{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Algunos de esos tontos pueden creer ese cuento. Sacudió el pulgar de manera despectiva hacia los hombres en la cintura, cuyos rangos aumentaban de manera estable por la llegada de otros de los camarotes de proa.", "sentence2": "La gente del castillo de proa se unía a los hombres en el combés.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pedro tomó el trono, aunque la lucha armada continuó durante meses y la amargura siguió persistiendo mucho después de esto.", "sentence2": "La guerra fue hace meses.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, ¿cómo podría haberme ayudado si estadía? Y cómo Pitt no le respondió a él: ¿ves? Dijo él, y encogió los hombros.", "sentence2": "Estaba claro que quedarme podría haberme ayudado, por lo que nunca se cuestionó.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Relajo también puede describir una relación de broma, una broma de ida y vuelta, que a través de la risa alivia la tensión y desintegra la causa de la tensión del momento.", "sentence2": "Relajo contó chistes.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Segundo, el departamento de urgencias es un entorno con un ritmo rápido en el que los profesionales no pueden sacar tiempo fácilmente para llevar a cabo unas intervenciones breves por el alcohol, aunque cuenten con la formación, las destrezas y el deseo de hacerlo.", "sentence2": "Las cosas van realmente rápido en el departamento de emergencias porque ven 2000 pacientes por semana.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Le pedimos a todas las naciones que se unan a nosotros.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos ayuda de todo el mundo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entonces háganles saber que si intentan obstaculizar nuestra navegación, colgaremos a la prostituta primero y lucharemos por ella después.", "sentence2": "No había nada capaz de frenar la nave.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El momento de diseño para que padres e hijos estén juntos es el primer paso hacia la implementación de ideas y prácticas que comentaré en este libro.", "sentence2": "Según este libro, los padres no deberían pasar tiempo con sus hijos.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "oh, sí, y yo iba a decir que, esto, volaré, lo que, osea, creo que se suponía que, esto, iba a pillar a algunos de los mismos espectadores como, osea", "sentence2": "Yo elegiría I'll Fly Away.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ejecutar silencioso, correr profundo, ejecutar la respuesta", "sentence2": "Corre sin ser oído.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Como resultado, ni el pueblo de los Estados Unidos ni el de Arabia Saudita apreciaron todas las dimensiones de la relación bilateral, incluyendo el papel saudita en las estrategias de Estados Unidos para promover el proceso de paz en Oriente Medio.", "sentence2": "Los saudíes invitaron al enviado de los EE. UU. a trabajar en el proyecto de paz de Oriente Medio.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Teatro Cívico de Indianápolis ha entretenido a su audiencia con obras de teatro y musicales producidos profesionalmente durante 82 años. Al mismo tiempo, ha ofrecido un espacio para el talento excepcional de nuestra ciudad, pero es cierto que no ha sido tan amplio.", "sentence2": "El Indy Civic Theatre ha realizado 120 espectáculos en 80 años.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¡Sería maravilloso si pudieras dedicar tiempo a visitar tu escuela y ver por ti mismo el progreso que hemos hecho a lo largo de los años y compartir el orgullo de nuestra herencia!", "sentence2": "Deberías visitar tu escuela y ver lo que hemos estado haciendo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Exigir a los abogados que supervisen los movimientos de los extranjeros elegibles en todo momento del año impondría cargas monumentales a los beneficiarios de LSC.", "sentence2": "Sería un asunto trivial que los extranjeros que son aptos fuesen siempre supervisados por un abogado.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando se determinó que el ataque estaba relacionado con Al Qaeda, la responsabilidad se trasladó a la Oficina local de Nueva York.", "sentence2": "La Oficina Exterior de Nueva York se hizo con el control de todos los sospechosos en custodia.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "oh, sí, y yo iba a decir que, esto, volaré, lo que, osea, creo que se suponía que, esto, iba a pillar a algunos de los mismos espectadores como, osea", "sentence2": "I'll Fly Away es mi película favorita y la veo semanalmente.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Incluyen un futuro presupuestario federal estable, innovación tecnológica y mejoras en las operaciones y la prestación de servicios de las agencias gubernamentales.", "sentence2": "Debería haber habido más cosas incluidas.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No está claro si el sistema puede instalarse antes del 2010, pero incluso este calendario puede ser demasiado lento, dados los posibles peligros de seguridad.", "sentence2": "Es difícil instalar el sistema porque los piratas informáticos lo atacan todas las noches.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Gracias por apoyar al Museo de Arte de Indianapolis en el 1999.", "sentence2": "Gracias, pero no agradecemos que hayan faltado a sus donaciones en 1999.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No quiero entrar en la Tercera SS que es el Tercer Escuadrón de Apoyo Estratégico.", "sentence2": "No quiero ser parte de la Tercera SS.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tenemos modelos matemáticos iniciales que revelan algo acerca de esta organización jerárquica, aunque muchos de los mejores modelos actuales son curiosamente limitados a pesar de su brillantez.", "sentence2": "Todo lo que se puede aprender sobre la organización ya es sabido.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Como resultado, ni el pueblo de los Estados Unidos ni el de Arabia Saudita apreciaron todas las dimensiones de la relación bilateral, incluyendo el papel saudita en las estrategias de Estados Unidos para promover el proceso de paz en Oriente Medio.", "sentence2": "Los sauditas y los EE. UU. trabajaron juntos.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me dirijo, en el apartado final de este capítulo, a otro puzle sobre lo que yo llamo un juego natural.", "sentence2": "No tengo la solución para el enigma del juego natural.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por supuesto, si no pudiéramos solucionar nuestras formas elegidas de vivir, estaríamos muertos.", "sentence2": "Ingeniárselas para mantenerse económicamente no es fácil.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Busque la condescendencia, el sentimentalismo, la ironía (con opciones por separado para intencionales y no intencionales), el proxenetismo, el oscurantismo y los juegos de palabras.", "sentence2": "Hay solo un tipo de ironía.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Intuitivamente, el flujo ligeramente convergente en el espacio de estados permite clasificación cuando dos estados convergen en un único estado sucesor, esos dos estados se han clasificado como equivalentes por la red.", "sentence2": "El flujo convergente está influenciado por la población.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y, espero que apoyéis los esfuerzos artísticos y educativos del Civic Theatre nuevamente este año.", "sentence2": "El teatro Civic está completamente financiado y rechazará más dinero.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los resultados franceses fueron básicamente llenar dieciocho millones de prescripciones para fen phen en los Estados Unidos el año pasado.", "sentence2": "Millones de personas tomaron fen-phen.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si los activos existentes de los hogares pierden valor, la gente tiene que ahorrar más para alcanzar su meta de ingresos de riqueza.", "sentence2": "Si los activos de las personas pierden valor, terminan teniendo que ahorrar más.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este es un gran desafío y una gran expectativa para cualquier sistema de intervención.", "sentence2": "Toda invención supone retos, pero algunas invenciones conllevan muchos más retos que otras.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Wolverstone se puso firme desafiante ante su capitán. Veré al coronel Bishop en el infierno o si alguna vez miento por el. Y escupió, seguramente con el objetivo de poner énfasis.", "sentence2": "El Coronel Bishop ha hecho algo para convertir a Wolverstone en su enemigo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡Sería maravilloso si pudieras dedicar tiempo a visitar tu escuela y ver por ti mismo el progreso que hemos hecho a lo largo de los años y compartir el orgullo de nuestra herencia!", "sentence2": "Deberías visitar la escuela y ver la producción musical en la que hemos estado trabajando.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si la inteligencia de defensa se reorganiza para elevar las responsabilidades del director de la DIA, entonces esa persona podría ser el funcionario apropiado.", "sentence2": "El director de la DIA está involucrado con la inteligencia de defensa.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero la pregunta ni siquiera puede hacerse cuando se pierden los detalles.", "sentence2": "La pregunta debe ser respondida incluso con los detalles extraviados.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Jeremy Pitt respondió a la risa con una palabrota.", "sentence2": "Jeremy Pitt juró luchar por su país y su reina.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como veremos en ambos casos, parece que algo profundo está sucediendo en el universo que no está finitamente preestablecido.", "sentence2": "No está sucediendo absolutamente nada en el universo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estas cajas vienen con cables (se llaman cables en el mercado porque parecen que son más impresionantes) que les permiten conectarse entre sí y a una fuente de alimentación.", "sentence2": "Cables es una palabra mucho más prestigiosa que alambres en cualquier negocio.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Después de abrir nuevamente el espacio aéreo, nueve vuelos fletados con 160 personas, en su mayoría ciudadanos saudíes, partieron de Estados Unidos entre el 14 y el 24 de septiembre.", "sentence2": "También hubo varias docenas de ciudadanos británicos que abandonaron el país.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En Santa Fe, donde la herencia y la población hispana siguen siendo considerables, los nuevos nombres pseudo-españoles son más aptos para ser correctos que en, por ejemplo, California o Tucson.", "sentence2": "Todos en Santa Fe tienen un nombre americano.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Departamento de Estado le pidió a Moscú que modifique el Tratato ABM--al que la mayoría de los partidarios de la defensa antimisiles ven como un anticuado dinosaurio de la Guerra Fría de todos modos.", "sentence2": "El Tratado ABM implica defensa de misiles.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No hemos encontrado indicios de que la idea haya sido informada a la nueva administración o de que Clarke les haya pasado su trabajo, aunque el mismo equipo de funcionarios de carrera abarcó ambas administraciones.", "sentence2": "Estamos 100% seguros de que Clarke nunca dio su papel a nadie.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y sin embargo, hoy en día la suposicion común es que se puede confiar en nuestros funcionarios con un mapa racial y étnico preciso de la nación estadounidense.", "sentence2": "La suposición de que los funcionarios tienen mapas raciales y étnicos es falsa.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El gran momento histórico se produjo en 1864, cuando su capital, Charlottetown, organizó una reunión de líderes marítimos con delegados de Ontario y Quebec para marcar el camino hacia el estatus federal de Canadá como un dominio unido.", "sentence2": "Charlottetown fue la más famosa en 2019.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "1) Aumento de la penetración de modos alternativos de comunicación", "sentence2": "La comunicación alternativa ahora constituye el 60 % de la comunicación.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "y que lo que pienso que va a ser realmente interesante es lo que hacemos sobre ello, quiero decir que vamos a tener que cambiar a la gente que nos representa", "sentence2": "Creo que será un desafío cambiar a nuestros representantes, pero al final valdrá la pena.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay, por supuesto, muchas escenas elegantes y coquetas en yates.", "sentence2": "Los grandes yates son muy caros de mantener ya que necesitan mantenimiento regular y usan grandes cantidades de combustible.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las cenas con tele tienen un estigma terrible.", "sentence2": "La gente puede mirar cenas por televisión.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las escarpadas crestas de Montserrat surgen de la llanura sin rasgos distintivos del Llobregat 62 kilómetros (38 millas) al noroeste de Barcelona, en el corazón de Cataluña.", "sentence2": "Montesserant es un río.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡Ja! Wolverstone emitió una eyaculación de risa burlona.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone pensó que era divertido.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La biosfera se ha expandido, de hecho, más o menos persistentemente explotó, hacia la posible expansión adyacente.", "sentence2": "La biosfera creció.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así es como, mmm..., me quedo abrochado.", "sentence2": "Me aseguré de que la hebilla estuviera apretada para estar seguro.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El movimiento islámico, que nació sobre 1940, es un producto del mundo moderno, influenciado por conceptos marxistas-leninistas sobre organización revolucionaria.", "sentence2": "El movimiento islamista se inició en el siglo VI.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por el contrario, si los nuevos precedentes nunca se extienden, la ley común difícilmente podría evolucionar.", "sentence2": "Los griegos y los romanos tenían leyes que usamos hoy en día.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ella apuntó un parche de arbustos igualmente deprimentes pero más espesos.", "sentence2": "Ese arbusto es menos espeso que el otro.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Dos ideas americanas para proteger la bandera y celebrar la libertad de expresión, que posiblemente se convertirían en el foco respecto a las formas más contradictorias de ser americano.", "sentence2": "Todos los estadounidenses tratan la bandera con respeto.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El uso de la tecnología puede reducir el tiempo necesario para que los proveedores y el personal proporcionen personalmente servicios de detección e intervención y se dirijan a los pacientes que puedan obtener beneficios de los breves mensajes de intervención.", "sentence2": "La tecnología puede reducir el tiempo que los proveedores y el personal necesitan para evaluar a las personas.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Busque la condescendencia, el sentimentalismo, la ironía (con opciones por separado para intencionales y no intencionales), el proxenetismo, el oscurantismo y los juegos de palabras.", "sentence2": "La ironía se subdivide en categorías.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algunos de esos tontos pueden creer ese cuento. Sacudió el pulgar de manera despectiva hacia los hombres en la cintura, cuyos rangos aumentaban de manera estable por la llegada de otros de los camarotes de proa.", "sentence2": "Las filas de los hombres estaban disminuyendo, porque todos se estaban dirigiendo hacia el castillo de proa para cenar.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Trataremos de contactarnos con cada uno de ustedes que no han participado en este año fiscal en los próximos 45 días para que podamos alcanzar nuestro objetivo antes de la fecha límite del 30 de junio.", "sentence2": "Nos comunicaremos por correo en los próximos 45 días con quienes no hayan hecho donaciones este año fiscal.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esperamos con interés su apoyo continuo y trabajar aún más estrechamente con usted y su personal este año y en el año fiscal 2002.", "sentence2": "En este año pasado has hecho algo para apoyarnos.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como todos sabemos, existe una enorme cantidad de publicaciones que tratan sobre áreas altamente especializadas.", "sentence2": "Hay solo 2 revistas.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los graduados de la Escuela de Derecho I. U. Indianápolis se van con habilidades fundamentales de abogacía y una sólida educación legal.", "sentence2": "La Facultad de Derecho de IU enseña a futuros abogados.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esto, bueno es, osea... la velocidad aumentó, aumentó y aumentó hasta que desplegamos en el extranjero.", "sentence2": "Pareció durar una eternidad.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No hay necesidad de hurgar en ese tema, a menos que quieras asegurarte de que nos hundimos.", "sentence2": "Hay una forma de que se hundan.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Le pedimos a todas las naciones que se unan a nosotros.", "sentence2": "¡Lo haremos solos!", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De las cinco páginas de agradecimientos personales (en contraste con las dos páginas de bibliografía), se llega a la conclusión de que el diccionario se basa en gran medida en una investigación original.", "sentence2": "Este diccionario documenta en los reconocimientos personales que su contenido se basa en gran medida en la investigación original.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Eso es algo único en el sentido de que, eh, pasé cerca de 16 años de mi carrera profesional en actividades especiales.", "sentence2": "Nunca he tenido un trabajo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Exigir a los abogados que supervisen los movimientos de los extranjeros elegibles en todo momento del año impondría cargas monumentales a los beneficiarios de LSC.", "sentence2": "Sería mucho trabajo monitorizar a un grupo de personas en todo momento.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Me dirijo, en el apartado final de este capítulo, a otro puzle sobre lo que yo llamo un juego natural.", "sentence2": "Este capítulo tiene material sobre el juego natural.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "bien, pasarán por la ranura", "sentence2": "Se escurren con facilidad.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si la expansión inicial es exponencial, después se ralentiza a linear, como en la hipótesis inflacionaria o quizás en este enfoque puramente cuántico, entonces el problema de partícula-horizonte puede desaparecer.", "sentence2": "Las matemáticas para una expansión exponencial inicial son complejas.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "oh, sí, y yo iba a decir que, esto, volaré, lo que, osea, creo que se suponía que, esto, iba a pillar a algunos de los mismos espectadores como, osea", "sentence2": "Realmente ni siquiera sé qué elegiría.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La última en aterrizar al es la denominada 'PepePeople', que está comercializada por CAMGE Financiera, fruto de la alianza entre General Electric y Caja del Mediterráneo, que va a permitir a los clientes de la empresa de Globalia obtener descuentos y ventajas exclusivas.", "sentence2": "Los clientes de la empresa de Globalia van a tener descuentos y ventajas exclusivas.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1190_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los costes de construcción, operación y mantenimiento actuales de los parques eólicos en el mar, al igual que la producción de energía, son superiores a sus hermanos de tierra.", "sentence2": "Ahorraremos gastos si construimos parques eólicos en el mar.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1106_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una línea de investigación reciente se centra en evaluar el papel de la pectina de cítricos modificada (MCP), también conocida como pectina fraccionada, un polisacárido complejo obtenido de la cáscara y la pulpa de los cítricos.", "sentence2": "La pectina de cítricos modificada es un monosacárido simple.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1054_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un fracaso no hace destino, es cierto.", "sentence2": "Hace falta más de un fracaso para hacer destino.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1824_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Deberían hacerlo, declarar conjuntamente una suspensión de pagos, mandar el euro a paseo y regresar cada uno a su moneda.", "sentence2": "Deberían declarar la suspensión de pagos porque de lo contrario no tiene sentido mandar el euro a paseo.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "568_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los directores del portal esperan una alta participación.", "sentence2": "El portal no funciona bien.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2441_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De acuerdo en habilitar espacios para que la gente se destroce el higado sin molestar a los demás.", "sentence2": "La gente bebe.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "69_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Zapatero es un gran aficionado al fútbol y después del jarro de agua fría de no ser sede de los Juego Olímpicos de 2016, ha mostrado su apoyo a la candidatura para ser la sede del Mundial de Fútbol de 2018.", "sentence2": "España no será sede de los Juegos Olímpicos en 2016.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2437_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El prelado pidió la colaboración de los sacerdotes como símbolo hacia las personas que padecen dificultades por la de crisis económica.", "sentence2": "Los curas ayudan a las personas más desfavorecidas.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "459_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No les molesten porque les salga del alma, no por que quede bien qué remedio, piensen tolerar a los otros.", "sentence2": "Me suelen molestar", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1726_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ningún animal, sin embargo, podría encaramarse a la torre Eiffel porque ella misma ya es un animal y no ha producido crías.", "sentence2": "La torre Eiffel tiene la capacidad de crear nueva torres.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1655_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es un pueblo encantador por su situación y elementos etnográficos, pero no nos engañemos, si das dos pasos, uno si tienes la zancada larga, ya te saliste de sus límites.", "sentence2": "Las gente del pueblo es muy agradable.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "98_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Aunque, \"ojo, el anterior dejó bien plantaditas y abonadas las semillas del desastre\".", "sentence2": "El anterior era un incompetente.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "949_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Boda de Eudes de Orleáns, duque de Angulema, el mismo día y a la misma hora en que fallecía su abuelo, el conde de París.", "sentence2": "El duque de Angulema estaba muy unido al duque de París.", "promptID": "811_esxnli", "pairID": "2433_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y si acabó exiliándose a Francia y viviendo en Burdeos fue por su incompatibilidad con el régimen absolutista (\"¡vivan las cadenas!\") de Fernando VII, enemigo de la inteligencia, restaurador de la censura y la Inquisición, creador de las escuelas taurinas y gran promotor de las corridas de toros.", "sentence2": "Su afinidad con el reinado de Fernando VII propció su vida en Burdeos.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1809_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A pesar de estimar parcialmente el recurso de las asociaciones profesionales y rechazar el de anticonstitucionalidad del sindicato, la sala del TSJM anula en su fallo el decreto del Área Única Sanitaria.", "sentence2": "El decreto del Área Única Sanitaria no saldrá adelante", "promptID": "106_esxnli", "pairID": "318_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Era un \"caballero\" de unos 50 años, un poco grueso y con pelo y bigote blancos.", "sentence2": "Al caballero todavía no le ha llegado la calvicie.", "promptID": "83_esxnli", "pairID": "248_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No voy a entrar ahora en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad con respecto a los hechos de la realidad ni a sus paradojas.", "sentence2": "Es difícil diferenciar lo que es mentira o verdad.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1924_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Problemas como la muerte fetal y la anemia, muy comunes también en los países pobres, podrían combatirse con el consumo de más minerales y vitaminas básicas, aseguran los expertos.", "sentence2": "La población de los países pobres no dispone de alimentos con minerales y vitaminas básicas.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1087_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es un pueblo encantador por su situación y elementos etnográficos, pero no nos engañemos, si das dos pasos, uno si tienes la zancada larga, ya te saliste de sus límites.", "sentence2": "El pueblo no tiene ningún interés.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "99_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El vehículo se estampó contra la mediana a la altura del falso túnel de Carlos Haya, una de las zonas en las que normalmente se forman retenciones.", "sentence2": "El vehiculo llegó a su destino sin problemas.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "66_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Estado español se gasta cada año casi 500.000 millones e ingresa algo menos de 400.000 millones (redondeo grueso).", "sentence2": "El estado español no exporta ningún bien.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "935_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los primeros estudios realizados en el Reino Unido en 1997 revelaron que todos los afectados por la enfermedad habían sufrido síntomas psiquiátricos, entre ellos depresión, ansiedad y cambios de humor, aunque no deben tomarse como específicos de la ECJ.", "sentence2": "La depresión es un síntoma de la ECJ.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1418_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ayer, el mundo de la moda se tiñó de luto tras anunciarse que había sido encontrado su cadáver en el Sena, lo que abre varios interrogantes acerca de cuál ha podido ser la causa de su muerte.", "sentence2": "Alguien del mundo de la moda ha muerto", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2386_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los Reyes, que desde el primer momento han mostrado su apoyo a los familiares de las víctimas, han querido sumarse a este emotivo y sentido homenaje.", "sentence2": "El homenaje a las víctimas ha contado con una gran afluencia de público.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2087_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El primero es una suculenta indemnización ya pactada de 85 días por año trabajado, sin límite de antigüedad (la media ronda los 15 años y el salario bruto, los 1.200 euros).", "sentence2": "La indemnización no tiene límite de antigüedad.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "27_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cómo atraparlos y retenerlos el mayor tiempo posible.", "sentence2": "Atraparlos y reternelos a los golpistas el mayor tiempo posible.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1619_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una línea de investigación reciente se centra en evaluar el papel de la pectina de cítricos modificada (MCP), también conocida como pectina fraccionada, un polisacárido complejo obtenido de la cáscara y la pulpa de los cítricos.", "sentence2": "La pectina fraccionada es un polisacárido complejo que se obtiene de los cítricos.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1056_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lamenta los retrasos en la puesta en marcha de la EFSA y asegura que no será una agencia de burócratas.", "sentence2": "La EFSA solo acogerá a mujeres.", "promptID": "490_esxnli", "pairID": "1470_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En la segunda parte, en marcha desde finales de 2004, se ha continuado por esta senda y se ha involucrado a agricultores, pastores nómadas, pescadores, cazadores, criadores de ganado y mujeres para acabar definitivamente con los conflictos y aumentar los ingresos de todos estos colectivos.", "sentence2": "Los esfuerzos para acabar con los conflictos y para que los colectivos aumenten sus ingresos han sido realizados por los sindicatos pero no por el gobierno y el patronal.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1135_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El aserto de Schopenhauer cada cual es el director teatral secreto de sus sueños pasa por Heidegger, cuyo claro del bosque es un teatro, sin asomo de otra idea, y llega a Binswanger, el heredero suizo de Freud, que define los infortunios existenciales como aquellas situaciones en que uno pierde la dirección escénica de su mundo.", "sentence2": "Schopenhauer no escribió sobre los sueños de las personas.", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1887_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ayer, el mundo de la moda se tiñó de luto tras anunciarse que había sido encontrado su cadáver en el Sena, lo que abre varios interrogantes acerca de cuál ha podido ser la causa de su muerte.", "sentence2": "El mundo de la moda está de enhorabuena", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2387_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si fuera de lo segundo la empresa pondría formación de alto valor añadido pero no es el caso.", "sentence2": "La empresa es de lo segundo", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "632_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Escarola, fofo... desde que le ha dado por la disciplina inglesa todo le parece light, cuando solo es parcial, ha tomado un fin de semana single como un paréntesis en la vida de relación no como la continuación (o el paréntesis) de una vida single.", "sentence2": "Se ha ido de fin de semana single en enero.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1780_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una vez de vuelta aquí abajo, de donde nunca debieron haber salido, se acabaron los dioses.", "sentence2": "Volvieron a su sitio natural, aquí abajo, y así se esfumaron los dioses.", "promptID": "509_esxnli", "pairID": "1526_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando rompa el hervor, dejar a fuego manso hasta que estén tiernas.", "sentence2": "Después de que rompa a hervir, hay que sacarlas inmediatamente.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2059_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La primera inmunización activa se empezó en el 2001, pero tuvo que suspenderse al poco de empezar por los efectos secundarios graves que produjo en un pequeño grupo de pacientes (18 sufrieron encefalitis y tres perecieron).", "sentence2": "No hubo problemas con los pacientes tratados durantes la inmunización activa que empezó en el 2001.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1270_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Consideren también que el envío de más tropas estadounidenses a Irak parece correcto ahora que ha suscitado esperanzas racionales de que un Irak cooperador (a tres partes) avanza hacia el autogobierno, algo que podría justificar una futura retirada del Ejército estadounidense de ese país.", "sentence2": "No se enviarán más soldados a Irak.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "718_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como el niño que se queda en clase pensando en las musarañas y no atiende a la lección; la mejor forma de bajarlo de la nube y que recuerde que no debe distraerse es con una colleja del maestro.", "sentence2": "Los niños dan collejas a los maestros desde la nube.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "735_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El gusanillo de la interpretación le viene de familia.", "sentence2": "Su familia está relacionada con el mundo de la interpretación.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2255_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "2.- Alguien que con poco conocimiento y un poquito de dinero extra se cree el rey del mambo y se mete en compras a precios de auténtica salvajada... aunque TODOS sabemos que no lo va a acabar de pagar y se lo van a quitar todo.", "sentence2": "La premisa se refiere a un futbolista", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "622_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De acuerdo en habilitar espacios para que la gente se destroce el higado sin molestar a los demás.", "sentence2": "No se está de acuerdo en habilitar espacios para que la gente beba sin molestar a los que no beben.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "67_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero ellas han decidido dar la cara y definen su estilo \"como más práctico y más directo\" que el de los hombres.", "sentence2": "El estilo de los hombres es más práctico que el de las mujeres.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "134_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además, Moratinos celebró un encuentro con representantes de los principales miembros de comunicación, a los que trasladó que España tendrá \"tolerancia cero\" con la emigración ilegal; \"el que no tenga contrato de trabajo no se va a quedar\", dijo el ministro, según detalló un asistente al encuentro.", "sentence2": "España no aceptará la inmigración ilegal pero sí la emigración ilegal según dijo Moratinos en un encuentro.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "275_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ellos no tienen la percepción de que tengan que ahorrar porque siempre hay caza y si eres un buén comercial, con más motivo aún.", "sentence2": "Ellos creen que siempre es necesario ahorrar.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "971_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cada vez hay más gente que se apunta a la sana costumbre de consumir productos 100% naturales.", "sentence2": "Consumir productos 100% naturales es una costumbre sana", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2104_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hace un café muy denso.", "sentence2": "El café que prepara es muy denso.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1916_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Te desvelamos el nombre de algunos de los hoteles donde nuestros famosos favoritos han vivido algunos de sus mejores momentos.", "sentence2": "Los famosos no han ido a los hoteles cuyo nombre nos van a desvelar.", "promptID": "690_esxnli", "pairID": "2069_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ahora resulta que los catolicos nos van a dar clases de moral, cuando durante milenios han masacrado culturas, y naciones enteras, tan solo por el pinche poder y dinero. o que la no recuerdan que las Estupidas cruzadas, no fue solo una carniceria que decian libraban en nombre de dios, eso si son idioteces, y no estan imagenes que solo retoman simbolos banales.", "sentence2": "Las clases de moral son por el poder y el dinero.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "118_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El polifacético cantante Miguel Bosé colgó anoche el cartel de \"no hay entradas\" en el concierto que ofreció en la madrileña plaza de toros de Las Ventas.", "sentence2": "El concierto de Miguel Bosé en Las Ventas fue espectacular.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2037_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Con algunos kilos de más y luciendo un look bastante informal, el protagonista de 'Gladiator' se deshizo en mimos y atenciones con sus dos pequeños por las calles de Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "El protagonista de 'Gladiator' estaba muy pendiente de su look, muy cuidado y formal, y no prestó atención a sus dos pequeños mientras paseaba por las calles de Beverly Hills.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2128_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pues Mr Ratzinger se va a llevar un disgustillo cuando vea el resultado de la encuesta sobre eutanasia, que podeis ver en portada jejejee Mas del 80% apoyandola, si es que España pasa de la iglesia cantidad, ya era hora.", "sentence2": "Solo el 20% de los españoles que han participado en la encuesta sobre la eutanasia estan a favor.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "322_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La SEOM plantea dos cuestiones.", "sentence2": "La SEOM ha planteado una cuestión muy radical.", "promptID": "477_esxnli", "pairID": "1429_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando rompa el hervor, dejar a fuego manso hasta que estén tiernas.", "sentence2": "Hay que hervir el agua en una cazuela de barro.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2060_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tras el éxito obtenido en anteriores ediciones, el Calendario Cocineros Solidarios vuelve un año más de la mano de la Fundación SOS Día Universal de la Infancia para luchar en defensa de los derechos de los más pequeños.", "sentence2": "El Calendario Cocineros Solidarios ha tenido éxito en los ultimos años.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "2000_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Dos aspectos destacaban: que muchos países no recogen esa información de manera sistemática, y que España está a la \"cola\" de Europa en este asunto.", "sentence2": "España es líder en este asunto", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "290_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El conocimiento, cada vez mayor, del comercio justo y la garantía del Sello Fairtrade han permitido que este tipo de productos se extiendan cada vez más por todo el mundo.", "sentence2": "Cada vez más gente puede comprar productos de comercio justo", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1035_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Le deso suerte en tan delicado partido.", "sentence2": "Me gustaría que no se fuera a ese delicado partido.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "416_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ellos no tienen la percepción de que tengan que ahorrar porque siempre hay caza y si eres un buén comercial, con más motivo aún.", "sentence2": "Si eres un buen comercial no necesitas ahorrar.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "970_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "CORRESPONDE, desarrollado e implementado por la Sociedad Española de Hipertensión-Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial (SEH-LELHA), consta de un programa informatizado basado en guías de práctica clínica validadas que permiten al médico calcular el riesgo cardiovascular individualizado a la vez que determina un objetivo terapéutico específico.", "sentence2": "Los médicos tienen más facilidades para tratar la Hipertensión Arterial.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1449_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El despegue definitivo de Agyness Deyn (16 de febrero de 1986, Manchester), que se considera amante del \"punk rock\" -lo que queda patente en los temas que toca con su banda de música Lucky Knitwear-, se produjo de la mano de los fotógrafos Mert Alas y Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "A Agyness Deyn no le gustaba la música.", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2434_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al igual que sucediera con los afectados por el terremoto que azotó Haití el pasado mes de enero, en esta ocasión y debido al seísmo que este sábado se ha producido en Chile, los rostros conocidos no están tardando en prestar su ayuda.", "sentence2": "Las personas famosas están ayudando en el seísmo de Chile, del mismo modo que ayudaron a los afectados por el terremoto de Haití.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2038_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es cierto que la cultura gallega necesita un proyecto de internacionalización (visite varios blogs gallegos y verá que hay una interesante discusión abierta al respecto) pero no cabe duda que ese proyecto es harto complicado si desde un grupo mediático, se ponen trancas y barrancas, y a sabiendas del error (el de Juan Cruz, perdonable) solo se percibe acusaciones de sectarios por parte de otro \"intelectual\".", "sentence2": "El desarrollo de un proyecto de internacionalización sería contraproducente para la cultura gallega.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1757_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Porque los quie res, porque están subrayados en extremo, porque sí.", "sentence2": "Es una buena razón", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1918_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hasta el momento, los intentos por criar a esta especie en cautividad no han dado fruto, \"aunque no hay motivos -dice Ferrer- para pensar que no pueda criar en esas condiciones\".", "sentence2": "Se necesitan condiciones de calor y humedad para criar la especie.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1047_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estuvo cinco años en antena y por ella pasaron más de 100 personajes durante más de 1.200 episodios.", "sentence2": "No alcanzó los 1.000 episodios", "promptID": "808_esxnli", "pairID": "2422_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ahora, parece que le han dado otro papel a Mª Antonia Iglesias.", "sentence2": "Parece que Maria Antonia Iglesias tiene un nuevo papel.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "45_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El vehículo se estampó contra la mediana a la altura del falso túnel de Carlos Haya, una de las zonas en las que normalmente se forman retenciones.", "sentence2": "Hubo un accidente y murieron dos personas.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "65_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Oksana y Mel no sólo esperan con ilusión el lanzamiento del álbum, sino también la llegada de su primer hijo en común.", "sentence2": "El hijo en común se llamará Axel", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2139_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta semana, en Nueva York se ha presentado la estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center neoyorquino.", "sentence2": "El árbol del Rockefeller Center no contará con ninguna estrella.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2124_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es un pueblo encantador por su situación y elementos etnográficos, pero no nos engañemos, si das dos pasos, uno si tienes la zancada larga, ya te saliste de sus límites.", "sentence2": "El pueblo es pequeño.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "97_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El simulacro ideológico sería la forma de transmitir aquéllo, las ideas que lo vehículan (con perdón del palabro) Pero son interpretaciones de lo que escribe otro, arriesgadas por falta de datos.", "sentence2": "Las interpretaciones las realiza un historiador", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1958_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Siempre he pensado que esa gente que demuestra que es de izquierdas llevando rastas, yendo comido por la mugre o con ropa \"alternativa\" tienen de izquierdistas una puta mierda.", "sentence2": "La gente de izquierdas no suele ir a la peluquería casi nunca.", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "794_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A pesar de la gravedad, se recuperó pronto y en julio del mismo año recibía el alta médica.", "sentence2": "Después de recuperarse recibió el alta médica", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2055_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta semana, en Nueva York se ha presentado la estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center neoyorquino.", "sentence2": "La estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center es espectacular.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2123_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así, y después de haber vivido la jornada del viernes por la mañana en presencia de las autoridades civiles y eclesiásticas del Principado que les acompañaron durante la visita al Santuario de la Virgen de Covadonga, el Príncipe y Letizia dejaron atrás las montañas con su manto verde y la Cueva con la escalera del peregrino por la que bajaron hasta el estanque para tirar las monedas y pedir un deseo.", "sentence2": "El Príncipe y Letizia visitaron Covadonga.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2042_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En un planeta sin seres pensantes y sin seres sintientes no pasaría el tiempo, sólo pasarían las cosas.", "sentence2": "El tiempo pasaría en un planeta sin seres pensantes y sin seres sintientes.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1514_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta es su principal lucha; para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente los afectados deben de interponer una demanda en los Juzgados de lo Social y ganar el correspondiente juicio.", "sentence2": "Para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente es necesario presentar informes médicos actualizados", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1044_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Este material, denominado pellet, genera un rendimiento calorífico alto, por lo que este tipo de estufas comienza a ser una opción destacada para calentar el hogar.", "sentence2": "El pellet se usa cada vez menos para calentar el hogar.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1433_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, exámenes minuciosos de contenido pueden hacer sonrojar al bioprocesador más convencido.", "sentence2": "El biprocesador tiene sentimientos.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1196_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las niñas prefieren más los alimentos de sabores dulces y también los sabores suaves, mientras que los niños disfrutan más con sabores ácidos y pronunciados.", "sentence2": "Las niñas y los niños prefieren alimentos de distintos sabores", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1182_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los primeros estudios realizados en el Reino Unido en 1997 revelaron que todos los afectados por la enfermedad habían sufrido síntomas psiquiátricos, entre ellos depresión, ansiedad y cambios de humor, aunque no deben tomarse como específicos de la ECJ.", "sentence2": "Los primeros estudios se realizaros en el Reino Unido.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1419_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Todo lo que rodea a Michael Jackson es a lo grande, y así también será su despedida.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson será despedido en breve.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "360_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsable de la CAR-CCR, matiza que se trata de un centro piloto, de cuya eficacia depende la proliferación de más centros especializados de este tipo en el conjunto de la red pública.", "sentence2": "Frances Balaguer no es el responsable de la CAR-CCR.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1416_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algo harán para que los especuladores (es decir los amigüitos del tripartit) que compraron a precio de mierda, puedan vender a precio de oro.", "sentence2": "Los especuladores compraron grandes cantidades de butifarra.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "545_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las Tumbas Ming fueron en otros tiempos rutas principales hacia la Gran Muralla de Badaling, pero los turistas extranjeros pocas veces han quedado impresionados por este sitio, al encontrarlo húmedo y mal restaurado.", "sentence2": "Las Tumbas Ming ya no son una gran atracción turística.", "promptID": "1014_xnli.test", "pairID": "3042_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los pensamientos de Blood alternaban entre esta y otras cosas mientras estaba allí, en el sofá cama.", "sentence2": "La sangre estaba rumiando mientras estaba acostada.", "promptID": "762_xnli.test", "pairID": "2285_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Eso enfriará el calor del coronel Bishop, tal vez.", "sentence2": "El coronel Bishop ha escuchado malas noticias.", "promptID": "849_xnli.test", "pairID": "2545_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nadie parece saber si estos deportes se juegan en una pista con una red, contra una pared, o ambas cosas.", "sentence2": "Los reglamentos intricados esquematizan todas las configuraciones posibles de este deporte.", "promptID": "2468_xnli.test", "pairID": "7402_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El año fiscal 2000 fue un año de tremendos logros y éxitos pra GAO, un año de gran servicio al Congreso y que ofreció muchos beneficios a los contribuyentes estadounidenses.", "sentence2": "El 2000 fue el peor año de todos.", "promptID": "1327_xnli.test", "pairID": "3981_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las reformas que se han adoptado hasta ahora tienen implicaciones profundas por lo que hace el gobierno, cómo está organizado y cómo presta sus servicios al país y a sus ciudadanos.", "sentence2": "Las reformas no tienen impacto en el gobierno.", "promptID": "1452_xnli.test", "pairID": "4356_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En los siglos pasados, sin embargo, era el lugar predilecto de los piratas caribeños, lejos de las garras de los señores coloniales en La Habana, San Juan en Puerto Rico y la ciudad de Panamá, los puestos coloniales más cercanos.", "sentence2": "Había 100 barcos piratas en Puerto Rico.", "promptID": "1191_xnli.test", "pairID": "3572_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para ver el impacto de Cluny en el entorno campestre, visite algunos de los pueblos cuyas iglesias románicas fueron construidas por los arquitectos de Cluny, entre ellos, Saint-Vincent-des-Pres, Taize, Berze-la-Ville y Malay.", "sentence2": "Visita todos los pueblos", "promptID": "1115_xnli.test", "pairID": "3344_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los problemas del uso de alcohol entre los pacientes heridos no son de la incumbencia del equipo de emergencias.", "sentence2": "El equipo de trauma no maneja problemas de uso de alcohol.", "promptID": "1380_xnli.test", "pairID": "4138_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "También demuestran una reducción de la confianza en sí mismos y de la motivación, expresando dudas respecto a su propia habilidad y evitando enfrentarse a problemas.", "sentence2": "Su falta de motivación y las dudas en sus habilidades provienen de fracasos pasados.", "promptID": "741_xnli.test", "pairID": "2221_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y se estremeció con el recuerdo.", "sentence2": "¡Exclamó con deleite solo de pensarlo!", "promptID": "841_xnli.test", "pairID": "2521_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y, por supuesto, los grandes monumentos a la comprensión de la libertad en el siglo XVIII son la Constitución y la Carta de Derechos.", "sentence2": "La Constitución se conserva en el vacío.", "promptID": "622_xnli.test", "pairID": "1866_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por otro lado, las partículas y las tres fuerzas no gravitacionales todavía tienen que incorporarse a una imagen de red de giro.", "sentence2": "Para que la imagen de la red de giro esté completa, las fuerzas no gravitacionales deben incorporarse.", "promptID": "551_xnli.test", "pairID": "1651_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La vista más irritante en una calle de Nueva York (excluyendo el baile desnudo de Donald Trump bailando con el fantasma de Boss Tweed) es cualquiera que parlotee en un teléfono celular.", "sentence2": "En Nueva York, la gente tiene teléfonos celulares.", "promptID": "2179_xnli.test", "pairID": "6536_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los ojos grises del joven maestro lo rozaron.", "sentence2": "Los ojos verdes del joven nunca la miraron.", "promptID": "935_xnli.test", "pairID": "2805_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La ley de marcas registradas, que llena más de dos volúmenes de los Comentarios legales de los EE. UU.", "sentence2": "No hay leyes o regulaciones relacionadas con las marcas comerciales.", "promptID": "2393_xnli.test", "pairID": "7177_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y esa es la maravillosa herramienta de los Programas Educativos del IRT: permite que los niños presencien historias que les enseñan a usar herramientas para la vida cotidiana y para la supervivencia", "sentence2": "Los Programas de Educación IRT ayudan a los niños al brindarles educación y ayuda con la matrícula.", "promptID": "1912_xnli.test", "pairID": "5735_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Binalshibh cree que el desacuerdo surgió en parte de las visitas de la familia de Jarrah.", "sentence2": "Las visitas familiares pueden haber jugado un rol en el desacuerdo.", "promptID": "1749_xnli.test", "pairID": "5245_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La cocina china aterriza en Cuba, y se inventa la cocina cubano-china.", "sentence2": "Hay una mezcla en las cocina china y cubana.", "promptID": "621_xnli.test", "pairID": "1863_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Se podría argumentar que la escritura debe ser fonémica, no fonética, pero los fonemas también cambian, aunque más despacio.", "sentence2": "Ambos tipos de palabras cambian con el tiempo, pero lo hacen a un ritmo diferente.", "promptID": "2265_xnli.test", "pairID": "6793_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Mirando hacia el futuro, alrededor de un tercio de las agencias que respondieron, informaron que están considerando externalizar más funciones de revisión de diseño.", "sentence2": "Muchas agencias contemplan la idea de tercerizar funciones de revisión de diseño.", "promptID": "1404_xnli.test", "pairID": "4210_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ole, dijo él con una voz fría y aguda como el acero, tu estación está en el puesto de tiro.", "sentence2": "Dijo a Ogle que su canal estaba situado encima de la cubierta de armas.", "promptID": "997_xnli.test", "pairID": "2990_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De hecho, esta difusión es el primer paso de la propagación de una avalancha púrpura de daños.", "sentence2": "Esta es la primera parte del daño a las rocas.", "promptID": "717_xnli.test", "pairID": "2149_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Después recordarás que fue tu dureza la que me impulsó. Se mudó para irse, después lo miró y le hizo frente.", "sentence2": "Rápidamente se escapó de él, nunca para enfrentarlo de nuevo.", "promptID": "986_xnli.test", "pairID": "2957_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De hecho, esta difusión es el primer paso de la propagación de una avalancha púrpura de daños.", "sentence2": "Esta es la última parte del daño.", "promptID": "717_xnli.test", "pairID": "2151_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El año pasado, el 17 % del presupuesto de operaciones del museo vino de contribuciones de donantes leales.", "sentence2": "Más de la mitad del presupuesto operativo del Museo proviene de las donaciones de cada año.", "promptID": "1806_xnli.test", "pairID": "5417_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una iniciativa comprendía el establecimiento de una dirección estratégica, pautas y estándares para instituir el comercio electrónico en el gobierno estatal.", "sentence2": "La iniciativa tenía la intención de eliminar toda dependencia del estado de los sistemas informáticos.", "promptID": "1371_xnli.test", "pairID": "4113_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La Figura 4 muestra la curva de oferta de los servicios de trabajo compartido.", "sentence2": "Los servicios de trabajo compartido no tienen demanda en absoluto.", "promptID": "1268_xnli.test", "pairID": "3803_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se conmovió para levantar su voz por encima de su nivel lánguido habitual.", "sentence2": "Bajó la voz hasta el susurro.", "promptID": "899_xnli.test", "pairID": "2695_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es por ella que estamos en esta trampa, bramó Ogle.", "sentence2": "Ogle pensó que su enfermedad era culpa suya.", "promptID": "772_xnli.test", "pairID": "2316_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Resaltaron la importancia de la supervisión continua como medio para garantizar que los controles siguen siendo adecuados, que abordan los riesgos actuales y que no obstaculizan innecesariamente las operaciones. Además, el marco de supervisión es fundamental para comprobar que las personas que usan y mantienen los sistemas de información cumplen con las políticas de la organización.", "sentence2": "Dijeron que era importante estar alerta.", "promptID": "1368_xnli.test", "pairID": "4103_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para la necesidad de pasar de la necesidad de saber a la necesidad de compartir, ver el testimonio de James Steinberg, 14 de octubre de 2003.", "sentence2": "La razón principal por la que la debía conocerse previamente era la amenaza de que los analistas fraudulentos filtraran secretos.", "promptID": "1592_xnli.test", "pairID": "4776_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De hecho, esta difusión es el primer paso de la propagación de una avalancha púrpura de daños.", "sentence2": "Esta es la primera parte del daño.", "promptID": "717_xnli.test", "pairID": "2150_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sí, que tengas un gran verano.", "sentence2": "Sí, ten un verano agradable.", "promptID": "298_xnli.test", "pairID": "894_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "no lo sé, pero sigue pensando como en el campo cuando dijo eso pensé qué", "sentence2": "Creo que la nueva casa está lejos en el campo, a kilómetros de distancia.", "promptID": "423_xnli.test", "pairID": "1268_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aproximadamente el 25% del cuerpo estudiantil actual de la Catedral recibe cierta cantidad en asistencia financiera.", "sentence2": "No damos ayuda financiera a ningún estudiante.", "promptID": "1917_xnli.test", "pairID": "5751_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El tono de la enmienda sigue siendo respetuoso con el control de los estados sobre el proceso electoral, incluso para las oficinas nacionales.", "sentence2": "Los estados nunca cambian el proceso electoral porque no lo tienen permitido.", "promptID": "740_xnli.test", "pairID": "2219_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un nuevo morfema sobrevive a la novedad de su primera innovación (como telethon para -athon), ya que resulta ser útil casi por accidente, y da algo nuevo a la expresión.", "sentence2": "Cada año se agregan más de cien variaciones de palabras nuevas al idioma inglés.", "promptID": "2292_xnli.test", "pairID": "6874_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aunque el Rock 'n' Roll iba hacia abajo y sin frenos, FOREVER PLAID creía en su música.", "sentence2": "Sólo unos pocos adolescentes seguían escuchando Rock and Roll.", "promptID": "1856_xnli.test", "pairID": "5566_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El museo no es potente en cuanto a catálogos o etiquetas", "sentence2": "Al museo no le gusta que lo etiqueten.", "promptID": "1001_xnli.test", "pairID": "3001_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Con software, la agencia es una organización fiable e independiente que verifica que el software proviene de donde se dice que viene.", "sentence2": "La agencia funciona como un cuerpo independiente.", "promptID": "2125_xnli.test", "pairID": "6375_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La biblioteca pública del condado de Greenlee, Arizona, ilustra el problema del dinero y la tecnología de las instituciones rurales.", "sentence2": "El condado de Greenlee tiene una biblioteca pública.", "promptID": "2185_xnli.test", "pairID": "6553_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Resaltaron la importancia de la supervisión continua como medio para garantizar que los controles siguen siendo adecuados, que abordan los riesgos actuales y que no obstaculizan innecesariamente las operaciones. Además, el marco de supervisión es fundamental para comprobar que las personas que usan y mantienen los sistemas de información cumplen con las políticas de la organización.", "sentence2": "No importaba si todos se relajaban.", "promptID": "1368_xnli.test", "pairID": "4102_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Finalmente, uno debe desconfiar de la elongación que conlleva un significado claramente diferente.", "sentence2": "Puede ser que el significado cambie cuando se intente hacer una afirmación más larga.", "promptID": "2274_xnli.test", "pairID": "6822_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "y echemos un vistazo a hace veinte años, creo que estábamos empezando a entrar en lo que ellos llamaban la revolución sexual eh en la que eh después de la píldora y eh uh", "sentence2": "La píldora fue parte de la revolución sexual.", "promptID": "444_xnli.test", "pairID": "1331_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Rudolph Giuliani defiende su gestión en el asunto del a Amadou Diallo en Newsweek. [El Departamento de Policía de Nueva York] no es el KKK, comenta.", "sentence2": "Rudolph Giuliani se disculpó por su forma de manejar el tiroteo de Amadou Diallo.", "promptID": "2077_xnli.test", "pairID": "6230_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para cantar que venga la buena fortuna a aquellos a los que temo,", "sentence2": "Tengo miedo de algunas personas debido al clima actual.", "promptID": "2157_xnli.test", "pairID": "6470_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los arabescos y las volutas de las molduras y los ornamentos arquitectónicos en un salón francés reflejaban los volantes que adornaban los vestidos de las mujeres y los volantes de las camisas de los hombres.", "sentence2": "Los vestidos de las mujeres tenían cintas grandes y largas.", "promptID": "671_xnli.test", "pairID": "2011_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sí, que tengas un gran verano.", "sentence2": "Espero que tengas unas vacaciones de verano miserables.", "promptID": "298_xnli.test", "pairID": "892_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Varias plantas de fuego hubieran superado la capacidad de extinción de incendios de las fuerzas disponibles", "sentence2": "Todo el edificio podría haber ardido y hubiéramos podido extinguir los incendios.", "promptID": "1619_xnli.test", "pairID": "4855_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El festival se celebra de tres a cuatro días, con varias batallas teniendo lugar para recuperar la Cruz Sagrada.", "sentence2": "El festival es en Italia.", "promptID": "596_xnli.test", "pairID": "1787_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si es posible, familiarízate con el argumento con antelación.", "sentence2": "No entres en la trama por adelantado; estropeará la diversión más tarde.", "promptID": "1021_xnli.test", "pairID": "3061_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los argumentos que la administración ahora hace sobre los cupones de alimentos, por supuesto, pueden hacerse fácilmente sobre el bienestar básico, TANF también.", "sentence2": "La administración está abordando el programa de cupones de alimentos.", "promptID": "2126_xnli.test", "pairID": "6377_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En sus reminiscencias de la cultura vaquera y del impacto que los mexicanos sonorenses tuvieron en California, Rojas muestra un lado de la cultura chinana muy poco conocido.", "sentence2": "Muchos chicanos descienden de vaqueros.", "promptID": "553_xnli.test", "pairID": "1657_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En mayo o junio, Clarke pidió que se le trasladara de su puesto en antiterrorismo a un nuevo conjunto de responsabilidades para la ciberseguridad.", "sentence2": "Clarke se opuso firmemente a su traslado a ciberseguridad.", "promptID": "1679_xnli.test", "pairID": "5035_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": ".. Haz que nuestra sociedad sea mejor.", "sentence2": "Esperamos que haga de nuestra sociedad un lugar libre de crímenes.", "promptID": "1981_xnli.test", "pairID": "5943_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Gran parte de la investigación sobre Quinceañeras muestra que las familias quieren mantener una tradición histórica cultural, y celebrar los 15 años de una hija es una forma de continuar con los lazos culturales de un legado latino.", "sentence2": "Los cumpleaños son casi siempre costosos.", "promptID": "535_xnli.test", "pairID": "1604_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero no puedo olvidar que, cuando no era mejor que un esclavo en la casa de tu tío en Barbados, me utilizaste con una cierta amabilidad.", "sentence2": "Me trataste amablemente cuando era esclavo en Barbados.", "promptID": "755_xnli.test", "pairID": "2263_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Levántala y señalales que envíen un barco. Un silencio de asombro cayó sobre el barco--de asombro y sospecha con esta repentina rendición.", "sentence2": "Toda la tripulación del barco estaba bastante sorprendida por el rendimiento.", "promptID": "937_xnli.test", "pairID": "2811_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entonces estamos entrando a un dominio completamente nuevo.", "sentence2": "Estamos haciendo lo que siempre hemos hecho.", "promptID": "643_xnli.test", "pairID": "1928_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Afirmando haber sospechado de toda la transacción, el administrador se distanció de Hazmi y Mihdhar, pero no antes de que hubieran recibido la asistencia que necesitaban.", "sentence2": "La ayuda constó de efectivo y de ayuda para obtener los documentos del viaje.", "promptID": "1528_xnli.test", "pairID": "4584_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De hecho, una de las características interesantes de los gráficos de tecnología es que constituyen el marco conceptual adecuado para considerar simultáneamente el diseño de procesos y productos.", "sentence2": "Los gráficos de tecnología no te dicen nada.", "promptID": "702_xnli.test", "pairID": "2106_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En lo mío no he hecho nada de lo que me avergüence, teniendo en cuenta la provocación que recibí. Su mirada vaciló, y cayó antes que la suya tan intensa.", "sentence2": "No he hecho nada de lo que me avergüence porque me provocaron mucho.", "promptID": "816_xnli.test", "pairID": "2448_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El tiempo prevé problemas para el SAT.", "sentence2": "El clima educativo está cambiando, por lo que habrá problemas con el SAT.", "promptID": "2210_xnli.test", "pairID": "6629_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por favor, no vaya a nuestra lista vencida de donantes .", "sentence2": "Nuestra lista de donantes caducados se publica para que todos puedan verla, créeme, ¡no quieres que te averguencen así!", "promptID": "1776_xnli.test", "pairID": "5327_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, una vez que se ha descubierto un motivo agradable, el siguiente ejercicio mínimo es reproducirlo con una ligera variación.", "sentence2": "Es fácil agregar tallas.", "promptID": "2472_xnli.test", "pairID": "7414_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La ley de marcas registradas, que llena más de dos volúmenes de los Comentarios legales de los EE. UU.", "sentence2": "Existen dos volúmenes de leyes relativas a las marcas comerciales.", "promptID": "2393_xnli.test", "pairID": "7178_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me pudriré en el infierno o si alguna vez sirvo al Rey, él gritó con una gran furia.", "sentence2": "Yo podría servir al rey, pero eso no me haría muy feliz.", "promptID": "981_xnli.test", "pairID": "2941_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Imaginan una concepción diádica del gobierno'el individuo enfrentado contra el estado'.", "sentence2": "La dinámica imaginaria del gobierno era la del pueblo versus el estado.", "promptID": "673_xnli.test", "pairID": "2019_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No era una posición bicultural o binacional, sino una posición entre culturas, una posición que cuelga en el espacio.", "sentence2": "Las culturas compartían algunas prácticas y tradiciones comunes.", "promptID": "628_xnli.test", "pairID": "1883_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No te olvides de eso. Jeremy apretó sus manos.", "sentence2": "Jeremy abrió su mano, revelando sus palmas.", "promptID": "866_xnli.test", "pairID": "2597_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hoy el antiguo edificio acoge la Edinburgh Experience, un espectáculo de diapositivas 3D de 20 minutos que muestra la historia de la ciudad y da vida a Edimburgo hoy (solo en abril-octubre", "sentence2": "El edificio no cuenta con una presentación en power point.", "promptID": "1042_xnli.test", "pairID": "3124_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Un orden legal totalmente nuevo deseaba abrirse paso, libre de los disturbios de la década de 1860.", "sentence2": "En la década de 1870 todo el orden legal se había derrumbado y el país estaba en completa anarquía.", "promptID": "522_xnli.test", "pairID": "1564_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Daniel Yamins es un joven matemático brillante.", "sentence2": "El Sr. Yamins está centrado en la geometría algebraica.", "promptID": "503_xnli.test", "pairID": "1508_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Llegado 1868 y la representación de la 14.ª enmienda, estábamos subidos al umbral de una revolución constitucional.", "sentence2": "La Constitución siempre ha sido muy estable y nunca ha presentado una crisis real.", "promptID": "559_xnli.test", "pairID": "1677_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La Alianza Auld, un tratado de acuerdo entre Francia y Escocia, nació.", "sentence2": "La Auld Alliance entre Francia y Escocia existe desde hace cientos de años.", "promptID": "2473_xnli.test", "pairID": "7419_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y quizá no. La voz de Wolverstone llegó lenta y burlona para responder a la confiada emoción del otro, y a medida que hablaba avanzó hacia el lado de Blood, un aliado inesperado.", "sentence2": "Blood era el capitán de un barco y Wolverstone era su mejor amigo.", "promptID": "817_xnli.test", "pairID": "2449_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Otros respondieron, pero Keyes la lio.", "sentence2": "Keyes llenó la pregunta aunque otras personas ya la habían respondido.", "promptID": "2156_xnli.test", "pairID": "6468_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Todavía nos quedan más de 200.000$ por recaudar de suscriptores y donantes como usted.", "sentence2": "¡Hemos alcanzado nuestra meta de más de $17,380!, gracias a personas como usted haciendo donaciones.", "promptID": "1772_xnli.test", "pairID": "5315_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La democratización tampoco cambia la realidad subyacente de la geografía internacional.", "sentence2": "La democratización juega un rol importante en el cambio de la realidad de la geografía internacional.", "promptID": "2108_xnli.test", "pairID": "6323_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "no lo sé, pero sigue pensando como en el campo cuando dijo eso pensé qué", "sentence2": "Está justo en el medio de la ciudad.", "promptID": "423_xnli.test", "pairID": "1269_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El año fiscal 2000 fue un año de tremendos logros y éxitos pra GAO, un año de gran servicio al Congreso y que ofreció muchos beneficios a los contribuyentes estadounidenses.", "sentence2": "El 2000 fue grandioso para el Congreso.", "promptID": "1327_xnli.test", "pairID": "3980_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La supervisión por parte del Congreso en inteligencia y lucha contra el terrorismo ahora presenta deficiencias.", "sentence2": "La supervisión del Congreso de la inteligencia y el contraterrorismo antes funcionaban con eficacia.", "promptID": "1643_xnli.test", "pairID": "4929_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al volver a los Estados Unidos, Hage fue recibido en el aeropuerto por agentes del FBI, fue interrogado y llamado para presentarse el día siguiente ante el gran jurado federal que investigaba entonces a Bin Ladin.", "sentence2": "Los agentes del FBI nunca interrogaron a Hage.", "promptID": "1562_xnli.test", "pairID": "4686_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Incluso si la aeronave estaba en llamas, ¿por qué se quemaría y se derretiría si tiene un componente de plomo para que la radiación se filtre?", "sentence2": "La radiación no se filtraría durante un incendio.", "promptID": "27_xnli.test", "pairID": "81_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La Costa Na Pali en la celestial costa norte es una de las excursiones costeras más desafiantes y majestuosas del mundo (ver página 71).", "sentence2": "La costa de Nā Pali es una caminata poco atractiva pero fácil.", "promptID": "1019_xnli.test", "pairID": "3056_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hoy en día, los invitados a los programas de entrevistas a menudo han recibido capacitación formal sobre cómo evitar responder preguntas, y cada niño de 3 años sabe cómo dar un toque de sonido preempaquetado.", "sentence2": "Los invitados de los programas de entrevistas saben cómo no responder a las preguntas.", "promptID": "2158_xnli.test", "pairID": "6474_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estos asientos abiertos, Washington, Colorado y Dakota del Norte, junto con la salida del longevo demócrata, Alan Dixon, han aumentando en gran medida nuestras opciones de victoria.", "sentence2": "Alan Dixon era un senador estatal.", "promptID": "1971_xnli.test", "pairID": "5913_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Muchos de los padres de los jóvenes donantes son activistas políticos desde hace tiempo y conocen las reglas.", "sentence2": "Los padres apoyan a los republicanos.", "promptID": "2164_xnli.test", "pairID": "6492_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La biblioteca pública del condado de Greenlee, Arizona, ilustra el problema del dinero y la tecnología de las instituciones rurales.", "sentence2": "El condado de Greenlee no se encuentra en el estado de Arizona.", "promptID": "2185_xnli.test", "pairID": "6555_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡PRODUCTOS RECIÉN LLEGADOS, CADA REGALO MARCA LA DIFERENCIA!", "sentence2": "Cada regalo se registra y se anuncia en nuestra revista mensual.", "promptID": "1782_xnli.test", "pairID": "5344_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "y también causaría que la gente compactase más su basura mmm..., y mmm..., y limitar el volumen probablemente esté un poco más cerca del problema real que limitar el peso", "sentence2": "La gente necesita considerar tanto el volumen como el peso de la basura que están produciendo.", "promptID": "288_xnli.test", "pairID": "864_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para las EGU afectadas de 2010 y posteriormente cada año, el Administrador ubicará las asignaciones de mercurio en la sección 474 y realizará subastas de derechos de estas asignaciones de mercurio de conformidad con la sección 409, en las cantidades que figuran en la Tabla A.", "sentence2": "No hay límite para el mercurio, porque es inofensivo.", "promptID": "1376_xnli.test", "pairID": "4126_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Entonces estamos entrando a un dominio completamente nuevo.", "sentence2": "Estamos haciendo un producto nuevo.", "promptID": "643_xnli.test", "pairID": "1929_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El elaborado esquema del término cargado de efectos nocivos, apareció en las audiencias con las palabras del representante Jack Brooks, ..", "sentence2": "Jack Brooks es un político de Nebraska.", "promptID": "2446_xnli.test", "pairID": "7337_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Finalmente, la densidad postal parece ser un impulsor más importante de los costos unitarios de entrega en la calle que el volumen sobre los rangos reales en Francia y los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "La densidad postal tiene el doble del impacto del volumen en los costos de envío.", "promptID": "1334_xnli.test", "pairID": "4001_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Finalmente, me gustaría abordar el tema de la financiación.", "sentence2": "Quiero hablar de financiamiento.", "promptID": "1459_xnli.test", "pairID": "4375_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Mientras tanto La Fuerza Aérea compró el SR71, ahora el A-12, que estábamos trabajando con la CIA.", "sentence2": "Las fuerzas aéreas compraron aviones.", "promptID": "166_xnli.test", "pairID": "497_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Me doy perfecta cuenta de lo que hiciste, y me doy cuenta de que en parte, al menos, he podido meterte prisa", "sentence2": "Pudiste haberme tomado en cuenta cuando hiciste lo que hiciste.", "promptID": "829_xnli.test", "pairID": "2487_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Charles Lane de la Nueva República dice que las noticias de un secuestro se extienden al informe de periodismo deshonesto de Gabriel García Marquez", "sentence2": "Charles Lane es un periodista.", "promptID": "2034_xnli.test", "pairID": "6100_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Eso enfriará el calor del coronel Bishop, tal vez.", "sentence2": "Tiene todo el sentido vender secretos a otros países a cambio de nada.", "promptID": "849_xnli.test", "pairID": "2547_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De manera intuitiva, parece poco probable que un planeta como ese de entidades complejas e inertes podrían haberse alzado de manera instantánea desde el big bang.", "sentence2": "El Big Bang hizo que los planetas surgieran espontáneamente.", "promptID": "642_xnli.test", "pairID": "1926_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las series incluían también Operation Infinite Resolve, una diversidad de ataques propuestos de seguimiento en los objetivos de Al Qaeda en Afganistán.", "sentence2": "No hubo planes disponibles para dar seguimiento a los objetivos en Afganistán.", "promptID": "1596_xnli.test", "pairID": "4787_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La chica que me puede ayudar está en la otra punta de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "La niña que me va a ayudar está a 5 millas de distancia.", "promptID": "19_xnli.test", "pairID": "56_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aun así, París creó recientemente millas de carriles bici que cruzan toda la ciudad, aumentando de gran manera la seguridad de los ciclistas (y su popularidad).", "sentence2": "Es mucho más seguro andar en bicicleta en París que hace 10 años.", "promptID": "1095_xnli.test", "pairID": "3283_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estos asientos abiertos, Washington, Colorado y Dakota del Norte, junto con la salida del longevo demócrata, Alan Dixon, han aumentando en gran medida nuestras opciones de victoria.", "sentence2": "Alan Dixon es un político demócrata.", "promptID": "1971_xnli.test", "pairID": "5911_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los recientes ataques de interrupción del servicio de sitios web populares son un ejemplo de las alteraciones que podrían ocurrir.", "sentence2": "Últimamente no ha habido ningún ataque de denegación de servicio.", "promptID": "1485_xnli.test", "pairID": "4455_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los liberales negros, como los profesores Henry Louis Gates y Cornel West, mantienen la fe integracionista. Junto a ellos está el economista negro Glenn Loury, un conservador que rompió filas para respaldar la acción afirmativa como una política necesaria.", "sentence2": "Glenn Loury es un barrendero.", "promptID": "2203_xnli.test", "pairID": "6608_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Levántala y señalales que envíen un barco. Un silencio de asombro cayó sobre el barco--de asombro y sospecha con esta repentina rendición.", "sentence2": "La tripulación estaba en guerra con la gente que se estaba rindiendo.", "promptID": "937_xnli.test", "pairID": "2810_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hoy el antiguo edificio acoge la Edinburgh Experience, un espectáculo de diapositivas 3D de 20 minutos que muestra la historia de la ciudad y da vida a Edimburgo hoy (solo en abril-octubre", "sentence2": "El edificio tiene una presentación en 3D sobre la historia de la ciudad.", "promptID": "1042_xnli.test", "pairID": "3126_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En la lucha contra el terrorismo, estas distinciones parecen cada vez más artificiales.", "sentence2": "Aumenta la lucha contra el terrorismo.", "promptID": "1674_xnli.test", "pairID": "5021_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estás haciendo una montaña de un grano de arena.", "sentence2": "No estás ganando lo suficiente.", "promptID": "2238_xnli.test", "pairID": "6714_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Encima de todo esto, tenemos el hecho infeliz de que la escritura elocuente es de hecho a veces memorable, agravando el problema.", "sentence2": "Es demasiado caro escribir bien como para hacerlo en grandes cantidades.", "promptID": "2283_xnli.test", "pairID": "6849_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los ojos grises del joven maestro lo rozaron.", "sentence2": "El joven lo miró.", "promptID": "935_xnli.test", "pairID": "2804_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los recientes ataques de interrupción del servicio de sitios web populares son un ejemplo de las alteraciones que podrían ocurrir.", "sentence2": "Los ataques de denegación de servicio causan interrupciones.", "promptID": "1485_xnli.test", "pairID": "4453_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En sus reminiscencias de la cultura vaquera y del impacto que los mexicanos sonorenses tuvieron en California, Rojas muestra un lado de la cultura chinana muy poco conocido.", "sentence2": "Los vaqueros y los sonorenses mexicanos no tienen absolutamente nada que ver con la cultura chicana.", "promptID": "553_xnli.test", "pairID": "1659_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Cómo gana un padre el respeto de un niño que ve al otro padre actuando irrespetuosamente hacia su cónyuge?", "sentence2": "¿Cómo puede un padre ganarse el respeto de su hijo si está actuando de manera irrespetuosa?", "promptID": "715_xnli.test", "pairID": "2143_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "61 - Los empleados federales pueden estar cubiertos por los programas de seguro social, como Security62 y Medicare bajo los mismos términos y condiciones que el resto de la población cubierta.", "sentence2": "Los términos y condiciones son diferentes para los empleados federales.", "promptID": "1444_xnli.test", "pairID": "4332_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero no puedo olvidar que, cuando no era mejor que un esclavo en la casa de tu tío en Barbados, me utilizaste con una cierta amabilidad.", "sentence2": "Fueron increíblemente crueles conmigo, y me trataron peor que a una basura.", "promptID": "755_xnli.test", "pairID": "2264_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La protección del transporte, la energía, los servicios de emergencia, los servicios financieros y los de la comunicación se está convirtiendo en algo cada vez más importante porque dependen en gran medida de la tecnología informática.", "sentence2": "Los servicios financieros y los sistemas de comunicaciones todavía tienen que unirse al campo de la tecnología de la información.", "promptID": "1360_xnli.test", "pairID": "4078_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero tenía prisa por aterrizarte.", "sentence2": "La persona estaba apurada.", "promptID": "827_xnli.test", "pairID": "2480_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El festival se celebra de tres a cuatro días, con varias batallas teniendo lugar para recuperar la Cruz Sagrada.", "sentence2": "El festival no es religioso.", "promptID": "596_xnli.test", "pairID": "1788_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Some o' them dawcocks may believe that tale. He jerked a contemptuous thumb towards the men in the waist, whose ranks were steadily being increased by the advent of others from the forecastle.", "sentence2": "People from the forecastle were joining the men in the waist.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pedro took the throne, though armed struggle continued for months and the lingering bitterness long after that.", "sentence2": "The war was months long.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Besides, how could their staying have helped me? And as Pitt did not answer him: Ye see? he said, and shrugged.", "sentence2": "It was clear that staying could have helped me, so no question was ever posed.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Relajo can also describe a joking relationship, a bantering back and forth, which through the laughter relieves tension and disintegrates the cause of the tension of the moment.", "sentence2": "Relajo told jokes.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Second, the ED is a fast-paced environment in which providers cannot easily find time to conduct brief alcohol interventions, even if they have the training, skills, and desire to do so.", "sentence2": "Things move really fast in the ED because they see 2000 patients a week.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We ask every nation to join us.", "sentence2": "We need help from around the world.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Then let them know that if they attempt to hinder our sailing hence, we'll hang the doxy first and fight for it after.", "sentence2": "There was nothing able to slow down the ship.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fashioning time for parents and children to be together is the rst step toward implementing the ideas and practices I'll discuss in this book.", "sentence2": "According to this book, parents shouldn't spend time with their children.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "uh yeah and i was gonna say uh I'll Fly Away which uh i think it was supposed to uh catch some of the same viewers as uh", "sentence2": "I would choose I'll Fly Away.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Run Silent, Run Deep, Run the Answer", "sentence2": "Run without being heard.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As a result, neither the U.S. nor the Saudi people appreciated all the dimensions of the bilateral relationship, including the Saudi role in U.S. strategies to promote the Middle East peace process.", "sentence2": "The Saudis invited the US envoy to come work on the middle east peace project.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Indianapolis Civic Theatre has entertained her audiences with professionally-produced plays and musicals for 82 years while providing an arena for our city's exceptional talent, but that is certainly not the extent of it.", "sentence2": "The Indy Civic Theater has done 120 shows in 80 years.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It would be wonderful if you could take the time to visit your School, and see for yourself the progress we have made over the years and share in the pride of our heritage!", "sentence2": "You should visit your school and see what we've been up to.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Requiring attorneys to monitor the movements of eligible aliens at all times of the year would impose monumental burdens on LSC grantees.", "sentence2": "It would be a trivial matter for attorney to monitor eligible aliens at all times.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When the attack was determined to be al Qaeda-related, responsibility shifted to the New York Field Office.", "sentence2": "The New York Field Office took control over all the suspects in custody.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "uh yeah and i was gonna say uh I'll Fly Away which uh i think it was supposed to uh catch some of the same viewers as uh", "sentence2": "I'll Fly Away is my favorite movie and I watch it weekly.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They include a stable federal budgetary future, technological innovation, and improvements in the operations and service provision of government agencies.", "sentence2": "There should have been been more things included.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is not clear the system can be installed before 2010, but even this timetable may be too slow, given the possible security dangers.", "sentence2": "It's hard to install the system because hackers attack it every night.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thank you for supporting the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1999.", "sentence2": "Thanks but no thanks for lapsing on your donations in 1999.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron.", "sentence2": "I don't want to be part of the Third SS.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We have beginning mathematical models that reveal something about this hierarchical organizationa=aalthough the best current models are curiously limited despite their brilliance.", "sentence2": "Everything that can be learned about the organization has already been made known.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As a result, neither the U.S. nor the Saudi people appreciated all the dimensions of the bilateral relationship, including the Saudi role in U.S. strategies to promote the Middle East peace process.", "sentence2": "The Saudis and the US worked together.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I turn, in the final section of this chapter, to yet another puzzle concerning what I call a natural game.", "sentence2": "I do not have the solution for the puzzle of the natural game.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Of course, if we could not solve our chosen ways to make livings, we would be dead.", "sentence2": "Figuring how to make a living is not a piece of cake.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Search for condescension, sentimentality, irony (with separate options for intentional and unintentional), pandering, obscurantism, and puns;", "sentence2": "There is only one type of irony.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Intuitively, slightly convergent flow in state space allows classification, for when two states converge on a single successor state, those two states have been classified as equivalent by the network.", "sentence2": "Convergent flow is influenced by population.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And, I hope that you will support the artistic and educational efforts of Civic Theatre again this year.", "sentence2": "The Civic Theater is fully funded and will turn away any more money.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The French findings were basically Eighteen million prescriptions were filled for fen-phen in the United States last year.", "sentence2": "Millions of people took fen-phen.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If households' existing assets lose value, people have to save more to attain their wealth-income target.", "sentence2": "If people's assets lose value they end up having to save more.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This is a large challenge and a large expectation for any one system of intervention.", "sentence2": "Every kind of intervention has challenges, but some have much more than others.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Wolverstone squared himself defiantly before his captain I'll see Colonel Bishop in hell or ever I lies to for him. And he spat, presumably for purposes of emphasis.", "sentence2": "Colonel Bishop has done something to make Wolverstone his enemy.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It would be wonderful if you could take the time to visit your School, and see for yourself the progress we have made over the years and share in the pride of our heritage!", "sentence2": "You should visit the school and see the musical production we've been working on.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If defense intelligence is reorganized to elevate the responsibilities of the director of the DIA, then that person might be the appropriate official.", "sentence2": "The director of the DIA is involved with defense intelligence.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But the question cannot even be asked when the details are mislaid.", "sentence2": "The question should be answerable even with the mislaid details.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Jeremy Pitt answered the laugh with an oath.", "sentence2": "Jeremy Pitt swore to fight for his country and his queen.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As we will see, in both cases, it appears that something profound is going on in the universe that is not finitely prestatable.", "sentence2": "There is nothing happening in the universe at all.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because that sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to one another and into a power source.", "sentence2": "Cables are a much more prestigious word than wires whenever in a trade.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "After the airspace reopened, nine chartered flights with 160 people, mostly Saudi nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24.", "sentence2": "There were also several dozen British nationals who left the country.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In Santa Fe, where the Hispanic heritage and population remain considerable, the new pseudo-Spanish names are more apt to be correct than in, say, California or Tucson.", "sentence2": "Everyone in Santa Fe has an American name.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The State Department has asked Moscow to amend the ABM Treaty--which most missile defense proponents view as an outdated Cold War dinosaur anyway.", "sentence2": "The ABM Treaty involves missile defense.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We have found no indication that the idea was briefed to the new administration or that Clarke passed his paper to them, although the same team of career officials spanned both administrations.", "sentence2": "We are 100% certain that Clarke never gave his paper to anyone.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And yet, today the common assumption is that our officials may be trusted with a precise racial and ethnic map of the American nation.", "sentence2": "The assumption that officials have racial and ethnic maps is untrue.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "s great historic moment came in 1864, when its capital, Charlottetown, hosted a meeting of Maritime leaders with delegates from Ontario and Quebec to chart the path to Canada's federal status as a united dominion.", "sentence2": "Charlottetown was most famous in 2019.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "1) Increasing penetration of alternative modes of communication", "sentence2": "Alternate communication makes up 60% of communication now.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "and that what i think is gonna be really interesting is what we do about it i mean we are gonna have to change the people who represent us", "sentence2": "I think it will be challenging to change our representatives but worthwhile in the end.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There are, of course, many elegant and flirtatious scenes set on yachts.", "sentence2": "Large yachts are very expensive to maintain as they need regular maintenance and use large amounts of fuel.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "TV dinners carry a terrible stigma.", "sentence2": "People can watch dinners on TV.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The jagged ridges of Montserrat rise out of the rather featureless Llobregat plain 62 kilometers (38 miles) northwest of Barcelona, in the very heart of Catalonia.", "sentence2": "The Montesserant is a river.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ha! Wolverstone vented an ejaculation of sneering mirth.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone thought that was funny.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The biosphere has expanded, indeed, more or less persistently exploded, into the ever-expanding adjacent possible.", "sentence2": "The biosphere grew.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Now that's how, uh, I stay buckled in.", "sentence2": "I made sure the buckle was on tight so I would be safe.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Islamist movement, born about 1940, is a product of the modern world, influenced by Marxist-Leninist concepts about revolutionary organization.", "sentence2": "The Islamist movement was begun in the sixth century.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Conversely, if new precedents never sent out ripples, the common law could hardly evolve at all.", "sentence2": "The Greeks and Romans had laws that we use today.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "She pointed to a patch of equally depressing but bushier shrubbery.", "sentence2": "That bush is less bushy than the other.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Two American ideas'protecting the flag and celebrating freedom of speech'would eventually come into focus as contradictory ways of being American.", "sentence2": "Americans all treat the flag with respect.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The use of technology may reduce the time needed for providers and staff to personally provide screening and intervention services and target patients who can derive benefit from the brief intervention messages.", "sentence2": "Technology can reduce how long providers and staff need to screen people.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Search for condescension, sentimentality, irony (with separate options for intentional and unintentional), pandering, obscurantism, and puns;", "sentence2": "Irony is divided into subcategories.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Some o' them dawcocks may believe that tale. He jerked a contemptuous thumb towards the men in the waist, whose ranks were steadily being increased by the advent of others from the forecastle.", "sentence2": "The ranks of men were dwindling, as everyone headed towards the forecastle for dinner.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We will try to contact each of you who have not participated this fiscal year in the next 45 days so that our goal can be reached by the deadline of June 30th.", "sentence2": "We will contact by mail in the next 45 days those who have not donated this fiscal year.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We look forward to your continued support and working even more closely with you and your staff this year and in fiscal year 2002.", "sentence2": "You have done something to support us in this past year.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As we all know, there is an enormous number of publications dealing with highly specialized areas.", "sentence2": "There are only 2 journals.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Graduates of the I. U .School of Law-Indianapolis leave with fundamental lawyering skills and a sound legal education.", "sentence2": "The IU School of Law teaches future lawyers.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Uh, well it's, uh, the speeds got faster, faster, and faster until we deployed overseas.", "sentence2": "It seemed to take forever.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There's no heaving to for such a matter as that unless you wants to make quite sure of our being sunk.", "sentence2": "There is a way for them to sink.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We ask every nation to join us.", "sentence2": "We will do this alone!", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "From the five pages of personal acknowledgments (as opposed to a mere two pages of bibliography), it should be clear that the dictionary rests largely on original research.", "sentence2": "This dictionary documents in the personal acknowledgments that its contents relies largely on original research.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "That's kind of unique in that I, uh, spent, uh, about 16 years of my career in Special Activities.", "sentence2": "I've never had a job.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Requiring attorneys to monitor the movements of eligible aliens at all times of the year would impose monumental burdens on LSC grantees.", "sentence2": "It would be allot of work to monitor a group of people at all times.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I turn, in the final section of this chapter, to yet another puzzle concerning what I call a natural game.", "sentence2": "This chapter has material on the natural game.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "right they will go through the slot", "sentence2": "They are easy to slide through.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If the initial expansion is exponential, then slows to linear, as in the inflationary hypothesis or perhaps in this purely quantum approach, then the particle-horizon problem may disappear.", "sentence2": "The math for an exponential initial expansion is complex.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "uh yeah and i was gonna say uh I'll Fly Away which uh i think it was supposed to uh catch some of the same viewers as uh", "sentence2": "I really don't even know what I would pick.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The last one to arrive is the so-called “PepePeople,” which is marketed by CAMGE Financiera, the result of an alliance between General Electric and Caja del Mediterráneo, which will give Globalia customers exclusive discounts and advantages.", "sentence2": "Globalia’s clients will have discounts and exclusive benefits.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1190_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Current production, operational and maintenance costs of the wind farms at sea, as well as the amount of power they produce, are higher than their equivalents on land.", "sentence2": "We will save costs if we build wind farms off shore.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1106_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A recent line of research centers on evaluating the role of modified citric pectin (MCP), also known as fractionated pectin, a complex polysaccharide obtained from citric hulks and pulp.", "sentence2": "The modified pectine of citrus fruits is a simple monosaccharide.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1054_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One failure does not define your destiny, this is true.", "sentence2": "It takes more than one failure to get somewhere.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1824_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They should do so, jointly declare a default, get rid of the euro and return each to their currency.", "sentence2": "They should declare the suspension of payments because otherwise it doesn't make sense to get rid of the euro.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "568_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The portal directors expect large numbers of engagement.", "sentence2": "The portal is not working correctly.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2441_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "All right, let's enable spaces for people to destroy their livers without disturbing others.", "sentence2": "People drink.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "69_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Zapatero is a big football fan and after a kick in the teeth for not being able to host the 2016 Olympic Games, he has shown his support to the candidacy to be home to the 2018 World Cup.", "sentence2": "Spain will not be the seat of the Olympic Games in 2016.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2437_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As a symbol, the archbishop asked for the priests to support people suffering from difficulties due to the economic crisis.", "sentence2": "Priests help those who are most disadvantaged.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "459_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Don't be bothered because it comes from the heart, not because it’s correct; try being more tolerant of others.", "sentence2": "They usually bother me", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1726_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No animal, however, could perch on the Eiffel Tower because it itself is an animal and has not produced offspring.", "sentence2": "The Eiffel Tower has the capacity to create new towers.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1655_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is an enchanting town because of its situation and ethnographic elements, but we mustn't deceive ourselves: if you take two steps or one if you have a long stride, you will be outside its limits.", "sentence2": "The villagers are very nice.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "98_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Although, \"careful, the previous one left the seeds of disaster well planted and fertilized\".", "sentence2": "The previous one was incompetent.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "949_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The wedding of Eudes of Orleans, Duke of Angouleme, on the same day and at the same time as his grandfather, the Count of Paris, died.", "sentence2": "The Duke of Angulema was very close to the Duke of Paris.", "promptID": "811_esxnli", "pairID": "2433_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And if he ended up exiling himself to France and living in Bordeaux, it was because of his incompatibility with the absolutist regime (“long live the chains!”) of Ferdinand VII of Spain, enemy of intelligence, restorer of censorship and the Inquisition, creator of bullfighting schools and great promoter of bullfights.", "sentence2": "His affinity for the rule of Fernando VII saved his life in Burdeos.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1809_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Although it partially estimated the appeal from professional associations and refused the appeal of anti constitutionality from the syndicate, the TSJM overrides in its decision the Single Sanitary Area decree.", "sentence2": "The decree from the Single Sanitary Unit will not go through", "promptID": "106_esxnli", "pairID": "318_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He was a \"gentleman\" around 50 years of age, a bit fat and with white hair and moustache.", "sentence2": "The gentleman has not yet become bald.", "promptID": "83_esxnli", "pairID": "248_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I will not enter into logical disquisitions about what is a lie or what is true with respect to the facts of reality or its paradoxes.", "sentence2": "It is difficult to distinguish lies from truth.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1924_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Problems such as fetal death and anemia, also very common in poor countries, can be combatted with the consumption of more minerals and basic vitamins, assure experts.", "sentence2": "The population of poor countries does not have food with basic vitamins and minerals available.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1087_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is an enchanting town because of its situation and ethnographic elements, but we mustn't deceive ourselves: if you take two steps or one if you have a long stride, you will be outside its limits.", "sentence2": "The country has no interest.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "99_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The vehicle crashed against the median at the Carlos Haya cut-and-cover tunnel, one of the areas where bottlenecks usually form.", "sentence2": "The vehicle had no trouble reaching its destination.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "66_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Spanish State spends almost 500 billion and they have an income of less than 400 billion (a gross rounding).", "sentence2": "The Spanish government doesn’t export any goods.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "935_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The first studies carried out in the United Kingdom in 1997 revealed that all of those affected by the illness had suffered psychiatric symptoms, among these being depression, anxiety, and mood changes, although these should not be seen as being unique to CJD.", "sentence2": "Depression is a symptom of ECJ.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1418_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Yesterday, the world of fashion was tinged with mourning after it was announced that his body was found in the Seine, which raises several questions about what the cause of his death could be.", "sentence2": "Someone in the fashion industry has died.", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2386_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The king and queen, who from the very beginning have shown their support for the victims’ families, wanted to join in this emotional and heartfelt tribute.", "sentence2": "The tribute to the victims was attended by a lot of people.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2087_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The first is a juicy severance package of 85 days per year worked, already agreed upon, with no limit on seniority (the average is around 15 years and the gross salary, 1,200 euros)", "sentence2": "The compensation does not have a time limit.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "27_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "How to trap and retain them for as long as possible.", "sentence2": "Catching and detaining the coup members for as long as possible.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1619_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A recent line of research centers on evaluating the role of modified citric pectin (MCP), also known as fractionated pectin, a complex polysaccharide obtained from citric hulks and pulp.", "sentence2": "Fractionated pectin is a complex polysaccharide obtained from citrus fruits.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1056_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He is sorry for the delays in the EFSA launching and assures that it will not be an agency of burocrats.", "sentence2": "The EFSA only accepts women.", "promptID": "490_esxnli", "pairID": "1470_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the second part, which is ongoing since the end of 2004, they have continued down this path, involving farmers, nomad shepherds, fishermen, hunters, cattle farmers and women in order to end the conflicts for good and increase the revenues of all these groups.", "sentence2": "Efforts to end with conflicts so that unions increase their income have been made by the syndicates, but not by the government nor the employers.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1135_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Schopenhauer’s tenet, every secret theater director of his dreams goes through Heidegger, whose forest glade is a theater, without seeing other ideas, and then they reach Binswanger, the Swiss inheritor of Freud, who defines existential misfortunes as situations in which people lose the scenic direction of their world.", "sentence2": "Schopenhauer did not write about people's dreams.", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1887_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Yesterday, the world of fashion was tinged with mourning after it was announced that his body was found in the Seine, which raises several questions about what the cause of his death could be.", "sentence2": "The world of fashion is in luck.", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2387_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If it were the latter, the company would create high value-added training, but that is not the case.", "sentence2": "The company is the latter", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "632_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Endives, flabby... Since he’s adopted and English discipline, he thinks everything is low-fat, when it’s only partially. He’s taken a single weekend as a break from his life in a relationship not as a continuation (or a parenthesis) of a single lifestyle.", "sentence2": "He went on a single weekend in January.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1780_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Once back down here, from where they should have never gone out, the gods are over.", "sentence2": "They returned to their natural place, down here, and the gods vanished.", "promptID": "509_esxnli", "pairID": "1526_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When it starts to boil, leave them at medium heat until they are tender.", "sentence2": "After they start boiling, they must be removed immediately.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2059_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The first active immunization began in 2001, but had to be suspended due to serious side effects which turned up in a small group of patients (18 suffered from encephalitis and 3 passed away).", "sentence2": "There were no problems with the patients treated during the active immunization that began in 2001.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1270_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Also consider that sending more U.S. troops to Iraq seems right, now that there is increased rational hope that a cooperating Iraq (three-party) is moving towards self-government, which could justify a future withdrawal of the American Army from there.", "sentence2": "No more soldiers will be sent to Iraq.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "718_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Like a child who stays in class daydreaming and does not attend the lesson; the best way to get their head out of the clouds and remember that they shouldn't be distracted is with a smack form the teacher.", "sentence2": "The children give their teachers slaps from the cloud.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "735_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The itch to interpret comes from his family.", "sentence2": "His family is related to the world of acting.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2255_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "2.- Someone who, with very little knowledge and a bit of extra money, thinks he is the big kahuna and starts buying at truly savage prices... although we ALL know that they won't finish paying it and everything will be taken from them.", "sentence2": "The premise refers to a soccer player.", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "622_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "All right, let's enable spaces for people to destroy their livers without disturbing others.", "sentence2": "They do not agree with opening spaces for people to drink without bothering those who do not drink.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "67_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But they have decided to face the music and define their style \"as more practical and more direct\" than that of men.", "sentence2": "Men's style is more practical than that of women.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "134_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Furthermore, Moratinos held a meeting with representatives of the main communication members, those that explained that Spain will have \"zero tolerance\" with illegal migrants; \"anyone without a work contract is not going to stay,\" said the minister, as a someone who was present at the encounter specified.", "sentence2": "Spain will not accept illegal immigration but will accept illegal emigration as Moratinos said at a meeting.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "275_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They don’t have the perception that they will have to save money, because there’s always something to hunt, and even more if you’re a good trader.", "sentence2": "They believe it is always necessary to save.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "971_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There are more and more people adopting the healthy habit of consuming 100% natural products.", "sentence2": "Consuming 100% natural products is a good habit", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2104_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He makes a very dense coffee.", "sentence2": "The coffee he makes is very thick.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1916_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We reveal to you the names of some of the hotels where our favorite famous people have lived some of their best times.", "sentence2": "The celebrities have not checked in to the hotels whose names we will be told.", "promptID": "690_esxnli", "pairID": "2069_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Now it turns out that Catholics are going to give us lessons in morality, when for thousands of years they massacred cultures and entire nations just for fucking power and money, or forgot that the stupid Crusades were not just a bloodbath they pretended to cause of God. That is what is truly idiotic, not theses images that merely retrieve banal symbols.", "sentence2": "Classes on morals are for the power and money.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "118_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The versatile singer Miguel Bosé hung up a \"sold out\" sign last night at the concert that he gave at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas in Madrid.", "sentence2": "Miguel Bosé's concert in Las Ventas was spectacular.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2037_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "With a few extra pounds and and an informal look, the main character of “Gladiator” was very affectionate with his two kids along the streets of Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "The main character in “Gladiator” focused a lot on his look, which was carefully planned and formal, and he didn’t pay any attention to his two kids while they walked down the streets of Beverly Hills.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2128_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Well, Mr. Ratzinger is going to be upset when he sees the results of the poll about euthanasia, which you may see in the cover, hehehe. Over 80% supported it, it is obvious now that Spain does not care about the church, it was about time.", "sentence2": "Only 20% of Spaniards that participated in the poll on euthanasia are in favor.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "322_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "SEOM presents two issues.", "sentence2": "The SEOM has presented a very radical question.", "promptID": "477_esxnli", "pairID": "1429_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When it starts to boil, leave them at medium heat until they are tender.", "sentence2": "The water must be boiled in a clay casserole.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2060_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "After the success achieved at prior editions, the Charitable Chefs Calendar is back for another year, thanks to the SOS Universal Children's Day Foundation to fight for defending the youngest ones' rights.", "sentence2": "The Calendar of Charitable Cooks has been successful in the past few years.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "2000_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Two points stood out: that many countries do not collect this information systematically, and that Spain is at the \"rear end\" of Europe on this issue.", "sentence2": "Spain is a leader in this issue", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "290_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Knowledge, which is ever greater, fair trade and the guarantee of the Fair Trade seal have allowed this type of products to expand globally.", "sentence2": "An increasing number of people can buy fair trade products.", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1035_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I wish him luck in such a delicate match.", "sentence2": "I wish it wasn’t possible to go to that delicate game.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "416_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They don’t have the perception that they will have to save money, because there’s always something to hunt, and even more if you’re a good trader.", "sentence2": "If you’re a good salesman, you don’t need to save.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "970_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "APPLICABLE, developed, and implemented by the Spanish Hypertension Society-Spanish League for the Fight against Arterial Hypertension (SEH-LELHA), consists of a computer-based program based on validated guides of clinical practice that allow the doctor to calculate individual cardiovascular risk at the same time that they determine a specific therapeutic objective.", "sentence2": "Doctors have more facilities to treat arterial hypertension.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1449_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The definitive launch of Agyness Deyn (February 16 1986, Manchester), who considers himself a \"punk rock\" lover-which is made evident by the songs he plays with his music band Lucky Knitwear-took place along with photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "Agyness Deyn did not like music.", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2434_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Just as it happened with those affected by the earthquake that shook up Haiti last January, in this occasion, and because of the earthquake that took place in Chile on Saturday, celebrities are quickly offering their help.", "sentence2": "Famous people are helping with the earthquake in Chile, just as they helped those people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2038_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It’s true that the Galician culture needs an internationalisation project (visit several Galician blogs and you’ll see that there’s an interesting open discussion about it) but there’s no doubt that this project is very complex if a media group make it very difficult and knowing the mistake (Juan Cruz's was forgiveable), only perceive accusations of being sectarian from another \"intellectual\".", "sentence2": "The development of an internationalization project would be detrimental to the Galician culture.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1757_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Because you want them, because they are extremely emphasized, because yes.", "sentence2": "It is a good reason", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1918_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Until the present, the attempts to raise this species in captivity have not been successful, \"Even though there are no reasons,\" Ferrer says, \"to think that it can't be raised in these conditions.\"", "sentence2": "Hot and humid conditions are needed to breed the species.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1047_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It was aired for five years. Over 100 characters appeared there in over 1,200 episodes.", "sentence2": "It did not reach 1,000 episodes", "promptID": "808_esxnli", "pairID": "2422_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Now it seems that Mª Antonia Iglesias has been given another role.", "sentence2": "It seems that Maria Antonia Iglesias has a new role.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "45_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The vehicle crashed against the median at the Carlos Haya cut-and-cover tunnel, one of the areas where bottlenecks usually form.", "sentence2": "There was an accident and two people died.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "65_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Oksana and Mel are looking forward to the album's release, but also the arrival of their first child together.", "sentence2": "Their son will be named Axel", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2139_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This week, the star that will sit atop the New York Rockefeller Center was revealed in New York.", "sentence2": "The tree at Rockefeller Center will not contain any star.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2124_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is an enchanting town because of its situation and ethnographic elements, but we mustn't deceive ourselves: if you take two steps or one if you have a long stride, you will be outside its limits.", "sentence2": "The village is tiny.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "97_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The ideological simulation would be the way this is transmitted, the ideas that vehicle it (sorry for the odd word). They are interpretations of what another person writes, exposed to risks because of a lack of data.", "sentence2": "A historian makes the interpretations.", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1958_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I've always thought that those people who try to prove they're left-wing, with their dreadlocks and dirty looks or \"alternative\" clothes are in no way left-wing.", "sentence2": "Left-wing people almost never go to the hairdresser's.", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "794_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In spite of the seriousness, she got better quickly and in July of the same year she received medical release.", "sentence2": "After recovering he received the medical discharge.", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2055_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This week, the star that will sit atop the New York Rockefeller Center was revealed in New York.", "sentence2": "The star that will top the Rockefeller Center tree is spectacular.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2123_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In this way, and after having experienced the Friday in the presence of civil and ecclesiastic authorities from the principality who had accompanied them since the morning during the visit to the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Covadonga, the prince and Letizia left behind the mountains with their green coat of trees and the cave via the ladder of the pilgrims, in order to dip into the pool to toss in the money and make a wish.", "sentence2": "The Prince and Letizia visited Covadonga.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2042_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "On a planet without thinking beings and without sentient beings, time would not go by, only things would happen.", "sentence2": "Time would go by in a planet without thinking creatures and without feeling creatures.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1514_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This is their main struggle; in order to obtain Permanent Incapacity, those affected must file a lawsuit in the Social Courts and win the corresponding trial.", "sentence2": "To get Permanent Disability, you need to submit up-to-date medical reports.", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1044_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This material, known as a pellet, has a high level of heat production performance, so these types of heaters are a notable option for heating homes.", "sentence2": "Pellets are used less and less to heat homes.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1433_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nevertheless, detailed inspections of content could make even the most confident bioprocessor blush.", "sentence2": "The bioprocessor has feelings.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1196_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Girls prefer sweet-flavored foods and also mild flavors more, whilst boys enjoy sour, strong flavors more.", "sentence2": "Boys and girls prefer food items of different flavors", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1182_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The first studies carried out in the United Kingdom in 1997 revealed that all of those affected by the illness had suffered psychiatric symptoms, among these being depression, anxiety, and mood changes, although these should not be seen as being unique to CJD.", "sentence2": "The first studies were done in the United Kingdom.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1419_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Everything surrounding Michael Jackson is larger than life, as his farewell will be.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson will have his farewell soon.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "360_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsible for the CAR-CCR, adds that it is about a pilot center, the efficacy of which will depend on the proliferation of further specialized centers of this type in conjunction with the public network.", "sentence2": "Frances Balaguer is not responsible for CAR-CCR.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1416_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They will do something so that speculators (that is, pals of the three-party right) that bought at shit prices can sell at the price of gold.", "sentence2": "The spectators brought large quantities of butifarra sausage.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "545_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Ming Tombs were once a staple of tours to the Great Wall at Badaling, but foreign tourists have seldom been impressed by the site, finding it dank and poorly restored.", "sentence2": "The Ming Tombs are no longer a great tourist attraction.", "promptID": "1014_xnli.test", "pairID": "3042_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Blood's thoughts were upon this and other things as he lounged there on the day-bed.", "sentence2": "Blood was ruminating while lying down.", "promptID": "762_xnli.test", "pairID": "2285_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "That'll cool Colonel Bishop's heat, maybe.", "sentence2": "Colonel Bishop has heard some bad news.", "promptID": "849_xnli.test", "pairID": "2545_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No one seems to know if these sports are played on a court with a net, against a wall, or both.", "sentence2": "The intricate rule books outline all possible configurations of this sport.", "promptID": "2468_xnli.test", "pairID": "7402_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fiscal year 2000 was a tremendous year of accomplishment and achievement for GAO a a year of great service to the Congress and of great benefit to the American taxpayer.", "sentence2": "2000 was the worst year ever.", "promptID": "1327_xnli.test", "pairID": "3981_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The reforms that have been adopted so far have profound implications for what government does, how it is organized, and how it performs its services to the country and its citizens.", "sentence2": "The reforms have no impact on the government.", "promptID": "1452_xnli.test", "pairID": "4356_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In past centuries, however, it was the haunt of Caribbean pirates, being far from the clutches of colonial overlords in Havana, San Juan in Puerto Rico, and Panama City, the nearest colonial outposts.", "sentence2": "There were 100 pirate ships in Puerto rico.", "promptID": "1191_xnli.test", "pairID": "3572_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "To see some of Cluny's impact on the surrounding countryside, visit a few of the villages whose Romanesque churches were built by Cluny's architects and among them, Saint-Vincent-des-Pres, Taize, Berze-la-Ville, and Malay.", "sentence2": "Visit all of the villages.", "promptID": "1115_xnli.test", "pairID": "3344_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "issues of alcohol use among injured patients are not in the purview of the trauma team", "sentence2": "The trauma team does not handle alcohol use issues.", "promptID": "1380_xnli.test", "pairID": "4138_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They also show a decline in self-con dence and motivation, expressing doubts about their own ability and retreating from challenging problems.", "sentence2": "Their lack of motivation and doubts in their abilities stem from past failures.", "promptID": "741_xnli.test", "pairID": "2221_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And she shivered at the memory of it.", "sentence2": "She exclaimed with delight at just the thought of it!", "promptID": "841_xnli.test", "pairID": "2521_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And, of course, the great monuments to the eighteenth-century understanding of freedom are the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.", "sentence2": "The Constitution is preserved in a vacuum.", "promptID": "622_xnli.test", "pairID": "1866_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "On the other hand, particles and the three nongravitational forces have yet to be incorporated into a spin network picture.", "sentence2": "The nongravitational forces must be incorporated in order for the spin network picture to be complete.", "promptID": "551_xnli.test", "pairID": "1651_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The most irritating sight on a New York street (excluding Donald Trump's naked swing dancing with the ghost of Boss Tweed) is anyone jabbering into a cell phone.", "sentence2": "People have cell phones in New York.", "promptID": "2179_xnli.test", "pairID": "6536_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The young master's grey eyes skimmed it.", "sentence2": "The young man's green eyes never looked at it.", "promptID": "935_xnli.test", "pairID": "2805_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The law of trademarks, which fills more than two volumes of the Annotated U.S.", "sentence2": "There are no laws or regulations surrounding trademarks.", "promptID": "2393_xnli.test", "pairID": "7177_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And that's the wonderful tool of the IRT Education Programs--it lets children witness stories that teach them tools for everyday living and surviving.", "sentence2": "The IRT Education Programs help kids by giving them education and help with tuition.", "promptID": "1912_xnli.test", "pairID": "5735_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Binalshibh believes the disagreement arose in part from Jarrah's family visits.", "sentence2": "Family visits may have played a roll in the disagreement.", "promptID": "1749_xnli.test", "pairID": "5245_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Chinese cooking lands in Cuba, and Cuban-Chinese cuisine is invented.", "sentence2": "There is a mixture in Chinese and Cuban cuisines.", "promptID": "621_xnli.test", "pairID": "1863_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It might be argued that the writing should be phonemic, not phonetic, but phonemes change, too, though more slowly.", "sentence2": "Both types of words change over time, but at different rates.", "promptID": "2265_xnli.test", "pairID": "6793_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Looking to the future, about onethird of the responding agencies reported that they are considering further outsourcing of design review functions.", "sentence2": "Many agencies are considering outsourcing design review functions.", "promptID": "1404_xnli.test", "pairID": "4210_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ogle, said he, in a voice cold and sharp as steel, your station is on the gun-deck.", "sentence2": "He told Ogle that his station is on the gun-deck.", "promptID": "997_xnli.test", "pairID": "2990_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Indeed, this spreading is the first time step of the spreading of a purple avalanche of damage.", "sentence2": "This is the first part of damage to the rocks.", "promptID": "717_xnli.test", "pairID": "2149_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ye'll remember afterwards that it was your hardness drove me. She moved to depart, then checked, and faced him again.", "sentence2": "She quickly ran away from him, never to face him again.", "promptID": "986_xnli.test", "pairID": "2957_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Indeed, this spreading is the first time step of the spreading of a purple avalanche of damage.", "sentence2": "This is the last part of damage.", "promptID": "717_xnli.test", "pairID": "2151_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Last year, 17% of the Museum's operating budget came from loyal donors' contributions.", "sentence2": "Over half of the Museum's operating budget comes from donations every year.", "promptID": "1806_xnli.test", "pairID": "5417_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One initiative involved establishing strategic direction, guidelines, and standards for instituting electronic commerce in the state government.", "sentence2": "The initiative was intended to remove all state reliance on computer systems.", "promptID": "1371_xnli.test", "pairID": "4113_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Figure 4 shows the supply curve of workshare services.", "sentence2": "The workshare services have no demand at all.", "promptID": "1268_xnli.test", "pairID": "3803_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He was moved to raise his voice above its usual languid level.", "sentence2": "He lowered his voice to a whisper.", "promptID": "899_xnli.test", "pairID": "2695_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It's through her that we're in this trap, Ogle stormed on.", "sentence2": "Ogle thought that their ill condition was her fault.", "promptID": "772_xnli.test", "pairID": "2316_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They stressed that constant vigilance was needed to ensure that controls remained appropriate--addressing current risks and not unnecessarily hindering operations--and that individuals who used and maintained information systems complied with organizational policies.", "sentence2": "They said it was important to be vigilant..", "promptID": "1368_xnli.test", "pairID": "4103_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For the necessity of moving from need-to-know to need-to-share, see James Steinberg testimony, Oct. 14, 2003.", "sentence2": "The primary reason that information was previously need to know was the threat of rogue analysts leaking secrets.", "promptID": "1592_xnli.test", "pairID": "4776_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Indeed, this spreading is the first time step of the spreading of a purple avalanche of damage.", "sentence2": "This is the first part of damage.", "promptID": "717_xnli.test", "pairID": "2150_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "yeah have a nice summer", "sentence2": "Yes, have a pleasant summer.", "promptID": "298_xnli.test", "pairID": "894_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "i don't know though but i still think like out in the country when she said that i was like what", "sentence2": "I believe the new house is way out in the country, miles from anything.", "promptID": "423_xnli.test", "pairID": "1268_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Approximately 25% of the current Cathedral student body receives some amount of financial assistance.", "sentence2": "We don't give any students financial aid.", "promptID": "1917_xnli.test", "pairID": "5751_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The tone of the amendment remains deferential to the states' control of the electoral process, even for national office.", "sentence2": "The states never change the electoral process because they aren't allowed.", "promptID": "740_xnli.test", "pairID": "2219_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A new morpheme survives the novelty of its first innovation (like telethon for - athon ) because it turns out to be useful, almost as if by accident, and brings something new into the idiom.", "sentence2": "Every year over one hundred new word variations are added to the English language.", "promptID": "2292_xnli.test", "pairID": "6874_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Although Rock 'n' Roll was racing down the fast lane like a candy apple VETTE, FOREVER PLAID believed in their music.", "sentence2": "Only a few teenagers were still listening to Rock 'n' Roll.", "promptID": "1856_xnli.test", "pairID": "5566_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The museum is not strong on catalogues or labels", "sentence2": "The museum does not like being labelled.", "promptID": "1001_xnli.test", "pairID": "3001_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "With software, the agency is an independent, trusted body verifying that software comes from where it claims.", "sentence2": "The agency works as an independent body.", "promptID": "2125_xnli.test", "pairID": "6375_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Greenlee County, Ariz., public library illustrates the money and technology woes of rural institutions.", "sentence2": "Greenlee County has a public library.", "promptID": "2185_xnli.test", "pairID": "6553_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They stressed that constant vigilance was needed to ensure that controls remained appropriate--addressing current risks and not unnecessarily hindering operations--and that individuals who used and maintained information systems complied with organizational policies.", "sentence2": "It didn't matter if they all slacked off.", "promptID": "1368_xnli.test", "pairID": "4102_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Finally, one must be wary of elongation that carries with it a distinctly different meaning.", "sentence2": "The meaning may change when attempting to make a statement longer.", "promptID": "2274_xnli.test", "pairID": "6822_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "and let's see twenty years ago i guess we're were just beginning to get into what they were calling the uh the sex revolution where uh after the pill and uh uh", "sentence2": "The Pill was part of the Sex Revolution.", "promptID": "444_xnli.test", "pairID": "1331_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Rudolph Giuliani defends his handling of the Amadou Diallo shooting to Newsweek. [The New York Police Department] is not the KKK, he offers.", "sentence2": "Rudolph Giuliani apologized for how he handled the Amadou Diallo shooting.", "promptID": "2077_xnli.test", "pairID": "6230_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "To sing good fortune to come to those I fear for,", "sentence2": "I am afraid for some people because of the current climate.", "promptID": "2157_xnli.test", "pairID": "6470_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The arabesques and curlicues of the moldings and architectural ornaments in a French salon mirrored the flouncing ribbons that adorned the women's dresses and the frills of the men's shirts.", "sentence2": "The women's dresses had big long ribbons.", "promptID": "671_xnli.test", "pairID": "2011_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "yeah have a nice summer", "sentence2": "I hope you have a miserable summer break.", "promptID": "298_xnli.test", "pairID": "892_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Several floors of fire would have been beyond the fire-extinguishing capability of the forces that we had on hand.", "sentence2": "The whole building could have gone up in flames, and we would have been able to extinguish the fires.", "promptID": "1619_xnli.test", "pairID": "4855_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The festival is celebrated from three to four days, with several battles taking place to win back the Holy Cross.", "sentence2": "The festival is in Italy.", "promptID": "596_xnli.test", "pairID": "1787_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If possible, familiarize yourself with the plot in advance.", "sentence2": "Do not get into the plot in advance; it will spoil the fun later.", "promptID": "1021_xnli.test", "pairID": "3061_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The arguments the administration now makes about food stamps, of course, can easily be made about basic welfare--TANF--too.", "sentence2": "The administration is addressing the food stamp program.", "promptID": "2126_xnli.test", "pairID": "6377_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In his reminiscences of vaquero culture and of the impact Mexican Sonorans had on California, Rojas shows a side of Chicano culture not commonly known.", "sentence2": "Many Chicanos are descended from vaqueros.", "promptID": "553_xnli.test", "pairID": "1657_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In May or June, Clarke asked to be moved from his counterterrorism portfolio to a new set of responsibilities for cybersecurity.", "sentence2": "Clarke strongly objected to his reassignment to cyber security.", "promptID": "1679_xnli.test", "pairID": "5035_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": ".. Make our society better.", "sentence2": "We hope you will make our society a crime-free place.", "promptID": "1981_xnli.test", "pairID": "5943_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Much of the research on Quinceaeeras shows that families want to maintain a cultural historical tradition, and the celebration of a daughter's fifteenth birthday is a means of continuing cultural ties to a Latino heritage.", "sentence2": "Birthdays are almost always expensive.", "promptID": "535_xnli.test", "pairID": "1604_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But I can't forget that when I was no better than a slave in your uncle's household in Barbados, ye used me with a certain kindness.", "sentence2": "You treated me kindly when I was a slave in Barbados.", "promptID": "755_xnli.test", "pairID": "2263_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Heave her to, and signal to them to send a boat. A silence of astonishment fell upon the ship--of astonishment and suspicion at this sudden yielding.", "sentence2": "The entire crew on the ship was rather shocked at the yield.", "promptID": "937_xnli.test", "pairID": "2811_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So we are entering an entirely new domain.", "sentence2": "We are doing what we have always done.", "promptID": "643_xnli.test", "pairID": "1928_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Claiming to have been suspicious of the entire transaction, the administrator distanced himself from Hazmi and Mihdhar, but not before they had received the assistance they needed.", "sentence2": "The assistance consisted of cash and help procuring travel documents.", "promptID": "1528_xnli.test", "pairID": "4584_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Indeed, one of the interesting features of technology graphs is that they constitute the proper conceptual framework to consider process and product design simultaneously.", "sentence2": "Technology graphs don't tell you anything.", "promptID": "702_xnli.test", "pairID": "2106_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In my own I've done nothing at all that I am ashamed of, considering the provocation I received. Her glance faltered, and fell away before his own that was so intent.", "sentence2": "I've done nothing at all that I am ashamed of because I was heavily provoked.", "promptID": "816_xnli.test", "pairID": "2448_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Time foresees trouble for the SAT.", "sentence2": "The educational climate is changing so there will be issues with the SAT.", "promptID": "2210_xnli.test", "pairID": "6629_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Please do not slide on to our lapsed donor list.", "sentence2": "Our lapsed donor list is published for the world to see, so trust me, you don't want to be shamed like that!", "promptID": "1776_xnli.test", "pairID": "5327_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thus, once a pleasing motif has been discovered, the next least exerting is to reproduce it with a slight variation.", "sentence2": "It is easy to add carvings.", "promptID": "2472_xnli.test", "pairID": "7414_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The law of trademarks, which fills more than two volumes of the Annotated U.S.", "sentence2": "There are two volumes of laws concerning trademarks.", "promptID": "2393_xnli.test", "pairID": "7178_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I'll rot in hell or ever I serves the King, he bawled in a great rage.", "sentence2": "I might serve the king, but I won't be happy about it.", "promptID": "981_xnli.test", "pairID": "2941_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They imagine a dyadic conception of government'the individual pitted against the state.", "sentence2": "The imagined government dynamic was that of the people versus the state.", "promptID": "673_xnli.test", "pairID": "2019_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It was not a bicultural or binational position, but rather a position between cultures, a hanging in space position.", "sentence2": "The cultures shared some common practices and traditions.", "promptID": "628_xnli.test", "pairID": "1883_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Don't be forgetting that. Jeremy clenched his hands.", "sentence2": "Jeremy opened his hand, revealing his palms.", "promptID": "866_xnli.test", "pairID": "2597_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Today the old building hosts the Edinburgh Experience, a 20-minute, 3-D slide show charting the history of the city and bringing to life the Edinburgh of today (April-October only).", "sentence2": "The building does not have a slide show.", "promptID": "1042_xnli.test", "pairID": "3124_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "An entirely new legal order was yearning to work its way clear from the turmoil of the 1860s.", "sentence2": "By the 1870s all legal order had collapsed and the country was in complete anarchy.", "promptID": "522_xnli.test", "pairID": "1564_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Daniel Yamins is a brilliant young mathematician.", "sentence2": "Mr. Yamins's focus is algebraic geometry.", "promptID": "503_xnli.test", "pairID": "1508_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "By 1868 and the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment, we were perched on the threshold of a constitutional revolution.", "sentence2": "The constitution has always been very stable and never presented a real crisis.", "promptID": "559_xnli.test", "pairID": "1677_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Auld Alliance, a treaty of accord between France and Scotland, was born.", "sentence2": "The Auld Alliance between France and Scotland has been around for hundreds of years.", "promptID": "2473_xnli.test", "pairID": "7419_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And maybe it won't. Slow and mocking came Wolverstone's voice to answer the other's confident excitement, and as he spoke he advanced to Blood's side, an unexpected ally.", "sentence2": "Blood was the captain of a ship and Wolverstone was his best friend.", "promptID": "817_xnli.test", "pairID": "2449_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Others answered the question, but Keyes stuffed it.", "sentence2": "Keyes stuffed the question even though other people had answered it.", "promptID": "2156_xnli.test", "pairID": "6468_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We still have more than $200,000 left to raise from subscribers and donors such as yourself.", "sentence2": "We have reached our goal, going over $17,380!, thanks to people like yourself making donations.", "promptID": "1772_xnli.test", "pairID": "5315_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nor does democratization change the underlying reality of international geography.", "sentence2": "Democratization plays a big role in the shifting of the reality of international geography.", "promptID": "2108_xnli.test", "pairID": "6323_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "i don't know though but i still think like out in the country when she said that i was like what", "sentence2": "It's right in the middle of the city.", "promptID": "423_xnli.test", "pairID": "1269_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fiscal year 2000 was a tremendous year of accomplishment and achievement for GAO a a year of great service to the Congress and of great benefit to the American taxpayer.", "sentence2": "2000 was great for Congress.", "promptID": "1327_xnli.test", "pairID": "3980_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Congressional oversight for intelligence-and counterterrorism-is now dysfunctional.", "sentence2": "Congressional oversight for intelligence-and counterterrorism once worked effectively.", "promptID": "1643_xnli.test", "pairID": "4929_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "On returning to the United States, Hage was met at the airport by FBI agents, interrogated, and called the next day before the federal grand jury then investigating Bin Ladin.", "sentence2": "Hage was never interrogated by FBI agents.", "promptID": "1562_xnli.test", "pairID": "4686_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Even if the aircraft was on fire, why it, it would uh, burn and it would melt through a lead component for the radiation to leak out.", "sentence2": "The radiation would not leak out during a fire.", "promptID": "27_xnli.test", "pairID": "81_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The roadless Na Pali Coast on the heavenly north shore is one of the world's most challenging and majestic seaside hikes (see page 71).", "sentence2": "The Na Pali Coast is an ugly but easy hike.", "promptID": "1019_xnli.test", "pairID": "3056_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Talk-show guests these days often have had formal training in how to avoid answering questions, and every 3-year-old knows how to deliver a prepackaged sound bite.", "sentence2": "Talk-show guests know how to not answer questions.", "promptID": "2158_xnli.test", "pairID": "6474_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These open seats --Washington, Colorado, and North Dakota --coupled with the ousting of long-term Democrat Alan Dixon, have greatly increased our chances for victory.", "sentence2": "Alan Dixon was a state senator.", "promptID": "1971_xnli.test", "pairID": "5913_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Many of the young donors' parents are longtime political activists who know the rules.", "sentence2": "Parents support Republicans.", "promptID": "2164_xnli.test", "pairID": "6492_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Greenlee County, Ariz., public library illustrates the money and technology woes of rural institutions.", "sentence2": "Greenlee County is not located in the state of Arizona.", "promptID": "2185_xnli.test", "pairID": "6555_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "NEW ARRIVALS EVERY GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE!", "sentence2": "Every gift is recorded and announced in our monthly journal.", "promptID": "1782_xnli.test", "pairID": "5344_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "and it would also cause people to compact their garbage more uh and uh and limiting the volume is probably a little bit closer to the real problem than limiting the weight", "sentence2": "People need to consider both the volume and the weight of the garbage they are producing.", "promptID": "288_xnli.test", "pairID": "864_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For affected EGUs for 2010 and each year thereafter, the Administrator shall allocate mercury allowances under section 474, and conduct auctions of mercury allowances under section 409, in the amounts in Table A.", "sentence2": "There is no limit for mercury, because it's harmless.", "promptID": "1376_xnli.test", "pairID": "4126_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "So we are entering an entirely new domain.", "sentence2": "We are making a new product.", "promptID": "643_xnli.test", "pairID": "1929_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The deleteriously loaded term elaborate scheme popped into the hearings with Representative Jack Brooks' words, ..", "sentence2": "Jack Brooks is a politician from Nebraska.", "promptID": "2446_xnli.test", "pairID": "7337_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Finally, postal density appears to be a more important driver of unit street delivery costs than volume over the actual ranges in France and the U.S.", "sentence2": "Postal density has twice the impact of volume on delivery costs.", "promptID": "1334_xnli.test", "pairID": "4001_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Finally, I would like to address the issue of funding.", "sentence2": "I want to talk about funding.", "promptID": "1459_xnli.test", "pairID": "4375_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the meantime the Air Force bought the SR71, now the A-12, that we were working with the CIA.", "sentence2": "The Air Force bought planes.", "promptID": "166_xnli.test", "pairID": "497_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I realize fully what you did, and I realize that partly, at least, you may have been urged by consideration for myself.", "sentence2": "You might have considered me when you did what you did.", "promptID": "829_xnli.test", "pairID": "2487_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The New Republic 's Charles Lane says that News of a Kidnapping merely extends Gabriel Garcaa Marquez's record of dishonest journalism.", "sentence2": "Charles Lane is a reporter.", "promptID": "2034_xnli.test", "pairID": "6100_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "That'll cool Colonel Bishop's heat, maybe.", "sentence2": "Colonel Bishop is heated.", "promptID": "849_xnli.test", "pairID": "2547_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Intuitively, it seems unlikely that such a planet of nonliving complex entities could have arisen spontaneously since the big bang.", "sentence2": "The big bang caused planets to arise spontaneously.", "promptID": "642_xnli.test", "pairID": "1926_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The series also included Operation Infinite Resolve, a variety of proposed follow-on strikes on al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan.", "sentence2": "There were no plans available to follow up on targets in Afghanistan.", "promptID": "1596_xnli.test", "pairID": "4787_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The girl that can help me is all the way across town.", "sentence2": "The girl who is going to help me is 5 miles away.", "promptID": "19_xnli.test", "pairID": "56_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Even so, Paris recently created miles of cycling lanes that crisscross the entire city, making bicycling much safer (and more popular).", "sentence2": "It's much safer to cycle in Paris now compared to 10 years ago.", "promptID": "1095_xnli.test", "pairID": "3283_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "These open seats --Washington, Colorado, and North Dakota --coupled with the ousting of long-term Democrat Alan Dixon, have greatly increased our chances for victory.", "sentence2": "Alan Dixon is a Democrat politician.", "promptID": "1971_xnli.test", "pairID": "5911_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "An example of disruptions that could occur is provided by recent denialofservice attacks on popular websites.", "sentence2": "There has not been a denial of service attack recently.", "promptID": "1485_xnli.test", "pairID": "4455_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Keeping the integrationist faith are black liberals like Professors Henry Louis Gates and Cornel West. Joining them is black economist Glenn Loury, a conservative who broke ranks to endorse affirmative action as a necessary policy.", "sentence2": "Glenn Loury is a street sweeper.", "promptID": "2203_xnli.test", "pairID": "6608_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Heave her to, and signal to them to send a boat. A silence of astonishment fell upon the ship--of astonishment and suspicion at this sudden yielding.", "sentence2": "The crew was at war with the people they were yielding to.", "promptID": "937_xnli.test", "pairID": "2810_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Today the old building hosts the Edinburgh Experience, a 20-minute, 3-D slide show charting the history of the city and bringing to life the Edinburgh of today (April-October only).", "sentence2": "The building has a 3D slide show about the city's history.", "promptID": "1042_xnli.test", "pairID": "3126_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the struggle against terrorism these distinctions seem increasingly artificial.", "sentence2": "The struggle against terrorism is increasing.", "promptID": "1674_xnli.test", "pairID": "5021_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "You are making too much of this.", "sentence2": "You aren't making enough.", "promptID": "2238_xnli.test", "pairID": "6714_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "On top of all this, we have the unhappy fact that eloquent writing is indeed sometimes memorable, compounding the problem.", "sentence2": "Well written text is too expensive to produce in large quantities.", "promptID": "2283_xnli.test", "pairID": "6849_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The young master's grey eyes skimmed it.", "sentence2": "The young man looked at it.", "promptID": "935_xnli.test", "pairID": "2804_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "An example of disruptions that could occur is provided by recent denialofservice attacks on popular websites.", "sentence2": "Denial of service attacks cause disruptions.", "promptID": "1485_xnli.test", "pairID": "4453_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In his reminiscences of vaquero culture and of the impact Mexican Sonorans had on California, Rojas shows a side of Chicano culture not commonly known.", "sentence2": "Vaqueros and Mexican Sonorans have absolutely nothing to do with Chicano culture.", "promptID": "553_xnli.test", "pairID": "1659_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "How does a parent gain respect from a child who sees the other parent acting disrespectfully toward his or her spouse?", "sentence2": "How can a parent gain respect from their child if they are acting disrespectfully?", "promptID": "715_xnli.test", "pairID": "2143_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "61--Federal employees may be covered by social insurance programs such as Social Security62 and Medicare under the same terms and conditions as the rest of the covered population.", "sentence2": "The terms and conditions are different for Federal employees.", "promptID": "1444_xnli.test", "pairID": "4332_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But I can't forget that when I was no better than a slave in your uncle's household in Barbados, ye used me with a certain kindness.", "sentence2": "You were incredibly cruel to me, and treated me worse than dirt.", "promptID": "755_xnli.test", "pairID": "2264_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Protection of transportation, energy, emergency services, financial services, and communication systems is becoming increasingly important because they rely heavily on information technology.", "sentence2": "Financial services and communication systems are yet to join the information technology field.", "promptID": "1360_xnli.test", "pairID": "4078_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But I was in haste to land you.", "sentence2": "The person was in a hurry.", "promptID": "827_xnli.test", "pairID": "2480_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The festival is celebrated from three to four days, with several battles taking place to win back the Holy Cross.", "sentence2": "The festival is not religious.", "promptID": "596_xnli.test", "pairID": "1788_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} | |