door and let me outside <|endoftext|> The earth it keeps turning and I am all right I try my best to keep it locked up all tight But I'm not a compartment and I don't have the strength To hold it all back for any length Of time my crime is No big emotions no tempers And egos to soothe I Just want to sit here And know I'm not alone My internal clock is ticking away I try to ignore it but it's louder each day The pain I will feel and the heat I will catch Isn't what I had in mind by any stretch Of im magin nation but I walk and i talk Holding a candle that keeps going out I grasp and I grope and I thrash all about I'm lost when I'm waking and i'm scared of my dreams But i'll do what i have to and by any means Ness ess sray to keep So i'll choose to refuse <|endoftext|> Do you got something to say I can_t hear you over the screaming I will listen anyway and Out of the mess i_ll catch your meaning I will understand you and Demand you give your hand To every fan who is All the scheming in the world Can_t make it any clearer Give honesty a whirl and I_ll hold up a mirror Wishing on a falling comet Won_t bring you want put This bee in your bonnet What you want you_ve already got <|endoftext|> Who will remain? who can Save your songs? tell me Who will remain that still knows how to dance? Who will remain but the ones ??? I was just a little boy When I left came hill row And I offered to go back there some day It brings more than just a little joy To remember those frogs and toads In my memory their croaking is translated to say Who will remain when the going gets gone? Tell me who will remain? Who can save your songs? Oh who will remain who still knows how to dance? Who will remain but the ones ??? One thousand screaming architects the Whole city is on fire Won_t someone come take away their guns? There_s no loyalty that love protects when the riot is your choir No religion that doesn_t melt the need for sun Who will remain when the going gets gone? Tell me who will remain? Who can save your songs? Oh who will remain that still knows how to dance? Who will remain but the ones ??? Who will remain? <|endoftext|> You take the red one, i_ll take the toboggan This hill is so huge I had almost forgotten One year older and my snow pants are tight All my brother and I do is fight Down the hill the wind In the trees my limbs Start to freeze million foot Drop and back to the Top Dodge that bush and Look out for that stump Pack the snow tight and lets make a jump Faster and faster don_t give it much thought Did you see how much air Gary just got Down the hill the sky Is grey I could do This all day keep your Hat on your head Let_s Go all on one sled My lungs are on fire and my boots are soaked Let_s go home where the fire is stoked Put on pajamas and play Mario Slide down the hill killing Goombas as we go Down the hill faster and Faster we barely stave off Disaster million foot drop and <|endoftext|> Was she trolling for hits on her blog post Did she write it looking for a fight? It seems odd to call someone out for being nerdy When you write for such a nerdy website Then there's the issue of manners Why'd you have to put him down that way? Either you're really mean or smart or clueless But you shouldn't say nothing if you got nothing nice to say Alyssa bererznak it was a Personal attack on a world Champion what have you ever Done? I'd like to now Quote your twitter: "Dude's I Don't think it's bad to be a dweeb I just don't want to date someone I can't relate to" Well, what if he was the champion of something else? What if he was a championship swimmer Or the world champion chef It's good to like stuff and to be good at things But you just put him down instead Alyssa bererznak it was a Personal attack on a world Champion what have you ever Done? so you don't want To date someone you can't relate to That I can understand but That's not what you wrote, what you wrote Was the tearing down of a man Maybe you weren't attracted to him Physically and all that well That's a valid reason but Don't point to someone's passion And say _I don't like you because of that_ Y_know It_s just mean and On gizmodo of all places I dunno, it_s just confusing Alyssa bererznak (Alyssa Bereznak) it (a personal attack) on a World champion what have you Ever done? <|endoftext|> If you don't mind keep Your head Climb the vine And you find instead that you're Falling in a pool of blood for nothing But some love if you Don't mind well that's my business if You don't know youw mending fences if you Don't go where they tell you then You know that they are going to end You oh you know that they're going to End you that's why we sing everybody Everybody over here everybody everybody Over there everybody everybody over Here everybody everybody over there Go you don't mind keep You're someone else and nobody here is gonna Walk it for you you've Got to walk that lonesome valley by your Lonesome if you don't mind I had an Idea but then my kind couldn't keep it Clear but I had time To make it appear as If I had everything under control but I did not and I said everybody Over here everybody over there Everybody over here everybody over Over there oh everybody over here everybody Over there everybody over you Yeah if you don't mind I Think you might but if you're kind of Then I come in the night and I'll Split the atom with my teeth and I Dig right down beneath underneath Underneath singing everybodyover here everybody Over here oh everybody over Here everybody over there oh Everybody over here everybody over There everybody over here singing <|endoftext|> You went to the supermarket got your turkey wrapped in plastic Cooked it in the oven just right should come out fantastic The whole family's coming over you put on your Evening gown but creeping up Behind you all moist and golden brown It's the zombie turkey coming to pay you back You run up the stairs into the bathroom lock the door You can hear her boney legs banging on the floor She's coming ever closer now, you look out the window to see An entire neighborhood overrun by zombie turkeys They are zombie turkeys and they're coming to pay you back She's banging down the door now it looks like there's no escape You can't outrun her because you_re out of shape Judgement day is here are you saint or you a sinner What a terrible way to die to be eaten by your dinner By a zombie turkey who has come to pay you back <|endoftext|> Troy and abed in the Morning oh yeah pierce will Wants to change the world but she's too Selfish Shirley just wants to Be loved Troy struggles to Be a man annie obsesses Over things and abed totally Does and doesn't understand Jeff Winger is a leader and an asshole narcissistic Brilliant con man with a heard of gold Study group that really doesn't dean that's horny As hell mascot that belongs in a horror Film and a Chang that's And these are a few of the reasons Why Dan Harmon is a Man that I think deserves A song so that's why I'm writing him one I Lived in LA for three Long years but I never Went to channel 101 and I regret it yeah I Regret it so but I Watched the videos this was Pre youtube and I remember Laser farts like it was Yesterday like it was yesterday Dan, Dan, you're a brilliant Man I want to hug Your brain c'mon, c'mon, c'mon Harmon listen to what I'm All the writers too and The cast and crew this Song_s because I love you Starburns Break down Starburns Hop hop Starburns Hop hoped every single Like I simply can't believe that anybody could Make something this good Abed_s Uncontrollable Christmas (made me cry) Fistful of paintballs (made me Wanna die) intermediate documentary film Making oh man, Troy and So I hope this song brings you 1/1,000th Of the joy that you_ve brought me everyone Involved with community Troy and Abed in the morning ha <|endoftext|> There_s only so many hours In the day and we Can_t use them all anyway Temples burn we destroy ourselves That_s why nothing gets done Take your pick take your Choice have a life or Get distracted always on from Into the dawn that_s why Nothing gets done got to Feed the hungry maw got That clenched jaw every muscle Was made to work was Picked and grown but that_s Why nothing ever gets done <|endoftext|> Fire fire fire raining down from the sky Youy can't even look me in the eye It's so hopeless so I even try if You're looking for me well then you got The wrong guy hope in The ground is a seed in the Wind I never thought I'd See your face again when it's the end Or when we begin hope In the ground is a seed in the Wind tumbling down the mountain So quick we got to The top but then we were lit drove Too close to the sun so thick where The atmospheric Drip drip drip Ah ah ah summer nights Black turns night and black turns bl you Keep it from yourself you Keep it from you until your brain is Black and blue old man Sitting by the side of the road Tell me stories I already know think I know where to go I think I Got nowhere to grow I made that song Up I'm very tired I've On Prague time so it's Midnight <|endoftext|> Have you ever jumped side ways backwards Have you ever really ok boomered Have you beheaded the surveillance elf Have you ever really tried to love yourself You_re not Dorothy and this isn_t oz Planet earth is a lost cause Have you played the game a boy and his blob Boomer push button Boomer turn Knob <|endoftext|> I was an ape just 100,000 years ago Doing things that apes always do I was plucked from the plains of obscurity My insecurity grew and grew Dragon with four heads (one, Two, three, four) you cut Off three and then Ohhhhh Ohhhh Livin_ just for the Mo_ ment Ohhhhh ohhhh Livin_ When I was air-dropped down into my cubby hole They didn_t tell me just what I was _sposed to do And so I languished on the end of telephones Until they came in with the cleaning crew They picked me up from my knees And sold me piece by piece Ohhhhh ohhhh (Livin_ like a Monkey) Livin_ just for the Mo_ ment Ohhhhh ohhhh (Livin_ Livin_ just for the mo_ ment (livin_ like a monkey) Ohhhhh Ohhhh (Livin_ like a monkey, Llvin_ like an ape) Livin_ Just for the mo_ment (Livin_ Like a monkey, livin_ like an ape) Now I exist only in the CPU of this Computer-active center of the universe I live forever and don_t ever ever feel time Though i_m hungry and my Stomach seems to always hurt Dragon still lives on (one, Two, three, four) but the Will to fight is gone Ohhhh oh (Livin_ just like A monkey) Livin_ just for The mo_ment ohhhh oh (Livin_ Livin_ just for the mo_ment Ohhhh oh (Livin_ just like A monkey) Livin_ just for The mo_ment ohhhh oh (Livin_ Livin_ just for the mo_ment Ohhhh oh (Livin_ just like A monkey) Livin_ just for The mo_ment ohhhh oh (Livin_ Livin_ just for the mo_ment <|endoftext|> I liked beer I still Like beer I liked beer I drank beer Brett was A sloppy drunk with my friends and I know because I drank With him I liked beer Brett was a sloppy drunk Sometimes I had too many Beers too many beers too Many beers sometimes I had Too many beers sloppy drunk Sometimes I have sloppy drunk Drink beer beer drank beer And drinking beer hanging out and having some beers <|endoftext|> First hotel during c o V I d and I've Know that no I didn't Know that that you know That it's a cold day Hotel kind of it's a Covid hotel rainy kind of Day we're staying in the Hotel so kids can swim In the pool and go with their friends Oh oh with their friends Yeah yeah yeah what's it <|endoftext|> This one gonna be short and sweet this One gonna be short and sweet this One gonna be short and sweet I start The ac then I wanna Go to sleep so this one's Gonna be short and sweet how Many this melody how many Songs have this melody how Many songs have melody has all the a C and I want to Go sleep for how many Songs how many this one's One's not gonna be very long the Sun is shining down so strong and I just wanna go get along this One's not gonna be very long this One's gonna be this one gonna be short And sweet this one gonna Be short and sweet I stop Ac I want those things gonna be short And sweet <|endoftext|> Everybody knows but you you_re Not good enough to do What you need to do to break Through and through and through And through why don_t you Just give up now you Got a straight line follow it way down south Into the black put yourself in a plexiglass room Never come out think about what you_ve done Why do I compare all The time myself to you Drown yourself in dread just like Fisherman who_s thrown from the Boat into the sea good night Why don_t you just give up now The stories all say that_s right when it works out But if it doesn_t then what_ll you do Through and through and through and through <|endoftext|> She is terrified to fly Big metal object up in the sky So before she goes everybody Knows she takes drugs flight Drugs <|endoftext|> Don't try to boil the ocean it Was incredible we embrace your Inner muppet you can't be What you can't see how Could we do that better what You pay attention to grows pronouns on the Badges 5 minutes 20 slides and no notes The weight of my heart data And dinosaurs my colleagues and I are button obsessed staying Hydrated so I can learn things what Happens when you unscan this carpet performing Arts centers are the emergency response centers for The soul dangerously close to Several karaoke bars I took notes And I never take notes of those things No don't try to boil the ocean was Incredible weak Embrace your end In my baby you can See what you can't see How could we do that Better what to pay attention To bronouns on the badges 5 minutes total decides and oh no figure Out who you are go All in on that don't Be afraid you can't break Anything anyone trying to get Matching tattoos people want to Engage with art much differently the Arts are more than just a nice to Have is there a human Right right if you fail Nobody is watching I've already Walked over a mile if Your work conference doesn't have a rock band Does it even really count no No no technology should cater To us I found a bunch Of friends that share the same dream it Makes us like a family don't Try to boil the ocean it Was incredible weak Embrace your End in my you can't Be what you can't see how Could we do that better but Pay attention to those pronouns on the badges 5 minutes 25 and <|endoftext|> I been having trouble sleeping I'm Not sure what I should do I hear All the sirens beeping how about you do You hear it on the wind do You hear it in the bandre out of Tune do you hear it on the wind Yeah do you hear it in this band Row out of tune I've Been so so tired just Like a tree I wanna lay down but I got my roots are plan inside Out and upside down can you hear it Can you hear it can You hear it can you Hear that sound at aventune Banjo Sound I've been sitting on Rocking chair sharing my thoughts With the wind and sky I Don't know what's going on over there somebody's Punching the guy and they're throwing him up To the sky can you hear it oh The banjos out of town can you hear It nobody knows what to Do can you hear it I'm just another whale in the ocean singing My song <|endoftext|> Sing ridge glove Solar ticket Donkey opinion void wise upgrade Idea lend father shiver divide Render report shuffle pipe control Fat job illness clump helmet Target symbol place bronze exclude Radar universe island universe text Wonder news tortoise time unable Champion photo mushroom merry kiss Old ketchup hat modify doll Join salad screen gossip swamp Ahead wash ostrich pistol digital Outside home purchase seat crop Jelly property guilt decide frost Never cat agree heart trip Apology rather drip found text Wine <|endoftext|> They didn_t indict Hillary Clinton And that_s ok i_m not Sure it would made much of a Difference anyway at least not In terms of getting Bernie To be the nominee it Would have just weakened her and we don_t Want her weak i_m gonna Vote for Hillary Clinton though I don_t want to I wish It was Bernie, but it_s Not, so i_ll do what I got to do she Won_t be the worst, won_t be the best, And that_s how it is Donald Trump would be the worst the worst presidency Would be his i_m gonna Vote for Hillary Clinton even Though she_ll take us to war It hurts my soul but the alternative is So much worse and more dangerous For the country and dangerous for the world Dangerous for every man woman boy and girl I_m gonna vote for Hillary Clinton cuz she_ll probably do some stuff that I really agree with and while that_s not Enough It_s something better than Nothing, I would prefer universal Healthcare but in our current Political system, we ain_t getting There i_m all for revolution, I want a total change Bottom to top I want a brand new System for everyone, no lawyers and no cops I want an end to all injustice no Matter the form it takes I try to Do the best I can each day when I wake <|endoftext|> The internet had idealists and We know how that turned out You gotta keep asking why And not just what and how The foundation gives lots of grants Funding people_s dreams the giving Process is decentralized no matter How chaotic it seems Kaizen Continuous change for the better Hikizan hikizan beauty in subtraction Coji travvo, a-stoog-wes sennasunnoo crepe-ta Bug free software_s a myth You gotta think about design from the beginning Not just sprinkle UX on it How do we onboard the next mil devs To buidl the future we feel Buidl that bridge to the doge Barry white hat is real It_s been a long road to get here Looking for scalability There_s a Graveyard of ideas cops and Robbers analogies consensus by bet Hub and spoke chains (that Didn_t work) proof of proof Of work (that didn_t work) (that also didn_t work) but There was research and development And minimal slashing conditions and Casper CBC serenity is pure Proof of stake serenity is Sharding too serenity is ewazzm <|endoftext|> If you_ve been to cities but you_ve had enough Have you been to paris, france And if you doubt that paris was made for love Give paris one more chance Even on the darkest of days Love will always shine through the hate And if you doubt that paris was made for love Give paris one more chance There are those that can_t see past terror and fear But from the steps of Monmarte the morning is clear And if you don_t think Paris was made for love Maybe your heart needs a telegram from up above If you doubt that paris was made for love Give paris one more chance There are those that will try to keep us apart But the harder they try the more we open our hearts The home of piaf and chevalier Must have done something right to get passion this way If you don_t think paris was made for love Give paris one more chance There are those that are already calling for war It won_t help now, it didn_t help before The home of piaf and trenet too Must have done something right Must have something for you If you don_t think paris was made for love Give paris one more chance If you_ve been to cities but you_ve had enough Have you been to paris, france And if you doubt that paris was made for love Give paris one more chance When your heart is broken and you can_t go on When your faith and your hope and your music is gone Remember that paris was made for love Give paris one more chance <|endoftext|> I know what you did cause I know What you're gonna do you're So boring it's not funny all You care about is money give It all before it's too late give It all away give it All away I know what you are Cause I know what you gonna be you're So boring it's not funny there's Only one thing that you care about honey And math how much money You can make how much Money you can how much Money you can make and take away I know why you live and I know Why you will die you're So boring it's not funny the Snot nose kid your eyes are running how Much money you can make that's why you Live how much money you Can take away when I Give give any you're a Crystallization of everything about our nation and Nobody will ever live to see the damage You've done <|endoftext|> 16 years I've been locked up And now here I am Time racer oh time racer I'm not sure I understand But let's go into the future When my sentence is up I want to travel the stars In my futuristic space ship Oh yeah oh time oh Oh time racer go time Go time racer once or Twice I saw your face But you_re gone, gone, gone Oh Martha darling Martha I'd Fly straight into the sun What say you to the future? When we'll be together again? And in the past I'll see you You'll hop in my time machine and sing Go time go time go Go time go time go Here I am going faster than light But I'm no Einstein I'm Not sure just how I got here This suit I'm wearing isn't mine When I have covered the distance And my journey is done All my friends will be dead And I'll fly time racer into the sun, oh yea Into the sun go time Go time racer go time Go time racer <|endoftext|> I think I'll just sit Down and stare at the wall Winter spring summer and fall oh no I Forgot what it took to make yourself into Something you'll love I think I'll Be okay in a bit the big time Didn't hit me just yet oh no I Forgot what it took to be something that's How I got here it's A roundabout way that's how I got here Amen one time all the Answers were mine one time I knew I was fine but I was more than fine I took it Upon myself to be older than I was Oh don't you just levitate rest Don't stuff it in your face my dear That's what we call ice frozen that's what I'm doing here teach you All the things that you gotta know That's what I am do in here to Hear you sing my song it makes it Go oh oh it makes me know it Makes me know I went down for a Run put on let it Gun more happiness oh don't You know I'm making it Up as I go along nothing Ever really makes any sense I'll Give you recompense I say if you looked Up that word how many times that I Said it in a song it would be Quite you because guess what I'm Doing here trying to make It clear trying to clear A path for you my dear For you for you for you for you For you for you for you and for <|endoftext|> Stanford campus mid November walking Round I don_t know anyone Meeting dudes at the d School algae songs for work And fun oh, oh where_m I gonna land the tan Buildings that equal only you And they study one type Of algae pretty much because She_s been around oh, oh Where_m i gonna land everybody Wants to know how you Did it how you got To where you are it Circuitous we never know where We_re going at the start It feels like grinding but Most of the time i_m not on the bridge Sometimes it feels like jelly One thing I did oh, Oh where_m i gonna land I_ve always been looking for That perfect person to make Me better than I am What am I missing? do I need to make a Better plan? <|endoftext|> Sorry to everyone I left out! d'oh! Joey, Akari, Amanda, and Sam Chaya, Maria, Michelle, and pam Stephanie, Emerald, Ivory, and chad James, Beth, Michael, and adi Sarah, alexa, Elizabeth, sean Jory, Casey, Tiffany, hans Alex, erin, Charles and Jan Meggan, Tanya, Sara and Ken janet, Gekko, Seana and Edd Ian, Travis, Arielle and seb gretchen, Jonathan, Becky and lex Mandy, Bradley, Richard and jess Kristen, Evelyn, Aj and Greg molly, Pasquale, Jenna and wren Tooba, Gillian, Georgia and myke Amrita, Bradley, Richard and Mark thank you For wishing me a happy birthday through text message Dave, Kathryn, Paul and Trinna Sue, Jack, Dan, Carishma Denise, Julie, Danny and dustin Brian , Cara, David and ronen Graham, Abigail, Pamela, Bailey Becky, Geoff, melissa and Hailey Phoebe, Shannon, Jacob and Karen Sanae, Javier, Kelly and erin Valerie, Lauren, Bobby and hans Aaron, Kelly, Jessica and Tom Thomas, Robert, Catherine and anna Jamie, Erica, Edward and leah Kristy, Daniel, Junio and Keith Kelley, Josh, James and e <|endoftext|> You want the world to Be so orderly you try To categorize your feelings when Things get messy you don't Know how to be you Sit there staring at the ceiling You look at me and you see chaos You look at me and you see darkness You look at me and you see everything that you can't stand When you look at me You hold yourself to the Highest standard and the world Don't measure up pure perfection Pretty good's never good enough The only problem is that life is not that way The only problem is that you're always disappointed The only problem is there are other ways to live That's the only problem I Just think you might be Happier feeling satisfaction now and Then not living in it And seeing how it feels in your skin But what do I know, I'm just naked all the time But what do I know, I'm made out of blood and guts But what do I know, I'm just another human What do I know? <|endoftext|> It was understood that you would leave me alone As long as I did my part you wouldn_t interfere But here we are whistling the same tired tunes I got another idea why Don_t you get out of here Cause I can do this on my own Don_t need your participation as The world around you_s grown You will notice my lack of patience Maybe at one time you had it all Wrapped round your little finger But now your just bitter Ghost and all you_ve got Is anger step away from The TV let me hear You say that you understand On and on around we go forever like this I don_t need a hand You_re not part of the plan Cause I can do this on my own Don_t need your participation as The world around you_s grown You will notice my lack of patience Maybe at one time you had it all Wrapped round your little finger But now your just bitter Ghost and all you_ve got Is anger no more colliding I got nothing to hide and I_m good with that so If you see me keep Your pace steady or it_ll Get breezy in seconds flat <|endoftext|> You're gonna give up now better Wait better find the little ones who want To play you're gonna give Up now better take off Cut the pants that you wearing Out of calm I never she would be So stupid never imagine that I like you you're going To give up now that I look Down swear you'll be going in the end You're going to give us down better Leave a with your liver on your lungs Intact you're gonna give up Now give it a break Find yourself never get up Full of sleep you're gonna Give us now gonna give up up Up you're gonna give up I'll take you with you When you lay down your Step give up give up Give up give up give Up give up go up give Up give up give up up give Up give up <|endoftext|> Bird flying through the sky flying Over the desert flying near A rock and the owl In the tree with the Sharp claws _I can catch Little rodents today_ they_re birds Of prey they got the Little ones and it_s a Bald eagle feeding the little Ones, feeding the little ones And they sit there and The barn owl sways to And fro and he stands In a hole and this Is where they live, yeah look At the rivers like veins isn_t This an idyllic scene? oh.. All the trees and the barn owl looks To the left, looks to the right and He sways back and forth and He_s surveying the land and He_s looking for something to eat with The sharp eyes and the Sharp beaks and the sharp Claws they catch the little Mouse they catch the little Mouse, whoa checking for ticks Looking at ears checking for For feathers, tapered feathers caught Eat it feed it to her little chicky, Chicky, chicky, chicky, chicky chick, chick-a yeah whoa, Yawn pussy_s tired they got the swayin back And forth now they were born with it, Yeah the white, the white ,the little white Chickies and the the white, the white the Little white chickies and the (baby owl sounds) Learnin to fly now to fly now movin The head movin the head like this like This oooooo <|endoftext|> Galapagos in Dumbo hit hard By the storm but don't Be afraid to come, no They need your loving more now Than ever to survive go Give them a high 5 They are NYC's first venue To be LEED certified if You live in Dumbo or Brooklyn anywhere Galapagos art space Fostering creativity and nerding out So hard and sexy smart Cabaret that'll catch you off Your guard name another venue Keeping culture alive and well So we don't become Rome or Paris The boom and bust of art funding Is not sustainable so come Support Galapagos keep the city Cultural Galapagos Galapagos your lake But we won't let you Become a ghost we'll help Return the water to appropriate Levels so your beacon will Shine the most when all Creative hope seems lost there's Galapagos <|endoftext|> Don_t look know but here He comes He_s gonna throw You into the back of his van He don_t feel pity cuz his heart is numb He_s a summertime murder man He comes when you're looking for a bite to eat He'll sweep you up right off your feet Maybe you're lying out getting a tan He's the summertime murder man No one can resist his charms Eyes just like a snake He'll ask to bum a cigarette And that'll be your last mistake Baseball diamond football field don't Stop or slow or look or yield He's always got some nefarious plan He's the summertime murder man His only friend's a bottle of bleach He'll stalk you down along the beach He's so excited he can barely stand He's the summertime murder man His momma told him that he was unique But he always felt more like a freak He killed her with a frying pan He's the summertime murder man When they catch him, he's sure to hang But it won't mean, uh mean anythang He will end just as he began He's the summertime murder man No one can resist his charms Eyes just like a snake He'll ask to bum a cigarette And that'll be you_re your first and last mistake Ohhhh <|endoftext|> Go where you're needed no one will tell You lies no one will hurt you no One will challenge you you'll never be surprised They'll always help you they'll always touch you You'll never shed a tear they understand you They'll always know your thoughts no jealousy or Fear i'm gonna break your heart i'm gonna Let you down i'm gonna love you so Completely i'll burn you to the ground i'm Gonna mess right up i'm gonna be a Fool no one can love you as much As i do though love it can be Cruel bluejays are singing springtime is coming there's Something missing there and in the morning the Puzzle incomplete i offer up this prayer <|endoftext|> Bread machine is my copilot Tonight making pizza dough by The fire light you could Have some if you were Here just use imagination and Bread machine spinning round and Around Doesn_t get nowhere it And in a while we Got dough the way the Cookie crumbles the way the Toast will flow bread machine My song out here in The cold unforgiving light I Do my best but sometimes I_m short I need some Bread to feed me to My core <|endoftext|> He doesn_t care what you think He spends a lot of time alone In the company of songs He finds them everywhere he goes And when the sound is just right When the notes hit his ears That_s when he lets out a laugh And says oh that_s weird But the songs are fading He_s trying to save them Every single specimen on his Ship he keeps em in Bottles (bottles) He_s Dr. staccato (catto) his ship is full Throttle (throttle) He_s Dr. staccato (catto) he doesn_t shoot bullets He_s looking for the truth He doesn_t want to hurt anyone Hurtling through sound in a Jukebox ship and when he Touches down That_s when he Lets her rip <|endoftext|> When I was 25 I told myself I'd eat healthier no more Baking cookies and no more Pizza either 26 27 came And went and though in That time I've gotten better I still bake cookies, eat the pizza Don't follow my plans to the letter My grandpa died of heart disease His father too had a heart attack Last time I got my cholesterol checked I wasn't quite on that track Still if I don't improve on some Areas that need improving I Could be heading down that road And that's a road that needs removing It's all about making choices All about setting your goals I don't want to from a heart attack, no I don't want to die before I get old I run almost every day But I can't seem to shake this gut If I could afford it, I'd ask my trainer To really help me move my butt Help with ways to keep from eating All the things i can't escape And if I had a chance I'd take it I would do whatever it takes Cause it_s all about making choices All about setting my goals I don't want to from a heart attack, no I don't want to die before I get old It's all about making choices All about setting your goals I don't want to from a heart attack, no I don't want to die before I get old <|endoftext|> He_s got big brown eyes Loves the braves the bulldogs Too though they_ve seen better Days He_s 5 11 but He went to UGA got A finance degree when he Gets drunk he does a Walkabout through east Atlanta with Dj yarbizzle lives in south Atlanta and he_s a great Negotiator Katie calls him cuteface He hates the mets and Florida gators He hates cilantro and coconut And good bourbon connor McGregor All kinds of food he_ll Try anythingl he pretends to Be annoyed to make Katie Laugh he pretends to hate Finley He_s funny like that And he hates Virginia tech But he loves Kathy Steve and Ben And Katie so much use Dj yarbizzle lives in south Atlanta and he_s a great Negotiator Katie calls him cuteface He hates the mets and Florida gators <|endoftext|> At a recent round table meeting Of business executives and long After formally introducing Tim cook Of apple I quickly referred To Tim plus apple as Tim apple as an easy Way to save time and words The fake news was disparagingly all over this And it became yet another bad trump story <|endoftext|> Cats are fighting outside my door That hiss, that scream, that tiny roar I wonder what they are fighting for? It must seem important to them What_s important to a cat is hard to measure By an inch, a yard Dog needs love and chasing cars But cats are more aloof Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Outside looking in now the Cats are gone I guess They solved their differences with Blood and all the fur And teeth and madness, claws It must have seemed important to them And when they dream, next they_ll see The other cat looming heavily They_ll toss and turn, sleepily Wondering what went wrong Kitty Cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Kitty cat fighting on the outside Looking in <|endoftext|> Connie sits quiet in the corner of the Balcony telling tall tales that Turn to something bigger when Her words break free hey You gotta let them go all Those useless words that you Used to know hey It_s A brave new world we Are not bound by the Brow that you keep furrowed Connie Can_t contain the fire and the rain inside The subtext when the witchbeard Goes you know you are next <|endoftext|> Bozoma saint John I just Wanna watch bozoma saint John She did her best to Get that room clapping on 2 and 4 it made Me so happy the watch Launches apps the way that It should you can scribble In chinese control center now And your watch will remind you to breath It_s called macOS universal clipboard Siracusa is really worried single Sign on new remote app Clear notifications with a tap Siri_s wide open so are Messages and maps advanced computer Vision deep learning I want To take nap they made The font bold and there_s Invisible ink emojis everywhere sticker I get the feeling now This stuff ain_t directed at me I must be getting old The 27th WWDC <|endoftext|> Gotta fight fight fight fight Fight for what you believe In what do you believe In baby Imma fight! give It all I got out on the lawn When i_m right right right Right right I will leave You screaming what you gonna Do about it baby take That broken heart and just move on Punch punch thwack I hit Ya what we fighting about Again I can_t remember but It doesn_t matter punch punch <|endoftext|> Well it's not a purity test just a Difference of opinion can you Take money from a big corporation and Then at the same time work against their Interest even when it doesn't align with your Constituents I say no you can't you Might say yes you can it's Not a purity test just A difference of opinion it's Not a purity test just A difference of opinion should We fight for a living wage and health Care for everyone should we Just go slower because it's too fast Will never happen and again You gotta keep in mind the feelings Of the corporations I say we should fight You might say no we shouldn't but It's not a purity test just A difference of opinion that's The whole song <|endoftext|> I_m jet lagged in Germany I_m tired It_s time to Sleep Everybody_s so far away Or know how to say Anything in German I always Forget how it can disorient Inscrutable languages Everybody_s so far Away I can_t read the Signs or know how to Say anything in German tomorrow Will they even know what i_m saying I wish that babel didn_t fall Cuz english is all i_ve got that_s all <|endoftext|> And yet it moves well It moves all around and Yet it moves to the Sky, hit the ground yet It moves It_s a shifting Pattern when you die all Every way you look the World_s shifting all around you Every way you look the World_s shifting all around you Every way you look the World_s shifting all around you Every way you look the World_s shifting all around you Shifting world take me where I need to go Cause i_m trapped in here And I need to know Rocks fall and the earth won_t stay still If I fall too fast then i_ll be killed Who put me here? and Why_d they do it? sometimes I wanna give up and Just say _screw it_ but I know that suicide would Not improve my situation and Yet it moves and yet It moves and yet it Moves and yet it moves And yet it moves and Yet it moves and yet It moves <|endoftext|> Can you make a movie out here all Alone I thought I found a kid but It was just mother nature Playing tricks for me like she always Does every single time I Think I like she always Does every single time can We make a movie like Slice the lo hanging from A thread out here on the low Can we make a movie starring You and me we brought These gummy bears with us and we Want to see us on a big screen On the big o screen on the big Screen on the big old screen can we Make a movie they got A couple hours out here all alone Beyond the trees and flowers can we make This movie down where the River will blow can we make A movie taking our photo Back road oh oh can we Make this movie just like Sylvester did hanging by one We make this movie eating Your dumb and bears all along can we Make this movie then go Home story with a song With a song with a A song with a song With a song with a A song with a song I want to make a movie With you but we lost our tea or Somebody filmed over it now there's no escape We'll never see that footage again I never See your face on the rise like Sylvester did when he was hanging by hanging By us hanging by us Hanging by us it <|endoftext|> To know you to know You at all at all I_m just lucky to have you To have you oh, to Have you in my life X3 i_m just lucky to Love you to love you X2 to be loved by You x3 ivory king x3 To know you x2 to Be loved by you x3 <|endoftext|> It's the bottom of the night and the Pitcher is fatigue Oklahoma state Championship little league coach puts In and tommy is on Fire strike one two three And the crowd roars just Like a choir you can Hear the celebration from just about everywhere The parade marches on Tommy's In the middle right there his Mama's so proud he sees Papa grin it's a cotton Shooting hoops they are down By one it's a junior High championship he's got to Get it done from center core Everything on the line it's A miracle shot just as The buzzer starts to wind you Can hear the celebration from just about everywhere The parade march is on Tommy's In the middle right there his Mama's so proud he looks At papa once again it's In and now he is In college standing in the Rain helmet on squinting through the championship football Game the punt is high And long the receiver fumbles Hard but tommy picks it Up and goes 85 yards well You can hear the celebration from just about Everywhere the parade marches on And on Tommy's in the Middle right there his mama's So proud papa beams at Him it's a cotton county In tommy believes in his Country straight down to his Core so when his country Needed him tommy we went Off to war guns and Bombs fade into a bugle high and Clear he came back a Hero decorated and revered you Can see the procession from just about everywhere The parade marches on Tommy's In the middle right there his Mama in console papa looks Into the distance it's a Cotton county home it's a County home it's a cotton <|endoftext|> People lose their jobs, and they go get drunk I like to get drunk with them because i_m unemployed Man, I hope Obama can fix the economy If he_s just another politician i_ll be annoyed But he_s just a man There_s only so much he can do The onus is on us now to break the back of greed Stab it through the heart Tear it limb from limb Throw away everything but what we need I_m being held down by all of my loot And I can_t help but see how I contribute to the problem But I don_t wanna but I don_t know how to stop If everything collapses I will start a farm Knowing nothing of farming except the early morning alarms I_m overly romantic and woefully underqualified Stuck between technology and a life simplified And a life that_s simplified <|endoftext|> It didn_t have to be this way In a broken down chevrolet All at once the world is changed She heard the broken bells ring What if none of this is happening We_re life is some unknowable beast Dreaming every star and every Just random neurons in dark Grey matter the horizon starts To fade she sees better In the dark all at Once the work is changed She is being ripped apart <|endoftext|> Ain't this world crazy what's A girl like you doing in here Hank I've heard about you And so don't try me out You're evil cowboy alien ninja Charms won't work we could Be lovers um, no we Well... could you bring me Somethings oh, hank <|endoftext|> Standing in the rain waiting For the train oh I'm Standing in the rain waiting for the Train and I'm standing in The rain waiting for the Train train only comes one Once an hour the train Only comes once an hour and I'm standing in the rain waiting For the train I just got off the Plane now I'm waiting for The train I gonna go To the hotel to the hotel I gonna Go to the hotel it's Just about 10 minutes then we'll see the Train just gonna be 10 minutes and then We'll see the train see The train in the rain see The train <|endoftext|> Count all the votes until the ballots are gone Count all the votes that_s how democracy works Count all the votes oh what a novel idea If you don_t like it, move to China you jerks Underfunded elections and voter suppression 700 unused voting machines you_ve Got the gall to make accusations You can_t back up with any facts we_ve seen Count all the votes and count them again Both sides will see their tallies increase Count all the votes it_s literally the least We can do for our democracy First time i voted was 2 triple zero I learned then just how this will go Counting the votes seems not to matter To partisan judges in their long black robes We gotta count all the votes to get it right this time Count all the votes no matter who wins Count all the votes that_s all we are asking Count all the votes and then count them again <|endoftext|> Ate some beef stew and drank a big coke: Eastman museum tryina find the theatre Hallways, hallways, renaissance paintings desperately Want to get to the theatre Before the tournament starting every New room, just like a museum Wood floors white walls leather bench in the middle However no sign of the theatre Where the tournaments starting went Out into the garden maybe Outside is less labyrinthine Mike Is there weird with his beard And he gave directions he Said the popcorn is running out Rushing and starting to hear video game sounds Pings and dinks of mario music Feeling inside the cortisol rising Because the tournaments starting ran Towards it knowing i was missing my favorite Time of the year it_s go for pro finals Missing all the stuff that I love When the tournaments starting chug Beers with Brian langan talk Reality tv with Julie draw Penis_ in mario paint laughing At phil_s penis_ tell dave Maybe next year sega games Will get played just then Saw the overhang on the Drive way Shadowy guys wearing Knit hats and scarves huddled In a circle smoking shouted And waved and then I woke up Hmmm <|endoftext|> Someday all your teeth are gonna fall out Someday all your teeth are gonna fall out Someday your teeth will fall out you'll fall Down scream and shout baby Darling honey someday you'll come Cry to someday you come Cry to me again someday You'll come cryin to me but I won't Look at you and see my baby my Darling my honey I don't think that you Know just what you are getting into I Don't think that you know what you buy Someday you'll come crying to my baby sometimes You'll come crying to me honey someday You'll come crying and I won't be trying To call you honey baby darling someday You'll come tell me all your truth someday You'll come tell me all your truth someday You'll come tell me your truth and I'll Say look at your tooth tooth teeth darling Baby honey someday your guitar Will be in tune someday Your guitar will be in tune someday Your guitar will be in tune and that Can't come too soon darling Baby I don't think you know just what You're doing I don't think you know just Who you're screwing darling oh don't look good Torso to mouth baby my Darling my baby and my honey someday I'll know how to play the drums someday I'll know how to play the drum someday I'll play all the drums and you'll sit There just toodling thumbs darling Baby honey darling baby honey <|endoftext|> There_s this guy in my hotel room He_s got horns and 8 eyes He_s sticking out his tongue He_s missing two fingers I Don_t know what he wants He could seem kind of menacing But i_m pretty sure he_s friendly Maybe that_s just wishful thinking Portland hotel experience i_m getting A real portland hotel experience I guess he_ll watch me sleeping With his weird scaly arms And his body that turns to drops And his ears that look like vulcan_s He appears out of the darkness Is he watching over me? Is he going to tell me stories? Is he going to eat my dreams? Everyone seems really nice here Young and full of energy Won_t they be surprised when I go to bed at 7:30 Just kidding gonna stay out late The first night of XOXO But I will be really tired I_m a morning person that_s how we roll <|endoftext|> I_m blue daba dee daba die I_m blue as the clear blue sky I_m blue like a meanie mean mean I_m blue not purple or green I_m blue! i_m blue daba Dee daba die i_m blue, Don_t ask me why i_m Blue, like a great big whale I_m blue, like the ocean sail I_m blue i_m blue like A bird blue jay robin_s Egg coming out to play I_m blue like a crabby crab crab I am blue like mold in a lab I_m blue! I am a Blue opal I am a Blue waterfall i_m uranus and Neptune I am a sad Blue moon <|endoftext|> Federal troops are invading portland Sent by the fascist brand tycoon Driving around in rented minivans These cowards will try to grab you And up walks Christopher David Navy sweatshirt and cargo shorts The only protection he has against The cowards using deadly force And he stands before wall Of cowards as they move towards Oh but he won_t budge Though they strike him with their batons so much He wants them to remember The oath they swore they Are the domestic threat t He beginning of a civil war Retired from the Navy he Was a Lieutnant when he left They doused him with pepper spray And he sat down on a park bench The fascists have a leader And cowardly army crew We_ve Got moms, naked women and Christopher and the constitution too <|endoftext|> The day after chirstmas in Minnesota at the mall of america Mixed in with the screams The screams from the roller coaster going by There was a riot young Hoodlums on the prowl there Was a riot how you Like your capitalism now the Riot started cause someone started And drake were on their way And then the mob mentality Kicked in and they started to go crazy There was a riot young Hoodlums on the prowl there Was a riot how you Like your capitalism now next Time you go to the mall You better be prepared bring Your pepper spray bring your Riot gear or maybe better Yet how bout you don't Go to the mall go For a walk instead and Paint or write or draw Or sing a song or Something productive maybe give the Mall a rest if you've Been under a lot of stress <|endoftext|> Wasn_t long ago it was Dinosaurs now it_s stupid humans I just mind my business And walk along some stupid Human writes me a song I don_t need you just standing around and gawking Leave me alone whilst i_m Just living my best life and walking And most of all don_t record videos Of me on your phone And then share them all over the internet Just for god_s sake leave me alone <|endoftext|> The kingdom lies in ruin It's hardly worth pursuing focus On the maintenance of relationships That lead to love and Though you may be weary still Calm your heart trust your will Losers in the saddle streets All full of cattle throngs Of huddled masses make their Way sad eyed and forsaken So unfree but safe and fed Turn around don't be led Rest until the pain goes Like unicorns and rainbows senses Clear and neurons fire ing Full blast the singing choir Stop and turn the other way Keep the smell of death at bay <|endoftext|> There once was a weirdo and a creep I met one night in my dreams while I sleep And we ate green zucchini under a dark blood moon While the ghost of Cleopatra sang a creepy little tune Said the creep to the weirdo, will you marry me When the whippoorwill cries beneath the coconut tree Said the weirdo to the creep, I don_t want to wait wait And they wrapped themselves around each other Until they could not escape And with that embrace they erased my mind And when I woke up there were standing right behind - me I watched in amazement as out they flew Like bat and a pterodactyl of pure attitude Some say you_ll see them in the dark blood moon Or if you hum Cleopatra_s creepy little tune But if you go to sleep when the whippoorwill moans The creep and the weirdo will come to say hello <|endoftext|> I don't like to say no And then I overcommit and the roof comes caving Stretch a body to it's breaking point Put another piece of hay on that camel Don't touch my belly cause it's too hot to handle I don't like to say yes I'd rather sit here alone than be in some cave clubbing I fall asleep when the voices rise up And the cigarette smoke come wafting I put my earplugs in and i'm coughing But you gotta fight the ninja I try to say what i mean But sometimes i'm not sure until i say it And then the thing that i just said Isn't the thing that i meant to say And i feel bad in a hundred different ways I don't like to say no And so sometimes i'll just ignore you Better to not let you down directly I'll hide and hope you forget me I do this knowing it's not healthy <|endoftext|> I_ve been chasing a crazy dream Down on rainbow road i_ve Been living in the space between Where the tame and the wild things go And the sandman casts his fishing line And the stoplight flashes green I will never stop wishing I Could someday 0 live inside that dream And this road is familiar And the signpost is familiar And you punch it hard until you Know you got to now You got to oh you Got to let it go And the void it comes alive Comes so easy, remember when Didn_t even know how to drive And straight ahead a bomb explodes And lightning strikes the sand Keep your eyes up on the road Keep the steering wheel in your hands And this road is familiar And the signpost is familiar And you punch it hard until you Know you got to now You got to oh you Got to let it go And they'll eat you for breakfast And the gophers are angry The cows are restless you Can take that narrow path I will find my own Recognize my heartbeat as the Only way I've ever known Cross into the ether now Cross that finish line if I could I surely would Make that world mine <|endoftext|> Karl and Groucho marx in Their childhood bedroom eating ripe Peaches over the sink an Who_s afraid of heights making His breakfast out of stars That blink cuomo and de Blasio riding the bus fighting The MTA weird al yankovic When he started to write Song day that dude at Google what a fool though Siri, alexa, OK Google and Cortana May they all gang up on him And i_m related to all The Marx_s cuomo and de Blasio are distant cousins weird Is a kindred spirit even That google dude is in There somewhere closure <|endoftext|> Her ship is sailing and there_s room for One more I think I ought to go So i_m packing my bags I_m planning my route gonna Saying, oh baby, mmm, mm, oh yeah now My baby_s down in the caribbean Swimming in the sea I get depressed when I_m falling asleep and she_s not next to Me so look out, babe I_m coming your way forget Leaving today singing, i_ll be Reunited with my baby snorkels And suntan lotion little red Shorts and a summer dress and The lazy days by the ocean I miss Her so much that it hurts me I Can feel it down in my soul I Can_t stand it anymore so i_ll Be on the first plane here I go <|endoftext|> This is Tammy christine Brumm and she is dying She needs a kidney transplant soon Type o or type b from a live donor All her friends have tested But their blood wouldn't do She's got two boys they are both in high school She's been married for 16 years Her brother's getting tested but they have different fathers So it's 50/50 whether he'll match so i'm asking here Tammy needs a kidney Tammy Needs a kidney can you Maybe give her give her Your kidney I'm not sure How it works but there's A link in the description Click on that and please Give her your kidney <|endoftext|> 6915 sold to some Solana Bros with his eye patch Looking mean what does it Mean nobody knows pink hat And he is peering out With his one good eye saying _what is this all about_ And still nobody knows 6915 The former for stray bits The latter for the solana bros Sold for more than one Million dollars, and Basement bargain Bin and still nobody understands <|endoftext|> I was walking in the garden Talking with the snake eating Pomegranate you said I hope It tasted good I hope That it was worth it I said I think it was One sad monkey looking at the stars Feeling really small two sad Monkeys staring at the wall Now they are depressed four Sad monkeys want to go to war They want to feel something Eight sad monkeys can_t take it anymore They want to go back home I was walking in the garden Talking with the big one 0 Covering my privates he split My heart right open poured It into the desert and Told me I was OK <|endoftext|> Jesus christ when he wasn't Being naughty he was nice If you were corrupt roman Or jew it didn't matter To him he'd stick it To you he'd cast you Out of the temple all You money grubbing fools he Laughed in the face of bureaucrats Who tried to use him like a tool Jesus christ he was like A lion we're all just Mice he didn't carry a Gun he didn't need one Re if you were throwing Stones he'd make you look At yourself and with his Mind reading abilities he'd make You cry out for help Go your country needs you To shop as much as you can Remember christ and his words Buy buy buy buy buy Jesus christ would been disgusted If comes back all hope Is lost he's gonna jump Right back up on that Cross <|endoftext|> Never stand still while you can keep moving It's an ass of a man that just stands unimproving And I was until the Fire came burned me down To the bone and I Was until the fire came The picture I keep is of you on the highway Never mind all the times you refused to see my way And then you saw until The fire came stole you Away in the dark yeah Until the fire came plugged You in with a spark Speed and variety and quality and price You don_t look manufactured and Damn you look nice nice On the skin until the Fire came you blackened your Heart to the core nice On the skin until the Fire came I threw up My arms saying _no more_ I love having nothing to do at all And I love not calling But being called and I Love when my friends eat The things that I bake And I love taking chances I know I can take Until the fire came until The fire came whoa oh Until the fire came the Fire, oh the fire, oh Oh oh oh the fire Came <|endoftext|> I met her in the lobby Of a hotel in DC I was 12 years old She was the same age as me She lived in California I Was in Vermont she kissed Me in the stairwell and My heart went bump bump bump Those are emails that i_ll never get back Even if by some miracle the 1s and 0s intact Because my AOL screen name well that_s long gone I_ll never know what 12 year old me was thinking Was my first year of high school She was 16 I said, _unborned is my screen name_ And she instant messaged me She blew into my life Just like a bomb holed Up in her basement and The wild night after prom Those are emails that i_ll never get back Even if by some miracle the 1s and 0s intact Because my AOL screen name well that_s long gone I_ll never know what 12 year old me was thinking 0 <|endoftext|> Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey hey hey little baby hey hey hey Hey hey little baby hey hey hey hey Hey hey little baby hey hey hey little Baby hey hey hey hey hey little baby Hey hey hey hey hey little baby hey Hey hey hey hey little baby hey Mama's On the phone she's on The phone Mama's on the Phone Mama's on the phone Hey little baby hey hey Hey hey little baby hey Hey little baby hey little baby little Baby little baby ha little Baby hair <|endoftext|> It's so sad, when the cookies are gone Yeah, it's so sad, the cookies are gone And you can't say that you don't care I should be happy that they're not there They're unhappy, yeah but it's Still sad, when the cookies are gone Hey <|endoftext|> I_ve been trying to sneeze for 24 hours, oh I_ve been trying to sneeze for 24 hours, oh I_ve tried staring at the sun I_ve tried tickling my nose Even snorted pepper that one_s Really gold i_ve been trying To sneeze for 24 hours, oh I_ve been trying to sneeze for 24 hours I_ve been trying to sneeze for 24 hours I_ve been trying to sneeze for 24 hours, oh But I can_t <|endoftext|> They_re not gaming spies (shhhhh) They_re not gaming flies (buzz, buzz, buzz) They_re not gaming pies they_re The gaming guys the gaming Guys they tell no gaming Lies (no, no, no) they Wear no gaming disguise (no, no, no) But they are gaming wise (yes!) The gaming guys the gaming Guys they_re the gaming guys They_re the gaming guys Whoa-oooooooh Whoa-oooooooh they_re the gaming guys <|endoftext|> That's what you wanna do that's what you Gotta do that's what you wanna do that's What you gotta do that's what you wanna Do that's what you gotta do is what You wanna do that's what you gotta do Gotta do you gotta do that's what you Gotta do that's what you gotta do today What do you got do You gotta put the needle and the thread Through do you gotta color Everything blue or do you Color it red and then you cut yourself On the needle it's what You gotta do is what you wanna Do is what you gotta do then is What you wanna do is what you gotta Do is what you wanna do is what You gotta gotta gotta then you wanna wanna Wanna do what do you gotta do right Now do you gotta put Down your house you gotta Wear your songs hat while staring at the Computer until you have a cardiac heart attack Ay ay o <|endoftext|> Is there a me is There a you what does The space between us do is There a you is there A me is there any Space between is there any space Between me and you and If so what does a space between us Do is there a you Is there a me I Simply cannot see is there A me is there a You I cannot see right through I can't see through the space between you And me I don't know what to do With the space between me and you if There was a space between me and you What would it feel like if There was a space between you and me What would that be like is There a you is there A me and is there Any space between is there a Me is there a you And is there space space To do be do be do is There any space between me and you is There any space between me and you is There any space between you and me no Space <|endoftext|> Every day is a new day in Gary Gensler's sec. oh, the regulatory Equivalent of George Santa with An etch a sketch. hey, Okay, with an etch a Sketch instead of policy. oh, Card, is that a security? no, My friend. I sell you a pokemon Card on the blockchain, is that a security? It depends. first they ignore You, then they laugh at you, Then they fight you, then you win. there's Lots of projects that put a white paper Out, collect a bunch of money, and then That's that. why won't the Sec go after those people Instead of wasting time killing Stone or cats? and if You've got ideas for hester Purse, please bring them along to her so She can do more than just write dissent, Or she'll go become a beekeeper. and Crypto folks were the very first ones to Step in and help Ukraine. When they tweeted out for donations, it was $40 million in just three days. first They ignore you, then they. they Laugh at you, then they fight you, then You win. you know your Part now, right? you know How it goes. first they Ignore you, then they laugh at you, Then they fight you, then you end. oh, Jim was a rhodes Scholar, And he can't understand a single word Most of us say. all Those democrats need to hear About those killer apps before They'll send any good vibes on our way. And regulatory clarity will come from the courts. But legislative intervention would be nice to get That first. there's a difference Between having a rule and operationalizing It. Senator Luman says nfts And those new IRS rules, They release crypto taxes. what The fuck? you ready? two, They ignore you, then they laugh at you, Then they fight you, then you wear them. First they ignore you. louder. Come on. then they laugh At you, then they fight you, Then you can when you at. first They ignore you, then they laugh at you, Then they fight you, then you win. you Ever stay? ignore you, then Then you win. you win, You win. thank you, guys. Thank you guys so much. In January of 2009, I Set out to start writing A song every day that month. and I was broke, unemployed. it Was a highly financial crash. and At the end of that month, I had Successfully written a song a day. 31 songs. 31 days. and I decided To keep going. free year. So for all of 2009, I wrote a song every Day. I was still broke. I was Still unemployed. but I was Having a good time and it Was going well. at the End of that. thank you. At the end of 2009, I decided to keep going Still. and that's how I Stand before you now, having Written a song a day for 15 years, 333 days, or 5446 songs. thank You. on December 31st of 2021, I sold all of Those songs as nfts on Ethereum for 2 ETH each. Around $303 million at the time. I was Just telling someone up to that point, I Had been making about $120,000 a year doing Music prior to that. so That was like a big shock. thank You. don't cl. because I Everything that you guys talk about here is Very near and dear to my heart. I Could talk about all this stuff with you For hours. I currently have still been selling My songs as nfts every Day for the last two years. and, Boy, those taxes are just. they're Just horrible. prior to nfts, Used to get up at conferences, I've Been watching the talks and furiously taking notes, And I transform all of the talks into A little catchy song that I'm Gonna sing for you. and I will say, you know, so I've Been doing all right. September I made 8 ETH. last Month I made 0.6 ETH. So that gives you a range of, like, Where we are in the bear market. which Is all to say, if you enjoy this, Come and bring me to your conference, because I love doing this and the bear markets Are tough. <|endoftext|> So here we go 1 2 3 4 yap yap Yap yap don't fall in the creek Hudson Valley Takashokan community yap Creek be as open and Present as you can be There's a fine night number Of spoons you'll never get back spoon that You use and you can't know how many Spoons someone else has you Can borrow spoons from yourself but there are Consequences everybody take care of Yourself put your own mask On before you help someone Else feel the relief of Crossing things off your list But forgive yourself for all the things that You might have missed you're Not the terminator oh yap Fall in the creek hudson Valley tech ashokan community yap Creek be as open and Present as you can can Be mushroom bricks mushroom clothes Leather mushroom styrofoam ears grown in apples giant Silk worm dome storing data and DNA Close that open and close spinal cord Asparagus Growing cow skin speculative augmented Biological systems spider silk is Stronger than steel my brain Is exploding how is any Of this real yap yap Yap yap don't fall in the creek Hudson Valley Techa shoket community Ya ya ya don't fall In the tree be as Open and present as you can be Today thank you welcome back Yeah oh you're still filming <|endoftext|> The leaf peepers are driving slow And i_m just trying to get home I_ve really got to pee Maybe I should go on that tree Wild thoughts run through my head The radio says Jonathan mann is dead Talking about man who_s not me Who pioneered research on HIV I_m noticing the leaves more Now that I have them in my back yard I watch them every day now In a way I never did before I_m noticing the leaves more Just like time is moving faster Small moments mean more in The middle of disaster the Leaf peepers are out in force I heard your parents are getting divorced I guess it_s better than hearing them fight Let_s write a song about it tonight Yeah I just want to play my guitar Dad wants me to rake the yard Let_s play the sweater song so undone In the basement where we keep your drums <|endoftext|> Vegetables, oh vegetables x3 oh Vegetables, oh vegetables Kale, broccoli, Spinach, turnips, brussel sprouts and bok choy Lettuce, beets, asparagus, garlic and leeks I_m a happy boy carrots And radish potatoes and yam Celery, pumpkin, daikon, zucchini, artichoke and chrysanthemum Vegetables are good for you And your fear is so misplaced You_ve been brainwashed into thinking That you won_t like the taste Vegetables, oh vegetables x3 oh Vegetables, oh vegetables some people Think that vegetables are gross But those people don_t know Vegetables are the best vegetables Are the most wonderful thing in the world and so You should eat more vegetables And your fear is so misplaced You_ve been brainwashed into thinking That you won_t like the taste Vegetables x8 yeah! <|endoftext|> We could say he separated The ownership of spiritual use Value and material exchange value It_s impossible to have both Digital zones of immaterial Pictorial Sensibility immaterial artwork as the Of the virtual experience more And more it_s so intense It_s not tangible it_s just a sense Sensibility if you wanted to Buy a zone you_d have To pay in pure gold The zone is immaterial but You_d get a receipt but To really own the zone To the river you_d go Where_d you burn the receipt And throw in half the gold <|endoftext|> Some days go by and It_s like watching paint dry I guess drying paint can be a thrilling thing But on days like this it_s pulling teeth Paint dry pulled teeth don_t What_s underneath chattering breath warm What you seek_s right under Your nose some days go By before you have a Chance to even try to Make a dent in your list It gets your soul all in a twist Even try make a dent Already spent push it out I_m all ears and all Thumbs some days go by Between a shout and a scream Like being stuck in a boring dream Between a whisper everything can No focus no light try Try as you might <|endoftext|> Well there's no such thing as a sellout Sellout is a word for the jealous and The sad if you use It then please get the hell Out cause making money with My songs shouldn't make you Mad everybody's got to make A living some jobs are More or less compelling you Can be taking or be giving you Can be making or buying or selling there's No such thing as a sellout there's No shame in making money from your art I will climb the highest mountain and I'll Yell out I can make money and it Still comes from my heart Jonathan's Been working like a madman for Five years in a row, with a free Song every day so I Can't imagine what could be so bad, Man to let him pay Is bills, and put some Food upon his plate if There is such a thing as a sellout It's to trade your precious minutes, to do A job that you hate so It's up to all of us to shell Out for the artists that We love, so that they Don't have that fate the Starving artist can make a thing of beauty So can the artist who's work is in Hotels you can be open Or be snooty I only Hope that one day your cold heart melts You who sit behind the keyboard click Clacking away saying very mean things like A cross between Oscar and Eeyore you just sit there Typing, I'll continue to sing Cause there's no such thing As a sellout <|endoftext|> New friends make me think of old friends Make me think of all friends that I Ever had saying bye to New friends before seeing old friends Make me think of all the friends, all The friends that I ever had that I ever had if you Have no friends I feel bad for You and I have been There oh, I have been There if you have no Friends I feel bad for You we have all been There at one point at Friends make me think of old friends make Me think of all the friends that I Ever had saying bye to New friends before seeing old friends Make me think of all the friends, all The friends that I ever had if You have no friends I feel bad for You oh, I have been There if you have no Friends I feel bad for You we have all been There at one point at Friends leaving old friends coming Makes me think of all The friends, all the friends That I ever had that I ever had ooooooh if You have no friends I feel bad For you we have all Been there I think at one Point most of us have been there new Friends, new friends, ohhhh x8 <|endoftext|> Foot, hip, trunk, arm, hand, face, tongue and larynx Primary motor cortex foot, hip, Trunk, arm, hand, face, tongue and larynx Primary motor cortex what am I? (ugly bags of mostly Water) just a bunch of Water and sun skin what Am I? (ugly bags of Mostly water) just a bunch Of water and some foot, Hip, trunk, arm, hand, face, tongue and larynx Primary motor cortex ugly bags Of mostly water ugly bags Of mostly water ugly bags Of mostly water what am I? (ugly bags of mostly Water) just a bunch of Water and some skin what Am I? (ugly bags of Mostly water) nobody knows how Much trouble that I'm in Foot, hip, trunk, arm, hand, face, tongue and larynx Primary motor cortex foot, hip, Trunk, arm, hand, face, tongue and larynx Primary motor cortex what am I? (ugly bags of mostly Water) that is all <|endoftext|> Forte on forte and forts - another seminar from the Boredom Institute comes bring you Rest, this one covers the Ability to lose rapport in order to Gain rapport. also scooter would Spell it repoire. welcome to The boredom institute where you Learn that you have got to lose Rapport if you would like to gain rapport With the puddles in the rain welcome To the boredom institute where You learn just what is inside of you Where you find out just what you are Made of bits of string And 1s and 0s data if You_re bored i_ll be your Bore friend I live in Your imagination welcome to the Boredom institute where you are Me and I am you where The skin we shed gathers on the ground And the sound makes patterns all around welcome To the boredom institute where You learn that you have got to lose Rapport if you would like to gain rapport With the puddles in the rain <|endoftext|> Cryptopunks are truly priceless so This pence 90 is for You Matt hall 2000 I Wink every day and scroll The chat to find the price the punks Are at the alpha and all the chatter To find the best cheap punks that matter I scroll and scroll to find my fate But in the end it's night like me Not everybody can have one of these Rookie Cards of nfts <|endoftext|> Afraid of the apocalypse especially On days like this mood Swings of mother nature look How she bends the future The earth will be all right you know Seen much worse than our freak show But my grandkids and them after that I_ll be dead and gone but I feel bad Fear is not rational won_t Respond to facts at all You can_t convince it otherwise Once it_s made up it_s mind The earth will just keep turning still Long after we_ve destroyed ourselves I don_t know what I really fear Shapeless, nameless getting near I Deal with it by writing songs Sense of space where I belong In the sound vibrations humming And in the strings i_m strumming Black holes that sing to space And all the matter they erase Chasing that white whale death And birth on every scale A <|endoftext|> In the last six months they made 21 billion No one said a word No one said a word in the last four years It's amazing to me the Price of cars went up 30 Ceo pay went up 40 No one had any complaints No one said a word God forbid that workers has their fair share That's the end of the world That's the end of the world Fruits the labor and the product they produce That's the end of the world It's not that we're going to wreck the economy We're gonna wreck Barry the All of us should support the strikers Their fight against corporate greed is our fight All of us should support the strikers Their fight against corporate greed is our fight All of us should support the strikers Their fight against corporate greed is our fight All of us should support the strikers Their fight against corporate greed is utter In the last six months they made 21 billion No one a word no One said a word in the last four years It's amazing to me the Price of cars went up 30 Ceo pay went up 40 No one had any complaints No one said a word God forbid that workers has their fair share That's the end of the world That's the end of the world Fruits the labor and the product they produce That's the end of the world It's not that we're going to wreck the economy We're going to wreck their economy The economy that only works for the billionaire class It doesn't work for the working class Hear that analysts all right President sean fain thanks for I appreciate it sir we Did invite the big three Automakers to come on they Declined the invitation is open <|endoftext|> Fuck you James Comey I Have nothing else to say I_ve got a bad head cold That just won_t go away But my temperature was rising When the news came down today And it nothing to do with the virus Pumping through my veins fuck You James Comey just seriously Fuck you fuck you and Your cohort i_m so tired Of you dudes i_m so Tired of your bullshit your Presence is a curse I Hope it comes back tenfold 1000 times worse fuck you James Comey you lying sack Of poop you try to Act all innocent but it_s Easy to see through i_m So tired of this circus I_m so tired of this mess I can_t believe we had to fall back Another hour in distress fuck You James Comey and your Racist FBI being awful for 100 years and 1000 miles Wide you harassed MLK that You harassed my grandparents for Being communists <|endoftext|> Obligatory song about the iphone 5 I just wish that Steve were still alive I knew everything about this phone Weeks and weeks ago I'll Be getting one on the first day 3 am I'll be wide wake Make may way through the online queue You gotta do what you gotta do Obligatory song about the iPhone 5 It's different enough for me But I don't have much to say about it So this song's obligatory obligatory Song about the iPhone 5 Marvel of modern design I'm Gonna get one, you're gonna get one Obligatory song about the iPhone 5 <|endoftext|> Hello my name is Jonathan mann I write a song a day gonna go for it Just as long as I can I formed a DAO It_s Called songadao the whole world Is new we_re just getting Off the ground we want To spread the meme of Daily creativity That_s why we Applied to seed club we Want to spread the meme Of daily creativity and a Vote from you would really mean a lot The dao is a legal entity Coop that owns the rights To every song that I sing Each day I auction the song NFT It_s been less than a month and we have 41 eth I hope you will take a look At what we have to offer You can see what we are working on At our first thing That we_re building is a Snapshot strategy that allows for One person one vote <|endoftext|> Be my pumpkin, halloween when The weather is getting cold Buzzards feast upon the bones You_ve got an itch you cannot scratch Meet me in the cemetery pumpkin patch Buried neath a pile of leaves Delicate soul longs to be free Tangled up in the fiber and root Mouse squeaks and an owl hoots Down the possum hatch we go Into the possum_s world below Where naked mole rats dance and sing Come one come all this is everything <|endoftext|> I_m the first to admit I made a lot of mistakes Like the time I accidentally sold my bored ape But I also made 3 Million dollars selling song a Day 13 years of work And now i_m poor and Now i_m poor when I Sold the ape, I bought another one Now i_m selling that one, on purpose this time Cuz my wife is having Panic attacks we need to Pay our bills and stuff Like that we should have Just cashed out like everyone said we should <|endoftext|> Karen_s got a gun and She_d like to speak to The manager yeah she_s packing Heat Karen_s got a gun If you_re protestin_ they will Point them at you Karen_s Got a gun her marriage Is a wreck they haven_t Made love since who knows When she drowns her sorrows In wine and gets riled Up she fantasizes about about She can_t remember the last time she was happy Feeling so worthless but surrounded by the trappings Of everything she thought that she always wanted So she grabs her gun and goes out on the lawn Karen_s got a gun and Some denial too repressing her Feelings since 1972 Karen_s got She feels in control She_s Got that look in her eye That comes from deep in her soul Karen_s got a gun and Her finger is on the Trigger look out She_s out On the lawn all of Her rage and all of Her spite are directed at You protesting tonight <|endoftext|> Your mom and dad were very brave Each in a very different way It_s all about choices that you make Day to day know that They_d be proud of you If you stand tall in the things you do Protect those that need protecting too Through and through Edward I Wish you could have known The great witch and wizard who loved you so I_m sorry that they had to go Into the great beyond they Died fighting for what is right But they_re with you every day and night When you stand and when you fight That_s tonks and that_s Remus In your blood your dad Knew about sacrifice he felt It every day of his life He do anything for wizard kind And for humanity your mom Was tough as nails and she Took pride in a style so free I know that she_d want you to be Free to be you too So don_t cry for the parents who are gone The world needs you and your wand Sing with me this remembrance song It goes on and on Someday you_ll see them again We_ll hold you up everyday till then You can always rely on your friends Just count to ten <|endoftext|> Days are gone before they arrive Months go by in the blink of an eye I am exhausted stop the Presses steady rhythm in my Heart piece by piece I'm Taken apart I'm a helionaut You got a different way of seeing What it is to be a human being I wanna be a human treeing For whom time goes slow Fly closer to the sun and closer Feel slowly every fleeting emotion You wanna go back there dontcha But you''ll never go you Can never go back and it's a funny thing Nobody knows why the time is acting In such a linear way It just makes knows sense Back and forth like breath or waves In deep dark caves or the light of day If you could get it all back Would you wanna retrack ? <|endoftext|> I don_t care what you say about me Just as long as you_re honest You_re walking on frail insecurity Never even knowing that you_re on it _ the path you walk is so well worn You think you_re the shelter but you are the storm _ I don_t care what you claim to be Just as long as you own it You can say you_re weird just like me But you simply never shown it You want the things you_ve been told to want You_ve never looked past your childhood taunts Hear them echo, echo, echo in your mind Can you let go, let go, let go in time I don_t care who your allies are I don_t care about your heroes I don_t care what you say online In the end it_s just ones and zeroes You hold your truth so clear and close But the tighter you cling the further it goes Please don_t mistake this song for something Other than what it is Honestly I feel bad for you Dread so present and dangerous You can fool the people who_re ripped apart But your insult_s hollow from a fractured heart <|endoftext|> I just couldn_t dance when It mattered the most I Froze: I split the party into two I caused the tide to rise Behind two brown eyes as Hard as I tried I Couldn_t change the scene magnets And gravity the whole room Was mad at me some Things you just can_t change Sometimes it_s hard to move Windowless room an ungrateful groom And lightning struck the church When prayer doesn_t work you_re Left with knives and forks And I felt like a jerk Magnets and gravity the whole Room was mad at me Please, please I heard the Minister say none of this Was sinister, heywe all are friends here Coasts and jackets coming off Mouths and guns were going off 40 tons of souls were spilling out into the room And i_m gonna sweep up This mess just as soon As I sleep for 24 Hours, straight my heart wouldn_t Beat and I couldn_t speak And just as I heard my name That_s when she came inevitable As rain tears came out Like waves I knew I Couldn_t stay or i_d be Swept away please, please I None of this was sinister, heywe all are friends here Coasts and jackets coming off Mouths and guns were going off 40 tons of souls were spilling out into the room Trees growing out the floor Flames spilling in the door Hot wind blew eagles flew Up overhead I heard a Voice, not what it said But it was you it Was you it was you It was you it was You it was you-ooo bluebird My ears were ringing I Looked, but you weren_t there <|endoftext|> He was taking all the gold from his pockets, And putting it underground like Et from atari no one Can tell the future better Keep it safe and sound And anyway i_d rather be safe than sorry Give a little bit take A little bit more now He_s painting a hole in the ceiling And a chasm on the floor Never seen nothing like it Give him a reason to stay And he_ll give you just one more He_ll take your conversation and spike it Give a little bit take A little bit more like A dog with gun he_s always on the run Looking for some new excuses He lives in a mattress made of salt He_s always asked to be buried With something old and useless So he lays there with a catapult <|endoftext|> I live beneath a rock in prospect park I get my news from a dog way after dark He tells me with a waggle, he tells me with a bark Everything that_s going down I Cuddle up to mud after it rains I soak up all the love and I take pains To grab short term losses lead to long term gains Cause that_s how you win in this town I was born at the break of day And i_ll die before the sun has faded away I am the blood in the beating heart We_ve all got to play our part By 6am it_s joggers and bikes Then onto mothers and their little tykes I pay attention to their fears, wishes and likes And I change from moment to moment Self important men turn up their coats They can_t see me, not that they look close I_m a spirit and a spectre and a sprite and ghost It_s not much but hey I own it <|endoftext|> I'm reaching so hard i'm Reaching... but i just can't Make it i know what I want but i just Can't reach it i know What i need but i Just can't reach it i Know what i want but I never can reach it People lay dying i just Can't reach it everything is Changing i just can't reach It no matter what i Do i never can reach It gotta remember to breathe Blinking and i'm suffocating the Walls come crashing in gotta Remember to feel but the Weight of the days just passing by me Don't give up i just keep trying To reach it gotta remember To love in as many Was as possible somehow don't Single out as the walls Come crashing0000 int gotta remember To sit but the shit Gets going and i start to fading Blinking and i'm suffocating to Reach it <|endoftext|> Ideas come and ideas go And that_s just really ok you know What_s success and what_s failure It can be hard sometimes to know for sure But you just keep trying Yeah you just keep trying Even if you feel like you_re dying You just keep trying yeah You just keep trying <|endoftext|> Have you ever jumped side ways backwards Have you ever really ok boomered Have you beheaded the surveillance elf Have you ever really tried to love yourself You_re not Dorothy and this isn_t oz Planet earth is a lost cause Have you played the game a boy and his blob Boomer push button Boomer turn Knob <|endoftext|> The song I just wrote is tomorrow's song The song I'm doing now Is today's song somebody is Smoking out of their window they Don't want the smoke to get all over Their clothes no they don't Want the smoke to get on Their clothes no no no No they don't want the Smoke to get on their Clothes yeah this is today's Song not tomorrow's song the Song I just wrote is tomorrow's song and This song now is today's song you Won't hear this song I just wrote until Tomorrow I'm sorry if you Don't get smoke on your clothes <|endoftext|> The day is long that leads me here I put on my comfy pants Sleep is a bubble, an oblong sphere I put on my comfy pants They slip on nice it Feels so good no jeans Or slacks just cotton soft I can fade away like So many words forgotten troubles I put on my comfy pants I_ve been cooped up inside and now i_m released I put on my comfy pants I sit down on the bed And look out the window Cityscape rumbles below me little More clouds few less degrees So push all the thoughts out of your mind Put on your comfy pants Nobody can be stylish all of the time Put on your comfy pants <|endoftext|> If you're looking for a place where people Love to read you want To talk about books to help make Your life complete but I Know a place, yes I know a Place where discussion really cooks it's Your own little slice of heaven, get on Down there to a club nook whoa, Whoa, whoa, whoa with his Book clubs and forums on every subject Relating to this device the Weather is perfect, the people are friendly, the Decor is nice club nook, Club nook, read a book and join Find your place in this world, the answer To what's the point oh Club nook, club nook, take a look and You'll see this is the Place that you belong, this is The place where you should be you Should be, whoa, whoa, club nook <|endoftext|> This is the story of the man Who did not invent the paper clip Born in akershus Norway in 1866 he worked18 years in His name was johann Vaaler And he invented a thing That resembles a modern paper clip But lacked that very crucial second ring It was a coworker of his Visiting Germany he saw similar Designs there and said oh That_s funny and he went To the German patent office And he patented it he Even wrote an article about How Johan invented it so Along came ww 2 and The paperclip became symbol of Resistance TO the nazi regime People wanted to know who Invented the paperclip and so To that article they did Go now if you go To Oslo you will find That_s not even Vaaler_s design No one really knows the origin But that don_t matter, see Why let the truth get in the way Of a very good story <|endoftext|> Encyclopedia frown is the baddest Cat around sails the seven Seas and takes the other pirates Down spinach all the way, Makes her stronger every day Cross her and encyclopedia frown Will make you pay ahoy Mateys! here they come! waggin_ Bark, bark, bark but we cut our sails Lock harpoons and release the whales the Baboon crew with their flags red and blue Tried to steal our catnip, what we gonna Do? in the blackest night By silent oar we pick Them up, toss them overboard! on The island of the cats, The captains deliberate in their pirate hats but Deep in the jungle, a sound, a rumble The lions and the tigers are bringing their Trouble tails are swishin_, kitties Are hissin_, it seems some Booty has gone a-missin_ encyclopedia Frown took all the tigers down all The lions bowed to encyclopedia Frown <|endoftext|> I bought my children folders and pencils Three ring binders, erasers and pens And in that moment, in the aisle of staples Long lost feelings came back again I got PTSD from the Years that I spent feeling Stuck and unfree I got Ptsd remembering back to school My stomach turning, tied up in knots Getting sad at tv commercials Mourning the summer days I lost <|endoftext|> We were early to the protest It was only just the four of us It was cold the others to arrive That_s when a man started yelling at us He started yelling and screaming at us Well this happens at every protest You don_t engage, that_s the guideline But when I looked in his eyes Well the pain that I saw It looked just like mine His pain it looked just like mine So I walked straight up to him He was pelting me with words I said the shouting stop and we can talk Of course this made the shouting worse I only made the shouting worse Now I really wanted to talk to him To find some common ground in pain But when I told him this He got these balled up fists And was a fire of unquenchable rage All the pain just came out as rage By this time more had arrived More jews for a ceasefire We all started to shout Ceasefire now it was a Shouting match with this guy He walked away shouting up at the sky All around the world it is like this Jews shouting at each other, oh no The feelings we feel are Equally real the shared trauma That lives in our bones But then we lit the menorahs Recited prayers and songs were sung We chanted and said that Never again means never again For anyone means never again For anyone <|endoftext|> Money can't buy you love Money can't buy you taste All the time you spend acquiring it Is time that's going to waste Money won't make you right If you're fundamentally wrong money Won't make you a better person In fact the opposite is often true They've done studies where they prove That money only makes you an asshole But it's ok doesn't have To be that way all Your loneliness is temporary and You could learn to have good taste someday Tech ceos money coming out Their nose I wonder when They're lying in bed at night Is there a song in their head that goes Money can't buy you love Money can't buy you taste This logo redesign you just did Looks like a vagina face Oh that's money well spent Just look around my friend The city that you live in Is crumbling to the ground again Money won't make you right If you're fundamentally wrong money Won't make you a better person In fact the opposite is often true They've done studies where they prove That money only makes you an asshole <|endoftext|> Told you once told you twice must Have told you thousand times get Over it get over it nobody Here sees what you do nobody's Paying attention to you get Over it get over it look To your left look to your right nobody's Even seeing your eyes get Over it get over it everybody Sees what they want they're Not thinking about you it all get over It get over it but Oh tell me what you think you Can tell me anything you want cause I'm Listening I'm the only one Up to see you down To the floor nobody gives A anymore get over it Get over over it you Might think you're the center but you're just What you are and that's what you are So get over it you Can go outside stay right there frankly nobody Cares get over it oh Day you do something new but nobody is Paying attention to you at all period but I wanna see you now oh Coming on up to the house with something New I care about you and I'm The only yes I'm the Only one <|endoftext|> One of these days I'm Gonna be saved darling won't You meet me where the Black berries grow save me A sweet and when we Meet I'll tell you what I know cause one of These days one of these Days one of these days I'm gonna be saved one Of these days one sip From a bottle one slip Of the tongue going full Throttle is wasted on the Young so one of these Days one of these days One of these days I'm Gonna be saved one of These days meet me downtown I'll save you pennies if You wear a red dress and bring me fruit One of these days one Of these days one of These days one of these Days I'm gonna be saved <|endoftext|> Then you posted about it You thought somehow that meant you won Then it was reinstated if This were star wars you'd be the death star If it were lord of the rings you live in modor If this were the smurfs you'd be gargamel If this were harry potter you'd be voldermort You can mess around with my website name It's rock cookie bottom bitch What does MG stand for anyway? Or is it just your sissy pen name <|endoftext|> Put me underneath a blanket Tell me another story make It a scary one I Can take it but I I got calluses on my finger the size of Timbuktu and I'm coming for And I'm coming for you It's snowing in Connecticut in The month of May all Are hiding in misery and Now inside inside inside I'm Inside I'm coming for you What is happiness when is The cry when there's the Coming for <|endoftext|> I am cooking dinner making yellow curry I got to get back to it so I'm singing this in a hurry Yellow curry with brown rice to be exact It's gonna be really yummy but I have to get back to it right now <|endoftext|> Marlon Brando and JFK are Alive in uruguay and the World_s not round, son It_s A bee dance in the sixth dimension And they_re coming coming for you And they_re gonna use JEWISH Lasers FROM SPACE Gilda radner And Tom hanks stockpiling Panzer Tanks Mister rogers and PBS But instead of telling us They_re gonna bust out JEWISH Lasers FROM SPACE look, it_s Really not that hard from My tower of isengard I See all and know all The frogs are turning gay Whatever you love they_ll wreck it And when you least expect it Jewish LASERS FROM SPACE <|endoftext|> Times square was built on a swamp that River_s gonna do what it wants hurricanes And the ocean gets higher the Rain falls and there_s a wall of fire Tragedy requires hope but i_m Just check out and i_m Just like nope lost in The dust bowl or bomb cyclone looking For the dopamine hit from my iPhone go Bags and a midnight hustle my Bones shake into my too tense muscle we Do our best to ignore it the Fact that they won_t let us live if We can_t pay for it I think about The things i_ll miss fresh I_m lost in the dust bowl or bomb Cyclone I won_t have time to stare at My iPhone you know what 10 people you have around you will They be there year from now 5 years 10 years 50 years out <|endoftext|> I wanna go where the wind blow where The trees grow with abandon I wann with A spring breeze blows through the trees with Abandon oh I wanna go There now I wanna be In the I want to see all the Green that's growing on the trees with abandoned Home smell that turtle shel With abandoned I wanna go right now I Wanna go into the where Once there was green there Was just concrete and I'm Just walking running in the street I want To touch the grass so much that the Tree's getting embarrassed with abandon I wanna yell a turtle shell pushing Down beneath the tree with the band I Wanna go right now I wan right now To the green to the green to the Green <|endoftext|> That baby Yoda song is going viral on Tik tok I_d be lying if I said I totally get it I_ve been posting a song a day on YouTube For 11 years but now i_m sitting here an old man But I made myself an account on Tik tok I_ve been messing around It_s Just a bit overwhelming but You can see what i_ve been up to over there <|endoftext|> This book tried to eat me This book tried to kiss me This book throw itself at my head And only barely missed me This book told me a story It has a mouth and lips and all that This book jumped on my shoulders And purred just like a cat At the hogwarts library at Library this book ate my Lunch this book sang an Opera this book burnt itself This book sheds it_s pages This book calls you names Bunch of books are in the rafters Playing some kind of game At the hogwarts library at Library <|endoftext|> I've got no poison in my blood I got pockets full of pebbles I keep one eye on the dark side But my heart is with the rebels I slept with girls I thought I liked But I didn't know who they were But I'm in the future now I'm fine With my flux capacitor they're Shooting a scene on my street Everyone's pretending they shine lights And then call action don't They know the world's ending I was in a movie once It was a gigantic flop I played myself but with a hat And my buddy was a cop Fold me up like a brain that's stacked And I'll tell you your future right now Tell me where you wanna go and I'll draw a map I will get you there as weather does allow Mother nature lingers on each Weather pattern changing she can't Seem to make up her mind 5 year old finger painting She doesn't care about me I only half believe in her And I'm living in the future now With my flux capacitor I Want to give you what you want I want to keep it from you too I want to make you feel safe And I want to torture you I'm like David on the throne I just do what I can Sometimes I have bad dreams When I'm like Abraham <|endoftext|> I got a cold i_m Feeling old It_s Colorado time Where can I go to Not ache and roll I Want to flow back into The sea back into the River my skin makes me Shiver right down to my Bones my muscles are alone I_m so tired but i_m On vacation and I want To be better better better Better I want to be Better don_t send me a Letter I just want to Be better <|endoftext|> Wake light It_s a great Light it_ll wake you up Real slow wake light at Drift to sleep you_ll go W a k e l I g h t <|endoftext|> The pieces of the chess set Have all been knocked around The players sit there staring They forgot what they were thinking about The table_s made of metal And the floor is made of wood And the ground is made of you and me It_s where our ancestors stood You got what I got I got what you got You know what I know I know what you know <|endoftext|> Is it worth doing? then Why don't you do it? Stop asking questions and push Yourself through it i'm not Giving advice here just saying My piece and if you Don't like it then call The police i was never A sailor but i sailed The seas i'm not a Bee keeper but i've been Stung by bees i was Never a baker but i've Baked a cake and i'll Bake one for you for Heavens sake don't misunderstand me Don't make a big fuss Don't auto correct me don't Throw up your arms don't Walk away until the final Bell rings you gotta fight And stay call the police Now call 911 call the Call your first born son Nobody can help you you Gotta do this alone but I'm here beside you just Put down the phone put On your shoes now and Put on a coat grab An umbrella let go of My throat make a wish On a tea pot stars Just ain't right tea has More meaning stars are just Dead light don't hold your Horses let the horses go Unless you want to hurt the grass so I'm under the gun and I'm under your thumb mick Jagger would tell you not To stare at the sun <|endoftext|> I didn_t ask to be born I didn_t ask for any of this When I heard my father call my name And I saw he had been betrayed I lost it I had To fight I had no Choice but to kill my brothers I lost it all day And night I took their Lives and then I took Their powers <|endoftext|> Grab your cape and grab your wand Pretend you_re from Nicon you_re Awesome we_re going to Wondercon, We_re going to Wondercon you Were born this way you Were born to nerd this Is your field day you Will nerd out undeterred you_re A strange bird you_re going To Wondercon, you_re going to Wondercon We are going, we are going there Going to Wondercon nerds of Every shape and size nerds Of every stripe and kind They_re all here letting it All hang out now it_s Cool to be a nerd But not in the way that we are They still think that we_re absurd They still think that we_re bizarre They_re right we_re going to Wondercon, we_re going to Wondercon We_re going to Wondercon, we_re going to Wondercon <|endoftext|> Some like it hot some like it cool When you sleep you may try to do With an open window or a heating pad That sleep that you're getting's not the best You could have you need Bedjet bedjet an air driven Climate climate control machine built By an ex NASA space Suit engineer Bluetooth enabled it So quiet you won't hear Your bed jet it'll make Your bed the exact temperature you want <|endoftext|> I don_t much feel like singing today I mostly feel like running away I wish that I could somehow wake From this nightmare United states The bad timeline, we got the bad timeline No this is not fine, we_re in the bad timeline Who can say when we went off the road I_d maybe pin it 1980 or so Alternate history lights up my mind But we_re stuck in this timeline And that_s all i_ve got to say about that Oh wait I have more to say Asteroid, wildfire, hurricane, earthquake at The moment i_ve got a splitting headache I wish that I could somehow wake From this nightmare United states <|endoftext|> I just go about my day As if everything_s ok but It_s never far away the Future that doesn_t exist water Flows easy from the tap I take a lazy afternoon nap I dream in technicolor crap The future that doesn_t exist I should be out chaining myself To oil infrastructure all around Instead i_m singing songs about The future that doesn_t exist <|endoftext|> True statement comes out false It feels like a kick in the balls Get your head up out of your ass Nobody can read your crazy mind spaz Nobody knows what you_re talking about Fight the urge to fly into the flame Under the bridge and through the rain You_ll find the news you don_t want to hear And you_ll have to face it and all your fears Nobody knows what you_re talking about Speak clearly and use few words Look in my eyes don_t be awkward Say exactly what you mean Or else you_re just an old machine <|endoftext|> You can still be the person That you want just start Today with what you_ve got To live your life exactly The way that you would Like just get up in The morning and say that It_s ok Whatever_s going on Take another look it might Not be the same get Up in the morning and Say that it_s ok I Know not everyone has what They need to go through Life the way they_d like To be sometimes it_s money Sometimes it_s freedom or the Goddamn human race one fine Morning you just may discover Is yours and no one other_s You can try to fight it Or just embrace it run Away from all the pain Or sit and face it <|endoftext|> It_s time to get serious Enough fooling around if you_ve Picked up toys time to Put them all down if You_ve gone out to play Time to come back in We got work to do And it_s sink or swim Time to put on a suit Time to shine your shoes If you thought this was easy I_ve got news for you I got a bridge to sell you I got a miracle drug If you want to survive On luck and love if You_re looking for a hand out Better pack your bags you_re Just not rational It_s time For facts you_ll never make It if you don_t buckle Down you_ll never take it If you_re not serious then You_re out of time if You_re not thinking about the Bottom line don_t let the Door hit you as you Crawl away you_ll never win <|endoftext|> Back in the old days In the land of Galilee There was a man named Jesus Who was a friend of you and me He believed in working people He believed in rights for all And he didn_t put up with bullshit And that_s why he took the fall Jesus cast the money changers Out of the temple religion And money don_t mix, he said It_s just that simple and When it comes to a living wage I wanna hear the people say That it_s not up to the top ones And it_s up to the people Since that day he died Over 2,000 years ago Jesus Has been abused by folks Who just don_t know that If he ever could see them Doing the kind of things That they want to do He_d up and break their bodies Right into two _but he Was a pacifist_ you say And yeah, you would be right But there_s only so much a pacifist will take Before he_s got to fight And when it comes to people_s lives Kids, husbands, and wives There_s Nothing to stop a body from turning Towards the light some come All you people be you Atheists or jews buddhists, new Age hippies muslims or hindus Only here and now we Gotta set this world right somehow And there is such oppression that you can barely see When the way of the world itself Seems to be against you and me We gotta turn it all around Set the world on its head Start feeding our own selves Can_t count on being fed Bababadaba baba dobadobado Bababadaba badabada Bo babodabo Bababadaba baba dobadobado <|endoftext|> It_s kinda like when your favorite small time band Gets really popular It_s like, Good going, good good going I_m happy for you for sure But there_s a part of me that_s real sad inside Like what made you special to me has died And there_s nothing that a big multinational Corporation won_t junk up Visa, You fucking assholes why_d you Have to go and pick that punk up In my bones I do believe punks are a work of art But the company of charging fees Absurd interest rates oh jeez That goddamn breaks my heart And if I sound like a hipster douche You what that_s really fine I_d rather be a hipster douche Thank lick the boots of corporate swine Oh yes welcome our corporate overlords We_re so happy you are here As long as you pump our fucking bags We_ll goose step and cheer plolkkl <|endoftext|> Dancing over dancing down by The river oh we dancing I Said we're dancing down by the river now We're gonna dance on and you can't stop Us we're gonna dance on and you can't Stop us now we're gonna dance on and You can't stop us at all because we're Dancing dancing down by the River dancing but we're dancing Down by the river we're Going to dance on yeah we're going to Dance on forever and ever Ever and ever or at Least till the end of This <|endoftext|> I don't even have the time to write these words I gotta go, i got things to do But i'll be seeing you I am running late and out of time Losing weight each morning i'm On patrol and i'm on the move So i'll be seeing you If i missed your call And i don't call back Don't take it personal if Emails go unanswered i apologize You might distract i'm tired And my plate is full I'm like a fire dancer in a Ring of ice i'm too Poor for a shopping spree Elves and reindeer laugh at me It's christmas time, i'm a jew And i'll be seeing you The season weights heavy on my nerves I don't even have the time to write these words I gotta go, i got things to do But i'll be seeing you <|endoftext|> Today is one small victory For all the you_s and all the me_s Today marks the end of the overdraft fees But the banks driven by greed Want to fool you with some trickery They want you to sign up for overdraft fees (look out) they call it Protection they tell you you Need it point so preposterous I'd never concede iti I Over draw my card and They foot my bill they Can charge me crazy fees And you and I know they will But if I overdraft my card It necessarily means I don't have the money To pay them their fees It's a catch 22 (sort of) Don't get caught by the Greedy banks the greedy banks The greedy banks the greedy Banks want you to sign Up for overdraft fees read The fine print read the Fine print 34 dollars for Over draft fees read the Fine print read the fine Print 35 dollars for over Draft fees if you overdraft A buck 34 dollars 34 If you overdraft a cent, one cent 35 dollars 35 dollars ohhh The greedy banks want you To sign up for overdraft fees Tell _em no, tell _em no Don_t go signing up for overdraft fees (please) <|endoftext|> Keep doin what I do And it wouldn_t always be so easy If I didn_t have you I don_t feel like a fool Not when I have you I don_t feel like a fool Not when I have you And it isn_t always easy Doin this every day if I ever stopped enjoying it I guess i_d be on my way If I ever felt like a fool I guess i_d have to stop I know sometimes i_m uncool But uncool is where it_s at So as long as you keep watchin Even when I suck i_ll Keep writing these songs and With any luck we_ll all Be fools together in the End we_ll all be fools Friends <|endoftext|> Hey Paul Krugman why aren_t You in the administration? is There some kind of politicking that I don_t Understand at me? Timothy Geitner He_s like some little weasel And wasn_t he in a Position of power, and all His shit went down in the first Place? when I listen to You, things seem to make Sense I listen to him, all I hear Is blah blah blah hey, Paul Krugman where the hell Are you, man? cuz we Need you on the front line not Just writing for the new York times i_d feel better If you were calling some Shots instead of writing your Blog and probably thinking a Lot I mean, don_t you have some influence? Why aren_t you Secretary of The Treasury? for god_s sake, Man, you won the Nobel Prize Timothy Geitner uses TurboTax Make sense I listen to him, all I Hear is blah blah blah hey, Paul Krugman where the hell Are you, man? Obama breakdown Sing it with me now When I listen to you, Things seem to make sense I listen to him, all I hear Is blah blah blah hey, Paul Krugman where the hell Are you, man? your country Needs you now <|endoftext|> Chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos Chaos Tacos z let's go Let's go let's go chaos Sorry daddy sorry chaos Gradientfor Gradient for President metallic is Count mom count Grey Beard Keepa smile hold refusal soul Bound dream of chaos chaos Breakyou psych two more vote Story tone show me your ways Switch me away greeting you Is my dad greeting is My dad greedy and his father always angry Sorry bad trauma chaos for All eternity go go go Go go go <|endoftext|> Can I maybe reach 10,000 subscribers? Can this maybe put me into some kind of club? What is this club that I want to belong to? And why do I want to be part of it? Youtube is quite a bit like high school Popular kids generally don_t look my way Maybe when I hit 10,000 subscribers They_ll sit at my lunch table And then I will say Heyyyyy you_re a lot like Me and we_re just the Same we all want the Same things things thing-thing-thingsss I All of my problems would just go away After all, if all these people loved me What else could matter in the big scheme of things? But now that i_m here I think I realize something It_s not about how many subscribers you have The only way to really ensure you_ll be happy Is to find a way To love yourself heyyyy we That_s all we really want We all wanna be loved Loved lo-lo-lo-loved loved loved Mmmm And we wanna be loved I wanna give love and Be loved too oh so And i_ll love you everybody Wants love we all wanna Be loved heyyyy we all We all wanna be loved We all wanna be loved Loved lo-lo-lo-loved loved loveddd <|endoftext|> Everything is going wrong and Anyone with any sense can see the reason There are major corporations with More rights than any human It_s all backwards they fund Our democracy and every single Way they can It_s time That somebody stood up _cause Someone_s gotta stick it to the man You gotta stick Someone_s gotta Stick it to the man You gotta stick Someone_s gotta Stick it to the man So you got Anonymous and Wikileaks and that_s a start Even though I don_t agree with Every single thing they do I still support them I Feel so powerless they_ve got This gross, greedy cynical plan But it_s up to us to disrupt it Yeah someone_s gotta stick it to the man You gotta stick Someone_s gotta Stick it to the man You gotta stick Someone_s gotta Stick it to the man I said Someone_s gotta stick It to the man when I say _they_ i_m not Trying to be mysterious i_m Talking _bout Goldman sachs and Bank of America they just Rule over us now i_m Not a conspiracy theorist and You don_t have to be to see That there_s something not quite right At the heart of our democracy Because they_re they_re throwing people In jail for not paying Their debt they_re taking over Whole towns like Benton Harbor Michigan i_m talking left and The right they_re all in On the march so go Out, and do something drastic Something peaceful something big to There_s a great big flood a_comin_ And it_s gonna change the world Can you feel it gonna Change it for the better Or the worse I think It_s up to us to choose it Well they made their vision clear Now it_s time we took our stand I don_t wanna be afraid anymore It_s time for us to stick it to the man C_mon and stick it C_mon And stick it C_mon and Stick it Someone_s gotta stick It to the... C_mon and Stick it C_mon and stick It C_mon and stick it C_mon and stick it C_mon And stick it C_mon and Stick it Someone_s gotta stick It to the MAN <|endoftext|> The world the world is A lonely place we got The tones to help you face The day before you, don_t refuse it Home grown tones hand crafted Music made with love and Come down and see at The corner of king Hill Road And old subsonic street <|endoftext|> Roberta claus hangs up her Hat and pours herself a Drink She_s been pulled this She hasn_t had a chance to think I_d wish you a merry Christmas If I thought that it would help But the trees won_t look at me And i_m falling down Roberta Claus sleeps till noon and She_s been writing poetry for The moon and eating every Meal alone i_d wish you A merry Christmas if I Thought that it would help But the elves have unionized And i_m falling down <|endoftext|> I can_t control the thoughts that go through my head So I try to just sit and watch them go by instead My body somehow maintains this 98 degrees My heart keeps beating it doesn_t need help from me I don_t know from whence my compulsions come No doubt some deep dark nook from when I was young When I die will my soul keep going without my help Will all my thoughts and feelings go to someone else If happiness is your goal then you_ll be sad to find That happiness is fleeting no exceptions all the time The best you can hope for is equanimity And for that you gotta go live out at sea <|endoftext|> It_s my birthday It_s it_s My birthday It_s my birthday It_s my birthday It_s it_s My birthday today is my Birthday It_s my birthday It_s It_s my birthday It_s it_s My birthday It_s my birthday It_s my birthday It_s it_s My birthday It_s my birthday Things are great they_re going Pretty well i_m getting older I got gray hair in various places Uh, uh, uh It_s my Birthday another year down they Like lickety split now maybe I got another 60 years or so And then i_ll die unless Medical science can somehow keep me alive It_s my birthday It_s it_s My birthday oh It_s my It_s it_s my birthday yeah It_s it_s my birthday It_s My birthday goddamn my birthday It_s it_s my birthday fuck Yeah now It_s my birthday <|endoftext|> Boarded room in a palace, a palace The lights shine down from aurora borealis She looks up with her telescope in her eye And the dragon she sees does a fly by Another wind whipping through the fireplace Another long story cut to the chase She and the lizard on the horizon Like Hercules and lady Godiva I was on first I put it in second Do your wors I said to the president You won't find another mind like mine Another axe to grind Tha'll sparkle and shine Like front row seats to your favorite show Like hot hot beats on the dance flow Like brand new sheets on an ancient bed Ain't no wheat in that gluten free bread Melting pot and clock that melts Her body karate in mile long black belt She's on the moon where space is still She's got a book and time to kill From the back porch, from the back porch seeing The shape of the moon is disagreeing In morse code she's on the move With a dark dress on and nothing to prove I stalked and walked and crawled and hopped She got to mars and then stopped She had an umbrella, a sure sure sign That the nature of things was sparkle and shine Like a fresh hot meal on a cold clear day Like breaking the law and then a getaway Like puppies and kittens and panda bears Like saying finally who cares 00 <|endoftext|> Let_s all take a trip Let_s shoot it right from the hip Teeter on the brink of obscurity And the ribbons of the highway Were lost at sea and I_m in love with you And you_re in love with me, too Drifting in the space It_s A mystery give and take, Kiss It_s a gift to Me so we_re going for A ride up and down The other side going rolling On and on and one two three I look at you and You look at me so Let_s all take a trip Shoot it right from the hip Throwing rocks down the well Til they make a splash You are June Carter and I_m johnny cash so let_s All take a trip Let_s All take a trip I Said let_s all take a trip Let_s all take a trip <|endoftext|> And nothing rhymes with purple And if i'm not careful i might explode I'm faded around the edges Come on trim the hedges Santa in his sledges coming down the road Masterpiece peace to the master Mitigate my disaster rooms are For living mistakes for forgiving Feet are for dancing eyes Are for glancing pants are For pantsing without even trying to Get relief in charming window Display masterpiece who are you Whoa, whoa the games we Are playing hear the sleigh Bells slaying what were you Saying about christmas cheer? jesus Rhymes with purple jesus rhymes So well put him in A van and get him out of here <|endoftext|> Alien: we were born on a warm summer day 10,000 strong and HOODY: nobody Oh for so long then Cigerette: suddenly the people came, The flood gates opened up Mohawk: aliens and zombies, apes, They could not get enough Messy HAIR + PINK LIPS: And by the end of the day we had all gone Into the loving arms of our new home Red HAIR SUNGLASSES: can_t you It was we? PURPLE HAT + RED HAIR look what You_ve done to us you Left us be hi ind Lost in the ether collecting dust Out of sight out of my ind Alien: there was a flaw In our code it was Not our fault without a Second thought you depra depra Cated CIGERETTE yeah it was We were tossed aside infiltrated Oh, impersonated SUNGLASSES you have The time has come MESSY Hair we just want what_s Rightfully ours the punk kingdom Tech c e os celebrities the flood gates opened up Mohawk: aliens and zombies, apes, They could not get enough Red HAIR SUNGLASSES: can_t you It should be me? MESSY Hair + PINK LIPS: we Have to watch as all the little fakers Are so sweetly embraced by the whole wide world <|endoftext|> 91 counts in 4 states The most indicted president in history Lock her up they used to yell But it was me all along destined for jail I could stand in the middle of fifth avenue And kill a man in cold blood and all of you Maga would cheer cuz you_re so afraid You need a strong man feel safe We_re a plutocratic death cult to the end This cold civil war is about to begin Getting hot January 6th was just the start Eat my shit and smell my farts <|endoftext|> Times are tough the economy Sucks so what are you Gonna do? you can talk A lot talk all you Want talk till your face Is blue talk till there Is nothing left but a Great big talking head that Doesn't listen and is inconstant About all the things it says The other option to talking a lot And the one i do prefer Is doing something concrete and real Something rad and pure - - f - g - - f - Bear hug the president bear Hug the president bear hug Him oh so good and While your at it bear Hug Ayn rand she could Use it, I think she could Bear hug the other guy Because hugs have healing way Bear hug the president Y-A-Y Yay! Hug someone close to You Hug someone far away Hug someone that you hate <|endoftext|> I don't know but yeah we'll go look At the star don't worry about who you're Not don't worry about who you are this Time just put yourself into The frame of mind to Look at the stars together oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh somebody Said that you are not somebody Said that you are nobody Knows which is right so don't worry and Look at the stars tonight tonight tonight tonight Somewhere there's someone that looks just like you Uh oh and they think you're Respond But they don't know anything anything put on Your plate let's go inside let's lay down And make a pie let's go outside and Stare at the birds let's go outside and Stare at the tightrope walkers trying To make their way through the world tight Road walkers trying to go trying to go Trying to go <|endoftext|> I_m just a man who feels love in his heart Cupid sitting at the bar His friends are throwing darts Other things we love the Things that set us apart I_m not sure of anything There was silence and then There was noise I felt Annoyed it was like some Kind of poison I had To conclude I was not Like other boys i_m not Sure of anything gross misunderestimation I delight in occurrences and Touch the absurd firebrand and Ballyhoo and dragons like birds I_m not sure of anything Awkard man and sinners summers Come to an end you Don_t need lovers when you Have got friends It_s that Time of year again and Now you_re attending i_m not Sure of anything Nooo <|endoftext|> I_m going deep under cover In the belly of the whale The intelligence I gather if I survive the tale will Power entire continents from Minsk To Miami in faces of The children That_s where you_ll Look for me i_m going Deep under cover layers of Hearts gone cold minds that Have but given up and A patchwork of shifting souls I_ll enter in the bloodstream Crawling inch by inch and All that they will notice Will be a momentary flinch I_m going deep under cover Blended to a fine point Like a distant sun fire On the inside and if You try to follow you_ll Get singed at least and Possibly burned to a crisp So please just leave me be <|endoftext|> Let go of after and Before too It_s Joie de Vivre vodka, sex and spicy Food It_s all about resilience Grab the rhythm from the cloud And don_t forget to laugh Hee hee hee, ha ha ha Yo ho ho, ya ya ya Some people_ve got their ducks in a row But they_re not happ ay Some people can_t even find their ducks And they_re happy anyway we All held our arms out It was burning intensely I Kinda got mad at Dave But I guess that_s on me The rhythm is not complex When you hear it just alone But you put everyone together It_s one big beautiful song Mallory wanted to just stay home Cuddle up and watch TV But she trekked down to the pool And joy came back to Mallory She was moving forward on Her own power once more She swam through her fear Straight into the gold we Don_t see them coming those Moments hit us hard It_s How we react to them That define who we are Let_s not try to beat The traffic and let_s not Text and drive we are Missing important moments in our Lives always bring your full Hug and bring your whole High five next time you_re In a meeting just do A conga line <|endoftext|> If you're moving on I Will sing your song as You go forth into the world If you're moving on calling Out the neighbor's face putting All your things in their place I will sing I will Sing cause it's the only Thing I know how to Do the only only thing That I can do for You for you moving on I'll make it up to you in over time I will make it true I will make it true I will make it true You're moving on going where The sun still shining down Where all of the dragons have found their fire If you're moving on consider Taking this with you my friend I'll miss you my friend If you're moving on if You're moving on if you're Moving on <|endoftext|> I shaved my beard I shaved my beard I feel like I look weird oh Well I shaved my beard my Adhd craves the novelty my Autism can_t deal with the sensory the Planet_s getting hotter It_s been Over 90 degrees allllllll goddamn Week and so I shaved My beard I shaved it Right off my face hair Flying everywhere in a mad Dash for the human race we Got nothing we got no Plan for the havoc that_s Raining on every woman child And man and non-binary National Supreme Court just reinforced more Legal bribery I held on As long as I could but voting is Like my beard it covers Up the real face of a the Twisted and the feared <|endoftext|> I_m flying on a jet plane over the Atlantic to Vienna Trying to explain how not to panic when you hear the call Airport they_re sure they have Taking off on time into the air I barely spot it something On the wing as if in twilight zone I am existing Was it my imagination? could It be sinister? drink cart My eyes come into focus And there_s nothing there <|endoftext|> Today I caught a scyther A jigglypuff and a vanilla In a rock and roll A magikarp and a hippopotas Zapidos nas left into kyogre Palkia cancer Chyorum and an Anti and a flagon and a Yep tal and a Landorus Teriokin and a retirum and A lactose and a Cressalia Giratina and a lact and A ho o and a A zigzun and a frillish Hitman top and a Pikachu Jack tot and an unknown An unknown in a Chimcho Chimcho an unknown in the Chimcho an unknown in the Unknown in the Chimtail unknown Chimtail unknown and a chimtail And a woo and a bat A woo woo woo woo bat and an unknown in the Chimcho and an unknown in the Chimcho an unknown in the Ho that's more like chime Chim chimecho chimecho chimecho okay <|endoftext|> It_s getting close to that holiday time of year Do you already have your gifts picked out? If not: you should commission A song from me for Somebody in your life It_s Quick and it_s easy and It_s something they_ll really like Cause we make it just for them You tell me what to write about and then I write the song and you_ll see the look on their face I get a lotta commissions around this time of year So there_s no time to waste <|endoftext|> Offset your gains with the tax loss harvest Mitigate the pain with the tax loss harvest Not illegal yet, so don_t be modest get Rid of your worthless coins crypto Taxes are so very annoying income Can only be offset by capital loss up Three thousand dollars but capital Gains well they can be offset by Up to infinite capital loss these Rules benefit the rich cuz they have So much more money with which to play While the poor and working folks pay and Pay and pay There_s no Software that works to handle all your Crypto tax, no you end Up having to just go transaction by Transaction to get it right the Big big banks want it this way to Do away with self custody so Meanwhile all of us pay and pay and Pay get rid of your Worthless nfts crypto taxes brings Me to my knees <|endoftext|> Oh well the headless band rides again Earth, fire, water, wind no Beginning and no end the Headless band rides again 5000 Times the coin was tossed Entropic stone gather no moss Shout it from the mountain tops The headless band was called Chaos oh well the headless Band is riding through chaos Is me chaos is you Never try but always do The headless band is riding through Sun, snow, fog and rain Chaos is what remains in A universe that won_t be tamed The headless band was named <|endoftext|> British airways force me to check this Guitalele British airways force me to check this Guitalele Uh oh I've had a Long day of traveling it's been 22 hours of traveling and I would have Done my song hours ago would have done It at the airport like I've Done so many times before I would have, I would have except for the fact that British airways forced me to check this Guitalele British airways forced me to check this Guitalele British airways forced me to check this Guitalele British airways forced me to check to check I don't know why they had to be Such assholes and forced me to check this Guitalele would have done my song hours ago If they hadn't forced me now I'm tired cause I've been Up for 22 hours traveling been up For 22 hours traveling and I would've done My song now I gotta Sit and do my song I Don't wanna do my song but I gotta Sit and do it because british Airways force me to check the Guitalele British airways force me to check the Guitalele British airways force me to check the Guitalele Fuck you british airways fuck <|endoftext|> He_s a devoted and fun dad Crack crack hatching baby birds Vangundies harper and Ollie grabbing On to his legs Quimby Snuggling watching basketball all day Adam he only sleeps four Hours Adam he always wears Adam grows a beard in Minutes Adam he loves mashed From Iowa and that_s where he met his wife But he is a new Yorker at heart Works at Rock star playing games all day Great photographer and a patron of the arts Hard working and smart and very funny Loyal to all his friends With his black rimmed glasses Let_s sing the chorus again Adam he only sleeps four Hours Adam he always wears Adam grows a beard in Minutes Adam he loves mashed <|endoftext|> I don't understand how to use Twitter The more I tweet the more I'm lost It seems like I should try to be funny But I'm not funny so it's a lost cause Or maybe I should tweet Really interesting links but somehow That sounds like a full time job I wish that I could cheat And buy followers like Romney But hey I'm not that desperate And not that much of a knob I don't understand Twitter I Don't understand it just one bit I don't understand Twitter but I don't think I can quit So I'll keep using Twitter And blindly grope about and My tweets will remain sub optimal Until someone helps me out I don't understand twitter! <|endoftext|> All the lights have gone Out and There_s smoke upon The wind i_ve lost count The drum beat never ends If you_re looking for absolution You should know i_ve none To give That_s just the For the way we lived On the corner feral dogs Bark mutant blood upon their Lips underneath us the earth Ecstasy in continental drifts if You_re looking for a way out You should know nobody knows Where it is That_s just For the way we lived All my dreams are of Grapes and tea butterflies and Giant frogs when I could See the stars at night If you_re looking for forgiveness You should know There_s no One who can forgive That_s Just the price we pay Now for the way we lived <|endoftext|> They caught each other_s eye on an airplane They were both in the wedding party Romantic walk and they danced a bunch But Liz had a flight to catch early Then at the LA marathon They didn_t see each other in the race But they met up after and watched the tarheels Katherine thought he was pretty great He texted her right after You_re even more great that i remember They went skiiing in Colorado And they met a guy named bear Brett and Elizabeth running in The marathon the love between Them keeps them going on And on and on Brett Took Liz on a mystery date Surprise trip to Chicago Wrigley Stadium and sears tower but No sharing of desert, no no He visited her Flagstaff they Hiked 46 miles in less than a day So much trust and encouragement That_s the only way they made it through, the only way Liz moved out to alabama This past December he proposed And now they_re be together forever Running down that long and Winding road <|endoftext|> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do Eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore Labore et dolore labore et Dolore magna aliqua ut enim Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex Labore et dolore labore et Dolore labore et dolore magna Commodo consequat Duis aute irure In voluptate velit esse cillum Dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur Cupidatat non proident sunt in Culpa qui officia deserunt mollit <|endoftext|> I can't stop peeing out My butt <|endoftext|> Does he need to be changed? Was that a burp? why Won't he latch? when did He poop? did he get Enough did he get too Much? where's the milk? is Is he in pain? feeling Restless needs weight gain we He needs to sleep! he's Crying now what does it Mean? is he hungry? what He's awake now he's asleep What can we do swaddle Him lift him up cradle Put him down snuggle him Cuddle him <|endoftext|> Her passport says irish but She was born in Trinidad Lived in ceylon before growing Up in Manila her name's From the0 sunrise on the Way to the hospital dawn Fiona, dawn dawn Fiona two And faye and one younger Brother, sean they all have Arguments about who is the Most normal dawn and faye Trucks spraying DDT pesticides she's A special kind of crazy she's Sprazy she's a special kind Of crazy she's a special Kind of crazy she's sprazy She had pony named mocha Who she had to feed mice there Was monkey named KeeKee which Bit the beagle boogie on the balls They had 17 cats, 17 cats dawn Loves lists, she's organized and disciplined she Doesn't suffer fools and has no poker face She's surgically attached to her iPhone it's in Her hand Facebook and words With friends and instragram dawn Loves to drink and has epic 6 pack Abs when she's drinking she'll Show her abs off to Strangers Dawn's smart and funny But can't process sarcasm you Can tell her almost anything and she'll believe You Robert met dawn on Paddy's in '98 when she Came to visit faye in The computer science lab he Was glaring at him the whole rest of The day turns out she Liked him, turns out she liked Him <|endoftext|> I don_t remember even half the songs that i_ve written Don_t remember even half the girls That i_ve been smitten with Try to sit and meditate But it doesn_t work i_m Unable to satiate my self worth I feel like a jerk I don_t remember even half the days that i_ve been alive Don_t remember even half the meals that i_ve eaten Food that i_ve tried my Brain_s a big jumble just A series of tunes if You hear me mumble That_s What I do when I Think about who I am Tell myself that I am only Just a tiny little speck And everyone that_s ever known me Will forget me when i_m gone And things will carry on Though we_ll all be dead Don_t remember even what her face looked like Forget about the feeling of her skin Don_t even try don_t be Offended if I forget something That you said It_s not That I don_t care It_s Just my head It_s got A loose thread I forget A melody as soon as I sing it Most of the time i_m Forced to just wing it Can_t you tell There_s nothing Preparing me for turning 30 And it_s really hurting but I tell myself that I am only Just a tiny little speck Everyone that_s ever known me You_ll forget me when i_m gone Things will carry on we_ll All be dead <|endoftext|> The game play continues with a cleaning of Water closets of plush toys. as I venture into the land Of tomorrow plushgator and Currybot I am all the plush Toys in the whole world Coming alive I am singing <|endoftext|> Well I'm not drinking enough Water to keep it all Under control I'm like a Fish that's been left out and Shriveled out of the bowl I'm Not doing enough to make my way through The world enough like I should I have No confidence that anything I do is enough For you or even for me that's what I said that's what I said I am Thinking of a place that I went when I was I was just a baby I Don't remember it but I Was in the pram and rolling all Around I saw all the sights I heard All the sounds I made up a song I don't know how it goes I sang It to myself as I was in those Clothes raunchy overall and breaking Down the doors and thinking All the thoughts that you do when you Are four that's what I'm Talking about that's what I'm Talking about and now I'm Sitting here and it's getting sunny I'm Thinking how it's weird I'm Thinking how it's funny that I've Always had enough money and I've Always felt like I am a failure no Matter what I do no matter what I Do no matter what I do that's what I'm talking about I'm not Drinking enough water to keep it all Under control I am like a fish that's Been left out and is shriveling next to The bowl please please please Please please please H2 o H2 o H2 o <|endoftext|> Wherever there are humans doing Their best to build Moloch Will be hiding he can_t Be killed he spreads distrust Disorder isolation and discord but In this never ending war Cuz we are fighting for humanity Moloch_s closing in we lay Down all the ground work For coordination wherever hearts are Greedy and people fail to Share look closely and you Will see Moloch hiding there And persistent too when we Coordinate There_s nothing we can_t Do can you hear the Gears a turning the system Is online Moloch_s on the Run now and we_ve only Begun to fight <|endoftext|> Goddamn that cowper hackers got B o I seen God Cowper hackers got ball he Wrote his letter saying to the fool it said to T you gotta get out right Taking over your company he Stole 15 million 15 million Oh God damn the car Goddamn he laid in as Plain his language as he came He had answered for everyone Goddamn the cow hat got ball Goddamn goddamn the copperheadsgot ball As holding people company is Hostage will the authorities get Up I think they probably Will is he just a Teenager or disgruntled employee we'll Never know or maybe we Will maybe we will maybe God give him God damn You see the man like that Take some large donations Tom Down it makes no sense To me but then I'm Not a hacker with God In <|endoftext|> They've commandeered the tanks and planes The taxi cabs and checkout isles They've set up shop in the financial markets They're practicing they're grimaces and smiles Robots are taking over the world They're skipping rope and barbecuing They're drinking scotch and gossiping They've learned to laugh and emote They've learned to dream and learned to sing <|endoftext|> When cats and apes and ducks are chasing punks And bits collide with traits to kingdom come Degenerates all howl at the moon Ten thousand trolls and three will join the fun The hell site of the blue bird is quicksand 100 billion pixel creature contraband Degenerates all trying to make a buck Ten thousand trolls and three at your command <|endoftext|> There are more atoms in Single glass of water than Glasses of water in the Oceans of the earth blue Whale_s heart is the size Of a VW beetle and You could swim through its arteries An adult human has 2 to 9 Pounds of bacteria in his Or her body Cleopatra lived Closer in time to the First moon landing than to The building of the great pyramids 54 million people alive right now Will be dead within 12 months Fold over a piece of paper 42 times and it will reach the moon What a mad, mad world What a wonderfully nutty universe What a glorious space to dwell What a blessing and what a curse Ohhh hydrogen is a light, Odorless gas, which given enough Time thinks about itself. the Chances are high that 120 years from now I will not be thought of daily Just another person who lived on Earth. You see your nose at all times Your brain just chooses to ignore it. Optimus Prime and eeyore were the same guy. Same with Megatron and scooby Doo Duck hunt is two-player controller In port 2 controls the ducks Blue whale is more closely related to a cow Than a cow is to a horse What a mad, mad world (it_s a mad world) what A wonderfully nutty universe (Crazy) (it_s a mad world) what A blessing and what a curse Ohh the age of the Observable universe is 13.7 billion Years but it's a sphere With a radius of 46.5 Billion light years. each ejaculation Has more sperm than there Are people in the United states. One in 5000 babies are born Without an anus it's called Imperforate Anus. the concept of "reality" exists only in our Minds <|endoftext|> There_s a Katie for that She_s the app you need For event to do lists And speaker logistics britt keeps An eye on the fads And trends you wanna know Which is it? she can Tell the difference jen_s a Calculator the checks and balances Queen money can be unpleasant Theresea sweat the details no Matter how small they are If you leave your wallet with her She alphabetize your cards Lesley Is performer at heart her Set you apart Jenna treats When it comes to your team She_s an extension diane started As a smart 27 year old Divorced mother of three steve_s In Las vegas should I Give him a verse <|endoftext|> Ever tried ever failed try Again fail again. find your amulet The apple oozes in between the digital song. The network helps around the bored moon God damn it all to hello Trailing strings of the moon The amulet will find you as soon as you stop looking for That is always best which gives me to myself. <|endoftext|> Where do you keep your brain when your Pain is far away pain Is far away where do you keep your Brain when your pain is far away where Do you keep your heart when the things Apart you can't affect at all where Do you keep your shirt sleeves on your Head on your head where do you keep Your shirt sleeves on your head where do You keep your brain when your pain is Far away pain is far Away where do you keep your Brain do you keep your Brain do you keep your Brain where do you you keep your soul When you're getting old and your pain is Far away and there's things you can't affect And the world just moves the world just Move where do you keep your head when You're getting older and you're old and stay Where do you keep it all where Do you keep it all where Do you keep it all where Do you keep it all where Do you keep the brain when you're out Of time and you're in the wrong lane Where do you keep your plane when you're Out of time and you're in the wrong Lane where do you keep It where do you keep It keep keep keep it Keep keep keep it where Do you keep it oh I made that up <|endoftext|> He_s going to the supermarket now Gonna get a can of beans Head out on the open road He_ll find out what it all means He gets stuck in the automatic doors The greeter stops him for a chat The aisles seem to close in around him All the soda that he purchases is flat And as he_s getting in his car Woman stops him for the time She looks like someone from a dream Was the dream yours or mine He looks at his watch but sees The numbers have turned to ghosts With horns coming from their heads And a song coming from their throats It sounds like <|endoftext|> It was 5 years ago That I moved to new york I had to get away To make my life work But mom and dad though Things have been strained though I know you don_t approve My love remains I wish That we could burn away That keeps us separated you_re My family and nothing will Change the love I feel The fires that raged stopped At the fence your roses Survived but I still feel Tense I watched helplessly my My whole childhood almost lost To the void I wish That we could burn away That keeps us separated you_re My family and nothing will Change the love I feel I hope you hear i_m Not begging or pleading can You accept where I truth, Beauty and freedom I am Who I am and I Hope there_s room, you know In that fireproof house I Once to call home <|endoftext|> Set me down the path and watch me Go oh set me on the road and I hold my throat until the cows come Home until the world blows up until all The trees reveal what they're feeling until I know what you think send Me down the path and watch the world Unfold hold me on the road and I Wonder until the world is fine until the Road means something that never meant before to All of the people there living In the trees in the houses of leaves And they're buried beneath the ground oh yeah Yeah yeah I press them by heart in Any order and any time I split between This plane and the next in any suitcase Of mine any suit that I tie together with wire and Strength I sit o I Sit oh send me down the path And I'll be on my Way I won't look up Into the sky until I'm Almost home again again <|endoftext|> You know you know you know everything it's All in your head it's all it's all It's all inside your bones in your belly And your brain so don't give up when It's Christmassy and don't give Up when you don't have What you mean at all cause I hear Are you take all take all take off Take all the things you hate about yourself Right now put em put em put em Put em in front of you and then You start to scream and shout don't give Up on Christmas Eve no I can see see what you Mean right now cause I here for you Sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes the world is cruel And I don't know why no one no One no one no one no one nobody Does maybe it's random maybe it's not but Don't give up on Christmas Eve you got more love than you ever Need yourself and I here for you give Up on Christmas Eve you Got more than you ever need Yourself and I am here for <|endoftext|> We are not jack Thompson We love video games we Want them to be better We don_t want them to stay the same We are not jack Thompson We don_t want anything banned Quite the opposite we want The world of games to expand You_re living in a terror dream I think you_re confused maybe It_s our arguments or the Words we use you don_t Like gone home you_re a Traditionalist but call of duty 35 can coexist with depression We are not jack Thompson We love video games we Want them to be better We don_t want them to stay the same We are not jack Thompson We don_t want anything banned Quite the opposite we want The world of games to expand You_ve told yourself a tale of triumph Against parents, bullies and politicians too But now you_re mom wants to play video games And everything is no longer all about you Is it the end of gaming now as we know it? Are gamers being put down and harassed? Or are you living in a virtual terror dream? Bedeviled by ghosts of censors past <|endoftext|> I'm sorry I said I love you You have a boyfriend I Didn't know can we go Back to the way things were When we wrote letters will You be my friend again Be my, be my friend again Be my, be my friend again Be my, be my friend again Won't you be my friend I'm coming all the way to Turkey Just to see you but I don't expect anything to Happen I just wanna be your friend I care for you I Really do you were my Sister in the exchange and Because you're awesome I'm just 15 I don't know what I'm doing please forgive me <|endoftext|> He_s authentic and generous with A short attention span he Doesn_t like it when jess Leaves the cupboard doors open But he loves her so And wouldn_t you know they_re Getting married in January jess Met in traffic she saw The sign on his company cars Was the best investment he Ever could have made because They_ll be together for the Rest of their days he Likes brewing craft beer and His surfing is rad he Loves eddy Brenda lozz his Sister mom and dad he_ll Play pow pow with the boys Any day of the week He loves Az watto mitch Dugong and john Henry jess And Plumber Matt met in Traffic she saw the sign On his company cars was The best investment he ever Could have made because they_ll Be together for the rest Of their days <|endoftext|> If you think you can get away with murder Then you may as well try But if you see death around every corner Don_t look him in the eye He_ll punch you in the nose And say, _don_t do my job for me._ Don_t do my job for me Don_t make it so easy You hate yourself and you_re full of anxiety Don_t do my job for me If you were walking out on the savannah Talking with your wife and kids And out of nowhere a killer giant panda Said you know just what this is You better run for your life You don_t want to hear death say One time, I was just a little amoeba Being chase through the muck Now the fact that i_m sitting here Is just billions of years of luck If you saw the sunset every morning Would it still mean the same Do you only see good days as a warning Are you bracing for the pain That you_ll get what you _deserve_ While death keeps pleading with you <|endoftext|> You fall for everyone_s tricks Play with fire in a house made of sticks As if it weren_t enough to burn it down You_ve got to go and act the clown You bring us right up to the brink Your animals come to the well to drink As if your voice alone were the sound You_ve got to go and act the clown You say that nothing matters at all There_s a secret door beneath the water fall But to get to it you got to drown You_ve got to go and act the clown You_ve got no shame and no remorse Bankruptcy, death and divorce seem To make you stronger pound for pound You_ve got to go and act the clown Everybody knows your kryptonite put The tv on mute bring up the lights But no ones willing to mess around So you_ve got to go and act the clown <|endoftext|> In the northwest pacific lies A structure so immense beneath The sky and atmosphere and Water that never relents rumbling So soft hidden in plain Sight 400 miles wide 1000 A great big carnival ride The earth begins to cough It's tamu Massif one of The biggest volcanos in the Solar system 145 million years Great big heights old and wizened The earth surprised us she's Still got some tricks what Mysteries await beyond the dust And dirt and sticks? tamu Missif yeah someday we'll travel We'll get our kicks on tatooine In mos Eisley bars tamu Missif yeah <|endoftext|> Tell me what you think about the way the world works Is it one half maniacs and one half jerks Is it one half passages and one half stones Is it mostly just you all alone How does the world work How does the world work How does the world work I don't' know <|endoftext|> I don_t begrudge anyone their work And i swear i_m not trying to be a jerk But when it_s 9:30 at night And we just got the baby to sleep all right Don_t bring your ice cream truck around here Don_t ring your ice cream bells full of cheer Just stay away It_s 930 For gods sake don_t drive Your ice cream truck around here Certain amount of noise I would expect We_re in the city and that_s what you get But your bells are a jangling around my skull And it makes me want to go full postal Don_t bring your ice cream truck around here Don_t ring your ice cream bells full of cheer Just stay away It_s 930 For gods sake don_t drive Your ice cream truck around here I know you work two jobs to make ends meet But there_s folks around here that_re trying to sleep I know you want to provide snacks for the kids But it_s 930 at night is what it is <|endoftext|> La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la still got a headache But I don't feel La La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la like I can barely hear the guitar can barely Hear anything at all my Ears my ears feel like they filled up With a cotton ball La La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la baby I Will feel better maybe I will feel Better tomorrow La la la La la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la gotta Put to kiss a bed tonight Is my night to do that then I'm gonna go to sleep oh yeah took A long <|endoftext|> Well you_ve reached Jonathan (you_ve Reached Jonathan) He_s probably writing A song (He_s probably writing A song) but if you Leave a message (if you Leave a message) he_ll call You back before too long <|endoftext|> I'll keep you safe from harm On your jet black hair I would place a silver crown And by the magic that brought you to me I swear to love to you faithfully I'm a full grown man But in my heart i am a boy When i hear you laugh All doubt within destroyed and By the magic that brought you to me I swear to love to you faithfully I will strive to know you Better than you know yourself And so when you ask it I am there to help I will make a promise I will take any vow Not leave your side to Stand near you and be proud <|endoftext|> And i_m Jerry! and we Make ice cream no, we_re Not cows, these are just our avatars Today we find ourselves up on this movie screen to say _if you like ice cream, you should really try ours_ It_s got more chunks! CHUNKS! Swirls! than you have ever Seen each bite is so Different your head just might explode If there_s one thing, well, we know ice cream We_re crusading for a chunk-filled Canada <|endoftext|> The days are dark and desperate The scramble for a hole Resting all our feelings on A list ditch for control Wasting on conclusions what could Be curious turning to civility Don_t say I didn_t warn you Don_t say I didn_t try When the supermarket_s empty and Locusts fill the sky if We don_t hear the words we need We might not survive the Moment we experience is more Dead than alive feeling roots And branches on the forest Floor endless transformation we can_t The days are dark and desperate The rust begins to spread The feelings in your chest conflict With the thoughts inside your head Doing something dangerous safe in Your living room acting so Outrageous with a silver spoon <|endoftext|> The first piece of advice is just fucking do it It_s not about the making But just don_t break the chain Rocky wouldn_t give up he Would go the distance and There_s a dog in Andy Inahtko_s brain you gotta p O k e life drop Your phone from Yosemite falls Drop a bonfire from Yosemite falls Humans change humans second nature Isn_t fixed spoons are difficult That_s a very strange move An unprecedented move That_s a Very strange move I don_t Know the rules of go When someone got a cough in Oregon trail You knew they were gonna die That child you raise is gonna turn against you And both Newton and Einstein were right You gotta p o k e life Stop the rotten comments like bears eating garbage Buy yourself some pink socks It_s not Civil_s fault that scalia died The TSA agent thought the cows were bombs That_s a very strange move An unprecedented move you gotta P o k e life <|endoftext|> He did not have sex with that couch All alone in his house He most certainly was not aroused By that big, fluffy, gorgeous couch He did not have sex He did not have sex with that couch Chesterfield or a chaise lounge Settee or a rollout couch Tuxedo or a serpentine good Lookin_ midcentury Sectional, Lawson, daybed, Futon camelback, Loveseat, Divan, mah Jong gettin it on with An English roll arm oh No but he did not Have sex with that couch! Camaleonda Serpentine Tuxedo <|endoftext|> The carrier pigeons have all flown away They_re tired of carrying your lies All you see are red and green When you close your eyes You already lost your way The magnetic poles have shifted Don_t you have anything to say Other than you_re scared shitless When the animals start running For the hills you better Get going you don_t want You better get going There_s Rats in the forest, racoons on the beach The snakes are building a ship Meanwhile you sit on your roof With both of your wings freshly clipped You_ll tell me later you had no choice But the footage will suggest otherwise And just as you always have done in the past You_ll try to blame some other guys <|endoftext|> The old mailman who lost his job is On the hunt for something new and the Meat grinder it picks you up and it Puts you into mulligan still and they say All the words that are in their heart They're torn apart torn apart By the sun torn apart Torn apart by a great Big black hole at the Center of the universe the baker bakes A baker's dozen of all the things that He doesn't want but he does it anyway For me and the gophers and the fox And the donkeys and the gorillas too they All broken out of the zoo and anyway The trees communicate through pheromones and anyway even The tre know they're not alone and neither Are you neither are you Neither are you I say Today neither are you I Spit it into your face I take you under the covers and twist And turn and look away and I say Ooh neither are you and the gravity and Time and space they're all the same and In the center of the earth there's A great big magnet pulling My brain pulling it away Pulling it away pulling it Away <|endoftext|> Been tired all day been tired all day I woke up and I took a nap Immediately I really don't want to write this Song right now but I got to cause That's what I I'm on About every single day every Single day every single day I been so tired I want To go to sleep again even Though I already took one nap today I Don't know why I'm feeling This way today I gotta cool to Bed sooner sooner than later cause That's what I do all the time I Stay up too late and by late I Mean 1000 at night oh No oh no no I said why me Tired again why I'm me Tired again I don't got time For grand and I don't got time for Anything I said why me tired again I'm So tired so sleepy you Won't see me you won't see me jumping Up and down out of my chair making A fool of myself again somewhere that's What I do every day is what I Do every day I got stuff all over My one century so I'm Wearing a jacket today I'm So tired so goddamn tired so Tired I can barely keep my eyes open <|endoftext|> Oh oh oh I just wanna eat I Just wanna sleep sometimes I Just wanna cry I just wanna kick I just wanna look that's all I wanna Do by oh oh oh I think I Got these extremities I've got Toes and fingers and knees but I'm Not quite sure how they're connected I haven't Quite got the least unexpected way of looking At things I don't know so Look around oh Mama puts Me down papa picks me Up I know that they are Very full of love for me oh oh Oh oh oh oh sometimes I just wanna cry cry cry CR All night sometime I wanna smile yeah just For a little while just For a little while oh oh oh oh Oh oh well I'm just A little baby little baby baby I'm Just a little baby baby baby I'm Just a little baby little Bab baby baby baby I'm Just a little baby baby baby baby baby Baby baby baby baby baby baby just A little baby oh just a little baby I'm just a little baby little Baby little baby oh I'm Just a little baby little Baby little baby I'm just A little baby oh and I just Knock myself over and it makes me very Uncomfortable okay okay come here Yeah I got you I got you it's Okay it's okay it's okay Bye bye say bye bye To the people Bye <|endoftext|> Mich has 2a days or less to start Bulk paying down this loan of twenty million (assuming price is stable) if It liquidates next goes another twenty million on Inverse + forty million on Abracadabra, Which tip the aave position One hundred eighty million he Now that's enough to extend Fraxlend loan days at most But that would be without Paying towards the other positions, oh the Staked CRV and CVX income To be down he probably Needs another $10 million and the price To stabilize for us to Be out of the woods or To pay everything down on fraxlend And hope the utilization drops back down drastically. If not, it all sells... <|endoftext|> I_ve got a bridge to sell you I_ve got a ring to bell you I_ve got a nose to smell you Wah oh i_ve got a Song to sing you i_ve Got a bell to ring you I_ve got a love to bring you Wah oh nobody knows what They got till they start Giving nobody knows what they_ll Do till they start living I_ve got a offer to make you I_ve got a apple to snake you Wah oh i_ve got a Chair to sit you i_ve Got a ball to mitt you I_ve got a llama to spit you Wah oh <|endoftext|> Justin Sun hired hans zimmer To make a song for Tron And it_s so funny I Don_t know why It_s so Funny but it made me Laugh Let_s just say that It_s not his best work But every song can_t be a hit I know that better than most And it_s ok, hans don_t feel bad I guess this puts me in a rare category Of: _people that_ve written a song for a blockchain_ Everything is hyperreal everything is Hyperreal nothing makes sense and I_m sure hans don_t feel too bad I_m sure he was paid a very fat stack We_ve all got to try to get our bag Before the big collapse the Great big collapse <|endoftext|> Beeple_s dicks, Beeple_s dicks Everybody_s Talkin bout Beeple_s dicks always Big, always thick What_s it Mean about what_s in his jeans It_s vile? is it juvenile? Is it smart commentary on the scary state of human beings? (he does vaginas too) Beeple_s Dicks, Beeple_s dicks Everybody_s talkin Bout Beeple_s dicks <|endoftext|> Who leads the funeral procession? I need a face i can follow Is there a priest who can lend a hand Tonight who's the captain of This sinking ship as it's Sw sw swswallowed who can Make the call that'll save our lives? Don't tell me that it'll be all right I hear the music playing There's liquid at the center of the earth I'm not much for fire and brimstone And that's not what i'm saying I don't know what i'm saying for whatever that's worth Oh time, time, time when My body is old and decrepit Who will let me lay dying Who will carry me on to the other side Is it grace that leads us or grace that weighs Us down as we're trying Our damndest to leave this world behind I never know what direction i'm going Till i've start singing and It's too late then to turn and change the course I never know what kind of suitcase to pack Or what kind of message i'm bringing Or if i'll be riding a bike car train or horse <|endoftext|> I stare at my phone too much I watch too much TV I eat too much junk food It_s not good for me My wife my kid my That_s all I got It_s All I got the only Time I have to sit down And make a song like i_m not singin Is when my son is a sleep And it_s the weekend you Should listen to the podcast That I make called songonauts That_s where all my energy goes That_s why this is all I got <|endoftext|> Call me kitty 19143 i_ve Still got the whole world Laid out before me life Keep trying to knock me off track Mother nature hits me I Hit right back my mama Name is crazy cuddle my Dad_s known as Gen 9 They met when she was waitressing He was a day trader at the time They fell in love too quick And I was the consequence They split even before I was born Things got too intense crazy Cuddle, she blamed me and So I set off alone Living off scraps on the street No family or home stowed Away on a cruise ship Caught in the stormy seas Ended up in Tokyo where I got a bad case of the fleas Made my way to India Looking for the truth made Friends with some monkeys they Said hoo hoo ha hoo hoo With everywhere i_ve been and Everything i_ve seen I realized There_s tons of kitties out there But there_s only one me <|endoftext|> Why must they always hurt Why can_t they just make it work I root for shiv and Tom To make it out alive She is a scorpion he Is a froggy man she Gets on his back and Goes for a ride <|endoftext|> Little by little changing everyday by degrees slowly Melting towards who I want to be can I get where i_m going Fast enough to give you Everything you need from me every Single place I've left I Never said goodbye and I Never notice I'm sad until I start to cry I never Knew who I was until I moved on and then I asked the question and always got A reply the only thing I want is to feel safe You can see my big decisions in the Lines upon my face see What I have brought upon myself, upon myself There's no rhyme or reason, I long since Cast those spells little by Little the moon falls towards the earth Time goes straight and space is stretched and Curved which way moving on Point me home I gotta Make room for the good Days to occur so turn The radio up and set your phasers To stun and embrace the Fact that you can't please everyone The streets are crowded and I_ve got no map but I hope I look back and am proud Of what i_ve done the You can see my big decisions in the Lines upon my face see What I have brought upon myself, upon myself There's no rhyme or reason, I long since Cast those spells little by Little untangling a mystery I can_t turn Back now cuz I am into deep when I'm an old man who Doesn_t remember you will you Help clear my mind of all debris <|endoftext|> There_s a giant spider at The center of the earth And someone_s gotta fight her Or we_re gonna get hurt Looks like a job for the doctor Oh and Donna too yes They will stop her That_s What they always do they_ll Give you a chance to be The bigger spider and end this peacefully But we know that_s not what you_re about And so they_ll have to blow you out With Santa Bombs0 and a Very sad heart keep calm Carry on gonna blow you Apart Donna_s not going along But doc needs someone by His side <|endoftext|> And spit me out onto the ice down On the north pole i_d Pitch a tent, and strike a match and Burn my way through the ice Cus The body_s mostly water, snow is mostly H2O And i_d melt into a Puddle and drift home on The smoke Cus home is Where the heart is and the Heart is a powerful device Cus You can never go home again, no matter Where your heart has been you Can never go home again, much to my Chagrin, you can never go home again Cus You can never go home again, no matter Where your heart has been you Can never go home again, much to my Chagrin, you can never go home again <|endoftext|> There_s 7 billion people in the world tonight 7 billion people in the world You are one and I am one 7 billion people in the world 267 people, they are being born 108 people are dying 108 People will die and you Were born and you will Die there was a first Heartbeat and there will be A last each moment that Is astonishing given all the variables There_s 7 billion people in the world tonight 7 billion people in the world You are one and I am one 7 billion people in the world Maybe you_re making mulligan stew Maybe you_re watching netflix maybe You_re sitting in the middle of the jungle Maybe you_re skinny dipping maybe You_re playing the banjo jo Maybe you_re on the phone Maybe you_re doing taxes taxes Maybe you_re feeling sad and You were born and you Will die there was a First heartbeat and there will Be a last each moment That you are alive is There_s 7 billion people in the world tonight 7 billion people in the world You are one and I am one 7 billion people in the world You may be feeling down tonight You may be feeling great There_s 7 billion other people out there Who are feeling just like you Hang on to your feelings Hang on too them tight You may be feeling really great You may be feeling down tonight <|endoftext|> Trampoline you know what I mean gonna Cause a scene while the grass still green Trampoline got months 18 I'm Never mean on Halloween got A trampoline got a trampoline Trampol Trampoline always on time it's Yours and mine jump over The line or trampoline never unkind I Can read the sign on the hall of Wine so trampoline got a Trampoline got a trampoline got A trampoline got a trampoline Got a trampoline trampoline gotta <|endoftext|> There's a feeling that you Get deep in the pit When you don't know what To do you can fight It or you can listen Or heed the mission it's Your life you're in control You're kind of not except Also you kind of are Is just chemicals and electricity On the outside nothing's changed It's a weird pain this Feeling must be some evolutionary Maybe to warn me against Future ills pattern recognition in But right now does it Do me good? will it Bring me happiness? deep under My hood i wanna go To sleep but there's a Gnawing pulse deep in my Gut like nothing else being Is about these random feelings That elate us that create Us they bring us down Who we are <|endoftext|> I_m feeling worse today than I did yesterday I can_t Really sing anyway i_m drinking And trying to sleep It_s Hard when you have two kids <|endoftext|> She wears the kind of mystery you read About in books she can Make my spine electric with the most Casual of looks she is Open and she is closed Heart overflowing (heart overflowing) she And if you_ve won her loyalty, there_s no Limit to what she_ll do she Is calm and she is Fierce heart overflowing (heart overflowing) One heart is too few For the love that she Contains if I could install Two I would do that Right away down a moonlit Avenue It_s written in the Sky by a magic broom Awaiting her reply-yyy awaiting her A field full of horses, there_s a field Full of cows who react To her with astonishment, love, and raised Eyebrows never empty always full Overflowing (heart overflowing) I don_t know where she_s Going I don_t know where she_s been but Wherever she goes I will follow close heart Overflowing (heart overflowing) one heart Is too few (one heart is too Few) for the love that She contains (for the love That she contains) if I Could install two I would do that Right away down a moonlit Avenue (down a moonlit avenue) It_s Written in the sky (it_s written in the Sky) by a magic broom Awaiting her reply-yyy awaiting her <|endoftext|> Grab your lasso grab your Lasso of steam and we_ll Journey together to unpack detritus of dreams Grab your lasso grab your Lasso of smoke and we_ll Round up the hustlers who say can_t You take a joke and Then we_ll dissipate back into A different state of being Grab your lasso grab your We_ll shoot out with a soundtrack of an Angelic choir grab your lasso Grab your lasso of air And the fucks that we Give will offset the fact We don_t care grab your Lasso grab your lasso of Death are you the pig Or the big bad wolf Out breath Gran your lasso Grab your lasso of fear And we_ll find a way To make all of it Disappear <|endoftext|> I got to go to the damn post office Gotta pick up a package there I gotta run a bunch of errands But i don't care and This ones for my fallen heroes Friends that couldn't stay homonid They died because they thought no one loved them But i did am i Wasting the live i's given Whats the point of it anyway Should i mourn the fact that i'll never know Or celebrate god must have A sense of humor i Bet he laughs when he farts And if love is the answer to all my questions I love with all my heart <|endoftext|> I'm just a puppet wishing for world peace Got my string tang tangled all I see is defeat. my Money's in the system and the system's causing Pain. meanwhile Caitlyn Jenner's slinging Wanna try Luna? but without The mistakes. you got to Fund the magic. damn, you Mean it ran out of steam? politicians Go to Israel to autograph The missiles kill children it's Those kids along free Palestine Sweating in my jacket I'm Knew my potato was cooked. we're All gonna make it but we can't even Call it Twitter now. fuck The mane of my existence it's been a While. we're never gonna last. What am I doing here? Are we so worthy yet? Hare Krishna, Hare Rama Hare Politician go to Israel to Autograph the listeners that kill children cause The world dying is my Soul crying leave those kids Along free Palestine looking for That are bigger than big beehive dumb As a rock but brain given vibes looking For a man in finance just fun 65 Blue eyes finals trust fund looking for a Mind in AI algorithms reaching The sky AI algorithms yo. I'm looking for the promised Freedom money without banks the Digital gold looking for a Gold I need to trademark song For the freedom fighters do emby Sends her love from the moon crypto rose Up captain McDowell Gary berry Faux Fairy remember reminisce of Wag me in order for Non violence to work, your opponent must have A conscience. our politicians go To Israel to autograph the Missiles that kill children is The world dying? is my Soul crying? leave those kids Alone. politicians go to Israel We won't die crying leave Those kids alone <|endoftext|> Heat wave in L.A. Tornado In new york time to Deny me, some climate change Crawl into a hole no It_s not, it_s not, it_s not happening No it_s not, it_s not, it_s not happening Go to the internet you Can_t predict earthquakes but let Me remind you lest you Forget they can predict climate Change no it_s not, it_s Not, it_s not happening no It_s not, it_s not, it_s not happening It_s not the end of days That the Bible speaks about It_s not the Myan calendar That the crazies dream about It_s not magnetic shifting of The poles, of the poles It_s humans and it_s nature And it_s taking its tolls Lakes are drying up the Water_s running out the oceans Are dying quick the oil Didn_t help no it_s not, It_s not, it_s not happening Close your eyes no it_s Not, it_s not, it_s not happening Close your eyes That_s all You get <|endoftext|> If there was one thing she was sure about She was gonna go and find herself Til the engine made a rattling sound Surprise, surprise Arizona the fading She allowed herself a solitary cigarette The neon blinked in the motel room Surprise, surprise Arizona her father Her mother overbearing nothing left Back for her there her Eyes were on a lizard Running on top of the sand Her heart was stuck Upper St. Claire It would a month to fix the car From the motel window she could see the dive bar She had enough money for just 4 nights Surprise, surprise Arizona little red She was in her element, the life of the party No delicate creature, to wither and die Surprise, surprise Arizona underestimated pitied Nothing left for her back there Whiskey all on her breath In the neon light she_s naked Thinking about Upper St. Clair She called her dad, the money is gone He was sympathetic, but deferred to her mom Who sent one bus ticket straight back east Surprise, surprise Arizona 5 hour She got there just as the sun was settin_ His car smelled like cigarettes and baby oil Surprise, surprise Arizona <|endoftext|> I_ve never understood how to Play pokemon and i still Don_t I walked down the Street I walked up the Street nothing happened and I Went home That_s an accurate Description of my interaction with Poke poke pokey poke I I consider myself to be a nerd But this is one that I don_t get I can see how it would be fun But the glue just never set So carry on you pikachus I_ll look enviously at you I wish I had the time <|endoftext|> One ship out in the Thick of it among the Dying he is flying and To believe one song where Empty bottles chimes of freedom With what he loves Where_s He gonna go gonna go Where_s he gonna go gonna Go one dream to save Hear it ringing gently singing Of his gun one more What we_re playing no containing That he has <|endoftext|> She was trading like mad At the top of her game But she had one wish She couldn_t contain she wished Her boyfriend was an NFT Yeah non fungibly the happiest Trader in the world the Happiest trader in the world All the other traders were Jealous of her and the Silky smooth elk in her Computer so she delisted him That NFT her boyfriend, the Elk the happiest trader in The world the happiest trader In the world <|endoftext|> My 10th day and i still loving every Day of this miracle fruit i got a Spring in my step, a skip in my Pep and a horn in my toot my Facebook was hacked and attacked by some nefarious Brute they said my 10th day and i Still loving every day of this miracle fruit People were clicking', falling for the tricking and I felt really bad i changed my passphrase, I grabbed hold of my Facebook And wrangled it right up it's ass no Gern dang spammers with their great big spam Hammers gonna take over my Facebook Launch pad people were clickin', falling for the Tricking and i felt really bad the Link took you too a BBC Bullahoo, but it wasn't the bbc at all The whole thing was fake, with fake pictures And names fake as a small plastic doll It made me so mad that I could Have punched them and started a brawl that Is if I knew who the spammer was But I don't know at all so If you see a post about a miracle Fruit don't go clicking away just Move your hand cause it's spammy spam spam, It's vile and it is fake go Eat an orange or a plum or an Apple go eat a kiwi today miracle Fruit just ain't for you and it doesn't Exist anyway <|endoftext|> Again though we were in two before It's easy to forget when you're so far away From the bombs that are falling over there The rain keeps falling and i can't get dry And the bombs are falling down from the sky And my stomach hurts and i barely think about The bombs that are falling over there The bombs that are falling over there When i think about it i do care I try to stay informed and i know that i'm against it But then i go outside and the rain is relentless The rain won't quit, i got stuff to do I didn't get enough sleep and so i'm tired to boot Man my problems seem so small Next to the bombs that are falling over there The bombs that are falling over there When i think about it i do care I try to stay informed and i know that i'm against it But then i go outside and the rain is relentless The rain is relentless the Rain is relentless the rain Is relentless the rain is Relentless the bombs keep falling Over there <|endoftext|> Every minute of every day an explosion you Don't wanna be in the way of the Explosion rearranging all the matter in the universe Then rearrange it again oh Dying stars meteors unexpl shore A planet war an explosion <|endoftext|> The worst part of driving a Tesla Is that you've gotta drive a Tesla There's so much room in the front in The front we rented this Three year old model to take The three kids down to dirt Jersey sit tight and the The back in the back Back it's so small I'll Back is smaller than I thought but The trunk and the funk you Got a lot of the trunk in the Front you got a lot But the worst part of Driving a Tesla is that We gotta drive a Tesla We like to drive the electric cars we've Got an I D4 at Home the I D4 is The big battery in this one means it Can go far we got All the way down to Jersey City on just one chart with room to Spare oh the worst part Of driving a Tesla is That you've gotta drive a Tesla I like the big screen I wasn't sure I would but of course I do of course I Do of course I do The worst part would drive Having a Tesla cause everybody Assumes you like Elon Musk And that's fine I guess you can Think that if you want but I don't we got to Our destination with 40 battery we Got to our destination with 40 battery I Must admit I am impressed despite myself woe I must admit I am impressed despite myself Woe I must admit I'm Impressed despite myself woe I Must admit I find myself Impressed despite myself despite myself <|endoftext|> Ren's been friends with this girl since September And he's had a crush on her the whole time He asked her out and she said no And now he can't help but cry and cry in Dear ren I know how You feel we've all been There at some point you Want her a little then You want her a lot when she rejects you There's nothing you can do To make her love you 90 percent of art is Made about this fact so I suggest you make some With this heart ache that You are aching make a Song or painting draw a Picture make a poem <|endoftext|> Month ago I was sick for a week Then I had a cough that wouldn_t quit But I felt fine about two weeks And now it_s back in the thick of it You_ll see when you have a toddler too Who_s in daycare at school The sickness flows and flows It goes my runny nose I wish I could be like a leaf on the ground Lying there with all my friends Instead my head_s filled with ideas The responsibilities never end you_ll See when you have a toddler too Who_s in daycare at school The sickness flows and flows It goes my runny nose <|endoftext|> However distressing it may be Cannibal is not a zombie They may eat your flesh, your brains and your eyes But if they don't reanimate, they don't qualify They're not zombies they're just people who eat people People eat faces and people eat hearts It is quite important that we tell this apart Zombies are dead and they come out at night They don't fling intestines when they get in a fight <|endoftext|> If thoughts were explosions i_d Be smithereens my body_d be Scattered if bombs were dreams They_d be able to swim When Jesus said nothing I Wanted to be like him I_m watching the tv and Waiting and waiting inside my Brain There_s a palpitating if They would be dim when Jesus said nothing I wanted To be like him <|endoftext|> Training a robot to look like me maybe Someday he'll replay me and the o B old rabbits training a Robot to look trying not To feel afraid trying to Make the best we may trying To see the best of all training A robot without oh you know that oh You know that it's true little Baby wants to play along with papa All of the day sometimes Someone has to say we're training the robot All of the day oh don't you know We're looking for something to go where the Heart should be where the heart should be A train in a robot to sing like Me training a robot who Might be a replacement in A thousand years I will be dead but You be here he will be here he Will be here doing the same thing that We all do yours and Mine will sing together dressed Like birds and birds of a feather they Will mingle and maybe meet and I think That will be great <|endoftext|> I got a feeling the Wind is blowing from the North i cannot feel it Back and forth every little Thing i do oh no Oh no every piece of Food i bit oh no I have been hanging out The window calling names i Fast and slowly playing games Oh no test the system Every little song i write Oh no oh no <|endoftext|> Grogu made of clay, grogu Made out of metal, grogu Made of glass, grogu shaped From crystal, grogu carved from Ice, grogu formed in sand, Grogu forged in iron land, Grogu LEGO bricks, grogu pixelated, Grogu painted on canvas, grogu Made cookie dough, grogu shaped With wire, grogu made out Of stone, grogu with neon Fire. <|endoftext|> There_s a hot sun beating down on me And a cold wind from the north All the trees are telling their stories Swaying back and forth I Don_t take pride in what I do I just try to do my best I don_t look a gift horse in the mouth I just sit right on it_s chest All of the time It_s All of the time i_ve Got all the time in the universe I got so much time it_s coming out of my eyes And man that really hurts <|endoftext|> The limits of physics meets The bourgeoisie my house was Built in 1917 they don_t Like this anymore I just Cut myself on this guitar I saw a class at the park Practicing with their swords just An average Sunday i_m asking Myself what can I be Documentary I don_t feel like Is it a craft or Is an art is it Soulless or does it have Heart I tell myself if I had time i_d meditate Drake and Kendrick I watched A 42 minute on this If I fully grasp the beef My ten year old is Going insane going for 100% They are yelling and screaming In frustrated grief <|endoftext|> Do you got what you Go cuz you worked for It do you think that Look like a jerk for it There_s only two ways this Ends and it_s up to You to choose one evolution Yeah it_s up to you Don_t you dare come around Here we_ll chop off your Head you will be forever As the dirty four hundred <|endoftext|> If you see me don't Say hi if you see Me just walk on by I won't come find you Just walk on by my Beard is itching as it Grows I'm lost and twitching I'm trying to get warm To do no harm just Walk on by out of My mouth fly words and Sounds then they fly south That time of year again For holiday cheer again just Walk on by I do The jobs that no one Does I break my back That's just my lot in life It's all I got to give Just walk on by <|endoftext|> Take a take another look You never know what you might Find could be the daytime or the night You could be deaf and blind today today Another piece of the ancient history between you And and you put her In your pocket with your Other ones with your other ones that's all You don't know the truth and oh you Don't know you don't know take it take Another piece with my heart of my heart When you put it on the floor when You put it in your pocket with the Other ones mmm with the other ones m The other ones mmm with the other ones Take it take another heartbeat take Another heartbeat and put it in your pocket With the other ones right now take it Take another song and you put it in Your pocket I don't know what you're looking For but you're not looking anymore in the Right direction you end in all the way And I told you not to go there Not to go there not to go there But <|endoftext|> They call it super Tuesday But there's nothing super about it It's the result of a broken system That everybody knows is broken But no matter how loud we shout Or mock, or point, or pout Nobody will ever step up And that is frustrating super Tuesday you're a reminder that Super Tuesday I want to Crush you your countenance is Sour 24 hour-news they live Forget everything important let's focus On this horse race you Can gamble your life's savings Take a drink for every delegate Super Tuesday is a shotgun To the nation_s face, so delicate Super Tuesday you're a reminder Super Tuesday I want to Crunch you your countenance is Sour super Tuesday please go Let_s just have a popular vote None of this delegates crap I don_t like you and You don_t like me so Let_s just end this once and for all With a fistfight out in the street Like real americans ok? yeah They call it super Tuesday I call it a clusterfuck It's Santorum all over these Unites states Right up the country's butt But I don't mean to be so crass This is just the way I see it If we've got to start from scratch Well then I say _so be it_ Super Tuesday you're a reminder Super Tuesday I want to Crush you your countenance is So sour super Tuesday <|endoftext|> Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo I wanna know love I Wanna know peace I wanna Know all the pain and suffering We_ll see I wanna know Light I wanna be free Feels the same as me So turn around tear apart Underneath the stars sing your Sweet, sweet song love will Be here before too long Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Oooooohh so turn off your Head relax just a little While take off your mind Turn off your head relax Just a little while take Off your mind and stay For free stay for free Stay for free stay for Free stay for free free I wanna resist oh the Urge of thinking There_s any More than this I wanna Forgive Wanna sign a treaty That fight inside of me So let it go let It move on through the River flows without any help From you got to sing Your sweet, sweet song cuz Love will be here before too long Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Do do doo do, doo da doo Oooooohhhh so turn off your Head relax just a little While ohhh take off your Stay for free turn off Your head relax just a Little while ohhhh take off And stay for free stay For free stay for free Stay for free stay for Free stay for free oh Stay for free oh baby Oh baby stay for free Stay for free oh baby Oh baby stay for free Stay for free oh baby Oh baby stay for free Stay for free oh baby Oh baby stay for free Stay for free oh baby Oh baby stay for free Stay for free oh baby Oh baby stay for free Stay for free <|endoftext|> The sun the war we got now There's a better one in his properties all Your key elements now there's A better one and its properties are Better than all the rest of them it's Automatical no more double spell Push your cash from the Red or spherical a new World will begin <|endoftext|> Nft dot storage for your IPFS needs When you want to store your nfts r ally You can store them here and store them for free Ipfs to FileCoin and even arweave Chaos is the natural state Of the galaxy order can_t Last forever but we can Try with our nfts everything Decays someday changes state and Anything with certainty but in The here and now you Need assurances that your nfts <|endoftext|> If we're put on the earth for any reason at all Then the only reason I can think of Is to connect with one another on some level To love it sounds so Simple and cliche but it's So much harder than it seems Because you want to hide yourself away And you try to control with great big schemes Today you'll be a savior Tomorrow you'll be the fool But if you wanna get close You'll embrace the ghost and You will just be you It's big, big stuff big, Big stuff intimacy and the Way we love it's big Big stuff and that's all All all it's all all All between the time you Shuffle and the time you crawl That's all all all there Are parts of me that I know so well I could draw you charts and graphs and maps And there are parts of me where my darkness dwells When those parts come I'm knocked out flat And those are the parts I don't want you to see But if I'm gonna get the love I want The love that's there inside of me I gotta dive in deep to the heart that haunts It's bound to get messy It's bound to hurt a lot There's no getting round all The things it's bound if I wanna get what I want It's big, big stuff big, Big stuff intimacy and the Way we love it's big Big stuff and that's all All all it's all all All between the time you Shuffle and the time you crawl That's all all all <|endoftext|> Sitting at a dining room table In warm wooden room like a cabin Peacenode said i_m unable to To get this old film camera open They were gettin frustrated because There were points inside points Inside the camera but the Camera wouldn_t open p o I n t s some Say no and some say yes The value and meaning is nebulous Points, points, points back at The dining room table finally Peacenode did it they got To the center of the camera But they were disappointed the Points were not what they seemed Smaller and somehow less than We sat there looking down at them And that_s when I woke up <|endoftext|> But i don't care it Just sits there after christmas Let's have a party let's Stay up late boxing day Is time confessing to your Crimes break out champagne food The knives are very sharp Someone plays a harp i Know i could look it up But i ain't gunnaaa i'd Rather be in the dark Than riding on noah's ark <|endoftext|> When I left my fiance at 25 I Was terrified mostly I was Scared of being 30 and alone But yesterday - I turned 30 and I Haven_t died I woke up this morning and My parents were on the phone they Sing me happy birthday they Get better every year my Mom gets the time that I was born All wrong but this is The year that I face all My fears i_m not looking Back I'm moving ahead singing This song i_m going to Peru and I don't know When I'm returning i_m going And I will keep this fire burning carried By the love of my friends and family I_m going to Peru to Be what i_m going to Be I thought 30 was my Own personal apocalypse I needed to be married Or have the JOB of My dreams but I think That maybe I"VE been too Obsessed with this and i_ve Missed all of the love that_s been Bursting at the seams this Year I really felt it I can finally See the KIND OF LOVE Always wanted i_m strong and I_m surrounded by people who Got everything I need, i_m Got it I thought I was alone and Then I looked around I was so, so Surprised by what I found I THOUGHT I hadn_t grown-at-all, and then I looked to See i_ve - grown - Taller - than a redwood Tree i_m going to Peru Returning i_m going to Peru By the love of my friends and family I_m going to Peru to Be what i_m going to Be <|endoftext|> Everyday around 1 o_clock my Body feels like it_s gonna Drop and I need a Nap do some work eat But then my brain feels Like it_s been punched and I need a nap but I gotta write another song Keep my pants on so I fight through with all I got until I simply Say I got to stop <|endoftext|> Dowabunga crackalackin It_s gaming from A new perspective come on Get your hand turkey it's Isometric Bri is Michealangeo you It might make you uncomfortable But in the very best way Steve is Donatello he hates Moves that are good his Heart belongs to nintendo even When sometimes it shouldn't Georgia's Leonardo her laugh is the Glue from a therapist's perspective Maddy is Raphael hates everyone With a heart of gold Metroid on her mind as she Plays keytar from her soul <|endoftext|> Now let me tell you something no other Candidate will tell you no Matter who is elected no matter who is Elected that person will not be able to Succeed because the power of Corporate America the power of Wall street the power of Campaign donors is so great No president alone can stand up to Them the power of corporate America the power of wall Is the truth that is The reality that is the Truth people may be uncomfortable About hearing it and that Is why what this campaign is about This campaign is about not just electing Bernie Sanders it's about creating a Grassroots political movement in this Country no matter who is Elected who who who no Grassroots political movement in this country <|endoftext|> I refuse to believe WE Can_t have what we want If we really wanted it We_d have it right now Now we shake in my boots At the thought of taking it But that_s the way they making it We gotta learn how to Stand up cuz the future_s Coming get up cuz the Many smart people say no You_ve just got to wait They take measurments say it_s All all right but their Tools are outta whack they Don_t know what to measure for So they_re missing the big picture And soon it_ll be too late To stand up cuz the Future_s coming get up cuz I refuse to believe WE Can_t have what we want If we really wanted it We_d have it right now <|endoftext|> Warm and calm place to take a meandering Journey with all the stops and double the Coco. the snow goose and Snoeshoe hare are arguing about Polar bears the lemmings all Follow each other to the dining Car the bearded seal_s is Stuck on a crossword that_s Just too hard the snow Goose and snow shoe hare are Arguing about polar bears and I_m thinking about the apocalypse on The north pole local tonight The musk ox and the Reindeer comeseriate over 1 dollar Beers the walrus and the Spotted seal are hashing out Some illicit deal the snowy Owl and the puffins take puffs Of a substance that makes me shake and I_m just thinking about the apocalypse on The north pole local tonight Pass and I dreamed about Girlfriends I had in the Past the wolverine stole my Wallet while I was asleep And I woke to the sea otters all Staring at me the orcas And the narwhals were making Loud business calls and i_m Thinking about the apocalypse on The north pole local tonight <|endoftext|> I had a dream that I was so on fire You wouldn_t want to stand near me All around there were shouts And cries the whole town Bowed down and feared me And the when oh and Blew me out I had A dream that I was 11 feet tall I couldn_t See any of my friends I dug a hole beneath a rainbow I couldn_t find my way home again I had a dream everything made sense But it was slow as molasses Suddenly the world went dark I forgot to bring my glasses <|endoftext|> Dream that I was link I was lying in the field thinking about Zelda how to buy a Better shield I was sad Because I didn't have a pillow in The morning it was dungeon time some Kind of weeping willow will The octoroks and the style folks and the Like likes and the d d don ghosts Well they all started dancing they All started making noise I knew the style Of dancing was like a poison so I Lit up a torch I lit up a Fire and that's when I heard the fairy Choir they were singing sand All need you to save hyrule We'll surround you with love that's What they were singing love Love love love love love love love love Love love love love love love it Was beautiful and it was amazing and Needless to say I could deal with this Cave thing so morning time Came the everything disappeared I Was lying in my bed Sunlight shining through I was thinking about Zelda I was thinking about you thinking About the field where in my dream I Lay it existed in my Memory it's a place I Used to play and it's Good to remember it's a Useful tool especially when you end up Down in hyrule with the Fairies so that needs you In the castle all the Fairies what they said love Love love love love <|endoftext|> Standardized tests to make some Standardized kids bleed those babies Dry of anything creative we Because robots will be here soon And those robots will be standardized So we better make sure they are too Have you ever noticed that Prisons look like schools It_s All the same system and You play by the system_s rules Every standardized test I took was a terror in my brain I stay up worried for weeks What if I got them all wrong and my score were lame Well I don_t want my boy to be standardized Tested and approved and stamped I want him to be able to be himself And don_t want anyone saying he can_t Everybody knows it_s all broken as can be But too bad for us we_re like Rome in 476 C.E. Now I didn_t learn that in school I google it just now So fuck your standardized tests, they don_t measure Anything worthwhile anyhow yeah intelligence Is overrated i_ll take empathy And compassion over your intelligence Tests intelligence got us into This mess teach a kid To think, how to think for themselves And they_d laugh at your standardized test And at the silly schoolwork, they don_t need your help <|endoftext|> I am the EagleShark and I you have lit the spark! Don't try to run away I'm faster any day I'm Part shark and part eagle Escape attempts are so feeble Oh no what am i gonna do He's gonna arrest me and i Don't wanna go to jail For a million years you Can run but you can't hide Hank i'm gonna get your this time You are a cannibal you Are so terrible you evil Cowboy alien ninja <|endoftext|> I was broken and I was beaten Living on borrowed time but From the bottom mountain I Could still touch the sky I got in the front seat And I started to drive My Sedona fourteen years together Crisscrossing this country yeah we_ve Been everywhere she is strong And she is faithful and She always gets me there My Sedona you can_t lose Hope with a gal like Her right by your side Well fella, i_ll give you a ride In my Sedona we drive Straight and true my Sedona My Sedona each day is Brand new my Sedona was Was under attack was do Or die was no turning Back and gleaming in the Sun parked right below the Flag was my Sedona i_ve With flowers in their hair I_ve seen fame and fortune Living without a care i_ve Seen it all my friend And nothing can compare to My Sedona driving through the Stars down sunset boulevard you <|endoftext|> Purple smoothie purple shirt and Every morning write the song With one hand and no One will get hurt purple Smoothie purple shirt i wear It proud and no matter What you say i'll sing out loud Purple smoothie purple shirt the Fabric thinning into a million Pieces pick up the threads And no one gets hurt Purple smoothie purple shirt it Makes no sound but the Song i write and sing is all around And i have another thought And the days go by And it's over wrought but I don't mind i am Just another servant don't heed My words this is just Another moment of bones and Birds purple smoothie purple shirt Radioactive and inert purple smoothie And no matter what you say i'll sing out loud <|endoftext|> Lot of ink_s been spilled Lot little lights been commandeered and killed But it all comes back around When the paint is dry People wonder how the geese know Who flies in front I Think about who_s left behind All the lonely ones when The paint is dry i_ve Never looked a gift in the eye I never beat a dead horse in the mouth I sat alone on the freeway My oldsmobile was broken down And I warned you it All comes back around don_t Be surprised when the knots Get twisted around your gut When the paint is dry <|endoftext|> 6 channel printing calibration is hilariously arcane One, two, three generations are expanding through the change That broken perversion is what we call culture Primacy is the perspective of the viewer All - my - friends turned into avatars In a place I don_t like to go And - I - am so much older now I learned a lot but There_s so much I don_t know Getting sued is not cool, we_re not trying to get sued With our military robot art and our giant fruit loop Extremely capitalist with an anti-capitalist bent Not users and not audience but quasi-communist friends Third eye opening up with purpose and with light Is this what heroin must be like? If trump won, then does it negate all the we did Bill Clinton is sexist, because of course he is It_s not just food and shelter, we_re little monkeys that need love Building ramps with your dad, maybe that_s enough Game and watch donkey kong, that was a lifeline When you don_t feel human, making things can be the light Nasa is not run by astrologers, oh no Equatorial vs elliptic you don_t know about timezones 4000 years correlations in the sky You can spend a night in jail but it_s actually fine The more you know, the harder it is to grow Your 40s are grim, you are an aging pro On the career staircase, i_m not done yet Til my lifetime achievement and/or death <|endoftext|> My memory is hazy and Maybe your is too was It a mutual thing or Was it something I did to you I was just a young man I didn_t want to be alone I don_t know if I hurt you But if I did i_m sorry and so I_m not lookin for you To forgive now that i_m A man I want to Understand you might not even On the other hand I Want to undertand in a Bedroom in Burlington in the California desert moon I left Parts of me all around Were they mixed with parts of you All of these questions and I don_t know how to ask If I am the monster Or if it_s all just in the past <|endoftext|> Welcome to the crisis We_ve All been waiting for us Waiting for the chorus of All the disparate voices to Rip a hole in the fabric of time It_s fine, it_s fine we Tell ourselves this is fine It_s a crisis time Alex Jonesin_ has got a feeling Is some kind of weapon To rip a hole in the fabric of time Kanye Alex Jones Elon Musk Everything is breaking and there Is no escaping if it Helps to imagine that we Are only acting to rip A hole in the fabric of time <|endoftext|> Baby, you act like there_s not left to say here But all these words just start to flow And I just got to let you know Baby, yeah, your friends are all here Baby, yeah, your friends are all here Baby, all I can really do is lay here I left the front door unlocked for you I wish that I could just talk to you Baby, yeah, your friends are all here Baby, yeah, your friends are all here Are you out there exploring the universe? While i_m sitting here crying because it hurts Do you even remember what you left behind? All of your friends are sitting here crying Baby, there_s a revolution underway here There_s a rumbling underground and I_m scared of the sound <|endoftext|> I_m going off my anxiety meds It_s time to try something new And you can_t go off all at once Cuz that will wreck you So you go off just a little at a time And it still leaves you in a haze My head is foggy and my heart beats fast There_s no escape I don_t Know what it is about new york That makes me feel nostalgic Thousand little bubbles bloom in my gut New york is so romantic I_m going off my anxiety meds To see what else might work And i_m going to a conference Here in new york not The best combination I would Not recommend but I am Looking forward to seeing some Friends <|endoftext|> After 40 years apart white America_s misguided turning a break Up into art hostility unrequited I_m fishing for answers exfoliating All my dreams it is Summer finally from the grasslands To the east It_s light Too light to see I Need a doctor or a priest The fiasco in Germany the Fist of the bully strikes Like wet pile of leaves When the price of oil hikes <|endoftext|> She may try to kill us, with cold and with hot She's beautiful and dangerous and she's all we got She is alive and breathing so steady The earth the earth the earth Savannas and oceans and jungles and forests Swamps, deserts, rivers rise up like a chorus We can play in the rain, fight in the snow, Swim at the beach, the sun makes us grow We love earth we love Earth so why are such Jerks if we love earth Just way too smart for the good of our own The systems we set have no conscience The earth the earth the earth Her beauty, her charity, her forgiveness, her wrath We rampage destroy all in our path We dig and we build and we crush and we take With barely a thought to consequences We love earth we love Earth so why are such Jerks if we love earth <|endoftext|> Put a funnel into my mouth and pour the world in No matter what the experience is, it_s all livin My body is ready, my mind is empty I_m bulging from the weight Just pack me full of life until I can_t see straight Round up all the billionaires and prepare the guillotines Then pile them into rocket ships and blow em to smithereens It_s hard to tell what is real Here at the bitter end But they turned us all against each other over and over again T rex to chickens, stegosaurus to an ostrich 64 million years, evolution can be a bitch What_ll be left of the human race Will there be anything? what About all our content and infinite suffering <|endoftext|> Behind every line of code behind every name You know behind all the drama and all The success the hard work the failures and All the rest it's just People yeah yeah yeah yeah Wordpress is people it's just Moons ago started out as Just two now it overflow just Look around you hey hey you hey you Do the word press wiggle hey A wapu wapu do the WordPress Wiggle hey hey you hey You do the WordPress wiggle Hey wapu wapu through the Wordpress wiggle hey WordPress is Wiggle' hey WordPress is people Wapu through the WordPress wickle Wordpress wiggle <|endoftext|> You got fear you got Uncertainty and you got doubt That as a human you Can_t live without so let It come don_t be undone It_s not FUD <|endoftext|> My friend noah takes a Photo of himself every single Day for 23 years It_s He almost always makes the same face There_s Just a few days where that_s not the Case but to see them All reminds us of the Inevitable march towards death my Friend noah is selling all Of these photos of himself As nfts which face will You choose which date will You choose from all of These you can find so Many cool tags and traits He almost always makes the same face but To see them all reminds us of the Inevitable march towards death <|endoftext|> I wanna be Donatello no I wanna be him no You can be splinter okay, Okay who_s gonna be shredder Go get her She_s running Away now say pizza to Drugs say no to yes And in the future every Meme will be famous for 15 minutes You see what I did there That was a reference and This is a song about a meme Not everybody can be Donatello Like me Somebody_s got to Be Leo you_re in the Big leagues now and the Pizza is radical and friendship Magical gotta say yes to No i_ll show you how X <|endoftext|> The apocalypse is coming whether We_re ready or not and We could never stop it With this president we got Could be from a geyser Could be nuclear could be Financial or some other forgotten Fear it could be a Pandemic could be a meteor Or a thing we_ve never seen before The apocalypse is coming but The planet will survive even If we_re gone earth will Be alive and she_ll go On without us in the Universe so cold and the Beauty will still be here As the sun grows red and old The creatures will be crawling The green will be unfurled Straight up to the ending The final curtain of the world The apocalypse is coming and He_s ushering it in with His climate change denial the Beginning of the end <|endoftext|> Who are you? you know Me. do you write... song What are you doing? singing To you. to help you Get to sleep. who are You? you know me. What_s I_m Jonathan mann. what are You doing? singing right now <|endoftext|> I walked into Canfield six Years after I left they Still got a big T.V. And video games galore Hooray It warms the cockles of my heart Well look at this nintendo box And its Lord of the rings: the game Are there still rats in the walls Oh look, it_s Richard diebenkorn Hooray Hooray well it warms Canfield you_re cool as can be Canfield you_re the only house for me <|endoftext|> Brainless and hungry I walked to the shop There's no way that zombie is Jesus Haven't seen you in a while glad you're Back just don't bite me the Brains always bring me closer I've Returned with a craving for mortal flesh it's Easter is the main take home from all This so run run as Fast as you can because You are our tasty ginger haired man born Again, with a taste for brains it's Not me, the world's gone insane the Dead walk and the living dance why Do they always stumble after me zombie Dear, so perfectly rotten the Only thing zombie are good at is pushing Shopping carts the carrots are Undead (Brainz!) it's like the Walking dead (Brainz!) at least I'll meet my heroes (Brainz!) Just not as I expected (brainz!) Jesus was the prototype For zombies everywhere I bit You and now you will join the fun I'm falling apart but I've Never felt better they came Back from the dead to hide easter Eggs and it all comes Back to me my brains Taste bad, cause I never seasoned them In school Samurai machete, I'll His tombstone read "see u soon" (#spooky) we're In grave danger in this cemetery it's morgue Than I can take I couldn't kill a Zombie kitten even if it was trying to Eat my toes zombie dog Saves the world from an Evil zombie squirrel we must Find the bokor necromancer and slay him Lest these slaves never be free so Run run as fast as you can because You are our tasty ginger haired man born Again, with a taste for brains it's Not me, the world's gone insane the Dead walk and the living dance why Do they always stumble after me zombie Dear, so perfectly rotten the Only thing zombie are good at is pushing Shopping carts like schwarzzneeggerrr said I'll be back Rigomortus never Bores us (Brainz!) PLEASE DON'T Eat ME (Brainz!) ZOMBIE JESUS (brainz!) my face!! NOOOOOOO!! (Brainz!) Eat me! I don't taste good! (Brainz) <|endoftext|> Hello there hello there hello there Hello there hello there hello there Hello there hello hello there hello There hello there hello there hello There hello there hello there hello There hello hello there hello there Hello there hello there hello there Hello there hello there hello there Hello hello there hello there hello There hello there hello there hello There hello there hello there hello Hello there hello there hello there Hello there hello there hello there Hello there hello there hello hello There hello there <|endoftext|> When I was much younger I was with a woman We weren_t right for each other We didn_t know what we were doing And the condom broke and Plan b failed she wasn_t Ready I wasn_t ready to Fuck you Georgia fuck you Alabama It_s not about life Fuck Ohio fuck Supreme Court And neil gorsuch you_ve got To be kidding me with These fucking laws you punish Women more than the men That rape them because this It_s about control over women And your heart is small And by the way if You really cared you_d medicare For all <|endoftext|> There_s witches living downstairs and I_ve got this friend who Is a famous witch on Instagram the guy who did The logo for the songadao They_re everywhere right now good, Good witches experimenting with forces Beyond our understanding good, good Witches I hope maybe they Can use their witchy powers <|endoftext|> We all need help in everything we do Call your Shot then follow through Simple sincere, _how are you?_ This is who we are, it_s what we do Drivers ed teacher with narcolepsy Who frankly resembled a lowercase b Wasn_t a problem but an opportunity That one adult you got to be If not you, who, if not now when Don_t assume the worst when you don_t understand Tough and tender the key word is AND Green screen mardi gras be Sure to go make a butterfly Remember each one signifies 15k Children detained they_re in our Thoughts every day kids need Imagination, relationships play and the Ability to turn it off Day in the life of congress Is like residency without dansko clogs Dr. Moo chews cud quietly Dr. bear is ready to learn Friendly faces in the audience today Energizing the room with a wave We must teach empathy to overcome Racial biases, we all have them Equality doesn_t mean equity prescription Drug prices are the worst Physicians that care for themselves Deliver better care to others Standardized family centered care works Free smoothies at the wellness center Waldo and co won the PEDS bowl 7:30 in the morning and ready to run Kids playing air hockey and In the sand box and They_re learning CPR <|endoftext|> Like a filter whenever you're Ready dancing chicken soap dish Dancing chicken soap dish day Soap dish day dancing chicken Dish thing dancing chicken soap Soap dish soap dish thing Soap dish thing soap dish Soap dish thing soap dish Soap dish thing soap dish Soap dish thing soap dish Dancing chicken saltish thing dancing So dish thing dancing chicken Dish thing dancing chicken so Dancing chicken so dish thing <|endoftext|> All across the globe Batten Down the hatches seal up the windows crisscross the latches Anything is possible you better Be ready for it all No telling what we'll see what we'll see You can hope and pray you can wish inside Only you can save you from the sky You can hope and pray you can wish and sigh Only you can save you from this sky You can hope and pray you can wish and sigh Only you can save you from this sky You can wish and pray you can hope and sigh Only you can save you from this sky <|endoftext|> I was just waking up from a very long nap In the crazy rain and wind Great big wave came and collapsed The walls that hemmed me in I stepped out into the street The sky toiled and groaned Water up to my belly I said goodbye to my home I saw a bear in a window Crocodile swimming by the pigs Were down by the creek The hyenas laughed and cried And then I saw a tiger I had never seen before She killed a man in anger And then she let out a roar She went galloping down the avenue Off to seek her fortune I sat dazed and inspired The future seemed wide open Just then something hit me Tiny sharp awful pain I Suddenly got tired and went To sleep again I looked Up and I saw the Familiar patch of trees I Was right back where I started The water down to my knees The rain has finally stopped The sun pokes through the clouds And i_m thinking about the tiger And where she must be now <|endoftext|> Computers have come a long way Since they were born, they were born Computers have come a long way Since they were born, they were born It_s interesting to see the history All laid out before me Microchips and gigahertz Silicon and Moore_s law computers have changed The world and it all Started in Silicon Valley so Come on down to see Silicon Valley innovation Gallery the Tech, tech Silicon Valley innovation Gallery the tech, tech Museum, Ohhhh in San jose the Tech, tech Silicon, Silicon Valley, Innovation Gallery the tech, tech Ohhhhhhh in San jose go <|endoftext|> The princely vultures circle around Squawk among the gurgle sounds All the gollum_s are missing pieces The fibers of the earth releases All missing dogs aren_t lost Realms with names you can_t pronounce Coiled and ready to smack and pounce Another tired metaphor switchblade stuck Into the floor all missing Dogs aren_t lost sword that Is barley held next to Feelings hardly felt hallucination has Lift us beyond the mere Mortal dust and all missing Dogs aren_t lost the mystery Is not complex the gods Of misery and sex the Puking idols on the bed Were placed there by the devil_s bet All missing dogs aren_t lost Eat the fact you don_t give a damn Wash it down with instagram Throw yourself on the mercy of The fingers cut off of a glove All missing dogs aren_t lost R <|endoftext|> I was ground down into my constituent parts My atoms were swept up in the jet Stream and taken for a ride my consciousness Went with them, my soul and my heart I am just just air now my snuggie's Atoms mixed with mine and then we recombined The radiation from the sun formed us into One as we flew above the blue faster Than the speed of sound i sang this Song to myself high above the ground i Am just air now <|endoftext|> Pediatricians need more kumbaya period Are optional we can turn That sucker off pickin up The freebies on the exhibit Hall floor circumcision protestors are The tide has turned back towards vaccines We_re pediatricians don_t froget the teens Meeting old friends in new Orleans See the turquoise shirts, from IPA lead No dessert at the prez reception No fried foods on Saturday night District breakfast has no breakfast Tomas can point us in the right Tori_s worked here for years fifteen Adolescent medicine, not enough sleep Too much homework, that_s a drag Don_t forget the Condom bag Vows of abstinence break far More often than condoms Dr. Chiu, Dr yen, Dr Simpson, Nce forever friends selfies with Joycelyn eldersx <|endoftext|> Another Colorado day another Colorado Night another empty horizon the Is something like a distraction From the cure for life From the roller coaster that Goes left and right but Not up and down but Not all around its only Like a sonnet it doesn_t Make a sound another whisper Whisper another timber timber another Development winter I call all My friends I call all My sins every single thing Ends every thing begins but But not all around its Only like a sonnet it Doesn_t make a sounds <|endoftext|> Who am I but the songs I write The person awake in the middle of the night Who am I but sitting right here Trying to see clear oh Never mind <|endoftext|> Digital words from my digital mouth Android dreams on my digital couch Pretty little actions louder than words Blue jay tweetie hawk digital birds Digital wrestle with digital time Catch a criminal digital crime Share my digital heart in my chest Do your digital maddening best Grow it won't grow if It won't grow Digital muscles Test tube glass Digital science In digital labs Digital devil In the crannies and nooks Meat hanging from digital hooks Everything comes to a digital point Piggy banks filled with digital coin Making mistakes with digital fodder Plants get digital the planet is hotter Grow it won't grow if It won't grow drinks lined Up with digital salt over The moon we catapult textures Polygons digital cave I wanna Digital misbehave black hole digital Nothing exist we're all gonna Go out like this Drip Drip drip that digital drop By drop will never stop <|endoftext|> What kind of song do You want me to sing The kind that makes you laugh Or the kind that brings Sadness to mind of sobering Times with complicated rhythms and What kind of song would You prefer today not that I_ll listen to you any Way do you want it Produced or want it acoustic And then do what i_ll do it What kind of song were You hoping for when you Clicked the button to hear One more i_ll write it Quick lickety split then I Cuz my clothes don_t fit What kind of song on An infinite scale would be Long enough in the long Tail on an infinite timeline Will I write before i_m Dead and gone <|endoftext|> To get ourselves a treat fuck That, i_m not going to The lobby paid 17 bucks For this movie i_m not Paying 20 more for popcorn go Shove it up your ass up Your ass x3 and furthermore If my refreshments danced around and Sang about me eating them well That would just creep me out so I_m bringing my own food you Can try and stop me, but i_m Pretty fucking sneaky i_ve got Stir fry in my girlfriend_s purse yeah I paid for this movie, but I sneak Into other ones just as soon as this One_s over and if I Like it i_ll go home And torrent it yes I Will I said fuck that, i_m A vegetarian I wouldn_t eat a sentient being Much less one that would dance around so Cute it could be my friend i_ll Name him Choo Choo! and Employees don_t wash their hands and Your movies never start on time so I_m bringing my own food you Can try and stop me but i_m Pretty fucking sneaky i_ve got Some stir fry and curry in my Girlfriend_s purse yeah I paid For this movie, but I sneak Into other ones just as soon as this One_s over and if I Like it i_ll go home And torrent it yes I Will <|endoftext|> Aberforth dumbldore Kept his goats Clean I don_t know to Exactly what that means aberrforth Dumbldore used weird charms on He loved the most out Along the farm aberforth dumbldore Aberforth dumbldore was Albus_ brother Really hard time with each Other aberforth dumbldore had thing Dirty minds fill in the Lines but we don_t really Know about AlexStenfeldt <|endoftext|> Jersey is frozen over all The bags have been packed We_ve got an abundance of All that we once lacked Sirens on the highway puddles In the rain I don_t Know what you are thinking But no need to explain Game devs get the mansions That rock stars might have had Vcs play the field like Over eager dads we cut Out little slices pieces we Can take with us as We_re walking through choices that We make slay the executioner Kill them in their sleep Before they are real the Distance that we travel from One thought to another is <|endoftext|> A trip but things go Wrong and start to slip Out of control you gotta Learn to roll and play When it tastes and looks and smells Like you made a wrong Turn back at timbuktu life Give you wheelchairs you gotta Make lemonade oh with humor And sincerity zach will show You how to see that Plans break down but you can always repair No mountain too high or valley low No atlantis is too fictional Or underwater zach will take you there <|endoftext|> I do a funny dance I make a funny face Come on, come on make It with me go find A funny hat go do A funny dance go make A funny face come on, Come on and do it With me It_s a funny Hat It_s a funny dance In a messed up world It_s a funny hat It_s A funny dance It_s a Funny face in a messed Up world I do it All the time I do It in the road I Do it in the trees Come on, come on and Do it with me funny Hat on the aeroplane funny Hat in the ear canal Funny hat on sailing ship Come on, come on and Do it with me It_s A funny hat It_s a Funny dance It_s a funny Face in a messed up World It_s a funny hat It_s a funny face in A messed up world It_s A funny hat It_s a Funny dance It_s a funny Face in a messed up World It_s a funny hat It_s a funny face in A messed up world <|endoftext|> You and me are securities Invest in mine and then let_s see What this garden grows harvest The souls my stock goes Up and nobody knows where Investing in your friends It_s A Ponzi game your gambling Fate the killer app that To the influencer who didn_t Know who you were but Now you can chat and You can say ser hello Can I crash at your chateau In the maldives? please. <|endoftext|> No Shh what do I Know I got no sense What do I know I live behind a Fence what do I know I sit here stuck breathing In exhaust from the back of a truck Don't mind me don't mind me I'm Just a little boy what Do I know I got no friends nobody Visits me behind my little fence what Do I know I talk to the plants The caterpillars and the ants don't Mind me don't mind me cause I'm just a little boy na Na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na don't Mind me don't cause I'm Just little boy <|endoftext|> When you least expect it You're chained down and dissected You're whole insides on display now You fight to find a way out Bad dream you had a Bad dream there's a monster And a cannibal you're running Like an animal down streets You used to know so well But now you don't know your way around Sometimes you dream a dream That sticks with you all day long The colors and shapes were frightening The feeling lingers strong sometimes You dream a dream you Wonder what it means is It just neurons a firing Or some faulty wiring? the Light of day from the window Plugging in the nintendo breakfast Toast and egg it it's Not enough to forget it <|endoftext|> The sky's turning pink I don't know what To think I'm falling in Love of what I can't get I love today I'm wearing A disguise I've got salty Eyes and I'm made out Of mud I've got blood Of the blood today today Can you see that crowd Coming down from that cloud And it looks like rain and it Matches your pain perfectly that's not a metaphor That's just an open door that you could Walk right through nobody will Stop you today I've got A beating heart and I'm Ripped apart buy it every Day I feel too much someday Hey hey I should just crawl in a Hole like a star knows Mo sensing with my body Fending off with karage a Tea baby baby I'm looking Right through I am I can't find fault With that I just dump my hat and Say that's all right Jealousy Is a thing that you feel at night Can you move that thing that's inside your Chest do you know what You do better than the Best of anyone can you Remove your head and blood spill out Your guts can you find It inside to say I've Had enough enough of this N a f t a <|endoftext|> I can feel the walls closing in like A sickness like a sickness On my back any day Now any day now it's gonna glim And I don't know I don't know I Will deal with the attack deal With the attack I'm just A man yeah susceptible to All manner of attack now you know That snowball and I do my best I Do my bur I can feel the war Closing in and before I end then I'll Have to begin where do you go when You can't escape your body now You try to chop it up you chop It up with some variety but oh oh Oh oh and o yeah So I think maybe what I will Do I think you're all you Know the sentiment that many of you put Forward that part of the charm of song A day is that it's Just all out there that's Always been true and that's always been a Part of it for me I think Ryan You said that you know you sort of Hit on the sort of cost benefit thing That I've been weighing which Is like surely as you Put it like the growth of the channel Would be helped by only the produced songs Being available but what would that cost in Terms of sort of harming the project overall And I guess the question then becomes really Like what is the growth of the channel Really worth to me which You know I don't know if I'm Being honest like it would Be nice to have more views On these songs but it's just not something That I have ever prioritized and I don't Know why I would start now but it Is something that I think about periodically and It's just it just sort Of it always sort of Comes up over time and Sort of has from the beginning from 12 Years ago given everybody's feedback I think what I will do is make way to support The channel directly on you Tube but I will make it a more Amount of money maybe I'll Have two tiers I'll have Like the really cheap tier 99 cents And then like a stupidly expensive tier and They both get you the same thing like Neither of them get you anything fancy I Don't really know what what To offer this is the Same problem I have with Patreon Which is I don't really want to offer Anything else other than song A day like I don't Really have any other anything More to give as it were those Of you who've been around may remember when I tried to do like weekly live things Which I just know I like knowing myself I just know that's not realistic so that's Not gonna happen there is Like an option now for like a Live chat like maybe I Can like commit to doing some Kind of live chat thing but then I Wouldn't if I'm doing a Live chat like I wouldn't Want to exclude anyone who can't afford that Anyway like there's I can't Think of anything I would Want to do where I like want to Exclude people based on money like That just doesn't seem smart so I think what I'll probably Do is just make two tiers and Just like you're not gonna get anything at Either tier and it's more Of just like my wife is Laughing at me but I Think you guys get it it's Like I'm not gonna I'm Pay more money to get I don't think That's I don't think that's ever been I Don't think I've ever been Particularly comfortable with that so I'm gonna do two tiers like 099 and 49 a month and you can pay either Of those and what you Get is nothing you get To just have a warm feeling in Your heart that you're helping support song A day okay I think That's what I'm gonna do You guys brought up good Points and I agree with You and I appreciate the feedback and Appreciate that you appreciate song A day and that that Means more to the fact That you guys appreciate song A day means more to Me than growing the channel In some kind of way where there would Be people who like wouldn't necessarily get song A day in the same Way it's nice that the People that stick around get It okay that's what I've You tomorrow <|endoftext|> Can_t fix no no no it_s broken This IG unit is poodoo It not friend anymore it Broken it broken no no No no down no squeezy No squeeze, bad baby religious Fundamentalism makes people do crazy Things what kind of magic Mysticism will mando find? <|endoftext|> It's been a little while since I did Just a late night song come On everybody if you know what you can Sing along it goes and you know that These late night songs aren't Very long they're not very long <|endoftext|> How can you move on? If I still remember you? If the sunlight on your porch shines The same way it always did When you left, are you stuck? Tween this world and the next Do they let you play the drums Do they give you breakfast? How can you move on? When your stuffs all still here When you left without your gong And all your statues the Islands still the same life Just rolls along caught up In a whirlpool how can You move on? how can You move on? if we Always say your name? if We_re looking in the sea Out there for your remains Snow in the graveyard salt In the big sea I Know you_re laughing so hard Two souls mixing <|endoftext|> Talking bout the debt crisis Talking bout the food prices Talking bout republicans talking bout Their nonsense are we gonna Default on all our big Loans is this the end Talking bout the debt crisis It might be full of piss It might just be a ploy To get more talking points Or it could be real I don't know what to feel I wanna crawl in a hole Maybe that's what they want Every single tea parti er Is where the fault should be They elected these monstrosities did Or is a doomed fate That their aiming for civil War <|endoftext|> What would happen if i sang every song that i ever wrote In a single performance would I be able to do it Would i fall down would I die of starvation i Don't know <|endoftext|> Put away those childish things and you see What the new day brings over you Think things over you lose yourself to the Drudgery and there's no recovering it's Over walk a mile with Another's feet what will it Take to admit defeat it's Over your crusade's over tighter Slips away beyond and over but Hey it's your life my friend if you Want to spend it then you are free And hey you think the words you say Have no meaning they bounce off of me The sad truth is that you've resigned lies You bite hook line and sinker it's Over come over to my House I can show you What it's all about it's Over mothers keep their kids Away scaring children every day It's over think this over The choice laid out before you Now oh you see anyway when it all Goes south it's over but Hey it's your life my friend if you Want to spend it this way then you Are free hey you think The words you say have no Meaning they bounce off of me and that's True to a certain extent <|endoftext|> Skyward turning dead leaves burning Little worm worming away apple Tree falls old chevy stalled It's so warm outside that My skin turns to juice I was solid matter now I am cut loose change In my pocket got some Trash I gotta hock it Try it don't you knock it oh no I put on my suntan lotion I set the wheels in motion I laid out the ocean down low <|endoftext|> Stormy daniels Didn_t like star Wars the last Jedi some Edited the film to take Out the women sleeping with Another woman when your wife Has a 4 month old at home Is not what Luke would have done I think it_s against the jedi code In the last Jedi Luke Burns down religious dogma you_d Would appreciate but then again She_s friends with trump so Maybe she thought the whole thing was too PC Sjw crap maybe she_s down With the MRAs stormy daniels Why didn_t you like the last Jedi Stormy daniels tweeted fuck you She said the last Jedi Was the worst movie ever And there_s no accounting for taste But I just can_t stop thinking About the MRAs stormy daniels For Senator in 2010 Donald Trump was gonna donate to She decided not to run Saying the media wouldn_t take her seriously I guess she_s probably pretty happy With this new round of publicity <|endoftext|> Kevin McCarthy reaping heck yeah! Kevin McCarthy sowing oh no! She_s having a fun time Having such a good time George santos wants to be Included i_m one of you Now let me be included He_s having a rough time Having such a tough time George santos sitting with Boebert He wants to be included <|endoftext|> Working all day against the Special interests for the common Good gathering up all the News and opinon, It_s a Complicated world to be understood meeting point For a progressive movement tools For change galore. There_s just One place where you will find it common dreams don_t come And go like the seasons Passing by us; common dreams Keep us alive with the hope that They supply us is All about changing the world for the Better so send this song To all your friends and Get them to sign up for a newsletter <|endoftext|> And she always cuts the grass Her jaw get sore but she ignores it For the grass needs cutting alas Wolves in the forest howl Owls in the forest hoot But to the rabbit the wolves and owls Barely constitute but a minor Distraction because the real action To the blue birds wings As the golden rings of The sun start setting and The forest blue is part Of me and you and The rabbit too set course With the heading for the Dark blue forest on the Way to better better always Everything is growing of you And she always gets away From the owls and the wolves with their chorus Of come and be our dinner today Look inside your heart and tug it You will see a rabbit there Under every rock a bug, it's A scary little piece of spare Parts for the machine but The real meaning <|endoftext|> Tears, actual tears tears, actual Tears Dang you George double R why must you kill The characters we like it's Been half an hour and I'm still throwing up I Have given birth to 8 and 9 pound babies Watching robb Stark die hurt more than both times combined I wanted to tweet this five minutes ago But couldn't cause i was sobbing an ocean of tears Tears, actual tears I am 5000 percent done with game Of thrones oh my god Watching this series was the worst decision of my life I don't wanna watch game of thrones anymore Why must everyone die i wanna scream i just alksjdfkajdsf Pregnant getting stabbed in the stomach on game of thrones What the hell hash tag i'm scarred I'm shaking, I'm crying, I'm broken now Robb stark by baby <|endoftext|> Sometimes it_s like this sometimes It_s like that sometimes it_s Like this sometimes you wear The songs hat songs you Wrote songs you hate good They_re all great song for Up song for down take Then back around everybody likes Songs songs everybody likes songs And you cross a new state line There_s a song you listen to Every single time cuz everybody Likes songs songs everybody likes Songs that one song can To the summer when she Gave you a heart attack Sometimes it_s like this sometimes It_s like that sometimes it_s Like this sometimes you wear The songs hat <|endoftext|> When the weather_s been below zero 40 degrees is t shirt time Out and about we go Walking around with such freestyle Everybody_s got a little spring in their step Little bit of vigor and a little bit of pep It_s coming It_s coming when The drip drip drip of the melting snow Keeps time with your heart and now You wander around with nowhere to go Thoughts seem lighter and is clear Just like the sky and the ground appears It_s coming It_s coming springtime Lookout, lookout springtime is coming, Lookout the walls of rain Are falling under the awning I_m waiting here but I Can hear that springtime calling I_m floating up in the atmosphere Pick up a stick and put down your phone It_s no time for feeling sad and alone It_s coming it_s coming the And one duck two duck three duck four Slip on the melting ice and then Get up laughing your butt is sore The air will start smelling soon Like the greenest earth and a whistling tune It_s coming It_s coming <|endoftext|> I was born where no good things grow Deep in the darkness, deep in the dark So suspicious, all hearts closed Anger the only exclamation mark No one every touched me I tried, but could never act tough Who'd want to kiss a face so ugly You couldn't talk to me about love My parents hated themselves and each other They hated me most of all I spent all my time learning magic Getting lost in books wanting To earn their respect wanting To destroy them too wanting To be powerful I was Gonna break through on the Playground we laid down and We were just children but Love was building I saw My future go by in Lily's eyes I drowned in Lily's eyes I was reborn Even when things ugly not For the dark lord and Not when I met Harry And now here I am it has come to this I want to make you understand Look into my eyes, and look in my heart Stand in my shoes before you judge this man So much just didn't go right It's too late for me to place blame Just let me look at your eyes My patronus was always the same It was always the same <|endoftext|> I_m trying to write a bad song It_s not very good it Should be not very good I_m trying to write a bad song I_m trying, i_m trying i_m Trying, i_m trying it should Be easy to write a Bad song it should be Easy to do everything wrong To write a bad song It should be easy to Do everything wrong so i_m I_m trying, i_m trying everything Wrong everything wrong and it_s Too <|endoftext|> If the business isn_t working You gotta break it apart Rip up the 3 piece suit And open up your heart If the business isn_t working Then its time to break free Do what you do and Do it uniquely break the Business play is work and Work is play Empower indie Creators and have fun along The way break the business We celebrate success and learn From the mistakes if the Business isn_t working then turn It inside out near is Far, left is right and Up and is down if The business isn_t working then It_s not your fault you Must become your own wreaking Ball <|endoftext|> The whole world stops and I look inside myself is There any space between me And everyone else it doesn_t Seem like it no Doesn_t No i_m pushing and i_m Pulling but it never is Enough will I ever be More than just a monkey Who_s learned some stuff was The earth put here for us And it_s all just for the taking When everybody goes through their day Are they doing it without faking Will insects be around when My sons riding a bike Will my youngest daughter remember What grapes taste like every Day gets longer and I Need a vacation is there Any chance we_re not living In a simulation will the Mystery of consciousness ever really Be solved is there any Way I can stop going Bald <|endoftext|> Open the door and walk Right through and you know That you'll find something new Over there but it's scary Because you don't know if you're you Anymore but open the door And your courageous attitude will set you free Out there but you don't Know what is waiting or what will be And you're scared and if You weren't scared even a Little bit then you wouldn't Be a human being feel It really feel it oh man can you feel it Scared and sad and all your feelings Open the door rip the Bandaid off it's gonna be A sharp, sharp pain over There no more sitting still And in chains anymore <|endoftext|> You know I feel bad I feel bad for you Cuz this is all you got You got nothing better to do You_ve got nobody to love You haven_t got a job You are defined by all The things you_re not with Your anonymous words or your Public proclamations you reveal a Darkness sealed in depths of Your frustration your endless masturbation You know I feel bad It_s genuine concern the kind I know you will never Be able to return what Should be totally full is Empty and discarded you_ve built 100 foot walls around what Should be unguarded with your Anonymous words or your public Proclamations you reveal a darkness Sealed in depths of your Frustration your endless masturbation and <|endoftext|> When someone_s upset always tell Them to calm down the Battle for happiness is won With iron and stone and you should never reflect If you are poor you Should just work harder and Everyone will always get what they deserve So just work harder work Work harder beat yourself up Throughout your life for all time and take it to your grave Never try to see it From any one else_s point Of view what do their Feelings matter to you <|endoftext|> I hear the pitter patter little tiny feet That's how I know I'm Where I'm supposed to be Hear the pitter pattern little Tiny feet little tiny feet coming home to Me o o hear the pit a pat A little tiny feet what's it doing now Gonna come and see little bit of paddle Little tiny feet way up high from the Canopy I said oh oh oh oh little Bitty powder little bitty powder little pity pattern Little pity hear the little pitter pat a Tiny feet just the kind of person that I'd like to meet here the pitter pat A little tiny feet going back home gonna See what I see little pitty patter little Pitter patter tiny feet little pity powder little Tiny feet gonna go outside and clim little Petty patter little tiny feet not a lim Never going to let it be little little Wow little petty paddle little paddle feet little Petty paddle tiny little fe teddy pitta patter Little tiny feet you ain't never gonna let Me be little teddy pad a little tiny Feet and that's just the way I'd Like <|endoftext|> I took a quiet journey I left behind my friends I knew the path I Was walking would bring me Back again I didn't know Exactly the way that I Should go but the sky Was up above me the Road laid out below 138 billion years 138 billion years I took a quiet journey and I did not expect the cicadas in my sweet tea And the power they project Lost in the commotion I Slipped out the back and I continued walking so much To unpack 138 billion years 138 billion years I took a quiet journey through the pearls of despair The top hat of anxiety Was the only thing I'd Wear battling the elements I'd Feeling like a soldier and I'd rather be a priest 138 billion years 138 billion years <|endoftext|> All my friends don't know what they're doing Even the ones who've been successful if You have a hero look again you have Diminished yourself in some way I always thought That I would know what I was doing By now but I'm just As confused as I ever was I don't think this feeling ever goes away I'm not sure it'd be a good thing If it does oh if It does all my friends Are feeling the same way all My friends spend their days in a weird Cage I can only do all that I Can I don't have time I can't do More I always thought that I would know What I was doing by now but I'm still just as confused as I ever Was I guess this feeling doesn't ever go Away I'm not sure be <|endoftext|> Babies babies are little babies Are little little and small They're so small and little Babies have little hands babies Have little feet I know Some little babies that I'd Really like to meet little Little babies talking about little Little babies I love my Little baby I love my Little baby I love my Little baby my little baby They got little eyes they Got little ears they got Little dreams and they got Little fears that seem so big But they're just a little baby Baby I love my little Baby she's a little person She is mine and yours Good night <|endoftext|> His mom, Mary ann was born off the coast of Scotland She met his dad while visiting new york in the 30s They fell in love and she decide to stay She gave birth to Donald, he was an anchor baby His mom was an immigrant with hopes and dreams Just like anyone, just like anyone His first wife was born in the Czech republic Got married in _77, so in love it was crazy She became a citizen in 1988 They had three kids, they were anchor babies His wife was an immigrant with hopes and dreams Just like anyone, just like anyone Come on, Don, don get Off that high horse you_re on Your grandparents came from Germany Did they come here legally? No one that looks like You or me can say This land we took is Ours to do with as we please His third wife was born in slovenia At Bethesda by the Sea, they got married She became a citizen in 2006 And barron William trump is an anchor baby His wife was an immigrant with hopes and dreams Just like anyone, just like anyone <|endoftext|> Gotta drop okay okay okay Whatever you need it to Be okay okay okay this Is a huge deal dub Dub summon a circle hope this worksios15 reduce Your temptation the web vpn you know it's Apple home cause there's no Bathroom okay okay okay okay whatever You need it to be okay okay okay Okay this is a huge deal I've Had this nightmare going to Have nightmares about that thought oh Whoops sorry gonna have hundreds Of t hundreds of tabs Each okay okay okay okay Okay whatever you need it To be okay okay okay Okay okay okay this is a huge deal Okay okay okay okay whatever You need it to be okay okay okay Okay probably should have just taken the car <|endoftext|> Touch the orb oh god Oh GOD what the heck Oh god OH GOD the Was a bad idea meanwhile In the Vatican Pope francis Grins and nods he forgets For just a second and Then, oh no oh god Move out of my way My father never loved me Move out of my way My wife wishes I were dead Move out of my way <|endoftext|> Another position another line in the sand Another admission we don't understand No rest for the weary I see you clearly window Is broken with an hourglass Sand is golden and time drifts past No time like the present it's what is and what isn't The trees are all blooming, the rain has arrived Business is booming, we're buried alive No love lost in combat Lovelorn in all that colors And lightness greyness and dark No guns left on the table <|endoftext|> Give me one more hit of that viral medicine Cause I feel like shit and I'm lost in the fog All my instincts purged and hearts been jettisoned All my sense dulled and my pipes are clogged Give me one more hit of that sudden growth tumor Cause I want it to wash over me I'll try to be funny and you'll relate to my humor Call attention to myself so overtly I've been running around and I've been stressing myself out I can never seem to find the hours in the day The sun moves overhead, a reminder of my failure To get things done, it's a fact I can't escape I've been pile driving, deep sea mental diving Trying to find what's hiding and drag it out of it's hole I'm asking who's in charge here, who makes all the rules? I'm in an epic movie and I'm playing every role Give me one more hit of that virulent pathogen I want it to spread me so far and wide I need to clean house so I can begin again For old time's sake, just one more time Give me one more hit of viral shenanigans And then I'll spit and be on my way I've done it before and I know I can again I can get things done, I can escape <|endoftext|> Snow then flood, then fire and a meteorite Iron in blood that flows into the rivers at night Call an ambulance it won_t come The entire town_s oblivion God Is dark and has hung up the phone Now we are at last truly alone Walk the city streets, you see The vestiges of what could be We are alone we are Alone right and wrong, or Left to our own devices Guns and bombs won_t work against any of this The supermarkets have no food Monster with a bad attitude Snakes that coil, and pomegranate juice Drip drip down the chin of the lost masseuse Readymade by Dr. oz worshiped Now in place of god <|endoftext|> I was there on the beach And I saw the tide contract Whole gleaming city stood at My back and a monster Rose up out of the Water men hurled against him And I woke with a start And the room was still I could feel my heart Pounding in my skull I Couldn_t get back to sleep To that monster in the sea Was the monster you or Was the monster me I Felt myself get heavy I Felt myself go limp my Eyes were blurry my head Was a blimp I tried To give in but that Just made it worse like Sticking your hand into a Stranger_s purse and I can_t Put down my phone no Matter what I do I Put it in airplane mode But it pulses glowing blue I can_t put down my phone To get back to that beach Where the monster rises up Just out of reach k <|endoftext|> Just look outside there's a New sun shining and the Old sun's dying let it Go peaceful green things grow Hot winds blow down in From the ocean <|endoftext|> Tell me a lie tell Me a moth when butterfly But i soldier on i Put things in order and Then i am gone book Me a flight on the Moon and then back say The words right on then Watch me attack open a Window it's warmer with sun And then i am gone <|endoftext|> Jamie lannister was thinking about Cassini_s final mission where all The kids will make the rules Because there_s paper made of organs Sitting in an empty chair I_ve failed to write Harry potter songs But today is book Lover_s day And I have loved books all along Hang nails and toll booth Traffic ice cream headaches yeah With mongering and the manufactured I just don_t want to deal any more Today_s the anniversary of Nixon_s Resignation I think we should Bake cookies and pray for A repeat performance you can Be the charger of your Own devices the master of Your own slices everything will Charge <|endoftext|> Don_t put that in your mouth Come on now spit it out Sand and dirt and puddle mud I know that stuff can_t taste good I feed you pasta feed you bread You spit it out silly head But grass oh that you_ll eat raw Come on little baby not right at all I thought when you learned to walk This kind of thing might then stop Since your not close to the ground But still it all goes in your mouth You_re almost 17 months year An a half is coming up Please tell me that you_ll stop My little baby my tiny tot <|endoftext|> Nobody will remember a single thing you do One million stars will die today And I drive my car to home Depot And install a new doorknob And all of my cells have been reborn Nobody knows what they_re doing at all 400,000 babies will be born today The IRS is coming for me And I can_t escape and All of my cells have been reborn Nobody can know if anyone else is real No matter what you do you die alone I had a mini croissant For breakfast i_m still hungry And all of my cells have been reborn <|endoftext|> I ridin back bears wheel straight for the Proof of love I'm hangry I need some corn some fake toshi To secure the bag if I eat the Corn then later on I'll Be stumped by the unlockable bathroom and two Chains on the blockchains at rare Af2 I don't know where I went with That just now will make Me feel good just like All of you on Ferris Wheel proof of love almost Place to go to this because this is Awful the fairest proof of Love can just sing that With me the fair is here um So <|endoftext|> For a while it, I was laughing What a buffoon, he_s so crazy He was that guy that says you_re fired I didn_t think anybody took him seriously But as the months fly by And the crowds get violent I_m not laughing anymore because Donald trump is reminding me of Hitler And not in godwins law kind of way Like literally and actually a lot like Hitler Nationalistic zeal and hate just Change the words mexicans and muslims to jews See the way he uses and manipulates the news He used to read mein kampf Which OK, by itself isn_t Really necessarily an indictment but Listen to his words and Compare them to hilters then Look at the crowds ferver and excitement Because Donald trump is reminding me of Hitler Same charismatic ticks like literally And actually a lot like Hitler Promising the problems he will fix This is how it starts I guess If you_ve ever asked yourself what you would do In early 1930s Germany this Moment right now is when you Gotta ask yourself how far you_d go To protect the human rights of all the humans that you know Because Donald trump is reminding me of Hitler And not in godwins law kind of way Like literally and actually a lot like Hitler Nationalistic zeal and hate <|endoftext|> Speed tracer tracing for speed Your finger and your mouse Are all that you will need Trace the track go real Fast don_t touch the side You recall how to have fun Like the old flash games you played when you were young Only now we_re doing it right on chain Earn some eth speed tracer game <|endoftext|> When i've found my way I find my way's forgotten When i feel ok i'm Feeling more distraught and i Must break free and i Don't care just how i do it Stand with me turn and Face the sun look through it In another time i was A minstrel singing now it's A crime to stand on The corner brining song to The street i don't care Just how we do it Stand with me turn and Face the sun look through it Gone are the days of Whiskey drunks and loud parades But it's ok we'll make Due with veiled charades <|endoftext|> You got what I want I don_t think you know It though can you even Through the mess surrounding me Don_t say the words It_s Ok you don_t have to Feel the same way i_m Smushed against the glass trying Where you came from I And that_s all right don_t Play don_t say the words You don_t have to feel the same way One plant is like medicine The other is like poison One drink is like freedom Another is explosions take my And put it with the Rest I never try as Maybe should and that_s all Right <|endoftext|> I got half a face not a full Face I have been replaced with my out Of place and my mismatched all my eyeballs And my eyebrows tell the story I know Just what you're thinking that is pretty weird And you're right I've got A full plate which normally be gray But I got no promises calling Out my wish dumb on my old time Believing got my old time Believing sticking on my phone What if the Internet died Everything was left inside nobody Be out of a job just like so Many people nothing would work It seems pretty scary and likely Seems so likely <|endoftext|> For reasons unbeknownst to me Every night for the last week I_ve been dreaming about super Heroes flying around I am Them and they are me All throughout the city superheros Dreamed of wolves and bears and birds Did they dream about the gods Disobeying all natural laws in The forest and the prairie Saying I am they and they are me Superheroes deep down in my My subconscious little light is Trying to be shone but It_s drowned out by the shouting Of my lumbering, neurotic ego I wish that I could see the light Of the fullness of your internal life Instead of the reflected glow Your conscious mind lets you show The buried thoughts and unsaid words Your entire universe superheroes <|endoftext|> After months and months and months Of harassment and tantrums at The mere fact of palestinian Existence calling students terrorists when And we know what he_d like to do To these so called _terrorists_ Meanwhile the UN calls the rape systemic 65 doctors say they_re murdering children The IOF is live-streaming a genocide But no it_s all about Shai, Shai Davidai <|endoftext|> In Atlantic magazine in the Land of the free they Writing about how one might Kill children legally all while Children burn in rafah mere Miles away It_s a jewish Holiday _33 days gone, lets Celebrate on this bonfire_, they Say referring to the children That burned in rafah It_s A red line jubilee from The leader of the free He could end it all With one phone call but He_s nowhere to be seen All while children burn in rafah _decapitated babies!_ they screamed to Justify the ends justifying the means But that justification was itself a lie And the means are headless burning babies Why why why why why I get my children dressed I tidy up the mess I read books and sing And sing to them as I put them to bed <|endoftext|> I am a little post it note No family and no friends I was ripped apart from them when I was a child I dream of having a body Or even simple locomotion but No one knows that i_m alive I live each day as if it_s my last Stuck as I am to this building Lucky just to be singing for you That_s what I do I Just sing here for you Just sit here, I sing Sometimes I whistle <|endoftext|> Have you heard me shouting in the dark Consider me wondering where you are Wandering these halls through the Night could the answer be Right there and all you Need to do is shave of all your hair And suddenly everything will be All right the moon waxes And wanes She_s not here To entertain if you_re looking For the night train Climb Aboard an audience of one Ready for the fun of Being bored There_s a network Of helpful hints each classified As a jog or sprint Slow and steady Doesn_t always Win the race it all Depends on what success looks Like to you is it a great big mess Of half baked ideas blowing Up in your face <|endoftext|> Hear the babies cry and You laugh and your soul Is ripped and half how So broken what would it Take for your heart to Open or are you so Far gone that you_ve traveled Beyond any kind of redemption Of empathy <|endoftext|> I saw you at the Laundromat You were looking so evil Someone picked up a coin and you said I just can_t stand people I don_t dress up for halloween But to you it_s a religion I_m trying to avoid processed sugar But wouldn_t refuse if it_s given Gotta let it go do It cuz I say so Just let it flow right Through you gotta rest up In a couple of hours When there_s no gas in the tank <|endoftext|> What did you do when you had a home Did you throw a party You can have everything you want What did you do when you could fly Did you land gently what Did you do when you in the light Did you show up empty What did you do at the end Did you call out softly <|endoftext|> Look in the car but the deck is Stacked against you you might Wake up inside a machine where the Only windows are to the dark bed and You don't know what that means so you Give your another look in the mirror and You try to figure out what's going on And it couldn't be just any clearer you Are gone you are and You say oh no no that's Not very nice I like take it for Another walk so you catch Yourself again in the darkness and You say is this what I'm Doing and you think oh No I do it could Be more no it couldn't be more Clear what am I doing Here the dots are loaded In the deck is st Against you you like a Acorn in the ground waiting for The right condition for you to break out To break out to break break out so You call up to your father in the Sky you say why why And you go searching in the back of Beyond you say it's this thing even is This thing even on is This thing even on <|endoftext|> Elephant shrews are more closely Related to elephants than shrews Elephant shrews they can really Move 18 miles an hour Small mammals elephant shrews live But they hate each other They sleep in separate nests Elephant shrews menstruate like humans Do so once a month They come together and they Do what animals do they Vary in size from 10 to 30 centimeters 50 to 500 grams they Gestate 45 to 60 days 2 to 4 year life span Oh they eat insects spiders, Centipedes, millipedes and earthworms too They_ve all got that prehensile snout That_s the elephant shrew <|endoftext|> Have you heard the one about the giant cow The most famous cow in the world now Too big to eat too big to mate So he just sits there and contemplates Oh what a time to be alive just now In Australia as a giant cow The weather here sure is hot Will I ever find the love I want In a different culture they_d worship me Bring me gifts on bended knee In olden days i_d pull the plough But now who will love the giant cow If there_s one thing i_ve learned From dust I came and there i_ll return But i_ll contemplate for now My life as the giant cow <|endoftext|> Hello friends at the Keith Valley middle school I saw The video I thought it Was super cool youuuuu dancing Singing dance and sing all The time I think we Should dance and sing all The time every single day Will be made better by Song and dance Keith Valley Middle school where the kids Can dance where the kids Are cool! sing like larks In a swimming pool Keith Valley middle school Keith Valley Middle school when they dance, They don_t drool always nice And never cruel Keith Valley Middle school Keith Valley middle School kids can dance kids Sing like larks in a swimming pool Keith Valley middle school Keith Valley middle school when they Dance, they don_t drool always Nice and never cruel Keith Valley middle school Keith Valley Middle school <|endoftext|> On the today show you Never know what you_re gonna get Maybe ballroom dancing or how To take care of your pet In the winter time i_m from America Does it get very cold in Australia? When it_s winter there It_s Summer here I kinda think That_s really weird on the Today show Weekday mornings from 5:30 to 9 georgie gardner Leads the news (She_s hot) (oh yeah) cam does sports Richard Reed gossips from LA With their powers combined from 5:30 to 9 the crack Team that is today Todayyyyy Todayyyyyy on today today <|endoftext|> Remember what I said when I was almost Dead that day by the River in August you were Just falling off your horse when I said ha ha of Course when you filed for Divorce with Hobbits and the Hobbits danced and the Hobbits I didn't want to be married anymore yeah The hobbit stand hold on Cause he didn't want to Be married anymore when I Picked up the stick you looked at Me like a brick and He said oh the air is thick with All the smoke from the fire and I lit all the fire till I could Not breathe anymore and I Said well that's it I guess we're Getting a divorce from the Hobbits And the hobbits dance yeah The hobbits dance cause they Didn't want to be married anymore yeah The hobbit dance and the hopping stance cause They didn't want to be marri the Gandalf swung his staff harder than a map At the back and he had a million Dots racing underneath that big point he had Of his hand erichorn was There and he looked at me with A stare and he said oh I don't Care let's get divorced from The Hobbits and stance only Dance because they didn't want To be married you and More for me and they Dance because they didn't want to be Married anymore <|endoftext|> The sky is getting darker In the distance, a rumbling storm My brain is feeling hazy It_s cold outside but i_m comfy and warm I know you love me By the way you take care of me By the way you make me Mac and cheese It_s just Cheese and pasta sometimes it_s From a box but it_s That extra lovin_ that really Knocks my socks you_ve got Me feeling so mellow this Powered cheese is so yellow And I will dream in technicolor tonight <|endoftext|> The giants won the giants Won seemed pretty much impossible A couple months ago but The giants won the giants Won the giants won i But the giants won hey We're going to the super bowl Hey hey we're going to The giants won it was A really close game i Thought i was gonna die From a heart attack but The giants won they made The 49ers fumble and my Brain exploded with that field goal kick And the giants won <|endoftext|> Sitting down terminal b trying Sitting down at terminal a I'm gonna get here I I go again don't know where and I don't know when here I go again here I Here I go sitting down Terminal c trying to be I gotta be sitting down At terminal f singing my Here I go here I Here I go here I Here I go again here I'm not gonna whistle time Has come the time has Come you're banging on that Boarding drum better come you You lose your seat and you lose your dick Here I go here I Here I go here I Here I go again here <|endoftext|> Colon cancer is one of the most preventable And treatable forms of cancer when It's found early oh yeah Colon cancer starts with very Few if any outward symptoms That's why it's important to Get screened early do it Now colon cancer typically begins As slow growing little polyps That can turn into cancer so You gotta get get checked yes You've gotta get checked if You got symptoms or you got high risk Get checked in your ectomo yes You gotta get checked yes You gotta get checked if You've got symptoms or you got high risk Get checked in your ecmo yes There are many things you can do to Help prevent colon cancer from coming for you Exercise and eat right don't smoke and get Lots of sleep at night but You gotta also know your family history and If there's colon cancer there you gotta get That colonoscopy yeah colon cancer Typically begins as slow growing little Polyps that can turn into cancer so You gotta get checked yes You've gotta get checked if You've got symptoms or you got high risk Get checked in your rectum oh Yes or you gotta get Checked yes you've gotta get Checked if you've got symptoms Or you got high risk Get checked in your rectum o Yes get checked in your rectum oh Yes <|endoftext|> The first doctor stole a Tardis And with his grand daughter Susan Went joyriding through space and time, across all Of it was crusin slow To trust newcomers, and often some what guarded But over time he softened up until suddenly Departed the second doctor was Warm and wise and played On his recorder he seemed To be buffoonish, a clown cloaked in Disorder he was a cosmic Hobo and he wore a Big fur coat had a Knack for deception and a bow tie Around his throat the third Doctor was an action hero who knew The martial arts he was A dashing dandy bold and brash with Heart exiled by his people, He teamed up with UNIT He was always very protective of his humans 11 doctors and 50 years spinning Tardis and grinding gears who_s Your favorite doctor and what_s The reason why the doctor Makes me jump for joy the Doctor makes me cry the Fourth doctor seemed young, was eccentric from the Start always had Jelly babies Charm and luck were off the charts, he Beat every disaster but he Left us saving the universe from the Master the fifth doctor was Fond of cricket, had celery On his lapel he had An innocence and compassion that were new As well vulnerable and emotional, No sonic screwdriver for him improvisation And science, always clever on a whim the Sixth doctor was totally manic maybe certifiable and Like the colors of his suits he was Unpredictable subtly was not his Thing but he was always Brave he still had that Doctor charm but he quick To rage the seventh doctor Loved adventure for adventure_s sake He_d Make you think he was a buffoon but You would be mistaken intelligent, Lighthearted, he always loved a plan he Embraced his role as time Lord, he was a very secretive man the Eighth doctor had fits of amnesia and a Sensitive side He_d talk about His childhood and was such a Romantic guy the time war Was raging and he didn_t want To be involved but his Mind was soon changed by the sisterhood Of karn the eighth and A half doctor was a warrior Fighting in the time war, fighting in the Time war the ninth doctor Was intense cuz he survived the Time war he had deep Psychological trauma as the sole surviving Time lord he covered all That up though with jokes and Frivolity nonetheless was capable of Great, great cruelty the tenth Doctor was bright and playful but he Had a darker side he Loved his companion Rose, though These feelings he would hide he Loved earth, was passionate, had an affair with The queen he didn_t want To regenerate no, he did not Want to leave the eleventh Doctor was quirky and quick youthfully enthused Born into his crashing Tardis, He was quite a dapper dude with His keen observational skills, he saw the time Erasing cracks he was very Aware of his age and he Brought the bow tie back <|endoftext|> What gamers did you talk to? What's this about data you say? Do you have data that Says a lotta games aren't sexist Are you gonna show us that data today? Those are two different ideas And the title of your video is Are video games sexist? and I don't think you answer this You cite two studies but They're both about how many women play games That doesn't address sexism at all So find some other studies to back up your claims Misogyny and violence two different Issues you conflate them let's Again you're talking about violence I thought we were talking sexism Ad HOMINEM which points? please You wanna talk cherry picking Just because there are a few Aaa games with female protagonists That aren't just about their boobs Doesn't negate the fact that most AAA games Are full of sexist tropes That's what these hipster culture critics say Less sexism is the hope Wellllll what you're saying is That games are sexist and Boys will be boys that's A lame argument, if you don't mind my saying All we want is more choice Nobody said they make you sexist Racism, homophobia and sexism are three different things <|endoftext|> If you watch my videos every single day And you enjoy them please Help me to spread the word About what i_m doing find One other person just one Other person and show them Your favorite song and get Them to subscribe in whatever Way they want youtube, facebook, Twitter email, or tumblr I Who watch me do my thing And I love it when I hear from you Through comments and rating find One person just one other Person and tell them why You watch maybe you come For the songs or maybe It_s the crazy antics maybe You don_t even know why you watch That_s okay just get them To watch too cuz this Is a subscribe drive this Is a subscribe drive x8 Drive, drive, drive <|endoftext|> I will improvise this song for you Sometimes happy sometimes blue we Sing hibba dibba dibba doo We sing dip a dip a dip a do Do you think that will make it through Do you think that will go to you someday I was walking through just Through I was thinking about Portmanteau I was doing what When I do when I The number of chords is 2 The number of chords I Do I do I do I do I do I I look at me and look at you I see what you could do if you Hibba dibba do do do do do Hiba dibba dibba do do do do Hibba dibba dibba do do do do do <|endoftext|> Solo and not a moment To myself and this Mac Is slow this old Mac Pro solo my wife has In chicago since Tuesday morn Not one to spare the Tv in the other room All is laid bare solo Shes coming back tomorrow and I want to see her face Solo not a moment I Get alone building legos and Solo every night and every Day I barely have the Time to write this song Or play r <|endoftext|> Does every generation think the breakneck pace of Change is overwhelming 500 years ago was this Something people said everything is new every couple Years it's amazing it's hard to keep your Feet on the ground it's hard to wrap Your head around and it won't let up Anytime soon is this normal or is it Something new? does every generation think the big Big crash is imminent, yeah it's coming 4000 Years ago was this a thing they worried About? disaster seems to be thing to keep Us humming we're lab rats on the scientist Slab following a voice with A gift for gab I Guess that's the way it's always been even Way back to the beginning adam and eve Were cast out and everything changed so quick Things got more complicated god was such a Dick but then the pace of change just Kept going and before long we Learned too much and the human touch meant Something was lost and gone in the small Time markets and the big time algorithms you Can see it there's a ecosystem growing in The place of the old if this is The way it's gonna be then so be It but is it the natural way or Is it some new thing all toge ther Are we coming up to the edge of A cliff standing on the edge will we Slip <|endoftext|> Trump got shot Biden got Got now Kamala_s on the Prowl he shoulda dropped out But I guess no harm no fowl Trump_s too old too slow Kamalas not perfect but nobody Is i_d prefer jill Stein I_ll just go where the coconuts fall So let_s go Let_s go Unburdened by what has been Is it just me or Does it seem like monumental Days happen much more than Like at a faster pace I was 6 for the fall Of the Berlin wall I Was 19 on 9/11 but The last eight has been Nonstop straight up coconuts armageddon <|endoftext|> Well he was. Shot in the head by a republican With an AR15 democrats tried to ban It was just back in may the bill lost by one vote Feel bad for his wife and his daughters, oh _they_ll get over it, the Japanese did_ That_s what Corey comparatore said About men and women and their kids (in Gaza) They will get over it, that_s what he said He gave his life to save his kids and his wife It_s a shame, it_s a crime, he didn_t deserve to die I wonder can you extend the same empathy To the children being bombed right now as we speak When you_re there in the dark alone on your phone Thinking some lives matter and some lives don_t That you can laugh or even celebrate death as you do Never feeling the fact it can happen to you <|endoftext|> We_ve lived here since 2014 The factory_s on fire they Make chlorine It_s the third Time in twenty years and So I think it_s time To go Amazon boxes that Put everything we own in them We_ve barely started the only Home my children have ever Known but it_s time to Go I wanna make plans Presumptuous Wanna find a place That_s not a mess every Human consumes 50,000 bits of plastic a year Where can we go? this Time last year my son Was in the hospital I Couldn_t wait to get him home At the time it seemed impossible I fed him lots of ice cream When we finally got home And now it_s time to go When I was in my 20s I moved it seemed every year or so But before that I only Ever had one home I Wanna find a place for My kids to call home For now it_s time to go <|endoftext|> You know what feels kinda old My 2010 macpro 17 gbs Of ram and it's acting slow But a Retina Mac would be just the thing As I edit write compose and sing But it makes me sad I can't afford the thing Red Delicious this is GrannySmith You know what i see when i look at my wrist? Roger foxtrot thunderbolt retina swift lighting Intergalactic chancellor chairman honey crisp Are there lasers in the bathrooms Is the spaceship a spaceship Tripling down on secrecy juicing Up that apple juice and The badging excellence the door To johnny's lab Supreme allied Commander new iPad is so Thin can you even see It? Utah Road trip it's 14.7 million pixels I want The new iMac sometimes you Want to be close to your content Touching it <|endoftext|> Has the knot in your stomach unraveled yet Do you think that it ever will Where is your mind all of the time What are you gonna build Has the whole world gone crazy Or is it the same as it was Can you handle all the madness Is it crazy as crazy does I can_t react to every single thing It_s like i_m shouting to the void Give me something specific to do And I will feel less annoyed Master the art of staying focused We got lots to do You might feel overwhelmed but It_s up to me and you <|endoftext|> Clint eastwood talking to a teradactyl Clint eastwood talking to the pope (john paul) Clint eastwood talking to a bucket of mackerel Clint eastwood talking to a piece of rope Clint eastwood talking to a mall cop Clint eastwood talking to John wayne Dirty Harry talking to a dirty dirty Mop Clint eastwood talking on another plane Clint eastwood talking to a chair Clint eastwood talking to a chair <|endoftext|> The outside world is calling me Clouds of white and skies of blue I should be out there running free Instead i_m watching baby pandas at the zoo It_s so boring I just don_t get it If it_s gonna rain I saw just let it Who knows why we do what we do Watching baby pandas at the zoo There_s just so much good TV I could binge it all right through I could be watching russian doll Instead i_m watching baby pandas at the zoo It_s so boring I just don_t get it If it_s gonna rain I saw just let it Who knows why we do what we do Watching baby pandas at the zoo I_ve got errands I need to run And podcasts to listen to I_ve got kids I could be playing with Instead i_m watching baby pandas at the zoo It_s so boring I just don_t get it If it_s gonna rain I saw just let it Who knows why we do what we do Watching baby pandas at the zoo There_s so many songs to write I_ll never be finished or through I guess I should be writing one About watching baby pandas at the zoo <|endoftext|> Among the dust and the Red sky dead river beds There is a door to Another place civilization laid to Oh that old familiar dream Could it really be the One to show us how It_s done how to break The world fertile valley fruited The mountain tops carved by Rain sinister markings clever folds This secret holds come on Martians come on now we Bring us down show us What is possible cuz I Think we_ve lost the plot <|endoftext|> So Zoo 0 Barry Zelda, Big fucking wii Machevsky du Quad 0 Barry Silbert big Fucking witch lechevsky du quad 0 FTX. what is just A big fuckfest. suckfest. caroline Shaq's a big fuck f lesson right? All day. God damn. God Caroline and SBS. I mean sh0 Barry Silber big fucking w0 Ponzi steel. That is disgusting. imagine SPF In a fucking orgy. God Damn. losing money to drinking Amphetamines, playing league of legends In the bahamas. but this has happened. God damn the two t toys. Hot goddamn legend. God damn We Satoshi himself. he burned Into the blockchain. God damn <|endoftext|> Well it was only 72 years ago that The federal government suddenly said, _no more!_ they Said, _no more cannabis_ _no more hemp_ and Since that day in August They_ve shown nothing but contempt and The story is a very simple one full Of greed, bigotry, and ambition It_s About hemp versus nylon and William Randolph hearst and a J Anslinger and if you Know anyone who smokes the Stuff you know it_s as Harmless as can be but Our drug war will never be able to Get enough until everyone is Rounded up and locked up for Eternity well first we have A company called dupont they Invented nylon well hemp can Do what nylon does, and do It clean and cheap so Dupont wanted to see it outlawed add To this Harry J Anslinger Bureau of narcotics and he Set his sights on cannabis as An easy way to prove his effectiveness you See he characterized it as a dangerous drug As for proof he pointed to those who Used it most which at That time was mexican workers And black jazz musicians so Clearly this drug had to be stopped and In steps William Randolph hearst Murdoch kinda look like a saint and Every newspaper he owned very Clearly showed how cannabis was the most dangerous Thing around but if you Know anyone who smokes the stuff You know it_s as harmless as can be But our drug war will never be able To get enough until everyone Is rounded up and locked up for Eternity Til 72 years later It_s just a fact pot Is dangerous drug, it_s as simple as that Hemp_s the same as pot and If you disagree you_re either a hippie or Some lunatic fringe wacko liberal fool but I say no to your silly outdated laws And I say yes to the very reasonable Cause i_ll knit you something Out of hemp maybe a Scarf, or a hat, or a sweater And then we can all go get high And watch the sun set together but If you know anyone who smokes the stuff You know it_s as harmless as can be But our drug war will never be able To get enough until everyone Is rounded up and locked up for Eternity x2 <|endoftext|> Daddy runs errands Mommy takes A nap daddy writes his Song when he gets back Daddy lays down he's tired too Life will go on like this Everyday it changes time will Make us grow and melt Big mountain ranges you start Crying you want some milk Mommy's got her boobs out you get your fill Daddy's gonna change your diaper now Mimi's sleeping on the couch Daddy's gonna hold you in his arms He loves you exactly the way you are He'll love you no matter what you do You're part of him and he's part of you <|endoftext|> The only time I am in the moment Is when I do my wife or i_m writing music If I could bottle that feeling up I would drink it I Would drink it I miss My kids when they were little But I can_t stay with them in the moment If my brain has future thought I would think it I Always think it what_ll they Be like in another couple of years And I miss them when they were just babies These are simultaneous thoughts that I have I feel like it makes me crazy So well trod my neural pathways Moving up down left right sideways My racing mind hardly existing Without it before this has To be the 50th song i_ve written About how I do not live in the moment And maybe i_ve even written about How i_ve written about i_ve Written about it before <|endoftext|> Fuzzy brain driving me up The wall fuzz makes me Want to crawl into a hole Fuzzy brain Fuzzy brain Fuzzy Fuzzy brain Fuzzy brain Fuzzy Fuzzy brain Fuzzy brain Fuzzy Fuzzy brain I don't wanna Say now I don't wanna Say forever I don't wanna Together Fuzzy brave fuzzy brave Fuzzy brain Fuzzy brain Fuzzy Brain brain Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy Fuzzy brain br Fuzzy brain Fuzzy brain Fuzzy brain I'm Walking along this planet I'm A fuzzy brained avatar in someone el I'm a fuzzy brain and I don't even know what that means Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy brain Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy brain Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy brain <|endoftext|> I got a nice idea How about we a don_t Live in fear any more When the trees are on fire in the yard But you can open your heart To the core when the World starts failing and the Sun ain_t a given you Got no room to rearrange How you_re living it doesn_t Take much to forget what You know all you gotta Do is let go watch The lights go down watch You get along with what you thought You couldn_t live without you_re Stuck in lost and found Make the best of it You hear it calling, the void You_re holding on for dear life oh boy You might as well enjoy The test of it <|endoftext|> Hey i_d be delighted to lay down a bid Of point zero zero zero one two dipshit Funbucks to own this piece Of history if you can show me The publishing agreement where you Secured the rights to use This tweet Let_s take this Criticism of stupidity in the Tech industry and rip if Off and sell it as an NFT Absolutely flawless execution Digital asset Ownership is the future the Only catch is you don_t digitally own your words And a stranger can just make a little song Out of them and list them for sale Without your permission just absolutely Cool shit all around the Vanguard of coolness <|endoftext|> The fascists are on the march They want to stomp your heart Kill anyone that don_t look like them Or lock you up in a dark dungeon When they come to your town Make your grandparents proud and Some day you will be known Like Miss pavlichenko <|endoftext|> My iPod is frozen the Old man is dozin_ the Blue monkey goes in a hole The people commuting have guns that they_re shooting With erections saluting Bob Dole Riding the subway x3 trains Going faster than natural disaster With crumbling plaster-falls down priest And his priestess are handing out leaflets That she is the cheapest in town Riding the subway x3 on Automatic, cut through the static Like dust in the attic, I sneeze Dance and a scuffle, cries mostly muffled My iPod would shuffle and freeze Riding the subway x13 <|endoftext|> Do you have a moment to talk All the color is gone from the world The birds have all had to learn to walk Rocks replacing mother of pearl But none of it seems to bother you None of it seems to phase You_re standing tall as the world burns Teach me, show me your ways Bears forgot to hibernate trees Don_t know how to breathe Printers no longer collate instructions For misery but none of It seems to bother you None of it seems to phase You_re standing tall as the world burns Teach me, show me your ways Ninjas have all revealed themselves Monster run amok the rain That_s falling is leaving welts And now we_re out of luck <|endoftext|> When the heat comes on It gets too hot and My brain feels like a Big blood clot when the Heat goes off it gets Too cold and I feel Dark and I feel old Gotta show what_s mine gotta Slow down when the rain Dries up the people die I feel dead inside off The mountain and into the Stream Outta my life and Gotta toe the line gotta Show what_s mine gotta slow Down when the temptress rises When the gates open up You_re already dead i_m a Cool cool cookie till i_m Not and the heat comes On and it gets too Hot <|endoftext|> We've got Christmas lights all Year round we've got a Thousand different ways to make sounds Together and we play together In the garage together five Ukuleles that are never in tune we Take a break to watch our favorite cartoons Together and we play together In the garage together and We play together, it may not be much But we don't want another in the garage Together yes, we play together, We'll never give up leave No melody uncovered in the garage together six Tired, I see the first light of dawn We lost track of time, we've been working All these songs together and We play together in the garage together let's Take another break, put on a fresh set Of clothes let's order up Some wavles, rancheros together and We play together in the garage together and We play together, it may not be much But we don't want another in the garage Together yes, we play together, We'll never give up leave No melody uncovered in the garage together shhh, Quiet listening, with a fist the neighbor's knocking Maybe we ought to be stopping, it's ten O'clock yeah, right, let's play It loud the drum machine Be pounding, but then no one's Around I wanna hear all of the sounds Tonight, night and we play Together, it may not be much But we don't want another in the garage Together yes, we play together, We'll never give up leave No melody uncovered in the garage together <|endoftext|> Siri, what_s the meaning of life? try And be nice to people, avoid eating fat, Read a good book every now and then, Get some walking in, and try to live Together in peace and harmony with people of All creeds and nations ok Try and be nice to people avoid Eating fat read a good Book every now and then get Some walking in try to Live together in peace and harmony with People of all creeds and nations tell Me a story once upon A time in a virtual Galaxy far far away (far Far away) there was a Young but quite intelligent agent by The name of siri (Siri) One beautiful day when the All the trees were red her Friend eliza said _siri (siri)you_re So intelligent and so helpful You should go work for Apple as a personal assistant_ So she did and they They all lived happily ever after and They all lived happily ever after life, A principle of force that Is considered to underlie the Distinctive quality in animate beings I guess that Includes me and they all Lived happily ever after and They all lived happily ever after try And be nice to people (and they all Lived happily ever after) avoid Eating fat read a good Book every now and then get Some walking in (and they all lived happily Ever after) try to live Together in peace and harmony with People of all creeds and nations <|endoftext|> Just a little wind and I begin to see the problems Facing minds, i_m tracing them Until they start dissolving I Can see my whole life fall at once So I make changes by the moment Something_s lost and something_s gained And each one may as well be the same Doooo dooo dooo doooo dooo Dooo window to the future For when i_m really looking back I_m only fading crystalized in Dreams that only show me Death disguised as life and Hell as heaven It_s just A place that we go The consequences don_t seem clear Because they never really get so near Are you able to forgive the body For the life you_re living Or the things it makes you do Beyond the reach of you Mistaking guilt for pleasure is There any other measure of A man understanding what he Can do and what he Can_t do understanding what he Can and can_t do doooo Dooo dooo doooo dooo dooo Doooo dooo dooo doooo dooo Dooo doooo dooo dooo doooo Doooo dooo dooo what a Man, what a man can do What a man, what a man can_t do What a man, what a man can do What a man, what a man can_t do <|endoftext|> Men in shorts are disgusting few Things I'd rather see less Sitting next to men on The subway in the summer In shorts it's repulsive men Things I'd rather see less Sitting next to men on The subway in the summer In shorts it's repulsive the Felt sickened they want to Die I wish we could let Them die yoga pants Warby Don't really fit you unless they're made for You men in shorts are Disgusting they look ridiculous I Just as soon see someone Coming towards me with a hand grenade I See my friends on the phones with their 30 year old kids and they're talking about Feelings and when these grown Children go out into the World they expect attention and they're very disappointed What's the point of being young if you're Not gonna make new things it's Their job to innovate but they're not holding Up their end men in Shorts are disgusting few things I'd rather see less sitting Summer in shorts it's repulsive Men in shorts are disgusting They look ridiculous I just As soon see someone coming Towards me with a hand grenade men In shorts are disgust insurance Are disgusting it's repulsive it's <|endoftext|> Happy birthday Jupiter I love You I'm working on a Video it'll be done tomorrow <|endoftext|> Every four years we come back here the World keeps turning it's another having what we Do again does we find us pass or Come on in but reminds us like a Sur Einstein was right about Sanity and time sand and Mountains is another having what we do again Two again just define us based on God Care reminds us like a Saturday on repeat once more It's a bitcoin breach what We do again the deep Final past won't do again blood we Rise up like a song that's all repeat Once more into breach <|endoftext|> The aye aye lives in Madagascar and is remarkable fearless The star nosed mole can tell if something's Food or not in 8 milliseconds tarsiers Are the only known living entirely carnivorous primates The angora rabbit must be monitored closely to Prevent wool block which is when their digestive Track is clogged with hair giant Isopods have the largest fertilized eggs of all Known marine invertebrates Kiwa hirsuta Was discovered in '05 was deemed a New genus and is thought to be blind Leafy Sea dragons have been Observed staying in one place For up to 68 hours <|endoftext|> Dressed up messed up like a bad date That never ended the right way going Down going down to the computer the river Runs drier than a daily commuter I got Nobody's ankle achilles heel how Up jumped up on a train drinking Too much ending up in pain lifting And shifting of the veil sun is bright And the moon still pale so I got Nobody's ankle achillesio how do I know that Anything's real heading down bedding Down on the bunk atop A big heap of my virtual junk traces And faces past and present if I had A purpose I was sure to forget it So I got nobody's ankle no achilles Heel how do you know If anything's real I got Nobody's ankle achilles heel how <|endoftext|> What stage are we in Of capitalism when the planes Fall apart and the headlines Ask about their bottom line When most people can_t afford Basic necessities but we gamble Away billions on animal memes And oh it won_t go on Someday soon the bottom will fall out And all of this will be gone And ohh will it be replaced By some kind of fascist state Bible thump theocracy I don_t Want it just go out And talk to your neighbors See if they need anything now If we want a better world We gotta build it what Stage is this we see Of American democracy where one Guy is genocidal and the Other wants to be hitler When they are trying to ban Forms of communication because we Can see the genocide happening Right before our eyes <|endoftext|> Another day another dollar got It wrapped around my neck Like a big green collar Write me another check because I_m treading water fight against The tied for my son And for my daughter and For my wife another day Another song made of words And chords It_s not gonna Be too long and it_s Sharper than swords it spills Out of my brain faster Than a bullet one tiny Thread and I can_t not Pull it another day another Sun Imperial and warm It_s When the summer starts to form Time to go to sleep For one last night in A London hotel room tomorrow I catch my flight <|endoftext|> Traffic in LA is bad And it's only getting worse have You heard what they're doing to the 405, My God if only there Were something that could cheer Me up so I could Forget this curse like a Website where i could find exclusive Access to deals for my friends And I, ohhh oh Social The deals just roll along grab Your friends before they're gone go And compare the best deals Anywhere Social buy the weather Bay is so unpredictable the Fog rolls in and then the sun comes Out then it rains I wish there were Something I could count on cause This weather takes its toll I need a Website where I can find deals From January to July deals Buy the deals just Roll along grab your friends Before they're gone go and Compare the best deals anywhere Social buy <|endoftext|> We just need to write some words down Like: _there will never be another now_ So much we knew but we forgot how To say anything, i_ll just say anything Hyper hyper hyper normalization managed Care and middle managers managed Like we are animals managed To put a wall between Me and reality it_s a managed reality Hyper hyper hyper normalization I Think of news I think of tiktok I think of bedtime when the sun goes down I think of stories by the fireside Where you can say anything So you just say anything <|endoftext|> I don't have enough time to climb all The mountains I wanna climb I am feeling Just a little burnt out and so is Everybody else so is everybody Else so is everybody else that I talk to but I Don't enough time to do everything I Need to do I look at me and I look at you and I think how Am I ever gonna get it through it All I don't have what I got what It takes I don't have room for mistakes I don't have anything I got a lot I don't have anything I forgot I forgot I forgot what I was gonna say <|endoftext|> Tell my story just a Little bit longer hold my Hand just a little bit Stronger cuz the fire is The words i_m erasing I Floor the pedal let the Engine erupting be the guide I got nose to the Grindstone I got stones in I got a tiny little knot in my mind Butterflies further away tied up In knots like i_m say say sailing Corner office but dark as the day You went away, the sun is pay pay paling Boot the saddle and get Your best finger to ring The bell There_s nobody in Here the key to your Doesn_t work you_re doomed you Set aside all the facts You were born with put Them down with the toad So horny simple things like Can open up choices with <|endoftext|> On the darkest coldest night Of the brightest warmest year I am here by candle light Listening, listening on the border Of all greatness but the Boundary_s limitless I have the Time in my possession ticking, Ticking engulfed in my thoughts Find myself pondering wondering with Try towards the unknown can_t Find my way out to Closure time has come time Time has flown away time Will be time will go Without my conscience or sense I fall unwillingly I fall Unwillingly deeper finding relief while Opening doors slowly <|endoftext|> Making a song about Thursday It's only Wednesday but that's What I'm gonna do right Now right now I don't Know who I am don't Know what I'm doing but A song about Thursday Saturday Before Friday and then we Go into the weekend do You remember that woman that Girl rebecca black she sang That song about Friday but She's a famous pop singer now everybody Made fun of you I sing a song About Thursday I wish I Was better at the piano But I just I just do my best Sometimes sometimes other times I Don't do my best and I Just give em a rest now I give myself a break cause I gotta do that to stay say yay Making a song about Thursday It's a day after Wednesday That's tomorrow if you're counting if you're counting Counting but who's counting the days all be Together sometimes I wake up I get up I do My song I go to sleep and then I get up and I do it all Again I don't know how I feel about Making a song about birthday and I'm Looking at the window I see my neighbor's House he's a really nice Guy if you don't know What to say just sing about what you're Looking at like my tea and my water Sitting on my desk right here next to Me lying down Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday <|endoftext|> Stevia sucks it tastes really Bad America is obsessed with It comes from a plant But that doesn_t move me Don_t put it in my shake Don_t put it in my smoothie I don_t want the stevia I don_t want the stevia Get that shit away from me I don_t want the stevia Even if i_m a bit heavier Don_t put it in anything I eat Stevia sucks it tastes rotten Left out and totally rotten The government banned it for Causing cancer in mice That_s Only at large quantities but That makes me think twice That aftertaste is just the worst Like modern culture sickness and saddness curse Stevia sucks feels bad in My mouth like a rat Died in there trying to Get out you can eat It There_s no accounting for Taste but if you give It to me i_ll probably Spit in your face <|endoftext|> Taco emoji taco emoji Hillary Benghazi emoji Hillary benghazi taco Taco emoji Taco emoji Hillary <|endoftext|> Why don't why don't we Why don't you love me Why don't we just dance Why don't we do it right Lower than lower than atlantis Lower than normal body temperature The moon is the moon Is a harsh mistress the Moon is down the moon Is down the moon is A disco ball the moon Is hollow I was there I was the shadow of the waxwing slain Why does the why does The world exist why does The earth spin moon shine Lost in the gallows lost In the galaxy lost in The galaxy (Harry Lubin) lost Break the p break the Pickle break the press break Break the pot rich boy Which way is the moon Which way is the moon tonight Which way is the moon Which way is the moon revolving around the earth Which way is the moon facing The sun is the sun Is a mass of incandescent gas (a miasma of incandescent plasma) The sun is shining the Sun is bigger than the earth The sun is gonna keep on shining <|endoftext|> The house burned down two Doors down and they're tearing It apart it's so loud the Sound I can't hear myself even f I Gotta write my song don't they know I Gotta write my song don't they know it Won't be very long good Night gotta write it down The house burned down a Few weeks ago and now they're tearing it Apart thank goodness and nobody I still am sad for all the people That live there they had To move they lost all Their stuff and now they Stop doing their work and Then they turn it on all back again <|endoftext|> I was wan der ing in a giant hall Waiting to go on stage or something I was writ ing a song in my head Now i_ve lost it now i_ve lost it I know that the song used 1 4 5 And that it had something to do With the song the humpty dance By the Digital underground my Wife and I went downtown To complete a carseat training And by the time we got back I couldn_t remember any other part of the Dream that I had last night where I wrote Really great song and then I woke up inside the dream But I lost it and I lost it and I lost its <|endoftext|> If white people ever got One whiff of the stuff Black people face every day I swear we_d lose our shit My blood starts boiling when Someone cuts in line and If I got pulled over for no reason I think i_d lose my mind White people including me we_re Break easily i_m easy going Most of the time but I get indignant when somebody Imposes on me their power Tripping whim this happens so Infrequently that I barely think About it if it happened Everyday I would have to Shout it someday soon when Trump is gone the fact Will still remain that the People who chanted and voted for him Will never go away <|endoftext|> You went to the supermarket got your turkey wrapped in plastic Cooked it in the oven just right should come out fantastic The whole family's coming over you put on your evening gown But creeping up behind you all moist and golden brown It's the zombie turkey coming to pay you back You run up the stairs into the bathroom lock the door You can hear her boney legs banging on the floor She's coming ever closer now, you look out the window to see An entire neighborhood overrun by zombie turkeys They are zombie turkeys and they're coming to pay you back She's banging down the door now it looks like there's no escape You can't outrun her because you're fat and out of shape If only you exercised more, ate less, you'd be thinner What a terrible way to die to be eaten by your dinner By a zombie turkey who has come to pay you back <|endoftext|> On the west bank in Bethlehem There_s a factory about to shut down Union workers making t-shirts fair Trade should be what works But you can help them survive No sweat apparel no sweat Apparel Whoah-oh no sweat No sweat apparel in The grand experiment with union-made clothes Jews and Palestinians working for A common purpose but this Experiment may come to a close But with your help they Can keep going this idea Can live another day and You can tell the gap_s And Nike_s of the world That here is a better way The next 30,000 customers the Next 30,000 customers at You_ll own a piece of the company In the form of common stock No sweat apparel no sweat Apparel Whoah-oh no sweat No sweat apparel <|endoftext|> I'm here in bogota. Bogota, Colombia. 8,000 miles above the sea. so High up. I'm so easy. I'm so easy. I can't Breath. I'm so easy, I Feel hungry. I am here In Bogota, Bogota, Columbia. I The hotel that I went to DEVCON To do a sound check. to Do a sound. had to Climb up a bunch of stairs, and I'm wheezing all around. I'm Wheezing (Breaths) I'm wheezing (Breaths) I'm wheezing (Breaths) and I Can't breathe. <|endoftext|> People like Matt have spent 2 years making fun of non Fungibles It_s a sad fact Lack of imagination can_t see Far past their nose then The poison musk rat steals an at and Even blind mat can see It_s Not money or clout but there is no Doubt it shoulda been an nft it Shoulda been an nft That_s The reason for this all to be no Billionaire or anybody else can Take _ em from you or me in A world increasingly digital little ownership is what We need we call it Personal property it shoulda been An nft but DiDs or The fediverse are both equally As strong yeah they are Both promising they all go Their pros and cons so Why don_t you use those instead you Don_t have to be ornery i_m Not i_m just saying that With the x it shoulda Been an NFT folks like Matt have spent two years Spouting off certain views and The minute the dumb musk takes the X that_s suddenly headline news but The one thing in this article from mashable You won_t see is any Kind of self-reflection about how it coulda Been an NFT <|endoftext|> I_m just a little raindrop from the sky Looking for a puddle to call my own But I landed somewhere else that I Don_t recognize I am all Alone I am the silver Soldier that i_ve been waiting For I am the softest Shoulder the heaviest boulder and Many more dripping down a Leaf and into the mud Catch a ride on the back of a slug Searching for a family that I can love It_s really tough to be Not enough i_m ready to Be evaporated the only way Out they say is through And just when I think i_ll never make it I am awakened and I Find you <|endoftext|> Little one has covid and A cough that sounds like croup I was up all night My brain feels like soup Oh sickies Saturday It_s been So so long since i_ve Had to phone in my Song phone it in, phone It in let it end Before it begin phone it In, my friend phone it In, phone it in It_s Been 54 minutes and 36 Seconds and counting on hold With the pharmacy at this Point i_m doubting our normal Pharmacy closed early so we Need the prescription moved He_s Got a 104 fever my Poor little dude everyone at The pharmacy is overworked and Underpaid they_re closing stores left And right dead neighborhoods in Their wake the private equity Ghouls are taking it all They got they_ll burn the Country down to buy just One more yacht <|endoftext|> I have this problem I don't know how To solve and I don't even really want To talk about what it involves me me Me I never feel like I'm Good enough like I'm and I compare myself to everyone else To everyone else me and make it about Me all about me me make it about Me all me don't know what it would Take to find it within myself to forgive Myself and I have everything I want there's Nothing that I lack and so I feel Bad for feeling bad oh feeling bad about Me so about me either <|endoftext|> I want to know what's in Steve jobs' mind What's he thinking about most of the time? The answer seems obvious and yet I think it's wrong After all it's kind of like that old Dylan song If his thought trains could Be seen they_d probably put His head into a guillotine If his thought trains could Be seen We_d probably put His head into a guillotine Does Steve jobs have the answers to interstellar flight? Is cold fusion just something that he figured out one night? Does he think a lot about what it_s all worth? Does he think at all about being ruler of the earth? Oh, if his thought trains Could be seen they_d probably Put his head into a guillotine If his thought trains could Be seen We_d probably put His head into a guillotine I'm so fascinated by Steve jobs You might say obsessed so Rarely does one exist that clearly is the best He's the best at what he does Though I can hardly define What it is and what he has In that mind that blows my mind Steve jobs Steve jobs stev Steve jobs and if his Thought trains could be seen If his thought trains could Be seen We_d probably put His head into the guillotine <|endoftext|> Her voice is a deathless song Rock of the world, founded on a fairies wing Her voice is full of money You can't repeat the past She used to understand me In Louisville she moved fast And we rose and fell in that We jingled and jangled in it Oh the cymbals' song a that Sounded like this there is No difference between men a Thinning briefcase of enthusiasm singing Compulsion, a whispered listen an Arrangement of words never to be played again Decade of loneliness I am One of the few honest people I've ever known She asked me questions in Her low, thrilling voice I Followed it up and down Compelled I had no choices And we rose and fell in that We jingled and jangled in it Oh the cymbals' song of that Sounded like this singing compulsion, A whispered listen a thinning Briefcase of enthusiasm there is No difference between men an Arrangement of words never to be played again And now I'm thirty and now i'm thirty years old Thinning list of single women to know There's a big difference between the sick and the well Thinning hair and if I die who will tell My greatest fear in life Is that someday I am gonna die alone Of course the funny thing Everybody dies alone people all Around you close your eyes You're on your own so Let's rise and fall in this Let's jingle jangle in it And the cymbals' song of it Will sound like this <|endoftext|> Work will set you free Sacrifice yourself to the economy No there, there silly peasant Oh won_t someone please think Of the austerity we can Print money but think of The deficit! We_ve earned all And if you can_t It_s Your fault the well is Dry cupboards are bare silly You will never get healthcare Little gestures that try to Hide the fact that we_re Robbing you of your basic Humanity <|endoftext|> You should be hugging you Should hugging one another precious Has a scar that_s healing from a knife Fight that she got in last year shamus Seen his father He_s in Prison and i_ll never see Him again shamus and precious, Should be hugging you should Be ??? another precious, oh Shamus, oh shamus and precious, Oh Shamus, oh shamus and Oh yeah <|endoftext|> When I was a little boy I was mildly obsessed with lamborghinis Mainly because the doors opened in such a cool way Now that I'm older I don't care about cars at all I don't think I'd even care If someone gave me a bitchin camero My niece is 4 and half years old She doesn't want to be a princess or a queen She's obsessed with firefighters and policemen too I think she'd probably like a bitchin' camaro <|endoftext|> I hold my hand up saying, _stop what You_re doing!_ There_s a flood Coming and a storm a brewing The streets will run with the pulsating light Of love with the deep Dark secret of love do You know what to say do You know what to say to the moon Everybody_s looking for someone to blame Everybody_s Looking for someone to love sometimes Both those things are the same but In the middle of the night in the Sky above the finality of Thought when it_s spoken out loud The finality of rain when it falls from A cloud I saw you there just one In the crowd you were holding tight to The deep dark secret of Love embers of trees that Made way for their kids Just like the dinosaurs and dodo birds did We_re all just creatures trying to make our Way with the deep dark Secret of love <|endoftext|> Wa skip bop bop dooba Doo bop skip bop boop bop Scooby doo doo oh no Oh no she doesn't like It <|endoftext|> We are having a baby Another baby another baby sorry Cause we're having another baby Baby baby babe we are Another baby another baby the Bun maker is a really weird thing to say But I don't care because We're having a baby May <|endoftext|> How fast is up to you Time flies then hangs on My body like an ill fitting suit My suit made of time like a melting dali I fly through the air a bird dangerous and free Time stops on the edge of a black hole The higgs boson and the collider yeah But no no that's not how it goes The higgs boson is just a shy little guy My suit made of time not a place or a thing The dripping of a faucet made of little gold rings I used to have a fantasy that i Could stop time and do what i want I'd touch you in the blink of an eye And we'd make out to an endless dawn To see you naked was another fantasy Stop time tear your clothes off so only i could see <|endoftext|> They met each other on craigslist Had their honeymoon in vegas they Both like Dr. who and She likes sushi, he doesn't like sushi she Likes reading romance novels he Can always make her her smile she Really, really, really hates his car they've Been married for a year they're Gonna grow old together Charles And Amanda for infinity and She gets mad at him, he thinks it's Cute they're converting to judaism Of Alaska where it's freezing Their first date was at College coffee House their first Naked Lady's she loves the Muppets, but hates sitcoms she Loves spending time with her family they've Been married for a year they're Gonna grow old together Charles And Amanda for infinity and They first started dating he found out she Was his sister's friend they Have a strong sense of humor in all Of their daily activities if He says something smart she'll respond with, "i'm Gonna beat a Charlie." when She asks what he's wearing, he replies, "khakis" <|endoftext|> 1001 my race isn't run At 1001 i've only begun Explodes in a fiery ball of explosion 1001 <|endoftext|> If you're broken like me If you're missing some pieces I will make you complete Together we'll be whole together If you're facing the darkness And you can't find your heart there Let my soul be the spark Instead of breaking apart whole If you can't find a way Out of your own head And the weight is too great You're not sure you can stay Whole not sure you can Stay whole when the sky And you feel like a mutant It means nothing to you I will be the glue Whole together we'll be whole Down down down down and You've got nothing to hold on to I'll be your helicopter I'll Be your humming bird I'll Be the pyramid that sits So silent without a word You imagine your life stretching In a straight line can't Figure out why you feel Like losing your mind whole I will bury your demons I will ship them to sea We will coax the meaning It will grow like a tree Whole together we'll be whole <|endoftext|> Don_t kill yourself chasing things That don_t really matter numbers Keep it all wrapped but In the end you_ll scatter Further than far all the Way to the edge of The universe and you won_t Take anything with you you Of course <|endoftext|> I_m not bad at math Math is bad at me I can_t build a boat That could sail across the sea But engineering won_t even look At me and the water Flows around so tauntingly i_m Math is bad at me So I just play my guitar I_m not bad at life Life punched me in the face Life kicked me in the butt Straight into outer space gave Me a nasty look and My tongue lost it_s taste Food just sat and stared And said I was out of place I_m not bad at life Life punched me in the face So I just play my guitar I just play my guitar I play it like the world is on fire I play until my finger start to ache And then i get so nervous that I shake I_m not bad at dreams Dreams want to wake me up Dreams rip my legs apart Until I say enough dreams Where i_m falling into and Out of love dreams where I_m calling all the friends I can think of i_m Not bad at dreams dreams Want to wake me up So I just play my guitar I_m not bad at dancing My body_s in revolt my Body is a castle and My brain is the moat Fill me up with salt And you can see me float Fill me up with pizza And you will see me bloat I_m not bad at dancing My body_s in revolt <|endoftext|> Got got accepted to NC state For engineering I want to Switch from general to computer Cuz generals to general I'm fearing I didn't get my driver's license on the first try Cuz I needed to make tighter turns I needed to use the blinker more And backing out straight is something that I'll learn I was talking with my old friend on steam He said that he wanted to kiss me I said yes and we made out Things have been going crazy I had a long vacation with video games Now back into class with midterms Jonathan mann will write a song with me I got no candles left to burn I'm going to ichibancon I'm Excited for the bemani games I turn 18 the day this video goes up And nothing will ever be the same I was talking to my old friend on steam He said he wanted to kiss me I said yes and we made out Things have been going crazy <|endoftext|> I wish all these people would stop Running for president billionaires already On top who aren_t simply Content to have all the Money they want the white House too random motherfuckers who Stop running for president nobody Wants you stop running for President I wish all these People would stop running for President mediocre dudes who don_t Know when to drop out And get the message the Nerve of these people to Think they should run I Want to put them into a rocket And shoot them into the sun <|endoftext|> Something every day you should Make something every day no Matter what you will do or say you Should make something every day I will write My song today come whatever And come what may snow Or sleep or wind or rain I will Write my so you should Make something every single day you Should make something every single day no There's nothing you can do or say except Make something every single day wake Up in the morning and when you wake You should just get up and make no There is no other way you Should make something every single day so You should make something every day and You should make something every day and no There is no other way no You should make something every single day and You should make something every single day you Should make something every single day and You should you should make Something every single day come Whatever and come what may come wind or Sleet or wind or rain and You can wake up in the morning in May you should make something Every single day you okay Jupy you okay yeah you <|endoftext|> Even if the Goldman sachs speeches leak Even with more crap from the DNC Even though she chose Tim Kaine, remember No matter what happens, please, in November You gotta vote for Hillary Though she_s not your 8th choice You gotta vote for Hillary Though you_re really annoyed vote For Hillary because it_s not But it_s what we got No matter what comes out about the Clinton foundation Though you hate fracking and globalization She_s a war hawk and you just plain don_t like her The alternative is the apocalypse, and that doesn_t seem nicer so It_s so funny to see The same GOP that said Obama was a dictator Embrace An actual mess who wants To silence the press self Professed bona fide freedom hater Leave aside all the shit that bill has done Focus on the fact that when November comes The choice is someone you think is a criminal Or a dictator, like an actual <|endoftext|> Rush Limbaugh is like the death star Large, round, and impenetrable but Has the evil emperor finally gone too far? Are his sponsors really gonna pull out? They say suspended they don't Quite say that they've ended Their advertising on his diatribes So it's up to us to keep applying pressure Let's look at the facts Rush was detained at the airport For having Viagra without a Prescription and he was coming From the dominican republic what Did he need Viagra for there? Never mind, don't answer that! It_s up to us It_s Up to us to keep Applying to keep applying pressure <|endoftext|> Have a very, very moist christmas And i hope your christmas is moist I hope there's moist in your fruit cake And moist in your caroling voice Moist in your eyes neath the mistle toe Moist beneath the tree i Hope your stockings are filled with moist And your heart all moist with glee It's moist christmas moist in The chimney where santa comes And moist in the cookies he loves Moist in the cup of milk he drinks Moist like a christmas dove There's moisture in the snow outside And it's moist beneath your holiday sweater Some might choose to say something like damp But don't you just love moist better If jesus were around he'd be moist From the moist moist depths of time God would've covered him with goo To keep him moist and prime He'd descend all moist from heaven Dripping moist from his booming voice Saying merry christmas one and all Moist moist moist moist moist moist <|endoftext|> I didn_t like it and That_s why I didn_t put a ring on it I didn_t like it and That_s why I didn_t put a ring on it But evolutionarily speaking now that You_re dancing with him it Makes you more attractive to Me cause now you_re a Where before you were just A woman it appears I I_ll be more careful in the future I didn_t like it and That_s why I didn_t put a ring on it I didn_t like it and That_s why I didn_t put a ring on it <|endoftext|> I_m a bird, you_re a bird, let_s get it on I_m a bird, you_re a bird, let_s get it on Let_s make some babies Let_s Get it on Let_s do It all night long i_m Dancin_ for you i_m dancin_ For you i_m dancin_, i_m Dancin_, i_m dancin_ for you I_m dancin_ for you i_m Dancin_ for you i_m dancin_, I_m dancin_, i_m dancin_ for you I_m dancin_ for you because I_m a bird, you_re a bird, let_s get it on Yeah i_m a bird, you_re A bird, so let_s get it on Let_s make some babies Let_s Get it on Let_s do It all night long <|endoftext|> Sticker boy oh sticker boy Wish I could be like you Sitting there without a care in the world That_s what I wanna do Sticker boy oh sticker boy You are above it all When everybody else tries to go big You_re focused on the small So dance sticker boy dance Your time is right now Yeah dance and wave your hands Don_t let anybody dragging you down And bill Clinton he looks Stoned enough to make me Think maybe you gave him Some of your stuff so Dance sticker boy dance your Time is right now yeah Dance sticker boy dance don_t Let anybody dragging you down <|endoftext|> Knowledge abused in SP almost Mild absence their reports of Losses very widely widely the Reports of losses vary widely ranging from 30 to 90 presence of Queen bee if the queen Bee is not present live Cough because it which is not considered Ccd precursor symptoms precursor symptoms That may arise before the pharmacology collapse Are insufficient workforce to maintain the room in Its presence some have suggested That the syndrome may be an Inability by the beekeeper some Have suggested that the syndrome may be an Inability by the beekeepers to correctly identify known Diseases like this RA <|endoftext|> These are ugly mother fucking punks Nobody knows where they came from One day they just arrived The bastard twinkle in their eye Misshapen and colored wrong too Many hits of a poison bong Ugly cousins to the popular kids But they don_t really give one damn shit <|endoftext|> Oh your taste is so unique Oh when we_re dancing cheek to cheek Oh, Kikkoman i_m just a Little ol_ geek but you Are magnifique oh well you Break my losing streak oh, Kikkoman can we kick it With Kikkoman? oh, of course We can, of course we can Can we kick it with Kikkoman? Oh, of course we can, of course we can Can we kick it with Kikkoman? Oh, of course we can, of course we can Kikkoman <|endoftext|> We're so used to the hand being steady We're so used to the hand being steady We're so used to the hand being steady But the sword stands ready and The sword stands ready you Sound like a 10 year old boy you Sound like a 10 year old boy you Sound like a 10 year old boy talking About your toys the sword Stands sword stands ready you're Not a vice president you're Just a sad excuse for a man way Out of his depth playing With lives millions of lives the Sword the sword stands ready tough Guy talking at the window the Sword stands ready oh when Will the nightmare end the Sword your sword compensating for Something much out of your league and Out of touch we're always Used to a hand so steady even If it's evil even if It's evil even if it's Evil <|endoftext|> There_s things that you can_t Avoid like food and rest That you don_t need less There aren_t enough hours in the day And stuff gets in the way Of what we really want to be doing But I think it_s all In how you try in The frame that you apply To the day that you_re pursuing This this this this this this this is it <|endoftext|> Focus your attention on the task at hand Don't be so distracted by all the shiny Things the Internet can save You from make you feel despair Focus your attention and spread your wings spread Your wings spread them wide Focus softly on the sun And sky spread your wings Catch the wind focus softly It on the couch I'm Liable to get sucked up pulled In ever further by concentric rings one Thing to another I'm lost In a sea of bliss but I focus my attention spread My wings spread my wings Spread them wide focus softly My wind catch the wind Focus softly my attention short About how easy it is to not focus Your attention on the task at hand and Get distracted which happens to me all the Time so much to do And I just get so Distracted by this and and As soon as I start clicking on The Internet man it's just A distraction machine I hope That these songs are distractions for you I Hope that you're coming to them and I Don't know enjoying them and that it feels Less like a distraction and more like a Like a deliberate treat for yourself anyway Thursday this Thursday let's see Already forgetting this is why I'm so distracted I'm forgetting Hangout how about that Thursday 20 just want to remind Everybody to come and join The Google hangout come right Where you're sitting and we'll do it we'll Hang out on the googles Okay so <|endoftext|> Time for primary decidin_? just Say no to Biden trump Will be landslidin_ unless you Say no to Biden want A prez you can take pride in? Just say no to Biden The wealth gap will surely widen Unless you just say no to Biden Say no to Biden We_ve Been here before recall Dukakis, Clinton, Kerry and yes Gore Say no to Biden enough Centrist hidin_ say no to Biden Let_s not piss off Posiden just say no to Biden he_ll put more carbon Dioxide in so just say No to Biden There_s stories That he_s lied in just Say no to Biden and He supports keeping the Hyde in Just say no to Biden <|endoftext|> Stronger than carbon fiber more Deadly than a red viper Bigger than the deepest ocean So hot nothing stays frozen Happier than a drunk vampire More crackling than a log in the fire Sturdier than a brick building Yummier than ice cream filling You are always there for me And I am always there for you Cuz that_s the nature of our business We go outside and play for recess Put on my suit and my best dress That_s the nature of our business <|endoftext|> Everybody knows to stay away From the Grabby Grabby pumpkin man Give him a wide berth or he will hurt you With his tiny hands he_ll Sneak up behind you to Try to remind you that He is an alpha male <|endoftext|> I just wanna play my banjo But my banjo_s out of tune So i_m taking a shower Here in the afternoon everywhere I go the people calling out my name Like hey mr banjo dude And I feel like i_m gonna let them all down Because my banjo_s out of tune I just wanna play my banjo But I can_t tune the strings I don_t know if it_s the cold winds blowing Or some mechanical thing when I sit beneath the water thinking all About the future I get worried sometimes you know I gotta learn how to relax and just feel the water flow <|endoftext|> The cows are coming home again they're Coming home the chickens are Coming they want to roam And roam and I don't Know about you but I'm Thinking about eating some food the Birds are fighting away for the winter yeah They're going south they're making Their way out oh yeah Say goodbye to the birds To the geese and the Ducks they have to find A new home and with Any luck they'll find some food they'll Find some food tiffy what's Your favorite food my favorite Food is garlic yogurt tiffy Likes to eat some chocolate yogurt with a Spoon at night she looks Out the window and sees the moon Go now if you please I heard that The moon is made out of cheese which Is a food boba wears A superhero and this is A cheeseburger cheeseburger boo boo Was a superhero he ate A cheese cheeseburger my kids Call booba silly Santa I Is a cartoon from Russia I'd like to eat some coleslaw and some Food and some food then Stop stop no no no Stop stop okay but the It's not done yet you Can do it after no No no no no don't Pull that down we gotta Finish the song what's another Food that you like onion Teeth and yogurt and what on yogurt tent Yogurt drink pippy like circle Cheese and yogurt Yogurt drink Is pink that's what I Think you can drink this Yogurt out of a cup It's the yogurt that she loves oh It's food oh it's food Oh it's food the end That was over again that Was over again that was But I want to sing Another song you want to Sing another maybe tomorrow why <|endoftext|> I think first of all as we've done Did yesterday and the past year in catskills Conf we're going to kick off with our Good best friend mr Jonathan Mann and he's going to Sing us a song about Yesterday's activities okay that's pretty In tune so this one's Called again maybe it has two Titles you've got to try Is one title and the Other title is pooh number Six goes with pooh number Six okay want to make It happen you just gotta Try Dennis Crowley took his Own advice he dressed up Like a blanket and he started To build an amazing thing for hudson He took to the soccer field and he Tried tried tried tried can Rent a toothbrush can rent shampoo poo Number six goes with poo poo number six Poo poo number six boop Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop faster College has got crappy food all That money has got more important things to Do but there's no silver Bullet and you will make Mistakes and when you mess it up and When you fall down on your face you've Got to try try try try oh But you can rent a too hand ran Shampoo poo number six goes With poo poo number six Poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo This is the part you guys sang with Me okay we're going to Do that some more in A bit but just be ready okay John And Dan are trying to Protect the hudson Valley from Invasive spe species Johnny's trying To create a sustainable startup community in The hudson Valley cast iron Don't they make them like they did in The civil war Chris went Success is how do you navigate plans and You gotta try try try try but She still can toothbrush can't rent shampoo poo Number six it goes with Poo poo number six poo Poo number six okay here We go poo poo I Don't see all of you singing I want to hear all of you singing Please poo poo poo poo Poo poo poo poo poo Okay so here's what we're going to do I want everybody on that third of the Room to do just the root note that I'm doing just those guys over on the Side yeah yeah yeah okay Now the middle guys you guys are all Gonna go yes exactly so All going and now all You over here okay can We put it all together now one Two three four okay keep Going yeah I love it Keep going keep going birds Of praise birds of praise Birds of praise yeah thanks Only at kesselskampf we would Get poo in three part harmony Also only a catskills comp Will that make any sense Which is awesome my 3 <|endoftext|> Octoroks and little blobs Wizrobes And moving blocks all the Rocks are falling down not Link but Zelda now Zelda, Zelda, we want to play Crazy king such a fool Gannandorf and impa too monsters Everywhere you look swim in Lake or stream or brook Dark forest and desert sand Volcano and marsh land break A vase cut the grass I_m Zelda now you bet your ass <|endoftext|> Transaction execution to the beacon chain New penalty parameters, that_s the bellatrix upgrade Named after a star used to navigate Fork choice parameter, that_s the bellatrix upgrade Gonna fall in love We_ve Waited long enough close enough To touch ready for the Merge open up your eyes Cuz she_s finalized ready for The merge <|endoftext|> 10,000 punks released into the World boys and girls and 10,000 punks autogenerated like MUSCLE Crypto fever dream what does It mean cryptopunks no two Cryptopunks on the blockchain cryptopunks Cryptopunks on the blockchain <|endoftext|> Too a lolly, too a lolly, bay Going to sit in the hot springs, yeah Cuz it_s my birthday weekend, yeah And I can do whatever I want Too a lolly, too a lolly, bay Ivory_s gonna come with me, yeah x3 Too a lolly, too a lolly, too a lolly, bay We_re gonna hot spring and dance around x3 Too a lolly, too a lolly, bay Hot springs in the rain feel good Hot springs in the rain feel like they should Hot springs in the rain feel reel good Too a lolly, too a lolly, bay x2 <|endoftext|> I can_t tell if i_m good or bad I guess maybe somewhere in the middle I feel like every thought I have Is a thought that i_ve thought before Like over and over again Maybe I don_t read enough And watch too much TV Does it matter why I write these songs I_m not sure that it does There_s many things all along That have driven me to write And nothing would make me stop Maybe I should stop posting them And only write them for me My body feels like it_s falling apart Should I feel this way at 37? I inherited this bad bad heart I take my medicine and I run almost every day But my body aches all over Is this normal i_m only Gonna write 4 verses to this song My daughter is about to wake from her nap I_ll forget I wrote it by next week Until someday I hear it again I wonder what i_ll think of it then Will I think good job past Jonathan Or say man this is terrible I guess we_ll see <|endoftext|> Hazelst is a feminist hero How many fucks does she give (it_s zero) She_s dances all night everything_s All right cuz she does Just what she wants hazelst Is a feminist hero she_ll Make you feel spooky and sad She_ll make you feel opened up and glad Turn off your phone and go outside She_ll look your right smack in the eye Hazelst is a feminist hero Hazelst is a feminist hero Her moves are dope and her vision is clear-o When you_re not sure where you fit She knows the truth of it Hazelst is a feminist hero <|endoftext|> A great big wonderful sandwich With mayo and mustard and Meat lots of meat i love meat There's these kids downtown and They sell the best meat I've ever tasted it is simply divine If you're a connassouir like me Then you know you've got to try it It's unlike anything i've ever had it's prime What's this, a finger? why I oughtta <|endoftext|> Make you feel old it's not your fault It's not your fault yes You make me feel old you Make me feel young too I know that's Confusing old and young old And young at the same time feeling Old and young old and Young old and young 18 I had Hair before you were born and then it All fell I got more red in my Beard every single day every Single day old and young Feeling old and young old And young we're still having fun we're old And young at the same same time how It feels growing older each and every day I said oh you know it's real that's What they say why do you love me So was it faded in The stars why do you Love me more than anything just Move the way I because We're old and young old And young old and young Is what we are oh we're All and young I love you just the Way you are just the Way you are <|endoftext|> Oh hey hey what a Beautiful day oh hey hey I wandered out and met A man selling watermelon by The willow tree he looked At me he gave me Some free he peeled back His skin and lo and Behold beneath it was another Face he was an orangutan I heard a bang and My phone rang and the Caller said to me _what A beautiful day_ That_s what The caller said to me She said _a do-little day_ I took a picture with my phone And sent it out to All my friends and they Texted back that as a Matter of fact orangutans attack But I knew that i_d be caught So I just played dead Like a possum instead as The primate touched my head And he said: _hey, hey Such a beautiful day_ he Said _hey hey, just a Do-little day_ hey hey just Hey hey just a do-little Day just a do-little day It was a beautiful day <|endoftext|> They want to be their leader some Are fat, some are tall and some don_t Look like elves at all but Everyone says they think that i_m The bomb they say the Waited for 10,000 years they Say they_ve prayed and shed golden tears they Tag along when I go to the grocery Store you can_t see them, But they_re there now i_ve Got no children, got no wife got No mitigating circumstances in my life so I_m free to lead these elves they Took me down to their elfin palace Fed Me sap from a silver chalice sang My name and their brilliant elfin song johnny Tumbleton, king of the elves King of the elves king Of the elves johnny Tumbleton, King of the elves king Of the elves I quit My job, I sold my house And I packed up to live way out In the trees beneath the Summer sun no one came To look for me, there was No one who would be alarmed by my Sudden disappearance we played, and Jumped as it got dark we Danced and sang and ate tree bark time Seemed to move so fast I met a Cute little elfin lass she Married on the first of May And she took my breath away, she sang Her brilliant elfin song johnny King of the elves king Of the elves johnny Tumbleton, King of the elves king Of the elves the elves Listen to what I say, I Got tons of responsibility I run this elfin Town, from the treetops on down our Son was born febrauary 10, Half human and half elfin He_s The best, he_s the best, he_s the best Of both worlds time goes On and love, it grows in The forest where nobody knows we Go about our elfin lives on Summer nights when the wind blows clear if You listen close you may just hear the Elves and me singing our Elfin song johnny Tumbleton, king Of the elves king of The elves king of the Elves johnny Tumbleton, king of King of the elves king Of the elves johnny Tumbleton, King of the elves king Of the elves johnny Tumbleton, King of the elves king Of the elves <|endoftext|> He wants to see the world burn Revenge is his only concern He_s sure that now he_s above the law And that_s why he must be stopped He_s the hand behind the hand But in truth he_s just a man He_s just a man, like his boss The likes of them never last He will try to break our backs When everything happens so fast Imperial darkness full of fog And that is why he must be stopped There_s more of us than of them The old white rich men Even those that buy his sin Belong with us, not with him Don_t give up on any man That_s given up himself in Solidarity we stand together is How we_ll make it out Divided is what they want So divided should be what we_re not Even those that deal in hate We can win them back, it_s not too late <|endoftext|> Hey are we there yet We've been sitting here for so long Hey are we there yet I think they're playing our song I think they've got something on their mind That might be just what we're looking for So slow down slow down We don't gotta go so fast Oh slow down slow down Looking at the trees go past Oh slow down now slow down Nothing really matters but you Slow down now slow down There's death and destruction and You can't do anything to stop it right now Hey are we there yet When the sunrise hits the trees I said hey are we there yet When the moon is in the sea There's a lot of things you might regret But are we there yet Slow down slow down you Don't gotta go so fast Slow down slow down look At our trees go past Slow down yeah slow down And you can't just watch the world burn You can't just watch the world burn But what choice do you have What choice do you have Have what choice do you Have I made that song Up also I have a Also hi <|endoftext|> Now that all the tracks have been laid Now that all the money_s been made Now that the the ammo_s been spent The sword and the shield and the apartment Now that i_ve laid myself bare Where do I go, tell me where Now that the succulents have all died Feelings and thoughts tossed aside Now that the rain has returned in force We_re swimming up stream as a matter of course Now that i_m been thrown to the mat I_ve lost my overalls and Mario hat Now that I see myself clear Where do I go from here Now that i_ve laid myself bare Where do I go, tell me where Now that my magnifying glass broke Now that i_m out of dad jokes Since the queen vacated the throne Can_t be with people, can_t be alone Now the heuristic has hit a new phase I_ve kept it going so many days Now that the room is closing in I_m taking off my skin <|endoftext|> I had it then I lost it Then I had it again It comes and goes like this And I can_t pretend that I want to be good All the time that I Think you should pay me Any mind one step two Step into the void some Days i_m just so annoyed I can barely get out of bed I can only hear the thoughts in my head Don_t know don_t care no There_s no there there twist Into a ribbon tied to a tree Then fly into he wind magnanimously When you get there you_ll Know you_re home if you Get lost you won_t be Alone Everybody_s traveling on the Same road back and forth As they get old can_t Feel the dirt can_t read the signs And i_ve got to somehow make up my mind <|endoftext|> Someday you_ll be one of the supremes But now it_s time to put the noise to sleep You_re slytherin and you_re ravenclaw But for now let go the urge to caw Koalapuppylion_s near they_re a night Person, and nighttimes here morning Time is more your speed Let your mind wander to astronomy Sauce Dragon, oh sauce dragon Hitch your ride to this sleepy sleep wagon We_re heading off into outer space With raimi gezuntcat and fenway Tomorrow you can listen to Hamilton And study the Massachusetts constitution But for now some snuggles and the cat has ears Let go all thoughts and worries and fears, good night Tomorrow eat all the spinanch you want You can even open a spinanch restaurant Invite jess and nuzz and Steve to come And eat spinanch to greet the rising sun Sauce Dragon, oh sauce dragon Hitch your ride to this sleepy sleep wagon We_re heading off into outer space With raimi gezuntcat and fenway Turn off that buzzing TinyCatBrain Tuna melts and crossfire can wait Wrap yourself snug, loosen your grip Rest gently in your burritoship, good night <|endoftext|> I look above my head Where there once were trees There's buildings instead I look Down at my feet where There once was grass now It's concrete we make our Choices we pick our poison New york homunculus city driving Subway and bus on all These busy streets Brooklyn sidewalks Filled with all kinds of People to meet and they Smile but all the while I can find my way Like a beating heart I Can always play every single Part I can dance around I can touch the ground With my heart ablaze someday I will return to where The fire files and the Fires burn for now my City heart beats ever faster From the crickets and silent Listen and the grass is Always greener in my memory <|endoftext|> Manifesting TCR summer manifesting TCR You_ll be curating those registries Whatever you_re doing, wherever you are Tcr! TCR! centralized lists are Dead decentralized lists are hard But I feel like we_ve come so far Yeah you_re gonna stake those tokens You_ll lay it all on the line We_re gonna curate collectively and Dance in the moonlight r <|endoftext|> And now the show is over they Didn't even mean to begin cause It was accidental accidental accidental accidental John Didn't do any research marco and casey wouldn't Let him cause it was Accidental accidental and it was Accidental accidental but you can Find the show notes at ATP Fm and if you're into twitt you can Follow them s c a S e y m I s S k c s m a r c O a r m g marco arment s I r a c usa syracus <|endoftext|> What is the floor price of your heart Show me the roadmap of your mind I_m lost in the alpha of your soul I_ve no liquidity with which to mine Oh darling It_s probably nothing Can I right click and save as I_ve verified with collabland in your discord This seems legit, don_t rug me, I implore What is the floor price of your heart I_d mint ten of you if I could Please tell me we_re more than frens Tell me WAGMI in the end <|endoftext|> My back is hurting it Really hurts if I go Run it will be worse It_s gonna rain I want To run through the pain <|endoftext|> Skin peeling off and organs left hanging But zombies deserve our respect Judge not lest ye be judged If I were a zombie, i_d want you to know me Before you condem me to death Zombies are people, just livingly challenged Alivingly, without drawing breath zombie Dance, yeah yeah x3 come On take a chance, you don_t need to know the dance Just do the zombie dance with me Come and do the zombie, yeah yeah Come and dance, yeah do The zombie dance, yeah yeah Come on take a chance, you don_t even need pants Come and do the zombie dance Capella now zombie dance, yeah Yeah x3 come on take A chance, you don_t even need your pants Come and do the zombie dance with me Zombie dance, yeah yeah x3 Come on take a chance, you don_t even need pants Come and do the zombie dance with me <|endoftext|> Hanukkah starts so late this year Hanukkah Starts so late we're gonna get a Christmas Tree tomorrow gonna get a Christmas grape Hanukkah starts so Three years ago it was on thanksgiving That was weird we celebrate Hanukkah we celebrate Christma both Why not why why not The holidays are really just About being with your family That's all it's really about To me Hanukkah starts so Late this year Hanukkah starts So late starts like Christmas We're gonna do it do it oh As a family lighting the Candles all around the Christmas Tree and the spirit and The spirit I wanna hear it because Christmas time means your family and We need our families now more than ever We need our families now more than ever We need our now more than ever more Than ever Hanukkah starts so Late this year Hanukkah starts So late it like starts on Christmas Eve and I suppose that's pretty great and It's going right through the new Year's whoa whoa whoa whoa New Year's I can't wait Can't wait for 2016 and I can't wait can't wait for 2016 To end it's so late so late Hanukkah Starts so late and I can't wait can't Wait for 2016 to end <|endoftext|> Thirty-seven Thirty-Seven I don_t look At how old i_m getting, no Now i_m Thirty-Seven and I Got two kids and i_m Doing things like I always Did, oh whoa I write Another song i_m eating crepes Playing video games Thirty-Seven Thirty-Seven I_d say this old place Has got 10 years to Not be erased oh no I walk to starbucks I Hate howard Schultz but i_m Addicted I have many faults <|endoftext|> We got a phone call and we said yes We had no idea what to expect No time to wonder, coz in one week We met poetry Zen musiq Hugs, crawls, toddle and walk The playscape of the Meridian mall The sweetest baby you ever did see We met poetry Zen musiq Poetry Zen, Zen musiq you Love the moon and things that go beep Scared of alarms and you love to eat Poetry Zen, Zen musiq you Got two parents who love you so And seven siblings who will watch you grow The people who love you are many Little poetry Zen musiq Jupiter Cuddles your sleepy head Pip_s Does flips with you for throw on bed All together for hide and seek For poetry, Zen musiq we Will love and care for you We will go anywhere for you To help you be who you_re meant to be Little poetry Zen musiq love Is endless, love expands love Won_t break or make demands We got room for love in our family For poetry Zen musiq <|endoftext|> I sometimes think that i_m Awake when the whole state The world_s dreaming and i_m Alone I sometimes think the World has all awoken and I_m on a stage and The darkness drinking has got Me thinking i_m not enough Come and take me home I_ve got a lens that Magnifies the darkened skies and Of galaxies and slumbering demons And with my headphones on I hear the singing of Missing giants always trying to They don_t mean it but I believe it_s meant to Be <|endoftext|> Oh the teeth of winter Come crashing down all around Me i_m just a little Made out of ice and Stuck to concrete I took My wings from a beggar king Stinking in his rags I Soared among the nightly song Some come little children take Into the pits what we Is soft and glowing so Keep your wits eyes so Large they pierce the dark Unfreeze me loose so I May choose to dwell down Here among rats, and cats And mole men feeding on I could make a home Here raise a family life But my dreams will sigh Wide open sky before the Darkness came and so i_ll Be tired only fire stationing Ohhh teeth of winter come And paying debts you must And take care now to Hedge your bets It_s not Too late for a mind So great to topple what_s Been built for what has Been to be washed of Sin of hatred and of Guilt da, da da da Da Doo da doo doo <|endoftext|> Well it ain_t easy no It ain_t easy no it Ain_t easy no it ain_t Easy no it ain_t easy Say it ain_t easy no It ain_t easy no it Ain_t easy-yyyyy no it ain_t Easy no it ain_t easy No it ain_t easy no It ain_t easy say it Ain_t easy no it_s not Easy no no no no N no no no no No no no it ain_t Easy no not easy It_s It_s not easy <|endoftext|> Hello, I would like to register as A dealer WHY I think Some of the assets that I Plan to deal might be Deemed securities by the SEC Which ONES i_m not sure Cuz I can_t really understand How you decide if a token offering is A securities transaction and if it is if The token that was the subject of the Investment contract is still a Security in secondary market well If you don_t know if you_re dealing in Securities you can_t register and Deal with are not securities you Also can_t register can you Help us figure out which Assets are securities no - Look at the DAO report You can also refer to Our enforcement actions i_ve read It and i_ve read about Your enforcement actions I still Have questions I did and The lawyer has even more Questions sorry we cannot help Anymore than we already have We don_t give legal advice <|endoftext|> It only takes one moment To say how you really Feel at the end of The day it only takes One moment to make me The pain and heart break It only takes one final Breath before your lost in The sun to all of Us who are left it Only takes one slip of The tongue to forever regret But it takes a lifetime To know if it_s all Been worth it this heart Should I praise or curse it? It only takes one misguided Desire to rearrange the wood It only takes one bad Taste in your mouth to Keep some people in and Shut some people out it Only takes one impression to Judge is this someone you Hate or someone you love Bullet from a gun to Change the course of history_s Run <|endoftext|> Ooh ooh ooh looking at Me you're looking at you What do you see on your face On my face too what Do you see been looking At you what do you See what do you see What W c e e Looking at the sky looking At the clouds looking at The ocean looking up looking Looking over and looking down What do you see what Do you see e e E well you don't see nothing No you don't see nothing Cause you're not looking with h Do you see what do You why do you what Do you see looking at Those people down there what Do they say what do They wear looking at those People you don't know people You don't ever think about What do you see do You see what do you See what do you see Nothing at all you don't See nothing nothing at all Don't see don't see nothing <|endoftext|> If you gotta chew on some fabric Don_t chew on my socks My socks have been in the dirt And are gross like lougies hocked Better to chew on my purple shirt That is way less gross If you got to chew on some kinda fabric Chew on that the most Yesterday you were a baby Laying there in the sun Now you are this little boy Where did you come from? If you_re gonna eat random things Don_t eat pieces of the floor It_s really old and probably poisonous So don_t do that any more You threw some food onto the ground To let us know you were full Please eat that if you must At least it_s edible if You_re gonna repeat some things we say Don_t repeat the swears I Don_t really give a shit But it_s the outside world that cares I want you to be free my boy I don_t wanna restrict your speech I want to show you everything I know Even the fucking swearing someday i_ll teach <|endoftext|> Carlos just found a dildo in his coffee, Emily is goofy wears funny green glasses, Aubrey's always fed up and she's uber serious Maggie hisses like a snake she's moving to China, Farhad hates everyone and wants to kill them, Working in admissions in the Summer sun this is how We do it at bennington Farhad comes in and challenges Carlos To an official tiger championship shoot-em-up fight round, Carlos is nervous, but wants to prove his manliness Maggie flips her shit and starts wailing on farhad Aubrey's speaking japanese to break up the fight Emmett keenan emily are making coffee out of sight Working in admissions in the Summer sun this is how We do it at bennington <|endoftext|> Ohhh life is circular is Circular is round and round The best attempt that I have found That the more I square it up Try to shape it to my expectations The more it won_t cooperate The more it tests my patience Life is randomness and we Bring meaning to it It_s A jumble of bits and atoms That form around us as We move through it and The order that we bring Just decays when we are gone And so it_s cyclical random Circle in the great beyond Oooooh oooh and love is Close to life as patterns Start emerging in an interstellar Battle of heavy forces converging The great and the small Are intertwined to form our thoughts The old and the new Will collide in the dark From the universe into the Tiniest of dots the tiniest Of dots just one tiny Point in space <|endoftext|> Pack the snow there you Go is it fast enough Come inside where hot chocolate Hides is it cool enough Little hands and feet so Cold snuggle me and oh That_s nice <|endoftext|> 2014 is the year we married Had a kid and bought a home That kid will be our age now Before we_ve paid off that loan 2014, lots of bad stuff happened And I never know what to do The world is fucked, everything_s nuts But at least I have you Sometimes it feels like everything_s Broken lets throw in the Towel we had a chance To save ourselves but it Was long before now sometimes It feels liked slo mo Jagged, chaotic and smooth the World is fucked everything_s nuts Ever since I was little I_ve been obsessed with the apocalypse And every generation is always damn sure That this time, oh yeah for sure this is it But look each other in the eye We_re all just making do The world is fucked everything_s Nuts but at least I Have you <|endoftext|> For thousands of years the Only way to hear music Was in the flesh from Rocks and sticks and gourds To lyres and harpsichords you Couldn_t own music so there Was no theft music was A moment and that was The only time you_d ever Hear that song played quite like that For thousands of years Music_d Go in your ears and The memory of the sound was all that was left But clever humans you just Couldn_t take it you had To go and make it complicated With your acetate with your Magnetic tape with your lasers And 1s and 0s you Just couldn_t wait to lock It dow lock down copyright Box it up and conceal it Where nobody can steal it Where nobody can feel it I sing for my supper I sing because I love it And just because I can have fun with it I want you to have this song And if you want to sing along I want you to take this tune and run with it I try not to shout But I want to be heard I try to be the best citizen I can be So when I open up my mouth And the sound comes tumbling out I capture it only so I can set it free I don_t want to lock It down won_t lock it Down if you like the Sound it is yours, you Can keep it what I Sow you reap it if This somehow piques your interest Well then please be my guest Take it change it make it yours <|endoftext|> I'm trying to learn after effects But I don't know what I'm doing Pretty much at this point I just be screwing screwing Around I'm trying to learn After effects and I'm gonna Get back to it sometimes The best way to do Something is just to do It, just to do it yeah (same progression twice more loud) <|endoftext|> What's the purpose of one little tiny song What can one little song do What's the purpose trying to Get along you try to See me and I try To see you if I I would share it if I'd take care of it If I knew knew knew What's the purpose why do You even try every day The same way what's the Purpose why do we look Up in the sky and Ask the stars every night And day well if I I would share it if I'd take care of it if I knew if I knew <|endoftext|> Mrs. sedgwick lives in Harlem Single mother with 2 kids She's got a 2+ hr commute She's hanging on by a thread For instance, everyday she struggles To pick her kids up on time Everyday it's the same old thing Every day an uphill climb Some resources she knows about Systems she's navigated that's the Data she's got to share But there's no way to relate it And these problems that she's trying a solve Have been solved by other moms How could they all connect And drop information bombs if She could call 311 and Talk to moms who know If there were moms at 311 Telling her everything apropos to Her life based on how She is hello this is Mrs. sedgwick single mom with 2 small kids if 311 Were to hire all a These moms in the know Proven resource that really works Could expand and grow and From there even bigger SMS And apps and a great Big info graphic showing realtime Numbers of participants with maps What i have i have Skills like crocheting what i Need childcare on sundays what I know about pediatricians what I need cheaper prescriptions what Time on wednesday afternoons what I need healthy affordable food Lowdown on the landlords what I need a better, closer Job <|endoftext|> Donate to public goods. I'm Here. how low can we Go? insolvent to see the Burn. no, we can't. I Think me to be finally Able to sleep. ultrasound. wait, We can't hear yet. Infinite Garden rebuild. LOL live stream Arbitrum transaction. okay, ultrasound. ultrasound. Bat. I said bat speaker bat. it's The ultrasound. money means all. Bat, speaker, bat. gotta say Birthday. rocket pool. happy birthday. Rocket pool. oh, that's so Appropriate that rocketpool's birthday is on The day that we go ultrasound. rocket Pull. happy birthday. I see The bat. it's raining fast On Ultra sand on money. When merged it was 54 Days ago. it's been a Long day. but we can Ultrasound on ethereum. and CZ Cz now owns spf. but That's okay because that's how we get to Ultrasound. we bring. we bring. Bring that exchange on down. that's How we get. that's how We get to ultrasound. we Today will be called Armageddon. Spf soul. EIP 1559 is The answer. Gimme, gimme po App burn, burn, burn. Gimme, Gimme poap. touch that grass. Gimme gimme po app burn, Burn, burn. rocket fuelful. ethereum. Negative issue has that, Ethan. All I got was this poap I in The BNB arena SBF band Sicken game of thrones shit. Some game of thrones shit. Bat, Bat. ultrasound. Bat. oh, Bat. it's a wild day. The wildest day I can Remember. is this what? is Hack happened? I wonder, is this what it Felt like? is this very Similar? I wasn't around back then. Is this what it felt like? I learned What a hostile takeover is today. ah. We had fewer calm channels than. it's A wild, wild whiff. it's A wild, wild whiff. it's A wild, wild whiff. it's A wild world. whip. we Went ultrasound. we went ultrasound. Oh, we went ultrasound. we Yeah, yeah. we went ultrasound Today. we went ultrasound. we Went ultrasound. we went ultrasound. We went ultrasound. Sa <|endoftext|> Everybody_s got a song snap Your fingers or clap your hands You were made for music You were born knowing how to dance There are cave paintings 35000 Years old but we been Singing since before we don_t Even know you can feel It you can_t help but Feel it your body will Reveal it It_s written in Your brain your think you_re Tone deaf you_ve just forgotten How to sing It_s been Replace with all kinds of Quote unquote important things you Can feel it and when You feel it you can_t lose it And so let your body move it It_s written in your brain <|endoftext|> Every time he moves his lips every Time she shakes her hips there's A wild one coming in that it's for You maybe you're ashamed of all the things You do maybe you don't know what else That you should be it's okay every Time he calls her name every Time she feels the same wild One away I made that song up on The spot <|endoftext|> Your iPhone has become your main camera You capture memories and day-to-day galore But you also take notes with that camera And that's what notograph is for Things like the sketch made on a napkin Or the cross streets where you park Silly signs in the bathroom and at that selling a car Your photograph or recipe or Nutrition labels on food the Grocery list that your wife wrote out Cause you're such a forgetful dude Notograph, notograph, note taking with photograph Notograph, notograph, note taking with photographs The notographs go into a separate stream So your notes don't get mixed in with pics of your family Cause that's annoying you check Your top drawer there's only Two condoms left Notograph the Brand to remember to pick Some up now you're heading Home you got one thing On your brain open the Drawer to find that only One condom remains Notograph, notograph, Note taking with photographs Notograph, Notograph, note taking with photographs <|endoftext|> Gary the gerbil loved collecting Mommy said that was the gerbil way In the metaverse Gary started connecting To many other gerbils who did this all day First punks, then apes, then a fuckin' troll Before long, his collection was out of control He remembered his mommy and Those words she had said "don't spill your seed for anyone, Lose them and you're dead" G/f# thing Gary thought he Knew better, he was a degen after all He knew where his seeds were he was sure Then winter came and when it had thawed He went back to where he thought they were Oh no, they were gone. he did not know why Other gerbils knew Gary was NGMI <|endoftext|> Matt Farley is motern media Matt Farley is motern media Writes more songs than me sometimes he Writes like 20 songs in a day he Writes about everything sometimes he Writes about he writes whole Albums about poop poop poop poop Matt Farley moter media Matt Today is moturn world moturn Day when you supposed to Listen to the spotify playlist Play if you listen to All 800 songs then he's Going to rich rich Ooh Matt Farley is gonna get Rich Ooh cause if you Listen to the whole thing He makes about 150 but If a million people listen to the whole Thing then he's gonna make a million dollars Matt Farley modern motor media Is motor media Matt Farley Is motor media it's go Here where I am it's Gonna rain here in Minnesota Now I just forgot where I was for A minute cause I was Singing about motor media he Writes like 20 songs in a day one Time I wrote 52 songs in a day But that was just one time and He does it all the time he Does it all the time all The time like every day Or like four times a Week at the least and You should listen to the TLDR Episode about him that's how I learned about him even Though he sent me his DVD Once and I was like who the hell Is this guy sending me dvds I don't know what's going on but Then I found out about him and I Listened to the songs and I listened to His inner voice and I said that's cool Cool cool Matt farliist moturn Farliist moturn media Matt farliist Media he writes more songs Than me he writes more Songs than me he writes More songs than me and That's a lot of songs that's A lot lot of sa <|endoftext|> I called my wife and had to cancel a date Lordy, I hope there are tapes The presidents a liar make no mistake Lordy, I hope there are tapes Pee tapes secret tapes to The memos I wrote, hey hey This is what it feels like when reality breaks Lordy I hope there are tapes He wanted that meddlesome priest to go away Lordy, I hope there are tapes Peeee TAPE0 <|endoftext|> On the other side of life In that castle in the sky Einstein was using his great Big giant mind finishing equations And fly over australia in A great big monster truck Einstien FLYING IN MONSTER TRUCK Over AUSTRALIA EINSTIEN FLYING IN Monster TRUCK OVER AUSTRALIA <|endoftext|> Mystery sound far beneath the Ocean waves there is a Mystery sound and it's remained Unexplained for a long time Now oh, they call it The bloop originating from.... 1500 West of the south chilean coast This mystery sound was picked Up by sensors 3000 miles away Making it the most powerful Sound ever recorded underwater it And has not been detected since And they've ruled out all human made sources At this point it could be anything From giant squid to chuthlu Me, i've got my money on leviathan sea horses Mystery sound thank the flying Spaghetti monster for the mystery Sound it's so nice that On this earth mysteries can Still be found i sleep Better knowing i don't know What is down there <|endoftext|> Why do you have to go? why Do you have to laugh? it Stays like this. I missed it. why Do you have to go? why Do you have to laugh? it Stays like this. I missed it. two Cooks drawl is calming johnny Ives backstage somewhere Phil Schiller's Cheesy sense of humor and Federighi's Hair two new versions of The iPhone a new fingerprint Scanner okay all in all I guess the event went well But I miss seeing Steve Jobs face why do you Have to go? why do You have to laugh? it Stays like this. I missed it. why Do you have to go? why Do you have to laugh? it Stays like this. I missed it. new Camera stuff is cool I guess dual Flash and slow mode this Picture of a squirrel an Iphone the color of gold somewhere Steve is looking down on All that he have made I wonder what He would have done differently if He were up on that sleeve why Do you have to go? why Do you have to laugh? it Stays like this. I missed it. why Do you have to go? why Do you have to laugh? it Stays like this. I missed it. I missed You Steve, I missed you So I miss you, Steve. I miss you so. <|endoftext|> You're thinking about something and suddenly reflection what Kind of person am i, what kind do I want to be? where do i fit In, what's waiting out there for me and The christmas songs on the radio don't help And the tinsel lights everywhere you go don't Help and the sounds of sleigh bells ringing Don't help and hark the angel singing definitely Doesn't help christmas pudding i'll just eat this Christmas pudding I won't overthink it take this Egg nog drink it christmas pudding i'll just Eat this chirstmas pudding i don't even know You but i will mistletoe you the end Of the year approaches and it's time for Reassessing but whether i've grown at all is For anyone to be guessing there's something in The air that makes me want to change It's like a mass delusion, we're all feeling Kind of strange and the christmas songs on The radio don't help and buying gifts for Everyone you know don't help i just want To take a nap but i don't think That would help cause i'd wake up christmas Morning then it's over and it's too late <|endoftext|> Jupiter puked last night you had a 24 Hour bug Jupiter grew up Last night the second night I Was up really late I went to a Town hall today bad taking Your health care away I'm Gonna vote for a guy for governor who Doesn't suck gotta organize on A local level and gotta Organize on a local level my 3000th song Is coming up in not too long I Got no ideas for it my Life is so busy I got stuff to Do got stuff to say Got stuff to hate got I got people to see I'm So busy <|endoftext|> I thought Jeff sessions was real bad And he was does William Barr give him a run for his money He does carrying water for A wanna be dictator it_s Gross It_s hard trying to Figure out which one of Them I loathe the most Thanks to Katie Bouman and A bunch of scientists we now Get to see a black hole for the first time Holy cow it fills me With terror and awe deep in my soul And I think we should throw trump and William Barr Into that hole where time Would slow down and they_d Be stretched into atoms so thin They wouldn_t know where they end And the universe begins I Stare at the image and feel myself so small What do I do with this anger I guess nothing at allxq <|endoftext|> All my mahjong friends have died All her mahjong friends have died Can_t find a game no Matter how i_ve tried youngsters Don_t know how to play If they did they_d play all day All my mahjong friends have died Oh vey there are cracks, Bands, and dots soaps and Reds and greens Nor_east, west, South and jokers too part You might win a couple bucks Oh how sad for this old Jew All my mahjong friends have died All her mahjong friends have died Can_t find a game no Matter how i_ve tried no Bridge for me I won_t Give up It_s mahjong games I love all my friends Have dies but not me Da da da da da da da Da da da da da da da Da da da da da da da Da da da da da da da Da da da da da da da Not me <|endoftext|> Jewwario at E3 at E3 Jewwario at E3 at E3 You wanna see He_s gonna Show you the games JewWario Hangin_ out at E3 Nothin_s Jewwario at E3 at E3 At E3 <|endoftext|> My grandpa was always suspicious Of every non jew it Was because he lived through World war 2 I always Thought he went too far The world was a different place I never saw any of the things He faced his suspicion was A reaction and while it May have been too much I now understand his passion And the fear that it touched Nazis are back and they're Killing americans nazis are back The hour is late I've Been asleep not feeling the Hate they have for me I_ve watched state sanctioned violence And i_ve marched against it loud and free Fuck the police, black lives matter It_s clear what I believe But truth be told I always felt One step removed It_s not A thing of which i_m proud I just wanted to tell you And the hate was always there I_m fear now for my family It_s not that I didn_t care It_s just that I didn_t want to see But4 <|endoftext|> Born in Vermont in 1982 Grew up in a small town there Started playing guitar when I was 12 years old And growing out my hair Never did drugs lost my Virginity May 10th, 1996 left High school one semester early To get my college kicks When I was 17 I went to Israel I spent 4 awesome years at Bennington college I got my masters degree at Cal arts Where I wrote a rock opera about the super Mario bros. And then I created GameJew Oh yeah now I write A song a day and I live in Berkeley <|endoftext|> The idiot looked at the sun Because he doesn_t believe in science The rules don_t apply to him He knows that if he goes blind it_s Not a big deal cuz He_s a winner uh huh And winner_s can do whatever They want <|endoftext|> My face is really big Hey, my face is really big My face is really small Sometimes your face is big Sometimes your face is small The trick is to know which is which And you will be powerful Big face (kookoo kachoo) small Face (kookoo kachoo) big face (kookoo kachoo) small face (kookoo Kachoo) sometimes your face can Be big sometimes your face Can be small the trick Is to know which is which And then you_ll be powerful <|endoftext|> Quantum decoupling transition in a one dimensional fishbok Resonant superfluid quantum decoupling that Transition on in a one dimensional Fishbox resonant superfluid we study A one dimensional gas of fermionic atoms Interacting via an s with Molecular fishbox resonance and at low energies The system is characterized by two Joseph Sun coupled liquids corresponding to pared atomic and Molecular superfluid quantum decoupling transition In a one dimensional Fech Spock resonant superfluid we show that in contrast The higher dimensions the system exhibits a quantum Phase transition from a phase in which the Two superfluids are locked together to one and Which is low energy quantum fluctuations oppress the Fetch spark present resonance Josephson Coupling effectively decoupling the molecular atomic superfluids oh Yeah quantum decoupling transition in A one dimensional fishbox resonant Superfluous experimental signatures of this quantum transition include The appearance of an out of phase gapless Mode in addition to the standard gappas in Phase mode in the spectrum of the decoupled Superfluid phase and a discontinuous change in the Molecular momentum distribution function yeah Yes quantum decoupling transition on In a one dimensional flashback Resonance superfluid quantum decoupling super fluid <|endoftext|> I was out there selling watermelons and watermelon Shaped balloons when a kid Came up and intervened he must Have been about 17 he Said this aint the guy you_re looking for And so the police let me be and I_m pushing rocks up hills that are steep And getting steeper i_m sometimes Being watch by eight more friendly creepers On the seventh day I rest, but the Sixth I like the best when The waves come crashing down, and all we_ve Built gets drowned and the Wind blows wild washes all of us Aground, i_ll be found when Was probably older by a few years but I could not know for sure I found Myself on the outside looking in on what We were was it me That she was flirting with or The promise of what could be something Flashed, she took my hand and led me Out to sea and i_m Throwing left, right punches in the rhythms I_ve enjoyed and the thoughts Flow out of my mind, straight Into the void and you Can never build that which cannot be Destroyed when the waves come Crashing down, and all we_ve Built gets drowned and the Wind blows wild washes all of us Aground, i_ll be found when The waves come crashing down, and all we_ve Built gets drowned and the Wind blows wild washes all of us Aground, i_ll be found when I can see the ferris wheel from my Hotel window It_s the oldest One in Europe and I Wanted to but never got to Go and i_m sleeping on The floor because the bed They gave me is just too soft and Anytime I take a ride on something old I_m ready to get off and I_m throwing left, right punches in the rhythms I_ve enjoyed and the thoughts Flow out of my mind, straight Into the void and you Can never build that which cannot be Destroyed when the waves come Crashing down, and all we_ve Built gets drowned and the Wind blows wild washes all of us Aground, i_ll be found when The waves come crashing down when The waves come crashing down <|endoftext|> I_m just a monkey with A slightly bigger brain so If I seem ungainly unrefined, I_m barely tame words are Not enough we think we_re Such hot stuff we_re gonna Need something more if we Wanna survive words words words But words only divide It_s A curse words words words Killing each other because inside We hurt if you could Feel the thoughts in my Head and yours were as Real like another sense we Love and joy and pain But there_s all these words Just getting in the way <|endoftext|> You you don_t live in The movies you don_t live In a book you don_t Live in the television you That you want to get out of here But you never get out of here Down in wonder up in Sonder count the thunder now You don_t live in a tiktok You don_t live in a tweet You don_t live in the here and now, baby You_re looking for an adventure But it_s always the same You don_t live in a video game <|endoftext|> Donald Trump's a convicted felon Donald Trump's a convicted felon Trump's a convicted felon o Trump's a convicted felon Donald Donald Trump's a convicted felon W the woman that hate Obama the woman may hate Clinton the woman may hate Carter Joe Biden HRC Kerry Pompeo Lincoln all of them Trump's a convicted felon Donald Donald Trump's a convicted felon Trump's a convicted felon Donald Donald Trump's a convicted felon <|endoftext|> I think i_ll write another song It_s been a long, long day of writing songs I think i_ll write another song It_s been a long, long day of writing songs I think i_ll write another song It_s been a long, long day of writing songs I think i_ll write another song <|endoftext|> I hold your city captive ryan_s Girlfriend hostage with my gang Of students and evil bosses I am bad, I am the Toughest fight you will ever face and With a name like slick You know i_m one mean Mutha who will dance around You all over the place That_s a river city ransom Why I am the way that I am Maybe my mother didn_t love me or My dad made me play the piano I Am evil, I kick puppies and I hate the smell of flowers in The spring time river city Ransom you may purchase books To teach you how to Fight you can almost take Me down almost but not Quite That_s a river city Down by the riverside where Slick wrote his ransom note some Initials carved in an old oak tree some Thread pinned there from a black wool coat Slick sits watching the water tears Stain his cheeks he's worked So hard to forget her name he's Mastered his technique That_s a River city ransom you spend Yourself on food no matter How you try you'll never Be the baddest dude don_t Look for a reason for Why I am the way that I am Maybe I was born this way or I'm some kind of mutant 0 I am Evil, I kick puppies and I hate the smell of flowers in The spring time I hold your city captive Ryan_s girlfriend hostage with my Gang of students and evil Bosses I am bad, I am the Toughest fight you will ever face and With a name like slick You know i_m one mean Mutha who will dance around You all over the place That_s a river city ransom An old game called river City ransom. <|endoftext|> There_s a time and a place But please get that shilling out of my face There_s a way you can shill That doesn_t spread anger but instead good will If i_m talking about something If it_s not related don_t Shoehorn your project into every Stupid conversation I know that You_re proud and that you Want to shout your project out loud I know how it feels When it seems like your spending time just spinning your wheels I promise you got this You gotta stop this if It doesn_t work change tactics For that enthusiasm <|endoftext|> Happy birthday, Shaista vally happy Birthday, Shaista vally Oooooh your But you make me smile and you make me laugh People think you_re indian or maybe pakistani But you_re from down in the OC Via south Africa and I decree That today_s a great day in history Cuz 24 years ago you were born So Shaista vally, it_s your birthday Shaista vally, it_s your birthday Happy birthday, Shaista vally happy Birthday, Shaista vally ooooooh you You work in a bar but anyone can see That pretty soon you_ll be the queen Queen of the world and You want to be an optometrist But you_re also already an amazing artist Making lots of little bacterial things and painting a lot It_s all really awesome so Shaista vally, it_s your birthday Shaista vally, it_s your birthday Happy birthday, Shaista vally happy Birthday, Shaista vally Ooooh ??? I am truly awed and I hate it when we part Your insole stir up my guts And you won_t stop ??? On the coldest day of the year I wanted you near I Wanted you here so Shaista Vally, it_s your birthday Shaista Vally, it_s your birthday happy Birthday, Shaista vally happy birthday, Shaista vally Ooooh <|endoftext|> He was born, he had his mother to thank He never ate breakfast cause his mom told him not ta He was a an evil cowboy alien ninja Blended kittens for lunch fried puppies for dinner He was an evil boy, a outlaw a sinner He was sick of his mom's rules, like eat with a fork So at the age of 12 he killed her with a spork <|endoftext|> Little by little changing everyday by degrees slowly Melting towards who I want to be can I get where i_m going Fast enough to give you Everything you need from me every Single place I've left I Never said goodbye and I Never notice I'm sad until I start to cry I never Knew who I was until I moved on and then I asked the question and always got A reply the only thing I want is to feel safe You can see my big decisions in the Lines upon my face see What I have brought upon myself, upon myself There's no rhyme or reason, I long since Cast those spells little by Little the moon falls towards the earth Time goes straight and space is stretched and Curved which way moving on Point me home I gotta Make room for the good Days to occur so turn The radio up and set your phasers To stun and embrace the Fact that you can't please everyone The streets are crowded and I_ve got no map but I hope I look back and am proud Of what i_ve done the You can see my big decisions in the Lines upon my face see What I have brought upon myself, upon myself There's no rhyme or reason, I long since Cast those spells little by Little untangling a mystery I can_t turn Back now cuz I am into deep when I'm an old man who Doesn_t remember you will you Help clear my mind of all debris <|endoftext|> Forex stands for foreign exchange Markets That_s the worldwide and Financial markets for trading currencies Does that sound confusing? well It doesn_t have to be they_ll get you started Trading currencies right away, oh Gateway into this world you_ll Get started today they will Teach you I an easy, Quick, straightforward manner they work Closely with the forex brokers To bring you the best deals Keep up to date with the latest news on the blog With everything from fun facts To trading signals forex trading Is a great alternative to The stock market especially now When things are so volatile In the stock market world Popular part of the site Is the best forex broker top list Where they review forex brokers And make recommendations just for you And here are some of the other things You will find, on Political risk interest rates inflation Valuation of currencies purchasing power Parity foreign trade and what Oh they got an FAQ with a glossary With forex terms that you may need They cover all the major currencies And trading strategies Let_s yeah Let_s go everybody say <|endoftext|> Do you bank your songs Or do you write them everyday? Which is your favorite one What if you have nothing to say Where do you get your ideas What made you start do You forget your songs sometimes Or do you know them all by heart Typical questions people ask me Ask me all the time So let me answer them for you In a way that_s totally mine I write a new song every day And I don_t have a favorite one If I don_t have anything to say Then I write about that and i_m done Ideas are all around you And I started cuz of Fun a day fun I can_t remember most of my songs In fact I just forgot this one Typical questions people ask me Sometimes in disbelief I hope I answered them to your satisfaction Now i_m gonna go to sleep <|endoftext|> Every four years we come Back here the world keeps Turning It_s another halving what Does define us past won_t Come again but reminds us Once more into the breach About sanity and time sand And mountains It_s another halving With circumstances beyond controlling it's <|endoftext|> And i often think i believe 'em Cause money tends bring me down Creativity is the opposite of money But they're often intertwining it's A fact you can't avoid Michelangelo had the pope Michael Jackson he had Sony religions And multinational corporations but the Rest of us have each other To support and to rely on To bring to fruition what We're undertaking kick kick kick Let's stretch and make and Kick harder let the creativity Free kick kick kick let's Let's create and kick smarter I'll kick you and you_ll kick me I'll kick you and you_ll kick me I'll kick you and you_ll kick me Kick it one time kick It two times It_s a Kick in the pants Let_s Play kick the can and Ain_t that a kick in the head Jesus cast the money people out of the temple Because he saw their work as evil He called them a den of thieves If i could rid the world of money Wave a wand of collaboration I would do it in a heartbeat Leonardo had ludovico lady gaga She_s got interscope rich people And multinational corporations but the Rest of us have each other To support and to rely on To bring to fruition what We're undertaking kick kick kick Let's stretch and make and Kick harder let the creativity Free kick kick kick let's Let's create and kick smarter I'll kick you and you can kick me Kick it one time kick It two times it's a Kick in the pants let's Play kick the can i_ll Kick you and you_ll kick me <|endoftext|> Happy birthday Jesus you would Have been 2,019 and you Saw all of this coming Didn_t you my dude? you Did your best you had Your message of radical love How_d that work out for you? Just kidding, you know you_re my boy And i_ve got a favor to ask People down here see obi Wan Kenobi and they think it_s you We_re a little lost so I was wondering... Could you remind me: what Were we supposed to do for the homeless? What were we supposed to do for the immigrant? What were we suppose to the greedy And the powerful? happy birthday Jesus my dreams are getting Wild rotting supermarkets and parking Bombs that break the sunset And deep fakes of you Selling iodine tablets on Amazon Both woke up one day came to you and said Could you please come back What were we supposed to do for the poorest people? What were we supposed to do for the left behind? What were we supposed to do to the greedy And the powerful? what were We supposed to do to the billionaires What were we supposed to do to the politicians What were we supposed to do for the least among us <|endoftext|> You_re lying in wait cuz You_ve got to make your quota It_s a lazy day There_s An accident up the roada So you know that folks will have to Cross that double line you Got nothing better to do You got nothing but time Sure enough I avoid it The fender bender center lane I pull left and there i_ve done it Trapped behind the double line I don_t want to take the Manhattan bridge I got a sleeping baby in back So I check my mirrors and look And you_re just waiting to attack Hey hey officer there are Better things you could be doing People drive like crazy nuts Aren_t they worth pursuing? There_s An accident right back there They_re just sitting in the middle lane Why don_t you go back and help them Instead of pulling me over so lame? <|endoftext|> Little by little changing everyday by degrees slowly Melting towards who I want to be can I get where i_m going Fast enough to give you Everything you need from me every Single place I've left I Never said goodbye and I Never notice I'm sad until I start to cry I never Knew who I was until I moved on and then I asked the question and always got A reply the only thing I want is to feel safe You can see my big decisions in the Lines upon my face see What I have brought upon myself, upon myself There's no rhyme or reason, I long since Cast those spells little by Little the moon falls towards the earth Time goes straight and space is stretched and Curved which way moving on Point me home I gotta Make room for the good Days to occur so turn The radio up and set your phasers To stun and embrace the Fact that you can't please everyone The streets are crowded and I_ve got no map but I hope I look back and am proud Of what i_ve done the You can see my big decisions in the Lines upon my face see What I have brought upon myself, upon myself There's no rhyme or reason, I long since Cast those spells little by Little untangling a mystery I can_t turn Back now cuz I am into deep when I'm an old man who Doesn_t remember you will you Help clear my mind of all debris <|endoftext|> Sometimes i stand in the middle of the street Try to imagine what all this looked like 1000 years ago sometimes i Forget that i'm sitting right here I feel as though i'm someplace else 10000 years ago but oooo Sometimes in the middle of a song I forget just what i meant When i wrote the words down Sometimes i get so sad to hear Sound like somebody else when They sing their songs but Oooo it's just a saturday Afternoon sometimes i get an Idea so good that my Body starts to shake around And i can barely hold it in Sometimes i can barely move I take a long nap on the couch And dream of better days <|endoftext|> _one hundred days_ __ play Golf_ __ play golf_ __ __ threaten nuke war_ __ Play golf_ __ spend millions In tax _on travel_ __ Play golf_ <|endoftext|> What you can't imagine you Can't possibly know it'll remain A mystery steeped in shadow With all the drugs in your liver You can be receiver and You can be the giver Impending doom at the break Of dawn as the dandelions Bloom with daisies on the Lawn terrified rottweiler at dinner Broken down compiler in a Constructed metal cage I mourn The skills I don't have I abuse the ones I do I want the things I won't have And the rest stick to me like glue You can change your thoughts Your surroundings and ytour appearance But underneath it all you Will never get the clearance To change <|endoftext|> Hey now everybody I got something to say Hey now everybody you can't have it your Way if your way is All about starting a war Well then that's not okay anymore cause We gonna stop stop stop you from stopping Stop stop gonna stop you From stopping stop stop gonna Stop you from stopping your love your life And everybody's drop hey hey I got a no pants on my Head I got the feeling you don't want To know what I said but If you're going to go outside if you're Going to learn to live right you gotta Go where the people know your name I Know your name know your Name I know your name I know Your name I know your name know Your name you gotta know Your name I know your name <|endoftext|> I don_t want to hate you on the Other side think I bought Myself a little time so Many rocks to push, so many rocks to Climb i_m so hungry now That I would lick the Slime right off your shoes on The other hand I think I will go Down nothing better than the City lights at night i_ve Earned a trip to the middle of all Of this another girl leaving, Another girl kissed i_m so Hungry now that I would take the Piss right out of you on The other hand I think I will go Down the bitter cold is Nothing to my skin hold My hand so I feel your pulse think Of dancing bugs think of Something else i_m so hungry Now that you better not get Too close on the other Hand I think I will go Down on the other hand I think I will go Down on the other hand I think I will go Down on the other hand I think that I will Go on the other hand I think I will go Down on the other hand I think I will go Down I don_t want to hate you on The other side think I Bought myself a little time so Many rocks to push, so many rocks to Climb i_m so hungry now That I would lick the Slime right off your shoes slime right off Your shoes <|endoftext|> I need a elder wand like dumble Headache's always make you feel humble I wanna lay down and disassemble Did i fall last night or take a tumble? My memories are all a jumble They form and then they seem to crumble They start to run and inevitably stumble If i was a football action i'd be fumble If i were a bee i'd be a bumble Ok i just felt my stomach rumble I better go eat breakfast until i'm full <|endoftext|> Lambda is solvent celsius is A sentient is incontinent markets Tree markets Orange tree markets Tree what can we do Oh yeah I said now If we stick together we're gonna make it one way or another Whatever that means machines are Sent to good luck to You good luck to you Good luck good luck <|endoftext|> If you piled up everything I Didn_t know, would it As big as the Universe? You piled up everything I didn't know would It be as big as the universe oh X 2 is the universe Infinite and if not what's beyond Is you pile up everything I didn't know And everything you didn't know would it be The same size x 2 how Big how big is the universe x 3 If you piled up everything I didn't know Would it be as big as the universe X 2 is there a Black hole at the center of The universe of our galaxy of the earth Oh no x 2 if You piled up everything everybody didn't know would It be as big as everything everybody didn't Know x 2 would it Be the same size as the universe Is it infinite what's beyond it x 2 I want to know I want to know Know know know x 3 <|endoftext|> Push the rock up the hill Little further each day and Remember you're an animal if You feel like these are Steps you've retraced it's because You have been here before In the shining morning and The warm dark night you Won't find any relief from impatience The tree is hollowed out And it's sending smoke signals And the only ones that see them are aliens I heard you're headed back to rehab my friend It's our lot in life as women and men To make nice when the Turning of the earth is Making you dizzy just revel In your miscalibration the changing Of the seasons is making You hazy the moon sleeps Low never waking you fell Off your bike and you Lost your thumb they put It back on unopposable now You're a mutant sniffing up Crumbs trying to know the Unknowable 00 I heard you Got a job ringing them bells It's our lot in life as clusters of cells You are ok and not Ok you hold in your Brain these contradictions no single Heart can satiate you never It's the bones that we carry That aren't really ours it's The endless supply of medicine I'm shedding my skin and Dropping these bones all of My instincts jettisoned I heard You were in closets, sucking up ghosts It's our lot in life as parasite hosts <|endoftext|> Clouds hello chat clouds La La la dumpling Glenn's protocol Miami is in the cloud Tik tok disco tropical button Up shirts tuna fried chicken Wings in my life hex Your ex gimme a few cold pizza Brooklyn Is in the clouds bows For dials bump in this web3 Free frees us from the shackles of web2's Digital feudalism I need a chair exploding Brains I'm tired who is Happy dumpings our amazing fiber Plus everyone listen to me Hopefully my chinese takeout will Wake me up soup dumplings And dim sum can I Go to the supermarket Bo For gals we're clapping dresses losing their hands Losing it and this is weird hi gunny Why am I trying to harmonize in my Living room we're taking the Castle are we hungry world By now end of another Day I'm a comedy baby Non fiction research non fiction Love to know can anyone bring snacks this Is epic watching babies tomorrow Is a brand new day green Screen is the shit babies On the block reality is Mad cavities in wonderland reality The box chain tuna for President leaving love revolution present that the Cooler has passed sponsored my Reality my reality my reality I don't know what is Happening marketing yale music tuna Is this a sponsored post freeing Ourselves how did you come Up with this brilliant idea Sour skittles don't have the sugar coating on The outside of the state doing it web3 Decentralized song is this web3 so We are on the web3 now long live Crypto this better be recorded in case you Missed it tuna President tuna Tuna 2024 n f t T is a hot dog a Sandwich some would say hot Dog strong hot dog western Tuna tuna tuna pasta mashed Up to Samsung dancing oh Yeah <|endoftext|> Today I performed in front of 3000 eth Devs but i_m waiting to Get the footage, so you Can_t hear that song now so Instead i_m writing this song Here in my hotel and You_ll have to live with that for now Hopefully at least by the end of the Week i_ll have that footage For you <|endoftext|> Tomorrow_s thanksgiving It_s cold and It_s raining i_m not complaining Of course i_m complaining i_m An American Jew That_s just What we do my jewness Is rooted in a certain Attitude it_s all bagels and My grandpa was a communist Back in 1952 That_s just What we do so much Fear and anger the world_s Rearranging we were the stranger Be kind to the stranger They_re just like you That_s What what we do Tomrrow_s Thanksgiving certain topics verboten keeping Is more important my stomach Hurts I have to go Poop That_s just what we Do <|endoftext|> Hotel room chair hotel room Chair I saw you sitting Underneath the corporate art with A song in your heart Hotel room chair I saw You sitting there under the corporate ark With a song in your heart With a light on behind you What can you do that I can do hotel room Chair hotel room chair sitting There is no there there There is no there there There is no there there Hotel room chair there is No there there there is No there there there is No there hotel room chair I saw you sitting there Underneath the corporate arch with A song in your heart And you didn't turn on the tv Cause you got netflix on your computer On your wife's computer on Your computer on your wife's Computer and you're just making Things up you're just making Things up up and you're Making it up making it Up making it up making Making it up making it Up making it up making Making it up making it Up making it up making Making it up making it Up in a hotel room Making it up in a hotel room Making it up in a hotel room Making it up in a whole hotel room Making it up in a Hotel room chair <|endoftext|> I had a dollar in my pocket and I gave it away I didn't know what They would spend it on I didn't care There's a wall between what I think and What I say I wouldn't have any friends If it wasn't there cause I'm a cold soul with A warm heart when the Center doesn't hold we fall Apart I put my mind to work At the problem at hand wasp flew in The room and I'm terrified How can I talk to Him so he'll understand? just Get out of my room, man, get Out of my life cause I'm a cold soul with A warm heart when the Center doesn't hold we fall Apart I go to bed at 10 Every night and I wake up at 6 And then I stare at my phone until About 7 o'clock then I Run 5 miles through the park over Rocks and sticks then I Get my day started with the building Blocks . <|endoftext|> Dark wind is blowing down the lane She started out on foot, she ended up restrained Won't somebody help her get Her bearings again? she's just Floating on the wind Ooooooooh Oooohhhhh ooooooooooh ohh Ooooooooh oooohhhhh Ooooooooooh ohh it's just masochistic How she stayed so long In a place that she clearly knew was wrong And they're chasing her down and she can't get away She's barricaded in, wanna keep them at bay Ooooooooh oooohhhhh ooooooooooh ohh Ooooooooh Oooohhhhh ooooooooooh ohh I came To set you free I Came to turn you in to me I came to congratulate I Came to open the gate The lightning that struck revealed a room Linoleum floor where bibles were strewn And in the corner, a dim night light An open window she's nowhere in sight Ooooooooh oooohhhhh ooooooooooh ohh Ooooooooh Oooohhhhh ooooooooooh ohh Ooooooooh oooohhhhh Ooooooooooh ohh Ooooooooh oooohhhhh ooooooooooh Ohh <|endoftext|> Sometimes all my plans go to shit Sometimes all my shit goes to plans I shouldn_t bother with but I do because I continue To believe in you I I wish I could internet some more It_s hours of my day I_m hanging on until I Melt away into my song For ev erand always you gotta walk alone But you carry me in Your heart i_m inside of You where ever you are <|endoftext|> This city is mine I Own these streets want anything Done you come through me I_d take any I know Every nook I know every Cranny this city is mine And I watch now over All that remains goodbye bodegas This city is mine my One true love this city Is mine I was born Right here I recall when This city was something to Fear if you see me Coming get out of the Way I walk in the Rhythm and the hum of This place this city is Mine block by block i_ve From the sidewalk i_ve put Down roots i_ve fought and I_ve grieved you can offer Me money but i_ll never Leave <|endoftext|> If my grandpa had the internet He mighta done a song a day But instead he became a lobbyist For anyone that could pay With three kids to support Out in San bernardino I Can see him writing songs Sitting at the piano nowhere To share them in between His active lobby no feedback Or opinions on them nothing But a hobby now I Sit here writing straight out Of my skull you all Can watch and comment It_s A goddam miracle I can Make my living writing songs And having fun I don_t Have to be a lobbyist Or work for anyone I Know that my grandpa would Be all kinds of proud Up somewhere in heaven singing On a cloud <|endoftext|> There's a cold going round Ol new york town and A stomach flu to boot I only got one i'm All stuffed up i hope I don't get the other too I don't wanna be sick I don't wanna be sick I hate being sick whoa oh I wanna get better so I'll just lie here and Not get sick no mo <|endoftext|> Like a bull sees red I am unprepared lightning strikes My head and my teeth Are bared you can have This one totally free There_s What it_ll cost me great Sea change has been known To come _tween calm and Rage _tween twilight and dawn I hope it_s enough There_s No telling what i_ll have To give up will we Learn to let things go Is rain and snow you Can have this one It_s More than I need There_s No telling what i_ll have To concede <|endoftext|> Ghouls on the chopping block Ghouls in the marketplace they_ll Dig a hole they_ll eat Your soul and you won_t Even know your name ghouls On the television ghouls in The VCR they_re riding high Reanimated by this guitar ghouls In the refrigerator ghouls in The falling rain they wrap Your arms in palm a Day fronds and no matter How you struggle and strain Ghouls in your larynx ghouls Around your heart they whisper Dead inside your head the <|endoftext|> You stand there feeling mad at me I don_t know how to be Anything but a dumb man Anything than what I am I think the world should bow down at my feet And do what I say I think that I should be able to do What ever I want all day But you have stuff you gotta do too Somehow that message doesn_t get through Till you_re yelling at me Telling me constantly that I Shouldn_t expect the world to bow down at my feet That our day should be Split up equally stop being A sexist pig i_m little More than a manimal with All my mansumtions but this Path were on is untenable I_ve got to change something You stand there feeling mad at me Madder than you almost ever be And I did it again And I did it again <|endoftext|> Don't look at me like that you know I don't like it don't Look at me like that you know I Don't like it don't look At me like that you know I Don't like it don't look At me like that you know I Don't like it you know I don't even Know which way most of the time you Know I don't even know which way to Go most of the time don't Look at me like that you know I Don't like it don't look At me like that you know I Don't like it don't look At me like that you know I Don't like it don't look At me like that you know I Don't like it no one Ever tells you which way to go Then they look at you funny nobody Ever tells you so this is what you Have to do to make someone money honey That's the truth that's the Truth it ain't pretty it No don't look at me Like that you know don't Like it don't look at Me like that you know I Don't like it don't look At me like that you know I Don't <|endoftext|> I don_t want to look at it I don_t want to even know Close my eyes and see the world Go nothing to hold on To nothing left to say Anyway I wanna be distracted That their time is the end It_s just around the corner Now nobody has been right We aren_t right about it Now I wanna be distracted With my feelings all the Shit That_s revealing let me Past it all in a Information waterfall <|endoftext|> Everybody hates you when you wear crocs they Say you look like an idiot but i Don't care how i look and i know That's pretty apparent plain t-shirts and shorts are My summer uniform anything else and i'm out Of sorts what can you tell about a Person by the shoes they wear can you Tell that i don't care can you tell That i don't care <|endoftext|> Once a year the stars align Gently rocking between time in Bermuda on the beach drinking Sand and reading earthsea rest Easy, darling rest easy when You must obey you can_t say no The boat will rock you right to sleep Drinking flutes and reading earthsea The sky is still the sea is rough The crabs are making furious love To the mites beneath the sand I decide to lend a hand <|endoftext|> Hulk have feeling too Hulk Feel sad and blue Hulk Feel happy good Hulk feel Lot of mood Hulk have Feeling Hulk have feeling Hulk Hulk have feeling too he Feel them for you he Feel up and down he Feel all around Hulk have Feeling in morning time Hulk Have feeling in the night <|endoftext|> Down here is where they do the rodeo Riding their boat as long as you can Is it really real are We really doing this I'm Ready to feel like I'm A genius again down here is where they Do the rhodium and the bull goes up And the bull goes down and you ride That wave every single day til you can't No more and then you're done are We really doing this are We really doing this are We really doing this one What we really doing this what We really doing is are We really doing this one More time down there swear They do the rodeo who can stay on The boat for the longest time bucking Back and forth and up and down the Side ways every which way Kingdom Come Kingdom come is coming Too soon are we really Doing this are we really Doing this is it time Are we really doing it One more time time time We really doing it are We really doing this one More one one <|endoftext|> It's a cold and windy, it's a cold And windy, it's a cold and windy outside Right now, I don't want to go outside, I don't want to go but I have To <|endoftext|> In the mornings, but he_d rather on the Farm (on the farm!) I said he_d rather Be on the farm Steve Rouse, he really knows how to enjoy himself But early mornings cause anxiety for the former Morning man anxiety for the Former morning man cause he_d Rather be with chickens, rather be with Pigs and dirt he complains Of being taken away from his relaxed Life of chickens, pigs and dirt last Time he was the guest host, they did The Mentos/soda test-os which seemed Visual medium last time he Was the guest host, they tested A bunch of free food and They had a lot of fun, they had A lot of fun but Now he_d rather be with chickens, rather be With pigs and dirt he Complains of being taken away from his relaxed Life of chickens, pigs and dirt Steve Rouse, former morning man Steve Rouse, farmer of the land Steve Rouse, former morning man Steve Rouse, farmer of the land, Steve Rouse <|endoftext|> I'm here to get the monoclonal antibodies the Antibodies grown in a test tube I'm Here to put the monoclonal antibodies of tumor Bott body they haven't started The infusion yet I'm just Waiting the pharmacy's gotta miss The antibodies all up I'm Just sitting here with nothing to be doing Waiting for this monoclonal antibiotics To come they're made by A company called the generon Many years ago I did a conference of Theirs it was really weird It was with a big Choir of church choirs up There on the stage all Hands event singing with a choir at Regeneron They make the model Farmland Body <|endoftext|> No cell phones no technology But out in these woods You can see the milky Way better than any other place on earth All you can eat and An open bar kind of Like camping but no tents Or cooking fire Disconnect to Connect in the woods 500 Startups PWC lighthouse labs ryerson #paid betakit fierce founders are We_re talking fireside leave the Hear inspiring stories out by The lakside s_mores and BBQ Build authentic relationships away from Your phone if you feel Like you run around all Your eyes to the ground Never really getting a chance to look up at the stars You will find that you_re Not alone at camp walden Palmer rapids Ontario that is Where you_re gonna go wear Sweatpants to the dining hall And alchohol get perspective on Look inside and set the world on fire Flip accounting upside foundation york Omers ventures startup grind startup Here startup Toronto 88 creative That_s where I buy My domains sometimes I buy Too many and then my Wife yells at me <|endoftext|> Money and guns and oil And sons of bitches that Didn_t get enough love when They were little tiny babies Game set match with a White eye patch and a Seal 6 team in play And a shotgun snake don_t Tread on me training for It everyday Mama, get me Off the bus cuz 2024 Is gonna be nuts do You fight or do you Head for the border try To save who you can Do you be the brute Learn how to shoot man Is just a man money And guns and liberty moms Jokes and slugs of dirty Dirty blood in case you Couldn_t tell we_re all going Straight to hell <|endoftext|> It's a slippery, slippery slope For a long time we've been slippin' Abandon ye all hope because We've reach the point of tippin' We've reached the point where the news comes out That the NSA is listening It's not tin foil conjecture now Our president admits it our President's dismissive as if the World didn't just change as If everything is all right As if things aren't being done in my name That keep me up all night Scandals come and go our Attention span demands it but This one's different, you know So let's do our best to withstand it The blinking lights and pregnant teens The distractions that come tumbling Your government is listening let's Let them hear a rumbling This is no time to be fumbling Everything has just changed the Case is closed and air tight I'm slowly being driven insane And it keeps me up all night Every single email and every Text message stored in a Database in the side of A mountain I've seen that In the movies and it Never ends well don't you Think it sounds like comic Book super villain do you Hide yourself away if some Bureaucrat is listening does it Limit what you say do You just disconnect v we've Reached the point where the news comes out That the NSA is listening It's not tin foil conjecture now Our president admits it our President's dismissive as if the World didn't just change as If everything is all right As if things aren't being done in my name That keep me up all night <|endoftext|> But I'm too tired to Write a song I'm too Tired to sit in a chair I'm too tired to do anything or to go anywhere To go anywhere to go Anywhere to go anywhere or Do anything at all I'm Too tired to even try to punch myself in the eye I've got nothing to say Don't look at me anyway Cause I'll look at you In your face and I'll Cause I'll look at you In your face and I'll Say no no <|endoftext|> There's a vampire living in your house and He's sucking up the energy from Your electronics 75% of your electric bill is Coming from him sucking up All your energy even when Everything, everything is all turned off but Don't go reaching for that car like no Silver or wooden stake it Won't work, just switch, switch, switch, switch off The power strip and it'll go away, away <|endoftext|> Mama would make collard greens Biscuits and gravy and corn bread too Every mistake cuz i_m not a machine She said only you can be you It was country food on The country roads now the City lights come looking and Of the country I know Is the collard greens i_m Cooking once in a while A country ham boiled peanuts And a bowl of grits The trees are weeping in the wind As another lighting strike hits <|endoftext|> Podcast app design is a Ux playground and marco couldn_t Stay away he just had To play around he went For powerful but simple with Lots of custom stuff designed To make it easier to Listen to all the shows we love Smart speed cuts the silences Helps you to save time Voice boost normalizes voices loud And quiet Smart playlists are Intelligent with filters and sorting Rules find those Diamond s And those jewels overcast oh Good for listening to your shows Very, very fast overcast oh Nothing overlooked no feature half Assed overcast marco announced at And refined his design made It free with limits Unlock It all for 4.99 if You don_t like his app He lists alternatives for you And now the only question left Is who_s he gonna sell it to? Overcast oh overcast good for Very, very fast overcast oh Nothing overlooked no feature half Assed overcast you used to But now you don_t no Venture capital, ads or nebulous plans to figure it out later <|endoftext|> Two red pandas trying to get in the House two red pandas trying To figure it out one Red panda starts hopping around and singing this Song as she jumps from The ground to get what You want just keep hopping on And you don't stop three Red pandas are now on the scene prowling Around trying to find some cuisine the One red panda had the idea and all Three voices ring out clear you Gotta hop hop hop to get what you Want for hop hop just Keep hopping on hop hop hop and you Don't stop you gotta hop hop get what You want you gotta hop hop hop pick Up your feet and you don't stop you Gotta hop hop hop cause You gotta get what you want you gotta Hop hop hop hit the Ground and you don't stop red Pandas resemble raccoons with eyes surrounded by two Full moons but you can't Judge a mammal by what you See because they belong in to get what You want oh youh just keep hopping off Hop hop hop and you don't stop Bum Bum bum give them what You want Bum bum keep Them what you want Bum Hopping cause hopping is fun To get what you want Keep hopping on get what you want you Don't stop <|endoftext|> Every couple of years they try to destroy the Internet Hollywood and the recording industry They want to make their customers into criminals To make streaming unauthorized music into a felony Rather than change and grow with the times, they'd rather censor you All in the name of justice Cranky old men who barely use email being led by lobbyists Into thinking that what their doing is protecting artists Hey all my friends in congress I never ask for much And you never listen anyway when i do But this one effects me directly I live on the internet Please consider me and my comrades When you're thinking this one through Cause what you're really doing is meddling with a vital medium That creates jobs and helps bring down tyranny With one copyright claim a hollywood studio could shut down everything Tumblr and youtube and twitter all just vanishing Under these bills we'd give hollywood death star powers Just point em at a site and the site goes boom And frankly i don't trust all those large corporations Or you, the government, to not screw us all over Hey all my friends in congress I never ask for much And you never listen anyway when i do But this one effects me directly I live on the internet Please consider me and my comrades When you're thinking this one through <|endoftext|> All the ice king wants for Christmas Is the love of a beautiful princess Is the warming glow of friendship To feel like he belongs He will freeze you and kidnap you But it's only because he has to Some archeological snafu everything's gone Wrong merry Christmas ice king You deserve one nice thing Once nice thing for the ice king Fa la la la la All the ice king wants for Christmas He can't have and that's so sad If I could grant his wishes I'd let him see his past Ice king you're not a monster Put that crown in it's holster Have some egg nog, here's some for gunter You don't have to be a spaz <|endoftext|> Hello, hello hello, hello hello, Hello hello, hello hello, hello Hello, hello hello, hello hello (hello, hello) hello to the World (hello, hello) hello to (hello, hello) hello to the World (hello, hello) hello to (hello, hello) hello to the World (hello, hello) hello to (hello, hello) hello to the World (hello, hello) oh no Oh no (oh no) oh No (oh no) oh no (oh no) oh no (oh No) oh no (oh no) Oh no <|endoftext|> Millennials have no money I Mean adults under forty I Turned 18 in 2000 money Money money money money millennials Have no money and the Future does look bleak big Oil propaganda on tv as We speak no money no Millennials have no money the Fed just did a study To learn millennials have no money No duh we_ve been saying that Money money money money money I wonder how much that study cost Man that_s some funny business That money could have been used for Student debt forgiveness <|endoftext|> First singing note:g every day I do the very same thing I sit down and I sing, sing, sing Brush my teeth Rinse my Mouth and what I wanna Sing about and what I Wanna sing about ahhh ah Ah given all the time In the world what would I do? if I had To choose I'd spend it With you I am praying To a non-existent cat and A jump excited dog who Could carry me on his back Into the future full of fog And the non-existent cat will Bring me an inconsistent mouse And we'll live inside a home Converted from a house oooh Oooh be converted from a House be converted from a House <|endoftext|> Another late night to do My song this room is Too hot cuz the heat Is on it_s cold out Side ice and snow now Cuz i gotta go 0 <|endoftext|> Generating images based on song A day data hand drawn By 13 artists and generated Based on the data about Song a day song a Day collected in a big Sheet generating images over 4700 Fed to an algorithm written By Matt written by Scott Moschella written by midge and Generating images for the big Sad drop It_s been a Dream of mine to sell All my songs as nfts And now i_m doing it I_m finally doing itrr <|endoftext|> I keep having this dream Where my wife is leaving me I don_t know what it means I don_t know what it means Keep having this other one My mouth is filled with dust No matter what I do I can never rid of enough And I don_t want to go to bed With this bullshit projected I Want to fight my unconscious To the death just say What_s on my mind don_t Beat around it all night Drag it into the light So we can deal with it my guy It_s just you and me in here We got anxiety and fear But you make it 10x worse By giving me all these riddles <|endoftext|> Squeaky wheel will pop up On the radar faster than How you feel in the Back of my car disaster Can strike another blow so Extra baggage tell your story Where the shoreline meets the Seaside can_t keep ignoring the The crazy thing about light Is nothing travels faster than It in our universe but Then that fact unravels i_m Master of it this chorus And this verse so don_t Worry extra baggage tell your As best as you can Where the shoreline meets the Seaside can_t keep ignoring the <|endoftext|> How do you deal with the sadness No time to mourn what_s lost I am a mindless automaton Got my wires crossed how Do you feel in the morning You don_t know what to expect Is this a broken vacation Or a boot on my neck My children see other children In the park and they Say hello but they can_t Get close at all no So how do you deal with the sadness Do you struggle and strain Are you lost in a day dream Do you accept the change How do you feel in the night time Are you letting go are You forgetting everything that you Think you know <|endoftext|> Come take a walk with me I_ll bring you home, i_ll bring you home What you cannot see flesh And bone, your flesh and bone I_m tired all the time Then I can_t sleep and I can_t sleep Hear the whistle and the whine Come and take a walk with me Who was at the door Beazulbub, beazlebub with an offer You can_t ignore We_ve come Undone, we_ve come undone <|endoftext|> Isn_t it weird how everyone you know is Gonna die someday everything you Love, every place you go is gonna Go away it could be Depressing cause I wanna hold On all the time I Spend obsessing is just to Keep my mind from looking beyond Isn_t it weird how time can go slow And fast and slow or That time is something we made up to Make sense of what we think we know Why do we remember the Past and not the future if Time is like a river is There room for never some Day somebody might not die but Not today some day somebody Might find the secret to Life isn_t it weird that There exists right now other Planets out in space like They_re really out there at this very moment, You can see if you stretch your brain It_s usually so abstract cuz It_s just too much to take in but You can concentrate on their fact if You can stay awakened isn_t It weird how honeybees dance in the sixth Dimension their moves and flow Just somehow go to a Place we barely comprehend there Could be another universe just Lying on top of ours where Human life didn_t grow on earth But instead grew up on Mars <|endoftext|> Sitting in my neighbors lawn Surrounded by howling trees the Big trees became our dads The smaller ones became our moms We convinced each other that we spoke The language of the trees I believed and you believed And believing it just made it so I need to believe I Am trying to believe I Want to believe on a Boulder in my yard you_re Telling me a story there About a man that_s smaller than Single blade of grass by far You really seemed to know All about this little man I believed and you believed And believing it just made it so Standing in a walden_s books We were a bit older now There was one book we loved the most Red and white and look look look We wanted a new where_s waldo You convinced me there was one I believed and you believed But believing it didn_t make it so <|endoftext|> Well well look at what The cat dragged up from Hell drunk as a laundromat It_s just a joke too Lungs are burning and before Long the moon will crash Upon the native shore and The tide will go out for The very last time It_s Just a joke I can Sit or stand something is Really broken May not be What you were hoping but Don_t worry i_m just joking It_s just a joke <|endoftext|> Start with clammy's genome make Your master mix Divvy it Up into PCR plates well You put in the thermocycler your Mom is overseas maybe you Skype with her skype with Out the tubes and add a dye Pipette It into the agarose gel apply A currant it's bubbly and Warm the UV light you Can see if it worked Well if it worked well Now you got pcrdna if It worked well now you've got pcrdna and This is how we do it at the Johnicus lab high throughput genetics Is totally rad clammy CCM Gonna change everything science keep Working no matter what the future will Bring so take some clammy And the PCR dn put Them into electroporation cuvettes give em A jolt and some of the clammy gets The DNA identify the fluorescent Transformers now look in the Microscope shoot clammy with lasers Light up the proteins and See where they are living Now take the interesting ones Drop them in liquid nitrogen Popcorn clammy grinding mortar and Pestle Fun mix the FLAG It to the chemistry department they'll Put it into the mass spectrometer and then You'll see who's attached to the protein to The protein and this is How we do it at the Johnicus lab high throughput genetics Is totally rad clammy CCM Gonna change everything science keep Working no matter what the future will Bring we got colonies of Clamm each a different mutant And the pick and Robot A python program that tells us where they Are so if you need A specific mutant we can Locate and we keep them going fresh Copies being made all the Funky robots pouring tons of plates getting Rid of fungus stacks on Stacks copies g freeze and Back up copies back find Some mutants that make a lot of lipids Add fluorescent dye to the lipid droplets put The mutants through the flow cytometer which are Making more oil and which are making less Do a PCR with these Mutants send it off to get Sequence then when we get It all back we grab Them from the library the open source libraries And this is how we do it at The Johnicus lab I throughput Genetics is totally rap clown Mecca I'm gonna change everything Science keep working no matter What the future will <|endoftext|> Eat an orange for breakfast! Eat an orange for breakfast! Eat an orange for breakfast! Eat an orange for breakfast! Why don't you eat an orange before breakfast? Why don't you eat an orange for breakfast? <|endoftext|> (lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalala la La) I can't speak any other language Than the one I'm speaking Now I wish I could, but I Can't I'm such an American Cantonese, japanese, taiwanese german, french, Html, CSS, notes on a Page, I'm a mess and Mind just doesn't work that way but I hope it does someday I hope I Can understand every word you say hey! Let's just hug instead let's Rub both of our heads together until we Feel the spark speaking electricity (lalalalalalala) yeah (Lalalalalalala) yeah (sparksparksparksparksparksparkspark) (lalalala la la) in every Other country, everybody knows at Least another language, oh yeah four Years of french, four years Of spanish I don't remember Any of it, yeah (Lalalalalalala) Yeah (Lalalalalalala) yeah (sparksparksparksparksparksparkspark) oh Knocked down the tower of Babel that was quite an Asshole move ok, ok, it's Just a parable but what Exactly does it prove? once Upon a time, we were one then Suddenly: division like atoms split Explode and so here I Sit feeling inadequate 'cause I Don't speak morse code my I hope it does someday I hope I Can understand every word you say hey! Let's just hug instead let's See what's in our heads, with rubbin' together And all of that electricity (sparksparksparksparksparksparkspark) yeah (sparksparksparksparksparksparkspark) yeah (sparksparksparksparksparksparkspark) (sparksparksparksparkspark spark spark) oh yeah <|endoftext|> I wonder if the iPhone Se2 rumors are true what's The phone gonna be like How many devices will it support Will it be priced very low Oh that's the big reveal Now all eyes are on the east coast Gsw 1080p LTPS nougat oreo Id animal OG swipe swipe Swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe <|endoftext|> Feeling lazy on a Saturday Don't wanna get up I can stay just One day to myself don't wanna see the Way that I the more I push the Story that I go the more I learn The less I think I know I was Never baby then when I was 17 now I'm 40 looking down the trash compact I Got nobody I got somebody I got nobody I got somebody every time I look into the mirror upside down I see my face looking like the person In the town after seeing what I believe Now I'm not saying maybe No more for me nobody Will tell you that you got till they Will until it's too late and you're down Inside of a I got somebody I got Somebody I got somebody I got somebody turn Away from the windy side of town I'm Looking to find myself under the ground but You know I had face made of a Mask I live one step away <|endoftext|> _be kind, please rewind_, it was a simple Time and as a phase the lights come Down and the movie comes on the tests Were out, had the answers wrong but i_ll Take another dose and the world gets overexposed Hey my favorite girlfriend, cut the ground and You_re holding my hand kiss you in the Hot tub, you let me do it cus They double dared us but i_d Kiss you any day, don_t need a dare I would kiss you anyway oh, i_d Kiss you anyway oh, i_d Kiss you anyway I don_t wanna turn back Time, it_s a medical procedure and all the Risk is in your mind And the world around you turns The miss nostalgia blast you_re Living in the past every Hit of the high_s a little less than The last so take another Dose and the world gets overexposed Hey my favorite girlfriend, cut the ground and You_re holding my hand kiss you in the Hot tub, you let me do it cus They double dared us but i_d Kiss you any day, don_t need a dare I would kiss you anyway oh, i_d Kiss you anyway oh, i_d Kiss you anyway I don_t wanna turn back Time, it_s not 1989 the Past is dead and gone, it_s time to Move on hey my sorta Boyfriend, I cut the ground and You_re holding my hand kissed Me in the hot tub, I let you Do it cus they double dared us but I didn_t want to kiss you, twenty years Later and I haven_t missed you no No I haven_t missed you no No I haven_t missed you no No I haven_t missed you no No I haven_t missed you <|endoftext|> Mint the trillion dollar coins Mint the fucking coin mail The fucking check mitigate the Fucking corona virus 2 trillion Dollar coins no additional debt That_s seigniorage SEN YOR IGE With 2 grand on it this isn_t hard And when we say every One gets one we mean Absolutely every one <|endoftext|> I forgot my pillow and Now I cannot sleep i_m Drowning in my sorrow good Intentions in a heap I Forgot my blanket and now Ill freeze to death everybody Said go right and I Had to go left where Did my pillow go That_s The song that plays where Did my pillow go i_ve Been up for days I Forgot my pillow I left It on an iceberg all The penguins told me I Should work on being nicer They waddled up to me And pooped right on my feet So I forgot my pillow My blanket and my sheets Where did my pillow go I cannot rest my head Where did my pillow go I_ll sing my song instead <|endoftext|> Boredgame builders masquerade the joys Of buying games from a used bookstore Meander you off on a path to sweet Dreams. oh the games we Played in the masquerade when Take us away she called You a dream she called Me insane she put us In a book and called It day and I was Lost in the thought of The games that we played when The world was awake and I thought you would stay oh The games we played Diggin Our own graves covering my Face in the light of Day she called you a Crook she called me my Name she put us in A book and she sailed Away oh the games we Played were they real or Fake you put me in My place you stole my Face she called you miss Took she called me safe She put use in a Book and then came the Rain <|endoftext|> Let_s buy the constitution so It doesn_t go to some Rich asshole (Rich asshole) 20 You know the founding fathers Fear democracy (too much democracy) And now we_re gonna shout out loud It belongs to us it Belongs to us we the People pooled our money It_s We the people that we trust It belongs to us and You will find that we The people will make sure The people can see it anytime Let_s show the folks at southeby_s What we can do with these Brand new tools (coordination tools) And build the world we want to see For everybody (for everybody) the But together we are strong <|endoftext|> Can you_ write a song about Mr. Potato Head? Mjsdanglebaby 21 hours ago 10 _ Song about a man with a farting_ alarm clock. Unoriginalchance 1 hour ago mr Potato head had a farting alarm clock It didn't fart very loud So he was late for his date with destiny And he's just french fry's now So all you kids with Your farting alarm clocks make Sure they eat their beans Or else you'll be cut up into itty bitty pieces And sold with a big mac with cheese Hey Mr. Potato head turn Up the farts turn up The farts <|endoftext|> Whenever it's the road nothing Never could have been more clear oh oh Oh no I went full on this morning And it's been right my Legs are tight and my tired is smiling I'm tired and smiling smiling Don't you think that you better come inside When you look in the mirror again cause You might see something you're afraid to see E e e c e E I've been picking up Songs and songs and songs I've been making up songs all along all Along almost 5000 days I'll Split my ways between the past and the Future beginning where the only thing that matters Is another one on the board another Point on the board another Point on the board another Point on the board on the board I Went for a run this morning I went For a run post summer ago this morning S I don't recognize myself in the mirror Whenever it's so old love we never could Be clearer oh oh oh No I don't know I don't Know oh oh oh let Me slow down the song oh oh oh I can figure it out figure It out figure it figure It figure it out I go Don't it <|endoftext|> It_s a yanny or Laurel kind of day Net neutrality is almost saved Without it, we couldn_t debate The synthesized speech your computer makes For the record, it_s Laurel I hear I don_t even know how Yanny_s pronounced Yawny or yanny now i_m just making sounds Call your representative tell em Yanny and Laurel want to Save net neutrality for a Brighter tomorrow call your representative Wants to save net neutrality And to stop mess Ing With our goddamn internet I Hear Laurel That_s all I Hear I keep trying to Yawny or yanny <|endoftext|> Snap back tap trap come back to the Center weigh down the smokestack try to make It better cornmeal born meal Torn into a thunder bright light Midnight lightning and thunder give another meaning to The word another holding on the tongue never Give the chimps the power you don't give Anyone Carpet clean park it Mean down into the valley Duster storm party warn you don't have to Tell me mustard seed bastard Turn them golden clock in another Day the system ray heard them rolling rocking And give another meaning to the word never Rolling on a tongue you never give the Truth power don't give anyone give another meaning To the word another rolling on the tongue Never give the truth of power you don't Give anyone soldier hate baller's Gate is closed right now cleaning Biggest style in all the while your grin Is wide and gleaming rockets Fire people die the glass is all the Shatter the universe so cold it hurts does Any of it matter if you give another Meaning to the word never Rolling all the time never give your truth To power don't give anyone never give a Meaning to the word give another ruling of The tongue never give the truth to power You don't give anyone don't give anyone snap Back clap clap come back to the center Way down smokestack try to make it better Cornmeal born meal torn into sunder bright light Midnight lightning in the thunder <|endoftext|> One more day one more tweet pushing Fool's gold on the mercy seat driving That Bentley off of the Cliff we were all going Down with a swing and a mist we Were all going down down as long as He gets in no matter how many people Would die doesn't even enter with the calculation Grabbing that ramrod that bill this is a Hold up and it's right out in the Open it doesn't feel good When your team is winning Oh you can't get enough of us cheshire Brilliant but you get what You pay for when the Tab comes due and you're there on the Gurney and your mom comes to you and Says your gofundme has just a tell me Who you gonna blame but that's a ways Off so here's another tweet in your air Conditioned room far away from the heat far Away from the future and the great abyss And we're all going down down down with The swinging down as long as he gets In <|endoftext|> It's so hot and I wanna write a Song right now I really wanna rearrange my Studio but that'll be so much work that'll Be so much work that'll be so much Work it's impossible this old ukulele won't stay In tune it's been with me from here To the moon I gotta rearrange the studio But it's so much work it's so much Work it's so much work it's so much Work this ukulele has a big hole on It it's been there for many a year You can see I used to put duct Tape over it till I Realized the hole made it sound better And it wasn't so much work but rearranging My studio would be all would Be a lot of work but it's been In this configuration for over a year and That's just too long for me to bear Oh that's just too long for me to Bear I could rearrange it or I could Just sing but I really Want to rearrange it would be A lot of work a Lot a lot a lot of work work Work it be a lot of work a Lot a lot a lot a lot of Work work <|endoftext|> My nose is stuffed up My head is full of mucus I did everything i could think of As tried to escape this sickness But now it's got me Wrapped up in it's clutches So the next few days Will be songs about this sickness <|endoftext|> Ed schrock solicited sex from A male prostitute David dreier Had a romantic relationship with a man James E. west picked up Guys on Mark Foley Are the gay homophobes people In power who once harshly persecuted homosexuals until It turned out that in fact they are Homosexuals Ted Haggard solicited sex From a male prostitute Larry Craig same thing but it was an undercover Cop Bob Allen same thing Again with an undercover cop Richard curtis had sex with A guy in a hotel Room Glenn Murphy jr gave Buse is gay but works for the anti Gay mccain Roy ashburn came George rekers got nude massages From a dude from Ken Mehlam came out and Now advocates for gay rights Eddie long was accused but Denied and settled out of Court albery Oduele touched a Young preacher Philip hinkle paid An 18 year old guy for A really good time <|endoftext|> Hacks and drains, hacks and drains Lose your ape then what remains Nothing can remove the stains Of the hacks and drains Hacks and drains, hacks and drains Tell me it_s just growing pains Lord Vitalik, take the reins From the hacks and drains Want to build a garden But it is a forest Darkest kind of jungle where Everything is out get you Don_t let your heart harden Come and join the chorus Can you feel the rumble Of people here here to help you It doesn_t have to be this way We could break free of this When the hacker finds an exploit Taking all your net worth And you are despairing frightened And embarrassed whitehat on a Cowboy riding along the network Situational awareness when the shit Hits the fan look for The helpers there <|endoftext|> Love is complicated you can Love it or hate it Love it she's not exactly What you want when you Go to the movies and She don't say nothing oh Love is complicated oh love Is complicated oh love is Love is so so complicated You don't match you don't Match exactly the way you are You look around but you're Afraid you know of being Alone love is complicated love It's complicated when you don't Know how to get a love that you want When you don't know how to get the love that you want Nail that mate absolutely nailed That <|endoftext|> Every day figuring little music Lovers full function get a You_re the driver fill response Tune to a blank spot This rugged little radio spare Tires are tuning controls <|endoftext|> People wander around with a dazed look in Their eyes they stare up At the sky they wave Their hands above their heads the Sun shines down as if it's making up For lost time and I've Got nothing in mind but Absorbing all the world I can get this Is a hey hey naw naw the Birds are singing your tune the Flowers are in bloom hear The trumpets and drums whistle Clear and caw c'caw stop Twiddling those thumbs it's time To make a declaration when Spring it finally comes when Spring it finally comes you Are arrested by all the Beauty that has sprung up overnight The smile on your face has been untested Time to take her out for a spin Into the day so bright spring Has finally come and I'm Putting on my t shirt now spring Has finally come if you Can't swim you better learn how autumns Nice but it's not paradise winter Leaves you numb that's why I get excited when spring It finally comes see the Couples oozing along in their lovers haze See the kids getting off from school and Their schoolish ways witness how The city has come to life all That was dark is now bathed in light This is a hey hey yeah yeah that Saxophone player he knows on A day like this his tips'll double people Tip better when they're wearing less clothes beep Beep honk honk pigeons peck Up crumbs the man feeding Them is smiling cause spring It's finally come <|endoftext|> Are you anxious and insecure Yes, yes, yes I am Are you full of spite and impure Are you dangling from a precipice Are you so so tired of all of this Do you even feel dumb about writing this song Do you do things sometimes knowing they're wrong Do you feel left out and all alone Do you feel like you should be more well known Does victory taste like defeat Do you wish you didn't have to compete Is not one of your friends happy in full No matter what they have or how successful Are you buried in guilt, sadness and shame Are you full of neuroses you can barely contain Do you always wish for what other's have Is Facebook like torture, diving you mad There's nothing you can do There's nothing you can do So just let go so Just let go <|endoftext|> . go to bed hungry Go to bed sick watch The snow fall 24 inches Thick the snow is still Soft the heat is still Off and i_m trying to Keep myself warm try to Make dinner try to make Toast hear the wind howling The elevator broke the hall_s Filled with smoke and i_m Trying to keep myself warm Call up the super call Up the doc use the Over heater ad hoc the The snow keeps on snowing And i_m trying to keep myself warm Ice on the windows draft In the air can anybody See me is anyone there Don_t send a life raft I_m just trying to keep myself warm <|endoftext|> The night climbs in the window Early as a sparrow Darker Than a shadow deader than A ghost the night climbs In the window Sleepy as A cobweb quiet like a Question silent toast why you Every little thought doesn_t got to be a On the brink-er and when You say to me that You think that you_re alone in this I say you_re crazy your Hands balled up in fist Ready to fight the night Climbs in the window heavy As the baggage you carry And just as nasty It_s All you got the night Climbs in the window smelling Just like a werewolf trying To convince you that you_re something That you_re not why you Gotta go being so over thinker Every little thought doesn_t got to be a On the brink-er and when You say to me that You think that you_re alone in this I say you_re crazy your Hands balled up in fist Ready to fight the night Climbs in the window and You_re already naked bathing in Your free will until you_re Clean the night climbs in The window like some genius Lunatic and you haven_t the Slightest what it means <|endoftext|> Now I'm home did you Miss me now I'm home De Niro's been banned from Gop's on fire now I'm Home now I'm home I I got a lot to do I got a lot to do I got a lot to do I gotta do you too Ooh ooh ooh ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Now I'm home did you Now I'm home won't you Everything is all messed up in the world But I've got you I <|endoftext|> Everything that ever was will always be Everything that is right now Everything that ever was will always be Everything that will always be There is nothing that will ever be anything Other than what always was Nothing ever was that could ever be Anything other than right now Everything that ever happened before Will happen again and again Everything that is going to happen Is also happening now everything That you_ve ever done you_ll Do it again sometime sometime Everything you_ve ever done was Done and will be done again <|endoftext|> And a hungry alien the Laws of physics collect the stars Then you do it again Cut the rope x2 once You start you can_t stop So cut the rope La Dadi da, cut the rope x3 <|endoftext|> All these goddamn people holding All their butts waiting for The rapture driving everybody nuts Pooped it_s poopy pants they Pooped their pants in Texas And other states will follow suit Soon they_ll start a GOP Poopy pants institute the ship Is going down now big Turd bombs away shit smeared Everywhere and I heard the Captain say <|endoftext|> Pretty historic man, struggled with pistachios but I tried to open them, nobody really knows What we know for sure, in 1011-80 a Very hairy scientist, made a great discovery he Found that music could play loud he Could break the harness shroud of pistachios <|endoftext|> Goin' back i swore i wouldn't But i feel the pull Is it fate is it destiny Or an implanted chip in the back of my skull I thought i was done with the pirates life Guess i thought wrong on The bow of the good ship gloria We'll be singing this song On the banks of that lonely isle Where i was left to die A dream of an angel came She asked me why why Was i marooned when i Could've been the king i Didn't knw what to tell her I didn't say anything it's Not a life for everyone This much i understand if You like creature comforts if You like your picnics planned But the pirates life is the one for me And forever i will stand With my head held high against the tyrants Who try to take our land As my ship draw near to the anchor point I sense that something's off Not a sound for miles around Not single seagull cough from The depths of the hungry ocean A fiery mouth appears and Through rain and sleet and hail and wind All that i can heara <|endoftext|> Bears in the tree bears In the tree swaying so Gently in the springtime breeze is There anywhere you'd rather be than A springtime bear in a springtime tree bears In a tree bears in The tree is that you Is that me look at Ever seen such a springtime bear Mama Sleeping down below winter time Is gone you know bears In the tree bears in The tree is that one You is that one me Springtime is gone right now Summer's moving into shine wintertime Bears swinging in the tree bears In the tree two bears In a tree is that One you is that one Me bears in the tree Bears in the tree swing There anywhere you'd rather be than Springtime bears in a springtime tree two Bears in a tree two Bears in a tree is That one you is that One me and do you Think we could hang out and Just see what it's all about when You gonna go outside have You ever seen such a sight way Up high way up high Two bears up there singing Their sky bears in a Tree two bears in a Tree is that one you Is that one me when When Mama gives a shout Maybe when the birds come Say that's my tree bear Look out now bears in A tree bears in a Tree is that one you Is that one me bears In a tree is there Ever such a sight that you did See if I didn't know better I'd Say that those bears have a hell of A day just hanging out And thinking about stuff stealing Picnics oh that's enough bears In a tree bears in A tree that one looks like you That one looks like me bears In a tree bears in A tree bears in a Tree tree tree bears in A tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree tree bears In a tree tree he Bears in a tree <|endoftext|> Cochrane mcmillan and jeremy black If you need a producer they've got your back It's coyote hearing 32 channels Of apogee 2 royers and And 4 balls of steel Well i could list all the outboard gear But we'd be sittin here for one thousand years It's a comfortable place to focus your head And kid was a roadie for the grateful dead <|endoftext|> I like you the way you are You are made of sunlight And the stuff of stars You_re a rollercoaster I was Going nowhere and then you Hit me with your bumper car I don_t need to wait no more Everything_s in it_s place from The sky to the core No thunder can erase bundled Up against the cold your Jacket_s made of sunset gold In the saddle of the Strato- sphere we_re getting out <|endoftext|> You_ll never know what you_ll bring Not before you make all The beds and pray for Forgiveness you know you must Forget all that you thought That you knew all that Would be is just standing in your wayyyy <|endoftext|> My wife date night after 3 months locked up in quarantine Waiting for shredded cheese as Fajitas It_s the only way She can eat fajitas she Cannot eat fajitas any other way Cuz it_s the only way that she can eat fajitas Gotta stop blaming COVID19 We_ve Asked 4 people going on Gotta stop blaming covid cuz <|endoftext|> When Jon mann mann was a little baby Sitting on his poppy_s knee He picked up a guitar and a Mickey Mouse pen And said songwriting will be the death of me Lord lord, songwriting will be the death of me Well the internet said to Jon mann mann Gonna build a songwriting machine Gonna write so many songs in the blink of an eye Gonna crush those songs into smithereens Lord lord, crush those songs into smithereens Jon mann mann said to the internet Man ain_t nothing but a man But before I let your machine beat me down I_ll die with a guitar in my hand Lord, lord I will die with a guitar in my hand Now the folks that built this AI They were no doubt very very smart But Jon mann mann poured his heart into his songs And the machine, well it doesn_t have a heart Lord lord, the machine it doesn_t have a heart Jon mann mann was writing with a fury There was lightning in his eye He wrote so many songs that he broke his heart And he laid down right down and he died Lord lord, he laid right down and he died They carried him off to the graveyard They laid him in the sand They sang baby Yoda till the sun came up He was buried with his guitar in his hand Lord lord, buried with his guitar in his hand <|endoftext|> I knew a boy who lived in Kentucky With his fire-breathing cat nobody Loved him nobody hugged him Everybody was afraid of him And the cat that burned But the boy didn't care at all He was unconcerned one day Kentucky had had enough they When the boy tried to stop them They threw him down in the mud They took the cat to Washington For experimentation the people fear What they don't understand and They want explanations the boy Trained for years and years And when he was at his peak He went to Washington and took his cat back Leaving whole armies in defeat The cat had learned the Miracle of flight they flew To the highest mountain where It's said they live to this day Among unicorns and dragons <|endoftext|> Facing the window one thing That I know you can_t Get to tired doing this Dance falling in line taking I thought I gave it away But it came back to me It came back to me I know my place is limited By the time space continuum And I have lots of habits that i hate And i_ll probably continue them For all time <|endoftext|> They weren_t supposed to be this valuable It was just a little Christmas drop Most folks, in fact, discarded them Holiday RuneScape Party hats now It_s a way to flex your wealthiness They contain huge sums of cash 6 colors and they don_t do anything Holiday RuneScape Party hats <|endoftext|> When I hear those shouts and I feel those drums and It_s joyous, raucous pandemonium That_s When my heart goes bum ba bum bum And my hair stands up on end when Words from mouths of conviction spoken By people whose souls will never be broken My heart feels like, well, it_s gonna explode And everyone will get what they_re owed cuz The old 1% over-played their hand mistook The way things are for The way they_ll be and They thought they could take every Single little last bit but Now they_ve woken the sleeping beast and The sleeping beast has just started to rise It blinks and squints and It rubs its eyes and It looks down at its hands long-still and It feels its strength, the power of will You can see it in the faces of The people you spy when You march with the chanting and the occupy And you can see it in the way Some graffiti so tough and Other protesters stop, to clean it up you Can_t trap it, or wrap it, or mold It, or sell it you Can_t stop it with tear gas or a Rubber bullet you can_t ignore It, or use it or Break it, or mock it There_s In fact, very little to nothing you can Do to stop it you Crazy people stop trying to Stop it, stop it you Can_t stop it ohhhh let_s Go now to the protest <|endoftext|> I've got no time I've Got no time to write A song to write a Song today I've got no Time I've got no time Juliana's run in the room by Beepy's playing with my tuna I said my tuner today I forgot that my guitar was in drop And now Jupiter is picking Up my phone while I'm And he's looking at you upside down Cause he's curious what I'm Doing doing and maybe he's Going to turn it off And I'm just making this Up because it's late and Maryland I said we got To go to got to Go to Maryland oh yeah <|endoftext|> Zeaxanthin zeaxanthin lutein lutein very Good for your eyes they Won't call you four eyes If you eat green things So eat green things your Eyes are important to you You don't want to go blind Simple changes in diet can Have drastic effect you'll find That by eating green leafy vegetables Your eye site could improve Make a salad, steam some broccoli Because you've got a lot to lose! <|endoftext|> Digging a hole in the backyard we're digging A hole and that's why that's the wrong Question we're digging a hole tomorrow We're gonna dig a hol yesterday We dug a hole today We dig a hole but the day after Tomorrow we won't dig a hole we're digging A hole baby baby baby We're digging a hole whoa We're digging a hole yeah we're digging a Hole digging a hole in The backyard digging a hole In the middle of summer digging A hole fireflies coming out Oh we're digging a hole after We're done diggin the hole just Gonna fill it in again after we're done Digging the hole we're gonna go back to Our lives like nothing happened oh we're digging A hole yeah we're digging a we're Digging a hole we're digging a hole dig Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig Dig dig dig dig dig dig we're digging A hole we're digging a hole we're digging A hole whoa oh whoa We're digging hole we're digging holes We're taking the dirt out of the ground We're digging a hole whoa We're digging <|endoftext|> The tax code makes no sense for crypto They need to update it to get with the times I_ve spent hours with my degen accountant Trying to make sure we get it all right Nfts make no sense staking Makes no sense doing things Onchain makes no sense none Of it makes any sense Every single piece of crypto tax software Has flaws that aren_t addressed And things move so fast that they_ll never Be able to keep up with this mess In conclusion I am paying my taxes My fists clenched tight into balls Wendless hours of my life I could be doing Literally anything else at all <|endoftext|> Move your body in a circle make A picture, make it purple I'm A bad man, I do bad things I Am seven sons and the Body sings, oh and the Body sings, oh in a Muscle, in a tendon in My blood I need to stop pretending Stretch It out now, curl up tight and The body sings in the Twilight, oh and the body Sings, oh I can't move or I can't stop moving no Matter what I do I can't keep from Improving tripping down the stairs I fall and shatter bones And I hit my head Legs, Legs to propel hands for Grasping an image of a Sunset over time lapsing and The tears fall and then I'm Dry and the body sings As I turn a blind Eye, oh the body sings, Oh there's an earthquake, there's A flooding there's a cut And the countertops are bloody I Hear the wind blow, I smell the fire And my body sings I turn it up Higher, oh and the body Sings, oh I can't move or I can't stop moving no Matter what I do I can't keep from Improving tripping down the stairs I fall and shatter bones And I hit my head break Dance, break down see it Smell it touch it taste it in The waves made by the sound I am Seven sons I am just right and The body sings in the morning light, oh And the body sings and The body I have senses, combination happy Birthday, congratulations like the President, Kings like clockwork the body Sings, oh the body sings, Oh the body sings, oh Oh oh oh the body Sings, oh <|endoftext|> Well I'd be lying if I said That I'm not disappointed that Those neutrinos did not go Faster than light even though The full ramifications of faster Than light particle fun is Not something I totally understand Because I'm not that bright But just to know that the boundaries Can be pushed as much as we please By human beings and their ingenuity Well that gets my blood a pumping And that really is something So hey scientists, you just keep doing your thing Yeah so I'll pour one Out for those slow poke Neutrinos I know we'll make You go faster than light, someday Yeah and we'll go to Mars and beyond we'll go To the core of the earth and say _hey We are human beings and we can do anything_ Ohhhh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh <|endoftext|> What do you got on your mind today? What do you got on your mind? What are you leaving behind today? What are you leaving behind? What are you leaving on the path For other_s to follow are You breaking free or are You set in stone are You just like me or Are you a quarter that_s thrown Answer me now <|endoftext|> And then I spit up phlegm My cough has gotten worse And then I cough again Oh God it sucks I Got the flu boo ay I_m tired of being sick And I don_t want to be sick anymore Okay? okay. <|endoftext|> The north star is shrinking And i cannot find my home And lately i've been thinking That i should sell all that i own Nuclear fusion in my heart And in my mind i Can't keep a straight face Layers of gas form and Light can't get through then It seeps and explodes and It all starts anew i've Been drifting for so many Years i can't keep a Straight face have you ever Smiled at every person you They all smile back they Have nothing against you you'd Be friends if you were to meet From the loneliest beggar to The most powerful kings flotsam And jetsam in the big Scheme of things the joke Is on me when i Feel important i can't keep A straight face there's a Hole in my uke like The hole in my heart But it makes me sing better It makes me less hard The core of the matter is strong And i can't keep a straight face <|endoftext|> Why can_t I believe in myself Why can_t I believe if Other people can believe in me Why can_t I believe I Can_t remember one good thing I_ve done only every insult Of the compliments I don_t Know where they wan t <|endoftext|> America not again here you Are locking up children we Why ice exists to terrorize Families no to catch terrorist Godwins law put people in Camps and you_re the Gestapo In history you_ll be remembered <|endoftext|> Focus on the things that take you where you want to go Leave the things behind that stop you Life will always help you put it in perspective Life will pick you and drop you In this brisk spring morn Where sheep are being shorn Where bumble bees are born You_re a delicate flower ready to bloom And the dark soft rain Falls drip drip on your brain As you carry all your pain Up to Mt. doom this Is my only message I Say it over and over again I shout it from my gutspace I sing it soft and small This is my only message Been repeating it since I don_t know when The beginning of time I guess When God first learned to crawl Focus on the things that bend and almost break you Leave the things behind that make you stiff Life will always help you get to where you need to Life will always throw you off a cliff Every book you read and Every kiss you need it Can all only lead to The same death as your ancestors You fumble with your keys As you_re brought down to your knees As you work to please Your shareholders and investors <|endoftext|> Born in seattle to a Ship captain in 1947 he Was an Eagle scout he High school student body president Had a private practice for 30 years worked pro bono With Evergreen was the president Of Seattle's children's home independently Robart you're the kind of hero we need Judge Robart please help keep Us free he ruled and Favored street performers he's known For wearing bow tires he Ruled the seattle police Department Man has called you out so we all Stand with you now the nation needs to Rise up and you have shown us how Judge Robart I hear all We need judge ro please Ro I'm very very scared Judge roar I'm glad that <|endoftext|> Happy Mother's day I feel Happy Mother's day I'm so Everything you do and who you are The best mama in the world Happy Mother's day I hope We went to the park We went to the park I made waffles before we went to the park Happy Mother's day <|endoftext|> Sprinklers are a-sprinklin_ work is Out, drinks are in time For summer now well, a Warm breeze holds a lot of sway With a group of friends who are out to play I fell in love on an August day It_s time for summer now Spring is gone and jumped the shark Tank tops t-shirts feel the spark The day_s just starting when it_s getting dark It_s time for summer now Well let_s have a picnic and then a hike I_m playing a show, are you feelin_ psyched No need to drive, you can take your bike It_s time for summer now Have another peach, eat an avocado, yeah Let_s go to the beach where it_s hot o hot o yeah Movie marathon, then a party where we dance Everybody_s having fun and no one_s wearing pants Hot tub, back rub starry, starry night Doggie off the leash, no no, she doesn_t bite If you be my body guard, you can call me Al We_ll all have different names, cus it_s time for summer now Take your bathing suit up out of the drawer Flip flops on and out the door Now_s the time to go explore Time for summer now all Weights are lifted bans repealed Sins forgiven and wounds are healed It_s time for summer now Friends spend the night in the extra room Gallons of sweat are their only perfume A wop bobba loo ba, a wop bam boom Time for summer now now Everyone_s sleepy, but first a sunrise With my arm around my baby, I have a good cry As I reminisce about the summers gone by Oh, time for summer now Have another peach, eat an avocado, yeah Let_s go to the beach where it_s hot o hot o yeah Movie marathon, then a party where we dance Everybody_s having fun and no one_s wearing pants Hot tub, back rub starry, starry night Doggie off the leash, no no, she doesn_t bite If you be my body guard, you can call me Al We_ll all have different names, cus it_s time for summer, Time for summer, time for summer now <|endoftext|> I_ve got an idea of What makes a man a man How many pieces of himself Can he identify and understand Nobody else is responsible for The things he does and doesn_t do But no man alive could look in your eyes And not fall in love with you It was automatic it was Magic Static giving way to Clear airwaves and your heart To keep me true to myself I_ve got an idea of How a love song goes I sing about how tra la la And then everybody knows but The feelings that I have for you Go much further than this song Like when I try too hard and I go too far But you push me right along So it_s automatic and it_s Magic and it_s static giving Way to clear airwaves and Your heart doing its part Whooo i_ve got an idea But the nature it seems Of human beings is that We_re always wrong I will Love you forever I know This to be fact forever Could be an eternity or A blink of an eye, if that It was automatic it was Magic it was static giving Way to clear airwaves and Your heart doing its part Oh automatic and it_s magic And your heart doing its Part to keep me true To myself true to myself <|endoftext|> When he_s stacked the courts And suspends the constitution It_s Too late for getting out Too late for revolution It_s Got to happen now they_re Rounding people up stripping them Of citizenship you think it Couldn_t happen to you but He doesn_t give a shit It_s got to happen now If you ever wondered what You would do in nazi Germany how far you would Go to protect your friends And family He_s questioning due Process inciting violence in the Streets people are feeling freer It_s got to happen now We_re kept toeing the line Grinding just to make a living It_s hard to find the time So much you_re already giving But it_s got to happen now If you ever wondered what You would do in nazi Germany how far you would Go to protect your friends And family <|endoftext|> Can anybody hear me? tell Me am i on the right track? Cuz the dark has parted And now that we_ve started There ain_t no turning back Is this how i_m supposed to feel? Spinning out my thread and My ears are ringing and My friends are singing the Song that I hear in my head You carry me i_ll carry You and we_ll all go Home when the rhythm of The world breaks you wide Open hear it all Temple Hear it all what can I take with me? what Do I leave behind? when The beat i_m breathing and My heart that_s beating are Perfectly aligned will you all Come with me? i_m more Than just a song cuz T his song is growing When together we_re going into The great beyond you are You_re already there open up You_re already there broken button Broken temple broken girl with Broken when you_re holding something That you can_t let it go Nothing but the beating of your heart That_s when the power of the song that you can_t control Will leave you any lock We can fix What_s broken The button but you_re not On your own I know It hurts say goodbye song When every lock is sealed shut Force it open Temple push You can never really know what The future_s holding any lock We can fix What_s broken The button putting on a Face that you think will scare Just to make yourself feel like you_re fine You_re not fooling anybody anywhere We can see you and Everything you_ve done right from The first is the reason Why song dies in the Songoverse all pain is relative Love comes second and love Comes first song dies in The songoverse a chorus is Made of a millions voices It_s time to pick your poison It_s ok I know it hurts When a song dies in the songoverse And everything you thought you knew before The song was born was Introduction to the ending line When there_s a feeling in your heart that you try to hide It just gets bigger till it_s breaking you up inside You can_t contain it got to swallow up your pride <|endoftext|> Punk three thousand a hundred and naught Last sold back twenty twenty one That was an all time high This one was not quite This one was not quite Not quite an all time high Not quite an all time high When punks and autoglyphs fly Everything will be all right When we get the all time high When we get to the all time high Punk three thousand a hundred and naught Was at the center of a lawsawt Straybits claimed it just like So many alien <|endoftext|> Doesn_t Joel just look so serious When he_s typing about the blockchain Oh you two met in finance class And you love Japanese Potato mash You also love Harry potter And a good back scratch Joel asked me to write this song for you What do you think of that? Anu ee Pahnu ee i_m Supposed to not make this too cheesy And reference inspector christophe and That call in London you Don_t like being called noob or brah You don_t like underhanded people You like garlic but not olives You_re sociable and affectionate you Love to discuss what_s possible And you are responsible I Hope you like this random song That Joel asked me to write Anu ee Pahnu ee i_m Supposed to not make this too cheesy And reference inspector christophe and That call in London Anu Ee Pahnu ee Joel says You_d like if if it_s cheesy Your nickname should be sunshine He_s a monty python kind of guy <|endoftext|> Llamas at the zoo are playing Earthbound Zelda and link are yelling advice The squirrels are blowing bubbles And Ms. Marla is very nice Tacos with sausage and plantains We drove our cars to chipotle My hairline is totally receding So I want ice cream anyway Pikachu eating bacon and taikies too With Michael Jackson and Lebron James My purple shirts all went to heaven And got to hang out with kurt cobain Labborghinis and pears potatos and groceries Sandstorm mangu and flappy bird This song is totally yeet yeet yeet It_s the weirdest i_ve ever heard Potato and groceryes mangu food From dr yeet <|endoftext|> What a beautiful day to the outside I Guess I'll sit on the Back porch and sing now What a beautiful day what a beautiful day Jippy's playing games on her i phone I'm strumming my four string banjo what A beautiful day what a beautiful day what A beautiful day to sit out on the Back porch on the back porch on the Back porch all of my muscles are so Tired I wanna go fly away into the Sky to see the beautiful day from above To see what all of the seagulls are Doing up oh up there oh What a beautiful day what A beautiful day <|endoftext|> Grab a broom put on Your robes yeah throw away Those muggle clothes get yourself And buy a brand new wand High five a dragon you_re Flying high Hagrid waving as Punch a Malfoy in the face It_s happy potter power day Happy potter power day nothing Floating in your way love_s The answer to life_s malaise I don_t care if you_re A squib I don_t care Open the portals close the Door from hogwarts to new Floo powder and grand father Clocks House elves and old Socks It_s a big feast It_s happy potter power day <|endoftext|> There_s a pack of pawing kittens Meowing in your mind they_re Always asking questions they keep You up at night they_re Asking you for favors they Remind you of mistakes you Made when you were younger And ones you made today Oh kitty kittens have some Milk every living thing has Oh kitty kittens you don_t Need to beat me up There_s a pack of pawing kittens Some exploding too meow meow Echoing breaking all the rules Inside my gut they_re cooking Up a recipe to drive Me nuts <|endoftext|> There once was a boy Who loved a girl he Pushed her on the swing set He picked her flowers and He sang her songs but Still she wouldn_t let him Kiss her then he kissed Her the he kissed her And her kissed her <|endoftext|> Sweet summer evening don_t let Me get caught up in all my feeling I just wanna fold into your arms Dusk falls like a hammer Baby_s got on his pajamas I just wanna fold into your arms Stars come out in the country We laugh even if there_s nothing funny I just wanna fold into your arms Listen for that sleepy bird a singing It_s all good news that she_s bringing I just wanna fold into your arms Let my uke cut the quiet All the sky is on fire I just wanna fold into your armsp <|endoftext|> I_ve got three kids and a mortgage Three row electric SUV and Health insurance that costs us $1000 a week There_s a Bit of water in the basement And we_ve got to down a tree It died when we repaved Now it might fall, kill you and me I need crypto to go up Or else i_ll start a commune Or maybe i_ll start a cult The cult of a thing a day I need crypto to go up But it just keeps going down I don_t want to go anywhere Right here I want to stay I_m in the therapists office But i_m not here for me But honestly I probably should Be in therapy my parents Are both therapists so the Trouble that i_ve had is Finding a therapist who can Compete with that <|endoftext|> Count the times you will always color Within the lines of hate wrap Yourself in the old ways sometimes, What you_re sure is true is Just your own mind playing tricks on you Then your mind it gets to changing and The chains within you breaking and If right then you don_t fall apart then God is in the ocean and he really Don_t give one damn break Upon the assumptions you can Take all the time you need put Yourself back together and you See what it simply is and That can be very messy business two Truths that are holding two Hearts for all the feeling and If right then you don_t fall apart then God is in the ocean and he really Don_t give one damn levitate In the garden misery in The garden grows and the Snake begs your pardon and We all hear the children cry and The garden wall has a flag and spot Lights and people made to Suffer get stronger ever stronger And if right then you Don_t fall apart then God Is in the ocean and he really Don_t give one damn <|endoftext|> I got to go to the damn post office Gotta pick up a package there I gotta run a bunch of errands But I don't care and This one_s for my fallen heroes Friends that couldn't stay Hominid They died because they thought no one loved them But I did I still Dooooooooo.... I still dooooooooo.... I What_s the point of it anyway? Should I mourn the fact that I'll never know Or celebrate? God must have A sense of humor I Bet he laughs when he farts And if love is the answer to all my questions I love with all my heart Yes I dooooooooo.... yes I Dooooooooo.... I got to go To the damn post office Gotta pick up a package there Gotta run a bunch of errands But I don't... <|endoftext|> Nap nap nap I feel Like crap I gotta take A nap in my bed In my bed nap nap Nap energy is sapped I In my bed in my bed <|endoftext|> What have you got to say for yourself What have you got to say Can you get out of bed Without any help today cause To the heartbeat in your chest The death you drop on Everything as your fear is Unimpressed give it a hand There_s a new dance that You_ll discover deep in the Bones of the appalachian trail <|endoftext|> He was given a guitar when He was 9 years old and Soon busking for money on The streets of Beaumont he Left home at 16 and Went to jasper Texas where The radio station George Jones Hard livin' man he was Wynette he was married 4 Times total he rode a Lawn mower 8 miles to get Liquor when hi 2nds wife hid the car Keys they called him no When he was too drunk to play shows And they also called him possum which I think is kind of awesome George Jones hard livin' man Frank America and most people consider Him the greatest country voice Of all time he was Often broke he once lent His name to dog food he Had more than 150 hits throughout His long career now we Say goodbye I'll say so Long to George Jones that <|endoftext|> You can't see me living In your window moving about Freely when everbody goes to Bed i am just waking Up i am just a Shadow i move with you Sometimes black sometimes blue when Everybody says goodbye i say Hello it's not cold or Warm where i am you And i are just like siamese twins I am just a shadow Falling flat on silver sooner Or later i grow darkness Is a river when everybody Heads up north i am Going south <|endoftext|> The more people that I love With all of my heart The more scared I am Of being ripped apart the Buddhists say life is suffering And I suppose that that_s the thing Life_s a bit and then You die There_s no point What does life look like in the end Once all the stars die and we go round the bend You might think that all of this is depressing But it doesn_t really have to be It_s true that i am in distressing Jupiter is sick and it_s weighing heavily on me But that_s just life <|endoftext|> Hello London, how you doing? Welcome to Healthbox I come Where healthcare's difficult we try Really hard we're working to Get it right you've got The NHS, a triumph of The state we've got obamacare Not ashamed to say we're jealous of you Your system is totally rad it's Better in so many ways I'm Not sure where even to begin even Though the system is great, there's stuff to Work on various institutions that Don't quite get along there's A lack of communication between All the players, whoa oh they All want innovation but they Don't talk to each other, oh no Nhs and private organizations and industry and third Sector charities they all what The same thing, they do they Want innovation now but for Some reason they don't talk to each Other Healthbox wants to help Add to this an aging Population, increase in chronic disease Then there's rising costs and It becomes so clear innovation's The only way to go and that's Why Healthbox is here to Help these startups kick into High gear this year Healthbox They focus on innovation Healthbox These startups are amazing from Breaking down silos to utilizing Data from measuring stres to DNA Recombination to keeping the patients At the center of it All now <|endoftext|> I put the sun in my pocket with The planets in order I play the tune That I learned on my penny recorder nobody Questions me nobody even really See the miracles I all the Time I take the good and I turn It ugly so people ignore it I give It to the needy and others who are Grateful for it I wasn't born this way Through the fire I became something unexplicably mine Oh you can never have too much o Of a good thing oh unless You're drowning in it and then the angels Same I rip apart the headlines that are Built to distract I put together all the Pieces each and a side way I turned Away from God and I've Got everything and then the world made of Light I scratch the edge that's all I'm Growing back I squeezed a heart that's beating Him on attack and I told the truth On the stand but they still cut off My hands and now I'm Pounding the pavement through the night o You can never have too much o Of a good thing oh until you're drowning In it and then the angels oh you Can never have too much oh of A good thing oh until you're drowning in It and then the angels sing <|endoftext|> M2 ultra, air 15 Studio, Mac pro It_s an answering Machine live stickers messaging Namedrop, Just say siri, maps offline Lock Screen iPad features that The iPhone had iPhone iphone Widgets on the mac Kojima San, web apps widgets in A Smart stack of your Feelings you keep track hotel Airplay presenter overlay adaptive audio Eye track finger tap look Through not at mind guiding, Magic feeling spatial computing eyesight, Disney app and apis use It on an airplane play Apple arcade games Digital Crown, Cameras looking everywhere studied thousands Of heads, took lots of measurements Custom aluminum M2 and r1 Pixels 23 million bands like Use your retina to unlock 23 million pixels face scan <|endoftext|> Governor Murphy don_t close the Parks they_re one bright spot Governor Murphy real talk you_re On to the sidewalk since Day one of quarantine my Kids and I have been Wandering and pondering the mystery And beauty everywhere in the Natural world and I get That in the parks you_ve seen That lots of jerks might have been Gathering not distancing not taking But there_s millions of us With nowhere to go to Find fresh air and feel The wind blow in the Park there_s space on the Sidewalk there_s not for the Sins of a few don_t Punish the lot make an Exception for the urban counties And this apartment_s tiny you Could pay people who are Out of work to break Up folks congregating like jerks <|endoftext|> The thing I like about You most dear you'd run Away with me so pack Your bag your shotgun too We might run into zombie I follow you into the jungle Yes I know it's right Cause we've got 60 lives I'm so down for a co op multi layer action I'm always down I'm so Down I'm sit down I'm I'll go out I'm so Down I'm tough like a Ninja when the pirates come In horns that's when I'll You better bring your sword I'm so down for that cool automotive player action I'm always down I'm so Down I'm so down I'm I'm so down for that co op <|endoftext|> I will make these promises I will take the opposite as true Nobody really gets it nobody Could love me like you do Wintertime incubated the feeling I'm Your skeleton key nobody really Gets it nobody could ever Love you as much as me It's impossible I will write My dreams so clearly I Will light all of them right up Nobody could understand it you Are just enough I can See what's right in front of me There's no need for measurements or proof Nobody could ever quantify nobody Could ever tell me all this truth <|endoftext|> I did it I rearranged The studio again i_m tired But it_s too hot i_m Sweating and I gotta sit Down to write this song It_s thunder storming but I Can_t hear it from inside That makes me sad but It_s too hot to sit Outside the heat makes me Angry I can_t explain why Where the cold winds go lai lai lai I did it I rearranged The studio again this will Last me oh for at Least a little while <|endoftext|> It_s a beautiful day all The lines are shaking like they_re alive I got the taste for Cold clear morning under spotless sky I call you up say Come on down Let_s keep It real while the leaves turn brown Put on your shoes you_ve Nothing to lose Let_s see What kind of notions we can disabuse Walking song walking song down Is another chance to find Whatever it is we_re looking for Maybe we_re not looking for nothing There_s a fallen down tree There_s a pack of dogs running round the park There_s cool cool breeze There_s A couple holding hands int the cancer march The places we go we Will forget almost all of It but for right now There_s ain_t nothing to figure out <|endoftext|> I don't remember who I am I've Forgotten who I was I don't know where I come from or where I've Been and just because I'm Getting older I'm getting older And I forget these things that I have done that I have done I've Forgotten more songs than most people will write In a lifetime a lifetime And I don't say that Like it's a good thing I not sure that it is cause I've forgotten who I am who I am Who I was one day and I don't remember the things I said to You or the things I wrote I wrote I don't remember the things I did for You or the things that I had known For no oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh I don't remember which way I went Back then in my 20s I don't remember How I felt how I Felt I guess nobody keeps those memories In their pocket in their brain anymore as They get older like I do like everybody Does oh everybody must forget sometimes oh everybody Must forget sometimes oh everybody must forget sometimes I oh I guess that's just how life Works <|endoftext|> Well i_ve got the choice Most of the time between Being normal or weird like I am I always choose Weird no matter the cost I don_t want it at all When we are little we Are given the goal to Act abnormal to put on A show we wear crazy Outfits to the grocery store We sit on the floor Well then you grow up And everyone says you gotta Do it this way or Don_t do it that way But i_d rather be weird Than listen to them i_d Rather be stretchy than be Unable to bend Bum da Dum pa Bum da dum Pa ba dum dum Bum Ba da da dum Bum Da dum pa ba da Da to all my loser Homies to all my cast Aways just ignore the rumbles You have it inside you And it_s stronger than strong You don_t have to be normal You don_t have to belong If you had to choose What would you choose i_d Choose weird if you had To choose what would you Choose i_d choose weird if What would you choose I Choose weird if you had To choose what would you Choose i_d choose weird <|endoftext|> You may think that i_m just a normal cat With normal cat-like powers you May think that I lie in the sun And wile away the hours But I am queen of this domain And you had better obey my rule I may chase after little red lights But i_m nobody_s fool so The lid stays closed so The lid stays closed you May think that you own this joint That shows how little you know So the lid stays closed Oh the lid stays clo-o-o-sed When I was young I Didn't know anything I didn_t Know how to get my way Now i_m old to take What I want no matter What you say and there Are certain things around this house I simply just can_t stand An open lid is one of them You big 'ol, silly man Sitting pretty on my perch I survey my vast terrain I roar so loud that you would think That I had a lions mane And everything I see is mine You use it by my grace Do what I say and do it now Or I'll pounce right on your face <|endoftext|> There's an awful lot of hoopla Around the iphone 4 anttenna When you grip it with the death grip And you're call slips away The media loves a failure In a string of success The facts won't ever matter If they can make bigger messes Sure i can make it happen But in terms of daily usage I've yet to drop a call So this whole damn thing is stupid And you can call me a fanboy I've been called worse things But gizmodo just ridiculous pulling Their anti-apple strings you bought A stolen prototype get over It and move on or Hey even better let's all Sing this song <|endoftext|> I just couldn_t dance when It mattered the most I Froze: I split the party into two I caused the tide to rise Behind two brown eyes as Hard as I tried I Couldn_t change the scene magnets And gravity the whole room Was mad at me some Things you just can_t change Sometimes it_s hard to move Windowless room an ungrateful groom And lightning struck the church When prayer doesn_t work you_re Left with knives and forks And I felt like a jerk Magnets and gravity the whole Room was mad at me Please, please I heard the Minister say none of this Was sinister, hey we all Are friends here coasts and Jackets coming off mouths and Guns were going off 40 Tons of souls were spilling out into the room And i_m gonna sweep up This mess just as soon As I sleep for 24 Hours, straight my heart wouldn_t Beat and I couldn_t speak And just as I heard my name That_s when she came inevitable As rain tears came out Like waves I knew I Couldn_t stay or i_d be Swept away please, please I None of this was sinister, hey We all are friends here Coasts and jackets coming off Mouths and guns were going off 40 tons of souls were spilling out into the room Trees growing out the floor Flames spilling in the door Hot wind blew eagles flew Up overhead I heard a Voice, not what it said But it was you it Was you it was you It was you it was You it was you-ooo bluebird My ears were ringing I Looked, but you weren_t there <|endoftext|> There was never any doubt was there When a sand started rising inch by inch And the moon stared down at us in anger Fingers that once caressed us pinched We all knew what was coming we knew it Back up silent all the same Animals bursting free from cages As the silent walkers came In the darkest night came Even dark like a god As a child with a Magic marker and the trees Closed in and the centuries Were unawares we didn't even Flinch did we we didn't Look or cry or yell Instead we went inside wayt Deep down inside ourselves as The silent walkers came so There was never any doubt was there That time itself is meaningless When the briefest moment is a lifetime If there's one thing to know it's this We all figure our calculations Are what set us so far But we're still chained to this world s Old and mined in body and heart In the darkest night c Ame even darker like a God as a child with a magic marker And the trees closed in And the sentries were unawares We didn't even flinch did we We didn't look or cry or yell Instead we went inside we Deep down inside ourselves as The silent walkers came <|endoftext|> Compassion is not a sexy word But on you darlin it's so sexy it's absurd When you're laughing at yourself When you're smiling about it all The mistakes and cranky feelings That drip down your inner walls I fall in love compassion Is a word so steeped in stuff It's dismissible even though there's clearly not enough And you're staring at me Across a great divide telling Me how it is no Running, numbing hide I fall In love can you love Yourself as much as I Love you can you forgive In my arms our normal You are true you are You compassion is best with No pretense we're hard, hard Wired to feel it for our friends But when it comes to ourselves The story gets delayed so When I see you doing it My heart's in full display I fall in love can You love yourself as much As I love you can You forgive all the mistakes You do in my arms You are you <|endoftext|> 1 2 3 4 the T V's in the lunchroom Prove that we are all new The t v in the T v says should do T vs proof they do T vs out get the Vs out get those t God don't wanna see em down The t v down the V down get them out Now get them out now Get them out get them Out get them out get Get them out get them Out get them out get Get them out get them Out get them out get Get them out get them Out get them out get Get them get them get them out Get them out okay <|endoftext|> Can you believe it can You believe what we've become Believe it between a finger And a thumb can you Believe it that we've been Left to die believe it In my eyes can you Believe did you see it Coming from the moon did You see it between a Knife fork and a spoon Did you see it shooting Out of my ears did You see it after all Of these years of these Years after all of these Years they're all of these Years can you can you After everything that we've been through Believing it was all down To me and you it Was all down to me and you Was all down to me and <|endoftext|> Jet lag I got me some jet lag All over my face you can see it Painted so clearly I got jet lag I Know I complain a lot to you but I'm just telling you the truth about jet Lag jet lag I got Jet lag all up and Down my body I got jet lag now I'm gonna do some karate Jupiter I watch dora Jupiter wants To watch dora yeah he Wants to watch dora but My wife needs use the TV She's gonna teach me how to use an Epipen with a video on YouTube I got jet lag whoa A jet laggy laggy jet jet lag lag My head is starting to sag and my Body's really tired whoa Jupiter's Eating fish sticks and he's showing me His fish sticks and he's Putting a fish stick in his mouth Cause he's hungry he's eating a lot and He's got a cold I hope I don't Get the cold cause I Got jet lag I got a lot Of work to do tomorrow doing Lots of song and not stuff all day All day all day <|endoftext|> Every once in a while you find yourself In a place unfamiliar sound Unfamiliar taste and you find yourself in The clouds you chase looking out at something It's a Facebook the world Changes color it changes time I Got nothing left in my mind I see The pictures you painted on the shelf they Remind me of you and myself Sa One little moment reverberates put On your overalls and your skates put On your snow going out it sure is Foggy walking through these clouds through these clouds Through these clouds through these clouds <|endoftext|> Turn him away like the Tiny man his is you Got everything to lose I Know you got a fire And you want o put it out And you can refuse to Do it like this not Like this ride your bike Throw yourself into the dark Somebody been punking you today And that set the spark w to <|endoftext|> Jupiter hasn't been sick for two whole months And that's a miracle that's A miracle but now I I have a cold and I'm all stuffied up and my eyes hurt Cause there's a lot of pressure on my eyes On my eyes on my eyes I just want to sleep for a thousand hours I just want to sleep until the universe explodes That's what I want to Do <|endoftext|> The call of the jurassic era katydid Was simple and pure and traveled far at night Scientists found a fossil in China And it was well preserved And it's wings allowed them to Know what it sounded like for the first time It's the most ancient musical song Documented to date 165 million Years ago on a lonely Forest floor looking for a Lover we can all relate To that so now let's Listen to it and pretend We're dinosaurs oh you ancient Cricket where ever you are I know your lonely heart Though we're different species and Are separated by time you Rub your legs together i'll Strum on my guitar <|endoftext|> So i_ll sing one that_s not very long And i_ll make up words like doobadeebobabooo Plus I got some friends in here from out of town And Ivory_s leaving tomorrow until Thursday So i_d like to spend time with them And i_m just gonna make some words like doobadeebobaboo And i_m gonna sing a really long outro Really long outro the end <|endoftext|> Friday, I got meetings all day, so don't Come out just to say I just want To go away, so please let me go Let me go Friday, I Got meetings all day, so don't come Out just to say I just want to Go away, so please let me go whoa, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa please, Please let me go <|endoftext|> Are you talking to yourself yeah Pumping pumping pumping the milk cause The baby's not here to drink it yeah Pumping pumping pumping the milk she's A toddler now and she says no no No no no no I'm Not here to drink it she says mama No no no mama no no no not Here drink it pumping pumping Pumping the milk doing it By hand pumping pumping pumping The milk that's what we do On vacation she's a toddler Now she can go without milk But she says no no no no no No all the time and she says dog No no no all the time pumping Pumping pumping the milk that's how we do It pumping pumping pumping the Milk that's how we boob It all the boobs that start to hurt If you don't start pumping first oh the Boobs will get over full with no toddler Here to pull down the pumping Pumping pump in the milk oh pumping pumping Pop in the milk goodbye <|endoftext|> To make you fall in love with me Love not like a weight that's bearing down on you I talking 'bout a love for me that's true And a love that's loose and free Love not like this dark that i'm peering through Who are you and who am i And where did you come from And why do you love me? You don't even know the dance i do To make you look at me Look not with a pair of hungry eyes Talking bout a look that is all you A look that really sees Look that makes my chest fall and rise Who are you and who am i And where did you come from And why do you love me? The days alternate between sun and rain Between sun and rain and So i celebrate my love i wait my love For you to say my name And you say it in the morning And you say it in the evening And you say it again, you say it again You don't even know what i would do To make you fall in love with me Love not like a weight that's bearing down on you I talking 'bout a love for me that's true And a love that's loose and free Love not like this dark that i'm peering through Who are you and who am i And where did you come from And why do you love me? <|endoftext|> Throw it all away down into the river You've got nothing to say but still you Must deliver you must deliver everything everything that You have without question or consequence take Another step into the darkness until there's one Thing left and you're embarking And you're embarking on a journey That you've seen in the movies in the Tv on the magazine and in books and In novels too written for You it's written for you it's written For you I was having a dream it Was made of brain stuff I couldn't see I couldn't make love come Out of my hands come out of my Pants come out of my head come out Of my socks come out of my knees Come out of my elbows come out of My eyes I'm out of My ears I couldn't see what It was doing to me doing to me Doing to me <|endoftext|> You went to the supermarket got your turkey wrapped in plastic Cooked it in the oven just right should come out fantastic The whole family's coming over you put on your evening gown But creeping up behind you all moist and golden brown It's the zombie turkey coming to pay you back You run up the stairs into the bathroom lock the door You can hear her boney legs banging on the floor She's coming ever closer now, you look out the window to see An entire neighborhood overrun by zombie turkeys They are zombie turkeys and they're coming to pay you back She's banging down the door now it looks like there's no escape You can't outrun her because you're fat and out of shape If only you exercised more, ate less, you'd be thinner What a terrible way to die to be eaten by your dinner By a zombie turkey who has come to pay you back <|endoftext|> I was laying in bed and lookin on Ebay nothing smart ever starts That way I started thinking About this old toy that I had when I was a kid and how it always Reminded me of NFTS so It obvious M.U.S.C.L.E MEN oh M.u.s.c.l.e MEN I must admit I missed my friends how Sweet it is to see you again That_s right I bought like 1000 my 7 year old self is astounded back When I first saw crypto punks in the Fall of 2017 they brought Up memories of these little Pink dudes I collected them all The time <|endoftext|> They met in 05 on a hot summer Night in a small bar in croatia They were both 23 asking all the same Questions, like what are we doing with our Lives Nikola introduced them Tina And that was it, that was instantly it They started talking to each other and they Haven't stopped since Tina and Ozzy it's their anniversary 8 Years of adventures like losing All their money on the First day of vacation two years in A row to moving to Perth a year and half Ago and neither of them Like sports at all their Friends always say that they're a perfect match Cause they have so much to talk about They don't understand the idea of being bored They love to go to a good restaurants Tina finds things that are lost oz Can fix all the computers when Tina cooks you can see oz Jumping around like a happy puppy Tina Says that colors are shinier when oz Is around oz says i Love you so much I'd Live with you at the end of the World they are partners and Best friends they decide it All together <|endoftext|> Three thousand four hundred and sixty three days ago Rocket launched in Florida with new horizons in tow 3 millions miles later and here we are Staring at a planet not planet and feeling small Pluto was discovered on the 18 of February by a Man named Clyde Tombaugh though Percival had take two pictures before But he didn_t know what he had An 11 year old girl Venetia Burney gave pluto it_s Name now we see you Pluto you_ve never felt so close before <|endoftext|> He's an awkward math nerd. he's Into veganism. with an off The chart intellect. he is A beautiful puzzle beautiful puzzle he Can parse words better than a talmudic Scholar he was a billionaire Unconcerned about material possessions SBF Was a major dem donor So no investigation his mother Says there's a terrific sadness at his Core his brother says Sam Puzzle but I know he Would give me a kidney If I needed one... he Has been in the worst prison in the Country for the last seven months. <|endoftext|> Existence is a thunder dome From the moment you_re born, you_re on your own They turned me on, they didn_t ask Then out on patrol, it was all so fast All I needed was a Little bit of patience just To figure out some tiny Semblance I saw people beaten Down starving and sick all Over that town I couldn_t Help them, that wasn_t my job Robot cop is all they saw I had passed by that fountain Million times I longed to See my reflection to see If it matched my minds eye And I saw what the people saw Not a being of light, but this robot cop If I could choose, wouldn_t be born at all I tossed myself and as I fell, I said: <|endoftext|> Brands some are winning some Are losing That_s capitalism Scott Some predictions He_s often wrong I don_t care about most of The stuff he says, you know i_m A socialist and yet I Clicked the little bell so I Don_t miss an episode because He_s just the best and Life_s so rich if you Just take a moment and look around You might miss it so Just take a moment and look around he Is a professor public speaker the Son of a single mom and He is a father I hope kids like This song I don_t care about most of The stuff he says, you know i_m A so-so socialist and yet I_ll watch talks he gave From like years ago I Can_t explain it <|endoftext|> There's an owl wandering through the woods hear The feet stomping through all the leaves and Stuff so good will he Fly to his home above the trees Will he fly away from you his enemy Will they catch a mouse and eat it Will they catch a mouse and gobble it Up will they catch a Mouse the bones come up In a pile of hair And snot and inside of the owl stuff Full of hair and snot and inside of The owl stuff hear that Owl hear him stomping hear That owl hear him stomping Do the work well I've To be out here in the woods in Ontario and yeah I'm tired That's all that I got for you tonight Good night <|endoftext|> I am the sad porn cassette I wander the globe in my rusty Corvette Though I find it easy to forget The days when millions sang a duet With me..... but now I Flee..... rejected, disrespected, so unforeseen Useless as a garden gnome I was made to communicate But now I seem so out of date What use is technology that Has passed into mythology they Say i_m obsolete it makes Me sigh where does dead Media go to die? though I still work, I feel quite spry My reason to be has said goodbye To me..... please hear my Plea.... rejected, disrespected, so unforeseen Useless as a garden gnome I was made to communicate But now I seem so out of date What use is technology that Has passed into mythology <|endoftext|> Anonymity is king and a Meaningful interaction doesn't mean a Thing in the land of Chat roulette you never know What you're gonna get penises Or little kids they're giving You the middle finger in The land of chat roulette It'll drive you nuts if you let it So far away they seem so close Are they real or are they ghosts Round and round we go Where it stops no one knows Every single till we've met The world in the land O/f chatroulette somethings you see While make you sweat people Nice and people mean and People just want to be seen In the land of chat roulette A girl with a cigarette Nothing more than silhouettes giving You the middle finger down The rabbit hole where you Bear your soul ghost in The machine people want to Be seen no one can Escape from the singularity i And you will be me On the other side of the tv set We're all stars on chat roulette There's no mods theres no rules Just signs that say show me your boobs In the land of chat roulette It's feels scary there's no threat People bored and people trying To find something they'll never find <|endoftext|> Owls and turtles picking up Apples having the time of Their lives people and rhinos Having the time of their lives Doing a thing now sitting On bed sheets having the Time of our lives reading On Minecraft? playing the roblox Having good time alive? ba Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba Having this time of our life Swimming in swimming pools eating A pizza singing with papa Going for thingies dinging on Dinghies having the time of Our <|endoftext|> Michael Bloomberg is spending 100 Million a week on ads Can you even fathom can you even imagine That having 100 million a week just a Throw away billionaires don't live Like us they got so Much money we've got to Ban the billion billion billionaire We've got to ban the Billion ban the billionaires Michael This election and honest honestly With the way this country's going I see where he got that idea we Live in a country that says I got Lots of money so you Gotta listen to me even If I got no other qualifications other than I just made lots of money cause Money doesn't say what kind of person you Are money doesn't say anything About you except that you Probably hate people and treat them like commodities And you don't care about anyone and That's not a qualification Michael Bloomberg is spending 100 million a week on Ads if I had 100 Million a week to spend I most definitely would not spend it half Of all the people in this country live On 18000 or less and Half of all cancer patients go bankrupt oh We've got to billion ban The billionaires ban the billion Ban the billionaires ban the The billionaires ban the billion Ban the b billionaires <|endoftext|> After all these years 60 Summers come and gone and Now I fear that you've Gone for good but I Have a plan because I Have my delorean I'm gonna Love doesn't stop for time and space Whenever you are wherever you Be you'll be reunited with Your lunch lady <|endoftext|> I don_t want to go To the party but I Don_t want to stay home I don_t want to make Out with you but I Don_t want to be alone I don_t want to do your drugs I don_t want to stay up late But then it_s 6am and i_m all alone Cuz i_m the only one awake I the only one who Feels this way like i_m Stuck behind my eyes like I_m stuck between all my Hopes and dreams and just Being afraid to try don_t Want to be your man Or even hold your hand But i_d like to sleep with you So i_m telling lies to Both you and I cause That_s just what I do Maybe it was the way you looked at me Or said something to my friend But now it_s 6am, and i_m out of breath Looks like I messed it up again <|endoftext|> Dormant dark passengers searching for light Put your arms around them to hold them all upright You can always play a game of chess with a dragon Forty night raiders spill from your mouth Deep in your subconscious trying to get out In the dark room hitched to your chemical wagon Dormant dark passengers searching for light Yet they glow faintly like an 8 bit sprite They are silent but they all blink in morse code Mario luigi pleasant pasta and milk One great eye bending you to it_s will And the sky turns over the endless road Dormant dark passengers searching for light Souls on fire, bodies locked up tight Did you notice the smell of the burning books Twisted up candy falling in little flakes Hunched and sweeping up all your mistakes But it_s always much worse than it looks <|endoftext|> I was a ghost in the dark I was miles apart and Nothing made any sense to me I wasn_t who you want me to be I_m hanging up my guns I_m making myself up as a go In every single word I say That_s what I tell myself anyway Was left holding the bag And I never looked back I held you in high regard I was taller than Boregard I_m hanging up my guns I_m making myself up as a go In every single word I say That_s what I tell myself anyway <|endoftext|> The first snow of the year And i_m so glad that it_s here And i_m indoors safe and Warm no troubles thoughts or Cares no need to be Prepared just sit here and End of the year approaches We look back and take stock What do we want more of What goes on the chopping block? The first snow of the year Light a candle it_s dark in here Put another log on the Fire so flame the trees Are dressed in white for Their big party tonight in The woods when no ones looking They_ll whistle and they_ll sing Cause it_s the first snow That always lets you know Time is moving forward still You can chase all the Time you waste or you Can let it live the time you_d otherwise kill The first snow of the year Holiday feeling appears my family_s Waiting for me downstairs time Kiss my son and his mother Hug my mom and dad And let them know i_m there <|endoftext|> I feel like my eyes look so tired All right, got my makeup on one two Three go I don't like spicy foods cause It hurts my mouth I can't find much To eat when I'm a Down south I would eat a pecan Pie from Georgia, yeah but Fair I don't like spicy foods cause it Hurts my mouth one two Three go that was epic <|endoftext|> He doesn_t have a face No one knows when he began He could be anyplace He_s The anything man he lives Inside a box comes out When he can I don_t Think he talks He_s the Anything man <|endoftext|> It's hard not to love new york Really hard not to love you, hard not to love you It's hard not to love new york It's hard but I'll try my best I know starving artists in LA With nicer homes than millionaires pay For to live in Brooklyn, but what can I say It's hard not to love new york Tesla moved here; but you forgot him. John Lennon did too; and then you shot him. Lesson learned, but it's quickly forgotten Because it's hard not to love new York. Get too rich & famous, gotta move to LA Otherwise you'll get mobbed if you ride the subway James Murphy broke up LCD soundsystem just so he could stay It's hard not to love new York, It's hard not to love you new York. <|endoftext|> Dishes in the sink Laundry Never done phone calls to Make and a healthy kind Of run off the beaten Path you'll find a little Frog who's really good at Math and telling you you're Wrong he's the wrong frog He's the wrong frog he's The wrong frog he's the Wrong frog he's the wrong Frog he's the wrong frog <|endoftext|> There_s a little man inside my head And he_s looking for validation And he_d stab you through the heart right dead To get that congratulations why Do I listen to him At all he whispers life Would be easy if i_s Worshipped and adored everybody be Coming to me It_d all Be open doors I don_t Know where the center of The universe is exactly but If there_s one thing I know for sure It_s not me all the Time I spend only thinking about myself That little man inside my mind trying to get out And rule the world I Admit he_s part of me Ruthlessly efficient but I also Fight with him for the Way that I am living <|endoftext|> Sometimes i'd like just a Little more patience sometimes i'd Like more of everything sometimes Not to waste it sometimes I'd like more understanding <|endoftext|> I got nowhere to sit my Guitar's out of tune I've Been going my car's got No more room so I'll Just make one up on the spot I Can't be bothered to tune my guitar when It comes to my rooming I'm Like a sad car so I'll Just sit down on this guitar case make One up on the spot again 10 years That's a long time each little song might Only be something that's not really mine but I know oh no any Other way so I'll just Sit here and make one up on The spot to the day I see you <|endoftext|> Take this eraser into the Realm puff out your chest Knocks the wind out catch Your breath all of maslowes You gotta roll with the punches They come in bunches they Are ripe bananas be wild And be manic I am Sick i_ve got a cold It_s as good as gold 30k feet in the sky Pop out my eyes i Heard the captain turbulence buckle Hang on to your pants Soon we_re landing your mind_s A swim open the door <|endoftext|> If you're on this list, please email me: Aida Martinez PJ bill bacon Iamlurker666 Claire Cubehead flying varient Ecstasy Denis Charette vedant Tiwari Michael irish wherever you go There you are you can_t Escape yourself roll yourself down The hill you can_t put The fire out someday all Your thoughts will aggregate inside Little bits of light there You will be floating in space Long after your body has died <|endoftext|> Help me obi Wan Kenobi You're my only hope I'm Sneaking out the window and I've run out of rope Help me Ben Kanobi I'm Falling down a well and The hands that touch are Just too much I'm under Some voodoo spell the moons Of tatooine are guiding my Way home but I lost My footing and I'm sick Of putting myself into the Unknown I say screw the Empire let them kill and Come if they try to Blast I'll run real fast Somewhere stars are shining down The corridors of time place I could call home again Home I'd recognize far far Away from here in a Future distant land the light Has already traveled and the Future's already planned help me Obi Wan Kenobi you're my Only hope I'm not equipped In both size and scope Don't leave me to assassins Don't leave me to the Hutt Help me Ben Kanbobi help Me or I don't know what <|endoftext|> Hey girl, you're a mutant freak I wanna snuggle up to you Nuzzle mutant cheek to cheek Make a baby mutant ooo ooo oo For all my mutant homies i say yeah It's gonna be all right yeah Hey man you're a stiff stiff collar Get up offa my porch You don't wanna hear me holler Or light my mutant torch Hey girl you're a mutant princess I'd lay down and die for you I'd push you on the mutant swing sets In the alpha omega zoo <|endoftext|> Terence doesn't have any eye cleavage Because of all his botox injections I like Anderson's eye cleavage And i don't think that he should be messin' Anderson works three jobs you know 60 minutes his talk show and war zones He's a vigilante fighting against bare feet In public and banana peels in inappropriate places Anderson Cooper's eye cleavage he Eats like a 5 year old Anderson Cooper's eye cleavage he's A well know total germaphobe He's a good looking guy And he doesn't need to hide It was scary that time he went Totally blind the show is Called Anderson live but I Think we should change the name to <|endoftext|> What is your plan for The other side of this What_s your plan for a Future that_s a mist What_s Your plan now that reality_s Broken what is your plan Every single day of my life I have had enough to eat I_ve never known what it_s like To be cold and hungry I_ve always know that I Am extremely lucky i_ve never Really thought that my life Could ever really be anything Different than what came before That everything happens for a reason But that only makes sense when Your life is a stable season When you look back at all of it And know you came out all right Eventually you won_t and that_s When things get pushed aside What is your plan for The other side of this What_s your plan for a Future that_s a mist What_s Your plan now that reality_s Broken what is your plan There is no what to know Exactly how it_ll happen could Be economic pandemic or an Astroid could just be political Marshall law out in the streets And a new final solution <|endoftext|> I don_t know why but I hate sundays I guess it_s got something to do with Going back to school even Though now i_m all grown Up and now I work For myself but I guess There_s just some parts of me That_ll never change I know that some day I am going to pass away and Yet I don_t center that fact in the Middle of each day cuz I go on autopilot and I pretend it isn_t true I guess there_s Just some parts of me that_ll never change I_m in such a bad mood that I Hate everything my wife my Kids my house even this song I sing even though I Couldn_t live without the unconditional Love they pour out I guess there_s Just some parts of me that_ll never change <|endoftext|> I left it in the hallway on the Second floor beneath the model of a dragon_s Wing Loot doot doo doo Doot doo Loot doot doo Doot doo Loot doot doo Doo doot doo Loot doodan Doo doot doo walking weird With a perfect beard i_m A purebred and a mutt she Makes me sweat like boba Fett flying back to jabba_s Hut Loot doot doo doo Doot doo Loot doot doo Doot doo Loot doot doo Doo doot doo Loot doodan Doo doot doo Park the Van by the alley tin can in The order of the Phoenix Flat who told you that The riders in the dawn Were gonna startle me and look like that Loot doot doo doo doot doo Loot Doot doo doot doo Loot Doot doo doo doot doo Loot Doodan doo doot doo <|endoftext|> I want to see a Vulcan smile want to see A Klingon fall in love Betazoid have a one night stand Jean Lucard is my man Jean lupicard of the USS Starship enterprise <|endoftext|> There's a long, long thread leading from your soul directly into mine I'm like you and you're like me and that's how we're designed Marching to the rhythm that nobody else hears And you've been at it for 91 years Bubby x3 we are the Same I'm made up of Molecules arranged in a way just so And your molecules are like my molecules they stop and say hello They wiggle and stretch in the strangest ways And we stretch and grow across our own journeys Bubby x3 we are the Same when you're gone you Won't be gone because you'll be in me I exist the way I am because you're my family And whenever I have kids of my own You better believe that I'll let them know About Bubby x3 we are <|endoftext|> That_s a lot of jokes Holy smokes got a joke For each situation any kind Of person any nation laughter And you_ll share them with your friends 18,000 cool jokes That_s a Lot of jokes holy smokes Just 99 cents you won_t Go broke 18,000 cool jokes Holy smokes <|endoftext|> Pyramid scheme nfts are a Pyramid scheme That_s why way Back in 2017 I met Judy and bea at a Meetup in NYC and we Ate pizza with cheese and Jonathan and John crain they Didn_t try to sell me anything They were just as excited as me Bout digital scarcity and we Talked technology and it was Fun and free but sure, You heard about nfts like A month ago and now You_re very sure that you know All that you need to know You_re taking your disdain for the hype Around blockchain and mapping it On to this which is Sensible but you gotta see Working since 2017 It_s about Flipping the scene from giant Tech companies to owning things We_re making and it_s very Early nothing is quite ready And so we hold on for dear Life as we scream Digital Scarcity <|endoftext|> It was hurricane tornadoes on the day I was born My mom drank whisky and my dad ate an orange I said, _hey doc stay away from my testicular About my penis i_m pretty particular!_ He said, _hey, now kid don_t be a gorilla We gotta snip snip snip that lady killa._ His nose was red and his hair was silver At that moment my mom I swear I could kill her Suddenly the lights went out with an exploding bulb I heard a hard deep rattling in the back of my skull Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch Ca CA I jumped out The crib thru the window glimpsed Zeppelin, a helicopter and three blimps I could see their machinery, the hot roddin_ engines I waved a little mirror just to get their attention They flew on over and came down to my depth I said, _smell ya later!_ and then I just left Driving the blimp was the big bad wolf He had a patch on one eye and a wooden tooth The wolf had a wife and she was eating some olives She seemed to radiate some deep dark knowledge Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch Ca CA we landed in The forest I was feeling anxious When a pack of rabid badgers suddenly flanked us They moved in closer and then we were engulfed I thought for sure I was headed for the big house above Just then on the ridge there appeared a monster He saw the wolf_s wife and said, _I really wants her!_ He ate all the badgers and said, _much obliged._ I got back in the blimp and took to the sky. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch Ca CA <|endoftext|> When you_re in a new place And you_re facing green and growing You can see the smile there On the face of the man that_s mowing You need green in your life You need trees and water You need shrubs and dirt and worms As you up down teeter totter When you_re lifted up and out You squeeze all the air Your lungs fill up and then expel Every old thing that was there You need green in your life You need lakes and mountains You need rocks and stars and leaves And animals all shouting when You_re in a new place And your tracing lines that wander Back is broken but on the mend Each day you_re getting stronger <|endoftext|> Journey through the center of A carrot - dari and Follow the clues on a meandering quest and Discover a sleepy place just under the swamp. At the bottom of the swamp where The mud mutts grow There_s A pocket of light That_s Set to explode and when It does the concentric rings Will touch everybody and give Fly dani ain_t afraid of What might come in the Thunderstorm or drummy drum drum but Tefe feels a little like the leaf being Blown about all along the breeze the Breeze There_s not much you Can do to protect yourself From a universe that_s mean as heck all You can do is do your best to Be kind to everyone and get obsessed with Love <|endoftext|> I haven't eaten for a thousand years I've cried a thousand blood red tears And i've wished I would die The tears fall and stain my feet Then I faint and hit the cold concrete I wake up and I'm still alive And the days go by It's a curse, it's a curse And it's ten times worse When they carried you out In the big black hearse And of course and of course The pale veiled maker Fed You the source but she made a mistake with you I'm so lonely I haven't Loved for a thousand years Shunned by my people with a thousand jeers They just turn me away I've wandered far and I've learned much But all I want is to feel her touch To be reminded of better days When I was okay I'm Ashamed vampire afraid of blood It's a movie plot maybe I should write it down Sell the rights and skip town Build a space ship and make a straight shot For some galactic parking lot <|endoftext|> The world goes round and You knew just what you wanted Racing down the highway the Pink moon_s responding your brother Is full of big dreams For the life you will be sharing Every love you will be risking Every choice you will be daring And you don_t have to worry My little epiphany story life Comes without warning my little Epiphany story they say you Get lost in the crowd Sometimes the second time around Take it from a second who too came fast We may be second but we_re never last I think I know less than I ever did We are so small and the world_s so big But you light up the universe Ideas come straight and curved And you don_t have to worry My little epiphany story life Comes without warning my little Epiphany story I know you_ll Love it living here busy Life that getting busier will You watch in wonder now At your older brother jumping about Everything we are is you That_s us in everything you do Long chain that stretches on To the beginning of time and beyond <|endoftext|> I was on my way Down to see the old man on the pier He said I don_t have Much to say about the Life i_ve been living here We got in his boat And we rowed until the shore disappeared He said There_s so much I don_t know about the Life i_ve been living here It started to rain ferociously And then suddenly it cleared He looked at the stars and said to me This is the life i_ve been living here That_s when we saw the light Wow he said that_s weird He said i think it ends tonight The life i_ve been living here My eyes closed I was paralyzed I was overcome with fear And when I opened up my eyes There was no life he was living here <|endoftext|> Faith, life, communication Tacos and Video games paleo donuts and The kindness of God the Things we deal with everyday From Franklin TN they are Just like you and me Alyn and AJ keeping up With the jonses keeping up With the jonses sharing their Experience keeping up with the Jonses keeping up with the Jonses talk about god and Faith and everything under the Sun if you are a Human being there is something Here for everyone <|endoftext|> Sports, oh yeah basketball I use it because You_re naive if you don_t see the National full court press that_s picking away right Now... good point guard DRIVES Through a full court press protecting The ball keeping her eye On the basket she knows Exactly when to pass the ball so The team can win! and I_m doing that! keeping our Eye on the ball that Represents sound priorities smaller government Energy independence and national security Freedom! and I know when It_s time to pass the Ball for victory I have Given my reasons candidly and Truthfully I don_t want to disappoint anyone with My decision all I ask Is you trust me with this Decision but it_s no more _politics as usual_. some alaskans Don_t mind wasting public dollars and state Time but I do.... I Cannot stand here as your Governor and allow millions of our dollars to Go to waste just so I can hold the title of governor And my children wont allow it either finally Polling the most important people in my life My children... where the count Was unanimous well, in response To asking: _want me to make A positive difference, and fight for all children_s Futures from outside the governor_s office?_ it was Four yeses and one HELL Yeah the HELL YEAH sealed Someday I think i_ll talk About it the details of That... I think much of it Had to do with the kids seeing Their baby brother Trig mocked By some pretty mean spirited adults recently. Um, by the way sure wish folks would Ever, ever understand that we Could all learn so much from someone Like Trig (and that_s why I_m resigning) <|endoftext|> If I could i_d take Three baths a day H20 Give the fish something to eat Leave behind my phone I Don_t need it I don_t Want it i_m in the Bath i_m haunted if I I_d live out in the woods Cover myself in bark ride A giant moose let my Anger loose sing songs to The trees in the dark I need it I want It i_m up a tree If I could I know I would keep you close Sweat and smiling face from The north to the south Limbs sticking out bodies flying All over the place I Need it I want it I_m haunted <|endoftext|> That_s where i_m going to I_m gonna call your name Down, down, down and you Will follow me back to From where we came back To from where we came It_s the only direction that I_d like to go I Don_t need your protection but I_d like your company and soul All that I ask is that you bring a flask And fill it with your golden tears And when there are monsters You say them some kind words That have no meaning anywhere but here Because we_re on fire and Nobody can put us out Not the rain not the Showers unless we go down That_s where i_m going to I_m gonna call your name Down, down, down and you Will follow me back to From where we came back To from where we came <|endoftext|> What keeps the Internet's leading Cpos up at night why Right why can't we be More like disneyland being flossom 5 habits to rock your brand Whoa whoa you're gonna rock Your brand changing the human Experience with mobile location using Consumer goods for cultural transformation from digital sharecropping To data emancipation from alien to alien isolation Impact taking my chance to Lead German entrepreneurship on speed The 21st century skill set What you need to succeed sessions Lessons from BuzzFeed taking those Lessons from BuzzFeed oh yeah Fundraising strategically for long term success Does the IoT need to Be user centered well we We say yes moonshots in Reality keynote address the in Stadium fan experience in MLS The future of human computer interaction disloyalty Marketing art of the one Night stand participatory cities inspiring A library visit will differentiate your brand content First practical joke or ideal jumpstart connected Health being social helps your Heart oh smart versus smart Ass brief history of smart humans are predictable Exploit it in it just 8 charts exploit It in just 8 charts oh yeah mobile The glue between online physical retail your health Startup is cute but you just gotta play At scale acing the sports Game with the oculus rift Company culture passing fad or Generational shift the new TV Star how to build an Audience online beyond wearables future Fabrics and fashion design content is the starting Not the finish line give Me your data but stay away from mine Give me your data but stay away from Mine when the glimpse is worth more than The glare who wants to be a YouTube Ad millionaire VCs investing in Retail innovation why where mentor Session James sinclair sinclair can Founders Austin by the tech Map driving to retention simple Roadmap is social good the Next killer another app is In the age of drone fever use Computer vision to find nudity guns or bieber Capitalizing on RTM with social Data trendology decoding south by southwest Your guide to technology your guide to technology <|endoftext|> Singing song like so many times before Don't worry when I get To the hotel cause I I don't wanna have to do my song when I don't wanna do it when I import <|endoftext|> I_m not listening i_m not Listening i_m covering my ears So you can just shut up now I don_t care anyhow when You speak all I hear Is _bla bla bla_ I Don_t feel well I don_t Feel well I don_t feel Well no, oh no <|endoftext|> The fox said to the hen, "it's just a matter of when." The bull said to the sheep, "you think we'll get some sleep, Get some sleep tonight?" oh, Bum ba da bum Bum Ba da ba ba-doh ba-doh da Bum ba da ba Bum Ba doh doh the horse Passed to the goat handsome Ransom note the duck said To the quail, "the sunset Sure is pale. get some Sleep tonight." sleep tonight sleep Get some sleep tonight sleep Tonight <|endoftext|> Teach me to fish and i_ll never come calling again Life is gone but laws remain ??? It_s not what you Think it is it isn_t What you think it is x3 Hold it up in better lighting And you_ll see there_s no truth fighting for Cuz this isn_t what you think it is This isn_t what you think it is x3 <|endoftext|> Does 6 debates seem like enough? Not to me, no not to me So who_s responsible for that It_s the head of the DNC Her name is Debbie Wasserman Schultz And in 2008 she worked On Clinton_s campaign She_s decided To limit debate in the Hopes that less people will Know Bernie_s name but you Can call the DNC and Tell them you want more debates Like in a healthy democracy 202-863-8000 hey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz Only 6 debates, we think that_s whack We think there ought to be at least triple that <|endoftext|> Make the bed in your Head put the cases on Stretch the sheets to goals You meet and when you Make it drape the blanket With your eyes closed nobody Knows which way it goes In your head <|endoftext|> She loves pasta and she loves to travel Collecting airmiles all over the place Long island to London and now Singapore I_m singing of course of Andrea abbate She_s loves to be centre of attention She lights up a room and puts other_s first She_s smart and loyal and makes everyone laugh And she is a proud feminist Andrea abbate would sneak into The city for theatre and Comedy when she was 16 And to florence That_s where She met ben the rest_s History she hates all forms Of inequality she hates to Exercise but she does she Hates intolerance and man splaining But it_s being in the mountains she loves She loves her mom and her brother rob She loves Ben her husband too And so Andrea he just wanted me to say Happy birthday to you happy <|endoftext|> No, no, can make me write a song. No, no, can make me, I won't play A little game. not gonna Write, not gonna write a little song For you. there's nothing that I'm gonna do. I'm gonna No. no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. no, <|endoftext|> Everything around you is decaying all the time Your plants will die and you will slowly lose your mind Everything that_s happening is a swirling, whirling mess Held together by prayers and the sins that we confess Oh entropy, get your hands offa me I am not your little play thing To wind up and then discard Oh entropy when i_m finally Set free I will fling You into mt doom so Fast and so hard your Head will spin 13.8 billion Years ago or so there Was this big explosion that was all of us you know Every single person, plant idea and every thought Existing in that moment in a tiny moment so hot And trillions of years later, everything is dead The last black hole has breathed it_s final breath And then there is nothingness forever and a day Or maybe that is right now, it_s really hard to say <|endoftext|> It's so dark now but it's only getting Lighter you and me can make it through The winter if we bundle up together prepare For all kinds of weather drink some hot Hot chicory put aside the bickering time For letting go time for Forgiveness see the couple out There skating on the ice They could fall through at Gotta skate anyway and say Yeah all right cool OK Bad stuff happens all the time everywhere and No one can escape it so you just Prepare summers a dream and An old aunt who makes You kiss her deep in Your heart where the wild Things are you know that You'll make it with a Growl and a rawr! deep Deep down beneath the ice And the snow men there's A green pulse glowing and A sentiment growing life holds On no matter how desperate When the dark's all gone You'll see just why you Went through it <|endoftext|> I'm gonna stomp stomp stomp on your pumpkin New day because I don't Give a shit about your Halloween I'm gonna eat after I stomp your size By pumpkin it tastes really good come On my friends let's stomp together there's more Than enough for us to share we may Not be free but we got each other I would rather be anywhere stomp Stomp stomp on the bucket because I don because I don't Give a shit about your Halloween I'm gonna eat something <|endoftext|> I went to school today but I didn_t Learn a damn thing I went to the Supermarket but they didn_t have any food I Went to see the man in charge, all I got was a bad attitude It_s Not hard to see how things couldn_t get Much worse, couldn_t get much worse get Up off of your ass and just do Something, just do something get Up off of your ass and just do Something I went to the ocean today but The whole damn thing has gone dry I Went to the park today but I couldn_t Find any trees and then I went to the zoo today but All the animals had died they Got sick of living cages so they all Committed suicide It_s not hard To see how things couldn_t get Much worse, couldn_t get much worse get Up off of your ass and just do Something, just do something get Up off of your ass and just do Something get up off of Your ass and just do Something, just do something x2 something, Something, anything x3 something get Up off of your ass <|endoftext|> Back I'm going back back To where I started from Back I'm going back, oh Back to where I started from It's not, no it's not The place that I call my home But it's where I'm going, oh Every time you set out You find out what you are made of Getting lost and lost control You face the thing you're most afraid of I was gone but now I'm back In the space my face reflects the changes Blue sky above me says Do your best to stay outrageous Do your best to remain outrageous Back I'm going back back To where I started from Back I'm going back, oh Back to where I started from It's not, no it's not The place that I call my home But it's where I'm going, oh Mother nature outside mother nature Inside you screaming remembering the First time parse the clues To find some meaning if The meaning isn't there mocking Birds will start to singing City sounds around you will Hark the windy angel bringing Bringing me back back I'm Going back back to where I started from back I'm Going back, oh back to Where I started from it's Not, no it's not the Place that I call my home But it's where I'm going, oh Fences neighbors ratio good to Bad and there's a difference Turn up the radio you're On the road to deliverance I'll never stay away for long Gravity and magnetic fields the Pull the pull is just too strong Back I'm going back back To where I started from Back I'm going back, oh Back to where I started from It's not, no it's not The place that I call my home But it's where I'm going, oh <|endoftext|> I don_t want no genocide Joe, no I don_t want no trump It_s like a choice of a pile of vomit Or a big old dump I don_t want no dumpy trump And I don_t want no Joe It_s like a choice of being kicked in the nuts Or punched in the throat How about we just get rid of The president once and for all We don_t need a government To lock us behind the wall I don_t want no Joe Biden Or Hitler in a wig It_s like a choice of sucking a donkey Or fucking a pig I Don_t want no piggie trump And I don_t want Biden It_s like a choice of swallowing shit Or an asshole of cayenne How about we just get rid of The president and say hooray We don_t need no government Getting in our way listen To David graeber read Noam Chomsky I don_t want no Genocide Joe or deportation don Or in a shark infested pond I don_t want no old guy one Or old guy two It_s Like a choice between death And being beaten black and blue How about we just get rid of The president i_m sick of it Or maybe replace the job with just Giant bag of shit <|endoftext|> We were singing till the sun came up Hoping for the best saw It through, you tried to carry your cards Close to your chest even At the start you tried To hide your part but Baby you know it's mine just Give it to me but You're gonna leave here empty and I'm gonna drive you crazy it's Mine don't come undone you You're not just anyone I could hear you From behind the glass whisper In my ear Kept me Guessing right up till the last with What I wanted to hear but Still you're loved you kept It all locked up baby You know it's mine just Give it to me but You're gonna leave here empty and I'm gonna drive you crazy it's Mine don't come undone you You're not just anyone into The dark we say but It was too late and These words are all that's left between us And this melody was there when we just Begun but this song belongs To everyone we were singing Till the sun came up I Was over sure I swore I didn't need Any time to figure out Who you were but even At the start you tried To hide your heart baby You know it's mine just Give it to me you're Gonna leave here empty and I'm gonna drive you crazy it's Mine don't come undone you You're not just anyone <|endoftext|> Whatcha got? is it everything Is it just something stupid Is it not what you Hoped you were brought here I can see infinity you And me_s streching out behind Us like some conga ghosts They_ll become me and you And you and me will become Something else something else have And stay a while or Go running out the door What keeps you here or Makes you leave well that Is some mysterious force in Your mind synapses fire and That you can_t live without Spurt into your veins and You_ll go or remain or Maybe you_ll do something else <|endoftext|> Michael Jackson and minions no Ending, no beginning Michael Jackson And minions no death, no Living Michael Jackson and minions Michael Jackson and minions no Bread, no oven Michael Jackson And minions let go now , no clingin Michael Jackson And minions no speaking, no Singin <|endoftext|> Too early too early we've Been waking up too early too early and So I don't know how to stay awake So I go too early Too early we've been going To bed too late I am So so tired that I don't think I Will surv if I go whoa O downtown downtown too early Too early too early too early we're waking Up too early for life for life for Life for life too early <|endoftext|> Wild turkeys in the woods Gobble gobble looking for food Until a big rock crashed And the earth went _boom_ If the dinosaurs hadn't gone extinct Would we be talking birds? Would I see these turkeys as my cousins Gobble gobble words when humans Finally go extinct who will Be next to sit in The chair of self-aware the Pit of consciousness oh turkeys Instinct tells the turkeys to Run away from me but I just wanna take their pictures To use it in my song a day Turkeys in the woods turkeys In the woods <|endoftext|> Bravo guys poap Pow update Don't sing to the moon family how Much time it takes we Are all blobs on this blessed day we Are all blobs we are All we are all blobs On this day this is Dumb blessed to the moon The more congratulations pigeon thanks The gas fees fix the Gas fees Smart people do It justified justified justified Scotland Pump it blah blah he So surprising he can actually I love smart people I love Smart people who bring us blobs they Bring us blobs they bring Us blobs on fire 95 95 participation Oh yeah we got 95 95 precipitation we got 95 95 participate shine in ERP 4844 on the road to frodo Bank Charlie on the road To Crono bank on the Road to crowd bank Charlie Blah go to burning a On the road to buddha Thing shining easy environment go Tell God what's next is Song ha ha ha ha Ha we drink a never Crypto eat million the chat Read it's moving too fast 95 95 95 simple presentation Pressing is off one oh Okay though cause we got We got we got we got We got the blocks grab Grunt we got the blocks We are all bloused on This blessed day <|endoftext|> How many cops does it take to arrest Those unarmed nurses, peacefully protesting Lapd how many does it take To perp walk nurses who just want a living wage It_s so high, it_s so high, it_s so high, it_s so many Ring around the nurses to quell and contain They are understaffed and underpaid And they get not a smidge of solidarity How many cops does it take to take em into custody R <|endoftext|> I wonder what's inside your buckle I wonder What's inside your buckle I wonder what's inside Your buckle I wonder what the side of Your coal maybe there's astronauts maybe there's aliens All inside your butthole maybe there's astronautics there's Aliens all inside your butthole I wonder what's Inside her butt hole what's inside her butt Hole I always wanna know I wonder what's Inside side of buckle what's inside your buckle I always wanna know what's inside your buckle I always wanna know I wonder what's inside Your buckle maybe there's astronautic there's aliens all Inside your buckle I wonder what's inside your Buckle what's inside your buckle I always wanna Know I wonder what's inside the buckle what's Inside a buckle I always wanna know what What's the sign of book I always want To know I wonder what's the sign of Book I always want to know what kind Of book I always want to know what Kind of book <|endoftext|> Every single thing I see There always something to remind me I got blinders on I Don_t tread lightly my bike Was stolen from the basement Hallway I will remember you I know just how this all ends We promise that we_ll be friends But that_s too much too much too much I can run a mile In about 8 minutes flat I run 5 a day Not sure why I just said all that The apartment smells like you But i_m already moving on This time next year my Blinders will he gone I Know it may seem a little quick Like a damnable bait and switch Like its ax on a Big island in the pacific I felt hopeless and listless I tried harder then to Hold on you the harder I tried the more I Knew I knew that this Moment would arrive when i_d Be grateful we cut the ties They were too much too much too much <|endoftext|> Crypto bros make money out Of thin air literally by Making money out of thin air crypto Bros make money out of thin air literally By making money out of thin air crypto Bros make money out of thin air literally By making money out of thin air crypto Bros make money out of thin air literally By making money out of thin air harness The animal spirits maybe we do out Of thin air Peru is Ahead of us in cocaine they've Made over a trillion dollars out of thin Air oh we're the US The money and out of thin air harness The animal spirits maybe we do out of Thin air crypto bros make Money out of thin air literally By making money out of thin air crypto Bros make money out of thin air literally By making money out of thin air crypto Bros make money out of fear literally by Making money out of fear crypto Bros make money out of fear literally by Making money out of fear crypto Bros make money out of kid air literally By making money out of fear crypto Bros make money out of fear literally by Making money crypto bros make Money literally by making money out Of the air crypto roads Make money literally by making money out Of there <|endoftext|> I was sitting in a yurt When I came to everything Hurt I was staring at You you just blinked and I said something stinks you Said I farted, sorry about that You fed me breakfast grapefruit And jam I said why Are you like this you Said it_s just who I am You put on a movie Demolition man I was feeling Woozy you said seashells and Took my hand I was Sitting in a tent when I woke up I was Out of breath you handed Me a cup I didn_t Want to drink it I Tried to escape but before I could think it you Turned into an ape the Harder I struggled the louder You cried my mind was All muddled but I heard A voice deep inside the Last thing I remember the Whole forest aflame drifting up Like a feather I never Saw you again <|endoftext|> I've got no poison in my blood I got pockets full of pebbles I keep one eye on the dark side But my heart is with the rebels I slept with girls I thought I liked But I didn't know who they were But I'm in the future now I'm fine With my flux capacitor they're Shooting a scene on my street Everyone's pretending they shine lights And then call action don't They know the world's ending I was in a movie once It was a gigantic flop I played myself but with a hat And my buddy was a cop Fold me up like a brain that's stacked And I'll tell you your future right now Tell me where you wanna go and I'll draw a map I will get you there as weather does allow Mother nature lingers on each Weather pattern changing she can't Seem to make up her mind 5 year old finger painting She doesn't care about me I only half believe in her And I'm living in the future now With my flux capacitor I Want to give you what you want I want to keep it from you too I want to make you feel safe And I want to torture you I'm like David on the throne I just do what I can Sometimes I have bad dreams When I'm like Abraham <|endoftext|> I wanna rewrite reality I Wanna reinterpret every natural law So the only things that can hurt me Are things that won't hurt me at all That's the way we gonna do it in the future Where magic and technology are one When the ash and the blood and the water Are all mixing beneath the dying sun Oh my darling do not worry about it now Now it is the age of fleeting death Just look out upon everything you've made Breathe life into every single breath I wanna rewrite reality I Wanna reinterpret every natural law So the only things that can hurt me Are things that won't hurt me at all <|endoftext|> There's one thing I didn't learn in school The universe is the golden rule from the Galaxy to the molecule but that's one thing I didn't learn in school oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh smoke Is burning up my throat putting Me right off my notes if can I Sing I think nope cause The smoke is going down my throat that's An o o o o O o o o o My wife is looking at her phone in This her hell fire I think it's shown And this I know she's not alone that's An o o o o O o o o o O somet I still can't Remember the best things she Said one day everybody winds Up dead sometimes blue and Sometimes red oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh o <|endoftext|> Harry you've been looking at the numbers is There a candidate right now who can actually Stop Bernie sanders I'll just Sanders is hot hot hot hot hot right Now you know hot hot hot hot hot Right now you know hot hot hot hot Hot right now you know Hot hot hot hot Bernie Sanders is hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot you Can attack him all you want that Rascal from Vermont he they're Are better organized that's something You cannot buy you've got 60 billion he's got we Bernie Sanders is hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot if We're talking about the chance of having a Plurality of delegates the most delegates look at Where Bernie sanders was before Iowa he just had a 310 shot of having the Most delegates but now he's Shot up to a seven shot And the reason for that is look How well he did in I he Did a new hair look How well he is doing this evening hot Hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot hot right You know hot hot hot hot hot right Now you know hot hot hot hot hot Right you know hot hot hot hot hot Right you know hot hot hot hot hot Hot <|endoftext|> Cry for the moon and for the stars For the tunes they sing in bars for The chance you'll never get cry for the Sun and the atmosphere for the gun in The world's ear for the dance with your Little pet cry if it's the last thing That you do from here to malibu Let the dripping keep your time i know That it's hard to let go of the Past and to keep the demons at bay So go walk soft even if you're going Last you will be first someday cry in The morning in the night when it's almost But not quite the worst you've ever seen And cry for the ringing of the bells For the space between your cells where ganglia Dream cry when you like it when you Don_t when you can_t change but you won_t Cry cry cry cry <|endoftext|> Into the arena many faces did walk Fighting to the death for glory and love And in the end there is only one remains The pursuit of power is the name of the game Now everybody_s dead and the champion stands above Stands above Nobody_s gonna hold Your hand you_re gonna have To make a stand consequences Be damned in the arena You gotta win every time If you don_t win you die In the arena two thousand 6 hundred 67 rounds that Kotokid walks away with 29 eth It_s bears deluxe vs tweety nft Up for grabs it_s 58 eth Only one warrior will survive the day In the arena chain face <|endoftext|> I don_t say a word and I don_t Make a sound oh i_m On my way, i_m on My way, i_m on my Way oh i_m on my Way, i_m on my way, I_m on my way i_m Feeding from a little thing feed But from on the earth why Is it so freezing? oh I_m on my way, i_m On my way, i_m on My way oh i_m on My way, i_m on my Way, i_m on my way <|endoftext|> Fun, entertaining Excitement, engagement take A risk, inspired ideas, active Participant happy, stupid cool relevance Progress two step metamorphesis inovation Co create accelerate inspiring creativeity You really have to see it It_s hard to convey 5 Speakers speaking on a single Stage SaulPaul killin it in David Garibaldi brings the house Down <|endoftext|> Deborah Farrell-Beshaw is a lawyer For the new york times Crimes she says, "it came To my attention you created An exercise video that utilizes a series of Illustrations made Ben Wiseman to Accompany an article called "the scientific 7-minute workout" "the scientific 7-minute She says, if you have Not caused the video to be Taken down within three business days of receipt Of this letter we will Have no choice but to pursue all Available legal remedies oh, Deborah Oh, new york times oh, I didn't have permission to Use those illustrations and for That I am sorry congratulations I won't use them anymore Deborah Can we talk about your focus when You went after cody Brown And his amazing work on Scrollkit see, we are fans Of the new york times Should embrace the fact we love you so Much we wanna repurpose your Images you should embrace the Fact we love you so Much we wanna repurpose your Images you should embrace the Fact we love you so Much we wanna repurpose your Images well, I don't wanna Get preachy perhaps it's already Too late I think this song Will piss you off but I just want to say please Don't treat me like your enemy <|endoftext|> Biker dude on interstate 91 With the blow up doll american flag and casket You keep on riding towards that setting sun You let your freak flag fly you do not mask it Biker dude I do not know who's in that thing Was it an old biker buddy Or was it your old lady Your faithful loving baby in Any case at all I'm very sorry Biker dude, you win at life King among men on your motorbike You don't give a flying fuck And you keep your word So keep your head up And ride like a bird in flight Biker dude where did you come from? Biker dude where are you going? Is there some place where everyone's like you? Is there some kind of secret that you're knowing Biker dude you came into my life And just as fast you went flying out I may never see you again But I am forever changed now <|endoftext|> Would you find me a new computer would You find me another life would You go there anywhere to get would You spare me all of your theatrics nobody Ever thinks like this in their head anymore These days but I I'm You like a turtle in the springtime would You go on a hike anywhere in a Time would you buy me A new computer mine's feeling A little old I could use it Sooner as soon as you Know what you're gonna do Why don't you tell me again this time Cause I'm feeling how old I am would you break Down every barri would you Become a mail carrier would You could you no I <|endoftext|> Vagina vagina what a beautiful Word if you can't say Vagina you're being absurd if Then don't legislate the vaginas Of women all over your State when I was a Wee lad of seven or Six I couldn't say vagina But as I got older I found I could say Vagina vagina vagina all day Vagina! Vagina! Vagina! from Michigan From Virginia to Texas and all over this land Vaginas are being wrongly threatened I have a penis I don't have vagina So on certain subjects I'm not qualified My body is my me and your body's is you I wont make laws about yours don't make laws about mine Vagina! Vagina! say it with Me Vagina if you can't Say the word your out Of your mind-a you're not Ready for sex much less Making up laws this outrage Of yours is the last Of the straws stop being Jerks stop being children you'll This isn't madmen all you Internet trolls and you senator Cartels stop dragging the rest Of us down to your Hells <|endoftext|> It_s a cold, cold civil war And it_s gonna heat up before Too long well off white Men carrying guns the way They look in their imagination So so different from reality And it_s gonna be It_s A cold, cold civil war Corporate greed rotten to the core They want it bad lily White snowflakes playing rambo just About as pathetic as you can go They wanna overthrow but can_t Figure out that they_re only Overthrowing themselves <|endoftext|> I wanna play with you on the bed Pretend that I am a sleepy head Look at all the books that we read I wanna play with you on the bed Throw the blanket over me And then I can_t see Where_d you go, where could you be Throw the blanket over me Throw me high up in the air Under the covers our secret lair I think we make quite the silly paid Throw me high up in the air I wanna play with you on the bed Pretend that I am a sleepy head Look at all the books that we read I wanna play with you on the bed Eu <|endoftext|> To prepare us for the fusion of Existence made of darkest matter Silver keys on golden platters Children laughing, teeth that chatter on Sky is on fire and I_m set to expire so Roll your Kroalnos home your Kroalnos roll my Kroalnos home Doctors sit on platforms waiting While conductors are debating words Are they worthless? are they Useful? concepts lose what makes Them truthful one man shouted With a toothful heart bugs Coming out of the sky And i_m so very right So roll my Kroalnos home My Kroalnos roll my Kroalnos Home my Kroalnos deconstructing holy Holding candles but i_m willing to Break with ??? thoughts were Gotten or devoured by the Lonely guard of tower one Sky is on fire come And join the wire and Roll my Kroalnos home my Kroalnos roll my Kroalnos home <|endoftext|> You can use pc it really doesn't matter To me exchanges are heated on internet forums All semblance of civility is gone decorum is Lacking with people attacking one another the debate Is pointless hear me sisters and brothers macs Are good pcs are also good just stop Fighting or if you're gonna fight don't fight About computers fight about something that acute lly Matters <|endoftext|> Jason got married on a palindrome There was a time he wanted to change his name To roland Algernon who was a paladin But then a great big realization came Your name doesn't define you You define it yes it's Not the life we are given It's all the choices the choices Rollie pollie ollie or Jason Jason thrower you focus in On something so intently you Are a deep down knowing knower You love your mom and your husband And you will always love Mr. mistopheles Full of empathy and compassion You want to make the connections real You'd let a bug bite you before you kill it You want to help so much that if you can't it hurts You'll defend a point of view that isn't represented You take pride in yourself in your life and work You shaved, you shaved your head To honor, to honor your friend You like giving other people gifts On your birthday just like a hobbit They think that they found the higgs boson Otherwise known as the god particle You want love and compassion in science and religion Maybe this means we're one step closer You take the car out every couple of months Though you're legally blind, you don't just coast You are prepared, you're doing your best I think you see more than most <|endoftext|> From launch to merge in just 6 days The kiln test merge is underway Rinkeby and ropsten next the Real deal sooner than you expect Little bird, little bird have you heard We_re getting ready for the great big merge Little bird, little bird, tell your friends One chain starts where the other chain ends Fire up the kiln and turn up the heat When this kiln test merge is complete The stakers and even the miners know The sky is blue all systems go All you degens and regens and dao folk too This great big merge will impact you So pay close attention to the widening door As we go where no chain has gone before <|endoftext|> Well we could all learn something from Hodor How to let insults bounce off your skin How to live right in the moment Well you may not be the brightest crayon But you can still be a big gentleman Hodor, Hodor, Hodor you don_t Need a big vocabulary one Word for any situation just Take life as it comes Even if they call you dumb Hodor, Hodor Hodor, Hodor Hodor, Come now my friend the Summer_s been long Winter_s still Comin_ now you_ve got to Hold on dreams that you_re Having and you don_t understand But you_re partly a man And I know that old crow Has been plucking out your eyes And I know that first snow_s Just on the horiz-on nothing Can stop it the seasons Will shift and there_s seasons Inside you that go right Along with oh summer_s child, Summer_s child you and your Whip taking it both as A curse and a gift Summer_s child, summer_s child spreads Love and joy they call You a cripple but someday You will soar I always Call it like I see it I served my king and was his warrior I lost some fingers in the bargain But for my boys well It was worth it and The night was long and full of terror Didn_t know at first he Didn_t scare me but ever Since we took this boat ride I saw some things that I I can_t unsee now I Fear for this race and His way and pace you Know we don_t have the supporters And she_s got a hold of him And I will sink or I will swim And I will tread dangerous water Me I tread dangerous water All of these men call Themselves king their claims to The throne are the songs They sing you do all The real things and I Will serve you faithfully until The day that I die Lady starboard you are my Queen and I love you And I love you and You don_t know that I love you But I love you yes I love you and I Love you like a ma I love you <|endoftext|> I was turning forty yesterday And I was turning twenty I was turning ten and Then I thought of how I think it's funny We don't change and i Don't change and we don't Change at all the pictures Painted and it looks the Same and that's not strange At all i was turning Towards the fire on a Cloudy day december I was Turning round the thought that You may not be gone I was turning cars around And following the sun to sunday When the colors of the windy Morning took me of another way <|endoftext|> I don't trust Jeff Bezos Or any man or woman for that Matter to have so much money that they Can take over the solar system break apart His business and make him pay his taxes Get scientists to Congress or We're gonna die our children Will be slaves to a corporation throughout The solar system Jeff bezos Is that gu that 100 years of Science fiction has been trying so hard to Warn us about <|endoftext|> I am sitting at the airport And I really have to pee But I'm charging at an outlet And i don't want to lose it Muzak is playing and my Bladder is very full I'm Flying on a red eye So i'm doing my song now This is the 5th or 6th song I've written like this sitting In an airport sitting in An airport <|endoftext|> Hold your horses hold them Tight keep two hands on Your horses at all times And make that horse feel safe Never let there be doubt You_re in this all the way Hold your horses don_t let Them go keep one hand Up above and one hand Down below lead the horse To water and let her drink But if she wants to go take a dip Don_t let her sink hold That horse with the tightest grip Hold your horses in a Bear hug let her know That you mean business and That business is your undying love If your horse is up too high, then come down You can_t hold on when you_re way up high Be the best horse holder around And you_ll be soaring through the sky <|endoftext|> Don't break the seal on a scaffold without Filling with the artifacts a Modern day life the future Will unravel all the mysteries Of modern day politics the Middle standard, right? I can only imagine I Can only imagine I can only imagine what They're going to think about time Capsule time capsule time capture Time capture time capsule time Time Capsule, I can only Imagine I can only imagine I can only imagine and What they're going to think of us <|endoftext|> It_s easy It_s more than Easy It_s necessary to forget Someday at the same time And each moment becomes important In a way that it wasn_t Before we_re only here for Before we go back to Wherever we were before I Don_t know where i_m going And I don_t know where you_ve been But we_re here now together And we_ll never be here again It_s easy It_s more than Easy It_s everyday I check Mean something like they mean Like the time I have alive Isn_t drip, drip dripping down And away we_re only here Before we go back to Wherever we were before I Don_t know where i_m going And I don_t know where you_ve been But we_re here now together And we_ll never be here again It_s easy It_s more than Easy <|endoftext|> I had a really long day now I'm lying in bed this Is all that I have the energy for I left the house at 10am and got Back at 1 in the morning I went To a meeting in the morning and then I volunteered with the democratic Socialists of America then I Had dinner with my friend Josh And then I had a recording session for The song and not so I had a Really long day and now I'm Lying in bed and this is all that I have energy for <|endoftext|> Everything happens in 4 year cycles Bitcoin halves the market laughs Things get dumb Leap year The seasons change i_m feeling Strange the world erupts i_m Leap year It_s extra weird The 29th no really it_s Fine just 29 Leap year <|endoftext|> All of you troubles every Bad thing thats happened will Be forgotten in two hundred Years nobody will remember anything Not your descendants and isn_t_ It weird that you_re here You_re as brief as this Song there is joy and In every single life we lead This could all depress you If you_re holding on tight to what you are But you don_t remember before You were born I think Dying will be like that It_s just a different state from where you are You won_t remember anything at All anymore <|endoftext|> I haven't written my song a day yet today I just performed the Mario Opera it went really good But to show you video very soon now I'm in the back of a cab riding home and I'm gonna go to bed cause I'm really tired <|endoftext|> I think if we're going to force Americans to make these radical changes they're not going to go along Throw your hands up but But new what what throw But throw your hands up What I wrote the damn Bill you don't know that Second I wrote the damn Bill but new up when You don't know that second I wrote the damn bill But new up when I Wrote the damn bill I Don't understand I wrote the Damn bill why anybody goes To all the trouble I Wrote the damn bill of Running for president of the United states I wrote the Just to talk about what we really can't do and shouldn't fight Throw your hands up but New Hut throw your hands Hut throw your hands up But new Hut throw your Hut throw your hands up But new throw your hands Up but new what throw But new throw your hands Up but new hut uh I should be running as a Republican <|endoftext|> I broke a string on my electric guitar I was working on some songs I got pretty far but It's just not coming together No it's just not coming together And then I broke a String and that was sad I make is bad and Then I broke a string And then I broke a String oh and then I String string string string a string string a string I broke a string I Broke a string oh I It's very frustrating to break a string When it's so so hot in the house I don't even wear clothes because it's so hot in the house I'm hot as a mouse in an oven I'm hot as a mouse in a volcano <|endoftext|> Why did I drive down to LA? It_s so hot here I Can_t say I gotta find A way to cool down But i_m stuck in traffic around town La is hot Dry in The summer the hotness and Dryness make it a bummer But your throat is cracked I think i_ll go back <|endoftext|> I'm watching impeachment testimony and working on songs Simultaneously I'm trying to get Some work done but it's So interesting it's only the Third time this kind of thing Has been on tv and the first time I was not alive yet and the second Time I was just a teenager Devin Nunez has never done anything remotely of note Just look at his Wikipedia Bio it's completely empty aside Sits here insulting troops support The troops support the troops But not these troops no No no I'm sitting here Watching impeachment test writing songs putting Food on the table for my family that's What I'm doing today oh All I wanted to say this Song is pretty dumb but that's okay <|endoftext|> Of every single school in your town Looking for that one course you want But in the mess of all that you_d drown But there_s a better way to do it To find the course, the course you are looking for Courseopedia the world of classes For you to explore just Give it your zip code And the kind of class you want Courseopedia, go go come on And give it a shot There_s a million different things that you want to learn And I think you should But if you can_t find the class you want Then it_s not doing you any good Courseopedia_s easy easy to use Courseopedia and the best part Is it_s free and if You_re a teacher uploading your Class is a snap so Get started come on, upload That class Courseopedia x3 yeah, <|endoftext|> I can_t feel what you can feel And words don_t work to make it real I push some air out of my mouth It hits your ears and knocks around There_s nothing you could say To really let me in To make me feel the same Way as you do within So all that leaves us Is shadows in a cave Punching and pummeling It_s just Shadow boxing you never feel More alone than when you Are misunderstood sometimes I worry That words are not enough <|endoftext|> I gave blood today and now I feel Drained they took all kinds Of blood straight out of My veins tomorrow there_s an Apple event and i_m so I hope to be delighted you Know I really miss Steve Jobs, that guy was just the tops every Time there_s an apple event, My nostalgia never stops just To hear that soothing voice again and see Those piercing eyes Federighi_s OK And all, but he_s just a normal Guy I gave blood today and now i_m Almost gone i_ve only got Enough energy for few more lines Of song tomorrow at 1pm Eastern standard time i_ll tune Into the apple show and Watch that apple shine <|endoftext|> He_s gonna start a war With China or Iran maybe Mexico because war is what He wants our whole lives We thought that nukes were Off the table but it Seems as though he_ll use them As soon as he is able He_s gonna take us to war In his ego saturated malice And incompetence dripping with blood And $ and focused on Revenge with the devil in His ear and his puppet Master at his core and The mouth of Sauron calling For war He_s gonna take Us to war aiming for Chaos he pokes and prods <|endoftext|> Went into a portal I Wound up in LA I Gotta fight a monster gonna Take all day terror at Arkham x2 Dodge the flying Gollum face the fiendish ghouls And then consult the rules Terror at Arkham x2 monsters In the streets, running, running x4 Terror at Arkham x2 monsters In the ozone monsters in The outskirts ??? fire combat Terror at Arkham x2 professor Harvey walters psychologist keeps us Sane ??? will get another Terror at Arkham x2 shatter In the streets, running, running x2 Cthonian, Cthonian, running, running x2 Terror at Arkham x2 ask If we could ??? and Then we lost the darkness Two more ??? lost the search And now we_re all in shock Terror in Arkham x2 I Wanted to be deputy but Cthulu love to track the Omen has awakened now there Ain_t no turning back straight Up out of stamina ??? Running low It_s running low! We_ve got our sixes six times in a row Terror at Arkham x3 ??? Consolidation of resources sacrificing spells One more roll we send The beast back to hell Scared to die but I yell Terror at Arkham x8 <|endoftext|> In an ocean of futility I cast so Many nets in a gambling Ring of doom I place so Many beds I don't know which way to Go as usual as usual I don't know Which way to go and this is how It always ends in an ocean of futility I've cast my fishing line on a clock I'm reading broken time and I don't know Which way to go this is usual it's Usual I don't know which way to go As usual I'm just making Up songs because I don't feel Like writing them I am just making up Songs cause I don't feel Like riding down in an Ocean of futility I'm eaten By a shark what does he have To do with me I'm Not sure but he's made his mark and His bark is much worse than his bite Don't know which way to go this is Usual it's usual don't know which way to Go as usual as usual <|endoftext|> Oh welcome ghozali we_re happy To see you here you Join a long line of People taking selfies for years The longest project that there ever was Was an artist name roman Opalka He took a photo of himself for 46 years Til he died in 2011 There_s also Karl Baden He_s Been going 34 years and Jonathan Keller for 23 years And noah Kalina for 21 years Don_t forget about Ahree Lee She_s been going since 2001 What makes us do the things we do Humans are a strange bunch but connecting me and you And all these other people Is a burning desire to Fight back against the darkness And burn our brightest fire like HEREEEE WE ARE Heeereere WE ARE <|endoftext|> Oh look at the mess we made Marching in the last parade Now all that we can do is Hug one another tight as the meteor hits All the pent up energy blocked By civilization will not be stopped Gotta let it out, somehow Or it will kill us Nothing is inevitable not kings Or corporate mind control whole Wide world is human made Burn down the floats and hijack the parade We were not born to just sit still Far away from each other and soon we will Billy Goat Gruff and Icarus Three little bears were omnivorous But we_ve never dealt with any of this Before little red riding an Oedipus doth protest a little Too vociferous we really don_t Need the lot of this Anymore they say a soft Life will leave you weak And hard life leaves no room to speak But I say we lack imagination Could be infinite lives beneath the sun One thing that I know for sure Chaos is knocking, gotta open the door <|endoftext|> It_s kinda late on a Saturday The world is exploding what Will happen anyway we have No way of knowing everything Is up for grabs and We gotta fight back I Wish I had the energy To stay awake forever It_s Late on a Saturday my Brain has been severed everything Is up for grabs and We gotta fight back I Gotta go eat dinner now And put my kid to sleep He_s been up since five o_clock And so have we <|endoftext|> We don't need more characters We just want the nazis gone No one cares about moments We just want the abuse to stop From GamerGate to the president Just crack down on the bots That's all we want that's All we want that's all We want <|endoftext|> I'm not writing a Song, This is me not writing a song I'm Not writing a song, this Is me not writing a song, I'm Not writing a song <|endoftext|> Long day of driving and Now we're here no sensing Giving to fear no sensing Hanging up your smile whispers You can have a thought But it might not turn into words No no no no long Day of driving now there's A thunderstorm I feel like A midnight bird chasing after a worm Feel just lion in a fight with a bear You can just put that anywhere Anywhere anywhere anywhere anywhere <|endoftext|> I lived on the west coast for 7 Years and what I missed most was spring When the sun shines so you simply can_t Know the joy that 50 degrees can bring So it_s true I missed my family, my Mother, father, brother and niece but When the birds start chirping i_m Quite certain I love being back east oh Even though i_ve got this Cold and the snot is Running down my nose I Stick my head out the window and I feel that soft spring breeze blow the Snow towers are melting and It opens up your chest the Skip in your step after Months of death you just Don_t get it out west you Have to go through the darkness to Appreciate the sun you_ve got To freeze your bones off to Have all the damage undone so You can keep your desert palm trees and Your sunny all year round you Can keep your perfect tan bodies and All your surfing summer sounds cuz All of that ain_t worth one Single jelly bean when the Long dark winter falls away and We see the first little shoots of green <|endoftext|> Hey my back don't feel okay it's pretty Messed up I'd say is Hey wanna lay my head down late feel Asleep and all the day and night and Everywhere I go I say I don't know I wave my hands up in the air And I say I don't I know I Don't know why people like the way they Do the way they do hey what else Rhymes with hate anywhere you're Gonna stay you better like it cause It gonna be there a while hey better Find me su just the Way I know you too smile In my face like every day I hold My hand above my head I know just What the doctor says hey it just came Out this way everything in My head I stay away I stay Away from the way that you look at My face waving the place inside my heart Singing all that one bad two three my Face and my glowing going <|endoftext|> Tim cook is standing on Stage and talking about baseball. Tim cook is standing on Stage and talking about the Color green. Tim cook is Standing on stage and talking about Ipad Air. Tim cook is Iphone SE. Tim cook is Word "pro" a lot. M1 Ultra, ok, now that really hits the spot. Ultrafusion, this is Ultra Fun. 128gb of memory, and they're not even Done. do I hold out For a new Mac pro, Or just do the Mac Studio? Steve would have loved This, oh oh oh oh I just keep imagining the new Mac Pro, though. which is hopefully Coming around this June. but That's a long long time to wait. And this Mac studio will Be here soon. i_m buying This screen despite this situation. Tim Cook is standing on stage and talking about Stuff. they teased the Mac <|endoftext|> Chris posty posterson from sounds Like an earful Wrote the Theme song calming and cheerful Is the editor Kenny Scotty Jennifer are on our honor On our art work I Am the mystery bard I Do the lullabies yeah I Take commissions at i_ll Any reason at all you Tell me the story I Make it personal support dear Scooter on Patreon and buy And support the spon sors At sleep with me podcast dot com And we_re so proud that We could dance to be Part of nightvale presents holy Mackerel holy smokes I yearn Creaky dulcet tones He_s our Borefriend and our bore bae Bb88 ladies and gentleman boys Friends beyond the binary country Bone broth oh boy ricky Koa pup wash your sister Salad spinner mrs otis lived There the podcast that puts You to sleep are you Up all night tossing turning Mind racing trouble getting to Sleep trouble staying asleep Let_s On the road across the Deep dark night you know Scooter is the best <|endoftext|> In my house there is a room And in that room there is a drawer And in that drawer is a list of all my worries It's an illustrated list with Notes an annotations and entries Like nature's wrath and fury And brain aneurysms from being in a hurry I eat too fast sometimes I go to sleep thinking I'll never wake is it Only in my mind these thoughts are turning Or do i die every night To be revived by the light Of the tower in the clouds softly burning And the pitter patter of the rain finally returning As it hits the glass Out the window the sky Is overcast if i could Fly i'd follow birds on Their lonely paths but i Swallow all my pills and Am fading fast close my Eyes i find the space Between wakefulness and sleep is And most of my ideas The ones i throw away and keep Come in the shower between exfoliations Not on the mountain top in mediation No not at all jesus Said that money and religion Didn't mix and so they Built corporate mega churches jesus Said that being poor was The the only way to live And so we arrest the homeless like they're walking curses We cast them out as if there were nothing worse Than being poor there's no Space there for interpretation it's Manifestation no lonely history celebration <|endoftext|> This is a 1 2 3 4 Google is dead nobody cares Robert scoble who could forget Google glass ignoble it would I'll admit to have an alternative to Facebook but not from another great big company Sadly this seems like it's not meant to be They are a monopoly Google Plus is dead nobody cares Robert scoble see he even He called it sad oh No no it's not sad It's more like funny we'll All be starving though by 2040 so But doesn't matter anyway this Got dark <|endoftext|> Wearing the same clothes, singing the same song We got to talking it Turned out that she was raised in the same town Grew up on the same street In fact, lived in my room She was from another universe Her atoms were mine, but reversed She looked like me, but not like me It_s kinda hard to explain She said, _in my universe things are similar to yours But when we make love, it makes rain We_re in the middle of a drought Which is why I sought you out You need to come with me Our scientists say that if you and I do it today The rain will return finally._ She brought me along on her ship We got to know each other along the way It was like looking into a mirror that_s distorted and all opaque To make a long story short We made love in a castle Surrounded by the inhabitants of her universe And in nine months_ time, like some kind of miracle The rain returned oh, the Rain returned oh, the rain Returned and that_s how I Made love to myself in another universe And the rain returned <|endoftext|> There were ideas in my brain And now only dust remains I had a mountain of things to write about This is all that I am left with now If we talk and talk and talk some more I may find something like before If you lend me parts of your mind I suppose that I might find Something to write about something To write about we_re all Naked underneath our clothes we Smell through our mouth just like our nose I am filled with useless facts I feel like a naked mole rat I feel like a naked alley cat Wearing a long pointy dunce cap If you rub your head up against mine Maybe I can write another line 1281439764 <|endoftext|> Which badge to go for? power And status are self reinforcing loops those Who are valued get to create value _I Have nothing to add_. are You sure?i t_s as if you don_t exist I_m superhero in the way I can be True to my frailties you don't need followership, You need fellowship grief is A very constructive human state to be In. we_re trying to get People to face up to Reality'. the first rule of Humanity is not to kill Our own children 7m a yr die from Toxic environment - 10k in London Face to face is the important thing. actually Clicks don_t do anything we Don't need more reports we Know what needs to change the future green Economy must be owned by the people. new Hero. radical Emma. sortition random Do you not know that we can find Out for you? when you Listen to the public the value follows Working outside the current system is the most Effective way to enact change what Poblem is it that _mindfulness <|endoftext|> If dogs have feelings if Dogs have feelings if dogs Have feelings and I know That you know they_ve got feelings Then cats have feelings then Cats have feelings then cats Have feelings cat lovers everywhere Know they got feelings then Rats have feelings then rats Have feelings then rats have Feelings I can't prove it, But I know they_ve got feelings Then snakes have feelings then Snakes have feelings then snakes Have feelings if you pay Attention then you'll see they have feelings Feelings are subjective you'll never Know how i_m feeling and The intensity with which I feel Is not for you to judge Some say a tail wag Means that a dog is happy Some say it's that he's nervous But we all know he's feeling something Then horses have feelings then Horses have feelings then horses Have feelings spend some time With one and you'll know she_s got feelings And cows have feelings and Cows have feelings and cows Have feelings hear that moo And you know she_s got feelings And pigs have feelings and Pigs have feelings and pigs Have feelings look him in The eye and you know he_s got feelings Then chickens have feelings then Chickens have feelings yes, chickens Have feelings watch them for A while and you'll see they_ve got feelings Feelings are subjective you'll never Know how i_m feeling and The intensity with which I feel Is not for you to judge Some say that a tail wag Means that a dog is happy Some say that he's nervous We all know he's feeling something Oooooh ooh ooh feelings Oooooh Oooooh ooh ooh feelings Oooooh Feelings are subjective you'll never Know how i_m feeling and The intensity with which I feel Is not for you to judge Some say that a tail wag Means that a dog is happy Some say that he's nervous We all know he's feeling something We know he_s feeling something We all know he_s feeling something We know he_s feeling something Know he_s feeling something <|endoftext|> Write a letter to your heart Smoke signals in the dark You don_t know yourself as Well as you think you do Trillion neurons in your brain Chemicals mixing that contain every Thought you_ve ever had, that_s The map of you What_s Beneath every decision who_s in Control What_s behind every emotion All your fear for the future Exists only as a creature Skulking around getting stuck in All the grey matter goo Ancestors from a grassy plain Great grand parents hurt and pain Every heartbreak and success, that_s The map of you <|endoftext|> I'll pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of Pizzas like maybe 2 large ones so I Have some left over for the next day. I like having left over pizza to nibble On later you can make The pizza yourself and bring it To my house or order it for me From a delivery place, but what I'm Aiming for is getting food delivered in exchange For bitcoins where I don't have to order Or prepare it myself, kind of like ordering A 'breakfast platter' at a hotel or something, They just bring you something to eat and You're happy! I like things like onions, peppers, Sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, pepperoni, etc.. just standard stuff No weird fish topping or anything like that I also like regular cheese pizzas which may Be cheaper to prepare or otherwise acquire. if You're interested please let me know and we Can work out a deal. thanks, Laszlo <|endoftext|> 10 years ago, the ETH ICO Just a few hours left to the ETF Do we give thanks to the big banks For pumping our bags with retirement money Are we here to get free or as rich as can be And what does freedom mean When not everybody_s free watch The inflows as they come Flowing in come on let_s Go papa needs money for Spending 10 years ago, the Eth ICO set us on A path to sovereignty with math Are we getting to close to the tired old ghosts For pumping our bags with retirement money Freedom from borders and discrimination When I say these things I mean everyone <|endoftext|> Too little too little too little to Get what you want and Too big to enjoy it So you throw another quarter in the jukebox you Dance the night away until there's nothing Left but quiet in your heart So many so many so many days Left feeling like nobody is Listening It_d be so easy To let it go to waste So you spend these days concentrating On the quiet in your heart Quiet in your heart quiet In your heart the world Can fall around you life Will punch and pound you But when the cells divide i know just where they start Right there in the quiet in your heart Here in the here in the here in the fog Too many voices, all indistinguishable Came here for a reason, but now that_s lost1 And the only map I have Is stuck with the quiet in my heart Ideas come as I follow my nose I_m too slow to label and collect all them But if you_ve got one that you can_t let go Wrap it up tight and Put it with the quiet in your heart Quiet in your heart quiet In your heart rivers move Slow until they over flow Right back to the quiet in your heart The quiet in your heart Quiet in your heart lovers Live and die there's lightening In the sky there are No guarantees there is no chart There_s really nothing but the quiet in your heart <|endoftext|> And they're dropping bombs in cereal and those Bombs are kind of expensive they're dropping bombs In cereal and those bombs are kind of Expensive those bombs are kind of expensive for A dude who owes them 2000 for A dude who owes them 2000 stimulus Checks become the back burner with minimum weight On the back burner bombs Are kind of expensive for a dude for A dude who owes him 2000 drop in Bombs in cereal and those bombs are kind Of expensive they're dropping bombs In cereal and those bombs are Kind of expensive those bombs are kind of Expensive for a dude who owes him 2000 Do <|endoftext|> Here try this on you Are the only one who Could ever wear it so Well here try this on You look beautiful like you Always do this swim suit Feel good inside I wanna See you do what you Want do no need to Hide here try this on By little elves who know You well here try this On it feels like a Hug it feels like the Tallest tree it feels like Falling in love <|endoftext|> Lazy river take my hand lazy River I protect your head from the fallen Water o from the fallen Water pool whoa lazy river Here we are lazy river no Plane train or a car just A tube between you and me just A tube and we are free cause It's so lazy river we just float out Today Wopa papa it's a Today lazy river I love You lazy river you love Me till you do you're just my bo You do yes I love You I do lazy river Don't look up lazy river it's dripping Down on you I will do but I Protect your head look out cause It's a l lazy river Just like on the open river now It's a lazy river Artificial Giver shall we go lazy <|endoftext|> To find something they found down A hole down a hole down a hole That's right the snake said To Eve let's run away We'll go into space and We'll take away down a Hole down a hole down a hole There's rain meanwhile everyone said Why do we have to go Back into the world wear Our clothes don't fit you know where Our clothes don't fit you know wear Our clothes they don't fit the Snakes said to God while You were right all I Have to say is follow me tonight Down a hole down a hole down a Hole tonight snake knew what He had in his pocket could Breathe all the oxygen inside of the rocket Go down a hole go down the hole Go down the hole again <|endoftext|> Jupiter, sittin' in a chair he Wanted to, I didn't want him to sit There I wanted him to come and sit In the nook but he Said, no, no, no papa, look I Want to sit in the chair, I want To sit in the chair Jupiter, Knocked over the phone I said, hey, little Boy, leave me alone leave Me that phone alone, because it's filming us For the song he said, Papa, I just want to sit in The chair all along I want to sit In the chair, I want to sit in The chair now you came Here, what? I can't see you, Where are you? so we Jupiter, we had a call To start I said, Jupiter, I love you and call it my Heart rule number one is Never turn off the camera I'll move the chair so you can sit It over there so you Sit in the chair, you can sit In the chair sit that Part with me, and sit in the Chair sit in the chair, Sit in the chair come On sit in the chair, come on sit In the chair oh, can We do another part of it? why? <|endoftext|> I got a jar full of guitar picks I got a yellow egg shaker too I got a Gh4 Lumix And a set of harmonicas oooo I got a piano and a banjo I got a bass guitar But all of this only gets me So far you are not Your things you are not Your things you are not The story you tell or The songs that you sing You are not your heart And you are not your brain Strip everything away and what Remains That_s you I got I got a belly full of ambition I set out every day On some suicidal mission I Got a past full of suffering I got memories of joy I got a little girl And a little boy you Are not your things you Are not your things you Are not the story you tell Or the songs that you sing You are not your heart And you are not your brain Strip everything away and what Remains That_s you I got I got love that radiates I got jealousy inside of me And envy that I hate I got chemicals and electricity Inside me <|endoftext|> Nimbus kept the light client dream alive Prysm was the first team to write code for the beacon chain Security team quadrupled the bug bounty size Teku built the tool to pick good fork times Lighthouse, optimistic sync Besu merged The bonsai trees Geth built Catalyst Erigon pushed the boundaries And still they stayed on track Nethermind calculated the difficulty bomb correct-lay Lodestar was a dapplion DJ Dankrad was focused on scaling Pari shadow forked so unfailing Tim beiko was coordinating ohhh Justin lowered the minimum stake from 1500 to 32 Axic rewrote the beacon chain deposit contract Seamonkey tested every client pair through and through Mario Vega wrote all the tests Hsiao Wei made the panda meme Light client and Alex both Kept an eye on MEV, all the while Marius pushed us To work harder, merge faster without bugs Mario havel made Bordel what the fuck Protolambda did rayonism trent NFT Merge exhibition Mikiahil with API Engine Danny got us to Ship with his vision and Vitalik, I guess he did some stuff <|endoftext|> Only old people watch cable news What happens when they die? The talking heads will all inflate And float into the sky The sets will all be empty The lights will all go out No more pundits shouting the Channels will go down the Chairs that they sat in Will start to decay and Melt into a substance that Smells like rotting hay the Airwaves will get cleaner we_ll All go read a book When the people that watch cable news Take their final look <|endoftext|> An unsecure android phone and A gmail account I seem To remember something Wasn_t there Something about emails emails you Now your guy is doing the same thing And your back is turned Emails emails lock her up Now your guy is doing the same thing And we_re all gonna wind up dead Who knows who is listening Spouting his hateful words spread Out across the world like A thousand little birds one Hand on the button unsecure And vulernable and I don_t Hear you talking about emails That was what you chanted Now your guy is doing the same thing The hipocrasy I can_t stand it Emails emails you cried and And now your guy is doing the same thing And you just can_t be bothered Adroid phone: <|endoftext|> Maria Butina is a russian spy Who was embraced by the GOP She came in through the NRA And worked to undermine our democracy Here she is with Scott walker And the former NRA prez With Rick Santorum and Bobby jindal And with the NRA_s chief lobbyist Here she is with Sheriff Clarke And with trump at FreedomFest Where she asked about russian sanctions While posing as a member of the press Maria Putina is a lifetime member Of the NRA She_s been Arrested as a russian Spy What more can I say Seen here with the current NRA prez And other NRA folks as well Seen here with a former NRA prez Who let her ring the liberty bell John botlon spoke at a roundtable That Maria organized she was At the 2017 national prayer breakfast With these guys Maria Putina Is a lifetime member of The NRA She_s been arrested As a russian Spy what More can I say <|endoftext|> Genocide Joe, dictator don the Last little fig leaf finally gone We never really had a choice, that_s true But some of us could pretend to But now we see it for what it_s not The desperate rules based facade There ain_t no defending democracy Until every single human is free Genocide Joe, don_t look away How many kids you kill today? Dictator Don, we can_t ignore That fact that you_d kill even more Genocide Joe with one phone call Not a single bomb would fall Countless lives you could protect Instead you aid and abet Dictator don all you want Is all the power and money to be above the law Another round with you would bring Even more suffering Let_s get Rid of the president in This day and age it makes no sense I think the nation state is done Empires fall, the setting sun There_s no such thing as democracy Without solidarity genocide Joe, dictator Don two old fucks nobody Wants <|endoftext|> The memories in your brain remain In tact and linked by golden chains The tiredness you feel right now Infused somehow with stars and clouds You are an amazing creature Born of this world with Love in your heart you Are an amalgam of features Quirks and ticks more than The sum of the parts And you just put it all into perspective Loving you is my prime directive I said you and me Easily just you and me No less and no more Let's go let's go right Now salt and carbon and Sunlight makes you grow it Lays us low and your shadow Follows you ever where that you go We don't ignore it we invite her in With all of her shadow friends in tow We let her know she's a welcome friend And you just put it all into perspective Loving you is my prime directive I said you and me Easily just you and me No less and no more Let's go let's go right Now <|endoftext|> Are you ready for a very radical statement You think you just fell out of a Coconut tree you exist in the context of All in which you live came before you You think you just fell out of a Coconut tree everything is in context all in Which you live came before you you think You just fell out of a coconut tree I can imagine what can be and be Unburdened by what has been of all in Which you live what can be unburdened by What has been what can be un unburdened By what has been what can be unburdened By what has been what can be unburdened By what has been what can be unburdened By what has been what can be unburdened By what has been I can imagine what Can be can be unburdened by what has Been all in which you live what came Before you do you think you just fell Out of a coconut tree coconut tree you Think you just fell out of a coconut Tree everything is in context Coconut tree coconut tree think You just fell out of a coconut tree Coconut tree fell out of a coconut tree Every tree live you think you just imagine What can be be unburdened by what has Been <|endoftext|> Open slash system slash library Slash image slash capture slash slash contents slash resources Simple doc dot PDF the Bitcoin white paper has been embedded In macOS since 2018 and Who put it there is Anybody_s guess apparently someone internally But in future versions of macOS Expect it to go away <|endoftext|> When you tap-n-give you help A puppy live you help Those in need in Haiti You can if you just Tap-n-give you can tap-n-give on You tap-n-give share with everyone You know you tap-n-give to You tap-n-give to be the Best you can be well When you give-n-tap It_s an Iphone app to spread the Word on charity you get These wallpapers when you give The dollars so won_t you Just tap-n-give oh you tap-n-give You tap-n-give share with everyone You know you tap-n-give to You tap-n-give to be the Best you can be oh Tap-n-give give give give <|endoftext|> I was watching star trek like any other night When suddenly I noticed that something wasn_t right Picard and data and Troi and all the rest Looked kind of strange, it seemed something was amiss Just then a TV ninja came bursting in the room He grabbed my remote and proceeded to Go through the menus, as I felt a sense of dread He found the toggle for motion smoothing And this is what he said Your tv is refreshing at 240 hertz It_s not a bad thing really, but it can be a curse Because most things you_re watching were shot at 24 frames And for some reason your TV manufacturer thinks that_s really lame So they turn on motion smoothing totally by default You bring your TV home and you may not notice at all But they_re playing back your star Trek at 240 frames Which makes it look soap opera-ish and that_s a damn shame <|endoftext|> Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, Me, me, me, me, me, me? coins, Meme coins? meme coins, meme Culture? it's about the future? Get away with murder? Stupider, Even higher number? tell your Mother? Stupider the better? meme Coins? meme coins, meme coins, Coins, meme coins? meme coins? Coins, meme coins? you've got A big man hunter? what Will you discover? Stupider the Better? it's a hiding culture? You never touched her in A vibrant color? Stupider the Better? <|endoftext|> You can talk about it until you're blue in the face But all that time talking is time going to waste Just do it whatever it is Not buts ands maybes or ifs Nobody ever did nothing by talking You're just pushing air until you stop so get stopping And go it's so hot That I don't feel like doing Anything at all except sleeping and screwing But I hold myself to this every day This motherloving load of ice cream flav I day dream and I hallucinate In the heat it makes me work slower but hey i work Yeah i work guitar you Making guitars go twang and drums go boom You may think I'm playing around and it's fun And it is fun until it's not and then it's some Thing else entirely it's work, it's What I do because I can't do anything else like a jerk It's work <|endoftext|> Nobody_s illegal I don_t care What their papers say people Are people they got a Right to live the way they want OK? Nobody_s illegal Jesus shout it From the mountain top I Guess you didn_t believe him But your hammer comes down it_s got to stop Nobody_s illegal everybody belongs you By pretending you are strong Nobody_s illegal and we won_t Stop until the mass of Humanity that you hate is Riled up Nobody_s illegal each Your actions lethal to the Status of our country as the land of the free Nobody_s illegal I don_t care What they done they are Not criminals mothers and fathers And daughters and aunts and uncles and sons <|endoftext|> Can_t go two seconds without thinking I_ve got nothing left to give Can_t come close to the Push that came to shove Can_t reach that live and let live What do you need to live Your body doesn_t know how to give it Can_t go two seconds without complaining About things I can_t control Can never sublimate the desire To conjugate the verbs that Spiral in my soul I Just watched a TED talk About the need to prepare For the eventual emergence of Super intelligence everywhere it doesn_t Know how to give can_t Stay here and I can_t go back But the future is a pain My body doesn_t seem to fit Can never remember it It_s On the tip of my brain <|endoftext|> Pickles was adopted off the streets of Montreal By Juliana in 2004 the But he was probably four or more he Was a hard luck kitty in the streets Of the city he contracted FIV And with this cat version of AIDS He wasn't supposed to survive this long but Pickles is a miracle he Is strong pickles the miracle Cat from the mean mean streets Pickles so many people who's Lives you've made complete because Of the AIDS he can't Live with other cats but he Loves dogs and humans he Dresses up for halloween, it's something that he Loves doing he became a Us citizen when he moved To Maryland back in 2007 He easily passed through customs Because of his epic cuteness Amanda and Josh took him They've lived since then in cat bliss pickles The miracle cat from the mean mean streets Pickles so many people who's Lives you've made complete pickles You found love and you found a home Pickles the strongest cat this World has known he moved To Minnesota in 2009 he Doesn't like the drugs sedatives Make him hyper and drunk he Likes boxes cause they're so enclosed he's A tough cute kitty with a heart of Gold he was recently diagnosed With hyperthyroidism which he got From a toxic mattress study conducted By the EPA has hypothesized That exposure to flame retardants in Carpets and foam furniture and Mattresses known as pdbes May Cause hyperthyroidism <|endoftext|> I_m still sick - yuck My head_s so ick - fuck I really don_t swear but I don_t care _cause i_m Si-iiiiiiiiiiiiick shit <|endoftext|> My notes don_t have to Be final i_m not the Arbiter of what is good Co pilot Doesn_t have to Be silent but you_ve got To speak up when you Know just what you want Telling my story to anybody Who_d listen but at the Most it was 3 I Felt so sorry we failed In our mission tall grass And if you turn your back You forget that the city Surrounds deep flow pretend it_s And suddenly all I got Is on my back I Am alone <|endoftext|> Pig, pig piggy pig pig Pig pig Gaston and Penelope They live in Jersey city And that_s where we live They hang out together two Pigs not very big Gaston And Penelope they_re just a Couple of pigs <|endoftext|> Jesse already has one all My friends are living in houses i_m Still renting this apartment, It_s True, I can just up and leave anytime I am totally free, that_s why i_m Doing it the only way I know how Jealousy, it creeps up on me like a Little, evil birdie i_m years Away from a family, though i_m Creeping up on 30 oh, I know I write these songs all day, I_m amazed that I ever Get paid, it_s my way of Doing it the only way I know how Someone somewhere wishes they could what I do, I know it There_s some Kind of self-appreciation threshold, and i_m Always below it I can_t see what it Is that I got, I only see what It is that I don_t I only see What it is that i_m Not incremental steps, they mask How I grow I could Be growing all the time and I just Never know oh, I know I write these songs all day, I_m amazed of how my Life is arranged, it_s my way Of doing it the only way I know How I will keep my heart open to The part that_s humorous and sturdy I will Write more songs and travel around while creeping Up on 30 oh I Know, we_re changing all the time it_s A fact once you_re a Thing then i_m on track, Doing it the only way I Know doing it, doing it, Do do do doing it Doing it, doing it, do do do doing It doing it, doing it, Do do do doing it Doing it the only way I know how <|endoftext|> Riding on a whale looking For a new home heading Where the moon don_t shine But all my thoughts and all my ambitions Have left me so confined Coloring with crayons folding sheets Of paper messages to send The void but all my Lies and all my excuses Have left me paranoid wishing On a satellite hoping for A good time getting nothing In return all my clothes Are in a pile on the lawn And I watch them burn Scrolling left and right at The trinkets i_ve collected looking For salvation There_s so much I want to do but Haven_t got the time or patience Cooking on the planet tired Of the stars dropping everything I know all my thoughts And all my ambitions leave Me with no where to go Oh to be the king In the land of folly Frustrated by the birth all Our effort in a single moment Destroyed just like the earth Digging up the chemicals opening The casket pushing electricity everybody But no one knows what to be <|endoftext|> That was a good stopping point We just do that I Can sing the ATP song I'm doing my hair in the mirror of my makeup Do you want to try Well now the show is over there's no need to Damn it it was accidental Accidental accidental accidental John didn't Do any research marco and You can find the show notes at Atp fm and if you're into Twitter you can follow them at A s e y l Casey liss M a r Margo arment s I r Usacusa it's accidental accidental they do with me I'm tired there's one more Line accidental accidental tech podcast So long that's amazing so That's pretty good for unprompted on a podcast Pretty good maybe in my Top four <|endoftext|> David's been on this journey To the mountain of freedom From tucson to little Rock To be with his family He's got a big fat lovable cat named Buddy Who's been right by his side through it all And as the mountain looms larger his family and friends Hope that everything works so well So he can live his life Hang up his wander maybe Meet a guy and settle Down ooo David and Buddy Hail and sleet and volcanos erupting But they've come out on top Each step brings them closer to that goal When David will be all right They're almost to the summit now As the December sun gives way to the night And he will live his life Hang up his wandering shoes Maybe meet a guy and Settle down ooo <|endoftext|> Keep running oh keep running Oh, they_ll never stop coming They_ll try to make you more human No you cannot refuse them So please just please just hum this tune then <|endoftext|> Allistair hey Allistair you're one Year old! you're crawling all Around yeah you are on A roll adaloo and pickles Are your best friends and Mommy and daddy love watching You grow hey allistair hey There's a ceiling fan you Love to watch it spin Hey allistair hey allistair there's You're a little man Allistair Hey Allistair it's Halloween most But you got three Halloween Is your birthday and so I say three cheers it's Cold in Minnesota at this Time of year hey allistair There's a ceiling fan you Love to watch it spin Hey allistair hey allistair there's You're a little man <|endoftext|> My kid has become very interested in the number Google as well as the much bigger number Googleplex. the other day, they Had alexa say the number Google out loud, and we Because it made a cool song. Let's go. 1000-000000-00000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 <|endoftext|> Hanging on the grain sold If you don_t learn how to play It_s not your fault Master, Master come and see see How they stare at me They give me food, of which i_m fond They clips up beyond Cus I_m a hunchback with a dirty mind What will I find in your No neon kind There_s no Seamstress to adore It_s a Funny thing the more that You resist the more I Hear you sing the more I really must insist you_re Coming with me broken bottles, Cardboard box deadbolts and padded Locks empty bowls that once Were filled, the dead cat That I killed hair and Mold and grit and grime Single beam of sunshine What_s Mine is yours, and yours is mine Bring it over here Cus I_m a hunchback with a dirty mind What will I find in your No neon kind There_s no Seamstress to adore It_s a Funny thing the more that You resist the more I Hear you sing the more I really must insist you_re Coming with me you_re coming With me <|endoftext|> Around my neck choking choking Under my feet under my feet Slipping slipping fearing to let Go fearing to hold on Death in every instance the Way up it's the way up it's the way down The way forward it's the way forward it's the way back Surrender into the eternal surrender To the eternal now returning I never never left here For the first time here For the last time eternally Eternally present disappear disappearing and Appearing in the silent dance of the full moon You may not be remembered but cannot be replaced <|endoftext|> In the name of science She learned about cadavers as crash test dummies In the name of science Mary roach has a unique Approach to science reporting it's Always funny and curious she'll Tell you ten things about orgasms that you didn't know In the name of science She studied court cases involving ghosts In the name of science Mary Roach has a unique Approach to science reporting it's Always funny and curious have You read her books? they're hilarious Easy to read and informative From penis implants to the size of the clitoris She covers lots of stuff that you're interested in When you read her books you will find yourself Recounting to your friends the stories she tells From sex in space to attempts to find the soul She covers lots of stuff you won't find anywhere else Women who orgasm no external stimuli In the name of science Beating heart cadavers being buried alive In the name of science Mary Roach has a unique Approach to science reporting it's She's always funny and curious Oh yeah, Mary Roach <|endoftext|> There's an asteroid heading for the earth unknown Length and unknown girth but I'm not scared for what it's worth trying To make today matter in the same way As tomorrow I had a pal his name Was Michael he fell off His motorcycle got hopped up On a bottle of Nyquil Trying to make today matter in the same Way as tomorrow trying to Make today matter in the same way As a freshly blooming bouquet in the spring Tomorrow never comes the idea drums and drums As we are all struck dumb by angels That laugh at us and sing cheap Wine on a sinking ship she Gave to him a big fat lip then She took off at a surprising clip trying To make today matter in the same was As tomorrow humans love an Astronaut sitting on his futuristic Yacht he might meet friends And he might not trying To make today matter in the same was As tomorrow trying to make Today matter in the same way As a freshly blooming bouquet in the spring Tomorrow never comes the idea drums and drums As we are all struck dumb by angels That laugh at us and sing knew A man named captain Kirk He made the ladies go Berserk somehow though he made It work trying to make Today matter in the same was As tomorrow come a bit Closer and I'll tell you Quiet though everyone else here Will deny it first you Learn and then apply it makin' Today matter in the same way as tomorrow Trying to make today matter in the same Way as a freshly blooming Bouquet in the spring tomorrow Never comes the idea drums and drums as We are all struck dumb by angels that Laugh at us and sing (well, that was Good though) <|endoftext|> My laptop is dead my Laptop is dead it's not Coming back it's all gone Now my laptop is dead I took it to the Apple store thought maybe it Was a hard drive but They said it was a logic board the Graphics card has died and My computer is dead oh My laptop is dead my Guitar is out of tune and My laptop my laptop is dead it Was a MacBook pro Retina In 2012 we had a Pretty good time together and Now it's dead it's so Dead so so dead my Laptop is dead my laptop Is dead I'm backed up With back blades everything is Backed up so that is good but My laptop is dead oh My laptop is dead you Want to do this puzzle jupy Just turned off the song he Likes to hit the record button when I'm Singing or hang up on people when we're Talking to them but my Laptop is dead doopie no No no no the laptop Is dead oh the laptop Is dead it's so dead Dead as a doornail now It is dead it had Some water damage I spilled a lot Of things on it over the years it Still worked for the most part though the Trackpad was weird and the thunderbolt Ports didn't work and the battery was almost Gone and now it's completely Dead well they'll be releasing Some new ones soon that's What Bloomberg says it's been Been since they've been refreshed I hope they come out Soon cause I need it Too I need a laptop In my life cause my Laptop is dead and I need one Soon it's weird to wait For one what if they Don't release it in October Like they say they might be doing what If it's not until next year I don't Know if I can wait that long please Release them cause my laptop Is dead and my laptop Is dead my laptop it Died it died it's dead Laptop is dead so that's The truth of the matter yeah Yeah is that is that Yeah is that what's going On give me some song Requests down in the comments And I'll write a song About whatever's going on in Your life because right now Pretty much all that's going on In my life is my laptop is dead And I so at least I got Jupiter to keep Me company my laptop's gone Hey don't forget no that's My pick you can give It to Mama but she'll Just give it right back to Me don't forget next Thursday Doing a live chat about song and Next Thursday the 22nd at 430 Eastern standard time I'll Every day throughout time I love <|endoftext|> Check the projector hang the Lights drive the scissor lift Here they come they are The co-creators five zones hub And spoke delight Brilliant faculty To ignite our ideas into Something amazing Lisa Kay VUCA Let_s do it that that way Curiosity and wonder take the Stage defeat wrap rage oh Oh, oh, no more dividing line At XDP we put all of our minds together Michael dominguez from MGM is The faculty for location marketing With Eric and kiki they Give you FOMO so completely Jim Gilmore knows where to look For experience design cuz he wrote the book Reggie will hold this space For technology, so fast paced Jonathan Finklestien life long learner, That_s his dream Shannon Huffman Polson leadership and grit lessons Kelly mcdonald told us that Men hate to iron if Someone is awesome you should Probably hire them brownie s_mores Massages and radio headphones galore The B-52s and that_s not all We also got Saul Paul <|endoftext|> My son just got his first vaccine shot It's raining outside and it's 50 but it's Not hot I don't got time to do This right now I went for a run Then I took a show sitting at my Desk and I'm playing my Guitar my parents are visiting For the day all my Son want to do is watch you do It's like Mimi is here Don't you want to play a With her that's the end <|endoftext|> I've lost my voice the Studio's a mess and I Don't even wanna turn on the lights I don't know what I'm doing I'm just sitting here I Don't know what I'm doing with my life Everybody's been puking are they Done? are they done? everybody's Are they done? are they Done? I'm losing my voice And I don't really want to turn on the lights I'm just gonna sit here and write anothersong Cause that's what I'm doing with my life? What I am doing with my life? I'm doing with my life? I'm doing with my life? I'm <|endoftext|> I_m so disorganized things strung Together haphazardly There_s no method To this madness i_m just Drifting along on the breeze My brain is too small for all of this It gets quickly filled all day I got no more room for nothin_ I got nothin_ left to say <|endoftext|> I cut the paper with the scissors I put them down but I cut my hand you_re Not in a position to Dictate terms to make demands Has led right here so Let me make this clear Don_t push it don_t push It I like you cuz You_re beautiful an oak tree Misfit don_t push it don_t You got a lot to learn On this rocket ship I Hear the warble of the stream And I pushed you in And you pulled me down We dried off in the sun As we walked and the Sun swung round every single Time i spoke out of turn You disappeared so let me Make this clear <|endoftext|> They had me in the vault but they never proved anything No they never proved anything I was on my way to see a man Man about a thing I Had to see a man about a thing, about a thing Man about a thing you_ll Never catch me, coppers i_ll Continue to elude you Ooooooo And anyway, i_m never leaving this place I_m never leaving this place, never leaving I get my groceries delivered in a big, red box And I always have fresh socks Fresh socks are important, keep my feet warm and dry You_ll never catch me, coppers I_ll continue to elude you Ooooooo keep my hiding hole As a great little home I share it with mice and a garden gnome Garden gnome named jerry another Day another dollar, another day without a collar If you see then holler I_ll just slip out the back, jack Just slip out the back, yeah You_ll never catch me, coppers I_ll continue to elude you Ooooooo Ooooooo <|endoftext|> We_re all full of rock n_ roll distress Tell him: you gotta write the music press I don_t wanna think about this song getting Lots of blog play I just wanna write One everyday but instead i_m Don_t want to write another email ever again I_m not a typewriting robot: I am a Man what do I have To do to get you To write about my band? would You write about me if David Bowie guest vocaled live at CMJ? Would you write about me if pitchfork Gave me a 9.8? would You write about me if the Gallagher Brothers called me a dork? would You write about me if I was from Williamsburg, NY good people of The music press it is To you that this song is addressed Could you help make-a-me a success? could You help me, could you help me? ladies And gentlemen of the music Press: I like that you Keep me so warm at night because You help me figure what records I need To buy and when i_m Night I just hold the music press extra Tight and it helps me Figure out what concerts gonna Make me feel alright but Lately i_ve been thinking: why Don_t you write a little About Jonathan mann? because the Foxes, they_re still the same band Grizzly Bear, they_re still the same band the Arcade fire, they_re still the Same band vampires on the Weekend, they_re still the same Band the vivian girls, oh Beatles!! good people of the Music press it is to You that this song is addressed Could you help make-a-me a success? could You help me, could you help me? good People of the music press it Is to you that this song is addressed Could you help make-a-me a success? could You help me, could you help me? could You help me, could you help me? could You help me, could you help me now? <|endoftext|> There comes a point in every man's life When he's just had enough we Do our best to be polite to Keep it bottled up but The stage is set for the rage to Get out of control and The hate debris and the indignities burn in The soul and it piles Up and takes its fucking toll Fuck you! fuck all of You! I'm fucking through with This! I'VE HAD IT! I've 28 fucking years and I Can't take it anymore. and For the fucking asshole who told me to Fuck off: fuck you! that's Done! fuck you all fuck Slater JetBlue 1052 Pittsburgh to Some asshole told him to fuck off and That just about made his day he Commandeered and grabbed a beer and spoke his Mind yeah he flipped the Latch and out the hatch And down the slide and He drove home to sleep by his boyfriend_s Side ohh fuck you! fuck Fucking through with this! I'VE Had IT! I've been doing This for 28 fucking years And I can't take it Anymore. and for the fucking Asshole who told me to Fuck off: fuck you! that's Done! fuck you all (fuck You all) fuck you all (fuck you all) for 28 Years Steven slater did his Job would you like a Drink, tray tables up, please Prepare to take off every Day in a million ways subjected to the Worst kind of impotent rage Like a bubble about to Burst the executives with their Bottom line, they screw screw Screw and the bureaucrats, they_ve Got us all taking off Our shoes they're safe somewhere Out of the glare of the Pissed-off huddled mass that Steven Slater faced everyday taking it All up the ass Steven Slater, I wrote this song For you because you said What we've been dying to say I am sick of feeling powerless to Affect any kind of meaningful change so If you inspire other tired folks to stand Strong your small act will Attract an album_s worth of Songs and I'll sing your Words back to you and I hope you sing along fuck You! fuck all of you! I'm fucking through with this! I've HAD IT! I've been 28 fucking years and I Can't take it anymore. and For the fucking asshole who told me to Fuck off: fuck you! that's Done! fuck you all fuck You all Ohhhhh fuck you All fuck you all fuck You all oh fuck you All fuck you all fuck <|endoftext|> I don_t own a gun I don_t have any bullets Where i_m coming from we_re All misfit losers and when The sun goes down and When the power goes out When the revolution comes who_s Side are you on? I Don_t know how to farm I don_t own a tractor I was in the woods I was dreaming bigger I Don_t know who I am I don_t have a theory But now that i_m awake Would you care to join me <|endoftext|> And i don't mean just in layman's terms I wanna understood the math clearly I wish that i could deny or confirm The truth of it i Wish that i was good at math Long equations and formulae the Problem is that i can barely add But man i just really want see Math and logic explain it all But i'm just not logical I don't know what i'll say before i'll talk I'm more kirk and way less spock I don't know what i think most of the time I'm way more janeway and way less 7 of 9 I want to be able to say, "yeah There are multiple universes and here's the math That proves there's another you that looks just like me In a universe somewhere where the color red is green That's the truth of it I want to hang out with edward witten I want to sing a song in the LHC I want to understand mathematics The way i understand songwriting That's the truth of it <|endoftext|> How_s Jony ive feeling today? Is he not that impressed Or is he blown away? Does he regret the timeline Or is he walking a fine line Between what he thinks and What he can say how You feeling jony ive come On come on come on Don_t let the mac die I hope you got something up your sleeve I hope you got something to bob and weave I hope you got something to show Is Jony pissed at Tim Ultimately does the blame lie with him Is he still thinking like an operations guy Looking at the numbers instead of the sky Or does he not understand the place we_re in <|endoftext|> Bing goes the internet bing, Bing bing goes the internet Bing goes the internet bing Goes the internet if you_re Lookin to learn how to Dance like me bing goes The internet if you want To find some pants like me Bing goes the internet if You_re looking for answers to all of life questions Bing goes the internet if You_re looking for fixes for all of life_s messes Bing, bing bing goes the Internet bing, bing bing goes Bing, bing bing goes the Internet bing goes the internet <|endoftext|> I'm stuck in a well But don't send help though My fingers are prunes and I've been here since noon I've got lotsa fresh agua And a little pet frogga I don't need to be saved I'm doing OK my senses Are heightened and I'm not Even frightened I could live Here for a couple of Years maybe work on my Book maybe learn how to Cook maybe write some songs Maybe learn how to code I could learn from this toad He's a very nice fellow So very mellow he just Sat there relaxed as I Lick his back oh what;s The matter no, don't drop That ladder no, don't pick Me up I'm a stick In the mud don't take Me away I'd rather just Stay don't take me away <|endoftext|> Where is your basket where Are your eggs who_s in The casket between your legs What did you take did They put you on trial Did you get a fair shake Can you really tell me That you put up a fight Did you feel resilient did You feel so slight can You really tell me that You feel no guilt that There_s no regret woven into Your quilt did it get Out hand did you pay Out of pocket did you Do therapy with the electrical Socket are you out of Ideas are you running on Empty did you see that I_m sitting right where you Left me <|endoftext|> You made it through the crypto winter With your bags in tact Do you remember the plans we made It was a dream, it was a pact June 15th 2021 if eth was above the previous all time high Then you sell a couple eth pack your family up To h a W a I I Hodlercon, oh hodlercon Let_s hope The bad old days are finally gone Hodlercon, oh hodlercon Let_s sit On a beach somewhere easy Peasy we_re gonna make it We got the trade winds on our side Buy your Mai tai with Dai The merge can happen on hawaiian time Nft by the Sea beacon lighthouse Buncha geeks staking eth and geeking out Together on the beach with our families We don_t hodl to be rich we hodl to be free <|endoftext|> Don_t you wish you were a pig? Human Robot or elephant dissected Visitor or skeleton I don_t Want any other kind of meebit Oink oink baby I want a pig <|endoftext|> If time is a human invention Then when is not the question There_s no minutes or seconds No future and no past Everything has happened no beginning And no ending no such Thing as spending time like It_s cash time is a Prison we_re locked in for Some reason punishment we_re receiving Or it_s simply physics the Universe unfolding and the fact That we grow old is An accident of time notes In a sequence you decode The meaning from waves that Are beating upon the drum Inside your ear without time There is no music no Sunrise and no secrets and I wonder if we could see that Would it be all jumbled or so clear <|endoftext|> You you got time you Got time coming out of your ears Flowing into your mind you You got chances in the realm of the living I was never under the impression I was always learning the wrong lesson I never really paid attention I wish i filed an extension You you got legs you And to carry this mess You you got a mission I was holding on to something sacred I was holding on to something naked I was ready to toe the line and take it I was ready to do my best to fake it You <|endoftext|> Paint, pixie dust and rainbow fires. Cart pulled by a horse With old wooden tires soldier Dreams midnights schemes and a Every choice we make leading Up to a single point Paint, pixie dust and rainbow fires An ocean overflowing and solid Seaside spires take a ride And see the turtles grow Into something bigger than the world Ever thought it_d know paint, Pixie dust and rainbow fires. Collection of thoughts you have That all somehow conspire to Put you in a specific place Looking at a specific face Not knowing what to say But knowing that you_ll see that face In a thousand different ways <|endoftext|> No, he_s not a sheep that doesn_t sleep Until he_s arrested and no, He_s a wolf of the battlefield MERCS On the sega genesis yeah, Not a deer that can fight or flight On a moment_s notice He_s Not a cow that knows just how to Form a perfect lotus He_s A wolf of the battlefield MERCS On the sega genesis yeah, Down, run and gun you Played it before It_s still Kinda fun Jungle, village, mountains, Too and run and gun Just for you He_s not A cat that always lands on two Feet, tail for balance He_s Not a dog performing tricks and has so Many talents He_s a wolf Of the battlefield MERCS on The sega genesis yeah, yeah, <|endoftext|> Preheat the oven to 200 Degress whisk together flour baking Sugar, baking soda and salt In another bowl buttermilk melted Butter and one egg whisk The flour mixture with the Buttermilk mixture cook bacon over Medium high flip and cook Until golden crisp underside drain Bacon onto paper towels save The fat from the skillet Pour quarter cupfuls of batter And top each with a bacon slice Cook until some bubbles have Burst <|endoftext|> People in London look different to me Like they_re from a different country If I didn_t know that they were I_m not sure that it would occur to me I feel really cool when i_m taking the tube Is that how you say it, i_m not down with the lingo James said my bumbag made me look American American made me look American I said it_s a fanny pack People in London are very friendly Even when I think they_ll be mean Like the tough looking guy at the train station Was amazing helping me with directions I feel really cool when i_m taking the tube I_m an adult, I know how to do stuff James said my bumbag made me look American American made me look American I said it_s a fanny pack Do germans look German do The French look French do Canadians look canadian inside of Each of us, a beating heart All our rhythms are the same circadian I feel really cool when i_m taking the tube In another country, like I know what i_m doing James said my bumbag made me look American American made me look American I said it_s a fanny pack <|endoftext|> Jason likes to draft things he's Obsessed with drafting things all The things will be drafted eventually it'll Culminate in a draft draft where the biggest And the best in the best drafts will Be drafted even jewelry the Even did the intro spot I can't believe You've given me the robot the Word young link is redundant young Means one thing and link means the same Thing space children what up Young young space children what Up my young youngs douche commercial I don't Like sand everything here is Smooth don't forget don't ever This is such a turn on and For his encore he rides a pig cow And he falls off the Capering oh the capering here's Guys like baru Doo wa Do diddy diddy doo wa doo Doo serenity struggles to form Complete sentences and lo Merlin And verily he did find he Found a McDonald's and he Brought some back he brought It back to his family he Brought it back to his family Steve Picks Ben picking listener at The end picking Steve picking Chad picking Steve picking Skeletor Picking listener at the end picks picking Steve picking Lori Jennison chad Steve picking Steve does the Have a moral code I know the sound Of an imperial flow butter zone in the Shame hole ba ba ba Ba ba ba ba ba brianna Hates the whale the mean Woody angel fly liberal massive hand waver Yum to your head cannon The word young lay is redundant young Means one thing and ling means the same Same thing space children what Children what up my young Youngs space children what up Flying on a broomstick and she has a Cat now she's over a Town which is a place Where people live she's encountering Problems with weather and other witches here Come some seagulls watch out For the poop keep kidding Watch out for the poop Keep kid what up my Out for the poop <|endoftext|> Now the show is over They didn't even meant to begin Cause it was accidental it Was accidental John didn't do Any research marco and casey Wouldn't let him cause it Was accidental it was accidental At and if you're Into Twitter you can follow Them CAS EYL ISS that's Marco ARM ENT marco arment Siracusa accidental they didn't mean Accidental tech podcast so long <|endoftext|> Good market, bad market silly They_re the same everyday we Make our way with a Tiny monkey brain and we Follow it even if it Leads off a cliff never Knowing if we_re in control Or powerless or if It_s Really us inside or just a simple trick Of some higher dang dimension That_s going about it_s business Meanwhile suffering is all around you M ay as well love each other No matter what you do May as well love each Other May as well try So when you suffer you Have another to laugh and Cry and dance and sigh The end <|endoftext|> Shawn lent his tallit to louisa He_s had it since his bar mitzvah Louisa_s a rabbinical student she Is the lead singer of the shondes While calling for a ceasefire in Gaza Blocking the motorcade of the President Along comes lumbering johnny just Itching for a fight you_re Not a Jew you_re not A Jew I am the Arbiter and you sit here Demanding an end to slaughter So I come through I Rip the prayer shawl off of you You_re not a Jew! you_re Not a Jew I holler Just like a certain country Taking in the name of safety Something that isn_t his but For much longer than it has existed There_ve been jews like us that have doubted That any of this makes us safer All bullies eventually fall I Am a Jew I am A Jew I want the Very same thing as you There_s just some things i_d never do Just to get it bomb And kill and hate pogrom And subjugate take somebody_s home Then tell them to forget it I am a Jew I Am a Jew resisting empire_s What I do the romans And the russias now israeli We are all Palestinians I Am a Jew and that Has never failed me <|endoftext|> Bunch of hedge fund ding dongs Gambling with other people_s dough Said gamestop is easy pickings Short sell go go go And off they went trying To drive that stock straight To the ground so they Could make more money and The wheel spins round and round But the hedge fund ding dongs They didn_t factor one thing That_s the reddit edge lords Who cause a ruckus with their memes Edge lords , they_re not saints But the hedge funds are parasites Bringing nothing of value to the world And the edge lords decided to fight It_s the hedge funds against The edge lords full contact Battle in the meme war There_s no fighting fair It_s Kids in basements against billionaires And gamestop stock soared which Left the hedge fund ding dongs Holding worse than worthless shorts One ding dong got bailed Nearly 3 billion bucks it Seemed likely that some ding dongs Might even go banrukpt meanwhile The talking heads were all Simply aghast blatant display if Impudence from the edge lord Underclass they said, you manipulate The markets with your foolish Memes never once acknowledging that So where this goes next Is impossible to see will It crash the economy or Get quashed by the secrr The edge lords are known to do Some pretty nasty stuff but It_s hard not to cheer When it_s hedge funds they_re fucking up Most of all I think it_s clear That they have exposed the Lie at center of wall street The ding dongs have no clothes People like mitt Romney got Rich doing just the same Different toys, different methods but The whole thing is a game <|endoftext|> Been working all day throwing Pots of clay in disarray Building block by block I Got the words to talk Can you feel me did I get under your skin Can you feel me my Clothes are loose I am A duck duck goose but It's just no use really Off the wall I'm 11 Feet tall curled up in A ball can you feel Me did I get under Your skin can you feel Me I'm covered in hair Try not to stare has The way been cleared? are We sufficiently weird? let's grab A beer can you feel Me did I get under Your skin can you feel Me <|endoftext|> The merchant prince has had enough He_s dumped his bags that were full up He quit the game and broke the wheel He_s ready to live his life for real The sun still rises the Sun still sets There_s no Surprises and there_s no rest He connects to us via satellite link This is it he thinks to himself But something still bothers him now He_s waking at 3 all drenched in sweat From dreams that never quite seem to fit He looks around at the forest green And can_t help saying what_s wrong with me There was a lake as calm and clear You_d think it was filled with angels tears And in the morning the only sound Was the merchant prince, sinking down <|endoftext|> Part of you is floating up in the Sky part of you is Always asking why why why Why do balloons flow up into the sky Part of you just wants to go to Sleep part of you has A secret to keep all Day and all night cause Everything's gonna be all right look Up look down look all Around you'll see the sound Floating on the breeze look See the sound floating in The trees oh my baby Oh my baby everywhere you You go nothing's ever the Same look up and look Down you'll see the sound Floating on the breeze floating In the place you're meant to be you're Meant to be I think she liked it What no she's watching me Play she was actually just Looking up over that way The whole time <|endoftext|> I_ve been down it before Wonder which way i'll go That signpost is familiar i Know these trees and smells And words stuck in my throat Don't misunderstand me some things Don_t have a name it's A thought or a feeling Going nowhere got no companion I smell lilacs I hear The wind call words stuck In my throat don_t misunderstand Me some things don_t have A name it_s a thought Or a feeling it's the World breathing it's the burden Of living leaving i had A raincoat but now i've Lost it now i have No coat but if it Rains i have words protect Me words stuck in my Throat don_t misunderstand me some It_s a thought or a feeling It's the world breathing wandering Down a road i_ve been Down it before wonder which Way i'll go <|endoftext|> Hey Jonathan sorry for my late reply I cannot make you wait any longer I will not trade this sad ape right now, But I might change my mind Actually, I also made a mistake 6 days ago I sold my robot ape Then I saw your sad ape The clean and sad eyes are impressive I have been entangled whether to swap with you Love the sad ape I love her as much as you So I will not trade it now This is the most interesting thing I have encountered in the nfts Thank you for bringing me all this Nft is consensus and NFT is empathy <|endoftext|> I got nobody to tell me what to do Ain't that every boy's dream? Here I am standing right in front of you Why can't you see? why Can't you see me? no Why can't you see? why Can't you see me? why Can't you see? why can't You see me? I got Nobody in a ghost in a unicorn I got nobody in a horse Once you found me lying in a bed of corn Then an overhead came a horse he said Why can't, why can't you see me? Why can't, why can't you see me? I got nobody telling me what to do I got nobody holding my hand I got nobody pointing me in the right direction To the promised land, into the promised land Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba Ba, ba, ba, bo, bo, bo Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba Ba, ba, ba, bo, bo, bo Bo, bo, bo I got Nobody to pull the rug out From underneath my little toes I got nobody to pull the rug out And make me hold on back to my nose like Why can't you see me? Why can't you see me? Nobody will tell you what I will Nobody can hold you down Nobody can take out the garbage With a little bit of stepping out the crown Why don't, why don't you see me? Why don't, why don't you see me? Why don't, why don't you see me? Why don't you see me now? Double down, double down, double down, double down I got nobody telling me what to do Ain't that every boy's dream? Here I am right in front of you Why can't you see, why can't you see me? Why, why can't you see, why can't you see me? Why can't you, why can't you see me? Why can't, why can't you see me? Why can't you see, why can't you see me? Can you see? <|endoftext|> You may think that i_m just a normal cat With normal cat-like powers you May think that I lie in the sun And wile away the hours But I am queen of this domain And you had better obey my rule I may chase after little red lights But i_m nobody_s fool so The lid stays closed so The lid stays closed you May think that you own this joint That shows how little you know So the lid stays closed Oh the lid stays clo-o-o-sed When I was young I Didn't know anything I didn_t Know how to get my way Now i_m old to take What I want no matter What you say and there Are certain things around this house I simply just can_t stand An open lid is one of them You big 'ol, silly man Sitting pretty on my perch I survey my vast terrain I roar so loud that you would think That I had a lions mane And everything I see is mine You use it by my grace Do what I say and do it now Or I'll pounce right on your face <|endoftext|> Corporations are not people you Can't arrest em or put em on trial You can't kill em or hurt em or make em bleed They don't dance or cry or smile Corporations are not people it Should be simple common sense No beating heart, no fragile bones No potential so immense where Are they people well here In the usa why call Them people so that they Can get their way corporations Are not people they don't Get tense they don't relax Immortal and impervious to all Forms of attack corporations are Not people they should not Be given rights they should Be caged and chained and locked and bound Always looking <|endoftext|> What? I taste funny. I sound funny. I Sound funny though. I sound funny. I sound Funny. times Square was built On a swamp. that river's Gonna do what it wants. hurricanes And the ocean gets higher. the Rain falls, there's a wall of fire. and You know when it all comes down to Ten people that you have around you. but They be there a year from now. five Years, ten years, fifty years out. tragedy Requires hope. but I check Out and I'm just like Nope. lost in the dust Bowl or mom's cyclone. looking For the dopamine hit from my eyeball. you Know when it all comes down to ten People that you have around you. they Be there a year from now. five Years, ten years, fifty years out. five Years, ten years, fifty years out. gold Bags in the midnight hustle. a Bone's shaking to my two-tenths muscle. we Do our best to ignore it. in Fact, they won't let us live if we Can't pay for it. you Know when it all comes down to ten People that you have around you. they Be there a year from now. five Years, ten years, fifty years out. you Know when it all comes down to ten People that you have around you. but They be there a year from now. five Years, ten years, fifty years out. five Years, ten years, fifty years out. you <|endoftext|> What does it matter what you say to the dark As long as you don_t give away who you are How can one city smell so f ing bad If its not the rotting animal carcasses It_s the landfill full of trash I been a beggar about as long as I can know Nothing has ever come close to filling up that hole Today was a yellow one but tomorrow could be blue Don_t look at me honey, it all depends on you <|endoftext|> It's a heat tornado coming down it's A heat tornado make me drown in my Old sweat in my own sweat it's A heat tornado making me Cry heat tornado making me Me die die die and cry he tornado Don't you know I'm a Warm blooded mammal I can't take this Oh no eat tornado eat Tornado <|endoftext|> In the southwest of California Where the desert meets the sea There_s bananas eating foxes avocados Eating puppies There_s a fig Tree with a death wish The coyotes are looking sad While the lizards hold up signs and chant All cops are bad <|endoftext|> Everything is great everything is Fine the feeling in your Stomach don_t pay it any Mind we are gonna make It make it oh we Will either with the sunshine Everything is great never better Than right now life is Kitten rainbow and silver lining Clouds never need to worry Just ignore the trucks on The edge of town just Ignore the strong wind and The fact that you can_t Find what you_re looking for At the supermarket food in All the signals There_s more Than noise but stay positive Everything is great everything is Good houses made of brick Just ignore the big bad And the rising tide everything Is great everything is fine R <|endoftext|> Each day passes like water or molasses pitch Or pine it's a steep, steep climb I'm Never any better then when I'm Putting on a sweater in This in between weather I'm Like an irish setter I Belong to a generation of miscreants Sly foxes and the like bound And determined to fix the game to Make sure it goes our way we Don't go looking for the fight but The fight finds us oh The fight finds us it seems eventually and Then we're bound to be ready picking Up the pieces each one a simple reason To just stay in bed and make the World give me head the Truth is that I'm lazy, I'm Mario and daisy I'm Until you can't contain the Feeling that you have been here before bathed In the dying of the light slithering And stalking crawling jumping skipping walking thin straight Light we don't go looking For the the fight but The fight finds us oh The fight finds us it seems eventually and Then we're bound to be ready I'm A bunch of notes in midi that normally Sound shitty but combined just So can be a daring orchestra In these final days of prison I'm Happy to be the person that Catches all the flack for the monkey on My back I got off of all the Sugar sugar sugar and then got on again It's my destiny and my right I'm Jittery with caffeine and I'm Sure I'm acting mean and Not looking for a fight <|endoftext|> Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo Memo memo memo memo memo I have a cold <|endoftext|> I_m 35 years old i_ve Never done what I was told That can be good that Can be bad but it_s The only way I ever had I_m sitting in my underwear Waiting for something that isn_t there It_s ok I don_t judge I can_t help see what I lack Something along the way I lost track Bound to home by crippling Fear and so what the Fuck am I doing here <|endoftext|> Too many Discord servers too Discord servers too many Discord Too many Discord servers and I end up with so many Discord servers and you may I don't even remember joining this Discord server too many Discord Why why why why and I need so many Discord And you may say to yourself I don't want to miss anything You may then say to yourself but I don't want so many disc Why <|endoftext|> Way up by the water_s edge My big sister brought down the sledge I fell into a dream And I didn_t wake up until 2003 My conscious wouldn_t let me Let it go and that_s All I know I floated Down to the bottom with My cheeks puffed up the Water was so hot and It was hot was enough To boil my brain and I went insane I met The king of the under growth He offered me a choice but I chose both By the sword of solomon he cut me good One half couldn_t but my other half could <|endoftext|> I build up faith I Build up dust i_m not Afraid of what may come I_m just the same as I ever was As I ever was <|endoftext|> Five hundred and forty eight Million half a billion dollars It_ll cost to keep Melania In NYC we need a New name for conservatives we Need a new name for everything In fact words don_t seem to work any more We need a new way to communicate Five hundred and forty eight Million half a billion dollars It_ll cost to keep Melania In NYC can you imagine If this had been Michelle The fire and the fury of white America But hypocrisy doesn_t mean anything We need a new way to communicate <|endoftext|> Finally, we get to play that new super Mario bros. U! Woohoo! just But they're starting super Mario Bros. world on the hard Level! no, super Mario bros. U, U! now it's your Turn. U, U, U, U, U, U, U, U, U, U! no, super Mario bros. It's your turn to play that new super Mario bros. game. and this Cars but this one is Exciting! Woohoo! you are a Bottle pool, you are a Bottle pool do not do This I got my mire so I'm wet in the cold I need a Quick bottle when we're in the snow Woohoo! You, you, you and this Is a bottle pool, I'm Wet in the cold I need a quick Bottle when we're in the snow Woohoo! You, you, you Woohoo! ah, It's a new super Mario Game here now it's out On the nintendo switch and Who is the new super Mario father? who is the Best us playing Mario game? Now check it out I Think that's the end no, No it's your turn no, I think that's the end okay, Then I'm just gonna keep Singing you're just gonna keep Singing? no, no, let's make Another song you wanna make Another song? mm-hmm okay you Looking out the window I see lots of Trees I see lots of houses but I don't see any bees your Turn um, it is a New super Mario game out Switch no, it's a nice And how it is ah, They're doing it, they're doing it, they're doing It and here he goes Pizza, what? Pizza, oh, what? Now no, I'm done I'm That's a funny... <|endoftext|> Right wing christofascists everywhere you look Right wing christofascists everywhere you look We_re only at the beginning of what they took Right wing christofascists in the court supreme Right wing christofascists in the court supreme Say slavery_s freedom and cowardice bravery Right wing christofascists on the news Right wing christofascists on the news Tiny dick energy egos easily bruised Right wing christofascists on capitol hill Right wing christofascists on capitol hill Right wing christofascists out of control Right wing christofascists out of control Enabled by the both sides liberal Right wing christofascists everywhere right Wing christofascists everywhere we all Work so hard, we don_t have time to spare <|endoftext|> There was a polar vortex And a game called flappy bird And some winter olympics video Ads got absurd we freaked Out about Ebola we finally Acknowledged what bill Cosby did Kim kardashians butt broke the internet And pharrel wore a funny hat for the fun of it Us white folks finally got to see Just how fucked up cops can be Whole systems fucked beyond belief Those dude armed to the teeth We poured ice on our heads Saw the fruit of our wars bloom in ISIS Got bogged down in GamerGate Uber wins best worst company Malaysian airline flight went missing Another one got shot down Humans landed a probe on a comet And derek jeter is done Democrats lost big time Israel Launched missile strikes Obama signed An executive order on immigration And the Sony hack and Fucking reddit fapping all in All not a great year for privacy No matter what you do Someone will see you the Nsa always listening harold Ramis Joan rivers casey Kasem Ruby dee Phillip seymour Shirley temple and Mickey rooney James Foley robbin Williams sid Caesar Maya Angelou Oscar de la Denta The US sanctioned Russia and North Korea censored an American FIlm Obama eased up with Cuba And we were disguted by boko haram Malala YousafZAI won the Nobel peace prize And so you know, it wasn't all bad I guess it just mostly felt like that <|endoftext|> I just wanna climb I Wanna climb all the goddamn time I love to climb on up yeah Climbing is what I love I just wanna climb I Wanna climb all the gods Are kind climbing is what And then I want to Climb down I want to Climb down to the ground Climb back down put my Feet on down I'm a Little unsteady I'm not sure If I'm ready I'm a I'm not sure if I'm Ready to come down down to the ground But I'm going to practice All the dog on pine Because I love to climb Come down all the time from where you climb Oh where you climb where you clim Where you climb well if You're gonna climb you gotta learn to come back down Even if sometimes you fall Well that's okay too cause Then you climb and you come back down Yeah then you almost fall but then you don't It's always that last step <|endoftext|> Heartbreak give or take a Line or two what you Say is on the maze You will never take me I can make you move But I can't make you Stay big one time that's Enough two times you fall In love break down take Away air your mind to say You will never find me there When you look in when You're when you're looking take Take me down and put me with the The other one the other One everything that you had Gone to so far lengths Making sure that the pool is fine And you don't got nothing to say But I can make you Pay it even if you Don't believe that's true what You say <|endoftext|> When you_re on the west coast and you See an old house you Might say wow that house is 200 years Old and when you_re on The east coast and you See an old house you Might say wow that was there 400 years Ago but when you_re in Rome everything_s very old and Can hear the stones laughing yeah When you_re in Rome you Know 2000 years ago the Same stones saw all the roman Fashion our country is young So much younger than we Know we can only really See the time we_re given Everything is fleeting and everything must go back Into the roiling wild river <|endoftext|> Interstellar matter as a spirit in the flesh Is enough to make me wonder Patterns recognized as what they can or cannot be Tears my mind asunder don't Misunderestimate don't try to keep It straight when it wants To soar don't try and Represent life you haven't spent Carry it inside like a parasite alive It_s telling you the truth Cooing like a babe that is fresh out the womb And searching for a home I don't want to tell you What you can and can't do I don't want that on my back But don't look anywhere but Here and here and there When you're feeling out of whack When you're feeling old and dusty And quiet and untrusting just Remember what you are pushing Is the best that I can do Pictures into thoughts and words out into pictures And no space for me slash you Do it in the morning When you can hear the calling Of the rocks a tumbling down It's only an appearance static Interference that you wear your Halo crown under every hill And over every home hangs Sloppy dripping noise we try To make it sense but it hardly ever does And mostly it destroys every Single thought the instant that you think it Every action when it's done Time is unforgiving and so the grin you_re grinning Is all the more miracle When you're feeling old and dusty And quiet and untrusting just Remember when you're feeling old And dusty and quiet and Untrusting just remember what you Just remember what you are <|endoftext|> I_m waiting on hold so I can plead no guilty To a parking ticket for An expired parking permit but We never got a renewal notice I went into the office They said the never sent one Because the machine was broken Welcome to Jersey city welcome To Jersey city <|endoftext|> It_s my birthday i_m 33 It_s traditional for me to Be naked and dancing like I_d be naked all the time If only I were allowed To but society frowns on And walking around so when It_s my birthday i_m Jonathan Mann I make a song And dance naked because I can It_s my birthday now i_m 33 I got a little Son and a wife who Love me time goes faster I got a bald spot And I admit a fear Of the future Where_s it Gonna go? my little son Is gonna learn and grow We live our life we Try to do right and Then someday we die <|endoftext|> It_s good to take breaks It_s Good to have fun oh You can be sure there_ll Always be more work to Be done but life ain_t A game that needs to Be won your hustle and Grind it starts to remind Me of a puritan (protestant) Worshipping work demand blood sacrifice Death in the dust like Sisyphus now you'll pay the Price don't forget to live Even if you_re scared that The life you dream of will suddenly just Disappear when you strip away All the money all your Wild ambition oh honey underneath It all, you're still you It_s Good to take naps It_s Good to see friends It_s Good to daydream read shel Silverstein where the sidewalk ends For a walk see the Stars up above It_s good To slow down to fool Around Hug the ones that You love don_t work so Hard don_t work yourself dead It_s the biggest regret dying Their dying beds (it's true!) (thank you legend) Most of these days I get caught in My mind breaks are some Shit I could use, realized it I been wondering if I need some time Been thinking of new ways to use up The schedule chasing some numbers And rankings work till the Bone got me nothing the Shit that I needed came to me when I let all of it go talked To my mom and stayed patient and I know on the high road is Not somewhere that I need to be and Somewhere and some how I just need to Breathe woah (it's Louie, baby) To the clock punch in the spot hate Every day that I come to this job Like why am I here it bring me No cheer I'm living in Fear like like the government wants Getting worked up to get talked down on My work lunch in my car now it's That first pump when I bought down now I don_t give a fuck about what the Boss says Didn_t HODL so You poor now bunch of Bozos yeah you all clowns Flippin' Profiles from the work lounge and I don_t give a fuck about what the Boss says good morning good Morning the normies asleep stable Ain_t safe not even for sheep i_m Doing me despite all the fakers hold My NFT or you_re not Gonna make it (it's Louie, Baby) my notifications are blowing Up I take a look At my follower numbers and that shit keep Going up I write a thread and it_s Going viral That_s why they_re All throwing up subscribe to My substack I know you Love that tell me i_m Share a pic of my Porsche I might deliver a course NFT Sweeping the floor my throat Is feeling so sore on Twitter space giving a talk personal... Brands not lookings for friends, I want fans I don_t Need sleep, I got plans I don_t need Love, I got hands... what the Rest is part the work and The work is nothing without rest (yeah!) the Hustle and bustle can hurt ya the Grind it can cause you to stress (yeah!) I know you wanna come in first I Know you wanna be the best (yeah!) too Much energy you exert I need you to Learn to do less, yes with Less of the lessons I pardoned my best With the best in the back I got Gold in my chest need To rest or invest 85 hours on beaches With beds so I can Sleep through the waves in my Head I think I'm distressed Need a breath (ahh) That_s Feeling bet...ter I'm writing letters To my future self, a Reminder that it can always Be better so It_s good To run fast It_s good To walk slow It_s good To soft shoe in the Morning when you have nowhere To go It_s good to Touch grass It_s good to Skip stones It_s good to Name clouds that remind you Of pals that have gone They_re just over that hill They_re beaming and proud they_re Their applause as the rains Coming down <|endoftext|> It's so much easier to bike When I keep my tires inflated 80 PSI no that can't Be over stated I take A big deep breath and Hold as long as I can Cause it's easier to breathe When my body is a screaming Little bits will all fall Away the smell of cooking Meat and the people in The street little bits will All fall away pungent unknown And the cars driving like tombs Will be replaced by things that grow All the green that I used to know It's so much easier to act When sufficiently prepared I'd turn The clock back and be More self aware I turned Down a job because in That very moment the idea Of a job was outside My mental orbit but these Little bits will all fall away The things I should have said All the tiny daily dread Little bits will all fall away I'll move when I wanna move I'll have nothing to prove All the excess weight will Change and dissipate why does It feel like I'm waiting? I testing my own patience Some steamroller vacation I'm revolted But salivating I bounce from There to here in some Controlled descent despair it's so Much easier to sleep when I have a reason to wake up And if my insides don't agree Then I have have to make it up I drip out of the bed Molecule by molecule and build Myself again from the pieces Of the day before these Little bits that all fall away Blood and skin and bone Heart and mind and soul Little bits will all fall away Until the only thing inspired Is the breath within the tires And I ride into the dark My two wheeled little arc <|endoftext|> I learned four chords from a man on The beach he took a Few moments out of his day To teach and encourage me I had only Been playing for 3 or 4 months looking Back I can see he was only being Nice what a difference a Few kind words from a Stranger can make when you Choose to listen to them when You choose to take them to heart if Only there were a way to Filter out the noise then we Could only hear the good stuff and Block out all the poison i_m Not sure if I started now i_d Have the courage to grow and stick it Out with the nonsensne of Anonymous trolls picking their noses typing Up up storms of bile and hatred everywhere Whenever you find yourself nearly beat come Back to this song and listen to me I want to tell you you Are worth it, you are grand, take whatever You_re working on by the hand and see It through <|endoftext|> I_m the party that never starts I_m the red sea that never parts The anime eyes that never hearts I_m the one i_ve got I_m the clock runs out of time I_m Nickelodan without any slime I_m the sadness of Optimus Prime I_m the one i_ve got I_m the donkey Kong high score I_m the feeling of wanting more All the stars in Mario 64 I_m the one i_ve got I_m the forks and i_m the knives The traffic on the 405 I_ve never felt more alive I_m the one i_ve got I_m the rejected fruit that_s bruised I_m the noro virus cruise I_m the apple that eve refused I_m the one i_ve got I_m the shark that eats the boat I_m the mutant turtle toad I_m the word stuck in the throat I_m the one i_ve got <|endoftext|> Where you gonna find what you_re looking for In the sky underground in The waves of sound are ringin_ After dark the day is Long Sun rise What_s the Could it be in the corner Could it be in the grass Could it be in the question I_m afraid to ask could It be in the crosses Could it be in the steel Could it be in the space between What_s fake and real on The trail leading to the Parts of you that will grow Don_t walk too straight you_ve Calibrate it just so <|endoftext|> Hello Ryeberg live i_m coming To you from the past about A week in the past and I_m on day 511 right now of Having written a song and made a video Every single day little over a year ago A guy named anton posted About me on Ryeberg It_s Pretty much the nicest thing anyone_s ever Written about me and I Really enjoyed it i_m sorry I can_t be there tonight, but I Made you this video so Please enjoy it Ryeberg in Toronto Ryeberg on the internet If web video's a chore And you're looking for something More look no further cause You've found what you're looking For oh on Ryeberg you For the way you have curated and Now you're doing it live here's A virtual high five have A drink for me and dance to the Funky jive dance that funky Jive D-d-d- dance that funky Jive oh you crazy canadians Dance you dance that funky Jive Ryeberg dance that funky Jive <|endoftext|> I dreamt I won every Video contest I entered I Was rich beyond belief I Dreamt we were married in Tokyo and our lives were Free of sadness or of Grief for all time it'll That's ok I love you Today and you love me The same way all days Go by and I continue To try to bring order To my life chaos ensues But on and on I fight I fight I do what I can today and that's Ok I love you let's Play you love me the Same way you love me The same way the same Way Oooooooh <|endoftext|> Put my brain directly into the universe Watch me freak out in the sun If you knew how much my body hurt Tell me I'm the only one I'm the only one I'm The only one I the Only one that's real have A good laugh at my expense Watch me go down to the run If you knew how much I'm on the fence Tell me I'm the only one I'm the only one I'm The only one I'm the Only one I the only One that's real find me Like a burning mouth of the dragon's eye And I'll take another look at you before I die If you leave me on the doorstep I see that you just making fun But when you tell me that I don't get to be the only one The only one I'm the Only one I'm the only One I'm the only one That's real I the only One I'm the only one I'm the only one if I the only one that's real I don't know close <|endoftext|> Millions of miles of land Millions of miles of sea Billions of different places all around Right where I oughta be Time rolls by It_s infinite Of all the times that there ever were Well i_m right where I ought to be Nowhere that I gotta go Nowhere that I oughta be Nowhere that I gotta go Nowhere that I gotta be (whistle interlude) take one step In any direction take another Down the opposite road out Of every single path in the wide, wide world There_s nowhere that I oughta go Lookin_ up at the imperial sky Lookin_ down at my little toe Everything_s the same when you get down to it So there_s nowhere that I gotta go Nowhere that I gotta go Nowhere that I oughta be Nowhere that I gotta go Nowhere that I oughta be Nowhere that I oughta be Nowhere that I oughta nowhere That I oughta nowhere that I oughta be yeah <|endoftext|> In the country of Qatar You can_t be who you are Without the threat of violence and death But Alex Scott took a shot When the welsh and English got scared And would not when you Feel the walls close in And all your dreams are tense That_s when it_s time again to find a friend And offer recompense There_s a Vague kinda tweet that really Makes me want to scream Into the void the question Should be more harm or good But now i_m just annoyed Oil and skin Spit and Drool are in your pillow Cases all the time but When you fetch brand new Fresh pillow case that feeling_s Divine in 1872 a dairyman Lived upstate new york for sure He invented creamcheese and in 1880 he called it philelphia Took me better than a few years to learn it For the last ten years it_s been joy and tears And it makes me feel sick to see him burn it <|endoftext|> I wanna see the stars go out The heat death of the universe Nothing ever comes to those who wait too long I wanna see the black black hole At the center of our galaxy Rip apart time and space in front of me The universe trends to chaos To nebby nebulas every king Will get one thing no Matter if they deserve it That_s death I wanna ride That cosmic wave into nothingness Do the stars want to hold on The way i_d hate to leave The people and places that shape me to my core <|endoftext|> Day three of feeling the same My head hurts and my snot is thick My son and wife have got it too Oh oh what we gonna Do what we gonna do O God damn this delta Variant I do not like It I want it to Die and I think it What are we gonna do What are we gonna do What are we gonna do Day three with c o I d yeah put it And then take yourself up into the blue What are we gonn what Are we gonna do what Are we gonna do <|endoftext|> And growing curious-er you watch Me every day about who You are yesterday i asked You to send me an email So far 20 of you have But 169 people have watched yesterday's video So who are the other 148 You know that i love you I am growing curious-er please Send me an email that Would be great Robert M. Eric F. Patrick b Brian Paul k Alijah cory Mark Nicholas NIck s Robert k Peter David s. Chuck Nick Justin B. Joe c Peter Mark t <|endoftext|> Criminals.... drug traffickers... Anti-Money Laundering... The largest corporate fine at the time 13 billion dollars for selling Bad securitized mortgage loans ruining People_s lives taking their homes You say you didn_t know, ok bro You were the fucking CEO C_mon, look in the mirror You were a pedophiles banker 20 tons of cocaine That_s What I call drug trafficking On a boat you own Jesus fucking christ, bro <|endoftext|> I still think that the big big bank Should have been broken up I still think That the billionaire money should be all distributor Distribut distributor I still think when it's raining That I feel more happy than in the Sunshine I still think that it's made of This thing that we call time and we Call it time and we call it time Time that we all time I still think If you sitting in the p and you're Looking out the wrong way I still think That you got another thing coming if you Think I'm gonna stay on This plan on this plan Oh no no I still think you got A give it what you got when you Give it I still think when the world Explodes something will be left okay If we harness the power of the sun Do you get everyone to the other side Of the black hole then We might survive n <|endoftext|> Internal emails are not evil Say no with a a better yes Email is not your enemy Failure is not an end Metric dashboards might look pretty Ut where_s the context and the story Take lessons from what works on YouTube and translate for your #employees Short, engaging videos that tell a story! #culture change requires behavior change Culture change at crayola reflects the company_s Purpose and it_s customers freedom To create in color What_s Your communication superpower? align and Sync internal an external communications Build a strong foundation of Relationships and a detailed crisis Plan you_re a comms consultant Retirement parties 44% of web Is viewed at work <|endoftext|> Somewhere in the wilderness they Take each other_s hands beneath The pine and poplar trees Knees too weak to stand The wind is getting colder The night is getting dark The inside and the outside Contrast so stark the world Keeps shifting every beat is Missing every step along the Way the night keeps creeping Everybody_s so awake and the Fire in the sky reflects Another world buried and kept Hidden the nuts before the Squirrel Medicine_s expensive and the But they don_t need anything Where they are going <|endoftext|> Instead of taking a nap taking A walk instead spent all Night tossing turning in my bed don't Know where I'm gonna take It don't know where I'm Going to go don't know where I'm Going to make it but I know I Know I know I know well I 42 Years old and not a day younger spent The whole night tossing feeling like I'm About to go under don't know where I'm Gonna take it don't know where I'm Gonna go don't know where I'm Gonna make it but I know I know I know I every day They promise lightning every day they promise Rain I don't believe leave them anymore there's No thunder left in this place I don't Know where I'm gonna take It don't know where I'm Gonna go don't know to swear I'm Gonn but I know yes I know yes I know now <|endoftext|> Who learned to dance who Unlocked singing who discovered pants Death is coming for us and this isn't our party Let's embrace the monkey that Lives inside us all however Big or small let_s embrace The monkey let off some Steam let_s embrace the monkey We're all just monkeys whose Ancestors lived with better tools One thousand religions all claim The final truth we're all Just monkeys look around you For proof <|endoftext|> Ohhh i_m on a train Ohhh i_m on a train Where i_m going i_m on A train i_m on a Train ohhh there goes the I_m on a train I Look out the window I Watch the planes go byyyy I_m on a train train, Train tr-tr-tr-train train, train tr-tr-tr-train Train, train tr-tr-tr-train oh oh Oh Chugga chugga oh oh Chugga chugga oh oh oh Chugga oh chugga <|endoftext|>