Judging O from O previous O posts O this O used O to O be O a O good O place B-TARGET , O but O not O any O longer. O We, O there O were O four O of O us, O arrived O at O noon O - O the O place O was O empty O - O and O the O staff B-TARGET acted O like O we O were O imposing O on O them O and O they O were O very O rude. O They O never O brought O us O complimentary O noodles, O ignored O repeated O requests O for O sugar, O and O threw O our O dishes O on O the O table. O The O food B-TARGET was O lousy O - O too O sweet O or O too O salty O and O the O portions B-TARGET tiny. O After O all O that, O they O complained O to O me O about O the O small O tip. O Avoid O this O place B-TARGET ! O I O have O eaten O at O Saul, O many O times, O the O food B-TARGET is O always O consistently, O outrageously O good. O Saul B-TARGET is O the O best O restaurant O on O Smith O Street O and O in O Brooklyn. O The O duck B-TARGET confit I-TARGET is O always O amazing O and O the O foie B-TARGET gras I-TARGET terrine I-TARGET with I-TARGET figs I-TARGET was O out O of O this O world. O The O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET is O interesting O and O has O many O good O values. O For O the O price, O you O cannot O eat O this O well O in O Manhattan. O I O was O very O disappointed O with O this O restaurant B-TARGET . O Ive O asked O a O cart B-TARGET attendant I-TARGET for O a O lotus O leaf O wrapped O rice O and O she O replied O back O rice O and O just O walked O away. O I O had O to O ask O her O three O times O before O she O finally O came O back O with O the O dish O Ive O requested. O Food B-TARGET was O okay, O nothing O great. O Chow B-TARGET fun I-TARGET was O dry; O pork B-TARGET shu I-TARGET mai I-TARGET was O more O than O usually O greasy O and O had O to O share O a O table O with O loud O and O rude O family. O I/we O will O never O go O back O to O this O place B-TARGET again. O Went O on O a O 3 O day O oyster O binge, O with O Fish B-TARGET bringing O up O the O closing, O and O I O am O so O glad O this O was O the O place O it O O O trip O ended, O because O it O was O so O great! O Service B-TARGET was O devine, O oysters B-TARGET where O a O sensual O as O they O come, O and O the O price O can't O be O beat!!! O You O can't O go O wrong O here. O Every O time O in O New O York O I O make O it O a O point O to O visit O Restaurant B-TARGET Saul I-TARGET on O Smith O Street. O Everything O is O always O cooked O to O perfection, O the O service B-TARGET is O excellent, O the O decor B-TARGET cool O and O understated. O I O had O the O duck B-TARGET breast I-TARGET special I-TARGET on O my O last O visit O and O it O was O incredible. O Can't O wait O wait O for O my O next O visit. O I O had O my O eyes O on O this O place, O promising O myself O I O will O one O day O 'give O it O a O try.' O And O I O hate O to O say O this O but O I O doubt O I'll O ever O go O back. O The O food B-TARGET is O very O average...the O Thai B-TARGET fusion I-TARGET stuff I-TARGET is O a O bit O too O sweet, O every O thing O they O serve O is O too O sweet O here. O The O only O thing O I O moderately O enjoyed O was O their O Grilled B-TARGET Chicken I-TARGET special I-TARGET with I-TARGET Edamame I-TARGET Puree I-TARGET . O I O had O never O had O Edamame B-TARGET pureed I-TARGET before O but O I O thought O it O was O innovative O and O tasty O (could've O used O a O bit O more O salt). O Anyways, O if O you're O in O the O neighborhood O to O eat O good O food, O I O wouldn't O waste O my O time O trying O to O find O something, O rather O go O across O the O street O to O Tamari. O The O decor B-TARGET is O night O tho...but O they O REALLY O need O to O clean O that O vent B-TARGET in O the O ceiling...its O quite O un-appetizing, O and O kills O your O effort O to O make O this O place B-TARGET look O sleek O and O modern. O We O ate O outside O at O Haru's O Sake O bar O because O Haru's O restaurant O next O door O was O overflowing. O What's O the O difference O between O the O two? O Their O sake B-TARGET list I-TARGET was O extensive, O but O we O were O looking O for O Purple O Haze, O which O wasn't O listed O but O made O for O us O upon O request! O The O spicy B-TARGET tuna I-TARGET roll I-TARGET was O unusually O good O and O the O rock B-TARGET shrimp I-TARGET tempura I-TARGET was O awesome, O great O appetizer O to O share! O We O went O around O 9:30 O on O a O Friday O and O it O had O died O down O a O bit O by O then O so O the O service B-TARGET was O great! O we O love O th O pink B-TARGET pony I-TARGET . O THe O perfect O spot B-TARGET . O Food B-TARGET -awesome. O Service B-TARGET - O friendly O and O attentive. O Ambiance B-TARGET - O relaxed O and O stylish. O Don't O judge O this O place B-TARGET prima O facie, O you O have O to O try O it O to O believe O it, O a O home O away O from O home O for O the O literate O heart. O i O have O eaten O here O a O handful O of O times, O for O no O reason O besides O sheer O convenience. O (i O hang O out, O and O live, O in O the O neighborhood..) O the O food B-TARGET is O decent. O however, O it's O the O service B-TARGET that O leaves O a O bad O taste O in O my O mouth. O i O happen O to O have O a O policy O that O goes O along O with O a O little O bit O of O self-respect, O which O includes O not O letting O a O waiter B-TARGET intimidate O me, O i.e. O make O me O feel O bad O asking O for O trivialities O like O water, O or O the O check. O i O know, O you O were O too O busy O showing O off O your O vintage O tee O shirt O and O looking O bored, O but O my O agenda O is O i'm O here O to O eat O and O enjoy O the O company O of O friends, O seeking O a O pleasant O experience. O well, O i O didn't O find O it O there, O and O trust, O i O have O told O everyone O i O can O think O of O about O my O experience. O the O last O time O i O walked O by O it O looked O pretty O empty. O hmmm. O This O place B-TARGET has O got O to O be O the O best O japanese O restaurant O in O the O new O york O area. O I O had O a O great O experience. O Food B-TARGET is O great. O Service B-TARGET is O top O notch. O I O have O been O going O back O again O and O again. O I O tend O to O judge O a O sushi O restaurant O by O its O sea B-TARGET urchin I-TARGET , O which O was O heavenly O at O sushi O rose. O It O melted O in O my O little O mouth O and O the O perfect O consistency-not O too O fishy, O creamy, O and O slightly O buttery. O The O sushi B-TARGET seemed O pretty O fresh O and O was O adequately O proportioned. O The O rice B-TARGET to I-TARGET fish I-TARGET ration I-TARGET was O also O good--they O didn't O try O to O overpack O the O rice. O We O took O advanatage O of O the O half B-TARGET price I-TARGET sushi I-TARGET deal I-TARGET on O saturday O so O it O was O well O worth O it. O I O went O to O this O restaurant O with O a O woman O that O I O met O recently. O She O lives O nearby O but O had O never O gone O to O this O establishment O thinking O that O it O might O be O too O touristy. O Surprisingly O nothing O could O be O further O from O the O truth. O In O the O evening, O this O place O attracted O a O well O dressed, O with O it, O NY O crowd B-TARGET . O The O food B-TARGET was O well O prepared O and O the O service B-TARGET impecable. O I'm O going O back. O Having O hunted O around O for O a O quiet, O romantic, O yet O not O hideously O expensive O restaurant O I O stumbled O across O reviews O for O La O Lanterna O and O gave O it O a O shot. O Quite O simply O it's O like O stepping O out O of O Manhattan O and O into O a O haven O of O tranquility. O The O service O was O attentive, O yet O unimposing, O the O food O was O far O better O than O many O notorious O restaurants O in O Midtown O and O the O wine O list O is O extensive O and O well O priced. O The O Prix B-TARGET Fixe I-TARGET menu I-TARGET is O worth O every O penny O and O you O get O more O than O enough O (both O in O quantity O AND O quality). O I O will O be O going O back O and O heartily O recommend O it! O I've O had O the O lunch O buffet O at O Chennai O a O couple O of O times, O when O I O have O been O in O the O neighborhood. O It O is O terrific, O as O is O the O value. O $6 O and O there O is O much O tasty O food B-TARGET , O all O of O it O fresh O and O continually O refilled. O I O am O not O a O vegetarian O but, O almost O all O the O dishes B-TARGET were O great. O Frankly, O when O you O compare O what O you O can O have O here O for O lunch, O versus O McDs O or O so O many O other O sandwich O shops O in O the O city, O there O is O no O comparison. O Go O hungry O and O enjoy. O The O food B-TARGET here O is O rather O good, O but O only O if O you O like O to O wait O for O it. O I O like O the O somosas B-TARGET , O chai B-TARGET , O and O the O chole B-TARGET , O but O the O dhosas B-TARGET and O dhal B-TARGET were O kinda O dissapointing. O The O service B-TARGET varys O from O day O to O day- O sometimes O they're O very O nice, O and O sometimes O not. O The O kitchen B-TARGET however, O is O almost O always O slow. O Also, O specify O if O you O like O your O food B-TARGET spicy- O its O rather O bland O if O you O don't. O The O ambience B-TARGET is O pretty O and O nice O for O conversation, O so O a O casual O lunch O here O would O probably O be O best. O Just O went O here O for O my O girlfriends O 23rd O bday. O If O you've O ever O been O along O the O river O in O Weehawken O you O have O an O idea O of O the O top O of O view B-TARGET the O chart O house O has O to O offer. O Add O to O that O great O service B-TARGET and O great O food B-TARGET at O a O reasonable O price O and O you O have O yourself O the O beginning O of O a O great O evening. O The O lava B-TARGET cake I-TARGET dessert I-TARGET was O incredible O and O I O recommend O it. O Once O you O step O into O Cosette B-TARGET , O you're O miraculously O in O a O small, O off-the-beaten O path O Parisian O bistro. O This O tiny O restaurant B-TARGET is O as O cozy O as O it O gets, O with O that O certain O Parisian O flair. O The O food B-TARGET was O average O to O above-average; O the O French B-TARGET Onion I-TARGET soup I-TARGET filling O yet O not O overly O impressive, O and O the O desserts B-TARGET not O brilliant O in O any O way. O However, O go O for O the O ambience B-TARGET , O and O consider O the O food B-TARGET just O a O companion O for O a O trip O across O the O world! O I O have O never O eaten O in O the O restaurant, O however, O upon O reading O the O reviews O I O got O take O out O last O week. O IT O WAS O HORRIBLE. O The O pizza B-TARGET was O delivered O cold O and O the O cheese B-TARGET wasn't O even O fully O melted! O It O looked O like O shredded O cheese O partly O done O - O still O in O strips. O I O have O eaten O at O many O pizza O places O around O NYC O and O this O is O hands O down O the O worst. O This O has O got O to O be O one O of O the O most O overrated O restaurants O in O Brooklyn. O The O pizza B-TARGET is O overpriced O and O soggy. O Yes, O they O use O fancy O ingredients B-TARGET , O but O even O fancy O ingredients O don't O make O for O good O pizza B-TARGET unless O someone O knows O how O to O get O the O crust B-TARGET right. O A O big O disappointment, O all O around. O I O think O I've O had O some O the O best O meals B-TARGET of O my O life O at O minnow. O The O seafood B-TARGET is O amazing, O there's O a O good O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET , O and O the O ever-changing O menu B-TARGET always O offers O some O great O surprises. O The O combination O of O super-fresh O ingredients B-TARGET in O the O dishes O are O unusual O but O really O delicious. O Worth O the O trip O from O Manhattan. O Was O there O Friday O night. O Best O Pastrami B-TARGET I O ever O had O and O great O portion B-TARGET without O being O ridiculous. O And O I've O been O to O many O NYC O delis. O My O wife O had O the O fried B-TARGET shrimp I-TARGET which O are O huge O and O loved O it. O Price O no O more O than O a O Jersey O deli O but O way O better. O As O a O Japanese O native, O I've O lived O in O the O Tristate O area O for O over O 8 O years, O but O I O was O just O so O amazed O at O this O place B-TARGET . O This O place B-TARGET is O the O most O Japanese O it O can O ever O get. O The O signs B-TARGET , O the O specials B-TARGET menus I-TARGET , O food B-TARGET , O and O even O all O the O waitstaff B-TARGET are O ALL O TOTALLY O Japanese. O This O place B-TARGET is O worth O an O one-hour O drive. O I O am O so O coming O back O here O again, O as O much O as O I O can. O Leon B-TARGET is O an O East O Village O gem: O casual O but O hip, O with O well O prepared O basic O French B-TARGET bistro I-TARGET fare I-TARGET , O good O specials B-TARGET , O a O warm O and O lively O atmosphere B-TARGET . O My O wife O and O I O always O enjoy O the O young, O not O always O well O trained O but O nevertheless O friendly, O staff B-TARGET , O all O of O whom O have O a O story. O Sit O outside O in O the O warm O weather; O inside O for O cozy O winter. O Decent O wine B-TARGET at O reasonable O prices. O Have O been O dozens O of O times O and O never O failed O to O enjoy O the O experience. O Our O teenage O kids O love O it, O too. O Everytime O I O decide O to O try O another O place O on O the O UES, O I O get O angry O that O I O didn't O just O go O to O Zucchero B-TARGET Pomodori I-TARGET . O This O is O by O far O my O favorite O place B-TARGET in O the O neighborhood. O The O service B-TARGET is O excellent, O the O decor B-TARGET is O great, O and O the O food B-TARGET is O delicious O and O comes O in O large O portions B-TARGET . O You'll O pay O at O least O double O at O any O other O Italian O restaurant O in O the O city, O and O most O still O don't O compare. O I'm O partial O to O the O Gnocchi B-TARGET . O This O place B-TARGET is O incredibly O tiny. O They O refuse O to O seat O parties O of O 3 O or O more O on O weekends. O The O hostess B-TARGET is O rude O to O the O point O of O being O offensive. O The O food B-TARGET was O bland O oily. O I O just O don't O understand O all O the O hype... O We O went O to O Ino O for O Valentines. O We O have O been O to O this O place O many O times, O and O always O have O great O food B-TARGET , O wine B-TARGET , O and O service B-TARGET . O We O were O worried O we O would O have O trouble O getting O in, O but O somehow O managed O to O have O a O short O wait B-TARGET . O As O always O we O had O a O great O glass B-TARGET of I-TARGET wine I-TARGET while O we O waited. O When O we O sat, O we O got O great O and O fast O service B-TARGET . O The O people B-TARGET that O work O there O are O always O so O friendly O you O forget O you O are O in O New O York O sometimes. O Make O sure O you O try O this O place B-TARGET as O often O as O you O can. O This O is O a O fun O restaurant B-TARGET to O go O to. O The O pizza B-TARGET is O yummy O and O I O like O the O atmoshpere B-TARGET . O But O the O pizza B-TARGET is O way O to O expensive. O A O large O is O $20, O and O toppings B-TARGET are O about O $3 O each. O I O went O there O for O lunch B-TARGET and O it O was O not O as O good O as O I O expected O from O the O reviews O I O read. O Sauce B-TARGET was O watery O and O the O food B-TARGET didn't O have O much O flavor. O If O you O like O the O food O and O the O value O you O get O from O some O of O Chinatown O restaurants, O this O is O not O the O place O for O you. O I O don't O think O I O would O go O again. O This O place B-TARGET is O great. O I O had O a O huge O group O for O my O birthday O and O we O were O well O taken O care O of. O The O waitress B-TARGET was O very O patient O with O us O and O the O food B-TARGET is O phenomenal! O Service B-TARGET was O prompt, O friendly O and O great. O Slightly O on O the O pricey O side O but O worth O it! O Great O pizza B-TARGET and O fantastic O service B-TARGET . O There O was O a O small O wait B-TARGET , O but O shorter O than O I O expected. O Located O at O the O end O of O a O magnificent O block B-TARGET . O Very O cozy O and O warm O inside..... O I O will O be O back! O This O is O the O best O sushi B-TARGET in O new O york O city O - O hands O down. O The O place B-TARGET is O small O and O cramped O but O the O food B-TARGET is O fantastic. O Get O the O tuna B-TARGET of I-TARGET gari I-TARGET . O The O one O on O the O east O side O is O much O better O than O the O one O on O the O west O side. O Planet B-TARGET Thailand I-TARGET has O always O been O a O hit O with O me O , O I O go O there O usually O for O the O sushi B-TARGET , O which O is O great O , O the O thai B-TARGET food I-TARGET is O excellent O too O . O With O the O great O variety O on O the O menu B-TARGET , O I O eat O here O often O and O never O get O bored O . O The O atmosphere B-TARGET isn't O the O greatest O , O but O I O suppose O that's O how O they O keep O the O prices O down O . O It's O all O about O the O food B-TARGET !! O I O went O there O with O my O friend O last O saturday. O first O it O took O us O a O long O time O to O find O the O place B-TARGET . O we O were O tired O and O cold O when O we O got O to O the O restaurant, O then O we O sat O down O to O begin O ordering O appetizers. O but O when O we O looked O at O the O menu B-TARGET , O there O weren't O a O lot O of O choices, O most O of O them O were O dumplings O in O the O appetizer O section. O then O we O ordered O a O dinosaur O rolls O and O white O tuna O sashimi. O those O rolls B-TARGET were O big, O but O not O good O and O sashimi B-TARGET wasn't O fresh. O they O were O dry O and O disgusting, O i O didn't O even O finish O my O first O piece. O Hurley's O is O like O Cheers O where O everyone O knows O your O name O and O they O are O ACTUALLY O glad O you O came. O Try O the O crunchy B-TARGET tuna I-TARGET , O it O is O to O die O for. O Try O everything O for O that O matter, O it O is O all O good. O I O have O been O going O there O since O it O opened O and O I O can't O get O enough. O First O went O here O to O enjoy O their O garden B-TARGET terrace I-TARGET . O The O food B-TARGET was O amazing, O and O the O service B-TARGET was O prompt O and O helpful, O but O not O over-bearing O or O rushed. O The O Steak B-TARGET Tartare I-TARGET is O a O great O bet, O they O fix O it O for O you O at O the O table. O Admittedly O some O nights O inside O the O restaurant B-TARGET were O rather O warm, O but O the O open B-TARGET kitchen I-TARGET is O part O of O the O charm. O Great O wine B-TARGET selection I-TARGET , O Gigondas B-TARGET is O worth O the O price, O and O the O house B-TARGET champagne I-TARGET is O a O great O value. O It O may O be O a O bit O packed O on O weekends, O but O the O vibe B-TARGET is O good O and O it O is O the O best O French B-TARGET food I-TARGET you O will O find O in O the O area. O Have O recommended O the O place B-TARGET to O friends, O always O gets O good O response. O Pizza O - O the O only O pizza B-TARGET in O NYC O that O should O not O have O additional O toppings O - O the O crust B-TARGET tastes O like O the O best, O freshly O baked O bread! O Veal O Parmigana O - O Better O than O Patsy's! O Much O more O reasonably O priced O too! O I O take O all O my O NYC O guests O to O VT's B-TARGET . O Not O sure O where O the O previous O reviewer, O lonk, O dined, O but O Saul O is O in O a O great O neighborhood B-TARGET and O has O great O food B-TARGET ! O I've O been O there O three O times O and O have O always O had O wonderful O experiences. O I'd O highly O recommend O it O for O a O special O occasion O -- O it O provides O and O intimate O setting B-TARGET and O nice O service B-TARGET . O I'm O not O sure O where O the O other O reviewers O ate O but O it O seems O as O if O we O visited O two O different O restaurants O because O my O friends O and O I O all O enjoy O Mizu B-TARGET very O much... O and O we're O repeat O customers. O Even O after O they O overcharged O me O the O last O time O I O was O there. O Make O sure O you O have O the O Spicy B-TARGET Scallop I-TARGET roll I-TARGET .. O . O it's O delicious! O Moules B-TARGET were O excellent, O lobster B-TARGET ravioli I-TARGET was O VERY O salty! O Took O my O mom O for O Mother's O Day, O and O the O maitre B-TARGET d' I-TARGET was O pretty O rude. O Told O us O to O sit O anywhere, O and O when O we O sat O he O said O the O table O was O reserved. O Stepped O on O my O foot O on O the O SECOND O time O he O reached O over O me O to O adjust O lighting. O Tiny O dessert B-TARGET was O $8.00...just O plain O overpriced O for O what O it O is. O The O drinks B-TARGET are O always O welll O made O and O wine B-TARGET selection I-TARGET is O fairly O priced. O Try O their O chef's B-TARGET specials I-TARGET -- O they O are O to O die O for. O Service B-TARGET is O not O exactly O five O star, O but O thats O not O really O a O big O deal. O Downstairs B-TARGET lounge I-TARGET is O always O a O good O attraction O Raga's B-TARGET is O a O romantic, O cozy O restaurant. O The O exotic B-TARGET food I-TARGET is O beautifully O presented O and O is O a O delight O in O delicious O combinations. O It O is O also O extremely O well O priced. O The O staff B-TARGET is O incredibly O helpful O and O attentive. O The O bar B-TARGET is O very O well O stocked O with O interesting O beers B-TARGET and O well O priced O wines B-TARGET . O This O is O one O of O my O favorite O restaurants O and O it O is O not O to O be O missed. O Your O friends O will O thank O you O for O introducing O them O to O this O gem! O When O we O stumbled O on O Leon B-TARGET , O we O thought O that O we O had O found O quite O the O gem O BUT, O we O were O certainly O wrong. O The O waitress B-TARGET moved O our O table O practically O into O the O bathroom O and O when O we O asked O to O cancel O our O dinner O orders O because O we O did O not O want O to O eat O sitting O on O the O toilet, O we O were O told O no... O Then, O to O top O things O off, O she O dropped O used O silverware O on O my O boyfriend's O jacket O and O did O not O stop O to O apologize O or O clean O the O mess O that O was O left O on O clothes. O Such O a O disappointment... O Rude O service B-TARGET , O medicore O food B-TARGET ...there O are O tons O of O restaurants O in O NY...stay O away O from O this O one O I O had O a O grat O time O at O Jekyll B-TARGET and I-TARGET Hyde I-TARGET ! O I O loved O everythig O about O it-especially O the O shows B-TARGET and O actors B-TARGET . O Our O server B-TARGET was O very O helpful O and O friendly. O I O am O bringing O my O whole O family O back O next O time. O The O food B-TARGET was O good O too. O The O tuna B-TARGET and O wasabe B-TARGET potatoes I-TARGET are O excellent. O The O outdoor B-TARGET atmosphere I-TARGET of O sitting O on O the O sidewalk O watching O the O world O go O by O 50 O feet O away O on O 6th O avenue O on O a O cool O evening O was O wonderful. O Inside O is O a O little O cramped, O but O to O be O expected. O Service B-TARGET was O prompt O and O courteous. O This O was O a O repeat O visit O and O we'll O definitely O be O back O again. O Great O service B-TARGET , O great O food B-TARGET . O Prices O are O in O line. O Compared O to O other O shabu O restaurants O around O town, O this O places O wins O hands-down. O But O too O far O east! O I O live O a O block O away O and O go O to O Patsy's O frequently. O The O pizza B-TARGET is O delicious O - O they O use O fresh B-TARGET mozzarella I-TARGET instead O of O the O cheap, O frozen, O shredded O cheese O common O to O most O pizzaria's. O Two O complaints- O their O appetizer B-TARGET selection I-TARGET stinks, O it O would O be O nice O to O get O some O mozzarella O sticks O on O the O menu. O Also, O because O it O is O so O thin, O it O gets O cold O very O quickly O and O its O not O that O filling. O So O eat O fast O and O order O a O lot. O Wait B-TARGET staff I-TARGET is O blantently O unappreciative O of O your O business O but O its O the O best O pie B-TARGET on O the O UWS! O By O far O the O best O salad B-TARGET I O have O had O in O a O fast O food O restaurant. O fine O dining B-TARGET restaurant O quality. O Over O 100 O different O choices O to O create O your O own. O A O must O try! O On O a O recent O Sunday O afternoon, O a O friend O and O I O accidently O found O this O great O restaurant B-TARGET on O our O way O to O see O the O pulitzer O prize O winning O play O DOUBT. O This O was O the O perfect O quiet, O relaxing, O and O delicious O accompaniment O to O our O afternoon O of O theater. O The O chicken B-TARGET pot I-TARGET pie I-TARGET is O excpetiona, O the O cheeseburger B-TARGET huge O and O delictable, O and O the O service B-TARGET professional O wan O warm. O With O so O many O poor O experiences O to O be O had O in O the O theater O district, O is O truly O an O excellent O find! O We O will O return O many O times O for O this O oasis O in O mid-town. O I O grew O up O on O these O bagels. O The O staff B-TARGET is O no O nonsense. O The O food B-TARGET options O rule. O When O I O lived O upstate O for O a O while O I O would O buy O freeze O the O bagels B-TARGET and O they O would O still O be O better O than O any O else. O Worth O visiting O the O 1st B-TARGET Ave I-TARGET spot I-TARGET because O it O is O the O original O store. O I O stumbled O upon O this O second O floor O walk-up O two O Fridays O ago O when O I O was O with O two O friends O in O town O from O L.A. O Being O serious O sushi O lovers, O we O sat O at O the O sushi O bar O to O be O closer O to O the O action. O I O asked O the O chef O what O he O recommends O and O he O asked O me O if O I O like O Uni. O ( O For O those O of O you O who O don't O know, O Uni O is O Sea O Urchin O in O Japanese, O which O happens O to O be O my O favorite.) O He O served O me O an O Uni B-TARGET Hand I-TARGET roll I-TARGET , O which O I O never O had O before, O and O let O me O tell O you...IT O WAS O HEAVEN! O Aside O from O the O Sea O Urchin, O the O chef O recommended O an O assortment O of O fish O including O Fatty O Yellow O Tail, O Boton O Shrimp, O Blue O Fin O Torro O (Fatty O Tuna), O Sea O Eel, O etc. O The O sake B-TARGET menu I-TARGET should O not O be O overlooked! O All O in O all, O this O midtown O gem O instantly O became O one O of O my O favorite O sushi O restaurants O in O the O city. O Try O the O lobster B-TARGET teriyaki I-TARGET and O the O rose B-TARGET special I-TARGET roll I-TARGET . O We O visited O Orsay O during O NY O Restaurant O Week O and O tried O their O $35 O menu. O Service B-TARGET was O very O good O - O prompt, O attentive O and O non-intrusive. O Food B-TARGET was O very O good O as O well, O considering O that O we O tried O the O budget O selection O (though O I O wish O the O pork B-TARGET belly I-TARGET that O I O ordered O was O roasted O a O bit O longer, O so O that O fat O was O more O of O a O melt-in-your-mouth O experience). O Wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET selection I-TARGET is O good O and O wine-by-the-glass B-TARGET was O generously O filled O to O the O top. O Traditional B-TARGET French I-TARGET decour I-TARGET was O pleasant O though O the O hall B-TARGET was O rather O noisy O - O the O restaurant O was O full O and O we O had O to O raise O our O voices O to O be O able O to O maintain O a O conversation. O I've O been O to O at O Cafe B-TARGET Spice I-TARGET probably O 5-8 O times, O it O is O probably O still O the O best O Indian O restaurant O around O Union O Square. O To O sum O it O up: O Service B-TARGET varies O from O good O to O mediorce, O depending O on O which O waiter O you O get; O generally O it O is O just O average O Ok. O Seating B-TARGET is O always O prompt, O though O the O restaurant O does O fill O up O in O the O evening. O Food B-TARGET is O usually O very O good, O though O ocasionally O I O wondered O about O freshmess O of O raw B-TARGET vegatables I-TARGET in I-TARGET side I-TARGET orders I-TARGET . O As O many O other O reviewers O noticed, O your O order O is O often O slow O to O arrive O - O this O is O particularly O true O in O the O evening O but O is O not O a O problem O during O lunch O time. O The O decor B-TARGET is O vibrant O and O eye-pleasing O with O several O semi-private B-TARGET boths I-TARGET on O the O right O side O of O the O dining O hall, O which O are O great O for O a O date. O I O have O NEVER O been O disappointed O in O the O Red B-TARGET Eye I-TARGET . O The O first O time O I O went, O and O was O completely O taken O by O the O live B-TARGET jazz I-TARGET band I-TARGET and O atmosphere B-TARGET , O I O ordered O the O Lobster O Cobb O Salad. O I've O never O ordered O anything O else O from O their O menu...there's O no O need O to. O It's O simply O the O best O meal B-TARGET in O NYC. O You O cannot O go O wrong O at O the O Red B-TARGET Eye I-TARGET Grill I-TARGET . O If O we O were O to O move O from O the O upper O east O side, O we O would O genuinely O miss O this O restaurant B-TARGET . O We've O lived O in O the O area O for O more O than O 8 O years. O The O restaurant B-TARGET is O cute O but O not O upscale. O The O food B-TARGET is O a O diamond O in O rough O -- O the O food O is O delicious O and O homemade O with O the O perfect O balance B-TARGET of I-TARGET herbs I-TARGET and I-TARGET tomatoes I-TARGET . O I O would O highly O recommend O it. O It's O one O of O our O favorite O places O to O eat O in O NY. O We O had O a O great O time O at O the O Jekyll B-TARGET and I-TARGET hyde I-TARGET Pub I-TARGET last O night. O We O were O walking O around O the O village O and O went O into O this O place O just O for O some O drinks. O After O really O enjoying O ourselves O at O the O bar B-TARGET we O sat O down O at O a O table O and O had O dinner. O The O server B-TARGET was O really O cool O and O served O us O our O food O and O drinks O with O a O smile. O The O place's O decor B-TARGET and O hidden B-TARGET bathrooms I-TARGET made O for O a O good O laugh. O I O highly O recommend O visiting O this O restaurant B-TARGET and O having O dinner O and O drinks! O If O you O are O the O type O of O person O who O likes O being O scared O and O entertained, O this O is O a O great O place B-TARGET to O go O and O eat. O My O husband O and O I O thougt O it O would O be O great O to O go O to O the O Jekyll B-TARGET and I-TARGET Hyde I-TARGET Pub I-TARGET for O our O anniversary, O and O to O our O surprise O it O was O fantastic. O The O have O over O 100 O different O beers B-TARGET to O offer O thier O guest O so O that O made O my O husband O very O happy O and O the O food B-TARGET was O delicious, O if O I O must O recommend O a O dish O it O must O be O the O pumkin B-TARGET tortelini I-TARGET . O The O entertainment O was O great O they O have O shows O that O go O on O through O out O the O dinner. O Please O take O my O advice, O go O and O try O this O place B-TARGET . O Its O located O in O greenewich O village. O You O will O not O be O disapointed O at O all. O Our O first O time O in O New O York O and O we O had O to O try O a O New O York O Bagel. O We O were O not O dissappointed O in O the O least O bit O by O this O little O gem. O The O bagel B-TARGET was O huge. O They O were O served O warm O and O had O a O soft O fluffy O interior. O The O workers O there O also O absolutely O load O the O bagel B-TARGET with O cream O cheese O (gets O a O little O messy). O I O loved O it O and O would O HIGHLY O RECOMMEND. O This O was O my O frist O time O at O Cafe O St. O Bart's O and O I O must O say O how O delicous O the O food B-TARGET and O the O service B-TARGET was. O When O I O called O this O morning, O I O didn't O think O I O would O be O able O to O get O in O at O 12, O but O I O was O able O to O get O in, O along O with O four O other O guests. O I O have O to O highly O recommend O the O lobster B-TARGET roll I-TARGET - O not O to O much O mayo; O you O can O tell O it O was O a O fresh O lobster B-TARGET . O Other O guests O enjoyed O pizza B-TARGET , O santa B-TARGET fe I-TARGET chopped I-TARGET salad I-TARGET and O fish B-TARGET and I-TARGET chips I-TARGET . O I O highly O recommend O Cafe O St. O Bart's O for O their O food B-TARGET , O the O ambience B-TARGET and O wonderful O service B-TARGET . O All O the O staff B-TARGET is O absolutely O professional!! O I O sometimes O see O the O waiters O don't O have O enough O knowledge O of O their O dishes. O But O they O do. O (that O is O A O MUST, O but O not O every O restaurant O can O do...) O If O you O want O to O dine O with O large O party, O I O recommend O to O make O reservation O BASEMENT. O There's O nice O and O quiet, O small O but O enough O for O 6 O (or O more). O This O restaurant B-TARGET was O way O overhyped. O My O chow B-TARGET fun I-TARGET and I-TARGET chow I-TARGET see I-TARGET was O really O bland O and O oily. O Okay-i O don't O mind O the O oily O part O (cause O most O are O cooked O that O way) O but O it O was O way O too O bland. O The O scallion B-TARGET pancakes I-TARGET and O fried B-TARGET dumplings I-TARGET were O nothing O out O of O the O ordinary. O The O service B-TARGET was O the O only O thing O good O about O this O restaurant B-TARGET . O It's O boring O on O the O inside, O and O our O sushi B-TARGET was O pretty O below O average... O the O tuna B-TARGET was O soggy O and O the O other O rolls B-TARGET had O no O flavor. O I O definitely O wouldn't O go O back. O There O are O many O Thai O places O in O the O city O but O so O far O Toons O is O #1. O Their O pad B-TARGET penang I-TARGET is O delicious O and O everything O else O is O fantastic. O The O price O is O reasonable O although O the O service B-TARGET is O poor. O fresh B-TARGET restaurant I-TARGET was O amazing........ O food B-TARGET was O delicious O and O of O course O fresh. O great O for O a O romantic O evening, O or O a O fun O evening O with O friends... O I O will O be O going O back O very O soon. O keep O up O the O good O work. O Hats O off O to O the O chef B-TARGET . O I O am O not O the O most O experienced O person O when O it O comes O to O Thai O food, O but O my O friend O who O took O me O there O is. O He O has O visited O Thailand O and O is O quite O expert O on O the O cuisine. O It O was O wonderful. O the O salads B-TARGET are O delicious, O both O refreshing O and O very O spicy. O We O had O Pam's B-TARGET special I-TARGET fried I-TARGET fish I-TARGET and O it O was O amazing. O too O large O for O just O two O people O but O nothing O was O left. O Unbelievable. O Had O a O late O night O dinner O on O a O Saturday O night. O Great O vibe B-TARGET , O lots O of O people. O My O husband O and O I O both O ordered O the O Steak, O medium. O My O husbands O was O perfect, O my O was O well O done O and O dry. O I O didn't O complain, O I O liked O the O atmosphere B-TARGET so O much. O Will O give O it O another O chance O before O I O write O it O off. O Visited O there O while O on O vacation O and O reading O the O reviews. O On O a O hot O day O it O was O fabulous O to O stop O in O and O enjoy O lunch. O Ambience B-TARGET is O so O cute O and O quaint, O good O for O business O although O we O were O there O on O vacation. O Salads B-TARGET were O fantastic. O Although O we O were O looking O for O regular O lettuce O and O some O walnuts O the O salads B-TARGET we O got O were O great. O Ingredients B-TARGET are O organic O which O is O a O real O plus O for O me. O We O will O be O back. O This O is O some O really O good, O inexpensive O sushi B-TARGET . O It O costs O $2 O extra O to O turn O a O regular O roll O into O an O inside-out O roll, O but O the O roll O more O than O triples O in O size, O and O that's O not O just O from O the O rice. O The O spicy B-TARGET Tuna I-TARGET roll I-TARGET is O huge O and O probably O the O best O that O I've O had O at O this O price O range. O The O Yellowtail B-TARGET was O particularly O good O as O well. O I O have O reservations O about O the O all B-TARGET you I-TARGET can I-TARGET eat I-TARGET deal I-TARGET , O however O -- O the O choices O are O fairly O limited O and O you O can O probably O order O more O food O than O you O can O eat O for O less O than O $18 O by O just O going O off O the O menu. O In O any O event, O this O is O a O place B-TARGET I'll O be O sure O to O stop O by O again O when O I'm O in O this O part O of O town. O Big B-TARGET Wong I-TARGET gets O big O Ups O for O a O fine O establishment. O They O have O it O all O -- O great O price, O food B-TARGET , O and O service B-TARGET . O The O atmosphere B-TARGET is O noisy O and O the O waiters B-TARGET are O literally O walking O around O doing O things O as O fast O as O they O can. O The O food O is O prepared O quickly O and O efficiently. O And O it O all O comes O at O a O very O reasonable O price O ( O congee B-TARGET , O noodles B-TARGET , O and O rice B-TARGET dishes I-TARGET are O no O more O than O $3-6 O each). O The O takeout B-TARGET is O great O too O since O they O give O high O quality O tupperware O as O well. O This O place B-TARGET is O always O very O crowded O and O popular. O Went O here O on O a O friend's O reccomendation. O Enjoyed O a O very O nice O Caesar B-TARGET Salad I-TARGET while O my O wife O had O arugula B-TARGET and I-TARGET goat I-TARGET cheese I-TARGET ....both O very O tasty. O We O both O opted O for O a O pasta B-TARGET dish I-TARGET and O they O were O served O timely O and O fresh. O We O concluded O with O tiramisu B-TARGET chocolate B-TARGET cake I-TARGET , O both O were O delicious. O We'd O go O back O again O I O recently O went O to O this O restaurant B-TARGET with O some O co-workers O for O lunch O and O had O an O amazing O time. O The O staff B-TARGET was O accomodating, O the O food B-TARGET was O absolutely O delicious O and O the O place B-TARGET is O lovely. O We O even O had O a O visit O from O the O Manager B-TARGET who O wanted O to O make O sure O we O were O enjoying O ourselves. O Yes, O the O prices O are O high, O but O I O felt O it O was O worth O it. O We O all O felt O it O was O worth O it. O sometimes O i O get O good O food B-TARGET and O ok O service B-TARGET . O sometimes O i O get O bad O food B-TARGET and O bad O service B-TARGET , O sometimes O i O get O good O good B-TARGET and O bad O service B-TARGET . O it O is O not O consistent. O really O depends O on O your O luck! O The O place O is O a O BISTRO O which O means: O simple O dishes B-TARGET and O wine B-TARGET served O efficiently O in O a O bustling O atmosphere B-TARGET . O And O where O does O Patis B-TARGET go O wrong; O no O where. O You O are O not O eating O haut O cuisine O with O subtle O hints O of O whatever O but: O Cassuolet, O Steake O Fritte, O Tripe O Stew, O etc; O simple O stuff. O And O evaluated O on O those O terms O Pastis B-TARGET is O simply O wonderful. O Right O off O the O L O in O Brooklyn O this O is O a O nice O cozy O place B-TARGET with O good O pizza B-TARGET . O Mine O was O a O little O burnt O but O still O delicious O with O goat O cheese O and O panchetta O ( O raddichio B-TARGET was O kind O of O bitter O though). O My O friend O got O the O mushroom B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET which O tasted O better. O The O sangria B-TARGET was O pretty O tasty O and O good O on O a O hot O muggy O day. O Kind O of O a O small O place B-TARGET but O I O guess O if O they O are O not O too O busy O might O be O able O to O fit O a O group O or O kids. O Overall O I O would O recommend O it O and O go O back O again. O Coming O from O Boston O this O place O is O like O Emma's O Pizza O in O Kendall O Square O in O Cambridge O (although O they O have O more O funky O toppings!) O I O started O out O with O a O Bombay B-TARGET beer I-TARGET which O was O big O enough O for O two. O For O dinner O I O had O the O chicken O tikka-masala O and O some O garlic O naan. O MMmmm... O it O was O delicious. O Service B-TARGET was O slow, O but O the O people B-TARGET were O friendly. O It's O a O nice O place B-TARGET to O relax O and O have O conversation. O I O can't O wait O to O go O back. O We O have O lived O in O Chelsea O for O two O years O and O have O never O noticed O this O restaurant. O The O food B-TARGET is O authentic O Italian O - O delicious! O Pizza B-TARGET is O terrific, O as O is O homemade B-TARGET pasta I-TARGET . O Ambience B-TARGET is O delightful, O service B-TARGET impeccable. O I'm O still O mad O that O i O had O to O pay O for O lousy O food B-TARGET . O The O hanger B-TARGET steak I-TARGET was O like O rubber O and O the O tuna B-TARGET was O flavorless O not O to O mention O it O tasted O like O it O had O just O been O thawed. O Service B-TARGET was O also O horrible O and O the O ambience B-TARGET is O not O that O great. O DO O not O try O unless O you're O just O going O there O to O hang O out O like O the O rest O of O the O hipsters O who O apparently O have O no O sense O of O taste. O I O go O and O eat O out O at O many O different O restaurants O and O this O is O one O place B-TARGET you O have O go O and O try. O This O is O my O first O time O writing O a O review O for O a O restaurant O because O the O food B-TARGET and O service B-TARGET was O excellent. O The O filet B-TARGET mignon I-TARGET dish I-TARGET was O superb! O I O would O defiantly O come O back O here O again O as O one O of O my O top O choices. O It's O a O small O cute O restaurant B-TARGET . O I O absolutely O love O this O place B-TARGET !!! O From O the O street O it O looks O very O hidden, O and O is O actually O an O old O warehouse. O I O like O the O ambience B-TARGET , O it's O very O dark O and O original. O I O came O here O for O my O friend's O birthday O and O keep O coming O back O ever O since. O The O sushi B-TARGET is O amazing!!! O And O amazingly O cheap. O Big O thumbs O up! O Very O affordable O and O excellent O ambient B-TARGET ! O We O ordered O some O beef B-TARGET and I-TARGET noodle I-TARGET soup I-TARGET dishes I-TARGET from O the O Thai O section O of O the O menu O but O nothing O we O got O was O Thai. O We O were O very O disappointed. O We O won't O go O to O this O place O again O for O a O good O meal B-TARGET . O However, O I O think O this O place B-TARGET is O a O good O hang O out O spot. O Next O time, O we O wouldn't O dare O ordering O anything O else O other O than O some O simple O Asian O appetizers O and O drinks. O My O Girlfriend O and O I O stumbled O onto O this O hopping O place B-TARGET the O other O night O and O had O a O great O time! O THe O Pizza B-TARGET and O wine B-TARGET were O excellent-the O service B-TARGET too--but O what O really O MADE O this O place O was O the O backyard B-TARGET dining I-TARGET area I-TARGET . O It O is O one O the O nicest O outdoor O restaurants O I O have O ever O seen O in O NY--I O am O from O Italy O and O this O place O rivals O the O ones O in O my O country. O They O tell O me O they O are O going O to O cover O the O garden O in O glass O for O the O winter, O so O i'm O looking O forward O to O going O there O on O a O snowy O night O to O enjoy O it. O Check O this O place B-TARGET out! O HIGHLY O RECOMMENDED!!!!! O First O of O all, O this O place B-TARGET is O *not* O romantic, O as O claimed O by O Citysearch's O editorial O review. O Either O that, O or O the O editor's O idea O of O romance O must O be O sharing O a O conversation O with O the O next O table, O while O trying O to O speak O louder O than O the O traffic O on O 57th. O The O tables B-TARGET are O crammed O way O too O close, O the O menu B-TARGET is O typical O of O any O Italian O restaurant, O and O the O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET is O simply O overpriced. O Slightly O above O average O wines B-TARGET start O at O $70+ O with O only O one O selection O listed O at O $30+. O Service B-TARGET is O not O what O one O would O expect O from O a O joint O in O this O price O category. O For O instance, O plates O were O just O dumped O on O the O table, O I O was O handed O the O wine O list O upside O down, O etc.... O Somehow O working O the O italian O charm O with O constant O mille O grazie O does O not O constitute O proper O service B-TARGET . O To O be O completely O fair, O the O only O redeeming O factor O was O the O food B-TARGET , O which O was O above O average, O but O couldn't O make O up O for O all O the O other O deficiencies O of O Teodora B-TARGET . O To O celebrate O a O birthday, O three O of O us O went O to O Mare O anticipating O great O food. O Not O one O of O our O meals B-TARGET was O edible O - O bland O and/or O made O with O weird O rosemary B-TARGET or I-TARGET orange I-TARGET flavoring I-TARGET . O Fish B-TARGET was O overdone. O Cute O place B-TARGET , O nice O wait B-TARGET staff I-TARGET but O would O never O go O there O again. O Someone O else O recommended O the O dessert B-TARGET - O we O also O left O that. O One O of O us O actually O liked O the O expresso B-TARGET - O that's O it. O Skip O this O restaurant B-TARGET , O it's O a O big O disappointment. O Myagi B-TARGET is O one O of O my O favorite O restaurants O in O the O City; O the O place O the O negative O reviews O describe O sound O like O they O were O somewhere O else. O I've O never O had O bad O service B-TARGET and O the O fish B-TARGET is O fresh O and O delicious. O Their O tuna B-TARGET tartar I-TARGET appetizer I-TARGET is O to O die O for. O I O come O from O a O family O of O pizzeria O owners, O and O I'm O almost O ashamed O to O say O that O the O pizza B-TARGET in O Fornino's O blows O my O families O receipies O away. O It O is O simply O amazing. O The O place B-TARGET is O so O cool O and O the O service B-TARGET is O prompt O and O curtious. O I O highly O recommend O to O anyone O to O give O this O place B-TARGET a O try. O You O will O find O yourself O returning O quite O often. O P.S. O Please O don't O tell O anyone O in O my O family O i O eat O there. O LOL O A O restaurant O that O doesn't O try O to O do O anything O except O serve O great O food B-TARGET with O great O service B-TARGET in O a O pleasant O atmosphere B-TARGET . O No O gimmicks O here O -- O the O food B-TARGET speaks O for O itself O in O its O freshness O and O preparation. O The O dining B-TARGET room I-TARGET is O quietly O elegant O with O no O music O to O shout O over O -- O how O refreshing! O The O service B-TARGET was O impeccable O and O unobtrusive O -- O the O staff B-TARGET knows O what O they O are O there O to O do O -- O to O know O their O menu, O present O your O meal, O and O attend O to O your O needs. O Looking O around, O I O saw O a O room O full O of O New O Yorkers O enjoying O a O real O meal B-TARGET in O a O real O restaurant B-TARGET , O not O a O clubhouse O of O the O fabulous O trying O to O be O seen. O Beautiful O experience. O The O view B-TARGET is O breathtaking O the O service B-TARGET is O top O notch... O the O ambiance B-TARGET is O wonderfull. O The O staff B-TARGET offers O impeccable O service. O I O had O Lobster B-TARGET Bisque I-TARGET it O has O 2 O oz. O of O Maine O Lobster O in O it. O My O boyfriend O had O the O New B-TARGET England I-TARGET Chowder I-TARGET it O was O good O but O I O think O the O award O should O go O to O the O Lobster B-TARGET Bisque I-TARGET . O I O had O Filet O Mignon O with O garlic O mash. O It O was O divine O melts O in O your O mouth. O My O boyfriend O had O Prime B-TARGET Rib I-TARGET it O was O good O . O We O didn't O want O a O bottle O of O bubbly O on O a O weekday O so O we O each O got O little O bottles B-TARGET of I-TARGET Korbett I-TARGET it O was O just O enough. O We O had O Lava O Cake... O we O ordered O when O our O food O came O it O takes O at O least O a O 1/2 O to O make O it. O It's O cuz O it's O so O good O you O need O to O taste O it!!! O All O in O all O we're O already O coming O up O with O excuses O to O go O ahead O really O soon O in O the O next O few O wks!!!! O My O wife O and O I O ate O here O earlier O this O week O and O have O not O stopped O ranting O and O raving O about O the O food B-TARGET . O If O you O like O spicy O food O get O the O chicken B-TARGET vindaloo I-TARGET . O It's O very O spicy O but O not O offensive. O We O will O definitely O go O back. O Go O to O Volare O for O 1st O class O service B-TARGET and O terrific O food B-TARGET . O The O portions B-TARGET are O large O and O the O servers B-TARGET always O surprise O us O with O a O different O starter. O The O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET is O excellent. O The O food B-TARGET is O amazing... O especially O if O you O get O the O Chef's B-TARGET tasting I-TARGET menu I-TARGET and O your O favourite O bottle O (or O two!) O of O wine O from O an O extensive O selection B-TARGET of I-TARGET wines I-TARGET . O The O place B-TARGET is O small O and O intimate O and O you O may O feel O a O little O crowded, O but O the O service B-TARGET is O excellent O and O it's O great O for O friends O out, O a O romantic O date, O or O a O special O occassion. O People O dress O in O suits O or O evening O gowns O as O well O as O shirts O jeans. O The O food B-TARGET can O get O pricey O but O the O prixe B-TARGET fixe I-TARGET tasting I-TARGET menu I-TARGET is O the O greatest O food O for O a O good O price O and O they O cater O the O food O to O any O food O allergies O or O food O you O don't O like. O Recommendations, O of O course, O are O required! O Please O be O aware O that O it's O CASH O or O AMEX O only! O With O the O exception O of O our O lemon B-TARGET salad I-TARGET that O had O so O much O pepper O on O it O that O our O eyes O started O watering, O the O food B-TARGET here O was O decent, O not O great. O The O menu B-TARGET is O very O limited O - O i O think O we O counted O 4 O or O 5 O entrees. O We O ordered O the O special, O grilled B-TARGET branzino I-TARGET , O that O was O so O infused O with O bone, O it O was O difficult O to O eat. O The O decor B-TARGET in O this O place O is O very O diner-ish O and O the O kind O of O place O you O expect O in O the O East O Village O - O not O romantic, O just O simple, O small O and O sparse. O Problem O is O nothing O at O Prune B-TARGET is O particularly O memorable. O No O plans O to O return O anytime O soon. O This O place B-TARGET is O so O much O fun. O Our O family O never O expected O such O incredible O entertainment O in O a O restaurant B-TARGET . O This O place O must O have O cost O the O owners O afortune O to O build. O I O think O the O stuff O was O better O than O Disney. O Our O food B-TARGET was O great O too! O And O really O large O portions B-TARGET . O The O staff B-TARGET was O the O friendliest O that O have O seen O in O New O York. O We O will O go O back O every O time O we O are O in O the O City. O If O you O want O something O really O different O than O try O Jekyll B-TARGET and I-TARGET Hyde I-TARGET . O It O is O a O lot O of O fun O with O live O entertainment O and O all O kinds O of O Disney O type O special O effects. O The O food B-TARGET was O pretty O tradional O but O it O was O hot O and O good O with O large O portions B-TARGET . O I O highly O recommend O it. O I O am O going O to O the O mid O town O location O next. O The O place B-TARGET is O a O lot O of O fun. O My O six O year O old O loved O it. O The O characters B-TARGET really O make O for O an O enjoyable O experience. O The O food B-TARGET however, O is O what O one O might O expect. O It O is O very O overpriced O and O not O very O tasty. O However, O I O think O Jeckll B-TARGET and I-TARGET Hydes I-TARGET t O is O one O of O those O places O that O is O fun O to O do O once. O We O had O a O good O time. O Went O there O with O my O wife O and O we O had O to O wait O for O a O table O even O though O you O could O see O there O many O that O were O empty O with O not O reservation O sigh O on O them. O Service B-TARGET was O slow O had O to O wait O to O order O and O get O food O although O not O crowded. O Drinks B-TARGET way O over O priced. O Food B-TARGET was O good O not O great O not O worth O the O wait O or O another O visit O Great O pizza B-TARGET for O lunch O place. O Service B-TARGET was O quick. O The O pizza B-TARGET was O great. O And O it O was O quick O which O is O very O important. O Have O the O iced B-TARGET tea I-TARGET . O It O was O wonderful. O Whenever O you O need O a O Sushi O fix, O Mizu O will O be O there O with O quality O fish B-TARGET and O great O service B-TARGET . O Delivery B-TARGET is O fast O too. O Great O friendly O service B-TARGET , O Fast O seating B-TARGET , O Fast O Delivery B-TARGET , O Excellent O sushi B-TARGET . O A O little O overpriced O but O worth O it O once O you O take O a O bite. O Growing O up O in O NY, O I O have O eaten O my O share O of O bagels. O Ess-A-Bagel O (either O by O Sty-town O or O midtown) O is O by O far O the O best O bagel B-TARGET in O NY. O The O bagels B-TARGET always O warm, O soft O on O the O inside, O crispy O on O the O outside O and O enormous O in O size. O They O have O a O huge O selection O of O different O cream B-TARGET cheeses I-TARGET and O all O of O their O salads B-TARGET are O great. O The O lox B-TARGET is O always O fresh O too. O Highly O recommended O to O all! O I O have O to O agree O with O the O previous O reviewer. O I O don't O get O it O either. O Not O impressed O with O the O food B-TARGET . O Prices O too O high O for O this O cramped O and O unappealing O resturant B-TARGET . O Zero O ambiance B-TARGET to O boot. O I O thought O this O place B-TARGET was O totally O overrated. O Everything O we O had O was O good O or O ok....but O definitely O nothing O great. O The O ambience B-TARGET was O nice, O but O service B-TARGET wasn't O so O great. O When O you O add O it O all O together, O it O just O doesn't O seem O worth O it O to O me...especially O considering O the O prices. O This O is O the O BEST O Shabu-Shabu B-TARGET Restaurant I-TARGET in O the O Try-State O Area. O I O have O lived O in O Japan O for O 7 O years O and O the O taste O of O the O food B-TARGET and O the O feel B-TARGET of O the O restaurant O is O like O being O back O in O Japan. O Thius O is O a O must O for O anyone O who O loves O Shabu-Shabu B-TARGET . O The O atmosphere B-TARGET is O nothing O special, O but O it O feels O like O a O Sushi O establishment O in O Tokyo. O The O owner B-TARGET and O staff B-TARGET are O all O Japanese O as O well O and O that O adds O to O the O entire O ambiance B-TARGET . O Despite O a O slightly O limited O menu B-TARGET , O everything O prepared O is O done O to O perfection, O ultra O fresh O and O a O work O of O food O art. O I O must O give O it O Yon O out O of O Yon O stars! O Taxan B-TARGET delicious! O Arigato O Gozimas O Yuka! O This O restaurant O was O recommended O by O a O local...as O a O matter O of O fact, O he O made O the O reservation O for O us O and O said O we O would O not O be O disappointed! O We O weren't! O The O prices O were O CHEAP O compared O to O the O quality O of O service B-TARGET and O food B-TARGET . O We O liked O it O so O much, O that O we O will O always O make O it O a O point O to O dine O here O when O we O visit O New O York. O Went O there O for O an O office O lunch. O The O location B-TARGET and O ambience B-TARGET is O Ok O but O the O food B-TARGET is O what O makes O up O for O it. O There O is O a O lot O of O variety O even O for O people O who O eat O vegetarian O like O me. O Try O green B-TARGET curry I-TARGET with I-TARGET vegetables I-TARGET . O The O quantity O is O also O very O good, O you O will O come O out O satisfied. O The O service B-TARGET is O ok, O some O of O the O people O didn't O get O what O they O asked O for. O I O was O there O on O sat. O for O my O birthday O and O we O had O an O excellent O time. O I O had O the O best O ravioli B-TARGET ever. O The O wine B-TARGET the O service B-TARGET was O very O good O too. O Moderate O prices. O A O little O noise O but O I O think O that O was O because O of O our O party! O Molto O bene! O This O quaint O and O romantic O trattoria B-TARGET is O at O the O top O of O my O Manhattan O restaurant O list. O The O food B-TARGET is O delicious O - O from O the O specials B-TARGET to O the O regular B-TARGET menu-fare I-TARGET , O the O dishes B-TARGET are O never O a O disappointment. O Whether O it's O the O parmesean B-TARGET porcini I-TARGET souffle I-TARGET or O the O lamb B-TARGET glazed I-TARGET with I-TARGET balsamic I-TARGET vinegar I-TARGET , O you O will O surely O be O transported O to O Northern O Italy O with O one O bite. O Although O the O tables B-TARGET may O be O closely O situated, O the O candle-light B-TARGET , O food B-TARGET -quality O and O service B-TARGET overcompensate. O A O guaranteeed O delight! O I O have O known O about O this O secret O for O the O last O 13 O years, O Emilio(the O Godfather) O has O continued O to O serve O food B-TARGET and O wine B-TARGET for O the O gods O at O mortal O prices. O If O you O go, O try O the O marinara/arrabiatta B-TARGET sauce I-TARGET , O the O mozzarella B-TARGET en I-TARGET Carozza I-TARGET is O mmmmmmmm..... O everything O is O just O delicious. O Check O out O the O secret O back B-TARGET room I-TARGET . O Old O school O meets O New O world. O I O pray O it O stays O open O forever. O Thank O You O Emilio B-TARGET . O Ciao O Bella O I O found O the O food B-TARGET , O service B-TARGET and O value O exceptional O everytime O I O have O been O there. O The O food B-TARGET was O authentic. O I O felt O as O though O I O were O eating O in O Paris. O The O service B-TARGET was O excellent O - O friendly O and O attentive. O The O prices O are O wonderfully O low. O Very O good O wine B-TARGET choices I-TARGET . O I O can't O believe O people O complain O about O no O cheese O sticks? O Who O has O room O for O Cheesesticks O with O the O best O pizza B-TARGET in O NYC! O Get O the O pepperoni B-TARGET - O YUM O - O and O a O family B-TARGET style I-TARGET salad I-TARGET . O Great O staff B-TARGET . O Always O great O service B-TARGET ! O I O go O twice O a O month! O Fantastic! O The O food B-TARGET is O good, O I O can't O lie. O But O the O staff B-TARGET was O so O horrible O to O us. O The O hostess B-TARGET and O the O waitress B-TARGET were O incredibly O rude O and O did O everything O they O could O to O rush O us O out. O We O were O planning O to O get O dessert O but O the O waitress B-TARGET basically O through O the O bill O at O us O before O we O had O a O chance O to O order. O This O place B-TARGET is O pricey, O and O yes, O the O food B-TARGET is O worth O it; O but O the O service B-TARGET makes O you O feel O like O you O should O be O paying O a O quater O of O the O price. O Save O yourself O the O time O and O trouble O and O skip O this O one! O I'll O keep O this O short. O Amma B-TARGET is O nothing O special. O The O two O star O chefs O left O quite O some O time O ago O to O open O their O own O place. O I O ate O here O a O week O ago O and O found O most O dishes B-TARGET average O at O best O and O too O expensive. O Will O not O be O back. O Don't O dine O at O Tamarind O for O the O vegetarian B-TARGET dishes I-TARGET , O they O are O simply O not O up O to O par O with O the O non-veg B-TARGET selections I-TARGET . O Decor B-TARGET is O nice O though O service B-TARGET can O be O spotty. O This O place B-TARGET is O always O packed. O I O know O because O I O live O nearby. O Most O importantly, O food B-TARGET is O excellent. O Try O the O sea B-TARGET bass I-TARGET . O Highly O recommended. O First O of O all O Dal B-TARGET Bukhara I-TARGET Rocks. O As O a O student O in O NYU O i O need O a O place O to O eat O after O a O hard O day O of O work O so O usually O i O just O go O to O any O indian O restraunt O near O by. O but O ive O heard O a O lot O about O this O for O the O past O 2 O yrs O and O finally O decided O to O eat O here. O I O am O happy O i O did O the O food B-TARGET was O awsome. O JUST O AWSOME. O and O yes O Dal B-TARGET Bukhara I-TARGET is O so O dam O good O and O so O are O all O the O kababs B-TARGET . O They O are O opening O two O more O places O as O i O saw O a O flyer O there O one O in O Yonkers O which O is O a O restraunt O and O banquet O hall O and O another O one O in O parsipanny O new O jersey. O but O overall O i O give O it O a O 10 O 10 O I O haven't O been O to O the O other O locations. O Haru B-TARGET on I-TARGET Park I-TARGET S I-TARGET is O simply O disgusting. O The O fish B-TARGET was O not O fresh O and O the O rice B-TARGET tasted O old O and O stale. O Quite O frankly, O this O is O some O of O the O worst O sushi B-TARGET I O have O ever O tried. O Will O never O be O back. O honestly O the O worst O sushi B-TARGET my O husband O and O i O had O in O our O entire O lives. O believe O us, O we've O been O eating O sushi O for O over O 15 O yrs. O not O sure O why O this O restaurant B-TARGET would O be O rated O that O highly. O the O all-u-can-eat B-TARGET sushi I-TARGET is O definitely O in O very O poor O quality. O limited O menu B-TARGET , O no-so-fresh O ingredients B-TARGET , O thinly-sliced O fish B-TARGET , O fall-apart O rice B-TARGET . O the O only O things O u O could O really O taste O are O the O very O salty O soy B-TARGET sauce I-TARGET (even O its O low O sodium), O the O vinegar-soaked O rice B-TARGET , O and O the O scallion O on O top O of O the O fish. O the O waitstaffs B-TARGET are O nice O though. O wont O come O back O again O for O sure! O I O have O been O to O Roth's B-TARGET twice O and O both O times O were O very O disappointing. O Once O for O dinner O and O once O for O brunch. O Both O times O I O was O extremely O dissappointed O by O the O service B-TARGET , O which O was O boarderline O rude. O They O wouldnt O even O let O me O finish O my O glass O of O wine O before O offering O another. O Much O of O the O time O it O seems O like O they O do O not O care O about O you. O The O dinner B-TARGET was O ok, O nothing O I O would O have O again. O I O had O their O eggs B-TARGET benedict I-TARGET for O brunch, O which O were O the O worst O in O my O entire O life, O I O tried O removing O the O hollondaise O sauce O completely O that O was O how O failed O it O was. O This O was O a O great O surprise. O With O the O theater O 2 O blocks O away O we O had O a O delicious O meal B-TARGET in O a O beautiful O room B-TARGET . O The O service B-TARGET was O attentive. O I O look O forward O to O eating O here O again O Planet B-TARGET Thai I-TARGET is O great! O We O love O the O food B-TARGET , O drinks B-TARGET , O and O atmosphere B-TARGET ! O The O svc B-TARGET can O be O a O bit O rude O at O times, O esp O if O you O have O big O group, O but O overall O the O restaurant B-TARGET is O a O must! O Try O the O Pad B-TARGET Thai I-TARGET , O it's O fabulous O and O their O prices O are O so O cheap! O Just O because O it's O cheap O does O NOT O mean O the O portions B-TARGET are O small O or O the O food B-TARGET is O nasty, O IT O IS O GREAT! O Just O remember, O the O later O you O go, O the O longer O you O may O have O to O wait. O It's O popular O w/the O late O crowd. O They O forgot O a O sandwich, O didn't O include O plastic O forks, O and O didn't O include O pita O with O the O hummus O platter. O Also, O the O sandwiches B-TARGET (nearing O $7) O didn't O come O with O anything O like O chips O or O a O side. O Overall, O not O worth O the O money. O Eating O in, O the O atmosphere B-TARGET saves O it, O but O at O your O desk, O it's O a O very O disappointing O experience. O I O love O Indian O food O and O consider O myself O to O be O quite O an O expert O on O it. O Chennai B-TARGET Garden I-TARGET is O my O favorite O Indian O restaurant O in O the O city. O They O have O authentic O Indian B-TARGET at O amazin O prices. O This O restaurant O is O VEGETARIAN; O there O are O NO O MEAT O dishes B-TARGET whatsoever. O The O seats B-TARGET are O uncomfortable O if O you O are O sitting O against O the O wall O on O wooden O benches. O It's O a O rather O cramped O and O busy O restaurant B-TARGET and O it O closes O early. O Patroon O features O a O nice O cigar B-TARGET bar I-TARGET and O has O great O staff B-TARGET . O The O food B-TARGET is O tasty O and O portion B-TARGET sizes I-TARGET are O appropriate. O This O is O a O nice O restaurant B-TARGET if O you O are O looking O for O a O good O place O to O host O an O intimate O dinner O meeting O with O business O associates. O Not O a O great O place B-TARGET for O family O or O general O dining. O LLOOVVE O THIS O PLACE B-TARGET . O Food B-TARGET is O excellent. O Fish B-TARGET is O so O very O fresh. O Waitstaff B-TARGET are O very O friendly. O Love O YUKA B-TARGET . O Mermaid B-TARGET Inn I-TARGET is O an O overall O good O restaurant O with O really O good O seafood B-TARGET . O The O menu B-TARGET is O limited O but O almost O all O of O the O dishes B-TARGET are O excellent. O The O lobster B-TARGET sandwich I-TARGET is O good O and O the O spaghetti B-TARGET with I-TARGET Scallops I-TARGET and I-TARGET Shrimp I-TARGET is O great. O The O service B-TARGET is O good O and O ambience B-TARGET is O good O for O a O date O or O group O outing. O The O only O fallback O on O this O restaurant B-TARGET is O the O prices. O Even O though O its O good O seafood B-TARGET , O the O prices O are O too O high. O The O lobster B-TARGET sandwich I-TARGET is O $24 O and O although O it O was O good O it O was O not O nearly O enough O to O warrant O that O price. O Went O to O Village O last O night O for O my O birthday. O We O picked O it O randomly, O without O a O recommendation O from O someone O who O has O been O there, O so O we O weren't O sure O what O to O expect. O We O were O very O pleasantly O surprised. O The O food B-TARGET was O delicious O (I O had O a O halibut B-TARGET special I-TARGET , O my O husband O had O steak B-TARGET ), O and O the O service B-TARGET was O top-notch. O When O my O dessert O came, O there O was O a O candle O in O it O - O not O because O anyone O asked O for O one O - O but O because O the O waiter B-TARGET must O have O seen O me O opening O my O birthday O card O and O gift, O and O said O he O knew O it O was O a O special O occassion O of O some O sort. O Truly O the O mark O of O an O attentive O waiter B-TARGET . O I O highly O recommend O the O restaurant B-TARGET based O on O our O experience O last O night. O We O ate O at O this O Thai O place O following O the O reviews O but O very O unhappy O with O the O foods B-TARGET . O We O thought O that O this O place O is O using O too O much O of O MSG O cooking O in O the O foods B-TARGET . O Why? O They O don't O concern O much O of O customer's O health, O just O want O to O make O money. O please O don't O fool O us. O I O visit O New O Green O Bo O when O I O have O money O or O when O I O am O broke. O I O recommend O the O jelly B-TARGET fish I-TARGET , O drunken B-TARGET chicken I-TARGET and O the O soupy B-TARGET dumplings I-TARGET , O certainly O the O stir B-TARGET fry I-TARGET blue I-TARGET crab I-TARGET . O The O food B-TARGET is O so O cheap O and O the O waiters B-TARGET are O nice. O Of O course, O it O is O crowded O but O who O cares. O Authentic O Shanghai O style O and O I O cannot O recommend O a O better O Shanghai O place O in O New O York. O Have O frequented O 'ino O for O several O years O and O the O food B-TARGET remains O excellent. O Cheese B-TARGET plate I-TARGET is O a O varied O delight O and O great O bargain O at O $10. O The O large O selection O of O bruschettas B-TARGET , O paninis B-TARGET , O tramezzinis B-TARGET keep O the O palate O from O stagnating. O (The O asparagus, B-TARGET truffle I-TARGET oil, I-TARGET parmesan I-TARGET bruschetta I-TARGET is O a O winner!) O Wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET is O extensive O without O being O over-priced. O Be O sure O to O try O the O seasonal, O and O always O delicious, O specials B-TARGET . O Definitely O a O neighborhood O favorite. O I O loved O this O place B-TARGET !! O I O almost O hesititate O to O write O a O review O because O the O atmosphere B-TARGET was O so O great O and O I O would O hate O for O it O too O become O to O crowded. O The O food B-TARGET was O very O good, O a O great O deal, O and O the O place B-TARGET its O self O was O great. O The O wait B-TARGET staff I-TARGET is O very O freindly, O they O make O it O feel O like O you're O eating O in O a O freindly O little O european O town. O I O like O Cafe B-TARGET Noir I-TARGET dont O get O me O wrong, O it O is O jsut O that O the O people B-TARGET who O work O there O are O evil O and O incompetent!! O The O service B-TARGET was O terrible, O we O had O to O wait O for O everything O and O ask O several O of O different O people O for O the O same O thing O before O we O were O allowed O to O be O served. O The O waitress B-TARGET , O seems O to O be O more O concerned O of O looking O good O than O actually O waitressing. O After O dinner O the O manager B-TARGET grabbed O my O boyfriend, O asked O him: O Where O are O you O from...maybe O you O dont O know O how O things O work O in O America...and O in O the O end O stormed O away O almost O teareyed O yelling O that O tips O are O the O only O thing O they O survive O on. O We O did O tip, O I O guess O the O model/ O waitress B-TARGET just O wanted O more O and O complained O to O the O manager. O The O whole O set O up O is O truly O unprofessional O and O I O wish O Cafe B-TARGET Noir I-TARGET would O get O some O good O staff B-TARGET , O because O despite O the O current O one O this O is O a O great O place. O Pizza B-TARGET here O is O consistently O good. O Salads B-TARGET are O a O delicious O way O to O begin O the O meal. O You O should O pass O on O the O calamari B-TARGET . O It O is O thick O and O slightly O soggy. O Decor B-TARGET is O charming. O Service B-TARGET is O average. O What O a O great O place B-TARGET . O I O came O into O the O city O to O try O out O this O restaurant O because O a O friend O had O recommended O it O to O my O husband. O The O ambience B-TARGET was O so O fun, O and O the O prices O were O great, O on O top O of O the O fact O that O the O food B-TARGET was O really O tasty. O I O wasn't O thrilled O to O have O to O wait O on O line O for O thirty O minutes, O but O I O guess O that's O the O price O you O pay O for O a O popular O place. O I O would O definitely O recommend O SEA O if O you O like O thai B-TARGET cuisine I-TARGET ! O I O was O here O a O few O weeks O back O and O we O had O the O worst O customer B-TARGET service I-TARGET experience O at O a O restaurant O ever. O A O gentleman B-TARGET , O maybe O the O manager, O came O to O our O table, O and O without O so O much O as O a O smile O or O greeting O asked O for O our O order. O When O asked O about O how O a O certain O dish O was O prepared O in O comparison O to O a O similar O at O other O thai O restaurants, O he O replied O this O is O not O Mcdonald's, O every O place O makes O things O differently O While O it O is O understandable O that O every O place O is O indeed O different, O there O was O not O a O need O to O be O uncourteous O to O customers O and O downright O rude. O The O service O was O poor, O restaurant O poorly O lit, O staff O not O very O attentive O and O I O would O have O rather O eaten O at O a O Mcdonald's O than O this O joint. O Never O again! O I O absolutely O Loved O this O place B-TARGET . O My O friends O spoke O so O much O about O it O for O months, O I O finally O made O the O time O to O come O down O ear O and O dine O in. O Excellent O atmosphere B-TARGET , O delicious O dishes B-TARGET good O and O friendly O service B-TARGET . O this O is O can O became O on O e O of O the O NY O Italian O Food O fare O institutions. O I O think O that O it O is O absolutely O brilliant O and O well O runned O business O operation. O The O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET is O also O really O nice. O A O friend O from O Seattle O and O I O went O on O a O Thursday O night O around O 8:30. O Everything O was O wonderful; O food B-TARGET , O drinks B-TARGET , O staff B-TARGET , O mileau B-TARGET . O I O would O highly O recommend O this O place B-TARGET ! O I O have O been O to O Casimir B-TARGET over O 5 O times O and O I O have O always O had O a O great O time O there. O The O food B-TARGET is O great O and O reasonably O priced. O I O have O tried O to O make O reservations, O but O both O times, O the O hostess B-TARGET didn't O have O my O name. O If O the O weather O is O nice, O try O to O snag O an O outside B-TARGET table I-TARGET . O The O staff B-TARGET has O been O nice, O but O they O seemed O really O stressed O and O the O unisex B-TARGET bathroom I-TARGET needs O to O be O cleaned O more O often. O My O boyfriend O and O I O went O there O to O celebrate O my O birthday O the O other O night O and O all O I O can O say O is O that O it O was O magnificent. O From O the O spectacular O caviar B-TARGET to O the O hospitable O waitstaff B-TARGET , O I O felt O like O royalty O and O enjoyed O every O second O of O it. O Considering O we O were O the O last O patrons O there O and O it O was O after O the O closing O time, O the O waitstaff B-TARGET did O not O rush O us O at O all O and O made O us O feel O comfortable O and O relaxed. O I O highly O recommend O Caviar O Russe O to O anyone O who O wants O delicious O top O grade O caviar B-TARGET and O fantastic O service B-TARGET . O Nice O Family O owned O traditional O restaurant B-TARGET . O Fresh O ingredients B-TARGET and O everything O is O made O to O order. O I O was O pleasantly O surprised O to O find O this O gem O in O Hoboken. O Friendly O staff B-TARGET that O actually O lets O you O enjoy O your O meal O and O the O company O you're O with. O My O friends O and O I O were O on O vacation O in O NY O and O was O referred O to O Chance O by O a O friend. O I O found O the O food B-TARGET to O be O outstanding, O particulary O the O salmon B-TARGET dish I-TARGET I O had. O I O also O ordered O the O Change B-TARGET Mojito I-TARGET , O which O was O out O of O this O world. O My O friends O settled O for O rice O dishes, O but O we O came O back O the O following O day O to O try O the O dim B-TARGET sum I-TARGET , O which O was O good...not O outstanding, O but O good. O We O ate O out O in O the O back B-TARGET patio I-TARGET , O which O is O worth O it O as O it's O cool O and O the O music B-TARGET is O hear O well O there. O Overall, O excellent O restaurant B-TARGET ! O i O went O to O utsav O about O a O yr O ago O with O my O family. O The O food B-TARGET was O good. O The O place B-TARGET was O nice O and O calm. O but O the O service B-TARGET was O a O bit O slow. O I O work O around O the O corner O and O tried O it O with O a O colleague O for O the O first O time. O The O buffet B-TARGET had O a O nice O selection. O The O food B-TARGET was O average O or O above O including O some O surprising O tasty O dishes B-TARGET . O Service B-TARGET was O also O very O good. O I O would O go O back. O I O got O an O excellent O piece O of O cheesecake B-TARGET and O we O had O several O other O nice O pastries B-TARGET . O I O would O recommend O Roxy's O for O that, O but O not O for O their O food B-TARGET . O My O son O and O his O girlfriend O both O wanted O cheeseburgers B-TARGET and O they O were O huge! O But, O they O were O too O big O for O the O bun. O Consequently, O their O burgers B-TARGET fell O apart O in O their O hands O and O made O such O a O mess O that O they O did'nt O feel O like O finishing O them. O Also O they O were O $15 O each! O I O had O a O huge O pastrami B-TARGET sandwich I-TARGET on I-TARGET a I-TARGET roll I-TARGET . O It O was O $14 O not O really O bad O for O a O pound O of O Pastrami-but O it O didn't O have O much O taste-I've O had O better O for O less O elsewhere! O This O place B-TARGET is O really O trendi O but O they O have O forgotten O about O the O most O important O part O of O a O restaurant, O the O food B-TARGET . O The O last O two O times O I O ordered O from O here O my O food B-TARGET was O soo O spicy O that O I O could O barely O eat O it, O and O the O spice B-TARGET took O away O from O the O flavor O of O the O dish. O And O the O Tom B-TARGET Kha I-TARGET soup I-TARGET was O pathetic. O If O you O want O good O authentic O Thai B-TARGET this O place O is O not O the O place O to O go. O We O went O here O for O lunch O a O couple O of O weeks O ago O on O a O Saturday, O and O I O was O thoroughly O impressed O with O the O food B-TARGET . O The O pesto B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET was O excellent, O thin-crust O pizza O with O a O nice O amount O of O spicy B-TARGET Italian I-TARGET cheese I-TARGET that O I'd O never O heard O of O before. O Conveniently O located O too, O being O right O on O Bedford O ave. O THe O back B-TARGET garden I-TARGET sitting I-TARGET area I-TARGET is O very O pleasant, O where O you O can O see O their O personal O herb O garden. O I O will O definetly O be O going O back. O We O had O the O lobster B-TARGET sandwich I-TARGET and O it O was O FANTASTIC. O My O husband O said O he O could've O eaten O several O more, O the O portion B-TARGET was O fine O for O me O he O even O exclaimed O that O the O french B-TARGET fries I-TARGET were O the O best O he O has O had. O We O had O the O scallops B-TARGET as O an O appetizer O and O they O were O delicious O and O the O sauce B-TARGET was O wonderful. O I O recommend O getting O a O reservation O even O though O we O saw O people O seated O without O one. O We O waited O at O the O bar O and O had O martinis B-TARGET that O were O just O right. O We O will O be O back. O love O the O food B-TARGET . O it's O the O only O place O you O can O get O yummy O authentic O japanese B-TARGET comfort I-TARGET food I-TARGET . O it O helps O if O you O know O what O to O order. O and O you O can't O beat O the O prices. O highly O recommended. O I've O lived O in O NY O for O 5 O years O and O this O place B-TARGET has O it O all. O Great O food B-TARGET , O good O size O menu B-TARGET , O great O service B-TARGET and O an O unpretensious O setting B-TARGET . O The O dishes B-TARGET offered O were O unique, O very O tasty O and O fresh O from O the O lamb B-TARGET sausages I-TARGET , O sardines B-TARGET with I-TARGET biscuits I-TARGET , O large B-TARGET whole I-TARGET shrimp I-TARGET to O the O amazing O pistachio B-TARGET ice I-TARGET cream I-TARGET (the O best O and O freshest O I've O ever O had). O I'm O glad O I O was O introduced O to O this O place B-TARGET and O this O is O a O rare O gem O in O NY. O We O have O tried O every O Thai O restaurant O between O Atlantic O Avenue O and O 4th O Streets, O and O Joya O is O the O best. O The O freshest, O best O variety, O and O the O fastest O delivery B-TARGET . O Also O very O inexpensive. O A O great O choice O at O any O cost O and O a O great O deal. O The O service B-TARGET was O excellent O and O the O food B-TARGET was O delicious. O We O are O very O particular O about O sushi B-TARGET and O were O both O please O with O every O choice O which O included: O ceviche B-TARGET mix I-TARGET (special) I-TARGET , O crab B-TARGET dumplings I-TARGET , O assorted B-TARGET sashimi I-TARGET , O sushi B-TARGET and O rolls B-TARGET , O two O types O of O sake B-TARGET , O and O the O banana B-TARGET tempura I-TARGET . O Overall O the O restaurant O is O more O expensive O than O our O other O sushi O favorites, O but O everything O was O delicious. O Definitely O a O great O spot B-TARGET for O a O nice O occasion O or O date. O Average O to O good O Thai B-TARGET food I-TARGET , O but O terrible O delivery B-TARGET . O I've O waited O over O one O hour O for O food. O They O were O very O abrupt O with O me O when O I O called O and O actually O claimed O the O food O was O late O because O they O were O out O of O rice. O A O Thai B-TARGET restaurant I-TARGET out O of O rice O during O dinner? O The O food B-TARGET arrived O 20 O minutes O after O I O called, O cold O and O soggy. O i O actually O feel O like O i O should O keep O it O a O secret. O This O is O a O wonderful O place B-TARGET on O all O stand O points O especially O value O ofr O money. O An O excellent O service B-TARGET Went O to O Cafe O Spice O with O 4 O of O my O friends O on O a O saturday O night. O We O were O greeted O promptly O by O the O waiter B-TARGET who O was O very O nice O and O cordial. O She O was O very O helpful O in O suggesting O us O drinks O and O helped O us O in O ordering O a O lot O of O good O dishes B-TARGET since O we O knew O nothing O about O Indian O food. O We O were O fast O to O order O the O appetizer O platter O since O we O were O very O hungry. O The O food B-TARGET looked O very O appetizing O and O delicious O since O it O came O on O a O variety O of O fancy O plates. O We O ended O our O great O experience O by O having O Gulab B-TARGET Jamun I-TARGET (dessert) I-TARGET recommended O by O the O waiter. O I O thanked O my O friend O who O recommended O me O this O restaurant B-TARGET and O will O certainly O recommend O it O to O others. O I O went O here O with O a O friend O on O a O whim, O we O went O someplace O else O first O and O couldn't O get O a O table. O Service B-TARGET here O was O great, O food B-TARGET was O fantastic. O Guacamole+shrimp B-TARGET appetizer I-TARGET was O really O great, O we O both O had O the O filet B-TARGET , O very O good, O didn't O much O like O the O frites B-TARGET that O came O with, O but O the O filet O was O so O good, O neither O of O us O cared. O Will O absolutely O visit O again. O Maybe O tomorrow O ;-) O You O cannot O go O wrong O with O this O place B-TARGET . O The O food B-TARGET is O outstanding O and O the O service B-TARGET is O quick, O friendly O and O very O professional. O Always O a O nice O crowd B-TARGET , O but O never O loud. O Go O here. O Good O for O dates O or O with O friends. O I O am O reluctant O to O write O because O I O would O not O want O my O jem O of O a O pizza B-TARGET place I-TARGET to O become O overcrowded. O However, O it O is O jus O too O good O to O not O praise O it. O By O far, O the O best O pizza B-TARGET in O Manhattan. O The O crust B-TARGET is O thin, O the O ingredients B-TARGET are O fresh O and O the O staff B-TARGET is O friendly. O For O all O you O lazy O folks O that O don't O want O to O come O to O Alphabet O City, O I O say, O good O - O stay O out. O less O wait O time O for O me! O We O arrived O on O time O for O our O reservation O and O seated O promptly. O The O menu B-TARGET has O so O many O fish O items O and O oysters. O We O all O ordered O different O entrees O so O we O could O share. O The O fish B-TARGET was O really,really O fresh. O I O lived O in O Maine O for O ten O years O and O grew O up O on O fish. O We O all O agreed O that O mare B-TARGET is O one O of O the O best O seafood O restaurants O in O New O York. O I O stumbled O upon O this O great O pizzeria B-TARGET as O I O explored O my O new O neighborhood. O All O of O the O pizzas B-TARGET are O terrific O and O the O price O is O even O better! O I O highly O recommend O the O Sophia B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET . O It's O to O die O for! O The O food B-TARGET was O mediocre O at O best O but O it O was O the O horrible O service B-TARGET that O made O me O vow O never O to O go O back. O Immediately O after O we O paid, O the O waiter B-TARGET took O the O money O and O said, O okay, O you O guys O are O outta O here. O There O are O other O people O waiting! O We O weren't O even O at O our O table O for O more O than O an O hour O total. O As O we O were O leaving, O the O couple O standing O by O the O door O said O to O another O waiter, O we're O not O in O a O hurry. O Our O friends O have O not O arrived O yet. O So O rushing O us O out O was O absolutely O unnecessary! O For O the O people O who O want O great O food B-TARGET plus O great O service B-TARGET , O Roxy O is O a O place O to O AVOID! O I've O been O here O twice O now. O The O first O time O the O sushi B-TARGET was O outstanding, O the O second O time O it O was O a O little O bland. O I'm O sure O I'll O return O for O a O final O judgement O tho. O The O blond B-TARGET wood I-TARGET decor I-TARGET is O very O soothing, O the O premium B-TARGET sake I-TARGET is O excellent O and O the O service B-TARGET is O great. O Mizu B-TARGET is O the O Japenese O find O in O Grammercy. O While O their O kitchen B-TARGET food I-TARGET is O delicious, O their O Sushi B-TARGET is O out O of O this O world. O Mizu O is O home O to O creative O and O unique O rolls B-TARGET not O to O found O anywhere O else. O Not O only O is O the O cuisine B-TARGET the O best O around, O the O service B-TARGET has O always O been O attentive O and O charming. O Warning: O You O may O find O it O difficult O to O dine O at O other O Japanese O restaurants O after O a O visit O to O Mizu B-TARGET ! O Thalia B-TARGET is O a O beautiful O restaurant O with O beautiful O people B-TARGET serving O you, O but O the O food B-TARGET doesn't O quite O match O up. O I O ordered O the O smoked B-TARGET salmon I-TARGET and I-TARGET roe I-TARGET appetizer I-TARGET and O it O was O off O flavor. O The O entree B-TARGET was O bland O and O small, O dessert B-TARGET was O not O inspired. O I O expected O quite O a O bit O more O from O such O an O expensive O menu B-TARGET . O The O view B-TARGET is O spectacular, O and O the O food B-TARGET is O great. O Wonderful O strawberry B-TARGET daiquiries I-TARGET as O well! O Definitely O worth O the O trip O to O Battery O Park O City! O One O of O my O favorite O places O in O Manhattan. O Authentic O Taiwanese B-TARGET food I-TARGET that's O cheap... O what O more O could O you O ask O for? O (Besides O that O there O should O be O more O restaurants O like O it O around O the O city). O The O cold B-TARGET appetizer I-TARGET dishes I-TARGET taste O like O the O way O I O remember O them O to O taste O when O I O was O growing O up O in O Taiwan. O delicious O simple O food B-TARGET in O nice O outdoor B-TARGET atmosphere I-TARGET . O Kind, O attentive O wait B-TARGET staff I-TARGET . O I O really O like O both O the O scallops B-TARGET and O the O mahi B-TARGET mahi I-TARGET (on I-TARGET saffron I-TARGET risotto I-TARGET -yum!). O My O friend O devoured O her O chicken B-TARGET and I-TARGET mashed I-TARGET potatos I-TARGET . O Delicious O crab B-TARGET cakes I-TARGET too. O Even O if O the O food B-TARGET wasn't O this O good, O the O garden B-TARGET is O a O great O place O to O sit O outside O and O relax. O Great O neighborhood O joint B-TARGET . O This O is O a O nice O pizza B-TARGET place I-TARGET with O good O selection B-TARGET of I-TARGET thin I-TARGET crust I-TARGET pizza I-TARGET including O the O Basil B-TARGET slice I-TARGET . O Their O calzones B-TARGET are O horrific, O bad, O vomit-inducing, O YUCK. O They O smell O like O they O stuff O them O with O old O canned O vegetables O like O the O spinach O mushroom O calzone. O The O counter B-TARGET service I-TARGET is O bad. O They O charge O different O prices O all O the O time. O They're O rude O at O times, O and O not O very O friendly. O NO O PIZZA B-TARGET 33 I-TARGET for O me! O Anybody O who O likes O this O place O must O be O from O a O different O planet, O where O greasy, O dry O and O tasteless O are O complimentary. O The O dosas B-TARGET are O skimpy, O unattractive O and O drip O with O grease, O and O personally O I'd O drink O popcorn O topping O before O I'd O eat O another O one O of O these. O The O sandwiches B-TARGET are O dry, O tasteless O and O way O overpriced. O Calling O the O place B-TARGET Hampton O Chutney O Co. O does O warn O you O that O these O folks O offer O more O style O than O substance, O but O in O this O unattractive O room B-TARGET with O unhelpful O clerks B-TARGET there O was O a O dearth O of O the O former O too. O Seriously, O this O place B-TARGET kicks O ass. O The O atmosphere B-TARGET is O unheralded, O the O service B-TARGET impecible, O and O the O food B-TARGET magnificant. O Best O Italian B-TARGET food I-TARGET I O ever O had O (and O being O Italian, O that O means O alot). O It O is O nearly O impossible O to O get O a O table, O so O if O you O ever O have O the O chance O to O go O here O for O dinner, O DO O NOT O pass O it O up. O This O is O such O a O lovely, O peaceful O place B-TARGET to O eat O outside. O The O restaurant B-TARGET looks O out O over O beautiful O green O lawns O to O the O Hudson O River O and O the O Statue O of O Liberty. O It O is O set O far O from O the O small O street O it's O on, O and O there O is O no O traffic O noise. O The O food B-TARGET is O good, O especially O their O more O basic B-TARGET dishes I-TARGET , O and O the O drinks B-TARGET are O delicious. O This O is O a O great O place B-TARGET to O take O out-of-towners, O and O perfect O for O watching O the O sunset. O Great O sushi B-TARGET experience. O Nice O value. O Unique O apppetizers B-TARGET . O Try O sushimi B-TARGET cucumber I-TARGET roll I-TARGET . O Good O spreads B-TARGET , O great O beverage B-TARGET selections I-TARGET and O bagels B-TARGET really O tasty. O THE O BIG O COMPLAINT: O NO O TOASTING O AVAILABLE. O I O complete O the O total O bagel O experience O by O having O it O lightly O toasted. O Murray O won't O do O it. O Won't O or O Can't O is O not O in O the O service O directory. O But O who O says O Murray's O is O anything O about O service B-TARGET . O So O close, O but O not O good O enough. O Don't O be O fooled O by O crowds O of O people. O The O service B-TARGET is O awful. O This O place B-TARGET is O not O worth O the O prices. O Also, O don't O plan O on O asking O for O your O favorite O roll, O if O it's O not O on O the O menu, O you O can't O have O it. O Love O Pizza B-TARGET 33 I-TARGET .. O I O will O be O out O with O friends O and O all O of O a O sudden O I O am O hungry O and O I O only O crave O one O thing... O their O Pizza B-TARGET . O I O live O in O the O neightborhood O and O am O a O regular. O It O hits O the O spot O every O time O This O tiny O Williamsburg B-TARGET spot I-TARGET is O always O pleasantly O surprising. O The O pizza B-TARGET is O delicious O and O the O proprietor B-TARGET is O one O of O the O nicest O in O NYC. O Even O the O pasta O is O delicious O here O (a O rarity O in O New O York O pizza O restaurants). O I've O been O many O time O and O have O never O been O disappointed. O Compared O to O Ess-a, O Tal O offers O a O less O doughy O bagel! O They O even O scoop O it O out O nice O (for O those O on O a O diet) O not O too O much O not O to O little. O The O cream B-TARGET cheeses I-TARGET are O out O of O this O world O and O I O love O that O coffee B-TARGET !! O A O little O crowded O but O they O move O that O line O really O fast! O A O little O pricey O but O it O really O hits O the O spot O on O a O Sunday O morning! O Bagels B-TARGET are O ok, O but O be O sure O not O to O make O any O special O requests! O I O asked O for O an O open O faced O cheese O sandwich O and O the O manager B-TARGET basically O told O me O to O take O my O business O elsewhere! O Be O sure O not O to O get O anything O other O than O bagels B-TARGET !.. O the O turkey B-TARGET burgers I-TARGET are O scary! O The O worst O excuse O for O Japanese B-TARGET food I-TARGET I've O ever O encountered. O The O soup B-TARGET for I-TARGET the I-TARGET udon I-TARGET was O soy O sauce O and O water. O The O sushi B-TARGET was O awful! O The O rice B-TARGET was O poor O quality O and O was O cooked O so O badly O it O was O hard. O Furthermore, O the O rice B-TARGET had O no O seasoning, O so O the O sushi B-TARGET was O bland O and O disgusting. O The O fish B-TARGET was O adequate, O but O inexpertly O sliced. O It O is O obvious O that O no O one O in O the O restaurant O has O any O idea O about O or O experience O with O Japanese B-TARGET cuisine I-TARGET . O Good, O fast O service B-TARGET . O I O would O highly O recommend. O Food B-TARGET is O great O and O inexpensive. O The O location B-TARGET is O perfect. O Give O it O a O try O and O enjoy. O I O thought O going O to O Jimmys O would O give O me O a O real O Domincan O exprience. O Jimmy O is O Dominican! O Well, O this O place B-TARGET is O so O Ghetto O its O not O even O funny. O If O you O like O your O music B-TARGET blasted O and O the O system O isnt O that O great O and O if O you O want O to O pay O at O least O 100 O dollar O bottle B-TARGET minimun I-TARGET then O you'll O love O it O here. O Would O NEVER O go O back O there. O Too O bad O Latin O Quarters O closed. O That O place O was O awesome,,, O sally O ! O Awsome O Pizza B-TARGET especially O the O Margheritta B-TARGET slice I-TARGET . O Always O busy O but O fast O moving. O Great O atmoshere B-TARGET and O worth O every O bit. O Open O late O (well O as O late O as O I O ever O got O there O and O I'm O a O night O person) O Winnie B-TARGET and O her O staff B-TARGET are O the O best O crew O you O can O find O serving O you. O The O food B-TARGET is O reliable O and O the O price O is O moderate. O What O more O can O you O ask O for? O For O authentic O Thai B-TARGET food I-TARGET , O look O no O further O than O Toons. O Ive O been O to O many O Thai O restaurants O in O Manhattan O before, O and O Toons O is O by O far O the O best O Thai O food O Ive O had O (except O for O my O mom's O of O course). O Try O the O Pad B-TARGET Thai I-TARGET , O or O sample O anything O on O the O appetizer B-TARGET menu I-TARGET ...they're O all O delicious. O Everything O about O this O restaurant B-TARGET was O special. O The O service B-TARGET was O attentive, O yet O discreet. O The O flavors O robust O and O subtle. O The O brioche B-TARGET and I-TARGET lollies I-TARGET as O party O favors O is O a O cute O and O sweet O touch O to O a O most O memorable O meal. O I'm O saving O up O for O my O next O visit. O I O went O there O in O late O afternoon O for O some O bite O size O food O and O refleshment O with O my O date. O The O place B-TARGET was O quiet O and O delightful. O Service B-TARGET was O good O and O food B-TARGET is O wonderful. O I O did O not O try O the O caviar O but O I O tried O their O salmon B-TARGET and O crab B-TARGET salad I-TARGET (they O are O all O good) O It O is O definitely O a O good O spot B-TARGET for O snacks O and O chat. O As O a O retired O hipster, O I O can O say O with O some O degree O of O certainty O that O for O the O last O year O Lucky B-TARGET Strike I-TARGET has O been O the O best O laid-back O late O night O in O the O city. O The O wait B-TARGET staff I-TARGET is O pleasant, O fun, O and O for O the O most O part O gorgeous O (in O the O wonderful O aesthetic O beautification O way, O not O in O that O she's-way-cuter-than-me-that-b@#$* O way). O The O food B-TARGET is O yummy, O especially O their O cooked-to-perfection O mussels B-TARGET in I-TARGET spicy I-TARGET tomato I-TARGET sauce I-TARGET and O their O shoestring O crispy O fries B-TARGET . O But O the O best O part O about O LS O is O the O late B-TARGET night I-TARGET atmosphere I-TARGET , O delightfully O free O of O the O BTs. O You O can O get O a O completely O delish O martini B-TARGET in O a O glass O (that's O about O 2 O 1/2 O drinks) O for O $8.50 O (I O recommend O the O Vanilla B-TARGET Shanty I-TARGET , O mmmm!) O in O a O great O homey O setting B-TARGET with O great O music B-TARGET . O The O in-house B-TARGET lady I-TARGET DJ I-TARGET on O Saturday O nights O has O outrageously O good O taste O in O music, O and O moreover, O takes O requests. O You O can't O go O wrong O with O this O place B-TARGET . O Suan B-TARGET is O a O great O place O that O I O often O take O my O friends O (classmates) O too. O Its O location B-TARGET is O good O and O the O fact O that O Hutner O College O is O near O and O their O prices O are O very O reasonable, O makes O students O go O back O to O Suan B-TARGET again O and O again. O I O LOVE O their O Thai B-TARGET noodles B-TARGET with I-TARGET shrimp I-TARGET and I-TARGET chicken I-TARGET and I-TARGET coconut I-TARGET juice I-TARGET is O the O MUST! O I O was O in O love O with O Pongsri O on O 48th, O but O compared O to O Suan O it O is O slow O in O service O and O overpriced. O I O will O go O back O to O Suan B-TARGET soon! O In O summer-eat O outside O on O a O terrace B-TARGET (another O great O feature O of O Suan)!!! O I O cannot O imagine O a O friendlier O staff B-TARGET working O in O a O restaurant. O I O cannot O imagine O better O Indian B-TARGET food I-TARGET in O all O of O the O city. O I O cannot O imagine O you O not O rushing O out O to O eat O there. O This O restaurant O used O to O be O our O regular O Thursday O night O dinner O location. O During O the O course O of O the O past O 3 O months, O the O chef B-TARGET and O staff B-TARGET changed O and O it O was O not O for O the O better. O I O wish O they O would O change O back O to O what O it O was O before. O The O food B-TARGET now O is O inconsistent. O This O is O the O kind O of O place B-TARGET you'd O like O to O take O all O your O friends O to O and O still O keep O a O secret. O The O setting B-TARGET is O casual O and O romantic. O Prices O are O very O good. O The O food B-TARGET is O excellent! O if O you're O daring, O try O the O balsamic B-TARGET vinegar I-TARGET over I-TARGET icecream I-TARGET , O it's O wonderful! O Do O not O get O the O Go B-TARGET Go I-TARGET Hamburgers I-TARGET , O no O matter O what O the O reviews O say. O They O were O such O a O rip-off O ($8.95 O for O four O small O meat O patties O in O steamed O buns) O and O not O worth O trying. O The O rest O of O the O dim B-TARGET sum I-TARGET , O though O pricey O by O Chinatown O standards, O is O worth O it. O Steamed O fresh O so O brought O hot O hot O hot O to O your O table. O The O wait B-TARGET here O is O long O for O dim O sum, O but O if O you O don't O like O sharing O tables O or O if O the O typical O raucous O dim O sum O atmosphere B-TARGET is O not O your O gig, O this O is O a O sleek O (for O Chinatown) O alternative. O A O few O tips: O skip O the O turnip B-TARGET cake I-TARGET , O roast B-TARGET pork I-TARGET buns I-TARGET and O egg B-TARGET custards I-TARGET . O These O are O overpriced O and O you O can O get O better O just O around O the O corner: O (1) O turnip O cakes O at O the O little O kiosk O on O east O side O of O Mott O St. O just O south O of O bayard O (2) O egg O custards O and O pork O buns O at O either O bakery O on O west O side O of O Mott O street O just O south O of O Canal. O After O passing O by O this O restaurant O for O sometime O I O finally O decided O to O go O in O and O have O dinner. O I O was O pleasantly O suprised. O The O food B-TARGET was O exceptional. O The O menu O consisted O of O standard O brassiere O food, O better O then O places O like O Balthazar O etc. O I O choose O to O go O with O one O of O the O special, O the O braised B-TARGET lamb I-TARGET shank I-TARGET in I-TARGET red I-TARGET wine I-TARGET , O which O was O excellent. O The O service B-TARGET was O friendly O and O the O atmosphere B-TARGET was O casual. O The O restaurant B-TARGET is O a O bit O noisy O but O that O is O something O that O can O be O overlooked O once O you O sit O down O and O enjoy O a O great O meal B-TARGET this O little O place B-TARGET has O a O cute O interior B-TARGET decor I-TARGET and O affordable O city O prices. O the O pad B-TARGET se I-TARGET ew I-TARGET chicken I-TARGET was O delicious, O however O the O pad B-TARGET thai I-TARGET was O far O too O oily. O i O would O just O ask O for O no O oil O next O time. O Have O eaten O at O Ginger B-TARGET House I-TARGET several O times, O and O it's O always O good. O The O fried B-TARGET dumplings I-TARGET are O GREAT! O Finally O a O reliable O Chinese B-TARGET restaurant I-TARGET ! O This O place O would O be O so O much O better O served O by O being O run O by O a O group O that O actually O understands O customer B-TARGET service I-TARGET . O The O only O thing O you O can O do O here O is O walk O in O and O eat O .. O but O planning O an O event, O especially O a O small, O intimate O one, O forget O about O it. O They O are O not O helpful O in O the O least O and O will O give O you O the O grand O run O around O so O by O the O time O the O event O date O rolls O around O you O will O not O only O regret O chosing O this O place, O but O also O become O hostile! O Nobody O at O this O restaurant O will O give O firm O answers O about O anything O and O in O the O end, O not O one O person O takes O responsibility O for O anything. O Terrible, O terrible O management B-TARGET - O deserves O to O be O shut-down. O Never O fails O to O please. O delicious O bagels B-TARGET , O especially O when O right O out O of O the O oven. O Spreads B-TARGET and O toppings B-TARGET are O great O - O though O a O bit O pricey. O Service B-TARGET is O fast O and O friendly. O Only O drawback O - O they O won't O toast O your O bagel, O and O they O don't O make O eggs O for O the O bagel. O But O that O is O highly O forgivable. O Been O there, O done O that, O and O New O York, O it's O not O that O big O a O deal. O The O food B-TARGET is O decent O at O best, O and O the O ambience B-TARGET , O well, O it's O a O matter O of O opinion, O some O may O consider O it O to O be O a O sweet O thing, O I O thought O it O was O just O annoying. O If O celebrities O make O you O sweat, O then O your O in O for O a O ride, O but O if O your O like O most O around O these O parts O then O you'll O just O yawn O and O wonder O whats O with O all O the O hype. O Rao B-TARGET is O a O good O restaurant, O but O it's O nothing O special. O I've O eaten O at O many O different O Indian O restaurants. O But O after O last O night, O Spice O Grill O is O the O only O place O I'm O eating O indian B-TARGET cuisine I-TARGET . O You O must O try O the O shrimp B-TARGET appetizers I-TARGET . O Even O my O Indian O friend O couldn't O believe O how O good O and O tasty O everything O was. O This O place O has O the O the O correct O ambience B-TARGET and O an O excellent O staff B-TARGET to O make O you O feel O like O a O guest O and O a O friend O at O the O same O time. O Great O food B-TARGET , O great O prices, O great O service B-TARGET . O If O you O are O looking O for O a O good O quality, O cheap O eats B-TARGET - O this O is O the O place. O it's O a O perfect O place O to O have O a O amanzing O indian B-TARGET food I-TARGET . O I O really O loved O the O different O and O inovated O touch O that's O the O cheff B-TARGET gives O to O the O food. O also O it's O great O to O have O dinner O in O a O very O romantic O and O confortable O place B-TARGET , O the O service B-TARGET it's O just O perfect...they're O so O frendly O that O we O never O want O to O live O the O place! O I O love O Ess-a-bagel, O but O I O live O on O the O west O side, O so O I O often O go O to O Murray's O for O convenience. O Their O bagels B-TARGET are O fine, O but O they O are O a O little O overcooked, O and O not O really O a O 'special' O bagel O experience. O Better O than O the O bagel O shop O on O the O corner, O but O not O worth O going O out O of O your O way O for, O in O my O opinion. O Also O a O little O more O expensive O than O your O average O bagel O place. O Great O bagels B-TARGET made O the O old-fashioned O way. O The O appetizing O is O excellent O - O just O as O good O as O Zabars O Barney O Greengrass O at O a O reasonable O price O (if O bought O by O the O pound). O Drawbacks: O service B-TARGET is O slow O and O they O don't O toast! O The O food B-TARGET was O absolutely O amazing!! O The O baked B-TARGET clams I-TARGET octopus I-TARGET we O shared O as O appetizers O were O the O best O we've O ever O had!! O The O lamb B-TARGET was O tender O so O full O of O flavor, O the O dessert B-TARGET was O divine!! O The O waiter B-TARGET was O attentive. O The O place B-TARGET itself O is O beautiful O the O bar B-TARGET scene I-TARGET seems O to O be O happening. O Downtown O Dinner O 2002 O - O Prixe O fix: O Appetizers B-TARGET were O ok, O waiter B-TARGET gave O me O poor O suggestion..try O the O potato B-TARGET stuff I-TARGET kanish I-TARGET best O one. O Small O servings B-TARGET for I-TARGET main I-TARGET entree I-TARGET , O i O had O salmon B-TARGET (wasnt O impressed) O girlfriend O had O chicken B-TARGET , O it O was O good. O Dessert B-TARGET is O a O joke...dont O bother O Volare O virgins O or O weekly O regulars, O everyone O gets O treated O the O same O and O you O can't O ask O for O more O than O that O when O the O service B-TARGET is O this O friendly. O The O restaurant O has O a O Family O feel B-TARGET , O not O least O with O regard O to O the O portions B-TARGET which O are O enormous; O the O veal B-TARGET alone O could O have O single-handedly O solved O third O world O famine. O The O anti-pasta B-TARGET was O excellent, O especially O the O calamari B-TARGET , O as O were O the O filling O pasta B-TARGET mains I-TARGET . O The O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET is O extensive O and O can O easily O hike O up O an O otherwise O reasonably O priced O meal B-TARGET . O Still, O any O quibbles O about O the O bill O were O off-set O by O the O pour-your-own O measures B-TARGET of I-TARGET liquers I-TARGET which O were O courtesey O of O the O house... O Fantastic O place B-TARGET . O Cute O and O decorative. O A O pleasant O surprise. O Go O there O to O relax O and O feel O like O your O somewhere O else. O Lucky B-TARGET Strike I-TARGET is O a O great O casual O place O to O just O grab O a O bite O to O eat. O Yeah O the O crowd O can O take O it O a O bit O seriously, O but O it O shouldn't. O Great O food B-TARGET , O great O decor B-TARGET , O great O service B-TARGET . O I O recommend O it! O Just O ignore O the O trendy O wannabes. O This O is O the O perfect O spot B-TARGET for O meeting O friends, O having O lunch, O dinner, O pre-theatre O or O after-theatre O drinks! O (Always O ask O the O bartender O for O the O SEASONAL B-TARGET beer I-TARGET !!! O Guaranteed O to O be O a O tasty O experience!) O Excellent O spot B-TARGET for O holiday O get O togethers O with O co-workers O or O friends O that O you O haven't O seen O in O a O while. O I O have O been O doing O all O of O the O above O at O the O Heartland B-TARGET Brewery I-TARGET for O over O 5 O years O now O and O I O HAVE O NEVER O BEEN O DISAPPOINTED! O All O the O people O that O I O bring O there O go O back O on O their O own O and O bring O THEIR O friends! O Go O there O once O and O oh O yes...you O will O go O back...you O will... O What O a O great O place B-TARGET ! O Not O the O typical O NYC O gimmick O theme O restaurant B-TARGET . O A O cool O bar B-TARGET with O great O food B-TARGET , O and O tons O of O excellent O beer B-TARGET . O And O even O with O it's O Pub O atmosphere O they O were O great O to O my O kids O too! O Loved O it! O Out O of O the O hundreds O of O Italian O restaurants O in O Queens, O this O is O among O the O best. O The O shrimp B-TARGET scampi I-TARGET was O excellent O and O the O antipasti B-TARGET were O plentiful. O It O is O expensive O but O well O worth O the O money. O If O you O venture O off O the O island O of O Manhattan O and O can't O seem O to O find O a O great O Italian O restaurant, O drive O to O Corona B-TARGET . O The O only O thing O more O wonderful O than O the O food B-TARGET (which O is O exceptional) O is O the O service B-TARGET . O The O only O thing O the O waiters B-TARGET don't O do O for O you O is O wipe O your O chin O when O you O leave. O Wonderful O at O holiday O time. O Cozy O romantic O atomosphere B-TARGET with O only O around O 15 O tables O at O most. O Service B-TARGET was O very O prompt O but O slightly O rushed. O Food B-TARGET was O very O good, O but O not O what O I O would O consider O out O of O this O world. O Go O here O for O a O romantic O dinner O but O not O for O an O all O out O wow O dining O experience. O My O friend O from O Milan O and O myself O were O pleasantly O surprised O when O we O arrived O and O everyone O spoke O italian. O Too O bad O the O food B-TARGET wasn't O of O the O same O heritage. O The O porcini B-TARGET mushroom I-TARGET pasta I-TARGET special I-TARGET was O tasteless, O so O was O the O seafood B-TARGET tagliatelle I-TARGET . O A O real O dissapointment. O But O that O wasn't O the O icing O on O the O cake: O a O tiramisu B-TARGET that O resembled O nothing O I O have O ever O had. O They O should O have O called O it O mascarpone O with O chocolate O chips-good O but O a O far O cry O from O what O the O name O implies. O Priced O at O upper O intermediate O range. O I O really O liked O this O place B-TARGET . O Everything O I O had O was O good, O and O I'm O a O eater. O It O was O pretty O inexpensive O too. O This O place O has O the O best O Chinese O style O BBQ B-TARGET ribs I-TARGET in O the O city. O I O also O recommend O the O rice B-TARGET dishes I-TARGET or O the O different O varieties O of O congee B-TARGET (rice I-TARGET porridge) I-TARGET . O It's O great O to O go O for O a O quick O lunch O either O alone O or O with O a O friend. O It's O definately O not O a O place B-TARGET to O go O if O you O want O to O impress O someone. O However, O if O you O want O great O food B-TARGET at O a O great O price O and O don't O mind O the O decor B-TARGET , O you O can't O beat O this O place. O Quick O and O friendly O service B-TARGET . O This O is O one O of O the O best O comfort O food O places O in O the O city. O It's O somewhere O you O can O eat O and O be O happy. O When O I'm O feeling O stressed O by O the O noise O and O congestion O around O my O office, O I O head O for O Cafe O St. O Bart's. O When O you're O sitting O in O their O main B-TARGET dining I-TARGET room I-TARGET (which O has O a O spectacular, O hand-painted O high O ceiling B-TARGET ) O you'd O never O know O there O was O a O world O outside. O The O food B-TARGET is O wonderful, O tasty O and O filling, O and O the O service B-TARGET is O professional O and O friendly. O I O can't O wait O for O summer, O when O they O serve O outside O on O their O gigantic O patio B-TARGET . O Ahhh... O I O recently O tried O Suan B-TARGET and O I O thought O that O it O was O great. O This O little O place B-TARGET definitely O exceeded O my O expectations O and O you O sure O get O a O lot O of O food B-TARGET for O your O money. O The O service B-TARGET was O fast O and O friendly O and O the O food B-TARGET was O very O tasty O and O they O had O the O best O hot B-TARGET sauce I-TARGET to O add O to O your O meals. O I O have O to O say O that O I O am O pleasantly O suprised O and O I O will O most O likely O stop O in O again O if O I O am O in O the O neighborhood. O They O all O know O you. O Good O food B-TARGET . O Good O drink B-TARGET . O How O do O you O rate O home? O I O have O never O had O cheescake B-TARGET like O this. O I O thought O I O had O died O and O gone O to O heaven. O Great O spot B-TARGET , O whether O looking O for O a O couple O of O drinks O or O quiet O dinner. O Warm O and O friendly O in O the O winter O and O terrific O outdoor B-TARGET seating I-TARGET in O the O warmer O months. O The O food B-TARGET is O great O and O they O have O a O good O selecion B-TARGET of I-TARGET wines I-TARGET at O reasonable O prices. O Have O been O several O times O and O it O never O dissapoints. O After O hearing O a O lot O of O great O things O about O the O restaurant, O and O passing O by O it O on O a O daily O basis, O we O decided O to O try. O We O were O less O than O impressed. O While O the O ambiance B-TARGET and O atmosphere B-TARGET were O great, O the O food B-TARGET and O service B-TARGET could O have O been O a O lot O better. O We O ordered O the O chicken B-TARGET casserole I-TARGET , O but O what O we O got O were O a O few O small O pieces O of O chicken, O all O dark O meat O and O on O the O bone. O Probably O would O not O go O again... O i've O been O to O sapphire O twice O and O both O times O the O food B-TARGET was O fine, O if O not O good. O stick O with O the O chicken B-TARGET , O beef B-TARGET , O and O lamb B-TARGET dishes I-TARGET . O i O don't O usually O order O wine O with O indian O so O i O can't O comment O on O their O wine O list O or O their O wines. O instead O ordered O an O ice O cold O beer O which O to O me O works O with O indian. O service B-TARGET is O friendly, O and O never O had O a O problem O walking O in O and O getting O a O table. O i O would O recommend O reservations O on O weekends O though. O skip O dessert B-TARGET . O Best O Reuben B-TARGET sandwich I-TARGET ever! O A O classic! O Don't O miss O Bloom's B-TARGET on O your O next O trip O to O Manhatten. O It O was O the O first O place O we O ate O on O our O first O trip O to O New O York, O and O it O will O be O the O last O place B-TARGET we O stop O as O we O head O out O of O town O on O our O next O trip O to O New O York. O Thanks O Bloom's B-TARGET for O a O lovely O trip. O As O a O fan O of O Thai, O I O have O tried O quite O a O few O different O restaurants O in O NYC O and O this O one O was O definitely O the O worst. O The O food B-TARGET was O not O fresh, O the O sauces B-TARGET were O bland O and O very O oily. O It O just O wasn't O Thai. O Went O to O Ottimo O and O was O expecting O outstanding O pizza O (as O I O love O La O Pizza O Fresca). O Was O surprisingly O disappointed. O Pizza B-TARGET was O a O little O soggy. O Ravioli B-TARGET was O good...but O I O have O to O say O that O I O found O everything O a O bit O overpriced. O Not O enough O wines B-TARGET by I-TARGET the I-TARGET glass I-TARGET either. O Service B-TARGET , O however, O was O excellent...and O I O liked O the O setting/atmosphere B-TARGET a O lot. O Food B-TARGET was O just O average...if O they O lowered O the O prices O just O a O bit, O it O would O be O a O bigger O draw. O This O place B-TARGET is O a O great O bargain. O Authentic O Pakistani B-TARGET food I-TARGET . O People B-TARGET are O always O friendly. O Don't O waste O money O on O decor B-TARGET . O Just O straight O up O cheap, O good O food B-TARGET . O Faan B-TARGET is O sooo O good. O The O best O pad B-TARGET thai I-TARGET i've O ever O had. O The O design B-TARGET and O atmosphere B-TARGET is O just O as O good. O bottles B-TARGET of I-TARGET wine I-TARGET are O cheap O and O good. O What O more O could O you O want? O The O food B-TARGET was O actually O aweful. O I'm O not O picky O - O but O it O was O actually O gross. O The O mussles B-TARGET were O the O fishiest O things O I've O ever O tasted, O the O seabass B-TARGET was O bland, O the O goat B-TARGET cheese I-TARGET salad I-TARGET was O missing O the O goat O cheese, O the O penne B-TARGET w/ I-TARGET chicken I-TARGET had O bones O in O it... O It O was O disgusting. O Nice O atmosphere B-TARGET , O the O service B-TARGET was O very O pleasant O and O the O desert B-TARGET was O good. O Wouldn't O recomend O it O for O dinner! O This O is O the O perfect O date O spot O for O Williamsburg O couples. O The O jukebox B-TARGET plays O everything O from O Italian O Opera O to O The O Strokes. O The O food B-TARGET is O amazing, O rich O pastas B-TARGET and O fresh O doughy O pizza B-TARGET . O Best O of O all O is O the O warm O vibe B-TARGET , O the O owner B-TARGET is O super O friendly O and O service B-TARGET is O fast. O If O only O they O delivered, O they'd O make O a O mint! O go O here O for O the O drinks B-TARGET ! O esp. O during O happy O hour! O enough O said! O the O drinks B-TARGET are O amazing O and O half O off O till O 8pm. O Ask O for O Usha B-TARGET , O the O nicest O bartender O in O manhattan. O My O fav O was O the O sassy B-TARGET lassi I-TARGET ... O This O is O an O amazing O place O to O try O some O roti B-TARGET rolls I-TARGET . O I O really O recommend O the O very O simple O Unda B-TARGET (Egg) I-TARGET rolls I-TARGET . O Delicate O spices B-TARGET , O onions B-TARGET , O eggs B-TARGET and O a O kick-ass O roti B-TARGET . O Amazing! O Toons B-TARGET has O recently O been O redone, O so O it's O now O a O very O attractive O space. O The O food B-TARGET 's O as O good O as O ever. O In O an O area O sadly O lacking O in O decent O Thai B-TARGET food I-TARGET , O this O is O one O of O the O best O spots. O Went O here O last O night O - O nice O decor B-TARGET , O good O service B-TARGET , O but O the O food B-TARGET was O surprisingly O excellent. O The O portions B-TARGET are O HUGE, O so O it O might O be O good O to O order O three O things O to O split O (rather O than O one O appetizer O and O entree O per O person) O for O two O people. O Among O all O of O the O new O 5th O avenue O restaurants, O this O offers O by O far O one O of O the O best O values O for O your O money. O Can't O wait O to O go O back. O Best O drumsticks B-TARGET over I-TARGET rice I-TARGET and O sour B-TARGET spicy I-TARGET soup I-TARGET in O town! O Beef B-TARGET noodle I-TARGET soup I-TARGET is O good O as O well. O The O service B-TARGET is O good O and O the O resturant B-TARGET is O clean. O Best O Taiwanese B-TARGET food I-TARGET in O NY! O I O have O been O to O Rao's B-TARGET probably O 15 O times O the O past O 3 O years O and O it O keeps O getting O better. O For O those O that O go O once O and O don't O enjoy O it, O all O I O can O say O is O that O they O just O don't O get O it. O Rao's O has O the O best O service B-TARGET and O atmosphere B-TARGET in O NYC. O Good O luck O getting O a O table. O My O roommate O and O I O LOVE O this O place B-TARGET . O We O recently O decided O to O try O this O location, O and O to O our O delight, O they O have O outdoor B-TARGET seating I-TARGET , O perfect O since O I O had O my O yorkie O with O me. O Indoor B-TARGET was O very O cozy O and O cute. O The O portion B-TARGET sizes O here O are O huge, O and O the O sushi B-TARGET is O good. O While O it's O not O Nobu, O it O sure O is O a O great O deal O and O you O definitely O will O leave O feeling O satisfied O and O full. O Staff B-TARGET is O very O accomodating. O Excellent O dumplings B-TARGET served O amid O clean, O chic O decor B-TARGET . O I O got O the O $10 B-TARGET 10-piece I-TARGET dim I-TARGET sum I-TARGET combo I-TARGET , O every O bite O of O which O was O great. O But O $1 O for O each O small O piece??? O Not O worth O it. O I O won't O go O back O unless O someone O else O is O footing O the O bill. O I O came O here O with O my O boyfriend O for O our O anniversary O because O it O was O highly O recommended O to O him O by O a O friend. O The O decor B-TARGET is O very O simple O but O comfortable. O The O food B-TARGET was O delicious O but O do O not O come O here O on O a O empty O stomach. O The O portions B-TARGET are O small O but O being O that O the O food B-TARGET was O so O good O makes O up O for O that. O You O must O have O the O crabmeat B-TARGET lasagna I-TARGET which O is O out O of O this O world O and O the O chocolate B-TARGET bread I-TARGET pudding I-TARGET for O dessert. O The O staff B-TARGET there O is O very O attentive O and O down O to O earth. O I O loved O it O and O would O go O again. O Great O Indian B-TARGET food I-TARGET and O the O service B-TARGET is O incredible. O The O owner B-TARGET truly O caters O to O all O your O needs. O When O family O came O in O he O gave O them O apps O to O test O their O palets, O and O then O ordered O for O them. O Everyone O was O more O then O happy O with O his O choices. O Great O food B-TARGET and O the O prices O are O very O reasonable. O Obviously O the O Chinese O translation O of O this O place O does O not O mean O Big O Wong, O it O actually O means O Great O Prosperity. O The O food B-TARGET here O does O a O great O service O to O the O name O (Cantonese O that O is...). O I O fell O in O love O with O the O egg B-TARGET noodles I-TARGET in I-TARGET the I-TARGET beef I-TARGET broth I-TARGET with I-TARGET shrimp I-TARGET dumplings I-TARGET and I-TARGET slices I-TARGET of I-TARGET BBQ I-TARGET roast I-TARGET pork I-TARGET . O This O dish B-TARGET is O my O favorite O and O I O always O get O it O when O I O go O there O and O never O get O tired O of O it. O Try O the O congee B-TARGET and O the O donut O like O deep O fried O dough O they O call O Ow B-TARGET Ley I-TARGET Soh I-TARGET , O a O delicious O and O sweet O tasting O bread. O Simply O some O good O tasting O Chinese B-TARGET food I-TARGET at O incredible O prices... O Service B-TARGET is O not O what O you O are O coming O here O for... O Just O make O sure O my O ice O water O is O kept O full O and O my O tea O kettle O filled O with O piping O hot O tea O and O that's O all O the O service O I O need... O Big B-TARGET Wong I-TARGET is O a O great O place O to O eat O and O fill O your O stomach. O this O place... O we O stumbled O upon O it O on O labor O day O weekend. O whoever O the O jazz B-TARGET duo I-TARGET was, O they O were O on O POINT. O good O music B-TARGET , O great O food B-TARGET , O speedy O service B-TARGET affordable O prices. O even O the O wine B-TARGET by I-TARGET the I-TARGET glass I-TARGET was O good. O its O a O little O out O of O the O way O if O you O don't O live O in O the O neighborhood, O but O definitely O worth O the O trip O from O wherever O you O are. O Consistently O good O Japanese B-TARGET Tapas I-TARGET . O Same O owner O as O the O guy O who O owns O Typhoon, O which O is O just O down O the O street O on O St. O Marks O and O 1st O Ave. O Always O good O drinks B-TARGET and O service B-TARGET is O pretty O good; O Atmosphere B-TARGET is O nice O and O relaxed O too... O A O great O place B-TARGET to O meet O up O for O some O food O and O drinks... O Yakitori B-TARGET (bbq I-TARGET meats) I-TARGET is O tasty O too. O It's O also O attached O to O Angel's O Share, O which O is O a O cool, O more O romantic O bar... O Just O moved O to O the O neighborhood O and O we've O been O trying O all O the O West O Village O Sushi O restaurants. O If O you O don't O mind O pre-sliced O low O quality O fish B-TARGET , O unfriendly O staff B-TARGET and O a O sushi B-TARGET chef I-TARGET that O looks O like O he O is O miserable O then O this O is O your O place. O Price O and O quality O of O fish B-TARGET alone O will O keep O us O from O making O a O return O visit. O Wasn't O going O to O share O but O I O feel O obligated...while O sitting O at O the O sushi O bar O dining O we O watched O the O chef B-TARGET accidentally O drop O a O piece O of O Unagi O on O the O floor O and O upon O retrieving O it O from O the O floor O proceed O to O use O the O piece O in O the O delivery O order O he O was O preparing. O No O thanks!!! O This O place B-TARGET , O which O is O only O a O few O months O old, O is O perhaps O Queens' O biggest O secret! O Fabulous O decor B-TARGET - O makes O you O feel O like O you're O in O a O trendy O Manhattan O restaurant, O very O very O good O food B-TARGET , O cheaply-priced, O generally O friendly O staff B-TARGET , O and O if O you're O a O Manhattanite, O or O spend O most O of O your O time O in O Manhattan, O Rice B-TARGET Avenue I-TARGET will O make O you O feel O at O home.....very O Soho/Village/Upper O West O Side O minus O the O expensive O prices O and O pretentious O clientele.....all O on O Roosevelt O Avenue! O We O were O seated O outside O and O the O waiter B-TARGET spilled O red O wine O and O hot O tea O on O myself O and O my O date. O We O were O then O shooed O inside. O One O would O think O we'd O get O an O apology O or O complimentary O drinks O - O instead, O we O got O a O snobby O waiter B-TARGET wouldn't O even O take O our O order O for O 15 O minutes O and O gave O us O lip O when O we O asked O him O to O do O so. O We O left, O never O to O return. O With O so O many O good O restaurants O on O the O UWS, O I O don't O need O overpriced O food B-TARGET , O absurdly O arrogant O wait-staff B-TARGET who O don't O recognize O they O work O at O a O glorified O diner, O clumsy O service B-TARGET , O and O management B-TARGET that O doesn't O care. O I O am O relatively O new O to O the O area O and O tried O Pick O a O bgel O on O 2nd O and O was O disappointed O with O the O service B-TARGET and O I O thought O the O food B-TARGET was O overated O and O on O the O pricey O side. O If O you O are O in O the O area O try O The O Bagel O Shoppe O on O 74th O street O which O is O 3 O blocks O away O on O 2nd O Ave. O Great O bagels, O spreads O and O a O good O place O to O hang O out O in. O You O fellas O above O says O its O the O best O Taiwanese O restaurant O in O town. O However O it O is O the O ONLY O Taiwanese O restaurant O in O town. O The O food B-TARGET is O okay O and O the O prices O here O are O mediocre. O You O can't O say O its O cheap O because O food O is O cheaper O in O Chinatown. O They're O are O better O Taiwanese O restaurants O and O they O are O located O in O Flushing, O Queens. O Baluchi's B-TARGET has O solid O food B-TARGET and O a O nice O decor B-TARGET at O reasonable O prices. O The O only O problem O is O that O the O manager B-TARGET is O a O complete O incompetent. O He O offers O subpar O service B-TARGET and O has O no O personality. O In O fact, O it O appears O he O is O going O to O go O postal O at O any O moment. O Skip O this O location O and O go O to O the O one O in O Soho. O There O is O no O excuse O for O such O lousy O service B-TARGET ! O I O have O never O before O eaten O 40 O pieces O of O relatively O good O nigiri B-TARGET . O Stuffing O yourself O with O Japanese O food O is O a O rare O thing. O You O can O do O it O here. O $20 O for O all B-TARGET you I-TARGET can I-TARGET eat I-TARGET sushi I-TARGET cannot O be O beaten. O I O went O to O Areo B-TARGET on O a O Sunday O afternoon O with O four O of O my O girlfriends, O and O spent O three O enjoyable O hours O there. O The O restaurant O was O packed O at O first, O so O we O waited O at O the O bar O for O about O 20 O minutes O before O we O were O seated. O Most O of O the O servers B-TARGET are O very O attentive, O friendly O and O quite O attractive. O The O atmosphere O was O mostly O of O an O older O crowd, O but O there O were O a O few O groups O of O mid O 20's/30 O year O olds O also. O The O vibe B-TARGET is O very O relaxed O and O cozy, O service B-TARGET was O great O and O the O food B-TARGET was O excellent! O Me O and O my O girls O will O definitely O go O back. O Food B-TARGET was O good O and O the O view B-TARGET of I-TARGET the I-TARGET new I-TARGET york I-TARGET city I-TARGET skiline I-TARGET was O terrific O even O on O a O foggy O rainy O day O like O that O of O when O I O went. O I O would O highly O recommand O requesting O a O table O by O the O window. O Although O they O do O the O typical O what O kind O of O water O would O you O like O questions O the O service B-TARGET was O good O and O overall O very O relaxing O to O place B-TARGET to O eat. O I've O eaten O at O Pizza O Gruppo O a O few O times, O but O more O often O I O order O delivery. O The O food B-TARGET is O great. O Personal B-TARGET pans I-TARGET are O the O perfect O size O for O those O hungry O nights. O I O heartily O recommend. O There O is O a O downside O if O you're O ordering O in O -- O the O delivery B-TARGET guys I-TARGET have O MAJOR O attitude. O Never O have O I O had O such O dramatic O delivery B-TARGET guys I-TARGET (a O lot O of O huffing O and O panting O and O muttering O under O breath O b/c O I O live O in O a O walkup) O who O always O seem O disappointed O with O their O tips. O Hey, O I O think O $2+ O for O a O 5 O block O walk O ain't O bad. O Love O the O scene B-TARGET first O off- O the O place B-TARGET has O a O character O and O nice O light O to O it..very O fortunate, O location B-TARGET wise. O The O pizza B-TARGET was O pretty O good O and O huge. O The O price O very O reasonable. O We O were O 4 O and O got O the O family O size O penne B-TARGET a I-TARGET la I-TARGET vodka I-TARGET which O was O tremendously O gigantic O portion...a O bucket O of O food O literally. O We O got O most O of O it O back O at O home O with O us. O I O would O say O that O all O was O fine O and O tasty O but O the O heaviness O on O my O stomach O someting O that O i O can't O not O mention O or O undermine. O The O pasta B-TARGET penne I-TARGET was O pretty O extra O buttery, O creamy O which O means O a O big O task O to O diggest.. O tasty O at O first O but O i O would O say O that O i O was O full O with O a O slice O of O pizza O and O 7 O to O count, O penne...got O a O little O moody O afterwards O cause O was O stuffed...lol O No, O really. O I O have O eaten O a O lot O of O pizza O here. O La B-TARGET Rosa I-TARGET waltzes O in, O and O I O think O they O are O doing O it O the O best. O Interesting O selection B-TARGET , O good O wines B-TARGET , O service B-TARGET fine, O fun O decor B-TARGET . O I O have O been O twice O to O this O restaurant. O I O love O it. O I O plan O on O stopping O by O next O week O as O well. O I O found O it O on O a O cold O night, O the O perfect O spot B-TARGET to O warm O up. O I O recieved O prompt O service B-TARGET with O a O smile. O To O me O it O exemplifies O Soho, O cute, O artsy, O interesting. O Definately O check O it O out!!! O This O place B-TARGET blew O me O away...by O far O my O new O favorite O restaurant O on O the O uppereast O side. O The O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET is O extensive O and O impressive. O LOVE O the O atmosphere B-TARGET - O felt O like O I O was O in O Paris. O The O mussels B-TARGET were O fantastic O and O so O was O the O dessert B-TARGET ...definitely O going O to O be O back O very O soon. O I O just O read O Mocaramel's O review O and O felt O compelled O to O respond. O I O have O been O coming O here O for O years O and O have O nothing O but O good O things O to O say O about O the O service B-TARGET and O the O great O staff B-TARGET at O La O Lanterna. O Over O the O years O the O host, O Vittorio B-TARGET , O and O his O crew B-TARGET , O have O always O treated O me O as O family--although O with O all O the O business O this O not-so-little O gem O does, O it O amazing O he's O even O able O to O remember O a O consistent O but O not-so-frequent O visitor. O I've O also O been O amazed O at O all O the O new O additions O in O the O past O few O years: O A O new O Jazz B-TARGET Bar I-TARGET , O the O most O fantastic O Dining B-TARGET Garden I-TARGET , O the O Best O Thin B-TARGET Crust I-TARGET Pizzas I-TARGET , O and O now O a O Lasagna B-TARGET Menu I-TARGET which O is O to O die O for O (these O are O not O your O average O lasagnas)! O I O lOVE O THIS O PLACE B-TARGET ! O Keep O up O the O good O work O guys! O My O girlfiends O and O I O ate O at O O.G. O again O last O night. O I O have O to O say O I O have O never O had O a O disapointing O meal B-TARGET here. O We O could O have O made O a O meal O of O the O yummy O dumplings B-TARGET from O the O dumpling O menu. O Luckily O we O saved O room O for O the O BBQ B-TARGET Salmon I-TARGET , O Sea B-TARGET Bass I-TARGET and O Crispy B-TARGET Duck I-TARGET . O We O got O a O little O tipsy O from O the O sake O but O isn't O that O what O Saturday O nights O with O the O girlfriends O are O all O about? O Love O Al B-TARGET Di I-TARGET La I-TARGET I O recommend O this O place B-TARGET to O everyone. O Great O food B-TARGET . O One O of O my O favorite O places O in O Brooklyn. O The O pastas B-TARGET are O incredible, O the O risottos B-TARGET (particularly O the O sepia B-TARGET ) O are O fantastic O and O the O braised B-TARGET rabbit I-TARGET is O amazing. O Overpriced O and O not O tasty O The O food B-TARGET here O was O mediocre O at O best. O It O was O totally O overpriced- O fish B-TARGET and I-TARGET chips I-TARGET was O about O $15.... O There O are O so O many O other O great O places O to O go O to O eat O and O drink..... O this O place O is O not O worth O it... O Tasty O Dog B-TARGET ! O An O awesome O organic O dog B-TARGET , O and O a O conscious O eco O friendly O establishment B-TARGET . O One O of O the O best O hot O dogs O I O have O ever O eaten. O Can't O wait O to O go O back. O The O Cypriot B-TARGET restaurant I-TARGET has O a O lot O going O for O it. O But O the O best O pork B-TARGET souvlaki I-TARGET I O ever O had O is O the O main O thing. O Trust O me. O Run O don't O walk. O Super O YUMMY O Pizza B-TARGET ! O I O was O visiting O New O York O City O with O a O friend O and O we O discovered O this O really O warm O and O inviting O restaurant B-TARGET . O I O LOOOVE O their O eggplant B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET , O as O well O as O their O pastas B-TARGET ! O We O had O half/half B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET , O mine O was O eggplant O and O my O friend O had O the O buffalo O and O it O was O sooo O huge O for O a O small O size O pizza! O We O had O fun O eating O in O there, O we O were O there O like O around O 3 O a.m. O in O the O morning! O Will O comeback O for O sure, O wish O they O have O it O here O in O LA.. O Excellent O food B-TARGET , O although O the O interior B-TARGET could O use O some O help. O The O space B-TARGET kind O of O feels O like O an O Alice O in O Wonderland O setting, O without O it O trying O to O be O that. O I O paid O just O about O $60 O for O a O good O meal B-TARGET , O though O :) O Great O sake B-TARGET ! O Reliable, O Fresh O Sushi B-TARGET My O husband O and O I O take O out O from O here O 3-4 O times O a O month. O The O sashimi B-TARGET is O always O fresh O and O the O rolls B-TARGET are O innovative O and O delicious. O Have O never O had O a O problem O with O service B-TARGET save O a O missing O rice O once. O Delivery B-TARGET can O be O spot O on O or O lacking O depending O on O the O weather O and O the O day O of O the O week. O Delivery B-TARGET guy I-TARGET sometimes O get O upset O if O you O don't O tip O more O than O 10%. O We've O found O it O to O be O better O and O fresher O than O Kiku O which O is O comparable O in O price. O Best. O Sushi B-TARGET . O Ever. O This O place O has O ruined O me O for O neighborhood O sushi B-TARGET . O Creative, O consistent, O fresh. O Excellent O sashimi B-TARGET , O and O the O millennium B-TARGET roll I-TARGET is O beyond O delicious. O Not O cheap O but O very O yummy. O Love O it. O Very, O very O nice O The O place B-TARGET is O a O bit O hidden O away, O but O once O you O get O there, O it's O all O worth O it. O not O only O is O the O food B-TARGET Loved O It O My O wife O and O I O went O to O Water's O Edge O for O a O romantic O dinner. O We O had O a O very O nice O time. O The O waiter B-TARGET was O attentive, O the O food B-TARGET was O delicious O and O the O views B-TARGET of I-TARGET the I-TARGET city I-TARGET were O great. O I'd O definitely O go O back O again. O Great O place B-TARGET to O relax O and O enjoy O your O dinner O There O is O something O about O their O atmosphere B-TARGET that O makes O me O come O back O nearly O every O week. O Place B-TARGET is O open O till O late, O no O dress O code. O Good O food B-TARGET : O my O favorite O is O the O seafood B-TARGET spaghetti I-TARGET . O Highly O recommended! O Excellent O food B-TARGET for O great O prices O My O husband O and O I O have O been O sold O on O this O from O the O first O visit. O The O wait B-TARGET staff I-TARGET is O very O courteous O and O accomodating. O The O space B-TARGET is O limited O so O be O prepared O to O wait O up O to O 45 O minutes O - O 1 O hour, O but O be O richly O rewarded O when O you O savor O the O delicious O indo-chinese B-TARGET food I-TARGET . O There O are O no O negatives O to O speak O of. O the O bestt! O my O favorite O place B-TARGET lol O i O love O their O chicken B-TARGET pasta I-TARGET cant O remember O the O name O but O is O sooo O good O its O alright O im O not O necessarily O fanatical O about O this O place B-TARGET , O but O it O was O a O fun O time O for O low O pirces. O lobster B-TARGET was O good, O nothing O spectacular. O its O just O a O fun O place O to O go, O not O a O five O star O restaraunt B-TARGET . O Way O below O average O I O think O the O pizza B-TARGET is O so O overrated O and O was O under O cooked. O Had O no O flavor O and O the O staff B-TARGET is O rude O and O not O attentive. O Would O NEVER O go O back O I O love O this O place B-TARGET I O wasn't O here O for O the O pizza O so O I O can't O comment O on O that O yet O but O what O I O had O was O very O good. O The O service B-TARGET was O quick O and O friendly. O Everyone O was O smiling O so O that O made O me O feel O welcome. O I O thought O the O restaurant B-TARGET was O nice O and O clean. O I O ordered O the O vitello B-TARGET alla I-TARGET marsala I-TARGET and O I O was O pretty O impressed. O The O veal B-TARGET and O the O mushrooms B-TARGET were O cooked O perfectly. O The O potato B-TARGET balls I-TARGET were O not O dry O at O all... O in O fact O it O was O buttery. O The O only O downside... O they O only O take O cash O which O is O OK O if O you O know O about O it O ahead O of O time. O I'll O be O back O for O sure. O WORST O PLACE B-TARGET ON O SMITH O STREET O IN O BROOKLYN O Very O immature O bartender B-TARGET , O didnt O know O how O to O make O specific O drinks, O service B-TARGET was O so O slowwwww, O the O food B-TARGET was O not O fresh O or O warm, O waitresses B-TARGET were O busy O flirting O with O men O at O the O bar O and O werent O very O attentive O to O all O the O customers. O I O would O never O recommend O this O place B-TARGET to O anybody O even O for O a O casual O dinner. O awesome O the O food B-TARGET is O always O fresh O ... O overpriced O japanese B-TARGET food I-TARGET with O mediocre O service B-TARGET Went O here O on O sat O 1/26 O and O was O disappointed. O Chicken B-TARGET teriyaki I-TARGET had O tomato O or O pimentos O on O top?? O food B-TARGET was O luke O warm. O The O waitress B-TARGET was O not O attentive O at O all. O I O was O looking O for O banana O tempura O for O dessert B-TARGET and O they O dont O have. O Too O many O other O good O places O to O have O to O settle. O Not O because O you O are O " O The B-TARGET Four I-TARGET Seasons I-TARGET "... O – O you O are O allowed O to O charge O an O arm O and O a O leg O for O a O romatic O dinner. O The O food B-TARGET was O excellent O as O well O as O service B-TARGET , O however, O I O left O The B-TARGET Four I-TARGET Seasons I-TARGET very O dissappointed. O I O do O not O think O dinner B-TARGET in O Manhattan O should O cost O $400.00 O where O I O am O not O swept O off O my O feet. O Red B-TARGET Dragon I-TARGET Roll I-TARGET - O my O favorite O thing O to O eat, O of O any O food O group O - O hands O down O Just O go O to O Yamato B-TARGET and O order O the O Red B-TARGET Dragon I-TARGET Roll I-TARGET . O If O you O don't O like O it, O I O don't O know O what O to O tell O you. O The O Seafood B-TARGET Dynamite I-TARGET is O also O otherworldly. O I'm O not O even O going O to O bother O to O describe O it; O it O speaks O for O itself. O Favorite O Sushi B-TARGET in O NYC O I O have O eaten O at O some O of O the O 'best' O sushi O joints O in O NYC O (Nobu, O Bond O Street, O JewelBako, O etc) O and O Yamato O is O my O favorite. O An O unpretentious O spot B-TARGET in O Park O Slope, O the O sushi B-TARGET is O consistently O good, O the O service B-TARGET is O pleasant, O effective O and O unassuming. O In O the O summer O months, O the O back B-TARGET garden I-TARGET area I-TARGET is O really O nice. O The O rolls B-TARGET are O creative O and O I O have O yet O to O find O another O sushi O place O that O serves O up O more O inventive O yet O delicious O japanese B-TARGET food I-TARGET . O The O Dancing, B-TARGET White I-TARGET River I-TARGET and I-TARGET Millenium I-TARGET rolls I-TARGET are O musts. O SO O GOOD O I O CAN O EAT O HERE O EVERY O DAY O OF O THE O WEEK O REALLY O LOL O LOVE O THIS O PLACE B-TARGET ...) O Gross O food B-TARGET – O Wow- O I O can't O remember O the O last O time O I O had O such O gross O food B-TARGET in O New O York. O My O quesadilla B-TARGET tasted O like O it O had O been O made O by O a O three-year O old O with O no O sense O of O proportion O or O flavor. O And O $11 O for O a O plate O of O bland O guacamole B-TARGET ? O Come O on. O Don't O get O me O started O on O the O margaritas B-TARGET , O either. O Mine O tasted O like O the O bartender O had O forgotten O to O add O the O tequila. O Really, O I O find O it O rather O scandalous O that O such O a O crappy O restaurant O attracts O such O crowds--this, O in O the O city O of O a O million O restaurants, O at O least O 9/10 O of O which O are O way O better O than O this O one. O Save O your O money O and O your O time O and O go O somewhere O else. O Oh, O and O I O never O write O reviews--I O just O was O so O moved O by O how O bad O this O place B-TARGET was, O I O felt O it O was O my O duty O to O spread O the O word. O Great O Indian B-TARGET Food I-TARGET ! O This O place O was O reccomended O to O me O by O a O friend. O When O I O got O there O the O place O was O packed O but O they O made O sure O to O seat O me O quickly. O The O food B-TARGET was O good, O the O place B-TARGET was O clean O and O affordable. O I O noticed O alot O of O indian O people O eatting O there O which O is O a O great O sign O for O an O indian B-TARGET place I-TARGET ! O This O is O one O of O my O favorite O spot, O very O relaxing O the O food B-TARGET is O great O all O the O times O , O celebrated O my O engagement O and O my O wedding O here O , O it O was O very O well O organized O . O The O staff B-TARGET is O very O good. O Love O their O drink B-TARGET menu I-TARGET . O I O highly O recommend O this O beautiful O place B-TARGET . O Nice O for O one O time O special O occasion. O Went O for O Mom's O birthday O brunch/lunch. O They O honored O reservation O on O Sunday O afternoon O very O well. O Be O aware. O We O were O offered O water O for O the O table O but O were O not O told O the O Voss B-TARGET bottles I-TARGET of I-TARGET water I-TARGET were O $8 O a O piece. O Food B-TARGET was O OK. O Nice O view B-TARGET of I-TARGET river I-TARGET and I-TARGET NYC I-TARGET . O I O come O here O enjoy O very O much O with O husband. O Remind O me O of O home. O Great O survice B-TARGET MMMMMMMMMmmmmmm O so O delicious O A O beautifully O designed O dreamy O Egyptian B-TARGET restaurant I-TARGET that O gets O sceney O at O night. O Watch O the O talented O belly B-TARGET dancers I-TARGET as O you O enjoy O delicious O baba B-TARGET ganoush I-TARGET that's O more O lemony O than O smoky. O Oh, O and O there's O hookah B-TARGET . O Raymond B-TARGET the O bartender O rocks! O Pacifico B-TARGET is O a O great O place O to O casually O hang O out. O The O drinks B-TARGET are O great, O especially O when O made O by O Raymond B-TARGET . O The O omlette B-TARGET for I-TARGET brunch I-TARGET is O great... O the O spinach B-TARGET is O fresh, O definately O not O frozen... O quacamole B-TARGET at O pacifico O is O yummy, O as O are O the O wings B-TARGET with I-TARGET chimmichuri I-TARGET . O A O weakness O is O the O chicken B-TARGET in I-TARGET the I-TARGET salads I-TARGET . O It's O just O average, O just O shredded, O no O seasoning O on O it. O Also, O I O personally O wasn't O a O fan O of O the O portobello B-TARGET and I-TARGET asparagus I-TARGET mole I-TARGET . O Overall, O decent O food B-TARGET at O a O good O price, O with O friendly O people B-TARGET . O Best O Indian B-TARGET Restaurant I-TARGET in O the O City O Decor B-TARGET needs O to O be O upgraded O but O the O food B-TARGET is O amazing! O This O small O Astoria O souvlaki O spot O makes O what O many O consider O the O best O gyros B-TARGET in O New O York. O Small, O bright, O and O clean, O BZ O Grill O stands O apart O from O the O usual O run O of O gyro O joints, O both O in O Astoria O and O out. O What O really O makes O it O shine O is O the O food B-TARGET , O which O is O aggressively O seasoned O with O Cyrpriot O spices, O and O all O made O in-house O (even O the O gyro B-TARGET meat I-TARGET and O sausages B-TARGET ), O and O made O of O much O higher O quality O ingredients B-TARGET that O might O otherwise O be O expected. O All O the O various O Greek B-TARGET and I-TARGET Cypriot I-TARGET dishes I-TARGET are O excellent, O but O the O gyro B-TARGET is O the O reason O to O come--if O you O don't O eat O one O your O trip O was O wasted. O Best O restaurant B-TARGET in O Brooklyn O The O best! O Great O food B-TARGET , O amazing O service B-TARGET , O this O place B-TARGET is O a O class O act. O The O veal B-TARGET was O incredible O last O night. O Fresh, O mind O blowing O flavors. O This O place B-TARGET is O a O must O visit! O You O want O to O have O a O real O hot O dog O in O Brooklyn? O Skip O Nathan's...you O can O get O that O at O the O mall...go O to O Bark. O Delicious, O creative O and O fun. O Got O a O date? O Go O here! O Every O time O I O have O a O special O occasion O with O my O boyfriend O I O have O a O hard O time O going O anywhere O else. O It O is O so O romantic. O Its O dark, O and O cozy.. O there O is O always O jazz O music O playing O when O we O go. O Most O of O the O booths B-TARGET allow O you O to O sit O next O to O eachother O without O looking O like O 'that' O couple. O The O food B-TARGET is O all O shared O so O we O get O to O order O together O and O eat O together. O I've O enjoyed O 99% O of O the O dishes B-TARGET we've O ordered O with O the O only O exceptions O being O the O occasional O too-authentic-for-me O dish B-TARGET (I'm O a O daring O eater O but O not O THAT O daring). O Once O you O try O it O for O a O special O occasion O beware.. O you O can't O stop! O You'll O be O ther O for O every O anniversary, O birthday, O valentines O day... O For O a O Fabulous O Wedding! O My O daughter's O wedding O reception O at O Water's B-TARGET Edge I-TARGET received O the O highest O compliments O from O our O guests. O Everyone O raved O about O the O atmosphere B-TARGET (elegant O rooms B-TARGET and O absolutely O incomparable O views B-TARGET ) O and O the O fabulous O food B-TARGET ! O Service B-TARGET was O wonderful; O everyone O was O cheerfully O cooperative O and O helpful. O Paul B-TARGET , O the O maitre O d', O was O totally O professional O and O always O on O top O of O things. O Thank O you O everyone O at O Water's B-TARGET Edge I-TARGET . O Ruth, O mother O of O the O Bride O would O NOT O go O back. O Service B-TARGET ok O but O unfriendly,filthy O bathroom B-TARGET . O The O high O prices O you're O going O to O pay O is O for O the O view B-TARGET not O for O the O food B-TARGET . O The O bar B-TARGET drinks I-TARGET were O Eh, O ok O to O say O the O least. O The O stuff B-TARGET tilapia I-TARGET was O horrid...tasted O like O cardboard. O We O thought O the O dessert B-TARGET would O be O better, O Wrong! O $170 O down O the O toilet... O oh O speaking O of O bathroom O , O the O mens B-TARGET bathroom I-TARGET was O disgusting. O The O floor O was O wet, O the O trash O can O filled O with O hand O towels O n O all O over O the O floor, O no O soap, O and O no O hand O towels O left. O Go O to O son O cubano O in O edgewater O nj O instead. O Good O Experience O During O our O trip O to O NYC, O we O made O reservations O to O dine O in O the O pool O room O of O the O Four O Seasons O for O their O pre-theater O menu O (offering O a O modified O menu O for O $65 O pp). O The O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET was O extensive O - O though O the O staff B-TARGET did O not O seem O knowledgeable O about O wine O pairings. O The O bread B-TARGET we O received O was O horrible O - O rock O hard O and O cold O - O and O the O "free" O appetizer B-TARGET of I-TARGET olives I-TARGET was O disappointing. O However, O our O main B-TARGET course I-TARGET was O wonderful. O I O had O fish B-TARGET and O my O husband O had O the O filet B-TARGET - O both O of O which O exceeded O our O expectations. O The O dessert O (we O had O a O pear B-TARGET torte I-TARGET ) O was O good O - O but, O once O again, O the O staff B-TARGET was O unable O to O provide O appropriate O drink O suggestions. O When O we O inquired O about O ports O - O the O waitress B-TARGET listed O off O several O but O did O not O know O taste O variations O or O cost. O Not O what O I O would O expect O for O the O price O and O prestige O of O this O location B-TARGET . O All O in O all, O I O would O return O - O as O it O was O a O beautiful O restaurant B-TARGET - O but O I O hope O the O staff B-TARGET pays O more O attention O to O the O little O details O in O the O future. O short O and O sweet O – O seating B-TARGET is O great:it's O romantic,cozy O and O private. O The O boths B-TARGET are O not O as O small O as O some O of O the O reviews O make O them O out O to O look O they're O perfect O for O 2 O people. O The O service B-TARGET was O extremely O fast O and O attentive(thanks O to O the O service B-TARGET button I-TARGET on O your O table) O but O I O barely O understood O 1 O word O when O the O waiter B-TARGET took O our O order. O The O food B-TARGET was O ok O and O fair O nothing O to O go O crazy. O over. O Over O all O the O looks B-TARGET of O the O place O exceeds O the O actual O meals B-TARGET . O So O what O you O really O end O up O paying O for O is O the O restaurant B-TARGET not O the O food B-TARGET . O Will O prob. O not O return O but O it O is O a O great O dinning O experience O to O try O atleast O once. O Impressed... O Subtle O food B-TARGET and O service B-TARGET Noodle O pudding O is O exactly O the O type O of O service B-TARGET and O food B-TARGET I O enjoy. O Servers O are O all O different, O Greg B-TARGET is O my O favorite. O Sometimes O tables O don't O understand O his O sense O of O humor O but O it's O refreshing O to O have O a O server B-TARGET who O has O personality, O professionalism, O and O respects O the O privacy O of O your O dinner. O This O is O the O first O place O I've O been O that O a O runner B-TARGET remembers O my O order... O hope O he O likes O his O job O because O I O have O half O a O mind O to O steal O him O for O my O restaurant. O Prices O are O fair O across O the O board O for O both O food B-TARGET and O bev B-TARGET . O I O go O out O to O eat O and O like O my O courses, O servers B-TARGET are O patient O and O never O rush O courses O or O force O another O drink. O Restaurants O in O manhattan O should O try O to O model O food O and O service O after O this O place. O amazing O fresh O dogs B-TARGET but O best O of O all O endless O toppings B-TARGET !!! O this O place O had O ALL O the O trimmings B-TARGET and O i O mean O all. O peppers, O onions, O relish, O chilli, O cheeses, O you O NAME O it. O amazing O fun O for O hot B-TARGET dog I-TARGET lovers O of O all O ages O PLEASE O do O yourself O a O favor O and O check O this O place B-TARGET out!!!! O BEST O DINING O EXPERIENCE O IN O THE O WEST O VILLAGE! O Stepping O into O Casa B-TARGET La I-TARGET Femme I-TARGET last O night O was O a O true O experience O unlike O any O other O in O New O York! O Highly O impressed O from O the O decor B-TARGET to O the O food B-TARGET to O the O hospitality O to O the O great O night O I O had! O The O have O a O great O cocktail B-TARGET with I-TARGET Citrus I-TARGET Vodka I-TARGET and I-TARGET lemon I-TARGET and I-TARGET lime I-TARGET juice I-TARGET and I-TARGET mint I-TARGET leaves I-TARGET that O is O to O die O for! O Food B-TARGET took O some O time O to O prepare, O all O worth O waiting O for. O We O were O drawn O into O the O belly B-TARGET dancing I-TARGET show I-TARGET that O captivated O the O crowd. O I O never O write O on O these O sites O but O this O restaurant B-TARGET is O def O worth O commending! O Great O find O in O the O West O Village! O Maggot O in O the O food B-TARGET ! O I've O been O wanting O to O go O to O this O place O forever O and O finally O got O a O table. O The O menu B-TARGET looked O great, O and O the O waiter B-TARGET was O very O nice, O but O when O the O food B-TARGET came, O it O was O average. O Nevertheless, O I O finished O my O plate, O and O that's O when O I O found O a O maggot O in O mushroom B-TARGET sauce I-TARGET at O the O bottom. O I O showed O it O to O the O manager B-TARGET , O and O he O smilingly O apologized O and O brought O us O two O free O desserts O (but O did O not O ask O us O what O we O wanted O and O so O brought O the O last O two O desserts O we O would O have O asked O for). O When O the O bill O came, O nothing O was O comped, O so O I O told O the O manager O very O politely O that O we O were O willing O to O pay O for O the O wine, O but O I O didn't O think O I O should O have O to O pay O for O food O with O a O maggot O in O it. O Yes, O I O ate O the O food, O but O I O certainly O would O not O have O if O I O had O seen O the O maggot O before O eating, O and O I O was O at O this O point O fairly O sick O to O my O stomach. O The O manager B-TARGET finally O said O he O would O comp O the O two O glasses O of O wine O (which O cost O less O than O the O food), O and O made O it O seem O like O a O big O concession. O We O paid O and O left O because O we O didn't O feel O like O arguing O any O more. O I O have O worked O in O restaurants O and O cook O a O lot, O and O there O is O no O way O a O maggot O should O be O able O to O get O into O well O prepared O food B-TARGET . O For O a O restaurant B-TARGET with O such O a O good O reputation O and O that O is O usually O so O packed, O there O was O no O reason O for O such O a O lack O of O intelligent O customer B-TARGET service I-TARGET . O A O fairly O late O entry O into O the O haute O barnyard O sweepstakes, O Flatbush O Farm O isn't O in O the O same O league O as O the O Blue O Hills O or O even O the O Farm O on O Adderlys O of O the O world, O but O it's O pretty O good, O albeit O with O a O somewhat O dismal O setting. O Unhygienic O I O do O not O recommend. O I O went O there O 2times O . O I O got O hair O in O my O food B-TARGET 2 O times O of O then O ! O Great O place B-TARGET , O great O value. O The O food B-TARGET is O flavorful, O plentiful O and O reasonably O priced. O The O atmosphere B-TARGET is O relaxed O and O casual. O It's O a O great O place B-TARGET to O order O from O or O sit-in. O Awesome O Inexpensive, O unassuming, O great O time! O Sushi B-TARGET experience O was O unbelievable O with O my O fiance. O Try O it! O Very O pleased O Good O creative O rolls B-TARGET ! O Yamato B-TARGET is O an O excellent O place O to O go O if O youre O not O into O sashimi, O or O if O you O have O friends O who O doesnt O like O sushi O much. O They O have O great O rolls B-TARGET , O the O triple B-TARGET color I-TARGET and I-TARGET norwegetan I-TARGET rolls I-TARGET , O are O awesome O and O filling. O One O special B-TARGET roll I-TARGET and O one O regular B-TARGET roll I-TARGET is O enough O to O fill O you O up, O but O save O room O for O dessert B-TARGET ! O They O have O a O delicious O banana B-TARGET chocolate I-TARGET dessert I-TARGET , O as O well O as O a O great O green B-TARGET tea I-TARGET tempura I-TARGET . O The O appetizers B-TARGET are O also O delicious! O Amazing O food B-TARGET . O Mazing O interior B-TARGET . O Great O food B-TARGET ! O I've O had O my O fair O share O of O modern B-TARGET Japanese I-TARGET and O this O spot O delivers. O The O atmosphere B-TARGET was O pretty O nice O but O had O a O bit O lacking, O which O it O tries O to O make O up O for O with O a O crazy O scheme B-TARGET of I-TARGET mirrors I-TARGET . O If O you're O into O being O lost O when O you're O just O five O feet O from O your O table O then O hey, O that's O a O good O thing. O Despite O the O confusing O mirrors B-TARGET this O will O likely O be O my O go-to O for O modern B-TARGET Japanese I-TARGET food I-TARGET for O the O foreseeable O future. O Another O review O here O claimed O the O pre-fix O was O $29/per O person O including O sake O but O it O is O $55 O per O person O not O including O sake. O Indo B-TARGET Chinese I-TARGET food I-TARGET , O pretty O good... O Not O a O very O fancy O place B-TARGET but O very O good O Chinese B-TARGET style I-TARGET Indian I-TARGET food I-TARGET . O The O chicken B-TARGET lollipop I-TARGET is O my O favorite, O most O of O the O dishes B-TARGET (I O have O to O agree O with O a O previous O reviewer) O are O quite O oily O and O very O spicy, O espeically O the O Chilli B-TARGET Chicken I-TARGET . O My O mom O originally O introduced O me O to O this O place, O but O even O she O (being O Indian) O feels O the O food B-TARGET can O be O somewhat O over O the O top O spicy O and O far O too O oily. O Still O we O keep O going O back O :) O I O was O speechless O by O the O horrible O food B-TARGET . O I O attended O a O holiday O dinner O at O the O restaurant, O and O the O food B-TARGET was O majorly O disappointing. O Rather O than O eating O the O meat O entree O being O offered, O I O requested O a O vegetarian O dish. O Rather O than O preparing O vegetarian B-TARGET dish I-TARGET , O the O chef B-TARGET presented O me O with O a O plate O of O steamed O vegetables O (minus O sauce, O seasoning, O or O any O form O or O aesthetic O presentation). O I O was O so O stunned, O and O I O left O the O dinner O hungry O and O majorly O disappointing. O This O place B-TARGET survives O on O reputation O alone. O I O will O NEVER O return. O Best O In O ALL O of O NYC O This O is O the O MOST O wonderful O restaurant B-TARGET in O all O of O New O York O City, O not O just O Brooklyn... O for O 7 O years O they O have O put O out O the O most O tasty, O most O delicious O food B-TARGET and O kept O it O that O way... O never O swaying, O never O a O bad O meal B-TARGET , O never O bad O service B-TARGET ... O I'm O telling O you... O you O should O travel O from O the O Bronx O to O try O it... O great O food B-TARGET , O great O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET , O great O service B-TARGET in O a O great O neighborhood B-TARGET ... O so O delicious!!!!!! O Patsy's B-TARGET Pizza I-TARGET = O true O love O Hands O down O the O best O pizza B-TARGET on O the O planet. O My O bf O and O I O go O to O the O walk-up O counter O and O order O a O pie. O In O about O 12 O minutes, O the O thing O is O gone. O Need O I O say O more? O great O hot B-TARGET dogs I-TARGET .. O the O hot B-TARGET dogs I-TARGET were O juicy O and O tender O inside O and O had O plenty O of O crunch O and O snap O on O the O outside. O great O toppings B-TARGET definitely O a O place B-TARGET you O need O to O check O out O for O late O night O munchies O or O a O mid O day O boost! O great O taste O Great, O original O taste. O For O me O dishes B-TARGET a O little O oily, O but O overall O dining O experience O good. O Helpful O service B-TARGET and O average O price O per O dish B-TARGET $10. O The O only O thing O that O strikes O you O is O the O decor B-TARGET ?(not O very O pleasant). O great O food B-TARGET This O place O has O great O indian B-TARGET chinese I-TARGET food I-TARGET . O The O flavors O are O amazing O and O the O value O is O phenomenal. O Be O prepared O to O wait, O because O the O place B-TARGET is O pretty O tiny. O Also, O they O do O not O take O credit O card O so O come O with O cash! O Even O though O the O place B-TARGET is O not O beautiful, O the O food B-TARGET speaks O for O itself. O Best O Indian B-TARGET Chinese I-TARGET in O the O city, O by O far! O AMAZING O MY O FAVORITE!!! O I O have O been O living O in O NYC O for O bit O now O and O I O have O to O say O I O love O to O go O out O and O explore O the O scene. O I O came O across O Village B-TARGET Underground I-TARGET by O accident, O now O I O go O there O all O the O time. O The O martinis B-TARGET are O amazing O and O very O fairly O priced. O THE O SERVICE B-TARGET IS O AMAZING, O i've O had O different O waiters B-TARGET and O they O were O all O nice, O which O is O a O rare O thing O in O NYC. O The O DJ B-TARGET is O awesome, O I O have O been O there O for O my O birthday O and O a O bunch O of O other O times O with O friends O and O I O keep O going O back. O You O can O get O a O table O without O a O reservation O if O you O get O there O early O I O they O don't O make O you O by O bottles. O Which O lets O face O it....at O times O it's O a O good O thing. O In O the O end O you O end O up O with O a O fair O tab O and O NOTHING O BUT O A O GREAT O TIME!!! O Highly O recommended! O One O of O the O best, O if O not O THE O best, O restaurants O in O Park O Slope O (and O NY O in O general) O Everything O on O the O menu B-TARGET is O great. O This O establishment B-TARGET is O the O real O deal. O Wish O NY O had O more O of O these O kind O of O places: O intimate, O superb O food B-TARGET , O homey, O top O notch O all O the O way O around, O certainly O worth O the O wait. O There O is O "Expensive-but-worth-it" O and O there O is O "Expensive-and-WTF"? O This O is O a O twenty-something O guy O that O doesn't O mind O laying O down O $300 O for O a O fine O and O delicious O meal O for O 2 O on O special O occassions. O But O $500 O for O a O dinner B-TARGET for I-TARGET two I-TARGET that O didn't O include O Wine? O Are O you O freaking O kidding O me? O Look, O the O appetizers B-TARGET were O really O good. O The O entree B-TARGET was O also O very O good. O Can't O argue O about O that, O but O they O are O clearly O over O priced. O What O you O are O paying O for O is O the O environment B-TARGET and O the O name. O Yes, O the O place B-TARGET is O classy O and O beautiful, O but O they O most O certainly O target O the O uber O whealthy O Not O the O common O joe O that O wants O to O go O all O out O every O once O in O a O while. O $500 O included: O Drinks: O 2 O glasses O of O Dom O Perignon O at O $35 O each. O Starters: O Kobe O Beef O Sashimi. O Which O of O course O is O not O real O Kobe O but O Wagyu O beef. O Surprised O that O a O place O of O this O caliber O would O advertise O it O as O Kobe. O A O beef O Consomme. O Entrees: O Vanison O steak O and O Bison O Steak. O Vanison B-TARGET was O good O but O not O amazing. O Bison B-TARGET was O quite O excellent O however. O Dessert B-TARGET : O pure O disaster. O Just O not O good O at O all. O Some O Pineapple O covered O in O a O glaze O of O some O kind O and O some O pear O tart O thing O Not O impressive O at O all. O I O read O reviews O that O called O the O restaurant B-TARGET too O expensive O and O I O thought O to O myself, O but O may O be O it O is O worth O it. O I O was O wrong. O The B-TARGET Four I-TARGET Seasons I-TARGET has O history O and O it O is O a O sort O of O landmark O of O New O York O City O restaurants, O but O trust O me, O they O will O charge O you O through O the O nose O just O so O that O you O can O say O "I've O been O to O the O four O seasons O restaurant". O I O wanted O to O go O there O to O see O if O it O was O worth O it O and O sadly, O curiousity O got O the O best O of O me O and O I O paid O dearly O for O it. O All O in O all, O the O food B-TARGET was O great O (except O for O the O dessserts B-TARGET ). O The O environment B-TARGET is O very O upscale O and O you O will O see O a O lot O of O rich O guys O with O trophy O wives O or O just O highly O paid O escorts. O If O you O are O going O for O the O food B-TARGET , O it O will O not O be O worth O it. O Yes, O it O is O good, O but O I've O had O better O for O cheaper. O You O would O think O they O would O make O up O for O it O with O service B-TARGET , O sadly, O no. O Service B-TARGET was O just O ok, O it O is O not O what O you'd O expect O for O $500. O Terrible O Waste O of O money.. O scammers O I O agree O that O dining O at O Casa B-TARGET La I-TARGET Femme I-TARGET is O like O no O other O dining O experience! O BUT O not O in O a O good O way. O I O am O actually O offended O to O have O spent O so O much O money O on O such O a O bad O experience. O I O literally O just O got O back O home O after O visiting O Casa B-TARGET La I-TARGET Femme I-TARGET and O was O so O offended O by O my O visit O felt O it O necessary O to O try O and O warn O other O diners O who O value O their O money O and O time. O We O went O to O celebrate O two O birthdays O and O wanted O to O do O something O special O and O different. O Our O visit O their O to O say O the O least, O was O an O unpleasant O and O costly O experience! O And O even O more O so O unpleasant O because O it O was O so O costly O for O such O an O unpleasant O experience. O We O did O arrive O late O for O our O reservation O so O I O can O not O complain O too O much O about O the O wait B-TARGET for O a O table. O Although O we O were O told O 10-15 O minutes O and O it O was O more O like O 45 O minutes. O We O were O ushered O to O the O bar O to O wait O momentarily O and O upon O arrival O were O so O excited. O The O place B-TARGET is O beautiful! O The O hostess B-TARGET was O very O pleasant. O However, O our O $14 O drinks B-TARGET were O were O horrible! O Once O we O finally O got O a O table, O despite O indicating O we O wanted O an O alla O carte O menu O we O were O pushed O into O a O table O that O was O only O price O fixed! O Since O we O were O already O waiting O so O long, O we O felt O we O had O no O other O choice O but O to O accept O it. O Our O experience O did O not O ever O get O any O better. O For O each O course O we O waited O over O 1/2 O hour O to O 45 O minutes O and O were O never O offered O a O drink. O We O also O asked O for O Hooka O six O times O and O the O waiter B-TARGET kept O telling O us O one O minute O and O never O returning O with O the O Hooka. O After O the O 4th O time O i O asked O again O and O the O waiter B-TARGET than O said O after O our O dinner. O We O asked O for O beverages O and O never O received O them. O We O asked O for O sides O which O the O waiter B-TARGET than O admitted O that O he O forgot O to O put O in O that O part O of O our O order. O My O chicken B-TARGET was O inedible O as O there O were O so O many O fatty O lumps O which O i O had O to O keep O spitting O out O into O my O napkin. O I O would O not O expect O this O for O a O $55 O dinner B-TARGET . O By O the O time O we O finished O our O dinner O we O still O had O not O received O one O beverage O NOR O hooka! O What O we O did O do O was O waste O 3 O hours O being O trapped O in O a O table O waiting O and O waiting O for O food O and O drinks O and O hooka.. O some O of O which O we O never O received! O The O only O beverage O we O did O receive O was O water O in O dirty O glasses! O To O top O it O all O off.. O the O main O reason O we O came O to O your O restaurant O was O for O the O belly O dancers O and O missed O the O first O show O as O we O were O not O seated O yet O and O the O 2nd O belly O dancer O only O danced O at O two O tables O in O the O back O of O the O restaurant O and O never O made O it O around O to O the O other O half O of O the O restaurant. O By O the O time O we O left O our O wallets O were O empy O and O so O were O our O stomachs O AND O we O missed O the O show O we O were O supposed O to O see O following O our O dinner, O which O would O have O been O acceptable O if O we O got O to O enjoy O the O experience O of O good O food B-TARGET and O belly O dancers! O If O it O seemed O possible O to O do O so O while O there O I O would O have O fought O my O bill O since O my O dinner O portion O of O my O meal B-TARGET was O inedible! O I O have O never O left O a O restaurant B-TARGET feeling O as O if O i O was O abused, O and O wasted O my O hard O earned O money. O MY O husbands O birthday O and O my O sons O was O not O as O it O was O intended... O and O we O drove O two O hours O to O spend O too O much O money O to O be O treated O terribly! O I O wish O I O COULD O be O refunded! O Don't O go O with O a O larger O group O than O 4! O I O went O here O for O a O family O birthday O dinner. O Five O of O us O walked O in O at O approximately O 6:20 O on O a O Thursday O evening. O The O hostess O said O "Wow O that's O a O large O group, O unless O you O aren't O together", O to O which O I O replied O "no O we O are, O and O there O will O be O one O more, O so O a O table O for O six O please." O At O first O we O were O a O little O taken O aback, O as O this O seemed O to O present O a O problem, O although O the O restaurant O looked O fairly O empty, O but O they O hastily O put O the O table O together O for O us. O The O menu B-TARGET is O fairly O simple O without O much O descriptions. O There O was O no O tap O beer B-TARGET that O evening, O which O was O a O disappointment. O Not O much O of O a O selection B-TARGET of I-TARGET bottled I-TARGET beer I-TARGET either, O we O went O with O Brahma. O The O appetizers O we O ordered O were O served O quickly O - O an O order O of O fried B-TARGET oysters I-TARGET and I-TARGET clams I-TARGET were O delicious O but O a O tiny O portion O (maybe O 3 O of O each). O The O lobster B-TARGET knuckles I-TARGET (special O of O the O day) O were O ok, O but O pretty O tasteless. O I O believe O there O were O 2 O shrimp O in O the O "salt B-TARGET encrusted I-TARGET shrimp" I-TARGET appetizer I-TARGET . O After O we O ate O our O appetizers O (which O took O all O of O 8 O minutes) O we O ordered O another O round O of O Brahma's O - O and O tried O to O stall O a O little O as O we O waited O for O our O sixth O dinner O member. O The O waitress O appeared O and O asked O us O if O we O wanted O to O go O ahead O and O order. O We O replied O that O we O would O like O to O wait O 5 O more O minutes O if O that O was O okay. O She O replied O "well O it O would O be O more O convenient O for O us O if O you O ordered O now, O since O you O are O a O larger O party, O and O it O might O get O crowded." O We O called O the O other O person O who O was O very O close O by, O and O she O told O us O to O order O for O her, O so O we O did. O The O food O arrived O in O about O 15 O minutes. O I O had O the O Thai B-TARGET style I-TARGET Fried I-TARGET Sea I-TARGET Bass I-TARGET ...which O was O very O good. O Everyone O seemed O generally O happy O with O their O food B-TARGET , O except O my O brother O who O had O the O grilled B-TARGET Mahi I-TARGET Mahi I-TARGET , O seemingly O drenched O in O Grapfruit O Juice! O I O heard O the O lobster B-TARGET roll I-TARGET was O excellent. O They O seemed O to O continue O to O rush O us O along, O taking O plates O without O asking O if O we O were O done O (my O sister O still O had O her O fork O in O hand). O All O in O all O the O food B-TARGET was O good O - O a O little O on O the O expensive O side, O but O fresh. O Service B-TARGET not O the O friendliest O to O our O "large O party"! O Probably O would O not O go O back O here. O Great O Indian B-TARGET food I-TARGET I O lived O on O 50th O st, O and O wanted O Indian O one O day O so O decided O to O check O this O place O out. O Food B-TARGET was O amazing O - O I O love O Indian O food O and O eat O it O quite O regularly, O but O I O can O say O this O is O one O of O the O best O I've O had. O Very O "normal O Indian B-TARGET food I-TARGET ", O but O done O really O well. O I O have O it O a O 4 O instead O of O 5 O because O of O the O price O (just O chicken B-TARGET tikka I-TARGET masala I-TARGET - O no O bread O of O rice O - O is O $25), O which O I O would O expect O at O a O upscale O Indian O restaurant O but O this O place B-TARGET doesn't O have O an O upscale O feel B-TARGET . O Also, O waiters B-TARGET try O to O push O more O food O on O you, O like O suggest O things O as O if O they O are O complimentary O when O they O actually O cost O $. O I O don't O appreciate O places O or O people O that O try O to O drive O up O the O bill O without O the O patron's O knowledge O so O that O was O a O huge O turnoff O (more O than O the O price). O But O if O you're O prepared O to O spend O some O $ O and O remember O to O ask O if O something O they O offer O is O complimentary, O then O this O is O the O place B-TARGET to O go O for O Indian B-TARGET food I-TARGET One O of O the O BEST O Bukhara B-TARGET Grill I-TARGET , O the O tagline O says O it O all.. O "INDIAN O SPICE O RAVE" O My O GF O and O I O dine O at O Bukhara O often O as O she O lives O near O it. O The O lunch B-TARGET buffet I-TARGET is O expensive O but O is O deff O worth O it. O We O go O often O for O lunch O and O the O place O is O packed. O We O have O gone O for O dinner B-TARGET only O a O few O times O but O the O same O great O quality O and O service B-TARGET is O given. O Bukhara B-TARGET is O on O my O top O 5 O Indian O places O in O NYC O Wretched O and O retching O This O will O be O only O the O third O online O review O I O have O ever O made O about O a O restaurant O in O my O life. O They O have O all O been O tonight O and O they O have O all O been O about O the O same O restaurant. O I O have O never O been O so O disgusted O by O both O food B-TARGET an O service B-TARGET . O For O starters O they O delivered O us O someone O else's O order. O Fine, O I O wont O hang O you O for O that. O However, O once O I O received O my O predictably O mediocre O order O of O what O Dokebi O thinks O passes O as O Korean B-TARGET fair I-TARGET , O (sometimes O you O have O to O settle O when O it's O your O only O option), O I O got O through O about O half O my O kimchee B-TARGET before O I O found O a O piece O of O random O lettuce O accompanied O by O a O far O more O disgusting, O slimy, O clearly O bad O piece O of O fish O skin. O Not O one O to O jump O to O complaints O (hence O my O lack O of O previous O online O reviewing), O I O called O the O restaurant O to O give O them O a O heads O up O that O their O kitchen O might O want O to O check O the O cleanliness O of O their O prep O stations. O My O main O concern O was O the O sanity O of O the O food B-TARGET that O was O being O sent O out O to O myself O and O others, O but O I O would O be O lying O is O I O said O that O as O someone O who O has O worked O in O restaurants O since O the O age O of O fifteen O I O was O expecting O at O least O a O minimal O effort O on O the O part O of O the O restaurant O to O amend O the O situation. O None O was O made O so O i O hung O up. O Less O than O three O minutes O passed O before O I O found O myself O doubled O over O the O toilet. O My O girlfriend, O being O slightly O more O aggressive, O and O having O been O equally O disgusted O causing O her O to O throw O out O the O remainder O of O her O barely O eaten O meal B-TARGET , O called O back O only O to O be O informed O that O I O was O probably O wrong O and O that O it O was O most O likely O an O oyster, O and O that O we O were O also O blacklisted O from O their O restaurant. O Not O only O have O I O worked O in O restaurants O for O many O years, O I O am O now O in O culinary O school, O I O am O a O huge O lover O of O oysters O and O fish, O and O my O girlfriend O is O half O Korean! O We O know O the O difference O between O and O oyster O and O bad O fish. O It O wasn't O as O if O this O restaurant B-TARGET had O any O major O bragging O points O before O hand, O but O now O it's O simply O repulsive. O Eat O at O your O own O risk. O Gorgeous O place B-TARGET ideal O for O a O romantic O dinner O I O took O my O boyfriend O for O a O dinner O on O saturday O night. O I O book O a O gorgeous O white B-TARGET organza I-TARGET tent I-TARGET which O included O a O four B-TARGET course I-TARGET prix I-TARGET fix I-TARGET menu I-TARGET which O we O enjoyed O a O lot. O The O service B-TARGET was O spectacular O as O the O waiter B-TARGET knew O everything O about O the O menu O and O his O recommendations O were O amazing! O I O completely O recommend O Casa B-TARGET La I-TARGET Femme I-TARGET for O any O special O occasion O and O to O REALLY O impress O your O date. O More O Williamsburg O Garbage O My O wife O and O I O visited O Dokebi O tonight. O We O ordered O dosut O bibimbap O and O nakgi-bokum. O The O dishes O came O out O around O 5 O minutes O apart. O The O bibimbap B-TARGET was O average, O but O the O stone B-TARGET bowl I-TARGET wasn't O even O close O to O sizzling. O Too O bad O I O had O paid O an O extra O $2 O for O the O stone B-TARGET bowl I-TARGET . O The O nakgi-bokum B-TARGET was O horrible. O Easily O the O worst O stir-fried B-TARGET squid I-TARGET I've O ever O tasted. O The O sauce B-TARGET tasted O more O like O Chinese O fast O food O than O decent O Korean. O The O side B-TARGET dishes I-TARGET were O passable, O and O I O did O get O a O refill O upon O request. O The O real O problem O I O had O with O this O place O was O the O complete O lack O of O service B-TARGET . O I O mentioned O the O squid O dish O wasn't O very O good O when O the O waitress O visited. O She O just O nodded O and O walked O off. O There O were O no O communications O issues O either, O as O she O spoke O perfect O English. O As O to O my O comment O about O the O food, O no O apology O or O acknowledgment O was O made. O My O wife O had O barely O touched O that O mess O of O a O dish B-TARGET . O We O were O charged O full O price. O If O you O ware O looking O for O Korean O fusion, O I O suggest O you O try O some O of O the O places O in O the O East O Village. O Authentic O Korean O food O lovers O should O visit O 32nd O Street, O of O course. O Lives O up O to O the O hype O We've O lived O around O the O corner O from O this O place O for O over O a O year O and O finally O had O dinner O there. O We've O tried O before O but O it O always O packed O and O doesn't O take O reservations. O It O was O well O worth O the O wait. O The O wife O had O the O risotto B-TARGET which O was O amazing. O It O doesn't O look O appetizing O as O it's O covered O in O squid O ink O and O it O turns O your O lips O and O teeth O black, O but O the O taste O was O phenomenal. O The O farro B-TARGET salad I-TARGET and O the O mashed B-TARGET yukon I-TARGET potatoes I-TARGET were O also O extremely O tasty. O i O love O margherita B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET – O i O looove O east B-TARGET village I-TARGET pizza I-TARGET Love O this O place B-TARGET , O every O time O we O are O in O the O city O this O is O one O of O the O places O we O always O go. O A O quintessential O slice B-TARGET of I-TARGET NYC I-TARGET pizza I-TARGET . O The O crust B-TARGET has O a O great O bite O and O a O good O chew, O the O sauce B-TARGET is O light O with O a O nice O acidity O to O it, O the O salt O from O the O cheese B-TARGET is O great, O really O heightens O the O flavor O of O all O the O other O components. O Personally O I O like O the O margherita B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET better, O but O they O are O all O good. O Possibly O the O Most O Romantic O Restaurant B-TARGET in O the O City O This O is O undoubtedly O my O favorite O modern B-TARGET Japanese I-TARGET brasserie I-TARGET (that O don’t O serve O sushi), O and O in O my O opinion, O one O of O the O most O romantic O restaurants O in O the O city! O Not O only O is O it O an O adventure O getting O to O this O somewhat O hidden O spot B-TARGET , O once O you O enter O the O unmarked B-TARGET wooden I-TARGET doors I-TARGET , O the O zen O and O intimate O décor B-TARGET will O make O you O feel O like O you’re O no O longer O in O the O city. O If O you’re O planning O to O come O here, O make O sure O that O your O date O is O someone O whom O you O really O like O since O you’ll O be O ushered O to O private B-TARGET booths I-TARGET where O there O will O be O no O people O or O food O watching O (choose O the O ones O on O the O ground O level O that O have O glass B-TARGET ceilings I-TARGET so O you O may O see O the O stars O in O the O sky!). O It’s O just O you O and O your O date O and O an O occasional O cute O ‘excuse O me’ O before O the O waiter B-TARGET opens O the O little O curtain O to O your O booth! O My O party O had O the O BBE B-TARGET $29 I-TARGET fixe I-TARGET prix I-TARGET menu I-TARGET , O which O was O such O a O wonderful O deal O since O it O also O came O with O a O flight O of O sake! O I O never O used O to O be O a O fan O of O sakes O but O am O lately O experimenting O with O it O a O lot O more O and O am O acquiring O a O better O taste O of O it. O We O started O off O with O a O delightful O sashimi B-TARGET amuse I-TARGET bouche I-TARGET . O Our O first O course O was O Tuna O Sashimi O with O Green O Yuzu O Sauce. O I O picked O the O Grilled B-TARGET Black I-TARGET Cod I-TARGET as O my O entree, O which O I O absolutely O devoured O while O someone O commented O that O the O Grilled B-TARGET Salmon I-TARGET dish I-TARGET was O better. O The O entrees O were O served O with O miso O soup O and O rice. O The O sake’s B-TARGET complimented O the O courses O very O well O and O is O successfully O easing O me O into O the O sake O world. O For O desserts, O we O tried O the O frozen B-TARGET black I-TARGET sesame I-TARGET mousse I-TARGET (interesting O but O not O extraordinary) O and O matcha B-TARGET (powdered I-TARGET green I-TARGET tea) I-TARGET and I-TARGET blueberry I-TARGET cheesecake I-TARGET , O which O was O phenomenal. O Maybe O it O was O the O great O company O (I O had O friends O visiting O from O Philly O – O yes, O it O was O not O a O date O this O time) O or O the O super O reasonable O price O point, O but O I O just O can’t O say O enough O good O things O about O this O brasserie B-TARGET . O I O don’t O usually O visit O the O same O establishment O more O than O once, O what O more O twice, O but O I’ll O come O to O Zenkichi B-TARGET anytime O for O a O quiet, O unhurried O and O memorable O dinner. O Terrible O would O be O a O compliment! O The O service B-TARGET leaves O much O to O be O desired, O from O feeling O like O you O are O rushed O the O place O your O order, O to O being O ignored O the O rest O of O the O night. O We O were O 10 O people O celebrtating O a O birthday, O we O sat O in O the O tent. O We O paid O a O fixed O pricce O but O got O nothing!! O We O never O ate O because O by O close O to O 2 O in O the O monring O we O were O not O served O and O were O too O upset O ad O tired O to O start O eating. O They O are O extremely O rude, O not O even O apologizing O for O the O horrible O service B-TARGET we O got O and O handing O us O a O bill O well O over O $500 O for O some O drinks B-TARGET adn O their O pita B-TARGET bread I-TARGET ! O Stay O away O Great O Shabu B-TARGET Shabu I-TARGET I O go O here O at O least O once O every O other O week, O particularly O when O it's O cold! O I O love O it. O To O be O honest O we O only O ever O eat O the O Shabu O Shabu. O I O tried O a O couple O other O dishes B-TARGET but O wasn't O too O impressed. O But O for O the O Shabu B-TARGET Shabu I-TARGET , O you O won't O find O much O better O in O NY. O In O fact O there O is O only O one O I've O tried O that O even O compares O (shabu O Tatsu) O and O even O then O I O prefer O Dokebi. O The O meat B-TARGET is O fresh, O the O sauces B-TARGET are O great, O you O get O kimchi B-TARGET and O a O salad B-TARGET free O with O your O meal B-TARGET and O service B-TARGET is O good O too. O Dokebi O gives O Williamsburg O the O right O one-two O punch O of O classic O Korean B-TARGET food I-TARGET and O fusion B-TARGET twists I-TARGET like O pork B-TARGET belly I-TARGET tacos I-TARGET . O The O hot B-TARGET dogs I-TARGET are O good, O yes, O but O the O reason O to O get O over O here O is O the O fantastic O pork B-TARGET croquette I-TARGET sandwich I-TARGET , O perfect O on O its O supermarket O squishy O bun B-TARGET . O Restaurant O with O a O view B-TARGET Celebrated O my O fathers O birthday O here. O The O food B-TARGET tasted O very O good. O The O family B-TARGET seafood I-TARGET entree I-TARGET was O very O good. O The O main B-TARGET entree I-TARGET was O also O very O good. O We O order O a O bit O of O everything O on O the O menu. O Price O is O high O but O the O food B-TARGET is O good, O so O I O would O come O back O again. O This O place B-TARGET doesn't O make O any O sense O Just O want O to O warn O you O all O - O don't O waste O your O time O and O money. O This O place O has O totally O weird O decor B-TARGET , O stairs O going O up O with O mirrored B-TARGET walls I-TARGET - O I O am O surprised O how O no O one O yet O broke O their O head O or O fall O off O the O stairs O - O mirrored O walls O make O you O dizzy O and O delusional... O This O place B-TARGET is O not O inviting O and O the O food B-TARGET is O totally O weird. O The O concept O of O japanese B-TARGET tapas I-TARGET is O newly O created O and O clearly O doesn't O work. O The O food B-TARGET they O serve O is O not O comforting, O not O appetizing O and O uncooked. O Go O to O japanese O sushi O place O or O Spanish O tapas O place O - O this O creation O in O Williamsburg O is O a O misstake. O Good O Food B-TARGET I O went O here O with O my O boyfriend O for O our O anniversary. O The O food B-TARGET was O great O and O tasty, O but O the O sitting B-TARGET space I-TARGET was O too O small, O I O don't O like O being O cramp O in O a O corner. O Over O all O it O was O a O very O nice O romantic O place B-TARGET . O I O would O recommend O to O ask O for O a O bigger O sitting O area O when O you O make O a O reservation O (if O possible) O Loved O it O A O coworker O and O I O tried O Pacifico B-TARGET after O work O a O few O Fridays O and O loved O it. O The O atmosphere B-TARGET was O great. O The O food B-TARGET we O ordered O was O excellent, O although O I O wouldn't O say O the O margaritas B-TARGET were O anything O to O write O home O about. O Our O waitress B-TARGET wasn't O mean, O but O not O especially O warm O or O attentive O either. O I O must O say O I O am O surprised O by O the O bad O reviews O of O the O restaurant B-TARGET earlier O in O the O year, O though. O Maybe O it O has O improved O since O then? O Regardless, O we'll O be O back O and O can't O wait O to O visit O in O the O summer O to O take O advantage O of O the O patio B-TARGET . O Dumbfoundingly O Poor O This O was, O from O start O to O finish, O a O mind-bogglingly O uncomfortable O experience. O Lexicographers O take O note: O a O new O and O fascinating O definition O of O rudeness O is O alive O and O flourishing O right O here O in O Brooklyn. O The O servers B-TARGET at O Flatbush O Farm O appear O to O have O perfected O that O ghastly O technique O of O making O you O feel O guilty O and O ashamed O for O deigning O to O attract O their O attention. O Polite O acknowledgement O is O out; O supercilious O scorn O is O in. O And O how O many O times O can O you O pick O up O the O same O perfectly O aligned O set O of O napkins, O inspect O them O vapidly O and O plonk O them O down O in O exactly O the O same O place O instead O of O venturing O a O glance O at O people O who O are O there O to O help O you O make O the O rent? O A O different O server B-TARGET enhanced O the O fun, O dumping O our O entrees O in O front O of O us O halfway O through O our O appetizer B-TARGET (which O was O delicious). O Overall O the O food B-TARGET quality O was O pretty O good, O though O I O hear O the O salmon O is O much O better O when O it O hasn't O sat O cooling O in O front O of O the O guest. O The O place O has O a O nice O fit-out B-TARGET , O some O attractive O furnishings B-TARGET and, O from O what O I O could O tell, O a O reasonable O wine B-TARGET list I-TARGET (I O was O given O the O food O menu O when O I O asked O for O the O carte O des O vins) O At O $120 O for O two O people, O however, O this O in O no O way O represents O value, O unless O you're O looking O to O pay O by O the O hour O for O passive-aggressive O torture. O On O that O scale, O it's O a O world-beater. O How O is O this O palce B-TARGET still O open? O I O honestly O don't O even O know O where O to O begin. O My O boyfriend O and O I O are O avid O restaurant O goers, O and O we O are O always O on O the O lookout O for O new O places O and O our O friend O had O recommended O Flatbush O Farms. O We O arrived O and O were O seated O immediately, O which O made O us O both O happy. O We O ordered O our O appetizers, O I O ordered O the O chicken O and O my O boyfriend O the O salmon. O Everything O was O going O good O until O we O got O our O meals B-TARGET . O I O took O one O look O at O the O chicken B-TARGET and O I O was O appalled. O It O was O served O with O skin, O over O a O bed O of O extremely O undercooked O spinach B-TARGET and O mashed O potatoes. O My O boyfriend O asked O me O if O I O wanted O to O switch O and O eat O his O salmon O instead, O while O he O de-skinned O the O chicken O so O that O I O could O enjoy O the O white O meat. O I O took O one O bite O from O the O $24 O salmon B-TARGET , O and O I O have O never, O in O the O 17 O years O I O have O been O going O to O restaurants O tasted O salmon O as O fishy, O as O dry, O and O as O bland O as O the O one O in O Flatbush O Farms. O At O this O point, O the O waitress B-TARGET comes O over O and O asks O us O if O everything O was O okay, O I O was O literally O so O shocked O that O I O was O speechless O and O didn't O say O anything, O and O guess O what, O the O waitress O WALKED O away. O So, O I O switch O with O my O boyfriend O again O to O see O if O maybe O I O could O stomach O the O meat O and O spinach O again, O but O the O spinach B-TARGET was O so O undercooked O that O I O just O could O not O bite O through O it. O I O couldn't O even O enjoy O the O mashed O potatoes O because O it O was O hidden O completely O under O the O chicken O and O spinach. O I've O had O better O chicken O at O BBQs!!!! O So O I O decide O to O report O back O to O the O waitress O because O it O was O completely O inedible. O Guess O what, O I O waited O for O TWENTY O minutes O before O she O came O over O and O when O she O finally O did, O she O says, O "oh O well, O I O wish O you O would O have O said O something O earlier" O No O apology, O nothing. O After O that O she O simply O took O our O plates, O walked O away, O came O back O another O TWENTY O minutes O later O with O the O bill O and O the O chicken O on O it!!!!!!!!!!!! O No O desert O menu, O no O apology, O nothing!!!!!! O I O was O literally O going O to O explode, O but O instead, O my O boyfriend O took O the O bill O and O went O to O find O the O manager. O This O is O where O it O really O really O gets O bad: O the O manager B-TARGET said, O there O is O absolutely O nothing O we O can O do, O it's O a O matter O of O taste O that O she O didn't O like O it, O and O I O cannot O comp O it. O Again, O no O apology, O no O is O there O anything O else O I O can O get O you, O no O can O I O get O you O a O drink O to O make O up O for O it, O nothing!!!! O We O refused O to O pay O for O it O because O at O this O point O it O had O nothing O to O do O with O the O food O anymore. O The O level O of O rudeness O was O preposterous. O The O manager B-TARGET came O to O the O table O and O said O we O can O do O what O we O want, O so O we O paid O for O what O we O did O enjoy, O the O drinks B-TARGET and O appetizers B-TARGET , O and O walked O out. O I O HAVE O NEVER O EVER O HAD O SUCH O AN O UNPLEASANT O EXPERIENCE. O THIS O STAFF B-TARGET SHOULD O BE O FIRED. O cirspy O crust O margherita B-TARGET pizza I-TARGET we O have O been O there O 3 O times O since O last O week O we O alked O it O by O chance O first O day O the O manager O offerd O us O the O margherita O pizza O adn O we O said O yes. O it O was O really O good O pizza B-TARGET . O the O crust B-TARGET was O imazingly O cooked O well O and O pizza B-TARGET was O fully O loaded:):):) O you O know O what O i O mean O all O the O positives O things O happening O there O made O mw O write O this O review. O Single O Worst O Restaurant B-TARGET in O Manhattan O I'll O being O with O a O couple O of O positives: O cool O decor B-TARGET , O good O pita B-TARGET and O hummus B-TARGET , O and O grilled B-TARGET octopus I-TARGET that O was O actually O pretty O tasty. O Moving O on. O If O I O could O give O 0 O stars O I O would O do O so O for O this O place B-TARGET . O Casa O La O Femme O is O to O middle O eastern O dining O what O Chuckie O Cheeze O is O to O italian. O The O reason O there O are O 4 O different O results O on O citysearch O for O the O same O place O is O because O they O keep O trying O to O start O a O new O thread O so O they O can O stock O it O with O positive O reviews. O Well...they O can O run O but O they O can't O hide. O I O live O in O the O West O Village O and O I've O been O to O a O lot O of O restaurants. O Sometimes O you O pay O a O lot O and O don't O get O much O in O return O - O it's O manhattan, O things O are O expensive. O However, O most O of O them O are O at O least O prompt O and O pleasant. O This O place B-TARGET ...god O where O do O i O begin. O It O is O quite O a O spectacular O scene B-TARGET i'll O give O them O that. O The O decor B-TARGET however O seems O to O be O the O distraction O so O you O won't O notice O that O you O just O payed O 300 O bucks O for O some O cold O eggplant B-TARGET that O took O 2 O FRICKIN O HOURS O TO O COME!!!! O How O this O place B-TARGET survives O the O competitive O west O village O market O in O this O economy, O or O any O other O for O that O matter, O is O beyond O me. O Great O Hot B-TARGET Dogs I-TARGET ! O I've O made O the O trip O out O here O a O few O times O with O a O friend O who O lives O nearby O (I O live O on O UWS). O Though O it's O been O crowded O most O times O I've O gone O here, O Bark B-TARGET always O delivers O on O their O food B-TARGET . O The O hot B-TARGET dogs I-TARGET are O top O notch, O and O they're O Slamwich B-TARGET is O amazing! O Going O to O Bark B-TARGET is O always O worth O the O train O ride, O and O will O make O your O tongue O and O belly O very O happy! O Only O complaint O is O the O pricing--I O believe O it O would O be O more O reasonable O to O pay O a O dollar O less O on O each O item O listed O on O the O menu B-TARGET . O But O nonetheless--great O spot B-TARGET , O great O food B-TARGET . O Fabulous O food B-TARGET - O if O the O front B-TARGET of I-TARGET house I-TARGET staff I-TARGET don't O put O you O off O – O We O live O nearby O BFC. O It's O a O little O out O of O our O price O range O for O dining O there O except O on O special O occasions, O but O we've O eaten O there O 6 O times O in O the O last O 2 O years. O Each O time O we've O been, O the O front B-TARGET of I-TARGET house I-TARGET staff I-TARGET (not O the O waiters B-TARGET - O they're O fantastic O - O but O the O people O who O greet O and O seat O you) O has O been O so O hideous O to O us O that O were O it O not O for O the O exceptional O fish B-TARGET dishes I-TARGET I O would O never O return. O As O BFC B-TARGET doesn't O take O reservations O you O almost O always O have O to O wait O by O the O bar O - O and O be O abused O by O the O front B-TARGET of I-TARGET house I-TARGET staff I-TARGET until O you O are O seated, O which O can O be O over O an O hour O later! O The O frizzy O retro O girl B-TARGET (with O winged/ O Dame O Edna O glasses) O will O yell O at O you O if O you O try O to O order O a O drink. O I O was O almost O amused O by O the O fact O that O she O was O turning O away O customers O at O 9pm O on O a O Friday O night O because O she O "had O a O BBQ O to O go O to" O that O night O - O WTF?? O I'd O be O horrified O if O my O staff B-TARGET were O turning O away O customers O so O early O and O so O rudely! O There's O another O girl B-TARGET who O I O can't O describe, O she O is O about O 5'6" O with O brown O hair, O who O eavesdrops O on O your O conversation O and O chimes O in O - O except O she O only O hears O the O last O part O of O what O you O said, O so O her O uninvited O opinions O are O often O out O of O context O and O nothing O to O do O with O what O you're O *really* O talking O about. O I'm O a O friendly O person, O so O I O wouldn't O mind O had O she O not O been O so O nasty O and O gotten O so O personal. O Again, O I'd O be O super O upset O if O that O were O my O employee. O Considering O you O will O spend O at O least O $60 O a O head, O I O expect O better O service B-TARGET . O So, O if O you're O walking O by O and O thinking O about O dining, O you O might O want O to O see O who's O going O to O be O seating O you O first... O Maitre-D B-TARGET -"Eat O and O get O out" O My O family O ate O here O last O weekend. O The O food B-TARGET and O service B-TARGET were O fine, O however O the O maitre-D B-TARGET was O incredibly O unwelcoming O and O arrogant. O While O finishing O our O meals O which O included O a O high-end O bottle B-TARGET of I-TARGET wine I-TARGET , O our O son's O fiance O joined O us O for O a O glass O of O wine O and O dessert. O This O guy O refused O to O seat O her O and O she O left, O followed O shortly O by O the O four O of O us, O but O not O before O I O told O him O that O in O my O 40 O years O of O world O travel, O including O Paris, O that O I O had O never O seen O such O a O display O of O bad O behavior O by O a O frontman B-TARGET in O a O restaurant. O His O response O was O smug, O arrogant, O and O condescending, O totally O consistent O with O his O deportment O on O display O all O evening. O A O word O to O the O wise: O you O can't O dine O here O and O disturb O the O maitre-D B-TARGET 's O sense O of O " O table O turnover", O as O whacked O as O it O is, O or O else. O If O you O go O here, O do O it O on O his O off-night. O Best O meal B-TARGET in O a O long O time! O Mussles B-TARGET and O calamari B-TARGET were O superb O Saturday O evening. O I O had O the O Lamb B-TARGET special I-TARGET which O was O perfect. O My O father O had O the O flank B-TARGET steak I-TARGET which O was O very O good, O and O my O mother O had O the O swordfish. O The B-TARGET Four I-TARGET Seasons I-TARGET restaurant I-TARGET is O a O great O experience. O The O food B-TARGET is O great O and O the O environment B-TARGET is O even O better. O Everyone O must O come O here O at O least O once. O Highly O recommend O it! O Taking O Hot B-TARGET Dogs I-TARGET to O the O next O level O At O first O glance O this O place O seems O a O bit O pricey O for O a O hot O dog O joint, O but O at O Bark B-TARGET you O don't O just O get O your O average O hot B-TARGET dog I-TARGET . O Here O the O hot B-TARGET dog I-TARGET is O elevated O to O the O level O of O a O real O entree O with O numerous O variations O available. O Great O Atmosphere B-TARGET Went O to O this O place O this O place O on O a O real O cold O night O and O needed O a O quick O meal. O I O highly O recommend O the O fish B-TARGET tacos I-TARGET , O everything O else O was O ok. O Cool O atmosphere B-TARGET , O the O fire B-TARGET place I-TARGET in O the O back O really O ads O to O it O but O needs O a O bit O more O heat O throughout O on O a O cold O night. O Poor O service B-TARGET and O management B-TARGET Don’t O go O to O this O place B-TARGET ! O Had O an O awful O experience O at O Casa B-TARGET la I-TARGET Femme I-TARGET on O a O Saturday O dinner. O Appetizers O took O nearly O an O hour. O When O the O main O course O finally O arrived O (another O 45mins) O half O of O our O order O was O missing. O Never O got O an O explanation O as O to O what O was O going O on. O The O manager B-TARGET was O rude O and O handled O the O situation O extremely O poorly. O When O we O threatened O to O leave, O we O were O offered O a O meager O discount O even O though O half O the O order O was O missing. O On O the O way O out, O we O heard O of O other O guests O complaining O about O similar O issues. O Can’t O believe O how O an O expensive O NYC O restaurant B-TARGET can O be O so O disrespectful O to O its O clients. O What O a O hassle! O The O food B-TARGET is O very O good, O but O not O outstanding. O There O is O no O way O it O justifies O the O accolades O it O receives, O the O attitude O of O the O staff B-TARGET or O the O wait B-TARGET for O a O table. O On O our O last O visit, O they O skipped O over O our O name O on O the O list, O leaving O us O waiting O an O extra O hour O for O a O table. O Mistakes O happen, O but O they O are O usually O accompanied O by O an O apology, O perhaps O even O a O glass O of O wine...but O not O the O grunt O that O we O received O from O the O Al O Di O La O staff B-TARGET . O Without O the O wait O or O attitude, O I O would O probably O go O back, O but O there O are O just O too O many O other O restaurants O in O Brooklyn O that O are O as O good O or O better O and O don't O make O me O jump O through O hoops. O Expensive O I O went O there O after O hearing O how O great O it O was. O Wow. O The O bread B-TARGET was O stale, O the O salad B-TARGET was O overpriced O and O empty. O The O pasta B-TARGET was O well O cooked, O didn't O have O enough O sauce O though O or O flavor. O I O though O it O was O expensive O and O I O prefer O Bella O Via O just O blocks O away O by O far. O So O rude!!! O I O went O with O JWILS. O Her O review O is O above. O I O was O one O of O the O people O that O went O for O this O horrible O experience. O My O friend O is O 100% O right O in O the O experience O we O had. O The O hostess B-TARGET was O rude O and O I O got O a O distinct O feeling O that O they O did O not O want O to O serve O us. O The O only O thing O that O my O friend O left O out O is O that O when O we O sat O down O at O the O bar O the O bartender B-TARGET disappeared. O I O asked O for O a O menu O and O the O same O waitress B-TARGET looked O at O my O like O I O was O insane. O I O was O shocked O that O my O friends O wanted O to O stay O after O the O waitress B-TARGET said, O "can O I O help O you" O and O "how O many O are O in O your O party." O What? O The O three O of O us O standing O in O front O of O her O should O have O been O an O indication O of O how O many O of O us O there O were. O We O didn't O look O like O the O other O patrons O in O there O so O unfortunately O I O think O that O may O have O been O part O of O the O problem. O Shame O on O this O place O for O the O horrible O rude O staff B-TARGET and O non-existent O customer B-TARGET service I-TARGET . O bad O staff B-TARGET I O generally O like O this O place B-TARGET . O The O food B-TARGET is O good. O The O design O of O the O space B-TARGET is O good. O But O the O service B-TARGET is O HORRID! O I O was O there O for O brunch O recently, O and O we O were O tag O teamed O by O a O waitress B-TARGET and O a O waiter B-TARGET . O The O waiter B-TARGET delivered O our O food O while O holding O what O appeared O to O be O a O plastic O bag O of O garbage O in O one O hand. O I O can't O believe O that O it O was, O but O please O put O the O bag O down O before O delivering O food! O The O waitress B-TARGET came O to O check O in O on O us O every O few O minutes, O and O began O to O clear O the O plates O while O half O of O us O were O still O eating O (a O big O pet O peeve O of O mine O that O happens O almost O everywhere, O so O I O try O to O ignore O it). O I O couldn't O ignore O the O fact O that O she O reach O over O the O plate O of O one O of O my O friends, O who O was O in O mid O bite, O to O clear O the O table. O She O then O put O the O check O down O without O asking O if O we O were O done, O and O came O to O check O on O the O bill O every O two O minutes, O even O though O we O were O one O of O three O occupied O tables. O I O wish O I O could O like O this O place B-TARGET more, O and O I O wish O someone O would O retrain O the O staff B-TARGET . O