diff --git "a/ParaSCI-arXiv/validation.csv" "b/ParaSCI-arXiv/validation.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/ParaSCI-arXiv/validation.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3681 +0,0 @@ -sentence1,sentence2 -"although the wider receptive filed allows us to gather more context , zhou et al showed that the actual size of the receptive fields in a cnn is much smaller than the theoretical size , especially in higher level layers .","despite the higher layers in deep neural network can involve the spatial context information around the objects due to the large receptive field , zhou et al have shown that the practical receptive field is actually much smaller than the theoretical one ." -"so the discrepancy is the sum of the correlations of all pairs of data-points , measured with correlation function b .",this discrepancy is indeed of is the order 50 . -"in recent years , deep neural networks have been shown to be useful in a wide range of applications including computer vision .","models based on neural networks , especially deep convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks , have achieved state-of-the-art results in various computer vision tasks ." -all calculations were performed using dft as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .,"the calculations were performed using density functional theory as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package 52 , 53 ." -deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many machine-learning tasks such as image recognition .,convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition . -diameter is the average number of hops between every pair of vertices .,the diameter is the maximum length of shortest paths between two vertices of a graph . -"differential privacy is a strong , mathematically rigorous framework for privacy protection .",differential privacy is the standard notion of privacy for statistical databases . -the bottom panels show results for electron neutrino mean free paths where absorption reactions are included .,the top panels show the scattering mean free paths common to all neutrino species in neutrino free matter . -the performance of object detectors has been dramatically improved thanks to the advance of deep convolutional neural networks .,recent progress in deep convolutional neural networks has led to substantial performance improvements in a broad range of computer vision tasks . -an even order symmetric tensor is positive definite if and only if all of its z-eigenvalues are positive .,it was shown that an even order symmetric tensor is positive definite if and only if all of its h-eigenvalues or zeigenvalues are positive . -"deep convolutional neural networks have improved performance of many tasks in computer vision , such as image recognition .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted much research attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance ." -"deep convolutional networks have achieved impressive results for various computer vision tasks , such as image classification and segmentation .",convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification . -then the neutrino magnetic moment is the value of the form factor at zero momentum transfer .,"thus , magnetic moment , which is a bulk property , is better described by the 0m structure ." -the simplest examples of particles with exotic braiding statistics are called anyons .,"because of these interactions , the charged particles have quantum statistics that are more exotic than the standard fermions and bosons , and are known as anyons ." -efficiency is a very important factor in problem solving .,this efficiency is less than one because there is a systematic shift of reconstructed event positions away from the center of the detector as discussed in section 4 . -for sluacs spaces we have the following stronger result .,the argument for luacs spaces is analogous . -the numerator is a consequence of explicit l-breaking and the denominator is proportional to the square of the sneutrino vacuum expectation value in the case of spontaneous l-breaking .,"here , the numerator is the square root of the power in the signal ." -"with the success of deep learning , convolutional neural network has been applied successfully in this domain .","for instance , the nonconvex neural network based loss function has been very popular in the deep learning literature ." -overlaid is the exclusion result published in ref .,overlaid is the fit with an absorbed power law model described in the text . -"deep neural networks have shown improvement in state-of-the-art in different tasks , such as image classification .",deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many machine-learning tasks such as image recognition . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable successes for various tasks , such as object recognition and so on .","recently , deep neural networks have substantially improved the state-of-the-art performances of various challenging classification tasks , including image based object recognition ." -"to minimize the introduced approximation , we use adam optimizer , which is a modification of the pure stochastic gradient descent .",we minimize the loss function using stochastic gradient descent with adam as the weight update algorithm . -deep convolutional neural networks have performed impressively on very large-scale image recognition problems .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification ." -"if this map is injective and surjective , it is called a nest isomorphism .","every isomorphism is a categorical equivalences , and every categorical equivalence is a morita map ." -non-orthogonal multiple access has been recognized as a promising multiple access candidate for future mobile networks .,"non-orthogonal multiple access has been recognized as a promising multiple access technique for the fifth generation mobile networks , due to its superior spectral efficiency ." -the measurements shown are those reported by fermi and magic .,the measurements shown are those reported by fermi and by magic and veritas . -both non-orthogonal multiple access and mobile edge computing have been recognized as important techniques in future wireless networks .,recently non-orthogonal multiple access has received significant attention as a key enabling technique for future wireless networks . -"the european vlbi network is a joint facility of european , chinese and other radio astronomy institutes funded by their national research councils .","the european vlbi 453 network is a joint fa ility of european , chinese , south afri an and other radio astronomy 454 institutes funded by their national resear h oun ils 455 the national radio astronomy observatory is a fa ility of the national s ien e foun 456 dation operated under ooperative agreement by asso iated universities , in ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification .,"in the last decade , convolutional neural networks have shown state of the art accuracy on a variety of visual recognition tasks such as image classification ." -is a cofibration is a fibration of of simplicial sets for each x in c .,every cofibration is a bicofibration and every cofibrant object is well-grounded . -the flow-motion network was trained for 750k steps with the adam optimizer .,the model was trained end-to-end on 128-sized batches using adam optimizer . -phase diagram of the xy -like sg with an easy-plane-type uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in the uniaxial anisotropy versus the temperature plane .,magnetic phase diagram of the xy -like sg with an easy-plane-type uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in the magnetic field versus the temperature plane . -"deep convolutional neural networks have shown tremendous success in a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification .",deep neural networks have exhibited great performance in computer vision tasks in recent years . -"however , quantum mechanics is a physical theory , and must be applied to a physical system .","similarly , in quantum mechanics this is a legitimate energy eigenstate , and the dipole will remain anti-aligned with the field in the absence of perturbations ." -"recently a basically unique three-dimensional maximally superconformal theory was constructed by bagger and lambert , and by gustavsson .","recently , bagger , lambert constructed a threedimensional supercomformal field theory as a multiple-m2-brane world-volume theory in m-theory ." -convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance in various machine learning tasks such as the visual recognition .,c onvolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on various visual recognition tasks such as image classification . -"recently , objectness-based deep learning networks using region proposals have achieved state-of-the-art performance in natural object detection tasks .","object detection based on deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results on various challenging benchmarks , thus they have been adopted for the task of human-target detection ." -structural equivalence of individuals in social networks .,community structure in social and biological networks . -the pioneering work of gupta and kumar has led to many studies of scaling laws for the asymptotically achievable throughput in wireless networks under a variety of network models and assumptions .,"since the seminal work of gupta and kumar , extensive research has been done to investigate the throughput and capacity of wireless networks ." -"deep neural networks are powerful models that achieve state-of-the-art performance across several domains , such as bioinformatics .",deep neural networks have seen great success in many cognitive applications such as image classification . -the design of efficient resource allocation and scheduling schemes in cellular communications is a topic of significant interest .,there has been a significant body of work dedicated to the study of temporally fair schedulers in wireless local area networks . -"since the late 1990s , rota-baxter algebra has found important theoretical developments and applications in mathematical physics , operads , number theory and combinatorics .","at present , rota-baxter algebras have become a useful tool in many branches of mathematics , such as combinatorics , loday type algebras , pre-lie and pre-poisson algebras , multiple zeta values , and so on ." -this instability is the astrophysical analog of salt fingers that exist in terrestrial oceans .,"this instability is a direct consequence of the presence of an ergoregion surrounding the outer horizon of the black hole , where ordinary causal matter experiences inertial framedragging and can not remain at rest with respect to an asymptotic observer ." -"in particular , convolutional neural networks have achieved impressive accuracy on the challenging imagenet classification benchmark .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have shown excellent performance on classification problems when large-scale labeled datasets are available ." -we will first illustrate it by an example .,we will illustrate each of these by examples . -"based on the beam alignment technique using adaptive subspace sampling and hierarchical beam codebooks , the millimeter wave beamforming transmission technology was developed for both wireless backhaul and access in small cell networks .",an efficient beam alignment technique using adaptive subspace sampling and hierarchical beam codebooks was proposed for implementation in small cell networks . -a non-commutative space x is a grothendieck category modx .,thus a non-commutative space x is a grothendieck category modx . -"recently , convolutional neural networks have been proved to be capable of dramatically boosting the performance of many mainstream computer vision problems .",deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -convolutional neural networks have recently brought in revolutions to the computer vision area .,deep learning has revolutionized the key application domains such computer vision . -"in recent deep learning works , there are two types of popular generative models , which are variational auto-encoder and generative adversarial network .",two of the most popular deep generative models are the variational autoencoder and the generative adversarial network . -"for efficiently exploiting these spectrum holes , cognitive radio has been proposed .","thus , cognitive radio systems have been proposed in order to efficiently exploit these spectral holes ." -"for example , in vector-harmonic potential fields were used for planning with robots having second order dynamics .",for example in vector-harmonic potential fields were used for planning with robots having second order dynamics . -the coefficient 2kf is a decent approximation to the true adjoint is applicable only for string tension .,the first non-vanishing coefficient an is called the leading coefficient . -the layers are separated by a batch-normalization layer followed by a relu activation .,all convolutional layers are followed by an elu activation and batch normalization . -deep learning architectures have been increasingly applied of late to action classification -based approaches .,"recently , deep learning based methods have been extended to action recognition ." -"for example , when w h and w are the inverse and direct translation-invariant wavelet transforms , these products can be computed using the undecimated wavelet transform with ototal cost .","for example , in the case of translation-invariant wavelet transforms , these products can be computed using the undecimated wavelet transform with ototal cost ." -"because separability is a necessary attribute of classical space , theorem 4 implies that separability of the observables begins to drive classicality in the states , as discussed in example 3 .",separability is a striking characteristic of many rotating black hole solutions so we will elevate it to a principle that determines the possible warp factors . -"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision .","recently , deep neural networks have gained the attention of numerous researchers outperforming state-of-the-art approaches on various computer vision tasks ." -use attributes supported in the ads database .,database names supported in the ads database . -"as it was shown in , the equations with fractional derivatives can be directly connected to lattice models with long-range interactions .","as it was shown in , the continuum equations with fractional derivatives can be directly connected to lattice models with long-range properties ." -"it returns an empty string on success , or none on failure .","the operator returns ok on success , or an empty string on failure ." -"over the past few years , convolutional neural networks have become the leading approach in computer vision .",deep convolutional networks made great progress in recent years in the field of computer vision . -knot floer homology and the four-ball genus .,heegaard floer invariants and tight contact three-manifolds . -"over the past few years , deep learning approaches , such as convolutional neural networks , have grown rapidly with a growing number of successful applications .","in recent years , advances in deep learning and reinforcement learning have led to tremendous progress across many areas of natural language processing and gameplay ." -"if the neutralino is the stable lsp , it would be present today as a cosmological relic from the early big bang , when temperatures were sufficiently high to produce pairs of supersymmetric particles .","this is because the neutralino is a majorana spinor , and therefore can decay equally into leptons and antileptons ." -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved remarkable progress in computer vision .",deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification . -"recently , convolutional neural networks achieve remarkable progresses in a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have made great advances at numerous classification tasks in computer vision and speech applications over the past few years . -"if moreover hγ is nondegenerate , the p-geodesic γ is called nondegenerate .",the 3-forms on m that arise from a g2-structure are called positive 3-forms or non-degenerate . -characterize those class of rings which are precisely s-strong right d-rings .,characterize those group rings which are s-strongly clean rings . -"for the svm and other experiments , we used the implementation from scikit-learn .",we used the scikit-learn library for the implementation of elastic-net . -deep neural networks have recently been achieved breakthroughs in several domains such as computer vision .,"deep neural networks have been successfully applied to many areas , including speech ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on computer vision tasks . -"therefore , several studies have investigated the use of low resolution quantization for massive mimo .","furthermore , several studies have focused on capacity analysis for quantized mimo systems ." -"this may be done against systems leveraging static code analysis , by injecting instructions that will never be executed .","this may be done against systems leveraging static code analysis , by injecting instructions or code that will never be executed ." -work on adversarial examples has shown that neural networks are vulnerable to the attacks perturbing the data in imperceptible ways .,"deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks , in which , given a trained model , inputs can be modified in subtle ways , to produce an incorrect output ." -a polyhedron is the intersection of a finite set of semispaces .,a polyhedron is a subset of rn obtained by intersecting a finite number of linear half spaces . -"it remains to ensure gauge invariance , which is the most crucial ingredient .",the gauge invariance is a unique characteristic of a theory and equivalent second and first order formulations should give the same gauge invariance . -so each coefficient in φn ( 1 σ ) is the sum of o .,the coefficient λ is a real parameter called the disorder . -the code attribute is used to identify the operating system using the controlled vocabulary olac-os .,the code attribute is used to identify the type using the dublin core controlled vocabulary dc-type . -"torii et al proposed another re-weighting scheme for bov-based representations , which soft-assigns to fewer visual words those descriptors which are extracted from a repetitive image structure .","for images containing repetitive structures , torii et al proposed a robust mechanism for collecting visual words into descriptors ." -deep learning with neural networks has become a very important facet of modern engineering involving image processing .,deep convolutional neural networks have achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many areas of computer vision . -no one believes that the vacuum is a condensate of nucleon-antinucleon pairs .,here the vacuum consists of an infinitely deep sea of completely filled negative energy levels . -"to address the privacy issue , we adopt the concept of differential privacy .",we formalize this idea using the popular notion of differential privacy . -string theory is a leading candidate of quantum theory of gravity that requires supersymmetry .,string theory is the leading candidate for a theory of quantum gravity . -"in , the authors defined effective capacity as the maximum constant arrival rate that a given service process can support in order to guarantee a desired statistical qos specified with the qos exponent θ .","in , wu and negi defined the effective capacity as the maximum constant arrival rate 3 that a given service process can support in order to guarantee a statistical qos requirement specified by the qos exponent θ ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have made great advances at numerous classification tasks in computer vision and speech applications over the past few years . -"deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many application areas , such as computer vision and natural language processing .","convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation ." -"in this subsection we evaluate our approach on the imagenet 2012 classification dataset , which includes images of 1000 object categories .","in this section , we verify the performance of the proposed method using the imagenet 2012 classification dataset that consists of 1000 classes ." -we use the imagenet pretrained model to initialize the shared convolutional layers .,our model uses the resnet base model up to the 46th activation layer as its basis . -"dolag , in constructing the universe with clusters of galaxies , eds .","feretti , in merging processes of galaxy clusters , eds ." -we use leakyrelu and batch normalization for all layers except the last layer .,we apply batch normalization on every hidden layer in mlp except the mlp classifier . -deep neural networks are widely used for many applications including object recognition .,convolutional neural networks are very effective techniques for image classification for various important real-world applications . -deep learning techniques have recently enabled researchers to successfully tackle low-level perception problems in a supervised learning fashion .,"in recent years , deep learning techniques have demonstrated outstanding performance on numerous tasks ranging from object recognition to natural language processing ." -batch normalization is an important technique for training a very deep convolutional neural network .,batch normalization is an important part of very deep neural networks . -we refer the interested reader to for a comprehensive survey of work along these directions .,we refer the reader to for an exhaustive literature review on the topic . -a complex subalgebra that contains a borel subalgebra is called a parabolic subalgebra of g .,thus we have that every 3-generated subalgebra is a right semilattice . -"in the proposed model , we used the alexnet model pre-trained on the imagenet database as the cnn model for extracting frame level features .","following the common setting in unsupervised domain adaptation , we used the alexnet architecture pre-trained on the imagenet dataset for our base model ." -"the hypotheses that m is a nondegenerate critical curve and w is spectrally smooth imply that the normal oscillation is harmonic , and so all transversal states are equivalent .","with hypotheses as above , suppose is a closed aspherical manifold ." -"the em algorithm is an iterative method which is useful for computing ml estimates , θ ml , of unknown parameters θ in probabilistic models involving latent variables .",the em algorithm provides an iterative method for computing maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters θ in a probabilistic model involving latent variables . -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",convolutional neural networks have recently been very successful on a variety of recognition and classification tasks . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted much research attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance .","in recent years , methods using convolution neural network have been successful in the classification of image recognition ." -we use glorot initialization for all the free parameters of our networks .,we use the glorot uniform initializer for the weights of encoder-decoder networks . -chen et al design a convolutional spatial propagation network to estimate the affinity matrix for depth estimation .,"cheng et al proposed a convolutional spatial propagation network , which learns the affinity matrix needed to predict a dense depth map ." -layered neural networks have recently been applied to various tasks .,deep learning architectures have been used in literature to address a large variety of tasks . -fully-digital massive multiple-input multiple-output systems are considered as one of the key technologies to scale up the data rates in cellular communications .,cloud radio access network and massive multiple-input multiple-output are regarded as two key technologies for future wireless systems . -we remark that the computation of the spectral and nuclear norm of tensors is np-hard .,we remark that computing the rank of a general third-order tensor is known to be np-hard . -"pioneered by alexnet , deep learning models such as convolutional neural networks gain remarkable success in solving computer vision problems .",convolutional neural networks are enabling major advancements in a range of machine learning problems . -"the higgs is a scalar , so its natural mass scale is the planck scale , which is 1019 gev .","the higgs field is the a0 field of the 4d-theory , and therefore the number of degrees of freedom is conserved in this process ." -"the deuteron is the nucleus that has been the subject of almost all light front calculations of nuclei , and will be studied intensively at jefferson lab .",the deuteron is a loosely bound system of proton and neutron with about 2 mev binding energy . -meta-learning of neural networks has seen promising results for applications such as parameter optimization and classification .,recently an influential model-agnostic meta-learning algorithm was proposed for the fast adaptation of parameters in neural networks . -this propagator is the inverse of the wave operator .,this propagator is the result of solving the s-d equations in the a0 background . -the encoder of segnet itself is based on the 13 convolutional layers vgg-16 architecture .,the encoder is made of the first few layers of the vgg-19 network . -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in visual recognition in recent years .,convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification . -the qubit consists of a loop with three josephson junctions .,a qubit is a physical entity described by the laws of quantum mechanics . -the grey serpent line roughly discriminates between stars with and without accretion .,the grey serpent line roughly discriminates between stars with and without inner disk . -"this qualitatively explains not only why isospin is a good approximate symmetry at low energies , but also why charge symmetry is an even better symmetry .","since isospin is a good symmetry of strong interactions , rescat tering is diagonal in the basis of a definite total isospin ." -its cohomology is the rational cohomology of the space .,"still , its cohomology is the ordinary cohomology of the underlying topological space of the bundle e ." -"evidently from these figures , there is the possibility of multiple equilibria even if the entanglement exists .","in the figures , we denote the negative half cycle of the e field vectors using a saturated orange color ." -"nualart , stochastic calculus with respect to gaussian processes .","mishura , stochastic calculus for fractional brownian motion and related processes ." -"ren et al propose novel extensions of the prototypical networks , which use external unlabeled examples to facilitate prototype production .",ren et al extends prototypical networks to leverage unlabeled examples while doing few-shot learning . -a short description of the different classes can be found in tab .,"a brief outline of all the classes mentioned above , can be found in tab ." -cosmic strings are topological defects which may have been formed at a high-temperature phase transition very early in the history of the universe .,topological defects are thought to have formed during the phase transitions that took place in the early universe . -"the exchange-correlation potential was calculated using the generalized gradient approximation as proposed by pedrew , burke , and ernzerhof .","the exchange-correlation potential was chosen in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -"we evaluate our method on the pascal voc 2012 image segmentation benchmark , which has 21 semantic classes , including background .","for the comparison of image classification ability , we choose pascal voc 2007 as the testing benchmark dataset ." -goodfellow et al proposed the fast gradient sign method as a fast solution to generate adversarial examples .,goodfellow et al proposed the fast gradient sign method based on linearization of the network as a simple alternative to l-bfgs . -the weight parameters were updated using the adam optimizer over 100 epochs with a mini-batch size of 16 .,"the networks are optimized using adam over three epochs with 500,000 examples and a batch size of 50 ." -"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation .","deep learning methods have shown great successes in various computer vision tasks , including conventional tasks in object recognition ." -this implies that the larger amount of quantum noise influences the game weakly .,"therefore , amplitude damping channel influences the game weakly for higher values of quantum noise ." -"in this validation section , we used the k-means implementation of scikit-learn , an open-source library , as is .","for the experiments , we used the python libraries scikit-learn for the end-to-end approach ." -"in , it is shown that an explicit construction of a code that achieves multicast network capacity is a linear network code .","for a single-session multicast network , it was shown in that linear codes are sufficient to achieve the multicast capacity ." -the other geometry to be considered is a scattering medium that extends from the observer out through the galactic disc .,the geometry consists of three edge states which can exchange quasiparticles by tunneling through the fractional hall fluid . -now we define three polynomial neutrosophic groupoids .,now we proceed onto define substructures in these groupoids . -convolutional neural networks are currently the most accurate models for object recognition tasks .,"deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition ." -this asymmetry is the reason why the energy of the 4p4h structure is lowered by the parity projection .,perhaps the cause for this asymmetry is the fact that time evolution is often irreversible . -"for if and only if m a monoid m , let us denote by spec m the set of all the prime ideals of m .",a monoid is a set with some extra structure . -generative models such as generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders are powerful models capable of generating images .,generative adversarial networks are powerful models that attempt to learn high-dimensional data distributions such as images . -we evaluate the head generation quality comparing to original images using ssim for head region only .,we evaluate the quality of the inpainted images compared to the ground truth images using structure similarity score . -the detailed description of the cms detector can be found elsewhere .,a detailed description of the cms experiment can be found elsewhere . -trajectories were generated with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof exchange correlation functional functionals on snapshots extracted from pbe trajectories .,periodic dft calculations were performed within the generalized gradient approximation using perdew-burke-ernzerhof parametrization of exchange correlation functional . -"with the development of convolutional neural networks , deep learning is widely used in saliency detection tasks .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved significant success in many computer vision tasks , including the super-resolution problem ." -in 1984 bennett and brassard suggested a quantum cryptographic protocol that relies on the use of non-orthogonal states .,"in 1984 , bennett and brassard proposed a quantum key distribution protocol which is now called as bb84 protocol ." -"otherwise , as the nucleon is the core of visible matter in the universe , it is challenging to understand its composition , and therefore any possible source of information is well come .","as a nucleon is a color singlet , any combination of quark or gluon field strength insertions in a nucleon state must itself be restricted to a color singlet combination ." -the ellipses denote terms analytic in quark masses or subleading in chiral power counting .,the ellipses here denote interaction terms and any others which fall off more quickly for large values of x . -"in the quantum mechanics , this is the appropriate electronic energy vanishes .",but quantum mechanics is a law of thought . -an asterisk denotes a spread of more than 9 minutes .,here the asterisk denotes a true complex conjugate as opposed to the formal conjugate denoted by the bar . -"with the advent of deep learning , the performance of automatic speech recognition has greatly improved .","with advancements in deep learning , speech recognition accuracy has improved dramatically ." -bert is a transformer with subwords as input and trained using language modeling objectives .,bert is a pre-trained language model that is designed to learn deep bidirectional representations using transformers . -"the only significant difference is the anomalously li-depleted star j92 in ngc 6633 , which we discuss further below .",the most significant difference is the negtion a ative signature of the metric in 4-space . -latent dirichlet allocation is a generative probabilistic model proposed for automatically inferring topics over a set of documents .,latent dirichlet allocation is a probabilistic generative model popularly used to extract latent topics from a collection of documents . -we adopt stochastic gradient descent with momentum and back-propagation to train the resnet-101 model .,we train our model with a variant of stochastic gradient descent with momentum . -"for the model to operate discretely , we use the recently proposed gumbel-softmax trick in conjunction with the straight-through estimator to backpropagate through c t .","we train the discrete representation using the gumbel-softmax , which gives us a continuous relaxation of the discrete variables that we can backpropagate through ." -"when both averaging methods are equivalent , the system is called ergodic .",complex structures with dense γ-orbits are called ergodic . -the eft of qcd relevant to the low-energy interactions of a single nucleon with any number of pions and photons is known as chiral perturbation theory .,the low-energy expansion of this theory in small momenta or small quark masses is called chiral perturbation theory . -where the r-matrix is the transport matrix between points 1 and 2 .,the pair is called the combinatorial r-matrix . -"nowadays deep learning has been widely spread to an enormous amount of tasks , including computer vision .",deep learning has become very popular for many computer vision and image recognition tasks . -any other isomorphism that is the identity modulo h could be chosen in the place of sym .,it is an isomorphism if it consists of isomorphism of modules only . -each group has four convolution layers followed by a batch normalization activation .,each convolutional layer is followed by a batch normalization operation . -"deep neural networks have demonstrated success in many machine learning tasks , including image recognition , speech recognition , and even modelling mathematical learning , among many other domains .","deep neural networks have demonstrated their outstanding performance in different domains , ranging from image processing , text analysis to speech recognition ." -if string theory is the leading candidate for that fundamental quantum theory of gravity then it should provide some insight on the peculiar initial conditions required by the standard big bang .,maybe string theory is the solution and we just have to understand it better or maybe we have to modify it in some way . -"due to the powerful ability of feature learning , deep learning models have achieved great success in various areas , such as computer vision .","recently , deep cnn-based methods have achieved considerable progress on some low level vision tasks ." -latent dirichlet allocation is a generative model for datasets comprising collections of discrete samples .,latent dirichlet allocation is a probabilistic generative model popularly used to extract latent topics from a collection of documents . -"recently , deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive results in image classification .",deep learning or deep neural networks have achieved extraordinary performance in many application domains such as image classification . -the multiplication in γ is the fiberwise product of sections .,"since multiplication by φ is a contraction , so is multiplication by φj for any positive integer j ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .",deep learning has had a large impact in computer vision since showing their excellent performance in the task of image clasification . -the spectral flow is a map between different representations of the superconformal algebra .,spectral flow by an even amount is a symmetry of the theory . -deep learning models have achieved remarkable success in computer vision .,convolutional neural network has become an important tool for machine learning and many related fields . -the calibration and imaging were done using the common astronomy software applications package .,data were calibrated in the standard way using the common astronomy software applications package . -supergravity is a good approximation in the regime gs the yang-mills coupling constant and ls is the string length .,"in cases where the mass parameter does not induce a gauging , the theory is called a massive supergravity ." -the performance of visual scene recognition tasks has been significantly boosted by recent advances of deep learning algorithms .,"with the rapid development of deep convolutional neural networks , the performance of object detection has been significantly improved ." -"on the other hand , if we use its leading transformation , we find that the central charge arises due to the change of the boundary condition of the path integral .","then , we can find that the central charge arises from the fact that the boundary condition of the path integral is not invariant under the leading transformation ." -"convolutional neural networks have shown outstanding performance in many fundamental areas in computer vision , enabled by the availability of large-scale annotated datasets .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted much research attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance ." -the wire-tap channel model was first introduced by wyner in his seminal paper .,this problem was first studied in where wyner proposed a wiretap channel model . -the symmetric weighting in was a heuristic found to improve performance and is not theoretically motivated as in the asymmetric weighting of this paper .,the symmetric weighting in was found to improve performance and is not theoretically motivated as in the asymmetric weighting of this paper . -idempotents in k are called minimal idempotents .,therefore r has exactly two idempotents and so r is a wvnr ring . -we will illustrate both the situation by some examples .,we will first illustrate this by some simple examples . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable accuracy for tasks in a wide range of application domains including image processing , machine translation , and speech recognition .","deep neural networks are extremely important in various applications including computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -answer set programming is a purely declarative programming paradigm based on nonmonotonic reasoning and logic programming .,answer set programming is a logic programming paradigm for declarative problem solving that has become popular during the last decades . -nuclear matter is a theoretical construction assuming the proton charge to be zero and one may worry about the connection between the properties of charged nuclei and the thermodynamics of uncharged nuclear matter .,but in nuclear matter there is a possibility to exchange this quark with a neighboring nucleon or a nuclear cluster . -this instability is the result of the soliton-radiation interaction and is beyond the scope of the adiabatic approach .,"the instability is a parametric instability , for which a simple model is briefly reviewed in appendix a ." -"currently , generative adversarial networks are among the most successful approaches in building such models .","recently , improvements in techniques such as generative adversarial networks have provided a breakthrough in generative modeling ." -thus we may assume the library is the basic-gate library .,"the library consists of 259 images of the desert landscape , most of them without vegetation and some with soils at different humidity levels ." -"recently , deep neural networks have attracted enormous research attentions , due to their prominent performance comparing to various state of the art approaches in pattern recognition , computer vision , and speech recognition .","in this context , deep neural networks have set benchmarks in various fields of research , such as computer vision , speech recognition and image classification ." -"despite the spectacular performance , szegedy et al showed that a small perturbation in the input domain can fool a trained classifier into making a wrong prediction confidently .","however , szegedy et al found an interesting fact that a crafted input with small perturbations could easily fool dnn models ." -"to solve this problem , defferrard et al propose chebnet which uses chebyshev polynomials of the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues to approximate g θ .","in order to yield filters that are strictly localised and efficiently computed , defferrard et al suggested a polynomial parametrisation on the laplacian matrix by means of chebyshev polynomials ." -"holds , where the tilde denotes the completion with respect to µm .",the tilde denotes the transverse amplitude . -the dmt of relay networks was first studied by laneman et al in for half-duplex relays .,the dmt of relay systems was first studied by laneman et al in for half-duplex relays . -we minimized the standard negative log-likelihood loss using the adam algorithm .,"we chose the adam optimizer to minimize the loss function , in this case , binary cross entropy ." -several recent deep learning techniques have made significant progress in this direction .,the field has been significantly boosted by recent advances of deep learning algorithms . -positive isotropic curvature was introduced by micallef and moore .,the notion of positive isotropic curvature was introduced by micallef and moore . -the generalized gradient approximation of perdew-burke-ernzerhof was adopted for the exchange-correlation functional .,"for the exchange-correlation interaction between the valence electrons , the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional within generalized gradient approximation was used ." -the unsupervised tasks include five tasks from semeval semantic textual similarity in 2012-2016 .,the evaluation tasks include five tasks from semeval semantic textual similarity in 2012-2016 . -moreover quantum field theory is a special relativistic theory and it is not known how to incorporate gravity in it in a regularized way which takes into account the already quoted problems of the physical identification of space-time points .,this quantum field theory is the cornerstone of the analytical description of many one-dimensional systems . -an isomorphism is a morphism that consists of unitaries .,which satisfies φ is called a sequential isomorphism . -"in recent years , wireless communications using millimeter-wave frequency band has received great deal of attention as a means to meet ever-increasing throughput demand of next generation communication systems .","in recent years , millimeter wave communication has drawn remarkable attention due to its ability to achieve high capacity demands of the fifth generation wireless networks ." -2an orbifold is a space which looks locally like the quotient of rn by a finite group .,a smooth orbifold with a riemannian structure is called a riemannian orbifold . -we use the adam optimizer to optimize the elbo with single-sample gradient estimates .,we use the first-order gradient descent optimizer adam with gradient clipping . -the newton polygon is the lower convex hull of all the points .,the newton polygon with these slopes is called the generic newton polygon . -the code attribute identifies the format using the controlled vocabulary olac-format .,the code attribute is used to identify the operating system using the controlled vocabulary olac-os . -deep convolutional neural networks have recently become increasingly important for computer vision applications .,recent progress in deep convolutional neural networks has led to substantial performance improvements in a broad range of computer vision tasks . -the proof of the following corollaries is left as an exercise for the reader .,the following theorem is left as an exercise for the reader . -"each hypermultiplet consists of two weyl fermions of opposite chiralities , ψl and ψr , and two complex scalars .",each hypermultiplet consists of a further four real scalars . -recent studies on generative adversarial networks have achieved impressive success in generating images .,recent generative models such as generative adversarial networks are capable of generating more realistic images . -"a clique is a maximal complete subgraph of three or more nodes , ie a subset of nodes all of which are adjacent to each other and there are no nodes that are also adjacent to all the members of the clique .",a clique is a set of vertices for which no node outside the clique is connected to all members of the clique . -the notion of frames was introduced in 1952 by duffin and schaeffer .,the frame theory was introduced by duffin and schaeffer in the year 1952 . -"due to the presence of the hidden variables x , a natural approach is to use expectation maximization , .","since we have to estimate the latent variable z , one could use expectation maximization ." -"the electron is a fermion and , if all spins are aligned in a same direction , the wave function of multiple electrons must be anti-symmetric for permutation of any two of electrons in the system .",electron is a carrier of the electric charge and it is the orbiting particle in any atom . -the axion is a hypothetical elementary particle pos tulated to resolve the strong cp problem in quantum chromodynamics .,this axion is the invention from the need to solve the strong cp problem . -generative adversarial networks consist of a deep generative model which is trained through a minimax game involving a competing generator and discriminator .,generative adversarial networks approach the training of deep generative models from a game theory perspective using a minimax game . -"it is shown in that p for constant arrival rates , where d denotes the steady-state delay experienced in the buffer .","it is shown in that prfor constant arrival rates , where d denotes the steady-state delay experienced in the buffer ." -"when there is no risk of confusion , we will denote by gx and gx the tangent graph and digraph , respectively .",if there is no risk of confusion we will denote the fan in . -"goel , modified logarithmic sobolev inequalities for some models of random walk .","yau , logarithmic sobolev inequalities for generalized exclusion processes ." -we will now give examples of substructures of these interval loop interval semirings which are of infinite order .,"we will describe some zero divisors , units and idempotents in these group interval semirings ." -"in particular , convolutional neural network architectures have enabled superior performance over alternative approaches in classification and pattern recognition problems in computer vision .","in recent years , deep convolution neural networks have achieved promising performance on many artificial intelligence tasks , including image recognition ." -the lagrangian is the same as that without an external field nlσm .,the lagrangian is a scalar field so it can be calculated using the coordinates that are most convenient . -the bisectional curvature of the wp metric on the moduli mg is negative .,"furthermore , the riemannian sectional curvature of the wp metric is also negative ." -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .",rapid development of deep convolutional neural networks has led to promising performance on various computer vision tasks . -"deep neural networks have recently led to significant improvements in many fields , such as image classification .",recently deep neural networks have attained impressive performance in many fields such as image classification . -"over the last two decades , the discovery of several great algorithmic results has raised important expectations in the field of quantum computation .","in the last few decades , application of quantum theory to information processing tasks has lead to several discoveries ." -"for more information on this fiber-stretcher , see previous experimental work in .","for more information on the opo , fiber coupling and homodyne detection efficiencies , see ." -our results are in good agreement with the previous experimental data of .,the new results are in good agreement with the previous experimental values of . -"it could be the scale below which the higgs boson is a composite particle , and above which no fundamental scalars exist .","if the higgs boson is a fundamental scalar , its mass has to be protected ." -"large deep neural networks have enabled breakthroughs in fields such as computer vision , speech recognition , and reinforcement learning .",convolutional neural networks are enabling major advancements in a range of machine learning problems . -"the most striking feature of this model is the presence of an order-disorder transition , which is absent in the continuous version of the rpm .",a striking feature of the model is the ubiquity of mssm singlet pseudo-goldstones from the gut symmetry breaking which occur in each one of the models studied . -the kernel of this map is a principal ideal generated by some f .,the kernel of this map is a free group and hence left orderable . -"in recent years , advances in deep learning and reinforcement learning have led to tremendous progress across many areas of natural language processing and gameplay .","research into deep neural networks has advanced at a stunning rate in recent years , leading to tremendous progress for a number of difficult machine learning problems and benchmarks ." -"deep learning has been applied to almost all text-related applications , such as translation .",deep learning techniques have shown promising results in many research fields such as computer vision . -now we proceed on to define smarandache non-associative seminear-ring ii .,now we proceed on to define the concept of bisemigroup birings . -"this is the matter addressed in the field of graph signal processing , where notions such as frequency analysis , sampling , and stationarity are extended to signals supported on graphs .","this is the matter addressed in the field of graph signal processing , where notions such as frequency and linear filtering are extended to signals supported on graphs ." -"over the recent years , deep learning has had a tremendous impact on various fields in science .","in recent years , deep learning has found successful application in a growing number of areas ." -"after each convolutional layer and before relu nonlinearity , we applied batch normalization to improve the networks generalization capability .",we also applied batch normalization functions between each layer to overcome internal covariate shift . -"convolutional neural networks have shown extraordinary success in a large variety of computer vision tasks , such as image recognition .",convolutional neural networks have proven useful for a variety of high-level vision tasks . -"therefore , the exponent γ is a kind of measure of the maturity of stock market in some sense .",we know that the exponent γ is a crucial feature of complex networks in many respects . -"moreover , scalar linear network coding over a sufficiently large finite field was shown to be sufficient to achieve the capacity of a multicast network .","it has been later shown that a restricted version of network coding , called the linear network coding is sufficient to achieve the capacity of multicast networks ." -"for comparison with imagenet , we also use all the 20 categories among these datasets .","for comparison with imagenet , we use all the 20 categories among these datasets ." -these models were pre-trained on the imagenet dataset .,the generative units were only trained using the imagenet dataset . -the superpotential is where s is a coupling constant and n invariant under an su ns .,"the 3d superpotential is a meromorphic function on , which as noted above is the phase space of an integrable system ." -two of the most prominent approaches are generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders .,the most prominent generative models are the variational autoencoder and the generative adversarial network . -"once isospin breaking is introduced , there exists no cp relation that survives at first order .","finally , with or without mixing , no cp relations hold at first order in isospin breaking ." -recurrent neural networks have been gaining popularity in the machine learning community due to their impressive performance on tasks such as machine translation .,convolutional neural networks have been proven supremely successful on solving a wide variety of machine learning problems . -"deep convolution neural networks have achieved ground-breaking results on a broad range of computer vision fields , such as image classification and so on .","deep convolutional neural networks achieve impressive performance on many computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -the sma data were reduced using the miriad software package .,the data were reduced using the standard steps in miriad . -"collobert et al proposed a method based on convolutional neural networks , which can use dynamic programming in training and testing stage to capture tag dependencies .",collobert et al proposed a general framework which derives task-oriented features by learning from raw text data using convolutional neural networks . -the electron exchange and correlation are treated within the framework of generalized gradient approximation given by perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional .,the electronelectron exchange and correlation functional was described with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof 22 parametrization of the generalized gradient approximation . -the message is the coset of in that also includes .,this message is a survey of the elementary messages in the various clusters of sat configurations . -cluster algebras have been introduced in a series of papers by fomin and zelevinsky .,cluster algebras were introduced and studied by fomin-zelevinsky and berensteinfomin-zelevinsky in a series of articles . -the exchange-correlation of electrons was treated within the generalized gradient approximation as implemented by perdew-berke-enzelhof .,"the generalized gradient approximation of perdew , burke and ernzerhof was employed for the exchange-correlation potential ." -"unless specified , we choose the 2d resnet-50 as our backbone for its tradeoff between the accuracy and speed .","specifically , to find a balance between the number of parameters of the network and accuracy , we adopt resnet34 as our base network ." -"calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package 41 , 42 .",dft calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package . -all trainable parameters are initialised randomly using xavier initialisation .,the weights are initialized using the xavier initializer . -"unluckily , deep networks for image classification tasks were proved to be sensitive to adversarial examples , which were generated by adding small perturbations using gradient methods on purpose .","deep networks were shown to be susceptible to adversarial samples , generated by introducing carefully chosen perturbations to the input ." -deep convolutional neural networks have been a powerful model for numerous tasks related to system identification .,"convolutional neural networks are widely used for solving artificial intelligence problems , such as object and voice recognition , scene labeling and others ." -"for the word representations , we use the googlenews pre-trained word2vec embedding model .","we represent the content using mean bag-of-word embeddings , which are pretrained word2vec embeddings ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification .","among them , convolutional neural networks have been demonstrated to be extremely successful in computer vision ." -support-vector machine is a very popular method for supervised classification .,the support vector machine is probably the most widely used classifier in varied machine learning applications . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results on several computer vision tasks .,convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on computer vision tasks . -isola et al proposed the conditional gan framework for various image-to-image translation tasks with paired images for supervision .,isola et al proposed pix2pix to give a supervised solution to general image-to-image translation based on conditional adversarial networks . -the condensate is a function of temperature for various values of b .,"the condensate is a fine effect , and we may 8 expect that the proper setting of bcs is important for its evaluation ." -convolutional neural network architectures achieve human performance in many computer vision problems including image classification tasks .,deep neural networks achieve impressive results on many computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -"description logics are a family of knowledge representation languages , specifically suited to represent terminological knowledge in a structured and formalized way .",description logics are a family of knowledge representation languages which can be used to represent knowledge of an application domain in a structured and formal way . -the ellipses denotes terms that are subleading in r relative to the terms written above .,where the ellipses denote terms that are analytic in mq . -the superscripts h denote transpose and hermitian operation respectively .,the superscripts a and b denote the argonne and cd-bonn potentials . -a coloring is called simplicial if no cones of σ .,"in particular , if x is the cayley graph of a group g with a word metric then the asymptotic cones of x are called asymptotic cones of g ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -"for the base-model , we use the resnet-50 two-stream model for action classification .","we use the resnet-18 , and finetune it for multi-label classification on the celeba dataset ." -hence the first eigenvalue is the smallest one .,this eigenvalue is the exponential of the lyapunov exponent . -deep neural networks have been significantly successful in many artificial intelligence tasks such as im- age classification .,"deep neural networks have recently led to significant improvements in many fields , such as image classification ." -first-principles calculations were performed in the framework of density functional theory using a projected augmented wave approach .,the scalar-relativistic ab-initio dft calculations were performed using the projector augmented wave . -to this effect we will give some examples .,however we will illustrate this situation by an example . -then it follows that the albanese map is a holomorphic diffeomorphism and hence biholomorphism .,the albanese map is a smooth fibration with simply connected fibres onto an elliptic curve . -deep neural networks have been succefully used in many ai applications .,convolutional neural networks have been used in the field of computer vision for decades . -the generalized gradient approximation of perdew-burke-ernzerhof was adopted for the exchange-correlation functional .,perdew-burkeernzerhof flavor of the exchange-correlation potential corresponding to the generalized gradient approximation was used . -such a g is called a topological isomorphism .,a contractive -isomorphism whose inverse is also contractive is called an isometric -isomorphism . -"in recent years , deep neural networks have led to many breakthrough results in machine learning and computer vision , and are now widely deployed in industry .",deep neural networks are being successful in accomplishing challenging tasks such as image classification . -the deformation consists of moving one of the connected components of the boundary of the surface following a vertical translation .,"this deformation is a specific modification , depending on the complex parameter β , of the coefficients of the superpotential ." -the induced module ind l l0 u is called degenerate if it is not irreducible .,otherwise the lattice is called degenerate . -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in grid structure data such as image and video .,neural networks have become ubiquitous in applications including computer vision . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted much research attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance .","convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many fields , such as object classification , face recognition ." -"recently , deep neural networks , particularly convolutional neural networks have excelled in recognizing objects in the images .","recently , convolutional neural networks have been effectively applied to image classification ." -we implemented the models using the allennlp library which is based on the pytorch framework .,our models were implemented on a fork of opennmtpy using a pytorch re-implementation of bert . -"for every label , we train a linear classifier using a standard svm toolbox .","for classification , we use a linear svm learned with the liblinear package in a one-vs-all manner ." -"based on the direct modeling on the mesh size and time step , a unified gas-kinetic scheme has been developed for the flow description in all regimes .","based on the direct modeling on the mesh size scale , a continuous description of flow physics has been obtained in the unified gas-kinetic scheme ." -"we use the scikit-learn package , which implements various machine learning algorithms , to learn model parameters .","for the decision trees as well as the random forests , we use the the scikit-learn implementation ." -interference is a consequence of contextuality of probabilities .,"the interference is a critical part of the experiment , since a good spectral , temporal and spatial overlap of the interfering modes is required ." -"since any 1-point convex set is a terminal object , chen is a concrete site .",a convex set is a convex subset of rn with nonempty interior . -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification .","in recent years , deep neural networks have developed advanced abilities in the feature extraction and function approximation ." -"dombeck da , khabbaz an , collman f , adelman tl , tank dw imaging large-scale neural activity with cellular resolution in awake , mobile mice .","miri a , daie k , burdine rd , aksay e , tank dw regression-based identification of behavior-encoding neurons during large-scale optical imaging of neural activity at cellular resolution ." -all model weights are initialised with a he uniform variance scaling initialiser and a categorical cross-entropy loss function .,the model weights are trained with the adam algorithm via multiclass cross-entropy minimization . -this result uses the recently developed new technique in the dimension theory of self-similar sets by hochman .,the proof of this result is based on a recent breakthrough in fractal geometry . -the halting problem for quantum computers .,quantum state reduction and the quantum bayes principle . -deep neural networks have recently been achieved breakthroughs in several domains such as computer vision .,"in recent years , deep neural networks have been applied to many areas and have achieved huge success in different domains such as image classification ." -the fixed 4096-dimensional target image representation come from the pre-softmax layer of the 16-layer cnn .,these feature maps are generated by the hidden convolutional layers in vgg16 . -deep neural networks show dramatically accurate results on challenging tasks such as computer vision .,machine learning models based on deep neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance across a wide range of tasks . -"deep neural networks , particularly convolutional neural networks have become exceptionally successful in a wide variety of visual object recognition and classification tasks .","convolutional neural networks have proved their dominating spot in various machine learning tasks , such as speech recognition ." -the blobs denote dressed propagators and vertices .,the blobs denote an insertion of the operator ψ2 2 . -the grayscale is a liner stretch from 0 counts .,the gray-scale is the same as that in the previous figures . -"in recent years , the deep learning models like the cnns have been shown to achieve superior performance in numerous visual perception tasks .","deep learning methods have shown great successes in various computer vision tasks , including conventional tasks in object recognition ." -deep neural networks have demonstrated significant performance improvements in a wide range of computer vision tasks .,"recently , deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive results in image classification ." -"we use the coco dataset with 82,783 training and 40,504 validation images .","we use the ms-coco datatset , which consists of 82k training images each annotated with five captions ." -"the decomposition of grk , n into the strata sm is called the the matroid stratification .","this stratification is the quotient modulo w of the stratification of v by the intersection lattice of , hence is a whitney stratification ." -recent progress in deep convolutional neural networks has led to substantial performance improvements in a broad range of computer vision tasks .,"deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress in classification problems , which have shown to generate good results when provided sufficient data ." -"for a complete survey or review on these methods , the reader is referred for instance to .",the reader is referred to for an overview of a variety of splitting methods . -the development of deep neural networks including deep convolutional neural networks has improved the visual recognition dramatically .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted much research attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance ." -"again , we note that this computation can be done by hand .",it should be noted that this computation can be done by hand . -"also , we use the von neumann entropy as a measure of bipartite entanglement to study this topological quantum phase transition .","more formally , a von neumann algebra is a unital selfadjoint subalgebra of the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a hilbert space which is closed under the topology of pointwise convergence ." -"recently , correlation filter based tracking methods have shown promising performance for visual tracking .","alternatively , approximate formulations for learning multi-channel filters have been investigated for visual tracking ." -"learning is performed in mini-batches over the mnist dataset , with the adam optimizer .",the deep learning models are trained by using the adam optimizer . -recent advancements in deep convolutional neural network have led to promising results in large-scale video classification .,"during the last decade , deep learning algorithms , especially convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable progress on numerous practical vision tasks ." -we then compute a random path loss between the bs and the ues based on the model in .,we then compute a random path loss between the bs and the ues based on the urban channel model presented in . -polar codes provably achieve the capacity of binary symmetric memoryless channels when decoded with the lowcomplexity successive-cancellation algorithm .,it is shown that polar codes can provably achieve the symmetric capacity of binary-input discrete memory-less channels . -"mizel , nonlinear coupling of nanomechanical resonators to josephson quantum circuits , phys .","trauzettel , detection of qubit-oscillator entanglement in nanoelectromechanical systems , phys ." -the recent emergence of deep convolutional neural networks has provided some attractive solutions for domain transfer .,much progress has been made in this field based on the recent developments in convolutional neural networks . -"among such , cognitive radio is regarded as a promising approach to improve spectrum utilization .",cognitive radio is a promising approach to achieve open spectrum sharing flexibly and efficiently . -courbariaux et al propose a binaryconnect method to use 1-bit fixed-point weights to train a neural network .,courbariaux et al in 2015 worked on training deep neural networks with binary weights during propagations . -data reduction was performed using the miriad package .,data reduction was performed using the miriad software . -"in the recent years , there has been a considerable effort on experimental and theoretical studies of bose-einstein condensates .","in the past few years , there has been a remarkable amount of progress in the study of bose-einstein condensates ." -absorption is the least sensitive in all circumstances .,the free-carrier absorption is a combined process involving electron-photon interaction . -"convolutional neural networks show state-of-the-art performance on many problems in computer vision , natural language processing and other fields .",deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of machine learning tasks . -"deep learning is the most recent advancement in feature-based classification , and it has achieved remarkable success in a wide array of science domains .","deep learning has achieved great success in many machine learning or artificial intelligence areas , and it is attracting the attention of the entire scientific community ." -the generalized gradient approximation was used to describe the exchange-correlation effects .,the generalized gradient approximation corrected functional by perdew et al is used for the exchange-correlation potential . -generative adversarial networks are powerful on generating photo-realistic images from latent variables .,generative adversarial networks are powerful models that attempt to learn high-dimensional data distributions such as images . -"deep neural networks have demonstrated their success in many machine learning and computer vision applications , including image classification .","deep neural networks have recently become a standard architecture due to their significant performance improvement over the traditional machine learning models in a number of fields , such as image recognition ." -millimeter wave communication is a potential candidate for 5g systems due to the enormous amount of spectrum available at mmwave frequencies .,"in this context , huge bandwidth at mm-wave spectrum is an attractive choice for high-rate data transmissions ." -"with the recent development of deep learning , a few methods have also been developed based on convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks .","with the recent development of deep learning , a few methods have been developed based on convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks ." -"in this option also the internal shg processes are available , and can be mixed with the external ones .",in this option it is not possible to mix with internal shg processes . -self interactions are those with only one distinct interactor listed per interaction .,binary interactions are those with exactly two distinct interactors listed per interaction . -"we summarize the necessary material from in section 2 , explaining how to apply it to skew group algebras .",we recall methods of analyzing gerstenhaber brackets in section 3 and show how they apply to twisted product resolutions for skew group algebras . -a major goal of the compact muon solenoid experiment at the large hadron collider is the discovery of new physics beyond the standard model .,the primary goal of the compact muon solenoid experiment is to explore particle physics at the tev energy scale exploiting the proton-proton collisions delivered by the large hadron collider . -"deep learning based architectures , especially convolutional neural networks , have become the tool of choice for processing image data , after their immense success in image classification .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have become the de facto standard in many computer vision tasks , such as image classification and object detection ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification .","in recent years , in large-scale image classification tasks , image classifiers with deep convolutional neural networks have achieved accuracies equivalent to humans ." -"deep neural networks have achieved great success in many applications , eg , image recognition and machine translation .",deep neural networks have achieved great progress in a variety of computer vision tasks . -"instead , they suggest that the profile is a consequence of a near universal angular momentum distribution of the halos .","since the 1d profile is a reasonable proxy for the 3d profiles , the transmission spectra look very similar ." -the generalized gradient approximation was used to describe the exchange-correlation effects .,the exchange correlation energy was described by the generalized gradient approximation using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional . -"quite recently , deep learning methods are being increasingly used for solving the grasping problem .",a few recent studies have demonstrated the plausibility of deep learning in the field of robotics . -"to estimate the parameters of our model efficiently , we develop a tailored expectation-maximization algorithm .",we propose a learning algorithm for map estimates of the parameters based on the expectation-maximisation algorithm . -the capital letters denote the exotic quarks included in each family .,capital letters denote the state occupying corresponding part of the diagram . -we use the adam learning method with the default hyper parameters .,we update the set of model parameters using adam sgd . -"recently , convolutional neural networks have been deployed successfully in a variety of applications , including imagenet classication .",deep convolutional neural networks have made great advances at numerous classification tasks in computer vision and speech applications over the past few years . -these deep learning based approaches have been applied to high-level vision challenges such as image recognition and object detection .,"deep learning models have yielded outstanding results in several applications , including speech recognition ." -wang et al proposed to use meta-learning to transfer information from head to tail categories .,wang et al proposed a meta-network to transfer knowledge from the majority class to minority class . -more precisely a qubit is the amount of the information which is contained in a pure quantum state from the two-dimensional hilbert space a general superposition state of the qubit is h2 .,the simplest non-trivial hilbert space is of dimension two and a state vector in the state space of dimension two is called a qubit . -the interpolation formula can be parametrized .,the integral can be evaluated in the sφ approximation . -"stump , these proceedings and references therein .","bodek , these proceedings and references therein ." -the x-ray source is the nearby tts hm 16 gue that .,the x-ray source is a double source elongated in the east-west direction . -"unlike previous implementations where image descriptors were manually formed from cnn layer activations , arandjelovic et al trained a new vlad layer for an end-to-end cnn-based-vpr .","thus , arandjelovic et al added a new vlad layer to the cnn architecture which could be trained in an end-toend manner for vpr ." -we perform an entailment experiment using bert fine-tuned on the multinli dataset as a nli model .,"in this work , we use bert fine-tuned on a small subset of the dataset ." -"for the svm and other experiments , we used the implementation from scikit-learn .",for the features-based system we used the gradientboostingclassifier from the scikit-learn library . -"however , recent works demonstrate that dnns could be vulnerable to adversarial examples .","despite their effectiveness , recent studies have illustrated the vulnerability of dnns to adversarial examples ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved impressive results in a number of computer vision tasks such as image classification .",deep neural networks have shown great success in computer vision and natural language processing tasks . -models are trained using sgd with the adam optimizer with an initial learning rate chosen from the set .,the networks are trained with the adam optimiser with decaying learning rate . -"to simplify the discussion , let us present the entanglement-based protocol for three parties only .","in order to see how , let us go back to the discrete version of the quantum protocol ." -"neural networks are generally trained using the backpropogation algorithm , which uses the chain rule to speed up the computation of the gradient for the gradient descent algorithm .",most neural networks are trained using stochastic gradient descent or its variants in which the gradients of the networks are computed by backpropagation algorithm . -graphene is a zero band gap semiconductor with unique .,graphene is a hexagonal lattice built out of two inter-penetrating triangular sub-lattices a and b . -deep neural networks have demonstrated excellent performance on challenging tasks and pushed the frontiers of impactful applications such as image recognition .,"deep neural networks have demonstrated excellent performance on challenging research benchmarks , while pushing the frontiers of numerous impactful applications such as language translation ." -we have accepted the local curvature as for the statistical measure .,we have accepted the normal displacement as for the statistical measure . -the data reduction and analysis were done using the miriad package .,the data were reduced using the miriad package . -here the encoder model is a resnet-50 pre-trained on imagenet dataset .,the conv feature map is the output of the conv4 layer from resnet-101 pre-trained on the imagenet . -the network was trained with the adam optimiser for a maximum of 40 epochs .,the network was trained using the adam optimizer with a batch size of 100 . -xiao et al propose a novel dropout strategy to train a classification model with multiple datasets jointly .,xiao et al propose a pipeline to deep feature representations from multiple datasets . -training was implemented using mini-batch stochastic gradient descent with adagrad .,the full model was trained using stochastic gradient descent combined with the adagrad algorithm regularization technique . -"quantum entanglement is one of the key features of quantum physics , and it has many applications in quantum information and many-body physics to spacetime physics .",entanglement is a key concept in quantum mechanics and represents an essential resource for many quantum computation schemes . -"now having seen finite extensions of fields , we now proceed on to recall the definition of smarandache vector space .",now we proceed on to define the notion of smarandache definite special subnear ring . -"the diffeomorphism , where t is the coordinate on the first factor .",there is a maximal open set u is called maximal is a diffeomorphism . -"to validate this point , we extend the pipeline by using a pre-trained resnet50 model .",we use the resnet50 model and extract the features from the third convolutional block . -"generally , the free energy is a difficult quantity to evaluate .",the free energy is the maximal solution of the hamilton-jacobi equation which can be easily computed . -"further , since the free energy is a physical quantity , f only .","since the free energy is a contunuous function 9 6 and is bounded from below , there exists a minimum at q equivalently m2 8 is negative ." -"if that graph is bipartite , the chord diagram is called bipartite .",a network with no circuit of odd length is called bipartite . -deep neural networks are at the core of state-of-the-art models for supervised tasks like image recognition and speech recognition .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many fields , such as object classification , face recognition ." -the imaging and selfcalibration were done in a largely automated way using the difmap package .,the calibrated visibility data were exported for imaging in the difmap program . -"we compare the performances of our models against random forest , bernoulli naive bayes , and support vector machine algorithms .","we compare our algorithm against decision tree , random forest , and gaussian naive bayes classifiers from scikit-learn ." -we apply relu activation for all the hidden layers and batch normalization to the output of conv1-conv10 .,we use batch normalization and exponential linear unitfunction after each convolutional layer . -"massive mimo is the key technology for increasing the se in future cellular networks , by virtue of beamforming and spatial multiplexing .",massive multiple-input multiple-output is a key enabler of the fifth-generation and future mobile communication networks . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance for many segmentation tasks .","recently , deep learning based methods have achieved remarkable success in many medical image segmentation tasks , such as brain tumor and lung nodule segmentation ." -the smallest network is initialized using standard glorotuniform distribution .,all the network weights are initialized using glorot initialization . -thus in spacetime they consist of 2n segments .,this spacetime is the stage set of the teleparallel description of gravitation . -"recently , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as for image classification .",deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in several computer vision tasks in recent years . -which satisfies φ is called a sequential isomorphism .,this isomorphism is the key to solving the two computational problems in quantum polynomial time . -"therefore , it is straightforward to use the em algorithm , proposed by , for parameter estimation from incomplete data .",in this case we can use the hard em algorithm for parameter estimation with latent variables . -quantum field theory is a rich subject with many facets and is being studied on the basis of a number of approaches and methods .,in quantum field theory there is a standard procedure for integrating out high energy degrees of freedom and obtaining an effective theory at low energy . -"deep neural networks have been widely adopted in many applications such as computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing .",deep convolutional neural networks have made great advances at numerous classification tasks in computer vision and speech applications over the past few years . -"in , it was proven that some of the best non-linear codes , such as the kerdock , preparata , and goethal codes can be viewed as linear codes over z 4 via the gray map from z n 4 to f 2n 2 .","in , hammons et al showed that some important binary nonlinear codes can be obtained from cyclic codes over z 4 through the gray map ." -"gz 1 introduction splitting a space into a sequence of subspaces , such that every point in the space lies in one and only one of the subspaces , is called a foliation .",a foliation by c k leaves which is tranversely c k is called simply a c k foliation . -we build our cardinality network structure on top of the well-known alexnet architecture .,we selected the alexnet architecture for our convolutional neural networks . -and asterisks denote orientifold image d6-branes .,the asterisks denote the individual components found in fits to the line profiles of the various species noted at the right . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection .",deep neural networks have been found to be quite effective for solving problems in the domain of computer vision . -cosmic strings are topological defects that may have formed at phase transitions as the universe expanded and cooled .,cosmic strings are linear concentrations of energy which may have formed during symmetry-breaking phase transitions in the early universe . -we use the liblinear implementation with l 2 regularization .,we use glmnet and liblinear packages for implementation of lasso and svm respectively . -"the geometry comprises distinct production and loss regions , corresponding to the edge and sol of magnetized plasmas .",this geometry is a direct higher-dimensional generalization of conifold . -"recently , the general face recognition technique has evolved from the classic shallow frameworks with impressive performance improvements .","recently , great progress has been achieved in face recognition with deep learning-based methods ." -m illimeter wavelength communication systems stand as an important pillar for fifth generation cellular standards .,millimetre-wave communication is an important ingredient in the fifth generation cellular networks . -we follow the same principle and initialise all 2d layers using the weights of available pre-trained 2d resnet models .,we use the resnet50 model and extract the features from the third convolutional block . -"to further accelerate training , we replace the first convolutional layer with that in resnet .",we further implement an alternative baseline method using the last convolutional layer of the resnet-152 . -"in terms of audio-based classification , aytar et al described the soundnet framework for knowledge transfer between large-scaled videos and target sounds based on a deep cnn .",aytar et al proposed a sound recognition network using 1-d convolutional and pooling layers named soundnet and learned the sound feature using a large amount of unlabeled videos . -this instability is a consequence of the attraction between vortices and antivortices which consequently annihilate each other in the state of lowest free energy .,this instability is the precursor of a structural transition and prevents the direct evolution from a distorted to an undistorted cubic structure . -"deep learning has rapidly become the state-of-the-art framework for a wide range of machine learning problems , especially when dealing with large-scale datasets .","recent progress in machine learning has enabled deep neural networks to advance the state of the art in a wide range of problem domains , from computer vision to high energy physics ." -"to capture the impact of the csi imperfection on the resource allocation design , we use a deterministic model for the resulting csi uncertainty .",we adopt a deterministic model to characterize the impact of the csi imperfection for resource allocation design . -the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional within the generalized gradient approximation was adopted .,the perdew-burke-ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional was employed . -we employ resnet-50 model to extract visual feature maps from an input image .,"we apply resnet-152 to extract the 2,048-dimensional image features ." -the pendulum consists of a weight at the end of a weightless bar .,a pendulum is a good mechanical filter for frequencies above its natural frequency . -deep neural networks are widely used for many applications including object recognition .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation ." -moreover zlinear combinations of these relations contain the harmonic product of multiple polylogarithms .,"in general , we can show that the generalized harmonic product relations contains the harmonic product of multiple polylogarithms ." -the observed molecular clouds are similar to those found in the milky way .,the magnitudes of the gradients are comparable to those found in the milky way . -"the worst discrepancy is a factor of two between liners and sy1s , but as will be seen , this discrepancy only strengthens our results .",we believe that this discrepancy is the result of using different inner boundary conditions . -deep neural networks have demonstrated stateof-the-art results in image classification .,deep convolutional neural networks are giving state-of-the-art results for image recognition . -as the photon is a test particle of the special relativity the most crucial probes concern lorentz and cpt symmetry breaking modification of quantum electro-dynamics .,as the photon is a test particle of the special relativity the most crucial probes concern lorentz- and cpt-symmetry breaking modifications of electrodynamics . -all implementation is performed via pytorch an open source deep learning platform .,implementations are done with the pytorch deep learning framework . -"since their discovery , carbon nanotubes have attracted much attention due to their outstanding mechanical and electrical properties .","because of their unique electronic properties and potential applications in nanotechnology , carbon nanotubes have attracted enormous attention ." -"recently , deep neural network based methods have lead to breakthroughs in several vision tasks , such as classification .","significant improvements have been obtained in various computer vision tasks by applying deep learning techniques , including image classification ." -"the calculations were performed using the projector augmented wave method , as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .",this task was computationally performed using the software uspex combined with vienna ab initio simulation package . -de stochastische differentiaal vergelijking voor de geconditioneerde toestand kan eruit worden afgeleid .,het derde hoofdstuk richt zich op de infinitesimale beschrijving van de geconditioneerde toestand door de belavkin filter vergelijking . -"deep neural networks have been widely applied in various fields , including computer vision he et al , among many others .",deep neural networks have achieved outstanding performances on many computer vision tasks . -generative adversarial networks have provided very powerful and efficient solutions for learning the generative model .,"generative adversarial networks , introduced by goodfellow et al , have become a widely popular framework for generative modeling using deep neural networks ." -"recently , deep neural networks have substantially improved the state-of-the-art performances of various challenging classification tasks , including image based object recognition .","convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems ." -"neural networks have been applied to solving problems in several application domains such as computer vision , natural language processing , and disease diagnosis .","deep learning using convolutional neural networks has achieved excellent performance for a wide range of tasks , such as image recognition ." -the belle detector is a large-solid-angle magnetic spectrometer that consists of a threelayer silicon vertex detector .,the belle detector is a general purpose spectrometer based on a 1 5 t superconducting solenoid magnet . -cosmic strings are thin filaments of topologically-trapped higgs field energy which may have formed at a symmetry-breaking phase transition in the early universe .,cosmic strings are linear defects that could be formed at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe . -we use the projector augmented wave potentials and the exchange and correlation functionals parameterized by the generalized gradient approximation proposed by perdewburke-ernzerhof .,the generalized gradient approximation of perdew-burke-ernzerhof type is used to deal with the exchange and correlation potential . -deep neural networks have contributed to notable performance improvements in fields such as image processing .,"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision ." -"each network was trained with adam for 100 epochs , optimizing the mean squared error .","the networks were trained through stochastic gradient descent , using the adam optimizer ." -controllable single photons are an important tool to study fundamental quantum mechanics and also for practical applications in quantum communication .,"single-photon sources are a fundamental resource in quantum optics , with a broad range of applications ." -"therefore , we follow a similar strategy to that used in batch normalization .","additionally , we use batch-normalization to regularize the network ." -the classical morrey spaces were introduced by morrey to study the local behavior of solutions to second-order elliptic partial differential equations .,the classical morrey space was introduced by morrey in connection with elliptic partial differential equations . -"in the dialogue research community , it is common to use simulated users for this purpose .","in the dialogue research community , it is common to use simulated users as shown in figure 3 for this purpose ." -"in future directions in high resolution astronomy , editors romney , j .","in synthesis imaging in radio astronomy ii , editors taylor , g ." -"the x-ray luminosity is a strong function of the temperature , or mass , which means that , eg , foreground groups contribute proportionally less to the x-ray emission than they do to the galaxy surface density .","the x-ray luminosity is the 1-40 kev luminosity from ngm97 , but corrected by a factor of two in order to account for the bolometric luminosity likely present in the soft component of the observed x-ray spectrum ." -deep convolutional neural networks have already achieved tremendous success on a variety of computer vision tasks such as image classification among many others .,"recently , convolutional neural networks are continuously setting new records in classification aspect , such as object recognition and so on ." -we use the 34 layers residual network to perform the classification task .,we use the resnet50 model and extract the features from the third convolutional block . -the mass of a particle is the result of the total motion of the charge or alternatively the waves of the particle against a frictional vacuum .,is the mass of a particle and is the height of the system . -"originally introduced by he et al , networks with residual connections greatly reduced the optimization difficulties and enabled the training of much deeper networks .",the introduction of the residual learning framework by he et al allows for training substantially deeper networks than it was previously possible . -"since the angular momentum is a conserved quantity in this case , the s-wave decay process can always be reduced to a problem in a one-dimensional system .",the angular momentum is the vector perpendicular to the plane passing through the symmetry axis . -"in order for enterprises to counter apt attacks , recent approaches based on ubiquitous system monitoring have emerged as an important solution for monitoring system activities and performing attack investigation .","to counter these attacks , approaches based on ubiquitous system monitoring have emerged as an important solution for monitoring system activities and actively detecting possible abnormal system behaviors ." -we use the spire maps produced with the naive mapping routine in hipe software .,we use miriad to analyse the data with standard processes . -the seminal work of gupta and kumar on the capacity of wireless networks has stimulated extensive studies covering a broad range of networking problems with different performance metrics .,the pioneering work of gupta and kumar has led to many studies of scaling laws for the asymptotically achievable throughput in wireless networks under a variety of network models and assumptions . -"if moreover hγ is nondegenerate , the p-geodesic γ is called nondegenerate .","if a continuum contains two distinct points , then it is called non-degenerate ." -"recently , there has been a growing interest in recovering sparse signals from compressed measurements .",recently there has been an increasing interest in recovering sparse signals from their projection onto a small number of random vectors . -it suffices to prove there is a k which satisfies the conclusion for all sufficiently large r .,it suffices to show that y is a connected graph . -batch normalization is introduced following each convolutional layer .,every convolutional layer is followed by a batch normalization layer and a relu activation . -"circles refer to the simulations , while the solid line is the theoretical prediction .","triangles refer to the simulation , while the solid line is the theoretical prediction ." -deep neural networks are widely used for many applications including object recognition .,"deep neural networks achieve excellent performance at various artificial intelligence tasks , such as speech recognition ." -he et al attempts to alleviate the problem by bottleneck architectures .,he et al attempt to alleviate the problem by bottleneck architectures . -"neural networks have been widely used in many natural language processing tasks , including neural machine translation , text summarization and dialogue systems .","neural networks have found several applications in a variety of tasks , ranging from information retrieval , language modeling and machine translation ." -results of networks with different configurations of removed residual units on the cityscapes val set .,results of networks with different configurations of kernel dilations and up-sampling layers on the cityscapes val set . -"the concepts of maximal quad ideal , minimal , principal etc can be defined in an analogous way .","concepts of s-ideal , s-left bipotent and s-regular can also be defined in an analogous way ." -"the field ψµ is then the supersymmetric partner of the graviton , and for this reason it is called gravitino .","when the gravitino is the lsp and the nlsp is long lived , the lhc works as the machine for precision studies ." -the caveat here is that there is a class of diagrams which couple the lowest order expression for a given moment to the mean field .,"as per the caveat above , this really is the lower limit to the magnetic field value and should be treated as such ." -convolutional neural networks have been proven to achieve astonishing results in different research areas such as face recognition .,convolutional neural networks have been extensively used in different image and video processing applications . -isogeometric analysis is a galerkin finite element method which has popularized the use of the non-uniform rational b-spline basis for solving partial differential equations .,isogeometric analysis has been introduced by the seminal paper as an extension of the classical finite element method . -the dominant weight λ is the highest weight of the corresponding representation .,"for a dominant weight λ , we denote by vλ the irreducible representation of g with highest weight λ ." -"although string theory is a strong candidate of it , the dynamics of the fermion states in string theories has not yet been extensively studied .",since string theory is the only consistent theory of quantum gravity we should look for such an explanation in string theory . -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .","deep neural networks have been successfully applied in many diverse domains such as image classification , video analysis , language modeling and translation , medical imaging and weather ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on visual recognition tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have been proven very useful in various tasks in computer vision including classification . -semi-supervised learning can be considered a potential solution by utilizing labeled data and unlabeled data when building a classifier .,"semi-supervised learning is proposed to leverage large-scale unlabeled data , given a handful of labeled data ." -dropout is a general strategy to avoid overfitting in neural networks .,dropout is a popular and effective heuristic for preventing large neural networks from overfitting . -deep neural networks have emerged as powerful nonlinear approximation tools and have been deployed with great success in many challenging tasks such as image classification .,"neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results in a wide variety of supervised learning tasks , such as image recognition ." -deep neural networks have demonstrated excellent performance on challenging tasks and pushed the frontiers of impactful applications such as image recognition .,convolutional neural networks have shown excellent performance in various visual recognition problems such as image classification . -the yohkoh satellite is a project of the institute of space and astronautical science of japan .,"the yohkoh satellite is a japanese national project , launched and operated with by isas , and involving many domestic institutions , with multilateral international collaboration with the us and the uk ." -deep neural networks have been shown to be very efficient in image processing tasks such as content classification .,convolutional neural networks have gained considerable interest due to their record-breaking performance in many recognition tasks . -"among all gnn approaches , graph convolution networks play a central role in capturing structural dependencies .","specifically , graph convolutional networks naturally integrate the graph structure and the feature attributes of nodes ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have demonstrated the state-of-the-art performance in visual recognition tasks ." -deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification .,convolutional neural networks have recently been applied to various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -duality is in the fact that the coherent component of each of the phases have the same hilbert series .,a nice observation is that the hilbert series of the coherent components of the master space is exactly the same . -"monadic second order , or mso , sentences are built of the above symbols of the first order language , as well as the variables x , y , x 1 , .","monadic second order , or mso , formulae are built of the above symbols of the first order language , as well as the variables x , y , x 1 , ." -we first recall the definition of cluster algebras introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in .,we refer for the definition of a cluster algebra to the paper by fomin and zelevinsky . -"in the image domain , deep convolutional neural networks excel in classic computer vision tasks , including natural image classification .","convolutional neural networks have been shown to be very successful on a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -"since the vacuum is the most elementary system , all order parameters should have sharp values in this state .",the vacuum is a dual superconductor in the confined phase and becomes trivial in the deconfined one . -the perdew-burkeernzerhof generalized-gradient approximation is employed to describe the exchange and correlation functional .,the dft calculations are done within the generalized gradient approximation and the perdewburke-ernzerhof exchange correlation function . -we interpret the instability in bulk time ie the hawking radiation from the black hole as an rg flow of the boundary theory from the ir to the uv .,we can now interpret the dynamical instability in the asymp totically de sitter space due to hawking radiation from the black hole as an rg flow from the ir to the uv on the boundary theory . -"however , there exist efficient detection algorithms for several classes of practical predicates such as unstable predicates .","however , for some classes of predicates such as linear predicates , semilinear predicates , and bounded sum predicates , there exist efficient detection algorithms ." -the analysis of linear partial differential operators .,time-frequency analysis of fourier integral operators . -neural networks have made remarkable progress in achieving encouraging results in digital image processing .,deep neural networks have significantly improved the performance of diverse data mining and computer vision applications . -we have found that lensing probability is strongly dependent on the inner density profile as well as on the cosmological constant .,we have estimated the sensitivity of the lensing probability to the inner density profile of lenses and to the cosmological constant . -"deep neural networks have been adopted to improve the performance of state-of-the-arts on a wide variety of tasks in computer vision , including image classification .",neural network-based architectures have recently had great success in significantly advancing the state of the art on challenging image classification and object detection datasets . -we conclude with the desired characterization of the recurrent set .,now we characterize the stable and unstable sets of these morse components . -"consensus of multi-agent systems is a fundamental problem in collective behaviours of autonomous individuals , which has been extensively studied in the last decades .","inspired by aggregate behavior of animal groups and motion coordination of distributed robotic networks , the consensus problem has been extensively studied in the recent literature of systems control ." -a typical approach to hopping is to use a hopping spring mechanism to overcome large obstacles 17 .,a typical approach to hopping is to use a hopping spring mechanism to overcome large obstacles 11 . -neural networks have proved their efficiency in solving classification problems in areas such as computer vision .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification ." -the hamiltonian h is the lowest order in the expansion with respect to the tunneling interaction .,the hamiltonian h is the nearest neighbour hamiltonian . -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .",convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition . -convolutional neural networks have shown its great effectiveness in computer vision tasks .,deep learning models have achieved remarkable success in computer vision . -the two most significant types are the variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks .,two of the most prominent approaches are generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders . -high-resolution ca ii observations of the local interstellar medium .,a high-resolution survey of interstellar ca ii absorption . -"a detailed description of the cms detector , together with a definition of the coordinate system used and the standard kinematic variables , can be found in ref .","a detailed description of the cms detector , together with definitions of the coordinate system and relevant kinematic variables , can be found in ref ." -"we use a variation of the em algorithm called the expectation conditional-maximization algorithm , which replaces each m-step with multiple cm-steps .",we employ an expectation conditional maximization algorithm for model fitting and parameter estimation . -"however , σ is chiral and so does not represent the most general super-weyl transformation .",this is exactly the restricted chiral super-weyl parameter of the wess-zumino superspace formulation . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many problems of machine learning and computer vision .","deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress in classification problems , which have shown to generate good results when provided sufficient data ." -"moreover , as a consequence of the so-called no-free lunch theorems , it is known that it is impossible to have a fixed set of parameters which are optimal for all task environments .","according to the no free lunch theorems , it is impossible to obtain an omnipotent algorithm case for a sufficiently diverse set of problem instances ." -dropout is a popular method to deal with overfitting for neural networks .,"for deep neural networks , dropout is the most popular regularization method ." -we use ppo for model-free policy optimization of the rewards derived from the feature space .,we employ the proximal policy optimization for the search algorithm . -a recursive newton-type iteration algorithm in frequencies was also developed in to recover both the location and the shape of the obstacle simultaneously from multi-frequency phaseless far-field data .,a recursive newton-type iteration algorithm in frequencies was also given in to recover both the location and the shape of the obstacle simultaneously from multi-frequency phaseless far-field data . -large-scale deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a wide variety of applications such as image classification .,"convolutional neural networks have been extensively studied in the computer vision literature to tackle a variety of tasks , such as image classification ." -reduction algorithms for constructing solutions in graphs with small treewidth .,exact exponential-time algorithms for domination prob lems in graphs . -we now proceed on to define the notion of subsemiring .,now we proceed on to recall the definition of semigroups . -"for the image part , we use a subset of 16,000 images extracted from imagenet .","for the image embedding g v w , we extract image features using resnet-152 ." -dropout has been previously proposed as a regularization technique for deep neural networks .,dropout is a popular and effective heuristic for preventing large neural networks from overfitting . -the model parameters for these neural networks are fine-tuned with the adam algorithm .,the deep learning models are trained by using the adam optimizer . -we now give some examples of s-semi-automaton using finite groupoids .,now we proceed on to define the notion of semi-automaton and automaton using bigroupoids . -vae is an unsupervised learning algorithm used to approximate high-dimensional data distributions .,vae is a generative model that can represent a complex data distribution . -on the inverse problem in differential galois theory .,the inverse problem in the galois theory of differential fields . -"deep networks have been applied to almost all computer vision tasks and have achieved state-of-the-art performances , such as image classification .","recently , convolutional neural networks have been deployed successfully in a variety of applications , including imagenet classication ." -"the underlying ab initio structural relaxations and electronic calculations were performed in the framework of density functional theory within the perdew-burke-ernzerhof theory , as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package code .","electronic structure calculations are carried out by dft method with the generalized gradient approximation in the parametrization of perdew , burke and ernzerhof as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package ." -"for the basic properties of fractional sobolev spaces , we refer to .",for a more complete treatment of fractional sobolev spaces we refer to . -"advanced machine learning techniques , and in particular deep neural networks , have been applied with great success to a variety of areas , including speech processing .","deep neural networks have achieved great success in a variety of applications , including but not limited to image classification ." -a typical example of data independent hashing is the local-sensitive hashing .,a representative example is locality sensitive hashing which uses random projections as the hash functions . -"in the past decade , deep learning has achieved major success on detection , classification , and regression tasks .","in recent years , deep learning has demonstrated strong model capabilities and obtains very promising performances in many computer vision tasks ." -convolutional neural networks have gained remarkable success on a variety of visual recognition tasks .,deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of machine learning tasks . -for the minimization of our functionals we apply the primal-dual algorithm known as chambolle-pock algorithm .,"for this , we use the chambolle-pock primal-dual algorithm defined in a product space ." -"mathieu , supersymmetric extension of the korteweg-de vries equation , j .","fring , pt-symmetric deformations of the korteweg-de vries equation , j ." -"sun et al trained a three-level cascade cnn to locate the facial landmarks in a coarse-to-fine manner , which obtains promising landmark detection results .",sun et al proposed a threelevel cascaded deep convolutional neural network to detect the facial landmarks in the images . -the data were reduced using the herschel interactive processing environment and the hermes smap package .,"the data were reduced using the image reduction and analysis facility tasks ccdproc , apflatten , and doecslit ." -"the calculations were performed using the projector augmented wave method , as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .","the electronic structure calculations were carried out using the vienna ab-initio simulation package , with the generalized gradient approximation as the dft exchangecorrelation functional ." -moment free energies for polydisperse systems .,phase transition kinetics in polydisperse systems . -"cook , francisco delgado , perry gee , robert r .","strauss , paula szkody , virginia trimble , andrew a ." -"remarkably , the green-schwarz formulation of the theory shows up to be exactly solvable in the light-cone gauge .","the superstring theory on this background is exactly solvable in the green-schwarz formulation , in spite of the presence of the ramond-ramond fluxes ." -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in in order to give a combinatorial framework for studying positivity in algebraic groups and canonical bases in quantum groups .,the concept of cluster algebras was first introduced by fomin and zelevinsky as a tool to study total positivity and dual canonical bases in lie theory . -"to identify jets originating from b quarks , the combined secondary vertex tagging algorithm is used .",the combined secondary vertex b-tagging algorithm is used to identify jets from the hadronization of b quarks . -"in 1952 , the notion of hilbert space frames was introduced by duffin and schaeffer in on the study of nonharmonic fourier series .",frames for hilbert spaces were introduced in 1952 by duffin and schaefer in the context of nonharmonic fourier series . -"at the bottom left , the mean charged hadron multiplicities are shown for each of the two programs .",average hadronic multiplicities are shown at the lower right of the plot . -generative adversarial networks are powerful unsupervised generative models that have gained significant attention in recent years .,"in recent years , generative adversarial networks have attracted tremendous attention for training generative models ." -in massive mimo systems a base station with a large number of antennas communicates with several user terminals on the same timefrequency resource .,"in massive mimo systems , base stations , equipped with a large number of antennas , can recover information received from user equipment at low signal-to-noiseratio and simultaneously serve multiple users ." -several recent contributions have investigated the impact of low-resolution adcs on the massive mimo uplink .,several recent works have investigated the effects of low-resolution adcs on the performance of massive mimo systems . -"recently , deep convolutional neural network have received great success in image classification and so on .","recently , deep learning methods have made remarkable progress in computer vision and machine learning ." -"deformation , is the electron-phonon interaction parameter .",this class is called the differential of the deformation . -"we use a pre-trained resnet50 model trained on imagenet dataset , and fine-tune it on our own training images .",we employ a pretrained resnet-50 model and feed the generated images to fine-tune it . -"noncommutative field theories have attracted a great deal of attention recently , due to their relation to string theory , where they arise as a limit of type iib theories with a b-field turned on .","field theories on noncommutative spaces have been studied extensively in the past few years , even more so , after their appearance in certain limits of string and m-theories ." -a fully dynamic graph algorithm for recognizing interval graphs .,a simple linear time algorithm for cograph recognition . -cosmic strings are linear topological defects generated in symmetry breaking phase transitions in the early universe due to the kibble mechanism .,cosmic strings are linear topological defects which are predicted in a large class of particle physics models beyond the standard model . -deep convolutional neural networks have been proven very useful in various tasks in computer vision including classification .,convolutional neural networks have proven useful for a variety of high-level vision tasks . -a problem which is karp equivalent to the graph isomorphism problem is called graph isomorphism complete .,it is an isomorphism if it consists of isomorphism of modules only . -hd 377 hd 377 is a g2v star at a distance of 40 pc which has already reached the main sequence .,hd 161796 hd 161796 is a high galactic latitude f3 ib supergiant . -deep convolutional neural networks have led to major breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks .,"deep convolutional neural networks achieve impressive performance on many computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -deep learning has succeeded in making hierarchical neural networks perform excellently in various practical applications .,it is well established that deep neural networks excel on a wide range of machine learning tasks . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on several image processing and computer vision tasks like image classification , object detection , and segmentation .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection ." -"deep neural networks have been continuously achieving breakthroughs in many challenging ai domains , such as image recognition .",convolutional neural networks has significantly promoted developments of visual processing tasks such as image classification that can be used to train large-scale models . -the ellipsis denotes additional couplings and higher order fermi terms which will not be of relevance in our analysis .,5the ellipsis denotes operators not relevant to the oblique precision observables 109 5 point 2 . -inflation is the leading theoretical paradigm for understanding the early universe and the origin of the primordial perturbations .,"primordial inflation represents the most successful paradigm to describe the physics of the early universe , previous to the hot big bang stage ." -"since hadronization is a fast process , resonance decay products have an appreciable chance of escaping without rescattering and thus resonance yields can be measured directly , and in an analysis of these results one can obtain information about hadronization dynamics .",hadronization is the non-perturbative dynamics of the further fragmentation of this multiparton object . -convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to several diverse classification problems including speech and image recognition .,"recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success on many vision tasks such as object recognition ." -we randomly initialize the model parameters with a xavier initializer as the optimizer .,we initialize our neural network weights using xavier initialization . -we utilize the sklearn library for the svm implementations .,"in the implementation , we use the machine learning libraries provided by scikit-learn ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks and have achieved unprecedented progress .",recent advances in deep learning have immensely increased the representational capabilities of the neural networks and made them powerful enough to be applied to different vision-based tasks including image classification . -"in recent years , deep learning has been actively applied in various fields including computer vision .","since 2012 , neural networks and deep architectures have proven very effective in application areas such as computer vision ." -astrometric calibration is done using scamp and using the usno-b catalog as the astrometric reference .,astrometric correction is done with the scamp tool using reference objects in the nomad catalog and the sdss dr6 where available . -decay models in normal and inverted hierarchies are tested in the left and right panels respectively .,decay models in the normal hierarchy are tested in the left panel while those in the inverted hierarchy are tested in the right panel . -resnet is another popular network that enables deep learning with models having more than hundred layers .,resnet is the most successful network structure since it well alleviates the gradient vanishing problem . -"fronsdal , massless fields with integer spin , phys .","fronsdal , massless fields with half integral spin , phys ." -"furthermore , the authors in show that when a constrained power control is employed in the ul , the fd communication gains in the dl may come at the expense of high degradation in the ul rate .","furthermore , the authors in show that when a constrained power control is employed in the ul , the fd communication gains in the dl can come at the expense of high degradation in the ul ." -"perhaps the two most common techniques for training such models are variational autoencoders , and generative adversarial networks .",deep auto encoders and deep generative adversarial networks are two of the most popular approaches to generative learning . -such bound states as discussed in are formed by turning on a non-zero c-field background of 11 dimensional theory on the m5-brane .,such non-commutative coordinates arise in the field-theory limit of string theory in a constant b-field background . -tracker is a fully web-based system for tracking the people whom we want to track according to their willing .,the tracker consists of 18 modules spaced 17 cm apart . -"where the tilde denotes a reversed film , which corresponds to interchange of the diagonal elements of transfer matrix .","a here the tilde is used to denote a five-dimensional quantity , and bc is the christoffel symbol with respect to the non-linear sigma model metric ." -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks .","especially , deep convolutional neural network based algorithms have been widely applied in image classification ." -"in parallel , deep convolutional neural networks have proven their effectiveness in many computer vision fields such as object classification .",deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in several computer vision tasks in recent years . -the chemical potential µ is a function of n resulting from solving equation .,the chemical potential µ enforces 6 6 2 ) is the interaction the conserved particle number . -string theory is a candidate for a unified quantum theory of space-time and matter .,"physically , string theory is a two-dimensional conformal field theory on a riemannian surface ." -"in their seminal work , knill , laflamme , and milburn showed that such a quantum processor could be constructed using only linear optical elements , at the expense of rendering each quantum logic gate probabilistic .","indeed , in an influential paper , knill , laflamme , and milburn showed that the exponential speed-up over a classical algorithm afforded by quantum mechanics can be reached using only linear optics with single-photon detectors ." -a non-continuous invariant graph with negative lyapunov exponent is called a strange nonchaotic attractor .,so such an attractor has fractal properties and is called strange attractor . -"mathematically , superconductivity is a consequence of the breaking of the gauge symmetry u and time reversal operation k .","superconductivity is a necessary ingredient for the formation of the mzm but , in practice , its maximum probability can be located quite far from the superconductor interface ." -"in particular , convolutional neural network architectures have enabled superior performance over alternative approaches in classification and pattern recognition problems in computer vision .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have shown excellent performance on classification problems when large-scale labeled datasets are available ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks showed outstanding performance in automatic feature extraction , leading to a dramatic breakthrough in a range of fields associated with computer vision .","models based on neural networks , especially deep convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks , have achieved state-of-the-art results in various computer vision tasks ." -equivariant homotopy and cohomology theory .,transformation groups and algebraic k-theory . -"from km , we construct an infinite family of non-classical virtual knot diagrams that are not detected by the fundamental group or the bracket polynomial .","from these diagrams , we construct two infinite families of nonclassical virtual knot diagrams that are not detected by the bracket polynomial ." -"liu , hydrodynamic theory of biaxial nematics , phys .","liu , structure of ferro-fluiddynamics , phys ." -quantum mechanics is a new tool for both code-breakers and code-makers in their eternal arms race .,"although quantum mechanics is a strictly unitary theory , other areas of physics do not have this constraint ." -"the electron exchange-correlation functional was described by the generalized gradient approximation in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof .",the generalized gradient approximation parameterized by perdew-burke-ernzerhof is utilized to describe exchange-correlation functional . -generative adversarial networks are a powerful framework to learn generative models of natural images .,generative adversarial networks are a promising scheme for learning generative models . -convolutional neural networks have achieved significant progress in computer vision tasks such as image classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have emerged as highly effective models for these large-scale visual recognition tasks . -the performance of visual scene recognition tasks has been significantly boosted by recent advances of deep learning algorithms .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks and have achieved unprecedented progress ." -deep convolutional neural networks have emerged as highly effective models for these large-scale visual recognition tasks .,deep neural networks have seen great success in many cognitive applications such as image classification . -dft calculations were performed by using the vienna ab initio simulation package .,the density functional theory calculations were performed with the vienna ab-initio simulation package . -"recently , generative adversarial networks have led to large improvements in image generation tasks .",generative adversarial networks have achieved great success at generating realistic and sharp looking images . -the attractor is the set on which these points accumulate for large times .,this cyclic trajectory is called an attractor . -deep neural networks have become the fundamental building blocks of many emerging application domains such as computer vision .,"deep neural networks have achieved great success in various tasks , including but not limited to image classification ." -convolutional neural networks have recently achieved the state-of-the-art performance in many image analysis tasks .,convolutional neural networks have shown their efficiency for a wide range of tasks . -the authors in studied the outage performance of power strategies at an energy harvesting relay for multiple source-destination pairs .,"meanwhile , the authors in investigated power allocation strategies and their impact on the multiple source-destination pair networks with an eh relay ." -supervised learning-based networks have successfully been used for many years in image classification .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification ." -"frames , which are generalizations of bases , were introduced in the context of nonharmonic fourier series by duffin and schaeffer , .",frames for hilbert spaces were introduced by duffin and schaeffer as part of their research in non-harmonic fourier series . -the gauge theory is the low energy world-volume description of the d-branes .,the gauge theory is the low energy effective theory of n d3 branes at the tip of the complex cone over the first del pezzo surface . -now we will give examples of interval polynomial semirings .,now we can define substructures in interval polynomial semirings . -most of these approaches are based on generative methods such as auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks .,the dominant approaches for learning such generative models are variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks . -some recent works have proved the effectiveness of deep learning and convolutional neural network in robotic perception .,the recent success of deep learning on challenging computer vision tasks has spurred efforts to develop dl systems that can be applied to perception-based robotics . -"in , we introduced the intuitionistic propositional logic with a galois connection .","in , we introduced intuitionistic propositional logic with a galois connection , called intgc ." -the capital letters designate the entries in table .,capital letters denote color indices and small letters isopin indices . -a manifold n with a given symplectic form is called a phase space .,"the phase space is the moduli space of meromorphic functions of certain class on a fixed riemann surface σ , which is either a sphere , a cylinder or a torus ." -"our best fit model is a quasi-spherical , high-energy explosion in a low , constant-density medium .",the fit model consists of a superposition of a blackbody spectrum . -deep neural networks have seen great success in many cognitive applications such as image classification .,"since 2012 , neural networks and deep architectures have proven very effective in application areas such as computer vision ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have been shown to be useful in a wide range of applications including computer vision .",many deep learning structures have been proposed based on convolutional neural networks . -"recent advances in deep learning and convolutional neural networks have contributed to significant performance improvements in a number of computer vision problems , ranging from low-level vision tasks , such as saliency detection and modeling .","rapid developments in advanced machine learning , especially in the area of deep learning techniques-such as deep cnns-has increased the use of these techniques in a wide range of computer vision research areas ." -"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision .",deep neural networks have achieved outstanding performances on many computer vision tasks . -this decrease is a general property of thermodynamics which follows from the specific heat being non-negative .,this decrease is a result of the source and detector geometry change . -this vortex is the m2 brane to which the m4 brane can decay .,a vortex is a singular point where the density vanishes . -"to prevent over-fitting , we applied dropout regularization to the hidden layer and l2 regularization to the last layer .","further , we used dropout technique in the output of the max pooling layer for regularization ." -"finally , we use the normalized cuts to segment the data into k groups .","then we use the spectral clustering technique , normalised cuts , to obtain final segmentation ." -the inflaton is the moduli for the brane distance .,the inflaton is the the scalar field on the brane which parametrizes the angle . -the perdew-burke-ernzerhof generalized gradient approximation 26 exchange-correlation functionals were used for the calculation .,"the projector-augmented-wave method and the exchange correlation functional of the generalized gradient approximation in the perdew , burke , and ernzerhof scheme were used ." -"some are closely related to the core concerns of the theory itself , such as understanding the relationship between different methodologies for obtaining canonicity results .","some of them are closely related to the core concerns of the theory itself , such as the understanding of the relationship between different methodologies for obtaining canonicity results ." -"in section ii , we review the harmonic and exponential bounds in terms of the total curvature α from for a general matroid and a uniform matroid , respectively .","in this section , we review two theorems from , which bound the performance of the greedy strategy using the total curvature c for general matroid constraints and uniform matroid constraints ." -gehring et al proposed an architecture for machine translation with entirely convolutional layers .,gehring et al propose a fully convolutional sequence-tosequence model that achieves state-of-the-art performance in machine translation . -convolutional neural networks have recently brought in revolutions to the computer vision area .,deep convolutional neural networks have revolutionized the field of computer vision . -thus we have seen yet another class of s-definite special rings .,now we have defined those class of rings as smarandache special definite rings . -"recently , convolutional neural networks -based methods achieve great success in image classification tasks .",c onvolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on various visual recognition tasks such as image classification . -the particle-flow event algorithm reconstructs and identifies each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .,the particle-flow algorithm aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector . -"we compare our models with 9 other state-of-the-art algorithms , including sf .","we compare our algorithm with 9 state-of-the-art methods , including rfcn ." -the training is done using stochastic gradient descent with adam .,"training is done via stochastic gradient descent with adam , implemented in torch ." -vortices and sound waves for the gross-pitaevskii equation .,vortex rings for the gross-pitaevskii equation . -"in recent years , deep learning has become a popular approach , revolutionising various fields , including computer vision .",recent successes in deep learning has revolutionized the field of machine learning and pattern recognition . -the coefficients of natural operators are called natural tensors .,they are called the right and left stretch tensors . -deeper convolutional neural networks have obtained state-of-the-art results in many image classification tasks .,deep features learned from convolutional neural networks have recently been applied to numerous vision problems . -"neural networks are powerful learning models that can achieve impressive results in many applications , such as image classification .",deep neural networks achieve impressive results on many computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -"since the instanton is a dimension 18 operator , the rate is supressed by 28 powers of m and is adequately small .",the instanton is the solution which minimizes the euclidean action . -especially after the introduction of generative adversarial networks .,with the recent progress of generative adversarial network . -"in the first model , introduced by kandori , mailath , and rob , that individuals receive average payoffs with respect to all possible opponents -they play against the average strategy .","in the first model , introduced by kandori , mailath , and rob , one assumes that individuals receive average payoffs with respect to all possible opponents -they play against the average strategy ." -the proposed network takes vgg-16 as a backbone to extract multi-level features .,the proposed method is based on the vgg network except for the last fully connected layers . -the extended version of this model with sixteen supercharges has been proposed as a nonperturbative definition of iib superstring theory .,the iib matrix model is a convincing candidate of non-perturbative type iib superstring theory . -"to acquire gain , the lasing modes must overlap with the excitation area .","since the lasing modes must overlap with the pumped region , they overlap with each other ." -"neural networks have been shown to be extremely powerful in a wide range of machine learning tasks , evidenced by recent significant progress in tasks such as speech recognition .","deep neural networks have recently achieved great success in computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -let us state now similar results for self-adjoint operators .,we start with the case of unitary operators . -graphlets are at the heart and foundation of many network analysis tasks .,"moreover , graphlets are at the heart and foundation of many network analysis tasks ." -"the generalized gradient approximation of perdew , burke and ernzerhof was used to describe the exchangecorrelation potential .",the perdew-beckeernzerhof generalized gradient approximation was chosen for the exchange-correlation functional . -dann ist das komplement einer beliebigen vereinigung von primidealen ein filter .,dann ist der durchschnitt eines konsistenten hauptfilters mit einem beliebigen filter ein hauptfilter . -"we use the same data splitting as that in , where we reserve 5,000 images for validation and 5,000 images for testing , and use the rest for training .","we follow the setting of by using 5,000 images for offline validation and 5,000 images for offline testing ." -"if string theory is the correct quantum theory of gravity , then whatever it computes presumably are the observables .",string theory is the best candidate we have for such a quantum theory . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have shown excellent performance on classification problems when large-scale labeled datasets are available .",deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification . -we evaluate our method on the pascal voc 2012 semantic segmentation benchmark that has 20 object categories .,we evaluate our approach on pascal voc 2007 and 2012 datasets which are the most widely-used benchmarks in weakly supervised object detection . -in this chapter we will briefly review the higher order statistics of the cmb anisotropies .,in this chapter we will review some of the constraints obtained in previous works . -"deep neural networks , and convolutional neural networks in particular , have had a dramatic impact in advancing the state of the art in computer vision , speech analysis , and many other domains .",the advances in convolutional neural networks have successfully pushed the limits and improved the stateof-the-art technologies of image and video understanding . -we use the resnet-18 network pre-trained on imagenet as the image encoder .,we use non-fine-tuned resnet-150 features as the frame representation . -topological defects are an unavoidable consequence of phase transitions in the early universe .,topological defects are high-energy relics which could be formed at symmetry-breaking phase transitions in the early universe . -"for input features , we use embeddings from the resnet-50 deep convolutional neural network pre-trained on imagenet-1k .",for feature extraction we use resnet50 model pre-trained with imagenet weights . -"deep learning techniques have shown promising performance in many applications such as object detection , natural language process , and synthetic images generation .","recently , deep learning algorithms have successfully addressed problems in various fields , such as image classification , machine translation , speech recognition , text-to-speech generation and other machine learning related areas ." -"fabozzi , diboson production at cms , these proceedings .","sekaric , diboson production at the tevatron , these proceedings ." -deep convolutional neural networks have made great progress in visual recognition challenges such as object classification .,"modern deep learning models , such as convolutional neural networks , have achieved notable successes in a wide spectrum of machine learning tasks , including speech recognition ." -dark energy is the reason of expansion of the universe to accelerate .,whether the dark energy is a cosmological constant or not is a matter of profound importance in cosmology and fundamental physics . -"a clique is a fully connected subset of vertices , and thus an independent set in the complementary graph g where vertices i and j are connected whenever e and vice versa .","a clique is a subgraph whose nodes are all connected to one another , so the correspondence to independent sets should be clear ." -convolutional neural networksrecently have made great success in computer vision tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on various visual recognition tasks , eg , image classification ." -the arguments for various cases are similar .,the argument for the three cases are similar . -to achieve better generalization we perform batch normalization to increase input variance .,"to improve convergence speed during training , we add batch normalization after every convolution ." -iv we will describe how the directed loops also can be adapted to simulations in the path integral formalism .,here we will show that also the directed loop ideas can be almost directly translated from sse into the pim formalism . -"the superfluid phase is a condensate of singlet pairs , in which tunneling of individual atoms between the wells is suppressed and only singlet pairs are delocalized .",the superfluid phase is a homogenous conventional paired superfluid . -"then one chooses the tranches that are liquid on the market for standardized portfolios , for which the market price is known as these tranches are quoted .",the elements of this decomposition are called tranches . -the top-right panel gives the ratio of the simulated oscillations to the no oscillation numbers .,"the top-left panel gives the simulated spectrum data and the expected events , shown by the histograms ." -"in recent years , deep learning based algorithms have shown great power in object detection and classification tasks .","in recent years , deep learning methods have shown remarkable performance for a variety of computer vision tasks such as real-time object detection ." -"since the velocity field is a vector , multi-point and multi-time correlation functions are in general tensor functions of the vector positions and the scalar times .",the 4-vector velocity field is a key concept for our deduction . -barabasi and albert observed this pattern and proposed an evolving modelto generate synthetic networks similar to real world networks .,barabasi and albert proposed an evolutionary preferential attachment model to generate synthetic networks that follows the properties of real world scalefree complex networks . -lattice qcd is the principal theoretical tool to study non-perturbative aspects of the qcd lagrangian from first principles .,"lattice qcd is the only systematic non-perturbative approach to compute observables from the theory , and it is amenable to numerical simulations ." -"moreover , if the orbit is a solution to the equation of motion under homogeneous potential , the orbit has a new constant involving momenta .","each orbit consists of a square-free word and its images under permutation of letters , and each letter has the same mean frequency on this orbit ." -the lattice boltzmann method has now been established as a powerful kinetic scheme based computational fluid dynamics approach .,"in recent years , the lattice boltzmann algorithm has emerged as a powerful method to study fluid dynamics ." -what emerges is a fluid mechanics that is much more complicated than the particle-based model that we presented above .,"so what emerges is a semantic network , with a directed flow of meaning , determined by the direction of the links ." -this is an example that was first used by wyner in to motivate coding over a wire tap channel system .,"these ideas were later developed by wyner , in which he introduced the wiretap channel ." -the higgs is a triplet and one fermion field contains three a4-singlets .,a higgs bundle is a pair is a higgs field . -deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification .,the class of deep learning algorithms called convolutional neural networks has shown to be astute in automatic feature extractions in both the image and speech domains . -gravity by itself is a relevant matter in connection with cosmic string .,"gravity is a natural candidate to mediate supersymmetry breaking because regardless of other details of the model , the gravitational interaction between the hidden and the observed sector exists ." -"for the feature map φ , we use a pre-trained implementation of the popular vgg-19 network .","more specifically , we choose the pretrained vgg-19 network and finetune it with the facescrub dataset ." -the first kind is the image of any linear space in pn and is called weighted linear subspace .,such a subspace is called a frequently hypercyclic subspace . -"the electron exchangecorrelation functional was treated using the generalized gradient approximation in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof .","for the exchange-correlation interaction between the valence electrons , the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional within generalized gradient approximation was used ." -"the superpotential , which is a holomorphic quantity , will therefore also be independent of the radius of the s1 , and the same is true for the vacuum structure of the theory .",thus we consider the superpotential where s is a gauge singlet . -the central fiber is a stable map in the boundary of the gathmann space .,the central fiber is a smooth elliptic with k tails 2 point 3 . -they form sequence a020330 in the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences .,and is sequence a051295 in the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences . -"indeed , an isomorphism is a bijection , and both it and its inverse are continuous because addition and multiplication in ft are continuous .",an isomorphism is a bijective morphism of laminations whose inverse is also a morphism of laminations 6 an embedding into itself . -"cosmic strings are topological defects that arise during phase transitions in the early universe , and are also predicted in some models of inflation .",cosmic strings are linear concentrations of energy which may have formed during symmetry-breaking phase transitions in the early universe . -"in all of our experiments , we used conv4 features of the resnet-18 architecture .","in all our experiments , we use resnet-101 as the deep convolutional architecture ." -ong and ho classified the binary index coding problem depending on the demands and the side-information possessed by the receivers .,ong and ho classified the index coding problem depending on the demands and the side-information possessed by the receivers . -in the physical literature the space of solutions σ to the classical equations of motion is called shell .,such a domain is called the forward complete shell of a for f . -"moreover , we compare susy predictions between nf and qcdf approaches .","comparing nf and qcdf , we can also see that susy predictions in nf and qcdf are very close ." -the critical region thus depends on the orbit .,the two-dimensional wavefunction is localized along the stable orbit . -success of convolutional neural networks over the past several years has lead to their extensive deployment in a wide range of computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have been evolved to powerful predictive models with remarkable performance on computer vision tasks . -"to interpret aging , we have proposed a misrepair mechanism in misrepair-accumulation theory .","to explain aging changes , we have proposed a generalized concept of misrepair in misrepairaccumulation theory ." -advances in deep learning have led to tremendous success in a wide variety of applications in visual and audio perception such as image classification .,"recently , significant progress has been made in several real-world computer vision applications , including image classification ." -this lagrangian is the one describing the electroweak symmetry breaking sector at scales well below the higgs mass and it has been thoroughly investigated using unitarization techniques in the past .,this lagrangian is the same as that in the conventional lorentz gauge . -"firstly , hydrogen is the prime fuel for galaxies , when it condenses from the hot ionized halo onto the galactic disks .","namely , hydrogen is a constituent of the giant planets of the solar system ." -the decision tree model was implemented using the sci-kit learn library .,the scikit-learn toolkit was used to implement feature selection and ridge regression . -"deep neural networks have achieved remarkable results in computer vision , natural language processing , and speech recognition areas .","deep convolutional neural networks have revolutionized computer vision , achieving unprecedented performance in high-level vision tasks such as classification ." -"for training , we use the adam optimization algorithm , which is based on stochastic gradient descent .",we train using stochastic gradient descent using the adam algorithm . -"recently , supervised deep learning approaches such as large-scale deep convolutional neural networks have been immensely successful in many high-level computer vision tasks such as image recognition .",advances in both image-based learning and language-based learning using deep neural networks have made huge strides in difficult tasks such as object recognition . -in order to have a finer level of granularity we follow the same approach as in and adopt latent dirichlet allocation topic modeling technique .,"in order to learn the topics in an unsupervised manner , we employ the well established latent dirichlet allocation model ." -deep neural networks have been evolved to powerful predictive models with remarkable performance on computer vision tasks .,"convolutional neural networks has demonstrated overwhelming performance on image recognition , classification ." -each trail is the highest ranking trail contained within the navigation tree expanded from a single starting node .,a trail is a sequence of distinct edges connecting not necessarily distinct nodes . -we use the adaptive moment algorithm for training the model .,we use the mean square error loss function for training and the adam optimizer . -"deep neural networks , particularly convolutional neural networks , have recently been used to solve complex perceptual and decision tasks .",deep neural networks have contributed to notable performance improvements in fields such as image processing . -liu et al proposed a two-stage network which produces coarse saliency maps first and then integrates local context information to refine them recurrently and hierarchically .,liu et al design a deep hierarchical saliency network and progressively recover image details via integrating local context information . -"for the object detection task , we evaluate the performance of faster r-cnn .","in our model instantiation , we choose the faster r-cnn models for selfco-learning ." -"concerning the cnn framework , we utilized the matconvnet toolbox .","in this work , we use matconvnet library to build up deep convolutional architecture ." -two of the most commonly used deep generative models are variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks .,the variational autoencoder framework and generative adversarial network framework have been the two dominant options for training deep generative models . -"the physical basis of this assumption is the fact that cosmic rays is one percent of the proton energy density in the same energy interval , as measured near the earth .",the physical basis for this assumption is the general uniformity of h ii region abundances in dwarf galaxies . -spin-orbit coupling has been created in this manner in bose-einstein condensates and degenerate fermi gases .,spin-orbit coupling is ubiquitous in solid state materials and has recently been realized experimentally in ultracold atomic gases . -these figures consist of horizontal wires representing qubits and quantum gates .,the figures displayed denote the maximum dimension p for the negative mass . -goodfellow et al proposed the generative adversarial network which has achieved great successes in generative models .,goodfellow et al proposed the generative adversarial network to generate images from random noise samples . -"in section 3 , we recall the main results of heffernan and resnick and apply them to derive valid statistical procedures .","in section 2 , we rephrase in terms of vague convergence of measures in order to use the point process techniques and the results of heffernan and resnick ." -we train word embeddings using t w ord2v ec using word2vec .,"for the word representations , we use the googlenews pre-trained word2vec embedding model ." -"our best fit model is a quasi-spherical , high-energy explosion in a low , constant-density medium .",the best fit model is a mekal thermal model . -"super-kamiokande consists of a huge cylindrical tank surrounds the inner detector and serves as an active veto counter against gamma-rays , neutrons and through-going cosmic muons .","super-kamiokande is a 22 5 kton fiducial volume water cherenkov detector , located in the kamioka mine in gifu , japan ." -observations of local starburst galaxies indicate that nearly all of the star formation produced kinetic energy is used to power galactic superwinds .,observations of local starburst galaxies indicate that nearly all of the sf produced kinetic energy is used to power galactic superwinds . -"where the tilde denotes an unnormalized quantum state , k is the , and dw describes a wiener noise process .","here , tilde denotes that the vector is taken in the rest frame of the final electron ." -the focus of this paper is on temporal starvation in csma wireless networks .,this paper is devoted to the identification and characterization of temporal starvation . -the particle flow event algorithm reconstructs and identifies each individual particle through an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .,"events are processed using the particle-flow algorithm , which is designed to reconstruct and identify all particles using the optimal combination of information from the elements of the cms detector ." -convolutional neural networks have found widespread use in computer vision .,deep neural networks are used in many recent applications such as image recognition . -"recently , deep learning methods have shown great success in various computer vision tasks , such as object recognition , object detection , and image classification .",advances in deep convolutional networks have led to vision systems that are starting to rival human accuracy in basic object recognition tasks . -"deep neural networks have recently become a standard architecture due to their significant performance improvement over the traditional machine learning models in a number of fields , such as image recognition .","neural network learning has become a key practical machine learning approach and has achieved remarkable success in a wide range of real-world domains , such as computer vision , speech recognition , and game playing ." -"in order to overcome this problem , he et al proposed the deep residual learning framework to learn the residual of the identity map .","recently , he et al introduced a deep residual learning framework to harness the degradation problem , making it possible to build extremely deep residual nets ." -all dft energy calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package with the projector augmented wave method .,the dft computations were performed by using the plane-wave technique implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -"the celebfaces attributes dataset contains 202,599 face images of 10,177 celebrities , each annotated with 40 binary attributes .","the celebfaces attributes dataset contains 202,599 face images of celebrities , each annotated with 40 binary attributes ." -"that is , the solution for ρ is the same as that obtained for gym2 .","the solution for ψ is a sum of exponentials , and for χ a linear function of x in between each particle ." -"following the framework of , we will find the multiscale basis functions using the energy minimizing constraint property .","for our coarse grid approximation , we will construct multiscale basis functions using the nonlocal multicontinua method ." -we employ a simplified version of the exact stochastic simulation algorithm proposed by gillespie .,to sample from the trajectories of our stochastic model we employ the exact stochastic simulation algorithm by gillespie . -"if a bi-algebra has in addition unit , counit and antipode operators , it is called a hopf algebra .","for a hopf algebra a , d denotes the drinfeld double of a ." -the data were reduced using the multichannel image reconstruction image analysis and display software package .,the observations were analyzed using the multichannel image reconstruction image analysis and display software package . -"one does not know a priori what is the actual distribution of the angular momentum inside the body , as this depends on the nature of viscosity .",it is not a priori manifest that there is a linear regime available in these experiments . -"more recently , multidisciplinary approaches have led to the discovery of significant structural similarities across different network domains , including biological and socio-economic networks .","recently much attention has been focused on the topic of complex networks which characterize many biological , social , and communication systems ." -contextualized word embeddings have rapidly become a ubiquitous component of natural language processing .,"in recent years , word embeddings have brought large improvements to a wide range of applications in natural language processing ." -in this subsection we prove the following proposition .,in this section we will prove the following proposition . -"for each finite-dimensional , complex lie algebra g , the maximal abelian subalgebra h , which is unique up to automorphisms , is called cartan subalgebra .",the cartan subalgebra consists of the diagonal generators λ3 and λ8 . -"in recent years , deep convolutional networks have achieved remarkable results in many computer vision tasks .","models based on convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks have achieved remarkable performance in many tasks , such as image classification ." -a g -isomorphism class of open immersions is called an open rigid subspace of g .,such a subspace is called a frequently hypercyclic subspace . -"since their introduction , gans have provided remarkable results in several computer vision problems , such as image generation .","gans have achieved great success in various image generation tasks , including image-to-image translation ." -"we argue that the phase transition of the deterministic ns model with megajam and random initial configuration is first- and second-order phase transition , respectively .","we argue that the phase transition in the system with megajam and random configuration is first- and second-order phase transition , respectively ." -"to illustrate the idea , we generate some adversarial images based on the fgsm attack .","firstly , we craft the adversarial examples by using the fgsm algorithm ." -we initialize each cnn model with the pre-trained network on imagenet and fine-tune it on the target attribute annotations .,we initialize the network with the weights and bias of the pre-trained vgg network on the imagenet dataset . -"the phase space of this system is the one of pure gr plus 10 parameters , giving the location of o and the lorentz orientation of the initial tetrahedron of velocities .",the phase space of the system is the symplectic manifold . -"the free energy consists of the two main contributions , the interaction energy of the collapsed h-blocks do not contribute to the total elastic energy .","then , the free energy is the function of the condensate v ." -"a landmark paper by hammons , et al discovered that some good nonlinear codes over z 2 can be viewed as binary images under a gray map of linear cyclic codes over z 4 .","in a groundbreaking paper , hammons et al showed that certain non-linear codes which have more codewords than any linear code are images of linear codes over z 4 under the non-linear gray map ." -"this monopole is a lattice artifact , but behaves exactly like a fundamental monopole .",the monopole is a classical configuration of the magnetic field emanating from a point with nonzero magnetic charge at r0 . -"to perform stemming , we used wordnetlemmatizer from the python nltk package .",we used the word segmentation module from nltk for preprocessing . -the integer angle between two integer rays with vertex in the point is equal to the index of the lattice subgroup generated by all integer points lying on edges of the angle .,the index of this subgroup is equal to the integer distance from the integer k-dimensional plane to the integer point . -"the simultaneous kernel of all the constraints is called the physical hilbert space , h physical .","its hilbert space is the complexification ple , take the adjoint representation of su ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted much research attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification ." -"in this section , we review the construction of a lattice voa and the structure of its automorphism group from .","in this section , we briefly review the definitions of vertex operator algebra and various modules ." -massive multiple-input multiple-output is one of the most promising technologies to meet the demands for high throughput and communication reliability of next generation cellular networks .,massive multiple-input multiple-output has been regarded as one of the enabling technologies in next generation wireless communications . -"a more detailed description of the cms detector , together with a definition of the coordinate system and the relevant kinematic variables , can be found in ref .","a more detailed description of the cms detector , together with a definition of the coordinate system used and the relevant variables , can be found in ref ." -visual question answering has received increasing attention from the research community .,much work has been done on visual question answering in recent years . -"in parallel , deep convolutional neural networks have proven their effectiveness in many computer vision fields such as object classification .",deep neural networks achieve impressive results on many computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -each apparatus consists of an interferometer with two outputs .,"the apparatus consists of three identical , non-ideal analyzers chained together ." -a non-continuous invariant graph with negative lyapunov exponent is called a strange nonchaotic attractor .,"if the flow is along a direction corresponding to a positive part of this matrix , the scalars flow to this fixed point with large values of the warp factor a , and the point is called a uv attractor ." -quantum chromodynamics is the fundamental theory of hadron physics .,"this is because the quantum chromo-dynamics is the underlying theory of the strong interaction , in which the up and the down quarks have essentially zero masses ." -the wide available spectrum in millimeter wave band makes mmwave a promising solution in the future 5g mobile network to cope with the incredible demand of multigbps data connectivity .,the availability of rich spectrum in the millimeter-wave frequency bands makes mmwave communication one of the most promising candidates for future wireless communication systems to address the current challenge of bandwidth shortage . -the dft calculations were performed using the projectoraugmented-wave method as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .,the electronic structure calculations and structural optimization were carried out within the density-functional formalism as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -"we start with a brief introduction in the notation of caccioppoli sets and functions of bounded variations , but for a detailed introduction we refer to .",we refer to for a general introduction to functions of bounded variation and sets of finite perimeter . -the smoothness is a consequence of the implicit function theorem and the smooth behaviour of the solution y as the one of proposition 3 point 5 .,smoothness is a necessary condition in these regions . -the encoder part is based on a 12-layer resnet-like architecture featuring residual layers which allow for faster convergence .,the voxception-resnet architecture is based on the resnet architecture -style block . -"the exchange-correlation potential was calculated using the generalized gradient approximation as proposed by pedrew , burke , and ernzerhof .",exchangecorrelation effects were described using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof generalised gradient approximation . -this sphere is called the celestial sphere .,the celestial sphere is a past light cone of an observer o which consist of light rays through an event o at a given moment . -convolutional neural networks have gained considerable interest due to their record-breaking performance in many recognition tasks .,convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks . -"deep convolutional neural networks have improved performance of many tasks in computer vision , such as image recognition .",deep neural networks have shown considerable capabilities for handling specific complex tasks such as speech recognition . -the symbols are the experimental results and the solid curve is the theoretical plot of the quantum-interference pattern for an infinite planewave pump .,the symbols are the experimental results and the solid curves are the corresponding theoretical plots . -"in some of these scenarios , there is a certain crossover scale rc that defines what kind of gravity an observer on the brane will observe .",in these scenarios the knee is a consequence of leakage of particles from the galaxy . -devlin et al proposed another contextualized word embedding named bert by extending the context to both directions and training on the masked language modelling task .,devlin et al further extended language model pre-training by introducing a slot-filling objective to jointly train a bidirectional language model . -now we proceed to define square sets in rings .,we now proceed onto define smarandache integrally closed rings . -"in recent years , methods using convolution neural network have been successful in the classification of image recognition .","deep learning approaches , in particularly deep convolutional neural networks , have achieved tremendous successes in various visual recognition tasks ." -we utilize the advanced deep convolutional neural network googlenet inceptionv3 model .,we use inceptionv3 network as one of the best general purpose models . -the corresponding sigma models are torsionless but their metric is not flat .,the corresponding sigma model are torsionless and their metrics are flat . -in many models it is important to consider the effects of hidden sector renormalization on visible sector soft parameters relative to the gravitino mass .,it is also possible to consider the effects of hidden sector renormalization on the operators responsible for the higgs sector µ- and bµ-terms . -"higher-rank graphs , or k-graphs , were introduced by kumjian and pask .",higher-rank graphs were introduced by kumjian and pask . -massive mimo is regarded as a promising technology in future wireless networks due to its high spectrum and energy efficiency .,"among the various candidates for such a technique , a massive mimo has been considered a promising one for 5g wireless communication systems ." -"these objects correspond to jets , clustered with the jet finding algorithm using the tracks assigned to the vertex as inputs , and to the associated missing transverse momentum , defined as the negative vector sum of the p t of those jets .","here the physics objects are the jets , clustered using the jet finding algorithm with the tracks assigned to the vertex as inputs , and the associated missing transverse momentum , taken as the negative vector p t sum of those jets ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved impressive results in a number of computer vision tasks such as image classification .","in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision ." -"if an orbifold m is a manifold , then the above cq coincides with the group of usual q-dimensional singular chains of m .",theorem 2 -orbifold m is a good orbifold . -coco dataset is widely used to benchmark object detection and segmentation tasks .,ms coco is a widely recognized benchmark for object detection and instance segmentation . -dropout is a commonly used technique in training large neural networks to reduce overfitting .,"for deep neural networks , dropout is the most popular regularization method ." -deep neural networks have been evolved to powerful predictive models with remarkable performance on computer vision tasks .,"designing deeper and wider convolutional neural networks has led to significant breakthroughs in many machine learning tasks , such as image classification ." -"convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable successes for various tasks , such as object recognition and so on .",deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as image classification . -typical examples include variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks .,examples include the generators in generative adversarial networks . -deep convolutional neural networks have been proven very useful in various tasks in computer vision including classification .,eep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to several pattern recognition tasks such as image recognition . -"recently , convolutional neural network has achieved great success in computer vision tasks such as image classification in recent years .",deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification . -"since the starting configuration is a purely gravitational background , the type iia configuration involves a ten dimensional metric , dilaton and a rr 1-form potential , all other fields vanishing .",the starting configuration is a point on the coulomb branch with an initial velocity for the adjoint scalar vevs . -hinton et al proposed a model compression method called knowledge distillation .,hinton et al proposed a knowledge distillation method for model compression . -"lovelock theories of gravity are an unique higher dimensional generalization of einstein gravity , such that the gravity equations of motion remain second order .","lovelock gravity is a geometric higher curvature theory of gravity and is the natural generalization of einstein gravity to higher dimensions , giving rise to second order field equations for the metric ." -eigen et al propose a cnn architecture that integrates coarse-scale depth prediction with fine-scale prediction .,eigen et al design a global coarse-scale deep cnn to regress a rough depth map directly from an input image . -the model is based on the geant4 toolkit and takes into account all major physics processes relevant to the interactions of beam particles with these materials .,the program is written in geant4 and provides a toolkit to fully simulate interactions of particles with the surrounding matter once they have left the vacuum pipe . -quantum entanglement is a fundamental aspect of quantum physics that deserves to be investigated in full detail from all possible points of view .,quantum entanglement is a fundamental aspect of quantum 3 physics that deserves to be investigated in full detail from all possible points of view . -all the network weights are initialized using glorot initialization .,all parameters of the networks were initialized with the xavier initializer . -"this was done using vgg16 , a variant of the popular vgg architecture .",the encoder is designed based on a variant of the vgg-16 network . -the higgs boson is the only piece of the standard model that has not been observed experimentally and its possible discovery is one of the main goals of the lhc .,the higgs boson is the only elementary scalar field entering the sm . -we train the model for 20 epochs with the adam optimizing algorithms .,"additionally , we compile the model using the adamax optimizer ." -anomaly detection is to identify patterns in data that do not conform to the defined normal behavior .,anomaly detection implies finding patterns in the data that do not conform to normal behavior . -below we list several extra axioms which describe some special classes of lyndon length functions .,in this section we discuss some canonical automorphisms of qh-subgroups . -"hence , as far as rigidity is a property of the ball , it is a contextual property .",the latter phenomena are called me rigidity . -cosmic strings are topological defects that may have formed at phase transitions as the universe expanded and cooled .,"topological defects are relics from the early universe , produced during various stages of phase transition ." -neural networks have made remarkable progress in achieving encouraging results in digital image processing .,deep convolutional neural networks have significantly improved the performance of computer vision systems . -"cosmos is a collection of massively parallel , multi-dimensional , multiphysics solvers applicable to both newtonian and general relativistic systems , and currently includes five different computational fluid dynamics .",the cosmos is a laboratory to probe the fundamental laws of physics in unique ways that are complementary to accelerator-based particle physics experiments . -the largest anisotropy is a fluctuation of about 1 part in 1000 that forms a dipole pattern across the sky .,this clearly demonstrates that the anisotropy is a consequence of spin-orbit interaction and is not affected by disorder . -"we utilize ms coco caption as our target dataset , which contains 123k images with 5 caption labels per image .","we use the ms coco training dataset containing 82 , 783 images with 5 captions each , for a total of 413,915 captions ." -quantum field theory is the most powerful algorithm to study these mathematical properties .,quantum field theory is a natural framework for the consideration of the transitions between different flavor neutrinos . -big bang nucleosynthesis and tensor-scalar gravity .,"ghosts , strong coupling and accidental symmetries in massive gravity ." -the protein 3icb is a vitamin d-dependent calcium-binding protein .,this protein is a ho modimer and each of the two chains comprises 98 amino acids . -"since quantum mechanics is the more fundamental theory , it seems preferable to derive probabilistic behavior purely from within the quantum theory without invoking classical concepts at the outset .",from quantum mechanics it is a postulate that to every observable there is an operator which is hermitian . -deep neural networks have emerged as powerful nonlinear approximation tools and have been deployed with great success in many challenging tasks such as image classification .,neural network-based architectures have recently had great success in significantly advancing the state of the art on challenging image classification and object detection datasets . -the methods were built using scikit-learn library .,the data were downloaded using the scikit-learn python package . -"more specifically , we choose the pretrained vgg-19 network and finetune it with the facescrub dataset .","for the convolutional layers , we use the vgg16 model pre-trained on imagenet data ." -"deep neural networks have recently proven successful at various tasks , such as computer vision , speech recognition , and in other domains .","in recent years , neural networks have been effectively applied in various problems such as voice recognition ." -"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision .","recent years have seen impressive improvements in the performance of computer vision systems , brought about by larger datasets ." -the rigidity is a standard notion in the theory of tensor categories .,the latter phenomena are called me rigidity . -"it consists in a phase of accelerated expansion that solves the standard hot big bang model problems , and provides a causal mechanism for generating inhomogeneities on cosmological scales .","it is a phase of accelerated expansion that solves the puzzles of the standard hot big bang model , and provides a causal mechanism for generating scalar inhomogeneous perturbations on cosmological scales ." -"empirically , we evaluate our model on the widely adopted mnist datasets .","we evaluate our method on the mnist dataset , using a lenet-like architecture ." -"in the following , we denote the distance function of by dn .","finally , we denote the distance function simply by d ." -here and further a semicolon denotes covariant differentiation .,the semicolon denotes string concatenation . -the encoder is a 1000d gated recurrent unit bidirectional recurrent neural network with 620d embeddings .,the neural model is a bidirectional rnn using the gated recurrent unit architecture . -graves introduces adaptive computation time for recurrent networks .,graves recently introduce adaptive computational time in recurrent neural networks . -"nieuwenhuizen , in phase transitions and critical phenomena , edited by c .","wegner , in phase transitions and critical phenomena , edited by c ." -the weakening of polarization in this region is attributed to the increased rayleigh scattering numbers before escape .,the weaker polarization in the near-wing regions is attributed to the larger rayleigh scattering numbers than in the far-wing regions . -"in fact , a yangian-invariant formula for an arbitrary n-leg tree level amplitude was proposed in .","later , a simple reformulation of scattering amplitudes in terms of grassmannians was proposed in ." -quantum mechanics is a statistical theory and measurements give probability distributions .,the firmest thing of all in quantum mechanics is the formalism itself . -"because gravity is a weak interaction , even at the scales of primordial inflation , the self-gravitation of inflationary gravitons can not be significant until the past light-cone has become enormous .","since gravity is a gauge theory , one has to take into account the complications due to the gauge fixing and ghost 19 terms ." -zur widerspruchsfreiheit der zahlentheorie .,die widerspruchsfreiheit der reinen zahlentheorie . -a qubit is a ket in a two dimensional hilbert space h .,"a qubit is the basic unit of quantum information , similar to a bit in the conventional computing ." -the gauge-gravity duality implies that a strongly coupled gauge field theory in four dimensions should have a dual description as a weakly coupled gravity theory in five-dimensional anti-de sitter space .,"in the large n limit , this duality relates a weakly coupled theory of gravity in the ads spacetime to a strongly coupled conformal field theory living on the boundary of the ads spacetime ." -convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification ." -"it suffices to show there is a polynomial time reduction of the satisfiability problem to this factoring problem , where m is of magnitude some constant positive root of n .",it suffices to prove that it is a flasque resolution of the constant sheaf r on x . -"based on advances in discriminative representations and large scale data analysis , deep learning techniques have been demonstrated to achieve significant performance gains in many areas , eg , image classification .","i n recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated an outstanding capability in various computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved impressive state-of-the-art results on image classification .,deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of machine learning tasks . -we provide inner and outer bounds for the capacity region of the degraded discrete memoryless multi-receiver wiretap channel .,we obtain this inner bound by using the achievable scheme we proposed for the general discrete memoryless channel . -hd 190429a hd 190429 is a multiple system that belongs to the cygnus ob3 association .,hd 161796 hd 161796 is a high galactic latitude f3 ib supergiant . -an asterisk denotes data which are not known .,the asterisk denotes additional information in the text . -we implement the resnet-101 deep architecture as the base network for the deeplab model .,we initialize a fully convolutional residual network from the original version of resnet . -"however , as string theory is a consistent theory , it provides another mechanism to cancel these anomalies .","since string theory is a consistent enlargement of the field theory framework , we should not expect the effects of these instantons to be limited to those of their field theoretical counterpart ." -"the geometric phase is a measurable quantity , that does not formally correspond to a self-adjoint operator .","the geometric phase , which is a measure of the curvature of the hilbert space , is able to capture them , thereby revealing critical behavior ." -several researchers try to solve the issue qualitatively using data augmentation either using generative adversarial networks .,"recently , goodfellow et al introduced the generative adversarial network framework to address this problem ." -"recently , goodfellow et al introduced the generative adversarial network framework to address this problem .",this motivates the recent studies to explore generative adversarial nets . -the other modification is a straightforward high-energy correction of the background quantities h and ρ via the modified friedmann equations .,such an f is called a terminal q-factorial modification of x 7 4 . -the exchange and correlation effects are treated within the generalized gradient approximation .,"exchange and correlation were treated within the generalized gradient approximation using the parametrization of perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -"he et al proposed using residual modules in cnns , where convolutional layers attempt to learn residual functions instead of direct transformation .","he et al proposed skipping some of the layers in convolutional networks through the implementation of shortcut connections , in the formulation of an architecture referred to as residual units ." -"gauge invariance is a symmetry of the equations of motion that depends upon arbitrary functions and their derivatives , so a given set of initial data can lead to different future evolutions that will be related by gauge transformations .",the gauge invariance is a unique characteristic of a theory and equivalent second and first order formulations should give the same gauge invariance . -"burgos-artizzu et al developed a robust cascaded pose regression method to detect occlusions explicitly , and uses shape-indexed features to regress the shape increment .",burgos-artizzu et al proposed robust cascaded pose regression which improves robustness to outliers by detecting occlusions explicitly . -amplification of gravitational waves in scalar-tensor theories of gravity .,stability of spherically symmetric solutions in modified theories of gravity . -millimeter wave frequencies have shown tremendous promise as an enabling technology for 5g .,"the use of millimeter-wave spectrum is a promising way to achieve the 1,000-fold capacity improvement in 5g cellular networks ." -deep neural networks have been showing impressive performance in a variety of applications in multiple domains .,deep neural networks have been significantly successful in many artificial intelligence tasks such as im- age classification . -"this profile is the only one among the 63 cluster profiles measured by mg03a , b that clearly shows a two-component structure .",each profile is the average of the 312 pixels along the slit . -without this assumption quasi-local angular momentum is difficult to define .,without axisymmetry it is problematic to define quasi-local angular momentum . -convolutional neural network has been found to be effective for learning better feature representations in the field of computer vision .,convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks . -neural machine translation has greatly advanced state-of-the-art within machine translation .,neural machine translation models have advanced the machine translation community in recent years . -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in order to provide a combinatorial framework for studying total positivity in algebraic groups and canonical bases in quantum groups .,cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in in order to model the properties of the dual canonical basis of a quantized enveloping algebra and to study total positivity . -"deep convolutional neural networks have improved performance of many tasks in computer vision , such as image recognition .","convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection ." -the exceptional divisor s is a ruled surface of σ .,"so the exceptional divisor is a p1 bundle over the base p1 parametrised by z1 , z4 , ie it is a hirzebruch surface ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in grid structure data such as image and video .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems ." -"since gravitation is a long-range interaction , there are three different factors that can change the cdm particle velocity .","as gravitation is the weakest of the four known fundamental interactions , the small-scale perturbations of the gravitational field decoupled from the evolution of the rest of the universe at very early times ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .","convolutional neural networks have broken many records of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -bastings et al used a graph convolutional encoder in order to take labeled dependency parses of the source sentences into account .,bastings et al rely on the graph convolutional network to incorporate source syntactic structure . -the good agreement of the x-ray spectrum with the mkcflow model indicates the presence of hot plasma in the boundary layer that cools as it settles onto the white dwarf .,the x-ray spectrum indicates the presence of an optically thin plasma in the boundary layer that cools as it settles onto the white dwarf . -the data were analyzed by cross tabulation analysis .,this part analyzed using the multi response technique . -weights are randomly initialized using the xavier method and the softmax β is initialized to 1 .,weights are initialized with xavier scheme and the total gradient norm is clipped to 5 . -we comprehensively evaluate our method on the pascal voc detection benchmark .,we evaluate our method on the pascal visual object classes challenge datasets . -this is the case of d3-branes at generalized conifold singularities .,the prototype example is that of d3-branes at a conifold singularity . -this indicates some sort of duality between braided algebras and braided coalgebras .,these algebras play an important role in braided categories . -"for ordinary gauss diagrams , this observation prompted kauffman to introduce the theory of virtual knots .",kauffman showed that the correspondence between gauss diagrams and virtual knots is a bijection . -"the belle detector is a large-solid-angle spectrometer consisting of a three-layer silicon vertex detector , a 50-layer central drift chamber located inside a superconducting solenoid coil that provides a 1 5 t magnetic field .",the belle detector is a general purpose spectrometer based on a 1 5 t superconducting solenoid magnet . -we use the glorot uniform initializer for the weights of encoder-decoder networks .,to initialize the weights of the network we use the xavier initializer . -"in the recent years the reinforcement learning approach has experienced unprecedented success , reaching human-level performance in several domains , including atari video-games or the ancient game of go .","model free deep reinforcement learning has achieved remarkable success lately in many domains ranging from achieving human and super-human level control in video games , to continuous motor control tasks ." -"by milnor , the path components of mapare of cw homotopy type when x is a compact metric space and y is a cw complex .","by milnor , when x is a compact , metric space and y is a cw complex , the components mapare of cw homotopy type ." -for more results concerning the theory of time scales we refer the reader to the books .,for more details concerning the theory of time scales we refer to the books . -the network weights were initialized using he norm initialization .,the weights were initialized using the he uniform variance scaling initializer . -deep learning has achieved great success in numerous applications ranging from image recognition to natural language processing .,deep learning has been very successful in a broad range of data analysis and learning problems . -we relied on the adadelta algorithm to optimize the parameters of each network .,we utilized the adadelta algorithm with gradient clipping for optimization . -loop quantum cosmology is constructed by applying methods of lqg to mini-superspaces obtained by a symmetry reduction of general relativity .,loop quantum cosmology provides a quantization of symmetry reduced models by the techniques of loop quantum gravity . -solid line corresponds to the case when diffusion is included and dashed line to the situation when diffusion is neglected .,solid line corresponds to the case when diffusion is included and dashed line to the situation when diffusion is neglected . -"we use a huber loss function , and regularization is provided through batch normalization applied to all of the layers .",we use batch normalization in all layers of mcd except the first layer and the output layer . -"deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress in classification problems , which have shown to generate good results when provided sufficient data .","deep learning methods have shown great successes in various computer vision tasks , including conventional tasks in object recognition ." -"the monoid m is a semilattice of groups provided m is a disjoint union of subgroups , that is , a disjoint union of subsemigroups each of which happens to be a group .","when the monoid is a group , we obtain the following important consequence ." -"comparison based on power-law exponent is based on the assumption that the degree distributions obeys a power-law , which is invalid for many complex networks .","this approach also follows the assumption that the degree distribution is power-law , which is not always valid , because many networks follow other degree distribution models such as log-normal distribution 13 , 14 , 28 , 29 ." -"as a note for the network architecture , we choose an existing popular cnn architecture , resnet-50 , as the backbone of the siamese network .","as a shared representation function , we use the resnet-50 architecture in fully-convolutional fashion ." -"large deep neural networks have enabled breakthroughs in fields such as computer vision , speech recognition , and reinforcement learning .",deep neural networks have given rise to major advancements in many problems of machine intelligence . -the lagrangian is the constant brane tension integrated over the hyperarea of the brane .,then the 5d lagrangian is where m is a 5d planck mass . -recent work in model-free reinforcement learning has demonstrated the ability to solve difficult highdimensional problems in robotics .,the recent success of deep learning on challenging computer vision tasks has spurred efforts to develop dl systems that can be applied to perception-based robotics . -ultracold atomic gases produced in harmonic traps are widely used for fundamental studies of many-body quantum mechanics in a flexible experimental setting .,ultracold atoms trapped in optical potentials have been an important system for studying many-body quantum physics such as bose-einstein condensation and superfluidity . -the cnot gate is the only acting upon more than one qubit while the r-gate is the only one that gate in does not belong to the clifford group .,a noisy cnot gate is the ideal cnot gate followed by one of 16 two-qubit pauli operators p . -"hence , we use a faster-rcnn , to obtain candidate region proposals as described in section 4 of the main paper .","in particular , we use faster-rcnn that requires additional input of region proposals ." -"we have shown above that the two zero eigenvalues of the system , ie vortex solitons with small vortex components are linearly stable .",we also prove that both vortex and dipole vector solitons are linearly stable in the neighborhood of the bifurcation point . -we use resnet50 pre-trained on imagenet as our keypoint prediction network g θ .,we use a resnet with 101 and 152 layers pre-trained on imagenet for image classification . -the expression st f is called the collision integral .,"each collision is a localized event in space-time , with a fully deter ministic outcome ." -"the european vlbi network is a joint facility of european , chinese , south african , and other radio astronomy institutes funded by their national research councils .","the european vlbi network is a joint facility of european , south african , and chinese radio astronomy institutes funded by their national research councils ." -global monopoles are supposed to be created as a result of global symmetry breaking in phase transitions in the early universe .,cosmic strings are effectively one-dimensional topological defects which may form at a phase transition in the early universe . -we make use of the resnet-50 architecture trained on the imagenet natural image dataset .,our encoder architecture is based on resnet34 with 3d convolutions . -this asymmetry is a pure direct-cp-violating observable .,"the asymmetry is a subdominant power-law too , with an exponent that we determine ." -"merlin is the multi element radio linked interfermometer network , a national facility operated by the university of manchester at jodrell bank observatory on behalf of pparc .",merlin is a uk national facility operated by the university of manchester on behalf of stfc . -gans have performed very well in a wide variety of applications such as image generation .,"gans have produced promising results in many generative tasks , such as photo-realistic image generation ." -deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"convolutional neural networks show state-of-the-art performance on many problems in computer vision , natural language processing and other fields ." -"the zx-calculus , introduced by coecke and duncan is a graphical language for pure state qubit quantum mechanics .","the zx-calculus is a high-level and intuitive graphical language for pure qubit quantum mechanics , based on category theory ." -such shortcut connections were proposed for full-precision model architectures in residual networks .,residual connections were used to ease the optimisation of deep networks . -non-orthogonal multiple access is a promising multiple access technique for 5g networks which has the potential to address the issues associated with the exponential growth of data traffic such as spectrum scarcity and massive connectivity .,non-orthogonal multiple access is one of the significant techniques to enhance the spectral efficiency of the wireless multi-user communication systems for the fifth generation networks . -"the galactic center is a promising source , however it is difficult to separate dark matter produced gamma-rays from other astrophysical backgrounds toward the galactic center , and there is wide uncertainty in the shape of the central dark matter density profile .",the galactic center is a promising region in which to search for highly variable and transient sources . -entanglement and nonlocality are some of the most indispensable concepts embodied in quantum physics .,quantum entanglement is one of the most intriguing aspects of quantum theory . -the parameters are initialized using the method proposed by he et al and optimized with adam .,the weights were initialized using the he uniform variance scaling initializer . -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -as yet string theory is the leading candidate for new physics although it has still not provided us with satisfactory answers to the above issues .,"so , we expect that string theory is the best of candidates for consistent quantum gravity theory since string theory is free of the ultraviolet divergences ." -"low-density parity-check codes are a class of sparse binary linear codes , first introduced by gallager .",low-density parity-check codes are a class of linear block codes represented by sparse parity-check matrices . -the low energy effective descendant is called double field theory .,this is to be viewed as the m-theory analogue of double field theory . -cheng et al describe a neural network method composed of a hierarchical document encoder and an attention-based extractor .,cheng and lapata propose an extractive system which models document summarization as a sequence labeling task . -neural networks have made remarkable progress in achieving encouraging results in digital image processing .,deep convolutional neural networks have experienced a recent surge in computer vision research due to their immense success for visual recognition tasks . -"even though the higgs boson is a sm particle , it may provide clues about new physics .",the higgs boson itself is the gauge boson with zero mass-energy . -vogel et al additionally leverages a temporal sequence to achieve consistency both in depth and motion estimation .,vogel et al combined the task of scene flow estimation with superpixel segmentation using a piecewise rigid model for regularization . -its gradient is the vector field x and its covariant hessian is half the identity .,pietersz this vector field is called the gradient of f . -the model is conveniently analyzed in the framework of abelian bosonization .,this model can be diagonalized in terms of noninteracting bosonic excitations which have infinite lifetimes . -"deep neural networks have shown state-of-the-art performance on many computer vision problems , including semantic segmentation .",deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated superior performance in various computer vision tasks . -a generic tracker similar to that used in atlas and cms is modelled using the g 4 toolkit .,the description of the detector response is implemented using the geant4 package . -"recently , convolutional neural networks -based methods achieve great success in image classification tasks .","convolutional neural networks have achieved exceptional results in many large-scale computer vision applications , particularly in image recognition task ." -this plateau is a clear signal of the primordial origin of the low-metallicity lithium abundance .,this plateau is the radio counterpart to x-ray and infrared emission and is prominent towards the north and north-eastern shell of the source . -"a convenient choice is the return map for the times of flight tn between the n-th and the -th intersections with the section plane , which are relatively insensitive to noise .",the most convenient choice is the circular polarization for 84 3 . -"the vacuum is a long , stable annulon of massive n11 particles .",a vector with such a property is called a vacuum . -"separation quality was measured using the bss-eval toolbox and is quantified in terms of signalto-distortion ratio , signal-to-artefact ratio and signal-to-interference ratio .","performance of the separation and enhancement algorithms was measured using the signal to distortion ratio , signal to interference ratio , and signal to artefact ratio ." -with the development of large-scale shape repository like shapenet .,with the development of largescale shape repositories like shapenet . -"in particular , convolutional neural network architectures have enabled superior performance over alternative approaches in classification and pattern recognition problems in computer vision .","more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems ." -multi-task learning exploits the relationships among multiple related tasks to improve the generalization performance .,multi-task learning aims at improving the generalization performance of a task using related tasks . -"jaderberg et al introduced the spatial transformer , which can be dropped into a network and perform explicit spatial transformations of features .","jaderberg et al introduced the spatial transformer networks model , which invokes a touch of spatial invariance ." -any such automorphism is a field automorphism which is assumed to be standard .,"after , we must check if the automorphism is a symmetry of the equation and it does not correspond to a continuous symmetry ." -"the higgs field is the a0 field of the 4d-theory , and therefore the number of degrees of freedom is conserved in this process .","a higgs bundle consists of a holomorphic bundle together with a higgs field , ie a section of a certain associated vector bundle ." -"reinforcement learning combined with a powerful function approximation technique like a neural network has shown noticeable successes on challenging sequential decision making problems , such as playing a video game .","reinforcement learning with deep neural networkbased policies , known as deep reinforcement learning , has recently attained impressive performance on a wide range of tasks such as atari games ." -"in recent years , the phenomenon of bose-einstein condensation has received much attention , both experimentally and theoretically .","over the past two decades , nonlinear wave phenomena in bose-einstein condensates have attracted considerable interest ." -convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification .,deep learning models have performed remarkably well in several domains such as computer vision . -we refer to for a general theory of stochastic differential equations in infinite dimensions .,for a general discussion of infinite-dimensional stochastic integrals we refer to . -"where the tilde denotes the operation of reversion , which reverses the order of vectors in any series of geometric products .",where the tilde denotes the laplace transform . -the perdew-beckeernzerhof generalized gradient approximation was chosen for the exchange-correlation functional .,"the electron exchangecorrelation functional was treated using the generalized gradient approximation in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -the exchange-correlation potential was calculated using the generalized gradient approximation with the parameterization of perdew-burkeernzerhof .,"the electron exchange-correlation functional was described by the generalized gradient approximation in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -this higgs field is the remnant of the a0 field in the four-dimensional theory .,the higgs is a pseudo-goldstone boson and ew symmetry breaking is triggered by top-loop effects . -cluster algebras have been introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in in the context of total positivity and canonical bases in lie theory .,cluster algebras have been introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in in order to create an algebraic framework for total positivity and canonical bases in semisimple algebraic groups . -"furthermore , it has been recognized as a promising multiple access technique for fifth generation networks .","to this end , noma has been actively researched as a promising technology to improve system performance in 5g networks ." -"i n recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated an outstanding capability in various computer vision tasks , such as image classification .","in the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on object detection ." -"topological defects are relics from the early universe , produced during various stages of phase transition .",domain walls are topological defects which might arise during the phase transitions of the early universe . -"recent advancements in the area of deep learning has pushed the boundaries of the state-of-the-art across a variety of fields including object classification , among others .","in recent years , deep learning has driven the state-of-the-art of decoding accuracies in various fields of research ." -as a hopf algebra it is the graded dual of the hopf algebra nsymm .,any hopf algebra is a multiplier hopf algebra . -generative adversarial networks form a popular framework for generating realistic samples from high-dimensional complex data distributions .,generative adversarial networks are a recent popular technique for learning generative models for high-dimensional unstructured data . -tridnr smoothly solves this problem simultaneously by learning the network structure and node contents in a neural network architecture .,"furthermore , tridnr adopts a two-layer neural networks to jointly learn the network representations by leveraging inter-node , node-word , and label-word relationships ." -"even if a gaussian is a good approximation to the shape of strong absorption features , we do not expect that line-fitting can yield unique fits .","as a gaussian is a sufficient model for a symmetric psf caused by atmospheric smearing , and spin one through three distortions will most severely affect the lensing measurement , we choose a functional form consisting of a gaussian plus spin one through three gaussian perturbations which satisfies the above listed second and third moment constraints ." -kipf and welling propose a first order approximation scheme to reduce the computational costs the graph filter spectrum .,kipf and welling further propose a simplified graph convolutional network based on the first-order approximation of spectral filters . -a continuum is a nondegenerate compact connected metric space .,the continuum is a double peaked emission originating from the stellar chromosphere . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-ofthe-art results in various computer vision tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification . -"it can be applied in various practical applications , such as image and video retrieval .","it has been successfully used in various fields , such as image field ." -yang et al propose a multi-step reasoning system using an attention model .,yang et al apply attention networks that focus on useful regions in visual question answering task . -sg is an alternative groupoid interval semiring .,sg is the interval groupoid interval semiring of finite order . -perhaps the discrepancy is the result of our flare filtering procedure .,this discrepancy could be remedied if there is a mechanism at work that prevents the gas in lower mass galaxies from cooling and forming stars at early times . -"having done that , we map the resulting monolingual embeddings to a cross-lingual space using the unsupervised mode in vecmap 1 , which builds an initial solution based on heuristics and iteratively improves it through self-learning .","for that purpose , we extend the skip-gram model to simultaneously learn word and phrase embeddings , and map them to a cross-lingual space adapting previous unsupervised techniques ." -"in , an atomic norm-minimization and a total variation norm-minimization approaches were proposed to handle the infinite dictionary with continuous atoms .","in , an atomic norm-minimization approach was proposed to handle the infinite dictionary with continuous atoms ." -it has been theoretically proven that an object under different illumination lies on a low-dimensional subspace .,it has been theoretically proven that an object image under lambertian reflections belongs to a low dimensional subspace . -a literal is a predicate a or its negation .,"a literal is a positive relational atom , a negated relational atom , or a comparison ." -deep neural networks have become the fundamental building blocks of many emerging application domains such as computer vision .,"in recent years , neural networks have been effectively applied in various problems such as voice recognition ." -"in general , an arbitrary real superposition of the basis elements is called a multivector .",a generic element in sta is called a multivector . -the figure of merit is the product which is referred to as significance .,a figure of merit is the ability of a replica to diffuse across all range of βi and methods that speed up this diffusion have been suggested . -"although string theory is a proposed fundamental theory of quantum gravity , geometries with closed timelike curves have resurfaced as solutions to its low energy equations of motion .","the string equations of motion require a ten-dimensional spacetime , at least in the formulation of what is called critical string theory ." -an immediate corollary of this theorem is the following central result of the theory of macdonald polynomials corollary 1 is symmetric .,immediate corollary of theorem 1 1 is the following . -the model includes a simulation of the detector response based on a geant4 program .,the description of the detector response is implemented using the geant4 program . -"recent years , deep convolutional neural networks lead to a series breakthroughs for image classification .",recently deep neural networks have attained impressive performance in many fields such as image classification . -"for each frame , we use a faster rcnn model for region proposal and feature extraction .",we utilize rpn on the top of conv4 stage for region feature extraction . -"here , the dagger denotes the extension of the complex conju gation to matrix-valued functions 11 3 .",here the dagger denotes the adjoint with respect to µ0 . -the soliton is the solution in the first medium .,"a soliton is the extremely robust , nonlinear excitation localized in space , which has particlelike properties ." -this can be achieved using generative adversarial networks .,others have used a generative adversarial network framework . -"conventional algorithms of affective computing from faces use hand-crafted features such as pixel intensities , local binary patterns , and histogram of oriented gradients .","conventional algorithms for affective computing from faces use engineered features such as local binary patterns , histogram of oriented gradients , local phase quantization ." -"for the random forest method , we used the python implementation supplied by the scikit-learn library .","we used the scikit-learn implementation with lof , osvm , if , knn , svm , rf and nn ." -static solutions for fourth order gravity .,analytic solutions in non-linear massive gravity . -"this is because absorption is a division process , removing a proportion of the photon flux , and not a subtraction .","absorption is a purely classical process , therefore the same applies also to stimulated emission ." -the introduction of convolutional neural networks has led to the advancement of state-of-the-art performance on several fundamental computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on several image processing and computer vision tasks like image classification , object detection , and segmentation ." -zhao et al introduce pyramid pooling to capture feature context .,zhao et al used spatial pyramid pooling to aggregate context information for prediction . -"for this purpose , we apply the dbscan algorithm to the raw scan points to filter out clusters with a very small number of points .","as we do not know the exact number of templates , we use the dbscan algorithm for clustering ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition .",convolutional neural networks have recently been applied to various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -we make use of the resnet-50 architecture trained on the imagenet natural image dataset .,"as a shared representation function , we use the resnet-50 architecture in fully-convolutional fashion ." -the quantum entanglement is one of the most intriguing phenomenon in quantum physics .,entanglement is one of the most intriguing features of quantum theory . -the ordinate is the number of the clusters .,the ordinate is the portion of the integrated flux of the source that was detected by the source finder . -deeper convolutional neural networks have obtained state-of-the-art results in many image classification tasks .,"deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition ." -"significant improvements have been obtained in various computer vision tasks by applying deep learning techniques , including image classification .",recent advances based on convolutional neural network have achieved remarkable improvements in 2d images . -"since the vacuum is the most elementary system , all order parameters should have sharp values in this state .",the vacuum is a two dimensional subspace which is an irreducible module for the two dimensional subalgebra generated by ψ0 0 . -convolutional neural networks have shown their efficiency for a wide range of tasks .,"recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success on many vision tasks such as object recognition ." -"secondly , the scalar potential which consists of three triplets and one sextet had to be fine tuned to get the symmetry breaking pattern right .",the scalar potential is the length of section of a vector bundle over the background manifold . -functions in qos provisioning and their interactions .,functions in energy management and their interactions . -"the electronic exchange and correlation effects were treated by the generalized gradient approximation in the perdew , burke , and ernzerhof form .",the exchange correlation energy was described by the generalized gradient approximation using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional . -"there is recent evidence that when complex sequences are modeled , the performances of rnns can be dramatically improved when uncertainty is included in their hidden states .","there is recent evidence that when complex sequences such as speech and music are modeled , the performances of rnns can be dramatically improved when uncertainty is included in their hidden states ." -"thus the base space is represented by a surface with conical singilarities and reflection curves , which is called an orbifold .",a smooth orbifold together with a riemannian metric is called a riemannian orbifold . -"motivated by the fact that diagonal lmis define polyhedra , the solution set of an lmi is called a spectrahedron .",the spectrahedron s is a polyhedral cone . -neural networks have become ubiquitous in applications including computer vision .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable successes for various tasks , such as object recognition and so on ." -all the data processing was conducted using the atnf miriad package .,the data were calibrated and imaged using the miriad software package . -"pitt and shephard suggest a class of auxiliary particle filters that can be much more efficient than the standard particle filter , but most of these require the evaluation of the density of the state transition equation .","pitt and shephard introduce the class of auxiliary particle filters which can be much more efficient than the bootstrap filter , especially when the signal to noise ratio is high ." -"with the help of deep learning , significant improvements have been achieved in many fields , such as computer vision and many other areas .",deep learning techniques have shown promising results in many research fields such as computer vision . -"the integration constant is a polynomial of e4 , and needs to be fixed by some boundary conditions .","further , this integration constant is a direct assessment of the thermal history of the loop providing an estimate of the excess heat contained by the loop relative to the surrounding corona ." -the generalized gradient approximation was adopted for the exchange-correlation functional .,"generalized gradient approximation by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof parametrization is employed for the exchange-correlation potential ." -"for training , we use stochastic gradient descent with the adam optimizer in the standard configuration .","for training the models , we utilize the adam optimizer with a linearly decaying learning rate over time ." -deep neural networks have been widely applied and achieved state-of-art performance on a variety of tasks including image recognition .,deep neural networks have seen great success in many cognitive applications such as image classification . -vorticity is a local rotation of space relative to more distant space .,"thus , it affects both the vorticity , which is a discrete variable , and the density modulation , which is a continuous variable ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification . -its subject is the behaviour of approximation numbers of the hardy-type integral operators in the spaces lp on trees .,"its subject is the connection between space , time , matter and energy ." -"the electronic structure calculations were carried out using the vienna ab-initio simulation pack- age , and the generalized gradient approximation used as the dft exchange-correlation functional .",the electronic structure calculations and structural optimization were carried out within the density-functional formalism as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -the corresponding effective theory is called chiral perturbation theory .,our perturbation theory is the expansion log z but with the characteristic function omitted . -they have to be obtained through matching the effective theory to the underlying theory .,"in this approximation , the effective theory is equivalent to the dpa of the underlying theory ." -the ordinate is the ratio of the cam lw2 flux within the pht-s aperture to a cam lw2-band-equivalent flux derived from the pht-s spectrum .,the ordinate is the binary fraction for all objects with projected radius less than the value on the abscissa . -"there are multiple neural network-based approaches to generative modeling such as variational autoencoders , mixture density networks , and generative adversarial networks .","recently , several neural network based generative models such as variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks have found success at modeling data distributions ." -the free energy is a quadratic functional of the two magnetizations .,"the free energy consists of the two main contributions , the interaction energy of the collapsed h-blocks do not contribute to the total elastic energy ." -deep learning has achieved breakthroughs across many applications .,deep learning has achieved great success in many research fields such as computer vision . -deep learning has greatly improved pattern classification performance by leaps and bounds in computer vision .,deep neural networks have achieved great success in cognitive applications such as image classification . -the basic model introduced by cornejo and kuhn in and scott et al in is bl cd .,the basic model introduced by cornejo and kuhn in and jeavons et al in is bl cd . -"we empirically evaluate the performance of bayes-ucrl in comparison with that of ucrl-v , kl-ucrl and ucrl2 .",we empirically evaluate the performance of ucrl-v in comparison with that of kl-ucrl and ucrl2 . -"data-driven approaches , in particular , deep learning with convolutional neural networks , have recently attained great success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .","recently , deep learning methods have shown great success in various computer vision tasks , such as object recognition , object detection , and image classification ." -these deep learning based approaches have been applied to high-level vision challenges such as image recognition and object detection .,s upervised deep learning methods have been widely used in visual classification tasks and achieved great success . -ms-coco is one the widely used benchmarks for object detection and segmentation .,"the cocotasks dataset is based on the coco dataset , which is the standard benchmark for object detection ." -the particles obeying the fractional statistics are called anyons .,intermediate-statistics particles are called anyons . -the problem of termination for such a machine is known to be undecidable .,this problem is known to be undecidable for deterministic two-counter machines . -"isola et al proposed a framework called pix2pix , which used generative adversarial networks for image-to-image translation .","isola et al proposed a general framework to image-to-image translation problems based on conditional gans , namely pix2pix ." -deep convolutional neural networks have made great progress in visual recognition challenges such as object classification .,deep neural networks have emerged as powerful nonlinear approximation tools and have been deployed with great success in many challenging tasks such as image classification . -deep neural networks have achieved outstanding performances on many computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have shown great success in computer vision and natural language processing tasks . -"a priori , it might not be clear why this is a natural diophantine problem .","a priori , it is the energies in the rest frame of the junction which should be used in this sum , yet since these are not known to begin with , we employ an iterative procedure ." -cosmos is used because it is the largest existing hst survey and furthermore it is closest to the euclid specifications .,certainly the einstein cosmos itself is a solution . -"particles are reconstructed and identified using a particle-flow algorithm , which uses an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .","the particle-flow algorithm is used to reconstruct individual particles , using the combined information from all cms sub-detectors ." -now we will illustrate these situations by some simple examples .,we will illustrate this by the following examples . -"in deep learning , convolutional neural networking is being used for visual imagery analyzing .","for example , convolutional neural networks are especially well suited for image recognition and video analysis tasks ." -deep neural networks have recently gained great attention from the speech and speaker recognition community .,"deep neural networks have been successfully applied to many areas , including speech ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in grid structure data such as image and video .,convolutional neural networks have shown its great effectiveness in computer vision tasks . -"recurrent neural networks have proven successful at several tasks involving natural language , language modeling , and have been applied recently to dialog .","recurrent neural network based models have recently shown success in language modeling , outperforming conventional n-gram based models ." -this so-called modular architecture for quantum computing provides a viable solution to the major scaling problem for many-qubit quantum information processing .,this type of memory is a critical device required for realization of multiplexed quantum repeater networks for long-distance quantum communication . -the most significant difference is the use of a hot star instead of lamp as a flat .,a more significant difference is the inherent nonlocality of a relativistic quantum field . -"over the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have been very successful in a wide range of computer vision tasks such as image classification .","in recent years , deep convolutional networks have achieved remarkable results in many computer vision tasks ." -the commutative square in lemma 4 10 consists of deformable r-algebras .,"then , the commutative square on the left is a torsor for the standard commutative square on the right ." -for exchange and correlation we applied the gradient corrected approach using the generalized gradient approximation functional following the approach suggested by perdew-burke-ernzerhof .,the exchange and correlation energies were considered in the generalized gradient approximation following the perdew-burkeernzerhof parametrization scheme . -"we employ two different scales of patchgan for the discriminator network , which classifies whether local and global image patches are real or fake .","for the discriminator , we use two-scale patchgan classifiers to classify overlapping patches as real or fake ." -"a bloom-filter is a probabilistic data structure with no false negatives , which can be used to test set membership in constant time .",a bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure for the approximate set membership problem . -automatic speech recognition has made significant progress in recent years by using deep neural networks for acoustic modeling .,the performance of automatic speech recognition systems has increased significantly with the use of deep neural networks . -pointnet is the first deep learning approach to work on point clouds directly .,pointnet is the pioneer work that proposed the direct application of deep learning on the raw point cloud . -shows the average runtime of our algorithm compared to the average runtime of for the second type of equivalent random circuits .,shows the average runtime of our algorithm compared with the average runtime of for the non-equivalent random circuits . -"for the past several years , deep convolution neural networks have found their extensive applications in image processing such as image classification , and so forth .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks and have achieved unprecedented progress ." -"string theory is the domain of particle physicists and is predominantly used to analyze the phenomena at the highest conceivable energies , approaching or surpassing the planck energy .","physically , string theory is a two-dimensional conformal field theory on a riemannian surface ." -we also know that meson is a ompli ated solution of the qcd quark and gluon elds that involve a real quark-antiquark pair .,the ρ0 meson consists of same flavour quark - antiquarks and as a result it is not expected to feel the lorentz 1 vector potential generated by the nuclear environment . -"recent years have witnessed great interest in generative models , mainly due to the success of generative adversarial networks .",generative adversarial networks are powerful unsupervised generative models that have gained significant attention in recent years . -a feynman graph without external edges is called a vacuum bubble .,"thus , this vacuum is a true minimum of the full theory ." -"for the cnn part , we utilize the 50 layered residual network that is pretrained on the ilsvrc-2012 dataset .","for our experiments , we use the resnet18 and inception v1 implementations , which are pretrained on ilsvrc 2012-cls data ." -"this contradicts the assumption that τ is a winning strategy , and completes the proof .",this contradicts our earlier assumption that γ is a minimizing geodesic . -the inflationary scenario 1 is the current paradigm of early universe cosmology .,the inflationary scenario is the current paradigm of early universe cosmology . -the corresponding geometry is known as finslerian geometry .,this geometry is a direct higher-dimensional generalization of conifold . -convolutional networks have recently demonstrated impressive progress in a variety of image classification and recognition tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have made great progress in visual recognition challenges such as object classification . -an asterisk denotes sources that were model fit in the plane rather than in the image plane .,where the asterisk denotes the finite renormalizations derived from zero-point fluctuations in the magnetization . -"therefore , we also evaluate the transfer learning ability of our models to the object detection task in the pascal voc 2007 dataset .","we also report the performance on the pascal voc2012 dataset , since it is a standard benchmark for generic semantic segmentation ." -the first four layers are followed by a batch normalization activation function .,the encoder is a succession of convolutional layers followed by batch normalization and rectified linear units . -"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification .",convolutional neural networks have led to leap-forward in a large number of computer vision applications . -"polarization is a precise tool for measuring the electroweak parameters , spin dependent structure functions etc .",the polarization is the sum with the height of the dot . -that the converse holds is a special feature of binomial d-modules .,the converse is a consequence of the following fact . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on many tasks across a variety of domains , such as vision .",deep neural networks have been widely applied and achieved state-of-art performance on a variety of tasks including image recognition . -we use vgg16 neural network as the model for the visual modulator .,we use the vgg as the basic network for gain to generate attention maps . -sermanet et al used an unsupervised method based on convolutional sparse coding to pre-train cnn for pedestrian detection .,an unsupervised method based on convolutional sparse coding is used in sermanet et al to pre-train cnn for pedestrian detection . -"in the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on object detection .","in recent years , many studies have shown excellent performance in object detection ." -deep convolutional neural networks have recently become increasingly important for computer vision applications .,"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision ." -"recently , convolutional neural networks -based methods achieve great success in image classification tasks .",deep convolutional neural networks have led to a series of breakthrough for visual tasks . -oquab et al further develop a cnn that uses global max pooling on top of features to localize a point on objects .,oquab et al trained a cnn network using the maxpooing mil strategy to localize objects . -"then the above geometry is the full geometry rather than just the pointwise geometry , since the geometry is the same at each point .",then the einstein-maxwell horizon geometry consists of the quadruplet . -"the package consists of fast simulation , the reconstruction of the full simulated data , and physics analysis utilities .",the package is a source-to-source translator for functions written in fortran 77 . -the calorimeter consists of a cadmium tungstate scintillating crystal which is placed inside a lead-shielded cylindrical brass tube .,the calorimeter consists of a highly segmented electromagnetic . -"recently , automatic speech recognition systems have obtained significant performance improvements due to the rapid development of deep learning .","recently , deep learning technology has boosted automatic speech recognition performance significantly ." -"quantum mechanics is the mechanics of quantum states which do not exist independent of their realizations at least in principle , i .",the quantum mechanics is a logical construction which contains axioms and corollaries of these axioms . -the inclination i is the angle between the plane of the galaxy disk .,"when the inclination is a free parameter , the estimate of position angles remains as accurate ." -recent development of deep convolutional neural networks has led to great success in a variety of tasks including image classfication and others .,the recent success of deep learning in a range of machine learning applications has motivated interest in the design of special purpose hardware accelerators for both training and inference of deep neural networks . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on many tasks across a variety of domains , such as vision .",recently deep neural networks have attained impressive performance in many fields such as image classification . -the data analysis and visualisation were done using topcat .,the spectral analysis was carried out using the xspec software . -we use the louvain method tool to detect communities in the networks .,we use the louvain community detection algorithm to detect clustering among the nodes in the network . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have led to substantial improvements for numerous computer vision tasks like object detection , often achieving human-level performance .","deep learning and deep convolutional neural networks in particular , have recently shown impressive performance on a number of multimedia information retrieval tasks ." -we are going to prove that a is a sub-module of type d for a .,we are going to prove that m is a smooth submersion . -"in parallel , deep convolutional neural networks have proven their effectiveness in many computer vision fields such as object classification .",convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification . -"convolutional neural networks have shown outstanding performance in many fundamental areas in computer vision , enabled by the availability of large-scale annotated datasets .",deep convolutional neural networks are powerful discriminative models that yield impressive results at object classification . -a wave front on m is a singular spherical hypersurface equipped with a velocity vector field of the directions of the front propagation .,"the wave front is a moving boundary of a large-scale mhd flow , which accompanies the expansion and eruption of magnetic structures associated with a cme drawing away from the sun ." -low-density parity-check codes are class of linear error correcting codes originally proposed by gallager in the 1960s .,"low-density parity-check codes are forward error-correction codes , first proposed in 1962 by gallager in 1996 ." -convolutional neural networks are enabling major advancements in a range of machine learning problems .,deep neural networks have significantly improved the performance of diverse data mining and computer vision applications . -such forms of the metric are related to the so-called seiberg-witten limit .,thus the appropriate limit is analogous to the seiberg-witten scaling for non-commutative field theories . -gmrt data were analysed using the common astronomical software application package .,the data were edited and calibrated following standard procedures within the common astronomy software application . -reinforcement learning is a machine learning paradigm in which an agent interacts with the environment e over a number of discrete time steps .,reinforcement learning is a subgroup of machine learning research that involves an agent learning by itself what actions to take in an environment so that it maximizes some reward . -"the chemical potential is the same for all traps , but different than that in section ii .","first , because the chemical potential is the same for the metallic leads and the barrier , the filling remains homogeneous throughout the system and there is no electronic charge reconstruction ." -generative adversarial networks exploit the discriminative power of deep neural networks for the task of generative modeling .,"generative adversarial networks are a framework for training generative parametric models , and have been shown to produce high quality images ." -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in the famous paper .,cluster algebras were first introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in in 2002 . -"under these hypotheses , pb is a simple polytope such that cone is unimodular for every vertex v of pb .","as these hypotheses imply that k is a p d2 -group , by theorem 1 point 19 , the above theorem applies ." -"although such a modification is a wave propagation one , it leads to the same frequency modification in the frequency-domain gw phase to leading order in the stationary-phase approximation .",the other modification is a straightforward high-energy correction of the background quantities h and ρ via the modified friedmann equations . -aldemonstrated that sparse signal reconstruction is a polynomial time problem provided that more measurements are taken .,aldemonstrated that cs reconstruction is a polynomial time problem -conditioned on the constraint that more than 2k measurements are used . -we now determine the classes of symplectic maps which are also polynomial maps .,we obtain explicit formulas for the action of the constituent polynomial maps on phase space variables . -each qubit i comprises a superconducting island coupled capacitively to a gate voltage and a squid loop through which cooper pairs may tunnel .,each qubit is a node in this graph while non-zero nearest neighbour interactions are indicated by edges . -"in this paper we study in particular , gauss-bonnet gravity in higher-dimensional scenario .","in this paper , as one of such generalizations , we consider the case of the einstein gauss-bonnet theory ." -the structural similarity index accounts for image degradation as perceived changes in structural information .,the structural similarity index is used to quantitatively evaluate the overall image quality as it mostly agrees with the human visual perception . -the recent success of deep neural networks has dramatically boosted the applications of machine learning .,deep neural networks have been widely adopted in a variety of machine learning applications . -the coordinate φ is the azimuthal coordinate .,coordinate φ is the usual azimuthal angle measured in the x-y plane . -the grayscale is the logarithm of the density .,the grayscale is the co is discussed in sec . -"a quantum computation consists of evolving the system with a designed hamiltonian interaction , such that the states are transformed as we want .","for these reasons the use of high-temperature , liquid-state nmr to emulate quantum computation is called bulk-ensemble quantum computation ." -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .","recently , deep neural networks have substantially improved the state-of-the-art performances of various challenging classification tasks , including image based object recognition ." -such a g is called a topological isomorphism .,this isomorphism is a generalization of the isomorphism is smooth . -"we believe that since real neural networks are subject to internal and external random influences , stochastic methods are required for their description .",it is well known that the real neural networks are subject to internal and external random influences . -cosmic strings are linear defects that could be formed at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe .,cosmic strings are topological defects that could have been created during cosmological phase transitions in the early universe . -"because the propagator is the same as the p x propagator , this is actually almost the same as the calculation of the bracket we did above .",this propagator is the inverse of the wave operator . -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have achieved profound breakthroughs in many computer vision applications , including the classification of natural and medical images .","more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems ." -"the convolution is a bilinear operation ( schwartz , 1966 , p .","since convolution is a linear operation , the observed stacked image should then be a psf-convolved sheared version of a circularly symmetric average galaxy ." -the perdew-burke-ernzerhof 96 of the generalized gradient approximation is used for exchange-correlation potential .,the exchange correlation potential was taken in the generalized gradient approximation . -"first-principles calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio package with the projector augmented wave method 34 , 35 .","first-principles calculations were carried out with the vienna ab initio simulation package 26 , 27 , which makes use of the projector augmented wave method 28 , 29 ." -"with the recent development of convolutional neural networks , tremendous progress has been made in semantic segmentation .","following the success of deep neural networks for image classification , recent works in semantic segmentation all leverage fully-convolutional networks ." -"this duality is a strong-weak coupling duality , so that both sides are not simulta neously weakly coupled .",duality is a fundamental concept in string theory . -"if the normal subgroup if n n is abelian , then the clifford code is called a stabilizer code .","if the normal subgroup n is abelian , then the clifford code is called a stabilizer code ." -we initialize a fully convolutional residual network from the original version of resnet .,we use the resnet50 architecture and its weights for initialization . -the detector geometry is implemented into the mokkaplus based full simulation module .,the detector response to the generated events is fully simulated with geant4 . -"meanwhile , some investigations have also been carried out to study the performance of eepn in the cpe of long-haul high-speed optical transmission systems .","meanwhile , some investigations have been carried out to study the performance of eepn in the carrier phase estimation in the long-haul high-speed optical transmission systems ." -this equilibrium is the unique symmetric equilibrium with an increasing and differentiable strategy 11 proof .,this equilibrium is a specific nash equilibrium of the strategic-form game . -the network is trained with minibatch gradient descent using the adam optimizer .,the model was trained end-to-end using the adam optimizer . -we evaluate the proposed models on the ijb-a dataset which contains face images and videos captured from the unconstrained environments .,we evaluate the tasks of face recognition and verification on the iarpa janus benchmark-a dataset . -"on a set of over one million youtube videos with weakly annotated class labels , karpathy et al successfully trained a cnn and showed that the obtained features also perform reasonably well on other action recognition benchmarks .",karpathy et al trained a deep convolutional neural network using 1 million weakly labeled youtube videos and reported a moderate success using it as a feature extractor . -convolutional neural network has achieved great success in image recognition and object detection .,"deep learning methods have shown great successes in various computer vision tasks , including conventional tasks in object recognition ." -convolutional neural networks are another influential class of models for visual recognition .,"for example , convolutional neural networks are especially well suited for image recognition and video analysis tasks ." -deep learning or deep neural networks have achieved extraordinary performance in many application domains such as image classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks achieve impressive performance on many computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -recent advances in deep learning have immensely increased the representational capabilities of the neural networks and made them powerful enough to be applied to different vision-based tasks including image classification .,"in recent years , deep neural networks have been successfully applied to multiple challenging tasks such as image processing , learning model predictive controllers ." -li et al show that linear network coding is sufficient for multicast networks to achieve the optimum .,the work of li et al showed that linear network codes are sufficient to achieve the multicast capacity . -"models based on convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks have achieved remarkable performance in many tasks , such as image classification .","among them , convolutional neural networks have been demonstrated to be extremely successful in computer vision ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have achieved great success in a variety of machine learning tasks .",convolutional neural networks have proven useful for a variety of high-level vision tasks . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks has achieved remarkable results in a wide range of computer vision applications .",deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many machine-learning tasks such as image recognition . -the effect of the magnetic field is a zeeman splitting of the spin-up and spin-down quasiparticle bands .,the effect of the magnetic field is a non-centric deformation of the band and shape of the fermi surfaces . -cosmic strings are one-dimensional topological defects which may form dynamically at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe .,cosmic strings are thin filaments of topologically-trapped higgs field energy which may have formed at a symmetry-breaking phase transition in the early universe . -we use the mathematica package fire to reduce the scalar integrals to a minimum set of independent master integrals .,we use packages fire to reduce the group of scalar integrals into a minimum set of independent master integrals . -"moreover , we apply a batch normalization layer before each convolutional layer to improve the training speed and overall accuracy .","since our aim is to increase the performance on unseen videos , we use strong batch normalization and spatial dropout layers to increase the generalization capacity ." -"deep learning has recently had a remarkable impact on multiple domains , including natural language processing and computer vision .",deep learning techniques have been successfully used in various applications such as computer vision and natural language processing fields . -"chen et al develop a module called atrous spatial pyramid pooling , in which multi-scale information is extracted by parallel convolutions with different dilation rates .",chen et al proposed the deeplab structure for nature image semantic segmentation by applying the atrous convolutional operation and atrous spatial pyramid pooling . -"in recent years , generative adversarial networks have gained a lot of popularity as a generative modeling framework .",generative adversarial networks are one of the most popular generative models . -"the noncommutative version of the dualising complex was introduced by yekutieli in , and has now become one of the standard homological tools of noncommutative ring theory .","the noncommutative dualizing complex , introduced by yekutieli in , provides a powerful tool to study noncommutative algebras ." -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks has achieved remarkable results in a wide range of computer vision applications .",deep neural networks have shown great success in computer vision and natural language processing tasks . -"since the discriminant of f is a square , the galois group galf of f is a3 .","if the discriminant of f is a square , 0 5718 ." -the interested reader can consult the paper of el karoui et al and the references therein for further details .,"the reader interested in more details is also referred to the paper by el karoui , peng and quenez and the references therein ." -comparison of coarsening schemes for multilevel graph partitioning .,computational comparison for potentially hard graphs . -"nevertheless , graphene is a semimetal , ie a zero bandgap material with negligible density of states at the fermi energy , which limits its suitability for electronic or optoelectronic devices .","graphene is a semiconductor , whose band gap is exactly zero and the velocity of the charge carriers is over a wide range of energy independent of the momentum ." -boron is the group 13 element in the periodic table with atomic number 5 .,boron is a next-door neighbor of carbon in a periodic table . -"overlaid is the pah charge zpah along the shock , calculated using the theory described in mckee et al .",overlaid is a best-fit sinusoid with a period of 2 18 d . -the above lagrangian is the same as in ref .,the lagrangian comprises degrees of freedom corresponding to the coset space symmetry transformations . -"despite their superior performance , idt and its improvements are computationally formidable for real applications .","despite their superior performance , idt and its improvements are computationally formidable for real-time applications ." -convolutional neural networks have recently achieved the state-of-the-art performance in many image analysis tasks .,convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification . -"in particular , convolutional neural networks has been popular in vision and audio recognition areas .",deep neural networks have demonstrated dramatically accurate results for challenging tasks . -although the vortex is a point in y space it has finite area in x space .,such a vortex is called a geostrophic vortex . -"where the tilde denotes operators in the ground-state vacuum representation , as opposed to the operators defined in the trivial vacuum , which do not have tildes .",here tilde denotes that the slow fluctuations are still kept . -"we use glorot initialization for other parameters , cross-entropy loss , and adam .",we use adam with default parameters to minimize the cross-entropy objective . -"the only significant difference is the term , which arises from accounting for the out-of-transit levels as mentioned above .",the most significant difference is the negtion a ative signature of the metric in 4-space . -in 1956 shannon proved that noiseless causal output feedback does not increase the capacity of a discrete memoryless channel .,"for fixed-length feedback communication , shannon showed that noiseless feedback does not increase the capacity of single-user memoryless channels ." -"we compare the proposed method with 10 state-of-the-art sr algorithms , including dictionary-based methods , self-similarity based method , and cnn-based methods .","finally , we compare the performance of the multi-scale bsrn model with the other state-of-the-art super-resolution methods , including vdsr ." -danelljan et al propose to use the continuous convolution filter for combinations of feature maps with different spatial resolutions .,"similarly , danelljan et al proposed a discriminative correlation filter approach by integrating multi-resolution cnn features ." -generative adversarial networkshas achieved great success due to its ability to generate realistic samples .,"generative adversarial network , in particular , has received attention due to its capability of generating synthetic real-world like samples ." -bao et al present an accelerated proximal gradient descent method to efficiently solve 1 minimization .,bao et al present an accelerated proximal gradient descent method to increase the efficiency of solving 1 minimization . -convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks .,deep neural networks have shown tremendous progress in computer vision and speech recognition tasks . -we will come back to this point in the following section .,we will discuss this question in detail in the following sections . -"in the image classification domain , to solve the aforementioned problem , he et al proposed a residual block by which a network over 1000 layers was successfully trained .",he et al proposed a residual learning framework to solve this problem by adding an identity mapping between the input and the output of a group of layers . -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",powerful deep neural networks have been created and investigated for high-level computer vision tasks such as image classification . -"for example , under the assumption of lambertian reflectance , basri and jacobs show that face images of a subject obtained under a wide variety of lighting conditions can be accurately approximated with a 9-dimensional linear subspace .","for example , under lambertian reflectance , the face images of one subject obtained with a fixed pose and varying lighting conditions lie in a low-dimensional subspace of dimension close to nine ." -compressive sensing allows us to acquire sparse signals at a significantly lower rate than the classical nyquist sampling .,"compressed sensing allows us to recover sparse , high dimensional signals with very few measurements as compared to the ambient signal dimension ." -"deep learning has been widely adapted to many different problems , such as image classification , and has demonstrated state-of-the-art results for these problems .","recently , the use of deep convolutional neural networks has shown promising results for many vision-based tasks including image classification ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems ." -deep neural networks have produced state-ofthe-art results in applications such as computer vision .,"convolutional neural networks show state-of-the-art performance on many problems in computer vision , natural language processing and other fields ." -other significant research has been done in image-based question answering .,several recent papers have begun to study visual question answering . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many areas of computer vision .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -amado and pires propose to apply the classical glm estimator to calculate the parameter estimates corresponding to the bootstrap samples .,amado and pires propose to determine resampling probabilities for the observations by using the influence function corresponding to the classical estimator . -density-functional theory calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package with plane-wave basis set .,first-principles calculations were carried out using the vienna ab-initio simulation package 40 . -"terno , entropy , holography and the second law .","terno , quantum entropy and special relativity ." -a choice of such isomorphism is called a complex orientation of e .,a choice of one of them is called an orientation of v . -"deep networks have been applied to almost all computer vision tasks and have achieved state-of-the-art performances , such as image classification .",deep learning methods have produced state-of-the-art accuracy on many different classification tasks especially for image classification . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous success among many computer vision tasks .,"deep convolutional neural networks are useful in solving selected groups of computer vision problems , such as image classification ." -the recent success of deeper architectures in image analysis hinges on the availability of large amounts of training data .,recent deep learning successes in areas such as image recognition rely on large amounts of data and extensive training . -quantum computation makes it possible to achieve polynomial complexity for many classical problems that are believed to be hard .,"quantum computers hold the promise of the efficient solution of problems , such as factoring that are generally believed to be intractable on a classical computer ." -"recent studies focus on applying swipt to a series of communication systems , including mimo communication , orthogonal frequency-division multiple access .","multiple studies focused on applying swipt to a variety of communication systems and networks , including multiple-input-multiple-output communications , orthogonal frequency-division multiple access transmissions , among others ." -"based on advances in discriminative representations and large scale data analysis , deep learning techniques have been demonstrated to achieve significant performance gains in many areas , eg , image classification .","deep learning has been successfully applied in a wide range of areas with significant performance improvement , including computer vision , and so on ." -we have implemented this approach using the machine learning framework pytorch .,we implement the fishnet based on the prevalent deep learning framework pytorch . -xiao et al propose to learn a generic feature embedding by training a classification model from multiple domains with a domain guided dropout .,"in order to learn features from multiple domains , xiao et al utilized a domain-guided dropout algorithm to improve the feature learning procedure ." -"if an inverse homomorphism exists , φ is called isomorphism .","the isomorphism is the natural , forgetful mapping sending a kasparov cycle to a kk ban-cycle ." -these approaches generally rely on the use of generative adversarial networks .,this gives rise to a family of models known as generative adversarial networks . -recent methods based on convolutional neural networks have been shown to produce results of high accuracy for a wide range of challenging computer vision tasks like image recognition .,"recently , with the availability of powerful gpus and large amounts of labeled training data , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performances for many computer vision tasks such as object recognition ." -each of these sub-layers are linked by a residual connection and layer normalization .,each convolutional layer is equipped with rectified linear unit activation and batch normalization . -elevating the carrier frequency to millimeter wave bands has been shown as a promising solution to get rid of the spectrum crunch in wireless systems nowadays .,millimeter wave communication is a promising technique for meeting the ever-increasing mobile traffic demand in next generation wireless communication systems due to vast swaths of available spectrum . -a finite order complex linear transformation t with a hyperplane as its fixed point locus is called a complex reflection .,this automorphism r is called the reflection along γ . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many fields , such as object classification , face recognition .","deep neural networks have been successfully applied to many areas , including speech ." -deep convolutional neural networks have performed impressively on very large-scale image recognition problems .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation ." -one such modification is the introduction of brane curvature terms for the graviton .,such an f is called a terminal q-factorial modification of x 7 4 . -appears in the the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences as sequence a050166 .,corresponds to sequence a001171 in the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences . -it is natural to conjecture that this is the appropriate concept that will emerge in the low-energy geometric limit of strings .,"it is natural to conjecture that this is a quasi-isomorphism , that is conjecture 2 ." -fan et al propose a point set generation network for synthesizing 3d point clouds of the object shape from a single images .,fan et al proposes a point cloud generation network that efficiently predicts coarse volumetric object shapes by encoding only the coordinates of points on the surface . -we implement descriptor learning using a siamese residual network architecture .,"in brief , we build a 20-layer network with residual connections and batch normalization ." -"convolutional neural network based models led to a series of breakthroughs in high-level computer vision tasks , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have made great advances at numerous classification tasks in computer vision and speech applications over the past few years . -of faults and the resulting dynamic networks have been analyzed .,"of faults allowed , and the resulting dynamic networks have been analyzed ." -the classical evaluation of relativistic spin networks .,spacetime states and covariant quantum theory . -bengio et al applies the neural network to sentence modelling instead of using n-gram language models .,bengio et al defined a probabilistic word n-gram model and demonstrated improvements over conventional smoothed language models . -"cai et al derived the er conditions that concurrent transmissions always outperform tdma for both omni-antenna and directional-antenna models , and proposed the rex scheduling scheme to achieve significant spatial reuse gain .","cai et al introduced the concept of exclusive region to support concurrent transmissions , and derived the conditions that concurrent transmissions always outperform tdma ." -such a map is called a subshift of finite type .,a subshift of finite type is the set of sequences avoiding a finite set of forbidden subwords . -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have changed the performance of different applications such as speech recognition .","in the current era , deep learning techniques have made significant development in fields such as artificial intelligence ." -"more recently , parametric models based on neural networks have gained popularity for language modeling .","recently , neural networks models have been widely used in natural language processing ." -generative adversarial networks are one of the big discoveries in deep learning in recent years .,there is a growing interest in studying generative adversarial networks in the deep learning community . -convolutional neural networks have achieved significant progress in computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification ." -"neural networks have been shown to be extremely powerful in a wide range of machine learning tasks , evidenced by recent significant progress in tasks such as speech recognition .",convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition . -dft calculations were performed using the vasp code based on spin-polarized dft .,spin-polarized dft calculations were carried out with the vienna ab initio simulation package . -"traditionally , convolution neural networks have enjoyed great success for learning useful image visual content features in recent years .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks s have emerged as the most powerful technique for image classification ." -"it contains 16 residual blocks , where around 50 convolutional layers are stacked .",it consists of four convolutional layers followed by four residual blocks . -"the hochschild complex is an algebra by itself , part of whose structure is induced by the algebraic structure that is deformed .","the hochschild complex of an algebra has an interesting algebraic structure by itself , which plays an important role in the deformation theories ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have proven to be highly effective general models for a multitude of computer vision problems .","modern deep learning models , such as convolutional neural networks , have achieved notable successes in a wide spectrum of machine learning tasks , including speech recognition ." -denoising fully-connected auto-encoders are widely used with generic clustering algorithms .,"recently , deep auto-encoders have been used to initialize deep embedding networks for unsupervised clustering ." -"large deep neural networks have enabled breakthroughs in fields such as computer vision , speech recognition , and reinforcement learning .","deep neural networks , such as cnns , have recently achieved many successes in visual recognition tasks ." -"furthermore , direct experimental evidences have established that significant evolutionary changes can occur over ecologically relevant time scales .",direct experimental evidence in recent years has established that significant evolutionary changes can occur in an ecosystem over ecologically relevant time scales . -deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many hard perception problems .,convolutional neural networks have shown its great effectiveness in computer vision tasks . -"over the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have been very successful in a wide range of computer vision tasks such as image classification .",large-scale deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a wide variety of applications such as image classification . -deep neural networks have achieved significant improvements in many computer vision tasks .,deep neural nets have been applied to learn features from raw pixels . -the stable marriage problem is a classical bipartite matching problem first introduced by gale and shapley .,the stable marriage problem is a matching problem first introduced and solved by gale and shapley . -some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize jacobi polynomials .,some functions that generalize the krall-laguerre polynomials . -cluster algebras were introduced and first investigated by fomin and zelevinsky in order to better understand the dual canonical basis of the quantised enveloping algebra of a finite dimensional semisimple lie algebra .,cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in in order to model the properties of the dual canonical basis of a quantized enveloping algebra and to study total positivity . -"in recent years , energy harvesting has been recognized as an emerging technique that may significantly increase the network lifetime and help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in general wireless applications .",energy harvesting from surrounding environments is an emerging solution to prolong the operational time of energy-constrained nodes in wireless networks . -diamonds denote sources detected in the 70 µm data .,"diamonds denote solutions with χ2 smaller than 1 point 3 , and pluses denote solutions with χ2 larger than 1 point 3 ." -"in addition , we used the dropout method to prevent overfitting in the cnn .",we also applied dropout technique to prevent our models from overfitting . -"to overcome these problems , he et al proposed a residual learning technique to ease the training of networks that enables them to be substantially deeper .","to address the problem , he et al introduced deep residual learning with 152-layer resnet network with skipconnections between layers ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on many tasks across a variety of domains , such as vision .","with the tremendous success of deep learning , neural networks have found profound applications in cf tasks ." -"additionally , we use batch-normalization to regularize the network .",we also exploit dropout on the output of the last layer for further regularization . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as image classification .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have become the de facto standard in many computer vision tasks , such as image classification and object detection ." -"for training all networks , we use the adam optimizer with a learning rate and batch size of 1e-4 and 32 , respectively .","we use the optimizers with automatically adaptive learning rates , including adam ." -the gap function inthe b-phase breaks the cubic crystal symmetry th spontaneously .,the gap function in the b-phase breaks the cubic crystal symmetry and also the time reversal symmetry . -"in recent years , deep convolution neural networks have achieved promising performance on many artificial intelligence tasks , including image recognition .","deep neural networks have achieved impressive accuracy in many application domains such as image classification and localization , object detection , speech recognition and video classification ." -"the exchange-correlation energy was evaluated with the help of the perdew-burke-erzenhof approach , within the generalised gradient approximation .",electronic exchange-correlation energy was treated with generalized gradient approximation parametrized by perdew-burke-ernzerhof . -the gauge theory is the low energy world-volume description of the d-branes .,from the gauge theory this is a highly nonperturbative result . -"for these theories , the localization technique allows us to express the partition function on s 3 as a finite dimensional matrix model .",the partition function can be computed exactly even in the mass-deformed case as the path integral localises to a matrix model on s 3 . -the expectation-maximization algorithm is an iterative procedure used for estimating the maximum likelihood values of model parameters in the presence of missing or incomplete data .,the expectationmaximization algorithm is a general iterative method to obtain maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimates when the observed data can be regarded as incomplete . -the set of physical states is denoted by vphys and is called the physical subspace .,let s be the subspace of t which is the union of all arcs joining postcritical points . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in computer vision related tasks such as image classification , and so on .",powerful deep neural networks have been created and investigated for high-level computer vision tasks such as image classification . -blanz and vetter showed that facial geometry and texture can be approximated by a low-dimensional morphable face model .,blanz and vetter proposed a comprehensive approach to minimizing the difference between the input 2d image and its 3d face rendering . -this dispersion relation is equivalently defined by the .,the dispersion relation is the same as that in xxz model in the certain parameter region . -at these energies one can extract a measure of mw from the invariant mass distribution of the w -decay products .,"at these energies , hyi is the same for cc or nc interactions , and the same for neutrinos or antineutrinos ." -a turing machine consists of a tape and a finite control .,"consequently , it is called a deterministic turing machine ." -we do not believe this distortion is a direct consequence of the irradiation of the mdwarf by the white dwarf because such a distortion would be symmetrical around phase 0 point 5 .,this distortion is the cause of the admixture of the two top valence states . -"young , numerical studies of the two- and three-dimensional gauge glass at low temperature , phys .","young , correlation length of the two-dimensional ising spin glass with gaussian interactions , phys ." -"in particular , convolutional neural networks have been applied to recognizing images with great success .","in recent years , deep neural networks have shown great power on image classification tasks ." -the only thing that we have at our disposal is a number of wilson lines in a manifold with no metric .,all we have at our disposal is the nonlinear dynamical law with the additional difficulty of having to deal with perturbations propagating from the outer to the inner region and viceversa . -the random forest was built using the python scikit-learn package .,the framework is implemented with the scikit-learn python library . -deep neural networks have been widely applied and achieved state-of-art performance on a variety of tasks including image recognition .,deep neural networks have been significantly successful in many artificial intelligence tasks such as im- age classification . -"it is the key resource for quantum communication tasks , such as quantum teleportation , and so on .","it is a resource for quantum information processing tasks , such as teleportation , quantum computation and many more ." -the ellipsis denotes additional couplings and higher order fermi terms which will not be of relevance in our analysis .,the ellipsis denotes other terms coming from the time derivative that not contribute to the diffusive effects . -every semi-algebraic set s is the disjoint union of a finite number of semi-algebraically connected semi-algebraic sets which are both open and closed in s .,"a semialgebraic set is the disjoint union of a finite number of nash submanifolds nj , each nash diffeomorphic to an open cube ." -"gravity , which is the simplest model in higher-curvature theories of gravity .",we will assume that gravity is the only interaction responsible for growth of perturbations at large scales . -we use mini-batch stochastic gradient descent with adam algorithm to optimize the neural network .,we use the mean square error loss function for training and the adam optimizer . -deep neural networks have gained increasing popularity in machine learning due to their generally stronger performances over the other techniques .,the recent success of deep neural networks has dramatically boosted the applications of machine learning . -now we define smarandache mixed direct product of rings .,now we define smarandache bipseudo structures . -"the associated homology , h , is called the o-algebra homology of v .",first homology is the group of non-trivial gauge invariants . -"the milky way , which is a prototype of the galaxies that are responsible for most of the luminosity in the universe , is known to possess all the components listed above , and kinematic mapping of these with gaia offers a unique opportunity to clarify some of the fundamental questions of contemporary astronomy .","the milky way is the best-studied non-agn dominated star-forming galaxy , and the only galaxy that direct measurements of cr intensities and spectra are available ." -we evaluate the proposed 3d cnn on the vehicle detection task from the kitti benchmark .,we evaluate our mv3d network on the challenging kitti object detection benchmark . -deep neural networks have been significantly successful in many artificial intelligence tasks such as im- age classification .,"deep neural networks have been successfully applied in many diverse domains such as image classification , video analysis , language modeling and translation , medical imaging and weather ." -convolutional neural networks have been extremely successful across many domains in machine learning and computer vision .,convolutional neural networks have achieved the state-of-the-art performance in many applications such as computer vision . -"one of the most popular topic models , latent dirichlet allocation , has seen large amounts of application in both industry and academia .","one of the leading approaches is based on topic modelling , the most popular model being latent dirichlet allocation or lda ." -"at high energies , the hadron appears as if it is a gluon wall .","however , at very high energies there is a probability of order unity that the positron radiates a z or a w ." -low-density parity-check codes are linear codes that were introduced by gallager in 1962 .,low-density parity-check codes were invented by gallager in 1963 . -the decoder layers are randomly initialized using the xavier weight initialization .,the fc layers following the feature concatenation are initialized with the xavier method . -convolutional neural network has become an important tool for machine learning and many related fields .,"deep learning has a profound impact on various data-driven applications , such as computer vision , natural language processing , and robotics ." -seo et al propose a bi-directional attention flow network to capture the relevance at different levels of granularity .,seo et al introduces a bi-directional attention flow network that attention models are decoupled from the recurrent neural networks . -"deep learning has shown its effectiveness in many computer vision tasks , such as object detection .",deep learning has achieved great success in various artificial intelligence applications such as object detection . -the candidate is absent from all three broadband images .,the candidate is undetected in the bri imaging . -the network weights were initialized using he norm initialization .,the network weights are initialized using the method introduced in . -dynamic topological logic interpreted over minimal systems .,dynamic topological logics over spaces with continuous functions . -"even though the higgs boson is a sm particle , it may provide clues about new physics .",the higgs boson is the only sm particle that has not yet been observed . -the batch normalization layers are inserted before every relu layer to accelerate the convergence .,this can be implemented by introducing batch normalization layers . -the importance of 2d materials came into consideration originally after the rise of graphene .,the interest toward two-dimensional materials was raised by the great success of graphene . -"the energy-momentum tensor is a local functional of the metric , ie it depends only on the metric and its derivatives which appear through the riemann curvature tensor .","however , its energy-momentum tensor obviously is a well-defined distribution ." -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have achieved profound breakthroughs in many computer vision applications , including the classification of natural and medical images .","neural network models are now widely embraced as cuttingedge solutions in computer vision , speech recognition , and text analysis ." -"teleportation is a linear operation , which also work with mixed states .","in so far as teleportation is a measure of entanglement , our results suggest that quantum entanglement is degraded in non inertial frames ." -the data were reduced using the miriad software package .,the data were reduced using the miriad software following standard recipes . -deep convolutional neural networks have led to major breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks .,machine learning models based on deep neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance across a wide range of tasks . -this is called a residual gauge transformation .,in physics this map is called a gauge transformation . -"with this model , it is possible to simulate mul tiparticle contacts in which we do not assume the same collisional time .",therefore we can simulate multiparticle contacts in which we do not assume the same collisional time . -"convolutional neural networks have had huge successes since krizhevsky et al , especially in computer vision applications .","d eep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks , especially in visual recognition ." -"bellazzini m , gennari n , ferraro fr , sollima a .","gullieuszik m , held ev , rizzi l , girardi l , marigo p , momany y ." -"the ellipses denote contributions either of higher twist or chiral-odd structure , which do not contribute to the leading process under consideration .",the ellipses denotes terms that are subleading in r relative to the terms written above . -we used the berkeley dataset to quantitatively evaluate the improvement of boundary detection .,we tested our framework on the berkeley segmentation dataset together with the sobel edge detector . -the weights of the network are initialized using xavier normal initializer .,the dnn parameters are initialized according to the xavier initialization . -"recently , due to the remarkable success of convolutional neural networks , deep metric learning methods have attracted a lot of attention .","since 2012 , several deep convolutional neural network models have been proposed such as alexnet ." -we use the resnet-50-based as baseline architecture for each stream block of our model .,we adopt the resnet-50 cnn architecture as our base model for extracting features from each sampled image . -"devinney et al , marchette and priebe , priebe et al , priebe et al , and devinney and priebe applied the concept in higher dimensions and demonstrated relatively good performance of cccds in classification .","devinney et al , marchette and priebe , priebe et al , priebe et al , and devinney and applied the concept in higher dimensions and demonstrated relatively good performance of cccds in classification ." -the networks are initialized by xavier and biases values are set to zero at beginning .,the initial weights throughout the network are initialized using the xavier initialization scheme . -mnih et al proposed a deep qnetwork that combines q-learning with a flexible deep neural network .,they proposed deep q-network with the use of a deep neural network to enable q-learning to deal with high-dimensional sensory inputs . -"the transfer of gas from the disk to the corona , to establish the equilibrium , is called evaporation .","if evaporation is the dominant process and the rate is larger than the bondi accretion rate in the galactic center , the disk will be depleted within a certain time and no persistent disk will exist ." -deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"in particular , convolutional neural networks have now become ubiquitous in computational solutions to visual recognition problems such as image classification ." -deep learning with a hierarchical structure of artificial neural networks is a branch of machine learning aiming at understanding and extracting high-level representations of big data .,deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that allows computational models composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction . -distribution of scores for the weighted and unweighted radial extent variability index .,distribution of the weighted radial extent variability index . -"in recent years , deep neural networks have revolutionized machine-learning tasks such as image classification , speech recognition and language translation .","in the recent years deep neural networks have been used to achieve state-of-the-art results in image recognition , speech recognition and many other fields ." -"convolutional neural networks are widely used for solving artificial intelligence problems , such as object and voice recognition , scene labeling and others .","in addition , deep convolutional neural networks are popular for feature-learning and supervised classification ." -the number of parameters needed is 123001 for a deep neural network ddpg .,the number of parameters needed is 122101 for a deep neural network ddpg . -the rest of the argument is the same as in the first case .,the rest of the argument is the same as in the case of linear discrete connection . -the induced module ind l l0 u is called degenerate if it is not irreducible .,a multiset which is a set is called degenerate . -it was shown that an even order symmetric tensor is positive definite if and only if all of its h-eigenvalues or zeigenvalues are positive .,"by , an even order symmetric tensor is positive semi-definite if and only if it has no negative h-eigenvalues ." -lu et al propose to learn language priors from semantic word embedding to fine-tune visual relationships .,"in , lu et al integrates semantic priors from language to improve the detection of meaningful relationships between objects ." -mathematics is the part of physics where experiments are cheap .,"the mathematics is the same , but its interpretation is different ." -quantum theory is a well-defined local theory with a clear interpretation .,"thus , the quantum theory is the most general case of generalized electrodynamics , it presents the complete symmetry in the description of an electromagnetic field ." -"furthermore , the recent success of deep learning based object detectors , allows objects detection based counting methods to be more accurate .","recently , deep learning based methods , such as faster r-cnn , have achieved significant improvement in object detection with real-time performance ." -"mv-algebras have been introduced by chang in the attempt to generalize some algebraic techniques from boolean logic to multi-valued logics , from which the term mv derives .",mv-algebras were introduced by chang in order to provide an algebraic proof of the completeness theorem of lukasiewicz many-valued logic . -deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many machine-learning tasks such as image recognition .,deep neural networks have shown tremendous progress in computer vision and speech recognition tasks . -this isomorphism is the image of an isomorphism in the category the trivial example of a yang-baxter operator is the usual transposition r .,which satisfies φ is called a sequential isomorphism . -deep neural networks have produced state-ofthe-art results in applications such as computer vision .,deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in several computer vision tasks in recent years . -recent advances in improving the performance of deep neural networks have focused on areas such as network regularization .,recent advances on deep convolutional neural network greatly improve the performance of object detection . -pedagadi et al utilized the local fisher discriminant analysis to map high dimensional features into a more discriminative low dimensional space .,pedagadi et al utilized the local fisher discriminant analysis to learn a subspace to reduce the dimensionality of the extracted high dimensional features . -"the field has progressed rapidly , fueled by the availability of large and diverse datasets .","fueled by the availability of standard datasets , tracking has made a large progress over the last few years ." -through the special geometry of the trap the momentum transfer and the time spent in the mirror are intimately related to each other .,in the non interacting case the momentum kicks and the time spent in the mirror are intimately related . -skip-connections have been proved to be important for exploiting gain from training deep feed-forward neural networks .,previous works have shown that residual learning have the potential to train a very deep convolutional neural network . -"for evaluation models and cross-validation , we made extensive use of functionality in scikit-learn .","to implement tf-idf schemes for meaningful information extraction , we used scikit-learn toolkit ." -generative adversarial networks are designed as playing minimax games between generator and discriminator .,generative adversarial networks are frameworks consisting of generator and discriminator subnetworks that learn via competition . -"more concretely , a sheaf m is a functorial assignment of an r-module mx to each point , satisfying the sheaf condition .","since it is also a sheaf , it is a mixed weil-perverse sheaf ." -cluster algebras are an axiomatic class of algebras which was introduced by fomin and zelevinsky .,cluster algebra is a mathematical framework introduced by fomin and zelevinsky . -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky ten years ago .,cluster algebras have been introduced in a series of papers by fomin and zelevinsky . -overlaid is a band representing the maximal variation of the result under various spinalignment scenarios .,overlaid is the region favored by the interpretation of the cdf event in the scalar electron scenario . -dropout is a commonly used regularization method that simulates the training of multiple networks with shared weights .,dropout is a form of regularization method that simulates the training of multiple networks with shared weights . -"recently , deep learning methods , and in particular convolutional neural networks , eg , vgg , have shown remarkable results in recognition tasks .",convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition . -"meadows , michelle miller , david mills , david monet , douglas r .","strauss , paula szkody , virginia trimble , andrew a ." -"deep neural networks have gained popularity in recent years thanks to their achievements in many applications including computer vision , signal and image processing , speech recognition .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have proven to be highly effective general models for a multitude of computer vision problems ." -"deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many domains , such as computer vision .",deep neural networks have been used successfully to learn meaningful representations on a variety of tasks . -spin-polarized dft calculations used the vienna ab initio simulation package within the perdew-burke-ernzerhof form of the generalized gradient approximation .,electronic exchange-correlation energy was treated with generalized gradient approximation parametrized by perdew-burke-ernzerhof . -gru is shown to be able to alleviate the gradient vanishing issue of rnn and have similar performance to the more complicated lstm .,it is shown that gru has similar performance to lstm but with reduced number of gates thus fewer parameters . -generative adversarial networks are a class of deep generative models known for producing state-ofthe-art realistic samples .,generative adversarial networks are a class of neural network architectures designed with the aim of generating realistic data . -"a is said to be equivalent to the deformation if a is infinitesimal , then the deformation is called an infinitesimal deformation , and if a is complete , the deformation is called a formal deformation .",the restriction of a deformation to a modular subgerm is called a modular deformation . -the tensor product we consider is the minimal tensor product .,the tensor product denotes the tensor product of a x -modules . -multi-task learning aims at improving the generalization performance by jointly training multiple related tasks and utilizing their intrinsic relationships .,multitask learning aims to leverage useful information contained in multiple tasks to help improve the generalization performance of those tasks . -"global optimization with polynomials and the problem of moments , siam j .","global optimization of polynomials using gradient tentacles and sums of squares , siam j ." -the ordinate is a strong function of τ and places a limit on the sky conditions which are usable for 450µm observations when accurate calibration is required .,"the ordinate is the time dependent conductance g is the time dependent current , and v the bias ." -a qubit is a ket in a two dimensional hilbert space h .,the quantum unit of information is called the qubit . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have become the dominant approach for various tasks including classification ." -"zehnder , the dynamics on three-dimensional strictly convex energy surfaces .","weinstein , periodic orbits for convex hamiltonian systems ." -"recent years have witnessed impressive breakthroughs of deep learning techniques in a wide variety of domains , such as image classification , and many more .","recent years have seen impressive improvements in the performance of computer vision systems , brought about by larger datasets ." -all the structural relaxations were performed within the framework of density functional theory using the vienna ab initio simulation package with the projector augmented wave method .,all calculations were performed within density functional theory as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -"neural networks relying entirely on attention mechanisms have been proposed as an alternative to overcome the limitations of recurrent neural networks , with comparable or improved accuracy on several language processing tasks .","recently , neural networks based on a self-attention mechanism have become popular in the field of natural language processing , as a result of their significant performance improvement over rnn-based methods ." -all the network weights are initialized using xavier .,the weights are initialized using the xavier initializer . -"these calculations show that there is a possibility of weak magnetic states around dopants of nb and v in wo3 , and as in the case of la dopant in hexaborides , there is a correlation between moment and sharp dos structures of the impurity band .","in both calculations , there is a clear linear correlation between the time an object spends accreting and its final mass ." -"for our evaluation , we make use of pascal voc 2012 segmentation benchmark .","we validate our method on a subset of pascal voc 2007 , a standard computer vision dataset ." -"additionally , hydrogen is the raw material from which stars and therefore galaxies are ultimately formed , so if large reservoirs of it exist at the present time , we might hope to find signatures of on-going formation processes in the neutral gas .","here , hydrogen tends to float simply because it is the lighter element present in the plasma ." -the accuracy of various ocr methods has recently greatly improved due to advances in deep learning .,the field has been significantly boosted by recent advances of deep learning algorithms . -"recently , deep neural networks have shown to be highly sensitive to these small adversarial perturbations to the data .","despite the great success , deep neural networks have been shown to be highly vulnerable to adversarial examples ." -"hence , an edge e 5 creating a double cut at channel 5 in the first repetition of , 1 , 2 , .","it follows that , by property 5 , an edge e 4 creating a double cut at channel 4 in the third repetition of , 1 , 2 , ." -convolutional neural networks has shown phenomenal results for many computer vision applications .,"recently convolutional neural networks showed great performance in different fields of computer vision , such as object detection ." -"thus , we processed the spectra one by one , using the iraf package .",we then fitted the obtained spectra with the hearsac package xspec using cash statistics . -"for this purpose , gmr exploits the idea of a variational autoencoder .",this makes the model an instance of a variational auto-encoder . -"this cancellation is a general feature of inclusive hard scattering cross sections , and is used repeatedly in factorization proofs .","the cancellation would occur if the epsf is the same at all epochs , but this may not be the case ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification . -"meanwhile , pretrained contextualized language models have shown great promise on various natural language processing tasks .",pretrained language models have shown striking improvements on a range of natural language processing tasks . -"the symbol tr here denotes the fuzzy trace in the space of fuzzy spinors , i .",the symbol tr denotes the trace of the resulting matrix . -lattice gauge theory is the best candidate among the other methods to achieve a phenomenologically relevant result for this process but there are theoretical problems that have to be addressed before such kind of calculations can be actually performed .,lattice gauge theory is the only existing technique which allows the systematic study of all the aspects of qcd in heavy-light systems . -dropout is a regularization technique for neural network models where randomly selected neurons are ignored during training .,dropout is a regularization technique that is widely used when training deep neural networks . -the first non-vanishing coefficient an is called the leading coefficient .,then the coefficient is a sum over the decompositions . -"the actual choice of reference gravitons does not matter , because the amplitude is invariant under permutations that preserve the sets of positive and negative helicity gravitons .",the amplitude is invariant under arbitrary permutations of external gravitons so the order of gravitons does not matter . -neutrosophic interval groupoids are introduced in section five .,neutrosophic polynomial groupoids are introduced in section three . -generative adversarial networks are generative models that learn the distribution of the data without any supervision .,"generative adversarial networks are unsupervised generative models that learn to produce realistic samples of a given dataset from low-dimensional , random latent vectors ." -"first-principles calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio package with the projector augmented wave method 34 , 35 .","self-consistent dft calculations were carried out using the real-space projector-augmented wave method 40 , 41 as implemented in gpaw 42 , 43 ." -"we solve the diffusion equation on a regular nonuniform grid , using a finite difference scheme .",we solve the system of linear equations by the linear least-squares method of the singular value decomposition method . -the concepts of deep learning and multi-layer convolution neural network have received a wide recognition because of their demonstrated efficiency in image classification tasks .,the recent advances in deep neural networks have shown promising results on a variety machine leaning tasks including image classification . -"this report is a first effort toward eventually translating that qualitative vision , designated emergent probability , into a viable network computer study .","this report is a review of recent developments in our understanding , mostly theoretical , but also experimental , of the phase diagram of qcd ." -"indeed , an isomorphism is a bijection , and both it and its inverse are continuous because addition and multiplication in ft are continuous .",it is an isomorphism if it consists of isomorphism of modules only . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .","convolutional neural networks have become a highly active area of research due to strong results in areas such as image classification , among others ." -neural networks have become ubiquitous in applications including computer vision .,convolutional neural networks have shown promise for classification tasks in computer vision . -"if the first entries in the transpositions are increasing in rows and columns , the tableau is called strict .",a lattice sequence which is injective as a function is called strict . -the dominant approaches for learning such generative models are variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks .,"in recent deep learning works , there are two types of popular generative models , which are variational auto-encoder and generative adversarial network ." -unitarity instead is a property of the scattering and it is therefore frame independent .,"thus , unitarity is a serious consideration ." -"any spacetime is a differentiable manifold every point of which has for tangent space a minkowski space , on which the lorentz group acts .",the space-time is a solution of einstein equations with negative cosmological constant λ . -pascal-s is generated from the pascal voc dataset with 20 object categories and complex scenes .,pascal-s is based on the validation set of pascal voc2010 segmentation challenge and contains 850 natural images . -each image is annotated with the same 40 attributes used in celeba dataset .,"celeba dataset contains 202,599 face images , each annotated with 40 boolean attributes ." -"now , the shear is a 2-component quantity , whereas both κ and ψ are scalar fields .",shear is the rigidity exclusively associated with the breaking of translational invariance . -"spronk , ideals with bounded approximate identities in fourier algebras .","spronk , operator weak amenability of the fourier algebra ." -"now we proceed on to define notions like special identities satisfied by bisemirings , which are non-associative .",now we proceed on to define the concept of semivector spaces using the concept of semifield defined earlier . -"for instance , yue et al overlay a design model of a facility with the as-built point cloud to guide the process of identifying which data points belong to specific objects and to detect differences between the as-built and as-designed conditions .","for instance , yue et al overlay a design model of a facility with the as-built point cloud to guide the process of identifying which points clouds data belong to specific objects and to detect differences between the as-built and as-designed conditions ." -"yet , recent studies demonstrate that neural networks are surprisingly fragile -the neural network policies are all vulnerable to adversarial examples and attacks .","recent research shows that machine learning models trained on entirely uncorrupted data , are still vulnerable to adversarial examples ." -"recently , the works introduced async-parallel stochastic methods for function minimization .","later , async-parallel methods have been successful applied in many fields , eg , linear systems ." -recurrent neural networks have been gaining popularity in the machine learning community due to their impressive performance on tasks such as machine translation .,"recurrent neural networks have been quite successful in structured prediction applications such as machine translation , parsing or caption generation ." -magnetic reconnection is the leading process long suggested to accomplish this task .,the magnetic reconnection is the dissipation of the magnetic field so that the strength of the magnetic field decreases and the intensities can also decrease . -"to confirm that this is the correct projection of the fermion states , let us compare partition functions .","to confirm there is a moving source present , the discovery images of these candidates are aligned and blinked ." -statistical analysis of non-uniformly expanding dynamical systems .,stochastic dynamics of deterministic systems . -deep neural networks have been used with great success for perceptual tasks such as image classification or speech recognition .,deep neural networks have been highly successful on a variety of different tasks including speech recognition . -"deep learning techniques have shown promising performance in many applications such as object detection , natural language process , and synthetic images generation .","deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many application areas , such as computer vision and natural language processing ." -a girth of a graph is the size of the smallest cycle .,recall that the girth of a graph is the length of its smallest cycle . -generative adversarial networks provide an important approach for learning a generative model which generates samples from the real-world data distribution .,generative adversarial networks are powerful models that attempt to learn high-dimensional data distributions such as images . -"if an inverse homomorphism exists , φ is called isomorphism .",every isomorphism is a semi-stable cokernel . -"for the random forest method , we used the python implementation supplied by the scikit-learn library .","for the isolation forest , rf , and gbm implementations , we used the scikit-learn package ." -the condensate is a 3-vector in space which points in the direction of the spin of the cooper pair .,"the condensate is a fine effect , and we may 8 expect that the proper setting of bcs is important for its evaluation ." -since string theory is the only consistent theory of quantum gravity we should look for such an explanation in string theory .,"similarly in string theory there is a fundamental unit of length , the characteristic size of the strings ." -the benefit of applying deviation fi when the players jointly play a is known as instantaneous regret .,"since the regret is a convex function over the input samples , the regret of a minimal circle is brought to maximum by samples at the edges of the constraint regions ." -"in the large coupling limit , the radial degree of freedom still becomes separable , such that the entanglement is concentrated between the qubit and the angular degree of freedom for all ground possible states .","outside of this parameter range however , the radial coordinate is not separable , meaning the qubit is entangled with both degrees of freedom ." -"guttmann , in phase transitions and critical phenomena , edited by c .","nattermann , spin glasses and random fields , edited by a ." -the calculations are performed within density-functional theory using the projector augmented wave method encoded in the vienna ab initio simulation package .,the calculations were performed using first-principles density functional theory as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -the inflationary paradigm is an integral part in the dynamics of the early universe and explains the formation of structure out of tiny quantum fluctuations .,inflation is the leading paradigm to describe the physical conditions that prevail in the very early universe . -batch normalization are applied after each convolution .,batch normalization and relu activations are applied after every convolution . -the ordinate is the product of the observed flux density s and square of the distance d2 .,the ordinate is the radial component of the momentum and in the abscissas one has the distance of the test-particle to the central mass . -convolutional neural networks have been extremely successful across many domains in machine learning and computer vision .,convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on visual recognition tasks . -"in , goodfellow et al proposed a gradient-based method for the misclassification attack called fast gradient sign method .","then , goodfellow et al proposed an approach called fast gradient sign method to conquer the inefficiency ." -"therefore , we apply batch-normalization to the output activations of the layer to alleviate this problem .",the only difference is we apply batch normalization to all layers in the networks except for the output layer . -an offset correction is applied to jet energies to take the contribution from pileup interactions into account .,the jet energy is corrected for the contribution from pileup based on the jet area method . -all the internal layers are activated by the relu nonlinearity function .,"all convolution and fully connected layers are followed by relu non-linearity , except for the output layer ." -cluster algebras are introduced by sergey fomin and andrei zelevinsky in .,"cluster algebras are introduced by sergey fomin and andrei zelevinsky in , and so on ." -"recently , deep learning has achieved significant success on many computer vision tasks such as image classification , semantic segmentation and object detection .",deep learning has demonstrated superior performance on many traditional computer vision tasks such as classification . -"for the depth network , we use the resnet-50 activation functions .","for the cifar-10 , cifar-100 and svhn datasets , we use a resnet-110 model ." -"deep networks have been applied to almost all computer vision tasks and have achieved state-of-the-art performances , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification . -we employed the resnet34 architecture for learning the feature embedding .,we used an architecture search space that is based on the resnet architecture . -"a spacetime is a time-oriented pseudo-riemannian globally hyperbolic 4-manifolds , ie topologically they are m 4 σ , so to have a well posed cauchy problem .","in what follows , we will say that a spacetime d is a diamond with an open globally hyperbolic neighbourhood of a cauchy surface on which it is based ." -"if we assume that gravity is the primary force determining the large-scale distribution of matter and that galaxies trace mass at least on large scales , then we can directly compare our best fit λ cdm model .","gravity is a long range force , and every particle interacts pairwise with every other particle ." -bthis is the header keyword for the field target from the wfpc2 images .,bthis is the column density internal to m 33 . -"for recnet , we adopt the u-net architecture which has the same structure with flownet .","we also consider the skip connection for the encoder-decoder network , which is derived from the u-net ." -"in any 3d conformal field theory , there is a one-to-one map between local operators on r3 and normalizable states of the same theory on ss2 r .",a conformal field theory is a quantum field theory whose group of symmetries contains the group of conformal spacetime transformations . -"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification .","deep learning approaches , in particularly deep convolutional neural networks , have achieved tremendous successes in various visual recognition tasks ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted a lot of attention in visual recognition due to its good performance .","recently , deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive results in image classification ." -a batch normalization layer are performed after each convolution layer consecutively .,each convolution layer is followed by a batch normalization step and a relu activation . -the calibrated visibility data were fourier-transformed and cleaned with miriad to produce images .,the data image cubes were ported into miriad software format for further analysis and display . -this also implies that the julia set has nonempty interior .,"the julia set is nonempty , compact and has empty interior ." -"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision .",convolution-based deep neural networks have performed exceedingly well on 2d representation learning tasks . -"string theory is the quantum theory of string-like objects in space-time , whereas loop quantum gravity is the attempt to quantize the gravitational field itself starting from the classical field equations .","if we assume that string theory is a promising framework for quantum gravity , it is of interest to explore specific stringy corrections to the spectrum of fluctuations ." -the most recognized sampling techniques are markov chain monte carlo methods .,the most popular and successful class of sampling algorithms is the markov chain monte-carlo . -we employ the adam optimizer to optimize the parameters with batch-size being 64 .,"for all systems , we use the adam optimizer with the identical settings to t2t , to tune the parameters ." -localization of underwater acoustic networks have also been studied widely in the past and a number of surveys are written on this subject .,navigation and localization of underwater acoustic networks have been studied widely in the past and number of surveys are written on this subject . -"recently deep neural networks have made a great success in many real-world applications , such as image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have seen great success in a range of computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -the interface unit is for interfacing the high power loads with the control unit .,an interface box is designed to connect the high power loads to the parallel port . -the recent development of deep learning has boosted the performance of image classification tasks .,recent image semantic segmentation techniques have been propelled by the great advance of dcnn for the image classification task . -"in recent years , machine learning with deep neural networks has surged into popularity in many application areas .","in recent years , deep neural networks have been applied to many areas and have achieved huge success in different domains such as image classification ." -convolutional neural networks have become the dominant approach for many computer vision tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification . -"since the zigzag ribbon is a bipartite lattice , a and b , respectively .",a ribbon is a first-order thickening of a non-singular curve . -in string theory it is the norm to consider black holes with many independent charges excited simultaneously .,"string theory is the quantum theory of string-like objects in space-time , whereas loop quantum gravity is the attempt to quantize the gravitational field itself starting from the classical field equations ." -percolation is one of the most frequently applied models to various natural phenomena in statistical physics .,random percolation is a well studied model for phase transitions in statistical physics and condensed matter physics . -deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many machine-learning tasks such as image recognition .,"convolutional neural networks have shown outstanding performance in many fundamental areas in computer vision , enabled by the availability of large-scale annotated datasets ." -the space-time is a solution of einstein equations with negative cosmological constant λ .,here spacetime is a fixed stage for particles and forces . -"so an irreducible representation of the susy algebra will correspond to several particles , forming what is called a supermultiplet .",this supermultiplet is the zero mode supermultiplet of maximally supersymmetric m-theory pp-wave algebra . -"cosmology is a natural arena where we can apply the holographic technique to understand the time evolution of the universe , the landscape program , and the initial singularity of the big bang .","cosmology is the other arena where nontrivial string backgrounds can be explored , some of the ideas developed from other studies can be put to test in cosmology and probably new insights may emerge ." -an improved structure is proposed by zhang et al who introduce a multi-column based architecture for crowd counting .,zhang et al propose a multi-column based architecture to tackle the large scale variations in crowd scenes . -typical examples include variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks .,examples include variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks . -the phase space is the product of the dual of a lie algebra g and r2 .,in phase space there is a curve that attracts most of the trajectories . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in object detection ." -"models of large or warped extra dimensions allow the fundamental scale of gravity to be as low as the electroweak scale , providing us with a low-scale gravity model .",models with large extra dimensions allow the fundamental scale of gravity to be as low as the electroweak scale . -all data were reduced using the miriad package .,the data were reduced using the miriad software . -a qubit is a ket in a two dimensional hilbert space h .,"more specifically , a qubit is a two-dimensional pure quantum state living in h2 ." -"we also train our model on the flickr30k dataset , which contains 31,783 images and 158,915 descriptive captions .","we train our visual tagger on data from the flickr30k and mscoco data sets , which consist of images each with five written captions ." -"also , the computation of anomalies via bulk gravity has been shown to exactly reproduce the results of the super yang-mills theory .","recently , the gauge-gravity duality has been proposed to understand the strongly coupled behavior of a very specific field theory ." -each polytope is the convex hull of three regular triangles lying in three pairwise orthogonal affine planes .,"a polytope is the convex hull of a finite point set in euclidean n dimensional space , for some n ." -"deep neural networks have been widely adopted in many applications such as computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing .","convolutional neural networks have enjoyed tremendous success in many computer vision applications , especially in image classification ." -"the pulsar is the brightest point source in four 12h observations at 8 4 ghz made with atca , at 0 1 arcsec resolution .",the pulsar in m 28 is the only one in a globular cluster which was identified with an x-ray source before the chandra observations . -"of these three waves , the left one is a rarefaction wave with negative characteristic velocity λ1 .",these waves are called as instantaneous kinematic waves . -cognitive radio networks have received considerable attention due to their potential for improving spectral efficiency .,"in the last decade , cognitive radio has received considerable attention as a way to improve the efficiency of radio networks ." -"moreover , the recent progress of deep neural networks in visual recognition has shown that the recognition performance in both fields have been greatly improved .","nowadays , deep neural networks , especially deep cnns , have shown explosive successes in both high-level vision problems ." -bayesian learning of probabilistic language models .,bayesian grammar induction for language modelling . -"for exchange and correlation the localdensity approximation , parametrized by perdew , burke and ernzerhof , was used .",the projector augmented wave method was adopted with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof exchange correlation functional . -the data were reduced with iraf scripts .,the data were reduced using the standard steps in miriad . -"recently , he et al introduced a deep residual learning framework to harness the degradation problem , making it possible to build extremely deep residual nets .","to overcome these problems , he et al proposed residual learning technique to ease the training of networks and enables them to be substantially deeper ." -"arallel kinematic machines are well known for their high structural rigidity , better payload-toweight ratio , high dynamic performances and high accuracy .","parallel kinematic machines are well known for their high structural rigidity , better payload-to-weight ratio , high dynamic performances and high accuracy ." -"taking computer vision as an example , deep convolutional neural networks have been verified to yield much better performance than conventional methods in various applications , from high-level tasks such as image recognition .",recently convolutional neural networks have performed very well on image classification tasks and are pervasive in machine learning and computer vision . -ordinate is the real part and abscissa is the imaginary part .,the ordinate is the absolute value of the z-coordinate of . -"recently , deep neural networks have substantially improved the state-of-the-art performances of various challenging classification tasks , including image based object recognition .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification ." -"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision .","designing deeper and wider convolutional neural networks has led to significant breakthroughs in many machine learning tasks , such as image classification ." -another more general way to tackle the problem is inverse reinforcement learning .,another popular paradigm is inverse reinforcement learning . -"after decades of dedicated effort , the advanced laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory detectors have inaugurated gravitational-wave astronomy with the observation of several compact-binary coalescences .","with its first detections of gravitational waves , the advanced laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory has provided a fundamentally new means of observing the universe ." -"deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many domains , such as computer vision .",deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -the time origin is the moment when the switch is turned on or the rising edge of the initial rectangular pulse .,"the time origin is the time of shock breakout , which corresponds to a range of delays since energy-deposition in the four models ." -"in addition , we use a batch normalization layers for larger base learning rate and faster convergence .",we observe that using batch normalization can accelerate the training process and also improve final performance . -"the belle detector is a large-solid-angle spectrometer consisting of a three-layer silicon vertex detector , a 50-layer central drift chamber located inside a superconducting solenoid coil that provides a 1 5 t magnetic field .",the belle detector is a large-solid-angle magnetic spectrometer that consists of a three-layer silicon vertex detector crystals located inside a super-conducting solenoid coil that provides a 1 5 t magnetic field . -"this condensate is a very important characteristics of qcd vacuum , since it is directly related to the vacuum energy density .",this condensate is a measure of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking . -"in this setting , finite-dimensional nichols algebras have been classified in .",finitedimensional nichols algebras of diagonal type are classified in . -the quasiparticle loss rate loss is modelled as being independent of the quasiparticle energy .,the energy of the second generated quasiparticle is fixed by the energy conservation law . -the link of this statement with thermalization is made through the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis .,a powerful framework for quantum thermalization is given by the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis . -these scenarios are called top-down scenarios .,one of these scenarios is the evolution of the sdb progenitor within a binary system . -"the superpotential is a projection of the superpotential for the parent theory , so , since the r-charges do not change , the beta functions for the superpotential couplings still vanish .",the superpotential is a function of n chiral superfields xa which parameterize the coulomb branch of the compactified theory . -the deformation consists of moving one of the connected components of the boundary of the surface following a vertical translation .,this deformation is the consequence of the interaction with the vacuum . -let gh be the radial component and let ge be the transverse component of g .,let jsc be the angular momentum for the spacecraft . -we use resnet-20 with cifar-10 as a base configuration to understand different properties of local sgd .,we use the resnet-152 architecture to demonstrate the compatibility between graph-cnn and cnn . -quantum mechanics is a statistical theory and measurements give probability distributions .,quantum mechanics is a tighter package than one might have first thought . -szegedy et al noticed that small perturbations to images could cause neural network classifiers to predict the wrong class .,szegedy et al first propose that neural networks can be induced to misclassify an image by carefully chosen perturbations that are imperceptible to humans . -"deep learning techniques , especially the convolutional neural network architectures have achieved remarkable breakthroughs in learning image representation for classification .","data-driven approaches , in particular , deep learning with convolutional neural networks , have recently attained great success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification ." -gabidulin codes are a special class of mrd codes and are often considered as the analogs of reed-solomon codes in rank metric .,"gabidulin codes are an example of optimal rank-metric codes , called maximum rank distance codes ." -"more importantly , string theory is a perfectly quantum mechanical theory which does include gravity .","however , as string theory is a consistent theory , it provides another mechanism to cancel these anomalies ." -several independent lines of observational evidence indicate that the expansion of the universe has entered an accelerating phase .,"distance measurements from supernovae have confirmed that , at recent times , the universe is undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion ." -"we utilize ms coco caption as our target dataset , which contains 123k images with 5 caption labels per image .","we also evaluate our mfrcns on the ms coco dataset , that contains images of 80 categories of objects ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved significant progress in computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"convolutional neural networks have become the most popular method in many fields of computer vision , such as image recognition ." -for different models implementations we used the scikit-learn library .,we used scikitlearn python library for implementing these classifiers . -"over the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have been very successful in a wide range of computer vision tasks such as image classification .","in recent years , convolutional deep neuron networks have shown their effectiveness in large-scale image classification ." -"even more dramatic is the sharp downturn or knee in the lcmo inverse-susceptibility data and , to a lesser but still noticeable extent , in those for lpmo .","more dramatic is the fact that phase fluctuations play a role at large voltages , contrary to the high transparency regime ." -"furthermore , studies have shown that networks , even with high standard test accuracy , can suffer from imperceptible adversarial attacks .","however , recent studies show that machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks ." -we used adam as our training optimizer with reference parameters .,we trained the networks using the adam optimizer with a minibatch of size 64 . -goodfellow et al proposed the fgs method for adversarial input generation .,goodfellow et al proposed the fast gradient sign method for generating adversarial examples . -the random dropout scheme provides an effective way to mitigate overfitting .,dropout is also a simple and effective approach for preventing overfitting . -"a qubit is a two-level quantum system , whose complex hilbert state space is spanned by kets and .","a qubit is the basic unit of information in quantum computation , a discipline which attempts to radically improve the performance of computers by exploiting the quantum properties of the system used as hardware ." -the higgs boson is the only piece of the standard model that has not been observed experimentally and its possible discovery is one of the main goals of the lhc .,"if the higgs boson is a very narrow resonance , we will observe a rapid increase in the visible cross section of the higgs production during energy scanning ." -this instability is the origin of the formation of a critical point in the bootstrap matter .,"this instability is a direct consequence of the presence of an ergoregion surrounding the outer horizon of the black hole , where ordinary causal matter experiences inertial framedragging and can not remain at rest with respect to an asymptotic observer ." -this plateau is the terminal behavior when no outer cylinder is present .,this plateau is a consequence of a spatial order achieved through preferential transitions in these concentrated configurations . -"specifically , convolutional neural networks have shown their powerful abilities on image representation .","for certain image classification benchmarks , deep neural networks have been touted to even surpass human-level performance ." -"in the meanwhile , we use a toolbox called yalmip to solve the same problems for comparison .","to this , we use yalmip which is a matlab-based toolbox for polynomial and sos optimization ." -region-based convolutional neural networks have been recognized as one of the most effective tools for object detection .,"in the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on object detection ." -"the algorithm is second order accurate and degenerates to the base ppm algorithm for plane-parallel , gridaligned flows .","moreover , the two-dimensional algorithm reduces exactly to the base one-dimensional algorithm for planar , grid-aligned flows ." -deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted a lot of attention in visual recognition due to its good performance ." -deep neural networks are learning models that produce state-of-the-art results for several types of classification and recognition problems .,deep convolutional neural networks are powerful discriminative models that yield impressive results at object classification . -the notion of stability conditions on a triangulated category is introduced by bridgeland in .,the notion of stability conditions on a triangulated category was introduced by bridgeland in his paper . -the luminosity is the logarithmic average of all reported detections .,this luminosity is a bit higher than values reported previously . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success with the growing training data on object classification .,deep neural networks have demonstrated success for many supervised learning tasks ranging from voice recognition to object detection . -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification ." -"the ecme algorithm is an extension of the classical expectation-maximization algorithm , which is a natural approach for ml estimation when the data are incomplete .","the ecm algorithm is a variant of the classical expectation-maximization algorithm , which is a natural approach for maximum likelihood estimation when data are incomplete ." -"deep convolutional neural networks are useful in solving selected groups of computer vision problems , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification . -the controlled manipulation of magnetic domain walls in laterally constrained ferromagnets is of huge interest for applications in logic devices .,switching of the magnetic state of the ferromagnet nanostructures by spin-polarized current is promising for applications in spintronics . -"in this study , we use resnet-50 pre-trained on imagenet as the backbone network .","in this experiment , both our s 4 net and fcis are based on resnet-50 pre-trained on imagenet dataset ." -"for the cylinder with m where m is the number of square plaquettes along the periodic , horizontal direction and l along the open , vertical direction , the number of ground states is 2l .","here , the cylinder with radius f is called a virtual cylinder ." -the generalized gradient approximation was used with the perdewburke-ernzerhof functional to describe the exchange-correlation interaction .,the exchange-correlation energy was described by the revised perdew-burke-ernzerhof exchange functional . -reconstruction of less regular conductivities in the plane 5 the matrix s is called the scattering matrix .,"the collection of all these amplitudes is called the scattering matrix , or shortly s-matrix ." -but gravity is a unique problem in that successful field approximations have been derived prior to comprehending what may be a quantized phenomenon .,"gravity is a universal messenger , present in all spontaneously broken locally supersymmetric models ." -"d eep neural networks have advanced to show the state-of-the-art performance in many of computer vision applications , such as image classification .","i n recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated an outstanding capability in various computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -characterize those loop birings which has every element to be quasi regular .,characterize those bisemigroup rings which are prime . -"omniglot consists of images from 1623 classes from 50 different alphabets , with only 20 images per class .","the omniglot dataset consists of images across 1623 classes with only 20 images per class , from 50 different alphabets ." -frames were first introduced by duffin and schaeffer as a generalization of orthonormal bases .,the notion of frame was introduced in 1952 by duffin and schaefer in the context of nonharmonic analysis . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have been an important tool that achieves state-of-the-art performances in many computer vision tasks .",deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress on various tasks in recent years . -the ordinate is the phase with 0 0 value corresponding to the deeper eclipse .,the ordinate is the number of the clusters . -the policies and beliefs of the organization are taken into consideration and shown favorably in the user-interfaces .,the policies and beliefs of the organization are not taken into consideration and shown unfavorably in the user-interfaces . -we see that the modulation increases with the asymmetry parameter λ .,we see that the modulation is small and decreases with the lsp mass . -"in the gauge sector , plus the remaining scalar particle h , which is called the higgs boson .","it could be the scale below which the higgs boson is a composite particle , and above which no fundamental scalars exist ." -"convolutional neural networks , cnn , have recently achieved state of the art performance in a number of computer vision tasks .",neural networks have led to state-of-the-art results on many important problems in artificial intelligence . -examples of flexible self-intersected polyhedra in dimension 4 were constructed by walz and stachel .,examples of flexible cross-polytopes in r 4 were constructed by walz and stachel . -all electronic structure calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package .,"the calculations of atomic geometry and band structure were performed based on the dft approach , as implemented in the vasp code ." -the gaussian is a very good approximation to the poisson distribution .,the gaussian is the expected signal shape in arbitrary units . -deep convolutional neural networks trained using backpropagation are thus achieving record performance in a variety of large-scale machine vision tasks .,"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection ." -"recurrent neural networks have recently seen great success at modeling sequential data , especially in natural language processing tasks .","convolutional neural networks have shown significant success in image and pattern recognition , video analysis , and natural language processing ." -"recently , several approaches have been proposed to learn embeddings of graph substructures such as nodes .","recently , models for learning latent representation of vertices of a static networks have become very popular ." -"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision .","in the past few years , convolutional neural networks have made tremendous progress in learning image features and solving various computer vision tasks ." -deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -"wyner , in his landmark paper on the wiretap channel , first investigated the information-theoretic security in practical communication systems .",information theoretically secure message transmission in noisy communication channels was first considered in the seminal work by wyner . -"convolutional neural networks have enjoyed tremendous success in many computer vision applications , especially in image classification .","modern deep convolutional neural networks have had significant impact on computer vision and artificial intelligence , as well as in the computational neuroscience of vision , ." -"in the last five years , deep learning has gained much attention , largely because it has surpassed the human level in solving many complex problems .","in recent years , deep learning has achieved a remarkable success in various areas , including computer vision ." -"recent advancements in computer vision and deep learning research have enabled enormous progress in many computer vision tasks , such as image classification .",advances in deep convolutional networks have led to vision systems that are starting to rival human accuracy in basic object recognition tasks . -"the omniglot dataset consists of fifty alphabets , each of which induces a different character recognition task .","the omniglot dataset consists of 50 alphabets of handwritten characters , each of which induces its own character recognition task ." -we derive the modified supersymmetric dirac operator which incorporates the vector supermultiplet .,we show that the supersymmetric qcd action for these supermultiplets is correctly given by the spectral action principle . -"recently , significant progress has been made in several real-world computer vision applications , including image classification .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have led to substantial improvements for numerous computer vision tasks like object detection , often achieving human-level performance ." -the distances are then used to construct an affinity matrix which is partitioned using standard spectral clustering techniques .,the segmentation of the data is then obtained by applying spectralclustering to the similarity matrix . -"although the cosmological constant is a beautiful and economic candidate , it suffers from some theoretical puzzles to be explained as currently observed de .","a cosmological constant is the simplest model of dark energy , but no natural explanation for the origin of it can be given ." -by the symbol pµ we denote the probability of finding the ribosome in the µth chemical state while it occupies the site i at time t .,the symbol p is the expectation value of s00 i with respect to the vacuum of bosons . -"recently , deep neural network based methods have lead to breakthroughs in several vision tasks , such as classification .",convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition . -that the exponential map is a diffeomorphism .,"thus , the exponential map is a polynomial transformation ." -some of the most successful models for generating images are generative adversarial networks .,the best known representatives for generative models are variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks . -it is a well known fact that the noncommutativity of space in ncft has a description in terms of a gauge field background on a commutative space .,the resulting low energy description is a noncommutative gauge theory where the noncommutative structure of space is determined by the b-field background . -the co j 1 and j 2 can thus be understood in terms of the gauge holonomic mechanics .,th j 1 and j 2 can thus be understood in terms of the ga holonomic mechanics . -the asterisks denote the point of metal-insulator transition .,"asterisks denote photometry of the bowshock alone , while diamonds denote the star plus bowshock ." -on ordered weighted averaging aggregation operators in multicriteria decision making .,the application of fuzzy integrals in multicriteria decision making . -"deep convolution neural networks have achieved ground-breaking results on a broad range of computer vision fields , such as image classification and so on .","in particular , convolutional neural networks have now become ubiquitous in computational solutions to visual recognition problems such as image classification ." -we use the binary classification version from the libsvm dataset collection 2 and the 4-classes version introduced by cai and he .,we use the binary version from the libsvm dataset collection 2 and the 4-classes version introduced in . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable successes for various tasks , such as object recognition and so on .","in the last decade , convolutional neural networks have shown state of the art accuracy on a variety of visual recognition tasks such as image classification ." -"deep learning has gained great success in tasks that are intuitive to human but hard to describe formally , such as image classification or speech recognition .","deep learning has achieved remarkable successes in object and voice recognition , machine translation , reinforcement learning and other tasks ." -such a policy is called an optimal policy .,the policy that achieves the maxima in the pair of coupled optimality equations is called the optimal policy . -isola et al proposed a general conditional gan framework for a wide range of supervised domain translation tasks .,isola et al have proposed a conditional gan-based unified framework for image-to-image translation . -the belle detector is a large-solid-angle magnetic spectrometer that consists of a three-layer silicon vertex detector crystals located inside a super-conducting solenoid coil that provides a 1 5 t magnetic field .,"the belle detector is a large-solid-angle magnetic spectrometer that consists of a three layer silicon vertex detector , a barrel-like array of time-of-flight scintillation counters located inside a superconducting solenoidal coil that provides a 1 5 t magnetic field ." -a plane wave basis set with energy cutoff of 350 ev and the generalized gradient approximation of perdew-burke-ernzerhof 56 to the exchangecorrelation functional were used .,the generalized gradient approximation with perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional was employed to describe exchange-correlation potential . -"the study of quantum field theory on black hole space-times has a long history , including the discovery of hawking radiation from asymptotically flat black holes .","the study of black hole thermodynamics has been a fruitful area of research since the pioneering discoveries of bekenstein and hawking about the black hole temperature , entropy and radiation ." -"in recent years , deep learning has emerged as the dominant solution showing remarkable success in a wide spectrum of artificial intelligence applications .","pioneered by alexnet , deep learning models such as convolutional neural networks gain remarkable success in solving computer vision problems ." -previous works propose new dram designs that are capable of reducing memory latency in conventional dram .,various works propose new dram architectures that provide lower latency . -quantum computation promises a significant speedup for certain classes of problems .,quantum computers can solve difficult problems such as factoring in drastically small time steps . -deep convolutional neural networks have been proven very useful in various tasks in computer vision including classification .,"deep learning methods have shown great successes in various computer vision tasks , including conventional tasks in object recognition ." -the calibrated visibility data were fourier-transformed and cleaned with miriad to produce images .,"the data were calibrated , continuum subtracted and imaged using the miriad software package ." -"for training the supervised model , we use the adam optimizer with batch-size set to 128 .","during this stage , we use adam algorithm to do model updating with a mini-batch size of 100 ." -its geometry is a geometry of non-traversable wormhole .,the geometry transverse to the 5-branes is a long tube which opens up into the asymptotic flat space region with the horizon at the other end . -the quantum channel capacity and coherent information .,the security of practical quantum key distribution . -"over the last decade , convolutional neural networks have been utilized to perform various tasks such as image classification .",neural networks have been proven effective in several domains such as image classification . -du et al applied a hierarchical rnn to discover common 3d action patterns in a data-driven learning method .,du et al proposed a hierarchical recurrent neural network for skeleton-based human action recognition . -the generated samples are processed through the geant4-based atlas detector simulation .,the simulated samples are processed either with a full atlas detector simulation . -"therefore , the commensurability is a directly result of the bandsplitting .","even if there is commensurability , there is a remaining limit imposed by the lattice to the harmonic vibrations of the wigner solid ." -the last decade has seen a rapid development of neural network methods that are widely considered to be the best tools for solving hard machine learning problems such as speech recognition .,"for the past several years , advances in deep neural networks have shown to be a powerful tool for a variety of machine learning problems in multiple domains , including computer vision ." -recently proposed deep convolutional neural network models have made incredible progress on image classification and other vision problems .,deep neural networks have recently been achieved breakthroughs in several domains such as computer vision . -gans have performed very well in a wide variety of applications such as image generation .,"gans have shown impressive results in a wide range of image generation problems , including infilling ." -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved huge success in solving problems related to computer vision , such as image classification ." -assume that the orthonormal basis consists of eigenvectors of .,another orthonormal basis consists of the kets representing respectively vertically and horizontally linearly polarized photons . -in it was shown that all degrees of categoricity are hyperarithmetical .,"later , csima , franklin and shore showed that in fact all degrees of categoricity are hyperarithmetical ." -a strong stability preserving third-order runge-kutta scheme is used for time integration .,a strong stability preserving 3rd-order runge-kutta scheme is used for time integration . -deep neural network models have recently demonstrated impressive learning results in many visual and speech classification problems .,deep neural networks have recently achieved huge success in various machine learning tasks . -"deep model-free reinforcement learning has had great successes in recent years , notably in playing video games .","nowadays deep learning has been very successful in numerous applications , from robotics , computer vision , reinforcement learning , to natural language processing ." -"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation .","in particular , convolutional neural networks has been popular in vision and audio recognition areas ." -the potentials is a sum of exponentials of linear combinations of these fields .,these three-dimensional potentials are called maximally super-integrable potentials . -"in this theorem , γ is a ongruen e subgroup of a dis rete group derived from an inde nite quaternion division algebra .",it follows easily from this theorem that σ denotes the spectrum of c . -since the dipole moment is a coordinate dependent quantity it will always be possible to eliminate it by making an appropriate coordinate redefinition .,this dipole moment is the sum of the nuclear and static electronic charges multiplied by the interatomic distance . -"non-orthogonal multiple access is envisaged as a potentially promising technique to address some key challenges in the fifth generation networks , such as high spectral efficiency and massive connectivity .","recently , non-orthogonal multiple access has drawn significant attention in both industry and academia as a promising multiple access technique for the fifth-generation wireless newtworks ." -motivated by these and new examples arising as applications of the general quasi-deformation construction in .,motivated by these and new examples arising as applications of the general quasideformation construction of . -"the generator is an encoderdecoder network with blocks of convolution , batch normalization and activation layers .",the network consists of convolution layers interleaved by batch normalization . -"ieee international conference on communications , vol .","ieee vehicular technology conference , , vol ." -recent developments in deep learning have led to significant progress in supervised learning tasks on complex image datasets .,deep learning has led to significant improvements in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -thus we have given yet another class of s-special definite rings .,now we have defined those class of rings as smarandache special definite rings . -"additionally , hydrogen is the raw material from which stars and therefore galaxies are ultimately formed , so if large reservoirs of it exist at the present time , we might hope to find signatures of on-going formation processes in the neutral gas .",hydrogen is the most abundant primordial baryonic matter in the universe out of which the visible galaxies and galaxy clusters have formed . -a multiset m is a set which may hold multiple copies of its elements .,the multiset m is a set and has strength 3 4 proof . -"for these experiments we will consider test classification error utilizing the same train-test split , features , and labels from .",for these experiments we will consider test classification accuracy utilizing the same train-test split and features from . -"here , we show the absolute value of temperature relative to the thermal cmb spectrum .","for reference , we also show the pressure power spectrum and the trispectrum ." -convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks have em-erged as the deep learning model of choice for object detection , classification ." -deep convolutional neural networks have significantly improved the performance of computer vision systems .,deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of machine learning tasks . -"in recent years , deep learning has been achieving tremendous success on numerous machine learning applications .","due to its many successful applications to pattern recognition , deep learning has become one of the most active research trends in the machine learning community ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved significant progress in computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification ." -"in recent years , the availability of larger datasets and computationally-powerful machines have helped deep convolutional neural networks .",availability of increasingly powerful hardware has enabled training of deeper and deeper neural networks with corresponding improvements in performance . -convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on computer vision tasks .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -cosmological inflation is a powerful solution to the flatness and horizon problems at the beginning of the standard big bang scenario .,cosmological inflation is a remarkable idea that provides a convincing explanation for the isotropy and homogeneity of the universe . -"paticchio on behalf of the finuda collaboration , nucl .","gianotti on behalf of the finuda collaboration , nucl ." -the forces were calculated in the vasp code within the projector-augmented wave method using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof flavor of the exchange-correlation potential .,the perdew-burke-ernzerhof exchange correlation functional and the projected augmented wave methodology was used to describe the core electrons . -gravity by itself is a relevant matter in connection with cosmic string .,"since gravity is a gauge theory , one has to take into account the complications due to the gauge fixing and ghost 19 terms ." -the lattice qcd can also be used to determine the hqe parameters .,we use the hadron masses measured on the lattice to obtain the hqe parameters . -"for the discriminator , we use two-scale patchgan classifiers to classify overlapping patches as real or fake .","for the discriminator , we use a network architecture similar to patchgan , and with wn and trelu ." -"while efficient in the typical case , the deterministic simplex algorithm requires an exponential time in the worst cases .","while the worst case time complexity of the simplex algorithm is exponential , on average it outperforms algorithms with polynomial time complexity ." -"over the past few years , convolutional neural networks have become the leading approach in computer vision .","over the past decade , neural networks have dramatically advanced the state of the art on many important problems , most notably object recognition ." -we have obtained an explicit formula for the pd f .,we then give the analytical expression of the pd f . -a polytope whose dual is neighbourly is therefore simple and is called a dual neighbourly polytope .,select a subset is called the integral polytope . -"for information on the weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes , the reader is referred to .","for information on the weight distribution of irreducible cyclic codes , the reader is referred to the recent survey ." -two famous examples of such models are generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders .,variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks are the two most popular deep generative models . -this paper introduces the usage of generative adversarial networks for visual saliency prediction .,"in this paper , we propose to use generative adversarial networks ." -"recently , with the rapid development of deep learning , and in particular , deep convolutional neural networks , a number of models have been proposed for image recognition .","in recent years , methods using convolution neural network have been successful in the classification of image recognition ." -"the physics is dominated by the pseudo-goldstone bosons , and the corresponding effective field theory is known as chiral perturbation theory .","perturbation theory is a very powerful method that allows the very precise calculation of many observables within quantum field theory for small couplings λ , eg cross sections , etc ." -"the potential energy , which is a quartic term in the language of second quantization , has various terms according to the number of times the constant function appears .",the potential energy is assumed to consist of two parts as v describes an inhomogeneity . -"the three commonly used penalties are akaike information criterion , bayesian information criterion , and hannan and quinn information criterion .","among these criteria , the most common are the akaike information criterion and the bayesian information criterion ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",convolutional neural networks have been trained to achieve near human-level performance on object detection . -we illustrate this by the following example .,we illustrate this situation by some examples . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved significant successes in numerous computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"recently deep convolutional neural networks have delivered excellent results in a broad range of computer vision problems , including but not limited to image classification ." -each stratum consists of equivalence classes of stable maps modelled on a fixed tree t and has an obvious smooth topology .,a connected component of xh is called a stratum of x . -"mikami , for the belle collaboration , these proceedings .","denig , for the kloe collaboration , these proceedings ." -"similarly , consider the mutation at the vertex in q , to which the variablex 2 is attached .","similarly , consider the mutation at the vertex in q , to which the variable y 2 is attached ." -"in particular , convolutional neural networks have reached outstanding performances in many different tasks such as object classification .","recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success on many vision tasks such as object recognition ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have seen an explosion of usage .",especially neural networks have recently resulted in a revolution of modern computing . -"again , the dominant feature is a change in the normalization of the mean intensity , but this time an increase by iγi h as high as 104 .",the dominant feature is the full-deposition peak at 764 kev . -lsb galaxies fall in the large scale structure marked by high surface brightness galaxies .,the lsb galaxies all fall in large scale structure marked by high surface brightness galaxies . -we evaluate the proposed model on five public benchmark datasets including hku-is .,"we evaluate our proposed method on 6 widely used saliency detection benchmarks , including msra-b ." -"any diameter is a limit set , and the exact limiting behaviour depends on the initial conditions .",this diameter is a wavelength-dependent quantity but λ variations are minute in the optical wavelength region . -it has been observed that deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples .,neural networks have been shown to be vulnerable against carefully crafted adversarial inputs . -"with the development and application of deep learning in computer vision , object detection and recognition has been studied .",great breakthrough has been made in 2d image recognition tasks with the development of convolutional neural networks . -"the ordinate is the fraction of photons reaching the fibre exit end as a function of the bending angle , φ , and the arrows indicate angles , φlimit , where in the bending plane a change in the transmission function should occur .",the ordinate is the radial component of the momentum and in the abscissas one has the distance of the test-particle to the central mass . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable successes for various tasks , such as object recognition and so on .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have demonstrated the state-of-the-art performance in visual recognition tasks ." -an example of such an architecture is the convolutional neural networks using the error gradient .,the classic example is of course convolutional neural networks for image classification . -this enhancement is the consequence of the increase of the phase space of soft magnetic fluctuations as one goes from a cubic to a quasi-two dimensional structure .,this enhancement is a coherent effect and therefore it is expected to diminish as the coherence length becomes of the order of the system size which occurs in the region of strong coupling . -zhao et al proposed a convolutional neural network framework to recover poorly reconstructed images .,"as a pioneering work , chen et al used a three-layer convolutional neural network to handle the noise in the ldct images ." -generative models such as generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders are powerful models capable of generating images .,generative adversarial networks form a popular framework for generating realistic samples from high-dimensional complex data distributions . -neural networks have recently been shown to achieve outstanding performance in several machine learning domains such as image recognition .,deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many hard perception problems . -the generative adversarial networks is a framework for learning generative models .,generative adversarial networks are a type of deep generative model . -deep learning systems have surpassed other algorithms and even humans at several tasks .,deep learning models have achieved remarkable success in computer vision . -"for the random forest method , we used the python implementation supplied by the scikit-learn library .",in order to compare our performance with other clustering algorithms we used the implementation available in the scikit-learn python library . -the effect of the gravitational mass on the electromagnetic .,the multipole expansion of the electromagnetic radiation . -"kauffman introduced the notion of virtual knots and links , which is a generalization of classical knots and links .","later , kauffman introduced the notion of a virtual knot , which is an extension of classical knot theory ." -one source of this discrepancy is the fact that the distribution of local wavenumbers is approximately independent of the domain size .,another source of discrepancy is the difference in the choice of the interpolating field . -we propose a learning algorithm for map estimates of the parameters based on the expectation-maximisation algorithm .,"to overcome this difficulty , we propose a novel iterative solution scheme based on the expectation-maximization method proposed by ." -"indeed , even the symmetry energy at saturation density is not well constrained experimentally .",yet these observables are mostly insensitive to the density dependence of the symmetry energy . -cosmic strings are topological defects which may have been formed at a high-temperature phase transition very early in the history of the universe .,cosmic strings are one-dimensional topological defects which may form dynamically at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe . -we have just seen that the geometrical counting procedure reproduce just the coherent component irr of the moduli space .,we will discover that it is possible to apply this procedure only to the coherent component of the moduli space . -polar codes are the first class of error-correcting codes that was proved to achieve channel capacity with efficient encoding and decoding algorithms .,"a s the first family of error-correcting codes provably achieving the channel capacity with explicit construction , polar codes are a major breakthrough in coding theory ." -where the tilde denotes the laplace transform .,"here , the tilde denotes the equivalence classification under the increases from t to time reparametrization symmetry ." -the relu activation function is used to activate the output for the next dense layer .,the non-linear transformation associated to the fc layer is the relu non linear activation function . -"for the detection of both the actors and the local objects , we use faster r-cnn .","specifically , we use faster r-cnn as the base cnn with region proposal networks , to perform real-time object detection ." -feed-forward deep neural networks are widely used in various image related tasks such as image captioning .,deep neural networks are powerful representation learning models which achieve near-human performance in image recognition tasks . -we used word2vec to learn embeddings for each buggy program revision .,we used word2vec to obtain a distributed vector representation for german user comments . -"the correlation clustering problem was introduced by bansal , blum , and chawla .","the correlation clustering problem was first formulated as an optimization problem by bansal , blum , and chawla ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on challenging tasks such as image recognition .",recent advances in deep neural networks have resulted in powerful models that demonstrate high predictive capabilities on a wide variety of tasks from image classification and other tasks . -"hadrons consisting of three quarks are called baryons , hadrons made up of a quark and an antiquark are called mesons .","in the theory of disordered systems , these goldstone modes are known as diffusons whereas in qcd they are known as the pseudoscalar mesons ." -"recently , deep learning has been successfully applied in various machine learning tasks .","with the success of deep learning , convolutional neural network has been applied successfully in this domain ." -"deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many application areas , such as computer vision and natural language processing .",convolutional neural networks have achieved impressive state-of-the-art results on image classification . -"in this section , we first recall basic facts on vertex operator algebras from .",in this subsection we briefly review some basic notions and facts in the theory of vertex operator algebras from . -an exact solution is presented for the case of line arrays .,"for the plane arrays , an approximate result is given ." -"following the standard framework of algorithms with advice , see , eg , this information is provided to all nodes at the start by an oracle knowing the entire graph .","following the framework of algorithms with advice , see , eg , this information is provided to all nodes at the start by an oracle knowing the entire tree ." -"yuan , for the bes collaboration , these proceedings .","dainese , for the alice collaboration , these proceedings ." -"gioia im , henry jp , maccacaro t , morris sl , stocke jt , wolter a .","stanford sa , elston r , eisenhardt pr , spinrad h , stern d , dey a ." -the top most spectrum is the mean spectrum .,the top spectrum is the observed normalised rest frame spectrum . -"as an underlying classification network we use the standard vgg network , initialized from the publicly available model .","for the convolutional layers , we use the vgg16 model pre-trained on imagenet data ." -"recently , deep neural networks have been adopted successfully for saliency detection .","very recently , deep neural network models are also utilized in image saliency detection ." -"the first qkd protocol was suggested in a seminal paper by bennett and brassard in 1984 , and is now known as bb84 .","the first qkd protocol was proposed in 1984 by bennett and brassard , called bb84 ." -"if the neutrino is a majorana fermion , the the neutrino and the anti-neutrino are the same object .","so , we see that if neutrino is a majorana particle , then the neutrinoless double decay will take place ." -deep neural networks have been shown to be effective for solving many computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have demonstrated success for many supervised learning tasks ranging from voice recognition to object detection . -ferromagnetism is a likely possibility due to the stoner criterium although it will compete with antiferromagnetism at high values of u .,the ferromagnetism is the leading instability in the symmetric model and is least affected by the trigonal distortion . -"our theoretical framework is the mixed quantum-classical description of the spin dynamics , in the spirit of the s-d-model , where the itinerant electrons are described by a tight-binding model while localized spins are treated classically .","the theoretical framework adopted is the standard-model extension , which describes general lorentz and cpt violation ." -"specifically , we use the first three conv groups from vgg-16 and add two fully-connected layers of size 3072 and 1024 .","in particular , we employ the 16-layers model from vgg dataset , and use the activations from layer fc6 ." -this completes the proof that is a right bialgebroid .,"completes the proof that na is a poisson random variable with mean , n pah ." -adversarial autoencoders are probabilistic models based on the framework of generative adversarial networks .,generative adversarial networks are a powerful class of deep generative models . -"to evaluate its effectiveness on saliency detection , we compare it against 13 existing state-of-the-art algorithms , which are dgrl .","in this section , we compare our proposed egnet with 15 previous state-of-the-art methods , including dcl ." -the compact muon solenoid experiment is one of the four large experiments at the cern large hadron collider with a wide range of physics goals .,the compact muon solenoid is one of two general-purpose particle physics detectors built at the large hadron collider at cern . -li et al proposed using maximum mutual information as the objective function to produce more diverse and interesting responses .,low diversity problems in neural dialogue generation were first addressed by li et al who augmented the objective function with maximum mutual information . -can be viewed as a scaling limit of continuous time random walk where the iid jumps are separated by iid power law waiting times .,"the time fractional derivative comes from the fact that x lt can be viewed as a scaling limit of continuous time random walk , where the iid jumps are separated by iid power law waiting times ." -"deep learning has achieved widespread success in a variety of settings , such as computer vision .","deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many domains , such as computer vision ." -a well-known example we have to mention here is that no rk methods is energy-preserving for general hamiltonian system except for those polynomial system .,a good case in point is that no rk methods are energy-preserving for general non-polynomial hamiltonian systems . -the code attribute is used to identify the type using the controlled vocabulary olac-functionality .,the lang attribute is used to identify the language of these elements . -deep learning has led to significant improvements in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many domains , such as computer vision ." -l arge-scale antenna systems are expected to be one of the key enablers of enhanced spectral and energy efficiency in future wireless communication systems .,large-scale mimo systems have drawn considerable attention as a promising technology for next generation cellular systems because they offer orders of magnitude improvement in spectral efficiency . -a power law is a good fit to both spectra and the two spectra give consistent indices and amplitudes within the errors .,"the power law is a very good fit to the composite gcvf , except for the lowest vc bin ." -neural network learning has underpinned state of the art empirical results in numerous applied machine learning tasks .,deep learning has revolutionised research in automatic speech recognition as well as many other fields of application of machine learning . -the yau-tian-donaldson conjecture states that the existence of such a metric should be equivalent to the purely algebro-geometric notion of k-polystability .,"here the notion of stability is k-polystability , and the yau-tian-donaldson conjecture states that admits a csck metric if and only if it is k-polystable ." -"in the case of ads black holes with spherical topology , hawking and page showed that cold black holes are not stable -they undergo a phase transition into thermal ads .",hawking and page showed that a first-order phase transition occurs between schwarzschild ads black holes and thermal ads space . -kirkpatrick et al proposed elastic weight consolidation which adds a penalty term to the loss function and constrains the weight parameters that are relevant to retain previously learned tasks .,"recently , kirkpatrick et al proposed elastic weight consolidation , a quadratic penalty on the difference between the parameters for the new and the old task ." -"recently , artificial neural networks have gotten a lot of attention by outclassing the state-of-the-art methods in many domains such as object recognition in images .","over the past few years , deep neural networks have driven advances in many practical problems , such as image classification ." -lattice qcd is the prime tool for the non-perturbative study of these particles .,lattice qcd is the principal theoretical tool to study non-perturbative aspects of the qcd lagrangian from first principles . -this is called the transverse poisson structure along s .,"obviously , this poisson structure is a poisson-lie one , with respect to the g-action induced by the left g-action ." -the major conclusion is that neither the number of small cells nor the number of cell tiers changes the coverage probability in interference-limited fully-loaded cellular networks .,"using a simple modelling , the major conclusion in is that neither the number of cells nor the number of cell tiers changes the coverage probability in interference-limited fully-loaded wireless networks ." -"deep learning has been applied in computer vision and many other areas , and the results have been quite remarkable .","deep learning has led to tremendous success in various fields , such as image classification , speech recognition , and game playing ." -one common feature in is that at least the smallest nonzero eigenvalue of the laplacian matrix associated with the communication graph is required to be known for the consensus protocol design .,one common feature in is that at least the smallest nonzero eigenvalue λ 2 of the laplacian matrix associated with g is required to be known for the consensus protocol design . -performance within the task of supervised image classification has been vastly improved in the era of deep learning using modern convolutional neural network .,"studies in recent years employing deep neural networks has high performance in the classification task , which has lead to significant progress in a variety of real-world applications such as image classification ." -elmo is a character-based language model that provides deep contextualized word representations .,elmo trains a multi-layer sequence model to build a contextsensitive representation of words in a sentence . -"this geometry is a trumpet with curvature singularity at the origin of the coordinate system , and it is dual to the semi-infinite cigar .",the geometry we consider is a one-dimensional ring coupled to a bubble . -the most striking feature of this figure is the hysteretic behavior of both the strain rate and the order parameter as a function of the shear stress .,the striking feature of the figure is the enhancement of κph below t0 . -"however , instead of a unique vacuum , the system has a set m of vacua , which is called the vacuum manifold .","the vacuum manifold consists of disconnected pieces , and the kink configurations are classical solutions to the euler-lagrange equations that interpolate between two states from these disconnected pieces ." -low-density parity-check codes were first proposed by gallager in the 90s .,low-density parity-check block codes were first invented by gallager . -deep neural networks have achieved considerable improvements in learning tasks with voluminous labeled data .,"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification ." -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have been employed successfully for numerous applications in computer vision and robotics such as object detection and many others , often outperforming the conventional feature-based methods .","deep convolutional neural networks have shown significant performance and become ubiquitous in machine learning and artificial intelligence related applications , such as computer vision , speech recognition and smart security object recognition ." -"in ref , the authors have derived an upper bound for the mir between two nodes or two groups of nodes of a complex dynamical network that depends on the two largest lyapunov exponents l 1 and l 2 of the subspace of the network formed by these nodes .","in ref , the authors have derived an upper bound for the mir between two nodes or two groups of nodes that depend on the largest lyapunov exponents of the subspace of the network formed by the nodes ." -"the axion is a particle that is theoretically motivated , since is the consequence of the peccei quinn solution to the strong cp problem .",axion is a possible candidate of light particle and might show the long-distance interference phenomenon . -the weights of the layer were initialised by the glorot uniform initializer .,the weights of the convolution kernels were initialized with xavier weightings and 0 biases . -two of the most commonly used deep generative models are variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks .,generative adversarial networks are one of the main groups of methods used to learn generative models from complicated real-world data . -this subalgebra consists of operators preserving the order of zero at the origin .,thus we have that every 3-generated subalgebra is a right semilattice . -"our subject is the simplest class among those q-analogues , the quantum matrix balls .",another subject on 12be is the molecule-like structure in the excited states which is reported in ref . -region-based convolutional neural networks have been recognized as one of the most effective tools for object detection .,r egion-based approaches with convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in object detection . -"in quantum field theory , there is a redundancy as to what energy scale one should use to define theory .","we mainly will use the latter formulation , which is called euclidean quantum field theory ." -many active learning algorithms have been proposed in the literature so faris a comprehensive survey of recent works in this field .,there has been a large body of work on active learning in the machine learning literature . -"the stratification is a decomposition of x in a family of manifolds , called strata , endowed with a partial order of incidence .","this stratification is the quotient modulo w of the stratification of v by the intersection lattice of , hence is a whitney stratification ." -"imposing the brown-henneaux ads 3 boundary conditions on , we can fix the arbitrary functions .",this is the case if one imposes the original brown-henneaux boundary conditions . -"in recent years , machine learning has achieved remarkable progress , mainly owing to the development of deep neural networks .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks and have achieved unprecedented progress ." -"the exchange-correlation interaction was treated in the generalized gradient approximation in the parameterization of perdew , burke , and ernzerhof .","the generalized gradient approximation was used in conjunction with the perdew , burke , and ernzerhof density functional ." -"since the genotype is a double string there are four pieces which are glued across , forming two gametes .",the genotype is the genetic constitution of an individual . -the electron exchange correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient of the perdew-bruke-ernzerhof functional .,"the electron exchange-correlation functional was described by the generalized gradient approximation in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -"data-driven approaches , in particular , deep learning with convolutional neural networks , have recently attained great success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .","convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems ." -each tower consists of a stack of 20 layers of lead and 21 layers of scintillator .,each tower would consist of 17 trays arranged to hold 16 layers of silicon strip detectors . -"the ellipsis denotes higher order derivative terms with dimensioned coupling constants , which come into play when the flow speed changes rapidly wrt separation .",the ellipsis denotes terms irrelevant to the radius stabilization . -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks .","for example , convolutional neural networks have led to improved performance in image classification ." -an embedding from a substructure of a into b is called a partial isomorphism between a and b .,this isomorphism is a projectivization of a natural isomorphism between a space dual to a factor-space and a subspace of a dual space dual to the kernel of the factorization . -"the gribov horizon is a convex manifold , and we have shown here that thin vortices are conical singularities on that manifold .","the boundary of this region in configuration space , where the faddeev-popov operator acquires negative eigenvalues , is known as the gribov horizon ." -sg the interval loop interval semiring is of finite order .,sg is an infinite groupoid interval semiring . -"recent advances in deep learning have generated a constant stream of new neural architectures , including skip-connections to differentiable external memories .","alongside the development of new registrationbased methods , the development of deep learning has inspired a revolution of learning-based methods ." -reinforcement learning is a machine learning problem that is used to train the machine to take actions in environments to maximize the reward .,reinforcement learning is a learning technique that an agent learns from the interactions between the environment by trialand-error . -we now relate these axiom systems with restrictions on the accessibility relations .,here we investigate restrictions on the interaction between the plausibility spaces and the accessibility relations . -the d-instantons were incorporated to all orders using the twistor description of qk manifolds .,this is achieved using the twistorial description of qk manifolds . -deep neural networks have been proven to be very effective in many domains including image classification .,convolutional neural networks have been instrumental to the recent breakthroughs in computer vision . -now we proceed on to define the notion of s-definite special ideal related with the ring contained in s-definite special field .,"now having seen the definition and examples of semilinear algebra , we proceed on to define the notion of smarandache definite special linear algebra ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have been shown to be useful in a wide range of applications including computer vision .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks has achieved remarkable results in a wide range of computer vision applications ." -then color x 1 x 2 from with respect to 5 and u φ .,"we then color x 1 x 2 , x 3 x 4 from with respect to 5 and u φ ." -we implement our algorithm on the pytorch platform .,we implement hyper in pytorch and make our code publicly available . -the tracefree symmetric part is called the shear of the congruence .,this congruence is a reformulation of theorem 2 . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have propelled unprecedented advances in artificial intelligence including object recognition , speech recognition , and image captioning .","deep neural networks have recently achieved great success in computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -in the quantum theory this is the -algebra symmetry .,quantum theory is a new paradigm in search of the ultimate reality but playing with the old dices of superstitious human civilizations . -following the success of deep learning based object detection approaches .,with the notable success of cnn on large scale object recognition . -"the recent interest in deep learning has made it feasible to train very deep neural networks , leading to remarkable accuracies in many high-dimensional problems including image recognition , video tagging , biomedical diagnosis , and others .","in recent years , deep learning has dramatically improved the state of the art in several research domains including computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -our numerical scheme is the second order accurate except at the grid level boundaries since we employ the center difference .,our numerical scheme is a a semiimplicit spectral method in two dimensions . -we have extended our previous work to the case when the condensate densities are different on the left and right of the barrier .,"in this section , we consider the more general case when the condensate densities are different between the right and left of the barrier ." -"in this section , we report the performance of the proposed gsr-nls method for image denoising and compare it with several state-of-theart denoising methods , including bm3d .","in this section , we validate the performance of the proposed denoising algorithm and compare it with several state-of-the-art denoising methods , including bm3d ." -the state of the art in human pose estimation has adopted convolutional neural networks as the main building block .,"recently , dramatic progress has been made on pose estimation with the advent of powerful convolutional neural networks ." -"for 2d detection , we follow the original mask r-cnn architecture , which includes feature pyramid network , region proposal network .","in our implementation , we have utilized mask r-cnn which provides reliable segmentation results ." -any geometry is a totality of all geometric objects between them .,this geometry is a direct higher-dimensional generalization of conifold . -each convolution is followed by batch normalization and a relu activation function .,following each convolution is batch normalization operation followed by relu activation . -the recent advances in deep neural networks have shown promising results on a variety machine leaning tasks including image classification .,deep neural networks have shown impressive state-of-the-art results in the last years on numerous tasks and especially on image recognition . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-ofthe-art results in various computer vision tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation ." -"genius is the only of the new projects which simultaneously has a huge potential for cold dark matter search , and for real-time detection of low-energy neutrinos .","genius is the only of the new projects which simultaneously has a huge potential for cold dark matter search , and for real-time detection of low-energy neutrinos ." -cosmic strings are one-dimensional topological defects which may form dynamically at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe .,cosmic strings are linear defects that could be formed at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe . -now we proceed on to define the smarandache analogue .,now we proceed onto define smarandache ss-elements . -"in parallel , deep convolutional neural networks have proven their effectiveness in many computer vision fields such as object classification .","models based on deep convolutional neural networks have become the de facto standards in a wide variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -cosmic strings are one dimensional topological defects which may have been left behind by phase transitions in the early universe .,cosmic strings are line-like topological defects which may form during phase transitions in the early universe . -cosmic strings are linear topological defects that can form in the early universe as a result of symmetry-breaking phase transitions .,cosmic strings are linear concentrations of energy which may have formed during symmetry-breaking phase transitions in the early universe . -"this has been successfuly applied to object detection , to name a few .","this has been successfuly applied , among others , to object detection ." -the single-top-quark samples are normalised to the approximate nnlo cross sections .,all top quark samples are normalised using next-to-next-to-leading order cross-sections . -"as with most of the ivoa data access protocols , slap makes use of votable for metadata exchange , stc , ucd , utypes and units for metadata description .","as with most of the ivoa data access protocols , simdal will probably make use of votable for metadata exchange , ucd , utypes and units for metadata description ." -"compared to the original resnet architecture , wideresnet uses layers with a higher number of channels , while reducing the number of layers .",this architecture uses only 38 hidden layers but with more units per layer than in the original resnets . -"this permutation is a symmetry , since it preserves the extension of abcd bacd r according to the requirement .",recall that the following permutation is called a cyclic permutation . -"holds , where the tilde denotes the completion with respect to µm .",tilde denotes the charge conjugate spinors . -the presence of low average path lengths and high clustering coefficients lead to the discovery of small world networks .,"watts and strogatz showed that in addition to a short average path length , small world networks are highly clustered ." -we can define substructures like subsemirings and ideals of the loop interval semiring .,we can have the notion of left ideals and right ideals of an interval semiring . -the enhancement is a result of interchanging resonances between neutrino and antineutrino ensembles due to resonance waves passing through the neutrino and antineutrino spectrum .,this enhancement is a an early time effect due to the presence of hotspots or over-dense regions in the fluctuating initial state . -it was shown in that the m-network is not matroidal with respect to any representable matroid .,"in , it was shown that the notion of scalar linear solvability of networks can be captured by matroids ." -"thus , we propose a denoising method by utilizing generative adversarial networks .","on the network architecture side , we can explore the use of generative adversarial networks ." -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .","deep neural networks have been widely adopted in many applications such as computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -the networks were trained through stochastic gradient descent using the adam method .,the network was trained using an adam optimizer for gradient descent . -the potential contrast between the domains is .,the distance and tip radius dependence of the response is . -"to enable larger training batch , we use googlenet to extract the convolutional features .","for the training data preprocessing , we use the standard googlenet data augmentation ." -"in this case study , we used the penn tree bank dataset , which is a widely used benchmark dataset for language modeling .","we used the penn treebank and wikitext-2 datasets , which are the standard benchmark datasets for the word-level language modeling task ." -this will provide a new witness for entanglement-based quantum networks .,this is an indispensable technique for long distance quantum communication networks . -"currently , generative adversarial networks are among the most successful approaches in building such models .","recently , goodfellow et al introduced the generative adversarial network framework to address this problem ." -"deep neural networks have achieved great success in many applications , eg , image recognition and machine translation .","deep neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many machine learning applications , eg , classification ." -"massive multiple-input-multiple-output technology , which consists of employing a large number of antenna elements at the base station to serve many multi-antenna users , is expected to yield significant spectral efficiency improvement .","future wireless communications are expected to leverage large antenna arrays at the base station to achieve higher data rates , both in new millimeter wave bands and at standard frequencies with massive multiple input multiple output ." -the tilde is used here to denote noisy logical gates .,the tilde here denotes an explicit vertex correction coming from the non-oblique operators . -"however , as string theory is a consistent theory , it provides another mechanism to cancel these anomalies .","in string theory , there is a t-duality symmetry , ie , physics is invariant under a tduality transformation ." -"we sample the posterior distribution of the parameter space using markov chain monte carlo methods , and generating mcmc chains through the publicly available mcmc sampler cosmomc .","we sample the posterior distribution of the cosmological parameters by making use of markov chain monte carlo methods , through a modified version of the publicly available mcmc sampler cosmomc ." -in the next section we describe the aet environment and the most important features of the measured and simulated wavefields .,in this section we describe the most important qualitative features of measured and simulated aet wavefields . -cosmic strings are one-dimensional topological defects which may form dynamically at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe .,cosmic strings are stable linear defects that potentially arise in a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe or in brane inflation models of string theory . -the killer symmetry is known as conformal invariance .,the invariance is a direct consequence of the ad-invariance properties of λ . -kan et al proposed a multiview discriminant analysis method to obtain a common space for multiple views by optimizing both inter-view and intra-view rayleigh quotient .,"kan et al proposed a multiview discriminant analysis approach , which seeks for a single discriminant common space for multiple views by jointly learning multiple view-specific linear transforms ." -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in 2001 in order to design a combinatorial framework for studying total positivity in algebraic groups and canonical bases in quantum groups .,cluster algebras were introduced by fomin-zelevinsky in a series of four articles to give an algebraic framework for the study of total positivity and dual canonical bases in lie theory . -"in recent years , machine learning with deep neural networks has surged into popularity in many application areas .","recently , deep learning methods have made remarkable progress in computer vision and machine learning ." -deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have shown remarkable performance in many computer vision tasks . -"improper signals , which are correlated with their complex conjugate , have proven beneficial in several interference-limited wireless networks such as the interference channel .","recently , it has been shown that improper gaussian signaling can improve the performance of various interference-limited systems ." -"as with most of the ivoa data access protocols , ssap makes use of votable for metadata exchange , stc , ucd , utypes and units for metadata description .","as with most of the ivoa data access protocol , siap makes use of votable for metadata exchange , stc and ucd for metadata description ." -we test the proposed approach on the berkeley segmentation dataset and benchmark and the nyud depth v2 dataset .,"we evaluate our ufnet on the berkeley segmentation dataset and benchmark , which is one of notable benchmarks in the edge detection field ." -"more formally , a cellular automata is a quadruple d q n , , , , where .",a cellular automata is a regular spatial lattice where cells can have any of a finite number of states . -"recent years , deep convolutional neural networks lead to a series breakthroughs for image classification .","i n recent years , deep neural networks have shown great power on image classification ." -the simplest duality is the electricmagnetic duality of heaviside .,again s duality is a symmetry of iib theory with symmetry group sl . -batch normalization is performed directly following convolution .,batch normalization and relu activation are applied after every convolutional layer . -"we evaluate our method on several popular convnets , including vgg-net .","we evaluate our framework with the two well-known convolutional neural networks , alexnet ." -fully convolutional networks have shown state of the art performance in many medical image segmentation tasks .,"recently , deep learning based methods have achieved remarkable success in many medical image segmentation tasks , such as brain tumor and lung nodule segmentation ." -"deep learning has brought significant breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks , including object detection .",deep learning has made an enormous impact on many applications in computer vision such as generic object recognition . -"data-driven approaches , in particular , deep learning with convolutional neural networks , have recently attained great success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .",the resurgence of convolutional neural networks has enabled significant progress to be made on several problems in computer vision . -"specifically , deep neural networks trained with back-propagation have significantly improved the state-of-the-art in supervised learning tasks .","convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results on this problem , thanks to the availability of large and labeled datasets and of powerful computation infrastructure ." -"thus , pan et al propose the l 0 -regularized prior on both image intensity and gradients for deblurring text images .",pan et al propose the l 0 -regularized prior on image intensity and gradients for text image deblurring . -the union of the two sets consists of 136 clusters .,the union of all the sets da is the whole phase space . -we perform experiments on imagenet using resnet-101 combined with different loss functions .,we use resnet-20 with cifar-10 as a base configuration to understand different properties of local sgd . -"pouget , in low dimensional conductors and superconductors , edited by d .","timusk , in low dimensional conductors and superconductors , edited by d ." -"in , joint information and an beamforming at the fd-bs was investigated to guarantee phy-layer security of singleantenna ul and dl users .","in , the joint design of information beamforming and an generation for an fd bs was investigated to guarantee dl and ul communication security ." -the gas-liquid and para-ferro coexistences of the xy-spin fluid observed within the asc version of the mf theory .,the gas-liquid and para-ferro coexistences of the heisenberg fluid obtained within the asc version of the mf theory . -recent progress in deep convolutional neural networks has led to substantial performance improvements in a broad range of computer vision tasks .,"recently , a particular class of nonlinear methods , deep neural networks , revolutionized the field of automated image classification by demonstrating impressive performance on large benchmark data sets ." -this construction corresponds to untwisted string theories since the target space coordinates are not orbifolded .,this construction corresponds to untwisted unoriented closed strings with only kaluza-klein momenta in the spectrum . -"the maximum correlation appears at lag zero , and is similar in these bands .","despite the fact that the maximum ccf peak appears at lag zero , the ccfs are asymmetric toward negative lags ." -the configuration space is a plane spanned by the vector variable x .,the configuration space here is the weyl alcove of the root space . -the millimeter-wave technology operating at frequencies in the 30 and 300 ghz range is considered as a potential solution for the 5th generation wireless communication systems to support multiple gigabit per second wireless links .,millimeter-wave technology operating in the 30-300 ghz range is emerging as a promising solution for the 5th generation wireless communication systems by supporting a larger user base and high speed wireless links . -"now there are many alternative characterizations for uniform domains , see .","since then , many other characterizations of uniform and john domains have been established , see , ." -"recently , the research field of computer vision has been largely boosted by the theory of deep learning .","in recent years , deep neural networks have achieved significant breakthroughs in many machine learning tasks ." -we applied the benjamini-hochberg procedure for all the correlation results in this paper to reduce the false discovery rate for multiple comparisons .,"we apply the benjamini-hochberg procedure for all the tests , in order to reduce the false discovery rate for multiple comparisons ." -our observable universe is a complex universe .,the observable universe is a submanifold embedded in a higher-dimensional space-time . -the flow-motion network was trained for 750k steps with the adam optimizer .,the network was trained using the adam stochastic gradient descent solver . -"among them , three prominent approaches are gans , variational autoencoders , and flow-based models .","among them , three popular approaches are gans , variational autoencoders , and autoregressive models ." -a myriad of algorithms have been developed for detecting communities in networks .,many methods for resolving community structure in undirected networks have been developed . -qiao et al proposed a concurrent transmission scheduling algorithm to maximize the number of flows with the throughput requirement of each flow satisfied .,"emphasizing the quality of service guarantees of flows , qiao et al proposed a concurrent transmission scheduling algorithm to maximize the number of scheduled flows with their qos requirements satisfied ." -since the superpotential is the addition of these two contributions it vanishes .,this superpotential is the same as the nmssm superpotential in the scalar potential . -"these include importance sampling , noisecontrastive estimation , and sublinear partition estimation .","these include noise contrastive estimation , hierarchical softmax , and negative sampling ." -our numerical scheme is a a semiimplicit spectral method in two dimensions .,the numerical scheme adopted is the cip for details about the application of these scheme . -"moreover , quantum walks are proved to be universal for quantum computations .","in particular , quantum walks on certain sparse graphs can realize universal quantum computation ." -"yau , logarithmic sobolev inequality for some models of random walks .","yau , logarithmic sobolev inequalities for generalized exclusion processes ." -"thus we have an infinite number of birings , which are non-associative .",thus we have all bisemigroup birings are quad rings . -the exchange and correlation effects were treated within the generalized gradient approximation .,the generalized gradient approximation was used to describe the exchange-correlation effects . -a fano polytope whose dual is a lattice polytope is called reflexive polytope .,such a polytope is called a delzant polytope . -the discontinuity is the result of the first five monitoring epochs being at 5 ghz .,the discontinuity is a measure of the interface resistance represented by bn . -the calculations were performed using first-principles density functional theory as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package .,theoretical calculations were performed using the dft formalism as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -"in this context , deep neural networks have set benchmarks in various fields of research , such as computer vision , speech recognition and image classification .","recently , feed-forward neural networks have re-established themselves as powerful learning architectures , leading to spectacular applications in the area of computer vision , speech recognition , data visualisation , and game playing ." -"reinforcement learning has been successfully applied to a number of challenging tasks , ranging from arcade games .",deep reinforcement learning has been successfully applied to a range of challenging tasks such as atari games . -the asterisks denote the time lags for which the absolute value of the correlation is largest .,the asterisks denote dimensional quantities . -"in confinement , it is the electric flux which is channeled into quantized tubes .",this essential feature of quark dynamics is known as confinement . -"as mentioned before , we use the resnet-152 classifier trained on imagenet as our encoder .",our initial network is a v gg16 network pre-trained on the imagenet dataset . -"whilst this is a simplification to actual distributions obtained from explosion models , at this stage we aim to keep our results as general as possible .","whilst this is a reasonable assumption for stars in the m31 disc , the mass function will overestimate the contribution of massive stars in the older bulge ." -"however , recent studies show that machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks .","however , recent studies have demonstrated that such systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks ." -a stable set is a set of pairwise non-adjacent vertices .,"a stable set is a set of vertices all pairwise antiadjacent , and a strongly stable set is a set of vertices all pairwise strongly antiadjacent ." -an ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization of an area of interest .,an ontology is a mechanism to specify concepts and their interrelations . -this similarity is a consequence of strong selection effects in flux-limited samples .,this similarity is a universal result of the density-functional theory . -"in this section , we test the reconstruction errors of the proposed mvgrbm model on mnist handwritten digit database .","in this section , we evaluate the performance of the proposed method using the stacked autoencoder for fully-connected dnns for mnist ." -we use the well-known kitti vision benchmark suite for training and evaluating our detection models .,we use the well-known kitti vision benchmark suite to evaluate our system . -such a hypothesis implies that there is a different source away from mid-rapidity .,hypothesis 2 4 implies that p is a fibration . -"the free energy is the generating functional for one-body , two-body , etc .",then the host-guest free energy is a sum of the lattice gas and elastic part f where flg . -"the permutation is the most compact , most invariant way of describing the consecutive linear dependencies of a configuration of vectors .",any permutation is a product of disjoint cycles . -entanglement stands out as a key-feature in the mechanics underlying quantum phase transitions .,quantum entanglement is an important theoretical probe to understand some particular feature of the strongly coupled systems . -the ordinate is the ratio of the core-sw component separation divided by the core-ne component separation .,the ordinate denotes the flux density in mjy for the optical data and in mcrab for the x-ray data . -main dft calculations were performed using the projector augmented-wave method .,dft calculations were performed using the vasp code based on spin-polarized dft . -reinforcement learning-based control has recently achieved impressive successes in games .,deep reinforcement learning methods achieve great success in many tasks including video games . -"the graph signals are constructed as in considering the 3 , 000 most common words .","the graph signals are constructed as in considering the 5 , 000 most common words ." -resnet-50 pre-trained on imagenet is used as the backbone network .,the backbone network is the resnet-50 model pre-trained on imagenet . -a protein consists of a polypeptide chain that is made up of residues of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds .,every protein consists of a combination of the same twenty amino acids which dissociate within the tof-sims analysis to numerous fragments . -the description of the detector response is implemented using the geant4 package .,the interaction of the generated particles with the detector and its response are implemented using the geant4 toolkit . -"in recent years , interest in neural networks has exploded as they have proven to be state of the art algorithms for image classification , and a host of other classic artificial intelligence problems .","deep neural networks have , in the past few years , surpassed the performance of traditional machine learning algorithms and are now considered as state-of-the-art for a range of applications , including image and video recognition , text classification ." -we refer to the excellent book of dette and studden for a complete overview on canonical moments .,we refer to the excellent book for a complete overview on canonical moments . -now this point of view is extended in one dimension and is known as string theory .,"so , we expect that string theory is the best of candidates for consistent quantum gravity theory since string theory is free of the ultraviolet divergences ." -"recently , supervised deep learning approaches such as large-scale deep convolutional neural networks have been immensely successful in many high-level computer vision tasks such as image recognition .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated dramatic improvements in performance for computer vision tasks such as object classification , detection , and segmentation ." -"the hamiltonian h is the one of a two-dimensional neutral coulomb gas , with the neutrality condition guaranteeing the finiteness of the energy .",the hamiltonian h consists of the kinetic energy and the effective interaction energy . -now t -duality is a more general concept than nahm transformations tailored for self-dual connections .,again s duality is a symmetry of iib theory with symmetry group sl . -thus we have seen yet another class of s-definite special rings .,however we have the notion of s-definite special near rings . -batch normalization is applied after hidden convolutional layers .,batch normalization is added after each convolution layer to accelerate convergence . -"in addition , deep convolutional neural networks are commonly used for feature-learning and supervised classification .",both convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks have been used for solving key computer vision problems . -"in this case , the particle-wall forces are always less than the coulomb criterion , as the walls can not support larger tangential forces than those supported in the bulk .","in contrast to the behavior in the height-independent pressure region , the forces at the walls are far from the coulomb failure criterion in all cases ." -"in recent years , the accuracy of object detection has been dramatically improved thanks to the advance of deep convolutional neural network .","with the development of convolutional neural networks , remarkable successes have been achieved on detecting objects from images ." -we used adamax as our optimizer with a learning rate of 5e-5 and a batch size of 32 .,we trained the model using the adam optimizer with a minibatch of size 66 . -from the mathematical point of view the category of b-branes on a calabi-yau is the derived category of coherent sheaves on it .,"as it is known , a d-brane of type b in a calabi-yau manifold x is an object of the derived category of coherent sheaves on x ." -"in particular , every virtually special cubulated group is linear over z because of its embedding in a right-angled coxeter group .","every right-angled artin group is a finite-index subgroup of a right-angled coxeter group , so every special group embeds in a racg ." -then the albanese map is a surjective submersion .,then the albanese map of x is a fiber space . -"recently , deep neural networks achieve excellent performance on difficult problems such as speech recognition .",deep neural networks are extremely powerful machine learning models that achieve excellent performance on difficult problems such as speech recognition . -"cheng et al proposed an end-to-end architecture called segflow , which enables the joint learning of video object segmentation and optical flow .","cheng et al propose an end-to-end network called segflow , which enables the joint learning of video object segmentation and optical flow ." -"therefore , the set of all nilpotent varieties is definable by the formula nilp defines this variety .",therefore the formula strperm defines the set of all strongly permutative varieties . -the ordinate is the type assigned from the total flux .,the ordinate is the absolute value of the z-coordinate of . -"color x 0 x 1 , x 1 x 2 , x 3 x 4 , x 4 x 0 with 3 , 2 , 1 , 4 , respectively , and color x 2 x 3 from with respect to 2 and u φ .","color x 0 x 1 , x 1 x 2 , x 2 x 3 , x 4 x 0 with 4 , 5 , 1 , 1 , respectively , and color x 3 x 4 from with respect to 1 and u φ ." -"by the powerful method density evolution , invented by richardson and urbanke , messages of log-sp decoding are statistically evaluated .","by a powerful optimization method density evolution , developed by richardson and urbanke , messages of sum-product decoding can be statistically evaluated ." -deep convolutional neural networks have already achieved tremendous success on a variety of computer vision tasks such as image classification among many others .,"deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress in classification problems , which have shown to generate good results when provided sufficient data ." -we use the resnet-50 network minus the last classification layer as our feature network .,"we implement our kpm hourglass network based on the resnet-50 , which is pretrained on the imagenet dataset ." -the error bars on data indicate the systematic errors .,the error bars indicate the statistical errors . -we now illustrate this situation by some theorems .,however we illustrate this situation by the following example . -we use the resnet-101 as the backbone convenet to extract the features from high and low resolution images .,we use resnet-50 as a basic model before conducting fine-tuning for visual feature learning . -a good toy model is a slab of stars of infinite horizontal extent but finite vertical extent .,"our toy model consists of using a bessel function to modify an otherwise uniform distribution of galaxies , with the amplitude determining the amount of modulation ." -such terms in the potential are also called local interactions .,"when both interactions are present , there is a competition between these two types of ordering ." -"grayscale is the temperature map , showing high signal-to-noise detection of cmb structure .","gray-scale is the log-scaled density , and vectors represent a velocity field ." -rapid development of deep convolutional neural networks has led to promising performance on various computer vision tasks .,"in recent years , the deep learning models like the cnns have been shown to achieve superior performance in numerous visual perception tasks ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have shown tremendous success in a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have seen great success in a range of computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -"kim et al implemented a language model where encoding is performed by a convolutional network and lstm over characters , whereas predictions are given on the word-level .","kim et al proposed a character-based neural language model , which applies a convolutional layer after the character embeddings ." -deep neural networks have achieved outstanding performances on many computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -this has led to the design of generative adversarial networks which were able to produce impressively realistic synthetic images using several image datasets .,this interest has been partially fueled by the adoption of generative adversarial networks which have demonstrated impressive results on a number of image synthesis tasks . -"electronic-structure calculations were performed within the pseudopotential planewave density-functional theory framework , as implemented in the vienna abinitio simulation package code .",the dft calculations were performed using the projectoraugmented-wave method as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package . -gradient estimates for harmonic and q-harmonic functions of symmetric stable processes .,dirichlet heat kernel estimates for fractional laplacian with gradient perturbation . -we randomly initialize the weights according the well-known scaling proposed by glorot and bengio .,we initialize the weights of the model according to the xavier initializer . -where the ellipses denote terms that are analytic in mq .,ellipses denote uncertainties on structural parameters and correspond to 1σ confidence contours . -the qubit consists of a loop with three josephson junctions .,the qubit consists of a superconducting loop containing a single josephson junction . -what is peculiar is the fact that the time direction of the phenomena is always the same .,this peculiar result is a consequence of the delta-like nature of the correlation function . -"to obtain the weights similar to the original softmax layer , we simply train a linear svm .","for the linear svm , we use the liblinear to train and evaluate the model ." -various works propose new dram architectures that provide lower latency .,previous works propose new dram architectures that provide lower latency . -"deep neural networks are now the driving technology for numerous application domains , such as computer vision .","deep neural networks have recently proven successful at various tasks , such as computer vision , speech recognition , and in other domains ." -convolutional neural networks has shown phenomenal results for many computer vision applications .,convolutional neural networks are mainly used in computer vision tasks such as object detecting and image segmentation . -"complex models such as deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in applications such as computer vision , speech and time series analysis .","more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems ." -"kamland is the first experiment to explore the neutrino parameter space relevant to snp with a beam of terrestrial neutrinos and has , convincingly , demonstrated the existence of neutrino oscillations confined to the large mixing angle region .",kamland is the first experiment to explore the neutrino parameter space relevant to solar neutrinos with a beam of terrestrial neutrinos . -deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on tasks such as image recognition in the last few years .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in object detection ." -"we compare our crest tracker with state-of-the-art trackers on the vot 2016 benchmark , including ccot .","we compare our vital tracker with state-of-the-art trackers on the vot-2016 benchmark , including staple ." -"the cns is based on an arbitrary-order taylor series method and the arbitrary multiple-precision data , together with a check of solution verification .","the cns is based on the arbitrary taylor series method , together with a solution verification check by comparing different numerical simulations ." -order is described by bose-einstein condensation of schwinger bosons .,such a phase is properly described by the schwinger bosons . -deep convolutional neural networks have recently become increasingly important for computer vision applications .,modern computer vision tasks rely heavily on carefully designed convolutional neural networks architectures . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in object classification .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification ." -"in particular , convolutional neural networks have been applied to recognizing images with great success .",convolutional neural networks have shown excellent performance in various visual recognition problems such as image classification . -"in addition , a vast amount of efforts has been addressed in understanding the structure , evolution and dynamics of complex networks .","in the recent years , complex network structures and their dynamics have been studied intensively ." -"recent deep learning models trained on large-scale datasets have significantly advanced the task of image classification and related applications in computer vision , such as object detection .","recently , deep learning methods have shown great success in various computer vision tasks , such as object recognition , object detection , and image classification ." -"we trained the networks for 25 epochs using cross entropy , the adam optimizer , and early stopping .",we trained our model by using the back-propagation algorithm with the adam optimizer . -"hence , the stochastic integral is a skorohod integral and all of the calculations are made more complicated .","the stochastic integral is the quantised field ψ , smeared with an operator h rather than a test-function ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in medical image segmentation .","with the success of deep learning , the convolutional neural network has been widely applied for handwriting recognition ." -remember that our geometry consists of a double elliptic fibration over a complex plane parameterised by z .,the geometry consists of two infinite parallel lines spaced by a distance w and the coulomb systems is confined in between these two lines . -a simple greedy algorithm which always sends the heaviest packet is 2-competitive .,a simple greedy algorithm that always schedules a maximum-value packet in the buffer is 2-competitive . -we evaluate the proposed models on the ms-coco dataset which is a popular image captioning benchmark that also contains object extent annotations .,we evaluate the performance for object detection and instance segmentation on the coco2017 dataset . -all non-recurrent matrices were initialized following the method of glorot and bengio .,the initial value of these vectors is randomly selected using initialization methods by glorot and bengio . -goodfellow et al introduced fgs to find adversarial perturbations .,goodfellow et al introduced the fast gradient sign method to find adversarial perturbations . -"for the depth network , we use the resnet-50 activation functions .",we adopt the activation map from the mean pooling layer of resnet50 . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems .",convolutional neural networks have been an active research topic in computer vision mostly because they have achieved state-of-the-art results in numerous tasks . -"for more details about nested lattice-codes , the reader is referred to .","for more details about lattices , lattice codes , and nested lattice codes , the reader is referred to ." -"generative adversarial networks are a framework for training generative parametric models , and have been shown to produce high quality images .",generative adversarial networks have been introduced by goodfellow et al and have demonstrated their ability to model complex distributions . -this conjugacy class is called the principal stabilizer of m .,"thus , each stabilizer is a lie group with finitely many components and the result will follow from proposition 2 point 10 ." -deep neural networks have significantly improved the performance of diverse data mining and computer vision applications .,convolutional neural networks have recently been applied to various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -neutrinoless double beta decay is the only experiment that could probe the majorana nature of the neutrino .,neutrinoless double beta decay is a prominent example of such kind of experiments . -"herner , standard model higgs searches at the tevatron , these proceedings .","fabozzi , diboson production at cms , these proceedings ." -refinenet proposes a generic multi-path refinement network that fuses multiresolution features from different layer to generate highresolution and high-quality results .,refinenet proposes a multi-path refinement network to exploit multiple abstraction levels of features for enhancing the segmentation quality of highresolution images . -a bijective endomorphism is called an automorphism .,"this automorphism is a dual relationship , so that the ql may have some properties associated with the duality ." -superscripts denote time and subscripts location relative to the current cell .,the superscripts h denote transpose and hermitian operation respectively . -recent development in deep learning has extended the convolutional networks idea from image to graphs .,"recently , there has been an increased interest in utilizing convolutional neural networks on graph data ." -let be a dynamical system and assume that there is a physically relevant measure µ which is not necessarily invariant .,"if the dynamical system consists of a set of fields , such a set takes its values in c ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved huge success in solving problems related to computer vision , such as image classification .",deep neural networks have achieved great success in cognitive applications such as image classification . -cognitive radio is a promising technology which can enhance the spectrum utilization efficiency by allowing the secondary usage of the under-utilized licensed spectrum held by primary users .,cognitive radio as a dynamic spectrum access enabling technique allows unlicensed users to communicate with each other over the unused licensed bands detected through spectrum sensing . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-ofthe-art results in various computer vision tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have achieved significant success in a wide range of studies . -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .","artificial neural networks , especially with deep network structures , have achieved great success on machine learning applications such as image classification ." -differential privacy has been accepted as a standard for privacy preservation .,differential privacy in the recent past has become a well established notion of privacy . -"abraham , in phase transitions and critical phenomena , edited by c .","zinn-justin , in phase transitions and critical phenomena , edited by c ." -"kuen et al proposed a recurrent attentional convolution-deconvolution network , which consists of a recurrent neural network and a spatial transform module , to recurrently attend to selected image sub-regions for saliency refinement .",nguyen and liu proposed a recurrent attentional convolutional-deconvolution network to iteratively select image sub-regions to perform saliency refinement . -"we use the microsoft coco dataset that has 123,287 images with available ground-truth segmentation masks .","we also evaluate our mfrcns on the ms coco dataset , that contains images of 80 categories of objects ." -"with the development of the variational autoencoding framework , a tremendous amount of progress has been made in learning large-scale , directed latent variable models .","the development of the variational autoencoder framework has paved the way for learning largescale , directed latent variable models ." -the inflationary model has become the current paradigm of early universe cosmology .,inflation is the leading paradigm for early universe phenomenology . -millimeter wave communication is a promising technique for meeting the ever-increasing mobile traffic demand in next generation wireless communication systems due to vast swaths of available spectrum .,massive multiple input and multiple output is one of the promising techniques to satisfy the gigabit connectivity requirements of the future 5g network . -"like the original image generator we insert a batch normalization layer after deconvolution and use rectified linear units , to the outputs .",we apply batch-normalization after each convolution and use leaky rectified linear units as activations . -"the 0th coordinate is the time coordinate , which is related to the measured time but may be not identical to it .",the coordinate of σ is called the standard coordinate . -we adopt the resnet-50 cnn architecture as our base model for extracting features from each sampled image .,we use resnet-50 as our tsn backbone for both temporal and spatial streams . -it is well-known that the center zof a regular ring r is regular .,it is known that a ring with unit is von neumann regular if and only if all modules are flat . -string theory is a leading candidate of quantum theory of gravity that requires supersymmetry .,string theory is a unifying principle that blends these disparate n notions together . -"this asymmetry is a bit surprising and a first hint that it is simply the result of an asymmetrical description of the theory comes from the observation lagrangian , the roles of the two 3-forms and their on-shell conditions are interchanged .",this asymmetry is a direct manifestation of the broken time-reversal symmetry characteristic of a complex superconducting order parameter . -for our experiments we use the vgg16 convolutional layer network architecture .,"specifically , we use vgg cnn m 1024 network models as the backbone-subnet ." -in the bottom plot the systematic uncertainties are shown .,the error bars in the upper plot describe the uncertainty on the data points . -large-scale interconnected systems consist of a large number of local dynamical subsystems that are interconnected in a spatial domain .,large-scale interconnected systems consist of the interconnection of a large number of dynamical subsystems . -in this section we introduce the basic notions of rings especially smarandache rings .,we in this chapter introduce the concept of binear-rings and smarandache binear-rings . -each qubit is a unit vector of a 2-dimensional hilbert space .,"a qubit is a two-level quantum system , and possibilites include the spin states of an electron or the polarization states of a photon ." -"howard , pointwise semigroup methods and stability of viscous shock waves .","goodman , nonlinear asymptotic stability of viscous shock profiles for conservation laws ." -"recently deep neural networks have made a great success in many real-world applications , such as image classification .",convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in classification and detection on the imagenet . -profiles at the start of the cooling track are plotted with thin lines .,initial profiles at the start of the cooling branch are plotted with thin lines . -"cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in the seminal paper , and which we review here .",cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in the series of papers . -for different models implementations we used the scikit-learn library .,"for all these algorithms , we used the scikit-learn package in python ." -the coefficient a is called the scattering amplitude .,the scattering amplitude is a sum of one- and two-nucleon mechanisms with no undetermined parameters . -we utilize the binary crossentropy as the loss function and the adam optimization algorithm .,"we use the adam optimization framework , which is a form of stochastic gradient descent ." -"finally , generative adversarial networks have recently made great progress in learning complete data generation models from unlabeled data .","recently , adversarial learning has been successfully embedded into deep networks to reduce distribution discrepancy between the source and target domains ." -"hence , we have boundedness and convergence of the amputated truncated schwinger functions with the insertion of one brs-variation .",from each of these systems the renormalizability of the amputated truncated schwinger functions with one insertion can be deduced inductively in the familiar way . -"kurakin et al proposed basic iterative method to generate adversarial examples , which add little perturbation in each step .",kurakin et al applied adversarial examples to the physical world by extending the fgsm algorithm by running a finer optimization for multiple iterations . -this completes the proof that a is a local ring .,let us see what happens when that completes the is a projective in commutative diagram a . -cosmology is a natural arena in which to put to the test alternative theories of gravity .,"since cosmology is the study of the early stages of the universe , it is perfectly legitimate to ask whether their presence lead to some consequences ." -"then γ is folded , connected , has no degree-one vertices .",then γ is folded and the degree of every vertex in γ is at least three . -"since the vacuum is the most elementary system , all order parameters should have sharp values in this state .","the vacuum penetrates everywhere , whether it is a dielectric or a conductor ." -recurrent neural networks belong to a general type of deep neural networks which are used to model time sequences and dynamical systems .,recurrent neural networks are a subset of neural networks that can carry information across time steps . -the segmentation part of our model is a modified version of the u-net architecture .,our proposed neural network is a variant of the well known u-net architecture . -"since quantum mechanics is a fundamentally probabilistic theory , the strategic notion of the payoff is the expected payoff .","in quantum mechanics , l2 is a second order casimir invariant operator , c2 ." -all face images are cropped and aligned according to the five facial landmarks detected by mtcnn .,all face images are cropped and aligned according to the five facial landmarks detected by mtcnn . -the accuracy of various ocr methods has recently greatly improved due to advances in deep learning .,"in recent times , the success of deep learning has been largely in part due to the availability of extensively labeled datasets ." -the ucf101 dataset contains 13320 fully-annotated video snippets from 101 action categories .,"the ucf-101 dataset contains approximately 13,000 clips and 101 action classes , totaling 27 hours of data ." -"for definitions , notations , and results concerning the theory of delta and nabla calculus on time scales we refer the reader to the books .",for a good introduction to the theory of time scales we refer to the well-known books in this field . -"recently , convolutional neural networks have been shown to perform well in a variety of vision tasks with millions of annotated training images and thousands of categories , including classification .","over the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have been very successful in a wide range of computer vision tasks such as image classification ." -han et al proposed a pruning scheme based on low-weight connections to reduce the total amount of parameters in cnns .,luo et al proposed to remove redundant filters based on a greedy channel selection . -convolutional neural networks have been an active research topic in computer vision mostly because they have achieved state-of-the-art results in numerous tasks .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on visual tasks such as image and video recognition in the last few years . -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in the context of canonical bases .,cluster algebras were first introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in in 2002 . -improper gaussian signaling has been shown to be beneficial in interference channels and x-channels from the achievable rate perspective .,"recently , it has been shown that improper gaussian signaling can improve the performance of various interference-limited systems ." -"for deep neural networks , dropout is the most popular regularization method .",dropout is a simple and efficient technique that can be used to reduce overfitting in neural networks . -"in the sector with a unique ads ground state , the bht gravity possesses an interesting black hole solution , the ott black hole .",the ott black hole represents a vacuum solution of the bht gravity in the sector with a unique ads ground state . -"in our case , we consider a simple combination of layers for each module , similar to a single resnet block .","in the decoding module , we use a fully convolutional network with residual connections ." -average-case analysis of algorithms on sequences .,singularity analysis of generating functions . -"however , recent research has shown that well-trained deep neural networks are rather vulnerable to adversarial examples .","recently , deep neural networks have shown to be highly sensitive to small adversarial perturbations to the data ." -"moreover , b is a non-negative denote the the formal identity map from x by u .","moreover , b is a vector that allows to efficiently test if a vertex v belongs to c ." -"then mix the pile indexed by 0 until it is a random permutation , and turn upside down all of the piles with negative indices .",then mix the pile labelled 0 so that it is a random permutation and turn all of the face up piles face down . -the most outstanding feature is the possibility of playing net games against other players .,the most outstanding feature of this field is the amazing degree of control and tunability . -we reduced the data using the miriad software package .,the data were reduced using the miriad software . -"for fair comparison , we used the same resnet-50 as the base network .",we use the resnet-18 network pre-trained on imagenet as the image encoder . -"for the shared encoder , we use the resnet-50 to produce rich and contextual features .","to balance efficiency and performance , we use resnet-18 as the encoder ." -we refer the reader to vaswani et al for more details on the model architecture .,we refer to vaswani et al for the details on the structure . -huisken-ilmanen extended the imcf using geometric measure theory to prove the penrose conjecture .,the riemannian case of the penrose conjecture was settled independently by huisken-ilmanen . -convolutional neural networks have been a very successful machinery in many high-dimensional regression and classification tasks on euclidean domains .,deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification . -the combined secondary vertex algorithm is used to identify jets originating from b quarks .,the combined secondary vertex b-tagging algorithm is used to identify jets from the hadronization of b quarks . -"specifically , the network is based on the vgg16 by removing its three fully connected layers and last pooling layer .",the proposed method is based on the vgg network except for the last fully connected layers . -"recently , deep learning methods have made remarkable progress in computer vision and machine learning .",convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification . -"in doing so , we are negle ting higher order orrelations and this limit the model orresponds to a spin model where this is known as the two-site mean eld approximation .","most of the past investigations on this model have been restricted to collective states emerging from global coupling among the oscillators , also known as the mean field approximation ." -"in particular , convolutional neural networks has been popular in vision and audio recognition areas .",deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -we train the network for 200 epochs using the adam optimization algorithm with parameters set to values recommended in the paper .,we trained the network for 100 epochs using the adam algorithm with a two time-scale update rule . -the most prominent generative models are the variational autoencoder and the generative adversarial network .,"currently , the most prominent approaches are generative adversarial networks , variational autoencoders ." -"by abuse of language , the homeomorphism classes of virtual strings will be also called virtual strings .","the former , also known as heterotic strings ." -the fidelity is a strongly oscillating function of time .,"we study its overlap with the nominal output state of the algorithm , which is called fidelity ." -convolutional neural networks have shown excellent performance in various visual recognition problems such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance in various machine learning tasks such as the visual recognition . -"as we can see in the near infrared image , the nebular emission is very strong in this region .","this is an extremely obscured region , that shows strong nebular emission ." -"event reconstruction is based on a particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .","the analysis makes use of the particle-flow event algorithm , which reconstructs and identifies each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector ." -"recently , convolutional neural networks -based methods achieve great success in image classification tasks .",deep neural networks have achieved recordbreaking accuracy in many image classification tasks . -"what emerges from the laser is a coherent , plane parallel beam effectively produced in a point source at infinity , and constricted to pass through the aperture of the laser end window .","so what emerges is a semantic network , with a directed flow of meaning , determined by the direction of the links ." -this instability is the origin of the formation of a critical point in the bootstrap matter .,this instability is a generic problem of any gb system containing a negative tension brane . -"recent work has demonstrated that neural networks can be vulnerable to adversarial examples , which are misclassified with high confidence , yet appear very similar to known class data .","despite the fact that deep neural networks demonstrate outstanding performance for many machine learning tasks , researchers have found that they are susceptible to attacks by adversarial examples ." -"seweryniak , jf smith , sl tabor , be tomlin , bj varley and j .","seweryniak , jf smith , sl ta bor , bj varley , and s ." -l arge-scale antenna systems are expected to be one of the key enablers of enhanced spectral and energy efficiency in future wireless communication systems .,"in addition , the large antenna gains used for beamforming makes massive mimo one of the most promising methods for increasing the spectral efficiency of future cellular networks ." -"in 2012 , krizhevsky et al were the first to use a completely end-to-end deep convolutional neural network model to win the famous imagenet large scale visual recognition challenge , outperforming all the traditional methods by a large margin .","in 2012 , the revolutionary work presented by krizhevsky et al with convolutional neural networks was one of the major breakthroughs in the image recognition area and won the imagenet large scale challenge 2012 ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have seen great success in a range of computer vision tasks , including image classification .","are effective in several computer vision tasks such as image segmentation , among others ." -liu and tuzel proposed a coupled gan framework to learn a joint distribution of multi-domain data by the weight-sharing constraint .,liu et al makes a shared-latent space assumption and proposes an unsupervised image-to-image translation framework based on coupled gans . -generative adversarial network is one of the most studied deep learning models .,generative adversarial networks are one of the most common tools for learning complex distributions . -deep neural networks are known to achieve par-human performance over a wide array of classification tasks such as image recognition and machine translation .,deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -"polytope 4552 is the pentagonal prism , which is rigid by theorem 4 point 3 .",such a polytope is called a delzant polytope . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection .","in particular , convolutional neural networks has been popular in vision and audio recognition areas ." -this implies the convergence of the scheme by barles-souganidis convergence theorem .,the barles-souganidis method gives a convergence result of this scheme . -deep learning has aided significant progress in solving various computer vision tasks such as object classification .,deep learning has led to significant improvements in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -these two multipliers are called the virtual multipliers .,it follows from this that of multipliers is the same and that the multiplier norm is also the same . -the propagator which we would really like to know is the fermion propagator corresponding to kgw .,this propagator is the inverse of the wave operator . -"although string theory is a proposed fundamental theory of quantum gravity , geometries with closed timelike curves have resurfaced as solutions to its low energy equations of motion .","however , string theory is a higher dimensional theory , and therefore , it is necessary to find a mechanism to get rid of the extra dimensions with some imprint left on the four dimensional physical world ." -"furthermore , entanglement is a key resource for quantum information processing tasks , such as quantum cryptography .","indeed , entanglement is recognized as a fundamental resource for quantum information tasks such as quantum teleportation ." -"the adam optimization method is used for the optimizer , with a constant learning rate of 1e-3 .",the adam algorithm with gradient clipping and warmup is used for optimization . -"deep neural networks have recently proven successful at various tasks , such as computer vision , speech recognition , and in other domains .",convolutional neural networks have achieved significant progress in computer vision tasks such as image classification . -"if the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle , it is produced from cascade decays of heavier sparticles , and its nature can be thus studied .","however , if the gravitino is the lsp , the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle decays to its standard model partner and a gravitino ." -this instanton is the source of the flux with the field distribution 2 3 .,the instanton consists of two identical patches of ads5 joined together along a ds4 brane with compact spatial sections . -millimeter wave frequencies have been envisioned as a promising candidate for the fifth-generation wireless communications .,millimeter wave communication is a promising technology for addressing the high throughput requirement for the fifth generation mobile networks . -this is the reason why the traditional external penalty method can be used mainly for linear constrained problems .,"therefore , the classical lagrange multiplier theory can be essentially used for linear equality constrained optimization problems ." -"in particular , we focus on the most promising class of architectures , called generative adversarial networks .","on the network architecture side , we can explore the use of generative adversarial networks ." -convolutional neural networks have proven to be effective models for tackling a variety of visual tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many areas of computer vision . -"to address the degradation problem , residual learning has been introduced for deep networks .","however , deep residual learning has shown its capability to easy the training of very deep neural networks ." -artificial neural networks have emerged as one of the most powerful tools in speech recognition .,deep neural networks have significantly advanced the stateof-the-art in automatic speech recognition . -"we train linear models using adagrad , a variant of sgd with adaptive adjustment to the learning rate of each parameter .","we optimize these models using adagrad , with grid search to choose the base learning rate ." -deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification .,convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification . -deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification .,deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -we emphasize that the ghost here is a result of an approximation to the exact nonlocal action .,the second type of pathological behavior is known as ghost . -compressed sensing is a novel theory for sampling and acquisition of sparse and compressible signals .,compressive sensing is a promising technique for signal recovery from a relatively small number of observations . -"more importantly , string theory is a perfectly quantum mechanical theory which does include gravity .","string theory is the consistent quantum theory of gravity which includes graviton , the exchange particle for the gravitational interaction , in its spectrum ." -"moreover , integrability is a property of higher dimensional systems which is not generic .",so integrability is a geometric property and it does not depend on the choice of the parameterisation of the lagrangian surface . -"with the resnet-101 architecture , we compare our method with deeplab .",we base our experiments on the deeplabv2 semantic segmentation network . -the dark square denotes the connected four-point function .,the dark square denotes the reference point in the parameter space ( pt . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable accuracy for tasks in a wide range of application domains including image processing , machine translation , and speech recognition .","deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress in classification problems , which have shown to generate good results when provided sufficient data ." -algebraic transformations of gauss hypergeometric functions .,contiguous relations of gauss hypergeometric functions . -"it is well-known that the set extr , v is called elliptically convex , otherwise v is called non-elliptically convex .",the two types of ends are called convex or concave respectively . -recurrent and convolutional neural networks have improved the performance over hidden markov models combined with gaussian mixtures models in automatic speech recognition systems during the last decade .,"in the last few years , deep neural networks combined with hidden markov models have been widely employed in acoustic modeling for large vocabulary speech recognition ." -deep learning has made an enormous impact on many applications in computer vision such as generic object recognition .,convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification . -the fedosov connection d is a dega-graded derivation of the algebra γ .,the fedosov connection d is a dega-graded derivation of the algebra . -detecting objects in static images has achieved significant progress due to the emergence of deep convolutional neural networks .,object detection as a fundamental problem in computer vision has achieved great progress since 2012 with the development of deep neural networks . -"moreover , the embeddings are expected to be normalized -we can use either l 2 -normalization or batch-normalization for this purpose .","therefore , we apply batch-normalization to the output activations of the layer to alleviate this problem ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved impressive results in a number of computer vision tasks such as image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification ." -moreover quantum field theory is a special relativistic theory and it is not known how to incorporate gravity in it in a regularized way which takes into account the already quoted problems of the physical identification of space-time points .,quantum field theory is the most powerful algorithm to study these mathematical properties . -"the regime of interest is the strong coupling limit , which is experimentally achievable in an optical lattice because the tunneling decreases exponentially with the trap depth .",the regime of interest for us is the one where the friction term can be neglected . -the target space description of the open a-model is given by an instanton modified chern-simons action .,the open string sector of the b-model is given by holomorphic chern-simons theory . -recently anchor-based object detectors have achieved remarkable progress .,"recently , single-shot detectors have received much attention for real-time performance ." -quadratic time and space was previously the best bound for constructing such an oracle .,"previously , quadratic preprocessing time and space was required to obtain such an oracle ." -we evaluate the performance of different landmark localization algorithms on the afw datasets .,we evaluate the proposed face detection method on the fddb datasets . -"moreover , the positive order ch hierarchy is also shown to have the parametric solution which obeys the bargmann constraint relation .","in particular , the dym type equation in the positive order ch hierarchy has the parametric solution ." -"convolutional neural networks have had huge successes since krizhevsky et al , especially in computer vision applications .","convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks recently , eg , image classification ." -we use the standard resnet data augmentation to process the input images .,we take conv4 output features from resnet-101 as the visual features of each video frame . -the 2-adic odometer is also called the binary odometer .,definition 3 1 dynamical system is called odometer . -"the other ingredient is the brane action , which is added to s5 .",the other ingredient is a finite set of bs factors such that the sequences generated from them by the mapping cover all bs factors in a given fixed point . -"ieee international symposium on information theory , seattle , usa , pp .","information theory and applications workshop , san diego , usa , pp ." -"recently , tremendous advances in semantic segmentation have been made relying on deep convolutional neural networks .",convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification . -"the axion a is a pseudo-goldstone boson from the spontaneous u p q symmetry breaking , with a decay constant fa .",axion is a possible candidate of light particle and might show the long-distance interference phenomenon . -"we use a huber loss function , and regularization is provided through batch normalization applied to all of the layers .","in terms of layer implementations , we use mirror padding for all convolution layers and remove batch normalization layers ." -the data were reduced using the common astronomy software application package with a standard pipeline .,the calibrated visibility data were imaged using the miriad software package . -"especially , deep convolutional neural network based algorithms have been widely applied in image classification .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks s have emerged as the most powerful technique for image classification ." -the exchange-correlation functional is modeled in the generalized gradient approximation with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof realization .,"the exchange-correlation energy of electrons is treated within a generalized gradient approximation with the functional parameterized by perdew , burke and ernzerhof ." -"recently , convolutional neural networks achieve remarkable progresses in a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated significant improvements over traditional approaches in many pattern recognition tasks . -expectation-maximization can be used to solve for the model parameters .,the expectation-maximization algorithm can be used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates . -the cosmological constant λ is a function of r .,the cosmological constant λ is the coefficient of the term in the field equations that is proportional to the metric . -"recently , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as for image classification .","recently , convolutional neural networks have shown their powerful abilities on image representation ." -"for d 2 , each degree of freedom is a d-level system , ie , a qudit instead of a qubit .","indeed , the only degree of freedom is the position of the particle ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .","in particular , convolutional neural network architectures have enabled superior performance over alternative approaches in classification and pattern recognition problems in computer vision ." -we will give some examples of interval semirings with zero .,now we proceed onto give examples of interval group interval semirings . -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved remarkable progress in computer vision .","in recent years , deep convolutional networks have achieved remarkable results in many computer vision tasks ." -"the spacetime is a static minkowski space , in contrast with the expansion in the einstein frame as shown by .",this space-time is a special case of hypersurface m 4 of the line element is the scale factor . -a vacuum is a lorentz invariant stable configuration .,the vacuum is the lowest energy state of a quantum field . -shows the average runtime of our algorithm compared to the average runtime of for the second type of equivalent random circuits .,shows the average runtime of our algorithm compared with that of for the first type of equivalent random circuits . -the renormalization is a difficult task which we neglect .,renormalization is the procedure of cancelling the divergences from these shifts by introducing counterterms into the lagrangian . -"deep learning techniques , and more specifically convolutional neural networks , have demonstrated an outstanding performance in classical computer vision problems such as object classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification . -this set of observations comprises the first detection of persistent quiescent and flaring emission from a bona-fide brown dwarf .,this set of observations is a subset of the rxte observations for the proposal number 70082 . -"in the following , we discuss some properties of hom-lie algebras representations .",we study in the following the double extension of iqh-algebra by an involutive hom-lie algebra of any dimension . -"recently , supervised deep learning approaches such as large-scale deep convolutional neural networks have been immensely successful in many high-level computer vision tasks such as image recognition .","deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition ." -their magnitude gives a measure of the inaccuracy of the separable ansatz .,"it appears that the magnitude of so is a better indicator of confidence for so-lsa than for so-pmi-ir , at least when the corpus is relatively small ." -goodfellow et al proposed the fast gradient sign method for generating adversarial examples .,goodfellow et al also proposed a method to construct label adversaries efficiently by taking a small step consistent with the gradient . -"in many previous studies that address this problem , specific control strategies for the vehicles are assumed , and approaches such as those involving induced velocity obstacles have been used .","in some of these studies , specific control strategies for the vehicles or moving entities are assumed , and approaches such as induced velocity obstacles have been used ." -now we discuss the connection between hom-lie algebras where the twist map is in the centroid and quadratic lie algebras .,in the following we construct hom-lie algebras involving elements of the centroid of lie algebras . -the miriad and karma software packages were used for reduction and analysis .,the data were calibrated and reduced using the miriad 2 software package . -"for the experiment , only keypoint descriptor information has been considered which consists of a vector of 128 elements representing neighborhood intensity changes of each keypoint .","for the experiment , only keypoint descriptor information has been used which consists of a vector of 128 elements representing neighborhood intensity changes of each keypoint ." -"in nuclei , this is a technique to treat complicated diagrams of interaction nonperturbatively .","for the other nuclei , there is a strong mixing of oblate and prolate configurations ." -"in this paper , we extend the method in , by using the convex hull of the contact patch for modeling the contact constraints in the equations of motion .","in this paper , we extend the method in to model union of convex contact patches between two objects in intermittent contact ." -the compactification is the classical compactification in floer theory .,the compactifiby taking its closure in cn is called the topological compactification . -tekin et al include a pretrained autoencoder within the network to enforce structural constraints on the output .,"to model high-dimensional joint dependencies , tekin et al further adopted an autoencoder at the end of the network ." -"in a close-talking setting , automatic speech recognition systems have achieved significant improvement with deep neural network based acoustic models .",recently the deep neural network -based acoustic models greatly improved automatic speech recognition accuracy on many tasks . -"in the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on object detection .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performance on both high-level vision tasks , such as classification ." -"when the kinetic energy is a positive definite quadratic form , this map is a diffeomorphism .",this kinetic energy is a scalar with the same quantum numbers and symmetry properties as sφψ in . -deep neural networks are widely used for many applications including object recognition .,deep neural networks have been widely adopted in a variety of machine learning applications . -most existing works convert a point cloud into some other 3d representations such as the volumetric grids for processing .,most existing works convert 3d point clouds to images by projection and then apply convolutional networks . -sukhbaatar et al introduce an extra noise layer into a standard cnn which adapts the network outputs to match the noisy label distribution .,sukhabar et al introduce an extra noise layer into the network that adapts the network output to match the noisy label distribution . -lim et al removed batch normalization layers in residual blocks and adopted residual scaling factor to stabilize network training .,lim et al employed enhanced residual blocks and residual scaling to build a very wide network edsr . -dthis is the limit on absorption from the approaching side of the snr .,"dthis is the error in the expected number of contaminants , hnci , which is the sum of the numerical error in evaluating equation ." -the exchange-correlation potential was calculated using the generalized gradient approximation with the parameterization of perdew-burkeernzerhof .,"the generalized gradient approximation of perdew , burke and ernzerhof was used to describe the exchangecorrelation potential ." -the phase space is a four-dimensional euclidean space spanned by the canonical coordinates p ir2 .,the phase space a consist of the solutions of eq . -"the pulsar is the brightest point source in four 12h observations at 8 4 ghz made with atca , at 0 1 arcsec resolution .","as the pulsar is a relatively bright source , short exposure times were used ." -"the electron-exchange correlation energy is described by using the functional of perdew , burke , and ernzerhof based within the generalized gradient approximation .","the electron exchangecorrelation functional was treated using the generalized gradient approximation in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -"from here onwards , t denotes this modified tree .","from 5 5 onwards , there is a clear advantage at performing a large number of subsweeps ." -"according to bulati et al , aging is a complex process that negatively impacts the development of the immune system and its ability to function .","according to bulati et al , ageing is a complex process that negatively impacts on the development of the immune system and its ability to function ." -deep neural network has achieved remarkable success in classification tasks such as image classification .,deep learning has led to significant improvements in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -this duality is the main point for the wilson loop to be exactly solvable and to have a winding property which gives properties of the elementary particles .,the duality is the identification of a relative version of the grothendieck group of locally free sheaves with a k 2 homology group . -"recurrent neural networks have recently shown great promise in tackling various sequence modeling tasks in machine learning , such as automatic speech recognition .","in recent years , deep neural networks have been successfully applied to multiple challenging tasks such as image processing , learning model predictive controllers ." -"to this extent , convolutional neural networks rapidly became the first choice to develop computer vision applications such as image classification .","especially , many approaches based on convolutional neural networks made significant advances in large-scale image classification ." -"for fair comparison , we implement all methods in temsorflow with the adam optimizer .","in both cases , we train our models using the adam optimizer with nesterov momentum ." -"deep neural networks , particularly deep convolutional neural networks , have provided significant improvement in visual tasks such as face recognition , attribute prediction and image classification .","modern deep learning models , such as convolutional neural networks , have achieved notable successes in a wide spectrum of machine learning tasks , including speech recognition ." -deep learning systems have surpassed other algorithms and even humans at several tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have significantly improved the performance of computer vision systems . -deep neural networks have been widely used in many artificial intelligence applications including computer vision .,neural network based models have been widely exploited with the prosperities of deep learning . -natively inside the diamond is a crucial parameter .,"diamond is the hardest material , and the compression in such system will consequently lead to the rapid increase in pressure ." -"since an electric field is a polarized distribution of the vacuum virtual dipoles , when an electric field is changed , there will be a virtual polarization current occurring in the vacuum .","the electric field is a polar vector of odd parity , in contrast to the even parity magnetic field , so that it can mix exciton wave functions of opposite parity ." -"deep neural networks have achieved great successes in lowlevel computer vision problems , including reproducing edgepreserving filters .","deep convolutional neural network has achieved a great success in many low-level vision tasks , such as image restoration ." -"geometry optimization was performed with the castep code 85 using perdew , burke , and ernzerhof 86 , 87 coupled to the tkatchenko-scheffler 88 pairwise dispersion method .","first-principles density functional theory calculations were performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package using the generalised gradient approximation of perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -we used the adadelta algorithm with gradient clipping for optimization .,we used the stochastic gradient descent algorithm with mini-batch and adadelta to train the nmt models . -equations are called non-orientable of genus n .,"correspondingly the a genus is a rational number , but not necessarily an integer ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have shown tremendous success in a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification .","in recent years , deep neural networks have achieved great success in a variety of machine learning tasks ." -reinforcement learning has been successful in solving many control problems rooted in fixed markov decision processes environments .,reinforcement learning has proved to be a powerful approach for online control of complicated systems . -deep convolutional neural networks have led to major breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks .,convolutional neural networks have recently been shown to perform well on large scale visual recognition tasks . -"the objective function is minimized using adam , which is known as an efficient stochastic optimization method .",the overall objective function is minimized using backpropagation implemented with the adam algorithm . -deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have proven to be highly effective general models for a multitude of computer vision problems ." -the asterisk denotes that this result is strictly valid only when also a time average is considered .,an asterisk denotes a spread of more than 9 minutes . -"the performance of high speed optical fiber networks is significantly affected by the system impairments from chromatic dispersion , polarization mode dispersion , laser phase noise , and fiber nonlinearities .","the performance of high-capacity optical communication systems can be significantly degraded by fiber attenuation , chromatic dispersion , polarization mode dispersion , laser phase noise and kerr nonlinearities ." -this phenomena is the reason for a smallness .,such phase transitions are called the reentrant phenomena . -it is hence natural to conjecture that this is the hochschild homology of br in this case .,"it is natural to conjecture that this is a quasi-isomorphism , that is conjecture 2 ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have shown tremendous success in a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification .","deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision ." -deep neural networks have achieved considerable improvements in learning tasks with voluminous labeled data .,"deep learning has brought significant breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks , including object detection ." -a qubit is a ket in a two dimensional hilbert space h .,a qubit is a physical entity described by the laws of quantum mechanics . -"then , we examine the generalization ability of menet on the pascal voc 2007 detection dataset .",we evaluate bsm performance using mean average precision on the tudarmstadt object dataset . -we will illustrate all this situation only by some examples .,we will illustrate this new structure by some examples . -"tikhonov budker institute of nuclear physics , novosibirsk , russia s .","usov joint institute for nuclear research , dubna , russia d ." -the inflaton consists of two complex scalar fields with tree-level couplings to the electroweak higgses and higgsinos derived from the above trilinear term .,the scalar field satisfying these properties is called the inflaton . -moreover quantum field theory is a special relativistic theory and it is not known how to incorporate gravity in it in a regularized way which takes into account the already quoted problems of the physical identification of space-time points .,"in quantum field theory , there is a redundancy as to what energy scale one should use to define theory ." -deep convolutional neural networks are firstly applied to generate a set of feature maps over the whole input image .,deep convolutional neural network is a well-established methodology to classify images . -generative adversarial networks are a promising scheme for learning generative models .,"in recent years , generative adversarial networks have gained a lot of popularity as a generative modeling framework ." -"we use a resnet-101 , in conjunction with the elaborate refinenet upsampling architecture .",we use the resnet-50 network minus the last classification layer as our feature network . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems .","in recent years , throughout a series of breakthrough algorithms , convolutional neural networks significantly improved the state-of-the-art in large-scale image recognition tasks ." -the lagrangian is a function of the field and it is this integral which we are concerned with .,for the lagrangian in is the hamiltonian . -deep neural networks have been evolved to powerful predictive models with remarkable performance on computer vision tasks .,"with the rapid development of deep neural networks , computers now can achieve remarkable performance in many fields such as image classification ." -recent success of deep convolutional networks has been coupled with increased requirement of computation resources .,many progress has been made in recent years with the rapid development of convolutional neural networks . -"in the gauge sector , plus the remaining scalar particle h , which is called the higgs boson .",the higgs boson is a pseudo-golstone boson resultimg from spontaneous breaking of the approximate symmetry and it is therefore light . -the neutrino is the only known stable particle immune to the gzk degradation .,further the neutrino is a majorana particle . -we will illustrate this situation by an example .,we will illustrate all this situation only by some examples . -cosmic strings are one-dimensional objects that can be formed as linear defects at a symmetry-breaking phase-transition .,cosmic strings are thin filaments of topologically-trapped higgs field energy which may have formed at a symmetry-breaking phase transition in the early universe . -we evaluate our method on the pascal voc 2012 semantic segmentation benchmark .,"to show the effectiveness of our approach , we carry out comprehensive experiments on pascal voc 2012 dataset ." -"in recent years , adversarial machine learning has received tremendous attention as it provides new means of improving machine leaning performance and studying model robustness in the adversarial setting , such as generative adversarial networks .",generative adversarial networks have gained significant popularity in the machine learning community recently as it provides a novel and easy way to learn generative models . -"by , to show is a quillen equivalence , it is thus enough to check that the derived adjunction is an isomorphism on the generator .",by it is then enough to check the derived composite c 0 i is a stable equivalence for all cofibrant commutative monoids . -"recently , deep learning methods have made remarkable progress in computer vision and machine learning .",many deep learning structures have been proposed based on convolutional neural networks . -convolutional neural networks have drastically changed the computer vision landscape by considerably improving the performance on most image benchmarks .,deep convolutional neural networks have become one of the most important methods in computer vision tasks such as image classification . -deep neural networks have been evolved to powerful predictive models with remarkable performance on computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in several computer vision tasks in recent years . -deep learning with convolutional neural networks has recently achieved performance breakthroughs in many of computer vision applications .,"deep learning has recently had a remarkable impact on multiple domains , including natural language processing and computer vision ." -"as quantum mechanics is a physical theory describing atoms , nuclei , particles and fields , the physical nature of reversible cellular automata make an excellent starting point for constructing quantum cellular automata .",while quantum mechanics is a linear theory the gtr is highly nonlinear so that the two theories are dissimilar . -calibration was done using the miriad package .,the calibration and analysis of the data were done using miriad . -deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"machine learning approaches , especially deep neural networks , are transforming a wide range of application domains , such as computer vision ." -"this perturbation consists of an orbit elongation transverse to and a contraction parallel to the solar direction , resulting in a range oscillation with half month period .",the perturbation is normalised so that it is a fifth of the equilibrium density profile . -recent developments in deep learning have led to significant progress in supervised learning tasks on complex image datasets .,"deep learning using convolutional neural networks has achieved excellent performance for a wide range of tasks , such as image recognition ." -"in particular , isola et al extend the conditional gan concept to predict pixels from known pixels .",isola et al also used the conditional gans to transfer images from one representation to another . -du et al proposed an hierarchical end-to-end bidirectional rnn architecture inspired from the kinematic tree representation of limb connections .,du et al proposed a hierarchical rnn to exploit the spatio-temporal feature of a skeleton sequence . -"recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in semantic image segmentation .",deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -the homotopy class m is called the degree of the monopole .,"the monopole is approximately a measure of the shape of real-space correlation function for large scales , but scaled up by a function of β similar for all the slices ." -"for all methods , we use an imagenet-pretrained resnet-18 architecture as a feature extractor .","for all experiments , we use an imagenet modified for higher output resolution ." -we use the adam optimizer and the back-propagation algorithm .,we use the adam algorithm for mini-batch gradient descent training . -"in the last few years , the most advanced deep neural networks have managed to reach or even surpass human level performance on a wide range of challenging machine learning tasks , including face recognition .","in the past ten years , deep learning-based methods have achieved great progress in various computer vision areas , including face recognition and so on ." -"deep neural networks have shown state-of-the-art performance on many computer vision problems , including semantic segmentation .",large scale annotated visual datasets have boosted performance of deep learning methods on many challenging computer vision problems . -"reichhardt , cj olson , and mb hastings , phys .","puchalla , rh austin , and jc sturm , phys ." -we adopt relative 2 norm error and mean structure similarity index measure as objective criteria to quantify the reconstruction performance .,"to quantify the reconstruction quality we use the mean structural similarity index which is bounded from above by 1 , where higher values indicate better results ." -neural networks are commonly employed to address many complex tasks such as machine translation .,layered neural networks have recently been applied to various tasks . -the asterisk denotes the position of the central mass .,an asterisk denotes a defective approximant . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networkshave demonstrated great efficacy on computer vision tasks such as classification .","dnns , especially convolutional neural networks , have recently achieved human performance in various visual tasks ." -"in the limit κ , the hopf algebra is reduced to the ordinary lie algebra .","in other words , the κ-deformation of the poincare algebra is not unique ." -"the area of deep learning consists of deep belief networks 4 , convolutional neural networks , recurrent neural networks and any other deep network architecture with more than one hidden layer .","the deep learning-based methods are built in the multi-layer deep neural networks with cascade structures , such as deep belief nets , and deep convolutional neural network ." -deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance in various machine learning tasks such as the visual recognition . -"d eep neural networks have advanced to show the state-of-the-art performance in many of computer vision applications , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many areas of computer vision . -zamir gives a particularly useful proof which relies on the information-processing inequality .,an interesting estimation theoretic proof using the data processing inequality for fisher information was given by zamir . -the catalog presented here consists of a total of 127 starburst galaxies .,"the catalog consists of the 46,420 objects in the sdss third data release that 1department of astronomy and astrophysics , the pennsylvania state university , university park , pa 16802 ." -the analysis of trivialist events is called trivialist statistics .,the analysis of paraconsistent events is called paraconsistent statistics . -"great spatial multiplexing gains and better spectral efficiency , has been identified as one of the key technologies in fifth-generation wireless communication systems .",the massive multiple-input multiple-output system has been considered as a promising technology to meet the capacity demand in the next generation wireless cellular networks . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-ofthe-art results in various computer vision tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have performed impressively on very large-scale image recognition problems . -"in recent years , deep neural networks have revolutionized machine-learning tasks such as image classification , speech recognition and language translation .",deep neural networks have demonstrated extraordinary success in a variety of fields such as computer vision . -in quantum mechanics it consists of choosing a 6 gaussian wave function which has the lowest energy expectation value .,in quantum mechanics p is the derivative and m the coordinate operator . -"just like modular invariance is a completeness condition for operators in the bulk cft , it is natural to postulate a completeness condition for boundaries in the open string case , namely that the upper bound is saturated .","basically , modular invariance is the in this guiding principle for writing consistent models for oriented closed strings ." -"we use peak-to-signal-noise ratio and the structural similarity index , for measuring inpainting quality .","for performance measures , we have used structural similarity index , peak signal to noise ratio and the ssd error ." -more delicate is the estimate of the long-distance effects away from the resonance peaks .,more delicate still is the measure of the waist size in the ultrahigh-vacuum vessel . -"kp and toda systems have many kinds of reduction or extension , for example bkp , ckp hierarchy , extended toda hierarchy , bigraded toda hierarchy and so on .","the kp and toda systems have many kinds of reductions or extensions , for example the bkp , ckp hierarchy , extended toda hierarchy , bigraded toda hierarchy ." -the angular momentum is a quasilocal conserved quantity in axial symmetry .,angular momentum is a good quantum number and the model has the advantage in comparison with the csm at low spin region for deformed nuclei . -deep neural networks have been widely applied and achieved state-of-art performance on a variety of tasks including image recognition .,"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection ." -the only known invariance satisfied by the model is the so-called langman szabo duality .,the only know invariance satisfied by the model is the so called langman-szabo duality . -"in recent years , deep learning methods have shown great success with many computer vision tasks such as image classification .",recent advances in deep learning highly benefited problems such as image classification . -this completes the proof that is a hausdorff locally compact space .,"this completes then y is a 2-coloring , and so is g the proof of the theorem ." -"deep neural networks have demonstrated their outstanding performance in different domains , ranging from image processing , text analysis to speech recognition .","deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in image recognition tasks , even surpassing human capability ." -advances in deep learning have led to tremendous success in a wide variety of applications in visual and audio perception such as image classification .,"deep learning using convolutional neural networks has achieved excellent performance for a wide range of tasks , such as image recognition ." -many machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples .,deep learning models have been discovered to be highly prone to adversarial noise . -"black holes arise naturally in this context , and indeed a major success of string theory is a quantum mechanical account of the bekenstein-hawking entropy of a certain class of degenerate black holes .","one of the distinct successes of string theory is to provide a statistical interpretation of the bekenstein-hawking entropy of a class of extremal or near-extremal dyonic black holes , in terms of manifestly unitary micro-states ." -"unlike the local algorithms , the global algorithms process the stereo matching using some sophisticated techniques , eg , belief propagation and graph cut .","unlike the local algorithms , global algorithms process the stereo matching using some sophisticated techniques such as belief propagation and graph cut ." -"as well known , a web of 5 branes in type iib string theory is dual to m-theory on a toric calabi-yau threefold whose toric diagram is the dual graph to the web diagram .","in fact , the toric diagram of calabi-yau threefold can be identified with the -branes web diagrams of type iib string theory ." -the antigh 0 classes of this cohomology can be seen as the set of nontrivial objects d-closed on shell and are called the characteristic cohomology .,"the operator δ is called the brst operator , and the cohomology of δ is called the brst cohomology ." -the cnn-learnable parameters are initialized with the xavier initialization .,all subsymbolic representations and rule parameters are initialized using xavier initialization . -"deep neural networks are highly effective pattern-recognition models for a wide range of tasks , eg , computer vision .","due to the powerful ability of feature learning , deep learning models have achieved great success in various areas , such as computer vision ." -"the simultaneous kernel of all the constraints is called the physical hilbert space , h physical .","while hilbert space is the natural arena for unitary dynamics , this much larger liouville space sets the stage for the more general description of open quantum dynamics ." -"recently , han et al proposed to prune parameters with small magnitudes to reduce the network size .",han et al combine network pruning along with quantization and huffman encoding to decrease the total size of the weights in the model . -the asterisks denote the final value from the simulation rather than a minimum .,the asterisks denote the point of metal-insulator transition . -"recently we developed a top-down approach , called supervisor localization , to the distributed control of discrete-event systems in the language-based ramadge-wonham supervisory control framework .","recently we developed a top-down approach , called supervisor localization to the distributed control of untimed discrete-event systems in the ramadgewonham supervisory control framework ." -the elements of the second type are called hyperbolic .,"in the former case it is said to be parabolic , and in the latter it is called hyperbolic ." -"for the bone rotation regressor , we use resnet50 as the base network , which is pre-trained on the imagenet dataset .","for each input image , we use the resnet-34 as the backbone structure for basic feature extraction ." -"for network games with weighted players and non-decreasing costs , dunkel and schulz showed that it is np-complete to decide whether a pne exists .","for network games with weighted players and non-decreasing marginal costs , dunkel and schulz showed that it is np-complete to decide whether a pne exists ." -the lagrangian is a function of the field and it is this integral which we are concerned with .,the lagrangian is the constant brane tension integrated over the area of the brane . -the proof is left as an exercise for the reader .,the proof is straight forward and hence is left as an exercise for the reader . -"generative adversarial networks , proposed by goodfellow et al have proven immensely useful in generating real world images .",generative adversarial networks are a recent development in machine learning that have made it possible to generate increasingly realistic synthetic images . -any other orbit consists of precisely one cofinality class .,"the special case when all f i , m are zero is called the trivial orbit ." -"for the sake of efficiency , we employ a recent mcmc method , namely stochastic gradient langevin dynamics , as the sampler .","for the sake of efficiency , we adopt a recent introduced monte carlo method , stochastic gradient langevin dynamics , as our mcmc sampler ." -dropout is a popular and powerful regularization technique to prevent over-fitting neural network parameters .,dropout is a widely-used regularization technique for deep neural network . -"deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition .","deep neural networks , especially the deep convolutional network that can extract high-level image features , have been successfully utilized in many computer vision tasks , such as face verification ." -"for training , we use the adam optimization algorithm , which is based on stochastic gradient descent .","in this work , we use the adaptive moment estimation optimization algorithm , which is an extension of stochastic gradient descent ." -perdew-burkeernzerhof flavor of the exchange-correlation potential corresponding to the generalized gradient approximation was used .,"the perdewburke-ernzerhof exchange-correlation potential based on the generalized gradient approximation was used , and spin-orbit interactions were included through a second variational method ." -"for the feature extractor , we use the resnet-101 pre-trained on imagenet with the parameters fixed and truncated at the conv4 23 layer .","following existing multi-label image classification works , we implement the feature extractor f cnn based on the widely used resnet-101 ." -"however , the vacuum is a highest weight state of the spectral ik .","firstly , in vacuum there is the possibility of observing flavour violation as a result of the intermediate neutrino even if the neutrino mass differences are zero ." -uniqueness of spectral decomposition and vacuum structure proof .,scalar free field theory and its phase space structure proof . -"the superscripts r and s will designate quantities in real and redshift space , respectively .","the superscripts t and h denote the transpose and the hermitian adjoint of a matrix , respectively ." -deep convolutional neural networks have become the standard tool of choice for object detection since 2015 .,recent advances on deep convolutional neural network greatly improve the performance of object detection . -the theoretical values are obtained with the volkov force .,the amd wave functions are obtained with the interaction . -"phase transitions in the early universe have a number of inevitable consequences , including the formation of topological defects via the kibble mechanism .",topological defects in the universe are expected to appear as a natural consequence of phase transitions in the early universe . -"for word vectors , we use the deep contextualized word vectors from elmo or bert .","to model context , we use elmo , contextual representations derived from a neural language model ." -deep neural networks are extremely powerful machine learning models that achieve excellent performance on difficult problems such as speech recognition .,deep neural networks are powerful methods for solving large scale real world problems such as automated image classification . -"also , they correlate with the global characteristics of the networks .","furthermore , they are in correlation with global characteristics of the networks ." -"for training the models , we utilize the adam optimizer with a linearly decaying learning rate over time .","to train the dnn model , we choose the adam optimizer , which is the most widely used variant of traditional gradient descent algorithms in deep learning ." -a sufficient condition is the ability of extending the h-action on a semiprime goldie module algebra to its classical ring of quotients .,a sufficient condition for this is the existence of a g-compact model for eg . -cosmic strings are one-dimensional topological defects that can form during phase transitions in the early universe .,cosmic strings are linear defects that could be formed at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe . -the two most significant types are the variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks .,"the most popular approaches include variational autoencoders , generative adversarial networks and normalizing flows ." -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks .","in recent years , convolutional deep neuron networks have shown their effectiveness in large-scale image classification ." -deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"convolutional neural networks provide state-of-the-art results for many machine learning challenges , such as image classification ." -"another source of the systematic uncertainty is the possible deterioration of the laser light polarization on the mirrors , lenses and the window of the laser focusing system .",another source of systematic uncertainty is the rate of the backgrounds . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved exceptional results in many large-scale computer vision applications , particularly in image recognition task .",deep convolutional neural networks have achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many areas of computer vision . -deep neural networks have been widely adopted in many applications such as computer vision .,convolutional neural networks have achieved significant progress in computer vision tasks such as image classification . -the 22 ghz transition probably is a blend of three hyperfine components .,the 6 7 ghz transition is the strongest of the class ii methanol masers and has been detected towards more than 400 sources . -recent research has shown that machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples .,"recent research shows that machine learning models trained on entirely uncorrupted data , are still vulnerable to adversarial examples ." -deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many machine-learning tasks such as image recognition .,"however , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performances on different tasks such as object recognition ." -"because a monopole is a localised object , the regions far from the monopole core are unaware of the twist in the boundary conditions .","this monopole is a lattice artifact , but behaves exactly like a fundamental monopole ." -"the exchange-correlation interaction was treated in the generalized gradient approximation in the parameterization of perdew , burke , and ernzerhof .","exchange-correlation was considered within the generalized gradient approximation , as proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification .","deep learning techniques have achieved significant success in computer vision , speech recognition and natural language processing ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification .",convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on visual recognition tasks . -the isomorphism is a non-abelian analogue of the blo h-kato log map .,a problem which is karp equivalent to the graph isomorphism problem is called graph isomorphism complete . -zhao et al built a multicontext deep learning framework with two branches that extract global context and local context and then integrate them together .,zhao et al presented a multicontext deep learning framework which extracts both local and global context information by employing two independent cnns . -the inflaton is the moduli for the brane distance .,5the scalar field yielding inflation is called the inflaton . -the hybrid high-order method has been recently introduced in for diffusion problems .,the hybrid high-order method has been recently introduced for diffusion problems in . -"we used the adagrad stochastic gradient update , a per-dimension learning rate method , to train the orbms and the irbms .",we used the adagrad optimizer to train both models with mini-batch stochastic gradient descent . -spacetime is a riemannian spin manifold m of dimension n with metric gab .,"the spacetime is a lorentzian manifold with a conformally flat metric which , in the coordinates , takes the form where the greek indices run from 0 to 2 ." -"the gravitino , which is the massless gauge field of local supersymmetry , absorbs the massless goldstino and becomes a massive spin three-half field .","indeed , if the gravitino is the lsp , the lifetime of the nlsp depends strongly on the planck scale and the masses of the nlsp and the gravitino ." -"a prerequisite is the case 0 , which leads to the theory of p has to decay at least as slow as .",its only prerequisite is the 1 knowledge of at least one reactive dynamical trajectory . -"for an introduction to the time-scale theory we refer the reader to the book , .",for more details concerning the theory of time scales we refer to the books . -the ordinate is the probability k that a line exists at energy e .,the ordinate is the absolute value of the z-coordinate of . -"the explosively growing data traffic in future wireless systems can be leveraged by using higher frequency bands , eg , millimeter-wave .","due to the large available spectral channels , ultra-high data rates can be supported by the millimeter-wave band for wireless local area networks and fifth generation cellular networks ." -collell et al introduce a multi-modal recurrent neural network to generate image descriptions .,"furthermore , karpathy et al use a bidirectional recurrent neural network for generating captions ." -"for the cnn part , we utilize the 50 layered residual network that is pretrained on the ilsvrc-2012 dataset .",we use a pretrained resnet-50 model trained on the imagenet dataset which is the source domain . -"to perform stemming , we used wordnetlemmatizer from the python nltk package .",we used the punkt sentence tokenizer and the penn treebank word tokenizer from nltk . -"to prevent over-fitting , we applied dropout regularization to the hidden layer and l2 regularization to the last layer .",we use dropout for regularization applied between each hidden layer as well as between the fourth and the output layer . -"phd thesis , the university of texas at austin .","phd thesis , the university of michigan , ann arbor , mi ." -cnns have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as classification .,dnns have been remarkably successful in many applications including image recognition . -"if the normalized weights of nodes converge , then the order of nodes by descending the weights of nodes will also converge .","if the normalized weights of nodes converge , then the tc degrees of edges converge ." -deep convolutional neural networks realize extremely high recognition accuracy for various tasks such as general object recognition .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification ." -it is natural to conjecture that this is the unique non-zero irreducible object of this category .,"it is natural to conjecture that this is a quasi-isomorphism , that is conjecture 2 ." -"we use the resnet50 architecture for the visual feature extractor f , with pre-trained weights on imagenet .","as for the classifier , we employ resnet50 architecture which is pre-trained in the imagenet ." -"this convex hull is a polytope , which we will call p2 .","the convex hull is a polytope with 27 vertices , the gosset polytope g ." -zhou et al studied data resampling for training cost-sensitive neural networks .,zhou and liu studied data resampling for training cost-sensitive neural networks . -deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated significant improvements over traditional approaches in many pattern recognition tasks .,deep learning architectures have been used in literature to address a large variety of tasks . -"deep learning has achieved remarkable performance in many applications , especially in image related tasks .","deep learning has achieved remarkable successes in object and voice recognition , machine translation , reinforcement learning and other tasks ." -"reinforcement learning is concerned with learning a good policy for sequential decision making problems modeled as a markov decision process , via interacting with the environment .",reinforcement learning aims at learning policies controlling actions of an agent interacting with an unknown environment . -an inexact perturbed pathfollowing method for lagrangian decomposition in large-scale separable convex optimization .,an inexact proximal path-following algorithm for constrained convex minimization . -"on the other hand , if the films have different shear moduli but equal thicknesses , then the wavelength of the instability is identical to that had the films been interacting with rigid contactors .","when the films have equal shear moduli , the wavelength of the instability has an intermediate value between the wavelengths of the instabilities had each of the films been interacting with rigid contactors ." -deep learning is a rapidly emerging research area that has significantly improved performance of many pattern recognition and machine learning applications .,deep learning has attracted attention in recent years in the machine learning field because of its high performance in areas such as image recognition and speech recognition . -"then the orbit consists of just one point , namely the origin .",mathematically an orbit is a continuous curve which is parameterized by the time variable . -"we use resnet-50 , pre-trained for imagenet classification , to encode the image input .",we use a resnet-50 model that has been pre-trained on the imagenet 2012 dataset . -"dehesa , direct spreading measures of jacobi polynomials , j .","dehesa , fisher information of orthogonal hypergeometric polynomials , j ." -deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in image classification but have steadily grown in computational complexity .,convolutional neural networks have become the state-of-the-art solution for a wide range of visual recognition problems . -"recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success on many vision tasks such as object recognition .",the performance of visual scene recognition tasks has been significantly boosted by recent advances of deep learning algorithms . -convolutional neural networks have gained considerable interest due to their record-breaking performance in many recognition tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have shown outstanding performance in many fundamental areas in computer vision , enabled by the availability of large-scale annotated datasets ." -"markevith m , forman wr , sarazin cl , vikhlinin a .","vikhlinin a , mcnamara br , forman w , jones c , quintana h , hornstrup a ." -the em algorithm introduced by dempster et al is a classical approach to estimate parameters by maximum likelihood for models with non-observed or incomplete data .,the em algorithm was introduced by dempster et al in to approximate the maximum likelihood estimator of parameters of mixture model . -"deep learning and deep convolutional neural networks in particular , have recently shown impressive performance on a number of multimedia information retrieval tasks .",the convolutional neural network in particular is a deep learning architecture which has shown its promise for image classification tasks . -multi-task learning aims to improve learning efficiency and prediction accuracy by learning multiple objectives from a shared representation .,multi-task learning is a way of solving several problems at the same time utilizing shared information . -batch normalization is employed to effectively increase the training speed .,"to improve the training results , batch normalization are implemented ." -"recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success on many vision tasks such as object recognition .","in recent years , deep neural networks have shown great power on image classification tasks ." -comparison of the results of our 2x upscaling methods with those of some of the techniques in the literature on an image from the test dataset set14 .,comparison of the results of our 2x upscaling methods with those of some of the techniques in the literature on an image from the test dataset bsd100 . -deep neural networks are used in many recent applications such as image recognition .,"since 2012 , neural networks and deep architectures have proven very effective in application areas such as computer vision ." -"deep neural network is a significant technique in machine learning , which has been developed to manage tasks like humans do .",deep learning is a form of machine learning that uses neural networks with many hidden layers . -"in the pioneer work by wyner in 1975 , the notion of secure capacity was introduced via a wiretap channel with secrecy constraint .","this approach was introduced by wyner for the wiretap channel , a scenario in which a single source-destination communication is eavesdropped ." -"large-scale deep neural networks or dnns have made breakthroughs in many fields , such as image recognition .",large-scale deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a wide variety of applications such as image classification . -"however , gravity is a global force and poisson solvers operate on the global density field .",the theory obtained from a self-consistent solution of the geometry of the spacetime and the quantum field is known as semiclassical gravity . -golub and he propose a generative model which generates the topic entity based on character-level text spans with soft attention scores .,golub and he propose a character-level attention-based encoder-decoder framework to encode the question and subsequently decode into tuple . -this kind of transformation is called gravitational gauge transformation .,in physics this map is called a gauge transformation . -deep neural networks have demonstrated significant performance improvements in a wide range of computer vision tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved exceptional results in many large-scale computer vision applications , particularly in image recognition task ." -the numerical simulation presented here is a test for the accuracy of the computation of the interfacial tension force .,numerical simulation is the most common technique through which observational results and theoretical predictions can be compared . -"for one-dimensional quantum systems , the density matrix renormalization group is an excellent method , which can treat larger system sizes .",the density-matrix renormalization group has proven to be one of the most powerful tools to treat low-dimensional problems in strongly correlated quantum systems . -"recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in semantic image segmentation .",recently many convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable results on semantic segmentation tasks . -wang et al propose a recurrent fully convolutional network for saliency detection that includes priors to correct initial saliency detection errors .,"in , wang et al introduced a recurrent fully convolutional network to iteratively refine the saliency map with incorporated prior knowledge ." -"indeed , its best fit model consists of an intrinsic absorbed power law component , plus a soft component dominating the emission below about 1 5 kev .",the particular vcdm model described by the parameters which give the minimum of χ2 in our parameter space is called the best fit model . -"when the polytope is a 4-dimensional simplex , the concept of reflexive simplex .","polytope is a pyramid with rectangular base and apex v , whereas the set of two faces whose intersection is v ." -the von neumann modules utilized recently in to explore bures distance between two completely positive maps .,the von neumann modules were used as a tool in to explore bures distance between two completely positive maps . -to find the complete set of constraints we use the general lagrangian scheme 17 which is equivalent to the dirac-bergmann procedure in hamiltonian formalism but for our purposes is simpler .,to find the complete set of constraints we will use the general lagrangian scheme which is equivalent to the dirac-bergmann procedure in hamiltonian formalism but for our purposes is simpler . -we use the original implementations of resnet to obtain features from videos and qa text .,we also use resnet101 trained on imagenet to extract whole image features . -chirality is a multispin variable representing the sense or the handedness of local noncoplanar spin structures induced by spin frustration .,so chirality is a property of fermions known to one gauge interaction of the standard model as part of the corresponding charge . -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have achieved great success in many ai applications .",deep learning techniques are very effective for computer vision applications . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks methods have demonstrated highly accurate and reliable performance across a variety of computer-vision related tasks , including image classification .","in particular , convolutional neural network architectures have enabled superior performance over alternative approaches in classification and pattern recognition problems in computer vision ." -"the exchange correlation functional is approximated by the generalized gradient approximation as parametrized by perdew , burke and ernzerhof .","to calculate the exchangecorrelation energy , the generalized gradient approximation with the perdew , burke , andernzerhof functional was used ." -particle swarm optimization algorithm is an adaptive algorithm based on the simulation of birds flocking or fish schooling looking for food .,particle swarm optimization algorithm is a population-based stochastic optimization heuristic . -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",the increasing programmability and computational power of gpus have accelerated the growth of deep convolutional neural networks for modeling visual data . -the residual module is a convolutional neural network with a similar architecture as resnet .,the fixed-object method is a resnet-50 network trained on imagenet . -convolutional neural networks have gained considerable interest due to their record-breaking performance in many recognition tasks .,"following their success in several computer vision tasks , neural networks have received considerable attention in the context of image processing ." -"the top squark pair production cross section is computed at nlo as a function of m t , including soft gluon resummation at next-to-leading logarithm .","the cross sections for the top squark signal are calculated at nlo in the strong coupling constant , including the resummation of soft gluon emission at next-to-leading-logarithmic accuracy ." -deep convolutional neural networks have significantly improved the performance of computer vision systems .,deep learning models have achieved remarkable success in computer vision . -deep learning has led to significant improvements in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification . -"moduli spaces of weighted stable curves are a generalization of m 0 , n constructed by hassett in .",both form a particular case of moduli spaces of weighted pointed stable curves as introduced by hassett . -generative adversarial networks have achieved impressive results in image generation .,"recently , significant progress in data-driven image generation has been achieved through generative adversarial networks ." -each iteration consists of 500 monte carlo moves .,each iteration consists of a single orthogonal projection . -deep neural networks or deep learning have evolved into the state-of-the-art technique for many artificial intelligence tasks including computer vision .,"machine learning approaches , especially deep neural networks , are transforming a wide range of application domains , such as computer vision ." -"the radioactive ruthenium isotopes were produced using fusion evaporation reactions , and projectile fragmentation or fission .","the radioactive yttrium isotopes were produced using fusion evaporation reactions , spallation ." -the discrepancy between the modelled is a factor and observed sed is mainly at the depth of the silicate feature .,"this discrepancy is a matter of some concern , given that many of these models are commonly used to estimate absolute ages for young open clusters , or even to date individual t tauri stars in the h-r diagram ." -"convolutional neural networks are routinely used in many problems of image processing and computer vision , such as large-scale image classification , among others .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have become the de facto standard in many computer vision tasks , such as image classification and object detection ." -we use the resnet50 architecture and its weights for initialization .,we adopt the standard data augmentation scheme and preprocessing scheme . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks showed outstanding performance in automatic feature extraction , leading to a dramatic breakthrough in a range of fields associated with computer vision .","deep learning and deep convolutional neural networks in particular , have recently shown impressive performance on a number of multimedia information retrieval tasks ." -"however , we can solve this optimization problem using the well-known expectation maximization algorithm .",this is exactly the idea behind the expectation-maximization algorithm . -supergravity is a good approximation in the regime gs the yang-mills coupling constant and ls is the string length .,"as is well known , in order to incorporate gravity in supersymmetric models , one has to consider local supersymmetry which is also known as supergravity ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .","recently , convolutional neural networks have been deployed successfully in a variety of applications , including imagenet classication ." -the data were processed using the pipeline of the noao archive system .,the 47 tuc data were reduced and analyzed using the data reduction and handling software and idl routines . -the antigh 0 classes of this cohomology can be seen as the set of nontrivial objects d-closed on shell and are called the characteristic cohomology .,"one can also determine the hodge numbers hp , q , and its cohomology is called the brst cohomology ." -generative adversarial networks have gained significant popularity in the machine learning community recently as it provides a novel and easy way to learn generative models .,generative adversarial networks have gathered a significant amount of attention due to their ability to learn generative models of multiple natural image datasets . -"in this section , we evaluate the proposed methods on the pascal voc 2012 dataset and the microsoft coco dataset .","in this section , we evaluate the effectiveness of thundernet on pascal voc benchmarks ." -"the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis provides a microscopic mechanism for thermalization , by imposing the condition that individual eigenstates of the many-body system have thermal expectation values of all local observables .","microscopically , thermalization is believed to follow from the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis , which conjectures that individual many-body eigenstates in ergodic systems locally appear thermal ." -"according to the dictionary of , the nekrasov partition function of this theory is given by the 4-point function in liouville theory formulated on the sphere topology .","according to the agt conjecture , the perturbative part of su nekrasov partition function is equal to three-point function in the liouville theory or its q-deformed analogue ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks show promising performances in various computer vision tasks such as object classification , localization .",convolutional neural networks have been demonstrated to have state-of-the-art performances in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -we use continuum simulations to investigate the dynamics of this system including pattern formation and shock propagation .,we use these simulations to investigate the relationship between shocks and standing-wave patterns in vertically oscillated granular layers . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification .","recently , deterministic deep neural networks have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on many supervised tasks , eg , speech recognition ." -"while gravity is the predominant common interaction , small non-gravitational interactions are also possible and could be very important .",gravity is the dominant force at large scales and is believed to drive growth of perturbations . -we employed the resnet34 architecture for learning the feature embedding .,we used a pretrained resnet-152 model to compute question and answer embeddings . -"this model has since been applied to a wide variety of application fields including , biological , chemical , engineering , and social systems .","this model has already solved numerous problems in physics , biology , engineering , complex networks and computer science , thereby establishing cross-disciplinary parsimony ." -"zur nedden , for the hera-b collaboration , these proceedings .","vaandering , for the focus collaboration , these proceedings ." -deep convolutional neural networks have gained tremendous attention recently due to their great success in boosting the performance of image classification .,"among them , convolutional neural networks have been demonstrated to be extremely successful in computer vision ." -"by these two corollaries , the topological tverberg theorem implies the d-skeleton conjecture .",the winding number conjecture implies the d-skeleton conjecture . -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in grid structure data such as image and video .,deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to several pattern recognition tasks such as image recognition . -the dashed lines follow for switched off coulomb interaction .,the dashed lines show the effect of switching off d-wave contributions . -deep neural networks have been significantly successful in many artificial intelligence tasks such as im- age classification .,"convolutional neural networks have been shown to be very successful on a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -"string theory is the consistent quantum theory of gravity which includes graviton , the exchange particle for the gravitational interaction , in its spectrum .","so , we expect that string theory is the best of candidates for consistent quantum gravity theory since string theory is free of the ultraviolet divergences ." -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks has achieved remarkable results in a wide range of computer vision applications .",deep convolutional neural networks have significantly improved the performance of computer vision systems . -"the numerical scheme we chose is a monte carlo the ease with which extra physical processes can be included , even those that are not continuous , like collisions .",our numerical scheme is the second order accurate except at the grid level boundaries since we employ the center difference . -the rms velocity of small clusters is higher than the rms velocity of large massive clusters .,the rms velocity of massive fof clusters is smaller than the rms velocity of high-density clusters determined with the densmax method . -"spaces of stability conditions on a triangulated category were introduced in , inspired by the work of michael douglas on stability of d-branes in string theory .",stability conditions were introduced by bridgeland in as a new invariant of triangulated categories inspired by work in mathematical physics . -dropout is a regularization method to prevent overfitting and co-adaptations when limited training data were given .,dropout is one of prevalent methods to avoid overfitting in neural networks during the training phase . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation .","deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many domains , such as computer vision ." -we employ generalized gradient approximation calculations with perdew-burke-ernzerhoff exchange and correlation functional .,"generalized gradient approximation with the perdew , burke and ernzerhof exchange correlation functional is used for estimating the exchange correlation energy ." -"for pano2vid and pascal voc , we take off-the-shelf faster r-cnn as the source model .",we use faster r-cnn as an underlying bounding box proposal mechanism with resnet50 as the backbone . -the use of multiple slepian functions as data tapers give multitaper estimates their minimum bias and variance properties .,multitaper methods involve the use of multiple data tapers for spectral estimation . -"our lagrangian is the minimal extension which allows to incorporate the full momentum dependence of the quark propagator , through its mass and wave function renormalization .","the lagrangian , which is a functional of the time dependent density , is then expanded around a static reference density up to a certain order ." -sun et al proposed a three level convolutional network for the estimation of the face keypoints .,sun et al propose a cascaded deep convolutional network for five-points face alignment . -"constraint handling rules is a high-level rule based language , originally designed for the implementation of constraint solvers , but also increasingly used as a general purpose programming language .","constraint handling rules is a concurrent , committed-choice language which was initially designed for writing constraint solvers and which is nowadays a general purpose language ." -"asterisks denote integration by triangulation , while circles are for integration by quadratures .","asterisks denote non-oscillatory , diamonds oscillatory solutions ." -"many diverse recommendation techniques have been developed , including content-based analysis .","many recommendation techniques have been developed , including collaborative filtering , and so on ." -"in this section , we focus on the task of image classification using the imagenet dataset .","in this section , we evaluate ricap on the classification task of the imagenet dataset ." -"deep neural networks have been successfully applied to many machine learning and statistical inference problems including speech recognition , natural language processing .",deep neural networks have been evolved to powerful predictive models with remarkable performance on computer vision tasks . -"in recent years , several bespoke neural networks , densenet , and resnet , have shown significant improvements on the image classification and object detection problems .","in recent years , many models based on convolutional neural networks have been proposed and used for various computer vision tasks such as image classification ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have been shown to be useful in a wide range of applications including computer vision .","in recent years , deep convolutional networks have achieved remarkable results in many computer vision tasks ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a wide range of computer vision tasks , such as image classification , due to their powerful end-to-end learnable representations .",deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as image classification . -reinforcement learning is a method of learning how to make a correct decision in an autonomous agent .,reinforcement learning is a machine learning paradigm in which an agent interacts with the environment e over a number of discrete time steps . -a batch normalization layer is added to the output of every convolutional layer .,batch normalization is applied before activation functions in all layers except the last layer . -niu et al developed an energyefficient mmwave backhauling scheme to deal with the joint optimization problem of concurrent transmission scheduling and power control of small cells densely deployed in hcns .,niu et al developed an energyefficient mm-wave backhauling scheme to deal with the joint optimization problem of concurrent transmission scheduling and power control of small cells densely deployed in hcns . -the semicolon denotes the covariant derivative with respect to gik .,the semicolon denotes string concatenation . -"zhao et al in introduced a pyramid pooling module , that can better grasp the context of the input image .","in , zhao et al propose a spatial pyramid pooling module to fuse contexts from different levels , showing superior performance in scene parsing ." -"over the last decade it has turned out that networks corresponding to realistic systems can be highly non-trivial , characterized by a low average distance combined with a high average clustering coefficient .","over the last decade it has turned out that networks corresponding to realistic systems can be highly non-trivial , characterised by a low average distance combined with a high average clustering coefficient ." -illustrate the above definition by an example .,we illustrate this definition by an example . -"convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on various visual recognition tasks , eg , image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification ." -all weights were initialized by the xavier initialization using both the number of input and output neurons of the layer .,the weights and biases in each layer was initialized using the xavier initialization . -"for convenience of notation , from now on we shall denote the matrices m 11 and v 11 by m and v respectively .","for convenience of notation , we shall denote by 0 ." -the study of cluster algebras was initiated by fomin and zelevinsky in 2001 .,cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in the series of papers . -"however , we can use known algorithmic versions of the local lemma to obtain a constructive proof .",we build on the constructive proof of the local lemma by moser and tardos . -we next analyze their properties in the context of large triangles shephard groups .,we next introduce an assumption on the edge-subgroups of the shephard group . -"we use the resnet50 architecture for the visual feature extractor f , with pre-trained weights on imagenet .",we employ standard resnet50 as the backbone for frame feature extraction . -"cosmic strings are one-dimensional massive objects , which may appear as topological defects at the spontaneous symmetry breaking in the early universe .",cosmic strings are topological defects that could have been created during cosmological phase transitions in the early universe . -the k-algebra a is a cyclic left m -module whose submodules are precisely the two-sided ideals of a .,a k-algebra is the direct product of finitely many local k-algebras . -"we use nltk for tokenization , and constrain sentence lengths to be between 5 and 70 words .",we use the natural language toolkit tokenization procedure to tokenize each sentence and word . -where the tilde denotes dimensionless parameter in order the problem to be treated as general .,"a tilde will now denote bulk quantities , as opposed to brane quantities which carry a hat ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks , especially convolutional neural networks , have demonstrated highly competitive results on object recognition and image classification .","convolutional neural networks have been extensively studied in the computer vision literature to tackle a variety of tasks , such as image classification ." -"events are reconstructed using the particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event , with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .","events are reconstructed using the particle-flow approach , which consists of reconstructing and identifying each single particle with an optimized combination of all subdetector information ." -the mpdq algorithm is based on an approximated version of loopy belief propagation .,this algorithm is based on the assumption that the relaxed belief propagation method . -"since then , these algebras have been the subject of many investigations , see , for instance , .","these algebras have been studied by several authors , see , for instance , ." -"convolutional neural networks , cnn , have recently achieved state of the art performance in a number of computer vision tasks .",convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition . -convolutional neural networks have been instrumental to the recent breakthroughs in computer vision .,"recently , computer vision has been undergoing a transformation through the use of convolutional neural networks ." -deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of machine learning tasks .,convolutional neural networks have been extensively used in different image and video processing applications . -"we employed density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation of the exchange and correlation functional , as parameterized by perdew , burke and ernzerhof .","generalized gradient approximation was used for the exchangecorrelation energy , within the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional form ." -multilayer neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performances in many areas of machine learning .,deep neural networks play an increasingly central role in a wide variety of state of the art machine learning applications . -"landau gauge is a smooth gauge that preserves the lorentz invariance of the theory , so it is a popular choice .","the landau gauge is the singular limit a 0 of more regular gauges , and contains a non-local effective drift force kgteff , eq ." -deep neural networks have contributed to notable performance improvements in fields such as image processing .,machine learning models based on deep neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance across a wide range of tasks . -the combined fields are called a chiral superfield or chiral supermultiplet .,the irreducible representation in which a particle and its superpartner will be accommodated is known as the supermultiplet . -various deep learning architectures have been used in speech processing .,"deep neural networks have been successfully applied to many areas , including speech ." -there the completion is the m is a normalization of the projective closure m of m .,"its completion is a hilbert space , which we will realize as a reproducing kernel hilbert space , called the reproducing kernel hilbert space associated to f ." -"deep neural networks have achieved remarkable results in computer vision , natural language processing , and speech recognition areas .",deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -quantum mechanics is a fundamentally probabilistic theory .,"in the quantum mechanics , this is the appropriate electronic energy vanishes ." -we train the n -style network with stochastic gradient descent using the adam optimizer .,we use the first-order gradient descent optimizer adam with gradient clipping . -convolutional neural networks are successful in image classification and object detection as seen the result of alexnet .,recently convolutional neural networks have performed very well on image classification tasks and are pervasive in machine learning and computer vision . -"first , we will assume that every orbit in m is a real hypersurface .","as an orbit , o is a submanifold of m o is an invariant space of ρ ." -"the light-cone gauge superstring field theory in noncritical dimensions can be used , in the case of tree level amplitudes .","the light-cone gauge superstring field theory in noncritical dimensions can be used to dimensionally regularize the tree amplitudes of the critical theory , as was discussed ." -the most prominent generative models are the variational autoencoder and the generative adversarial network .,"currently the most prominent approaches include autoregressive models , variational autoencoders , and generative adversarial networks ." -a transversal t of s is a global transversal if all leaves intersect t .,a transversal for s is a subset t which is a finite union of transversals of flowboxes . -"particle swarm optimization is a population-based stochastic search process , modeled after the social behavior of a bird flock .","particle swarm optimization is a stochastic , metaheuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the social behavior of animals introduced by kennedy and eberhart ." -"in particular , convolutional neural networks have reached outstanding performances in many different tasks such as object classification .",convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification . -"deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition .",deep neural networks have shown tremendous progress in computer vision and speech recognition tasks . -deep neural networks have significantly improved the performance of diverse data mining and computer vision applications .,deep neural networks have significantly improved the state of the art on many supervised tasks . -recent success in the area of deep learning for computer vision and speech recognition tasks have given motivation for the future implementation of conscious machines .,recent successes in machine learning have shown that difficult perceptual tasks can be tackled efficiently using deep neural networks . -"various mechanisms have been proposed in the literature such as random early detection , random early marking , adaptive virtual queue .","various mechanisms have been proposed in the network community for the development of aqm such as random early detection , random early marking , adaptive virtual queue ." -"over the past few years , neural networks has been widely used in some domains , such as large vocabulary continuous speech recognition .",deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -bert-ft is a pre-trained bidirectional transformer language model following a fine-tuning step on cosmos qa .,bert employs the recently proposed transformer layers in conjunction with a masked language modeling objective as a pre-trained sentence encoder . -"in recent years , machine learning with deep neural networks has surged into popularity in many application areas .","with the rapid development of deep convolutional neural networks , the performance of object detection has been significantly improved ." -however the torsion is the part of the connection .,"the torsion is a supercovariant quantity , and as such its value remains unchanged under a gauge transformation ." -dropout is a popular and powerful regularization technique to prevent over-fitting neural network parameters .,dropout is an averaging technique based on stochastic sampling of neural networks . -we used the generalized-gradient approximation to model the exchange-correlation effects .,"we use the generalized gradient approximation with the exchange-correlation functional of perdew , burke and ernzerhof ." -"to build our appearance features , we consider a pre-trained cnn architecture able to process the frames as fast as possible , namely vgg-f .","in order to obtain automatic features , we experiment with multiple cnn architectures , such as vgg-face ." -"it is central to many active research fields , such as quantum computation .",it is a key resource for quantum communication tasks such as quantum key distribution and others . -deep convolutional neural networks have significantly improved the performance of computer vision systems .,convolutional neural networks have been trained to achieve near human-level performance on object detection . -"a series of breakthroughs have been made for discriminative learning , including image classification .","in the past few years , deep learning systems have demonstrated its competitiveness on a wide range of applications , such as image classification ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks show promising performances in various computer vision tasks such as object classification , localization ." -"finally , we check the obtained fragmentation functions by means of the available measurement results on the λ polarization .",then we relate the polarized λ fragmentation functions to the unpolarized ones at the initial scale within the framework of the diquark model . -we use the optimizer adaptive moment estimation to train our models .,our models are trained using stochastic gradient descent with the adam optimizer . -"responsive microgels are nanometre-or micrometre-sized hydrogel particles dispersed in aqueous suspensions , able to swell and retain large amount of water in response to slight changes in the environmental stimuli .","responsive microgels are aqueous dispersions of nanometre-or micrometre-sized hydrogel particles , able to swell and retain large amount of water in response to slight changes in the environmental conditions ." -the data were reduced using the starlink package surf .,the data were analyzed using the surf package . -several interesting relations inter relating them can be had which is left as an exercise to the reader .,several examples can be given and it is left as exercise for the reader . -it is called perfect and strict if the is perfect .,a strict 1-category is a category in the usual sense . -"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification .","convolutional neural networks have achieved notable successes in a variety of visual recognition tasks , such as image classification ." -the shear rate is the same for three cases .,the shear rate is the spatial derivative of the velocity profile . -"the special case when all f i , m are zero is called the trivial orbit .",such an orbit is a p1 joining the two t-fixed points pσ1 and pσ2 . -"if string theory is the ultimate theory of nature then the proposal of add might be embedded within it with a supersymmetric bulk , ie , a bulk supporting a supersymmetric gravitational action .","similarly in string theory there is a fundamental unit of length , the characteristic size of the strings ." -the recent advanced ligo-virgo observations of coalescing binary black holes have initiated the era of gravitationalwave astronomy .,"the observations of gravitational waves emitted by the coalescence of binary black holes by the ligo-virgo collaboration , have opened a new era in gravitational wave astronomy ." -"robin blume-kohout , sarah croke , and daniel gottesman .","howard barnum , patrick hayden , richard jozsa , and andreas winter ." -"however , quantum mechanics is a physical theory , and must be applied to a physical system .","quantum mechanics is a remarkable exception to this rule , since no special group of transformations is associated with it ." -an order preserving map between two nests is called a nest homomorphism .,since an oplax homomorphism is a homomorphism between boolean proof . -batch-normalization reduces internal covariate shift in anns and thereby speeds up the training process .,batch normalization enables larger learning rate and faster convergence by reducing the internal covariate shift during training cnns . -"a quantum computer is a physical system , whether a system of fermions or not , and physical systems have no dynamical or fermion sign problems .","here , a quantum computer consists of a classical computer connected to a quantum device ." -now we proceed on to define the concept of loop rings and groupoid rings .,now we proceed on to define the concept of groupoid biring . -"sorge in relativity in rotating frames , eds .","ashby , in relativity in rotating frames , eds ." -the perdew-burke-ernzerhof generalized gradient approximation was used as the exchange-correlation functional .,"generalized gradient approximation was used for the exchangecorrelation energy , within the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional form ." -"we utilize ms coco caption as our target dataset , which contains 123k images with 5 caption labels per image .","we use the microsoft coco dataset , which contains 123287 images each with 5 captions ." -"a discrete connection is called canonical if all coefficients bσ , v are equal to 1 .","here , the coefficients ψn denote the probability amplitudes of the initial state in the basis of energy eigenstates with corresponding energy eigenvalues en ." -"in quantum field theory , there is a redundancy as to what energy scale one should use to define theory .",quantum field theory is a natural framework for the consideration of the transitions between different flavor neutrinos . -a byproduct of the analysis is a determination of the functional dependence of the relevant parameters related to black hole interaction scaling laws .,one byproduct of this analysis is the potential for an improved exclusion limit on the cp-odd higgs boson mass in the region of light ma . -"in both figures , t is a terminal leaf node and marked arcs are crossed by a line .",in both figures the arrow denotes the physical point . -deep learning has also been very successful in the context of object detection .,deep learning has obviously improved the performance of many computer vision tasks such as classification . -deep neural networks have been widely applied and achieved state-of-art performance on a variety of tasks including image recognition .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-ofthe-art results in various computer vision tasks . -solid squares denote the average of the santa barbara experiment .,"the i solid squares denote the results of the present calculation , and for comparison , qcdsf results are shown by the open points ." -"here , we assume their existence after taking physical matrix elements .","now , we consider the matrix elements of the chiral-odd skew tensor operators ." -"in momentum space , this is the same as a vacuum to vacuum planar diagram with a m vertex .",so momentum space is a nonabelian group manifold with curvature space . -"in particular , convolutional neural networks are widely used for imaging tasks such as classification and segmentation .","in particular , in recent years , convolutional neural networks have been successful for image classification in various important real-world applications such as medical imaging ." -the version of the architecture we use is based on the vgg 16-layer net .,"more specifically , we use the fcn8 architecture on top of a 16-layer vgg net ." -the higgs is a triplet and one fermion field contains three a4-singlets .,"the higgs is a scalar field in the adjoint representation of color , and in an anti-symmetric tensor ." -small-world networks tend to have a small average shortest path length and a clustering coefficient significantly higher than expected by random chance .,usually we see that small-world networks have a low average shortest path length and a high clustering coefficient . -the trade-off is a small reduction in the probability of success .,"the trade-off is the need to work around problems arising from infinity , such as loss of tightness along vorticity sequences ." -in string theory it is the norm to consider black holes with many independent charges excited simultaneously .,"string theory , which is the subject i want to focus on here , grew out of the s-matrix approach to hadronic physics ." -this quantum field theory is the cornerstone of the analytical description of many one-dimensional systems .,"we mainly will use the latter formulation , which is called euclidean quantum field theory ." -"recently , jaderberg et al introduce a differentiable spatial transformer module which is capable to model the spatial transformation between input and output .","jaderberg et al propose a module called spatial transformer , which allows the network to actively spatially transform feature maps conditioned on themselves without explicit supervision ." -the data were reduced using the herschel interactive processing environment .,the extracted spectra were analysed using the xspec spectral fitting package . -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have demonstrated outstanding performance on numerous tasks ranging from object recognition to natural language processing .","during the last decade , deep learning algorithms , especially convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable progress on numerous practical vision tasks ." -deep learning has made an enormous impact on many applications in computer vision such as generic object recognition .,deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as image classification . -phase space is the two-dimensional space with coordinates .,"in mechanics base manifold m is called configuration space , while tangent bundle t m is called phase space ." -"in recent years , artificial neural networks with a class of techniques called deep learning have been thriving with a great success in various recognition tasks .",deep neural networks are widely used in various fields of machine learning and achieve huge success in all these applications . -"a priori , the fn as defined by are only defined over the rationals and indeed nontrivial denominators show up almost immediately .","a priori , c is a quaternion-valued function ." -while studies show that existing learning-based algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial attacks .,"however , recent studies show that machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks ." -"oxygen is the most important element , and it affects both energy generation and opacity in an important way .","since oxygen is a much more efficient quencher , the effect of n-o collisions is expected to dominate in the temperature dependence of the air-fluorescence light ." -all of our models are implemented in pytorch 1 .,we use the pytorch framework to build this model . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on visual tasks such as image and video recognition in the last few years .,"deep convolutional neural networks have seen great success in a range of computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -"the higgs is a scalar field in the adjoint representation of color , and in an anti-symmetric tensor .","the higgs field is the a0 field of the 4d-theory , and therefore the number of degrees of freedom is conserved in this process ." -"the exchange-correlation potential was calculated using the generalized gradient approximation as proposed by pedrew , burke , and ernzerhof .","the electron exchangecorrelation functional was treated using the generalized gradient approximation in the form proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -our isca 2014 paper can reliably and consistently induce rowhammer errors in commodity amd and intel systems using vulnerable dram modules .,our isca 2014 paper also demonstrates that a very simple user-level program can reliably and consistently induce rowhammer errors in three commodity amd and intel systems using vulnerable dram modules . -the field has been significantly boosted by recent advances of deep learning algorithms .,"in recent times , the success of deep learning has been largely in part due to the availability of extensively labeled datasets ." -"recently , deep neural networks achieve excellent performance on difficult problems such as speech recognition .","deep learning models have yielded outstanding results in several applications , including speech recognition ." -"using these results , we would like to discuss the feature of the black ring formation in higher-dimensions .","in this paper , we would like to analyze the formation of the black ring horizon in particle systems ." -"goodfellow et al demonstrated linearity of this effect in input space , introducing the fast gradient sign method to quickly compute adversarial perturbations via backpropagation without need for solving costly optimizations .",goodfellow et al introduced the fast sign gradient method that computes the gradient of the cost function with respect to the input of the neural network . -"equally importantly , science is a piece of the scaffolding that makes for bridges to the members of other civilizations and cultures .",science is a linkage between individualism and coordinated public choices and actions . -partially-commutative context-free languages .,partially-commutative context-free graphs . -"when the gravitino is the lsp , there are number of new implications of supersymmetry for cosmology .","for the heavier gravitino , there is a very small region which is compatible with the bounds from the stau nlsp and the muon g 2 ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have shown great power on image classification tasks .","image classification has seen tremendous progress in the last few years , driven by recent advances in convolutional neural networks ." -machine learning models based on deep neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance across a wide range of tasks .,"deep neural networks have recently led to significant improvements in many fields , such as image classification ." -deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a wide range of image classification tasks .,convolutional neural networks excel at a wide array of image recognition tasks . -the dft calculations were performed using the projectoraugmented-wave method as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .,the first-principles calculations were carried in the framework of the projector augmented-wave formalism as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -a parameter d is called the dimension of the fractal space .,"the dimension of that space is the number of classical outcomes , which may be finite or infinite ." -deep learning has recently vastly improved the performance of many related fields such as compute vision and speech recognition .,deep learning models have performed remarkably well in several domains such as computer vision . -we use resnet-101 as our backbone network to extract low-level features .,"for all our experiments here , we employ resnet-12 as the embedding network ." -turaev defined an equivalence relation on generalized words and phrases which is called homotopy .,this homotopy is the open gauss word homotopy . -"in particular , we used the r interface , an open source library for large-scale linear classification with svm .","in particular , we use the liblinear 3 package which has been shown to be efficient for large-scale text classification problems such as this ." -"we apply batch normalization after each convolution , and between each mlps layer .","after the training of each layer , we use batch normalization to avoid the internal covariate shift problem ." -one requires that the closure of a stratum is a union of strata .,"the closure of each stratum is a convex set , complete in the induced metric ." -"we use the adam optimizer for meta-learning with a learning rate of 1e-3 , which decays by a factor of 10 after 4,000 steps , for a total of 8,000 steps .",we use the adam optimiser with a learning rate scheduler that reduces the initial rate of 1e-5 by half every 20 epochs until it reaches a minimum rate of 1e-8 . -the edges of τ which are contained in e are called infinitesimal .,in case that in addition ma deformation is called infinitesimal . -neural network based methods have recently demonstrated promising results on many natural language processing tasks .,deep learning models have performed remarkably well in several domains such as computer vision . -the coefficients is a matter of taste and simply changes n .,the coefficients of the second and higher powers are called the virial coefficients . -network coding has been known as an efficient technique to significantly increase the capacity of communication networks .,"in this context , network coding has been considered recently as a solution to improve the performance of distributed systems ." -the orbit is the projective image of the affine variety of extremal weight vectors in v .,"each orbit consists of a square-free word and its images under permutation of letters , and each letter has the same mean frequency on this orbit ." -"after several small improvements , chrobak et al designed an almost optimal algorithm that completes the task in otime , the first to be only a poly-logarithmic factor away from linear dependency .","after several small improvements , chrobak et al designed an almost optimal algorithm that ns the task in otime , the first to be only a poly-logarithmic factor away from linear dependency ." -"in every case , the hawking temperature is given by the hagedorn temperature of the string with the renormalized tension .",the hawking temperature is given by the hagedorn temperature of the string with renormalized tension . -"for this purpose , we propose to use the bidirection lstm models .","to meet these requirements , we employ gated recurrent unit networks ." -space-time is a very useful construction for understanding physics .,"spacetime is a completely relational construct , an expression of the phenomenology of matter dynamics ." -"if an inverse homomorphism exists , φ is called isomorphism .","indeed , an isomorphism is a bijection , and both it and its inverse are continuous because addition and multiplication in ft are continuous ." -it is well-established that every set function can be expressed as the sum of a submodular and a supermodular function .,"as shown by , any set function may be written as the difference of two submodular functions f and h ." -deep neural networks have achieved recordbreaking accuracy in many image classification tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have become one of the most important methods in computer vision tasks such as image classification . -"the lower left and right panels show the gas and star particles , respectively .",the upper and lower left panels show the high-resolution dark matter . -"a bloom-filter is a probabilistic data structure with no false negatives , which can be used to test set membership in constant time .","a bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure with no false negatives rate , which is used to check whether an element is a member of a set or not ." -we will illustrate however all these by some simple examples .,we only illustrate this situation by some examples . -deep neural networks are able to efficiently model complex relationships between input and output variables in a highly non-linear manner .,neural networks have been proven to be effective for accomplishing difficult tasks in various domains . -"nowadays deep learning has been widely spread to an enormous amount of tasks , including computer vision .",deep learning has revolutionized the key application domains such computer vision . -han et al proposed an iterative pruning method to remove the redundancy in deep models .,han et al proposed an iterative pruning method to discard smallweight connections which are below a predefined threshold . -the solid dot denotes the seagull term in eq .,the solid dot is the kamland point plotted at a flux-weighted average distance . -"we adopt resnet-50 as the backbone network , and replace the last 1000-dimensional fully-connected layer with two fully-connected layers .",we adopt resnet-50 as the backbone network and add two fully convolutional layers after the pooling-5 layer . -the network is trained using adam optimizer as a supervision signal .,the network is trained with mini-bacthes of size 32 by using adam . -"that is , the instability is a simultaneous growth or shrinking of the radius together with the circumference .","the other instability is the landau instability , which is applicable to the case with dissipation ." -strongly interacting atomic gases have proved to be an excellent platform for studying many-body quantum phenomena .,"quantum systems comprised of neutral atoms have been a successful vehicle for studies in information processing , metrology , and simulation ." -han et al applied a k-means scalar quantization to the parameter values .,han et al proposed an iterative thresholding to remove unimportant weights with small absolute values . -"we say that a monoid m is a gaussian monoid if it is atomic , gcd definition 2 point 3 .",a monoid is a set with some extra structure . -in both ways one can write the quadratic parts of the action in explicitly gauge invariant forms .,now we can write in terms of gauge invariant functions by using these identities . -"for input features , we use embeddings from the resnet-50 deep convolutional neural network pre-trained on imagenet-1k .",we use resnet50 and resnet50-xception pre-trained on imagenet as the base models . -"although such a modification is a wave propagation one , it leads to the same frequency modification in the frequency-domain gw phase to leading order in the stationary-phase approximation .",this modification is the basic mechanism in the optical guiding of laser pulses in plasmas . -the electron exchange and correlation are treated within the framework of generalized gradient approximation given by perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional .,the exchange and correlation effect among electrons is described with the generalized gradient approximation . -"but the algorithm in has much lower complexity , than its counterpart , especially for graphs with large sizes .","as can be seen , the proposed algorithm is consistently faster than the algorithm of and requires significantly less memory for larger graphs ." -"convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems .","convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on various visual recognition tasks , eg , image classification ." -"in the recent years deep neural networks have been used to achieve state-of-the-art results in image recognition , speech recognition and many other fields .","recently , the application of deep neural networks has led to a phenomenal success in various artificial intelligence areas , eg , computer vision , natural language processing , and audio recognition ." -deep learning models have achieved remarkable success in computer vision .,deep neural networks have recently achieved huge success in various machine learning tasks . -convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification .,"models based on deep convolutional neural networks have become the de facto standards in a wide variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -deep neural networks have demonstrated significant performance improvements in a wide range of computer vision tasks .,deep learning has obviously improved the performance of many computer vision tasks such as classification . -then the monoid is a continuous dimension scale .,"when the monoid is a group , we obtain the following important consequence ." -"additionally , we compile the model using the adamax optimizer .",we then update the parameters via backpropagation and use adam optimiser for our model . -the vortex liquid is a state with the phase coherence because the vorteces are singularities in 1 superconducting state with the phase coherence .,the vortex liquid is a strongly corre 10 lated normal phase which can not be smoothly connected with the quantum hall state of unpaired fermions . -polar codes are a family of channel codes which can provably achieve the capacity of a binary memoryless symmetric channel with the low-complexity successivecancellation decoding algorithm .,"polar codes are a new class of error-correcting codes , proposed by arikan in , which provably achieve the capacity of any symmetric binary-input memoryless channel under successive cancellation decoding ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .","convolutional neural networks have been widely used in various computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -this means that the amplitude is maximal when the thread is located at the center of the magnetic tube .,"in this case , the maximum of the initial excitation is located in the evacuated part of the magnetic tube ." -"by following the same setting in , we use frames from 601 to 1400 as training data , and the remaining 1200 frames as test data .","following the setting in , we use frame 601-1400 as the training data and the remaining 1200 frames as test data ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on many tasks across a variety of domains , such as vision ." -the hamiltonian of the system will be where t is the kinetic energy operator and v is the he-he interaction that in the present work will be taken as one of the potentials mentioned in the previous section .,the hamiltonian of the system is a function defined on the classical phase space that takes values on operators of the hilbert space of the quantum system . -"in recent years , deep learning methods significantly improved the state-of-the-art in multiple domains such as computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing .",deep learning has recently vastly improved the performance of many related fields such as compute vision and speech recognition . -"specifically , we choose a resnet-152 model pretrained on imagenet as the image encoder .","furthermore , we apply our method on the publicly available vgg-16 model ." -powerful deep neural networks have been created and investigated for high-level computer vision tasks such as image classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have advanced to show the state-of-the-art performance in image processing and computer vision applications . -"the superscripts t and h denote the transpose and the hermitian adjoint of a matrix , respectively .",superscripts denote the nuclei which the radio frequency is operated on . -people have paid much attention to optical properties in parity-time symmetric system during recent years both theoretically and experimentally .,quite recently much attention has been paid to light propagation in parity-time symmetric optical media in theory and experiment . -now in the following section we proceed onto define and describe interval polynomial semirings .,using these intervals we will just briefly define the algebraic structures and proceed onto define neutrosophic interval semirings . -overlaid is the exclusion result published in ref .,overlaid is the result of the linear fit as defined in eq . -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated dramatic improvements in performance for computer vision tasks such as object classification , detection , and segmentation .","deep neural networks have achieved remarkable results in computer vision , natural language processing , and speech recognition areas ." -"using the extra annotations provided by , the training set is augmented to have 10582 images .","the original dataset is augmented by the semantic boundaries dataset , resulting in 10,582 images for training ." -"deep neural networks play important roles in various computer vision tasks , eg , depth estimation .","recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success on many vision tasks such as object recognition ." -the data were calibrated and reduced with the miriad package .,the atca data was calibrated using the miriad software package . -quantum chromodynamics is the theory of the strong interactions but it has been a challenge to calculate the properties of hadrons directly from the qcd lagrangian in the regime where the theory is non-perturbative .,quantum chromodynamics is a prospective fundamental theory for strong 6 interactions . -the entry in table 2 is the magnitude for the western most id .,the -entry in the table is the number of complexes on i vertices for which j markov degrees are not predicted by our results . -"recently , deep neural networks have obtained promising results in various image processing tasks , such as style transfer .","recently , cnn based approaches have shown promising results in image editing tasks such as image colorization ." -the weights were initialized using the he uniform variance scaling initializer .,initial weights are randomly sampled using he initialization . -the ordinate is the ratio of the core-sw component separation divided by the core-ne component separation .,the ordinate is the number of the clusters . -"during the vasp calculations , the exchange-correlation functional was parametrized using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof 63 method within the generalized gradient approximation .",the forces were calculated in the vasp code within the projector-augmented wave method using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof flavor of the exchange-correlation potential . -"the long time asymptotics for nonlinear wave equations have been the subject of intensive research , starting with the pioneering papers by segal , where the nonlinear scattering and local attraction to zero were considered .","the long time asymptotics for nonlinear wave equations have been the subject of intensive research , starting with the pioneering papers by segal , where the nonlinear scattering and the local attraction to zero solution were proved ." -the recent development of deep learning has boosted the performance of image classification tasks .,recent work has shown that the depth of representation is of crucial importance to the performance of convolutional neural networks . -"event reconstruction is based on a particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .","the cms particle-flow event algorithm aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event , with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the detector ." -"grothendieck on the de rham cohomology of algebraic varieties , publ .","hartshorne , on the de rham cohomology of algebraic varieties , publ ." -"this observation is similar to the result in , where it is shown that for the gaussian inputs , in order to have the maximum delivered power at the receiver , the transmitter is to allocate its power budget to solely real or imaginary subchannels .","this observation is inline with the result in , where it is shown that as the power demand at the receiver increases , the transmitter allocates more power to either real or imaginary axis ." -the propagator which we would really like to know is the fermion propagator corresponding to kgw .,the propagator is a convolution of two bessel functions . -we will illustrate these by suitable examples .,we will first illustrate this by some simple examples . -a vortex is a topological defect in the bose field .,such a vortex is called a geostrophic vortex . -the ellipses denote terms analytic in quark masses or subleading in chiral power counting .,the ellipses denote terms that either do not play any role in the following discussion or can be eliminated by analytic field redefinitions . -the exchange and correlation effects are treated within the generalized gradient approximation .,we use the generalized gradient approximation exchange and correlation functional . -"recently , deep neural network based methods have lead to breakthroughs in several vision tasks , such as classification .","convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems ." -the batch normalization layer is also applied after each convolution layer .,a batch normalization layer is added after each convolution layer . -"for example , deep convolutional neural networks are found to be effective in recognizing and classifying images .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection ." -we choose the adam solver with default parameters for optimization .,we use the adam optimizer with recommended default hyperparameters in sgd optimization . -"the benefit is a unified view on different specific approaches , their commonness and differences .",the benefit is the separation of short- and long-distance physics . -we use a proposal-based object detector like faster r-cnn in this work .,we use the faster r-cnn from for object detection and recognition . -the theory of rough paths was developed by lyons and his co-authors in a series of papers .,the theory of rough path analysis has been developed from the seminal paper by lyons . -a fast approximation algorithm for the multicovering problem .,a greedy algorithm for submodular-cost covering . -perdew-burke-ernzerhof parametrization of the generalized gradient approximation is used for the exchange-correlation potential .,"generalized gradient approximation proposed by perdew , burke and ernzerhof is used for evaluating the exchange correlation energy ." -we also showed the uniqueness of standard imsets for equivalent chain graphs .,"using this result , we can derive imsets for general chain graphs ." -"convolutional neural networks have shown outstanding performance in many fundamental areas in computer vision , enabled by the availability of large-scale annotated datasets .",the effectiveness of the deep convolutional neural networks has been demonstrated for various computer vision tasks such as image classification and so on . -dft calculations were performed by using the vienna ab initio simulation package .,dft calculations were performed using the vasp code based on spin-polarized dft . -"the lightest neutralino , if it is the lsp , is the plausible candidate for the cdm .","this is because the neutralino is a majorana spinor , and therefore can decay equally into leptons and antileptons ." -"convolutional neural network has made great success in various computer vision tasks , such as image classification , object detection and tracking .",deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as image classification . -"recently , interference alignment has become a promising solution to the interference problem in wireless networks .","in this context , the interference alignment concept is one of the main design tools for dof-optimal communication strategies in interference-based networks ." -the odderon is a special case of this equivalence .,"for the odderon , however , this is a rather difficult problem that has not yet been addressed so far ." -chen constructed irreducible representations of a leavitt path algebra l of a graph e using the sinks as well as infinite paths in e and showed that these representations are also induced by appropriate e-algebraic branching systems .,"expanding this , chen studied special types of irreducible representations of l k by using the sinks as well as the infinite paths which are not tail-equivalent in the graph e and he noted that these can also be considered as algebraic branching systems ." -energy levels in ohe bound system with fluorine .,energy levels in ohe bound system with germanium . -generative adversarial nets are a recent popular method for learning generative models of highdimensional unstructured samples .,generative adversarial networks are a recent popular technique for learning generative models for high-dimensional unstructured data . -overdots denote derivatives with respect to physical time .,"over-dots here denote differentiation with respect to proper time on the brane , t ." -the trainable parameters are initialized using the glorot algorithm .,the initial weights throughout the network are initialized using the xavier initialization scheme . -we always use the liblinear package for training linear svms on the original data as well as the hashed data .,we use liblinear software to build the svm classifier with linear kernel . -"deep networks have been successfully applied in various computer vision tasks , including image classification .","d eep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks , especially in visual recognition ." -"several optimization-based methods have been proposed for generating adversarial examples , including fast gradient sign method , and carlini and wagner attack .","two popular attack algorithms , namely , fast gradient sign method and the carlini and wagner attack are used to generate adversarial examples ." -we employ generative adversarial networks to model the mcmc samples .,to build such a generator we use a generative adversarial network structure . -now we can define substructures in interval polynomial semirings .,now we give examples of semigroup interval subsemirings . -"deep learning models have dramatically improved speech recognition , visual object recognition , object detection and many other domains .","deep learning is attracting much attention in the field of visual object recognition , speech recognition , object detection , and many other domains ." -deep learning or deep neural networks have achieved extraordinary performance in many application domains such as image classification .,"deep neural networks have recently led to significant improvements in many fields , such as image classification ." -"however , although the superconductivity is a 3d phenomenon , a 2d model for the pseudogap state is not ill-conceived 14 v .",it is usually said that superconductivity is a result of a gauge symmetry breaking . -batch-normalization is known to accelerate deep neural network training by reducing internal covariate shift .,batch normalization is useful for improving the performance of deep-learning models . -"most recently , the topological thouless pump was observed in cold atom systems .","recently , thouless pumping has been experimentally demonstrated via cold atoms in modulated optical lattices ." -"therefore , the axion is a pseudo goldstone boson .",axion is a possible candidate of light particle and might show the long-distance interference phenomenon . -convolutional neural networks without pooling have already been successfully used by several works on image classification .,deep neural networks have achieved a great success on many tasks such as image classification when a large set of labeled examples are available . -convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection ." -"the dataset is augmented by the extra annotations provided by hariharan et al , resulting in 10 , 582 training images .","the dataset is augmented by the extra annotations provided by , resulting in 10582 training images ." -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks .",deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -the data were edited and calibrated using the astronomical image processing system .,the gmrt data were calibrated using the astronomical imaging processing system . -we evaluate our 3d object detector on kitti benchmarks for 3d object detection .,we evaluate our mv3d network on the challenging kitti object detection benchmark . -"furthermore , its magnitude is a constant on the hyperboloid because in other words , this magnetic field is uniform on the hyperboloid .","this magnitude is the magnitude of the first star used in constructing the psf , thus it is somewhat arbitrary ." -"recently , a particular class of nonlinear methods , deep neural networks , revolutionized the field of automated image classification by demonstrating impressive performance on large benchmark data sets .","modern deep learning models , such as convolutional neural networks , have achieved notable successes in a wide spectrum of machine learning tasks , including speech recognition ." -we see that classically the shell has three allowed regions .,we see that classically the shell has two allowed regions . -"jiang et al propose caching only the data that experiences a high number of accesses in an on-chip dram cache , to reduce o -chip memory bandwidth consumption .","jiang et al propose to only cache hot pages in an on-chip dram cache , to overcome the off-chip dram bandwidth bottleneck ." -for this it suffices to prove that it is a closed embedding .,it thus suffices to see that there is a set of sections whose support contains that of h and is measurable . -the profiles consist of 5 wavelength points that have been obtained with a fabry-perot filter-polarimeter .,"the profiles consist of a broad emission , a narrow emission , and a shortward absorption trough ." -the geometry relaxation was performed using the perdue-burke-ernzerhof functional including the grimme van der waals density functional theory -d2 scheme implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package .,the calculations were performed with the vienna ab initio simulation package using the projector-augmented wave pseudopotentials in the perdew-burke-erzernhof approximation . -qiao et al proposed a concurrent transmission scheduling algorithm to maximize the number of flows with the throughput requirement of each flow satisfied .,qiao et al proposed a concurrent transmission scheduling algorithm to maximize the number of flows scheduled with the quality of service requirement of each flow satisfied . -the scale at which the running couplings unify and quantum gravity is likely to occur is called the planck scale .,the planck scale is the ultimate ultaviolet regulator . -the apparatus consist of davinci xyz positioning system with bridge mounted y-z slide .,"our apparatus consists of a straight wire , stretched along a cylinder ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in visual recognition in recent years .,convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on visual recognition tasks . -"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision .",convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks . -the feature extraction network is composed of a fully convolutional resnet-18 architecture .,the stem network is based on resnet-50 and cabs to produce context-enhanced representation . -convolutional neural networks have shown remarkable performance in many computer vision tasks .,deep convolutional neural networks have made great progress in visual recognition challenges such as object classification . -the code attribute is used to identify the type using the controlled vocabulary olac-data .,the lang attribute is used to identify the language of these elements . -"deep neural networks have become an extremely popular learning technique , with significant deployment in a wide variety of practical domains such as image classification .","deep neural networks are responsible for numerous state-of-the-art results in a variety of domains , including computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -quantum teleportation is a conceptually remarkable phenomenon .,"now , if alice and bob , using only locc , make a proper distant action which project bob state into alice input state , then this is called quantum teleportation ." -"in this section , we detail the expectation maximization algorithm applied to mra .",in this section we briefly recall the hard expectation maximization algorithm . -the biggest term of the sum is the term with index 0 .,"each term in the sum is a product of e1 transition amplitudes , weak 10 matrix elements , and energy denominators ." -"for the exchange-correlation potential , we used the generalized gradient approximation .","for the dft simulations , we use the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange and correlation functional ." -neural network learning has underpinned state of the art empirical results in numerous applied machine learning tasks .,deep neural networks have transformed the machine learning field and are now widely used in many applications . -"in recent times , deep learning models have proven extremely successful on a wide variety of tasks , from computer vision and acoustic modeling to natural language processing .","deep learning has had a tremendous impact in several fields , such as image processing and natural language processing ." -the set of all microstates is called configuration space .,the configuration space here is the weyl alcove of the root space . -"the 2dfgrs geometry consists of two contiguous declination strips , plus 100 random 2-degree fields .",any geometry is a totality of all geometric objects between them . -"gans have been very successful in computer vision , where they have been applied to a variety of tasks from image captioning to image super-resolution .","since their introduction , gans have provided remarkable results in several computer vision problems , such as image generation ." -"inflation solves several serious problems of the standard big bang cosmology , such as the horizon , flatness and monopole problems .","cosmic inflation is a plausible solution for the problems of the standard big bang scenario , such as the flatness and the horizon problems ." -latent dirichlet allocation is a popular approach for extracting topics from documents .,latent dirichlet allocation is one of the topic models proposed for automatically extracting topic from text documents . -"deep neural networks have recently become a standard architecture due to their significant performance improvement over the traditional machine learning models in a number of fields , such as image recognition .","deep neural networks have enjoyed great success in a myriad of applications such as computer vision , natural language processing , speech recognition , speech translation , and many more ." -"modern neural networks achieve state of the art performances in a variety of domains such as natural language processing , image recognition and speech recognition .",deep learning or deep neural networks have achieved extraordinary performance in many application domains such as image classification . -"communication complexity , introduced by yao , has been a central object of study in complexity theory .","since the seminal work of yao , communication complexity has become a central topic in computational complexity ." -it is accomplished in a straight forward manner if a one-to-one and onto linear operator is called an isomorphism .,then this isomorphism is the identity map . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object classification and detection .","recently , feature learning through the use of deep convolutional neural networks has led to considerable improvements for object recognition ." -"simply put , an adjunction is a pair of maps .",the adjunction is a quillen equivalence under a requirement on the fixed point functors . -machine learning models are widely deployed in various applications such as image classification .,"deep neural networks are powerful learning models which have been successfully applied to vision , speech and many other tasks ." -the exchange-correlation functional is modeled in the generalized gradient approximation with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof realization .,"generalized gradient approximation with the perdew , burke and ernzerhof exchange correlation functional is used for estimating the exchange correlation energy ." -a convenient choice is the binding energy of the shallowest efimov state .,the most convenient choice is the circular polarization for 84 3 . -we use batch normalization between each convolutional layer and which is followed by relu non-linearity .,we optimise using sgd with momentum and batch-normalisation after every convolutional layer . -the dirichlet process is a special case of tail-free distributions .,the dirichlet process is a prior over discrete probability measures . -we now turn to the behavior of the trajectories in the upper left strip .,we now classify the behavior of the trajectories in the interior of the rectangle . -some approaches have focused on coordinating vehicles at intersections to improve the travel flow .,some approaches have focused on coordinating vehicles at intersections to improve the traffic flow . -"feedback is the most important concept in control engineering , and has a long history going back at least to the mechanical governors used to regulate the speed of steam engines .",the feedback consists of the delayed output signals of the rnn . -"this closure is a supergraph of g which preserves hamiltonicity , that is , which is hamiltonian if and only if g is .",a multiplicative unitary v is called regular if the closure of c . -cosmic strings are one dimensional topological defects which may have been left behind by phase transitions in the early universe .,cosmic strings are one-dimensional topological defects which are solutions of the field equations in many theories beyond the standard model of particle physics . -"it was proven in that the volumes , and volumes of supersymmetric submanifolds , of sasaki-einstein manifolds are always algebraic numbers , in any dimension .","motivated by this observation , it was proven in that the volume of sasakieinstein manifolds in any dimension satisfies a variational principle ." -"deep neural networks have gained popularity in recent years thanks to their achievements in many applications including computer vision , signal and image processing , speech recognition .",deep learning or deep neural networks have achieved extraordinary performance in many application domains such as image classification . -"there is a notion of a finite semisimple conformal net , defined utilizing the minimal index from subfactor theory .",there is a notion of a completely rational conformal net whose representation category repis a modular tensor category . -we use the caffenet architecture and the fast-rcnn pipeline for the detection task .,we achieve this with the efficient mask-based fast r-cnn framework . -the values of all the parameters are initialized using the initialization heuristic of glorot and bengio .,the kernel parameters are initialized according to the xavier uniform initialization . -"d eep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks , especially in visual recognition .",convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification . -"in addition , our design uses layer normalization to improve regularization .","in order to prevent overfitting , we applied dropout to hidden layers ." -the origin of quantized matter waves .,the relation between classical and quantum electrodynamics . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on several image processing and computer vision tasks like image classification , object detection , and segmentation .","deep convolutional neural networks achieve state-of-the-art performance for a wide variety of tasks in computer vision , such as image classification and segmentation ." -we first illustrate this situation by the following example .,we give the following example to the interested reader . -deep convolutional neural networks have recently played a transformative role in advancing artificial intelligence .,artificial neural networks have become an indispensable asset for applied machine learning and rival human performance in a variety of domain specific tasks . -"deep learning has led to series of breakthroughs in many fields of applied machine learning , especially in image classification or natural language processing .",deep neural networks have significantly improved the performance of diverse data mining and computer vision applications . -"to optimize the network parameters , we first trained a joint network using the adam optimizer , with mean absolute error loss .",we used the l 1 difference between the network output and target image as the loss function in training the network with adam optimizer . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved significant breakthroughs in computer vision and can be directly used in vqa .,"in recent years , deep convolution neural networks have achieved promising performance on many artificial intelligence tasks , including image recognition ." -"with the requirement to improve spectrum utilization , the newly emerging cognitive radio technology has attracted increasing attention .","in recent years , cognitive radio has attracted intensive research focus due to the pressing demand for efficient usage of the frequency spectrum ." -"the contribution to the jet energy from additional interactions in the same bunch crossing is estimated for each event using the jet area method , and is subtracted from the overall jet p t .","the contribution to the jet energy from pileup is estimated on an event-by-event basis using the jet-area method described in ref , and is subtracted from the overall jet p t ." -the quantum network consists of a total of 11 quantum gates .,"roughly , a quantum network consists of a set of machines ." -"for nonzero magnetic field there is a gap in the distribution of the fisher zeros of the ising model around the positive real axis even in the thermodynamic limit , which means that there is no phase transition .",in a magnetic field there is a voltage contribution due to the motion of josephson fluxons . -convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition .,"deep neural networks have recently achieved great success in computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -deep neural networks have contributed to notable performance improvements in fields such as image processing .,"designing deeper and wider convolutional neural networks has led to significant breakthroughs in many machine learning tasks , such as image classification ." -"deep networks have been applied to almost all computer vision tasks and have achieved state-of-the-art performances , such as image classification .","deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many application areas , such as computer vision and natural language processing ." -the prn is implemented as 5-resnet blocks sandwiched by convolution layers .,the network consists of one convolutional layer and k 1 residual blocks with relus as the activation functions . -the lagrangian is a lorentz-invariant functional of the fields φi and their derivatives .,"the lagrangian for this is a natural generalisation of , with the addition of supersymmetry ." -"recently , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as for image classification .","convolutional neural networks have broken many records of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -"neural network models are now widely embraced as cuttingedge solutions in computer vision , speech recognition , and text analysis .","recently , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as for image classification ." -mao et al proposed a deep fully convolution encoding-decoding network with symmetric skip connection .,mao et al proposed a very deep fully convolutional encoding-decoding network with symmetric skip connection for image denoising . -"the cms detector response for generated events is simulated using geant4 , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event , with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the detector .","event reconstruction is based on a particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector ." -the microscopic accounting of the bekenstein-hawking entropy of black holes is one of the successes of string theory .,the microscopic accounting of black hole entropy for suitably simple black holes is one of the triumphs of string theory . -the chord diagram obtained from a framed 4-graph with one unicursal component in this way is called a gauss diagram .,a gauss diagram is the immersing collection of circles with the preimages gauss diagrams of 3-manifolds 3 of each double point connected with a chord . -we train the model for 100 epochs on a gtx 1080 for 6 days using adam as learning rule .,we train the model for 40 epochs on different top performing gpus using adam as learning rule . -deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification .,"recently , convolutional neural networks -based methods achieve great success in image classification tasks ." -for this minimization process we used the powell routine from the numerical recipes package .,for the minimization procedure we used the downhill simplex method . -our decomposition γ is a regular neighbourhood of all equivalence classes of nontrivial almost invariant subsets of g which are over two-ended subgroups .,the decomposition of φ is such that s is a hermitean matrix . -"one of these algebras is the quotient of the polynomial ring modulo certain monomial ideal , while the other is the quotient of the polynomial ring modulo certain powers of linear forms .",the algebras in the infinite series of simple lie algebras are called the classical algebras . -"large neural networks are ubiquitous in modern deep learning applications , including computer vision , speech recognition and natural language understanding .",deep neural networks have seen great success in many cognitive applications such as image classification . -"the watts strogatz model produces graphs with small-world properties , including short average path lengths and high clustering coefficient .","interestingly , the watts-strogatz model generates graphs that have the small-world property while having high clustering coefficient ." -elmo is a recently proposed model that extends a word embedding model with features produced by a bidirectional language model .,elmo is a character-based model which learns dynamic word embeddings that can change depending on the context . -recent advances in generative models have mostly been driven by generative adversarial networks .,"generative adversarial networks , proposed by goodfellow et al , have attracted considerable attention recently ." -the electric field which is the consequence of the high voltage acts on the cds voltage .,the electric field is a result of the effective behavior of the non-polar dissolvent 2 that is applied to protein unfolding . -a strong stability preserving 3rd-order rungekutta scheme is used for time advancement .,"for the temporal integration , the high-order strong stability-preserving runge-kutta schemes can be used ." -"the nucleus is the strongest source in the image , and an additional source is also present .","any nucleus is a collection of a nucleons , so it is just a d5-branes accumulated ." -the two most common and efficient generative approaches are variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks .,"many generative models exist in the literature , two of the most popular being variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks ." -the data were calibrated and cleaned using the miriad package .,the miriad 2 and karma 3 software packages were used to reduce and analyze the data . -here the asterisk designates complex conjugation .,here the asterisk denotes a true complex conjugate as opposed to the formal conjugate denoted by the bar . -topic models such as latent dirichlet allocation are popular models for reasoning about large text corpora .,topic models such as plsa provide a powerful framework for extracting latent topics in text . -simulations were performed using the micromagnetic simulation softwaremumax .,micromagnetic simulations were performed using the open source oommf softwares . -"in particular , we use the vgg16 model , which has 16 convolutional layers .","in particular , we employ the 16-layers model from vgg dataset , and use the activations from layer fc6 ." -"convolutional neural networks , as one of the widely used deep learning methods , have been proven to be very successful for object recognition in images .",supervised learning-based networks have successfully been used for many years in image classification . -deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a wide range of image classification tasks .,convolutional neural networks has shown phenomenal results for many computer vision applications . -these codes got lot of interest recently due to their application in error-correction for network coding .,there has been lot of interest in these codes in the last five year due to their application in network coding . -"latin indices here denote anholonomic components , that is , components that are not derivable from a coordinate basis .",latin indices denote bulk coordinates whereas greek indices denote boundary coordinates . -we used the generalized-gradient approximation to model the exchange-correlation effects .,we have used the general-gradient potential approximation of pbe for exchange and correlation functional . -each convolutional layer is followed up with a batch normalization layer .,following each convolutional layer is a batch normalization layer and a rectified linear unit . -"in the framework of density function theory , our first-principles calculation was performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package 29 with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof generalized gradient approximation .",we have used the vienna ab-initio simulation package employing the projector augmented wave method with the frozen core assumption and the perdew-burke-enzerhof exchange-correlation functional . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in computer vision tasks such as image recognition .,"deep convolutional neural networks have been prevailed in various computer vision tasks , such as objection classification ." -a linear-time approximation algorithm for the weighted vertex cover problem .,a primal-dual randomized algorithm for weighted paging . -"we assume the reader to be familiar with the basic theories of formal languages , finite automata and supervisory control .",we assume that the reader is familiar with concepts and operations in supervisory control theory . -deep neural networks have been widely used in many artificial intelligence applications including computer vision .,the fundamental role of neural networks is readily apparent from their widespread use in machine learning in applications such as natural language processing . -"in quantum field theory this is a physically pathological circumstance , which we shall exclude from consideration .",in quantum field theory there is a standard procedure for integrating out high energy degrees of freedom and obtaining an effective theory at low energy . -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have achieved profound breakthroughs in many computer vision applications , including the classification of natural and medical images .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks has achieved remarkable results in a wide range of computer vision applications ." -"non-orthogonal multiple access enables to realize a balanced tradeoff between spectral efficiency and user fairness , which has been recognized as a promising multiple access technique for future fifth generation networks .","non-orthogonal multiple access is envisaged as a potentially promising technique to address some key challenges in the fifth generation networks , such as high spectral efficiency and massive connectivity ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have achieved significant breakthroughs in many machine learning tasks .",deep neural networks in particular have proven to be remarkably effective for supervised learning from large datasets using backpropagation . -the subject of this article is a normal form algorithm for the brieskorn lattice replacing this sequence of full divisions by a sequence of partial divisions .,subject of this article is the part of the code that provides the infrastructure in which to run the hlt selection algorithms . -all the network weights are initialized using glorot initialization .,the decoder layers are randomly initialized using the xavier weight initialization . -the ordinate is the ratio of the cam lw2 flux within the pht-s aperture to a cam lw2-band-equivalent flux derived from the pht-s spectrum .,the ordinate is the absolute value of the z-coordinate of . -"however , recent studies show that machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks .","for instance , deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial perturbations ." -figure 7 shows the corresponding acs with different abstraction levels on top of .,figure 7 shows the acs achieved in constructing the optimal response time with different abstraction levels on top of . -"the calculations were performed using the projector augmented wave method , as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .",all calculations were performed using the vienna ab-initio simulation package software package based on first-principles density functional theory . -deep learning based techniques have enabled a significant rise in the performance of various tasks such as object detection and recognition .,"in recent years , deep learning methods have dominated state-of-the-art results in object detection and localization tasks ." -such a spacetime is a solution without any source but with a universal curvature encapsulated in a cosmological constant .,"the spacetime is a product r1,1 is a compact spin turn implies that locally manifold ." -the general gradient approximation is employed with the perdew-burkeernzerhof type exchange-correlation functional .,the generalized gradient approximation with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional was employed to describe the electron exchange-correlation interactions . -the monoid m is a free commutative monoid .,thus a semigroup with identity is called the monoid . -higher order finite difference schemes for the magnetic induction equations with resistivity .,higher order finite difference schemes for the magnetic induction equations . -"this choice is motivated by modern techniques for solving forward and inverse problems involving partial differential equations , where the unknown solution is approximated either by a neural network .","this choice is motivated by modern techniques for solving forward and inverse problems involving partial differential equations , where the unknown solution is approximated either by a gaussian process ." -"convolutional neural networks have been widely used in various computer vision tasks , such as image classification .","in recent years , many models based on convolutional neural networks have been proposed and used for various computer vision tasks such as image classification ." -vaswani et al applied self-attention to neural machine translation and achieved the state-of-the-art results .,an important breakthrough in nmt is that vaswani et al applied the fully-attention-based model to nmt and achieved the state-of-the-art performance . -adversarial training has recently been shown to be one of the most successful methods for increasing the robustness to adversarial perturbations of deep neural networks .,several recent efforts have shown that adversarial training can improve the robustness of machine learning models . -"deep neural networks have gained popularity in recent years thanks to their achievements in many applications including computer vision , signal and image processing , speech recognition .",convolutional neural networks have become quintessential for solving a variety of computer vision tasks such as classification . -the line bundle l is called the normal bundle of the foliation .,"intuitively , a foliation is a pattern of -dimensional stripes - ie , submanifolds - on m n , called the leaves of the foliation , which are locally well-behaved ." -the goal of standard compressed sensing is to recover signals which are sparse over a finite basis with significantly fewer measurements than the dimension of the observation space .,the central idea underlying compressed sensing is to recover a sparse signal from as few non-adaptive linear measurements as possible . -this problem is particularly important in mmwave networks due to severe channel attenuations .,sending these control messages may be overwhelming in mmwave networks due to the characteristics of the physical control channel . -we refer the reader to for background on outer space and give only abbreviated discussion here .,"we refer the reader to for the background and basic info regarding the outer space , and only recall a few facts and definitions here ." -deep neural networks have exhibited great performance in computer vision tasks in recent years .,convolutional neural networks have achieved impressive state-of-the-art results on image classification . -"with deep neural networks , people are able to achieve superior performance in various machine learning tasks .","deep neural networks in particular , have been shown recently to perform extremely well on these tasks ." -the coproduct denotes concatenation of signatures .,"as the coproduct is the same for both hopf algebra structures on hr , and since ξ fix a system of generators , it is a bialgebra isomorphism ." -deep neural networks have been showing impressive performance in a variety of applications in multiple domains .,deep neural networks have achieved great success in recent years on many applications . -doersch et al proposed to learn representations by predicting the relevant positions of patches extracted from the image .,doersch et al predict the relative arrangement of image patches to pre-train a model . -"quantum correlations , entanglement and quantum discord , represent a valuable resource for information processing and technology .","these quantum correlations are powerful resources for quantum engineering , quantum cryptography , quantum communication , and quantum information processing ." -"by a famous theorem of tutte , all 4-connected planar graphs are hamiltonian .",this result was generalized by tutte in 1956 showing that all 4-connected planar graphs are hamiltonian . -the adjunction is a special case of the one of proposition 13 2 applied to the full inclusion .,the adjunction is the particular case of lemma 5 point 4 . -now we define three polynomial neutrosophic groupoids .,now we define some of the properties enjoyed by these interval matrix groupoids . -quantum computation with diatomic bits in optical lattices .,ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices . -"if string theory is the ultimate theory of nature then the proposal of add might be embedded within it with a supersymmetric bulk , ie , a bulk supporting a supersymmetric gravitational action .","however , as string theory is a consistent theory , it provides another mechanism to cancel these anomalies ." -neural machine translation has greatly advanced state-of-the-art within machine translation .,neural machine translation has significantly improved the quality of machine translation in recent several years . -"in recent years , machine learning with deep neural networks has surged into popularity in many application areas .","deep learning , especially convolutional neural networks , has revolutionized various machine learning tasks with grid-like input data , such as image classification ." -"for analytical tractability , we approximate the actual antenna patterns by a commonly used sectored antenna model .","for mathematical tractability and similar to , the actual antenna array patterns are approximated by considering a sectored antenna model ." -this is because the angular momentum is the poynting vector provided by the born-infeld position in the embedding flat spacetime geometry does not specify the state of d-helix .,the angular momentum is the vector perpendicular to the plane passing through the symmetry axis . -if it covers then a ris completed by the tromino covering in which case becomes inaccessible .,"if it covers and , then a ris completed by the tromino covering , making inaccessible ." -the parameters of the linear layer are initialized using normalized initialization .,the colorization network is initialized with xavier initialization . -"however , superposition is the basic ingredient in quantum computing and quantum information processing .","this superposition is the reason for working with the magnetic , rather than electric , fields ." -"in 2007 , huang and zhang announced the notion of cone metric spaces by using the same idea , namely , by replacing real numbers with an ordering real banach space .","in 2007 , huang and zhang firstly introduced cone metric spaces which generalized metric spaces , and obtained various fixed point theorems for contractive mappings ." -"in recent years , many models based on convolutional neural networks have been proposed and used for various computer vision tasks such as image classification .","recently , deep learning models , especially convolutional neural networks , have revolutionized various machine learning tasks with gridlike input data , such as image classification ." -convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification .,"recently , deep learning methods have shown great success in various computer vision tasks , such as object recognition , object detection , and image classification ." -the standard data reduction was carried out with the muse data reduction system .,the data were calibrated and reduced using the miriad 2 software package . -"based on image representations derived from pre-trained cnns , gatys et al introduced a neural style transfer algorithm to separate and recombine image content and style .","gatys et al used convolutional neural networks to learn separated representations of the image content and style , and then created the new image from their combination ." -the exchangecorrelation energy functional is described with the spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation as parameterized by perdew-burke-ernzerhof .,"the electron-exchange correlation energy is described by using the functional of perdew , burke , and ernzerhof based within the generalized gradient approximation ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have proven to be highly effective general models for a multitude of computer vision problems .","convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable impact in many machine learning applications , including computer vision , natural language processing and reinforcement learning ." -on the theory of extensions of j-isometric and j-symmetric operators .,introduction to the spectral theory of operators in spaces with an indefinite metric . -"however , as we already emphasized , instead of using the probability distribution p , in anthropic considerations one should use the incoming probability currentsq , or the integrated probability currents q .","however , as we already emphasized , instead of using the probability distribution p p , in anthropic considerations one should use the probability current ." -"large deep neural networks have enabled breakthroughs in fields such as computer vision , speech recognition , and reinforcement learning .",convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in visual recognition in recent years . -"the usefulness of noisy channels for cryptographic purposes was first realized by wyner , who proposed a secret key agreement protocol based on noisy channels .","pls was pioneered by wyner , who introduced the wiretap channel and established the possibility of creating perfectly secure communication links without relying on private keys ." -for the estimation experiments we use the raw data available in the kitti dataset .,we use the kitti dataset for evaluating cross-dataset generalization ability in the experiments . -"matlab is a registered trademark of mathworks , inc .",matlab is a product of the mathworkst m corporation . -"a planar map is a proper embedding of a finite connected graph in the two-dimensional sphere , viewed up to orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the sphere .",a planar map is a quadrangulation if all faces have degree four . -deep neural networks have achieved outstanding performances on many computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have achieved great success in cognitive applications such as image classification . -"dnns are the currently dominant approach in machine learning , and have led to significant performance boosts in various application domains , such as computer vision .","recently , deep models have been applied to a variety of applications in computer vision , and have yielded significant performance improvements ." -"summers university of nebraska-lincoln , lincoln , usa k .","smith northeastern university , boston , usa g ." -dynamics of symmetric gauge theories in three dimensions .,dynamics of su supersymmetric gauge theory . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance for many segmentation tasks .","for image segmentation , fully convolutional neural networks have set the benchmark performance in medical imaging ." -yang et al propose a hierarchical attention network for the task of document classification .,yang et al proposed a hierarchical rnn with self-attention to classify texts . -"we use the celeba dataset , which includes 200k face images annotated with 40 attributes .","we apply celeba dataset that has 202,599 face images with 40 binary attributes ." -a construction of lattice chiral gauge theories .,on the overlap formulation of chiral gauge theory . -the fractional ionization in dense interstellar clouds .,the ionization fraction in dense cloud cores . -"recent advances in deep learning and convolutional neural networks have contributed to significant performance improvements in a number of computer vision problems , ranging from low-level vision tasks , such as saliency detection and modeling .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have taken the computer vision field by storm , significantly improving the state-of-the-art performances in many visual tasks , such as face recognition ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .",deep learning has been used as a dramatically powerful tool in computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -"since f p is continuous and convex on l 2 , it is locally lipschitz continuous .","since k is s skew operator , it is also maximally monotone ." -"convolutional neural networks are driving major advances in many computer vision tasks , such as image classification .",convolutional neural networks has significantly promoted developments of visual processing tasks such as image classification that can be used to train large-scale models . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in image classification and many others .,deep neural networks have been widely used in many artificial intelligence applications including computer vision . -the covariance is the one at the fiducial clone cosmology .,covariance is the requirement of invariance under the choice of coordinate chart . -"for the electronic structure calculations , we have used the first-principles dft method as implemented in the quantum-espresso code package .",we use the ab initio software package quantum espresso to compute the ground-state quantities required in the gw and bse calculations . -"data-driven approaches , in particular , deep learning with convolutional neural networks , have recently attained great success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .","in recent years , the development of deep convolutional neural networks has made notable progress in providing accurate segmentation results ." -generative adversarial networks are commonly used to generate images with realistic statistical properties .,generative adversarial networks have been extensively used in image generation . -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have achieved profound breakthroughs in many computer vision applications , including the classification of natural and medical images .","since 2012 , neural networks and deep architectures have proven very effective in application areas such as computer vision ." -"in 2001 , knill , laflamme and milburn showed that , quite surprisingly at that time , linear optical elements such as beam splitters and phase shifters are sufficient for universal quantum computation .","in 2003 knill , laflamme and milburn showed that single-photon sources and linear optics are sufficient to achieve universal quantum computation ." -we trained this model to minimize the cross-entropy objective using adam for learning rate control .,we trained the models towards the objective function using the adam optimiser . -well-known software packages based on this approach include jostle .,well-known software packages based on this approach include kahip . -we know that the ckm matrix is the dominant source of flavor and cp violation .,the ckm matrix is the mismatch between the basis in which the up and down quark yukawa matrices are diagonal . -gsim is the simulation of the detector response with the geant4 package .,the description of the detector response is implemented using the geant4 package . -"the best fit model consists of a blackbody , a power-law , a gaussian function for the iron emission line , and a high energy cutoff .",the best fit model is a mekal thermal model . -the observational mass function of nearby galaxy clusters .,the distribution of rich clusters of galaxies . -there has been rising interest in building small and efficient neural networks .,"there are extensive studies on compressing and accelerating neural networks , such as quantization ." -the string tension is a constant and gives the energy scale of the slope .,the string tension which is the coefficient of the linear term of the potential has an interesting property . -then the scarf complex of i is a subcomplex of f .,it follows that the algebraic scarf complex is a strongly indispensable complex . -"the winner of the ilsvrc 2015 classification competition used a new architecture called residual networks , which enabled very fast training of very deep networks .",recently proposed residual networks get state-of-the-art performance on the ilsvrc 2015 classification task and allow training of extremely deep networks up to more than 1000 layers . -such convergence is a result of the mass gap in the spectrum .,the convergence is a weighted projection of the mass inhomogeneities between source and observer . -liu et al also design a deep hierarchical network to learn a coarse global estimation and then refine the saliency map hierarchically and progressively .,liu et al proposed a two-stage network which produces coarse saliency maps first and then integrates local context information to refine them recurrently and hierarchically . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have recently been used with success on single image classification with a vast number of classes . -"in recent years , throughout a series of breakthrough algorithms , convolutional neural networks significantly improved the state-of-the-art in large-scale image recognition tasks .",convolutional neural networks have been largely responsible for the significant progress achieved on visual recognition tasks in recent years . -"we used the adam optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-3 , and mini-batches of size 64 .","we trained the model end-to-end using adam , with a learning rate of 1e-3 and a batch size of 40 ." -in the quantum theory there is nothing to prevent this operator developing an anomalous dimension .,therefore these operators can acquire anomalous dimensions in the quantum theory . -"recently , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as for image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have experienced a recent surge in computer vision research due to their immense success for visual recognition tasks . -this asymmetry is a clear signature of the coupling to the dissipative environment strongly modifying the current even at zero temperature .,perhaps the cause for this asymmetry is the fact that time evolution is often irreversible . -"this similarity indicates that the peak is a kind of desorption peak , familiar in film adsorption data .",this similarity is a guide to understanding our work . -"note furthermore that the godunov scheme is known to have less numerical viscosity than the laxfriedrichs scheme , see .","this is consistent with the fact that the godunov scheme contains less numerical viscosity than the lax-friedrichs scheme , see ." -"in this work , we employ the pgd attack since it can generate universal adversary examples among the first order approaches .",in this paper we apply a standard algorithm called pgd-attack to generate adversarial examples . -cognitive radio is an important technology to maximize radio spectrum utilization efficiency .,cognitive radio is an efficient way to improve spectrum utilization . -"deep neural networks have recently revolutionized a variety of areas of machine learning , including computer vision and speech recognition .","in recent years , deep neural networks have revolutionized machine-learning tasks such as image classification , speech recognition and language translation ." -"duality is a property of the eom , not of the action .","this duality is a powerful mathematical result that establishes a relation , via an isomorphism , between two noncommutative algebras ." -this free energy is the difference between the free energy of a dna molecule in a bundle and that of an individual dna molecule in the bulk solution .,then the host-guest free energy is a sum of the lattice gas and elastic part f where flg . -"overlaid is the pah charge zpah along the shock , calculated using the theory described in mckee et al .",overlaid is the fake tag rate f for all light quark events . -these are topological defects that could have formed in one of the numerous phase transitions in the early universe due to the kibble mechanism .,the cosmic strings are among the most popular topological defects formed by the symmetry breaking phase transitions in the early universe within the framework of the kibble mechanism . -"here , this nucleus consists of a nucleus and core electrons .","the 4he nucleus is a good test case , because an exact four-body calculation can be carried out ." -the xavier initialization was implemented to randomly initialize the weights of the convolution kernels .,the weights of the convolution kernels were initialized with xavier weightings and 0 biases . -the saturation 0 ) is a finite union of linear subspaces of w .,"this saturation is a signature of statistics dominated by front-like structures , the cliffs ." -"for implementation of svm and other methods , we used the open source tool scikit-learn and we relied upon their default parameters as our baseline .",in order to compare our performance with other clustering algorithms we used the implementation available in the scikit-learn python library . -deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to several pattern recognition tasks such as image recognition .,deep neural networks have significantly improved the performance of diverse data mining and computer vision applications . -"the ellipticity is a function of the shear tensor , which is the second derivative of the potential .","the ellipticity is the complex ellipticity , 2 andrew j ." -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved significant successes in numerous computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification ." -this asymptotic value is the same as that in section 5 point 1 .,"this asymptotic value is the same for all particle species , nevertheless it strongly depends on the number of extra dimensions ." -graphene is a two-dimensional system with high carrier mobility that provides a rich playground for building novel high-frequency devices1 .,because graphene is a zero band gap material where . -"deep neural networks have achieved remarkable results in computer vision , natural language processing , and speech recognition areas .",deep neural networks have been showing impressive performance in a variety of applications in multiple domains . -the asymmetry is a result of the 3-d nature of flow .,this asymmetry is a direct consequence of the nonlinear term that enhances the deformation in the former case but reduces it in the latter case . -"flagging , calibration and imaging of the data followed standard procedures and was carried out within the common astronomy software application package .","data calibration and imaging were conducted with the standard alma data analysis package , the common astronomy software applications ." -one noteworthy feature is that this result supplies spin representations arising from the structure of the cohomology algebra for the pure braid group .,the theorem also gives the statement that spin representations of the pure braid group give trivial stable vector bundles . -"neutrosophy is a new branch of philosophy , which studies the origin , nature , and scope of neutralities , as well as their interactions with different ideational spectra .","neutrosophy is the base of neutrosophic logic , a multiple value logic that generalizes ." -the ellipses denote the terms that are suppressed by positive powers of b .,"as before , the ellipses denote non-quadratic powers of p ." -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have achieved exceptional results in many domains such as computer vision and natural language processing .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted a lot of attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance ." -deep neural networks have been found to be quite effective for solving problems in the domain of computer vision .,"recently , deep neural networks has achieved great success on computer vision ." -consider the sheaf wo on φ which is the extension by zero of the sheaf w on the open point o .,we will now prove that this sheaf is a line bundle on vi . -the data reduction was performed using iraf software .,the spectral analysis was performed with the xspec package . -"the availability of large datasets and powerful computing resources has enabled a new type of artificial neural networks-deep neural networks -to solve hard problems such as image classification , machine translation , and speech processing .","deep learning , especially convolutional neural networks , has revolutionized various machine learning tasks with grid-like input data , such as image classification ." -"this geometry is a trumpet with curvature singularity at the origin of the coordinate system , and it is dual to the semi-infinite cigar .",the geometry transverse to the 5-branes is a long tube which opens up into the asymptotic flat space region with the horizon at the other end . -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in order to give a combinatorial framework for understanding total positivity in algebraic groups and dual canonical bases in quantum groups .,cluster algebras were introduced by fomin-zelevinsky in a series of four articles to give an algebraic framework for the study of total positivity and dual canonical bases in lie theory . -"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision .",convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in various tasks . -"deep neural networks have recently become a standard architecture due to their significant performance improvement over the traditional machine learning models in a number of fields , such as image recognition .","neural networks have rapidly gained popularity over the last few years due to their success in a variety of tasks , such as image recognition , speech recognition and machine translation ." -physical layer security was laid in the 1970s in wyners seminal work on the wiretap channel where the idea of secure communication based on the communication channel itself without using encryption keys was first introduced .,"pls was pioneered by wyner , who introduced the wiretap channel and established the possibility of creating perfectly secure communication links without relying on private keys ." -we will illustrate all this situation only by some examples .,we will illustrate these by suitable examples . -low-density parity-check codes that are linear codes defined by extremely sparse parity check matrices were developed by gallager in 1963 .,ldpc codes are block codes described by a sparse parity-check matrix first presented by gallager in 1962 . -"all convolutions are followed by batch normalization and relu , with the exception at the last layer .",every convolutional layer is followed by a batch normalization layer and a relu activation . -"based on these findings , zhu et al extended the framework by introducing the cycle-consistency loss , which allowed to perform crossdomain mapping using unpaired datasets .","zhu et al introduced the cyclegan to relax this paired data requirement , by incorporating a cycle consistency loss into the generative network to generate images that satisfy the distribution of desired domain ." -"recently , the gauge-gravity duality has been proposed to understand the strongly coupled behavior of a very specific field theory .",gauge-gravity duality relates two different theories and it is a useful tool for studying strongly coupled theories . -gopakumar-vafa duality relates the a-model on the resolved conifold to the u chern-simons gauge theory on s 3 .,"this is in accord with the gopakumar-vafa duality , which maps the a-model to u chern-simons gauge theory on s 3 ." -comparison of the atmospheric parameters determined by us with those from soubiran et al .,comparison of the atmospheric parameters determined by us with those from kovtyukh et al . -hydrogen is the lightest nucleus and therefore capture is likely to be more important for wimps with spin-dependent interactions .,"here , hydrogen tends to float simply because it is the lighter element present in the plasma ." -a qubit is a quantum system in which the boolean states 0 and 1 are represented by a prescribed pair of normalised and mutually orthogonal quantum states labeled as .,the 3jj qubit consists of a superconducting loop with small inductance l interrupted by three josephson junctions . -we use the adam optimization method for searching the optimal network parameters .,we use the adam optimizer to solve this supervised learning problem . -deep generative models such as variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks have played a prominent role in the advancement of unsupervised learning .,"lately , a large body of successful deep generative models have emerged , especially generative adversarial networks ." -"for example , in , limit theorems were established for a model in which there is a common space noise process that influences the dynamics of each particle .","for example , in a setting where a common noise process influences the dynamics of every particle is considered and limit theorems of the above form are established ." -"for our experiments on cifar-10 , we use the wide resnet-28-10 architecture .",we use the resnet-50 network minus the last classification layer as our feature network . -all networks are trained for 40 epochs using the adam optimizer with standard parameters .,"each network was trained with adam for 100 epochs , optimizing the mean squared error ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in visual recognition in recent years .,"in recent years , the field of computer vision and image recognition has been dominated by convolutional neural nets ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional networks have achieved remarkable results in many computer vision tasks .","recently , deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performance on both high-level vision tasks , such as classification ." -"we compare against the top-10 trackers on this dataset , including ccot .","for clarity , we show the comparison with the top-10 best trackers , including ccot competition ." -we use the output of a fully-connected layer in a resnet-50 model as the global feature .,we represent images in the visual model using the features extracted from the 512d pool5 layer of a pre-trained resnet-34 cnn . -neural networks with multi-modal inputs can often be dominated by one of the inputs .,networks with multi-modal inputs can often be dominated by one of the modes . -"indeed , the only ingredient that is needed is the existence of a vertex of degree at most 3 whose removal either leaves a rigid graph or a graph with one degree of freedom .",another ingredient is the partial elimination ideal theory . -dropout is a regularization technique that turned out to be particularly effective in the field of neural networks .,dropout is a regularization technique that is widely used when training deep neural networks . -"geiser , aj schultz , hh wang , dm watkins , dl stupka , jm williams , je schirber , dl overmyer , d .","geiser , lk montgomery , gj pyrka , dm watkins , jm kommers , sj boryschuk , av strieby crouch , wk kwok , je schirber , dl overmyer , d ." -quantum mechanics is a non-commutative version of classical phase space .,the firmest thing of all in quantum mechanics is the formalism itself . -koenig and zhu showed that the quotient of any triangulated category modulo a cluster-tilting subcategory is abelian .,they showed that any quotient of a triangulated category modulo a cluster titling subcategory carries an abelian structure . -sure independence screening in generalized linear models with np-dimensionality .,nonparametric independence screening in sparse ultra-high-dimensional additive models . -multitask learning provides an effective way to bias a network to learn additional information that can be useful for the original task through the use of auxiliary tasks .,multitask learning aims to leverage useful information contained in multiple tasks to help improve the generalization performance of those tasks . -the proposed module is derived from the inception module which intends to capture the multi-scale contextual information from the inputs .,"in , a inception module is proposed to process visual information at various scales and aggregated to the next stage ." -merlin is a national facility operated by the university of manchester at jodrell bank observatory on behalf of pparc .,merlin is a uk national facility operated by the university of manchester on behalf of stfc . -we also tried to get a better performance by using features from the vgg network .,we used convolutional layers from a vgg-16 network which was pre-trained as part of the netvlad model as features . -"based on the previous work , residual network , proposed by kaiming he et al , present a residual learning framework to ease the training of substantially deeper networks .","based on highway networks , he et al recently presented a residual learning framework to effectively train networks which are substantially deeper than ever used ." -each iteration consists of 500 monte carlo moves .,each iteration consists of a sampling step followed by a refinement of the grid . -deep neural network models have recently demonstrated impressive learning results in many visual and speech classification problems .,"deep neural networks have achieved significant success in various tasks such as image recognition , speech transcription , and machine translation ." -"using models of lattice with long-range interactions , we can get continuum equations with the fractional derivatives .","as it was shown in , the equations with fractional derivatives can be directly connected to lattice models with long-range interactions ." -absorption is the least sensitive in all circumstances .,the event loss in the material is called nuclear absorption here . -"to extract local visual features , we simply use the pretrained resnet50 model .",we use the output of a fully-connected layer in a resnet-50 model as the global feature . -as is well known that morrey introduced the classical morrey spaces to investigate the local behavior of solutions to second order elliptic partial differential equations .,morrey introduced the classical morrey spaces to investigate the local behavior of solutions to second order elliptic partial differential equations . -"the calculations were performed using the projector augmented wave method , as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .",the calculations were performed using first-principles density functional theory as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -"deep neural networks have delivered tremendous improvements across many machine learning tasks , ranging from computer vision .","neural networks have transformed machine learning , forming the backbone of models for tasks in computer vision , natural language processing , and robotics , among many other domains ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have shown remarkable success for various computer vision tasks in static images , such as object detection .",convolutional neural network has achieved great success in image recognition and object detection . -convolutional networks have recently enjoyed a great success in large-scale visual recognition .,convolutional neural networks have proved effective at providing the desired semantically discriminative feature representation . -"zarubin petersburg nuclear physics institute , gatchina , russia s .","vorobyev institute for nuclear research , moscow , russia yu ." -"however , it has been shown that solving the dual of the relaxed problem provides solutions that are arbitrarily close to the original , non-relaxed problem , provided that the number of available subcarriers tends to infinity .","it is also proved in that the time-sharing condition is always satisfied as the number of ofdm subcarriers goes to infinity , regardless of the nonconvexity of the original problem ." -"kazemi , yartseva , and grossglauser considered alignment of graphs with overlapping but not identical vertex sets .","kazemi , yartseva , and grossglausser investigate alignment recovery of correlated graphs on overlapping but not identical vertex sets ." -"in fact , different strategies have been proposed to provide more efficient access , eg , access class barring .","different methods have been proposed and addressed to provide more efficient access , eg , access class barring ." -the vacuum is a two dimensional subspace which is an irreducible module for the two dimensional subalgebra generated by ψ0 0 .,the vacuum is a solution of the field equations . -the ordinate is the integrated time during which the detector exchange threshold has been lower than ht .,the ordinate is the probability ke that a line exists as defined in the text . -powerful deep neural networks have been created and investigated for high-level computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"convolutional neural networks deliver state-of-the-art results in a variety of computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -we also used resnet152 which achieved better performance on image classification .,we also used resnet152 that achieved better performance on image classification . -the ordinate is the flux normalized to the maximum .,the ordinate is the radial component of the momentum and in the abscissas one has the distance of the test-particle to the central mass . -quantum key distribution uses principles of quantum information theory to ensure secure communication .,quantum key distribution enables secure communication between two parties . -graphene is a gapless material with the linear spectrum of electrons and holes near the dirac point .,graphene is a one-atom-thick sheet of sp2-bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a bipartite crystal lattice . -"previous work discovered that many machine learning models , including modern neural network architectures , are vulnerable to adversarial examples .",it has previously been shown that adversarial examples may be shared across different machine learning models . -"finally in han , zang and zhao asymptotically determined t 1 for all complete 3-partite 3-graphs k .","han , zang , and zhao determined t 1 asymptotically for all complete 3-partite 3-graphs k ." -"the rest of argument is the same as in corollaries 2 point 1,2 point 2 .",the rest of argument is the same as in the calabi-yau case . -a mirror is a host retrieving the content from the original source and publishing it as a website .,the mirror consists of a metal plate with a semiconductor wafer fixed on one side . -the qubit consists of the last two vectors .,a qubit is the short form for quantum bit and the analog of a bit in classical computation . -"torsion is a crucial object in superspace geometry and supergravity , and does not vanish even in flat superspace .","since n is torsion , it is a direct limit of its right bounded submodules ." -"for more results on the rainbow connection and vertex-rainbow connection , we refer to the survey paper of li and sun .","for more results on the rainbow connection , we refer to the survey paper of li and sun ." -we use the output of a fully-connected layer in a resnet-50 model as the global feature .,"we use a 200-layer resnet to compute visual features which are 2,048-dimensional ." -"deep reinforcement learning , which combines reinforcement learning and deep neural networks , has demonstrated its prowess in solving complex decision-making problems , like go .","deep learning , which uses deep neural networks as a model , has shown good performance on many challenging artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks , such as image recognition ." -the european vlbi network is a joint facility of european and chinese radio astronomy institutes funded by their national research councils .,"the european vlbi network is a joint facility of european , chinese and south african radio astronomy institutes funded by their national research councils ." -"in , energy management policies which stabilize the data queue have been proposed for single-user communication under linear energy-rate approximations .","in , energy management policies which stabilize the data queue are proposed for single-user communication and some delay-optimal properties are derived ." -defect interactions and noise in metallic nanoconstrictions .,individualdefect electromigration in metal nanobridges . -"deep neural networks have gained popularity in recent years thanks to their achievements in many applications including computer vision , signal and image processing , speech recognition .","recently , convolutional neural networks have been deployed successfully in a variety of applications , including imagenet classication ." -the wavy dashed line represents the spin fluctuation .,the wavy line represents the propagator of the paramagnon . -deep convolutional neural networks have gained tremendous attention recently due to their great success in boosting the performance of image classification .,deep convolutional neural networks are powerful discriminative models that yield impressive results at object classification . -"if g is proximally tractable , then we can apply proximal-gradient methods or splitting techniques to solve this problem .",we use a restarting proximal-gradient algorithm to solve the corresponding subproblems in and . -we apply stochastic gradient descent with an adaptive learning rate for training .,we use mini-batch stochastic gradient descent with adam algorithm to optimize the neural network . -kim et al tackled overfitting by using a deeply-recursive convolutional network .,"in , kim et al introduce a deep recursive convolutional network using recursive-supervision and skip connections ." -"geisler d , smith vv , wallerstein g , gonzalez g , charbonnel c .","bonifacio p , sbordone l , marconi g , pasquini l , hill v ." -the generalized gradient approximation of perdew-burke-ernzerhof was adopted for the exchange-correlation functional .,"the perdew , burke and ernzerhof parametrisation of the generalised gradient approximation was employed to describe the exchange correlation function ." -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .",deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in image classification and many others . -the event selection comprises invariant mass cuts and particle identification criteria .,"event selection consists of fiducial cuts , particle identification by time of flight , and kinematic closure ." -"entanglement of multiple particles is not only an essential ingredient for a test of quantum nonlocality , but also a key resource for implementation of quantum information processing .","the feature of entanglement is the basis for many fascinating phenomena in quantum information and quantum communication , such as quantum teleportation ." -deep convolutional neural networks have become the dominant machine learning approaches for image classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have become prevalent in visual feature learning . -"recently , a novel structure called generative adversarial network has become extremely popular .",recent studies on generative adversarial networks have achieved impressive success in generating images . -"mutual information is a valuable concept , but it is rather complex to implement .","while mutual information is a useful similarity measure , it is not a distance in that it does not obey the triangle inequality ." -this library comprises stellar model atmosphere spectra from uv to the ir for all spectral types and luminosity classes for 5 metallicities .,"this library will consist of iue spectra at low and high resolution , and a set of lte and nlte theoretical fluxes ." -"in this section , we review the gauge transformation and introduce the generalized lie derivative , c-bracket , and d-bracket for the generalized metric formulation .","in this section we discuss the relations between dual and standard fields in double field theory , using linearized dft in the frame formulation ." -deep learning has become very popular for many computer vision and image recognition tasks .,deep learning has recently vastly improved the performance of many related fields such as compute vision and speech recognition . -frames for hilbert spaces were first formally defined by duffin and schaeffer and popularized from then on .,frames for hilbert spaces were introduced by duffin and schaeffer as part of their research in non-harmonic fourier series . -the generalized gradient approximation parameterized by perdew-burkeernzerhof for the exchange-correlation functional was used .,the perdew-burke-erzerhof and mbjlda parameterizations of the exchange-correlation energy were employed . -topic models such as plsa provide a powerful framework for extracting latent topics in text .,"topic models help explore large , unstructured text corpora by automatically discovering the topics discussed in the documents ." -this resembles the expectation maximization algorithm in nature .,it can be considered an analogue to the general expectation-maximisation algorithm . -the phase space thus consists of the four variables .,"in mechanics base manifold m is called configuration space , while tangent bundle t m is called phase space ." -the calculations were performed using first-principles density functional theory as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package .,"calculations were carried out employing spin-polarized hse06 and pbe-gga based dft methods using the projector augmented wave method 27 , as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package ." -"exchange-correlation was considered within the generalized gradient approximation , as proposed by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof .",exchange-correlation effects were described within the generalized gradient approximation . -"adams , indecomposability of equivalence relations generated by word hyperbolic groups .","ozawa , boundary amenability of relatively hyperbolic groups ." -we extract features from sketch and image from the vgg-16 dataset .,"for the image embedding g v w , we extract image features using resnet-152 ." -"generative adversarial networks are a class of methods for training generative models , which have been recently shown to be very successful in producing image samples of excellent quality .",generative adversarial networks are a subclass of generative models that have received a lot of attention because of their ability to generate realistic high quality images . -nowadays it is believed that such fat-tailed degree distributions observed in realworld networks are mostly the consequence of preferential attachments mechanisms .,these models offer a simple local rule that helps explain the presence of highly-skewed or power-law degree distributions in real-world networks . -let be a dynamical system and assume that there is a physically relevant measure µ which is not necessarily invariant .,"a quantum dynamical system is a quadruple τ is a g-invariant , normal , faithful state on a ." -enhancement is a large increase of the electromagnetic field and its derivatives near sharp points .,this enhancement is a clear indication of a long-range effect in the theory that may result in color confinement . -"for a single-session multicast network , it was shown in that linear codes are sufficient to achieve the multicast capacity .",it was shown by li et al that scalar linear network coding is sufficient to achieve the capacity of a multicast network . -"neural networks and deep learning models have recently become the state of the art architectures for a wide range of applications that include data mining , signal processing , and pattern recognition .","deep neural networks have evolved to become state-ofthe-art in a torrent of artificial intelligence applications , such as image classification and language translation ." -"although a photon is a spin-1 particle , it has only two spin degrees of freedom because it is massless .",the photon is the field quantum being responsible for the electromagnetic interaction . -characterize those s-lie rings which are s-filial lie rings .,characterize those lie algebras which are s-simple . -high level semantic features learnt by deep models have been proved to be effective on a large range of tasks .,"lately , residual blocks based architectures have also shown to perform well for a variety of tasks ." -the only modification is a reduction in the size if the resulting electric field compared to a precisely shaped hyperbolic electrode of the same characteristic size .,one such modification is the introduction of brane curvature terms for the graviton . -"convolutional neural network based models led to a series of breakthroughs in high-level computer vision tasks , such as image classification .","designing deeper and wider convolutional neural networks has led to significant breakthroughs in many machine learning tasks , such as image classification ." -we provide experiments on the pascal voc 2007 dataset to provide additional comparison to methods from the weakly supervised object detection literature .,we conduct experiments on the pascal voc 2012 segmentation benchmark dataset as the segmentation framework . -"cooper , in proceedings of the international workshop on electron correlations and materials properties , edited by a .","freeman , in handbook on the physics and chemistry of the actinides , edited by a ." -"convolutional neural networks have achieved notable successes in a variety of visual recognition tasks , such as image classification .","convolutional neural networks have been extensively studied in the computer vision literature to tackle a variety of tasks , such as image classification ." -"for the image encoder , we use a resnet-18 architecture , pretrained on imagenet .",we use non-fine-tuned resnet-150 features as the frame representation . -all trained baseline models used a weighted categorical cross-entropy loss function and the adam optimizer .,all models were trained by optimizing the categorical cross-entropy loss using the adam optimizer from . -"the spin-polarized density functional theory calculations were carried out by using the projector augmented wave method 26 , 27 as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package .",first-principles calculations were performed in the framework of density functional theory using a projected augmented wave approach . -we use the recent results of on the achievable rates of finite block-length codes to investigate the power-limited outage probability of the arq protocols .,we use the recent results on the achievable rates of finite block-length codes to analyze the throughput . -"willis , amenable and weakly amenable banach algebras with compact multiplication .","spronk , measurable schur multipliers and completely bounded multipliers of the fourier algebras ." -deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in many supervised learning challenges . -"recently , thanks to the success of generative adversarial networks .","recently , inspired by generative adversarial networks represents an important milestone ." -"however , quantum mechanics is a physical theory , and must be applied to a physical system .",the quantum mechanics is a logical construction which contains axioms and corollaries of these axioms . -"ogurtsov et al found a 60-64 year cycle in 10be , 14c and wolf number over the past 1000 years .","ogurtsov et al found evidences for a 60-64 year period in 10 be , 14 c and wolf number over the past 1000 years ." -"a pseudorandom generator is a function that maps a short , randomly chosen seed to a long pseudorandom sequence , which is computationally indistinguishable from a truly random string for any polynomial-time bounded adversary .","obviously , every pseudorandom generator is a weakly pseudorandom every p-dense language over σ in generator ." -"in recent years , the accuracy of object detection has been dramatically improved thanks to the advance of deep convolutional neural network .","recently , tremendous advances in semantic segmentation have been made relying on deep convolutional neural networks ." -we train our model with the matlab toolbox matconvnet on a titan x gpu .,we implement the network training based on the cnn toolbox matconvnet with our own modifications . -"non-orthogonal multiple access enables to realize a balanced tradeoff between spectral efficiency and user fairness , which has been recognized as a promising multiple access technique for future fifth generation networks .",non-orthogonal multiple access has been recognized as an important multiple access technique in future fifth generation networks since a balanced tradeoff between spectral efficiency and user fairness can be realized . -deeper convolutional neural networks have obtained state-of-the-art results in many image classification tasks .,"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification ." -we train the n -style network with stochastic gradient descent using the adam optimizer .,"we optimize the elbo via stochastic gradient descent , using a customized version of adam ." -the cavity itself consists of two 1 mm diameter super-polished mirrors with 10 cm radii of curvature separated by 75 µm .,a cavity consists of a large conducting island of irregular shape that is connected to two metallic leads through quantum point contacts . -"deep neural networks have recently proven successful at various tasks , such as computer vision , speech recognition , and in other domains .",deep neural networks are at the core of state-of-the-art models for supervised tasks like image recognition and speech recognition . -the continuum data were edited and calibrated using miriad .,the atca data was calibrated using the miriad software package . -"then , x is now a fermion , while y is a scalar .",the resulting composite object obeys fermi statistics and is called a composite fermion . -"in optimizing the system geometry and vibration calculations , van der waals interactions were considered at the vdw-df 54 , 55 level with the optb88 exchange functional .","in geometric optimization and vibrational property calculations , van der waals interactions were considered at the vdw-df level with the optb88 exchange functional ." -deep learning has recently been applied very successfully in areas such as image recognition .,"recently , deep learning architectures have led to remarkable progress in problems like speech recognition and many others ." -in larger galaxies there is a wider sample of structure at each age so particular regions do not stand out in the power spectra .,"in the galaxies , although there is a large amount of scatter , the slope remains roughly constant across the range of temperatures , but the normalisation of the profiles seems to drop with decreasing temperatures ." -large deep neural networks trained on massive data sets have led to major advances in machine learning performance .,"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision ." -we initialized all lstms using the xavier uniform distribution .,we initialized all the weights of the lstm-rnn using the xavier uniform distribution . -we adopt batch normalization into the architecture after every convolution layer .,"we use the standard lenet architecture with relu nonlinearities , batch-normalization ." -simulations of the model can be carried out efficiently using the standard gillespie algorithm .,the dynamics of the model can be simulated using a stochastic reaction monte carlo algorithm developed by gillespie . -the bose-einstein condensate is a good opportunity to apply theoretically and verify experimentally the concepts of the quantum mechanics .,"a bose-einstein condensate is the ground state of a second quantized many body hamiltonian for n interacting bosons trapped by an external potential vext , even if the system is slightly perturbed ." -the constant unit conductivity was used as the initial guess in the optimization .,the conductivity vector was initialized to constant value of one in the optimization process . -"deep learning has shown its effectiveness in many computer vision tasks , such as object detection .",deep neural networks have been shown to be effective for solving many computer vision tasks . -it is a conditional generative adversarial network with auxiliary masks .,this architecture is basically the conditional adversarial network . -we trained the networks using the adam optimizer with a minibatch of size 64 .,our network is trained using the adam optimizer with a batch size of 256 . -all individual components will be discussed below .,all these components will be discussed in the following sections . -"as the deuteron is the simplest nucleus , such computations will usher in a new era of nuclear physics , an era in which model-independent calculations of nuclei and their interactions will , for the first-time , become possible .","indeed , because the deuteron is a loosely bound system , one might expect to learn a host of spin-dependent properties of the neutron and proton as free particles ." -the lagrangian is the curvature scalar of 3d time .,this lagrangian is the same as that in the conventional lorentz gauge . -berry phase is a geometrical phase associated with an adiabatic change of the system7 .,"because the berry phase is a completely quantum effect , so there is no berry phase analog in this classical phase diffusion process ." -examples of recent models include denoising autoencoders and generative adversarial networks .,the best known representatives for generative models are variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks . -"neural networks have rapidly gained popularity over the last few years due to their success in a variety of tasks , such as image recognition , speech recognition and machine translation .","neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results in a wide variety of supervised learning tasks , such as image recognition ." -the mmwave band between 10 ghz and 300 ghz has been considered as an enabler of the 5th generation performance requirements in micro and picocellular networks .,the millimeter wave bands -roughly above 10 ghz -have attracted considerable attention for meeting the ever more demanding performance requirements of micro and picocellular networks . -"some nogo theorems for string duals of non-relativistic lifshitz-like theories were proposed quite recently in , where the authors argued that such gravity duals in the supergravities were not possible .","some no-go theorems for string duals of non-relativistic lifshitz-like theories was investigated quite recently in , where the authors argued that such gravity duals in the supergravities were not possible ." -the data were reduced using the herschel interactive processing environment and the hermes smap package .,the data were reduced using the standard alma pipeline within the common astronomy software applications package . -"the legend denotes the χ2 r value of the corresponding model , except for the red one , which formally has too few data points .",the legend is the same as in the previous figure . -gale and shapley showed that a stable matching always exists and gave an efficient algorithm to find one .,"in their seminal paper , gale and shapley introduced the above problem , and provided a constructive proof of existence of so called stable matchings ." -the generalized gradient approximation of perdew-burkeernzerhof 30 type was employed for the exchange-correlation energy .,"the perdew , burke and ernzerhof parametrisation of the generalised gradient approximation was employed to describe the exchange correlation function ." -the interaction of fluctuating quantum fields with background gravitational fields give rise to another type of vacuum polarization .,the interaction of fluctuating quantum fields with background gravitational fields gives rise to another type of vacuum polarization . -the polyakov loop is is the natural order parameter of the deconfinement transition in pure gauge theories .,"if we still assume that the polyakov loop is the only color source in the problem , we are naturally lead to consider polyakov loop correlation functions ." -the vertex of the triangle not included in the original cycle is called an anchor .,"that is , the anchor consists of m cycles of requests presented at the nodes of a0 in a round-robin fashion ." -the recent advances in object detection have been driven mainly by the development of deep neural networks .,"with the help of powerful well-designed deep neural networks , great progresses have been made in the field of object detection ." -deep neural networks have been shown to be very efficient in image processing tasks such as content classification .,"deep neural networks have shown to perform well on complex pattern recognition tasks , such as speech recognition ." -we initialize weights according to the xavier scheme described in .,we initialize weights according to the glorot scheme described in . -we use faster-rcnn to detect the bounding boxes for objects of the scene .,we use the faster r-cnn to generate about 400 bounding boxes for each frame . -"this nucleus perhaps is the most likely candidate for having a proton halo structure , as its last proton has a binding energy of only 137 kev .","the nucleus is the bright source near the center of the field , and the jet extends to the ne ." -deep convolutional neural networks have led to major breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have shown impressive state-of-the-art results in the last years on numerous tasks and especially on image recognition . -data were processed following standard procedures using ftools .,the data were reduced using the surf and kappa software packages . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted much research attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance .","convolutional neural networks have been shown to be very successful on a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -the vacuum is defined by is the factorizable two-particle scattering matrix of the integrable quantum field theory .,"if one believes that the vacuum is a totally empty space , then there may not be a resting frame in our universe ." -"in recent years , there have been outstanding achievements in objects detection by successfully deploying a convolutional neural network .","with the help of powerful well-designed deep neural networks , great progresses have been made in the field of object detection ." -"diamonds denote cluster pairs with both components larger than 7 pc , crosses stand for pairs in which the clusters have smaller diameters .","diamonds denote the location of co detections by engargiola et al , as well as the co detection diamonds ." -this sequence is listed as a034296 in the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequence .,this forms sequence a317586 in the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences . -convolutional neural networks have been extremely successful across many domains in machine learning and computer vision .,"among them , convolutional neural networks have been demonstrated to be extremely successful in computer vision ." -this enhancement is the reason why the isw effect is more sensitive to dark energy clustering than other measures of clustering .,this enhancement is a coherent effect and therefore it is expected to diminish as the coherence length becomes of the order of the system size which occurs in the region of strong coupling . -a monoid consists of a sort s together with a binary operation on s that is associative and that has an identity element in s .,thus a semigroup with identity is called the monoid . -"at nite temperature , there is a pseudogap phase by the vanishing of the tunneling density of states ρ , are rossover lines .","at finite temperature , there is a crossover from the mott phase to the normal phase depending on the value of the compressibility ." -"if degeneracy is a problem , we may simply use a complete set of commuting physical operators that we simultaneously diagonalize .",degeneracy is a key concept for the multimode capabilities of the spherical detector . -"in this case , u is called the immediate basin of ξ .","equivalently , the fast basin is the complement of the set of points , all of whose orbits do not intersect the attractor ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks , especially convolutional neural networks , have demonstrated highly competitive results on object recognition and image classification .","deep learning , especially convolutional neural networks , has revolutionized various machine learning tasks with grid-like input data , such as image classification ." -it is shown that the extended two-dimensional moment problem is always determinate and its solution can be constructed explicitly .,"moreover , all solutions of the two-dimensional moment problem can be obtained in this way ." -the primary goal of the compact muon solenoid experiment is to explore particle physics at the tev energy scale by studying the final states produced in the proton-proton collisions at the large hadron collider .,"the primary goal of the compact muon solenoid experiment is to explore physics at the tev energy scale , exploiting the proton-proton collisions delivered by the large hadron collider ." -all convolution layers are followed by batch normalization nonlinear activation .,batch normalization is applied to all convolutional and fully connected layers . -generative adversarial networks have emerged as a powerful framework for modeling the draw of samples from complex data distributions .,generative adversarial networks have been recently developed to overcome the difficulties in approximating intractable probabilistic computation and behavioral inference . -"deep neural networks have shown improvement in state-of-the-art in different tasks , such as image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in computer vision related tasks such as image classification , and so on ." -convolutional neural networks have been largely responsible for the significant progress achieved on visual recognition tasks in recent years .,"deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition ." -"deep neural networks , particularly convolutional neural networks have become exceptionally successful in a wide variety of visual object recognition and classification tasks .","in recent years , deep neural networks , especially convolutional neural networks , have demonstrated highly competitive results on object recognition and image classification ." -the degree of polarization is the length of polarization vector p which is the ensemble average of spin vector of fermion beam .,the degree of polarization is a function of time after explosion . -we will now prove that this sheaf is a line bundle on vi .,the sheaf is a closed analytic subset disjoint from a . -object recognition has reached human level performance on large benchmarks due to the inroads of deep convolutional neural networks .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have attracted a lot of attention in visual recognition , largely due to their excellent performance ." -we perform experiments on imagenet using resnet-101 combined with different loss functions .,we apply dropblock to resnet-50 with extensive experiments for image classification . -"recently , deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive results in image classification .","i n recent years , deep neural networks have shown great power on image classification ." -now we proceed on to define quad near-rings which are non-associative .,now we proceed on to define the concept of pseudo bivector spaces . -the ucf cc 50 dataset contains 50 images with high crowd density .,"the ucf cc 50 dataset contains 50 gray scale images with a total 63,974 annotated persons ." -the catalog consists of 78 different waveforms arising from representative simulations across the parameter space of the models .,this catalog is the most complete compilation of satellite galaxies in the literature and contains 115 galaxies orbiting 69 primary isolated spiral galaxies . -"for more detailed definitions of the complete eigenstructure of matrix polynomials , we refer the reader to .","for more detailed definitions of the spectral structure of matrix polynomials , we refer the reader to ." -we used the adam optimizer for minimizing the loss function .,we used adam with the default parameters to perform gradient descent . -all numerical experiments were run using the scikit-learn software .,the training process was conducted using the scikitlearn library . -this network uses additional inception modules to model fine and coarse saliency details .,"in , a inception module is proposed to process visual information at various scales and aggregated to the next stage ." -we do not expect that the hilbert space h denotes the span of all zero-eigenvectors .,begin then with a hilbert space h that is a complex vector space 11 equipped with an inner product . -"first introduced in , residual blocks make use of special additive skip connections to combat vanishing gradients in deep neural networks .",residual networks are proposed to alleviate the optimization difficulties of deep neural networks . -this process of removing the divergent contributions is called renormalization .,this procedure is known as renormalization . -cosmic strings are topological defects which may have been formed at a high-temperature phase transition very early in the history of the universe .,cosmic strings are line-like topological defects which may have formed during a phase transition in the early universe . -we interpret the classifier as the discriminator and propose a generator for adversarial learning .,"thus , we propose a denoising method by utilizing generative adversarial networks ." -all the models were trained using mini-batches of size 128 and the adam optimizer .,the model was trained end-to-end on 128-sized batches using adam optimizer . -we relied on the adadelta algorithm to optimize the parameters of each network .,"for our experiments , we used adadelta to optimize the models across a computing cluster ." -clearly sg is non commutative non associative and is of finite order .,sg is non commutative and is of infinite order . -convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on visual tasks such as image and video recognition in the last few years .,deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in several computer vision tasks in recent years . -"for comparison , we further use the mean structural similarity index .","moreover , we measure the quality using the mean structural similarity index ." -the evolutionary differential forms generate the exterior differential forms .,"the evolutionary differential forms , as well as the exterior forms , are skew symmetric differential forms ." -a g -isomorphism class of open immersions is called an open rigid subspace of g .,clearly the subspace y is a homotopy retract of x . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on several image processing and computer vision tasks like image classification , object detection , and segmentation .","convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems ." -dft calculations were performed by using the vienna ab initio simulation package .,density functional theory based calculations were performed using the vasp ab-initio simulation package . -the data were fit with the x-ray spectral analysis tool xspec .,the models were fitted using the spectral analysis program xspec . -there has been a resurgence of interest in this topic due to the utility of rank-metric codes and the closely related subspace codes for error-control in random network coding .,"due to the application in error-correction in randomized network coding , q-analogs of combinatorial designs have gained a lot of interest lately ." -the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional within the generalized gradient approximation is used for the exchange-correlation interaction between valence electrons .,"the exchange-correlation energy of electrons is treated within a generalized gradient approximation with the functional parameterized by perdew , burke and ernzerhof ." -in the numerator is a polynomical of degree n 1 .,"here , the numerator is the square root of the power in the signal ." -a junction is a point in space formed where edges intersect .,the junction is a non-compact quantum network com 8 b . -"under the assumption of the unique games conjecture , raghavendra has shown that the basic semidefinite programming relaxation solves all tractable finite-valued csps .","raghavendra showed that for all csps , the natural analogue of the goemans-williamson sdp algorithm has optimal approximation guarantee among all efficient algorithms , subject to the unique games conjecture ." -the resource that is counted is the number of bits communicated .,"this resource is the comment , metadata or other information that is created about another resource ." -the idea of identity-based cryptography was first introduced by shamir in 1984 .,identity-based encryption was first introduced by shamir in 1985 . -this spacetime is the result of quotienting ads by a boost isometry to make the coordinate χ periodic .,spacetime is a riemannian spin manifold m of dimension n with metric gab . -"we present a large dataset that contains 204,721 images from the ms coco dataset that contains 50,000 scenes .","we use the microsoft coco dataset that has 123,287 images with available ground-truth segmentation masks ." -"collectively , these galaxies usually comprise only a few percent of the total gravitating mass .",galaxies is a confirmation of their agn nature . -"it assures that the physics remains independent of the observer , and it is therefore also called observer invariance .",such invariance is a key part of the york construction . -the exchange-correlation functional is modeled in the generalized gradient approximation with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof realization .,"in the former case , the dft generalized gradient approximation of the exchange-correlation functional was applied , employing the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional revised by hammer ." -the bianchi identity the bianchi identity can also be written in terms of the gauge-invariant functions .,using the above relations can be written in terms of the gauge-invariant functions . -at higher energies there is a large world-data set which indicates an anisotropy that increases with energy e as e0 5 up to the highest energies .,for almost all γ-energies multiplicity 2 is the most abundant . -for every finite g-set x there is a model structure on spo .,for every finite g-set x there is a model structure on the category spo . -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been shown to be exceptionally effective for image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated significant improvements over traditional approaches in many pattern recognition tasks . -since the planck scale is a c-space invariant one will maintain c-space lorentz invariance .,the planck scale is the smallest possible length scale with units of the order of 10-33 centimeters . -"an h-ideal , which is also an h-coideal , is called a bi-ideal .",a binormal subgroup is called a bi-ideal of n if i ii . -"the low energy theory is a u gauge theory with electrically charged matter , and flows to a free theory in the infrared limit .","if the low energy theory is a two higgs doublet model , then new operators arise which can generate large , new fcncs ." -"however , in the string theory , which is the only known candidate of the unified theory including gravity , discrete symmetries very likely arise as the flavor symmetry from the symmetric structure of the compactified space .",within string theory this is the case for the dilaton field whose expectation value is related to the gauge coupling constant at the unification scale . -the higgs field is a meromorphic section with two poles on the curve .,"the higgs field is the a0 field of the 4d-theory , and therefore the number of degrees of freedom is conserved in this process ." -an ellipsis will always denote terms which z2 .,where the ellipsis denotes terms o σr mtg the hamiltonian . -now we proceed onto give examples of interval semigroup interval semirings .,now we proceed onto define and give examples of other types of neutrosophic semirings . -"in 1984 , bennett and brassard proposed a quantum key distribution scheme via a quantum communication channel .","in 1984 , bennett and brassard proposed a revolutionary concept that key distribution may be accomplished through public communications in quantum channels ." -deep learning techniques have achieved great success in image based tasks .,recent successes in deep learning has revolutionized the field of machine learning and pattern recognition . -"complex models such as deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in applications such as computer vision , speech and time series analysis .",deep neural networks have demonstrated extraordinary success in a variety of fields such as computer vision . -our first-principles calculations are based on density functional theory as implemented in quantum espresso package .,our first principles calculations are based on density functional theory and the projector augmented wave method as implemented in the quantum es-presso simulation package . -"as a noncommutative analogue of cluster algebras , quantum cluster algebras were defined by berenstein and zelevinsky in .",quantum cluster algebras were introduced and studied by berenstein and zelevinsky in . -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",convolutional networks have recently demonstrated impressive progress in a variety of image classification and recognition tasks . -dbscan are two worldwide popular density-based clustering methods .,the two most representative algorithms of density-based clustering are dbscan . -deep neural networks have been evolved to powerful predictive models with remarkable performance on computer vision tasks .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have led to substantial improvements for numerous computer vision tasks like object detection , often achieving human-level performance ." -"in a similar spirit , malinowski and fritz proposed a multi-word method to address factual queries of scene images .","in the domain of visual qa , malinowski and fritz proposed a multi-world approach to answering factual queries of scene images ." -vacuum is the state for which there is no field excitations but which still contains zeropoint field fluctuations .,a vacuum is a lorentz invariant stable configuration . -"the kernel of the homomorphism is the set of elements which induce the trivial permutation on s , or equivalently , on cosets of j .","the kernel of this homomorphism is a principal ideal , generated by the implicit equation of the curve c ." -a cofibration is a morphism of right p -modules which has the left lifting property with respect to fibrations .,"the cofibration is called closed , if a is a closed subspace ." -"recently , deep learning technology has been dramatically advanced and applied to various applications such as image classification .","moving forward , deep learning techniques have recently become dominant and powerful algorithms in feature representation and abstraction for image classification ." -"neural networks have been widely used in many natural language processing tasks , including neural machine translation , text summarization and dialogue systems .",deep neural networks have been successful in modeling many aspects of natural language including word meanings . -a semigroup m with the unit element 1 is called a monoid .,thus a monoid is a group without inverses . -"since no part of the rate distortion function is under the at line , the rs solution is always stable .","the rate distortion function is always above the at line and thus , the rs solution is always stable ." -"hence , the magnetic field is the second main parameter in shock models .",in magnetic field there is a two-fold degenerate zero-energy landau level incorporating two different orbital states with the same energy . -neural machine translation has achieved remarkable performance in recent years .,neural machine translation has achieved great success in recent years . -"the distances between regions , ie , between two consecutive persistent sites , is called an interval .",an interval is a poset having unique minimal and maximal elements . -convolutional neural networks have gained remarkable success on a variety of visual recognition tasks .,deep neural networks have shown remarkable success in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -density functional theory simulations were carried out by using the vienna ab initio simulation package including the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional 50 for the exchange correlation potential .,the geometry relaxation was performed using the perdue-burke-ernzerhof functional including the grimme van der waals density functional theory -d2 scheme implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -we will give examples of these structures .,we will illustrate this situation by examples . -deep learning has obviously improved the performance of many computer vision tasks such as classification .,"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in object detection ." -"the a -operad is a dg operad , ie , an operad of complexes .",the quotient operad p is called a binary quadratic operad . -zero-shot learning aims at building classifiers to predict the unseen classes without any visual instances in the training stage .,the goal of zero-shot learning is to build classifiers to label the unseen classes without any training image examples . -cosmic strings are topologically stable gravitational defects which may have been created in the early universe after planck time by a vacuum phase transition .,cosmic strings are one-dimensional topological defects that can form during phase transitions in the early universe . -neural machine translation has achieved great successes on machine translation tasks recently .,neural machine translation has significantly improved the quality of machine translation in recent several years . -this piece of the feynman diagram computation is exactly what one sees as the space time part of the superstring computation which we reviewed in the last section .,this is how the topological string amplitude computations discussed in the last section automatically give results in the field theory limit . -we apply batch-normalization after each convolution and use leaky rectified linear units as activations .,"after convolutions we use batch normalizations , and rectified linear unit activations ." -the exchangecorrelation energy functional is described with the spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation as parameterized by perdew-burke-ernzerhof .,the generalized gradient approximation of perdew-burke-ernzerhof type is used to deal with the exchange and correlation potential . -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have proven to be highly effective general models for a multitude of computer vision problems .",deep convolutional neural networks have experienced a recent surge in computer vision research due to their immense success for visual recognition tasks . -majority of the emerged approaches have relied on deep learning networks .,the dominant algorithms for training neural networks are based on mini-batch stochastic gradient descent . -"therefore , recombination is the dominant excitation mechanism of the observed o ii lines in ngc 604 , but very probably for h ii regions in general .",the thermal-shower recombination is a unique feature of our model . -we shall now describe this procedure in detail .,we will summarise some aspects of this briefly . -deep neural networks achieve near-human accuracy on many perception tasks .,deep neural networks have exhibited great performance in computer vision tasks in recent years . -a geodesic metric space is called hyperbolic .,"this direction is known as linearly unstable , hyperbolic or ." -we refer readers to vaswani et al for details of the transformer architecture .,we refer the reader to vaswani et al for more details on the model architecture . -celeba is a large-scale face attributes dataset containing more than 200000 images of celebrity annotated with 40 attributes .,"celeba is a large-scale face attributes dataset with more than 200k celebrity images , each with 40 attribute annotations ." -the electron exchange correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient approximation of the perdew-bruke-ernzerhof functional .,"the exchange-correlation energy was evaluated with the help of the perdew-burke-erzenhof approach , within the generalised gradient approximation ." -variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks are so far the two most popular frameworks for music representation learning .,some of the most successful techniques include generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders . -the success of deep neural networks has led to them being used in many real world applications .,the performance of object detectors has been dramatically improved thanks to the advance of deep convolutional neural networks . -"recently , convolutional neural networks achieve remarkable progresses in a variety of computer vision tasks , such as image classification .","recently , deterministic deep neural networks have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on many supervised tasks , eg , speech recognition ." -now we proceed on to define more properties about s-definite special near rings .,now we proceed on to define the notion of smarandache linear subalgebra . -convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -we employ the gradient penalty approach of iwgan for training the discriminator .,we also utilize wasserstein gan with gradient penalty loss functions to prevent unstable training . -"deep learning-based methods are providing state-of-the-art approaches for various image learning and natural language processing tasks , such as image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on several image processing and computer vision tasks like image classification , object detection , and segmentation ." -"recently , significant progress in data-driven image generation has been achieved through generative adversarial networks .","in recent years , deep neural networks have shown great power on image classification tasks ." -"direct integral of hilbert spaces ii , math .","direct integral of left hilbert algebras , math ." -"double beta decay is a process where two neutrons decay into protons , electrons and antineutrinos .",neutrinoless double beta decay is a prominent example of such kind of experiments . -"the generalized gradient approximation was used in conjunction with the perdew , burke , and ernzerhof density functional .",the generalized gradient approximation parametrized by perdew-burke-ernzerhof was employed for the evaluation of the exchange-correlation functional . -"vlc systems have been shown in many studies to be able to transmit video , data and voice content at data rates up to 20 gbps in indoor settings .","data rates up to 20 gbps in an indoor environment can be achieved for transferring videos , data and voice by using owc systems ." -we first illustrate this by an example before we prove and define any of the important properties .,we first illustrate this by some examples before we proceed to define the notion of s-definite special linear algebra . -"we implemented all methods in python using mpi4py , an open source mpi implementation .","we implemented two computation strategies in python , and used mpi4py for message passing between instances ." -deep convolutional neural networks have been used to achieve state-of-the-art performances in many supervised computer vision tasks such as image classification .,"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved significant success in many computer vision tasks , including the super-resolution problem ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have led to substantial improvements for numerous computer vision tasks like object detection , often achieving human-level performance .","recently , convolutional neural networks have been proved to be capable of dramatically boosting the performance of many mainstream computer vision problems ." -characterize those rings which do not have any obedient ideals .,characterize those s-integral domains which are not integral domains . -a monoid is a set with an associative binary operation and a unit .,a semigroup with an identity element is called a monoid . -"communication systems in the millimeter-wave band are one of the most promising candidate technologies for 5g systems , to address the ever-increasing demand for datarates in cellular systems .",n etwork densification and multiple-input multipleoutput communications are two promising approaches to address the increasing rate and coverage demands in cellular systems . -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks .","during the past years , convolutional neural networks have made a series of breakthroughs on the task image classification ." -"it remains to ensure gauge invariance , which is the most crucial ingredient .",the gauge invariance is the consequence of the brst non-triviality conditions for the vertex operators and is thus ensured by construction . -compactness is a new notion which lets us compare inexact representations .,the compactness is a consequence of theorem 6 point 5 . -so each coefficient in φn ( 1 σ ) is the sum of o .,the coefficient λ is a constant and ri are the three bertsch-pratt radii . -"manifolds are prevalent in data science , eg , in compressed sensing .","manifolds are prevalent in the data sciences , eg , in compressed sensing ." -the weights of the upper layers are initialized randomly according to the xavier initialization scheme .,"weights in the qrn unit are initialized using techniques by glorot and bengio , and are tied across the layers ." -several interesting results can be got in this direction .,several interesting results in this direction can be obtained . -this is known as a full internal reflection .,a conjugate of a generator from s is called a reflection . -"recently , deep neural networks , particularly convolutional neural networks have excelled in recognizing objects in the images .","deep neural networks have had great success in learning to predict various quantities from images , eg , object classes ." -the tensor product is a quillen bifunctor and can thus be derived .,the tensor product is a mathematical operation that suffices to give a representation of two-qubit quantum states . -"later , wyner introduced the notion of secure capacity via a degraded wiretap channel , in which a transmitter intends to send a confidential message to a legitimate receiver by hiding it from a degraded eavesdropper .","the wiretap channel , introduced by wyner , represents a channel model where a user wants to communicate a message to its legitimate receiver , without leaking information to an eavesdropper ." -"the superscripts denote their positive- and negative-energy parts , respectively .",where the superscripts denote spatial directions along and transverse to the branes respectively . -this follows from the hypothesis that φ is a map of operads .,"by hypothesis , µ is the geometric intersection measure of diffuse laminar currents , so µ gives no mass to subvarieties ." -we remark that computing the rank of a general third-order tensor is known to be np-hard .,"moreover , finding the best convex relaxation of the tensor cp rank is also np-hard ." -deep learning has achieved great success in numerous applications ranging from image recognition to natural language processing .,deep learning has attracted attention in recent years in the machine learning field because of its high performance in areas such as image recognition and speech recognition . -"in recent years , deep learning techniques have achieved profound breakthroughs in many computer vision applications , including the classification of natural and medical images .","deep learning using convolutional neural networks has achieved excellent performance for a wide range of tasks , such as image recognition ." -"in the past decade , deep learning has achieved major success on detection , classification , and regression tasks .","in recent years , the deep learning models like the cnns have been shown to achieve superior performance in numerous visual perception tasks ." -the second variant applies a method inspired by raman et al for continuous control .,this variant uses a technique inspired by raman et al to synthesize a reactive controller for continuous control . -we will illustrate the definition by some examples .,we will first illustrate this situation by some simple examples . -"however , as the size of the compartments and , hence the number of voltage-gated ion channels increases , the difference between power spectra from the langevin and markov models becomes smaller .","thus , the difference between the noise probability density functions produced by the langevin and markov models increases in larger compartments ." -batch normalization is applied to every layer .,batch normalization is applied on every hidden layer . -the ordinate is the fraction of initial lithium remaining .,the ordinate is the probability k that a line exists at energy e . -"moreover , wylie has shown that a complete shrinking ricci soliton has finite fundamental group .","on the topological side , wylie showed that a complete shrinking ricci soliton has finite fundamental group ." -thus we see the class of s-groupoid rings contains completely the class of groupoid rings which are sna-rings .,thus we have classes of non-associative rings which are never lie rings but can be s-lie rings . -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have brought great improvement in semantic segmentation performance .",deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification . -"while our qubit is the spin of an excess electron in a qd , the two-qubit gate relies on interaction between excitons .",the 3jj qubit consists of a superconducting loop with small inductance l interrupted by three josephson junctions . -"the gaussian is the least informative choice of distribution for a quantity that can be either positive or negative , and is therefore appropriate when little information is known about the weights a priori .","since the gaussian is a smooth function , the wave packet readily enters regions where the measurement strength is small ." -"that is , the polarization , which is the dipole moment per unit volume in the medium , is not a linear function of the applied electric field .","because the polarization is a gaussian random field whose covariance depends on the lensing potential , an analysis analogous to that of sections iii and iv establishes that the quadratic estimator approach is optimal if the lensing is sufficiently weak ." -such arrays can be used to perform multidimensional factor analysis and decomposition and are of interest to many scientific disciplines including signal processing and machine learning .,such arrays can be used to perform multidimensional factor analysis and decomposition and are of interest to many scientific disciplines . -a progressive plane string diagram is frobenius invariant if and only if it is connected and simply connected .,a strong monoidal functor between braided monoidal categories is prebimonoidal if and only if it is braided . -"when recombination is turned on , which is the more realistic case , the difference of density profile causes a different absorption profile .",the thermal-shower recombination is a unique feature of our model . -generative adversarial networks are generative models that learn the distribution of the data without any supervision .,generative adversarial networks are designed as playing minimax games between generator and discriminator . -"for each finite-dimensional , complex lie algebra g , the maximal abelian subalgebra h , which is unique up to automorphisms , is called cartan subalgebra .","if g is a real semisimple lie algebra , x g is a regular element , then similarly , the centralizer of x is called the cartan subalgebra ." -this visibility is the signature of the maximally entangled state in our experimental configuration .,"the difference of the two intensities relative to their sum is called the visibility , v ." -we train all the models for a maximum of 2000 epochs using adam with learning rate set to 1e-2 .,we optimize the model with the adam optimizer with a batch size of 128 for 30 epochs . -"the use of dnns for ner was pioneered by collobert et al , who proposed an architecture based on temporal convolutional neural networks over the sequence of words .","the use of neural models for ner was pioneered by collobert et al , where an architecture based on temporal convolutional neural networks over word sequence was proposed ." -"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision .","deep neural networks are powerful learning models which have been successfully applied to vision , speech and many other tasks ." -we train the model for 20 epochs with the adam optimizing algorithms .,we train the disparity network for 200 epochs using the adam optimizer . -"for input features , we use embeddings from the resnet-50 deep convolutional neural network pre-trained on imagenet-1k .","we employ an fcn taken from the resnet50 model , using the output of the conv4 x convolutional block ." -"the radion is a deformation of the bulk metric , whereas the branon is a deformation of the brane itself within the bulk manifold .","to fix the terminology , let us note that the four dimensional scalar field , which describes the distance between the two branes , is called the radion ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have led to substantial improvements for numerous computer vision tasks like object detection , often achieving human-level performance .","recently , we have witnessed deep neural networks have delivered super-human accuracy in a variety of practical uses , such as facial recognition ." -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks .",convolutional neural networks have shown significant success in challenging tasks in image classification and recognition . -the first four layers are followed by a batch normalization activation function .,"at each layer , the batch normalization layer is added for efficient training ." -on the validity of the boltzmann equation for short range potentials .,on the non-markovian enskog equation for granular gases . -"different from mtl , transfer learning applies knowledge learnt in one domain to other related tasks .","transfer learning , is similar to multi-task learning in that solutions are learned for multiple tasks ." -convolutional neural networks are enabling major advancements in a range of machine learning problems .,"pioneered by alexnet , deep learning models such as convolutional neural networks gain remarkable success in solving computer vision problems ." -"generative adversarial nets , are a branch of generative models that learns to mimic the real data generating process .",generative adversarial networks are one of the main groups of methods used to learn generative models from complicated real-world data . -deep learning allows multi-layer computation models that learn data representation with multiple levels of abstraction .,deep learning allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction . -convolutional networks have recently demonstrated impressive progress in a variety of image classification and recognition tasks .,convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification . -string theory is a candidate for a unified quantum theory of space-time and matter .,since string theory is the only consistent theory of quantum gravity we should look for such an explanation in string theory . -shufflenet proposes point-wise group convolution with channel shuffle to help the information flowing across the channels .,shufflenet uses channel shuffling to pass information across convolutional groups . -black holes in higher-derivative gravity theories .,energy in generic higher curvature gravity theories . -"the electronic structure calculations were carried out using the vienna ab-initio simulation pack- age , and the generalized gradient approximation used as the dft exchange-correlation functional .","the electronic structure calculations were carried out using the vienna ab-initio simulation package , with the generalized gradient approximation as the dft exchangecorrelation functional ." -"generative adversarial networks , first introduced by , have become an important technique for learning generative models from complicated real-life data .",generative adversarial networks have provided very powerful and efficient solutions for learning the generative model . -the superscripts a and b denote the argonne and cd-bonn potentials .,the superscripts denote whether the phonon is emitted or absorbed p 1 and ea during the optical absorption process . -"for any scheme x , we denote by ox-mod ox-modqcoh ox -modcoh ox-modlfft the category of all ox-modules .","for a scheme x we denote by ox it structure sheaf and by ox , x or ox the local ring of ox at x ." -we employ pytorch deep learning framework in the implementations .,we implemented our models in the pytorch deep learning framework . -compressive sensing is a recently developed and fast growing field of research .,compressive sensing is a newly developed and fast growing field of research . -batch normalization is applied after hidden convolutional layers .,batch normalization is used in the convolutional layers . -a cylinder is the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line in r3 .,the cylinder itself is the conformal boundary of the spacetime . -we apply batch normalization right after the last fc layer to improve the convergence during training .,"to improve convergence speed during training , we add batch normalization after every convolution ." -"napolitano , for the cleo collaboration , these proceedings .","dainese , for the alice collaboration , these proceedings ." -deep learning allows computational models that are composed of processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction .,deep learning allows multiple processing layers to breakdown the given data into smaller parts and learn the representations of these data . -"evidently from these figures , there is the possibility of multiple equilibria even if the entanglement exists .",in both figures the arrow denotes the physical point . -an isomorphism is a morphism with a continuous inverse .,an isomorphism is a morphism that consists of unitaries . -"townsend , vacuum interpolation in supergravity via super p-branes , phys .","townsend , supermembranes and eleven dimensional supergravity , phys ." -"recently , convolutional neural networks -based methods achieve great success in image classification tasks .","recently , the use of deep convolutional neural networks has shown promising results for many vision-based tasks including image classification ." -"collobert et al proposed a method based on convolutional neural networks , which can use dynamic programming in training and testing stage to capture tag dependencies .",collobert et al proposed to use a convolutional neural network followed by a crf layer over a sequence of word embeddings . -it has no quantum register and does not consist of quantum gates .,its physical realization is called a quantum register . -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on visual recognition tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks recently , eg , image classification ." -"convolutional neural networks have enjoyed tremendous success in many computer vision applications , especially in image classification .",recently convolutional neural networks have performed very well on image classification tasks and are pervasive in machine learning and computer vision . -exponential linear units are used in all layers as activation functions .,exponential linear units are used as activation function in all layers . -"in particular , in multicarrier transmission , it is shown in that nonzero mean gaussian input distributions lead to an enlarged rp region compared to circularly symmetric complex gaussian input distributions .","in particular , in multi-carrier transmissions , it is shown in that nonzero mean gaussian input distributions lead to an enlarged rp region compared to circularly symmetric complex gaussian input distributions ." -the higgs boson is a pseudo-golstone boson resultimg from spontaneous breaking of the approximate symmetry and it is therefore light .,the higgs boson is the only elementary scalar field entering the sm . -kodaira-spencer map is a ring homomorphism 65 be the evaluation map .,kodaira-spencer map is a ring homomorphism 2 point 7 . -segment-based feature selection contrastive results on individual and whole corpus for the gees .,utterance-based feature selection contrastive results on individual and whole corpus for the des . -adversarial examples are carefully manipulated inputs that appear natural to humans but cause deep models to misbehave .,adversarial examples are inputs to a neural network that are designed to force misclassification . -convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification .,"deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress in the past years , achieving recognition accuracy surpassing human beings in large-scale object recognition ." -we recall the notion of vertex operator algebras and modules from .,we first recall some facts about lattice vertex operator algebras from . -dropout is a technique used in deep learning to prevent overfitting .,dropout is a widely-used regularization technique for deep neural network . -we refer the reader to the book for some background on operator-valued free probability theory .,"for further information on the combinatorial theory of free probability , the reader is referred to the text ." -deep convolutional neural networks have exhibited significant effectiveness in tackling and modeling image data .,convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks . -shannon showed that feedback does not increase the capacity of a discrete memoryless channel .,shannon proved that feedback does not improve the capacity of a single-user channel . -the geometry consists of three edge states which can exchange quasiparticles by tunneling through the fractional hall fluid .,this geometry is the one for which the permeation mode is expected . -deep neural networks have achieved recordbreaking accuracy in many image classification tasks .,convolutional neural networks excel at a wide array of image recognition tasks . -the compact muon solenoid detector is one of two large general-purpose experiments at the cern large hadron collider .,the compact muon solenoid experiment is one of the general-purpose experiments at the large hadron collider . -"events are reconstructed using the particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event , with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .","event reconstruction is based on a particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector ." -preliminaries h is the infinitesimal action of the .,preliminaries we denote by ln the q-dimensional hausdorff measure of e . -"the network uses a resnet-101 based architecture , re-purposed for image segmentation , notably using dilated convolutions .",the encoder part is based on a 12-layer resnet-like architecture featuring residual layers that allow for faster convergence . -deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated significant improvements over traditional approaches in many pattern recognition tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous progress on many pattern recognition tasks , especially large-scale images recognition problems ." -convolutional neural networks have shown its great effectiveness in computer vision tasks .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in computer vision tasks such as image recognition . -"a spin foam is a labelled 2-complex whose faces carry representations of some group g , the edges by intertwiners in the group , and the vertices carry the evolution amplitudes .","similarly , a spin foam is a 2-dimensional cell complex with polygonal faces labelled by representations and edges labelled by intertwining operators ." -"in the past few years , deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising results on object detection .",deep convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous success among many computer vision tasks . -"mutual information is a nonlinear measure of dependence between two data sets , for a scalar time series , we can use the average mutual information to select a proper delay time .","while mutual information is a well-established approach to evaluating the interactions between two attributes , we surveyed its generalizations as to quantify interactions between several attributes ." -the protostar is evolving with tiny time-step .,the protostar is evolving with very small time-step . -equations are called non-orientable of genus n .,equations are called non-orientable of genus n . -"hmms are widely used in various fields of applications , including speech recognition and many others .","hmms are used for a wide variety of purposes , such as speech recognition ." -the photons which comprise the cmb originate on the slice .,"however if photons do not equilibrate , and this is the usual assumption , the spectrum of produced photons will depend on the initial state ." -the only ingredient needed is the reflection amplitude for the particular potential we are considering .,another ingredient is the partial elimination ideal theory . -the matching has different applications such as computational biology .,the matching has applications in a variety of different fields such as computational biology . -goodfellow et al proposed the generative adversarial network which has achieved great successes in generative models .,generative model based on adversarial training has been proposed by goodfellow et al to model the data generating distribution . -"deep learning models have been widely applied to many vision tasks such as classification , leading to state-of-theart performance .","in parallel , deep convolutional neural networks have proven their effectiveness in many computer vision fields such as object classification ." -"the kinetic energy is the volume integral of the kinetic energy density , and the potential energy is the volume integral of the potential energy available in the system .","since the kinetic energy is a sum of kinetic energy of individual orbitals , the second order correction to the kinetic energy for an excited-state can also be written exactly in the same manner as the zeroth order approximation given by equation 13 ." -deep neural network models have recently demonstrated impressive learning results in many visual and speech classification problems .,deep convolutional neural networks have led to major breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks . -supergravity is a good approximation with the growing radii and falling temperature .,"supergravity is a motivation because its minimal multiplet has barely the number of degrees of freedom to store the information of the supersymmetric standard model , except for the higgs ." -"for example , one may use a mixture of normal and adversarial examples in the training set for data augmentation .","this resembles adversarial training , where adversarial examples are added to the training set to improve model robustness ." -"indeed , the jacobian algebras of the qp in the mutation class of q are precisely the cluster-tilted algebras of type q .",the endomorphism algebras of such objects in the cluster category c q are called cluster tilted algebras of type q . -deep neural networks have achieved significant improvements in many computer vision tasks .,convolutional neural networks are enabling major advancements in a range of machine learning problems . -"recently , deep models have achieved state-of-the-art results in human pose estimation .","in recent years , significant progress has been made in single frame human pose estimation ." -convolutional neural networks have recently exhibited great performance in various fields such as computer vision .,"in the last decade , convolutional neural networks have shown state of the art accuracy on a variety of visual recognition tasks such as image classification ." -"deep neural networks have recently proven successful at various tasks , such as computer vision , speech recognition , and in other domains .","deep neural networks , particularly deep convolutional neural networks , have provided significant improvement in visual tasks such as face recognition , attribute prediction and image classification ." -deep learning has obviously improved the performance of many computer vision tasks such as classification .,"significant improvements have been obtained in various computer vision tasks by applying deep learning techniques , including image classification ." -many of these models are derived from the stochastic block model .,one of the most commonly used models is the stochastic block model . -first order tv minimization for s 1 -valued data has been considered in .,a convex relaxation based algorithm for tv regularization for s 1 -valued data was considered in . -"deep convolutional neural networks have shown significant performance and become ubiquitous in machine learning and artificial intelligence related applications , such as computer vision , speech recognition and smart security object recognition .","deep neural networks are highly expressive models that have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of complex problems , such as speech recognition and image classification ." -dashed lines refer to surrogate hamiltonian calculations with single excitations .,thin lines refer to calculations with two allowed simultaneous excitations . -"we also generate two benchmarks from a popular convolutional neural network model , alexnet .","we evaluate our framework with the two well-known convolutional neural networks , alexnet ." -we initialize a network with parameters and add scaled gaussian noise .,we initialize our neural network weights using xavier initialization . -"the particle-flow algorithm aims to reconstruct and identify each particle in an event , with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .","event reconstruction is based on a particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector ." -we use the resnet-101 as the backbone convenet to extract the features from high and low resolution images .,we use the output of a fully-connected layer in a resnet-50 model as the global feature . -topological defects are an unavoidable consequence of phase transitions in the early universe .,topological defects in the universe are expected to appear as a natural consequence of phase transitions in the early universe . -rapid growth in the size and scale of datasets has fueled increasing interest in statistical estimation in distributed settings .,rapid growth in the size and scale of datasets has fueled increasing interest in statistical estimation in distributed settings . -high-energy behavior of nucleon electromagnetic form factors .,electromagnetic polarizability of the nucleon in chiral perturbation theory . -an extension e is called primitive if e is torsion free .,the torsion is a combinatorial invariant which is not a homotopy invariant . -"in the implementation , we use the machine learning libraries provided by scikit-learn .",we use the default parameter provided by scikit-learn learning library in python . -"in recent years , many centralized power and spectrum allocation schemes have been extensively studied in cellular and multihop wireless networks .","in recent years , power and spectrum allocation schemes have been extensively studied in cellular and multihop wireless networks ." -deep convolutional neural networks have led to major breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks .,convolutional neural networks have greatly advanced the state of the art in all those structured output tasks . -"szegedy et al showed that by training on a mixture of adversarial and clean examples , a neural network could be regularized somewhat .","szegedy et al demonstrated that despite their superior recognition performance , neural networks are susceptible to adversarial perturbations ." -"therefore , the dominant term is the first term .","the dominant term is the last one on the right-hand side , ascribed to shot-noise processes ." -the original idea of network error correction coding was proposed by yeung and cai in their conference paper .,cai and yeung proposed the original idea of network error correction coding in their conference paper . -deep convolutional neural networks have been a powerful model for numerous tasks related to system identification .,deep neural networks have been a break-through for several classification problems involving sequential or highdimensional data . -"deep neural networks have demonstrated their success in many machine learning and computer vision applications , including image classification .","deep neural networks have applications in image classification , object detection , machine translation , and many others ." -the arguments for various cases are similar .,the arguments for the above three cases are similar . -the emergence of deep convolutional neural networks has greatly contributed to advancements in solving complex tasks in computer vision with significantly improved performance .,deep learning has recently vastly improved the performance of many related fields such as compute vision and speech recognition . -in quantum mechanics h is the planck constant .,quantum mechanics is a completly different framework compared with classical physics . -"mathematically , this means that the hilbert space is the subspace of n l2 .","the simultaneous kernel of all the constraints is called the physical hilbert space , h physical ." -"the neutralino is a majorana fermion , which we represent with a solid fermion line without an arrow .",the neutralino is the lightest supersymmetric partner and is stable under r-conservation . -the instanton consists of two identical patches of ads5 joined together along a ds4 brane with compact spatial sections .,instanton is a large fluctuation of the gluon field in imaginary time corresponding to quantum tunneling from one minimum of the potential energy to the neighbour one . -deep neural networks have been showing impressive performance in a variety of applications in multiple domains .,deep neural networks are used in many recent applications such as image recognition . -"since the neutralino is a pure singlino state , its coupling to squarks is completely negligible .","in most scenarios the lsp is neutral and is called the neutralino , χ ." -"the calculations were performed using the projector augmented wave method , as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package .",theoretical calculations were performed using the dft formalism as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -the invariance is a direct consequence of the ad-invariance properties of λ .,the invariance under this transformation is called modular invariance . -"pellin , mj , calaway , wf , davis , am , lewis , rs , amari , s .","daulton , tl , bernatowicz , tj , lewis , rs , messenger , s ." -"virtual knot theory , discovered by kauffman , is a nontrivial extension of classical knot theory .",virtual knots were introduced by kauffman as a generalization of classical knot theory . -"in particular , the proposed method is based on an appropriately designed generative adversarial network .","thus , we propose a denoising method by utilizing generative adversarial networks ." -"models based on convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks have achieved remarkable performance in many tasks , such as image classification .","in recent years , significant advances in speed and accuracy have been achieved by detection frameworks based on convolutional neural networks ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in classification and detection on the imagenet .,convolutional neural networks have recently achieved the state-of-the-art performance in many image analysis tasks . -santos et al and kim et al used convolution neural network to generate character-level representation of a word .,kim et al introduces a language model that aggregates subword information through a character-level cnn . -"recently , generative adversarial network has drawn a lot of attention in image generation .","recently , generative models based on deep neural networks have shown exciting new perspectives for image synthesis ." -this completes the proof that is a reflecting that ( brownian motion with constant drift on d .,this completes the proof that a is a local ring . -biedl and kant show that every plane graph can be embedded with at most two bends per edge except for the octahedron .,it is also known that any 4-planar graph admits a planar orthogonal drawing with at most two bends per edge . -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in computer vision related tasks such as image classification , and so on .","neural networks , eg , have proven to be very adept parametric representations in image classification problems ." -"in section 2 , we will review the matrix models studied in and the respective double-scaling limits .","in this section , we will review the double-scaling limit of various f -terms in the low-energy effective action derived in ." -the model parameters are optimized using the default setting of the adam optimizer in chainer .,the final objective function l can be minimized by using mini-batch adam optimizer . -"a set of pseudorandom sequences is generated by using a shift register guided by a galois field gf that satisfies orthogonal , closure and balance properties .","a set of pseudorandom sequences is generated using a shift register guided by a galois field gf that satisfies orthogonal , closure , and balance properties ." -"deep neural networks have gained great success in various artificial intelligence research areas , eg , computer vision , etc .","deep convolutional neural networks have been applied successfully to a wide range of computer vision problems , including image recognition , etc ." -"metamorphosis is a means of tracking the optimal changes of shape that are necessary for registration of images with various types of data structures , without requiring that the transformations of shape be diffeomorphisms , but penalizing them if they are not .","metamorphosis is a variant of ldm , that allows the evolution it of the image template to deviate from pure deformation ." -"an asterisk denotes that the coupling constant is not searched , but constrained via su are simply put to some value used in previous work .","an asterisk denotes a candidate β cephei or spb star , and stars in boldface have a magnetic field detection ." -convolutional neural networks have gained considerable interest due to their record-breaking performance in many recognition tasks .,"in particular , convolutional neural network architectures have enabled superior performance over alternative approaches in classification and pattern recognition problems in computer vision ." -"a subshift is a subsystem of the shift , ie , a closed subset that is invariant under the shift map .",then a subshift is a closed subset of qzd also closed by shift maps . -the minimal supersymmetric standard model with r-parity can solve the hierarchy problem and provide a candidate dark matter particle .,supersymmetry with r-parity conservation is an extension to the standard model that provides a candidate particle for dark matter and addresses the hierarchy problem . -"recent advances in deep neural networks have contributed to the state-of-the-art performance in various artificial intelligence -based applications such as image classification , and so forth .","with the emergence of deep neural networks , computer vision has been improved significantly in many aspects such as image classification ." -"berry phase is the special case when the eigenspace is non-degenerate , and the unitary transformation is then one dimensional , ie a complex number .",the berry phase is a genuine topological quantum concept . -such phases consist of impurity molecules or atoms forming one-dimensional chains in the intertube grooves or in the interstitial channels in the bundles .,"between the two phases , there is a metallic state where all two-particle fluctuations are suppressed ." -"a spacetime , where m denotes the spacetime manifold and g the lorentzian metric , is of frw type if it is of the form 1 .",the spacetime is a five-dimensional manifold encode the m5 . -deep neural networks have been proven to be very effective in many domains including image classification .,recently convolutional neural networks have performed very well on image classification tasks and are pervasive in machine learning and computer vision . -two recent survey papers on text detection and recognition in scene images and video frames can be found in .,a survey of recent developments in scene text detection and recognition can be found in . -"however , brenner gave two-dimensional normal standard graded domains with no frobenius test exponent .","however , brenner gave two-dimensional normal standard graded domains with no uniform bound for frobenius test exponents of all ideals ." -"damaschke , shows that functions from d-junta can be adaptively learned by asking a set of queries that is an -universal set followed by oqueries .","as stated above , damaschke shows in that any deterministic learning algorithm for d-junta must ask a set of queries that is an -universal set ." -the lagrangian is the curvature scalar of 3d time .,more precisely such a lagrangian is a function of mappings from m into gn 1 and derivatives of such mappings . -the equation can also describe internal waves with large amplitudes and weakly nonlinear dispersive waves .,the gardner equation can also be a good description of internal waves with large amplitudes . -"the primary goal of the compact muon solenoid experiment is to explore physics at the tev energy scale , exploiting the proton-proton collisions delivered by the large hadron collider .","the primary goal of the compact muon solenoid experiment is to explore particle physics at the tev energy scale , by exploiting the proton-proton collisions delivered by the large hadron collider ." -"the ellipses denote additional terms which do not give significant contribution to in the results presented later , which are based on the the given sparticle masses .",the ellipses denote the contributions from the effective range terms and higher . -for this reason the model is also called holomorphic quantum mechanics .,"quantum mechanics is a remarkable exception to this rule , since no special group of transformations is associated with it ." -"non-orthogonal multiple access is envisaged as a potentially promising technique to address some key challenges in the fifth generation networks , such as high spectral efficiency and massive connectivity .",the non-orthogonal multiple access has drawn great attention as a promising technology for improving the spectral efficiency for the next generation mobile communication networks . -the adjunction is a special case of the one of proposition 13 2 applied to the full inclusion .,"by adjunction , such an m is the same as a contravariant spectral functor from e to s ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks and have achieved unprecedented progress .","deep convolutional neural networks have swept the computer vision community , with state-of-the-art performance for many tasks ." -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have demonstrated the state-of-the-art performance in visual recognition tasks .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved significant success in many computer vision tasks , including the super-resolution problem ." -"therefore , it is straightforward to use the em algorithm , proposed by , for parameter estimation from incomplete data .",the em algorithm is a quite efficient estimation procedure for incomplete datasets . -"developments in machine learning , particularly through deep convolutional neural networks , significantly increased object detection capabilities .",advances in both image-based learning and language-based learning using deep neural networks have made huge strides in difficult tasks such as object recognition . -"in 1939 , wigner considered the subgroups of the lorentz group the transformations of which leave the four-momentum of a given particle invariant .","in his original paper of 1939 , wigner considered the subgroups of the lorentz group whose transformations leave the four-momentum of a given particle invariant ." -by compactness there is a subsequence converge .,"now , compactness is the crucial element in the proof of a maximizing continuum ." -the classical morrey space was introduced by morrey in connection with elliptic partial differential equations .,"on the other hand , in order to study the local behavior of solutions to second order elliptical partial differential equations , morrey introduced the morrey space ." -"under these conditions , quantum chromodynamics calculations on the lattice predict a transition to a quark-gluon plasma in which colour confinement vanishes and chiral symmetry is partially restored .","under these conditions , the formation of a deconfined state of quarks and gluons , called quark-gluon plasma , is predicted by quantum chromodynamic calculations on the lattice ." -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .","since 2012 , neural networks and deep architectures have proven very effective in application areas such as computer vision ." -a comparative literature survey on object proposal methods and their evaluations can be found in .,recent thorough comparisons of object proposal generation methods can be found in . -"in recent years , deep neural networks have advanced the stateof-the-art on large scale automatic speech recognition tasks .","deep neural networks have recently led to significant improvements in many fields , such as image classification and speech recognition ." -"indeed the axion is a boson and a cold dark matter candidate , and cold dark matter axions are known to have huge phase space density .",the goldstone-boson arising from the breaking of the peccei-quinn symmetry is called the axion . -deep learning has shown remarkable results in a variety of different fields .,"recently , deep learning has achieved significant performances in many domains ." -batch normalization is applied to each layer except the output layer .,a batch normalization layer is added to the output of every convolutional layer . -convolutional neural networks have seen tremendous success across different problems including image classification .,deep neural networks have achieved great success in cognitive applications such as image classification . -"in recent years , deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance improvements on a wide range of challenging machine learning tasks .","deep learning models have accomplished superior performance in several machine learning problems , which use either visual or audio sources ." -the compressive sensing paradigm is an efficient approach that enables the receiver to reconstruct the original sparse signal from few noisy observations .,compressive sensing aims to recover a high-dimensional sparse signal from a relatively small number of measurements . -this was largely initiated by generative adversarial networks .,these works are largely based on the recently proposed generative adversarial networks . -in bridgeland introduced the notion of stability conditions on arbitrary triangulated categories d .,"in the article , bridgeland constructed the theory of stability conditions on arbitrary triangulated categories d ." -"convolutional neural networks have achieved exceptional results in many large-scale computer vision applications , particularly in image recognition task .",deep convolutional neural networks have made great advances at numerous classification tasks in computer vision and speech applications over the past few years . -"goodfellow et al proposed the fast gradient sign method , a one-step method that could generate adversarial examples .",goodfellow et al proposed the fast gradient method that applies a first-order approximation of the loss function to construct adversarial samples . -a few very recent studies attempted to use recurrent neural networks to model long-term temporal information and achieved competitive performance .,"to tackle this limitation , recent work has also focused on modeling long term temporal information with recurrent neural networks ." -convolutional neural networks have recently been applied to various computer vision tasks such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks . -"lately , convolutional neural networks have made great advancement in computer vision competitions , which is imagenet large scale visual recognition challenge , one of the best proving grounds for the computer vision algorithms .","recently , convolutional neural network has received big attention as the most promising method for these computer vision tasks after the breakthrough in image classification ." -"batch normalization is applied after each convolutional layer , to optimize the training procedure .",batch normalization is applied after every convolutional layer in order to accelerate training . -the propagator which we would really like to know is the fermion propagator corresponding to kgw .,the propagator of this field is the difference of two-point function and the permuted one . -it is shown that the effects of the applied longitudinal magnetic field on the quantum-classical transition vary greatly for different relative magnitudes of the non-compensation .,the effects of the applied longitudinal magnetic field on quantum-classical transition vary greatly for different relative magnitudes of the non-compensation . -"to enhance the robustness of the parameters , we added the batch normalization layers following every convolutional layer .","moreover , we used a batch normalization technique following the first convolutional layer and every feed-forward layer in rcls to accelerate the training process ." -this polytope is the projection of the voronoi cell of .,the polytope 314353 is the vertex cut of the cube i 3 and hence rigid by theorem 6 point 4 . -closed string theories do not necessarily contain open strings .,this duality implies that open string theories necessarily contain closed strings . -the electron exchange correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient of the perdew-bruke-ernzerhof functional .,the exchange correlation energy was described by the generalized gradient approximation using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional . -"further from the nucleus , there is a transition to a regime where the sidedness ratios are low and approximately uniform .","here , this nucleus consists of a nucleus and core electrons ." -first-principles dft calculations employing the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional and projector augmented-wave method were performed using the vienna ab initio simulation package for structure optimization and energetic calculations .,the electronic structure calculations based on density functional theory were performed using the projector augmented wave method implemented in the quantum espresso code . -all our models were implemented in the pytorch toolkit .,we use the pytorch library to train our local descriptor network . -"however , as we mention above , any offline algorithm for convolution , hamming distance or multiplication can be converted to an online one with at most an ofactor overhead .","however , as we mention above , any offline algorithm for convolution or multiplication can be converted to an online one with at most an ofactor overhead ." -the ellipses denote the o in the pion da .,the ellipses in denote terms of higher order in the chiral expansion . -"we say that the annulus a is a strip , if all double arcs it contains are essential .",an annulus is a homeomorphic image of s1 with a non-zero normal field . -the exchange-correlation was treated in the generalized gradient approximation after perdew-burke-ernzerhof .,the exchange correlation energy was described by the generalized gradient approximation using the perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in many visual tasks , such as object detection and segmentation .",deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification . -"the wavelet transform is a powerful approximation tool largely used in statistics applied to signal processing , thanks to its properties of localization in time and frequency domains .",the wavelet transform is a hierarchical technique designed to separate data sets into sets representing local averages and local differences . -polar codes introduced in are the first type of channel codes that are theoretically proven to achieve the channel capacity for infinite length codes under successive cancellation decoding .,polar codes are the first family of codes proven to be capacity achieving for any binary input discrete memoryless channel and with an explicit construction method under low complexity successive cancellation decoding . -in this section we present approaches for detecting clusters and communities in directed networks that constitute extensions of the undirected case .,transformations maintaining directionality in this section we will review the second category of approaches for the clustering problem in directed networks . -l ow-density parity-check codes originated in the seminal work by gallager over 50 years ago .,the low-density parity-check codes were first introduced by gallager . -notice the inflaton is the distance between d4 and d6 in the brane model .,"more precisely , the inflaton is the volume modulus and inflation takes place at a high scale for small values 1015 , thus of obtaining tev scale susy ." -any other isomorphism that is the identity modulo h could be chosen in the place of sym .,an isomorphism is a bijective homomorphism . -constant mean curvature surfaces with two ends in hyperbolic space .,constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic space . -"operators of dimension less than d are referred to as relevant , those of dimen sion greater than d are known as irrelevant .",those corresponding to positive eigenvalues are repelled by it and are called irrelevant . -"these codes were introduced by kotter and kshischang , and have applications in random network coding .",the interest in these codes is a consequence of their application in random network coding . -"specifically , we use an exact stochastic simulation algorithm to calculate first assembly times .","for this reason , we carry out stochastic kinetic monte carlo simulations using the gillespie algorithm ." -another resource is the spin degree of freedom that is responsible for a rich set of electronic transport phenomena .,"this resource is the comment , metadata or other information that is created about another resource ." -this protein is a ho modimer and each of the two chains comprises 98 amino acids .,protein 2 is the mouse protein carbonyl reduc tase . -this last conclusion implies what is asserted by lemma a .,this last conclusion implies what is asserted in proposition a . -goodfellow et al proposed the novel gan framework to estimate a generative model using an adversarial training strategy .,goodfellow et al proposed generative adversarial network which could be trained to generate real-like images by conducting a max-min two-player game . -"convolutional neural networks are a promising class of machine learning algorithms that achieves remarkable performance in various computer vision tasks , eg , image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have been proven very useful in various tasks in computer vision including classification . -"deep neural networks have recently proven successful at various tasks , such as computer vision , speech recognition , and in other domains .",convolutional neural networks are currently the most accurate models for object recognition tasks . -"the simultaneous kernel of all the constraints is called the physical hilbert space , h physical .",thus our hilbert space is the tensor product of the bosonic and fermionic part . -some works proposed to leverage generative adversarial network .,interesting results have been obtained through generative adversarial networks . -a famous example of successive seiberg dualisations is the klebanov-strassler cascade in gauge theory .,another popular supergravity solution dual to a confining gauge theory is the warped deformed conifold of klebanov and strassler . -using stanleyreisner rings garsia and stanton showed that the set forms a basis for the coinvariant algebra of type a .,"using stanley-reisner rings , garsia and stanton showed that the set forms a basis for the coinvariant algebra of type a ." -be the integer interval polynomial groupoid of level four .,be the column matrix neutrosophic groupoid of level one . -liu et al proposed a future frame prediction based method to detect anomaly .,liu et al proposed a method for abnormal event detection based on a deep future frame prediction framework . -the electron exchange correlation potential is treated with the generalized gradient approximation of the perdew-bruke-ernzerhof functional .,"the exchange-correlation energy of electrons is treated within a generalized gradient approximation with the functional parameterized by perdew , burke and ernzerhof ." -canonical transformations in quantum mechanics .,geometric quantization and quantum mechanics . -lagrangian is the simplest system with second time derivatives .,this lagrangian consists of two coupled sectors . -a hybrid numerical method for interfacial fluid flow with soluble surfactant .,a front-tracking method for computation of interfacial flows with soluble surfactants . -convolutional networks have recently demonstrated impressive progress in a variety of image classification and recognition tasks .,convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification . -deep neural networks have been showing impressive performance in a variety of applications in multiple domains .,the recent advances in deep neural networks have shown promising results on a variety machine leaning tasks including image classification . -development of recent deep convolutional neural networks makes remarkable progress on semantic segmentation .,the recent success of deep neural networks has greatly improved the performance of semantic segmentation . -mirror matter is a new form of matter which is predicted to exist if mirror symmetry is respected by nature .,if mirror matter really exists and there is a significant photon-mirror photon interaction the ground at these impact sites . -machine learning models based on deep neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance across a wide range of tasks .,"in the current era , deep learning techniques have made significant development in fields such as artificial intelligence ." -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved significant success in a wide range of studies .,deep neural networks have been showing impressive performance in a variety of applications in multiple domains . -"the space-time m is a compact , oriented and even-dimensional riemannian spin manifold without boundary .",this space-time is a solution of six-dimensional einstein equations coupled to cylindrically symmetric magnetic field where b0 is an arbitrary magnetic field strength . -"deep learning using convolutional neural networks has achieved excellent performance for a wide range of tasks , such as image recognition .",recent progress in deep convolutional neural networks has led to substantial performance improvements in a broad range of computer vision tasks . -"therefore , we can obtain a locally optimal solution of by applying successive convex approximation .","as a result , we can apply successive convex approximation to obtain a locally optimal solution of ." -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various tasks such as speech recognition , visual object recognition , and image classification .","recent advances in deep learning have revolutionized the application of machine learning in areas such as computer vision , speech recognition and natural language processing ." -the use of external memory in neural network architectures was inspired by turing machines .,the idea of memory augmentation was inspired by the recent advances in neural turing machine . -deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on visual tasks such as image and video recognition in the last few years . -"since string theory is a consistent enlargement of the field theory framework , we should not expect the effects of these instantons to be limited to those of their field theoretical counterpart .",string theory is the best candidate we have for such a quantum theory . -"recently , deep neural networks have substantially improved the state-of-the-art performances of various challenging classification tasks , including image based object recognition .","over the past decade , neural networks have dramatically advanced the state of the art on many important problems , most notably object recognition ." -deep neural networks have demonstrated dramatically accurate results for challenging tasks .,detecting objects in static images has achieved significant progress due to the emergence of deep convolutional neural networks . -"a second-order strang-splitting scheme is applied to separate the convection , diffusion , and reaction operators .",a strang-splitting scheme is applied to separate the convection and diffusion operators of the system . -neural networks have recently been shown to achieve outstanding performance in several machine learning domains such as image recognition .,"neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results in a wide variety of supervised learning tasks , such as image recognition ." -the ordinate is the ratio of the cam lw2 flux within the pht-s aperture to a cam lw2-band-equivalent flux derived from the pht-s spectrum .,the ordinate is the probability k that a line exists at energy e . -convolutional neural networks have shown remarkable performance in domains like vision and nlp .,deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification . -deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have gained tremendous attention recently due to their great success in boosting the performance of image classification . -this method enables us to calculate without limitation of time step by rapid reactions .,this solution enables us to calculate with larger time step . -convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in many computer vision domains such as classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have been widely used and have achieved remarkable success in supervised semantic segmentation . -recent success in computer vision and image retrieval are closely related to convolutional neural networks .,convolutional neural networks have recently been applied to various computer vision tasks such as image classification . -"the superscripts d and s denote strangeness conserving and strangeness changing amplitudes , respectively .",where the superscripts denote spatial directions along and transverse to the branes respectively . -the random forest was built using the python scikit-learn package .,all methods were run using implementations in the scikit library . -"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision .",deep learning has led to significant improvements in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -comparison of the atmospheric parameters determined by us with those from santos et al .,comparison of the atmospheric parameters determined by us with those from kovtyukh et al . -we thus expect to be able to use the lyapunov dimension as a measure of the dimension of the macroscopic attractor .,"as the measure of complexity of the attractor and therefore of the asymptotic regime , we use the correlation dimension introduced by grassberger and procaccia ." -"performance for msss was measured in signal-to-distortion ratio improvements on the test set , using the bss eval toolbox .","performance for msss was measured on the average signal-to-distortion ratio improvements on the test set , using the bss eval toolbox ." -"moreover the use of spherical components of the metric tensor allows , in the dirac gauge , an easy extraction of the wave components .","in addition to the dirac gauge , the use of the maximal slicing results in an elliptic equation for the lapse function ." -generative adversarial networks have achieved impressive results in image generation .,"in particular , generative adversarial networks have recently achieved photo-realistic single-image generation ." -we implement the proposed model using pytorch on a single nvidia p40 gpu .,we implement our proposed model lace in pytorch using the allennlp toolkit . -the existence of a deformation quantization of general symplectic manifolds was first established by de wilde and lecomte .,the first proof of the existence of star product for any symplectic manifold was given by de wilde and lecomte . -deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a wide range of image classification tasks .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification ." -"if δ is a function , then a is called a deterministic finite automaton .","a finite automaton is a machine that has a finite set of states , can accept input from a finite set of input symbols , and changes its state when input is applied ." -deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as image classification .,deep neural networks have achieved great success in cognitive applications such as image classification . -"the lattice boltzmann equation has , in the last few decades , emerged as a powerful tool to solve fluid dynamics problems numerically .",in the last decades the lattice boltzmann technique has evolved into a well-founded and efficient numerical tool for the study of fluid mechanics . -such a deformation is a tangent vector to the the vector of normal velocity to be space of contours .,a commutative diagram is called a deformation of γ . -"since the 2d ising model is a marginal case , it is interesting to study the l dependence of rx .",the ising model is the simplest model of nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions where the collective features are studied . -"then we compare our method against the recent real-time trackers presented at top conferences and journals , including ptav .","we evaluate the kscf algorithm with the other state-ofthe-art trackers , including meem ." -convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification .,deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in several computer vision tasks in recent years . -"recent successes of deep neural networks have spanned many domains , from computer vision and many other tasks .",deep convolutional neural networks have made great advances at numerous classification tasks in computer vision and speech applications over the past few years . -"recently , lu et al determine attention weights on both image regions and question words .","similarly , the co-attention model of lu et al determines attention weights on both image regions and question words ." -"for nus-wide , we exploited a vgg-16 convolutional neural network to extract image features .",we encode each image using a 4096 dimensional representation obtained from the fc7 layer of a vggnet-16 convolutional neural network . -deep convolutional neural networks have led to major breakthroughs in many computer vision tasks .,deep convolutional networks made great progress in recent years in the field of computer vision . -string theory is a leading candidate of quantum theory of gravity that requires supersymmetry .,"if string theory is the correct quantum theory of gravity , then whatever it computes presumably are the observables ." -"since ads space is a solution of the equations of motion , one can hypothesize the existence of a dual cft .",the ads space is a maximally symmetric solution of the einstein equation with a negative cosmological constant . -"the chemical potential is a function of the band-filling n , the inverse temperature β and the electron hopping energy t .",chemical potential is a key property in this context . -"more recently , by using minimal surfaces , schoen and yau proved the famous positive mass conjecture .",the positive mass theorem of schoen and yau is the prototype of such a result . -"for the svm and other experiments , we used the implementation from scikit-learn .","regarding the implementation , we used the scikit-learn python library ." -convolutional neural networks has shown phenomenal results for many computer vision applications .,"deep convolutional neural networks achieve impressive performance on many computer vision tasks , including image classification ." -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved tremendous success among many computer vision tasks .,deep neural networks have achieved great success in cognitive applications such as image classification . -we use resnet-50 as feature extractor for both deeplabv3 and pspnet architectures .,we use the resnet-152 architecture to demonstrate the compatibility between graph-cnn and cnn . -this process of removing the divergent contributions is called renormalization .,renormalization is the procedure of cancelling the divergences from these shifts by introducing counterterms into the lagrangian . -the exchange correlation effect was described using the perdew-burkeernzerhof within generalized gradient approximation .,the generalized gradient approximation parametrized by perdew-burke-ernzerhof was employed for the evaluation of the exchange-correlation functional . -quantum theory is a theory of quantum processes .,quantum theory is a new paradigm in search of the ultimate reality but playing with the old dices of superstitious human civilizations . -"in recent years , deep neural networks have revolutionized machine-learning tasks such as image classification , speech recognition , and language translation .","recent advances in deep neural networks have contributed to the state-of-the-art performance in various artificial intelligence -based applications such as image classification , and so forth ." -one of the most widely applied regularisation techniques currently used for deep networks is dropout .,"as a form of regularization , dropout is nowadays typically employed in deep neural networks ." -"recently , generative adversarial networks have shown a strong capability in image generation .",generative adversarial networks have achieved great success at generating realistic and sharp looking images . -deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification .,"d eep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks , especially in visual recognition ." -deep learning based models have emerged as an extremely powerful framework to deal with different kinds of vision problems including image classification .,"recently , deep neural network based methods have lead to breakthroughs in several vision tasks , such as classification ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have achieved great success in a variety of machine learning tasks .",deep convolutional neural networks have been successfully used in various computer vision applications such as image classification . -cosmology is a natural arena in which to put to the test alternative theories of gravity .,"in cosmology , it is a conventional practice to quantify the clustering of lss using the two-point correlation function or , equivalently , the power spectrum ." -the vertical bar denotes the position of the low-lying octupole state 24 .,each vertical bar is the range from first to third quartile . -we use the adam optimizer and apply dropout at all lstm layers .,we optimize the losses and using the adam implementation in pytorch with default parameters . -as chemical potential is increased there is a first order transition with the order parameter changing discontinuously at the critical chemical potential µc .,"therefore , chemical potential is the suitable parameter to drive the quantum phase transitions ." -"han et al utilized quantization , huffman encoding , and sparse row format for obtaining extremely compact models .","han et al used pruning , quantization , and huffman encoding to reduce complexity of cnns ." -we use a modified resnet-18 architecture with enlarged output feature maps size .,"regarding the cnn baseline , we use a resnet architecture ." -each convolutional layer is followed by a batch normalization layer .,the batch normalization layer is also applied after each convolution layer . -"we use rectified linear unit as the activation of the hidden layer , and a softmax function of the output layer .",we adopt the rectified linear units as our activation functions to introduce non-linearity for all convolution layers . -this isomorphism is the image of an isomorphism in the category the trivial example of a yang-baxter operator is the usual transposition r .,this isomorphism is the key to solving the two computational problems in quantum polynomial time . -we use the adaptive moment algorithm for training the model .,we use adamax as the optimization algorithm . -at the largest energies there is a small contribution from deep inelastic scattering .,"at higher energies , dp is the strongest mechanism for spin scat tering in both gaas and gan ." -"since the renaissance of deep neural networks , object detection has been revolutionized by a series of groundbreaking works , including faster-rcnn .","in recent years , numerous object detectors have been proposed by the deep learning community , including faster r-cnn ." -reinforcement learning is a learning paradigm that an agent learns from the interactions with the environment through sequential exploration and exploitation .,reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning which learns through interaction with the environment . -"the projector-augmented wave method was employed in this study , and for the exchange-correlation potential , the generalized gradient approximation with the perdew , burke , and ernzerhof functional was used .","dft calculations were performed using the plane-wave quantum espresso package within the generalized gradient approximation , with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof parametrization for the exchange-correlation functional ." -"recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success on many vision tasks such as object recognition .",deep learning has obviously improved the performance of many computer vision tasks such as classification . -convolution-based deep neural networks have performed exceedingly well on 2d representation learning tasks .,"deep neural networks have achieved impressive performance on tasks across a variety of domains , including vision ." -convolutional neural networks have improved the performance of image classification significantly .,"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks ." -"lattice qcd is a theory with fundamental parameters , the gauge coupling constant g and quark masses mq , defined on a lattice with lattice spacing a .",lattice qcd is the only method which can address these problems from first principles . -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success on visual recognition tasks .,convolutional neural networks has shown phenomenal results for many computer vision applications . -"recent work has demonstrated that neural networks can be vulnerable to adversarial examples , which are misclassified with high confidence , yet appear very similar to known class data .",recent work on adversarial attacks has shown that neural networks are brittle and can easily be confused by small imperceptible modifications of the input . -"in 1984 , bennett and brassard proposed the first protocol of quantum key distribution .","in 1984 , bennett and brassard proposed a quantum key distribution scheme via a quantum communication channel ." -"we now return to the dataset of rapoport and boebel presented in table 2 , and give more details on the bayesian computation on the model of section 4 in the main paper .","we now fit our model to the dataset of rapoport and boebel , which is shown in table 2 of the supplementary material ." -at high energies there is a landau pole defined by the initial rg mass .,"however , at very high energies there is a probability of order unity that the positron radiates a z or a w ." -we hope to come back to this in the near future .,this is something we hope to come back to in the near future . -"deep convolutional neural networks have enabled unparalleled breakthroughs in a variety of visual tasks , such as image classification .",advances in deep learning have led to tremendous success in a wide variety of applications in visual and audio perception such as image classification . -"the encoder contains three convolution layers , each of which is followed by a batch-norm layer layer .",the encoder is a succession of convolutional layers followed by batch normalization and rectified linear units . -"recently , banks , fischler , shenker and susskind have proposed a definition of eleven dimensional m theory 1 in the infinite momentum frame as a large n limit of maximally supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics .","banks , fischler , shenker and susskind have proposed that m-theory in the infinite momentum frame is described in terms of a supersymmetric matrix model , the so called mtheory ." -advances in deep learning have led to tremendous success in a wide variety of applications in visual and audio perception such as image classification .,"deep learning has enabled progress in many different applications , ranging from image recognition to language modeling to machine translation and speech recognition ." -"we employed the vasp code to perform the dft calculations , including spin effects for magnetic elements , with various vdw functionals .",we used the vienna ab initio simulation package to carry out the ab initio calculations within the framework of density functional theory . -"such a mapping , if also invertible , is called a homeomorphism of s .","when δ is the identity automorphism , f is called an equivariant homeomorphism ." -this kinetic energy is a scalar with the same quantum numbers and symmetry properties as sφψ in .,the kinetic energy consists of a compressible part due to sound waves and an incompressible part coming from quantized vortices . -calculations were performed using density functional theory through the utilization of atomistix toolkit by quantumwise .,electronic structure calculations were performed using the quantum-espresso code functional . -it seems therefore that friction is the result of the interplay between the unitary evolution on the adiabats and the dissipative dynamics on the cold isochore .,friction is the only limitation for the predictability of the system . -shi et al reduced the amount of computation and data without changing the original network architecture .,han et al reduce the model size by quantizing network weights to 8-bit . -"convolutional neural networks have become a standard tool for machine learning in euclidean domains , such as images .",deep neural networks play an increasingly central role in a wide variety of state of the art machine learning applications . -"to better understand and predict image memorability , the study of image memorability on certain targets , like faces , objects and outdoor natural scenes , has recently attracted the interests of computer vision researchers .","the study of image memorability on certain targets , like faces , objects and natural scenes , has recently attracted the interests of computer vision researchers ." -"events are reconstructed using the particle-flow algorithm , which aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event , with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .","the global event reconstruction is performed using a particle-flow algorithm , which reconstructs and identifies each individual particle with an optimized combination of all subdetector information ." -thus a genotype is a single or double string of zeros and ones .,the genotype is the genetic constitution of an individual . -the duality here is the electric-magnetic duality that exchanges the electric and magnetic charges .,duality is a mapping between two different mathematical descriptions of a same physical phenomenon . -person re-identification aims to match a person across multiple non-overlapping camera views .,person re-identification aims to match the underlying identities of person bounding box images detected from non-overlapping camera views . -this spacetime is the result of quotienting ads by a boost isometry to make the coordinate χ periodic .,the space-time is a solution of einstein equations with negative cosmological constant λ . -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have proven to be highly effective general models for a multitude of computer vision problems .","following their success in several computer vision tasks , neural networks have received considerable attention in the context of image processing ." -"furthermore , machine learning models that can help overcome some of the shortcomings of signature-based detection tools can themselves be fooled by adversarial attacks .","despite their success in many tasks , machine learning systems can also be very sensitive to malicious attacks or adversarial examples ." -"dropout , an effective algorithm to reduce overfitting , has been widely used in the training of neural networks .",dropout is a popular and effective heuristic for preventing large neural networks from overfitting . -deep convolutional neural networks have become wider and deeper to achieve high performance on different applications .,convolutional neural networks have achieved superior performance in various tasks . -deep convolutional neural networks have been proven very useful in various tasks in computer vision including classification .,deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification . -the binding energy is the difference between the energies of a neutral atom and an atom bound with a positron .,the binding energy is a linearly increasing function of the ge-factor for this range of ge values . -we use the celebrated continuous skip-gram model to learn high-quality vector representations of actions from large amounts of demonstrated trajectories .,"hereof , we use the skipgram model presented by mikolov et al to learn vector space embeddings for words ." -deep convolutional neural networks have made significant breakthroughs in many visual understanding tasks including image classification .,"convolutional neural networks have successfully tackled classic computer vision problems such as image classification , where the input image has a grid-like structure ." -chen et al propose to remove some pooling layers in cnns and adopt dilated convolution to retain more spatial information .,noh et al uses artrous convolutions along with artrous spatial pyramid pooling for better aggregation of spatial features . -non-orthogonal multiple access has been considered as a promising candidate for the fifth generation and beyond 5g cellular networks .,non-orthogonal multiple access has been recognized as a promising multiple access technique for the fifth-generation wireless networks due to its high spectral efficiency and user fairness . -nematic elastomers are fascinating materials in which the liquid crystalline order is strongly coupled to the elasticity of the underlying elastomeric network .,liquid-crystal elastomers are remarkable materials that combine the elastic properties of cross-linked polymer networks with the anisotropy of liquid crystals . -"in recent years , deep reinforcement learning has seen a lot of promising results in varied domains such as game-playing .","recently , deep reinforcement learning has been attracted a lot attention in the robotic control field ." -"many generative models exist in the literature , two of the most popular being variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks .","currently the most prominent approaches include autoregressive models , variational autoencoders , and generative adversarial networks ." -"in , wu and negi defined the effective capacity as the maximum constant arrival rate that a given service process can support in order to guarantee a qos requirement specified by the qos exponent θ .","recently , wu and negi in defined the effective capacity as the maximum constant arrival rate that a given time-varying service process can support while providing statistical qos guarantees ." -"since f -gravity is a gauge theory , like general relativity , it is crucial the choice of suitable coordinates in order to correctly formulate the problem .","gravity is a universal messenger , present in all spontaneously broken locally supersymmetric models ." -"chayes , cluster monte carlo study of multicomponent fluids of the stillinger-helfand and widom-rowlinson type , phys .","chayes , monte carlo study of the widom-rowlinson fluid using cluster methods , phys ." -all three models were implemented using the scikit-learn library .,all of these operators are based on scikit-learn implementations . -an adam optimiser was used to optimise the process and variational parameters .,the model was trained using gradient descent with the adam optimizer . -"however , as string theory is a consistent theory , it provides another mechanism to cancel these anomalies .",it may be too soon to tell whether string theory is the correct description of all interactions and constituents of nature . -"eep learning techniques have seen great success in diverse application domains including speech processing , computer vision , and natural language processing .","in the last 15 years , deep learning in the form of deep neural networks , has been used very effectively in diverse applications , such as computer vision and natural language processing ." -with the recent breakthroughs by convolutional neural networks .,with the notable success of cnn on large scale object recognition . -all data were processed using the common astronomy software application .,the calibration and imaging were done using the common astronomy software applications package . -"reinforcement learning is learning by trial and error to map situations to actions , which aims to maximize a numerical reward signal .",reinforcement learning is concerned with how to map states to actions so as to maximize the cumulative rewards . -visual recognition has made a significant progress due to the widespread use of deep learning architectures .,"recently , deep learning methods have made remarkable progress in computer vision and machine learning ." -"vasantha kandasamy wb , on locally semi unitary rings , octogon , vol .","vasantha kandasamy wb , on finite quaternion rings and skew fields , acta cienca indica , vol ." -"deep neural networks have been widely applied in various fields , including computer vision he et al , among many others .","designing deeper and wider convolutional neural networks has led to significant breakthroughs in many machine learning tasks , such as image classification ." -"the berry phase is the special case when the eigenspace is nondegenerate , and the unitary transformation is then one dimensional , ie , a complex number .",when the hamiltonian curve p is known as the geometric berry phase . -the two main groups of methods are based on generative adversarial networks and variational auto-encoder .,"these deep models can be roughly divided into two categories , namely , the generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders ." -"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision .",deep neural networks have seen great success in many cognitive applications such as image classification . -frames in hilbert space were originally introduced by duffin and schaeffer to deal with some problems in nonharmonic fourier analysis .,the concept of frames in hilbert spaces has been introduced by duffin and schaeffer in 1952 to study some deep problems in nonharmonic fourier series . -deep neural networks have recently been achieved breakthroughs in several domains such as computer vision .,"convolutional neural networks have become a highly active area of research due to strong results in areas such as image classification , among others ." -"in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision .",convolutional neural networks have been largely responsible for the significant progress achieved on visual recognition tasks in recent years . -the vacuum is a condensate of scalar quark-antiquark pairs .,"the vacuum penetrates everywhere , whether it is a dielectric or a conductor ." -we adopt the region proposal network from faster rcnn for the object localization .,we choose faster r-cnn architecture as our two-stage object detector that provides accurate bounding boxes . -these approaches generally rely on the use of generative adversarial networks .,"in contrast , our approach makes use of generative adversarial networks ." -attention mechanism has shown the effectiveness in various machine learning tasks such as image captioning and machine translation .,spatial neural attention mechanism has been proven to be beneficial in many tasks such as image captioning . -the performance of convolutional neural networks in object recognition and image classification has made tremendous progress in the past few years .,"deep neural networks have brought amazing progresses in visual scene understanding in the last few years , enabling remarkable results in tasks such as object recognition and many more ." -"deep neural networks , together with large scale accurately annotated datasets , have achieved remarkable performance in a great many classification tasks in recent years .",recent progress in deep convolutional neural networks has led to substantial performance improvements in a broad range of computer vision tasks . -"to optimize the model parameters , we use adam .",we use the adam optimizer to update the parameters . -"it should be plausible that this is the case , at least if we exclude a finite number of values of the floquet exponents .",it seems therefore really plausible that there is a deep link between the most general kind of multiplet of a supergravity theory . -"current small cell backhaul solutions , such as xdsl , has been recently proposed as a cost-effective approach to lower the latency for content delivery and alleviate the heavy burden on backhaul links .","recently , caching at base stations has been proposed as a promising approach for massive content delivery by reducing the distance between popular files and their requesters ." -"the cosmological constant is the mass of a box of empty space , you can always fine-tune it to zero .","the cosmological constant , which is the standard candidate for dark energy , can not be explained by current particle physics due to its very small value , and it is plagued with fine-tuning problems and the coincidence problem ." -"as the casimir force is a strong function of distance , the natural tendency is for corrugated plates to align themselves such that peaks of the top plate are directly over the peaks of the bottom plate .",the casimir force is the dominant force between two neutral non-magnetic objects in the range of interest so that any new force would appear as a difference between experimental measurements and theoretical expectations of the casimir force . -the link prediction problem for social networks .,latent space approaches to social network analysis . -"events are reconstructed using the particle flow , pf , algorithm , which reconstructs and identifies each individual particle with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector .",event reconstruction is based on the particle-flow algorithm that aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector . -"deep learning has been applied in computer vision and many other areas , and the results have been quite remarkable .",deep neural networks have achieved outstanding performances on many computer vision tasks . -while quantum mechanics is a linear theory the gtr is highly nonlinear so that the two theories are dissimilar .,quantum mechanics is a one dimensional field theory . -"deep neural networks are now the driving technology for numerous application domains , such as computer vision .",deep learning with neural networks has become a very important facet of modern engineering involving image processing . -"supervised deep learning has recently improved the state-of-the-art in various tasks , such as image classification .","deep learning has fueled great strides in a variety of computer vision problems , such as visual tracking ." -differential privacy provides strong privacy guarantees while allowing many types of queries to be answered approximately .,"differential privacy aims to provide means to cryptographically protect personal information in the database , while allowing aggregate-level information to be accurately extracted ." -for parameter optimization we use the adam optimizer to perform sgd .,we use the adam optimizer with parameter settings suggested by the original transformer paper . -this completes the proof that is the desired 8-track layout of g .,let us see what happens when that completes the is a projective in commutative diagram a . -"here , we discuss real-space moments of the lensed cmb temperature anisotropies .",we will now discuss higher-order correlations of temperature due to gravitational lensing . -such enhancement is the result of a cooperative effect arising from the interplay between deterministic and random dynamics in a nonlinear system .,the enhancement is a result of interchanging resonances between neutrino and antineutrino ensembles due to resonance waves passing through the neutrino and antineutrino spectrum . -"convolutional neural networks are driving major advances in many computer vision tasks , such as image classification .",convolutional neural networks have recently become the par excellence base approach to deal with many computer vision tasks . -"the converse is a similar calculation , and is safely omitted .",the converse is a straightforward exercise and is left to the reader . -"pasupathy , kk gomes , av fedorov , gf chen , jl luo , a .","niedermayer , gl sun , ct lin , jt park , ds inosov , v ." -asymmetry is the exchange splitting or the 2nd plasmon satellite of se 3d core level .,this asymmetry is the reason why the energy of the 4p4h structure is lowered by the parity projection . -the generalized gradient approximation according to perdewburke-ernzerhof was employed for both the generation of the pseudopotentials and the exchange-correlation functional .,the electronelectron exchange and correlation functional was described with the perdew-burke-ernzerhof 22 parametrization of the generalized gradient approximation . -convolutional neural networks have recently provided state of the art results for several recognition tasks including object recognition .,deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -it is well acknowledged that powerful object representations are crucial for accurate and robust visual tracking .,it has been demonstrated that robust feature representation plays the most essential role in highperformance visual object tracking . -"generative modeling capabilities have improved tremendously in the last few years , especially since the advent of deep learning-based models like generative adversarial nets and variational auto-encoders .","recent advances in unsupervised learning have led to better architectures for modeling the statistical image generation process , primary among them being generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders ." -superconductivity is a common phenomenon occurring in certain materials at very low temperatures .,superconductivity is a phenomenon that is common to both nuclear physics and con densed matter systems . -"deep neural networks have been intensively studied in recent years , and many record-breaking progresses have been made on solving computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing problems .","deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many application areas , such as computer vision and natural language processing ." -"deep convolutional neural networks achieve impressive performance on many computer vision tasks , including image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved huge success in solving problems related to computer vision , such as image classification ." -we will give examples of these special interval semirings .,now we give examples of semigroup interval subsemirings . -recently it has been conjectured that a non-perturbative formulation of m theory may be realized as a large-n supersymmetric matrix model formulated in the light-cone hamiltonian approach .,"m-theory in the light-cone frame is conjectured to be characterized by matrix theory , which is a super quantum mechanics with matrix degrees of freedom ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have seen great success in a range of computer vision tasks , including image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have achieved significant success in a wide range of studies . -"for completeness , we also conduct the described experiments with googlenet as underlying network architectures .","for the siamese network , we employ a standard googlenet architecture with imagenet pretrained weights ." -"in this subsection , we recall the definitions of vertex operator algebras and modules from .",in this section we follow the construction of lattice vertex operator algebras and their twisted modules as presented in . -the phase space is the product of the dual of a lie algebra g and r2 .,the phase space is then said to consist of one pair of canonical variables per space point . -"wang et al proposed recurrent fully convolutional networks to incorporate saliency prior knowledge for improved inference , utilizing a pre-training strategy based on semantic segmentation data .","in , wang et al introduced a recurrent fully convolutional network to iteratively refine the saliency map with incorporated prior knowledge ." -"further , since the free energy is a physical quantity , f only .",the free energy then is a generating function for the counting numbers of connected graphs that can be embedded in a compact surface with a given genus . -deep neural networks play an increasingly central role in a wide variety of state of the art machine learning applications .,deep convolutional neural networks have achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many areas of computer vision . -the neutralino is a majorana fermion and decays to the charge conjugate final state as well .,"first , since the neutralino is a majorana particle , its annihilation cross section is p-wave suppressed ." -"recent advances in deep neural networks have contributed to the state-of-the-art performance in various artificial intelligence -based applications such as image classification , and so forth .",the advances in convolutional neural networks have successfully pushed the limits and improved the stateof-the-art technologies of image and video understanding . -some of the most successful approaches have been based on restricted boltzmann machines .,prominent examples from this line of work are restricted boltzmann machines and deep boltzmann machines . -batch normalization is applied to each layer except the output layer .,batch normalization is applied after all convolutional layers to allow for faster convergence . -we use the canny edge detector to extract the edges from the depth image .,we use the standard canny edge detector to perform edge detection . -the weights were initialized according to a uniform distribution as directed in .,"the weights of the layers were initialized from a uniform distribution , scaled as described in ." -the success of convolutional neural networks dataset has propelled neural networks to achieve significant results in various visual recognition tasks .,deep neural network has aroused dramatically attention due to their extraordinary performance in computer vision and natural language processing tasks . -up to homotopy there is a unique such framing .,the homotopy consists of elliptic boundary value problems . -"it also arises in string theory , which is the leading candidate to unify gauge and gravitational forces .","string theory is a perturbative approach depending on the choice of the background metric , while loop quantum gravity is a canonical approach that does not treat time on an equal footing with space ." -there is increasing evidence that artificial neural networks perform exceptionally well in complex recognition tasks .,it is well established that deep neural networks excel on a wide range of machine learning tasks . -reinforcement learning is a powerful and extensive framework enabling a learner to tackle complex continuous control tasks .,reinforcement learning is a powerful framework that allows an agent to behave near-optimally through a trial and error exploration of the environment . -"recently , adversarial training has become a very hot topic in deep learning because of its great success in estimating generative models .","recently , adversarial learning has achieved great success in various areas such as computer vision and natural language processing ." -"note that the torsion is in f , but the a is r and it is called the alexander polynomial .",the latter is called the alexander polynomial of l . -"recently , deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great successes in computer vision topics such as image classification .","convolutional neural networks have been extensively studied in the computer vision literature to tackle a variety of tasks , such as image classification ." -all the models were trained using mini-batches of size 128 and the adam optimizer .,all models were trained using the adam optimizer with minibatches of size 24 . -the ordinate is the phase with 0 0 value corresponding to the deeper eclipse .,"the ordinate is the fraction of photons reaching the fibre exit end as a function of the bending angle , φ , and the arrows indicate angles , φlimit , where in the bending plane a change in the transmission function should occur ." -differential privacy is a well studied statistical notion of privacy .,"differential privacy is a standard , well-accepted definition of privacy ." -"these deep models can be roughly divided into two categories , namely , the generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders .",the two most significant types are the variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks . -"since polarization is a spin-2 quantity , the natural basis functions to use in expressing the stokes parameters on the sphere are the spin-2 spherical harmonics .","that is , the polarization , which is the dipole moment per unit volume in the medium , is not a linear function of the applied electric field ." -"deep neural networks have shown improvement in state-of-the-art in different tasks , such as image classification .","deep neural networks have had great success in learning to predict various quantities from images , eg , object classes ." -quantum mechanics is a branch of physics which can be looked upon from many view points .,"however , in quantum mechanics there is a limit to the level of detail that can be achieved ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in grid structure data such as image and video .,"deep neural networks have achieved significant success in various tasks such as image recognition , speech transcription , and machine translation ." -a t n-manifold is a differentiable manifold with a smooth action of t n .,an n-manifold m is a topological space that locally looks like the euclidean space rn . -"we use mainly the levenbergmarquardt algorithm , since it converges efficiently and does not require precise parameters tuning .",for the solution of the inverse problem we use the levenberg-marquardt algorithm with the minpack code . -"recently , deep learning technologies have obtained great successes in speech , image and video fields .",recent years have witnessed a great success of deep learning with deep convolutional networks in several visual tasks . -in this section we recall the definitions of various modules for a vertex operator algebra .,in this section we follow the construction of lattice vertex operator algebras and their twisted modules as presented in . -in this section we recall and generalize some definitions and results from .,in this sub-section we recall and slightly generalize the setup and notation used in . -xu et al present an attentive spatial-temporal pooling network to select key regions or frames from the sequences for the feature representation learning .,xu et al proposed a joint spatial and temporal attention pooling network to extract sequence-level features by selecting informative frames and notable regions of each frame . -in section 3 we make some reduction of the problem along the idea of with a slight modification .,"in this section , we perform some reduction of the problem along the idea of with a slight modification ." -"recently , much attention has been paid to brain rhythms observed in scalp electroencephalogram and local field potentials with electrodes inserted into the brain .","in recent years , brain rhythms which are observed in scalp electroencephalogram and local field potentials have attracted much attention ." -"recently , deterministic deep neural networks have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on many supervised tasks , eg , speech recognition .",convolutional neural networks have recently achieved great success on various visual recognition tasks . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have become the dominant approach for a variety of computer vision tasks , eg , image classification .","in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated dramatic improvements in performance for computer vision tasks such as object classification , detection , and segmentation ." -"convolutional neural networks have been successfully utilized in many fundamental areas of computer vision , including object detection .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in various computer vision tasks , including object classification ." -"with the advent and successes of recent deep learning techniques , great improvements have been achieved in computer vision and speech .","in recent years , the deep convolutional neural networks have made great breakthroughs in computer vision ." -"are cones , but only the latter is a conic set .",a coloring is called simplicial if no cones of σ . -ow density parity check codes were first introduced by gallager in 1960 .,the low-density parity-check codes were first introduced by gallager . -"in , the asterisk denotes complex conjugation .","an asterisk denotes a candidate β cephei or spb star , and stars in boldface have a magnetic field detection ." -convolutional neural networks have recently exhibited great performance in various fields such as computer vision .,"in recent years , deep convolution neural networks have achieved promising performance on many artificial intelligence tasks , including image recognition ." -"the kinetic energy is the sum of the thermal energy , where a1,2 and q1,2 are the radii and charges of the aggregates .",the kinetic energy is the dependence of the energy on quasi-momentum for the considered band . -"has also dimension 4 , is related to the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry , and is known as quark condensate .",the quark condensate is the dominant power correction to the correlation function . -a continuum is a nondegenerate compact connected metric space .,a connected component of its boundary is called 0-limit continuum . -"suggisetti tata institute of fundamental research - ehep , mumbai , india t .","wickramage tata institute of fundamental research - hecr , mumbai , india s ." -"the front-end of the network is an 18-layer residual network , which has shown very good performance on lrw .",the base network is a 29-layer deep residual network using pre-activation bottleneck blocks . -cosmic strings are topological defects that may have formed at phase transitions as the universe expanded and cooled .,cosmic strings are linear defects that could be formed at a symmetry breaking phase transition in the early universe . -it is well known that dataset bias is a very common issue in visual recognition .,dataset bias is a well known problem with traditional supervised approaches to image recognition . -tai et al proposed a deep recursive residual network by using recursive blocks to explore long-term correlations between lr and hr images .,"tai et al proposed deep recursive residual network to address the problems of model parameters and accuracy , which recursively learns the residual unit in a multi-path model ." -"deep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in computer vision related tasks such as image classification , and so on .",deep neural networks have shown tremendous success in several computer vision tasks in recent years . -"recently invented in 2009 , these codes are the first known class of error control codes , which achieve the shannon channel capacity for binary input symmetric output channels .",they are the first class of codes that achieve the capacity of binary input discrete memoryless channels with a deterministic construction . -"therefore its closure , which is a self-adjoint operator , is non-negative as well .","then its closure is a fully characteristic congruence on w , generated by the set ." -this space-time is a special case of hypersurface m 4 of the line element is the scale factor .,"the space-time m is a compact , oriented and even-dimensional riemannian spin manifold without boundary ." -a first glens of approaches is based on methods of analysis of natural language .,a first glans of approaches is based on methods of analysis of natural language . -"the scaling approach is introduced in , and has been intensively used to study the capacity of ad hoc networks including both static and mobile networks .","in , throughput scaling was originally introduced and characterized in a large-scale wireless ad hoc network ." -the stochastic block model is a generative model for learning community structure in unweighted networks .,the stochastic block model is an important framework for model-based community detection in static networks . -transfer learning poses this problem and solves it by transferring the knowledge from labeled data in source domain to unlabeled data in target domain .,transfer learning is able to mitigate this problem in the target learning task or domain by leveraging information from other related source tasks or domains . -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have achieved outstanding performance in a variety of machine learning tasks , especially in computer vision , such as image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have become one of the most important methods in computer vision tasks such as image classification . -representations learned by various convolution neural networks have become the standard in many computer vision tasks .,"convolutional neural networks have been widely used in various computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -"in recent years , deep neural networks have been shown to be useful in a wide range of applications including computer vision .","deep neural networks are extremely important in various applications including computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -"bourbonnais , in trends in high magnetic fields science , edited by l .","pasquier , in one dimensional organic superconductors , edited by a ." -"however , deep residual learning has shown its capability to easy the training of very deep neural networks .",the residual learning strategy has been shown to be an effective solution to ease the training of very deep networks . -"convolutional neural networks have proved their dominating spot in various machine learning tasks , such as speech recognition .",convolutional neural networks have led to leap-forward in a large number of computer vision applications . -this discrepancy is a hint that the hamiltonian r of a real klein-gordon field is needed .,this discrepancy is a serious problem as it generates confusion and doubt about the whole methodology of lepton scattering experiments . -"in section 2 , we briefly recall the definition of a vertex algebra and our main object , lattice vertex algebras .","in this section , we briefly review the definitions of vertex operator algebra and various modules ." -"however , researchers have shown that the integrity of ml systems may be compromised by adversaries capable of manipulating model inputs .",recent studies have shown that ml systems are vulnerable to intentional adversarial operations . -deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated superior performance in various computer vision tasks .,"d eep convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks , especially in visual recognition ." -"deep neural networks , particularly deep convolutional neural networks , have provided significant improvement in visual tasks such as face recognition , attribute prediction and image classification .",deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated significant improvements over traditional approaches in many pattern recognition tasks . -the axion is a hypothetical elementary particle pos tulated to resolve the strong cp problem in quantum chromodynamics .,"if an axion is a boundary field confined in 4 dimensions , the pq scale fp q is bounded by ms ." -we fine-tune the model from the pre-trained resnet-101 model on imagenet .,we train our models on the mnist and the imagenet datasets . -gravity by itself is a relevant matter in connection with cosmic string .,"because gravity is a weak interaction , even at the scales of primordial inflation , the self-gravitation of inflationary gravitons can not be significant until the past light-cone has become enormous ." -"convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable successes for various tasks , such as object recognition and so on .","deep convolutional neural networks have recently shown immense success for various image recognition tasks , such as object recognition ." -cluster algebras were introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in 2001 in order to design a combinatorial framework for studying total positivity in algebraic groups and canonical bases in quantum groups .,cluster algebras were introduced in 2002 by fomin and zelevinsky in in order to create an algebraic framework for canonical bases and total positivity . -w ireless broadband systems operating in the millimeter wave spectrum are thought to be a prime candidate to provide the system throughput enhancements needed for fifth generation wireless networks .,m illimeter-wave communication has been proposed as one of the candidate key techniques for the fifth-generation wireless communications and beyond . -"for example , zhou et al put forward trust , the first truthful double spectrum auction framework exploiting spectrum reusability .","for example , zhou et al put forward trust , the first truthful double spectrum auction framework enabling spectrum reuse ." -each convolution layer is followed by a batch normalization layer .,every convolutional layer is followed by a batch normalization layer and a relu activation . -on convergence and growth of partial sumas of fourier series .,on the ergodic dynamics of almost periodic sys tems . -"in some of these scenarios , there is a certain crossover scale rc that defines what kind of gravity an observer on the brane will observe .",each of the scenarios consists of 50 sensor nodes including one gateway . -"millimeter wave communications , which can provide orders-of-magnitude wider bandwidth than current cellular bands , has been considered as a key technology for future 5g wireless networks .",millimeter wave communication has been recognized as a promising technology in 5g cellular network for its large transmission bandwidth . -the keck observatory is a joint facility of the university of california and the california institute of technology 3 hubble fellow 4 the term low-ion refers to the dominant ionic state of a given element in an hi region .,"the keck observatory is a joint facility of the university of california and the california institute of technology 2 the observatories of the carnegie institute of washington , 813 santa barbara st ." -"a filtration on a is a weight filtration if it is separated , exhaustive and split .",a ) a filtration on t is a sequence of thick subcategories . -polar codes are the first family of error-correcting codes with provable capacity-achieving property and a low-complexity encoding and decoding process .,polar codes are the first family of provably capacity achieving codes for symmetric binaryinput discrete memoryless channels with low encoding and decoding complexity . -experiments have shown that modelling a signal with such a sparse decomposition is very effective in many signal processing applications .,experiments have shown that modeling signals with such sparse decompositions is very effective in many signal processing applications . -deep neural networks have been widely adopted in many applications such as computer vision .,deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification . -any such automorphism is a field automorphism which is assumed to be standard .,the automorphism is a proper subgroup of the holomorphic automorphism group of dp . -generative adversial networks are a popular tool for learning data distributions .,generative adversarial networks have provided very powerful and efficient solutions for learning the generative model . -these solutions are called spherical orbits .,we also consider some quotients of the mrea which are called the non-commutative orbits . -deep neural networks have been found to be quite effective for solving problems in the domain of computer vision .,deep convolutional neural networks have been proven very useful in various tasks in computer vision including classification . -recent development of deep convolutional neural networks has led to great success in a variety of tasks including image classfication and others .,"recently , deep convolutional neural networks show promising performances in various computer vision tasks such as object classification , localization ." -"recently , deep neural networks have achieved impressive results for many image classification tasks .","recently convolutional neural networks showed great performance in different fields of computer vision , such as object detection ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved the state-of-the-art performance in many applications such as computer vision .,deep convolutional neural networks have already achieved tremendous success on a variety of computer vision tasks such as image classification among many others . -"in quantum mechanics , there is a lower limit to this process , set by the size of the planck cell , and this reduces the complexity of quantum motion as compared to classical motion .","in the quantum mechanics , this is the appropriate electronic energy vanishes ." -this process is called thermal ionization .,this process is called secondary ionization . -a trail is a sequence of distinct edges connecting not necessarily distinct nodes .,the trail itself is a series of squares on a 32x32 white toroidal grid . -we further prevent overfitting by regularising the dnn using dropout and the l 2 norm .,"besides l 2 regularization , we also use dropout to reduce overfitting ." -the notion of virtual knots was introduced by kauffman in as a generalization of classical knots .,kauffman gave examples of virtual knots that are not equivalent to classical knots . -many progress has been made in recent years with the rapid development of convolutional neural networks .,recent development of deep convolutional neural networks has led to great success in a variety of tasks including image classfication and others . -5similarly delicate is the issue of parametrizing the majoron couplings .,what is delicate however is the requirement of analyticity . -the monodromy groups of schwarzian equations on closed riemann surfaces .,the schwarzian derivative and conformal mapping of riemannian manifolds . -"visibly , this multiplicity is the dimension of the corresponding invariant subspace .",the dimension of range is called the algebraic multiplicity of λ . -in this section we fix notations and quickly recall some definitions that were given in .,in this section we set notations and recall some properties of algebraic families of harish-chandra modules as they were defined in . -three-dimensional matched interface and boundary method for treating geometric singularities .,the matched interface and boundary method for multi-domain elliptic interface problems . -let soc is an irreducible representation of γ .,"suppose that ρχ , j is an irreducible representation as above ." -the resulting curve is called a trajectory in phase space .,and a phase space is the complement of set of incident pairs . -"it also arises in string theory , which is the leading candidate to unify gauge and gravitational forces .","so , we expect that string theory is the best of candidates for consistent quantum gravity theory since string theory is free of the ultraviolet divergences ." -the estimation of the redshift for each object is the mean of 100 predictions and the error bars represent 1-σ interval .,the estimation of the redshift for each object is the median of 100 predictions and the error bars represent the 1-σ interval . -their magnitude gives a measure of the inaccuracy of the separable ansatz .,magnitude 99 99 denotes that no measurement for that star was obtained . -"to overcome the performance degradation , bit-interleaved coded multiple beamforming was proposed .","to overcome the degradation of the diversity order of multiple beamforming , bit-interleaved coded multiple beamforming was proposed ." -convolutional neural networks have been extremely successful across many domains in machine learning and computer vision .,"over the past decade , deep neural networks has been a game changer in various areas of machine learning research , such as computer vision ." -all calculations were carried out using the vienna ab-initio simulation package with the scan exchange-correlation functional .,the electronic structure calculations and structural optimization were carried out within the density-functional formalism as implemented in the vienna ab initio simulation package . -"the string equations of motion require a ten-dimensional spacetime , at least in the formulation of what is called critical string theory .","string theory is the quantum theory of string-like objects in space-time , whereas loop quantum gravity is the attempt to quantize the gravitational field itself starting from the classical field equations ." -our method is motivated by the successfulness of the highly scalable sinkhorn algorithm in solving optimal transport problems .,"finally , we apply our method to the sinkhorn algorithm for computing the optimal transport distance ." -the training is done using an adam optimizer and a mini-batch size of 500 inputs .,the training is done using mini-batch gradient descent with adam updates and batch size of 128 . -"the string equations of motion require a ten-dimensional spacetime , at least in the formulation of what is called critical string theory .","if we assume that string theory is a promising framework for quantum gravity , it is of interest to explore specific stringy corrections to the spectrum of fluctuations ." -the connes-kreimer hopf algebra of rooted forests h ck is introduced and studied in .,for the connes-kreimer hopf algebra the antipode has been explicitly constructed in . -"therefore , we obtain the following results .",we immediately obtain the following theorem . -deep convolutional neural networks have been successful in many computer vision tasks including image classification .,convolutional neural networks have recently been shown to perform well on large scale visual recognition tasks . -"a series of breakthroughs have been made for discriminative learning , including image classification .",the recent advances in deep neural networks have shown promising results on a variety machine leaning tasks including image classification . -"for symmetry reasons , both of these s-matrices can be written in terms of the tl algebra .","like any element of the algebra , the s-matrix can be expressed in terms of the generators ." -it must be so as long as only the gravity is the dominant factor and the spectrum of fluctuations is approximately scale invariant .,gravity is the driving force that at the end of the life of massive stars overcomes the pressure forces and causes the collapse of the stellar core . -"using the concept of ecp , in , we present a principled method for simulating intermittent contact with convex contact patches .","in this paper , we extend the method presented in to model contact problem with union of convex contact patches ." -"in 1998 , watts and strogatz proposed a single-parameter small-world network model that bridges the gap between a regular network and a random graph .",watts and strogatz proposed a model to simulate the occurrence of triadic closures and the small world effect in networks . -the multiplication is the associative direct product of tensors .,theorem 7 5 the multiplication described above is the multiplication in the train of the pair . -"first , since the neutralino is a majorana particle , its annihilation cross section is p-wave suppressed .",neutralino is the best motivated dm particle . -the recent opinion diffusion model considers both the timing and content of each event .,the opinion diffusion model considers both the content and timing of each event . -at smaller distances there is a local excess in detected groups .,"at larger distances r , it is a more complicated matter since the string breaks and the wilson loop has a poor overlap with the broken-string ." -optimal entropy solutions for conservation laws with discontinuous flux-functions .,strong traces for solutions of multidimensional scalar conservation laws . -"this does not affect the outputs of the networks , so that each convolutional layer is followed by relu .","each convolutional layer is followed by a relu layer , an effective activation function to improve the performance of the cnns ." -deformation is a common phenomenon in nuclear and atomic physics .,one such deformation is a twist of the detector where the detector is systematically rotated as a function of the global z coordinate . -gravity is the driving force that at the end of the life of massive stars overcomes the pressure forces and causes the collapse of the stellar core .,"gravity is a universal messenger , present in all spontaneously broken locally supersymmetric models ." -the exchange correlation effect was described using the perdew-burkeernzerhof within generalized gradient approximation .,"the exchange-correlation functional was treated using the generalized gradient approximation parametrized by perdew , burke , and ernzerhof ." -convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in grid structure data such as image and video .,"recently , deep neural networks has achieved great success on computer vision ." -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .",the convolutional neural network in particular is a deep learning architecture which has shown its promise for image classification tasks . -"the real julia set is defined as j r , which is called a wild attractor .",for this reason a stable fixed point is also called an attractor . -recent works in deep reinforcement learning have shown impressive results in the domain of games .,recent successes in deep reinforcement learning have enabled rl agents to solve complex problems from balancing inverted pendulums . -"the exchange-correlation potential was calculated using the generalized gradient approximation as proposed by pedrew , burke , and ernzerhof .","to calculate the exchangecorrelation energy , the generalized gradient approximation with the perdew , burke , andernzerhof functional was used ." -sg is an alternative groupoid interval semiring .,sg the interval loop interval semiring is of finite order . -word embeddings have led to the state-of-the-art results in many sequential learning tasks .,deep neural networks have been proven impressively successful on certain supervised learning tasks . -free energy is the fundamental object in statistical mechanics .,the free energy is the integral of this work along the whole perimeter . -msusy is a characteristic mass scale of the susy particles and identified to the ew scale .,"msusy is the sfermion mass and m2 is the su gaugino mass parameter , both at the electroweak scale ." -conduction and mechanical properties of atomic scale gold contacts .,structural and transport properties of aluminum atomic wires . -the global event reconstruction consists of reconstructing and identifying each individual particle with an optimized combination of all subdetector information .,"the particle-flow algorithm aims at reconstructing and identifying each individual particle in an event , with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the cms detector ." -very large gaps between consecutive primes .,large gaps between consecutive prime numbers . -enhanced spectrum availability over a part of the millimeter wave band has led to the focus of fifth generation wireless systems at these bands to meet the increased data rate and low latency requirements .,millimeter wave communication can leverage the large bandwidth potentially available at the high frequency bands to provide high data rates . -"it is well known that in de sitter space , there is no propagator for a massless minimally coupled scalar field , which is of hadamard form and that exhibits all ten space-time symmetries at the same time .","there exists no de sitter invariant regulator , which implies that there is no de sitter invariant green function for a massless minimally coupled scalar field ." -the induced map is a j-anodyne extension .,then the induced map t is a closed embedding . -the great success of deep learning network in 2d image detection has accelerated the development of 3d object detection techniques .,"recently , dramatic success has been made through big data supervised deep neural network approaches which advance prediction accuracy of visual recognition significantly ." -"deformation , is the electron-phonon interaction parameter .",this deformation is the consequence of the interaction with the vacuum . -it is observed that real world scale-free networks follow power-law degree distribution .,a critical property of complex networks is the degrees of nodes follow power law distribution . -"neural networks have been extremely successful in modern machine learning , achieving the stateof-the-art in a wide range of domains , including image-recognition , speech-recognition , and gameplaying .","in recent years , learning systems based on neural networks have gained tremendous popularity in a variety of application domains such as machine vision , natural language processing , biomedical analysis or financial data analysis ." -deep neural networks have made great strides in many computer vision tasks such as image classification .,deep neural networks have achieved great progress in a variety of computer vision tasks . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved roughly human-level or better performance on vision tasks , particularly classification .","convolutional neural networks have broken many records of computer vision tasks , such as image classification ." -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have shown excellent performance on classification problems when large-scale labeled datasets are available .",the success of convolutional neural networks dataset has propelled neural networks to achieve significant results in various visual recognition tasks . -we use a deep convolutional network design similar to those used in imagenet challenges .,we employ an architecture derived from alexnet and train multiple networks on the imagenet dataset . -we shall consider a spacetime which is a direct product of a non-compact 4-dimensional spacetime and two compact spatial extra dimensions compactified to a 2-torus .,"in what follows , we will say that a spacetime d is a diamond with an open globally hyperbolic neighbourhood of a cauchy surface on which it is based ." -quantum mechanics is a fundamentally probabilistic theory .,"quantum mechanics is a remarkable exception to this rule , since no special group of transformations is associated with it ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have been widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks and have achieved unprecedented progress .","neural network models are now widely embraced as cuttingedge solutions in computer vision , speech recognition , and text analysis ." -"then by construction , µ is a bruck folder .","by construction , ψ is a fully faithful triangulated functor ." -the analysis of faillibilist events is called faillibilist statistics .,the analysis of paraconsistent events is called paraconsistent statistics . -yet we give another example before we give our conclusions .,we give yet another example in this direction . -"the hamiltonian for the 3-quark system is the same as the well known quark potential model , the isgur model .",a hamiltonian of such a system is a sum of a dynamic hamiltonian of the initial completely integrable system and a perturbation term which is linear in the temporal derivatives of parameters . -deep learning has made an enormous impact on many applications in computer vision such as generic object recognition .,"deep neural networks have been widely adopted in many applications such as computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -"deep neural networks are large , nonlinear functions that can be trained to approximate complex multidimensional target data .",neural networks are commonly employed to address many complex tasks such as machine translation . -the neutralino is the lightest supersymmetric particle in many models and is stable if r-parity in conserved .,"neutralino is the lightest stable supersymmetric particle in most models , so we focus on detection prospects of such a candidate , working either in the mssm or in the msugra frameworks ." -the idea of adversarial machine learning was popularized by the introduction of generative adversarial networks .,"recently , goodfellow et al introduced the generative adversarial networks framework ." -gravity by itself is a relevant matter in connection with cosmic string .,gravity is a phenomenon of space-time and 5-dimensional space-time differs from the 4-dimensional one . -the recent success of deep learning has shown that a deep architecture in conjunction with abundant quantities of labeled training data is the most promising approach for most vision tasks .,"in recent years , deep learning has demonstrated strong model capabilities and obtains very promising performances in many computer vision tasks ." -"in recent years , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated dramatic improvements in performance for computer vision tasks such as object classification , detection , and segmentation .","deep convolutional neural networks have made significant progress in classification problems , which have shown to generate good results when provided sufficient data ." -the lagrangian is the same as that without an external field nlσm .,remember that the lagrangian is a τ dependent volterra series that will be treated as a distribution . -the calibrated visibility data were fourier-transformed with natural weighting and cleaned with miriad to produce images .,"the data were calibrated by using the miriad package , which is necessary for the polarization calibration of atca data ." -string theory is a leading candidate of quantum theory of gravity that requires supersymmetry .,in string theory there is a clear distinction between supergravity modes . -"to this end , we introduce the following concepts .","immediately , we note the following properties ." -the scalar-relativistic ab-initio dft calculations were performed using the projector augmented wave .,the dft calculations were performed using the projectoraugmented-wave method as implemented in the vienna ab-initio simulation package . -then we may get two singular pairs and three singular triples .,in this case we may get two singular pairs and two singular triples . -"the network contains a 3d convolution layer , followed by a common 18-layer 2d resnet .",the feature extraction network is composed of a fully convolutional resnet-18 architecture . -the hatched areas denote the mixed phase regions where confined hadronic matter and deconfined quark matter coexist .,the hatched areas denote mixed phase regions where confined hadronic matter and deconfined quark matter coexist . -"in our experiment , both identif and two-stream networks use the pre-trained resnet-50 as a basic component .","in our experiments , we explore resnet for the cnn component of the model ." -deep convolutional neural networks have shown promising performances on various computer vision problems such as image classification .,convolutional neural networks have witnessed great improvement on a series of vision tasks such as object classification . -this spacetime is a product of a 4-torus and spacetime that is locally a product of an s1 fiber with a 5-dimensional spacetime .,the spacetime consists of 4 dimensional black hole with an additional -dimensional sphere . -"it has been shown that in the sciences , the prevalent form of codification of research output is publication in scientific journals .","it has been shown that in the hard sciences , the prevalent form of codification of research output is publication in scientific journals ." -"machine learning models , especially deep neural networks , have been deployed prominently in many real-world applications , such as image classification .","deep convolutional neural networks have achieved huge success in solving problems related to computer vision , such as image classification ." -"compared to traditional machine learning , deep learning has established the new state-of-the-art results in computer vision .","ever since the arrival of alexnet in 2012 , deep convolutional neural networks have been the state of the art technique for tackling many tasks in computer vision ." -"more recently , convolutional neural networks became the dominant method for image-based object detection .","recently , feature learning through the use of deep convolutional neural networks has led to considerable improvements for object recognition ." -the formation of such a community structure is quite common in real-world self-organized networks .,another important observed feature of complex networks is the presence of a community structure . -find ts the linear transformation related to the super diagonal matrix .,write down the characteristic super polynomial associated with ts . -"convolutional neural networks have made great progress in various fields , such as object classification , detection and character recognition .",convolutional neural networks have led to leap-forward in a large number of computer vision applications . -deep convolutional neural networks have achieved dramatic accuracy improvements in many areas of computer vision .,"deep neural networks have recently achieved great success in computer vision , speech recognition , and natural language processing ." -deep neural networks have demonstrated impressive performance on many machine-learning tasks such as image recognition .,deep learning models have performed remarkably well in several domains such as computer vision . -deep neural networks have achieved recordbreaking accuracy in many image classification tasks .,convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in many supervised learning challenges . -we will first give some examples of this definition .,however we will illustrate the situation by some examples . -"recently , this area has grown rapidly and many versions of graph networks have been proposed , including gated graph neural networks .","recently , there has been a surge of interest in graph neural network approaches for representation learning of graphs ." -"while lattice qcd is the most straightforward and solid approach among nonperturbative studies of qcd , analytical studies with effective theories are useful alternatives and often shed more light on nonper turbative phenomena than lattice qcd .",lattice qcd is a genuine non-perturbative method which can handle hadron-hadron scattering at low-energies . -it is noteworthy that several meta-learning approaches also introduce the attention mechanism to tackle few-shot learning problems .,"currently , meta-learning is one of the most popular techniques to solve the few-shot learning problems , which includes learning a task-invariant metric space ." -"for a comprehensive survey on general models for robust optimization we refer the reader to the paper of bertsimas , brown and caramanis .",we refer the reader to and the references therein for a review of the literature on adjustable robust optimization . -"we consider the framework of markov games , which is a multi-agent extension of markov decision processes .",we consider a system with n interacting agents and adopt a multi-agent extension of partially observable markov decision processes . -"deep generative models , such as generative adversarial networks , have recently risen to prominence due to their ability to model high-dimensional complex distributions .","generative adversarial networks are a framework for training generative parametric models , and have been shown to produce high quality images ." -"in recent years , convolutional neural networks methods have demonstrated highly accurate and reliable performance across a variety of computer-vision related tasks , including image classification .","recent deep learning models trained on large-scale datasets have significantly advanced the task of image classification and related applications in computer vision , such as object detection ." -this protein is a ho modimer and each of the two chains comprises 98 amino acids .,this protein is a receptor for members of the epidermal growth factor family . -merlin is a national facility operated by the university of manchester at jodrell bank observatory on behalf of stfc .,merlin is a national facility operated by the university of manchester on behalf of pparc . -"we compare our crest tracker with state-of-the-art trackers on the vot 2016 benchmark , including ccot .",we evaluate our method on the vot-2016 dataset with the comparison to state-of-the-art trackers including staple . -"with the advances of deep neural network , deep reinforcement learning approaches have made significant progress in a number of applications including atari games .","recent advances in deep reinforcement learning have demonstrated significant applicability and strong performance in games , continuous control , and robotics ." -the protein is a member of the escrt-i complex .,protein 1 is the human protein 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase . -"more recently , convolutional neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance in a wide range of image classification problems .","in recent years , convolutional neural networks are driving advances in computer vision , such as image classification ." -convolutional neural networks have recently brought in revolutions to the computer vision area .,"recent successes of deep neural networks have spanned many domains , from computer vision and many other tasks ." -a qubit is a quantum system in which the logical boolean states 0 and 1 are represented by a prescribed pair of normalized and mutually orthogonal quantum states labelled as .,the 3jj qubit consists of a superconducting loop with small inductance l interrupted by three josephson junctions .