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{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las esperanzas han aumentado, y también se han desvanecido, sobre los cítricos y la piña de las Bahamas.", "sentence2": "La fruta cítrica Bahameña fue solo un gran éxito, tal como todos habían predicho.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Otros consejeros se hicieron eco de esta preocupación.", "sentence2": "Diferentes asesores comparten esta preocupación.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "sí, es nuesto esto esto de arriba tenemos nuestras relaciones rurales que son muy malas", "sentence2": "Las conexiones de por aquí a veces están bien.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las expectativas racionales crecieron, en parte, a partir de un intento de comprender la negociación real en las bolsas de valores.", "sentence2": "La gente estaba tratando de aprender sobre las transacciones en las bolsas de valores.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No estás seguro de que has sido claro del lado de quién estás.", "sentence2": "No sabemos a quién apoyas en las elecciones.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sí, dijo Ogle, eso es verdad. Pero había algunos que todavía estaban en rebelión abierta y franca contra la línea de acción.", "sentence2": "A algunos no les gustó la idea del curso actual y la refutaron explícitamente.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La policía dijo que habían sentenciado a medio hermano y media hermana de JonBenet Ramsey como sospechosos de su asesinato, evidentemente porque ambos estaban fuera de la ciudad cuando se cometió el crimen.", "sentence2": "La hermanastra de Jon Benet Ramsey tiene una coartada sólida porque estaba fuera de la ciudad cuando se cometió el crimen.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La cooperación entre el programa y las divisiones de integridad es el medio por el cual se abordan los asuntos emergentes.", "sentence2": "Los grupos nunca se hablan el uno al otro.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y, oye, de hecho dejaron de visitar a la familia porque estaban decididos que iban a ser blancos.", "sentence2": "Dejaron de visitar a la familia cuando comenzaron las tensiones raciales.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sacando más provecho de las relaciones crispadas entre British Telecom y MCI, WorldCom pujó más alto que BT al ofrece 30 mil millones de dólares por MCI.", "sentence2": "BT ofreció 20.000 millones por MCT.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y, eh, si se elevase y siguiera elevándose, haría «güis» y como se te arrancara la cabeza.", "sentence2": "Si hay una oleada de electricidad, es muy peligroso para cualquiera que esté cerca.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lo que pienso de usted puede ser muy poco para usted, señor. Esto fue un golpe desarmado.", "sentence2": "Definitivamente deberías preocuparte por lo que pienso de ti.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El director aún no tiene una estrategia para quitar la información o compartir barreras y (más de dos años desde el 9/11) solo ha citado a un grupo de trabajo sobre el tema.", "sentence2": "El director no se creía que las barreras de intercambio de información se tuvieran que eliminar completamente.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los eurócratas de la Unión Europea tienen ideas valiosas, como persuadir a los gobiernos del continente para que hagan políticas de inmigración y ambientales armonizadas.", "sentence2": "No hay buenas ideas de los Eurocats.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sí, siempre dije que si moría, bien, siempre dije que si moría, volvería como perro que sería la mejor manera de ser", "sentence2": "Creo que la mayoría de las personas que mueren regresan bajo la forma de un animal.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las maravillosas conexiones que se forjan cada día son posibles gracias al apoyo de las operaciones de la Sociedad.", "sentence2": "La sociedad no tiene nada que ver con las personas.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "ajá, crees que estás eh eh decepcionado o contento con eh eh el trabajo de las noticias de las cadenas de televisión", "sentence2": "¿Estás contento con la cobertura de las noticias de la red?", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las disputas cogieron el tono de una lucha de clase.", "sentence2": "Se pelearon por el clima.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La escasez de trabajadores de TI capacitados en el entorno actual del mercado, suele ser una razón importante para que las organizaciones líderes externalicen estos servicios.", "sentence2": "No hay suficientes trabajadores de IT para cubrir los puestos de trabajo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No se deben pasar por alto los destellos de sabiduría.", "sentence2": "Los destellos de sabiduría no tienen ninguna importancia.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Aunque este planteamiento les resulte bastante razonable a los naturalistas, es uno de los planteamientos más controversiales para reconciliar la fe y la razón.", "sentence2": "La fe y la razón se pueden conciliar usando algunos enfoques controvertidos.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Durante este año fiscal y el siguiente, la escuela de derecho deberá absorber las reducciones según la apropiación estatal y unos mayores costes sanitarios, con un total de más de 400 000 $.", "sentence2": "La facultad de derecho fue el primer programa en sufrir recortes presupuestarios.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los cupones especiales se han entregado agresivamente en las playas durante el día, con la esperanza de atraer a la multitud más grande posible para la noche.", "sentence2": "Los cupones se entregan en la playa por la noche, esperando clientes el día siguiente.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así como Ross, Mehta lucha por expresar las virtudes inefables de William Shawn.", "sentence2": "Las virtudes inefables de William Shawn son difíciles de expresar para cualquiera.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Morrison se ha ganado el derecho a ser tan idiosincrático como, digamos, William Gaddis, Thomas Pynchon o William Faulkner.", "sentence2": "Morrison ha trabajado muy duro para ganarse el derecho de ser idiosincrásico.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Brendan Gill, el antiguo director ejecutivo del grupo Bexar County, dijo que desde entonces ve la fusión como un movimiento positivo para South Texas.", "sentence2": "A Brendan Gill le gusta la fusión", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al pasar por ellos, es posible que veas una vieja chimenea que se rompe sobre la línea de los árboles, una señal muy fuerte de que el pueblo alguna vez formó parte de una hacienda.", "sentence2": "La chimenea no es un indicador de que la aldea solía ser parte de una hacienda.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Espero que su señoría comience a percibir la locura de otorgar la comisión del Rey a un hombre como este, en contra de la opinión de todos mis consejeros.", "sentence2": "Aunque el señorío fue muy inteligente, su grave error de no escuchar mi consejo relatará el fin del reino.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Parte de los esfuerzos del Centro es atender directamente las necesidades de las comunidades capacitando a las personas que son responsables de mantener la filantropía en las bases.", "sentence2": "El centro se enfoca en ayudar a otros continentes.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Necesitamos estos recursos adicionales para continuar nuestros esfuerzos para fortalecer aún más la GAO y ser una organización modelo para el resto del gobierno federal y las organizaciones responsables de rendir cuentas en todo el mundo.", "sentence2": "Queremos hacer GAO más fuerte.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "sí, es nuesto esto esto de arriba tenemos nuestras relaciones rurales que son muy malas", "sentence2": "Tenemos las mejores conexiones de la zona.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es el deber de un CIO gestionar las expectativas y ayudar a asegurar que todos los miembros de una organización CIO comprenda con claridad sus responsabilidades.", "sentence2": "El CIO debe comunicarse frecuentemente con los miembros para delinear sus responsabilidades.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los sistemas de recursos humanos se consolidaron y las nuevas estructuras corporativas se definieron con rapidez para asegurar un apoyo continuo hacia la base de clientes ampliada.", "sentence2": "Los sistemas de recursos humanos ampliaron sus horizontes más allá del estado previo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No estás seguro de que has sido claro del lado de quién estás.", "sentence2": "No sabemos a quién apoyas.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Limpia las palabras en su fragmento, también.", "sentence2": "También elimina palabras cuando pasa.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Brendan Gill, el antiguo director ejecutivo del grupo Bexar County, dijo que desde entonces ve la fusión como un movimiento positivo para South Texas.", "sentence2": "A Brendan Gill no le gusta la fusión.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Este es el sustento legal del abrazo nostálgico del Juez Anthony Kennedy a los derechos de los estados.", "sentence2": "Kennedy apoya los derechos federales.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El movimiento islámico, que nació sobre 1940, es un producto del mundo moderno, influenciado por conceptos marxistas-leninistas sobre organización revolucionaria.", "sentence2": "Los conceptos marxistas-leninistas se incorporaron al movimiento islamista.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La relación entre derechos y libertad se da la vuelta de esta manera.", "sentence2": "Los derechos y la libertad no están conectados en absoluto.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Y quién diablos eres? dijo él al final.", "sentence2": "La persona era en realidad el mismo diablo.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En los últimos años del siglo XIX se habló mucho de la palabra", "sentence2": "La palabra fue abandonada y olvidada antes de acabar el siglo XIX.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por el contrario, el impacto del volumen es mayor en los EE. UU. que en Francia porque los EE. UU. tienen densidades postales más bajas y una mayor variación en los volúmenes.", "sentence2": "El impacto en Francia está aumentando.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡Tranquilo, viejo lobo! ¡Tranquilo! El capitán Sangre lo amonestó.", "sentence2": "Como tiene experiencia, el capitán Blood ayudó a levantar la moral entre los miembros de su tripulación.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al estallar la guerra, la reputación de Canadá de recibir inmigrantes y refugiados de todo el mundo se vio empañada por el bloqueo de comunistas y judíos de la Alemania de Hitler.", "sentence2": "Canadá era conocido por dar la bienvenida a inmigrantes y refugiados.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El espíritu de liberalismo prevaleciente en Europa tardó en llegar a España.", "sentence2": "El liberalismo llegó a España en los años 20.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El martes, Bush advirtió: Con demasiada frecuencia, en asuntos sociales, mi partido ha pintado una imagen de Estados Unidos inclinándose hacia Gomorra.", "sentence2": "Bush advirtió en un día de la semana que su partido a menudo generaba una imagen sobre cuestiones sociales.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Solo a unas manzanas en la trasera del Malecen hay una creciente cantidad de clubes únicos con un toque más urbano.", "sentence2": "La colección está creciendo, pero no tan rápido como el año pasado.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ahora quiere proponer, piscinas y toboganes, y \"pa\" cuando llegue enero temblaremos como flanes.", "sentence2": "No quiere proponer piscinas y toboganes.", "promptID": "114_esxnli", "pairID": "341_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para conseguirlo se cuenta con un equipo profesional que se encarga de la alimentación y hace de ella una clave dentro del tratamiento integral de la enfermedad.", "sentence2": "La alimentación no es un pilar fundamental para el tratamiento integral de la enfermedad propuesto por el equipo profesional.", "promptID": "476_esxnli", "pairID": "1426_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La politica nacional misma, se sirve de unas leyes permisivas y una Policía cada vez más inmadura e indisciplinada.", "sentence2": "La policía antes era mas madura y disciplinada.", "promptID": "107_esxnli", "pairID": "321_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La fuerza del inconsciente revelada por el psicoanálisis y el \"caótico\" comportamiento de la materia subatómica abierto a infinidad de probabilidades.", "sentence2": "El carácter \"caótico\" del comportamiento de la materia subatómica reduce sus posibles interpretaciones", "promptID": "589_esxnli", "pairID": "1765_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y también entiendo la angustia de muchos ciudadanos aplastados por la crisis, a ellos presento mi pesar por no ser capaz de protegerles mejor, aunque seguiré haciendo todo lo que sea capaz.", "sentence2": "Creo que a partir de ahora sabré protegerles mejor.", "promptID": "331_esxnli", "pairID": "992_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es la lengua dinámica del emigrante niño que escucha hablar en su casa el español, y en la calle el inglés, y entonces lo que va a dar a la escritura literaria es una mixtura, una amalgama verbal que significa la creación de un nuevo lenguaje que no hace sino reflejar la experiencia diaria, que es una experiencia oral transmutada en experiencia escrita, y que, por tanto, no puede dejar de ser literaria.", "sentence2": "El emigrante niño no es capaz de aprender ni el español ni el inglés.", "promptID": "547_esxnli", "pairID": "1641_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No hablar así de claro es manipular.", "sentence2": "Si no se habla claro se acaba manipulando", "promptID": "175_esxnli", "pairID": "524_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La limpieza resulta mucho más sencilla y profunda y la sensación que provoca es la de una gran amplitud.", "sentence2": "Cuando más sencilla y profunda sea la limpieza, más amplitud provoca.", "promptID": "738_esxnli", "pairID": "2213_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, la presencia que más revuelo causó durante estas primeras jornadas del Rocío fue la de Carmen Martínez-Bordiu que, visiblemente relajada y feliz, estuvo acompañada por su hijo José Ramón y su esposa, Marisa, así como de sus mejores amigos, entre ellos Los del Río y Roberto Federici, con quien Carmen finalizó su relación en noviembre del año pasado.", "sentence2": "La presencia de varias personas causó revuelo, en especial la de Carmen Martínez-Bordiu.", "promptID": "794_esxnli", "pairID": "2380_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La idea de hacer el trabajo fue de Joan Costa, porque encajaba perfectamente con el máster que estábamos haciendo, y aunque el origen de la crisis estaba en Reino Unido, y hacer el trabajo era como recordárselo, son muy abiertos.", "sentence2": "El máster estaban realizando en Reino Unido.", "promptID": "378_esxnli", "pairID": "1134_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero la obligación de atajarla y evitar que la metástasis nos alcance a todos es de todos.", "sentence2": "La metástasis es perjudicial.", "promptID": "610_esxnli", "pairID": "1829_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Única salida a la crisis actual.", "sentence2": "La crisis actual tiene salida", "promptID": "293_esxnli", "pairID": "879_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El fallo dictado de forma firme por Laureano Martínez, titular del Juzgado de lo Penal 2 de Almería, impone a Amizian como autor de un delito contra la seguridad del tráfico una multa a razón de doce euros al día durante medio año, así como la privación del permiso de conducir vehículos a motor y ciclomotores durante un año y un día.", "sentence2": "El fallo dictado de forma firme contra Amizian puede ser recurrido.", "promptID": "44_esxnli", "pairID": "132_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La crisis mundial también ha llegado a los ex millonarios de Estados Unidos, quienes viven una particular lucha por mantenerse al día con los pagos de la hipoteca.", "sentence2": "Los ex millonarios de Estados Unidos no se han visto afectados por la crisis mundial hasta hace 5 años", "promptID": "817_esxnli", "pairID": "2449_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En el caso de cobertura de puesto de trabajo en los periodos de selección, la duración del contrato coincidirá con el tiempo que dure la selección o promoción, con un máximo de tres meses.", "sentence2": "Se perderán muchos puestos de trabajo.", "promptID": "335_esxnli", "pairID": "1004_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así, el avance de liquidación que baraja oficialmente el Gobierno para el cierre de 2008 todavía no dispone de datos definitivos- refleja unos ingresos estimados por el Impuesto de Sociedades que pagan todas las empresas españolas en un año, de 35.445 millones.", "sentence2": "Los ingresos por el Impuesto de Sociedades son similares a los del año pasado.", "promptID": "284_esxnli", "pairID": "851_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El plástico del que están hechos los catéteres, por ejemplo, es sólido a 20 grados pero a los 37 grados habituales a que está el organismo se vuelve flexible y permite así navegar por el sistema circulatorio.", "sentence2": "El cateterismo es una prueba para diagnósticos coronarios.", "promptID": "451_esxnli", "pairID": "1352_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una prioridad es fortalecer la cooperación con nuestros colegas rusos en esa área, incluidos la investigación científica, intercambios de técnicas, procesamiento de alimentos, así como producción agrícola, dijo Sui.", "sentence2": "Los rusos saben mucho sobre ciencia y teconología.", "promptID": "444_esxnli", "pairID": "1332_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "BIen, dejémoslo en premio.", "sentence2": "El premio ha quedado desierto.", "promptID": "633_esxnli", "pairID": "1899_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Mejor hechamos a la mitad a la calle, y que se maten entre ellos.", "sentence2": "Va a haber una carnicería.", "promptID": "229_esxnli", "pairID": "687_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No hablar así de claro es manipular.", "sentence2": "Hablando claro se manipula", "promptID": "175_esxnli", "pairID": "525_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las pretensiones de tener más que tu vecino no se verían mermadas, solo que su crecimiento fuese controlado dentro de una legalidad y una tributación acorde con la cantidad de riqueza acumulada.", "sentence2": "El crecimiento para tener mas que tu vecino tiene que ser ilegal.", "promptID": "291_esxnli", "pairID": "873_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algunos piensan que Calderón es un valiente, que ya era de luchar contra esa lacra social; otros creen que el presidente mexicano cometió un error, que lo mejor hubiera sido seguir haciendo de la vista gorda.", "sentence2": "Claderón fue muy valiente luchando contra esa lacra.", "promptID": "560_esxnli", "pairID": "1678_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es lo que se llama reassortment: se barajan los segmentos como si se barajaran cartas, y siempre acaba apareciendo una mutación que tiene más éxito y se replica más.", "sentence2": "Las mutaciones son siempre necesarias", "promptID": "373_esxnli", "pairID": "1119_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La idea de hacer el trabajo fue de Joan Costa, porque encajaba perfectamente con el máster que estábamos haciendo, y aunque el origen de la crisis estaba en Reino Unido, y hacer el trabajo era como recordárselo, son muy abiertos.", "sentence2": "La idea de hacer el trabajo fue de Pedro Sanchez.", "promptID": "378_esxnli", "pairID": "1133_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Corbacho lo tiene que saber, pero es maquillaje estadístico del más burdo.", "sentence2": "Los datos estadisticos maqullados son sobre los nuevos casos del coronavirus.", "promptID": "322_esxnli", "pairID": "966_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estas proporciones suponen un leve incremento con lo ocurrido en ejercicios anteriores.", "sentence2": "Ha habido una mejora.", "promptID": "462_esxnli", "pairID": "1384_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estaba seguro de que maquillarían la cifra para dejarla justo por debajo de los 100.000.", "sentence2": "Las negociaciones para decidir la cifra fueron rápidas.", "promptID": "215_esxnli", "pairID": "645_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para conseguirlo se cuenta con un equipo profesional que se encarga de la alimentación y hace de ella una clave dentro del tratamiento integral de la enfermedad.", "sentence2": "La alimentación es clave para el tratamiento integral de la enfermedad.", "promptID": "476_esxnli", "pairID": "1427_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El principal buscador de Internet puede crear un desafío para los proveedores de servicios inalámbricos como Sprint y Verizon, así como para los fabricantes de teléfonos inteligentes como Apple.", "sentence2": "Los proveedores de servicios inalámbricos y fabricantes de teléfonos inteligentes pueden tener un nuevo desafió.", "promptID": "122_esxnli", "pairID": "366_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Creo que tenemos la prueba más palpable de la patética provocación en la que ha acabado determinado tipo de actividad considerada arte.", "sentence2": "Las expresiones consideradas artísticas nunca se califican como provocativas.", "promptID": "519_esxnli", "pairID": "1557_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por este motivo, jamás podía recomendarse el uso del preservativo; ya que, de haber sido así, se hubiese estando impulsando a caer aún más en el aberrante vicio de la fornicación; mismo que podría estarlo practicando tanto la persona soltera como casada, e, incluso, cualquiera de los dos miembros de la pareja de esposos, y sin que hubieran tenido que caer necesariamente en la falta del adulterio.", "sentence2": "Los preservativos reducen el adulterio.", "promptID": "24_esxnli", "pairID": "71_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Oksana y Mel no sólo esperan con ilusión el lanzamiento del álbum, sino también la llegada de su primer hijo en común.", "sentence2": "Oksana y Mel no lanzarán ningún álbum", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2138_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sea cual sea la vía elegida, se necesitará por parte del denunciante, una denuncia firmada con sus datos personales y los datos del establecimiento que se quiere denunciar (dirección y ciudad donde se encuentra).", "sentence2": "Existe una única vía para interponer una denuncia", "promptID": "386_esxnli", "pairID": "1158_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Zlatan sabe defender la pelota, asegura.", "sentence2": "Zlatan sabe regatear.", "promptID": "38_esxnli", "pairID": "113_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Bienvenido de nuevo al gran circo Kimi, la F1 necesita a grandes pilotos y Kimi lo es, puede ir muy rápido y a poco que el Lotus funcione Kimi estará ahí dando guerra.", "sentence2": "Kimi es una apuesta segura como piloto para la F1 a poco que el coche rinda.", "promptID": "31_esxnli", "pairID": "92_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Eres muy sociable y muy abierta con los fans.", "sentence2": "Ignoras a tus fans.", "promptID": "16_esxnli", "pairID": "48_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A ver si nos tenemos que poner todos en huelga hasta cobrar lo que queramos.", "sentence2": "La huelga es el método de lucha más eficaz para conseguir mejoras en el salario.", "promptID": "1_esxnli", "pairID": "1_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La eficacia policial, la presión judicial y la movilización política y social habían empujado a la banda al borde del abismo de la desaparición, y sin contrapartidas de ninguna clase.", "sentence2": "La sociedad no hizo ninguna presión para que la banda desapareciera.", "promptID": "631_esxnli", "pairID": "1892_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estos que se hacen llamar periodistas se creen que hacen una labor social y lo único que hacen es embrutecer a la gente con su mierda de información de cotillas de patio.", "sentence2": "Los periodistas divulgan información veraz y contrastada, gracias a lo cual hacen una gran labor social.", "promptID": "4_esxnli", "pairID": "11_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es lo que se llama reassortment: se barajan los segmentos como si se barajaran cartas, y siempre acaba apareciendo una mutación que tiene más éxito y se replica más.", "sentence2": "Nunca hay una mutación que se replica más que el resto", "promptID": "373_esxnli", "pairID": "1117_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "También se puede crear una doble pared, instalando placas de pladur y rellenando la cámara con materiales aislantes.", "sentence2": "Existe una amplia gama de materiales aislantes", "promptID": "428_esxnli", "pairID": "1282_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero abalconado, con sus calles abiertas al mar y sus coloristas casas de pescadores, es difícil de olvidar.", "sentence2": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero queda grabada en la memoria.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2473_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Única salida a la crisis actual.", "sentence2": "En la actualidad hay crisis", "promptID": "293_esxnli", "pairID": "877_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El objetivo del plan de menús de táper es ofrecer a quienes pasan todo el día fuera de casa una oportunidad de alimentarse de manera sana y equilibrada, de manera que puedan comer en la oficina o en el lugar de trabajo una comida lo más parecida posible a la que tomarían en su propia vivienda.", "sentence2": "El menú de táper incluye dos platos, postre y pan.", "promptID": "437_esxnli", "pairID": "1311_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En general, hay un clima de inseguridad, de desconfianza económica general, que se palpa, por supuesto, en el mercado inmobiliario.", "sentence2": "El mercado inmobiliario está sufriendo las consecuencias del clima de inseguridad y de desconfianza económica general.", "promptID": "384_esxnli", "pairID": "1150_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es un camino muy largo y se pasa mal, pero se sale.", "sentence2": "Es duro pero se puede lograr.", "promptID": "35_esxnli", "pairID": "104_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Así, el avance de liquidación que baraja oficialmente el Gobierno para el cierre de 2008 todavía no dispone de datos definitivos- refleja unos ingresos estimados por el Impuesto de Sociedades que pagan todas las empresas españolas en un año, de 35.445 millones.", "sentence2": "Se espera que los Impuestos de Sociedades asciendan a 35.445 millones.", "promptID": "284_esxnli", "pairID": "850_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El paso del tiempo es abrasador y va corroyendo el ánimo de la gente; muchos se irán (o ya se han ido) y al final se harán cargo del movimiento los grupos habituales de la sociedad alternativa, como los okupas y demás.", "sentence2": "El paso del tiempo no hace más que activar el ánimo de la gente para seguir trabajando en los distintos movimientos.", "promptID": "515_esxnli", "pairID": "1543_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero lo peor es que así como en economía destruir tejido industrial sanea y revitaliza, en lo que se refiere a uso de recursos energéticos destruir tejido industrial, infraestructuras y medios de transporte no ayuda en nada.", "sentence2": "Destruir tejido industrial perjudica la economía", "promptID": "198_esxnli", "pairID": "594_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando alguien intenta investigar esas redes el virus reacciona y carga contra el ordenador del experto en seguridad.", "sentence2": "El experto en seguridad usa antivirus.", "promptID": "157_esxnli", "pairID": "470_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estaba seguro de que maquillarían la cifra para dejarla justo por debajo de los 100.000.", "sentence2": "La cifra se quedó por debajo de los 100.000.", "promptID": "215_esxnli", "pairID": "643_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay fuertes rumores de separación, ya aparecidos en diversos medios, pero nada de eso es 100% seguro.", "sentence2": "Se ha publicado una foto en la que se ve a la pareja discutiendo en la puerta de un bar", "promptID": "797_esxnli", "pairID": "2389_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este retroceso de los precios tiene que ver con la estrategia lanzada por los vendedores estadounidenses para deshacerse de sus inmuebles.", "sentence2": "El retroceso de los precios de los inmuebles tiene que ver con la subida del oro", "promptID": "183_esxnli", "pairID": "549_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Me he quedado pillado.", "sentence2": "No puedo avanzar.", "promptID": "283_esxnli", "pairID": "848_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sus pasos son seguidos muy de cerca por decenas de fotógrafos que conscientes de su popularidad la persiguen sin descanso.", "sentence2": "Los medios no le hacen caso.", "promptID": "822_esxnli", "pairID": "2466_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A estos ya les cerraron el chiringuito en la COPE y por eso montaron Esradio.", "sentence2": "La COPE y Esradio tienen una relación tormentosa.", "promptID": "195_esxnli", "pairID": "584_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si estáis explotados o en el paro a joderse, no haber nacido clase trabajadora.", "sentence2": "No estais explotados ni en paro", "promptID": "282_esxnli", "pairID": "844_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta nueva ética tiene para el orden establecido la ventaja de ser perfectamente inoperante, pues, de hecho, nada amenaza la relación social de fuerzas que hace inevitable el despilfarro de recursos, y degradación de la naturaleza.", "sentence2": "La relación social de fuerzas sigue intacta tras la nueva ética para el orden.", "promptID": "524_esxnli", "pairID": "1570_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La filosofía interpela así a la ciencia, pero con ello interpela asimismo a todos los que nos hallamos inmersos, más o menos pasivamente, en un mundo que es en gran parte fruto de la ciencia y de los modos de la tecnología que son retoños de la ciencia.", "sentence2": "La ciencia y la tecnología no se interrelacionan de ninguna manera", "promptID": "559_esxnli", "pairID": "1676_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Detecta \"signos de estancamiento\" en la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en los mismos espacios que la población general, aunque reconoce \"evidencias de una mejora\" en los últimos años.", "sentence2": "No hay mejoras en el progreso de la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en los mismos espacios que la población general.", "promptID": "431_esxnli", "pairID": "1291_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las búsquedas en las bases de datos fácilmente disponibles podrían haber desenterrado las licencias de conducir, las matrículas de coches y la lista de teléfonos.", "sentence2": "No hubo forma de encontrar información sobre los sospechosos utilizando las fuentes existentes.", "promptID": "1527_xnli.test", "pairID": "4581_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sí, personas que podrían estar en el trabajo en cualquier momento o cuyas decisiones podrían nublarse si tuvieran que tomar una decisión.", "sentence2": "Sí, gente que quizás no sea capaz de tomar las mejores decisiones.", "promptID": "262_xnli.test", "pairID": "784_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero también existe una intensa competencia entre las facultades de derecho para atraer a los mejores y más brillantes estudiantes.", "sentence2": "Las escuelas de Derecho quieren a los mejores estudiantes.", "promptID": "1803_xnli.test", "pairID": "5409_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estas soluciones necesitarán abordar tanto los tipos de intervenciones que encajen mejor con cada ED y centro médico como los problemas específicos del paciente.", "sentence2": "Hay varios tipos de intervenciones que pueden ajustarse a cada ED.", "promptID": "1342_xnli.test", "pairID": "4026_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "oh sí sí es un lugar estupendo para visitarlo sí, es un sí de verdad", "sentence2": "¡Es un vertedero y odio ir allí!", "promptID": "437_xnli.test", "pairID": "1311_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, una de las organizaciones que analizamos, experimentó dos fusiones que requirieron que la compañía integrara rápidamente las nuevas empresas y se reestructurara para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades comerciales.", "sentence2": "A pesar de que hubo dos fusiones, no hubo necesidad de que la compañía sufriera una reestructuración en la jerarquía de su compañía.", "promptID": "1274_xnli.test", "pairID": "3820_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "conseguiremos la meta.", "sentence2": "Llegaremos al objetivo de 2 millones de dólares.", "promptID": "1811_xnli.test", "pairID": "5433_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero también existe una intensa competencia entre las facultades de derecho para atraer a los mejores y más brillantes estudiantes.", "sentence2": "Las escuelas de derecho no se preocupan sobre el calibre de los estudiantes, solo quieren dinero.", "promptID": "1803_xnli.test", "pairID": "5407_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No contento con deshonrar moralmente a Clinton, sus adversarios trataron de inflar su encubrimiento del caso Lewinsky en crímenes y delitos imputables.", "sentence2": "Clinton le fue completamente fiel a su mujer durante su largo matrimonio.", "promptID": "2049_xnli.test", "pairID": "6145_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando esto ocurre, el fondo sacrifica intereses de los valores del Tesoro sobre sus equilibrios invertidos y en cambio recibe el interés del fondo que toma prestado sobre la cantidad del préstamo.", "sentence2": "En algunos casos, el fondo de préstamos no obtiene todo el interés.", "promptID": "1348_xnli.test", "pairID": "4043_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Un túnel de entrada con un cuarto de cocina a un lado y cuartos de almacenamiento en el otro, conduce a la sala de estar principal.", "sentence2": "La sala de estar sube unas escaleras en el ático.", "promptID": "1155_xnli.test", "pairID": "3465_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, incluso en los últimos años en negro de USA Today, el periódico ha sido un imán para los estándares negativos de los medios de comunicación.", "sentence2": "USA Today ha perdido dinero cada año recientemente, pero todavía se piensa en positivo.", "promptID": "2052_xnli.test", "pairID": "6156_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "[Se debe decir con total franqueza que el Sr. Room escribió tan pronto como se dió cuenta de su desliz al considerar Bummel un río.", "sentence2": "Bummel en realidad no es un río en absoluto.", "promptID": "2294_xnli.test", "pairID": "6882_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En consecuencia, las agencias federales deben volver a evaluar sus prácticas de capital humano para garantizar que los profesionales financieros federales estén equipados para enfrentar estos nuevos desafíos y respaldar la misión y los objetivos de sus agencias.", "sentence2": "Las agencias federales han estado haciendo cosas ilícitas.", "promptID": "1379_xnli.test", "pairID": "4135_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay nacionalidades y grupos etnícos tan seguros, tan satisfechos consigo mísmos que, o bien rebotan los epítetos étnicos como piedras sobre un elefante o las toman como divertidos o incluso decorativos.", "sentence2": "Algunos grupos étnicos están realmente orgullosos porque ellos ganan todas las guerras.", "promptID": "2347_xnli.test", "pairID": "7040_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "el arte de exprimir subvenciones es una forma de mendicidad en la que los participantes van bien muy bien vestidos.", "sentence2": "Los mendigos bien vestidos a veces se llaman benedictinos.", "promptID": "2369_xnli.test", "pairID": "7107_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Aparte de las piezas fijas, la mayor parte de la música es de percusión y sirve de apoyo y refleja la acción y el estado de humor.", "sentence2": "Gran parte de la música son tambores.", "promptID": "1085_xnli.test", "pairID": "3253_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "72: Y como indiqué en el capítulo 2, la mezcla entre la calidez y las expectativas de un comportamiento maduro que conforman la crianza autoritaria de los hijos, también está ligada a la interacción hábil de los compañeros.", "sentence2": "La paternidad autoritaria está vinculada a la interacción inadaptada con los compañeros.", "promptID": "700_xnli.test", "pairID": "2099_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Daniel Yamins es un joven matemático brillante.", "sentence2": "El Sr. Yamins es excelente en matemáticas.", "promptID": "503_xnli.test", "pairID": "1507_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Había claramente una vaga amenaza, un espíritu de motín que no podía entender.", "sentence2": "Entendió muy claramente la amenaza que tenía frente a él.", "promptID": "865_xnli.test", "pairID": "2594_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para informarse, llame al (213) 623-2489 los días de labor entre las 9 a. m. y las 5 p. m.", "sentence2": "La línea telefónica está abierta todos los días, las 24 horas.", "promptID": "1171_xnli.test", "pairID": "3513_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta carta es para informarle de que aún necesitamos su ayuda para continuar con nuestro récord de gestión fiscal sólida, producciones teatrales vibrantes y programas educativos sobresalientes.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos más de $10.000 más para producir El Rey León.", "promptID": "1919_xnli.test", "pairID": "5756_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Nuestros encuestados más agresivos, entusiasmados con clavarse enteros repertorios de obras de una sola vez, ignoraron los libros y fueron directo a por los autores.", "sentence2": "La gente que respondió no leía libros.", "promptID": "2142_xnli.test", "pairID": "6425_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los ingresos por boletos no empiezan a cubrir el costo de estos programas.", "sentence2": "El ingreso del billete definitivamente cubrirá el costo de estos programas.", "promptID": "1788_xnli.test", "pairID": "5364_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los objetivos pueden parecer abstractos al hogar medio, una economía mayor influye claramente en el ahorro personal a través de planes de pensiones tradicionales con las prestaciones definidas.", "sentence2": "Un incremento en la riqueza no tiene ningún efecto en los ahorros personales a través de los planes de pensiones tradicionales de beneficio definido.", "promptID": "1449_xnli.test", "pairID": "4346_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los padres que entregan la alabanza no basada en el verdadero logro en realidad minan el desarrollo de su hijo.", "sentence2": "El desarrollo de los niños es minado por los padres que los elogian por cosas que ellos no hicieron.", "promptID": "690_xnli.test", "pairID": "2069_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los sondios distrajeron al capitán Blood de sus pensamientos descontentos.", "sentence2": "Los gritos del cachorro sacudieron al capitán de sus reflexiones.", "promptID": "753_xnli.test", "pairID": "2259_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por tanto, debo decirte por qué el Center on Philanthropy también merece tu apoyo.", "sentence2": "Lamento informarle que el Centro de Filantropía no necesita ningún tipo de apoyo en este momento.", "promptID": "1916_xnli.test", "pairID": "5748_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Desde el aire podrá ver que Sarawak cuenta con el río más largo del país, el Rejang, que fluye 563 km (351 millas) desde las montañas en la frontera de Indonesia hasta el Mar del Sur de China.", "sentence2": "El rejan es solo un pequeño charco.", "promptID": "1154_xnli.test", "pairID": "3462_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La sabiduría convencional sobre el género musical conocido como Ragtime continúa fluctuando.", "sentence2": "Los jóvenes no saben nada sobre el musical Ragtime.", "promptID": "2093_xnli.test", "pairID": "6279_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La editorial universitaria más grande y antigua del mundo, la de Oxford, acaba de anunciar la cancelación de su lista de poesía.", "sentence2": "La universidad de prestigio no tiene los fondos para mantener activa la lista de poesía.", "promptID": "2015_xnli.test", "pairID": "6044_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay tanto que se puede decir sobre eso, que sencillamente me voy a saltar eso.", "sentence2": "¡Quiero contarte todo lo que sé sobre eso!", "promptID": "5_xnli.test", "pairID": "13_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "96 Y los padres y entrenadores que critican en lugar de alentar y no permiten que los jugadores se olviden de la derrota, provocan ansiedad intensa en algunos jóvenes.", "sentence2": "Algunos entrenadores causan ansiedad.", "promptID": "666_xnli.test", "pairID": "1998_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es ampliamente conocido que el ahorro de los ingresos actuales es la forma de acumular activos y amortizar el endeudamiento en el pasado, aumentando así el patrimonio neto.", "sentence2": "Está demostrado que ahorrar ahora es la mejor forma de acumular activos.", "promptID": "1447_xnli.test", "pairID": "4339_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Varios de ellos podrían haber sido creados por prisioneros cuyo vocabulario era demasiado pobre como para adaptar los conceptos, eventos o situaciones nombradas.", "sentence2": "Los prisioneros los crearon.", "promptID": "2490_xnli.test", "pairID": "7469_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las metáforas animales originales son prácticamente destruídas con palabras que no hacen referencia a animales.", "sentence2": "Las metáforas animales son abundantes.", "promptID": "2288_xnli.test", "pairID": "6864_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las congelaciones de activos a nivel mundial no se han aplicado adecuadamente y se han eludido fácilmente, a menudo en cuestión de semanas, mediante métodos simples.", "sentence2": "A veces las personas consiguen evitar la congelación de activos en todo el mundo.", "promptID": "1567_xnli.test", "pairID": "4700_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El pobre sustantivo explotado era incluso usado cuando ni él ni ninguna otra alternativa era necesaria.", "sentence2": "La gente lucha para encontrar un nombre alternativo.", "promptID": "2282_xnli.test", "pairID": "6844_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al medir la efectividad, la perfección es inalcanzable.", "sentence2": "Nunca puedes ser perfecto.", "promptID": "1501_xnli.test", "pairID": "4502_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al ser una institución que fomenta la educación y el aprendizaje mediante la conexión de las personas con la naturaleza que las rodea, la Sociedad se prepara activamente para el éxito continuo en el futuro.", "sentence2": "La Sociedad promueve obtener conocimiento de múltiples maneras.", "promptID": "1796_xnli.test", "pairID": "5388_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta carta es para hacerle saber que, si bien hemos tenido algo de éxito esta temporada, aún necesitamos su ayuda para continuar con nuestro récord de sólida gestión fiscal y vibrantes producciones teatrales.", "sentence2": "Tenemos toda la ayuda que necesitamos.", "promptID": "1881_xnli.test", "pairID": "5641_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La conglomeración de los medios funciona en ciclos, así que el pescado que actualmente está avanzado por las entrañas de los reyes de los medios podría no permanecer allí por demasiado tiempo.", "sentence2": "El conglomerado de medios implica múltiples pasos.", "promptID": "2242_xnli.test", "pairID": "6724_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "sabes, todos mis hijos son geniales, muy buenos, y creo que no, aprende de los niños mayores también, pero", "sentence2": "Ha aprendido de los otros niños mayores pero toda mi descendencia eclipsa.", "promptID": "287_xnli.test", "pairID": "859_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando esta técnica funciona, obtienes una historia poderosa, aunque una cuyo tema no se revela hasta alrededor del tercer párrafo.", "sentence2": "Esta técnica de escritura de cuentos es concisa y está limitada a dos párrafos.", "promptID": "2053_xnli.test", "pairID": "6157_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me estoy encargando de lo mismo.", "sentence2": "Cubro completamente el material nuevo.", "promptID": "85_xnli.test", "pairID": "253_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero no puedo olvidar que, cuando no era mejor que un esclavo en la casa de tu tío en Barbados, me utilizaste con una cierta amabilidad.", "sentence2": "Tu tío me golpeba duro cada día cuando me humillaba.", "promptID": "755_xnli.test", "pairID": "2265_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las economías de más éxito dependen de sectores privados vibrantes, que tienen interés en contener el poder indiscriminado del gobierno.", "sentence2": "El sector privado está principalmente preocupado por reducir la capacidad que el gobierno tiene para subir los impuestos.", "promptID": "1750_xnli.test", "pairID": "5249_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fue muy divertido, sí, era muy popular, evidentemente, pero una semana después apareció, creo", "sentence2": "Fue un gran momento, especialmente porque fue una semana después de su lanzamiento.", "promptID": "428_xnli.test", "pairID": "1284_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En consecuencia, las agencias federales deben volver a evaluar sus prácticas de capital humano para garantizar que los profesionales financieros federales estén equipados para enfrentar estos nuevos desafíos y respaldar la misión y los objetivos de sus agencias.", "sentence2": "Hay algunos desafíos nuevos que enfrentan los agentes federales.", "promptID": "1379_xnli.test", "pairID": "4137_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Yousef logró escapar a Pakistán, pero su cómplice, Murad, de quien el KSM afirma que envió a Yousef 3000 dólares para ayudar a financiar la operación, fue arrestado y reveló detalles de la conspiración mientras estaba siendo interrogado.", "sentence2": "Murad les dijo a los investigadores dónde localizar a Yousef en Pakistán.", "promptID": "1742_xnli.test", "pairID": "5226_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ser un generador de valor, un socio enfocado en el cliente en los resultados comerciales", "sentence2": "Lo ideal es centrarse en el beneficio y no en los clientes.", "promptID": "1335_xnli.test", "pairID": "4003_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los objetivos pueden parecer abstractos al hogar medio, una economía mayor influye claramente en el ahorro personal a través de planes de pensiones tradicionales con las prestaciones definidas.", "sentence2": "Los miembros de los hogares promedio también deberían aumentar los ahorros personales a través de planes de pensión.", "promptID": "1449_xnli.test", "pairID": "4347_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Del mismo modo que existe un espectro de problemas de consumo de alcohol, puede haber una familia de soluciones.", "sentence2": "Hay uno, y solo un tipo de problema de consumo de alcohol.", "promptID": "1487_xnli.test", "pairID": "4461_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Con refuerzos, los españoles consiguieron establecer una cabeza de playa.", "sentence2": "Los españoles hicieron una cabeza de playa.", "promptID": "1094_xnli.test", "pairID": "3282_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ha otorgado, según me han contado, la comisión del Rey a este hombre. Su propio tono traicionó la amargura de su rencor.", "sentence2": "Usted ha concedido, según tengo entendido, la autorización del rey al hombre por su valentía.", "promptID": "809_xnli.test", "pairID": "2427_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El desarrollo de una organización CIO es un proceso continuo que exige una comprensión clara de la responsabilidad de la organización para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades comerciales.", "sentence2": "Una organización de CIO tarda mucho tiempo en desarrollarse.", "promptID": "1315_xnli.test", "pairID": "3943_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La tapadera debate si el objetivo de la OTAN debería ser desguazar Kosovo o administrarlo como un protectorado.", "sentence2": "El corto editorial confirma el objetivo de la OTAN de proteger Macedonia.", "promptID": "2118_xnli.test", "pairID": "6354_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El flujo básico de la historia mundial, como no soy el primero en mencionarlo, es hacia la interdependencia.", "sentence2": "Otras personas han notado este flujo después de mí.", "promptID": "2228_xnli.test", "pairID": "6684_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Mucho se ha hablado de contratar a Michael Apted para darle un toque más humano a la serie.", "sentence2": "Se pensaba que la serie era fría y aburrida, por lo que era importante contratar a Michael Apted para agregar un toque cálido y personal para mejorar las calificaciones.", "promptID": "2002_xnli.test", "pairID": "6006_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los elogios para la señora Dalloway siguen llegando, pero también emerge una visión más crítica.", "sentence2": "Junto con los elogios para la Sra. Dalloway también hay criticismo.", "promptID": "2132_xnli.test", "pairID": "6394_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "(Antes de continuar, el lector puede intentar esta hazaña también).", "sentence2": "El lector quiera quiza probar este desafío antes de continuar.", "promptID": "2368_xnli.test", "pairID": "7103_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "...los escritores de naturaleza más considerados y motivadores del mundo.", "sentence2": "Los escritores de la naturaleza pueden alentar a las personas a reciclar más.", "promptID": "1890_xnli.test", "pairID": "5668_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Aun así, el correo electrónico del analista muestra que estaba confundiendo una amplia gama de avisos y barreras legales sobre la compartición de información y normas de administración sobre el uso por parte de agentes criminales de información recogida a través de canales de inteligencia.", "sentence2": "El analista no fue claro en muchas cosas.", "promptID": "1519_xnli.test", "pairID": "4556_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al ser una institución que fomenta la educación y el aprendizaje mediante la conexión de las personas con la naturaleza que las rodea, la Sociedad se prepara activamente para el éxito continuo en el futuro.", "sentence2": "La Sociedad ha puesto cero recursos para impactar su futuro.", "promptID": "1796_xnli.test", "pairID": "5386_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Usted está invitado a formar parte de esta nueva e importante empresa para fortalecer esta creciente asociación de dos grandes universidades estatales en Indianápolis.", "sentence2": "Dos escuelas estatales en Indianápolis están uniendo fuerzas.", "promptID": "1937_xnli.test", "pairID": "5810_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Un vínculo cálido entre padres e hijos basado en la cooperación es especialmente vital para ayudar a los niños recalcitrantes a internalizar los estándares de los padres.", "sentence2": "Los niños que crecen rodeados de padres siempre son problemáticos.", "promptID": "714_xnli.test", "pairID": "2140_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La mejor táctica para salir de una situación empañada por tu propia imperfección es definirte a ti mismo como el término medio, superior a los de tu izquierda y tu derecha.", "sentence2": "La propia imperfección puede llevar a una mala situación.", "promptID": "2087_xnli.test", "pairID": "6260_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Más La encuesta de la Liga Antidifamación describe un descenso continuado en el núcleo duro de antisemitas en América, de un 29 por ciento en 1964 a un 20 por ciento en 1992 y un 12 por ciento actualmente.", "sentence2": "La encuesta de la Liga Anti-Difamación contó con participantes de cinco estados americanos.", "promptID": "2097_xnli.test", "pairID": "6289_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero si usa la gramática, vocabulario y modismo del inglés estándar de los periódicos, libros, revistas y boletines de noticias, entonces todos nos percatamos de que su habla es su acento--y posiblemente su entonación.", "sentence2": "No tiene un acento marcado y entona de manera normal cuando habla inglés estándar.", "promptID": "2408_xnli.test", "pairID": "7222_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pendiente vs. Gran parte del debate gira sobre qué problemas están asociados con el aborto.", "sentence2": "Este debate no tiene nada que ver con el aborto.", "promptID": "2115_xnli.test", "pairID": "6345_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las quejas cubrían problemas de equipaje, azafatas, vuelos misteriosamente cancelados, atrocidades cometidas, etc.", "sentence2": "10 personas perdieron el equipaje.", "promptID": "2030_xnli.test", "pairID": "6088_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Buscando la clave para mantenerse a salvo (Perdón por la mala puntuación).", "sentence2": "No veo nada gracioso en lo que acabo de decir.", "promptID": "2128_xnli.test", "pairID": "6382_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si los adjetivos suavizan los términos étnicos, los sustantivos pueden endurecerlos.", "sentence2": "Los sustantivos que son términos étnicos lingüísticamente solidifican nuestra comprensión de la etnicidad de una manera falsa.", "promptID": "2332_xnli.test", "pairID": "6995_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La propiedad es una sucesión de burbujas en el espacio o ciberespacio, con distintas personas que afirman una variedad interminable de intereses en ellas.", "sentence2": "La propiedad es sólo gente que posee algo.", "promptID": "2206_xnli.test", "pairID": "6618_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Todo el mundo se sirve champán, pero no todos se terminan lo que se sirven; lo que queda en las copas se lo beben los niños, así que allí estábamos nosotros, dando vueltas y bebiendo todo ese champán.", "sentence2": "Toda la fiesta estaba seca y no se sirvió alcohol.", "promptID": "101_xnli.test", "pairID": "303_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En un libro tratando con un tema de este tipo uno debe ser extremadamente cuidadoso para adherirse a definiciones rígidas de los términos clave (eufemismo, disfemismo, tabú, etc.) y no desviarse de ellos.", "sentence2": "El libro habla sobre como se usan las palabras en medicina.", "promptID": "2341_xnli.test", "pairID": "7022_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Nuestras fronteras y el sistema de inmigración, incluida la aplicación de la ley, deben enviar un mensaje de bienvenida, tolerancia y justicia a los miembros de las comunidades de inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos y en sus países de origen.", "sentence2": "Nuestro país debería dejar en claro que da la bienvenida a los inmigrantes.", "promptID": "1585_xnli.test", "pairID": "4753_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De esta manera, la ortografía de una palabra a menudo se relaciona con la de otras palabras que pertenecen al mismo paradigma, o a su propia historia.", "sentence2": "La ortografía de una palabra está ligada a cómo se usaba en la antigüedad.", "promptID": "2370_xnli.test", "pairID": "7109_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los elogios para la señora Dalloway siguen llegando, pero también emerge una visión más crítica.", "sentence2": "No hay elogios o críticas asociados a la Sra. Dalloway.", "promptID": "2132_xnli.test", "pairID": "6396_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El excelente ensayo de Jacob Weisberg, Car Talk, aborda el elemento clave de las elecciones presidenciales y municipales de este año, redefine la palabra autocracia.", "sentence2": "Weisberg escribió sobre las elecciones.", "promptID": "2046_xnli.test", "pairID": "6136_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Uno debe ser muy cauto a la hora de proponer etimologías que atribuyan el origen de una palabra al carácter juguetón o a menudo terminan siendo etimologías populares y totalmente vacías y llenas únicamente de una especulación vacía.", "sentence2": "Es delicado introducir las nuevas etimologías.", "promptID": "2495_xnli.test", "pairID": "7483_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "FOREVER PLAID, un nombre que connota la continuación de los valores tradicionales, de la familia, el hogar y la armonía.", "sentence2": "FOREVER PLAID ayuda a transmitir un sentido de tradición y familia.", "promptID": "1929_xnli.test", "pairID": "5785_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como miembro de Nussbaum, nos has ayudado a salvar animales en peligro, y sus hogares.", "sentence2": "Los miembros de Nussbaum no tienen ningún impacto en salvar animales en peligro de extinción.", "promptID": "1896_xnli.test", "pairID": "5687_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando esta técnica funciona, obtienes una historia poderosa, aunque una cuyo tema no se revela hasta alrededor del tercer párrafo.", "sentence2": "Con esta técnica de escritura de historias, corre el riesgo de que sus lectores pierdan interés o se confundan, porque el tema no se revela hasta el tercer párrafo.", "promptID": "2053_xnli.test", "pairID": "6159_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando Alice se opuso, él respondió que era un tipo diferente de firmeza. ¡Fue totalmente firme conmigo, te puedo asegurar!", "sentence2": "Alice estuvo de acuerdo con todo.", "promptID": "2381_xnli.test", "pairID": "7141_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por eso es tan desconcertante que el vestido y la decoración no combinen.", "sentence2": "Es hermoso no ver armonía entre el vestido y la decoración.", "promptID": "650_xnli.test", "pairID": "1948_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero si usa la gramática, vocabulario y modismo del inglés estándar de los periódicos, libros, revistas y boletines de noticias, entonces todos nos percatamos de que su habla es su acento--y posiblemente su entonación.", "sentence2": "Para disfrazarse está utilizando la gramática y el vocabulario estándar del inglés que se encuentra en los periódicos, libros y revistas, pero su acento extranjero le delata.", "promptID": "2408_xnli.test", "pairID": "7223_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La politización de Nearly Everything (División Literaria) avanza rápidamente.", "sentence2": "La politización de casi todo continúa rápidamente.", "promptID": "2070_xnli.test", "pairID": "6208_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los elogios para la señora Dalloway siguen llegando, pero también emerge una visión más crítica.", "sentence2": "Varios estudiantes se quejan de la Sra. Dalloway e incluso la critican aún más.", "promptID": "2132_xnli.test", "pairID": "6395_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¡Todavía nos queda mucho para alcanzar nuestra meta de 365 000 $ de amigos y suscriptores como tú!", "sentence2": "Nuestro objetivo monetario excede los 300.000 dólares.", "promptID": "1784_xnli.test", "pairID": "5350_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay tanto que se puede decir sobre eso, que sencillamente me voy a saltar eso.", "sentence2": "No hablaré de eso, aunque hay mucho que cubrir.", "promptID": "5_xnli.test", "pairID": "14_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La politización de Nearly Everything (División Literaria) avanza rápidamente.", "sentence2": "La politización de casi todo está casi lista.", "promptID": "2070_xnli.test", "pairID": "6210_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los ingresos por boletos no empiezan a cubrir el costo de estos programas.", "sentence2": "Parece que el costo de estos programas no será cubierto por los ingresos .", "promptID": "1788_xnli.test", "pairID": "5362_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hopes were raised, and also fizzled, over Bahamian citrus and pineapple.", "sentence2": "The Bahamian citrus was just a huge success, just as everyone had predicted.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Other advisers have echoed this concern.", "sentence2": "This concern is shared by several different advisers.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "yeah it's ours up here we have our rural connections are real bad", "sentence2": "The connections around here are sometimes okay.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Rational expectations grew, in part, out of an attempt to understand actual trading on stock exchanges.", "sentence2": "People were trying to learn about trading on stock exchanges.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "You are not sure you've been clear about whose side you're on.", "sentence2": "We don't know who you support in the election.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Aye, said Ogle, that is true. But there were some who were still in open and frank revolt against the course.", "sentence2": "Some did not like the idea of the current course and refuted it, explicitly.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Police announced that they have ruled out JonBenet Ramsey's half-brother and half-sister as suspects in her murder, evidently because both were out of town when the crime was committed.", "sentence2": "Jon Benet Ramsey's half-sister has a strong alibi for the fact that she was out of town when the crime was committed.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The cooperation between the program and the integrity divisions is the vehicle by which emerging issues are addressed.", "sentence2": "The groups never speak to each other.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And, uh, they kind of actually stopped visiting the family because they were just, just determined that they were going to be white.", "sentence2": "They stopped visiting the family when the racial tensions started.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "More Capitalizing on frayed relations between British Telecom and MCI, WorldCom outbid BT by offering $30 billion for MCI.", "sentence2": "BT offered 20 billion for MCT.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And, uh, if it surged and just kept surging it would go 'whish,' and, like it was going to pull your head off.", "sentence2": "If there is a surge of electricity, it's very dangerous to anyone around.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "What I think of you can be a very little matter to you, sir. This was a disarming stroke.", "sentence2": "You should definitely care about what I think of you.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Director still has no strategy for removing information-sharing barriers and-more than two years since 9/11-has only appointed a working group on the subject.", "sentence2": "The Director did not believe that information sharing barriers should be entirely removed.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The European Union's Eurocrats have worthy ideas, such as persuading the continent's governments to agree on harmonious environmental and immigration policies.", "sentence2": "There are no good ideas from the Eurocats.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "yeah i always said if i died well i always said if i died i'd come back as a dog that'd be the best way to be", "sentence2": "I think most people who die come back as animals.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The wonderful connections formed each day are made possible through the support of Society operations.", "sentence2": "The Society doesn't have anything to do with people.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "um-hum do you find that you're uh uh disappointed or pleased with uh uh the performance of like network coverage of news", "sentence2": "Are you happy with network news coverage?", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The disputes took on the tones of class struggle.", "sentence2": "They fought about the weather.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The shortage of skilled IT workers in the current market environment is often a major reason for leading organizations to outsource.", "sentence2": "There aren't enough IT workers to fill the jobs.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The flashes of wisdom should not be overlooked,", "sentence2": "The flashes of wisdom are of no importance.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Though this approach will seem quite reasonable to rationalists, it is one of the more controversial approaches to reconciling faith and reason.", "sentence2": "Faith and reason can be reconciled using some controversial approaches.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For this fiscal year and next, the law school is required to absorb reductions in its state appropriation and increased health costs totaling more than $400,000.", "sentence2": "The law school was the first program to face budget cuts.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Special coupons are handed out aggressively on the beaches during the day, in hopes of luring the biggest crowd that night.", "sentence2": "Coupons are given out on the beach at night, hoping for customers the next day.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Like Ross, Mehta struggles to express William Shawn's ineffable virtues.", "sentence2": "William Shawn's ineffable virtues are difficult to express for anyone.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Morrison certainly has earned the right to be as idiosyncratic as, say, William Gaddis, Thomas Pynchon, or William Faulkner.", "sentence2": "Morrison has worked very hard to deserve the right to be idiosyncratic.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Brendan Gill, the former executive director of the Bexar County group, said he has since come to see the merger as a positive move for South Texas.", "sentence2": "Brendan Gill likes the merger", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As you pass through them you may see an old chimney breaking above the tree line, a sure sign that the village was once part of a hacienda.", "sentence2": "The chimney is not an indicator that the village used to be part of a hacienda.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I hope your lordship begins at last to perceive the folly of granting the King's commission to such a man as this against all my counsels.", "sentence2": "While the lordship was very smart, his grave mistake of not listening to my counsel will spell the end of the kingdom.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is part of the Center's effort to serve the needs of communities directly by training those 'who are responsible for sustaining philanthropy at the grassroots.", "sentence2": "The center focuses on helping other continents.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We need these additional resources to continue our efforts to further strengthen GAO and be a model organization for the rest of the federal government and accountability organizations around the world.", "sentence2": "We want to make GAO stronger.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "yeah it's ours up here we have our rural connections are real bad", "sentence2": "We have the best connections around here.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is the duty of a CIO to manage expectations and help ensure that all members of a CIO organization have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.", "sentence2": "The CIO must communicate frequently with members to outline their responsibilities.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Human resources systems were consolidated and new corporate structures were quickly defined to ensure continued support to the enlarged customer base.", "sentence2": "Human resource systems were expanded beyond their previous state.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "You are not sure you've been clear about whose side you're on.", "sentence2": "We don't know who you support.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It sweeps words in its passage, as well.", "sentence2": "It also sweeps words when passing by.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Brendan Gill, the former executive director of the Bexar County group, said he has since come to see the merger as a positive move for South Texas.", "sentence2": "Brendan Gill dislikes the merger.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is the legal underpinning of Justice Anthony Kennedy's nostalgic embrace of states' rights.", "sentence2": "Kennedy favors federal rights.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Islamist movement, born about 1940, is a product of the modern world, influenced by Marxist-Leninist concepts about revolutionary organization.", "sentence2": "Marxist-Leninist concepts were incorporated into the Islamist movement.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The relationship between rights and freedom is thus turned on its head.", "sentence2": "Rights and freedom aren't connected at all.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And who the devil may you be? he exploded at last.", "sentence2": "The person was actually the devil himself.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the closing years of the 19th century there was much discussion concerning the word", "sentence2": "The word was abandoned and forgotten before the end of the 19th century.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In contrast, the impact of volume is greater in the U.S. than in France because the U.S. has lower postal densities and a greater variation in volumes.", "sentence2": "The impact in France is increasing.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Steady, Old Wolf! Steady! Captain Blood admonished him.", "sentence2": "As he is experienced, Captain Blood helped boost morale amongst his crew members.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "At the outbreak of war, Canada's reputation for welcoming immigrants and refugees from all over the world was tarnished by the blocking of Communists and Jews from Hitler's Germany.", "sentence2": "Canada was known for welcoming immigrants and refugees.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The spirit of liberalism prevalent in Europe was tardy in reaching Spain.", "sentence2": "Liberalism came to spain in 1920.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tuesday, Bush warned, Too often, on social issues, my party has painted an image of America slouching toward Gomorrah.", "sentence2": "Bush warned on a weekday that his party often painted an image on social issues.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Just a few blocks in back of the malecen are a growing collection of unique clubs with a more urban edge.", "sentence2": "The collection is growing, but not as fast as it did last year.", "promptID": "", "pairID": "", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": ""}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Now he wants to propose swimming pools and slides, and by the time January comes around we will get the shakes.", "sentence2": "He doesn’t want to install pools and slides.", "promptID": "114_esxnli", "pairID": "341_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In order to obtain it, we have a professional team that is in charge of food and makes it a key factor in the integral treatment of the illness.", "sentence2": "Food is not a fundamental pillar for integral disease treatment proposed by the professional team.", "promptID": "476_esxnli", "pairID": "1426_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "National politics use permissive laws and an increasingly immature and undisciplined police.", "sentence2": "The police used to be more mature and disciplined.", "promptID": "107_esxnli", "pairID": "321_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The strength of the unconscious revealed by psychoanalysis and \"chaotic\" behavior of subatomic matter open to an infinity of probabilities.", "sentence2": "The \"chaotic\" nature of the behavior of the subatomic matter reduces its possible interpretations", "promptID": "589_esxnli", "pairID": "1765_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I also understand the anguish of many citizens crushed by the crisis. I apologize to them for not being able to protect them better, although I will continue to do everything I am capable of.", "sentence2": "I think that starting now I will know how to protect them better.", "promptID": "331_esxnli", "pairID": "992_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is the dynamic language of the immigrant child who listens to Spanish being spoken at home and English in the street that makes literary writing a mix, a verbal fusion, the creation of a new language that reflects daily experience, an oral experience transmuted into written experience, and which, therefore, cannot fail to be literary.", "sentence2": "child migrants are unable to learn neither Spanish nor English.", "promptID": "547_esxnli", "pairID": "1641_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Not speaking clearly like this is manipulating.", "sentence2": "If you don't speak clearly, you end up manipulating.", "promptID": "175_esxnli", "pairID": "524_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cleaning is much simpler and more thorough and it creates a deep-clean feeling", "sentence2": "The more simple and deep the cleaning is, the more extensive it is.", "promptID": "738_esxnli", "pairID": "2213_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "However, the attendee who created the biggest stir during the earliest days of El Rocío was Carmen Martínez-Bordiu, who, visibly relaxed and happy, was accompanied by her son José Ramón and his wife, Marisa, as well as their best friends, including Los del Río and Roberto Federici, with whom Carmen Martínez ended her relationship in November of last year.", "sentence2": "The presence of many people caused a commotion, particularly that of Carmen and Martínez-Bordiu.", "promptID": "794_esxnli", "pairID": "2380_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The idea of writing the paper was Joan Costa’s because it fit perfectly with the master’s degree we were studying and, although the origin of the recession was in the UK, and writing this paper was like reminding them of that, they’re very open.", "sentence2": "They were doing their Master's Degree in the United Kingdom.", "promptID": "378_esxnli", "pairID": "1134_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "However, the obligation to stop it in its tracks and prevent metastasis includes us all.", "sentence2": "Metastasis is harmful.", "promptID": "610_esxnli", "pairID": "1829_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Only exit from the current crisis.", "sentence2": "There is a way out of the current crisis", "promptID": "293_esxnli", "pairID": "879_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The judgment handed down in definitively by Laureano Martínez, presiding judge of the Second Penal court of Almería, charged Amizian, as person who committed a crime against traffic safety, with a fine of twelve euros per day for half a year, as well as revocation of his automobile and motorcycle driver's license for one year and one day.", "sentence2": "The final judgement against Amizian can be appealed.", "promptID": "44_esxnli", "pairID": "132_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The global crisis also hit ex millionaires in the United States, who are also struggling to stay afloat with mortgage payments.", "sentence2": "The ex-millionaires in the United States had not been affected by the world crisis until five years ago", "promptID": "817_esxnli", "pairID": "2449_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the case of filling a job during the selection periods, the duration of the contract will be the same as the time which the selection or promotion lasts, up to a maximum of three months.", "sentence2": "Many jobs will be lost.", "promptID": "335_esxnli", "pairID": "1004_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thus, the settlement advance that the Government is officially considering for the end of 2008 still has no definitive data-it reflects revenues estimated by the corporate income tax that all Spanish companies pay in a year, around 35,445 million.", "sentence2": "Corporate tax revenues are similar to last year.", "promptID": "284_esxnli", "pairID": "851_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The plastic that the catheters are made of, for example, is solid at 68 °F; but at the usual body temperature of 98.6°F, it becomes flexible, allowing it to navigate the circulatory system.", "sentence2": "Catheterization is a test for coronary diagnosis.", "promptID": "451_esxnli", "pairID": "1352_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A priority is to strengthen cooperation with our Russian colleagues in this area, including scientific research, technology exchanges, and food processing, as well as agricultural production, Sui said.", "sentence2": "Russians know a lot about science and technology.", "promptID": "444_esxnli", "pairID": "1332_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "OK, let's leave it at price.", "sentence2": "The prize has been deserted.", "promptID": "633_esxnli", "pairID": "1899_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We better throw half of them out on the street and let them kill each other.", "sentence2": "There is going to be a butcher shop.", "promptID": "229_esxnli", "pairID": "687_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Not speaking clearly like this is manipulating.", "sentence2": "Speaking clearly is how you manipulate.", "promptID": "175_esxnli", "pairID": "525_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The intention of having more than your neighbor would not be diminished, but its growth would be controlled within legality and with taxation in line with the amount of wealth accumulated.", "sentence2": "The growth so you have more than your neighbor must be illegal.", "promptID": "291_esxnli", "pairID": "873_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Some think that Calderón is courageous, that it was high time to fight against that social blight; others think that the Mexican president committed a mistake, that the best thing to do would have been to continue to turn a blind eye.", "sentence2": "Claderón was very brave fighting against that scumbag.", "promptID": "560_esxnli", "pairID": "1678_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is what is known as reassortment: you shuffle the segments the way you would shuffle a deck of cards, and there will always be a mutation that is more successful and replicates more.", "sentence2": "Mutations are not always necessary", "promptID": "373_esxnli", "pairID": "1119_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The idea of writing the paper was Joan Costa’s because it fit perfectly with the master’s degree we were studying and, although the origin of the recession was in the UK, and writing this paper was like reminding them of that, they’re very open.", "sentence2": "The idea of doing the job was from Pedro Sanchez.", "promptID": "378_esxnli", "pairID": "1133_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Corbacho must know, but it is just crude statistical makeup.", "sentence2": "The doctored statistical data are on the new coronavirus cases.", "promptID": "322_esxnli", "pairID": "966_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These proportions mean a slight increase in comparison to previous years.", "sentence2": "There's been some improvement.", "promptID": "462_esxnli", "pairID": "1384_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I was sure they would make up the figure to leave it just below 100,000.", "sentence2": "Negotiations to determine the figure were quick.", "promptID": "215_esxnli", "pairID": "645_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In order to obtain it, we have a professional team that is in charge of food and makes it a key factor in the integral treatment of the illness.", "sentence2": "The diet is key for treating a disease.", "promptID": "476_esxnli", "pairID": "1427_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The main Internet search engine may create a challenge for providers of wireless services such as Sprint and Verizon, as well as for smart phone manufacturers such as Apple.", "sentence2": "Wireless service providers and smartphone manufacturers may face a new challenge.", "promptID": "122_esxnli", "pairID": "366_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I think we have the most palpable proof of the pathetic provocation in which certain types of activity considered art have ended up.", "sentence2": "Expressions that are considered artistic are never considered provocative.", "promptID": "519_esxnli", "pairID": "1557_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For this reason, condom use could never be recommended; because, if it was, it would mean falling even deeper into promoting the horrific vice of fornication, which could be practiced just the same by single and married people, or even by either of the two members of a married couple, without necessarily having to sink to committing the crime of adultery.", "sentence2": "Condoms reduce adultery", "promptID": "24_esxnli", "pairID": "71_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Oksana and Mel are looking forward to the album's release, but also the arrival of their first child together.", "sentence2": "Oksana and Mel will not release any albums", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2138_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Whatever the chosen way, the claimant will need to present a signed complaint with his or her personal details and the details of the venue he or she wants to report (address and city where it is located).", "sentence2": "There is one single channel for filing a denunciation", "promptID": "386_esxnli", "pairID": "1158_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "“Zlatan knows how to defend the ball”, he stated.", "sentence2": "Zlatan knows how to haggle.", "promptID": "38_esxnli", "pairID": "113_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Welcome back to the great Kimi Circus. F1 needs great pilots, like Kimi. It can be really fast, and just with a bit of performance from Lotus Kimi will be there giving its best.", "sentence2": "Kimi is a safe bet as an F1 pilot unless the car breaks down.", "promptID": "31_esxnli", "pairID": "92_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "You are very outgoing and open with the fans.", "sentence2": "You ignore your fans.", "promptID": "16_esxnli", "pairID": "48_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Maybe we will all have to go on strike until we get paid what we want.", "sentence2": "Strike action is the most effective method of struggle to secure better wages.", "promptID": "1_esxnli", "pairID": "1_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Police efficacy, judicial pressure as well as social and political mobilization had push the band towards the edge of the abyss of disappearance, without any type of agreement.", "sentence2": "Society did not pressure the terrorist group to disappear.", "promptID": "631_esxnli", "pairID": "1892_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They call themselves journalists and they believe they are doing social work, but the only thing they do is turn people into idiots with their bullshit information.", "sentence2": "The journalists disseminate accurate and contrasted information and that’s why they do great social work.", "promptID": "4_esxnli", "pairID": "11_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is what is known as reassortment: you shuffle the segments the way you would shuffle a deck of cards, and there will always be a mutation that is more successful and replicates more.", "sentence2": "There is never a mutation that replicates more than the rest.", "promptID": "373_esxnli", "pairID": "1117_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A double wall can also be created by installing plaster wall panels and filling the inner chamber with insulating materials.", "sentence2": "There exists a wide range of insulating materials", "promptID": "428_esxnli", "pairID": "1282_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Its typical image of a seaside village, with its streets open to the sea and its colorful fishermen’s houses, is hard to forget.", "sentence2": "Its typical seaside town charm imprints on your memory.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2473_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Only exit from the current crisis.", "sentence2": "Currently there is a crisis.", "promptID": "293_esxnli", "pairID": "877_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The goal of the Tupperware Menu Plan is to provide those who spend the whole day away from home an opportunity to eat healthy and balanced meals, so that they can eat a meal in the office or at work that is as similar as possible to the one they would have at home.", "sentence2": "The lunchbox menu includes two courses, dessert and bread.", "promptID": "437_esxnli", "pairID": "1311_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Generally speaking there is a climate of insecurity and general economic mistrust. It is, of course, made evident in the real estate market.", "sentence2": "The real estate market is suffering the consequences of the climate of general insecurity and economic mistrust.", "promptID": "384_esxnli", "pairID": "1150_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is a very long journey and its hard, but you come out of it.", "sentence2": "It is hard but it can be done.", "promptID": "35_esxnli", "pairID": "104_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Thus, the settlement advance that the Government is officially considering for the end of 2008 still has no definitive data-it reflects revenues estimated by the corporate income tax that all Spanish companies pay in a year, around 35,445 million.", "sentence2": "Corporate taxes are expected to reach 35,445 million.", "promptID": "284_esxnli", "pairID": "850_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The passage of time burns. It slowly corrodes people's spirit; many will leave (or have left), and at the end the usual groups from alternative society, such as squatters and others, will take care of the movement.", "sentence2": "The course of time only boosts people's spirits to continue working in the different movements.", "promptID": "515_esxnli", "pairID": "1543_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But the worst thing is that, while destroying the industrial fabric leads to streamlining and revitalization, destroying the industrial fabric, infrastructures and modes of transportation is in no way helpful in terms of the use of energy resources.", "sentence2": "Destroying industrial tissue damages the economy", "promptID": "198_esxnli", "pairID": "594_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When someone is trying to investigate these networks, the virus reactivates and loads onto the computer of the security expert.", "sentence2": "The security expert uses an antivirus.", "promptID": "157_esxnli", "pairID": "470_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I was sure they would make up the figure to leave it just below 100,000.", "sentence2": "The figure fell below 100,000.", "promptID": "215_esxnli", "pairID": "643_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There are strong rumors of separation, already appearing in various media, but none of this is 100 percent certain.", "sentence2": "A photo, in which the couple is seen arguing at the door of a bar, has been posted", "promptID": "797_esxnli", "pairID": "2389_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This pullback in prices has to do with the strategy launched by American sellers to get rid of their real estate.", "sentence2": "The reversal of real estate prices has to do with the increase in gold", "promptID": "183_esxnli", "pairID": "549_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I was stuck.", "sentence2": "I can't move forward.", "promptID": "283_esxnli", "pairID": "848_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The steps she takes are closely followed by dozens of photographers who are aware of her popularity, pursuing her relentlessly.", "sentence2": "The media doesn't listen to him.", "promptID": "822_esxnli", "pairID": "2466_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They have already had the bar at COPE closed, so they set up Esradio.", "sentence2": "COPE and Esradio have a difficult relationship.", "promptID": "195_esxnli", "pairID": "584_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If you’re exploited or unemployed, fuck you, you shouldn’t have been born working class.", "sentence2": "You are not being exploited or unemployed.", "promptID": "282_esxnli", "pairID": "844_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This new ethic offers the established order the benefit of being perfectly inoperative as, in fact, nothing threatens the social relationship of forces that makes wasting resources and damaging nature inevitable.", "sentence2": "The social relation of strengths is still intact, after the new order ethics.", "promptID": "524_esxnli", "pairID": "1570_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Philosophy therefore challenges science, but it also challenges all of us who are more or less passively immersed in a world that is largely the result of science and of forms of technology that are offshoots of science.", "sentence2": "Science and technology are not interrelated in any way", "promptID": "559_esxnli", "pairID": "1676_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He detects “signs of stagnation” in the inclusion of disabled people in the same spaces as the general population, although he acknowledges “evidences of improvement” in the last few years.", "sentence2": "There are no improvements in progressing towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in the same spaces as the general population.", "promptID": "431_esxnli", "pairID": "1291_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Searches of readily available databases could have unearthed the driver's licenses, the car registration, and the telephone listing.", "sentence2": "There was no way to find any information about the subjects using existing sources.", "promptID": "1527_xnli.test", "pairID": "4581_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "yeah people who who could be at work at any time or whose decisions could be clouded if they had to make a decision", "sentence2": "Yeah, people who might not be able to make the best judgment calls.", "promptID": "262_xnli.test", "pairID": "784_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But there is also intense competition among law schools to attract the best and brightest students.", "sentence2": "Law schools want the best students.", "promptID": "1803_xnli.test", "pairID": "5409_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "These solutions will need to address both the types of interventions that best fit each ED and medical center and the specific problems of the patient.", "sentence2": "There are several types of interventions that might suit each ED.", "promptID": "1342_xnli.test", "pairID": "4026_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "oh yeah yeah that's a great place to visit that really is yeah", "sentence2": "It's such a dump and I hate going there!", "promptID": "437_xnli.test", "pairID": "1311_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For example, one organization that we studied had experienced two mergers that required the company to quickly integrate the new businesses and restructure to meet growing business needs.", "sentence2": "Even though there were two mergers, there was no need for the company to undergo a restructure of their company hierarchy.", "promptID": "1274_xnli.test", "pairID": "3820_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "we will make the goal.", "sentence2": "We'll reach the goal of $2million.", "promptID": "1811_xnli.test", "pairID": "5433_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But there is also intense competition among law schools to attract the best and brightest students.", "sentence2": "Law schools don't care about the caliber of students, they just want money.", "promptID": "1803_xnli.test", "pairID": "5407_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Not content to disgrace Clinton morally, his adversaries tried to inflate his cover-up of the Lewinsky affair into crimes and impeachable offenses.", "sentence2": "Clinton was entirely faithful to his wife during their long marriage.", "promptID": "2049_xnli.test", "pairID": "6145_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When that occurs, the lending fund sacrifices interest from Treasury securities on its invested balances and instead receives interest from the borrowing fund on the amount of the loan.", "sentence2": "The lending fund doesn't get all the interest in some cases.", "promptID": "1348_xnli.test", "pairID": "4043_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "An entrance tunnel with a kitchen alcove on one side, and storage alcoves on the other, leads to the main living area.", "sentence2": "The living area is up some stairs in the attic.", "promptID": "1155_xnli.test", "pairID": "3465_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Yet, even in USA Today 's recent in-the-black years, the paper has been a magnet for negative media-critic boilerplate.", "sentence2": "USA Today has lost money every year recently but is still thought of in a positive light.", "promptID": "2052_xnli.test", "pairID": "6156_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "[ In all fairness, it must be said that Mr. Room wrote as soon as he realized his slip in referring to the Bummel as a river.", "sentence2": "The Bummel is actually not a river at all.", "promptID": "2294_xnli.test", "pairID": "6882_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Accordingly, federal agencies need to reassess their human capital practices to ensure that federal financial professionals are equipped to meet these new challenges and support their agencies' mission and goals.", "sentence2": "The federal agencies have been doing illicit things.", "promptID": "1379_xnli.test", "pairID": "4135_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There are nationalities and ethnic groups so confident, so satisfied with themselves that ethnic epithets either bounce off them like pebbles off an elephant or are adopted as amusing or even ornamental.", "sentence2": "Some ethnic groups are really proud because they win all the wars.", "promptID": "2347_xnli.test", "pairID": "7040_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "grantsmanship a form of panhandling in which the participants are very well dressed.", "sentence2": "Well dressed beggars are sometimes called grantsmen.", "promptID": "2369_xnli.test", "pairID": "7107_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Apart from the set pieces, most of the music is percussive and serves to support and reflect the action and mood.", "sentence2": "A lot of the music is drums.", "promptID": "1085_xnli.test", "pairID": "3253_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "72 And as I indicated in Chapter 2, the blend of warmth and expectations for mature behavior that make up authoritative parenting is linked to skilled peer interaction as well.", "sentence2": "Authoritative parenting is linked to maladaptive peer interaction.", "promptID": "700_xnli.test", "pairID": "2099_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Daniel Yamins is a brilliant young mathematician.", "sentence2": "Mr. Yamins is great at math.", "promptID": "503_xnli.test", "pairID": "1507_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There was here quite plainly a vague threat, a mutinous spirit he could not understand.", "sentence2": "He understood very clearly, the threat that was before him.", "promptID": "865_xnli.test", "pairID": "2594_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For information, call (213) 623-2489 on weekdays between 9am and 5pm.", "sentence2": "The phone line is open 24/7.", "promptID": "1171_xnli.test", "pairID": "3513_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This letter is to let you know that we still need your help to continue our record of strong fiscal management, vibrant theatrical productions and outstanding educational programs.", "sentence2": "We need $10,000 more to produce Lion King.", "promptID": "1919_xnli.test", "pairID": "5756_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Our more aggressive respondents, excited to nail entire bodies of work in one go, bypassed books and went straight for the authors themselves.", "sentence2": "People who responded didn't read books.", "promptID": "2142_xnli.test", "pairID": "6425_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ticket income doesn't begin to cover the cost of these programs.", "sentence2": "The ticket income will definitely cover the cost of these programs.", "promptID": "1788_xnli.test", "pairID": "5364_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "targets may seem abstract to the average household, increased wealth clearly influences personal saving through traditional defined-benefit pension plans.", "sentence2": "Increased wealth does not influence personal savings through traditional defined-benefit pension plans.", "promptID": "1449_xnli.test", "pairID": "4346_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Parents who deliver praise not based on real attainment actually undermine their child's development.", "sentence2": "Children's development is undermined by parent's who praise them on things they didn't do.", "promptID": "690_xnli.test", "pairID": "2069_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The sounds disturbed Captain Blood from his disgruntled musings.", "sentence2": "The puppy's screams jolted the captain from his ruminations.", "promptID": "753_xnli.test", "pairID": "2259_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I must therefore tell you why the Center on Philanthropy also deserves your support.", "sentence2": "I regret to inform you that the Center on Philanthropy does not need any support at this given time.", "promptID": "1916_xnli.test", "pairID": "5748_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "From the air you'll be able to see that Sarawak boasts the country's longest river, the Rejang, flowing 563 km (351 miles) from the mountains on the Indonesian border to the South China Sea.", "sentence2": "The rejan is just a little puddle.", "promptID": "1154_xnli.test", "pairID": "3462_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The conventional wisdom about the musical Ragtime continues to fluctuate.", "sentence2": "Young adults do not know anything about the musical Ragtime.", "promptID": "2093_xnli.test", "pairID": "6279_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The world's oldest and largest university press--Oxford--has just announced that it is canceling its poetry list.", "sentence2": "The prestige university does not have the funding to keep the poetry list active.", "promptID": "2015_xnli.test", "pairID": "6044_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There's so much you could talk about on that I'll just skip that.", "sentence2": "I want to tell you everything I know about that!", "promptID": "5_xnli.test", "pairID": "13_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "96 And parents and coaches who criticize rather than encourage and do not let players forget about defeat prompt intense anxiety in some youngsters.", "sentence2": "Some coaches cause anxiety.", "promptID": "666_xnli.test", "pairID": "1998_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is widely known that saving from current income is the way to accumulate assets and repay past borrowing, thus increasing net worth.", "sentence2": "It is proven that saving now is the best way to accumulate assets.", "promptID": "1447_xnli.test", "pairID": "4339_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A number of them might have been created by prisoners whose vocabularies were too small to accommodate the concepts, events, or situations named.", "sentence2": "Prisoners created them.", "promptID": "2490_xnli.test", "pairID": "7469_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Original animal metaphors are all but obliterated in words that have no reference to animals.", "sentence2": "Animal metaphors are plentiful.", "promptID": "2288_xnli.test", "pairID": "6864_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Worldwide asset freezes have not been adequately enforced and have been easily circumvented, often within weeks, by simple methods.", "sentence2": "Sometimes people get away with avoiding worldwide asset freezes.", "promptID": "1567_xnli.test", "pairID": "4700_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The poor overworked noun was even used where neither it nor any alternate was needed.", "sentence2": "People struggle to find an alternate noun.", "promptID": "2282_xnli.test", "pairID": "6844_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In measuring effectiveness, perfection is unattainable.", "sentence2": "You can never be perfect.", "promptID": "1501_xnli.test", "pairID": "4502_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Being an institution that promotes education and learning through the connection of people and the natural world around them, the Society is actively preparing for continued success in the future.", "sentence2": "The Society promotes the gaining of knowledge in multiple ways.", "promptID": "1796_xnli.test", "pairID": "5388_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This letter is to let you know that, while we've experienced some success this season, we still need your help to continue our record of strong fiscal management and vibrant theatrical productions.", "sentence2": "We have all the help we need!", "promptID": "1881_xnli.test", "pairID": "5641_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Media conglomeration runs in cycles, so the fish currently progressing through the bellies of the media kings may not stay there for long.", "sentence2": "Media conglomeration involves multiple steps.", "promptID": "2242_xnli.test", "pairID": "6724_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "you know all my children excel they're they're really good and i guess no he learns from the older boys too but", "sentence2": "He has learned from the older male children but all of my offspring outshine.", "promptID": "287_xnli.test", "pairID": "859_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When this technique works, you get a powerful story, albeit one whose subject is not revealed until around the third paragraph.", "sentence2": "This short story writing technique is succinct and limited to two paragraphs.", "promptID": "2053_xnli.test", "pairID": "6157_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I'm covering the same stuff.", "sentence2": "I cover completely new material.", "promptID": "85_xnli.test", "pairID": "253_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But I can't forget that when I was no better than a slave in your uncle's household in Barbados, ye used me with a certain kindness.", "sentence2": "Your uncle beat me hard everyday when he owned me.", "promptID": "755_xnli.test", "pairID": "2265_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Successful economies rely on vibrant private sectors, which have an interest in curbing indiscriminate government power.", "sentence2": "The private sector is mostly concerned with reducing the government's ability to raise taxes.", "promptID": "1750_xnli.test", "pairID": "5249_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "it was was a lot of fun yeah it was um real popular obviously it was about a week after it'd come out i think", "sentence2": "It was a great time especially since it was a week after it was released.", "promptID": "428_xnli.test", "pairID": "1284_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Accordingly, federal agencies need to reassess their human capital practices to ensure that federal financial professionals are equipped to meet these new challenges and support their agencies' mission and goals.", "sentence2": "There are some new challenges that face the federal agents.", "promptID": "1379_xnli.test", "pairID": "4137_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Yousef managed to escape to Pakistan, but his accomplice, Murad-whom KSM claims to have sent to Yousef with $3,000 to help fund the operation-was arrested and disclosed details of the plot while under interrogation.", "sentence2": "Murad told investigators where to locate Yousef in Pakistan.", "promptID": "1742_xnli.test", "pairID": "5226_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "To be a Value Creating, Customer Focused Partner in Business Results", "sentence2": "It's ideal to be focused on profit and not customers.", "promptID": "1335_xnli.test", "pairID": "4003_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "targets may seem abstract to the average household, increased wealth clearly influences personal saving through traditional defined-benefit pension plans.", "sentence2": "Members of average households ought to also increase personal savings through pension plans.", "promptID": "1449_xnli.test", "pairID": "4347_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Just as there is a spectrum of alcohol use problems, there may be a family of solutions.", "sentence2": "There is one, and only one, type of alcohol use problem.", "promptID": "1487_xnli.test", "pairID": "4461_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "With reinforcements, the Spaniards managed to establish a beachhead.", "sentence2": "The Spanish people made a beachhead.", "promptID": "1094_xnli.test", "pairID": "3282_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "You have granted, I am told, the King's commission to this man. His very tone betrayed the bitterness of his rancour.", "sentence2": "You have granted, I am told, the King's commission to the man because of his bravery.", "promptID": "809_xnli.test", "pairID": "2427_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Developing a CIO organization is an ongoing process that demands a clear understanding of the organizationas responsibility for helping meet business needs.", "sentence2": "A CIO organization takes a long time to develop.", "promptID": "1315_xnli.test", "pairID": "3943_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The cover story debates whether NATO's goal should be to carve up Kosovo or administer it as a protectorate.", "sentence2": "The short op-ed confirms NATO's goal to protect Macedonia.", "promptID": "2118_xnli.test", "pairID": "6354_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The basic flow of world history, as I'm not the first to note, is toward interdependence.", "sentence2": "Other people have noted this flow after me.", "promptID": "2228_xnli.test", "pairID": "6684_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Much has been made of hiring Michael Apted to bring a more human touch to the series.", "sentence2": "The series was thought to be cold and boring, so it was important to hire Michael Apted to add a warm, personal touch to improve ratings.", "promptID": "2002_xnli.test", "pairID": "6006_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Raves for Mrs. Dalloway keep coming, but a more critical take also emerges.", "sentence2": "Along with raves for Mrs. Dalloway, criticism also exists.", "promptID": "2132_xnli.test", "pairID": "6394_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "(Before continuing, the reader may wish to try this feat, too.)", "sentence2": "The reader may want to try this challenge before proceeding.", "promptID": "2368_xnli.test", "pairID": "7103_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "..the world's most thoughtful and motivating nature writers.", "sentence2": "Nature writers can encourage people to recycle more.", "promptID": "1890_xnli.test", "pairID": "5668_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The analyst's email, however, reflects that she was confusing a broad array of caveats and legal barriers to information sharing and rules governing criminal agents' use of information gathered through intelligence channels.", "sentence2": "The analyst was not clear on a lot of things.", "promptID": "1519_xnli.test", "pairID": "4556_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Being an institution that promotes education and learning through the connection of people and the natural world around them, the Society is actively preparing for continued success in the future.", "sentence2": "The Society has put zero resources into impacting their future.", "promptID": "1796_xnli.test", "pairID": "5386_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "You are invited to become a part of this important new venture to strengthen this growing partnership of two great state universities in Indianapolis.", "sentence2": "Two state schools in Indianapolis are joining forces.", "promptID": "1937_xnli.test", "pairID": "5810_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A warm parent-child bond based on cooperation is especially vital for helping recalcitrant children internalize parents' standards.", "sentence2": "Children who grow up around parents are always troublesome.", "promptID": "714_xnli.test", "pairID": "2140_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The best tactic for a situation tainted by your own imperfection is to define yourself as the happy medium, superior to those on both your left and right.", "sentence2": "One's own imperfection can lead to a bad situation.", "promptID": "2087_xnli.test", "pairID": "6260_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "More The Anti-Defamation League's survey describes a continuing drop in America's hard core anti-Semites--from 29 percent in 1964, to 20 percent in 1992, to 12 percent currently.", "sentence2": "The Anti-Defamation League's survey had participants from five American states.", "promptID": "2097_xnli.test", "pairID": "6289_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But if he uses the grammer, vocabularly, and idiom of the standard English found in newspapers, books, magazines, and news bulletins, then all we notice about his speech is his accent--and possibly his intonation.", "sentence2": "He has no noticeable accent and a perfectly normal intonation when he speaks standard English.", "promptID": "2408_xnli.test", "pairID": "7222_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Slope vs. Much of the debate turns on which issues are associated with abortion.", "sentence2": "This debate has nothing to do with abortion.", "promptID": "2115_xnli.test", "pairID": "6345_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The complaints covered the baggage problems, surly flight attendants, mysteriously canceled flights, billing atrocities.", "sentence2": "10 people had lost baggage.", "promptID": "2030_xnli.test", "pairID": "6088_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Looking for the Key to Keeping Safe (Sorry for the bad pun.)", "sentence2": "I don't see anything funny about what i just said.", "promptID": "2128_xnli.test", "pairID": "6382_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If adjectives soften ethnic terms, nouns can harden them.", "sentence2": "Nouns that are ethnic terms linguistically solidify our understanding of ethnicity in a false way.", "promptID": "2332_xnli.test", "pairID": "6995_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Property is an endless succession of bubbles in space, or cyberspace, with different people claiming an endless variety of interests in them.", "sentence2": "Property is just people saying they own something.", "promptID": "2206_xnli.test", "pairID": "6618_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Everybody gets champagne and some people don't drink it so what's left the kids drink so we were going around drinking all this champagne.", "sentence2": "The whole party was dry and no alcohol was served.", "promptID": "101_xnli.test", "pairID": "303_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In a book dealing with a subject of this sort one must be extremely careful to cleave to rigid definitions of the key terms ( euphemism, dysphemism, taboo , etc.) and not deviate from them.", "sentence2": "The book talks about how the words are used in medicine.", "promptID": "2341_xnli.test", "pairID": "7022_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Our borders and immigration system, including law enforcement, ought to send a message of welcome, tolerance, and justice to members of immigrant communities in the United States and in their countries of origin.", "sentence2": "Our country should make it clear they welcome immigrants.", "promptID": "1585_xnli.test", "pairID": "4753_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In this way, the spelling of a word often relates to that of other words belonging to the same paradigm, or to its own history.", "sentence2": "The spelling of a word is tied to how it was used in ancient times.", "promptID": "2370_xnli.test", "pairID": "7109_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Raves for Mrs. Dalloway keep coming, but a more critical take also emerges.", "sentence2": "There are no raves or critical takes associated with Mrs. Dalloway.", "promptID": "2132_xnli.test", "pairID": "6396_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Jacob Weisberg's excellent essay, Car Talk, on the key to this year's gubernatorial and municipal elections, redefines the word autocracy.", "sentence2": "Weisberg wrote about the elections.", "promptID": "2046_xnli.test", "pairID": "6136_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "One must be very cautious in proposing etymologies that attribute the origin of a word to playfulness or they often turn out to be folk etymologies and totally empty of anything more than hollow speculation.", "sentence2": "New etymologies are really delicate to introduce.", "promptID": "2495_xnli.test", "pairID": "7483_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "FOREVER PLAID - a name that connotes the continuation of traditional values, of family, home and harmony.", "sentence2": "FOREVER PLAID helps convey a sense of tradition and family.", "promptID": "1929_xnli.test", "pairID": "5785_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As a Nussbaum member you have helped us save endangered animals--and their homes.", "sentence2": "Nussbaum members have no impact on saving endangered animals.", "promptID": "1896_xnli.test", "pairID": "5687_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When this technique works, you get a powerful story, albeit one whose subject is not revealed until around the third paragraph.", "sentence2": "With this story writing technique, you risk your readers losing interest or being confused, because the subject isn't revealed until the third paragraph.", "promptID": "2053_xnli.test", "pairID": "6159_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When Alice objected, But that's a different kind of fastness, he replied, It was all kinds of fastness with me, I can assure you!", "sentence2": "Alice agreed with all of it.", "promptID": "2381_xnli.test", "pairID": "7141_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "That is why it is disconcerting if dress and decor are not in harmony.", "sentence2": "It is beautiful to see no harmony between dress and decor.", "promptID": "650_xnli.test", "pairID": "1948_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But if he uses the grammer, vocabularly, and idiom of the standard English found in newspapers, books, magazines, and news bulletins, then all we notice about his speech is his accent--and possibly his intonation.", "sentence2": "He is using standard English grammer and vocabulary found in newspapers, books, and magazines in an attempt to disguise himself, but his foreign accent gives him away.", "promptID": "2408_xnli.test", "pairID": "7223_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Politicization of Nearly Everything (Literary Division) proceeds apace.", "sentence2": "The Politicization of Nearly Everything goes on swiftly.", "promptID": "2070_xnli.test", "pairID": "6208_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Raves for Mrs. Dalloway keep coming, but a more critical take also emerges.", "sentence2": "Several students rave about Mrs. Dalloway and even more criticize her.", "promptID": "2132_xnli.test", "pairID": "6395_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We have a long way to go before we reach our goal of $365,000 from friends and subscribers such as yourself.", "sentence2": "Our monetary goal exceeds $300,000.", "promptID": "1784_xnli.test", "pairID": "5350_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There's so much you could talk about on that I'll just skip that.", "sentence2": "I won't talk about that, even though there's a lot to cover.", "promptID": "5_xnli.test", "pairID": "14_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Politicization of Nearly Everything (Literary Division) proceeds apace.", "sentence2": "The Politicization of Nearly Everything is nearly done.", "promptID": "2070_xnli.test", "pairID": "6210_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}
{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ticket income doesn't begin to cover the cost of these programs.", "sentence2": "It seems that the cost of these programs will not be covered by the ticket income.", "promptID": "1788_xnli.test", "pairID": "5362_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}